eroticliteracy {Guardians of the Galaxy} LittleRed
Lyra had been on her own for what seemed like years now she had traveled in her little ship far and wide as she had soon stopped at a shop as she had dropped off a thing she had found that her boss had been wanting for a client. "Here" She said as she had walked in as the man smiled. "Ah Miss Orion thanks" he said as he had given her the cash he promised. "Now details" She said as she had looked at the man as he sighed."Fine, I know someone who told me about this Star Lord, heck he came here at one point wanting to drop something off but I denied it" he added as Lyra had looked at him and crossed her arms. "He is somewhere near town I believe" he added and waved her off as she had growled before she had walked off. Once she had exited the shop, she had seen some lights going up as she had grinned. "Hmm looks light a fight" She added as she had ran toward the fight. Once there she had noticed a green chick, a racoon like creature, a tree thing and then a guy in a leather jacket.Lyra had went toward the guy and used her whip and grabbed his leg. "You, are you star lord?" She called to the man as she had dodged a bullet that was aimed at her. "Hey' he's ours back off Chick" the Racoon creature called as she had whipped at the creature. "Answer me!" She yelled as she had tried to keep the male down on the ground It was a bad day to Peter Quill.His first attempt to strike out on this galaxy by himself was more or less ending in failure. The only thing he managed to do so far successfully was take the orb off of the dusty planet he found it on! His buyer fell through, his ship was being hunted by his old boss and somewhat father figure, and now he was being accosted by a weird raccoon and talking tree!He was just about to make his escape from all parties involved when someone new entered the ring. He could see both the raccoon and the tree didn't know her and he shot a look at the green girl to try and figure out if she did."Alright I think its time to skedadle" He said kicking his jet pack up and shooting out of the grasp of all parties involved. He could here the Nova corps coming but thankfully the new chick seemed to have caused a mass of confusion. He used that to his advantage running full sprint out of the area and towards his waiting ship.He jumped up the ramp and began to get to work starting the Milano. Lyra had looked to the man, he had escaped and that was not good. Lyra wanted answers as she had growled. She didn't want to get caught by the Nova corp as she had soon ran after the man as she had pulled out her bow and a arrow as she shot it, the arrow wised passed Peter and his his control panel as she had grinned once she got up on the ship. "You ain't going anywhere until you answer my question Star Lord" She said as she had looked at the man.Lyra had her arms crossed as her arrow was still in the control panel and if he agreed, she had soon whistled as her arrow came back toward her as she had smiled and pocketed the arrow back in her back pocket. "Now Star Lord, I can make your life a living hell or I can walk away and leave you be" She added as she noticed the Nova Corp outside all she had to do was make a big bang and they be arrested and taken to prison.
['Lyra', 'Orion', 'Quill', 'Chick']
Mass Effect: Humanity Rising (Potter and Fire)
Michael was a merc working a security job protecting a bunch of archaeologist on a dig site. He was a very unique human: he was large, tall,and strong. Humans had been modding their genes for generations, and he himself was one of the select few to be chosen when he joined the Alliance, making him one of the fastest and strongest warriors in the galaxy. Michael was now showing that strength and virility to a certain Asari called Liara.He had her bent over a guard rail like a bitch in heat, her research top torn open at the front, her blue breasts molding against the cold guard rail as her bubbly blue ass was also exposed to him. His massive cock was pushing its way her tight, womanly and wet cunt his hips slapping against her ass and making it jiggle with every thrust as he let out moans and groans. His massive rod wasn't even fully in her and already his bulbous tip was pressing at her cervix. Yet at the same time, he was playing with her clitoris, rubbing it rapidly and squeezing it between his digits gently."So, how is it? Your first human're going to become addicted, aren't you." He chuckled as he licked up her exposed neck, nibbling and sucking on a spot to mark her with a hickey before tilting her head to the side and pressing his lips up affectionately against her own, his tongue lashing at her lips and seeking to gain entrance to her mouth. Liara moaned in many whorish tones, she had not expected this outcome. Ever since humans had made their presence known in the galaxy, the Asari archaeologist had found herself entranced in humans. Maybe it was due to their odd technology, a mix of their own with minor use of Mass Effect based tech, they really made a lot issues when they first appeared. She let out a cry of pleasure, her Asari azure tightening around the meaty shaft. She was getting closer to her climax.She tried to keep her mind composed and together, why did she find this human so attractive? Was it because he was human? On the other hand, was it because of his form? No It had to be because of his personality, so strong and handsome. So kind and caring. Goddess! Liara cried out, her butt jiggled widely as his continued to slap against her butt. It only added to her pleasure she felt, her eyes were starting to water as each thrust to her cervix brought her closer to her edge. Slowly, but surely she could not really feel anything but pleasure at this moment. It was only when Michael kissed her did she feel the gravity of what was going on. "Still moaning out for your Goddess, huh....I'll have you moaning out my name instead. I'll be your god." He chuckled roughly against her lips as he pushed even more of his cock into Liara's slutty pussy. His bulbous tip slammed past her cervix and entered her womb, her stomach bulging and the outline of his cock clearly present if she looked down. His tongue pushed its way into her mouth, swirling around her own as he gave her ass a nice, firm spank while tugging on her clitoris."Be mine, Liara....give yourself fully to me." He nibbled on her lip, his cock invading her womb, slamming into her like a piston as her pussy was being shaped to his cock, so no cock would ever be able to pleasure her again. Liara moaned and squirmed at the thrusting, her body jerking and almost reacting violently to Michael rough fucking. G Goddess, Dear me! Your cock is so big! Liara cried out, she jerked one more at the firm spank to her ass, while the tugging of her clit sent her over the edge once more. Her pussy sent waves of fem cum out, coating Michael cock in her juices. Michael! We need to stop or we ll wake everyone else up. Which might have been a bad thing, but then again the rest of the camp consisted of human women, or Asari. It was kind of a heaven for any dominate male, but it must have been embarrassing for the proud Asari archaeologist.Liara moaned as the cock filled her womb, a part of her felt nothing would ever measure to it, but within a month time she and Michael would find themselves meeting with a captain of an alliance vessel. The two would be pulled into a grand adventure. "Let them hear and wake up, Liara...lets let the whole camp see what a naughty girl you are." He chuckled as he twisted on her clitoris. He moved his other hand up to her lips, brushing his digits over her mouth and pressing them against her lips, an indication that he desired her to suck on them. All the while, his cock continued to pound into her, jarring her against the railing, her breasts bouncing wildly to and fro as he fucked her.He groaned as he felt a pressure starting to build up in his cock, her love juices squirted out over his pelvis and her pussy clamping down roughly on his throbbing rod. "I'm going to come, you want me to come inside you want to be seeded and knocked up by a human?" He asked between moans and groans, fighting back against his own climax. Liara didn t suck at Michael fingers, nor did she like the feeling of her clit being twisted. This caused her to kick a bit, but she was soon to fall into the pleasure once more. Her back pressed against the cold metal rail, sending shivers into her body, each thrust caused her matriarch sized breasts bounce in front of her face. The way they bounced caused them to look so hypnotically, her pussy lips continued to squeeze and massage Michael cock. Ahhh Goddess! Please we need to stop! One could wonder what Liara would like when she became older, she already had assets like a matriarch. Liara eyes crossed as her tongue lolled from the side of her mouth, her legs wrapped around Michael waist. She tried to answer Michael question, though she knew it should not work if he came inside. Doesn t m ammattter, A as a a sri biology works different. She could barely speak right. Michael wasted no time as his mount descended onto one of her matriarch sized breasts. He sucked like a babe trying to draw milk from her breast, his tongue swirling around her perky nipple as he listened to Liara moan and groan. It was enough for him to finally want to blow his load inside her. With a final, violent thrust and a loud moan against her breast, he came. He flooded her womb with his hot and sticky seed, filling her to the brim. Her stomach bulged slightly with how full she was, and his excess cum began to leak down her blue thighs and drip onto the ground. His cock was still hard inside her and he slowly pulled his rod out of her, his cum gushing out once he finally removed his cock from her completely. Liara squealed and squirmed against Michael large form, her body was beginning to spasm. Her control being lost as Michael pleasured one of her large tits, more and more did her body push out her fem cum. Only for Michael cock at the time to shot his load, clashing with her own juices, sending them straight up into her womb. It was warm and filling, really filling Her stomach bulged and stretched with the amount shot into her. She whimpered slightly as she felt the excess cum leaked from her pussy, cooling off on her blue thighs, growing sticky and gunky. Her breathing grew ragged as she felt her consciousness drift from her, just as Michael cock left her pussy, and the remaining cum gushing out from her gaped lips. Michael's breath was ragged as he watched Liara slump to the ground after his rough fucking. He was hardly done with her though...after all, his cock was still rock hard and massive, covered in his cum and her fem cum. He gripped her blue head and slapped her cheek roughly with his cock, splattering their mixed juices all over her face."Oi. Wake up, Liara...I'm not done with you yet, slut." Another roughly slap of his cock against her cheek before he moved to start slapping his dick up against her lips rapidly, letting his seed drip onto her lips and into her mouth. It seemed that Liara may have been out of commission for now, but luckily for Michael a pair of eye s watched his little romp fest. Those eyes belonged to voluptuous Mei Himiko, an Asian human who had gene mods that had given her cat like features, from her long curling tails, to her cat like pupils, or her two adorable brown cat ears. This woman had seen it all, and it was making her so god damn horny. Even though she should been mortified and telling the rest of the camp, who were thankfully still asleep. Oohhh, his cock is huge. Nya . Michael groaned as he slapped Liara even harder with his cock but it didn't seem to be waking her up at the moment. "Fucking Asari...can't handle a good fucking." He groaned to himself as he let go of Liara's head, letting her slump completely to the ground now. His heightened hearing hear something though, and he grinned to himself as he began to look around."Oh seems like we have a guest...a curious kitty..." Michael spoke aloud, knowing he had company but not knowing where they were for sure. "Come on out and come play, kitty...I'm sure you want to." He chuckled, guessing that whoever it was was quite horny and aroused. Mei silently manured around Michael, she ditched her suit and left on the ground for Michael to find. Her body gleamed a bit in the moon light, as her pussy dripped with anticipation. Her large breasts jiggled with each movement, as her almost titanic ass wobbled and jiggled, as she quickly pounced onto Michael, her tails curled and flailed as tongue lashed at Michael neck. The horny cat girl human pressed her body against Michael back. Michael saw the suit and chuckled to himself as he continued to look around. He was surprised from behind as he felt a large pair of breasts mold against his back and a hot and wet tongue assail his neck. "Oh seems like the kitty is in heat tonight..." He could tell just how wet her pussy was from her pressing up against his back. "Does the little kitty want me to satisfy her?" He asked, his cock throbbing and standing fully erect, seeking attention. "Kitty wants to play! Nya! " Mei purred out in pleasure, her pussy pressing further against the backside of Michael, as her breasts molded against his bare back. So hot! Your cock is so cool! Nya Mei let out a sequence of purrs, her tails moving forward and caressing at his manly thighs. Though Mei is sad, no tits. Nya . Mei purred with a bit disappointment, her hands having snuck up to Michael manly chest and groping his pecks. However, this kitty can live with that, just fuck me silly. I m ten times better than that Asari trash. Michael seemed to ignore Mei's comments as he turned around and pushed her down to the ground. He made sure she was on her hands and knees like a bitch in heat and then he got behind her, giving her ass a spank and watching her rear jiggle as he licked his lips, gripping her tail with one hand as he pressed his cock up against her entrance, his tip rubbing up against her clitoris."We'll see about that..." He grinned as he pushed his cock into her, moaning at her tightness as his massive girth began to stretch her pussy open, his cock forcing its way into her as he gripped her tail and ass. Mei moaned happily, as her fat ass was spanked, her sensitivity increased to such a large degree. She let out a gasp as one of her tails was grabbed. Nya Naughty! Say the magic word or else! Mei purred, it sounded like a threat in an odd sort of erotic way. Her legs wrapped around Michael waist, squeezing his waist with incredibly strength. Due to her cat genes she was really flexible, Mei mewled happily as her pussy was stretched, her free tail flailed as she looked Michael in the eye. Do you like my hair? It is a cute white right. Moreover, the brown clashes right. Nya . Mei purred in pleasure, her pussy squeezed tightly around the shaft which continued to massage the cock in her snatch. "AHHHH Stop pulling my tail !" Mei cried out. "Oh, what's the magic word?" He asked with a chuckle as he pulled on her tail some more. As her legs wrapped around his own, he let out a loud moan. " are so flexible..." His cock pounded even deeper into her, his tip reaching her cervix before easily pushing past that and entering her womb, his cock an outline her her stomach as he fucked her harder and faster, like a bitch in heat. She was trying to milk him for all he was worth and his cock pounded into her womb without mercy. He couldn't help but tug on her tail more when she cried out. "You seem to really like it why should I stop...?" Mei moaned happily her tits jiggled with each thrust, she purred like a happy kitty, her free tail curled and poked at the lower thigh of Michaels , her legs squeezed at Michael sides even more, she began to wiggle herself on the cock, which pounded her. Say pwetty plwease! Nya . You will regret it! Nya . Mei purred out in pleasure, her eyes widened as the tip of his bulbous cock tapped at her cervix, before it pushed out and went deeper into her womb. M my my gene mod, makes me really flexible ! But I ve got more up my sleeve AHHH . She barely managed to get out before falling back into the lust filled fucking. As the two fucked, a certain Asari was beginning to awaken from her rough fucking. Mei moaned and purred like a cat, as her ears flicked and twitched. "Ahh This kitty Ahhh got a neat Ahhh! Trick! Nya " "Can I pretty please tug on your slutty kitty tail?" He asked with a moan as he tugged her tail even harder. His other hand spanked her ass before moving to grope one of her jiggling tits, his digits pushing into her mound as her flesh molded against his palm. His cock drilled into her womb, more and more of his massive rod entering her deepest spot with every violent thrust of his hips, his hips slapping against her ass and making her rear jiggle with every thrust. "And...what trick is that?" Michael managed to ask between moans. Mei purred and meowed as she moved an arm to Michael groping hand, her hybrid nails digging into his skin a bit. Thank you and you may play with one of my slutty cat tails. Her pussy squeezed at the massive shaft in her pussy. Ahhh Fuck Yes your cock is heavenly. Nya . Her butt jiggled with each slap of his hips, or when he delivered a slap to her ass. Her nails dig a bit deeper into Michael hand, as she answered his last question. Don t worry it s a neat trick which this gene mod allows. It allows me to inject my gene mod into others. Be good and I won t. Mei cheekily purred. Liara began to stir slightly, moaning quietly as her tongue instinctively licked up the semen on her lips. Michael didn't much like the idea of being turned into a cat girl, so he would be on good behavior. With her permission now, he tugged even harder on her tail as he used his fingers on her breast to tease her nipple. He rapidly rubbed and tugged on her perky bud, gently twisting her nipple between his fingers. He felt his cock slamming into the deepest recceses of her pussy as he fucked her even harder than he had Liara. He could feel a pressure starting to build up in his cock as his climax was building."Ah, were're a much better fuck than that Asari slut." Michael moaned out, not realizing Liara had begun to wake up from her stupor...but it certainly was true at the moment...Mei's pussy was just so much tighter and hotter than Liara's and she was just a better fuck in general. Mei moaned and cooed, her tongue slipping from her mouth from time to time, her nails still dug deeply into his hand. Hah! YES! NYA ! If you keep this up, I ll tell you about a good fuck buddy of mine ! Mei mewled in pleasure as her nipples were pinched and pulled, her breasts bounced with vigor with every thrust from Michael. Her legs squeezed at Michael even more, as her pussy massaged the cock getting it even closer to its release. Yes, ah fuck yeah! Fill my cunt! Nya ! Her free tail curled and rubbed along the right leg of Michael leg, the outline of Michael cock became more, and more prominent. Hah Hah, I know, I m a great kitty, my pussy is better than the Asari, I don t even get worn out easily. A proud tone was laced in her moans, Liara slowly but surely was awaking from her sleep. A Hand going to the side of her head, a groan escaping from her lips. Mei ear flicked as she picked up Liara waking up. Give her a show. Nya . Michael seemed to grow aroused at the thought of another possibly beauty to fuck. His cock seemed to swell and grow even thicker inside Mei's pussy as she mewed and moaned loudly. The pressure in his cock was unbearable as his tip slammed up roughly against her g spot in the back of her womb, her most sensitive spot in her body. He couldn't hold it in any long though as he groaned loudly."Ah...fuck! I'm going to come! Tell me how good my cock is, you slutty kitty!" He tugged almost violently on her tail as with a final and violent thrust, he came inside Mei's ravished cunt. He flooded her womb with his hot and sticky seed, filling her completely. Her stomach bulged, looking like she was a few months pregnant as his cock remained buried inside her, pumping out his load into her and remaining erect, unable to leave because of Mei's legs wrapped around his waist. Mei yelped and mewled as the thrust to her pussy filled her being, but the sudden thrust may have caused her to unknowingly release her trick into Michael, though only time would tell if that was the case, Mei eyes crossed as the cum filled her womb, which stretched her stomach and caused it bulge. Ahhh ! excess cum leaked from her slit. She breathed heavily as her legs remained secured around Michael waist. Shit! Ahh ! Fuck ! Can t believe your cum is that filling. Mei moaned.Liara watched the scene mortified by the sexual sight. Goddess, what have I gotten myself into. She blushed her species equivalent, looking away from the scene and trying to collected her thoughts once more.
Duel Maze
Serenity, Tea, and Mai were not alone in the maze but they were the only one to make it to the heart of the maze. "Come on like i look in the mood for a duel" Mai complained picking up a gold orb before she vanished. Ha Ha was written on the back seconds latter hundred of small balls of all colors dropped over the room. "Tea do yo think we can get Mai back" asked serenity wondering where the rest of the duelist were. they had all been invited back to Maximilianus castle and found themselves in the basement.Walking around Tea felt something touch her leg and vanished in a puff of smoke a card falling to the ground. "No way i am going to touch that" she began to run only to strike a man who had appeared out of nowhere. He word the gold eye in a headband a second latter she vanished the blind man continued to catch more people. The more people he sent to the shadow room the stronger he would grow. "yugioh the master has judged that you should be next" he smoke as he turned the corner. He had already caught more then a dozen people men and women all gave the master power. Yugi Had gotten himself lost in this maze, but that wasn't the worse part of it all. Yugi had also losted his deck as he walked inside the maze, but after making a turn to the left he found his deck box which still had his cards and some new ones as well. As soon as he put his deck box back on his belt a loud roar was heard from behind Yugi. He turned around to see it was a Battle Ox. "The master said that you are the next to fall before him." the monster said then Yugi had transform into Yami Yugi. "Then I'll see to it that your master will be the one to fall." Yami Yugi said putting his deck into the duel disk and both drawing five cards then saying it time to duel. "I'll start!" Yami said drawing one card then looking through his hand to what he had to use. http: fs43 f 2009 ... nsters.jpgThe battlefield appeased before the two dualist a small valley allowing only a single monster to be summoned by each of the players. Tea appeared in his hand as his favorite monster the Dark Magician girl the outfit made her feel a bit shy. "Yugioh help me" she could only see her friend having not yet been summoned to the field she could not move at all. She could hear the man in the background challenge yugioh to a battle and wondered why she felt so flat. "help its dark in here and i can't find the door" he body was slowly vanishing. After a few hours she had already lost a foot to the creeping darkness that was eating her body. "Im a in a card" she asked looking around the monster had already made its move summoning a copy of itself to the field. Yami Yugi was shock to see Tea as his dark Magician girl. Fearing that if he use her he may lose her to the shadow relm so for most of the duel he hadn't played her, but seeing that she was slowly vanishing as the duel goes on he had on choice but play her. "Your monster may be strong, but he no match for my next monster!" he then tributed one of his weaker monster that was on his field to summon Tea. "Tea I going need your help here so attack!" he yelled out, but before Tea could do anything the Battle Ox had grabbed Tea's staff and throwned it away. Behind the monster was a quick play spell card that had increased the Battle Ox's attack points. The monster then ripped Tea's clothing to reveal her breasts and pussy As the monster had remove one part of his armor which now revealed his large cock. He then lifted Tea up Hooking his arms under Tea's legs then letting her drop on to his cock as he start to thrust in and out of her not stopping for a second. Tea did not know a lot about dueling but she knew her attack was dark magic and was ready to attack when the card flipped up. "Hurry i need my magic book" she begged flying up there the Ox grabbed her and flipped her around. He then tore of her cloths and his armor plunging his cock into her body. As a monster she could take it all without dieing or having organs be pushed out of the way but it still hurt. "help me" she begged feeling the inhuman cock slam into her Dark magician girl body. That now naked looked a lot like her own only with the magician girl hat and shoes on. she could feel every inch of it she was no virgin and would not have been after al the meat he shoved into her. what was next she wondered would he find a way to summon another monster onto the field. Yami was shocked to see what was happening to Tea and He couldn't do anything but watch as the beast rapes Tea's boy. "How dare you do this!" Yami yelled at the Battle Ox duelist. The creature only laugh as he let his monster kept on raping Tea. The monster a grabbed on tight to Tea's hips moving her up and down on his large cock. "This won't end until she sent to the graveyard." he said watching his monster do a number on Tea. "How about you switch holes I'm sure that her ass could use a thrashing." with that being said the monster pule itself out of Tea's pussy and rammed it cock into her ass hole. "Please help me" she begged as he thrust into her ass to the balls she could feel his hands clawing at her chest. she was sure that she would explode from all the pressure as he shot sticky cum deep into her body. He chest was all clawed up with a little blood leaking over her chest as the monster thrust into her cunt. she felt her self falling apart as she was sent back to the shadow realm cum leaking out her cunt. not only had she been raped but she had failed to win the match loosing Yugioh 200 life points. "you girls better be ready no telling which one of us will be sent next" laying on her back panting. Yami couldn't do anything to stop the monster from ripping and raping Tea apart. He couldn't anything but place a face down card and end his turn. "I will finish this attack now." he said his battle ox charging at Yami but was stopped and destoryed by mirror force. "Damn it I guess I'll end." he said as Yami draw for the turn. He grin as he place the card inside the duel disk. "Now I'll use monster reborn to bring back dark magician girl." he said bring back Tea on field looking like nothing had happen to her at all. "Forgive Tea I was reckless, but now he has nothing so attack him dircetly." he said pointing at the battle ox duelist. She looked around her body was back to normal as if nothing had happened to her not the rape or after. "Dark magic attack" she yelled black energy slamming into the monster wiping out 2000 of his life points of so she hoped. She still looked like some costume freak and the memory of the rape would not fade that fast. "Now free me before this happens again" she yelled her breast shaking up and down. Did this costume come with a bra and panties no wonder why most players were men and not women. The Battle Ox duelist had disappeared after his life points hit 0. Before Yami could say anything to Tea she was sucked back into the card. "She won't beable to get out until you defeat the master." said a unknow female voice which came from behind Yami. Yami turned around to see a younge girl in a blaack cloak about 14 years old or some around there. "If you want to face the master you will have to get through the maze and beat everyone you meet no matter who it is." she said getting ready for a duel with Yami. "Then I'll beat you and all those who stand in my way!" Yami said as he ready himself for the duel. The field was a platform surrounded by four bridges each turn took the players monster closer to the center. creature with ranged attacks could strike before they reached the platform giving them an edge. "any one but me" Tea begged not wanting want happened to happen again there was dozens of people to choose from. she had even seen that Egyptian girl floating around one of many. "come on not me" she begged wanting a little to see Mai as a harpy girl it would be a good thing if it was just not her. Yami did his best not to use any of his friends in the battle as long as he could. After a few moment of time Yami had gotten out his Summoned Skull on the field. "I going to use this spell card." the girl said using a card that made both players take one card from there other's hand in which she took the card that had Mia in it as Yami took a spell card. "Now I'll some your friend, but don't worry she'll go ack to your side." the girl said summoning Mia on the feeled and using another spell card to switch contral of Mia and the Summoned Skull. "Now I'll use mist body and flint on your friend." She said then three chain that was link together ripped apart Mia's clothing and at the ends of the chain pinched at Mia's clit and nipples. " Summoned Skull Attack!" she said as the monster striked the chain with lighting sending a strong shock through Mia's body, but she wasn't destroyed by the attack. Mia watched herself vanish and appear on the enemies side summon skull on the other the costume of harpy lady did not cover much. "Now I'll use mist body and flint on your friend." she watched chains appear and rip what little in the way of clothing she had on. Before she could even cover herself the same hooks pierced her skin drawing blood. What kind of sick game was this turning into. "No don't attack" she begged before the energy surged through her body burning her flesh. She hovered there chained in place until the spell faded leaving her naked and abused with wing arms. The girl ended her turn in which Yami drawed only to play one face down card. It was the girl's turn and she had a gin on her face. "First I'll play heavy storm." she said destroying all traps and spells on the field. "Now I'll give up your monster for Luster dragon 2" she said as the summoned skull vanished and as it replacement was a large dragon monster. "Hey Luster you can have a harpy treat." she said with a evil grin as the dragon grbbed Mia with one of it large hands. It then put Half of Mia in it mouth then straighten it long neck up so that gravity can help him swallow Mia down. Mia start to slowly fall deeper down the monster neck forming a bulge on it neck as the creature's muscil now could pull her down. Soon she would find herself in the monster stomach which barely gave her room to move as she had to bend both arms and legs to fit in the dragon's stomach. Suddenly the dragon's stomach started to move Mia around as a strong acid start to drip out from the walls of the stomach. Mia watched as the dragon appeared grabbing her and placing her in its moth where it began to chew her a little before swallowing. She felt herself slide down its throat and into the giants stomach. acid began to eat away at her costume as she was held tight by the walls of the massive stomach. "heah i wasnt to go back to the shadow realm" swallows hard head does this stuff eat through skin. tries to climb back out of the throat before she is eaten by the creatures stomach to exit out the other end. "it hurts" see the flesh on her feet eaten" Saddly for Mia the exit to the dragon's throut was shut tight and there was little air inside the dragon's stomach. Slowly she find herself growning tier from the lack of air as the stomach's walls moves Mia round getting her cover all over with it strong stomach acid. More stomach acid came out of the stomach's walls filling the dragon's stomach half way full and soon Mia will be sent to the graveyard. "Well I'll end by playing one face down card." she said ending her turn. "Now I will use this new card force play now I can make your move for two turns, but I can't do my battle phase." she said as she had Yami play Tea on the field and ended his turn. "Now I'll play one face down monster and end which means it your turn and I say you going to play your other friend Serenity it attack as your other friend will attack my face down." she said Forcing Tea to attack her monster, but it turn out to be Kisetai a fiend monster that look like a worm. The creature dodged Tea's attack and force itself into Tea's pussy pushing all the way to her womb. "And that will be my turn." she said with a grin on her face. Tea watched as the monster shot into her cunt she could see that the creature hung out of her cunt a few inches. "what the hell i can feel it inside of her" she tried to pull the creature out of her cunt. she held onto it as it became as hard as a dick it wrapped around her body she clawed at the bug. inside the stomach Mia was being eaten alive her skin falling off before she was killed and sent to the shadow zone. she was screaming and smoking by the time she hit the floor her body was half eaten away. "no i have to be summoned again to be healed" she screamed looking at Tea in the game still. "Now I'll use monster reborn." she bring back Mia to her feeled once more. "And then I use mist body on your friend she will attack your friend." she as Mia was force to attack Tea, but omething was contraling Tea as she used her attack to destroy Mia's clothing, then grabbed my and force her to bend over. Using the creature that was hang out of her cunt like a dick Tea ram the the dick like tail of the creature in Mia's ass hole. "Please forgive me Tea" she begged fucking the monster that was Tea in the ass it was not something that she enjoyed. But after the dragon it was a sight better then being eaten alive by a monster. "You know i hate it when things go weird" she could see that Tea's ass was bleeding from all the punishment. The creature contorted spewing something from the mouth like cum but black in color.
['Maximilianus', 'Ha', 'Yami', 'Yugi']
Addams' Affairs (shaniXwildwolfking246)
Morticia Addams, loving devoted wife and mother of the Addams Family was going stir crazy. She despised when her adoring husband was away on business leaving her all alone. Well maybe not fully alone as there was still her two dasterly children Wednesday and her brother Pugsley, Mama, Uncle Fester, Lurch and of course Thing plus all of their beloved pets. Alas without Gomez her life was Incomplete.Besides the children were at school during the day, Fester and Mama were up to their usual shenanigans. These past two weeks with out her Gomez has been the longest of her life. It was bad enough she was even smoking more, of course not in the sense of a cigarette or cigar, Morticia's body would just start smoking. Besides calling him when she could to talk to him or tease him a bit seeing as he was so far away from her. She knew he would be coming home soon any minute now.Morticia had a few new outfits added to her wardrobe for her husband's return. Choosing this particular lacyoutfit, for her stunt. Today she was aid by Lurch to play with a new toy they had gotten. He lifted and trapped Morticia onto the Spanish Donkey. Suspended from the ceiling by her hands, with a ball gag in her mouth, having weights attached to her feet, straddling the Spainish Donkey being just enough to stimulate her womanhood, but it left that way too long could cause serious pain even able to rip her in half. Through her gag she muffled "Thank you Lurch" have already given him a note to pass on to Mr. Addams when he comes home and to keep the children out of the dungeon if they came home first. Addams' AffairsOh that vile temptress! Did she know what she was playing at? Gomez thought perhaps not, otherwise his little nightshade blossom might have thought discretion better than what he was now prepared to do her as punishment. Like any sensible man he had enjoyed her musings for the most part, but when she had broken out the french it had awoken dark thing within him. He could hardly wait to get home to his haughty little hellion...after all two could play her little game.Lurch's company on the drive home had done some to placate the fire within him, though the hulking butler could tell how the time away had affected him as he stayed mostly silent aside from the occasional sigh as he stared out in the window off into the distance somewhere unknown...though his silence broke when they entered town again. "Lurch I honestly don't know what to do. On the one hand I understand my darling hemlock beauty's teasings are simply her way staving off loneliness. But this last time...she was a regular succubus on the phone. The seeds she planted into my ear...I am truly tempted whether she could withstand half the things she proposed to me." He lamented in a notably distraught tone, Lurch simply letting out a series of grunts, groans along with a sudden growl to get his attention before opening the glove box and handing him a mysterious note which he immediately set to reading upon smelling the heavenly aroma of his beloved siren's perfume of sage and she was in a spanish mood.He let out an almost sinister chuckle after reading her note before clutching it tightly to his heart, "That woman, even after all these years she knows how to bring out the sadist in me." He merely remarked before falling silent for the rest of their journey, a playful smirk on his lips and certain evil gleam in his eye.Following her instructions he was quick in moving through their gothic and stately abode, throwing open the door to the dungeon and entering before locking it tightly behind him to ensure their absolute privacy. Thankfully she had her back to him, allowing him to remove his silken purple tie which was swiftly put around her eyes and tied tightly which left her now completely helpless until he reached around to pull the large purple ball gag. She would feel his strong hand gently wrap around her throat before he gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek before leaning in. "My my, looks like someone was prepared for my return. But that won't save you from my wrath my dear little damsel in distress. You've been a right terror to me this past week and I intend to punish such blatant slutiness. Now before I begin do you have anything to say for yourself my dear?" He said in a tone that made it clear just how much he was relishing her current peril, her latin lover stepping away for a moment before returning and forcing something firm and certainly leather between her teeth."Hold this for a moment, I need to prepare my luscious victim for her torment." He crooned to her, hiking up the bottom of her outfit which both further tortured her womanhood and exposed the entirety of Morticia's bountifully fleshy rear. Next took hold of the front of her little costume and peeled it back until her bosom sprang free, her husband chuckling as he noticed the presence of a pair of small silver hoops through her hard nipples. "Mind explaining this lovely piece of jewelry my dear? I thought I remembered you saying you'd never get these pierced unless I was the one who did it." He teased, hooking both rings with two fingers and tugging on them lightly as his free hand removed her impromptu gag to allow her to answer. Addams' AffairsMorticia knew he would be home sometime today but she didn't know when, leaving herself in the play room over a device that in time would split her in two. She had been in agony for two weeks without her beloved. Death would have been bliss compared to being separated from her love. Morticia was hard to break between the Frump's and the Addams lines they were tough, they thrived in pain and agony, where others ran from it. They embraced and welcomed death like a friend not a foe.Morticia zoned off into a meditative state starting to grow a bit uncomfortable, she liked it but was growing bored of waiting for him. Normally having the patience of saint but she was excited for Gomez to come home. She wanted her Spanish flame home with her. Still in her calm place she didn't hear the door burst open. Snapping to as the silk tie covered her eyes and his sweet strong aroma filled the air. Smiling as she heard his voice, feeling his strong hand upon her throat. Biting her bottom lip once the bag was removed. "Oh Mon Cher! You're home! It gives me such joy knowing how much I can distract you mind and cause so much trouble." She managed to say before he told her to hold the thick leather in her teeth.Morticia whimpered as her pulled on the lower part of her outfit already torturing her womanhood further causing her hips to swivel some. Gasping slightly as he tugged on her newer body jewelry healed but still sensitive. Once the leather was removed from her mouth she cracked her jaw, "I wanted to surprise you with them and my outfit. I was going to wait but knew you'd want to play with them and they wouldn't have healed in time, Thing a nice job he has a real steady hand." Morticia explained. "I've missed my big strong Inquisitor!" She purred. Addams' AffairsHe chuckled at her honeyed words, "You've been an outright temptress to me this past week and I intend to pay you for it my luscious little hellion. I have half a mind to let this thing split you right in two...perhaps even make it do so front to back. But then I'd be a lonesome widower and it would be cruel to remove one of god's most beautiful creatures for such petty reasons. Hmm perhaps I should treat you like the shameless slutty siren you've acted like this week...maybe make you confess your crimes and seek repentance like a proper Inquisitor." He crooned to her, delivering light crack of the leather instrument to her exposed rear which she would now recognize as one of his favorite shark skin riding crop. "Then again I could always stretch you on the rack until your limbs dislocate if you're in a truly masochistic mood my darling hemlock flower. But first I believe some more simple punishment is in order first." He quipped, getting the stool to disconnect her wrist restraints from the ceiling before reconnecting each to one another behind Morticia's back.After stealing a dirty french kiss from he snickered in her ear. "So what will it be my darling little captive? Will you bargain for my mercy or shall I let this lovely contraption make you twice the woman you currently are?" He asked in a playful but also sadistic tone, more roughly tugging on her nipple piercings before allowing her to calm and answer his question. Addams' AffairsMorticia was in a tight place at the moment, she was slightly Disturbed by how dark Gomez was being he certainly wasn't fully acting like himself. "Gomez I spoke French..." She stated normally kissing up her arm or caressing her but he seemed unphased by her words. "...Gomez, remember that we can't have relations if you let this tear me through...." Morticia reminded him. "As much as to die here on this Donkey, would be bliss but to spend an eternity in hell waiting for you to join me would be truly torture."she hissed at him softly.Jumping slightly releasing a gasp as the shark skin riding crop hit her pump pale ass. "Mmm shark skin brilliant choice, darling." She complimented she could feel herself becoming wet as he spoke of stretching her on the rack as he twisted the rack fucking her roughly at the same time the idea of cumming at the same time as her limps disconnecting.As he released her hands from the ceiling her full weight pressing against the pyramid torture decive her hands now behind her back. She moaned as the pressure was making it dig in uncomfortably.While her mouth was agape french kissing her lover back. Whimpering as he pulled her nipple rings leaning forward to lesson it which only made her more uncomfortable.Her body trembled, "I...I confess...I called my daring husband to hear his tease an torment him... Moaning softly into the phone... taughting about how wet I was needing release...needing my conquistador to come home and ravish me. Like the horny harpy I am." Addams' AffairsHe sighed at her reasonable words, "A true shame that would be my dear. Plus who would keep your mother from turning Pugsley into a swine again with me in the depths of sorrow?" He quipped in a tired tone, climbing upon the donkey himself to sit across from her. He forced her chin up with the end of his crop, a devious smirk playing upon his lips as his dark siren confess her sins. "Oh but my darling senorita you are far more than a horny harpy. You are my insatiable and alluring archangel...and I wouldn't have you any other way." He crooned to her, stealing another kiss before climbing off the donkey and moving quickly to release his beloved from her current peril and to remove her blindfold before offering his hand to help her off the hellish contraption."But now I feel cheated my dear. You intended to have me ravish you like a whore of Babylon and yet confessed so readily...but perhaps I might still have my well deserved fun with you another way, provided my darling little nightingale is willing to strip down to nothing but her lovely little thong. Your dear inquisitor wishes to give your hide a nice tanning before you will be allowed any proper pleasure from him...or would you rather keep your date with the new custom designed rack I bought you for our anniversary?" He crooned in far more gentle and affectionate tone, his hands snaking around her body from behind to hold her close as he gave both sides of her neck a series of playful nips. Addams' AffairsMorticia heard her husband sigh, making her upset feeling bad for ruining the moment. When he brought up what Mama had done, "Mama had better not! Nor when she turned him into a money!" Morticia reminded him. Feeling the end of the crop ounder her chin she looked straight assuming that was where Gomez was as she couldn't see him. Morticia smiled at his compliments. "Thank you my love." She smiled kissing him once again. Looking upon her husband as the weights were removed and she was freed from the Donkey. Her nether region now sensitive from sitting up there most of the day waiting for Gomez. Maybe next time without the full weights."Oh? Don't feel so cheated Mon Cher, we have plenty of other toys to play with. I apologize again it's been so long and the wait is torture enough. You can still ravish as such, if missed you and your attentions so dearly." Morticia admitted she hated when Gomez would go off on his business trips.Thinking about the choices he gave her as he wanted to give her a call, but the thought of their newer toy was enticing. "Why not both? I have been such a bad girl I deserve to be punished for it, but then the rack could truly be rewarding." She stated placing a hand on her waist resting on his hand while the other snaked up to run her fingers through her husband's hair. Addams' AffairsGomez snickered at her fawning words, taking her hand and twirling her into him with his hands coming to rest on her luscious hips, "Oh you heretically masochistic whore, I should lock you up in the iron maiden for your crimes...but perhaps you might still earn the mercy of the rack through a display of repentance." He crooned in her ear, giving her fat ass a hard smack with his free hand. "Strip down to thine thong and heels before kneeling before me vile temptress. Do so quickly or a night impaled within the maiden will be your fate." He hissed in a stern and authoritative tone, completely immersed in his role as her inquisitorial tormentor for the moment.Should she comply with his demands she would quickly be presented with her beloved's throbbing member which had just sprung from the prison of his trousers, a burning fire in his eyes as he glared at her in mock fury. "You shall earn my mercy through your thorough servicing of my holy member and the consumption of my divine seed you depraved french succubus. Should you fail to relieve me of the urges you have wrought within me I will not hesitate to give you to the maiden. Am I understood senorita?" He growled at her with an accent more akin to that of his ancestors. Twirling into her husbands arms as he spun her landing perfectly against him. "Thank you..." she smiled at his complement. Morticia would have fun in either the iron median or the rack granted she always preferred the rack. tilting her head as he spoke in her ear. Her body jolted upon feeling the hard smack to her mostly bare ass. Mortitica began to remove her lacey lingerie Moving to get on her hands and knees adjusting herself.Watching his member spring forth nearly hitting her in the face as it did so. Hearing his command, to pleasure him or else the median which would suck as she wouldn't want to be away from him as he had just returned home. Licking his tip in slow sensual circles, only to kiss it before she was to make her way licking up and down his shaft. Wrapping her tongue around him all the way to his balls, nibbling and sucking upon them. Making sure to pay them some attention. Licking her way back up to his tip, Morticia wrapped her tongue around his cock beging to suck him back and forth into her mouth. Gomez grunted as she began to assault his well endowed member, his free hand soon moving to gently take up a fistful of her luscious raven mane to keep her to her task until it was complete. "You...vile temptress. I should flay your back and burn you at the stake for your evil...But perhaps you might be useful as example of what happens to immoral harlots who look to provoke an inquisitor with their depraved charms. Such a suitable fate for such a amoral archangel of the anti christ." He growled at her in mock disgust, using the fistful of hair he had to force her down upon his throbbing member to make her gag on his cock for a moment before letting her pull back and catch her breath."Do you have anything to say for yourself you hellion of the abyss?" Resting her hands on his thighs Morticia continued to suck her husbands cock as he seemed to lose himself within his role. Not that she minded as they were spending time together after two weeks apart. Which really isn't all that long for most but for this inseparable couple only death would be worse. Sighing as he took hold of her silky raven locks. Her eyes widened a moment at the mere mention of burning at the stake. Seeing as Aunt Calpurnia was executed that way, for being a witch. As he forced himself deeper down her throat Mortica gagged and coughed on his large member, trying to catch her breath when he let her."I'd do it again." she smiled up at him mockingly. He snickered at her answer, "Oh such a glutton for punishment you Morticia warms my heart to see my time away hasn't cooled the flame in your soul. Yet now I have the quandary of what to do with my defiant little minx of a wife that won't see her be horribly maimed. Perhaps you might have an idea dear." Looking up at her dear Gomez, smiling upon hearing him snicker. "What can you expect after 13 years of marriage? Two weeks could never change that." She cooed lovingly. Adjusting her position to be a bit more comfortable, looking around the 'play room' the dungeon. Trying to think of what they could play with that wouldn't inflict too much bodily harm nor would seriously maim her. "What of a flogging in the stocks? I mean that would leave me completely helpless and at your mercy, Mon Cher." He scratched his chin for a moment, striding over the aforementioned stocks while leading her by the hand. "Simply a flogging darling? I'm surprised you aren't having me whip or paddle your lovely little ass for being such an evil tease to your dear merciful master." He crooned, tickling her chin before opening the stocks for her to place her neck and wrists within before locking the frame back up tightly. Morticia now was trapped with her body bellow the neck now at her husband's complete control, a fact punctuated by Gomez delivering a hard backhanded blow to her bountiful rear. Once he let go of her hair and allowed her to stand up Morticia took his hand gracefully walking over to the stocks with him. Pouting softly as she thought about it, "You're right perhaps a flogging is too a whip is surely more deserved....then again i didn't really specify a tool anything could be used..." she trailed off thinking smiling softly as he tickled her chin. looking about the room for something more well equipped for her crime. Adjusting herself as Gomez locked her in the stocks. A vase of thorns caught her eye when she was decorating, "Would the thorns form my garden be more appropriate my love?" She asked just before being smacked on her plump pale behind. yelping slightly as he left a red mark. Gomez snickered at her suggestion. "How poetic, the very things you nurture turned against you. A fine idea Morticia my dear, perhaps being bled a little will teach you not to torment your beloved so viciously in the future...or at least to not think such behavior won't have consequences. After all it is the manner of a slutty prostitute, not an intelligent and refined woman such as you my dearest senorita. I'll make it my mission then to not permanently scar your alluring form then...after all you do yourself a great service in wearing such flattering little outfits as the one I found you in." He teased, moving around to the front of the pillory and tenderly kissing his wife before going over to the vase and selecting the most supple and thorn bearing specimens for his use."Perhaps after this we might lounge by the fire and I can show you the tender affection you so desperately were deprived of these past two weeks. Or perhaps my devious little siren would be looking to be properly ravished upon the rug...but first there is the matter of your punishment my dear." He crooned, quickly moving behind her and giving her a light swat on the back of the legs with his thorny wooden instrument of torment. Morticia pouted slightly as he was punishing her for missing her husband and wanting to play with him. She couldn't help that she became lonely, and besides having her own toys then couldn't companies to her Gomez. Staying quiet as she listened to him speak kissing her husband as he snuck around kissing her.Smiling at his suggestion biting her lip, "Why not both?" She asked. Wanting to be ravished but also wanting his tender love and affection.Morticia jumped slightly as the rose thorns wacked the Back of her thighs feeling the thorns dig into her flesh. He chuckled at her suggestive reply, "Oh you vile know how to touch my heart when while bound so tightly." He quipped in a stern yet affectionate tone, giving her thighs another round of light swats before dealing a pair of more firm blows across her back."Confess your sins foul harlot and perhaps I might show mercy on your tainted soul!" He growled, having slipped back into the part of the inquisitor for the moment.
['Morticia', 'Pugsley', 'Lurch', 'Addams', 'Fester']
High School of the Dead (Potter-Kun and I only)
A few days ago the world had gone to hell. It had started out as just as average day at school, then next thing Rei knew was she was fleeing to the rooftop with her boyfriend Hisashi and one of their other guys friends. What exactly had they been fleeing from? Zombies. Nobody knew what had happened, or even how it had happened. But it had. Nobody knew what they were doing, or where they were even going. At that point in time it was a fight or flight moment. Thankfully they did discover that the zombies were super sensitive to sound, which made getting around them a little easier if they were quiet.This had a been a few days ago, now the eighteen year old orange haired female known as Rei Miyamoto was holed up in a hotel that she and Hisashi had escaped to get away from the zombies. Their intention had been to try and head to one of their homes first, but this was the closest and they had managed to get somewhere safely, and undetected.The couple had also decided that they were going to have a bit of celebratory sex for managing to get away from those damn zombies. The exact reason that at the current point in time, Rei lay on the bed of the hotel with her skirts pulled up and her panties down to her ankles, her sex completely bared to that of Hisashi. Right now, the only thing keeping Hiashi sane was his girlfriend, Rei. He knew she had started dating him just to get back at her previous boyfriend...but in that time they had grown into a real couple that cared deeply for one another. Now here they were, in a world going to hell with just each other right now...and she was all he wanted right now. He hovered above her, his shirt open at the front to expose his well toned chest, he was quite the athlete.His lips were locked with her own, his tongue lashing at her lips and seeking to gain access to her mouth, his tongue wiggling wildly against her lips. His hands roamed up and down her body, one hand groping and squeezing at her breasts through her top while the other began to stroke at her bare sex, his fingers skillfully rubbing her labia before seeking out her clitoris and rapidly rubbing and gently tugging on that sensitive nub of hers. He pulled away from the kiss and looked at Rei in the eyes, his own filled with lust and affection."Rei....I love you so much...I going to make you forget all about that loser, okay?" He began kissing up and down her neck, nibbling at her sensitive skin as he slowly began to sink two of his fingers into her womanhood, testing her tightness and wetness to see how aroused she was. Rei just looked up at the male that hovered above her before she was wrapping her arms around his neck as his lips claimed hers. The feel of his tongue against her lips had her parting her lips, allowing his tongue in. There was a small whimper that escaped her as he played with her folds, and tugged at her clit. Sadly the kiss was ending as he pulled away which almost had her pout a bit... not that that would have lasted for very long."I love you as well." she cooed at him when he spoke, her eyes own eyes filled with the same emotion. Lust and affection. A strange combination, but it seemed natural for a couple. Her head was tilting to the side a bit as he kissed up and down her neck, almost as if she was baring her neck to a vampire. A faint gasp escaped her when she felt his fingers slid into her wet womanhood. Rei eventually looked at him in the eyes before she spoke, "I want you Hisashi."Even in the time that they had been dating... she had never wanted to go past that stage of fooling around. Probably because she had only been dating him in order to get back at an ex boyfriend. Probably out of fear that she would get too attached and wouldn't want to let go but now . . . she found that she did want him. She wanted this male in her life. Rei's moans and words encouraged Hisashi to continue his teeth nibbled and sucked on her neck, marking her with a hickey, as his own. He moved one of his hands to her top and basically tore it open, a button flying off as he exposed her bra covered breasts to him. He lifted up her bra to expose her womanly and rounded tits. His mouth moved from her neck to one of her breasts, latching on and sucking as if he were a babe trying to draw milk. His tongue swirled around her rosy and perky nipple.As he did this, his fingers pushed even further into her pussy, spreading out slightly in her and feeling her tightness as he pushed his digits knuckle deep inside her. His fingertips brushed against her hymen as he withdrew his fingers, his digits dripping with her love juices as he moved to unzip and unbuckle his pants, letting them and his boxers fall around his ankles to expose his throbbing and massive cock to her. He rubbed the appendage up against her womanhood, his bulbous tip pressing up against her clitoris before pushing gently against her entrance."Are you sure, Rei?" He managed to ask, stopping the sucking of her breast for just a moment to look her in the eyes while he still had some self control...he wanted her to be absolutely sure. Rei just watched the male above her for a moment before she was giving a soft gasp when he was tearing up her shirt, and taking one of her nipples into his mouth. Well after he had decided that he had left a hickey on her neck, not that she really cared at all. At this point in time she doubted that anybody would really say anything about it. There were more pressing matters to attend to, and that was the zombies. And trying to figure out how they were going to survive against them.She found herself squirming a bit as his fingers delved their way deeper inside of her, spreading her out. Although it didn't seem like it last long before he was withdrawing his fingers. Rei could only give a soft moan as the sucking on her tit before she took to watching him for a brief moment, watching as he moved to take off his pants and boxers. It wasn't long before his massive and throbbing cock was freed from its restraint and he was pressing it against her entrance.But he didn't push in right away... yet that only meant that he had some control. And this was proven when he was asking if she was sure. Rei was giving a nod before she spoke, "I want to be yours, Hisashi. Yours and yours alone." With that she was actually spreading her legs a bit more, inviting him in. Hisashi nodded his head lightly and gave her a small smile as he gently kissed her nose. "I love you, Rei..." With those words, he gently gripped her head with his hand, squeezing gently as he began to push his cock into Rei's virgin womanhood. He moaned loudly as her tight cunt gripped his cock, his girth spreading her as he moaned into her ear, his hot breath rolling over her skin...her womanly juices were lubing up his manhood." feel're amazing." He moaned his compliments as his cock shattered her hymen, she was a virgin no longer. He moved his hand down to her clitoris, rubbing it rapidly and tugging on it before squeezing her head again. "Ah...fuck, I love you so much, Rei!" He began moving his hips faster, pushing his cock deeper and deeper into her, only about a quarter of his cock was fully inside her now, he still had a lot more to go. Rei just gave a faint smile although she was soon distracted by the strange sensation of his cock sliding into her womanhood. At first it was fine although then there was the pain from her virginity being stolen away by him. Not that she regretted it at all. A small cry did escape her lips and tears did blur at her eyes briefly, but she found herself giving a small whimper when he started to play with her clitoris. The pain was forgotten, for the time being as she was wrapping her legs around his waist drawing him closer to her."I love you too. Promise me... Promise that you wouldn't ever leave me." Rei spoke in a soft voice as she wrapped her arms around his neck, looking up at him. Her orange hair fanned out around her on the pillows of the bed that they were on. Yes this was a difficult promise to be made in the aspect of staying alive, especially with the damn zombie apocalypse going on. Hisashi reached out and wiped the tears from Rei's cheek, kissing her cheeks gently as she cried, trying her best to help her feel good. He looked into her eyes as she asked that promise of him...they were filled with that felt like desperation and love. He smiled as he kissed her forehead. "I love you, Rei...I'll never leave you, I promise." With those words, he locked his lips with her own, his tongue darting into her mouth and pressing up against her own.As they kissed, he continued to play with her clitoris, twisting and tugging on it a little more roughly now as his cock pounded into her like a piston. His large girth continued to spread her open, his tip now pressing and pounded against her cervix. Hisashi moaned against Rei's lips as he felt his tip slamming against her cervix. He gripped her head as his tongue swirled around her own, and with a rough push, his tip pushed past her cervix, entering her womb. An outline of his cock could now been seen in her stomach if she looked down, so deep was Hisashi fucking her. Rei just looked up at him and soon enough he was promising her before his lips were locking with hers, his tongue darting into her mouth. Her tongue seemed to dance along against his and she arched up into his pistoning hips ever so slightly. A faint moan escaped her lips as he pounded into her. Yes at first it had hurt but now.... now the pain was fading and being replaced with something else. Pleasure. Pure pleasure.Although there was an almost strange sensation at him pushing past her cervix. Not painful or anything but something that was different from what she was feeling. This had her breaking the kiss for a brief moment in time, more to surface and breath. Yet in doing this, there was no hiding the moans that escaped her lips. Good thing before they had chosen a room they had checked the surrounding rooms to make sure there weren't any zombies around.Yeah she could see the outline of his cock in her stomach, although she didn't really say much about it, not like she would get the chance at all. This male had her completely breathless, but in a good way. "Hisashi...." she moaned out his name. "Rei....Rei...." Hisashi moaned back her name in reply as he fucked her harder and faster, his hips slapping against her pelvis with every thrust as his cock as fully sheathed inside her now. He became to pound his cock into her like a piston now quickly, roughly, almost violently. His cock slammed in and out of her as he moved his mouth down to her breast and began to suck, his tongue swirling rapidly around her nipple before he began to nibble and grind her sensitive bud between his teeth.He could feel a pressure building up inside his cock as he fucked her, pounded her like he owned her as he groaned against her breast. "Ah....fuck...Rei....tell me how much better I am than that loser, Takeshi...tell me how much you love me and my cock and hate that loser." he groaned as he slapped her tits, watching them jiggle with glee as his lust and desires began to take over, making him rougher and more needy. A feeling was building up inside of Rei as well, and it only seemed to get worse when he took one of her nipples into his mouth again, which had her moaning in pleasure. Soon he was telling her to tell him how he was better than the loser, that she loved him and his cock. This had her giving a moan before she gasped softly at her tits being slapped, more out of surprise. The female looked at him for a moment, affection in her eyes before she cooed in a slightly breathless voice, "I hate that loser, I regret ever meeting him. I love you, I love your cock. Ugh.... Hisashi...." A moan escaped her lips before she was threading her fingers through his hair and spoke, "I want to spend many nights with you like this." Rei's words seemed to only arouse Hisashi more as he moved back to sucking on her nipple as she seemed to really enjoy that. He sucked hard, very much like he was trying to drink her milk as his other hand gripped her ass under the bed, giving it a squeeze as he moaned into her breast as his cock hammer into her, slamming in and out of her womb, his hips slapping against her labia with every thrust as he fucked her as roughly as he could."That's and your pussy belong to me and my cock...I'm going to come soon, want me to fill this naughty pussy of yours up with my come? You want to get knocked up like the bitch in heat you are?" He groaned out, his arousal speaking completely for him at this point. Of course it would be bad if Rei got pregnant in this chaotic situation...but he had gotten some morning afters just to be safe, and even in his lust filled mind, he was pretty sure this was a safe day for her. He grunted and groaned as he bit down on her nipple, trying to get her to climax before his own dam burst. Rei couldn't even focus with the arousal that she felt either at that point in time. He sucked on her breast as if he were a baby trying to get milk and she could feel his hand gripping her ass. A groan passed through her lips before she spoke, "Yes. Fill up my naughty pussy with your cum." Yeah she wasn't even thinking about the fact that she could get pregnant, yet again most of the time one didn't really seem to think about that when they were having sex. Not until after it was far too late. A whimper passed through her lips when he bite down on her nipple, a whimper that was a mixture of pain and pleasure. Her own pleasure was increasing, and eventually she did reach that point of climax. Just for him. Her whole body seemed to shudder and a cry of pleasure came from her. Good thing there wasn't anybody else around at that point in time. As Rei came, her pussy clamping down on his cock and her love juices splattering across his crotch, Hisashi let out a loud and violent moan. "Ahhhh, fuck! Coming!!" With those words and a final, violent, deep thrust of his cock, Hisashi came. He flooded Rei's pussy and womb with his hot and sticky seed, filling her womb and pussy to the brim. Her stomach bulged slightly, so full was she of his seed and his cock which was still erect inside her. His excess seed began to drip down onto the bed and down her creamy and smooth thighs. He slowly pulled his still erect rod out of her, his breath ragged. Once it was out of her ravished pussy, her lips still gaping, his seed began to leak out faster.His cock was throbbing and covered in his cum and her love juice. He moved himself up, straddling her chest as he pressed his messy cock up against her cheek and lips. "Good girlfriends clean up..." He chuckled between ragged breaths, pressing his rod up against her cheek again to emphasize, smearing his cum on her skin as he did so. Rei could only moan as he was thrusting one final time deep into her pussy, and she could feel his cock twitch inside of her, before he was cumming inside of her. Not that she cared at all. No this mind as well be the ultimate way to lay claim to her. She was his, and he was hers. The hickey on her neck was also another way to show that she was his, which had her debating if she wanted to give him a hickey or not. In the end she decided that she was going to. So before he could get to far away from her, she was actually drawing him closer to her and nipping at his neck, and sucking gently, leaving her own hickey on his neck. "Now you are mine." she cooed.After his cock game out of her fully she could feel a sticky and creamy substance slide down between her legs, and onto her thighs. Then all of a sudden his cock was in her face and she was stating that good girlfriends cleaned up. This had her licking the head of his cock gently with her tongue. Hisashi seemed slightly surprised as Rei have him a hickey, rubbing the spot gently before grinning and gently patting her head as she began to lick the tip of his cock with her tongue. "I suppose be belong to each other now." He chuckled as he let out a soft moan, his cock throbbing and growing more erect from Rei's skillful use of her tongue. He gently patted her head, but at the same time, he tried to push more of his cock into her mouth."You are such a great girlfriend, Rei. I love you...but there is more of my cock to clean than just my tip, you know." he teased her, insinuating she needed to suck more as he gently pushed her head down and moved his hips, pushing his tip onto her mouth and trying to get her to accept more of his cock into her hot and wet mouth as well. Rei did end up putting up her hands so that he couldn't push more of his cock down her throat forcibly. Nope she was taking it slowly especially considering this was her first time giving a blow job. If anything she was more experimenting and find out her own boundries at that point. But as she did so she slowly accepted him more into her mouth, her tongue swirling around his cock as she cleaned it off. Hisashi seemed to let out a somewhat dissatisfied groan as Rei stopped him from shoving any more of his cock into her mouth or throat, but he decided to let Rei take her time with this one. Her tongue felt almost torturous on his massive, throbbing cock that was oozing pre cum from his tip as well as still covered in his cum and her love juices. He gently placed his hand on her head, not to push down but to simply grip her head so he could be stable."Ahhh, Rei....your mouth feels so you like sucking on my cock like this?" He asked her in a teasing manner with a small chuckle, eager to hear her answer as his balls bounced around slightly due to her sucking. Rei continued to suck on his cock, and after a bit got into bobbing her head up and down, slowly but at a steady pace. She didn't take him to deep at first, but slowly she worked her way at taking more of his cock into her mouth. After a bit she was popping of his cock at his question before she spoke, "Yes. I love sucking your cock." This had her licking the tip teasingly before she was taking his length into her mouth once again. Although this time she took him farther into her mouth than she had before. There was a gag reflex kicking in after a brief moment which just had her halting, more to get more to get over that feeling. Hisashi's moans got louder as Rei slowly began to take more and more of his cock into her mouth. He was so massive that she had just managed a little more a quarter of his length when she popped his cock out to answer his question. He chuckled at her answer, moaning softly as she teasingly licked his tip. Her never knew Rei was such a horny girl...though maybe she was just wanting pleasuring what with the crazy world around them."I never knew you were such a slutty girl, Rei...guess you are my slut now, huh?" He teased he gave her breasts a slap, watching her sizeable mounds jiggle to and fro with glee as he moaned as he felt her gag reflex kick. Her mouth felt so different from her pussy, and yet felt so good too, he was still sensitive from their sex before hand most likely."Ah, fuck...Rei, that feels good...suck on my balls some now...tell me what a naughty girl you are while you do it..." He loved hearing Rei talk dirty and wanted to her more as she gargled on his balls. Rei just looked at him at the mention of being his slut although she didn't withdraw to comment to that at all. Honestly she wasn't sure how to respond to being called a slut. Not really something most girls enjoyed being called, but what could you do in all reality. After a bit she was withdrawing from his cock, her saliva covering it at that point in time. She didn't move to take his balls into her mouth right away, nope she took a breath moment to breath before she was shifting a bit so that she could take his balls into her mouth more easily."Am I truly a naughty girl?" Rei cooed after a moment in time as she took to sucking on his balls, one of her foddling them as well as she licked at them. She did withdraw after a moment before she was wrapping a hand around his cock and stroking it before she teased, "Since I'm so naughty.... Maybe I should be even naughter. And not do what you want." One hand stroked his cock while the other foddled his balls. This was definitely the opposite of sucking on them. Hisashi's cock glistened with Rei's saliva, a show of her dedication and devotion to him, no doubt. As she teased him and began to suck on his balls, he let out a soft moan as he gripped the bed, letting his girlfriend do the work of pleasuring him. Her mouth and tongue felt amazing on his balls, and soon her hand was wrapped around his cock, stroking his throbbing dick, her hand becoming smeared with her own saliva and his pre cum. As she moved to teasing him more, her stroking faster and her hand groping his balls, he let out a somewhat frustrated moan."Ah....Rei...please don't tease me like that....I want more, please..." Hisashi seemed to relent some, not wanting to completely force himself on Rei to get what he wanted, and part of him enjoyed seeing this new and interesting side of her. "But I am giving you more." Rei cooed in a teasing voice as she gently stroked him before she was withdrawing her hands completely, not touching him at all. "I think this would be more teasing." she giggled before she was going back down and licking at one of his balls, before taking it into her mouth once again. Hisashi let out a frustrated grunt as Rei stroked him softer before stopping altogether. It took all of his self control to not just push her down and fuck her wildly again. His cock throbbed, it looked almost painful so in need of attention it was. He let out a small sigh of relief as Rei went back to sucking his balls, the suction of her mouth feeling nice around one of his nuts, but he didn't think that would be enough anymore with how much Rei had worked him up."Want me to fuck you one more time before we get cleaned up, Rei?" He asked as he reached his hand down and squeezed one of her breasts playfully, his fingers twisting and gently tugging on one of her nipples as he awaited an answer. He wasn't sure a blowjob would be enough after that teasing session. Rei looked at him for a brief moment in time as he asked if she wanted him to fuck her once more. As he was asking her breasts were being played with, and her nipples being twisted and tugged gently. The orange haired female just gave a small smile before she questioned in a coo, "Is that what you want to do? Do you want to fuck me again?" She already had quite a bit of his cum drifting from between her legs, but she really didn't care. "Yes. I do. I want you.... no I need you." Hisashi watched the smile on Rei's face and grinned himself as she questioned him. "Fuck yes, I do...I want o fuck you so bad...and it seems you want to as well." He chuckled as spoke her desires to him. He pulled his cock away from her face and moved back abit, pointing at the bed as his smile widened slightly."Get on all fours like the bitch in heat you are, spread your pussy open and beg to be fucked like a naughty girl you all. Tell me how much you want me to fuck you, how much more you want me more than Takashi."He stroked his cock to keep himself hard as he waited for Rei to obey...he loved to hear her trash talk Takashi and beg...he loved to hear her talk dirty it aroused him so much. Rei just looked at him a bit weirdly at first before she was complying and doing as he had asked. She shifted so that she was on her hands and knees, her legs spread wide for him. Her pussy leaked with her own juices and cum from their previous session. "Hisashi, I want you to fuck me. Please fuck me like the naughty girl that I am." Rei moaned after a moment in time. No she really didn't want to bring up Takeshi at all although if he really wanted her to then she would. But she would prefer to just have it them, and not speak of an ex while they were in the process of fucking. That just seemed weird. "I want you to fuck me until I am nothing more than a withering mess beneath you, or until I pass out." she begged. Hisashi listened to Rei speak and grinned as he stepped forward. He got on his knees behind her, giving her ass a nice, hard spank and watching it jiggle as he gripped her long, flowing orange hair with one hand while the other began to rapidly rub her clitoris. He tugged on her hair, using it like a leash as he slapped his cock against her ass as he kissed up and down her neck, his tongue like a brush on canvas."That was good, but not good enough...I want you to do as I said about mentioning Takashi, and spread your pussy open with your fingers....go on." Another slap of his cock against her ass he he nibbled and sucked on her earlobe. It seemed he wanted to know for sure that she didn't have any feels for Takashi left...that it was him and him alone that owned her. Rei would have looked at him if she was able to, although she wasn't able to. Not with holding her hair as if it were a leash. He had fingers rubbing against her clit and his cock slapped against her ass. She gave a small whimper at his kisses up and down her neck. Then was the command of telling him what he wanted, and spreading her pussy open with her fingers. "I want you Hisashi. I want to forget about ever meeting Takashi. He was a loser and I was stupid in falling for him. He isn't on my level.... he is far beneath me. But you... Hisashi I need you. I want you to fuck me like the naughty girl that I am. I want you to make me yours." Rei breathed after a moment in time, her head tilted back ever so slightly. Usually she wouldn't take to trash talking Takashi, considering he had been her childhood friend yet she was doing it with no problem. Maybe because she finally realized that she deserved far better, and she had definitely found somebody far better. "Hisashi.... Fuck me..." Rei begged him as she exposed her wet pussy to him even more, before she was more or less implying that Takashi had a tiny dick. Not that they had ever done anything, but it wasn't as if she hadn't accidentally walked in on him at least once. Hisashi grinned as Rei did as she as told her words of scorn for Takashi and her praise for him seemed to just make his cock harder and longer. He slapped it against her rear once again as he pinched her clitoris in just the right manner to send a wave of pleasure up her body. Soon, his cock as positioned at the entrance to her spread and wet pussy his bulbous tip pressed up against her entrance as he looked into her eyes with a lustful hunger."I'll fuck you alright,'ll be mine..all mine. You'll be begging to be fucked by my cock everyday." He pressed his lips up hungrily against her own, his tongue darting its way into her mouth to rub up against her own as he tugged back roughly on her hair, pulling her ass back as he thrust his hips forwards. His cock slammed into her more rough than ever before during their previous fucking. In that one violent thrust, his tip was already pressing against her cervix, and his cock seemed to be even larger than before as her cunt was spread out more as he began to fuck her like a bitch in heat, tugging back on her hair, her ass slapping back against his hips with every thrust, making her bubbly ass cheeks jiggle as his tongue danced inside her mouth.
['Miyamoto', 'Rei', 'Hisashi']
Moon Over Hogwarts (blakkatt07 and Potter-Kun)
Usagi Tsukino made her way along the inside of the Hogwarts express with her trunk, searching for an empty compartment. Her feline advisor, Luna, at her side. Usagi was to be a transfer student into seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry thanks to the quick work of her one remaining senshi, Sailor Pluto aka Setsuna, who had taken her in and become her guardian after the devastating loss of the other senshi. Setsuna had made sure she had everything she would need and gotten her spellwork up to par and seen her off onto the train.Eventually, she found a compartment and set her trunk in the overhead before sitting down and looking at the window, thinking over how she was going to stand out not only as a final year transfer but due to the silvery blond her hair had taken after the battle that claimed the other senshi. Harry walked down down the cars of the express with his luggage in tow. Ron and Hermione had already arrived on campus via other means so he couldn't really sit with his friends. His celebrity made it difficult for him to ever find time to relax, especially with the death of Dumbledore and the rumors of Voldemort getting ready to attack. He just wanted some peace and quiet, some time to think or have regular conversation.He noticed a compartment with a single girl in it who appeared to be around his age. He slide up the door and gave her a small smile. "Excuse you mind if I sit in here with you?" He asked politely, pushing his glasses up the brim of his nose and moving his hair to cover his scar. With any luck, this girl wouldn't recognize him and he might be able to get some peace for a change. He kept his fingers crossed as he waited for her to reply to his inquiry. Usagi turned and looked at the boy when he spoke. "I don't mind." She gave a soft smile before looking out the window again, using her reflection to discreetly check and make sure her crescent moon hadn't decided to randomly show as it had been doing from time to time for a few months. Harry nodded and let out a soft sigh as he entered the compartment and silently closed the door. He placed his luggage in the above head compartment and sat across from Usagi, looking out the window as well, admiring the lovely countryside as the express made its way down the tracks. He noticed Usagi doing the same, and then noticed something odd....he knew most people in his year from all houses, after all, they had been together for years. She was almost uncomfortably foreign...could she be an agent of Voldemort?"So...what house are you in...if you don't mind my asking?" Harry decided to open up with a harmless topic, offering her a small smile as he leaned back in his chair, trying to relax some. Usagi mentally sighed in relief that her crescent hadn't appeared before looking back to Harry. "I'm not in a house. I'm transferring in." She chuckled a bit. "Final year and I'll be a transfer student.""What house are you in, if you don't mind my asking?" "Oh? A transfer in the final year, huh? I've heard that's pretty rare. You must be very talented!" Harry exclaimed, eager to meet someone who likely had a lot of skill. For now, his suspicion would lax as he leaned forward some, his smile wide and his eyes clearly excited."I'm a Gryffindor! I hope we can end up the in the same house and in some classes together." Harry extended his hand out for a friend handshake as he let his wish be known. She seemed liked she'd make a fine member of the house. Usagi blushed. "Maybe. I'll honestly be happy if I can at least keep up with everyone else."She grinned, her bright blue eyes lighting up as she placed her hand in his for a shake. "I'd like that. Ooh! Where are my manners? I'm Usagi." "I'm sure you will. I don't think you would have been accepted in otherwise!" Harry tried to reassure her as he shook her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze to try and convey his support for her. When she mentioned her name, he raised his eyebrow some. Clearly not an English name...but a very cool one none the less!"I think that is a very cute name...I'm Harry! I hope we can get along." His smile remained and his hand lingered on her own, squeezing it again. Part of him was not wanting to let go of her hand as his eyes locked onto her own through his glasses, a small blush on his face. Usagi blushed when he complimented her name. "Thank you. It's Japanese for rabbit. It's nice to meet you too Harry."Her gaze didn't leave his and she squeezed his hand in return. "You're cute when you blush." "Oh...well that name certainly suits you then." He chuckled when she mentioned her name meant rabbit...her hair certainly made her look like a rabbit to some degree. When she mentioned how cute he was, his blush just intensified as he looked down, embarrassed, but also not letting go of her hand as well, interlocking his fingers with her own."You're even cuter when you blush too..." Harry managed to get out in a tone just below a whisper before his eyes locked onto her own again."Could I....sit next to you, Usagi?" He asked, standing up from his side of the compartment, hoping desperately she would say yes. He wasn't sure what it was, but he just felt so attracted to her. Her own blush intensified as she looked him over. She didn't know what it was, but she felt attracted to him. She had the urge to run her fingers through his messy dark hair and his green eyes made her wonder if he could see her soul."Sure." She bit her lip slightly. " seeing anyone?" Harry nodded gently and moved to sit down next to Usagi while till holding hands with her, their legs brushed up against each other as his blush seemed to intensify as he licked his lips as he looked back at her after she asked her question."No...I'm not....are you?" Harry decided to ask as his other hand slowly reached out and gently cupped her cheek as he ran his thumb across the smooth skin of her cheek and chin as he seemed to be looking at her lips...a hunger starting to grow in his eyes. Feeling his hand on her cheek, she reached up to play in his hair. "No. I'm not. " The hunger in her eyes matching that in his.Her eyes flicked between his eyes and his lips as she bit her lip hesitantly for a moment. She then closed her eyes and leaned in to gently press her lips to his. Harry's eyes widened in shock for a moment...he had been planning to kiss her but he didn't expect her to act first! His eyes soon closed as well though and he pressed his lips firmly back against Usagi's own. His tongue lashed at her lips, seeking to gain access to her mouth and her own tongue. He moaned softly against her lips as he felt her soft fingers tussling with his hair.His own hand rubbed her cheek for a few moments, enjoying the sensation of her soft skin against his digits before his hand trailed downwards and settled on her thigh. He gave her leg a nice squeeze and began to rub at her thigh underneath her skirt...his hand slowly but surely moving up her leg towards her womanhood as he felt a bulge slowly starting to grow in his trousers. Her lips parted at the request, her tongue flicking to meet his, a soft moan escaping her in answer to his own. Her hand tussled with his hair, enjoying the wildness of it.She didn't object when she felt his hand moving up her thigh as her own hand slipped down to rub him through his trousers. Reluctantly, she broke the kiss, panting as she looked at him. "Let's agree to not go all the way here on the train. We can get each other off on the train and maybe go full on sometime after we've settled in and everything at school. Deal?" Harry's tongue pressed up against Usagi's own, swirling around chaotically and rubbing up against her own with passion and hunger. His hand continued to crawl up her thigh and soon began to stroke at her womanhood beneath her panties, his fingers pressing up against and rubbing her clitoris through the fabric. He moaned against her lips as he felt her rubbing at his rather large bulge through his trousers...he could already feel his boxers and cock becoming sticky with his pre cum.As she broke away from the kiss, his breath was ragged by he did his best to catch his breath as Usagi spoke. He nodded his head, giving a brief affirmative grunt...he wanted to get back to making them feel good. His mouth as soon on her neck, planting kisses up and down her neckline before he stopped to nibble and suck on a single spot, marking her with a small hickey. She gasped when she felt him rubbing at her womanhood through her panties. Her womanhood growing wet with her arousal as she involuntarily bucked against his fingers.She tilted her head with a moan as he kissed and sucked, her free hand slid in his hair to cradle his head against her while her previous hand worked to free him from his trousers and stroke his full length " are so beautiful, so sexy..." Harry whispered hotly in her ear, nibbling on her earlobe and sucking as his fingers ventured into her panties. He felt just how wet with desire she was as his fingers began to rapidly rub her clitoris now before twisting and tugging on it gently. After teasing and playing with her clitoris for a few moments, two of his fingers began to push themselves into her tight and wet pussy...the feeling of his fingers being engulfed in her womanhood was amazing.He moaned as he felt his massive cock finally freed from his pants. He was well endowed as his cock was quite large and was veiny and throbbing, in need of attention now that it had finally escaped the cell of his pants. Usagi panted and moaned as his fingers worked like magic on her. He was working her perfectly and just how she liked. Her hips bucked as his fingers slid into her, pulling a long moan from her. "Mmm...just like that."She gasped when she felt how big his cock truly was. "You're so big Harry." She moaned, carefully moving so that she was straddling him, allowing them better access to each other. Her hand slid up and down his cock, her grip firm but soft at the same time. As Usagi moaned out her approval, Harry fingered her deeper and faster. He pushed his two fingers knuckle deep into her as his thumb brushed up against her clitoris with every thrust as his digits slammed into her like pistons. She seemed to squeeze his fingers ever tighter with every thrust.When she mentioned the size of his cock, Harry looked up into Usagi's eyes with his own yet again, his face tinted red. "I love you, Usagi." He confessed before pressing his lips back up against her own roughly and with hunger. His tongue darted into her mouth as Usagi's hand became smeared with Harry's pre cum oozing from his tip as she stroked him constantly. Usagi matched his hunger in the kiss, her tongue meeting his as she kissed him back just as roughly. "Love you too, Harry." Each thrust of his fingers brought her closer to the peak, her arousal juices coating his fingers.She matched her strokes on his cock, eager to make him cum as he was clearly eager to make her cum. Harry's moans grew louder as he felt a pressure starting to build up in his cock as more of his pre cum oozed from his bulbous tip and he felt more and more juices coating his fingers and indeed, his whole hand from Usagi.Her words seemed to urge him to finger fuck her even harder and faster as he groaned out against her lips. "Usagi....I'm close...come for me!" He wanted to make her climax first as his own climax was painfully near...he wanted to make sure his new lover got as much or even more pleasure than he did. Usagi took advantage of all the pre cum he was oozing and used it like a lube on his cock while she stroked him.His words were a turn on as her own orgasm was extremely close. "Mmm. Let's cum together." She purred against his lips as her hand stroked his cock in time with the thrusting of his fingers inside her. It wasn't long before she was crying out his name as she came all over his fingers. "Ah! Usagi! I'm coming!" With those words and as Usagi came all over his fingers, Harry too came. His hips twitched violently as he shot his load out all over Usagi's hand and thighs, splattering her uniform with his seed."Ahhh...Usagi....sorry...I made a mess..." Harry said, his breath ragged as he leaned up and gently pressed his lips against Usagi's own softly, enjoying the afterglow of the his climax. Usagi was panting herself and still managed to giggle. "I can't exactly be mad. We both made messes. " She kissed him back softly.She cast a minor wandless spell to clean them up, silently thankful that Setsuna had taught her such. "I've heard this ride can take a few hours still. "How about we take advantage and rest up?"Her head was already lying on his shoulder as she spoke, obviously content enough to willingly fall asleep in his arms. "If we're lucky, we might get another round before we get to Hogwarts." "Oh...wandless magic, impressive." Harry complimented her as he gently stroked her head, nuzzling his face on top of her head as he let out a soft yawn. The idea of another round before getting to Hogwarts certainly excited him."That would be fun...maybe with out mouths?" He teasingly suggested before kissing her cheek gently as his chest rose in and fell steadily with his soft and calm breathing. "I can do it with smaller spells." She let out a yawn of her own. "With our mouths sounds good." She murmured as her eyes drifted closed. "Sleep well, Ry." She murmured before finally falling asleep, not aware of the nickname she'd given him "Ry, huh...I like that..." Harry chuckled to himself as he nuzzled close to Usagi as he began to drift to sleep himself, enjoying the feeling of his new lover resting against his chest. A few hours later, Usagi woke up first, smiling to herself as she felt Harry under her. Remembering their words before falling asleep, she carefully moved as her fingers lightly touched his cock. She then took an experimental lick of his cock, letting her yongue swirl around it as she watched him for reactions Harry was still asleep as Usagi woke up. His breath was still calm and his cock flaccid. However, it quickly began to started to harden as Usagi went to work. It became half erect when she began to lick his cock as he let out a soft moan in his sleep but it appeared as if he hadn't quite woken up yet. Usagi traced her tongue around the tip again before taking his half erect cock in her mouth and sucking on it carefully. She glanced up again and pulled back. "Wake up, Ry." She murmured as her hands slid along his thighs while she took his cock back in her mouth Harry moaned slightly louder now as his eyes began to flutter open, adjusting to the light and the warm sensation that was engulfing his crotch. He blinked a few times and looked down at Usagi as he yawned and then moaned again softly, his cock growing every harder inside her hot and wet mount."Us...Usagi...? What are you doing...?" He asked, clearly still sleepy from the nap he had just woken up from. Usagi pulled away and looked up at him innocently. "Oh, did you not want mouths used in our second go before we get to school?" She leaned up and kissed his lips, before kissing down his jawline to his neck and leaving a small hickey on him.All the while, her hand was stroking up and down his cock, working to get him nice and hard
['Voldemort', 'Dumbledore', 'Tsukino', 'Pluto', 'Hermione', 'Setsuna', 'Usagi']
Ruby the Demoness (Funner & Firestarter09)
Ruby walked beside Yang as they followed her mother, Summer Rose, through the dark woods, her silver eyes flitting about as a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the trees that often blocked some of the moonlight falling from the partially fractured moon above.So far Summer hadn't run into anything too dangerous, but that worried her too. The sooner mission was over, the better."What do you think she'll be fighting?" the red hooded girl hissed softly, glancing up at her sister's amethyst eyes. Yang looked to her baby sister, she didn't know what their mother would be fighting. "I dunno, maybe some Ursa's?" She kept her voice low, she didn't want her parental unit to find her. "Please don't hiss, if we're to loud she'll hear use." She quickly turned to look at their parent, watching as their mother seemed to go down a semi clear path. "Quick she's starting to leave, we need to go." Yang grabbed her sisters hand, jerking and forcing her to follow. "Sooorry..." Ruby covered her mouth as she spoke, which was helpful in suppressing the surprised gasp that escaped her lips when Yang dragged her along after their mom."Yang...Yaaang, it's so dark feels like we're being watched." Ruby whispered, breath shaky as she spoke, though it was probably just her fear of getting caught, Summer would have every right to be upset, as would Taiyang, who would certainly not appreciate the girls taking advantage of his being asleep to wander after the huntress. Yang didn't pay mind to Ruby pleas, nothing scary or big would stop her! "Don't worry Ruby, So long as we stay close to mom we'll be fine, besides who'd be watching a bunch of kids." Her amethyst eyes surveyed the area, *SQUWAK* Yang's heart raced as she snapped to her left, to the source of the noise. She quickly caught a glimpse of a Raven on a branch. "Stupid bird." Her heart beat lowered and she quickly tried to find their mother again, she caught the brief glimpse of their mothers cape. "C'mon Ruby, lets get moving." She dragged her sister once more with her, unbeknownst to the two, they had been watched. Eager eye's from walks of life seemed to take an interest in the girls, their forms hidden by shadow. Ruby let out a shaky cry at the unexpected sound, muffled herself against her sister as she clung to her for dear life, "Yaaang..." she breathed, feeling a bit less stressed after getting that out of her system, and hurried her steps to match her big sister's, not wanting to lag behind and get her arm pulled, though she nearly tripped twice."Y can let go of my arm, I'll stay close!" she promised, daring to take her foot of the path for a moment to seek her sister's eyes, her voice as low as she could go without hissing, since she had up until recently always hissed when she tried to whisper. Yang had much to teach her about stealth. Yang did seem to listen to her sister, as her hand did let go. "Don't worry Ruby, so long as mom doesn't catch we'll be fine." She assured her sister with a whisper, Summer was in view once more, stopped at the edge of the woods it seemed she had to a large empty open plain area in the middle of the woods. If either were to look behind themselves at the moment, they would've seen dark, quick shadows slinking by or the vicious whispers they brought with them. Yang brows narrowed as she saw their mother walk forward, it was this time Yang noticed that an old wooden house was at the center of the plains now. "What the?" Yang seemed bewildered by what she saw. "W what? Grimm don't live in houses...Yang, you don't think there's something terrible hiding in there, do you?" Ruby blurted breathily, backing away from the house, "M maybe we should go get Dad? Just in case there's a demon or something!"As she stepped away, she tripped on a rock and felt herself start falling backwards, despite flailing her arms, she glanced behind her and saw the darkness at the bottom of the hill, which would be quite a tumble. She knew it'd give them away, but she couldn't hold back her cry for help, "Yaaang!" Yang snorted at her sister pleas. "Oh please, like demons exist " She turned around at just the right time, watching as her sister fell back called for her name. "Ruby!" Yang exclaimed as she quickly grabbed her sister arm before pulling her back. "Oh god, Ruby are you okay?" She pulled her sister close to her chest, pressing her face into the warm scarf she had on. Luckily the two didn't attract their mother attention, as she had made it to the house at the time. Yang turned her head quickly, catching a glance of their mother entering the house. "Ruby, I need you to toughen up. We made a promise to each other to watch our mom be awesome right?" Yang voice changed to a lighter one. "So we're going to have to keep moving more forward, okay." Reassurance would soon rush over Ruby form. She let out a muffled hum as she nodded into the scarf, and swallowed her hesitation. Yang was right, they had to watch their mom, that was why they were here, if they would only go halfway, why go at all? She realized how hard she was holding onto Yang, and steadily made herself let go."Mm hmm...let's...let's go..." Ruby took a deep breath and took a step towards the house, clutching Yang's hand for a few steps before gradually letting go, though she did check to see that Yang was still behind her, "She did go inside, right? Maybe we could see her from the window...she'd notice the door." It was at this time the shadows that had been following them stopped, their vicious whispers cursing at the ward that had been placed to keep them out, luckily they were to far for the girls to hear. Yang looked at her sister and smiled, a confident smile to keep the girls courage up. "Nope." She popped the p slightly. "We're going in, besides we're small theirs no way we'll be spotted. Besides, we'll try to stay by the door." "Well...I guess..." Ruby shrugged a little and grinned back at her older sister. She nodded and decided to trust her sister's plan, everything would be fine the only problem is they couldn't bring snacks to eat while watching the awesomeness that was their mother. Slowly but surely the two would enter the house, confident grins plastered on their faces. "Wow." Yang said quietly, taking a note of how everything looked. "Looked like a battle happened in here." The wall had what seemed to be jagged blade marks running through them, while the wallpaper was either faded or peeling off. Furniture all around seemed to destroyed, or on the brink of falling apart. Their seemed to be barely any lightening, and what was their were but flickers and provided really nothing. "Wonder why mom came here. Ruby do you think this... a secret training spot?" She asked her little sister. "Maybe..." Ruby turned to her older sister after taking a quick look around, she didn't know where their mother was, and hoped she was alright, though she was sure there was nothing to worry about.A part of her hoped it was only that, a secret playground for local hunters, but if it was, then they had to be especially on their guard since their mom didn't have to keep her's up, "Should we go deeper?" *STEP! LUMBER! CREAK!*The sound of footsteps in a room off to the right became apparent. Yang turned to look at the archway to the kitchen, she looked to her sister and put a finger to lips. It was time for them to be quiet, little did they know about what their mother was here for. Suddenly the silence was broken as gun shots became apparent, then something of wood being broken with a slash of a blade. Yang grabbed her sister arm and quickly lead her into the kitchen, unaware of what their mother was fighting.A large muscled man with cracked skin that seemed to glow, sung at Summer as what was fired at its face bounced off it's bone mask which looked to be made from the remnants of a skull. It let out a loud grunt as its machete became stuck in the wall, momentarily stopping its heavy swings. Ruby felt her breath catch in her throat and waited until she trusted herself to only whisper to speak."That...doesn't look like training, Yang..." she breathed, watching as the giant man inevitably pulled his blade out of the wall and charged at the mother again. Ruby had to struggle not to cheer Summer on, instead held Yang's hand and her own breath, wondering how long their mother had been fighting, how much longer it'd take for her to win she had to win! The thunderous man swung once more, bouncing a dust round off it's machete. Said round was then launched into the pipe that had been revealed, causing gas to leak from it. Yet the monstrous man didn't seem to notice, it let out a grunt as it swung again at Summer, who jumped back in turn and fired once more. A explosion rumbled through the house, catching the man a blaze and hopefully killing him. Yet the most likely answer was no. Yang gasped as she watched as the man was caught in the flames, she stumbled a bit and walked back into the counter causing a thing of glass to fall. That would definitely catch their mothers attention. "Oh god, she killed a person." Yang said shocked, unaware that the man was beyond human. "N're being silly, he's just...knocked out..." Ruby ran over to her sister and took her hands, she was shaking at the thought of their mother killing a human, but they couldn't stay, their mother's inquisitive hum broke the silence and alerted Ruby to Summer's curiosity, "M maybe i it was an accident, it had to have been, she protects people, she doesn't hurt them..." Ruby turned to the surprised woman in the kitchen and cried out for her to agree, though with her sister's shock, it was hard for her to believe her own words, "Right, Mom? You keep people safe, and not just me and Yang and Dad! Right? Mom?" Summer looked at her two children, her face had one of worry and anger. "What are you two doing! Get out of here! Leave quickly! This isn't safe!" The man in the fire grumbled as he slowly walked from the flames. Its skin crackled as it overall seemed to be a bit burnt, its heavy boots stomped on the floor as the fire spread. Summer looked to monster of a man, she stepped back to her children. It was at this time an explosion from a gas line from behind happened, it sent wooden shrapnel everywhere. Some just barely grazing Yang and Ruby back, though it was a bit more deep for Yang. This caused the blonde to cry out in pain. The large man monster stood silently as the house was coming down on them, fire spreading all around. "Yang, Yang, come on, let's go!" Ruby shrieked, more from terror than pain as she scrambled for the exit, crying as hot flames and smoke filled the hallway. She was scared and confused by the man who didn't seem dead at all.Ruby just wanted to wake up from the worst nightmare she'd ever had, but it was so hot, Yang's cry so real, that she knew she wouldn't wake up from this. She was actually looking forward to their parents scolding them tonight, she was counting on it, praying for it, there were way worse things like dying right then and there.She reached the door and panted as she jiggled the doorknob, after she shakily pulled the door open, she turned around to see what was happening in the house. Ruby had been cut off, as the archway crumbled before her eyes. It left her all alone while her sister and mother were trapped on the other side, another explosion happened causing the house to shake. The fire began to spread, outside of the house a Woman clothed in a fine silk dress watched as the house caught a blaze. She watched waiting for someone to leave the house. "Poor humans." She said to herself. Yang watched in fear and pain as her mother fought the beast of a man, she seemed so focus on it that she didn't noticed her sister trapped. "Mom! Yang! Help them, please, they're stuck, they're gonna die!" Ruby cried, falling to her knees in front of the woman. She didn't know why she was here, but she dressed to well to be here, so out of place in the woods that she had to be a very powerful huntress maybe she was even here to help her mom and was just a little late, "Please, save them!" The woman looked at the human groveling at her feet. "Oh, you poor thing, if your so worried about them, why don't you save them." The woman said softly, she didn't seem to care about the situation that much. "I have no need to save your mother." "Don't say that, she helps people! She probably saved you once and you don't even know it!" Ruby cried standing on her shaking knees and grabbing the woman's shoulder, staring up pleading as tears streamed down her face, "Please...I'm too weak to clear the hallway, so save my mom and big sis for me! I'll repay you somehow when I'm stronger, anything you ask!" The woman was surprised at the sudden strength, as she was forcibly lowered. "I won't now please sleep." She placed a hand on Ruby head, magic flowing in and messing with her head. "I will assure you that they will survive, but not by my hand." She said in a soothing voice, her lilac eyes looking down at Ruby silver as she buried the child's face in her red dress. Ruby whimpered softly, happy that her mother and sister would survive, but she felt angry that the woman didn't seem to care one way or another. She would've pushed away and ran back inside to see who saved them, but her mind grew foggy as she stared up at eyes that reminded her of Yang's, though hers were paler than her sister's.As she was pressed into the dress and heard the gentle voice of the mysterious woman, she felt her mind and body grow numb and weary, and strangely comfortable. It wasn't but a few seconds before she fell asleep like the woman in the red dress had ordered her to. The woman smiled as she disappeared with the girl in her arms, it was at that point a giant black cat with horns and a split tail came running in. It was a familiar owned by Summer, it would be a sad thing for the mother to learn of her daughters fate. The woman, Isabel appeared within in her own home, specifically in her own bedroom. She quickly placed her on the bed, the woman would take good enjoyment in what she was to do. Isabel raised a finger to her mouth, biting it quickly and drawing blood. Quickly she lowered it to Ruby lips before forcing it in, a grin spread across her face as she looked at the child. "Such a young thing, its a shame that you'll lose about two years or so." She then smiled at the young child, her demonic blood started to flow through Ruby being. Ruby mumbled softly as she half awoke at the strange taste of demon blood on her tongue, and nearly panicked when she remembered what happened back at the house, though she was too drowsy to do much else than gulp down strange tasting blood whimpering softly as her own blood mixed with it and changed.She cried out at the odd changes taking place and stared up at the familiar woman above her, wondering why her skin felt like it was on fire...was she dreaming and still inside the house? Ruby wasn't sure of anything but the odd pain that subsided just as suddenly as it had started, and closed her eyes again. The bed was soft, and in the back of her mind, she was sure she was home, her mind still too muddled to tell that none of what had happened was just a dream. Isabel smiled as she pulled her finger away from the childs mouth, the last drops of blood having spread through out Rubys body. She watched as the child struggled in her sleep, the changes would take a hour or two. So it left the demoness little choice but to leave Ruby for now, she left the room quickly leaving Ruby to her changes and fading memories. "Do not struggle any more sweet child, the world will need your strength." Isabel said to herself, she'd enjoy every moment of taking care of the young girl. When Ruby woke up in the morning, she had forgotten most of what happened last night, aside from wandering into the woods, though she could've sworn that she was with someone, "H anyone here? Heeello? I know...this isn't my it?"She slipped out of bed and decided to look around a little. Ruby would find herself in a odd room, the walls were black with red outlines. Feather littered the floor and bed, black drapes covered the window. Their didn't seem to be much else, though this was due to low light visibility. The girl's clothes strained against Ruby form as she walked, the transformation having made her taller and as such, the simple plain brown clothing was closer and closer to tearing. But luckily she'd be fine, as their was a spare thing of clothes laid out on the side of the bed. A simple black pair of pants, as well as a black shirt. Ruby half wished she could just cut her way out of the clothes, for all the struggling she was going through trying to free herself from her clothes. Her body seemed foreign to her, but she knew it was hers. As she thought about it, she realized she couldn't think of any other way she'd be.She didn't know why her clothes were too small for her, or why she still felt sluggish, almost like her mind was cleared. Passing it off as her just having had a major growth spurt, she removed her pants and shirt and pulled on those set aside for her, thinking back to light violet eyes, a sweet, gentle voice, and a red dress, it confused her but at the same time seemed so natural,"Mother must've left these out for me..."Ruby smiled at her reflection and found she couldn't recall a time when she didn't wear black. The silver eyed girl soon stopped thinking back on herself and took the time to notice the feathers on the floor, she was pretty sure she hadn't grow a pair of wings when she got bigger, but didn't have a clue as to where they would've come from. Memories had been taken from Ruby, leaving nothing to her mind except the faintest of things, such as the forest... But that was about it, nothing more, nothing less. Other mental changes had also happened to the girl, leaving her more comfortable in her body. Speaking of the body, it seemed her reflexs have been increased putting her well above a childs own, and it would even further in time. Her overall dexterity had increased too, but she would figure that out until she tried to ever cut herself. There were other changes too, but they were not important at the current moment. In time Ruby would grow into a powerful demoness, of course that was if she was trained or not.The clothing was made from fine silk, as well as another unknown material which gave it another layer of pleasant textures. It was also made to be durable able to withstand mighty swords, or any attacks laced with magic or demonic energy though it would only protect against so much. Now the feathers were nothing more than decorations, they weren't representative of any actual wings the girl may have had, or will have. It seemed the alterations to Ruby mind had done it's job, assuring that Ruby would see Isabel as her mother.Speaking if Isabel, she had just entered the room still in her dress. A natural sweet loving smile, her lilac eye's seemed so soft and inviting. "Ruby, your awake. I was wondering when you would get up." "Sorry about that, Mom, guess I was really tired last night." Ruby turned and grinned at Isabel's gentle smile and loving gaze, "Oh, hey I'm taller today! I guess you must've known, these clothes fit a lot better than what I went to bed in last night." Isabel smiled softly, she raised a hand to Ruby head softly she rubbed and patted it. "Well isn't that great, your groeing up into a fine demon." Isabel said motherly. "Ruby, are you able to grow your wings yet? Or have you been able to produce any demonic energy?" Ruby smiled at the head pat, though the question caught her of guard."Mm, I don't know...there are feathers all over the place." Ruby glanced down at her hand, flexed her fingers back muscles, hoping to get some sort of reaction, "I hope I can, I want to make you proud of me!" "Dont remember my sweet girl, we bought these for decorations. You said they'd liven this bedroom." Isabel smiled, she noticed how Ruby body moved and flexed. "My you seem antsy." Isabel smiled as pair of jet black wings appeared from her back, they almost seemed to be made from shadows. "Do you wish to touch mine? I bet your just dying for yours to come in." Isabel loved how the child suspected nothing, no alterations to her memories. Ruby was mesmerized by the elegant wings that appeared from her mothers back, and slowly reached forward, gently ran her fingers along the soft feathers, "Oh, wow, they're so soft and majestic!"Isabel was right, Ruby couldn't wait, she at least wanted to be able to do something with her demonic abilities, but so far couldn't do anything, "How does it feel to use powers, Mom, to spread your wings?" Isabel smiled as she thought of a way to answer Ruby, what was it like to fly around? A smile grew on her face as she came up with an answer. "Being as old as I am, its a fun experience. Watching people out of view with magic, or flying with the birds make life so exciting." Isabel smiled as Ruby played at her feathers. "You know I've learned in time that I was able to change my wings appearance. Its nothing special any demon can do it." Isabel thought of a way to explain her powers. "Well, using my powers is exhilarating. I can blow up mountains at my full power, or transform into my demon form and slaughter atlas troops with ease." Ruby listened in awe as she spoke of flying with the birds, she wanted to fly with her one day soon. As Isabel described her power, Ruby knew she was every bit as powerful as she said she was, but she was so sweet to Ruby that she was was having a hard time thinking about her fighting, much less that her mother could look anything different than the beautiful, caring woman who she was talking with right now."That sounds incredible...what's your demon form like?" Ruby asked suddenly, looking up at her mother's soft, lilac eyes. "It is a secret, let's just say it's powerful enough to help me keep any little demon slaver faction in check." Isabel said in a motherly tone, as she lightly poked Ruby on the face. "So cute, I will tell you this. My demon form is a mix of beauty and beastial traits." Isabel smiled as she let off a soothing aura. "Shall I teach you how to manifest a aura?" "Heh, yes, Mother, I want you to teach me everything." Ruby poked her mother's cheek back playfully as she gazed expectantly at her mother's kind smile. She was eager to learn how to manifest an aura, or learn anything her mother had to teach her, Ruby was especially curious about the demon slaver remark, she wasn't sure if there were demons who acted as slavers, or humans that sold demons as slaves. Either way, she was glad her mother kept them in line. "Those thugs, failures as Demons." A hint of disgust in her voice. "They take whatever Human or Faunas they find, and transform them for their buyers." Isabel smiled as she poked Ruby on the nose once more. "Now as you should know, we Demons are capable of producing Aura much like a Human or Faunas. Of course ours is a bit different and requires other methods." Isabel smiled as her own black aura flared around her body, she gave the easiest of demonstrations to Ruby. "Now for some of our kind, it requires a use of own demonic energy." Isabel wings disappeared into her body, as her Aura dissipates. "Its a interesting technique, no?" Ruby felt a chill at the thought of being transformed and sold, she felt deep in her heart that even if she had been a faunas or human and her mother transformed her, she would never harm her or sell her. After a moment of thought, she had a feeling that some who were transformed and sold would be forced to fight for their masters, why else would anyone buy a demon with such power?Ruby felt the Aura surrounding her mother and closed her eyes, seeking something akin to what she felt around her mother within herself. She didn't know what she was searching for, but she intended to find it, the gentle woman seemed to have high hopes for Ruby. Isabel smiled as she watched Ruby try to summon her aura, she knew that it would take a great amount of effort for her to do so. "Your doing great, I can feel your energy rise. You just need to push yourself, seek what you desire and topple over it!" Isabel began to encourage her 'daughter'. "Your strong Ruby, claim your power and show the world who you are!" She continued to use more and more encouragement, deep within in Ruby body her demonic began to respond. A large eye with a black pupil darted around, looking at the inner world of Ruby consciousness. Demonic energy began to swirl and grow more and more, becoming stronger and stronger. "Your doing it, your truly doing it." Isabel smiled as she felt the energy building up. Isabel wondered what the future held for Ruby, she was truly hopping that the girl would be a strong demon one able to do what she wished. The encouragement strengthened her resolve, Ruby could feel the power within herself grow, waiting, seeking to be channeled. She slowly opened her eyes as she felt something moving over her skin, and opened her eyes to see deep crimson lights dancing over her skin. It was a very shallow layer, but as Ruby focused on her wish to make her mother proud, the aura flared up, besides that, she wasn't really sure what else there was to want, as far as she was concerned there was nothing else she needed she just wanted to be powerful enough to fight beside her mom, be the powerful demon that the woman saw in her. Isabel smiled as she ran hand along Ruby crimson colored aura face. "My your doing well." She continued to encourage the child, letting her confidence build up inside of her. "You'll be good, a great demon. You can have people at your feet, loyaly serving you." She cooed soothing words to her 'child'. "People...serving me..." Ruby murmured, she liked the idea of that, being powerful and having people kneel to her as their queen and focused on it, spread her aura out more, dancing like fire across her skin. Isabel nodded to Ruby answer. "Lovers all around, who have loyalty to you alone." Isabel assured her child more. "Your power will be immense." "Lovers?" Ruby couldn't help but blush at the thought. Her newfound desire for loyal, adoring lovers wherever she turned was more than enough to cause her power to surge, painting even the furthest wall in the room blood red, "Where should I go to start my search?" Isabel smiled and sat on one of her knees, she looked at the girl in the face a smile on her pretty face. A light chuckle escaped her lips, as she knew Ruby would be an amazing person. "You must wait, your too young for that, wait till your eighteen. Mature and older, then you go out and find those people." Isabel told the young demoness, she looked at the walls which had turned a crimson red. "My, I nit expect that." Ruby grumbled softly about waiting, but her eyes followed those of her mother's, it seemed she was already exceeding her expectations, which made Ruby proud of herself. She knew she could wait, her power would grow and she'd be able to go and find the lovers out there, just waiting to be meet and fall for Ruby. Isabel smiled and patted Ruby on the head once more, she knew that the little scamp would try many things in her new demonic life. "I hope you do well, because you are truly special my dear." Firestarter09 said: Isabel smiled and patted Ruby on the head once more, she knew that the little scamp would try many things in her new demonic life. "I hope you do well, because you are truly special my dear." Click to expand... Ruby giggled and hugged her mother happily, she would definitely try to live up to her apparent natural affinity for channeling her powers, "Thanks, I'm sure it won't be too hard, I am your daughter, after all!" Isabel smiled as she was hugged, her 'daughter' was going to truly be powerful. "I promise you, that you will be a powerful demoness. Mark my words, and you'll be someone of great power, even a powerful huntress if you wish." She continued to tell Ruby, making sure she knew she could grow stronger. "You know... I'm going to teach you a few things when your older, or might even handle some of my notes off to you." Isabel smiled as she knew what notes she was talking about, said notes would be very helpful to Ruby development down the line. "Now, since your awake now... Let us talk about the supernatural, see if you remember anything I told you." Isabel smiled as she began to test Ruby, she didn't want her 'child' to be completely unaware of her surroundings. "First, let us talk about Humans and Faunus do they know of our existence? Or are they completely blind, with only some having knowledge of our existence?" She was going to have a fun time teaching Ruby. Ruby thought about that question for a few moments, tried to use what her mother told her to help figure out the answer, "Hmm, I don't think they know about us, as long as we don't use demonic forms where they can see us." "Good answer my dear, though some are quite aware of our existence." She patted Ruby on the head. "Now, what would you do? If you came into contact with Hunter or Huntress?" "Mm...don't tell them I'm a demon?" Ruby offered, thinking a bit more as she spoke, "And try to befriend them?" "Good, that's not a bad answer." Isabel continued to praise Ruby, slowly building up her confidence. "Now, what do you do when you come across Hunters, or Huntress meant to fight demons?" She stood up and headed over to the door. "Lets head out into the living room." Ruby thought about the situation presented as she followed the older demoness, "I...I'd probably have to kill them if they think I'm a demon and I can't trick them...why do they hate us, Mom?" Isabel sighed as she had to explain to Ruby a horrible reality. "Well, it's their job. They're just trying to protect others, humanity is always on the brink. Giant walled off kingdoms, with surrounding villages, which struggle to survive. As the horrible Grimm lurks at every corner possible." Isabel said, not knowing if her words would aspire another aspiration inside of Ruby. "T that's not fair to them, the odds are stacked against them...they have to be suspicious and hate us to survive, or between the bad demons and Grimm they'd be wiped out..." Ruby lowered her gaze to the floor as she tried to figure out what could be done, she was to be a might demon, so she had to take action or that power would just collect dust. There didn't seem to be many options for her, aside from one that would allow her to meet humans for lovers and keep them safe, "Mom? You said I'd be a very powerful demoness, right? If I just avoid telling anyone or using my demon form, they'd never know I'm a demon, right? I think I want to be become a Huntress..." "Nature is cruel, but sometimes... Even the darkest of things, have there silver linings." Isabel looked at her 'daughter' and smiled softly, a smile that only a person with no ill intentions could bring out. "I... I don't know what to say Ruby, my dearest child. Your destiny is a foggy one, demons and other supernatural races aren't bound by rules, like the ones humans impose on themselves or the Faunus. We're a strange people, many colorful faces through out." She kneel down once more, placing a hand on Ruby shoulder. "If you wish to be a huntress, then I will not stop you. If you wish to use your power for good... Then so be it, I'm also sure you'd be able to hide your powers well... Though I doubt some won't notice, such as a certain headmaster of beacon academy." Isabel paused for a moment before saying. "You will need to be trained, especially if you wish to be a huntress." Ruby smiled back at her mother and slipped into her arms, hugging her tightly, "Thank you, Mom! Beacon where the Hunters live? What should I do if the headmaster discovers me? Would you mind training me, to use my demon powers, too, just in case?"Though she wanted to do what was right, she couldn't deny the fact that she had no idea what to expect, the headmaster sounded like a particularly tough challenge, but if she was able to get in a position to help people even with the headmaster knowing, earn their trust somehow, then facing the Grimm and malevolent supernatural forces day after day, protecting the friends and lovers no doubt waiting there, and keeping her identity a secret from the general public while still fighting her best would be her true challenge, so despite not wanting to be discovered, she wanted all possible assets at her disposal in case the day came when fighting like a regular Huntress wasn't enough. Isabel smiled as she hugged the child back, she knew this little girl would do great things. "Of course Ruby, I'll make sure you're development isn't wasted. You'll be a powerful demoness huntress, and you'll be able to do what you want." The Demoness continued as she locked eyes with her 'daughter'. "You just have to remember that life won't be that easy, nor will trying to conceal you demonic prowess. Besides, the headmaster of Beacon Academy is a... Special man." She tells Ruby, then pulls away from the childs hug before standing at her full height. "I'm sureyouof all people can appeal to his kind heart." She than began to walk toward the door of the room. "I'll also answer your question, yes, Beacon Academy is where all Hunters and Huntress in training go to." She looked up at her mother and slowly stood with Isabel, perplexed when she seemed certain that Ruby could go to Beacon even if he knew, perhaps it was even in her best interests if this special man was aware. Of course, the woman would know best what to do upon meeting him, and Ruby didn't want to make a mistake of doing or not doing something that benefited her cause, "What's he like, the headmaster? Should I tell him what I am?"Ruby would've asked when she could go to Beacon Academy, but she hadn't even began training as a demon, didn't know what was acceptable or expected from a human. Isabel smiled at her daughter curiosity. "So curious, always trying to find more. Such a valuable skill to have." The Demoness seemed to enjoy a good amount of curiosity. She smirked slightly as she turned to look down at Ruby. "Hmm, I think I'll train you in weapon usage. It'll be good for you, then some basic magic before finally working on your demonic skill." A somewhat devilsh laugh came from Isabel, as she teased her 'child'. "He'll eat you alive, ripping you from your skin!" She gave a exaggerated lie to her child before telling her the truth. "Actually, he is quite nice. A gentleman by heart. Now my eight year old girl, you've got ten years ahead of you. Lets train." Ruby's eyes widened at the tease, it sounded like a very painful end and didn't match up with the kind heart Isabel mentioned, so she was relieved when her mother finally stopped teasing her. She nodded in agreement with her mother's proposition, she would train as hard as she could and then go to Beacon Academy to begin a hopefully long and successful life of hunting to protect the innocent humans. Isabel smiled as she headed back to the door, she hummed something to her 'daughter' she turned her head back and said. "Let us go eat something." "Alright, Mom!" Ruby sang back, smiling as she realized she was hungry, she was tired earlier she hadn't noticed. "Now what do you want? Some nice chips, a sandwich, or maybe even a soul?" She teased that last one at her 'child' "Hehe, I don't think that'd feel very good to the soul," Ruby replied, rubbing the back of her neck nervously, "chips and sandwich sounds good, though!" Isabel smiled as they walked out of the halls, there were many pictures placed all over the walls, some were just random art or were just really odd though some did have her Isabel in many different outfits. Soon the two would arrive in the kitchen, heading over to the fridge Isabel opened it and pulled out several types of cheese, meat, and other condiments meant for sandwichs. Ruby gazed at the pictures on the way to the kitchen, smiling as she passed the with her mother. She grabbed the bread from the shelf and brought it to the table, eagerly looked over all the ingredients her mother had pulled out. She wasn't sure which would be her favorites, but there'd be enough time to figure that out between training. Isabel smiled as she laid them out on the counter, she then opened a cabinet to her left. "What bread do you want? Wheat, whole grain? Maybe some soul bread?" She teased her child once more, a tiny little comical soul flew out the cabinet at that moment. Isabel smiled as she just pulled out the wheat and whole grain, and then placed them on the counter. Ruby shook her head and giggled at the soul bread remark, along with the little soul floating out. It actually sounded like a brand of bread when she thought about it, "Heheh, wheat, please, Mom." Isabel giggled at her child, notcing that she found the soul bread brand to be kind of funny. "You really find food funny?" She began to tease her 'child'. "Are you a foodist? Do you discriminate against food?" She began to playfully mess with the small demon girl. "I bet you hate soul bread huh." She placed two slices of whole wheat on the counter, before placing back the bags of bread, she closed the cabinet. "Alright, what do you want on it?" Ruby was giggling nearly out of control at the teasing, shaking her head at first but decided to nod anyways, it seemed funnier that way, "Mm...turkey and...cheddar sounds good." she decided, staring at the different meats and cheeses, eyes scanning the rest of the food, "I guess a tomato. Oh, and mayo!" she added with a bright smile. "You're quite open in your options," Isabel commented to Ruby, smiling as she got all she needed ready. Within minutes she prepared the sandwich for Ruby, quickly it was done by the demoness graceful hands. "I hope you enjoy it," Isabel said to Ruby, placing the complete delicious sandwich on a plate and handing to Ruby. "Now sit down and eat, then we'll begin the fun." She told her 'Child'. Ruby watched as the meal was put together by the older demoness, and eagerly accepted the plate, sitting at the table and biting into the sandwich, smiling as she chewed, she definitely liked the mayo and didn't mind the tomato too terribly much, though found the texture to be a little odd, it's firm meat for holding the wet seeds, the skin outside that. Still, she wanted to be healthy for her mother, so she had just went ahead and volunteered, she knew tomato would find it's way somehow. Isabel smiled as she walked out of the kitchen, she would allow her 'child' to eat in peace. While she was in the living room, she wondered if it was a good idea to remodel. The Demoness did have a child in the house now, so it would be kind of weird if she didn't add something child friendly. She tapped her chin in deep thought, her mind raced with ideas if what was considered child friendly. "Well, I guess she could always use some plushies." Isabel said to herself. "Hmm, I know! I'll give a scythe, that's something kids love these days, weapons and what not." Ruby watched curiously as her mother left the kitchen, wondering why she wasn't also eating, though she figured her mother may have eaten while she was sleeping, so continued with her sandwich while she looked forward to training, wanting to be ready for when the years finally brought her to adulthood, when she would fight as a huntress and be able to find a lover something she was especially looking forward to, since she couldn't even comprehend what that would mean, while fighting was something she understood better, to physically oppose someone or something, the only person she loved was her mom, who kept her safe and clothed and would soon begin teaching her to defend herself and others. Time would pass by for the two, days and weeks went by as Isabel took careful consideration in training Ruby to her fullest potienal. Isabsl would do many things to make sure Ruby would be ready, from endurance training, to combat with scythes, she'd do her best to train her 'child'. Years would pass for the two, as Isabel continued to teach the young demoness. Now eight years later, the two were currently sparing with Ruby seemingly winning. Isabel panted as sweat ran down her forehead, her dress was ripped in several places, her left arm was bleeding, while her right was dug into the ground. stopping her from going back any further. She looked backup at Ruby smiling. "Good job, you drew blood." Isabel congratulated her child, she looked at the sixteen year old girl with a sense of joy. "But you forgot one thing." A Shadow launched forward at the girl quickly going for her feet. Ruby was in the midst of beaming at her mother's congratulations, her praise always made her feel so proud, so happy, but at her mother's warning, she reacted. Before now she might have held out the scythe, bracing for impact, but she often got hurt when she landed against whatever a Shadow knocked her into. This more seasoned Ruby relied on her well honed instincts and leapt to the side, struck the earth with her scythe, making herself spin to face the shadow as she activated her weapon's secondary feature, one she had been meticulously working on for months now. In the span of a few seconds long enough for the Shadow to close in so it was face to face with her Crescent Rose a barrel built around where the body of the scythe was, and with the swiftly pull of the trigger, the Shadow that found itself so unluckily at pointblank range stopped moving, as though frozen, before falling apart, dissipated. Ruby's eyes darted around for more surprises as she pulled her weapon back into scythe mode, panting from that hairpin turn that made her balance uneasy. Isabel had disappeared from her spot, it seemed that the older demoness was making her final move. The older demoness appeared behind Ruby from the shadow s, her hand coated in shadows giving it the appearance if a black claw. She lunged forward and smirked as she knew she had won, though her overconfidence may have been misplaced. Ruby yelped as the claw struck, she judged it too fast to flee from, and so, when she activated her Semblance, she threw her weight forward, holding the claw back with the width of her scythe's body, moving her legs quickly in a desperate attempt to send the older demoness back, just a little distance was all she needed, then she could leap back in the air, adjust her stance, and dart in for the kill, use Crescent Rose's guillotine like blade to clutch and shatter the thick, heavy looking shadow claw, hopefully before her mother could recover from the throw and react to her counter strike. Isabel stumbled backwards from the sudden shift, a growl escaped fron her lips as she tried to regain her balance. It seemed like Ruby would win if she got the hit, and it seemed like she had gotten the older demoness off guard. Yet not everything seemed to appear the way it should, just as Isabel raised her clawed shadowed hand to meet with the sharp blade of crescent rose the demoness did something almost unexpected. She ran her clawed hand across the blade, just as she moved herself forward as shadows chiped, she kept moving forward just until she able to get close to Ruby. She used her bloody arm and hand to grab onto Ruby shoulder, this would seemingly stop the girl in her tracks. Ruby let out a surprised cry as the wounded but strong arm caught her shoulder, preventing her from swinging with her grip and proximity, instead of desperately kicking and flailing, she changed the grip of her hands so that her wrists were crossed, then pulled her free hand back down as swiftly as she could, counting on the strike of her weapon's body coming down on the older demoness' arm to break the hold, stagger her mother, and give her that split second window to grab the claw and catch it in her weapon's guillotine. Isabel shadow claw shattered as did her hand, leaving nothing but a bloody stump as the older demoness fell on her ass. It seemed Ruby had won this one though then again tricks and shadows were Isabel specialty. The Isabel that fell on her ass dissipated, it seemed Isabel still had one trick up her sleeve. It was time for her to pull out her special move. Shadows ruptured from the ground and darted for Ruby position. Ruby gasped as Isabel hit the ground, the bloody stump caught her attention, though when Isabel vanished, she knew something was wrong, but didn't know what until Shadows swarmed her. She swung swiftly, shouting as she turned, clamping Shadows and jumping up as she snapped the Crescent Rose's guillotine into place, firing a shot that propelled her over the shadows as she switched modes again, firing desperately until she landed against a tree, sprang forward and returned Crescent Rose to scythe mode. She wanted to finish this quickly, her Aura was low after her and Isabel's one on one, and she felt uncomfortable with so many Shadows all over the place, never being able to stand in one place for too long, or keeping her focus on just one thing. The shadows all struck at Ruby, either breaking the ground below her or going fir her scythe, while each one broke another sneaked up on the girls position. This shadow contained the real Isabel, and she was poised to strike at Ruby, and quickly she was closing the distance between her and the girl. "Gotcha." She mused to herself as she jumped from her shadow. Her arms were covered in shadow giving her two massive claws as she brought them down on Ruby exposed side. Ruby screamed as she fell, the strike at her side shattered the rest of her Aura and left her defenseless on the ground. She held her side as she panted and looked up at the large shadow. If this was a real battle she'd have use her last resort, a blast from her demon powers, but she wasn't in any danger, and really didn't want to prolong her battle with the older demoness's Shadows."Aaaww, and I thought I really had you that time!" she panted, resting on the ground and rubbing her sore side, her Aura was a little weaker than she thought, so when it broke through, she felt some of the impact. Isabel gave a confident smirked as she watched her child go flying back, she knew she was in no harm... Though a part of her did wonder if she went over board. "Well, you're certainly getting faster, even with your new parts." She mumbled that last comment, but if Ruby heard it she would know what she meant, she walked over to her child sighing as knew Ruby still had a few kinks to work out. "Why didn't you use your demon powers?" She asked her 'child'. "I have seen you use it before, though it does drain you a bit." She offered her hand a devious grin as she teased her 'child'. "Maybe it has to do with this W.S, you keep writing to, or when using that scroll I got you." She teased the teen with a shit eating grin. "I've also found small strands of white hair in your bed and your clothing recently." Well it seened Rubt would die from embarrassment. "Don't tell me you fell in love with that slave girl from a few years back, the one that was about two years older than you if I'm correct." Ruby gasped, her face turning deep red at the mention of parts, she surely wasn't referring to Crescent Rose's upgrades, but her own body's "upgrades," she tried to play off innocently, like she didn't know what she was talking about she was, of course, trying far too hard. Ruby was almost happy that her mom asked another question, she was about to say that she was trying to pass as more human, her mom decided more teasing was in order."W Winter?! I don't know who you're " she bit her lip as she realized she didn't use initials that time, thus likely giving the demoness more ammo, but since she was bringing up the embarrassing details about the white hair, Ruby closed her eyes and resigned to her place in the dirt, hoping she didn't hear her say "W.S.'s" name.She sat up silently and raised a finger that trembled more than a leaf in a hurricane, when her mother mentioned the hair, almost didn't hear her last sentence. She really couldn't answer like this, she was so embarrassed, she just wanted to crack the ground open, fall in, and hide for a while, "U Uumm...I'm hungry, so how about I make us some salmon, I heard about this really good recipe recently!" Ruby, of course, wasn't about to say it was an Atlas specialty, but Isabel probably could've guessed who she learned it from or through teasing cause Ruby's expression to betray her, with wide eyes practically screaming"How did you know, I never said Atlas!!!" Isabel smiled at the embarrassment Ruby was going through, it made her delighfully happy to mess with her 'child' from time to time especially when you could get reactions like the one right now. "What's wrong? Did I say something?" Isabel tried to act a little innocent, though it was mostly to screw with Ruby. "I don't think there was anything wrong with those new parts, especially if you enjoy them. I mean I can smell the aftermath sometimes when I come into your room." That one was a lie, a rather big fat lie to mess with the poor girl, probably. Isabel circles the girl like a predator as she continued to mess the poor demoness. "Winter? Was that her name? I guess the name fits, for someone so sweet, only to be dangerous. You sure know how to pick them, my precious daughter." Isabel smiled as she knew Ruby just wanted to bury herself in the ground. Isabel lips curled further than before, almost looking inhuman which was funny considering her actual race though it didn't help when she lolled her head at an unnatural angle and decided to talk in a creepy voice. "Oh? Atlas and salmon huh? Pray tell who told you this recipe? Would it have been from Winter, does this mean she's from atlas?" "Aftermath?!" Ruby squeaked, wondering if her Mother had actually been talking about Crescent Rose, ifhermind was the filthy one for assuming her mother meant something like that, though she did make it sound like an explosion or something. Just the thought that her mother smelled anything like that made Ruby wonder if she would've preferred to continue combat and get her ass kicked some more, instead she just sat up and shivered as the older demoness circled her, "Hehe, Mom, you know...the world's a big place and everyone's sharing all these recipes..." her voice cracked some at the voice and angle Isabel used, she really would've preferred that she hadn't done that, "O Okay, so she mentioned it...umm, she's not a bad cook..." Isabel smiled wickedly as she 'tortured' her 'child'. "Oh! My! My, my, my my." she said creeply as continued to circle Ruby like a shark. "So she's is your friend, probably even a lover and she's a good cook?" Her voice grew more in her teasing tone, she snapped her back to her original position as she knelt down to the girl. "She's also a good cook right?" Ruby nodded slowly, deciding it was best if she just stayed silent at this point, "U uhh, speaking of, we should really eat now, I'm a growing demoness, after all!" Isabel smiled as Ruby tried to change the subject, she saw another moment to embarrass her 'child'. The Scarlet Haired Demoness choose her next words carefully. "Well, I guess we could.... Though it would be great if you had an idea as ti what we can eat, I mean we got some left over soul food, or maybe we'll get a mistral cuisine, or something from vale." Isabel continued to suggest ideas she soon seized her moment to fully tease her 'child'. "Though of course, it'll only be polite if we invite Winter over, after all it's a shame that your mother doesn't get to meet your girlfriend." Ruby's cheeks soon shone with the brilliance and depth of her namesake, just when she thought she was in the clear. Heck, for all she knew, her mom was suggesting other locations for picking up girls, but outright suggesting meeting Winter? That caught the scythe wielding demon girl off guard, and the deer in headlights gaze she gave her mother clearly reflected that, "Y Yeaaah...invite Winter over..." she wasn't sure if it was an easy thing to get an airship all the way out here, she also didn't know when her mother wanted this dinner to invite Winter over for, or even when the white haired woman would visit her again, though she gave her a text warning through her scroll whenever she could get some free time to spend with Ruby. Isabel smiled as her daughter gaze continued to look... So distant. "Ruby, are you broken now? Don't tell me I've just lost my child in embarrassment? I guess I'll just teleport your corpse to the ocean or something." She sighed in a joking tone, she was enjoying the pure mischief she was causing. A sly smile spread across her face as she heard her daughter saying 'y yeaaah...invite Winter over...'. "Aww, isn't my precious girl so adorable, your acting like its the end of everything. Don't worry your mother won't embarasses you infront of your girlfriend." "Hehe, it's not me I'm worried about, well, not just me, anyway." Ruby replied, grinning nervously. Now that Ruby thought about it, Isabel probably would have a lot of embarrassing questions, though it would at least be better than if she waltzed into Ruby's room when Winter was over, asking her not embarrass Winter would probably just paint a bigger target on the other girl's back, "So, uh, when did you want to meet Winter, Mom?" "Heh, your such a worry wort Ruby, but you've got a good heart for others." Isabel extended a hand to Ruby offering to help her up before continuing on. "Besides, you know for a fact I can't miss seeing my daughter grow up." Once Ruby was up Isabel began to use magic to repair their clothing. "Now, when I want to meet this girl, well tonight or tomorrow is very preferable, but if not maybe this upcoming weekend." She said to her 'child'. "I'll make sure to have transportation arranged, simple teleportation is a great way to get around you know." She smiled as the magic continued to repair their clothing. Ruby relaxed a bit as her mother started mending their clothes and seemed to be satisfied with that tease, somehow, she still managed to make her blush a little by praising her kind hearted nature. She watched as the tears and rips in the clothes slowly patched back up, as her mother told her when she'd like to meet Winter, "So, Atlus?" she pulled her scroll out and prepared to start texting W.S., but suddenly had a thought and waited for the clothes to be repaired before she leaned against her mother, one hand out to aim her scroll's camera, while the other one was over her mother's head, making little bunny ears, "Say 'Cookies!!'" Isabel smiled as she got a few more kicks from Rubys' blush, she took way to much enjoyment in such a simple act she was a truly evil being. "Well my sweet girl, we have much work to do, I'll just teleport us over to Atlas, grab your girlfriend and come back in a jiff." Isabel flicked her wrist as she prepared for the teleportation spell, only to gasp in surprise as Ruby leaned against her she stopped the spell as her 'daughter' told her to say cheese. "Cheese." Isabel said with a smile. "I'll just let her that we're coming so she's not too surprised by our visit, or if you try to do that head tilt thing." Ruby said as her thumbs danced over the touch screen of the scroll, the picture she took attached to the message. "No, I think it's best if we head out." Isabel says as she placed a firn hand on Ruby shoulder. "Eh, okay." Ruby gave a small shrug and put her scroll back, waited for the teleportation. Isabel smiled as she raised her hand and prepared the spell once more, suddenly the spell began to activate and the two were transported in a flash. Somewhere in the snowy wilderness of Atlas, the two appeared in snow covered plain. "Feel that Ruby? That cool wind?" Isabel asked her 'child' as she stretched a bit and raised her arms to the flowing cold wind, she was obviously not bothered by the freezing air at all. Ruby nodded as she clung to her mother, letting out a whimper as she shivered, hugged herself with shaky arms as she looked around, in utter disbelief at the stark white plains, "Winter lives here?!""Cool" didn't begin to define this place, besides that, it was rather dark, while it was just the afternoon a second ago, leaving Ruby very disoriented, especially since she wasn't to teleporting. "I dunno, you told me she came from Atlas, not where she lived in Atlas, hell I'm curious as to how she was getting to our little house in nowhere." She looked around the surrounding whiteness, which helped to reflect the moons light, giving them the ability to see everythung around them brightly. "Now, shall we head on to civilization? Where it maybe.." Isabel tried to sound funny but knew that Ruby was probably freezing ti hell and back now. "Aww, your cold aren't you? Do you wanna just head back? Try this again another time?" She asked her 'child' sweetly.. Ruby wanted to say how she never told her mom anything, or that Winter probably just got an airship, but her mother probably knew both those things, Ruby never denied anything and wouldn't stay here if she knew Winter lived elsewhere, she wanted to trudge on, "N n n n n nooooo oh..." she insisted, knees tapping together vigorously, "I really wanna see her i in h h her nat t tual habitititata..." she almost laughed at how she sounded, stuttering from the chill, and started tugging at her mother's hand like a small child trying to bring her mother to the cookies she wanted her to buy. Isabel sighed as she pulled her child close, hugging her so she could warm up. Another sigh escaped her lips as she waited for her 'daughter' to be comprehensible. "Ruby, why don't you describe to me what Winter feels like? Her aura, her soul, etc." Isabel asked her child. Ruby closed her eyes as she tried to figure out how she'd describe her, enjoying the warmth from the hug, "Oooh, she's got a nice feeling, I wish feelings were like photographs. Um, kinda stony, but soft stone...or a hard pillow? Mm...maybe you could look for multiple souls?" Isabel sighed as she took what she could and focused on those details. The teleportation began to activate once more as the two disappeared in a flash. Ruby was surprised as they appeared in the city, she glanced around as she suddenly sensed Winter's presence, she turned around and found herself face to face with what could only be described as a palace, home of the Schnee family, though Ruby may not have known that or the weight that the Schnee name carried, depending on whether or not her mother brought them up in the past. Isabel chuckled as she looked at the palace of a house, she then looked at her child and chuckled more. "Well, my dear little girl, it seems your girlfriend is a very rich one, good thing we can easily erase all their memories and you know... Not embarrass ourselves in such a great presence." Isabel seemed rather uneased that the Schnee family were who Winter belonged to. Ruby hummed softly as she stared at the impressive structure that seemed a part of the ice itself, "Oh, I'm sure they'll be laid back if we get into an embarrassing situation..." she noticed her mother seemed hesitant, but wasn't sure if it was because she was secretly easily flustered, or if it was the kinda situation where one was supposed to dress casual and showed up in formal. Isabel sighed as she took a few steps behind Ruby, before placing her hands on the girl back pushing her a bit forward. "So, why don't you go get her? I'm sure her family would love to meet her 'friend'." Isabel said friend very strongly, possibly hinting that she knew who this household belonged to. "Now, while you do that, I'm going to go hide now, bye!" Isabel said as she gave Ruby a little shove as Isabel seemingly disappeared from sight. Ruby let out a scoff chuckle and shook her head. Her mother, Isabel, great and mighty demoness, fleeing the meeting of a girl and her girlfriend's parents, she almost couldn't believe she bailed on her, except that it just happened. With a shrug she continued, knocking on the front door as she reached it, though she was hesitant with her steps there. She didn't notice, but she had grown used to the cold, or at least, it wasn't about to freeze her in her steps. Winter was suprised when she heard a knock at the giant doors, the eighteen year old girl hadn't thought anyone would've been knocking at a time like this, or had gotten pass the gates, especially since she was the only family member at the household, well there was the staff around but it was different. Winter sighed as she approached the doorn in her white panties and bra, she didn't care what people thought of her, and if it destroyed her fathers reputation, it was all the better. "Yes ." She stopped talking as she opened the door. "Y y y yes..." Ruby parroted, eyes wide as her she laid them on Winter's figure, blushing bright red despite not looking away. She was shaking, but not from the cold, speaking of which, "Um, I mean...hi? Winter...what are you doing in that? You'll freeze, not to mention how embarrassing that must be, with your family and everything...and then me...and..." Winter took a deep breath moving her hand in a upward motion before letting a deep breath out and doing the reverse of it. She was trying to get the poor girl to calm down , as she knew hoa Ruby could get. "Ruby, calm down, I'll be fine, trust me on this.... Now, care to explain how you got on to my family property?" Winter seemed remain clam and didn't seem to shake or shiver. "Also, don't worry my family is out right now" Ruby nodded slowly and started breathing, Winter was fine, she probably even dressed like that most days, but then she wondered briefly if her girlfriend was less comfortable in warmer climes. She was bring that up, but then came the question, "Oh, uh...I...I teleported...over here, to see you..." she sighed, there was no way Winter would have bought anything else, with no vaulting pole or airship, there was no other explanation, she decided she would explain the detail about her mother doing the teleporting and then bailing,afterWinter had enough time to digest the information. The way she assured her her family was out was some comfort, as though she suspected something and would keep it a secret, which made it less difficult to come clean. Winter sighed as she facepalmed, she hadn't expected such a believable tale from her... Girlfriend. "Well, come on in, you can help me pick put a dress, or something." Winter motioned for Ruby to come in, she looked around at the front yard of her family's house, she rose an eyebrow as she asked where Isabel was. Ruby beamed at the invitation to help Winter pick out a dress, and took a deep breath as she enjoyed the warmer air, the lack of an icy wind was a good bonus, "Um...she was the one who teleported us...but then she bailed on me." Winter sighed as she could feel a migraine coming on, she was going to find this Isabel person to be very interesting. "So, my dear, I just want to know, does she know about us?" Winter closed the door to her house, she looked back to her lover and motioned for her to follow her through the empty halls which were lined with many statues, mostly with knights, and the other knightly things. "So, I'm assuming this will be a nice dinner right? Nothing crazy or anything? No me being slave for a few years or so?" She asked curious as to how everything would go down, she did make it clear in her voice the last question was a joke. Ruby giggled softly at Winter's tease and wrapped her arms around one of the older girl's, though she was quickly reminded of her state of undress, cheeks flushed red as roses as she brought her hands back to her own sides, " you won't be a slave, but...maybe it'll still be crazy? Mom's got a great love of teasing me, I'm sure she'd like to tease you, too. We actually did come here because I had mentioned you were a good cook, and, well, here we are. I don't think she wants to introduce herself to your family, though..." Winter blushed as her girlfriend wrapped an arn around her shoulder, it felt pleasant feeling it in her family household. "Thanks, and... Wow... Only came to be for food, I Should've known." She turned on the ball of her foot to look back at Ruby a slight smirk. "Well, at least I know my worth, you just love my cooking! You foal fiend!" She would playfully mess with Ruby now. She leaned forward and poked Ruby chest. "You just want to use me, and my body, you horrible fiend." She stepped back dramatically as she put a hand to her temple in a dramatic way, she'd stop a moment later to answer the rest of Rubys explanations. "Well, I don't blame her, I mean my sister and brother are decent, but my father is a selfish manipulative bastard, and mother loves to get drunk in the garden. I doubt Isabel likes drunks and bastards." Winter was partially right, Isabel hated selfish manipulative bastards though she didn't know of Isabel fondness of Alcohol, or how she had gotten banned from several supernatural pubs. Ruby giggled softly at the playful accusations, though she squeaked as her chest was suddenly poked by the half naked eighteen year old, she glanced around, sure that someone would walk by at any moment. She hummed softly as she raised a finger to explain Isabel a bit, "You're right about her hating selfish, manipulative ba " Ruby was unused to such language, being generally soft spoken, so the foreignness of it caused "bastard" to catch in her throat, not even halfway out, "what your your dad is. I think, mom would love your mom, they'd be friends...hehe, might even steal her away from him, if he's not careful! I got all my charm from mom, after all! That explains how I got your eye..." Ruby was trying to be romantic, even half closing her eyes in an affectionate gaze, but then she grew self conscious about staring at her lover in public, wearing what little she did, "Actually, I'm not sure if your mom would appreciate being teased and embarrassed so much, they might get into drunken fights are, how are your siblings doing, by the way?" Winter smirked as she got a good reaction out of her girlfriend, even a giggle as she tried to say 'bastard'. "Poor thing, your so sheltered." Winter smiled as she laughed at the thought of her mother abandoning the bastard of a man. "Well, its not like my father married into the family or anything... So it be a huge loss if suddenly the descendant of an actual Schnee, let own the wife took all entitlements and left for someone better, that man would be broke within a month." Another chuckle escaped her lips as she imagined a drunken brawl between their parents. "It would be a interesting fight. Two equally druken women brawling." A smile greatly cracked on her face as commented on Ruby romantic look. "Well, I see your charms aren't superficial, but don't think it's what caused me to fall for you." She said as she began to walk bacj to her room. "As for my little siblings, well, Weiss is training to become a huntress, sadly she won't go becoming a specialist like me, but will be attending beacon, as for Whitley.... Eh." Ruby blushed as Winter remarked on the difficulty she had in swearing, teasing her for it, though she couldn't help but smile when her lover laughed, giggling as she spoke of her father's situation, though her mother's situation was quite sad, maybe she should tease Isabel, nudge her in that direction? She imagined Winter would like to see her father abandoned and her mother in a happy relationship she couldn't imagine anyone would be happy with someone like Winter's father. Ruby frowned slightly as she wondered if the demoness of a woman would hold back for Winter's mom, "Actually, might be better if Mom stays sober...she did teach me to fight, after all, I'd hate for her to get carried away."Ruby hummed shyly as she heard her lover's assessment, and decided she pretty much failed at being suave, but she beamed with joy when she was told that Winter fell for her at all. "Your sister's going to Beacon, too?!" Ruby shouted, suddenly excited that someone related to someone she knew would be attending the same huntress school, though she was suddenly confused when she recalled that all four kingdoms of Remnant had their own schools, "Wait...she's going to go to Beacon?" Winter couldn't help but giggle at the idea of her father being abandoned, the bastard deserved everything coming to him. Winter blinked as she heard Ruby say it might not be a good idea, this caused the schnee girl to raise an eyebrow, what wouldn't have made such a relationshop work? "Ruby, I I just don't get you sometimes, also why does it sound like your surprised that Weiss is going to beacon?" She sighed as she stopped walking, they had arrived at Winters room. "Here we are, now head on in." Winter says as she opened the door. Ruby noticed the eyebrow and just rubbed the back of her head awkwardly, "Mom was banned from some bars in the past, she's a little too much of a powerhouse to be getting into drunken fights, even if it's just brawling, I'd be worried about how hard she'd hit." Of course, she didn't know if Winter's mom was a fighter herself, and it was possible they'd just stumble around the garden aimlessly together until they finally pass out, then explained her surprise about Weiss, "I just thought she'd be learning to be a huntress here...Beacon's pretty far from here and this is her home..." Ruby explained, accepting the invitation as she stepped into Winter's bedroom. Before now she hadn't even thought that not everyone would attend their kingdom's hunting school. "Well, it's not like I expected anything else, I doubt my mother would get in a fight though... How drunk was your mother when she got into brawls?" Asked Winter, as she looked around her fancy room. "Can't wait till I'm out of here, working as a specialist will be better than living here." She said that more quietly as she headed over to her closet, she began to search through it and see what she could find, did she want to wear a dress? No... Did she really wanna wear anything formal? No... Winter sighed as she pulled out a turquoise blue tank top before heading over to her dresser and pulling out a pair of jeans. "So Ruby." Winter slipped on her tank top as she looked back at her gf. "You sound surprised, did you not know that people could apply to other academy's kingdom?" Winter looked over her shirt and made sure there was no wrinkles. "Umm, I dunno, I never thought to ask how many bottles it took until she started breaking things...heh, she'll probably indulge you with stories of her drinking days, if you ask." Ruby suggested, betting her mother would actually share some of the barest details, at least. She sighed softly as she wondered what it meant to be a specialist, what they did, if Winter would still have time for any case, she was happy the Schnee girl could be away from her home, that much she was sure of.Ruby watched as Winter searched, managing not to stare at the more obvious places, instead fixing her eyes on her arms, occasionally glancing down at her legs, Winter had to be the most graceful person in the world, as much as her mother was the most clever. She stared down at her fingers when Winter grabbed her jeans, and glanced up only after she heard the rustle of both legs slipping through the legs, "No, I didn't know that was a thing...honestly, I think I'd apply to Atlus' school so I could see you more often, but depending on what a specialist sounds really important, 'travel all over the world' important. Heh, you look great, Winter." She approached her girlfriend and slowly leaned forward to gently kiss her cheek. "First off, it's Atlas, not Atlus, second off, I'm technically working for the military, and third... My sister wants to be more free." Winter explained before she noticed Ruby staring at her body, a smirk grew on her face. She was going to have fun teasing her gf. "Oh you fiend! Your eyeing up my body, you're going to ravage me!" She cried out in a dramatic tone. She placed a hand to forehead once more, it seemed Winter took pride in messing with her gf. A minute would pass as Winter began to giggle and laugh once more, she looked at Ruby with a happy smile. "Mm, I can understand her wanting to get away from your dad..." As Winter teased her, Ruby sighed softly and shook her head, her mother and Winter both seemed to like teasing her, it was like she was a magnet for it. She suddenly thought of a way to tease her lover back, she seemed about due for it, "Hehe, I won't ravage you, Winter...unless youwantme to." Honestly, she thought she did pretty good for that, it wasn't often that she tried to counter tease, especially since it often wound up being something that rather embarrassed her, but she was a bit more comfortable about it around Winter, she was less devious than Isabel when it came to teasing. Winter smirked as she saw that Ruby was trying a counter tease, and it wasn't working on the Schnee girl. "Oh! So you're looking for love? I can't believe a demoness like you, is a complete and utter sissy girl I guess you must be some type of slut demoness, huh?" It seemed Ruby would be getting another counter tease. Ruby thought for a moment about how to continue the exchange, though her face was beat red as Winter finished her turn, and grinned when she thought of what she'd say, "Oh, talking to a demoness like that, it's almost like youwantme to show you how wrong you are, Winter Schnee." Ruby stepped around behind her girlfriend, laying her hand briefly on the back of her shoulder as she circled around her. Years of being teased rushed back to her, but now she felt like using those times as lessons, she had to admit, she was rather enjoying herself. Winter giggled as a light brush grew on her face, she could feel her loins stir as she felt Ruby lay a hand on her shoulder. "My, it seems you're starting to show balls. Why don't you try and take me? Or are you scared?" Winter grabbed Ruby hand as she was in circled by her girlfriend, she smiled as she pulled her closer to her body, causing their chests to press against each other. "My, why don't you and try to ravage me now? Since you're so close." Winter leaned in and kissed Ruby on the cheek. "C'mon I'm waiting for it, give me it, give me your love, give me your blood." Her voice grew huskier as she whispered into her ear. One could wonder if Isabel had been watching the two from the big window. Ruby giggled softly as their chests pressed together, this had gone from teasing to flirting fast, and more than just her interests were aroused at this point, "I'm not afraid of you...that's something else that's making me breath...harder." Ruby panted softly, purring the last part as she laid her hands on Winter's shoulders."I want just try, either...of course, now I'm gonna have to take off all these clothes you just put on." she added, pretending to be annoyed, but she shivered delightedly as Winter's breath fell on her ear, making the urges that much more intense. The demoness gently but insistently pressed the older girl down to make her sit on the bed, moved in to kiss Winter's cheek, speaking as she made her way to the older girl's lips, her hands moving from her shoulders to her back, "You're in luck...I think I will...just as soon as I take off all those clothes of yours..."Even if Isabel was watching, Ruby's attention was undivided, she had forgotten where she was, that her mother left her with Winter perhaps she knew Winter was so undressed and just wanted to avoid an uncomfortable experience third wheeling. Winter smirked as Ruby tried to play a sexy, seductive, Demoness who had a little something more. "Well, why don't you show me what is aroused?" Winter asked her Girlfriend, wondering if she was willing to go through with such a deed. "I understand if you can't, wuss demoness." She teased her lover, moaning as she felt her clothing being taken off and discarded as she felt Ruby taking great enjoyment in such a action. "Mmm, please ravage me, give me everything you got." She moaned kissing her girlfriend on the lips soon after before slipping her tongue into Ruby mouth, she would attempt to dominate her. "Mmmm !" She let out a muffled moan as she explored every inch of Ruby mouth, she was taking great enjoyment as of now. One could wonder if Isabel was watching this from somewhere, or had known that this would happen. Ruby eagerly pulled Winter's tank top up, her nails lightly dragging along the white haired girl's sides as the shirt went higher, feel emboldened by Winter's inviting tease, "Oh, I could show you that, but I'd need the whole mirror so you could look at yourself." Ruby leaned over Winter and moved her hair to the side after dropping the shirt, so she could see what she was doing when it was time to remove the bra. She bit her lips softly as Winter asked her to ravage her, and leaned into the white haired girl as she unbuttoned and unzipped her pants, pulling the and the underwear off. She squeaked in surprise as she felt the tongue against her own, inside her mouth, but quickly fought back, she wanted to take Winter's mouth with her tongue, and as soon as her hands were free, she moved them up to Winter's breasts, rolling her thumbs along her nipples squeezing her breasts, purring throatily as she fondled them, then moved her hands down along Winter's body, feeling her sides, stomach, hips, enjoying the way the human's skin felt, feeling along lower until her fingers laid across Winter's lower lips, brushing along the burning flesh, enjoying the way it felt, touching Winter so intimately.In the garden, one woman less drunk than usual, but still tipsy, checked her timepiece. It was hard to focus, but she was sure it was late, and so she went to find Isabel, knowing just where to look, the corner of the yard where Winter's room was, "Hheeeellloo, Bell ooo?" she sang out softly, though at this point, the last thing on Winter's mind should be her drunken mother's singing according to the mighty demoness. Not that she told anyone she was talking with demons but they'd probably just think she was hammered well, she was, but the demon part would totally be true. Winter moaned eagerly as Ruby took apart her clothing, a delightful grin crossed her face as her girlfriends' nails ran along her body before pulling up her shirt and teasing her. She enjoyed the kiss but began to squeal muffledly as Ruby began pushing back, forcing her tongue back into her mouth and allowing her Girlfriend explore and dominate her mouth, Winter squirmed as she felt her pants being unbuttoned and unzipped before they were pulled down with a large amount of force, along with her panties, a throaty squeal would escape as Ruby would run her thumbs along her nipples before squeezing her ample bust. A muffled moan escaped as she felt her slit being rubbed by Ruby fingers, this was truly heavenly feeling for her. Winter wondered if Ruby had the guts to take her fully, or if she was going to puss out like a few times before. Winter lazily lifted her arms around Ruby shoulders, allowing herself to be more thoroughly connected to her lover.Isabel chuckled as she Winter mother in the garden, a sly smile cracked on her face as she thought of a way to scare the woman. "Hehehe, this is going to be fun ." Isabel slumped back into some nearby shadows. "Stay..." Ruby breathed, giving her girlfriend's cheek a lick as she pressed her hands firmly against Winter's shoulders. She standing and swiftly undressed herself, pulled off her shirt, reached around to unclasp her bra, kicked off her shoes, and dropped her pants and underwear. She felt a bit nervous, but she still wanted this, and was certain Winter was unimpressed by her lack of performance the last few times she tried. She told herself this time would be different.Ruby hopped into bed and drew Winter close, her eyes flicking down to the place she had only been in her dreams very vivid dreams that left her wanting a new pair of undergarments in the morning. Instead of touching her again with her hand, she brushed the head of her throbbing member against the warm folds, hands holding the older girl's thighs, her body shivering all over as she took a breath, "I'm taking you this time, Winter." she promised, not wanting Winter to be too surprised when she pressed against slick slit that she had yet to penetrate."Well, daaaaamn..." the woman slurred, shaking her head, "seems I've been stood up. Bet their just painting their nails and that's why Isabel is too ashamed to show her ah!" Winter's mother could hardly believe her eyes, the window to Winter's bedroom was not only open, but the bed was occupied by the couple she expected, but they being a couple in the last way she would have expected, she honestly couldn't have imagined this, and quickly forgot Isabel, " Ruby doin' topin'? And hanging from that...?" the woman honestly couldn't believe what she was bearing witness too, in all honesty and despite being Winter's mother she would've expected Winter to be the one packing heat, not such an innocent girl as Ruby. She took a heavy swig from her bottle to deal with the surprise, glancing around to make sure there were no nearby gardeners leering though it was obvious to anyone else that after a certain time, the gardeners left the place to the drunken woman, and so Winter had no need for dealing with curtains, she basically had a guard dog free roaming the yard. Winter watched as Ruby pulled away, a sly smile crossing her face. "Well, at least you are trying your best." Winter tried to tease as she watched Ruby slipping out of her clothing, the demoness form was pleasing to the Schnee girls eyes. "My, such a supple and soft form you possess, how will such a weak thing such as yourself take me?" She played her part perfectly as she looked down at the demoness crotch.A fake gasped escaped from Winters' lips. "Are you a boy? Or are you a girl? Because with something likeThat, I have almost assured that your something of a heshe." She teased the girl slightly as she watched Ruby draw herself back into the fray, their bodies pressing once more. A moan escaped from Winter's lips as she felt the tip of the throbbing member press against her maidenhood if Ruby entered then... Then there would be no going back. "Do it you vile creature, take my innocence," Winter said in a dramatic voice, as she let another moan escape as Ruby cock was slowly pushing into her slit, the folds pushing apart with the tip. "Ahh! " It was definitely going to happen this time, not like all the other times where Ruby had passed on it, and just decided to talk.Isabel smiled as she spotted the Schnee mother in her spot, a grin growing on her face as she planned something quite funny, with a flick of her shadowy wrist a spell was sent to the woman one that would sober her up a bit, or make her pass out, or make her breasts grow... Isabel couldn't remember correctly Ruby smirked at her girlfriend's tease, "Why, by putting this in you, of course, it's harder than it looks, hehe, just cuz I'm cute doesn't mean I'm weak." she replied, though she would confess, she felt nervous under Winter's gaze, though she felt more determined than ever that they wouldn't be talking wouldn't be able to until after she had made love to Winter.When teasingly asked what she was, Ruby grinned, "Mm, I'm a demon girl w, Winter, give meyourblood." Ruby held the back of Winter's thigh as she poised to take Winter, and while she was anxious about if she could make her feel good or not, she decided she could bring her hands into the equation if she didn't succeed the first time around, so it wasn't like the end of the world, Winter didn't leave her before just because she didn't even try. Indeed, this was what Ruby wanted, to enter her lover, and with Winter's dramatic insistence, she did, "I will..." she vowed as she pressed into the wet folds, moaning softly as the head was engulfed in warmth. The demoness bit her lip softly as she feltit, her girlfriend's hymen. She let out a throaty whine as she wrapped an arm around Winter and pushed forward, trying not to be too forceful, just enough to get deeper inside her lover's slick pussy.The spell did indeed sober the human up, and no hangover either, as clarity returned to her. Her skin gave off a faint glow as well, it had seemed as though Isabel accidentally added a small variant to the spell, the worst that could happen was people would give her strange looks. In her right state of mind, she clasped her hand over her eyes, she barely muffled the gasp that came as she witnessed Ruby taking her daughter's virginity. As far as she remembered, she hadn't known that Ruby had extra, though she slowly recalled bits and pieces from a few moments prior. "But shall It be enough?" Winter moaned as she felt the cock push a bit further into her cavern, Winter was quick to notice the subtle nervousness of Ruby, and as such she would try and help her confidence. "Ah! You fiend! Not my virginity!" She exclaimed fakely as she lifted her left leg up as her back left thigh was held, she placed it on Ruby shoulder and allowed easier access to her maiden hood, a hiss would escape her lips as she bit back the feeling of her hymen being pushed on by Ruby cock, Winter began to pant and groan in pain as she felt her lover keep an arm wrapped around her. She bit her lip as she fought back the urge to scream or cry, she was going to let this happen and not scare Ruby."Hehehe, horrified yet Willow?" Isabel asked a she appeared behind Willows seat, her form rising from the shadows as it condensed back into her nice bod. "Hope you won't be needing any mind bleach from now on." Ruby chuckled softly as she leaned in to peck Winter's lips, brushing gently against them as her lover bit her lip, her left hand cupping her cheek as she pressed a bit harder, shaking as she worried about pushing in too hard, she didn't want to drag this out any longer either, Winter already seemed to be hurting. She gasped softly as she felt something in Winter give, slipping in a bit deeper at the sudden break, a soft moan rising as more of her cock entered her girlfriend's tunnel, "Mm, was that too hard...Winter...?" Ruby inquired softly, wincing as she caressed the older girl's cheek, she was sure that she could've done something to make that go better, though she couldn't figure out what, even though she had more than enough time to figure it out, "I'll just leave that there for now..."Willow jumped and turned, blushing deeply as she noticed Isabel there, "Isabel...I I didn't see you there. Looks like you were right...but I didn't expect...Ruby to...have that." she blushed furiously at what she referred to as her eyes scanned from Isabel's body. She couldn't help it, the shadows retreating to her back made it hardnotto notice the demoness who was slowly revealed and stood out from the darkness. She didn't necessarilywantto be drawn to the demon, but it wasn't like she was terrible, nothing like her husband, it had been a long time since she felt what she thought was love, but witnessing what the two girls inside had made her somewhat jealous, "I think my mind will be fine." She didn't even stop to think what she was saying, just blurted it out, took a step forward. Even when she played vicious pranks, Isabel at least made Willow smile, and with everything feeling like it was falling apart her daughters slowly coming to distance themselves, her son being aloof, perhaps being specially groomed by the asshole running things to follow in his footsteps she needed to smile, alcohol seemed to work at least half the time, though she couldn't remember all the details, just that she temporarily escaped from it all. Winter moaned as she felt Ruby keep her member steady, a pained groan escaped her lips as she waited for Ruby to start moving. "Ruby... I love you." She groaned as she felt blood trickle from her broken hymen on to Ruby member, Winter groaned as she waited for the pain to leave.Isabel smirked as she decided to tease Willow. "Well, it's simply fate that this is happening, after all Ruby was such a brilliant girl. It's to be expected of her her tampering of her own body." She continued as she leaned forward and rested her head on Willows. "You know, I never expected that Winter of all people would turn out the way she did, really I thought she'd be broken by the slavers, it's only natural." She paused before saying. "I'm not trying to be a dick." "I love you too, Winter, Sweetheart..." Ruby murmured softly, lovingly kissing her cheek and caressing her back. She closed her eyes and waited for Winter to tell her whether or not to move again as the warm trickle of red trailed down her erection, "If being empty would help, just tell me and I'll get out, alright, Winter?"Willow watched intently as Isabel spoke of fate, she was sure that wasn't true. Sure, she was with Winter, Winter accepted the modifications that Ruby apparently made to herself, and now here they was just Isabel's snooping that caused Willow to walk in on this. She took a deep breath as the demoness' forehead rested on hers, she was sure Isabel wasn't serious with what she was doing...and then she spoke. Willow had been sober enough without the slavers coming back to mind. She put her hands on Isabel's shoulders as her eyes teared up, a hot rush of rage coming back as she recalled the kidnapping, no even the burn of alcohol would make her forget, "She's a strong girl...I don't think she got it from me, I can't stand up to her father, far as I can tell, he's human. She held on, and...thanks to you, she didn't need to hold on for very long. I just can't think what would've happened if you weren't there!" Willow held onto Isabel tightly as she took a deep, shuddering breath, tears breaking freely even though she tried to hold them back, "It's so weird, trusting a demon more than my own...spouse, but I would've let you keep them safe..." Winter blushed as she felt the kiss on her cheek, it felt very good, loving even... Well, it was loving and it was always to be like that. "No, just keep going, please... Just do this, please, please, finally do it." She whimpered slightly as she locked eyes with Ruby silver ones, she hoped that Ruby would be able to turn this pain into pleasure.Isabel giggled as she heard all of Willows' reactions, giggles continuously as she began to think of ways to fuck around with Willow. "Well, I mean strong is a very broad term, I mean give another year or month the slavers would have broken her. She probably would've been sold off to Yuki Onna at some point." That was a rather bleak look at what would've possibly happened. She hoped that didn't really piss of Willow, Isabel sighed as she thought of something else to say. "Well, also you were on a train and the demon attacking it was pretty strong, as the rumors have said... Think it was Black Dragon right? A demon with draconic traits." Isabel raised an eyebrow at Willow next comment. "Well, really wasn't me... More of Ruby efforts, she found the slaver set up in that hidden city." Isabel chuckled at Willow next comment. "Well, i'm a very good friend to have." "I If that's what you want, Winter." Ruby sighed softly as she held her love's gaze, uncertain about doing so, but nodded, delved deeper into Winter's warmth, gasping softly at the tightness around her cock. It was amazing, but right now it was only her feeling that way, she hoped that would change really soon, to that end, she slid her hands down to caress her breasts, giving light squeezes as she explored, working her way to the top, hoping the process of getting there would take Winter's mind of the pain.Willow sighed softly as she regarded Isabel's observation, it was probably true, it would've taken an unbelievable amount of fire Dust to get her back, as they would have to get through the frost demoness's fortress hopefully without any encounters with Yuki Onna. Just the thought riled her up, the anger swelling in her dripping from her lips as she spoke, but it wasn't directed towards Isabel, "I never thought I'd see one of those damn monsters up close..." Willow was somewhat surprised to hear that Ruby was already so strong, even if she was a demon, that she was able to find Winter and bring her home, "I...I thought she wasn't done training yet?" She smirked as Isabel said she was a good friend to have, "You know it...I suppose I'm not quite as helpful as you've been to me, but...I hope you consider me a really close friend." Isabel noticed the subtle shift in Willow body language and overall feel, it caused her grimace as she knew Willow would've fought the Yuki Onna had they bought Winter, sometimes Isabel wished she couldn't easily read a person. Isabel bit her lip as she felt the anger swell in Willow and what she said next. "When you say monsters, do you mean Black Dragon? Or the Yuki Onna? Or even tbe slavers themselves?" She asked as she tried to sooth Willow building rage. "Well, I did help slightly, I kept many reinforcements from showing up, so there is that." The Demoness slightly chuckled at Willow sudden surprise. "Well, that is pretty true. Ruby is kind of just a wildcard, even I have been surprised by her growth. I also think lady luck was on her side that day, but it's over and done with." Isabel pulled away from Willow forehead and stood up straight, her bones popped and cracked. "Well, I'm ninety nine percent sure that you are more than that, but I'll leave what that means, up to you."Winter nodded once more confirmation, giving her love the ok to do it. A moan escaped from her lips as Ruby delved deeper into her maidenless cavern. A gasp Escaped Winters' lips as she felt her breasts being softly squeezed by Ruby delicate hands. "Ahh!" She cried in pleasure as she began to squirm on her lovers memeber. "Mmmm." Winter bit her lip as she didn't want to moan very loud, as it might have attracted unwanted attention. "Ruby, I love you, you've done so much, I can't thank you enough, make me yours..." She began to grow tearer eyed as she locked eyes once more. "All of them...they're all monsters..." Just knowing the Yuki Onna still lived was bad enough, but the slavers, Black Dragon, and Yuki Onna were all the same to her, one big monster working in tandem with the rest of it's parts, "Slightly? That's...wrong, you kept the enemy from strengthening itself, I wonder how much energy it took to do that?" Willow hummed softly, it did seem like Ruby was full of surprises, and hearing more than just knowing that it was over and they were safe once more was a great comfort to her. She sighed softly as Isabel pulled away, and told her that she was more than a friend. She felt a spark of something, hope more than likely, that the Demoness would accept her affections. Her hand went up from one shoulder to feel her friend's cheek, staring into her eyes, "You're more than that to me,'re more than I've had before. I I want to be with you, lovers."Ruby felt very relieved when she heard the older girl's sounds, moaning softly as she drank them in. The way the white haired beauty squirmed on the young demoness' cock felt so good, the way she looked when she did it was so sexy, Ruby found herself squeezing Winter's breasts a bit more than she intended. Her heart fluttered at Winter's words, and she leaned down to gently kiss her lips, "I love you, too, Winter...and I want to do even more for you." She smiled playfully as she licked at her lovers soft lips, "Aren't you already mine, sweet human? Your love is all I need from you. Here, you should be quieter like this..." She pressed her tongue against Winter's lips again, this time intending to fill her mouth, soft moans rising from her throat. "Is that racism I hear? Don't tell me your starting to group everybody together, it's a shame when people do that." Isabel frowned slightly as she continued. "Well, I mean, not every Yuki Onna is the same, some are good and bad, most of the supernatural is like that. Small factions and groups trying to co exist, the worst is us demons." Flashes of violent battles flashed through Isabel mind,demons slaughtering each other as mountains of corpses pilled up. "Then again, we only became like this due to our first outing to this world, either way... We demons are capable of wars, but also able to stand up and empathise with humans."Several demons in torn battle armor and rags cried in a primal rage as they charged at villagers, innocents humans before being stopped by demons dressed in advance armor all bearing a symbol, as these demons come to protect the humans."We can also unite and fight a common enemy."The same group from before as unknown threats shrouded in shadows come into view, the demons set aside their squabble and prepare to fight together.Isabel chuckled slightly as she focused back on to what Willow was saying. "Heh, sorry about that, I went on tangent didn't I?" Isabel couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed, though she didn't show a blush. "I'm just going to be honest with you, I don't really think stopping reinforcements as being helpful, but I digress." Isabel blushed as she felt Willow reach to touch her cheek, the womans soft hand brushing against her skin. Isabel placed her own right hand against Willows, a smile lined Isabel face. "Thank you Willow, but I'm not sure it would be a great idea, your married, and human. While I'm a demon, age has no grasp on me. Yet it still has a grasp on you."Winter bit her lip as more cute moans escaped her lips, her breasts were a very sensitive spot for her, and it was going to here. "Ruby Ahhh! Your too good!" She cried out unable to contain her voice anymore. Winter eyes went wide as she felt Ruby give a bit more umph to her thrusts, all the while the black red haired girl kissed her on tbe lips while forcing her tongue in. Winter let out a throaty moan as her tongue was dominated by Rubys. "N No! I idn't mean it like that, I just meant...that Yuki Onna was as bad as the slavers she bought from...I am still afraid of Yuki Onna, though, such immense power is hard to trust." Willow smiled warmly at Isabel as she apologized, and chuckled softly, "It's alright, I know it's probably been hard for you, you've seen a lot, haven't you?" She frowned as Isabel stated her reasons being together might have been a bad idea, "Yes, both those things are true...I wish it was otherwise...I feel like I'm no one to him anymore."Ruby smiled at the praise, and giggled softly, "You feel really good to me, too, Winter." She knew before that Winter hadn't wanted to draw attention, and so muffled her with her tongue, claiming Winter's sweet mouth as her own. All of Winter was all hers, and she would cherish every inch, switched between palming along Winter's breasts and gently pinching her nipples, her cock driving into her lover's pussy with more energy. "Any being with immense power would be hard to trust, yet you trust me." Isabel points out as she began to walk to Willows from then circling around while talking. "You know, I've seen so much, yet so little was unpleasant, I've done so much, yet some of it was worthless." Isabel sighed as she sat herself lightly on Willow legs, she turned her head to the human a smiled. "You're a someone, this company... It's yours, not his, he married into your family, I believe you have all rights to kick him out." Isabel said.Winter continued to moan muffledly by Ruby mouth, it was also very dominating and quite the turn on for her. Winters' walls squeezed and tightened around Ruby meat, she gasped muffledly as Ruby breasts were fondled and her nipples were pinched. "I trust you because...I see you, face to face, you're present and you never feel threatening if you ever did threaten me, I probably thought you were playing around." She listened to Isabel, wondered how it felt to be like her, "I see...I've hardly seen anything myself, but being this weak, this human...maybe I shouldn't want to be like you, but...even if it's just so you don't get hurt when I'm gone...I wish I was a demon..." Willow gasped softly as Isabel sat on her, she tried to pull her a bit closer, blushing deeply. She smiled at Isabel's words, the only thing holding her back was that she didn't have his allies, and his cruel, underhanded tactics, mistreatment of employees served the backbone of his regime, "Okay...but I'll need help from someone that I trust to run the company, just in case I need help."Ruby moaned into Winter's mouth as the Schnee girl tightened around her, making it harder to slide back, so instead she made shorter thrust, staying in deep as her climax built. She pulled back her tongue and lips from her lovers mouth, panting hard, "W're so good...I I'm so close right now...!" "Trust... Trust is something that must always be earned, but have I ever really earned anything?" She asked truthfully as she sneakily bit the inside of her lip. The demon cracked a sly smile at Willows statement, of course, Isabel would oblige for the girl. "Well, when the time is right, you'll strike and take back the company from him," Isabel said as she crawled up Willow lap till her face was with the woman, quickly she kissed Willow on the cheeks while forcing her tongue in and allowing the demons blood building on her lip to go into Willow's mouth.Winter didn't answer, even after her mouth was free from Rubys, the Schnee girl couldn't find a word to say. She was getting lost in the pleasure that was overfilling her being as she locked eyes with her lover once more. She gave a simple look of 'Make me like you, fill me as well' type look, which was pretty hard to pull off. "Well, considering you could probably do anything you want to Atlas...I know you're a good demoness." Willow nodded slowly, when Isabel stated what the plan was. She didn't know when the right time would be, but hopefully she could make friends of her own, contacts and transports, considering Jacques own treatment of Faunus mine workers, she wouldn't be surprised that everyone he worked with was corrupt. She was surprised by the kiss, her heart skipped a beat, eyes wide, but after a brief moment, she embraced Isabel's tongue with her own, moaning softly as she took the demoness' hair by desperate handfuls, breathing heavily through her nostrils. It was better than she expected, more than she could have asked for. She raised one leg to tip Isabel back, and straddled her, the taste of Isabel's mouth was odd, but she figured that was to be expected if Winter didn't seem to mind it assuming she'd been kissing Ruby before now then surely one could get used to it, and considering who she was kissing, she was sure it wouldn't be long. Willow pulled back reluctantly, her lust filled eyes gazing hungrily into the demoness, "D Does this mean 'yes', does this mean you'll be with me forever? long as I live anyways...I'm sorry...I love you so, so much, Isabel..." She breathed, not knowing what to do about her sudden conflicting emotions. She liked this, yes, but she was afraid of the cost Isabel would be paying later...was Willow really worth the moment that was the human lifespan? Or maybe that kiss was an apology, if so, she would try to be content with that one, passionate embrace. It gave her more love than she had felt in far too long.Ruby let out a soft sigh as she read into the look on Winter's face, feeling even more excited than when they'd started granted, part of that had ben her nervousness, but now they were doing this, being lovers in every sense of the word. Since she was currently not kissing her lover, the black haired demoness decided to flick her girlfriend's nipples with her tongue, taking turns lapping them while her other hand snaked down to find Winter's clit, her fingers prodding around for a moment before they found the stiff little bud, she laid two fingers on it and began massaging lightly, adding a bit more pressure as she made her circular motions, trying to see what would work best she suspected the roughness would be most appealing, but she couldn't be sure, and wouldn't take chances. Honestly, she wasn't sure she could provide with her cock alone, Winter was so tight, and this was a first for her, too, she was pulling out all the stops for this one. After a few moments she started thrusting roughly again, the tip of her cock hitting Winter's cervix, at least twice in a single second, as hard as she was going, it was likely she'd penetrate it and cum directly into Winter's womb whenever the pleasure became too much, whenever she was sure she had Winter satisfied. She was already barely hanging over onto her sense, and wanted to lose herself in Winter, give herself to Winter, more than just her heart, her love, virginity, she wanted to fill her loververywell. Isabel loved the way Willow had melted into that kiss, it was something most enjoyable, especially when she tipped her leg and straddled her waist."Such a naughty Schnee."She thought, a throaty moan escaped from Isabel a Willow played with her hair and as their tongues danced with one another. A good amount of the demons blood had sufficiently made its way into Willow body, it would only be a matter of time now. Isabel chuckled as she pulled away from Willow mouth, a hand wiping her lip as she wondered what she should do next. Isabel noticed the lust filled gaze coming from her human friend. "It can mean whatever you want, but know this, your getting one new redo at life now." She caressed Willows face, her eyes trailing across the form of the Schnee mother. "Such a cutie, white... It's such a pretty color." Isabel said with barely any idea of what else to say.Winter moans continued to escape her lips as her lover, Ruby, continued to try and find ways to pleasure her even more. A faint light moan escaped her lips as Ruby tongue began to tease and coat her respective nipples every second. Winter tried to form words to let her lover know that she was reaching her climax, but just when she about to, Ruby had begun to tease her clit with her fingers, this caused Winter to lose control and began to squeal uncontrollably. Winters' eyes widen as she felt the cock starting to hit at her cervix, each thrust caused her to get even closer to her orgasm onoy for her to cry out. "Ahhh! Ruby! I'm cumming!" Willow was at a loss for words, a redo? She looked at the hand that wiped the demoness' fingers, it was a deep red, Isabel's blood. She didn't understand why the demoness was bleeding, but she knew some demons turned and enslaved humans with blood, perhaps? It made sense, she was being turned. That explained why she felt a little weird now, like all her senses were sharpening. She smirked as she heard Isabel's compliment, and heard the cries of passion from the lovers in the room behind them, "I'm glad you think I'm cute I feel that way about, you, too...and black? It's a hot color." Willow murmured, leaning back down to kiss Isabel again, "I think we should get away from this side of the house...the garden is ours for the evening, but if Winter sees us out here...I think both our daughters would die of embarrassment." She pressed a kiss into Isabel's lips and slowly stood up, taking the demoness' hands in her own to lead her away.Ruby was getting closer to her climax when Winter announced her own. Ruby held onto Winter's shoulders, her deep groans soon turning into her own cry of pleasure as she took one more thrust deep inside her lover's tightly contracting pussy. Her eyes fluttered close, pleasure rippling through her cock as she filled the Schnee girl's womb with her cum, "O Oooh, Winter! I'm cumming, too! Winter !" She panted, legs shaking as she locked her hips against Winter's. Isabel smiled as she finally pulled off her objective, her eyes locked with Willows. "My, my, you're are already starting to look younger, I must say the years have been most kind to you... I don't see much of a difference." The Older Demoness, who was really mischievous. decided it was time to tease Willow. "Well, I'm going to mention this once, but I am packing a lot of heat, probably more than what your husband provided ." She was stopped mid tease as Willow kissed her once more, the Schnee mother probably didn't even hear the tease. Isabel rolled her eyes at what Willow said next. "Oh, well I doubt it would be that bad, besides, wouldn't it be kinky if they saw us?" She stretched as she slowly got up before taking Willow hands as they kissed once more.Winter cried out as she felt her body letting loose, her pussy contracting as fem cum was released from its confinement, only to meet with Rubys', hot, sticky, filling semen. "Ahhh!" Winter cried out as she darted her arms around Ruby lower shoulders, her nails digging into her skin as she bit her lip. "Oh, is that so? Hehe, I'm glad you think I'm cute even when I looked older...I have a feeling I'm gonna scare myself when I look into the mirror later." Willow had heard most of what she said, and teased Isabel's waist, as though she was going to check she wanted to, but she didn't have to, because she was pretty sure it was only through IVF that she and that bastard in her office running her business had three biological children together. Before she found out she married a bastard, "Heh, well, he's certainly...compensating for something. Legally? Yes...but I'm emotionallyandphysically deprived...single as far as I'm concerned...unless you wanted that kiss to count as our vows." Willow bit her lip at the thought she was in quite a rush right now, Isabel had put her on cloud nine, and she wasn't coming down any time soon, besides, she thought, it wasn'tlikea drunk could find her way to Winter's bedroom, which was mostly true, she was tipsy at the time, not that anyone could attest to that, and no one could say that Willow and Isabel were there before the lights went out there was some plausible deniability, "You wanna do this, here, then, Bel?" She leaned into her new lover, kissing her lips hungrily, she was no longer sure if she was just teasing Isabel anymore, she felt like she was hitting a second puberty since she was being rejuvenated, that may be more accurate than she thought.Ruby let out a shameless moan as she held the back of Winter's head so she could lay under the young demoness' neck, her other hand caressing the human's sides as shifting her hips as her hard cock pumped thick seed deep into her lover. She kinda liked the feeling of Winter's nails on her back, telling her how intense it had been for her, too. "Oh you will, there is no doubt in my bones, that you'll be scared and amazed by how effective demons blood is." Isabel smirked smuggly as she watched Willow tried to tease her, by 'trying' to look at her waist, the demoness wrapped an arm around the Schnee mothers shoulder. "Well my cutie, I can assure that I never over compensate." She said with a smug tone, as she enjoyed the view she was getting if Willow cleavage. "If you want that kiss to be our vows, then so be it, besides you haven't noticed your cup size having gone up." The older demoness said the last part aimlessly, as she noticed that Willow was very much on cloud nine, and the demoness wondered if she could push her further. "Huh?" Isabel said as she felt her mind being taken back into the conversation. "Well we can, I can cast an illusion spell, or I can just not, whatever you wish." Isabel said before being pulled back into another kissed.Winter moans became more shameless, and whorish, as she felt more seed being pumped into her womb. "Ahhh ." She whimpered out as she buried herself into Ruby neck, she wasn't going to tell her to pull out if she could ignore the pain. Her nails continued to dig into Ruby back as their breasts met and rubbed against each other, Winter breathing grew as she began to loosen slightly. "Heh, well, it's lucky that you're here, then." Willow snickered. She was sure it would be a shock at first, but she'd get used to it. She glanced down at her chest at what Isabel said, it hadn't been by very much, so she hadn't felt the difference, but she did could tell when Isabel mentioned it, at the offer, Willow bit her lip, feeling much naughtier than she thought possible, with a deep blush, she made her choice, "Mm...let's do this with no spells."Ruby panted heavily as her fingers stroked Winter's hair, she slid her tongue back into the older girl's mouth as her body steadily calmed down, the last spurts of cum entered her lover. She slowly slid her cock out of Winter, shivering a bit at how it felt, and lay down, moving slowly so her girlfriend never had to leave the crook of her neck, "Aah...Winter...I feel so empty " She purred, her cock having been milked completely dry by Winter's pussy. Isabel chuckled as she pulled Willow extremely close to her form. "Well my cute tree, I shall grant you the best of times, with the best sex ever, I bet I'll fuck you so hard, that you'll forget about your previous moron." With a flick of Isabel wrist shadows writhed and clambered to their forms, as said shadows began to undress their forms, exposing them to the elements.Winter shivered as she kept herself close to Ruby form, her body was shaking and her mind was a mess. The Schnee girk couldn't believe that they actually had sex! Sex in her house no less! "Ruby, I can't believe ." She stopped as she felt Ruby member slowly pulling out of her, The Schnee girls pussy walls loosened as she shivered even more. Winter blushed at what Ruby said next. "Oh, that is... Really nice to now." Winter couldn't help but try and not laugh. Willow blushed at her pet name, and laid her hand on Isabel's cheek, smiling playfully at her lover, "Mypreviousmoron? I only remember one moron in my life...the beautiful demoness standing right in front of me." Willow shivered at the crawling shadows, making her lean into Isabel for support as well as warmth, as the chill touched what parts of her were usually covered. She purred softly as her breasts pressed against Isabel's, tentatively jutted her hips out, wanting to feel the girth and length Isabel possessed, but had been so long since she had been intimate, and even though she had three children, she wasn't sure if the demon blood's rejuvenating effects applied to her nethers.Ruby gently stroked the shivering Schnee, reaching down to pull up the blankets when she remembered that those were a thing. She couldn't help but smile down at Winter, she was so cute, Ruby wanted to see her that way all the time. She was curious about what Winter had started to say, but when she didn't immediately get back to it, she had spoken. She giggled with her girlfriend after her comment, chuckling nervously, "A Anyway, what did you want to say? Before I pulled out and interrupted?" She stroked the hand on Winter's side down to caress her love's stomach, kissing her cheek affectionately. Isabel smiled as they were finally undressed, a wider smile grew on her face as she felt Willow form press against hers even more. "Well, shall we?" Isabel asked once more. She had hoped that Willow would be eagerly awaiting there fun, especially with hia hard she was getting from all the contact, she could practically feel her sex brimming with sticky fluid awaiting escape. Isabel smiled as she wrapped her hands around the rejuvenating Willows waist as she said. "Don't worry, everything is brought back to a perfect condition." Isabel said as she leaned forward to kiss the changing human on the lips as the cool breeze ran by their bodies.Winter blushed as she felt kind of dirty as to what she was going to say. "Well, I really want to be like you Ruby, I want to be able to stand with you." Winter blushed as she was kissed on her cheek. "Also, that was amazing." Winter blushed as she tried to finish what she was going to say. "Could... Could you make me a demon?" She asked with a shy blush. Willow nodded, humming softly as she brushed her slick slot against the demoness' hardened member, happy to feel that Isabel was as excited as she was already her fluids were coating Isabel, and making her even more wet as she felt her lover's hot cock against her, "Hehe, shall I be a virgin again, once the changes are done?" Willow inquired, leaning forward to brush her lips against her the other's. She stepped back, pulled Isabel with her so she could lean against the wall, and glanced over at the window they were still perfectly in view of the girls inside, should they turn to see them.Ruby smiled as Winter said she wanted to stand with her, she didn't know what exactly that meant, but she understood exactly what "amazing" meant, "Heh, I'm glad you liked that, too, Winter." She bit her lip a little at the request, and thought it over a little, "You sure? Demons...demons are feared by most everyone me included and for good reason...I don't want you to have to go through that...but if this is something you're sure you want, I'll give it to you." Ruby bit into her tongue, drawing blood, and stuck it out for Winter to take into her mouth. Isabel smiled and snaked her hand down to Willow thigh before lifting it up and sliding her cock into Willow slit. "You know, it's a terrible idea to get me hot and bothered." Isabel said with dominate pur. "I'll make you regret that action." Isabel brough her right hand to Willow other leg and did the same as before, making the Schnee Mother dependent on the wall and her own form for support. "You can't feel it can you? The returning youth to your flower, because I can." Isabel said as she could practically feel the walls becoming tighter around her cock. Isabel locked her predatory gaze with Willows as she saw youth being returned to the woman.Winter gulped as she looked at the blood soaked tongue, she blushed as she realized that kiss would seal the deal though a part of her wanted to facepalm, as this was something that seemed kind of cheesy. This was a very Ruby thing. "God, can't believe your so cheesy." Winter murmured as she kissed her girlfriend, her tongue meeting Rubys as she began to suck the blood from her mouth. A very hot feeling soon rushed over Winter form as she sucked, the demons blood began to coarse through her veins and reproduce itself. "Mm...maybe this will be my best worst idea ever, though?" Willow suggested, blushing as Isabel had her in a very vulnerable position, she held on tightly to the older demoness' shoulders, trying not to squirm so much as her pussy tightened around Isabel, it was an odd feeling, her walls struggling to return to virgin tightness while Isabel's cock kept them spread, "You're so big, Isa...b bel...I'm glad I can be so tight for you..." She panted, growing more wet with the intensity of Isabel's eyes on hers."Balib ib." Ruby mumbled, grinning as she tried to say "believe it" without withdrawing her tongue. The demoness moaned softly as Winter drank her blood, gently caressed her cheek an running her fingers through the Schnee girl's soft white hair as she did, her tongue flicking about in Winter's mouth, holding her lover tightly as they kissed. Isabel smiled as she thought of answer. "Well, if it's your worst, best idea ever, then I think I can just make it a normal best idea." The Demoness grew a mischievous grin as the changing woman was made dependent in her form. "You'll never regret this, you'll never look back at this day and say 'I should've stayed human'." Isabel smiled as she slid more of her cock into Willow pussy, just as her cock hit a reforming wall. "Ahh! i see your becoming a virgin once more." The Demoness licked her lips as she watched Willow regain her youth. "I wonder how much youth you'll regain, how much beauty will come to you, especially when you hit your second puberty." Isabel said with a cheeky grin. "Your lucky that im nullifying your pain."Winter moaned as her body heated up, sublte shifts and movements disoriented the girl as it looked like the girl was going through puberty again. Her boones were lengthening and growing and shattering befire reforming and becoming stronger. The pain was immense and it did cause the girl to cry, but she was able to hold back on the screams building up inside of her. Her nails continued to dig into the back Ruby, not piercing her skin at all. Winter pulled away panting slightly as hot tears ran doan her eyes just before going back in and sucking more of the blood. Willow groaned loudly, her tightening body making it hard to grasp words, but she managed to somehow, "A Aah, Isabel! Take my virginity, Isabel!" She suddenly wrapped her arms around Isabel, biting down on her shoulder as her whole body quivered, trying to keep from being noticeable to the lovers inside the bedroom. She squeezed the demoness tightly, her nails scraping lightly over her lover's back as her body slowly stopped tightening, her cunt now stretching for Isabel. While it didn't hurt, it was a lot of changing her body was doing, so she was only a bit overwhelmed. Still, it felt really good to be filled by the one she loved, "Y Yeah, thanks, Isabel." She gave the older demoness a grateful kiss, and chuckled softly, "I already feel like I'll be the most beautiful girl ever if only because your my lover."Ruby soothingly ran one hand along Winter's back, the other caressed her cheek, feeling things break and come back together. She was about to speak when her lover pulled away, but hummed softly as her tongue was taken back into Winter's mouth, she would try her best to comfort Winter through the pain, keeping her knees against the bed, her own weight off of Winter to avoid hurting anywhere that might be in pain. Isabel smiled at Willow pleas', it was so hot and exotic for such a woman to be so whorish. "So... Sexy, so cute. Yet so whorish and needy." Isabel was not bothered by the nails scraping against her skin, she had taken much worse than simple scratches, hell even the biting on her shoulder wasn't hurting that bad. "It must feel amazing, all the bones shifting and moving, strengthening and lengthening to fit you better, or the feeling of fat redistributing itself through out you." Isabel said as she teased at the hymen, she was going to savor this moment. "Must feel amazing have all the youth come back, and your virginity." Isabel said with soft voice before purring seductively into Wilow ear. "To bad I'm taking it." With that Isabel pierced the hymen with her shaft, taking Willows virginity for herself.Winter let out a throaty groan, her muscles were tearing apart and reforming while her own breast surged with a bit of growth. Her arms cracked and snapped as the bones and muscles tore and reformed. Demonic energy began to leak off of her form, as her body began to produce it. She shook and shivered as her knees snaped and cracked before reforming back into a stronger form. "Ahh!" Winter cried out as she pulled away, a whimper escaped her lips as she forced herself back into the kiss. The Schnee girl wondered if it was always this painful, little did she know it was mostly due to her being a teen, and not a small child who'd grow into it. Willow blushed at the demoness's comment did she really seem like all those things? "I It definitely feels...unlike anything I could've imagined..." She wasn't sure how she felt, feeling things inside her change. Honestly, it was kinda scary, but if this was what it took to be with Isabel forever, then she didn't mind especially considering it was just this one time. When Isabel whispered in her ear, she felt herself suddenly tense up in reaction to the air grazing her skin, yelped when she felt the sudden break of her hymen, the cock in her moving deep into her.Ruby was just a bit worried at the snaps, cracks, and pops coming from within her lover's body. She expected the swift return to her lips after Winter broke away from the kiss, and cut her tongue again so the girl could have some more blood to help the process she was sure it'd either help or do nothing at all. She moved her hands down to cup Winter's breasts, hoping to distract her from the pain. Isabel smirked and kissed at her lovers shoulders, her tongue running across her cold skin. "Mmm, so tasty, your skin is sweet to a lick." The Demoness commented, as she slowly pulled back before thrusting slowly once more. "You'll feel so alive, more alive than before, you'll be a beautiful woman once more, not bound to a monster, but you fell in love with demon, I wonder which is worse?." Her cocks thrusting picked up pace after a moment, within seconds Isabel began to summon up some magic, using her shadows to tease at Willows bust. "You'll be so cute, and fun to mess with." Isabel said as her crotch slammed against Willows. "By the way, your tightness is just devine." A grin spread across her lips as her shadows flicked and teased the womans nipples.Winter gasped and groaned as she felt more blood rushing into her, the new amount of blood began to speed up the process, becoming intense and heavy. It was at this moment Winter found herself losing consciousness, her mind starting to fade as her eyes grew heavy, her breathing slowling down as she practically spilled out demonic energy, which clashed against her aura. Her grip began to loosen on Ruby back as she felt her see lf being lost."So... Cold..."She thought to herself, but just before Winter was about to lose consciousness she was suddenly struck with large amounts of pain causing her eyes to go wide. Winter squeaked at the tongue against her skin, shuddered when Isabel commented on her skin's taste. She already only felt alive around Isabel, and while she was sure that the next question was rhetorical, she answered anyways, "I I know whatever the future holds is better than what I had." Willow breathed out, crying out as Isabel moved harder against her, gripping her shoulders as though the very air was being knocked out of her, which was alright aside from blushing, which she didn't even mean to do, Willow didn't know what to say in response to everything else the demoness was saying.Ruby drew her tongue away from Winter's lips as the extra blood began to sedate the new demoness. She felt bad that it hurt her lover so much, her eyes widened as they were telling Ruby she was in excruciating pain even more than the mere rearrangement of her bones would have caused to begin with, "Winter, I'm sorry...I know it hurts...I won't let you go until you feel better, until it doesn't hurt anymore, alright?" She had only heard before just how painful turning was, she'd never witnessed a turning personally. Isabel smiled and kissed her lovers neck once more, as she delivered powerful thrusts into Willow body. "So willing to forgo, so willing to lose it all." Isabel said as she raised her face from her lovers neck, her cock continued to ram inside of Willows pussy as she continued to ram her cervix. "Dig into my flesh, so you shall not lose yourself. " Isabel told Willow, as a small imprint was forming on the stone wall.Winter groaned and shivered as she tried to curl herself into a ball, her bodies pain still burned in agony as her bones were still being broken and rearranged. Her mind tried to focus on something else as she felt Ruby bring herself closer. It was at this moment Winter almost snapped... Er well did amd quickly pulled herself together, as sje lunged her mouth forward and bit into Ruby shoulder, trying to numb the pain as she continued to sink her teeth only for a minute later to realize what she had done. Tears began to stream down the sides of her eyes as she began to slowly pull her teeth out of the wound. Willow was letting out small cries with every thrust, eyes wide as Isabel rammed so deeply she was nearly overwhelmed by how far in Isabel was, how fast she was going. At her word, Willow's nails dug into the demoness's skin, legs trembling as her body smacked against the wall she was surprised by the durability of her body, but instead of commenting on it, she did what she could, letting out a stream of incoherent moans and cries.Ruby let out a surprised hiss as she felt Winter bite into her shoulder, the teeth stung as they broke her flesh, leaving the area hot and throbbing not in any good way, but she kept caressing her lover if this helped release her stress, she would gladly endure, though that didn't keep the pained tears from forming. Ruby frowned when she noticed Winter crying, and held her against her other shoulder, "Winter, sweetheart...if biting helps you, then I want you to bite, okay?" Isabel smirked as she knew that Willow was slowly losing herself to the pleasure, those incoherent moans were proof that. "Mmm, so tight, so good." The Demoness cooed lowly as she felt her cock going past Willow cervix and hitting her straight in the womb. "Ahh! " Isabel moaned out in pleasure, as her thick was now firmly lodged in Willows tight hole. "Mmm, can you feel it? The skin moving? The fat being redistributed? The growth of your more... Sexual assets. Can you feel it? Does if it feel wonderful?" Isabel cock began to slow down, the Demoness pace was starting to falter but it seemed to be Isabel intention. "I think I'll enjoy teasing you now." Isabel purred as she leaned forward to tease Willow neck, while her shadows came to tease the womans nipples even more.Winter eye's went wide at what Ruby said, she would've tried to argue back but her lover would've been insistent. Winter felt tears stream down her eyes as she continued to bite into Ruby shoulder. Winter felt the taste of fresh blood flowing into her mouth as the pain of rearranging ligments and bones continued, though now the pain mostly was from her waist up, seems the rearrangement down below was through. If one were to look at Winter lower half, they'd notice a significant increase in height, with much softer looking legs and smooth skin with just the best pair of thighs ever. The girls hips had widen as well, along with her butt just being a little more jiggly. "I It's a take in...I feel pretty weird...there's definitely something..." Willow grunted, she hadn't expected so many changes to take place, and while she couldn't feel any one think with such certainty as to say what's what, she did feel movement in her body aside from Isabel and her was almost too much to keep up with, both the good and the weird."Aaah..." Ruby clenched her jaw, her flesh burning, throbbing more intensely as Winter bit down harder, but she kept stroking her hair with one hand, as the other gripped the sheets under them, Winter's hair lovingly as she did all she could to help Winter through this pain she was going through. Isabel smiled as she got the answer she wanted, she grinned and hilted inside of Willows pussy, her cock twitched and trembled as cum shot from her member. Seed shot out in to Willow womb, filling it to the brim and painting her womb white. Isabel smiled as she ran her handd along Willows face as her shadows pinched and twisted her nipples. "My, I can still feel myself cummin, you really are capable of milking me dry." Isabel said with a teasing grin.Winter sniffled as the pain began to dull slightly, the force of her bite began to ligthen as she remained still and silent. Minutes passed as the pain grew duller and Winter found herself closer and closer to letting go of Ruby shoulder, a weak groan escaped her lips as she could finally feel Ruby stroking her hair which had fell out and was now a complete mess. Willow blushed when she her Isabel was already cumming, she hadn't even been aware of it, but she was clenching around the demoness quite hard, the movement rubbing her depths had gotten her pretty close by itself, but she needed a little extra push to further distract her from the oddity of her body changing so much, she took hold of the shadows on her and started pushing them down from her nipples to her clit instead.Ruby let out a small sigh as she felt the pressure on her skin lighten, and smiled down at Winter lovingly, giving her kiss on her cheek, "Feeling better now, sweetheart?" Isabel smirked as the shadows went with the force of Willows hands. "Naughty, how naughty of you." Her voice sounding very sultry now, as she leaned forward to kiss Willow on the lips, this did bend Willow slightly. though it probably didn't hurt due to her new demon body. The cock that remained in Willow pussy pushed against the walls at the movements, as the shadows came down to Willow clit before immediatly attaching and teasing the nub of flesh, pinching and twisting it lightly.Winter breathed heavily for a minute, her body ached and throbbed as she pulled her head away from Ruby shoulders. "I I, I feel alive." She simply stated as she tried to get off the bed, trying to stand up and check out her body in the mirror at the opposite side of the room. Willow squeaked into the kiss at the touches down on her clit, shuddering with pleasure, "A ah, Isabel, yes, right there...!" her legs shook slightly as a sudden heat erupted from her pussy, drenching the demoness' lap in her cum. She groaned held onto Isabel's shoulders, the intensity of her orgasm making her grateful that the older demoness was holding her.Ruby stayed close to Winter, reaching out to catch her whenever it seemed like she'd fall, though the white haired girl didn't seem to need the help she did seem disoriented, "Life's good." Ruby remarked, smiling as she held her hands over the angry bite marks, healing them with her powers. She noticed the subtle changes in Winter's body, but one thing still remained the same: Ruby found it hard to keep her eyes from wandering her lover's body. Isabel slipped her tongue in to and explored Willows mouth The Demoness dominated the former human with ease, with the feeling of cum hitting her lap and cock Isabel pulled away from the kiss. "Ahhh !" A sigh of relief escaped from her lips as she pulled her cock out, as their sexual fluids dripped from Willows cunt on to the ground which had been covered in shadows. "Mmm." The Demoness rested her cock on top of the girls crotch. "Heheh, that was pretty fun." The Demoness remarked, her eyes gazed to the right getting a glance at the scene inside of Winter room. "Ahh ! They're so cute." She looked back at Willow. "Well, wanna do it again?"Winter hands ran along her body as the mirror showed off the changes, which seemed to have made her slimmer, more toned, and even a bit curvier. "Wow..." Winter said with surprise, she blinked a few times before turning to look back at Ruby. "Ruby... I..." She was at a loss for words, what was she going to say? What could she say? "I... I'm sorry.. For biting you... But uh... Thank you." She blushed as she walked back over to her girlfriend stumbling as her balance was still a little off, she quickly sat herself down on the bed her hands reaching amd wrapping around her shoulders. Willow tried to push into Isabel's mouth, wanting to explore her mouth like the demoness was doing her, though couldn't quite get through. She was glad to be able to catch her breath as Isabel pulled away. "Yeah, they" Willow hummed in agreement with the demoness, "I'd love to do this again right now, but all these changes in what we just did have me feeling pretty tired. Should we find somewhere less exposed to sleep for now? Unless you think it's only fair they get a chance to find us like this?"Ruby stared at Winter and her reflection as she sat up, admiring Winter's body's slight changes. Her figure was nicer now, but she was worried that the other girl didn't like the end result of turning. Before she said anything, Winter was apologizing for biting her and coming back to bed,"It's alright, I told you to, remember?" She kissed Winter's cheek and held her back, leaning on her lover's shoulder as she kissed the older girl's soft skin, "How you feeling, Winter?" Isabel nodded as she listened to Willow, understanding her concern and worries about the current situation. "Mmm, well my dear, we'll just have to have fun later." She stated a sly smile crossed her face as she leaned forward and nuzzled her head against Willows. "Mmmm, you're such a cutie, a little cutie that can't do anything wrong or bad." The Demoness seemed content on just staying there, cuddling in the rather cold weather. "Hmmm I think it might be worth it, let those two see us... Get embarrassed... Heh... It'll be fun." She states, still keeping her head pressed softly against Willows temples. "Heh, you know we could try some kinky stuff later, maybe Ruby would like to get a good boob job from you."Winter breathed slowly, and lightly as she felt her slightly less heavy lover hang on her now superior body. "Mmm, Rubes, I still hurt you... I can't just live with that feeling. It makes me feel like a fucking monster, and I can't just live with that." Her eyes wander up and down Ruby's back as she answered about how she felt. "Hotter, like I can be a model now... Seriously, I look way better than before. I also feel alive, like there are no limitations to me now." She answered truthfully. It was at this moment Winter began to feel the sweet sucking and licking sensation coming from Ruby. "Mmmmm, Ruby! Don't stop!" She moaned throwing her head back slightly before letting a gasp escape her lips, as she saw two shadows by the window. "Ruby! By the window! People are outside! I think they're watching us!" She exclaimed. Willow purred as she snuggled against Isabel, she could've been lulled to sleep like this, between the praise and the cold. She decided it wasn't all that bad if the couple saw them like this, though at the mention of the kinky stuff, she blushed deeply, "Heh, you sure you don't mind sharing me with her? Heh, maybe we ask them if there's room for us in there?" She teased, her proposal not at all serious as she nuzzled her lover's head with her own."Hey, don't say that!" Ruby cooed, holding her lover's cheek gently, "You're an angel, Willow, you wouldn't have hurt me if you weren't in severe pain...more importantly, you're my angel, so don't say stuff about not being able to live with this, I'll heal quickly so it'll be fine." As though to drive her point, Ruby started leaving marks of her own on Winter's neck, though they were more gently applied than the angry purple rings on her own shoulders, trickling little rivulets of blood in places. She could see how Winter felt horrible, but she wanted to show her she wasn't, "You know, I hurt you tonight, too, and you made me feel soooo good..." She pointed out, licking more enthusiastically, panting softly as Winter urged her on, squeaking when she turned to see who was watching them, she sensed the first one before she the shadows, and guessed who the other person was, as her eyes adjusted, she noticed they weren't clothed, "Mom?! Is are they...why are our moms watching?! And naked?!" She nearly screamed, frantically pulling the blankets up to cover them, not that it mattered now. She didn't want to guess what they were doing naked, but the thought they might have been masturbating came to mind. "Oh! I wouldn't mind, after all I'm a very sensual demon." She states with a smile, nuzzling her nose against her lovers as a small giggle escaped her lips. "Well, this was all fun and games, but... I think we need to mess with our kids some." It was at this moment she could hear the basic cries coming from her 'child' the cries of panic, embarrassment and well... It was just hilarious to hear Ruby's distress, leaning her head into view Isabel had a devilsh smirk on her face. "Hello girls !" She cooed, acting like she had done nothing wrong or weird.Winter's heart skipped several, or rather eight beats as she was basically told her mother saw her, naked, having sex, or masturbating and or fucking a girl. This wasn't something she didn't want her parental member to find out, or any one in her family for that matter. Though thid did raise the question of how in the name hell did Ruby's mom get into such acts with her mother, what was their relation? Was it an old one? A new one? How and why did they decide to do what they did? Willow chuckled softly at Isabel's explanation, and pecked her chin gently, "As long as you're sure you won't be jealous...on second thought, you'd probably enjoy watching her trying to satisfy her desires while being embarrassed." She sat up with Isabel, smiling coyly at the girls inside the bedroom, waving at her daughter's deer in headlights expression, "Hey, Winter!" She greeted, wondering if Winter must be wondering just how hammered she got tonight."Don't hello girls, us!" Ruby all but shrieked, retreating backwards slowly so the blankets continued to keep herself and Winter modest while she tried to get close enough to the desk lamp to turn it off at the very least she didn't want Winter's mother staring, Isabel would likely give up on teasing them soon after the lights went off, "Sheesh, they're such children..." Ruby groaned, as she flicked the light off, unaware that her "mother's" lover could see them very well that is, until she awed at them and noted how cute their kids were when they got flustered. Isabel giggled at the attempts to keep themselves out of view. "Aww, someone forgets I can see in the dark." Her voice had a sing song like rhythm to it. "Hehe, you girls are so easy to mess with... Just like this lovely woman right here ." She brought her head back to Willows and kissed her once more, making sure that the kiss was audible to the young demonesses. At this time Isabel allowed her lovers feet to touch the ground as her shadows disappeared, of course they would reappear in Winter's room. Pulling away from the wet kiss, she looked lovingly into Willows eyes before whidpering "Mmm, wouldn't it be fair if we took our teasing to the next level? Give Winter the same equipment as me and Ruby?"Winter cuddled next to her lover, burying her face into her neck as it became bright red. "Ruby.... Why are our moms, outside, naked, in the cold, and fucking?" She asked, not knowing that she would be finding herself with a strange predicament. "Why do they have make out? Why do they have to be so loud?!" She asked with embarrassment just as the lights were flicked on, sheets thrown across the ice blue room both girls would scream before being pulled up intl the air, arms and legs being restrained by Isabels shadows. Willow moaned softly as Isabel kissed her, working with her to make it as wet and messy as she could. She was panting heavily when it ended and shrugged a bit at the suggestion, "Maybe not just stick it on her, I'm not sure if she'd appreciate suddenly having one stuck to her, I have to say, it's hard for me to think of myself with...such equipment. Though, I could see you two stroking each other off while I give Ruby that boobjob.""I don't know, it's so weird...I think they wanna tease us like thi ah!" Ruby gasped as she felt the familiar lift of the shadows, and reflexively crisscrossed her limbs to strain them against each other, breaking them and then giving them a swift cracking motion, putting a great deal of demon energy into shattering the limbs, grabbed Crescent Rose and "trimmed" the shadowy vines holding Winter, using her Semblance so the process only took a second. Isabel nodded and nuzzled her lover once more. "Well dear, I think it is nice if we all got big fat cocks. That way we can all be pleasuring each other equally" She giggled at the thought of all them jerking each other off. "Heh, so naughty, we're so bad." Isabel's attention was snapped back to the girls, as she felt Ruby breaking her shadows and freeing themselves. "DAMN! Fucking damn it! She broke it! This isn't fair." She pouted and felt her shadows return to her body.Winter rubbed her wrists and ankles, a slight groan was all she gave as she looked at her lover. She raised her eyebrow at her, wondering where and how did she get her weapon. She sighed with contempt as she wondered what they should do next. "I think we should uh... just put some clothes on and head out for something to eat." "I can see myself under you, giving each other a hand..." Winter purred, blushing deeply but feeling much more confident now, "Heh, we are..." She was startled by her lover's outburst and frowned as she cupped Isabel's cheeks, murmuring softly as she playfully licked her jaw with just the tip of her tongue, "We, use this as an opportunity. They probably already suspect what we're thinking, but they wouldn't think to find us stroking each other, would they?"Ruby nodded and closed Crescent Rose, "That's for the best." She agreed, waving her hands to put up a screen of darkness over the window. She grabbed her own underwear and giggled a bit at her thought, " day we could get a place together, without any peeps, and...well, I know it's a silly thought, but I keep thinking of you...wearing my stuff..." She admitted, "I'd wear your, but they might be a bit snug for my...front." Isabel giggled and did a little bit of her magic, sending a bit of her magic into her lover. The area above her wet snatch began to push outwards and form a familiar shaft as a sack formed right under it, two orbs would drop separately into them before they started to swell up a bit. "There, all done, and oh... I guess it'll be good teach you how to get rid of that when you doing anything with your shit piece of a husband." She bluntly but made it known she still loved Willow no matter what. She nuzzled her lover once more before looking back into the room and sighing at the veil of darkness blocking their sight. "Well, I guess that plan isn't going to happen." She glances down at Willows new appendage. "Wanna have some fun?"Winter nodded, rubbing her temples and groaning as she did the same as Ruby, putting on her undergarments once more. A giggle escaped her lips at her lover comment, about living together, with each other, and wearing each others clothing. "God, you're a pervert." Before laughing at the admittance of the tightness that would come from wearing her clothing. "Yeah, I bet it would be tight." Willow bit her lips as the fully formed cock displayed just how aroused the woman was now, something she wasn't sure might be an inconvenience. Her eyes went wide after Isabel mentioned her husband, just the thought of being with him after tonight made her cock lose a little of it's stiffness, "No way! I It's staying...I'm not gonna be with him forthatlong...he's too busy sucking up to his business associates to pay attention to me." Willow leaned up to kiss Isabel's cheek, nipped playfully at her jaw, moaning softly at the mention of having fun, she moved her hand to rest on Isabel's thigh, shaft throbbing with vigor as she craved her lover's touch there, "Yes, I do, I'm excited to see how it feels to have one of these...""W Well, that's because...I feel comfortable enough around you to say embarrassing things like that!" She blushed as Winter giggled, and remarked about wearing each other's things. She grinned when Winter acknowledged how tight her things would be on Ruby, "So tight, but in all the wrong ways..." Ruby looked down at herself as she finished dressing and let out a soft sigh, "Back into the cold again..." She muttered softly, planning on sticking as near to Winter as possible until they got somewhere warm. Isabel giggled at the plea licking her inner jaw that had been nipped at, and she knew that it would be almost hilarious. "Heh, well you'll still need to put a disguise spell to continue to look like your normal self. Er, rather your old form." She glanced at Willow's cock, and a giggle came out of her mouth as she saw how erect it was growing. "My, already grown in and you're already erect." Summoning one of her shadows she teased the tip of the shaft, running her shadows up and down its length. "Mmm, I can smell the arousal coming from you. Its so fucking enticing, so fucking hot You probably won't be able to hold yourself back for much longer, a simple boob job will be enough." She was going to make her lover go crazy with the new appendage, that big fat fucking appendage. "I wonder what your husband will say? How would he react? Hmm, I'm getting so turned on at the thought." Her shadows began to wrap around the shaft, pumping up and down as Isabel kissed her lover once more."Alright then, I guess I'll be keeping you to that then." Winter smiled clipping her bra with some difficulty, her chest was a bit bigger than before at least two or three cup sizes she shuddered at the thought of if she was going to grow anymore. "Yeah, I think I'm going to need to go clothes shopping... This bra kind of hurts." A quick glance to Ruby before looking back her own bust caused her to blush, she was around Ruby's size... Which had to be at least and EE cup, a slight gulp came from her mouth as she wondered how busty either of them would become. "Stop it Winter bad thoughts... Such bad thoughts." She mumbled to herself as she forced herself to walk over to her closet and slipped on a pair of shorts and a white tank top. "I guess no one would take well to my new form, consideringhowI look this way, that bastard will try to pull the company out from under my nose before I'm ready to cut him out of my life." She shivered at the sudden touch to her sensitive cock, and sat back to watch the shadows stroke her. At the mention of a boob job her cock twitched, "Yes...!" She hissed, hanging onto one of Isabel's arm, "Please, Isabel...!" She didn't know what her husband would say, and while she was surprised that anything relating to that man could turn anyone on aside from anyone promised a great deal of money afterwards she was caught even more off guard by the sudden kiss, but was much more into it, wrapping her arms around her lover as her legs parted and her hips rolled, trying to fuck the shadows around her cock.She was worried about what they'd find on the other side of the door, and turned when she heard her lover comment on her clothes, "Winter, if it hurts then you shouldn't wear it..." Ruby let out a gasp when she saw Winter getting into shorts and a tank top, "You're wearing that...going outside? Isn't that a little...chilly? Anyways, I'm way more dressed than you, so...why don't you take my bra? No one's gonna notice." Ruby wasn't even waiting to finish and then receiving and answer, she was already topless and offering the bra to Winter, her silver eyes gazing into her lover's expectantly. Isabel passionately explored Willows mouth, her tongue exploring every inch and nook and crany of the wonderful mouth. With every inch explored she found herself bonding deeper and deeper with the former human connecting on a whole new level. With each passing second the shadows began to wrap around Willows meaty shaft, cocooning it and massaging it as the shadows themselves became tight space for Willow to fuck, a shadowy pussy if you will. It would get the new sexual organ going and ready for the all the fun that would happen to it. Minutes passed for the two as they still kissed, their demonic bodies able to survive without new air for some time but both would pull away strings of saliva connecting them before snapping, a purr escaped Isabel lips as she felt her shadows getting coated. "Mmm, I can feel the warmth from my shadows, and it's delightful." The demoness wouod also begin to suggest very sexual ideas. "Imagine all the fun, all the fun wearing naughty clothing, jerking it off or fucking me senseless, or the orgies all four of us could have." Isabel could feel her excitement growing from such ideas, but of course she was about to put the icing on the cake. "Think about it like this, we make your husband our slut, turn him into a horny girl with a tight cunt.... Mmm, think about his length and how much he doesn't need it. Then think about how much you need it before you take it from him." She cooed in delight at the ideas, her wonderful sick perverted mind at work.Winter blushed at every comment made by Ruby, she didn't find it weird at what she wore. "It's not that weird Ruby." She blushed as the looked at her big bust, blushing and groaning in pain as the bra was a little too tight she heard the protests of her lover but before could give her rebuttal, her lover was already topless and giving her bra to her, her lacy black bra. A sigh escaped the girls lips as she was forced to take her top off before slipping her bra off and putting the more form fitting bra on. "Wow, this actually feels nice " Winter commented noting that the bra was made of a interesting material that made if feel wonderful to wear. Winter looked to her lover and wondered if she was going to go bra less, a slight perverted thought of Ruby's bust jiggling with every step filled the Schnee girls mind causing her to go red luckily though Ruby wasn't going to go topless as she had few tricks taught to her by her mother. One of these tricks was to use bandages to keep her breasts in place, luckily Ruby was capable of summoning them. Willow groaned softly as her mouth watered, tongue dancing around Isabel's as saliva leaked out from the corners of her mouth, more spilled from her lips as she humped the shadows harder, though when the kiss broke, she breathed like she could never have enough air, "You can feel the warmth in different ways..." Willow panted, her thick shaft completely rigid in the shadow pussy, "I wanna fuck you until you can't think straight...!" She blurted, what Isabel was saying and what her shadows were doing, plus her newly strengthened bond with the older demoness brought out a new level of boldness in her. She did want it, all of it, the clothes, the orgies, "I wanna fuck you untilIcan't think straight! I wanna stroke Ruby and make her cum on her lover's ass..." Willow smiled a bit at the idea of her husband as a girl, and shook her head as the concept was hard to fathom, especially right now when the most pressing matter in mind was to relieve the sexual tension built in her body, "I suppose it would keep him...her in line. I wouldn't have to run the business if my wife cleaned up her act, and the promise a threesome would be a good way to do just that without having to go through court...we should put a seal on her so she can't satisfy herself without us."Ruby sighed softly, "If you say so...just looking at you makes me feel cold..." She watched as Winter's put the bra on, and smiled as she nodded approvingly, "And it looks good on you, too you should keep it." She added with a playful wink, weaving bandages from the shadows and wrapping them around her bust. She had been smirking cheekily at the blush on Winter's face, and when the bandages were firmly around her she giggled lightly, "Hehe, and just what are you thinking staring at me like that? You wouldn't happen to be having pervy thoughts, were you?" Isabel giggled at the response, it was so enticing and made the demoness feel proud of the perverted state Willow was finding herself in. "My already falling to depravity. So hot." She giggled as she had already began working on ways to get those plans in motion. "Heh, maybe turn that little boy of yours into a little girl as well, a big old happy family. Though I think it he weird for him to be suddenly a girl and running the business." Stated Isabel a slight giggle coming from her lips as she thought of all the other things spat out by her lover, at this time she began to make the shadow pussy bounce up and down the shaft, likw it was an actual pussy hungry for more cum. "Heh, Ruby would love it. " She cooed.Winter blushed even more at the accusations which was true. "N no, god no, I would never do anything like that." She rubbed the temples of her forehead slightly, a sigh of relief escaping her as she saw her lover putting on bandages. Though it didn't help with Winter's imagination. "God, this is so weird." Slowly slipping her shirt back on the girl looked at her lover. "I swear, you make me all weird and awkward when your around... It's like you rub off on me." It was true in a way, as Winter only got this flustered around her lover. "Can we just go clothes shopping? Before our parents end up in here." "Heh, it's your fault if I turn into a pervy demon." Willow teased, panting as she stared at the shadows tending to her cock, "Yes, but it would also make him more docile and less likely to get into trouble with so many corrupted people. Mind of a professional businessman and the heart of a proper young lady. Hah, I want to do it now, probably wouldn't notice him after you're done, but I certainly wouldn't miss his old form!" Willow's eyes lit up and she let out a giggle, "Ruby! That's a good idea, she can play...babysitter. Of course, Willow could help, just in case the girl's a handful.""Why not? I'm your lover, you don't have to ignore it around can be frisky with me even if we're not making love..." Ruby muttered softly, hugging Winter after the bandages were on, but before she even reached for her top again, though the time soon came for her to release Winter and pull her shirt back on, "Hehe, I can rub off on you...oh, wow...that was dirtier than I meant! What I mean if you're like this way with mebecausewe're...together together, it's a side you never let out to play until I'm around...I understand if you're shy about it, my mom's done a good job of getting me used to embarrassing situations." Ruby nodded and gently took Winter's hand in her own, "Yup, let's go!" "My this is so evil, I can't believe you're talking like this." Giggles escaped her lips as her shadows transformed into spindly hands that began to jerk that fine piece of meat. "Heh. You wish such fates upon them, and yet the only one that is deserving is your husband." Isabel was taking satisfactions in knowing that Willows own little morals were becoming slightly twisted, though she did prefer her normal Willow. "But don't get too lost them ok? I really would hate to lose you." She then precedingly brought herself to kiss the lovely lady on the lips, letting their tongues do the talking.Winter blushed once more, unable to stop herself as her lover continuously messed with her, it was kind of embarrassing that someone who was a bit younger than her, was able to get her like this. "God, Ruby you... I think you really need to work on what you say." She tried to find more to say, but found herself unable to. "Rubes, let's just go shopping I don't really want to have to deal with this anymore." "Hehe, I only mean...offering them such a position, I wouldn't ask them if I thought it'd be too annoying." Willow assured, smiling at Isabel as she took faster and shallower breathes, "Don't worry, I'm only feeling a bit...less restrained?" Willow returned the kiss, moving onto her knees to climb into Isabel's lap, eyes widening as she pressed her breasts into the older demoness', shaking as her cock's first release hit her, painting Isabel's thighs hot white."W Well...yeah, but...I think I'm right about that first thing." Ruby sighed, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly as she led Winter outside. Isabel purred as she was coated in that thick semen, it's hot texture remaining only for a moment before dissipating. Pulling away from the kiss once more Isabel smiled at her lover. "My, my I've got a feeling you've been repressing this, huh? And I won't deny that Ruby wouldn't enjoy stuff like that." She giggled at the thought. "Hmmm, now my dear lover would you care to lie down with me?""It's fine." Winter stated her hand reaching out to gently grab Ruby's before locking fingers with hers. "C'mon let's have a fun day." She leaned forward to give her lover a peck on the cheek, a very good sign of affection that she was happy with her lover. "Y Yeah, laying own sounds really good..." Willow panted, shaking from the intensity of her second climax that day, watching as the white hot pool of seed vanished from Isabel's lap. She fell into the demoness' arms, her mind rather foggy as she snuggled up to her lover, gazing up at Isabel though her blissful haze, "I don't think I'll be able to do that for a little while..." She laughed, kissing Isabel's shoulder slowly.Ruby eagerly accepted her lover's hand and trilled softly at the kiss, bumping her arm gently into Winter's side as they walked together, "It's always a fun day when I'm with you, Winter." She purred honestly, enjoying the warmth of their hands together. "Nope!" She popped her p, a giggle coming from her lips a she got ready to snuggled with her lover a bit, shadows enveloping them and their clothing. "Ahhh! You're such a good lover, a lover that knows what I like." She smirked and giggled. "Hmmm, I wonder how your husband will react?" Isabel was going to enjoy this new relationship. She nuzzled and kissed Willow, taking her slow time and letting the woman adjust to her new form. "You'll need some combat training right? I'm pretty sure it would be fitting and so good for you to be able to fight back.... After all there is so many dangerous types of beings out in the world." She wondered what type of demon arts Willow would be proficient in."Thank you." Winter blushed at the compliment, a cute smile on her face as she tried to find a better way to say something cute. "Um, uh... Ruby what exactly do you uh really like to do?" She tried using a playful voice, as well as acting shy as they held hands. She used her free hand to brush away her bangs, all the while she looked from her peripherals to see people looking and chatting about them, talking about how they were holding hands. "My god, I see people from the corner of my eye talking about us. "Well, I try..." Willow sighed, unsure exactly how to follow up on Isabel's compliment, "Hmm, who knows how he'll react, especially when he turns into a girl...I'm sure he won'thateit...too much. I always thought he should change for the better, talk about a drastic improvement, though." She chuckled, humming softly, "Give him a cute, girly name." As she relaxed against the older demoness, she realized combat training was a good idea, "Maybe we could try training with the girls, they're rather put off with us right now, so maybe it's best to let them see their moms doing something besides being shameless ?"Ruby giggled softly when asked what she liked to do, Winter being bashful was new but certainly cute, "Let me see...maybe there's arcades, those are fun. Oooh, we should definitely have a snowball fight together! Huh?" Ruby glanced over at who Winter was referring to, and sighed as she patted her arm with her other hand, "They're just jealous that I have a girlfriend as cute as you...oooh, or is it...oh. Are you expected to succeed your father in the business?" Ruby was very aware now that the Schnee Duct Company might be as close to a royal family as she'd ever seen in her life, and as with any royal family, heirs played an important role and often fell under scrutiny, especially in Winter's situation where she was in love with a girl. "Heh, yeah don't think that would be a good idea." She mubled to herself, as she knew that may not be a good idea in public. Winter shook no at the succeeding statement, as she had no right to actuall succeede the company. She had lost the right when joining the atlas academy. "No, my father has revoked the right." She glances away from Ruby. She felt embarrassed just saying that. "Let us just find somewhere nice to to relax and enjoy ourselves, after all." She leaned forward kissing Ruby on the cheek before pulling away. "I'm your cute girlfriend." She stated with a happy smile. "Now uh... Can we just stop standing and gwaking." She noticed that they were just standing in the middle of public.Isabel giggled as she started to think of many names, all fitting for a slutty little bitch of a cock sucker. "Well, if we come up with a name we need to make it fit right?" She knew of the culture today surrounding the color and name convention. "Hmmm, should we give him a reasonable bust?" A cute smile on her face as she thought of naughty ideas, she glanced at Willow notcing that she thought she was shameless. "I'm not shameless, neither are you.... Well maybe you're. Either way it be a good way to connect with them." "Hehe, that's true...Pitch, perhaps?" She'd always considered him a black hearted bastard, a name to reflect his personalty seemed fitting, "He might wind up having to serve us often enough with those breasts to make use of them...though I'm just as amiable to taking oral pleasure...though I suppose the feeling wouldnotbe mutual." She snickered as Willow glanced at her with her remark, "I don't mean that weare, just that we were being about being together, and they're considerably more reserved.""I don't mean right here, silly!" Ruby gave Winter a playful nudge and smiled up at her, "Just...somewhere, sometime, I think it'd be fun." Ruby frowned at hearing about her father, and nodded when Winter suggested just relaxing somewhere. She was about to ask where, when a kiss on her cheek distracted her, "Very cute." Ruby breathed, adding an important adjective she realized Winter had left out. She nodded and started tugging for Winter to follow her somewhere not too far off, but where she sensed fewer auras, hoping to find a park or something. Winter giggled and smirked holding hands with her lover, a pure amount of joy going in and out of her body. "Well, I hope we'll find some cute clothing, hopefully some that are worth it." She followed her girlfriend, each passing second for her was amazing and awesome nothing could ruin this. Else where above the people in the shadows hiding in the unseen a pair of eyes watched the pair. "Heheh, Goobi!" The childish noise escaped it's lips as a much taller and probably more intelligent being scowled at it's companion. "Look boss, I see'da the pretty humie!" The childish voice cheered as it's so called boss sighed."And the rose..." The taller being sighed once more. "Well, it's time to deal with them."Isabel giggled at the suggestion, pitch was possibly a very fitting name for a girl who took dick all day. "Hmm, or maybe something exotic? That would be fun right... Exotic stuff is so awesome." She leaned forward resting completely next to Willow, face to face. "You know, someone so sexy and cute like you shouldn't exist for me." A playful sigh escaped her lips but a twinge came to those lips at the last comment. "Hey! There is nothing wrong with being shameless!" This caused Isabel to sit herself up and pound her chest with pride. "I'll have you know that I come from a long line of shameless perverts!" She didn't see how that was a bad thing. "Noire sound's exotic...and is related to the same color " She added, "I could see myself telling a girl named Noire to suck harder." Willow giggled, leaning into Isabel at her remark, "Well, when you're as hot asyouare, 'sexy' shouldn't work as an adjective for anyone else." She snickered as Isabel claimed her lineage and poked her cheek playfully, "I guess it just runs in your blood...and mine, now."Ruby was looking forward to trying things on with Winter, admiring her cute figure...if it wasn't for the act they were in public, she would've given Winter a kiss right on the lips, but she settled for her palm...which wasn't really "settling", it was a very nice palm. Isabel couldn't agree more with Willow, Noire was a perfect name for a cock sucker, a suck with a rockin body. "Hmm, what will contrast a overally developed body? She looked at Willow and asked. "Well, what is a fitting body type? Petite? Or maybe a bit more taller and toned? Have a submissive giant." She grinned ear to ear, knowing that Willow would pick something better. "Well, kind of does, but not really at the same time.... It's super weird." She states, not really trying to explain how demonfication works. "Either way, I'm just too awesome and I guess that would make you too awesome as well!"Winter smiled as her lover settled for her palm, her sweet lips making it all cool and fuzzy as she smiled sweetly. Her lover was such a sweet person she hadn't any worry in the girl couldn't help but feel safe in Ruby's presence. "Lord, you are too romantic. " She smiled as their little shopping trip was going to get exciting while causing both of their worlds to shatter a bit. "Ruby, I love and you're the world to me.c She whispered to herself. Willow giggled as a wide grin stretched across her lips, it was the ultimate slap in the face for someone like the bastard, "I think a petite but well toned faunus, just a little something we can use as leverage in case he tries to rally any of his friends for help and somehow resists his base desires he would never take the risk of being associated with a faunus, so he won't try to get any faunus hating billionaires to help him. It's likely he already won't be attending public events to make sure his little secret stays that way, but it never hurts to be careful.""Hehe, is there such a thing as too romantic?" Ruby inquired, smiling at Winter, trying her best to be way more dashing that she actually came off as. She lowered their hands again and took the lead in search of a mall, her hand warm as she held Winter's in a rather clingy embrace. She was unaware that they were about to be ambushed by a cadre of demon slavers. The two demons smirked, watching the two walking about in human society. "Lead'em to the ally." Said the taller demon to his mucher dumber companion who in turn disappeared from his sight. Winter didn't really give answer as aruging with Ruby's logic was moot at times, hence why they didn't argue all that often. Winter smiled brightly enjoying the feeling of Ruby's warmth it was comforting and soft. "Help !" Cried out the faint voice of woman from a nearby alleyway. Winter noticed this letting her handholding go as ahe went to go find the source quickly.Isabel chuckled darkly, those thoughts and ideas were so exotic and enticing to hear. "My, my, you're truly fitting in with your demonhood, it's so..." She kissed her lover's cheek breathing lightly, as her eyes fluttered briefly. "Exotic." She giggled resting closely to Willow without a care in the world all the while neither were wiser to the trouble their children found themselves in. "Well, where do you think I got it from? Learned from the best " Willow let out a soft purr as Isabel complimented her idea and kissed her cheek. She leaned into the other demoness, arm wound around her waist as she returned the kiss, taking her time withdrawing her lips from the warm cheek. She couldn't think of anything she wanted to add to the plan, with a cute little cock sucker running the business for her, she had that much more time to spend with the beautiful demoness beside her.Ruby darted after Winter, on the way to the alley where the woman's voice came from, Ruby took the scythe on her back and turned to Winter. She didn't expect a demon and if she had expected one it'd be a demon slaver, but the young demoness thought it was a street criminal, simple enough to take on. Ruby was ready to use her shadows to restrain the thug when she saw 'em, little did she know it'd take a bit more than a few shadow hands to get out of this situation. Neither noticed as they went into the allyway, the people that were nearby fell onto the ground unconscious all the while a sweet harmony began to fill the air. Winter breathed lightly her enhanced body carrying her pretty fast, her mind focused on trying find the person. What she saw next caused her to stop in her tracks. "What in the world?" Her body stopped eyes widen in horror, as she saw a pale hanging upside down eyes removed and blood pouring from the sockets long green hair dangling as her mouth was gape and pitch black all the while anything below the waist was stuck in the mouth of a giant, white eyed, buzz cut haired man."Well, I wouldn't say I'm the best... That goes to someone else." Isabel stated, her eyes lovingly locking with Willows. "Hey, I'm rather curious as to why you'd marry such an ass?" Isabel let a coo out sas she was pulled a bit closer. "How do we go about doing the entire thing?" It was an honest question about how they could accomplish their plan. "I mean, we kind of have to do it somehow." Ruby was sickened by what she saw, but she'd seen quite a bit in battle and wasn't stunned, instead she was furious, red lines ran up Crescent Rose's body and blade, filled with a demonic energy reserved only for demons. Rose petals scattered behind her as she flew forward, shadowy tendrils wound around the giant's wrists and ankles as she drew back her arms before releasing a burst of energy into a lethal spin, with an aim to decapitate the demon. In her experience, slavers didn't eat humans regularly that was usually the deed of a lone demon, whereas slavers tended to eat just a few out of the many humans they'd round up."Haha, your mom or dad, then? I'm sure you got all your best ideas from someone..." Willow teased, gazing back up at her lover. "Mm...I often wonder the same thing, but my parentshighlyencouraged the marriage, and I didn't know of any hot demonesses who could start a family with me, we are." She explained with a shrug, though she grinned when Isabel asked her what the plan was, "I assume you mean my wife? We'll just wear something a bit showy like we're dressing up for him, no one will question a scantily clad woman heading for his bedroom and he won't have time to question us before you work your magic besides, he's easily enough distracted by a bit of cleavage, I don't expect he'll just send us away. Besides, you have shadows you can use to keep him quiet and seated in case he gets anxious." The big fellow swallowed up the woman back into his mouth, a smile on his face as the trapped worked. He was quite happy that his recent victim was good screamer Those from before weren't as good. "Such a good girly, she make good scream." His eyes immediately noticed Ruby and the tendrils wrapping around his ankles and wrists. "Oh! No fair!" It whined like a child as it forced it's legs and arms free, breaking the tendrils with ease and allowing it flt back and miss Ruby's attack. It landed on the side of a wall, feet and knuckles dragging across as it began to attack. Its throat bulged for a second before his mouth opened and a large thick tongue lunged outwards to hit Ruby's current position."Well, I'd say it be more from my father... Then again... Oh bother, let's forget about that." Isabel smirked and gladly took the compliment with stride. "Oh, why thank you dear. It's wonderful that you can say that... Though I wonder how everything would've gone had we met then." Isabel let a murr of interest out at the plan, it was interesting but not completely original. "Okay, we can do that.... Though some memory altercations will need to be done to the staff." Ruby hadn't expected the demon to break loose, but itwasa demon a very obviously strong one so she really shouldn't have been too surprised when her hold was broken. She planned to switch tactics after dodging what she thought would be projectile vomit, but before she did anything else, she launched towards the middle of the demon's tongue and spun vertically, building speed until her scythe sliced at the demon's tongue. She wasn't sure if she'd feel the resistance give and hear the large muscle land on the ground with a slap or if the giant would withdraw it's tongue back into it's mouth. In the latter case, she was prepared to raise knobs of pitch shadows from the ground and form rigid beams from the side of nearby buildings perfect for tripping giants.Willow snickered as Isabel began to mention her dad, raised her eyebrow when Isabel decided to drop that topic. Willow thought a moment as Isabel wondered aloud what would've happened if they met when Willow was essentially married off, "Well, I'd have given myself to you in secret, maybe run away and elope, come back pregnant...I think my parents would've flipped out, but after the initial shock, it'd be business as usual." She nodded along with the other demoness's suggestion of memory alterations, "Yeah, we might have to spend a few days in the office just in case he has any visitors, who need to believe everything's going along normally." The fat demon let out annoyed cry as its tongue was slashed at, though luckily it wasn't that deep or dangerous. "Ngh!" It cried out violently retracting it's tongue faster than Ruby expected, as it bounced away into the air exposing its open belly for a strike. Its comrade, the much more taller and faster demon remained hidden blending in with the wall as the perfect moment to strike either Ruby or Winter arose. Winter looked on in awe as her girlfriend was showing her prowess. Biting her lip clenching her hands she ran into the fray as well.Isabel"Eloping, my you are so dirty." She had to admit that was a very dirty idea, and doing it in secret it too. "Well hun, if you want I could get you fully and pregnant once more." She was capable of doing such a task, and with pure ease. She felt herself beaming as her lover suggested that have to spend a few days watching over the office. "Watching? Really, don't you dare tease me like that! You know I love watching things!" Ruby was surprised at it's speed, but her eyes tracked it to the sky, she was somewhat relieved she didn't need the tripping hazards she formed, having something so large rush at her would be nightmarish even if she had improved her chances of getting out unscathed. She gritted her teeth as she sprang up, swirling swiftly and only growing faster, a tornado like trail of rose petals formed underneath her as poured more energy into the strike, shadows springing from the ground and the building behind the giant to catch it and hold it in place for her devastating, lightning quick slash.Willow scoffed playfully at Isabel's remark, and gently nudged her shoulder, "I'd call it desperate, but maybe that's just me..." She furrowed her brow at the older demoness' offer and hummed inquisitively, "You sure my...newest addition wouldn't complicate matters? Maybe one day we could start another family, but...for now I'm content to share my slutty wife to be with you...I'm pretty excited about my new body, well, using it anyways." Willow chuckled as Isabel "chided" her, "You do seem to have a bit of a voyeuristic streak...I guess you'd get a kick out of me bending Noire over the would you like to see that to go down, honey?" She smirked up at Isabel as she awaited her answer, wondering what kind of scenes came to her lover's mind. Isabel giggled as her remarks earned what she desired, her lups curling as she nuzzled up close to her lover. "Listen, I'd enjoy watching her being bent over the desk, or having her sit on your lap all the while doing paperwork.... Or maybe getting a good footjob from her, give her lots of lingerie... Stockings, all sorts of items." If Isabel was to be honest she'd rather have turned her lovers husband into a giggling bimbo, or even just killed the poor bastard. "Mmm... I wonder what type of fun we can have."The fat demon squealed in surprise, spit gushing from it's mouth as it smacked against the shadow wall. Though it was quick to use the current situation to its advantage, it's head already anticipating where Ruby was going as it throat buldge and buldge before releasing its massive tongue in Ruby's path. Winter looked up as she tried to figure out what to do, she felt so useless as she watched her lover fight by herself. "Damn it!" She cursed before letting out a gasp, as much stronger and powerful hand gripped her neck. She struggled and groaned but found herself completely helpless as air was quickly leaving her. Willow grinned as Isabel talked about giving Noire 'all sorts of items', and let out a soft chuckle, "Maybe a little collar or crotch less underwear she can put on under her skirt. One of us could sit down and have her suck while the other uses her pussy." Willow giggled softly as she leaned into Isabel, "If we keep on, I'm gonna get horny all over again."Ruby winced as a nasty smacking sound heralded the force of the slobbery tongue ramming her, sending her into the wall of one of the buildings. She tried to control her spins as she flew backwards, but to no avail. When she peeled off the building and hit the ground, she turned to her lover to find something else in the alley with them, strangling the young demoness, "Let her go!" Ruby screamed, eyes starting to shift between silver to red, both colors flashing with an untapped power, both competing to be the one Ruby would harness to save the girl she loved more than anything else. Isabel loved to mess with people, get their thoughts going and juices running. "Heh, such a dirty little girl." She was ready to tease and play with Willow again, but understood if she wasn't ready for another round. "Mmmm, I wonder how our baby girls are doing? Do you think they went off to another part of the manison?"The Demon strangling her love smirked, he had gotten a rouse out of the girl and caused her attention to focus on him. His partner now had a clear shoot to attack her. Winter tried to break free from the grasp, yet every time she tried too she was met with failure. It didn't work, it didn't help this demon was either too strong for her or was using some type of magic. She turned her attention to her love watching as her love eyes sparked with strange energy, but she felt her heart drop when the large demon from before charging at her, it seemed like it was goingnto use it's full wait to weight to crush Ruby as chunks of concrete were kicked up with every slam of its fist. "Oh, but aren't you enjoying my dirty thoughts?" Willow teased back, licking her lips as she leaned in to peck her lover's cheek, "Mm...I bet they would have pulled some clothes on...perhaps we should go and see just how little they put on " Willow teased, sitting up on her knees, taking Isabella's hand in hers.Unfortunately for the demon leaping into the air, Ruby's eyes went to silver andstayed, engulfing her enemies in white fire and seemingly frozen in time while anyone else near enough demon or human would simply be stunned, it was a good thing she was around enough buildings that she didn't interfere with traffic! Half a second into the flare out of power, Ruby's eyes burned hot red as her demon blood kicked in to compensate for the vast amount of energy she released. She rose as gracefully as a goddess and clamped the giant demon's head firmly between her scythe.Three times in quick succession she activated Crescent Rose's guillotine, but her attention was now also on the bastard strangling her lover. Three shadows flew up between the demon and demoness, two wound around his arms, snapping them back as the other wrapped around his throat. Once his hold was broken, the shadow raised him in the air and slammed him down in front of Ruby, just in time that when he bounced from the impact, he'd fly through the scythe's guillotine. A well time snap caught him in the waist. Unfortunately, she didn't have time to see what she did, and she knew that. Unused to the power of her silver eyes that seemed nothing short of divine, she was low on energy, and had to quickly vacate the area in case she didn't make a gory mess of the demons.She found Winter's hand just barely, as she already felt her vision blurring with drowsiness and quickly ran away with her. She wanted to get Winter back to the castle, and surprised herself by praying her mom was still there. "Yes of course, and maybe we cans servic them? That would be fun to play." She let a cute snicker escape, as she gently holding her hand and making sure that the two of them were close together. "Or maybe we can double stuff our daughters? Taking turns?" She had some seriously perverted ideas brewing.With her little slaughter of the two slavers, and out burst of power she didn't pay attention to the wisps of energy coming from their corpses. These energy wisps flew up onto the nearby roof tops, the fat demon being the fiest fully formed before violently having to throw his captive, the green haired girl he had used as a lure. All intact and no harm done to her body, growls escaped from him as he reached forward trying to grab shove the girl back into his mouth only to find his reforming partner stopping him. "No, leave her... We've got a hunt to go on." He smirked and stretched his reforming body. "Good thing we took our precaution I'd hate to die."Winter breathed weakly slightly, her body aching as she followed her love and tried to get her footing a bit more. She wasn't fully there but she knew her and her love would be safe or that is what she was hoping for but unlucky for them everyone in the nearby area was asleep. "Oh, you want to fuck your little Ruby ?" Willow teased, giggling softly at the second suggestion, as she led her lover around the building, "Though I can picture Winter around my shaft " She purred, bumping the back of her hand against the newest addition to her body, "They could always get 'hands on' with each other, have a nice little foursome together. It'll likely take some convincing, but I'm sure they'll find the idea enjoyable enough."Ruby's red eyes were quickly dimming, but she sensed her mother in the blur and followed the path to her as best she could, but as soon as they had crossed the road, she tripped over someone and fell on the grass, "W there? I I' exhausted..." She fought as hard as she could, but her eyes drifted close. Out of habit she trained for the times she'd lose control she created a dark dome around her and her lover, easy to break out of yet hard to get into. "Mmm, nothing wrong with some incest. I bet you'd enjoy that as well, having your daughters lips pursed and kissing the tip." She brought her hand to Willows equipment, giving it a light brush to tease her. "Aren't you just kinky, wouldn't you love filling your daughters pussy? Maybe even getting her pregnant?" Demons were very loose on how relationships went. "Mmm, I'd imagine my dear Ruby squealing and moaning as I grope and squeeze her breasts while my shaft fills her very being."Winter breathed heavily as she found herself resting her head on Ruby's lap, air was slowly filling her lungs once more but the constant dizzy feeling wasn't helping her. "R rby, we need to get b ba back, we need to go... What if there are more?" She looked up at her lover, eyes full of wonder as she hoped that that they would be able to get out of this mess without anymore fighting or running.
['Rose', 'Taiyang']
A Lesson In Magic [Ama + PinkBunny]
Isabella McNathydid not understand why in the worldshewas paired up with the new girl a transfer, and a muggleborn at that. It was something about helping her integrate better with Hogwarts life, making friends and breaking the stereotypes. The girl was untainted by bias and sometimes that was nice, but the rest of the school wasn't shewasn't. In fact, Isabella was quite peeved to find that she of all people had to be responsible for the muggleborn's integration she was Slytherin and pureblood, for fuck's sake. She was enough of a disgrace in their minds simply from being distantly connected to the Weasleys, even though she barely acknowledged their connection to her lineage.She had a feeling that one of the staff was trying to screw around with her. Yeah, they shared a couple different classes together, but that didn't mean too much. At best it should have meant she was obligated to tutor the girl, Alicia, in things that she might not have been up to speed in thanks to the different education over in America. An even more confusing thing was why the young woman had transferred in the first place that happened rarely enough to that any time it did happen it drew attention.Either way it was... eloquentlysuggestedto Isabella that she took Alicia down to Hogsmeade, the village near Hogwarts. She could tell by the way it was said to her that it was more an obligation however. Isa spared a snarky remark to the head of house before walking off, and that day after lunch was served in the great hall she approached Alicia with feigned happiness on her face. If nothing else, she was capable of faking emotion physically. Once she started speaking, though? Well, that was another story."Alicia " she tried to catch the other woman's attention with just one word the hall had nearly been emptied leaving only stragglers at this point... which was a good thing. Isa hated having to address the muggleborn in front of others. She was in casual clothes at the moment, a plain school styled sweater over a t shirt paired with jeans. She was a metamorphmagus, born with the ability to change appearances at will, but only recently had those parts of her genes expressing themself. So far she'd just about grasped the art of changing her hair color, which was currently blue, and was making a mess of gaining control of other features while in private. As she eyed the girl in question, Alicia, she urged the dulled blue in her hair to brighten in to an almost electric shade. "If you want to take a trip it's now or never. I'm going down to Hogsmeade." Alicia Underwoodwas at Hogwarts for a peculiar reason. While she had been American, born and raised, up until that summer she had also been human. Over the summer, she and her friends had taken a camping trip. For most of the adventure it was calm, exploring the magical world a bit more than they had ever done, at eats until the fifth night. that i when it happened, a large wolf attacked their camp, and while most of the others had made it out with nothing more than few scratches from branches or rocks they tripped over in the chaos, Alicia had actually been attacked by the canine itself, and once they had gotten back, the ministry of magic had gotten involved.Originally the idea of changing schools was irritating, Alicia had spent most of her life attending Ilvermorny and now she was being asked, no, she was being told to transfer. The reasoning? Hogwarts was better equipped to deal with lycans. that was a load of crap to her but since she had arrived, it seemed that was the truth. The potions master having been giving her wolf's bane to help with yield the transformation if it came to fruition, and if meant keeping others safe, it was a small price to pay.Still Hogwarts was not so bad, as she had mad lead seeker on the Grfffindor team, and most people were being very nice to her. Well mos anyway, it seem her heritage just did not sit well with one house in particular. One house that had a student she was now paired up with. Like it or not it seemed that the faculty had purposely force the two to co exist. One that Alicia did not expect to last long."Your hair changed color" Alicia sighed as he approached her peer. While she had never seen another student use a spell to change their appearance prior to Hogwarts, she noticed a few of her house mates have used, enhancing spells, to make them them more appealing to the opposite gender. Alicia never saw the use in that. She figured if someone could not like who you were, they were not worth the effort. That, plus she found her tastes were for the fairer gender. Sure she was still closeted and was not even sure if women were her only taste, but as of late, she found her eyes wandering. Sure she could wait until she finished her studies before dating, but she was also a teenager.So maybe co exiting with Isabella would not be the worst situation ever, after all she did find the woman attractive, and even if she just needed to keep something in the back of her mind it would not be the worse. plus Quiidtch had helped her take out a bit of her frustration lately. That plus she was the best seeker the school had seen in years, Which would have been great, had it not been or the fact that she was sort of cheating, suing her now heightened senses to get an advantage."Well you are suppose to escort me down there are you not?"Alicia had dressed much like Isabella, had, though her clothing was more boyish in style. Alicia did envy boys, able to wear comfortable clothes without getting weird looks. In the end Alicia just went with what was comfortable figuring why try to impress anyone, again if they did not like real you, they were not worth the effort, and in the end her friends had no issue with her choice of attire. Isa's abilities had a tendency of confusing most people at first metamorphmagus blood was rare, something about recessive genes and blah blah blah. She hadn't really listened much to the background of it, she just knew it was fun when she wasn't accidentally messing something up. She didn't quite have full control of things yet so there had been more than one incident where one of her features had ended up skewed, but luckily she practiced the things she hadn't perfected with a mirror in the privacy of her own bunk no one even had to know. While Alicia would have seen her with different colored hair before now, Isabella had never switched things up right in front of her with a smirk on her lips she nodded. She kind of loved catching peoples' attention with her abilities that was the main reason that she had settled on a bright blue hair color in the first place . It made her stand out among the crowd with no spells necessary.Alicia's question, however, made her green eyes roll. If she was capable of rolling them back in to her head, she probably would have. "Yeah, I just said if you wanna go then it's happening now," she replied curtly. Frankly, Isabella hated the way that having to talk to Alicia affected her perception with others or maybe it barely affected anything more than her own perception of herself. After all, everyone in the dungeons took her grumbling at face value and sympathized that they too would hate to be assigned transfer watch. Her arms were crossed loosely below her chest, which was a slightly reserved gesture. She did her best to be nice as the potions master had taken points from her house on the basis that she had been too short with Alicia at the very beginning of the year, but at the same time she was uncomfortable with the forced interaction.Despite that things seemed to be... getting easier, if only barely. While she still had a habit of being a little snappy or snarky at times, they couldusuallyhave at least a small, basic conversation. Isa still preferred to do such things in private where there would not be prying eyes, though. "So are you in or not? It's a nice place, you'd probably like it, but I don't know when I'll be going down next."
['Mcnathydid', 'Weasleys']
Pokemon: An Unexpected Encounter (Viktoff Samson x N7Biotic)
Ever since she was a little girl, Emily always dreamed of going place to place to see the world and all the Pokemon in it. She use to spend hours reading about each and every Pokemon she could get her hands on and watching countless hours of Pokemon battles and documentaries on TV. The idea of one day owning her own Pokemon and travelling from region to region to seeing all that the world had to offer was exciting and something she hope to one day be able to do. That was what made the day she graduated from school one of the best days of her life. Emily had graduated as one of the school's top students and her mother gave her a very special present for doing so well and making her so proud. It was a present wrapped in red wrapping paper and a white bow on top and inside of it was a little red and white pokeball. The ball had opened up after a few seconds on its own and a little Growlithe puppy had popped free from within with a little red bow around her neck, yapping excitedly and nearly jumping onto Emily the second the little puppy saw her. Emily tried not to scream in pure delight at the sight of the little Growlithe as it leap into her arms the moment she opened them out to her and started to lick her cheek. Emily must of said thank you a million times to her mother that day. She spent the whole day playing with her new little Growlithe and found them both to be quick friends. At one point, the little Growlithe slipped and fell on it's clumsy little paws and a little flame burst from her maw. After a little giggle, Emily had decided to name her new best friend for life, Blaze. In the middle of the night as Emily was falling asleep, she could hear the sound of a little panting beast as the sounds of claws tapping on a hardwood floor approached her bed. Before she knew it, the little puff ball had jumped up on her bed and curled up beside her. Her new friend was warm like a gentle fire and the feeling of fur against her as she laid in bed made her feel so safe and comfortable that it was easy for her to fall asleep. It was by far the best rest she had gotten in a long time.The next morning came as a even bigger surprise when her mother greeted her with breakfast and a packed bag for her after she got woken up by a couple of eager licks to her cheek. That was when her mother smiled proudly down at her daughter and a eager Blaze with tears welling up in her eyes as she told her it was time her little girl got to fulfill her dreams. Emily almost couldn't believe what her mother was telling her, but she got up and hugged her mother tightly with tears in her own eyes. She spent the whole morning with her mother before grabbing the packed back and starting her journey. Her mother had packed her enough to get her started: five pokeballs, pokefood, potions, antidotes, snacks, personal hygiene products for bother herself and Blaze, several changes of clothing, and enough money to get her started and that was the beginning of her journey. She went from place to place, seeing countless pokemon and meeting just as many people. She won battles and lost some, but Blaze was always eager to accept any challenge thrown her way. Emily never put Blaze away in her pokeball unless she had to due to the fact she didn't have the heart to put Blaze away when she looked so happy to run around and see the world with her trainer. It took her by surprise one day, when the little Growlithe returned to her with a fire stone in her jaws with her tail wagging excitedly before evolving right there before her into the massive companion she had now. Blaze had been strong before, but now the newly evolved Arcanine never seemed to lose a challenge thrown her way and soon enough, Emily had enough money to be set for the rest of her journey and then some. The Arcanine was still her sweet and energetic Blaze, seeming to forget about her new size and often knocking Emily down whenever she pounced on her, but Emily simply laughed and let Blaze lick her face until her heart was content. Emily managed to snag a few other Pokemon like her that she took good care for and played with on her way through her journey, but Arcanine was always her number one. She ended up with a Elekid who eventually evolved into Electabuzz, she hoped to evolve into a Electrive when the opportunity showed itself. as well as a Magikarp who evolved into a mighty Garados. Most recently, she had managed to capture a male Nidoran who quickly evolved into a Nidorino that she hoped to evolve into a Nidoking once he had became stronger and learned a few special moves.However, there was something else in her sights for the moment. After winning a recent battle, a trainer told her she could find some pretty great Pokemon to help fill her missing slots in the nearby forest. Some even said there was a pretty strong Zoroark there, but no one has been able to find him and catch him due to his ability to turn into anything and anyone. Emily had never seen a Zoroark in person and would give anything to have one on her team. Another powerful Pokemon could very well even help her beat the Elite Four one day! Needless to say, Emily headed there as soon as her Pokemon rested and given the attention they deserved. However, the chances of her finding said Zoroark seemed nearly impossible. Emily did managed to capture a little Rufflet in the meantime, but decided to save her final spot for the Zoroark she had heard so much about. The forest was thick however, and no matter how long she looked, she hadn't even seen a sign of its existence, even Blaze with her excellent nose couldn't seem to track it. Emily began to suspect that the trainer had given her false information and decided to set up camp since it was getting late. After setting up the tent, Blaze used her breath to lit a campfire from the bundle of sticks she had gathered before curling up behind to tired Emily to keep her upper body propped up off the ground. The search had made her rather tired. Her long auburn hair was slightly disheveled by still had it's natural curls and waves that seemed to catch the eye of her follow trainers. Her eyes were emerald green and full of tiredness from the day. Her skin was lightly tanned from her journey, but still looked soft and flawless from what was shown. Her black tank top showed off a good bit of her upper body, allowing her well developed breasts to be seen without effort along with the curves of her body. Her white, slightly dirty, shorts allowed her firm, plump rear to be in shown off as well as her plush thighs while her black boots reached up to her knees. Emily pulled a berry out of her bag and let Blaze get it out of her hand before laying her head on the fluff of her best friend's body before dozing off with the heat of the camp fire and her best friend to comfort her. During the day, before the established but growing trainer Emily would make her way to the forest, a different battle could be heard deep within the woods shrouded by distance and the shade of the leaves. The unmistakable shape of an illustrious and beautiful female espeon and her male trainer could be seen as they begin combat with an unusual wild pokemon for this area. Though the fight could just barely be seen by even the most sharpest trainers on the planet, the discernable sounds of this encounter would be quite concerning for all beings who knew the language and understood the names and attacks involved."Toxicrooooak!""Espeon, use Psychic!" And just as the instruction was uttered the purple blast escaped the gorgeous shape before being completely deleted upon reaching what sounded like a wild Toxicroak, a Poison Fighting type pokemon. "Wh what?! That was a direct hit! You're not immune to psychic attacks!" The trainer declared with an explanation. It would appear he was shocked as he was so certain this would be an easy fight for his prized Psychic evolution of the crowd favorite: Eevee.The shape of the wild pokemon extended it's long arm toward both the trainer and his Espeon. "Croooak!" Came another guttural sound before a pulsing black attack launched from him to send the trainer flying backwards clear out of the scene and the busty unmistakable Espeon's slapped into a tree from a powerful super effective hit. Even though most trainers and pokemon generally escaped with their lives from such encounters, and even though they approached this wild pokemon instead of the other way around, it would appear the wild pokemon had it's own ideas about a prize he should claim for the trouble. The shape of what evidentally should have been a Toxicroak with a questionable move set had shifted into that of a monstrously large human like pokemon. The shape could have been attributed to a pokemon like Lucario, though it's large mane of hair suggested otherwise. Either way, what happened next was unmistakable as this wild pokemon approached the unquestionably fainted Espeon before crouching over her. While some less creative minds may have suggested the movements seen were the acts of a nefarious Dark type pokemon scanning the Espeon for a held item to pilfer, a more perverse mind would be far more accurate to claim that the wild pokemon was fondling and licking the Espeon in unconcerned foreplay. And the shift of positions and sounds to follow would entirely confirm this theory as grunts from the wild pokemon, soft sounds from the unconscious Espeon and very lewd noises could clearly be heard. They were breeding beyond a shadow of a doubt.Even though the trainer would be leaving with a fainted and thoroughly bred Espeon, and several exaggerated tales of this very true event, no one was permanently wounded or killed. And stories like this were gathered as this obscenely powerful pokemon was spoken about locally by female trainers and anyone with exceptionally beautiful female pokemon found themselves trading their tales of their encounters with either a strange hauntingly handsome man who wouldn't utter a sound or a powerful pokemon who seduced or molested their own pokemon. In any case, the tales that held any significance evidence wise directly suggested this beast would most certainly be an unfairly overleveled Zoroark who was improperly released by some ace master trainer. Though some information wouldn't quite line up, like the Zoroark having mated and fathered eggs with females outside of his proposedly known egg group, and itself having taken on a human form and keeping it's illusion up after taking on a direct hit, these were often considered hoax stories. At times there were reasonable means to discern these "hoax stories" as local trainers trying to pass off a mundane egg as the offspring of this mighty legendary Zoroark that preyed in the nearby forest in order to catch a better trade for the egg. Other times local young women who shared stories about finding this speechless male that rocked their world with a full night of passionate and forceful sex had been accused of simply being lonely and telling tall tales after a spree of months without lovers.In any case, the advice to search the forest for this Zoroark was founded on true stories. Though, it was likely that the young man who directed Emily this way had nefarious intentions to get more info on the Zoroark after the silent man of myth had his way with the physically gifted young woman. The odds of a female lasting a night in the woods alone unmolested by this menace seemed to be about 50 50 anyway and the Zoroark tales definitely lined up quite well with Emily's looker of an Arcanine as her best friend who would be with her. No bodies or serious wounds coming out of the forest could be traced back to the mysterious cretin. So, in any case, the young man probably justified his selfish deception with either Emily having a sexually gratifying night or getting an egg of a potent pokemon in the process. Rape wasn't a pleasant concept, but the tales spun by women who left the forest rarely painted this as anything other than a world altering experience. Even if it would seem scary and violent.The sun set and Emily and her trusty Arcanine had snuggled up for the night. To hug a warm and loyal pokemon like Arcanine before falling asleep marked Emily as a lucky lucky girl. The body of Arcanine gave of the most excellent heat and they were often attributed as the most trustworthy companions of the pokemon world. Sharp senses and a bond that could never be broken, with the power to dominate fights with any wild common pokemon to boot. There wasn't a safer place than laying beside such marvelous beasts known as Arcanine. And to their credit, the wild Zoroark admired them from afar for this very reason. Only one thing beat the sight of beautiful women and female pokemon, and it was the rarest moments that brought an unrivaled warmth into the heart of this sex machine of a Zoroark. And with this warmth, his imposter illusion ability would be triggered. Leading him flawlessly into countless wonderful heated encounters with the opposite sex before, the ability took his budding warmth in his heart and made him shift into the sharp unmistakable shape of a primal and bulky male Arcanine. His white fur around his torso flowing with the wind.With his proximity to the girls, his male Arcanine mating scent soaked over their campsite. Likely being found by Blaze's nose that wouldn't fail to discover if anything was out of place while Emily's human nose likely wasn't able to discern this scent from the smell of her companion. As part of his plan, Zoroark wanted to catch Blaze's attention after Emily had nodded off to a slumber. Being a pokemon who understood people and their pokemon well enough, Zoroark assumed that the loyal female Arcanine lacked the tenacity and callousness to awaken her trainer in the middle of a peaceful sleep. He'd await any response calmly a fair distance away as the male Arcanine increased the distance slowly over time. Blaze nibbled on the berry that her trainer had given her within her hands while Emily rested her head against her thigh. The fluffy Arcanine smiled down at her trainer with a warm gaze. Emily had been good to her since the day she first laid eyes on her and Blaze was undoubtedly loyal to her. Blaze was always the first to attack whenever a wild pokemon attacked Emily and gave warning growls at trainers who insulted her or looked like they were going to hurt her. No one got to Emily without passing by Blaze first. She shifted the berry to one hand before using the other to stroke Emily's beautiful hair. Blaze's own body wasn't too far off of her trainer's. When she was a little Growlithe, she looked more like a child then she did now. Ever since evolving into an Arcanine, her fur grew more majestic with beautiful colors of red, black, and gold as her body became more adult and feminine. Emily always had such a desirable body, but once Blaze evolved, she grew one of her own. Her curves were similar to Emily's, but Blaze's breasts were a tad bit larger due to the fact that she was now taller and more muscular then Emily was and her rear was just as firm as her trainer's own plump, firm rear, the only difference being the massive fluffy, golden tail that trailed behind her. While their shape was similar now, the Arcanine still looked a bit different from Emily in other ways besides height and muscle mass. Instead of long auburn hair and sparkling emerald green eyes like her trainer, Blaze had a mane of golden fur and strong brown eyes. Blaze's cheeks were fluffy with golden fur while Emily's was smooth to the touch. It was also easy to see that Blaze had no need for clothing while her trainer had a need to be modest for some reason so it was easy to see everything of Blaze's with little effort, but luckily the mass amount of her soft fur concealed her more vulnerable assets in a similar way that Emily's bras and panties did.A strange scent pulled Blaze's attention away from her peacefully sleeping trainer and made her ears perk up as she sniffed the air. It was a strange, but alluring scent that was completely new to her roster of smells. The closest thing she smelt to it was a Raichu who was in heat while they were battling. Blaze growled a bit suspiciously at the idea of what the source could be as her fur fluffed up a bit at the idea of something sneaking up on them while Emily was vulnerable. Then, she remembered that Emily had been desperately searching for the Zoroark they've heard was extremely powerful. The idea of finding said Zoroark, defeating it, and awakening her sweet trainer with the Zoroark at their mercy and for her taking made her tail wag happily. Blaze was always eager to impress or get something for Emily she had been working so hard for. Emily always did her best for all her pokemon and Blaze wanted her to have the best the world had to offer and if this Zoroark was one of them, then she would do what she had to to give it to her. Blaze had never smelled a Zoroark before, so she wasn't too sure if the scent belonged to one or not. Either way, she had a need to investigate the source.She carefully slide herself out from underneath her sleeping trainer, deciding that Emily needed the rest and wanted to see the surprised expression on her face when she brought her the Zoroark they've been looking for all day. Once her lap was free, Blaze used her hands to hold Emily's head up while she slowly lowered her down comfortable on the backpack she usually carried on her back before getting up onto her feet and walking deeper into the forest. Blaze used her sharp nose to follow the scent, ignoring the strange feeling that grew between her legs from the scent. Her ears perked up at every sound the forest made, making sure nothing would surprise her. Emily had warned her ahead of time that Zoroark had an ability to transform itself, so she kept her sharp eyes looking around actively while her nose hunted the scent. Blaze kept walking, the need to hunt making her lose track how far she was walking away from Emily. She seemed to be wondering forever trying to track the scent, but her need to sate her curiosity and attempt to gift Emily with something she desired clouded her judgement as her instincts became fixated on the strange scent. While the unusual Zoroark's numerous facets included a good nose, he certainly wasn't in the same league as a genuine Arcanine like Blaze when it came to this game of hide and seek he was putting on for her. His scent had to linger long enough to keep her attention and help her find him, but he couldn't allow himself much of a window to pause and brush up against something to leave a better chase. They were both very fast. Despite his physical advantages he wouldn't be able to take her as far away from the other wild pokemon and Emily as he'd like too. If she raised any alarm, it'll come down to a fair split of luck whether the branches and wind would carry that out to any unwelcomed third parties. Zoroark wasn't afraid of voyeurism and he definitely thought it was kinky that such a concept could make certain females wet, but he was certainly annoyed by distractions. His schemes were often one cock jobs, and letting the weaker prey of the forest in on sloppy seconds was rarely a generous offer he'd conceive of unless his victim had been particularly difficult and he felt a bit of malice he needed to exorcize.In any case, she was gaining on him and he couldn't quite tell if she was gunning for him prepared to throw a punch or just coming to investigate like a playful and curious puppy. Either concept excited him as she seemed to be at least a formidable challenge, but he was growing tired of pounding his big pokecock into fainted beauties and only fucking lucid victims if they're human. Being a Dark Type pokemon did lend him towards accepting and finding joy in the easy ways out, with moves like thief and the like. But, for once, he wanted to try plowing a wonderfully built goddess of another pokemon species while she was wide awake. He certainly had the talents and tricks to pull it off with his nasty plotting mind and the Imposter Illusion ability he's been gifted with since he was a mere Zorua boy.He came to a clearing that spanned three hundred yards in each direction before making his way to the trees on the other side and turning to face the way Blaze would be pursuing from. In this moment he could finally admire his majestic masculine form that his ability granted him now. In a way, this largely served to better reflect the kind of strength and fire power he was really working with as opposed to his more lanky true form and pretty boy human form. As a Male Arcanine, his colors were just like Blaze's while his build was tall and thick with muscle and manliness. A large fluffy mane extended down his back and covered his head like hair while a single black stripe extended down the bridge of his muzzle which ends with what appeared to be a powerful nose and a toothy confident smile. The shade covered this and the rest of his upper torso of shapely broad shoulders and bulkier arms with large powerful hands. Just within the moonlight was his furred hips and legs which paired with the theme his upper body set quite handsomely. The most significant difference between the larger male that'd examine Blaze lustfully and her feminine form would be the most pronounced part of the male which wore the moon's shine exquisitely. This would be the deeply red cock and giant pair of balls between his legs. The tip of this manhood was pointed, but the rest was broad like his beefy form leading down to an almost pulsing knot that was almost as large as the pair of cum storage units just beneath it. Precum scent filled the air as a shiny drop of excellence glazed downward the tip of his semi erect primal red cock. At the sight of her, his already pleasure garunteeing size grew even larger and harder. It's function was self evident and his intent was written with his eyes. Had he been a sculpture, any woman looking would know his hands were crafted to hold their hips as they bury their face into his warm, muscular, furred chest. Something like this existed in the wettest dreams of the most honest pokepervs whose wombs yearned to give the most deserving male countless offspring.And his eyes, the same color as Blaze's, looked right at her. The scent was getting stronger so Blaze knew she was approaching her target soon. She was catching up to whatever it was that had interested her in the strange new scent. Curiosity controlled her at this point as she more wanted an answer to what was causing such an alluring scent. If it truly had been a Zoroark she was chasing then she would attack it for the sake of making Emily happier and stronger, but if it had been some other pokemon then perhaps she would simply lose interest and return to her sweet Emily. There was an odd effect the scent was having on her. Blaze had never felt her sex between her plush thighs tingle in response to a smell. Lately it had been bothering her as if she needed something she didn't even know she needed and the scent only agitated it more. The fur around her sex was already starting to feel damp and hot, hotter then it normally felt and Blaze wasn't sure why. Sometimes when she saw a male pokemon in battle, she had the urge to roll over for them, but often stopped herself to focus on the battle to please Emily instead. Now, she was having a similar urge. If it wasn't for her need to make Emily happy, she probably would have done it, but instead she hunted forth until she stumbled upon a clearing.There was nothing but grass for at least three hundred yards all around, but it wasn't the clearing itself that interested her, but instead what stood in it. Her eyes widened a bit and her ears perked up as her head tilted curiously. Blaze had never seen another Arcanine before, at least not one in the wild. Her eyes couldn't help but roam over his form and admiring him. His fur looked majestic, his stripes rather striking, and the thing that hung between his legs looked...alluring. The sight of her had made it grow longer and harder and that made her pussy ache in response. The scent was overwhelming here. She had found her target, but instead of walking away like she had planned to, Blaze found herself moving towards him. Her tail wagged behind her gently as though it was trying to move itself out of the way of something. She stepped carefully, not wanting to trigger a fight between them since she was just curious of him at this point. Blaze sniffed him and soon found his scent intoxicating. She didn't know why his scent had allured her so, but she suddenly found herself nuzzling his neck as her hands touched his shoulders. Her nose rubbed against his cheek, neck, and underside of his jaw. Her body instinctively pushing itself against him, feeling his hard cock against her soft belly as she let out a little non aggressive growl.Blaze wasn't too sure why she felt the need to do these things, but it was too late for her to stop now. She licked his cheek sweetly before giving his ear a playful nip. Her hands started to wonder on their own, running down his muscular chest as she let out a heated breath. Her hand contiuned to go lower and lower onto him until her fingertips touched the tip of his cock. She could feel something wet on it, but didn't seemed to care. Blaze let her hand touch and graze over the strange thing that made her feel so hot and wet between her thighs. Her sex started to ache and she didn't know why. She let herself touch his cock for a minute before finding herself unable to control her body anymore as she turned herself around, her plump rear pointed towards him and getting down on her hands and knees. She lowered her upper body until her breasts squished against the ground, making her lift her hips up high to him. She looked behind herself as she lifted her tail to the side to show off her perfect, firm rear and soaking wet pussy lips, the fur on her thighs soaking with lady juices as a gentle whine escaped her throat. Blaze wasn't sure what she was doing or why she wanted his cock so badly, but at this point, she didn't really care anymore. In the moments of nothingness with his target on pursuit, the Zoroark steeled himself over to seperate his actual expressions from the majestic male appearence he wore now. In his mind, his eyebrows raised as he seemed less non chalant about the encounter that was on the way. He could tell Blaze was in a tier well above the wild pokemon of the forest that he's dominated for years. Should any other trainer or her own enter in on the fight he wasn't too comfortable with the concept of multi directional fights. Two attacks at once might have been enough knock this formidable Zoroark off his win streak. He specialized in knock out blows, one quick attack that snuffed out his opposition before they had a chance to exchange with their own attack. His ability granted him the additional window to invite attacks from faster opponents that carry psychic type attacks that he was purely immune too. Blaze was definitely fast. Even with his headstart, she was on the hunt and she'd catch up to him even if he wanted to bitch out now. Arcanine's had powerful attacks that he held no resistance too, and Blaze might have been one of the few non wild pokemon he's encountered that could last an attack or two of his Dark Pulse. He didn't wanna risk the chance of being enslaved to a human. His mating spree over his many wonderful years had been glorious and he most definitely fathered an army of potent pokemon with his inclinations, and that's exactly why he never wanted this to end. He envied the love and loyalty Blaze gave to Emily, but there were some aspects of the pokemon trainer bond that he wasn't fond of.And the moment came. An exotic beauty like no other stepped into the clearing, looking to him. The male Arcanine continued looking to her in the same lustful ready to fuck way, he was built to tackle that longing in her loins. Well, it looked that way at least. His inner self was sincerly concerned. Her sex appeal wouldn't calm him in any fashion as she approached him. The hardening and growing cock was his natural reaction, and it was very real. But, it was Zoroark's experience that such gorgeous looks was a tell tale sign of confidence. The fact that she didn't come flying at him with a Flame Blitz or an Extreme Speed didn't quell him for a single second. Zoroark could really be animated about his feelings in his natural form, but he had to keep up appearences or she'd most definitely strike him down. And keeping up his illusion wasn't hard with the mutation that allowed his ability to be levels of depth superior to a regular Zoroark's illusion. This cock was real, his ability to mate her was very, very real. The scent that would otherwise give him away was very clearly really having an effect from the look in her eyes as she finally came directly in contact with him. And just like that, Zoroark's inner self's confidence grew to match the supremely mascluine smile his illusion wore.Her nuzzling of his neck made some of his muscular structure respond so naturally. Clearly, despite this countless intimately shared actions, this 'Male Arcanine' has never felt the soft and warm embrace Blaze gave him. If he was aroused before, her hands on his shoulders and her soft belly fur against the bottom of his length essentially doubled his arousal. Instead of just being a sex hungry hound like he always was, this pokemon in her grasp was now primed to mate her proper and the way his tongue slid out from his Arcanine lips on the opposite side of the cheek she licked was proof enough of that. Her growl invigorated him, but he kept his responses to looks for now as he wasn't super confident in his ability to purely immitate Male Arcanine's mating sounds. Though, he was sure if she never heard it before he'd be safe to let loose vocally when they're a little more wrapped up in each other. Her hands came to his cock, touching him in a way that almost clearly translated her inexperience. But, she also didn't fail to make him even hornier as he enjoyed her touch as she was just so full of lust.He'd have his hand on her ass, beneath her tail, as she touched him like this. His eyes on her own. The window to a soul, almost exactly where a human was conditioned to look for certainty in order to read a person. And yet, Zoroarks eyes were masters of deciet in ways that even surpased his tricky ability. She couldn't read anything her sexualized and heated imagination didn't wanna see. His big manly hand grasping one of her round and perfect cheeks that he had previously held. And then the most glorious sight would come to him following this. She turned away with her delicious rear facing him now as she escaped his hand. In the next moment she got to her knees and pressed her upper body into the gound as her tail drew to the side. Despite what he already deduced about her inexperience, her instinct as a female Arcanine must be so spot on that he display here could summon such a feverish and heated emotion deep within Zoroark. His plan previously was to faint Blaze in any devious underhanded way that he could. But, now he was certain as he approached her and climbed over her with his much larger body covering her own and his large knees flattening the grass around her, his new strategy was to carve a raw message into her with his sex and attempt to open up such a wonderful world of mating that she would be unable to oppose him as her dominate lover. To fuck her so hard tonight that she lacked both the will and energy to keep him from corrupting her lovely human friend as well.His pointed tip that she previously clensed of the precum was already glistening again and dripping warm substances over her ass while his hands make their way up her belly to slip beneath her bountiful breasts and massage them. The scent of his seed was so powerful and self descript that it would be impossible to mistake it's purpose and how good at that purpose it was. After letting her feel the bottom of his cock between her cheeks as he'd lightly hump her enough to make her body move, he'd raise his upper body from her back and let his hands swim down over her fur to her ass. His thumbs, large enough to pleasure her holes thoroughly on their own, would spread her wonderfully round ass even further in an attempt to increase the surface area of the wet fur around her cunt and greatly decrease the odds of missing her sex as his hips alone pressed his pointed tip against her. This next part was a gamble. He registed that she was so aroused beneath him that anything could happen. Yet, with her closeness to that human he imagined she was never spread by such a monsterous meaty red delight before. He didn't want to risk ruining sex for her forever with a bullheaded move. But, he wanted to get her hooked on his cock to such an extent. He had to do something drastic. He had to intoduce her to the payload of pleasure in ways that nothing else could. That any imitation of sex could never possibly do. And with that idea in mind, he pulled his hips backward and climbed over her simultaneously so that his abilty to thrust forward was maximized while his cock tip pressed her sex. It was shaped for her. His right hand gripped the base of her tail as his left hand smoothed over her left shoulder to her throat as he peered into her eyes and shoved all of him inside of her. They weren't humans or feeble low leveled pokemon. Blaze and Zoroark were physically sturdy, mentally sound and powerful pokemon. Such a raw act would ruin a human woman, but he was hoping to cash in on the very delicious fact that they weren't human. He wanted all of the milestones of her first cock to hit her womb in a symphony of cascading sensations that conflicted like sweet and sour. His hands on her would tighten just a bit, pulling her closer. Feeling the male Arcanine's own tongue slip from his lips to return the lick made her fur rise a bit in excitement, not nearly as much as it would while she was fearful, but enough to show. The looks of interest and the way the male's cock reacted to her display of affection to earn his interest in mating with her made her need for him to grow even greater. Never before had Blaze's thoughts been off of Emily for so long. All she could think about was what she wanted the male to do to her. Normally, she would never leave Emily's side for long, but she couldn't leave to join her until her needs were sated or else Blaze would go crazy, at least at this point. She didn't even care that the male was silent while she let out low growls and little whines to show her interest in mating with him. As long as he wasn't actively trying to push her away or bite her, then she would assume that he was interested in her as well if his cock wasn't enough for her to assume that. Blaze was inexperienced in all things mating related given that she was so dedicated to her trainer, so she relied on her instincts to guide her way and so far, they served her well.The feeling of his hand grabbing her plump rear made a little whine escape her maw, not a whine of pain or fear, but one that sounded like one of a female in heat, similar in a way to a human moan. Her hips naturally pushed back into his hand as though her body wanted his hand to grab more of her as her tail started to lash in excitement. His eyes were almost as intoxicating as his scent. She couldn't see anything in his eyes, nothing that gave away who he was, but she was convinced that his gaze had lust and heat within them, while her own were filled with similar things. She was tempted to stay there, her body adoring the way his hand was touching her and arousing her even more, but she couldn't control herself anymore. She had to have him. Blaze needed to fill his cock plunge into her untouched sex that ached for his attentions and made her thighs wet. As she bent over for him, offering herself to him, Blaze let out soft whines in desperation. Now that her heat was in full, her own scent started to fill the air and it only made her more desperate for him then before as she could smell a mixture of both of each other's own arousal.The second she felt the male climb over her, her hips bucked back eagerly as though it would get his cock inside of her faster. A low growl rumbled in her throat as she felt his pre cum get itself on her ass as he readied himself to mate her eager little cunt. The sensation of his hands roaming up her belly to grab as her bountiful breasts made a little moan like whine escape her. Her upper body pushed harder into his hands, her tits filling his hands nicely as she responded to his hands grabbing her there. The scents in the air were driving her wild. Her hips would readjust every few seconds she didn't feel him inside of her, thinking that it would aid him in sheathing himself inside of her. Another moan was brought out of her the moment she felt his hump her hard enough to make her body jerk forward a bit and giving her a good feel of the base of his cock. Her whines grew more inpatient as her sex started to hurt from all the stimulation, but nothing to relieve it. While the hump he gave her gave her pleasure, the need to feel his cock inside of her was growing harder and harder to ignore. The way his hands touched her body was enough to make her light headed. Just feeling him run his hand from her breasts and down her back made her arch her back into his hand like a Meowth getting a nice pet from their trainer. Blaze let out a hot breath with a little flame pushing from her cute little nose feeling his thumbs spreading her ass cheeks apart, feeling that he was nearing the moment he would take her and found herself growing more excited by the second. Blaze's breath caught in her throat as she felt the tip of his cock against her sex, her hips bucking against it to try to push it inside of her on her own, but failing to do so. Another hot breath left her feeling his hand grab the base of her tail, learning that it was sensitive to touch, especially in the way the male grabbed it and added onto her pleasure. Normally, the feeling of a hand on her throat would cause her to attack, but now, she only titled her head up some so his hand could have more access to it and helped her meet his gaze as he finally pushed himself inside of her.A little flame escaped her maw as she opened her mouth to let out a pleasured little roar feeling his cock finally push itself inside of her. Her sex, so unused, struggled to fit his massive, meaty cock inside of her. Her claws dug into the earth below her as a bit of pain rushed through her body along with relief as she felt his tip hit the back of her womb in one quick thrust. She panted hotly, her tongue letting out of her mouth as a look of drunken pleasure grew on her face. The pain didn't bother Blaze. Pain wasn't something she was afraid of or not use to, but it was the pleasure that joined it that drove her insane. Her hips eagerly pushed back on him, making sure every inch of him was sheathed inside of her incredibly tight, wet, cunt. It was shocking to see how much her snatch was stretching to fit him inside, but eagerly did so to accept him as a mate. Each throb and twitch she felt against her walls and inside her womb made a moan like whimper and whine rumble in her throat. She had never felt anything like this before and found herself quickly adoring the sensation. Before, she never saw the appeal of a mate or mating in particular when she had such a perfect trainer, but now that she was bent over with a male's cock inside of her, she couldn't believe that she didn't want it earlier. It felt even better then winning against another trainer or Emily's pets and cuddles. Her hind legs dug into the ground behind her, steadying herself and getting a good grip on the ground in case he started to thrust against her as she found herself quickly enjoying the fat, red, meaty, cock that forced her once virgin pussy to stretch as wide as it possibly could. To the Zoroark, it was the look on Blaze's face that truly made his night. Of course their sex, and anything else he'd be getting away with, would be immensely pleasurable for Zoroark. But it was that 'drunk with physical love' look Blaze wore that really activated his imagination. Pairing that with the sounds she'd make, from the little ones she probably didn't even notice to the louder ones that made him wonder just what could approach them from the wilds should her voice beckon them forth, it all had a profound effect on the grossly under civilized Zoroark as he lined himself up with her hot wet sex. The delightful sensation of her fur helped him guide his tip to her sex with ease as he couldn't possibly miss if he kept this factor in mind. Even now as he had her throat in his hand, the base of her tail in his grasp, he couldn't stop thinking about the way her body responded to his palms. The way her rear pressed back to his hand, her bossom pushing into his palm, and even her head raised to give his hand more room on her neck for his own pleasure. Now he only had to test one thing before he'd know for sure if he could plow her into complete and total submission that'd last even after their encounter. Given the way her lower body pushed back on his cock tip like she was prepared to get this show on the road all on her own, he imagined there was enough fire in this Arcanine to melt her into precisely what he needed. This was a suitable picture of a dark pokemon topping a fire type, at least in his mind.His grip on her tail tightened. The air surrounding them thickened with her scent, mixing with his own. Under the light of the moon, he'd memorize her scent with his nose pressing up to her cheek before giving it a lick. Of course he had to mind the fire leaving her lips as he'd like to avoid his fur catching fire and unveiling his disguise too early. This very thought would make him wonder if she'd even fight him off of her now that they were like this if she discovered he was a Zoroark instead of an Arcanine. The illusion looked right into her eyes, a similar mask of pleasure written on his face after all of their contact and her direct stimuli being applied to him. This moment of allure and their dance of attraction would come to a close as the very next chapter of their mating would open and his cock plunged all the way to the end of her depths. Almost as if it were all at once, his pointed tip would spearhead his red meat's entry by spreading her very little at first and then allowing the rest of his force to work his way inside of her eager virgin pussy. And to his delight, she didn't seem to recoil in horror or shock as he went right to her depths and her pussy lips kissed the start of his knot.A low grumble built and escaped up through his throat and then through his own muzzle against the side of her head before he'd lean over her and start to move his bulky masculine frame over the curvy Blaze. His hips drawing toward her further, pressing her insides more as his knot simply couldn't enter her. And then, now with the increased room behind him, he'd pull backward with his lower body, the big red cock following suit as it'd escape her hot tight depths inch by inch. Whether it was his own heat or Blaze's wasn't certain, but the night air appeared visible around their mid mating sex. Unlike his slow draw backward that was meant to allow his prey to really feel the weight of their act, he'd slam into her rear so hard that his knot would slam her pussy lips and his large sack would slam foward pontentially giving her thighs a good thud with their size and density. And this repeated as he'd draw back and slam foward against her, slower on the draw and harder on the slam. His intent was to move her, to make her feel his power. His own grumbles would turn to real growls from his open mouth as he'd move his head above her own to spare her good Arcanine ears from overexposure to his own voice.By now, if she weren't completely mentally melted by the sensation of his cockhead slamming to the back of her insides reverberating through her body, she would definitely have the ability to discern the difference between what a male Arcanine should sound like and his dark menacing powerful growls he let loose from his muzzle. Escaping his hand on her tail would surely be difficult, not to mention his superior bulk and advantagous positon over her and the impossible length he had inside her that surely her cunt would suction to regardless of her truest desires, it'd all add up to her disadvantage should she choose to escape from under him now. Either way, he was confident in his odds of remaining ontop of her until they'd finish. Though, when this bright colored beauty would climax was surely a mystery granted that he was well aware of her virginity that he had stolen by now.There really wasn't a way to argue that she had consent to this act through the sheer trickery he had employed, and he drew even more pleasure from plowing her with this knowledge. Being a Dark pokemon lent him that sort of desire, that sort of personality. Each slam was followed by another pull backwards, each demonstrating his immense practice and muscle memory with this very act as he left no room for his cock to be pushed out from her even if she suddenly pulled forward and away from his mighty shaft. However, he knew he shouldn't hold back from what he can really do over her, especially if the window of decieving her really was coming close to an end. And just like that, with a sudden switch, he'd lean over her just a little more with his hand from her throat pressing into the ground above her head and his claws digging into that ground. With the full force of his lower body and his strong hand on the base of her tail pulling her into it, he'd repeatedly slam over seven inches of his cock into her like a machine gun. So fast that every time he'd grunt and grumble he'd actually interrupt a mid growl sound to do it as he was moving faster than even his mind could keep up with and the powerful thrusts leading into her and then in a slight upward curve had rocked them and the ground beneath them so hard that his claws left deep cuts even into the hard ground that splintered as though he were performing mini earthquakes with his slam into her. His shapeshifted cock was too large to permit even the beginning of his knot inside her, though he had a clever plan to make it possible to fit it into her without fail. His massive sack swelled in preperation, his cock tip couldn't possibly keep the very hot pre from rolling into her anyway. The creamy and hot seed was very quickly painted over every inch of her insides as it quickly left a warm white glaze to his cock and around her pussy lips which grew and then dripped off from them to the ground with his every movmement.Their mating could sincerely go on, having already lasted a mere ten minutes. Though, with his heart racing and the fun he was having with Blaze, it felt like they had only just begun. Perhaps if she could last as long as he could then they most certainly were just starting. Though, he had some plans for that spunky trainer of her's who was equally as womanly gifted. So, he was eagerly thursting into her again and again with such force with coordinated efforts to make her climax as hard and as fast as possible. He surely wouldn't stop until she'd completely surrender. If one massive climax wouldn't do, he simply wouldn't stop there. Zoroark had his menacing plans. To succeed fully, he'd have to win this Arcanine's heart and body over after melting away her rationality. He'd have to write the addiction to his cock deep witin her in a place that no Hypno could ever possibly reach. After all, he was currently competing with what appeared to be quite the extensive friendship. Trainers that trusted their pokemon to the extent he could observe with Blaze was quite rare in his eyes. The feeling of a swelling knot against her hot slit made her tongue escape her maw as she closed her eyes to feel it hit against her cunt in attempts to push itself inside to lock them together. However, her little cunt was so tight from not being in use, that it work take some effort to actually allow it inside of her. A low grumble rumbled in her throat as she felt his cock slowly pulling itself from her warm pussy. He was freeing his cock from her so slowly that Blaze could feel every detail of his cock as her pussy struggled to keep it inside of her with it attempting to grip around it even tighter. Feeling it slide out of her almost felt better then feeling it push in if it wasn't for the empty feeling it left her once his girth had stopped stretching her once it freed itself. In just that short amount of time that it was out of her, Blaze felt herself whine as her claws flexed impatiently into the ground. The fur around her plush thighs were becoming flat and wet from her own wet sex as her tail wagged excitedly in his hand to feel him push himself inside of her once more. Her breath had become so heated that puffs of steam began to escape her maw as she panted hotly for the male to take her as she looked at him over her shoulder with desperate and hungry eyes. Suddenly and without warning, the male thrust himself so hard inside of her that Blaze was nearly knocked off balance and had to dig harder into the ground to keep herself in position. A little burst of flame burst from her maw as she let out a pleasure roar as she felt his heavy balls slam against her thighs as his cock forced her sex wide open again making her entire body scream in delight and pleasure as her hips bucked up against him as though she was begging him to mate her more. With every draw and thrust, Blaze let out a little whine, similar to a human moan as she closed her eyes to enjoy every single sensation of his cock fucking her tight little cunt.The sounds he began to make however were a bit off. While she hadn't met many males, she's never heard any of her kind make the same kind of sounds as him. If she hadn't been so needy with heat then maybe she would of picked up on it sooner or suspected more of the male once she heard his voice. Yet, his dark and menacing growls only added onto her pleasure. She felt her fur rise with chills running down her spine with every strange sounding growl he let out. One thing was sure though, Blaze was losing confidence that the male was what he appeared to be. A part of her suspected that she had fallen prey to a clever trick to get her to mate with him, but another part of her just didn't care. Despite realizing what might have been at play here, she couldn't find it in her to pull away or try to turn on him at this point. Her needy cunt wouldn't let her. She could turn on him and bit his neck, but the feeling of his fat, meaty cock slamming into her cunt over and over again just felt so good to feel that Blaze herself was tempted to attempt to over power him to take what she wanted from him as hard and as quickly as she wanted, but her body refused to let her risk ruining this pleasure filled moment as her ears could hear the deep wet claps of their sexes meeting and his heavy balls slapping her thighs with every thrust he forced into her. Besides, his position over her prevented her from getting a good strike or hold on him with his larger and more powerful body looming over her own as he fucked her. So, instead of fighting him, Blaze took every inch of his thick cock with little resistance as her own body betrayed her to lust and heat.By the way his hips were so well practiced, Blaze doubted she was the first of the females he had tricked into mating with him, but in a way, Blaze found herself unable to complain about it purely because of how good he was fucking her. It almost made the trickery worth getting caught into just to feel a thick, meaty red cock finally make her virgin cunt sing with pleasure. Every time she attempted to fight her lust by moving her upper body away to pull her hips away from his, the male would easily make up the room again just by pulling himself into her again with strong hips and powerful hands keeping a grip on her. Suddenly, Blaze felt her entire upper body be forced to the ground as he let go of her throat to push his own hands into the ground. It felt like her lower body was being lifted up higher into the air as he fucked her cunt as he used the grip on her tail to pull her harder into his thrusts that pushed the every single inch of his cock inside of her, hitting the back of her womb over and over again with his pointed tip. Blaze was nearly breathless as she felt the male slam into her so quickly and rapidly it shook her whole body as she felt her own cunt squeeze the cock that slammed rapidly into her. Her own claws dug into the hard ground, cracks forming around them in response in a similar fashion as the male's own claws. Her tongue freed itself from her jaws feeling hot pre cum coating every inch of her walls and starting to run down her thighs as it prepared her for the male to release his hot seed into her and possibly even breed her.Blaze's heart pounded in her chest as her cunt started to squeeze around him even tighter in attempts to milk him for his cum instinctively as her own stomach started to grow so tight it almost hurt her. She knew what was going to happen soon for she could tell her male was going to experience the same thing every soon, but Blaze couldn't keep her own under control anymore. Her hind legs dug hard into the ground as her back arched in pleasure. A howl escaped her maw as she felt a rush of her own cum started to coat all over the male's pounding cock. Her thighs quickly became wet with cum as she tried to keep her strength up despite her legs starting to shake underneath her weight. She wanted to be able to fight off the male if he turned out to truly be what she suspected him to be, but with the tiredness of the day in whole along with this intense act for her first time mating, Blaze doubted she would have the strength or energy to fight off even a Caterpie at this point. She had no choice anymore. Without Emily here to help her, Blaze was useless to prevent what the male was about to do to her. One of these thrusts were going to fill her womb with cum and possibly even make her belly swell with a egg of their own making. Yet, Blaze couldn't say that she didn't want to feel his hot, thick, ropes of cum filling up her insides at this point with it being so near. The Zoroark delighted in the heat escaping the female Arcanine's maw. He did once worry that the truest way to get into this human lover's head was going to be treating her like a growlithe. Though, luckily, their exchange here definitely disprove that theory as his monstrous mating organ brought her mighty yet graceful form to a wonderful orgasm that even he didn't predict. Awestruck, the Zoroark let his disguise melt away as he buried his sly face into her neck and laid over her. This was bait in the truest form imaginable. And yet, he was almost too sure she'd fall for it while his hips continued to hump her rear end even after her juices littered the ground beneath them.With his body so close to her own the scent of his purely malicious form could soak over her with no filter. And it'd be impossible to miss out on the numerous benefits that Blaze could dutifully deliver to her human by learning how to track this mighty beast at will. Simultaneously, his grip on her tail tightened and pulled upward as his lower body forced his continued penetration of her weakened and overly stimulated form. Dominance, like it was his birthright to make her feel this way. As though no other male on the planet could do her quite like he could. And perhaps there was a modicum of truth to that. However, the precise moment where it would all pay off had now come.One wretchedly powerful thrust later, the Zoroark would force his knot within the Arcanine. And on que, his pointed tip pressed to her deepest point and even arched upward as it was forced to accommodate that extra room for his knot to fit. Despite that added layer of sensation, being spread as though he were operating with a new and thicker tool, it would all be drowned out. The hottest, thickest sperm rushed from his heavy balls that now pressed to her thighs. Up and through his huge red meat that spread her so efficiently that the difference in it's thickness as it delivered his seed was almost immediately obvious. Like a hose delivering an instant pregnancy milkshake that was gooey and molten straight into a tiny area made even less available by what he managed to shove into her, he filled her insides as he leaned over her and lied against her.His knot kept it all trapped within, something that thick couldn't be removed without a joint effort on their part and he wasn't ready to let her off the hook yet. He wanted to give her instincts a chance to really memorize this scent and attribute it to her proper baby daddy. The unmatched and dubious, powerful and sinister Zoroark they intended to defeat and capture. And it was all there for her powerful nose to accurately record. The scent of her defeat marked by her orgasm that only masked the hearty musk of his seed that also met the floor, her thighs, lubricated her cunt and has properly occupied her mating chamber like a full belly. The way he held her tail, made his body contact her own and buried his nose into the back of her neck to make intimate kisses and learn her scent, all could also be included as influences on the way he intended to teach her his place over her.Whether his plan would work or not depended on the staying power of this influence he wanted to have over her. She could just as easily shrug this off as a fling, he didn't know if that Arcanine loyalty extended to life long mating partners or not. Either way, he had a good time fertilizing this righteously ready to breed Arcanine's egg. He'd release her tail as he wrapped both arms around her and gave her cheek a lick. With his arms around her body, his knot in her, and his body over her own, retaliation was probably difficult. Though, a far cry from impossible. Blaze was dazed in the high of her own orgasm when she looked out of the corner of her eye at the feeling of his face nuzzling into her neck to see the male's form had melted away into something completely different. Her fears and suspicions were confirmed when the red, black, and orange fur of an Arcanine had turned black and red. While she couldn't see all of him, the fur alone and the feeling of his face shifting shape against her neck was enough to let her know that she had found what she was looking for all along. A little bit of shame washed over her knowing she had fallen victim to the dark pokemon's tricks, but at the same time, she couldn't find it in herself to pull away from him too much. His cock still hadn't filled her womb yet and despite learning the fact she wasn't mating with another Arcanine, her body still wanted his warm seed to breed her. A part of her wanted to pull away and bite him while he was vulnerable to present him to her beloved Emily, yet, she couldn't find the strength to actually free herself from his hold and his thrusting cock. If anything, her hips only bucked back into him in attempts to help his knot push inside of her. It felt wrong to pull away from him now, especially since her instincts began to tell her that she didn't have the right to. That he was dominate over her and he was free to do whatever he wanted to her. Blaze knew she could probably take him on, but after the rapid, hard thrusts keeping her low as he loomed over her, her body felt nothing but obedience for the Zoroark, even after he revealed his true form.Her thoughts began to wonder over to Emily, her sweet trainer. The cock that was fucking her made her feel so good, so alive, that she couldn't help, but want Emily to feel the same thing. Emily worked so hard and showed so much love to every Pokemon she captured. Blaze knew for a fact that Emily was just as pure as Blaze was. It wasn't like Emily wasn't interested in potential mates since Blaze had caught her admiring other trainers before, but her determination to fulfill her dreams had prevented her from delving into the world of pleasure she could have been feeling for a long time now. Blaze has seen other trainers come up to her and whisper things into her ear before that made her face turn red and made her words come out in stutters. Yet, she always said no to them for one reason or another, mostly because they were distracting her from something she was after. However, now that Blaze was feeling what a fat, monstrous, cock felt like pounding into her pussy, she couldn't feel like a good friend knowing that she got to feel the ultimate pleasure while her hard working trainer didn't. That was when Blaze decided that the Zoroark should be delivered to her trainer, just not in between her sharp teeth like she originally planned.Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt a powerful thrust against her, force his massive knot inside of her cunt. She let out a pleasured roar feeling her sex having to stretch to it limits just to fit him inside of her. Her back arched, making her hips push more up into him as her hind legs readjusted to keep her firmly in place as she knew his orgasm was quickly approaching. Blaze let out a heated roar feeling his thick, hot cum shoot itself into her eager cunt. She could feel his heavy balls against her thighs, releasing his load inside of her. Blaze nearly stopped breathing as she felt his cum fill the back of her womb and then some easily. She could feel her belly extending from the sheer amount of hot cum that filled her as though an egg had already immediately started to form inside of her. If there was any doubt that Blaze would be able to walk away without a baby in her belly, it was dashed away the moment she felt the incredible amount of cum the Zoroark's dick was releasing inside of her. Her whole body felt warmer, especially around her cunt and stomach from the massive load that remained inside of her, held inside by the knot the Zoroark somehow managed to push inside of her. Her legs shook as she tried to keep herself in position, but with such intense orgasms being made, she wasn't sure how long she would be able to keep them up as fatigue and submission began to influence her body. Blaze wasn't even sure if she could defend Emily anyway against the Zoroark at this point if he went after her next. She wouldn't even try to anyway, the Zoroark had made himself dominate over her and besides, with the charms and cock that he possessed, she was sure Emily wouldn't be able to say no to him either.The scents of heat, sex, and cum filled the air around them along with the Zoroark's own scent. It was all so heavy that Blaze couldn't even smell the forest or the grass anymore. It was just them she could smell and the act they had just committed. Blaze could feel his seed leaking out of her cunt even with his knot inside of her. There was just too much that even his knot couldn't hold in all of it. She could feel it running down her thighs and the pussy lips in a way that almost made her want to go again, but knew she was far too tired to do it anymore. His hand still holding onto the base of her massive tail and his nose taking in her scent made her feel even more submissive. He was taking in her scent as he marked her with his own. Where ever she went from now on, she would have his scent on her too, giving away the fact that Blaze had mated before. Blaze let out little submissive grunts and whines to show him that she had no intentions of turning on him the second he pulled from her. An overwhelming urge to protect the Zoroark overwhelmed her and nearly grew to the extent that she felt for Emily. Even if she wanted to fight him, she wouldn't be able to. Her loyalty to him had been made through their mating act. If Emily called for her aid against him, she would be torn, but ultimately Emily would win, but it would be a mighty difficult task for her to go through. The base of her tail was slightly sore once his hand let go of it, but the feeling of his arms wrapped around her and the lick on her cheek he gave her was enough for her to ignore it. Blaze returned the lick and gave him a loving little growl that still showed he was dominate over her as her tail wagged a bit behind her. The moon's light wasn't enough to restore any given man or pokemon's energy completely after such a primal mating sequence between the Zoroark and Blaze. Had this beast above her been any normal pokemon, he'd surely be losing consciousness after unloading such a massive load and his steller performance. Just like the trainer told Blaze and her human partner before they entered these woods: They weren't going to be dealing with an average creature. Like a jogger who runs for hours every day. Their first day wasn't nearly as easy as their last. And it helped Zoroark that Blaze's sounds and reactions were all pleasant after he impregnated her. He'd let himself grow lost in her sounds, the way she responded to his tongue running along the fur of her cheek. It was all wonderful. For even just a moment, Zoroark let the idea of further ingraining himself into their lives just flood his evil brain. That way he could make them make these sounds every night, or whenever he wanted too. He could finally do his part as a prolific father to finally lend a hand in raising his wee lil pokemon that he bred with Blaze just now. It was a tender concept that actually served to lower his overall affinity for his signature dark pulse attack for just a moment.Zoroark's arms slipped back down Blaze's body before his hands could take to her hips and turn her onto her left side with his knot still inside her. This way, he hand access to her front without having to be a contortionist. He'd lay over her again, this time with his lower body pressed against her own and his back arched a bit, bringing his face to her bust. However, he didn't bury his face into her right away. Like this, she'd be capable of taking in the sight of mate being over her, her perfect body and breasts nearly shadowed by his strong dark furred body. What'd come immediately next would be his eyes slowly closing gently shut just before he'd bring his nose to the fluff of fur above or between Blaze's breasts before sniffing lightly for her scent and brushing her adoringly in this spot. This took place all while his knot continued to fail to keep the sheer max load of sperm inside her stomach, the hot egg making milk ran out all around his groin, her leg, and the ground. In this position, her tail wouldn't be laid on and wouldn't be disrupted by his lean, tall body.His intimacy wouldn't end here, his own smaller tail quite visibly slanking from side to side from behind his mess of exotic hair. As his nuzzling stopped, his eyes would slowly open with his line of sight clearly being set on Blaze's own eyes. As his head raised, he pressed the tip of his long tongue to her collar bone before running the hot, wet, intentful tongue up over her throat. Before he'd get to her chin, the tip of his tongue would leave her neck and return to beneath her collar bone in order to repeat this. Again, and again, for at least ten times he slowly drew wet lines in her fur along her colloar bones and throat without necessarily drawing over exactly the same spot over and over. As he finished doing this, a puff of hot breath left his mouth and his eyes shut into an open mouthed expression of delight. While his sharp features and striking details paired with the black and red colors surely marked him as a dangerous and unruly pokemon from the get go, he certainly didn't strike her when she was vulnerable beneath him.Pressing his paws into the ground on each side of her head, he began to pull his lower body backward from her rear in slow but progressively harsher movements. While it may have been a confusing action at first, the way his bulbous knot would tease and test her sex would surely make his intent obvious. He'd probably have more success by pressing his upper body against her own and using his arms to try to leverage her body away from his tugs, but he didn't mind if this took a little longer than it needed to. In a way, being bound to Blaze was hardly the worst possible outcome of this encounter. And it was hardly as if Blaze was the worst pokemon to be knotted too. Unless she had a sudden morbid inquiry about what a slow baked Zoroark would smell like. She was, after all, an Arcanine and her body could most certainly raise to heat levels he just simply wasn't going to be able to withstand. And knowing all of this, Zoroark still took his sweet time just teasing her with the concept of pulling out of her without putting forward the effort to actually get it done quickly. He was having his fun. Blaze could already feel herself growing attached to the Zoroark that mounted her. Her natural sense of loyalty through friendships and mating had kicked in the second he pushed himself inside of her, but the way his claws roamed her body and his tongue licked her made her growl happily. Zoroark had a charm to him that made it even harder for her to dislike the beast. She knew coming in that he was unlike the others of his kind, but never did she think he could charm her so easily into submission. If she had been wild, then maybe she would even go to the extent of following him around, but she still had Emily, and she wouldn't trade Emily for anything in the world. However, she couldn't deny that the Zoroark had his ways of making her less eager to turn on him. The feeling of his claws slipping down her body made her fur raise up a bit in a non threatened fashion before feeling them on her hips. For a moment, she expect the Zoroark to start pumping away at her again, but he instead guided her into a nice position where she was able to look up at him with the moonlight reflecting beautifully off his black and red fur. The feeling of the soft grass against one side of her warm, tired body and the soft fur and warmth of her mate on the other was almost as comforting as Emily cuddling up to her to rest. She knew that his knot would keep them connected for awhile and probably moved their positions to make the wait a be a bit more comfortable, which Blaze definitely couldn't complain about since even her strong hind legs were beginning to shake under the weight and fatigue that was starting to settle in. Blaze could see her new mate now in full as his face grew to the same level as her plush breasts. Her ear twitched and her eyes studied him curiously at the sight of him. He truly was a handsome beast even in this form. The way his fur fluffed out completely untamed was oddly charming and cute while his sharp features were quite stunning to look upon. Arcanine or not, this Zoroark was handsome and charming enough to win anyone's heart in a single glance. Her heart fluttered a bit feeling his nose grow close to the fluff above her breasts to take in her scent and brushing her adoringly. He was quickly on his way to stealing her heart as she brought her lips to the tips of his long, pointed ears and giving them a playful nibble before pushing her own nose into the wild mess of fur near them to take in his scent as well.Blaze could feel more warmth running down her thighs and onto the grass near her sex. Her tail, now completely freed started to gently wag in enjoyment of it all. His scent, the softness of his fur against her's, his cock still firmly pushed inside of her, the warm cum running down her legs shamelessly was enough to put her in a dream like calm. When she felt his nuzzling stop, Blaze pulled back to meet his eyes with her own and curiously tilted her head to the side as he brought himself up a little higher. The warmth of his tongue against her fur was a bit of a surprise at first, but she quickly let a little pleased growl rumble in her throat as his tongue ran up her fur. Her eyes fell half way closed when she felt his tongue reach her neck, slightly lifting her head up to expose more of her neck to him to enjoy before slowly closing her eyes fully to enjoy the loving grooming. Her hands rose up from her sides to wrap around his shoulders, holding onto him as she felt his warm, wet tongue running up her neck in the most comforting way. She was risking endangerment by exposing her neck to him, but Blaze didn't think he would do anything to her at this point. If he had malicious intentions, he would of striked after he was done with her. His natural colors did make him look more of an aggressive and striking type of Pokemon, but from what she's experienced so far, he was actually quite gentle with her and showed no signs of aggression. A soft series of thuds could be heard behind her as her tail picked up a bit in pace of its wagging, slightly disrupting the grass behind her. His puff of hot breath against her newly wet fur made a little shiver run down her spine, but she enjoyed the sensation nonetheless.Her eyes opened again slowly when her ear caught onto the sounds of grass crunching on either side of her head to see a pair of strong arms on either side of her vision. A little surprised whine escaped her feeling a little tugging down in her sex. It didn't hurt, but just simply surprised her. At first, she suspect the male was wanting to go at her again, but it wasn't hard for her to realize what he was doing. His hip movements weren't like before, but it did stimulate her in a similar fashion. Her used cunt was sensitive from the recent mating ritual so his knot tugging against her entrance in a attempt to pull out of her did make her growl in a bit of pleasure. It wasn't so much so as when he was going into her, but it was hard to keep herself quiet while he tried to ease himself out of her, especially when he made a particularly harsh movement. She would let out a little whine here and there, along with a little growl or two, but only making any real noise when he made a harsher movement and her sensitive, overfilled cunt buzzed in a mixture of pleasure and pain. Her hands ran down to his upper arms instead to make sure she couldn't hinder him from the process, giving her a moment to look up at him. Really, if she wanted to, it would be so easy to hurt him while they were connected like this. As a fire type, she was able to increase her body heat whenever needed, especially after learning Overheat. A dark type like him would get burned just from the slightest touch and more so while he was inside of her. A male Arcanine would have no problem with this, but a Zoroark wouldn't be able to stand it, especially while he was knotted to her, but she couldn't stand the thought of it at this point. If it wasn't the loyalty she had for him now, she might of done it, it would surely make it easier to present him to Emily, but she wanted Emily to feel the pleasure that she got to experience and if the Zoroark was too injured to perform then it wouldn't work out in her full favor. Sure, she would of gotten Emily the Pokemon she wanted, but not the pleasure she needed.
The Anomaly of Hogwarts(Chalice x Frogger)
Miles Thorot always was torn between the choice of joining Voldemorts cohorts like many of the purebloods in Slytherin. His father and mother constantly berated him saying he was "half" the wizard that they were because he had never joined them in meeting with being evil like a normal Slytherin. Miles was a very fit student though had a well toned body, but at the same time was obviously thin, his hair was very curly nearly engulfing his head in the blonde mess that it created.After the fight ended though he had found out about how his parents met their demise at the hands of muggle born people a fate no pureblood should have to face, but one they had. So now he was alone and attending his final year at Hogwarts, but had at the very least inherited a vast fortune from his family, but at what cost to him?Quickly wisping through the wall as he had done every year he was once again in awe looking around the grand train station that never ceased to amaze him. Quickly ducking inside the train he looked around the cars with his light blue eyes making sure no one could recognize him since he would be ridiculed mercilessly for even having any ties to Slytherin, even though he had chosen the right side and even fought off multiple Death Eaters he would find no haven with his fellow students.Closing the door with a slam he peered off into the distance quickly scouting into the corner as he watched the scenery pass him by the train making a "click, click" sound as it made haste towards Hogwarts.Swish! The door seemed to open magically for a moment looking around at the oddity Miles couldn't tell if he was just being pranked or not. "Uhm, hello is someone there?" he inquired into the darkness as he baffled tried to figure out what had happened. Holiday Bell is a proud Gryffindor, one that fought alongside countless others against the witches and wizards who threatened to disrupt their lives forever. Her parents were Muggles, so of course they had no idea of the war, or the fact that she was part of it. Don t get her wrong, she loves them, but they d only worry for nothing. Holiday kept all the gorey details to herself. Maybe that s the reason she feels so distant from them now, seeing as how there s a lot she can t tell her parents, or won t. Oh, honey. I m going to miss you, Mum sniffled, dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief. As always, Dad is hanging off to the side, not so much shy, just not quite part of the moment, either. It s the way he is. Holiday has never seen the man cry, and never has he said anything of sentimental value. It s sort of sad, really. He s there when she needs him, that s about it. I ll miss you too, Mum, Holiday replied automatically, even if it s only half true. Yeah, she ll miss them, but she belongs at Hogwarts. It s more her home than home is.After another minute or two of promising to write, Holiday went through the barrier onto Platform 9 . It never ceases to amaze her that a world of magic is just beyond the boring, ordinary world she grew up knowing hiding behind anything and everything Muggles know. Holiday waved to a few familiar faces, but otherwise made her way to the train, since it s super loud and totally impossible to carry on a conversation here. Not only that, but being with everybody like this sort of makes her claustrophobic. Dark forest green eyes glanced out at the families exchanging their goodbyes, a small smile gracing her lips. Holiday chuckled softly in the back of her throat before moving on to find herself a compartment. It won t take long for friends to flock together, making it really really hard to find a place to plant your butt.Swish! A door off to the right opened right then and there, nearly causing Holiday to trip over her feet. Huh? What the ? Holiday blinked, not entirely sure what to think. It doesn t look like anyone whipped out their wand, either so it doesn t explain things. A quick glance up and down the corridor revealed absolutely nothing. Holiday frowned, deciding to take a look into the compartment. Maybe the person inside knows her ? It s always a possibility. As Captain of the Gryffindor team, Holiday gets to interact with a lot of people on a daily basis.
['Thorot', 'Voldemorts']
Daily Lives of Phantom Thieves( Potter and Katsu)
It was another uneventful day at Shujin Academy the teacher lectured on about one thing or another while the sun shined beautifully outside. Thankfully, it was finally lunch time and students were now meandering around, eating their lunches in the cafeteria, in their classrooms or around randoms tables. There were two students in particular however that were not eating lunch and were engaged in rather unvirtuous activities.If one walked by the gym storage building, it could be heard. Indeed,the door had been left slightly ajar as one of the occupants was feeling rather adventurous, hoping someone might hear and be curious. The sound of flesh slapping rapidly against flesh, the sound of loud and lustful moans and groans echoed from the building.Inside was the recent transfer student, Akira and the studious Makoto. However, she was hardly studious now, bent over as she was over a vaulting horse, her skirt pushed up to reveal her bubbly ass, her top seemed almost ripped open to reveal her rather sizeable breasts molding up against said vaulting horse. Behind her, Akira was gripped her ass, slamming his massive cock deep into her dripping womanhood."How is it, Makoto...being fucked in school like this..."Akira asked with a lustful chuckle, leaning down and nibbling on her earlobe, sucking on it as his hand slithered down the front of her body and began to rapidly rub her clitoris while his cock pounded in an out of her like a piston, his tip slamming up against her cervix with every rough thrust.Another pair of students were wandering down the streets of Tokyo, hand in hand. Neither of them had school today, or it would be more apt to say one didn't have class and the other wasn't currently attending. Yusuke let out a blissful sigh as he walked down the street with Futaba, squeezing her hand gently."It truly is a lovely day....I'm happy I get to spend it with you." He turned to give her a smile before it turned almost deathly serious."Also, just because one of my pieces sold and I got paid, please don't pick anywhere to expensive to eat..." Being chronically poor as he was, Yusuke took every chance he could to treat Futaba when he was able by buying her new games or computer parts or taking her out to eat. He just had to remind her sometimes that well, he wasn't exactly Da Vinci in terms of how much money his paintings could pull in. Perhaps it was the years of repression under the strict rules of her older sister and the school itself, the pressure of having to maintain a perfect image in order to get ahead in the world. Makoto never thought she'd be the lustful type, but lately, all of her actions were pointing her a sordid direction thanks to Akira's presence at the school. Attracted to the dark haired leader of the Phantom Thieves both romantically and physically, Makoto couldn't help but to return his advances one day in class. From then on, it seemed like they had gotten progressively more daring, fucking in the classroom just moments after class was dismissed or on the roof against the fence above the athletic field.Today was a wild one. Makoto found herself bent over shamefully on a vaulting horse in a storage building, her ass bouncing back on leader's cock. She tried to anticipate and control her moans and cries. Who knows who might hear them? Just the thought of getting caught by any member of the school forced her pussy to constrict around him. She dug her nails into the fabric of the vaulting horse to keep from losing her balance, something entirely likely when Akira was thrusting inside of her. Each stroke forced her head up, her creamy mounds bouncing in unison."I...ah... love it!!! It... It feels so good, Akira kun!" She exclaimed, her lips twisting into a lewd expression. She was getting so close... just as she heard the footsteps of someone from the trail outside. "Ah...ungh!!! Akira kun! Someone's "But it was too late. Someone Makoto recognized as another senior slipped into the gym storage room, apparently not noticing the strange grunts of pleasure or the stench of sex in the air. The brown baired boy stopped dead in his tracks, dropping the box he was carrying on the ground as soon as he saw the student council president bent over a piece of gymnastics equipment, taking the transfer students dick like a animal in heat."Niijima san?!" The student gasped, nervously squishing his legs together to hide the sudden bulge in his pants. It was a strange sight even for their friends to see the two walking together. The artist and the hacker. Even Futaba sometimes questioned it but decided to let things go where they may. The eloquent and precised artist was perhaps the first one to bring Futaba out of her shell by messing with her figures and taking an inquisitive but sincere interest in her hobbies. Eventually she found that she could just talk to him and he would never make her feel strange for it, no matter how much he childishly scolded her for silly things."You know, Inari," she said teasingly, "we coulda just stayed with Sojiro and had some curry... or are you too scared of him to attempt that now? Mehehe."She put her hand behind her back and thought on it "Okay! I want sushi! Not the conveyor belt stuff though! We can go up from that, can't we?" Akria knew someone would likely find them, and that was what he was hoping would happen. He wanted someone else to see the strict and orderly Student Council President being bent over a vaulting horse and fucked like a slut. Her expression was certainly slutty as Akira spanked her ass and fucked her even harder and deeper, pushing his cock past her cervix as his cock caused a bulge to appear in her stomach. Akira grinned as the senior made his presence known it seemed like he was quite horny from the show they were putting on."Do you want to join...her mouth is free, you see...isn't it, slutty Makoto?" Akira chuckled as he twisted her clitoris and slammed his dick into her even harder while spanking her again. "Tell him, Makoto...tell him how much of a slut you are...""I wouldn't be much of boyfriend in treating you if we just ate free curry, as good as it is. And you know Sojiro san approves of our relationship." Yusuke scoffed before chuckling as she mentioned sushi."We can do that. I know a good place down the road...but first.." He grinned as he leaned forward and planted a soft, affectionate kiss on her lips, just to see her reaction."Surprise attack, I believe they call this?" Makoto wished she had known better than to let Akira progressively work her up to having sex in a shed where anyone could just walk in on them. Undoubtedly, Akira had planned this, but with him rutting into her as he did, she couldn't be bothered to protest or defend herself in front of a student she knew from the student council. With Akira rubbing her clit and then twisting it, she felt all coherent thoughts from her mind completely slip away. Aihhhhh!!!! Mhnnn!!!! Yes, yes!!!! She cried out in ecstasy, her own hand going to her breasts to play with herself. She released a slick flood of juices down Akira's cock before the student, some leaking down to the floor.Her ass bounced shamefully when he slapped her while she gave a small, playful 'oomph' from her lips. Her eyes narrowed at the student, who watched with his own member nearly at full mast already. What a humiliating and sordid display she must seem to the onlooker. Y Yes... She moaned, her breasts heaving back and forth with each thrust. I'm your student council president, Makoto Niijima, and I'm... I'm a horny slut! Please come use one of my slutty holes since it's free! She licked her lips, beckoning the shocked student forward.Shyly, the brown haired stranger approached and looked Makoto up and down, no doubt wondering if this was all some dream. O Okay... Niijima san... His trousers slipped off along with his boxers and out popped his erection, pressing to her cheek. P Please... use your mouth... Really? Futaba's eyes widened playfully. Are you sure he does? Or was he just saying that? Maybe he'll change his mind someday just to keep you on your toes mhnnn! He cut her off with a gentle kiss, sending a red tint all over her face. Damn that Inari, so presumptuous that he could just kiss her whenever he wanted. It wasn't so bad, but it always made her feel like a flustered mess in public.When they pulled away, Futaba growled and covered her face shyly. More like a jerk attack! You should've warned me! She pounded her little fists against his chest, more so in a joke manner. I'll get you back for this. Uh huh. You're gonna wish you'd never met me! Akira let out a loud moan as he felt Makoto's pussy clamp down roughly on his massive cock, doing what it could to try and milk him for his seed. Her own love juices splashed against his crotch and dripped down her creamy thighs as Akira let out a small laugh before gently kissing Makoto's cheek. His cock was still fully erect and hard, buried deep in her womb as he gripped her ass with one hand and then gripped her head with the other, raising it up so she was eye level with the boy's cock."It seemed been seen caused Makoto come really hard just like being watched, don't you, slutty Makoto..." Akira pressed her face fully into the boy's crotch, her nose buried in his pubic hair before he tugged her back, pressing her lips against his throbbing tip. For now, he kept his own cock simply buried inside her tight pussy...he needed a few moments to relax. If he moved now, he feared climaxing at once. He wanted to make sure their guest was properly treated first."What do you say whenever I offer you my cock, Makoto...say it to this man too." He commanded her, his voice stern. He had taught Makoto to always be thankful and praise his cock whenever he offered it to her."It's not a surprise if I warn you though, right? Plus, I love seeing you blush. You're so adorable when you are shy." He chuckled as he gently tussled her hair, leaning forward and gently kissing her forehead. When she mentioned making him regret it, he just shrugged and gave her a knowing, almost cocky smile."I doubt love for you runs so deep after all, that no matter what you do, I'll never regret meeting you." Yusuke seemed to know how to be quite the charmer when he tried as he held open the door to the sushi restaurant for her that they had reached during their playful teasing of one another. As the Makoto's essence splashed against her own thighs, she felt Akira still keep his dick planted inside of her... without giving her the warm cum she so desperately thought she deserved. Of course, Akira wanted her to service the student before she got her prize. She let out a small whimper as he gripped her hair, pulling her head back and shoving it against the boy's crotch. Just having Makoto's cheek pressed to his dick seemed to elicit a moan from the stranger, his cock releasing a bit of precum on her jawline. The scent of the boy's cock and being shoved to his crotch and pubic hair already made Makoto's pussy twitch in anticipation."Yes, Leader," she said obediently, lovingly licking at the boy's tip with her tongue. A few flicks of the tongue had the stranger at full mast, ready to go down her throat. "Thank you for letting me suck your magnificent cock today." And she took the cock inside her mouth, slathering its length with her tongue whilst bobbing her head back and forth.The stranger couldn't help but grunt and grip her head, trying to get all the way to the back of her throat. She gagged softly until he let go, then pulled off and massaged him with her hands before repeating the process. "N Niijima sama, you're a p pro... like that! Keep sucking..." As closed off and aloof as the artist liked to pretend he was, when Yusuke showed his warm side, it was undoubtedly adorable and dorky. It was like whenever Sojiro attempted to get Futaba to call him "Dad", but nonetheless amusing to watch and keep playing with. Plus playing with Inari meant a distraction from the usual crowd of people that made her nervous in Shibuya.Futaba blushed at his last few words. "Right... well, I can always try!" She darted into the sushi restaurant, hoping to order what she could before Yosuke could stop her."I want two omelets, three Kaiju rolls, and three springs rolls please!" "I've trained her well, haven't I?" Akira chuckled as he patted Makoto's head as she eagerly sucked off the stranger, his large cock going all the way to the back of her throat. As Makoto eagerly pleasured the stranger, Akira himself began to thrust his hips as well, his cock slamming back into her womb. He groaned as he moved one of his hands to grip one of her jiggling breasts, her flesh molding into his digits as his other hand moved to rapidly rub her clitoris yet again."How does it feel to be spitroated, Makoto? You like it don't you, you slutty Class President!" Akira laughed and moaned as he felt a pressure starting to build back up in his cock, his climax slowly starting to build back up as the two males took their pleasure from her mouth and pussy.When Yusuke heard what Futaba ordered, his face paled slightly as he thought about how much all that would cost. He sat down next to her and simply ordered a water. He would just share with Futaba, if she would allow him to. If not, he would just starve for the sake of his girlfriend. He didn't mind....that much."Is this what you mean by getting back at me?" Yusuke chuckled slightly, calming down as he sipped on his water, contemplating getting tea as he rested his hand on top of Futaba's. Surely he could at least afford some tea. Makoto's eagerness was renewed with Akira's praising of how well he trained his class pet, sucking off the other stranger with vigor while excitedly meeting Akira back with each thrust of his cock. By now, she had grown desperate for her helping of his cum, barely noticing when the boy had grabbed her by the head to remove her off his cock. F Fuckkk, I've been waiting to do this for so long, the boy groaned, tightening his grip in Makoto's hair. He forced her head back and jerked his cock until spurts of hot cum shot across her red cheeks, her lips, and her breasts. Makoto licked her lips and moaned, savoring the taste of the globs of warm cream on her face. Y Yes, I love it. I love being fucked from both ends, Makoto whimpered, taking the student's ball between her lips. Sucking it gently and urging a bit more cum on her face, she felt another orgasm take her again. Once again, her hot juices leaked freely from her pussy down his cock, creating a dirty, squishing sound each time his cock made its home inside of her. Please! Please let this slutty pussy be full of your cum! Futaba feigned looking surprised and twirled a strand of her bright, red hair. Whaddya mean? I just ordered my normal amount in general. I thought you woulda been prepared for it. She put her hands in her lap and smiled as the waiter left. Of course, maybe if you ask super nicely and... getmeagamenextweekend, I'll be sure to share my plunder with you! She put her arms up excitedly, hoping to Kami sama that Yusuke couldn't make out the part she sped through. But knowing the keen eye of her favorite Fox, he could probably see right through her. C'monnnn... you just sold a piece. Can't you splurge and not play the starving artist thing you do?
['Yusuke', 'Futaba', 'Makoto']
Five Years Later (Ama + Sully)
Moving to the Kanto region had been a big change, but Lillie needed it. She needed to move on from Alola because she was never going to reach her full potential when she didn't need to push herself. Over the last few years she had tried to keep in contact with her friends back home but time and distance had taken its toll. Slowly everyone had grown apart, so naturally that Lillie didn't even realize she hadn't talked to Moon recently until it had been over a month. It was part of growing up and moving on she supposed, but at the same time that one day she was going to return home. All she could hope for was that those she had left behind would be well grown up and matured but still at their essence the people she had loved.Five years was a long time, though. Lillie herself had grown up and wasn't a kid any more. She wasn't as timid as she had been before she had grown in to herself as a person and as a trainer. Though she never followed in her best friend's footsteps, never became a champion, she learned what it felt like to be her own person and to put trust in her instincts and her Pokemon. So why was she feeling nervous now?Sitting in a chair at a Pokemon center she waited, just waited. Her heart raced, pulse so strong she swore that other people might have been able to see it. Talking to Hau had been easy but Moon? The mere thought had the blonde flustered and nervous. Hau and her spent about an hour catching up before he had asked the question she had both ached for and dreaded "Have you got in touch with Moon, or should I go grab her?" He had left not too long ago though he had offered to take Lillie along with him she had elected to stay where she was, take the time to build up her courage and get over her nervousness. It wasn't that she thought that Moon would be upset or angry or in any way negative towards her, she couldn't explain why she was so flustered at all.Every time the door opened she was put on high alert, green eyes scanning over whoever entered. Any time now the person she was waiting for could come in, and Lillie was both thrilled and terrified. Alola's Pokemon League Champion racing through the streets of Hau'oli City certainly wasn't a common sight, and as Moon dashed towards the Pokemon center heads turned to follow her, a mix of surprised and admiration scattered across the various ages of passers by. Those peoples' opinions were the last things Moon was thinking about. Her mind was a jumbled mess of sporadic thoughts as she ran, the wind whipping through her shoulder length black hair.Lillie was back!She could still hardly believe it, yet Hau insisted it was true when he'd came to tell her. If this was his idea of a joke, he was gonna get a stern smack on the back of the head when she next saw him.It had been so long since she'd last seen her friend. So long even since they'd last been in touch. Sure they were older and had their own things to do Lillie had been off on her own journey of independence while Moon had been exhaustingly busy being the League champion. She'd always thought it would be a cushy job, just sitting around waiting for challengers but it turned out there was a lot more involved, especially for a young teenager having only just finished her island challenge. Still she'd persevered, and it had paid off, she was an icon looked up to by so many young trainers and it warmed her heart to know she had their admiration, but lately it had just been sodraining.Excitement had been the primary emotion that filled her on the run here from the Professor's lab, but by the time the red roof of the Pokemon center loomed in the distance, she felt a mix of nervousness and dread sink in. It really had been a long time and she had no doubt Lillie would've changed from the shy, timid girl who sailed away that day. And yet, here Moon was, still the Pokemon League Champion. Would Lillie be disappointed that she was the exact same girl from years ago? She hadn't changed at all in her own eyes, other than perhaps gained a bit of confidence and maybe some extra skill as a trainer, but those were nothing to write home about. Her body had matured too, that much was obvious from just a glance at her arguably revealing outfit of a floral aquamarine, Alolan styled tube top which showed off an ample amount of her slim, tanned navel and a long, breezy skirt which fluttered around her right leg while leaving a long slit up the opposite one, exposing her thigh. This kind of outfit would probably be considered inappropriate to just wander around in back in Kanto, but here in Alola where half the population seemed to walk around in swimsuits most of the day, it was perfectly acceptable.Her nerves and excitement were still warring with one another when she finally reached the Pokemon center, her face flushed from the run and her hair a mess from the sea wind whipping through it. Her chest heaved as she gasped for breath, and a few droplets of sweat glistened faintly on her skin. Taking a deep breath, she stepped inside through the automatic glass doors, and the moment her eyes fell upon her old friend, her nervousness decided to win out.The instant she'd laid eyes upon Lillie, all those old feelings she'd felt for the girl came flooding back. Affection, adoration, love even. While she'd been gone, Moon had tried to convince herself that the feelings she'd felt towards Lillie were just a schoolgirl crush, and the heartbreak she'd felt when Lillie had left was normal when a friend was going away but that attraction came rushing back the moment she immediately recognized the girl sitting on one of the seats. Blue eyes met green, and she willed herself to close the distance."Alola," she finally said when she stopped in front of the blonde, a warm smile on her lips as she gave her the traditional Alolan wave. A moment later those emotions of raw friendship overpowered everything else she was feeling, and a small giggle slipped out of her before she threw her arms around Lillie in a painfully tight hug. "I've missed you so much!" she exclaimed, her words slightly muffled into the girl's shoulder as she held her dearly while trying to blink away the moisture in her eyes. She didn't know where the sudden tears came from, but it was all so real and genuine that she didn't want the moment to end. Lillie's worries seemed to fade the moment that she laid eyes on the familiar, dark haired girl that had been her best friend once upon a time. As soon as the familiar mop of dark hair passed through the door to the Pokemon center, as soon as her soft green gaze landed on Moon's face, the blonde clambered to her feet. There was nothing graceful about it Lillie just desperately needed to get to her feet so that she could basically run to meet her friend part way. Her white dress swished around her as she moved, something she had changed in to shortly before arriving on land. While back in Kanto she had dressed up in something more durable and appropriate for traveling, it felt safe to spend the first day back in her home dressed light. After all, Kanto and Alola were very different places and if she had stayed in her normal set of clothes she likely would have felt like she was burning up."Alola," she returned as they were close enough to touch. The word felt foreign on her lips despite the fact that she had grown up with the traditional greeting at the same time it felt perfectly natural. Then, before she even knew what was going, a pair of arms wrapped tight around her. Everything moved so fast that she audibly gasped, taken by surprise. She was not bothered, though. As soon as Lillie had been able to process what was going on she held on to Moon equally as tight and didn't want to let go. As soon as their bodies touched everything had felt natural, and she didn't need any more time to know that everything was going to be just as it should be. A million years could have passed but the pair of them would still feel thick as thieves, incapable of being anything but good to each other.Her hold lingered. While she wasn't quite crying, Lillie could feel her own eyes clouding up with tears and though she had always been the more timid and emotional of the pair she really, really wanted it to seem like she had grown up and that she was strong and capable and everything that she should be. The fact of the matter simply was that Lillie felt overwhelmed by the wave of emotions that took her over. Moon wasn't the only one who had tried to talk herself out of a crush but it was only after they had parted that Lillie had realized her own feelings. She had been young and naive maybe if they had been a little older or a little wiser Lillie would have realized just how much she cared for the woman who was once again in front of her before it was too late. At the same time was there any chance she would have acted on such a feeling?"Oh, Moon. I'm so glad to see you, it's been way too long." The blonde squeezed the woman's waist just one more time before she finally gave in and pulled away, though even then it was just enough to be able to look Moon in the face. Her arms stayed wrapped around Moon's waist, hands clasped together, and a wide smile overtook her face. Of course, Lillie had called before she returned and she had spent the last week waiting anxiously for that moment when she would first reunite with her person. It was everything that she wanted it to be. "Can I buy you something to drink? Or a malasada? I can't wait to catch up, you have to tell me everything that's happened since I left." A wide, joyous grin split Moon's lips as she felt Lillie return the hug after a moment of surprise. It felt like all her fears and anxieties were washing away in that fleeting moment when she knew that Lillie was just as happy as she was. Deep down there was still the lingering feeling for something more, something unreciprocated, but she didn't care, just having Lillie back was enough for now. It all felt so nostalgic, like they'd barely been separated at all. Sure her body was taller and more filled out than when she left, but she stillfeltlike Lillie, accompanied by her soft voice and gentle touch.When they finally parted just enough to look at each other a giddy grin of utter happiness was plastered on Moon's lips, and her hand only left its spot wrapped around Lillie to brush away the moisture that lingered in her eyes, before tucking a few strands of dark hair out of her face, her fingers brushing against the pink flower that decorated her hair. "Years," Moon nodded in agreement with a small laugh. "Years too long," she leaned back a little, only now really taking in how much Lillie had changed from the slight little girl waving goodbye on the ship so long ago. "Look at you, you look so grown up," she giggled brightly. It felt like her heart was in her throat and beating a mile a minute. She looked so beautiful, so mature. Those feelings rose up once more, and though she did her best to quell them she could still feel the faint blush on her cheeks something she could thankfully attribute to the run to the Pokemon center."Yeah, you're right. I want to hear all about what you were up to in Kanto too, it's probably changed so much since I was there," she said, her smile bright enough to light up the entire Pokemon center as she nodded. "So much has changed here too, I can't wait to show you. There's actually a new malasada place just opened up, we can go grab something there and catch up," she continued, nodding her head towards the doors of the Pokemon center. Still, she hadn't yet released the hug. She never wanted to, she felt like she could just stay here gazing into Lillie's eyes for a lifetime. But she knew she would have to eventually."Ohh, c'mere," she says suddenly, giggling as she pulls Lillie back in for another hug, squeezing the other girl almost painfully tight just to get it all out of her system, before finally releasing her. "Sorry, I've got five years worth of hugs stored up," she explained with a sheepish laugh, before reaching out and taking Lillie's hand in her own to lead her out of the Pokemon center. Five years felt like nothing at all now that Lillie was reunited with her favourite person somehow barely a thing seemed to have changed. Moon was taller now, yes, more filled out she wasn't the child that Lillie had left behind back when she was a shy little thing, too timid to lay her hands on a damn thing but at the same time nothing seemed different at all. It was immediately clear that the bond between them had never faded, it was the kind of never ending connection that could connect the two forever. How wrong she was to even consider the idea that her and Moon could be anything but close.Lillie's lips were turned in to their own giddy grin, cheek to cheek wide with pearly whites prominent in between. She couldn't help it nothing mattered more to her in the moment than just making the best of what was happening. There was so much to say and so much to do and Lillie couldn't keep anything straight. In that moment she just wanted to ramble, to cling to her friend's body so hard that the dark haired girl would never again be able to walk away, to make this moment last forever. Would anything ever feel as good as reuniting?"Oh I have so much to tell you, too, Moon!" Lillie returned, her words coming out quick in a high pitched, excited voice as she leaned in for just one more hug. The pair then started their venture towards the door and even then there wasn't enough closeness. When Moon grabbed her hand, that smile of Lillie's just widened once again. "Ok so where is it? I haven't been here inaaaagesso you're going to have to show me. Lead the way!" The sound of Lillie's voice alone was making Moon giddy with joy. Sure she'd heard her every couple of months on the phone, but it wasn't the same as having her best friend from years ago standing right next to her, her melodic voice unfiltered by technology and accompanied by the touch of skin and warm breath. Moon was in utter delight, and she had to remind herself that there was no need to rush things along and hog Lillie for days on end. It wasn't like the girl was leaving Alola again any time soon, and she was sure Lillie probably had other things to do. For now though she was all hers, and Moon was going to make the most of it."C'mon, it's not far. Just a nice walk along the promenade and we'll be there before you know it," Moon grinned as they stepped outside and she led Lillie along by the hand. It felt like something was different in the warm, tropical air. Like everything was right with the world now Lillie was back home where she belonged. Moon couldn't wipe the smile off her face even if she tried. They hadn't long left the Pokemon center though before a young girl approached the pair, looking up at Moon with wide eyes and a look of wonder. Moon paused, lightly biting her lip. She was used to this, but she'd hoped it wouldn't happen right now of all times.Before she could open her mouth, the girl spoke up. "Can I have your autograph, Miss Champion?" she asked sweetly, before leaning up on tiptoes and presenting a Pokeball to Moon. Before she accepted it, Moon glanced around. Sure enough standing not far away was who she could only assume were the kid's parents. A small part of her wished they'd had the tact to not interrupt what was clearly a moment of relaxation for Moon, but she had a responsibility as Champion. Flashing Lillie an apologetic smile, Moon reluctantly let go of her hand and crouched down to take the Pokeball from the girl."Of course you can sweetie!" She said with a bright smile, before pulling out a pen that she always kept on her for such occasions. She quickly scrawled her signature across the curved surface of the ball, taking a second to decorate it with little artsy drawings of tropical flowers, before handing it back to the clearly overjoyed girl. "I'll look forward to battling you one day," she giggle, ruffling the little girl's hair before the kid suddenly hugged her. "Thank you!" She squealed, before turning and running back to her parents, showing off the Pokeball proudly.Moon straightened up with a soft sigh and a warm smile as she smoothed down her skirt. Sure she was a little annoyed her time with Lillie had been interrupted, but she supposed it was worth it to make the kid's day. "Sorry about that," she finally said to Lillie, showing her an apologetic smile before reaching out to take her hand again. "That happens sometimes. You should've seen what it was like five years ago," she giggle softly, shaking her head at the memories as she continued leading the way. Lillie looked nervously awkward as a young girl approached Moon, and she stood in the near distance to watch the scene taking forth. Man, that kid looked like she absolutelyadoredMoon. Was that what being champion was? Lillie had known that it likely came with some degree of fame and prosperity, but she hadn't realized just how much people would look up to the champion. She had to remind herself that Moon wasn't just any champion, though she was Alola's first, and also one who had held the title for five years straight now. People knew her, or at least knew of her and Lillie herself couldn't imagine being thrown in to such publicity. While she had grown more comfortable in her skin and become less shy and reserved, at heart she was still the same girl she had used to be."Hey it's alright," Lillie said after the child had walked away and Moon had apologized. Though it had been a strange scene to witness, it had also been rather adorable. Moon had always been a sweetheart, or at least so Lillie's memory recalled, and while she had been able to see in the woman's eyes that she was a little frustrated by the fact that she'd been so casually interrupted Moon's own tact was still obvious. "You know sometimes I've wished that people would look up to me like they do you. If we're being honest.... You were what made me have the motivation to become a stronger person, become a trainer at all. I'm really happy to see that what the headlines say about Alola's reigning champ having a heart of gold aren't all a ploy."Obviously, the last part was a joke. As far as Lillie was aware, there wasn't a mean bone in Moon's body. Protective, sure if the past had anything to say about it Moon would probably still have a tendency to look after those around her even if it required breaking a rule or two or going up against something she wasn't quite ready for but never mean. In fact that was one of the many parts of Moon that Lillie had looked up to and aspired to emulate while she was gone Moon was exactly the kind of person that she wanted to be like... though maybe without the champion part it would be interesting to maybe see how Lillie had grown as a trainer and see if she could stand up to the champion one day, but Lillie was more than happy to let her best friend keepthattitle even if by some miracle she could win. Lillie's kind words made Moon's heart swell with pride. Sure she'd be showered with praise after becoming champion, and plenty of other people still spoke to her about how they looked up to her or how she inspired them or their kids to become Pokemon trainers but there was something different about hearing it come from Lillie herself. Like she'd been striving for Lillie's approval without even realizing it, and hearing that Lillie admired her as champion and didn't find her too conceited or intimidating due to her fame really meant the world to her. It sparked a faint pink glow on her cheeks as a soft, bashful laugh slipped out."Aww, you'll make me blush if you keep that up, Lillie," she giggled sweetly, flashing the girl a warm, grateful smile as they continued their walk along the edge of the beach, the warm evening air filled with the sounds of the waves and the warm tropical breeze, a backdrop to the sounds of families making the most of the last of the sun for the day. "But you know..." Moon paused, turning her gaze to the other girl and letting her eyes wander up and down Lillie's body, lingering on her face for a few seconds longer, admiring how her hair fluttered in the breeze. "I don't think it would be too far fetched to imagine people looking up to you. I can already tell you've changed, just the way you carry yourself is so much more... confident? Assured? It's hard to describe, but I think whatever Kanto did to you was for the best," she says with another light giggle, her sheer giddiness at being reunited seeming to spill out every time she spoke."Besides, I'm sure if you could beat me everyone would admire you forfinallytaking down Alola's champion. I think some people are getting a little sick of me by now," she added playfully. Though her tone was light and teasing, it wasn't entirely without truth. There were some people who were starting to believe the league was rigged, thinking it unimaginable that someone could go undefeated for so long. Even the casual jokes of how boring it must be being champion for so long were starting to sting with malice. People were getting bored, they wanted a fresh face. If Lillie could inherit that title then Moon was positive that she wouldn't do anything to tarnish the reputation and responsibility that came with being champion but deep down she knew that Lillie really wasn't the kind of trainer to go battling champions. She was strong in other ways. Still... it was nice to dream. It wasn't even just Moon's championship that had inspired Lillie it had been the entirety of their journey together. However, Lillie had definitely kept up on Moon's life, at least the public parts of it anyways, and despite the glamorization of it all Moon had seemed to stay the sweet, endearing, kind hearted girl Lillie had always known even when thrown in to the thick of it.That blush was beautiful, though. Lillie hadn't meant to light up Moon's cheeks like a fire but that combined with the girl's sweet laugh had to be one of the cutest things that Lillie had ever seen and given that she once spent a day with a colony of young Meowth and their Persian parents, getting the claim of "cutest thing she had ever seen" wasnotan easy feat. The slight tinge of pink to the girl's cheeks, the way the corners of her eyelids creased as she laughed it had to have been one of the most beautiful things that she had ever laid her bright green eyes on. It was mesmerizing but just as she had once pretended to not have inklings of such thoughts, Lillie could and would do so again. While she had grown as a person, she still was not about to admit just how flattering she found the dark haired beauty before her."Thank you," she instead said in a soft tone, her pale skin and bright eyes illuminated by the smile that took over her face. Though her voice was soft she was still sincere, and Lillie genuinely found comfort in knowing that she wasn't the only one who thought that she had grown. It had been one way to say to herselfyes, you're someone you can be proud ofand another for someone else to acknowledge it. Her heart fluttered in her chest and maybe it was just because she felt validated, but it was likely because those compliments were coming from Moon's own mouth. There was a strange sense of adoration on Lillie's part, a care for the girl that she had troubles placing when she was younger but grew to know as affection, mixed with a sense of awe and inspiration. Moon may have been the champion but to Lillie that was only a piece of her, and even without that the blonde would seek her praise."Aw, I don't think anyone could get sick of you," Lillie replied as they continued to stroll casually towards the shop though she had never been there, she swore she could see a new building along the edge of a street and assumed that would be their destination. She hadn't realized that the championship had grown stale both for Moon and the people of Alola. "I know for a fact I couldn't." Once again Lillie's words sent Moon's heart aflutter. She'd known for a while know exactly what her feelings towards Lillie were, and it had been so hard keeping them to herself when they'd spoken while she'd been away, knowing that the last thing Lillie needed while on her journey was the added burden of Moon's feelings and possibly a broken friendship too. She hadn't quite been prepared for just how much her emotions would flare once Lillie returned, yet now she was here it was like every word she said sent Moon's senses on fire. She just wanted more of Lillie, to hear her voice, to feel her hand in her own, to surround herself in that delicate scent that Lillie gave off but most importantly, she just wanted to see more of her. She felt like she could spend hours just staring at her friend and how she'd grown, admiring those beautiful features that had matured from shy, reserved girl to someone with confidence, yet still the etiquette to not parade it around."Well... you'd be surprised," Moon said cryptically, not wanting to bog their reunion down with heavy subjects like her own popularity. "But that's really sweet of you to say. Thanks," she added reassuringly, her warm smile plastered on her lips as she led the way up to the doors of the malasada place. While it was technically new, it still had mostly the same well known and loved staff of the old one, it had simply moved to a much larger premises after the surge in popularity thanks in no small part to Hau's obsession with the stuff, and his title as Kahuna after his grandfather stepped down. Everyone wanted to try the Kahuna's favourite food."Anyway! There's so much I want to ask about Kanto!" Moon chirped cheerfully, changing the subject as they entered the shop while doing her best to ignore the blatant looks she got from some of the customers, as well as the murmured conversations that were no doubt about her. She led the way towards a cozy little corner booth where they'd at least have some privacy and slid into one side of it, the movement causing the slit in her long breezy skirt to spill open around her thigh, almost showing all the way up to the edge of her bikini beneath. "How many badges did you wind up getting? Did you go all the way to the league? Oh! And your Pokemon too, youneedto show me them, it's been so long since I've seen a lot of the Pokemon native to Kanto," she giggled brightly, seemingly bubbling with excitement. Ah yes this did feel like home. Though the location had changed, she still remembered back in the early days when she had first fled the Aether Paradise and the old version of this same shop had been one of the few places that Lillie would feel comfortable going to. Old faces greeted her, aged as much as she did but there was still that friendly, welcoming atmosphere that she had grown to love over time. It was...perfect. Lillie felt serene and t home, and frankly she was rather surprised that shedidn'tsee Hau here. Just as she had kept up with Moon's activities to the best of her abilities, she also had stayed up to date with Hau. If anything, she had talked to the boy more than her best friend herself.There were... reasons for that reasons that at the time she hadn't been able to deal with. Facing emotions, facing emotions for agirlat that was not something she'd had the ability to do in the past. It was easier to talk to someone she didn't worry about crossing a line with, as much as she had ached to spend every waking moment for months talking with Moon. Now, though? Now she was home and she was grown and she'd realized as soon as they first laid eyes on each other that perhaps finally acting on those long lived thoughts wouldn't be the worst thing to happen it could actually be one of the best things. Of course, she would need more than a few smiles and some casual hand holding before she would do such a thing.After ordering a quick meal she was able to properly relax. "Kanto was... Amazing. It was everything I thought it would be and so much more, Moon," Lillie started with that giddy grin still plastered on the soft features of her face. "I didn't get to the league but that wasn't my goal I just... I wanted to make the most of it and I think I did. I spent a lot of time just travelling and settling down in areas here and there Cerulean was beautiful, but the safari zone in Fuschia had to be my favourite experience. I ended up with six badges and of course you can see my Pokemon."She had them with her, of course not strapped to her waist currently but rather in her backpack as she had no reason to have them out until now. With her bag rested on the booth seat beside her, Lillie was able to dig them out. She took out five Pokeballs and glanced around the shop to make sure that she had enough space before releasing them one at a time an Espeon and an Umbreon who were siblings she had adopted as Eevee during her early days, a Raichu, a Dragonaire and a Kanto form Persian. Everyone seemed calm and tame enough to be free inside of the store, but Lillie still hoped she hadn't missed a "your Pokemon must stay in their Pokeballs" sign at the entrance or something. Moon could only beam across the table as Lillie began recounting her adventures in Kanto. It actually made her own heart ache slightly for home. Well, that wasn't entirely accurate. She considered Alola her home now, especially since Lillie was back with her again... but even after all these years there were still some parts of Kanto she missed some of the stunning mountainous scenery and the huge sprawling cities, not to mention the friends that she'd left there when she left to come to Alola. Looking back on it, she would still have left if given the choice. But there was a while after she left where she felt like she'd lost another friend to the far away region. There was always the fear that Lillie might enjoy Kanto too much and decide to stay there instead of coming home to Alola. To her."I never got to travel very much when I lived there... I never saw the safari zone myself, but I heard all about it. I remember Cerulean City though, we visited it once and it was all so pretty I never wanted to leave. I got to see their gym leader, Misty, live in action too. For a while I wanted to be just like her growing up," Moon admitted with a bashful giggle. Then Lillie reached for her bag, and Moon's heart fluttered with excitement. She'd wanted to see Lillie's Pokemon almost as much as the girl herself. It was incredible seeing how far she'd come, normally that bag of hers would've been filled with repels instead of Pokeballs.Moon's expression of shock and amazement only grew more and more pronounced with each Pokemon Lillie revealed to her,especially the Dragonaire. "Oh my gosh Lillie! They're all so beautiful! And they look so strong too, and happy, oh they're amazing!" She exclaimed. One of the most fun parts of being The Champion was seeing the Pokemon challengers brought with them. She adored them in all shapes and sizes, but Lillie's suited her perfectly. "Ohhh, these two are just the cutest little things and so are you," Moon beamed widely as flattered the pair of Eevee evolutions, before including the adorable Raichu too. She gave each of them an affectionate little pet before swiveling in her seat to the Persian. "And my mom's got a Persian just like you. I bet the two of you would make great friends, he's always feeling lonely with no other Persians like him around," she beamed, cupping the feline Pokemon's head in her hands and grinning when it purred pleasantly."And yooouu!" Moon turned to the tallest Pokemon of them all and the one who had drawn the most attention from the others in the store. While Pokemon were allowed in the restaurant so long as they were well behaved, the lack of space made things a little awkward and a few people seemed to be worried of the Dragonaire's tail knocking something over. Mostly though, they were just stunned at the sight. "Aren't you just the most beautiful Dragonaire I've ever seen?!" She beamed up at it, before holding a hand out tentatively towards it, allowing it to make the first move. Despite its beauty and grace it was still a dragon Pokemon, and she knew better from experience not to underestimate them. The fact Lillie had managed to train one she found amazing. "I used to adore Dragonaire back in Kanto... they're so beautiful, and so rare. I always wanted one, but that was never going to happen back there, and I've never been able to find any Dratini here in Alola," she said in a soft dreamy voice, simply admiring the Pokemon before she turned back to Lillie, her cheeks flushed with excitement and a huge smile on her lips."Your team is amazing, I can already tell how much they love you," she said brightly. "They really suit you too. I had no idea you caught a Dragonaire though... it just proves that you really must be an amazing trainer, to train a dragon Pokemon like this." Moon's compliments left Lillie absolutelybeamingin delight. Over the years she had but an incredible amount of hard work in to raising her team to be exactly what she had wanted them to be: putting the effort in to hatching her Espeon and Umbreon, siblings from the same clutch, after a lady living along the route leading to Celedon had gave her them in exchange for a week's spent time helping at her nursery, watching her cute little Dratini grow in to a Dragonaire and the task that had been earning its respect as it gained its power. The Raichu was a Pokemon that she had raised since her early days, caught in the Vermillion forest before she had even been there a month. Out of the whole group, he was who Lillie had spent the longest with,"Thank you so much," Lillie said with a wide grin on her lips, holding her hand out towards her Dragonaire in a motion that encouraged the dragon type to rest her chin on Lillie's opened palm, something that showed just how tamed the dragon type beast was. Lillie had earned her trust and respect through actions and rewards rather than any kind of punishment these Pokemon knew nothing but kindness and gentle, but stern, verbal discipline. After giving the dragon a scratch under the chin she made a small motion to Moon's own opened hand, and the beast slunk closer to the dark haired girl. She sniffed, cocked her head but ultimately bopped her forehead against the girl's hand. If this girl was a friend of her human's, then Dragonaire was cautiously comfortable with her."What about you, Moon? What's your team like these days do you have like... one for the league and one for personal use? I mean... do you even have personal time to battle or train any more anyways? And oh! How's Nebby?" Lillie threw question after question at the black haired woman near her, hands idly distracted once the Espeon decided to curl up in her lap at the booth. Matching his twin sister, the Umbreon pawed at Moon's leg. As soon as Lillie noticed, she laughed and shook his head. "Oh him. You can say no to him if you want, he just likes doing whatever his sister's doing." Moon watched with a mix of awe and pride as Lillie acted so at ease around her Dragonair, and the Pokemon responded in kind. It was clear the pair had a strong bond, and Moon of so happy for Lillie that she felt like she'd explode. When the Pokemon then approached her warily, Moon offered it a warm, affectionate smile before receiving the bump in return. A light, airy giggle of joy escaped her and she lightly brushed her hand down the side of the Pokemon's head. "Oh you're so beautiful," she cooed, lowering her head to rest her forehead briefly against the Pokemon's, taking care to avoid the cute little horn on its head as she caressed its cheek. Only when she felt the light pawing at her leg did she pull away, before another light laugh escaped her when she realized what was happening."Come on Lillie, how can I say no to such a cute little thing when it asked so nicely?" Moon teased, her beaming smile permanently affixed to her lips as she sat back down in the booth and patted her lap for the Umbreon to jump into. It was hard to imagine anything that could make her happier than being reunited with her best friend and surrounded by all her new Pokemon. As the Umbreon settled in her lap, she glanced up at the sight of the waitress awkwardly moving past the Dragonair that took up most of the aisle leading up to their booth. "Sorry to keep you waiting. I hope you and your friend enjoy your meals, Champion," the waitress said cheerfully to Moon as she set their meals and drinks on the table. Moon smiled in thanks, but the gesture still stung a little. It wasn't that she minded the attention, she was used to it after all, but she felt for Lillie. Twice now she'd been ignored in favor of Moon, and it was already frustrating her to no end. The girl deserved so much better."Sorry, you're probably gonna have to put up with this while you're around me," Moon explained in a low, embarrassed voice after the waitress left, her head bowed slightly towards her food. After letting out a small sigh, she turned her head back up to Lillie, her smile back on her lips. "I actually have a lot of Pokemon these days. I try and help out the professor with his research too when I have the time but you're right, I can't use all of them for my League battles. I have my usual team for that, with a few others I can switch in and out to mix things up once challengers start doing their research and trying to leverage type advantages against me," she explained, giggling lightly. "It's hard to find the time for it, but I do love spending time with all my Pokemon. I might not have the time to train them, but their company is wonderful. I miss them when I have to spend days at a time doing champion work," she sighed wistfully, but after a few second her smile widened and her sparkling eyes met Lillie's."Nebby's been wonderful. He's still a big softy, despite his size. Always getting up to mischief though. I usually let him do his own thing. As much as I'm the one who 'caught him', it doesn't really feel like I should be his trainer, y'know? I still look after him, but he's free to come and go as he pleases," she explained after a few bites of food. "I didn't tell him you were coming back though, I thought you might like to surprise him. It's been so long after all, and he's missed you so much, you wouldn't believe it. He was pining for you non stop after you left. Turned out he was just putting on a brave face for you. Once you were gone he just wanted to be with you again," she giggled softly. All the nostalgia and the fond memories were starting to make her emotional. It was all a little overwhelming, and she could feel a small lump forming in her throat. "Once we're finished eating, we can go see him if you like! And the rest of my team too, they're all back at my place. Oh!" Moon paused, a sudden thought occurring to her. "Where... were you planning on staying while you're here?" Moon asked curiously. She didn't want to seem too forward if Lillie had already made plans, but she was more than happy to let the girl stay at her place. It was certainly big enough. Even though she had suggested that it was okay for Moon to reject her Umbreon's desire to snuggle, Lillie was thrilled that the dark haired girl acted so sweet towards a Pokemon she had never even met before. She wasn'tsurprised, no but she was pleased. A soft laugh escaped her lips as Moon shimmied to the side, making sure that the black furred dark type would have a space to sit. The Umbreon himself was more than happy to take a seat, though he didn't curl up as nicely as his sister had on Lillie's own lap. He tried to get in moon's face sniffing and even trying to rub his face along her cheek. It was all very friendly behaviour which actually kind of surprised Lillie, as the dark type wasn't known for being overly friendly. Perhaps Moon was just a Pokemon whisperer this wasn't the first time that Lillie had entertained that thought."I'd love to go see him," Lillie agreed, thrilled at the idea of being able to go take a visit. Moon's explanation made sense Nebby was, in fact, an ultra beast after all. As much as she was sad to hear that Nebby had been sad to see her go , it also warmed her heart. To hear that those she loved here in Alola had never forgotten about her filled a piece of her that she had worried was gone. While people and Pokemon alike had moved on with their lives, her presence had meant something to someone more than anything, that was what Lillie ached to have in this world."Oh I was going to stay up in the loft at Kukui's, actually. Just like I used to, you know." Lillie herself wasn't super thrilled about those plans, though she was grown and wanted a little more privacy than that place would afford her, as much as she was excited to be able to see the professor again as well. "Unless I figured out somewhere else to stay, of course. I'm sure he wouldn't be upset if I did." Moon giggled in delight at the excited display of affection from the Umbreon in her lap. While other people, and even other trainers, might have been reluctant to allow somebody else's Pokemon so close in her personal space, Moon utterly adored it. With a wide grin and a bright laugh she gently hugged the Umbreon as she returned its affectionate nuzzles, before she brushed a hand up its side to tickle beneath its chin, then around to scratch behind one of its ears, beaming as her affections coaxed out more sweet coos and purrs from the dark type Pokemon. "Aww! I don't think I've ever seen such a friendly Umbreon. If you're not careful your trainer will get jealous, you know," Moon teased it playfully, giving it a light boop on the nose before turning her attention back to Lillie, her face flushed faintly from the affection and that wide, goofy grin still plastered on her lips. She really was completely in her element when surrounded by Pokemon.So Lillie planned on staying with the professor. That made sense, Moon knew the professor still kept that loft space cleared out just in case, but with both him and his wife living there, it was bound to be cramped with a fully grown Lillie sharing the place. Not to mention she questioned whether Lillie could even fit in that same small bed anymore. Those thoughts only spurred Moon on to her next point."Oh, well, I'm sure the Professor will be happy to see you again and have you back. It'll be just like old times!" Moon chirped brightly, her hands still more focused on playing with the Umbreon in her lap than the food on her plate. "Although, I was thinking... just in case you wanted somewhere bigger to stay... you could totally stay at my place while you're here!" She grinned hopefully, bubbling with excitement just at the thought. "We never did get the chance to have a sleepover, like we always said we would. And besides, I've got plenty of space, so you wouldn't be imposing or anything. And you'd have all the time in the world to spend with Nebby! I know he wouldn't want to see you go, and I'd feel bad if you had to leave to go to the Professor's, so... what d'you think? It's really no trouble at all, and it would give us all the time in the world to catch up and hang out!" She continued rambling. At this point she was starting to come across a little strong with her insistence that Lillie stay with her, but she knew what the girl was like. At least, she knew what the old Lillie was like. She was so timid and unassertive that she would never dream of imposing on someone like that. Moon felt like she had to make it clear that it wouldn't be troubling her in the slightest. In fact, she would love the chance to spend more time with Lillie. If it happened to lessen the Professor's burden too, that was just a bonus! While Lillie would have never imposed herself on to Moon by asking if she could stay at her place in the interim, the young blonde was thrilled when her best friend made the suggestion herself. As if she hadn't already been beaming, her face illuminated in a wider, even more all consuming smile. "Moon, I absolutely love that idea!" She didn't mean to speak as fast as she did within a second she had blurted that out, speaking so fast her words may as well have slurred together in the process. Immediately her bright eyes went wide and her expression turned shocked and then apologetic. The last thing she wanted to do was come on too strong or seemtooeager."I mean... Yes. I would love that, Moon. It would be awesome to be able to spend more time with you, and I can imagine that Kukui would like to keep his privacy. Besides by now you have to have a mansion or something, don't you?" Her last remark was teasing, a soft quip that also accompanied the return of her lighthearted smile. As much as Mooncouldafford a mansion at this point, Lillie wouldn't have been surprised even if the dark haired beauty was still living at her mother's. Moon was one of the sweetest, most down to earth people that Lillie had met during her years, after all."Are you sure you want me, though? I wouldn't want to be imposing on you." And there it was Lillie's soft nature coming, trying to assure that Moon genuinely wanted her around. No matter how pleasant the girl's offer had been, the blonde was the type to still check and make sure that she was wanted. If so, she would be thrilled to spend some time at her best friend's place was there even a better way to adjust to being in Alola again? Lillie thought not. Moon's expression turned into one of absolute joy when Lillie's agreement spilled out. She could hardly wait, she was bubbling with excitement at the prospect of having Lillie staring at her place. Catching up with her and reminiscing was all fine in a public place like this, especially since Moon was used to the occasional staring from people, but it would be so much more personal and intimate when they were in the privacy of Moon's home, and they could really get into all the details. Lillie's last remark did make Moon falter for just a moment though, and she hesitated before speaking up again. It was no secret that the Pokemon League Champion made a lot of money, and Lillie wasn't the only one to have made the mansion joke. Hau, Professor Kukui, even her mother had made similar jokes that Moon could've had a lavish place like that, but it had never really appealed to her, living alone in a house far too big for her."Well, I wouldn't exactly call it a mansion, eheh..." She admitted with a small, nervous giggle as she scratched the side of her cheek sheepishly. "Oh, but you definitely wouldn't be imposing on me! It's no mansion, but I still have plenty of space for people to stay. Besides, it's not like I get lonely or anything, I have my Pokemon after all, but... well, it would be nice to have some human company around for a change. Especially when we've got five years of catching up and hanging out to make up for," she said cheerfully, pumping her fist excitedly only to reign in her joy when it caused the Umbreon on her lap to shift uncomfortably."I mean, as long as the place being a little smaller than you might expect doesn't put you off, you're welcome to stay for as long as you like," she continued, still a little self conscious about the whole 'mansion' thing, but she was hiding it better as her excitement grew. "I've always really wanted a roommate, you know," she added, matter of factly as she finally made a start on her food, having to move a little awkwardly to manage to eat without accidentally dropping anything on Lillie's Umbreon, but she'd never dream of moving it out of her lap to make things easier. "I would've asked Hau, but he's got his own place already in Iki town near his Grandpa. Besides... after seeing his place, I wouldn't trust him to keep it tidy and free of malasada wrappers," she giggled conspiratorially. "Not to mention he's a guy, so I could hardly go walking around half naked when it's too hot if he was around," she continued with soft, lighthearted laughter. It never occurred to her that it could be a problem for Lillie. They were both girls after all.
['Hau', 'Alola', 'Lillie', 'Pokemon']
After Hours at the Nerd Lab [BH6: Captain & Blue]
Joy Martinezpreferred to work in the evenings. If professor Callaghan was around, her parents didn't worry. Sure the man wasn't... actually always there, but she didn't tell them that and professor Callaghan hadn't ever ratted her out even though he almost certainly knew that she was fudging how often he was in the lab with her while she worked. Maybe he didn't know, but it seemed more likely to her that the man understood that what she needed was a little room to breathe.Hah. It was nice to have alone time though. Well not entirely alone because there were sometimes other people working, but she usually put her earbuds in and got in the zone. People respected the zone here, they got it. She paused her work to take a sip of tea from her heavy travel mug and then set it back down on the table, making sure the lid got sealed again so that nothing would get in it before she got back to work. Safety was important, and she couldn't afford to take extra risks. Sometimes it felt like pretty much everyone was out to get her, but under the clinical lights and well filtered air system of the lab, she found a place where nobody worried about her and nothing went wrong. Well, nothing that wasn't fault in her design work."Ah, dang it." She had put too much heat on the small segment of plastic she'd been attaching, and it had melted very firmly to the metal below it. That's what she got for working while anything less than entirely focused. She could have cut the metal, saved the bits of scrap to use for something else, but Joy was in a little bit of a mood. Her chest ached a little today and she'd had a little bit of a cough and those put her on edge. It was the kind of day where things went wrong and her parents ended up with more evidence about why she ought to stay inside and never experience anything ever just in case.It would have been smart to actually go to the bin and put the metal and plastic combination into it carefully, so obviously Joy got close and then threw it in like she was angry with it instead. There was a nonthreatening 'boomf' and a puff of pink rose up in the air, an experiment that was supposedly dud triggered by the sharp pressure of being hit. It was delightful to look at, and she identified it immediately as one of Honey Lemon's projects. Not that Joy had ever seen them in person for obvious reasons, but she had seen the videos of the experiments and talked to Honey Lemon a few times. She should have known to immediately cover her nose and mouth but it had been such a surprise that she just stood there while the cloud began to settle, gently dusting her hair and sweater in pink, confused and uncertain. Instead of focusing on protecting her face she was trying to figure out what had happened. This wasn't what trash cans were supposed to do, this was basically the opposite.The 'how' wasn't as important though, as the fact that it had happened. There wasn't even that much, it was barely visible on her clothing but it was enough to force a reaction. That wasn't fair, things had been fine for so long. The teen coughed, frowned, and then coughed again more aggressively. Her throat itched in a way that she knew all too well and she turned sharply, intent on getting from the bin back to her work station before things got too bad. The coughing got worse, and it felt like the breath was being torn out of her. It was the sort of thing that she could handle if she stopped it fast enough, something she could keep to herself and pretend had never happened. She was focusing hard on her breathing, fighting the panic that her body always flew into because that was going to make it worse. She needed long, slow, deep breaths, but it was hard when it felt like oxygen wasn't getting in. What Joy managed instead was an uneven combination of the two sometimes she got enough air and sometimes it was the short, sharp gasps that came so much more easily between coughs. She put a hand on the table to balance and accidentally knocked her coffee mug over. It hit the ground with a bang that she barely heard, distracted as she was. Her ears were full of the sound of her heart beat and the gasps for air. It didn't matter how many times this happened, she never got used to it. She knew why, she had the objective facts about it, but that didn't help much when part of her brain was screaming 'not again' and the other part of her brain was just... screaming. Late Thursday night at the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, Tadashi Hamada sank comfortably in an ergonomic computer desk chair in the robotics lab. He kicked his feet up on an empty blue recycling bin turned upside down with his laptop powered on and resting on his thighs. He'd been working diligently on his thesis for the unwritten 5th Law of Robotics: under no circumstances should a robot be designed nor be commanded to inflict harm on any human and, through inaction, should it allow any human be harmed. His mentor and brilliant robotics professor, Robert Callaghan, developed the original foundations of robotics known as Callaghan's 'Laws of Robotics'. However, his laws only consisted of four, that he recites in every class session. Pushing boundaries in robotics and preferring the challenge as one of Callaghan's prodigies, Tadashi decided to write his thesis paper on a fifth law he developed from his kind hearted disposition.His friend, Wasabi, finished and edited his paper long before the due date and Go Go, another friend that also shares the same course chose to work on hers in the privacy of her apartment. For Tadashi, the lab after hours was the most private and quiet he could achieve where he did not have to worry constantly about his younger brother sneaking around to bot fights and his Aunt Cass asking for backup at the caf . Tadashi was not entirely alone here Joy worked on a project of her own in her own corner of the lab but she was quiet when doing so. Every now and again his curious eyes would wander over to her area and peek at her project. She was a wiz in the prosthetics department, he believed everything she built was amazing. Someday, her tech is going to help a lot of people. When he first entered the lab to work and saw she would be working too, he politely waved to her and smiled, his mouth full of an apple he'd been munching on. His hands were dormant on the keyboard when it came time to write the conclusion. It was surprisingly the most troubling part of the essay, leaving him stuck in writer's block for the past twenty minutes. He must have absent mindedly readjusted his hat a million times in the meanwhile."Just have to look for a new angle on this... Ah! There!" Tadashi pondered then exclaimed to himself, as the ideas hit his mind he immediately typed them while they were fresh as to not lose his train of thought. Had it been his younger brother Hiro, he would have said the same to encourage that knucklehead to use his big brain and look for another way out. He couldn't help but smile at the irony. He looked goofy when he did so, his charming and contagious grin always stretching from ear to ear. While reading everything he had so far page by page and the conclusion tied in with it, his large, round eyes shifted line by line, the deep, dark brown color shimmering from the screen brightness. After long hours of effort, he was finished and could submit it and start heading home. He carefully placed his laptop onto the same recycling bin his feet had been just moments before and stood up to stretch. He was 6'0" even, only the third tallest among his friends with Wasabi ahead of them and Honey Lemon in second place when she wore heels and wedges. He glanced at the time on his phone and deemed it too late to video chat anyone. Only Go Go would answer but even then she was probably still working on her paper. He was so busy with his all day he hardly heard from anyone but he'd simply catch up with them tomorrow. Now he could start enjoying his weekend.A loud bang shook Tadashi from his thoughts and his head whipped over to Joy who only just threw something away. She stood in front of the scrap bin awkwardly, he could hardly see with her back turned to him, but he went back to gathering his belongings into his beige colored satchel. She started to cough but thought nothing of it until it turned violent and harsh, Joy reached for the table to hold herself steady and knocked over her mug from what he saw and it was what he interpreted as a cry for help. Without thinking, Tadashi abandoned his things and ran for her, calling her name but she wasn't responsive, still coughing and struggling to breathe. His arm gently but firmly urged her further away from the bin still puffing out a thin cloudy mist of pink. It had to be the culprit, her clothes were covered in it. He had her turned to face him then grabbed a nearby stack of papers with all sorts of sketches and designs, using it to fan air into her lungs while wiping away the chemicals from her outfit. "Deep breaths, Joy! Through the nose... and out the mouth..." he instructed while demonstrating like he saw his Aunt Cass do to Hiro during one of his allergic reaction fits. "Can you talk?? I'm not sure what to..." but he kept fanning air her way. Someone was calling her name. The voice broke through the panic but she didn't respond to it, didn't really connect it to the person she knew was there until suddenly Tadashi was there. Joy didn't dislike him obviously, everyone adored the guy and he was incredibly friendly but at the tail end of the relief of having someone there to help her and call an ambulance if things got bad so professor Callaghan didn't find her on the floor a few hours later dead or something came the stress of having someone there to see what was happening. Someone who could end up treating her like her family did. His presence was mostly a comfort though, especially once he was taking up most of her vision. She tried to say his name, her intention was to tell him that things were fine and he didn't need to worry, but she got out a weak " dashi..." and that was about it. Almost certainly going to have the opposite effect of what she was going for.He said to take deep breaths and she responded with a short, sharp gasp. Not on purpose obviously, it was just a hard direction to follow right now.The fanning was useless, but she'd be able to appreciate the sentiment later when things weren't super crazy. Would have been helpful if the issue was just breathing air that wasn't contaminated, but right now it wouldn't have mattered if he'd put an industrial air conditioner in front her there'd still be about the same amount actually getting into her lungs. She reached up and grabbed his sleeve, fingers curling into the soft fabric to try and get him to stop, thought it wasn't exactly easy to communicate much of anything right now. It also pretty promptly became her using him as partial support, because it was hard to feel stable when she was coughing so hard she was shaking and mostly wanted to be doubled over. That wasn't a position that really helped that much, at least that she had ever been able to tell. She needed things to relax, and there was only one way to do that. She'd reached the point where this wasn't something that could be solved with the basics, it was going to be time to break out the emergency equipment.Her bag was on the other side of the long steel table she'd been working at, and when he said that he didn't know what to do Joy gestured in that direction. "Backpack. Inhalers." Her voice was raspy, a far cry from her usual cheerful and gentle tone. There were two in there, entirely identical in size and color. To offset that issue they were numbered with '1' and '2' and frowny faces. The first had a simple one like might be drawn on the side of work that was done poorly by a teacher who wasn't encouraging, and the second had a much more concerned face with a deeper frown. For just in case of... something, Joy wasn't sure what. If she was in such a bad state that she couldn't comprehend numbers she would probably be in too bad a state to comprehend the drawings but it had felt like a good addition at the time. It had also been made four or five years ago, so she had that defense.Him getting her medicine required letting go, and that was hard. Her slender fingers fell to the table and she closed her eyes for a moment, focusing on her breathing. She was lightheaded, and the realization that losing consciousness was a possibility was something that made it harder, put her right back in that fight against a panic that was only being at all held back by the presence of Tadashi. If she passed out she'd have been mortified, which was basically enough to keep her hanging on. Tadashi was there for Joy with his arm draped behind her shoulders, almost cradling, to support her entire body if she needed. From under his clad figure, it felt that he was more than capable of supporting twice her weight but for as long as she remained conscious, she carried most of it. There was a light illuminating directly over his head, casting a shadow as his face absorbed most of her view. Even in a situation like this one where worry plagued his expression, one could find comfort in the softer features of his face. He'd been looking down and searching for help in her eyes, a sign of what to do, or maybe even permission to contact more adept personnel. He would hate to abandon her, even if just for a second, to call for help but fanning the air about her neither helped nor worsened her condition. While she tried to reassure him, a gesture he could not comprehend with her at this state, it seemed things only escalated. Joy whispered the last syllables of his name, somewhat of a good sign that she was very aware of his presence but not exactly disarming. What she could not say, she decided to take action, the weight of her hand clinging to the dark fabric of his cardigan bid him to stop fanning. She drew his attention to her bag on the other side of the table, claiming there to be inhalers. The young man hesitated to let her go but there was a heroic trait within that inspired him to take action without thinking, throwing the papers to the ground and leaving her to hang onto the table while he sprinted to her belongings, unzipped every pocket of her bag and shook the items out onto the table before sifting through the organized mess to grab the only inhalers he could see.He immediately made it back to her hunched over figure, "Okay, okay, Joy this is the first inhaler," Tadashi hastily said while bringing the inhaler level with her eyes so she could see, and even rotated it so she could examine the oddly drawn frown, "And this is the second, okay?" And he held up the second one, twisting it back and forth to show the differences between the two. He felt it necessary to lower his posture so he could speak directly to her. It seemed the medicine would do the trick for now but Honey Lemon's latest pink project powder was still layered on her clothing. "Do you need a chemical shower? Should I call 911?"It was a bad day to choose to do maintenance on the security cameras in the laboratory. They were usually on every corner inside and outside of the building, being monitored at all hours of the day by reliable campus security. Tadashi did not dare to think what might have happened if he weren't here, just thankful he was. Any other day, security would have taken action to help her instead. He stepped away and Joy felt suddenly much more alone and stressed out. The coughing had slowed a lot, but that wasn't exactly a great thing, it more because shecouldn't. She dropped herself heavily into the chair because it was there and that seemed like it might help even though she knew it wouldn't. It would help her keep from falling over so there was that, at least. Tadashi returned with the inhalers and she took the first one, snapping the cap off with trembling fingers and lifting it to her lips. Press it once, inhale the medicine and then keep trying to breathe. It opened things up a little bit, enough that she'd be able to better breathe the more heavy duty medication properly. It was what she used for the little issues, like when she ran too hard. Or in case of cold, but deep chills weren't exactly common in San Fransokyo. It got set aside, cap still off because she'd handle that later, and she reached for the next one. Things were already a tiny bit easier, but instead of leaning against the slender metal back of the chair the teen leaned herself against Tadashi if he was close enough, not seeming to really be paying attention to what she was what she was doing.Focusing on breathing was a little more pressing.The other medication was sprayed and inhaled and a second later Joy let out a deeper gasp afterwards, followed by a tiny flurry of coughs that were at the very least weaker and much less harsh sounding. Yep, that was the hardcore stuff. The tingling started in her fingers and behind her eyes and worked through her body. Well, she could breathe again. The airway had been more or less beaten into submission by medication and things were mostly working the way they were supposed to. It took a few seconds before she straightened though, having at least some of the same thought he did because Joy held her breath while she tugged her sweater up over her head, making sure to fold it quickly while it was inside out. The shoulder straps of her thin undershirt were a little slimmer than her bra, but that wasn't exactly a thing to bother herself with. She folded the shirt a few more times just to make sure it wasn't going to cause problems. She had modesty, of course, but even if it hadn't been for the fact that this was necessary to make sure she didn't end up breathing something that set her off even through the drug forced relaxed state, this wasn't something she would have been embarrassed about.There might be a plastic or paper bag around somewhere, she could stuff the shirt in there. Or bury it in her backpack and wash everything later was the thought running through her head more than worry about if Tadashi could see her bra a little.Call the 911? No. Her voice was a little raspy and tired. My parents will try and make me stop coming. Or ask professor Callaghan to waste his time watching me like a child whenever I m here. And a shower would probably just make her cold at this point. Plus then she'd have to take the light rail home in clothes that were at the very least damp. Or... call her parents, admit something was wrong, and get pick up. No. She shook her head and added and don t tell Honey Lemon. The other student would feel guilty and she knew it. And while technically yes, her work should have been disposed of more securely, Joy knew she should have paid more attention to her surroundings. She s such a good person and she d feel so bad. She wished she could be a little more like the blonde student. Maybe get to spend more time with other students when they wasn t afraid she was about to die."Thanks. And... sorry." It couldn't have been a great experience for him. She wanted to crack jokes and make this seem like no big deal, but she didn't think she could right now. Maybe tomorrow, she was tired and didn't really know how to try and make it so things didn't turn out like she was afraid they would.
['Martinezpreferred', 'Callaghan']
Star Wars RP (Funner & RPG-Girl)
Selia looked forward to this day a long time, her dear sister's birthday. Aside from customs that made it special, she planned to make this one especially memorable, hopefully Mount Kalee could justnotdump any thick ash clouds over her favorite viewing spot, that would be lovely. Speaking of the place, it was a spire roughly a hundred feet in diameter just twenty minutes away from their home by flight though she wasn't sure if her sister would be able to handle such speeds, since she was one of the Wingless, one of the two genders of the Gadron people.She was already at said locale, squinting at the volcanic mountain in question. So far it hadn't been active, which just told her that it was that much closer to another eruption, though it was far enough from home not to pose a threat, even with it's closest ejection, and for the hundred of years the are had been populated, the mountain was quite large, but was far enough from home that it was only an inconvenience when the wind carried it overhead, leaving a fine layer of dust in the bowl of her spire. She'd have to set up a tent just in case the mountain had an early morning explosion, Kalee's unpredictability was actually part of the reason why she had the place to herself no one else wanted to risk getting caught in a rain of ash, and most were convinced there was nothing to see out there. Perhaps knowing that no one else valued the area was what drew Selia out that first time, but she stayed for the view, the privacy, or the air which was only nice when it Kalee cooperated.She had the tent pitched, she checked the supplies again, it wasn't like they'd be out for long, but she had plenty of water on hand, as well as rations, and some blankets and pillows, since the tent wouldn't keep out the chill by itself. After preparations were complete, she decided to head back to town, she didn't want to stay away longer than she had to. For the most part, as she busied herself with the various tasks about the chamber, mainly helping to prepare some of the cloth for weaving, she would be inwardly giddy with excitement. After today, she would not be a child any longer, but a full grown woman. Of course, as one of the Linnorn, it would be rather foolish to make assumptions for how the day would go, even if she was sure that her Drake sister was planning on claiming her for herself. And so, she would be leaving behind her old quarters, saying goodbye to her mothers and sisters and moving in with Selia.Still, as Yasin finished her chores, lightened due to what day it was and her likely upcoming wedding, she would nod and smile at and with her family, laughing and accepting their wisdom, though any gifts would wait until after the wedding. This was because if for some reason Selia did not want her, nor any of her other Drake sisters, well, she would belong to her dickmother for a time. And sure, as she would rub a bit of quartz dust just below her eyes, looking into the mirror to make sure she looked as enticing as possible.... well, strings of silver and gold, a few semi precious stones, a handful of longer lengths of silver around her waist like a skirt, and she would smile. It was traditional after all, to wear this sort of display when one was going to be with ones intended, even if the deal would not be final until the actual wedding ceremony.Granted, as she preened in front of the mirror, and readied herself, she would check, and once all was in readiness, she would begin to walk, sandals of beaten silver on her feet, as she would go to the edge of the harem. Sure, like all Gadron buildings it was made of stone, an close to a spire, but that only made sense, given the drakes ability to fly, and tendency to refer to refer to their females as wingless, to the point where she and the other Linnorn were fairly sure that they actually thought they were called that.Still, a smile on her face, she would sit, and wait. Her eldest sister, as was tradition, should be by soon, to... well, she would spend the day with her, to impress her, to entice her, and to have her virginity taken by her. After that... the presentation to their dickmother and Selia's choice on if they would be married or not. She could hardly wait! Selia flew down to somewhere near the middle of the spire, where she had hidden the necklace she prepared in advance for the bride price in a dull leather sack inside an old lunch box, though the hiding place was good enough without the need for subterfuge. The necklace was something she took a lot of care with, she didn't have much, but from her various outings the past year, she found, traded animal resources, or performed tedious and or heavy manual labors for what she used as materials, not to mention the odd gold pieces she'd acquired before then. She had practiced making very slender, very precise holes in stone blocks before so she wouldn't waste resources, even if she had to give it to her mother, she wanted it to be as beautiful and unique as the young woman she would claim by the end of the day.The necklace itself wasn't overly complicated or flashy, though calling it simple would be accurate, Selia preferred the term "sensible", with nothing taking away from or outshining anything else. It was adorned with four fangs from vifers the swift, weasel like carnivores that roamed the fields and a couple of shiny, small, delicate looking gold orbs between each pair, in the very center was an obsidian sliver as wide as a couple of fingers, the edges worn away carefully to be as smooth and elliptical as possible, though not quite as long as two fingers, it was smooth on the surface as well. All the pieces were carefully, meticulously drilled with a diamond tipped needle and woven with sturdy but thin fibers from some plants growing south of the village, along with silver and gold string for beauty.She lay it around her neck and let out a deep breath, she hoped it would be accepted as it was during the ceremony's negotiations, she didn't mind running around looking for more resources, but she really rather not if she didn't have to. Selia made it with her sister in mind, so the craftsmanship was as good as someone of her low skill level could manage. Still, the incisions were clean, and she had polished any scratches she made when her hand slipped, but she was sure being younger than her mother she missed something that could've made it even better, that in her great naivete she accepted that is was good enough without pushing herself, or that she had undeveloped tastes and should've added something more, but she was more than prepared to add a little extra if her mother wasn't satisfied.Her bride price ready and displayed on her person, Selia started back to her dickmother' home, when the Drake arrived, her eyes were greeted by the jewelry adorning Yasin's already beautiful body. As she approached her younger sister, she smiled at her drakesisters as she passed, surely hoping the necklace around their elder sister's neck was a wedding gift to whichever of them didn't turn down Yasin, but at the same time, that would surely not be the case, not if they thought and felt like Selia did. She almost felt bad for them, but she wouldn't lock Yasin up or something, they'd be able to admire her beauty whenever Selia visited, or if she couldn't, wouldn't hold Yasin back from visiting home."Yasin!" Selia called out happily, as she ran to embrace her sister, very eager about making her sisterhers"Hope you're having a happy birthday, Sis. I'll see if I can't bump it up a notch or two! So, did you have anything planned for the day, hmm, all dressed up..." Yasin, on seeing her sister, gave a squeal of delight, and ran forward, ignoring her other drake sisters. Sure, if they were at Selia's home she may be expected to help entertain them, but for the moment? She had made sure she was all dolled up for only one of her sisters. The one that she was hugging, her body rubbing against hers. The one that was going to make her a woman. The one that she had all but wheedled a promise from her dickmother to accept a marriage offer from. Of course, that would be if Selia wanted her, which, from the necklace she was wearing, as she nuzzled her neck?There was a warm flash of contentment, even as she would of course be nice and proper, demure and submissive to her intended. "Well, my dragon," and really, so what if she used the term that spoke as if they were already married, "my plans are in large part your own, though I would hope that the end of the day would coincide with..." She would giggle, and wink up at her. "I have a wedding gift ready."There is mischief in her eyes, even as her red and blue hair, highlights of purple flashing through them, as she looks up at her. "Of course, spending time with you..." She would hum and nod her head... and her tail would be moving back and forth, she smiles. "Oh, and I should mention, all of my clothes are handmade." She would puff up with pride, even as she would have her nipples graze along her sisters scales. It was traditional for a linnorn to spend the year before her coming of age to fashion her courtship dress, as well as working particularly hard to acquire the small amount of property and assets that they could, and would belong to their intended.After all, while the drake may control the household, it was the harem that actual did the management, farming, looking after livestock, mining and the bulk of the crafts. Thus, a wise Linnorn sought to bring a few things into her bed to help her prospects. "Though, the Ullfi have been lambing, and perhaps it would be good to check up on them." After all, over the last three years she had managed to acquire five ewes and a ram, though she had been selling the lambs to finance some of her other deals. Selia enjoyed the way her sister's body felt against hers, smirking when Yasin nuzzled her, hoping she noticed her handiwork. She let out a soft, gentle, but certainly hungry growl as her sister addressed her as her dragon, her hold on her sister tightening a bit as her sister spoke. Selia chuckled as her sister winked at her."Well, as it happens, I believe your wedding present is also ready exchange." she had to exercise considerable control not to press her hips against her sister's, let her feel how excited she was to make YasinSelia'sLinnorn.She ran her claws through Yasin's hair when she looked up at her, she was so proud and felt quite honored that Yasin had gone far beyond her expectations for the dress, just because it was traditional to make it didn't mean it had to be so lovely. Her hands on her sister's back told her that it was a very nice fabric she used, certainly something to be treasured, "I'm very impressed you got this ready in just a year, it looks and feels so expensive." Selia bit her lip and glanced down at the nipples brushing against her scales, she wanted to take Yasin to her bed right now, but hearing about her Ullfi, she decided that maybe she should wait, "Alright, if something needs to be done, I'll do it, you worked hard on that dress these are just my usual's the least I can do after you let me borrow your crafting tool, I still owe you one, remember? I'm a Drake of my word." She would seem pleased at the growl, perking up, even as her lips curled into an amused half smirk, even as she would nod. "Mostly taken from my Ullfi." Which, as she would turn, hands brushing against groin, was another way of subtly bragging about the wealth of her little herd. And for the most part, the Ullfi was a creature that resembled a sheep, and yet, like most creatures from Gadron, it was able to incorporate metal into various parts of itself, or in these cases, the wool. While there were three main breeds, the Gold, Silver and Iron Ullfi, for the most part that refereed to what metal it was able to incorporate into it, though Rams were notably, when it came to breeding, metal neutral."Besides, I wanted to look nice, as this is the day when I'm supposed to be showing off my wealth, skills and appearance to my dragon. Of course, if I listened to the older girls, you might have liked it best if I just showed up with gem dust coating my body and a pair of heels." She stuck out her tongue, playful, before she would continue. "Besides, it's not like I'd want my first time with you to be right here." She would look down, right at her groin, and lick her lips, coated in a small amount of ruby dust, sparkling under the suns light.Still, she would seem to consider things for a moment, before checking around them, and the coast was clear. Having done so, she dropped to her knees. "Selia Ritar, I, Yasin Ritar ask your permission to court you on behalf of our sire Salia Ritar and according to custom. Until the time comes, as the sun sets and you present me for the negotiation, you are my dragon, my mistress, my world and the center of my being. I kneel at your feet, and offer all I am and shall be and all my daughters yet unborn." She blushed as she finished. For the most part, this ritual greeting was very old fashioned, and rarely done anymore... and almost always an indicator, as she smiled up, that she wanted this."And my dragon, if you owe me... perhaps you can carry me around today, when you are not... making use of your property?" She blushed then, cheeks blazing red and blue. Selia's eyes lit up at the thought that in the last year Yasin was able to sheer so much wool from her Ullfi that she could spare some for herself, she was sure that most had to be sold for the adornments, though she wasn't the expert on how much wool the creatures produced, or how much wool she was looking at, her focus did mainly lay in training, pushing her physical strength and honing her efficiency in fire breath output, often protecting the clan from the Vifers by keeping their numbers down, allowing Linnorn wise in the arts of medicine to go out with no fear of being turned into one of the beasts' snacks, though it was only common sense to watch after them just to be safe more than once such precautions saved their lives, it was also a good way for Selia to familiarize herself with plants, to develop her trading skills by learning the value of different parts of a plant.The Drake chuckled heartily at her sister's jab at the older girls advice, and shook her head slowly, "Well, I don't know if these girls are trying to deceive you to sabotage you or what, but I like what you have on now, it looks very comfortable to you and feels great to me, around your body, in my arms...that would be a really strong selling point if I were to buy you something. Just knowing that it's also the accumulation of all your skills, displayed for me? It' honor to have such a dedicated Linnorn, devoting so much time and effort and supplies for this day...if the Drake of the house doesn't end up demanding some earrings in addition to the necklace, I may feel like I'm cheating her out...maybe I should have made a matching necklace for her chief wife, just in case I wind up paying the bride price?" Selia was being playful, but then she paused to seriously consider if her prepared gift did her sister justice not that anything could, but if there was something she could've done to go the extra mile, if she had been stingy at all. Selia wished there had been a better way to hit Vifer's than in the snout, who knows how many teeth she could've sold if the hadn't broken in the animal's head? If it was that simple, though, she would've had a small fortune by now.She bit her lip when her sister brought up giving Selia her virginity right where they stood, it didn't seem like a great idea, she had to agree, but the thought weighed on her. Yasin's hand going to her groin before hadn't gone unnoticed, the same could be said of her gaze this time, she noticed there was ruby dust on her sister's lips, the sudden interest to clean her lips struck the Drake hard, she wanted her little sister so much right now, and was about to ask who's room she should make Yasin an adult in, make her Selia's in, when her sister dropped to her knees. The words were hazy, but she knew what this meant still, she wanted to honor her sister's efforts, so did her best to recite the ancient reply, as she moved her hands to caress her sister's cheeks, "Yasin Ritar, I Selia Ritar, grant you permission to court me, on behalf of our sire Salia Ritar, and according to custom. I intend to fulfill or accept the dues of the negotiations after the sun sets and keep you as my chief wife, my greatest treasure, my most adored possession. I accept your offer, and most proudly, gladly take all you are and shall be, and all your daughters I shall sire."Selia hadn't been sure if the first wife was traditionally the chief wife, or if the declaration of intentions was ever used with chief wife in it's recital to the Linnorn of that status, or if that was simply something specified before hand, but she knew that this was what she wanted. She glanced down at her groin, the throbbing member pressing through her undergarments and making its presence known through the fabric of her clothes, she wasn't sure if her sister had intended for her to claim her here, but as she glanced around behind her, she saw that no one was present yet and wondered how long it would stay like that, she slid her hand under Yasin's knee and the middle of her back, and scooped her off the ground, "Mm, I find your proposed manner of compensation to be quite only question is where I should carry you, my room or yours...or perhaps I should show you where I planned on spending the night with you? We'll only lose forty minutes going back and forth." She would give a gasp at the mention of chief wife, as that was decided, almost always, as a matter of pecking order and authority inside of the harem, apart from a favorites of the moment. The chief wife was the one that their dragon considered first in their hoard, and to be offered it before they even married? She had been lucky in her gambling and investments, and would have some extra things to give to her for the bride price, even as she would do her best to win her the dowry. Still, as she was gathered up in those strong arms, a hand brushed her groin, she would give a smile and a wink. "My dragon, you are courting me. While I wanted to get on my knees for you, and hopefully will be spending a good bit of today on them, I just wanted to say the old words in private." She would giggle. "Its more romantic that way."Still, as she seemed to consider things, finger tapping her chin, she would look up and be greatly amused. "As for where you make use of your property my dragon? I am your linnorn and you are courting me. While it is impolite to breed my cunt in front of others until the time of the presentation, as anywhere and anytime else, you may have me as you please." She would give a pleased sounding hum, as she relaxed in her arms, breasts pressed upwards. "Did I not just pledge that I belong to you? That I am yours in all ways? I stand between childhood and womanhood, and yet, as Linnorn, consider me a sex toy that speaks to you, that loves you and makes your house. If you are hard, feel free to jerk yourself off using the body that belongs to you, or command me to attend to attend to my mistress."She would giggle, a hand moving up along her stomach and breasts, as she looked happy and content. "My childhood, my time of freedom is over. As of now? I. Am. Yous." She stresses each word, as she pokes her sisters chin. "So my dragon, by your command, what are your plans for your property?"There is something saucy in how she says that, as was the wink and the stuck out tongue. "Hehe, I know, but I wanted to try saying the old words back to you, it just felt right." Selia licked her lips as she carried her sister towards her quarters, having decided on taking her sister in her bedroom. Just the thought of laying with her in Yasin's bed, breathing in her scent, making a special memory in the room where the young Linnorn had slept for so long just felt right somehow to complete the transition between child to adult in the same bed she slept, make Yasinhersin the room that had been Yasin's private place, her home within home."Well, my sweet harlot, I plan on taking everything that belongs to me, and I can't think of anywhere that belongs to you and you alone more than your very own bed, after your throat or your knees get tired." Selia replied, revealing her intentions as she watched her sisters hands explore her own body, "Let's enjoy your final day of childhood and your first in adulthood in your bedroom together." she caressed Yasin's cheek with her own as she spoke, "I'll make you a proper Linnorn, leaving no part of you untouched...especially your mouth, I want our dickmother to lose herself in you well before I'm overwhelmed by my own inexperience, not to mention just being in your cunt will work against me, I'm sure you could just milk me dry." she lay the girl down for just long enough to get the door open, then scooped her back up again and carried her into the bedroom, she was only ever in the room a few times before, and often wondered how it would be to lay in the bed with her, lay in the bed with her cock in Yasin's mouth. She laid her little sister down and pulled her shirt off, followed by her leggings and underwear, which was had a very eager erection straining against it before it was free.Selia intended next to lay beside her sister, hold her tightly, and kiss her deeply, not being able to hold back her excitement and include her tongue almost immediately, tracing Yasin's lips before gently pressing into them. She wanted to take her time embracing her this way before rolling on top of her, let her hands roam the dress Yasin made, her kiss becoming more insistent, lustful. She would giggle, licking her lips almost in response, as she took in the much more reptilian, much more powerful and savage form of her sister. Still, she would speak, her tone a purr. "All I had is yours. It is now your bed, my dragon." She would pause a moment, before she spoke, her words thick. "From the moment of my hatching, all that was mine was yours. It merely took until this moment for the world to become aware of this simple truth." Her words hold her conviction in their truth, in their simple power, even as they pass by some of the other Linnorn in the harem, heading for her chambers. Drakes did not often venture this far into the harem, unless it was their dickmother of course.Still, as she was placed on the bed, she would speak, as she looked up, as she was ready for the embrace. "If you wish it, my gift for you is on the desk, the larger box." She spoke it simply, as she would wait. It was not something particularly flashy, a simple iron collar, with silver tracing that marked the wearer as property of Selia, along with a leather leash. She was... aware of some of her sisters desires, and if she was to be a good girl, she would have to share in them, revel in them, and encourage them. She did not need to have a weeding gift of course, as the bride, but still, it was only the... erotic thing to do.Of course, as lips met lips, and hands explored the dress, she would press into the kiss, her hands roaming naked flesh, exploring that body, roaming up and down, making sure to know each inch of the dragon that was claiming her inside of her reach. For the most part, these hands were soft, tracing each scale and pressing, moving and seeking, never stopping, even as they would tease any pleasure center they could find. Still, lips would open, to accept that tongue inside, to let it plunder and take and explore, because as her folds dampen, rich with dew, eager to have her sister claim what was hers, everything was hers for the taking.Now, as hands explored the dress, she may be able to discover one simple fact. Linnorn courtship dresses, no matter how pretty and beautiful, no matter how well made, are designed to come off easily, with a minimal amount of damage to the dress itself, though of course, their dragon could always just tear it off in their haste. Hearing her sister speak, Selia couldn't help but feel a fresh surge of pride. The was absolutely no way she would've let her sister pass onto someone else, even if she could've elected to skip the one next in line after herself, but even if that old feud and giving her rival victory after so many years wasn't an issue, even if Solia could've held her peace to accept the claim with grace, Selia couldn't have given Yasin up, everything inside her wanted Yasin, so she would take all the girl had with all that she was. She wasn't sure what any of the harem might have thought, seeing Selia carry the greatest treasure she would ever possess, but they knew what day it was, as well as the duty, the privilege, that was Selia's alone to fulfill. It was a sacred work, and was her pride and honor to perform where and however she pleased.When she heard of her gift, she turned around in surprise, she recalled her sister had told her she had a present ready, but she had taken that to mean Yasin was ready to give herself to the Drake now her mind was spinning, what sort of treasure would she be able to add to her small hoard of more common material? She decided she should investigate this, and as she opened the box, she was greeted by a silver gleam from within. She hummed approvingly as she removed it and the leather bundle with it, found that the leather was a length of leash to compliment the iron collar. She was quite taken with practical simplicity, and the name of the Drake in silver was all that it needed as far as adornments went. She smiled as she studied the tracing, it stood out very well against the solid iron, as she felt the heft of it, she wondered if iron was worth it's weight in Ullfi wool.When she had leaned over her Linnorn and closed the iron hinges of her gift, she made sure to lay her cock into the soft dress, she was sure her sister could feel the heat pulsing through it, the eagerness she felt growing stronger in herself, "Thank you, Sister,mywife," pride burned inside her, though she hadn't married her yet, the words felt so right, "unless there is yet another very ancient tradition you rediscovered from the jaws of time, you have honored me beyond words, I won't let your efforts be wasted." she brought up her claw, the leash wound around it, and thought how good her palm felt with the leash in her hand.The gift just made her want to claim her sister so much more, and started with her mouth, her hand holding the back of her sister's head, growling softly she grew acquainted with the lips that would come to please her well, the depths of her warm, sweet mouth, the soft tongue she brushed her own against. She let out long, rolling groans, the kiss growing more wet and messy as her Linnorn sought out the best ways for her hands to please the Drake.Selia was shivering with blissful excitement as her hands felt the dress' design, and tested her suspicions, carefully at first, but as she found her suspicions confirmed, the dress was not covering her sister's body for long. She considered the courting dress as a treasure, a monument to her sister's love and devotion, as well as skill and wealth, so instead of dropping it on the floor, she lay it over a pillow.She laid her hands on her sister's newly bare flesh, staying true to her word, she explored her the dips and curves of her hips, sides, and stomach, took in the whole of her torso before moving to her breasts, fondling her gently at first, though her hands grew more insistent as she caressed them, her eyes stuck on her sister's as she felt the nipples between the pads of her digits, though her hands soon slid down, past her sister's hips, to her thighs. She gave her Linnorn a gentle squeeze on her thighs, raising them slightly, glancing down between them, eager to fill the space between them with her body, claim Yasin's body with her own. She looked back up at Yasin and moved her hips to feel her sister's body, her eyes closed as she first felt the dampness, her readiness to be taken, and moved back down to kiss her sister, murmuring gently before filling the girl's pussy, "Mm, time to fulfill my duty and desire, claim your virginity, push you over the threshold between childhood and adulthood." In truth, the dress and her herd comprised the vast majority of her personal possessions, along with a small handful of tools. Most of her wealth, earned from the time she was hatchling and decided that this was the path she would take in life, had been carefully built, hoarded, expanded... and then spent on the materials for the dress. Sure, it was not like iron, gold or silver were particularly valuable until crafted and given pleasing or useful shape, but still, as she would smile, as she would exalt in the hardness and heat of her dragons shaft, even as she would merely shake her head at the question. She had no more little things to drop on her, even as she all but preened as the collar closed around her neck, and there was a rush of juices on her folds as she saw the leash in her hand.Still, looking up, with eagerness in her eyes, she would speak, as her legs parted, giving her older and larger sister plenty of access even as she would begin to move them, ankles reaching near her ears... and perfect for grabbing onto. She had read on the holonet that offworlders practiced a discipline similar to that used by the linnorn to make sure they remained in ready physical condition for whatever their dragons required, though for some reason, they tended to call it yoga. Still, she would not speak, though she would give a needy little moan, eager and hungry, even as her eyes, wide and eager would look up, ass shifting to try and have her be impaled on it as soon as possible.After all, they had the better part of fourteen hours before she needed to be presented for the marriage rites, and she was eager to make sure that she looked like a well used cock sleeve by then! As Yasin spread her legs for her intended, Selia couldn't help but smile. She didn't know how long she wanted this, thought about getting a collar around her sister's neck. Even though she would carry Yasin like the treasure she knew her to be, she couldn't wait for their dickmother to see the gift she was given, it was her very blatant claim to her sister, and Yasin had given it to her.As the legs were raise up high, Selia eagerly held them, gasping softly as her cock pushed into her smaller sister's folds, first the tip slid into Yasin, followed soon by the rest of Selia's hard, throbbing member. She looked down at the Linnorn's hips, gazing with love, joy, and pride as she met the resistance of the Linnorn's hymen, with a little pushing it soon gave way to the Drake. She couldn't help but reach down to claim her sister's breasts again, giving her an affectionate squeeze as her cock filled the girl's tight virgin pussy, stretching her with the girth of Selia's cock. She smiled back, eager, wet and ready, even as she felt the hardness, the drakehood of her sister pressing against her. She would, as she felt it go in, whimper, throat expelling air as she almost whined, as she needed it, wanted it, longed for it with every scrap and part of her being. Of course, she did not feel pain as her hymen tore, rather a wave a pleasure, as her body shook, and as she looked up. While it would take some time, and was not yet complete, the bonding process had begun. It was somewhat more... complete in their species then others, though it was a secret never shared with drakes, kept hidden among the Linnorn.Still, as she would flex and clench the muscles in her folds, seeking to squeeze, milk and from the feel push out the throbbing shaft, she would feel it beginning, feel herself becoming more attuned to Selia, her whims, her desires, her needs and wants. While most Linnorn changed on their bonding to their dragon, it tended to be subtle, small things, little things in line with the preferences and needs of their dragon, some of their own desires changing to match those of their partners. It did not change them completely, and indeed mostly provided small nudges, but the linnorn all agreed. It made thembetterfor their dragon, and she was the one that mattered the most.And so, as she would begin to breed her pussy, as she explored, she would try and clench and ripple and milk, even as she gave a gasp and coo, as hands squeezed her breasts. Nipples would be hard as diamond against her palms, as flesh would yield, slowly and surely, firm above and like a vise below, as she whimpered, and tried to avoid wiggling like bait on a hook under her sister. Selia bit her lip as her sister's needy sounds reached her ears, it only made her fill Yasin's tight hole more eagerly than she already would. Her eyes were on those of the girl she now claimed, licking her lips, she wanted to keep Yasin shaking, hit her hard with wave after wave of pleasure. The Drake bit her lip, the very heat of her sister's body was very pleasing, and as wet and tight as she was, it was just that much better.Yasin's clenching muscles were especially delighted in, giving her even more friction as she pulled back, making her even tighter when she thrust back in. This was certainly something she wanted more of in the future. Breeding her smaller sister, touching wherever she liked, hearing the lovely sounds she made for her, she'd be especially excitable now that the time of waiting for her sister's fifteenth birthday was finally over. She leaned back down to fill her mouth once more with her tongue, longing for the sweet, wet heat of her Linnorn's mouth as she continued massaging her breasts, pressing the hardened peaks with her thumbs, thrusting her drakehood deep into her sister.She slowly pulled her mouth back from her wife's, threads of saliva breaking as her hands went down, resting on the back of her sister's thighs, trying to thrust faster while keeping Yasin still, the desire to fill her sister's womb quickly increasing as the heat in her member rose, the pleasure building inside demanding release, "Ah, oh, Sis, you're just a natural little cumdump, aren't you? Keep squeezing me just like that! Mm...even your sounds are so good!"Selia closed her eyes as she thrusted, the thought coming back to her Yasin belonged to her, and no Drake would feel her pussy except Selia, this was pleasure reserved strictly for her. She gave a pleased moan, as her sister complimented her skills, as she would give a mewl of pleasure and need, folds rippling and moving as if to clench and try and suck her shaft right inside, this time almost in time to her thrusts, as it would loosen as it left, only to tighten again and try and suck it all inside, as her back would arch, even as she would time her exhalations with her thrusts, so that each time she would slam in, it would force a moan and a whimper from her, even as she would seem to almost be vibrating, hips moving forward to meet hips on the downward stroke, and trying to following them out.Still, as the saliva spilled across her chest and stomach, she would merely give a light breathy groan, begging without words for the mouth back, as the muscles in her thighs would tense and relax, moving as she would try and strain her back, to mash and meet with her sister, to give up everything even as she would be taking everything. And of course, that was only the most obvious thing that was happening. The Gondar are a species that was deeply in tune with the Wild Force, with the primal energies of nature unshackled from the more binding views of light or dark that dominate Jedi and Sith thought, to the point where many of their abilities are instinctive and subconscious.Then again, while by itself the feminine juices of a linnorn helped increase arousal and staying power, it was largely mostly just a medium for their own version of force refreshment. Granted, it faded after two or free months after they lost their virginity, but in the meantime? As Yasin cooed under her, juices gushing again, coating the shaft inside of her, she was in for a long day as she was made full use of. Selia was panting heavily as her sister's movements matched her own more and more, sliding out became smoother and pushing back in gave her more sweet friction, she was really impressed with how Yasin was doing, and was sure that if this kept up, she would be finished soon, though she kept thinking that, and yet, she was holding on fine. She wondered if it would be even more intense the longer she kept going, the longer it seemed Yasin's body made her go, despite being so tight. Truly, Linnorn were wonderful.As her hips smacked against the birthday girl's, filling her with her drakehood, Selia smiled down at the wordless begging, and after cupping her cheek and whispering, "You're so cute." she took her sister's mouth again, this time pressing her lips with varying degrees of roughness, though ultimately her tongue did return, her hand on the back of her intended's head, feeling her red, blue, and purple hair her own deep green hair just an inch from Yasin's cheek, kept shorter in the front so as not to be singed by her own flames if the wind blew the wrong way. She moaned softly into the kiss as Yasin's body rose to meet her, and arched her back to assist.Even though she expected to lose herself near immediately, the unknown aid her sister's juices gave her allowed her to enjoy the way Yasin felt against the Drake's larger body, letting her burn in the sweet flames of passion much longer than she could have without the Linnorn's abilities. Right now, as Yasin moaned right into Selia's mouth, the main thing that was going through her head was a simple desire and need. Really, she was unaware of anything save for her sister, for her dragon. The world fell away, and all there was were sensations and needs, desires and aches that spoke entirely to her instincts and feelings, with no rational words or sense. And now? Despite trying to push that shaft out of her, despite a rippling cunt that was at once trying to push it out and swallow it whole, there was just the aching need to be filled, to be pumped so full of jizz that it hurt, and for her belly to swell with eggs... and for them to be Selia's.And so she moaned right into her mouth, as she gave voice to this with a single word, that came came as an exhalation and almost shriek that blurred and managed the single word. "PLEASE!" Lips vibrated, as she shot the single thing down her throat, as she begged and needed this. She needed to be bred, to be claimed in all ways, to become Selia's pretty little broodmother, even as she was reaching a third high so far, and she would begin to just keep whimpering, needing and aching, her cunt trying her best to milk that shaft, to drink like some wanton, filled with the need to quench the raging fires. Selia was so lost in the rhythm, that the muffled cry caught her off guard, the needy whimpers that followed made the Drake crave her release even more, not just for herself but to give Yasin what she was trying so hard to attain, and so when she pulled back the next time, she took a deep breath before filling the Linnorn as hard and deep as she could, pressing the head into Yasin's cervix. The Drake gathered up her sister in her arms as overwhelming pleasure surged throw her, surprising her in intensity as she kept her hips ground firmly against her little sister's, shooting her cum straight into the smaller girl's womb.Moans of pleasure rumbled in Selia's throat as she filledhersister withherseed, the intense flames of desire now melting into sweet, blissful satisfaction. What could be more satisfying than enjoying her chief wife to be, taking all of her, filling her with her love? She purred softly as she considered the only real answer was to do so again and again. As her sister, as herdragonerupted into her, she gave a great cry, as her back suddenly became ramrod straight, groin slamming upwards to meet her sisters hips, as she would give a keening cry of release to join the vertible flood of femcum and madly clenching muscles in her folds, as she came alongside her, her sisters release and planting her seed the spark that pushed her over the edge and into a mindblowing release of her own, even as a part of her was eager and ready, another part was crowing and exalting in who she lost her first virginity to, as she accepted her love, and hopefully her clutch inside of her.Still, as she would be breathing deeply, breast moving up and down slowly like the swells of the sea, she would be purring, and making little cooing noises, as she relaxed. She was not able to speak just yet, even as she would keep with the kiss. Still, she would not pressure her dragon. After all, as she had said earlier, her will was to be but an extension of Selia's own. When she wanted to continue, or walk her out of the harem wearing only the collar and her sandals or dress first, that would be entirely up to her. When Yasin reacted so intensely to Selia's release, the Drake couldn't help but let out a low, satisfied growl. She pet her sister's hair affectionately as the Linnorn released on her, it felt so good, knowing her pleasure could make the smaller girl cry out in bliss like that. Eventually she had to draw their lips apart, her own face flushed from the intense orgasm her sister gave her, she took deep, ragged breaths as she held her sister possessively, as much as the pussy hugging her drakehood.Selia slowly lay onto her side, keeping her sister in her arms and her cock buried deep within her still. As her body settled down, she would find that the passion still flared up inside her, that her burning desire for her beloved sister hadn't been fully sated, though for now she would be quite content to hold her for now, enjoying her sounds, the way she felt when she moved in Selia's arms. Even as her body craved more, she found the position they were in to be very relaxing. She decided it'd be nice to cherish the Linnorn she claimed, enjoy a restful few moments following the fulfillment of her duties."How's it feel, Yasin, to be an adult? Not missing your childhood yet, are you?" she teased, pecking her sister lightly on the lips. She would give a pleased whimper at the growl, reacting to her dragon without rationally understanding why, body shifting to indicate submission and affection, like a pet that just did well and was being praised for it. Still, as she would begin to nuzzle her older sisters neck, she would speak, her tone quiet and pleased, flush her her own orgasm and climax. "The only reason I do not regret that this day did not come sooner is because I would have had less to offer you. As it is, while it is cute that your asking me for my opinion my dragon..." She would look up, backing away after returning the peck."You are treating me like an off world male would his intended. Seila my dragon, I am a linnorn. The moment I was at your feet this morning I stopped being a person. You do not need to treat me so..." She would scrunch her nose, as she was thinking of a way to put it. "Delicately. Yes, I am being a bad girl by telling you how to act," she would giggle and flutter her lashes, "but a linnorn dreams of her wedding day. I'm happy however you want to treat me, but..." She paused and looked thoughtful, then she winked, smiling."My dragon, I exist to serve and pleaseyou. Use me, jerk yourself off with me, this body belongs to you, it is yours to do with as you will, even if many a hatchling dreams of being used to near her breaking point by her dragon." She would giggle, even as her cunt muscles rippled. "Even if I couldn't get the harness ready in time...." Selia smiled lazily as Yasin spoke, and held her tightly in her arms, "Hehe, just enjoying the moment, little slut. Mm, using you to near your breaking point can certainly be arranged, I'm going to thoroughly take you before the day's done."She thought of how she wanted to claim Yasin next, though she was curious about the harness she mentioned, it seemed she wanted it for her wedding day, so Selia was certain it would be applicable for the Drake and her sister, "How close to complete is your harness? If you could have it ready before the presentation, I could just jerk and finish on you or in one of your holes while you work. In any case, I want to fill your mouth with my cock now."As she finished speaking, Selia rolled again, laying her sister back down and slowly pulling out. Selia sat up on the edge of the bed, her drakehood still glistening with her sister's Linnorn juices as she watched her sister intently. She would blush, even as her nipples hardened and her folds clenched in anticipation. Really, there was just something romantic about a drake taking what she wanted. Really, it was nice in a way to know that Selia valued her, but hey, she was not some child any longer, she was Selia's. Really, her older sister did not need to say anything, unless.... internally, she gave a shudder. There was no way her sister was submissive. Still....At the question, and as she would begin to move as she spoke, helping her leave, she would speak, as her mouth was against the scales. "The leather arrived late actually, so have been cutting it into the strips, but have not finished the buckles or decorations." The latter of which was mainly so it was not something plain... and made to match some of Selia's dresses, to resemble something close to a bikini. After all, it would be something for her to wear, she she may as well look amazing!Yet, as she slipped off the bed, nipples and breasts moving over the cock, she would take the shaft inside of her own mouth comfortably... even as she would give a contraction so her throat was nice and tight, almost a vacuum seal around the shaft, lips closed, as she would begin to move down. She would not stop until her nose touched her dragons groin, taking it all in with the seeming ease of experience, even as her tongue would begin to move around, shifting over and under, tasting the entire shaft as she gives a happy purr. "Mm, sounds like a couple of days' work, I'm sure you'll do an excellent job on the decorations, your work so far is very pleasing aaaahh, and I don't only meant the things you've made." Selia commented, moaning softly as her sister's mouth took her cock, her eyes gleaming with lustful excitement as she filled the younger girl's mouth, down the throat that tightened around her.Selia dug her fingers tightly into Yasin's colorful hair, watching as she took it all in with no hesitation, she reacted to the tongue and vibrations of the purr by holding her sister firmly in place and standing up. She stared down hungrily at the Linnorn and pulled her drakehood almost out of Yasin's mouth, reveling in the sensation of her tongue on the head of her member, then slid it all back in, repeating the motions after she remained firmly planted in Yasin's throat for a few moments.Eventually she decided to try barely pulling out at all, working on getting as much friction as she could in her Linnorn's tight throat. She would give a pleased purr as she looked up, thankful for the compliment... in more then one way. It was nice to be praised, she would admit that, particularly on her practical skills. Maybe her dragon would like something special later? To command her to make something in particular? Or at least, for Selia's home, to let her know how she would like her other property to decorate it? Still, her eyes would show her pleasure, even as she hummed, and her tongue would begin to wrap around and circle the cock in her mouth, even as she would have to shuffle back.Of course, as the hand was on her hair, there was a flutter in her heart, anticipation building in her loins, as her mouth began to water with hope. Was her dragon going to begin to fuck her face? To ravage and plunder it? She would admit, that there was something about the stories told around the harem, of a young linnorn on her wedding night, or as part of married life, being told that a linnorn had between things to do with her mouth and talk and then be face0fucked to the point of not being able to talk? Well, a girl could hope!Still, as she would let Selia dictate the pace, though she would begin to suck, tongue moving around the shaft like a third hand, as she would bob and suck, wet slapping noises as it moved through a throat just as tight as her cunt. Still, her hands would be on her knees, even as she would lean forward, to take more cock in, as she tried to angle it to take as much as possible... after all, she wanted and needed this! Selia panted heavily, groaning with delight as her sister sucked her drakehood, making the pleasure she felt soar higher, burn hotter, and the best way to sate the hunger would be to move faster, harder, and Yasin's watering mouth made that far easier to do in her tight throat. She let out a long, pleasurable groan as she smacked her hips into her sister's face, slightly leaning over the kneeling linnorn as she eagerly rammed her tight throat, wanting to satisfy herself in it, flood it with her seed. She wondered how adept her sister would be at swallowing the fount of drakejizz that was sure to follow.As Yasin leaned forward and adjusted her angle, Selia could feel her climax creeping up inside her. A lustful growl rose from her chest as one hand slid down to the back of the Linnorn's neck, keeping her from drawing away so much as she roughly facefucked her little toy. She felt like she could just melt in her sister's mouth, but just before she did, she pulled all the way out, reached down to grasp her hands, and brought them to her aching, twitching member."Kiss me, lick me, finish my work, slut." she breathed huskily, leaned her sister's shoulders back so she was sitting straight up on her knees, leaning back a bit, wanting to shoot streams of cum on her intended's body before stuffing her face with her cock, thoroughly coat her mouth and throat before her orgasm was done, maybe even get a few more long thrusts in. As her sister began to move, as hips moved and balls slapped against her chin, she would give a happy coo, even as her eyes would shine with glee, her throat vibrating around the cock slamming into her, as her tongue formed a second ring, moving back and forth, pumping as it thrust in. Lips and tongue vibrated as she cooed and moaned her pleasure and enjoyment, even as her sister used her mouth and throat, and yet, as her sister growled, as she was about to find release... she would give a sad mewl, begging and pleading, even as her wide eyes ask what she did wrong, did she disappoint? Was she not good enough? Was her throat not tight, not wet enough?And so, as the command came, she would move quickly, hands moving and pumping, desperate and eager as they would stroke along her length, as she whimpered and begged, lips kissing the head of the cock, as her tongue would lash over the sides and almost be trying to press into the urethra, or back up, as she desperately tried to milk and pleasure that shaft. She needed her sister to find release. She needed to please her, to pleasure her. And so, as hot digits would move, some spaced to that air would suck in and out in a moving vacuum against her dick, she hoped that she would manage, that she would please her....And maybe as a reward her sister would, until the honeymoon was over, stop treating her like a child and start like something to be used? Really, she could go back to being a person later. She wanted to be a toy damn it! "Don't be sad, your cumdump of a throat is far from done." Selia assured, knowing how happy Yasin had been with her dragonhood deep in her throat, "Make sure you give me a really good purr when it goes back in, I like how your throat makes it feel." She added, watching her sister's fingers move along her throbbing member, shuddering as the tongue struck out against the head. As the soft muscle reached the urethra, Selia let out a soft hiss and then groaned loudly, hot cum blasting against Yasin's tongue, streaking out past across her cheek, into hair, over one eye. It made her grin lustfully to see her cum marking her toy, the deep, rumbling growl that came with the grin made this even more apparent.Selia moved her little sister's arms to angle her cock down, dousing her body with her seed, then pulled Yasin's head back to her cock, crying out ecstatically as she pumped her thick member deep in the girl's throat, thoroughly covered the insides of her mouth and the depths of her throat with drakejizz, her balls smacking against her chin as swiftly as just before she had pulled out, but soon just buried herself deep inside, thrusting so hard like that threw her into an even more maddening climax. Selia's hands quickly moved to pin Yasin in place as she cried out, though her hands took turns moving down to claw at her back, almost as hard as the pleasure clawed at her, legs shaking from the intense orgasm rippling through the Drake, "Fuck! Aaah, yes! You sweetslut! Drink it all, my little cumdump!" While giving their dragon pleasure was the most arousing thing for a linnorn, to the point where really it did not matter how their dragon was using them, only that they were, that they did not need to have stimulation in the traditional sense. Was it fun, and did it feel good? Of course it did, but that was nothing compared to giving pleasure to their dragon. So, in a way, on their knees and using their face and throat, where it could only pleasure their dragon? Paradoxically, this was the most arousing spot for a linnorn to be in, to be servicing and pleasuring their dragon. And so, as her sister complimented her, she would preen and coo...And then, as she was marked, as rich, creamy seed would splash on her, she would purr and moan, even as hands forced that erupting shaft back down her throat, as she would begin to swallow , throat bulging as she would gulp, moving and pulsing in rippling waves to milk and take as much dick as she could, to swallow as much as she was given, all the while forming a velvet vice around the flesh, tongue pumping as her face was fucked. Of course the claws hurt, but as it was her dragon? It was a good hurt, and it would heal quickly and cleanly enough, even as she whimpered and purred, eyes blurring a bit, as the stinging and sharp edges of the claws would show some red, though no bleeding, not yet. Selia panted heavily, smiling down at her sister as she took deep breaths, in the haze of her climax, all she could think of was how good it felt to mark her little sister in cum, how wonderfully tight Yasin's throat was, she hadn't noticed the back she was lining with red, though the claws did press down just a bit more when the second rush struck her. The dragon's flood of sperm in Yasin's throat seemed to go on forever, with no end in sight, but it did eventually slow, and clarity was returned to her. She could've pulled out, taken a seat until she recovered her breath, instead she left her throat in her fucktoy's mouth just to enjoy how she looked. Selia recalled how sweet her sister sounded when she was using her, and petted Yasin's head roughly, "Good girl, you're just a natural cum chugger, and so good with that tongue of,mine, rather." She praised with a smile as she dragged her cock back out of Yasin' mouth, laid her hands on the Linnorn's shoulders and stared at the streaks of white decorating her body, she certainly looked well loved, especially in the face, which made her feel even better about what she did, everyone would know that the Linnorn at Selia's feet was thoroughly claimed. There was just one more hole that hadn't been filled.Selia pressed her sister down on her back, then turned her over onto her stomach, and grabbed hips, until her sister was on her knees, her face against the floor and her butt in the air. She reached down and took Yasin's hands, which she laid on the Linnorn's ass, spreading her sister's cheeks with her own hands to reveal the next fuckhole she'd claim. She didn't hesitate, pushing her dick against her smaller sister's asshole just as soon as she mounted her sister, her hands groping soft, cum streaked breasts. As she swallowed, as she would milk that cock, as she would be a vibrating sheathe around it, tongue moving up and down in steady strokes to clean and coax more out, to prolong the orgasm and the pleasure, she would give another whimper, as claws came down. It hurt, but it was what Selia wanted, so it was good. By definition, however her sister treated her was good and she eager to please, even as the flood ceased. Still, she had not been told to stop vibrating, squeezing around the shaft in her throat, and she would keep doing so until her owner decided otherwise. Because really, as her sister laid claim to her like that? Said that her body was hers? She would shiver, and there was something close to an orgasm, as her folds would be leaking a bit more feminine juices, in addition to the cum. And so, as she was praised, she would smile up as the cock left her mouth, cooing with pleasure.And then of course, she found her face being ground into the floor while her hands spread her ass open for the plundering, placed there and used to assist as her anal virginity was taken... and likely her face was going to be rubbed and ground into the floor as her sister proceeded to claim that ass thoroughly. As the cock would move in, she would shiver, and there was something about her rear that would try and suck that cock in, as it tightened around the intruding member, as if trying to expel it, bowel muscles pumping and moving, rubbing down... even as inadvertently they worked to also suck up and in, as she would begin to give a pleased, if muffled squeal of delight. Selia groaned deeply as she took Yasin's tight anus, squeezing her sister's breasts in reaction to the pumping, clenching muscles all around her, she was already very stimulated as her Linnorn fucktoy had kept up her vibrations and lips like an airtight seal, so she was very eager to hilt inside her bride's ass, the muscles guiding her in, pulling her down, and the sounds Yasin was making only served to encourage her to go as deep as she could, as soon as she could, and so she did.She was growling long and hard as she spread her sister's ass with her drakedick, and moved her hands up to her back instead, her hands roughly petting Yasin's head, pushing her face into the floor as she filled her toy's third hole, drew back, and rammed right back in, panting as she stated to ravage her sister's anus, pulling against the pumping muscles pulling her in, thrusting deeply with little effort as her body was practically being swallowed by her sister's bowels. As she was used, and to another races view abused, she would give a pleased howl, even as her ass would turn to rippling and sucking, trying to get as much dick inside of her... even as it would continue to massage, grip and try and expel it, muscles clamping down as more and more cock was slammed into her body. Still, even as she would be examining the floor with her chin and nose, luckily, there would not be any actual damage, or least nothing that would not heal quickly, she would have given up trying to form coherent words, just whimpering and begging with her needy moans, as she bucked, hips trying to meet, even as she would be driven down onto the ground.Her knees, after one particularly hard thrust, would wobble, even as she let loose a plaintive whine. She did not want to disappoint her sister by failing, but moving when she was not commanded. She was a toy, to be used, not to use her sister, even as her ass clenched, as her folds gushed again, and she gave another moan, muffled against the stone floor. Selia panted lustfully, it was almost a battle to drag her cock out, and she would celebrate by thrusting back into her sister. After Yasin's legs started wobbling, she reached around under the Linnorn's chest, pulling her up off the floor a bit while she roughly groped her breasts, "Come on, hold yourself up for me, little fucktoy, I'm this close to filling your tight ass!" She gave a rather rough squeeze to her younger sister's breasts to give her an idea of how close she was now, hoping to encourage her to find the strength to keep her ass in the air, though she soon just hilted her throbbing member deep inside Yasin's ass, and grabbed her thighs to keep them up and spread so her toy could milk her cock instead. She would whine and firm her knees, as she would wiggle under her grip, as she wold try and milk that shaft, as she would grind and move, muscles moving like some sort of conveyor belt to try and move along the dick. She needed to please her, needed to milk her, even as from her nipples came a small spurt of milk, as she moaned, eager and needy, ass raised proudly as she would try and do her best, gripping, squeezing, doing her best to have her ass vibrate around that cock as it clenched and became hotter, as she moaned. Her own battle, her own celebration would be to be filled and well used. "Oh, you filthy little slut!" Selia groaned, breathing heavily as she bit down on her sister's back, the pleasure building inside her as Yasin's ass massaged her thick member. The Drake took a deep breath after a minute like that, and roughly slammed her hips into her sister's rear a few times, shoving back in hard and deep, her cock throbbed inside the hot tunnel as she released her hot, thick seed deep inside her sister's bowels. She let out deep breaths as she bit and licked across her chief wife to be's back, marking her well as her mind reeled from the pleasure shooting through her and emptying into Yasin. As the third load of the day entered her, and as teeth make little red spots bloom across her back only to be lapped up, she would squeal, whimper and try to redouble her efforts, all muscles aiming to milk and squeeze and please that dick, as she would be taking all her sister dragon was willing to offer, serving as a vessel for her seed and a toy for her pleasure. Sure, she hoped that Selia would keep using her like this for a bit, after all, good girls are their dragons sexy toys! Selia groaned harder as her sister continued squeezing her cock, and decided she would stay in the nice hole she was already so deep inside of at least for a while longer. After a few minutes, she slid her throbbing member back out of Yasin's ass, cum dripping off it, as she had filled her fucktoy quite a bit it was likely a lot would leak out on its own.She rolled her sister onto her back and wrapped her lips around the young Linnorn's left nipple. She knew for sure she felt something wet come out of the girl's breasts just before, and planned to drink as much as there was. She squeezed the soft flesh, kneading it hungrily for a few moments before going to the other one, "I think I'll be here a while, so show me whatelseyour hands can do." She shivered, as she would serve as a sheathe, trying to keep the muscles moving, to milk and grip the cock for however long Selia wanted to remain sheathed inside of her, even as she would give a pout and a whimper as the cock would leave and the warm spill of cum would begin to move onto her thighs, pushed out by the simple fact of gravity... and the fact that there was a bit much inside of her bowels.Still, as she would be flipped again, she would give a pleased little giggle, even as she gave a soft gasp, her nipple hard as steel and leaking faint amounts of fluid. Now, the funny quirk of biology. Linnorn did not breastfeed their young, as they were, despite appearances and behavior, reptilian and not mammalian. So, what purpose did the fluid serve? While it would begin somewhat generic, it would adapt to their dragons tastes, being something similar to natural alcohol and fuel factories. Or rather, something like beer mixed with gasoline.To a species that did NOT have fire breath, it could be said to be something of an acquired taste. The Drake moaned deeply as the heavy, burning sensation in the back of her throat grew with every suck and squeeze she gave the Linnorn's breast, drawing out more "milk", and whichever hand wasn't busy squeezing would run her fingers though her sisters hair. She often wondered the breast fluid of a Linnorn was like, and she was not disappointed with the taste, indeed she planned to make herself at home over the soft mounds until she was content with what she had though the Linnorn's breasts would likely be empty before then. As more of her 'milk' was suckled from her breasts, she would coo, even as her hands would reach down, tracing patterns along the scales, trying to reach at her shaft, to tickle and tease, even as they would move to all the erogenous zones above that first, as she would attempt to continue to please her sister. For the most part, she was throwing herself into this, and would likely stop being quite so... well, she would be less of a doormat in the future. Still, as finger tips would explore, teasing and moving, she would smile down, something like contented pride in her eyes, pleased that her dragon was pleased with her offerings thus far.And of course, she was rather young, and thus, she would not have really been able to either store much in the way of milk, nor would she ave particularly great recovery time for it. Still, she would offer until the well was dry, cooing and moaning all the while. The coos and moans Yasin made as Selia suckled her breasts were very pleasant to Drake, but by no means did she calm, humming approvingly as her sister's hands explored above her shaft. She wanted to have her explore even more, with her hands and mouth. Once the fluid stopped coming, Selina gave her sister's breasts one last squeeze before moving up along her body, the head of her member sliding up her little sister's body, up to her face, tracing her lips with her cock, pressing into her mouth, but just the tip.She did love how her sister's mouth felt, but she had different plans this time and only wanted to enjoy it for a little while before turning around, her ass in Yasin's face, just far enough that she could see everything, "You'll please me here, next." Selia panted, her fingers playing with the hard peaks of Yasin's breasts. She would coo, and as lips were traced, giving them a thin coating of some of the sexual fluids, she would make sure to open up, even as her tongue would, for the time it was there, trace the head and urethra, to suckle and lick and pleasure while it was in her mouth. She did so without actual conscious thought, without anything passing through her mind. It wad the tip of her sisters dick, what else was she to do with it inside of a mouth meant to pleasure her?Still, as her nipples around yield to her sisters fingers, she would give a whine of agreement, as she would lick and kiss, tongue moving around the rosebud, lapping along the sides of the crack of her ass, even as she would breathe in through her nose, to blow, focused, so that the air would shoot down her pucker, even as the tip of her tongue would press, every now and then as she moved, against her anal ring, asking to go inside. The feeling as well as the sight, her sister's lips completely around her, pleasuring her of the tongue against her cock was so good, that for a time she almost decided to just finish in her fucktoy's slutty little mouth but she wanted to be pleasured in every way by her Linnorn. When Yasin's tongue came into contact with her rear, she knew she wouldn't be disappointed.She let out a deep moan, angling her hips back as her sister kissed and licked around her pucker, blissful groans falling from her lips as her sister's tongue pressed against the entrance of her asshole, "Mm, yeah...get your soft, slutty tongue in there, Yasin." Selia panted, reaching behind her to pull her face in closer, grinding against her as she focused on the attention her anus would soon receive. She wanted to completely enjoy her rosebud being worshiped before finishing again. Surely that would be enough for her until the wedding, at least. As she would move, nose grinding against the flesh valley, she would breath into that crack, even as her wiggling, trashing tongue would insert itself into her sisters rear, pushing and probing past the anal ring as she would begin to lick the inside rapidly, like her organ was some worm on a hook or a thrashing serpent. Still, as she would all but vibrate, trying to do her best to make her tongue into some organic vibrator moving as deep as it could into her sisters ass, she would hum, as her lips would be planted firmly on the edges of the hole, vibrating, breathing in, face and shoulders in place to almost be a seat...And for the greater part, that was an unconscious thing on the linnorns part. Selia pushed back into her sister's face, taking advantage of her sister's position, rocking her hips as she panted in bliss. As she rode the young Linnorn's face, she slid her hands under her head, groaning lustfully as her little sister's tongue pleased her anus with her tongue, carrying the vibrations of her hum through her velvety muscle, "Ah, good little slutty girl, mm, your tongue feels so good!""Wet your fingers in your pussy juice and jerk me off on your breasts!" Selia panted, her cock throbbing for attention now. She would comply in an instant, as the words were spoken, fingers dipping into her folds, whimpering and moaning into her sisters ass, she would would make sure that in her riding and grinding that her nose would be in position to rub and tease, that her brow and cheeks would press and be something that she could use to bring herself pleasure, beyond that of a seat. Still, with a whimper and a cry of eagerness, as she would raise her wet hands to the shaft, they would begin to pump, cradling that dick as she moved them forward and back.From balls to tip, as far as her arms would reach, she would jerk her, speeding up, moving quickly, working and wanking that cock, even as her breasts perked up, ready to receive the awaiting load. Selia purred loudly as her sister touched herself just long enough to get her hands wet and then gave her drakehood the attention of those slender digits. Each and every inch of her sister's face was pleasing some part of her rear, so her sister's whimpers and moans were especially enjoyable. Her panting and moaning sharply picked up with her sister's pace as she made humping motions, her fingers digging into the young Linnorn's hair, as if to push her deeper into her anus that was already twitching, rippling around her younger sister's tongue."Mm, sweet little slut!" Selia panted out, arching her back and rubbing her ass into her sister's face as the pleasure in her tipped her over the edge, her cock released shot after shot of hot, thick cum all over her sister's breasts, though some seed trailed down to her stomach or spilled back onto her clavicle. Even once her shot her load onto her sister, she took a breather atop Yasin's face, shifting her hips a bit as she slowly stood up, turning to smile down at the mess she made on the Linnorn, "I'll take a nap now, don't wanna use up all my energy before the ceremony..." For her own part, as her sister took her pleasure from her body, Yasin would not be going anything but whimpering and cooing in need and desire, even as her hands would work to coax out last bits of seed, the last eager things of her sisters balls to coat her breasts... even as she was wondering what she had in mind next? Or, even as it felt for a moment as if her head was going to slip inside of the cheeks and even be pressed inside of her anal ring, even as she would give a pleased whimper and cry of release, as the seed would drip, moving along her body.Still, panting, face flushed and eager, she would slowly nod, more inclining her head towards her dragon, even as she would be smiling. "Would my dragon desire an oral alarm clock?" Her tone was properly demure, even as she waited on her knees for instructions. "And how long would my dragon wish to slumber?" Purring softly at the way her Linnorn whimpered and cooed under her. When she was pressing Yasin against her ass, she thought the next sounds that came from her sister's wonderful mouth sounded like she had cum. She smirked at the thought that her sister enjoyed having her face ground into Selia's rear as much as she did."Yes, an oral alarm sounds wonderful...wake me in a few hours...use those nice breasts of yours, too." Selia ordered, running her fingers through Yasin's hair for a few moments, gazing at her treasure, admiring her features eventually laying her sister on her back so she could get a good look at her, at everything that belonged to the Drake. After that, she stretched her arms a bit and lay in her new bed, pulled the blankets over herself and closed her eyes. She would give a hum of acknowledgement, even as she would would preen and aim to show herself off, trying to pose the best way to make sure that Selia enjoyed the sight... even if not sexually at this time. After all, there was the aesthetic component of things to consider, and it was one of the marks of a good Linnorn to be an ornament or work of art as much as a sex toy... and to excel at all three virtues was to be the best.Still, for the next few hours, she thought that a nice three hour nap would be best, she would busy herself largely with continuing work on the harness, even if it still would not be close to ready by... well, it was time. Hours to go until the marriage ceremony yet, but, as she would have a grin on her face, she would slip under the covers, breasts wrapping around the shaft, as she planted kisses along the length, lips parting to swallow the head, tongue wandering the edges, even as she worked to keep it trapped on four of five sides by linnorn flesh... Stirring from her sleep with a twitch and a deep moan, Selia smiled at the Yasin sized bulge in the covers, and slowly folded back the covers to see her sister, lips holding the head of the member. She was panting as the Linnorn's tongue grazed along the circumference of her tip, and moved onto her side, hand on the Linnorn's back and head, rolling her hips to feel the softness of her younger sister's breasts around her shaft.Groaning as the feeling grew more intense, soon she had shifted so that her beautiful toy was beneath her and she was able to thrust between her breasts, though she swapped between that and pushing her cock deep into Yasin's mouth. The Drake's hands held Yasin's soft cheeks as she gazed into her eyes, "This is how I want to wake up in the morning from now on...of course, I can always...wake you up if I'm up first." As she would move, shifting with her sister as best to take the shaft plundering her throat, she would give a hum of acknowledgement, and of pleasure, even as she would press her breasts against the shaft, to rub and tease even when she would choose instead to have her drakehood plunge deep inside of her throat. "Of course my dragon." Left unspoken was that she would try and make sure to always be up beforehand, even as she would look back up, love and adoration in her eyes, though she would not nuzzle the hand... at least, not when movement might mean she might scrape her sisters cock with her teeth!Still, she would lavish all the attention she could on that shaft, even as she would speak. "Would my dragon have any other instructions for her toy, that she should be aware of?" She would hum as she finished, tongue slithering around the shaft and pumping again. Yasin's inquiry elicited a purr from the Drake. It was rather hard to think, receiving such great pleasure from her sister, but ideas surrounding morning came to mind, "Mm, my toy should be wrapped in that beautiful dress you made. Also, if I don't get up right away and instead pull the covers off and move your face from my cock, then I want you to crawl around over me so you can take my cock down your me a nice view while I enjoy your throat."Selia groaned as she felt her orgasm building again, and growled out a breathy, "Faster!" as she started moving her hips with the tongue on her cock, "Hold my cock and lick it, slut!" she sank her fingers into her sister's hair, watching her sister's face, it wouldn't be long after her instructions were followed that she would ejaculate on her sister's face, and slide her cock into her fucktoy's mouth, just letting it stay there as her sister's mouth filled with her seed. She would give a hum, even as her cheeks are burning red at the image of wearing her wedding dress as part of the morning wakeup... mainly because hey, one the one hand it was a special occasions dress... and on the other hand her dragon sister was the one that decides what is a special occasion, so as she would lift her hands, tongue moving over it, licking, teasing, trying to cover it all at once, as soft hands would clutch at the middle of the shaft, as she moaned in need, as her face adopted an eager cast...She wanted it, she needed it, and she would give a squeal of delight as more cum would coat her face, and then, as her mouth filled, she would swallow, gulping down seed even as her tongue would keep moving, tracing the edges of her urethra, flesh vibrating as she hummed and moaned. Selia's eyes were wide as her fucktoy stimulated her urethra, even as her seed rushed out of it, filling her sister's mouth. She leaned over the young woman as she kept her fingers buried deep in her hair, moaning and sighing as the soft hands caressed her. Soon she had pressed her cock deeper into the Linnorn's mouth just to the back, still craving the touch of those loving hands drawing back and pushing in rhythmically, her legs shaking as she felt the need for a second orgasm, "Mm, you really like how my cum tastes, don't you, slut? I'll be sure to fill your mouth again after the ceremony atthe ceremony if our dickmother cums first."Panting and groaning in bliss at the velvety muscle collecting her sperm at the source, she eventually let out a breathy growl and thrusted deep down Yasin's throat, using the hole roughly until she finally cried out, hilted her younger sister's throat as she started cumming again, and stayed inside until she was done, at which point she dragged Yasin down the bed, so that when she lay down, her cock could rest between her sister's breasts, her legs around her sister's back to hold her in place as she delighted in her sister's soft hair, "How much time left until I have to present you?" She would moan, need and desire raging inside of her, as she would work what she could, with the range of movement that she was allowed, even as she felt herself grow damp and screamed with need and release around the shaft. For the most part, that it was her sisters seed, her cum, everything about her was divine and all that she desired and wanted. Sure, she was pretty sure that her sisters cum would taste good, from what her mother and aunts had said the cum of ones dragon was always delicious, even if a handful would say that those that they had serviced beforehand had come close.... and her aunt Ulida had wished, even if she loved her dragon, that she could have been her dickmothers toy.Still, cock between her breasts, as her eyes and mouth would be on her stomach, she would giggle. "Well, I would say ten hours? Give or take an hour if you wish to dress up, or wish to decorate your property." She would hum then, relishing the feel of her sisters legs pinning her to her body, even as she would nuzzle in, relaxing as fingers combed through her hair. Selia licked her lips as she thought about what she could do in ten hours besides impregnate her sister, of course, but all that came to mind involved doing what she was now, spilling her cum all over her slut, her property, "Oh, I'll decorate you alright, girl...the only way that's left to decorate you, considering how you already got yourself ready for me." She purred, mind idly wandering as she humped her Linnorn's breasts, legs pulling Yasin a bit harder against her as she panted pleasurably.She thought back to her recently polish her armor and the modified crotch of her waist armor, work she had done on it months ago, Selia intended to make use of it during the ceremony later today. Fortunately the material around the thigh area was soft, so it wouldn't chafe or break the skin of Yasin's thighs when she rammed the Linnorn's pussy in it. She would giggle, even as she would smile up, and looked more then pleased. "Thank you for your concern my dragon." She would look pleased, even as there would be some cum still on her lips, a pale glaze. "Though your toy shall ask, would this involve jewelry or would you wish to coat your toy as much as possible?" There is happiness and curiosity in her voice, even as she would make sure to try and wiggle her breasts, to press and flex against the shaft between the valley of her flesh.She wondered however, how dashing and beautiful her sisters outfit would look like... even if the toy around her cock would hopefully look like a party had just taken place! Not too likely, but a girl can dream! "Well, I do appreciate your work you put in to prepare, I want to show you just how much I appreciate it so I'm going with the latter, to coat as much of you as possible, until you look every bit as slutty as you feel." Selia replied, cupping her sister's cheeks as she continued to use her breasts. Soon she brought her hard cock back to the soft, cum glazed lips, smiling at them as she licked her own lips, "Suck me off so I can do a thorough covering of your front...and then I'll do your back." She chuckled, even as she would try and move her breasts, to rub and squeeze against the shaft moving, as she would smile up at her. "Thank you my dragon." Of course, as she finished speaking, the cock was at her lips, closing around the head, even as her tongue would be moving around, teasing and coaxing, as she would move her head forward, to take more in, even as she began to suckle, lips and suction on the shaft. "My toy is always welcome " Selia said through deep breaths, moaning as her sister suckled at her throbbing member, now pulsing in her mouth as she prepared to release, which didn't take long to hit, a good bit hit the back of Yesin's throat before she pulled away the sex toy from her lips, painting her face, chest, stomach, and crotch before she was done.Once she had finished cumming, made a gesture with her finger for her sister to turn around, "Show me your asshole, slut." She ordered, ready to fill it with her dick and pound away on it until she was ready to coat her lovely sister's smooth back in cum. She would coo, thanking her with her eyes and sounds, even if she did not say anything, looking up with eagerness and joy in her eyes. As always now, surprising as it was not that long since she first sucked her dragon off, the taste of her seed was exquisite, and something she would savor as often as she could.Of course, at the gesture, she would flip around, ass up in the air, tail on her back, even as her hands would reach down, to stretch the cheeks of her rear, so that Selia would have a very good view. Of course, as her face was positioned, she looked forward to the pounding as much as her dragon likely was! The older sister certainly did enjoy the girl's looks, her sounds Yasin was doing a great job of being the perfect little wife for her, she wasn't sure she'd be willing to let anyone use her mouth or ass unless she really respected them or it was their dickmother or another Drake deserving of such tribute.Selia took her sister's tail into her hands and leaned forward, groaning as she filled her lovely ass with her thick cock, pounding her hips eagerly into the Linnorn's bottom, thrusting fast and deep, giving her sister's tail a tug to see if it'd make her clench she read somewhere that it did, but wanted to know for herself! As her ass was filled, as her tail was tugged, all of the muscles in her back and rear would clench, even as a whine would exit her lips, even as everythign about her would be suddenly ramrod still and stright, as hips almost buckled. Really, as her ass would move in the milking clenches, tighter then a vice each time her tail was tugged, the only rebuke, or was it begging for it to continue, was a whine from her throat. Selia arched her back, plundered her sister's booty eagerly, tugging her tail so that whenever she pulled out, her slut's ass clenched hardest. She leaned as far over Yesin's back as she could and held the Linnorn's breast, using the girl to balance herself as she mounted and rocked her anus, "Get ready to lay down, my sweet little fuck toy " She growled, nipping her sister's ear while she fucked her rear. She would coo and moan, whimpering and gasping, as she was ridden, plowed and plundered by her older sister. For the greatest part of her, she was enjoying this, as her muscles seized and clenched, as they worked to milk and take that dick, even as she would shift somewhat, the better to support Selia. Still, with a groan, she would signal her acknowledgement, even as she prepared to move flat onto her stomach, to collapse when Selia wanted her to, and so that it would support her on the way down.There was no reason to be a bad sister and make things difficult for her after all! Selia rammed harder as she panted, feeling the rising climax in her. She pressed down on her Linnorn's back, length of her arm along the breadth of her slut's back, her other hand holding her waist as she withdrew her cock and rode out the rest of the way between her ass cheek she wanted as much as she could get on her lovely toy's outside, as the insides had been filled and coated well enough by now!After emptying herself all over Yesin's back she let out a deep breath and stretched her limbs, then pulled her fingers through Yesin's hair, "I think that's thorough enough. We should rest and eat so we're prepared for the journey." She sat on the edge of the bed as she smiled at Yesin. She was quite a prize, and now she was all Selia's! She would let out a series of sharp moans, as the cum would coat her back, even as she would hold still, allowing for the cum to coat her back completely, for Selia to make the coating as even as possible. Still, as the fingers moved through her hair, she would hum, even as she would turn her head. "What would you like my dragon?" Her tone was pleased, soft and calm, even as she looked at her, eyes half lidded.Of course, she would move to make the food, and do anything that Selia desired. That was what the marriage was about after all. Still, she did have some ideas, as hey, she did her research into her sisters favorites. Selia smiled as her sister inquired after her desire, "Itora steaks. They shouldn't take too long to make, so you can get enough rest that you want fall asleep during the ceremony." Of course, Yesin was probably aware of her favorites and maybe even guessed what she wanted, considering the short amount of time in which the tender, amethyst cuts could be prepared.When she brought up resting, Selia held out her sister's dress, "Come here, I'll put it on and use it to spread some of that cum to your sides." She would settle for nothing less than holding her treasure close to her while she fell asleep, feeling her body would be pleasing even if it wasn't to use and in some cultures abuse her sweet younger sister's body. She hummed, even as she would mentally cheer. She had the steaks ready, along with the sauces and some Natta ready. Yet, as she commanded her to come closer, to have her dress which represented hours, years actually, of work and effort be used as a cloth to cover her more fully in cum? She would give a smile and giggle, as she sat."Eating before or after sleep?" She would of course, make sure to cook, even as she snaped her fingers. "Oh, and actual dishes for my dragon, or would you like to eat off your property?" Selia smiled as she pulled the dress her sister had spent so much time and effort working on, purred as she grabbed the dress on both sides of her sexy toy's body, and pulled both ends so the fabric above them slightly twisted around her Linnorn's body, moving in clockwise and counterclockwise to thoroughly spread her seed across her sister's body."Rest may as well eat first, since that might be difficult to do when I eat off of you." Selia advised, licking her lips as she thought of lunch, pulling Yesin down to lay with her smiling at her treasure's eyes as she held her tightly, "I'll eat off of my versatile property any chance that I get." She would giggle as her dress would be used to coat her more evenly with her sisters cum, as she would hum and wink. "I am yours to do with as you please, my dragon." That, and many of the books she read did have some meal scenes. It was so romantic, the way that the harem would prepare the plate for their dragon, to appeal to her eyes as well as her stomach and taste buds. Granted, there was no other members of the harem, so there would be no one to suck her off, mouth and throat acting as a cock holster while she ate.Still, she would lean forward, placing a peck on her sisters lips, as she lay inside of her arms, even as her folds would be positioned so that if Selia got hard while asleep, there would be someplace nice that would act as a sheathe. "Night Selia, my dragon." There was love, as she looked into her eyes, as well as contentment and eagerness. Selia purred contently as her sister's lips met hers, and took her Linnorn's soft rump into her hands as she took note of her dear sister's consideration, gave her a fond caress, "Rest well, my bride." The dragon closed her eyes slowly as she smiled at her sister, slowly drifting into the best sleep she could remember.After having claimed her sister's virgin pussy, throat, and ass, it was no surprise that she dreamed of fucking her darling sister's holes and became very hard as a result. She wasn't sure how long she'd slept, but with ease she slid her sister down by the hip until she was emerged in her snug fucktoy, though she was too tired to really take an interest in satisfying herself she had to conservesomeof her seed for the wedding, after all and after adjusting the pillow behind her, relaxed and feel asleep again, the warmth of her Linorron's pussy was not only very thrilling, but gave her great satisfaction to possess such a beautiful treasure. As she slept and dreamt, though it was but a nap really, she would mainly be dozing, rather lightly between wakefulness and awareness, even as she would coo, feeling her sisters drakehood enter her, folds and tunnel molding them to her form... and following that unspoken command to not milk her, but instead to be snug, to be a nice little cockholster for her dragon.Still, time would pass, even as she would open her eyes, gazing on her dragon, even as she weighed the options of how to try and get off to prepare the meal... or should she remain to be a toy first, instead of greeting her dragon with the meal prepared? Really, the decisions a linnorn must make. Selia moaned tiredly in her sleep, hips rocking against her fucktoy's pelvis. The dream grew more intense and her hands clutched onto her slut's ass, gripping briefly but tightly as her breathing picked up. As deep in her sleep as she was, her movements weren't very well coordinated, and one may have guessed the Drake would spend as much time and energy as it required to satisfy herself, even in her dreams.The dragon also spoke in her dreams, growling out a few words every few moments, "Oooh, such a good slut." "I'm gonna fill your tight little ass next ", though she more often just panted desperate fucks under her breath, her insatiable motions starting to work up a light sweat as the tip of her cock clumsily rammed against the girl's cervix.
The Intersection of Heart and Stomach [BurdgeBug x Viktoff Samson]
The Intersection Of Heart and Stomach BurdgeBug Viktoff Samson Tables lined a wall with many different faces and alcoholic beverages adorning the spaces above and on said tables. The very sound of drunken social delights had been heartwarming to contrast the dark and cloudy night sky outside. Despite wearing a smile as he readied up a serving platter with glass mugs, Koji was most certainly the opposite of awake or excited. Truth be told, the darkness beneath his green eyes grew as he humbly worked his way into a second shift right after his first one. He could summon a laugh in response to a joke a human made behind him, but the agitation of a tired and hungry beast swelled beneath the surface. How he managed to keep himself under control was beyond him. These years spent working for Hayato must have changed him.Hayato."That old bastard..."Koji thought to himself as he finished filling the final mug and headed towards a table. As grateful Koji was that Hayato was so kind to a street urchin like himself, making Koji put up with humans for what had already been ten hours was quite the stretch. He'd honestly rather be ripping apart Hayato's enemies and biting into their putrid flesh. Even fighting doves without sleep was far more palatable than this. Nobody ever accused Koji of disliking humans, but it certainly tried his patience. In any case, these faces were ones Koji would never get to know if it weren't for Hayato. The wavy brown haired ghoul just wished the old man was a little less aloof about these matters.And in almost no time at all, Koji couldn't think about anything he previously mulled over. His mind was renewed and a sinister smile etched across his face. Just as he finished serving a table across the bar, he noticed a particular young man that he's known for a week or two. And what really caught Koji's attention was the woman talking to him. This busy bee couldn't trust that no good thug scum with an indestructible toy, let alone what Koji assumed to be some human beauty he certainly never saw before. Just what was going on here? Koji thought even human women could smell that poorly dressed sorry excuse for a man's wretched stench. It almost made him sick. And with a aigh, Koji let it go for now and resumed his various job related chores. Tokyo was definitely a beautiful sight to behold and Beth instantly knew she had made the right choice. Of course, she assumed that Italy and England were just as wonderful in their own right. But she had always been fascinated with Asian culture and Japan was no exception. So she signed up to study abroad for the entire first semester of her sophomore year. She wasn t alone, either. A handful of her close friends and fellow classmates that were also art majors joined her. Whenever they weren t all busting their backsides in the classrooms, they were out among the vast city and enjoying all that it had to offer.And so it was that the small clique found themselves in a quaint pub towards downtown Tokyo. Dull vibrations of blaring music could be heard from a nightclub just next door and vibrant lights from the adjacent buildings filtered in through the glass windows. Boisterous laughter echoed off of the walls as the many patrons of the pub enjoyed their liquor with flushed cheeks and wide grins. Beth and her friends were of no exception. And, after downing another shot of tequila, the young woman looked up through glazed over eyes to see a man approaching their table. It didn t take long for him to convince her to join him in the nightclub next door due to the alcohol clouding her judgement and the fact that this stranger was quite the looker.Beth wasn t a heavy drinker and, when she did partake in it, she was normally responsible. But it was the weekend and they were through with mid terms. A celebration was in order. She clumsily followed her suitor out of the pub and into a narrow alleyway. The pounding music of the club was more prominent and nearly ruptured her eardrums in her stupor. Despite this, however, she could sense that something wasn t quite right. The air seemed far colder then it had seconds ago and the hairs on her arms and the back of her neck stood on end. Before she could question it, a sharp gasp escaped from Beth s parted, pink lips. The man had grasped her fish tail braid tightly and yanked hard on the golden strands of hair. Pain shot through her scalp as she was dragged backwards and up against the brick wall.She had every intention of screaming but it seemed that her assailant had predicted it, clamping a hand over her mouth. Beth began to hyperventilate as tears pricked her hazel eyes. Hush now he growled in a low voice while a predatory gleam soon appeared in his golden irises. I ve never had a foreigner before. With that, he extended his tongue and slid the muscle along the prominent vein in her throat before stretching his mouth wide open and tearing into the flesh. Watching the male ghoul and the golden haired woman he was wooing wasn't easy for Koji as he kept looking away. There were even attempts to keep himself busy by approaching some of the regulars. Between questions, short strings of conversation and a brief offer of free refills at a certain table, Koji snaked his way into a distraction as he readied another round for his not so sober human pals. In a way, seeing these college students smile in celebration after a year of weekend and even week nights of stress drinking somehow brought a warmth to Koji's smile. His dorky bookworm companions were really coming into their own with confidence and strength that they used to lack. It wouldn't be until Koji delivered this fresh round of inhibition killing delight that he'd catch the duo leaving out of the corner of his eye.There wasn't enough time to consider if he should just stay out of it or at least grab his mask. A small female ghoul employee had been in the back on break, and Koji didn't even have the time to consider calling out to her to cover the bar for just one moment. The clunky sounds of his black boots sounded off as he followed them after the briefest of delays. Surely the patrons of the establishment were thoroughly preoccupied with their growing buzz and the nuanced thumping that came from the nearby night club.Kohl's head tilted as his wavy brown bangs hid his eyes. The darkness of the alley could barely even draw shadows on his sharper jawline and peculiar grin as his steps became deafened by a subtle technique. Left foot, right foot, his imposing height entered just behind the duo as the grossly predictable scene occurred and played out. However, Koji was regretfully unseen by his prey. Scum he's been dying for an excuse to get rid of, and this display of bold predation in Hayato's territory was the perfect one. Giving this swine even a chance to blabber up any sort of second chance or even defend himself wasn't going to come to fruition tonight. Not with the most notorious cannibal in the ward closing in.Had Koji been a hero, he could have slipped into their conversation and tried to persuade this foreign beauty to go home with her friends. He ought to have been capable of at least spinning a tale about the degenerate she was talking to in order to make her at least second guess he following decisions. And even worst case, he could have confronted them before the bite. Ghouls can be fast, but Koji was out of this world in this area of note.Just as the teeth of the ghoul found her neck, the predator's eyes opened to find Koji's own pair of black kakugan distorted by his bangs. "Yoink." Koji comically expressed himself as he caught the ghoul by the neck and the momentum of the action caused the ghoul's spine to pull upward and become disjointed. The end result was a quick and arguably clean death for what should have been an epic battle to the death with their kagune. Dropping the ghoul's head, the blackness faded from Koji's eyes as he dropped his smile and attempted to catch the woman so that she wouldn't fall. It was his hopes that she wouldn't howl to draw attention to the situation. But, then again, he didn't know what to do if she'd lose consciousness from the bite. There was a perfectly disgusting ghoul corpse to much on and hide, after all. The pain that came from sharp teeth biting into her tender flesh was excruciating. Beth s scream finally tore free from her throat but it was muffled by her assailant s hand and the pounding music of the nearby club. She could feel a warm, sticky liquid dribbling down her collar bone and instantly knew that it was her own blood. Who the hell was this guy? What was he?! Some kind of cannibal serial killer? However, within seconds of biting her, the man was yanked off and a sickening snap filled the air as he was thrown to the ground and lay there, motionless. Beth instantly clasped a hand to her wound and her knees wobbled as she attempted to look up at her savior. It was hard to see him properly in the dim light of the alleyway, however.Black dots began to swam in the young woman s vision and her hand was growing red with her own blood as it poured out of the bite marks at a steady pace. Nothing serious but the combination of pain, alcohol and the experience that just unfolded was enough for the darkness to beckon her into its sweet embrace. And so Beth s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she fell unconscious and her body slumped forward against the mysterious man. She was small compared to him, only five feet and three inches in height. Koji was of two minds as far too many concepts flew through him. A human stood before him, her hand failing to keep her own blood at bay. The executed filth that he beheaded also lay before him. They were both edible treats, and the clean up for either would be comparable. The shorter blonde foreigner was still alive, and whether that increased her value as a meal typically depended on the ghoul. The tall 'savior' couldn't seem to pull his eyes to anything in particular and he couldn't ignore every possibility before him. Was this woman saved by some quality of compassion within Koji? Did he use her as a perfect excuse to finally eliminate that parasite? In a numbing moment like this, not even Koji could wholeheartedly devote himself to either answer. In a way, Koji felt like even humans had to be kept to some semblance of responsibility. She did slip out of the bar with that creep of her own accord. She definitely didn't seem to be a child. But, Koji couldn't avoid that crushing feeling of guilt in his chest. There just wasn't a way that any given human was going to escape such a clash with a ghoul and she definitely didn't know what she was getting into."Bite. Eat." A whisper came to his ear. Such a familiar whisper. Koji has long since learned that this distortion belonged to him alone. Not even other ghouls heard it when he did. Judging by the way his pupils shrank and began to shift from place to place when that peculiar distortion visited him: He was surely losing his marbles. Not that he was maintaining a valuable full set to begin with.And this violent swing of possibilities came to an end as the human victim fell forward and her body laid into his own. He'd catch her smaller body with his two large arms without a pause. For once, her warmth and scent bled through the iron like odor that their blood left in the air. Despite a growl in his stomach, Koji moved the woman so that her legs were propped up by his left arm and he held her upper body up with his right. There wasn't an abundance of time for him to make up his mind about saving her and then disposing of the ghoul's body. Going with his immediate instinct, he'd take her with him as he launched up to the roof of the bar. Like a speedy bug, he maneuvered around the building before slipping into the window of his room that was conveniently almost always open.The care he could devote to her wasn't immense or overwhelming. He ripped up his closest t shirt and layered it's fine black fabric over her wound and then let her body lie on his bed, even though her blood would inevitably stain everything. Doubting she'd even be awake soon, Koji rallied the night shift manager and his immediate subordinate who was staying in another nearby room. The night shift manager was a female ghoul with freaky red hair and a height even shorter than the human victim's. Koji directed her to hold the makeshift shirt bandage against the human's neck while the other employee manned the bar.Koji had to suit up and deal with the ghoul's body. He'd dump the leftovers he didn't feel like finishing into a stolen shopping center cart before plopping said cart into a storage unit. The rest of the night was also restless as Hayato returned to the pub to find Koji operating his morning shift on the brink of breaking. Despite their vocal dispute about the situation with the ghoul Koji had slain, Hayato did try to persuade Koji to catch a nap as the old ghoul closed the pub contrary to it's popular and reliable schedule. The sun was just rising, after all. The older ghoul mused that he was simply extending additional parenting to the lost souls that came to such a place to drink so early in the morning. Koji couldn't muster the ability to chuckle as the skin beneath his eyes grew even more dire. Regardless of when Beth would open her eyes, the two ghoul men would be in the room. Koji's bed was near to the window, all that was left to the simple wood floored room was a desk with a laptop and a computer chair and a bookcase. She'd be laying length wise towards the bookcase and desk. Koji had been wearing a new pair of pants and a blue t shirt as he leaned against the bookcase watching her. At his desk sat an old Japanese male wearing a fancy black hat to go with his mafia esq tuxedo with a red tie. The older male had long white hair and bushy white eyebrows with eyes that didn't quite seem to be open. "You killed that no good brat, but saved this human?" Hayato's deep grumbling voice rolled past his bushy white beard. "Koji... This woman."Her 'savior' only responded by looking to Hayato now as the old male continued. Hayato's eyes opened slightly to reveal his own Kakugan."She's a risk if she is allowed to live." Darkness. That was all that surrounded her in that current moment. She seemed to be floating in it. Her body was numb to any sort of sensation and silence rang through her ears. It was quite peaceful but it seemed that it wouldn t last long. Soon she began to rouse from her deep sleep in a similar manner to one rising towards the surface of a body of water. She could feel the warmth of a blanket cocooning her figure. She could faintly smell something old and coppery. And she could hear a voice speaking, the tone deep and masculine.It was at this point that Beth felt a dull throbbing in her neck. It hurt to make any sort of movement in that area and she expressed her discomfort by parting her pale, pink lips and releasing a low moan. Long lashes fluttered as her protuberant eyes attempted to pry themselves open after such a long and well needed sleep. When they finally did, her vision was momentarily blurry. It took several blinks for her to focus and her pupils dilated when they caught the soft golden rays of late morning sunlight.Out of the corner of her eye, she could spot two figures sharing the unfamiliar room with her. A lump suddenly formed in her throat and she could feel her poor little heart thumping madly underneath her ribs as she tried desperately to remember what happened last night. She was only aware that she had been out drinking with her friends. That much was obvious from the intense ache in her cranium. As if many tiny men where hammering away at her skull from the inside. Beth felt utter fear in that moment as she had never experienced a blackout before. W Where am I? She managed to whisper, wincing softly at how harsh and rough her voice sounded. Like dry sandpaper. Who...Who are you people? Her chest began to rise and fall more rapidly, showing that she was on the verge of hyperventilating as tears pricked her eyes. Koji wasn't even close to working up a response to what his employer had to say. The reality of the situation was: Hayato gave Koji everything. This human life he can live. A good job. A way to earn respect from others. Everything. Without Hayato's direct influence, Koji could have died being a street urchin. His bizarre yet continued devouring of ghouls would have escalated much more quickly and he'd likely lose his mind completely to devolve into a monster. A genuine monster. Knowing all of this, Koji couldn't simply oppose Hayato on moral grounds alone. Even practically speaking, the old ghoul was correct and he spoke from both authority and experience. But, Koji didn't even summon vocal agreement or so much as a nod. Luckily, a distraction served to break down the tension of the room. At least for Koji.The sounds of the young woman forcing herself awake had been enough to make Hayato's kakugan evaporate to a normal pair of old man eyes and his narrow barely open expression returned. Both of the males looked to her as she spoke and Koji's green eyes narrowed just slightly. "Hayato, let me handle this." Koji's confident and manly voice left his nearly expressionless lips.A small grumble came from the older male as he stood just an inch or two shorter than Koji. He'd courteously tip his hat to Beth before making his way to the door and pausing. "Just remember Koji... Your life isn't the only one at risk." The increasingly familiar old man's voice worked out this dark note before he'd leave the room. To this, Koji folded his arms and looked to Beth again."You were attacked." Koji started rather nonchalantly, like he wasn't uncomfortable with or unfamiliar with bad news. His left hand raised to his neck to touch the spot on his own body as a way to direct her to the bandages without walking towards her and touching her. Although he wasn't being deeply empathetic, or sad, or happy, he certainly wasn't taking any risks to make her feel uncomfortable either. "Your attacker won't be returning. You'll never see him again." This followed the same tone as before, and he'd make his way to the front of his desk to sit on it facing her. "I know you had a few to drink. I served it to you. But, it's vital that you tell me what you remember." He titled his head and with the next few words his voice got deeper and his expression grew more serious. "Exactly what you remember." Beth watched with anxiousness as the older male stood and exited the room. She didn t know these people and she was laying in a strange bed, god knows where. She had every right to be weary of them both. And yet, it seemed highly unlikely that they would be willing to help her and keep her safe if they had intentions to harm her. When she was alone with the younger male, her hazel orbs followed his every movement and, upon seeing him motioning towards his neck, they widened considerably. W What?! She hissed in alarm and attempted to sit up. The sudden strain of her neck muscles caused her to give a soft whimper of discomfort before she fell back onto the soft pillow once more.The American woman groaned, instead bringing her hands up and covering her face with them as though to hide the shame she felt. This was all her fault. She should have never been so stupid to get drunk and follow a stranger into an alleyway. She had better sense than that. A lump formed in her throat as she fought back tears of embarrassment. She could hear Koji moving across the floor and listened intently to his demand.Slender, pale fingers twitched slightly until one eye was visible between them. Beth stared up at the male before closing her orbs. Her brow furrowed as she attempted to recall everything that happened last night. I...I want out with my classmates to celebrate the end of mid term exams. And I obviously got drunk. Something I don t notmally do because I m not very smart when I m under the influence. A particular throb resounded in her skull as if to mock her the moment those words slipped past her lips. And then... Beth could briefly remember the alleyway and an ominous shadow looming over her. She gasped, her fingers suddenly tracing the clean bandage resting against the flesh of her throat as beads of sweat coated her brow. There was a man that came to me. I...I think he asked me if I wanted to go to the club next door. A look of regret suddenly morphed her pretty features. But the details of his face are all forgotten to me. Her gaze suddenly snapped upwards as she met Koji s. You said I d never see him again. A deathly silence followed her statement and she swallowed thickly before bravely continuing. Did you do something to him? In a way, he couldn't help but adopt a sort of detective persona as he registered this mythical woman who previously had been resting in his bed. There were some features of this situation which just plainly didn't line up so clean. Features like her reaction to being told about her neck wound. Did she really have this much of an adrenaline reaction to seeing two strangers when she woke up that she was numb to the grisly wound? Even the non human Koji figured it had to be something else. Perhaps it was the hangover? She definitely didn't handle her drinks well.He'd listen to her story actively by not interrupting her for a second and offering nods here or there to physically signal to her that she had the floor as she told him what she'd remember. While he wasn't exactly some deep psychologost and he was far from an expert on either humans or women, Koji did trust that she was being open and honest. She didn't seem to be hiding anything in his opinion. It was either that, or he was simply too gullible. Even with the added stress of his actions having consequences that effects people other than himself, he couldn't bring himself to view this woman as the enemy.Deep down a part of him was twisting in confusion. She was human. How could he let her slip right in under his defenses like this? He owed it to the ghoul children he feeds and protects with his abnormal strength to put this female on notice and really test her. But, he couldn't. Just as he was starting to let his own conflicting thoughts distract him from this serious situation, she pulled him right back with a totally fair question.Didhe do something to her attacker? He certainly gave her enough to assume so.She was inquisitive. Koji always thought a thinker like her would do a little better when she was liquored up. In this instance, he grossly underestimated her. He'd fold his arms again as he adjusted his viewpoint so he was looking out the window. The sun's golden rays turned his eyes into emeralds and put the various shades of brown in his hair on full blast. Perhaps there were even strands of gold within them. His brow furrowed as his response delayed further. He couldn't be more divided about this. Part of him wanted to grin and make a pun about losing his head. Another wanted to flatly lie."You're dealing with danger." He finally spoke, turning his emerald gaze to her hazel eyes. "The answer to your question isyes." His emphasis was an attempt to persuade her into understanding that the less she knew the better. But, he was sure she wasn't the type to just shrug. "Don't you have a phone? Your friends didn't assume you spent the night in some guy's..." And then he paused and his eyes would turn to the wall immediately opposite of her. "I mean, would they know if you were safe or not?" Hearing him speak brought out a sudden emotion within her. Fear. Not the normal kind that she felt last night with a predator pinning her to the wall and chomping down on her throat. This one was deep and primal, alerting her for the first time that, even though she was technically in a safe setting and being looked after, there was something hidden behind the facade of her savior that she couldn t quite detect. And, because of that, she would have to be on her guard. It seemed Koji had gotten rid of her attacker and Beth instantly knew that he wasn t alive. Call it intuition. But how had he done so without even receiving so much as a scratch on his body?The male then suddenly asked about her phone and her friend and the young woman s brow furrowed. That s right, she hadn t been alone last night. She licked her dry lips before speaking softly. My phone was in my purse. I had it with me when I went into the alley but...I don t remember what became of it. My friends saw me with the man. I remember that Sara even encouraged me to go with him. I I assume that they believe I ve had a one night stand or something. Beth winced at the very idea. She hated such a term and was further embarrassed that she almost allowed her drunken self into doing something like that. I....I should at least text one of them to let them know what happened. Otherwise, they are in for quite the shock when they see the bandage on my neck. The blonde gave a humorless chuckl as her fingers traced circles into the clean bandage. You don t think I ll need to go to the hospital, do you? How bad is it? What if it gets infected? And....why did he bite me of all things? Didn t think that cannibal serial killers actually existed. Beth's eyes, if they'd make the attempt, would find Koji's green orbs effortlessly as he looked right into her soul as she spoke. Again, he wasn't some biological lie detector. But he had way too many reasons to remain diligent in his inquires. The young ghouls who relied on his strength were the primary driving force for his intensity. She'd be allowed to speak uninterrupted as he took longer moments of deeper thought between her own pauses or he didn't have anything of immediate importance to assert or ask. In the truest fibers of Koji's heart, he wished he could just get lost in her eyes and forget this whole mess entirely. A human's life was a big responsibility. Especially a human who has reliable witnesses and evidence to suggest that she would have went missing at this very bar. A human whose bite wound could probably be deduced to be from a Ghoul. Her death could easily trigger international problems, let alone directing doves to Hayato, the ghoul employees and the children that Koji kept safe. His own death was less frightening of a concept than even a mildly poor scenario that could arise should this woman talk about what happened. And killing her didn't fix the issue outright either.Finally standing on his boots again, Hayato briefly sighed a stressed note before looking around the other side of his desk. "Yeah, here." He'd pluck up her previously mentioned item that the night shift manager picked up for here. "Don't worry, we didn't go through it." He spoke of her purse as he delivered it calmly and slowly to her lap. This motion led to him sitting perpendicular to her at the foot of the bed. "I think I have an idea for something that could really benefit us both." He relaxed a noticeable bit and summoned just a little smile as he continued. "You could tell your friends that you spent your night out getting a good look at Tokyo with me. And if they ask, we can both say nothing... Physical happened." Koji fought the urge to accent what he was saying with his hands. He figured he'd be taken less seriously if he made it seem like a joke with such friendly gestures."I'm Sakurai Koji. The guy behind the bar serving drinks last night." He gave her a thumbs up incidentally. He just felt fairly invested in the idea and that gesture slipped through."As for your wound?" He dropped his smile to his normal expression. The darkness under his eyes growing more noticeable as his face was closer to the window's light. If she were looking for that detail, it'd be safe to assume as she lied in his bed, he didn't get any sleep himself. "I'm no doctor, but it just looks like with a little time and some ointment or antibacterial stuff should keep it from being a problem. Worst come to worst I could just lend you my red scarf and that should cover it up until it looks less serious."
['Hayato', 'Koji', 'Samson', 'Viktoff']
Love Hinata Summer of love
Kaolla was waging war against the evil Dakamon the Raga Waters park was the best and only place for a naval battle. Dakamon had called in reinforcement the sinister Luna soldier over twelve of the meanies. She had already lost a destroyer squadron and battleship to the ferocious waves. Admiral Futa I want a strike on Daka.Kaolla was straddling the bridge of the super yamamoto two the flagship of the second fleet. An lunar soldier was climbing onto the ship threatening to swamp her flagship when the main guns fired. she is just one kid can t you guys take care of one lousy brat yelled Daka pointing at her and yelling many things that a child or admiral should not have to hear.The other swimmer had fled the wave pool as the first semi aquatic ship had emerged from the bottom of the pool. I don t care turn the wave up to tsunami if I cant catch her ill drowned her the waves began to get larger splashing over the bow of even the majestic SY2. She fired the guns taking out the taking out the legs of the lifeguard tower plunging Dakas lieutenant into the water.Keitaro was walking with something blue and melting in his mouth she turned and waved Hi Keitaro lucky the others where on the lazy river or artificial beach they would never have let her use her toys. She could see a trio of Lunar soldier running towards him. He did not seem to notice them so she fired taking out one who fell into the pool. She smiled only that left two soldiers. You will never take me alive she unsheathed her sword kicking the sides of SY2 it sped up ramming Daka. The man smashed his hands onto the brittle 13 foot battleship snapping of the nose. I go down with my ship she was a poor swimmer and might drown if it was deep enough. The man took a gun turret attacking the rest of her small naval toy armada. Keitaro was walking with Shinobu, smiling a little and being like an older brother as always. At least until he heard Kaolla splashing around in the water. When he saw her at first he thought that she was just playing her games as always. But then he saw she was in real trouble. He wondered for a moment why she was playing battleship if she couldn't swim. But he didn't spend long on that thought. Instead he ran towards the pool and dove in. Lately everything at the Hinata House had been crazy so rescuing Kaolla wasn't exactly strange.When he got to her, it was easy enough to put her over his shoulder and carry her to the edge of the pool. At least, it would have been if he didn't have to dodge cannon fire the whole time, her friend deciding he was part of her armada. In the end, he was forced to dive under the water and make a break for it. But just as he got close to the edge there was an explosion which sent both Kaolla and himself into the air. He landed first with Kaolla landing right on top of him and knocking the air out of him. "Are you okay Kaolla?" It took her a while to choke up all the water her eyes clearing only to fin herself on top of Keitaro who she quickly slammed. "Were you trying something" she asked standing up as her top fell of exposing her chest. This only caused her to slap him again on the other chest which he might have actually deserved. Finding the Neo toyko flag she warpped it around her chest collapsing ins defeat as the last ship sank."They fought well" she turned and hugged Keitaro as if nothing had happened. She was already hungry and tired of playing in the water beside Keitaro was all wet and needed to dry out before they played more. Keitaro was not where he should have been, he siad he had not time to play with her. so she had to go alone to work on her natural skin tone or it might fade away to little better then a tane."what do you want to do" she asked pulling his arm as they were chased out of the park by security. It was too bad she no further plans for the day so she was stuck without anything to do. "Keitaro can you play with me" she asked not sorry for ruining the park or for slapping poor Keitaro .
['Keitaro', 'Daka', 'Futa']
The New Hero of Mobius (Matttheman89/StarMech)
After once more checking the readout to make certain that everything was operating normally, the two tailed fox returned his eyes to skies ahead and concentrated on flying his biplane. He could feel the wind in his orange fur as the Tornado soared through the air, causing his red scarf to billow behind him as it was caught in the breeze. Thankfully, his eyes were protected by the brown aviator goggles he wore over his face. They allowed him to see unimpeded, but he almost wished he couldn't. It had only been a few months since he'd been back here, but he could see that even that small amount of time hadn't been very kind to his old home.Chunks of the Great Forest that surrounded Mobotropolis had been gutted and cut down as the Eggman Empire had begun moving into the area. They were still miles away from the city, but it hurt to see the beautiful forestry he had grown up around harmed so. It didn't seem as though they'd been able to get any closer to Mobotropolis than this so far, but seeing them gain any ground in what should have been firmly anti Eggman territory was disconcerting. What had been happening here while he'd been gone? Once again he felt a sense of guilt for not checking in with his friends and family sooner, knowing that it had been a mistake to stay away for as long as he had.Mobotropolis could soon be seen on the horizon, and he smiled wistfully at the sight of the city. But that smile quickly faded as he spied something else. "What the ? What is that?" he muttered as he activated the magnification lenses built into his goggles. What he saw made his eyes widen, and he accelerated the Tornado's pace in the hopes that he could arrive before it was too late. The Eggman Empire must have been staging it's big push to take over the region, as the city was under attack by a horde of badniks. That wasn't the most dangerous weapon the Empire had brought to bear today, though. Standing several stories tall, walking on four mechanical legs, and bearing the evil visage of it's inspiration the creation known as the Egg Camel was stomping towards Mobotropolis.Miles 'Tails' Prower armed the weapons he had installed into the Tornado as he approached, knowing that any kind of reunion with his loved ones was going to have to wait. First he had to try and save his home. The invading forces continued to march through the green plains, pushing away the once serene flora in their wake with reckless abandon.While not the biggest and baddest attack Dr. Eggman had launched towards the citizens of the Acorn Kingdom, it still seemed to be heavily armed to cause all kinds of harm. The formidable Egg Camel was probably the stand out automaton amongst the squadron, but already having taken faster steps in advance from it one could see a varied mixture of Badniks ready for the assault: Moto bugs, Buzzbombers, a pair of Egg Hammers and a lot of differently armed Egg Pawns and Flappers.While the more powerful forces were still a way to go, the rest of the ground troops were already closing upon Mobotropolis gates. Tails could notice how the large towers located around the city walls, which harboured a powerful set of Anti Badnik artillery, appeared to be shut down or in disrepair. This told our two tailed hero that the city's main defenses appeared to be unavailable against the incoming invasion...Inside the capital's walls, everyone were already moving into action. Citizens quickly seeking shelter as the Acorn militia and recruited members of the resistance army helped along by taking the defenceless townspeople to their respective safe zones.An squadron of Mobians, from birds to dogs, cats an mice, pushed at the front gates, forcing them shut alongside preparing a barricade. The soldiers held on to a variety ofWisponsof all types and sizes.A particular squirrel Mobian arrived at the scene. Princess Sally Acorn, leader of the Freedom Fighters and current head of Mobotropolis' resistance army. She approached one of the soldiers before firmly speaking. "What's the current status?""Eggman's forces are coming in close, ma'am. Most of the civilians have already reached the emergency bunkers, but the invadors have already made their way through the Great Forest while we are still working on the barricade. We may not have enough time. Most of our defenses and arsenal are still in need of repairs after the Phantom Ruby Incident." Reported the dog soldier.Sally's expression showed deep concern, as her eyes glanced around her surroundings while she continued speaking. "What's the report on our troops?""All already ready and armed, ma'am. Wispons charged and ready and Wisp support is on standby." Said the Soldier."Are the other Freedom Fighters in position?" Sally asked after."Captain D'Coolette is already guarding directing part of the squad to protect the surroundings. Ms. Bunnie is currently overseeing the sky perimeter and Ms. Rose is already finished with the relocation of civilians."Sally gave a sigh of relief. Bunnie was a tough fighter, and with her powered cybernetics, she knew she could count on her to take care of most airborne enemies. Antoine, while nervous at times, knew how to direct and proceed in a situation such as this and he was a dependable friend. Finally, Amy could be sweet and kind but her mighty strength and powerful hammer were great to have when it came tos ave the day and fight the hordes of Eggman.However, she still worried about the state of the city to hold itself. "What's the report on the tower defenses?""Afraid to say still not operational, ma'am. Rotor and Nicole are still working onbringing the defense systems back online but they have been heavily busted ever since the last attack..."Sally nodded and dismissed the soldier. the dog rushing to help his allies with the preparations. The young woman shifted her view to the skies, an expression of concern still on while she muttered to herself. "It's been almost a month already. And still no sight of Sonic..." As Tails flew closer, he quickly realized something was wrong beyond the obvious Badnik attack. Shouldn't Mobotropolis's defenses be activating by now? Looking towards the large towers built around the city in key positions, he grimaced as he realized that the Anti Badnik weaponry installed there seemed to be disabled without them, the city was without it's only major defense, leaving them in an even more dangerous position than they already were. That was definitely not good.Shifting his focus to the approaching badnik army, he was filled with doubt about what he should do. Should he fly over and try to fix the Anti Badnik artillery, or join in the fight? Where was he needed most? Where could he help?What would Sonic do?A thought that was on Tails' mind often, even before the hedgehog hero had vanished. If he were here now, surely he would know what to do...The sight of the Badniks approaching Mobotropolis's walls the Egg Hammers in particular beginning to strike the front gate while the Egg Camel primed the large laser cannon mounted on it's back, shook him from his thoughts, and he gripped the controls of the Tornado more tightly in response. This was no time to be hesitating. He had to do something!Activating the Tornado's weapon systems, he lined up his shot as he approached, and unleashed a hailstorm of ammunition upon a squad of Buzzbombers as they attempted to fly over the walls, feeling a surge of elation and adrenaline as they exploded into shards of scrap metal.The Badniks were caught off guard as they found themselves attacked, and their ranks were momentarily scrambled as the Tornado banked over them. It was enough to give the citizens of Mobotropolis a little more breathing room though, as many of the Badniks turned their attention on the bi plane as Tails came around for another strike, riddling a few Egg Pawns full of holes.Several Flappers and Buzzbombers took to the skies in pursuit of the Tornado, but what really concerned Tails at the moment was the Egg Camel. Did he have enough firepower to take down such a mechanical monstrosity on his own?Now in the Camel's sights, Tails wasn't given long to ponder that question, as he quickly had to bank hard to the side in order to avoid taking a laser blast to the bi plane. It wasn't enough to get him out of danger though, as a few shots from his aerial pursuers nicked him anyway.Glancing in the direction of the city below as the remainder of the badniks on the ground continued marching on, he hoped that everyone was ok... "They are trying to break through!!"One of the soldiers on lookout shouted at the top of his lungs. Most of the Mobians could only watch in uncertainty as the robotic army started to unleash their might upon the walls and gates of Mobotropolis.A mighty swing of the Egg hammer already shook part of the entrance loose. Each loud and hard thud echoed through the streets, as it did the creaking of wood and the denting and bending of metals. This was only aided by the Egg Pawns attacking the gate with their lances while others shot at the towers, still in repairs, to create even more havoc.The endless banging didn't stop every second was a second closer to a full invasion of the city. "Everyone hold your positions!" Shouted Sally, wishing she could go out there and try to reduce some of Eggman's forces, but the mechanical masses had them pinned inside their own shelter. Noone could get out without being blasted in a matter of seconds. All the resistance army could do was stand their ground, firm and serious looks as everyone kept their hands tight upon their Wispons. That is, until they saw the flying vessel arriving and shooting down some of the airborne nuisances.Sally's face lightened up in relief. "Tails?" She muttered, glad to see the young fox was okay, but also glad that they had even more arial support.Tails' attack appeared to have caught their attention, as many of the robots ceased their attacks upon the walls to start targeting Tails. The only ones continuing to go against the gate were one Egg hammer and some of the Moto Bugs Even the Egg Camel was now focusing on bringing the bi plane out of the skies, which gave the ones inside Mobotropolis much more of a breathing room before all hell would break loose.The Buzzbombers and Flappers were the ones with their biggest sights on the Tornado, able to chase it around the skies with a rain of energy blasts and missiles. However one particular laser from the Camel was almost too close for comfort. Tails knew one single shot from the colossal walker could bring him down in a matter of seconds.A squad of Buzzbombers managed to cut him midthrouh, ready to black him from the front when an energy blast came out of seamlessly nowhere and turned them into scrap and releasing the small birds inside. A familair sight appeared next to Tails."Oh mah stars am I glad to see ya', darlin'." Said Bunnie Rabbot in her usual southern accent, using her rocket thrusters on her feet to stay in the air. "We need all the help we can get. That Camel over there is really bein' a pain. But if we take it out, the rest of the cattle will be piece of cake.""Maybe we can put our head together and find a way to bring it down, hm?" It seemed that the longer the aerial battle went on, the less room Tails found himself with to maneuver as more and more of the flying badniks took to the skies, and despite his piloting skill, even he couldn't fly circles around this many robots forever, especially with the Egg Camel continuing to take shots at him as well. It was too much for him to take on at once, and soon he found himself facing down a squad of Buzzbombers that had managed to catch him off guard, flying straight towards him.Bracing himself for their upcoming attack, he was instead surprised to see a blast of energy cut through the sky, destroying the badniks and releasing the animals inside. Blinking in surprise at the sudden save, he turned to look in the direction of the voice of his savior, and broke out into a wide smile. "Bunnie! Thanks for the save!" he called, more than happy to see the cybernetic rabbit come to his rescue.Turning his attention back to the Egg Camel as Bunnie brought up bringing down their most dangerous threat, Tails nodded his head and flipped a switch on the dashboard, releasing a towing cable from within the bi plane. "Grab on to the cable! We can use it to trip the Camel up!" Bunnie nodded and held the cable with her robotic hand. The two flew in unison, heading down upon the Eggman robot horde, making the Egg Camel their primary target. The two started to extend the cable around its massive legs, calling upon ideas from old sci fi films, and made the metal behemoth get tangled upon the metal cable and loose balance.The Walker fell down. It's crash taking a few of the smaller robots in the process. , one of the Egg Hammers even stuck underneath the Walker, struggling to get out. Bunnie knew one of those robotic strongmen were enough to make lots of havoc in the city, and so, turned her bionic limb into its energy cannon and charged a powerful beam that she then launched at the walker, causing it to explode alongside the Egg Hammer and some more Pawns."Great idea." Bunnie said to the two tailed fox. "Now's the chance to to make our comeback!" With that she rushed upon the horde to fire from above.Tails could see how his quick thinking was turning the tides of battle. Members of the resistance army climbed to up the walls. "Their defenses are low, now we can fight!" one said as the rest shouted in excitement.Burst of fire were spewed, Asteroid blasts were shot and drills...well...drilled. The multitude of Mobians used their Wispons together to bring more badniks down.The remaining Egg Hammer continued to be a threat to them, however, so Tails had to think on something... Tails's impromptu plan to bring down the Egg Camel proved successful thanks to Bunnie's assistance, and the two tailed fox watched as she finished off the fallen mech with a powerful blast of her energy cannon, taking out a pinned Egg Hammer and some Pawns as well. "Nice shot!" he exclaimed as he retracted the towing cable with the flip of a switch on the dashboard. With the Egg Camel and one of the Egg Hammers gone, they had struck quite the blow against their attackers, and Tails could now see that his fellow Mobians had taken advantage of that fact to stage an attack of their own.But while their Wispons would be enough to handle the lower badniks such as the Egg Pawns, the remaining Egg Hammer posed a big problem. One swing of it's mighty hammer could cause a lot of damage, and if it broke through the weakening city gates, they'd really be in trouble. Tails knew it would have to be his next target if they were going to repel this badnik force.Coming back around for another strike, Tails soon had the Egg Hammer in his sights, and unleashed a volley of missiles all of the missiles loaded into the Tornado, in fact upon his target, and watched with satisfaction as the Egg Hammer was engulfed in a massive explosion."That should take care of that!" Tails said, watching as the remains of the Egg Hammer fell to the ground, leaving the badnik force with none of it's heavy hitters. The Mobians stepped back in awe as the Egg Hammer was engulfed into the explosion. The wrecked carcass fell down, defeated while the small bird who was being powering it flew away freely.Like if right on cue, a powerful wooshing noise was heard by everyone. Tails stared in surprise and relief when the lights of the defense towers finally activated. A series of elaborate cannons popped from each of them, all laser aiming towards the now shivering Badnik horde. In a machine gun like speed, the defense canons started to fire upon Eggman's army as it retreated, turning them into scrap in a matter of seconds.The people cheered, Mobotropolis was saved!Bunnie smirked and flew close to the Tornado. "Well there, sugah. Ya sure helped us all to turn things around. Glad to have ya back!" She said with a cute wink before heading downwards towards the army crowd.Sally stood down there, waving at the Tornado alongside the other soldiers who currently were cheering in excitement. "It's Tails!" "Whoo!" "Go Tails! yeah!!" Tails was relieved to see the sudden appearance of the defensive cannons shortly after his attack on the remaining Egg Hammer, and watched in satisfaction as they quickly tore through the remaining badniks. After all, he had helped build them alongside Rotor, so it was good to see them working properly again.Meeting Bunnie's eyes as she flew up to speak with him again, Tails blushed and rubbed the back of his neck as she winked at him. "I I'm just glad I could help..." he said bashfully, looking down at the cheering crowd beneath him, spying Sally in particular looking up at him. Had he impressed her as well, he wondered?Now that the battle was over, it was time to land the Tornado, so after giving a quick aerial salute, he turned and flew in the direction of the airfield, coming in for a nice, easy landing. Hopping down from the cockpit and removing his goggles, Tails waved in the direction of the approaching crowd and began going in that direction. Celebrations went all around as the crowd approached them. He was congratulated for his efforts for a while before Sally arrived and Bunnie started to clear up the group to head for wall repairs.She was overjoyed, not just by the victory but to see Tails returning and being safe. She hugged him tenderly for a moment before speaking. "We're in a huge predicament until you arrived just in time, Tails. We owe you a lot of this!"She released him shortly after, sighing softly, "Things have been really hectic as of late. After we defeated Eggman last time, things seemed to be going smoothly. After all, the remaining badnik forced didn't seem to be coordinated in the slightest, but now...they have been attacking the general Mobotropolis outskirts for days now. I dread to imagine that doctor is back with a vengeance..."A small ping coming from her pocket cut her off for a moment, taking out a small computer device another voice spoke, "It is possible. However, it is strange that he would even bother with such an attack in the first place. As far as we know, Eggman would have no way of knowing our tower defenses were down."Sally smiled, "Well, at least they are back online now. Thanks to you, Nicole.""Thank you. Of course Rotor and I wouldn't had the time to do so if it weren't for Tails' arrival..." Tails blushed as Sally arrived and wrapped her arms around him for a warm embrace, but didn't try to get away, enjoying the affectionate gesture as well as the proximity to the Princess's supple body while it lasted. "I'm glad I could help." he replied with a smile as she thanked him for his work. With all of this congratulating and adulation from his friends and fellow Mobians, he was almost starting to feel like Sonic!Once Sally had let him go though, Tails folded his arms over his chest and tilted his head as the Princess explained the situation. It was true, after the last big battle with Eggman, things had been quiet. The remaining badniks were still a bit of a problem, sure, but without the mad doctor to lead them, they were more of a minor nuisance than a real threat, certainly not capable of an attack on the scale that Tails had just seen. So did this mean that Eggman had returned, like Sally feared?"I don't know. This doesn't seem like Eggman's style. He's always announced himself before an attack or scheme he likes the attention, I think. But he's been too quiet." Tails thought aloud, smiling sheepishly as Nicole chimed in with her own thoughts, also noting that they had him to thank for the time it had taken to repair their defense systems. "I It was just good timing..."Tails's smile faltered then though, and he looked to Sally, twin tails drooping to the ground. He still had to make his report, and now seemed like as good a time as any. "I'm sorry, Sally. I couldn't find Sonic anywhere while I was gone." he said sadly. "B But ! Mobius is a big place, s so...I'm sure he's just somewhere else...?" he continued quickly, not wanting to be too much of a downer while they were still enjoying their victory. Sally looked down at the mention of Sonic, hands held together while trying to collect herself. "It's been so long...he has never been away for this long..." She muttered. However, she tried to hide her sadness and so she smiled at Tails. "The important thing is that you're safe and we're all safe. We'll have to make it without Sonic for now..."Nicole smiled while silent. It was good to see her friend still keeping her spirits.However a notion came to the princess' mind suddenly. "Wait, Tails. Where are you going to stay? Your workshop is still too far away, and we don't know if Eggman has more badniks coming this way..."An idea came forth. "Why don't you stay at the castle? There's plenty of guest rooms there..." Tails sighed sadly as Sally ruminated over the disappeared Sonic, feeling almost personally responsible for her state of mind. After all, he was Sonic's best friend, if anyone should be able to find him, it should be him, and yet...he'd returned empty handed. The Princess seemed to be trying to take things in stride however, and quickly perked up somewhat. "R Right. We'll manage." he said in agreement, glad to see Sally smile.Always thinking though, the Princess quickly brought up a good point, and Tails scratched the side of his head in thought. She had a point, his workshop wasn't very close by, and with the possibility of another attack from Eggman, it might not be the wisest course of action for him to be out there on his own. Where could he stay in the meantime, though?"O Oh, really?" Tails replied as Sally provided an answer to that question. "S Sure. I mean, if you're sure I won't be in the way or anything..." The rest of the day felt rather calm after the invasion. Everyone finished the repairs on the city before night fell. With the defense towers now online, the citizens could rest peacefully knowing they were protected from a nighttime attack.Tails was now sleeping in one of the castle's guest room. While not a enormous castle, Castle Acorn did have a lot of hallways and rooms. It was a bit intimidated, but cozy enough for the two tailed fox to feel at ease.However, one couldn't say the same about what was now stopping him from sleeping the heat.Ir may have been the summer wind, but Tails could feel his body heated, too bothered to really fall asleep... Try as he might, Tails couldn't seem to drift off to sleep. Maybe it was the excitement of the day, fending off a badnik attack, that left him in this state, or maybe it was the heat that seemed to have settled over Castle Acorn. Either way, it didn't seem as though sleep would be coming to him anytime soon, so he got out of bed with a bit of a sigh, deciding to take a bit of a jaunt through the castle to try and tire himself out.Leaving his room behind, Tails quietly walked through the halls, enjoying the peaceful silence that had fallen over everything now that the city and castle were safe from their aggressors. He had no real destination in mind, he was simply walking along, thinking back to the childhood days at play in the halls of this Castle with Sally, Sonic, and the rest of the Freedom Fighters...before Eggman had started his despotic attempts to take over.This walk was taking Tails in the direction of the Princess's room, but he wasn't really thinking about that at the moment. She was likely asleep at this hour, anyway, so he would likely simply pass by without disturbing her... As he passed he noticed the room to be opened. One curious peek inside showed that the princess wasn't even in her room at this hour. Perhaps she was troubled with sleeping as well?He noticed Nicole's portable computer resting upon Sally's nightstand, but with the quick look he did it was to assume she was currently recharging energy, and as such, unable to really say anything.One wouldn't have much trouble locating the squirrel girl, however, as she was currently standing by a nearby balcony, watching the city below, as almost all the lights faded away. She was still wearing her usual clothing and looked a bit upset. Seeing that Sally wasn't in her room, Tails tilted his head curiously and folded his arms over his chest. Where would the Princess be at this hour, and without Nicole to boot, who he could see was recharging on Sally's nightstand? For a moment he thought about booting the holo lynx up to ask, but decided to let her rest, and look for the Princess on his own, leaving her doorway and resuming his path down the hall.As it turned out though, it didn't take the two tailed fox long to find her standing on a nearby balcony alone, looking out at the city beneath them, she was a radiant sight in the fading light. But as Tails approached, he suddenly realized that she was upset, and slowed in his steps. Should he leave her alone? She might not want to be disturbed. Then again, if he was upset about something, it often helped to have someone around..."Sally...?" he called out softly as he made a quick decision, stepping closer with a concerned expression on his face. "Are you alright? What's wrong?" Sally gasped when she was startled slightly, but looking back to see who it was put her at ease. "Oh. It's you, Tails. I'm sorry, wasn't trying to wake anyone up..."She tried to put a smile, but even she could tell it didn't full much, so she simply kept herself happy yet in thought. "I'm fine. Is's been quite the set of weeks..."She looked out the balcony and continued. "Without Sonic around, I had no choice but to worry on keeping the city safe above all else. I'm happy with what we have is very stressful. Sometimes I wish I was like him Carefree and able to simply go and help people out there whenever I pleased. But I can't."She chuckled after that. "sorry. I don't want to sound a bummer. After all, thanks to you we're safe now" Grabbing his hand she gave him the warmest of looks. "You're a hero, Tails." "It's alright. I couldn't sleep anyway..." Tails replied as Sally worried that she'd disturbed his rest. The Princess's smile was as beautiful as always, but even the fox could see it wasn't fully genuine, and waited patiently for his friend to open up to him. When she finally did, he sighed softly and nodded his head. "Yeah, things have been pretty chaotic lately..."He stepped closer to her as she spoke of the stress she'd endured lately, and placed a hand softly on her slender shoulder. "You've done a great job, Princess. Without you, everything would have fallen apart in mobotropolis by now." He said reassuringly, before faltering somewhat. "I'm sorry I wasn't here to help though...I should have stayed..."He blinked in surprise when the Princess took his hand, blushing at the warmth and affection in her eyes as she complimented his heroism. "I If I am, it's only because I had you, Sonic, and the others to show me how..." he replied with a bashful grin. "Still, you helped us greatly back there. I don't want to ask much of your, but, with your help I'm sure we can keep the Freedom Fighters still going." Sally then released the young boy from her hands, her eyes took a good look of him, suddenly up and down. Tails may have not noticed but Sally picked up on her actions and turned away. It kind of surprise her ever herself given hos her beats seemed somewhat faster."Well..I guess I'm not also enough truthful." She muttered, "I also...been thinking, about me and Sonic..."She let out another sight. "I have so many responsibilities, and while I know I can always depend on him, he will always be the type of roam free. I couldn't take that from him. There may be someone out there...for him...or me, but I guess friends is all we can ever be." Not quite realizing that Sally was taking him in in a way that she might not have before, Tails tilted his head as she began speaking of her relationship with Sonic, more than a little surprised to hear her say such things. "O Oh? Well, maybe that's for the best..." he replied, a little uncertain...but also feeling a strange sense of elation at the thought that Sally might be...available. He blushed at that realization though, and quickly looked away to try and hide the redness of his cheeks. The Princess would surely never consider him, anyway, right...?"W What kind of person would you want to be with?" he asked before he could stop himself, curiosity and slight twinge of hope motivating him. Sally was rather surprised with herself. Why was she discussing this out of a sudden? A with Tails of all people? Still, her eyes shifted to look at the fox, a faint shade of pink coating her cheeks.She didn't want to admit it, but, having so much work had left her incredibly stressful. She had rarely had any time to herself leaving her rather...pent up. After all, a young mobian woman has needs too."I...shouldn't...b but..."She started to answer, a bit slowly as uncertainty on the subject started to interfere. "Well, I I haven't really thought about it...I guess someone who I can depend on, who is smart and kind, but also shares that sense of adventure and good will Sonic does...""Of course, I wouldn't want to rush anything really..." She was surprised on how bold she was getting with ehr words, as she slowly moved closer to Tails, but a strong need started to manifest within her. Which needed to be satisfied. "Of course...sometimes a girl just need a nice person to just stay and console her, even if for a night...or more..."That last bit of her sentence made Tail's entire body shiver. His heart skipping beasts while a heat coursed through his body, focalizing specially between his legs. Sally was just inches a little from him as she asked. "...What about you Tails? Ever wondered what you like in a girl?" Thinking that the light shade of pink to her cheeks was quite cute, Tails listened intently as the Princess slowly began to answer his question. And as she did, Tails felt himself growing more and more excited, until his heart was practically dancing in his chest, and butterflies were flirting about his stomach. Maybe he was being foolish, but didn't it feel like he could fit the description of her ideal mate? He certainly wished that he did!Her last words in particular had him practically quivering in arousal, as heat spread to his groin, and he met Sally's eyes as she came closer, wondering how to answer as she turned things around on him. Did he dare?"I I'd like a girl who's sweet, but strong when she has to be. Someone smart, and beautiful..." he gulped as their bodies came closer and closer together. "S Someone you, Princess..." he admitted, cheeks flushing crimson. Sally's eyes widened at the response. Her body now feeling really hot. that aching need now manifesting even stronger. But...should she? To someone almost like a young brother?She shook her head. For once, she was tired to the logical approach, and as such, let her instincts guide her.To Tails' surprise she lunged at him, meeting his lips with hers in a hungry kiss. She didn't know if this was something akin to full love or lust she just needed someone nice right now, someone to make this night feel very good...Sally's hands started to stroke the young fox's fur, a soft moan almost hearable through their lips as she kissed him, with closed eyes. Tails's eyes widened in surprise as Sally suddenly kissed him, feeling his heart skip a beat at the sensation of her soft lips pressed against his, and before even a few seconds had passed, he found emphatically himself kissing her back. If he was being honest with himself, this was something that he had secretly wanted for a long time, and now that the opportunity had miraculously presented itself, he didn't want it to go to waste.Shivers worked their way up and down his spine as the Princess stroked his fur, Tails hands slowly settled on her shapely hips while their lips met again and again, tongues intertwining. Pressing his body against hers in such a way that left little to the imagination as his manhood was beginning to make itself quite known Tails groaned with a primal need in response to Sally's little moan, wanting to take the Princess and show her just how much of a man the little fox could really be. Sally was rather surprised at the young fox's eagerness. Already pushing his tongue against her, giving her little option to respond back as well. The heat in the air, their body, everything felt so good.Even if not love, she could at least liberate all that pent up stress. Her body shivered, Tails' hands exploring down her frame and caressing his hips, eventually gripping firmly upon her rear Her shorts tight to every contour of that round soft butt. Such area being massage caused Sally to break the kiss in a soft moan, panting slightly."We should...go somewhere else." She muttered, quickly returning to a shorter, but still passionate kiss. The two made their way through the hall eventually falling upon Princess Acorn's chambers. Tails could feel himself being pushed to the bed with Sally on top, kissing upon his lips and neck before giving a trail of short kissed through his furred chest, going down.Amongst their making out, Sally had pulled down upon the zipper of her blue vest and thrown it aside alongside her gloves, shoes and socks. Only in her black top and short bottoms, she eventually reaching upon Tail's member, now way hardened and quite impressive in size."I don't know if this is right...but I need it." Sally said, "And I'm sure it will feel good to you too, Tails "She leaned towards the length and started by gently licking up the shaft, to get a reaction. "I guess you never been this intimate with a girl before. Don't worry, I'll try to teach you..."The squirrel mobian leaned more, taking the head upon her lips. Not fulling engulfing the cock, she first started by sucking upon the head. The feeling of Sally's plush, round bottom in Tail's hands was intoxicating, and the young fox groped and squeezed her cheeks firmly as they continued to passionately kiss one another, until the Princess finally pulled away with a soft moan, prompting him to nod his head enthusiastically as she suggested that they move somewhere more...comfortable.Following the Princess to her private chambers, Tails gladly returned to kissing her as they moved closer to the bed, wrestling with her tongue as the two of them undressed...which was much easier and faster for the fox than it was for the Princess, considering he only wore shoes, socks, and gloves.Pushed down onto the bed and sharing another moment of intimate kisses, Tails shivered as Sally began kissing her way down his chest towards his erection, now standing at full attention and perhaps surprisingly large for someone of Tails's stature, and blushed with a moan of his own as she began licking the shaft. Right or not, there was no denying that it felt very good!"Y You're right...this is my...f first time..." Tails admitted as Sally correctly guessed the truth. He might have been worried about that, were it not for Sally's comforting assurances that she'd teach him more about intimacy, and he nodded his head before another moan escaped him as she took the head of his cock into her mouth.Soon his member would be throbbing in her mouth as she suckled upon the head, and Tails was quickly gasping and panting for breath. "A Ahh...that's...good...Princess..." Sally continued to suck upon the head for a little bit more. She was rather impressed by the fox boy's surprisingly large member, and as such wanted this to last.She knew on the back of her head that this was't proper, not right Tails, while of enough age, had always been the "younger sibling" of the team, yet here she was, praying on him to satisfy her needs. However, she also knew Tails had matured a lot since then, and now had helped them to turn the tide of battle. He wanted it, she wanted it, so it was okay...There was also the fact she had a lot of pent up tension, been a while since she last...engaged with someone. And to top it off, today of all days was just the beginning of that time of the season where plenty of Mobians feel the desire to mate the strongest. A heat season, if you could call it. Of course Sally, as many others, were perfectly able to resist it, but with Tails here she didn't have to hold it back, but rather embrace it for once..."Mmm " She kept going upon his cock, hearing Tails stating how good it felt, however it made her pause. "No need for the formalities, Tails. Sally is fine.."With that the mobian girl went back to his length, this time pushed her head a bit further in and engulfing more of his penis as her tongue worked with her blowing to give a more intense pleasure to the two tailed lad. Tails's head fell back on the mattress with a moan of pleasure as Sally took his member further into her mouth, wrapping her tongue around his length as she blew him, and he trembled as waves of pleasure rolled over him. "S Sally !" he gasped, cock twitching and throbbing. He could hardly believe that this was really happening. He couldn't even remember how long he had wished for Sally to take notice of him in the same way she might Sonic, and now that it was finally coming true, he didn't want it to ever end.Of course, as relatively inexperienced as he was, there was no telling how long he might really last under the Princess's oral pleasuring he could already feel the pleasure building and building over time, growing stronger despite his attempts to hold it back, and if Sally was paying attention, she would likely notice that as well. What she would do with that information was completely up to her though. Tails was, after all, completely at her mercy at the moment..."S Sally...h hah...a ahh..." he panted, practically squirming as she worked her magic. Sally continued, taking an inch further as she moaned under the blowjob. Her soft sounds causing extra vibrations that gave Tails even more pleasure.She could tell the young lad was near his limit. After all he had never done this before. However, she knew he wanted to experience the most he could.As such she sped up, her bobbing up and down, moaning in delight while her eyes closed to focus. Her ears still perked up, hearing Tails' pleasure sounds of response as his first orgasm approached. She knew someone like him'd still have stamina after, specially given how eager he was before, she also pondered other things: Like if he ever watched or dreamed of doing these sinful acts....She felt his dick tensing up, ready to burst. Pulling out of the wet rod, she quickly took her hand around the shaft and stroked eagerly. "It's okay, Tails..." If Sally's blowjob had felt good before, it was nothing compared to how incredible it began to feel as she sped up, bobbing her head up and down the length of his shaft, her moans vibrating along his cock only enhancing the pleasure. The young fox moaned and groaned in delight as the Princess continued, while his cock grew more rigid with the desire to cum.The Princess must have realized what was happening, as soon she has withdrawn his manhood from her mouth, beginning to eagerly stroke it instead as it quivered and trembled in her soft hand, and urged him to let go. And at that urging, he soon did, and had his first orgasm of the night, cumming all over Sally's hand."A Ahhh!" He gasped as the sensation of the orgasm washed over him, filling him with a sort of lightheaded euphoria. Despite the release though, his cock remained as erect as ever, standing proudly at attention in wait for what might come next. Seeing Tails climax in such way filled Sally with a powerful aching in her body. She felt so excited, eager to try more, specially as despite that strong orgasm, the fox boy's length was already at full mast again!The princess quickly moves off the bed, wiping her hand off before fully getting up up. She looked at Tails with eyes full of desire. Her hand slowly moving to massage her body in front of him, almost giving him a show. She groped herself softly, letting short and cute gasps escape her before the show got even more exciting. She started pulled down her shorts, slowly, her body gyrating with the motions, followed by the silky blue underwear under them. Then proceeded to take off the remaining bits of her top clothing. As she blushed brightly under the moonlight, Sally was now standing fully in the nude in front of Tails.She walked back to the bed and crawled on top of Tails before giving him a shorter, but still deep kiss. A hand encased his dick once more to give it a couple more tugs. "Tell me, Tails." She asked after parting lips. "Have you...done this yourself? Alone?" Her hand continued to jerk him off, slowly After all she wanted to do more than just this.Her body was so close to his. Tails could do anything he wanetd to them, Sally would let him... Watching with excitement as Sally climbed off the bed and began to touch herself, Tails almost groaned from the need and desire coursing through him to continue what they'd started, but managed to remain still as the Princess undressed. It was an intensely arousing sight, leaving his eyes wide and erection throbbing as she stood before him fully nude. "W Wow..." he breathes as he takes in the sight, eyes wandering up and down her form.As Sally climbed back into bed and on top of him, Tails kissed her back eagerly, enjoying the softness of her lips against his own, until she suddenly took hold of his manhood again, and he gasped in pleasure as she began stroking him. He blushed as she asked him a surprising question, but soon bashfully nodded his head. "Y Yes...I have...sometimes..." he admitted, knowing how often he had touched himself to this very scenario.Unable to resist any longer, Tails's hands sought out Sally's breasts, beginning to slowly and softly fondle them. Their soft, plushness was exciting, prompting the fox to continue touching and caressing her body. Meanwhile, his lips found hers again, resuming deeply and intimately kissing her as the two explored each other's bodies. Sally was already feeling so eager, her body almost on fire. She yearned for some touch, some pleasure, and her wish was fullfilled when Tails finally started to touch her. Her kissing breaking with a loud moan when the young mobian held on to her chest. Her furred breasts, soft and round, felt so good to be caressed, to both Tails and her.Sally moaned under their making out, only breaking it shortly to let a gasp out. "A ah...Tails..." Then back to kissing him. Her hand kept stroking, slowly to not overwhelm him, while the other caressed across his chest. "Mmmm..." If there was ever a time where Tails had known bliss, this would have been it slow, deep kisses from Sally while she gently stroked the length of his shaft and caressed his furry chest, and the sensation of her soft, round breasts filling his hands as he fondled her, letting his fingers sink into them, was like being in heaven. If he could have had his way, he would have never wanted this moment to end. Eager to continue on though, Tails's fingers began to slide down Sally's curvaceous body, inching closer to her womanhood.Slowly and gently touching her pussy with one hand while the other remained within her bosom, Tails experimentally rubbed his finger against her slit, feeling how wet the Princess had already become from their foreplay. He didn't have much experience, but that had to be a good thing, right?Wrestling with her tongue as he continued touching her womanhood, his free hand found one of her nipples and began to lightly rub it between his finger and thumb, trying to find out what ways he could touch Sally to enhance her pleasure the most. His actions were definitely paying off. Sally was having a hard time to even concentrate in kissing asTails started to caress her wet slit, already aching with desire. His other hand attending to her nipple so tenderly was a sure plus as the squirrel mobian gasped, calling him out in a series of moans."Y you're doing good Tails...oooh...feels so good..."She kept continuing kissing and stroking for a while. The whole thing felt so close, so intimate. As far as they knew, nobody was listening on them or able to see them. Just the two of them, alone.Eventually, Sally moved on top of him on the bed, still holding his hard prick. "T tails...I can'r wait anymore. I want you to do this with me, please..."Her hips stood above his length. He could feel the slight tip of the ehad touching her lower lips. Pleased that his actions were pleasuring the Princess so, Tails continued on as several intimate minutes of sensual foreplay passed, enjoying the moaning sounds Sally made whenever he touched her just so. It was all incredibly exciting, shown in the way his cock throbbed and twitched in her hand as she stroked him, and the young fox occasionally moaned as well to show how much he was enjoying this.When Sally climbed back on top of him, he gasped at the sudden sensation of the head of his manhood pressing against Sally's pussy, and looked up into her eyes as she spoke. Gulping nervously now that the moment was finally here, he nodded his head. "I I want to do this too..."Uncertain of how exactly to do it though, he waited for Sally to show him how it was done, while his hands were soon drawn back to the welcoming plushness of her breasts, fondling her softly. Sally then slowly dropped her hips upon Tails' length. His rod disappearing inside of her while she jerked her head back in a louder and pleasure filled gasp. It was such a strong sensation, his cock tight around her inner walls, a wet and warm sensation encasing it completely, sending shocks of pleasure all through him.She grinned her hips a bit, letting some soft pants and moans out as her cheeks flushed. It was pretty hard and big, and her body was trembling from the feeling alone. Sally soon started to move her hips up, only to descend them back down with a moan following suit. Without a second thought she did it again, and again, and again, eventually picking a slow but steady rhythm."O ooh...ahn...ooooh...." Sally moaned while continuing to ride Tails. It had been so long since she had pleasure of this level, and she was welcoming it greatly. She continued to move up and down, her eyes then staring down at Tails with eyes filled with the pleasure she was experienced."O ooh..Tails...." Tails had never experienced anything resembling the pleasure he felt as his manhood was engulfed in the warm tightness of Sally's womanhood, and the young fox moaned out in pleasure as the Princess slowly lowered herself down onto him, nearly overcome by the sensation as he felt her inner walls clamp down on the length of his manhood. It only began to feel even better when she slid her hips up and then back down, prompting him to shiver in euphoria as she did it again, and again, and again each meeting of their bodies sending jolts of pleasure through his entire body, and he was soon gasping and panting alongside Sally as she worked.Spurred on to make their lovemaking feel even better though, his own hips began to move, uncertainly at first, kind of like one who was only just learning to walk, but as the moments passed, Tails slowly found Sally's rhythm and began to match it, thrusting upwards into her pussy in time with the movements of her shapely hips."A Ahhh...Sally..."Hands still full of the Princess's luscious breasts, he watched as they bounced in the palms of his hands for a time, but soon met Sally's eyes as she looked down at him, and smiled bashfully. "T This feels...a amazing, Sally..." Tails was a quick learner, and soon their rhythms started to pair on at the same pace and increasing their speed. Sally bounced vigorously upon his length as the young Mobian groped her breasts. She moaned greatly in pleasure, her usual controlled and level headed personality giving out to a less controlled expression of lust."Y that..." She moaned, "Tails, y you're doing great, ahn...m more..."Her hips speed up the pace but each thrust continued to be hard and deep, causing her whole body to be engulfed in this pleasure. Her hands supported themselves on his chest while the bed rocked with their lovemaking, creaking and shaking with each pounding he gave her.Sally leaned down and madly kissed Tails, a wild tongue wrestling kiss, before back away, all while never ceasing her riding. She could feel something building up inside of her, that desirable peak of pleasure she wanted to reach...If Tails wanted to do something else she would do so, but right now she was enjoying the best she could as she rode him. Growing more confident as the Princess moaned and voices her approval of Tails's actions, the young fox's thrusts grew more purposeful and more powerful, carrying him deep into her core as she slid up and down the length of his manhood. Each passing second increased their shared pleasure more and more, and Tails was quickly growing lost in the lust and heat of the moment, able to think of nothing else but Sally and her beautiful body riding his cock, shaking the bed beneath them as they vigorously made love.Wrestling with her tongue as she leaned down to kiss him, Tails moaned against her lips until she pulled away, never breaking his stride of thrusts, or ceasing in his fondling of her breasts and nipples, wanting to give her as much pleasure as she was giving him."S Sally...ahh...don't stop..."He could feel the urge to cum rising, building within him as they continued on, but held it back with all his willpower, wanting to make this last as long as possible, attaining as much pleasure as possible. With that in mind, he leaned up to catch Sally's lips in a feverish series of kisses of his own, warring with her tongue as their bodies lustfully collided again and again. Tails' increased actions were already sending Sally close to the edge. As the two continued to feverishly kiss, the princess accelerated her riding even more into a frantic fucking The bed madly rocking as moans, names and words of affirmation echoed through the bedroom.They were both close, and they both wanted that release...She couldn't wait no longer. Separating her lips from Tails she arched back, riding vigorously and hard until the final thrust in which her whole body tensed in delight. "A a...almost...t there...""TAAAIIIILS!!!"She cried her name as she felt her climax engulf her entire body, eyes wide open and a expression of pure delight in her face. With that satisfaction, her body started to give away, until she dropped down upon the ebd on top of Tails, panting in exhaustion and delight, riding the afterglow as Tails had finished moments after. She could feel his release inside of her, luckily having taken her protective medicine to avoid any situations...She simply swooned relaxed, all those stressful days and worries suddenly gone, if for just now... As Sally pulled away from their kisses and arched her back so sexually to continue riding his cock, Tails shifted his grip to her hips to give himself something to hold onto as he thrust up into her pussy again and again. He could feel Sally growing more and more excited with each passing second her intensity growing until it seemed that she couldn't take it anymore, and as she was pushed over the edge, Tails gasped loudly at the sensation of her orgasm washing over his length.It was the single most intense experience of his least for the next minute or so...until his own orgasm rushed over him, and he released inside of her with a cry of delight. Sally had draped herself atop his chest by this point, and Tails slowly grew less tense beneath her as he enjoyed the warm afterglow of their lovemaking.The room grew silent as the two began to relax and unwind Tails's hands remained wrapped around Sally as she rested atop him, sensually massaging her warm, furry body, while he kissed her neck and cheek affectionately. "Haa...a ahh...that was amazing..." he said softly, looking into the Princess's eyes with a bashful smile. Sally smiled, cheeks red, as she lied next to Tails, almost cuddled as their furred bodies brushed against eachother. "Haaa...ahn...Y yes it was...I feel so relieved...ah"She was still panting softly, the orgasm she experienced quite strong. Seeing Tails' delightful expression and the way he continued to nuzzle and kiss at her neck softly, she giggled at how affectionate he could be."'s strange...all this time I always treated you like a younger brother, like you were still a child." She said, "But after today I think I finally see you're growing into a fine man, Tails...And I mean it in the way you help us and in the way you did just now " She let a soft giggle again after that last line. It felt weird to be so relax to joke like this, but it just felt so right. Her worried washed away even if for tonight... Tails was happy to hear that Sally was feeling better after what they'd just done together he knew just how much pressure she put on herself as the Princess of the Acorn Kingdom and as leader of the Freedom Fighters, so to have helped her in any way made him feel good.. It was a complete turn around from how he had found her earlier, and he laughed alongside her as they snuggled closer together in bed.Tilting his head, he listened curiously as Sally spoke of her changing opinion of the young fox, and smiled as she was beginnging to see him as a man...especially after the events of the night. He laughed sheepishly at the Princess's suggestive line, and leaned in to give her a long kiss on the lips. "I I'm glad you think so, Sally..."Nuzzling against her with a soft sign of contentment, Tails smiled, thinking that he could stay like this forever. Tomorrow would be coming soon, but at least for now, they could relax... The two eventually descended into slumber. Tails soundly slept through the night while Sally stood by his side under the sheets.Morning came, and the sunshine crossed through the window, softly waking the fox mobian up. Sally was already up, finishing putting up her top clothing, finalizing with her blue jacket, zipping it back up."Good morning." Sally said, noticing Tails had awakened. "I know it's somewhat early, but I gotta check on some of the repairs to the city. But you are free to roam around the castle or the city if you like. I mean, after what you did you deserve a day to yourself..." Tails woke the next morning to find himself alone in Sally's bed, and as the memories of the previous night came rushing back, he blushed bashfully while sitting up. There was a soft smile on happiness to his face as well though, particularly as he spied Sally dressing, and he nodded his head as she spoke. He would have enjoyed staying in bed with her longer, but they couldn't ignore the outside world forever. "I understand. I'll see you later."Climbing out of bed too, he started getting dressed...which only took a few seconds, then quickly snuck up to the Princess and stole a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. "Last night'm glad we...did what we did." He admitted sheepishly as he let her go. Was it too much to hope that it might happen again sometime, though?"Bye!" He said as he quickly left the room, taking off down the hallways of the Castle. He already had an idea of where to go, although it made him a little uneasy to bring his news to this particular person...A little later, Tails was approaching his destination within the city, and stopped to take in the modest residence...the house of Sonic and his family...or rather, just his mother, now. He had promised to help find Sonic for her, and he had come back with nothing to show for it. Would she be upset? He hoped not after all, she was practically like a second mother to him, but he'd understand if she did...Taking a deep breath, he approached the door and knocked. "Mrs. Hedgehog? Are you home? It's me, Tails..." Sally was caught by surprise by the Tails' hug. Her face specially blushed brightly at his adorable kiss. "U um, right. I...I had a lot of f fun too." She responded before slipping, "I guess maybe some other time we can "Her face lit up even more. Did she just spouted that Tails was welcome to come and fuck her again!? Despite her embarrassment, she also didn't try to correct it. After all, she was all up for it...The two eventually parted ways and Tails made his way thorough Mobotropolis until reaching a particular home Sonic's house. As he knocked the door, he got no response, however the door appeared to be open and he could hear someone inside. Tails ventured inside and took a look around. Everything seemed orderly and tidy, nothing out of the ordinary. However, after taking a turn to the left he was met with the currently only owner of the home:Bernadette Hedgehog, Sonic's Mother...The bluish lavender female mobian was caught bended down by the young fox. She appeared to be wearing a purple shirt and a bluish skirt with dark blue tights underneath given by the legs. "Hmm, now where did I put it...aha...there we go..."She appeared to be packing something, but in doing so she was basically bended over, rising her rear which, while still covered by the long skirt, was wiggling softly and raised towards him Tails easy to notice it through her frame.Bernie finally got up and turned. "Oh! Hello Tails, you surprised me. It's nice for you to visit today."She approached the young mobian as she explained. "I was so caught up in the middle of something I didn't hear you come in...""I did hear you arrived just in time to help protect the city. Thank you so much." She said following a warm hug. she then parted away as a more concerned look in her face showed up. "B but I gotta ask. Were you able to find any answers out there?...about Sonic?" Putting his near giddiness over Sally's willingness to repeat the action of last night with him, Tails waited for a moment after knocking on the door for a response, tilting his head when none came. Was Mrs. Hedgehog out? Listening carefully, he thought he could hear someone inside, and upon closer inspection, the door appeared to be open, so he decided to let himself in.Once inside, he smiled a little at the familiar sights of the Hedgehog family's home. He had actually lived here for a time, invited to stay as part of the family by Sonic himself while his own parents had been missing, so it felt reassuring to be here once again.Looking to the left, he quickly spied Bernadette Hedgehog, and his smile widened...until he realized that she was bent over, and he began to blush. Her modest outfit prevented him from getting too good a view, but the outline of her ass could still be seen within her skirt, and the way she wiggles it was more than a little exciting...Trying not to think about it too much, his smile returned when the hedgehog finally noticed him, and he nodded his head as a way of greeting. "Hello, Mrs. Hedgehog!" Her hug was warm and comforting Tails enjoyed the moment, but soon glanced away with a sad expression as she asked about her son."I'm...I'm sorry, Mrs. Hedgehog...I couldn't find him...or any clues about where he's gone..." he replied with a sigh, hating to disappoint the woman who was like a mother to him. "B But you know Sonic, he's always on the move, he could be anywhere! So..."Tails hugged her this time, wanting to comfort her. "...try not to worry." He let her go after a long moment, scratching the side of his head as he thought to try and change the subject. " have you been? What are you up to today?" Bernie's shifted into a sorrowful look the moment she heard the news. "I I see..."she muttered. "Is just, I can't help but worry...I miss him and I'm so worried "That's when Tails hugged her tenderly, eyes widening before reciprocating his hug as well. She held Tails close for a while, before releasing him. Her spirits having been lifted again thanks to Tails' kind words. "Thank you,'re right. I gotta believe in him. After all, he always finds a way out whatever predicament he is in..."She was much calmer now, enough to remember what she was preparing for in the first place. "Well, I know things have been a bit hectic and dangerous, but...I was preparing to go into the ruins of the old Mobotropolis." She admitted. "I know it's dangerous, but there is something within the old grand library that I must get back."She smirked, showing some confidence, rising her arm and flexing it slightly as she proudly said, "Besides. Sonic isn't the only one adventurous. Me and Jules used to be part of the Acorn army, you know." Relieved that his hug and words had reassured her, Tails smiled and nodded his head. "Right! Sonic will be just fine. I know it." He said in agreement. It might have been a little difficult given the circumstances, but they had to have faith, and he was glad that Bernie saw that as well.When she answered his question though, Sonic's situation was, for the moment, forgotten, and he blinked in surprise before his jaw dropped. "Old Mobotropolis? You're right, that is dangerous!" He exclaimed worriedly, before tilting his head as she explained her reasons. The grand library was full of knowledge and artifacts from the old kingdom, but he still couldn't really think of anything there that would interest someone like Bernie."I I know...but..." It was true Bernie and Jules had fought in the Great War, so she could take care of herself, but old Mobotropolis was full of old badniks leftover from Eggman's rule over the area, not to mention the newer models that had been wandering around since the Doctor's defeat. It wasn't the kind of place one should go alone."Why don't I come with you?" He suggested after a few seconds. Trying to talk her out of it probably wouldn't work, so the next best option was simple to come along to make sure she stayed safe. If something did happen to her, Sonic would never forgive him, nor would he himself. "I won't get in the way, I promise!" Bernie crossed her arms in thought. "Hm..." He had a point, after all, things were way more hectinc after Eggman's Empire falling and rouge Badniks were roaming those areas for sure, specially stragglers after the attacks on the city.But then the two tailed fox offered his help. "You know, that may just work! I mean, you know your way around danger. Having you at my side it'll make this a breeze!" She exclaimed, actually excited. "Haha, I sound so young. It just has been so long since I did something this crazy. However...I may need a change of clothes...mind waiting here for a moment, Tails?"She rushed to her bed to change. After all, a common dress would not do for a wild expedition. So she needed something mroe mobile and comfortable.The mention of going to dress was already simmering inside of Tails' mind. Imagination running wild: Bernie removing her dress, slowly, followed by some nice looking underwear as her naked self started to show up. It was hard to admit, given she was Sonic's mother and almost a second mother to him, but young Miles couldn't deny Bernie definitely looked mighty fine for her age.Even when younger he always had found her attractive. He still remembered one day at a sleepover with Sonic when younger, how he could swear she herd her and Jules fooling around through the walls...All those thoughts were already making the poor lad hard, which was kind of panicking given Bernie'd finish any minute... Tails would have likely gone after Bernie even if she'd said no to him coming along, just following her in secret to make certain she stayed safe, but it seemed that wouldn't be necessary, as she quickly agreed to the idea, even seeming excited to have him along. He smiled at her glee for his company, but blinked when she decided to change. "No, I don't mind. Go ahead."As Bernie stepped into her bedroom to change though, the young and over imaginative mind of Tails began to go to work, causing him to picture Bernie undressing, and he couldn't help but grow excited himself despite his embarrassment.She was like a mother to him! She was his best friend's mother! He shouldn't be seeing her that way! Yet, he had to admit he always had found her very attractive, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became, giving him quite the boner. That was more than a little embarrassing...Gulping, he found himself stepping closer to the bedroom door slightly ajar, he couldn't help himself, and decided to steal a peak. She couldn't possibly look as good as he was imagining, right? Peeping through the ajar door he had a great view of Bernie from head to toe. And to his shock, it was exactly as he imagined, if not more...The mature hedgehog started to undo her dress and top, revealing her simply yet nice looking white underwear her body so shapely and filled. Shapely curves alongside a busty front. Her body held tightly against her underwear, urging to be taken out in the Fox's mind. His wish was granted when Bernie undid her bra, dropping it down upon the bed. She turned just enough for Tails to gaze at her bare breasts and her perked nipples. And then she bended over to take out her panties.It was all so hot, she was hot. Tails would now notice his cock was now up and about, throbbing and hardened, which was very noticeable given his way of wear... Tails couldn't have been more wrong, it seemed. Not only did Bernie look as beautiful and sexy as he'd imagined, she actually looked even better, and as she started to undress, he could feel his heart racing. Her mature, shapely, and busty figure had him even more excited than before, and he couldn't help but want to see more. Thankfully, his desires were quickly granted as she removed her simple yet attractive underwear, and he practically groaned at the sight of her bare breasts, so full looking.It only grew even more exciting as she bent over, making his eyes go wide at the sight of her firm looking ass, and instinctively, his hand fell to his cock to begin much out of a need for pleasure as the need to calm himself down. "Oh my god..." he breathed, about as turned on as possible at this point. What he wouldn't give to actually get to touch Bernie right now... Bernie continued to look for a fresh pair of underwear, bended over still as she opened a lower drawer. Tails felt like his time slowed down, letting him appreciated even more that curvy rear and the visible slit as she was bend over."Hm..what to pick..." She muttered, eventually getting up and finding a set of sexy lacy black lingerie. She chuckles. "Haha, what am I thinking? Couldn't be wearing this." She sighted soon after, "Oh, this used to be Jules' favorite..."Tails' imagination ran wild. The fact she apparently wore this when intimate with her husband just made it hotter. He recalled back to that night with Sonic soundly asleep but the young fox placing his ear to the wall as he heard excited moans coming from the room over. Loud thuds accompanying every affirmation and cries of bliss all while the young mobian heard her having sex vividly.Of course that was just but a memory, but it just made his cock harden even more. His mind pushing him to gain pleasure from his sinful watch... Tails could hardly believe he was really spying on Bernie like this he knew he shouldn't, and that he should be ashamed of himself for doing this, but his arousal far outweighed any shame he might have been feeling at the moment, so he continued peeping, stroking his cock while the hedgehog milf looked for something to wear. Bent over as she was, Tails had the perfect view of her full ass and tiny slit, but he was momentarily distracted from that alluring sight as Bernie pulled out some sexy underwear, thinking back to night's of passion spent with her husband.The thought of Bernie in such lingerie was enough to draw another soft groan from the fox, and he couldn't help but imagine her taking a vigorous pounding. Had she been wearing it that night, he wondered? Her moans and lustful cries bad fulled his ears that night as he'd listened against the wall, and now he longed to hear them again, only at his own volition.Rock hard at this pint, his manhood throbbed wildly as he rubbed himself faster and faster, and he could feel an orgasm coming on strong. Panting and softly gasping for breath, he groaned again this time a little louder and said, "Mrs. Hedgehog...!" However, panic arose. Bernie just finished picking a more simple, sporty type of undergarment and was quickly starting to re dress.He couldn't let Sonic's Mom see him like this!! Worse, he couldn't just cum and smear a wall or floor making her noticed. He needed to find somewhere else to finish.Bernie already was finishing pulling her top down. Now sporting a sleeveless dark purple shirt and some black shorts. She humming happily, unaware of the current peeping tom, but would if Tails didn't find somewhere else to hide and come... What was Tails doing?! He couldn't just stand here all day, especially not now that Bernie was getting dressed in a less sexy but still cute outfit. He needed to find somewhere to hide and preferably finish what he'd started or else there was going to be real trouble! So with one last fleeting glance in Bernie's direction, wishing he could enjoy the show longer he darted off to the only safe place he could think of the bathroom and shut the door.Now alone, he quickly resumed stroking and rubbing his cock his mind raced with images of Bernie and her curvaceous body, and with as excited and as far as he'd already come, it wasn't long before he was over the edge, and he had to bite down on a moan of pleasure as he came.Leaning against the wall as he tried to catch his breath, he soon began to quickly clean up the mess he'd made with some nearby tissue, wiping off any evidence of what he'd just done. "Whew...a" he breathed, heart still racing at the thought of Sonix's Mother.After another moment to calm down though, he returned to the living room, trying not to blush as he waited for Bernie to come out so they could get going. Eventually the mature hedgehog showed herself. Backpack on her back and hands on her hips as she was now in her much sportier outfit. "Well, I'm ready to go. I hope the guards outside don't give us much of a hussle. I'm not sure how am I even gonna explain this lil' outing..."She did notice how red Tails was, as she moved closer. "Is something wrong, Tails? You seem so troubled. Are you feeling sick? I could gt you something for what ails you..." Tails only grew redder in the cheeks as Bernie arrived and came closer upon noticing his appearance he certainly could use something for what was ailing him right now, that was for sure! But as he couldn't very well ask for THAT, he quickly shook his head and tried to act like nothing was wrong. "I I'm fine! I'm just...feeling a little warm! Some fresh air will help, I think, so we should probably just get going!"While not as excited as he had been before thankfully looking at Bernie now in her sporty outfit was still arousing especially as he thought back to seeing her naked and he had to try not to think about it to avoid any...awkwardness. "Ready to go?" "Yes. Remember, we ned to just get into the library I know where to look so we'll be out there in no time." Bernie explained.And so the two headed out of Mobotropolis. The Resistance Guard appeared to be working in reparations to the wall, unfocused as the hedgehog woman and the young fox slip through a broken set of rubble that used to be part of the walls. Sure, they were locked inside the ship, but heading in the direction of the Ruins would raise some questions, and really Bernie didn't want to take Miss Sally out of her busy schedule for one favor.The green glades outside felt so peaceful. Not a single Badnik in sight except a few remaining smashed pieces of them. Tails could see the mounts and loops leading deeper into theGreen Hill Zone further ahead. Taking a left the two then headed down a lower path. A dirt road going down a small ravine as more trees started to block the sky and covering the two in a soft shade. It was quite the scenic route, all things considered."You did a great job dealing with all those robots, Tails. There used to be way more around here before you arrived. I'm sure everyone is proud of you." Bernie commented.Eventually, the young Mobian glanced at the entrance of a city now covered by vines and ruin: the Mobotropolis Ruins...Once the original capital here in South Island, these were one of the first cities erradicated when Eggman started to take control of the region and slaved the general population with his stolen and then used for evil weapon theRoboticizer. This was when Tails was simply a kid and was mobilized to live in Knothole Village, a half burried locale not so far from here, for some time. Eventually, when Sonic first defeated the mad scientist, King Acorn and his followers eventually constructed the city they now live today, but these ruins remained to keep its citizens's memories of what once used to be...Regardless, the place seemed deserted, Bernie was glad, as Badniks tended to roam these parts still. "The Library is not so far from here, let's g " She stopped. A rumble could be felt. Pebbles or brown checkered rock shook softly on the floor."Tails do you hear something coming...?" Tails nodded his head as Bernie reminded him of their destination, trying to focus on the task at hand rather than his growing attraction to the female hedgehog, and followed her as she led the way out of Mobotropolis. At first he was a little worried that they might be stopped by the Guards, but most everyone was still busy cleaning up and repairing in the aftermath of yesterday's battle, so they were able to slip by without raising any attention, and were soon on their way.It was a peaceful walk through calm meadows as they left the city behind, and Tails couldn't help but smile at the idyllic scenery. Green Hill Zone a familiar and comforting sight could be seen in the distance, but their path took them in another direction, and they were soon walking down into a ravine."Thanks, Mrs. Hedgehog. Tails replied as Bernie spoke of their victory over the badniks. "But I didn't do it alone. The Freedom Fighters and The Resistance did most of the work." he continued humbly...though the thought of making everyone proud did secretly make him a little happy.Soon, they had arrived at the entrance of the city Old Mobotropolis, and Tails took a moment to take it all in. He was too young to really remember, but he had been born here, not long before Eggman had begun his attempts at conquest, and knew that this place represented both happy and sad times for most everyone. Now it stood as a reminder of those times old, delipitated, covered in vegetation and ruins.Tails had been worried about Badniks, but for the moment they were alone, so it seemed their trip to the Library was going to be simple...until a sudden rumbling caught their attention, and the fox quickly nodded his head. "Something's coming. We better hide for now."Without really stopping to think, he grabbed Bernie by the hand and quickly led her into the ruins of the nearest building, where they could hunker down and try to see what was approaching. Bernie could only gasp when Tails grab her hand and quickly dragged her inside a small rundown building. "W what's going on?" She asked confused.The two could peek from a broken window to what was going on. The stomps became much louder and the ground shook a little bit more. From within the trees, creaking as they were pushed aside, emerged a big bulking machine. Its body chrome all over, very tall and with a very bulking design. Almost like a gorilla sized robot.It was a Super Badnik More specifically aDYNAMAC. Bernie covered her mouth in surprise, recognising the model from her youth. These type of Super Badnik were some of Eggman's first designs when he went into the world conquering business. Before the likes of his much sleeker Egg Pawns or more complex Badniks or even the more advanced Egg SWATS, these along his original prototype SWATbots terrorized the land and caused Old Mobotropolis to fall into ruin. The hedgehog woman remembering seeing this destroy everything in their path when younger and doing her best with her team to keep them at bay.Perhaps not all were decommissioned or some accidentally activated without Eggman's knowledge or care when his empire spread fast. Who knows? Regardles, this DYNAMAC was nothing to scoff at...and the library was just across his path."What are we gonna do?" Bernie whispered. She knew the Badnik was strong, but that was more of a reason why it couldn't be just left wandering around. either way the clock was ticking, the DYNAMAC having perked up at the sound of a old plank creaking, Tails having stepped on it a bit too hard.With slow hard steps, the machine started to move towards their hiding space. Tails' eyes widened as the DYNAMAC slowly revealed itself a Super Badnik if there ever was one, the mechanical giant was quite the intimidating sight as it stomped around, leaving the young fox momentarily rooted to the spot in fear. It may not have appeared as sleek or modern as any of Eggman's Badnik's of today, but Tails had no doubt of the danger that the DYNAMAC posed, and knew that they now had quite the problem on their hands.That problem was poised to grow, as an unlucky step by Tails on a creaky floorboard within their hiding place caught the Super Badnik's attention, and it began stomping their way."Uh oh..." Tails muttered as the DYNAMAC came closer and closer. What should they do? Looking to Bernie, whose hand he was still holding, he made a quick decision, and stood up. "I'll get it's attention. You run!" he said, motivated more out of a desire to keep Bernie safe than anything else.Before she could try and stop him, Tails let go of her hand and rushed out into the open, waving his hands and jumping up and down. "Hey, you bucket of bolts! Over here!" He shouted, picking up a rock and throwing it at the DYNAMAC's head. "T tails!" Bernie cried, but it was in vain as the young fox had already rushed to the DYNAMAC.The Mobian caught the mechanical brute's attention with a well thrown rock Hitting its head and turning him to his direction. With a glitched roar it rose its arms in anger and dropped them down hard on the floor where Tails stood.Of course our hero managed to dodge out of the way but know he had the full attention of the DYNAMAC, and it didn't seem to be very happy...It moved, if rather slowly, towards Tails before swinging its arms at him. Summoning his courage, Tails stood his ground as the DYNAMAC turned to look in his direction, only beginning to realize just how imposing the Super Badnik was now that it was so close, and grimaced as it gave a mechanical roar before attempting to bring it's arms down on him.Leaping backwards as fast as he could, he managed to dodge just in time, feeling the ground shake beneath his feet as it hammered the ground. The DYNAMAC wasn't Don's yet either, and began to follow him while swinging it's arms.Dropping into a crouch to avoid one of the gargantuan swings, Tails began revving up a Spin Dash Sonic's signature move in the hopes of a quick counter. He couldn't reach the same speeds that Sonic could or hit with quite the same oomph...but with any luck it would still do the trick.Shooting forward like a furry cannonball, Tails attempted to strike the DYNAMAC in the leg, hoping to strategically knock it off balance, then follow up by jumping up and smacking it while it was prone. Tails's attack worked flawlessly. While not as strong and slick as Sonic, the young fox had been using these type of moves since he was a kid helping the blue blur kick Robotnik's butt countless times. The spin dash impacted hard upon the DYNAMAC's leg, forcing it to wobble and slip, open for a Tail smack that came soon after.The mechanical beast fell backwards, broking upon a old wooden wall of what used to be a full built house. With some difficulty due to its size and weight, the super badnik still managed to get up after but was clearly damaged by the mobian's assault.It quickly lunged at Tails, grabing him and ready to throw him when a blast of energy hit its back, releasing him.Bernie was peeking from a hiding spot, holding on to a blaster Wispon. a basic type which simply shoot energy bursts from common Withe Wisp energy. She wasn't a fighter, specially not now, but she couldn't bear to just see Tails going at the DYNAMAC alone.The machine roared and then turned its attention, stomping towards the indigo hedgehog woman... Tails felt a surge of elation upon the success of his two prong attack, and watched with satisfaction as the DYNAMAC fell, crashing through the remains of an old house in the process. That should show it what was what! Tails had hoped, but those hopes were soon dashed as the old super Badnik shakily rose to it's feet, damaged, but still very much active."Uh oh!"Moving quickly despite it's size, age, and apparent damage, the DYNAMAC lunged, grabbing Tails before he could dodge out of the way. He grunted in pain as the Super badnik squeezed his furry frame in preparation to throw him away, but soon gasped in relief as it dropped him. But why?"Mrs. Hedgehog?" Tails exclaimed, spying Bernie peeking out from cover with of all things a blaster whispon that she'd just put to good use. Good thinking on her part, to have brought something to fight with.But now the DYNAMAC had found it's next target, and was stomping in her direction. "Hey! Leave her alone!" Tails yelled, taking to the air with the use of his namesake tails and flying up above the badnik, then dropping down out of the sky curled up in a ball, aiming to strike it on the head. Due to its damaged leg, the DYAMAC could still move, but it didn't reach Bernie before Tails had flew into its line of sight and attacked with another spin attack. The Badnik fell backwards, once again slamming down upon the harsh ground.Despite the great hit and some sparks already flying, the machine was anything but not persistant Getting up once again and this time throwing a piece of house debris at Tails' general direction.Bernie closed her eyes in her hiding spot, hoping the young dox could doge it. If Tails had to admit one thing, it was that Eggman knew how to build a bot. Even after all of the damage it had taken, the DYNANAC was still functional and ready for more, leaving the two tailed fox wondering if he was even going to be able to bring it down for good or not. As it was, he was starting to run out of ideas on how to do much more damage.The DYNAMAC was having no such trouble though picking up some debris, it hurled it in Tails's direction, and he felt the wind knocked out of him as it struck before he could dodge, knocking him out of the sky and crashing to the ground.Woozy and out of breath after the attack, Tails struggled to get back up. Blinking the stars from his eyes as he tried to focus, he spied an option, and managed to rise. Weakly, he stumbled his way into the ruins of what was once a larger house, with the DYNAMAC hot on his heels. Leaning against a wall for support, he waited for the Super Badnik to come inside, and waved to Bernie quickly."Mrs. Hedgehog, quick! Shoot the support beam!" He exclaimed, pointing to said beam, supporting what was left of the wall and crumbling second floor of the ruins. If Bernie aimed just right, she could bring it all down on their mechanical foe! Bernie gasped horrified when the big piece of house hit Tails right off the sky. Hands brought to her mouth the only thing that stop her from flat out screaming. However, seeing the young boy still managed to stand on his two feet brought a feeling of relief that cooled her down, even if slightly...They were not out of the troubled, however, since the DYNAMAC continued to go after him. The cunning young Mobian, however, appeared to have a plan and quickly lured the Badnik into a dilapidated house then called for Bernie to black at the weak looking support...The mature hedgehog woman was a bit unsure at first, but trusted Tails great intellect way too much to really doubt him now. With a nod, Bernie took aim and pointed towards the support beam just as Tails managed to spin dash his way out of the ruins. The DYNAMAC, as slow as it was, still had to turn around to even start taking steps out, so this was the perfect chance...She pressed the trigger upon her Wispon and a energy blast of white was shot out. The shot of charged hyper go on energy impacted the beam with a loud crack and broke it in two. As Tails predicted, this brought down the entirety of the structure, which caused to all fall down upon the DYNAMAC, iron, wood and everything else!The falling wreckage was finally was did the machine. Collapsing alongside the rubble with a final mechanical cry. A sigh of relief escaped Bernie, as the battle had been won. There was no worried about a little animal, either As these old Eggman models were way before he put that idea into motion.So glad that the fox was okay, the indigo hedgehog rushed to Tails' side, embracing her into a tight but loving hug. "Oh Tails I'm so glad you're okay! That hit you got got me so worried! Are you okay? Does anything hurt?"Kinda expected. She had always been the loving mother type. Still, being in such close gap, meant Tails now had his face burried right between her mounds Rubbing firencly against him in her desperate hugging. Cheeks flushing red and "H huh!?"That's when Bernie felt something poking at her...Her eyes glanced down and her face soon blushed brightly, close to Tails' levels of red. She quickly backed away with an awkward cough. The rush of the moment didn't give Tails' time to cool down and so Bernie had felt and seen his erection starting to pop out."O Oh my. I'm sorry." Bernie said with a soft awkward chuckle, "I I mean, i guess that's fine. You're a growing boy and all. That's only natural. I just...didn't expect that....ahem.."she tried to drift the embarrassing situation away, shaking the red off her cheeks as she smiled. "So, shall we head to the old library now?" It had been a dangerous situation, but thanks to another quick spin dash on Tails's part, he was able to escape the trap he had led the DYNAMAC into just in the nick of time, and Bernie's shot trapped it under a ton of rubble, finally finishing it off for good.Sighing in relief as he came to a stop a short distance away from the debris, Tails was then surprised as he was pulled into a strenuous yet loving hug by a semi panicked Bernie, and his cheeks flared red as he realized he had been nestled into her expansive bosom."I I'm fine, Mrs. Hedgehog!" Tails's muffled voice came, enjoying the hug on several different levels. "I'm just glad you're not hurt!"Unfortunately, just how much Tails was enjoying this soon became apparent, and his blush grew even more fierce as they both realized what was poking Bernie. Eyes wide as Bernie let him go, Tails couldn't say a word in his defense, inwardly panicking at the thought that she would now know how attracted he was to her.Expecting to be scolded, Tails was instead surprised as Bernie tried to sweetly play it off, and the young fox shyly nodded his head as she asked if he was ready to head to the library. The two eventually made it to the library. To Tails's amazement, it appeared to be one of the few buildings that somehow had managed to survive amongst the wreckage. Of course it was pretty roughen up: Holes in the ceiling that let the light of day break inside, collapsed planks and bookcases fallen down on top of the creaky worn down floor tiles. However, beyond some sheets of dusts it appeared a great majority of the books had survived, only worn with the common age. Perhaps the huge tree that grew on top of the whole building helped it against the elemtns It's roots so big, they grew and dangled down the roof and some of the walls.Piles and piles of literature, files, and a ton of other stuff. truly a serene ambience amongst what felt like a place desolated from hope."King Acorn had already proposed a motion to extract all the stuff here in order to strength the library at the city. Still, this place had it charm and it had so much stuff that otherwise would have been lost forever." Bernie commented as she walked around the place.She quickly started to search for what she was looking for, our hero not quite sure of what it was exactly. Really, he never bothered to ask. His eyes'd wander, thankfully away from the mature hedgehog so his embarrassing boner could simply hide. It was amongst his mindless looking when he noticed something peculiar.Amongst some of the distracted books was some kind of opened cabinet By the looks of itforcefully opened. The strange thing, however, was that it didn't look that damaged from being so long in here, or rather, the damage done to the cabinet appeared to be way...newer...Could it be that someone before them had set foot in here looking for something?"Here it is!!"Tails' eyes perked as his attention was brought back to Bernie, who arrived holding a thick red book. "I found it! Oh I'm so glad that a copy still exists..." Our hero noticed how the book had the symbol of the now defunct Acorn Militia. Was it a book involving Bernie's young times as part of King Acorn's forces?"We should head home now. Before any more nasty surprises arrive." Said the hedgehog as she started walking towards the exit. "Do you need a place to stay, Tails? You know you're always welcome to sleep in my house if you want." Upon arriving at the Great Library, Tails was both surprised and relieved to see that the structure was in much better shape than the majority of old Mobotropolis that he'd seen today. It wasn't perfect damage could be seen here or there, but by the large the books were safe, and that was what mattered.Bernie soon set off to find what they'd came here looking for, leaving Tails alone for now, which was a blessing after the embarrassing scene from earlier, so the young fox took this time to look around. The books were interesting, and he hoped that once things were peaceful, Princess Sally could continue the effort to extradite the books from this place. As he explored though, something caught his attention a cabinet looked like it had been forced open, and recently too. Had someone else been here?As he investigated though, Bernie called out in success, and Tails turned his attention back to the hedgehog with a smile. "Good, I'm glad you found it! What is it, by the way?" He asked, realizing he hadn't done so yet.Following Bernie to the exit, Tails blushed as she invited him to stay with her tonight, and he bashfully nodded his head. "I I mean, if you don't mind, I'd like to stay." He replied, wondering if he might get the chance to peek at the mature hedgehog again. "I'll show you when we get back." Bernie stated.The trip back was rather pleasant. Not Badniks or threats that ruined their small but still firm victory this day. The two Mobians returned to the city, slipping back in as it were nothing. It seemed the walls were almost finished at this point and the defense towers were already working fully. As such, Tails could sleep a little easier knowing another horde like that wouldn't have such an advantage at least for a while...Back at the Hedgehog residence, the young fox enjoyed a delicious dinner courtesy of Bernie, who later sat by the sofa, moving next to him as she showed him her findings. "I know it's not much, but I had to find this. It's one of our old books from when we graduated the academy." She explained. Flipping through the pages she eventually settled in a particular one, a group of different mobians of different species standing proud and happy as they posed, defiant and excited expressions all around, as any graduation pic should.At the left side of the group she pointed to two people Tails immediately recognized. One was clearly Bernie herself, looking young, yet still holding the same beauty the current one she knew had. One could easily see age didn't hit her too bad...The one standing next to her, rather close, was a hedgehog man of blue hue and a turf of hair spiking out of his fur. That was clearly Jules, at least in Mobian form It felt rather weird to Tails, having seen him as a Robian for most of his life. Still the two looked happy together."I lost this particular picture so many years ago when Eggman attacked the old city." Bernie explained, "I knew it wassomewhere, and then I remembered that pics of each graduating team of that ear got printed in this book so I had to find it..."Her hand softly caressed the area where Jules and her stood, her eyes looking rather fondly. "Many of that team eventually parted ways, hoping to live our own lives. But back then, we were inseparable. Specially Jules and me..."A sigh escaped her, Tails noticing how her expression shifted to more sadness. "I...know it has been a while but...I still miss him, you know."She closed her eyes for a moment, remembering how she had to keep his wishes. Jules was a proud Mobian, even while living as a machine He wanted no different treatment for sacrificing his body to save Mobotropolis in the past Nor for being the father of Mobius' biggest Hero and even less for being one of the few confined into a perpetual robotic form to keep his war wounds from killing him.He could have lived for years beyond anyone in the city. uncle Chuck even asked him if he wanted more through tune ups beyond the simple repair. But Jules refused. Living forever just wasn't something that he ever wished upon anyone. As such, when even his robian form started to degrade He asked for him just as before: To be treated like any other Mobian and let him pass away whenever time caught up with him...Of course, it had been many years since. Bernie, Sonic, everyone had already made their minds and the mourning and sorrow parts of any passing had already been gone for a while. But it was normal for the now widow to feel a bit nostalgic every now and again..."Heh...I I'm sorry Tails. It wasn't my intention to bum things out like this." Bernie admitted, taking care of an incoming tear with her finger. "I'm fine...and I'm really grateful you helped me to find this." Accompanying Bernie back to her home, Tails was relieved that the two managed to make the trip in peace, not really certain he had the strength to fight more badniks after going up against the DYNAMAC. Their arrival in Mobotropolis was silent and without discovery as well, and Tails was glad to see that repairs had progressed during the day.Once back at Bernie's Tails gladly ate the meal prepared for him, and later joined her on the couch as she prepared to explain what they'd gone through all of this trouble for. It turned out that it was a book chronicling days at the Academy, and inside the book was a picture of Bernie's graduating class, which included her husband, Jules.Not used to seeing Sonic's Father in flesh and blood, Tails sadly regarded the picture for a moment, thinking back to Jules's fate. It had been years ago now, but it was still sad to think about how Jules's robotic body had eventually failed him.Seeing Bernie growing sad as they reminisced about her long gone husband, Tails scooted closer to her on the couch and wrapped his arms around her in a warm hug. "It's ok, Mrs. Hedgehog. I understand. It can't be easy. I hope you know, though, that you're not alone. You' got me." He said, cheeks turning a little red.Bernie's body felt incredible soft and warm as he nuzzled against her in the hopes of cheering her up, but he did his best not to think on that too much, in the hopes of not growing excited at her touch. It wasn't very successful though, as he could already feel his heart beating faster and faster. Bernie was caught by surprise in Tails' hug and nuzzle. He felt so warm, so understanding. she quickly reciprocated, hugging back and leaning on to him. "Thank you..."She had lost her husband. Her son was nowhere to be found. But at least she had people who cared for her still. She had Tails...A warm feeling encased her cheeks, remembering what happened when she last hug him. Was she still enticing enough to eve cause that in such a boy? Such a nice...kindhearted...young...energetic...young man...She felt a desire, a desire she hadn't felt in a while other than the confines of her own bedroom. Her eyes locking on Tails as her mind conflicted with itself. Suddenly, instincts too over and her hands held on to each side of his face..."Tails...I..."Without another notice, she lunged at him Her lips embracing his. she kissed him, holding on in a eager french kiss as a faint trail of saliva slid down his chin. Her hands held him while caressing his fur. Bernie closed her eyes and kept kissing until realization hit. Eyes widened, she quickly back away from the young Mobian, face red as a tomato. "" She said with a gasp, "I I'm terrible sorry Tails. I um..I just...I don't know what came over me, that was..inpporper and I..."She was having a hard time even argumenting with herself of why that was wrong... It was a nice, tender moment as Tails felt Bernie return his hug, and the young fox smiled even as his blush and excitement to be so close to the hedgehog remained just beneath the surface. Having only spent so much time around his own mother, these were the kind of moments he'd only experienced very little, so while his arousal remained, he was also enjoying it as one does with a parental figure.But then Bernie cupped his cheeks in both her hands, and he looked into her beautiful, green eyes the world around them faded away, and he could only think of how much he wanted to kiss her. It was an almost overwhelming urge, but before he even could, Bernie kissed him herself!Eyes widening in shock at their lip on lip contact, he shivered and moaned slightly as he felt Bernie slide her tongue against his during their kisses such a mature and sexy kiss he'd never quite experienced before, making his head spin as he instinctively began to kiss her back.Several long moments passed as the two passionately kissed one another, while Bernie sensually stroked his fur. It was enough to make him groan in delight, but he was surprised when she suddenly pulled away in embarrassment, stumbling over her words as she tried to apologize. Tails could only stare at her in wonder as she spoke, lightly panting for breath as he tried to catch up with what had just happened.In the end though, his mind could only focus on one thing, and this time it was his turn to lunge at her, resuming kissing her with such a fierceness that she was pushed down into the couch with Tails on top of her.Sliding his tongue against her own, his hands softly caressed her arms and shoulders as they made out, and she would be able to feel his erection pressing against her once more. Bernie didn't have much time to really settle on an answer when she was bombarded by Tails' kissing ocne more. This time he was taking the initiative, and he was quite eager to boot! She felt herself be pushed against the couch A gasp silences by his lips while his hands caressed up her shoulders and one held on to an arm and hand tenderly, all while he made out with her so fiercely. Her eyes started to slowly close, her mind starting to ease into it while the two continued."T tails...ahn..." She manged to sneak in before his lips shut her with another kiss. She couldn't believe she was doing this Tails was basically a son to him, she was...not only making out with him, but enjoying it."I it feels good...ooh..."She thought.She could feel his long hardness pressing against her. She was quite surprised, it felt even bigger than what she saw before. It had been so long So much time without the touch of another man. She always tried to get ehr mind off of it, but it was so hard sometimes. The free time without Sonic or Jules emant a lot of time she would never tell a soul without being ashamed A lot of time spend in her simply pleasuring herself at her lonesome. Letting fantasies abound she'd never do otherwise.But now, not only she had a guy, but a young man, filled with stamina. The temptation was too much.Her hands caressed down his chest, eventually one hand, which she quickly de gloved, held on to the hard prick, giving it a few tugs. This allowed her to break the kiss momentarily. "Y you're so my old woman body doing this?" Holding Bernie's hand in his own while the other continued to sensually and soothingly rub her arm and shoulder, Tails continued kissing the hedgehog woman for several passionate moments each meeting of their lips like fireworks in his mind, and the young fox shivered as he eventually felt her hands stroking his fur once more.Soon her hands drifted lower though, and he gave a groan as she found her way to his manhood before giving it a few strokes after removing a glove. Lips finally parting as he gasped at the sexual contact, he looked down at Bernie as she questioned him, and smiled bashfully before nodding his head vigorously."You're not old! Y You're sexy, and beautiful! I I've always thought so!" He exclaimed, cheeks darkening at the admission, but he was glad that he said it, if it showed her the truth. As more proof, his cock was twitching and throbbing in her grip, completely erect.Kissing and licking her neck even before she could reply, Tails's hands were soon on the move again, settling into her bosom to begin caressing her breasts through her clothes. "You really t think s soooooh!" Bernie let a gasp out when Tails quickly cut her off, kissing her neck and groping at her bossom. For the fox, it felt as soft and malleable as he expected. Quite delightful."Oooh...ooh..." She let out soft moans in between her pants. Even if clothing was in the way, having someone else groping felt different from simply doing it herself. Of course, this did not meant she was leaving Tails unattended Having heard his thoughts on her and how they went for way back sort of excited her, to know she could entice such a young and energetic boy. Her stroking started to continued, pumping up and down much more vigorously. Tails only grew more excited as his fingers sank into Bernie's breasts, able to feel them quite well even through her clothing, and was soon squeezing them softly, enjoying the hedgehog woman's vocal reactions to his groping.She wasn't the only one panting and groaning though her renewed stroking of his member had him moaning in pleasure as well, throbbing more and more with each passing second, and in his excitement, his lips found hers once more, claiming them in a passionate series of kisses. While their mouths and tongues were busy, his hands shifted down to the bottom of her shirt, and he began slipping it upward, wanting to remove her clothing before they went any further. Bernie shivered in instinctive anticipation, her top slidding up to reveal her black clip on bra. His has was swift, almost not even noticing how he undid it fron the front until the little clip sound was caught by her ear.As it became loose, Bernie held Tails by the back of his head before driving him into a deeper kiss, pushing her tongue all the way. She blushed as she did it, but did not slow the pace. Her stroking continued with a steady rhythm, never dropping a beat.Her free hand snagged the already about to fall off bra and let it rest upon the frame of the couch. Her top rolled upwards enough that now her bare breasts were in full display to the young Mobian. Tails groaned against Bernie's soft lips as she pulled him into an even deeper kiss, letting their tongues wrestle amorously as she continued stroking his manhood. Their kissing continued passionately for several long moments the two of them gasping and panting for one another as they touched each other, until Tails finally pulled away to catch his breath, looking down at Bernie's sexy mature body appreciatively."Mrs.'re so beautiful..." he panted as his eyes roamed her form. Soon his hands followed suit, fondling her exposed, large breasts for a moment before slipping her shirt the rest of the way over her head and tossing it aside. Next, his hands eagerly slipped southward, and began slipping her pants down her shapely legs, followed by her panties if she didn't stop him.Now completely nude, Tails pressed himself against her body, caressing and sliding his hands up and down her figure as he returned to kissing her. Bernie did not protest. Her shirt, and later her bottom clothing was quickly tossed aside without a fight. She now lied naked under the faint light of the room as Tails stood on top of her. Soft gasps filled with excitement slipped out of her mouth while his hands caressed her everywhere. Up her thighs, her bossom, her shoulders, kissing her neck, her lips, er nipples..."O oh...Tails...I'm s so heated..." Said the hedgehog milf. "I...I need you to do something for me..."With that she shuffled a little away from Tails, opening her legs to reveal her aching slit to him. As she softly panted with each set of words she asked him. "P please Tails, lick me down there...taste me..." To say that Tails was enjoying himself as he kissed, caressed, and fondled Bernie's body would be an understatement. He was practically on cloud nine as he pleasured her, particularly as he began to realize just how much she was enjoying his attention. Her gasps of excitement were like music to his ears, encouraging him to continue.As she began to ask him for something though, he paused and tilted his head curiously, then blushed profusely as she spread her legs and made her request known. Considering the fact that he was still rather inexperienced when it came to this sort of thing, he couldn't help but worry a little that he might not be up to the task...but his excitement motivated him to try regardless, so he nodded his head and leaned in."H Here I go..." he said, taking hold of her hips as he came in closer, marveling at how wet Bernie had already become. Soon he was licking at her slit tentatively, lapping up some of her juices, slowly but surely sliding his tongue inside to go a little further. Berne's jerked back, her soft pants turning into a loud moans. "O ooooh! "Eyes widening, mouth open. her whole body was washed by a powerful wave of pleasure. Her body spasmed for a moment Her moans kept going, hands gripping at the couch. "O ooh...ooooh Tails...ooooh!..."It just felt so good to her. And for him it tasted so good. Something pushed him to go further, do more for her... Bernie's moans were more than likely a sign that Tails was on the right track, so rather than back off or keep to the same pace, he sped up the movements of his tongue, going deeper into her pussy while sensually rubbing and caressing her hips whenever she spasmed.The taste of her juices were sweet, and as his tongue moved in small circles, it stumbled upon her clit, and as it produced the strongest reaction yet, he began to focus on that area, running his tongue over it every so often to stimulate her more and more. "Yes! Yess!! A ahh!" Bernie kept moaning. Her hands traveled up her own frame before gripping upon her bossom. She started to firecly knead and stroke her own breasts, all while gasping in delight. "Oh Tails....ooh...."She was not showing any resistance. She'd do as he wanted... While part of Tails wanted to see if he could take Bernie over the edge this way, another part of him was growing far too excited to continue the more and more he heard Bernie gasp and moan, watching her groping herself. Eventually he retreated from between her legs to catch his breath, and gazed down at the mature and sexy hedgehog woman with lust in his eyes."M Mrs. Hedgehog...I can't wait anymore..." he said in embarrassment, glancing down st his rock hard cock, throbbing almost painfully now with how aroused he'd become. "C Can I put it in?" He asked, already beginning to rub and grind his manhood against her slick slit, pressing his swollen helm into her pussy. Bernie continued to massage her breasts while the young fox kept eating her out. Tails was so eager to jump into things, which enthusiasm manifested in a really through licking Making her moan in great delight. Her he and spikes resting on the arm of the couch while the young Mobian kept giving her an experience she hadn't had in a long while...The hedgehog mother was rather surprised when, after a while, Tails back away from pleasuring her. She was even a bit sadden, since the pleasure had stopped. "H huh? What's going on "And then Tails asked to go all the way, it certaintly made Bernie blush. He was so hard. It was really true that he found her so attractive. Small bolts of pleasure coursed through her when his length rubbed softly against the tip of her folds and labia, letting tiny gaspes of hot air escape through her mouth."I it's okay. Do it..." She said to him, reassuring him that everything was okay while the mobian leaned a bit more forward. After coming so far, it would have been horrible to stop now, so Tails was quite relieved when Bernie gave him the go ahead to continue, and nodded his head eagerly...even if said eagerness left him quite embarrassed as well.Pressing his body lustfully against her own as she leaned forward, Tails began pushing his cock forward in earnest, and soon felt himself properly entering her pussy warm and wet inner walls wrapping around the length of his manhood, Tails groaned in pleasure, wrapping his arms around Bernie and holding her close. It was just as intense a sensation as it had been with Princess Sally, leaving his head spinning as he tried to adjust.Acting on instinct, his hips began to move, sliding his cock out of Bernie's womanhood, only to shove it back in, going a bit deeper than before. He gasped at the sensation, nuzzling against Bernie as their bodies collided, and began to kiss her, searching for her tongue with his own and wrestling with it. "Aaaaahn " Bernie gasped when the hard member pushed inside of her. Her walls enveloping the hardened cock with such delight. Her own arms acted similarly to his, going for the tight grasp around eachother's bodies as their mouths came to meet n a heated tongue showdown...It just felt so good. Tails had such a nice cock that she was sure he could find a girl no problem in the future. Still, she was honored he'd pick her for such an intense fucking.Her fears and hangups were mostly locked away in her mind right now, letting her desires loose as she caressed the boy's head while making out, her legs wrapping around his waist while the couch rocked and creaked softly."I it's're d oing great, Tails. Oooh..." She managed to let out in between kisses. Her chest bouncing slightly between her body and the fox's. Amorously kissing Bernie again and again as they held one another so tightly, Tails groaned against her lips with each renewed entry into her pussy, and was quickly motivated to quicken his rate of thrusts, reaching even deeper into her womanhood as she wrapped her legs around his waist.It all felt so amazing his cock throbbed wildly inside her pussy every time he thrust it forward, and their tongues slid against one another in between passionate kisses. It felt even better to hear Bernie praise his efforts, and it motivated him to slap their hips together even more forcefully.The couch was shaking and shifting bit by bit as a result of their lovemaking, joining the soft thumping sounds of their bodily collisions and pants and moans that were filling the room. Soon Tails was forced to end the kissing to catch his breath, and looked down at Bernie lustfully as he continued his work. "M Mrs. Hedgehog ! A Aaah...!" Tails was met with more moans from Bernie, too entranced in the strong pleasure to really give out any coherent wording. She kept holding on to the young mobian as the sounds of her own moans, Tails' gasps and the wet noises of their lovemaking enveloped the living room they were in.It had been so long since she had any intimacy with someone. Except with herself, of course. Having a son that is always on the move meant a lot of days alone, which means tons of moments for one to relieve oneself, be it in her room, here, the bathroom...Heck, it had only been a couple of weeks since she decided to take care of herself in this very couch Fingering herself while watching an adult video and now she was letting such a young yet virile boy pound her with all his might.She admired, once or twice she toyed with the idea. Perhaps invite one of the hard working soldiers of the Resistance for a nice cup of coffee and a good time...or perhaps inviting one of Sonic's friends in. However, she never had the guts to actually do it. She was not like Vanilla, who was way more...spontaneous, for lack of another word at the moment. Still, enough thoughts to fuel her imagination in those lonely nights in bed...But now, she was actually doing it. Making love with Tails out of everyone. It felt so liberating, so invigorating..."T tails...I'm...I'm gonna..." She shouted. Thrusting into Bernie's wet, warm, tight pussy again and again with reckless abandon, Tails held the hedgehog woman tightly to his chest just as she held him, and moaned in near incoherent pleasure as the two came closer and closer their respective limits. Bernie in particular seemed to be trying to give voice to that end, but rather than cease his efforts, he redoubled himself, thrusting harder and harder and deeper and deeper.It would likely become clear that Tails was intending to push Bernie over the edge as powerfully as possible, and as the next several minutes passed, the young fox was soon at the edge himself, and with one final thrust as deep into her womanhood as he could manage, he had a powerful orgasm that left him moaning loudly for a long moment, and collapsed on top of Bernie as he rode it out."A Aaah...hah...Mrs. Hedgehog..." Tails's panted as he rest against her breasts, hardly able to believe what they'd just done...but very happy that they had. Bernie panted after such a strong orgasm, which she had moments before his. Such an intense moment, followed by such a calm within her mind and body. Tails rested upon her bossom, a mixture between a hot and adorable sight. Her clothes discarded on the room, but she didn't mind.She cupped Tails by the chin to lift his head off her chest a bit before planting another hungry, but slower kiss upon him. Much shorter, but still good.She then parted. "That felt amazing, Tails. I I know we shouldn't have...b had been so long. Thanks..." And that's when she gasped, cheeks reddening. She could still feel him, inside of her amongst all the seed he shot His cock twitched inside of her which made a soft moan escape her lips. Her was quickly getting erect once again, that kiss she gave him really seemed to be of his liking..."Do you...want to do more?" Asked Bernie, still unable to believe of what she was saying, "We could the bedroom..." Tails blinked in surprise as Bernie suddenly cupped his chin a moment or so after their intense orgasms, and blushed as she kissed him slowly, her deeply. Such a warm sentiment so soon after what they'd just done together practically had his tails spinning, and there was a bashful smile on his face as their lips parted and she spoke up."Y You're welcome..." he said sheepishly, feeling much the same as she did about what they'd done. It was around that time that he noticed his manhood was growing erect within her pussy again, and his blush darkened as Bernie moaned softly. That kiss she'd given him had gotten him excited again, and he couldn't help himself...And when Bernie asked if he wanted to continue, Tails hesitated for only a few seconds before nodding his head in a mixture of embarrassment and eagerness. "I I'd like that..." he said, looking in the direction of the bedroom before kissing her himself this time. Bernie shuffled to move out, Tails' half hard prick sliding off her slit alongside a bit of cum that smeared a bit of the couch. Didn't matter, she thought, as she could clean later. A bit wobbly after such an orgasm, the indigo hedgehog made her way into her room, first signalling Tails to say put before she went inside. Was she preparing something first?Eventually, she spoke. "Y you can come in now..." She said. She sounded nervous.When Tails walked inside his eyes locked hard upon her. Here was Bernie, half laying upon the bed, wearing the same black lingerie set he had seen her pull out when she was getting dressed. The precious undergarments fitting on her body just right."W what do you think?" She asked, blushing, "It's been a while since I last wore this for somebody..." Waiting outside Bernie's bedroom as patiently as possible, considering the situation, Tails tilted his head curiously as she eventually gave him permission to enter, wondering why she suddenly sounded so nervous. After what they'd already done together, what was there to be nervous about?Once Tails walked in though, his jaw dropped, and his erection grew more rigid at the sight of Bernie in that seductive lingerie she didn't know he'd seen her mulling over earlier that same day. Blushing himself at the reaction it was having on him, Tails quickly nodded his head as she asked how she looked, and came closer."Y You look...amazing..." he breathed as he joined her on the bed, his erection proof positive of his word. Slowly, he reached out to begin massaging her large breasts through her lingerie, scooting closer to her on the bed, and kissing her neckline. Bernie let out a series of short gasps as Tails kissed her neckline. Each one felt like a small but pleasing jolt of electricity, coursing through her whole body. She let the young fox get close to her, caress and fondle her body through the sexy underwear. As she could see it had definitely gotten his approve. His throbbing erection back to full force being the biggest sign of it.She softly then laid Tails upon his back, then moved downwards. Reaching his cock, she then started to give a series of soft kissed across the shaft mixed with small but slow licks that causing his whole body to shiver. "Mmmm..." She softly moaned, adding to the sensuality in the air. She kept kissing and licking all over his rod, as well as softly sucking on the tip. Smiling bashfully as Bernie laid him down on the bed, Tails began to shiver as the mature hedgehog woman softly kissed and licked his manhood, feeling especially sensitive after everything they'd already done so far. It had his cock twitching and throbbing from the pleasure, and the young fox groaned in delight as she continued."Mrs. Hedgehog...a ah...that feels so good..." he panted. She had him right where she wanted him, and she'd only just begun! How long he lasted against this would likely be completely up to her, and how long she wished to tease him. "Just call me Bernie...Mmm..." She said before taking the whole ehad into her mouth, eagerly blowing on it and giving Tails even more pleasure. It was similar to how Sally did it But that just showed how good it feels.She kept going for a while, but eventually stopped, Moving on top of him before another passionate kiss, she caressed his body as she positioned on top, then, her hand went for the back of her bra, undoing it and tossing it aside. Then she moved her panties to the side, not fully removing them before lowering upon his lengths. "Nggh...i is this fine by you, Tails?" Enduring Bernie's pleasurable blowjob as best as possible, Tails panted and gasped for breath as she took him further into her mouth, and felt himself growing more and more excited with each passing moment. It would have been easy for her to take him over the edge in this manner, but it seemed that Bernie had more in mind than that, and he watched with interest as she climbed on top of him and shared another kiss with him.His eyes widened as she removed her bra and exposed her bountiful bosom once more, and he groaned as she pressed herself down on his manhood, sliding himself into her pussy. He nodded his head bashfully as she asked if he approved, and reached up to begin fondling her breasts, letting his fingers sink into her flesh. "I It's fine with me, B Bernie..." Bernie continued to moan as she rode Tails, a slight trail of saliva sliding down her mouth as her breasts were eagerly massagd by the fox's hands. The ebd creaked and bounced. Way comfier than the couch one'd admit."'s been so long.." She moaned as she arched back, her hips gyrating so strongly. "Take me good, Tails. Take me so gooood..."She had fully surrounded to this naughty naughty idea. Such a young mobian fucking her, Sonic's best friend out of everyone. She loved it. Tails could do whatever he wanted to her. Squeezing and massaging her breasts as Bernie grinded and gyrated on his cock rather forcefully, Tails groaned approvingly of her actions, and began moving his own hips as well, slowly but surely matching her rhythm. Each meeting of their hips was like an electric jolt through his body, motivating him to work that much harder beneath her to please her. Her inner walls were already clamping down on his length once more, leaving him panting and gasping in pleasure as he thrust himself up into her again and again."B Bernie...ahhh " he moaned, feeling the bed squeak and shift beneath him as their bodily collisions shook the mattress. As one hand began to lightly pinch her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, another slipped sensually down her chest to her waist, holding her by her shapely curves to help her steady herself and work even harder on his manhood. Bernie couldn't think, just ride this wonderful feeling coursing through her body. Tails definitely had talent More than she ever expected in such a young Mobian. This drove her to speed up more, riding much more wildly as each descend on his length caused her to moan in delight."Y yes...more...make me feel young and goood..." She gasped, her whole body trembling when he started to tease her nipple. She wondered who had he been before, but quickly dismissed it. It wasn't nice to be comparing mates Besides, it was just them right now. Nobody but the two in their lovemaking."Oooh Tails its feels amazing...d do more please!" It was exciting, knowing that he was pleasing Bernie so with his lustful actions, and Tails grunted and groaned with exertion as the two of them plowed their bodies together with more and more force, feeling his cock thrust up further and further into her pussy each time. His manhood was throbbing madly within her now a sign of his own physical enjoyment of their lovemaking, and he looked up at her in awe as she wildly dropped down onto his lap again and again.As she asked him to do more and more to her body though, he suddenly had a idea that was quite lewd in nature, looking to her heaving bosom. Without any warning, he leaned up and forward, and began suckling upon her breasts like a greedy baby. An instinctive act, he ran his tongue over her nipple as he suckled, continuing to work his hips up and down beneath the hedgehog woman as he did, waiting to see what her reaction would be to his impulsive move. Tails' sudden action quickly caught Bernie by surprise, however, when the boy started to eagerly suckle upon her nipple, the mature hedgehog woman could do little but to jerk back her head softly and let a soft but long moan out. "Oooooh...Tails..."It felt just so good, her hands holding upon her head pushing him to keep going, all while his other hand continued to grope her other boob and his hips kept ramming hard upon her core.She kept moaning, calling in delight for what it felt for a long time. the rocking of the bed appeared endless until it started to accelerate. "T tails...I'm going to..." She called once more, a second orgasm finally within her reach.Her inner walls clamped around his length, causing even more friction and she went up and down frantically. "I...ah...Taiiiils!!" She cried out in another strong climax, her body shaking before feeling her energies fleeting Needing to hold on to Tails in their current position in order to not bring them both down against the bed."Incredible..." She muttered. She didn't think she could continue anymore tonight. But that was just cause it had been so long This felt amazing... Continuing his concentrated work upon her breasts as she bounced vigorously up and down in his lap in time to his powerful upward thrusts, Tails moaned and groaned against her bosom as she did much the same, enjoying the sound intermixed with the shifting of the bed beneath them. As her cries grew more and more intense, and her pussy tightened around his cock, he didn't need to hear Bernie's vocal warnings that something was coming, as he was feeling the same, leaving them both working towards release.And that release came not long after her own gasping loudly as he pulled his head from her breasts, Tails held Bernie as tightly as she did him as his orgasm washed over him, coating her inner walls with a burst of his seed. A long moment passed as the two rode out the warm afterglow of their lovemaking, and Tails looked into Bernie's eyes bashfully as she commented on how pleasurable it had been, nodding his head in agreement.Nuzzling against her as they eventually settled into the mattress, Tails kissed her softly as they snuggled in each other's arms, feeling as though they were about to drift off for the night into a pleasant slumber... Before Tails knew, day had finally arrived. Sunshine softly caressed his face to wake him up, only to find himself still resting his head upon the soft bossom of Bearnie.His awakening causing her to yawn and wake up as well, her eyes glancing at the young fox as well with a smile. "Morning, Tails...."Her arms were still around him in an embrace, her fur brushed against his. "Looks like you slept rather well. So relaxed..." "Good morning, Bernie..." Tails replied sheepishly as he began to wake up, smiling to find himself still comfortingly settled within the hedgehog woman's warm embrace. Snuggling against her softly, he nodded his head as she spoke of how well he'd slept. "I did. It was very...comfortable." He admitted with a blush.He wouldn't have minded staying in this position for some time longer, but after a minute or two he started to pull away from Bernie's embrace, sitting up in bed. "U Umm...would you mind if I took a shower while I was here?" He asked, tilting his head. Briefly, the thought of the two of them together in a warm and steamy shower came to him, but he dismissed it. Surely she wouldn't want to do that, right? "Not at all..." Bernie replied. "You're more than welcome. You're almost part of the family after all."It felt so weird to say that, she felt. Specially after what they have done. Still, a bond was there, even if a brand new one created from not just love, but desire. She was quick to get Tails back on her embrace Her breasts pressed against his back."In fact...we could save some time if we bathe together...don't you think?" She murmured. Deep down she was thinking she was going nuts, yet on the other, wanted to spend more time with Tails before he'd inevitable have to leave."Come on. I'll get the shower ready..." The war water poured down upon our mobian hero. He could feel the soreness and exhaustion of what had transpired starting to wash away. His muscles relaxed and his mind way clearer.That is until the beautiful hedgehog mother slide the glass curtain and stepped in alongside him. Her whole naked body on display already making his rod twitch in anticipation."Mmm, the water feels great." Bernie said, before moving closer to Tails. "Tails, dear. Do you need me to help you wash?" Tails stiffened in more ways than one as Bernie softly hugged him from behind, pressing her large breasts against his back, and shivered as her warm breath tickled his ear upon her request. The idea of his secret request being granted was more than a little exciting the image of Bernie soapy and wet particularly so, and he was quick to nod his head in agreement."O Ok..." he stammered, getting up and preparing to follow her as she led the way towards the bathroom. He was a little nervous, even after what they'd already done together so far, but he was also happy to get to spend a little more time with Bernie before he had to leave and return to the trials and tribulations of the world. Sighing in relief as he felt the warm water cascading down his shoulders, Tails leaned against the wall of the shower as steam began to fill the room. He was still sore and somewhat drained from the intense battles of the last couple of days, particularly from the fight against the DYNAMAC, so it felt good to let his muscles unwind.That suddenly changed as Bernie stepped into the shower with him though, and Tails could already feel himself hardening at the sight of her sexy and nude body. It was a little embarrassing, prompting Tails to blush and attempt to hide his erection somewhat."S Sure...I mean, if you don't mind..." he replied a few seconds after she asked if he needed help washing up. In truth, he could have gotten his back using his twin tails, but felt it would have been rude to refuse. Bernie smirked and leaned closer, "Then allow me..."She quickly got her hands soapy and started to spread them across the boy's back. It felt so soothing, almost as if she was massaging him. This mixed with the warm water pouring down made for an amazing combo.She closed the gap between them, suddenly pressing against him. The young fox could feel her round breasts pressing against the soapy back, almost rubbing slightly against it while her hands started to work his front. Tails shivered as he felt Bernie's wet, soapy hands working their way across his back soft and soothing, it practically felt like a massage, and he began to feel warm and almost lightheaded from the pleasure working it's way through his muscles. As she came closer and pressed against his back though, he felt himself stiffening once more, and let out a shaky breath at the sensation of her breasts pressing against his back."A Ah...Bernie..."As her hands worked their way around to his chest, he shivered even more, feeling her fingers massage his front. It was all just so relaxing, yet exciting at the same time! So exciting was it, that his erection was only growing stronger and stronger with each passing second, and as her hands got lower and lower, he couldn't help but grow nervous that she would stumble across it, yet excited for what she might do if she did."S Sorry...I can't really help it..." he mumbled when it was inevitably discovered, blushing furiously as he felt his cheeks heat up from both embarrassment and the heat of the water. Bernie blushes when her hands reached the hardened rod. So firm, just as when they did last night. Her cheeks blushed, but her mind didn't back from it. At this point she fully embraced the idea of doing it with this young man. Or maybe more.A new awakening for her, in a way. And so, Tails was surprised by both hands gripping the throbbing member and slowly start stroking him. "It's okay, Tails...I know you need this...feels good?" Gasping as Bernie gripped his cock with both hands before softly starting to massage the length of his shaft, Tails looked over his shoulder bashfully into her eyes, and slowly nodded his head as she spoke. "Y Yes...a ahhh..." He could feel himself growing weak in the knees the longer she stroked him, but locked his legs together to keep himself on his feet, already beginning to take more rapid breaths from her work." feels g good..." he continued, that lightheaded sense growing stronger as her touch combined with the sensation of her breasts on his back and the warm water worked together to pleasure him. His cock was completely rigid in Bernie's hands by this point, twitching and throbbing excitedly from her touch, and he closed his eyes and groaned, enjoying the moment. Her stroking continued, her whole body feeling hotter against his all while thir breathing became almost a rhythm. Her body soon started to start moving slightly up and down. Her soapy breasts rubbing eagerly against his back while Bernie moaned softly."Ah...ah..." She then elaned in and whispered. "T tails, if you want to do anything to me...I won't mind..." Bernie's moan as she began rubbing her breasts against his back was like a signal that switched on something within Tails's mind, and even if she hadn't given voice to her own desires, he thought that he might have been able to see them for himself, and as she whispered into his ear, he slowly turned around to face her, still panting as she stroked his erection, and reached out to let his hands sink into her large, soapy breasts.Soft, wet, and smooth against his fingers, Tails massaged and caressed them eagerly, looking into Bernie's eyes the whole time as they touched and pleasured each other. Then suddenly, they were passionately kissing. Lips pressing together amorously as their tongues went to war with one another, Tails moaned, clearly enjoying himself, and pressed his cock against her midsection as she continued stroking his length. Their making out lasted for a while. Bernie moaning some more into his mouth as her breasts were groped and toyed with, all while ehr hands kept pumping upon the long cock of Tails.This eventually lead for the indigo hedgehog to back away, panting softly. With a simple nod, as she stopped her stroking, she gave the signal that Tails could move in further. Whatever way he wanted to fuck her, she'd be okay with it. Left panting himself as the two parted from their amorous kisses and caresses, Tails stepped closer, pressing her against the wall of the shower and angling his cock to slide in between her thighs, he grasped her by the hips and forced his manhood up into her slick, wet cunt. It entered easily, given their situation, and he groaned softly at the sensation of her inner walls wrapping around him.Wasting little time, he began thrusting his hips back and forth, sliding his cock in and out of her pussy, forcing it a little bit deeper with each collision of their bodies. Soon the shower was filling with the sounds of their lustful gasps and moans, alongside the wet slapping of their bodies, and Tails looked into Bernie's eyes as he worked, watching for signs of her own pleasure and how to make it better for her. Bernie let herself be pounded by Tails in rapid motion. A continuous set of moans escaped her while the warm water still poured down on her. Her soapy body rubbed against his. Her back pinned against the shower wall while her arms wrapped around him."Yess...more...f fuck this mother more!!" She exclaimed, completely entranced into the sex. It had been so long and now she was no longer restrained, she could wash away all those insecurities. "Ah Tails, you're amazing!" Slamming his cock into Bernie's pussy again and again as she moaned and cried out sensually, Tails shivered at the sensation of her wet and soapy body rubbing against his in time with the collisions of their bodies, and reached down to lift up one of her legs as she wrapped her arms around him, giving him greater leverage with which to pound into her."A Ah...and you good...!" he replied as she praised his efforts, going even harder and faster as a result. Leaning in, he caught her lips with his own and resumed amorously kissing her, wrestling with her tongue in between moans and groans of pleasure. Bernie kept moaning and moaning into his mouth. She did not need any more words of encouragement, only the raw sex they were having. This kept going and going, alas this one much shorter, but only because of how good it felt.Her motions increased speed, aching for that powerful release one more time.She broke from the kiss as she also couldn't contain herself, "Oh oh oh...oooh...y yess.." Bernie wasn't the only one picking up speed, as Tails's hips were moving faster and faster with each passing second, thrusting with more and more force. The fox gasped for breath as Bernie inevitably pulled away from their heated kisses, and moaned alongside her as the two worked towards a powerful release.And when that release finally came, Tails cried out and buried his face into the crook of Bernie's neck, thrusting into her pussy one final time before he came.Shivering as he rode out the intense high of his orgasm, Tails remained pressed against Bernie as the water fell upon their bodies, and grinned bashfully. "H Hah...ahh...that was...the best shower I've ever had..." Some time passed, and the two actually finished the rest of the shower normally. Reducing to only caresses and kisses. The two were now at the living room, Bernie already dressed as she cleaned a bit. Tails also was back into his clothing."I hadn't felt so energized in a long time, Tails. I am really thankful for doing this with me." Said the indigo hedgehog. "I I know it was something I shouldn't...b but it felt so good almost made it better..."Bernie then blushed and chuckled. "I I'm sorry. I must sound like such a pervert saying that! Haha!" After some time spent playfully caressing and kissing one another in the shower in the aftermath of their intense lovemaking, Tails and Bernie finished cleaning themselves up, and once that was done, adjourned to the living room. By then, Tails was back in his normal clothing, and Bernie was dressed as well although that didn't stop the young fox from being as attracted to her as ever and he was preparing to leave. It had been a good visit in more ways than one but he had to get back to business sooner or later, after all."I had fun too, Mrs. Hedgehog, I I mean...Bernie." Tails replied, blushing a bit as the hedgehog spoke of how much she had appreciated Tails's presence...even if it had been naughty. Coming a little closer, he wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug, and stole a quick, but still deep kiss from her before stepping back with a bashful grin on his face."I It's ok. I don't mind." he said, finding it more than a little arousing. Scuffing his foot against the floor a little, he shyly met her eyes. "U Um...if it's ok with you, maybe I can come back sometime?" he said, opening the door as he prepared to leave. Bernie was caught by surprise by the sudden kiss, but welcomed it in an instant. Even adding her tongue for a deep passionate one. Their lips parted and she smiled."Oh, I'd love too. I I mean, if Sonic is not around, you're more than welcome to come and spend the time with me...there is so much fun we can have together." She blushed as she said the last bit, insinuating very clearly that he was free to visit her for a good sensual time..."Althought I'd suggest you go see Princess Sally. I'm sure she and the other Freedom Fighters may need your help. Good luck, Tails. I believe that you can find my son..."As the fox mobian walked out of the house, the woman waved goodbye, already hoping to see him again soon... Tails smiled as Bernie agreed with the idea of him returning to spend more time with her sometime in the future, already finding himself looking forward to that time, and nodded his head. "Thank you. I'll do my best, and try to come back soon!" he said as he stepped outside, waving over his shoulder at the hedgehog woman, and taking off into the air to fly to his destination.Taking Bernie's advice to heart, Tails decided to return to the Castle to see Princess Sally, and see if there was anything he could help with. One short flight later, he was landing in front of Castle Acorn and on his way inside, asking the guards where he could find the Princess and the rest of the Freedom Fighters, and heading that way. The guards were happy to guide him through, crossing from hallway to hallway until reaching down to a set of stairs down, leading into a basement chamber. Inside was a familiar sight after a door automatically opened with him setting foot. A series of monitor screens by a big screen computer and a series of servers and computers. This was the Resistance Bunker they used during the Phantom Ruby incident.In there there were three people: Sally, currently checking some info on a smaller screen Nicole, who was hovering next to her, and Bunnie who was simply stretching as she waited. With the young fox's arrival, everyone looked his way."Well there's our lil' hero." Bunnie said excited."Welcome, Tails. I hope you don't mind. We're still using the Resistance Bunker for now since theSky Patrol is still damaged." Sally explained, "Rotor is on his way to the crash site to start repairs, but it's a long trip. He insisted to be there tho."A male voice suddenly interrupted,"Of course. The Sky Patrol is one of my bigegst work, no way I'm letting just anyone fix it back to shape!"Tails could ehard Rotor the Walrus' vocie coming from a device of his. It was hisMiles Electric, currently placed on a table."Heh, sorry you can't come with me, Tails. But the gals kind of need you over there.""Yes, you kind of left your Miles Electric at the castle the other day..." Sally commented, although with a bit of stutter that seemed to fly by the others. Our hero could see her blushing a bit, clearly reminding him when did he left it there, that particular night..."Either way, with the badnik's level currently on the green and the defense towers now at 80 power, I think we can start on taking back what we lost after the war with Eggman. And that's where we need your help, Tails." She then handed him his PAD device back to him. She looked to the Holo Lynx beside her, giving her a nod before Nicole, hovered in the air and manifested a screen.From said screen one could see a series of pcitures and schematics of some sort of tower. "Our first priority now should be in repairing our connections to the rest of the kingdom. This Communications Tower was one of our biggest points to keep a transmittion link between cities easier Or it was until Eggman's attack." Sally ExplainedNicole floated close to Tails, looking at the fox as she said, "I tried to re activate it remotely, but it seems to be entirely disconnected from the web. We need someone to give it a manual reboot...""And that's where you come in. You're practically one of the smartest guys I know. It'll be a breeze!"Rotor added in."So, i reckin' there's probably gonna be some Badniks or Egg PAwns that need a whooping, right?" Bunnie asked."Yup." Sally said with a smirk and a pepy nod, "While not many, there are still some aimless bots still circling the perimeter. Easy pickings really but Tails could use the support."The half robian rabbit grinned. Her hand splaced on her hips as she exclaimed "Then count on me, Sally gal!""Anything in your mind, Tails?" Asked the squirrel princess. Following the Guards down into a basement chamber, Tails quickly recognized it as the Bunker he and the rest of their friends had used as their headquarters during the Phantom Ruby incident, and was filled with conflicting emotions at the sight. On the one hand, it represented the mobians' ability to stand up to Eggman and his forces, even without Sonic there to inspire them, but those had been dark times that had very nearly ended in disaster...and Tails hadn't exactly been at his best during those times.But they'd come through in the end, and Tails had taken the incident as reason to improve himself to try and stand on his own without having to rely on Sonic all the time. With that thought in mind, he entered the Bunker, smiling at the sight of three friends. "Hi, everyone!" he greeted as the girls all looked up at his entrance, waving as Bunnie in particular spoke up."I get it. We've got most everything we need here." Tails replied as Sally explained why they were still using the Bunker, rather than the Sky Patrol, which had been damaged and was still in need of repairs. Speaking of which, Rotor had gone to take care of that himself, and the fox jumped slightly as his voice cut in from his data pad, theMiles Electric, which he'd left behind...the other night.Mirroring Sally's slight blush at the thought of what the two of them had done together that night, Tails tried to focus on the task at hand, nodding his head and accepting the PAD back as Sally explained that they needed his help. "Whatever you need, I can handle it!"Together, Sally and Nicole explained that a Communication Tower on the outskirts of their current territory needed to be manually repaired and restarted in order to help them begin the process of reorganizing, and Tails was needed to do the job. Bunnie would be coming along to provide a little muscle in case the badniks in the area caused trouble. "I can handle it." he repeated with a nod of his head, trying to sound confident."When do we leave?" he asked with a grin, more than ready to do anything he could to help out. "I'd say it'd be best if you head there as soon as possible." Nicole stated. "I do agree. It shouldn't be too much problem."Everyone nodded in agreement and soon Tails and Bunnie made their way out of the bunker, Nicole simply desappearing back into her computer. Sally however quickly reached for the young Mobian and held his arm, yanking him softly to a corner away of anyone's sight."Tails...I..." Sally said, stuttering slightly, "I I just wanted to say that I really meant it when I said I enjoiyed what we did the other night. IT had been a while, and with me and Sonic deciding to part on that area, well...I kind of needed someone to make me feel nice...I know I have to focus back on work, but, i wanted to make that clear..."She was blushing agains, which this time she noticed and chuckles. "Hah, look at me. I'm look like such a dummy, don't I?" Tails paused as Sally grabbed him by the arm and pulled him out of sight, blushing again now that the two of them were alone, and listened intently as she spoke of what they'd done together and how she felt. He smiled bashfully as she finished, and shook his head before wrapping his arms around her and giving her a hug. "You could never look like that to me, Sally."And since they were alone, he gathered up his courage and gave her a deep, long kiss as well, feeling butterflies flitting about his stomach as he did. "U Um...I meant it when I said I was glad we did it too..." he said shyly when their lips parted, looking into her eyes. "D Do you think...w would it be alright..." Tails's blush deepened as he tried to find the words. "...could we do it again...sometime...?" Sally was surprised by the kiss, but quickly kissed back, arms around him. Oh, it felt so good.Parting lips,she looked at him blushing, smiling. "Of course! I'll look forward to it..." She had to focus on the mission, otherwise she'd be giving Tails a "reward" right about now...She waved Tails goodbye and returned to the bunker, unaware that a floating figure was watching them both from a secret hidding spot, blushing brghtly at what she saw... Eventually, Tails and Bunnie headed to the location of the communications tower. It wasn't too far away from Mobotropolis, amongst a trail and past a wooden bridge, on the upper spots of Green Hill Zone, the yellow Mobian passed through a series of threes and sunflowers to find a big radio tower made of steel and wood, by the looks of it Mobotropian architecture, that extended upwards.Bunnie also arrived to his spot, crouching a bit behind some bushed before taking a look. Some Motorbugs appeared to be guarding the place. It was hard to tell if they were the only ones around or they were acting as guards for more troops..."So sugar, do we go bashing everything, or do we sneak our way in?" asked Bunnie Unaware that his private, intimate moment with Sally had actually been not so private, Tails left Mobotropolis behind and made his way to the communications tower with Bunnie in tow. Once they'd arrived, they crouched down behind some foliage in order to scope out the scene, and the young fox could soon see that they weren't alone. A few minor badniks could be seen patrolling the area, leaving Tails to wonder if they were the only guards or if there were more unseen somewhere, ready to attack any intruders.Looking to Bunnie as she asked what he wanted to do, he put a fist into his palm and nodded his head. "We can handle some badniks, no problem!" he said with a grin. His own skills aside, Bunnie was a real powerhouse in a fight, so he wasn't particularly worried about whatever might be guarding the place. Besides, if they didn't clear out the badniks before they reclaimed the area, they might just break the equipment within the tower again.So with that in mind, Tails revved up a spin dash from their hiding spot, and shot out into the open, crashing into the nearest Motorbug and pinballing off it into another, destroying both in the process. "Let's do it to it!" "Heh, spoken just like the blue blur right there." Bunnie chuckled. Not surprised he could be just as courageous as Sonic is set his mind to. With a firm stance, the half robian transformed her arm into a cannon and started to take care of the aerial baddies while Tails focused on the ground troops.The Motorbugs broke into pieces as the radp spin spind dash hit them, our hero bouncing from badnik to bandik, liberating the small animals inside.Buzz Bombers attempted to shoot him down only for Bunnie to sweep by and destroy them. While she did Tails had a hard time not looking at her She was so strong and confident. But also she was quite a looker, always wore that skinsuit that accentuated her features, round breasts and a curvy figure that may even rival Bernie or other mature ladies...Some Egg Paws arrived from the bushes, probably being alerted of their sudden arrival. They carried spears of iron which they quickly threw in their direction. While the two were making quick work of the initial group of badniks outside the Communications Tower, Tails couldn't help but notice Bunnie's form toned and powerful in body, she was also very curvaceous with a very full, large chest that was only accentuated by the tight skinsuit she wore, and it was very hard not to stare even in the middle of the fight. Thankfully, Tails managed to keep his attention on the task at hand, and skidded to a stop after finishing up on the motobugs, dusting off his hands as the animals that had been trapped inside fled to safety."Well, that wasn't so bad " he started to say, only to be interrupted by the arrival of several Egg Pawns from the bushes, throwing spears at the two mobians. Jumping to the side to avoid the thrown weaponry, Tails rushed an Egg Pawn and spun in a tight circle, whipping his twin tails around at high velocity and smacking it away.From there, he jumped up into the air, tucked into a spinning ball, and landed heavily upon the Pawn before it could recover, shattering it's metal frame and shutting it down. Bouncing off of it and landing on the ground in a crouch, he came up and smacked another Pawn with a rising swing of his tails, hitting it up into the air. "You're up, Bunnie!" he called, having set up the Pawn for a shot from her arm cannon. Bunnie attempted at first to shoot the Egg Pawn, but its spiked shield was resistant enough to block her blast, but then came Tails to spin it around, making the bot drop its shield as it stood there, comically dizzy, before the young fox smacked it away with his tails, sending it to a tree and smacking against it, part of the bot's frame cracking in the process before shutting down.Then he rushed to another one, this time smacking it upwards into the air. As Tails called her, she smirked, "Right on, sugah!" Lunging her blaster arm forward she shot out a charged shot that went straight into the Egg Pawn, detonating it to pieces.Only a single Pawn remained, and it seemed to know at it comically looked around to see Bunnie and Tails standing in a battle stance in front of him, the former having descended from the air. Glancing from one to the other before frantically picking on the fallen spears of its peers and pointing it towards them. It'd be sad f it weren't also hilarious.But then, before the badnik could even rush at them, something caught everyone by surprise, bot included. A Egg Pawn spear suddenly pierced through the bot's body It turning its heads back to see another Egg Pawn, who seemed to be moving rather erratically having just stabbed it through.The Egg Pawn soon shut down and its aggressor simply pulled the weapon out of its destroyed frame. Something seemed odd about this new Egg Pawn It looked like the others, but at the same time the way it walked seemed strange It was constantly jittering, somewhat in a glitched fashion. Eyes started to glow red, a strange shocks of red electricity suddenly disaplying all over it. The Pawn started to wavle its arms and emit glitched sounds like crazy."Um, Tails. Do you know what could be happenin' with that there Ban Woah!!!"The Egg Pawn had suddenly lunged forward, at a surprised speed. Bunnie had leap to the side just in time to avoid a spear thrusted in the gut. The Egg Pawn then moved again, somehow moving super quick, before smacking the half robian on the back of the head with the blunt area of the weapon. Egg Pawns were not designed with this agility their frames ware not designed with that logic in mind! yet here it was this crazed bot breaking expectations. The Egg Pawn rose its arm at Bunnie as she was getting up. Suddenly charging a orb of concentrated energy, another thing its model usually was unable to do.Tails had to act quick!! Working together, Tails and Bunnie had made quick work of the group of Egg Pawns that had attacked them, soon leaving only one comically standing alone. Practically harmless on it's own, Tails might have been tempted to let it go, but before the two of them could decide on what to do with it, another Pawn joined the fray and destroyed it's comrade. "W What?" Tails wondered aloud as he observed the new Pawn, which was acting quite strangely. Jittering about with red electricity sparking off of it, he'd certainly never seen one quite like it before, and shared a confused glance with Bunnie as she too wondered what was going on.Before they could make heads or tails of it though, it was on the offensive, and Tails gasped in fear of his friend as she was knocked to the ground by the surprisingly fast malfunctioning Pawn. "B Bunnie!" he exclaimed in shock, eyes widening as the Pawn did something else he'd never seen before, charging up a concentrated orb of energy in Bunnie's direction.With no time to even rev up a spin dash, Tails charged forward as fast as his feet would carry him, and rammed himself shoulder first into the Egg Pawn, hopefully knocking it to the ground before it could fire upon his friend. "Leave her alone!" he shouted as he stood atop the Pawn, raising his tails and bringing them down like twin hammers on the machine's chassis. Bunnie winced, ready to get hit when the Egg Pawn was throws away by the powerful tail swipe. Eyes widening in surprise to see Tails saving her in the nick of time. The young fox had grown so much...The Egg Pawn was thrown away and into the ground, rolling into the grass. However, even with part of itself destroyed, it got up once more as more glitched cries came out.Bunnie this time was ready and started to fire up at it, while the badnik refused to perish. Tougher than an average Egg Pawn as well, the machine survived Tails' attack, and the young fox grimaced as it gave more glitched cries, wondering just how much damage it could take. Back on her feet now though, Bunnie was ready to help out, charging up her arm cannon once more, which gave Tails an idea. Tucking into a spin dash and rocketing forward, Tails shot past the malfunctioning badnik towards a tree trunk behind it, bouncing off of it and pinballing back towards the Pawn in the hopes of crashing into it's back.If done right, he would hopefully knock it off balance and sent it teetering towards Bunnie, who could finish it off with a powerful blast from her arm cannon. "You've got this, Bunnie! Take it down!" His plan worked, the Egg Pawn was send towards Bunnie, who fully charged her blaste, point blank upon its face and then fired. While durable, it was too much for the Egg Pawn to handle, and the strong energy expelled from the bunnie mobian caused the bot to torn apart into pieces.The strange energy did a faint humming noise before vanishing alongside its strange red sparks..."Good thing none of the bots that attacked Mobotropolis got like that. Now that'd have been a big issue..." Bunnie said. "Let's just head inside already. That seems to be the last of 'em."However, unknown to them, a figure lurked hidden behind the trees and vines. Not one of a robot, but Mobian..."Pitch to Leader, over. The buildings been occupied." Whispered the figure into his communicator. Do not recognize the rabbit, but the two tailed fox is with her, over...""Understood. Keep guard and do not move until my command. According to our data, he should be able to make it easier for us to take the tower, so await further calls...""Roger." Standing up and dusting himself off after Bunnie finished off the powered up Pawn with a blast from her arm cannon, Tails watched as the strange energy that had been coming from the badnik vanished, and looked down at what was left of the machine curiously. What had caused that strange energy? Where had it come from? Could more badniks do it? If so, like Bunnie said, it'd be quite the concern! Sadly, without enough of the badnik left to properly examine, there wasn't much Tails could do about it now, so he nodded his head in agreement as Bunnie voted they move inside."Right, let's head inside." Tails said, turning from the remains of the badnik and walking alongside Bunnie towards the entrance to the communications tower. Putting thoughts of the strangeness to the side for now, he looked to the girl with a smile as they walked inside. "You're so strong, Bunnie. I'm glad you came with me. I would have been in trouble, otherwise." he said earnestly.As beautiful as ever as well, Tails had to struggle not to look her up and down as they walked, and blushed a bit as he glanced away. "We make a pretty good team, huh?" "Yeah...thanks." She smiled back, although on the back of her head she felt upset, having been defeated by the Egg PAwn so easily It just helped tog row a feeling of self deprication that had been building for a while...Regardless, she knew they had a duty to fulfil, and so they made their way inside. A series of stairs lead both of them up. Sure, they could fly to the upper floors, but it was nice to just relax after the fight. Bunnie was going up first, so that meant that, as they continued, Tails was able to get a look at ehr shapely rear as they walked.Such lovely curves and cute tail swaying with her hip movements, all udner the tight purple skinsuit, was making Tails' desires start to grow more and more... Not quite picking up on Bunnie's internal dilemma, Tails continued on into the communications tower until they reached the stairs, and began to climb up after Bunnie as she led the way. All was quiet in the aftermath of the fight no more badniks seemed to be waiting for them inside the tower, so they were able to take it easy for the moment. Unfortunately, this gave Tails nothing else to concentrate on other than the gorgeous view of Bunnie's backside she was inadvertently giving him as she climbed the stairs, making him a little more excited with each passing step.The way her hips and ass swayed so alluringly with her steps up the stairs, her curves just begging to be explored, and the skintight view of her body through her was almost too much for him to handle. As things were, he couldn't help but stare, getting some very dirty thoughts about his longtime friend and near older sister figure."S are things with you and Antoine?" he asked suddenly, trying to distract himself with words and the fact that Bunnie was supposedly in a relationship, meaning he had no chance with her, even if he wanted to. "I haven't seen him since I've been back..." The dirty thoughts were hard to ignore, and he could feel hismelf starting to harden. Just the imagination of him touching, caressing that rear, maybe another hand touched her breast...bend her over like with Bernie and He managed to keep thinking on that by asking about Antoine, but that's when the mood dipped. Bunnie went quiet, trying to not face Tails directly. "Things been....complicated." She muttered. Her tone stopped sounding joyful.Her mechanical hand made into a soft fist, eventually ighed as she explained. "We decided...well...that things weren't working out..." Unable to keep himself from growing more and more excited the longer he stared at Bunnie, Tails could feel himself growing a little bit harder with each passing second. He was glad that Bunnie wasn't looking at him directly, so she couldn't notice, but it was still embarrassing. Thankfully, it grew a bit easier as Bunnie began to answer his question...even if it wasn't the answer he'd been expecting."W What? Really?" Tails replied in surprise as Bunnie explained that things weren't working out with Antoine. He'd never have expected to hear that. "I I'm sorry, Bunnie. What happened? I I mean, you two always seemed so close. We all thought that you'd probably get married someday..."Maybe he shouldn't have asked, since it seemed painful for Bunnie to talk about, but he couldn't help it. The two had been together almost as long as he could remember, so to hear this was quite the shock. Secretly though...was he feeling something else? His cheeks darkened at the thought, and he shook his head. This wasn't the time for that. He should try to be there for Bunnie instead. "I it's fine..." She explained, "Is just. didn't work out. We wanted different things, had different likes. He wanted to focus in his position as captain the the acorn army."She still smiled despite her tone, "We're still in contact and broke it off in good terms,'s still quite a new thing to get used to. I heard he met a nice girl soldier under his tutorin', I'm sure they'll hit it off great."She however, shook her head. "Still, we should focus on the task at hand, sugah." And with that they arrived at the control room. A series of panels and switches all over the room, carrying dust as it had been shut down for quite a while.Bunnie crossed her arms and glanced at him , "Well, time for you to show your skills, darlin'" Tails' wasn't entirely convinced that Bunnie was as fine as she claimed to be he knew how close the two of them had been, so for their relationship to end must have been a blow for the bionic rabbit. Hearing that Antoine may have already moved on couldn't have been easy for her either, and his heart went out for his friend. "I'm sorry, Bunnie..." he said again, not really sure of what else to say or do at the moment. Maybe a hug would have sufficed?Before he could think to give her one though, she reminded them that they should focus on what they were here to do, and they soon arrived at the control room. Judging by the state of things, it hadn't seen use in a long time, at least not since the Phantom Ruby incident, which would explain the problems they'd been having reactivating it remotely, so Tails stepped forward to see what he could do."R Right. I can handle this." he replied as Bunnie bid him to get started, thankful that she hadn't noticed his excitement. "It might take a little bit of time though, so you might as well get comfortable..."Walking up to the main console and experimentally pressing a few buttons and flipping a few switches to see what still worked, Tails then hunkered down and removed the bottom of a panel, sticking his head inside so that he could access the machinery. "I really am sorry to hear about it, Bunnie..." he said from inside as he started working. "I I hope you know though, you're not alone. You've still got friends Sally, Nicole...u um...m me..." Bunnie just watched him work. Knowing well she shouldn't be dwelling where is wasn't her strength. Still his words were encouraging, and so she smiled. "Thank you sugah..." It was a short smile, however, as thoughts continued to dwell.Eventually, Tails' tinkering bare fruit As he finished connecting some cables and pulling the mains witch, the lights on the console started to glow, indicating that the power was now recieving power.Now it was all a matter of turning it on and making the connection to the servers at the castle and the bunker... Pulling himself back out from within the console and dusting off his hands, Tails observed the power being restored with a small grin. He hadn't been worried that he wouldn't be able to restore it or anything, but it was still gratifying to see that he'd been able to do it with his own two hands. "Well, that wasn't so hard." Tails said to Bunnie, glancing her way for a few seconds, noting how she still seemed somewhat melancholy. "We should be done here soon. Just let me establish the connection to our other servers, and we'll be good to go."Returning his attention to the machinery, Tails booted up the menu and began working on establishing said connection. With the network already up and running in the other locations, it wasn't that difficult simply a matter of a few button presses and waiting for the upload to be complete and soon Tails sat back to watch as his work began to bear fruit." you want to do something when we finish up here, Bunnie?" he found himself asking, blushing a bit at his forwardness. "I I mean...we could...hang out, if you feel like it." Maybe that would cheer her up? Bunnie was caught by surprise by the offering. Still, she found the gesture cute and so she smiled. "Oh, um. Thanks for being so worried about me, Tails. I guess we could go take a bit after th "*CRASH*The sound of one of the windows surrounding the chamber breaking ringed in the two Mobian ears. Staring to their right they saw how something had pierced through the windows and into their feet. A grey cylinder rolled across the floor before stopping right in between them before a soft clicking noise was then heard. The tip of the cylinder opened and a thick mass of grey smoke was spelled, covering the whole room."Gah...what in tarnation " Bunnie couldn't see a thing, barely able to speak in that moment due to coughing. Still, both she and Tails heard another window breaking and felt the presence that someone else had arrived into the room.Shadowly figures could barely be seen due to the cover of the smoke. One seemed to push Tails away with a fierce kick to the side, sending him away from the control panel as the smoke dissipated.The clouds parted and our hero could see who it was, someone he had never seen. A mobian woman with an sleek frame and amber eyes. Of charcoal black fur on body and head, but also white on the hair, made into a ponytail, and muzzle Alongside her long tail. She wore a green camo patterned sleeveless top, black gloves and tight black pants alongside stylized combat boots and some kind of utility belt. The shape of her ears and long tail made the fox identify her as a Mobian of a Jackal species. She also appeared to carry a big shining crimson red blade in her hand.And she was not alone. Our heroes looked around two see three more Jackals, 2 males and a female, already surrounding them. One wore a green bandana around his head and carried with him a pair of small daggers on his hands The other wore a red beret and sport tape around his forearms And the second female was wearing some a brown jacket alongside camo patterned pants and wore some black glassed goggles."Secure the perimeter.Pitch,Selene, restrain hostiles." Spoke the jackal woman with the blade, prompting the guy with the bandana to smirk and throw a pair of daggers at Tails. Our mobian hero felt them stab, luckily not at his body, but at the fabric of his gloves with pin point accuracy Pinning the two tailed fox to the wall.Bunnie growled in anger and dashed towards him, but the apparent leader dashed to intercept, blocking Rabbot's mechanical fist with her blade before she delivered a slice that send our hernoine back But before she could activate her arm canon and knock her out like that, the other jackal woman with the goggles launched some sort of black ball at Bunnie, which exploded into a series of black wires that tangled around her body before tightening roughly Immobilising Bunnie, who fell to the floor struggling.The Jackal leader seemed calm and aloof throughout. "Good.Noct, stand by the exit Keep a lookout for any support they have."The jackal in the beret gave a quick two finger salute as he moved, "Got it, boss." He said, "Intelligence was right. Fox Boy here is one of the brains of their operation. Made it all easier."The leader simply walked to the console and connectedsomethingto it, some kind of weird drive. She started to type and press as a holographic screen manifested from the tower's systems A series of code lines and data being displayed."What do ya think you're doin'!?" Growled Bunnie."Relax. We're gonna finish here real soon." Said the Jackal with the bandana. Their leader didn't say a thing, just focusing on the data on screen... as well as creating one. Also the sword being used is the red one Infinite has in the pic. Just when it seemed as though Tails was getting somewhere with Bunnie, a sudden crash interrupted the peaceful scene, and the twin tailed fox turned to see a grey cylinder rolling on the floor. Before he could say or do anything though, it was suddenly filling the room with smoke, and he was overcome with a coughing fit as he tried in vain to see what was going on around him. He was able to hear another window being broken though, but before he could do much, he grunted in pain as he felt someone kick him hard in the side, sending him stumbling away from the computer consoles.The smoke was beginning to clear by this point, and Tails was able to see their attackers. It was a group of Jackal Mobians, being led by one tough looking woman in particular, carrying a wicked looking red blade. "W Who are !?" Tails started to say, only to be interrupted as the leader commanded her subordinates to restrain the two of them, resulting in Tails being pinned to the wall by throwing daggers stuck in his gloves.Bunnie tried to fight back, but after a short skirmish with the leader, another one of the subordinates had restrained her as well with a set of wires. The whole fight had taken maybe a minute, and both of the Freedom Fighters were down. That was going to be embarrassing to think about later."W What's going on!?" Tails exclaimed, watching as the leader walked up to the consoles and connected a drive to it, beginning to work silently. "Who are you guys?" The Jackal woman did not respond, simply concentrated on the data that was displayed upon the screen the files being taken and stored way too fast for Tails to even check what it was. However, and despite the dire situation, he couldn't help but glance at the Jackal girl's figure Her body was very curvaceous and while her clothing seemed to bind some of the bust up top, her tight yoga like pants leave little to the imagination and her shapely hips.Of course one would berate oneself to be oogling at your captor while this is happening but oh well. Regardless, the leader finished, pulling the drive out of the computer. "It is done.""You got what we came for, ma'am?" Asked the other girl JAckal in a soft speaking voice."As much as possible. Their database was heavily protected, had to back out before their AI could pinpoint our location." The leader replied. Tail could guess she meant Nicole. "Regardless, this is enough to give us a lead on where to find the remaining pieces..."She then proclaimed loudly. "Alright. Jackal Squad. Move out!"The group of mobians gave a instant. "Roger!" before quickly exiting the building, either by leaping down the stairs or the windows. Bunnie growled as she finally managed to break her binds."Ya'all ain't going nowhere!!" She shouted right to stop the leader, but the Jackal threw out another canister, this one blue which detonated into a powerful light A Flash Grenade. As she did so, she threw a wire hook from her hand, similar to the one a certain Resistance rookie had...And in one swing, she was gone. "Damnit!!" Shouted Bunnie angry, hitting her mechanical fist hard upon a wall, denting it. It was hardly the time to be thinking such things, but even as the leader of the jackals ignored his questions, he couldn't help but admit she was very attractive. Curvy in all the right places and with a bust that Tails suspected was larger than her bindings let on, she was a knockout. But again, this wasn't the time for such thoughts, so he tried to remain focused on what she was doing with all those files."Remaining pieces? What are you talking about?" Tails tried to ask as the Jackals cryptically spoke of their no avail, as they quickly began to make themselves scarce.Bunnie managed to break free of her bindings at this point and tried to stop the leader, but she was prepared for that tossing a flash grenade that blinded both Freedom Fighters long enough for her to escape...although not before Tails noticed her use of a familiar style of grappling hook.Once he could see again, he began working at getting loose himself, and once he was free, immediately ran to the console and booted it up. "They're gone, but maybe I can figure out what they were after?" He said, glancing worriedly at Bunnie as she vented on the wall.Just who were those guys, and what were they after? Bunnie didn't respond, just walked out and down the stairs. A mixture within anger and defeat as she kept her fist clenched and her gaze looking down. It was really disheartening.She just stepped outside, walking near a tree and resting her back against it. She knew Tails would worry at her outburt, she knew he'd eventually come out after her."Sigh. I keep screwin' things up, don't I?" She muettered. Unable to find any answers on the console and more worried about his friend than anything else at the moment Tails eventually gave up the search and left the room. Heading downstairs and walking outside, he spied Bunnie leaning against a tree and came closer. It wasn't often that he saw her so down even in dire circumstances, she was usually more optimistic so he couldn't help but worry for her."Bunnie, are you ok?" he asked, tilting his head worriedly. "You shouldn't blame yourself for what happened back there...I couldn't do anything to stop them either." he continued. " I should have been able to stop them. But I can't focus, as usual.." She shouted, quickly correcting herself. There was no reason why she should yell at tails. he was only worried."S just..." The half robian finally sighed as she explained, "The other day, I was helpin' Sally around the castle and I took a look at where the knights are and well..I saw Antoine..."She took a short pause, "Sure, we already split, but he was with her new lover...and well...they were...s she was..doin' things..." Her cheeks flushed, recallin' what she saw and then shook her head, "I I shouldn't be even tellin' you this, sugah... Tails jumped a little as Bunnie suddenly shouted at him, but remained by her side as she calmed herself and apologized. Soon she began to explain what her problem really was, and the young fox rubbed the back of his head as she spoke of Antoine and his new girl. "O Oh..." Tails replied, blushing himself at the implications of what Bunnie was saying. "I I'm sorry, Bunnie. That must have been awful..."Taking a deep breath and summoning his courage, he stepped closer to Bunnie and wrapped his arms around her for a hug. "I know it must be hard...but you'll find someone else..." he said, softly rubbing her back...trying not to think of how nice she felt pressed against him. "You're so sweet, kind, and considerate not to mention strong...and b beautiful." It was the worst time for it, considering he was just trying to make her feel better, but he could feel himself growing excited. "If Antoine can't see that...then he's just...not the one for you, that's all." Bunnie stood silent for a few moments, in self reflection. She could feel Tails' warm body against hers. Despite her mechanical arms and legs, she could still feel the sofness and warmth of his arms around her.And then came a thought...Without looking back at him, she simply spoke. "Tails. Do you...consider me attractive still?"Her metal hand rached his gloved on and encased it softly. ""I mean, more than just pretty....I mean in a more...intimate sense....?"She couldn't believe herself of what she was saying. But she needed to know... For a few minutes, neither one of them said anything, leaving Tails to do nothing but hold Bunnie against him, hoping that he was doing something to comfort her. Then she finally spoke again, prompting him to blink in surprise at her question. "I I..." he started to say, blushing as she took his hand in her metal one. It was easy to see that such a question had him tongue tied, but he did his best not to freeze up, looking into Bunnie's eyes as he tried to find the words."O Of course I do..." he finally managed to say after a few seconds. "Y You' great. I I mean, you're..." his cheeks darkened even more. "'re one of the most attractive girls I've ever met! I don't care about your...roboticized parts! I've always thought you were sexy! Anyone would be lucky to be with you! A And if it were me...I know I'd never turn you down!"Having blurted all that out, his eyes widened at his own forwardness, and he turned as red as possible. "I I...uh...I mean...umm..." Bunnie blushes alongside with him, eyes widened. To hear herself being called beautiful, worshiped with such tender and sweet words after she had felt she had lost the felt so comforting. It felt like the msot exciting thing she ever had...Releasing herself from the young fox's hug she looked straight at him. "Tails, sugah...that has been some of the darnest sweetest things anyone have told me in a while ..."Her hands released his, but just when the mobian was about to feel sad about it, she surprised him with something greater. Smiling softly, her own hands held on to her bodysuit, and then pulled downwards Her clothing being peeled off down to around her tummy. Her round breasts bounced freely, not even a bra restraining them as the nipples shower perked and excited.She blushed and continued, rather bluntly. "And darnit all...It has gotten me more eager and wet than I have been in weeks!"Her hips swayed as she walked slowly towards Tails again. Her hand held on to his once more but this time to lead her into her bossom. "Would you like to go through with what you said, sugah. I know I do " Tails was worried that he might have gone too far at first, but smiled bashfully as Bunnie informed him that what he'd said had been the nicest thing anyone had said to her in some time. He had meant every word. He was a little surprised when she suddenly let go of his hand though...but that surprise was nothing compared to what came next, and his eyes widened to the size of saucers as she pulled her bodysuit down to expose her luscious breasts to him."B Bunnie..." he breathed, jaw dropped open as she admitted the other effect his words had had on her, unable to keep himself from staring at her breasts. How many times in the past had he wondered what they must have looked like? To finally be able to see them he could have wept! Bunnie looked so sexy as she seductively walked towards him, that he could already feel himself growing hard, and he gulped as she took his hand once more and led it into her breasts."Y Yes..." he said with several quick nods of his head, unable to keep himself from softly squeezing her bosom once his hand was upon them. Incredibly soft, warm, and fuzzy, he let his fingers sink into her chest, and shivered in anticipation. Bunnie softly moaned. Her fingers dig upon her breasts with so much eagerness, while her whole body felt like electrifying. A strong feeling that she hadn't felt in a while with the exception of her own hands..."Y that, sugah. Keep going." She pleaded. Her body pressed against Tails, already feeling some of his hard one. "Do you like this? I can feel you're getting riled too...feels goood..."Her hands wrapped around the young lad. She knew he was young, but sort of gave it an even bigger thrill. That she was still beautiful and sexy enough to entrance even someone like Tails. Her body was already heated, the young mobian could even noticed something moistening between her legs. There was something about Rabbit Mobians, and that was that whenever they get going, they REALLY get going... Encouraged by Bunnie's words, Tails continued fondling and caressing her breasts, softly rolling them in his hands and pressing his fingers into her flesh. "Y're breasts feel great..." he admitted with a blush, grinning bashfully as she said that she too was enjoying this. He stepped forward into her embrace, letting his burgeoning erection press against her midsection, and shivered a bit when he discovered how wet she was already becoming. Were the lewd stories told about Rabbit Mobians true, after all?Supposing there was only one way to find out and feeling more than a little excited to actually find out first hand Tails steeled himself, and then leaned up to steal a kiss from Bunnie, pressing his lips to hers to really let the kiss last. As they kissed, his free hand slipped around Bunnie's body towards the parts of her lower body that weren't roboticized, and he began caressing there as well, squeezing her ass and thighs softly. Bunnie wasted no time in deepening the kiss. Her tongue immediately went after Tails', wrestling and struggling against it, letting a muffled moan out while our ehro felt soemthing pressing against his back. Somehow they had managed to end up against a nearby tree, but this just allowed Bunnie to keep hugging him, leaving him to explore her body with his hands like he was doing."Mmmm " Enjoying their amorous kisses as he was backed up against a nearby tree, Tails continued caressing and fondling Bunnie's body, letting his hands trail over her mechanical parts as well in the hopes of showing her that he wasn't bothered by them. Wrestling with her tongue, he began to slide down the trunk of the tree so that he could sit down, gently pulling Bunnie down with him so that she could sit in his lap, feeling his now fully erect cock pressing against her.Several long moments passed as Tails made out passionately with Bunnie, letting his hands explore every inch of her body, and the young fox groaned softly against her lips, unable to wait much longer before taking the next step. "B Bunnie...can we...keep going...?" he asked, breaking off their kisses for a moment to catch his breath, then burying his face in her expansive bosom. Gaining a more comfortable position as the two Mobians now sat upon the soft grass, Bunnie now had the time to gaze and admire at his hardened member. "Oh my. It got so big and hard. Didn't know you had such a great package, sugah "Soft moans keeps escaping her, with Tails burrying upon her soft chest. She managed to push him slightly, enough to start kissing down his tummy until reaching the desire cock. She licked her lips, seeing the young lad getting so hard due to her It made Bunnie feel so excited..."Let me get a taste, shall we?"She leaned close and started with a series of slow but through licks up the shaft, each time letting an audibleMmmmm out of her while her eyes looked up at him. This evolved into teasing the head, blowing just slightly upon it while encased around her lips. Once coated with enough saliva, she placed her bossom around it, gasping and speaking. " about this? Would you like me to rub my girls against it, hon?" Blushing as Bunnie complimented him on the size of his manhood, Tails shivered and gasped in pleasure as she kissed her way down his body until she had reached his member, and could already feel his cock throbbing in anticipation as she prepared to give him some oral attention. That was nothing compared to when she actually started to lick her way up his shaft though, drawing a moan out of the young fox each time she made it to his swollen helm.It only grew more pleasant as she began teasing the head, and his shivering grew stronger as she blew upon it before taking the whole thing into her mouth. "A Ah...Bunnie..." he gasped, looking down at her as she placed his cock between her impressive breasts and asked if he wanted a titfuck. "Y Yes!" he exclaimed, nodding his head up and down quickly in a show of excitement. Bunnie couldn't help but giggle at Tails' sudden eagerness after she asked to offer him a boobjob. His enthusiam was inffection and aluring, a smirk manifesting upon her face when she pushed her tits closer together, all around his cock. "Ooh..." She softly moaned, her bossome starting to slowly go up and down him. She could feel the dick throb and shived as her fur and soft skin brushed against her. her nipples already hardened by the sheer excitement."Ooh, it's really eager. You really wanted me to do this, hon. Look at it throbbing..." She spoke, her voice not filled with seduction and desire. Her heat had practically taken over as she released all her pent up emotions, feeling Tails' solace as they engaged in this sinful desire...She kept moving, up down up down up down, everytime sending waves of pleasure through their bodies. Bunnie even started to lick the head while the boobjob continued. Tails groaned in pleasure as Bunnie pushed her tits closer together around the length of his shaft, able to feel the softness enveloping him as his cock throbbed and trembled in delight. His heart began to race as she moved her breasts up and down, and his breath grew more and more ragged as he began to enjoy the sensation. He blushed as she commented on how eager both he and his body were for her boobjob, and nodded his head bashfully as she continued on, noting that Bunnie seemed to be enjoying this just as much as he was.Another gasp escaped him as Bunnie began licking the swollen head of his cock as well, still working her breasts up and down. "A Ahh...that feels...a amazing..." Tails managed to say, resting his hand on top of Bunnie's blonde head as she did her thing. It felt so amazing, in fact, that Tails wasn't even sure of how long he might last against her... This only encouraged Bunnie further, now more eagerly rubbing her breasts up and down, gasping and letting out moans of her own Her hot breathing hitting the head of his dick, making it twitch extra.Her hands gripped her bossom tightly, fingers flicking her hardened nipples as she went. "ahn...ah..T tails...your dick great..." Gasping and panting as Bunnie picked up the pace, Tails could feel his cock trembling and twitching between her large breasts as she squeezed him between them, and he squeezed his eyes shut as he felt himself reaching the end of his rope. "B Bunnie !" he exclaimed just as his orgasm began, shooting his white hot seed all over her chest. "A Ahhhh !"Letting his head fall back softly against the tree trunk, Tails fought to catch his breath as he rode out the euphoria of his orgasm, feeling his cock continuing to twitch between her breasts in lingering excitement. "S Sorry, Bunnie...I couldn't stop myself..." Bunnie watched in awe as Tails' cock twiteched between her mounds, releasing a rope of pearly white seed that soon smeared part of her face and chest. She welcomed it, however, mouth open when he released, her own body feeling heated and filled with desire, seeing this young lad cum under her beautiful body."It's okay. Seein' you like this makes me so happy..." Said the rabbit woman. Her fingers picked the cum and she licked them clean An arousing image that was already getting our hero to return to his hardened state. Bunnie moved closer, giving another short but deep kiss before pleading. "Make me feel desirable, Tails. Touch me, kiss me, lick me as you like..." Tails's blushed as he watched Bunnie enjoying the effects of his orgasm, feeling a little turned on by the sight, which had the effect of speeding up the process of his already returning erection, and smiled bashfully as she stated how happy she was. Their kiss brought a shiver through his entire being meeting her eyes as she pleaded with him, he slowly nodded his head in understanding of what Bunnie needed, then gently laid her back on the forest floor and spread her robotic legs.Leaning down and placing his head between her legs, shivering a bit again at how cold the metal of her legs felt against his cheeks, he began teasingly licking at her pussy, slowly dragging his tongue up and down a few times before sliding it inside. "I Is this what you had in mind, Bunnie...?" he managed to ask between his licking, wondering if she'd enjoy this as much as Bernie had. Bunnie ws rather surprise, seeing young Tails quickly shift into this position, knowing what he was doing. she was about to ask, but the moment that tongue caressed her labia, her thoughts vanished in an instant."A aah " Bunnie moaned as her body rested back on the grass, arching her back in response to the pleasure. "Ooooh, Tails. Y yes..more do more like that, sugah "her breathng accelerated, her cheeks still with that shade of pink, and her hand caressing Tails' head softly. "T tease that nub if ya' c caahn...ngh...oooh.." Smiling to himself at Bunnie's pleased reaction to his oral actions, Tails did as she asked and continued licking away, sliding his tongue further inside of her womanhood. He could hear her breathing growing faster and faster in response to his attentions, and worked that much harder to pleasure her further, feeling his heart skip a beat as she caressed his head gently.Following her advice, he searched out her nub, and once he found it with his tongue, began teasing and running his tongue over it again and again, listening and watching as best he could for her reaction. Bunnie's eyes widened wide when he started to tease her her nub, her whole body shook with the powerful shock of pleasure she recieved. Her hands gripped the rgass while Tails continued to lick her. "Oh my stars.....ooooh...this feels so gooooood..."She missed this feeling so more. Someone giving her pleasure this strong. "M more...keep givin' me more dear....nnngh..."She couldn't wait anymore, she got up and quickly undid the rest of her outfit, tossing it aside before heading towards a nearby tree. She pressed her front against it while presenting her back to Tails. "Tails please...give it to me " Pleased with the reaction to the teasing of her nub, Tails continued licking as Bunnie moaned and groaned while voicing her pleasure, but was soon interrupted as Bunnie pulled away to get up. At first he was confused as to why she'd stopped him when she'd been enjoying herself so much, but understanding quickly dawned on him as she presented herself to him, and he quickly got up to come closer, his cock completely rigid and standing at attention once more."O Ok..." he said with a sheepish nod of his head, taking hold of her hips and lining them up with his own while she pressed herself against a nearby tree. He shivered as he felt how wet she'd become from his teasing against his manhood as he rubbed it against her pussy, then slowly grunted with the exertion of sliding himself inside...which was actually easier than usual, given how damp she was.Sliding himself in all the way to the hilt, Tails gasped at the sensation of her inner walls clamping down on his manhood, and quickly began working his hips back and forth, humping the half mechanical rabbit softly at first. "B Bunnie...a good..." he grunted as he worked. Bunnie's eyes widened in delight once more. Tails' hard prick pushing inside of her. She had already measured the boy up when using her breasts but even then, she was impressed by how good it felt inside her pussy."Ahn...ooh mah stars....ooooh..." Bunnie couldn't stop moaning, gripping against the tree as the young mobian thrusted in. "F faster...give it to me, Tails..."It had been so long and it showed. Her body squirming in delight just by the very few pounds. However, her type of mobian had tons and tons of stamina, and she was gonna use it. Gasping in delight at how good it felt to be in Bunnie's tight pussy, Tails was quick to answer Bunnie's plea for more speed, driving his hips into hers faster and faster with each passing thrust. He couldn't help but watch the way she squirmed with each meeting of their bodies, enjoying it quite a bit, and as their bodies connected, he hunched over her so that he could reach her heaving bosom, beginning to squeeze and fondle them from behind.From his new positioning, their faces were much closer together, and as he pounded away with near single minded intent, his fuzzy cheek found it's way to hers to nuzzle affectionately against her own for a moment, then his lips caught hers for several deep kisses, sliding his tongue into her mouth to wrestle with hers. Bunnie continue to embrace the strong pleasure that she was receiving. Moaning louder as Tails eagerly pounded her pussy, the slapping sounds of his skin meeting her rear were like melodies to her bunny ears. His hard prick so hot in and out her body, causing her body to quiver in such delight.The young mobian leaned in for a kiss and she gladly reciprocated. A hungry making out ensues, tongue twisting, gasps and moans in between. She was fully sank inside this pleasure, despite knowing well Sally'd get worried and ask what took them so long. She didn't care she needed this and Tails felt amazing..."Ahhn....T tails...mmm...ahn..." Bunnie moaned inbetween the making out. She felt her heat growing and growing, close to explode. Amorously kissing and making out with the cybernetic rabbit as he drilled into her womanhood again and again, Tails gasped and moaned alongside Bunnie as their bodies lustfully collided. The thought that they might be making Sally and the others worry with their lateness not even on his mind he couldn't think of anything but giving Bunnie what she needed, and it showed in the earnest and strong movements of his hips.Fingers lightly squeezing and pinching her nipples, Tails' tongue wrapped around her own as they worked against each other, and his cock throbbed within her pussy as he felt himself growing closer and closer to a powerful climax. He did his best to hold on though, wanting to make certain that Bunnie reached a conclusion of her own as least what might be the first of many."B Bunnie...ahh..." Said conclusion arrived pretty soon, as they parted lips and Bunnie jerked her head ferward, biting her lower lip as she failed to muffle a final moan when her orgasm hit. A pwoerful wave of pleasure washed over her, one that hadn't felt in a long while.She could feel his member erupting inside of her. Gushes of cun shooting into her core, some even dripping slightly out the labia. PAnting after such a shock, she felt how Tails pulled out his member, thinking it was over. But o, the rabbit girl was far from over, and as soon as he did she lunged to him and kissed him once more, the two falling back into the ground. Hands caressing him all over Bunnie wasn't done with Tails just yet. Falling back to the ground as Bunnie practically tackled him with an overpowering kiss, Tails groaned and shivered in pleasure as she caressed as much of his furry body as she could touch, feeling his cock already growing hard again as he reciprocated, kissing her back firmly while his hands slid over and fondled her half mechanical body. He could hardly believe that Bunnie could be so energetic seconds after their shared orgasm, but he wasn't about to complain, as he was more than ready to continue as well.Several minutes into their touching and kissing, Tails maneuvered his lower body to line up with her own, grinding his hips and his cock against her slick pussy. Sensitive as he'd become from what they'd already done, it felt even better than it might have otherwise, and he moaned against Bunnie's lips, making it clear as he pressed himself upwards that he was ready for round two, once she'd helped him get back inside of her, that was. Bunnie smiled at the boy's eagerness, already rubbing his cock against her pussy once more. She gasped softly, eventually breaking the kiss before standing upwards while still on top. flipping over, she assumed a Reverse Cowgirl position before lowering herself upon his member."Aaahn..." Bunnie started to moan once more, vigorously moving her hips up and down his length No need for foreplay as the two were already riled up fully from the previous sex they shared."Nggh...y yeah...gonna...ahn...ride you good, sugah...mmm..." She said in between gasps and moans. Tails groaned in pleasure as Bunnie lowered herself down onto his cock in a Reverse Cowgirl position, gripping her by the hips as she began riding him strongly. "A Ahh...that's...g good..." he grunted, beginning to work his own hips in time with her rising and falling, thrusting up into her pussy. The longer he watched her buck and move, the more he enjoyed it, and he gasped and groaned as his cock throbbed in delight inside of her womanhood.One hand sliding up her body to begin caressing and squeezing her breasts from behind, he worked his hips harder and harder, filling the forest with the sounds of their bodies lewdly colliding again and again. "B Bunnie y you're amazing !" he groaned, head practically swimming with lust and pleasure. Bunnie just continued gasping and moaning, breasts bouncing with every hard thrust she did. Tails didn't waste time in reciprocating with his own moves, which she was o so glad to receive.His hands soon found his way to her breasts, firmly grasping and causing the bunny girl to jerk back in delight. "Oooooh " She moaned, mouth wide open with eyes of pure delight which Tails sadly couldn't see for his position. That did not stop him, however, from having a magnificent view of her body. Thinking he was now here, not only having done with with Sally and Sonic's mom, but now Bunnie Who he had always found amazing, and probably did stroked once or twice to her at his house in private, she was now mounting him and moaning of delight over his cock. Over his self."Tails...oh mah stars... Tails...I think it's c coming again...." She said in between all the gasps. Tails didn't have to be able to see Bunnie's face to know that she was enjoying this just as much as he was, if not more, and continued thrusting upwards into her tight pussy as she moaned and gasped for him. To say that it felt incredible would be an understatement it was one of the most amazing sensations of his young life, and the two tailed fox could feel his cock throbbing and twitching inside of her more and more the longer they continued on."M Me too..." he managed to say shortly after Bunnie announced that she was close to another orgasm. Regardless of that impending fact though, he didn't slow down, and in fact sped up the working of his hips, bouncing her up and down in his lap as hard and as fast as he could manage. As he did, he watched in awe of Bunnie's beautiful body bouncing her golden blonde hair flying about, her toned backside, it was quite a sight, arousing him further and further as he neared his release.And when it finally came, Tails stiffened after one final thrust deep into her core, gasping loudly as he felt himself explode inside of her once again. "B Bunnie ! A Ahh...!" Bunnie continued to work him out, speeding up more and more as her orgasm approached. Like a piston she went up and down, frantically pumping his cock inside her wet slit. Her moans became more erratic and wild, and she eagerly arched back as Tails pounded and massaged her breasts."Oh oh Tails...Taaaiiiiils!!" Climax arrived and Bunnie screamed once more, this time collapsing back, leaning against Tails. Cuddling after such a strong sensation, riding the afterglow alongside him...Se didn't know how much time passed when they fucked, nor how much passed after, but she felt so refreshed. "Mmmm...that was incredible..." Tails arms wrapped around Bunnie as she fell back against him, cuddling with her as they both enjoyed the aftermath of their lovemaking. He'd had no idea how long they'd been at it, or how much time passed as they laid there together, but it had definitely been an incredible experience. He'd never been with a girl who had sex quite so...vigorously before, and it was certainly something to remember. Looking into her eyes with a bashful grin, he leaned in to give her an affection kiss, softly letting his hands trail up and down her body for a time, and resumed snuggling with her."It was..." he said in agreement, rubbing his cheek against her for a few seconds. He blushed as he held her closer. "Y'know...if you ever need someone to remind you how incredible you are again...I'd be happy to volunteer." he said, a little embarrassed at his own forwardness. "...we might want to head back soon, though. The others are probably wondering about us...and we need to tell them what happened..." "Mmm, I'm gonna hold you on that offer sugah." said Bunnie, before kissing him once more. the two kept like this for just a little mroe before they got themselves proper and headed back to the castle bunker. Sally Nicole asked questions on their tardiness, but the two simply explained what happened at the tower, excluding the sex after...."I see..." Sally said arms crossed, "Nicole, can you run a search? See if you can find any info on this Jackal Squad..."The AI Lynx nodded before despairing into her portable device. It took a few minutes before she popped up, a look of concern in her face."So, what is it, darlin'?" Asked Bunnie."Well, there isn't much, at least in normal information channels," Nicole explained, "however, after checking on shadier lines I managed to find more on their operations and business...""Business?" Asked Sally"They are a Mercenary force for hire, having ranked a lot of successful heists in their hayday amongst lurkers of the black market. Espionage, sabotage, the gathering and retrieval of powerful tech. They seemed to be a very organized if a bit small group. Never achieving the top spots but still a steady income of illicit and legal cash."She took a pause and continued, "Their reputation and reach did diminish, however, after allying with Eggman's Empire during his takeover...""Huh. Never saw them out in the field..." Bunnie muttered only for Nicole to reply with a distraut face, "actually we all did...not in the way you think..."She send some data to the main computer, the huge screen showing pictures of the same Jackal members Tails and Bunnie fought, however there was one right in the middle that was different. A male jackal carrying the same blade the woman leader had, but this guy having long white hair and sporting two different colored eyes...Somethng about him seemed familiar...reaaaally familiar...."At the time of that picture, he was the leader of Jackal Squad and the one who arranged a partnership with Dr. Eggman. They were tasked to guard his base in Mystic Jungle only to be stopped by Shadow...enraged in defeat, he accepted the doctor's proposal in letting him be experimented with the power of the Phantom Ruby..."Another image was placed on the previous one, one of a character Tails recognized immediatly, heck, everyone did, showing expressions of shock. The masked jackal being the very one they faced..."Infinite..." Sally muttered. Returning to the homestead alongside Bunnie and explaining what had happened...minus the fact that the two of them had sex...Tails waited patiently as Nicole ran a search for information on the group that had attacked them, and folded his arms over his chest as she began to explain what she had been able to find out. It turned out that they had been attacked by a mercenary group of some renown, and the young fox frowned at the thought that they'd worked with Eggman in the past. Why hadn't they seemed more familiar then?Alongside the others, he turned his attention to the main screen as Nicole transferred some data to it, and tilted his head at the image of the Jackal Squad. Was it his imagination, or did the one in the middle seem familiar somehow? According to Nicole, he had at one point been their leader and the one who'd originally aligned the group with Eggman, and once the Phantom Ruby was mentioned, Tails immediately knew who he was looking, even before the second image of the actual mobian in question appeared.Infinite the Jackal who had helped Eggman to nearly take over the world not that long ago."So are the rest of Jackal Squad still working for Eggman, then?" Tails asked after a few seconds of surprise. "What are they after? We didn't really get a chance to find out before they vanished..." "It's hard to tell..." Nicole admitted, "they could still be loyal to him, or they could be independent. Is hard to really pin point the nature of a Mercenary group like this one. Many have become active ever since Eggman's defeat authorities having a hard time even tracking them all. Either way, we must be careful if we ever cross paths again...""Any idea on what those rascals stole?" Asked BunnieSally crossed her arms once more as she replied, "They seemed to have used the communications tower to try and break into the castle's digital archives. Nicole managed to fend them off, but they still managed to get some data out. What's so strange are what content that data was msotly digital copies of some ancient manuscripts that existed in the kingdom from centuries ago, still in ancient text As well as some general reports we made on the Phantom Ruby after the war with Eggman was over, which they snagged from our data banks....""But why? Last time I reckon' the Ruby was destroyed when Sonic, that lil' Sonic and that Rookie delivered the whoopin' to Eggman's last Death Egg Robot. What use would they have for that info now?" The half robian rabbit said.A silence soon followed, nobody really sure how to approach this. "There is no use in busting our heads on it right now. We need to get more information, and make sure that this Jackal Squad showing up doesn't mean Eggman is peering his ugly head out again. I may be an optimist, but I am also a realist And I doubt the doctor was really beaten for good last time..." Sally said. "For now, we all need to rest and then return to our posts. Alright everyone, dimiss."With the briefing done, everyone started to move their own way. As Tails made his way out of the bunker he was interrupted by Sally. "Tails, I also forgot. If you like you can return to your home for now. You done so much these past few days, you specially deserve some rest..."The idea sounded nice, but then another idea came inside of him. Sally could also need the rest, why didn't she come along? The situation remained as mysterious as ever. The Jackal Squad was obviously dangerous regardless of whatever their affiliation with Eggman was. Tails had no idea what they might want with old texts from the kingdom, but it didn't take a genius to know that if the Phantom Ruby was involved in their plans, then they couldn't be up to anything good. But for now, the group didn't have many options as how to proceed, so Tails nodded his head when Sally decided that they should just get some rest for now and come up with a proper plan once more information had presented itself.Preparing to go his own way as everyone dispersed, he paused as Sally approached him, and smiled as she spoke. He hadn't had a chance to return to his own home and workshop since coming back to Mobotropolis, so the idea was enticing. He had some things he wanted to take care of in his workshop as well, if he was going to continue to help out effectively, so now seemed like a good time to head out.Another idea occurred to him as well, and he blushed bashfully. "W Would you come with me, Sally? I I mean, you work harder than all of us put together, so you need to rest up too." He replied, hoping he didn't seem too eager to be alone with the Princess again. Sally was caught by surprise by his offering. After all, she had been so cought up in repairs to really be thinking about rest. But now reparations were almost complete, and Nicole and the guard could take care of the rest. The fact Tails was offering a stay at his house definitely made her blush slightly. "Hm, I guess some rest wouldn't hurt..." She admitted. "I was hoping to go to Station Square, why don't you come with me?" Tails smiled as Sally agreed to the idea of getting some rest with him, but tilted his head as she asked if he wanted to accompany her to Station Square as well. It would be a bit of a trip, but he supposed he didn't mind, besides one of his workshops still remained outside the city, so it would give him a chance to go over some projects that might help out in the future while getting some much needed rest, of course!"S Sure. We can stop at my old workshop along the way and rest there." he replied. "Why do you need to go to Station Square, though?" he asked curiously. "Nothing glamurous I'm afraid." Spoke Sally, "A representative from GUN wanted to meet up with someone from the Acorn Kingdom as an act of mutual alliance. We're not the ones picking themselves up after Eggman's takeover. He made sure to keep most of GUN's forces locked within their bases by keeping them in constant attacks, giving us zero to none support when he started to charge with his army. This diplomatic meeting would be to make preparations for something like that to not happen again..."She chuckled a bit, "But here I am talking about work again. Can't help it. Lead the way, I could use a place to crash before heading there..." Nodding his head as Sally explained her reasons for needing to pay a visit to Station Square, Tails would soon do as she asked and lead the way forward. The United Federation capital city wasn't exactly next door though, so it would be quicker for them to seek a different way to get there than to walk. Luckily, the Tornado was ready for just such an occasion, and after a quick trip to the hangar, the two were on their way, flying through the clear and calm skies.One relatively short flight later, the Tornado was coming in for a landing on the airfield Tails had built into the area around his workshop, and the two were free to enter the building. Tails hadn't been here in some time, so he had been a little worried about the place, but the structure still seemed sound as far as he could tell, leaving him to think that Eggman's forces must have left it alone during the war. "Let's get inside. We can rest there."Opening the door and stepping inside, Tails flipped a light switch and looked around wistfully as the inner machinations of the workshop were revealed. Scattered about were a few nondescript projects that the young fox had been working on in the past, alongside some things that Sally might recognize, like some Extreme Gear and parts for the Tornado, which had originally been constructed here some time ago, during the Chaos incident.He smiled at the familiarity of this place, but grew a bit bashful as he turned back to Sally, and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry about the mess in the shop, but the rest of the place should be fine. There's a kitchen, and a bedroom too, so..." he trailed off and blushed, realizing that this was the first time he'd ever had a girl in what passed for one of his homes like this. Sally took a look around, smiling. "It's fine. So many inventions. I keep forgetting how much you have accomplished on your own with the years, Tails."The young squirrel started to look around, leaning and bending over to check every trinket that tail had stored in this place. As she did, our hero couldn't help but look and gaze at her figure, remembering the night they shared. Her shorts hugged her curves and ass so much, it was certaintly generating lewd thoughts within the young fox. Holding Sally and pounding at her against the workbench, or in the floor or window of the workshop.... As Sally began looking around and examining some of his work, Tails' eyes couldn't help but linger on the alluring form of the Princess, specifically the curve of hips and the way her shorts hugged her generous behind. He still remembered the romantic night they'd shared together, and the idea they'd shared about doing it again sometime, and that thought was more than a little exciting, now that they were alone.Soon Sally would feel a pair of arms encircle her from behind, and feel Tails nuzzle against her with a sheepish grin on his face. "U Um...I know we came here to rest and everything...but could we...have some fun first...?" He asked nervously, knowing that Sally would be able to feel the beginnings of an erection pressing against her ass. Sally's eyes widened when she felt his arms around her. A gasp escaping her when she felt his erection starting to press against her, making her blush."O oh...Tails...are you sure...I mean we Ahh!" She elt out a louder gasp when she was interrupted. Tails' hands were already groping her through her clothes. Seeing him take such charge was weird, but his touch felt so good..."I guess..we...a ah...could....nobody is around...oooh..." Unable to help himself, Tails wasted little time in beginning to grope Sally's breasts through her clothes, smiling in relief when the Princess agreed to the idea of having some intimate fun. Even through her jacket and top, he could feel her large and soft breasts quite well, and felt himself growing more and more excited the longer he touched her, letting his hands trail down her curves and hips as well.Leaning in, he began to kiss her, softly and slowly at first, while he worked at removing her clothing, content to continue here in the workshop or to move into the bedroom if she wanted. "I I haven't been able to stop thinking about being with you again since last time..." he admitted sheepishly, pulling away from kissing her for a time to look into her eyes. Sally continued to gasp and moan as Tails took control. Hearing him say he had wished to do this again made her feel a mixture of emotions. She was embarrassed, but also felt happy she liked how much he desired her body.Her clothes were being take off. Now only on her undergarments, the mobian girl was pinned to the workbench as Tails kissed her all over, soft gasps escaping her mouth with each one. "Ooooh Tails..." Slipping his hand into her panties to begin teasing her womanhood, Tails' free hand fondled and caressed her breasts through her bra while he kissed her neck. It felt wonderful to have the Princess in his arms like this again, and he planned on enjoying it to the fullest while they had this time. He pressed his erection against her backside so she could feel how excited he had already become, silently bidding her to join in on the fun and games he'd started. Sally continued to moan, feeling his finger enter into her pussy as shocks of pleasure coursed through her. She was still against the workbench, such a raunchy positions, but pinned by Tails as he stood on top of her, rubbing his hardened member against her rear, was surprisingly quite exciting for the Acorn Princess....Her bra started to come undone, and she was quickly to just release the clasp and let it fall down alongside the rest of her clothing. Her small tail was waggling at how good this felt, his hands not groping her bare chest while his gloved fingers rubbed against her nipples. She had always been so focused on working and leading, that this breaks, specially now with Tails doing this, were o so delightful."Oooh, Tails, feels so good..." She stated, "Do as you please...ooh..."She elaned back and managed to reach his lips, encasing them with hers. "Mmmm..." Kissing Sally amorously as the Princess leaned back into his lips, Tails took the chance to slip her panties down her shapely legs so that her womanhood would be fully revealed, and slipped his finger free so that he could begin rubbing his cock against her in earnest. Wrapping his arms around her torso as he grinded against her, his fingers sank back into her large breasts as their tongues intertwined, while his manhood began gradually sliding into her pussy.Pressing against her and in turn pressing her against his workbench, Tails could feel his cock slipping deeper and deeper into her inner tunnels warm, tight, and wet, it felt incredible from the instant they began, and he groaned against Sally's lips as his cock throbbed within her. Wasting little time, he began working his hips back and forth, thrusting himself into her pussy repeatedly slowly at first while his hands continued to sensually caress and fondle her body. This feeling, Sally had missed. Tails was a surprisingly well hung boy and while so young, his stamina was making her gasp and moan in pleasure. Each thrusts into her pussy caused the mobian girp the ebst she could to the workbench she was pinned at. The sight of the princess, bended over somewhere like this It was enough to generate even more arousal to our hero."O ooh...ahn...T tails.." She kept gasping. The workbench rocking with each pounding. At this point she'd do whatever or wherever he'd like... Sally's gasps and moans with each thrust into her pussy were like music to the young fox's ears, and the way she was bent over for him was more than a little arousing, motivating him to work his hips harder and faster, driving his manhood deeper and deeper. Reaching down, he lifted one of her toned, supple legs to give him a better angle, continuing to plow into her vigorously."A Ah...Sally..." he gasped, feeling his cock throbbing powerfully inside her pussy as their lovemaking continued. Pressing against her body sensually between their lustful collisions, he leaned forward and caught the Princess's lips with his own, kissing her once more. The sheer energy of the young Mobian was already sending Sally on the edge. She kissed eagerly before breaking kiss gripping upon the table as her moans increased in loudness. "Oooh, ooh Tails!! Yes! K keep going!! I'm almost there!!"Her gaze glanced back at the fox, smiling. "Doing it...l like this is so...strange. But feels good..." Plowing into Sally's pussy again and again as she moaned loudly, Tails did just as she wished and continued on as she cried out about how close she was, nearly to the end of his rope as well. Grunting and groaning in exertion and pleasure from his work, he smiled back at the Princess as she commented on their lovemaking, and nodded his head. He'd certainly never done it in this position before and in his own workshop no less! "I It feels amazing..."Within a few more thrusts though, Tails could feel that he was at his limit, and after pushing himself as deep into her pussy as he could manage, had a powerful orgasm that coated her inner walls with his white hot seed. Groaning loudly as he was overcome by the sensation, he leaned into Sally's body and the table they'd been doing it against for support, holding her body against his own as he nuzzled against her. "Hah...ahh...Sally..." With a loud cry, Sally jerked back as the powerful climax hit her body. Her hands gripped the table before her body rested against it, panting softly while Tails lied on top of her. His dick, while out, still brushing against her slight semi hardened."S so intense..." She muttered. Her heart beating like a drum. The way they were doing it, so risque It was making her body heat in desire. Perhaps it was the heat season happening, or something in the air Or maybe Tails just wasthatgood, but Sally felt the need for more. To at least let him do more.Her hips started to softly move up and down, brushing her wet pussy against his rod to harden it fully once more."I it's okay, Tails...I'd...I'd like to do more..." She said. Quickly getting on her knees before starting to lick across the shaft. Tails groaned softly as he felt Sally working her hips up and down to brush her wet pussy against his cock, helping it to grow hard once again, and his eyes widened as the Princess said she wanted to do more before getting on her knees and licking the length of his shaft. "S Sally...that feels good..." he gasped, feeling his cock growing even harder from her attentions.His hand came down to rest on her head as she pleasured him, softly stroking her hair as he enjoyed her attention. His legs shook slightly in delight, forcing him to brace himself against the table as his cock throbbed and twitched in the Princess's face. Sally continued to pleasure his cock. Licking, then taking it into her mouth once more, like she did at the Castle that other night. Her hand was brought to between her legs as she blew, rubbing herself at the same time. She did not took a long time, however, moving out before saying. "I want to do more Tails...what do you have in mind to do?" Groaning in pleasure as Sally continued licking and sucking on his cock, Tails watched with arousal in his eyes as the Princess pleasured herself at the same time, feeling his cock growing harder as a result. Soon though she had asked for what he wanted to do next, and the young fox blushed. "C Could you use your breasts...for a little while...?" he asked sheepishly. Sally was surprised by the request, but nodded in agreement. Her bossom was not as big as Bunnie or Bearnie's, but they were busty enough to encase Tail's hardened cock and brush against it. The sensation was very good Her brown fur brushing against his sensible member in a soft, but continuous and rhythmic manner, all while one hand cuped the breasts to keep themselves steady, and the other continued to rub herself.She could feel the boy was leading evenmore, even okay if he was to act a bit more demanding or crazy..."'s this?" She asked in between moans. Tails gasped as he felt Sally's bust encase his manhood and begin to brush against his length, beginning to shiver in pleasure. The rhythmic way that she pumped her breasts up and down felt amazing, and he groaned and moaned in response as she continued. "S feels...g good..." he managed to reply as she asked how she was doing, resting his hand on her head soothingly once more, enjoying watching her play with herself as she played with him as well.His cock was already throbbing between her breasts, very sensitive to the plush, plump orbs of flesh as they slid up and down his shaft, and if it hadn't been before, it was certainly standing at full attention now. If she kept this up, it likely wouldn't be that long before the young fox had another orgasm... This kept going for a while. Sally gasped and moaned some more, all while she kept her mouth open, her eyes locked to the throbbing prick currently between her breasts. She felt herself so wet she still couldn't believe Being on her knees pleasuring Tails and enjoying every moment of it."C come on, Tails...I'm eager..." She muttered inbetween moans. Her fingers kept pushing in and out of her as a bit of her fluids dripped down on the floor. "I do more..." Sally's breasts felt so good as she continued working him over, leaving Tails gasping and panting for breath as he struggled just to stay on his feet. His cock throbbed more and more powerfully with each passing second, signaling that he was nearing the end of his rope, and as Sally bid him on, Tails grew stiff in every sense of the word as his limit was reached, and he came all over Sally's breasts, even shooting some of his seed into her open mouth as she looked down at his swollen helm."A Ahh!" he cried out, hunching over the Princess as he rode out the intense waves of pleasure rolling over him in his orgasm. By the time he was done, she would find her breasts covered in his white hot cum...yet his cock remained rigid between them, a sign that the young fox too also was ready and willing to do more.And more would soon come, as Tails quickly pulled Sally to her feet and moved her towards a nearby wall, too excited to make it all the way to the next room where his bed was. Kissing and licking her neck, the young fox lifted Sally up against the wall, stronger while in the heat of passion, and immediately slipped his cock back into her pussy in one slick motion, beginning to thrust right away. Sally had hardly a moment to rest before being pinned against the wall while Tails pushed inside of her once more. She welcomed it greately however, placing her arms around him as she hold the young fox tight."Oooh..oh...." She moaned, feet dangling above the ground as each hard thrusts made the wall creak ever so slightly. The feeling of being in such a compromising position made her body feel on fire, glad nobody else was around to see their wild intimacy. What'd Nicole say if she saw her like this? Or Bunnie? Or anyone?She didn't bother to think about it right now, simply moving her head close to Tails and kissing him hungrily on the lips. Plowing into the Princess's pussy again and again, Tails grunted and groaned with the exertion of fucking her while holding her up, able to feel her inner walls wildly clamping down on the length of his shaft. It was an intense feeling, and the two tailed fox couldn't help but want more and more. Returning her kisses with his own, Tails slid his tongue into her mouth to intimately wrestle with hers, and worked to drive his cock deeper into her pussy with each thrust.Throbbing harder and harder inside of her womanhood, Tails groaned against her lips, the sounds of which joined Sally's moans, the wet sounds of their bodily collisions, and the creaking of the wall with each sexual impact filling the room. "Ah...a ahh...S feel so good...!" The loud banging against the wall, the sound of their skin smacking against eachother. The powerful pleasure bring forth by the position, allowing Tails' dick to push itself really inside of her. It was enough to bring Sally once again the to the edge."Tails...I'm gonna...I'm gonna cum...." She muttered in between loud gasps, losing control of the tone of her voice. Like a powerful explosion, moments later she held on to him tightly with a strong cry, her orgasm hitting her hard once more.She gasped and panted loudly, after such a intense climax. "Oh Tails...ahn..." Thrusting wildly into the Princess even as she warned him of her impending orgasm...and even as she cried out and tightly held him...Tails groaned loudly as he felt the rush of her juices around his cock. It was as amazing a sensation as always, and the two tailed fox practically felt his head spinning in delight as the sensation pushed him over the edge as well, causing him to have an intense orgasm that coated Sally's inner walls with his white hot seed.Continuing to hold Sally up as they both rode out their shared orgasms, Tails looked into her kind eyes for a few seconds as he caught his breath, then leaned in to kiss her warmly for a long moment, letting their tongues slowly intertwine between meetings of their lips."T There's a bed in the back...d do you want to move things there...?" he asked breathlessly. Sally shivered, feeling his seed gush and slid inside of her, dripping slowly into the floor below. Her hands continued to be wrapped around Tails, right as the fox offered continuing on a comfy bed he had on the back.The mobian girl simply nodded, giving him the go to do so as he pleased. Soon enough the princess found herself tossed to the bed as the young fox crawled on in. Responsabilities were nowhere in her mind, if just for tonight.... Wasting little time as the Princess gave him the go ahead to take her to the bed, Tails carried her there, practically tossing her onto the mattress and slipping in after her, positioning himself on top of her and descending upon her for a sensual series of kisses, wrestling with her tongue intimately as his hands trailed up and down her curvaceous figure.Soon his erect cock was pressing against her damp pussy once again, and after a few seconds, he was moving his hips forward to push it inside, finding easy access with as wet as she had become. His thrusts would begin soon after the young fox going hard and fast right from the start, pushing himself in deep into her pussy, and he groaned against her lips in pleasure, able to think of nothing else but fucking the night away with the Princess... And so they did, continuing to fuck wildly for hours into the night. So many positions, so many places...Sally had lost count of how many times they had done or Or how many times she had cum. But it didn't matter, at the two enjoyed the donwtime, unaware that things would only escalate as our story continues.... Meanwhile, on Angel Island, Hours into the Night...Far from where we left off our two tailed hero, in the mystical floating island, it was a dark and rainy day. The storm pouring down and strong wind blowing through the trees. The one thing illuminating through the shadows was placed high atop the ruined shrine: A gem of immeasurable power, the controller of the Chaos Emeralds...The Master Emerald.Ever since Eggman's defeat the emerald has been very secured, away from anyone who would meant to use its power for evil. The mystical gem had been guarded by the current guardian of the extinct echidna tribe: Knuckles the Echidna.However, right now Knuckles was in his med shelter, away from the wind and rain. A cozy hut located right next to the Master Emerald Shrine. Currently, quite busy....Inside his hut a series of clothes and undergarments lied on the floor. A dark blue skinsuit, a brown jacket, as well as some white panties and bra and a pair of small spec glasses currently on a nearby night stand. A makeshift bed stood by the center, currently creaking and rocking as moans and grunts were muffled by the outside storm.Relic the Pika, archeologist and researched, was in a rather naughty situation. Her back against the bed, moaning as Knuckled stood on top of her, thrusting his hips into hers. The red brawler had been suffering the most out of the season's heat Urging him to mate and sex which only amplified due to secluded nature. However, now Relic lived around the Island and, as such, he had someone to really relieve stress with...."A aah...ooh...o oh dear...ooooh" Gasped Relic, hands holding on to Knuckles. Knuckles could still remember what existence on Angel Island had been like before he'd let others into his life. The seclusion and solitude had been peaceful, but there had been a loneliness to his existence as well. A loneliness that he had often chosen to ignore...which had grown more and more difficult as the years passed...particularly once he'd grown old enough to feel the effects of the heat of the season. It was embarrassing to think about, but being one of the supposed last of his kind and the only real mobian resident of Angel Island had left him feeling quite...frustrated.He had accepted that as part of his life though the life of the Guardian of the Master Emerald, one of the most important artifacts on the entire planet. It was a gemstone so powerful that not only could it control the energy of the Chaos Emeralds, it's own energy was virtually limitless, so naturally it could draw a lot of attention from those who knew about it and wanted to use it for their own Dr. Eggman...or thieves like that annoying Rouge the bat. That meant it needed near constant protection, which mostly fell to him.Eventually though, it had become impossible to stay to that life of seclusion, and Knuckles had eventually decided that some people were alright to be allowed upon Angel Island's hallowed ground. One of which, he was currently plowing into with reckless abandon, driving his large, throbbing cock into her wet pussy again and again.At first he hadn't quite known if he could trust her or not, but after sometime observing her actions around the Island, he had decided that she wasn't a threat and allowed her to do her research. Soon enough they'd even become friends...and eventually...well...that had led to their current situation.Leaning down, Knuckles kissed Relic roughly on the lips as he continued lewdly slapping their hips together, grunting and groaning from exertion and pleasure, barely able to hear himself over the sounds of the storm outside. That was alright though with nowhere else to go because of the storm, and in the middle of his heat, they now had all the time in the world for Knuckles to relieve himself. "A aah...K...knuckles...oooh..." Relic kept moaning before kissing deeply. It was still surprising to her how she ended up in this situation. A proper and mostly cool headed archeologist suddenly moaning wildly as this strong echidna drills her with endless delight.It was not so long ago that this begun. The heat season having started, Relic had also felt its effects but tried her best to subdue them. One day however, she accidentally walked in on Knuckles, well, relieving himself at the nearby small woods, learning that this had going on for a while and ahd only increased every since her arrival Which was oddly flattering. One thing lead to another, and soon enough the two had engaged into hot sex, which had now been continuing thorough these weeks.Her lips parted as another series of moans escaped her. Her hands caressed Knuckle's back, his thrusts making her blue furred breasts to bounce everytime his length hit deep within her core. It felt to raw, so naughty Yet so good. Enjoying the deep and sensual kisses while they lasted, Knuckles continued slamming himself into Relic's pussy relentlessly, feeling himself shiver in delight at both the sexual pleasure and the way that her soft hands caressed the muscles on his back. The bed rocked and shook beneath the two of them from the strength the echidna was putting into his thrusts, and he grunted against her lips before she pulled away to moan so enticingly in that way that only drove him wilder within his heat and lust.Normally so prim and proper in her mannerisms, it was a turn on to see her in such a naughty position with him like this, and it showed in the way that his cock throbbed and twitched within her womanhood, driving deep into her core with each thrust. Catching the way that her breasts bounced so alluringly in time with his thrusts, his hands soon sank into them, fondling and squeezing them. The wild and rough way he pounded into her, it felt so great. Relic continued to gasp and cry his name while her arms hold him tightly and tenderly. Every time that hardened prick reached her core, she could basically melt into his arms. She knew it was kind of wrong, but it feel so good. And besides, both parties were enjoying it She had a hard time admitting that she, as well, was very frustrated sexually by the time the season came around. Having a hard working and very strong handsome mobian like Knuckles around was a treasure not only because of the archeological research gold mine that was his heritage."Ahn...I'm...going to...come..." Relic gasped desperately, trying to make it last as much as she could, but knowing her attempts were about to fail. Knuckles continued to powerfully thrust into Relic's tight and wet pussy even as she gasped a warning that she was reaching her limit, determined to push her as far over the edge as possible while also enjoying his own orgasm that was fast approaching. His cock reached as deep as possible with each forward motion of his hips, and he grunted from both the exertion and pleasure of their lovemaking, holding her against his muscled chest tightly as she continued to hold him sweetly.Soon enough, even his mighty stamina would reach it's limit at least for the moment and within a few more thrusts, he groaned and held her even more tightly, feeling himself release inside of her pussy, coating her inner walls with his white hot seed. Relic didn't last much after either. Only a few thrusts she gasped loudly just moments before Knuckles finished inside of her . Her whole body trembled, her hands gripped his shoulders before releasing him and rolling to the side of the bed, gasping for breath. It wasn't the first time tonight she had been brought to such a climax, not that she minded..."Oh my..." She muttered, "I don't think i can take another one. But it felt so wonderful..."The blue pika mobian turned to her current mate, noticing his somewhat serious expression. She smiled tenderly at him before speaking, "Now, I can tell you're bothered by something. What's bugging you, Knuckles? Go ahead, I'm all ears." Allowing Relic to roll away from him to the other side of the bed after she had had her own latest orgasm, Knuckles settled in on the mattress himself, though he remained...tense, despite the lingering afterglow of their lovemaking, and the emphatic Pika was able to pick up on that as she often did and asked him what was wrong, earning some hesitance from the Echidna, who even now wasn't very used to opening up to others."It's...the Master Emerald. Something...doesn't feel right. There's some kind of strange energy around it. It's got me worried." he admitted after a moment of consideration. Looking over at her, he sighed and frowned. "I think I need to go and look at the Emerald. I'm not going to be able to relax until I make sure everything is alright." he said. Even having sex wasn't completely easing his fears, so that only left the one option.Slipping out of bed, Knuckles slipped on his signature gloves and shoes before turning to look at the sexy archeologist for a few seconds. It would have been nice to stay in bed with her longer...especially for another round or three, as he was still feeling pretty pent up, but this felt important. "You stay here. The storm is still pretty nasty, and I won't be long anyway." he said, heading towards the door. Relic sighed, not in an annoyed manner, but rather an understanding one. He was the Guardian of the Master Emerald And as such, the mystical gemstone was a priority to him above all else. "Very well. And you be careful as well, you hear. Least we want is just slipping on some wet puddle or something, luv." She joked. Wrapped in the sheets, she watched Knuckles walking out of the hut and up the series of stone stairs, wet from the rain, up to the Master Emerald Shrine...Reaching the top, the red echidna was now standing before the magic gem. Shimmering with a mystical green glow. An aura of magic enveloping it through the stormy night.It felt so strange. Despite Knuckles' worries, the Master Emerald seemed okay. But the uncertainty kept creeping up his spine.Somethingwas wrong....he could feel it...The sky illuminated for a second with a lightning, followed by the loud thunder. But in that exact moment, he saw something reflecting upon the emerald. A shadow of glowy red eyes...*SLASH*Knuckles managed to dodge just in time. A figure he quickly recognized stood standing next to him, in a fighting stance. It was no other than the robotic doppleganger of his blue friend, Metal Sonic!As usual, he was silent. Not a single word. Cold and calculating. Without a moment wasted, the machine hedgehog rushed forward to claw at our hero. Knuckles grimaced as he just barely managed to dodge Metal Sonic's attacks for a second time, sidestepping the mechanical hedgehog's charge and letting him fly by in the rain. "Metal Sonic! The premonitions I've been feeling must have been about you! Well, you're even crazier than your creator if you think I'm letting you get your hands on the Master Emerald!" he exclaimed, clenching his gloves into fists as he spun around to face his attacker, though he knew Metal wouldn't actually reply verbally."Relic! Stay inside!" he shouted over the storm, unsure if she could hear him or even see what was going on from his nearby hut. Either way, the situation was much too dangerous for her now, and he doubted he'd be able to fight Metal Sonic and protect her at the same time.Charging at Metal Sonic himself with a battle cry and his fist pulled back, Knuckles swung for a mighty blow aimed at the robot's metallic face. He couldn't afford to hold back at all when it came to Metal, so he didn't hold back at all, in the hopes of ending this as fast as possible. Metal sonic, silent as usual, lunged forward. As Knuckles' fist came flying towards him, the robot hedgehog quickly put his arms up in defense. The punch hit and he managed to protect, but the sheer strength still send the mechanical menace skid backwards.He wasted no time in respond, rocketing forward in one swoop and attacking with a barrage of claws strikes, then rising a few feet from the ground as he charged a ball of energy that he then shot directly at Knuckles. Raising his arms to protect himself, Knuckles endured Metal Sonic's savage claw strikes as best he could, wincing and grimacing as he took some damage. It would take more than that to bring down the Guardian though, which Metal likely knew, and as he charged up a ball of energy to shoot his way, Knuckles threw himself to safety, just managing to dodge.Stumbling through the rain, Knuckles raised his fist and decided to fight fire with fire, calling upon his Chaos abilities to fire several strands of chaos energy towards Metal Sonic his Thunder Arrow technique. The Thunder Arrows shot through the raining sky at high speeds, however that was a trait, just like the one who he was based upon, which Metal Sonic excelled at. Bringing his arms and feet close to his body in one swift movement, a triangular barrier manifested around him.His Black Shield reflected the energy attacks and made the arrows impact around the area, lifting dust clouds up and blocking Knuckle's view of him. A a sparkly red light emerged from the dust cloud, the red echidna was caught by the metallic doppleganger and pinned to the ground with one hand. His other hand was brought up, claws at the ready, about to stab down upon our hero if he didn't do something... Knuckles growled as he watched his Thunder Arrows being deflected by Metal Sonic's Black Shield, then lost track of the robotic hedgehog in the dust clouds kicked up afterwards, already struggling to see through the darkness and rain as is. Seeing the approaching red light of Metal Sonic's eyes too late, Knuckles was pinned to the ground, looking up angrily as Metal prepared to stab down with his free hand, knowing that if he didn't think quickly and use his head, he was in for a world of hurt.Wait...use his head...? That was it!Rearing back, Knuckles thrust his head forward and headbutted Metal Sonic as hard as he could, and if there was anything harder than his fists, it was his head, so it was quite the blow...not that it didn't smart for the Guardian as well. Booting the hopefully stunned Metal off of him while he had the chance, Knuckles pushed his opportunity and came in swinging, hoping to overwhelm the robot with an onslaught of powerful punches. The blue robot did not see it coming, Knuckles sudden headbutt making him loose his grip on the red hero as it back a few steps to readjust himself. This gave Knuckles quite the opening to come down on Metal With a flurry of punches that each smashed hard upon the mechanical menace.Bruises and dents left hard upon his shell, still didn't put him down. Metal may be silent most of the time, but a sense of pride and superiority still existed within his circuitry. And he was furious.His rocket booster activating from his, he lunged at Knuckles with all his might, tackling hard upon the chest and sending the echidna hard stairs down, wrecking a bit of the stairway in the process.Metal's glowy red eyes shifted targets, staring at the mystical gemstone in front of him. Oh Knuckles knew this too well Metal Sonic was about to use the Master Emerald to recharge himself!The azure robot leaped in the air before landing on top of the master Emerald. His metallic palms placed upon its surface, he stared down at Knuckles before it's body started to crackle with energy. Swirls of green energy emerged from the Master Emerald, lighting up as they floated into the air and were absorbed into Metal Sonic's body. The dents and scratches on its body, despite being metallic, seemed to heal from the bath of chaos energy that he was indulging in. Eyes glowed brightly through the stormy night, which just signal Knuckles to really watch out this time.However...something different happened. Metal's body started to shake and agitate, it appeared he was malfunctioning Crackles of red lightning suddenly coursing all over him as his head jittered and shook uncontrollably...But more worrying was something else. These sparks of red soon expanded into the Master Emerald itself! The surface of the gemstone started to crack and crack, but not fully shatter as times before. These cracks glowed with the same intense red and, much to Knuckles' horror, the natural green of the Emerald started to turn black...what was happening!?Our hero could feel the ground rumbling under his feet. There was no doubt, Angel Island was loosing altitude. It seemed to be much more gradual than other times, luckily. So a hard crash was not an outcome. The huge floating island appeared to be slowly descending into the sea.Metal continued to cling to the Emerald, by his looks completely unable to stop itself from shaking and malfunctioning while this strange energy continued to spread into the Master Emerald... Knocked down the stairs of the Master Emerald Shrine by Metal Sonic's hard tackle, Knuckles grimaced painfully and struggled to get back on his feet, moving a bit slowly as he'd just had the wind knocked out of him pretty hard. From his position on the ground though, he could see the robot turn his attention to the Master Emerald, and immediately knew what Metal had in mind, and how bad it would be if he couldn't stop him.Unfortunately, Knuckles wasn't nearly as fast as Sonic, so he wasn't able to make it back up the stairs in time, and was forced to watch angrily as Metal leapt atop the Master Emerald and began harnessing the energy within it, restoring it's physical condition and undoing any damage Knuckles might have done from his earlier attacks. "Great..." Knuckles muttered with a scowl, wondering what he was going to do now.Before either combatants could make another move though, something strange began to happen to Metal, giving Knuckles reason to pause. Shaking uncontrollably and sparking with red lightning all over his metallic body, Metal Sonic seemed to be malfunctioning, and when the red lightning spread to the Master Emerald as well, Knuckles knew something was definitely wrong."What's happening!?" he exclaimed in shock, watching as the Master Emerald began to crack and fracture in several places, with the cracks glowing the same color as the energy crackling around the gemstone, and Emerald itself becoming much darker in color. He had never seen anything like this before, but the outcome was becoming similar as times the Master Emerald had been broken, as he could feel Angel Island slowly losing altitude beneath his feet.Rushing up the rest of the stairs of the shrine towards the Emerald, Knuckles placed both hands upon it's surface, trying to feel out what was happening to Master Emerald and, if possible, reverse the process using his Chaos abilities and his connection to the Master Emerald itself. As Knuckles placed his hands upon the Emerald, a powerful electric jolt sent him flying back once more. His whole body buzzing after the shock, His body feeling hot but weakened after such powerful hit.Metal was barely holding on, eventually dropping down the Master Emerald, then standing up. His body was still jittery and malfunctioning His body sparking with that red electricity. Suddenly, the robotic doppelganger activated his boosters and shot into the skies, until disappearing into the clouds.Knuckles then heard a familiar voice as his vision stopped being so blurry."Knuckles? Knuckles. Oh dear, please be alright?" He saw it was Relic saying this Fully dressed and with Fixit, her modified Gizoid companion, who was also looking down at him.Once seeing that the red echidna was getting his energies back, the two helped him back to his feet. "His vitals appear to be normal, Ms. Relic." Said Fixit."That's good to know. Knuckles, what happened?" Asked Relic. Knocked away from the Master Emerald by a powerful jolt, Knuckles was thrown down the stairs of the shrine once more, and left stunned and weakened, unable to do much but watch through blurry vision as Metal Sonic continued sparking with that strange red electricity until he eventually flew away, leaving Knuckles to try and recover as he heard a familiar voice.Relic and Fixit had came outside at some point after things had settled down, and were trying to help him recover. Eventually, Knuckles was able to get back onto his feet with their help, and he shook his head as they asked what happened. "I...I don't know. Metal Sonic showed up to try and steal the Master Emerald, and while we were fighting, the Emerald...cracked and started crackling with a strange energy." he replied, gesturing towards the Master Emerald."Now the Island is starting to fall out of the sky." he continued, not really certain of what to do next. If he couldn't connect to the Master Emerald, how did he fix this? "By the look of things, the Island already made it all the way down." Relic replied with a sigh. Fixit seemed to reaffirm this."Angel Island has fully descended according to the data from our research station, ma'am. Luckily however, it appears it has descended upon the sea and away from any city or landscape that could be affected by this change.""That's some good news at least..." Said the blue pika. She glanced at the now black cracked gemstone. Knuckles could barely feel a beat coming from inside. It's magic not fully gone, but weak.However, what happened next caught the attention of everyone. From the front of the Emerald a small area glower of green, like a rippling circle along the surface of black. From it, a figure emerged, coated in light which then sprouted out of the Master Emerald and then dropped down upon the ancient stone flooring. The brightness vanished from the figure revealing an orange echidna girl in tribal clothing, by the looks of it unconscious."Now that's new..." muttered Relic. But unlike her, Knuckles immediately recognized her. The young archeologist quickly rushed to the girl's aid only to then fall down on her rear in shock when something else sprouted from underneath the Master Emerald. A blue liquid manifested from the floor, which spread a little across before gathering together in one big puddle which then moved towards the orange echidna."B bloody hells, what is that?!" Relic exclaimed, have not seen something like that before. the puddle transformed into a creature of water and glowy emerald green eyes. The creature moved to check on the echidna girl, who started to groan awake. "Nggh..." Knuckles grimaced as Relic and Fixit confirmed that Angel Island had, in fact, already fallen out of the sky. Thankfully, it had fallen into the ocean nowhere near any of Mobius's land, so at least he didn't have to worry about anyone having been hurt. That still left the situation with the Master Emerald though, and as the Guardian gazed at the gemstone, he could barely feel even a fraction of the Emerald's energy within. Just what could have happened to cause this, he wondered?He didn't have long to ruminate on the situation though, as suddenly the Master Emerald began to glow around the front, if only just, and Knuckles's eyes widened as a figure basked in light emerged and fell to the ground of the Shrine. Soon the light surrounding the figure began to fade, revealing someone unfamiliar to Relic but one that Knuckles knew quite well. "Tikal!?" he exclaimed in surprise, quickly following Relic to the orange echidna's side, only to pause as another joined the scene.Eyeing the blue puddle that came into being from underneath the Master Emerald, Knuckles watched as it moved towards Tikal as well, then manifested into a more familiar form. "Relax, that's Chaos. He's on our side...I think." Knuckles said to Relic, reaching down to help her back onto her feet. Chaos had been their enemy once, used in a scheme by Dr. Eggman, but Sonic and Tikal had supposedly cleansed the creature of it's anger, and since then Chaos had become more benevolent as he had been in the past. Hopefully that hadn't changed.Coming closer as Tikal began to come to, Knuckles crouched down and cradled her in his strong arms. "Tikal, are you alright? What are you doing here? Do you know what's going on?" "Chaos? Oh my, you mean the deity of the Master Emerald shrine from the manuscripts? Amazing!" Relic exclaimed, her fear now shifting into amazement given her archelogical background.Tikal groaned softly before opening her eyes. "Knuckles..." She muttered, her strength slowly returning. Soon enough she was able to get up. Chaos keeping a good look on her regardless.The orange echidna gave a look to the now de powered Master Emerald. "I managed to push my spirit from within the Master Emerald as it started to loose power. It has fallen into a sleeping state and its body is starting to fracture...."She started to explain, "That dark power felt...familiar...but my head is still shaken from the shock I, I can't really remember where it came from. However, I do know that it was an ancient power that should not have resurfaces, and nows has left the Master Emerald in pain..."An ancient power? Why would Metal Sonic posses something like that?"Is there anything we can do?" Relic asked.After a small pause, Tikal spoke again, "There's only one way the Master Emerald, but it'll require a long journey....however, our first step is within the Island itself." She then turned to Knuckles and said, "Knuckles, we must go to Sky Sanctuary immediately. There's something we must retrieve from there. I'll explain further once we reach it. Sighing in relief as Tikal opened her eyes and said his name, Knuckles helped her to her feet, remaining nearby in case she was still weak, and listened intently as she explained the situation as she knew it. Unfortunately, she didn't know what exactly had caused the Master Emerald to fracture and lose it's power, but the idea that it was an ancient, dark power was more than a little foreboding, leaving Knuckles with a frown on his face as he considered the situation.Relic asked the obvious question of what could be done, and Tikal answered by stating that they would need to begin in Sky Sanctuary if they wanted to fix things, to which Knuckles nodded his head. "Let's get going then. We have to fix this as quickly as possible." he said, putting his fist in his palm. "Luckily the Emerald is not fully drained of its power. In this state, nobody will be really trying to seek it, which does give us more time. Still, you're right. I must show you the way to repair it..." Said Tikal."Good thing I have been able to tap into the ancient teleporting devices all around the island." Relic said, "I managed to get one working that should take you straight to Sky Sanctuary." Moments later, Knuckles and Tikal emerged from a beam of light, having landed on one of the gemstone pedestals of the Sky Sanctuary. The very tall ancient temple was big and empty, with only nature taking sits home within its walls. Mostly clouds could be seen underneath it's open walls and broken passways.Tikal started to walk, as if she recognized this place. Whatever she knew about it from her own life or through the master emerald's power was anyone's guess. Regardless, she soon stopped in front of a mural that showed some carvings of what appeared to be an echidna and a symbol resembling a flower. The orange maiden placed her hand upon its surface, closing her eyes as a faint green glow surrounded her. The mural started to rumble and the ground started to shake. The wall moved to the side and a set of stone stairs manifested going downwards into some kind of basement.Knuckles had explored the sanctuary many times, but he had never seen this route. This place still held so many mysteries..."Come along." Said Tikal walking down the steps. As Knuckles followed, he noted how it was a long way down. The few stairs then turned into a long spiral staircase down. And as they walked, the red echidna couldn't help but to glance at her. He had never noticed before, but she was pretty. VERY pretty.He felt his body becoming a bit hotter. His eyes now noticing more of her figure as her clothing hugged it quite nicely. She had a nice set of curves which she swayed softly with each step. And her outfit was very simply, perhaps she didn't even wore anything underneath it He realized the type of thoughts he was having. Probably an effect of the current heat season that was happening."At the end of this path, there's an ancient vault hidden by a selective group of people. The actual legend of the one who build it however, escapes me. Perhaps the magic affecting the Master emerald has messed with my memories a little. However, one thing is for certain Inside there's an mystical relic that should help us heal the Emerald." Tikal explained. After a little pause, she glanced at Knuckles and asked, "Tell me, Knuckles. Do you know anything about the legends of the spirit known as Light Gaia?" Stepping down from the pedestal into Sky Sanctuary once they had been teleported there, Knuckles looked around, taking in the scenery. As usual, the area was practically empty, aside from the plant life that had been slowly retaking the temple over time, and the Guardian followed Tikal into said temple as she began to lead the way. He raised an eyebrow as she stopped by one of the many murals that were in the temple, then took on an expression of surprise as she placed a hand upon it and somehow was able to make it move to the side, revealing a hidden passageway that Knuckles had never known about, despite his many visits to Sky Sanctuary. That was...disheartening.Wondering how many other things about Angel Island there were that he didn't know about despite his years of living here, he followed after Tikal down the stairs. As it turned out to be a lot of stairs though, his mind began to wander, and as it did, he found himself staring at Tikal. Had she always been this cute, and he'd just never noticed? The longer he thought about it, the more he noticed how warm he was feeling, and how lewd his thoughts were getting. Her clothes hugged her body just right, and he could imagine what it might be like to run his hands down those seductive curves...Was this the heat season showing itself again?Tikal soon began to speak again, and Knuckles forced himself to listen as she explained that they were approaching an ancient vault housing something that they could use to help them fix the Master Emerald. When she asked if he knew about something called Light Gaia though, he soon shook his head with a bit of a frown. "No, I don't think so. Why? Does Light Gaia have something to do with all this?" Tikal took a short stop once they reached the end of the staircase. A big gate in front of them. She started to explain, "The Spirit of the World...a being of light and creation, opposite to its brethren of destruction and darkness. Light Gaia and Dark Gaia...""As one shatters the world in its wake, the other is tasked to bringing back together. Death and Rebirth, Life and Death. Light Gaia's essence is a powerful force that flows through the planet, empowering life..."Some of this did start to ring familiar to Knuckles. not much on having being known about it, but more on the"Shattering of the world"bit, which certainly happened some time ago. And this talk about Light Gaia, didn't Tails once told him about it once? Some adventure he and Sonic had to do...Tikal continued, "Of course this cycle only manifests millions and million of years apart, however the power of Light Gaia exists always. Concentrated remnants of its power existed in ancient times, secluded lakes and pools of this energy in liquid form, resting under sacred trees who generated this mystical water. These were known asTears of Gaia. And many tribes once seek them to harness their power, the Echidna tribes included...""Its concentrated power could bring life to once barren wastelands, heal from the very brink of death, and even pacify and nurture the power infinite of Chaos, as they were once used to re power the Chaos Emeralds themselves. It is my belief that with the power of Light Gaia the Master Emerald can be restored to its proper self again..."Tikal pushed on the gate and continued onwards. Inside was a big dusty room. A rectangular hole right in the middle, kind of like a ancient pool stood at the middle, completely dried up. At the end of the room was what seemed like a big dried up tree, and underneath it was a pedestal with some strange relic resting on top of it.Tikal's explanation continued. "The Echidna tribes of old once had their own Gaia Tree, a gift from the Seedrians an mystical race of plant people who were seen as the agents of Light Gaia in the walking world. The two lived in harmony, and even fend off against a dark force that almost gained control of the lad...however, that's the part of the story where my memory fails me..."She sighed a bit, knowing it if only she knew about it they could find a way to fend of whatever force attacked the master Emerald easier. Still, there was no point in berating oneself about it. She reached for the relic: A round item, akin to a container or jar but rounder, with a glass like center and donned with marble handled attached to it in a stylized fashion while marks of what seemed like a majestic canine like being adorned its sides."Tears of Gaia were collected in these vessels, so its magic could be utilized. However, as you can see this pool and tree are completely dry. I'd iamgine at some point the Seedrians split from the Echidna tribes and, with their lack of caring, the tree simply perished. Still, it is possible that more Gaia Trees and pools exist somewhere around the world. That is what you must seek, Knuckles." Folding his arms over his strong chest as Tikal began her explanation, Knuckles did begin to remember something that he'd heard once from Tails that seemed to fit with what she was saying. He hadn't been involved in the incident, but the planet had been shattered some time ago due to, of course, one of Dr. Eggman's schemes, and as Sonic and Tails had worked to set things right, they had met someone named Chip, who had turned out to be Light Gaia, and he had played a pivotal role in it all.It happened that sources of Light Gaia's power could still be found throughout the world though, manifesting in sacred pools of water from mystical trees, known as the Tears of Gaia. Long ago, these Tears had been used by many tribes, including the Echidnas, something else about his heritage that Knuckles hadn't known about until now, and Tikal believed that these could be used to restore the Master Emerald, which sounded plausible enough to him, if they were capable of what Tikal was describing.Following Tikal through the gate, Knuckles looked ahead to what appeared to be a dried up pool and an ancient tree, with something resembling a container resting beneath it. It turned out that this had been the Gaia Tree and pool that the Echidna Tribe had used in the past, supplied by some race Knuckles was unfamiliar with known as the Seedrians, who had eventually gone their own way, leading to the decline of the Gaia Tree as the Echidna had moved on.Taking the container in her hands, Tikal explained that it was a vessel for the Tears of Gaia, that hopefully still existed in other pools around Mobius, which she was now tasking Knuckles with finding. Reaching for the relic himself, Knuckles looked down at it in contemplation for a moment before nodding his head. "Alright. I'll do it." he said with a serious expression on his face. "Mobius is a big place though do you have any idea where the other Gaia Trees might be?" he asked. Tikal sighed, "Sadly, I do not know. The world have changed so much after so many centuries, and with the Master Emerald weakened, so are my reach and my memories. I am really sorry Knuckles, I wish I could be of more help."She did notice something in that moment. How the red echidna's eyes continued to eye her up and down, to scan her over. She blushed slightly, "K knuckles...?"That's when she realized, giving a soft gasp. "Oh my. Could it be, that I caught you in the middle of the heat season? I can sense your energy all pent up. It's only natural..."The orange echidna left the relic back on the pedestal before walking slowly to Knuckles. "Searching for the tears of Gaia is going to be a long and arduous journey, and its properties can also leave certain individuals very...eager, to say the least. Perhaps, I could help you prepare for it...?"She was now movingrealclose. Her hand resting on his red chest. Knuckles sighed as Tikal told him that she was unable to help him locate any of the Gaia Trees, but shook his head. "It's alright. It's not your fault. I'll find them on my own...somehow." he replied, wondering how exactly he was going to do such a thing. Maybe Relic, with her fascination with history and archeology, might know something that could help him?This whole time even as Tikal had been explaining the gravity of the situation Knuckles had been unable to help himself from oogling the orange echidna, and as she finally seemed to notice, Knuckles blushed a bit and glanced away as she correctly guessed that it was heat season. "S Sorry...I can't really help it..." he said, feeling a little embarrassed about it, even if it was natural.Turning his gaze back to Tikal curiously as she began to approach him, Knuckles raised an eyebrow as she informed him that properties of the tears of Gaia could affect certain people perhaps making his heat even worse and he blinked as she implied that she could help him in that regard."O Ok." he said, feeling a shiver course through him as she placed a hand softly on his chest. Tikal looked straight at knuckles, a blush still faintly on her cheeks. "Let me help you relieve yourself..." She whispered softly before bringing her lips to his in a kiss. Her both hands touches his body, caressing down his chest. A soft moan muffled by the kissing could be heard when one hand started to caress him around the crotch area. Knuckles shivered again as Tikal caressed him with both hands while kissing him, and wasted little time in kissing her back as the heat began to descend upon him once more. His own hands moved to encircle her curvaceous figure as they kissed one another, drifting southward to caress and fondle her caboose through her skirt, and he soon groaned softly as he felt one of her hands caressing his groin, where he was already becoming quite erect and hard.Wrestling with Tikal's tongue as he pulled her more tightly against his powerful frame, he kissed her with more and more fierceness as he grew more and more excited, and began to back her up against the wall. Tikal shivered softly as his hands caressed her curves, having been so long since she had any intimacy. She kept kissing wildly, intensifying while Knuckles pushed her against the bad. She didn't mind it.The heat was becoming strong, her hand kept rubbing at his crotch, now hardened. Gripping the cock, she started to stroke him vigorously. Whatever way he wanted to do her, no matter how rough, she was fine with it. Groaning as Tikal stroked his manhood with more and more intensity, Knuckles continued kissing the orange echidna emphatically, slipping his hands upwards to pull her top off over her head to reveal her breasts, and letting them sink into her bosom. Rolling them and caressing them with his hands, the soft feeling of them only drove him more and more wild in his heat, leading one hand to slip southwards again and drag her skirt off along with any underwear she might have been wearing.Pressing her more firmly against the wall, Knuckles moved his hand underneath one of her sexy legs and began to lift her up slightly, pinning her between the wall and himself. Soon he pressed his cock between her legs, and began roughly rubbing it against her womanhood as they continued kissing one another. "I hope you're ready...cause once I start it's hard to stop..." he managed to say between meetings of their lips, thinking back to sexually exhausting Relic during many of their times together. Tikal broke apart from the kissing just to let soft gasps and moans as Knuckles' hands started to caress her chest. Her top lifted exposing her bare breasts, the red echidna toyed with the perky mounds while Tikal responded with more eager strokes of his manhood.Soone these hands came to under her skirt, pulling down the straps that acted as her panties before parting her legs and lifting them softly, Knuckles positioning near her entrance while her back was roughly pinned against the marble behind her. She didn't mind, she kind of liked it."I'm ready. Do as you wish." Tikal stated, even showing it by undoing the knot that kept her skirt together, releasing it and dropping it to the ground as her bottoms were now fully exposed to him. At Tikal's insistence that she could handle him, Knuckles nodded his head and began purposefully driving his hips forward, pushing his cock into her pussy inch by inch. It was a tight fit, but it felt incredible right from the start, and the Guardian groaned softly at the sensation of her inner walls wrapping around his length. Without wasting much time, he was soon thrusting into her womanhood, making her body and breasts bounce with each impact of their bodies.Grunting from the exertion of his thrusts as he worked his manhood deeper and deeper into her core, Knuckles shifted his grip to support Tikal, squeezing and fondling her ass as he held her up effortlessly, and he leaned in to claim her lips once again for a series of fiery kisses. Tikal let out a loud moan the moment Knuckles pushed himself in. Her was rather big a thick, thrusting inside of her womanhood. The sensationw as strong a delightful and the friction that started was already sending a load of pleasure through her."Oooh...o oh...." She quivered as he put his weight hard against hers. His hand groping her rear only making it feel wilder, more exciting. Despite her usual calm personality, she did have a like for such a wild fucking."You...ahn...certainly pack...t the strength of a warrior...oooh..K knuckles..oooh.." She managed to say in between moans only to be met by the red echidnas' lips, fiercely kissing back with a few softer moans. It wasn't long before Knuckles was picking up the pace, driving his cock into Tikal's tight pussy faster and harder with each passing thrust, groaning against her soft lips as their tongues intertwined. Seeing the normally calm and peaceful Tikal so energetic and lustful was only turning him on further, and he could feel his cock growing hotter and throbbing with excitement as it struck the female echidna's core again and again.The warm wetness of Tikal's pussy as he drilled into her over and over enhanced the pleasure more and more with each meeting of their bodies, driving the Guardian wilder and wilder in his lustful heat, and the inner chamber was soon filled with the sexual sounds of their groans, moans, panting, gasping, and wet impacts of their bodies. Echoes of gasps and moans kept ringing through the chamber. Tikal held a hard grip against Knuckles while he continued to hammer into her core with such delightful strength. Her orange breasts vigorously bouncing with every thrust while he mouth expelled words of affirmation and desire..."O ooh...yes...yes! M more...take me more..."Having to be confined within the Master Emerald was serene and nice, but also meant she did not had this opportunity as much as she hoped. Sure there was Chaos and it wasn't like she hadn't...well...but someone like Knuckles was different. And so, this was an experience both of them were enjoying.She moved her body as to leave the wall she was being pinned at. Releasing herself from the red echidna, only for a moment, Tikal got on the floor on all fours as she rose her rear towards Knuckles, inviting him to shift positions with her. More than willing to give Tikal exactly what she was amorously calling out for, Knuckles was still forced to pause momentarily as the orange echidna momentarily slipped away from him and her position pinned against the wall, and his eyes widened in excitement as she took up a new position on the floor, with her rear end seductively raised for him to take. Needless to say, the Guardian wasted little time in joining her on the floor, and after taking firm hold of her curvaceous hips once more, thrusted back into her waiting womanhood with one, powerful motion.Soon, he had built back up to a strong, rapid pace of thrusts into her pussy, drilling deep into her inner walls with each meeting of their hips. Squeezing and caressing her ass with one hand, his free hand slipped around her body to fondle her heaving breasts as he hunched over her, grunting into her ear from the exertion of taking her so roughly. Tikal's moans continued to ring across the room. Her own backside moving alongside Knuckle's thrusting, the sound of their skin smacking against eachother was a pleasant sound for both of them."A body pent up...and may...ngh, stay that way for a while..." The orange echidna managed to talk between her cries of pleasure, "S so...ahn...don't feel afraid to Ooooh yes....take c care of those...urges....a and pent up chaos energy as you....aaahn...c continue...."She could feel Knuckles was speeding up and, at the same time, could sense that he own time was at her limit. Her inner walls clenched against his hardened prick while her hands tried in vain to grip at the marble underneath them. only a series of rapid gasps and moans were expelled out of her mouth at this point. She was so close.... It seemed that Tikal too was able to sense how pent up Knuckles had been becoming lately, and between her moaning and gasping, managed to give the red echidna some advice for his upcoming journey to keep in mind, to which he grunted in acceptance, a little too caught up in the moment to properly respond. Thrusting into her tight, wet pussy again and again as it clenched around his length, he could feel himself throbbing more and more with each passing second, a sign that he was reaching the end of his least for the moment, and he only grew faster and faster in response, as if to finish as powerfully as possible.And within a few more thrusts, his orgasm began, drawing a deep groan from the Guardian as he buried his cock within her womanhood one more time, spilling his white hot seed deep into her core. Holding onto her tightly as he rode out the intense sensation, his manhood remained rock hard within her...which likely meant they were far from finished just yet... Tikal wasn't to hold on much longer following that, and soon she jerked her head back as a powerful cry resonated through the chamber. Her body tenses as she felt him erupt inside her, mixing in with her own pleasure juices.She panted and looked back, "S such stamina...and you're still eager. Not surprising for such a strong Guardian." She admitted. The mission was of course still set, but she couldn't help but indulge a little, after all, she wouldn't be able to get this much once Knuckles was on the road. Whatever he wanted to do next, she'd welcome it greatly. Grunting in pleasure as he felt Tikal's orgasm begin soon after his own, rushing liquids coating the length of his cock as it rested inside her pussy, Knuckles met her eyes as she looked back at him over her shoulder, and smirked a bit as she commented on his stamina. "You're about to find out just how much stamina I really have." he replied, taking hold of her hips and flipping her over roughly before she could say anything further, looming over her as she rested on the floor of the cavern.Leaning down and letting his lips lustfully crash into her own, Knuckles began thrusting into her womanhood once more, reaching just as deep as before, and going hard and fast from the start. Wrestling with her tongue as their bodies collided again and again, he was soon groaning softly from the exertion and delight of their lovemaking once more, and wrapped his strong arms around her, holding her tightly against his powerful chest. Tikal didn't have much time to do anything before she was flipped over and once again entered by Knuckles' hardened prick. She gasped and moaned in delight, feeling the hot rod push into her soft insides again. Her orgasm leaving her in a very sensitive state, meaning she could feel his hard thrusts even more and this generated even more pleasure."A aahn oooh " Tikal cried, holding on to Knuckles for dear life, immediately kissing back when he did as the red echidna claimed her hard. Plowing into Tikal's white hot pussy more and more powerfully with each passing second, Knuckles' kisses only grew more heated and intense as his arousal continued to grow, finding the way that the female echidna clung to him exciting. It wasn't long before the lustful sounds of their coupling were filling the chamber once more, and the Guardian could feel his manhood throbbing strongly within her inner walls as well.The sensation of his cock striking her core with each meeting of their hips, along with the way her pussy clamped down on the length of his shaft over and over, was intoxicating, drawing groans from Knuckles between passionate kisses as he ran his strong hands down her backside, squeezing and fondling her asscheeks again. The sheer force and stamina of the red echidna was proving once again to be beyond of what Tikal could have expected. Clinging hard at his body, feeling herself tightly gripped against his hot member, she could feel a second orgasm fast approaching.She let her voice be known, gasping and crying into the chamber in a tone of delight. "Oooh I'm coming! I'm coming!!"Moments later that exclamation came about true in a powerful climax. Arching her head back she rode the powerful crashing wave of pleasure before her energies finally gave away after so much continuous pounding. "Ooooh, incredible...expected no less from the Guardian of the emerald..." Not long after Tikal's orgasm came crashing down upon his member, squeezing him ever so tightly as a rush of fluids washed over his manhood, Knuckles' own orgasm was soon to follow, and he groaned in pleasure as he felt himself shoot another dose of his white hot seed into her core. The Guardian was left practically lightheaded as he enjoyed the dual sensations of their lovemaking, panting lightly for breath as Tikal rested beneath him, seeming about as spent as Relic usually was after enduring such strenuous fucking.To be honest, it would have been fun to continue for some time longer until they were both completely exhausted, but with the situation as it was, Knuckles thought he could be least for now, and was content to lay there on the cool stone floor of the chamber with the orange echidna girl as they recovered. Once they had though, Knuckles eventually untangled himself from Tikal and got back onto his feet, helping her up as well. From there, they would retrace their steps through the caverns and the Island itself back to Knuckles' home, where he would then explain the situation as it stood to Relic, so that she would be all caught up."...and that's the story. So, have you ever heard anything about these Gaia Trees, and Pools? Any old civilizations somewhere on Mobius that might have had something to do with them? Anything at all?" he asked, hoping that she might have even a shred of knowledge on the subject. "Hm.." Relic took a moment to ponder all of this. Rubbing her chin. She walked around the floor of her laboratory, located within the abandoned Launch Base Zone, back and forth as she tried to spark a memory."Well, I had dwelled in a lot of Gaia related scripts and studies back on Spagonia, but nothing as precise as these Trees or Pools you mention." Relic stated, "Still..there may be something..."She quickly rushed to one of her monitors, urging Knuckles to follow up. A map displayed upon the screen, she showing a series of glowy spots after she typed in."There are a few sites people have found ruins or material that seem Light Gaia related across the world. Amongst these are a series of ruins that have yet to be explored. Some remote, some less so...They seem to show very resistant entrances, only accessible with specialized keys, or so I heard...""So far I know of only three locations that may help you..." She explained, "One appears to be in the Acorn Archipelago. Another at a tropical area which appears to be in Meropis marked territory, and another within a jungle...I am not sure if any of those'll have what you're looking for but it's the best lead I have." Following Relic to the monitor as she set up a map on the screen, Knuckles looked to each of the glowing spots marked on said map, then folded his arms over his chest as she explained what she knew about the sites. They were areas that people had come across in the past that seemed to be connected to Light Gaia ruins to be explored, and even if it sounded like it would be difficult to find his way inside, the Guardian wasn't about to give up so easily, so he nodded his head and pointed to the spot in Meropis territory."I'll start there, then. It's closest to where the Island landed." he said, turning to Relic and placing his hand on her slender shoulder. "Thanks for the help. This sounds like it could be dangerous though, so I think you'd better stay on the Island with Tikal, while I handle the rest from here." he continued, showing his concern for her wellbeing, as they were...well...whatever it was they were, since becoming so intimate. "Now where do you think you're going?" Relic exclaimed as she suddenly held on to Knuckle's wrist. "You can't be bloody serious. We're still in the middle of the Ocean. You'd drown before even reach the shore!!"The blue pika pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. "Ugh, always rushing things without thinking..." This followed a sigh and then smile, "However, we do have an alternative. Follow me!"With that she took Knuckles into another room of the research lab. It was there were Fixit was just exiting after connecting a final set of wires into some kind of pedestal with a big green gem in the middle. Many colored cables seemed to come from holes in the device and into a nearby computer."I found one of those broken teleporters at the Hidden Palace and thought we could give it a new use. I managed to amplify it's power, and should be strong enough to teleport you right to the shoreline without having to drain yourself swimming!""It is a one way trip, however. So getting you back it's gonna be something we'll cross when we get there.." She said with a wink then gave him a small device. "Put this in your ear, you won't feel it but it'll let us communicate from far away."She couldn't help but blush a little when she noticed his concerns for her. Showing another smile and noting Tikal wasn't around, she took the chance and moved closer, pressing her lips to his in a short but deep kiss. "Don't go hurting yourself badly, you hear? I want you back in one piece..."A short pause happened then, Relic feeling something poking at her. "Heh, should have known that was gonna get you all pent up. Let me take care of it, okay?"With that the pika girl got to her knees and wrapped her hand around his growing member, giving it a few stokes before starting to softly lick the head. Letting Relic drag him into another room within her workshop as she mentioned another way for him to make his way off the Island other than swimming, Knuckles set his eyes on a pedestal connected to an emerald that resembled those in the Hidden Palace Zone, and Relic explained that she and Fixit had fixed it up for longer range teleportation that should get him off Angel Island and onto the shoreline. "Well...I guess that makes more sense. Let's just do that." he replied begrudgingly, having to admit that would be better than swimming or gliding."I'll find a way back somehow, don't worry about that." Knuckles said as Relic also explained that it was a one way teleportation, accepting the communication device she had for him as well, and placing it in his ear.He was then surprised as she stepped closer and gave him a kiss on the lips, and glanced away in embarrassment as she smiled at him. "Y Yeah, yeah. I'll be fine." he replied...only to blink as he realized that he was poking Relic with a large part of his anatomy. And as he couldn't exactly embark on his adventure with such a problem, Relic volunteered to take care of it for him before he left.Immediately shivering as she wrapped her hand around his erection and began to stroke him off, he took a breath as she even began softly licking his tip, and let his hand rest atop her head as she worked. "D Damn...I'm gonna miss this while I'm gone..." Relic simply grinned at that statement. And so, she then took more of Knuckles' hardened prick into her mouth, quickly picking up a pace, bobbing up and down."Mmmhm..." She hummed softly in her blowjob, prompting her hand to sneak underneath and caress his sack alongside it. She closed her eyes and took it deeper down her throat. If it was gonna be back to just her fingers and toy for a while, she might as well leave him with a good time.She continued, quickly becoming faster and faster. Knuckles groaned as Relic took more of his cock down her throat, shivering as he felt her soft hand teasing his groin further as well, and locked his legs together to keep himself on his feet as she sped things up. He could feel his manhood throbbing within her mouth, and as his lust began to grow, he was soon working his hips to lightly thrust himself a little bit further down her throat. Knuckles' new slight movements didn't stop Relic from continuing with her blowjob. Holding on to his buttocks, she continued to bob up and down, going along rhythmically with the echidna's own thrusts. Her voice muffled by the big cock, but clearly in a moan as she closed her eyes and let herself keep going. The way that Relic gripped his bottom was strangely arousing, exciting him further as she continued to orally pleasure him, and he groaned again at the way her moan vibrated along his shaft. Another moment or so passed in this manner as her blowjob continued, yet soon enough, Knuckles felt himself reaching his limit, leading to one final thrust down her throat before he shot a load of his cum into her mouth."W Whoa...hah...a ahh..." Knuckles breathed while the two of them recovered...smirking just a bit as they both realized that he was still quite hard. She'd probably be used to this by now though, knowing exactly how much stamina the Guardian could have once he was riled up.Teasingly ruffling Relic's hair as he slowly slid himself out of her mouth his manhood throbbing and twitching as it was exposed to the open air once more Knuckles looked down into the archeologist's intelligent eyes, his own beginning to become clouded with lust once more. "...think we have enough time...?" he asked, his intent obvious. Relic was rather surprised by the strong load, bearing herself as to not choke on it. She slowly swallowed, eventually taking a sight of relief once it was done.However it appeared that the red echidna was still with his member quite hard, which made the blue pika sigh. "Figures..." she said.Standing up, she moved towards a control panel wide enough as to not accidentally press any buttons. She lowered herself upon it while rising her backside up towards Knuckles, then pulled part of her skinsuit down, enough for her private parts to be exposed."You're unbearable sometimes, bloody hells. But I'm gonna miss the feeling. So make it a good one please." She said. Offering one last quickie before he departed. Watching with interest as Relic walked towards a nearby control panel to use to support herself before raising her alluring ass up for him and pulling enough of her skinsuit down to expose herself, Knuckles came closer to teasingly press his hard manhood against her noticeably slick, damp pussy, rubbing against it lewdly even as she remarked on how much trouble his sexual drive was at times."Like you don't like it." he replied with a bit of a smirk, unable to help himself as he felt himself growing more and more excited, and began forcing his cock into her woman, groaning softly at the familiar but no less enjoyable sensation of her tight, hot inner walls clamping down upon the length of his shaft. Gripping her shapely hips to help steady them both, he began powerfully thrusting his own hips back and forth, working to drive himself deeper within her with each forward motion."How's that? Good enough for you?" he grunted from exertion, already enjoying himself. Relic's moans of delight seemed to give him the answer he seeked. She gripped hard against the console, holding herself while her rear wobbled slightly with every hard thrusts Knuckles did." that...ooh bloody hell, give it to me..." She exclaimed, biting her lower lip. Enjoying the lustful sounds Relic gave in immediate response to his thrusts into her womanhood, Knuckles only picked up the pace as her shapely ass bounced against his midsection. Hunching over her a little bit as he continued to relentlessly drill into her, he slipped his arm around her waistline and reached outwards to cup her heaving breasts, squeezing and working them in his strong grip."Not so...prim and proper...when we're like this...are you?" he managed to say between thrusts, a bit of a smirk on his face as he teased her...not that he minded the way Relic became when she was really worked up. "W why you....oooooh..." Relic could barely speak at this point. Her vice being replaced by mostly moans as Knuckles continued to ram his prick hard deep inside her. She liked how rough he could gets sometimes, yet still caring.She could feel her orgasm approaching, and as such her breathing and moans accelerated more and more. "Yes..ooh...oooh...yes yes yes..."Then it hit her, her hands gripping at the console as one last crie was let out as her body tensed in delight. Managing a laugh as Relic tried and failed to come up with much of a retort to his teasing in between her moans and gasps of pleasure, Knuckles plowed into her that much more fiercely, able to feel his manhood pulsing and throbbing within her pussy as she grew tighter and tighter in response to their lovemaking, leaving him grunting and gasping as well.Soon enough, he could feel her tensing up in that way that signaled an orgasm was approaching, and seconds later, felt that rush of warmth as it began, drawing a groan of pleasure from the echidna as it washed over him, pushing him over the edge and bringing him to an orgasm as well, coating her inner walls with his white hot seed.Left hunched over the archeologist as the two enjoyed and rode out the sensation of their orgasms, the Guardian rested his chin on the pika's shoulder while they caught their breath, and smirked a bit as he met her eyes. "Not a bad way to say goodbye...huh...?" Relic simply glanced back at him, smirking, and said panting, "Just get on the teleporter before I change my mind and make you swim all the way there..." That bit jokingly, of course.With everything set and cleaned up, the red echidna was led into the ancient device. Carrying the Gaia Vessel with him , Relic headed to the control panel and soon started putting the necessary inputs. With one last press of a button, Knuckles was encased in a beam of light.When the flash dissipated, he was now far from Angel Island, the soft warm sand touching at his shoes, while the calm sounds of the waves crashing on the sea greeted him to a more tropical environment.The place appeared desolate, at least at first glance, however, from the corner of his eyes, our hero noticed something venturing in to the mass of threes nearby. A single Motorbug badnik, rolling on its one wheel into the green depths. This seemed fishy... Sharing a laugh with Relic as they rested for a moment before cleaning up and getting everything repaired, Knuckles was soon standing on the repurposed teleporter with the Gaia Vessel in tow, ready to begin his journey. With one last goodbye, the Guardian was sent on his way in a beam of light, and the next thing he knew, he was standing on a sandy beach by the ocean, far from home on Angel Island, with no immediate way to return.Trying not to think about it and instead focusing on how important it was that he was out here, the red echidna momentarily took in his surroundings, not often being seaside in this manner. As he enjoyed the ocean breeze though, something caught his eye, and when he turned towards the trees, he spied a badnik making it's way deeper into the foliage, prompting him to frown. What was one of the Eggman Empire's robots doing way out here?Normally, his first instinct would be to smash the badnik to pieces, and that was pretty tempting to follow through on, but instead, Knuckles decided to try something a little more tactful, beginning to follow it to see just what was going on. Knuckles followed the Badnik through the dirty path. The Motorbug zigzagged as it avoided palm trees and rocks, heading to a specified direction or so it seemed.However, as the red echidna continued to stalk, he heard something moving around. The sounds of fast footsteps, twigs breaking under the weight of a foot. Someone was roaming around. The motorbug turned around to see the source of noise, only for suddenly be attacked by a blast of blue energy that shot from the bushes and impacted it directly. The Badnik breaking short circuiting before breaking apart and liberating the small animal inside.In any other instance, getting rid of another of Eggman's machines was a good thing. However, our hero didn't know where it was headed before being destroyed and, even worse, the energy blasts kept going, this time towards him!!Suddely the figure emerged and attacked. A trident spear only barely thrusting near him, almost hurting him. A purple dolphin mobia stood before him, holding the weapon.Shewore a green dress and a golden helmet as she stared with fierce eyes at him."You shall advance no further! Whatever you were planning with your machine ally there ceases now!!" She proclaimed. Following the Badnik from a safe distance, Knuckles was hopeful that he would soon discover it's destination or what it was searching for, as it seemed to be moving with purpose, rather than simply wandering around. Before it could reach wherever it was that it was trying to go though, Knuckles' sharp senses caught the sound of something else nearby someone approaching quickly and before he could even blink, a powerful blast of blue energy shot out of the foliage and took the Motobug out in an instant, freeing the mobini inside...which was good...but ending his lead...which was bad!Even worse, several more energy blasts fired out of the bushes as well, and all of them in his direction!"H Hey!" Knuckles exclaimed in shock, throwing himself out of the way of the blasts just in time for the person firing them to reveal themselves and attack up close and person as well, wielding a nasty looking trident that only just missed him as he continued to dodge, tucking into a roll that brought him out in a crouch as the wielder a purple dolphin mobian held it towards him threateningly."What are you talking about!? I wasn't planning anything, and that Badnik you just destroyed wasn't my friend! I was following it to see where it was going! Now put down that trident down before someone gets hurt!" "What a convenient tale. How can I trust you're not working withthem? I know you people have the Princess hostage, so hand her over!" Said the Dolphin mobian girl as she kept her spear up and pointing at Knuckles.She appeared quite firm on her resolve, not really trusting the red echidna. However, from the corner of his eye, Knuckles noticed something atop a tree behind her. A Coconuts badnik holding up at the top of the tree, rising it's explosive projectile aiming right at her!!! "I don't even know whothey are! I don't know anything about any Princess either!" Knuckles retorted as the Dolphin Mobian continued to threaten him with her spear, unwilling to believe him. Before he could say or do anything else in his defense though, the Guardian spied another badnik hidden up at the top of a nearby tree, and his eyes widened as he realized it was about to throw a bomb down at his attacker."Watch out!" Knuckles exclaimed, pushing the girl out of the way as he charged the tree and struck it with his fist, using enough force to shake it up enough to drop the Coconuts to the ground, where he promptly smashed it to bits with another strike."Still think I'm working with the bad guys?" he asked over his shoulder, while the tiny animal that had been trapped within in the badnik scampered off to safety. The dolphin girl watched in awe as Knuckles rushed past her and brought another robotic baddie down before it could strike her, then smashed it to pieces, freeing the small animal inside. She slowly lowered her spear, seeing things more clearly."You're apologies" She said before approaching the red echidna. "I acted rashly. My name is Echo the Dolphin, part of the Meropis Royal Guard."She crossed her arms as a sigh escaped her, having placed her spear back on her back as a sign of no longer threatening. "I'm looking for the people who kidnapped the her to the throne, Princess Udina." She rubbed her temples following a groan, "Ugh, she can be such a handful, leaving the castle and city without telling anyone and now we got to learn someone captured her with the help of those robotic minions like the ones you and I smashed. I must find the princess before something happens to her! It is my duty as a royal guard." Of all people, Knuckles knew a thing or two about acting rashly and making a mistake in the process, so he nodded his head as the dolphin girl apologized for attacking him, and turned to face her as she came closer to introduce herself. "I'm Knuckles the Echidna Guardian of the Master Emerald." he replied, not wanting to be the only one without a title in this conversation.Momentarily glancing at the way her breasts were emphasized by the way she crossed her arms beneath them before returning his attention to her words, Knuckles folded his arms over his own chest as he listened, and frowned softly as Echo revealed that someone important a Princess had been captured by someone using badniks, which had to mean that someone was working for Eggman. "That sounds bad. Normally, I'd help you out, but I've got my own problems right now. I don't suppose anyone in this Meropis you're from knows anything about Gaia Trees, or Gaia Pools, do they?" Echo looked at him with surprised eyes. Her hand appeared to move to pick back on her spear but she halted before saying. "I may have....heard about it..."She could tell she may need help, and so she was making sure she could have some leverage to convince the echidna of aiding her with her issue. "The royal family of Meropis is said to know something about the shrines that are located in this area. Help me rescue her, and she may just help you." Echo extended her hand to him, "Deal?" Knuckles was a bit surprised when Echo informed him that the Royal Family of Meropis that her missing Princess belonged to might know something about what he was looking for, but decided to take it as a stroke of good luck, and reached out to shake her hand as she made her offer. "Deal. So, where was your Princess last seen? Have there been any other badniks seen in the area? We're going to need to find more...seeing as you smashed the one I was following and all..." he replied. Echo seemed a bit embarrassed when Knuckles asked, "Well...the issue is that the princess is rather...em...lively, to put it nicely. She is always so keen in seeing the world because of her previous sheltered childhood that she usually doesn't think things through. She decided to sneak away from the Guard's watch before this happened. Ugh, if only she wouldn't be such a rash ...."And then, from the corner of her eye, she saw something at a distance. Another Motorbug, making it's rounds into the jungle's depths. Echo's eyes widened, suddenly turning Knuckles around for him to see. "There! One of those machines. We better follow it then!" The duo was quick on the Badnik's trail. Making sure not to alert it so they could find their source, or at least whoever is commanding them. This lead them to a clearing where the foliage parted away, only with a few large trees generating shade over what seemed like a old structure of ancient stone. Moss growing on its side and a large locked door lied up front. Knuckles recognized the marking upon the front, very similar to the ones of the temple Tikal led him in. Was this the Gaia Shrine that Relic was talking about?However, he was quickly brought behind some bushes by Echo, giving him a quick "shush" sign with her finger before peeking out. The Badnik halted right in front of the two mobians standing in front of the ancient gate.Two girls, one appeared to be a redscorpion mobian Her eyes cerulean blue and wearing a pair of big mitten like gloves and a black leotard with a white line on the middle alongside a blue sash around her hips. She appeared to have a firm and determined look at the door, humming softly to herself. Next to her was a tropical bluelizard mobiangirl with orange spots across her head and with frills around the sides of her head resembling a hairdo. Her most prominent feature however, was the fact her torso and arms appeared to be roboticized rather than being just armor. She seemed to keep a rather aloof expression throughout, like if she didn't really care being standing there in the first place, just keeping her arms crossed."So...this is the place?" Asked The red scorpion girl."Yup." Simply responded the lizard with a rather unenthusiastic tone, "The entrance is locked tight, I guess.""...I'm gonna punch it open!""No Pyra, you can't just punch it open..." responded the lizard with a sigh."Yeah I can!!" The scorpion girl, Pyra, responded with energy. "I'm gonna punch it!""No just...ugh. Look the door is too hard for that. And I won't be standing here and watch you spend all night just for nothing...""Awww."The lizard girl sighed again, "We can just go back and get the mech and, like, just bust it open that way. These weird ruins always have some kind of old treasure or mystical artefact or something like that. And the old man likes their mystic junks so we give him one and we get a bonus and thatw ay i don't have to do any more work than necessary..." Knuckles folded his arms over his chest as Echo explained a bit about what made this Princess Udina such a handful to watch out for as part of her Guard, tilting his head at the thought of how difficult it must have been to guard something that could actually...move around. He might have commented on it, but before he could say anything, he suddenly found himself spun around by the dolphin mobian, and he blinked in surprise at spying another Motobug in the distance. "That's a lucky break." he thought aloud before beginning to follow after it with Echo hot on his tail."Just don't smash this least not yet, anyway." The Motobug eventually led them to a clearing further within the forest, wherein the Guardian could see an ancient temple constructed of stone, quickly noticing it's similarities to the temple Tikal had led him to back on Angel Island, and wondering if it might possibly be the Gaia Temple that Relic had sent him here to find. "...That's a lucky break." Knuckles said again as he took in the sight of the temple for a few seconds before being yanked down by Echo into the foliage as she signaled for him to observe something.The Badnik soon approached a pair of female mobians one a red scorpion, the other a blue lizard, who appeared to bare some roboticized body parts in a manner similar to the Freedom Fighter, Bunnie Rabbot who were also examining the old temple, with the scorpion girl wanting to hotheadedly bash her way in, while her companion unenthusiastically advised other options, and Knuckles' eyes narrowed as he jumped to what he assumed was the logical conclusion in a manner similar to Echo when she had attacked him earlier, rushing out of the foliage and wrecking the Motobug with a single hammer strike of his fist, freeing the animal inside."Alright, you two! I know that Badnik was one of yours, which means you must be working for the Eggman Empire! Where is the Princess? Tell us, and maybe I'll go easy on you!" he exclaimed, pointing at them with one of his big mitts. "What are you doing!?" Echo exclaimed in a mixture of whisper and shout. Bursting out and ruining the element of surprise they had like that. Sure she had been brash before but this guy seemed to rebel in it."Huh?" Pyra looked at the red newcomer, eyes widened followed by a loud gasp as she exclaimed with massive excitement. "Oh my gosh! It''s...""...Roxi, who is this guy?"Everyone but the lizard had to take a moment to keep them from just face faulting into the floor for that. The lizard girl just sighed."Ugh, let me check into the doc's database..." Roxi, the other Egg soldier started to press some buttons upon her robotic arm, from its wrist came a holographic screen with a symbol of loading before an image of Knuckles came out alongside some text. "Knuckles the Echidna...Guardian of some Master Emerald...self proclaimed Leader of the Resistance branch of Freedom Fighters at the old man's global take over, blah blah...say here he is a total knucklehead, buuut seems it's one of the people on doc's main "to get rid of" list so he must have done a lot to piss him off, I guess..."Echo was surprised to hear about him having dealt with people like this before. She came out from the bushes and held her trident up. "Alright, you two. As he said: Where's the Princess?"Roxi simply groaned, speaking in a rather aloof way "Ugh, seriously? And here I was hoping to just have a chill day. Get the princess captured, hold her for ransom, make some money in the side AND find whatever its inside this place...but now it seems I'll have to work..." She really sounded like she didn't wanna be here.She turned to her partner, "I'll go get the mech. Pyra, go knock your head against them or whatever..." She started to walk away, but Echo immediatly rushed towards her."You're not going anywhere until you tell me where the princess i !!"However before she could strike her, Roxi surprised the dolphin mobian when her arm turned into a canon, which soot a blast of some kind of acid like purple goop. Echo jumped back when it hit the ground, but this allowed the lizard girl to disappear into the trees.Meanwhile, the red scorpion girl appeared ecstatic, suddenly rushing to Knuckles and delivering a powerful jawline punch that send the Echidna stright into a tree, having bee caught by surprise. It was almost like fire had been ignited in her eyes."Hey Red Guy, you sounded strong in that bio. I like that! My name is Pyra the Red Scorpion Egg Boss of the Shamar section, but I'm here to help my friend Roxi here...So, do you wanna fight? Cause I do! Come on let's fight!!" She exclaimed, skipping around all peppy and excited. Knuckles blinked as the red scorpion girl Pyra seemed to be on the verge of recognizing him, only to suddenly ask her companion Roxi who he was, and frowned as the latter called up some information on him that must have been kept on file by Eggman. Valuing his privacy as much as he did, he didn't like that at all not one bit, but there wasn't much that could be done about that right now, so he punched a fist into his other hand and nodded his head. "That's right, and if you know who I am, then you should know why it would be a bad idea to " He blinked again, then stomped forward a step with his fist raised in the air. " hey, what was that being a 'knuckehead'!?"Echo had followed him out into the open by this point, seeing as they no longer had the element of surprise anyway, and after joining him in demanding her Princess's safe return, the two of them were given confirmation of that fact by Roxi's exasperation, prompting the Guardian to point at the pair once more. "So you do have the Princess, then! Do yourself a favor, and just hand her over! Otherwise this chill day of yours is gonna start getting painful!" he said threateningly.Neither of the Eggman followers seemed too put off by his threats though, especially Roxi, who decided to simply...leave in order to get a mech to fight them with, and when Echo tried to stop her, she surprised them both with an acid cannon built into her robotic arm, attacking the former with it before darting off into the trees. "Echo, be care "Knuckles' warning was cut off though, as he suddenly found himself on the receiving end of a surprisingly powerful punch to the chin, one with enough force to knock him back into a tree, and he slid down the trunk a few inches before he managed to recover, needing to blink some stars out of his eyes and rub his jawline a bit while he stood back up to see Pyra happily celebrating the chance to fight him. "O Ok...that was...unexpected..." he said with a grimace, raising an eyebrow at the girl's behavior. He liked a good fight too...but...oh, whatever. It wasn't like they were going to give up the Princess willingly anyway."Alright. You want to rumble? Let's rumble!" Knuckles said, looking towards Echo before nodding his head. "Echo, you go after that other girl! I'll take care of things here!" he said, gesturing in the direction that Roxi had ran off in before returning his attention to his own problem.Charging forward with his fist cocked back and a fiery look in his own eyes, Knuckles swung at Pyra in the hopes of giving her a taste of her own medicine. He couldn't say he liked the idea of fighting a girl...especially one who seemed so...chipper, but she was a fighter trying to get in his way, so he had to do something...though he probably wouldn't be able to convince himself to hit her as hard as he actually could. Even Rouge conflicting and confusing headache that she was couldn't get him to do that much. Echo nodded and quickly rushed deeper into the jungle, leaving Knuckles to handle the energetic red scorpion girl on his own. He delivered a blow to her and managed to push her away, although not as strongly as she had done to hime beforehand.She seemed...happy, that she got hit. "Yeah!! Now that's what I'm talking about!!" Pyra shouted, then rushed back at the red echidna, delivering jab after jab to try to break through any defense he tried to put up.Still, she was not putting as much strength as before Probably to really test our hero's mettle in this brawl. "This is gonna be fun!" She exclaimed after. Concentrating on the task at hand once Echo had gone off into the jungle, Knuckles felt his strike connect with the scorpion girl...but any hopes that he might be able to end this as quickly as possible were dashed as Pyra immediately rebounded from his hit and quickly launched a counterattack, actually seeming to be more and more amused with each passing second. "You're enjoying this way too much!" the Echidna exclaimed as he was forced on the defensive as she threw jab after jab in his direction, wincing as the occasional fist broke through his guard, as even if she seemed to be holding back now compared to before, she still packed quite a punch.Ducking under another jab and trying to move into Pyra's guard, Knuckles threw an uppercut as a way of potential payback, and frowned as they fought. "You seem a little too chipper to be working for someone like Eggman, don't you think?" The jabs kept coming, but soon enough Knuckles managed to exploit an opening and brought up his fist in a strong uppercut that send the scorpion girl yelping into the air before landing roughly on the ground.Pyra let a little groan, and started to get up a bit wobbly. Shaking her head, she regained focus, smiling again and bringing up her fist. "My clan's motto is to fight and get stronger. Grow as a person through battle. That funny old man seemed like the best way for me to find strong guys and I was right! I mean I am now fighting you!"She rushed back towards the red echidna, ready to deliver another punch, but this time around she stopped halfway and surprised him with a tail whip on to his legs using her long scorpion tail.She giggled and quickly brought up. "Don't worry. I'm not one of those poisonous kind of scorpions. My tail is still powerful tho!" Once again, Knuckles managed to land a solid hit, and once again, was left flummoxed as Pyra more or less took his strike in stride, recovering relatively quickly despite being knocked clean off her feet. "...I don't really know how to argue with that..." the Echidna replied as the Scorpion explained her reasoning for working for Eggman...such as it was. He wasn't really given time to come up with an argument either, as the girl was soon on the attack once more, forcing Knuckles to raise his guard in response.Rather than another punch being thrown as he had expected though, Pyra surprised the Guardian with a whip of her long tail, sweeping him off his feet and onto the ground. "Yeow!" he said with a grimace as he landed on his back, glaring in the girl's direction as she took the time to explain that thankfully she wasn't the type of scorpion with poison in their tails. "Good to know..."Deciding to try something unexpected of his own though, Knuckles quickly rolled and tucked into a ball, spin dashing around in a circle as a way to build up momentum before shooting himself in Pyra's direction. He couldn't use the technique as well as Sonic or Shadow maybe not even as well as Tails but he could still pull it off in a pinch, and he knew from experience that it could pack quite the punch. Pyra appeared almost curious at the sudden tactic of the echidna. She watched him attentively as he spun and spun and spun around...until getting dizzy. "Woah..." She muttered as her head wobbled, lowering her guard just in time for Knuckles to charged at her in the spindash form, hitting her square in the jaw with all the pent up force. The young scorpion girl was send flying and crashed hard right on a series of palm trees, knocking them down by the sheer strength of the attack."Ugggh..." She was actually getting exhausted and hurt by the Echidna's attack. just like she wanted but not as she hoped the fight would go. However this only motivated her further. "alright, time to get serious!!" She shouted, bringing her two fists together, crashing on to eachother. When they impacted, her two fists were magically encased in flames, which took our hero by surprise."Hyaaa!!" Pyra exclaimed, living up to her name. She punched the air on Knuckles' direction, sending fire balls from her fist right toward him. Coming out of his spin dash into a crouch after he'd sent Pyra flying, Knuckles could see that this attack had had more of an effect than the others, and the scorpion girl seemed to be becoming more worn down, but she still wasn't ready to give up yet, leaving the Guardian more and more exasperated by the minute. "Don't you ever quit?" he asked rhetorically, only to blink in surprise as she alit her fists with flame, then shot several fire balls in his direction.Too caught off guard to try and get out of the way, Knuckles only had time to cross his arms in front of him and brace himself as best he could before the magical attacks struck him, eventually blasting him back and off his feet from the force of the explosions. "Ugh...I hope Echo is having an easier time than I am..." he groaned as he looked down at his forearms, painfully burnt and smoking somewhat in the aftermath of Pyra's attack. That was going to take some time to heal.Grimacing and growling as he started pushing himself back up, Knuckles glared at Pyra and raised his mitt upwards. "Alright...I didn't want to do this, but you're not leaving me much choice!" he exclaimed, his fist glowing with green Chaos energy. It was hard to say if Knuckles had the technical skill of wielding the forces of Chaos as previous Guardians, or Shadow, but he knew from experience the strength of such abilities, so it was time to fight fire with fire. "Thunder Arrow!" he shouted, launching crackling, lightning shaped bolts of Chaos Energy at his opponent. Pyra gasped, actually in surprise as the echidna just took her fireballs and continued standing, just barely even singed while she expected wors. "W woah! How did you "But she was unable to even finish herself when the red menace leaped into the air and charged a powerful attack. The scorpion girl tried her best to dodge, but the Thunder Arrow managed to his her right in the stinger, coursing the electricity through her and locking her in place as the electric shock hit her hard.After the shock was gone, she remaining standing although incredibly daze. " strong..." She was basically seeing stars, leaving her wide open for one last attack. Knuckles' infrequently used yet powerful Chaos abilities seemed to do the trick Pyra's resilience was impressive enough to leave her standing even after being struck by his Thunder Arrow, but she had clearly been knocked for a loop by the force behind his attack, and the Echidna had a feeling that she was finally about to give up the ghost. With that in mind, he charged towards her with his fist drawn back, ready to give her one hell of a haymaker that would likely leave her unconscious for some time and a doozy of a headache even after she eventually woke the end though, Pyra would only receive a relatively light blow to the head enough to knock her down and continue her daze without doing any serious damage, yet still establishing who had won this little contest of theirs.Letting out a breath and lowering his fist, Knuckles gave the energetic scorpion girl a considering look for a few seconds, then tugged his gloves on a little more snuggly. "You're pretty tough. It's been awhile since I've fought someone like you." he said, shrugging his shoulders. "You should know though you're on the wrong side. Smashing Eggman's robots is a pretty good way to put your strength to the test too, and it's for a good cause." he continued, wondering how much easier running the Resistance during the battles against Eggman and Infinite would have been if he'd had more fighters like Pyra with him at the time.With that said, there was still work to be done, and a Princess to save, so Knuckles turned on his heel and ran off in the direction Echo had gone in pursuit of Roxi earlier, hoping that the dolphin girl had been able to catch up to her and stop her before she'd made her way back to her HQ for reinforcements. After that rumble with Pyra, Knuckles wasn't sure he had the energy for another brawl... Pyra didn't give a response, just a dazed whimper as she remained knocked out, making Knuckles unsure if his words had gotten through her or not. Regardless, it appeared that his wish for that to be the end was not going to be possible, as the sudden scream from Echo caught on his ears.Certainly rushing at this point, he'd find himself at another clearing after going through some thic foliage. Echo's trident now was stuck against the ground, far from her. The pink dolphin girl was currently on the ground, back against a big boulder, looking a bit roughed up from fighting. She panted softly, looking up in a mixture of defiance and a bit of fear. Standing before her was a huge mech, shaped similarly to a Shellcracker Badnik, being piloted by Roxi. The big spiked mechanical claw was lifted, all while the lizard mobian remained with that aloof expression on her face."Look, don't take this personally. I'd love to not have to do all this, but work is work. And I am not gonna get on the old man's bad side. Sooo, you gotta go now. Bye bye" Roxi said then pressed a button. The mech then brought down the claw upon her, ready to smash her.Not if Knuckles could get her in time, however... Picking up the pace as he caught the sound of a scream coming from up ahead, Knuckles burst through the foliage out into another clearing, and his eyes widened as he took in the scene before him. Roxi must have been able to make it to wherever she'd had her mech stashed away before Echo could have stopped her, then turned the tables on the Dolphin, judging by the fact that she'd been disarmed and backed into a corner, at their opponent's mercy as a heavy, deadly mechanical claw was raised into the air, ready to bring it down upon Echo, who didn't look like she was in a position to dodge...The expected blow never landed though, and if a surprised Echo were to open her eyes, she would open them to the sight of the Guardian of the Master Emerald standing before her, struggling to hold and push back the large claw with his hands. "Hrrrng!" Knuckles grunted with a grimace, forced back a few inches but holding his ground regardless, then glanced back at the downed girl over his shoulder. "I If you're gonna's the...time !" he forced out before returning his attention to his battle of strength with Roxi's mech.As strong as Knuckles was though, holding off a mechanical monster like this wasn't something he was going to be able to manage for very long after his brawl with Pyra, so he needed to finish this quickly while he still had the energy to fight. With that in mind, the Echidna pushed as much power as he could muster to the surface, and pushed Roxi and her mech back as far as he could which was likely only several feet, enough to give Echo the breathing room she might need to retreat and then rushed to push what little advantage that might have bought him.Drawing his fist back with a ferocious battle cry, Knuckles began swinging in the hopes of striking the mech with a tremendous flurry of blows. If he could hammer the machine with enough force quickly, maybe he could bring it down before he was tapped out? Echo Closer her eyes, expecting to receive the full blow of the claw, but lo and behold, when she opened back them up to see Knuckles intercepting the attack just in time. His great strength stopping it as he heaved it away. The dolphin girl stared in awe, a faint blush even forming on her cheeks when looking at the red echidna.She managed to snap back to reality when he spoke to her. And such, she rushed out of the fire. The Crab Mech took a few steps back, a groan out of Roxi's mouth. "Uuugh, really? I kind expected Pyra to be, like, done with you and stuff. Sigh...Why do you guys always make it such a chore?"She pressed a button upon her console as holed opened on the back of the mech. A series of small missiles were shot high, which then started to descend upon Knuckles... Whether because the mech's armor was simply too powerful for Knuckles to punch his way through, or he lacked the strength to do so at the moment after being worn down from his fight against Pyra, it seemed that the Guardian's usual methods of punching something really, really hard wasn't going to work this time, and the Echidna was quickly put back on the defensive as Roxi unleashed a barrage of missiles in his direction from on high. He attempted to run out of the way, managing to just clear each impact by a step or so, but the series of concussive explosions ended up knocking him completely off his feet to land in a heap some distance away."Ugh...I could ask you the same thing..." Knuckles groaned as he laid on the ground, a pained expression on his face as he felt how singed his backside was. This was getting out of hand. He needed to try something else, and as his eyes fell upon Echo's energy powered trident a short distance away, he came up with an idea that might help.Tucking into a quick spindash, Knuckles shot himself forward, grabbing the trident as he rushed past before turning back into the direction of Roxi and her mech, and as the Guardian leapt forward, he used his momentum and great strength to stab the weapon forward with all his might, hoping to pierce the armor, where he would then shoot a blast of energy into the opening he'd created. Surely the mech wasn't as durable on the inside as it was on the outside? Knuckles was swift. The heavier mech giving him the opportunity to outspeed its movements and grab on to Echo's trident. With one hard thrust once in a good spot, the weapon stabbed hard upon one of machine's joint, right upon a softer part of the armor. As such, the Crab Mech went into a halt, unable to move and giving Echo enough time to reach the red echidna and her weapon. Her hands held on to the trident and so she casted it's magic electricity, sending a powerful jolt right through the armor and into the mech's circuits Frying them completely.Roxi wasted no second to jump out of the machine the moment that happened, managing to avoid getting shock in the process. She simply sighed, looking at the wrecked machine with her hand on her hip. "Now I'm gonna have to repair bothersome. Alright then you win."Echo was dumbfounded. She was giving up like that!?"Your princess is in a capsule up ahead. Go pick her up if you want. I gotta pick Pyra and go back to my base. I just wanna take a nap..."Our heroes were not about to let an Eggman enforcer get away like this, but the lizard girl gave them no option, revealing a pair of black orbs between her fingers, which she flung to the ground and exploded into a veil of smoke. When the smoke parted, she was gone....Echo simply sighed in relief. They had succeeded. Her cheeks brightened once more when she glanced at Knuckles, but she tried her best to keep composure. "Um, I really appreciate you helping me back there. Couldn't have done it without you..." With a little help from Echo as she rejoined the fight, Knuckles' gambit proved successful in disabling the Crab Mech's circuitry and leaving it unable to continue, and though Roxi managed to leap clear of the machine in time to avoid getting caught in the crossfire, it still put the Guardian and the Dolphin Warrior that much closer to victory...though it turned out that they were even closer than he'd thought, as rather than continue to struggle against them, Roxi simply...gave up, leaving the Echidna gaping at her in surprise. "'re really just gonna let us walk away, just like that?" he replied suspiciously.She even informed them of the location of the Meropis Princess up ahead, which seemed even more sudden, but before Knuckles could question her further, the girl pulled a trick out of Espios's book by using a smoke bomb to cover her escape, likely having gone to collect Pyra in the process. ", didn't see that coming. Those two girls aren't alike at all..." he thought aloud, remembering just how hard he'd had to try to keep the Scorpion Fighter down in comparison.Either way, the battle was finally over, and Knuckles sighed in relief before patting his sore shoulder with one of his fists...imagining he was going to be feeling the effects of this fight for awhile. "No problem." the Echidna said, looking to Echo as she thanked him for his help, a bit of a grin on his face as he yanked her trident free of the Crab Mech before holding it out for her to take. "I should probably thank you too without your help, I might not have been able to figure out that trick with your trident." he continued, realizing that, in the heat of the moment, he hadn't actually considered the fact that he didn't know how to use the weapon properly.A few seconds past as the two looked to one another in the aftermath of the fight, but eventually Knuckles remembered they had done all of this for a reason, and cleared his throat. "Anyway, we better go get your Princess. I still need to ask her about the Gaia Pools." he said, beginning to head in the direction that Roxi had indicated earlier.
GGO, a guild in the rain [east x ]
CCB "I hate the temple level." Ciecie spoke over his radio headset, talking with the rest of his team, he let out a sigh as he pressed his back against the stone. His ears trying to train in on both the sounds of his headset, and the sounds of nature surrounding him. While he was inside the decrepit building the dark halls making sure that he had some advantage so long as he remembered too check his corners. He quietly checked his riffle over, the scope did little for him in this situation, and he was trying his best not to rely on the targeting circles.He moved down the halls with bated breath, feeling the thing he hated most about this area. The humidity. He would almost rather take the dessert waists, Gun Gale Online took place on a ruthless dead earth where climate change and war had basically stripped the world, and no where was it worse than in these 'tropical areas'"That's the second story I've cleared, no sign of target." The group was doing some monster hunting, apparently the creature in the bowls of this place dropped some good coin. That was if you could find the thing, glancing to the corner of his eye he quickly checked over his teammates status everyone was still in top shape.Ciecie lowered his gun and leaned against the wall, "Northwest corner, regroup and we can hit up floor three, i'm taking a water break." He sighed as he summoned the bottle of water from his inventory pulling it out from his bag, and taking a heavy drink.He looked at the bottle for a moment, it seemed almost kind of pointless. His body outside the game was in a room with the AC probably running full blast, he wouldn't feel thirsty yet in game he most certainly did feel overheated. It kind of made him think about the victims from 5 years ago, Trapped in an MMORPG, disconnected from their body.Even though he had gotten into GGO, he had never really liked the disconnect, and it still kind of made him nervous. Sure the tech was updated, but it was still sounding like a nightmare situation. Lillith leaned against the wall behind the group with her sniper rifle behind her, assault rifle on hand. She was one of the best shots on the group and everybody knew it reason why she often stayed behind just in case she could settle but this mob was different he moved around but she did not liked dying on this game. Taking a long deep breath, she looked out the window and was still surprised by how good this world was compared to the real one, almost identical.She knew that she needed to stay quiet in order to not get other mobs or monsters to where they were. Beginning to humm inside her head she began thinking of the game final fantasy and sing one of the main themes on her head. Taking one of the water bottles herself she took a small break and got herself a good drink and a energy bar. Finally standing up straight she nodded at them ready when they were.
Encrypment and JT, PASWG RP
Panty double checks her phone, looking at the profile picture her date had on Tindr, glancing around before slowly walking towards the bar, red heels that matched her short dress clicking on the wooden floor. Did he stand me up? Damn. Walking into the bar, Crypt walks through the door, dressed in a black button up dress shirt and some gray khakis. After seeing Panty, walks over to her, chuckling lightly. "Sorry for being late, the traffic near my place is kinda bad, they're doing some construction on the roads. To make it up to you, how about I buy our drinks for the night?" Sounds great, good looking. You said your name was crypt, right? I m Panty. She smiles and puts an arm around his waist, hand giving his hip a playful squeeze. Subtle she was not, but at least she made sure he knew what she wanted. I ll have a shot of liquor. She shot him a playful grin. Want to make it a contest? "Yep, and nice name, is that also what i'll be seeing later?" Smirking as I chuckle and look down at her, wrapping an arm around her waist as well. "A contest you say? What're we betting on? And what does the winner get?" Wondering what she had in mind as I look down over her dress, and at her bust somewhat peeking out from the top of it. Play your cards right, hot stuff and you ll be seeing a lot more than that. She laughs and leans in to whisper winner gets to make the other their bitch for the night. Or if those stakes are too high... twenty bucks. She reaches up and adjusts her dress to give him a better view, whispering again like what you see? You re on then, I can t wait to make you my bitch tonight then Panty. Watching her adjust her dress, I was already getting a slight hard on when looking down. Y yeah, I really do. But I think I d like more thinking of what could go between them tonight. Hm. I m looking forward to winning. Bartender! Two shots of whiskey. She grinned and picked hers up, downing it quickly and setting the shot glass down. Hope you can outdrink me honey, or else one of us is going to be in for a loooong, hard time. Bartender, three shots! Taking the shots down then looking back at her Then I hope you look forward to getting down and sucking my dick then tonight Panty. Smirking, I get three more shots and drink them down. Panty starts ordering four shots, shotgunning them and grinning. Honey, I don t even know if I m going to feel it, considering how pickled I ll have to be to give you the satisfaction. She chugged one more. She liked to get them riled up, give them something to prove.... it always made them MUCH more passionate. Taking down four more shots, making a total of 10 now, I was already starting to feel the buzz. Listen here Panty, I m not gonna be taken down without a fight. Still smirking as I pull Panty in close by the hip. I ll make sure to fuck you so hard, you ll never forget this night. Panty grins and sips a shot, kissing him without sealing as her hands tangled in his hair, swallowing after a few seconds of deep kissing, whispering you better. Her hand ran down his chest. And don t worry about being rough. I m pretty sturdy for my size. She kisses his neck. Oh god I need you now. I need you too Panty. Reaching down, I begin to grope her ass, slowly sliding up my hands up from under it. Let s head to the bathroom, my cock can t resist not being in you for much longer. And I can t wait to play with these tits of yours. Yeah. Follow. I grab your shirt and pull you with me into the woman s bathroom, kissing you the whole way and whispering Make me scream so loud the whole block knows who fucked me. I reach down my shirt and unclasp my front closing bra from under my dress, then reaching to free the growing tent at your crotch. After getting into the bathroom I smirk, reaching up to pull the front of her dress down and expose her tits. My other hand reaching down to slide the bottom of her dress up, exposing her panties as I begin to feel up her ass. Let s see that mouth of yours filled up Panty. Make me. She whispered, hips pushing back against your hands, fingers releasing your swollen member from its linen prison, before beginning to stroke it, focusing play around the head of the shaft. Just don t tear anything, and I ll let you whatever the hell you want. Mmm, if you say so. Smirking, I let go from her waist, I reach up to her breasts, finally groping them a bit and flicking her nipples for a few seconds before moving my hands away and up to her shoulders. Turning us around, I sit down on the closed toilet, pulling Panty down by her shoulders as her face was now eye level with my cock. She moaned loudly, grinding against him before kneeling down and licking the shaft from base to tip, then suckling gently at it, her hand rubbing the rest. She hated to admit it, but Stocking was better at oral than her. Panty looked up at him, free hand slipping into her panties to rub at her steadily wettening sex. Mmm, just like that Panty. Moaning out, my cock throbbed lightly in her mouth and against her tongue as she began to run it along my length. My hands sliding down into her hair as I grab it, looking down at her. Make sure you take it all in Panty. And she tried, bobbing her head up and down slooowly, reaching up to hold one of his hips and moaning when she finally reached the base, her fingers slipping inside herself now. Anyone could walk in and see them.... and damn, but that turned her on more than just about anything. Moaning out louder, my cock throbbed inside her mouth as a bit of precum leaked out from the tip onto her tongue. It had the faint taste of honey to it as it reached her tongue. Using one of my hands, I reach down to one of her breasts, groping it again. Ahh, I m gonna cum soon Panty. Panty lapped it up and swallowed, licking her lips and stroking him quickly, mouth open wide and eyes shut as she waited for him to paint her lips. She always liked what cum did to her makeup, and hated to admit that she enjoyed the judging looks. Continuing to moan, my cock throbs in her hand, finally twitching as my cum spurts out from the tip onto Panty's face. Covering her lips, cheeks, and over her eyes a bit, throbbing lightly still in her hand, as I was still slightly hard. "Ahh, that felt nice Panty. But I hope you're ready for more then." Just a sec. She licks her lips and moans, sliding her panties down her legs and holding them between her teeth before shutting the stall door and leaning against it, holing her dress up to reveal her wet, drooling snatch. Seeing her wet pussy as she reveals it from under her dress gets me fully hard again as I get up. Walking closer to her as I lean in close, my shaft rubbing up against her pussy, teasing it as I rub my cock across it. Using one hand to reach down and tease her clit, while my other hand goes to grab her ass. Ready for the fucking of a lifetime Panty? Yes.... she moans quietly, biting her lower lip as she looks at him over shoulder, hips pushing back against him. She needed this, and now. Just make sure you re rough. Seems a shame to take it from behind gently. She chuckles, interrupted by a whimper of pleasure as her hand rested on his own, murmuring oh fuck... you re not bad at all... "I'll make sure of it." Holding onto her hip now, I press the tip of my cock against her folds, sliding in as I continue to tease her clit with my other hand. Beginning to thrust slowly after a few seconds of entering her wet pussy. Moaning as I feel the tight wetness around my cock pressing against it. "Mmm, maybe after we finish, you can help clean my cock up and we can go back to my place for the night?" Yeah... that sounds... mmm... she shivers and bites down on her panties, hands reaching back to spread her backside, before gagging herself with her panties and moaning loudly, muffled as she said fuck me like a whore... oh fuck yes.... "Hah, you're my bitch right now Panty. I'll make sure you know that." Beginning to pound my cock harder into her as I smack her ass with the hand that was holding on her hip. My hand teasing her clit now going up to grope one of her breasts. Only moaning out as I grunt lightly with every thrust into her, pounding harder and faster into her as I continued. Spank.... more... she panted, moans escalating in volume and frequency until she was filling the room with what sounded like a cat in heat, yowling and mewling in pleasure, actually starting to drill a little as she rubbed her own clit, eager to make her legs shake like jello. After hearing her, I began to spank more, harder, and faster. Leaving a pink handmark across her asscheek as I spank it. My cock continuing to pound deeper into her as the sound of our flesh slapping with each thrust. "Want a creampie Panty, or would you want me to cum outside?" I insi OH GOOOOD! she screamed long and loud as she came, sex clamping down like a vice, eyes half shut and legs quaking as her cunt gushed, a little more than a tablespoon of femcum hitting the floor under her as she shudders in delight.
['Crypt', 'Panty']
Metropolis Origins (ComicFandomMan and Izzy325)
In many ways, Metropolis was the finest city in the world. It had all of the culture and industry of a city like Gotham, but most parts of it lacked the crime that seemed to seep from every pour of Gotham.One of the exceptions to that rule was Suicide Slums, perhaps the city's darkest district. As the city had been restructured during the industrial revolution, most of the poor had been pushed into Suicide Slums. It hadn't taken long for many of those isolated individuals to resort to all manor of crime.Two of those struggling individuals, Johnny and Mark, were following a young woman, doing their best to stay just far enough away that she wouldn't notice them. They were waiting for her to move somewhere where she would be isolated, somewhere where nobody would notice if the two confronted her and took whatever she had in her purse. Of course, this was Suicide Slums. Even if anyone did notice them, few would do anything about it. There were precious few police officers in the slums, and most people would rather pretend not to notice a crime than get involved in trying to stop it.As they slowly closed the distance with their target, Johnny nervously worked his hand back and forth inside his worn leather jacket, taking comfort from the presence of the small pistol he had in his pocket. He had never been forced to use the weapon before, but its mere presence gave him confidence he couldn't describe.Now that they were getting closer, the two men picked up their pace. In their shabby attire and disheveled clothing, if their prey saw them, she was certain to suspect that they were up to no good. Better to grab hold of her now, before she could slip off. Suicide Slums was without a doubt the worst part of Metropolis. This entire section of the city was where the poor were pushed when Metropolis was gentrified.Lois Lanewalked down a dark and deserted street as she made her way back towards her car. She knew it was a bad idea to head to Suicide Slums during this time of night but what could she do? She was about to break one of the biggest stories of the year. All during her sophomore year at the Daily Planet.A slum lord charging the poorest people in Metropolis outrageous prices for their rent without providing adequate living conditions. The tenant who she finally convinced to meet with her lived in one of the most run down buildings in this section of the city. Which was saying something because Suicide Slums was nothing to rave home about. The tenant showed her the conditions of her living space. Lucy and her three children shared a one bedroom apartment that only had running water in the kitchen. If Lois broke this story she'd make a name for herself but she'd also be helping the disenfranchised people of Suicide Slums.Lois pulled her phone out of her bag as she drew closer and closer towards her car. The pretty brunette stopped for a moment looking at the street signs."Shit...where the hell am I?"She thought to herself. She was sure she had already walked down this street. She looked at her phone checking the time. The longer she stayed out in the street the more trouble she'd find.The reporter having grown up in a more desirable area did not see the two thugs encroaching behind her. Her focus was clearly on how she was going to find her car. Thank god her phone was linked to her car and she could use Google Maps to find it. Sighing to herself the reporter took a turn down a dark alleyway in hopes of reaching her car quicker.
Ghost in The Shell: Standalone Complex~me and Wraith
"Minister Todokoro, it is an honor to be invited to such a wonderful gathering. I only hope I am dressed appropriately for such a fancy event." Said Section 9 commander Matoko Kusanagi. Though, the pleasant little greeting was just for show. Section 9 had set him up to believe that a skilled thief was after something important in his personal vault. Thus, he had used his political influence to bring them as added security. He had no idea it was all a set up so that Section 9 could steal what was in the vault to prove he was corrupt. Still, the exceptionally beautiful "Major" as she was called was in quite the sexy get up and had her own little part to play. Which primarily involved keeping the minister busy with her......ample feminine wiles.The dress she pretended to worry about went a long way to doing so. It was white, clingy and VERY revealing. While it reached down to her ankles, it was skit up each side, showing off her amazing, toned legs. It was quite backless, showing plenty of silky smooth skin, ending just above her curvy rear end. The front was especially eye catching, cut low and quite open, showing off her flat, athletic tummy. But few men at the party seemed able to keep from staring at her large, perky breasts barely covered by the dress. They seemed ready to pop out at a moment's notice. It was all just part of the distraction, meant to get Todokoros attention and keep it in her all night. "Please, just call me Tsutomu." The bald man replied in return, smiling politely to the Major. Of course, behind that smile were hidden all sorts of thoughts, most revolving around what was underneath that dress, which was in truth too tight around her form, obviously just to showcase her spectacular form and make the man her thrall from the very first moments. It wasn't much of a secret that the man was a grade A sleazeball, something which was further proven to be true by the atmosphere of his party, where scantily clad women were accompanying all the men that he'd invited, and where behind curtains visible shadows suggested only the things that happened on the other side. Though now, all of Todokoro's attention was on Motoko, and not only his. It seemed that she had a natural talent for attracting the gazes of the other men around her, who drew close to her much like butterflies to the flame that would burn their wings. She was by far a special flavor and Tsutomu knew right then and there that he wanted her, and that he would get her by any means.Pleasantries were exchanged as the host led Aramaki and Motoko through different rooms, talking to them about different matters while trying to get the right moment, that one moment when he could ask the woman a certain question. He was itching to be all alone with her and the old man was in his way. By the information he'd gotten from Section 9, the theft was supposed to happen later, and with a look at his expensive golden watch, Mr. Todokoro turned his full attention to Motoko, smiling politely. "Well, there's still time left until the theft should happen, so until then, do you care for a private tour of my place? I'll gladly show you anything you'd like to see."His voice was honeyed yet only a fool would be unable to detect the double meanings of every of his words as well as the lust that those words dripped with as he couldn't keep his eyes from roaming across the cyborg's form. Indeed she was a work of art, one that he would surely add to his collection that night. If only the fool knew he was falling right into the trap that the Section had laid for him. Makotos plan was working like a charm. A pretty smile and a sexy dress and she had him in the palm of her hand. But still, even as he spoke, she was talking to her teammates over the comms, making sure everything was set. If something happened, her charm would work TOO well. She'd really prefer to not sleep with the sleazeball. But, the mission always came first and she was prepared to do whatever it took to complete it, no matter what awkward position she was put in.....literally."I'd be delighted to join you." Raising her arm so he could take it and walk with her like a gentleman. As perverted as these people were, they still kept up their fancy manners. Still, she knew exactly what he was referring to with his thinly veiled innuendo. Little did either know, some poorly timed bad luck was going to lead to the greatest night of his life. He led the beauty away from the buzz in something of a disguised haste, disguised under a well faked excitement to actually show her around his house, which was much like a labyrinth of corridors and doors. He wanted to have her only and only for himself and so Mr. Todokoro continued to show her this and that. A long hall entirely decorated with very valuable paintings, and another with sculptures but most importantly his collection of robotic female bodies that he had put on display like dolls."Each of them is unique in her own way, you see." He explained with a smile, gazing behind just to make sure there was no one else anywhere nearby. And when as much was certain he allowed his arm to slip and to wrap about Motoko's waist, very casually and yet rather suggestively for there were mere inches that kept his palm and her firm rear apart. A boundary he did not, yet, overstep, knowing that she could break every of his bones in a matter of minutes. "Yet you, my dear, you are the most perfect I have seen so far. A work of wonder, really. I suppose I am incriminating myself as of now, making such confessions after selfishly taking you all for myself, am I not?" The man said with a sleazy smile, allowing his hand to slip those few inches below Motoko's waistline and touch her rear, feigning an accident.Major, we're dealing with a situation.Batou's voice sounded over the comms.Keep Todokoro busy a while longer and whatever happens don't let him rejoin the party. Else all our plan is fucked."Where would you like us to go?" Tsutomu asked after a few short moments, hoping with all his being that his advances weren't in vain. Funny that you use that term because if I have to keep him occupied for too long, I'll be in a similar predicament. Makoto replied to Bayou with a bit of wit in regards to her own predicament. All the while, letting her target keep his arm around her waist. Not did she react when he quite clearly copped a feel of her butt."My, aren't you a flattered. If my body weren't cybernetic, I do beleive I'd be blushing right now." She replied to Tsutomo with an alluring smile. Not many of her mission required her to turn up the charm, but when she did, no man could resist her. He was clearly no exception. If anything, he had been particularly easy to get around her little finger."I'd love to visit your personal office. It'd be great to see where you do your best work." She added in response to his second question, her voice laced with the same thinly veiled innuendo he himself had used. She had also taken a subtle step towards him, putting their bodies even closer. As much as she'd rather not, she was tempting him with further contact. Looking was one thing, but actually touching her body would put him further under her "control". Any man who'd use his brains instead of his balls should've been able to figure that something was not right. Motoko practically bit the bait way easier than she should have, especially when her mission was to take care and make sure the thief was caught, not to satisfy Tsutomu's personal needs or be his escort. Yet that closeness between them, how she'd pressed herself against him, it all worked out towards further trapping him under her spell. His eyes were now trained on her almost obsessively, especially on that large, generous bosom of hers. The feel of her firm ass against his hand had fueled the fire that practically burnt in his veins and had she not suggested his personal office, he'd have sure as hell tried his luck out there, in the corridor, whether on the floor or against a wall or a cushioned couch."Oh, and I'm supposed to be the flatterer here." He responded with a chuckle as he continued walking, turning right on another corridor and taking the direction of his personal office. There was still a fair walk until there. "I assure you, even my best work tends to get dull from time to time, people always say we have an easy job of just sitting on a chair and dictating how things run but they're sorely wrong. I suppose having authority and being well known is nice however there are many downsides to it, too. It makes me need to unwind a lot. There are many ways to do so, luckily." He said, squeezing Motoko's side gently. "But I shouldn't be complaining, you're Section 9, you're the ones who keep the likes of me safe and I bet that's even a more difficult job. Makes me wonder, how do you unwind?"The question was obviously riddled with the same innuendos he's been playing thus far, even if it was disguised under mere small talk. The closer the two of them drew to the door to his personal office, the more excited Tsutomu became at the prospect of taking the cyborg on practically every surface of the room.Soon, they were there, and the man only needed to input a security code that allowed the door to open into a rather large room. A desk filled with paperwork was in the middle, a couch was neatly positioned facing the desk and there was a virtual fish tank on one of the walls, in addition to the large windows behind the desk that offered a beautiful view into the gardens outside. "Personally, physical activity helps me unwind. I never feel more relaxed than when I'm hot and sweaty." Matoko replied, continuing to go tit for tat with him in their back forth innuendo filled flirting. It worked wonders in keeping his focus on her but had the unfortunate effect of fanning the flames of libido. If the rest of her crew didn't hurry up, she'd have no choice but to sleep with him. But, at least that would insure his distraction extended period.When they entered his office, she finally slid from his arm, heading towards his office window. As she did, she gave a subtle twitch of her right shoulder that he wouldn't even be able to see, but what he would spot is the right strap of her dress suddenly slip down her arm a bit. This exposed her back a bit more and left her right breast just barely covered by the front of her dress , which he'd easily spot in her reflection as she stood looking out at the gardens."It's a gorgeous view. But you're well aware of that, I'm sure." She said, looking out over the gardens....or at least appearing too. She was really watching his reflection, knowing full well his gaze would surely be on her. She was really just putting the thoughts in his head. There could've been so many ways in which the beauty would've gotten hot and sweaty and there was only one that was on his mind. Oh, he definitely wanted to get her hot and sweaty, as hot and sweaty as he could. And it seemed as though that would actually happen, much to the excitement that threatened to send his heart into cardiac arrest. While his eyes shot towards the Major as she spoke, he noticed that subtle movement that caused the right strap of her dress to slip down her arm. Even more generously, he could see in the window how her right breast was so annoyingly close to popping out of its cover in his full view. How he wanted that."It is an... extraordinary view indeed." He said, his words referring completely to Motoko's image rather than the gardens outside. In his movement as he approached the desk, a subtle press of a hidden button caused the door to lock, and the only key to its opening was in his mind. He'd have been stupid to try and force himself onto the cyborg yet he couldn't help but approach her. She had been nothing but positive so far to his advances so there wasn't much of a reason for him not to grow even more ballsy. The tips of his fingers touched and felt the revealed skin of her back under feigned curiosity and surprise."My word, I wouldn't be able to distinguish between this and real flesh. So... perfect. I can only guess it's the best technology available, or is it limited edition and not available on the market?" He asked, continuing to feel around the skin, wishing to feel more and resisting the impulse of copping a feel of her breasts. "Yes, it is quite limited. Only a special, select few get access to it." Replied Motoko, the implication quite obvious. She was trying to make him believe that she was highly selective of those she took as lovers. Only the best of men. In truth, whilst she wasn't a loose legged slut, she had had her fair share of intimate encounters, both with men and women. And if Batou and the others didn't hurry, he'd soon be added to that list. Likely sooner rather than later as he was becoming increasingly forward and daring. Notmally, she liked that in a man. It was possible she was enjoying the flirting a tad more than she let herself beleive. Was Tsutomu among the special, select few that Motoko spoke of? By his standards, he should have been. And by how her words sounded, he indeed was, or so he believed as he bit even harder on the bait that the woman was setting up. And seeing as though she didn't seem to mind his fingers roaming her skin, he pushed the envelope further, stepping just a little closer, forgetting about the concept of personal space. He yet disguised these efforts under the innocent disguise of amazement with how well the prosthetic body imitated real flesh."I see." He said with a low tone as he allowed both his hands to gently rest on her shoulders and slowly travel down her arms, making sure to move the other strap of her dress in the process in the same way that she herself had done with the previous. "And I assume it's a perfect replica of the human body in all aspects?" He asked, obviously interested in what was underneath the dress and most importantly, between the cyborg's legs. Matoko looked at her arm, watching with a sly smile as the remaining strap of her dress was slid down her arm. Her breasts were practically bare, just a bit of lingering fabric covering her nipples. It seemed the worst case scenario was playing out as she had no choice but to keep going, regardless of what he wished to do with her.....and to her."I beleive it is but'd like to perform you're own examination to make sure." She added with the best seductive tone she had, which was highly effective. As much as she wished it weren't the case, she needed to keep him occupied with her. So, she needed to insure that a simple peek wouldn't satisfy him. Thus, she put her arms around her waist, just under her breasts to keep them covered, teasing him, as she leaned forward before whispering in that supremely seductive voice....."Tonight......I'm yours...." Tsutomu should've been thinking long and hard about whatever had given him this sudden advantage and what made the Major practically throw herself at him. It was far too easy, to the point where it was surreal, yet all he could think about was that large, stone hard bulge that pressed against the zipper of his suit pants. It only made him throb with excitement to hear that the cyborg was his for the night and any and all suspicion were completely absent as the man only followed his desire and not cold logic.His hands were eager to feel around that marvelous body, to inspect, and so they did mindlessly starting off right from the legs, those firm outer thighs fitting in his palms perfectly. There was a huge, sleazy grin on his face as he realized that indeed, Motoko seemed to be his and as the thoughts of everything he could do that night and he could barely contain his excitement. His hands clasped behind her waist and he trapped her against himself, reaching to kiss those utterly perfect lips. It surprised him how real they felt, all to the point where he began wondering if she was really a cyborg and not just a human. She had to be, everything felt so real.And the bulge in his pants kept throbbing, threatening to break its confinements as the man started planting soft kisses upon Motoko's neck, groaning with pleasure as he pressed himself against her.
['Tsutomu', 'Todokoro', 'Kusanagi']
The Fibers of Fate (Jovialtraveler x MysteriousD)
It was a dark and stormy night off of in Kanagawa. The rough weatherwould've chased most people away, but the huge amount of ships around the area were there on important business. Since the collapse of the Revocs Corporation, alot of the world has been trying to fill the financial void left, plus the massive level of monopoly had forced alot of governments to pass stricter anti monopoly laws to counter act this, but even then, a few nearly collapsed into anarchy. Other places benefitted from the collapse, with alot of nations in Africa being contenders. They rarely if at all had anythig to do with Revocs corporation so alot of businessfolk fled there years ago and so now, the rising economy as helping them, somewhat at least. Other places had local stuff or just wore old used clothes, like the US.Diego Vendrix never wore a Revocs garment in his life outside maybe a temporary one like a scarf. He always felt uncomfortable when he did. Not physically, but mentally. Granted, right now, he was not wearing much outside of a wetsuit and having a strange red needle strapped to his back. It was about five feet long and the eye of the needle was big enough to slip his hand through and use like a sword. Of course, that was not what it was for.They were to subjugate Life Fibers.Speaking of, that's why he was here. While companies, such as the Takarada Conglomorate where excavating the artificial island for resources and materials in rebuilding Japan or scavenging the S.S. Naked Sun, Diego was here as part of his work to his old boss. His old boss was a former friend of the mysterious Isshin Matoi, who worked with him on Life Fibers. The US government attempted to make a weapon to subjugate and manipulate the ife Fibers, but once his boss realized what they could do, he subtlety shut down the project and had it considered a failure. The Great Needle as it was called worked as intended if not better, but the old man viewed it as something to be used sparingly.So Diego got it and was asked to find out what happened to Isshin. Needless to say... alot. "Found you," Diego thoughtot himself as he found the giant scissor blades and began pulling them until they were free. He didn't do much diving and only got the stuff from a friend of his for this. One benefit in pursuing this mission was a nice amount of funds left by his former boss. Why else would a kid like himself be doing this? Well... he was 18 now so he couldn't call himself a kid, but he still felt like one. He looked up something on his smartphone and knew where he needed to go and it would only be a short walk. Too stormy to call a cab. With the Scissor Blades now on his back, he began the trek.To the Mankanshoku residence. Ryuuko was eating dinner with Mankanshoku s, and while the atmosphere may had started a little tense, what with Satsuki in the same room, Mako had been able to defuse it with her goofy antics. They even brought a smile to Gamagoori a face, a rare site unless you found the big man around Mako. At first, it had been strange seeing her best friend and one of her toughest enemies acting all lovey dovey, but Ryuuko had eventually adjusted.... just like she and her sister had to adjust to normal life. Sure, it had been a while, but every now and again someone would see something that caused a flashback, and the rest of the group took it upon themselves to held the friend snap out of it.Satsuki finished her plate, bowed, and said that she d be going home. She d actually done quite well for herself after the collapse of Revocs, becoming a regional manager for one of the rising stars of the newly growing fashion industry. Ryuuko nodded, finishing a few minutes later and heading to the room she d used to stay in during high school, looking around the place with a nostalgic sigh, glancing over to where Senketsu had hung, holding back her tears. She d really grown fond of him, and his loss had hit her like a freight train. Even now it still stung.Mako came in a few minutes later, tapping Ryuuko on the shoulder. You okay? She d mellowed over the years, but she was no less supportive, and still lit up any room or situation she walked into. Yeah... yeah, just.... memories. Ryuuko nodded. ....okay, but if you need anything, I ll be at gamagoori s place. Just give me a call. Mako smiles and turns to head to the Ira, saying goodbye to her mother and father.Ryuuko left the room a few minutes later, bowed to Mr. and Mrs. Manshoku, then left. She was renting an apartment, when she arrived, she made sure to close all the curtains and lock the door before stripping down for her shower. She was unaware that she d just missed Diego, having walked right past him on the street with only a glance at the needle, and the duffel bag with the scissor blades in it. Diego had been walking past and not paying attention much to his surroundings, only subconsciously noting the girl walking past him. He knocked on the door of the Mankanshoku residence. He asked for Ry ko, looking for her. The family was nice enough though they told him that he just missed her.Diego paused before he realized that the girl he just walked by minutes ago was Ryuko. He quickly thanked the Mankanshokus before he began running after Ryuko.She had a fair bit of a distance ahead of him though he was able to follow her thanks to the fact that where she turned around to was a bit of a dead end so he didn t have to guess where she was going. He had also saw where she entered so he managed to get inside the apartment and went up to what was her room.He was panting, since running in a wetsuit was pretty tricky. He rang the doorbell before sitting down to wait. While he did, he noticed something on the scissor blades when he took a closer look. It was a small patch of cloth.When it was touching the needle, he felt something resonate...Something to keep in mind for later. Ryuuko puts on a bathrobe and Heads to the door, making sure it was drawn up tight before opening her door. What is it? She asked, not rudely, but bluntly. Now what she d wanted to say was wait until my shower is done, but that would ve been a bit much. She didn t recognize the stranger, but she could see that he carried himself like a soldier. Oh. She d gotten used to military organizations asking about life fibers over the last few years, and while it had died down, one or two still showin d up every month. Let me answer your first few questions right now. No I don t know anything useful about the life fibers that isn t common knowledge for military folk at this point, no I won t be carted off to be a guinea pig, and no I won t do it for any amount of money. Okay, NOW she was being rude. If you have any other questions, they re going to have to wait until after my shower, but I ll try to be quick. Diego was not a soldier. Sure he had an awkward tendency to stand straight and alert in front of authority or people he respected, but that was because he was a colossal dork. He didn't know how anyone would mistake him as a soldier. He was of average height and was a little doughy, though he was chubbier as a kid and early teen before he worked to slim down some. The stretch marks were still there. His glasses covered his open brown eyes which fit his dark colored hair and his skin color was pretty tan, enough to indicate he wasn't Caucasian."Well, too bad none of those I was going to ask you. I was going to ask you about the Scissor Blades," Diego said before he presented the familiar weapons Ryuko wielded just months ago. "But I will wait out here for you to shower in peace. Take your time," Diego said, giving her a smile. From what he gathered, she was dealing with alot of crud the past few months and he wanted to try and assure her. She looked down at the blade, looking shaken, before shutting the door and catching her breath. And just when I was getting used to normal life. She stripped and showered quickly, back at the door, in sweatpants and a baggy shirt this time, within ten minutes. Inside. Don t let anyone see you with those. Where did you even get them? She shut the door as soon as he entered the room. Diego noted the look on her face. Ryuko looked surprised and shaken to see them. He sat down outside as he was waiting for her to shower. He felt a bit guilty about getting her invovled, but he needed to know more. His old boss's final work hypothesized something horrible about the Life Fibers... about their true nature and true purpose. And he would need her help to defeat them...The Moirai Cult...Within about ten minutes, he saw her once more, this time in sweatpants and baggy shirt. He quickly went in and sat down on the floor, feeling utterly exhausted. It was a long day."I fished them out from the ruins of the city," Diego said as he put down the blades on the floor, having kept the cloth, wanting to see why it was reacting with the Great Needle."I did it because I wanted to talk to you. Your dad... he was an old friend and partner of my boss. I heard of weapons that could deal with Life Fibers and then all of this happened," Diego said to her, noting she had an uneasy look when staring at the Great Needle.Looks like she was like him in that both were scared of pointy things..."What happened to him?" Diego asked her. Killed by Nui. Creepy girl born of life fibers, and one of the tougher people I ve had the... privilege of fighting. She couldn t stop glancing at the needle and fidgeting, the life fibers in her uneasy in the presence of a life fiber subjugating weapon after all this time. She slowly picked up the red blade, staring at it with an odd mix of melancholy and contentment, before her eyes went down to the scrap tied to the handle. What s this? She held the fabric and stared... she was getting a feeling of deja vu. "I don't know. It was on the Scissors," Diego answered Ryuko as he was seeing her gaze at the Scissors blades with an odd look. "Though it has been reacting to this," Diego said before he showed off his weapon.He was careful to not startle her.It was a maroon sewing needle, big enough for the eye of the needle to serve as a form of handle. However, said handle was also tied to some threat and such. It had an odd form of power."Those Scissors could cut up Life Fibers... I suppose this Great Needle is its counterpart... it seems to manipulate life fibers. To get to respond different possibly or maybe purely physical," Diego said as he laid the needle on his lap, looking at Ryuko before he adjusted his glasses.With what he heard, he felt he was a bit stuck. He looked down on the needle and at the scissors. "I came here because I need your help. I found out a distrubing truth about the Life Fibers," he told her. Go on. She gripped the sword in both hands and gave an experimental swing, taking a deep breath. Feels like it s been years... she sets it down on the bed, then looks at the other blade. She d never gotten as in tune with that blade as the other. She took the scrap of fabric and tied it to her wrist, not quite sure why. It just.... felt right. Diego saw her grab one of the Scissor Blades and wielded it like a natural. She looked confident and assertative.She was his type. He liked women who could likely beat the sauce out of him. Wel, also nice women and from what he saw from being around her, she was pretty nice."The common research was that they were parasites who fed on life force. But where did they come from? Why control people and destroy entire worlds to try and do so? But here... there is somewhere else they came from in the stars. Like the Fibers came from an unnatural source. Like something made them," Diego noted to them before he sighed in tiredness."In fact, the only other people who know this besides be formed a cult. The Moirai Cult," Diego said before he realized she probably wouldn't have heard of the Moirai. "The Moirai were from Greek lore, the three goddesses of fate who spun the yarns of fate," he explained. Seems a little pretentious, isn t it? Or are they saying they follow something like that? I would Have imagined they d go for Arachne. She untied the scrap of fabric and let out a shout of alarm when it seemed to fly at Diego, consuming his shirt.... and leaving him in a familiar sailor suit. She couldn t help but snicker at how ridiculous it looked, since he was still wearing the bottom half of his wetsuit, before her eyes went wide in recognition. Senketsu? I thought you were completely destroyed. The outfit stripped itself off of Diego and chuckled a little. So did I, but part of me must have survived on the scissor blade. Perhaps a piece fell off during my... death. "Well, I don't know what's going on," Diego noted before he saw the needle was glowing a bit. "What the?" Diego said looking at the Great Needle before he saw it glow more at the scrap of fabric Ryuko took from the Scissor Blade island. When he touched it, the fabric glowed red and so did the Needle."Yikes!" Diego said as the the scrap of fabric went to his wetsuit. As he did, the Great Needle followed, with various threads was unfolding and furling at the whims of the Great Needle though it was mixing in with the fabric. It was like the scrap cloth was it.Before he knew it, Diego felt a bit uncomfortabe, something was on him. He looked down and saw it was a sailor fuku... that had a face. Also, he saw the Great Needle had settled down.And then the Fuku talked... and his name was Senketsu. He was probably one of those Life Fiber special clothings, but for one to talk was something special. He winced when he felt it come off of him."The Great Needle. It must have reacted to your remnant Life Fibers and caused you to regenerate with the top part of my divesuit," Diego said, fascinated by the turn of events. He then winced and grabbed his side. "Also, given how the Life Fiber uniforms drink blood, it looks like you took a sip of me from the cut I got the day before," Diego told Senketsu."Looks like I guess that means I was responsible for bringing you back," Diego said as he noted the big smile on Ryuko and Senketsu's faces at being reunited. Ryuuko smiled at him, not sure whether to say thank you or catch Senketsu up with her life, going in favor of the latter. Senketsu, you re not going to believe it, but I got a job! It only pays just enough for food and this apartment, but it s something. That s wonderful, the uniform replied, smiling, so who is this? That needle of his seems to be able to make life fiber garments within moments. Diego liked her smile. Ryuko's smile. During his short time he wa sknowing her, she had a confrontational or even a bit of a tired look, yet seeing her happy was a nice moment."My name is Diego Vendrix. I'm from the United States. I came here looking for Ryuko because of stuff her dad is," Diego said before he heared Senketsu comment on his needle."It's the Great Needle it's called. In the same way those Scissor Blades can cut down Life Fibers, the Great Needle can kinda manipulate and change them. Or in your case, brought you back to life by having the Life Fibers reconstitute you through normal fibers," Diego said as he was showing them the Great Needle.He was feeling a bit more self conscious being bare chested in front of a lady though he laid down and began feeling very tired. "Sorry... just been feeling really tired last couple of days," he told her. If you want, you can sleep on the couch or something. I ll see if I can t find you a shirt. Truth be told, Ryuuko didn t mind his shirtless state, but it would be a bit rude to just leave him like that. Ryuuko goes to the closet and tosses Diego a shirt before taking out a clothes hanger and putting Senkutsubon it so he could sleep as well.She looked around for a blanket, before tossing a large one onto the couch, and rearranging the pillows to make a bed of sorts. Diego smiled at her before he got a shirt. It was a pretty big one and so he put it on. He went to the sofa. "Thank you," he managed to say before removing his glasses and then just crashing onto the sofa and falling alseep immediatel on the sofa. It was a long day and he needed the rest.Hours past by...Diego began stirring. He felt... kinda bleh. Made sense given he was still a bit tired, he didn't shower and slept in half a wetsuit and he was hungry. However, he did feel better and a bit more focused. He groaned a bit as he put on his glasses and checked the time.It was about 11 AM in Japan and he got here at around 10 PM so he slept nearly 12 hours at Ryuko's place. Ryuuko was making a lunch for herself, the laptop on the table as she took her class online, occasionally writing a note. She was in Senketsu, glancing over at the screen every few seconds. Oh, you re up. Sorry if there isn t anything for you to wear. Hope you have some clothes in your bag. Diego got up and he was feeling a bit light headed though he saw Ryuko in her pajamas were taking a class online while making lunch. She was wearing the talkign fuku, Senketsu, on her. "No worries. Thank you for the hospitality," Diego said to her as he was on his feet and feeling a bit better.Looking at her working on her paper reminded Diego that she was just like him. Diego was going to college, but took a semester off so he could pursue this. Granted, he was lucky his university was pretty accepting ."We'll talk later though we should probably exchange phone numbers," Diego told her. Once they did, Diego waved at her good bye before began taking the long trek to his hotel. He arrived, checked in and he took a long shower and got dressed into some new clothes before taking another nap.When he would wake up, it'd be the late afternoon. He decided to call Ryuko and see if she was there. He wanted to talk to her so why not invite her out to eat? Ryuuko has worked on school all day, periodically glancing at the old scissor blades, still gleaming despite having been submerged for months.She picked up her phone and looked at the number, remembering it was Diego. Hey. What s up? She asks, putting away hEr school supplies, then glancing at the clock. Has she been working that long already "Hey Ryuko, I was wondering if you'd like to meet up so we can continue talking about what we were discussing last night. Maybe I can invite out for dinner or something," Diego proposed to her while he was looking online for someplaces for them to be able to eat."What are some things you like?" Diego asked her. That sounds nice, and a little bit like a date, but if he got handsy, she could take him. She wasn t going to say lemons, that would be.... odd, so she said well I like seafood. Are you allergic? "No, I like seafood," Diego told her with a smile. He was a bit surprised to hear her say yes, given that he heard she had a bit of an abrasive or at least aloof attitude to her. Then again, hard to say no to free food. "So we could probably meet at this place..." Diego began saying as they were making plans to go to a casual place. It was quiet and out of the way so they could talk without being noticed.Hours past by and before Diego knew it, he was waiting for Ryuko outside the establishment. It was very casual so he was just wearing a t shirt, cargo shorts and shoes. He had the needle with them, having it with him like a walking stick to disguise it. Ryuuko came wearing Senketsu, with the scissor blades in a guitar case. She d decided to opt for subtlety when it came to carrying them around, but she wanted to keep them with her. She had decided to wear a jacket and leggings with her kamui, along with a pair of sneakers. All in all, she looked like she was in a rock band, but that suited her just fine. Nice place you picked, she looked around. Truth be told, she was getting used to being more friendly, but she was trying, darnit. Diego saw Ryuuko arrive, wearing Senketsu. It was definitely an iconic look, plus he figured the sentient fuku deserved to know as much as Ryuko did about their place. He saw she carried a guitar case, where he suspected the scissor blades were in. He couldn't help but smile inwardly. He definitely would've had a crush on her if they went to high school together."Yeah, it's pretty decent and out of the way so we should be able to talk without anyone bothering us," Diego said as he led them inside. And indeed it was quiet. They were the only people in here besides the chefs and the person manning the register. Diego led them to a distant table.Once they ordered their meals, Diego turned to her. "All right, what questions do you have regarding everything I told you yesterday?" Diego asked her. Not a lot. I suppose... what do you know about the cult? It May have only been a third of a year, but she had grown. She wanted to know what she was diving into before she jumped. She set the case on ground next to her, glancing around as if looking for one of the cultists now. Do they wear a symbol? She half expected them to wear some sort of spider headdress. Diego took a pen out and began drawing on a napkin and draw a symbol. It resembled a spider web though it also had a string puppet on the web, looking almost crucified in a way. "Here is the symbol from what I saw. And from what I know, not much. I do that they were connected with the former corporation that used to be here. Besides that, not much. My old boss suffered an 'accident' while trying to find it, hence why I'm here," Diego noted to her.They were interrupted when the person came with an appetizer of what appeared to be some fried tempura along with their drinks. Diego's stomach growled at the sight of it. Ry ko nodded, studying the symbol closely. She could ve sworn she d seen it before.... but where? When the drinks came, She absentmindedly thanked the waiter, still mulling it over. Well if people are having accidents when they get too close, they must either be very well hidden, or have a large mass of power to draw from. Diego was taking a sip of his soda while he was hearing what Ry ko was asking in regards to it. "Well, not necessarily. The collapse of the big Life Fiber thing definitely took a massive chunk since the accident was a car crash into a river. So something one person could do with a bit of time and effort," Diego explained to her before he took a piece of shrimp tempura and began eating."I haven't seen much of them here as of yet, but I did know that Ragyo Kiryuin was probably involved with them since I found her name in one of the very few cult documents I got my hands on them," Diego also added in a whisper. Mhmmm... Ryuuko thought on what he d said while idly munching on a bit of tempura. Well that s probably a good thing, if they can t do anything too obvious. It means they don t have the power to show themselves to the world yet. "Yeah with the Life Fibers gone, I fear they will be trying to do something drastic and so on," Diego explained to Ryuko as he was thinking. "Cornered rat bites back after all and they're pretty cornered after all," he added before eating another piece of tempura."There is probably some hints or something around here after all. Is there anyone who we could ask for more information on what secrets Ragyo Kiryuin held?" Diego wondered, unaware the woman was in fact Ryuko's biological mother. Well, I didn t know my mom too well, but Satsuki could probably shed some light on the subject. She knew her a lot better than I did. Ryuuko sighed. How about we enjoy the rest of the meal and talk in the car? I m getting the feeling I m being watched. Diego nearly choked on his soda and he took a pause to catchi his breath, heavily caught off guard by the news of what he just learned. "She was your mother... good grief, my condolences," Diego said as he was catching his breath. He was then making a note to ask Satsuku to this."Well, okay then, I'll ask the meal and our beverages to be to go then," Diego told her with a smile before he went to the main and told him to put their orders to go along with the drinks in to go cups.He came back with their drinks in to go cups and boxes in a bag for them to go. She was a woman who happened to give birth to me. Calling her my mother is being much too generous. Ryuuko said, standing up when he came back and heading to the door, holding it open for him. Thanks for the meal. Diego winced a bit as he heard of what she said as they were heading out. "Sorry to hear in regards to that," Diego said, trying to be comforting at it. "So where do you wanna go to continue talking about this?" Diego asked her as he was wondering whether they would go to his place, hers or somewhere else to do so. Well you ve seen my place, so how about you show me yours? Knowing you, you ve probably got a stash of weapons that we could use, or one of those cork boards with thread cross crossing it. "Well, I traveled abroad so I wasn't able to bring many weapons. Only thing was the Great Needle. However, given how you have Senketsu, we should be good," Diego told her. "Don't have a corkboard, given the hotel frowns on that, but I do have my notes," he added as he was walking her over to the hotel which was only a couple blocks away."How have you been doing? I only got to read on some of the stuff here, but how was it like?" he couldn't help but ask. She shoulders her guitar case. It s been... alright. It s weird not having to fight anyone every day, but all in all I ve been enjoying it. The city has really changed since the fall of Revocs and my... graduation from Honoji academy. Sadly, due to the school s records... and large portions of the actual building, being destroyed, I have to get a GED now, since I turned eighteen before the start of this school year. "I heard about that. Alot of the students have to take that exam. Though from what I heard in Japan, it was mainly truancy students," Diego mentioned as he felt bad about what she was going for and such. He looked up ahead and saw the hotel was ahead of a couple of blocks."We're kinda the same I guess. I mean... In that we both don't know what we wanna do. I took this internship because I didn't know what to major for in college," Diego confessed to her. He didn't know if it was the long past couple of days or his long feeling sense of loneliness, but he felt kinda at ease confessing this to her. She smiles and nods. I could probably be an alright boxer, but I can t compete. Unfair advantage, due to being made partly of life fibers. Not a lot of people can move fast enough and swing hard enough to cut through rock... she smiled at him, feeling a sort of kinship with him. "That's really awesome," Diego said, in regards to her talents and capabilities. They looked like an odd pair. He was pretty doughy and nerdy and she was a tough girl with a talking fuku."We're almost there," Diego told her as they sat it. The food would still thankfully be warm when they would arrive so they could eat it. "I never thought I'd be in Japan. Bakc when I was growing up, I wanted to visit. Heck, I even tried learning Japanese in high school, but I really stunk at it until i started my internship. My old boss' brother got famous for making easy language learning software and I got a copy to learn Japanese," he noted as they entered the hotel."I have the card key in my pocket, mind getting it out?" DIego said, referring to his elft pocket of his cargo shorts. Yeah. She reaches in, doing her best not to think about where she was getting it from. Lots of weiRd things tend to happen here. She slid the card into the slot and opened the door. If what I think is happening is really going down, we re going to need to train. Do you have any connections? Diego saw Ryuko open the velcro pocket and get the card key before open the room and he opened the door. He saw the room and placed the food on the table before laying on the bed for a bit. "No, though I heard some force like Nude Beach or something was around? Also, that family you were with told be your older sister was also a badass or something?" he asked her. Nudist beach, yeah, and my sister is a hardass I mean, a bad ass. I ll get in touch with them, see if I can t pull any strings, but you still need to train, even if you don t expect to see combat. "Well, we should try and talk to her and see if we could find anything regarding Ragyo and them. With that we should move on to the next step. These guys don't seem to be well organized, though that makes it pretty dangerous," Diego noted to her before he heard her tone indicate he would need to train."Yeah, but I'm not anyone special with combat," Diego said as he was placing their food on the table before he put the seat for her to sit on like a gentleman. That s another reason you need to train. I d rather not see you get killed. You re a nice guy. She sat down, smiling at him. It doesn t have to be super intense, but I d feel better if you did. Back to the spider cult though: you said they re disorganized? Sure, they re more dangerous, but that also means we can try and take them down one group at a time. Diego blushed a bit at seeing Ryuko smile at him and hearing her nice comment. "More or less. There's a hierarchy, but not much of one from what I've found. I do figure once we get a big lead, it'll be a big help for us," Diego told her as he began digging into the food. He was pretty hungry after all."Though, given the connection to the Life Fibers, I wonder what bigger mystery may await us," Diego wondered out loud. Hopefully they can t manipulate them like you can... that d make me just a liability. That s another reason you need training. If they can... you gotta put me down like a rabid dog. I would never hurt you! Not you or your friend! Diego shouted suddenly, before he blushed at his outburst. He was quite truthful though. I am pretty sure they can t. Otherwise they wouldn t be trying to get this in the first place. If anything, it s oeobably be them wearing asimile sort of clothing, Diego noted while he was in thought. I m saying if they can, you gotta stop me from becoming a threat. But alright, let s assume they can t, for now. If they re going to be wearing something like what I ve fought before, we just need to take them out a few at a time and nibble at the edges until there s nothing left. Diego was enjoying his food along with the tempura that was their appetizer. He was also seeing Ryuko eating across from him as well. He nodded in agreement at her statement."Yeah though we should be able to. Granted, I don't know fully what the Needle can do," Diego noted to her as he looked at it. He took a drink of his soda. "How is it like with the transformation?" he asked, asking her and Senketsu, who appears to have fallen asleep. Well the costume is a bit drafty, but it s also the only way to draw out Senketsu s full potential, and my own. I always feel a little tired if I overdo it, and if I stay transformed for too long, I could pass out or worse, but the power... I never would have survived as long as I did without it. Diego wondered what Ryuko meant by the outfit being drafty, especially how she seemed to have blushed a bit when she mentioned it. "Well, I'll watch out for you so you're not left vulnerable," he told her what he was eating with a smile. "But yeah, I will try and find some more information and such on them..." Diego said as he kept eating.Unbeknownist to them, they were being spied by a mysterious figure, staring at them through binoculars, wearing a strange cloak. Thanks. Ryuuko turned her attention back to her food, smiling. The night had been pleasant. He seemed like a really nice guy, and that was rare. "How are you enjoying the food?" Diego asked her as he kept eating while in some thought. He was also thinking more about what Ryuko said and just about her in general. She was quite pretty and confident too. It s great. Eating alone always feels... lonely, doesn t it? I sort of got used to eating with family during high school with Mako, but... I wanted to move out and make my own life. "Yeah... I know what you mean. I haven't been able to eat much with my family in a long while," Diego confessed to her. "Yeah, but let me guess... she's been wanting to spend more time, huh," Diego asked her though he wondered if Mako a boyfriend of ehr own, which could explain why Ryuko looked lonely. Yeah. Her and gamagoori... I m not sure it s sunk in yet. They just seemed so unlikely. Ryuuko chuckles. "Who's that?" Diego couldn't ask as he saw Ryuko chuckle before seeing her look a bit downcast. "You ever thought of finding someone? I met with Mako a bit and she told me that you had people look at you or something," he asked her. Mako seemed nice, but she was confusing as heck. I suppose. Just don t have the time and everyone here knows as an.... she mutters the last bit, exhibitionist.... Well, you are very pretty, but you re still someone to be treated with respect, Diego said, blushing when he realized he called her pretty. I guess you never got to do anything really fun as a kid, Diego wondered as he took a sip. Ryuuko thought he was going to be judgemental, but was pleasantly surprised. I m... thanks, Diego... you re not bad yourself. Diego blushed at hearing what Ryuko said and wodnered how lonely she was here. "I guess you've been feeling lonely. Your best friend has a new boyfriend and your older sister is busy with work," Diego guessed. It would explain why she looks so much happier she had Senketsu again. Though they were both lonely.He did wonder what she meant by exhibitionist though."Well, maybe we can hang out or such while we're working to stop this cult," he said to her. Gee.....thanks for pointing that out. There it is.There s the sarcasm. But yeah, that does sound pretty nice. Maybe we could keep in touch when this is over? Diego softened at hearing her sarcasm. "Well, but at least we can spend time with one another," Diego said sheepisly as he was finishing his food and he saw her smile when mentioning about keeping in touch.However, he had a bad feeling about something. Then something crashed through the window."HERETICS BLASHPHAMERS! You are a threat to our Great Weaver of Fate and you will pay!" a shout bellowed as they saw a person there. It was a person wearing some sort of robe. though it was warping into some sort of out fit. The robes were like Goku uniforms though made of patch works and Life Fibers."This must be one of the cultists!" Diego said before he managed to block a strike with the Great Needle. Ryuko opened the guitar case and grabbed both blades, leading with the heavier red one before the slimmer, quicker purple one came in at the cultist s stomach. Ryuko wanted to see how strong this guy really was before transforming herself, to know what they were up against. Diego blocked another hit with the needle, the hard clang shaking Diego up. "These seem to be patchworks made out of some of those Goku unicofrms," Diego noted as he saw the cultist pulled back and defended himself from the attack of Ryuko. "HERETIC WEAPONS!" he shoted before he lumbered back before Diego saw a horrif sites.She did indeed hit his stomach, but the blood was being drunked and the stitches covering the wound, coming from the uniform. There was the robe and the wraps around them, appearently made of Life Fibers."You're just a scout, right?" Diego said. The cultists just made an odd noise that Diego heard before but culdn't remmeber where. "YOU ARE THE TRAITOR," the cultist shouted at Ryuko and he launched red fibers at her. Ryuko gasped and dived aside, pulling the pin on her glove and transforming as she rolled, before jumping back into the fray. Since he didn t seem hurt, that meant she could go wild and really see how tough he was. She slashed at his shoulder. The cultist yelled out in pain while Diego got up and he went forward to try and stab the cultist in the cloak and bandages. Diego then saw it... the Life Fibers recoiled and limped over to the thread. Diego pulled and the Life Fibers were obeying, causing the robe beginning to unstablize. Ryuko saw the cultist trying to get away, and held him down, blushing as she remembered exactly why she hadn t liked the outfit to begin with.... god, she wouldn t even wear a lacy bra, but this was way worse. Diego turned to see Ryuko holding down the cultist. "Good job!" he told her before he realized what she looked like. However, he focused back on the cultist, the only proof being a blush on his face. While Diego did indeed look at stuff when he was younger, looking at the real thing was different, especially someone as attractive as Ryuko."You... are a traitor. Your body will become a vessal," the cultist said as he stabbed himself with a ceremonial knife he had in a sleeve, and the life fibers were mixing in with his body and began trying to implant themselves in Ryuko, before they paused. Diego stabbed the man in the shoulder and the red threads fell. When he pulled it. the red threads followed, obeying Diego. "This thing works then," he said surprisingly. As he wiggled it , the man was struggling to move."Ryuko! Cut the main thread!" Senketsu told her. On it. She said, slashing it between both blades, then shivering as she looked down at were the fibers had touched her. She felt... unclean.... like something tainted had touched her very soul. She let out a breath, watching the cultist, now covered in rags, and bleeding on the floor. Diego.... I m starting to think I was right about that these guys aren t as weak as we thought... either that or I m really rusty. The Cultist shrieked when the Life Fiber was cut. "Nooo!!!! MY PRECIOUS!" he said with a hiss before the cloak fell apart. He struggled to get up and the bandages held up. A red string was still attached to the bandages and needle that Diego was managing to manipulating it to fix the dude so he wouldn't die. "We better get him to the hospital. I don't want him dying," Diego noted. The cultist had calmed down."Purpose... purpose... why take my purpose... my fate...?" he said in a questioning if not pleading tone before he hit unconsciousness."Well, I'm guessing the latter. That and my guess was that he fought alot different than the guys you fought in the past," Diego said as he was doing his ebst to not stare at Ryuko so he wouldn't bother you. He was takign deep breaths to calm down from the fight. Right... most people try to dodge... Ryuko let Senketsu change back, thankful that Diego hadn t said anything about it, before taking her phone out of a jacket pocket and dialing 911, informing them that there was man with multiple wounds from jumping through a window. It was plausible, since glass was pretty sharp, and she hadn t cut that deep. Diego had looked at the man to check while Ryuko was falling whatever Japan had instead of 911. That thing about purpose... I m wondering if they joined the cult because of that, Diego noted before he turned and saw Ryuko was back to normal. Shy again? Is it because of him? Senketsu asked Ryuko teasingly. Ryuko didn t answer Senketsu, but realized he was right. She was starting to grow fond of Diego. He was nice, and a gentleman. They day they ll be here in five minutes, and we shouldn t move him. As for purpose... probably. I can remember after I finally avenged my dad I felt like I needed a direction to go. "Right though I wonder what they will say," Diego murmured before he looked at her mildly despondent look. "I'm guess you've been fighting for so long that you don't know what to do," Diego said before he gave her a smile. "Thank you. You and your friends and the others saved us from that psycho and those lfie fibers," he told her. He didn't know if anyone really thanked her or such, but he felt he could at least do so in person."Yeah and you have been feeling a little testy. How have you been dealing with that boiling blood?" Senketsu asked, referring to the hot blooded nature she had. Thanks, for that.... ryuko smiled, before blushing beet red at Senketsu s question, and thinking about all the time she d spent with her face in the pillows and her fingers between her legs.... she was glad that she did it on top of a towel, because apparently she was gusher... and a screamer. God just thinking about it... she rubbed her thighs together. Hey, Diego, I m sorry our date got interrupted. Diego blushed when Ryuko mentioned their get together as a date, but seeing her smile and relax was something wonderful to see. "Well, we can probably finish our meal before the police arrive," Diego offered to her with a smile. He even pulled the chair for her to sit on so they could enjoy their meal together.Diego was surprised on how comfrotable he was growing around Ryuko. He didn't hear what Senketsu said, but it was enough to make her blush so he decided not to press the issue. So if you ve studied the kamui you probably already know that they communicate with their wearer. Senketsu asked how I dealt with my passionate tendencies. She figured he d want to know.... and she wanted him to know, which surprised her. She d never really thought about having sex with anyone else. Her fingers had been enough, and she had a hitachi wand too... not that she kept it where visitors could see. I was actually wondering if you d like to watch a movie or something, assuming writing our statements doesn t take all night. Diego blushed a bit on how forward she was, yet the fact she trusted him on that... meant alot to him. "T thanks for telling me... for trusting in me on that," Diego confessed to her as they went to finish their meal. "Ryuko has always been hot tempered and fiery as long as I met her. Seeing her grow up was a privilage. But I wondered what was she was doing now that she no longer had to fight... least until now," Senketsu explained."I'll be honest, I thought you would end up with Mako since you never showed much interest in guys, then again, you never showed much interest in anyone besides Mako and her family. Do you swing both ways?"Senketsu telepathically asked Ryoko."Yeah, I guess that makes sense," Diego said, himself noting on this. "Trying to find your place in the world," he noted. "I found bits and pieces on the kamui, but not mch. My guess is that alot of the paperwork was destroyed," he added. Ryuko bit her bottom lip, taking a seat and tracing yes on her skirt with her left hand, to juggle both conversations more easily. I wouldn t be surprised. Between Mom not wanting to risk a competitor and dad not wanting any more made, it makes sense that they d destroy everything they had on them. I bet my mom has copies somewhere, though. Mako has been her first crush, and truth be told, she d fantasized a little, every now and then, but Mako was happy with gamagoori, and it wouldn t be right to suddenly show her interest now. "That and anyone who did hgave it would destroy it so something like this wouldn't happen. It would explain the cultist's robe looking like it was like patchwork. They scavenged whatever they could find. I reckon those bandaged are connected to the cloak too," Diego noted with her. He noticed something was up with Ryuko. "Hey, wanna try this? It's good!" Diego offered to her with a smile, offering the last piece of his beef to her, in trying to cheer her up. She smiles, biting it off of his fork and saying sorry. Senketsu s trying to talk to me at the same time as you. Hey, Diego, have you ever been... physically intimate with someone before? Diego blushed at her question, before becoming a bit melancholic. "Not really. I never even got a kiss or held hands or such. I was always that weird chubby kid who had trouble making friends," Diego told her with a bit of a sad smile. "I always wore my heart on my sleeve and sometimes I got hurt," he said to her as he stared out the window, a far off look in his eye. "I made some online friends and such, but I haven't gotten to meet them yet," he confessed. Oh... you re a nice guy though. He hasn t even mentioned her.... attire, during the fight. Not even a kiss? Well, we ve got a bit of time, and it was a nice date... how about I be your first kiss? She blushed, looking anywhere but him. It ll probably taste like beef though, since we just ate. "Yeah, but I'm pretty plain looking and... well, I was born differently than most other people. I didn't know until last year and so by that time, it was like a weight was removed from my shoulders, but at the same time, I couldn't get the attention I needed...," Diego thought, referring to his discovery of being on the austistic spectrum. However, he was broeken from his musings by eharing her offer that. He was shocked... and so was Senketsu."You sure? I mean, first kisses are very sacred,"Senketsu told her, referring to the Japanese mentality on the first kiss.Diego was utterly dumbfounded, his face redder than the Scissor blades and stammering, but he managed to nod yes Yeah... I mean, Mako sort of kisses me out of the blue one time after she went a little power crazy, Ryuko s cheeks matched the red streak in her hair, so it s not my first kiss, if that would change your mind. I d love to go on another date with you too, so you can consider the kiss a promise to take me out again sometime. Diego blushed some more at hearing on Mako kissing Ryuko, but now they were both blushing at his. Were they now dating?? O okay, Diego managed to say as he leaned in to give Ryuko his first kiss to her, as he began thinking of where to take her out on a date for the next time. It was exciting and nervous and he was being filled with new emotions. Ryuko leaned forward, putting a hand on his cheek and the other on the table as she closed her eyes, lips pressed gently against his. She smiles, then decides to give his lower lip a playfully nip. Diego blushed as he felt her soft hand on his cheek and he closed his eyes along with her. Time seem to stop as he felt his heart begin to shake and quiver. Embrace her, Diego. She won t hurt you, Senketsu told her and Diego wrapped his arms around her, hugging her close to him. She leans forward a little more and puts her other hand on his shoulder, somehow winding up in his lap, staring at his eyes. Again? She smiles, a little shy about this whole thing. After what seemed like a blissful eternity, they parted lips briefly. Before Diego knew it, he realized he was sitting back on the chair with Ryuko sitting on his lap, his arms still around her and his chocolate colored eyes looking into her silverly blue eyes. "Yeah," Diego said, giving a shy smile in return as he rested his forehead on hers. She leans forward, both hands on his shoulders as she puts her legs on either side of his hips, practically straddling him at this point, tongue pressing against his lips as if asking permission. Diego let Ryuko further in as he holds her tighter to him and feeling her legs in his sides. It was strange and wonderful because these were all new sensations for the both of them.His own tongue also touched here and he felt his heart beat faster as he grew closer to Ryuko. She moans softly, beginning to grind slowly, tongue clumsily swirling around his. What she lacked in skill she made up for with quickly growing enthusiasm, hands on his chest now. Hearing her moan softly was enough to get Diego s attention, groaning softly. His arms held her tight as he felt her hands on his chest.He soon needed to separate for breath, a thin strand of saliva connecting their tongues. Wow, was all he could say as he was panting, looking in a dreamy state. Senketsu meanwhile was distracting himself from the two teens by listening for when the officers would show. Ryuko pants softly, before gasping as she hears a knock on the door. Guess they got here pretty quick... she sighed, getting off of his lap and going to answer the door. Diego sighed a bit as she got off of him, surprised by how much he liked that and so on. Diego took their finished dinner and put them in the trash can. The police arrived and the next hour consisted of answering questions and writing them. Surprisingly enough, they were pretty quick and efficient though Diego suspected that they surmised that they knew little about the situation. And based on the looks the cops were giving them, they were... sympathetic."We thank you for your work and we may contact you in the future for further inquiry," The policewoman said. With the fall of the megacorp, alot of palces were revamping and reforming themselves. "Have fun you two," the policewoman said, her professional demneaor softened up and chuckled as her partner, a dude, chuckled a bit while carrying the cultist away."...You still wanna go to the movie?" Diego mentioned when they were gone."You've grown up since then, Ryuko. You're truly become a fine young woman,"Senketsu told her with a smile. When the reunited, they talked about how she was doing. Things slowed down for a bit until Gamag ri asked Mako on a date with flowers. Mako initially for the food and the idea of fun . Over time, Mako gre close to Gamag ri and so on."What will you do now, Ryoko?"he asked her. Actually I wanted to watch something here, on the couch or such? She smiles, relaxing once the questions were over. She was a bit famous around her for her outfit, her prowess in a fight, and helping to depose the megacorp. She d thrown a lot of lives out of wack. Sure, what would you wanna watch? Diego asked her as he sat down on the sofa with her. Can you even understand Japanese that well? Senketsu couldn t help but ask. Somewhat all right, Diego answered with a smile. It s just funny, given how Ryuko wasn t much for movies. Well, anything other than fighting and avenging her dad, Senketsu noted. I just did t have the time for other interests. Hm... something classic like fist of the North Star. All right, we can watch that, Diego told her with a smile. I walked past a store where we could probably buy some older movies, Diego told her with a smile. I ll buy it for you, my treat, he told her with a smile. Well I think you can find it on Crispyroll or something for free. They have Crispyroll here in Japan? Man, looks they weren t kidding when they said that Japan dropped the ball with streaming services here, Diego couldn t help but joke with a smile on his face. But we will probably have to do answer more questions some time later in the week, Diego noted to them. Plus, we need to get more answers out of the cultist, he noted. The internet is worldwide. Ryuko said, you re right, but how are we going to do that while he s in the hospital? I don t think they d take kindly to us dropping by to interrogate him. "Well, we are the only ones who know him and being a scout, it means his capture could mean they would be trying to get at him. Besides, if nothing else, we could at least stop by for questions and see if asking nicely might help," Diego suggested to her as he was sitting next to her."Ryuko, does this mean you're dating him now?" Senketsu asked with what looked like a smirk on his face. Ryuko ignored Senketsu, nodding slowly in agreement with both of them. Could work, maybe... of course, we d have to go tomorrow to make sure we get there before the cult. Well, Iooks like we know what we re doing tomorrow then, Diego said before he put the tv show for them to start watching. He was happy to be there with her. Ryuko nods, leaning against him, smiling. You re a good kisser... and I never got to finish what I intended to start. She d wanted to keep grinding and kissing until they were one breath away from tearing the other s clothes off, then stop, and just enjoy how much they wanted each other, but never actually taking anything off. Just teasing each other all night. Diego s face became red when he heard Ryuko s words about the thing while Senketsu was also very shocked. Ryoko, this is surprising to hear. Only months ago, you would ve been embarrassed to say something like that or if a guy said it, stomp off in a huff, Senketsu asked her with a bit of concern.After all, last time she acted like this, it was mainly because she was brainwashed by her mother. W what were you going to start? Diego couldn t help but asked, blushing and with a nervous smile. Just a whole lot of teasing. Nobody takes anything off, and it doesn t go farther. She wanted more than a kiss, but she wasn t comfortable putting out. I m not quite ready for that, but Diego, I like you. A lot.... you re nice, you re sweet, and you re cute. Diego looked at Ryoko with a look of shock and disbelief on his face at the sweet words she was saying. Nobody ever told him that they liked him, well like that and here was a cute badass girl telling him just that. T thanks, Diego stammered, with a large blush and a smile on his face. I like you a lot too. You re also nice, you re strong and you re cute too, he manages to tell her. Ryuko turns to face him, kissing his lips gently, a hand on his cheek as the other went through his hair. You ve got to be one of the first guys who hasn t commented on the synchronization form of Senketsu.... she smiles. Diego returned the kiss gently while his arms wrapped around Ryuko once more. "It was surprising I will admit, but I figured it wasn't my place to comment," Diego noted. "It's because most of the guys she met were various levels of perverted," Senketsu told him. Diego raised an eyebrow. "Well, not everyone is like that. From what I gathered, most of the people actually living on that island was a little nuts. In fact, it's why most of them ended up leaving Japan because of how different it was," Diego mentioned."Heh, makes sense. Of course, Ryuko was also the type to make comments on it," Senketsu noted, remarking on Ryuko's comments toward her older sister when she used her kamui for the first time. "Well, my belief is that people are inherently ridiculous and most things aren't to be taken seriously," Diego said as his arms were hugging Ryuko to him. She smiles, plans for teasing him forgotten as she simply enjoyed the embrace. That s a good philosophy. I still can t believe nobody wanted to scoop up a nice guy like you. Ryuko shut her eyes. "I'm not exactly a handsome guy and I have my own quirks and such," Diego said as he relaxed and savored being able to hug someone. He loved hugging people and the fact his embrace was with a young woman who did care about him reinforced the wonderful sensations growing in his heart. "I wonder what your sister would think," he couldn't help but try and joke. I doubt she d care either way. She d just raise those bushes she calls eyebrows. Ryuko hugs him, smiling. I want to sleep with you.... not in a weird way, just.... sleeping.... together. "Yeah, that would be nice. I mean, the hotel bed is defiitely big enough for that," Diego told her with a smile. He turned to the window. "Fortunately, I do not have to pay for the window damage there," Diego added with a smile as he looked at the bed. "You wanting to go to bed then. It was a pretty busy night we had," he added. She nods, slowly getting off of him and saying yeah. And we re going to have to get cracking tomorrow. "Do you wanna go and get a change of clothes before you sleep here?" Diego asked her as he stretched a bit. He was a bit disappointed she was no longer on him. "I should probably shower before I head to bed," Diego noted to himself as he waited Ryuko's answer about the potential change in clothes. Oh, right I didn t bring any... yeah, I should go get some. It shouldn t be too far at a brisk jog, and I won t be in danger of any purse snatchers, don t worry. Besides, you have Senketsu to protect you," Diego told her with a smile. "See you soon," he said to her ebfore he gave her a hug. When she left, Diego began looking for some clothes for him to wear before he stepped inside the shower. The hot water felt good on him and definitely pretty relaxing after a fight like that. He had a feeling it wouldn't be the last. Ryuko nodded and returned the hug, before walking out the door and jogging to her place, returning around fifteen minutes later, maybe closer to twenty. Diego had finished showering after some minutes or so, having stepped out and dressed in a plain white t shirt and some pajama shorts. He was lying on the bed before he heard the knocking on the door. He opened it to the door to see Ryuko there. "Hey, hope it wasn't a hassle," Diego asked her. Nah. It didn t even take that long. She shouldered her backpack, really more of an overnight bag, and smiled as she hugged him on the way in. Diego smiled as he hugged her back, becoming more and more happy in hugging her. Welcome back, Diego told her with a smile a she got in the bed with her. Ryuko had to change and wash up first, but she didn t take long, her short hair making showering much shorter. She lay next to him, smiling. "I never thought things woild go like this... but I'm happy it did," Diego confessed to her with a smile on his face as he saw her in own pajamas. He also saw that Senketsu was still with her, though in the duffel bag. He settled in and he suddenly felt tired, but he couldn't help but scoot closer while they were in bed, just hsppy being in her company. I never expected it to move this fast, when I started to like you. I m glad we are where whatever this is wound up. Ryuko whispered. And I look forward to better knowing you, Diego said as his arm hesitantly went around her, his face showing caution. He was clearly wanting her permission before embracing her. He respects her a lot and wants to give her space and such.However, he also wants to hold her and so on. Regardless, he melted into the comforting presence and he would happily fall asleep being with her. She nods, giving her permission, before hugging him close and shutting her eyes, enjoying the contact, how.... how damn carefree it was. Neither one of them was going to start being pushy. There wasn t any pressure to advance Diego holds Ryuko and savored the closeness of it all. For a brief moment, the troubles of the world vanished into the rather, leaving the couple savoring one another s presence.It was the best sleep he had in years.In fact, when he would wake up, he felt utterly refreshed, relaxed and very happy. Good morning, he tells Ryuko with a smile. She slowly opened an eye and smiles, kissing his nose. Morning. Why don t we get an early start and make breakfast. Ryuko held his cheeks, we ll flip a coin for the first shower. Diego s face got a nice shade of red from seeing a lovely smile on Ryuko s face and her kiss. Sorry. My hotel room s kitchen is actually under repairs along with a few others on the floor. It s why I got a discount on it. They did give me meal vouchers for the buffet, Diego told her with a smile. Actually, you go first. Ladies first after all, Diego answered her with a smile. Not fair to you. She murmurs, kissing him gently on the lips before slipping out of bed and getting in the shower, bringing her bag with her into the bathroom. "Well, I did already shower last night so I can afford to wait a bit," Diego told her with a smile, blushing when she kissed him on the cheek and he laid back on the bed, thinking anoit everything that transpired."You really like him. I never saw you be so openly emotional like that, not even with Mako," Senketsu told Ryuko from the duffel bag. I know... I just met him though. I m worried I m pushing too hard, too fast. Maybe I need to slow down.... but she missed the excitement of a fight, the physical exertion as she fought another. Am I... do I really miss fighting that much that I m using someone for the same type of thrill? She didn t think so, but even she didn t know for sure. "Look at me, Ryuko," Senketsu said as he controlled his sleeves so she'd look at him. "You're not using him. Just from seeing you, you're happy with me and he's happy with you," he starts before he relaxes a bit."You've always been a passionate girl and when you want something, really want it, you don't let anything stop you. Sure you may slack off with grades," he said with a chuckle, remebering how he had to help her with tests back then. "But you never gave on avenging your father, saving your friends and so on. However, now that you did all that, now you can focus on being happy. It's okay to be nervous when it comes to those lovey dovey sort of feelings. You didn t have friends until about several months ago," he added."That and you were always not good with dealing with... physical intimacy. Or at elast when it comes to sexual stuff. Maybe you've rperessed it for so long that now that you stopped with the fighting, it's mixing in with your natural hot bloodedness," Senketsu added, trying to cheer her up."You gotta deal with that perverted stuff in you. it's natural for you humans after all," he finishes up as he pats his shoulder. Ryuko sighs and nods. It s just so new to me... I met him last night and I wanna hop into bed with the guy.... I barely know him. I WANT to know him first, Senketsu. She started the water. It doesn t feel right to do that with someone you don t know well. "Well, how else are you going to know someone? You do wht is best for you," Senketsu told her with a smile. "Besides, you seem to be doing a good job knowing him," he added.Meanwhile, Diego was resting on the bed, thinking of everything that had happened. Ryuko smiled, turning on the cold water and taking a quick shower. I ll talk about it with him and get his input. If he s okay with how fast it s going, then alright, I ll tell him what I think, and we can discuss it. "I'm sure it will go all right," Senketsu told her while she was showering. Diego meanwhile was wondering what else to do besides going to talk to the hospitalized person and in fact, hes et up a sort of appointment so they could go and speak to him and clear up any issues. Yeah. Then I can worry about the cultists, instead of boys. God, when did life become so complicated? "Life has always been complicated. It's why you have your friends and your new boyfriend to help you," Senketsu told her. "However, at elast with cultists and so on, we can beat them up," he added with a smirk on his face. Don t even need to think about that one. Senketsu, what was that cultist doing? You d know more about life fibers than me, but it seemed like he was trying to.... to find mine and control it. "I think he was trying to control your body like a puppet, but because of how you are, it didn't work. Furthermore, it also seemed like he was not like you either. He did mention vessel so I imagine it may have to relate to the thing those cultists worships," Senketsu told Ryuko while she was showering."I got us an appointment!" Diego yelled through the door to Ryuko, referring to the cultist Great! Ryuko shouted, then toned it down to ask Senketsu it still felt weird... I felt dirty afterwards.... violated, like he d copped a feel.... not fun. She turned off the water and stepped out, getting dressed in a fresh pair of underclothes and leggings. Senketsu waited for Ryuko to finished getting dressed before he was grabbed and placed back on her. "I felt some sort fo sensation too, at least briefly. Then Diego used that Needle of his and suddenly, the discomfort stopped and he pretty much began shutting down the cultist," Senketsu noted.Diego meanwhile was getting dressed. He decided that since hs showered last night, he could probably shower after the appointment. Ryuko nods and walks out of the restroom, stretching. Sorry I took that long. When is the appointment? At about noon, so we have enough hours to grab breakfast and whatnot, Diego told her with a smile. He was feeling happy.He was so happy, he couldn t help but go and give her a hug. He blushed when he realized his impulsive action. Hope this is all right, he said to her while still hugging her. She nods, smiling and returning the gesture. Diego... I m worried we re pushing ahead too fast. I m new to this whole.... relationship thing. I want to take the time to do it right, y know? I know what you mean. But I like hugging you and such, so I hope we can still do it. I wanna get to know you more, Diego said to her, smiling and blushing. Though I already gave you my first kiss, Diego added sheepishly. Or you can just jump on him now, Ryuko. You weren t one to back down from a challenge, Senketsu joked with her privately. Ryuko nods. Yeah. Hugs and kisses are fine, but I want to know you a lot better before we do anything that involves clothes coming off. Let s have breakfast. All right then, Diego told her with a smile before he kissed Ryuko s forehead. He then grabbed her hand and after grabbing his backpack and card key, began leading her downstairs to the hotel cafeteria. Are you gonna tell your sister about this? Diego asked her as they were going down the stairs. Yeah. She may not want to wear Junketsu again, but she ll definitely be a big help against these guys, especially since she was the heir of Ragyo s company. If anything survived, she d inherit it, and knowing her, catalogue it just in case. Junketsu was destroyed as I was and lacked any sentience to be brought back, Senketsu explained to her. Well, we ll have to wait and see, Diego noted as they reached downstairs. What do you wanna do after we get our answers? he asked Ryuko. Well his outfit, whatever it was, seemed to work like a goku uniform. We ll need to find out if it s true,because if it is, then Satsuki will be a huge help, since she made the goku uniforms in the first place. "Yeah, that's true. Though my guess is these cultists salvaged the uniforms underwater," Diego speculated as he walked her over to the cafeteria and led her to a table for the two of them. "Breakfast is on me so you choose what you want," he told her with a smile. Ryuko smiled, taking a plate and putting some scrambled eggs and bacon on it, with a small glass of orange juice. I can pay for myself. "Well, if we're dating, then I wanna be a gentleman and pay for our date," Diego told her, smiling back at her. He was looking to get some pancakes and a tall glass of milk for himself. Ryuko sighed, playfully shaking her head. Alright, but only because I m broke. She took a fork for each of them. Diego pulled the seat for her to sit on before he sat across from her. "Broke? Are you doing?" Diego asked her concerned about her financial status. Yeah. What, you think working part time leaves me with spending money? She laughed, taking a seat. "I'm just making sure you're doing all right. I'm here to help you," Diego told her, impulsively clasping her hand with a look of concern in his eye. I m fine. Really. Ryuko pecked his cheek. Your concern is sweet, but you don t have to do everything for me. "You two are really sweet," Senketsu couldn't help but comment with a smile on his face.Diego blushed and smiled in response to Ryuko. "I know, but we're together, and I wanna help," he said to her with a smile before he began eating. I ll finish school and get a full time job, but until then my boss won t let me. She pats his cheek and starts to eat. Focus on the cult. Diego hugs Ryuko and delves into his pancakes some more. "Yeah, we'll go and save the world. Well, you did it before ," Diego told her with a smile. "So I'll be here at your side," he added with a smile. "You think your friends would also help too?" he asked. Yeah. I ll see if I can t get the gang back together, but some of them have people they may want o stay for. Jobs. They may not be able to join. "That's understandable. No matter what, we'll definitely overcome this," Diego told her with a smile before he wondered. "What is it you do a part time job?" Diego asked her."She works in some sort of customer service job, I think," Senketsu responded. Yeah. I d rather not go into details. She worked at a maid cafe. It paid better than regular waitressing, and anyone that tried to spread rumors about it was never believed. "Well, I would still like to help. Besides my college work, I'm also a writer," Diego told her as he kept eating. He then turned to see the news. It was a good way to check on his Japanese. Some of the news was basic, though antoehr caught his attnetion in regards to some strange growigng activity and the sight of hooded strangers. "What do you think?" he asked Ryuko as they were looking at the news. More cultists probably. Why are the gathering though? I don t trust it.... not one bit. She read the article. "Well, it seemed to be more skulking. If anything, it's just mild crimes and two instances of vandalism. Though they could be just scouts," Diego noted as he continued watching the news, I don t trust it. I ve got this feeling that trouble s ahead, and they re part of it, somehow, cultists or not. Could be wrong. But we should keep an eye for any similar articles. Well, we should be getting some good answers out of the cultist in the hospital when we go see him, Diego responded to her with a smile. We ll go after we finish breakfast then, he tells her. Furthermore, finding out more about who or what they worship will help additionally, he added. Right. Find out why as well as the what. Ryuko nodded. Without a motivation as personal and raw as her previous one, and considering how she d changed in just a few months, she was much more level headed. Yes, though I wonder what sort of cult it will be, Senketsu pondered before Diego finished his breakfast. Anything else you want before we head out, sweetie? Diego asked Ryuko with a smile. Ryuko gagged at being called sweetie, but her smile let him know she was joking. A pen and some paper. We ll want to write what he says down. Diego looked relieved at her smile, initially worried that she did not like the pet name he gave her. "Already got that," Diego said as he pulled out a pen and notepad from his backpack that he took down with him."Looks like he's well prepared," Senketsu noted with a pleased look on his face. Then that s everything. Sorry if I don t seem as... warm as some others. I guess I never got to enjoy it... dunno how to respond. I know this is all new, but I wanna be the best boyfriend, Diego told her with a smile as he waited for her to finish so he could ou though he also wondered if she would take some more in a to go box. Then you already are. She got a tortilla wrap and made herself a breakfast burrito, before wrapping that in a napkin, munching on her way back to the table. Diego smiled and blushed at Ryuko s sweet words and watching her make a burrito. Don t worry. We re in no rush, he told her honestly in regards to their pace to see their appointee. Diego, from what I ve heard, most guys don t try to be the best. That makes you better than everyone that doesn t try. And then you measure based on results, and so far you ve made my life exciting and happy. Diego looked at Ryuko and blushed at her wonderful words and smiles. T thanks. I always try and see the good in people and so I wanna help others out, he told her. He s redder than your blood, Senketsu said with a smile. She puts an arm around his shoulders, nodding. Now let s get some answers so you can keep on doing what you want. "I think he wants to keep hanging out with you," Senketsu said humroously with Diego only able to blush but smile in response."Let's get going then," Diego said as he paid for their breakfast and they proceeded to go off to go to the hospital. "The hospital is not that far so we could walk there if you want," he said to Ryuko. Let s. She smiles. You re allowed to touch me when we aren t hugging, Diego. Ryuko teases. Just don t go squeezing anywhere inappropriately. Diego blushed at hearing Ryuko tease at what she said. "I just don't wanna make you uncomfortable. From what I gathered, you didn't like how alot of the guys or even some of the gals treated you back in that artificial island city," he confessed to her as his hand went into hers and squeeze gently while walking to the hospital. She smiles, squeezing back. That s because they acted like I was an object. Like a porno mag... you treat me like a person. Ryuko took a deep breath. You re polite, and kind. It s a welcome change. "I think alot of people on that island just had... alot of problems. According to a newsreport released last month, alot of psychologists noted that the most of the population were pretty psycholgically abnormal or show to have difficulty integrating into society. My guess is that the close proximity and so on wasn't good for people's mentality," Diego said, recalling the report. It was an interesting case study and examined on how stress and dangerous situations could have people leading to obsessive or mildly unstable behavior when isolated.He blushed when she called him polite and kind. It was really nice getting to hear those sort of things."That makes sense. Even people who weren't nuts had some problems. I know Satsuki had difficulty trying to settle into her managerial job," Senketsu noted though he looked concern. "And she still hasn't got to therapy for what happened to her," he muttered. Ryuko nodded. Being packer in like rats and ruled by a fascist regime would leave people a bit.... off. My sister s doing alright, even if she should really get a support group or something. I think she s too damn proud to show weakness, and even if she did show any, she d never admit to having a weakness to show in the first place. "Maybe I can talk to her about it later. I remember when I had to go see a therapist a couple years ago," Diego confessed to Ryuko before he began wondering what happened. "What happened to her? You don't have to answer me if I'm pushing my boundaries," he added, wanting to reassure her. She got a job. She s actually doing pretty well for herself, considering. It s fine, Diego. Let s focus on the cultists for now. Save the world first. "Right. I guess I just wanna make sure she's okay. She's your sister after all and someone important to you," Diego told Ryuko with a smile before they arrived at the hospital. It was indeed a short walk over there. Diego walked inside and cleared his voice. Despite having improved, his Japanese was still rusty and he was relieved that many people here spoke English anyway."We're looking for a Mr... Joro Inu," Diego said as he double checked the name. The nurse nodded at them before they were led over to the room. "He has been lethargic since he arrived here though the police informed me to expect you two because you had questions," the nurse said before showing them to the man.Indeed, rather than the frantic maniac they dealt with last night, he looked lethargic and downcast almost. Ryuko nodded. Yeah. I m worried about her too, but she won t accept pity. Thankfully she s too damn proud to let herself become an alcoholic or anything like that. Standing over the hospital bed, ryuko was astonished. He seemed like an entirely different person. So those robes, or whatever they were... How d you get them? And how did you know how to tug on my life fibers? "It's not pity though," Diego began to say before he saw the cultist begin to move from some sort of slumber or perhaps some sort of stunend state.He turned to Ryuko and managed to sit up. "They were given to me... by him... the leader. He said that by accepting it... I would have purpose again. That everything would be okay... and they mentioned you. The child born of Life Fibers and how you were to be captured," he was wheezing out. "The robe guided me... a conduit," he added. This leader. Describe him. And what do you mean, guided you? Like a puppet? Ryuko looks to Diego with concern. She didn t like the idea of being controlled via her own life fibers. "As if... it would be okay. I was nothing... No job, no relationship... no future. Then he came. He offered me a job... a home, a purpose. When I put on the robe, I felt safe. Secure. A voice told me where to go and my goal... I would do anything to achieve it" the cultist said as he relaxed into the bed."The leader... he would a proper uniform, the nicest looking one. He wore... the mask of the Goddess," he told her. What godde Ragyo. Ryuko scowled. So clearly you re well equipped, it seems. How did you know how to control life fibers? And why capture me? Not her... she... they considered her... the false prophet. The ignorant one. The true goddess was she who made the fibers, the cultist corrected to Ragyo. The fibers were into my body and I heard the whispering of the goddess through them, telling me to try and capture you. She says you are the vessel, he added to her. I don t want to be anyone s vessel. Who is this goddess, then? Is she related to me at all? How doesshecontrol the fibers? Where s your this cultist probably saw it not as a base, but as a temple? She is the spinner of fate, the pulled of the strings and the binder of life. She will bring us sanctuary from madness, the cultist said as his eyes glossed over briefly before he stirred. Her sacred name is only known to the Lord of the Loom, our leader, he manages to say more normally. However, when Ryuko asked where the temple is, he stirred. Pearl... Pearl... he said before his eyes closed. I think he went unconscious once more, Diego said after a little while of silence. Pearl? Ryuko was left trying to figure out where, with only word to go off of. Yeah, looks like it. She sighs. Sorry. You didn t get to ask him anything. I m sure you had a few questions. Not much that you didn t ask. Besides, we can try and ask more when he recovers unless we find more cult members, Diego said, wondering what he could ve meant by Pearl. Though he also mentioned about something making the Life Fibers, he added with some thought. And being someone, or something s, vessel... that doesn t sound appealing in the slightest. She enjoyed being herself... most days. And even when she didn t, she still wouldn t want to be anyone else. How about we go do something to lighten the mood? Diego said as he grabbed Ryuko s hand and began leading her out the door and their way to the exit of the hospital. Though more on what he said on having direction. Definitely seems like a cult. It preys on the insecurities and hopelessness of people to provide them a better tomorrow, Diego said before he saw Senketsu lean over a bit on the paper. I got his address. He has a place in Japan, Senketsu noted. Huh. Probably snapping up a bunch of people from the island, who miss the life fibers. Lord knows most of them wouldn t know how to piss without being told how. Ryuko said, before smiling at him. Sorry. I ll try to use better metaphors. Well, we need to find a way to check up on this. For all we know, he wasn t from the island at all, Diego said before he smiled back at her. What do you wanna do now? He asked her. Pearl.... pearl..... Ryuko was muttering to herself. Well we aren t going to find their base anytime today. May as well see if we can get the gang back together. "Well, we should probably call them to meet up somewhere, though we'd need to scheculde since most may have plans for today," Diego told her while they were walking out of the hospital. "Guess you two love birds have the day for yourselves," Senketsu commented to the two of them. Ryuko smiles at Senketsu s comment. I will. For now, let s just relax and have fun... we probably won t have much time for it once things get really intense. Maybe we can go to an amusement park or something, Diego offered to her with a smile on his face as he saw Ryuko s smile. She was a wonderful person to be around and he wanting to spend as much time with her as he could. Ryuko nods. She was astonished at how much she enjoyed being with him, and while part of her still felt uncomfortable with this whole dating thing, she still knew that she was loving every second of it. That sounds great. Oh wait, better idea A karaoke bar. "Oh wow! I heard those were famous here and I never went to one. You think any would be open right now? It's not even lunch," Diego asked her as his hand was locked nicely with hers while they were taking in the nice scenary around them. Well they actually have businesses just for karaoke, so even if we can t find a bar, I m sure we can find something. That sounds like fun! Diego told her with a smile while they were walking. Maybe we can find a place that would also serve for lunch while karaoke, he noted to her. Maybe we can take a walk in the park meanwhile, he suggested to her, pointing out a small park for them. I most of the places I know do serve food too, they even give you a menu when you ask for a room. Ryuko nodded, steering him towards the park. Diego, I know we ve been able to spend a lot of time together, mostly because you found me on the weekend, but I ve got school, and a part time job. That s going to eat up time. "I know, which is why I want to be able to enjoy as much time with you as I can," Diego told Ryuko with a smile as he squeezed her hand. "I'll be there to help you with whatever you need," he added as he leaned in to kiss her on the cheek in a moment of boldness, She leans in and kisses his shoulder in return, walking down the path. Ryuko was truly quite fond of him already, and she wished they didn t meet when the world was about to be in danger. You two are sweet, Senketsu says with a smile. Diego began looking around the park. It was a pretty quiet day and they had the park pretty much to themselves. How was it like when you were a kid,? Diego wondered out loud as he was looking around. Lonely, I guess. Dad always made sure that I knew how to defend myself, and taught me that I needed to hide from the people looking for me... I guess that s part of why I had so many issues when I had to show some skin. It didn t feel safe, I think..... Diego paused as he was listening to Ryuko s explanation before he went and embraced her tightly. He knew what it was like growing up lonely. Yes he had had his parents and his younger brother, but they couldn t always be there and his relationship with his younger brother wasn t always the best. You re not alone anymore. You have a lot of people that care about you now, including me, Diego told her with a smile before he kissed her forehead, growing more confident in himself with his affections for her. She smiles. Thanks... I know, it s just that I got used to relying on myself... it feels weird to let others take the weight sometimes. Like I m being lazy. Ryuko shook her head. Hey, why don t we make this a training exercise. You can ask any question you want, and I ll answer honestly, have to keep up with me! She starts jogging. "You're not lazy. You're one of the hardest working people I know," Diego told Ryuko with a smile. However, he then saw her smirk before he saw her run off. He took a deep breath and began jogging to try and keep up with her. "What's some of your favorite food?" Diego was asking her as he was doing his best to keep up with her. He could run mroe or less all right, but endurance was not his strong suit, especially since he had asthma when he was younger. Lemons. Raw, unpeeled. Weird, I know. She chuckles, turning onto the grass, legs working as she ran up the small but steep hill, glancing back at him. Come on. I ve giving you free reign to ask anything and you choose that? Diego saw her running up the hill and he paused to take another breath before going to run up the hill. He ran and walk a lot to help lose weight so it was helping. I don t wanna ask anything insensitive, Diego asked her as he made his way up to her and still thinking about a question. How much do you really like me? He couldn t help but blurt out in a moment of instinct. A lot. I m a little surprised, honestly, but I m actually really fond of you. Ryuko said, picking up the pace a bit. She was also surprised with how easily she d known. She d expected it to be this long confusing bout of introspection, but no. I don t know you too well, but you re a great guy, from what I ve seen. Diego smiled at her as he was doing his best to pick up her pace. "T that means alot. And you're awodnerful woman," Diego told her with a big smile on his face as he was doing his best to keep up with her. "Do you see us going all the way?" Diego asked her as he was getting his second wind with keeping up. Maybe. Honestly it depends on how you handle the foreplay. If I feel safe and comfortable with you? Probably, yeah. Ryuko blushed, slowing down a bit to let him keep in stride with her. Why? Been thinking about it? Thanks to her slowing down, Diego was better able to keep up with her and he was blushing with her. A little and I guess even more. You re the first girlfriend I ever had and since I was a kid, I guess I always pictured myself getting married and starting a family, Diego confessed, blushing harder at how open he was being. Slow down there, Diego. Marriage? Come on. I m not even done with high school. I still want to enjoy the freedom of being an adult. She smiled. Lets just stick with enjoying what we have for now. Diego blushed more with her comment, but he did smile back as he was going with her. "Granted, once you finish your online schooling, what would you wanna do?" Senketsu asked her. Diego himself also wondered. He knew Ryuko could probably get some sort of desk job because of her sister's connections. "I mean, Mako actually can do well as a business if she's motivated," he added, recalling how she went when she became the President of the Fight Club with the paperwork. Honestly? I m not sure. I was thinking of getting a job to pay for martial arts lessons, then trying to get into the MMA circuit. Of course, I had to ditch that plan, because I have an unfair advantage. That and I thought you were tired of fighting, Senketsu added to her statement. What else would you wanna do? Like when you were a little girl? Diego asked as he was keeping up with her. Not sure.... I think I d want to be a therapist, actually. Learn to help people that have been through a lot. Ryuko shrugged. That actually sounds really fascinating, Diego said, not expecting a response like that from her. He smiled before he went and hugged her while they were running. Another question would be that do you ever see yourself as no longer a fighter persay? He asked. I d like to be able to stop fighting someday, because it means all the battles that needed to be won are over. Ryuko sighed. But there ll always be something. Yes, but we can t always be the ones fighting, Diego said as he went to hug her. It was not only to allow him to catch his breath, but also to comfort her. And whatever happens, we ll face it together, Diego told her with a smile. Ryuko smiles and hugs him tightly, patting his back. Thanks... it s nice to have friends. Sure, Senketsu counted, but.... he couldn t really hold her, and let her feel a human touch, now could he? "Likewise," Diego said, savoring the tight hug he was giving to his girlfriend. "Well, he's more than your friend now, isn't he?" Senketsu teased Ryuko lightly before they seperated. "Should we continue running?" Diego sked Ryuko. If you want. Or we could start heading back to one of our places. Ryuko looked around. We should spar sometime. Get some practice. "Maybe yeah. We could relax and call your friends so we can meet up for lunch and discuss this," Diego told her before she mentioned sparring. "Well, you'd kick my butt easily, but then again, I like women who could kick my butt," Diego said with a smile on his face. Don t worry. I ll make sure to be gentle. She smiled. I ll make the call, but they have their own lives now... or they re trying to. They ll probably respond once I fill them in. Diego smiled at her before he embraced her once more. "That's true, though it's only been about several months and the sooner we target this cult, the better," Diego explained to her with a smile. Alright, come on. We ll head home so we can et some workout clothes, then work up a real sweat before lunch. Ryuko seemed to suddenly realize what someone with a dirtier mind might assume, by which I mean actually working out, not that sex didn t burn calories too but... she barely knew the guy. The kissing was great, and she did have... needs, but she wasn t sure if she was comfortable being that intimate yet. "Well, I need to buy some. I didnt bring any workout clothes," Diego told her before he couldn't help but realize how she made her comment. Senketsu actually cackling at the two of them made, Diego blush even more. "I've never been much to enjoy working out or such, but maybe doing it with you will make it easier," Diego said before he blushed even harder, realizing how that came out."You know what I mean," he said as Senketsu continued laughing at the two. Right. Just don t stare, too much, she added mentally. Let s.... lets just get to my place so I can grab my workout clothes, then go to the mall to find something for you. "The happy couple going to the mall," Senketsu said with a smirk, though Diego blushed yet smiled at the same time. However, he also went and grabbed Ryuko's hand while they were walking on the way over to her apartment. "I'm glad you're my girlfriend... you're amazing," he said to her with a smile. Thanks.... she smiled, that means a lot to me. You re great guy, you know. Ryuko looked around. Diego... I want you to be safe, alright? That s why I want to train you. Diego blushed and smiled at hearing her compliment. "Yeah, I know. I've just never been good in terms of physical stuff," Diego confessed to her before he chuckled. "Of course, I actually know how to use a gun so that's something," he added. "I was raised in the southern part of the USA and so guns were treasured there... almost unhealthily. I never was fully interested, but I learned the basics when I found out about the cult," he explains. That s good. Never really had a chance to use one. Closest thing I ve seen in real life is some weird sewing needle launcher.... it s as weird as it sounds, and stings like hell. "That sounds crazy," Diego said, wondering a sewing needle launcher. "Didn't Senketsu say you were afraid of needles?" Diego asked her curiously."Yeah, but I think it's because she's afraid of long phallic objects due to her naivety and fear of sexual intimacy," Senketsu said before he spouted laughing, surprised he could say with a straight face while Diego nearly tripped and his face redder than the Scissor Blade over Senketsu's comment. THAT S NOT Ryuko s face almost matched her highlight, and she looked away, covering her face with one of her hands. Okay.... maybe that s a little true. Diego nearly tripped again at hearing Ryuko's outburst, but he caught his footing, before he was looking to Ryuko. There was a bit of an awkward silence before Diego took a breath."Well, I'm afraid of needles too cause I don't like being poked with sharp objects. And there's nothing wrong with being nervous about that sort of stuff," Diego said, trying to comfort Ryuko. She smiles and gently placed a hand on his cheek, kissing him, lips pressing softly against his own, hesitant, unsure. Ryuko then slowly steps away, holding his hand. Let s just get you those gym clothes. Diego gently returned the kiss to Ryuko, trying his best to reassure her. He squeezed her hand in response. "Yeah, all right," Diego told her with a smile. It wasn't long before they ended up reaching a mall. "I heard alot of places basically had to use leftover clothing or old clothing that was leftover before the rise of the corporation and that'd it be a while before new clothing would be made, aside from those made by local tailors," Diego commented as he saw the entrance coming up. You d be surprised how fast capitalism gets to work. After all, there s a lot of demand, so enterprising businesses were happy to supply. Ryuko smiles. Now we just have way too many clothes stores trying to sell their stuff at a lower price than the competition. "Yeah, but there's already a large amount of supply and more people have been growing disdainful of capitalism with the real life example of a mega corp taking over," Diego commented before they entered the mall. And indeed she had a point. He recognized alot of clothes from some of the stores, mainly because they were just so retro. Heck, one store sold clothes as basically cloth for projects like making pillows, blanekts or other things."Where should we start?" he asked ehr, It s great that people are so overstocked on clothes. It makes them nice and cheap for the consumer. As for the megacorp.... yeah, anti monopoly laws are getting a lot tighter.... this way. She pulls him towards a sporting clothes store. Diego smiled at her before they were heading to a sporting clothes store. "Oh wow, some of these pieces of clothings I recognied back when I was a kid and saw high schoolers wear them. It's like the 90s all over again," Diego commented with a chuckle on his face as he looked around. He did take note of the sweatpants or the shorts. Heh. Well most people don t care as long as they ve got something to wear over their underwear. Ryuko smiles. You ll want shorts. They re less prone to trapping heat. Yeah, that makes sense. I actually like wearing cargo shorts. I love all the pockets, Diego said before he got some comfortable feeling gym shorts. He also found a couple of gym shorts. You come here often? He asked her. I ve come here a few times. I m... really not the type to buy clothes just to buy them. I buy clothes to cover up and stay warm. Ryuko said. We ll train with boffer versions of our weapons. "Yeah, that makes sense. I'm kinda the same. For me, the stuff I like to buy were books and things like that," Diego told Ryuko as he got his clothing and was going over to pay for their clothing. "Though the Needle's power is to mnaipulate the Life fiber clothing the cultists will likely wear," he muttered to her quietly. Diego, I d rather not have you touching me in that particular way. Ryuko whispers. The cultist did, and it just felt wrong. Like if someone decided to slide their hands down your pants without asking. I know you wouldn t do anything to me, but.... "You know I would never do that to you... ever," Diego went to look Ryuko in the eye with a serious look. "You have my word and when I give my word, I do everything to fulfill it. A man without his word is not a man. That's what my dad taught me," he added before he embraced Ryuko to reassure her. She hugged his waist, turning her head to the side so her cheek was against his shoulder. I know. I just said I knew you wouldn t. Ryuko felt a bit awkward about being this close, but.... it was nice. Diego smiled as he felt her hug him back. He wanted to make her feel comfortable, safe and secure. "Everything will be all right," he said to her."Don't be scared to show how much you care for him," Senketsu told Ryuko. ...thanks. Ryuko pecked his cheek, then pats his back. Let s just focus on your training for now. Well, if we have everything, we should pay for it. We could take a tour of the mall beforehand though. I ve never been in one in Japan before, Diego noted to her with a smile. Ryuko smiles, nodding. I m not sure it s that different, though. Just a bunch of stores and carts. She slipped her hand into his and squeezed gently. True, but I like any opportunity to spend time with you, Diego responded to her with a smile as he squeezed her hand back and looked around the mall with their stuff. That and admittingly we don t have a place to train, Senketsu noted Hm... you re right, Senketsu. I was going to have us practice in the Park, but someone might get hurt. Ryuko nodded. "And I am in a hotel room, so it and your apartment would be too confined," Diego added as he was in thought. "We'd need to go to some vast outdoor area that no one would mind got damaged or some vast training facility," Diego added while looking around. He did not know where to find either of those things, but maybe Ryuko would know. ....I think I know a good spot, as long as you don t mind waiting a bit. I ll make a few phone calls and see if Nudist Beach still has one of those ships. We could use that. "Of course I don't mind waiting a bit. I really like hanging out with you," Diego told Ryuko with a smile as he squeezed her hand. "Though i reckon you're gonna be the more amazing from us," he added. She squeezes back. I m sure you ll do fine. I ll train you up, just remember: don t try to copy me. You don t heal as quick, and you re not as fast, or resilient. You can t get away with the crap I pull. "Yeah, not to mention my weapon works differently. Probably mroe finesse required and defensive," Diego figured with a smile. He leaned on to kiss her cheek. He couldn't help it. He was a big cuddly affectionate guy, especially with her."Wanna get lunch before or after?" Diego said before looking at the window up above. "Is the ship big enough to be indoors? Looks like it ill rain," he noted. After. I d like to keep it down, Diego. She smiled, playfully nudging him with her elbow. Yeah, it s big enough.... Ryuko couldn t help but think of all those cliche kisses in the rain. Well, she decided, she d grab him by the collar and do it, then. So far he d had to initiate most contact, so it was about time she pitched in. Well, I would suggest we do it in the boat to avoid slipping off the boat, Diego said before he blushed at Senketsu s chuckling. You know what i mean, though how do you feel about fighting in the rain if it does? He asked Ryuko. I ve fought in worse, and you ll have to get used to slippery surfaces where even your footing is another enemy you have to pay attention to. "All right then. I guess that makes sense," Diego told her with a smile as he squeezed her hand. "We should still get going to the boat then. If there's thunder storms, I wouldn't want to be standing on a big wet metal object outside," he says humorously as they head to the exit with their clothes. "How will we get there?" he asked. We jog, and hope we don t get too soaked. I ll make the call first, to make sure we aren t running all that way in the rain for nothing. Ryuko took out her cell, dialing the number and waiting a few moments. No, I m not calling about that. You got any ships left that are intact enough to train on or in? You do? Great. At the docks?! That s wonderful. Thanks. Ryuko hung up. "Well, right now it's just cloudy. I don't think it shuld rain for a bit," Diego explained to her as he looked at the skuy. Once she finished with her, he smiled at her. "I guess we should make our way to the ship then. Lead the way," Diego told her with a smile before he followed her in jogging there, carrying the bags of new clothing on him.Fortunately, it was still pretty cloudy when they arrived at the ship and DIego changed into his gym clothes, waiting for Ryuko as he was now on top. He wondered if she'd be fighting him with just the Scissor blades or use Senketsu on him Ryuko smiles, making a couple detours to their places to pick up their weapons, as well as grab some gym clothes of her own. Nothing fancy just basketball shorts, a tank top, and a sports bra.Once they were changed, she tossed him his weapon and hefted her own. Remember, you want to disable me as quickly as possible. If you feel a hit, stop using that limb, to simulate the difficulty of fighting with a broken or missing limb. Senketsu was perched up inside, looking through the window. All right then, Diego said as he took a deep breath. Diego was not much of a fighter, but he was a thinker and a good one, so he would apply that to his fighting.He would focus on using lunging moments and trying to parry with the Great Needle. It reminded him of a rapier. Well now, Diego said as he felt the rain come down and he had to deal with one problem that came with the rain... his glasses getting wet. You ll need a baseball cap or something. Ryuko noted, moving slowly, for her at least, keeping her power and speed at human levels, getting warmed up until She swung upwards, using the blunt side, in what almost resembled a golf swing if Diego was the ball. He d probably want to dodge that, since she was putting her considerable strength behind it, pulling her punches just enough not to hurt him too badly. Actually, probably more a helmet with the visor having water resistant material on it. Baseball hats wouldn t help in strong winds, Diego noted and indeed, the wind began picking up and began soaking them.However, even with his impaired visions, he could still see the vague shape of Ryuko coming at him. He hopped back to avoid the blow coming at him before trying to do a counter strike at her. Ryuko saw the strike and shifted her weight to lean out of the way, swinging hard and fast to smack his weapon, sending vibrations along it that would probably sting, but wouldn t do any lasting harm, before snapping her foot towards his stomach for a kick, driving her heel forward. If she missed this, she d overbalance, at least for a moment.... a moment longer than a skilled opponent would need. Diego felt the vibrations through the Great Needle, but hold on tight with it. Ryuko was just as tough and strong as he thought. That was awesome and badass... and attractive.Despite that, he didn't let that distract from dodging her kick by hopping to the side. He saw her go forward and he shoved her to the ground, using her momentum. Before she could get up, he pointed the Needle in her area. It was kinda low to use her fears of needles against her, but she did say to be pragmatic. Ryuko grunted as she fell to the ground, then gasped as she saw the needle, lashing out with her weapon at his ankles, eyes wide. Seemed like that was one of the few things that genuinely terrified her. Diego did not expect her to slash at his ankles. It barely hit, but with her force, he felt the cut. He yelped in pain and jumped back... but the ship was wet and so he slipped and landed on his back.He struggled to stand, his socks turning red. I I m sorry, Diego said, looking terrible. Oh god, are you okay? She tosses her weapon aside. What had she done!? I ll get a bandage, or or Ah jeez, I m sorry Diego. I should ve used the blunt end... she took off his socks and shoes, then uses her blade to cut off some of her tank top, using the strip to bind his ankle. I ll call an ambulance.... "Yeah, I think you swung so hard that you made an air slice I think," Diego said to her as he was standing up after a bit. Diego blushed a bit when he saw her cut some fo the tank top to help patch him up."Wait, it's my fault. I shouldn't have done then. Besides, they appear to just be surface cuts. No real damage or such," he says as he puts his hands on her shoulders, still raining on them. "Don't blame yourself, okay?" Diego said as he began to lightly caress her face. I should ve had better control... I mean, I told you to be ruthless, so that s not on you. You just did what I told you to. She sighs. "Yeah, but I don't wanna hurt you or spook you," Diego told her as he kept caressing her face, resting his forehead on hers. He liked being this close to her. He wanted to comfort and reassure her. She gently kissed his lips, eyes shut as she tried not to cry. Ryuko found that she liked him as something more than a friend, even though they d just met, and that confused her. Diego was surprised by Ryuko s soft kiss, but he wrapped his arms around her and deepened the kiss. He remembered what she said during their first kiss and so on.He didn t care if they were soaking wet or it was raining harder. He was enjoying the kiss with her too much. He held her tightly, wanting to comfort her. Ryuko pulls him closer, grabbing his shirt and slowly breaking contact. Let s get inside. Don t want you catching a cold or something before the fight. She picked up the needle and her sword, putting them both in the duffel bag, beforewalking back to Diego. CAn you walk on your own? Diego savored the kiss though he couldn t help but chuckle in response to what Ryuko said about them going inside so they wouldn t catch colds. Yeah, let s go inside, Diego told her with a smile.Diego managed to stand up and while his feet hurt a bit, he was able to walk back with little problem. We should take our clothes off. They re soaked, Diego said as he removed his soaked shirt. She glanced over her shoulders and bit her bottom lip, blushing as she turned to give him some privacy, slowly taking off her tank top. Are you sure we shouldn t do this in separate rooms? "Well, it was just for me revoing the shirt, but all right. I'll go so I won't make you uncomfortable," Diego told Ryuko with a smile before he kissed her and heading to a different room."You missed your chance, Ryuko. You need to overcome your fears," Senketsu told Ryuko while Diego was in the other room. He removed his shorts too and sighed as his underwear was also wet. He removed them and was considering whether he should shower. I don t want to rush this, Senketsu... ryuko said, opening the backpack she d brought to stow her clothes in. And... look, I am a bit scared, but who isn t. It s my first time... I want to do it right. Besides, he s American. What s he going to think about my hair down there? Well now she was making excuses. Ryuko, I get that, but you don t have to do it with him right now if you don t want to, but don t be afraid to get what you want. You always been the type to get what you want, Senketsu told her reassuringly. Besides, he cares about you for who you are, so I doubt the hair thing would be much of an issue, he said flatly.Diego was still in the nude in his room and was still wondering whether to shower or not. It was still raining hard. Right... but this is different. If it was a fight, it would be easy. But this... I m trying to open up, but it s hard. Every time I push the door open a crack I Ryuko sighed. I m scared. I m scared of opening up. I never meant to let Mako in, honestly. She slowly finished undressing, then grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around herself like a towel. I m going to take a shower. I ll... I think I ll invite him. Well, imagine this is a fight. And who you re fighting are your fears. And your prize is the chance to be happy, Senketsu advised her. He then went and hugged her. I know you re scared, but you have people that care about you know, he said, supporting her.Then there was the sound of water. Looks like he began showering already. It d be better if you went and surprised him, he told her. We both know how I d react to being surprised in the shower. I m knocking. Ryuko said, hugging Senketsu before setting him down and walking down the hall, following the sound of water until she found the right door, then knocking firmly so he could hear. Diego, mind if I join you? "Yeah, that's true," Senketsu said while chuckling. Fortunately, the room was pretty close by and Diego had left the door open of his room so Ryuko could come in. The bathroom door was closed and Diego managed to hear it."You can come in," Diego said automatically before he realzied what he said. By the time he realized what he said though, Ryuko was with him alreayd in the shower. Ryuko shed her blanket and walked in to join him, hands covering her body as she smiles at him. You look nice. She said, reaching for the soap, having to step close to do that. She couldn t help but glance down. Oh wow, that s bigger than I expected. She murmured, before awkwardly coughing. Diego blushed at haer being nude with him. However, when she made a comment regarding his size, he blushed even heavier."T thanks. I know I'm not special thougjh," he said as he tried not to look. "You look very pretty," he told her with a shy smile. Thank you.... ryuko looks up, then kisses his lips gently, one hand on his shoulder, slowly pushing down as she got down on her knees as well. She didn t want to slip and ruin the moment. Diego kisses Ryuko back gently, one of his hands on her shoulder as he was being pushed down and saw her go down on her knees. "What are you doing?" Diego asked in a dazed state. He coudlnt help but keep loking at her wonderous beauty. I really don t want to slip and ruin this. She wraps her arms around him and kisses him again, closing her eyes and leaning towards him. Diego blushed when he fetl Ryuko wrap her arms around him and feeling her lovely chest press onto his, but he began melting into the kiss. He hugged her back, holding her tightly while caressing her back. Being connected with her was utterly amazing. She hesitantly added a little tongue to the kiss, unsure of exactly how to do it, but growing more relaxed the longer it lasted. Ryuko found she enjoyed this. Diego leaned into the kiss and when Ryuko would start doing tongue, Diego began returning it, all while he was holding her tightly. He did not want to let go of her.He was enjoying this a lot. He kept caressing her faces and sides while doing so. Ryoko kept leaning forward until she on top of him, moaning softly as she broke the kiss, blushing a bit. She was glad they were in the shower... it made hiding how wet she was Much, much easier. We should.... we should finish washing up.... she kissed him again, grinding slowly against his leg, later. Diego heard Ryuko s soft moans and it aroused him, based on his growing erection pressing onto Ryuko. The sensations were wonderful and growing tantalizingly stronger. What do you wanna do? Diego asked Ryuko as he stroked her face lovingly. Just... more of this. She felt him against her stomach, Hard, throbbing, hot. Ryuko gulped, leaning back and wrapping her hand around it. I could give you a handjob... she slowly moves her hand up and down, how s this? Diego groaned softly in pleasure when he felt Ryuko's soft hand grasp his growing erect shaft and began moving up and down, making him feel more aroused. "T that's good," Diego said with pleasure laced in his voice. He was becoming more exciting and they shyness was giving way to curiosity, fascination and excitement. Ryuko smiles, squeezing a bit harder as she sped up. Sit Up. I can t kiss you and jerk you off at the same time if you re laying down. She bit her lower lip and looked down. Is it getting bigger? And harder? I thought it was a binary thing, just on off. Diego did as she requested, sitting up so they could kiss before seeing her turn a bit shy at it. "Kinda. It's about stimulation and such. Though I'm now fully aroused and erect because of you," Diego said while he was in a loving daze because of her. He pulled her in for a kiss while caressing her back."C can I?" Diego said, indicating at her breasts. Ryoko nods slowly, then faster. Just go easy on the nipples... she blushed, resting one hand on his shoulder as she kisses him again, grinding on his thigh and moaning. She d have to relieve some tension after this. Diego nodded before he went to Ryoko's chest. They weren't too big or too little. Just the perfect size and added to the wonderful beauty that was his girlfriend.His hands gently grabbed her breasts and began kneeding them, his fingers going over her nipples. He felt the plasure began growing more and more as he dove into the kiss. Ryuko squirmed, and when he brushed her nipples?... she broke the kiss to gasp, then her grinding took on an almost desperate quality. Seems they were sensitive. Ah, Diego Ryuko grabs his hair and leans towards him, her other hand resting on his chest as she began grinding on his shaft, careful not to let it inside her. Diego groaned out loud and grew even harder as he felt Ryuko's wet maidenhood grind against his leg and he was feeling the pressure built up. He couldn't help but smile itnernally when he learned one of the weak spots of his girlfriend. "You're amazing," Diego said as he felt her grip his hair and her resting on him. "Oh goodness..." he said as he felt her grinding up against him, so close yet not going to enter."Let me return the favor," he said one hand moved from her breasts and began to gently finger her. If she was going to make him cum, he wanted her to feel the same pleasure. Thumb... my clit... Ryuko whispers, licking her thumb and two fingers before carefully pinching the head omg his cock between them, using the three digits to gently massage the tip while she ground. Do you know what you like? She asked Diego nodded before he felt Ryukobegan pinching his head and he was groaning in pleasure. ", but those is so good," Diego said before he leaned in to kiss Ryuko more passionately while he would press his thumb against Ryuko's pussy. He would then go from one finger to two, trying to get her to cum first. It was a passionate competition between them. Trying to see who can get the other to cum first. Diego felt as if more and mroe of his suppressed passion was being awakened. Ryuko whimpered against his lips. Maybe she shouldn t have given him that particular piece of advice. She used her left hand to stroke as her right massaged the head, moaning into the kiss and closing her eyes. Oh... for a beginner, he was really good. Hearing Ryuko whimper was enough of a sign that he was on the right track. Diego increased the pace of his fingering while he kept teasing and pressing against her clit. "I'm wanna make you cum," Diego whispered lovingly in Ryuko's ear, wanting to pleasure the woman he was with. She grabs his other hand and guided it to her backside, panting softly as she whispered me too.... hey.... let s... let s count down... and try to do it at the same time.... Ryuko smiles. He held so close to him and their bodies began touching. It was an explosion of heat and pleasure. Upon hearing her sweet words, Diego smiled in return and nodded. He was counting down with her as he felt himself grow closer and closer.And then the moment that Ryuko would come, Diego would cum as well. It was unbelievably amazing. He felt so close to her... so connected to her and just doing this with her was better than anything he did by himself. Ryuko shivered and bucked her hips, clinging tightly to him as she kissed him, basking in the after glow and cooing quietly. It s... so much better with someone else. She smiles, laying there under the shower head and panting softly. Diego.... thank you for this. Diego was panting from the climax, better than anything he had ever felt to prior. He held onto her her tightly, her hot body on his, with the mere contact being glorious enough because it was with her. That... was... amazing, he managed to say, his mind recovering yet couldn t help but wonder how it would be like when they would go all the way. Thank you too, Diego told her with a smile as he kissed her. You want to curl up together in the same bed after this? No pressure to go any farther than cuddling, but just.... enjoying being together. Ryuko smiles, wondering if what they said about people being more honest after sex was true. "Yeah, I would love to," Diego told her with a smile of his own. After they finished washing one another and drying up, Diego cuddled up with Ryuko, holding her closer to him, savoring the wonderful connection between them. "You are so wonderful," he told her affectionately. You were better, Ryuko kissed his chin and turned so her back was against his chest, looking up with a smile, my room or yours? "Well, we are in my bathroom, so probably my bed then," Diego told her with a smile as they went back into his room and he laid down, holding Ryuko. He felt so utterly happy to be with her. She lay on top of him, eyes shut, feeling.... safe. She d rarely felt truly safe with anyone. It was nice. Ryuko sighs happily and turns to face him, putting her arms around him and dragging the covers up to her waist using her toes. Should ve brought pajamas. Diego felt at peace, having his girlfriend just lie on top of him, born of them nude, but he didn t care. He was just happy having here here with him.Diego brought the covers closer to them before wrapping his arms around her back. This is nice too as well though, Diego told Ryuko lovingly before giving her a peck on the nose. Right. It s... I dunno, i used to use clothes like armor, almost. I thought if I dressed like delinquent, people would fuck off... but then I was lonely. I lived like that for years before I met Mako. But I m still not out of the habit of trying to push away anyone that gets too close. Ryuko said, kissing his chin. You re the exception. Diego held Ryuko tighter before he leaned to kiss her forehead in response. "You don't have to be alone anymore. You don't have just me. You have Mako, her family, your sister and her friends," Diego told her comfortingly with a smile. I know. I ve known that. I ve had Mako for a while, but letting others in has been harder. Especially getting intimate... Thanks for being patient. Um... how s your ankle? "It's all right," Dieo answered Ryuko's question over his ankle. He was going to be patient no matter how long it took for Ryuko and her intimacy problems. He wanted to be with her and she was worth whatever. He kissed her forehead once more while caressing her. "I want to be with you and we'll go at whatever pace you are comfortable with," he said. Ryuko nods. I know. You don t push. You just let me take my time... I guess that why I feel comfortable around you. I m not going to lie and say I suddenly want to pour out my heart and soul but.... I m slowly opening the door for you. Thanks again for being patient. She closes her eyes. Diego sighed with a smile and snuggled up to Ryuko. I guess I always have my heart on my sleeve, which is why I am open with my emotions and stuff," Diego told her as he would fall asleep soon after she does. The slumber lasts for a few hours while the rain hammers down.Diego begins waking from his sleep and sees Ryuko still there. He reaches to put on his glasses and notices the time. About early afternoon, so a few hours have passed. Time for lunch then."Time to get some lunch, sweetie," he told Ryuko with a smile. Not hungry. She muttered, awake, but not bothering to open her eyes. Ryuko was quite comfortable, and in no mood to walk through the cold ship to get her clothes. You think we can find a place that delivers to boats? Diego held onto Ryuko, feeling very comfortable at being able to hold her as such, their warm bare bodies resting against one another. "Well, maybe a few pizza places and if your friend Mako works at a restaurant, she probably could deliver it," Diego chuckled though he wondered if she'd be able to get it for them. I think she does, actually. I ll check the business card, it s in my.... wallet. Which is across the ship. Fuck. Ryuko sighs and slowly sits up, the blankets sliding off down her back. "Well, your phone is here, so you can check her contacts," Diego told her with a smile as he got her phone, which she left on a nearby nightstand. He passed it to her. Good idea. Ryuko sat up and dialed the number, not thinking about the fact that she was sort of straddling his hips. She held the phone a few inches from her ear and waited Diego blushed a bit at feeling Ryuko straddling his hips, but having her so close to him made him smile and feel very content. " What restaurant does she work at?" Diego asked her, wondering if that was the case. I don t rememb just then, a loud flurry of excited chatter burst through the phone s speaker, making ryuko smile even as she flinched away from the volume. Hi, Mako. she waited a moment or two as the chatter started up again, I m calling from one of the boats no, nothings wrong, I m here with my boyfr yes, Mako, I got a boyfriend. No, it s no one you kn you want to talk to him? Ryuko hands him the phone Diego couldn't help but chuckle a bit at seeing Mako chattering with Ryuko, his girlfriend taken aback from the excitability of her best friend. Diego grabbed the phone. He was preparing to make a good first impression."Nice to meet you for real, Mako! I was the guy asking around back several days ago," Diego said, preparing to answer any questions and so on. Oh yeah, I remember you! At first I was a little hesitant to tell you about her but then I remembered that Ryuko could handle just about anyone and you did have her blades in the duffel bag and why would you have those unless you were going to give them to her? So anyway thats why I told you where she was, wow you guys really hit it off so how s she really doing? Apparently Mako spoke in PARAGRAPHS.Ryuko chuckled. "I did give them to her, She's doing all right. We're training because there is a new danger going on," Diego said. He took his own deep breaths and explained as much as he could. He could be just as much as a motormouth at Mako could be. At least back when he was a kid. Now, he was more concise with his words, but he could still chat it up. Mako gasped at the description is she getting the gang back together so we can gear up and get ready to kick some butt like we did a few moths ago? When s that happening because I m gonna have to take some days off work and I really gotta know that stuff in advantage, ooh I ll make some calls and see who I can get on board! Ask her about the food, Diego. Ryoko smiles "Not yet we aren't. Right now we're waiting for more information before we make a move, but when the time comes, we will need to get everyone together. And I don't think a year is just a few months," Diego answered with his own smile."Ryuko also called because we're hungry and haven't had lunch yet," he said. "She said she recalls you working at a restaurant and we're wondering on what we can get delivered onto here," he adds. Oh it s just a pizza place but it s pretty alright, personally I d recommend the wings but you ll want a drink with that otherwise you ll be wondering why your mouth is burning and that s just not a lot of fun. What would you like? What did she say? "Yeah, we'd like a liter of some soda, some mild wings and a large pepperoni pizza," Diego told Mako with a smile on his face. "I placed our order," he told Ryuko. Ryuko smiles and lay back down on top of him, setting the phone on the nightstand and kissing his lips, hands on either side of his head. Thanks. I could have handled it though. Diego smiles on seeing and feeling Ryuko rest back on top of him. He happily returned the kiss to her, embracing her bare body, brining her closer to him. "Yeah, but I also wanted to get to know your best friend," Diego told her with a smile on his face."Wonder how long before she will get here?" he said with a smile. Five minutes, if I know her. Ryuko smiles, closing her eyes, at peace as she lay atop him. You think after this is over, we can still help each other? And stay together? "Yeah that's true," Diego said with a chuckle while hugging her. "I would lvoe to," he told her as he snuggled up to her. Ryuko hugs him, breathing slowly, one eye shut, the other half open, looking at his face. And then she heard the knocking, and smiled with a sigh. Told you. She rolls off of him, looking around. Oh, that s right. I left senketsu in my room. Diego just hugged Ryuko closer, pressing his bare body onto hers. The brief moment of peace ended when he heard the knocking. He got up and tossed Ryuko one of his shirts before he out on some underwear and shorts.He opened the door, noting Ryuko still in bed."Hey Mako," he told her with a smile. Ryuko tugged the shirt on, then looked over her shoulder at Mako, smiling. Mako had seen her in less, so she wasn t bothered by her friend seeing her in just a shirt.Mako smiles and held out their order. HereyagoDiego.HiRyukohowareyou?wowitsmellslikesexinhereOHMYGODDIDYOUGUYS YES! Ryuko interrupts her friend, who jumps to the next topic, here syourorder,hopeyoulikeit. "We got intimate, but didn't actually do it," Diego said, sweatdropping a bit at just how exhuberent Mako was, but took it all in stride."Thanks for the pizza. We'll call you when we need to get everyone together," Diego added with a smile as he took the pizza, the mild wings and the large liter of soda and he paid Mako. Ryuko held the food while he got his wallet, setting it on the nightstand before dragging a desk over to her side of the bed to eat of off as he payed.Mako salutes, then takes the money and counts out change before zooming off to make her next delivery. Have a nice day, Diego told Mako with a smile before he sees her go off. She s definitely as energetic and perky as you said if not more, Diego said with a bit of a laugh as he went to sit next to Ryuko. No kidding. Ryuko carefully tears the lid off of the box of pizza, then says you want the lid to eat off of, or the base? "Either or," Diego said with a smile. "I guess this counts as our second date then?" Diego added with a smile as he leaned to kiss Ryuko. She smiles and pecks his lips, handing him the lid, then waiting for him to sit down before handing him half of the pizza slices. Yeah. Diego began digging into the pizza, smiling the entire time he was with Ryuko. "So, how is it like being friends with her? Like, I know ya'll are BFFs, but I figure there are some stories there," he asked curiously. A handful. I ve had tosave her bacon a couple of times, but she s worth the trouble.... even if she does get grabby sometimes. "Yeah, though you did mention you kinda liked liked her," Diego said, admittingly a little interest in the past affections of his girlfriend. He took a bite of the pizza while serving the soda for them. I still... do... but I think honestly it s more of a hot friend thing than an actual girlfriend situation? I don t know. Love is weird. She said between bites. I think it s because she was the first person you ever opened up to. From what i saw, she was cute and bubbly yet definitely possessed a hard working personality when she wants to, Diego said after some thought. When it comes to the first person you ve had strong feelings too, especially from backgrounds like yours and keeping as friends, those don t really go away. Though I m glad you chose me though, Diego noted with a smile. Mm. After a while, we just kinda realized we liked it better as friends. I mean, we got together a couple of times to... ahem, but yeah, we re just friends, with benefits that stopped when Mako entered a committed relationship. "Well, hopefully I'm able to provide better benefits," Diego couldn't help but say before bringing Ryuko in for a hug while kissing her on the cheek. Now that s a high bar to set for yourself. Ryuko chuckles and returns the hug, kissing his shoulder. "Well, it looks I'm doing a good job," Diego added with a smile as he gave piece of pizza for Ryuko to eat. "We should probably get going once we finish lunch," he told her as he snuggled up to her. Yeah. A quick shower so we don t smell like sex... separate showers, so neither of us gets any ideas. And then we ll see if we can t make any progress. "Yeah, that's true. We'd probably get distracted and have fun quickly," Diego said before he leaned in to kiss Ryuko's cheek. "Ladies first," he told he rpolitely. Ryuko pats his shoulder, giving his hand a squeeze with her own before setting her pizza aside and walking to her room to get senketsu, as a fresh pair of underwear, before heading to the shower. Diego smiled at her as he squeezed back before he saw her go and get Senketsu along with some other clothing. While she was showering, he was pondering over their next decision."Don't forget, you two. I got his password. We can look it up," Senketsu noted to them. Ryuko headed back to Diego s room to tell him the shower was ready, and heard senketsu make his statement. Oh. Good idea. Diego smiled before he went to grab his own fresh clothing. He leaned in to kiss Ryuko on the cheek before he went to shower."So, how it'd go?" Senketsu asked Ryuko on her relationship progress. Ryuko smiles and playfully pushed him towards the door, and looks down at Senketsu after his question. It went well. And no, you re not getting details. Except that you didn t go all the way. I can tell that, Senketsu said back to his best friend. But it does look like you re happy to have gone that far with him, he added It s not about how far. It s about now much you enjoy it... he s a good kisser. Ryuko pulled her skirt down and blushed a bit, thinking no matter WHERE he kisses Looks like you enjoyed it a lot, Senketsu said with a chuckle. Looks like he got your blood boiling more than anyone else. Heck, when you two finally do it, you ll end up doing it everyday, he adds playfully Oh puh lease. I have this thing called self control, Senketsu. I m not a slut. But I might not be free on weekends much, if I have any say in it. Well, all that matters is that if you re happy with him, Senketsu said as he heard the shower stop. Before long, Diego dried up and he would get dressed. Ready to go? He asked Ryuko. Ryuko nods, walking out the door of the room and saying just let me get the blades and I ll be right out after you. You ll need to hide them in the case and such so we won t look suspicious. Thanks to Senketsu, we know where he was staying at, so it ll give us clues, Diego told her with a smile.When they were ready, they stepped out of the ship and began walking back to the city. We need to either walk there or rent bikes, Diego wondered. Ryuko nodded, and a few minutes later, she had them in the guitar case, saying might as well jog. It s only half an hour or so if we keep a good pace. She hefts the case, making sure the strap over her shoulder was secure. "I guess this is more training," Diego told her with a smile before he followed her during their jog there. He was getting stronger and fitter, with their occasional pauses done to ensure they were going on the right track, especially since his aprtment was in a poorer district that was in the process of being redeveloped."We're almost there," Diego said. Ryuko nodded, making sure to keep a pace Diego could manage, but would still challenge him. A workout should make you feel tired, but not exhausted, especially if it s in the middle of the day like this. Good. I just wonder if there s other cults like this one. It s a possibility. Though I don t think there s multiple. I m thinking it s all focused on his cult, Diego noted while he was catching his breath. Looks like we re here. According to the info, he s one of the higher levels, Diego said as they stepped into the apartment. No one was around, which kinda spooked him. Wanna take the elevator or the stairs? He asked. Stairs. Ryuko didn t like the atmosphere... there wasn t even a nurse to greet them, and that unnerved her. She gets one of her blades out, the red one, and pushes open the door to the staircase The stairs opened and there was not much. It was just a quiet and cheap place. Diego went along with Ryuko, holding her hand the whole time and having the needle on his back.Eventually, the found the room, which was left unlocked. When he opened it, he was a bit surprised.It looked relatively normal for the part, though this did not meant there weren t secrets. There should be documents or other stuff hiding here, he said. In the couches maybe? Like the cushions? They might have a workdesk. Ryuko said, looking around, prodding the ground for traps "Maybe yeah," Diego said as he was looking around. After a little while, he finally found something. "Under the mattress," Diego said as he managed to pull it out. There was some files."Holy crud..." Diego said as he saw down on the file and began reading it. Every paragraph just unnerved him and there was more surprises. More secrets and a glimpse into the nature of this cult."The Life Fibers... it's about their origin," he said, trying to recollect himself. What? Ryuko walks over quickly, looking over his shoulder as she leans on him to see the papers. Oh my god... the moon? "Not the moon... It's what is on it..." Diego said as he was rereading everything. "They are a cult... their goddess... It's a spider... It's a freaking spider goddess... they believe that she spins the fate of living beings and that the Life Fibers are imbued with her well. Heck, she wants to either feed humanity to her children... or them into her children," Diego said, dread and urgency growing on his face."That's what he meant. The pearl... the pearl was the Moon," Diego said as he looked at the Needle, gripping it tightly. Ryuko stared at the papers in shock, blinking slowly as she processed that, before slowly, deliberately, saying and how the hell are we supposed to kill a god? I don t know. But we ll find out. We gotta a lot of good people on our side, including you, Diego said, turning to her with a smile and displaying his faith in her. She may be powerful, but she is not omniscient nor omnipotent, he adds Is it really even a god then? Ryuko said. Or is it just a thing that has an inflated ego and a lot of weight to throw around? "Most likely the latter though, given how she makes the life fibers, she definitely must be above the norm. That, or she wishes to become more god like," Diego wonders out loud in some thought. "But I know we can beat it, together and all of us," he said with a smile at her. Ryuko keeps looking at the papers, smiling and saying yeah. With some backup, it might even be easy. Nudist beach has weapons that specialize in taking down life fibers, so even if this isn t safe, it shouldn t be deadly or anything. "Yeah though just because this thing produces it, doesn't mean it has similar weaknesses. We gotta be careful," Diego noted to Ryuko before looking back at the notes. "This false god definitely must be subtlety influence people hence why the cult appeared. It doesn't appear like anything about your mother was mentioned... unless she was this "original vessel," stuff," he adds as he noted some of the notes were rapidly edited My mom won t be a problem anymore either way. Ryuko said, deciding to continue searching the place. There had to be something else around here, didn t there? Why keep everything important in one place? "Makes sense there," Diego said as he was looking through anything and some of the circles. There was alot of edits and addendums made. However, Diego wondered what more was there. "I'm guessing there is probably more details, but we have enough for a good lead. Your sister can help us here," he told her with a smile. "We should get going," said. Ryuko looked a bit uncomfortable. Satsuki... it had only been a few months, but it felt like years. They d kept in touch, but hadn t met in person since graduation. Yeah.... She heads to the door and opens it, hopefully she s interested. Everything okay? Diego asked her with concern when he noticed the look on her face. Hey, she s a good person and I m sure she wants to go and help save people, he told her reassuringly. I know... I guess I m kinda worried about her. I mean... captured and molestsed by your own mother.... that s gonna mess someone up. Diego grimaced at what be heard, trying to keep calm at the situation. He had no idea what to say. Really sorry both of you suffered. Both of you deserve better, Diego managed to say after some thought. We re all glad she s dead, but we do have a world to save, Senketsu noted, having remained quiet. It s in the past, and you had nothing to do with it. She got the worst of it anyway.... look, can we just keep moving and solve this problem? "I know, but I want to help both of you," Diego told Ryuko with a soft smile. "Right, right," he said, knowing that she did not want to talk about it. "Want me to call her or would you want to call her? Or should we visit her in person for this?" Diego asked her for this. I ll Call to let her know we ll be dropping by for a visit. We ll make sure it s in the afternoon so she won t feel obligated to make us dinner or lunch. Ryuko takes a flip phone from her pocket and dials the number, waiting for her sister to pick up. Satsuki Kyriun speaking. Who is it? The tone was clipped, businesslike. About what you d expect from someone like Satsuki. Ryuko Matoi. Satsuki, I was wondering if I could stop by to ask you for a favor? Ryuko looked.... distinctly uncomfortable with asking for help. It grated at her pride, but she wasn t about to ask Diego to make the call for her. Sometime in the afternoon, later today? Yes, I think I can manage that. Formal phrasing, but the tone went from if this is a telemarketer I m hanging up to speaking I someone you only see on thanksgiving . What kind of favor? There s a quote unquote god on the moon with a life fiber cult. I ll find my sword. Do you still have Junketsu? Yeah. Good. Satsuki hung up, staring at the wall with asigh. Even when she was dead her mother made life difficult.Ryuko smiles at Diego, Well.... I guess we should still visit to explain the details, but... she s willing to help. Diego remained quiet while he was listening to Ryuko talk with her sister. Even from listening, he could tell there was still a bit of an... aloofness? No, I suppose that both were unsure how to really deal with their past truamas and he wondered if both worked or avoided one another to ignore confronting it."Sounds like it. Maybe I can try and see if there is anything I can further help with her?" Diego offered as he smiled back. Having organized the files, he bega leading her downstairs. Ryuko follows, putting her scissor blade back in the duffel bag, and hefting the heavy bag. We don t exactly know each other that well, so we aren t close.... we got used to getting by on our own, and well.... we don t look for help, but if it finds us.... "Ryuko... I haven't been that close to my own younger brother, but I miss him and I regret not being closer to him as a chance. You two are one another's family and been through alot. I don't think either of you would forgive yourselves if something happened to the other and all you have left is grief and regret that you two did not spend much time together," Diego told her as he looked at her solemnly."He has a point," Senketsu commented as he looked at his friend. "There are things only you two can talk about and need to share with one another," he added. ... if we survive this, I ll make sure toStay in touch with her, Alright? But right now, we have a giant alien god thing to kill and a cult to dismantle. Ryuko hefts the bag again, before walking faster. We will survive this, Diego tells her with a smile as he squeezes her hand. He led her out the building. Uhh where does your sister work? I m assuming that s where we are meeting, he says. Pretty sure she took over moms company. Which was rough, to say the least. Had to sell a lot of shares, so it s mostky owned by a committee at this point. I thought she just had the thing liquidated and worked somewhere else, Diego said to her while they were walking to their destination. Yeah, unless she renamed the place, Senketsu notes. Maybe, but something as simple as rebranding can make the whole thing seem brand new. Having a committee that gets all the media attention would further mask the company s past. It s a solid plan. "Yeah, that's true," Diego told her with a smile as he kept walking through the city while holding her hand. "I'm really happy to be here with you," Diego added with a shy smile. She was a wonderful person that he wanted to spend more time with. He never felt close like this with someone before.
['Isshin', 'Matoi', 'Vendrix']
In the Name of the Moon (Shrinkman and Fabs)
20Yearsagothemysteriousheroines of the Moon vanquished the Queen of Evil once and for all. Then silently these heroines went back to living the lives of normal High Schoolers. They graduated, grew up, got married, grew apart, and had spent less and less time together as the years went by, then the former leader of these Heroines now a mother decided it was time after 20 years for a little reunion to catch up.Not just a simple house meet either, she wanted it to be special, so she had booked a resort beach, and booked it for all Summer, the high schools were to be getting out by then, and surely her friends she'd not spoken too in a long time would have kids. She called them all up, every last one of them, having to research some of their numbers of course. But eventually, the group had all agreed for an entire Summer they'd be together again after these long 20 years apart.Over in one of the homes of one of the former members a flower shop, and also a home. A young woman who looked so much like a boy it wasn't funny,Mika Kinothe daughter ofMakoto Kino, the former Sailor Jupiter. She was watching her mother in the shower stealthfully. It was an amazing fact that Mika was a girl, because she was so okay with being treated like a boy that she behaved in such a perverted manner some times. She was watching her mom in the shower while her hands were busy down in her pants she was playing with a rather bulging member, yes if Mika's apperance wasn't enough to verify that she probably wasn't meant to be born a girl the fact was she even had a fully formed cock like a boy would have had, she didn't even have much in the way of breasts either.Having an almost androgynous look to her, pretty and handsome at the same time. For her mothers age, she looked good, sure she had a little more fat where muscle had once been since she was part of her team, but she looked damned good. As she was rubbing one off while watching her mother in the shower, a sudden ring of the home telephone began to buzz and stir, as it caught Mika by surprise she gave a sudden and really girly, "Eep!" As she falls back on her butt, with a thud. Then rushed to go and pick up the phone, "H..hello, Kino Flowers, this is Mika how may I help you." She played that she was still being the busy flower shop bee she ought to be, in hopes her mother hadn't caught her sneaking a peek. Nearly twenty years had passed already. Makoto found it quite hard to believe. And still, she truly missed those years in which she had been tasked with saving the world along with her fellow senshi partners. Of course she didn't regret getting married or having had children in the slightest. But she missed those years so much she wished she could go back to the past and live through them again. Of course such thing would never happen though, which caused her to let out a quite deep sigh.That day, she had decided to take a shower before anything else, asking her beautiful daughter to take care of the flower shop while she was busy. It took her a few seconds, but she did notice her peeking at her naked figure while she rubbed the sponge against every single one of her fine curves,. Now slightly more busty than at the age of fifteen, Makoto had grown into a fine, beautiful woman, pretty much like all of her partners had.She would want to make contact with them again, and that thought distracted her from the fact she was being observed, until the phone started ringing. Truth be told, she loved how attracted her daughted seemed to be towards her at times. It made her feel desired again. Her husband was at work and traveling around the world at the moment. So loneliness was often the sole feeling she ended up having to deal with.Finally, she went out of the bathroom, after properly wiping off the rests of water drops lingering on her curvy figure and wrapping a towel around her hair and another one around her breasts and groin. She then went all the way until she found Mika picking up the phone. "Who is it, Mika?" While she inquired that, an older voice could be heard from the other side of the line. "Hello! Is Makoto Kino there, by any chance? I'm Usagi Tsukino, an old acquaintance of hers. Can she talk now?" As the voice on the other end care through. Mika was shocked it wasn t some old lady needing a bouquet ready to leave at her husband s grave or anything. But a pretty woman s voice on the other end. Turning her head catching her mother in little more then a towel on. She gives a little whistle. Then a cheeky smile lifts along her lips truth be told her mother didn t talk about her friends or talk to any friends this is the first time having heard someone talking about being an old acquaintance of her moms. As she gives a small cheeky smile, she holds her hand over the reciver on the phone. It s someone real cute sounding said she was calling for you. She then holds the phone to her ear a bit more and a little tone of flirting she spoke. My mother is in right. Ow yes, she just stepped out of the shower, may I ask how you came to know my adorable gullible mother. Mika was a cheeky girl having moments like this where she was just too interested not to see poke some fun at her mom, it was something she did ever since dad stopped really being part of their lives. Not to sound rude though or anything I think you have a real pretty voice. She stayed where she was with the phone waiting for the lady on the other end to react.
['Ofmakoto', 'Evil', 'Kinothe', 'Mika']
Super Not so Girl (Yummy x Crazy Writer)
Finally, finally he had captured her! Dr Zane had planned this for months now, so long had been spent observing Supergirl, her every fight, her every encounter whenever she appeared. He had been hoping to perhaps discover more of her life outside of her heroics but sadly that hadn't been possible. Still, observation of her heroic deeds had yielded all the information he had needed, how she moved, how she fought, how she reacted to any and all kinds of situation. And all of that research had been well worth the effort. When he had sent out his android to cause chaos he had known Supergirl would come, he had known exactly how she would fight, even with her guard up she'd never stood a chance, and when the android had exploded in a cloud of almost invisible Kryptonite gas then Supergirl wouldn't ever have been able to react in time, other androids easily coming in to sweep her up and bring her back to the lab where a special containment bed was waiting, Supergirl being strapped down to it before she could regain consciousness. Even she she did awake though the gas would leave her weak for a while, though Dr Zane was unaware he had underestimated just how quickly the Kryptonian could recover.As she awoke Supergirl would find herself securely strapped to a metal table, several tubes attached to her body leading to a large device beside her. On the other side of that was another table, another person strapped to it with tubes leading into them, and this was a person she would recognise, a friend from her life in her secret identity,Mason, a kind and sweet boy who had little going for him physically, somewhat weak even by human standards really. But that was what made him so perfect for Dr Zane's experiment. He wanted to know if he could take Supergirls power, harness her strength, grant it to others, more specifically himself. Of course he couldn't test the procedure for the very first time on himself, so he'd captured Mason quite at random to test it on."Well well, finally awake" Dr Zane grinned as he entered the lab as Supergirl came around, a smirk on his face. "Good, the procedure needs you awake in order to work. Well then, our time is limited so we really should get started" He held up a small remote control, hitting a button. The device between Supergirl and Mason suddenly whired to life, the areas where the tubes were attached to her suddenly growing tight, before they began to extract her blood. "Oh don't worry, I won't be taking it all, just enough....mixing it with a special serum of my own design, before it passes into our test subject there" Zane chuckled, watching carefully. "Hmmm, it seems your blood is rather slow now doesn't it? Though looking at your vitals it seems your heart rate is far slower than a humans. Well....why don't we get it flowing a little faster hm?" He licked his lips, walking around the table slowly, unzipping his pants as he got close to her head. At the same time he hit another button on the remote, security cameras turning and zooming in. "Come now dear, I'm sure you've seen one of these before..." Zane pulled his semi hard cock from his pants, rubbing the tip against her lips. "Oh, and I would suggest against trying anything. If I don't halt the procedure with this remote then not only will you be drained of every last drop of your blood, but that innocent boy there will be completely overdosed, leading to a rather unpleasant death. Now come on, let's get that heartbeat up and that blood flowing shall we?" Supergirl struggled through the haze of what appeared to be drugged induced sleep. She tried to recall what happened. She had trapped the android in a corner of the room and having cleared all the humans to safety had approached it to make sure she had completely disabled it before letting the police approach it. This was what she had taken to doing since the one robot had gone into a dormant mode and then sprung back to life killing three policemen. As she got close she could sense something was still active and called for the police team to stay back. Suddenly there was an explosion and gas and weakness and she felt herself unable to stay upright. She crumbled to the ground the last this she recalled seeing were similar androids approaching her. It had been a trap and she had fallen for it.Supergirl struggled to feel what was happening with her body even before opening her eyes. She could tell she was still weak from whatever that gas was. She hoped she had been the only one hurt. She could feel she was bound to something and there was something in her arm that was sharp and taped i place. She tried to push it out using her muscles but she felt weak as a new born.She blinked her eyes open. She saw Dr.Zane's ugly smiling face above her. She was immediately frustrated that despite foiling all his plots she had never been able to lock him away for good and now apparently she would pay for that. His grating voice greeted her as he became aware she was awake. He started to explain his plan to pump her blood into someone to see what would happen. She looked at the mirror above her head and could see there was another person attached to the machine that had started to pullout her blood. It was Mason. Poor sweet Mason. Of the many people she knew who could might be able to handle her blood she did not think Mason was one of them but she hoped she was wrong.Then Zane was approaching her head talking about getting her heart rate flowing. Suddenly she felt her head tilt back and there was his cock right in front of her. He rubbed it against her lips. She could already taste him after even this brief touching. She wanted to snap and bite it but her head had limited movement and she could not risk Mason's life. She could feel her heart beating faster as her anger grew and it increased even more with the threat to not only kill her but Mason as well.She also noticed that the increased heart rate was having an effect on her strength. It was minimal for now but it was definitely there. The fact she had a chance to get her strength back heartened her. Still she knew she needed to buy time and the only way to do that was to do what Zane wanted.Supergirl reluctantly opened her mouth and slide her tongue out licking at the cock in front of her. Simply opening her mouth for him had made him harder and the touch of her tongue caused his hardness to increase. She knew what she needed to do no matter how humiliating it was to do it. She continued to lick at his cock waiting to see if he would slide it in and knowing that if he did she would be good and do as she was told hoping that this would allow her to regain her strength without him noticing and doing whatever he had done to sap her strength with the exploding android. "That's it....good girl" Dr Zane laughed as Supergirl started to lick at his cock, unable to help shivering and groaning as his cock very quickly reached full hardness, pre cum starting to form at the tip as her tongue ran over it. " my, I'd almost think you'd done something like this before. Oh what would people think if they believed their precious, beloved squeaky clean hero was doing things like this hm?" The man smirked down at her, then thrust his hips forward a little, starting to push his cock into her mouth. Not only did the blowjob feel amazing, but possibly even better was the feeling of power over her. This woman was practically a god amongst mortals, and yet his genius had reduced her to nothing more than a cock sucker.On the nearby bed there was a groan, though not one of pleasure this time. It was Mason starting to come around, his head throbbing from an after effect of the gas that had been used to capture him. "Nnngh...what...?" As he tried to move in order to rub his head he found himself unable to do so, restrained in a similar fashion to Supergirl herself. It took a few more moments for Mason to truly start coming around, his eyes flickering open, his vision blurry at first but clearing more and more with each passing second. "What? Where am I?" He looked up at the ceiling, blinking a few times before slowly looking around, though when he spotted what was going on beside him he froze up, not even able to gasp. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, Supergirl, the hero he always admired, always raved about, was strapped to a table and sucking the cock of a man who was clearly enjoying it! He was so shocked and fixated that Mason didn't notice the device between them, not at first anyway, but as he felt an odd tingling sensation in his arms and legs where the tubes were attached Mason was snapped out of his daze, yelling in fear.He squirmed and struggled, but it was completely useless. All he could do was watch helplessly as Supergirls blood had now passed through the machine between them, and was flowing down the tubes towards Mason's body, the blood now carrying a bright glow to it thanks to the combination with Dr Zane's serum. "Wh what is this? What's going on?!""Oh hush're about part of a very important experiment" Dr Zane glanced up at Mason and smirked, provided this worked then soon enough it would be his turn, his turn to ascend into godhood. Nobody would be able to stand against him, he would crush all those who dared make the attempt. But right now he was rather enjoying crushing just one person in particular. "That's it" He looked back down to Supergirl. "Give this innocent boy a nice view, the last thing he ever sees might as well be something enjoyable right?" Of course he fully intended to kill Mason once the experiment was a success, he couldn't have someone out there with powers capable of stopping him after all. He had several Kryptonite knives ready to go in a secure lead cabinet nearby, all he had to do was wait for the first signs of Mason's powers.The evil Doctor was so focused on the sexual act that Supergirl was performing he wasn't even paying attention to the monitors. If he had he would have noticed the readings for the Kryptonite gas in her system were decreasing faster than he had anticipated. Her increased heart rate was indeed causing her blood to be drawn out faster, but it was also allowing her super metabolism to burn away the Kryptonite more and more with each passing second."St stop! Stop it! Stop all of this!" Mason squirmed more, then cried out in pain as Supergirls blood reached his body and flowed inside, his eyes going wide as it rushed through his veins, the serum causing her DNA to begin latching onto and fusing with his own, his body beginning to be changed from the inside out. Supergirl tasted his precum as she licked at it. She needed to keep him distracted. If he realized what was going on and reached launched the gas she would go back to sleep and weakness. He stuffed his cock in farther and she continued to suck getting a little more taste of him as a little more precum leaked out. She needed him focused on his own pleasure and not on whatever measure he was using to track her condition.Then she heard Mason wake up. He was confused and then started to scream. Apparently some of her blood must be reaching him or we was just very scared. Zane was clearly enjoying his power. Supergirl started to suck harder. She knew she needed to keep him focused on either her or Mason and not on her readings. She could feel her strength returning but she needs more than a few seconds so she tried to keep him involved. She felt him slide in a little farther as he taunted her about giving a good show to Mason.She gobbled at his cock trying to pull it in farther and suck it in more. She could feel him getting harder. She was not experienced in how to know when a cock would explode so Supergirl kept sucking. As her strength she was able to open her mouth a little farther and take all of him into her mouth. She was doing everything she could to get him to cum. The screaming by Mason increased and Supergirl worked harder to get Zane to come. God she didn't want him to cum but she thought that would be the best time to try to take him. "Ooooh, my my, you're certainly getting into this aren't you?" Dr Zane looked down at Supergirl as she started to take more of his cock into his mouth, starting to suck on him, even opening her mouth a little more and swallowing his entire cock. He could feel her tongue against his shaft, feel the tip at the back of her throat, oh how many men would kill to be in this position right now? Ordinary people, villains, heroes, so many of them would give anything to trade places with him right now. Perhaps once the experiment was a success and he had obtained her powers for himself he'd keep the girl around, under a steady and constant stream of his Kryptonite gas of course to keep her docile, in order to use her a little more. Oh yes, that was most definitely an appealing thought. "You're doing a wonderful job my dear...ngh..." He groaned in pleasure "Keep this up and I might just have to keep you around once I take your powers for myself" He wondered if that would get her blood pumping as it did his. Well, perhaps it would, though probably for rather different reasons.Dr Zane closed his eyes as he moaned a little more loudly, now seemingly completely distracted from the monitors. Mason meanwhile was continuing to squirm and struggle against his restraints, whimpering in pain as his DNA was twisted and changed as more of Supergirls blood was pumped into him.After a few more moments Dr Zane groaned much more loudly, his cock throbbing in her mouth before starting to spill cum down her throat, his hips rocking back and forth, driving his cock as far into her mouth as he could over and over again a few times until he was done, sighing in satisfaction. "Ahhh....oh yes my dear....that was certainly a job well done. Just for that I'll make sure this young mans death is as quick and painless as possible once the experiment is done" He chuckled as he stepped backover slightly, not noticing that his monitors were now showing that the levels of Kryptonite gas remaining in Supergirls body had now passed the redline. She would be far from her full strength just yet, but it had passed the point where she'd be able to escape from her restraints.... Supergirl struggled to maintain her clam as Dr. Zane got harder and more vulgar. She kept testing the restraints. Almost just before he came in her mouth and throat she knew she could break the restraints at lest on her legs. She did just enough to break them but not enough so you could see she was free. This all happened as he came in the mouth and was completely distracted. As he pulled out of her mouth and took a small step back she pushed against the right arm restraint breaking it and this allowed her to swing her body of the table but she was still connected at her left wrist. The needle that was in her vein was still in her left arm and still pump blood.She was able to reach Zane and grab the remote out of his hand. She then punched the stop button and she heard and felt the blood letting stop. She hurled the remote at the ground shattering it. Zane didn't react right away so Supergirl punched him in the chest. At full strength she would have killed him but now he just staggered back a few steps grasping his chest.She pulled her left arm free and stared at Zane.At this point Zane knew he had been distracted and wonder if Supergirl knew all along about gaining strength back which is why she gave in so easily. He knew it was too late to stop her so he knew he needed to run before she regained full strength. He watched her remove the needle from her arm and he had an idea. He yanked the needle from the boy's arm and blood started to gush out. Supergirl would have to decide whether to save her friend or capture Zane. Zane grabbed his blood synthesizer and ran for the emergency exit wishing he had a way to launch a new gas attack at her.Supergirl knew she had no choice but to save Mason. She looked for something to bind the wounds both Mason's and hers because she was losing blood too just not as fast as Mason. She was able to find a lab coat and rip it into pieces and the the pieces were long enough to use a bandages. She bandaged his wound and slowed the blood flow. She did the same to herself which was quite hard with only one hand. Mason needed a new bandage and she pulled off the old one and tied a new one on and this seemed to stop the blood flow. She scooped Mason up and started carrying him out of lab. She was not strong enough to fly but she wanted to get out of the lab. She didn't know if Zane or his henchmen had another Kryptonite gas bomb handy and she didn't want to find out.She struggled to handle Mason's weight in her weakened condition. Between the blood loss and the remaining effect of the gas she was only able to walk and carry Mason but not do much else. She felt lighted headed on top of feeling weak. She carried him out of the building and found some trees to hide in while she waited and hoped she would get stronger. Poor Mason seemed completely out of it. She wondered if he knew what was happening. Dr Zane cursed himself as he ran from the lab, he had let himself get distracted, let himself get carried away, and now his prize was gone. He had Androids ready but the only stores of Kryptonite gas he had left was still in storage, having been ready to subdue Supergirl in preparation for undergoing the procedure himself, sending a standard Android against her would be useless, especially now that she had gone outside, it was the middle of the day, the sun was shining, and in that kind of direct sunlight it wouldn't take long for Supergirl to recover more than enough strength to dispatch his androids even in her state of blood loss.Mason groaned as Supergirl picked him up, shivering as he started to bleed. His vision had blurred once again, his state becoming slightly delirious as she carried him out. When the two of them got outside the sunlight was almost blinding, Mason wincing and closing his eyes entirely until Supergirl brought him to rest under a tree, taking a few deep breaths as he was leaned against it, sunlight still streaming through.As she looked at him Supergirl would notice something happening to Mason. The wound on his arm, thanks to the sunlight exposure it was starting to heal much like her own wound was. At the same time his skin was shifting and rippling, his muscles seeming to slowly grow, becoming more defined. Slowly but surely his body was beginning to change, it seemed Dr Zane's experiment had been a complete success, Supergirls DNA within him already starting to change Mason's body now that it had been kickstarted by the Yellow sunlight."Nngh..." Mason started to open his eyes once again, looking up at her as his vision cleared. "Supergirl...?" Images of her sucking on Dr Zane's cock flashed back to his mind, though Mason couldn't focus on that right now. "What? Where? I...I remember, something hit me, I got knocked out and then I was in that weird room...ah!" He gasped, clutching himself as his muscles spasmed and bulged slightly once again, the muscular changes spreading to more of his body now. Supergirl slowly felt her strength coming back. She knelt down to check on Mason. She noticed that he body seemed to be moving and twitching. It seemed to be getting bigger. Supergirl was concerned because in the past when someone had tried to use her blood they had ended up either insane or dead.She watched Mason closely but he seemed to be adapting. His body seemed to be healing quickly. She was still worried between short term and long term issues. She knew as she watched his body change she couldn't take him to a hospital because she was unsure what would happen what if he continued to get stronger or went crazy and took out the people in the hospital. No she would need to take him back to her space once she was able to fly.Mason started to stir and wake up.Supergirl knelt down next to Mason. She laid her hand on his forehead."Relax Mason. We are safe outside for now. I am just gathering my strength so I can fly us out of here. We need to get you someplace safe where I can take care of you and we see what happens to you from taking in some of my blood."Supergirl looks down at Mason. It is strange to see his body changing and she wonders if that means changes everywhere on his body and if so how can she explain it to him."Mason you need to let me know if the pain gets worse than it is now or it shows up somewhere else. I have no idea what is going to happen to you Mason but I will be here to help you as much as I can. OK?"I think we are safe. Zane hasn' Mason's body seemed to settle after a few minutes, the twitching and growth of his muscles slowing and stopping, though they were noticeably larger and more defined than they had been. It seemed that Dr Zane's serum had indeed been successful at adapting Supergirls DNA to bond onto a human body, though the process was more incremental than all at once. Unknown to both of them the changes to Mason's body weren't yet done. Ontop of that there had already been changes beyond the visible ones to his muscles, changes inside his body had already started too. Not only enhanced healing and the ability to begin gaining power from yellow sunlight, but his existing hormones were beginning to be produced in different amounts to before. Beyond that new glands had started forming around his body, releasing new Kryptonian hormones into his body that he was completely unprepared for."H huh? Supergirl...?" Mason looked up at her and blinked as his vision cleared completely. He'd long been a fan of hers, though he had no idea that she was actually a friend of his in her secret identity too. "What happened?" He slowly started to sit up, his arm still somewhat sore, though the wound was already mostly healed. As he looked back to Supergirl his cheeks flushed as he suddenly remembered what he had seen, watching her sucking on Dr Zane's cock. "I um...thank you, thank you for saving me. And sorry that you had to go" He glanced away quickly, his cheeks turning as pink as his hair."I'm feeling alright. A little weird but...alright" Part of that weirdness was an odd lingering sense of arousal in the back of his mind, though he was pushing it aside for the moment. He didn't yet know that for a Kryptonian arousal was not so easily pushed aside or suppressed, no idea that Supergirl had been dealing with this problem for quite a while now, and no idea of just what was going to happen to him.The sun continued to shine brightly down on them, returning Supergirls strength quickly despite the blood loss, and it seemed that Dr Zane didn't have the resources to go after them just yet, and now they would be ready for his tactics. Super girl watched as Mason's body seemed to settle. This was a good thing although he would need to learn to listen to his body and have his body listen to his brain.Mason thanked Super girl. "Your welcome Mason. Sometimes you have to do things that are bad for you but good for others. Listen let me take you back to my lab and do a more through check out of you. I think I feel up to flying both of us."Without waiting for an answer Super Girl picked him up and started to fly to her lab so she could check him over and see if anything else had changed. In particular she wanted to see whether his sex organs had morphed or not. Super girl knew that many of those from krypton had multiple sex organs.As they started to fly Super Girl said to Mason "I an sure things will be okay but I need my lab to see what has happened to your blood. You are clearly more muscled so I wanted to see if s that is the only thing that has changed . Mason decided that what he had seen was probably best something never mentioned again, Super Girl had done what she'd had to in order to save him, so it was probably best to just leave it be. He doubted she wanted to be reminded of having to do that and he certainly didn't want to think about it too much either. "Huh? Your lab?" He had no idea Super Girl had a lab of her own, then again nobody really knew much about her at all besides the fact that she was a hero.He gasped when she picked him up, instinctively clinging to her, unaware that he was holding on a little more strongly than a regular human could do, though for Super Girl it would still be nothing, Mason's body was still adjusting and growing in strength after all. So far Mason's outward appearance was relatively unchanged with the exception of his muscles, but the changes inside of his body were still going on quite rapidly."Thank you Super Girl...and...sorry I got you involved in all of this" He sighed softly and looked away, then blinked as he realised something. " know my name?" She had called him Mason. " do you know my name?" He didn't recall Dr Zane ever mentioning it, if the insane scientist had indeed been aware of his name at all, so how could Super Girl possibly know who he was? "Wait, why do you want to see if anything else has changed besides my muscles...? What else are you expecting to have changed....?"
['Supergirl', 'Zane']
New Jutsu Gone Wild(Potter and Mellow)
When Naruto had approached him about learning a new jutsu that Jiraya alluded to existing, Shikamaru was skeptically. After all, it was supposedly a genjutsu and nether of them were exactly pros in that field. After about an hour of struggle, they finally gave up, guessing that nothing had really come of it. He supposed there were worse ways to waste and afternoon though.Now he was lounging in the lobby of the Hokage's office. The Hokage had asked Shikamaru to debrief Sakura on their latest mission that she was just getting back from. It was a job he was used to and it was easy enough so now he just had to wait for Sakura to arrive. While, at a glance, it appeared nothing happened to the two young men... well, the reality was far different. Standing in the presence of either of them for any length of time would cause a rather potent shift, something that neither Shikamaru nor Naruto were aware of at the moment. The door to the office opened, quickly revealing the illustrious Sakura Haruno herself.The kunoichi was easily among the most attractive in the village, the breeze blowing at her silky pink locks until the door shut behind her. The curvaceous young woman was dressed in her usual red tunic and dark shorts, the curves of her bust and backside being framed nicely in the tight fabric. "Oh, Shikamaru. You handling debriefing this time?" she asked, giving him the once over. Something in the air felt... different. Shikamaru watched as Sakura walked in, tapping the clipboard he was holding against the back of his neck. Sakura had always been a beautiful girl..but then again, most of the girls from his time at the Academy were so he had gotten used to it. He wasn't aware of what was going on with the jutsu he and Naruto had just unknowingly discovered so he proceeded like nothing was different at all."That's right, Lady Tsunade wanted me to fill you on the aftermath and have you give me your input on how the mission went." Shikamaru stated out formally as he began to page through the pages on his clipboard, reading off some of the statistics of the mission, his eyes not looking up as he paced around the room, drawing closer towards Sakura every now and again. Sakura took the time to explain every relevant detail of her mission, going through the most important aspects and moving at a pace he could follow. Once he had everything, which took a few minutes, there was a definite shift in the air. The pinkette kept getting distracted, and Sakura felt something... strange rise up inside her. She didn't wholly understand what it was, but she had to admit that the young man before her wa pretty handsome."And that's about everything," Sakura said, shrugging her slim shoulders. "Ssoooo... you waiting on anyone else?" she asked. "I know we don't usually hang out, buuut... I dunno, any chance you're free?" she sweetly asked, tapping her index fingers together. Shikamaru wrapped up the debriefing in a nice and efficient manner he enjoyed when such things proceeded smoothly and without issue. He wrote down notes as Sakura spoke and nodded his head as she finished."Thanks for your input. It'll be valuable." He said as he put the clipboard down, shaking his head. "That's it...I'm done for the day. I suppose we could hang out for a bit, if you don't mind it." Shikamaru assented to her request, rubbing the back of his neck as he normally did. He noted how she was acting...a lot like Hinata normally did when she was around Naruto...he wondered what that was all about. In truth Sakura had no idea what was going on. She respected Shikamaru as a friend and didn't think much beynd that. But, in that moment, the jutsu was gaining a progressively stronger hold on her. "Great! It'll be nice to do a little catching up in that case!" Sakura wrapped her arms around his right, leaning in until her plump bosom was pressed gentlyagainst Shikamaru's upper arm. Not the largest in Konoha, but definitely perky and sizable."In that case, let's go grab a quick drink! I could do with it after that last mission," Sakura said, grinning. Shikamaru couldn't help but blush as her felt Sakura's breasts pressing up against his arm. He had wondered what had gotten into her...but maybe this was some kind of new training or something. It certainly wasn't unpleasant, just odd. He figured he better enjoy it while he could."Sounds like a good idea to me." He gave her a small smile as they wandered out of the office and down the street towards the nearest bar. Shikamaru himself was eager for some sake. Sakura had a noticeable spring in her step as she strode along with her comrade, humming slightly to herself. Given the status the two of them had, it wasn't hard for them to get a good booth at the bar, with complimentary sake being left at their table. "Phew..." Sakura poured herself a glass, and then one for Shikamaru. "Bottoms up!" she said, downing hers quickly and breathing a happy sigh.Once she settled, a faint blush was visible on her cheeks, almost matching the shade of her hair. "Sooo... how've things been on your end?" Sakura asked, giving him a kind smile. "You ah... seeing anyone?" Shikamaru happily downed his sake as well as they sat at their table. He thought Sakura would have sat across from him but instead she continued to remain at his side. He rather enjoyed the feeling of her pressing herself against him, a small blush gracing his face as he drank some more of his sake."Just working for the Hokage, mainly. She keeps me busy...I can't say I'm seeing anyone at the moment....what about yourself?" Shikamaru inquired curiously as he turned to look at Sakura, his blush still present on his face. "Eh, really? That's quite a surprise. You're a bit of a stud, if you don't mind me saying," Sakura idly said, taking the time to walk two fingers of her left hand along Shikamaru's shoulder. "As for me... well, no, I'm on my own still." She had spent a long time pursuing Sasuke, but right about now she wasn't sure why. She could have gone looking elsewhere. Sakura poured herself another drink and smiled slightly. "Maybe we could handle each other's loneliness?" Shikamaru nearly spit out his sake when Sakura called him a stud. This was definitely strange...but no one had ever really praised him like that before and he rather enjoyed hearing it. "Oh...and what makes you say that? I think I'm pretty plain, unlike you." Shikamaru decided to try and flirt back a bit and when she mentioned them helping with each others loneliness, he knew exactly what she meant. He wasn't stupid after all, but he wanted to hear her say it herself."What exactly do you mean by that, Sakura?" He asked her inquisitively, one of his hands landing on her thigh under the table and giving it a squeeze. Under the effects of the jutsu, his touch was positively electric to her. A shiver raced up Sakura's spine, her smile never faltering. "Wwwweeeelll... my place isn't too far from here. I was thinking we could head back there and you could pound away," the pinkette said, leaning in a little closer. "Sound fun?" Sakura purred, before kissing Shikamaru firmly, letting out a sweet moan into his mouth.
['Shikamaru', 'Jutsu', 'Jiraya', 'Naruto']
A vacation fit for a saint (Saber Arturia and Potter-kun)
It was a sunny morning on a nameless beach in France, and with the sun just beginning to warm up the sandy shore and lapping waves, it was not without it s pleasures. A gentle breeze, the aforementioned warm sun, and utterly pleasant company. Few could compare to the vision of beauty that waded out onto the shore, her blue eyes almost mirroring the endless waves ahead of her, and her rich, long blonde hair braided back with a few delicate bangs and tufts to frame her vibrant yet mature face, lips curled briefly into a smile. With her wedge sandals leaving little indents on the dunes, thewomanwas dressed in a simple pink hoodie, offset by a side strung, black bikini bottom that left a hint of her midriff between the zipped up hoodie, and her bottoms. The pink top strained against her chest, obviously hiding something within them as she briefly tugged at the strings with one hand, and hefted an umbrella within the other as she continued forth.As her hair swayed in the breeze that faced against her, her free hand soon shielded her eyes as she gave out a light gasp, somewhat taken by surprise, but otherwise determined on her mission. She had to find the best place on the beach of course not just for her But the one most important to her as well her master. Jeanne was servant, conjured with magecraft and given life anew, though while servants usually partook in wars, their battle for now was over. And to the gentle saint, she had promised her master that they would go on vacation afterward So there she was, looking for the perfect spot to set up the tent, and relax as she waited for him to join her. Michael let out a blissful sigh as he stretched and looked out upon the beach before him. It was truly a beautiful day, the sun was shining and the breeze felt amazing on his bare chest. He wore a simple pair of blue swimming trunks and his well toned and muscular chest glistened in the sunlight. He was grateful to be here with his servant today the way they had fought had been hard and long...but they had saved the world together. They had saved all the people, good and evil and they had saved the beauty of the beach that was before them. He watched as Jeanne moved around the beach, looking fro the perfect spot. His smile widened at the sight, she was truly a precious girl.He waved at her from a distance as moved from their car down to the beach, his sandels leaving tracks next to Jeanne's own. "I think here is good, don't you think?" He asked her with a small chuckle as he motioned to the spot around them. It gave them a perfect view of the beach and the beautiful blue ocean glimmering in the light of high noon. It was also a somewhat isolated spot so they could enjoy each others company without being too bothered by others. Ah Here, this looks good. The young woman agreed, her smile becoming even more pronounced as she set the umbrella into the ground and steadied it, soon unfurling the canvas as she looked over the area for just a moment. Giving out a light breath of air, the saint soon stretched more of her stomach becoming visible along with a more toned, pronounced look at her thick thighs and full rear which her bikini so lovingly hugged against. This looks like a lovely spot. I m glad we decided to go to France, it had been so long since i ve seen it The singularity we visited felt so real but I wanted to show you an authentic look at the beauty of my homeland. Jeanne spoke, a hand moving to her zipper as she slowly began to lower it the sound of it being undone a subtle one as her top became visible. While it would cover most adequately, given the size of her chest her breasts still wantonly spilled out of it, as barely anything could cover one like herself in the first place. Before long however she had the zipper completely undone, leaving her in just the black bikini as she moved to rest relax softly against the pole, chest rising and falling faintly with every breath she took. Michael's eyes were locked onto Jeanne's beautiful figure he hoped she wouldn't notice him staring too much as he brought up a chair that was nearby. There seemed to be only one at the moment. When she mentioned wanting to come to France, Michael couldn't help but give her a large smile, full of affection. "It's beautiful, Jeanne...just like you." As she undid her top, her breasts becoming even more visible, just barely contained by her bikini he couldn't help but lick his lips as he took a seat on the chair, laying out before patting an open spot on the long chair next to him."Here, Jeanne. It's big enough for the two of us. Lay down and relax for a bit. You've earned it." Michael encouraged her, almost commanding her with kindness to obey. He wanted her to relax and be happy, the war had drained them both. There was much to behold when it came to Jeannes figure, as her hand arm came to rest just under her breast, those youthful cheeks of hers grew a shade pinker as she heard the compliment. "I thank you, it's been some time since i've been out of the armor and not wielding my flag in battle. It's almost hard to remember I am a woman too..." The saint trailed off, giving a not as she soon relaxed against the towel, resting her head against her arms as one of her full legs was partially raised, giving a good view of her laying figure. "It has been some time since we relaxed. Would you join me, master? I couldn't be here without you, of course." "You are a beautiful and wonderful woman, Jeanne. I'm happy to be by your side." Michael smiled as he watched Jeanne lay down. He felt his face heat up in a blush as he nodded his head slightly. "If that is quite alright, Jeanne. It might be a little cramped, I hope you don't mind." He said with a slightly nervous chuckle as he laid down next to her. He head came to rest slightly on her shoulder as his crotch pressed up against her side, one of his hands landing on her thigh and giving it a gentle rub as he nuzzled his face into Jeanne's neck softly."I hope this is okay?" He asked, unsure if the girl was comfortable with this kind of physical affection or not. As Michael continued to compliment her, she couldn't help but have that pink shade to her cheeks blossom into a more rose colored red before the young master soon leaned back into her. her body was wonderfully soft of course, warm not just from the heat of the sun, but naturally so. "It's more than okay, Master... Do not worry." She spoke after a moment, nuzzling back into him as her full thigh was rubbed and caressed. A pleasant sigh escaped her lips as she did so, eyes closing as she seemed to relax in the palm of her lover. Michael smiled and gently kissed Jeanne's cheek, his own cheeks flushing slightly as he continued to gently rub her thigh, squeezing her soft and warm skin beneath his digits as he felt a bulge slowly but surely starting to grow in his trunks, rubbing up and poking against Jeanne's side. He began to plant soft kisses up and down Jeanne's neck as his hand on his thigh slowly began to move itself upwards, towards her woman good, his fingers gently rubbing at her labia through the fabric of her bottoms, his digits feeling where her clitoris was and giving that a playful rub as well."How is this, Jeanne?" Michael asked again, his mouth moving to her ear now. He nibbled and sucked on her earlobe as he continued to tease and pleasure his servant and his lover.
Lost battle and no cash (Yummy x DonVoltonus)
Sarahbit her lip as she held up a Pokeball, calling back her now unconscious Flareon, placing the Pokeball back on her hat alongside the single other Pokeball, containing an unconscious Kirlia. Her Pokemon journey had started out so well, she'd had good luck training against wild Pokemon and had even managed to beat a few other inexperienced trainers. The last few days though she'd found herself in an area that seemed to be full of much stronger trainers, all of them more experienced than her, with more Pokemon, stronger Pokemon, ones she had never even seen before. Every battle she had gotten into she had lost which meant that her cash reserves were now completely gone, the last trainer she had fought took everything she had. This battle was supposed to be a much easier win, a way to get a bit of money, but instead she'd ended up losing. And now she had no money left to give as were the rules of a Pokemon battle."Um...I..." Sarah swallowed nervously. "You see the thing is, I kind of don't actually have any money. I lost it all in other battles...I haven't got a penny to my name, and I don't have anything valuable on me either" It was true, her backpack was woefully empty. She had a few bits of cheap food for her and her Pokemon, two potions and 2 revives, none of them worth much and certainly not something that any decent trainer wouldn't have plenty of already. "I'm not actually sure what happens...I mean I'm really really sorry, but I just don't have anything at all to give you" Sarah bowed her head apologetically. She hoped she was nearly through this area, to a Pokemon center where perhaps she could heal up, get her bearings, hopefully find some easier trainers to beat and get a bit of money built up. The ace trainer smiled, his Lucario stretching. "Well, you have something you could give him. My poor Lucky hasn't had a mate in weeks!" He smirked. "Not much different then a normal guy aside from the fur." "Ehhh?!" Sarah's eyes widened as she looked to the Lucario, then back to the trainer. She'd heard a few rumours of such things before but never believed it. "There's....really nothing else?" Sarah had considered refusing, but if she got a reputation as a trainer who avoided responsibilities then that'd be it, no other trainer would battle her and gyms would turn her away. "Unless you're hiding some cash, that's it." He smiled, Lucario walking over, caressing his hands up her sides with a friendly growl, his scent full of lust."Don't worry, I knows how to be gentle with a woman...or a man." He mumbled. "A anyway, he won't hurt you, might stretch some with the knot though." "I...well....that is..." Sarah didn't have anything besides cash and worthless items, she knew that. When the Lucario stroked at her sides she shivered softly. "F fine, but that doesn't mean you get to watch!" She pointed at the trainer. "We'll...go behind a bush...or something" He chuckled. "Fine, if you insist."Lucky smiled, leading her behind the bushes, rubbing a hand between her legs, his pointed cock starting to slide out. Sarah grumbled under her breath before following the Lucario behind some bushes, shivering and gasping as it started to rub a hand between her legs. She glanced down as its cock started to emerge, unable to help staring, she had never seen a Pokemon cock before after all. "Ok um..." She sat down on the ground, starting to lift up her dress, exposing her panties. His swelling length was at eye level, 6 inches of pointed red canine cock and still growing, slick with fragrant precum. "Oh my..." Sarah stared at the cock, inhaling the scent of it. She reached up, her hand shaking, then gently grasped it, giving the cock a squeeze whilst her thumb rubbed at it curiously. It was a strange sensation, the feeling of the cock, not to mention the fact it was still growing. Just how big was it going to get? At 6 inches it already looked large on the small Pokemon after all. Once the knot popped fully out it was a solid eight inches, warm and slick against her palm. He gaave a pleasure growl at her touch, trying to shift his tip toward her lips. "Whoa..." Sarah stared at the knot, tilting her head slightly. When the cock moved towards her mouth she almost parted her lips out of instinct but pulled back at the last second. "H hey now that wasn't the deal! Just uh..." Sarah glanced down, then tugged her panties aside to expose her glistening pussy. He shrugged, reaching down and lifting her by her hips with ease, lining her up over his pointed tip. "Car..." He murred, starting to lower her onto his member, spreading her wet lips. Sarah yelped in surprise when the Lucario lifted her up, she'd forgotten how strong the Pokemon was despite its small size. She bit her lip as she was lowered down, then shivered and moaned as the cock entered her. She'd had sex with a human before but this was totally different, the Lucario's cock felt completely different. His member radiated heat into her walls, warm slickness pushing deeper and spreading her walls open. "O oohhh" Sarah moaned and clenched her fists into the ground, her pussy squeezing at the Lucario's cock tightly, her hips rocking back against him as she tried to keep the noise down since the other trainer was still nearby. He shifted her legs around his hips and leaned to put her back against a tree, thrusting happily and smoothly into her, spurting pre on her walls. Sarah lifted up her dress in order to bite on it and suppress her moans when her legs were raised up, giving Lucario even easier access to her pussy, the lifted dress revealing more of her smooth tanned belly. She shivered as she felt the pre cum flowing out, it was much more than a human would produce, and it served to lubricate her even more in readiness for his knot. He began to push the knot inside, nuzzling and licking at her neck affectionately. "O ooooh!" Sarah's eyes widened as she felt the knot pushing inside, spreading her even further, much further than she'd ever felt before, juices squirting from her over the Lucario's waist as her entire body trembled, her nipples rock hard and visible through the thin fabric of her dress. He shuddered in pleasure, thick knot swelling inside her, hot spurts of pokemon cum spilling into her womb. He rested his head on her chest, panting through the extended orgasm. Sarah gasped sharply as she felt the knot bulging and cum starting to pour into her, so much more than humans released. She quickly brought her arm up to her mouth to muffle her own moans, twitching slightly under the Lucario, her breasts rising and falling with her deep breaths under the Lucario's head. He nuzzled her, licking her neck affectionately as his knot twitched inside her, slowly starting to shrink down after a time until it could finally pop out. Sarah shivered as he licked at her neck, grunting when the knot finally shrank enough and slipped out, some of his cum following. "O oh man...." She took a few more deep breaths, trying to compose herself, waiting for cum to stop pouring from her pussy before pulling her panties back into place, though she could still feel plenty left inside."W we're done!" She called out to the Lucario's trainer before slowly standing up, tugging her dress back down. The feeling of so much cum still inside, and so deep, felt so weird. Pokemon couldn't get humans pregnant....right? The trainer smiled. "Well, he certainly seems satisfied, thank you." He walked over, returning his pokemon. "Oh, I had some spare potions." He said, offering them to her. "Lucky has too much HP for the basic potions." "Oh, thank you" Sarah smiled as she took the potions, they would come in handy for her Pokemon after the loss as well. "I think I'll head for the nearest Pokemon centre as well, get my bearings and maybe find somewhere with trainers a little more my level" "I'd recommend giving your pokemon some very personal training, they'll be alot better connected with you, and clear headed in battle." "Uhh...r right" Sarah was pretty sure she knew exactly what he meant by 'personal training', was that really something she could do? Was it something she should do? Well, it seemed to have worked for him at least, from the way he had been talking he had 'indulged' his Lucario himself on more than one occasion. "Well...I'll certainly keep that in mind, thank you" Sarah's dark cheeks were still somewhat flushed as she bowed her head before turning to leave, looking at the Pokeballs of her Flareon and Kirlia, thoughts rushing through her mind. Flareon was male, so he'd be easier to train that way. Her female Kirlia on the other hand would be much more interesting to work with, and able to communicate with her psychic abilities. Sarah managed to make her way to the Pokemon center relatively uneventfully, and was thankful for it, handing over her Pokeballs to the nurse to get them healed up whilst she organised a spot to camp out for the night, getting her tent set up. By the time she was done she could collect her Pokemon and bring them back, releasing them for their evening food.Once they were done eating she recalled her Kirlia first, then looked at the Flareon and bit her lip. How was she supposed to go about even starting this? Just the thought though, it was already making her a little aroused, a heat growing between her legs, which made her once more aware of the Lucario cum still inside of her. Flareon stretched with a little yawn, nuzzling her leg, soon tilting his head at the strange scent coming from her body. "" Sarah laughed nervously, she had no idea how to even try and explain this to the Flareon. She almost wished that trainer and his Lucario were here to explain it for her. "I um...I got told about a new training method today...." She glanced down as he nuzzled at her leg, concentrating on not closing them. He look up, sniffing at her crotch quite curiously, nosing the fabric. Sarah shivered as he nosed at the fabric of her panties. Her pussy was already starting to get hot and wet and there was no way he wouldn't have been able to feel it through the thin cloth. "W well's a method of training that should bring us closer you see...." Sarah hesitated for a moment, then slowly reached down, starting to tug her panties down her legs.
['Flareon', 'Kirlia']
“Special Confetti” (Encryptment and Jovialtraveler)
Pinkie Pie was bustling back and forth across the room, preparing for their new friend s birthday party. They d arrived around half a year ago, through a portal. The same portal through which a strange transformative magic had seeped through, changing her and everyone else into more humanoid shapes. On the bright side, now she got to wear clothes with a mish mash of bright colors that seemed almost discordant, but suited the bubbly party girl perfectly. Arriving to the party, it seemed like I was the only one there or invited as I knock on Pinkie's door. Looking around, and waiting for any sort of response from inside the house. I waited around, dressed in just a t shirt and pair of shorts. I had gotten to be a friend with Pinkie when she was curious and first to see me at the portal, with her new form, and completely naked back then, it was quite the sight though. Pinkie dashed to the door, almost catapulting through it as she grinned and yanked you inside, saying you didn t tell me who to invite, so I figured you wanted a private birthday bash. She practically vibrated as she pushed him towards the table with a small cake that said Happy B Day Buddy! In a garish shade of red on a light, almost beige frosted background, bedecked with chocolate chips. And you told me once you like coffee, so I got coffee flavored frosting, and added a little coffee to the batter, but just a smidge, and no grounds! W woah, this is a lot Pinkie. Looking over the cake, and then back at Pinkie. This is amazing Pinkie, and I guess it s good if it s just you and me for this party Pinkie, the two of us can have fun all by ourselves together. Chuckling as I slide a finger across some of the frosting, tasting it. Mmm, this is really good Pinkie. She smiles and hugs him tightly, saying I didn t know if you wanted a stripper to jump out of the cake, but that seemed like the sort of thing you ask about, so I opted to go the safe route, that... and between everything else about the party, it had slipped her mind. Still, she probably would have done it herself,.... certainly not because she d been harboring feelings for him, no siree! Hmm, well now I kinda want a stripper here. Think of anyone that could do it that s here right now Pinkie? I mean, I could always strip here at my own party if you wanna see? Chuckling as I was unsure of what she would want to try at the party. How about we make it a game? Parties always need a good game or two! She beamed, bouncing up and down before saying I ll explain the rules: We both strip, and whoever loses has to.... she thought up a stake that would be fun, kiss the winner anywhere they ask, once. Alright then Pinkie, that sounds fair. Already knowing where I wanted her to kiss me as I look down at my pants. Grabbing the bottom of my t shirt as I slowly begin to strip it off in front of her. I ll start then, I look forward to winning Pinkie. She bit her lower lip. Truth be told, she did have a thing for him, and this was a great excuse to see him nude. She squirmed a bit, although whether it was pinkie being pinkie, or her arousal, was difficult to tell, and she liked it that way. She shimmied out of her shorts, revealing a pink silk low rise boy short panties with blue lacy trim. Woah, and here I was expecting some balloons across those Pinkie. Looking over her, now revealed legs. I decided to take off my own pants now, revealing my boxer briefs, a slight outline of my cock across the front, the tip slightly peaking from one of the openings of the legs of it. Her mouth waters as she turns around, pulling her shirt up slowly to reveal the balloons stitched into the back of her panties, three per cheek. Who said they didn t have any? She laughed, closing her eyes and imagining that shaft deep inside her.... she dropped her shirt and reached back, slipping off her bra and dropping it to the ground, before turning to face him and pulling her shirt down taut against her erect nipples. "W woah. Um, yeah." Looking at her butt as she showed the balloons, as well as took off her bra was amazing, but from the moment when I could see her nipples through her shirt, I kinda could tell what was going on, as I smirked. Now finally grabbing the hem of my boxer briefs, slowly sliding them down, my cock now being revealed as I slid them off. It as thick, and already slightly hard. She couldn t help but rub her thighs together, looking down and slipping her panties down off of her hips, a thin strand of cunt honey connecting them before she gulps and walks forward to lean against him, sliding her shirt up so that the fabric went across his skin, before tossing it aside, her skin against his now, with his cock pressed against her soft stomach. I think we both know I lost... but could I have a kiss anyway? "I think you can, where do you want that kiss Pinkie?" Looking down to see her breasts pressed against my chest, and I could feel her soft stomach pressing against my cock. Blushing deeply as I reach around to grope her ass. My cock throbbing lightly against her as I wait for her response to my question, watching her, looking over her body. She moans and bends over slightly, face against his shoulder as she slowly steps away, taking a seat at the edge of the table and slowly spreading her legs to reveal a moist, ready snatch. I can figure out where you want your kiss, so... she ran a hand across her groin and laughs, but this was different from her usual innocent giggles. This laugh was low, throaty... lustful. Don t worry. I ll try not to wrap my legs around you too tightly. I just want to be ready for you. "Don't mind if I do then." Smirking, I get down onto my knees, kissing across her pussy lips as I chuckle lightly, my cock hard and ready for her to kiss when I was finished as I look up at her. "And you might know where I want it, so you'll know exactly what to do then when you do it." I begin to lick across her lips as I chuckle. "Its like a french kiss." Oh don t worry, I think I know, I slowly kiss my way down you body, hands gliding down your arms until my fingers intertwined with yours, my lips wrapping around your shaft as my tongue swirls around the head. I squirm and spread my legs a bit, letting my pussy drop onto the floor as I begin to suck. "Mmm, just like that Pinkie." I moan out, enjoying the softness of her tongue around my tip, and her mouth around my shaft. Grabbing a handful of her hair as I look down at her, moaning lightly as my cock throbbed in her mouth. "K keep kissing Pinkie, it feels really good." I say between moans as I enjoy the sight and feeling of her blowjob. I moan and begin to finger myself, glancing up at you and chuckling as I begin to bob my head. I was plunging three fingers in and out, impressed with the size of it. It was almost as big as... well, a horse. The head was interested, and as I gently pull back the foreskin, I made a small hm, curious as to what it was. "Ahh" Moaning out as the foreskin was slid back, my cock throbbed and twitched lightly. The tip of my cock dripped a drop of precum onto your tongue as I look down at you. It had a faint taste of honey to it as it reached your tongue, and by process of thought, the thick load at the end would be even sweeter than this. I laugh and swallow with a grin, before going back to sucking, my He hand that wasn t busy jilling me off stroking whatever length wasn t already enveloped in my hot, wet mouth. I suck on your pillar like it was straw, whining as I draw closer to my own orgasm, eyelids fluttering open and shut, before staying half lidded, a blush on my cheeks. Moaning out louder, my cock twitches in your mouth and hand, getting closer to orgasm as you continued. My cock throbbed as I could feel myself deep inside your wet, warm mouth, as well as your soft hand. My cock getting ready to cum soon as I looked down at you, watching and waiting. I hummed and moaned along the length of it, grabbing your hips and forcing myself to base with a gag, unable to hold back my own orgasm any longer, a small squirt of cum hitting the floor between my legs as I shiver in delight, throat trying to gulp down anything that came out.
Pawns [Jennilyn x Fruit]
"lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" Lady Anne Boleyn Men are feeble creatures. For all the authority and prestige we give them, it was rather surprising how fickle their brains were and how easy they were to manipulate, distract and even destroy. Spread your legs, and the noblest sovereign is your slave. Bend over, and the kingdom will bend in complete submission and obedience. That's how Anne wrapped her collar around the king's neck. He first met her as a handmaiden for his former wife and soon became infatuated with her beauty. He sought her favors and within a few months she had him beg for her hand in marriage. Lust made him divorce his former wife, Queen Catherine of Aragon who came from the royal family of Spain, and replace her with an ambassador's daughter. Gentler face, prettier eyes, and younger cunt that was the price of the King of England's marriage, and now this cunt is stuffed, my leash is cut, and the king's cock is free. When she first learned about her pregnancy, Anne was ecstatic. God had finally answered her prayers and planted a son in her womb a son to inherent the royal throne, a gift to her husband that her predecessor had never given him. Her husband shared her happiness, and so did the court, the government, and the entire kingdom. But as her stomach bloated her bed grew colder she missed her husband's touch, his soft lips nibbling at her neck and earlobe, his hands fondling her breasts, and his cock pulsing inside her folds. Then word arrived that the king has taken interest in other women. Her handmaidens saw him dancing with Lady Jane Seymour. "This cannot happen" the man told her. I know. Isn't that why you're here, dear father, to teach me how to seduce my husband? To love him, fuck him, and earn his favors?. Grease glistened on her father's white beard as he devoured his chicken, "we need to stop this", he added solemnly. "And how do you propose we do that, father? Should I bed him pregnant? Or do you suppose we should castrate him and save our souls from his heedless lust?". Anne was getting restless. The plate before her was hardly touched. She was too occupied with the calamity that was her marriage. Deprived of sleep for nights, she was already losing hope and convinced her husband will bed and wed another woman while she was busy shitting him an heir. "The matter is not as difficult as you think" Once her father was gone, Anne's handmaidens flocked around the table and took the dishes away, like vultures pecking at a dead carcass. She pushed her plate, still full, towards the center of the table and stood up. "Madge, with me" and she lead the way to her room. "Shut the door behind you" she commanded as she sat on the side of her bed, and gestured for the plum woman to sit next to her. "I will need you to do something for me". Information had a habit of spreading incredibly quickly through the palace. Those who were less graceful, and more dimwitted spoke more openly of such things. The problem that arose with that was that if caught the consequences were unimaginable. One might think being the queen's cousin offered some sort of protection, but that wasn't necessarily the case. If someone were to begin throwing words like 'treason' around, the end result wouldn't be pretty. That was just to say the least. So Madge Shelton, handmaiden and cousin to Queen Anne Boelyn, did her best to keep her nose clean and remain out of trouble. She was far from the brightest person in the castle, but she liked to think she had enough sense to care about her own self preservation. Nothing would end up mattering if she were dead, and her cousin had already made a point of chastising her once already recently.It had all seemed harmless fun to Madge, a bit of harmless poetry. Perhaps it wasn't really her majesty's fault. She was pregnant after all, and if Anne herself was to be believed she was currently nursing a son in her belly. No ordinary child, but a future king. So, yes, some of it could probably be attributed to mere pregnancy hormones, an innocuous outburst stemming from aching feet, and swollen breasts and any other number of the afflictions that accompanied creating new life. Even so, Madge suspected it was a little more than that. There wasn't really much respect in being a handmaiden, compared to the queen she was nothing really. Her cousin saw her as nothing more than a fool, or so she suspected at least. In the end it truly did not matter, Madge had her tasks to focus on.The handmaiden was snapped out of her idle thoughts, and along with several other of Anne's handmaidens, made her way to the dining hall. She'd scarcely begun the clean up when she was addressed by the queen directly. She shifted, turning to look towards the queen who was already on her way out, and beckoning Madge to join her. The handmaiden glanced towards the untouched plate of food, and briefly wondered if Her Majesty was ill, then began tailing behind her like a lost puppy. Her mind whirred to life, wondering why she specifically was needed for a task it wasn't her place to argue though and she knew that. Luckily her wait would not be long, as they soon arrive to Her Majesty's private chambers, and at her request Madge shut the door behind her, careful to be as silent as possible.Her eyes were wide and questioning as the queen took a seat, and the Madge shuffled lightly from foot to foot, if only to keep herself busy as she awaited Her Majesty's command. Even pregnant the Queen radiated with absolute beauty, and the swell of her belly did nothing to diminish the natural attractiveness of her body. Then again, it stood to reason she would be beautiful. She was a Queen. Madge felt... Insufficient in comparison, to put it mildly. A little heavier than the queen , and probably not as easy on the eyes. None would say she was ugly, however. Goodness, at least she hoped not!At Her Majesty's request Madge smoothed down her garments and moved towards the Queen. She took a seat, sinking slightly into the bed and allowed that curious gaze she'd been sporting since being asked to lock onto Her Majesty's. There was only a brief moment's pause between Her Majesty's request and her handmaiden's response. 'What would you have me do, Your Majesty?" she inquired, and though her tone remained respectful there really wasn't any masking the longing to know what would be asked of her that oozed through her controlled tone. "You need only name it, and I'll have it done." she added, for good measure. Lady Anne Boleyn The queen's eyes surveyed the young woman seated on the bed next her. While Madge wasn't the fairest of maidens, hers was a comely face. Her eyes were two large, beautiful gems that sparkled like diamonds and distracted from her flat nose. Her lips were mildly inviting, not the fullest in the land but would look cute wrapped around the king's cock. Anne imagined her cousin laid on the bed legs spread, toes curled, and tits shaking with every thrust her husband bucked onto her. Perfect she thought, her hand gently feeling her cousin's cheek. The woman seemed eager to head her queen's commands. Convincing her to bed the king shouldn't be an arduous task, but paramount as her father said. If we can't throw him a cunt to fuck, he'll find his own, his words almost made her throw up. The reality of man, peasant or king, was truly pathetic. He must not find his own. "Listen, Madge" she spoke, then paused, smirked, then added "You are to seduce my husband, the king". There was a silence in the room after the queen issued her commands. "I am unable to satisfy him in my current state of pregnancy", she wrestled the tears, her voice whimpered but her spirit prevailed, "And I want my dear Henry happy and satisfied. I want you to satiate his hunger. Bed him every night, kiss, lick, suck and bend over wherever and whenever he desires until I can return to his bed. Can you do that for me, dear cousin?"
['Boleyn', 'Aragon', 'Of']
Back to the Rabbit Hole. ((GreenT and White Rabbit))
This is an rp based off of American Mcgee's Alice.It had been years since she had gone down the rabbit hole, and she thought it was over. But one day after her cat knocked over an oil lamp and burned down her house and killed her parents, Alice just simply lost it. She wound up trying to commit suicide and thus is now in the Mental Asylum. Wonderland, being a part of her mind which was now poisoned with insanity had gone to hell, the red queen had sent her card troops out and slaughtered many of her friends. Causing them to lose hope, except for Alice who had once been there and comforted them. Now She was their only hope to free themselves.Now the white rabbit had summoned her back to fix this world by killing the Mad Hatter, who is the puppeteer behind the red queen, only he has other plans in mind for her. The white rabbit entered Alice's room, the portal closing behind him to the distant and now macabre version of Wonderland. He called out to Alice in her sleep, using her dreams as a portal to Wonderland so their only savior, her could help them. "Alice, Alice you must come back, please we haven't much time." the Rabbit said, checking his watch hurriedly. In her dreams a portal yawned open for her, letting the White Rabbit enter, holding out his hand to her in her slumber. "Please Alice." The doctors had made it all better she was all better now she even realized that wonderland was all in her mind. "No i can't go back its not real" she moved on her hands and knees looking through the gate way. She could see that the world was in night not only that but card men roamed free not just in the queens garden. "no i wont go back" she rolled into a ball she wanted to get out but blamed for her parents death she never would. he began to rock back and forth holding her legs to her chest. "please don't make me go back" she begged. "Alice you must, you're the only one who can save use from the Queen, from the Mad Hatter, please Alice..." The Rabbit said, his slightly morbid tone verging on begging, two tones that didn't mix well. "I'm going to be running late, so if you won't go, I'll just take you." He said, wrapping his arms around her whole clutched up body, bringing them both into Wonderland. "Alice, it's time to go, cards roam about and we must leave this place, we have..... much to discuss." Alice began to run she could see club cards with axes running after them there were a dozen of the all a little torn and rough around the edges. "you stupid rabbit ill kill you as soon as i car" at a full run she plucked a pair of flying scissors out of the air as big as a baseball bat they would make a good weapon. "this is all you're fault you and that cat killed my parents and left me in that insane asylum" she would have killed the rabbit if she had known a way back. The true side of the new Wonderland revealed itself when the rabbit rabbit stopped and turned around and ran run speed on all fours at the guards, he jumped forwards and bite down on one of the guards heads, blood leaking out as he flailed about, slicing away at the other guards until all of them had been slain and the white rabbit had a blood coated face. "Sorry, I didn't have time for lunch today." He said with a sly smile at his weak attempt at a joke. "Threaten me if you will, but first we will have to leave before more come back." He said, but he was too late, three guards with wicked axes turned the corner. "Kill them!" One said, inviting a blood lust among them to try to kill Alice. "I hope those scissors are sharp" The Rabbit said, checking his watch. She grabbed one of the hole swinging the scissors around using her body as a fulcrum the blade sliced through the thin man. "You jerk you think i want to fight you're war" the second was an over head blow slicing another club in half. The more she killed the more seemed to emerge from the darkens. Grabbing one she threw it onto its back then another and another building a tower up to a tree. "you will get me home or ill turn you into a pair of lucky dice". the tree was black and covered in flames. she was not sure what had happened but her never land of her child hood was long gone. The Rabbit opened his watch for a moment watching all fifteen hands point at symbols, some of the symbols flipping over to reveal other to "talk" to him. "I am..... truly sorry my dear girl, but it isn't your time yet, you've yet to finish your task, but I can sense you won't be easily persuaded, so climb aboard my back and I shall take you to the exit door." He said, getting on all fours after putting the watch away. "But please hurry, we are very late and more guards may be coming to us, we don't want one of the blunderbuss's to hit us now do we." He said, referring to the enormous rifles some of the card guards used to blow massive holes in the resistance fighters to the queen. "Just.... hold don't fall off." She gave him a look but unless she wanted to kill or fight more of the cards she would have to do as she said. His back was covered in bloods guts she had to make sure she did not throw up the nasty food she had eaten. "where are we going who is fighting the queen" she asked knowing people like the caterpillar were not the fighting type. Maybe the walrus and the carpenter were fighting the queen. "why did you come and get me could you not just get my younger self" she asked the world was crazy enough it should be able to happen. she looked around feeling like she was part of an anime. "We are going to the door my dear. And many people fight the queen, mostly the black side of the deck, they have turned on her ways and aid us, a few old friends of your are there, but I regret to say the Cheshire Cat has left us, he isn't dead, he went to find something but he wouldn't say what. The rabbit ran to the side of a stream, following it on the route to the hide out he used where the door was. "We're very late so excuse me if I run a bit too fast." he said, glancing at the water. "And speaking of time, you might want to check out your six o clock." he said, referring to the back of her dress, which was up with the wind, showing off her rear to the many people and things they passed. A tree bent over and slapped her right cheek on the way, whistling at her. "I couldn't get your younger self because your younger self wouldn't have been able to handle such a task.' He said, after catching his breath from talking and running at the same time. He picked up the pace though and kept going, only a few moments away from the exit door. She was red her face a shade she had not been since her father had first told her no "You could have told me" she placed the scissors on he back using some thread to sew it up she forgot about the trees. She would have liked to smoke some of what the caterpillar had that would have made this all easier to deal with. the room with all those doors and that vile with the fluids to make one grow and shrink. "You think caterpillar will let me smoke some of his pipe" she asked looking around they were there. the room of the doors why did he bring her hear they should have been finding the other resistance fighters. "I could have told you but then I wouldn't have gotten to see how much you've grown up." The Rabbit said with a chuckle. He waved over one of the card and whispered something in his ear. The card guard nodded and ran off. "You should have a little of what the caterpillar smokes when we are all done here." He said. He went to the two great door that led to the entrance of the building. "Alice, if you will." he said, beckoning her into the main room that held the doors that led to all the others. He closed the door behind them and went over to a pedestal going behind it where Alice could only see his head as he fiddled with a few things. He put his watch into a gear that at a certain time would fit, he had already planned on being late so he had preset it a few minutes later. It rewound his watch and made it good as new, all the hands lined up from the beginning. "Tell me Alice, would you so readily abandon us to go back to that asylum, the place where you get bad food, worse treatment, and we have all seen what that orderly did to you that one time before you stabbed him to death with a pen, luckily he didn't go all the way and let you maintain your.... erm, innocence." He said. It was very strange for the Rabbit to talk to her about such things, but he wanted to remind her of where she so desperately wanted to go. He held his watch, waiting for her answer before he did or didn't lead her to the exit door. she laughed as she watched him that had been fun killing that sick man before he took the last thing that she had left. "Because i am in my head, they can take me when they want if i do not go back" if this was all real her friends should have come for her before the man had even gotten half way to what he planned. if this was all real then why did they not come for her sooner it was all a bad joke. "Sure i have some time to kill between being drugged up and drugged down" she looked for that bottle. then she could step on the rabbit and make her own world, a better world then this. "Anyways why should i help you what will you do for me" she was no longer a child both in mind and body. "Alice, I have been put in charge of watching over you, to make sure nothing happens to you, I regret to say I was only recently able to put myself into contact with you, otherwise I would have NEVER let you enter that horrible asylum, but what happened, has happened and if you don't help everyone here will die, don't you see Alice, this is what's let of your mind a ragged wasteland, if you help us, you can help yourself." He said. "But I suppose in exchange since you aren't a gullible girl, I can help you leave that asylum, I can have a very limited control over reality, but I CAN get you out of there, I give you my word as a Rabbit." He said, looking at solemnly. "Besides, who are you kidding, you know you missed this world, no matter how messed up it got to be, admit it." She turned around no matter how bad the world was it was always better then the real world and the offer seemed genuine. "Fine but i am no super hero if it gets too hard you have to come and get me, and hold up you're end of the bargain" she held her hand out it would have seemed insane in the waking world to shake a rabbits hand. she looked around maybe she could make the place, well not as it was but better. she was also happy to be out of that stay jacket Janet another patient had been making eyes at her. "So where do we go first remeber i have not been here before the monster make over". The Rabbit shook her hand solemnly, handing her a weapon that would soon strike fear into the enemy hands. He reached to his back and brought out the small pack he was carrying she had used to hold on to him during the ride. He opened it up and from the small pouch he brought out the Vorpal Blade, a long lean and very mean butcher knife looking blade. "I think this might do a tad better than those scissors my dear, I never had a use for blades so you may have it if you wish." He offered her. He put the pouch away and looked around. "Well since you aren't leaving yet I suppose we had better go to the lab. I think the door mouse has a few things to tell us. You should know you will need to kill the Mad Hatter if you ultimately wish to leave, but I warn you, he is devious and will kill you if given the chance, he has gone mad now I'm afraid." He said, getting on all fours to give her a ride to the laboratory. Was that like saying the pope had converted to Christianity she wondered as she followed behind him slowly. The thing was not a sword but a very heavy knife with all the grace of a butchers knife and all the grace of a ax. "You sure i could not just talk to him or slip some poison in his tea" she asked as they moved forward. The hatter had not been all that bright she was sure she could kill him with ease. "is that all i have to do i mean i could be back for lunch" the thought put a sour taste in her mouth. As bad as wonderland was at least the crazies were easy to tell from afar and deal with. "I'm afraid not, it's been tried, but you can give it a shot if you really want. He has become a somewhat, eccentric fellow, still obsessed with tea, but he has become what some would call a mad scientist, he is a genius but he is clouded by the thoughts the Red Queen gave him, he performs hideous experiments on people, he has taken our dear cowardly turtle friend and now.... well when we last saw him he was half machine, killing off an entire village, eating the children and raping the women. That also brings me to another point, he uh..... he doesn't like women much and if you can't kill him quick enough before he gets a hold of you, well it won't be good." He said as they approached a large metallic door that led nowhere and was connected to nothing. "Finally we got here right on time." He said, brushing off his legs for dust and dirt. He opened the door that simply showed the other side, the fields and grass and the sky. "I know you have never been one for emotional touches but I must say I have indeed missed you my girl." he said, checking his watch quickly. "Yes I do believe we have time for this." he approached her and gave her a hug quickly before all the violence began. He raised his eyebrows at her. "My Alice your dress is a bit loose it hardly does those justice." He said, raising a paw and gently groped one of her breasts for a second. He was the same old Rabbit, chasing after younger women. "You have filled out quite nicely he said." noticing her slight blush. She crawled through the door most traps were made at waist level or about three feet few were meant to hit people under that "Good bye rabbit, if i meet you again you better keep you're promise" the door began to shut she could see the rabbit thought she was already dead "and you better not touch my ass then" she yelled as the door shut leaving her stuck in what ever world he had sent her too. the sounds of metal on metal filled the room she could see smoke crawling out of every crack. "Lucky me this must be the lair of the Hatter" she said licking her lips if she was very lucky she could get back to avoid lunch. The Rabbit chuckled at her comment and walked off to let her finish her quest. In the Hatter's Lair he couldn't watch her expect for the experimentation room, and the Hatter's blimp garage, he could only hope she would be ok.The Hatter sat at his desk, metal bit clicking and whirling for no reason other than to comfort him with their sounds. He jotted a few things down on a slightly blood stained medical notebook he kept for his experiments and put it in his pocket, it somehow fitting in the small space. He whirled the chair around and got up, the pot of tea on his desk sliding over and stretching its retractable gear work legs, the human soul trapped in it having not moved in hours. The Hatter grabbed his cane and walked slowly over to a console and turned it on.The first thing Hatter noticed was that there was an intruder in his midst somewhere in his lower levels, about five stories down. He flipped a switch and sent his clock work toy soldiers after her, the souls inside of them tortured to the point where he had convinced them anyone but The mad Hatter was the Mad Hatter and so they urged to kill with the clock work rifles. He pulled a cup out of his pocket, holding it out for the tri pedal tea machine to pour him a little. "Ah, just a..... puuuurfect touch of lemon I say, good show." He said in a bored tone, sipping at the hot brew. "Let us see how this one fares getting up to me, I wonder who they sent now." He said, looking at a screen where the cowardly turtle and two white cards were being held in his experimentation room. The tea kettle nodded in agreement, apparently wanting to see some action. Alice was not ready for guns they had never been part of her world so she did not expect to see them. The bullet fired from the dark hit her in the shoulder the others poorly aimed slammed into the wall behind her. Some even struck other solders as she fell grasping her should in pain and horror. "Damn you Hatter" she used the sword as a crutch walking slowly as the toy soldier reloaded there guns. The blade sand through the soldier cutting it in half biting through the arm and into the stomach of the second. "Run you stupid things" she pulled the sword out knocking the soldier onto his back.ooc hope you dont mind blood The Hatter watched as the soldiers went out, one by one as if they were paper mache. "Hmm, I think they have sent a worthy opponent, I suppose I shall have to send out the new ones." He said, watching the kettle fervently agree with a growing lust, the soul inside used to be a serial killer card who he caught trying to kill the prisoners he had. He did a few things on the console and hit a button. All around Alice, the toy soldiers folded up into balls, spike jetting out from them as screen appeared on the center of each of them, the 20 second countdown flashing as the clock work bombs starting arming themselves. "You might wish to find a safe place my dear fellow or madam, these soldiers pack quite a punch." He said over the intercom, slowly making his way into the back room, where the other soldiers were. He opened four of them, putting gears into them to start them up. The four soldiers stretched their gears out and clicked a few times as they ingested their orders. They each grabbed a rusted looking sword and ran off to see if the intruder had survived the bombs. The Hatter made his way to an elevator to go down to the second story to pen the stairs, after all if this person survived the four soldiers, he or she should at least be allowed to meet him before The Hatter killed the person. Grabbing a handful of guns she threw them over her shoulder a voice telling her the next ones would go boom. "take this" she fired the bullet smashed through the bomb setting it off taking nine others with it. she dropped the rifle turning from north to south and fired again before dropping the gun. Lucky for her none of the halls collapsed or the soldiers would have come from two instead of four direction. Small bits of metal stuck out of her leg as she finished of the last of the bombs. "Damn hatter come down here and face me yourself" she yelled limping forward using the gun as a crutch. she could see blood leaking down her leg at this rate she would be dead before she gut home. The Hatter heard her yells over his intercom and thoughtfully picked up a small metallic rounded box and strapped it to his back. "Very well." He said, hitting the intercom button so she would hear him. He halted his four soldiers so they were in sight of her and she could see them, but for now all they did was watch, clicking and whirling to themselves. He went down some stairs and beckoned for his kettle to follow. He approached the area Alice was in and after a moment to dust off his jacket, he walked in. "My, my, my, Alice what a pleasant surprise, it has indeed been TOO long." He said. He used to look a little goofy, but now he was downright grotesque. He was about a foot and a half to two feet taller than Alice, and had pale skin from being underground, almost greenish. He had a large gear in his back that rotated slowly with deliberate clicks as it made sharp rotations. "You look a little banged up my dear, I thought you might need a little help." The rounded box fell off his back and from it, four spider like legs unfolded as the creature scurried near her, looking at her wounds from a good enough distance so she couldn't slice at it. "That leg isn't looking very good, I think you might need..... an amputation." He said as the spider like robot fired a few cables, tying her arms and legs together. A small claw extended and picked up her knife while its back slid apart to a large stretcher, scooping her up to take her to the experiment lab. "Come my dear, we have so much to discuss." He said, holding his cup out to get a refill on his tea. at least her mouth was not blocked or she could not talk to Dr hatter wondering when he had gotten is medical degree. "I don't thing you need to cut it off i am very attached to it" the joke was old but so was the hatter. she looked around her hands on her waist she was sure the man truly was insane. she looked at the machine men doubting she could have defeated them with the weapons that she had. "Hatter i am no longer a child you cant send me to my room" she fought but the spider only zapped or burned her to keep her still. she looked around the place looked like a fire damaged factory. getting into the elevator she began to fight in earnest wondering if he really would chop of her leg and maybe her arm. The Hatter laughed for a few moments and faced her while in the elevator. "Yes.... you are indeed not a child, that is why I think you're ready for amputation, old medicine for old people eh?" He asked, secretly holding back a few chuckles at her joke, which he had heard a few times from his private talking clock work robots he held as "friends". He grew serious however and looked at her. "For such a small girl you can certainly move around, I thi are you even listening to me?" He asked as she squirmed. "BE STILL!" He suddenly boomed in a creaky voice, bringing his cane down, hitting her across the face, causing a thin line of blood to escape her mouth. He looked her over again, getting an odd look in his eye. He nodded at the spider who clicked a few times, separating the sable on her legs into two separate ones for each ankle, sliding her ankles apart. He used the cane to slide her dress up to her knees, probing a little at her slit through her underwear. "Yes..... yes indeed, I think you're old enough for one of my private female only..... experiments." she watched him strike her with the cane before the table split in two his cane moving up her dress. "You are sick" she screamed knowing exactly what he had in mind if not all the things he had in mind. she wondered how big he would be and if it would be a normal dick or some kind of weird machine. "i get my hands on you and you will beg for death" she looked around trying to come up with an escape plan. she smiled a sick smiled she would enjoy killing this sick ans twisted man. "let me go and a may not eat you're balls in my pasta" she was no little deer to be threatened.ooc yes but with water liquid solid or gas The Hatter just laughed at her threat and used his free hand to slap her again, the thin metal plate on his palm pinging off of her cheek bone. "You have a point, I don't wish to loose that part of myself to mere pasta, but I'm afraid you're in no place to make threats, when I'm done with you, you'll be a meek little BITCH who won't dare to insult me." He said in a slight growl. The elevator stopped and the spider immediately took off next to the Hatter towards the experiment chamber, where already screams could be heard from behind the door. "I think this shall be fun don't you think my dear girl?" He asked with a sick smile. There was no telling what he would do to her at least she would wake up some day and be fine but that was a long way of "rabbit i want out of her" she yelled over and over again as she was pulled down a long hall. hands shot out most fell far from her bound body this was not a good day to die. "come on rabbit i know you are out there" maybe he was working with the hatter for a better watch. she looked at the hatter he was nothing like his old self but she could smell he still liked the tee. "come on you freak why not a simple rape then dump me back in the asylum" not something she ever thought she would say. "Oh my dear girl trust me, the first if that sentence will come, don't you worry your lush little head off." He said as the spider deposited her onto a table, thick straps ejecting, tying her wrists and ankles down, while also holding her stomach down so she wouldn't struggle. Two walking table strode over, one carrying every sort of numb inducing chemical The Hatter knew of, including a pipe with a clear plastic container full of the same stuff the Caterpillar smoked. The other was a wide array of wicked looking tools, some still coated in blood as the table washed water to clean them enough so they looked sanitary. "Now my dear this may hurt.... but it will hurt me more than it will hurt you." He said, picked up a slightly dull looking circular saw, looking at her wounded leg as a small clock work creature prepped some sort of blood staunching device so Alice wouldn't die. To her right there was another robot, setting up blood bags for Alice because of all the blood she lost. "Maybe if you're a good girl, I'll give you some of the Caterpillar's herbs to smoke on, but i don't think you will." He said, charging the saw up for the amputation.The White Rabbit checked his watch nervously and looked up just as the screen got a connection and showed the Hatter about to cut Alice with a saw. "Oh my....." He said, just a clock work soldier pushed a sword through him. she watched the blade spin around she had the idea that this would hurt even worse then having all her teeth pulled out. "Looks like i can get out" she laughed as the blood splattered all over he face at least it was not hers. she looked around wondering who her hero was so she could thank them in person. the blade sang again cutting her bindings and cloth all but her bra and black panties. "who are you and do you think you could have missed my cloths" she asked wrapping them around her wounds. The red queen emerged as new bindings caught her arms and legs the hidden gun falling from her hand. "you need to be more car full hatter" she warned as she sat down to watch. the small creature she had hidden lay dead at her feet it was the same scissors only smaller "you killed it you freak"ooc misread the last post but made it work i think The Hatter glared as the Red Queen entered his house without first letting him know, one of these days he would have to kill her and make a replacement, he was sure he had the spare parts to make a convincing look a like. He rolled his eyes at what she said but continued his work with a glare in his eye. He brought the blade down carefully, the slightly dull blade cutting through her skin, sticking to the bone once before spinning again, reaching the slot on the end on the table where the blade had gone many a time. Blood spattered all over the place, inciting an odd sort of half smile from the Hatter. He took Alice's cloth and ripped them back off revealing her in only her underwear. The Red Queen picked up the cloth and made a move to tie them back around Alice, but The Hatter snatched them back up and threw them to a clock work robot who carried them to the disposal chute. The Queen hated Alice, but she was a feminist and always protested the sick ways Hatter treated the women he captured. But this time he wouldn't be stopped, Alice was special, he was going to have fun with her. He stepped aside a little to let the robot stop all of Alice's bleeding while the other fed blood into her so she wouldn't die of blood loss. Looking down she could see the spider about to feed her leg into a giant garbage disposal like it was meat. "what the hell i need that to kick you're ass" somehow she was not screaming her ass of he could have left her a nub. that was she could crawl over to him to bite him on the ass if she ever got free. she was in to much shock to recolonize that he was cutting of the other legs well it was his loss she had great legs. "what are you going to do with them make you own human pupeet" she asked watching the queen who seemed more then a little aroused by her body it made her sick. The Hatter shrugged at her. "I'll store them for later, who knows I might need them." He said, picking up an axe to quickly finish the job, bringing it down, cleanly lopping off the other leg for the robot to seal up the wound and store away with the other leg somewhere. "Madam Queen, if you wish, I have lunch waiting for us in the main hall, I'll just be a few minutes." The Queen was trying to enjoy the view, her hand mysteriously hidden under her dress, causing her to become a little red in the face as she masturbated to Alice's torture. She gave the Hatter a look but gathered her self up and left, running a hand over one of Alice's breasts. The Hatter took a damp cloth and wiped the Queens juices off of the bra, muttering under his breath. "Insufferable bitch, someone needs to kill her." He threw the cloth away and pointed at Alice while looking at a robot. It cut her bonds but tied her down with it's own while taking her through a door. To her right was a glass wall, behind chained to the wall was the Tortoise and the two cards. As soon as Alice entered the turtle went crazy. "Alice! You're here! You can save us right?" He begged. The Hatter gave him and odd look and pressed a button on the top of his cane. "Are you three still alive?" He asked as a panel of wall int hat room raised up, letting a gruesome creature in that bit into the turtle immediately, starting to eat him.They entered a smaller room with nothing but a table and a few metal drawers in the corner. The robot put Alice on the bed, tying her hands above her head and securing a strap across her waist. The Hatter waved the robot away, giving the two privacy. "My my, now I can get away from the science and get right down to the fun part." He said, taking a scalpel, cutting the strap between her bra cups away, putting the ruined bra from her body, throwing it into a trash receptacle near the bed. He wheeled two of the drawers close and looked at Alice's chest, his eyes glowing brightly at the sight of the perky breasts in the slightly chilled room, her nipples hardening. She watched him cut the bra of freeing her nice sized breast from her bra she was sure she knew what was coming next. "Give me back me legs you freak" she screamed watching that thing eat the turtle. she tried to move but she was tied down good and the loss of her legs did not help a lot. "come on just rape me and send me back to that hell" she yelled her mind grasping the fact he could mutilate at will without killing her. why did he take her legs, well it would make raping her a lot more easy. she looked down it was not clean her body just ended up in stumps nake red mussel and bone. The Hatter decided he wanted D cups, double D's actually so he took two odd looking tubes out, ending in needles. He clamped it around her chest, locking it behind her back, pushing the needles into her nipples, slowly releasing an agent to keep the water in her breasts before he hit the button. Water slowly filled her breasts, stretching them out into plump double cups. He pulled the tubes out but left the needles in to keep the water from leaking. "Now Alice, I think it's time we played a little game I like." he said, undoing his pants, pulling his impossibly huge cock out. It was over 15 inches long and so thick Alice wouldn't have been able to grab it and touch her finger tips. He slowly Pushed it onto her slit, probing a little on her panties to make her scream before he cut the underwear away, probing the inside of her, but only a little to give her a feeling of how big he was. She looked down at her chest as they crew and grew the pain was almost more then she could bare. "you freak you're not a man you're a horse" she gasped as the water pressed on her chest and turned her breast pink. She was sure they would pop and splatter the man with blood and bits of flesh. "come on they were already to much for you to handle" she mocked looking at her expanding chest. she was ready to bite his nose off if she could ever get close enough to do that. "You failed you wont fit you made you're cock to big, and if you do you wont get in a third of it" she teased" What Alice failed to realize was that the Hatter was prepared to hurt her, eviscerate her, and even kill her with his torture. "I guess we'll find out." He said, getting a firm hold on her legless hips, thrusting a third of it in very quickly, smashing through her hymen. He kept going, pushing over half of it inside of her, his cock bulging through her stomach at him as he rammed back and forth into her, groping her breast which the formula int he water would prevent from popping. He kept easing inside of her until his hips collided with hers, all of his cock deep inside of her. He leaned over, just out of reach and said. "I guess I lost then?" With a sneer. None She screamed as he busted through her hymen and slammed into her cervix she was sure he would kill her with that "you" incoherent scream "sure did" another even louder unintelligible scream. "You won't get the rest of that in there" she taunted challenged him which might not have been the best idea she could have had. her cut was far more full of anything then it ever had been she could not stop screaming. she could not even kick back at him because he had cut off her beautiful legs. "Now get out you freak" she pulled at her arms arms least she still had that.ooc i can wait "No my dear, I think I'll finish, so stop screaming or I'll gag you." he said simply in a normal tone, pumping his hips rhythmically. He pushed harder, slamming his enormous cock deep within her, feeling a guilty pleasure at the screams he elicited from her. He had never made them scream like her, she was different. "Mock me all out want child but it will just make things worse to be a smart aleck at this point." He grabbed one of her inflated breasts, squeezing it just to give her more pain to feel surging through her. "Besides, you'll get used to the pain after a few more times, unless I make you tight again and keep making you scream like a whore." she clawed at the side of the bed the man was not even a man any more he was some kind of mechanical monster. His cock was all to large and very human in the way it worked and filled out her cunt. her head rolled to the side she could hear the click click of the gear in his back she was sure he would kill her this way. she looked back trying to force him off with the legs that she no longer had. she spat in his face she was sick of looking at him and sick of the pain in her lower regions. "Where are you rabbit' she asked knowing that anywhere would be better then this pain filled butcher shop nightmare. The Hatter laughed at her while he grinded his hips into hers, his enormous cock stretching her out quicker than he expected by the looks of things and the blood already starting to stop coming out. "Well my dear it seems as though the next time I do this, only the bruises will hurt, your body is conforming to me already, I think I'll have to tighten you up a little, and maybe remove a hand." He said, chuckling at her, starting to feel a slight tingle of the approaching orgasm. She looked down between her legs the intense pain had become a small throbbing pain but he was as quick as any rabbit. "I hope you know how to put them back you may cut of a head by accident" She warned him feeling his cock twitch inside of her she knew by instinct he would soon be filling her. She saw an arm and wench lower itself from the roof two edged pincers moving with a large needle in the center."You know i wont be able to pleasure you if i loose all my body parts" she mocked snapping at him like some kind of wild hound. She felt the needle enter her body and inject a black liquid that expand her veins showing them off in her pale skin. In no time she would just be as pale and as pathetic as this creature. "Come on rabbit" she could not recall if he had told her he had done anything to the rabbit. The Hatter just laughed as he pumped inside of her. "It's ok, I can always put a prosthetic limb onto you or something." He offered her, grunting a little feeling his cock expand slightly as the orgasm him. "And now for the finale my dear." He said in a twisted voice as a massive amount of his seed flooded into her. The giant thick globs began to pour out thickly. "Sorry my dear I haven't had a plaything in quiet some time."He slowly pulled out, letting his seed ooze out of her as the machine clamped down, removing her arm at the elbow. "The rabbit can't save you now my girl, the soldiers are probably burning the last of the bodies right now, so sorry." He said, laughing at her.The rabbit slowly crawled from under his desk, his left arm bandaged up as he hid from the clockwork soldiers, seeing his friends and the cards being dragged off to the bon fire they made. "I I I've got save Alice." He told himself, trying to keep himself awake. He limped to a console and turned it on, seeing Hatter finish. "Oh dear, I've got to help her." She held up her half arm look at it she slammed it into the other letting her last full appendage free of the clamp. "Damn you hatter you know all the time i have spent on my nails" cum leaking from her cunt she pulled herself over the floor. She could see the hatter follow behind her as she dragged her chest over the floor. her cunt ached from the fresh ram and her nubs were sore having been cut so recent."Well are you going to help a lady up" one of the soldiers lifted her up by an arm setting her in a wheel chair. she looked at the hatter seeing the rabbit from the corner of her eye he looked almost as bad as she felt. she tried to move pushing the wheel but she could only spin around in a large slow circle. "you know i think you are going to eat those appendages" she mocked the insane hatter who had mutilated her.
['Mcgee', 'Rabbit', 'Hatter']
Ace Combat 5: Shattering Wings. [Feat. JeagerFox]
"AndPhenix!" The flight leader of the 108th Tactical Fighter Squadron, called Wardog, called to him as he leaned against the side of his white and blue F 16C Block 60, "You keep flying like a maniac and you'll tear the wings off that bird!!"He looked at his plane, going it with a trained eye as he tried to rid himself of seeing the explosions that marked the demise of the nuggets that had been lost earlier that day. The thing was, the demise of the nuggets hadn't bothered him. It was the pointlessness of their loss. There hadn't been any meaning behind it. That knowledge didn't sit right with him.The mechanics took over his efforts of checking his plane, so he was forced to meander back to the crew quarters for the pilots. He almost ran into 2nd Lieutenant Kei Nagase, callsign Edge, along the way. There wasn't much in the way of chit chat, but she did thank him for helping her out. He nodded, receiving a sad little smile from her before he went on to shower and wait in the pilot's ready room. The one place where his "wingman" could consistantly find him."Go ahead and say it...." He said in a deadpan tone, glancing up from a book on a war from 15 years before then as a shadow fell across him, "I know I ditched you back there but I refused to sit back and watch a slaughter happen."There was confusion over why he was there. On paper, he was listed as a "Temporary ACM Instructor". In actuality, he was a mercenary under direct contract with the Ocean Air Defense Force to train pilots. That meant rumors abound flew about his loyalty, and everyone seemed to question him on it. Well, other than the pilot he'd been "assigned" to after arriving on Sand Island. It was a nice change of pace for now. Ryansighed as he removed his helmet after turning the MIG 29A off allowing its engines to die down as he stepped out of the cockpit. Stepping foot on solid ground again was always a good feeling. But this time, it was difference, they had done up for training and end up in a dogfight with unknown fighters. He heard the flight leader blew out Phenix and Edge cause of their flying. It was abit understandable as when the unknown fighters attack, they were ordered back but engaged the unknown. He did make he could to keep the nuggets ready and cover his wingman. But in the end, he watched as all of the rookie pilots get show down one after the other.He looked back at his plane and walked around seeing the bullet holes along his wing as he got shot at. He managed to down two planes. But spend the rest of the time dodging and trying yo keep them busy.He let the mechanics and flight crew take a look at the plane as he made his way back to the ready room but before that he changed out of his flight gear and head yo the ready room, where it was the one place he could find his wingman."You think, I wanted to sit back and watch. Hell no, but we had order yo fall back with the nuggets." He said crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at the man. "You went after them, I tried to keep the rooks safe. But in the end. We all failed" he said sighing kicking a chair, "shit" he picked up the chain and sat in it.Ryan, Borned in Erusea in Northwestern Usea. His family moved to Ocean after the fall of the Ulysses 1994XF04 and became Osean citizens and eventually joining the Air Force. He looked at the mercenary that had been assigned as his wingman. "You know, this is probably going to lean to something big. Those jets were well armed and well trained, not aome rag tag group." "Yeah," He said, staring at theemblemon the book he was reading before other pilots filed in, "Unmarked too. They were hardened professionals, no doubt. They way they flew reminded me of something my dad described to me once...."He was mildly surprised when Nagase sat next to him, but not bothered. She was the closest thing he had to a friend on the base excluding his wingman. However, they only engaged in small talk. Nothing elaborate but always meaningful. Just the way he liked it actually. Which was something he liked Kei for."Alright," The flight leader of Wardog, whom he recalled was called Captain Jack Bartlett stated gruffly as all the Nuggets that remained grounded settled into seats around the room, "This is all there are left. As of tomorrow, you all are sitting on alert. I don't like it but that's what it's gonna be. Phenix, due to you unauthorized actions earlier today, you're officially off instruction duty."This was met with a snort of barely restrained amusement, as most of the nuggets beyond Nagase and the one called Blaze could hardly keep up with him. That and he wasn't really able to slow himself down enough to teach anything. It just wasn't who he was. He only felt himself when he was pushing the limits of himself and the plane he was in."By those same actions, your wingman and yourself are to consider yourselves as an independent squad detachment of my squadron." Bartlett added in a semi deadpan tone, "Ryan will be leading you, and should it be necessary, he'll receive orders from me.""So, with respect Sir, I'm being verbally castrated and thrown into a possible combat role for my actions earlier today?" He asked, his amusement fading as he felt Nagase punch him lightly in the arm as a way to tell him to lighten up."That's right, and unless you and Ryan are engaged in independent action, You're flying my wing with Nagase. Gotta keep an eye on you both or who knows what you'll get yourselves into." Bartlett replied, chuckling to himself as he glanced at Ryan, "Sorry about your temporary assignment becoming permanent. Came straight from the Top Brass."He fell into some light brooding, his expression slightly bemused as he brushed his hair out of his eyes. His posture was rigid, and betrayed the fact he wasn't a natural born Ocean. He was actually 1 2 Emmerian and 1 2 Ustian. Something that was smothered in black ink and red tape where his records were concerned. His mother was Emmerian and his father was Ustian. Not many knew that besides himself and Pops."Great.... I just got put on a leach." He grumbled as he felt Nagase watching him discreetly, "Lucky me....""At least you won't have to slow yourself down now." Nagase said to him, calming him in a way only she seemed able to, "Besides, you were thrown a reprieve in a way. The brass aren't kicking you off the base. Right, Ryan?" The pilot nodded agreeing with Phenix comment, the unknowns for sure had military training. He listened to him and was about to ask what he thinking before the Flight Leader entered the room.As Ryan leaned back in his seat to listened, a hand tapped him on the shoulder, to which the pilot shifted some to look behind him. He saw Alvin H. Davenport also known as Copper, the two of them had met up in flight school then were sent different bases before Ryan was transferred to Sand Island and met back up with his friend. He high five his friend who spoke, "heard about what happend man. Glad you made it." Ryan nodded sighing, "thanks. We need to find out who it was". His attention was pulled away as the Captain come in and began to talk. His eyes shifted to Phenix as was removed as a flight instructor, which he wasn't much of a teacher, but forced you to learn on the fly. He shook his head smirking alittle as he was should that how he would want it. But he blinked and looked at the Captain when he was informed that the two of them would fly independent of the Squad and that he was lead flight.The young pilot was taken aback as he didn't think he was skill enough to lead a squad, but it was only one other person to worry about. So it would be okay normally, but he knew that Phenix would be a hard one to handle. Ryan looked at th3 Captain and nodded, "yes sir." He said as he felt Copper pat his shoulder at the news, " congratulations man" to which Ryan nodded.Ryan looked over at Edge and Phiex as they spoke and she asked him, to which he nodded. "Yeah, could have been worse man. Could have locked you up too if they wanted too." He said before looking more at his wingman as he helded his fist out to him, "let's fly and take out those who did this" "Speaking of flying....." Bartlett said, his tone spurring Phenix to stand up, "Unfortunately, you both got shafted by the top brass into a night patrol alongside Nagase and Blaze. Phenix, should he follow orders, will be the lead plane for now, Nagase with be 2, Ryan 3, Blaze 4. You all will be in F 20A Tigersharks as per base commander's orders. Wheels up in two hours.""Yes sir, but...""Ryan's Mig is grounded for repair and the Commander made known that, mercenary, you had better carry your share to earn your right to stay here in a combat capacity." Bartlett interrupted, giving Phenix a sympathetic look before waving him and those going up with him off, "Just be sure to being them back in one piece.""You can bet your tail on that." Phenix said as Blaze nodded, "Everyone I fly with comes back with me or I don't come back at all.""Admirable, if not a bit totalitarian....." Bartlett pointed out, a small smirk quirking up slightly, "Go get him, Slasher.""I'll show you a "Slasher"." Phenix quiped as he looked between Blaze, Nagase, and Ryan, "Let's go.... I want to put as much altitude between me and here as possible." Ryan sighed deeply rolling his eyes to getting stuck with night Patrol in a Tigershark. He never really cared for the plane, but wpul d fly it if he had too. He would much rather be in his MIG and take it to the enemy. But with it getting worked on, there wasn't much he could do about it.The pilot looked at and watched as Phenix and Captain Bartlett went on and placing the merc in command of the night mission. H3 had the skill and Ryan knew that they would be okay as soon as they kept up with him. "We got this, it's only a night Patrol. Keep our eyes open and scan our surroundings and we will come back" he said smirking nodding and left following Phenix, blaze, and Edge out of the room. Time skip 0100hrs "Calibur 1, taking off." Phenix said in a dead tone, his gray F 20 being the last of the group to get off the ground after a three hour delay where they learned everyone but him were loaded with SAAMs, or AIM 7 Sparrows, "Feel free to cut the lights after we're gone.""Very funny, Calibur 1," The Tower personal communicating with him said as he pitched right, "Anyway, Altitude restriction cancelled, good hunting up there.""Thanks, hopefully we won't need it." He replied, joining Edge and Blaze as he headed west of Sand Island. Second Time Skip 0236hrs "Alright, give me a sitrep guys." He said later, being the furthest south of where he'd ordered a spinning diamond sweep of their patrol area."This Calibur 2, It's empty up here in the northern section." Came Edge's reply, sharp and concise as he came to expect from her."4 here, There ain't a damn thin over here in the east." Blaze called, a bit higher in altitude than he would have liked but he wouldn't complain to much.Blaze being at the altitude he was meant he might catch something everyone else missed. Phenix wasn't gonna order him back down just because he made himself more visible. He didn't feel he had the right to really. Which, if he went by the mission parameters, he did but he wasn't flexing over it."AWACS Thunderhead to Calibur flight, unknown bogeys inbound from bearing 280. Looks like they're hailing ass."There was a problem though, as only Blaze, Edge, and Ryan heard the warning though it was slight garbled."Copy that, but it sounds like your cutting out a bit." Edge replied, trying to clear the noice she was getting on top of Thunderhead's voice, "Any idea where they are?""Unable to confirm due to unknown interference. Last confirmation was a few miles south of you current position.""That puts the contacts in Phenix's area....." Blaze said, moments before the southern area of their patrol sector suddenly lit up with the fire from a mid air explosion after a streak of light left something in it's wake, "I hope that wasn't Phenix that brought that.""Lets go, guys!" Edge called, turning sharply as she firewalled her Tigershark's throttle, "We gotta get there!!" Ryan sat in his gray Tigershark as it slowly texted out onto the runway following behind Edge as the planes prepare for takeoff. He was glad that they were at leasted loaded with air to air missiles Incase they ran into touble.Once edge had taken off, he did aome quick last minute checks pressing the controls to be sure his flaps and other systems were working probably. "Alright, Tower. This is Calibur 3, requesting tower off from Runway 2N to begin Patrol.Roger Calibur 3, your are cleared for take off, good hunting" The pilot sighed at the towers comment. He hoped that they won't find touble. But he was ready for it as a dark feeling about day previous engagement still sat in his head." confirm, Calibur 3 taking off" Ryan said as he slowly increased the thrusters as he helded the brakes to allow the jet to get to max speed for take off. He released the brakes and the plane began to move down th3 runway until it was finally airborne and began its recon in its assigned area.Later,"Calibur 3, all clear." He reported after Blaze gave his report to Phenix. "Could use a drink after this. It's kinda thirsty up here alone" Ryan said as he continued to scan the area with his radar and eyes.His attention turned to the radio as Thunderhead reported unknown moving fast just south of them. The transmission was bit harder to hear because of the garbled losing it for a second. Afew moments later seeing a flash in the sky where Calibur 1 was at. "Roger that, let's move." Ryan upped the throttle as the three Tigerstarks raced to now battlezone that had we were up it in the ocean Skies once more. Mission EX 1: Ghost in the Shell Pt. 1 MISSION START "......ibur 1, I just splashed a fucking EA 6B out here!!" Came Phenix's voice as Edge fired a SAAM at an unmarked Mig 29A that was diving hard on something below her current altitude, "Repeat, I just sent a Jammer straight to hell!!"With Phenix's voice came the abrupt disappearance of the radar and Radio interference. Which also meant he was practically screaming like a banshee in his wingmen's ears as he tried to make himself heard. Luckily, the screaming stopped almost as soon as a Mig 21 had it's entire tail section sheered off by cannon fire. Spared Blaze from telling Phenix to shut the hell up."Finally, the fuckin' radio's clear." Phenix huffed while passing by Ryan canopy to canopy, almost scraping the paint of the vertical tail as he did tight reversal, "Thunderhead, you're fuckin' useless. If I hadn't noticed one fly across the moon, I'd be dead right now thanks to the early warning. Or the lack there of!!""He's doing his best, Phenix, so lock it down until later," Blaze barked sharpli, surprisingly making Phenix back down a little on hurling insults at their AWACS as the flight formed up, "What do we do now?""Split, Pairs." Phenix said firmly, as his broke hard left, "If they fight, they die. They bug, you move on. And for heaven's sake, don't play hide and seek with coral reefs."Almost as one, both Blaze and Edge broke formation in a sweeping right turn. To Phenix, it was almost perfectly synchronized. It also happened so fast that he almost missed it. That told him that Blaze and Edge weren't gonna be separated by too much going forward. He was impressed by those two."Guess you're with me, 3." He said as he swung in behind another Mig 21, "Time to dive into the fireworks." Once the Prowler went down in flames into the water below. The radio finally came to life with the sound of the flight commander. "With that Jammer in the area, we were lucky yo see them at all." Ryan spoke as pulled on his controls as Phenix passed by almost taking the paint off of his tail before pulling in a tight turn and getting a quick burst of cannon fire off causing a mig 21 to break hard to dodge it.Once reformed with the squad, he nodded to the new orders that was issued. His eyes shifted as Blaze and Edge moved as one after the enemy planes. "Nice move there" He said before turning back to the battle around them. "Roger, I'm on wing" he said as he followed Phenix as they dove in behind a Mig 21. Ryan scanned his radar quickly trying to get a count of how many enemy fighters were up in th3 air with them. "Thunderhead, this is Calibur 3. Can you confirm number of enemy planes?" He asked as he kept up with Phenix making sure not to lose him. He turned his head to check his six and saw a Mig 29 pulling up behind him. " looks like we got one on our tail. Splash that 21 and bank right, I will try and get behind this 29 and get him."
['Nagase', 'Kei', 'Wardog']
Trek after dark
Spok was worried about Kirk the man was acting even more irrational then was normal he could tel something was troubling him. "Sir the Romulans have been making Incursions into the neutral zone again". After the incident with the cloak the federation had been on a heightened sense of security. Kirk was in his room all day mapping out the neutral zone looking for a hidden Romulan base. The nurse had convinced him to bring the captain dinner, all day he had not been out to speak with the crew. "Captain you require a nutritional brake" he pressed the door chime again, after fifteen minutes he was ready to leave. Kirk was extremely obsorbed in the task at hand. As he sat at his small desk trying to map out where he thought the secret base for the Romulans would be. He got frustrated every now and again and would just sit staring at the map. He heard the faint sound of Spok's voice. He didnt realize he was hungry till he heard Spok mention food. He sighed and walked over to the door. He pressed the door release button and walked back over to his desk."Come in....." He spoke wearily when he called out to Spok. The map was a see through red plastic with small plastic decals for each of the planet and ships in the zone. "The special is fried chicken, potatoes and green been, with a biscuit" unlike real food the food on Enterprises was designed for health. He sat the plate on the desk overlapping wedges showed where other ships had searched. Kirk was a mess his hair was plastered to one side of his face his uniform half on half off. "Perhaps you should take a break before you are unable to carry out you're duty adequately" spock asked showing more concern then he should. Kirk yawned lightly and rubbed his eyes slightly. He looked over at the map then Spok. Kirk grabbed the biscuit and took a bite out of it as he walked over to his bed. He flopped down onto it and let out a soft groan. He finally let his body relax a bit. He closed his eyes as he chewed on the biscuit."N no Im fine, I just need to rest a bit......" He yawned again and sat up on his bed looking over at Spok."I'll be fine......I just need a some sleep and.......and......Well a break sounds nice actually....." He let his mind wondera bit before his shook his head."Nah never mind Spok, I beleive I can do my job perfectly fine." He took another bite of the biscuit. Spock looked over the map it was clear that Kirk was in no mood to work he needed to clear his mind of all things. "You need to relax perhaps some pressure points" he offered vulcans new more then anyone about stress. The suppression of emotions was enough to bring it out of anyone, he smiled a fake smile. "If not i could see if there is any more coffee" the captain out of emotion preferred the real stuff. he moved to the other side of the bed willing to help the captain out in any way that he would demand. Kirk looked at Spok curiously then at his room door as it closed on its own. He finished off the biscuit and smiled at Spok's offer. He leaned back on his bed against and folded his hands behind his head. "What do you mean by pressure points Spok?" Kirk was interested if he meant something like a massage maybe. He ran his fingers through his hair and let out a soft sigh as he closed his eyes. "It shares many things in common with earth massage and acupuncture" He explained placing his hands on Kirk shoulders. he moved them forcing his thumb into a few area as his fingers gentle rubbed his shoulder. "The practice is often used to relieve stress" Most vulcans kept it to themselves as lesser races could become easily aroused. More then one vulcan had to fight of a human who got the wrong idea. "It varies in its success depending on the amount of cloth, less if referred" he explained. Kirk let out a soft murring sort of a noise when Spok started to rub his shoulder. He bit his lip and quickly stopped the noise, it was embaraassing to let out moaning noises next to his comrad. He felt a shade of blush tint his face as he opened his eyes."T take off some of my clothes?" He looked at Spok then his shirt. It wouldnt hurt if he just took off his shirt right? spoks strong hands slid over Kirks neck he could feel the tension begin to vanish "Yes that would be a good start" he cut himself of saying nothing as me moved his hands under his shirt on his waist. he could see that Kirk was mulling it over the moan was pushed of to the side unlike humans vulcans had no lust. "Kirk you can trust that i will be a professional at all times" the vulcan promised the human who he had known for years. Kirk let out an airy sigh as the tension dissappeared from his neck. Kirk shifted a bit and gazed up at Spok."I hope you can be professional for the both of us...." He blushed brightly feeling Spok's strong hands over his smooth skin made him rather excited, but not enough to be noticed."Im just kidding....." He smiled and leaned his head back against the pillow. The rubbing and touching felt nice against his body but he didnt think he would escalate to the point where he would 'want' Spok in that way. He let out another soft moan. Spock straddled Kirk's back he could feel the man give himself over to his touch it was expected as much. "You should just enjoy it and not think" he knew the crew would be better of with a relaxed kirk then having him the way he was. It was his duty to help the captain a man he respected more then almost any other. "Tell me have you been getting regular rest Mcoy is deeply worried about you condition" is vulcan humor a step up from a rock and down from human. Kirk nuzzled his pillow softly to hide his blush. He let out a soft groan. The massage was very nice and relaxing." I have gotten some sleep, not much.......I'll be fine...." He ran his fingers through his messy hair and felt his eyes become droopy. He yawned softly and tried to shake it off. He didnt want to fall asleep under Spok how would that look. Spok give krirk a look wondering how much longer he could stay awake under his gentle care. "You know you need to sleep more, or find a better way to relax" he smiled moving down over his side he turned around taking his legs. the captain ran 10 laps of the ship which was nearly twelve k sometimes twice a day. "you need more relaxation less work"
Moon's Grace ( Gwenie and MellowYellow )
Moon Knight wasn t at all that difficult to find at night. Spider Woman s gaze flickered over the all white costume, broad shoulders, and powerful stature. She wondered if he was as crazy as all the rumors said he was, but it didn t matter if he could help with her case.Gwen kept her body high on the wall in case he didn t like little heroines bothering his massacres. It d be such a pain to throw down in with him in a dirty New York alley.Her mask shrouded the nervous smile on her face. How s the night doing for you, Moonbeam? Gwen drummed her fingers upon the brick she stuck herself upon. The adrenaline made her heart race in her chest, but she wouldn t allow the fear into the lilt of her voice. You look good in that color, I dig it She arched her slim neck forward. It might be hard to get the bloodstains out. Moon Knight rose slowly from his 'handiwork.' A battered and bruised figure in an armoured blue suit, groaning loudly as his haul of stolen jewels spilled out beneath him. The newest version of the Midnight Man, going on his first heist. Moon Knight turned with great slowness, the night air tussling the ivory material of his hood and cape. His ethereal eyes regarded Gwen closely."Every priest needs his vestments, and I'm no exception. And if I get bloody from my holy mission, well then so be it," he admitted, giving a quick flick of his right hand that sent a spurt of blood along the dirty ground. "But that's not important right now. I can tell you want something, otherwise you wouldn't seek me out." Nobody ever came his way unless they needed a favor from him.
['Knight', 'Woman', 'Moonbeam']
Panther's Confession (Gwenie and MellowYellow)
Ann s blonde twin tails bounced against her back as she caught up to her crush. She wanted to speak to him before they left with the others to hang out in the hot summer air and the cool beach. Her decision to tell him how she felt was an impulse, so she d gone up to Akira in her floral bikini.She was unable to find the willpower to regret her choice. If his dark eyes remained on her, she found his attention all the better. There was nothing sweeter than his devil may care smirk and his kind words in her opinion. Akira, could we talk before joining everyone? Ann s long fingers reached out for his wrist, but the young woman stopped herself at the last moment. She clasped her hands behind her back and offered a sweet smile.It would be terrible if she appeared too needy. Alone? With everything going on back home, the booming success of the Phantom Thieves among other things, it had been nice to get this opportunity to relax and unwind in the warm sun. Akira liked to take good care of his team, and wanted to make sure they all got to enjoy this set up as best they could."Hm?" Akira turned slightly, his hands resting in the pockets of his dark shorts, while he examined Ann behind the lenses of his glass. "Oh hey Ann, what's up?"It wasn't uncommon for the two to hang out together, but this seemed different to usual. "Ah... sure. Let's head this way," he said, giving the blonde a brief once over as he made from the hotel toward the hot Hawaiian sands. Damn if Ann didn't make for some great eyecandy. "So, what's on your mind? Something wrong?"
A Kiss Over Summer (Gwenie and MellowYellow)
Ann thought Akira would be a different person back in his hometown, but he continued to be the same young man she adored. She was glad she had the chance to visit him for a week over the summer break. It would be a good opportunity to see how he d been doing after their adventures.On her tiptoes, Ann brushed a soft kiss upon the other s lips as a greeting, while she cupped his face between her fingers. The lean lines of her body pressed against the strength of the other man s own. When she broke apart for air, her warm, blue eyes swept across his parent s home before settling on his handsome features. Care to show me around later? A mischievous grin. I d be so disappointed in you if you didn t After everything that had happened over the course of their adventures together, Akira had never put much thought into the idea of dating. But, despite this, he and Ann had just kind of... drifted together. He admired Ann a great deal and had supported her at every turn, wanting to see her thrive and succeed as a model. And she, in turn, had helped get his spirits up at all times."Hehe... well, I'm sure there's one room in particular I'd give you a tour of," the raven haired boy said. Akira, still slightly taller than the blonde, settled his hands on her rounded hips to give them a modest squeeze. "Still, for now... you want me to show you around town? There's not a whole lot to see, not gonna lie."
Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*
"Can't believe I have to travel near halfway across Oshuu just to see my own wife." Masamune grumbled irately, "This is stupid. She's stupid.""She isn't stupid, Masamune sama, she isn't ready to make the move, it's fine." Kojurou told his lord. They were riding to Miharu Castle to have a feast with his wife, Megohime, and her parents. He hated it, married for over a decade and she refused to live with him. It was ridiculous.At the Takeda estate, as Yukimura trained with his spears, gentle footfalls padded across the deck before the soft clatter of a kettle alerted the young Cub to a new presence."Ano..." It was his wife, Akihime, a timid woman who had been married into the Sanada household by order of her lord, Hideyoshi, "Yukimura sama...I have prepared tea, and it is quite lovely out today. Perhaps you could...spare a moment and share it with me?" She was beyond beautiful, so much so that the soldiers stopped to behold her with bated breath as she passed. His wife, Megohime, was a rather difficult woman in his eyes she refused to bed him after their initial marriage consummation, and wouldn t even sleep in the same room as him when he visited. She did seem to get rather flustered whenever he got too close, but still, she was his wife. However much they were apart, she still told him she held feelings for him, remaining loyal to him and even familiarizing herself in diplomatic matters to assist him if he ever allowed her to help him.Yukimura himself was not blind to Akihime s beauty, always getting distracted and flustered when she was around. The marriage was one of diplomacy, purely out of a union of clans to further power, but he would be lying if he didn t find his wife attractive both in appearance and ethically. She was a quiet spoken woman who was as kind as she was beautiful a year ago he never would have thought much of her, other than her youthful and beautiful appearance, but now it was just plain hard to not think about.Nearly stumbling when he saw her, he nodded, cheeks already dusted pink. O Of course! He moved over, laying his spears away from Akihime and sitting with her, watching her delicate hands pour the tea. When they arrived at Miharu castle, they left their horses with the stable boy before heading up to the entrance. Kiyoaki was waiting for them, smiling brightly."We are so glad to have you honor us today, Masamune sama. Yo ah, pardon, Megohime will be out shortly." Kiyoaki said. Masamune merely waved his hand."Let her take her time.." He said before heading inside.Akihime's cheeks were as red as his jacket as she prepared cups for the both of them. Though he could see how nervous she was to be so close to him, her motions were fluid and precise. "Your skill with your jumonji yari has improved vastly since the last time I have seen you use them, inside and outside of battle." She praised gently, "You grow stronger by the day, my lord husband." Once he opened the door to the main entrance, he was greeted by the sight of his wife, Megohime. She was in no way a homely woman, with smooth pale skin, dark eyes and a small figure, she was rather beautiful especially her hair. She had long, thick raven black hair, which she had styled in a half up do for his visit, still wearing the same floral and butterfly hair pin she always wore, the one Masamune had given to her for a wedding gift. She hid her painted face behind her sleeve, averting her eyes when she saw Masamune, bowing her head to him silently as flustered as always. A Arigatou! It was almost painful to watch the two, both of them were so painfully green, stiff, and clearly neither of them had attempted consummation. He gently took the tea cup from her, being as careful as he could, Akihime did look as fragile as a flower, a stunningly beautiful flower. Masamune moved over to her and bowed to her before gently taking her hand to keep her from hiding from him."Breath taking as always, Mego.." He told her with a gentle smile. Sure, she infuriated him with her bratty nature and snide remarks, but he loved it about her. Her spunk was refreshing all he ever heard day in and day out was 'yes, hitto', it was kinda nice to hear someone back talk him every once in a while.His fingers brushed against hers and she nearly dropped the cup, her entire face burning a bright crimson. A year they had been married and they still acted like they were bashful lovers."C Careful, it's hot! Please do not burn yourself!" She sputtered in a flush. Her whole face went red up to her ears, and her eyes widened a bit, looking mortified that he had taken her hand in his own. Usually, had he given her such a compliment, she would ve simply dismissed him, but since he disarmed her by taking her hand first, she was vulnerable. A Arigatou.. She said softly, letting her gaze drop to the floor. She was always so excitable when it came to physical contact, especially in front of others it was a miracle he even got her to agree to sex on their wedding night. He felt a small squeeze from her hand, but she did nothing else to show her affections, not while Kojurou was there.Yukimura looked down at the steaming tea and nodded. Ah... Th Thank you.. He said, then started to blow on his tea gently. "Masamune sama has traveled for quite a while, child. Why not prepare him and Katakura sama some tea?" Kiyoaki suggested. Kojurou moved to Masamune and nudged him in the ribs, causing him to grunt and glare. The Right Eye made a motion with his head and Masamune perked."Oh, right, I brought you a gift." He took his hand away briefly to pull a pouch from his sash, "It's a jade necklace. I know you already have a ton of jewelry but I felt like you would look really lovely with it.""Oh my God, can you two even kiss without apologizing to each other?" Sasuke's voice sounded. Akihime was already so embarrassed with herself that Sasuke's comment only made her feel more shame, but she stayed in her spot as she shook violently. Not a peep did she sound. Megohime blinked and glanced up at Masamune, then carefully took the pouch when he held it out to her. She stared at it for a moment, then quickly pocketed the gift in her sleeve without so much as looking at it. She turned on her heel, stopping only to speak. I ll start the tea now. Was all she said before she left without letting her husband reply yup, there was her prickly attitude. What, had she not been satisfied with her gift? She was always so hard to read. S Sasuke! Yukimura looked up to the tree in the courtyard, not even hearing the Shinobi when he came, or perhaps he had been there before the both of them. You ve returned from your mission! There he went again, completely dismissing the ninja s remarks, either too embarrassed to acknowledge them, or too dense. Masamune huffed and followed after her."What, you don't like it?" He asked, "You didn't even look at it!" Kojurou sighed softly and followed after his lord to keep him from getting too angry."Yeah, just got back and saw you two bein' all awkward. I dare you to hold her hand without blushing even one shade." Sasuke said. Akihime stiffened ad lowered her head."Y Yukimura sama doesn't have to touch me if he doesn't want to." Megohime didn t answer her husbands query, simply showing him to the tea room before leaving them to get water and cups from the kitchen.Once away from Masamune and Kojurou and alone in the safety of the kitchen, Megohime carefully unwrapped the cloth from the jade necklace Masamune had brought her. It was beautiful, just like every other gift he brought her, and it made her heart skip a beat, but it didn t feel right accepting such a gift. She carefully returned the necklace to its bag and hid it back in her sleeve, a feeling of guilt growing as she prepared the tea kettle.Yukimura felt his ears burn. I I cannot rightfully do such an intimate act with my wife before another man! He protested, clearly embarrassed by the mere idea. Masamune grumbled irately as he sat in wait. How rude, the nerve she had just ignoring the gift he bought her. She was such a brat.Sasuke slowly blinked his eyes before making a face and covering his eyes, "Better?""S Sasuke, you're so rude to your master!" Akihime chastised weakly. Though she would be lying if she didn't want to feel Yukimura's hand in hers. How promiscuous of her to have such desires. After a while, Megohime entered with the tray of tea, setting in before the three and sitting, preparing the tea silently. As she whisked the tea, she glanced at Masamune from the corner of her eyes, the only noise in the room being her making the tea, and the soft tinkle from her hair pin. Setting a cup in front of Masamune first, she served his tea, then Kojurou, then her Father. After the three were served, she poured a cup for herself, drinking silently.Akihime heard the soft tink of ceramic on wood as Yukimura set his cup down, then Akihime felt Yukimura's hand in her free one. His face was red, and he kept his gaze down, finding it almost lewd to show such affection in public. "Arigatou, Megohime dono." Kojurou said softly, drinking his tea. Masamune sipped it and pulled the cup back, eye zoning in on Megohime."It tastes burnt.""Masamune!" Kojurou scolded. Kiyoaki only smiled as he gratefully drank the tea his daughter prepared."Told you you couldn't do it without blushing." Sasuke smirked, peeking through his fingers. Akihime felt like she was going to faint, her head feeling light."A Ama, remove Sasuke immediately!""Uh oh." Sasuke sat up quickly, looking around for the snow haired woman. Megohime scowled at her cup, shooting a glare at Masamune. Then don t drink it. She hissed bitterly, taking another sip from her own cup. Burnt? He was lying, the tea tasted completely fine, he was just full of shit she hadn t burnt the tea since she was seven. Of course, Akihime sama. The spot in the tree above Sasuke shimmered, Amaya coming into view, using the ice crystals to refract the light and make her appear to only be apart of the trees. I ll ask you to please remove yourself from this area, Sarutobi. She said calmly. "Make me a new cup." Masamune demanded, setting his cup down. Kojurou scowled heavily."Masamune, you aren't 13 anymore, you can't act like this.""What, she can't even make me a simple cup of tea that doesn't taste like crap then she isn't a very good wife.""Masamune.""Ah, to be young and in love." Kiyoaki mused with a smile."Hey, Amaya! Back so soon? I thought for sure that mission would take you longer. Guess I underestimated you." Sasuke grinned.Akihime hesitantly pulled her hand from Yukimura's and bowed her head."Please forgive my perverse behavior, Yukimura sama..." She said quietly. There s no more water in the kettle, you ll have to make it for yourself. Megohime said, glaring at Masamune, not moving an inch from her spot. You know where the kitchen is. Amaya cut Sasuke off before he could finish his sentence. Please remove yourself from this area. She repeated, her icy gaze stuck on him.Yukimura retracted his own hand, shaking his head slightly and quickly drinking his tea as so he wouldn t have to speak. "I asked you to do it." Masamune demanded, "While you're at it, gimme back the necklace. You clearly don't want it." Was that what he was making this huge huff about? Over a trinket he bought her on a whim?"Alright, alright, I'm going." Sasuke said and vanished."Arigatou, Ama..." Akihime smiled softly, "I'm sorry to have you be so forward with your superior." Megohime said nothing, now refusing to even look at Masamune. Otou san, Kojurou, can I offer anything to eat? She asked, holding her cup in her lap. If he was going to behave like a child, she was going to treat him like a child.Amaya turned to look at Akihime, bowing her head before leaving herself, allowing Akihime and Yukimura to have their time alone. Kojurou saw Masamune move before Megohime and Kiyoaki did. He grabbed Masamune's wrist and kept him in place."Ho ho, Masamune sama is quite rowdy today." Kiyoaki remarked in good humor. Masamune jerked his arm from Kojurou's grasp and kicked his still full tea cup across the room, shattering it against the wall before he stormed out. Kojurou sighed and turned to Kiyoaki."I will have a new tea set made to repay for Masamune sama's behavior.""Oh, never you worry, it was only a cup, we have many." Kiyoaki said. Kojurou nodded and looked to Megohime."Are you alright, Megohime dono?" "Jin chan " Mitsuhide moved over to the golden haired woman with his usual smile, "Nobunaga sama has work for us to do more wickedness to cleanse " Megohime was holding her cup tightly, knuckles white as she stared intently at her empty cup. I m fine. She said quietly, but it was clear she was startled by Masamune s outburst. She set her cup on the tray and moved to clean up the broken shards of cup, setting them on the tray before mopping up the spilled tea with a rag. Please excuse me. She said, taking the tea tray and bowing her head to her father and Kojurou, then leaving the room quietly.Jin was knelt before the small shrine of Buddha, prayer beads wrapped around her hands as she prayed, the scent of insense wafting throughout the room. She opened her eyes and turned to look at Mitsuhide, a soft frown on her face as she removed the beads from her hands and stood. What would Nobunaga sama ask of me? She asked, turning to face him fully. "She'll be alright. She's just like her mother, built like an oak." Kiyoaki smiled. Kojurou exhaled, frustrated with Masamune's behavior.Masamune sat outside on the deck, arms folded tightly across his chest as he fumed and brooded."There is a temple built in Buddah's name but used to rob the people of their coin so the priests may live lavishly Nobunaga sama does not wish for them to live while their people suffer " Mitsuhide replied, "He has asked us to free the land of them." Jin scowled softly, giving a small nod before moving to the far corner where she kept her weapon, a naginata. After she retrieved her weapon, she returned to Mitsuhide s side. Which province? She asked, wanting to know of their destination. "Ise, not dreadfully far. We should reach there in a few days time " He answered. She agreed to the mission and headed off with him. It disgusted her that men who promised themselves to be servants of the gods would do such an act it was unforgivable.Later that night at Miharu castle, Masamune and Megohime would be forced into the same room again, somewhat enjoying the meal that had been prepared for Masamune s arrival. Megohime ate quietly while her father talked, seated beside Masamune but not looking at him. Masamune didn't like being close to Megohime, he was still really upset with her."So, are there any plans for heirs? I would love a few grandchildren." Okita smiled. Masamune didn't look up from his food."No, I got a concubine for that." He answered. Kojurou choked on his food and shot Masamune a glare."Masamune."They traveled in silence, as they usually did, Mitsuhide's smile never wavering. Megohime s hand stopped when she heard Masamune had gotten a concubine it wasn t uncommon, quite the opposite, it was almost expected of a Daimyo, but hearing him confirm that he was sleeping with another woman cut deep. She said nothing, returning to eating her food in silence she didn t even want to look at him. "Yoshi?" Okita looked to her daughter with concern, "Daijoubu?""That doesn't bother you, does it?" Masamune asked coldly. Megohime felt tears burn at her eyes when he made the callous comment, why did he have to be so mean? Was it because of the necklace? Without thinking she turned to Masamune, throwing the bowl of her miso soup at him, spoon, bowl and all. "Jesus!""Yoshi!" Okita and Kiyoaki looked alarmed where Masamune looked furious."What the hell is your problem?!" He shouted. You are! Megohime snapped back at Masamune, then stood and left the room before she would break down in tears, returning to her bedroom. Why did he have to talk about his concubine so casually, flaunting it in front of her? She understood she wasn t always clear with how she felt, but couldn t he understand it was hard for her? She loved him so much, yet at the same time, being honest with her own feelings was so hard. The servants tried to clean Masamune in a hurry to keep him from getting angrier, Kiyoaki apologizing profusely for Megohime's behavior."I will go speak to her." Okita offered and excused herself before going to Megohime's room and knocking gently, "Yoshi? May I come in?" I would like to be alone. Megohime s voice came from inside the room, and from the sound of her voice, it was clear she was crying. Okita frowned, "Yoshi, please...I know you're hurting. Let me come in? I know how you feel..." I just want to be alone. Megohime repeated, laying on her futon with the heavy blanket covering her. Who cares if he loves another woman, it s his choice. "Yoshi..." She said softly, "A concubine doesn't mean he doesn't love's expected of ensure he has as many children as possible. You know that..." This didn t make Megohime feel better. But he s never once asked me to bare him a child.. She said softly, tears rolling down her cheeks. "It'll work itself out, I'm sure. Masamune sama cares very deeply for you, I know it.." She said, "Don't worry so much, my darling.." Megohime was quiet for a long while before answering. I don t feel well, I just want to rest.. was her response, and it wasn t a lie her heart ached deeply and she felt sick. "Hai...I understand." She said and left quietly. Later that night, once Megohime heard the estate settle into a peaceful quiet, she quietly left her bedroom, making her way to the guest rooms and kneeling before one of the doors before knocking. Kojurou..? She called out quietly. "Hai, please come in, Megohime dono.." Kojurou called gently, "Are you well?" Megohime opened the door and carefully moved inside before closing the door behind her, remaining kneeled with her gaze down. Her eyes were puffy from crying, but she was not physically hurt. I m better, yes. She said softly. "You're crying...did Masamune hurt you?" He asked gently, moving closer. She shook her head and looked up at Kojurou, finding it a bit embarrassing to look so unsightly in front of someone. I don t know what to do.. She almost started to cry again. I feel like a terrible wife, always accepting gifts from the husband I give nothing..! I haven t even given him a child..! Kojurou stiffened, not really expecting this from Megohime. "O Oh, uh...well, a child takes time, Megohime dono. Iisaka dono has only given him one child so far and the child isn't even at the household with us." So the whore already had a head start. Great job, Kojurou. Tears dripped down Megohime s face gripping the skirt of her yukata. He didn t tell me he had a child.. She whispered. He never said anything about it in his letters. She looked shell shocked, face expressionless as tears ran down her cheeks. He immediately felt bad for telling her that, "Ah...I imagine this is wasn't my place to tell you, please forgive me. He does care deeply about you, however." Then why does he act this way? What do I do to be a better wife to him? She was wiping her tears away with her sleeves now this was completely odd, Megohime never seemed to be concerned about Masamune, let alone being concerned with being a good wife. "Despite what he might tell you, you're doing rather well just as you are," He said, "He speaks often about how he misses you, and he always smiles when your letters come in. He just...doesn't express his feelings very well. And with the threat of Nobunaga growing more by the day, he's just been under a large amount of stress." He gave a soft chuckle, "I've known him since he was a boy and he can barely communicate to me." Megohime couldn t help help choke out a laugh, shaking her head. He s just so frustrating... But I suppose that there are still things I can do to improve things.. She was quiet for a moment. Would it... Would it only inflame things more if I moved with you to his estate? She asked softly. "My honest opinion, I think Masamune sama would calm down some if you moved in." He told her, "Iisaka's not the greatest woman in the land of the rising sun. He only really goes to see her if he's especially frustrated." Megohime s cheeks flushed slightly and she cleared her throat, glancing at Kojurou. What if... W What if... He no longer wishes to bed me..? She whispered, clearly embarrassed to share such an intimate thought. "I don't think that to be the case." He told her calmly, the question hardly a bother, "He has been quite open about the idea. He told me once that his bed would be more of a comfort if he could smell tsubaki flowers instead of tobacco." Masamune paid attention to the scents she used? Tsubaki was his favorite? This alone made Megohime s heart soar, she always wore oils that were made with Camilla seed oil, but it wasn t something she shared on a regular basis. Tears of happiness rolled down her cheeks and she nodded. Hai, I will consider moving residence. She said softly. "Should I tell Masamune sama in the morning or would you like to?" He asked. She shook her head. I ll tell him, I just need time to say goodbye to my home. She said softly, bowing her head to him. Thank you for listening to my troubles, Kojurou. He bowed in return, "I will be here to provide council for you as I have with Masamune." Megohime nodded, thanking him before leaving his room to return to her own, turning in for the night in the warmth of her own bed. In the morning, Masamune was outside training with his swords, up early as he always was to get in some practice while he could. Masamune. It was Megohime, standing on the porch, watching him use his sword silently before speaking up. She was in new clothes and still had her favorite hair pin in, only her hair was completely pulled up. He stopped and looked over before sighing and moving over, "Listen, about yesterday, I'm really sorry for being such a jerk to you. You didn't deserve any of that. And I'm also sorry I didn't tell you about Iisaka earlier..." Megohime rubbed her neck, listening to him and letting him finish before speaking. I m sorry. She almost blurted out, her heart racing. It s just... I know you have your own duties to Japan and Oshuu, but I can t stand the thought of you with another woman. I love you so much, Masamune, and I want you to be happy. It was quite clear she wasn t one to make confessions often painfully obvious, she was flustered and blushing. I want to live with you, Masamune. Her statement took him by surprise, "Y...You do?" He asked, "You aren't messing with me?" She shook her head, reaching out and gently taking one of his hands, holding it in hers. I want to live with you Masamune, I want to give you an heir. She said softly, bringing his hand up to her lips and kissing his knuckles gently. I want to grow old with you. He dropped his Claw without a second thought, pulling her close and kissing her gently as he held her against him. He was careful not to ruin her obi or kimono or her hair that he knew she worked so hard on. Didn't want to ruin the moment so soon. Megohime melted into his kiss, closing her eyes and resting her hands against his chest. She kissed back, slow and gentle, her heart fluttering in her chest. He pulled away slowly and rested his forehead against hers, "Would you want to try for one later this evening... ?" She opened her eyes and nodded, cheeks flushed red. Yes. She cupped his cheeks with her hands, pulling away so she could kiss his forehead just above his brow. Come to my bedchambers, after everyone s gone to bed. "You got it." He said, "We'll try all night if you want " Megohime s face turned as red as her eyes, even her ears went red. W We have plenty of years to try for children..! She sputtered, flustered again it was almost too easy. "It's good to have them while we're still young." He grinned, "We won't go all night then, if it upsets you so " Megohime looked more embarrassed, turning her head away. W Well it s not that I don t want to go all night... She stiffened and now he thought she d just straight up faint. Th That s not I I didn t mean it that way! He laughed softly, a genuine sound she rarely ever heard, "Easy, you look like you're gonna pop if you fluster any more,baby." And it d be your fault too! She said, lightly smacking his chest completely joking of course. She rested her forehead against his chest, simply enjoying the smell of him the faint smell of leather and tobacco smoke, it was always a familiar scent, one she knew that only belonged to Masamune his own unique scent. You smell like horses still. She teased. "Yeah, well, it takes about a day to get here and I haven't bathed yet." He replied softly, "I'd ask you to join me and serve me sake but your hair would get ruined. Though an up side would be more of that tsubaki oil you use.." I can do my hair again, it just takes so long to dry. She said softly, then paused for a moment. I know where father keeps the good sake. "I would be honored with your company, Megohime.." He said gently. Megohime nodded, sending Masamune off to the small hot springs behind the main structure of the castle, which had a bath house built around it. She retrieved the sake from the small stash her father hid for special occasions and headed to the hot springs herself. When she entered the small changing room, she found Masamune had already undressed and made his way to the waters, so she quickly changed out of her own clothing, removing her hair pins and combs before holding a small bath towel against her chest to cover her front, and entered with the tray of sake and cups. Masamune was already relaxing, and when he heard the door open he glanced back and gave a smile, "Well hey there, beautiful." Megohime felt a bit more exposed than she did beautiful, only wearing a towel and her long hair undone. She moved over to him and set the tray on the stone floor beside him, pouring him a cup of sake. I m not wearing anything. She said, which was true, she had even wiped off her make up too. "Neither am I." He replied, "Is that a problem?" He looked concerned. Megohime s cheeks were pink, but she shook her head. I ve seen you bare before. She said softly, offering him the cup of sake, sitting in wait on the stones until he said otherwise. "You can come in.." He told her before drinking his sake, "That was the point of me inviting you.." Megohime nodded, folding the towel she had and setting it aside before carefully climbing into the bath beside Masamune, shifting so she could grab the sake bottle. Her hair floated along the surface of the water, almost looking like someone had spilled pure ink into the bath water. "There, see, I'm not so terrible." He grinned, holding out his empty sake cup, "Relax a little.." Megohime couldn't help but crack a small smile, pouring him another cup of sake before moving closer to him, leaning against his shoulder. Mm, not always true. She said softly, resting her head against him. But isn t that just a dragons nature? His arm moved around her waist and he held her, "Yeah, dragons are known for their volatile nature short fuses come with the territory " Megohime placed one hand on his chest, enjoying the warm water and Masamune s arm around her. You can t always use that as an excuse you know. She teased. "I can do what I want " He teased back, "Excuses are my speciality " She leaned up and kissed him gently, shaking her head. No, I m sure your specialty is something else.. "And what do you think it could be, hm?" He asked, reaching to play with her hair. You re a skilled warrior, a fine tactician, She said, giving his shoulder a gentle kiss between each statement. And from our wedding night, you proved you were a great lover.. He chuckled, "At least someone thinks so.." He said in good humor. Megohime laughed, a soft gentle laugh. That s awful! Don t say that! She said, cupping his cheek and running her thumb under his eye carefully. He laughed and held her hand gently, "Aw, does it upset you?" He grinned. She turned her head away and turned her nose up in a mock pout. I don t know, it might be the complete truth now, it has been quite some time. "Well we'll double check after everyone has gone to sleep " He said and moved to gently kiss the junction of her neck and shoulder. When he started to kiss her neck, Megohime realized just how much she missed Masamune and his touch. She let out a soft sigh, tilting her head to allow him more access to her neck. Why can t we check now? She whispered. "Because you told me to wait until nightfall, when everyone had turned in for the night." He said softly against her flesh, "Unless you want everyone to hear me make you scream now ?" The only noise in the bath house was the soft breathing from the two of them she turned so her lips were inches from his, eyes half closed. You don t always have to make everything so loud.. She said softly. "It's just the kinda guy I am,baby I can go slow and quiet if you want.." He said gently. She leaned forward and kissed him deeply, cupping his cheek gently before pulled away. Please..? "Alright, I'll slow down for once, but only cuz it's you." He said, tone gentle. Megohime nodded and set the sake bottle aside, moving closer to Masamune and kissing him again, resting her hands on his shoulders. He kissed back, holding her waist and pulling her closer against him. They took their time, going as slowly and quietly as they could, enjoying the intimate moment of love making. When it came time to attend dinner that night, both Megohime and Masamune were rather close there were no glares or snide comments, the opposite actually. Megohime passed everything Masamune asked of her, even pouring him sake. Okita smiled brightly and Kiyoaki looked a little baffled."Yoshi, you're rather polite tonight, what happened?" He asked. Am I? She gave a knowing glance to Masamune, pouring him another cup of sake when he held it out. I haven t noticed. The faintest or smirks showed on her face. Masamune nodded in thanks and drank his sake quietly. Kojurou passed a glance to Megohime, as if silently asking her if she had addressed her thoughts with Masamune. Megohime gave Kojurou a slight nod, setting down the sake jug and returning to eating her own food. Kojurou smiled softly and returned to his food, relieved that it could be worked out so well."I'm glad, I would hate for this visit to be an unpleasant one." Kiyoaki smiled. I think it s been pretty pleasant. Megohime said, another soft smirk on her lips again. Better than pleasant. Was there something she knew that they didn t? Okita giggled behind her sleeve, "Yoshi, how coy of you " She teased. Masamune smirked lightly."I've felt pretty at home so far." He said. Megohime cast her gaze down, hiding her smile behind her sleeve. The rest of the night went rather smoothly, the five of them enjoying their time together before one by one they all turned in for the night. "Do you still want me in your bed tonight?" Masamune asked softly as he said his good nights to Megohime. Megohime nodded, leaned forward to kiss Masamune again. Hai.. She said softly, taking his hand in her own. "Wanna keep trying for heirs... ?" He teased softly, kissing her softly. Megohime closed the door behind him and kissed him deeply, whispering a soft yes as she pulled him toward her bed. He helped guide her to the futon so she wouldn't trip over herself, his hands slowly working the knot of her obi. Megohime discarded her dress piece by piece, laying back on the futon and untying the sash of Masamune s yukata. He pet her silken skin slowly, loving the softness of her, leaning down to kiss and suck gently on her neck. Megohime let out a soft sigh as he kissed her neck, wrapping her arms around his neck, tilting her head so he could reach every inch of her neck. His fingers moved over her sensitive flesh slowly, wanting her to tremble and beg for him. Megohime gasped and murmured softly, laying one arm over her eyes, enjoying every touch. He kissed slowly along her collarbone slowly as his fingers teased her slowly, enjoying her soft mewls and whines. The pressure that was building from him teasing her clit was starting to increase, making her gasp and dig her nails into his shoulder. Masamune...! He stopped and kissed up her neck, "Do you want me, Mego...?" He asked softly against her flesh. Megohime nodded, bringing her fingers through his hair. I do... I need you, Masamune.. She said breathlessly. He pushed off his yukata and rubbed the tip of his cock against her entrance before slowly pushing into her. He was gentle, like he was in the bath, not wanting her to feel rushed. Megohime pulled him closer, kissing him deeply as he pushed into her, feeling a soft moan against his lips. He braced himself over her, reaching to gently hold her hand as he moved slowly, soft moans sounding in his throat. Megohime squeezed his hand gently, her toes curling and her head rolling back as she let out a strangled moan, trying to keep quiet. They continued their slow pace long into the night, enjoying the closeness and the intimacy before Masamune helped her achieve her climax and that in turn allowed him to meet his own climax and fill her with his seed. Even after their love making, the two would exchange loving kisses and soft caresses. Legs tangled together, Megohime lay with her head on Masamune s chest, fingers laced with his as she left a trail of gentle kisses along his sternum. I love you. She said softly. He played with her hair gently, eye closed as he relaxed, "I love you, too." He replied softly, "Always." The last of the visit went just as smoothly, ending with Megohime sending Masamune off from Miharu s castle gates with the promise to arrive at his estate in Oshuu within the month. "I'll get the room ready for your arrival." Masamune told her from atop his horse before reaching to take her hand and kiss her knuckles gently, "I'll make sure Iisaka keeps away from you." Megohime gave a small nod, caressing his cheek. Just house her with the horses. She said softly, almost as if joking, but the look in her eyes told Masamune she was not joking in the slightest. He chuckled softly, "She has her own part of the estate she stays in, she hardly ever leaves. You'll be alright. She doesn't compare to you anyway " Megohime tilted her nose up slightly. I don t see while you ll need her anymore, She let out a soft sigh. But as long as she stays away from me we won t have any issues. "Promise." He said gently."Masamune sama." Kojurou called and Masamune made a small noise of disappointment."Don't miss me too much." He told her, "I love you, baby." Megohime watched him ride off with his retainer, sighing softly before returning into the castle. She planned to say goodbye to her parents, planning on staying with them for only two more weeks before following after her husband. It didn't seem like very long a few days maybe before Kiyoaki received word that Masamune was making his way back to the castle."I guess he missed you a bit too much, Yoshi." Kiyoaki smiled. Megohime looked confused, she had planned to leave a little early, perhaps Masamune didn t want for her to travel all that way on her own? She did miss Masamune already, her feelings for him had only increased, feeling that they had rekindled their love during his time at Miharu castle. When Masamune arrived, Kojurou was chasing him as he made a war path through the castle. Kiyoaki looked confused as Masamune passed."Masamune sama?" He called worriedly. He ignored him and Kiyoaki looked to Kojurou for help, but the Right Eye only gave him a brief apology before chasing Masamune again. Megohime had just emerged from the bath house, heading back to her bedroom to have her handmaidens help her get ready for Masamune s arrival. Nobuko, can you ready my blue and gold Furisode? She said, sliding open the door and stopping dead in her tracks at the sight before her. It looked like the scene of a nightmare Masamune stood over the butchered corpses of her handmaidens, three of his swords dripping with blood. When he heard the door, he turned and glared death at Megohime."Masamune sama, please control your !" Kojurou was cut off at the sight, eyes wide, "Masamune...!" Megohime s face was pale, and she stared at the corpses of her handmaidens, the women who had been with her for years then she say Nobuko, her wet nurse. She slowly sunk to her knees, tears slipping down her face as she stared into the wide, dead eyes of the older woman. What have you done..? She whispered. "I thought we had really fixed things." He growled, moving toward her, "I thought that maybe, we could actually be happy and have a decent marriage. But no." He stopped before her and grabbed her by her yukata, hoisting her up roughly, "You were just pulling the wool over my eyes so when I got home, your assassins wouldn't have too much trouble taking me out." Her eyes were still glued to the woman who had raised her along side her mother, now lifeless in a pool of her own blood. When she finally tore them away from Nobuko s corpse, she met Masamune s eye, shaking her head, fresh tears still pouring down her cheeks. What assassin? "The assassins you sent!" He snapped, shaking her roughly, "The one with your crest! The one that nearly slit my throat the other day!" Megohime flinched and shied away. I didn t send any assassins! I wouldn t! She cried, shaking her head. I had nothing to do with it! "Don't lie to me!!" Masamune screamed."Masamune sama," the Leader of Oshuu's dark gaze snapped to the head of the Tamura clan, "You said our crest was found among the assassins?""Did I fucking stutter?" Masamune hissed. Kiyoaki frowned heavily."There have been those in the Tamura family who do not agree with yours and Megohime's union. Perhaps it was one of them. I will look into it for you. Just please...please do not hurt my daughter." Megohime wept softly, shaking, but not trying to pull away from Masamune. She knew he was stronger than her, and he had his swords out, he could easily cut her down from behind if she tried to run. Her heart was heavy, heavy at the loss Masamune had made her suffer. Masamune looked to Megohime and he scowled before dropping her, storming out of the room. Kiyoaki moved to Megohime and held her close, shielding her from the sight of her slain maidens and wet nurse. Kojurou stood silently, knowing Masamune would need a moment. Megohime held onto her father like a young child, crying softly, unable to look behind her at the carnage behind her. She had seen plenty of carnage before, but never of people who she knew. Kiyoaki took Mego away to help calm her and Kojurou helped the servants clean up and take the bodies for burial."I'm so sorry, Yoshi.." Kiyoaki said softly. Megohime couldn t speak, only shaking her head as she was walked to a guest room while her room was cleaned up. Kiyoaki stayed with her, Okita making her tea to help calm her. Megohime drank her tea, but otherwise was inconsolable, laying in bed and staring blankly at the wall as tears continued to drip down her face. Masamune didn't stay, but Kojurou did, to help them with anything they may need."I can only ask that you forgive Masamune sama." Kojurou said, sitting in Kiyoaki's meeting room with him and Okita, "His temper is not a strong suite.""To come into my home and murder people so close to his wife is deplorable," Kiyoaki stated, "I will not allow my daughter to live so close to such danger. She will stay here.""Tamura sama." Kojurou tried to argue but Kiyoaki held up his hand to silence him. Father. It was Megohime, standing in the doorway, still looking quite the mess her hair was partially undone, and her clothes still wrinkled from laying in bed, making it quite clear she hadn t bothered with her appearance. I m leaving with Kojurou. She said softly. "Yoshi...""Out of the question!" Kiyoaki told her, "I will not have you stay with that madman!""It would be wise not to disrespect my lord in front of me." Kojurou said lowly. That madman is also my husband. Megohime came into the room, slowly pulling her clothes smooth. And I will go where he goes. I m leaving in the morning. She said softly, voice heavy. "I refuse to allow you to leave!""My lord husband..." Okita gently touched Kiyoaki's arm, "It is her choice to make.." Megohime could hardly look at her father, wanting nothing more than to return to her bed. Kojurou, She turned to the retainer, meeting his eyes. I would be honored if you accompanied me tomorrow to Yonezawa castle. She bowed her head to him. Please remain here tonight so that we may depart in the morning. Kojurou bowed in return, "The honor would be mine, Megohime dono." He told her. Megohime lifted her head, bowing once more to her parents before leaving silently for her make shift bedroom. Kojurou turned to Kiyoaki and Okita and bowed deeply to them before leaving to catch up with Megohime, "Megohime dono, matte...!" Megohime stopped when she heard Kojurou, turning slowly to look over her shoulder at him, but saying nothing. He stopped before her and bowed deeply at the waist, "I want to apologize on Masamune sama's behalf. What he did was abhorrent and uncalled for. I will make him apologize when we get to the estate." No. Megohime said softly. This is not your burden to bare, She turned her head away. We all must grow up one day, and I suppose today is my turn. She left without another word, leaving Kojurou by himself. The rest of the day went on rather solemnly a small funeral was held for Megohime's sake, Kojurou standing a few feet away to show his respect. Megohime and Kojurou departed the next morning as she had requested, taking with her only a few essentials, and sending the rest of her clothing by courier. "I truly am sorry for your loss, Megohime dono.." Kojurou said, "I know you don't wish to bring it up anymore, but I just wanted to give my final condolences.." Megohime stared down at the reigns of her horse, a soft frown on her face. Thank you. She said softly. The two exchanged little in the way of conversation during the journey, but Megohime s mood did seem to improve very slightly. They broke for the night to rest the horses and to eat, still sharing little conversation. Kojurou didn't talk much anyway so the lack of conversation didn't bother him. He only hoped Megohime would be ok. Megohime did her best to hide her fear, her fear of Masamune, and her fear of the nightmares that plagued her she wouldn t let them show. Regardless of her husbands actions, she would remain loyal to him, for she still loved him. After a decent night's rest they continued their journey at first light, making it to the estate by early afternoon. "I will go inside first in case Masamune sama is still angry." He told her gently. She didn t argue with that, simply nodding and following Kojurou up the path to the estate, a bit sore from her ride. "Masamune sama?" Kojurou called, "Tadaima!""Welcome home." Masamune's voice called, coming down the hall to meet Kojurou. When he saw Megohime, however, his body went rigid and his pupil turned into a thin line. Megohime walked close behind Kojurou, too close in Masamune s eye. His rage burned brighter than ever, recalling the night her heard Megohime in Kojurou s room late at night, and now the two of them had been alone together at Miharu castle for an entire day, that was more than enough time for the two to be intimate. Tadaima.. Megohime said softly, bowing her head to Masamune. Masamune stomped toward her and Kojurou did his best to shield her but Masamune only shoved him away, smacking Megohime to the ground."Masamune!" Kojurou yelled. Masamune ignored him, glaring down at Megohime."And let me guess, you kept Kojurou for a couple days just to rub it in, huh? How was his company in your bed, huh?! More preferable than mine?!" Masamune shouted. Kojurou looked flabbergasted."Have you lost your mind?!" Megohime fell to the ground hard and held her cheek in shock, eyes wide as she listened to what Masamune had to say. What are you talking about..? She looked up at him, face contorted in confusion. I ve never even once thought of Kojurou in such a way! "Then why the hell did he take so long getting home?!""I was busy helping clean up the destruction you left behind and helped them grieve over the senseless slaughter you caused!" Kojurou snapped, "If you lay another hand on her, I will restrain you!" Seriously... Megohime s brow furrowed and she got back onto her feet slowly, glaring at Masamune with a look that could kill. You think I would be unfaithful to you? You re the one fucking other women! She snapped. Kojurou sharing my bed? The only man I ve shared my bed with was you, you asshole! You slaughtered part of my family, and for what? Someone who tried tho kill you baearding my family crest!? Are you a complete idiot or do you just want it to be true!? Masamune's whole body went rigid and he reached for his swords but Kojurou was faster. He slammed Masamune into the wall, twisting his hands behind his back and pinning him there."Do yourself a damned favor and calm down." Kojurou growled. Masamune was livid, beyond livid, struggling to get Kojurou off of him. Megohime scowled more, watching Masamune struggle to break free. Why don t you go crawling back to your whore. She hissed lowly, then turned to leave, deciding to take a walk through the estate so she could calm down. Kojurou shoved Masamune in the other direction and pointed down the hall, signaling that he should go calm down. With a huff, Masamune left to sit and pout on the back deck, keeping away from Megohime as Kojurou instructed. Megohime sat in her own secluded area for quite some time, simply watching the clouds roll by, watching the mountains and the birds, even watching the people in the fields below. How could Masamune think she was unfaithful? She had never given him a reason to suspect so, and with Kojurou no less. "Megohime dono?" It was Kojurou, coming to check on her, "Here I am, once again apologizing for Masamune." I won t accept it. Megohime said sharply, turning to look at Kojurou. I want to hear it from him, not you. She said, standing from her spot on the deck and taking a deep breath. I m tired of not being able to be his wife, being the way I am now is not how I want to be. I want to be at his side while he conquers Japan, not hiding behind castle walls waiting for him. "I understand. Perhaps we should give Masamune sama a moment to clear his head. I need to check on the reports of Nobunaga's progress, that should give him enough time to settle. Then we will go and speak with Masamune I won't interfere unless he grows violent." He told her, "Agreed?" Megohime shook her head, crossing her arms. I m not going to dance around this anymore. She started down the hallway. Finish your reports and meet up with me when you re done, I need to speak with my husband in private. He blinked and bowed, "Of course." He said and moved to look over the war reports. It didn t take Megohime long to track down Masamune, almost like she could sniff him out. Masamune. She frowned softly as she stopped a few feet down the hall from Masamune, watching him. "What?" Masamune asked gruffly, "I'm still not in the mood to deal with you." He could hear footsteps behind him before Megohime grabbed his shoulder roughly, and she threw her leg over his, straddling his hips as she kissed him deeply, practically yanking him forward by his robes. He grabbed at her kimono greedily, kissing back just as hard and just deeply as he pulled her tight against him. Megohime made a soft noise against his lips, slowly moving him back so he was laid out on his back on the deck, with Megohime on top of him. She braced her hand on one side of his head, keeping a firm grip on his yukata. She only pulled away to speak against his lips. Fuck me. "A bit bold there, princess." He growled lowly, "Here, in the open?" She bit his lip gently and pulled slightly. You could fuck me in the bath house again if you wanted, I don t give a shit. She muttered and kissed him again. "Didn't think you to be a masochist." He said before pushing himself up and dragging her to their bedroom. As soon as the two were behind closed doors, Megohime pulled Masamune into another kiss, fingers working at the sash of his yukata to untie it. He worked her obi expertly, undoing the knot and pulling it from the robes, pushing them almost roughly from her body. The only mark on Megohime s skin was the small love bite Masamune had left on her breast, otherwise her skin was completely pertfect. Strangely, the rough treatment Masamune gave her only exited her, pulling his yukata off and working on his fundoshi, rubbing him through the fabric. He growled lowly and ran his hands roughly over her as she worked on the last of his clothes, his cock throbbing at her touch Megohime moved to kneel before Masamune, cheeks flushed as she took the tip of his cock into her mouth, trailing her tongue over the head before slowly taking more into his mouth. He watched her with a half lidded eye, moaning lowly as he clenched his fists tightly. He wanted to grab her hair but she would probably hit him. Touch me.. Megohime muttered, licking down the length of his cock, holding his hips to keep herself steady as she took him into her mouth again. "How. Where." He demanded, tone low and husky. Pull my hair. She demanded, wrapping her hand around the base of his manhood, giving slow strokes every now and again as she sucked him off, careful to not let her teeth drag against his sensitive flesh. He gripped her hair tight and gave a tug, rumbling lowly and moaning loudly as she worked him. Megohime worked Masamune until she felt him tremble, then finish inside her mouth, making her gag a bit, but she pushed down the urge to yank away. She sat back on her heels, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and looking up at Masamune. Satisfied..? She asked. "You didn't have to swallow it," He huffed, "But yeah, I'm pretty good." Megohime stood and touched his cheek. Masamune, I ve never been unfaithful to you, not once in my life. You re the only man I love. He held her hand and exhaled, "I know...I know, I'm sorry I flipped out like that. Things are getting tough, Mego...I've been jumping the gun a lot lately." Let me help you then. She said softly. I want to be on your war council. She said, looking up at him. I studied for almost a decade to do so, let me carry some of that burden. "If you're sure...I don't want to put you at any risk." He said gently, "Nobunaga isn't one for diplomacy." Megohime shook her head. As your wife, I swore to follow you anywhere. She said. And even if that means following you onto the field of battle, that s where I will go. He exhaled and nodded, "Alright, if you really want to.." She smiled softly and nodded. I would be honored to serve you, my husband. None None At Masamune's next war meeting, he entered with Kojurou as usual and everyone bowed to him until they heard the sound of okobo accompany Masamune. When they looked up, they saw a woman move to sit beside Masamune. They looked confused, wondering why thei lord had brought a concubine with him. Though the woman was rather beautiful, she stuck out like a sore thumb. She wore extravagant robes and many decretive hair pieces, and they only grew more confused when she set down a pad of papers and readied a paint brush and ink. "Why did Masamune sama bring his concubine with him?""Is it a new stress relief thing?" They whispered and Masamune grew annoyed. Megohime paid no attention to Masamune s men, simply writing down a few things as Kojurou spoke. It wasn t like the woman Masamune brought with him wasn t dressed modestly, but a woman in his war room? And in such formal attire? No one was listening to what Kojurou was saying and it only annoyed Masamune more."Stop staring at my wife like she's some kind of circus attraction!" He yelled. They all jumped in fear. Wife?! That was his wife?! Megohime turned her head to look toward the men, an indifferent look on her face as she set her brush down to bow her head to them. Hajimemashite. And with that, she picked up her brush again. "Gomenasai!!" Everyone bowed deeply to Megohime, feeling guilty that they thought so poorly of their hitto's wife. Megohime said nothing to the men, only looking to Kojurou. Please, continue at your leisure. She said, and although she seemed calm, Masamune knew that familiar glint in her eyes Megohime was angry. Kojurou nodded and continued with his report. Oda had recently taken most of the Odawara province, even going to far as to destroy the village his wife, Nohime, was born in. He left nothing but destruction as he made his way north, and there was rumor that Tokugawa Ieyasu had allied himself with Oda, as well as Maeda Toshiie of Kaga. Whoever denied Oda's alliance was quickly slaughtered. Megohime kept meticulous notes, which, when glanced at seemed like she was simply writing poetry horrible poetry at that. She was not however writing poetry, but keeping notes, note s in which she encrypted by substituting certain words with other words, or even entire phrases, ensuring if those notes did end up in enemy hands, they would be disregarded. Masamune glanced at her work and gave a small impressed noise, "Not bad, Mego.." He praised quietly. Megohime smiled faintly, giving Masamune a small nod of thanks, continuing her work in silence. At the same time, at the Takeda estate, Shingen summoned Yukimura and Akihime to his meeting room to discuss the still growing threat of Nobunaga. They both bowed outside his room and Akihime spoke up."Oyakata sama, I Akihime await your command." Sanada Yukimura reporting in. Yukimura bowed his head to the paper door, his long hair nearly touching the deck as he waited for Shingen s instruction to enter. "Ah, Yukimura, Akihime, enter." Shingen called and Akihime slid the door open to allow Yukimura first entry. Inside was a kunoichi in a rather immodest body suit and blonde hair. Akihime averted her eyes immediately, her face flushing at all the skin the kunoichi was revealing. The ninja turned and bowed to both of them."I am a messenger from Uesugi, my name is Kasuga." She greeted. Yukimura got to his feet and a small smile appeared on his face. Oh! So you are Kasuga! Yukimura knew this woman? Sasuke has said so much about you! He moved over to him, bowing his head again. I am Sanada Genjirou Yukimura! Kasuga looked a little concerned when Yukimura mentioned Sasuke had spoken of her and Akihime moved to stand by her husband."Isn't she Sasuke's betrothed?" She asked softly. Kasuga was taken wildly aback by this."Betrothed?! What nonsense has he told you?!" She demanded, clearly embarrassed. Ah, by the way, have you two decided on a date for the wedding? Yukimura was painfully oblivious to the fact that this all seemed to be news to Kasuga as well, he merely looked excited to see his loyal shinobi s betrothed. "A date?!" Kasuga rose her voice in her humiliation. Akihime glanced around, moving closer to her husband."Where is Sasuke anyway...? You think he would be over the moon to see his wife...""He has no reason Sasuke isn't ! Sarutobi Sasuke and I share no such relationship!" Kasuga argued. Shingen didn't seem to be bothered with the interaction."Sasuke is on a mission similar to your own. I sent him to speak with Tokugawa of Mikawa and Azai of Omi." All attention landed on the leader of Kai, "We plan for a temporary alliance." An alliance? Yukimura kneeled before his lord, taking a spot beside Kasuga to listen to Shingen. Could it be that you intend to defeat Oda together with the generals from other lands? He asked, placing his hands on his knees. "Precisely," Shingen said and Akihime moved to sit at the side, not exactly understanding why Shingen had requested to see her as well, "this ludicrous world under warrior rule Nobunaga desires is a world ruled by fear and carnage. We must first protect this world before we destroy each other over it." Kasuga looked surprised by his words and Akihime lifted her eyes gently to look up at her commander. Sir, with all due respect, Yukimura piped up. With your strength, my lord, and the power of the Takeda s cavalry, I believe we are more than a match, even for Oda s forces! "But we would not go unscathed," Shingen retorted calmly, standing from his seat, "Assuming we defeat Oda we will suffer great casualties, leaving us indefensible against other enemy attacks." Yukimura bowed his head. That may be so, but we will never know unless we try..! He argued against his lord. In an instant, Shingen moved and punched Yukimura straight through the back door and into the courtyard wall."Yukimura sama!" Akihime gasped, rushing to the broken door to check on her husband, Kasuga's eyes widened in shock as she looked back at where Yukimura had flown."Am I not constantly telling you to expand your view?! Bafoon!" Shingen chastised. Yukimura staggered back into the room, like he had simply been pushed out rather than literally punched through the door. Forgive me my lord, but other than Lord Kenshin, the generals of the other lands seek to profit from the sidelines at every opportunity! Would they ever answer the call for join forces? Shingen only seemed to punch him harder, sending him back into the wall. Akihime looked horrified, though she was used to their antics like this, she could not bear to see Yukimura hurt."You contradict yourself, boy! What did you just say to me? 'We will never know unless we try'!?" Shingen moved to stand by the door and Akihime kept her head bowed to him, "Heed my words, young Cub: before you are able to charge the foe in front of you, first you must fix your eye on the broader horizon." Yukimura again, was on his feet in moments, moving to kneel before his lord once again, bowing his head. Yes, my lord! "In truth, even I had half given up, as we had not received even one favorable reply. Until one day, not long ago did I receive a letter." He said. Akihime looked up curiously."A letter, Oyakata sama? From whom?" She asked."The vagabond of Maeda." Shingen answered and Akihime noticed Kasuga's body language change seems tonight was full of surprises for her, "Putting his wanderlust to good use, he is spending his time visiting the generals of the neighboring lands. This Maeda Keiji's plan for an allied army...was in fact eerily similar to my own. Once I ascertained the sincerity of his actions, I dispatched Sasuke to speak to the generals on my behalf once again." He explained before turning to Kasuga. "Kasuga, yes?""Yessir." Kasuga looked up, awaiting Shingen's order."Please infor your lord Kenshin that Takeda Shingen readily consents." He told her. Kasuga bowed to him."Of course." She replied. Yukimura felt his heart move within his chest, and he bowed deeply to his lord. My Lord, I, Yukimura, am feeling renewed admiration for your depth of thought. You think not solely of the good of the land of Kai or the Takeda army, but I see you first trying to protect the land of the rising sun from the menace that is Oda Nobunaga, Devil King of the Sixth Heaven! "Listen well, Yukimura. Do not doubt the importance of your presence. Be a man of faith ever forging upward to even greater heights." Shingen told him, "With Maeda Keiji spurring him into action, Dokuganryuu Date Masamune will likely rush the enemy on his own. We will use him as our spearhead, and quickly advance to reinforce him. For that to work, I would have Tokugawa join us, and ideally have Azai pin Oda from behind. Though certainly it will require a heart wrenching decision on Azai's part.""Oyakata sama," Shingen looked to Akihime, who was bowing deeply to Shingen, "words cannot express the honor you bestow upon Yukimura sama and I, for sharing such secrecies, as well as with the honorable envoy of Echigo. However," She looked up, frowning softly, "I am curious as to why I have been permitted to hear such things.""You will be joining in our fight against the Devil King." He told her. Her eyes widened and she slowly pointed to herself."M...Me...?" She asked. Yukimura looked shocked, looking to Shingen. My Lord! He didn t know how to feel, he felt conflicted. On one hand, he knew Akihime was a capable fighter, he had seen her sparring before, but she had never been on a real battle field before, and their marriage was only a fledgling. Though Akihime has proved herself with a weapon, I am worried for her safety! "Rightly so, Yukimura. But she will prove useful in our attack and we need as many capable warriors as possible." Shingen told him. Akihime's expression set and she bowed her head."I will bring honor to the Takeda in our fight against the Devil King, Oyakata sama. As the wife of a warrior, I shall not falter." She stated. None None Megohime didn t like it when the wandering Vagabond came to Oshuu, and she didn t like it when he stayed. All it did was stir up Masamune and lead to more outbursts when he decided to tag along to Nagashino and Shitaragahara. She rode up front with Masamune and Kojurou, wearing a Gi and Hakama with a leather chest guard, and metal leg plates on her hips. She traded her hair combs for a simple tie, but still wore her beloved hair pin through said ponytail.Yukimura rode along side Shingen, and on his other side, his wife Akihime rode her horse. The Takeda army stood in formation along with the Uesugi army, swaying their lords orders. "Masamune sama," Kojurou called as he rode up to Masamune's side and Masamune gave a grunt of acknowledgement, "About this Maeda vagabond, I'm still not sure I trust him.""What, you think he's luring us into the Devil King's clutches?" Masamune asked blandly."It's not inconceivable he may not be tied down to his house, but he still claims the family name. Maeda Toshiie supports Oda, and in return I hear he was just given the land of Kaga." Kojurou said. Masamune glanced back and snorted."Whatever. So long as he doesn't get in my way."Akihime sat side saddle on her horse, her tessen strapped to the back of the saddle as she awaited orders. She wore a white gi with red trim that hung from her right shoulder, the Sanada crest embroidered into the sleeve of her left shoulder, a white sleeveless laced shirt underneath, with red western style pants and shin guards. Across from them was the Tokugawa army, and this was the last chance to sway Ieyasu to fight against Oda."Yukimura, Akihime. You're with me.""Hai!" Akihime gripped her reigns tightly as they followed Shingen into Ieyasu's camp. Megohime scowled more, but kept her opinion to herself, adjusting the bow she had over her back, the string resting against her chest plate. If we don t trust him, why have we allowed him to follow us? She muttered to herself.Yukimura s brow was set, nodding and kicking his horse to move, holding his spears tightly. He was clearly on edge as the three of them rode into the sea of Mikawa soldiers, who although moved aside for them, also encircled them once they passed. "He can get us close to Oda. That's all I care about." Masamune stated, and his tone told her that he was set in killing Nobunaga here and today.Shingen dismounted his horse and Akihime followed, leaving her tessen on her saddle as Shingen set down his massive broad axe. As they moved to Shingen, the soldiers pointed theor weapons at Yukimura, who kept hold of his spears."Hold!" Ieyasu called and Shingen looked back at Yukimura."Your spears, boy. You will not need them here." He said calmly. Yukimura paused where he was, glancing around before giving a nod. Once he left his spears with his horse, he continued with Shingen and Akihime, staying close to Akihime. Please, remain by my side, Akihime dono. He said softly. Akihime blushed and moved closer, "Hai, Yukimura sama." She said softly. When they stopped before Ieyasu, there was no formalities, no one bowed and the air was tense."It has been too long, Takechiyo." Shingen greeted. Ieyasu smiled softly."Ah, Shingen sama! Looking as well as ever, I'm glad." Ieyasu replied. I am Sanada Genjiro Yukimura. I am most pleased to make your acquaintance. He gave a curt nod, then gave a small gesture to Akihime. And this is my wife, Akihime. Akihime bowed to Ieyasu and the young general smiled."I have heard tales of your many valorous deeds, Sanada dono. And you, Akihime dono, if I recall were once apart of the noble Toyotomi clan.""Hai, my father and I owe much to Hideyoshi sama. But my ties are now merely familial, as I take the crest of my honorable husband as my own." She answered. Ieyasu only smiled more."The bond you share with Sanada dono is unbreakable." He said kindly. Akihime nodded, smiling softly."As his wife, I swear fealty only to him, even against my own father." She said. Yukimura stood by his lords side the entire negotiation, but as expected, it inevitably fell through, Ieyasu refusing to turn traitor against Nobunaga, and making the first move. As his forces advanced on the joint Takeda Uesugi army, the three of them returned to their mounts to take to the battle field. As expected of a warrior wife, Akihime was skilled with her weapon. Though it was mainly defensive, her movements were fluid and graceful, like she was preforming a dance. Some soldiers didn't want to fight her because she was so entrancing, others didn't want to fight simply because despite how small she was as compared to her weapon she wielded it with a terrifying force. Yukimura was a blaze of wildfire on the battlefield, wielding his spears with as much passion as always he was nimble, dispatching one enemy after the other, all while making sure he remained close to Akihime should any issue arise for her.Not too far off, another battle was starting, Azai Nagamasa and his army had intercepted Masamune s own army, forcing them to halt their advance. Akihime seemed like a completely different person on the battlefield, like a switch was flicked on in her head. Her tessen sent men flying and caved in armors and she didn't bat an eye. Any soldier that came toward her or her husband was immediately knocked down. As one soldier rushed Yukimura to avenge a fallen friend, Akihime caved in his chest armor using her tessen as a club."Yukimura sama," She said firmly, "I know it causes you great pain to see such loss of life, but this is how it must be. In order to reach a peaceful future for our loved ones, sacrifices must be made." She looked to him and smiled sadly, "The Oda would not grieve like you or I do for these men, so not let their sacrifice be in vain.""Tokugawa is moving to block Takeda and Uesugi's path." Kojurou said, watching the fight between the three factions."It's just a skirmish once we deal with the Devil King, we'll double back and clean up," Masamune said, "Then we get Shinano, too." Yukimura clenched his fists, his face setting as he nodded. Yes, Akihime dono. He said softly. This wasn t his first battle, nor even his second, but even then, some feelings that stirred within him during battle never went away not entirely at least.Suddenly, one by one, the entire Date army came to a screeching halt, causing dust to fly and horses to nicker in protest of such a sudden stop. Megohime s brows knit as she looked out over the field, and across from them, a cavalry force. She looked alarmed when she heard something large and mechanical move across the field, taking out their troops by the handful Honda Tadakatsu had been summoned to join the fight.Masamune whistled and smirked, "You got some nerve trying to block my way. Who are you, and where are you from?" Listen well! I am none other than Azai Bizen no Kami Nagamasa! I cannot permit you to go any further! The man known as Nagamasa said, his face serious as he stared Masamune down.Yukimura frowned, watching Tadakatsu mow down men left and right as he made his way across the battle field. Master Honda Tadakatsu, greatest warrior in all of the warring states I presume?! Flames flickered to life on the ends of Yukimura s spears. I, Sanada Yukimura, shall fight you with all my might! He proclaimed as he charged the large robot. Come! Let us have a fair fight! "Azai Nagamasa?" Masamune repeated, scowling softly."The Devil King's brother in law. Perhaps Oda sent him here." Kojurou remarked. This only made Masamune scowl more. Hoof beats behind the alerted the retainers and they looked, seeing Keiji run off on his own."Where are you going?!""He's not running away, is he?!"Tadakatsu rushed at Yukimura with lightning speed, locking his drill with Yukimura's spears and pushing him backward. It was a struggle, Tadakatsu putting all his strength to overpower Yukimura. Yukimura slid backward as he attempted to stop Tadakatsu s massive drill, and after the robot pushing him back so far, Yukimura stopped he had stopped his attack, keeping him in his tracks before shoving him back, away from his person. "He stopped Tadakatsu's attack?!" Ieyasu looked taken aback and Tadakatsu pushed back, using his jets to push forward and send Yukimura into the air before following him skyward to try and smack him back down into the ground. Yukimura maneuvered in the air, using his spears to block the drill once more, just narrowly avoiding his attack by inches. He landed on the ground below, letting out a breath.Megohime fired arrow after arrow, picking off Nagamasa s men one by one, clashing with his army as Nagamasa himself battled with Masamune. "Dana!" Sasuke yelled and threw his shurikun at Tadakatsu to distract him, Akihime rushing up on the mechanical samurai and swinging open her fan to hit him in the chest before kicking off him and landingbeside Yukimura."Are you alright, Yukimura sama?" She asked worriedly. Shingen moved and locked his axe with Tadakatsu's drill, both of them equal in strength."Nagamasa sama!!" A voice rang out and everyone looked, seeing Nagamasa's wife Lady Oichi rushing to him. She looked terrified beyond belief. Yukimura stood, breathing heavily, but giving a firm nod to Akihime. I am alright. He confirmed, then took a step forward to address his lord. My lord! I shall take him one on one! Megohime stopped, bow drawn tight, but she held onto the arrow. Why was a woman or anyone without a weapon for that fact running down the middle of the battlefield? Ichi? Nagamasa lowered his blade slightly, looking away from Masamune and toward the sound of his wife s voice. "He is not one that can be taken on alone!" Shingen stated with effort, the force between him and Tadakatsu creating a crater in the ground. They pushed each other back and Sasuke moved in with his shurikun once more, Akihime rushing and jumping to smash her tessen into Tadakatsu's head."Yukimura sama, his joints are his weak spots!" She called before crying out in surprise as Tadakatsu grabbed her leg and threw her aside. Sasuke caught her easily and set her down gently away from the fighting.Oichi was running as fast as she possibly could to get to Nagamasa, only to trip over her own feet and fall to the ground. She pushed herself up quickly, too out o breath from her dead sprint."Nagamasa sama, run!!" She screamed and just behind them was Akechi Mitsuhide and another woman they hadn't yet met with the Oda arquebus corp. Yukimura moved quickly, attacking Tadakatsu relentlessly, jamming one spear into his shoulder before flipping over the massive man, and impaling his second spear into his jet pack. He broke off the head of the spear and moved away, freezing when the roaring sound of gunfire traveled across the battle field.Nagamasa grunted and stumbled back, over a dozen bullets hitting him, but still he refused to go down.The woman beside Mitsuhide motioned for the arquebus corps to rotate, allowing the men in front to reload as the second row fired on Matsunaga and his men, as well as Masamune s. Time seemed to slow down for Oichi as she watched her husband fall to the ground. Bullets grazed passed Masamune, bouncing off his helmet and armor as he stood stock still."Nagamasa sama!" Oichi ran over when the arquebus corps stopped their firing to reload and she covered her mouth in horror when she saw the damage. She dropped and held him close, crying weakly over her dying husband. Mitsuhide moved over, relishing in Oichi's anguish as he explained that their marriage was no more than a farce, that Oichi was meant to seduce Nagamasa's generals to undermine his authority the only reason the plan failed was because Oichi had fallen in love with Nagamasa."Beautiful to behold yet rotten to the core truly the sister of the Devil King " Mitsuhide added cruelly. Megohime couldn t believe this absolute shit show, first intercepted, and now she had been wounded the first battle Masamune brought her with him. She grunted in pain, ignoring the wound in her shoulder, feeling warm blood trickling down her front and back a through and through. She simply hid her wound, not saying anything.Her silence wasn t only due to her wound, but the fact that she had just watched comrades gun down one of their own, right before his wife. Seriously...? She looked disgusted, bow at her side with her arms. Masamune was beyond livid taking Nagamasa's helm and passing it to Kojurou before moving to stand across from Mitsuhide. Akechi smirked coyly, holding his scythe."Not a single round hit you. You must be extraordinary ""You serve the Devil King." Masamune growled lowly and Kojurou immediately caught on."Masamune sama, don't!""This man was your shield, he fought for you! And you gun him down from behind like a rabid dog?! This aggression will not stand!" Masamune shouted, his anger radiating off him. Mitsuhide smirked and brandished his scythe."I see you're angry, Dokuganryuu shall we have a little fun ?" He asked. Masamune unsheathed his katana and rushed Mitsuhide, ready to put him down. The odd looking woman did not follow Mitsuhide, allowing him to battle Masamune on his own while she ordered the arquebus corps to reload and rotate once again, a rather sharp looking naginata in her hand. "Mego!" Masamune shouted, "Use your bow and take that bitch out!"As Masamune dealt with Mitsuhide and the arquebus corps, Ieyasu had no choice but to retreat to save what little soldiers he had left. Tadakatsu moved to the middle of the Takeda forces to stand before Yukimura, pointing his drill at the Cub."Yukimura, the supposed strongest warrior in the land has deemed you a worthy general. Hold your ground by any means possible." Shingen said. Yes, sir! Yukimura turned back to face the warrior before him, taking up a stance. I understand, my lord! He said, then looked to Akihime, giving a small nod to show he would be alright on his own.Megohime grit her teeth and drew her bow, agony shooting through her arm as she did so. Just make sure you kill that freak! She shouted back as she shot her arrow, which although flew straight, was cut down easily. The woman with the pale golden hair had hardly seemed to move, bringing her naginata down and cutting the arrow down the middle, scowling softly, but not moving a single step. She wanted to hear him say it, she felt so selfish. "Do you promise?" She asked weakly, gripping her tessen, "Do you promise we'll go home together after all this, Yukimura sama?""All units, with me!" Shingen called and looked to Akihime, "You, too, Akihime.""H Hai, I just..." Her gaze didn't leave Yukimura, her heart pounding in her ears.Masamune became more aggressive in his attacks, tired of Mitsuhide dicking around like he was. This wasn't a game, this was an actual serious battle and here this creep was having a blast. Akihime felt a warm hand on her cheek. I promise you we will return home together. He said gently, looking down at her with warm brown eyes.Megohime did her best to land a hit on the woman with Mitsuhide, but she was only able to fire four more shots before the pain was too much and she dropped to one knee, gripping her shoulder and grinding her teeth to keep from crying out.Each arrow was cut down by Jin, and even after being fired upon, she refused to move. Her heart skipped and she placed her hand over his, "Your words fill me with a renewed confidence, my husband...may Buddha protect you in my absence." She said and followed after Shingen and the troops."Megohime dono!" Kojurou moved over and noticed her white gi slowly turning red, "Masamune sama, she's wounded.""Oh, you son of a bitch, yer gonna get it now." Masamune snarled and unsheathed all Six Claws. Megohime ground her teeth then bit her lip, forcing herself to stand. I can still fight.. Masamune needs me.. She forced out through clenched teeth, pulling another arrow from its quiver with a shaking hand. "You need to rest, you're loosing too much blood." Kojurou told her firmly, "Masamune sama will be fine." Megohime would ve argued with him, but she didn t think she could even pull the bow string back at this point.A sudden and massive explosion from the other battlefield brought everyone s attention to where Yukimura had been battling Tadakatsu, smoke erupting in a large mushroom cloud, a heavy rumble tearing across the field followed by a shockwave. "Masamune sama, sound the retreat!" Kojurou said, moving to keep Masamune from advancing and Masamune looked unhappy to hear him suggest such a thing, "With that many firearms trained on us, if we take them head on we'll be wiped out. Plus, Megohime dono's wound needs to be cared for quickly." Masamune vocalized his disapproval and Kojurou glanced to him, "As your Right Eye, I will share this shame with you." Masamune ground his teeth before sheathing his claws."Dammit, withdraw." He said and the Date army trudged off the field, the conch horn sounding loudly. They all walked passed Oichi, who still cradled her dead husband in her arms.Shingen stood with a broken Ieyasu, who wept for the loss of his friend Tadakatsu. Akihime kept her eyes glued on the crater, hoping praying that Yukimura was unharmed. Her eyes widened when she saw a figure race over the hill and tears filled her eyes."Yukimura sama!!" She called joyfully, dropping her tessen and rushing to him, throwing her arms around him and sobbing happily, "Yogatta! I was so scared I had lost you!" Megohime had returned to her horse, performing emergency first aid to stem the bleeding in her shoulder, but it would require proper care if it were to avoid becoming infected. Following on horseback, the amount of her blood loss finally hit her as the adrenaline wore off, leaving her feeling sluggish and slightly cold.Even then, she was kicking herself, scolding herself mentally for not being able to do more for her husband, for being wounded and unable to preform when he needed her the most it disgusted her.Yukimura caught Akihime as she threw her arms around him, taking a slight step back, face flushed. Had it not been for Honda dono, I would not have escaped such an attack.. He reported, holding her for a moment longer, in fact, he still didn t let her go just yet, finding something oddly comforting about holding her even the scent of her hair comforted him. "You alright, Mego?" Masamune asked, "How bad is it? Can you feel your arm still?""My heart swells to feel your arms around me, my lord husband...I feared I would never see you again. Thank you for keeping your promise to me.." She hiccupped. Every step the horse took was painful for her wound, but for now the bleeding had stopped. I m fine, I m fine... It only went through the muscle, so I m ok. She paused. I think I can still feel it. She had her arm in a cloth sling, but was still able to wiggle her fingers.Yukimura released her slowly, looking down at her for a moment, then blushing. Are you wounded? He asked quietly. "Good, they missed the important stuff." He said softly, "We'll slow down so it won't hurt so much." He reached over and took her good hand, "You did great out there, Mego."She shook her head, smiling softly, "Only bumps and scrapes from wielding my tessen in your honor, Yukimura sama. Nothing I can't handle." She replied gently. Megohime flushed softly, glancing at Masamune before squeezing his hand. We should return to Oshuu as planned.. My shoulder will be fine. Then I am glad. He said gently, letting out a breath he had been holding in he hadn t realized just how worried he was about Akihime. Masamune nodded, "We'll head back and take care of you, get you back out there. I mean, if you wanted.""Yukimura." Shingen called and Akihime jumped out of her skin she had forgotten that they weren't the only ones there, "Gather up as many of the injured as you can and send them to Kai. We will treat them there. Akihime, please locate Date Masamune and have him route to Kai for his injured as well.""Hai, Oyakata sama!" Akihime nodded and looked to Yukimura, smiling brightly, "I'll see you at home, Yukimura sama." Let s just get home first. Megohime said as they regrouped with the rest of the Date army, heading back in th direction of Oshuu.Yukimura bowed his head to Akihime. I m counting on you, Akihime dono! He said, then hurried to help with the wounded. As they rode through the canyon to Oshuu, a voice no one really know called out to them. A woman from the sounds of it."Masamune sama! Matte kudasai!""Who the hell?" Masamune looked back and saw a woman in Takeda colors with Yukimura's crest racing toward them, "Fuck, I know her, where do I know her from?""That's Sanada Yukimura's wife, Akihime." Kojurou said. Megohime was already not having a great time, the pace they were keeping jostling her wound and making it painful, but when someone she didn t know came riding up behind them, she was immediately on edge. Send her away. She muttered through her teeth, face still pale. "I come on Shingen sama's behalf! Please come to Kai and have your wounded treated there!" She called. Kojurou looked to Masamune who had returned his attention in front of him."What should we do, Masamune sama?" He asked. Masamune said nothing and Kojurou felt that he had declined the offer, at least until Masamune had fallen from his horse. "Masamune sama!""Dokuganryuu dono!" Akihime pulled her horse to a stop and moved over to Masamune as the whole Date army halted and Kojurou moved to Masamune's side as well. Megohime didn t feel her pain anymore, jumping from her horse and running to Masamune. Masamune! She knelt beside him and searched his body for wounds, freezing when she pulled her hands back and found them covered in blood. Kojurou, get my bag! She ordered, pulling open his funeral shroud and quickly working to get his chest plate off of him. She already knew what was there, but refused to believe it until she saw it with her own eyes. Just moments earlier he had been talking to her, holding her hand and praising her. Her lip trembled as she stared downmarket at the bullet wound in her husbands side, blood oozing steadily from it her face twisted into a horrifying look, something between horror and a snarl as she immediately started to tear her sleeve off, pulling it into strips. "All troops, head to the Takeda estate in Kai!" Kojurou yelled. Akihime moved and pulled a small jar from a pouch on her sash, opening it amd offering it to Megohime."Here, this will slow the bleeding until we can get him to Kai, it's an herbal paste Sasuke made." She said gently. Megohime looked up at Akihime like she was the one who had shot Masamune, reaching out to take her pack from the Date soldier who had brought it over for her. She said nothing to Akihime as she worked, quickly applying a coagulating agent, then wrapping up Masamune s middle tightly. Two of Masamune s men helped pick Masamune up, Megohime retrieving Masamune s war helm before returning to her own horse. Akihime blinked, clearly confused, before returning the jar to her pouch and moving back to her horse to lead everyone back to the Takeda estate. "My name is Akihime, by the way! I am Sanada Yukimura's wife! It is an honor to meet you!" She introduced brightly, looking back at them from her side saddle. How could she be so happy with Masamune dying not five feet away? Megohime paid absolutely no attention to Akihime, watching Masamune as they rode on, him draped over the saddle of his horse as Kojurou led it. She had tunnel vision, and the only thing she could hear was her own heart beating in her chest, sounding like it was going to burst at any moment. When she noticed no one was listening or even paid her any mind, she clammed up and continued the journey home. When they arrived at the estate, she instructed Kojurou to take Masamune to the side house to be treated before asking the Date army politely to head to the medical wing for treatment."Megohime dono, please follow the troops and have your wound treated." Kojurou said, "You can return to Masamune sama when you're cleared." No, I m going with Masamune. She said firmly, a soft scowl set on her face. I can get it looked at once he s stable. She argued. "Go get your wound treated. It is not a request." He stated firmly. Akihime smiled nervously."Come, Megohime dono, it's only a short way from here." She offered. Megohime looked angry enough to try and fight Kojurou right there, not happy that she would be away from Masamune s side for even a second. When Akihime spoke, she shot her another glare, then turned to leave on her own, following the Date men to where they would get their wounds treated. Akihime swallowed nervously and Kojurou took Masamune to the side house where he was set before the armor that needs no shield and his wound treated.Akihime headed off to hers and Yukimura's room, sighing tiredly, "Tadaima...!" Yukimura was not yet there, in fact, the room was still dark and cold, showing Yukimura had not made it to his bedroom probably still speaking with Shingen about the battle they had just fought. It made Akihime s heart flutter with worry for just a second however, what if he himself had suffered an injury on the way home? She bit her lip and left the room quickly, "Amaya, have you seen Yukimura sama?" She called, "Has he come home yet?" The ninja appeared before Akihime, head bowed and kneeling. Hai, he and Takeda Shingen are speaking in the war room as we speak. She reported. She exhaled and smiled, "Arigatou. I'll make some extra tea for you for keeping the estate safe!" She said and hurried to the war room. Just as Yukimura and Shingen we re leaving the war room, Akihime came running down the hall. Yukimura smiled softly and gave her a small bow. Akihime dono, you ve arrived! She picked up speed and threw her arms around him tightly, nuzzling into his shoulder, "Tadaima..." She said softly. She gripped the back of his jacket and started shaking, tears pouring down her cheeks as remembered how heartbroken and distraught Megohime was when Masamune's wound finally overtook him. What if it had been Yukimura? "Tadaima...!" She choked out. Yukimura blinked and stiffened when he realized Akihime was crying, not sure why she was doing so or what to do about it. A Akihime dono..!? He put his hands on her shoulders and moved her back to look her over for wounds. What happened..!? Are you injured?! She could see the panic his face, eyes wide. She shook her head, "No, I I'm all right. It's just...Masamune sama is badly injured and I just..." She cried more, "I was so worried about you, I'm so selfish...!" Yukimura s eyes widened at the news that Masamune was gravely injured. That is most upsetting news..! He suddenly pulled Akihime closer again, maybe a smidge too hard, but he meant well. He held her tightly against his chest. I returned home safely like I promised. He said softly.Megohime had her wound treated and dressed, and it hurt more than it did before, but she still was determined to be by Masamune s side. Entering the room they had put him in, she barely gave Kojurou a glance as she knelt beside Masamune. "Arigatou!" She clung to him tightly as she wept, standing with him until she finally calmed down, "I...I will change and make tea for everyone and ask the cooks to prepare meals for the troops. Masamune sama has been placed with the armor that needs no shield.."Kojurou looked to her before standing and moving to leave her alone with Masamune. He looked like he was merely sleeping, resting in the bedding they had laid out for him. Thank you, Akihime dono, but please, you should rest as well. Yukimura said the both of them looked exhausted, and already the sun had dipped below the horizon. How is he..? Megohime asked softly, reaching out to carefully brush his hair away from his eyes, cupping his cheek gently. "I can't...there are wounded who need tending and men who need to regain their strength. I must do all that I can to help them." She told him gently, "As a servant of Buddha, it is the least I can do.""We must speak to the Right Eye of the Dragon about the Date's stay here." Shingen told Yukimura, "Let Akihime continue to do her part." Akihime smiled and kissed Yukimura's cheek gently, blushing softly when she moved away."Please forgive my boldness, I will aid the troops, please see that Masamune sama is alright." She said quickly."They pulled him from death's door, he will be fine for now. That's all they've told me, however." He said. He clenched his fists and bowed deeply to Megohime, his forehead touching the floor, "I ask your forgiveness for letting such an atrocity happen. Had I been more diligent, Masamune sama would not be in this state." Yukimura nodded, and though his face was flushed, he bowed deeply to her. Thank you, Akihime dono! I will work my hardest just as you are! Stop that... Pick up your head. She said quietly, running her thumb over Masamune s cheek. I m just as much to blame... I was right there bedside him, I spoke with him, and yet I couldn t even perceive in thes slightest that he was wounded.. She clenched her jaw, feeling a tear run down her cheek. I should ve noticed. Akihime smiled and nodded, heading off to change before going to help care for the troops."As his Right Eye, I should have seen it sooner..." He said softly, "Thankfully his condition did not worsen...were it not for Akihime dono's arrival, we may have lost Masamune sama..." Megohime clenched her jaw at the woman s name what had she had to do with such a thing other than to mettle in their affairs? She had nothing to do with saving his life. She muttered.Kojurou was more than right, had Akihime not come, there would ve been no place for Masamune to be treated other than on the field, where there were all vulnerable to attack by the enemy. Megohime refused to acknowledge it though, somewhere inside her, that stubborn part of her refused any and all help, and it would be the death of her. "You know my statement is correct, Megohime dono. Her arrival aided in his survival." He told her. How?! She snapped at Kojurou. Because she simply showed up as he fell off his horse!? She noticed at the same time we all did, Kojurou, she did nothing special! It was easy to see why Megohime was acting this way, her husband had almost died before her eyes, and on the very first battle she aided him in did she feel responsible? "Because if she hadn't told us we could divert to Kai, Masamune would have died right there in the canyon. You know we didn't have the supplies to care for a wound that extensive, he wouldn't have made it to Oshuu." He told her firmly. Megohime glared lightly, leaning down to kiss Masamune s brow. Please leave us. She said softly. "I will not." He replied, brows furrowed, "He is my lord and I cannot leave him." Megohime didn t argue with him, she only continued to gently let Masamune s hair and face, keeping her back to Kojurou to hide her tears. Kojurou sighed softly and looked when the door slid open, bowing when Shingen and Yukimura stepped in. Shingen looked to Megohime, who was still focused on Masamune."This is Megohime dono, Masamune sama's wife. She was with us when his wound overtook him." Kojurou said. Megohime quickly wiped her tears away, turning to bow to Shingen and Yukimura, but she kept her eyes down, not having the energy to meet their eyes. Thank you for allowing my husband to take refuge here. She even sounded drained, like she had been practicing the line all night.Her own wound was wearing on her, causing her a great deal of pain. "Our healers are preparing something to pour down his throat, it should help him." Shingen said. Kojurou kept his head bowed."We cannot thank you enough." He said softly. Shingen kept his wyes on Megohime."Do you disagree with us using the Date army as the spearhead of our attack?" He asked gently. Megohime frowned softly, gazing down at her hands before looking back up at Shingen. My husband isn t someone who lets others control his actions, regardless if Takeda and Uesugi s forces had joined or not, Masamune would ve been right there on the field of battle. Megohime said softly "There are generals who still wish to claim land, and it is their hope that we fall while taking down Oda. However there is one man who is not a general who we have sent to speak to Mori and Chosokabe.""Maeda Keiji." Kojurou said and Shingen nodded. Mori and Chosokabe..? Megohime echoed softly, looking to Masamune as she thought. Those two would surely be hard to convince to ally with Takeda and Uesugi, let alone getting Masamune to agree to one. She made a face, allowing Kojurou to control the conversation, waiting and listening to hear what the retainer had to say. "Time is short, but I would like to have Oda fully encircled before we attempt this again." Shingen said."It will be most difficult to get Mori and Chosokabe at your side," Kojurou told him, "Also, the idea of teaming up to defeat a common enemy isnotthe way of the Date." Shingen didn't seem to bothered by this, knowing that the Date had their reasons."However..." Kojurou looked to Megohime and Masamune, "Necessity knows no law." After that, Shingen and Yukimura pardoned themselves, Yukimura waiting behind for a moment longer before leaving and closing the door behind him.Megohime didn t sleep much at all that night, watching Masamune well into the early morning. It was still dark out when Megohime went for a walk, needing to clear her mind from the previous days battle. Everyone appeared to still be asleep, though she felt eyes on her as she walked probably the ninjas that floated around the grounds. But then she heard other footsteps not far from her, and on inspection it was revealed to be Akihime. She looked tired, dressed in a simple gi and hakama with her hair in a looped braid. Had she been helping the men all night?"Aahh...Yukimura sama is probably already dead asleep..." She muttered to herself before yawning, "I hope I didn't worry him..." Megohime hadn t changed out of her battle attire either, only removing the armor from herself, leaving her in only her Gi and Hakama. She clenched her fist when she saw Akihime, opening her mouth to speak, but quickly closing it, turning away with a soft glare. "Ohayo gozaimasu..." Akihime greeted gently, smiling tiredly, she must have felt Megohime staring, "Couldn't sleep? I heard Masamune sama will make a full recovery within the next couple days. I'm very glad that he'll be all right." She saw Megohime visibly stiffen, covering her mouth with the sleeve of her Gi and only glancing to Akihime. Yes, well, he s no ordinary man. She said coldly, almost as if she was indifferent about her husbands condition. Akihime only smiled more, "Yes, I heard he has quite the strong will. It is comforting to know he did not allow such a trivial wound to fell him." She swallowed another yawn to continue her conversation, "He is lucky to have you as his wife, to stay by his side as you have." Megohime s entire mood shifted, and her fuchsia gaze fell on Akihime, letting her hand drop to her side. Trivial? She echoed lowly. His would nearly killed him, you ignorant girl. Akihime blinked before she frowned, "Forgive me, I was told by his soldiers that it was minor and nothing he couldn't handle. Maybe they were saying it to make themselves feel better...they all looked worried. I meant no disrespect to you or Masamune sama." Seriously? Did this girl have no concept of real life? How had she survived on the battle field? She snorted and turned her head, taking a step to move away from the younger woman. Why don t you head off to bed, little girl. "I wanted to properly introduce myself since the last time was rather inappropriate of me to do so." She said, "Watashi wa Akihime de " She gave a soft grunt before her eyes fell closed and she dropped to the ground. Before Megohime could register what happened, a small sting hit her neck and her vision blurred before she too lost consciousness. Megohime felt herself fall, but never registered hitting the ground, everything going black as the ground rushed up at her.She found herself staring at the ground once again however, only now, it had seemed some time had gone by, only she found she could only move her eyes at the moment. "Ah, so good to see you've awoken." A voice called. She was tied to something, a broken pillar of some kind, "I was wondering when you would come to." Pain registered first in Megohime, glancing down and noticing her arms had been pulled behind her back and around the pillar to have her wrists bound together. She let out the faintest noises of pain, eyes moving back to her captor. Her shoulder was tight, painfully tight, and it felt hot, burning hot. "I hope you're comfortable," the hermit looked up at her as he approached, "I'm not used to doing so much work." Megohime followed him with her eyes, then quickly looked around to see where she was, that was when she saw Akihime. She too was bound to a broken pillar, head slumped forward in her unconscious state. What..? She spurred a bit, looking back to the man with furrowed brows. Who are you? "Matsunaga Hisahide. I'm a collector of many treasures, you see. And I wish to add Masamune's Six Claws to my collection, as well as the Takeda's prized armor." He said. There was a small noise and Akihime came around, blinking her eyes before looking around."Where...?""Good evening, Akihime dono." Matsunaga greeted. She looked over, eyes still unfocused."Hisahide...?" She muttered. Megohime s mouth fell open slightly did Akihime know this man? My husbands claws? Megohime echoed, then let out a laugh, glaring down at Hisehide. You couldn t get one scale from him. She hissed. "Claws?" Akihime echoed."And the Armor That Needs No Shield." Hisahide added. Akihime's persona flipped like a switch she was livid, jerking forward to glare."You absolute vile human being! You detestable coward! Yukimura sama and the Takeda would never give such a thing to you, not for my sake! I would die in a heartbeat to preserve the pride of my honored husband, as well as the Takeda!""Pride has nothing to do with it." Hisahide stated coolly, "If Yukimura and the Takeda valued your safety, they will meet my demands, as well as the Date." Megohime fell silent, testing the ropes around her, but not squirming to try and get free even if she were to cut the ropes, the fall would certainly injure her. So what? Megohime finally spoke up. You laid in wait like a fox, taking your prize once the enemy falls? You re nothing more than a vulture. "I heard the One Eyed Dragon was injured and taking refuge in Kai. I thought it a golden opportunity. Date's Six Claws and Takeda's prized armor? These are both treasures I have long coveted." Hisahide smirked lightly, "And what better motivation than to take the wives of Masamune and Yukimura as guests.""You filth! You slime! The Takeda will not give in to your demands!" Akihime snapped. Hisahide rose his eyebrow slightly."You are so sure? You believe your husband would just leave you to die for the sake of his lord?" He asked. Akihime faltered and clenched her jaw."I trust my lord husband to do what he knows is best for the Takeda." She replied. Oh please, would you shut up? Megohime scoffed, Akihime s yelling grating her ears. You act all tough, but in reality, you re hoping and praying Sanada comes to save you. She hissed at Akihime. "And you aren't hoping the same thing, Masamune sama comes crawling out of his own damn grave to rescue his thorny bride." She hissed back, glaring death, "My husband and I have been nothing but hospitable to the Date and all you can think to do is shit on our kindness.""How unladylike." Matsunaga remarked amusedly. Your kindness? Megohime shot back, the two bickering like they weren t hostages in that moment. Girl, you couldn t see the severity of this entire war and everthing it pertained if it reared up and hit you in the face. This is war, and whatever favor Takeda plans on cashing in on will come one day. There is no such thing as free kindness. "Don't pretend like you know the threat Oda holds. Have you seen his destruction first hand? Have you helped those whose lives he's ruined?No, you haven't, have you? You've been too busy kissing your husband's ass so he'll love you and accept you. What a sad, pathetic woman you are." She hissed. I hear only assumptions coming from you, you know nothing of me, the pathetic one here is you, barging in and assuming you know all. She scoffed. Projecting much? "Ladies." Matsunaga interjected, "That is quite enough. Akihime, you should know better than this." He scolded and her anger was steadily replaced with shame before her head dropped and her eyes closed, looking defeated. Ah yes, please grace us with your wisdom O wise decreped hoarder. Megohime sneered. As much as I dislike Sanada s wife, I like you even less. Pray tell why we should be compliant at all? "There's explosives..." Akihime said softly, "on the bottom of the pillars...""Nothing gets passed you, Akihime." Hisahide smirked as he walked away, "I'll be back later when my treasures arrive. Behave, girls." Megohime scowled, watching Hisehide leave, starting to pull at her bindings panicking a bit. "If you break the rope, us and what's left of this temple are blown sky high.." She said gently, "Please do not struggle and trust someone will come for us..." Deplorable. She hissed, head hanging so her eyes were hidden, but the rest of her face wasn t her face was twisted in a scowl. Making a mockery out of me to lure my husband out here. She was shaking. I m a hindrance..! She hissed, almost like she was scolding herself, like being captured was her fault. "No you aren't, Megohime dono.." She said gently, "It'll be ok...Buddha has a plan for everything..."Yukimura, Sasuke and Amaya sat bowed before Shingen to request taking the armor to Hisahide to return Akihime and Megohime, Kojurou already having gone off with Masamune's swords to bring Megohime back."If anyone is gonna kick his ass and bring Mego home, it's gonna be me."Masamune had said. Needless to say, Kojurou did not allow Masamune to leave with his wound still healing. What do you know, pitiful girl? Megohime growled out.Amaya was sitting next to Sasuke, as quiet as always, only she sat white knuckled staring at the floor in front of her, listening to Yukimura.Yukimura, who had already gathered the armor together neatly in a box at his side was bowed low to Shingen, trembling slightly. My lord! Please allow me your precious family heirloom to retrieve Akihime dono! He begged, clear he was on edge and quite nervous. "I know that Buddha will protect us. And I know deep in my heart that Masamune sama and Yukimura sama are coming to save us." She said, voice cracking slightly. She was fighting her tears, but she was so scared."And why is it you have not left sooner? Why did you allow Katakura to go alone? Without both items, Matsunaga will not allow the girls to come home. Why did you not just take the armor and leave instead of wasting precious time?!" Shingen boomed, "GET GOING, BOY!!" Yes, my lord! Yukimura scrambled to his feet and grabbed the armor, slinging it onto his back and hurrying to the stables to get his horse. "Time to go, Amaya. Let's get back Akihime." Sasuke said and vanished quickly. Amaya was already ahead of him, wanting to speed ahead and rush to get to Akihime, and in fact, she did leave the two men behind.As Yukimura sped down the road on his horse worth Sasuke, the two were left behind, Amaya racing ahead, her determination set on her face. "Forgive me for allowing such a thing to even happen, dana. I guess the battle drained me more than I thought." Sasuke apologized. This is not your fault, Sasuke. Yukimura said, keeping his eyes fixed ahead as he rode. No one could have known they would target Akihime and Megohime dono. "I could have stopped it," He muttered, "Amaya's pretty steamed at me, too.." Yukimura could barely see the kunoichi now, only able to spot a small flash of white every now and again. We will get her back, we ll bring them both home. "Of course, dana." He replied and raced after Amaya to make sure the road to the mountain was clear. Megohime only released she had nodded off when she woke again with a start, the poison still coursing through her body and making her feel sluggish. She listened for any sign of life around her, looking around for the man who had taken them. There was a soft noise beside her but it was only Akihime, praying under her breath as she looked at the ground with a thousand yard stare. How long had it been since they first woke up there? Was anyone really coming?"You're in luck, lady dragon." Hisahide said as he appeared beside her, "It would seem Katakura is here with your husband's blades." Akihime's praying stopped and she swallowed the weak sob that crawled up her throat."Yogatta..." She whispered, "He made the right choice..." Megohime looked down at Matsunaga, feeling nauseous. I m in luck? She repeated, eyes narrowed. What about Takeda s armor? You said you d only release the both of us if you received both treasures. You re telling me you intend to let me alone go? She didn t sound like she believed him at all. "I suppose I did, didn't I." He mused, "We'll have to see then what Katakura does when he arrives.""Please, Hisahide, let her go, you'll have the blades at least.." Akihime tried bargaining and Matsunaga glanced to her."Yes, but having both is much nicer." He replied and Akihime bit her lip. Megohime clenched her jaw, staring down at Hisehide, then it clicked. They were never going to be released, even if both treasures were brought to him. You bastard. Megohime hissed lowly. You intend only to take the Blades and Armor, we were never going to be released were we? "For such a smart woman, I'm disappointed that it took you this long to figure it out. Akihime knew from the start, why do you think she grew so violent so quickly?" He chastised."Because I'm a na ve child, Hisahide...I wouldn't know any real danger even if it slapped me in the face.." Akihime said, mimicking Megohime's harsh words. Matsunaga chuckled and moved away."You give the daughter of a Toyotomi general too little credit, lady dragon." He said mockingly. Megohime ground her teeth in such a rage she felt they would crack. Both off you can go to hell. She forced out, feeling completely humiliated. And were is your husband, the man you claim will come to save you? She hissed at Akihime. Perhaps he found the armor much more important than you his second wife. Akihime couldn't fight her tears any longer and her head dropped as she wept, "I would rather him choose to preserve the pride and honor of the Takeda than choose such a lowly woman like me...I am only worthy enough as a sacrifice to aid him in his endeavors...I am not fit as his wife, I do not deserve my spot at his side....!" Megohime looked away from both Hisehide and Akihime, sick of the both of them. If I m to die, I d like for it to be soon so I don t have too hear anymore of her sniveling. She snarled. "Of course." Hisahide smiled cruelly, "We shall wait to give Katakura his final goodbye." Megohime could hear the faint noise of fighting somewhere within the destroyed temple, and Megohime knew it would soon be over, closing her eyes and waiting. It didn't seem like long for Kojurou to appear, panting and wheezing with effort."Good evening," Hisahide greeted, "I had hoped you would be brought to me as a corpse, but I see I underestimated you.""I, Katakura Kojurou, am not called the Dragon's Right Eye for nothing." Kojurou said before looking to Megohime, "Are you alright, Megohime dono?" Kojurou had barely finished his question before Megohime barked out her answer. Leave, Kojurou! He s planning to take the Blades and kill us all! "What terrible manners she has. This is the type of woman your master wants at his side? Hardly a woman at all." Hisahide remarked. Kojurou scowled and threw the six blades toward Matsunaga, watching them stick into the ground."You're right, she's hardly the type of woman anyone would want as a bride. However, she is more worthy than anyone in this land to wed the One Eyed Dragon, she possesses a strength and courage only fitting for his wife. And it is because of this that I cannot allow her to stay a moment longer in your clutches! She is apart of the Date, and we never leave our own behind!" Kojurou stated. Megohime mentally scolded herself as a tear ran down her cheek at Kojurou s words. He s already going to lose his wife, don t make him lose his retainer too! Megohime s voice cracked a bit, but soon the sound of someone else sounded behind Kojurou. Matte!! It was was Yukimura, and on his back the Armor That Needed No Shield. Akihime's head shot up, her eyes wide and her mouth slowly fell open, "Yuki..." Tears poured down her cheeks, both in joy and heartache, "Yukimura sama!""How cute. You came after all." Matsunaga jeered. Akihime dono! Yukimura seemed to relax when he saw Akihime was alright he took the box off of his back, setting it on the ground before him and opening the top. I am Sanada Genjiro Yukimura, and I have come as my lords proxy. Taking the armor out of the box and setting it before Matsunaga before taking a few steps back and standing beside Kojurou. This is the Takeda heirloom, the Armor That needs no Sheild, please acertain for yourself, Hisehide dono! "I'm so glad..." Akihime hiccuped, her eyes never leaving Yukimura as he took the armor from its case, "I'm so glad I could see you before I died, Yukimura sama...""Aw, don't talk like that, Akihime.." Sasuke whispered as he worked on her restraints, "You aren't going to die here.""S Saauke?" She tried to look back but obviously couldn't, "Then that means..." She looked over to Megohime, hoping to see a familiar kunoichi. Hanging from the pillar Megohime was tied to, was indeed Amaya, who looked to Akihime with her steely blue eyes before giving a firm nod, as if to comfort her. "Ama..." She muttered and she wept again, "I'm so glad.""I see...I suppose this was a waste of time." Matsunaga said and rose his hand. Sasuke hissed and pulled Akihime from the pillar quickly before the explosives went off, fire engulfing the pillars quickly. Yukimura s eyes widened as he watched Akihime and Sasuke engulfed in the flames, a hole opening up in his chest. Akihime!! Sasuke! In that moment Yukimura felt his heart break, the two closest people to him in his life, snuffed out right before his eyes. "Life, death, all things repeat this cycle of being born and being broken. If you know that everything is temporary do not resist what you desire, but take it, appreciate it, and in the end destroy it as freely as you wish." Matsunaga said as he moved toward the armor."Matsunaga." Kojurou growled and Matsunaga looked over to him."You're free to go, boy, those unruly women are no longer, as well as your ninja companions." Matsunaga told him. Yukimura took a step forward, but immediately a row of explosions separated Matsunaga from the two warriors, sending both Kojurou and Yukimura flying backward. Kojurou pushed himself up, grunting with effort, his aura sparking off him like electricity. Matsunaga looked bored."My, you're in a foul mood." He remarked. Yukimura pushed himself up, pain in his side making him grind his teeth as he got to his feet. Katakura dono..! Matsunaga exhaled suddenly dozens of men carrying massive bombs on their backs came rushing at Kojurou and Yukimura, Kojurou knocking them back before their bombs could detonate. Yukimura knocked men back in waves, but they never seemed to end. I sense no fighting spirit in these men! Yukimura said to Kojurou, but it was clear his mind wasn t truly on the battle before him, more than likely on his wife whom had perished before his eyes. "These men are no more than mercenaries. Matsunaga would not have any loyal retainers." Kojurou replied before killing more men and destroying their bombs in the air. When their were no more bombers, Kojurou rushed at Matsunaga in a fury determined to kill him right there for taking the lives of their loved ones. Yukimura was determined to avenge the death of his wife, overwhelming Matsunaga, sending a barrage of attacks at him between Kojurou s own attacks. With their combined might, they sent Matsunaga flying into the broken statue of Buddha."It's a shame, but someday you will also fade from this world...for in the end we all return to nothing." Matsunaga said, "It is a shame Akihime wasn't given the chance to bid you a final farewell before she was sent to Nirvana. She and Megohime will have plenty of time to become friends while she waits for you at the gates, Sanada Yukimura." Yukimura gripped his spears so tightly his knuckles turned white beneath his gloves, and he merely turned his head away with a deep frown. A man such as yourself, will not be heading for Nirvana, Hisehide dono. "Indeed, I will personally meet you at the gates of hell." Kojurou growled."Of course you will. A brief farewell then, Right Eye of the Dragon!" Matsunaga said and the statue exploded, burning and crackling angrily. Kojurou lowered his gaze, brows furrowed."Please forgive me for not arriving soon enough to save your wife, seems we both will be returning home with unpleasant news.." Yukimura hung his head, fighting the tears that came to his eyes, choking back a sob before someone behind the two spoke up. Bad news my ass.. Kojurou recognized that voice immediately, it was Megohime. Amaya had to support most of her weight, and Megohime s clothes were burnt, but other than the small cuts and minor burns on her face and neck, she was unharmed. Kojurou turned quickly, eyes wide, "Megohime dono! You're all right!" He gasped and moved over, "Are you injured too badly?""Lots of second degree burns but nothing we can't handle." Sasuke's voice sounded as he came down from the safety of the roof with Akihime. Her hair was singed and her hakama was burned up to her knees showing the small burns on her legs and her hands were burned how far up Yukimura didn't know but she was otherwise safe. Akihime dono! Yukimura threw down his spears and ran to Akihime, immediately looking her over to inspect the severity of her wounds. Are you alright? No, nothing s broken or anything, but my arm feels like fire. Megohime muttered as she moved away from the kunoichi in her own, rubbing her shoulder gently, still feeling a bit light headed from the poison. Akihime took Yukimura's hands and smiled weakly, tears pouring down her cheeks as her hands trembled, she was in so much pain. "Hai...I'm much better now with you here, Yukimura sama. Please do not shed tears for me, I am undeserving..""We have burn ointment back at the estate, everyone gets a fresh batch when we get back." Sasuke said. Kojurou smiled softly."I'm glad to see you are unharmed.." He said. That is not true at all, Akihime! Yukimura said sternly, carefully taking her from Sasuke, holding her gently. You are my beloved wife, losing you would be the worst thing I could imagine! Even then he seemed close to tears, holding her tight against his chest. Her face scrunched up as her tears fell more heavily, trying hard not to cry, "My heart is overjoyed by your words...b but...perhaps we should just go home and care for our wounds. I'm sorry if I caused you any grief, my lord husband..." She said softly. Yukimura shook his head as they returned to the horses, Yukimura climbed up before helping Akihime up in front of him. When they returned to the estate, both Megohime and Akihime were taken to the healers to treat their burns, and oddly, Amaya didn t follow Akihime, but instead returned to her own bedroom. "Hey, where are you going?" Sasuke asked as he followed her, "You should get checked out, you took the brunt of it for Megohime." I m fine, go tend to your own wounds. Amaya said, opening her bedroom door and taking a step inside. "Amaya," Sasuke said firmly, "I can see the burns on the back of your neck. There's blistering, it needs to be treated or we'll have to scrub the skin off." Amaya didn t answer, didn t turn to face Sasuke, only standing in the doorway and remaining silent, then she fell forward. "Amaya!" He caught her carefully and moved her to her futon, laying her on her stomach and cutting the back of her uniform. Amaya was burned far worse than he had anticipated, almost the entirety of her back charred and covered in blisters. Her breathing was laboured, and her face twisted in pain, even while unconscious. "Goddammit." He muttered and left quickly to get a bucket of cold water and a cloth, tying her hands and legs to keep her from fighting too much and gagging her to keep her from screaming and biting her tongue as he began to scrub the dead and charred skin off. Amaya woke halfway through Sasuke cleaning her back from pain, her entire body going stiff and a strangled scream coming from behind the gag, but she didn t thrash. "I now, it hurts, but the skin is still loose so it's coming off clean. Just a little longer." He soothed as he cleaned the rag and continued to clean her burns. Amaya only bit down harder on the gag, squeezing her eyes shut as Sasuke cleaned her wound. When he was finished, Amaya was shaking hard, and her face was pale, but she hadn t lost consciousness again. He removed the gag as he grabbed the ointment from his pouch, "How ya holdin' up, Amaya?" He asked as he slowly applied it to her raw back. T Terrible.. She ground out through her teeth, sweat trickling down her brow. Untie me, I m not going to do anything.. He stopped and cut the ropes before going back to applying the medicine, "Obviously I don't have to tell you to keep pressure off your back." Amaya winced and scowled. I can t exactly just take time off. She ground out. "Well, you're going to have to. I'll have someone fill in for you while you recover." He said and finished with the medicine, "I'll get some wrappings to keep it clean, don't move." He said and vanished. Amaya didn t listen, she couldn t. She couldn t just let some other shinobi protect Akihime sitting up with a grunt, she tore away the rest of the top of her body suit, allowing for it to hang around her waist as she stood and moved to get clean clothes. Sasuke came back in an instant, "Hey! K told you to stay put!" He huffed, "You're in no condition to do anything!" Shut up, I cannot simply abandon my role, wounded or not. She growled out, pulling out a yukata and pulling it over her shoulders, wheezing in pain when doing so. "Amaya, if I know Akihime, she wouldn't want you to push yourself like this. It's just until you've recovered enough that it won't hinder you. Please, I'll have the estate on full lockdown." He said. Amaya stood there quietly before looking over her shoulder at Sasuke. You ll personally keep your eye on her? It sounded more like a demand than a question, but he knew how much he worried about the girl. "The only time she'll leave my sight is when she bathes and relieves herself." He answered, to assure her that Akihime would be safe. Not like she would need Sasuke to watch her, Yukimura would probably glue himself to her side after what happened. Amaya took in a shaky breath, then nodded. Fine, one week. She said, removing the last of her torn clothes and tying her yukata closed. "Good enough. We'll have to change the bandages everyday to reapply the medicine." He told her. Amaya gave a small nod. I can take care of my own wounds you know. She said softly. "Getting the whole of your back is hard on your own." He grinned, "Don't be afraid to ask for help." Amaya shot him a glare over her shoulder. I think you ve seen enough of me already. She said sharply. He held up his hands innocently before vanishing without a word. Yukimura sat with Akihime in the room they shared, carefully cleaning the burns on her feet and legs before applying ointment to the burns before wrapping them as gently as he could. I m not hurting you, am I..? Akihime smiled faintly, shaking her head, "No, not at all...thank you for taking care of me, Yukimura sama..." If she was honest, everything hurt regardless of how gentle he was being, but she kept a brave face for him so he wouldn't worry. She did take quite a bit of damage to her arm, the healers said it would be a while before she could use her tessen again. Yukimura nodded and gently set her legs down on the bed, setting the supplies aside before carefully covering Akihime with her blankets. Would you like any tea to help you sleep? He asked as he sat beside the bed. "Maybe a small cup..." She replied softly, "I can make it, it's alright...! Do you want some too?" She moved to get out of bed, not wanting him to fuss over her. Yukimura put his hand out to stop her from sitting up anymore than she already had. Please allow me to prepare your tea, Akihime dono. She stopped and looked down at her lap, "Of course..." She muttered. She sat quietly as he made the tea before finally speaking, "Why did you choose to bring the Takeda armor to Hisahide instead of leaving me to die...?" She asked quietly. Yukimura stopped preparing the tea to look up at Akihime. Because your my wife, Akihime. He said softly. "Your second wife..." She corrected, her eyes holding sorrow, "Not nearly as important to you..." Yukimura s brow knit and he looked to Akihime. Who told you you aren t important to me? Her lips pursed slightly before glancing up at him, "M...Megohime dono did...when we heard that Katakura dono was there to rescue her, she told me that you found Takeda's prized armor more important than...than your second wife..." Yukimura took Akihime s bandaged hands in his own, holding them gently. Though you are my second wife, I ve never once thought less of you, please forgive me if I ve ever given you such an impression, I ve neglected you as your husband. "N No not at all! Never have you made me think so! You've made me so happy during our first year of marriage, I just..." She squeezed his hands even though it pained her to do so, "I feel as though I will never make you as happy as Ume dono did..." She remembered it well, how when her binding to Yukimura was being discussed she would go with him to see Ume as her health failed. How distraught and heartbroken he was that he couldn't help her. How he barely regarded Akihime unless he needed to. She understood, he was grieving, but sometimes she only ever felt like a replacement. That is far from the truth, Akihime. You re very important to me, and you re my wife, not my second wife, this isn t a race.. he said softly. She dried her tears and nodded, "You're right...I shouldn't have let her words burden me so. Thank you for assuring me, my lord husband..." She smiled softly. Yukimura smiled softly and bowed his head to her. I will speak with Masamune dono in the morning. He said. For now, enjoy your tea and rest. "Um..." She was blushing now, staring down at her tea, "W Would it be too promiscuous to a ask you to k..." She felt like she would faint, "k...kiss...m me...?" Yukimura s own face flushed, but he shook his head, then shifted closer. He hesitated for a moment, staring down at her small hands in his, then leaned forward and kissed Akihime. It was a bit rough, but it had been his first time kissing her or anyone for that matter. She kissed back, rather enjoying the roughness it was passionate like he was. She pulled back before she actually did faint and hid her face, "A Arigatou...!" Yukimura was only able to nod, steam nearly coming out of his head as he did his best to calm himself. She sat quietly, drinking her tea with trembling hands it was clear she had to put effort into such a simple task. H Here, let me.. Yukimura reached out and took the cup carefully, holding it to her lips so she could continue to drink. She drank carefully, face brighter than a tomato, "Th Thank you...but I don't want you to fuss over me, I'll be ok...! Just stay with me, please...?" Yukimura set the cup aside and nodded. Of course. He said softly. She moved closer and laid against his chest, keeping pressure off her arm as she held onto him, "I love you, Yukimura sama..." She said softly, already starting to drift off. Yukimura slowly wrapped his arms around Akihime. Daisuki desu. He said softly as Akihime fell asleep. The rest of the morning and well into the afternoon Akihime spent sleeping, the gauze that wrapped around the burns that went up to her shoulder peeked from under her night robe. Masamune was up and eating but he still felt like crap. Megohime was still in the room she was put up in, in pain and refusing to come out or let Masamune come in unless she hid her face. Masamune dono. It was Yukimura, sitting outside Masamune s room, bowing outside the door. "Oh, hey, come in, Sanada.." Masamune called, "Thanks for helping bring Mego home, heard you and Kojurou gave the guy quite the wallop. Heard about Akihime, how is she? She can't fight for a while I'm told..." Yukimura bowed his head to Masamine as he entered, but his usual smile was gone. Akihime dono will be alright, however I was told Megohime dono said some unacceptable things to her I ve come to ask Megohime dono to apologize. Masamune rose his eyebrow, "She being rude? What did she say? Sorry, I know it's none of my business but sometimes she has a reason.." She told Akihime her importance is diminished because she is my second wife. Yukimura sair. "Oh, yeah, that's kind of really rude." He mused before moving to stand, "Come on, let's go reason with her." Akihime is still resting, I only ask that you speak with Megohime dono. Yukimura said firmly, but politely. Masamune stopped and sat back down, "Yeah, sure, I'll sit her down. She shouldn't be acting this way, really, after you guys let us shack up here. She's a stubborn mule sometimes.." Yukimura bowed his head to Masamune. Thank you, Masamune dono, I appreciate it. "No problem. I'll get this worked out." He said, "Maybe when I'm all better we can spar before I head home." He smirked. Yukimura couldn t help the small smile that appeared on his face. Of course, I look forward to it. He nodded, "Can't wait." He said.In the couple days that passed, Masamune was up and walking, heading to Megohime's room. "Mego, open up, we need to talk." What is it? Megohime asked from inside, and by the sound of her voice, she had moved closer to the door, but still refused to open it. "Yukimura brought up your behavior towards Akihime when you both were captured. It was incredibly disrespectful." He stated, "Open the door." Megohime was quiet before the door slowly slid open and Megohime peeked out, hiding half of her face. "All the way." He said, firm but he wasn't angry, "Please.." Megohime scowled and looked down, but slowly opened th door completely. The side of her face was burned, and she had just applied ointment to her burns, which covered her cheek and went down her neck onto her shoulder and back. "Thank you.." He said and stepped inside, "Now then, about your behavior you should know better than that. They're letting us hole up, you can't be squashing people into the mud like it's our place.." Megohime scowled and moved away from Masamune, crossing her arms over her chest. Crybaby went running I guess. She muttered. "Are you kidding me, Mego?" He asked, "Did she do something to piss you off?" Megohime scowled and turned away from him. What does it matter? She hissed. I ll apologize and we can leave. "It'll be sincere." He stated, "We aren't leaving until you genuinely apologize." Yeah, I know, I know. Megohime muttered bitterly, moving to sit at the vanity to examine her burns again. He watched her quietly, "What did she do to steam you that bad?" He asked. Megohime s face dropped a bit, which he could see in the mirror. She made a fool of me no... She merely pointed it out. She muttered. "What are you talking about...?" He asked as he slowly moved over to sit beside her. What does it matter now? Megohime asked quietly, tone harsh. I messed up, I didn t figure it out first and I had to be saved by someone else. She clenched her fists until her knuckles turned white. I m just dead weight. He put his hand gently over hers and gave a gentle squeeze, "You aren't dead weight. This run didn't go as planned, it happens. No one is to blame for my wound but me I didn't even realize it was there til my nerves settled.." Not only that..! Megohime squeezes her eyes shut to fight her tears. I didn t figure out that Matsunaga bastard before it was too late! He looked confused but didn't want to press her about it since it upset her so. "Hey..." He pulled her against his chest and held her, "You're ok,'s ok...all that matters is that you're here and you're safe. That's all I care about.." The Date army rested at the Takeda estate for another week, and as soon as they were fit for travel, they all mounted up and headed back for Oshuu after Megohime apologized of course. Akihime accepted her apology brightly, even making her and Masamune and Kojurou snacks for the journey, "May Buddha guard you on your journey home." She said politely Megohime only held her tongue, giving a small nod then glancing at Masamune, more than ready to return home.Yukimura stood beside Akihime and bowed his head deeply to Masamune. May your travels be safe, Masamune dono! "Don't do anything I wouldn't do, Sanada. See ya around, we'll duke it out again sometime." He said before heading off with his wife and retainer.Akihime smiled sadly and lowered her gaze."She doesn't like me.." She muttered. What? Yukimura blinked and looked to Akihime, brows furrowed in confusion. What do you mean? Her apology was genuine. " was very sincere and I am glad she didn't force herself to apologize to me. But her posture spoke otherwise. She grows tense in my presence, irate. I wonder what I did wrong?" She looked up at him and gave a bitter smile, "Only time will tell if she comes to accept me or not. Her decision is her own and I will support whichever she chooses. But let's not dwell, ne? Why don't we enjoy some dango and tea together while I still have the strength?" She gave him her usual sweet smile to assure him she would be alright. You still shouldn t be preparing hot foods and drink with your injuries, Akihime..! Yukimura said with a worried look, but didn t decline the snack. She gave a dismissive wave of her hand, "I'll be sure to use a cloth as a heat barrier so my wounds aren't agitated. I'm tougher than I look, Yukimura sama." She smiled, "Come, I saw your eyes light up when I offered dango." She teased as she headed off. It had been nearly fifteen days since Jin had infiltrated the Date army, able to blend in well enough in the sea of men, she simply kept her distance and kept quiet. It was a bit difficult at times, but she was managing. Already she had gathered the information she was after troop movements, battle plans and more, but her ruse wouldn t last forever.The weather had been rather gloomy as of late, but that didn t stop the men from training in the yard, and in fact, she did so as well, simply remaining on the outer edges of the group. Masamune was overlooking the training for once, probably still really sore about Nagashino. He didn't want the men getting beaten that bad again. His eye landed on one soldier he didn't recognize, especially considering they were in full gear while everyone else trained in their robes. He stepped off the deck and everyone stopped to watch as he made his way over. Jin stopped immediately when she saw the others too had stopped, scowling deeply and gripping the naginata in her hand tightly. She knew this would come eventually, but wished it hadn t been at that moment she wouldn t run, no, she wasn t a coward, so instead she stood there, watching Masamune walk closer. "Oi," Masamune stopped in front of her and tried to peek under her helm to get a better look at her, "I don't think I seen you before. You new?" Masamune couldn t see much, only a small bit of her face and golden eyelashes wait golden? She moved before anything else could register and she aimed her spear at his still healing wound. "Wrong move." He muttered and smacked the naginata away with his forearm before punching her as hard as he could in the jaw."Hitto!" Everyone yelled in alarm, not really registering the threat. The woman grunted and Masamune expected her to go down, but she simply stumbled back, catching herself before she could fall and attacking Masamune once more. Her attacks were deadly fast, nearly as fast as Yukimura s, and her attacks were precise, all aimed for his right side. What she didn't account for was the unwavering loyalty Masamune's men held, because his entire army barreled down on her and dog piled on top of her."We aren't going to let you hurt hitto!""No Oda spy is going to take him down if we have a say!""Masamune sama!" Kojurou came running out and Masamune looked over."We got ourselves a party crasher, Kojurou." Masamune said. The woman struggled beneath the weight of the men, which was undoubtedly crushing her. Regardless, they wrestled the naginata away from her and pinned her arms and legs down, keeping her from getting away, but still her face was hidden by the helm. Masamune unlatched the helm and pulled it away, his eye widening as he immediately recognized her, "You." It was the woman who ordered Nagamasa be gunned down, the one who tried taking him and his men out with the arquebus corp. "You slimey bitch." He hissed and everyone climbed off her quickly as soon as Masamune grabbed her roughly by her hair. Jin swung at him as soon as her arms were released, her fist slamming hard into his jaw. She ground her teeth, a bit of blood trickling down from her lip from the first hit Masamune had landed on her. "Hitto!" Masamune stumbled backward before recovering quickly and slamming his fist into her nose. Kojurou moved to help but Masamune stopped him."This is my fight. Don't interfere, Kojurou. You know I hate that.""Hai." Kojurou nodded and returned to where he stood. Once again, the woman didn t go down, but rather staggered back, catching herself before she could fall. She wiped the blood that trickled down her face from her nose before moving back to hit Masamune once more, punching him square in the face. This went on back and forth before Masamune finally became annoyed and brought down both fists against the back of her neck as hard as he could, sending her to the ground. Jin slammed into the ground, breathing heavily and bleeding profusely from her nose and mouth, one eye already swelling shut. Her head was swimming, Masamune only making shots at her head her hearing was muffled, but even then, she tried to get back onto her feet. He slammed his boot into her back, "Stay down." He growled, glaring at her. She wheezed when he stomped on her, but she didn t try to get up again, too dazed to even try to glare back, closing her eyes to stop the spinning. "Kojurou, take her down to the cells until I can deal with her. Have a healer look at her too, I guess. Don't want he dying.""Hai." Kojurou moved and gingerly picked Jin up, carrying her to the cells. Jin was almost completely limp in Kojurou s arms, face bloodied and swollen, sure to bruise deeply. She wasn t as heavy as expected, and she was much smaller than most foreigners but it was clear with her blonde hair she was not from the land of the rising sun, at least not entirely. Kojurou gave her appearance a brief glance before placing her in a cell and locking it, moving to summon a healer and supervise in case Jin woke up in the middle of the healer's work. Jin wouldn t wake in the slightest as the healer worked on treating her wounds, she was out cold. The healer cleaned up her face and checked for any other grievous wounds, but other than the concussion she suffered, she was fine. Kojurou nodded and thanked them before leaving Jin in peace. He returned to Masamune and informed him that she would be out for some time. Masamune waved his hand, wanting some time to calm down anyway. Jin would remain out for about two hours in all, finally coming to and opening her eyes, but not moving due to her throbbing headache and the bonds that kept her hands behind her back. One of the men noticed she was up and hurried off to tell Masamune, who was on his feet and marching to the cells in no time. Jin simply lay where she was put, listening to the partially muffled sounds around her, still trying to gain her bearings. When Masamune came in, he moved into the cell and towered over her, "Why did Oda send you to infiltrate my army?" He growled She could hear him, but it sounded like her head was under water. She said nothing, she wouldn t, not to such a heinous criminal as the leader of Oshuu Date Masamune. "Answer me, dammit!" He yelled and grabbed her dominant arm, "Answer or I break it." Jin was pulled up along with her arm, hands tied together. She clenched her jaw as most of her weight was put on one socket, but she still refused to look up at him. She would not tell this man anything about her lord Oda, nor the plans he had I trusted to her. Closing her eyes, she prepared herself for the pain of her arm to be broken. He rose his foot and slammed his armored boot onto her arm, feeling the bone crunch and the arm pop straight from her shoulder. Jin screamed in agony as her arm both dislocated and broke, seeing black spots in her vision. She felt like she would vomit, but bit back the urge to do so, clenching her teeth and bearing through it. "Why were you sent here?" He snarled, "Answer me or it's your other arm next." She only let out a ragged breath, shaking from pain and adrenaline, but she still refused to tell Masamune what he wanted to hear. "Fine." He growled and moved to her other arm."Masamune sama." Kojurou stood a good bit away, "That's enough." Jin turned her head slightly to see where the second voice had come from, still breathing hard, but still kneeled in front of Masamune with her back to him. Masamune shoved Jin to the floor and stormed out. Kojurou sighed and moved into the cell to splint her arm. Jin lay on the ground where she had landed like she had before, laying face down on the stone floor, not moving or saying anything as Kojurou entered the cell. She allowed for him to remove her binds, and even then she didn t move, allowing him to work on her arm in silence. He apologized softly before forcing her arn back into place before he finished the splint. "Do you require anything? The only thing I cannot give is your freedom, obviously.." She was shaking from the pain of having her arm pulled from her socket, then forced back in, but she was silent. She shook her head slowly. No. Her response was soft, without harshness as one would expect of a prisoner. Thank you. She added just as softly, reaching into her robes with her good arm to retrieve something prayer beads. They were made of wood and looked rather worn and old, but she seemed to cherish them, holding them gently to her forehead as she began to pray softly, muttering mantras to herself. He left her in peace, not wanting to disturb her prayer as he shut the door as carefully as he could to keep the room quiet for her. He sighed softly and went off to check on Masamune. Masamune had wondered to his war room to take a breather, where Megohime was working on her notes, having only just gotten word of the aids infiltrator. You re sure you re okay? You re bleeding.. Megohime was fussing over Masamune s torn knuckles, using her handkerchief to blot carefully at the blood. He let her fuss, even though he was still so mad that it annoyed him, "I'm fine, Jesus, I'm not gonna die." He huffed, "They're just knuckles..." Megohime shushed him as she continued to clean the blood from his hands. I don t care, I m allowed to worry about you. She said firmly. "I noticed." His tone was gruff and she could hear it shaking with his rushing adrenaline, but despite those she could tell it was meant to be teasing. Megohime reached up and cupped his cheek, running her thumb gently over his cheek. Hey, you got the spy, take it easy. She said gently, then pulled him forward to kiss his forehead. He grumbled and huffed before looking to Kojurou as he stood quietly outside the room, "Is she talking?""No, not yet, but I will attempt to gain her trust to retrieve the needed information." Kojurou answered. Gain her trust? Megohime almost snarled out, looking angrier than Masamune now. She s an Oda spy, don t bother taking the time to gain her trust, just force the information out of her. Kojurou made a noise, "If being polite does not work as witnessing forcefulness to be a failure I will try forcing it out of her once more." Megohime frowned, but looked down at her husbands hands again. Fine, do what you want. She muttered. Not really my area of expertise anyway.. "It'll be alright, Mego, I trust Kojurou. If anything, I'll just kill her.""That will get us no where." Kojurou stated calmly but Masamune waved him off. Fine, fine. Megohime sighed heavily. I m only worried she brought friends to this party. "If there are more party crashers, we'll kick them out." Masamune grinned, "Promise." Both Masamune and Kojurou spent the next few days going through the ranks of the men to find out if the Oda spy came on her own or with another, but nothing came up, good news or bad. Kojurou did his best to speak with Jin, who only gave him her name as a courtesy for his kindness, when he got the chance to. He gave her a fresh bucket of water to wash with when she asked and provided a simple Buddha statue for her prayers and mantras. Whether she knew he was just buttering her up or not, he didn't know. But he had to at least try. Although Jin was rather grateful of the amenities Kojurou was providing her with, she still refused to answer any questions regarding Matsunaga, either not responding at all, or declining politely to speak on the matter. Even though her arm had been broken by her captors, that didn t seem to influence how she spoke with Kojurou, being quite respectful rather, regardless of how she felt. "The sooner you answer my questions, the easier it will be to bargain for your freedom." He told her patiently, "Were it up to Masamune sama, he would simply have your head and be done with it.." Jin sat in the middle of her holding cell, facing Kojurou and still clutching her prayer beads, eyes cast upon the floor. I cannot answer your questions. She said softly, still refusing to tell him what he wanted. "Can you at least tell me why?" He asked, "Do you owe Nobunaga in some way?" Jin frowned softly, not responding at first before slowly, and deliberately, she looked up at Kojurou. Iwill notanswer you. She said softly, gold eyes steely and unwavering. He sighed softly and stood. Guess being polite wasn't working after all. When he left, he was met with Masamune, who had his arms crossed tight."Didn't work, did it?""No. She's all yours." Kojurou answered and headed off. Jin heard their exchange, but didn t move from her spot, simply closing her eyes and holding her beads to her head as she murmured another series of prayers softly. The door opened roughly and she heard who she assumed to be Masamune making his way over. And when he saw all the things in her cell, he about lost it. He moved in and threw out the Buddha statue, took away the bedding she had been given and kicked over the water bucket. The entire time Masamune was destroying the cell she was in, Jin was praying, eyes closed and still muttering softly, paying his rampage no mind, not even flinching. He looked down at her and snatched her prayer beads up, "No luxuries for you until you talk." He snarled, "That includes these broken ass things." Jin s eyes shot open and immediately she was on her feet, reaching out for her beads to take them back. Unhand those! She hissed, this being the first reaction that wasn t calm and collected. He rose his eyebrows as he stared at her in surprise, "She speaks!" He mocked. Jin clenched her jaw and glared at Masamune, but was clearly doing her best to calm herself, eyes gluing themselves to the very worn beads. She bit her tongue, wanting to demand her beads be returned again, but she would get nothing from this war criminal. "Tell me why you infiltrated my army and I may consider returning these." He growled. I will not answer such a question, especially not to such a monstrous man as you. She snarled back, shaking slightly from effort to calm herself, but it was working. "Your beads would make great kindling," He warned, "Tell me what Oda wants and you get your beads and you can leave." Leave? This man was not so kind as to let her leave, and besides, turning traitor was not something she intended to do. She took in a breath and turned away from Masamune, moving to sit in the corner without her beads. They are mearly a physical object, my dedication to Buddha does not require my beads to remain. She said softly, then started to pray, even without her beads. He fumed and moved over, grabbing the wrist if her good arm and grabbing her pinkie finger, "Talk." Jin only continued praying, keeping her eyes closed, and actually squeezing them shut when he grabbed her pinkie, even going as far as to recite her prayers louder. He jammed her pinkie backward until he felt it crunch in his hand before moving to his ring finger, "Buddha won't protect you from me.Talk." He could visibly see her stiffen, but she only continued her prayer, not stopping the mantra or even breaking off when he crushed her finger. He broke her other finger before grabbing another, repeating the process until her hand was a mangled mess. "Your next hand will get the same treatment if you don't talk." Even through the immense agony, she continued to pray aloud, it being the only thing keeping her from passing out, shaking hard and her head spinning. She wouldn t give up though, she refused to. He became incredibly angry, taking her splinted arm and smashing her hand repeatedly into the stone wall. She could feel her hand break against the stone wall, as well as her already broken arm grind uncomfortably out of place, making her stop her prayers and cry out in agony, falling to her knees. He stopped and glared down at her with a slitted eye, "Tell me Oda's plan." He snarled. She was slumped against the wall, almost like she was unconscious, but then he saw her lips start to move, and he could hear her whispering. Upon moving closer, he could now discern that those whispers were her praying once again, eyes closed as she whispered her prayers to Buddha. He growled in annoyance and threw her against the wall, leaving with her beads in hand. She would continue to recite her prayers late into the night, and well into the morning, sleep refusing her, so instead she prayed. It was all she could do to keep her mind clear, in crippling agony. "You haven't let her sleep?" Kojurou asked quietly. Masamune was playing with the wood beads and Kojurou scowled."Yeah I figure she'll cave if she's tired enough. Hang on." Masamune grabbed a wood flute and blew hard into it with a loud sharp sound, making Jin startle from her dozing. Jin only halted her muttering when Masamune blew into the flute something he had been doing all night then slowly she began muttering again. She had sat herself up against the wall at some point, both arms mangled at her sides as she stared blankly at the far wall, refusing to break. "She'll realise she's on the losing end soon enough." Masamune said. Kojurou only sighed."Of course." Losing end or not, this woman was irritatingly firm in her stance of tight lipped attitude. The only thing she did for hours on end was pray, refusing to even acknowledge Masamune at a certain point. He didn't let her sleep and sometimes refused her meals. He had her tied to the bars and whipped until her back was left in shreds. He slipped opium into her water and withheld it for days, wanting her to break. Her state deteriorated quickly, but her mind held fast, even with the opium and in a daze, she still mumbled out half coherent prayers, staring up at the ceiling of her cell with hazy eyes. He had taken the clothes she had come in with and replaced them with a thread bare yukata. Her fingers had been damaged so many times they were bruised black, and her back was in no better condition, her clothes drying against the open wounds on her back. She was sweating heavily and vomiting regularly from the opium withdrawals, shaking from the pain in her joints. He dunked her in tubs of ice water for periods at a time, depriving her of air in the hopes of getting her to talk. He used hot irons to burn and brand her and still she would say nothing."I'm starting to lose my patience." Masamune growled, "This is getting me fucking no where." Jin was in poor shape, and at this point was refusing to drink any water provided for her. She was twenty eight days into her interrogation and still the only thing that would leave her lips were prayers. She hardly slept, the pain keeping her awake, so day and night, she prayed. Masamune moved into her cell on the 30th day of her interrogation with a massive length of rope. He disrobed her roughly, not caring if he reopened the wounds on her back as he started binding her in a shrimp tie. Her prayers became louder when he undressed her, face immediately turning red, but she simply squeezed her eyes shut and continued to recite her mantras, her voice now raspy from unending use. He finished the kinbaku and stood aside in wait. She was going to break if it was the last thing he did. Face as red as cherry blossoms, Jin sat in the revealing position, eyes closed and rasping out her mantras. This was humiliating, degrading, and just cruel. The mental and physical torture was one thing, but exposing her in such a way, then simply standing back to admire his work Mitsuhide s words did not lie Date Masamune was a cruel man. "Masamune sama!" That was Kojurou's voice, he stood a few feet away blushing up a storm, "What are you doing?!""Seeing if embarrassing someone so 'humble' will get her talking. I didn't want to but she forced my hand." Masamune answered. Jin felt like she would faint from embarrassment but it was more than likely just the lack of food and water. She only turned her head away more, as to hide her face from Kojurou, wishing she could hide herself from both men. She heard footsteps move toward her and felt the rope tug before it loosened with a soft snap."Kojurou!" Masamune growled and shoved him away before he could cut the rope anymore than he already had. Jin flinched when she felt the ropes loosen a bit, but didn t try to struggle free, remaining where she was. Now that he was closer, Kojurou could see the extent of pain Masamune had put her through her back was shredded, then branded over with hot irons, brands and burns covered her arms and legs, fingers black and twisted, bruising around her throat and she was still soaking wet from being forced under water. "Your interrogations have gone too far, Masamune sama! You have done more damage than demanded!" Kojurou scolded. Masamune scowled heavily."She's a goddamn spy and you're defending her?" He growled."She is still a woman and a proud warrior. She deserves the proper respect, not to be shamed with kinbaku like she's some kind of harlot!" Kojurou snapped. Jin was silent throughout the conversation, no longer praying to herself, wishing to pull as little attention to herself as possible, but she was trembling shaking from both humiliation, and the overwhelming pain. Kojurou moved to remove the ropes again only to have Masamune punch him in the face and send him flying back."She'll be cut loose when she talks." Masamune hissed. Soft muttering sounded behind Masamune, where Jin was seated, eyes closed tightly as she resumed her praying, and though she was weak and shaking, she continued to push forward, even through her humiliation. "This is your last chance," Masamune growled down at her, "Why did Oda send you to infiltrate my army?" Kojurou watched silently, rubbing his sore cheek, hoping she would finally give up the information Masamune wanted. She opened her eyes, but didn t stop praying, only looking up at Masamune the best she could, and continuing to pray aloud. He had enough. "Fine. You'll be executed in the morning.""Matte!" Kojurou moved and bowed deeply to Masamune, "I humbly request you reconsider, Masamune sama!""The fuck, Kojurou?" Masamune looked unamused, "Begging for the spy? Did I knock a screw loose?" This took Jin completely off guard, swollen eyes widening as she looked to Kojurou. Why? Why was he begging for her life? She didn t know him, and he didn t know her. Tears stung at her eyes. He had fought for her honor, for her fair treatment, and even her pitiful life the visage of the equally cruel Katakura Kojurou did not match as was told. Perhaps this was all a ruse?She hung her head, squeezing her eyes shut before speaking. To collect troop movements.. She rasped out softly. Both of them looked to her in shock."What was that?" Masamune asked, "Speak up, I don't have any more time to waste on you." He growled. Troop movements. She repeated, this time a bit louder. I was to collect troop movements... To collect any valuable information on your army the lands you control, your retainers She hesitated for a moment. Your family and daily routines. "What for? To find a weakness?" He demanded, "I'll have you know, I don't have any. Kojurou and Mego can care for themselves just fine." Jin shook her head. I was only told to gather information, not to act on it. She said softly. It s all I was told, and I only gathered troop movements, I did not figure out anything else before you found me. Masamune scowled and turned to leave, "Execution's in the morning.""Masamune sama, reconsider! She could be of value!" Kojurou argued. Masamune stopped and glanced back at him."Doesn't matter if I kill her or not, once Oda finds out she spilled the beans she's dead anyway." He replied dully. Kojurou bowed deeply."Allow me to keep custody of her, spare her and she could give us information on Oda's plans." He bargained. I will accept the morning date. She said softly, eyes cast down on the ground. Even though she was still naked before men she didn t know well, she felt she had to hold onto the very last shred of dignity she had left. Though I regret so, I have broken my oath of loyalty your master s words ring true release me and I will end up meeting my end regardless. I can only thank him for his mercy. "But Jin dono!""Paradise is already barred shut for her, Kojurou. There's no point in trying to redeem her." Masamune said. Kojurou scowled heavily."She deserves the chance to repent!" He argued, "She is a noble and brave woman warrior! She did not dishonor her lord even when the torture was at it's worse! She has earned an extra chance in the eyes of Kannon!" Jin could not fight the tears that slipped down her bruised cheeks, how could a man whom was her enemy not long ago show her such kindness and compassion? She wept silently in gratitude, lowering her head once more. I am underserving of such a chance, but would gladly accept your offer to repent for my wrong doing. Masamune exhaled loudly but did nothing, only left the cells. "She's your problem now, Kojurou. Anyone comes to kill her, I ain't helpin'." He said, Kojurou bowed as low as he could until he didn't hear Masamune's footsteps anymore and he stood, keeping his eyes focused on the ropes as he cut Jin free before offering his coat as a cover. Jin extended her hand to take the coat, by when she tried to close her fingers around the garment, it simply fell to the floor. She winced at even the minimal amount of weight the jacket put on her mangled hand would she even be able to wield her spear again with such extensive damage? "Oh, my apologies, I didn't mean to be so insensitive." He said softly and covered her with his coat and helped her stand, keeping his eyes up as he buttoned it closed for her. She said nothing as he closed the coat up for her, keeping her gaze cast down. Forgive me. She said quietly, then lurched forward and fell against Kojurou s chest, unable to remain on her feet any longer, her vision quickly going black from weakness and her untreated wounds. He was caught off guard and caught her, blushing darkly to have a barely clad woman pressed so close to him. He picked her up and carried her to the medical wing, laying her on a cot and letting the healers work on her staying in case they needed help. She wouldn t be an issue for the healers, she was running a fever and was out cold. Her back was the source of the issue, the lashes open and festering, only irritated by the dirty branding iron being pressed into the open wounds. They removed Kojurou s coat and returned it to him, covering Jin s lower half with a clean sheet after moving her onto her stomach, working on her back. Kojurou held his coat tightly as he watched silently. He hoped she would be ok, regardless of her alliance she didn't truly deserve what Masamune had put her through. Maybe he was growing soft in his old age. It would take about an hour to treat all of her wounds, only a few needing to be stitched closed, but all of them had to be disinfected. She was given a few things to pour down her throat for the dehydration and fever, and other than a cool cloth and fresh clothes, she didn t need anything else. Kojurou thanked them and left Jin to rest."I can't believe you seriously wanna keep her around." Masamune was waiting outside, looking disapproving. Kojurou looked to him with furrowed brows."She's useful, Masamune sama. You know it and I know it." Useful for what? Megohime asked from behind Masamune, thumbing through her notes. She s a spy, she told you what you wanted, kill her. "She has information on Oda's army, his movements. If we can keep her alive, she could grant us that advantage." He answered. Masamune huffed softly."And if she fucks us?" He asked. Kojurou frowned."Then I will kill her...but," he paused, "but I do not think she will double cross us." Megohime tucked her papers under her arm, glancing to Masamune, but holding her tongue it was her husbands decision after all. "The moment she fucks up, she's dead." Masamune said and Kojurou bowed."Understood." He confirmed and Masamune turned to Megohime."C'mon, let's go hang out on the deck with some tea and namagashi." He said. Megohime made a face, but followed him nonetheless. You know I hate sweets, why do you always have those awful things made. "Because I love the namagashi you make " He teased flirtatiously, "That so wrong ?" Yes, I purposefully try to make them awful and you never seem to notice. She said with a dead pan look. Do you even have working tastebuds? He blinked, not really able to tell if she was fucking with him or not. "I guess I don't.." He said, "Or maybe all your cooking tastes the same." Megohime in truth always did her best to make treats Masamune liked, knowing he had a sweet tooth, but since she despised sweets, it was hard to gauge how efficient she was at making them. Well, I guess since you enjoy them, I can make more, we have some from last time but not much. She said, turning her head away to hide the flush that forced its way into her face did he actually like her cooking? He smiled softly, "Your dango is pretty good.." He told her, "You don't have to make sweets if you don't wanna..." I want to. She said softly, looking ahead with a gentle expression on her face. You always seem happy after eating them. "Well, cuz I like your cooking.." He told her, "I like the simplicity of your bentos and your dried seaweed is always good.." Megohime looked down at the papers in her arms and nodded. Dango would take a while to make, but I do have left over namagashi. She said softly. I can make tea too. "Namagashi it is then." He grinned, "Thanks, Mego " Megohime shooed him off to wait on the deck while she prepared one of his favorite snacks.Late into that night, Jin finally woke still maintaining her fever, but at least waking from unconsciousness. She remained laying where she was, blinking a few times before slowly looking around, unsure of where she was. She could feel eyes on her and the aura of wanton bloodlust was heavy around her. It was a feeling she was all too familiar with. "How are you liking your stay, Jin chan ?" Mitsuhide's voice asked coolly. She immediately felt herself break into a cold sweat, looking to where she heard Mitsuhide s voice from, a scowl slowly setting on her face. Mitsuhide... You lied to me.. She forced out. Oshuu a land of misery..? I ve been here for months and the only miserable one here is me.. "I would never lie to you, Jin chan how could you say something so hurtful ?" He asked, his tone sounding pained. Oshuu s land and it s people are not suffering under Date s rule. She wasn t able to sit up, but she did keep her eyes on the shadowy figure in the corner. It s prospering, Date s men are kind they do not abuse their people,you lied. She hissed. He was silent for a moment, "Honestly, I had hoped he would kill you, so it wouldn't have to come to this. I did not anticipate Katakura taking a liking to you." All of those horrible deeds I delivered justice upon in the name of Kannon, how many of them were false? How many of them had you lied to me about to make gains for Oda s Army? She was shaking, this whole time, she had been the evil one, not the ones she had punished. How many? He hummed softly, as if debating if he should actually tell her the truth. "All of them." He answered, "Though, to be fair, I shouldn't have to lie to you since you so willingly pledged yourself to our lord." Her heart sank when he admitted every single person she had slain had been innocent. Angry tears fell down her bruised cheeks. You abhorrent fiend..! She forced herself to sit up. My alliance with Oda is no more..! Brand me a traitor if you will, I will not take up my blade in the name of Oda to slaughter any more innocents..! Rage burned in her chest, both at Mitsuhide and toward herself. She could see the glint of his scythes in the lantern light, "That's a pity. That means I must kill you. Though I'm sure you already knew this to be the plan." She forced herself onto her feet, glaring death at Mitsuhide. If that is the repentance Kannon wishes of me, then so be it. She said firmly, not turning her back to him or trying to run. She didn t have a weapon, and even if she did, she wouldn t be able to wield it, but she would not run from her fate nor would she fully accept it either, not from Mitsuhide. Mitsuhide moved swiftly, swinging his scythes to cut her straight in half. But nothing happened. In fact, metal clashing against metal echoed the room as quickly as Jin registered a new set of foot steps."Are you alright, Jin dono?" It was Kojurou, how did he know she needed help?"Greetings, Katakura you seem to be faring well ""I came to make sure Jin dono was not wanting for anything. The disgusting bloodlust is hard to miss." Kojurou hissed. The force of the blades meeting alone nearly knocked Jin off her feet in her weakened state, stumbling back and catching herself with the wall. Yes... I am fine. She said softly, breathing a bit labored. "I suppose I have no choice but to try again some other time." Mitsuhide said before rushing out."Matte!" Kojurou yelled and moved to chase him but stopped to make sure Jin was alright. Jin had taken to her knee once Mitsuhide left, head spinning from getting to her feet with a fever. I m alright, he wasn t here long. She said, having to close her eyes to stop the room from spinning. He helped her back into her bed carefully, "You shouldn't be moving around so much." He told her gently. She winced as she laid back onto the bed, letting out a ragged breath. I m afraid that s about all I could move. She said with a soft laugh, but it was clear she was in pain from moving. Had you not come, he surely would ve cut me down. Thank you. He gave a small nod, "There was another reason I came to visit.." He said before reaching into his pocket and pulling out her prayer beads, "I convinced Masamune sama to allow me to return them to your care." Her eyes fell on the beads and her heart jumped into her throat, reaching out slowly and trying to take her beads, but found herself unable to. He could see the frustration in her eyes, but with her hands how they were, it was understandable. Thank you very much, Katakura sama. He moved and gently looped the beads around her wrist, "You're welcome. I thought you would like to have them back, so you may ask forgiveness.." He said gently. She gave a small nod, looking at the old beads wrapped around her bandaged wrist. Thank you. Was all she was able to repeat, allowing her tears of joy to fall from her eyes. "I'll let you resume your rest and return to check on you in the morning." He told her and bowed before leaving her in peace. In the morning the healers had returned to caring for her, but other than fight her fever, there wasn t much they could do for her. All of her broken bones had been set and wrapped, leaving everything else up to time. Kojurou returned to see her, helped her eat so she could regain her strength faster. "I understand you wish to fast to atone, but now is not the best time." Everything about having to be cared for was shameful, but not being able to atone was even more so. She ate as instructed however, not fighting Kojurou on the matter. I understand. She said softly, taking another bite of the rice porridge she was given to start with, having not eaten in almost two weeks. "When you are able to have returned use of your hands, I will not bother you while you ask forgiveness. You have my word." He told her. What next ? Move ahead a bit until her hands are a little better ? None Jin spent most of her time resting and working on restrengthening her hands while the broken bones mended. Luckily, not all of her fingers were broken they were still badly dislocated so soon she was able to feed and dress herself. Kojurou requested when she wasn t in her room resting to remain within his sight, and she obliged him, spending her time praying or helping him with what she could while he didn t have to tend to the Date army affairs. When she wasn't fasting, he made her food with the vegetables from his garden and when she had the strength he asked her to come pull weeds and water the plants with him after dusk. He didn't share this location and secret with just anyone, not even Masamune. He tried not to strain her too much though. She enjoyed the work in the garden he gave her, and even with only one barely functioning hand, she managed to pull out all the weeds tasked with removing watering however was a bit slower. She did work hard, having witness the amount of care he put into not only the villages feilds but his own, it inspired her to do as much as she could to contribute her own share. "If you want to take a break today, I won't think less of you," Kojurou offered as he shared lunch with her one day, "I don't need or want you to push yourself." Jin shook her head as she ate the small portion of boiled vegetables Kojurou had prepared for her he requested she eat something small if she was going to work in the gardens with him. No, I can continue, I just need a small break. She said softly, but her hands were trembling nonetheless. He noticed and frowned softly, "Perhaps laying out the sake bowls for the slugs will be an easier task for you today.." He said with a hint of concern. Jin frowned and carefully set her bento down on her lap to stable her hands. I thank you for your concern, but if repentance was easy, it would not be called repentance. "I understand, but it is more for the sake of your hands than your repentance...they won't heal properly at all if we work you too hard.." He said. She frowned and looked down at her bandages hands, not looking satisfied with his answer, but she relented. I understand. She said softly, agreeing to finish up her work by setting out sake bowls for the snails before returning to the estate ahead of him to rest. "I do appreciate all the help you give me," he added, "really, it's hard to do on my own. I would feel awful to hinder your recovery." She shook her head as she poured the sake and set out the dishes around the garden. Hindering my recovery is far from my mind, you ve given me a chance to redeem myself, and for that, I am forever grateful. She said softly. He looked down at his food, as if lost in thought, "I too felt as though I had failed past the point of redemption. But I was allowed a renewed opportunity to right my wrong. If I am allowed such a chance, then you are equally as deserving." Jin sat kneeling where she was, unmoving as she looked at Kojurou, cheeks flushed slightly and her heart skipping in her chest. Never before had she met such an admirable warrior or man, it was awe inspiring. He slowly began to blush as well and looked away, "S Suman..." He apologized softly, "I did not mean to seem unhumble.." Jin shook her head quickly. No, not at all! She blurted out, her eyes fixed on him. I think it s very admirable... You were able to overcome the tests of life, and seized the second chance Kannon gave you. "I only wish the same for you. Your diligence and loyalty is unwavering in so many ways. I find it to be an attractive qualit " He stopped and flushed heavily, "P Please don't take that the wrong way..." Jin nearly dropped the sake jug at his words, face and ears going red, but she quickly shook her head. N No! Of course! I I understand! She stammered quickly. "I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable!" He sputtered shyly, "That was no my intention!" She looked down at her lap and shook her head. No, not at all! She said, unable to calm her racing heart. "I will stop talking.." He said softly and closed his food, too ashamed to eat. Please don t. She said quietly. You re one of the few who will speak with me without animosity which I understand and accept seeing my current position... But I do enjoy speaking with you. He blushed, "But I almost confessed my..." His face grew darker and he clammed up again. She felt like her heart had stopped in her chest, actually dropping the sake jug this time. As the alcohol seeped out into the soil, Jin stared in shock, then quickly picked up the jug as to not waste the sake. K Katakura sama, y you don t mean..? "I...had hoped to tell you at a more appropriate time..." He muttered softly. But I was an Oda spy!! She suddenly blurted out, quickly shutting her mouth and looking down at her lap. I am not deserving of ones feelings, I came here with the intention to deceive you and your men... How could you possibly find me desirable? "You're beautiful," he began softly, "intelligent, humble, a skilled combatant, your loyalty is unbreakable..." He exhaled, "If you wish not to pursue an intimate relationship with me, I won't press the matter any further..." I do.. She said softly. You re kind, and you ask for so little for all that you give, I would be honored to be with you.. She said, keeping her eyes downcast, face flushed. He moved carefully between the plants to reach her, moving and kissing her tenderly, placing his hand over hers in a gentle affectionate gesture. Jin closed her eyes and returned his kiss with her own gentle one she had to lean up a bit with her kneeling on the ground, but didn t mind, carefully taking Kojurou s hand with her less injured hand. He stayed like that a moment before slowly pulling back, "I won't allow Masamune sama to cause you any more trouble.." She reached up and placed her hand gently against his cheek, shaking her head and offering a soft smile. I ll be fine. She said softly. I am more than grateful for your consideration, but I must ask that whatever your lord asks of me, to allow him, and I will follow. She said softly. I will help in anyway that I can, as Kannon has allowed me a second chance, I dare not waste it. He frowned, he knew Masamune well enough that he would probably just have Jin killed. "If you're positive...?" She nodded, a sure look on her face. I am.. I follow my fate as Buddha sees fit. She said softly. He didn't seem very happy about that but nodded regardless, "Very well.." He said softly. After their brief moment of intimacy, Jin finished up, then returned to the estate with Kojurou, the sun having set quite some time ago. "Will you be fasting this evening?" He asked curiously, "If not, I could bring you food." She nodded. I will be, but I do thank you for the meal today, the vegetables were wonderful. She said softly as they walked through the dark. "Of course, it was my pleasure." He said and she could hear his smile. The two would go their separate ways, Jin bathing in her room with a bucket of water and a cloth, then turning in for the night. Her fastings became more and more frequent the more she was able to use her hands. Kojurou would ask why when she skipped whole days and she would only answer that her returned strength allowed her to plead with Kannon more fervidly. It only seemed to make him worry. Now finally able to use her hands a bit more than before, Jin s repentance became more intense. One night after helping Kojurou in his personal garden, she took to her self flagellation once more. Moving to the small shrine Kojurou had provided her, carefully shrugging off the top half of her yukata, then removing the bandages and pulling her hair over her shoulder and away from her back before retrieving her cat o ninetails, then bringing the leather whip to her back. She winced, but simply closed her eyes, repeating the process once more. Kojurou had prepared a soba dish with some homegrown cucumber and strawberries, he even made a ginger sause to pair nicely with it. It was hot out and he figured a nice cool and refreshing noodle dish would do Jin some good. When he entered her room, he nearly dropped the bowl, "Jin dono! What on earth are you doing?!" Jin was obviously quite startled by Kojurou s unannounced entrance, dropping the whip and covering her chest as she quickly turned to look at him, back covered in red marks over the still healing flesh. Katakura sama..! She quickly pulled her yukata back over her shoulders to hide the damage she had done to her back, face flushed. "Why were you whipping yourself? Was that part of your atonement...?" He looked almost hurt to have caught her practicing such a thing. Jin didn t know why, but she felt great shame, averting her gaze to the floor and turning to face him, remaining in her kneeling position before bowing deeply to him. Forgive me, I did not intend for you to see such a thing, I apologize if it disturbed you. "I'll admit it did take me by surprise..." He muttered, "Please do not continue to self mutilate for forgiveness.." Jin gave a small nod and simply bowed deeper. I understand. She sat up slowly, though she did feel unease that she would not be able to atone in one of the ways she was familiar, if Kojurou asked of her to stop, she would. I will discontinue to do so. "Thank you..." He said gently and decided maybe she wouldn't want to eat right now, "If you must...could you at least wait for your wounds to heal...?" She paused for a moment before nodding. Yes. She agreed, bowing her head once more, then her eyes fell on the dish Kojurou had brought with him, and immediately her face flushed a bit. Did you bring that for me..? He blushed and nodded, "I did...but thinking on it, you probably wish to continue fasting. I've been letting my affections disturb your repentance and I need to be more respectful. I apologize sincerely." She shook her head, looking at the floor with a bashful look. It would be rude of me to refuse such a meal, surely I can accept it this time. She said softly. Perhaps... Perhaps we can share it? The idea of sharing fruit and noodle with her made his whole face light up. "I If you didn't find it to be promiscuous to do so...!" He stammered N Not at all..! Jin seemed equally as flustered, but motioned for him to sit with her regardless. He moved to sit beside her and helped her eat the soba he had made. He had never felt this flustered before, it was so odd. All though the two of them were rather flustered, the small intimate moment together was enjoyable, a quiet and peaceful moment during the turbulent times. After another couple of months of trying not to hinder Jin's spiritual healing and rehabilitating her hands, Kojurou left her to help the army and Oshuu in her own ways. He was proud to see her doing so well now that she could do more with herself, and he grew more respectful of how she went about asking the gods forgiveness even if he didn't like most of them, it wasn't his place to tell her what she should and shouldn't do.Masamune had called Jin into the war room one day, sitting and waiting for her patiently. A soft knock would come at the door, Jin announcing herself before entering, then moving to sit before Masamune, feet tucked under her and hands resting on her thighs as she bowed her head to him. Masamune sama, how can I be of assistance? "You've been doing a lot helping out around the villages, hell, you even help the men with their shit when they ask. And Kojurou is pretty hellbent on you sticking around. But you understand why I still find it hard to trust you, right?" He stated firmly. Jin kept her head bowed to Masamune, giving a small nod. Of course, Masamune sama. She said softly. There was a small thunk before her, and upon lifting her head, she saw it was a seppuku knife. Kojurou was at the door, silent and wide eyed he was coming in to check the war reports when he witnessed the interaction."Kill yourself." Masamune ordered and Kojurou's entire body stiffened harder. Jin s expression was easy to read, and it was more than clear she was rather shocked. She stared at the knife for a moment more, then glanced up at Masamune, her heart settled when she saw his expression was serious, and she let out a soft breath, closing her eyes before opening them and nodding. Yes. She didn t know Kojurou was there, she didn t sense his presence as she reached out and picked up the knife, then pulled the blade from its sheath. She had rather enjoyed the time she had spent with Kojurou, assisting the villagers as she could, spending late nights with him in his garden, but she knew that could be no more. She was already living on borrowed time, and certainly, she had seen her own Nirvana with Kojurou. She knew none of his would last forever, not for a turncoat such as herself. Setting the sheath before her on the ground, she moved the blade to her stomach, then pulled back her hand in preparation to plunge the blade deep into her stomach. "Hold it." Masamune said suddenly and Kojurou looked to his lord in surprise. Masamune didn't look as serious, in fact he looked rather calm, "Put it down, you don't have to kill yourself. I was just testin' ya." Jin lowered the blade and looked to Masamune in confusion. I don t understand..? She followed Masamune s gaze over her shoulder, eyes widening when she saw Kojurou behind her in the doorway. Kojurou..! She carefully set the knife down, surprised to see Kojurou had been there watching them. "Kojurou is pretty fond of you. And you've been here long enough to prove that you're serious about making amends." Masamune said, "So I wanted to test your loyalty. If you took up the knife, I knew you were hard set on making up for your wrong. If you didn't then I would know that you were still trying to fuck me. You proved me wrong." One would ve expected Jin to get angry, be insulted that Masamune had tested her in such a way, but she simply turned back to Masamune, and bowed deeply, pressing her head to the floor. Thank you for presenting me with such an opportunity. She said gratefully. "Eh, if Kojurou is right about you and your value, then you need opportunities to prove so, right? Means you need to stick around and put me in my place." Masamune smirked. Kojurou smiled softly, glad Masamune was being so kind to Jin. I would never even dream of repromanding you, Masamune sama. She said as she sat back up, tears of joy spilling down her face at the second chance. "Fair enough." He grinned, "You can go ahead and go." He nudged his head, "What did you need, Kojurou?""I was just going to check on the war reports to see if there were any updates on Oda's plans." Kojurou answered. None None None Akihime sat on the deck of the courtyard, staring up at the storm clouds that slowly rolled over Kai's beautiful landscape. Her thumb absently played with her tiger's eye prayer beads, counting them over and over as she contemplated the odd weather. Something wasn't right, she could feel it. Akihime dono..? Yukimura was in a simple red yukata, hair still slightly damp from his bath not too long ago. Is everything alright? You look worried. "This storm..." She muttered, brows furrowed, "It brings a foreboding with it. I do not like it." She answered."Akihime." Sasuke appeared across from her, bowing his head politely, "You have a guest.""A guest?" She looked confused, "Who?""Uh..." Sasuke glanced up nervously, "Your...father." Akihime's thumb halted over her beads and her eyes widened slowly."M...My father...?" Yukimura s own discomfort was easy to read, looking to Sasuke with a quizzical shock. Otani dono..? What did he say he wished to speak about? Yukimura asked the Shinobi. "He didn't say. He's waiting in the guest area." Sasuke answered. Akihime stood and took a shaky breath."I shan't keep him waiting then. I cannot be rude to my own father." She said and headed off. Yukimura only glanced to Sasuke before following after Akihime, surely he wasn t rude enough to keep his father in law waiting while his wife entertained him. Catching up with Akihime easily, he walked beside her in silence, his brows furrowing slightly in determination. "I'm scared, Yukimura sama.." Akihime said softly, "This is the first time in a year my father has come to speak with me.." Yukimura s hand brushed hers and he took her pinkie in his, looking down at her. I ll be right here, the whole time. He said gently, his chocolate brown eyes always so calming to look into. She seemed to relax a little and her pinkie squeezed his, "Arigatou..." She said quietly before moving into the guest area with him. Yoshitsugu turned his head and smiled under his bandages. He had come alone."It's so good to see you after so long, my sweet daughter." He greeted. She smiled through her uneasiness and sat across from him, bowing politely."I am happy to have you here, Otou sama. It is a pleasure after being apart from you." She greeted. Yoshitsugu bowed his head to Yukimura."Greetings, young Cub. I trust she has been a good wife to you." Yukimura bowed his head to Yoshitsugu, taking a seat beside Akihime. Yes, Akihime has been wonderful. He said, looking to his father in law, clearly a bit uncomfortable. Shall I have tea prepared? He asked. "No, no, there's no need, I won't be staying long." Yoshitsugu replied. Akihime frowned softly."You traveled on your own all the way from Osaka, are you sure you don't wish to stay?" She asked. He waved his hand."Mitsunari will worry if I'm gone too long. No, I'm merely here to deliver a warning." He said, his tone dipping a bit at the last statement. Akihime clenched her fists tightly in her lap."Warning...?" Yukimura s expression became serious and he steadied his racing heart. Is this warning regarding Oda..? He inquired. He nodded and Akihime instinctively grabbed Yukimura's hand in fear."Because of Tokugawa's defecting from his alliance, Oda is sending warriors to slay those who wronged him. I have heard word that he has sent someone to Kai." Yoshitsugu answered. Akihime's heart almost hammered out of her chest, eyes wide in terror. Yukimura didn t seem phased by this, he had been through this many times before. Do you have any word on who they ll be sending? "Unfortunately no, the only word I received was that someone was coming here to do harm I know not who and I know not the target. But it would pain me for either of you to be put in any grief." Yoshitsugu replied. Akihime looked worried, it was still hard for her to use her tessen, even with her burns fully healed. Yukimura bowed his head to Yoshitsugu, giving Akihime s hand a small squeeze. Thank you Otani dono, I shall report this to my lord at once. He said firmly, but Akihime knew this put him on edge too. "Here, Otou sama, allow me to help you back to your carriage." Akihime offered and stood, walking with Yoshitsugu as he floated along on his palanquin. She gave Yukimura a worried glance as she left with her father and the soft sound of leaves alerted Yukimura to Sasuke's presence."What would you wish for me to do, dana?" He asked. Yukimura frowned softly. Look into this matter, keep an eye out in the surrounding lands. He said softly, keeping his tone hush so Akihime couldn t hear. Confrontation isn t necessary. "Hai." Sasuke bowed his head and vanished without another word. When Akihime returned from helping Yoshitsugu, there was a soft rumble of thunder as the clouds only seemed to darken. She absently counted her beads again, praying for guidance. I ve sent out Sasuke to investigate this matter. Yukimura said, standing and moving over to his wife. Please don t fret over it. "I'm trying...Buddha teaches displacement of worry, seems very difficult for me today.." She admitted, "I'll be alright.." She smiled. Yukimura linked pinkies with Akihime, then took her hand in his. I will not let anything foul call upon you. He said gently. She smiled and squeezed his hands gently, "Arigatou..." She muttered. She looked when she heard rain pelt against the roof and made a noise, "Oh dear..." Yukimura made a noise. It s an odd day for rain.. He muttered softly, almost to himself. "Something is definitely wrong..." She muttered. As they day progressed the rains only grew harder and heavier. Akihime kept her beads on hand, watching the rain and praying silently, even as one of the village workers came running up shouting that the Dragon's Dyke was about to break and flood the village. Yukimura felt his heart tighten in his chest and he immediately went to find Shingen, going to inform his lord of the predicament the local village was suffering. My lord! He sat outside the door, head bowed. "Yes, I heard, Yukimura. Let us make haste to the dyke and see if we can help." Shingen said. Akihime stood some ways away, eyes almost lifeless and her expression dull as her thumb pushed her beads slowly along the string. She was only ever like this once from what Yukimura could recall, and it was only ever after speaking with her father as if being near him drained her of her very soul. Yukimura turned and frowned when he saw Akihime s expression, moving over to her and holding her hands tightly. Akihime, I need for you to remain here, when Sasuke returns I need for you to gather the information he did I m counting on you. Her gaze lifted to meet his and some life sparked back to her. "Of course, my husband. If Sasuke brings anything, I will make haste to your side." Yukimura nodded, then hurried off after his lord to the dyke to stop it from giving way. The workers were doing all that they could to keep the dyke stable, putting up thicker logs and larger stones to keep anything from giving out. But leaks were popping up everywhere, even with Shingen sealing a majority of it with a boulder, only more water came out. Oyakata sama!! Yukimura came to a stop on his horse, dismounting quickly. I ve the repair supplies needed! Many men on horse back following had carts full of lumber and motar, all to help repair the dyke. "Quickly, we need to get to work!" Shingen called. A bloodlust fell slowly over the area and Shingen looked up, seeing Mitsuhide standing on the dyke with a wicked grin. Yukimura was pinned where he was by the awful aura Mitsuhide exuded. A Akechi Mitsuhide..!? Was this the sent Oda had sent to eliminate his foes? He couldn t move, spears in hands as he stared wide eyed at Mitsuhide. Mitsuhide rushed at Shingen, scythes poised for the kill and Shingen did his best to defend himself. Mitsuhide cut the boulder cleanly and that was all the dyke needed to start flooding. Before Shingen could stop the water, Mitsuhide plunged his scythes into Shingen's back and pushed him into the rushing flood. Oyakata sama!! Yukimura wanted to go after Mitsuhide, but he feared for his lord, so rather, he dove into the rapids after him, searching the water desperately for Shingen. The water was like ice as he swam after Shingen, who seemed to get farther and farther from him.Akihime was racing on horse back to reach the dyke in time. Sasuke finally came back and said that there was evidence of Mitsuhide in the area and she was terrified to not only lose Yukimura but Shingen as well. Yukimura didn t dare slow down, despite the freezing cold. Pushing himself to swim faster, and soon he caught his lords arm, but the current was too strong.After what felt like minutes of struggling, he finally was on land, sputtering and coughing up water, having been washed downstream until he was pushed onto the bank with his lord, who was still unconscious. "Yukimura sama!" Akihime called in a panic. She was soaked to the bone from the rain, her kimono caked and ruined with mud but she could care less."Dana!" Sasuke came rushing up as well with some soldiers to help, but Mitsuhide must have been satisfied with his work for he had left not soon after attacking Shingen. Yukimura s ears will filled with water, just as his lungs, hacking and coughing up mouthfuls of water before looking to his lord, who still wasn t breathing. Oyakata sama!! Oyakata sama!! Sasuke moved and started to preform cpr. Akihime moved to Yukimura, checking him over worriedly."D Daijoubu...?" Her voice was shaking as hard as her hands were. Yukimura slowly looked to Akihime, face pale and soaked like a wet rat. M My lord... H He... He coughed up more water and looked down at the ground, tears burning in his eyes. Shingen suddenly sputtered up water and coughed loudly. Akihime looked over and gestured to the soldiers."Get Oyakata sama back to the estate!""Hai!" They moved to carry Shingen with Sasuke. Akihime took Yukimura's hands and pulled him up."L Let's get you home before you catch y your death.." She said, teeth chattering. His eyes finally fell on Akihime, who was soaked to the bone from the freezing rains. Th The village below.. He barely managed out, lips blue. "W We will do...aaall that we c c can for them when th the rains sssstop..." She said, "Th They prepared for something llllike this to happen, my husband..." She was shaking so hard. "P Please come back with m me before you get...sick..." Yukimura felt his heart skip a beat, how long had she been out in the rain? He gave a small nod before taking her hand and leading her back to the horses, helping her onto her horse before mounting his own horse and returning to the estate. When they reached the estate, Shingen was taken to the armor that needs no shield to rest and heal. Akihime grabbed night clothes, her thin frame looking like she would topple over if she shook any harder."L L Let's go to the bath and wash, hm...?" She smiled at Yukimura, "Th That way when we're done, w we can see Oyakata sama..." Akihime, you re shaking... Yukimura frowned deeply, retrieving the blanket to his bed from the closet and wrapping it around her tightly. Please care for yourself before you catch your death. I can care for myself. He said softly. She smiled anyway, keeping spirits up, "We nnneed to change and warm u up or we'll fall ill...I I can't allow you do that..." She moved and nudged him before giving him fresh clothes."G Go soak...I I will do the same, I p...promise...!" She blushed and looked away, "I I don't want to u u undress in front of you...b but I need to remove my kimono..." He still looked worried but gave a small nod, going into one of the private changing rooms on the men s side and removing his soaked clothes before heading to the warm baths. Akihime did the same, soaking in the only women's bath since it was only her and Amaya there. She was shaking less and less the more she sat in the warm water. She almost fell asleep. Yukimura found himself dozing, but made sure to stay awake, he still needed to check on his lord. After he was completely warmed up, he got out of the bath, dried off and got dressed once more. "Ah, Sanada sama," The healer approached Yukimura with a soft smile as he made his way to see Shingen, "Shingen sama will pull through, he's resting now so you may be with him if you wish. He lost a bit of blood but he's otherwise fine. We will make a remedy to keep him comfortable." Yukimura nodded. Thank you..When Akihime returns, could you check her for fever? She was in the rain for quite some time. He said, worry clear on his face. "Of course, Sanada sama." She bowed politely, "I will make an herbal drink to combat any illness she may have contracted from the cold."Akihime had her head resting on her arms on the edge of the bath as she slept in the hot water, cheeks pink from the soothing heat. He nodded, then entered the room where his lord was resting, moving to take a seat beside him, bowing his head. Shingen looked to be resting comfortably, his head bandaged from a head injury he must have received when he was floating in the water current. He didn't realize how long he had been sitting there, ignoring the painful tingling in his legs as he stayed by Shingen's side."Sanada sama," the healer from before called gently from outside the room, "we found Akihime dono asleep in the bath and have brought her to the bedroom to rest appropriately. There is a small flush but we aren't sure if it's from illness or from sitting so long in the water. I gave her the herbal drink anyway just in case. If it isn't a trouble, please update me if her condition worsens." He hadn t even realized so much time had passed until the healer spoke up, stirring him from his daze. Hai, thank you. He said, rubbing his face and slowly getting to his feet. He needed to check on Akihime and make sure she was ok as well. When he entered the bedroom, Akihime was dead asleep in their shared futon. As the healer said, there was a small flush to her cheeks but she looked to be ok all things considered. Yukimura closed the door behind him as he moved further into the room, moving to sit beside his wife as she slept. He watched her for a moment, making sure her breathing was normal before slowly reaching out to place his hand on her forehead, checking to see if her temperature had spiked at all above normal. She felt warm against his fingers and she stirred gently at the contact, "Husband...?" She asked softly, slowly peeking her eyes open, "How is Oyakata sama...?" He pulled his hand away, feeling a pang Of guilt for touching her so freely without her permission. I m sorry, I didn t mean to wake you, Akihime. He spoke softly as to not wake her fully. The healers say his condition is stable, and that he shouldn t have any issues recovering. She gave a tired smile and closed her eyes again, "I'm so glad..." She whispered, "I knew he would be ok...the Tiger of Kai could not be bested so easily..." Rest.. I will wake you if his condition changes. Yukimura said gently guilt rising in his chest. Akihime was like this because of him, she had come out into th freezing rain because of him. "You look so sad, Yukimura sama..." She noted softly, "I can stay awake a while your wife, I must " She was cut off by a yawn and she hid it with her sleeve, "I must care for you..." He shook his head and reached out to pet her hair gently. Please rest, it would do my heart good. He said tenderly it was almost strange, such an eccentric warrior being so tender. She took his hand gently and nuzzled it against her cheek, "Just promise you will come to bed's much more comfortable with you beside me..." Hai.. He nodded, gently cupping her flushed cheek and watching her slowly doze off. After a while, he moved to lay beside her, but sleep wouldn t come to him, so instead he pet Akihime s hair gently as she slept. In the morning, Akihime's fever didn't change but she refused to stay in bed regardless of how much Yukimura protested. "I'm fine, my husband, please stop fretting...!" She said, amused with his antics. You re still running a fever, please Akihime, you don t have to push yourself this hard..! Yukimura had tried everything he could think of to get her back in bed, worried Akihime would work herself until her fever worsened. She gave a dismissive wave of her hand, "I need to go to the village and help those who have suffered from the dyke bursting. I won't push myself, I promise..." She smiled softly to hopefully reassure him, "If I feel any worse, I will come home." Yukimura finally relented, allowing her to head off to the village with Amaya in tow. Yukimura had his own job to do, keeping the Takeda army functioning while Shingen was out of commission, as well as diverting resources for the village that had been destroyed and rebuilding the dyke he had his work cut out for him. "Forgive me for putting Akihime in such a state," Sasuke said, "I should have come to find you at the dyke first." Yukimura looked up from the paper work he had to take care of before anything else could be started. It s not your fault, Sasuke, I should ve told her to stay at the estate no matter what. He said softly, returning to writing, then pausing again. Have there been any sightings of Akechi Mitsuhide next the surrounding lands? Sasuke shook his head, "No, nothing. It's almost like he just up and vanished. I have my ninjas scouting still, though. Just in case." He nodded, brush hesitating over his papers. How is Akihime doing? He asked quietly. She went to the village that had been washed away by the flood... Is she alright? "Oh, uh...I mean Amaya went with her, right? I figure she's doing ok." He answered, "I can go check, I just figured Mitsuhide was top priority.." He felt a tingle go down his neck, the hairs on her neck rising a bit and his ears burning red. Y Yes Amaya dono did go with her.. I just she He started to sputter out an incomprehensible string of words, clearly flustered again. I I worry about the condition of her health.. It was understandable that he was so concerned for her health, his first wife did pass due to an illness after all. If Akihime's fever worsened, she would be bedridden as well. And to see her in such a state, he couldn't comprehend the grief it would put him through to lose another woman he loved so carelessly."I'll go find her and check on her. Don't worry so much, dana, she's tough." Sasuke said and vanished in the blink of an eye. Yukimura couldn t help but worry and fret over Akihime, if he were to lose her, he would be utterly crushed. After a bit, Sasuke returned, "Well after tracking her down in the fields and getting an earful from Amaya, I found Akihime. She looked like she was pushing herself so I asked her to come home. She should be here soon." He said. He then frowned, noticing Yukimura's stressed expression, "You ok, dana?" Yukimura had finished quite a bit of work while Sasuke was gone, and had even had a chance to pop in and check on Shingen before returning to work, but both his Lords poor health and his wife s poor health weighed heavily on him. I m fine..! He waved Sasuke off with a forced smile. "Um, no." Sasuke stood firmly, "What's going on? Talk to me." Of course Yukimura wasn t alright, both his lord and his wife were out of commission, leaving Yukimura alone to command the troops and handle all other matters pertaining the Takeda army. Nothings wrong with me, I m just worried about the state of the Takeda as of now. "Akihime will be back soon to help you," It sounded a little rude and odd, a wife helping her husband lead an army, but they both knew how well of a tactician she was taught to be, "She's just got a bit of a cold, it's nothing she can't handle.." Yukimura nodded and looked down at his work, chewing on the inside of his cheek as he sorted through the papers before finding the one he needed to prioritize first. Thank you, Sasuke. Sasuke gave a nod and moved to sit on the roof. When Akihime returned, she went in search of Yukimura despite Amaya's protests that she go lie down."May I please inform my husband that I'm home first?" She asked, her nose stuffed. Amaya sighed softly, but finally relented, nodding and bowing to Akihime before disappearing.Yukimura was taking a break, well more like he nearly fell asleep, his own body worn down from the cold rains the night before, drifting off quickly with his head on the desk. He felt a gentle tug before being pulled against something warm and soft, the gentle scent of kiku flowers filling his nose."Tadaima..." Akihime greeted gently, her fingers delicately combing through his hair. Yukimura perked a bit and his eyes opened slowly, setting his own aside before making a mess. Okaerinasai.. "Sasuke said you were starting to worry yourself into an early grave.." She smiled, "So I came back to ease you...maybe you should come and rest with me, you look exhausted.." Yukimura frowned, but didn t move from his spot, Akihime still resting against his back. I still have construction plans to finalsize.. He was rather sluggish and groggy. She made a noise, "Hai, but a small moment of respite won't hurt the plans..." She hugged him around his chest gently, "Everyone is doing their best right now and the villagers are faring well all things considered. You can spare a moment to be with your selfish wife.." Yukimura did think a small nap sounded rather nice at the moment, so with a soft sigh, he nodded. Alright, a small break.. She moved and took his hand, pulling him out of the office and to their room, laying out their bed and stripping into only her kosode. She blushed softly and laid down, gesturing for him to lay with her. Yukimura maid beside his wife, burrowing under the covers and snuggling up beside Akihime. Now that he was resting beside his wife, he seemed to drain even further of his energy. She held him and closed her eyes, relaxing in his presence, "Daisuki..." She whispered contently. Daisuki. He said softly in reaponse, holding his wife gently against his chest as the two rested. Later when they awoke, Akihime prepared Yukimura his supper as she helped him with his paperwork, advising him on different military points and answering any concerns he held. She was calm and patient with him, glad to serve him in any way she could. None "The winds are fare today, aniki!" One of the men called from the mast."I ain't seen the sea this calm in a long time!" Another called. A large yellow parrot moved and landed on Motochika's shoulder as he looked everything over."How's the catch, Nana?" He asked. Nana looked over her shoulder as she helped haul up the large net full of fish. Just as good as the day before, my husband. She grinned up at him, wiping the sweat from her forehead. Motochika nodded and looked over as Keiji helped the men with repairs, "What an odd one he is." He mused. Once the haul was on board and sorted, a large portion of the crew went on to cleaning and preparing the fish for the long storage ahead in preparation of heading back out to sea. Foods just about all secure, both preserved and fresh. Nana wiped her sweat away with a worn bandana, moving to stand beside her husband, who towered over her easily. "I knew I could count on you, Nana." He grinned down at her, "The Fugaku will be ready to set sail within the hour." And what of Maeda? Nana asked. Is he planning to go out to sea with us? Motochika made a noise, "He wants us to make peace with Mouri.." He answered, "So we're gonna sail for Aki." Mouri? Nana echoed, brows furrowing. This doesn t have anything to do with the alliance to defeat Oda, does it? She asked in a hushed tone. Nana was kind, but one thing she did not let go of was the treatment of Mouri s people, many of which had fled to Chosokabe for safety in the ongoing war, hungry and overworked. "He had mentioned something of the like, aye," Motochika replied softly, "Honestly if some kind of truce can be made with Mouri, I'll take it, even a temporary one." Nana let out a soft sigh, not one to fight with such matters with her husband. Aye, we ll treat him as one of our own, I ll see to it he has a place to rest his head. He leaned down and kissed her head, "We'll be prepared for whatever happens.." She smiled softly and her face flushed, turning away to hide her small smile of joy. You re too kind, husband. He grinned, "Fer what? Kissin' ya?" He asked before leaning down and peppering her face in small kisses. Nana couldn t help but laugh, trying to shield her face from his kisses. Get back to work with ya! She whacked his arm, but smiled all the same. He chuckled and wandered off to make sure everything was tip top, barking at the men who were slacking. Soon the Fugaku was setting sail, the massive fortress making its way toward the land of Aki Nana worked below deck in the engine room to keep the massive ship running smoothly. "I hope your plan doesn't fail." Motochika told Keiji. The vagabond grinned."We treated Mouri's men fairly, he'll have to listen to what we have to say." Let s hope this is surely the case. Nana spoke up from behind the two, covered in grease and sweat. Everything s going smooth below deck as well. She reported. They turned and Motochika grinned, "Always a wonderful job, Nana " How promiscuous of you, trying to seduce your wife in front of another man. Nana teased, but Motochika could see that familiar lopsided smile. "Praise is seduction for you two?" Keiji asked with a teasing smile. Motochika held Nana against him with an even wider grin."Only because actually seducing her turns her redder than the setting sun " She whacked his stomach with the back of her hand, cheeks flushed. Telling such secrets isn t fair I don t tell others that when you get drunk, you like to remove your clothes. She teased. Keiji laughed loudly and Motochika flushed."Nana! I meant no harm!" He protested. Nana laughed as well, grinning up at Motochika. Gomen gomen She chuckled. "You two are really what this country needs.." Keiji said almost dreamily. Motochika made a face, clearly confused."What are you talking about?" He asked. Keiji scratched his cheek with a sheepish grin."The world could do with more love." He replied. Nana s expression softened as she looked to Keiji, a thoughtful look on her face. We re really the best example of such a thing? She mused. "Well, all couples married or otherwise are great examples of what's best, I believe." Keiji replied, "Can't really stop the power of love." Nana s cheeks flushed a bit, and she rubbed the back of her neck, looking to Motochika. Well... Thank you. Motochika glanced down at her and winked with his good eye, "At any rate, we should reach the meeting point by nightfall." Nana smiled softly and nodded. Aye, and the Fugaku will be ready to dock when we do. She gave him a peck on the cheek before running off to tend to the Fugaku. Motochika chuckled and enjoyed some sake with Keiji as they sailed over the open sea. The plan was to meet with Mouri both the Chosokabe and the Mouri had sent spies to the opposing factions, and each other had found the spies, and now each faction was going to retrieve their own spies. "I hope Keiji knows what he's doing." Motochika muttered bitterly, enjoying sake with Nana. Nana made a soft noise and sipped her sake, smoke curling slowly from the lit pipe in her other hand, the scent of tobacco heavy with the scent of oil on her though she had made a habit of cleaning up before lighting her pipe as to avoid catching flame as well. Aye. Truth be told, I do not entirely believe the vagabonds plan will work out... But I can t help but hope it will. "A temporary truce is a welcome one. And when Oda is dealt with, we can claim all the Seto sea from Mouri " He smirked. Nana set down her cup of sake, only to take a drag from her pipe. I would expect nothing less, but first we need to get our men back. She blew out the smoke as she spoke, smiling softly at her husbands enthusiasm. "Of course, a victory would be meaningless if we all weren't there to enjoy it." He smirked at her The rendezvous was made at night, the two opposing factions meeting on the water on their own respective ships, Mouri standing stiffly in place as the ships slowly drifted closer to one another. Motochika had Mouri's men brought forward, "Alright, Mouri! Here are your men, safe and sound!" He called, leaning against his anchor."Mouri sama!" The soldiers looked relieved to see their lord, or at least it seemed that way. Mouri Motonari stared at his men with an unreadable expression before glancing to the attendant to his left, who gave a nod and signaled for Motochika s men to be led out. Aniki!! The men shouted when they saw Motochika, expressions brightening. Chosokabe, you speak of reaching an alliance, yet you send spies. He almost sounded indifferent, like the spies weren t even a concern to him. What game do you play at? "I'll be honest with ye, they were sent long before this alliance was even proposed. And yer no better, to be fair." Motochika replied, "What say ye to puttin' this behind us fer now and deal with the real threat: Oda. I'm told he's ready to breathe down yer neck with him takin' Kyuushu from Shimazu." Motonari seemed to actually be thinking over the offer, but his displeased expression never changed. Is that the reason you ve brought Maeda Keiji? To reach an alliance to defeat Oda Nobunaga? "It was Maeda niisan's idea to team up against Oda. I can't blame him for trying, we would make a formidable force." Motochika smirked. Mm. He made a soft noise, raising his hand. Maybe so, but such a plan will never come to fruition. He said calmly, the screams of Motochika s men following soon after as they were cut down, then something unexpected. Mouri s own men started dropping like flies, arrows raining down from Mouri s archers, slaying his own men. Motochika deathgripped his anchor, " disgusting rat! Your own men!" He yelled before all hell broke loose. The Fugaku's cannons went off firing at Mouri's ships as the two armies clashed. Mouri s own ships returned fire just as quickly, like they had been primed and ready for such an attack. Motochika engaged Motonari, infuriated that he would pull such an underhanded tactic. Keiji tried to do his best to stop all the fighting but it was useless with no one listening to him. No one had time to listen to Keiji, the two swarming into one large mass of men, blades clashing and yelling drowning out his every word, even Nana was forced into the fight. Keiji had had enough. This fighting was pointless. He jumped between Motochika and Motonari with his massive blade, blocking both their weapons with his."I can't believe the both of you would rather jump at each other's throats than come to some kind of arrangement to stop a bigger threat! You idiots disgust me!" He snarled. Mouri narrowed his eyes, not moving, and not looking away from Motochika either. This does not involve you Vagabond. He said lowly, but then did the unexpected he took a step back and lowered his weapon. But perhaps you are right... And an agreement can be settled upon, if only temporarily. "When Oda is dealt with, Mouri, we'll settle this fight once and for all." Motochika stated firmly, glaring heatedly, "You'll pay for the lives you needlessly took." Mouri only gave Motochika a glance before turning on his heel, turning his gaze away from the pirate. Do not test the patience of my temporary truce, pirate. He said calmly. I need not pay for the lives of those who are easily replaceable. Motochika was furious, shaking so hard the chain of his anchor rattled. His men returned to the Fugaku, even those who were slain, and they parted from Mouri and his fleet. Motochika stood with Nana, his anchor stuck into the wood of the bow, his jaw clenched tightly. "Was it worth it, Nana? Will their deaths mean anything in the end?" He asked lowly, voice shaking. Nana was helping a few men who had been struck by arrows in the skirmish, frowning softly as she stared at her work. Aye. Not a single one of their deaths will be meaningless they were the ones that made this alliance possible. He stood silently for a moment, looking out at his precious sea, "Aye..." He finally spoke, but he didn't sound like he believed it himself. Nana finished tying up the tourniquet on the man s arm, just above the arrow in his bicep. That ll have to do until you get to the medical bay. She said, standing and turning to her husband. Thank you, Nana san. The man said as he stood and moved off to the infirmary. Motochika kept his gaze out on the sea, hos parrot sitting gently on his shoulder. Motochika. His wife s voice brought his attention away from the sea. We will see that their deaths are paid back in full, they did not die in vein. Nana said, a rage burning in her own storm gray eyes. He looked down at her and his sorrow seemed to replace with her fury, her fire sparking his own. "Aye. Mouri will regret ever attempting us wrong." He stated. She nodded. He will face the wrath of the Ogre of the Western Seas and he will pay dearly. He nodded and held her close as they returned to Shikoku to make plans against the Devil King. None "Masamune!!" The One Eyed Dragon grimaced at the voice, looking back as he heard footsteps approach him quickly."Surprised to see you out and about, Iisaka.." He greeted dryly. Iisaka no Tsubone was a beautiful woman, almost like a living porcelain doll. She looked annoyed however, glaring down at Masamune as he sat on the deck."None of my kimono were cleaned.""Sorry, all of Mego's stuff takes priority, she's my wife you know." He replied. Iisaka looked angry."I have no scented oils.""I'll get some made...""I'm out of make up.""I'll get that, too...""I want to go out.""You know where the horses are..." For the longest time, Masamune had done his very damnedest to keep Megohime and Iisaka apart at his estate, but he knew that inevitable day would come sooner or later, and unfortunately that day was today. Did you decide to get a parrot? What is that awful screeching? Megohime had come to find Masamune, having prepared him an assortment of sweets, scarlet eyes glued to Iisaka and a soft scowl on her face. Iisaka glared before returning her gaze to Masamune, "Take me into town." She demanded. Masamune looked up in confusion, reaching for one of the namagashi Megohime had made."What?""I want to go into town. Take me.""I...Iisaka, I'm kinda spending time with Mego..." He said. Megohime sat beside her husband, holding the tray for him to pick out whichever snack he desired. I m sure you know your way around well enough to not need your hand held by this point, Iisaka, go by yourself. "I want to be with Masamune." She stated firmly, "He needs a break from his bratty wife.""A bratty concubine is no better." Masamune mumbled under his breath. Megohime only scowled more at the woman, that coming from Masamune was one thing, but his concubine has no right to say so. You re a concubine, you re here to bear my husband children and to entertain him, not to play lovers, don t overstep your bounds. "Jesus Christ..." Masamune muttered in English, "Mego, don't bother...we'll go out later, Iisaka, can I please just be with my wife?""Fine." Iisaka huffed and walked away. Megohime made a face, looking out over the garden. I don t know why you indulge her so much. She muttered. "Keeps a knife out of my back..." He said. Obviously Iisaka would have to be incredibly stupid to make an attempt on Masamune's life like that for something so petty, though he wouldn't put it passed her. Megohime shot him a look that said not funny , letting out a heavy sigh. I don t like her. "I know you don't.." He said gently, "She's not all bad.." Megohime looked to him with a raised eyebrow. The only good thing she s done is give you a son. That was a first, Megohime saying something positive about another person. "Yeah but when she's civil, she's pleasant...she plays the samisen rather nicely.." He said, "You're a way better cook though " Megohime s cheeks flushed at the praise, and she turned her head away slightly. Of course I do, a wife is supposed to feed her husband. He grinned, "Doesn't mean you have to be good at it..." Surely I won t let a concubine outdo me. She said, looking down at the treats on the tray she held. What kind of wife would I be then? He ate the treats happily, "Still a good wife, just one that doesn't cook very good." He teased. Megohime gave him another look, though this one slightly amused. You know what I meant. She muttered softly, taking his free hand and holding it gently. He smiled and gave her hand a squeeze, "You don't have to worry about her replacing you..." Back on the Fugaku, strange occurances were popping up every now and again, small rations disappearing, a few clothes and bedding that were either going to be thrown out, or were simply hanging out to dry. For a while Motochika was sure it was just his men slacking off eating more than their share, forgetting they had thrown out the old bed, or misplaced their shirt, but it was soon discovered the true culprit was a young lad who had been stowing away on the Fugaku, and was now on the run from a small handful of Motochika s men, who had caught him stealing from the kitchen. The kid was lithe and fast, easily outrunning the other crew members, fleeing like a rat from a cat. "Get back here!!""How dare you steal from us!!" They shouted as they chased him. A thick chain swung out and wrapped around the lad, jerking him off his feet and dropping him on his ass."Aniki!""What's goin' on here?" Motochika huffed. The apples the kid had been holding tumbled away from him as he fell, landing hard and groaning in pain. He winced as he sat up, and when his eyes fell on Motochika, he froze. C Cap n.. "That food don't belong to you, boy.." Motochika said firmly, "What do you think yer doin'?" He looked ashamed, looking away and at the apples he had taken bruised and old. They were tha barrel bottoms.. I didn think anyone would notice.. "Yer the one takin' all the clothes and beddin' too, eh?" He asked His face and ears went red. I ripped open my shirt fixin tha riggin on tha mast.. Well if anything this kid was honest. An no one wanted tha beddin anyway.. "Fixin' the rig?" The pirates were scratching their heads. How did they not notice him doing such a huge chore? Ah! No one woulda noticed unless ya climbed all tha way up to tha top! I meant no disrespect Cap n! He said quickly. "Dangerous work indeed." Motochika noted, "And ya did it on yer own." It was a bit tricky, but aye sir. The boy nodded, looking bashful. "Ya got a name, boy?" He asked, "Unless ye just wanna be known as storage rat?" His ears burned red and he quickly gave a nod. R Ren. He answered, but didn t look away from the massive captain. "Welcome aboard, Ren. Sorry for such a late introduction.""Aniki!" The crew argued and Motochika looked over with a bored expression, "He's a stowaway!""Any man willin' ta work and earn his keep is welcome." Motochika said before wandering off, "He's family now." Ren sat there in shock, yellow eyes wide as he watched Motochika walk off. Family? He was apart of their family? He felt a flutter in his chest, quickly wiping away his tears before standing and bowing. Arigatou, Cap n!! "Just don't go takin' things anymore.." He called, waving his hand dismissively. Aye, Cap n! He shouted back, standing up straight. He was so happy for now he had a family. None None None None Soon the battle at Honno Ji had come, and with Shingen still recovering it meant that Yukimura would not have his lord to guide him through such a huge defining battle. Akihime did her best to prepare him but she could see the turmoil in his heart."Yukimura sama, this is what will forge the future of the land for years to come. If you do not steel yourself, Oda will overrun you." She said gently before taking his spears and humbly offering them, "The Spirit of the Takeda burns within you, and Oyakata sama is with you even in his sickbed. So promise me you'll end this horrible path of misery Oda has created and return home to your selfish wife so we can forge our own future together.."Masamune finished setting up his Six Claws, armored up and ready for war."Mego," he glanced at her from over his shoulder, "I want you to stay here. It's safer for you in Oshuu than it will be at Honnoji." Yukimura finished tying his red hairtie into his hair, pulling it tight before turning to look at Akihime, then taking the few steps over to her. He placed his hand over the spears in her hands, letting his hand linger for a moment before taking the spears from his wife, letting his eyes linger a moment longer. Thank you, Akihime. He clenched his fist around his spears. I will let this soul of mine burn brightly, so that you may see me even on the furthest battlefield I will defeat Oda Nobunaga. Megohime was already dressed in her full battle attire, holding her bow and quiver at her side. I won t. She said firmly. Im going with you. She smiled and moved to kiss his cheek gently, "If you have need of me, I will race to your side. But until then, I will lead the Takeda army in your place.""Mego..." He turned toward her with a frown, "It isn't safe." Yukimura gave a nod. Thank you, Akihime, thank you so much. Akihime sama, Yukimura sama, the Takeda army stands ready for your arrival. Amaya called softly from the other side of the door. I would expect nothing less of a battlefield. Megohime said, her face set in a soft scowl. I m going with you. She repeated.The only thing racing through Masamune s head was the last battle she had accompanied him on, the both of them being struck with an arquebus was her wound even fully healed up yet? "Arigatou, Ama." Akihime called gently before looking to Yukimura."Whenever you're ready, my husband."Masamune's own wound still hadn't healed all the way, he wasn't sure if Megohime was well enough for battle."Can you even use your bow without wanting to cry?" Yukimura nodded, moving to Akihime and pressing his forehead to hers, staying like that for another moment before heading out the door, heading to the courtyard where the men and his horses waited.Megohime looked slightly offended. I wouldn t go if I couldn t shoot, I d be no use to you on the battlefield if I only drag you down I can fight and I m going to stand beside my husband as he conquers this land, I m not going to sit and wait for you at home! Akihime moved to her horse and mounted the saddle, making sure her tessen was secure before looking to not only the Takeda army, but the Tokugawa and Uesugi armies that had joined up with them."All troops, follow me as we take the Devil King at Honnoji! May Buddha light our path and Bishmonten guide our blades to victory!" She yelled and the soldiers cheered before following her lead to Oda's temple.Masamune gave an irritated sigh, "If your wound acts up, I want you sitting out.""Just tie her to a chair, the battlefield isn't the place for little girls." Iisaka said blandly, leaning against the doorframe."What is it, Iisaka?" Masamune asked. The concubine moved over and placed a green omamori gently in hos shroud under his sash."Be safe, Masamune sama..." She said quietly. Yukimura secured his own weapons on his back, mounting his horse and riding beside his wife. The plan was to merge with the Date army along the way, and while the main force laid in wait, Masamune and Yukimura would go after Nobunaga s head.Masamune would ve expected Megohime to blow up, to yell at Iisaka or hurl insults, but she said nothing. She turned on her heel and headed for the door. I ll be waiting with the horses. Was all she said before leaving. "Mego...!" Masamune called and headed after her. Iisaka merely puffed on her pipe and headed back to her room. Megohime slowed her pace, but didn t stop, glancing over her shoulder to look at her husband. What? We need to be heading out soon if we re to make the rendezvous. She said stiffly. "Don't get huffy with Iisaka.." He said, "She's allowed to wish me luck." Kojurou was out with the army making sure the last of the preparations were made. I m not huffy, all I said was I was going to wait for you. She said, grip on her bow tightening.Jin made a noise, looking down at her hand as it began to ache dully. It s going to rain soon. She said softly she was adorned in full armor, her broken arm and damaged hands healed back to a point where she could wield her weapon again. Masamune made a noise, not believing a word she said, "Whatever you say.." He muttered. Kojurou looked to Jin and frowned softly."Will you be alright?" He asked. Listen, I m not going to argue with you over what your concubine does, now isn t the time anyway. Megohime said, stopping at the door that would take them outside. But next time she insults me in front of you, I m not going to let it slide. Jin looked up and gave a nod. Just some aches, they ll pass. She confirmed, moving to tighten the saddle on her horse. Masamune rose his hands to say he wouldn't argue any longer beflre heading out to the horses."Ready, Kojurou?""Hai, everyone is waiting so me rendezvous with Sanada and the rest of the armies." Kojurou answered. Masamune mounted up and crossed his arms."Let's party." He said in English before spurring his horse into a full gallop. Kojurou mounted up and followed, the war horn sounding the charge as the Date army sped to keep up. Megohime followed silently on her horse, a soft scowl set on her face as she rode behind Masamune and Kojurou, gripping her reigns tightly, only letting go to look at the black Omamori she had in her hand, glaring down at it before shoving it into her sleeve. They rode for a while before Masamune spotted the red flags of the Takeda. He pushed faster and rode up beside Yukimura."Yo.""Masamune sama!" Akihime looked over and Masamune nodded to her. Yukimura had already had Sasuke scout the surrounding area, but Honnoji temple was sealed up and silent, leaving Yukimura and everyone else in the dark about the Devil Kings movements. Masamune dono! Yukimura kicked his horse into a trot to meet the warlord. "How we feelin'? Ready for a rockin' party?" Masamune asked. Akihime nodded."Sasuke and Amaya are making sure there are no traps. I will lead the men while you and Yukimura sama take Oda's head." Are you ready, Masamune dono? Yukimura asked, removing his spears from his back and holding them at his sides, brows furrowed. "Let's rock." Masamune said and turned to Megohime, "Play nice with Akihime, will ya, Mego? I'll be back soon.""Be safe, Yukimura sama..." Akihime said gently. Megohime made a noise. No promises, She said, but gave him a gentle look. Just come back, ok? Yukimura nodded to Akihime. I leave the Takeda to you. He moved and kissed her gently, cupping her cheek gently as he moved closer.She nodded and smiled gently, fighting her shaking hands. She hated to be apart from him, especially at such an important moment. Megohime s face flushed when he kissed her, suddenly aware of all the eyes that could see them, but she didn t push away.Akihime felt a firm hand on hers and upon looking up saw it was Amaya, her heart sunk slightly that it wasn t her husband, but she knew once battle was on his mind, it was hard to pull him away. It s time, Akihime sama, steel yourself. She said gently. Akihime gave a firm nod, smiling and giving Amaya's hand a gentle squeeze, "I put my life and trust in your most capable hands, Ama." She said.Masamune pulled away slowly and smirked."I want yakiniku when we get home and hot sake. Deal?" Megohime nodded dumbly, almost looking like a love struck teen, but she quickly collected herself when Yukimura spoke up. Masamune dono! "Let's go, kid. Can't keep Oda waiting." Masamune said and spurred his horse to race to the temple. Akihime looked to Megohime and smiled softly."If you require any assistance please do not hesitate to ask. As the wives of rivals, let us take our husband's examples and work together as a team. Just for today." She said humbly. Megohime watched as Masamune and Yukimura rode off, going straight through the gates and disappearing inside. She looked to Akihime for a brief moment before looking away, still in a foul mood from Iisaka. Do as you wish. She said, kicking her horse into a gallop after Kojurou and Jin to intercept the Akechi troops trying to close in on Masamune and Yukimura. Akihime followed with all three armies, clashing with Mitsuhide's forces but saw no sign of Mitsuhide himself was in the temple fighting Yukimura and Masamune. It was then that Akechi's men dropped their flags and rose up Oda's flags in their place."A trap?" Akihime muttered then gasped in horror when the temple was being set ablaze with fire arrows, "Yukimura sama!" The temple only further went into flames, and no one seemed to be inside, but only did the doors burst open, Yukimura in hot pursuit of Mitsuhide, did it reveal that they were not only still inside, but completely unharmed. Akihime sama! Akihime s attention was torn from Yukimura back to the battlefield she was on, an Oda soldier looming over her with his blade raised, but he never brought it down on her, rather he fell to the ground at her feet. You mustn t let your mind wander, remember where you are! Amaya scolded, moving to the soldier to retrieve the kunai lodged deep into his neck. "A Ah, yes, of course...forgive me, Amaya!" Akihime forced down her desire to protect Yukimura and only focused on the battle. She went from panicked to stone cold, crushing and breaking Oda soldiers that dared to approach her. But it got her thinking, if Nobunaga was not in fact in the temple that was now burning to the ground then where was he? Where was Mitsuhide going?"We need to know where Oda is, he's tried to trap us here. Sasuke !""Already on it, leave it to me!" The shinobi called and rushed off after Yukimura, Masamune and Mitsuhide. Yukimura s spears clashed with Mitsuhide s scythes, the power behind both warriors attacks so great, it felt like Yukimura s arms would snap. "How is your lord doing, young cub ? How I wish my scythes could have tasted the blood of your beautiful wife as well " Mitsuhide slurred Yukimura scowled deeply, disgusted by his words. How dare you speak of another in such a way, especially my wife Akechi Mitsuhide you truly are a despicable person..! "I wonder if I have time I do so wish to see her blood before I am killed " He said before pushing Yukimura back and rushing off, Masamune trying to catch him before he could get too far. Matte! Yukimura snapped and chased after Mitsuhide, jaw clenched.Mitsuhide wouldn t make it far however, Jin blocking his path out of the temple grounds just at the gate. Fleeing from the enemy? How far you have fallen, Mitsuhide. She scolded, taking up her spear. He skidded to a halt and smirked coyly. "It's good to see you are doing well, Jin." He greeted. Jin scowled softly. Yes, I suppose I am well now. She said, grip tightening on her spear. Well enough to see just the horrid man you truly are. "Would you like to settle an age old score then ?" Mitsuhide asked, "I have been dying to whet my blades with your blood " It doesn t surprise me that one who would turn on their own allies would flee from a fight, then whimper about taking others lives. She said, charging forward like a striking snake. Fine then, allow me to indulge you . "Come on, Red, we have a castle to raid." Masamune said and headed off passed Jin and Mitsuhide to get to Azuchi castle, "I'm leaving him in your very capable hands, Jin!" Jin gave a firm nod, locking her blade with Mitsuhide s, not looking away as both Masamune and Yukimura rushed off on horseback. When the fighting moved from the temple to the castle fortress Nobunaga was hiding in, the soldiers could do nothing to breach the walls. That is until cannon balls from across the lake and then some whistled over head and smashed into the wall, creating an impact large enough for everyone to break through. The fight with Oda took everyone everything they had in them, and even then, the combined armies barely took out the Devil King, Sanada and Date landing the fatal blow that sent him to hell. With that, as if a storm had simply passed overhead, the skies above Azuchi castle, followed by the cheering of men. Akihime was overjoyed, so much so that she actually hugged Megohime regardless of how much the other woman hated it."They did it, they really did it! Bishamonten be praised!" Megohime was too worn down from fighting to actually try to push Akihime off of her, simply standing and staring up at where the clouds parted. Yeah.. She muttered softly, worried as to where her husband was. Akihime! Megohime turned her head to look, Yukimura limping toward the two, rather banged up, but alive. Masamune was leaning against him, smiling his usual shit eating grin as he waved to Megohime."Yukimura sama!" Akihime released Megohime and rushed to her husband, tackling him to the ground in a hug, "I'm so glad to see you alive!" Yukimura caught Akihime in his arms and fell back with a grunt, the combined weight of her which was practically nothing and her tessen which weighed a lot landing on his sore body made him wheeze a bit, but hold her close. Tadaima.. Megohime let out the breath she didn t know she was holding in, hurrying over to Masamune and looking him over. Your wound..! She was immediatly worried again. "Okaerinasai...!" Akihime smiled, tears falling down her dirty cheeks, "Are you wounded too badly? I didn't hurt you, did I...?""It just stings a little, I'm good...what about you?" Masamune asked, using her now for support, "Your arm good?" Yukimura shook his head, only scraped and bruised, but he would live. I m fine and you? Megohime let out a tired sigh. Yeah, it s fine, just sore. She said, beyond relieved Masamune had come back. We should still have your wound looked at. "I was a little careless..." She answered sheepishly, "I'm not wounded too terribly, Amaya helped me a lot...I may have bruised my ribs during the fighting, it hurts a bit to breathe..""Yeah, yeah,no big shit...I'll get it looked at soon." He answered dismissively. Yukimura sat her up gently, frowning softly. Have you had the medic team look at them to make sure it s nothing more than a bruise? She shook her head, "No, not yet, forgive me. I'm alright, please don't worry too much!" Living through the battle only to have your neglected wounds take your life is foolish. He hadn t even realized he was using his master s words, but they tumbled for his mouth before he could stop himself. She looked surprised before her face lit up brighter than Yukimura's jacket, her heart burning with admiration, "Of course, you are absolutely correct, please forgive my foolishness, my husband! I was more concerned with your wellbeing, I thought...I thought maybe I could hold off my own injuries to make sure you would be ok after defeating Oda..." Yukimura put his hands on her shoulders, offering a tired smile. We can both get our wounds looked at. He said, and now that the adrenaline was wearing off, he really felt his aching pains. "Hai!" She took his hand and helped him to the medics. Kojurou was rushing around trying to find Jin, Masamune had told him she was on her own fighting Mitsuhide and grew almost nauseously worried."Jin! Jin dono!" He called. As Kojurou searched the crowd of men, he saw no sign of Jin, had she been felled in her battle with Mitsuhide? Katakura sama? Her voice spoke up from behind him, and upon spinning around, he saw she was banged up, but mostly unharmed, helping one of Masamune s men limp along with a broken foot. Is something wrong? He let out a breath and shook his head. "No...everything's alright. I was worried for a moment that I had lost you.." Jin s face flushed lightly and she blinked. Oh, well, no I m alright, thank you though. He nodded and helped her bring the soldiers to the field medics. "I suppose this means we will no longer hear of Akechi Mitsuhide?" No, he is dead, the flames of the temple swallowed him. She said as she helped the soldier sit on the ground to wait to be tended to. "Are you alright?" He asked, glancing to her, "He was once your companion, despite the evil that he radiated." Jin frowned softly, but nodded. It s an odd feeling I m not sorry I killed him, he was a vile man, but yes he was once my comrade. She said softly. And that I regret that I had to do strike down a comrade. He linked his pinkie gently with hers and looked down at her with a sympathetic gaze, "I'm here for you if you need comfort.." She looked up at him and offered a soft smile, tightening her pinkie around his. Thank you. She said softly. He nodded, smiling gently.When the wounded were cared for, everyone made their journeys home with a new hope for the future in their hearts. Akihime had to share her horse with Yukimura since she fell asleep and nearly fell off hers. The damage to her ribs was nothing too drastic, just severe bruising and a crack. She would be fine. Megohime stayed glued to Masamune as the army departed, still pestering him about his old wound, but she meant well.Yukimura held onto Akihime and had her horse tied to his own, not minding sharing his horse with his wife.The next month was peaceful, only small skirmishes popping up across the land of the rising sun, as if all problems had been solved, and for once in a very long while, everyone had a moment to breathe and relax.Yukimura, who had been convinced by Akihime to help bake with her was having a hard time. He had won countless battles and yet this was not one he could stand up to. Once again, in trying to crack an egg open, he had completely smashed it.Megohime laid with Masamune in their shared bed, it becoming late in the morning, but she had managed to keep him in bed for a while longer. She had her head on his bare chest, lightly running her fingers over the scar on his side. Does it hurt still? Jin would go to the local temple daily, always helping Kojurou a bit in the fields a bit before cleaning up and heading into town to pray. The other temple goers often gave her weird looks at first, but soon came to simply ignore the odd looking woman who came in with them. Akihime would laugh in good humor each time before finally deciding to help him."Here," she took an egg and moved her hands over his so he could watch and feel her fingers, "like this," she smiled as she guided him with her hands, carefully breaking the egg and dropping the yolk inside the bowl, "ta da!"Masamune shook his head, his arm wrapped around her to hold her close, "Nah, just another badge to show off now." He grinned, "makes me more attractive "Kojurou would go with her sometimes to keep her company and out of his own curiosity. It was peaceful the times he did go, he found it to be rather pleasant to sit amongst the monks and priests in training. Yukimura seemed amazed at how easily she had cracked open the egg, eyes widening. Amazing, Akihime, you did it so easily..! He said in awe, still holding onto the empty eggshell. No one else should be seeing it. She pouted, sitting up, but only to move closer to inspect the scar. She gently ran a hand over it, then kissed it softly, letting her lips linger for a moment before moving to kiss the scar over his navel.Jin would enjoy the quiet time they spent in the temple, and the walk back to the Date estate, pinkies linked together as they enjoyed the good weather. She giggled and took the shell from him, throwing it into the compost before wipping her hands on a damp cloth, "What kind of wife would I be if I didn't know how to crack an egg?"Masamune watched her with a half lidded eye, his hand moving to run his fingers slowly through her hair, "You're the first.." He replied softly."I hope the offerings we made were sufficient," he said, "I hope the monks can make use of it." Yukimura flushed a bit and scratched his cheek. A wife who can t crack an egg? He tried God he was painfully truthful.Megohime made a noise and placed her hands on his hips, moving up to kiss the scar under his peck, the the one just above his hip. Besides the healer. She joked softly as she kissed another scar on his stomach.Jin smiled softly and nodded. I was surprised at how many raddish was brought up from the field, I think they ll have enough for months. She stared at him for a moment before covering her mouth and doubling over in laughter. How was he allowed to get away with being this cute? She straightened out and coughed to clear the last of her giggles."I would be a terrible wife if I couldn't crack an egg, Yukimura sama.."Masamune chuckled softly, "Ah, ya got me there. He's seen it, too." He replied, "But between you and Iisaka, you're the first..""I made sure to give them the healthiest ones...I hope they enjoy the leeks and eggplants as well.." Kojurou said almost bashfully he was so proud of his garden. Not at all! You would still be a wonderful wife, even if you couldn t cook at all! Yukimura protested. You re kind and patient, a and... You re beautiful... You re a wonderful wife..! Megohime moved to straddle his hips, hands on both sides of his head as she looked down at him. Of course I am, I m your wife. She said, Masamune unable to tell if she was upset about him mentioning Iisaka.She carressed his cheek and ran her hand up his face slowly, brushing his hair away from his exposed right eye, having not yet put on his eyepatch.Jin hid a laugh behind her hand. All of the vegetables looked delectable, I m sure they wouldn t waste a single bite. She blushed heavily and glanced away shyly, "I would only be as remarkable as my beauty permits if I couldn't cook.." She said, "And I have to be kind and patient otherwise I would be unpleasant to be around.."He kept it shut out of instinct, watching her silently for a moment."I understand if you find it ugly," he said, "I do too sometimes."Kojurou rubbed the back of his head, smiling softly, "You really think so?" But you are those things, that s why you re wonderful.. He smiles softly. I m grateful to have met you, Akihime.. Megohime didn t say anything, only leaning down to kiss his eyelid gently. She pulled away slowly and cupped his cheek. I don t think I ve ever found a single ugly thing about you, Masamune.. She whispered softly. Of course, we have your vegetables everyday and they re always wonderful, no matter how they re prepared. She gently moved her hand to lace her fingers with his, squeezing his hand gently. She didn't realize she was crying until she felt her throat start to hurt from surpressing an audible sob. "Arigatou..." She whimpered, "I'm glad to have met you, as well...and I'm even more glad to have the honor of being your wife...I have never experienced a greater joy in my life than I do when I'm with you, Yukimura sama...! Being married to you is my own piece of Nirvana!"He smiled softly, "My temper is pretty ugly..." He replied, "Way uglier than my eye will ever be.."Kojurou smiled softly and gave her hand a squeeze as well, "I can roast some for lunch with some pheasant if you like? We received fresh tea leaves this morning as well." Yukimura immediately looked panicked. Wh Why are you crying..!? G Gomenasai! I didn t mean to say anything that would upset you! He bowed his head quickly, not understanding she was crying tears of joy. And now that I think about it, your ass is a terror She said playfully, kissing the tip of his nose.Jin nodded. That sounds wonderful. She said. She moved and hugged him tightly, shaking her head, "You didn't upset is not the time or place to explain my emotions...but please know that I am so unbelievably happy..." She said softly, "I love you so much, Yukimura...""My ass is amazing, how dare you." He gave a fake huff, "Though yours does look way better." He said and gave her rear a good swat before squeezing it, "Nice." He said in English.He smiled and moved into the estate with her to prepare lunch for them both. Yukimura gently wrapped his arms around Akihime, minding her still sore ribs. I love you too, Akihime. He said softly.Megohime let out a small gasp of surprise, cheeks flushing as he grabbed her bare rear. Are you trying to start something again ? She purred in his ear. She pulled away and dried her eyes before smiling, "Now why don't we finish the dango and mochi, hm? Then we can sit on the deck and relax."He grinned, "Merely making a point " He purred, "Though, if you wanna be on top again, I won't tell ya no " Yukimura gave a firm nod. What needs to be done next? He asked, ready to take on his next task.Megohime kissed him deeply, pushing her hips back slightly to rub against him. I don t know, why don t you convince me ? She whispered against his lips. She clapped happily, "We mix the ingredients and knead the dough! I'll trust you to knead the dango. Can I count on you, Yukimura sama?" She asked.Masamune smirked almost darkly against her lips, "Seems to me you don't need convincing " Yukimura gave a firm nod. Hai! It was almost like he was preparing for battle battle against sweet dough.Once she had mixed the ingredients for one batch of dough, Yukimura went to kneading it, a serious look on his face as he did so.Megohime slowly rubbed herself against Masamune s cock, sitting up so she could look down at him. So I shouldn t stop ? She asked, placing her hands on his stomach to brace herself, slowing to an agonizing pace as she felt his member start to swell against her. She would glance over every now and again while kneading her sakura mochi, smiling softly at how genuine he was with everything he did. When the kneading was done, she helped him shape the dango so they could start to fry."I'm having fun if you are, baby " He said, rubbing her thighs slowly, "I could go all day if you wanted " Yukimura helped Akihime roll each dough ball into a perfect sphere before sticking it onto a wooden stick, setting the aside to be fried up. I don t think you d be up to the task Megohime found the simple touches to further her arousal, picking up the speed once more as she rubbed and grinded against him, only stopping once he was hard against her, reaching out to carress his cheek. Ask nicely now They had a lot of fun baking and cooking together, laughing and smiling and eating left over dough like they were young children during a hot day. Akihime couldn't be happier."The big boss of Oshuu doesn't ask nicely, Mego, you know that." He smirked, "If I weren't such a gentleman, I'd just take you instead " After they had finished baking the dango, both of them had eaten so much left over dough they hardly had room for any of the actual treat that they simply took to sitting out on the deck. Oh? A gentleman ? Well you re either the big boss of Oshuu who takes whatever he wants or a gentleman who asks nicely She leaned down to bite his ear lightly. Pick one She served him tea as they sat together, enjoying real peace with her husband for the first time since Oda was defeated."Maybe now that there's a moment of peace among the waring states...we can think about having children..." She said shyly, "D Demo...we haven't even...c consummated our marriage so...i if children is an idea you aren't fond of, I will grow to understand!" She sputtered.Masamune made a noise as his hands moved from her thighs to her hips, "Ya got me again, Mego. Sharp as a whip." He said as he slid his throbbing cock into her aching core, giving a soft hiss at how tight she was again. "But now since you've called me out, I get the chance to boss you around a little so you get to do all the work for now " Yukimura nearly dropped his cup of tea, face going as red as his jacket. W We can have children! He nearly word vommited, then quickly back peddled. I If children is also an idea you agree too! I would never force you to have children if you did not want to! Yukimura had never thought about kids before, he had always been so consumed by battle it had never occurred to him.Megohime shuddered at the feeling of him inside her, filling her up completely. She hunched forward slightly, bracing her hands on either side of his head again. She gave a silent nod, face flushed as she rolled her hips forward, moving at a steady pace. H Hai.. "Oh my Gooooooood..." Sasuke's voice groaned and Akihime covered her mouth quickly in embarrassment. How long was Sasuke hiding? And where even was he?Masamune felt his ego inflate a little as he watched her. This was probably the best vacation he had in a long time. Yukimura stiffened, looking around in all the usual places where his friend would hide. S Sasuke..!? He was so embarrassed such an intimate conversation intruded upon.Megohime kept herself at a steady pace, rolling and thrusting her hips, dropping her head to rest against his shoulder as her breathing became soft puffs against his skin, soft moans coming out in whimpers in his ear.As she was told, she did all the work, letting him lay back and relax as she rode him. "The land is at peace for once, you two should just be shooting out babies, not talking about them.""Sasuke, that's so vulgar!" Akihime screeched.Masamune gave a low noise before moving to push her on her back, kissing and biting her neck as he moved his hips rhythmically. I don t think this is a conversation to be had between the three of us.. Yukimura muttered in embarrassment.Megohime gasped in surprise and in pleasure, wrapping her arms around his neck. Changed your mind..? "Please leave before I call Amaya!" Akihime huffed. Sasuke hung upside down from the roof and grinned."Ah ha, I sent her out on patrol, she's currently busy ""Didn't want you getting bored " He replied, "You're fickle sometimes " Yukimura looked to the shinobi. S Sasuke don t you think this is a matter best left between a man and his wife..? Megohime bit his earlobe once more, smirking softly. You re one to talk "Alright, alright...but you two can't just leave it to talking. Act on it if the desire is so great." He said and left. Akihime blushed, embarrassed but Sasuke was correct.He chuckled lowly and moved faster, nipping along her collarbone, "Yeah, yeah, I know " The days seemed to crawl by, but the peace was not taken for granted.Jin went to her daily temple, often taking vegetables Kojurou had given to her as an offering.It was another such cool morning that she headed into town with a basket of vegetables, prayerbeads wrapped around her wrist. An odd man followed close behind her but she didn't pay him any mind. Probably just another soul going to pray for guidance. Jin never brought her spear with her, why would she? It was be odd enough that a half foreigner was there, but one with a weapon or in her armor? No, she wore civilian clothes. Moving into the temple she set out the offerings before moving to pray, clutching her beads tightly. The man sat a ways away, simply watching her in the guise of praying as well. It was suspicious. It wasn t unusual for people to stare at her, so Jin paid him no mind at all, simply focusing on her prayers. Once finished, she simply turned and headed out of the temple, making her way back to the Date estate. The man followed, but instead of dragging behind he approached her wholly."I can help you.." He whispered Jin stopped completely, feeling a shiver go down her spine a shiver of fear. Excuse me? She asked, turning to face him. He smiled coyly, his hands neatly laced behind his back. "I can help you reach your goal." His entire persona screamed dangerous, especially his smirk. Help reach my goal? And what would that be? Fine, she would indulge in him. "Enlightenment." He replied simply, "It isn't as impossible as it sounds." She scowled at this point, who was this man to come to her and offer her enlightenment? She was on her own path to enlightenment, and even if it took her entire life to find it, she would walk the path without shortcuts. Thank you, but I do not need a spiritual guide. She said, then bowed her head slightly to him. Excuse me. She said before turning and leaving. He let her leave, smirking lightly before turning and going his own way. The same interaction would happen twice more each day Jin went to the temple, the strange man would be there waiting for her, or follow her there. She would ignore him, but every time she left, like clockwork, he would offer her enlightenment, and every time, she would turn him down and return home.On the third day, Jin was knelt in her usual spot, praying with her eyes closed and clutching her prayer beads tightly. "Surely you have changed your mind by now." The man whispered beside her, "Enlightenment is within your grasp." She didn t open her eyes, didn t pull her hands apart. My answer is still no. She said quietly, not wanting to disturb others. I have always been able to obtain enlightenment, and you will not be the one to hand it to me. He sat silently for a moment before she felt him leave."As you wish.." Jin relaxed slightly, letting out a soft breath as she continued to pray, enjoying the peace and silence of the temple. When she left to return home, a group of police swordsman approached her the man from before standing not too far away."Thank you for helping me bring my wife home. The doctors say she shouldn't be wandering around on her own, she's sick if you understand my meaning.." Jin looked to the man in horror, then quickly looked to the police. This man is not my husband! He has been pestering me for days, this is all a cruel trick he is trying to play. "He's shown us the marriage certificate, you must return home with him." The officer said. Jin looked absolutely horrified, but clenched her jaw and balled up her fists. He had forged a marriage certificate? This man was abhorrent, what was his game? Fine. She figured she would be able to negotiate with this man for her release, she tried to rationalize the situation, to stay calm.She moved a step closer to Matsunaga, but kept her distance, heart racing in her chest. Matsunaga calmly led her back to his home, if it even was his home. He allowed her to enter first, as if he were a gentleman, smiling all the while. Jin was silent the entire time, a soft scowl on her face as she entered.Moving into the room he motioned her to, sitting on the cushion he motioned her to. So? What is the meaning of this? She sounded stiff. Forging a marriage license and claiming I am your wife? Is this the way to enlightenment? "No," he replied, "Though, it is a way to get to the Right Eye of the Dragon." Jin went tense, and she immediately turned to to face the man who had forced her into his home, taking a step back. What do you mean? He could see she was already on edge, but he also knew she carried no weapons with her to pray. "Katakura and I have a score to settle. You seemed like the perfect leverage." He said. That is why you were trying to bribe me? She sounded disgusted. You entered a place of the Gods for such a petty thing? You disgust me. She spat. "I had hoped you would be easy to convince to join me, a part of me is glad you are not so weak minded. A woman with a skill and beauty like yours is very hard to come by." He told her. Her stomach was doing flips, churning with her disgust, and it showed clearly on her face. So what do you plan now? She wished so desperately that she had a weapon of any kind. To kill me? Do you think my relations with Katakura truly run so deep that he would be bothered by the death of a turncoat? "Kill you? How barbaric. You are quite important to Katakura, I can see it in the way he looks at you, and how you hold his hand." He replied, "I merely plan to keep you and make him regret wronging me." Jin clenched her fist this man was much bigger than her, and was clearly much stronger she stood no chance in a fight against him, especially so without her spear. And my fate here? "You're my guest, unwilling or otherwise. You will be treated with respect." He replied, "You have my word." Jin wouldn t take his word for anything, but had little choice in the matter, simply turning her head away. "Allow me to show you where you will be staying." He said and guided her down the hall. Jin followed begrudgingly, making sure she was a few steps behind Matsunaga, repulsed by the thought of being near the man. He brought her to her room, a simple area with a bed and wardrobe for clothes. "I have tea prepared if you would be so kind." I feel I don t have a choice in the matter. She muttered almost to herself, following him down the hall and away from her new bedroom. "It would be rather rude to decline an invitation." He said as he walked with her to his tea room, "I know Katakura has instilled that virtue in you at least." Every word out of his mouth was like garbage, rotten awful garbage. A virtue Kojurou had instilled in her? Yes Kojurou was polite and had impeccable manners, but she was not a wild animal she was raised in a home with two parents. She didn t respond to his remark, simply sitting on the cushion provided for her. He sat across from her, the tea already prepared and served by who, she didn't know. Matsunaga took his cup and drank almost gingerly, not waiting for her to drink with him. Jin glanced down at the tea before looking to Matsunaga, picking up her tea cup and taking a sip. She thought nothing of the tea, sitting in uncomfortable silence as she took a few more sips, keeping her eyes on her tea rather than look at Matsunaga.She stopped however when her vision began to warp and blur, he tongue feeling numb. She looked to Matsunaga quickly, hands shaking as she dropped her cup, spilling the tea on the ground. Wha.... She staggered to her feet, taking a step back and nearly falling as she struggled to stay upright. What did... You do..? He stood and moved over, "Merely used a means to make you compliant." Jin collapsed to one knee, fighting her body hard to stay up, but it quickly felt like every muscle was becoming more and more relaxed, unable to control them properly. Bash... Bashtard.. Her speech became slurred as she toppled forward, unable to keep herself upright any longer. He caught her easily and lifted her into his arms, carrying her to her room and laying her on the bed. By the time he laid her on the bed, the only thing Jin could manage to move was her eyes, only able to follow Matsunaga with her eyes. Her breathing was slightly panicked, but her body was completely relaxed. If he wasn't vile enough, he certainly was now. His hands moved slowly over her body, doing nothing more than simply petting her. He watched her body try to react to the attention and smirked wickedly ot was all just some sick game to him. Her face grew red as he touched her through her yukata, caressing her full breasts and letting his hand trail down her stomach to her hip. Each time he brought his hand to her breast, he could see her body twitch slightly, feeling her nipples start to harden through her clothes. He chuckled almost darkly as he paid special attention to them, doing no more than just touching. "Katakura had not touched you so intimately, has he?" She couldn t answer, but he could tell by how her breathing was becoming ragged that Kojurou and her hadn t gotten that far just yet. Her thighs trembled the more he touched her, shamefully feeling herself grow aroused. "How innocent." He chastised, "I can't wait to rob such an opportunity from him." She had never been touched in such a way before, had never touched herself in such a way, it was overwhelming. He could hear her breathing change the more he touched her, but she never let out a single whimper was she holding it in? Her thighs were twitching in her excitement, clear she was new to such sensations and was already close to an orgasm. His hands slipped under her yukata and moved over her thighs. They were smooth against her skin, oddly satisfying especially with her nerves weakened the way they were. Jin flinched slightly when his hands touched her thighs, simply an involuntary reaction. Her face and ears were red, wide eyes staring at Matsunaga as he touched up her thighs and closer to her womanhood. Matsunaga expected to feel bare flesh but felt fabric instead most woman simply wore a slip over skirt as undergarments, but it seemed she was wearing a fundoshi typically a man s undergarment. He smirked more, "Interesting. How odd for a woman to wear such a thing. It must be that warrior spirit you have." Jin averted her eyes, shame clear on her face, and her hand actually trembling slightly. Was she fighting the drugs that hard to move? She hadn t finished all of the drugged tea, but surely she wouldn t need to to stay down. "Aren't you worried Katakura will find you less attractive with a fundoshi? Less of a woman, even?" He asked Tears dripped down her cheeks as the feeling of shame swelled in her chest, closing her eyes so she didn t have to look at Matsunaga any further. "Even now you are ashamed yourself." He pointed out cruelly, "How cute." She trembled and squeezed her eyes shut tightly. She managed to curl a finger around her prayer beads loosely, praying to herself. He stopped and moved away from her, leaving the room and locking the door. Jin felt relief that he was gone and no longer touching her, but her wet heat still throbbed.She laid on the bed, testing her body and how much she could move as time progressed, but it wasn t much. He would return later with water and food, setting it down and moving toward her, "Would you like assistance eating?" Don toush me.. She forced out, keeping her eyes shut, able to move slightly to hold her beads more tightly the drugs starting to wear off. "Are you hungry at all?" He asked, "I promise there's nothing debilitating in your food or water." Shcrew off.. She ground out through clenched teeth, opening her eyes to glare at him. D.... Dishgushting.. pig... "Very well." He said and snapped his fingers. A swirl of feathers appeared and a masked ninja grabbed her and hoisted her up, holding her jaw as Matsunaga fed her. She hardly struggled, still not able to move much at all, nearly choking on her food multiple times as Matsunaga forced her to eat, feet kicking weakly. "You need to keep your strength." Matsunaga told her, "There is no need to starve." Jin hacked and coughed once he finished feeding her, the food not tasting foul or anything, he was simply just not gentle enough when feeding her. You re de..spicable.. She muttered. "Yes, but you are fed." He replied and the ninja vanished. Matsunaga stood and moved to the door, "The paralysis will wear off by morning. Breakfast will be ready at sunrise, it will not be tainted this time." Jin collapsed back onto the bed, watching Matsunaga make his way to the door, wishing she could vomit up every bite he had fed her.Morning came but Jin hadn t slept a wink, sitting in the corner of the bedroom he had locked her in, knees pulled to her chest and chin resting on her knees. By now Kojurou would be certain something had happened to her, she simply had to wait if she could just managed to live long enough for him to find her, she would be alright. "Jin," Matsunaga's voice called through the door, "Breakfast is ready, please come to the dining area." She forced herself to get to her feet, hesitating for a moment before pushing forward. She clutched her beads as she moved to the door and pushed it open Matsunaga must ve unlocked it exiting into the hallway where Matsunaga waited for her. She said nothing, simply glaring at him, waiting for him to lead her to the dining room. He smiled with a fake warmness as he lead her down the hallway where their food was waiting eggs and porridge with miso and seared fish. Matsunaga gestured for her to sit, waiting patiently as a host would. Jin sat and simply stared blankly at the food, clear she hadn t slept at all or had a moments peace all night. Just like before everything was set out, what if he had drugged the food again? There was no way to be certain she glanced up at Matsunaga s food, then at him, not moving to eat. "You're worried I poisoned it." He noted, "I assure you, that is not the case. I would not be rude a second time." Then you ll let me go? It wasn t naive optimism, more of a sarcastic rhetoric. She knew he wasn t about to let her go, but the way he had violated her and humiliated her the day before made her angry. "Unfortunately no, not until I torment Katakura for a little while." He answered. Jin only scoffed softly, looking down at the food before her, then slowly starting to eat, keeping her eyes down as she did so. He ate quietly, enjoying the silence as spoons and chopsticks clinked against the porcelain bowls and plates. It was so odd to be eating a meal normally, like she wasn t sharing breakfast with her kidnapper. She didn t taste anything, the food simply lacking a taste to her, and when she had eaten an acceptable amount, she set her chopsticks down. "If you wish, I can have a bath prepared for you." He offered. Bathing is the last thing I want to do in the presence of your home. Jin said quietly. I wish to return to my room. It sounded forced, but she was trying to be polite. He nodded, "Of course. I trust you will not try to run away." Jin of course wanted to run away, but could feel unseen eyes on her. She didn t answer as she stood, simply leaving Matsunaga and going down the hall. She did think about trying the window in the hallway, but still felt the eyes on her, so she continued to her room, entering and closing the door behind her. She hears the lock catch before the soft sound of wind left from her door. It must've been that ninja from before. Jin made a soft noise, moving to sit in the far corner once more, keeping herself facing the door as she waited. She was brought in water and as Matsunaga expected she didn't drink it. He didn't come to force her this time, almost like he was trying to get her to trust him. Jin would remain just as untrusting as ever, defusing to eat or drink anything she was brought, staying in her corner and praying from sunrise to sunset.He could certainly start to see why Kojurou liked this woman. Sometimes he would force her to eat and drink, other times he didn't seem to care. This went on for over a week, and Matsunaga wanted to share dinner with her as he usually did. Jin sat at the table full of food before her, in the clothes Matsunaga had also provided for her, eyes focused on her food as she picked at the vegetables in her bowl. He hadn t touched her since that first day other than to force her to eat, and as more days passed, the more withdrawn she became. "I sent word to Katakura that you are my guest and you're having a pleasant stay." He told her calmly as he ate. It s not pleasant. She said, picking up a seared leek and eating it slowly. I want to leave. Her voice sounded tired most nights unable to sleep in fear he would come for her in the night. "You cannot." He replied, "Forgive me." I cannot. She looked up at him, eyes as sharp as her tone, almost like she was mocking him. He smirked amusedly and sipped his tea, "I suppose that's a fair response." Jin stood, setting her cloth napkin on the table. I m returning to my room. She said softly. "Of course. Please have a peasant rest of your evening." He bowed his head politely, it was odd seeing someone who radiated evil be so polite. Jin still refused to believe this was all Matsunaga had in store for her how would this at all hurt Kojurou? Isn t that the very reason for her being there? She didn t know what his plan was, but she remained vigilant, returning to her room to pray. Later on in the evening, her door was pushed open and Kotaro moved toward her swiftly grabbing her firmly and forcing her onto her stomach as he started pulling her sash to her yukata free. "Please forgive this abhorrent behavior." Matsunaga said as he stepped in, "It's only to harm Katakura." Jin struggled hard against Kotaro, trying to fight him for her sash, even slamming her elbow hard into his jaw. Don t touch me! She snarled, face flushed red. Kotaro recovered quickly and smacked her head against the floor as he sat on her and removed her yukata, working on her fundoshi next. Matsunaga moved and lifted her chin, pouring a small amount of liquid down her throat and covering her mouth to keep her from spitting it out. Jin s nose dripped blood, but it wasn t broken, dazed from having her head slammed into the hardwood floor. When Matsunaga poured liquid into her mouth, she involuntarily swallowed it, coughing and groaning softly. Her ears burned red as she felt her fundoshi be pulled from her body, exposing her completely to the two men. You re a vile man.. She ground out through clenched teeth, letting her head rest on the floor. "Sticks and stones, my dear." He replied as he took a large length of rope from Kotaro and began to bind her, just as Masamune had done in her torture but unfortunately not a shrimp tie. That would have been too kind, really. Jin couldn t do much other than to allow herself to be restrained with the rope, the same feeling of intense relaxation slowly washing over her, and soon she grew limp under Kotaro. She didn t just feel relaxed however, a mild high she recognized as an opium high leaving her looking a bit spaced out once again completely incapacitated. Matsunaga finished tying her with her arms at her sides and her legs open to reach her thighs. Kotaro left silently and Matsunaga ran his hands over Jin's body slowly as he did before. Jin felt her face heat up again as he started to touch her, rolled on her back with her legs spread wide. She couldn t squirm even if she wanted to, the same muscle relaxant working it s way through her body. She squeezed her eyes shut, refusing to look at Matsunaga. "In time you will grow to like it. Think of it as me preparing you for your intimacies with Katakura." He said. .. won t... She mumbled out, refusing to look at him still. ... won t.. "Mm. You say that now but look." His fingers slowly traced her folds and pulled them back, showing they were slick with her juices. Jin felt shame burn in her chest, opening her eyes to look at Matsunaga s fingers how could she be finding this enjoyable? The entire situation was humiliating degrading. N No.. He only gave an amused noise and continued to run his hands over her, watching her feable attempts at squirming away from him. The more time passed, the more the drug wore off and she was able to squirm, soft gasps and ragged breathing the only noise she would make, refusing to make any other noises for him. "How are we feeling, hm?" He asked, petting her thighs slowly. He could feel her thighs trembling, and her juices trickled down her damp folds, face flush a deep red. She closed her eyes and bit her lip hard, trying to hide her uneven breathing. "You're quite close, aren't you?" He asked, "You're trying not to beg." Jin could feel her release close, just as Matsunaga had said, trying hard not to whimper in pleasure. She would never beg him, never if he thought she would, he was a fool. He suddenly stopped and began to untie her, leaving the room when he was finished and locking it behind him. Jin lay on her side, thighs trembling as her womanhood throbbed for release. She panted and pressed her forehead into the floor, fists clenched, refusing to touch herself to finish herself off. The days crawled on and this seemed to happen every other week he would come in and drug her before tying her up and touching her, never going any farther than that. Matsunaga never brought her to climax, stopping just before she could finish, leaving her alone before return hours later to do the same thing over and over. Each time, she refused to make noises for him, refused to finish herself off like she knew he wanted. When he was civil and had meals with her, he would tell her how he continued to send letters to Kojurou, tormenting him that he would never find her. It seemed like it would be a truth. Jin hardly spoke to Matsunaga, and when she did she only made snide remarks or excused herself. Sometimes she would eat and other times she refused, forcing Matsunaga to force feed her like he had before.He started to make more use of the ropes and less of the drugs, only giving her a mild muscle relaxant and a small amount of opium when she struggled especially hard. Still she refused to make noises for him, but as one month became two, then three, and then four, he could see her resolve slowly crumbling.The more opium he fed her, the more she was likely to let herself be heard, gasping at his touches, and even letting out a soft whimper every now and again. "Katakura will be here soon...he's getting closer to finding you." Matsunaga told her one evening as he pet her. Jin squirmed against the ropes that kept her suspended in the air, arms tied above her head and legs tied spread apart for Mastsunaga, a blindfold covering her eyes. Soft gasps and whimpers escaped her, mind foggy with pleasure. "I wonder what he'll think when he sees you in such a way." He mused. Jin s mouth hung open, saliva trailing down her chin as her breath came out in hot puffs. Her toes curled as she shifted and the ropes dug into her skin, making her gasp, body so sensitive she could hardly stand it. "I had something special made for you earlier today. A mix of aphrodisiacs to help you be more comfortable." He said Jin shook her head, a pained look on her face. N No more.. She begged weakly. No more... He moved over with a small wooden bowl full of liquid that smelled incredibly aromic and relaxing. "I'm afraid you are in no position to tell me no." She only struggled slightly, not wanting the ropes to bite into her skin too much again, breathing heavily. She wasn t able to see what he was doing, the silk blindfold keeping her guessing when and where he would touch next, her drenched heat almost dripping in excitement. She felt the bowl press to her lips and the warm liquid fall into her mouth. No matter how much that spilled, she still swallowed some. Most of the liquid spilled down her chest, but she got a few mouthfuls, coughing and gasping, trying to turn her head away. Stop..! No more..! She tried to sound firm, but was only just barely able to gasp it out. "I'm training you to be a better lover for Katakura. You should be thanking me." He said firmly. Your touch is vile..! I d rather die than lay with you..! She spat out, pulling hard at her restraints, but her limbs felt numb from the position she was hanging in. He made a noise and groped her breast roughly, "You say that but your body says otherwise." Her whole body went tense, toes curling as she strangled down a moan, finally climaxing from his touch. Tears flowed down her cheeks, feeling her clit throbbing still, the aphrodisiacs starting to take affect in her body. He smirked darkly and moved his fingers to rub against her aching clit slowly, "You poor woman look at you, how lowly you've become " More tears poured down her cheeks, Jin biting her lip so hard it started to bleed. She felt so disgusting that he was able to bring her to climax, but she couldn t help it, the pleasure her body felt was far too overwhelming hips bucking slightly to press his fingers more firmly against her swollen clit. Her mind screamed to stop, but her body demanded more, for him to touch her more, her core aching to be touched and filled. "Do you want to finish again ?" He asked, smirking sinisterly Jin wanted to break down and cry as she nodded, feeling just as vile as Matsunaga was. She wanted so badly to feel good that it was starting to hurt, but at the same time, she wanted to tell Matsunaga off, to cut him down for touching her in such a way, and for humiliating her.Her body had grown so sensitive it was frustrating, even when he was only tying the rope to her she found herself become wet she wanted to just dissapear. "You poor thing. Reduced to no more than a needy concubine." He said as he rubbed her clit slowly. And who s fault was that? She wanted to scream, pulling hard on the ropes around her wrists until her hands turned red, soft whimpers coming from her the more he touched her. "Don't worry, Katakura will be here soon " He told her. Soon didn t come soon enough Jin counted another twenty one days and Kojurou still hadn t come. At this point she refused to speak or eat at all, and as for her compliance, that too was completely gone. Her eyes had a dull look to them, only coming to life when she was pleasured, and coming for Matsunaga had become easier and easier.She was forced to wear a gag and have her hands bound behind her back when left alone, nearly succeeding in taking her life when she bit into her tongue. There were times when Matsunaga would go so far as to grind himself against her to torment her into a climax. He was deprived and disgusting and it would only be another thing Kojurou would be repulsed by her for. When was he going to save her? Jin lay on the hardwood floor of her bedroom, staring blankly at the wall of course Kojurou wasn t going to come for her she didn t doubt he was a man of honor, but herself? She was a turncoat and part foreigner at that, why would he come and save her, especially after all the things he learned Matsunaga was doing to her via his letters.The gag was uncomfortable, the fabric tied tightly around her head to keep her from behind able to spit it out, and the knot of fabric was so large it filled up her entire mouth, making her gag sometimes. She blinked away tears, wishing for her death. The door opened and Matsunaga approached her with his familiar length of rope and extra, untying her hands and starting to bind her and suspend her from the ceiling like she was some kind of artwork."You'll be happy to know Kotaro spotted Katakura making his way here. He'll be here any time now." He told her. Jin made a muffled noise, tears swelling in her eyes and dripping down her cheeks, relief making her shoulders sag a bit. So he still thought of her? He still cared for her and wanted her back? He tied her with her arms spread wide with her palms up and her ankles tied together almost like she was some kind of celestial. "Beautiful." He remarked. She squeezed her eyes shut, remaining unmoving as to keep the ropes from digging into her skin, wrapped up tight with her yukata plastered to her as if she had just been pulled from water. "What say you to one last go, hm? As a farewell?" He asked smugly. She shook her head no aggressively, making a muffled noise as she glared at him, clearly against the idea. "Oh come now," he said as he pet her thigh slowly, "humor me a little." She struggled and cried, the first time in a while she had fought him so hard was it perhaps word of Kojurou s arrival that sparked the fight in her again? His fingers moved between her thighs and rubbed against her clit slowly, "Not like you can tell me no anyway." Her entire body stiffened and she pulled hard on the ropes around her arms, trying desperately to press her legs together to stop him from touching her, face flushing. "You've never minded before." He pointed out, "Is it because Katakura will see you as you truly are?" No! You re wrong! Jin sobbed softly against the cloth in her mouth of course she minded, being touched in such a way by a man she had never met before, being tied up in embarrassing positions that revealed every inch of herself? None of that she enjoyed, even if her body did. He worked with her squirming and thrashing, using it against her as he watched her with sick satisfaction. Even with Jin struggling as hard as she was, Matsunaga managed to bring her to climax once again. Jin stiffened and let out a muffled sob as her body trembled and her juices covered Matsunaga s fingers, tears staining her flushed face. She was absolutely disgusting, once again, her hot core throbbing in desire to be touched more. Her body craved more, more touches between her legs, her breasts, she wanted to be touched more, yet at the same time, she wished she would never be touched again by another. There were heavy footfalls before the door was thrown open. Kojurou entered just as Matsunaga pulled his fingers from Jin's yukata and his eyes widened as he registered what was going on."You...""I wondered when you would finally arrive." Matsunaga said as he cleaned his fingers. Jin turned her head away in shame, not wanting to be seen by Kojurou, she was so ashamed of herself. Tears still flowed down her face freely, being soaked up by the cloth gag in her mouth. Kojurou ubsheathed his katana quickly and Matsunaga smirked as he snapped his fingers. All the ropes cut except the one around Jin's neck snapped and left her hanging from the ceiling."Jin!""Choose, Katakura: stop me or save her." Matsunaga stated and moved to leave the room. The sounds of Jin struggling to breath were muffled by the gag, eyes wide and feet kicking beneath her as she clawed at her neck, trying to lessen the pressure of the rope. She saw black spots in her vision, body jerking wildly. Kojurou didn't need to second guess what option he would take he rushed to Jin and cut the rope that she hung from, catching her before she hit the ground. Jin lay collapsed against Kojurou s chest, gasping for air as she pulled the cut rope from her neck and then the gag from her mouth, heart beating in her ears. Kojurou.. She croaked out, fresh tears coming to her eyes. Gomenasai... He shook his head, "Don't apologise. I'm just glad to see you're alright. I thought I would never find you." The journey home lasted a day and a half, leaving Jin even more exhausted then before.While Jin had been away in imprisonment, a new foe rearing his head, causing things to become busy once again at the Date estate. Masamune held his daily war meetings to discuss plans of battle and troop movements.That morning however, Megohime was under the weather, getting sick the moment she woke, so she sat out of the meeting. Jin was in the care of the healers, and Kojurou tasked with his job during the meeting as well as making notes for Megohime to encrypt later on. Masamune had been keeping a real close eye on Hideyoshi's movements he himself wasn't really doing anything, keeping holded up in Osaka while Hanbei commanded his armies and forged alliances for the Toyotomi. It was annoying, seeing sightings of the Toyotomi flag in Oshuu, Kojurou told him to recon rather than dive headlong into a fight he would lose again. The meeting was going as per usual, nothing out of the ordinary except for Megohime s absence, that was until quick footsteps could be heard approaching the door to the war room before the door itself was flung open. There stood Megohime, out of breath and in no way presentable for men other than her husband. She still wore her night yukata, hair down and a bit of a mess, and barefoot. She had brought all attention to herself when she slammed the door open, eyes wide as she stared at Masamune, breathing heavily.Masamune knew she had been sick that morning, but if Megohime was going to interrupt his meeting like that and rather late mind you she shouldn t have come at all. Masamune slowly turned his head, looking beyond annoyed with the interruption."You better be either dying or on fire." He sneered. I m pregnant. Megohime blurted out, still looking wide eyed at Masamune.She had gone to the healer because had been getting sick the last couple of mornings and it wasn t getting any better, only to find out she was more than likely pregnant and about two months along. The whole room was dead silent, Masamune's eye widening slowly. Before everyone could bow and congratulate him, he spoke up."Everyone out," he said numbly, "except Mego." Megohime moved aside to let Masamune s men out of the room, slowly moving over to Masamune, a look of shock and fear still on her face. When the door snapped shut as thr last of his army left, he pulled her close and held her tightly."Tell me this isn't a horrible prank you've decided to pull." Megohime shook her head no, prank or not, Megohime would never make an appearance before people other than Masamune in such a disheveled state. I haven t bled for two months, I I just thought it was stress.. "I can't believe it..." He pulled back, grinning from ear to ear, "Our first kid!" Megohime started to cry, tears pouring down her cheeks. I was starting to think I couldn t carry children, I was so worried..! It wasn t often Masamune was Megohime s soft side, but when he did, it was pleasant. "Aw," he cooed and cupped her cheek, kissing her forehead down to her lips, "I knew you would, it just took a bit." Megohime nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him close. I m so happy..! "So am I, Mego.." He muttered happily, "God, so am I." The happiness of Megohime s pregnancy news was short lived, for the very next week she would be heading to Osaka, acting as Masamune s diplomat in Hideyoshi s court. "Be safe out there, Mego.." He said before she left, "I don't want to lose either of you.." Megohime shook her head, putting the last of her writing materials into the carriage. I ll be fine, I ll be in a court room with other fat diplomats, not on the battle field. She said, turning to look at Masamune, smiling softly. I ll be fine, I promise. She said softly. "Hideyoshi isn't the kinda guy to take council from just anyone.." He said, "I don't want anything to happen to you because he doesn't like what you have to say.." I promise you I ll be careful. She cupped his cheeks and kissed him gently. I ll write you as often as I can. She pulled a tanto dagger from her sleeve before hiding it back inside. I ll be alright. He nodded and kissed her one last time, "Ride safe." Megohime gave a nod, then climbed into the carriage, the ride being too far and too hard for a pregnant woman to be camping out without shelter and on horseback for hours. It was a long ride from Oshuu to Osaka obviously but when she arrived she was greeted by Yoshitsugu what was Akihime's father doing with Toyotomi? Megohime bowed to the elderly man, tired and stiff from her journey, but figured it would be best to start out on a good foot. Thank you for receiving me here in Osaka, Otani dono. "It was my pleasure, Megohime dono. It is an honor to have someone of such esteem grace our political gatherings." Yoshitsugu bowed his head before guiding her inside, "We have prepared a room for you, and if you like, I have requested Akihime's previous handmaidens to service you." Megohime shook her head and held up her hand. That won t be necessary, but I do appreciate the offer. She said softly even hundred of miles away, Akihime continued to haunt her. He nodded and brought her through the halls. A young man with silver hair watched them pass with disinterested eyes, though he did seem to grip his odachi a little tighter. Megohime followed after Yoshitsugu, only giving Mitsunari a glance before returning her attention forward. Not five minutes in and she was setting hair on end, it made her skin crawl. He stopped beside a door and gestured calmly, "There is everything you will need for your things in here, I hope it is to your liking." Megohime bowed to him. Thank you, I appreciate it. If there is anything needed of me, either from you or Hideyoshi dono, please do not hesitate to ask both outside of meetings and durning. She said. He bowed his head gently, "I appreciate it, thank you." He said and left her to get settled in. Megohime entered the room, which had already had a desk set up for her to use, as well as a space for her personal items and a bed. Closing the door behind her she let out a soft breath, the air in the city was so different. None Megohime has spent the remainder of the day setting up her desk space and moving into her room, but that didn t take long seeing as she only brought clothing and her work materials, so after dinner when the sun was setting, she decided she d go for an after dinner walk. She felt something grab her arm before she was forced against a nearby wall forcibly. It was Mitsunari, glaring down at her hatefully. Megohime was taken by surprise, letting out a startled gasp as she was slammed into the wall. It was the same man from before who had been watching her with his hand on his sword. She hadn t even realized she had done it, but she had pulled her blade from her sleeve when he had grabbed her, and now had it pressed to the chink in his armor where his chest plate ended.It was a stare down at this point, Megohime saying nothing as she held her blade where it was, not yet pushing it into his flesh, but holding it against his body in a warning. "Why Hideyoshi sama would allow an enemy into his home is beyond me." He huffed, "What benefit does he gain from having you here?" Wouldn t that question be better suited for your lord to answer? Megohime asked lowly, trying to keep her tone calm. He scowled and moved away from her, "Know that I will not hesitate to kill you if you try to wrong my lord Hideyoshi." Megohime didn t lower her blade, didn t put it away just yet. Do not think so low of a guest who your lord welcomed into his home. She lowered her blade before returning it to her sheath. It brings about bad karma. She put her blade back into her sleeve, frowning heavily. He snorted and walked away, taking with him the heavy air she didn't realize hung around him. Megohime only let out a sigh of relief once she couldn t see him and she was sure he had left her, clutching her chest and letting out a shaky breath. What was his deal? Sure her husband hadn t yet sworn alliance with Toyotomi, but he hadn t said outright they were enemies. None None It was a cool summer night when Kojurou went out to check on his vegetables, as he usually did during the week. It was his only real moment of solace with this brand new threat over the land rearing its monkey like head. Jin would be there to help him soon she usually came out with him to keep him company. Kojurou heard the sound of soft foot falls coming up the path to his garden, then saw Jin. She smiled softly at him as she came closer, moving to crouch beside him with a basket to help collect what was ready to be harvested. He looked confused, looking down and watching her. "Jin?" He asked, "Is everything alright?" Jin turned her attention away from the vegetables in front of her, looking up at Kojurou. Yes, why do you ask? It hadn t been long, but Jin had been back for a few weeks now, and though she appeared to be coming back into the normal swing of things, Kojurou could easily see she was still bothered by something. He knelt beside her and shook his head, "You just seem a little out of sorts is all.." Jin made a face and looked to the eggplants before her, touching the leaves gently. I am... But I will be alright. She said softly. "If you wish to retire early, I won't mind.." He said gently, placing his hand over hers. She shook her head, taking his hand in hers. I ll be alright, the day is almost over regardless. He smiled softly and nodded, moving to kiss her knuckles affectionately only to stop when he heard movement. And armor. Toyotomi soldiers filled the area, blocking any escape and brandishing their swords and spears. Kojurou stood quickly to protect Jin, scowling heavily. Jin was on her feet in seconds as well, discarding the basket on the ground. What an awfully gentle expression. Date s tactician who broke through our perfect encirclement, and brilliantly orchestrated tens of thousands of troops into creating an escape route when they were cornered like rats. A man who Kojurou recognized as Takenaka Hanbei stepped from the shadows with his sword drawn approached the two. And sharing such a tender moment with a woman I wonder, is this the true face of the Right Eye of the Dragon? "Takenaka Hanbei.." He muttered, "what gives you the right to enter Oshuu under such cowardly and suspicious tactics?" He glanced back at Jin, stern and serious."Stay behind me." He told her gently. He knew damn well she could care for herself, but without a weapon with so many opponents the odds were not in her favor. Jin scowled softly but gave a nod, the only thing she had brought with her was a basket to collect vegetables, and dressed in only sandals and a yukata, she certainly wasn t in any condition to fight. Hai. When you re at home, you always come here at night before taking to your bed. Isn t that right? His eyes flicked over Jin, and a soft smirk appeared on his face, but he didn t mention her. I have a general idea of Masamune and your routine, thanks to him. Hanbei returned his eyes to Jin no, behind her.Jin hadn t even heard the traitor Date soldier sneak up behind her, grabbing her by the back of the neck and twisting her arm behind her back as he yanked her away from Kojurou. Jin scowled and cursed herself mentally, but didn t move as a blade was brought up to her throat. Kojurou was livid, what kind of cowardly excuse for a man would take an unarmed woman hostage. He reached for his katana, glaring heatedly."Takenaka, you bastard!" He sneered, but didn't move he couldn't risk any harm befalling her. I want you to join us, Katakura Kojurou. Hanbei said as he held his blade before him, inspecting the shine in the moonlight. I ve heard of your exploits, my dear Katakura. You mimicked the Tiger of Kai s own strategy, and to outmaneuver the Tiger himself. You were capable of leading the great force that was composed of all the eastern armies against Oda and brought him down. And now this time at Kawanakajima. I myself had put plenty into planning out that operation, and you had destroyed that instantly with your quick thinking. To have suffered such a crushing defeat at the hands of another I have never experienced such a thing. Hanbei had moved across the small garden to look over the Date estate, back to Kojurou, not worried in the slightest that he would be attacked. Why don t you raise your own army? He asked as he turned to face Kojurou. You should have been able to acomplish such a thing a more powerful and strict army... Yes, a splendid army like Toyotomi s. "It would be unthinkable for anyone but Masamune sama to be Number One of the Date Army of Oshuu. I'm here as his Right Eye. That's all!" He stated firmly. Only when you come work for Hideyoshi will your talents be put to truly good use. Hanbei stopped in front of Kojurou once more.Jin remained still, listening to Takenaka go on with his honeyed words, watching him the entire time with clenched fists. "I've heard enough about that." Kojurou said flatly, "It's unbecoming of a man to use flattery. You can list them all you want, but I won't turn traitor." I was merely giving you a legitimate assessment. You have too much to offer to be crushed along with the fall of Date. Hanbei clasped his hands behind his back. However, depending on your answer.. Jin made a noise as the blade was pressed into her neck, pushing her chin up. Kojurou. She said quietly and firmly, staring him in the eye with a stern expression, not wanting to be the reason he turned traitor. "Your methods are no better than common bandits. It shows how shallow you are with all your pompous talk, Takenaka Hanbei!" Kojurou fumed, but moved his hand away from his katana. To his side, Kojurou heard Jin let out a grunt, his attention pulled to her as she hit the ground, being shoved forward before the Date traitors blade was run through her. It pierced her back and sunk deep into her flesh, pushing out through her stomach and into the dirt beneath her, causing her to cry out in agony. Jin saw stars as the blade was twisted slowly, and rushing footsteps filled her ears as the blade was yanked from her side, making her gasp sharply. It took a moment to gather herself, barely registering the sounds of a struggle close by, looking up to see Kojurou himself disarmed and wounded, being held up by two Toyotomi soldiers. She clenched her jaw as she shifted and blood poured from her wound into the soil beneath her, trying to get to her feet, but it was in vain. The soldiers left her dying in the dirt as they carried Kojurou away, the Right Eye limp and bleeding from a wound he must have suffered in the scuffle. Jin watched with hazy vision as Kojurou was taken away, leaving Jin behind with the bodies of multiple Toyotomi soldiers, as well as the traitor that had been umong Masamune s men. It took her quite some time, but she finally managed to get to her feet, blood spilling down her side and dripping into the dirt around her foot.Morning would come and Masamune s retainers could be heard hollering for him as they came running, the sun just starting to peek over the mountains. "What's the matter?" Masamune sounded like they had just woken him, grumpy and tired, "Have you found the spying bastard from Toyotomi or something?" Th Th There s trouble! We re under attack! The two retainers both took a knee outside of Masamune s bedroom. Nabu, Tsugaru, and Souma! All three fronts at once! Masamune looked confused as well as angry before scowling, "Shit.So they've come already." He fumed before moving to head back into his room, "You've sent someone to notify Kojurou, too?" Hitto!! Masamune was his other two retainers come running, one holding a blade in his hands. Katakura sama s been..! The two stumbled over to bow before their lord, looking panicked. Master Katakura never came back from the field on the hill! We found this on the hill... He held out a sword to Masamune, one Masamune recognized well. That s Katakura sama s! The Kokuryu! There we also found the bodies of Toyotomi soldiers and the spy.. Masamune moved over and took the blade from his retainer, looking over the writing on the blade. 'Bonten will become the One Eyed Dragon soaring the Heavens'. He scowled heavily, Kojurou wouldn't dare leave the Kokuryu behind for anything. Something bad really did happen. "Who was the ringleader of this band?" Masamune asked lowly, oh he was beyond furious. Takenaka Hanbei.. Masamune got his answer, but it wasn t from any of his retainers. Jin stood propped against the pillar on the side of the house, skin pale in a blood drenched yukata, her wound obvious. She was barely able to keep herself on her feet, looking like she would drop dead right there. Toyotomi s tactician.. He took Kojurou.. "Jin dono!" The retainers rushed over to her, helping her stand, "You've lost a lot of blood! We should get you to the healer!""Get her checked out." Masamune ordered, "I'm gonna send word to Mego in Osaka. Once we reunify Oshuu, we'll immediately go to bring them home." Jin didn t argue, allowing the retainers to help her stand, unable to do so on her own now, letting her eyes close and a sigh of relief escape. She didn t know if it was relief of being safe finally, or the knowledge that they would get Kojurou back, but she finally let herself slip into unconscious. They took her to see the healer while Masamune retreated to write his letter to Megohime, encrypting it like she taught him to let her know that Kojurou would probably turn up as a prisoner somewhere in Osaka castle and to let him know if she found out anything. He also told her about Oshuu's clans being pitted against him and that he would fix the "drama" before coming to bring her and Kojurou home. None None Aniki!! The lookout called from the crowsnest, binoculars to his eyes. We ve got a large force moving in along the coast! Nana poked her head up from below deck where she spent most of her time, face smudged and blackened with soot. It s Toyotomi s banner, along with Mouri s! "Of course they would ally with each other." Motochika muttered as he strode across the deck, "Alright, you sons of bitches! Load the 11 shaku giant barrel! We'll blow them all out of the water one after the other!!" He hollered and the men cheered as thry readied for battle. Nana headed up onto the deck and moved to Motochika, wiping her hands on her clothes as she watched the army. An attack? She muttered almost to herself, stopping only when she saw a giant of a man start to wade into the water. What..? "What the fuck is he doing?" Motochika muttered. The cannon fire seemed to completely miss him before he pulled his fist back and punched the sea, sending a shockwave surging toward the Fugaku. When the waves stopped, the sea was evaporated into nothing."What the hell?!" Motochika yelled. Nana s eyes widened at the sight, staring in shock at the lack of sea they were just on mere seconds ago, and now it was gone. He parted the sea..!? Fear gripped her, but she quickly shook it away, pulling out her pistols and moving over to Motochika quickly. Orders, Captain! "So this is Toyotomi Hideyoshi.." Motochika had a wild grin on his face before pointing to Hideyoshi as he and his army drew close to the Fugaku, "Target that wild monkey bastard! He's Toyotomi's giant general!""Aimed and ready!" The gunner called."Fire!" Motochika barked and the giant barrel unloaded on Toyotomi's men. Motochika glanced to Nana, "Kill anything that boards bearing Toyotomi's crest." He told her firmly. Nana nodded firmly. Hai. She said, turning and heading back down the deck to the other end of the ship, barking orders as she went. She knew of Motochika s fighting style, and though he was good at keeping his own men out of his range of fire, Nana also wielded a chained weapon, leaving a high chance of the two tangling weapons. The barrel fired a direct shot at Hideyoshi and the explosion completely consumed him. Motochika grinned, there was no way he could have survived that. But when the smoke cleared Hideyoshi was in one piece, having completely stopped the cannon ball with just his hand."Holy shit." Motochika muttered. From behind the cloud of smoke and dust came rushing Toyotomi s men, charging forward to attack the beached Fugaku and its men. Load all starboard side canons and fire immediately! Nana s voice rang out, the enemy now too close to the Fugaku to fire its larger canon. Motochika suddenly began to laugh as the Fugaku started shaking, "Don't think that this Fugaku's just any old ship!" He shouted as he readied his anchor, the Fugaku advancing on the Toyotomi soldiers via massive treads in the bottom of the fortress, "This guy can travel on land, too!" He turned to shout to his men, "Speed it up!!" The Fugaku rolled forward at a steady pace, advancing upon the Toyotomi Mouri army rather quickly. Canon fire went off in succession, but it didn t stop them from boarding the ship. "What will you do, wild monkey chief?!" Motochika taunted. Hideyoshi scowled."So you wish to become bones upon the battlefield to further my glory." He said before swinging a hard right hook, the pressure upheaving the very earth and sending it speeding toward the Fugaku, raising it from its treads and leaving it stationary. The next thing Motochika knew, Hideyoshi was decending at rapid speed from the sky to land hard on the deck of the Fugaku. His landing shook the deck around him, the ship now out of commission from his devastating blow, the treads damaged and now on uneven ground, they were unable to move at all. As Toyotomi s army flooded onto the ship, everyone was locked in their own battle, even Nana. Hideyoshi and Motochika were locked in a heated battle, and though it looked like the Ogre would win, the table was quickly turned Hideyoshi slammed blow after powerful blow into Motochika before punching him skyward and chasing him to slam him back down into the deck, leaving a crater where he landed."Aniki!!" The crew yelled in despair, shocked beyond belief to see their captain defeated. Nana froze on the deck when her husband fell, watching and waiting for him to get back up on his feet. More and more time passed, and he wasn t standing back up, and Hideyoshi was quickly approaching Motochika Nana had no choice.Bullets hit the deck just before Hideyoshi s feet, moving quickly across the deck to get between her unconscious husband and Hideyoshi. "Onee sama!!" The crew moved to protect Nana and Motochika, keeping their weapons raised to defend them from Hideyoshi. The giant of a man scowled at Nana."Your husband woukd not have been dealt such a crushing defeat if he had only joined the Toyotomi army." As his wife it is my duty to stand by his side, right or wrong. Nana said firmly, taking up arms and aiming a pistol at Hideyoshi. However, he made the correct choice in refusing to join you. Hideyoshi only seemed to scowl more and the crew kept strong."Go, Onee sama! Take Aniki and run!""We'll give you an opening!!" Nana scowled herself and pushed her pistol into her belt, quickly pulling out a small dark colored object and threw it down at Hideyoshi s feet. Smoke erupted immediately and swallowed up both him and Nana. All men, full retreat! He could hear her, but not see her through the smoke. Those who obeyed helped Nana carry Motochika to safety while others tried to buy them as much time as they could. Motochika would drift in and out, seeing glimpses of scenery that simply flashed by the beach, a forest, mountains, none of them stayed long enough for him to get his bearings. The voices, the voices he heard as well, he couldn t quite make them out, sounding far away and muffled, far too muffled to even tell if it was men or women who were speaking. "Nana..." He slurred, "Nana, where are you...?" Motochika felt like he was sinking into the icy depths of the ocean, unable to move his arms or legs, chest paralyzed with fear and unable to take in a breath, even if he wanted to. Motochika. Nana s voice rang out clear, pulling him from the inky depths of the ocean and back to consciousness. He was warm and dry, body sore and staring up at a starry night sky he was alive. His eye was unfocused as he stared up at the stars, trying to figure out what happened. That's right, he got his shit pushed in by Hideyoshi."What happened...?" He groaned. Nana came into his vision and she looked relatively unharmed from what he could tell with his blurry vision. We had to retreat. She said softly, removing the wet cloth from his forehead to rinse it. "Is everyone ok...?" He asked, "How many casualties...?" Nana frowned softly as she wrung out the rag and placed it over his forehead again. We don t know, from the numbers we have here, we have about one fourth of our crew missing or dead. She gently cupped his cheek. Let me worry about it... Rest.. "They're my responsibility too.." He said, trying to sit up. Nana stopped him and pushed him back down on the makeshift stretcher he was laying on. Not right now they aren t. You re in no condition to move, rest. "Nana." He said firmly but gave up, "Fine..." Nana gently pet his hair, frowning softly Motochika could hear the soft murmur of his men off a ways behind him, most of his crew sitting around fires and already sleeping, exhausted from the fight and long trek, and those who hadn t made it out either lay dead were they had fallen on the battle field or had been captured by both Toyotomi and Mouri. "He kicked my ass pretty good, didn't he, Nana...?" He asked softly, looking up at her. Yeah, he did.. She said with a sad smile, petty his head gently, brushing his messy hair from his face. Idiot.. He grinned softly, "I thought maybe I could take him..." No one expected him to be able to part the sea like he did.. Nana admitted, frowning as she remembered the way he easily split the sea with his fist. And Mouri s involvement didn t come as any surprise either. "I didn't think Mouri would stoop so low," he said, "they must've told him they'd let him keep his land of Aki or something..." Nana shook her head. I don t know what kind of deals was made between the two armies, but regardless, we need a plan of action for now. Her face was serious, and she clasped her fingers together. What will you have us do, captain? "For now, gather our strength. After that, we go and we get the Fugaku back from Toyotomi." He stated. Nana nodded. Once we ve rested for the night, I ll send out scouts, see what s happened of our home and the men who didn t make it. He nodded, not bothering to sit up in case she pushed him down again, "We'll get this fixed and make them both pay." Those who had not fallen in battle or fled with Motochika and had remained to defend the Fugaku or were simply unable to flee were captured, men being taken by both the Toyotomi army and the Mouri. As for the Fugaku, it was not left to be swallowed by the sea, but taken with Mouri, to fix and repurpose the ship to Motonari s own liking. Mouri's men made sure Motochika's men were working hard to repair the fortress ship, the pirates tired and exhausted from heaving materials without rest. The men worked all day and well into the night, repeating this for multiple days, the only rest they received being when they dropped from exhaustion. Even then, they only were allowed the moments it took for the Mouri guards to force them back onto their feet to work again.Most of the men were at the end of their roles, working nonstop all week to complete Mouri s ship, some even dropping dead from being overworked, and for the pirate crews youngest and newest member, Ren was close to dropping dead himself. The lad was beyond exhausted, and he had lost his fingernails long ago, and he was covered in cuts and bruises both from battle and work after being captured. "You. Young man." One of Mouri's generals approached Ren and nudged his head, "Mouri sama wishes to see you." Ren was nearly keeled over vomiting, looking up at Mouri s general and staring before moving over to his captor slowly, sweat dripping down his forehead. He took him to see Motonari, who would inform him that he would be given to the Toyotomi to do with what they wanted. Ren would ve argued if he had a choice in the matter, but the money had already been accepted, and Ren was sold off like cattle. So off Ren went, leaving Aki for Osaka leaving one servitude and going to another. He was brought before Hideyoshi and the giant general looked him over."He's small." He noted, "Too small to join the other soldiers." The boy was pushed onto his knees before Hideyoshi, head hanging and mind numb. He was lost in thought, thinking about his captain and how he was doing if he had even survived. "Give him to Ukita Hideie as a servant. It's all he's good for." Hideyoshi commanded. The soldiers nodded and pulled Ren to his feet, dragging him from the room. Ren stumbled and struggled to keep up, trying to fight back even with the thought of his captain being dead the man had extended his hand out in kindness, it was only fair to be loyal until the very end. "Oi." He didn't even realise he was standing in front of someone way older than him and dressed in Toyotomi armor, "Pay attention, boy." Ren looked up through his greasy hair with blank and tired eyes, looking at the General before him but saying nothing. He felt a bit of anger in his belly, but was too tired to act on it. "You're going to get cleaned up and then you will polish my armor and sharpen my blades." Hideie stated firmly. Ren scowled softly and looked down at the floor. Hai.. He croaked weakly could he really say no? "We'll put some meat on you, you're scrawny for a young man your age." He said before grabbing a gi and hakama and handing them to Ren, "Servant baths are outside all the way down the deck and to the left." Ren took the clothes without a word, staring down at the floor and giving a small nod before turning and heading down the hall to where he was instructed the baths were.That s where he ran into his next issue however, staring at the men s sign before looking to the woman s sign. A soft scowl pulled at his features as he looked between the two what if they baths were being used? He looked around before moving toward the woman s bath, clutching his clothes tightly to his chest. "What do you think you're doing?" It was a very new, very annoyed sounding voice, and upon his sharp turn he sae it was Ishida Mitsunari. He looked irate and almost offended. "Were you going in there to watch the women bathe?" I I.. No..! Ren stopped and quickly backed away from the woman s bath. I wasn doin nothin ! "You were going to enter the women's baths. That's disgusting." Mitsunari sounded angrier with each word. Ren felt his ears grow hot, looking down at the floor before quickly trying to escape into the men s bath. Gomenasai.. Mitsunari grabbed his arm roughly and pulled him back before his hand moved over Ren's chest, patting it gently before scowling heavily. Ren s eyes went wide and he stared at Mitsunari in shock, the older man feeling two small mounts beneath the younger shirt he was a she. He scowled even more before grabbing her arm and dragging her back to Hideie. Ren stumbled and struggled to keep up with Mitsunari, her face bright red. Let go a me! "Be silent." He ordered and entered Hideie's room, who dropped to bow to Mitsunari as he entered."M Mitsunari sama! What can I ""He is a woman." Mitsunari pushed Ren forward and Hideie blinked."W...Woman?" Ren fell to her knees on the floor, clutching her clothes to her chest, red faced and glaring at the floor. When Hideie has been introduced to the man, he had noticed he was a bit feminine, but thought it only to be age. "Come to think of it..." Hideie said thoughtfully, "I didn't really notice his Adam's Apple...""She doesn't have one." Mitsunari stated blandly, "Clearly.""Thank you for bringing this discovery to my attention, Mitsunari sama." Hideie bowed deeply. Ren felt her gut twist into knots, she had done so well to hide her true identity, and of all times to be found out was when she was sold off into the enemy army. Mitsunari left without another word and Hideie made a noise. "Well, I suppose now this means you will need the appropriate attire." Ren hugged the clothes to her chest tighter, keeping her gaze down. These clothes are plenty fine... Girly clothes ll only get ruined.. She muttered. "You won't be doing much to ruin them." He said, "But for now they will do. Go clean up." Ren hurried off to the bath with wobbly legs, bathing and changing into the clean clothes before returning to Hideie. "Sharpen my blades first. I will find you proper clothes from the other servants." He said and left the room. Ren scowled as she moved over to the weapons laid out with sharpening materials. The Chosokabe crew had taught Ren how to keep up weapons, so she didn t need any instruction, getting on with her work right away. By the time she began sharpening the third katana, Hideie returned with a furisode in his hands. "Here," He offered it out to her, "Put this on when you get the chance." Ren looked up and felt her face flush, setting down the blade. No, these clothes are fine. She muttered, not taking the furisode. "It's improper of a woman to wear a man's clothes." He stated firmly. I ain ta lady. She muttered, starting her work again and glaring down at the sword. "You are and youwillwear what I tell you." He ordered, glaring, "Even if I must dress you myself." No! I ain ta lady! I m a man, and I ll wear men s clothes! She snapped at Hideie, throwing down the sword and the stone to sharpen his blades. He grabbed her and started to remove her hakama and gi, "You are not a man!" He snapped, "You are a woman and you will act like one!" Ren struggled and kicked hard, face flushed red. Get off of me! Don touch me you swine! She ground out as she struggled against the older man. "Stop struggling!" He snapped, ripping the gi, "Just put on the damned furisode!" I ain ta girl! Ren snapped, struggling to keep on the hakama, and at the same time, trying to push Hideie away. He gave up and threw the furisode at her, "You won't eat or see the healer until you put that on!" Ren only kicked the garment away, backing into the corner and holding her pants up. Tha s fine with me! She hissed. He fumed and left his room angrily. Why did he have to get stuck with the stubborn ones? This would continue for days, Ren refusing to change into the appropriate clothing and ending up in a fight over the matter, but she still refused to give in. Hideie started to become violent he would slap Ren and pull her hair, easily tossing her around because of how small she was. Ren silently endured all of the abuse, others in the army would indulge themselves in on it too tripping or pushing her to the ground, she was soon covered in bruises. "Hey, Ren chan," The men called, "We heard you were having a hard time with your furisode, we wanted to help." Ren was busy running Hideie s suit of armor down to the smiths to have it fixed were the metal was cracked. I ain t need help with anythin , specially not a dress.. He muttered with a scowl. He was suddenly grabbed and forced to the ground, "C'mon, you gotta look pretty for Ukita dana." One said as they started undressing him. The armor clattered to the floor and Ren started to thrash, opening his mouth to scream. Don touch me ! A hand clamped over his mouth, and his arms and legs pinned to the floor. They pulled off the hakama and gi, struggling with his thrashing, before pushing the robes and furisode onto his body, a couple others sloppily doing his hair. There wasn t much hair to work with, tears flooding down Ren s cheeks which were bright red. He squeezed his eyes shut, shame burning in his chest. They finished the obi for the furisode and cackled down at him, "There now a proper young woman " Ren rolled onto his side and pulled himself to his hands and knees, wiping away his tears before reaching for the hakama discarded on the floor, shaking slightly. "Ah ah." They pulled the hakama and the gi away, "You're fine dressed as you are." Tears of frustration and humiliation poured down Ren s cheeks, and he turned his head away before simply grabbing the dropped armor and hurrying off dressed in the furisode. They laughed after him, finding it hilarious that he was so easily offended and embarrassed. Ren brought the armor to the smiths, leaving it before quickly returning to Hideie s room, trying to fight back tears as he moved and sat in wait for his lord to return why was everyone so cruel? When Hideie did return, he seemed to have a petty pride about him, "I see you finally changed your mind." Ren didn t say anything, just kept his mouth shut and flared at the floor, shaking still. Things didn't seem to get any better from there. If he even tried to wear anything other than a furisode, the soldiers would just forcibly change him back. And then he began noticing Hideie starting to flirt with him subtle things like playing with his hair or complimenting his looks that day. Ren only withdrew further, his attempts to wear hakama finally ending after the third time of being stripped down and changed by various men. Ren set the tea tray down for Hideie, pouring the tea with shaking hands which were still banadaged from loosing fingernails when with Mouri. "Have you been to the healer yet?" Hideie asked, "You might spill the tea if you keep shaking like that." Ren bit his lip, saying nothing as he poured the tea and set down the kettle, turning to clean up the mess so he could leave as soon as possible. "I know you can hear me." He said, watching him like a hawk, "Why haven't you gone to the healer?" My hands are fine. Ren muttered bitterly, keeping his gaze down. They just hurt. He scowled heavily as he took his tea, "Go to the healer of it grows too much." Not like you care anyway, I m just a servin boy. He muttered, keeping his gaze down. "Woman." He corrected dryly, "You will act as such." I ain ta woman! Ren snapped at Hideie, fists clenched tightly. I ain t! "You can't keep denying it. You werr born a woman so you will act like one!" He snapped. Ren only spit on the floor, standing, then moving to the door to leave. He grabbed Ren's wrist and threw him down, "Where do you think you're going?!" Ren landed with a grunt, hitting the tea set and spilling the tea he had just poured. Ya don need a servin boy to sit and watch you drink tea! "It's impolite for a woman to leave after serving tea!" He snapped. Ren had enough, enough humiliation and fun poking grabbing the tea kettle, he threw it hard at Hideie. I ain ta lady you ass!! He ducked out of the way but just barely, moving and grabbing Ren to force her down, "I'll prove to you that you aren't a man." Ren felt panic grip his ribs tight, and he struggled with Hideie, trying to shove him off, but he was much heavier than he was strong. Get off! Don touch me! He pinned him down by his throat and started working on the obi, "Shut up and sit still." Ren s eyes widened in horror and he let out a scream on instinct, swinging out and slamming his fist hard against the mans temple. He grunted and let go of him, head spinning from the punch, "You little bitch." Ren took the chance to start wriggling out from under Hideie, doing his best to drag himself out from under him. "Oh no you don't." Hideie grabbed the obi and pulled, dragging him back over, "You aren't going anywhere." Ren cried out as pain shot up his fingertips as they raked along the floor, but he swallowed down the pain, rolling over to take another swing at Hideie. He grabbed his wrist and pinned his hands down, finally pulling the obi free and tossing it aside. Ren could feel himself losing to his panic, tears streaming down his face and struggling hard to get away even being pinned. I I ll scream! Don touch me or I ll scream! He threatened through his crying. "I said shut up!" Hideie growled and punched Ren hard in the face. Ren s nose gushed blood, and it dazed the boy, but only made him flail more wildly, starting to scream out like he had threatened. Hideie punched him again, hissing at him to be quiet. It didn't matter if anyone came to save Ren anyway, Hideie owned him. After the fourth or fifth punch, Ren stopped struggling, slowly falling limp beneath Hideie. Blood gushed from his nose and split lip, one eye swollen shut and the other staring up blankly at the ceiling, only a soft wheezing coming from the boy. He panted hard, his arm and knuckles hurting, before he pushed open the first couple layers of robes. That's when the door opened and that's when Hideie saw Ieyasu staring with a disappointed frown."I...Ieyasu sama!""What have you done, Hideie?" Ieyasu asked. Ren lay partially exposed on the floor, struggling to stay conscious, battered and bloody beneath the older man. He rolled his head to look when he heard another voice, but could only make out a bright gold, letting out a small whimper. Who was there? Was he there to hurt him too? "I think she would be better in my care." Ieyasu said and moved to cover Ren as Hideie scrambled away."Y...Yes, of course.." He replied. Ieyasu helped Ren stand and pulled him out of the room."Are you alright, young lady?" He asked. Ren barely could walk, having to almost be carried along with Ieyasu, blood dripping down his face. Ain t... ain ta girl... He blinked and smiled softly, "I apologize. Let's get you to the healer and have everything looked at." Ren only went quiet, head slowly dropping forward and he began to drag, Ieyasu having to carry him the rest of the way. Ieyasu got him to the healer and ordered a full heal for the young man and a change of clothes."Make sure yiu give him a gi." He said. Thr healer blinked."A gi, sir?""Yes, it's inappropriate fir a young man to dress in women's clothes." Ieyasu said. The healer merely nodded and Ieyasu left. Ren lay unconscious, face bruised and swollen, but he would be fine otherwise, maybe a mild concussion. "Thank you. Please let me know when he awakens." Ieyasu requested."Of course, Ieyasu sama.." Ren was plagued with horrible nightmares, nightmares of Hideie and his men, all of which violated him in ways he couldn t even imagine. When he woke, the room was dark, no light coming from outside, and he was covered in sweat. Sitting up, he held his head a bandage over his swollen eye letting out a soft groan. How long had he been out? Had Hideie done anything to him? Other than his sore face and pounding head, his body felt fine, so he looked around to try and figure out where he was "Here," the healer offered a cup of water, startling Ren how long had he been there? "You must be thirsty." Ren looked the healer up and down, but took the water with a muttered thank you. He drank every drop, hands shaking a bit as he handed the cup back. Where am I..? "In the infirmary. Ieyasu sama brought you here." He answered before handing Ren a clean gi and hakama, "You may change into these if you have the strength. I will inform Ieyasu sama you're awake." Ren watched the healer leave, then slowly got out of bed, having to lean against it so he wouldn t fall as he changed his clothes, then sat back down on the bed. Ieyasu came in and smiled softly, "How do you feel? You've been out a while. Hideie did a real number on you to put you out like that." The last part was meant to be teasing, the bubbly general as jovial as ever. Ren looked uncomfortable in Ieyasu s presence, even with his disarming demeanor, but it was reasonable for him to feel such a way. He had just been badly beaten and almost raped after being captured from his home and sold off. Like shit.. He muttered, watching him closely. Did he...? He shook his head, "I believe I intervened in time. You will be working under me from now on. I won't give you any strenuous tasks, I promise.." He said Ren scowled through the swollen mess that his face was. I can work plenty a strenuous jobs... I just don serve tea and wear dresses.. He blinked, "I just wanted to give your hands the appropriate time to heal, I meant no offense.." Ren looked down at his hands, frowning himself they were rather beat up. Aye.. He muttered with a nod. "Come, I had a room prepared for you close to my quarters so Hideie won't try anything." He said. He blinked and nodded, following after Ieyasu on wobbly legs, head still a bit jumbled. "Are you hungry at all?" Ieyasu asked as they walked, "If you want a few days after you heal to get situated, feel free. I won't push you to work if you aren't ready." Ren didn t know how to respond to such kindness should he take this mans word? I am hungry, aye.. He nodded. "What would you like? I can ask them to make anything you feel like." He offered. Megohime had been at Osaka for about a month, working diligently in Hideyoshi s court as well as keeping Masamune informed. Megohime moves through the massive estate, hands full of papers, she had been told of the general areas she wasn t permitted, but it was hard to keep track of them all. She noticed Hanbei and a few guards constantly coming and going from one of the rooms naturally curious of such things with Masamune, it made her want to investigate what was in there. Megohime debated for hours weither or not to go into the room, pacing back and forth multiple times before finally deciding to go inside. Megohime made sure no one was around before sliding the door open and slipping inside, closing the door behind her. She was met with a long corridor with multiple doors, and moving down, she peeked inside each room. Every room seemed to be empty, all except for one. A man sat with us back to the door, Megohime s eyes widened at the familiar jacket back. Kojurou..? Kojurou turned his head, eyes wide in surprise, "Megohime dono? What are you doing here? You'll get in trouble, Masamune sama doesn't need any more stress." Like hell..! She hissed quietly as she moved into the room, closing the sliding door behind her softly. What s going on? Why are you here and not in Oshuu? "They captured me and brought me here to make Masamune sama more vulnerable. They want me to join them." He answered, "They tell me Masamune sama is dead..." Megohime froze, eyes wide Masamune dead? Surely such a thing couldn t be possible, no, that man couldn t die so easily. She lowered her gaze and clenched hers fists. He isn t dead.. She had no such proof, and she had yet to receive his letter for her that week, but she knew in her heart he was alive. "I know.." Kojurou replied, "Masamune sama is much too stubborn to die. They're just trying to break me. They haven't tried swaying you to their side, have they?" Megohime shook her head. Everything has proceeded as normal. She said quietly. Nothing has been out of the ordinary at all other than finding you. He nodded, "Good. I don't doubt you wouldn't betray Masamune sama, but still take necessary precautions." He told her. Megohime placed a hand over her swelling belly, only just starting to protrude and become noticeable. Forgive me, I cannot do much to release you from here, but I will send word to Masamune sama of your condition and location. She said softly. He bowed gently to her in gratitude before glancing at her stomach, "How is your child faring...? There's been no extra stress, has there...?" As little as possible as being born into a world filled with war. She said with a slight bitter tone, which was understandable no mother wanted to birth their child up in such dangerous times. She stood and moved back to the door. I ll head for my chambers, just... Be careful. She said as she quietly slid the door open. "You as well, Megohime dono.." He said softly before sitting back down and meditating.As Megohime made her way back from where Kojurou was being held, a ghost seemed to pass by her. It was Matsunaga, making his way to Kojurou. Megohime s eyes widened, and her paced slowed to a stop, staring down at the floor in shock. She had seen him die, he had been consumed by flames, yet there he was. She felt like she couldn t breathe he had seen her, hadn t he? Why was he there? Was she caught? "It's so good to see you again, Lady Dragon." His voice was still sohaunting. "I trust you have fared well since our last meeting. How is Masamune? I hear Oshuu has turned against him." Megohime felt that fire flare up, but she clenched her fists, digging her nails into the palms of her hands so she wouldn t strike out at him. If you ve heard of the situation, then you don t need me to explain it to you. She said lowly, not turning to face him. "I merely wondered if you had heard. The clans all joined Toyotomi and betrayed him. If the rumors are true then your dear husband is dead." He told her coolly. Rumors are just that. I don t tend to put much faith in something that has no weight behind it. She said, brows furrowed, but even after all her tough talk, she still worried greatly for her husband. "Of course. Let's hope your next letter from him returns swiftly." He said before moving down the hall and heading toward where she had found Kojurou. Megohime clenched her fists hard, not knowing what plans he had with Kojurou but she couldn t stay to find out. She left hurriedly for her room, needing to send out a letter to Oshuu. None None Masamune had decided after receiving such a beat down from Hideyoshi after doing all that he could to reunite Oshuu that he was just going to bring the fight straight to Osaka and bring his wife and Kojurou home. They were camped out in Owari when night had fallen, giving the horses a break as they regained their strength from the humdrum of riding all day. Things seemed to be relatively quiet until they heard many footfalls begin to surround them from the treeline."Damn, where did they come from?""D Do you think they're Toyotomi?"Men dressed in little to no armor surrounded them and the threat seemed rather miniscule in comparison."They're bandits, hitto!""Heh, they've got some nerve," Masamune smirked, "Let's see what they can manage to take from us." Though, Masamune's amusement seemed to vanish when someone no, two people walked out from the crowd of assumed bandits. He had a huge anchor and chain resting over his shoulders, a petite and rather annoyed looking woman beside him."Sorry, fellas. I think we're gonna need to borrow your horses for a bit." Motochika grinned. Nana looked irritated and disappointed rather than angry. Sure they were pirates but they weren t thieves. This is embarrassing. She muttered, pipe smoking between her lips. Motochika this isn t who we are. She scolded quietly, but made no move to actually stop him. "We won't be able to get our men and the Fugaku any other way, Nana. We're just borrowin' them, they'll get their horses back." He told her gently. Nana let out a plume of smoke and waved her hand. Do what needs to be done. She said, still not enjoying the idea of being a thief, but having no other choice. "You're hilarious. You're nothing but a bunch of bandits." Masamune said amusedly, "Who the hell do you think I am?""Too bad for you, we aren't actually bandits. We're pirates. We managed to get here by drifting along the Sea of Settsu. Sorry, but I got my reasons for doing this." Motochika said before his foot shifted back to prepare for a fight. Alright men, you know what to do! Nana said, holding her pipe in one hand and her other arm straight out at her side. The entire crew backed away to create a semi circle around Motochika, giving him plenty of room for his fight. Masamune was the one who attacked first, which suited Motochika just fine. As they fought, the crew chanted "Aniki!" over and over, drowning out Masamune's mens' own cheers and praise. That was, until, Masamune's men began chanting and clapping "Hitto!" to cheer Masamune on. It was a lot of noise, combined with the clang of metal against metal, it was a wonder Nana didn't get a headache. Nana watched the fight with a soft scowl on her face, pipe glowing faintly and smoking. There was something about this man that was off, he certainly wasn t just any old general, but she couldn t quite place it in the dark of the night. After a while of being evenly matched, they both decided to get serious. That's when they actually started to destroy the area. They crashed into the rocks that dropped over Motochika's crew, causing them to scramble to safety."Six Claws and a crescent moon? Why does he look so familiar?" The crew muttered before looking to Nana, "Do you know, Onee sama?" He s familiar because he s the Dokuganryuu. She said, pulling her pipe from her mouth and scowling softly, but making no moves to stop the fight. "Doku..." It took a moment before they all yelled in surprise, "Dokuganryuu?!"Masamune and Motochika had locked blades before they both moved away from each other and yielded the fight."What's the Ogre of Onigashima doing looking to hitchhike out here?" Masamune asked. Motochika gave a small chuckle."Don't put it like that," He said before anchoring his anchor into the ground, "To put it bluntly, our backs are to the wall. I'm out to get payback for the expensive fortress they wrecked and to rescue my men that were captured. I'm headed to Osaka, same as you." Forgive us Dokuganryuu, we normally don t implode to tactics of common bandits, but we are pressed for time. Nana said as she approached from behind Motochika, bowing her head in respect. "Hm. Well, I can't say no to an ally in such a pressing time of need." Masamune said, "Alright, we'll go to Osaka together and teach Toyotomi a well deserved lesson.""You have our thanks, Ryuunii san." Motochika grinned, "You hear that, you band of whoresons! Play well with our new comrads!""Aniki!!" wanna start us off with Mego and Ko ? Kojurou was still meditating in his holding cell, ignoring the sound of the door as it opened. He was used to Hanbei coming in and trying to twist him into joining the Toyotomi. It never worked. He glanced up to once again shoot Hanbei down, only to see Hisehide."It has been a while, Right Eye of the Dragon." He greeted, "The netherworld had little in the way of noteworthy treasure, you see. I thought I would come find some amusement among the living." what do I do ? Matsunaga moved to the window and stared out into the night before looking back at Kojurou, "I was unaware the One Eyed Dragon would send his wife across enemy lines with no protection.""Megohime dono knows how to handle herself.""A pregnant woman can only do so much." Matsunaga replied, "Does she know that her husband is dead?""Masamune sama is quite alive, I can assure you." Kojurou huffed. Matsunaga gave a more thoughtful noise this time before moving to the open door and gesturing out for someone to bring something forward. Or rather, someone. A familiar face entered the room, not one of Hanbei or even Hideyoshi, but that of his lords wife Megohime. Her face was stern and jaw set as she was escorted into the room, being stopped beside Matsunaga. Her hands had been bound at the wrists before her, and she had been disarmed of her knife. Kojurou's eyes widened before glaring hatefully, "What is the point of bringing her here?""Oh, merely as a motivation. I am told you have been refusing Hanbei's invitations to join with Toyotomi. I, for one, care not for them or their plans. But I do have my eye on their treasure and I can't get a hold of it until you are dealt with. So, I have brought Lady Dragon to motivate you." Kojurou. Megohime said sharply, staring at him intently. Don t you do a single thing he asks. She hissed lowly, red eyes glued to him. "Funny you should say that." Matsunaga said, "I'm not allowed to kill you, Right Eye, but they said nothing about the Lady Dragon or her unborn child.""Don't you dare harm either of them." Kojurou hissed angrily. Matsunaga merely smirked and moved to place his hand over Megohime's stomach affectionately."I will have no reason to if you merely do as Toyotomi asks." Megohime stiffened but didn t swat his hand away, a look of rage and disgust in her eyes. Kojurou. She growled out through her teeth. "I can understand her willingness to die. Her husband is dead, after all." Matsunaga said calmly, "How could a woman raise a child on her own, in a domain who would be willing to kill her?" Megohime clenched her fists and set her jaw, trembling slightly, but never looking away from Kojurou. It was clear what she was telling him with just a simple look: don t betray him. Kojurou was looking at her with soft scowl, he knew he couldn't betray Masamune but he couldn't allow any harm to befall Megohime and her child. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place."Let Hanbei know...I want to talk to him." Kojurou muttered, eyes moving to Matsunaga, "Leave Megohime dono out of this." Kojurou! Megohime snarled, finally smacking Matsunaga s hand away from her swollen belly. They ll kill me regardless! "Not if I can get this settled in time." He answered, "I will accept any punishment Masamune sama has prepared for me for this." Megohime felt disgusted with herself, turning her head away and clenching her jaw, how could she be such a useless burden at a time like this? "You may go, Lady Dragon." Matsunaga said and the guard who held her began tugging her out roughly. Megohime wasn t taken far though, being brought to a cell of her own and locked inside Hanbei hadn t needed much convincing from the old hermit to have Megohime locker away, after all, she was a perfect playing card. Kojurou hung his head in shame as Matsunaga left him in his self loathing. What would Masamune think of him when he found out? It wouldn t be long before Kojurou was dragged from his own cell by two guards, the two silently escorting Kojurou through the castle and up the stairs to a pristinely kept war room, charts and maps laid out neatly on each table. He looked annoyed, angry, defeated. His shame radiated off of him. But he couldn't allow Megohime's life to be put in danger. Ah, Katakura kun, there s no need to look so upset. Hanbei s voice came from behind Kojurou as he entered the room, moving over to the table and looking up at the man. Come, we have plenty of work to do. Kojurou hesitated before sitting across from Hanbei, "Hai..." Yukimura and his small band of men marched onward on foot to Kyuushu, having lost nearly half his men and all of their horses, morale was as low as it was going to get. Sasuke s words echoed in Yukimura s ears after the young general sat mourning his retainer in the sand before the Seto sea he had made the call made the mistake of trying to support Chosokabe when they came across the pirate general being assaulted by Toyotomi, and it had cost him dearly. What would Shingen think if he was there? What would Akihime think? He had lost so much time getting to Kyuushu just from stopping and helping every person he saw suffering under Toyotomi's iron grasp. Yukimura didn t know, he didn t know what Shingen thought of him now, what Akihime thought of him now, and even what his men thought of him now. He had failed them, he had failed to do his duties as a general he was a disgrace. "Dana?" Sasuke asked, "Something on your mind?" Sasuke s voice brought Yukimura out of his thoughts and back to his body, where he remembered his aching feet and tired legs. No, sorry Sasuke, I was just thinking to myself do you need something? "Just worried about you.." He replied, "Are you still bent about Oyamada dana?" Yukimura felt his shame and looked down. I regret that I made the wrong choice and he paid the price for such a thing. "That's just what it means to be a general, dana. You and your men will suffer the consequences of your actions." He told him. Yukimura clenched his fists and nodded grimly. I know that... I know that..! Sasuke fell silent after that, watching Yukimura with a small frown. He knew Yukimura felt awful for what happened, but it would be a learning experience he would have to accept."In that moment, having decided to aid Chosokabe, what you should have done wasn't to run to Oyamada dana's side when he was injured. You weren't able to carry through with your own decision, which you had made against our objections. What would have happened if your own wife had objected and you went against her word? Would we have to bury Akihime dono in Oyamada dana's place?" Sasuke chastised flatly, his back to the grieving Yukimura. The words bit harshly into his soul, his very being wounded by his own actions, and brought to light by another s words where words would have previously led him the better path, he let selfish actions lead him astray. We ll continue on. He said softly, taking another trudging step forward, then another. We can t stop now, not after the sacrifice Oyamada dono made so that my foolish actions could be seen by my own eyes. We press on to Kyuushu! Sasuke nodded and vanished into the trees, going back to keep watch. They would be nearing Satsuma soon."Nobushige,"Akihime had never used his birth name unless it was important. It was the afternoon of his departure, and she wanted to wish him a safe journey while she had the chance."Forgive me for being so selfish...I couldn't bear the thought of you leaving without saying goodbye. Just promise me you'll return home safely. I don't know what I would do if I lost you..."She made him an omamori and even went as far as kissed him farewell. What would she have done, to see him act so selfishly, to put others before his task? In his self loathing he could see her standing before him, frowning disapprovingly, blood dripping from her mouth."Look at what your actions have caused, Yukimura sama. Everyone is dead and it's because you failed to reach Satsuma in time. You let me die, Yukimura. I thought you loved me." She croaked. Yukimura shook his head to clear his thoughts, his throat tight, and he nearly stumbled at the scene his own mind had conjured up. There was no time to stop and think of such things, they had to make it to Satsuma. "Sanada sama!" One of the soldiers called, snapping Yukimura from his morbid thoughts. There were warriors blocking the path before them, dressed in Shimazu's colors. They must have been the remnants of his army. Yukimura looked at the men before him before nodding slightly and moving forward. Gentlemen! He called out. I assume you re with the defenders of Satauma! We are an envoy of Lord Takeda, sent here from the land of Kai. He continued on, even when the men took up arms, and said nothing. My greetings, I am known as Sanada Genjirou Yukimura, I bear a message for your leader! They didn't speak, only brought up their weapons before rushing at Yukimura and his men. But before any battle was actually started, they stopped and turned tail. Ah, please wait a moment! Yukimura and the remainder of his envoy quickly followed after the group of men that had just run off, following them further into the forest. I think there has been a misunderstanding you re right to be vigilant in defense of Satsuma, but we He stopped and frowned softly at the rustling of the forest around them. I ve just walked into a trap.. After a moment, a young man dropped out of the trees with a giant club, rushing at Yukimura with every intention of hurling him into the dirt. Yukimura took a step to the side, trying to avoid the young mans attack, but it was quickly followed up with another direct attack, forcing him to draw his spears. I think there has been a mistake here we are an envoy of Takeda am I to assume you are the leader of this outfit? No response, just another attack. Defend yourselves, but do not harm these men if you can avoid it! Yukimura ordered. "Yes, sir!" The men agreed and turned to more defensive movements rather than offensive. The young man attacking Yukimura continued to push him back with his attacks, spitting out rather childish insults as he went. He locked his clubs with Yukimura's spears, grinning all the while. What an odd and brash young man. Days had passed since Megohime had last spoken to Kojurou and she was locked away in the prisons of Osaka. For the most part she was well cared for fed regularly, given clean clothes, and a chamber pot and a bucket of water to bathe with. However, things became more complicated when she began to go into labor, and at first she did her best to hide it, but it soon became difficult to do such a thing, and word spread to Hanbei of her labor, which meant Kojurou heard of it as well. Kojurou wanted to be there for her, trying to remain calm but it was stressful. Neither of them knew what would happen to the child once it was born. Megohime did everything she physically could to keep the baby from coming out of her, but the pain was overwhelming, far more worse than when she had been shot with an arrow. She refused to let the wet nurses in or anywhere near her, and tried to refuse her contractions. "Megohime dono..." The wet nurses and midwives looked concerned, "If you don't let us in, there may be issues with the birth.." Megohime was breathing heavily, sweat dripping from her brow and a pained grimace on her face. She kept the door shut with her body, shaking with effort as she fought each contraction. I won t give my child to that bastard Toyotomi... She wheezed out through her teeth. "You still need our help.." They sounded worried, "Please..." She didn t answer them, but soon they heard her collapse, crying out in pain as she was no longer able to fight off her contractions. They didn't know what to do, glancing at each other before they heard foot steps approach them. What are you standing around for? Hanbei himself had come to check on Megohime, only to find the midwives and wet nurses standing around simply watching her. Deliver the child. Hold her down if you must, but keep them both alive. He ordered, stopping and watching Megohime struggle on the ground. They nodded nervously and moved in quickly, helping Megohime and preparing to deliver the child. Kojurou was at the very end of the hall, listening as his stomach twisted into knots. He could only hope Masamune and Megohime would forgive him. Megohime s screams would echo down the corridor, unable to hold off her contractions any longer. Hanbei gave an exasperated sigh as he clasped his hands behind his back and moved down the hallway toward Kojurou. Come, Katakura kun, we have much work to do. "Hai..." Kojurou responded numbly and followed after him. The wet nurses were hard at work helping deliver the baby, trying to keep Megohime calm through the pain. Kojurou heard little word about Megohime in the next day or so, only that the baby had been delivered, that it was a girl, and she was alive and healthy. "Please come quickly, Masamune sama..." Kojurou muttered, "I'm not sure how much longer they will find Megohime dono useful..." The more time passed, the more his concern for Megohime grew, he hadn t seen or heard from her since she gave birth, and reports from Toyotomi s men were that Masamune and his army were closing in on Osaka along with Ch sokabe and his men. Good, he was on his way. He would be able to find Megohime and his daughter. Reports had been coming in that they would receive no help from Kai or Takeda, Akihime's allegiance to her husband taking precedence. Hanbei had given him full reign to punish her however he saw fit, but he didn't really feel like she was deserving of being punished for siding appropriately. So he merely sent troops to Kai as a mere inconvenience. Masamune has nearly made it to Osaka, still no word from Megohime, which only cemented her capture. His thoughts were rudely interrupted when he spotted a large number of Toyotomi on the road ahead, and leading them was Hanbei himself. He pulled his horse to a stop, his men and Motochika following him."What is Hanbei doing all the way out here?" Motochika pondered, "I don't trust it.""Me neither." Masamune replied. Hanbei didn t seem to be in any particular rush, nor did he make any moves to advance, simply sitting atop his horse in wait, a faint smirk on his face as he watched Masamune, waiting for him to approach. "Guess I don't have a choice." He said and dismounted before heading over to Hanbei, "What do you want, Cosplay Mask? Came to surrender?" Hanbei didn t dignify the taint with a response, dismounting his horse and moving forward, but keeping his distance. I see you ve allied with Chosokabe which I commend you on, as seeing you are without your loyal He chuckled softly. I suppose he couldn t be called that anymore now can he? Or were his actions that of upmost loyalty? He turned his head slightly, motioning to someone behind him. Regardless, I have brought you an incentive to bend your knee to Hideyoshi sama think of it as a gift from him, another chance. A soldier came forward, a squirming baby swaddled in a blanket in his arms, which Hanbei took carefully. Lay down your loyalties with Hideyoshi sama, and surely he will return your daughter to you. Masamune's eye widened. Daughter? Megohime gave birth while trapped there? He forced himself to scowl and look away from the baby, locking his hard gaze with Hanbei's."How do I know that's even mine? You couldda just stole her from a woman nearby." He stated.Motochika tried to keep still on his horse."Ain't right usin' a baby like that. Let me just kill him already." He muttered. He only pet the baby s face gently, rousing it from its sleep. True, she doesn t have a pedigree, but if you re so willing to let your child go, then I m sure she ll make an excellent concubine. The now fussing baby squirmed and whimpered, but Hanbei only soothed her once more. I only came as a show of good faith I d return your remaining family, and in exchange, you would join us, as your Right Eye has. "Kojurou wouldn't do that." Masamune sneered, "Where's Mego? What have you done with her?" Choose to believe it or not, the truth is that it is reality. Hanbei said. As for Megohime dono, she s met a more unfortunate fate. He said, handing the baby back to the soldier. Abandoning the child his wife gave her life to bring into this world, what a cruel husband. "You son of a bitch." He growled, "You've got a lot of nerve, thinking that spilling some bullshit would get me to join your shitty group of monkeys. If you aren't going to settle things here and now then I'll meet you at Osaka castle where I'll be taking back my wife, my daughter and my Right Eye." Hanbei shook his head. You ll be taking nothing, dear boy Masamune. Not only will there be nothing for you to take, you will not get the chance to take it, but the thought sounds entertaining, you struggling to take what no longer belongs to you. "Get out of my way and I'll throw you a party you won't soon forget." He hissed, "You see?" I would stay to entertain you, but there are many preparations to be made. I hope you ll forgive me and accept my stand in s. He said, turning his horse and trotting back down the path, leaving most of the forces he brought with him to stop Masamune, or at least slow him. "I'll take your head for this!!" Masamune yelled, unsheathing his swords. Motochika moved off his horse and rushed over, his crew and Masamune's men rushing in to help. Megohime paid on her side, bound and gagged in her cell. She was told many different things that her execution was soon to come, that she d stay in her cell until she died, that she was going to be sold off as a concubine all of which very rightly so could ve been true, but she didn t know. Masamune and Motochika were pushing through as hard as they could, wanting to get to Osaka castle as fast as possible. Megohime could hear the fighting outside, and when she did, started struggling against her binds. She knew her husband wasn t dead, she knew he would come for her.The door slid open, and she turned to see two Toyotomi Generals, one closing the door as the second moved toward Megohime. She felt her heart sink, she knew why they were there, and being unarmed and unguarded, they would more than likely get away with it. She struggled hard and screamed against her gag, kicking and fighting as he worked at her sash. Kojurou knew Masamune would come soon, and he knew that he would have to fight his lord. His only redemption would be to get Megohime out safely. So he headed down to her cell to escourt her if they were lucky they would find her baby along the way. As he grew closer, he heard the muffled screams and rushed to the cell, composing himself before he forced the door open quickly. Kojurou s eyes met upon a scene horrid enough to bring bile to his throat. A man was on top of Megohime, working at removing his fundoshi as another held her down by her shoulders, her robes pulled open and her fighting hard, tears streaming down her cheeks. "K Katakura sama!" They gasped, "We were just !" They didn't get to finish, Kojurou had cut them both down without a second thought."Are you alright, Megohime dono?" He asked, moving over to help her. Megohime rolled onto her side, still breathing heavily and crying against her gag, but nodded, doing her best to calm herself as Kojurou untied her wrists. He freed her wrists and removed the gag from her mouth, "I'm going to get you out. Masamune sama will be here soon. While you escape, I'll find your child." I m going with you. Megohime said as she quickly fixed her robes. I m getting my child back. "Megohime dono, it isn't safe." He said firmly, "You could get hurt. Please, reunite with Masamune sama." You re asking me to leave my child behind and run? She stood to her feet with a small wobble. Don t insult me. "I have already committed the ultimate sin against my Lord by betraying him. If you are hurt, I could never atone for what I have done." He said. Megohime s face twisted into an expression of frustration and anger, but she gave a nod. Fine. But if my child is harmed, or worse.. He could see her shoulders shaking. Just bring her back..? She whispered. "You have my word. It will be my life for hers. Now go." He said and hurried off to find Megohime's daughter. Megohime hurried off in the direction she remembered as the way out of the jail, moving quickly but carefully to avoid any guards. Masamune and Motochika had pushed through and dealt with a lot of Hanbei's men, Masamune's anger helping him steam forward toward the castle. Motochika dealt with the stragglers, those spared from Masamune's rage but not his own."Nana, as much as it pains me to leave Ryuunii san on his own, he's on a war path. When we reach the castle, we find the men and the Fugaku and we get out of there. If we're lucky, Mori won't be hanging around.""Yukimura sama..." Akihime looked distressed from her spot on the deck, her hands playing with her prayer beads anxiously, "Am I wrong for denying Hanbei's summons to aid Hideyoshi...? My loyalties are solely with you, my husband, but...he did so much for me and my father. Praying for comfort does nothing and I receive no guidance from the heavens...I feel so lost..." Nana looked up from reloading her pistols, giving a firm nod. Aye. She said, knowing they might lose the men they had just gotten back if they were to remain behind.Megohime did her best to avoid Toyotomi men, but seeing as they were in the capitol, there was only so long she could avoid them before finally being spotted. Or at least, she thought she had been spotted she had nearly run directly out into the path that would intersect with Mitsunari, but quickly ducked behind a corner, perhaps she was safe? Motochika nodded and continued to cut down Hideyoshi's men. Masamune was angrier than ever, halfway through to the castle."Where do you think you're going...?" Mitsunari called, "You dare be so disrespectful to my lord Hideyoshi?!" Megohime kept a hand clamped over her mouth as she steadied her breathing, listening carefully for the sound of approaching footsteps. She could hear nothing, and after a brief pause and no more noise from the hallway, she dared to peek out. Her gaze met with Mitsunari's angry one and his hand shot out and grabbed her by her hair. "How dare you run from me!" Megohime sucked in a breath of pain as he yanked her out from around the corner, instinctively reaching for her knife, but suddenly remembering it had been taken from her when she had been imprisoned. He threw her to the ground and drew his blade, "You will pay for your insolence and betrayal." Megohime hit the floor hard and felt tears burn at her eyes. She hadn t even spent a full day with her child and already she was going to die? That was bullshit, it wasn t fair. She kicked hard at his ankles and knees, even scrambling back up to her feet and trying to rush Mitsunari if she was going to die, she was going to struggle to the bitter end. Attacking an armed man while being unarmed was a rather silly notion, but even so, she pulled her hair pin from her tussled hair and tried jabbing it into his chest, swiping at his face with it. The pin hit his metal chest plate with a clang and he grabbed her wrist firmly, almost breaking it, "You will pay for striking me!" He yelled and rose his fist, his odachi discarded when she knocked him down. He punched her over and over, as hard as he could with his gauntletted fist. Megohime could feel her brow split, her face bruise and swell as he continued to hit her. She tumbled off of him and onto the floor beside him, crying out. She could no longer see, blood dripping into her eyes and clouding her vision, but even then, she swung her sharp hairpin now bent around trying to stab it into any part of Mitsunari in an attempt to fend him off. "Mitsunari sama." It was Kojurou's voice, and Mitsunari's beatings stopped, "You should go find Hideyoshi sama, help guard him.""Who are you to order me around, turn coat?!" Mitsunari hissed."I will deal with her." Kojurou said. Megohime was breathing hard from her struggle, turning her head to try and see Kojurou, but her vision was still blurred from her blood, and the other eye was starting to swell shut. She felt Mitsunari drop her and storm away, grumbling disdainfully. She heard Kojurou move over and gently wipe the blood from her eyes with his handkerchief."I found her." He whispered, "I have her hidden in the side room just over here. Take her and go." Megohime let out a sputtering sigh as fresh tears leaked from her eyes. She s okay then? She asked, needing his help to sit up. "Hai...we must hurry but if you need a moment longer, you have it.." He said gently. She nodded, hurrying to to the room he had hidden her child and carefully scooped up her child, holding her to her breast before looking to Kojurou with a nod. Kojurou helped guide her through the castle, trying to get her out safely. When they reached the courtyard, Masamune had made his way to the castle and was standing across from them."You son of a bitch." He hissed lowly. Masamune..! Megohime felt her heart flutter at the sight of her husband, just glad he was alive as she knew in her heart he was. "Go on, Megohime dono..." Kojurou said gently, "You're safe now..""Mego." Masamune's tone was still furious, "Get away from him." She looked to Kojurou with a frown, then to Masamune. Masamune, you don t understand the situation. "Please, feel free to fill me in." He growled. Kojurou frowned and lowered his gaze."I had to join them, to keep Megohime safe.""Mego can take care of herself." I couldn t! She argued. Not this time, I d be dead, and so would Iroh. She frowned deeply, her bruised face contorting in anguish. They would have killed us both, they would ve taken my baby. "I had no choice. I wouldn't risk harm coming to either of them." Kojurou said, "Please forgive me.""Oh, I'm gonna beat the hell out of you first." Masamune growled. Megohime scowled even though it pained her to do so with her bruised face, stepping in front of Kojurou. No, you aren t. "Get out of my way, Megohime." Masamune ordered firmly, "He knew this was comin' the minute he switched sides.""Please do not interfere, Megohime dono," Kojurou said gently, "Masamune sama is correct, I must atone before receiving forgiveness." Megohime clenched her jaw and turned her head away, doing as Masamune ordered, and stepping out of the way to let Masamune pass. She held her child to her chest and pet the sleeping babes head to comfort herself, closing her eyes so she didn t have to see Kojurou s punishment. Masamune rushed at Kojurou, locking blades with him as they preformed a deadly dance. She could hardly keep up with their movements, that's how fast they were moving. She could only see the spark of their blades. Megohime only stole glances, busy keeping an eye out for any Toyotomi soldiers, all while keeping one hand over one of the baby s ears to keep her from waking at the sound of sword clashing. Motochika and his crew as well as Masamune's men made it up, Motochika making a noise before looking to Nana, "Let's leave them to it. We have our own to worry about." He said."Hitto!!" The men were taken aback that Masamune was fighting Kojurou, "What's going on?!" Megohime scowled softly, but held her tongue, this was her husbands fight, and even as much as she protested it, she had no right to complain. "Katakura sama is wearing Toyotomi colors...""There's no way he would betray Hitto! There had to be a reason!""Yeah, maybe he was spying or somethin'!"Masamune was angrier and angrier the longer their fight dragged on before finally ducking under Kojurou's attack and punching him so hard it sent him tumbling backward. Megohime flinched, grinding her teeth hard, at her husbands men s words and at the hit Kojurou suffered. Had she not have been in this situation, Kojurou never would have had to turn traitor. This was entirely her fault. That s enough! She finally snapped at Masamune, turning to face him. Masamune turned toward her and scowled, "You know better than to interfere." She stalked toward him, meeting his angry scowl with a cold look of her own. And what will you do of it? She said curtly. Cut me down too? Might as well, it is my fault after all that Kojurou is in this position. "Megohime dono," Kojurou called, "Don't defend my actions.""What are you talking about?" Masamune demanded lowly. He had a choice to watch me die or join them. She said, ignoring Kojurou. But I suppose he did make the wrong choice then, so go on, continue to beat your loyal retainer for making such a painful choice. "Katakura sama..." The Date army was taken aback by this. Of course Kojurou would never betray Masamune without good reason! Megohime was in danger, she had her child, what could he honestly do? Masamune scowled heavily and looked away."Head back to Oshuu...I have one last thing to deal with before I can come home." Megohime scowled, but turned away from Masamune without another word, heading back toward Masamune s army to return to Oshuu with them. "Kojurou, let's go.""Hai." Kojurou pushed himself up and dusted off before following Masamune. Tje army crowded Megohime to see the baby, excited to see their leader's heir."Is it a boy?""What'd ya name it?" Not so loud, you ll wake the child. Megohime hissed at the men, swatting a few away. Her name is Irohahime. "She's so small..""Kinda cute.." They all hushed to keep from upsetting her and Megohime."Let's get you both home,it ain't safe.." She frowned softly, but only gave a small nod in agreement, allowing for the men to escort her to safety. "They'll be alright, they're together again.""Hitto is unstoppable with Katakura sama." It was strange traveling with Masamune s army without Masamune, but the men treated her well and saw to her every need. She did her best to not burden them, keeping all of her focus on her newborn daughter. "Ya hungry, Megohime dono? We got plenty of provisions left." They had camped for the night and made sure Megohime had a warm spot that was well guarded and in their line of vision. There was no way they were risking losing her. I m alright for now, thank you. Megohime sounded tired, and why wouldn t she be, she had a child to care for on top of the long trek back to Oshuu. "You let us know.""Is Iroh chan warm enough? Do ya need more blankets?" Megohime gave a small nod and looked to the men. Thank you, we re both comfortable. They nodded and left them both in peace in the morning they continued their way to Oshuu."I can't wait to get home!""I miss my bed!" The army returned to Oshuu and the Date estate, Megohime was checked over for her wounds, but other than a couple bumps and bruises and the cut above her eyebrow, she was unharmed. "Hitto should be back any day now." They assured her, "He would never let anyone liie Toyotomi best him.""Especially now that he's reunited with Katakura sama!" what do? Is Masa not coming back? None still can t do much It was an early morning and days had passed since they had returned to Oshuu. Still no real sign of either Kojurou or Masamune. The men were losing hope for their lord to return, when suddenly there was yelling."Hitto!! It's Hitto!! He and Katakura sama are back!!" Megohime hadn t been sleeping much regardless, both from caring for her newborn, and worrying over Masamune. When she heard her husband had returned, she was quick to head toward the cheering men, not even changing out of her night gown first, leaving Irohahime with her wet nurse. Over the horizon, two figures could be seen approaching the estate. One blue one and one black and red one. Megohime didn t bother waiting, she had been waiting long enough after all. She hurried passed the men and down the path toward Masamune. Masamune's pace picked up before he was in a full on sprint, catching up to her and scooping her up easily, lifting her off the ground and spinning her. Megohime hugged him tightly, feeling tears in her eyes as he swung her around. I was starting to think you wouldn t be coming back..! He set her down and grinned, "Come on, Mego, you know it'll take more than some mountain monkey to pierce my hide." Still, I worried.. She reached up to touch his face, gently, as it was a bit bruised and battered, much like her own. He held her hand gently, "You look how I fell." He teased. She nearly smacked him, clearly not happy about having her face battered the way it was. Hush..! You re lucky I even came out to see you looking like this..! He laughed and waved his hands defensively, "Easy, easy, I meant no harm,baby." Megohime let out a huff, then slowly, her expression softened. Did you... want to meet your daughter..? He smiled softly and nodded, "I'd love to meet her." He replied. Kojurou excused himself silently and went to go find Jin, he hadn't heard of her fate since he was captured. Jin had been seriously wounded, but it wasn t fatal. She lay resting in her room, finally able to move out of the infirmary and on her own after weeks of intensive care. Her wound was sore, but healing nicely. There was a knock on her door before it was pushed open. Kojurou stepped in slowly, looking exhausted but otherwise not worse for wear. Jin sat up in bed with a pained grunt, but her eyes widened in shock. Kojurou...! She managed out of bed and over to him, pulling him close in a tight embrace. He held her against him and gave a sigh of relief, like he had been holding his breath. "I'm so glad to see you're alright. I was so worried." Jin shook her head. I was worried of your fate..! She clutched his clothes tightly, not caring at all of what he was wearing. Forgive me for being selfish, I prayed every night for only your return..! He shook his head, "I don't find that selfish at all." He said, "I'm grateful that you kept me in your prayers.."
['Sanada', 'Akihime', 'Masamune', 'Hideyoshi', 'Megohime', 'Kojurou', 'Yukimura']
Air gear Chaos
Simca was not to happy with her little brother he was not turning it the gear head she had wanted him to be. Come on you can do better then that she was wearing that full length white outfit with blue trip. She had been trying to train him all morning it was a pain to train such an novice.He would never be the King of the Road at this rate she was already twice the skater at half the age. Pull you re legs in tighter she demanded as he ground the rail. He brother was dressed in a par of shorts, and a vest he looked cute for a little kid even if he was her brother. Ok ill show you once again she ordered jumping up onto the rail tucking in her legs she rode the rail around the corner. Kicking out her leg she struck the wall coming to a slow stop. you see that is how you do it she instructed her younger brother a smile on her face for having done it right the first time.It had been a while since she had actually pulled a trick she was too busy just getting to work paying for her brother. You se if you just put in some practice you can be leader in no time she started her own group with friends and family including a certain brother and cousin.She skated up the bar something impossible for all but the best skaters leaping into the air she landed by her brother. ok time to go home squirt she said rubbing his head. Tyler sighed as he heard his sisters words, and then looked up at her. Why was she so good at this? He just didn't get it. He wanted to do what she told him to, she wanted to be as good as her, he wanted to be as popular as her, but to be popular, he had to be good at this.Of course he wanted to be the king of the roads, but this was hard... He wasn't used to skate, after all he began last month, he had heard that it took some time to learn this, and right now it seemed as if it was right. He sighed and looked up at her as he heard her words.He looked at her as she jumped, he had seen this a lot of times now, but he just couldn't see what he was doing wrong. He looked down for a moment, why couldn't he be as good as her? He brushed some of his hair away from his green eyes. It was getting late now, so they probably had to go home soon.When she landed beside of him, he looked up at her, giving her a slight smile. "Thank you sis..." He told her in a soft tone. He would just keep practicing, and soon he would be just as good as her. He smiled slightly at the thought, and then let out a soft yawn."Yeah... Lets go home..." He said. Feeling her rub his head, he smiled. He was used to this, being treated like a kid, but he didn't mind that. "You know what the house is a mess lets go for a swim" Also she was very sweaty she had spent the entire morning trying to teach her little brother. Unlike most of the girls her age she was only worried about skating. She smiled he brother was one of the cute effeminate boys, or at least that's the way he looked. he acted more like a Jr thug when he was not around his big sister he sure was cute though. "you know i need to get you into a gym maybe if you bulked up you could hit the moves" she asked playing with his hair as she walked towards the pool. she easily outpaced her shorter brother. He smiled slightly at her words and nodded. "Sure... A swim sounds good!" He told her with a smile upon his lips. He loved to go for a swim. He looked up at her as she started talking about the gym. He then looked down, he had to admit that he wasn't the strongest kid at his age. He sighed, he knew that he had to get stronger, so he would probably have to start soon. He looked up at her, giving her a slight smile. He was happy that he had a sister like her, atleast she cared for him, he had a couple of friends with sisters who wouldn't care much about them. "OK you have trunks right" she slid of her cloths in front of him to busy to go into the changing room. she then pulled on the big two piece the bikini tops did not have enough hold for her tastes at all. she looked at her brother who was blushing she pulled down his shorts if he did not have trucks those would have to do. "stop being so shy" she ordered as she slid into the pool it was a hot day. At least the pool was indoor no one would be able to see what they were doing or who they were. "come on that's why you can't skate you're all tied in knots" placing her hands on his shoulders she dunked him. He blushed even more as he felt how his sister now pulled down his pants. He looked up as she slid down into the water, and then slowly pulled off his shirt. Of course he had swimming trunks, but he just didn't have them here by the pool. He slowly slid down into the pull. ONce he was down in the water he let out a soft sigh of happiness. The war water felt so good against his skin. "So whats for dinner sis?" He asked her in a soft tone. He was getting hungry by now, but of course he could wait until the dinner was done, he was just curios right now. She hatted to cook but her parents were to busy to do that sort of mundane choir to keep there children alive. "Maybe Mexican or pizza" she had a list of delivery place that would deliver to their place. she smiled watching her brother swim as she leaned against the side of the pool with a smile on her face. he was so cute the kind of boy that grew up to be a rock star or actor like that dcap. she smiled wondering what she could do to make him get more interested in his skating he was just not putting in the hours. None None He looked over at her as she mentioned the two options. He smiled slightly. "How does Mexican sound then?" He asked her while he watched her. Mexican was his favorite kind of food, so he wouldn't mind Mexican food, at all. He closed his eyes and then dived under the water, before he opened them again. He loved being under water, but he loved being in the air as well. That was why he wanted to get good at skating. He just didn't seem to get better. He slowly got up to the surface again and looked over at her. "Will you promise not to stop training me before im just as good at you?" He asked her. Mexican was easy she liked the food even if it bound her up but training was another issue maybe he was just no good. "Maybe but i need to find something that will motivate you to train harder" food would be a bad idea as he would be fat and that would make him heavy. sex but how could she get a girl to agree to that. "what would it take to get you to train more" she asked her young brother. she wanted him to be even better then her but what would it take for him to put in the hours. "I don't know... I just wish that i could be more like you, you know? I mean... You are good at this... People respect you for who you are... People only respect me because im your brother... Not for who i am... I want to be good, so that people can respect me for who i am!" He told her while he looked at her. "I really want to be good, but i don't know what i have to do better... Im really doing my best to become just as good as you, you know?" He asked. He looked down, he wanted to be just like her, he wanted to be just as good as her, maybe even better than her. None She was cross at him she wanted to spank him "Look if you don't tell me how to reach you" she just shook her head she could either give up on him or she could punish him for not meeting her high standards. She stood up in the pool he was being too much of a wimp and it was making her angry. "Look if you cant put you're whole heart into something you will never be any good" she laughed moving over to the edge of the pool. He sighed as he heard her words, but nodded. "You are right sis... Im sorry... Its just... I want to be as good as you... And im not a very patient person... You should know that by now... I really want to be as good as you... But it just seems impossible..." He let out a soft sigh and then looked down, before he followed her to the edge of the pool. He looked up at her. How could he be as good as her? It seemed impossible, but he knew that she wanted him to be as good as her. he last boyfriend had been a real monster he had just grabbed hold of her and taken her in his car like some kind of animal. Not that she wanted her brother to fuck her but if he could show one tenth that passion. "Well maybe we should try again tomorrow" Home was a sty so she rented a room, one room with one bed. She knew her brother wouldn't try anything so why spend the money on another room or bed. "night small fry" she closed her eyes and fell asleep. He sighed as he saw this, and then got out of the water as well, and just followed her. He knew that they weren't going home, because this was the wrong direction. But he wasn't going to ask her about it, he would just let her lead the way and just followed her. He knew that it was a bad idea to ask questions about what she was doing, so he wasn't going to ask. Once they reached the room, he looked around, it wasn't very big, and there was only one bed. He sighed and laid down beside of her before he slowly drifted into sleep as well. The door rang she found a package of brown paper and a brown string she lifted it up and brought it too the bed. "You order something" she hit her brother on the back of the head as she opened it a gold framed mirror. A dragon or snake was trying to swallow its own tail it looked to her like it cost a fortune. "You by this" she looked inside only instead of seeing her face she saw her brother face looking back at her. Feeling how she now hit him in the back of his head, his eyes widened and he quickly sat up. "Ouch... What did you do that for?!" He asked her. He looked at the mirror she was holding in her hands "Wh Where did you get that from?" He asked her in amazement. He had never seen anything as beautiful as that before. "Where should i get the money from?" He asked her as he looked down into the mirror, but his eyes widened as he saw the face that was looking back at him, it was his sisters face. She fell back dropping the mirror as her eyes closed and she entered a deep sleep one in which she imagine she was a young boy. She relived the last day from the point of view of her brother no wonder he was so shy. "sorry" she began to stand up only he chest was light far too light as if she was a little girl. Her hand was on something nice and round that was very familiar to her only it was not on her chest she began to scream. Shortly after he had seen her in the mirror, he fainted. He woke up when he heard somebody scream, feeling a hand on something that normally didn't belong on his chest, his eyes widened and he quickly sat up, seeing his own body in front of him, his eyes widened. "Wh What?! Y You are me!" But as he heard these words, he quickly covered his mouth, his voice didn't sound normal, it was the voice of his sister, and not his own! She he ran to the bathroom turning on the shower she tossed his cloths onto the floor his body was not in bad shape. It looked like a very fit young girls in that it lack mass in the right areas the dick was all to male. "you did this to me" she screamed the damn thing was already hard and must have been all day. How did he deal with that thing it was like having a small dumb creature between her legs. "you did this to me" she screamed trying to get the thing to go down when it was only getting bigger. He slowly got up and then followed her, he had to get used to the extra weight on his chest now. "What are you talking about?! Why would i want to be a female, why would i want to be you?! It doesn't make me any better after all!" He told her while he watched her. Seeing that she was naked, he blushed deeply and started undressing as well. Seeing that she was getting hard in his body he blushed even more. "D Don't get hard in here!" He told her while he while he looked down at her. Why was she blaming him for this? She turned around her cock already out full it was not big maybe 6 7 inches but it was more then big enough. "I can't control this thing" she watched him take of her cloths no wonder she never needed to try for a date. the body made her want to go over and tackle her only her legs would not work. "you put those back on" is what she wanted to say instead she began to make some weird sounds. "go" is all that she could say to her body who was being used by her brother. "Listen... Just relax... Close your eyes and breathe slowly... Don't think about anything that can turn you on... okay?" He asked her. He slowly walked over behind her, and then wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly. He didn't realize that he was pressing his breasts against her right now... Or that his nipples actually were hard... He was just trying to make her relax. If he had realized that his nipples were hard he probably wouldn't have done anything like this. "Just try and calm down..." He whispered softly into her ear. Great what next was he going to start jerking her off or take him into her mouth, great would it still be incest. "You could i don't know jump up and down" she asked trying to be funny but the idea only made him harder. "you know you are not being that mush of a held" not that he was going to stop her. "you know what its like anything could set this thing off, you're legs, chest, ass, face" great he woudl have to blind himself to be safe. He sighed as he heard this. "I'll jump up and down if that can make you relax..." He told her, still pressing his breasts with the hard nipples against her back. He slowly let go of her, and then walked in front of her, as he started jumping up and down, making his big breasts bounce up and down. He knew that she had just tried to be funny, but he wasn't sure if it would help or not... After all it was worth a try. "Perhaps you should try and think about something that really disgusts you?" He suggested. she shook her head she could only think about her chest slowly she walked forward placing her hands on them "The only thing more helpful would be if you tackled me, having my cock slide against you're cunt. or wrapped those tits around it as you knelt there" he was not thinking, but maybe she woudl do it again. he placed his hands at his side trying not to push her down and push himself inside of her. "maybe it would help" when pigs fly. "Mmm.... Whatever will make it go down again dear sister..." He told her in a soft whisper. "Let me know what you want to do to make your cock go down and i'll help you with it... Okay?" He asked her, while he watched her. Feeling how she knew tried to push her cock inside of him made him smile a bit. "Just one thing before we start then... Are your body... The body im in still a virgin?" He asked her in a soft tone. He knew that it would hurt if her body was still a virgin. She shook her head she had fucked more then a few times and was far from being a virgin in any hole. "No are you" not that it was like it was for a girl a guy did not hurt the first time "I mean that would be ok" she almost her tongue he brother wanted her to fuck him with his own body. "You want me to fuck you wont that be kinda gay" most guys woudl never want any cock put in them especial there own. "and incest" "Good... And yes you are a virgin..." He told her in a soft tone. "And no... It won't after all im not a boy anymore... As long as i don't have a cock... I won't feel like a gay if i get fucked by somebody with a cock... And about the incest... Well... If you don't want it... Then fine... But i don't mind it..." He told her in a soft tone. "Now... My cute 'little brother' are you ready?" He asked her with a giggle, he would get to have some fun while he was in her body. "By the way... Do you think that this is permanent?" He asked. She sat on his heels wondering how long he had wanted them to have sex it must be a long time. "Yes but can you, well i never did this before" she was tripping over her own words she had always been fucked not fucked another person if tat was how it was said. "You like this" she asked besides being on the smaller side his body looked like any other mans. She wanted to act she had always loved her body. "I mean can you start, i am sure i can get the hang of it" it seemed like all her confidence and skill was in her old body. He just laughed at her words. "Well... How about you get me wet then?" He asked her while he looked down at her. "You know... A little rubbing... Sucking... Licking and things like that... You know... Turn me on... You know this body better than i do, so it shouldn't be hard for you to turn me on... Right?" He asked her. He had no idea where he knew all this stuff from... But he knew it... Maybe it was something from his sisters mind that had stayed in his body? He had no idea... But he liked those thoughts... Very much... "Don't be shy... Just come and get me... All im waiting for is you... After all... You are the male now!" He told her. He was enjoying this.... He could really get used to it. She was almost a foot taller then him so it looked weird when he crawled over to her sucking on one of her tits at perfect height. His hand slid to her sex he looked to her eyes, up to see if she was enjoying it. "does this feel good do you like it" he asked knowing if she had her old body it would be driving her wild. It was hard but she was used to even at her height being the smaller one but usually she was taking it. "what would you like" his fingers sawed in and out as she spread her cunt. Feeling how she now started pleasing him, his eyes widened and he started moaning. God he loved this, being a female was not bad at all. He loved how she sucked on his nipples, and how she moved her hands inside of his cunt. "God yes! Spread it as much as possible!" He told her while he moaned. He could feel how he was getting wet already... But he wanted more... He wanted to see and feel how far she could spread his pussy, he wanted as much inside of it as possible. "Give me everything you got! Get me wet... Very wet!" He told her in a soft moan. He closed his eyes and arched his back. God she was making him feel good. She watched him sliding finger after finger into her body until all of them were inside of her he looked up. He watched her moan and thrust at him taking his wrist into her body feeling her thrust onto him. He bit her nipple hard feeling her moving around her body covered in sweat as he fisted her pusy. He was a little shy about fisting her old body she had not been so into having her cunt fisted but her brother was. "Got im so hard" she closed here eyes feeling her hand inside her old body. Feeling how her entire fist now entered his body, his eyes widened and he moaned out, almost screamed from the pleasure that was running through his body. And then when she bit his nipple, his eyes widened. "God! You make me feel so good! Im more than ready to take you inside of me now sis!" He told her while he watched her. "Give me everything you've got!" He told her in a soft tone while he looked down at her. "I want to feel you inside of me now!" He told her. God he really loved how she was pleasing him right now! He couldn't get enough of it! She lay him on her back looking her long legs as they where on either side of his head he crawled up her old body. He must have looked so small over her old body it was very erotic in a strange way. "You sure sis" he joked as his hands fell to her chest for balance his new cock was in charge. He rubbed it up and down he slit it was just the way it had been that morning a neat tuff of hair above her his sex. He smiled as he felt how she now pushed him down on his back, and then looked up at her, seeing how she started crawling towards him made him smile and giggle. "Of course im sure... Im as wet as ever... Now get inside of me! I want you to take me!" He told her. Feeling her hands on his breasts made him smile. "And you can rub those too!" He told her. He still hadn't looked at his sisters pussy, but he knew that it was there and he wanted her to take him. She rolled her eyes her brother was making her into a total slut if things stayed this way she would get a reputation. "Don't worry even if i didn't want to he would not let me stop" He slipped into her folds it was weird to experience things from this side of things. "god it feels so good" she smiled it felt weird like having a giant clit. No wonder guys came fast, he bit down on her chest trying not to cum. He smiled a bit as he heard her words, but moaned out from the pleasure as she slid herself inside of him. "Oh my god.... God that feels so good! Please don't stop this!" He begged her as another moan escaped his lips. "Harder! Deeper! Please!" He begged her. He wanted everything she got, he wanted to feel how deep she could go. He closed his eyes and arched his back! God he loved this, he didn't want her to stop this, ever! She smiled feeling her brother envelop her cock with his Pusey it was a good feeling so much she almsot came. "god it is so hard" she bit her lip would he get more then her love of cock like her skating skill. That would not be a good trade, on the other hand she would have a few more, damn this felt good. "don't move or i will cum" she warned her younger brother who despite being a woman now might cum, and was going way to fast. He smiled as he heard her words. "Oh im not going to move... Yet... But you are.... You are going to thrust deep and hard inside of me... Got it?" He asked her in a soft whisper. "I don't want you to hold anything back... I want you to give me everything you got...." He told her in a soft whisper. "And i want you to do it now..." He whispered to her. "Please..." He begged her while he looked up at her. She just needed to feel how hard and deep she could go right now. Placing her hands on his chest she began to thrust biting her lips it was hard not to cum into her old snatch. "Not fair i have to do all the work stupid" she protested but not that much it was getting hard to think. Her head was light she could see that he was little better then her bit even a little could be a lot. "You are lucky you never had to deal with this knowing you, my body woudl have been cum covered instead of filled" Hearing her words, he looked up at her and rolled his eyes. She really didn't trust him? "Why do you complain so much?" He asked her in a soft tone while he looked up at her. "C Could you please go a little harder?" He asked her with a slight blush upon his cheeks. "I want to feel you all the way inside of me..." He told her. He let a finger run down her spine while he looked up at her. "Please..." He then begged her. It was harder then she imagine being a guy her body with that chest while in no way fat was far more heavy then she thought. She held onto her body and thrust into her this was all so weird damn her brain. She was sucking her body in her brothers body this was no only incest but some kind of sex crime. "FIne but you better hurry and cum before i do" he warned biting his lower lip to nit cum inside her, at leats first, He smiled as he heard her words, and then nodded. He could feel that he was getting closer and closer anyways. A moan escaped his lips as he finally released his cum upon her cock, moaning as he did. "Mmm... This actually feels pretty good! I could get used to this!" He told her as another moan escaped his lips. "Cum inside of me sister!" He begged her while he moaned. He closed his eyes and just waited for her to cum. She held onto her body it was not so bad when you got used to having a rod between you're legs and it woudl get smaller right. "Love you brother" she came hard inside of her what a joke it would be to get herself pregnant. she mused knowing there parents would kill them if they found out what they were doing. Or commit them if they tried to tell them that they had switched bodies. "god i needed that" He moaned out as he felt how she now came inside of him. "Mmm.... I needed that too!" He told her in a soft whisper as he closed his eyes. "Soo... What now? Food? Sleep?" He asked her. He wasn't hungry, he was just getting sleepy by now. A soft yawn escaped his lips. "Should we get some rest or should we get some food?" He asked. Of course he knew that it wasn't more than 1pm, but he was a little sleepy. He rolled his shoulders it was hard being in such a small body it would take years to grow back to her old size. "I think you need sleep we can always go and get something to eat latter" she was more hungry but could use some sleep. "Morning wood does it happen anytime you sleep or only at night" she asked at least her brother could handle that. she smiled and crawled into the bed she would have a nice sleep. "Only at night... But i can't promise anything..." He told her in a soft tone as he laid down beside of her, and then closed his eyes. He slowly wrapped his arms around her and then pulled her closer. He slowly kissed her neck, and then nuzzled against it, before he slowly drifted off to sleep. He wasn't sure why, but he actually liked being in his sisters body... It felt pretty good.
Freak Legion (mappy and mainman)
Jenny went into a house and saw an old man. She smiled at him and he was mesmerized by her. "Can I come in?" Jenny asked and walked into the house and pulled his belt and the old man followed him in. She pulled him into the bathroom and clubbed his head and the old man went limp.Next, Jenny called the police and reported a domestic abuse. Within minutes, cops arrived and Jenny opened the door with in an oversized shirt without pants and hugged a plump cop. "Help me... He keeps beating me." The cops entered the house and she closed the door behind her and rubbed her body on the plump cop. "I'm soooo scared of him."Jenny pointed at the bedroom. "He's inside now, please help me...""Ok, ma'am.. we need to hear his side of the story..." The cop said and approached the bedroom.Jenny stared into the eyes of the plump cop. "Would you stay with me?" Jenny pulled his belt and rubbed her body on him. She stared into his eyes and sniffed his neck. "Your uniform is soooo... tight..." She said as she grabbed his groin and squeezed.The plump cop was mesmerized. He was getting an erection and she rubbed his groin area and kicked the side of his face. "Please keep me safe..." She said and kissed him.Jenny smiled as she saw the other cop enter the bedroom, he is in for a big surprise. Freak LegionRicardo met his group and all of them were stealth experts. His team of 4 had a mission to enter a military camp to steal a serum. All the plans were given to them and they just need to go there and take it. As they were discussing outside the camp, it seemed like 2 of the group wanted to kill everyone, not leaving witnesses and Ricardo and the other one just wanted to do the job and leave.2 of them could turn invisible while the others could blend into the surroundings. A plan was formulated and Ricardo moved towards the camp invisibly. A soldier was patrolling and it started to rain. He walked under a small shelter to put on his raincoat and saw footsteps approaching without the person. "What the hell?" the soldier muttered and suddenly a wire looped around his neck and he was strangled.The soldier was dragged under a stairwell with a few more corpses and a man appeared and drained some blood from the soldier. In a guardroom, a guard entered and suddenly a hand covered his mouth and his throat was cut. The other guards did not notice but the man moved towards them with inhuman speeds and slit all their throats. Ricardo followed a patrol and moved towards the building and entered it with them. As they entered the elevator, Ricardo moved in and bumped against a soldier. "What?" The soldier muttered and Ricardo stabbed him in the heart. The other soldier was shocked and Ricardo covered his mouth and inserted the dagger under his chin into his head. "Shit." Ricardo muttered.He drank some blood from the dead soldier and went invisible again. Moving towards a few soldiers in a guard room, he heard the radio crackled. "Alert, men down!" Ricardo took out his silenced pistol and shot the heads of the soldiers in the room. 2 of the soldiers ducked and did not see Ricardo or what happened and Ricardo moved silently behind them. They were trembling in fear and Ricardo shoved his pistol up a soldier's neck and pulled the trigger and disarmed the other soldier. A dagger was placed in his throat and Ricardo appeared and asked. "Is the captain around?" The soldier nodded and led Ricardo to an office.The alarm sounded and there were flashing red lights. Ricardo saw the captain and slit the throat of the soldier and rushed towards him. Ricardo rammed a few fist into the captain and grabbed him as a hostage. "Got him..." Ricardo saw another man approaching and giving him the thumbs up before going invisible and Ricardo approached the secured storage facility.There were several biometric sensors, but the captain had access. The guards were all murdered by the invisible man as Ricardo approached. There was no problems accessing the serum and Ricardo grabbed it and left the captain there and left. However, exiting the area was not easy. The place was crawling with soldiers and snipers and some of them had IR goggles which can spot the invisible people. 4 soldiers searched the lab and the door behind them closed. A soldier was grabbed and his neck was snapped and the man moved towards 2 soldiers and punched their throats. The last soldier fired a shot and missed the man who was already beside him and the soldier was punched several times and his neck was snapped.A few more soldiers entered the room and found the dead soldiers. Suddenly, a soldier's helmet was grabbed and his neck snapped and a man appeared behind him and fired at the other soldiers. 3 soldiers were shot in the head and more soldiers came. The man could take out a few but the bullets in his gun ran out and the other soldiers approached and managed to shoot the man as he stabbed a soldier in the neck and reached them. The man was fast and deadly but not bulletproof and eventually, he was gunned down. Ricardo heard gunshots and saw many soldiers dead. He quickly left and saw the invisible man running in the rain and he was clearly visible when raindrops hit him and a sniper shot his head. "Shit..." Ricardo muttered and moved in the sheltered area and sneaked out. With more soldiers coming, Ricardo avoided them and leaped over a fence. He saw footprints and another team member appeared. "I got the serum." Ricardo said and the man nodded.They moved towards several soldiers in the rear of the lab and Ricardo cut the throats of the soldiers and saw the man grabbed the remaining one and crushed his throat with a bite. Ricardo picked up a dead soldier and drank his blood. "So far so good." Ricardo said and saw a police car outside and 2 plump cops in the alley.The cops were chatting and their mouths were covered and they were dragged into the alley. "So round and useless..." The other man said as he choked out his cop. Ricardo smashed the cop's head onto a pole and the cop went limp. The put on the cop's jacket and hat and entered the car and drove off. The other cops at a road block opened it for them to drive out."The others did not make it." Ricardo said and the man nodded.Ricardo met his superior in the team and was given a file, "We have a new team for you. This lady and another big man." Ricardo looked at her picture, she was pretty. "Finally, a pretty face." Jenny heard screams in the room and walked over with the plump cop. Her friend was already fucking the other cop as the cop flailed helplessly. Jenny shoved the plump cop over to the man fucking the other cop and the man grabbed the plump cop's throat and shoved him to the ground and choked him.Jenny waited at the door and saw 2 other cops entering and shoved a tazer into a fat cop. An old police sergeant turned around and Jenny stared into his eyes. "I'd like to give you some blow..." Jenny said. The man fucked the cop and choked him till he stopped moving and walked over and saw Jenny sucking the dick of a cop and grabbed a dazed cop and pulled him over to the couch and pulled down his pants. "So fat... " The man said and shoved his large dick up the cop's ass. The man thrust hard into the cop's ass and the cop's mouth was covered and tears rolled down his face. The man pulled out when he was satisfied and the cop moaned in pain and the man stomped on the cop's neck and he went limp."When you said you needed to eat cops... I did not realize this was it." The man said and Jenny sucked the cum from the old cop's dick. She placed her vaginal on the cop's face and continued to suck and the cop flailed helplessly. She sucked hard and drained all the sperm from his balls and other bodily fluids and she tightened her thighs and crushed his skull."Wow... a bad way to go..." The man said and looked at the dead cop. The couple walked out and saw 2 motorcycle cops arriving. "I love leather cops... I want one to go." The man said and circled behind the cops. Jenny in slightly ripped clothing approached the cops and stared into the older cop's eyes. She took off the cop's helmet and touch his mustache. She sniffed his neck and licked his face and the cops was dazed.The other cop was confused and suddenly, an arm wrapped around his neck and he was lifted off the ground. The cop choked and flailed and the man sniffed the collar of the leather jacket. "I'm getting so hard..." Jenny shoved her tongue into the old cop and kissed him.The man dragged the cop into the trunk of a car while Jenny went to the back seat and fucked the old cop. "This is fucked up,next time you drive..." They drove back to the port area for a meeting and the manager of the team gathered the new group and said, these are your team members, some did not make it, but here it is. "All of you have something for people in uniform, but I don't wish them dead unless they are paid for. Got it?"The man walked away and Jenny sniggered and dragged her old cop out from the police car and continued to fuck him. The other man grabbed the cop from the trunk and pulled down his pants but left his leather gloves and jacket on and fucked his cop. The other dragged the limp guards out and said. This is everyone. There were 10 limp guards and Jenny fucked the old cop till he stopped moving. "No killing, does not mean no fucking..." Jenny walked over and kissed the other motorcycle cop that the man was fucking and the cop was dazed. "I don't need to kill them..."The group chatted for a bit and as they were leaving, they saw 2 police cars arriving outside the guard post of the port area. "Let see your powers..." Jenny said as she approached the cops. Jenny saw another lady grabbing the necks of 2 cops and 2 other men reached the cops and punched them. The cops were grabbed and choked. "Don't kill!" Jenny shouted. "Remember that.""Oh ya..." A man said and tightened his grip before he was placing the cop's neck under his armpits. The cops were shocked and taken out within seconds. Jenny walked over and saw the lady's thumb in the cops' necks controlling them. "I can have them suck each other's dicks..." The lady said and the fat cop rubbed the head of the balding cop and they kissed. "Its quite fun actually..."A police van approached and the limp cops were dragged into a trunk and Jenny walked over to the sergeant and saw the driver getting grabbed and choked. "Ohhh. I love stripes.." Jenny said and grabbed the sergeant's groin and rubbed it. "Help me open the back door..."The sergeant walked over and opened the back door and there were several armored cops preparing to get out. 2 teenagers in hoodies leaped into the van and kicked the last 2 cops inside and they went limp. "What the hell..." A cop shouted and a teenager grabbed the strap of 2 cops and twisted their rifles and strangled them. The other teenager kicked and elbowed the armored cops and when he connected to the face of the cop, the cop was struck so hard that he broke several teeth and went limp, and he kneed another cop in the face and he went limp.The other armored cops exited the van and aimed their guns at the teenagers but the other men reached the cops and grabbed their rifles and choked them with it. The cops were stripped and the men fucked the cops and took their uniforms. "Smoke grenades, tazers... cool!" A teenager said searching through the pouch of the old cop. "Not one shot fired.... Cool..."They discussed their methods and devised a team strategy and wanted to try it out more. "Sergeant.. call for backup..." Jenny said. Ricardo met up with his team in person. They were literally fucking with some cops and made the police Sergeant call for backup. "I can do stealth..." Ricardo said and saw a police car arriving. As a cop exited the car, Ricardo grabbed him and choked him silently. The other cop exited the car and looked for his partner and Ricardo grabbed him and disarmed him. Ricardo shoved the cop to a large man who dragged the cop to a corner, took off the cop's pants and fucked the cop.Jenny waved down 2 approaching cops and directed them towards a dark alley and the cops were ambushed by Ricardo and another killer. One of the men was inhumanly strong and killed a cop by crushing his throat. Another lady can move quickly and is skilled with blades. "We need to know how to combo with each other now..." Several police cars arrived at the port area and saw the police van and a few other cars and motorcycles but the cops were missing. "Something is not right." An old cop said and the cops spread out and searched. As the cops entered a room, the door closed behind them and they were punched and and choked. The old cop turned the corner and his mouth was covered and a fist rammed to the back of his head.All the cops were taken out silently and swiftly. "That was pretty good." Jenny said as he got off the sergeant who went limp after she fucked him several times and broke his back. The group packed up as they heard from the radio that more backup is coming. "Lets leave before there's trouble." Jenny said.It seemed like many of them were combat oriented or were super fast. Jenny was the only one without much combat abilities, but she was strong and good with a knife. "We need to try out ways to collaborate." Ricardo said. "I know of this facility." Ricardo brought the group to an army base where secret weapons were developed. "There are some cool stuff here, but its hard to get in."Ricardo and the group sneaked towards the rear entrance and grabbed a soldier. "Nighty night..." Ricardo said and snapped his neck and took his pass. The rest entered the rear entrance.The group moved around and searched for others security in the area. Ricardo could turn invisible and approach the guard room and he looped wires and strangled the guards and turned off the alarms and the others could move around without fear of the cameras. 2 soldiers met the others and were stabbed swiftly. It seemed like the group was out for massacre and every soldier was hunted and murdered. They searched the vaults and could not find interesting things that looked really cool or high tech. Ricardo found a glove and put it on. He turned it on and did not know how to use it.Suddenly, an alarm sounded. "Shit..." Ricardo muttered. Police cars swarmed the area and the cops spread out and entered the building. "Soldiers... dead." A cop muttered as he checked on a soldier with a snapped neck."Hmmm... cops." Ricardo said as he sneaked up behind the cop. The cop was grabbed before he could radio but he bumped into another invisible team member. The cop was choked out and the team member appeared and nodded and pointed at 2 more cops and approached them. The cops were punched in the throat and with a palm to the face, a cop collapsed and the other was grabbed and his head smashed into the wall and a crunch sound was heard as his skull cracked."Still need to co ordinate. We can't see each other when we are invisible." Ricardo said and turned invisible and approached. An old cop took out his radio and his mouth was covered and he was dragged around the corner. Ricardo punched his lower back and the old cop twitcched in pain and trembled in fear as he saw a pile of limp cops beside him. Ricardo took off the cop's pants and started rubbing his dick and jerked him off. More limp cops were dragged around him and a man said. "He does smell good...." As he tossed a fat sergeant on a pile of cops.The old cop was overpowered, he struggled briefly and Ricardo fucked him from behind while jerking him off. Ricardo jerked off a load and shoved the old cop on the fat sergeant and held him down and thrusted into his ass hard. The old cop moaned and felt helpless and then Ricardo shot cum inside his ass. the old cop was in pain and trembling in fear. His head was tilted back and Ricardo drank form his neck.A few gunshots were heard and as Ricardo exited, he saw all the cops down and the men were drinking from the motorcycle cops in their arms. "We went for the same target while invisible and the other cop shot at us." a man said. "Yeah, not ideal, but the cops were easy."The group saw Jenny and she asked if they drank blood and one of the men pointed at 2 plump old cops who were cuffed. "Yup, some takeaways..." Jenny followed the group into the building, the others took out all the soldiers before she could do anything. Jenny saw a soldier and from behind, one of the man who was invisible appeared behind the soldier and strangled him with a garotte. "How can I contribute?"As they were leaving, Jenny saw many police cars and a police sergeant entering and she bumped against the sergeant and stared into his eyes. "Send your men over there..." Jenny said and pointed to a security room. And the sergeant looked dazed and radioed for backup and directed them into a few rooms.Jenny entered the room and saw a pile of limp cops and a man walked over to her and the sergeant and grabbed his neck. The sergeant was shocked and lifted off the ground where he kicked silently and went limp. "We are not killing them, leaving now." The man said.As they exited, Jenny approached 2 cops pointing their guns at her. "So scary, the terrorists killed everyone!" Jenny said and approached the cops. She saw 2 motorcycle cops in the rear getting grabbed and dragged away. As she approached, she stared at a cop and hugged the other cop. "I'm scared."At a police car, an old cop heard a snap sound and his partner was missing. As he walked around the police car, he saw his partner limp on the ground. He reached for his gun and a hand covered his mouth. "Shhh.." A voice whispered behind him and he felt a prick at the back of his neck and his vision went blur.Jenny squeezed the cop in her arms and the cop flailed helplessly and went limp. He rubbed the balding head of the other dazed cop and kissed him and saw the others grabbing a remaining cop and the cops was subdued. "That's not to hard." Jenny said and choked the balding cop in her arms. "You guys drink blood too?" Jenny asked. 2 police motorcycles arrived and Ricardo nodded at another man and pointed left. "You take left..." As the cops got off their bikes, they felt something approaching but could not see anything. "Something is not right..." A cop muttered and an arm wrapped around his neck and choked him. The cop flailed and Ricardo appeared and tightened his grip."Freeze!" The other cop shouted but before his gun left the holster, a man behind him grabbed the gun and placed it in his throat. "This guy smells so good."The cop in Ricardo's arm went limp and Ricardo cuffed him and removed his helmet. Ricardo rubbed his balding head and saw an old cop with a white mustache. The other motorcycle cop was grabbed by the man and another lady moved over and grabbed the cop's dick and rubbed it. "Soft cop... big belly... a standard issue..." The cop was scared and trembled in fear as the lady squeezed his balls and stroked his dick. Within seconds, his dick was erected and the cop begged for mercy. She sucked his dick and squeezed his balls more and the cop's boots kicked helplessly."So we all have some cop fetish I see..." Ricardo said and took out his dick and masturbated. When Ricardo was erected, he grabbed the cop and fucked him. and another man shoved his dick into the cop's mouth. The lady then proceeded to fuck to cop as well as his dick was hard and throbbing. "Not a hot cop with a sexy body, but these soft cops smell so good... " The lady said and rubbed her legs on his boots. Tears rolled down the cop's face and he thought he was saved when 2 police cars arrived.The lady continued to grab his hands and fucked him hard and the cop saw the confused policemen exiting their car to see a lady on top of the motorcycle cop, fucking him. "What is going on here?" A sergeant shouted. Ricardo was behind a fat cop and he saw the others behind the other cops and they smiled and nodded."Yes..."AFter the cops were take out, the group returned to fuck the motorcycle cop. "So what are your powers besides fucking cops?" A man said."I drink blood?" ANother man said and they bit into the motorcycle cop and drained some blood. It was an exhilariting experience and the cop went limp."Drinking blood is not a power." The man said."I can camouflage." Ricardo said. "I am stronger than them, and trained in martial arts.""I can control them by grabbing their spines. " Another man said."I think we all drink blood and can heal right?" Another man said.They drank the blood from the limp cops and discussed their powers. And left with 2 old cops as takeaways. It was a fruitful night. Everyone seemed to have a pretty good combat ability. They tried out their abilities on the 2 old cops and they old cops were fucked. Jenny could command them to fuck each other while the others fucked them. She tried getting them to hurt themselves but the command did not work.Jenny got the cops to call for more backup and they waited. Jenny saw a round cop with thick mustache and approached. "Hi officer... I'm scared..." She walked over and hugged him and stared into his eyes. "I saw a bad guy in there..." She pointed into a room and the other cops entered and Jenny kissed the round cop. "I think this could work."The other cops were grabbed and subdued. It was not hard ambushing unsuspecting cops. Ricardo was quite satisfied with his power. They drove ahead and saw a road block and the invisible scouts moved stealthily towards the road block. Ricardo grabbed a fat cop and the other cop was shocked and grabbed at the same time. They were choked silently. "Good... not those motorcycle cops... I'll take the short one..."Ricardo strangled the short motorcycle cop and saw the other cop tazered and shocked. A plump old cop was grabbed by a lady and she kissed him and a sergeant was confused. "Hey, what are you..." Ricardo covered his mouth. "Last one..." Ricardo said and choked the sergeant. "We are getting good at this."Ricardo picked up another contract and drove to a pub. The first invisible team sneaked into the kitchen and found a secret door and entered to find a drug lab in the basement. They eliminated some guards in the way and hid the bodies and the others made their way down. "So far, so good." They said and they spread out and started a fire which spread really fast. "Damn, that's quick..." They said and rushed out. They did not even need to do anything else and quickly escaped."Nice job." Ricardo said. "We burnt the shit out of that ..." they quickly left and found a place to stay the night and brought in their hostages. Jenny knocked on the door of a house and a man opened the door and Jenny hugged him and kissed him. The man was dazed and the group entered the house. They closed the door and the others searched the house and it was empty. Jenny fucked the man and saw another lady fucking the round cop. The cop was then cuffed and the group slept.The next day, the group trained their powers again. The man grabbed the spine of the round cop and uncuffed him. He was able to control the cop and the cop grabbed the owner of the house and fucked him. "That's pretty good." Jenny said and saw the other men practicing their stealth skills and they drank some blood from the hostages before cleaning up and leaving. "New mission." Jenny said. "Take out police station and kidnap scientist... Sounds easy."The group assembled and left the house. They drove to the police station and Jenny approached a plump cop entering the police station. Jenny hugged the cop and stared into his eyes. "Can you bring us inside?" the cop looked dazed and unlocked the door and Jenny kissed him and shoved him into a closet and cuffed him. "Sleep here ok?""This is a small police station, should not be that hard to find people." Ricardo moved behind a police sergeant and grabbed him in a neck lock. "Any scientists around?" He asked and rammed a punch into the sergeant's back. "What the hell?" A cop shouted and a wire looped around his neck and he kicked silently in the air."Where is the scientist or your man dies..." Ricardo said."We have a scientist in the activity room on the second floor." The sergeant said and Ricardo nodded at the other man and knocked the sergeant out. The other cop was released and clubbed in the head.The group searched the second floor and saw an old cop cuffed on the ground and Ricardo entered the room and grabbed a man in a suit. "You are coming with us." It was an easy mission and the group succeeded. Jenny saw a police car arriving at the carpark and walked towards the cops. She stared into the eyes of a cop and said, "Follow me..." The other cop was a little confused by followed Jenny into the building. They saw Ricardo escorting the scientist out and suddenly, their mouths are covered. "Shhh..." The 2 men behind the cops appeared and choked the cops out.Jenny rubbed the head of one of the cops and said. "Gotta go... Easy mission." They got into the police car and saw the keys in the ignition and drove off. "Our team is getting along pretty well." The group delivered the scientist and completed the mission. They were given an envelope of cash and Ricardo smiled. "PARTY TIME!" Ricardo shouted. The group went to a club and blew away a few thousand on drinks to celebrate. "Its is important to play hard too!" Ricardo said and they discussed more about their powers and tried to use their powers in the club.Ricardo could turn invisible and blend in easily, and his superior dexterity and strength is not particularly useful in the club, unless he wanted to get away from a nasty bitch. After many drinks, Ricardo got pissed. "Ever since I got the powers, it is harder to get drunk, I just keep spending more to drink more." Ricardo took out a syringe to inject himself. "I guess, we don't get anything for free." Jenny was at the club and she is always seeking attention and getting it because of her looks. She enjoys flirting, and used to get into trouble with drunk men, but it was much easier with her powers. When she did not like the situation, she could easily tell the guy to fuck off.Jenny was getting some action in the alley with a handsome man and suddenly, 2 other men approached and her dazed young stud was absolutely useless. One of the men grabbed her and forced her on her back and the other man shoved his dick into her mouth. Jenny was drunk and she was injected with something and raped. Jenny woke up in the alley, she felt raw in her vaginal and her mouth tasted like semen. She looked around and saw an old cop in the alley and felt something was not right, but she was still a little drunk and felt she missed out on the fun. The old cop turned around and Jenny grabbed his head and stared into his eyes. "Fuck me..." Jenny said and the old cop pulled down his pants and fucked her.Jenny waited before the old cop ejaculated and bit into his neck and drained some blood. "So good..." She fell into pure ecstasy and the old cop shot cum on her thigh. "Not bad..." Jenny muttered and kissed the old cop. Another plump cop with thick mustache entered the alley and saw the old cop kissing Jenny and was confused. "Come here." Jenny said and stared into his eyes. "Fuck this guy..."Jenny healed her abrasions and is starting to develop a throbbing headache. She saw 2 more cops outside and approached them. "You should follow me..." Jenny said and lured the cops into the alley and the cops saw the plump cop fucking the old cop. "What the fuck?" A short cop muttered and Jenny stared into the other cop's eyes and said. "Go join in and fuck the old man too..."The short cop reached for his radio and Jenny disarmed him and took his gun. "What the..." Jenny punched him in his soft gut and rubbed his balding head. "Such rosy cheeks..." Jenny said and pulled down his pants and took his baton. Jenny covered the cop's mouth and shoved the baton up his ass. The cop flailed and struggled but Jenny was inhumanly strong. Jenny fucked the baton and sniffed the cop's neck and she could smell the fear in him. "This is going to be good." When Jenny was satisfied, she drank some blood from the short cop. "Cops are still the best." Ricardo walked out to have a cigarette and saw 2 police cars and walked into the alley. He saw a plump cop fucking an old cop and Jenny drinking from a cop. "What are you doing?" Ricardo asked and choked the cops. Ricardo drank from the unconscious cops and suddenly a man entered the alley. He seemed a little drunk and he approached and started taking the gun from the cops."What the fuck?" Ricardo said and disarmed the man. The man punched Ricardo and Ricardo dodged several of his blows. He seemed well trained and Ricardo was grappled and they fought into the street. "Hey stop... " Ricardo said but the man did not care. Soon, a crowd formed and watched the fight and more cops arrived."Stop fighting!" An old cop shouted as 4 cops surrounded them and the cops started taking out their batons and they clubbed Ricardo. "The fuck!" Ricardo said and shouted, "Stop ... you bastard." The man grabbed a cop and pulled him into the fight and the other cops started to club harder. "Fuck, I'm not fighting." Ricardo said and a baton struck his head and he was dazed, then the cops tazered them and cuffed them.Ricardo was bleeding from the head and the man seemed fine and a paddy wagon arrived and they were taken to the police station. "Fucking bastard. This is all your fault." Ricardo shouted and the man seemed high on drugs was still dazed. He stared at Ricardo again and Ricardo was a little intimidated again. "Get me off these cuffs, this fucking will kill us." Ricardo shouted to a fat cop."Hey! Sit down!" The fat cop shouted as the man stood up and the fat cop took out his baton. Ricardo healed himself and saw the fat cop approached the man and the man suddenly kicked the cop in the gut and grabbed him. The fat cop flailed and the man wrapped his legs around the cop's neck and choked him. "That is the same shit he did to me.""Help!" Ricardo shouted and quickly grabbed the keys from the choking fat cop and uncuffed himself. The police van stopped and Ricardo threw the keys at the man who was still choking the fat cop and the rear door opened and 2 cops entered. Ricardo pretended to be cuffed and an old cop brought Ricardo out and escorted him to a police car and Ricardo covered his mouth and dragged him into the police car. "Sleep." Ricardo said as he placed the old cop in a chokehold. The old cop struggled and flailed as he could not breathe.Ricardo saw the cops entering the van and moved behind a motorcycle cop. His baton was grabbed and pressed on his throat and he was lifted off the ground. The cop's boots kicked silently in the air and he was choked out quickly. Another plump cop turned and Ricardo shoved the baton into his gut and grabbed his head and smashed it onto the side of the police van.Ricardo looked into the van and saw the man grabbing 2 cops in his arms and choking another one with his legs. Ricardo stomped on the cop he was choking with his legs and punched the other cops in the face. The cops were unconscious and the man got up again. "Look... I don't want to fight you..." Ricardo said but the man seemed to growl at Ricardo. "this is a bad idea..."Luckily, 2 cops came to the police van and the man rushed out and grabbed a large cop. Ricardo drank some blood and healed himself and exited the van and the man seemed to be high on fighting and he took out a cop and the other one tazered the man but he simply pulled the tazer tips out and grabbed the remaining cop. The man was very good in his moves and moved on the cop and choked him. 2 motorcycle cops arrived and they rushed over and sprayed pepper spray on the man and tazered him. As one of the motorcycle cops reached for his radio, Ricardo moved behind him and grabbed him in a sleeper hold. "Shhhh..."Ricardo saw the other cop walking over with his cuffs out and the man grabbed his boots and pulled him to the ground. "Help!" The motorcycle cop shouted and the man mounted the cop and overpowered him. The man removed the belt of the cop and pulled down his pants. The cop struggled and was scared and the man turned him around and started grabbing his own dick out and fucked the cop.Ricardo was amused and released the motorcycle cop he was grabbing and the cop choked and gasped. "Your friend is so fucked." Ricardo said and simply walked to the police bike and rode off.He heard gunshots and saw the motorcycle cop shooting at the man and sped off faster. Jenny spent the next day shopping. She was not hungry and there was no real mission. She papered herself at a spa and watched the news on the policemen getting assaulted. "Made the news.. wow."Jenny muttered. Jenny was good at abusing her powers, getting men to do what she likes. She saw 2 old cops patrolling but managed to curb her obsession to fuck them.Jenny met her group for dinner again. They talked about their experience with other cops. They certainly learned more about each other and their powers which will be useful for future missions. Ricardo arrived near an alley and saw a police car and stopped his bike and entered the alley. He saw a plump cop exiting and covered his mouth. Ricardo broke some ribs with a punch and removed his belt. "Hello piggy..." The cop was grabbed and fucked in the alley."What's taking so long?" A voice shouted and a cop with a flashlight entered the alley. The cop searched around and saw the plump cop on the floor getting fucked by Ricardo. "What the hell! Freeze!" The cop shouted and Ricardo simply continued and ejaculated into the plump cop. "Almost done..." Ricardo said. And the cop turned and ran out of the alley. The cop rushed to the police car and grabbed the radio, but Ricardo was behind him and covered his mouth. "Shhh..." Ricardo said and choked the cop.Both cops were dumped into the trunk of the police car and Ricardo found brown envelops with cash on the cops. "Hmmm... dirty cops..." He heard more calls for backup near by and decided to check it out. He could feel a high from the drugs he injected and he wanted to do more. Ricardo saw many police cars surrounding a construction site and approached a SWAT truck. Ricardo peeped inside and saw 4 armored cops on the ground. "Someone else is here." Ricardo said. Ricardo walked around and moved behind an old cop behind a police car, putting on body armor. "Smells so good..." Ricardo said and choked the cop and dragged him into the SWAT truck. The cop was shocked and disarmed and Ricardo overpowered him and pinned him to the ground. "Please...." The cop begged and Ricardo pulled down his pants and jerked him off. "Shout for help and I'll pull your dick out." Ricardo threatened and the cop trembled in fear.Ricardo shoved his dick into the old cop's mouth and choked him while the old cop was getting jerked. The smell from the old cop was overwhelming and Ricardo enjoyed it very much and as he was done, he grabbed the old cop and bit into his neck. "Fucking sweeet." Ricardo said and choked the old cop until he stopped moving. "Save you for later..."Ricardo saw a few more state police trucks arriving and changed into SWAT uniform. He smiled and approached a few cops and a sergeant walked up to him. "What's going on here?" Ricardo shrugged. "I'm backup. Something is not right, you need to check with the commander." Ricardo said and pointed at the command truck. As the group of state troopers walked away, Ricardo moved behind the last trooper at the police car and choked him. The trooper flailed helplessly and went limp.A man moved behind Ricardo and clubbed Ricardo behind his head. Ricardo was dazed and the man grabbed and choked Ricardo and Ricardo shocked the man with his strength and shoved the man into the wall 10 ft away. The man was surprised and Ricardo can see the man standing up and moving with inhuman speeds towards him."Wait... " Ricardo said and the man grappled him to the ground. "I'm not a cop dude..." Ricardo said and the man was also surprised at Ricardo's strength. The man was much faster than Ricardo and landed a few blows into Ricardo and they were as strong as each other, but Ricardo was better trained as a fighter. Unfortunately for the man, Ricardo was trained in grappling and within a few moves, the man was placed in a position where Ricardo could attack him but the man could not break free. "This is where you surrender. I'm not a cop." Ricardo said again. "Tap your hands and give up, and lets talk."The man mustered more strength but Ricardo applied more force on his arm and the man finally gave up. "Ok, good." Ricardo said and released the man. Ricardo saw more state police cars arriving and the other state troopers disappeared already. "So I guess you are not alone." The agency questioned the group as cops and soldiers go missing in the city. Jenny absolutely did not have a chance to do it, but it seemed like others would. Jenny decided to hunt for some old cops. She found the address of the sheriff, walked to his house, dominated him and fucked him. "Not too bad."Jenny made a few calls and found that she has a new message. It was a new mission. "Nice, this is getting exciting!" The man brought Ricardo to a corner and Ricardo saw 2 more kids. "They have powers too. I think the government after them." The man said and Ricardo saw more state troopers approaching. "Damn it." Ricardo muttered and sneaked up to the troopers. 2 plump troopers approached and Ricardo saw the man grabbed a trooper and clubbed his head. The other trooper was disarmed and choked by Ricardo. "Shhhh..."An old trooper spotted a pile of limp troopers and was shocked. As he grabbed his radio, a hand covered his mouth and his gun was shoved into his neck. The old trooper saw a man punching 2 troopers in the throat and choked them silently. Ricardo pulled down his pants and started jerking him off. The old trooper trembled in fear which made Ricardo excited and he rubbed the cop's wispy hair. The old cop could not resist and ejaculated in Ricardo's hand and Ricardo bit into his throat. "Sweeet juices..." Ricardo said and drank some of the old cop's blood and the old cop was dazed and Ricardo cuffed him up.Ricardo saw a motorcycle cop approaching the kids and the cop checked on the kids. "Are you ok...." The boy grabbed the cop's neck and the cop's eyes rolled back as the boy slowly lowered him to the ground. The boy seemed to drain the energy of the cop until he stopped moving."Whoa, what was that?" Ricardo asked."He drains the energy out of everything." The man said. "Becomes stronger briefly.""So all of you have powers?" Ricardo said."Yep... pretty much." The man replied. Jenny talked to several people and found the local mafia and dominated her way to talk to the boss. She did not want to leave a bad impression and made out with the boss and tried to find out about the extent of her powers. She could alter memories and implant suggestions on any man and she is pretty strong, but she was still vulnerable.She could change memories and make people forget her and it was great if she wanted to steal stuff, but she simply did some tests and left. She saw a police sergeant meeting one of the lieutenants in the mafia and decided to tail the sergeant. The sergeant returned to the police station and parked outside, and Jenny walked up to him. "Drive me to a secluded place." Jenny said and stared into the sergeant's eyes and the sergeant nodded and Jenny got into a car with him.They drove to an alley in the financial district and Jenny got the sergeant to the rear seat and started playing with his dick. Jenny was good at picking her targets and got a lot of information from the sergeant. "I can do lots of covert ops." 2 cops approached the kids and one of the cops checked on the kids. "Are you ok?" The cop asked and the kid grabbed his face and the cop felt numb and his eyes rolled back and went limp. "What the hell?" The other cop shouted and grabbed his radio and drew his gun. "Officer down!" The cop shouted and Ricardo reached him and disarmed him. The cop was shoved to the ground and Ricardo punched his soft gut, breaking some ribs. "Were you trying to shoot the kids?" Ricardo asked and the kids grabbed his face and his eyes rolled back.Ricardo checked on the cops, they were still alive."Ok, a few more left." Ricardo said and they moved towards the remaining troopers."Backup!" Ricardo shouted and waved at the troopers and walked towards the remaining plump trooper and covered his mouth and grabbed him behind the police car. "Sergeant... smells good." Ricardo said and choked the trooper and rubbed his white hair. The sergeant did not put up much of a fight and was cuffed."These troopers are easy." A trooper heard a voice behind him and a tazer was shoved into his neck. The kids grabbed the other troopers and within seconds, all the troopers were down.A police car arrived and Ricardo approached with the man with his hands behind his back. "This guy is pretty fast and strong." Ricardo said and walked over. "Good work trooper." The fat commander said and the man lunged and grabbed the other trooper and forced him to the ground. Ricardo approached and grabbed the commander and forced him to the side of the police car and tightened the grip on his neck. The commander flailed briefly and was disarmed."So the government is after you?" Ricardo asked the man and the kids. "Here is the commander.""Why are you after the kids?" The man asked the commander and approached him with the baton."Please... no..." The commander said as Ricardo removed his belt and pulled down his pants."This will hurt... a lot." Ricardo said and felt the commander trembling and sniffed his neck."We were just following a report to bring back 2 boys." The commander said. "From the FBI cases.""Nooo.. please.. nooo..." The commander said as the Ricardo placed the cold baton on his thigh of the trembling man."Ok, I think he is telling us what he knows." Ricardo said and shoved the commander with the plump old cop in the trunk. "You guys stay safe." And Ricardo drove off. Jenny left and saw a lot of police activity. "Well, some people are busy tonight." Jenny said. "Awfully quiet in the financial district at night..."Jenny walked down the road and peeped into an alley and saw a police car. "Whoa. Someone had the same idea too?" Jenny muttered and looked into the police car. It was empty and Jenny opened the trunk. As she approached the trunk, she felt something land behind her and she was tazered.Jenny woke up cuffed to a pipe and her clothes were ripped. She was sore as she felt like she was raped. Jenny was furious. "Someone get me out of here!" She screamed, but no one came until early dawn.Jenny was released by some cops and paramedics arrived and sent her to a hospital. As the cop visited Jenny in her room after her checks, Jenny stared into his eyes. "I'm a victim, don't question me." Jenny said and the cop looked dazed and walked away.Jenny left the hospital quickly, she did not want the police to identify her but a sergeant spotted her and chased her. She called the others on her phone and ran but was soon surrounded and she was arrested as they found her wanted for questioning. The men and the kids were wanted but the FBI did not share much information and the police could not arrest them. It was hard for the state police and national guard to do much as use as well. Ricardo introduced them to the group as well. "These are people with powers like us. " Ricardo said, and needed a family. Everyone seemed be interested, "police after him as well." Ricardo said. "Perhaps we can help each other."Ricardo waited for Jenny to be back, but they could not contact her. "Something is wrong." Ricardo said. "Where's Jenny?" Jenny struggled while being arrested and she tried to escape by mesmerizing the cops, but one of the cops tazered her and she woke up in a cell. "Fuck..." Jenny muttered and looked around and saw another lady in the cell. "I'm the victim here!" Jenny shouted."Be quiet." The lady said."Hey, I was raped just now." Jenny said. "Fucking pigs arrested me instead.""Shit happens." The lady said."So what did you do?" Jenny asked. "Did you KILL SOME COPS?" Jenny tried using her powers on her but she did not respond."I was raped." Jenny shouted. "Someone is trying to kill me."Moments later, an old cop walked over to her cell and she said. "Please, you got to let me out." Jenny said."Quiet down you bitch." The lady said. "No one needs to hear your sob story.""Fuck that bitch." Jenny said as she stared into the eyes of the old cop who unlocked the cell door.The old cop walked towards the lady and grabbed her. "Hey, what are you doing?" the lady asked.The old cop tried to rip her blouse and the lady punched his throat. The old cop choked and she punched his groin and kneed his face and the old cop collapsed."Nice moves..." Jenny said."Fuck you bitch." The lady said."Hey, I'm going to get out now. We can go together." Jenny said and left the cell.Jenny used the key from the old cop to get to the guard room and saw a short balding cop in the room. She entered and sneaked up to him and stared into his eyes. "Sleep...." Jenny said and the short cop went limp.Jenny used the short cop's cellphone and left a message on the general forum. "I'm arrested. Trying to get out."The lady left the cell area and Jenny could hear gunfire. Jenny quickly followed and saw 2 limp cops and heard more gunfire. "Damn, she is like one of us..." Jenny muttered and heard more gunfire and rushed over. Jenny was shot in the shoulder and cursed. "Fuck..." Jenny said and saw the lady shooting at a cop and another cop shot her shoulder and she was disarmed. The cops rushed over and tazered her and subdued her."Another one here!" A cop shouted and rushed over to Jenny who turned and ran, but she was tazered again and went down. The group went out to search and Ricardo heard that Jenny might be arrested and quickly went to the police station. "This is bad..." Ricardo heard the message Jenny left on the phone.The man came along as well and Ricardo organized the team. "Ok, Stealth, must get Jenny out."2 cops searched an alley as they got a call for suspicious activity in the alley. "This one is too fat..." A cop heard a voice behind him and saw his partner getting choked by a man. Ricardo covered his mouth and said. "Call for backup. Tell them you found a naked man and some teenagers in an alley."4 police cars arrived and the cops searched the alley. 2 cops were grabbed and choked silently behind a dumpster. "Where did the officers go?" A sergeant muttered and heard muffled moans behind him. 2 cops were flailing helplessly as Ricardo was choking them and a man grabbed the sergeant's gun and shoved it into his neck. "Don't worry, we are not killing cops... yet." A cop saw a man in a police uniform approached and asked. "So, did you find anything?" The man walked over and covered his mouth and gripped his neck. An old cop in the police car saw the cop trembling and flailing and exited the car and his mouth was covered. "This is the last one..." Ricardo said and smashed the cop's head on the police car and the old cop went limp. The group changed into the police uniforms and dragged the cops into the trunks of the police cars.They drove into the police station and Ricardo and a few of the men went invisible. A fat cop exited the cubicle in the toilet and saw a pile of limp cops. "Geez, what happened..." A hand covered his mouth and a few fists rammed into his soft gut and the cop's head was slammed into the sink, leaving a blood splatter and he went limp.Ricardo exited the security room and joined the others in main foyer where the desk sergeant was grabbed and the other officers tazered. "30 cops on duty..." the sergeant said and he was choked out."Where's everybody..." A motorcycle cop muttered and as he turned the corner, a man covered his mouth and rammed several fists into his body. The other motorcycle cop rushed oer and he was grabbed and forced to the wall. "This one smells good..." The man said and removed his helmet and rubbed his white hair. The cop's pants was pulled down and the man started jerking him off.Ricardo saw several bruised cops and grabbed a sergeant and rammed a few fists into his gut. "Bring me to the female prisoner..." Ricardo said and the others sneaked up on the remaining cops and took them out as they spotted Ricardo. "Good work team..." Ricardo said.The SWAT team heard an alarm go off but their room door was locked and they could not get out. 2 cops took turns and raped Jenny and heard gunshots and left. The old cop at the cell area saw a sergeant staggering over as a hostage and pulled the alarm and the cops rushed over to see a man grabbing the old cop and punching him. The cops rushed over but they were not armed and the man brutally broke their bones with each blow and took them out.The man eventually got to Jenny who was cuffed to a wall and naked. Jenny was still dazed and drugged and the man helped her out of the cell area. "What's going on here?" A motorcycle cop asked the man in a police uniform helping Jenny out of the cell area. "She needs help..." The man said and as the motorcycle cop approached, the man grabbed him in a chokehold and choked him out.A few cops were putting on heavy armor and heard muffled moans and saw 2 men in police uniforms with tazers shocking everyone. 4 cops were down and a plump cop grabbed the man's hands and was kicked in the gut. Another fat cop tried to grab a man but the other man rammed a few fists into the cop and the cop was down. The plump cop screamed for help but the man in police uniforms punched his throat and it was over. A small team of cops entered the police station and helped several twitching cops out the an ambulance. The station was surrounded and the police outside was hesitant to enter and storm the building without accurate data.A big man in police uniform was helped by 2 cops to an ambulance and the paramedics help remove his armor and checked on his shoulder wound. "This wound should not be so bad..." The paramedic said as he saw a graze and some bruises on the man and the man covered the paramedic's mouth and grabbed his throat. The paramedic was strangled and went limp."I'm outside now. 20 cops or so, armed. Small group entering from rear." The man said in his radio and moved behind an old cop outside the ambulance. The old cop's mouth was covered and he was dragged into the ambulance and the man injected the old cop with a sedative and held him down. The old cop flailed briefly and went limp. "About 30 seconds..." The man said and cuffed the cop and left. He walked near a plump cop near the ambulance and placed his arms around the plump cop's neck and escorted him to the ambulance. The plump cop trembled in fear as he saw the limp old cop and the man tightened the grip and lifted him off the ground and he kicked helplessly. A cop heard muffled moans and saw 4 cops limp on the ground and a fat cop getting strangled by a man in a police uniform. "Shit!" The cop shouted and saw another man in police uniform coming towards him. The cop fired a shot into the man's thigh and the man disarmed him and placed his head under his armpits and choked the cop. Then more cops arrived and pointed their guns at the men who dropped the limp cops on the ground."Officers down..." A cop shouted on the police radio and a hand covered his mouth. A man in police uniform appeared behind him and pulled him close and punched his back. The men rushed the cops and were shot but they drew their daggers and made quick work with the cops. The cop with the radio had his neck snapped. "They are alert now. Get out before FBI gets here." The man said.The group turned invisible and saw 6 cops guarding the rear with their guns drawn and moved behind them. 3 cops were stabbed and the other cops were grabbed but one of the cops managed to fire and it did not hit the man who grabbed him but the other man beside him. The bullet hit his neck and cut the artery and the men snapped the necks of their hostages.Jenny was still dazed and was escorted out of the rear exit and they left the injured man gurgling at the back of the police station as he was losing blood too fast and there was no hope. A few motorcycle cops were cuffed and their pants pulled down. They trembled in fear as they saw a large man fucking an old cop. The man jerked the old cop while fucking him in the rear and the old cop moans and trembled in fear. The man then walked over and started with a motorcycle cop and fucked him hard.2 fat cops arrived and saw a man fucking a motorcycle cop and they pointed their guns at him. "Freeze!" A cop shouted. "Let the officer go." A fat cop was punched in his back. Even with his body armor, he felt his kidney burst inside him and the other fat cop was disarmed and a man pulled him close and as he pulled down the cop's pants, the cop had a hidden holster in his back and drew a gun and fired into the man's head. The man collapsed and the other man punched the fat cop's gut, breaking bones and destroying organs and grabbed his face as he twitched in pain. "Bad move piggy..." He said and snapped the cop's neck.2 old cops at the rear of the police station saw a man approaching and the man put his hands up and approached. "Sir, do you have any weapons?" An cop asked as the other man searched him. " The man grabbed an old cop searching him and took off his glasses. The man was inhumanly strong and the old cop was subdued. "Holy shit..." The other old cop muttered and he was grabbed and a blade pointed to his neck. The men in the rear escaped with 2 cops as hostages.One of the man rushed over as he heard the gunshot and saw the man shot in the head. "Oh... shit..." The man said and signaled the others to come over. "Ok, we got the girl... moving out now." Jenny approached a motorcycle cop and kissed him. She saw 2 man appeared behind the other cops and the cops were strangled. One of the man approached and grabbed the dazed motorcycle cop. "We don't have time for this..." The man said and chopped the motorcycle cop's neck and grabbed Jenny's hand and escaped.Jenny went into a van and she saw a few subdued cops inside. She looked outside and saw a few cops getting strangled outside the police station and the invisible men were quick and deadly. A police sergeant heard muffled moans and saw 4 cops limp behind him and a fist rammed into his soft body and ruptured some organs. Some of the cops were dragged into the van and the police sergeant was thrown beside Jenny and Jenny pulled down his pants.In the van, Jenny fucked the police sergeant as the group drove off. The group escaped to a warehouse, they still have the police hostages. One of the large black men grabbed the old cop and pulled down his pants. "I have an erection which needs satisfying." The man said and started fucking the old cop who screamed in pain. The other pudgy cop had 2 ladies on him and they jerked him off and rubbed their breasts on his face. One of the ladies covered the cop's face with her vaginal and gave him a blow job, swallowing his whole dick and squeezing his balls. The cop struggled but was held down by the other lady and as he ejaculated, the lady continued to suck and wrapped her thighs to secure her vaginal on his face. The cop could not breathe and pawed helplessly at her and she squeezed her thigh and crushed his skull.The old cop saw his friend killed and another man grabbed his dick and jerked him off as the black man ejaculated into him. The old cop begged for mercy as the man rubbed his dick and he got erect even when trembling in fear. Then a few of the ladies came and they bit into his throat. There were a lot of police patrols, and police officers missing. The group showed the police what they could do, and there was nothing much the police could do to stop them. The combat group practiced their team coordination and took out 10 road blocks with none of the cops spotting them. Ricardo coordinate several ambushes, calling cops into an alley and taking them out. Ricardo used the police alley to call for suspicious activity and when 2 police cars arrived, Ricardo moved behind the remaining cop in the police car and choked him silently. He moved to the alley to see a cop on the ground and 2 ladies fucking the other plump cops. "Nice work."He changed location and this time, the state troopers arrived and 2 troopers entered the alley and Ricardo moved behind the sergeant outside with his radio and choked the sergeant. Ricardo saw the ladies kissing the other troopers and choking them. "Great way to get uniforms." Ricardo said and started to look for fitting uniforms and continued for a few more ambushes before he got himself a fitting uniform. Jenny fucked the police sergeant several times and the cops were cuffed and Jenny drove the van away and parked it in an alley with the cop hostages. "Hmm... one is dead." Jenny said.As she exited the alley, she saw 2 motorcycle cops parked outside and approaching. She waited in ambush for the cops to pass her and she grabbed the rear cop and stared into the eyes of the other cop. "Wait for your turn, I'm fucking this piggy first." The cop was shocked and Jenny was inhumanly strong and she forced him on the ground and took his belt off. "What...." The cop shouted and Jenny kissed him and started fucking him. As the cop ejaculated, she quickly grabbed his dick and sucked his cum. The cop screamed as she continued to suck and she sucked hard until he collapsed.She rubbed the balding head of the other dazed cop. She gave him a blow job and left. Jenny left and looked into an alley with a few police cars outside and saw several limp cops on the ground in the alley. "Wow, the others are really good." Jenny said and collected a few tazers. Ricardo and his group received a new mission to take out a witness under police protection. "Guess this is not so hard now." Ricardo said and the other ladies got ready. "Looks like the target is heavily guarded."As they arrived they saw armored police patrolling a house. "Wow, still many of them..." Ricardo said and drive his van near the house. 2 ladies approached 2 cops and smiled at them. "I think we are lost." A lady said and the cops approached and looked at their maps. The cops were grabbed and mesmerized and the ladies brought them in the van for questioning and realized that it was a trap and the group quickly drove off. "Oh well." Ricardo said. "I guess we need to be more careful now." "A mission... finally work and fun." Jenny said and saw a house with a lot of security. Jenny approached a cop in helmet and stared into his eyes. "Hi hottie..." She said. "Follow me..." The cop was dazed and followed Jenny into the van and Jenny asked him some basic questions about the shift and patrols.It seemed that there was no one they were protecting and the group left. "All this for nothing?" Jenny said and Jenny decided to go to the person who gave them the contract. "I need to see Jimmy... please go to that van." Jenny said to the large man guarding the office. Jenny looked at the other older guard and kissed him. "You need to go to the van as well, the party is happening."Jenny walked into the room and the man was shocked. "What the fuck?" The man shouted and quickly drew his gun and fired at Jenny. "You are not supposed to be here." The man said."All your men are dead." Jenny said. "Who set us up?"The man started firing a few more rounds and he made a few phone calls.Jenny felt something moved past her and minutes later, she heard screams. The man was disarmed and one of the men in her team appeared and started breaking his limbs."Hey dude, you know what we can do." Jenny said as she pulled down his pants and grabbed his dick. "We can make this last forever." A few police cars arrived and the cops in armor rushed into the building. A police sergeant took out his radio and before he couldd call it in, his mouth was covered. "Shhh...." A man said and he flailed helplessly as he was choked. The man dragged the sergeant into the rear seat of the car and saw 2 motorcycle cops arriving and as the cops got off their bikes, 2 ladies walked over and kissed them.A SWAT Van arrived and as a sergeant went to the rear of the van to open the door, he was grabbed and he saw a chain locking the door. "No SWAT is coming out." A man said and dragged the sergeant away.A few more police cars arrived and a lieutenant sent a few more cops into the building. "Where is everyone?" The lieutenant said and heard gunshots and ducked behind his car. "Hey, we don't need to kill more cops..." A lady said and grabbed the lieutenant. "Just stay away from us." The lieutenant was dragged into the alley and he saw several other cops cuffed and subdued."Oh, nice... I love round old piggies." A lady said and pulled down the pants of an old cop and gave him a blow job. "What the fuck is this?" The lieutenant asked."Something you guys cannot deal with..." the lady said as 2 men dragged in more limp cops. Jenny saw 2 cops in the stairwell and hugged the older cop and stared into the eyes of the other cop. "I'll get to you soon." Jenny said and forced the older cop to the ground and removed his gun belt. The older cop screamed for help as he was overpowered and she shoved her favorite double headed dildo into his ass and fucked him.Jenny was satisfied with her fuck and clubbed the other cop in the head and he collapsed. "This was interesting."Jenny walked out and saw many empty police cars and approached an alley and saw the cops getting fucked. A man walked over snad said. "Finish up and go." A few cops were trembling and the man the man grabbed their throats and knocked them out."Can I keep this?" A lady said as she hugged an old pudgy cop."We can find these all the time..." The man said. "Here's another one..." The man grabbed a balding old cop by the neck and tossed him at the wall. "Let's just go."The group cleaned up and left. The man who set the trap was paralyzed with all his bones broken and many cops were raped. This would be a lesson they would remember. "What did the group do?" A senior advisor at Pentex asked. "Fucked all the cops?""We need a media blackout." Another man said."Ok, do it." The advisor said. "They are getting too restless and need bigger missions. Need to do one to get rid of them." Ricardo moved behind 2 cops and placed them in chokeholds. The cops kicked silently in the air and as another cop approached, a lady walked up to him and kissed him. "Ok, no killing cops." Ricardo said as his cops went limp and the lady smashed the cop's head on the wall and he went limp.The lady grabbed an old cop and punched his gut. As the plump cop beside him reached for his gun, Ricardo disarmed him and covered his mouth. "Sleep..." Ricardo said as he choked the plump cop.Another large man in armor approached and Ricardo turned invisible and grabbed him. The man was shocked but tried to toss Ricardo aside but Ricardo simply leaped over and rammed a few fists into him. The man seemed tough. He blocked Ricardo's fist and returned with an elbow to Ricardo's head.Ricardo was caught off guard and was dazed. The lady leaped on the man and he caught her face midair and smashed her head on the wall and she went limp."Not as tough as expected." The man said and walked over to Ricardo and Ricardo opened his eyes and tried to grab him but the man blocked the grab and dodged Ricardo's punch. Ricardo was punched again and this time his ribs cracked and he could taste blood."Quite tough." The man said. "Normal men don't get up.""Normal men don't hit so hard." Ricardo said. Over the next few weeks, there were some simple missions. Jenny was sent to convince some activists not to protest against Pextex and the team was sent to take out several reporters. When a judge placed a warrant on one of the team, the group visited the judge, took out the cops guarding him and the judge was raped and understood how powerful the team was.Much of the news and sensation died down and Jenny was pleased to play an important role. On the news, there was reports of a cop killer. So far, 3 cops were murdered and the group was sent to hunt him down. "Ah... cops... I like." Jenny said and approached an old cop by a police car. She grabbed the old cop and stared into his eyes. Let's go somewhere and discuss more. Jenny got in the car and the old cop was instructed to drive to an alley. Jenny pulled down his pants and gave the old cop a blow job. Jenny then fucked him and drank a little from his neck. "taste so good..."Then there was a report on an officer missing in the park and Jenny quickly got the old cop to drive there. When they arrived, Jenny asked the old cop to stay in the car. A plump cop spotted 2 cops under a tree and approached. "Shit..." The cop muttered and as he reached for his radio, a hand covered his mouth. A fist rammed into his back and the plump cop could not feel his legs and gave out muffled moans and trembled in fear where his neck was crushed by a bite."Joe?" Another cop approached and as he went around a bush, he spotted a flashlight on the ground and a police hat. "What the..." A hand covered his mouth and his neck was snapped."So many cops..." A voice muttered and loops a belt around the rear cop and lifted him off the ground. The cop was strangled and kicked silently in the air and dragged into a bush.Jenny saw a figure dragging a cop into a bush and approached. She walked over and saw a lady removing the badge from the limp cop and said. "Shhh... don't be alarmed." Jenny said. "I'm here to talk." She pounced on Jenny and Jenny stared into her eyes as she pinned Jenny down. "Let me go..." Jenny said and she started strangling Jenny.Jenny's power did not work on her and Jenny could not breathe. Jenny punched her throat and shoved her thumbs into her eyes and she released Jenny. Footsteps approached and Jenny dodged aside and saw a policeman and grabbed him and stared into his eyes. "Keep you gun and lets talk." Jenny said. Jenny said the lady club a fat cop in the head and dragging him away. "Hey, I have powers too..." Jenny said and looked at the policeman. "Masturbate!" The cop unzipped his pants and started jerking off.The lady was amused and approached. "Look, maybe your power is killing cops, but your actions affect us as well." Jenny said. "Stop it. There are powers that keep society in check and we can be on top.""Look, you gotta stop and not kill cops anymore." Jenny said. "I can give you my number and we can chat. I can still fuck cops. Just no to killing them. I can explain more to you when you are ready to talk." "You're ok." the man said and Ricardo seemed confused."That's it?" Ricardo asked and the man walked off. Ricardo worked on several missions with Jenny and the team, they were successful in these simple missions and Ricardo wanted more action and joined Jenny in a hunt for a cop killer.Ricardo avoided several cops and found a trail of dead cops and found Jenny talking to a lady. As Ricardo approached, the lady suddenly noticed Ricardo and pounced on him. "Shit..." Ricardo muttered and the lady grabbed him and pinned him down. Ricardo was surprised at her strength. When Ricardo struggled more, her strength seemed to be increasing and she started kissing Ricardo and Ricardo could not breathe.Ricardo tried to kick the lady but she blocked his kicks and grabbed Ricardo's neck and squeezed. Ricardo was helpless. She was inhumanly strong and Ricardo could not get free "Noooo! Stop!" Jenny shouted. "He is my friend!"Jenny rushed over and summoned all the energy she had to try to pull the lady away. The lady was inhumanly strong and the lady turned and looked at Jenny with eyes that had slits and as a few armored cops arrived, the lady leaped into the trees."Freeze!" The cops shouted as the found the dead cops lying on the ground around Jenny. "Put your hands up!""A lady nearly killed us... she killed them!" Jenny said as she stared into the eyes of the cops. "Why don't you go catch her!"4 cops went into the bushes to search and Jenny sighed a sigh of relief but more cops arrived and as they saw the dead cops on the ground, they spotted Jenny helping Ricardo up and tazered them. Jenny was shocked, stunned and cuffed. 2 fat cops were searching around the bushes and the lady went behind them and covered their mouths. The lady jerked their heads and snapped their necks and sniffed their corpses. She pulled down their pants and tried jerking them off but the cops were dead. She frowned and heard the sounds of boots and waited.2 cops arrived were shocked to see the fat cops on the ground and she shoved a sharp needle into the back of the neck of a cop and his eyes rolled back and went limp. The other cop turned around and she covered his mouth and she smiled. She rubbed his white hair and grabbed the back of his head and kissed him. The cop struggled as she started to pull down his pants and grab his dick and rubbed it.The cop could not scream as she started sucking out his breadth and his dick got hard and her fingers became like tentacles and entered his orfices and started draining him. The cop's body twitched as she drained all types of fluids from him and he was reduced into a shriveled corpse.The lady climbed up a tree and spotted 3 cops chatting. An old cop saw a lady appearing behind, 2 cops grabbed their necks and snapped them under her armpits. The old cop was shocked and drew his pistol but it was slapped away and she grabbed him and forced him on the ground. Kissing the old cop, he could not call for help and she removed his belt and pulled down his pants. She was inhumanly strong and started fucking him as she rubbed his dick to make it hard. Ricardo was released, he blacked out for a moment and he saw Jenny. "Thanks..." Ricardo said and quickly left with Jenny. There were several cops searching and cops were least of their problems. Ricardo found several dead cops and quickly put on their uniforms and signaled for Jenny to approach.Ricardo saw a short old cop and moved silently behind him. "Probably will be killed by the monster." Ricardo muttered as he choked the old cop silently and dragged him into the bushes. Ricardo moved towards a motorcycle cop and grabbed his boots, the cop was shocked and dragged into the bushes where Ricardo grabbed his throat and choked him as he flailed helplessly.Ricardo grabbed 2 plump cop's head and placed them under his armpits and choked them. The cops did not stand a chance. "The training worked." Ricardo said and saw an old police sergeant by the police car and approached him. Ricardo covered his mouth and pulled him to the ground and the sergeant flailed as Ricardo choked him. Ricardo saw a remaining cop in a police car and tightened his grip and the sergeant went limp. Ricardo shoved the sergeant in the car and approached the last cop."This is what I do..." Ricardo muttered and grabbed the cop Jenny saw Ricardo swiftly takeout the cops and followed him into the police cars. She saw a nice plump motorcycle cop on the ground and dragged him into the car. "Snacks for later."Jenny was still shocked. "That lady was not human..."The car stopped outside the city and the cops were dragged out and Jenny pulled down the breeches of the plump cop. A group of armored cops spotted the pile of dead cops and quickly called for more backup. "Be careful. Target very deadly." The sergeant said. He searched under some bushes where he found a flashlight and saw 2 dead cops, drained of their bodily fluids. "Fuck..." The sergeant muttered and heard gurgling sounds and saw an armored cops behind him collapsing with a cut in his throat.From his side, the sergeant was shoved and pushed to the ground. The lady kissed him and her tongue entered his throat and he flailed as she took off his pants and started thrusting at him. The sergeant was fucked and she started draining his blood. "More officers are missing." The captain said. "The killer must not escape."As the paramedic carried away several old cops who were raped, the lady moved behind 2 fat cops and choked them. The cops did not stand a chance and were dragged into the bushes.A tall cop walked under the tree and a belt looped around his neck and he was strangled from the lady above him and his body hidden in the trees.2 armored cops saw movements in a bush and approached and saw a lady on a fat cop who was flailing. "Fuck!" A cop shouted and fired at her. The lady was hit and she turned and hissed at them. Her features were very demonic and they were so scared that they could not move and continued to fire at her and closed their eyes. When they opened their eyes, they saw the fat cop dead and the lady was gone. The police had some bad recording of the lady murdering the cops with recordings from the body cam, they did not show her inhuman strength and stealth, but when she drained a fat cop, the video was caught on tape. Ricardo fucked the old cop and healed himself. "That lady was some sort of demon." Ricardo said. "The cops did not stand a chance.""She is really powerful." Ricardo said. "We will have to look out for her." Jenny went home. She was tired and watched the news and saw that many people were murdered and the lady got away. "Damn it, it is going to make life hard." She watched the news and there was a curfew setup and increased police patrols.Jenny went to a briefing at Pentex and they were interested to get their hands on the lady. She murdered more than 100 people already and Jenny was to lure some cops to a van where they agents will change into police uniform to hunt her down and capture if possible."Sounds easy..." Jenny said and her group drove off in the evening and Jenny easily went up to the cops and kissed them and mesmirized them. Then sent them to the van. Within minutes, the roadblock was taken out and 10 cops were subdued. "I'm good at my work." Jenny said as she watched the men stripped the cops and putting on uniform. Ricardo got a mission to take the recordings from the police to Pentex to find out more about her. They have a contact in the police station who has already placed the videos in a locked vault in the police station. Another target to assassinate was a fat detective.Ricardo put on his police uniform and went to the police station with another female assassin. They went invisible and followed a few cops into the police station. Ricardo followed a short old cop into the security room and choked him silently. Ricardo grabbed a fat old cop and choked him from behind and pointed a silenced gun at the remaining cop with a thick mustache. "Turn off the recording."The female assassin fucked a balding cop in the toilet and choked him out. As she was cleaning up, a plump cop saw her and said. "This is the Men's room..." The lady walked over and kissed him. The cop was surprised as she grabbed the back of his head and shoved her tongue into his mouth. The vop was shoved to the wall and she unzipped his pants and grabbed his dick and played with it. The cop tried to push her away and she punched his gut and something ripped inside. She tightened her grip on his neck and he choked and went limp.A police sergeant heard muffled moans and saw a pile of limp cops under the desk of the sergeant. "Shit..." He muttered and a hand covered his mouth. The sergeant was punched in the back of his head and he was cuffed and dragged under the desk.Ricardo saw 2 motorcycle cops walking by and waited for them to pass before grabbing the rear cop around the corner and placed his head under his armpits. the cop's boots kicked as Ricardo tightened his grip and snapped his neck. "Hey, Jimmy?" The other cop heard a snap sound and his friend was missing. He walked over and Ricardo punched his throat and dragged him into the shadows. Ricardo punched a tall cop, grabbed his head under his armpits and lifted the cop's legs off the ground. The cop kicked silently and Ricardo snapped his neck."So far so good." The lady said as she moved up to a cop with short white hair and covered his mouth. She sniffed his neck and the cop trembled as he saw the pile of limp cop on the ground. She removed his belt and pulled down his pants. "Let's have fun."Ricardo entered the detective's room and shot 3 men in suits. He saw a man hide under the desk and he jumped over the desk and grabbed the man and disarmed him. "Ok fatty...You are the target." Ricardo said and grabbed his throat. The fat detective managed to grab another gun and fired a round into Ricardo before Ricardo crushed his throat."Fuck..." Ricardo muttered and looked at his wound.The lady heard the gunshot and punched the cop in the head and rushed over. She grabbed a pudgy cop from behind and clubbed his head. Punching the other cop in the throat, the lady slammed his head on the wall and he went limp.The lady saw 2 old cop backing off and punched their backs and choked them. She looked into the room and saw 8 cops on the ground with Ricardo cuffing them. They searched around and it was everyone. Ricardo went to the location and found the keys from the unconscious guard and unlocked the safe with the supplied password and key and took out the SD cards.The lady waited in the carpark and saw a police car returning. She moved up and grabbed the cop exiting the car and pulled him to the ground. The other cop heard muffled moans and approached. He was shocked to see the lady on the cop and he reached for his gun. She fired the tazer at the cop and he was shocked to the ground.Ricardo reached the carpark and saw several cops on the ground. "Got the data, lets go." A balding old cop was chatting with 2 SWAT officers in the alley and suddenly, the ladies emerged behind the SWAT officers and covered their mouths. "geez..." the cop muttered and reached for his gun but as he was backing off, he felt someone behind him and he was grabbed in a neck lock.The grip around the SWAT officer's neck tightened and they went limp and were dragged away and the old cop was disarmed and hie belt removed. The ladies kissed him and rubbed his balding head and the cop was confused an scared. The SWAT officers were stripped and they cuffed the old cop and gagged him.The ladies then moved into a SWAT van and chopped the necks of 2 SWAT officers and grabbed the remaining ones. The attack was swift and silent and the remaining officers were choked unconscious. A SWAT sergeant approached the SWAT truck and a lady exited and hugged him. "Ahh... stripes..." She muttered and kissed him. The sergeant struggled but her inhuman strength simply squeezed him and carried him into the truck. The sergeant was still struggling and a lady punched him in the side and broke his ribs while rupturing some internal organs and the sergeant twitched in pain."We took out a whole police station..." The lady said. "We don't really need help. But you are quite good..."Another lady grabbed a trembling old cop and walked over. "We know the old ones taste better..." She licked his face and bit into his neck. The cop was dazed and easily knocked out and suddenly, smoke grenades were tossed over and the ladies climbed to the ceiling.A few flashbangs exploded and a few heavily armored cops in helmets rushed in. "Where are they?" A cop muttered and the ladies landed on the shoulders of the SWAT officers and snapped their necks. The ladies moved up to the other SWAT officers and kicked their heads, knocking them out. Jenny disarmed the remaining SWAT officer and grabbed his throat and choked him."You guys are good..." Jenny muttered and removed the mask of the SWAT officer revealing a fat old cop. "Not a shot fired..." Jenny said as she smashed his head on the wall and the cop slumped to the ground.They rushed out and bumped into a group of cops and the ladies moved with inhuman speeds among them and punched the cops. The cops shot at the ladies but they kept coming and each punch broke bones. Within seconds, all the cops were moaning and gasping for breadth and they were stomped motionless.2 motorcycle cops moved into the police station and a cop was strangled by a wire and the other cop was disarmed. The strangled cop was released and the lady said. "This was what we did last time, but no need of that now..." She muttered and stared into his eyes. The other cop was punched a few times and tossed aside.Jenny looked around and help drag the limp cops into the stairwell. "Everyone?" Jenny asked and saw the ladies dragging a few civilians. "Seems like it." The lady said and saw more men dragged in.Jenny saw Ricardo ready and 2 motorcycle cops arriving. "2 more." Jenny said and she walked over to a cop. The cop had thick white mustache and as he got off the bike, Jenny was already beside him and she stared into his eyes and he was dazed. "Take me..."The other cop was shocked to see his partner hugging Jenny and the other lady grabbed him in a chokehold. "So soft..." The lady said and another lady approached. The cops trembled in fear as they were disarmed and pants pulled down. The ladies were inhumanly strong. The cops had the ladies fucking them and the ladies inserted the batons in their asses and fucked them from behind as well.The motorcycle cops flailed as he was kissed and fucked by several ladies and could not break free. When the cops ejaculated, the ladies bit into them. The blood tasted good. The next shift was arriving and one by one, the cops that arrive were grabbed and taken out. 2 plump old cops arrived at a house with domestic disturbance call and they knocked on the door and it was silent. "This is not good." The cop said and took out his flashlight. "Hello! This is the police!" The cop said and entered.As he turned on the lights he saw the house was empty. "I don't like this." The old cop said and heard some sounds behind him and saw his partner choking and a lady grabbed his throat and lifted him off the ground. The old cop drew his gun and fired at the lady, hitting her in the head and she snapped his neck and tossed him aside. She grabbed the other cop in her arms and kissed him, draining his bodily fluids. Ricardo managed to find a pretty policewoman unconscious and brought her along to fuck. Once he was done, he went to Pentex to give them the files. Ricardo was given a lead, Pentex has several sources tracking the lady down and she may be at a house taking out some cops. Ricardo rushed over and saw 2 police cars and the officers were missing. Just then, several police cars approached and a police truck arrived. Ricardo watched the armored cops poured out and surrounded the house.As Ricardo was in a police uniform, he approached and joined the search. He entered the house with a few cops and found the 4 officers inside dead. The officers became dried corpses and the lady was nowhere to be found. "This is harder than I thought it would be." Ricardo said. An armored cop entered the bathroom and scanned around. It was empty, but before he could exit, his helmet was grabbed and his neck was snapped. The lady entered the room and grabbed a fat cop in armor. The cop was shocked and she hugged him and kissed him.A police sergeant entered the room with 2 cops and searched and the lady moved behind them and shoved her thumb into the throats of 2 cops and their throats were crushed and they choked and she wrapped her ankles around the sergeant's neck and snapped it. The cops twitched and she grabbed their necks and snapped their necks and dragged them into the bathroom. "This place getting crowded."The lady exited and waited as another armored cop walked by the room and she covered his mouth and dragged him inside. Her first fist broke his spine and he could not feel his legs and his body twitched as he gave out muffled moans and she snapped his neck with ease and dragged him into the bathroom."Where's everyone?" A cop muttered and bumped into someone behind him. The cop's mouth was covered and a fist rammed into his back and he could not feel his legs and was dragged away."Old piggy smells good..." A voice said behind an old cop and his mouth was covered and dragged into the bathroom. She punched his kidneys and his kidney ruptured and he was in intense pain and his pants were pulled down and she sucked his dick while shoving her pussy at his face.A plump cop turned around and his partner was missing. "Joe? This is not funny..." As the plump cop turned and looked into the room, he saw 3 cops on the ground and a hand pulled him in. A fist rammed into his armor and he could feel his ribs getting bruised and the lady forced him on the ground and removed his belt. The plump cop struggled and she punched his throat and he choked and could not scream for help. The radio cracked as the lady dragged the plump cop into the toilet after jerking him off. The plump cop was cuffed to the other cops and she exited the rear and moved behind 2 cops and grabbed their helmets. A short cop with whispy white hair turned and saw the other cops limp on the ground and the lady grabbed the back of his head and kissed him. The cop struggled and she dislocated his spine with her thumb and started dragged the dead cops inside. "The officers are missing. SWAT team 1 is not responding" The sergeant said to the captain."Find them." The captain said as he was disturbed. More police trucks arrived and they had lights around the house and a helicopter supported from above. "I want this killer taken out." "The toilet is full." The lady said as she dragged the armored cops inside and exited."Clear..." a motorcycle cop shouted at the corridor and armored cops entered the room. "A shield is not going to save you." The lady said as she snapped a cop's neck and grabbed the other armored cop with a shield. "Rifle straps makes it easier to snap necks."The motorcycle cop approached the room and looked inside. "Where did they go?" He muttered as he entered the room. As he walked around the bed, he spotted boots on the ground and he drew his gun. His gun was grabbed and the lady disarmed him and grabbed his throat. He was dragged into the bathroom and placed on several armored cops and his pants pulled down. "Noooo..." He muttered as she punched his soft gut and he gasped in pain. She proceeded to fuck him. Ricardo heard muffled moans and as he turned around, he saw 2 armored cops limp on the ground. A lady chopped the neck of the cop beside him and broke his neck and Ricardo was grabbed and choked. "Fuck..." Ricardo said and flipped her and gasped for breadth and the lady vanished. "Send more cops inside." The lady said as he grabbed the captain. The captain saw the sergeant flailing as she lifted him off the ground."Team 2, enter and search for target." The captain said and she punched his face and he went limp."Ok sergeant..." The lady said as she pulled down his pants and grabbed his dick. "Lets have fun." Ricardo saw the lady sneaking up on 2 armored cops and shot her. She grabbed an armored cop as a shield and Ricardo kicked her out of the house and the armored cop fell on her, but all the other cops saw her and fired. She was hit by several rounds and stopped moving. 4 armored cops entered the room and walked towards the toilet. a cop saw the motorcycle cop twitching on a pile of cops and was shocked. He reached for his radio and heard crunch sounds and saw the other armored cops on the ground. A lady walked over and grabbed his throat and lifted him off the ground. "Not observant enough." She said and crushed his throat and piled on top of the other dead cops.She exited and heard gunshots outside but there were 4 more armored cops in the living room. As they were distracted, she moved forward and punched 2 cops in the chest, crushing their ribs and stopping their hearts. Her turning kick snapped the neck of another cop and the grabbed the remaining cop and hugged him. His bones were crushed and he could not breathe. She looked out the rear door and saw 2 cops and shoved her palm into their faces and they slumped to the ground. "Be careful, these are dangerous murderers," A sergeant said as 4 cops entered the alley. The sergeant heard gurgles behind him and 2 cops were tossed aside and a lady shoved her thumb into cop's throat and he choked. The sergeant was disarmed and she forced him to the wall. "Good advice.." The lady said and pulled down his pants and started jerking him off. The cops checked on the lady on the ground. A few bullets hit her head and she was bleeding from the bullethole. "We got her!" The cop cheered! "Fuck, there's more of them?" Ricardo muttered as he saw another lady with a flailing cop in her arms. With one of them dead, the ladies were no nonsense. Ricardo hid and did not make a sound and saw the lady waiting in the shadows for 2 cops to walk by and she grabbed their heads from behind and slammed them together, crushing their skulls.Ricardo took his phone out and recorded. The ladies were silent and quick. Another team of armored cops entered and as a few cops approached a limp cop on the ground, the lady moved behind 2 rear cops and chopped their necks, snapping them easily. "What the..." A cop turned and the lady elbowed his face and his face caved in. She grabbed the helmets of 2 cops and twisted their heads, snapping their necks. When the other cops pointed their guns at her, she was already among them and she punched their throats and disarmed a remaining cop. The cop trembled in fear as she covered his mouth. She rubbed this balding head and kissed his face and blew into his ears, sending part of his brains out of the other ear.Ricardo did not move and saw her walking out. When she left, Ricardo followed and heard muffled moans and saw more cops dead. They did not bother to hide the corpses anymore. Gunshots were heard and Ricardo saw a total of 3 ladies, moving among the cops and taking them out with a punch each. "What the fuck are they?" Ricardo said and waited for them to leave. The ladies murdered all the cops except 3 old cops where they fucked and left alive. They drove off and there was a state of emergency as many national guards were recalled to stop the ladies. However, there was also another murderer the skinstealer.A police sergeant arrested 2 beautiful street walkers and drive them into an alley. The sergeant ran their information on the police database and smiled. "Pretty clean records." The sergeant said and grabbed their throats and knocked them out. Within minutes, the sergeant stripped them and pulled the skin off a street walker. The lady was killed instantly and the sergeant removed his skin and put on her skin. She looks exactly like the lady and she helped the other street walker and pretended to be the streetwalker she was wearing. She quickly helped her and sent her home.The skinwalker enjoys beautiful disguises. She went into the brothel and met the other ladies. "So pretty... she said."4 units arrived at a brothel and they entered carefully. 2 cops entered a room and saw 2 ladies limp on the bed. The skinwalker choked the rear cop silently and lifted him off the ground as the other cop checked on the ladies. The plump cop heard a snap sound and turned around and the lady hugged him and squeeze."Nice... an old cop." The lady said and choked the old cop silently. The laid him down and walked towards a short police sergeant. "Hey! Stop right there..." The sergeant shouted and she rushed forward and before he drew his gun, the lady punched his throat and disarmed him. The lady pulled down his pants and shoved a pistol into his butt. The lady smiled and kissed him as she drained him.The lady changed her skin again. She now looks like a police sergeant as she walked towards 2 motorcycle cops who just arrived. She directed one into the house and moved behind the remaining one. "You should check the back of the house." She said and after the cop left, she got onto a motorcycle and rode off.The disguise was perfect. Ricardo checked on the dead cops. The SWAT officers were killed in their armor and their punches crushed the ribs and pierced into the lungs. The motorcycle cops had their necks snapped and were still twitching. Only a few pudgy old cops were left alive. However, the ladies left the dead lady behind when they left and Ricardo took the body and went back to Pentex. He called for an extraction team and within minutes, a helicopter arrived before more cops came and took the body away. The dead corpse was from a lady who was completely human without any enhancements. She was full of muscles and her skin was harder than normal, but still completely human. Ricardo was treated for his wounds and the new was out. There was several terrorist attacks and a few wanted criminals escaped from death row. "Why now?" A man said as the prison guards escorted him to the execution chamber."You murdered 48 men including 20 police officers." The guard said. "We have orders to execute now.""Don't you run by the law." The man said. "Execution is in 30 days."The man had weights strapped to his neck and he was hung. The executioner waited 2 minutes after he stopped moving before getting the guards to lower the body and a doctor walked over to check on him. As the doctor listened to his chest, he could still hear the heartbeat and the man gave a knee to the doctor and the doctor collapsed in pain and he got up."What the fuck." A guard shouted and the man leaped over and kicked 4 guards with a spinning kick, sending them crashing to a wall, dead. The man flexed his muscle and grunted, summoning all his strength to break the restraining straps and out of his straight jacket.He looked around and saw 10 other guards and the warden in shock and he rushed over towards them. The police arrived at the prison. They were in armor and shield as they searched for the prisoners after the alarm sounded. A few cops were shocked to see a massacre on the field. 100 prisoners were killed, many of them shot and 6 guards were also murdered.2 cops entered a guardroom and saw a pile of guards on the ground and as a cop checked on the guards, he heard a snap sound and saw a man dropping the 2 cops in the rear. He moved with inhuman speeds and chopped the cop's neck and grabbed the remaining cop by the throat. The cop flailed and kicked silently and he crushed his throat and tossed him aside.An old cop peeped into the room and a hand grabbed his head and he was dragged inside. "Your armor will not protect you." The man said and punched the old cop in the back and he could not feel his legs. "Your spine is snapped." The man said and walked out of the room and moved behind a police sergeant and covered his mouth. Before the sergeant could scream, the man twisted his head and snapped his neck. "Police... still as useless." He walked out and approached an old cop wearing his helmet by the police car. "No need for this." The man said and grabbed the old cop and squeezed."This old cop smell good when scared..." The man said and hears bone popping sounds as the old cop was crushed. "Ooops... too hard." The man said and saw 4 cops outside and rushed towards them. 2 cops saw a prisoner approached and they were punched in the gut sending them flying to the police cars behind them and collapsing to the ground. A motorcycle cop drew his gun and the man was beside him chopping his neck and a snap sound was heard and the remaining cop fired his gun into the man and the man was gone."What the..." The cop muttered and an arm wrapped around his neck and tightened the grip.The man rubbed the short white hair of the cop and sniffed him. "nice..." The man said and pulled down the pants of the cop and started thrusting his erected cock into the cop's ass. "Murdering armored men makes me hard..." The man said as the cop screamed in pain.The man saw a police car arriving and as the cops exited the car, the man grabbed a fat cop's head and twisted it, snapping his neck. "Shit..." The other cop shouted and the man opened the car door and pulled the cop inside, he yanked him in so hard through the window that he broke the cop's spine. "Too much strength." The man said and looked into the police cars and found one with keys and drove off. Jenny was sent to the police station to get all the information police know about the monsters. She met several detectives and made them invite her to the police station where she recorded all the information they had and she left. "I'm doing some real spy work here..." She smiled and was excited as she was surrounded by the police in the police station."Wow, the police actually arrested some of them." Jenny said. The Pentex has sent several teams to hunt the rogue killers. These killers were all murderers, and several of them were killed in the process. The hit squad was however, disposable as they were sent without full knowledge who they were up against. Like the police that were sent, in many cases, everyone got murdered.Another hit squad arrived as the police followed one of the killers into a park. 4 officers at the road block were murdered and there were about 40 policemen searching for this killer.The hit squad moved towards the cops at the police cars and tazered them. A police sergeant was grabbed and choked as the hit squad surrounded the captain. "We will take over from here." The captain was cuffed and the limp cops dragged into the police truck. 2 armored cops walked under a tree and a hand reached down and grabbed the neck of a cop and pulled him up and snapped his neck. The other cop heard a snap sound and his helmet was grabbed and twisted. SNAP.2 cops heard some sounds by a bush and approached. "Fuck... what's that?" A cop muttered and drew his gun and approached. The hit squad heard a call for backup and approached to see several limp cops on the ground and a man choking a balding cop. "That's him." A large armored man from the hit squad shot a few tranquilizers at the man and the man tossed the cop aside and ran. The hit squad chased and as the leader passed a tree, he was stabbed in the kidney, heart and neck in quick succession and the man turned and 3 large men jumped on him."He killed Sam!" one of the hit squad shouted and they grappled him down. The man was shocked at the strength of these 3 men, they were as strong as him, and very good at grappling. The man struggled and kicked one of the squad off and kneed into another member of the squad, breaking some ribs. The man had a free arm and he shoved his thumb into the eye of the remaining member, killing him instantly and grabbed the gasping man and choked him.Suddenly, a gunshot was heard and the man was shot in the head and his head was blown off."Why didn't you shoot earlier?" One of the squad shouted. "3 team members are dead.""I thought you could have got him." The lady with a long rifle approached. "bounty is 10 times if he is alive."The team collected the dead members and target and moved towards their truck, the remaining cops that come along are tazered and the team left the area. It was clear that they were not much of a team. The escape prisoners were converging in New York City. A lady saw a man that she met before and 2 beat cops approached. "Hey, you there, Can I see some ID?" A cop asked and approached the lady. The man smiled and walked by and moved behind the cops. "I love round cops." The man said and grabbed the plump cop and choked him. "What the..." The other cop turned and the lady hugged him. "Oooh, smells good..." The lady said and the cops were dragged into the alley.The cops were stripped and fucked. The man put on the police uniform and said. "We will meet in the ring..." The lady collected the badge of the cop and left.There were 20 NYPD officers assaulted and they recognized the deadly prisoners who assaulted them. Within a day, as a the heads of security planned to deal with the incident, all the police chief, commissioner and senior officers were kidnapped.At the UN Building, a lady licked her fingers as she pulled them out of a guard's neck in the security room. "So, that is the legendary blade hand... "She said as she saw a man moving quickly among several guards, cutting their throats with his fingers. None of the guards even drew their weapons before some of them were decapitated.The lady moved towards another security room and saw a short old guard and approached him. "This is a secured area..." The guard said and she grabbed his neck and pulled him close. "I need to get into the room." The lady whispered and tightened her grip. The lady entered and found the suitcase she was looking for and left.40 guards at the UN were taken out and a few secret devices were taken away. 3 top delegates were also kidnapped. "They can send their SWAT or what ever team, and we can deal with, and they will not blow us up with these hostages." The lady said.2 men walked towards a police car and as the cops in the car looked at them, they grabbed their necks and choked the cops. 2 cops at the door saw a cop approaching and the cop punched their gut and grabbed their necks. SNAP.A lady entered the rear door and moved behind an old cop in the kitchen. "I'm going to save you for later." She said and choked him silently.The door exploded open and the man rushed inside. 2 fat cops went downstairs and saw the cops downstairs... all dead. "Backup!" A cop shouted and a man grabbed his throat. The other fat cop aimed at the man but the man chopped his neck and his eyes rolled back. The fat cop was lifted off the ground by his neck and he kicked silently in the air.The lady walked towards a sergeant who quickly fired at her. She had a round graze her and she grabbed his groin and squeezed. The sergeant screamed as she crushed his nuts. She silenced him with a punch to the throat. She entered the room and saw the mayor with a pistol in his hands. "That is not going to help." She said and rushed him.Many key personnel were kidnapped as the police realize the threat, but things were just getting worse. The ESU gathered at One Police Plaza as they just sent 40 officers to the hospital. Even the state police and highway patrol arrived. "Looks like all of them..." A man said and he nodded to a fat balding man who smiled. "Let's see who can kill more."A balding cop saw a police hat on the ground and as he picked it up, he saw several limp cops on the ground. "Geez..." His mouth was covered and a lady shoved her thumb into his neck. His eyes widened and rolled back. "Weak..." She said and sniffed his neck and dragged him aside and saw 3 motorcycle cops approaching and the 2 cops were killed with punches to the face instantly and she hugged the remaining one and kissed him. Pentex was alerted and several teams were launched to stop these prisoners. Jenny stared into the eyes of a detective. "What's going on?" Jenny asked and the detective said. "Some killers at the HQ, I gotta go.""I want to come." Jenny said, and the detective nodded as they drove to the police station. The ESU went to the main hall and most of the lights were smashed. There was smell of gunfire in the air. The officers spread out and searched for survivors. "Fuck.. they are dead..." An officer muttered as he found several dead cops under the desks. Jenny arrived and joined the detective and searched. "The police HQ is under attack." Jenny said on the phone with her team. "Many cops dead." 4 cops saw a man approaching. "Hey..." A cop said and the man punched his throat. The man grabbed the face of the other 2 cops and smashed their heads on the wall and they slumped to the ground. The remaining cop reached for his gun and he was punched in the gut and his head grabbed. He flailed briefly as his neck was snapped. The man sniffed the choking cop and elbowed his head and he slumped to the ground."Whats going on here?" A cop muttered as he heard a thud sound and the man grabbed the side of his neck and pulled him in. Another fat cop saw the cop getting dragged in and rushed over and his throat was grabbed and he was lifted off the ground. The cops were asphyxiated and the man walked towards a balding sergeant with an old cop.A lady walked up behind the old cop and kissed him and the sergeant was shocked and as he reached for his radio, the man covered his mouth and punched his gut. "Ahh.. Stripes..." The man said and removed his belt and tossed it aside. The sergeant was in pain as he felt his organs liquify inside him and his mouth was covered. The man pulled down his pants and shoved him to the wall and fucked him.The lady was already on the old cop, jerking him off and sitting on the flailing cop. The old cop moaned in pain as she rubbed off a load and squeezed his balls. As the old cop ejaculated, she crushed his balls and sat on his face and the old cop flailed helplessly as he could not breathe.Sound of boots were approaching and the lady hid as she saw 4 cops with helmets entering the room. The cops have flashlights as they entered the dark room and as a cop turned on the light, the lady moved behind him and choked him. The man shoved his thumb into the throats of 2 cops and it pierced into their necks and he grabbed the remaining cop and hugged him.A lady exited the rear stairwell and saw 4 old cops outside. They saw a pile of armored cops in the stairwell and were shocked as she walked out and chopped their necks of 2 cops and they went limp. She punched the gut of the 2 other cops and grabbed their necks under her armpits and jerked, snapping their necks. A short cop with white hair heard snapping sounds and approached and he bumped into breasts in his face. His head was grabbed and she punched his throat and dragged him around the building and held him down as he trashed helplessly.Many cops converged into the main foyer as they shot at a large man with their improved guns which shot big metal slug at the man. The lady smiled and approached a motorcycle cop who was distracted and covered his mouth. "Leather cops smell so good..." She said and grabbed the side of his neck, preventing bloodflow to the brain and the cop went limp.A man walked into a police truck and as the cops saw limp cops outside, the man started chopping at their necks, knocking them out. He shoved his palm into the faces of the sergeant and kicked a pudgy cop beside him and they went limp. The police captain grabbed a rifle and he was disarmed and subdued. "That's all?" The man said and pulled down the pants of the captain and fucked him on top of the choking cops.The Pentex team arrived and saw a dozen cops shooting at a man approaching them. The ma did not dodge the bullets and kill each cop with a punch. "The fuck?" an agent said and rushed over as the man crushed the remaining cop's head in his arms. The agent leaped over and stabbed the man in the throat but the dagger barely cut his skin and the man grabbed his helmet and crushed his skull with his barehands. "What the fuck is this?" The other agent said and emptied his gun at the man and the man rushed over and kicked the agent and he flew and embedded into the side of the police van. Jenny saw a platoon of soldiers searching the police station. "Step aside." The soldiers said. "we are trained for this. we are green berets." The platoon entered a room and the door closed behind them. 2 old cop stood outside the door and guarded and heard crashing sounds inside. The old cops peeped inside the room and were dragged into the room.Jenny moved away to the basement and found a pile of armored cops. They were all dead. "Neck snapped... crushed..." Jenny said as she checked on the cops. She saw the door opening and hid and saw a lady dragging a police captain into the room and forcing him on the desk. She cleared the table and removed his pants and started jerking him off. "I know that..." Jenny said and saw the lady then drinking from the captain's neck and crushing his throat. "Fuck..." Jenny muttered.Jenny peeped into the dark room where the 2 old cops were dragged inside and hid in the shadows. She saw a man fucking an old cop who was moaning in pain as he thrust his large dick into the cop's ass. The other old cop was already limp on the ground. Jenny looked around and all the soldiers were already dead. "This guy is a killer too..." Jenny said and exited the room silently.Jenny saw checked on the police captain. He was dead with his neck crushed. She heard muffled moans and saw the lady dragging a fat motorcycle cop and shoving the cop on the wall and pulled down his pants. She kissed the cop and started fucking him. Then she saw 2 armored men rushed the lady. As they swung an axe at the lady, the lady dodged last minute and the axe chopped off the fat cop's head. "Geez..." The armored man said as the lady punched into his armor, breaking some ribs and grabbed his head. The armored man gasped and his neck was snapped. The other armored man aimed his shotgun at the lady and she leaped in the air behind him and before he could turn around, she pulled the shotgun at his neck and the armored man choked briefly before she jerked and snapped his neck.Jenny looked and saw PENTEX on the armor of the men. "Shit..." "Sir, we did not hear from TEAM 1 and 2" A sergeant reported. "The cops at the rear of the station were also missing.""Get the snipers in position..." The commander said."The snipers did not respond." The sergeant said."Fuck... who are these terrorists?" The commander said. "I'll let the police deal with this, we will hold the perimeter outside, nothing gets in or out." Another group of state troopers arrived and about 50 cops entered the building. The army commander kept quiet and got the soldiers to secure the perimeter.The troopers were clearing the rooms on the ground floor. They found about 20 dead cops on the ground floor and called it in. After 2 hours, the whole of the ground floor was cleared. The troopers started clearing the second floor.2 troopers entered the toilet and searched an old trooper peed and went to wash his hands. "Anything?" The trooper asked and his partner is missing. "Hey... Jim?" The trooper muttered and walked to a cubicle and found a pile of cops. "Shit..." His mouth was covered. A thumb was shoved into his neck and dislocated his spine. The lady walked out and saw flashlights and approached. She punched the backs of 2 troopers and grabbed their necks under her armpits and dragged them into the toilet."Frankie?" A sergeant muttered as he heard muffled moans and as he entered the roll call room, he saw a mess and some blood stains on the ground "Fuck..." The sergeant muttered and he was grabbed. "Yes please..." The lady said and kissed him. 2 old troopers heard screams and rushed towards the room and as they turned the corner, a man grabbed their throats and lifted them off the ground. Before the troopers could fire, the man snapped their necks.Jenny was scared to move. She saw a man and a lady destroying anything that comes at them, including PENTEX agents. Jenny saw the detective entering the room and was grabbed and dragged away. Then a group of ESU rushed into the room. "This should be interesting..." Jenny said and peeped inside.Jenny saw a man with 2 ESU officers in his arms choking them silently and a lady over 3 ESU officers with their throats cut. The man jerked and snapped the necks of the ESU officers in his arm. "Holy shit, that was fast... " Jenny muttered and saw the couple dragged the dead cops away. Jenny heard boots approaching and saw 3 more ESU officers with flashlights searching the room.The lady hugged an officer and dragged him to the ground. "Geez..." An officer said and approached as the man grabbed the other officer and twisted his helmet. "Freeze!" The officer shouted as he saw the officer flailing helplessly as the lady crushed him. The man moved behind the officer and disarmed him and covered his mouth. The officer was easily overpowered by the large man. The officer's helmet was removed and it was an old cop and he was fucked by the man.Jenny saw 2 heavily armored Pentex agents searching the police station and the agents found the dead cops. They quickly got more cops and troopers to come and recover the bodies. The agents were cautious and learned that the ESU did not respond. One of the agents entered the room and the lady grabbed his neck and dragged him in. There was no fight as she dislocated his spine and waited for his partner. The other armored agent entered and his gun was slapped away and he reached for his dagger as she punched his throat. The agent coughed a little and she shoved her thumbs into his eyes, killing him.The old cop trembled in fear as the man ejaculated in him and choked him out. "Why did you do that?" The lady asked. "I'm not done yet..."Jenny kept quiet as the couple exited and moved towards more troopers arriving. "Shit, they are deadly." Jenny followed the couple and saw that the cops outside were already taken out. The man walked towards 2 motorcycle cops who just arrived and the lady circled behind them. The man put his hands up and as the cop reached him, the lady disarmed a cop and the man grabbed the other distracted cop. "I love round leather cops." The lady said as she removed his belt and dragged him to a police van and started giving her cop a blow job. "So round and soft..." The man said and punched his cop in the gut and choked him silently.There was a total of 6 of them as they grabbed several plump old cops and left.Jenny exited and moments later, more cops arrived and were shocked at the massacre. More than 50 cops were dead. Ricardo arrived and he found the dead cops. "Shit, they escaped." Ricardo said and as he looked around he saw the agents dead and reported to Pentex. "Bring back the bodies." The manager said. "10 units were sent, leave no one behind. Here is their location. Don't let anyone know." Ricardo looked at his map on his phone and tried to look for the dead agents.Ricardo found some of his friends dead as well. "Shit, the killers must be damn powerful." Ricardo said. As he carried 5 corpses out and put in the trunk, he saw 2 police cars arriving and moved behind the cops. A short cop was clubbed in the head and collapsed. Ricardo moved behind another fat cop and choked him while holding him down. The cop kicked and flailed and eventually went limp. Ricardo saw an old cop going to the trunk of his police car and putting on a bulletproof vest. "This won't save you." Ricardo said and covered his mouth. With a punch to the back of his head, the cop went limp. Ricardo moved up to the driver of the police car and grabbed him. "Lets not waste any more time..." The cop was punched and choked and dumped in the trunk.Ricardo then went to get the remaining agents. As he piled the bodies by the entrance, he saw about 10 cops arriving. "Shit, so many..." Ricardo saw a dead trooper and quickly put on the uniform and approached the cops. "Need help here..." Ricardo said and 2 cops followed him to the side of the building where Ricardo choked them.Ricardo walked to a motorcycle cop and grabbed his tazer and shocked him. As he hid the body, Ricardo returned and saw the cops entering the building and he moved to the remaining sergeant by the police car and choked him. "Ok, I think I should just go..." Ricardo said and quickly carried the bodies to the van. "They killed the others. " Jenny said to Ricardo. Ricardo nodded and they tried to follow the trail of the killers. "The agents were murdered." Jenny called and reported back to Pentex. This was something that Pentex did not expect."Another road block destroyed." Jenny said as she monitored the radio. They quickly drove over and found the dead cops but the killers escaped again. "Shit."Then Pentex sent more information to the group to stop the pursuit. "There are 16 of them competing in some competition. "Let them be." A manager in Pentex called Jenny. "What type of terrorists are these?" A police captain asked. "We tracked them down and they killed several squads of cops already?"The cops surrounded a building and 4 teams of SWAT entered the building but no one replied. "Stop sending anyone until we get more information on the killers."On the roof, a lady licked her fingers as she pulled her thumb out of a cop's throat. She walked towards a fat cop and snapped his neck and covered the mouth of the sniper on the roof and sniffed his neck. "Not too bad..." She said as she dislocated his spine and muffled his screams and the eyes of the sniper rolled back and went limp."I'm not good with guns." The lady said as she looked through the scope of the sniper. "I have to do with my fist and knife." Ricardo lost a few friends today. As he stopped at the side of the road, an old cop woke up and saw Ricardo crying. "What happened?" The old cop asked. "They are dead." Ricardo said. "Those monsters are really scary..." Ricardo arrived at the road block and exited the car. He checked on the cops on the ground. "Shit, massacred." Ricardo checked on a fat cop on the ground. The cop's neck was snapped and he had no other visible wounds. A motorcycle cop's head was crushed as though someone punched his face and crushed his skull in the helmet. The old cop was still trembling in fear as he radioed in for backup.Ricardo wanted revenge, but just like the cops facing him, Ricardo was at a different power level and cannot threatened these killers. Ricardo got a text Ricardo took another police car, checked his uniform and drove to the hospital.Ricardo arrived at the hospital and followed a guard into the toilet. He grabbed the guard's neck and choked him silently and dragged him into a cubicle. He heard footsteps and saw a plump cop entering the toilet and nodded at him. As he walked by the cop, he punched the cop's throat and choked him silently and piled him on the limp guard.Ricardo grabbed his tazer and searched around the hospital. "Quite a bit of cops here." Ricardo muttered and went to the carpark and saw 2 cops chatting and moved towards them. He looked around and did not see any camera or other people and grabbed tazers and shocked both cops. "Ok, 2 more down."Ricardo moved to the security room and tazered the 2 guards inside and counted the other guards he saw on he screens. "Ok, there is a guard room." Ricardo said and locked the security room.Ricardo saw a plump old cop and said. "Can you help me for a minute? Follow me..."The old cop followed Ricardo into the stairwell where Ricardo squeezed the side of his neck, preventing bloodflow to the brain. "Smells good..." Ricardo sniffed the old cop's hair and hid him under the stairwell. Ricardo entered the secured wing and walked by a short old cop at the gate. He entered and saw a room with 2 cops outside and he walked in.Ricardo saw 2 men cuffed to the beds and a fat cop sitting in a chair. He approached the fat cop and covered his mouth. "Sorry..." Ricardo said and clubbed the fat cop's head. "Hey guys, come in here for a minute." Ricardo asked and the cops outside entered the room and saw the limp cop on the ground. "What the hell..." A cop muttered and Ricardo shoved tazers into their necks.Ricardo uncuffed the agents and one of them was still unconscious. The other agent stripped the cops and put on their uniforms. Ricardo entered another room and saw an old man on the bed and a pudgy cop guarding him. He walked over and grabbed the cop's neck and choked the cop. The old man woke up and was punched unconscious. Ricardo cleared all the wards in the secured wing and saw a plump cop exiting the toilet and walked over. Ricardo covered his mouth and dragged him back to the toilet."Sleep..." Ricardo muttered as the cop was choked silently."Oh shit... radio check." Ricardo muttered as he heard a sergeant checking on the radio. The agent pushed the other agent out in a wheelchair and they saw 4 cops entering the secured area. "Officers down!" Ricardo pointed at the wards behind him and 4 cops rushed in. Ricardo clubbed the heads of 2 cops and tazered the other 2. He exited the room and saw 3 cops moving towards the agent in a wheelchair. He saw the other agent strangling a fat cop in a room and walked over to the 3 cops and tazered 2 of them. "Fuck..." The remaining cop muttered and fumbled for his gun and the other agent rushed over and disarmed him. The cops were cuffed and dragged into the ward.A police sergeant and an old cop entered the secured wing and saw the agent in police uniform and as the sergeant reached for his gun, Ricardo moved behind him and shoved a gun to his neck. "Shhh..." Ricardo said and took his gun away. The agent in police uniform grabbed the old cop and entered a room. "Lets go.. before more comes." "What kind of competition is this?" Jenny said as she saw a live feed online as Pentex paid on the murders. "Wow, each of them have a body cam, and they are killing cops...""Yes, the agents sent, they news feeds, are all used for the trailers." The Pentex agent said. "Now we have a live feed, and even with that, the cops are getting massacred. The government is paying us to end this, so we are sending armored agents again.""Only one camera is live at a time, so it is hard to find out where all of them are." On the roof, the lady ran and leaped over to the other building and moved silently behind a pudgy cop. The camera angle showed the lady strangling the pudgy cop silently while an old cop in front of him did not notice. The lady dropped the pudgy cop and grabbed the old cop and dragged him into the shadows.The person with the camera moved behind 2 cops and easily snapped the neck of a cop and grabbed the other cop. The bald cop was trembling in fear as the person covered his mouth and rammed a fist into his soft gut. The cop is held down and the person grabbed his neck and squeezed till the cop went limp."Armored cops..." The person muttered and as the camera panned along a corridor, the lady was seen grabbing the rear cop again. The person moved behind the other armored cop and grabbed him. "Still as easy..." The person said and covered the cop's mouth and snapped his neck before he could fire a round off.The camera switched to the lady with the old cop, the old cop was cuffed and his pants pulled down. He was gagged and the lady fucked the baton up his ass. The old cop flailed helplessly as she thrusted the baton deeper into his ass. A motorcycle cop heard moans and rushed over to see the lady fucking the old cop. He pointed his shotgun at her and from behind, another lady pulled the gun and pressed it against his throat."ooh... smells good.. leather piggy..." The lady said and released him and tossed the gun aside and removed his belt. The motorcycle cop was fucked and subdued. One of the ladies grabbed a lieutenant and shoved a shotgun up his ass. "Call some officers in here." The lady commanded and the lieutenant saw several fat cops as hostage and agreed as she was loading rounds into the shotgun. "ok... please don't hurt us..." The ladies fucked the old cops and suffocated them with plastic bags. The Pentex units moved in as they got the location of the live video and 6 agents charged into a room. They saw the lady on an old cop, and the old cop was struggling and flailing and they aimed at the lady.A man moved behind the PENTEX units and shoved 2 blades into the spines of 2 agents and grabbed an agent and twisted his helmet, snapping his neck. The man threw 2 daggers into the throats of 2 agents and slapped the agent's gun beside him and grabbed him in a chokehold. The man was surprised that the agent he was grabbing was inhumanly strong but the man had a better technique and snapped the agent's neck.The man saw the agents with daggers embedded still moving and walked over to stomp on the dagger in their throats and crushed their throats.The lady allowed the old cop to take breadths from time to time and after the old cop ejaculated, the lady tossed him on a wall and he slumped to the ground. "These agents are pretty good." The man said as he checked on the agents with broken spines who were staring to move and walked over and snapped their necks. "They have cameras too." Ricardo passed by a road block and stopped to check. "Where are the cops?" Ricardo asked and drew his gun and searched. He walked to a SWAT truck and peeped inside. There were several armored cops inside and as he opened the door more, the cops were not moving. He walked over to check on the cops. "Neck snapped, throat ripped out..." Ricardo said as he checked the armored cops. "Throat slit... All the cops no rounds fired."Ricardo checked around and saw blood stains on the trunk of a police car and as he walked over to check, he found the dead cops in the trunk. "No survivors." A cop saw a lady walking behind 2 cops and grabbed the cops' necks and the cops went limp. "Shit..." The cop muttered and reached for his gun but a hand covered his mouth and his back was punched and he could not feel his legs. The cop flailed helplessly as he was getting crushed. A police sergeant was grabbed and the lady kissed him. She started removing his belt and the sergeant asked. "What is going on? Is this a joke" The lady grabbed his balls and squeezed.The lady saw the other lady dragging a limp motorcycle cop over. The sergeant was trembling in fear as the lady fondled his balls and stroked his dick. The other lady took out a double ended dildo and said. "This one? He's so round."The sergeant howled in pain as the dildo was shoved up his butt and the other lady started giving him a blowjob. Ricardo and the agent stopped at another road block. There was a twitching cop with a baton up his ass and slowly bleeding to death as his balls were crushed. "Still alive, they are close." The police rushed to the scene and there were already 4 police cars and the officers missing. Pentex sent another team and Jenny was sent as well as many of the local agents were already dead."Hi officers, I need some escort to cover a story... can you help?" Jenny said as she kissed a sergeant and stared at a few other cops in the rear of the building. The cops nodded and they escorted her into the building. A cop flailed helplessly as he was held down after his throat was crushed by a lady and after his trashing stopped, she dragged his body aside and waited for another plump cop to approach. The lady easily disarmed the plump cop and grabbed him into the stairwell. "Round piggy... so soft.." The lady said."What the..." The cop muttered and his mouth was covered and a fist landed into his lower back and he could not feel his legs. The lady removed his belt and pulled down his pants. The cop was trembling in fear as she started to stroke his dick and pumped it. Then the lady saw more cops approaching and quickly choked the plump cop and hid him under the stairs.She peeped and saw Jenny with a few cops and hid as Jenny entered the stairwell and went upstairs. "hmmm..." She muttered and grabbed the rear cop and dragged him aside. The cop's throat was pierced and his spine snapped as he gurgled silently in the corner and the lady approached the other cops. "Shit... " A cop muttered and rushed over to check the SWAT officers on the ground."Fuck, the killers got him." Jenny said and checked on the SWAT officer. His skull was crushed and another officer's neck was twisted at a bad angle. "Fuck, these killers are strong."Jenny turned around and saw a lady smashing a cop's head onto the wall. "Shit... behind..." Jenny shouted but the lady punched the backs of 2 cops and broke their spines. An old cop drew his gun and the lady grabbed it and broke his wrist and punched his throat and he could not scream. The sergeant grabbed his radio and backed off but the lady moved with inhuman speeds and kicked his radio on his belt and sent the sergeant into the wall, slumped and lifeless.A plump cop with white hair was frozen in fear as she approached him and hugged him. "Don't worry..." I won't bite ... hard..."Jenny was shocked. The lady could kill her easily and she needs to play her cards right.The lady walked over to the choking old cop and stomped on his head, crushing his skull. The plump cop was trembling in her arms and she sniffed his neck and licked his face."The old cop smells good huh...." Jenny said and the lady smiled."Here for me?" The lady said."I'm here to see who else is killing the cops." Jenny said."SO what now?" The lady said. "You trying to stop me?""I can get him to call more cops. I know you record this shit for some porn video." Jenny said. "Whatever gets you hard..."Jenny stared into the plump cop's eyes and said. "Send in more backup, you found survivors."The plump cop called on the radio and the lady dragged the bodies into a closet. The plump cop was cuffed and his pants pulled down and the lady shoved a baton up his ass and he was left on the ground.Jenny picked up a twitching cop and drank his blood to show the lady she was supernatural as well. The lady just looked and said. "So what are you here for?""I want to know if you are a group." Jenny said. "My friends were killed, and I want to know more people with powers. Being different is hard.""We are part of a fight, trying to get rankings." The lady said. "All the massacres are recorded and we get points. Which define our brackets.""What?" Jenny said. "A fight scene?"The lady shrugged and walked to the stairwell and waited for ambush again. There were 4 cops entering and they went up as the ladies hid behind the door. "Only 4?" The lady said as she elbowed the necks of 2 cops and chopped the neck of another and the cops collapsed. "Your helmets and vests will not work..." She said and grabbed the remaining cop."So what do you do to the cops?" The lady said."Bring him here..." Jenny said and grabbed the cop from the lady and pulled down his pants. "I don't usually kill them. They are useful... and tasty." Jenny started fucking the trembling short cop and she removed his helmet and rubbed his white hair. The cop was shoved to the ground and Jenny started to fuck him. The cop was scared. He did not resist as Jenny fucked him and as he ejaculated, Jenny bit into his throat and drained some blood."You drink blood?" Jenny asked."Yes." The lady said and she peeped outside the stairwell and dragged the cops aside. "Ok, more. Do your thing.. I don't have airtime now."4 motorcycle cops walked into the stairwell and saw Jenny laying on the ground with her pants down and boobs out. The cops approached and the lady landed behind the 2 rear cops and grabbed their necks and squeezed as she lifted them off the ground.She slammed their heads together and grabbed the fat cop in front while Jenny got up and grabbed the other cop. "Leather smells so good." She said. As her back was turned. Jenny took out a syringe and wanted to inject her. "What if this sedative is slow to work?" Jenny thought as she injected into the cop and covered his mouth. The cop's eyes widened and he struggled briefly and went limp. Ricardo reached a brothel with several police cars outside. As he looked around, the cops were missing. "Ok, something is going on..." Ricardo said and saw a few more police cars arriving. The cops exited and a sergeant briefed the cops who put on armor and helmets and entered the building."Ok, at least they will lure out the killers." Ricardo said and heard muffled moans. As Ricardo approached, he saw an old cop in the arms of a lady and 3 cops on the ground. The lady placed him in a rear naked choke and the cop did not stand a chance.The lady cuffed the cops and moved towards the rear of the building. Ricardo followed her and saw her moving behind a cop and shoving a blade into the cop's throat and moved behind another cop and covering his mouth. The cop was dragged into the shadows where she jerked the helmet and snapped his neck.Ricardo saw the lady stab 2 cops in the neck and rushed the other 2 cops at the rear exit. A cop was punched in the throat and she grabbed the other cop's rifle and tripped him, then wrapped the strap around the cop's neck and placed her boot on the back of his head and SNAP!. She grabbed the choking cop and removed his helmet and grabbed his white hair and smashed his face on the ground.Ricardo approached but she already entered the building before Ricardo could ambush her."Team 1 please respond..." A police captain shouted on the radio. "Team 2?""Anyone?" The captain shouted."Team 1 to 5... please respond..." The captain shouted.The captain felt a spray and saw his sergeant with his throat cut and a man covered his mouth and placed a dagger on his throat. "Your men are all dead." The man said and removed the belt of the captain. The captain's pants were pulled down and he saw another lady dragging armored cops into the police command truck. Ricardo heard gunshots and rushed over. There were 4 people with a pile of dead cops when Ricardo arrived. Ricardo saw several motorcycle cops arriving with flashlights and guns drawn. When they saw the armored cops on the ground, the group moved behind them and the necks of 2 cops were snapped and the remaining were grabbed. "Love the boots..." A lady said and disarmed her cop and removed his helmet and sniffed his head. "Smells good..." She muttered and kissed the trembling old cop.The men punched the motorcycle cops and walked away as more flashlights approached."What the hell.." A plump cop muttered as he saw 2 ladies hugging and kissing 2 motorcycle cops."Such a waste of time." A man said as he grabbed the plump cop's throat and lifted him off the ground. "These guys are useless."Ricardo wanted to take action, but as he saw 4 of them, he remained as silent as he could and hoped they walked away. The lady chatted with Jenny. Jenny talked about the powers she had and how she is she planning to use it, and she talked about a competition and how the top competitors are trained and got some form of supernatural power. Jenny was intrigued and Jenny said she could dominate men and get them to do things."Wow, sound cool. I can take out bodyguards, cops and what not." The lady said and looked out a window and saw more cops. "Get them in here. I'll knock them out and we can do a ritual."Jenny was nervous and was not sure what she was getting into. "Freeze!" A cop shouted as he spotted Jenny exiting the building. Jenny put her hands up. "Bring me to the sergeant." Jenny looked into his eyes and the cop looked dazed and walked Jenny to the sergeant."Hi Sergeant..." Jenny said and stared into his eyes. "I saw some cops searching up stairs. They are arresting people, but there seem to be many troublesome kids up there. They may need your help. 2nd floor."The sergeant got 2 teams of men to enter the building and stood there dazed. Jenny walked to the remaining old cop at the police car and kissed him. Jenny grabbed his gun and shoved it to his neck. The cop was shocked and Jenny removed his belt and started playing with his dick. The cop trembled in fear and Jenny stared at the sergeant and got him to come over and fuck the old cop from the back. "Oooh... Motorcycle cop." the lady muttered as she moved behind the rear cop, chopped his neck and slowly lowered him to the ground. She covered the other cop's mouth and with a quick jerk, she snapped his neck. The lady punched the throat of a cop that turned around and the cop choked and cough and she grabbed the remaining cop and disarmed him. She covered his mouth and pulled him close. She kicked the choking cop in the head and a sick snap sound was heard and his head tilted at a weird angle. The cop in her arms trembled in fear as she sniffed his neck. "Ah...." She said and bit his throat."Shit..." A cop said as he spotted an armored cop on the ground and rushed over. A hand grabbed his head and he was dragged aside."Jacob!" A fat cop shouted and looked around for his partner. He spotted the armored cop and as he picked up his radio, a hand covered his mouth. "Shhh..." The lady said and slit his throat.An old motorcycle cop saw a lady clubbing his partner's head and his partner collapsed. He reached for his gun but the lady punched his gut and he felt something rip inside him. "So soft..." The lady said and removed his belt and kissed the old cop. She sat on his face and shoved her vaginal into his face as she gave him a blowjob. The cop struggled and begged but it just made her more horny.The lady fucked him as his dick became hard and she grabbed her dildo and shoved it up his butt. The old cop screamed and flailed and it made her shove it deeper. The lady was high on pleasure and the cop managed to grab the gun from a dead cop as she was shoving the dildo deeper up his ass and he screamed in pain and placed the gun at her head and fired. It blew a hole in her head. The cops were stripped and fucked and the men put on their uniforms. "The uniform smells good... I'm keeping this..." A man said and approached the lady fucking the old cop. "We need to go." The man said. The lady grabbed the flailing cop and they dragged a few selected cops and put them in a SWAT truck and drove off.They reached a road block and the men in uniform approached the cops. The ladies circled around the back of the cops. "Man... its bad..." The man said to a plump sergeant. "Massacre. everyone dead..." As he reached the sergeant, he punched the sergeant in the gut and grabbed him in a neck lock. The other man ran his dagger across the throats of 2 cops and grabbed a fat cop in his arm in a head lock."Shit... officer down! Back...." An old cop shouted in the radio but a lady dragged him out of his police car. A fist landed on his kidney and it ruptured and the cop howled in pain and the lady sniffed him and started kissing him. The remaining 2 cops were grabbed and choked from another lady behind them and the men walked over and grabbed one of the older cop and cuffed him. "We'll keep this one." The lady nodded and snapped the other cop's neck. Ricardo found the other agents dead and quickly called Pentex. "There are 4 killers, they ambushed us. The team is dead." Ricardo said. The other cops were dragged into the trunks of the cars and hidden. The ladies were looking at their watch as though they were waiting for something and minutes later, a few police motorcycles escorting a prison bus approached. The men in uniform walked towards the motorcycle cops as they stopped and the cops were punched and grabbed. The vicious attacks surprised the cops and they had bones broken and were grabbed and used as hostages.The ladies grabbed a police sergeant exiting the bus and entered. One of the ladies grabbed the old driver and choked him. "Unlock the prisoners." The ladies commanded and pointed the sergeant's pistol at the 2 plump cops inside the bus. A prisoner tackled the plump cop to the ground and was shot in the head. "Did I tell you to move?" The lady said and everyone paused what they did. The plump cop got up and unlocked 3 other passengers and opened an inner cage and saw a large man. He was chained to a harness and a frame. The cop trembled as he unlocked the large man.The man stood up and grabbed the plump cop. "please..noooo..." The man grabbed his head and twisted it off his body. "Fuck..." The other cop shouted and ran, but the man grabbed his belt and pulled him close. "Helpppppp!" The cop shouted and the man hugged him tight and crushed his lungs and tossed him aside."Don't come closer..." The lady said and the man grabbed the other prisoners and snuffed them out.The lady outside the bus saw more police cars approaching and suddenly, the large man stepped out and she was grabbed. The lady punched his throat and hit his vitals and the man staggered as she leaped and kicked his chest. The man tilts his head and reaches and grabbed the lady's ankle as she kicked him in the head and swung her body at the side of the prison bus and she slumped to the ground.A few police cars approached and the men in SWAT uniform fired at the large man. "Look, we're here to release you... We're not real cops..." The man said as the large man approached them. "Look, real cops are coming!" The man turned and approached the cops.The large man approached a police car, punched through the driver's window and dragged the cop out. "Holy shit!" A cop shouted and the man crushed the cop's head and flipped the car over as the other cop was coming out, pinning the cop to the ground and he walked over and stomped on the cop's head.A few other cops fired at him and a balding cop went to the back of his car to get his shotgun. A few more gunshots were heard and the balding cop rushed over with his shotgun and saw the large man grabbing a fat cop and tearing him in two. The balding cop fired 2 rounds into the man and he staggered and collapsed. The balding cop walked over and the men in SWAT uniform grabbed him and choked him silently. "Thank you." They whispered and choked out the balding cop."What the hell..." A remaining old cop was confused as he saw the man in SWAT uniform choked the balding cop and the other man reached him. "You're the last one." The man said and disarmed the old cop. From behind, the large man emerged and grabbed the man in SWAT uniform and punched though his spine and grabbed his heart and pulled out his head.The looked at the remaining man in SWAT uniform and approached and the man quickly ran to the police truck and drove it away. Jenny saw the old cop with the gun and the lady dead. "Shit..." Jenny muttered as the old cop fired at her. Jenny dodged and he continued to fire his gun at her and called for backup."Hey, I'm not involved..." Jenny shouted, but the cop simply fired at her."Fuck this... " Jenny said and picked up a gun from a dead cop and fired back. After a while, Jenny saw the old cop reloading and ran over. The cop did not have much balance as his pants were down and Jenny shoved him and he fell. He landed on the dildo and it went deeper into his ass and Jenny rushed over and kicked the cop's head and he went limp."Ok, done." Jenny said and quickly carried the lady and left. "Lets see what Pentex can do with her." "Maga is out." A cop said and the state police mobilized and rushed to the scene of bus and started to track the killer down. "Stop him at all cost." At a road block, the large man smiled and moved along the alleys towards the cops. It started to rain and 2 fat cops went to the back of their police cars and started to put on their rain jackets. "Fucking pigs.." The man said and grabbed their necks and snapped them with ease. A short cop heard a snap sound and saw the cop behind him falling limp to the ground and the man grabbed his face and crushed his skull."Hey, what's going on there?" A sergeant shouted and the man landed behind 2 cops and chopped their necks and they collapsed lifelessly to the ground. "Maga is here! BAckup!" The sergeant shouted and Maga grabbed his neck and disarmed him. State Troopers rushed to the road block and found all the cops dead. The sergeant had all his limbs dislocated and he was raped and crushed. "Fuck...." A motorcycle cop muttered as he found the dead cops in the trunk of a police car. "One of the cars is taken." A state trooper said. "Track it..." Maga exited the police car and entered a bar. He checked the wallets of the dead cops and took out some money and went to order some food. Within minutes, police surrounded the bar."Fuck this guy is a cop killer and martial artist. "Don't engage him one on one." A sergeant said as 4 cops walked to the rear of the bar and saw 2 men limp beside a dumpster. "Fuck..." A cop muttered and Maga landed behind 2 cops, grabbed their heads and smashed them on the wall, crushing their skulls."What's wrong?" Maga said as he towered over 2 cops in front of him. The sergeant trembled in fear and was frozen and could not even scream. Maga grabbed the heads of the 2 cops and smashed their heads together and their skulls cracked open like eggs with the contents spilling out."You are a helpless fool..." Maga said as he grabbed the trembling sergeant and removed his hat. Maga sniffed his hair and removed the cop's belt and pulled down his pants. The sergeant whimpered and Maga covered his mouth and started fucking him from the back. Maga was overpowering and the sergeant was helpless and cried as he was fucked. His legs were numbs and when Maga was done, Maga dropped him and walked into the bar."Ah... more cops..." Maga said and moved towards 2 cops with flashlights walking to the fuse box. The cops bumped into Maga and Maga grabbed their necks and lifted them off the ground. The cops kicked as he crushed their throats. "Nice..." Maga said as he kicked his bloody fingers and walked towards the bar area. There were many cops with flashlight searching."Huh?" A fat cop muttered as he found 4 dead cops on the ground and Maga moved behind him as he picked up his radio and punched his back, sending him flying into the wall, creating a blood spot on the wall."Fuck..." A cop shouted as he saw the cop stain with the cop slumping down and Maga reached him and punched his gut and grabbed his head and twisted his head off."Really?" Maga said and saw 2 cops with shields."He's here!" A cop shouted as Maga leaped behind him and grabbed his neck and lifted him off the ground. Maga punched his spine through his armor and the cop screamed in pain and could not feel his legs. Maga rushed the other cop with the shield, grabbed the shield and rushed with the cop to the wall, cracking the wall behind the cop and he slump over, dead. "Huh.. sturdy shield." Maga said.Maga punched a cop in the face, crushing his skull and grabbed a pudgy cop by the throat and lifted him off the ground. "Smells good..." Maga saiad and sniffed the cop but snapped his neck as more cops arrived.A cop was grabbed and Maga grabbed his head and snapped his neck and moved behind another cop and dragged him around a corner and sniffed him. "Nice..." Maga said as he rubbed the flailing cop's balding head and the cop was choked unconscious.Maga moved behind a group of cops and he opened his palms and chopped at their necks so fast that he decapitated 2 cops and shoved his hands through 2 cops. "Fuck...." A cop shouted as Maga shoved his palm into the cop's face caving it in. Maga walked to the rear of the bar again and dragged the bodies in. He saw a few more cops approaching and entering and waited for the last one before closing the door behind him and moving towards him.The cops outside heard gunshots and as the captain tried contacting his men inside, no one responded. "Fuck. Need bigger guns!"Maga moved behind 2 motorcycle cops and grabbed their necks from the back and shoved his thumb into their spines. The motorcycle cops were paralyzed and tossed aside.The other cops shot at Maga but he simple reached them and crushed them. He grabbed a sergeant and disarmed him and rubbed his balding head. "Nice.." Maga said and sniffed the old cop. "Guns hurt..." Maga said and took his gun and crushed him. "Ok, captain..." Maga grabbed him with the other hand and pulled him close and sniffed him. "You are take out..." "I actually got one." Jenny said and drove to a Pentex Lab. She heard reports of several teams getting wiped out and some of the killers actually getting killed as well."SO they are humans?" Jenny asked and saw the doctors cutting up a man."Yup." The doctor said. "As human as you can get.""But they can kill like 100 cops each." Jenny said."They are just well trained." The doctor said. "Nothing special about their body." The other ladies submitted the videos to the committee and they watched the massacre. The videos were edited and streamed online. The public could see the massacre as more than 100 cops were murdered. Some, live on TV.The public then gave ratings to the kills and it was share over and over, making the video go viral and more pressure for the police to catch the killers. The next day, Maga woke up after climbing up the FBI building and slept on the roof. He found a ventilation shaft and entered the top floor and started working his way to the security room. Maga saw a balding man walking into the toilet and followed him. The man exited the cubicle and saw Maga waiting for him and Maga punched his throat and broke his spine. The man was stripped and Maga put on his jacket and badge and hid the body in the cubicle and locked it.An alarm sounded and Maga grabbed a guard's neck as the security room door opened and crushed his throat. He entered the guard room and broke the necks of the guards with swift chops. The remaining guard at the desk was grabbed and Maga covered his mouth and rammed a fist into his lower back and destroyed his kidney. "Turn off recording. And erase it."Maga dislocated his limbs and put on the guard's uniform and walked towards a guard room. The guards were putting on armor and Maga grabbed 2 guard's head and twisted them off. "What the fuck!" A guard shouted as Maga punched through the heads of 2 guards and kicked another guard's neck and send him lifeless into a wall."FUCK!" a guard grabbed a shotgun and Maga sent a guard with a snapped neck at him and as he fell on the ground, Maga stomped on his head and crushed his skull. Maga walked over to a trembling old guard and rubbed his balding head. Maga removed his pants and fucked him. The cops surrounded the building and armored cops entered. They found a store room with a pile of dead security guards. "Maga is here. Be careful." A SWAT Officer muttered and the cops searched and cleared each room.4 SWAT officers took a pass on a guard on the ground and entered the security room. The guard got up and grabbed the rear SWAT officer's helmet and snapped his neck. Maga shoved his thumb into the throats of 2 officers and grabbed the remaining one and disarmed him. Maga grabbed his neck and dislocated his spine and stripped the SWAT officer and exited in his uniform. Maga walked to the SWAT truck and grabbed the heads of 2 cops and snapped their necks. He chopped the necks of 2 cops and grabbed a sergeant and placed him in a neck lock as he approached the captain. "I remember you..." Maga said and covered his mouth and kneed his chest knocking his air out. "Hmm... sergeant." Maga muttered as he sniffed the trembling cop in his arms. "Quite obedient. I think I've fucked you before." Maga said and pinched his neck and his eyes rolled back and went limp.Maga walked to the front of the truck and grabbed the driver and snapped his neck. Tossing him aside. Maga drove off. "One of them is arrested?" Jenny asked as she received a phone call. "Ok, will get to her now."Jenny went to the police station with a team to take the prisoner to Pentex."Clear the police station before the cops return..." Jenny said and walked to the front desk and stared at the desk sergeant. "Can I come and watch you work?" Jenny said and the sergeant looked dazed. "Let me in!"Jenny and 2 men entered the police station. "What the hell..." A cop muttered as he saw the men approaching him and his mouth was covered. Jenny hugged and kissed the sergeant until he stopped moving. The competitors arrived at a large warehouse and they dragged out the cops they kidnapped and left them in a pile. Hours later, the cops woke up, cuffed and subdued with their belts removed. There were more than 30 of them and some were still unconscious. An old cop saw a woman staggered over. She seemed badly injured and she grabbed him and sniffed."What are you doing?" The old cop asked and she unzipped his pants and grabbed his balls and squeezed. The cop screamed in pain and was scared. She sniffed his neck and bit into his throat and drained his blood. A plump sergeant saw the old cop getting drain and was trembling in fear. They were food.It was an intense tournament, most of the fighters could transfer their wounds or heal themselves by drinking blood or draining life. One by one, the cops were killed. It was the first day of the tournament and all the kidnapped cops were used, but there was a top 8 fighters.The internet went crazy for the live fights. It went on for hours and the organizers made billions. "Area surrounded." A SWAT officer said on the radio. "Team 1 breach."A group of armored cops entered the rear of the warehouse and searched. At least 50 cops entered the warehouse in armor, helmets and their guns drawn.2 cops saw a cameraman packing his bag and approached. "Shhh..." They said to the cameraman who put his hands up."Is there a fight going on?" The officer asked."Fight just ended." The cameraman said.As the cop approached and grabbed the cameraman's hand and tried to cuff him, the cameraman shoved his thumb into the cop's throat, crushing his Adam's apple, drew his dagger and tossed it into the other cop's head. He grabbed the choking cop's helmet and with a twist, snapped his neck. "Fucking cops... they're everywhere."2 cops entered a dark room and searched with their flashlight. A man moved behind the rear cop and stabbed a dagger into his throat, severing his spine and grabbed the other cop's rifle strap, pulled his gun to his throat and choked him. "Team A, please Respond..." A captain said and a lady walked over and placed her hand on his shoulder. He turned and saw 3 cops on the ground and his sergeant in a neck lock. "Your men are already dead." She pulled the captain close and sniffed his neck. "Love that old cop smell..." She said and cuffed him as he was trembling in fear. He was gagged and dragged into the police truck where many other limp cops were tossed inside.2 motorcycle cops walked to a police car and saw a limp cop inside. "What the fu..." The cop saw his partner in the arms of a lady. "I'm trying hard not to kill you... I love leather piggies... Drop your gun." The cop was shocked and turned and ran. His hand reached for his gun and from the side, Maga grabbed him and disarmed him. "Fuck....." The cop muttered and Maga smiled and said. "Ok." It was not hard to get the prisoner to Pentex. Jenny commanded a sergeant to bring them to the cell area while the men took out every body else. The lady in the cell was then tazered and taken away.Jenny sat in the interrogation at Pentex and was confused. The lady was part of some martial arts competition and was very well trained to kill. "So this is just a competition?" Jenny said. "Killing cops and all? Sounds ridiculuous" "Army trucks... Sheriff..." Maga said as he saw more vehicles arriving as he was fucking the motorcycle cop. "Don't need to heal anymore." Maga muttered and a man walked over. "Just put on the cameras, we can get more kills for more views." "Holy shit..." A plump old sheriff muttered as he searched and found several dead cops in a police truck. He drew his gun and gestured at his men to search. The sheriff heard calls for backup at a road block on the perimeter. "ok, the killers have left. Let's see who else remains." The sheriff said.Walking into the warehouse, he signaled his men to follow. The sheriff found the dead cops in a room. "Fuck..." The sheriff muttered. Then he saw a fighting ring and some chairs for selected live audience. "Some fucking underground fight..."The sheriff looked around and found a lady, full of injuries. "Who the fuck is this shit..." He walked over and checked on her and she suddenly opened her eyes. "Shit.. still alive."The sheriff tried to contact his men, but there was radio static. "Bad reception..." And as he tried to exit the room, he noticed a flashlight on the ground and his men missing. "This is not good." The sheriff went back to the badly injured lady and checked for ID. "I need help..." The lady said and muttered something and as the sheriff leaned over to listen to her, she grabbed him and kissed him. "Where is everyone?" An army sergeant muttered and searched the warehouse. He entered a dark room and saw a pile of dead cops. "Fuck..." The sergeant said and continued his search. He heard muffled moans and saw a lady fucking the sheriff. "What the fuck is going on?" The sergeant said and waved his men over and as he turned back, he saw his men on the ground with a lady grabbing the throat of the remaining one.A large men walked beside him and grabbed his gun and choked him. "You're a fat one..." The man said as the sergeant kicked silently in the air as he was choked."Need the fat one." The injured lady said as she got off the old twitching sheriff as she passed on some wounds to him. The man took the sergeant's gun and pushed him over and she forced him to the ground and pulled down his pants. She sat on his face and started giving him a blow job.The man exited and heard gunshots. He rushed over and saw a lady choking a soldier and snapping his neck. "Oh, problem dealt..." The man said and they exited the warehouse and a sniper shot him and he collapsed. "Sniper..." The lady said and ducked back into the warehouse. She climbed the walls onto the roof and saw a few soldiers on top."Lets kill them all." "The police has got another one." The supervisor said to Jenny, "Can you bring her here?"Jenny nodded and grumbled. It was rather annoying to go and bring these fighters here. Jenny arrived at the police station with another agent. "Let's see if we can get our prisoner without violence." The lady nodded. The old sheriff was fucked by the lady and a team of FBI SWAT arrived and found several dead cops and all the deputies dead... The sheriff was cuffed and fucked and he had all sorts of wounds on his body.The FBI SWAT heard static on their radio and spread out and searched in smaller teams. An officer spotted a room of dead soldiers in armor and quickly turned and exited. "All the soldiers are dead. What the hell are ...."His mouth was covered and a man snapped his neck. The man shoved his thumb into the throats of the other 2 officers and kicked the last one in the gut. He grabbed the officer's head in his armpit and stomped on the choking cops... "SNAP!" "The final 4 has left." A lady said and grabbed the army captain in charge. "But we are still here." The captain saw another lady jerking off an old sergeant and the rest of his men lying on the ground neck snapped but armor intact.A large man walked over with lifting the old sheriff with his dick, and the other commanders of the security forces were also captured. "Your men are dead. You should know better. The lady said and pulled down his pants and started jerking him off. A large man moved behind the army captain and shoved his dick into the captain's ass.The FBI was sent videos of their forces getting eliminated and the agent in charge was subdued and fucked by several people. The group collected badges and kidnapped the leaders and left."Got some info on how they found us." A man said. "Let's go." "More than 200 massacred!" A police commander muttered as the FBI and many other heads of police from other countries met and shared information. They watched the videos and explained about the powers of the killers from their own countries. "It seemed like most of the competition is over. Now they are generating more views with the security force massacre. 2 ladies walked up to 2 old cops at the gates of the parking of One Police Plaza. "Hi cops..." They muttered and grabbed the cops and dragged them into the security room.At the main hall, as a plump police sergeant was entering the secured area, a hand covered his mouth and a pretty lady followed him in and left the door open. The sergeant was dragged into the broom closet as he went limp. "Its kill time!" The men in various armor, entered and dashed towards the cops, stabbing and slicing them silently. An alarm sounded and a cop rushed into the meeting room. "They are here!" The cop shouted and the senior cops quickly packed up and exited the room. At the corridor, they saw several armored men approaching and they dropped the limp cops in their arms. A lady moved behind 2 cops and slit their throats and grabbed a SWAT officer and choked him. "Its futile." The man said as a cop shot them and their threw darts, killing the cop easily. "They are assaulting the police station?" A sales rep at Pentex asked. " 5 million per head dead?" "I love your helmet.." A lady said as she hugged a mounted cop and kissed him. "We don't want to kill you."A man walked over and grabbed a balding cop with white hair and shoved him to the wall. A cop drew his gun and the lady beside him elbowed his head and crushed his skull as he flew into the wall and slumped over. The remaining cops put up their hands and were cuffed and fucked.A lady peeped into the room and smiled. "Wow, another ground with boots and helmets..." The lady said. "I thought we hit the jackpot with the motorcycle squad."She walked over and sniffed a trembling old cop as the cop was moaning in pain as a large man fucked him. "This one smells so good." She said as she watched the cops flail helplessly as they were raped. Gunshots were heard as another group of ESU entered and shot a large man. A Pentex elite squad joined them and moved over and decapitated the man. "These guys are top killers.""Fuck..." An ESU officer muttered as he saw all the cops massacred in the main hall.A SNAP sound was heard and the officers turned and the throats of 2 cops were grabbed and their necks snapped. "Fuck! She's here!" A cop shouted and fired at her and she used the dead officers as shields.As the cops tried to flank and move to her side, they walked into an ambush as they were grabbed and crushed.The Pentex unit fired their armor piercing round into the lady through the cops and the lady went down.There were several engagements, most of the police SWAT were killed, but the Pentex unit managed to take out the attacker.The PENTEX units entered the room and saw 3 ladies fucking mounted policemen and fired their machine gun, killing everyone. They walked over and saw a fat cop trembling in fear as the lady on him was shot in the face. "They are dead..." He muttered and saw his friend also dead and the Pentex unit walked over and snapped his neck. "Can you show me around?" Jenny said to an old cop and kissed him. The old cop was dazed and entered the police station allowing the ladies to follow him. Jenny brought the old cop to a closet and the other agent choked him out. The lady walked towards the desk sergeant and covered his mouth.Jenny walked over and stared into his eyes. "Where is the cop killer?" Jenny asked and the sergeant said, "Basement, processing area.""Thank you." Jenny said and the lady choked him out. Jenny walked to the processing area and an alarm sounded. "shit... looks like we are doing this the hard way..." The PENTEX unit found 4 PENTEX agents, dead. They saw the room full of motorcycle cops, twitching in pain with their pants down. "Where did they go?" The Pentex agent asked a twitching cop and he pointed outside to the left. "How long ago?" The agent asked."5 minutes..." The cop said.The PENTEX units entered a dark room with the lights off. An agent found the light switch with his flash light and heard muffled moans behind him. He turned on the lights and saw the other PENTEX agents flailing in the arms of 3 ladies and the floor littered with armored cops. "Shit... " The agent said and fired his gun through the PENTEX agent grabbed and took out one of the ladies."Engaged! Units down! 2nd floor..." The agent reported and reloaded. As he looked up, the ladies were gone, he managed to kill one and the rest of his team were killed. The agent moved towards the exit and peeped outside and through the wall, a fist punched through and grabbed his throat. The agent struggled and his throat was crushed and the lady entered and grabbed his helmet and snapped his neck. She walked over the turned off the lights again. "The cops did not take down any of them?" A PENTEX agent said as he found a pile of SWAT in the stairwell. They saw an old man with big muscles coming down and they aimed and shot the old man. "Is this one of the killers?"The old man smiled as he approached the PENTEX agents who were checking out his illusion. "They shot first..." He muttered as he punched their backs, breaking their spines. The PENTEX agents were paralyzed and the old man proceeded to land deadly blows on the remaining unit and taking them out. A PENTEX agent with a broken spine was in intense pain but he managed to focus and healed himself and took his rifle and fired at the man. The man was shocked as he grabbed his neck when a bullet pierced into his throat. The PENTEX agent then fired a few other rounds that went into the old man and exploded, blowing up his upper torso."I thought I shot him..." The PENTEX agent said and looked around. There was only 1 PENTEX agent who survived and they injected themselves and proceeded in their search. The door opened and the ladies entered with the FBI SWAT in their arms twitching. They looked at the senior cops and FBI agents and said. "Let's have some fun..." There were only several cops with guns and the ladies used the FBI SWAT as shields and quickly took out those cops. Then they approached a man in a suit."FBI Special Ops Director..." The lady said and grabbed him and pulled down his pants. "I bet you always wanted this..." The video of the senior international cops getting raped went online. The elite PENTEX Team entered and shot the ladies fucking the senior cops and managed to take out 4 of them and their victims. The radio crackled and the team saw a large man snapping the neck of a PENTEX agent. "Shit..." The section commander shouted and pointed at the man who reached 2 agents and landed several blows on them and grabbed them as shields. The section commander fired at his agents to get to the man who was shocked. PENTEX teams were trained to take out the targets at all cost, and the man staggered and was shot twice in the head.The section commander felt a prick at his neck and his vision blurred. A lady walked over and grabbed his helmet and snapped his neck. She saw 2 more PENTEX agents rushing into the room and stabbed their throats and pulled them aside. The agents were shocked, they were stabbed and they normally could regenerate from their wounds, but her daggers were also coated with poison, and they did not die, but were paralyzed.It was a deadly encounter, the PENTEX agents eliminated everyone they see, and the killers took out everyone else. In the end, the PENTEX agents managed to hunt down everyone and took out all the agents in the police station, however, none of the hostages survived. "Hi cop..." Jenny said as she walked up to a short balding cop. The cop reached for his gun but Jenny stared into his eyes and pushed his hand down and rubbed his balding head. Jenny pulled him close and shoved his face into her breasts. "How many cops inside?" Jenny asked and the cop showed 4 fingers. The 2 ladies with Jenny went in.A lady stabbed a cop in the chest and grabbed another cop and choked him. The other lady slammed her palm up the nose of a cop and elbowed the side of the head of another cop. Jenny entered and saw the lady choking the cop till he went limp. She cuffed the short balding cop and clubbed his head with a baton.Entering the next corridor, Jenny saw 2 motorcycle cops approaching and waited for them to come. As the cops went through the door, the rear cop was grabbed and his neck snapped. Jenny hugged the other cop and shoved him to a wall. "Piggy smells so good.." Jenny sniffed his neck and kissed him. The cop was shocked but he was mesmerized by Jenny. "Bring me to the cop killer." Jenny said.The ladies entered the cell area and grabbed 2 old cops and easily disarmed them. "We just want the prisoner... " Jenny said as the subdued cops gave her the keys and were knocked out. The ladies grabbed the cop's gun and went to the cell and shot the fighter and entered the cell, knocked him out just to be sure. "they did not say not to shoot him..." One of the ladies said, and cuffed the unconscious man and left. A young man jumped off the side of the building and landed on the helmet of a cop, snapping his neck. The other cop was shocked and the man covered his mouth and stabbed him in his vitals.The killers were on the headlines of the newspapers. There was international wanted posters for many of the killers and PEXTEX got paid hunting these killers. The Pentex team arrested 10 of these killers easily and it is the others who they had to worry about. Pentex agents arrived at a road block with 5 dead cops and searched. They found on the cameras on the cops that they were ambushed by a lady."Officer down... Behing Wong Fong Restaurant..."The Pentex team rushed over. They saw many cops searching the alley. Then a gunshot was heard and the team rushed over. "Let the cops handle first. Make sure we know her power...." The team leader said. Jenny reached the cell area and saw the lady, "I'll need to sedate you and get you out of here." Jenny said and the lady approached. As Jenny was trying to inject her, the lady grabbed her arm and removed the syringe and Jenny pulled her hand out quickly. "Look, otherwise I'd have to leave you here to die." The lady looked at Jenny and injected herself. "This is bad..." A plump cop said as he spotted a few limp cops. He checked on a few armored cops and they had their necks broken. "Fuck..." The plump cop muttered as he saw a lady choking a motorcycle cop. "Drop the officer!" The plump cop shouted and a hand covered his mouth."Hi piggy..." A lady said as she disarmed him and rubbed his balding head. "So soft... so squishy..." The other lady walked over and punched the plump cop in the gut and elbowed the side of his head and he went limp. "How many more of them are there?" Jenny carried the lady out of the cell area. The guards at the entrance were all limp. "Fuck, this is heavy and far..." An old cop peeped outside the room. The hallway was dark and there was static on his radio. He looked around with his flashlight and signaled the other cops to follow him. He turned the corner and heard moans behind him and saw 2 cops on the ground and 2 ladies with 2 cops in their arms."Drop your gun or I'll snap their necks." The lady said and the old cop lowered his gun and the lady smashed the cop's head on the wall and walked over to grab the old cop. His belt was removed and she hugged him and squeezed. "Smells good."The ladies dragged several old cops out and saw Jenny with the lady and helped her to the van and drove off. The lady was cuffed just in case."What's with the old cops?" Jenny asked.One of the ladies pulled down the pants of an old cop who was trembling in fear and started jerking him off."That's some good kink..." Jenny said and could smell his fear. "Adding to body count..." A lady said and nodded to another lady, both in tight vinyl suits. They have 2 flailing cops in their arms as they choked the cops. "Don't kill them yet. That's too easy." A lady said and her cop slowly went limp. "Taking up my challenge?""Rear naked choke..." A lady whispered as she grabbed a plump cop with grey hair. "Vinnie?" Another cop approached and saw the plump cop flailing. His mouth was covered and he was choked silently and dragged around the corner."Where did they go?" A cop muttered and turned the corner and searched with his flashlight. "Something's not right..." He muttered and signaled a few cops over as he found a police hat on the ground. The ladies pounced on the cops. One of the ladies wrapped her ankles around a cop's neck and choked him while grabbing the rifle on a cop and use the strap to choke the cop. The other lady punched the throat of 2 cops and kicked the back of the head of another cop. With seconds a few deadly blows landed on the remaining cops and everyone went down. "Fuck." A lady said. "These are dead." She released the cop at her ankles with a broken neck."What's going..." A sergeant approached and the old cop behind him was grabbed. "Shhh..." The lady said and the sergeant pointed his gun at the lady but the other lady moved behind him and chopped the back of his neck and a snap sound was heard. "Why do you have to do that?" The lady asked."Well... he was going to shoot.." The other lady said.The old cop reached for his gun and the lady tightened her grip and the old cop choked and went limp. "They are not that fast..." "The cops seemed to be missing..." A pentex agent said and looked into the alley. None of the cops remained. "Oh, shit..." The pentex agent said. The prisoners were brought to Pentex to analyze. They were indeed very fit humans, nothing more. Jenny brought her target to Pentex and left to an abandoned warehouse under the bridge to rape all the old cops. The old cops survived and were released after.Jenny quickly realized that these ladies had an addiction. The old cops were raped before, and knew they were going to be released. The old cops were also victims who did not want things to change. Perhaps they get fucked regularly by these freak, and perhaps... it adds more excitement in their lives.Jenny saw an old cop with thick mustache. He was cuffed as the ladies gave him a blow job and suddenly, he screamed as one of the ladies raped him with a dildo. "Nooo... please stop..." The cop begged and it simply turned the ladies on and they fucked him harder. The cop was then choked and his balls squeezed as he ejaculated and the ladies continued to rubbed his dick and shot off another load. The cop stopped struggling. He saw the other old cop seemed to moaned and enjoying what was happening to them. "5 police officers found." A SWAT captain said as his men found the old cops in the warehouse. The ladies were gone. "Send the paramedics. " The fighting championship had another challenge, taking out military targets. The killers wore cameras and it was like a first person VR game with the subscription where the kills were broadcast.The lady exited the SWAT van and stripped the dead SWAT officer and put on his uniform. She hooked up the camera on the uniform and turned it on. "Ok, here we go..." The lady walked towards 2 plump motorcycle cops and punched their throats. The cops choked and she grabbed their helmets and lifted them off the ground. The cops kicked silently till a satisfying snap was heard and the lady moved towards a police car. She tossed a dagger into a cop's throat and grabbed the old cop beside her. She covered the old cop's mouth and chopped the back of his neck, snapping his spine. The old cop's legs went limp and she held his trembling body down and snapped his neck.The lady gestured as she saw 4 cops getting briefed by their sergeant and she moved over and kicked 2 cops in the heads, snapping their necks in a bad angle. He smashed the back of his fist into the head of a cop and his skull was crushed. "Holy..." The lady grabbed the sergeant's throat and kicked the remaining cop in the gut and placed his head under her armpits and snapped his neck.The sergeant flailed as she tightened her grip and she released him and he choked. She then let him stand and punched him in the kidney, his chest and his throat. The sergeant's eyes rolled back and collapsed. The lady took his keys and drove off.She arrived at an army barracks and approached the sentry at the gate. She walked up in a SWAT uniform and looked at the 2 sentry. She turned on the camera and it was showtime. The PENTEX team woke the old cop up and moved to the other end and stopped the killers from escaping. One of the ladies exited the alley and was shot by a net gun and entangled in a net. "Got one..." An agent said and rushed over as the lady rolled back into the alley.The agent shot several darts into the lady in the net and another lady moved behind them. She grabbed the agent in the rear and twisted his helmet and snapped his spine. The other agent checked on the lady and a dagger was stabbed through his throat."Fuck... They are dead..." Another agent entered and muttered and fired at the lady in the net, shredding her to bits. "fucking bitch..."The lady moved behind the rear agent again and "DIE!""Alpha team..." The Pentex leader called on the radio as he heard gunshots. "Please respond.""Shit... 4 men down." The leader said and saw a police truck with a SWAT team preparing to go in. "Ok, nice."A team of 4 armored cops entered the alley. They turned the corner and 2 cops rushed to the limp cops on the ground. "Fuck... Officers down!" As a fat cop picked up his radio, he heard gurgling sounds and saw the cop beside him with his throat cut and 2 armored cops on the ground. "Shit...""Where did they go?" An armored cop muttered and a lady punched his throat and twisted his head 180 degrees. Another armored cop saw 2 SWAT officers standing there and as he checked on them, their throats were cut. "What the fu...." A dagger was shoved into his throat.Several motorcycle cops guarded the rear of the alley and suddenly, they realized that one of them was missing. "Where did Mike go? A cop asked and shined his flashlight into the alley and spotted boots kicking behind a dumpster. They rushed over and saw a lady and she punched their throats and they collapsed and choked. The remaining motorcycle cop was grabbed and disarmed. The lady removed his belt and pulled down his pants. She licked the trembling cop's face and removed his helmet. "Round piggy smells good." She said and grabbed his dick and jerked him off. "Officer down.. back...ack!" The radio crackled and the police commander sent everyone in. Over 10 cops swarmed the alley and they searched. They found a pile of dead SWAT officers "Fuck... be careful..."Minutes later, the agents entered and saw the lady "Target in sight..." The lady rushed at them. The sentries saw an armored cop approaching and as the cop reached them, it was a lady who punched a sentry's head and his head jerked back so fast and his body flew 10 ft and hit the guard post behind and he went limp. The other sentry was shocked and the armored cop elbowed his chest and his ribs collapsed.The lady leaped over the fence and ran towards a guard tower. She climbed it with inhuman speeds and reached 2 soldiers in the tower and both soldiers were tossed down to the ground. She leaped down and rolled, then continued to run into a small building. An alarm sounded and groups of soldiers searched through the various buildings as the security watching the cameras were already murdered and the equipment destroyed. There was a massacre and the soldier were confused and scared at what monster would have done such a massacre. They followed the gunshots and found several soldiers twitching on the ground.A crunch sound was heard and they saw an armored cop with 2 limp soldiers in her hands. The dead soldiers were tossed at the remaining soldiers and the armored cop was inhumanly fast and deadly. She shoved her hands through a soldier and kicked off another soldier's head and at this point, the soldiers were running away. Then she chased them and picked them off one by one. All the officers had their limbs dislocated and left alive. The commanding officer was tied up and had a rifle shoved up his butt. Most of the other soldiers were murdered or they ran away. The police were sent to the army barracks. "What the fuck happened here?" The police captain muttered and sent his men in to search for survivors.An armored cop covered in blood approached the command truck and the captain saw the other cops cleared a path for him. "What the hell happened here?" The captain asked and the cop. "You arrived early and you are the bonus..." She said and chopped the neck of a cop beside her and the cop collapsed on the ground. "Shit.." a few cops shouted and she moved through the cops, punching them and even with barehands, she murdered 6 cops beside the captain. The captain was shoved to the ground and he screamed for help as she grabbed his limbs and started dislocating them.A police sergeant arrived and saw an armored cop breaking the legs of the screaming captain and fired at the cop. The cop turned and moved in a blur and grabbed his gun and broke his arm. Before he screamed, a punched to the throat crushed his windpipe.An old cop saw the sergeant choking and an armored cop grabbed him and disarmed him. "Oh.. nice... I love your smell..." The lady said and sniffed the old cop's neck and rubbed his balding head. She dragged the trembling old cop into the police truck and placed him on the police captain, removed his pants and fucked him.She got a text as she got the old cop to be erect. She turned off the camera and continued to fuck the old cop who whimpered in fear. "Watch out!" An agent shouted as a lady leaped over an agent, grabbed his helmet and snapped his neck. The remaining agents had a few deadly blows landed on their bodies and the lady took them out.She changed into the agent's uniform and moved towards several agents as she found out. Paramedics and cops arrived just to be ambushed by the prisoners. Some prisoners escaped and the martial artists received many views online. It was a tough time and there was a lot of dangers out there. They lady exited the police truck and searched for the survivors after she was satisfied with herself. She checked her HUD and found several groups of cops searching and moved among the police cars outside and picked off the survivors.A fat cop with thick glasses was grabbed and dragged out of the police car and the lady punched his back, breaking his spine. The cop was paralyzed and trembled in pain and gave out muffled moans and she moved towards a motorcycle cop. She shoved her palm into his face, breaking his nose and sending bone fragments into his brain.There were 2 cops putting on body armor and strapping on smoke grenades and other weapons and she moved behind them and grabbed the back of their necks and squeezed. The cops were shocked and she shoved her thumbs into their spines and they were paralyzed. "I'm not shooting you. You don't need armor."She moved behind an old police sergeant and covered his mouth. The sergeant was shoved to the ground and she grabbed his side and broke some ribs. She held him down and sniffed his neck. "Smells so good. Will be back later." She said and squeezed the side of his neck as he flailed helplessly and went limp.She turned on the camera and entered the army barracks again. "5 cops over there..." she muttered and approached. She chopped the necks of 2 cops and broke their necks and grabbed another cop and twisted his helmet and twisted his head 180 degrees. The other cops spotted her but she was among them and punched their guts and grabbed their heads. Their necks were snapped with no shots fired.Her HUD showed 2 cops nearby and she moved and saw 2 cops standing between 2 buildings. "No one else around..." She muttered and climbed on the roof and ran over. She leaped down, grabbed their heads and smashed them on the ground crushing their skulls.She rushed into a building and grabbed a plump cop in armor and punched his back. The cop could not feel his legs and was lifted off the ground and kicked briefly before she snapped his neck. "Another old cop here." She said as she covered the mouth of a cop with a thick white mustache. The cop struggled and she ruptured a kidney with a punch and he trembled in pain. "Smells so good." She said and removed his belt and cuffed the old cop. "Keep quiet and you'll live."The lady moved towards 2 armored cops outside a door and grabbed their helmets. She twisted and snapped their necks. She entered the room and saw several cops and kicked the heads of 2 cops, snapping their necks. "Holy shit!" A plump cop shouted and she punched his gut, ripping some organs inside his body and he collapsed to the ground in pain. She punched the throats of 2 cops aiming their rifles at her and pounced on a large cop and shoved her thumbs into his eyes. The choking cops fired a few rounds before she walked over and stomped on their faces. "Hello fatty.." She said and grabbed the plump cop. "So pathetic..." She said as he cried and begged for mercy and she kicked him between the legs, sending his head into the ceiling.Her HUD showed several cops approaching the door to the stairwell and she rushed over and hid behind the door. Several cops passed through and spotted the plump cop who had his head crushed. She moved behind the rear cops and shoved her hand through their chests and snapped the neck of a fat cop. She punched the throats of 2 cops and crushed their windpipes and kneed a cop's face, crushing his skull. She slapped the gun from a short cop with grey hair and kicked the other cop in the head, sending him flying into a wall. The grabbed the short cop and pulled him close and walked towards 2 motorcycle cops. She shoved the shot cop at them and as their staggered back, she leaped over a cop, grabbed his helmet and snapped his neck. The other cop fell and she kicked his neck and snapped it."Please ... no..." The short cop begged and she grabbed his head and placed it between her thighs. The cop flailed helplessly as she clenched and crushed his skull."Not much left. " She quickly completed the massacre and saw several new police cars and rushed towards them. "Another wave of target..." 2 cops exited the police car and as they walked towards the police station, 2 men moved behind them and grabbed them. "Our friends are inside." A man said as he shoved the gun of the plump cop to his head. "Unlock the door..."A desk sergeant saw a lady at the front desk and approached. "How may I help you."She smiled and tilted hear head. "I really would not want you dead...""Pardon?" The desk sergeant asked and 2 men moved behind him. A gun was shoved into his neck and the sergeant unlocked the door and 4 more people entered the police station. "We just want to free our friends." All the cops were grabbed and shoved into a cell and the other prisoners were free. A large prisoner was freed and they found their items from the lockup. "When in need, inject this..." The prisoner said."Where did you get it from?" another prisoner asked."Some mission." The prisoner said.The large prisoner then had a massive erection. "Fuck... I need to fuck!" He ran back to the cell area and unlocked the cell with the cops."What the hell..." A cop shouted and the man punched his gut and broke his ribs. The man grabbed a plump old cop and pulled down his pants. The cops screamed as the man shoved his large hard dick in the plump old cop.The cops were beaten and smashed by the large dick. There were several Pentex items among the loot the prisoners stolen from the lock up and after using it to attack to remaining cops, the prisoners felt a bloodlust. Their bodies became stronger and skin tougher. Some could climb walls or walk on ceilings, but one thing was in common. They have a strong desire to kill. "A portal seemed to opened downtown." A Pentex agent said. "Seemed like more than 50 sacrifices were made and a team of at least 7 were murdering people. Shall we send in a cleaning crew to gather the new gore hounds?""Shit... I guess the army and hunters would be all over that." The manager said. "We just have to wait to see who survived.""Energy level is beyond what we saw before." The agent said. "There is a lot of carnage going on.""Let wait to see if the city engages us first." The manager said. A cop saw a lady crushing the necks of 2 cops and quickly fired at her. The lady staggered after getting shot and rushed at him. He managed to hit her again in the chest but it did not stop her and she punched his gut and the force was so great that it broke his spine. A plump cop saw the horrific blow and he turned and ran but the lady grabbed him and forced him to the ground."Please..." The plump cop begged and the lady removed his belt and pulled down his pants. She rubbed his balding head and grabbed his dick and the cop surrendered. "Noo..."Another police car arrived and the cops saw the lady fucking the plump cop. "Shit..." A short cop shouted and ran over and took out his tazer. The lady was tazered and the tazer shocked the plump cop as well and his cum shot all over as the lady was shocked. The short cop went over and as he grabbed the lady's arm to try to cuff her, she opened her eyes. "That was not nice..." She said and tripped the cop and used him as a shield."Where's backup!" A pudgy sergeant shouted on the radio as he pointed his tazer at the lady and fired."Enough of this." The lady said and shoved the short cop at the sergeant and mounted the sergeant. She pulled down the sergeant's pants and shoved the tazer into his butt and shocked him. The short cop crawled away and she grabbed his belt and pulled him close. "You smell nice.." She said and pulled down his pants and grabbed his dick. She ripped his dick off and shoved it into his mouth and the cop choked as she pushed it deeper into his throat and he flailed helplessly."2 motorcycle cops." She said and ran towards them as they got off the bike.A cop was punched in the gut and he went down. She disarmed the remaining cop and removed his helmet. She rubbed his short white hair and removed his belt as he struggled. She heard more calls of backup at the police station. "I guess I'm done." She said and turned off the camera and kissed the trembling cop. "You will be a nice fuck..." The army converged to the portal and was busy shooting up the deadly enemies. There were minotaurs, hell hounds and other shambling creatures that was just out to kill and destroy. Modern weapon did work and heavy weapons did destroy many of these creatures.Then a man seemed to walk into the path of the machine guns and was shredded to bits. The machine gunner stopped firing. His eye balls were totally black and he grabbed his pistol and shot the pilot in the head. He began to shoot the others in the helicopter as it was going down and he jumped off and landed on a roof with his legs broken, twitching in pain. The prisoners left with their gangs and friends and were slightly transformed. It was not visible, but their skins became tough and leathery and they were much faster and stronger, with a desire to kill and create chaos. Some of the prisoners had body parts enhanced and were out to deceive and trick, just to create chaos. At a police station, as the cops gathered at the roll call room, they saw the door opened and 4 people in police uniforms entered. "What are you doing?" The sergeant asked and the cops that entered started to fire at the cops in the room. It was a massacre.The younger cops were simply murdered and the older ones were gathered and raped. The sergeant was grabbed and one of the men lifted the sergeant up and carried him by his dick in the sergeant's ass. The dick impaled the sergeant as the man grabbed his throat and they walked around as the sergeant saw the carnage and bodies of the other cops.They entered the SWAT room and searched through the dead officers and saw a lady fucking a fat old officer on top of a pile of cops. The sergeant got the keys from a twitching old cop and unlocked a storage room where the men came and took the SWAT armor and weapons.A few smaller police stations were siege by the prisoners and many cops killed. At a road block, a motorcycle cop looked into a car and saw a lady and she exited the car as she stared into his eyes. "Ma'am... please stay..." The other cop said and she stared into his eyes and approached him. A short man with completely black eyes grabbed a short knife and looked at the other cops and smiled. "Let's kill..."A blade cut the throat of a cop and another cop was stabbed in the neck. "What the... " An old cop shouted as short man leaped on the chest of a fat cop and dug his thumbs into the cop's eyes. "Fuck ..." The cop drew his gun and pointed at the shot man who charged a few more cops and a hand covered his mouth and a fist rammed into his back. The old cop was easily disarmed and he could not feel his legs. There was a lady removing his belt and grabbing his dick and the old cop screamed for help.The other cops did not do well. The short man was vicious and he grabbed a cop's arm with the gun and broke it a the elbow. The cop screamed and the short man shoved his fist into the cop's mouth and choked him to death.The lady was fucking the old cop and when she was done, he walked towards a dazed motorcycle cop. She rubbed his white hair and he suddenly realized that he was in danger as all the other cops were taken out. She hugged him and sniffed him. It was a strong mixture of sweat, leather and polyester blend along with that old cop smell that she loved. The man snapped the neck of the remaining cop and walked over and she cuffed the trembling motorcycle cop and tossed him in the trunk of her car. There was another old police sergeant with his pants down and a baton up his butt inside.The short man looked at his arm. "Got shot." He looked at the wound and it was closing up. "Hurts like a bitch." The army stormed a building. Unknowingly, they were the finale of a competition and one by one, the soldiers were brutally murdered by the top 4 contestants. A first wave of PENTEX agents entered and none survived a minute with the finalists. It was a massacre. Pentex did not want to send in any more agents and several helicopters started firing into the building.One of the finalist ran through the window of the building and leaped into the helicopter shocking everyone on the helicopter and killing the pilot with a punch. "Holy shit!" the cops in the helicopter shouted but she killed them easily with her lightning fast punches. Then leaping back into the building before the helicopter crashed.The soldiers had a live feed and entered to see more than 100 soldiers dead. Then the armored soldiers met an ambush and 2 of the finalists brutally grabbed the rear soldiers and snapped their necks. The 2 men punched the armored soldiers and broke their bones with each punch even when the soldiers had their armor on and within seconds, all 8 soldiers were down and the remaining fat soldier was disarmed and grabbed."Die..." The man said and punched the fat soldier in his back, breaking his spine. Soldiers were murdered wave after wave. Eventually, the army fired a missile which flattened the building. New York City was a war zone. The fighting event ended with all the fighters blown up by a missile because the army could not deal with them. It became an international spectacle. The new traveled far and the escaped prisoners met some Pentex agents and were given more drugs which they decided to liberate more prisoners like them. A dark shadowy humanoid moved behind a guard at the guard tower and his mouth was covered. The guard was choked and his neck was snapped. A team of 6 humanoid ran across a courtyard into the building and charged the first guardpost. 4 guards were stabbed in the eye and the last fat guard was grabbed and forced to unlock the door as the others proceeded. They managed to get through several checkpoints to maximum security where they murdered the guards in a guardroom, but the alarm sounded.3 of the killers unlocked the gates and guided the death row prisoners out and the guards there were assaulted.A group of guards went into a room to put on bodyarmor and a lady entered and grabbed the back of the necks of 2 guards and snapped their spines. "Shit..." A guard shouted as she kicked his head, sending him flying to a wall and she grabbed 2 guards and tossed them into the ceiling. She was inhumanly strong and she tossed the guards around and stomped on them, killing them easily.The guards were only armed with baton and she cornered the remaining guards and crushed them with deadly blows to the body. She grabbed the remaining old guard and hugged him. "SO soft... she said and crushed his ribs." A group of armored guards entered the maximum security wing and saw a brutal scene. All the guards were murdered and there was 20 prisoners on the ground twitching in pain. "Paramedics needed. Cell block C..."An old guard checked on a large prisoner who stopped moving. As the guard check on his pulse, the prisoner opened his eyes and it became slit eyes like a cat and the guard's neck was grabbed and the prisoner got up. The guard's neck was snapped and the guards charged at him and beat him down with a baton, and one by one, the other prisoners got up.A team of guards with shields saw prisoners rushing towards them and they shoved the prisoners with their shields but the prisoners grabbed the shields turned them around and another prisoner grabbed their helmets and snapped their necks.A few guards armed with rifles shot a prisoner and blew his head off and as he was reloading, a man grabbed his rifle and choked him with it. His neck was snapped. "Fuck... fuck... fuck... this is not good..." A guard in a guard room watched the monitor and saw the other guards getting massacred. The door was kicked opened and a man approached the guards who shot him with their pistols. The man continued to proceed towards a guard and smashed his head with a punch. "nooo..." Another guard shouted as the man grabbed his face and crushed his skull.The man was inhumanly strong and big and his hand eclipsed a guard's head and grabbed his helmet and twisted his head off. The remaining guards trembled in fear as the man proceeded towards them and tossed them around and eventually crushed them. 2 police cars arrived and the cops proceeded to the guard room. The main gate was opened and the cops checked the guard room. "Oh shit..." A cop muttered as he spotted 2 dead guards and the door closed behind them. 2 cops had their heads slammed to the wall and another cop was kicked in the head and went limp. The remaining old cop was grabbed and disarmed. The lady cuffed him and heard more police cars outside. "This would be fun." A motorcycle trooper spotted a car stopped on the highway and stopped and walked over. He radioed in and approached the car and as he looked inside, there was a lady and she grabbed his throat and pulled his head in. Several cops were ambushed and kidnapped. The killers moved north and the roadblock did not stop them.2 old cops were tied to a bed and the ladies approached them and jerked them off. After the cops are erect, the ladies fucked them hard. The cops were raped but survived the encounter. Pentex as able to meet some of the prisoners and hire them, but for the remainder, they liberated other prisoners and created slaughter teams to hunt humans. "Jared Jones." A lady said as he injected one of the deadliest bounty hunter in police custody. Jared exited his cell and saw the dead cops on the ground as he walked out. He quickly changed into his clothes and the heard footsteps and saw 2 cops returning to the police station. A plump cop was grabbed and hugged by the lady and Jared grabbed the other balding cop. The balding cop was forced to the ground and his pants were pulled down and Jared started fucking the cop who screamed in pain. The lady looked surprised and choked the plump cop in her arms and saw Jared ejaculate and snapped his cop's neck. Jared walked over with his large dick and grabbed the cop's head and shoved his dick into the cop's mouth and choked the cop."Wow, you are pretty aggressive." The lady said. Ricardo arrived with his team and saw several men in SWAT uniforms entering the command truck. One of the armored cop grabbed the fat cop outside and snapped his neck. Ricardo moved to a position to record what happened inside and when the door opened, Ricardo saw the other cops limp. He saw the men move among the cops and murdered them with daggers.Suddenly, large wolves charged the group and there was a fire fight. "Shit.. .fucking werewolves?" Ricardo muttered and saw the werewolves fight the men in SWAT uniform. It was a tough battle. Some of the werewolves were shot and killed by the men, but in melee, the werewolves could cut a man in half with it claws. Ricardo waited and eventually, the werewolves were all destroyed. More prisoners escaped and some of the prisoners stripped the dead news crew and cops for their clothes and escaped. Ricardo recorded and sent the information to PENTEX. The werewolves were deadly and there were clearly prisoners who escaped. Ricardo followed the police reports and tracked down a prisoner group who were surrounded by police at the motel."Let see how long the cops could last." Ricardo muttered and watched.3 cops were tossed at the wall and they smashed on the wall and slumped to the ground. The remaining cop at he rear of the motel turned around and a man grabbed his head and choked him. The man rubbed the cop's white hair as his flailing stopped and dropped him to the ground. "Useless."A man dragged 2 limp motorcycle cops to the side of the building and realized that one of them was a lady. He grabbed her breasts and shook his head, "Such a waste." A plump cop approached and his mouth was covered and he was lifted off the ground."Hey lieutenant..." A lady said as she grabbed an old cop beside the lieutenant. "Your men are already dead..."An armored cop dragged several cops up in a pile and looked at the lieutenant and shrugged. There were several other cops grabbed and dragged over. A large man walked over and grabbed the lieutenant and pulled his pants down. He grabbed him and entered a room and the lieutenant screamed as he got raped by the man. The lady fucked the old cop and cuffed the few survivors as they drove off. 2 motorcycle cops arrived and as they looked around, a cop heard muffled moans and saw Jared snapping a cop's neck and drew his gun and fired at Jared. "That hurts..." Jared said and slapped the gun away and hugged the cop. The cop screamed in pain as Jared broke his spine and snapped his neck. Jared stripped the cops and put on their uniforms and dragged the dead cops into the trunk of the cars.Jared rubbed his erected dick as he put on the boots. "Leather strangely turns me on." Jared said and put on the uniform "Bulletproof vests don't save them."Jared looked at his wounds, the bullet wounds healed fast and he was interested to learn more about his power."I need to find out my limits." Jared said. "This is very good and I'm starting to like the new me." "When you have deadly killers, what is on everyone's mind?" A PENTEX sales person said. "Yes, deadly weapons." There was a few briefcases of new PENTEX weapons and enhancements for sale after the killers roam the street."Let's test this." The PENTEX got an agent armed up and put on some weapons and new tools. "This is the new vibrodagger and silence field which creates a zone of silence. This dagger cuts through anything."A PENTEX agent armed with the dagger walked into a secured government building. He moved behind an armored guard in heavy armor and drew his dagger. The guard was grabbed and the dagger pierced his back armor into his heart. The dagger easily decapitated the guard and the agent moved towards another patrolling guard. The guard was grabbed and strangled. His kicks and struggles did not attract the other guards and the agent snapped his neck.2 guards were chatting and suddenly, they were in silence and the agent stabbed the dagger through the guard's neck and grabbed the other plump guard. The guard had his limbs dislocated and he screamed in pain without raising an alarm."Next up, new ammo." The PENTEX sale person said. "You have xray scope to find targets behind walls and you can shoot them now"The PENTEX agent moved around and shot at a few people through the walls. Then the alarm sounded. "The HUD can also show you how the ricochet rounds work, basically, allowing you to shoot around corners.A few guards ran over and the agent bounced the rounds and shot them."Geez..." A guard muttered as he saw the other guards dead and the agent covered his mouth. The agent asked the guard some questions and knocked him out. Then proceeded to a cell and shot the prisoners inside. "See, these were the killers and they were not bulletproof." "This is what I do best..." Jared said as he followed a cop into the police station. The cop was grabbed and punched in the back of his head and he went limp. "I could already do that before." Jared said and drew his daggers. "Ok, who is there..."Jared sneaked up on an old cop and as he touched the wall, he realized he could climb it. "Nice..." Jared said and covered the old cop's mouth and punched his lower back. The old cop could feel his legs and gave out a muffled moan and Jared choked him out silently. "Nothing new.."Jared climbed onto the ceiling and dropped behind the desk sergeant. The sergeant was grabbed and choked, but as the sergeant reaches for the gun, Jared snapped his neck. "That was easier than before."Jared walked into the bullpen and moved behind 2 cops. He grabbed the necks of 2 cops and dislocated their spines with his thumb. He smashed the side of the dagger into the head of another cop and grabbed a motorcycle cop and stabbed his heart with the dagger. "Fat cop..." Jared muttered as he kicked a cop in the neck and he went limp and Jared stabbed the dagger at an opening he saw under a fold of fat and the dagger pierced the fat cop's heart.A short cop turned and ran and Jared grabbed his belt and pulled him in as he begged for mercy. Jared sniffed the cop's hair and rubbed it. "Smells good." Jared said and the cop peed himself and Jared twisted his head and snapped his neck. "Shit.. too strong.."Jared could feel someone approaching and waited at the door. An old cop entered and was shocked and as he reached for his gun, Jared grabbed it and tossed it away. "Must not waste this..." Jared said and forced the old cop on the ground. "Hey, what the ..." The old cop realized he was in danger as Jared pulled down his pants. "nooo... noooooo...." The PEXTEX agents followed some carnage and found a massacre. There were werewolves and prisoners dead along with many soldiers. The PENTEX agents accompanies the police and searched the area and found the cams on the vehicles and it seemed like some of the prisoners won and defeated all the werewolves."Find them..." The police captain said and commanded his men to search the nearby buildings.The cops were nervous, there were 2 prisoners remaining and the residents in an apartment block were massacred. 2 PENTEX agents looked behind the building and one of them was pounced on. Before the other agent could shoot at the prisoner, a blade shot into the agent's throat and the prisoner rushed over and shoved it though his spine and killed him. The prisoner stripped the uniform and put it on as he dragged the corpses and hid the bodies.2 cops with flashlights searched the back of the building and saw a PENTEX agent approaching them. He signaled the cops over to the shadows and clubbed a cop in the head. The other cop was grabbed and disarmed and the man mounted top cop and covered his mouth. "So soft..." He said and punched the cop's gut and the cop trembled in fear and moaned in pain. "Maybe I'll let you live..." He said and smashed the cop's head on the ground.Gunshots were heard and as 4 cops looked up, the PENTEX agent behind them slit the throats of the cops. A fat cop's head was grabbed and he choked briefly before his neck was snapped. The captain heard muffled moans and saw 6 cops on the ground and a PENTEX agent lifting an old police sergeant up by the neck. "Hi. Piggy... Maybe I'll let this old guy go." The sergeant was dropped as he went limp and the captain was grabbed and his belt removed. "What are you doing..." The captain asked and his pants was pulled down and a baton was shoved up his ass. "The captain is attacked." A plump cop shouted and a few cops rushed towards the police cars. They ran pass the PENTEX agent who grabbed the rear cop and stabbed a dagger into his throat and proceeded to stab the other cops in the back as he reached them. The plump cop pulled the baton out of the captain's butt and heard gurgling sounds and saw the other cops on the ground with their throats cut. The PEXTEX agent grabbed the plump cop and hugged him. The cop was overpowered and his pants was pulled down and the man shoved the baton up his butt.A few gunshots were heard and the sergeant managed to grab a gun from a dead cop and fired it at the man torquering the cop. A few more shots were pumped into him for good measure. The remaining cops gathered. They were all traumatized. 2 motorcycle cops approached and checked on the PENTEX agent and the agent sat up. "What the fuck..." The cops shouted and fired at the agent, but his armor blocked the rounds and he grabbed the motorcycle cops and snapped their necks. "That hurts..." The agent said and grabbed the sergeant and broke his arm. He pulled down the sergeant's pants and inserted his large dick into the sergeant's ass and thrust hard as the sergeant screamed. It was then lubricated by the sergeant's blood as he penetrated deeper and he bit into the sergeant and drained his bodily fluids."Ok round one..." the agent said and picked up the plump cop. "You're next..."The captain saw his men raped by the monster and the man walked over and grabbed his dick and jerked him off. He sniffed the captain's neck as the captain ejaculated and drank from his throat. The man was now covered in blood and there was a massacre. He saw another man in PEXTEX uniform walking over. "That's everyone?" He asked and the man nodded.Then they saw a pudgy cop running over. "Geez.. they are all dead!" The cop shouted and approached the 2 PENTEX agents."Do you have a police car?" An agent asked and the cop pointed to a car and walked over. He took out the keys and he was grabbed in a chokehold. "How did stupid get to survive?" The ladies walked up to Jared as he was fucking the old cop. "We can give you more powers..." A lady said. "Just some things you need to do for us."When Jared is done, he tossed the moaning cop aside and looked at the lady and clubbed her in the head and fucked her. The lady was shocked and she was sucked punched and raped. Jared searched her for more injections and snapped her neck. "I'll do what I want."Jared used the police computer and printed out a few names and had his list of target for revenge. Jenny met some of the ladies as they went for their weekly hunt.They went to a house and called the police for a domestic disturbance and waited for the cops to come. 2 cops entered the house and were ambushed and choked. They were easily subdued and fucked. 2 more cops arrived and Jenny walked up to them and stared into their eyes. "Please go into the house and wait for me in the bedroom."The cops were dazed and the ladies had their fun. Ricardo followed the police radio and army chatter and found several massacre sites. There were several supernatural creatures killed and all the security forces were dead."This is getting ridiculous." Ricardo said and called his friends. "Mass killings everywhere. These prisoners are freaking hard to kill." Ricardo said to some and texted the others. There was a state of emergency called and business stopped and Ricardo quickly left town with the others as he saw a report on the RENTEX HQ getting attack and there was a massacre going on. "I guess I need to find another town." A police car arrived and as the cops exited the police car, Jared was already behind one of the cops and he grabbed the cop and forced him down to the ground. "Hey Joe?" The other cop said as he walked over and saw his partner on the ground. As he reached for his radio, Jared covered his mouth. "Shhh..." Jared punched the back of his head and the cop went limp and Jared dragged both cops into the car and drove off."These guys smell real good. Makes me crave more." Jared said. A few more PENTEX agents arrived and they found the dead agents. "He got away." An agent reported on the radio."Go get him." a voice said on the radio. "Don't kill him. But use any force necessary... Bring in the Alpha Team." The prisoners would meet friends and within a few days, the group would share blood and hunt humans. When they started sacrifices and started gaining powers as well. PENTEX also sold drugs to various gangs and the streets became more dangerous. The police stopped taking prisoners as the police stations were targeted and breakouts happened too often.The gangs were fighting among each other and the streets were dangerous as the mayor declared martial law. Business was as usual but everything needs to be shut down by sunset. The army and police patrolled the streets, but were also ambushed and raped by the supernatual beings. Jared went to the police station of the cops who arrested him. Entering the basement carpark, Jared moved behind a cop and stabbed him in the heart. Grabbing the fat cop beside him, Jared snapped the fat cop's neck. "Shit... can't wear this... that one had blood." Jared said and hid the bodies. An old cop entered the police station and Jared followed him in and grabbed him in a neck lock. The old cop was choked and shoved into a closet. "Too short..." Jared muttered and saw a plump cop walking into a toilet. The plump cop walked to a urinal and was clubbed in the back of his head. Jared moved behind a short cop and choked him silently as he kicked in the air. Jared heard flushing and saw a policeman exiting a cubicle and moved behind him and choked him. "Got ya." Jared said as he recognized the cop who booked him and removed the cop's belt."Never noticed you smell so good." Jared said and he sniffed the trembling cop in his arms. He pulled down the cop's pants and started fucking the cop. The cop moaned and Jared wrapped a plastic bag and suffocated him as he came inside the cop. The cop was cuffed and knocked out. "Now for the others." Jared said and started to search the police station. "It takes coordination and training to be really work as a team." Carlos said to his team. "We need to be better at this." Carlos grabbed a trembling security guard and stripped him. The naked guards were dragged into a closet where the group of escaped death row prisoners bit into their throats, injected poison that dissolved their organs and drank from their necks.They started to put on the guard uniforms and started to loot the warehouse. A silent alarm went off and minutes later, 2 police cars arrived."A silent alarm went off. Is everything ok?" A plump cop asked and the guard nodded."You know... rain... these old alarm systems don't do too well, and we are due for a checkup too." The guard said."Can we come in to take a look?" The cop asked and the guard shrugged and invited the cops in.The cops looked around and walked towards the alarm box. They saw other guards there and noticed one of the guards had a prison tattoo on his neck. "They allow people who do time here to ..." The cop's mouth was covered and the guards grabbed them. "Call back and tell them everything is good here." A guard said to an old cop and the cop called back on the radio. The cops were cuffed and dragged to different rooms.The old cop was brought to a room and a lady hugged and kissed him. She grabbed his dick and jerked him off as he begged fpr mercy. A bite into his neck paralyzed the cop. The others came and fed on the cop and they grabbed their bag of loot and exited the building and saw 2 motorcycle cops arriving."I love leather piggy..." a lady said and the rear cop was grabbed and choked. The other cop reached for his gun and a guard near him grabbed him and bit into his throat. The cop was paralyzed by the poison and tears rolled down his face and the guard watch him twitched on the ground in intense pain as his organs started dissolving. The motorcycle cops were dragged into the van and the lady continued to fuck the cop as they drove off.The cop was freaking out as he saw the other men draining the life out of his partner as the inhumanly strong lady raped him. A man came over and started fucking the cop from behind as well. "Soft piggy smells so good..." The man said as he thrust hard into the cop and sniffed his neck. The cop's boots kicked helplessly as he ejaculated into the lady and the man behind him continued to penetrate deeper into him.The cop was hog tied and left on the street with his pants down. He screamed for help and soon, many police cars ambulances and fire trucks arrived. The group however, arrived at the police station and as a cop exited, the rushed and entered the police station before the door closed. "Silently..." A man said and covered the mouth of a fat cop and punched the back of his head and the cop went limp.The group entered the bullpen and the confused cops were grabbed and choked. With a few blows, all the cops were knocked out. The desk sergeant saw a lady walking over and saw an old cop grabbed by a large man and shouted. "What the hell is going on?" The lady walked over and hugged the desk sergeant and kissed him. The sergeant was forced on the table and his belt removed and the lady started fucking him.The men entered an ESU room with their daggers drawn. "4 minute 30 seconds." A man said as he dropped an old cop to the ground as the old cop went limp. "Not bad. Not a round fired." He walked over and saw the lady still fucking the sergeant as the sergeant moaned and gasped for help. The sergeant was then escorted around the police station where he took the keys from the unconscious cops and unlocked a vault where the group carried out several boxes of drugs. The lady released the sergeant's balls and smashed his head on the wall and the sergeant collapsed."Officer down!" We're under attack at the police station, precinct 55." An old cop shouted as he entered the bullpen and saw the limp cops."How did we miss one?" The lady said as she rushed towards the old cop drawing his gun. The old cop fired a round before she grabbed his arm and flipped him on the ground and disarmed him. The cop was cuffed and dragged along and as they were at the carpark, 2 motorcycle cops arrived and drew their guns and one of the cops was stabbed through his jacket into his heart and the other one was tackled and disarmed. He was overpowered and the man placed a dagger to his throat and the lady shouted. "Don't kill him." The cop's head was smashed to the ground and the group entered their van with the old cop and left."Almost..." The man said and saw the lady jerking the old cop off as he trembled in fear. As the cop ejaculated, the lady bit into his neck and he continued to cum as he was slowly paralyzed. "hahaha... " Thought this would happen. The group drank from the cops and discarded the bodies and went to the new local drug lord in Queens and brought him the drugs. "Got it for you..." They said and were given a few bags of cash."Not bad, need more coordination." The man said and they took the money and left. "Oh... sergeant. I remember you..." Jared said as he chopped the necks of 2 cops and knocked them out and grabbed a balding cop and slammed his head on the wall and he slumped to the ground. A police sergeant turned behind and saw Jared choking an old cop, kicking helplessly and grabbing his neck. The sergeant was lifted off the ground and he choked. The old cop was tossed aside as he went limp and Jared pulled out his erected dick and shoved it into the sergeant's mouth. The sergeant choked and was subdued.An old desk sergeant was grabbed and a baton shoved deep into his ass. He screamed in pain attracting more cops. Jared created a silence zone around him and he could easily sneak behind the cops and ambushed them."Oh my god... Did the bitches do this to you" An old cop asked the sergeant who was still moaning in pain. Then he felt someone behind him and saw Jared. "Not god or bitches... just me.." Jared said and smashed his dick on the old cop's head, knocking him out. A SWAT team checked a room and saw Jared fucking the eyeball of a detective and fired at him. Jared was shocked and shot and they closed in and fired at him. A cop rushed behind a desk and Jared was not there anymore, just some blood stains and he turned and saw Jared slitting the throats of 2 SWAT officers and shot him again. The cop was confused as his gun was silent when he fired but the bullets hit Jared and he was bloodied. Jared took a uzi from a dead officer and returned fire, shooting the remaining SWAT officers as she fall back and moaned in pain as the bullets were stuck in their armor."Fucking hate these armored cops." Jared said and hid behind a desk and drew his daggers. "Fuck this..." "Rhode Island State Police." The man said and his team entered the carpark and moved behind 2 chatting cop. "Love their uniform..." A lady said as she covered the mouth of a cop and the other one was clubbed in the head. 2 men exited the van with the state police uniform and the lady dragged the cop into the van and the cop trembled in fear as he saw 2 limp state troopers stripped. The cop was punched in the throat and the lady overpowered him and started fucking him.The men in police uniform entered the toilets and stabbed the cops inside silently. A fat cop was washing his hand and his mouth was covered and he was stabbed continuously in the vitals."Are we killing everyone?" A man asked as he was strangling a tall black cop."I think we are trying not to..." Another man said and dropped a plump cop in his arm.The other man snapped the black cop's neck. "Too late.."They entered a big room with several cops and saw the cops distracted as they saw their topless lady friend talking to the desk sergeant."Let's use this..." The 2 men in state police uniform took out chloroform and moved behind the rear cops. The team of killers were fast. By the time the cops noticed they were in danger, the men covered the mouths of 4 cops with the chloroform rags and the sergeant was grabbed and kissed by the lady. 2 older cops were disarmed and subdued.The cell doors were opened and all the cops were dragged into the cell. "20..." The lady said as she tossed the sergeant with broken ribs into the cell. "We did not bring in the dead ones." Another man said."Dead ones?" The lady asked."Yeah.." the man said. "Sort of killed a few.""Damn it..." The lady muttered.The group entered the evidence locker and saw a cop on the ground and an old cop cuffed. "Did not bring them to the basement?" The lady asked."This guy smells really good..." The man said as he grabbed the groin of the old cop and pulled him close. "We also need him to open the locks." The old cop unlocked the safe and other cabinets and the group moved the confiscated drugs into the van. "Officer down... backup! Station 4 barracks." A voice was heard on the radio."Damn it... no one was guarding the van?" The lady asked."I think Vlad... wait.. he's here." The man said.The 2 men in police uniforms searched and found 2 pudgy cops in the carpark near the van. "You really fucked this up...." One of the man said and grabbed a cop in a neck lock. "Fuck... more cops..." The other man grabbed the other cop and saw flashing blue and red lights. "Who called for backup?" The man asked and one of the cops pointed at the other. The man snapped the neck of the cop and pulled down the pants of the other cop and shoved a baton up his ass. "No one likes a snitch..."The others arrived and loaded the drugs and saw the police cars arriving. "I guess we have to take them out before more arrive."The 2 men in uniform ran towards the police van and saw a sergeant exiting the van. "Hi Sarge." As the men were close, the driver was grabbed and the sergeant's mouth was covered. "Sorry.. Sarge." the man said and punched the sergeant in the head continuously till he stopped moving. The cops heard gunfire and ducked behind cover. Jared moved behind an armored cop and grabbed his helmet and snapped his neck. 2 cops were shocked as Jared was behind them and their throats were cut and Jared grabbed another cop and stabbed him multiple times with the dagger. He jammed a dagger into the uzi and tossed it and as the other cops ducked, he rushed over and jumped them. The tactic worked. After cutting the throats of 2 cops, he grabbed a remaining cop and twisted his helmet and a snap sound was heard. The cop was quickly stripped and he changed into the uniform and exited.Jared passed 2 cops and stabbed them in the throat and reached a police sergeant and grabbed him in a neck lock. Jared started breaking his limbs and created a zone of silence where his screams were silenced as he slowly enjoyed the sergeant and drank from his throat. Jared saw his wounds heal and moved aside and as he saw flashlights approaching.Jared slammed a cop's head on the wall and grabbed the other cop. The cop trembled in fear as Jared sniffed his wispy white hair and reached into his pants. and grabbed his dick. "Smells so good..." Jared said as he licked the cop's ears and choked him out as he looked outside and saw more cops. "I'll save you for later."Jared carried the old cop out and walked to the police car beside the cops outside. The cops helped the old cop to the ground and Jared drew his dagger and slit throats of 2 cops. He plunged the dagger into the spine of another cop and kicked a cop on the ground. "Shit!" The police captain shouted and drew his gun and fired at Jared as he stomped on the head of the cop, crushing his skull. Jared was hit twice and he grabbed the fat cop and used him as a shield and snapped the cop's neck and approached the captain. The fat cop was shoved into the captain and the captain was disarmed as he fell. Jared broke his wrists and he screamed in pain and was dragged into the trunk of the police car and clubbed unconsicous. A few other cops were loaded up and Jared dragged the bodies into a police van and saw 2 motorcycle cops arriving."So many..." Jared said and approached them as they stopped."I don't need you.." Jared said and grabbed a cop and twisted his helmet 180 degrees."What the..." Jared punched the other cop and grabbed him in a neck lock."Smells pretty good." Jared said and sniffed the cop's neck and punched his lower back and the cop could not feel his legs. Jared removed his helmet and saw a trembling man with a thick white mustache. "Ah.. .looks like the old man from Monopoly.... Love it.""Noooo... please..." The cop begged as he was dragged to the police car, shove on the trunk and Jared pulled down his breeches and started fucking him. "State police SWAT." Carlos said and turned the room's lights off as his team entered the room."What is..." A cop muttered as a wire looped around his neck. A sergeant was grabbed and placed in a chokehold. Within seconds, all the SWAT were taken out. "Good." Carlos said. "No alarm." The group change into the SWAT uniform and moved around the state police barracks. The team changed into the SWAT police uniforms and moved among the cops in the bullpen and took out tazers and swiftly took out all the cops. The desk sergeant hard some sounds and as he entered the room, he was grabbed in a rear naked choke. "Don't kill this one." A lady said and grabbed the sergeant and pulled down his pants and grabbed his balls.An old cop saw the lady on the sergeant and was shocked but before he could raise the alarm, gloved hands covered his mouth. "Nice.. this one smells good." A large man said as he rammed a fist into the old cop's back, breaking his ribs and rupturing some internal organs. The old cop moaned and trembled in pain and the man forced him on the table and started fucking him. "So the stories are true." A cop said as he spotted the pile of motorcycle cops down with their pants at their boots. "They actually rape the cops." The cop said and heard muffled moans and saw 3 cops getting choked by the SWAT officers. He reached for his gun but was shoved to the ground and overpowered. "Yes we do..." The SWAT officer said and removed his belt and started jerking him off.A helicopter was heard outside and the group looked at the helicopter in the air. "What can we do about that?" One of them asked and others shrugged. Jared felt that the more cops he murdered, the stronger he was. Jared waited for a few more cops to arrive and he grabbed them and tossed them around before killing them easily. Even the bullets did not penetrate his skin. Jared saw a police car arriving and he walked over and flipped the car as the cops stopped in front of him. He grabbed a fat cop and tossed him in the air and kicked him as he was about to hit the ground and he flew into the side of the police car, denting the door lifeless.The other police sergeant fired a few shots at Jared and he bullets hurt but did not penetrate his skin. Jared grabbed the sergeant, forced him to the ground and fucked him. The sergeant screamed in pain as he was raped. When Jared was done, he grabbed the sergeant by the throat and tossed him 30 ft into a wall. "Definitely feel stronger now." Jared muttered.Jared saw a van and 2 armored men exited. They were in armor and as one of them put on his helmet, Jared grabbed his head and snapped his neck. "Nice." The other man turned and shot Jared several time and Jared collapsed as he emptied his rounds. Jared sat up and said. "Fuck... that hurts..."The man was shocked and he was reloading as Jared rushed over and forced him to the ground and choked him with the gun and snapped his neck. Jenny went to a police station that there was alert on. The alarm was sounding and as Jenny entered the carpark, she spotted several cops in the basement carpark, limp. 2 old cops had their pants pulled down and their ass looked raw. Jenny entered the police station through a smashed rear door and found several plump cops on the ground twitching in pain. She walked to the front of the police station and saw 2 old motorcycle cops with their breeches down to their boots moaning in pain.Jenny heard screams and rushed over to see several cops dead and the desk sergeant was getting raped. "What the.." Jenny muttered and the man looked up and rushed over. Jenny's hands were grabbed and she had her panties pulled down as he inserted his hard dick. "Jenny screamed and 2 female agents rushed in and shot tazers at him.Jared was pissed. "Fuck this..." Jared grabbed an agent and tossed him in the ceiling and kicked the other agent between the legs and the agent slumped to the ground. More cops arrived and Jared got shot at more and he could deal with the local cops with ease. "This is so weird..." A lady said as she fucked a balding plump state trooper. "He smells so good..." The trooper was overpowered and helpless. She punched him once and he ruptured some organs and he saw the others getting fucked as well. The lady placed her tongue into his mouth and continue to thrust on his cock and squeezed his balls. He could feel the tongue extending into his body and as he ejaculated, he could feel her squeezing her thighs and his balls and something started draining his life away. There was explosions in the air and the helicopters were shot down. The group found the storage and armory.The deaths and murders continued and the group murdered the guards and took out a power station as well. They seemed to take out guarded facilities and at the power station, they gathered 100 corpses and started a ritual. Electricity flowed into their bodies and they felt a dark energy pulsing within them. This was much different from anything they felt and they felt more power than before. "This is the police. We have a state of emergency. Please return to your homes." A police truck went round the city playing the message. Groups of armored cops found the homeless on the streets getting murdered. The national guards were activated to help with the police patrols."What can you do when you have all these powers?" A lady said as she rubbed the head of a guard with white hair. The guard looked dazed and the guardroom had 4 other guards on the ground. A man walked over and said, "We got to the safe."The group emptied out the safe and as they were preparing to leave, they saw the police and army outside. "This looks interesting..." A large man said and his body grew in size.The cops saw the large man approaching and fired one warning shot before they fired at him. "Fuck.. did not think this through." The 9mm bullets did not hurt that much but as the cops had shotguns and other rifles, the round started to bruise him. There were more than 20 cops opening fire on him and a few round hit his head and he was dazed and fell back and collapsed. "Is he dead?" A cop asked and a small group of cops approached him.A lady turned completely black and circled around the cops silently. She grabbed a cop from behind and lifted him off the ground and easily snapped his neck. "One down." She drew a dagger and stabbed another cop in the throat and covered a cop's mouth and stabbed him in the heart. "Three..." She moved behind a fat cop and grabbed the back of his neck and lifted him off the ground and dislocated his spine and dragged him behind a police truck and caved in his skull with a punch."Huh?" An old cop muttered and as he approached, she grabbed him and dragged him around the corner and covered his mouth. "Nice beard..." She muttered as she choked him silently and admired his clean white santa like beard. "I'll keep you later."Gunshots were heard and several cops were shocked when they saw a large man carrying some chains and the chains shot through the cops around him and he pulled them close and bit off their heads. The cops started to fire at him and the lady moved behind another pudgy cop with white hair and covered his mouth. "You don't want to go there and die..." She whispered and choked him out."Armor does not help..." A short man with a sword charged the cops and sliced them down one by one. The cops fired at the large man who was getting up and was distracted by the screams and gunshots and the large man reached a cop and grabbed his head and crushed his skull. It was not even a close fight.6 cops with white hair were cuffed and taken in a police truck. There was a small pulse emitted by one of the man which destroyed all the electronics and they left the area with the cops.A costume store was broken into and Santa suits were taken and the cops were forced to wear the costumes as they were raped. The old cops survived and were forced to roleplay while they were raped. Jared lifted 2 cops off the ground and snapped their necks. Jared entered the room and punched 2 cops in the throat and slammed an old cop's head onto the wall, leaving a star shaped splatter and the old cop slumped. He walked over and grabbed the professor. "So, you are the expert..." Jared said as he pulled down the professor's pants. "No... please..." The professor begged as Jared pulled him close."Why not?" Jared said as he grabbed his dick and rubbed it and stared at the professor."I know how it works." The professor said."How my dick work?" Jared asked."No, why you feel good when you rape the old cops." The professor said."Oh really?" Jared asked as he turned the professor around and pulled down his underwear."Yes... Please don't do it." The professor said. "There is a supernatural being inside you which makes you want to hurt others. This thing can absorb chi and other forms of energy which you drain from your victims. You want to take out men of power because that power you can take from them. by humiliating them and draining them, you get more powerful. When you rape the cops, you get spiritual power. When you kill them, you gain power.""So why should I not rape you?" Jared asked."Because I am no challenge, and you don't get anything." The professor said.As 2 cops entered the room, the rear cop was grabbed and his head slammed on the doorway and he collapsed. The other cop was disarmed and his mouth covered. Jared sniffed the neck of the trembling cop and took off his belt and pulled down his pants. The cop whimpered and Jared started thrusting into his clenched ass. "Love it.. so tight..." Jared said and the cop moaned. Jared held his head down and continued to fuck the cop.A sergeant entered the room and saw the cops on the ground. As he reached for the radio, Jared covered his mouth and punched his back. "I can do with more power." Jared said and fucked the sergeant. "Thanks for the info." "There are several distinct groups. Jared is a serial cop killer and he is to be avoided at all cost. This group of death row convicts have taken out police stations and took out everyone inside. They are working as a close group and the surviving officers say, they can be hurt by pistols, but rifles are better choice. High priority." The captain said. "So far 16 of these killers have been taken down. 15 dead, one in custody. They have shown superhuman strength and speed. 83 officers down, 336 in the hospital in 1 week. They are dangerous and when you have a call. Wait for backup."..."Hi sarge." A lady moved behind the desk sergeant and grabbed his neck and choked him. 2 other cops were tossed at a wall and they slumped to the ground."Wha..." A cop saw a large man and the man grabbed his head and smashed it on the door way and he collapsed.A plump cop was talking to a witness and saw a large man with 2 batons clubbing the other cops and as he reached for his gun, a lady grabbed his wrist and disarmed him. "Hey fatty... we don't want to kill you." She said and pulled him in a chokehold. The man talking to the cop was shocked as the cops in the room were taken out within seconds."Leather cop.." A motorcycle cop heard a voice behind him and a large hand covered his mouth and a fist rammed behind his head and he went limp. The large man sniffed the old cop in his arms and rubbed his balding head. "This one smells good."The group entered the roll call room and turned off the lights. "What the...." A sergeant was grabbed and choked and the other cops were grabbed and tossed at the wall. The captain drew his gun and fired at the man choking a cop with a rifle and a lady dropped the cop with a chop to the neck and disarmed the captain. "We are trying not to kill you..." She said and grabbed the captain.2 old cops were dragged to the next room and screamed in pain as they were raped. The lady started jerking off the captain and gave him a blow job. "Look, we are all not so bad..." The lady said. "None of your men are killed.""Jeez..." An old cop muttered and drew his taser and fired at the lady fucking the captain. Both the lady and captain were shocked and he quickly went over to cuff the lady. "Captain.. are you ok?""Officer down. Precinct 12 under attack..." The cop shouted on the radio and saw a large man entering the room. He noticed another man walking on the ceiling and approaching and fired the taser at him. The man on the ceiling grabbed the wire and was shocked and he fell to the ground but the large man reached the cop and grabbed him. "Nice soft piggy..." the large man said and removed the cop's belt and pulled down his pants. The cop screamed for help and the large man shoved his hard cock into his ass.The captain saw a bald cop with a white mustache getting raped by a large man and there was a lady on him getting up. "No... please..." The captain begged and the lady looks angry. She bit into the captain's neck and drained some blood and healed her wounds. "We're done." Another man said and the group packed up some boxes from the storage and left in a police truck before more cops showed up. "So many cops." Jared muttered as he leaped out of the window on the fire escape. He climbed down the stairs and saw 2 cops below him. He leaped on the cops and grabbed their heads. With a quick jerk, their necks are snapped. Jared sneaked behind a fat cop and strangled him with a wire and dragged his body away. "This one smells good." Jared said as he covered the mouth of a motorcycle cop and dragged him around the corner. The cop managed to fire a shot and the other cops rushed into the alley."Be careful." A cop muttered as he spotted the limp cops on the ground. Jared stabbed 2 cops in the neck and the others fired at him. The bullets sting as they hit Jared and more cops arrived. Jared could break bones with each blow and every cop that was hit could not stand up. Jared chased a cop and grabbed his collar, unfortunately, a sniper was there waiting. More cops arrived and a police sergeant saw 2 men grabbing the cops exiting the police car. As the sergeant reached for his gun, his neck was grabbed and squeezed. "Gonna keep you for later." A lady said and dropped the sergeant. A pudgy cop rushed over and saw the sergeant on the ground and before he could aim at her, she kicked him at the side of his head and he collapsed to the ground. The lady walked to the back of the truck and saw a group of armored cops and entered.The cops fired at her as she grabbed a cop and snapped his neck. The bullets torn through her flesh and blood sprayed on the cops as she fell out of the truck. "Hello." A large man said as he grabbed the necks of 2 armored cops and snapped them easily. He smashed his fists on the helmets of the cops, snapping their spines and grabbed the faces of 2 cops and crushed their skulls as he smashed their faces of the side of the truck. The remaining cop screamed as he was grabbed and fucked by the man.The lady drained the blood of the sergeant and healed herself. A motorcycle cop spotted the police truck in the alley and stopped his bike to check it out. "Found the truck. Requesting backup." The cop reported n the radio and looked around. 2 cops were found dead. There was an old building that had a broken lock. "They are inside..." The cop muttered and waited for backup.PENTEX was notified and they decided to sent their secret weapon this time. Jared's hand was blow off with a shot. "FUCK!!!!!" He screamed and ran into the building."Team B arrived. Entering." a sergeant in new lightweight armor carrying a 100,000V stun rod entered and searched the building. "Still lots of tools around here. Building under construction."The cops moved in pairs and searched. They heard some movement and a few cops rushed over. "Shit... armor did not work...." 2 cops had their heads bashed in. Jared moved behind the rear cop and chopped his neck. The blow went through his armor and snapped his spine. Jared's fist went straight down the helmet of another cop, cracking the helmet and the skull under it.A cop was tossed into a wall and he slumped lifelessly onto the ground. The sergeant rushed over and all the men were down. "Shit...." As he reached for his radio, a hand covered his mouth. "Hi.... piggy." The sergeant shoved his stun rod at the man but he deflected it and the sergeant hit himself with it and was shocked. "Team B is destroyed. 10 officers dead." A lieutenant said. The agents at the rear of the building were murdered too.""Well we now know that an anti tank round can blow off his hand." The captain said. In a truck, Jared woke up in a net. He remembered taking out 2 Pentex agents and a net fell on him and as he struggled, he was shocked. He was brought back to a Pentex lab and operated on. Jenny got the news of Jared getting taken. "Wow, they did it. He murdered the shit out of my team." Jenny shared the news with her partner and they kissed."There are still some prisoners at large and a group that took out a police station." Jenny muttered."Its been a week, let's go celebrate and have fun." Jenny's partner said. A few cops went up to the roof to be in position for sniping and a lady moved behind a plump cop and chopped his neck and he collapsed. "Sleep..." the lady whispered and grabbed the neck of a short cop with thick mustache. She moved behind 2 snipers and stomped at the back of their necks and killed them instantly. She then proceeded down the stairs and murdered the cops in the building.A team of agents from PENTEX gathered at the rear of the building and they spotted 4 limp cops. "They did not stand a chance." An agent muttered as he checked the cops that had their guns in their holsters. "Holy..." an agent muttered as a man stepped out of the shadows with a kick on an agent's helmet and sent him flying to a wall and the man moved in inhuman speed and punched 2 agents in the throats and leaped on the remaining agent. The remaining agent fell to the ground and before he hit the ground, the man twisted his helmet and snapped his neck. He proceeded to the choking agents and smashed their heads on the ground. "Team A... Please respond...." A police captain requested on the radio... "Team B... What is your status?""Wait.. what is going on...." The captain muttered and turned around and saw a lady approaching him with a sergeant in her arms flailing. A large man had 2 limp cops in his hands as he easily snapped their necks. He tried to scream but there was no sound coming out from his mouth as the lady grabbed him and started to grab his dick. It was a massacre. The police did not offer any resistance and the remaining cops were shot or grabbed and choked unconscious. A trembling motorcycle cop could not hear any sound around him and felt a splatter as his partner was decapitated. He turned and point his gun at a man who punched his chest and his ribs and lungs were crushed and he flew into a wall and slumped lifelessly to the ground.One of the men murdered a Pentex agent exiting a truck and the other one grabbed the agent's rifle strap and strangled him. The agents now did nto pose a threat to them. As the men gathered at the rear of the truck, they ripped the door open and saw a large man with a crocodile head. "What the hell, they brought a... " Before the man could finish his sentence, the large man bit his head off.The men were shocked. They could withstand bullets, but the crocodile man seemed to bite through them and tear limbs with each bite. "Fuck this... kill it!" a man shouted and tried to stab the crocodile with a dagger but the dagger did not even pierce the scales.A lady was fucking the police captain and saw the truck door ripped open and a large man with a crocodile head entered. The lady tossed the trembling old cop at the crocodile and the crocodile slapped him away with his tail.The crocodile approached and she looked into his eyes and said. "You wouldn't hurt me would you..."The crocodile looked at her and suddenly bit off her head. Then it proceeded to bite the other survivors and killed them for fun. Jared woke up with a new hand. He saw a doctor in the room and as the doctor was about to give him a injection, he grabbed the doctor's neck and crushed his throat. Putting on the lab coat, Jared left the ward area and sneaked out of the building. "Fucking cops took my hand." Jared said and returned to town.Jared saw a police car and approached. He chopped the neck of a fat cop and the cop collapsed. The other older cop looked over and the fat cop was not there. "What's going on there..." He asked and Jared covered his mouth. "I'm back."Jared dragged the limp cops into the trunk of the police car and drove to the police station. He took a cop's pass and uniform and entered the police station. "Payback time."Jared found the names of the cops in the operations that night he lost his hand and printed it out. He returned to the police car and drove off. "Going to make everyone pay for this." The Pentex group got a notice to hunt down Jared again. But at least this time, he could be tracked with his mechanical hand. It was a massacre. The team of escaped prisoners were killed by the man with crocodile head, all except one who survived. She hid in a trunk of a police car and when the area was cleared, she found herself stuck and decided to take a nap.A few hours later, the trunk was opened and she stared at a cop looking at her. The cop turned and was grabbed and choked silently. "Shhh... " She whispered and choked him out. She looked around and saw another old cop and moved behind him. The old cop was choked and dragged to the trunk and shoved inside. "Seemed like most of them left." she said and counted only a few cops remaining. "That monster is gone." The lady dragged the unconscious cops into the house and cuffed them to the bedpost. A plump cop woke up and was shocked to see several other cops cuffed to the bed. "No... please.... don't..." The lady approached him with a large dildo and started lubricating it. She pulled down his pants and started jerking him off and sniffed him. As the cop got erect, she turned him around and shoved the dildo up his ass and fucked him. The cop screamed in pain and when she was satisfied, she turned him around and gave him a blow job.She looked and saw a trembling balding cop beside him. "Ooooh. You smell good." She wrapped her thighs around his head and swallowed his dick and gave him the best blow job he had experienced. As he ejaculated, she squeezed and smothered him and he went limp. She looked around and saw another whimpering old cop. She rubbed her breasts on his face and started fucking him. The door was kicked opened and a team of armored cops entered the house. They searched around and found the cops cuffed to the beds. "Still alive." A SWAT officer radioed and heard muffled moans. "Not for you..." The lady said and punched his throat and snapped his neck. The lady exited the window and landed behind 2 SWAT officers and chopped their necks. She waited for another officer to approached and grabbed him into the shadows. She tightened her grip and the officer went limp.She took the dagger from the SWAT officers and approached a police truck and slit the throats of 2 cops outside and entered."You guys must be new here." She said as she stabbed a sergeant through the back of his neck and cut the throats of 3 cops before grabbing the captain. "When you interrupt the fucks... we kill." She grabbed his balls and crushed them as the captain gave out muffled moans as she covered his mouth and snapped his neck.She exited and moved behind a fat motorcycle cop and chopped his neck and he collapsed. She saw 2 more cops removing their helmets and moved behind them. "Nice... leather piggies..." She muttered and grabbed their heads under her armpits and choked them.She dragged the limp motorcycle cops into a police car and drove off to a bridge where she woke a cop up and fucked him. She drained some blood from him and gave the other one a blow job. The cops were helpless against her inhuman strength and were trembling in fear. She pulled their guns out of their butts and smiled. "You seemed obedient." She said and walked away. "One of the escaped prisoners still survived." An FBI agent said. "17 officers down 8 dead. And she is very active." She entered a police station and saw a desk sergeant. "Nice old cop..." She said and as he looked at her, she grabbed his head and slammed it on the desk and he went limp. "Small town cops... so easy..." A team of Pentex agents tracked Jared back to a police station again. "Damn, this guy does not waste time." an agent muttered and saw the desk sergeant limp on the front desk. There was a blood trail and a pile of dead cops could be found from a storage room. "Shit... he is killing everyone." The agent said and looked around.2 motorcycle cops were twitching on the ground with their pants down and it looks like they were raped. "Where is the cop killer?" One of the agents asked the cops but they were not very responsive.An agent's neck was grabbed and Jared shoved his thumb and dislocated his spine and the agent was paralyzed. Jared moved behind another agent and forced him to the ground. Before the agent could react, Jared punched the back of his neck several times and snapped his spine. Jared licked his hands and saw one of the dead agents with a device that seemed to be tracking him. "So, they can find me..." Jared muttered and waited for 2 agents to enter the room before landing behind the rear one and grabbed him as a hostage and continuously stabbing him. The other agent suddenly felt silence around him and as he turned around, his rifle strap was grabbed and he was choked.Jared snapped his neck and looked around. "They can track me..." Jared searched and could not tell how they were tracking and removed parts of his mechanical hands that was not very necessary and removed the armor and plating. "Hopefully this works."Jared saw a plump cop exiting the police car and waited. The plump cop paused and saw Jared and drew his gun. "Freeze!" The cop shouted and Jared charged over and was shot several times before he disarmed the cop. The mechanical arm was damaged as a bullet hit it and Jared was annoyed. As he was distracted, the plump cop drew a secondary gun and shot his face and he was stunned and the cop took out the tazer and shocked him. Jared was then cuffed with multiple cuffs. The cop managed to arrest him. The lady found another old cop in the cell area and grabbed him. She kissed him and fucked him. He did not struggle much and ejaculated and she bit into his throat. There were 3 cops in the police station and the remaining fat cop heard the moans and saw the old cop with his pants down and the lady hugged him and covered his mouth. She pulled down his pants and shoved a baton up his ass. The FBI tracked the lady but she was not doing any high profile jobs. Besides raping cops, she could not be found. Very soon, she was dropped from the top 10 wanted list. Jared arrived at the police station and that place seem fortified as many cops came to support the police there. It seemed like big news with his arrest. A PENTEX team entered a state police barracks and gassed everyone and took their uniforms. They then proceeded to visit Jared.Jared was chained in the cell, beaten to an inch of his life. An old cop spotted 4 state police troopers in the bullpit and approached. "Hey..." The old cop shouted and saw 9 cops limp on the ground getting dragged into a closet. "Shit..." The old cop muttered and reached for his gun and was disarmed. A man placed the cop's head under his armpits and another shouted, "Don't kill them..." and the cop was grabbed and choked. One of the state police troopers entered the toilet and tazered everyone inside.2 men exited a room labeled ESU and the other troopers looked inside and 8 officers in armor were on the ground. There were various other cops at the cell area and the troopers put on their gas masks and suddenly, the place was filled with gas and everyone collapsed and were dragged into the cells.Jared was limp in his cell and the troopers dragged him out to a police truck. The state police approached 2 plump cops at the carpark and they saw Jared and their mouths were covered and they were punched in the back of their heads. A state police exited the security room with 2 old cops limp inside and he took out a hard disk.The operation was swift and Jared was back at a Pentex Lab within an hour.When Jared arrived, most of his body was destroyed. The Pentex agents also had friends that were murdered by Jared. At the end of the day, the police manhunt located the body of Jared with his brain carved out. Jared was DEAD. Ricardo was in Rhode Island and followed a phone signal and found a lady fucking 2 state police officers. Ricardo moved silently behind her and shot a few tranquilizing darts into her neck and she rushed over and within seconds went limp. The state police officers were shocked and Ricardo grabbed their tazers and took them out."Damn.. another statie.." Ricardo muttered as he saw a motorcycle cop approaching. "Oooh.. a nice old cop." Ricardo whispered and chopped his neck and removed his helmet. It was a bald cop with a white mustache. Ricardo dragged the lady, cuffed and the motorcycle cop into his car and drove off. They were driven to a rest stop where Ricardo woke the cop up, jerked him off from behind him and drank his blood. The cop was then left in the toilet and Ricardo dropped off the lady in a nearby PENTEX facility. Jenny arrived at the motel and saw 4 police cars parked. As she searched around, she saw the lady fucking an old cop on the bed. She entered the room and saw 2 old cops cuffed and others unconscious. "Its ok.. I like fucking them too..." Jenny said and put her hands up."What do you want?" The lady asked and the old cop begged for help as she continued to fuck him."I need good people for my team." Jenny said and stared into the eyes of a cuffed cop."I drink from the old cops too. They taste better." Jenny said and pulled down the pants of an old cop and jerked him off."What do you mean... your team?" The lady asked."We are trouble fixers." Jenny said.Another man dragged 2 plump cops into the room. "So this is where they went." The man said as he spotted the old cops and walked over. The man pulled the old cop up by the collar and sniffed his neck. He grabbed the cop's hand and pulled the cuffs and broke it. The cop was trembling in fear and the man sniffed the cop and pulled down his pants."We also have fun." Jenny said. "I know you used to have a team as well... My team used to be bigger, but that is how it is."
AVATAR: An Icy Burn-Out (BennyQ/Sketchyequine)
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Hope for total victory is forlorn, though the warriors are adamant in their resolve, for none wish to live upon their knees when they can die a warrior s death upon their feet. It is still believed that the Avatar will return to save the world. But until then, the fate rests in the hands of ordinary men and women, benders and warriors alike.The trio of ships, blue sails and wooden hulls, cruised swiftly through the clear waters. Each carried a complement of some thirty to forty warriors, armed with spear, club, and arrow, though there were two or three per ship who knew the art of Water Bending. They wore heavy furs of black or dyed blue, showcasing their allegiances proudly, and many had caps and helms in the shape of sea beasts, their husks and teeth forming cheek guards. Each warrior burned with the urge for battle, their lands and tribe having suffered at the hands of the Fire Nation from their relentless raids. By conjoining with their kin at the North Pole, perhaps they would have a chance to return such fury to their foes.That is, if the enemy had not found them first. A clear sky it was, as blue as the deep waters around, and that should have been enough to conceal the small fleet as it crossed the world to reach their allies. But not all ports were safe in the Earth Kingdom, where they stopped for supply and rest at times. Though their allies still seemed to hold sway over some regions, opposing the armies of the Fire Nation as best they can, spies and informants still got through. Cruelly, it was often those forced to do so who should have been their allies, having some relative or friend in a Fire Nation prison camp. Falsely promised their freedom, or for the mere greed of coin, many served their oppressive tyrants. The reinforcing fleet was marked and was soon swallowed into a trap.It was made evident to the warriors on the ship when blackened soot began to fall. They all knew it well. Laughter ceased. Music stopped. Men dropped oars and grabbed their weapons. Soot always fell before the Fire Nation, in their metal ships spewing ash into the air, would attack. They had tried to take the war to their enemies. Now that war had come to them again. And they were far from their element.The sun was sinking and there would be no Moon that night, the source of all water bender s powers. But all were resolved to fight. Despite the sea being their element, they were clearly outmatched, for soon many vessels were spotted off their stern and bow, on a fast course to intercept. The only choice was to dip towards the land and perhaps find a suitable location to defend and repel the attackers, perhaps some high ground, for there were great cliffs that lined the shore to their right. So the Water Tribe ships dipped towards it, presenting their flanks to the advancing ships. They had no idea what was in store for them when they would land. If they had to abandon the ships, that was fine. It was decided they could seek to redress their wrongs by joining the Earth Kingdom instead.Rikkar rubbed his hands together and brought them before his mouth, huffing slightly. Despite it being a warm day, even in late evening, his breath came out like a puff of fog, as it might during winter, perpetually so in his home. His mind he focused with incantations, fluidly and flowing like passing water back and forth with one of the elders who had taught him and the others. He was one of the few Water Benders in the fleet, practiced and quite sharp, though not as battle tried as he ought to be. He was still young, nineteen years, and had participated in a few defenses of his home. But that was only against raiders and cheap banditry level troops on part of the Fire Nation. But each boosted his courage and confidence for battle and he was indeed good, fighting off one or two Fire Benders in his lifetime.His parents did not like it though. Displays of water bending, even to repel Fire Nation warriors, only seemed to draw them back. It was not known to the Southern Water Tribe that the eradication of the art of water bending was their goal. Rikkar had a large target on his back, whether he knew it or not. Their tribe was a small one. Most water benders had gone to the main settlement and thus with the convoys of warriors sent in earlier times, leaving few to teach the art. His training had not been completed and he was still rough around the edges. Now all the men of his tribe were here, while those who could not fight were sent to join the main village at the South Pole. If they did not return No, they had to return, otherwise they would die out.Just like the Air Nomads. Move it! Take cover behind those rocks! Chieftain Hiddock shouted, using his club to point and gesture. The rest of you, set up a camp there. We ll use it to draw them in and hit them on three sides. He said and the men hurried began to unpack and move about. Rikkar moved up with a dozen others armed with spear and boomerang, taking cover behind some large boulders out of sight of the sea. The Fire Nation ships would be upon them soon. Hopefully they took the bait.Or perhaps they were entrapped themselves.Water benders had one disadvantage though. Next to the water, they had unlimited access to their bending. Without water, they were useless. And there was much land and solid stone where there wasn t water, whereas the Fire Benders could produce it from their very bodies. Thankfully, Rikkar carried a flask at his side, filled to the brim with water, which provided on the go means to bend if he had to. But would it be enough? Steam he could recover into liquid form and into ice or from ice he could manipulate. He waited as the Fire Nation ships approached, already seeing the fires being ignited behind their artillery bastions. Those on the shore would be under severe bombardment very soon. Spirits guide us. Rikkar murmured and prepared to give battle. The ships cut through the water with a sharpened point at the front designed for cutting through ice and rough waters however, for most that saw the fire nation approaching it also seemed to cut away the freedoms of man. The fire nation was brutal and left no stone unturned. This war between the nations was far older than any of the warriors in the fleet of twelve ships. Each ship held 50 warriors for a grand total of six hundred, and, unlike many of the other nations, they had plenty of benders to work with. Each ship housed ten firebenders, and all ten were all highly skilled in their art. The fire nation didn t send out their benders until they were moulded into lethal warriors who would not be easy to take down. At the head of these fifty men and women who made art out of flames? A woman.This woman had been at the top of her class. She was a skilled combatant and leader with a set of skills that made her a force to be reckoned with. Daughter of a commander and betrothed to a man with a powerful name, she had influence in the fire nation, but more important she had influence over this fleet. In fact, she lead it. It wasZinnithat called the shots with these men and women, and they were going after those ships. At first she had planned to intercept them in the water even if that was where they would be most powerful: after all, they were outnumbered and undoubtedly outskilled as compared to Zinni and her troops. But when the fleet turned tail and ran like a group of damn cowards. After them. She called, standing at the bow of the lead ship. Her voice was cool and collected even as she planned to go into battle. Zinni could see no reason to be worried. He fire nation might lose a handful of foot soldiers, but the loss was outweighed by the gain. These ships were on their way north, no doubt toward the northern water tribe. There would be benders on these boats. We ll throw anchor a mile north of them and loop around on the rhinos, attacking them on all sides. She nodded and started her trek from the bow down into the belly of the ship were she alerted the soldiers in charge of the care of the animals to hurry up and get the beasts ready. They were taking this battle to land.The woman s pale hands cupped he nose of one of the beasts gently, rubbing her thumbs softly over his rough, thick, tough skin and took a deep breath. There were few joys in life for Zinni. Unexpected, yes, that such an esteemed firebender would be unhappy, but it was true. Thisbeast, affectionately named Ze, was Zinni s war mount, and he was quite possibly her only true friend in the world. He had seen countless battles beneath the woman and had served her faithfully in each one of them. The beast had been a gift to Zinni upon her completion of training at age eighteen and also an offering in exchange for her hand. Now, four years later at the age of twenty two, Zinni liked the rhino better than she liked her fiance, but tradition was tradition.Within the hour the ships were anchored and the hundreds of rhinos and men were unloaded and armed for battle. Everyone, save for the few leaders, were dressed in traditional fire nation armor, but Zinni had a little more flare in herbattle attire. She hopped onto the back of her armored rhino and fastened her sword to her side before moving the beast forward to speak in front of her soldiers. Attention gentlemen. She began. Her voice was loud and authoritative. You are all to circle around back silently at just enough distance to go undetected and begin to subdue the natives. We are not here for a genocide although some casualties are to be expected. Do you best to keep at least the benders alive. They are of value to me. She nodded. Tightening her grip on the reins. Non benders, you go first. The firebenders will make up the second wave. As soon as the battle is won head back to the ships and lock all prisoners in the cells. Anyone still on land when the lock up is complete will be left behind. Do I make myself clear? Yes captain! The men cried. Onward! She shouted, and without hesitation everyone began to move.They made their way through the woods quietly and efficiently. Those mounted and those on foot each kept their mouths shut and their helmets on as they moved, saying silent prayers in their minds that things would go smoothly with this capture. The last thing that Zinni needed was to have to explain significant casualties to her father and the rest of the council. She needed to do this swiftly and easily without getting her own or even the enemies killed. They were destined for prison camps, not for unmarked graves. While she was happy to hurt anyone who crossed her she always attempted not to walk too close to the edge of death. Thus far? Her murdering had been minimal and most of her captives now made themselves useful working in coal mines or doing some other useful trade while still keeping them away from their elements. However, in her experience, waterbenders were tricky.Their element had to be provided on a silver platter to them otherwise they would die of dehydration: increasing the death toll. Unlike with the air nomads, the fire nation had decided not to wipe out the water benders for one reason or another, but they were the main targets for leaders like Zinni. Any intel that could be gained on camps, ships, and strategies were highly valuable and would be extracted from victims at great cost to their own personal health. While Zinni didn t like to murder age was more than happy to torture. The beauty of it with water benders was that she could torture them within an inch of their lives and by the next day, if provided a cup of water, they would be as good as new again and she could start all over on them again: feeding on their screams until they have her what she wanted.Once they had the pathetic little camp of the water tribe surrounded, still hidden within within the shrubbery. The foot soldiers lined up in front of the mounted and all waited for the word from Zinni. As soon as their leading lady gave a nod of her pretty little head they charged: hundreds of armed soldiers moving in on probably less than a hundred strong water nomades. This fight was won before it had even started. The soldiers got to work restraining who they could or murdering if they must, but most of the nomads were no match for the fire nation warriors. Within minutes everyone in that quaint little camp was either subdued or dead except for a few more talented benders were we re putting a bit of a dent in Zinni s army. Firebenders it s our turn. She nodded and her men went forward ahead of her while she held back. With this method she would easily be able to pick out the most dangerous water bender and take he or she one herself. All of her soldiers were highly skilled, but not even they could take on the young and beautiful Zinni. She counted 30 beats in her head before running the rhinos neck and asking him to charge full speed ahead. The thundering of his monstrous feet, nearly twice the size of all the other rhinos, rang through the tree line as she let out a battle cry of her own. As soon as she broke the tree line she let out a puff of air that quickly formed into a wall of flame flying outward and singing all the nomades not wearing proper protective gear. At that moment all eyes were on her save for her warriors who were working their own magic on the water benders.Zinni s eyes fell on a young, handsome man with long, dark hair who was causing obvious trouble with some of her warriors, and she urged Ze forward into another charge directly at the man who, despite being younger than even Zinni herself, seemed to have the most spunk out of his group. A trouble maker no doubt. The rhino hit him: catching the fabric of his pathetic clothing of his forward most horn and carrying the man back into the tree line away from his people without any trouble whatsoever. Zinni spurred on the beast until the rest of the battle was well out of sight then she yelled Drop him, Ze! This is far enough! And, like a well trained beast, the rhino lowered his head just enough that the boy dropped to the dirt with a loud thud forced to roll to a stop just inches from being crushed under the rhino s trampling feet.The animal wheeled around to face the fallen waterbender with a silent command from his rider and slid to a stop facing him. Zinni gave him a quick back and jumped off of his back in a graceful maneuver: landing on her feet. Without hesitation Zinni walked forward, her hands twisting and turning in front of her until they formed a fireball engulfed in blue flames. In an instant she planted her feet, hurling the skin melting ball of flame at the man without an ounce of regret on her face. It probably wouldn t kill him. Right? It took the greatest amount of willpower to stay put and hidden as the Fire Nation ships hit the shore and began to unload men and material. Dozens of foot soldiers and rhinos but were they fighters? Conscripted peasants or bullies and thugs looking to oppress others, they had nothing on true freedom fighters and those who fought with the heart. Rikkar and his people were fighting for their very lives, while the Fire Nation were only looking for conquests and riches. They could do this. All they had to do was stand their ground and the foe would break themselves like water on a rock.The main body of the Water Tribe, the bait, would take the blunt of the Fire Nation landing force. Rikkar and his group, along with another on the far edge, would shadow and flank the Fire Nation group as they landed and tried to make headway, drawn into a trap. They wouldn t have the conviction to match their icy demeanor in battle. It seemed so easy, the Fire Nation force so headstrong and arrogant. And so, without a doubt as to their own danger, when the Fire Nation ships and fighters pursued them up the beach, they got ready to spring their trap. They wouldn t expect the surprise attack.Just as they, the Water Tribe warriors and benders, didn t expect the Fire Nation to ambush the ambushers.The Water Tribesmen fell upon the Fire Nation landing party and tore them to pieces, half not even aware that Fire Nation soldiers appeared all around from the trees and mountains. Rikkar by some fortune spotted them a moment early, even as Chieftain Hiddock took three spears to his body and was slaughtered, along with many others who found themselves surrounded. Quickly, the three groups of Water Tribesmen were cut off from each other and each outnumbered by two or threefold their numbers. What was supposed to be a glorious ambush turned into a desperate struggle. But as he thought before, they had conviction and each fighter of his kin took one or more down with them. They would die here today but the Fire Nation would think twice about it.Rikkar definitely put in his own dent in the memory of his foes. Forming two whips of water extending from his arm, he managed to keep a considerable space of safety about him as he whipped, lacerated, or outright grabbed Fire Nation warriors and flung them aside. He didn t think at first of fleeing. His comrades, his kin, his people, they were all dying or captured here. He would not think of abandoning them even to save his own life. His teeth gritted and sweat tickled his forehead. He was already panting hard when a large beast began to rumble towards him. His water lashes barely affected it, splashing off its hideous hide as it bore into him. He reached out in some subconscious gesture, not really knowing what he was doing, as the creature struck him.The horn tore through the fabric on his shoulder and hefted him right up, jerking his body roughly. He clenched his teeth and grabbed the horn to try and balance himself, struggling to hold on and not be trampled as he was carried far from the fight. The screams of his dying comrades was replaced with whipping branches and fluttering leaves but the solace of it didn t distract him. The beast came to a halt and he struck the ground, heaving for breath, his arms feeling like deadweight. It took a moment to struggle to his feet, Rikkar expecting the cold brush of steel into his flesh at any moment. Instead he felt sudden heat and looked up to see a female fire bender preparing to attack him.With a sudden leap, he threw himself aside and was only singed by the launched fireball. The cork of his water flagon flew off and a jet of water came out, clear and crystalline, swirling about him in a protective net. He kept his distance, his arms moving slightly in an elegant dance, matching the water flowed fluidly with his motions around him. His brow furrowed but he still panted, wounded from the carry and already exhausted from the previous combats. But he was not about to give up.I am ready to die for my people and land. Aren t you the honourable one. He mocked, trying to goad his opponent into making the first move. Picking a fight with someone who s back is turned, already preoccupied. Is this how you win all your fights? You must be so proud. Well come on then, I never had any issue teaching little girls how to dance. Rikkar said with a forced grin, white teeth visible in neat rows, as bright as the ivory tusks of a walrus. He needed to preserve his water though. He had a limited supply. And he could not stoop to such a base level as taking water from vegetation, leaving it dead. There was water all about, but it would kill the grass and leaf if he did.This war is about protecting life, not destroying your enemy.He waited for the Fire Bender s assault. Fireballs he simply lashed aside with the water, producing puffs of steam which he promptly reabsorbed back into his swirling tendril of protection. As long as she didn t output enough fire to completely reduce his water supply to steam, he could prevail in this. He just needed to wait for her to expend herself before he even dared to attempt an attack. But he was tiring. His bare shoulders, rounded like balls of iron and looking as hard, heaved up and down with his breathing. He had a cut on his forehead which began to bleed onto his eye, distracting him. His clothing was tattered. He was a desperate animal, cornered and wounded, but capable of biting deep. And Rikkar waited for it, ready to spring on any mistake his foe might make.If she tried to come near, the water tendril would form into a lance of solid ice on his right arm, with a very sharp point, ready to jab and hack at her. But if she got close enough, within range, there was nothing he could do to stop her. Zinni cocked a braw as he talked to her, hiding like a coward behind a wall of water.There was no honor in hiding.It made her hate him rather than the neutrality that she usually felt towards her captives. Spirits. It was so tempting to just kill him and report back that he gave her no other choice. A dishonorable man so happy to drop her soldiers deserved to die while engulfed in her flame. Yet, killing him would do more harm than good. It would be a bad mark on her stellar reputation to have the maan she singled out be one of the waterbenders who was killed during today's battle which, by all reason, should have been an easy one. These little drowned rats were putting up a fight. I have more honor than anyone from a tiny tribe could ever understand. She spoke, using her own hands to create a small ball of flame between her palms. It was all for show. She wouldn't throw this one at him as it would be too small to do anything but sizzle in his pathetic little shield. You just know little of good war strategy. Always hit when it s least expected,little boy. You won t be able to ever learn that though. This is the last battle you will see. Either I will kill you or I will put you in a camp until you grow old and die. However, at least in a camp you ll still be breathing. She reasoned with the man, but she knew that convincing him wouldn t be nearly that easy. He would need much more convincing, but luckily for him Zinni was very good at persuasion via unconventional means. Give up now, you soggy boy, or this will be much harder for the both of us and I ll end up winning in the long run anyway. She spoke, beginning to walk in a slow circle around him as Ze watched closely, standing close by. The looked he man over from head to toe as she walked: keeping her distance. She was too far away for him to make too rash of a move with his pathetic supply of water. He could whip her, maybe, but she was skilled enough to evaporate his water before it even came into contact with her flesh. His disadvantage was that he only had a canister of water. Zinni could conjure up flames to her hearts content as quickly as she was able to move her hands to do so. Not to mentioned she was more seasoned in battle.In her walk, so observed that he was a handsome and well built soldier from such a punny army. It was truly a waste that he was born a waterbender rather than a fire bender. Those types of genetics and that drive would have been very useful in her army. It was a shame he was destined to be a prisoner insead. Hell. He was better equip for battle han half of her soldiers out there securing his comrades in chaos just through those trees. Such. A. Shame. He probably even would have made cute babies. Listen, Don t make me have to kill you. Get on your knees, drop the water, and I ll retrain you and you can rejoin your friends. They won t even know you surrendered which, if I do say so myself, is the best move for you to make, water boy. She got around him just enough that she could see a gap in his shield of water: a straight shot to his ankles. A hit to the achilles tendon would make it very difficult for him to keep up with the tall, slender, and delicious firebender woman. A firebender woman who had no intentions of being impaled on this little boy s icy prick today. Or any prick for that matter, much to the complaint of some of her soldiers. Zinni was off limits and she was more than cold enough to enforce that even as she breathed hell s fire. So she threw that tiny, pathetic fireball and hit her mark: the tapered part of the waterbender s ankle and melting his flesh to the fabric as it seemingly instantly seared his flesh worse than a cut of meat left in the oven overnight.Then she let out the most malicious chuckle this world had ever heard. Zinni loved causing men pain. Little boy, huh? Guess it ll be more all that more embarrassing for you when I give you a dirt nap here in a few The threats were what he expected.Imprisonment. Hard Labour. Death.At least Rikkar would still have himself. He could die just once, not a thousand times over if she chose to bow down and live his life as a slave to the Fire Nation empire. He had no doubt this woman knew her business well. An officer of some kind. Rikkar's tribe was simple. No nobles, no rulers, no superiors, nothing. One persisted on their own merit and virtue. Would his be enough?He didn t respond to the taunting. He knew it was meant to distract him. He kept his guard firm and never let his enemy out of his sight. The only problem was there was more than one of them and for a time, he kept woman and beast in his sight, until she paced around, causing him to keep his focus between her and the creature. It clearly was comfortable in combat and not spooked easily. Rikakr didn t doubt a simple whistle from her would send it charging at him again. He still had the bruises. On my knees? Sounds like something you re used to. If you really knew honour, you wouldn t even waste your breath with these words. So what are you really scared of, little girl? That you can t take me in a fair fight? Rikkar finally mocked in return, goaded by her offer to shamefully surrender. That was what this entire expedition of his people was about. They would never surrender. They were here to fight to the bitter end. The Fire Nation could be as arrogant as they wished. He had his convictions to power him.Her assault came suddenly and Rikkar shifted a second too late. Her fire ball launched rapidly and his water flowed to parry it, reaching a little too late. The flame zipped past his ankle with a burning kiss, melting flesh and causing the tissue beneath to blister and ooze through the damaged skin. Rikkar hissed and lifted his foot protectively, though he maintained his balance perfectly. He lived on ice. Standing like a statue on solid ground was child s play. He kept his guard up, expecting a second strike to follow. Instead he heard her laugh at his misfortune. She was taunting him and doing pretty good at it.Rikkar was a tribesman, from the southern edge of the world. Maybe he was na ve, easily goaded and incapable of greater malice, never having witnessed it before. With clenched teeth, he dead gave it away he intended to attack and attack he did. But as the water swirled about him, his bending could take many forms and from the water came swirling stars of jagged ice, spinning rapidly and with deadly intent. Two flew straight for her chest. To return the favor, he launched his own at her feet.He followed up quickly himself, ignoring the throbbing ache in his ankle. Oh he would definitely feel that after the battle. Maybe even be incapable of walking, as if he had a terribly sprained limb. But his back was to the wall now and it was do or die. Extinguished water, as long as he had his focus, was reclaimed at once into the principal swirl of water he kept around his torso, his arms moving it in an elegant dance. With a heave, he brought the entire globe of liquid about, intending to slam across a wide surface into the side of the Fire Bender and sending her reeling as if struck by a club. It was foolish of the youngster to make it so obvious he was going to attack. Zinni knew it was coming just from the expression on the young lad s face. It gave her just enough time to prepare before he flung the ice shards towards her with impressive speed and accuracy. But it wouldn't be enough to hurt her as much as she had already hurt him. In a quick movement Zinni flung her arm upward from thigh to the apex of her reach: a wall of hot flame following it and illuminating as blue as the ocean's water. The intense heat was enough to melt the icicles just enough to eliminate the sharp edges that threatened to impale her flesh and punish her for burning his. They instead hit with blunt force, causing bruises at the most.It made Zinni angry as the blunt ends smacked into her sharp, chiseled collar bones, and she growled as she looked up, watching as he formed a large globe with intent to beat her with it. She planted her feet firmly into the soil beneath her and she formed her own globe in the form of a raging inferno. It surrounded her as she pushed forward. He could extinguish the flames with his wave, yes, but in the time it would take him to condense the vapor and attack again he would already be burned. This allowed her to get close enough to begin heating up the water he was bending."You're a fool for picking this fight. My goal is not to kill you or any of your little playmates. That blood is on your people's hands. You have given my men no choice but to murder some in order to capture the rest. I will not fail with you. You are mine, waterboy." She hissed the words as though she were some sort of fire nation born dragon and she continued to press forward with flames ablaze. She had already burnt him badly. How was he still standing? It didnt make any sense. In a way, Zinni admired the lad s willingness to push himself beyond reasonable limits. She was finding that she admired his spirit far more than any of her opponents before him.She stopped her push as her ears caught something in the distance. She could hear the thunderous sound of the rhinos traveling as a herd once more: back to the ships no doubt. Zinni s men had finished their work and they were headed home. Zinni, on the other hand, had her hands tied here with this spunky little waterbender. She could kill him, yes, but there was no merit in having a rhino trample your opponent to death. Sge wouldn t go back empty handed, but the clock was ticking. She needed to fish things up here or she d be stranded with this blasted boy. We re running out of time. Don t make me lame you, boy. She hissed, glaring at him with eyes ablaze. It was no wonder why the spirits had combined this woman and placed her directly in the steel grip of the fire nation.In rapid succession, Zinni formed balls of fire out of her shield and launched them at her opponent. This time, however, they had to travel through his shield of water before they could kiss his flesh only stinging like a hot cool before pittering out and extinguishing. The heat wasn t enough to burn flesh to fabric like the shot to his ankle had been. Instead they only slightly singed his clothing leaving welts from first degree burns at the worst. It wasn t going to be enough to take him down, she knew, but she just needed to distract him enough to trick him into messing up: revealing something vulnerable for her to severely burn and take him down. In good time he would slip up. With bated teeth she kept throwing those balls of flame at the lad until he was peppered in singes. With a heave, Rikkar slammed his controlled water into the firebender s side, matched in intensity and strength by her own fiery defense. He gritted his teeth and his booted feet dragged skids through the dirt as he put pressure on her. He knew he ought to withdrew, her defenses far more formidable than he had ever imagined. His water sizzled and already the heat of his own liquid was beginning to boil and sear him. She taunted him over the fight but wasn t it her people trying to massacre the rest of the world? She began to put her own pressure on and with his injured ankle, he found his leverage a lot weaker.Rikkar didn t answer her. It would only be a waste of breath to talk to a demoness. But still, strength of conviction and his back to the wall made him fierce. He growled back at her and obstructively gave way, his mind only working up a new strategy. Something seemed to catch her attention a moment but he was focused too much on keeping his water in match with her endless flames to pay it much heed. If she tried to distract him in advance of her new assault, it failed, though it didn t make his defense of it any much better. The rapid succession of spewing orbs of fire punched through his shield, striking him like hard gusts of current to his abdomen and limbs. He hissed and was driven back from her, putting more and more room between them. He had to do something!Smoke rose in tendrils from several places on his body, searing his bronze skin to brighter hue of red. His clothes spluttered and burst apart. His water, flushed into steam, before regathered, remained mostly intact, though there was little opportunity to switch from the defense to the offense. He had to do something and fast, otherwise he may never gain the initiative. He glared at her abruptly and the air around him crackled as the temperature dropped. His body was going to feel it regardless if he won or not.The water split into two, forming jagged lances of ice around his forearms. No longer heeding the damage, he put pressure on his burned ankle, willing it for one last drive. He dodged her next fireball, hacked apart the second, and was suddenly upon her. But he feinted, not using his arms but delivering a hard kick to her midsection to whack her back to a tree. His arms flushed quickly after that, launching one of the icicle lances on his arm towards her, where it switched rapidly back to liquid, slapping her arm to the tree. Then it frozen again, pinning her there.With his remaining water, formed into a lance, Rikkar lined it up with her heart and then gave a shout, charging forward with an intent to run her through and outright killing her. It was for his people s survival after all. And what she promised him so far was only misery and pain. Not even a warrior s death. But he would do better and gave her a clean, honourable finish, even if she did not deserve it. His ice sharpened tip was aimed straight for her chest and he could endure a blast or two while still inflicting great harm to her.He wouldn t get to.The rumbling in the distance disguised the rumbling at hand. Before Rikkar could close, a grey shape swooped in and hammered right into his side. Ze roared in defiance as it leapt to his mistress s defense, sending Rikkar flying a dozen or more feet where his torso struck a tree, diverting his spiralling crash to the ground.For him, it was a whirlwind of sensation that he barely kept track of. One moment he was on the verge of stabbing the firebender. The next, his vision blackened and he could not breathe, his mind flipped on itself over and over again with such force he lost consciousness. Then when his body hit the ground after the tree and skidded to a halt, the blissful ignorance of unconsciousness left him. First the darkness shrouded everything, coupled with a throbbing, pounding sensation of pain throughout his entire body. He could only groan, unable to even open his eyes or wiggle his limbs, completely in shock from the blunt force trauma of the hit.All water he had been controlling simply collapsed. From the firebender s arm, his icicle lock would simply disintegrate and splash to the ground, soaked up quickly. And Rikkar was in no state to call it back. It all slipped away from him, leaving him defenseless and out of his misery.Well, almost. But the waterbender was down for the count. Zinni's brow furrowed as she heard the crackling in the air around her.What was that sound?It made her hesitate just enough for his blades of ice to form around his muscular forearms and her flame to weaken just enough to not melt it fast enough. He dodged her next throw, and he was coming at her fast. Zinni thought about running, yes, but she had to admit even to herself that he was faster than her: even though they were quite similar in height. His sure footedness and muscular legs gave him that advantage over her leaving her with only one choice: stand your ground.She grunted as he planted his foot into her toned abdomen and jolted her backward, slamming her back to a tree. By some miracle she prevented herself from hitting her head hard on the tree trunk to avoid losing focus, but it made no difference. Before she could make another move she felt the hard impact of the ice pinning her hand and forearm to the trunk of the tree, and he charged her yet again: this time with the intent to kill. She pulled hard at the ice, hoping she could dislodge herself and use both of her hands for bending, but it was no use. Amber eyes traveled upward to meet his own: making eye contact with the man who would likely kill her now before she allowed her lids to fall. She would die with some peace. Her ancestors would be proud of her.The thunderous sound of Ze's charge went almost unnoticed as Zinni took a deep breath, preparing for it to be her last, but she furrowed her brow as the breath went rancid in her lung from being held too long. It shouldn t have taken more than a split second for him to end her and for her to feel the shattering of her own existence, but she continued to live. Finally she opened one eye. Then the other. Her visage revealing to her just what had happened. Ze had just saved her life. That s my boy. She doted on the animal just as the ice became liquid water once more and fell to the dirt below, freeing the Fire Nation commander.She stepped around the wet patch on the ground and moved toward her loyal companion and the unconscious man, rubbing the beast s brow affectionately in reward for a job well done.Spirits, she loved that animal.Luckily, the saddle bags of the beasts of burden were always fully stocked with everything one could possibly need when out in the wilderness finishing up a job, and proper shackles for unarming benders was among those supplies. It was easily to chain up the waterbender with shackles that completely encapsulated his hand in cold, sooty iron that would prevent any further shenanigans on his part and cuffs that would keep his ankles close enough together he could barely walk with the minimal stride, let alone run. The harder part for the tall and slender firebender was getting the hunk of dead weight up onto the back of the rhino for transport.After enough heaving, pulling, and help from Ze, Zinni crawled into the addle of the beast and headed back toward the ships. Now all she had to do was load him up in a cell with one of his comrades and take him to their destination. It would be easy enough. What concerned Zinni, however, was the lack of noise she was hearing in the distance. This certainly didn t seem right for the aftermath of such a battle. And she was right. Things certainly weren't right.Zinni had galloped the lumbering beast all the way to the battlefield where corpses: both in blue and black, littered the clearing, but there was not a live man or woman in sight. Her eyes traveled from the bodies to the skyline where she was quickly met with the image of ship silhouettes sailing off into the distance.Zinni had been left behind.***It took hours to set up camp. She looted what would be useful off the bodies then traveled away from all the carnage, finally settling down at the bow of one of the abandoned water nation ships. In her mind, Zinni hoped that a different fleet from the fire nation would see those ships and rush in to take her and her prisoner back home where she could get back to work, but she also knew that no other fleets were supposed to be headed this way. Zinni was most likely out of luck, and she would have to come up with a plan B. She would have to travel by land to meet up with another camp, and it wouldn t be a short journey either.With ropes found on the water nation ships, Zinni tightly secured hershackledman to the trunk of a sturdy nearby tree: propping his back up against it such that his head dangled in his unconsciousness. She removed Ze s battlegear and released him to graze peacefully nearby and rest as he saw fit while Zinni busied herself with digging through any bags she had found on the water nation ships alongside the firelight as the night grew from indigo to pitch black. It was dark, and she was alone with this sack of scum. At last she had thought she was alone.While scrounging through a leather backpack a wild beast can flying out at Zinni in a fit of wings and beak, and it made her scream and move aside to avoid have her nose taken off by the rabid creature. Whatever it was smacked the woman in the face with a feathered appendage before waddling away from her completely. Ow She muttered, rubbing her rose as her eyes searched the fireglow for what it was that had attacked her. Her pride sunk down into a deep, dark hole when she found it.A turtle duck. Zinni had been out matched by a turtle duck. Rikkar dreamt that he was drowning. It was a struggle to fight to stay above water. All his powers seemed useless. In fact he had none. It was darkness, darkness all around on the horizon and sky and darkness below, in the depths of the infinite water he squirmed in. There was no escape and he could only resist for so long, each moment feeling like his last, in some never ending struggle. But his limbs grew heavy, his head began to pound, and he found it hard to breathe. He sank, submerged into the darkness, silently screaming as he plunged to the depths of consciousness. Very painful and agonizing consciousness. As his best buddy defended his honour Rikkar jerked awake with a kick and a gasp, squirming against his restraints. What the fuck ugh He groaned, feeling tremendous ache through his entire body. He barely remembered being struck though it felt as if an entire iceberg had been dropped on him, beaten and molded like cured meat. Spots flashed in his vision and the throbbing was ceaseless.Milo the Turtle Duck, who had sat in secret beneath his hard exterior shell, squawked in greeting to Rikkar s grunting, glaring at Zinni. His beak was ready to clamp on any invasive fingers that wasn t offering him food, for he was starving. He had no grudge with her personally. Had it been Rikkar, he would have done the same to him, biting his fingers. It was how they communicated such things.Milo immediately pounced to nip at Zinni s heel next.Rikkar was still composing himself. He had been in a fight and he was winning and now he was here, tied up and obviously beaten. His eyes rose, his vision still dazzled, as he finally heard the ruckus and saw the firebender in question. He tried to focus on his, his vision blackening and resuming with alarming vividness. Was it night already? Where was everyone else? He saw bodies and gulped hard as he saw the blue of his tribesmen scattered about. The bodies of the fire nation warriors had been removed by their comrades, the enemy dead left to rot. It made the battle look very one sided and thus hopelessness to Rikkar. He groaned and strained his head back into the trunk of the tree.Why was he still alive then?He immediately began to struggle against his ropes. Milo. He stammered. Milo, come bite these damn ropes off. He said, though he managed to see Milo leap, and miss, at Zinni s ankle. He let out a chuckle that immediately devolved into painful gasping. Any type of shuddering causing his aching ribs and body to light up with pain. He s trying to tell you to put him in the water, so he could fish. Rikkar gasped, though he doubted the heartless bitch would care. So they left you behind to do the robbing and stealing? How dignified. Seems fitting for a death hound like you. Rikkar sneered, turning his head left to right and back again, taking in his surroundings. It was just dark. And hard to see. Breathing hurt. What the hell had hit him? Why aren t I dead like the others? Feeling lonely? Rikkar noted, hanging his head and simply shutting his eyes, vision flooded with spots in the darkness, trying to control the aching pain that throbbed mercilessly in his body. He could barely move his arms to struggle against his bindings. "Jerk!" Zinni squaked at the turtleduck, lifting her ankle protectively much like how Rikkar had done when she burnt his to a crisp. She then looked up to her captive, almost a little relieved to see him awake rather than dead from the injuries Ze had inflicted along side all of his fallen men. Zinni was angry that this many lives had been taken by her soldiers. They weren t in the business of killing. They were in the business of containment and nothing more. This? This was sloppy work, and she could have done better. They could have done better. Her men needed more training. She noted that. Water? I can do that she muttered and she gingerly picked up the angry little monster and carried him over to the bay where she set him in the water between the beached water nation boats. She then returned to be met with more insults. She shook her head, ignoring most of it as she approached the bound man and knelt down close enough to examine him but far enough to keep him from spitting on her or some other childish act of rebellion. I did take things from your boats, yes, but it s all in an attempt to keep us alive until we can reconnect with my fleet. She sighed, reaching out and patting him on the cheek when his eyes closed again. Things weren t looking good for this guy. Spirits, Ze. You hit him too hard. She muttered to he beast who was munching away nearby, but mostly to herself as she examined him. This man was at risk of dying or going into shock. Being called a murderer, even by uncultured swine like the tribesman. It cut deeper than she could ever allow anyone to know. There were casualties in war and Zinni had caused a fair share of them, but she never wanted to kill. If people would cooperate they would never have to die. Not like this. Hurt? Yes. She could support hurt, but not kill. You look bad. She muttered before standing up and pacing a bit in between the man and the fire. Her feminine figure silhouetted and the gold accents in her hair and on her uniform sparkles in the firelight: glowing like flames attached to her body. Exactly where flames belonged when a firebender was involved. She rubbed her chin, carefully contemplating her options. She needed him alive for so many reasons. If he died, she had failed and the blood was on her hands. Not only that, but she wouldn t be able to interrogate a dead man. She needed answers from him so she could get more waterbenders into camps where they wouldn't agitate this war any further. Waterbenders are healers she muttered, looking down at him and sighing. But you can t be trusted. How do I know that giving you water to bend wouldn t just end with you punching a hole through me with an icicle? She snapped at him, anger painted all over her face as she glared. Oh how she d love to melt that look off of his face, but that would surely kill him. She sighed and flopped up against the side of Ze, burying her face in his thick, rough skin and sighing. She had never dealt with a waterbender who wasn t caged and without backup standing behind her. She didn t know how to do this alone. Rikkar eyed the other woman, his captor, fiercely and without pity. He was motionless as she neared, all his senses geared to pounce despite being tied to the tree. He figured she would take a few cheap shots out of him for his words and his hands balled into fists at his own helplessness. Not even capable of defending himself, is that how lowly these firebenders were? But she didn t, merely trying to explain why she robbed his people s ship. The thief says the same about stealing bread because he s hungry. Doesn t make it right to take what isn t yours. He growled back, turning his cheek and gritting his teeth when she reached out. He figured she would burn him. Except she only patted his cheek, leaving a tingle of senses there. Yeah, get your war beast to do all your fights for you, little lady. Rikkar muttered back when she noted how beat up he was. He was aching bad. It hurt to breathe even and every moment was stretched to infinity because of the throbbing hurt. He mentally rolled his eyes at her remark on his appearance. She still didn t answer why he was still alive, watching her as she paced. She glowed like a firefly and he might have called it pretty if she wasn t who she was. It was all hopeless anyway. His kin and tribe were dead. He was alone, cut off, separated, and captured. His friends seemed to have gotten the better of it. They went down fighting like true warriors and he got outsmarted by a beast.If he wanted to survive this, he needed to do some similar outsmarting himself.She saw him in pain. Water would definitely help. He could mold it to his side like a skin made of ice and help alleviate the pain in his sides where Ze had struck him. Just thinking of it, coupled with the unrelenting pain all over, it seemed the best and most desirous thing to have at the moment. Water. To drink, to heal, to distract his mind. The sea was right there too, within sight, but too far away for him to control. He looked back to the firebender who trudged over to her mount and fell against it like some helpless child. That was weird to witness. He thought her some brutal and cold fighter who had no emotions, yet there she was drooping like a hurt child. It looked rather adorable for someone as fierce as her.Rikkar could help but let out another laugh, which quickly dissolved into groans as shaking his sides flared up all his bruises. You can t trust me, no. Rikkar told her softly, looking over to her. But if you don t get me any water to heal myself, you re going to get a whole lot lonelier very soon. Not that I give a shit. He snorted, before pulling himself back and reevaluating. He wanted the water to help soothe himself. He wouldn t die of course but it was going to be severely painful. He couldn t antagonize this woman if he wanted that peace of mind and body tonight. Look, do I look like I m in any condition to fight? I m beaten up and even talking is painful, let alone dancing with you. I know you re flattered at the opportunity but I ll pass. Rikkar said with a smirk. Do this then, keep one of my arms tied above me and let me use one hand to heal myself. You aren t scared that a one handed waterbender might kick your butt are you? A second time? He said suggestively, unable to throw out that snide. He was going to win, if it hadn t been for her beast. Zinni groaned up against the rough skin of her rhino as the captive started talking again. She sighed, rolling her eyes and reverting back to his previous questions before she addressed everything that was new as he muttered, probably trying to trick her so he could get another stab at her. She was disgusted by how bloodthirsty he was. You re alive because I never wanted to kill you. You were supposed to be in a cell on my ship next to all of your surviving friends and we were supposed to just take you back to the fire nation where you would be contained until you saw the error of your ways. I deliver live men and women to my boss for conversion. I m not an executioner. That s why you re alive. Pushing away from the rhino she stood tall, folding her hands together behind her back and looking down on him from her position in authority. You re a stupid man. She confronted him. You wish for death even as I offer you life and that is foolish. You re no good for anything if you re dead. You cannot help your own people nor mine if your heart no longer beats. You cannot win nor lose. Why would you chose death over a chance to do something big? Your fallen comrades out there? Fools. Just like you. We wouldn t have killed a single one of them if they would have cooperated. And now their cause is lost. If you truly cared for anything, sir, whether it be saving your people or murdering me in cold blood for revenge, you would not sit there and treat death as a viable option. It s very sad that your men had to die, and it s more sad that you d rather join them than be alive in the arms of a human with a different viewpoint than your own. She sighed. Zinni herself tried not to pay any mind to the death that surrounded them. Death was a part of her job, but it never got any easier for her to witness it. She didn t want to kill or be killed, but she had killed and would kill again if she wasn t killed first. Everything came full circle here. No. You re not in any condition to fight, but that won t stop you from taking cheap shots if you re a typical water nation boy. She rolled her eyes at the dancing comment.Cute.Flirting with the enemy to lower their self esteem was below her. Sge may not have been as pretty as he was, but she was still sought after I m the fire nation and betrothed. His disrespect was uncalled for even if he did find her ugly.Against her better judgement Zinni exited the conversation to fetch water instead. Using a bucket found in the water nation camp she scooped up a sizable amount of the wet stuff and went to turn back only to be surprised by that damned duck again. It popped out of the water and splashed into the bucket: coating Zinni in water and making her clothing stick to her chiseled abdomen. She grunted at first in frustration, but soon after she found herself laughing it all. The turtle duck was the definition of a child: grumpy, innocent, and helpless. She couldn t help but like that about him. Carrying the bucket with duck within she side. Please don t make me regret this, Soldier. She sighed before approaching him.One would think a firebenders hands would be rough and calloused over from the scorching heat they were constantly exposed to and the rough work they did with their hands. That s why it would likely come as a surprise just how soft Zinni s skin was and how light her touch. With an arm under each of the man s shoulders she heaved his battered body to his feet, rigging the rope over a tall branch and securing it through a loop in the chains that restrained his hands in order to hoist them both, temporarily, high above his hand. She then left him once more, reaching into her bag and retrieving a metal cup that she filled with water. She downed the first glass herself then dipped in again for the waterbender. She approached and drew her dagger, pressing the blade to his throat and the cup to his lips. Drink. She instructed. And if you pull any funny business I promise I can reach as fast as you act: dropping us both dead on the spot. Even if you do somehow manage to outpace and kill me, just know you ll be chained here until you die of exposure and rot away. She tipped the glass, sending water rushing down his gullet. If he behaved himself now she would allow him access to water that could be used for healing. Her blade pressed close, daring to slice him open like a slaughtered beast to bleed out on the shore, but she did not hurt him and she did not trick him. Her words would hold true. No blood was drawn.The close proximity between Zinni and the man chained at wrist and ankle would have been almost romantic in any other scenario. She stood so close that her unusually warm body heat radiated and struck him with the closeness. It wasn t warm out, but it was warmer than it would have been in the water nation. There was no ice only a chilling breeze in the night sky. A breeze that Zinni s body blocked from the water bender as she stood upon him while she allowed him to slowly drink the beverage. Hydration was painful in his state, no doubt. He was bruised everywhere and she could see how bad he aches just from observing even his small movements.Zinni herself was not unscathed, but to far less extent. She had an observable deep tissue bruise on her collarbone where he had struck her with the blunt icicle, and similar bruises could be found elsewhere too if she were less dressed. Her arm, which he had pinned, showed bruising as well from where he had slammed it into the tree trunk with the force of his icicle. Her bruising, however, was nothing compared to what Ze had gifted the waterbender with. What s your name, Soldier? It looks like we ll be together for awhile. I might as well have something to call you besides boy . The error of his waysRikkar could have laughed loudly if it didn t already hurt to do so. His people were wrong? For wanting to live free and by their own laws and customs without enforced demands from an outsider people? This girl was really deluded if she thought that sort of freedom and liberty was erroneous and he d happily die to defend such freedom against those who wanted to take it away. If he was stupid for it, so be it. But he would be more stupid to obey a foreign power, to have his life in the south pole dictated by people who never been there or did not care for it. I live for my people and I die for my people. The difference is trivial to me. As long as we fight against your enslaving and oppressive ways, we will never lose to you or your pitiful kind. Rikkar simply sneered, ignoring the girl s rant about how it could have been better. Maybe she ought to follow her own advice and try to see it from his own viewpoint. Better to die on one s feet then live on their knees for all eternity, not to mention the shame and humiliation of surrendering and seeing one s life and culture torn down around them, simply because others thought their own was superior and greater. He wasn t going to debate it with her though.He only gave a suggestive half smirk as to what he could do as a typical water tribe boy.But the firebender seemed to trust him and went to fetch the bucket of water for him to drink and heal. Milo seemed to trust her as well, hopping casually into the bucket and enjoying the ride. He squawked at Rikkar and he only managed a grunt before the firebender lurched him to his feet, the ropes dragging up along with him to keep him locked to the tree trunk. He didn t care how her touch felt. All he remembered of it was the scorching heat she inflicted to his flesh. And if she thought she was doing him a favour by making him stand, she was wrong. Pressure on his ankle welled up tremendous pain, not to mention stretching his bruising out all over his side, awakening tremendous throbbing all over. He could only drink in small sips, as the need to breathe off the pain was more profound in him. The way he breathed, his own throat seemed willing to cut itself against the knife.With the water done, Rikkar took a moment to just pant and feel the refreshing liquid pool in his gut. His throat wasn t as dry either. But the firebender remained close, leaning into him with her knife to his throat and her face glaring into his. He barely paid it any mind, as best as he could manage. He looked to the side where she wasn t standing, for she did have pretty eyes and it felt shameful to even think so about her.A typical water tribe boy would have appreciated the closeness to a nubile female body.She asked his name and he almost snorted in laughter. Oh, just because she wasn t killing him that somehow made them friends? At least he managed to retain his laughter and not throw his body into an agonizing groan. Maybe I preferboy. He mused with a grin. And I m not a soldier. I do not fight for a living. I fish and collect bone and antler for the village craftsman to forge into tools. I am trained as a warrior but it s not what I intended to do with my life. Besides, whatever you might think or feel about it, I doubt your superiors will let me live so why ask a dead man his name anyways? He said, looking at her and feeling bemused by rejecting her inquiry. His name was his own, his one link to the tribe. After having everything else taken from him, he was going to guard it and other facts about himself quite jealously.Milo hopped out of the bucket and squawked around Rikkar s feet. When this woman went to sleep, for surely she had to given the exhaustion he seen in her earlier, he would try to convince his turtle duck to bite through these ropes. But if you care so much about me living, then you have to do me another favour. And try not to get excited about it. RIkkar said. You have to roll my tunic up on my left side, where you re standing. Roll it up to under my arm. He said to her. Oh relax, why expose myself if I plan to hit you? Splash water on my side then if you feel so afraid to untie one of my hands. But unless you want to carry me from place to place, you have to let me put some ice to my injuries and help them heal and be cleaned. He decided to play a practical joke on her when she did move to splash the water. With his mind and squirming fingers, he froze the very surface of the water in the bucket so that when she tried to splash it, nothing came out as the ice blocked the liquid beneath. He chuckled to himself, which immediately flared up his injuries and caused him to groan in agony soon after. He tried to slide back down to a sitting position. I hope you can find some new way to tie me because I would like to sleep laying down. He added, further bemused by making the demands despite being the captive. Zinni rolled her eye and pushed a palm into the tree this separating her from the literal child she found herself stuck with. Fine. No name and no title. She shrugged. It s not like it really affected her anyway. He would scream just as any other man would when put over a flame and eventually he would speak. She had given him an ounce of respect in asking for his name and he threw it back at her. So be it. She would retain any respect from then on seeing as he was obviously unworthy of it. Being a soldier who could almost take down a captain of her rank was admirable, but being a punk who went out of his way to inconvenience the hand that fed him was far from. I ll just call you an idiot or a fool since that is what you so clearly are. She crossed her arms over her breasts, watching him bemusedly as he dared to ask favors of her after doing nothing more than disobeying and being a general thorn in her side. You do not deserve comfort. Zinni retorted, rolling her eyes at the man. The only reason I will offer you any pain relief is for my own convenience. All the better for torturing you tomorrow, you fool. You have far from escaped my flame, so I hope you don t mind being a little over cooked. She smirked cruelly at the man. He would learn.She reapproached and hooked her hands into his tunic. There were several instances of flesh on flesh contact as her hands carefully rolled it up before tying it out of the way with a strip of cloth. This left the garment bunched up around his chest and his lower abdomen completely exposed. Zinni had to fight not to show her intrigue regarding the appearance of the young waterbender s body. Zinni had seen men exposed in this way before, but the way the firelight danced off of his caramel colored skin was beautiful in its own way. Not to mention the man had recognizable fitness that a lesser woman would have found undeniably tempting. Zinni was not a lesser woman. She would not be tempted so easily.She stooped down to the bucket and her eyes went ablaze in frustration when she hit ice. He thought he was so funny. She wanted so badly to look away from him so as to not think so unclearly as she did when she saw him exposed like that. He was a distraction. Perhaps he would be less so when she gave him some scars to stay on that belly until his dying breath. She growled a bit before placing both palms on the surface of the ice and melting it almost instantly with a focused blast leaving the whole bucket of water as warm as a hot bath rather than the usual cold of water exposed to night air. Your jokes are childish. Zinni muttered before reapproaching and using her palms to press the water into his waist where he could freeze it into place. I m doing so she could also feel the sculpt of his musculature. That was quite a treat. Are you always this infuriating? It might get you killed if you continue. The threat was muttered, but there was little merit behind it. Zinni would do most things short of giving up her own life to keep this prisoner alive and deliver him as was her job. He would have to royally screw up if he wanted her to kill him. In the glow of the fire Zinni treated ever bump, bruise, or scorch sge could see on the man including his ankle which likely brought on a slew of relief.Zinni sighed as she stood back and looked into his face for a moment having already untied his tunic and allowed it to fall back down to eliminate the exposure of his masculine form. He was less distracting that way when he looked shapeless in his layers designed to keep him warm in Icy climates. She knew she owed him no comforts, but she also knew sleep would be nearly impossible for a man strung up like that. If he couldn t sleep surely he wouldn t stay quiet long enough for her to sleep either. She couldn t have that. Even now exhaustion was creeping over her.Then she got an idea.Zinni smirked. Brilliant. Fine. I ll make sure you can lay down. She muttered before completely untying him from the tree and manhandling his sore body until they go to where Ze was laying down and half asleep. This is Ze. You two have already met. He ll be taking care of you this evening. She smirked, tying a rope loosely around the animal s neck and then tying the other end to the chain shackles around the fool s wrists. Weighing several thousand pounds, Ze was no different than the tree in that there was no way the man could move him by force. Not only that, but Ze could pummel him if he tried anything. So Zinni allowed enough slack in the rope so that her prisoner could move about a bit, but most importantly he could lay down and rest near the rhino.With that, Zinni dumped any water that he could attempt the bend and laid out the sleeping bag that had been tucked away in Ze s saddle bags to sleep. She leashed the turtle duck, taking several bites from milo in the process, and tied him over near the water where he could attempt a bit of fishing. Leashing the animal would prevent any shenanigans the waterbender might try and also kept the cute little thing from running off to be eaten by something in the woods. Win win. With that, Zinni was able to style in and get some rest with the fire still burning near by. Rikkar only grinned childishly and shrugged his shoulders as best he could.Idiot or a fool? I ve heard it said to me more often than you think, lass. He chuckled, which of course was short as it quickly brought him to wincing groans of pain. He was always doing foolery when he was younger. Pulling the tails of polar dogs or trying to race the otter penguins and losing. Well it was worth a try. He simply relented when denied comfort. But his bemusement and humour dropped when she mentioned torturing him on the morrow. Now his expression was grim and dark, remembering this was an enemy combatant and not the older brother of some girl he was flirting with who would give him a beat down and let him walk. She meant business. He had to mean business as well.He said nothing to her threat. She rolled up his tunic but ran smack into his prank, much to his laughter again. They are. He agreed eagerly to his jokes being childish. His expression was suggestive at the thought of being killed. As far as he was concerned, he was a dead man already. And maybe provoking the firebending bitch to outright kill him might be mercy compared to being tortured as she threatened. She tried to treat his wounds and bruises, which confused him. All he wanted was the water slapped on him and he did his best to freeze whatever little got put to him, mingling a cooling sensation to the burning pain in his side. It offered some relief, allowing him to think clearer and plot an escape.It was a quiet and yet awkward time between them as she looked to his wounds and burning. Why patch him up if she was only going to take him apart? He watched her as she focused and for a moment he might have regarded her as beautiful, with her dark hair and pale features. She had a very rigid and strong body, but her feminine curves were quite profound as well. He kept his quiet as she tended him and despite it, it seemed to grow a bit more comfortable that way. She wasn t like the other firebenders he heard and knew of, strangely. Was this some deluded sense of compassion in her perhaps? Unlikely, he figured. She intended to make him hurt.But she had other plans for now, untying him from the tree. That should have been his chance, had he been more recovered and healed. But every step awoke every burning pain in his side and he was already panting with exhaustion by the time they got to Ze, the giant rhino who put him in this misery. Finally, some decent company! He exclaimed sarcastically, grinning at Ze. He didn t blame the beast for being loyal, though he lamented who he was loyal to. What had she done to be so deserving, this sadistic firebending bitch? He was roped to the creature and then left alone, peering down at his chained wrists, following its length to the beast s neck.What if what if he jumped on its back and rode away with it?But would Ze listen to him? Maybe he ll try it. First, he needed the woman to pass fall into a deep slumber.No you idiot, first you need to be one hundred percent healed before you can do anything like that. And she intends to keep you next to death s door.So without a word, he sat down and lay on his good, unbattered side next to the beast. It stank but he had smelled worse. He listened with amusement as Zinni tried to deal with Milo but he offered no encouragement now. She was his enemy, not his friend. The mention of torture remained on his mind. Well, two could play at that game.Barely a quarter hour would pass before Rikkar mimicked the sound of a duck gurgling in the distance. It was brief but it sent Milo off on a tidal wave of quacking, which in the middle of night was very loud and disturbing to hear. He chuckled to himself, hoping it would annoy the firebender and interrupt her precious slumber. He acted like he didn t know anything, eyes closed and resting peacefully. He waited again for some time, for sleep was hard to get when half your body was on fire. He made the noise again and once more, Milo went off on a tirade, quacking very loudly in the night and awakening everything for a whole mile around. If he kept this up, the firebender might be too exhausted to do anything brutal.But what about him? He had been up for an entire day and more. He was in pain. He was exhausted and beaten. He kept trying to keep awake for this childish yet worthwhile plan, before sleep eventually took him too. And it would be a deep and restful sleep, from which it would be difficult to awake him from. Zinni s sleep was definitely interrupted by the child and his pet duck. At a few different occasions she contemplated just slaughtering the beast to eat later, but she just couldn t bring herself to injure the cute little thing let alone kill it. It wasn t the turtleduck s fault that it had such an unfortunate caretaker. Even Ze seemed to glare at the waterbender in the night as his sleep too was disrupted. Animals in the fire nation were trained to behave in a much more regal manner, and if they didn t make the cut they became food for citizens or prisoners. There was very little slack in the rope concerning that manner. Luckily for the turtleduck, Zinni s heart was a bit more fond of critters than the average firebender who likely would have just roasted the thing and made a nice soup out of him.Even against the boy s wishes, sleep eventually came for the both of them, and as soon as the sun started to peek over the horizon Zinni was awake. Being an early riser was in her nature, and even after an exhausting day and night prior the sunrise brought on a new list of things to do. They would begin their journey across earth nation today, but Zinni had to be sure she was completely prepared to do so before they headed out. At least with the waterbender asleep she would have some peace and quiet to work on her strategy.The earth nation was split, and there were still plenty of them who hated the fire nation and had not yet been pressured into submission. If they ran into a troop of hostile earthbenders unprepared they would be dead. Surly the waterbender wouldn t help her in combat, so she would be alone, and even if she killed them she would be outnumbered and overpowered before her and Ze would be able to fight their way through. The best bet was to avoid civilization and tribes all together. It wouldn t be the most direct route, but safety had to be a priority over swiftness. The ships they were meeting with would be there regularly until the war was won, and Zinni suspected that was still a long ways off. People were not converting easily.She laid out the map on the sandy shore and began to trace her route with her fingertip. If she traced it a few times she would easily remember it. Part of the appeal of Zinni as a ship captain was that age memorized routes and landmarks much quicker and easier than most of her cohorts. She was also pretty to look at, so that helped bring up some of the morale on the boats. Zinni was a full package, and that s why it was so embarrassing that her men had left her behind. When they reached their destination in a few weeks, she was certain that her betrothed would humiliate her for it and never let her live it down. She didn t look forward to that, but she needed to get back to work. The war had to go on and her people needed her.After a few hours of plotting on the map the sun was high in the sky and Zinni could feel a grumble growing in her tummy. It was time to eat, but it was better not to dip into her rations when they were so close to resources. Zinni would fish and feed herself and her captive well this morning before they began their long and enduring day. They would travel most of the day, and when night fell they would set up camp and the interrogations would begin. The man would be useful to war strategy because he would be with Zinni long enough for her to get answers out of him. The water nation were strong willed, and usually didn t respond to torture initially, but Zinni would have enough time with him to kill his morale.Zinni began the process of removing her war clothes. There were lots of ties and clasps in the intricate design, but soon the majority of her clothing was hung over a tree branch nearby and she entered the water in her red undergarments that sported gold accents themselves. The lingerie was simple: a strapless bra that resembled a wrap to hold the firebender s breasts in place and compressed to her rib cage and a pair of simple, red boyshort underwear with gold details over each of her hips and just enough exposure in the back to allow an onlooker a view of the bottom quarter of her rump. Standard underwear for the firenation, but likely more sexy than would be seen in some other nations.She strode into the water in her partial nudity, a borrowed water nation war spear in hand as she waded waste deep between the boats and waited for a kill. Zinni was rather unversed in the art of fishing, but she was a good aim and well determined. She missed a dozen times at first before spearing three fish consecutively with the spear: killing them instantly. Zinni grinned, laughing a bit in pride before heading back to the shore. The water made her lower body glisten in the dazzling daylight and accented her curverature. The water made the panties cling to her body boldly as she reapproached camp. She knew in her mind that this was a sight her pig fianc would have drooled over, but he was far away.She propped the speared fish against a tree and grabbed one of her blankets to began wiping herself of the water. As she dried off her eyes moved to Ze and her captive to see if either of them were awake. She couldn t tell. Rise and shine she finally called out, wrapping the blanket around her shoulders and shot a ball of flame at the burnt out fire pit to reignite it. It was time to start the day. The sound of splashing water was what drew Rikkar from his deep slumber. The moment his consciousness became alert, it was impossible then to return to sleep as pain renewed it s memory in his body. He awoke feeling tremendous ache on his battered side and a fierce numbness on the other. He didn t open his eyes yet, letting the pain wash over him and hoping it would dissipate. It did not. Without sight, he let his other senses become keener. He could hear the splashing, yes but he could also feel the heat radiating off of the rhino and the sounds of woodland creatures in the forest about. It seemed tranquil still, as if forgetting there was a war going on. And that he was a captive.Finally he opened his eyes, vision shrouded by his long, silky hair. Blue orbs regarded the jaded sight before him, seeing the vast horizon of water. But what was doing the splashing? From the waters a pale figure arose, nubile and beautiful, almost like a mermaid. With grace and skill, he watched as this strange woman speared and sought out fish almost in the style as if she was a member of the Water Tribe. Perhaps he had been rescued by this beautiful woman in the night, with the news to be given alongside a delicious meal. But as he grew more alert, he saw it wasn t so.No, it wasn t no mermaid of legend or some Water Tribe heroine to his rescue. It was just the Firebender who captured him, stripped to her undergarments. And by the Moon, was she gorgeous and striking. Even with her tightly strapped bra, Rikkar could still make out the lavish mounds of her chest. And when she would bend to seek fish in the water, the roundness of her rear became oh so profound, causing Rikkar to lick his lips. Beautiful and deadly, something about it was carnally thrilling to the young waterbender, used to seeing women in thick robes, figures hidden. Never like this. Something began to tingle in his groin and he shamelessly drank in the sight for as much as he could.But after successfully spearing three fish , she began to return to the beach and Rikkar quickly shut his eyes again, as if to act as if he hadn t seen any of it. But the memory would be imprinted in his mind, of those exquisite breasts and that well toned tush of hers. Maybe it was some sort of fate that kept him from killing such a beautiful woman. The world would have certainly felt that loss, let alone the Fire Nation. But what was he thinking? She was the enemy and no doubt had killed dozens of people, innocent or not. He could not, in any circumstances, allow himself to be seduced by her curves, wonderful though they may be. Perhaps he couldn t kill her but escape was still his foremost priority. After all, this so called beautiful woman wanted to torture him. With fire.When she called out to him, he dropped the illusion of sleep and let out a groan at the aching pain in his side. He realized something very profound was bulging at the front of his breeches and he rolled onto his back to try and conceal it. He found himself face to face with Ze next, who grumbled at him and Rikkar immediately sat up into a sitting position, terrified at the rhino s attention on him. After all, it had been the one who knocked him aside like a doll.Fire crackled. Its warmth was not comforting for him. I was having a nice dream. He simply remarked in greeting, turning to face her as he sat, arms tied together and leashed to Ze s neck. In fact, he scooted back and even dared to rest his back against the rhino s back. It accepted him with another low grumble, as Ze wanted to keep on sleeping. So you went fishing huh? Do you even know how to cook those? Eating them raw is bad for your teeth, you know. But crooked fangs might suit you, lass. He chuckled at her, his voice a little raspy but deep and strong. He felt a bit stronger. Maybe if he got near to some water, he might be able to do some action. You re cooking them all wrong you know. I swear I saw some wild berries back in the woods. And with some root and leaf, you can make a decent meal even. Why don t you untie me and let me go find some. He said with a wide grin, knowing that would be unlikely and next to impossible. But who knew, stranger things had happened. Or why don t you go look and I ll watch the fire. You re going to burn the fish at this rate. He added further in teasing. And only three? Milo s going to be cranky you left him out. Catch another or do you treat animals in the Fire Nation worse than slaves? Give him mine. He said, speaking truthfully and indeed willing to give up his meal so that his pet could eat. He assumed Ze would be eating as well, for who could be so cruel as to eat in front of their animal companions and not give them any? Zinni let out a small chuckle at the sight of the waterbender spooked by Ze. Tearing him down the day prior had certainly left an impression. If only the boy were as easily cared by her. Maybe then he would be more useful. "He's not going to go after you unless it's warranted. You have my word. Although I can't promise he won't go out of his way to irritate you. Right now you're just feeding my war mount's ego by acting so jumpy. He's not a killer." She assured him. She would be spending a lot of time with this captive boy. He might as well be a little more comfortable. "I'm more of a threat to you than he is, and right now I come bearing fish not flames. Relax.""I can see you were having a very nice dream." She muttered, laying the fish over flame before exiting to redress herself behind nearby shrubbery. Her body heat and a bit of flame allowed the undergarments to dry remarkable quickly, leaving no wet smudges on her war uniform as she returned, sitting by the fire and watching the meat as it cooked on her flame. She listened to his remarks and made her face into a half hearted snarl before muttering "Grr." Then she promptly drew her eyes away from the man and back to the flame. She was much less angry with the light of a new day than she had been last night, but she still could hardly be considered friendly towards her captive.She rolled her eyes at him. "We can eat more on the journey. For now, you're getting a fish, so stop squawking at me. Don't push your luck, fool. I wouldn't untie you for anything. You'd just try to spear me through the heart again." She sighed. "War captives aren't to be trusted, so I wont be trusting you. First chance you get you'll trynd take my life again.. I don't have time for dying. There's too much to do." She said, half jokingly. She then looked up at the man and cocked an eyebrow. "Komodo rhino's are vegetarians, and Ze has had plenty of greenery to eat. He can hold off on fish for now nor do I think he's particularly hungry. He seems more keen on sleeping if you ask me. The third fish is for the turtleduck even though I was half tempted to cookhimup for dinner after the stunt the two of you pulled last night. Although... I'm not sure why I'm even bothering to cook his fish." She rambled, talking more to herself by the last phrase.She ignored the boy for awhile then, listening only to the crackling of wood as the fish cooked. When they were prepared she threw one into the dirt near where she had tethered the duck, and the quirky little thing scarfed it down right away before yelling out his desire to have another. I made her scoff. "Greedy little thing." She muttered, smiling a bit over her shoulder at the small beast before walking to her captive where he sat. "Your wounds haven't healed as much as I had hoped. You still look quite sore." She noted, hiking up his tunic to take a peek at his bruising. It had improved, but still needed more time. "This bruising is going to make the ride miserable for you."She admitted, pursing her lips.She then took to feeding the man his breakfast. She tore flesh from bone time and time again and fed it to him by hand. She was gentle with the act, but a bit hurried. They were on a timeline today, and they needed to get moving as soon as possible. Once his fish was finished she threwthe reminants to the turtleduck and ate her own, repeating the process. It was then she grabbed another bucket of water and treated the waterbender's wounds a second time: carefully pressing the water into his flesh over each injury so he could freeze it there for his own benefit. "If you see any medicinal herbs along the way... Let me know and we'll gather some for you. I know verylittle about those types of things. It was not part of my training. I've just learned bits and pieces in my travels. "Zinni then busied herself with packing everything up in Ze's saddlebags and preparing for the trek. She even fashioned a bed of sorts in one of the saddlebags using her blankets and stuck Milo within so that he could ride in comfort unlike his papa. Zinni then hopped in the saddle and grabbed onto the chains retraining her prisoner. "Up. You'll ride behind me." Before dragging him upward onto the beast with as much force as needed. She had left the rope tied between Ze's neck and the boy's restraints. That way he couldn't jump off and try to run. Once on, the boy sat close behind Zinni. Close enough that if she leaned back only slightly she would press into his chest, but even apart he could feel the heat radiating off of her. The promise of a firebender meant nothing to Rikkar. She had promised to torture him too eventually, how could he trust her word? His expression was purely skeptical and he was not apologetic for his remarks at all. Feeding him was just a ploy to keep him alive for other uses, he deigned. Just like healing him. Perhaps he ought to starve instead and a soft smirk came over his lips as he decided on the idea. Let go through all that work just to tell her he wasn t hungry anymore? He d rather eat dirt than accepting the offerings of a genocidal maniac. It didn t matter if she was beautiful either. She was his enemy and he had to fight her at every step.She at least wasn t dumb enough to set him free for anything. I don t know what you re talking about. He simply declared when she accused him and Milo of being up to some conspiracy.If you hurt Milo, I won t hesitate to stab you through the hand you use to hurt him with. And then elsewhere to. And all over.Still, she gave Milo a fish and he was grateful for it and the fish began to smell heavenly, which had him doubting his earlier initiative to go on a hunger strike. If he ate, he would heal faster and maybe garner some strength to fight. But it also had the inverse effect of healing him as well, making him susceptible to torture. The trade off was a tough one to make but dying slowly seemed his fate in either case.He stayed absolutely still when she checked his wounds again, rolling up his tunic. Just fluttering his clothes against the bruised areas was enough to cause the pain to awaken tenfold, making him hiss through his teeth and shut his eyes. Your grasp of common sense is astonishing. He remarked to her drily. Of course riding was going to hurt. Anything he did was going to hurt. He needed bed rest for days to fully heal and forcing him to do anything would only slow the healing process.And then she tried to hand feed him the fish. He looked at her, then at the morsel. He decided death by hunger would be an easier way to die slowly. I m not hungry. Give it all to Milo. He ll eat himself to slumber. He simply said and turned to look away. How badly would he come to regret this choice, he wondered? But the harder he made it on her, the better. He could go to his grave with a grin of bemusement at least. He did his part in the war, however small it might be, frustrating this one firebender of her plans.He scoffed at her request to point out medical herbs as well, as she began to pack up her rhino for transport. Does it look like plants and trees grow in abundance where I m from? Water, you idiot. That s all I need to heal myself. But you won t give me that so we re at an impasse. He simply said. He knew her training only had to do with death and he wouldn t trust healing to someone who s job was anathema to it. He rose staggeringly to his feet as she yanked his bonds. Maybe his sudden resistance to her offering of aid was borne from a crankiness, coming from a broken night s sleep. He was in pain. Now he would be hungry. He didn t plan on being a novel prisoner. She hefted him up onto the back of the rhino and he allowed that, though he didn t make any attempt to hold on. Better to fall off and be trampled to death. Better yet, he ll hit his head on a rock.And if it wasn t hot enough this day, much further north then he had ever travelled or been, the firebender made her own heat. He wanted to be cold, to gather water around his body and freeze it to his wounded side. That was the only way he would feel relief. With relief, he might act more rationally. He hissed as they started to move and Rikkar glanced over his shoulder, a look of regret as he left behind his fallen comrades in arms. Goodbye, friends. I m sorry. He murmured to them, feeling guilty for having survived when they had all died or perished nobly in battle. His end would not be so glorious, he deemed. You re not going to the shore? He asked openly. What happened to your friends? Left without you? There are the ships of my people, though I doubt you know how to handle them. Wouldn t want you to break one of your precious nails huh? He taunted her, feeling bored within the first few moments of their travel. Ever been to the Earth Kingdom, besides raiding and burning their towns? I hear their bandits and thugs are a vicious lot, even against their own people. Even you alone can t fight off a half dozen attackers. He said, trying to get the notion into her head, to distract her from whatever she was planning. It seemed doomed anyways. If they catch you, you know what they do with female prisoners right? Me, I ll be lucky. They ll probably just lop my head off. But you, yeah they will have fun with you. An invader, a pretty girl, they ll relish the day. You know this journey is doomed right? Might as well put up your armor and live like a hermit. Rikkar sneered behind her. "We'll never make it across this landscape in one piece. Tell you what, take me to my ship and I'll sail you somewhere near to your people and leave you there. A fair deal." He said with a casual grin, knowing she'd never accept it. But later on if and when they did run into trouble, he could always laugh and say he told her so. Look. I think those are some medicinal roots at the base of that tree. He then pointed out. No they weren t, but he was hoping to waste her time and patience with the useless task. Zinni knew well before it happened that it was going to be a long ride. This prisoner had proven not to know how to keep quiet more than a few minutes at a time, and that was thoroughly exhausting for the firebender. She had more than enough to think about without him rambling on about this or that. IT made her all the more eager to get rid of him. Or perhaps a few burns would teach him how to hold his tongue. It was a tempting idea, but she knew she couldn t. The time would come when she got to burn him, but now, on the back of Ze, was not the time. No. We re not going to shore. Yes. We were left behind. Under my order they packed up and left as soon as the battle was won. I wasn t back in time thanks to your antics, so now we have to ride until we reach a fire nation settlement on the far shore. There we will meet up with my betrothed and things will be taken care of. If you could manage to keep your mouth shut until we arrive there it would most certainly me a miracle. However, I don t think that will be happening. I m stuck with you, your duck, and the loud mouths that reside on both of you. Lucky me. She huffed. If they catch me and manage to take me down, I deserve whatever happens to me. I m classically trained in combat and I should be able to handle a few thugs with no bending abilities. Ze will also happily help out with that even with you as dead weight to the both of us. I know you wish for death and to make things difficult for me, but it s not going to be as easy as you think, boy. Plus bandits I don t mind killing. You were a target I wanted to minimally harm which proved difficult considering you packed a shit ton of water with you. Wasn t that heavy? She teased him, scoffing. Probably not, I imagine, when you compare it to the weight of your thick skull. You re foolish for refusing my meal. It will hinder your healing and next time I ll just force you to eat through pain. Ask yourself if it s worth it, boy. She ignored his comments about going back to a waterbending ship and those about medicinal roots. Even she knew better than to believe him so easily. He was on a path to self destruction and she knew he wouldn t point her towards medicine no matter how much he hurt. His stubbornness was almost admirable in a way, but it was also a massive inconvenience. She just rode in silence for the coming ours, ignoring anything he or milo had to say. Though, she did intermittently reach into the saddlebag to stroke the turtleduck in reassurance. Most of the time her kindness was met with bites from the ducks causing her to curse to the spirits before she went back to riding Ze quietly, her hand resting on his wither soothingly. She loved that damn rhino.The hours passed by slowly in the silence between the unhappy pair. Morning turned to afternoon and soon after that morning turned evening as they wove through the trees like a couple of nomads. he day had been rather uneventful: they saw no bandits of towns. The most dangerous things they saw other than each other were the natural fauna: all of which ran at the sight of massive, Lumbering Ze. When Zinni found a quiet clearing she hopped off of the rhino and rubbed her lower back which was sore from so many hours in the saddle. She didn t even wat to imagine how the boy hurt. He was not only injured, but he also had no saddle or padding between his bum and the bony, rough flesh of the komodo rhino. That s it for today. She gruffed to the boy quietly before she dragged him off of Ze where he hit the dirt with a loud thud. If he wasn t going to cooperate she wasn t going to bother being gentle on his wounds. He was going to be a pain in her ass, so she was going to inflict pain on him. Simple as that.There was no time for torture, however, until after camp was set up. She set about collecting firewood and starting a fire before setting up her bedding and other supplies: unpacking Ze as he babysat her captive. He would be released soon to graze and rest, and she would babysit the boy instead. More than that, she would start searching for answers. He would survive he torture even if he wasn t as well as she had hoped he would be. She would just have to go easy on him for now. It have been quite some time since Zinni had gotten her hands dirty in an interrogation. Months. She was looking forward to it. Getting answers was the best part of the job.Without hesitation she untied the man from Ze and quickly tied him to the trunk of a tree instead. His arms were stretched all the way up and secured to a branch and his ankles and waist were wrapped in ropes and pressed securely into the rough bark. He was getting nowhere. She didn t speak during any of the process, even as the boy babbled and mocked her. It was easier to get into the right frame of mind if she half way pretended that her captive was not human, and for now that meant not talking to him. Not until she started to ask questions.With careful hands, Zinni reached down to the hem of the man s tunic and pulled it upward until she wrapped it around his head: refusing him the ability to see anything that was about to happen to him before she started to sharpen her blade against a stone near enough by that she was confident he would be able to hear the most likely familiar and obvious sound. Zinni was well known for her ability with a blade. Carving a ham like him would be easy. I m going to start easy on you, boy. She spoke solemnly. And if you answer my questions you won t get hurt. This game is simple. Understood? She asked, eyeballing his masculine form as it was displayed in front of her ready to bleed. She licked her lips at the thought of getting her revenge. Now . What is your name, waterbender? Don t make me have to ask again. Despite the strangeness of their encounter, the firebender seemed more than willing to open up about her motives and plans. Rikkar didn t believe her for a second that she ordered her comrades to leave her behind. He knew very little of the world outside the South Pole so he didn t know if this journey to this settlement would take a few days or weeks for that matter. He knew his people had tried to reach the North Pole by sailing by areas not touched by the Fire Nation so these raiders certainly came far from their homeland. Still, what did all this information do for him, besides help him waste the dull hours away riding like a rolled up rug on the back of this rhino? My thick, heavy skull is what s responsible for all my muscles, carrying it around all day. Pays off in a way. He simply replied casually. Perhaps he was stubborn and stupid but he could also be patient and observant. Let her think him an imbecile for now. It ll help with the element of surprise when he finally did make his move. I so do miss being fed like a baby though. Times were easy back then. Totally going to be worth it. He responded with a grin but any further attempts to goad the firebender fell to naught. So Rikkar sat and enjoyed the ride, letting the smells and sights wash over him. This truly was a beautiful land. And to think these firebenders would wash it all over with fire and death. Despicable.He also thought of this betrothed that this girl had. Probably another idiot and cocky firebender like her, though they all couldn t be oppressive and rude. Someone had to be the lesser in their relationships. He wondered if this girl in front of him wore the pants in their relationship.Nonsense. Everyone wears pants. Otherwise frostbite will eat your legs off.The journey soon left him rough and sore, between his firm thighs as well as his battered side. The pain washed over him constantly in a throbbing sensation, not really allowing his mind to wander. He was forced to endure every minute of every hour extremely because of his ache.Milo bit him as much as anyone else too. He was hungry. He wanted to be near water. Rikkar could only mutter apologies and promises he probably could not keep. It was the only time any sort of regret would come into his voice.Finally they stopped and Rikkar cast a glance to the sky to gauge the time of day by the positioning of the sun. He sighed when she pulled him off and fell to the ground with a thud and a groan, simply laying there as he tried to recover from that lance of pain now. How many more hours and days of this could he endure before he cracked and broke?I have to do it for them, my dead friends, and my people still out there, counting on me. I have to fight.Eventually, as the girl went to setting up her camp, he sat up by the rhino and sighed, resting his head to Ze s bulk. They seemed on good terms. Milo was still a general terror to everyone. But now he guessed there was going to be torture. Run along now, Milo. Find some leaves to eat. You don t need to see this. He beckoned to the turtle duck in that regretful tone. Milo did scurry away, disappearing into the woods.The girl returned to him and untied him from the beast, only to drag him to another tree instead. Oh, this again. She pulled his arms up but he didn t resist, still to much in ache from the battering. Trying to waterbend with the hand motions and gestures would be too painful. He needed to wait. But Rikkar knew now, with an increasingly fast heartbeat, that the torture would begin. He didn t say a word to her, watching her silently as she did her work and then yanked his tunic up and over his head, exposing his strong chest and lean, narrow yet defined abdomen. His skin was like polished bronze, flexing and constraining with each laboured breath. His side was bruised purple and black in an ugly stretch from his hip up to under his shoulder where Ze had charged him. Beneath the shirt, his breath washed over his own face, muffling him and all his senses.Except his ears. He heard the firebender s warning as well as the knife sharpening. Each one sent an icy tingle throughout his chest. The torture was coming and he tried to steel for it mentally, for he had no chance of resistance physically. He didn t believe her for a second about going easy or that he won t get hurt. What did she even need to know? What did she think he knew? This was a trap, pure and simple. He had no knowledge of greater troop movements or defences of strongholds, in the Earth Kingdom or the North Pole. This was going to be a cruel game, nothing more. It s what he expected of any Fire Nation scum.She only asked his name though. That was innocent. It meant nothing to a man who might be dead in a short while so he gave it to her. Rikkar. He answered, voice muffled by his tunic. And yours? Only polite that I ask back. He snickered, more for himself than to mock her. It still felt he had some control, of his mind at least if not his body. He shifted his feet around, expecting to be cut anyways. Rikkar.The name resonated in the air around the both of them as they stood close to one another. It was certainly a surprise to Zinni that he had answered considering he had denied her that pleasure earlier. It would be easier to scold him knowing his name. At the same time, it was a disappointment. Zinni was so hoping she could show the manchild she meant business early on in this game. Alas, she would not break her promise. No harm would come to the pigheaded waterbender is he cooperated, but that didn t mean she couldn t scare him a little.Zinni heated the blade with her own bending skill only to the temperature of a nice heating pad, then pressed the blunt side into the flesh of the waterbender. Seeing how he fidgeted and took labored breaths she knew he was afraid, even if he denied it. Being touched at all would be enough to make him jump even if she didn t hurt him. She was counting on that even though, in reality, the temperature of the blade might even feel soothing in different circumstances. She grandly trailed the warmed blade downward over the captive s washboard and her eyes followed suit: admiring his body as she remained careful not to even come close to cutting him. This body, when healed up, must be a marvel to see. They bred them well in the water nation. Good. Zinni said simply, removing the blade entirely and replacing it with the palm of her free hand: cupping the man s waist where it appeared the most painfully bruised. Again she heated up her hand while cradling his wound to the temperature of a soothing heat pack one might use to soothe aches, and she held it there: offering him relief rather than pain. Was it kindness she was showing him? Or was she giving him false hope? Only time would tell. If you cooperate with me then this session might actually be pleasant for you. At least as pleasant as it can be. She assured him as she tucked the blade away into its scabbard on her hip.With one hand still cupping his waist and providing it with a comforting warmth she reached up with the other to pull his tunic off of his head and away from his face: gifting him sight and fresh air. She looked up at him from her position: standing maybe a foot away from him with her hand comfortably planted on his flesh. Zinni s amber eyes stared into those of the tribal man as she watched him catch his breath. He had nothing to fear in that moment even if he didn t believe it. It meant Zinni s honor to keep her promises. My name is Zinni. She offered, voice fairly soft as they stood in the firelight. Both Ze and Milo had wandered off to find better grazing leaving the two people alone in each other s company. And I don t have to be the girl that hurts you. I could just be the one who transports you. She offered.The tricky bit of this interrogation was that she had no way of knowing what this man knew. She knew not his rank or abilities. He could be the lowest ranking of the group they took down and she could be wasting her time. Or he could be captain like her and know everything. She was going to have to catch on to whether he was lying or not and quickly. Seeing his face would be her best indication. Withdrawing her hand from his body, Zinni stepped back: increasing the distance between them. From there she just looked at him. The fury in her eyes had dissipated and her pinched expression relaxed as she just eyeballed the waterbender wordlessly.What do you know?She wondered. Well. He at least knew his own history. Your boat came from the southern Water Tribe, correct? She stated, already knowing the answer. How long have you been studying bending with your people? Weeks? Months? Years? When did you learn bending combat skills? Her voice was soft as her eyes traveled to the fire and she turned her back on her captive. She did want to hurt him right? So why was she hoping he wouldn t make her have to? Were you classically trained as a soldier for your nation, or were you simply drafted for this war because you could bend? He could feel heat beginning to gather in front of his naked abdomen. Bereft of his eyesight, his other senses grew more sensitive.Oh great, I told her my name and she still plans to torture me. Well, here we go.He felt the flat of the blade pressed to his body and he hissed, fearing the worst, legs jerking to find some purchase in the ground to help alleviate the pain. But it was barely hot at all, nor did she cut into his flesh. He was still panting hard, truly terrified and shocked for that moment. Was she messing with him? It was certainly unkind to do. The blade was soon removed and instead her hand was placed upon his strong, taut abdomen instead.Rikkar had never been touched by a woman before. It did something to him. Tingles and goosebumps diluted outwards in his body, within and without. He shuddered and was thankful his face was covered.But wait, she s my captor and enemy!Warmth spread over his body, like being draped in a heavy blanket on a cold day. It might have made him sleepy had he not been in the circumstances he was now. But still, what was this and what was she doing? Toying with him no doubt. The real punishment and hurt would come. Her words seemed only to have false promises and false assurances to him. She had gone through all the trouble of setting him up like this. She intended to torture and it seemed to him it would happen regardless if he cooperated or not.Well, let her try her worst then! He was already a dead man in his own mind.Surprisingly, the tunic over his head was removed, leaving him naked above the waist. His strong arms were flexed as they were tied above, his abdomen taut and constricting with each breath.As pleasant as it can be. Says you. I wonder if a wolf says the same to the rabbit.Don t fight and I ll swallow you whole instead of chewing you into little bits first. He snorted with disbelief. He looked up at her, his face one of incredulity at her words. Zinni does your mother know you stole her kitchen knife? He couldn t help but say with a smirk as he looked up at her. But he lost it at her next offer. Just be the one who transports me to my imprisonment. Where they will hurt and no doubt kill me. He finished off for her. He knew how this would end. He didn t believe her for a second.She took her hand off of him and then he felt cold. Not the sort of cold one feels in a place of perpetual winter but an empty sort of cold, like the void of night where there was no stars or anything. His body craved her touch again and he tried his hardest not to seem discomforted by that, or wanting more of it. Who knows, her next touch could be very painful when it happened again. She could sear his flesh off with her fire or cut him more. He stared back at her. He had given his name, what more was there to know? He wasn t going to give up his home or friends, the ones who might still be alive. As she began to voice further questions, he could help but chuckle and drop his gaze to the forest floor. Could you take my boots off as well? If we re going to talk, I d like to be comfortable. He said light heartedly instead when she finished her questions.He sighed and raised his head back to the bark of the tree behind him, pretending to rest, eyes closed. Let s see my boat? Well technically the shipwright who made it came from the North Pole, so in a sense it s from the northern water tribe. Of course, since the material is imported from the Earth Kingdom, it s actually their boat. But the labourers who made it are from the South Pole. So you can technically say it s from everywhere. Except of course the Fire Nation. They make terrible boats, all that smoke and ash. It probably stinks on there. I don t know how you do it. He said at first, saying a bunch of useless information. None of it was true. Yes, the boat was from the Southern Water Tribe, solely and singularly.Now the questions were about him. I live in a place forever frozen and cold. You have to fight everyday to survive. Does that count as classically trained? What does it mean to be classically trained anyways? I don t know if you have ever hunted but nothing likes to be. It s a terrible feeling when someone tries to hunt you down. I never do it for sport, like some people. He said, shooting his eyes open and glaring at Zinni.Like you. Like your people. Drafted for war? You mean you actually up and steal people away from their homes to go invade another people s home? You Fire Nation lot are truly crazy in the head. He added as well, which should answer her last question. He volunteered, because it seemed the right thing to do.Who does such a thing, to their own people too? Is that all? No, right. My bending. Let s see I was a toddler when I first hmm He said vaguely, pretending to be unaware. The answer was all his life, really. First for healing and simple tasks and chores. Daming rivers, building bridges of ice, or just outright foolery like ice slides down a steep hill or pranking his sisters by forming ice on the ground in front of them unexpectedly. As for my bending well I was kicking your ass so clearly more than you ve been studying. Take a guess. He said haughtily. Zinni rubbed her temples and planted her ass on a nearby log as the boy rambled on about the ships and his past. He wasn t going to give her anything she could use and on top of that he was going to irritate her anyway. No straight answers and no cooperation was enough to drive a hardwired woman like Zinni crazy, and Rikkar was well on his way to stepping on each and every one of the young firebender s nerves. How could any one person learn to be quite as annoying as he is? It had to take some kind of talent that Zinni and no one else in the firenation had. What an infuriating existence. And yet... she didn't want to punish him. Not if it meant truly hurting him again. Mild discomforts? Sure. Torture? It was sounding less and less appealing as time went by.What is wrong with you, Zinni?She asked herself, still massaging his temples. Maybe it was because he was handsome and it should be a crime to defile a body like his. Maybe it was because she knew, deep down, that he was acting out because of fear. He had been instilled with a fear of the fire nation probably from a young age and made to believe that they were a horrible, power thirsty people. It was untrue. They were strict and skilled in combat, yes, but most of them were kind enough and would like the war to end as much as anyone else. Casualties were upsetting, and she wanted to preserve the sanctity of life. That's why she helped round up benders like Rikkar. To bring them to a place where they would be safe and secure: no longer a danger to themselves or anyone else.... at least at that was what Zinni had been told. She had no idea just how wrong she was. Maybe, just maybe, the fear of this man getting hurt by her people was why she didn't want to beat him to a pulp now. He was far from malicious or cruel... just annoying. You didn't deserve to be tortured for being annoying."Please!" She finally pleaded. "Just. Shut. Up." With a dainty hand she reached down and picked up a small pinecone before lobbing it behind her so that it would hit him in the gut. It was too small to really hurt, but it certainly got the point across: Zinni was annoyed. That was enough babble. She groaned before standing up and walking back to him and letting her eyes scan up and down "Fine. You want your shoes off? Done." She knelt down and pulled each of his shoes off of his feet and setting them out of reach and leaving him barefoot Now he had nothing covering his body but his trousers as the night air began to nip at them with an edge of chilliness. "I hope youre comfortable." She grumbled, walking towards her saddlebags.Zinni reached into the bag and rummaged around a bit until she pulled out a sizeable stick of rhino jerky. A little protein before bed would do them both good, especially after a long day of riding. She slipped it into her mouth and bit off a small bit with her teeth, spitting it into the trees where she had last seen the turtleduck. As expected, the mean animal came waddling out with aloud squak and gobbled down the bit of meat she had given him. "You better be thankful for that." She muttered grumpily, biting the jerky again and this time ripping the remaining piece in half using her teeth. The pieces were small enough to fit in her mouth whole, so she chewed the half she had already soiled with her saliva and walked back to Rikkar. Without a word she squeezed his jaw such that his mouth opened and she stuffed the jerky inside. "Eat it or don't and spit it out for your duck. But. I suggest you eat. I'm sure you're getting hungry by now, Rikkar."That was the last thing Zinni said to the miserable prisoner. She left him tied, half naked, to that tree as she got herself ready for bed and eventually crawled into her sleeping bag for her own slumber. He could scream and whine about her unfair treatment of him, but leaving him cold and tied to a tree was the kindest form of torture she had ever offered to anyone. He was lucky and she was too tired to be kept awake by any noise he could possibly make plus she was confident that the young man wasn't going anywhere.Zinni slept soundly... until she heard an unfamiliar rustling in the bushes at daybreak. Rikkar burst out with laughter when the Firebender couldn t take it no more. It was a musical laugh, as mirthful as one could be when tied to a tree and threatened with torture and death to come. Getting on her nerves, this Zinni, was still a victory to him. He paused a moment in his laughter when the acorn struck his abdomen, pricking him no more than a fly might, but it didn t stop him from feeling bemused. He was still grinning ear to ear when she got up and walked over. Perhaps to threaten him with the knife or fire again? Instead she did him a service, which only increased his amusement further. He even lifted his strong legs up so that she didn t have to bend down so far. Very comfortable. Thank you. He said, wiggling his toes and stretching out.Of course now there was little to do as she walked off to eat. And with nothing to do but watch, he began to realize just how hungry he was at the sight of food. His stomach rumbled like some angry beast in a den but Rikkar refused to beg or ask for it. Better to starve quicker than to die a slow death in a Fire Nation prison somewhere. Everyone seemed to be getting fed except him though and it was hard to stay disciplined with that assignation of his. Ze grazed the fresh forest grass. Zinni enjoyed her meat strips. Even Milo came rippling out to gobble up a morsel. Still he refused to ask, even when Zinni came over and stood in front of him. Such manners though! She grabbed his jaw and practically force fed him the morsel, which he didn t deny.Shame and failure. He ate it, because his whole body ached for it. Spirits, was this what they were going to do to him in prison? It was too late to spit it out. Thanks. He mumbled again. It did not satisfy him much. She strode off and settled for slumber as night fell. The sun sank and coolness swept over the forest, prickling his half naked body. Well, he was used to that, living in a place of perpetual ice and snow. Yet he was still discomforted. He was tied awkwardly. His limbs fell numb and the tree pricked his back. Often he thought he felt insects crawling over him, causing him to jerk about. But he didn t ask for a reprieve or any sort of service. Not from her. Not from the bitch who killed his friends and comrades.Well, not her exactly. Not directly. But she belonged to the people who did. And she intended to do the same to him.Trapped with a whirlwind of thoughts, of boredom, fear, desperation, and anger, Rikkar didn t know when he slept. Vivid, phantom sensations of Zinni s hand on his body would twitch him awake, only to realize it was memories deep in his subconscious and not the coming of dawn when she came to wake him. It happened often and he did not know why. Did he crave it? It disgusted him frankly to even consider that. She was his enemy, not his friend.Not ever to be his lover.The same whirlwind would pick up again, ignited by consciousness, and then he would fall back into a restless sleep. Morning came but he was too exhausted to greet the rising of the sun. He slept, chin tucked to his chest, arms above, legs stretched, breathing contently and without bother.Not even when five pairs of feet approached.Smoke from Zinni s campfire the previous day had given them away. They had seen it. Desperate vagabonds, half of them soldiers who deserted the Earth Kingdom, or outright bandits, or those who had lost everything and had nothing else to lose. A motley collection of men and women, made cruel by their circumstances. They saw the beast. They knew there was a Fire Nationer around. And all alone. Crooked tooth grins where shared. Long moustaches were stroked eagerly. They would take this miserable bitch and make a sport out of her, as her people had done to theirs. They moved to surround. Only two of them were Earth Benders. The rest were armed with spears and clubs.Unfortunately, none suspected Milo to be lurking in the bushes either. One stepped on his tail. He squawked loudly enough to wake every living thing in a mile radius and promptly bit the foot. He cried out in shock.Everything unfolded so fast. Rikkar groaned awake, fluttering his eyes, wondering what the ordeal was this time with his pet. He looked in the direction of the noise, seeing shapes, and no doubt Zinni would as well. But who would see the spearman break from the bushes behind her and rush at her silently and quickly, intent on whacking her behind her head with the base of his spear shaft.Rikkar could tell they were no friends to any of them. Behind you! He shouted to Zinni, before trying to get to his feet as well. He didn t get far, suddenly aware he was bonded and tied up. He growled and tried to wiggle, even as the fighting began.Two spearmen leapt at Zinni, while one of the Earth Benders, a middle aged woman, stomped her foot into the ground and caused a large boulder to rise. She spun and kicked it, sending it whirling at Zinni. There were just too many. Shit. Shit. Shit.She knew there was danger, but it was already too late once it had gotten this close. The thugs were upon her and she was still tangled in her damned bedsheets. It wasn t the most ideal of circumstances for combat, let alone combat where Zinni was outmanned. It was one against five? Maybe there were more hiding in the bushes, but she couldn t imagine she would get any kind of help from the waterbender and Ze was nowhere to be seen. She could call him and he would come, but she might be dead before he got there. Either way her best bet was to try. Ze! Come, boy! She called out just a split second before the man screamed at her about a threat coming from behind.Zinni took a sharp breath and glanced over her shoulder just in time to see the weapon coming at her head much quicker than she would like. She threw herself forward, somersaulting out of the blanket and missing the blue by a hair before she threw herself to her feet. A warrior did their best fighting while standing. However, unfortunately for Zinni, she stood up just in time to see a boulder weighing ten times what she did being hurled at her. Son of a she muttered before quickly blasting a large ball of flame at the rock and leaping to the side just to avoid being pummeled. The fireball shattered the boulder, but many fragments were still bigger than her head and could easily do her a world of hurt. Luckily they all tumbled to the earth rather than crushing the firebender s bones. Spirits help me. She whispered as she widened her stance, looking around her to see just what she was up against. A few men and a few women. Each uglier than the last, but they all intended on butchering her. They would probably steal her supplies, kill the waterbender, and eat the animals. These types of people were ruthless like that. However, they weren t going to get away with it without a fight first. With Zinni s experience she would at least hurt them before they took her down and the waterbender with her. He was defenseless: tied to a tree as though he were bait. A nomadic warrior who would be killed without even being allowed a chance. It wasn t right. She felt sorry for him. I m going to regret this.. Zinni sighed the words to herself before looking over her shoulder to Rikkar where he was bound in woven rope to the tree. Luckily for the waterbender such rope would burn and melt. Zinni pivoted, thrusting her feminine form in the direction of her captive, and chucking fireballs at him. Probably much to the dismay of the waterbender, not a single one of them hit his flesh nor caused any harm. Instead they all strategically hit the ropes with enough heat to melt right through and causing the bonds to fall loose around him. He need only shed them and he was a free man. Free to run. Free to fight. The choice was his.Zinni s attention didn t stay on Rikkar long after his release. She needed to focus on the fight before they slaughtered her like a farmer pig. She didn t want to go out like that. She wanted to go out fighting like hell and showing the world what a warrior she was. With a war cry, Zinni charged at the man who had swung a spear at her dome. With a quick movement of her hand, Zinni sent a blade of flame at the man the heat of which searing his spear and melting his clothes to his flesh. As he cried out in pain, Zinni jumped him. She hit him hard in the jaw with her elbow before landing a blow to his nose making it bleed as he slipped into unconsciousness. It wasn t a lethal injury, but it was enough to take him out of the fight long enough for Zinni to focus on a smaller group while the bandit slept off her blows.However the attack on one man had rendered Zinni exposed on her flank and distracted enough not to notice the incoming attack before it was too later. One of them, spirits knew which one, had sent sharp shards of stone flying at her using their earthbending. Most of the fragments missed by some miracle, but two of them, one larger and one smaller, hit her flesh and tore threw on her waist, just above her hip. They stabbed like dull daggers and went in deep spilling Zinni s blood onto the soil in large droplets. She let out a blood curdling cry of agony, throwing her head back with her eyes shut tightly. However, even through the pain, the adrenaline allowed her to send a massive fire wall in the direction the attack had come from, searing everything in its path. There was a thrill of elation when Zinni dodged the blow at her back, forewarned by Rikkar. Yet he didn t have time to ponderwhyhe felt boosted by his captor escaping the strike.He needed to get out of here.He, already captive, was simply another mule and prisoner to be garnered by these bandits and they looked a lot less friendly than Zinni. And certainly less attractive. But he was strung up tightly, unable to budge the roping on him though he seared his flesh trying. A burst of warmth and the shattering of rock showed combat was already in full motion. He didn t like the mental picture of seeing Zinni s head bashed in with a rock. She was too pretty to lose to such a fate.Or the bandits burned to the bone from the intense heat she could generate.Whatever her intentions were though, Rikkar knew he was better off with her than the bandits, unless he could get out of here. He thought about whistling for Milo but the turtle duck had no doubt dived for cover. He didn t even think of his own danger, that a bandit could just walk up and stab him through the heart with a quick lance of their spear. Nothing irritated him more than being left out of a fight, especially one that concerned his own future. No one seemed to care in the slightest. Not even the Firebender, who turned towards him. His eyes met her, almost about to implore her to free him so he could at least defend himself, when she began to hurl fire towards him,at him!Apparently he must have been a distraction to her, a liability. Or maybe she refused to let him, an enemy combatant, have the chance at rescue. In either case it looked like death was coming to him. Oh, shit. He gasped, full of fear. To be butchered like cattle, this was no fitting way to die! He shut his eyes and waited for the hot scorch of pain that would follow. He felt the heat approaching like the light of dawn creeping across the land, sweeping away the darkness.Here it comes, here it comes It felt his bonds suddenly loosen. Heat washed over him but not life endingly or even painfully. His arms tore forward from the tree and he was able to lurch, free of his bonds and everything. He could only shoot his eyes open with puzzlement to ponder why but Zinni was full caught up in the fight. For a moment he just watched her, trying to figure out why, why let him free? Wouldn t he help his would be rescuers? Shouldn t he run? Shouldn t he leave her here to die just as she intended to dump him in a prison somewhere to die? Prettiness aside, as noble as she appeared, she was not his friend. He seemed to forget that point often, for how could someone so beautiful be a part of an entity so cruel and mercilessly?Then he realized, in his hesitation, that one of the bandit spearmen was upon him. The sharp pointy end was thrust to his face. Don t move, tyke. You mean like this? Rikkar said, grasping the spearhead below the head and yanking it forward towards him. The bandit stumbled forward, only to get kicked back by Rikkar s bare feet. He soon rolled and leapt to his feet, holding the spearhead still. The other tried to wrestle it from him, yanking it free. Rikkar ingloriously turned on his heel and darted off into the foliage.Water!That s what he needed. He could hear the bandit hot on his trail as he leapt through the bushes. He tried to look for it, to listen and see if there was a stream or pool nearby. They had not moved far from the shore. After all, Zinni and her beast Ze both needed water to survive after all and it wasn t long before he saw the gleam of sunlight on water through the trees. As he broke through, he reached out and felt the water tug towards him. As much as he could manipulate steadily, he summoned from the indispensable source that was the ocean. It flew towards him in a tendril, wrapping around his body as he leapt and turned to face his attacker. The spear was thrust out but Rikkar had the water crash into it, freezing immediately. Then with an ice hatchet forming in his other hand, he decapitated the iced head of the spear to the ground, useless, with the ice melting and leaping to rejoin his swirling tendril around his body.The bandit only glimpsed in confusion at his broken spear, before a thick ball of water struck him like a club. He flew into a tree head first and knocked himself out.Rikkar rushed back to the battle site now, where Zinni had been left against three attackers, having taken out one with his own warning. He joined the fight with a battle roar, having been gone for a full minute and seeming as if he had fled. Now he was back. The water formed tentacles from his arms, one catching the remaining non bender bandit around his neck and thrusting him away from Zinni, while he fought the other Earth Bender. Surely Zinni could handle one on her own. The Earth Bender summoned stones and boulders to hurl towards Rikkar, who had his water tendrils knock or burst asunder, dancing his way to his foe. But the stones were getting bigger and tougher and Rikkar was losing water as it was knocked from the larger ball.Deliberately.The water fell onto the ground and Rikkar knew it was there, giving ground as the Earth Bending bandit advanced on him.When she stood over one of these puddles, Rikkar summoned it up like ice and froze her to the spot. Shocked by the surprise, she dropped her guard long enough for Rikkar to run and spin, delivering a firm kick to the woman s midsection with such force that it broke her free from the ice shackling on her ankle, sending her back into the grass.The remaining bandit, who had a club, tried to rush up behind Rikkar, who reacted a moment too late but Ze came roaring and tackled the man in his side, doing the same as the beast had done to Rikkar. It didn t look pretty as the man twirled, struck a tree, and landed in a puff of dust and grass beside his earth bending friend. They both groaned.He was tired though. And felt very weak. A whole day trussed up, with little food or water, not to mention a rude awakening, it took its toll on him. Adrenaline had pushed him to this endurance but could he keep it up? His toned abdomen was restricting and flexing powerfully with his panting and sweat gleamed on his tight muscles. He shone like polished bronze in the sun. Yet with a sudden gasp of fright, he spun around and now faced off against Zinni. Water hugged his strong forearms and his gaze was fierce.Still, he didn t notice she was injured. But he faced her, assuming she would try to take him captive again. No, he was free now! He was not going back to any sort of captivity. You fought pretty good for someone who was outnumbered. He admitted softly though.But not good enough to take me again. And this time I won t lose.He knew where Ze was.As he faced off against her, those who could still move tried to make good on their escape, helping each other to crawl and mope away. Leave these two to their own games now, they had enough! Zinni was bleeding, and that made it incredibly hard for her to focus. After her cries subsided she dragged her carcass from the forest floor and faced off with the remaining bandits. However, much to her surprise, there wasn't much for her to do. Rikkar was taking them on, and he was doing quite well. Zinni managed to fling a few fireballs at the asalants, but each sharp movement of her body caused a sharp pain to ripple through her stab wounds: the rocks still within her and likely ripping away further at her meat every time she shifted. However, she couldn't pull them out. There was no time and as soon as she did she would likely bleed out. Her last actions would not be those of cowardice.Zinni's eyes flicked to Ze when he came roaring in, trampling the remaining bandit just as it looked like he might be getting the upper hand over her water bending companion, if you could call Rikkar that. "Good boy, Ze." She whispered under her breath before her eyes fell to where her hand was cupping the wound at her hip. The blood was spilling between her long, narrow fingers now. If it kept gushing like this she would be unconscious soon.She scoffed a bit at the wound. This wasn't the way she had planned to go. Zinni had had every intention of dying a very old women with her children, grandchildren, and perhaps even great grandchildren sitting at her bedside and helping her to confidently cross the bridge into the spirit world. She dreamed of her name being written into the history books so that she could be remembered for many years to come and new warriors would pray to her for guidance. She wanted to be a legend for helping to end this wretched war. Instead? She was going to die here. Alone in the woods surrounded by a very large group of people, and even a turtleduck, who didn't like her. Pathetic.Lines were beginning to get blurry now, and the world seemed to rock as though she were back at sea. Even so, she could see it when the waterbender turned on her. She expected it. She wouldn't want to give in to her captor either. She saw in the boy bits a pieces of her own honor and values. It was such a shame he had been born on the wrong end of this war. He would have made quite a cunning firebender."Don't waste your strength, boy." She laughed, holding out her bloodied hand in full view. "I'm already done for. The bitch got me. So don't waste your strength. Not unless you plan on putting me out of my misery more swiftly than if nature ust takes it's course." She shrugged before reaching down, pulling the largest and deepest of the stone blades out of her flesh where it had impaled her in the flank: even in height with her belly button though on the side rather than the front of her feminine form. Next was the blade in her hip, and then the one in her upper thigh: each smaller than the last. Even so, they had done the job.Blood stained the firebenders tunic and military garb. It poured down her side at an alarming rate: staining her boot in streaks before it kissed the soft soil beneath her. She nodded, accepting her death. "Go, waterboy. Just please do me one favor..." She sighed. She didn't like asking favor of the enemy, but this time it was important to her. This wasn't just about her deteriorating life anymore. "Take Ze with you. He's loyal. If you don't take him he'll lay here and guard me even past my death until he reaches his own. Don't let him. He's a good beast. He shouldn't have to starve to death because he's protecting a damned corpse."Then Zinni collapsed, but was that a tear on her cheek when she hit the ground? It finally registered to Rikkar how badly hurt Zinni was. She was in no position to fight him. It would even be dishonourable if he did fight her. He could just turn around and walk away and be free. He ought to.Just turn on your heel and run. Run to the water and then follow it to some friendly port. From there, home.No imprisonment. No slow death. No captor and captive play. Yet his bare feet remained rooted to the ground. He listened to Zinni confess her own end coming soon.Why was he even listening?His eyes looked to the shards in her flesh, sharp stones that cut into her flesh quite messily.He jerked a step forward when she tore one out. He didn t know why. A water tribe healer would know not to do such a thing. Not so rashly! Again, why did he care?He looked at Ze when Zinni bid him to look after the beast. Something about her final request moved him, forming a heavy lump in her throat. For all her faults, she was loyal and loving of her beast of burden and war. He was more than that to her and even Rikkar could not blame Ze, even after he had been battered by the rhino. He opened his mouth to say something, say anything, to assure her it might not be this way, that she might recover or be found by her friends. He didn t get to. Without warning, she collapsed to the ground with a soft thud. By the spirits, no one deserved to die like this, especially someone so fair and beautiful Rikkar did not hesitate. His water splashed to the ground and was lost in his haste and urgency. In a few steps he leapt to her side and fell heavily to his knees, looking her over and then looking into her face. Wake up, wake up! He urged her, putting his hands on her neck, and then trailing them up to her face. He saw the tear but his thumb absentmindedly wiped it away. He shook her face, trying to keep her conscious. Don t go to sleep. Stay here. Look at me. I m not taking Ze with me. He s not mine to take. He s a good beast and he s going to grow old with you. Old and fat. The good life, the proper way to go. Not like this. You hear me? Rikkar practically shouted at her, before turning his attention to her lower abdomen and legs where she was cut, hands trailing down her form, over her breasts and all without realizing it.It was bad. She had lost a lot of blood. It was a miracle she was indeed still consciousness.Water.He needed water. Leaping back to his feet, his hands shot out and danced, drawing as much of the water he had dropped to the ground as he can. But it was tainted with sand and grit now, which caused him to hiss furiously and send that flying off to the side where it struck a tree. No, she had a water flask didn t she? He searched the campsite desperately and found it, the water coming out. Enough, thankfully. The water surrounded one hand like watery orbs and he rushed back to her with his tunic, bunching it up to put under her head. Then he looked to her wounds. You re going to be alright. Rikkar told Zinni.Leave her to die! She was certainly taking you to your death.But he couldn t. It wasn t right. The spirits knew it would not be right either. It was against all his teachings and learning, more so than the warrior code he had lived by. One hand on her side, he rolled her over to look at her flank. Water orbs formed in his hand and he put it to the first gash in her body, where she had tore a stone blade from. It cleansed the wound, drawing blood and stone fragments away. With careful diligence, he separated the water then from those aspects, letting them fall harmlessly to the ground over. He would have to patch her up later.Next was the stone in her thigh. He put his hand over it and the water formed a cylinder between his palm and her flesh, surrounding the rock. With gentle slowness, the water soothing her flesh and making it burn significantly less, he was able to extract the stone fragment cleanly from her without breaking it. That too he tossed aside and moved to her final stone. Feeling better? He asked her, looking up at her face as he formed the cylinder over the final fragment. It was extracted slowly, with minimal pain because of the soothing water, and removed completely. Now there were three open gashes in her body, each beginning to leak blood again.He got up and found her blanket. Poor thing, he tore it into shreds and took the longest pieces he could find, returning to her body. He knelt by her leg and wrapped them about her injured thigh, patching the first two gashes. His hands flowed about her thighs, touching the most intimate regions on the inside and underside. Temporary measures of course. The final, and largest, on the side of her rear would be tricky to patch. He could not in fact. Not without dishonouring her modesty and virtue, which he would not do. All he could do though? He rolled her onto her side gently and sat beside her, one leg bent and foot against his other leg, the lower calf resting against her backside and thigh, with his other leg stretched out between her thighs and in front of her. He put his hand, with the water orb still about it, and pressed his palm to the side of her flank.It would take hours, even days, to heal the gash. With a sigh, Rikkar closed his eyes and began to mutter, summoning the spirits. The moon would rise high tonight. It would empower him, for it was up to him to save her life. She had lost a lot of blood. The water glowed with a white purity as some spiritual energy was instilled into it. And thus from him into her as he began the long arduous healing process. They would not be able to move. He could not take his hand off her intimate flesh here on her cheek. But he did so, because he could not and would not leave her to die like this.No one deserved to die like this.His back rigid, his posture unmoving, his hand on her side and his other resting on her thigh. The water swirled and danced, becoming marred with blood but also helping the flesh to close itself and heal. Zinni, still with me? He asked her softly, the water working its slow magic on her largest cut. After would follow the other two. Zinni groaned, her eyes fluttering, but it was too hard to focus. Everything he said or did was muted by her failing senses, and she wouldn t even know the difference between him killing her or helping her. Luckily, against her knowledge, the water tribe boy was doing the later. She did not respond to his yelling, but the shaking of her head caused her eyes to open widely or a split second before they fluttered closed once more. Can t Stay awake She whispered shallowly before her neck practically went limp along with the rest of her ailing body as he trailed his hands over her: In consciousness she might have taken his hand off for touching her like that, but in this state she had no idea what he had even done.Her eyelashes continued to flutter as she walked the very thin line between awake and asleep: teetering into each side from time to time as the waterbender continued to worry over her. Soon, with his tunic bunched up under her head and his hands touching her oh so gently she realized that one of two things was true. Zinni was either hallucinating or he was trying to help her.But why?She wondered. Zinni knew she meant bad news for the little waterbender. She had hurt him and she was taking him to a holding facility that he, obviously, did not want to go to. Why would he do anything to help her? She had given him an out and even a beast to take him where it was he needed to go. Why would he stay?She didn t have the energy or mental capacity in her agony to figure it out, but she was beginning to lose numbness just enough to feel the water rushing into her wound and the hand, securely on her flank, that manipulated it. Soon after she noticed the way his legs wrapped around hers and the sensation of cloth wrapped about her muscular thigh. He really was trying. Zinni took a sharp breath, mostly out of pain, and nuzzled her face deeper into the man s article of clothing. Inhaling Zinni realized that the scent of it was almost soothing. It was the scent of another human. A man. A man who wanted to keep her from dying.The moon was high in the sky before Zinni was truly with it. She lifted her face from the cloth and groaned. Any shifting it seemed sent a shot of lightning through her flank and thigh. Although, perhaps not as badly as before. She laid her head back down like a defeated animal and allowed her mind to focus on the soothing sensation of the water meshing with her skin. Why are you still here, Rikkar? She finally whispered, but she didn t look at him. Her golden hazel eyes instead focused on a single blade of grass and the way it swayed ever so slightly in the breeze of the night air. I gave you an out. Why stay and help me? I know you don t exactly like me, waterbender. She sighed, wincing slightly from the movement.Zinni s pain was still sharp, but it was dulling down thanks to the hands of the man sitting so close to her that she could feel the heat radiating off of him. The realization that he was so much warmer than her reminded her that it got damned cold in the earth kingdom after dark and she was covered in goosebumps. Almost on cue her body began to shiver, and she bit down on her lower lip to stop her teeth from chattering. The blood loss was enough to make her freeze and now that was combined with the chilled temperature of the night air. Zinni wasn t from the south pole. She wasn t used to cold temperatures like this without a blanket and a fire. Oh how delightful a fire sounded, but Zinni wasn t even able to manifest a tiny flame in her current state. It was hard to keep track of time. Rikkar s mind wandered as the day grew old and weary. It had been morning when the fight happened. Morning passed and the sun grew, bathing his flesh in light and warmth. Sweat even began to trickle on his bronze skin, dripping slowly. His arms began to ache from the soft movements of the water swirling about the gash, cleaning and filtering out smaller stone fragments and blood. The spiritual energies he summoned helped to soothe the pain. They were the ancient practices of his people. No, he should not even be unveiling them for Zinni or anyone else. But here he was, for what good was it as a secret, if not meant to help others?It took an hour to cite sixteen mantras of healing. Rikkar lost count around one hundred and forty. It was dark and he was feeling the exhaustion creep up. He hadn t moved. His legs felt numb. He was hungry. Ze roamed and sometimes laid down. Milo was out of sight but not out of sound, in the bush somewhere. The moon shone high above and that was the source of all waterbender s powers. He felt invigorated despite it being the hour for slumber but he was drifting nonetheless. His murmuring had frequented falters and pauses. His head drooped and his eyes closed, chin tucked to his chest. But his focus remained strong, the orb of water locked between his palm and her wound.And when Zinni shifted, he jerked alert suddenly. He fixed his eyes upon her but said nothing. What could he say?Hi, thanks for capturing and torturing me. But your leg should be all good to continue doing just that.Instead he frowned, for she voiced that very same question in his mind and heart. He didn t have an answer for it. Stop moving. Or move. It s your choice if you want to feel the agony but it won t impede my work. Rikkar told her firmly. Warm wasn t exactly something he would consider himself to be when next to a firebender. He could feel her chilling though. Her skin was icy cold and not the cool sensation his sisters or parents might feel like. Hers was like ice. It was like a dead person s. He frowned. You did give me an out. I took it. He told her, removing his hand from her wound, the ball of water following it. There was a scar now, that perhaps would never go away, but it would stop bleeding at least. Time would repair the rest now. Youroutmeans my freedom. And with that freedom, I chose to do this. I am not a killer, Zinni. I am a warrior, only in defense of my people. But in all other cases, like all the people of my tribe, I am a healer. And it is against my teachings to leave someone to die. Even you. It s just not right. He explained to her softly. Maybe she wouldn t remember it after.He put his other fist over his mouth as he suddenly yawned.With slow focus, he returned the water into the flask. For storage, not for drinking. The worst has passed. You ll live, as long as you don t reopen your wound or get hit again. You are a clumsy one. Rocks are slow and stupid, how could you get hit by that? He taunted her lightly, reaching up to stroke some hair from her face, tucking them behind her ears. His fingernails grazed ever so softly on her skin before he sat back. Tomorrow I ll look at your other two gashes. You ve lost a lot of blood though so we aren t going anywhere. You don t have the strength. Even riding on Ze might kill you. You have to stay here. Rikkar said to her. His words would sound slurred. He was tired. You need to stay on your side too. Keep your leg elevated. Rikkar told her, looking around. There was nothing to help with that. The only way to do so was to keep his leg between hers. And she was freezing too. He reached out and put the back of his hand, warm, to her forehead, cold. Damn it. He muttered under his breath. He knew what he had to do then, like with hypothermia patients. Too much time in icy waters and not even a fire could warm them up. She needed a constant heat source, something kept very near to him.A tingle and a shudder ran down his spine at the prospect.He had to do it. And trying to pretend like he hated it wasn t going to help. In any case, it ll be for naught. You re freezing. You ve lost too much blood. I can t make a fire, which will certainly draw others to us. Looks like you have to die shivering to death. Must be a cruel fate for a firebender, huh? He mocked her, before sighing and rolling his eyes in a mental defeat of himself. Suddenly he flopped down behind her, on his side, his body behind hers. Her back would feel his strong chest, his groin nudged into her rear softly. His leg intertwined between hers. He put an arm over her waist, lightly, with his hand hanging off and not touching her. Any questions about your treatment? He asked with the grin audible in his voice. His warmth would wash over her. It would be as soothing as the water.It would only take a moment for his hand to drift to her side, where in thought he would begin to draw patterns on her clothes, on the flap that covered her hip. If the wind blew, his hand would become very close to intimate regions of her thighs. Zinni winced as he so obviously insulted her. By stating so strongly that he was no a killer she could only assume that he considered her to be just that. Because she wore red and fought on the opposite side of the battle line, she was a monster in his eyes, even after how kind, relatively, she had been since capturing him. His worse injury was from Zee and even when she had strung him up for torture he had endured no pain. Instead, she treated him fairly: even did her best to offer his bruises some relief after he had cooperated for her. Now she was still a monster. Even as she lay wounded on the forest floor. I didn t kill you, now did I? She pointed out, keeping her gaze distant even as he shifted and moved about her. Andwearen t going anywhere together. If you are free you are no longer my responsibility to feed and care for. You re on your own as soon as you come to your senses and high tail it out of here. I don t have enough food for you if you re not going to be my captive. We aren t exactly friends, Rikkar. Her words were sharp and hurtful, but in its own way it was tough love. He had chosen to save her from bleeding out and she was choosing not to recapture him once she was well enough. She wouldn t even try so long as he got the hell out of dodge. I m also not as weak as you think. That was a lie. Zinni was weak, and aside from her rhino she was rendered practically defenseless now. She couldn t conjure a flame, let alone manipulate it in her state. But her pride told her to convince him otherwise. If he saw her as weak there would be no going back to the state of being the bad ass chick who beat him in combat. She would only be the weak girl who he had to save after she got shanked by a couple of rocks. But . I won t move either. She sighed, a bit defeated.She tensed as he shifted to lay behind her, her entire body against the idea of it: chest to shoulders, groin to rump. It was intimate. Far more intimate than Zinni wanted. Even more intimate than she expected she would ever find herself with the firebender.Any questions about your treatment?He dared to say, the breath accompanying his words kissing at her cheek and ear as he cuddled her as though they were some sort of lovers. It made her huff in irritation and frustration. This entire situation was humiliating.Though, even though she wished she could ignore it, the heat from his body, half naked without his tunic, radiated into her core and allowed her instant comfort. Subconsciously she wished she could curl up even closer to him. So, so closed her eyes to try and sleep without acknowledging him any further. However, the second his hand grazed over her hip her eyes shot wide open once more. Waterboy, I don t care if you re helping me. If you want to keep that hand you better move it. Keep it family friendly, got it? She huffed in irritation before grabbing his wrist and moving it upward to rest on her waist rather than so close to her intimate regions. She was a betrothed woman. As attractive at the tribesman was, he had no right to touch her body as though it were his, and she wanted to make sure that message was painfully clear early one in whatever kind of a situation this was. There was one thing for sure that Zinni was not, and that was the man s lover.With his hand securely on her waist, her own hand gripping it to prevent any wandering, Zinni closed her eyes once more and sleep took her before she even had a chance to think a second thought. Her entire body relaxed up against Rikkars, and her grip on his hand loosened as well as she fell into a more serene state. She had been passed out most of the day, but even so she was still exhausted, and her body wanted nothing more than to sleep. But before she knew it, morning came and the sun kissed her ivory skin, causing her eyes to flutter open. It was a new day, but the dull ache in her leg had far from subsided. You d be lucky to have me as a friend. RIkkar snorted. I ve been hunting and foraging my whole life. You think not being your responsibility worries me? I could thrive here in this green, sunny place. He rolled his eyes. He was well nourished, given how strong and taut his body was. And that was just from living in the tundra. Fish and roots. Here there was so much more. If she thought he needed to rely on her to survive she was gravely mistaken. There might not be many of his people but each were hardy and strong in their own way. He knew she wasn't weak. She was a tough woman and had fought off most of the bandits on her own before he had intervened. But thinking she was indestructible, which no one was, was a foolish error.But Zinni was smart in realizing that at least.He snickered as she shoved his hand away. He simply returned it, dragging her hand with him. Physically, he was stronger, given her current status. Tough as you think you are, you certainly sacrifice brains to be that. Rikkar said. Look, you've lost a lot of blood. You're freezing. If you don't get any heat, you'll die. And we can't light a fire, in case our friends decide to come back. Or others. So you're only source of warmth is me. He shifted his arm up around her waist and suddenly tightened. Both to give her more heat and to relish the feel of her slender abdomen. And spirits, it was hard like rocks! We do this at the South Pole. You spend too much time swimming in icy water and your body can't recover. Even if you lay in thick furs and have a fire. Sometimes someone has to get in the cot with you. Rikkar explained to her in a soft voice, sharing what his culture was like. He stared at the side of her face, his other arm bent at the elbow to prop up his head. Her own would be against his upper chest and neck. But when she didn't reply, he glanced over and saw she was asleep.Huh.No wonder he had gotten his arm back around her. She wasn't even conscious to resist. He quirked his eyebrows and stretched his arm out, letting his head rest behind hers, his nose and lips to the back of her neck.She smelled good. She tasted good. He couldn't find it in him to resist the charms. A bulge formed in his trousers, nudging to her firm rear. He nuzzled in closer, telling himself it was for her own good. He was helping her because it was the right thing to do. Right? His head shifted closer. His lips planted to the back of her neck. In that posture, he would drift off to sleep soon enough. Night passed and day came again. They were still together, Rikkar embracing Zinni from behind. He slept silently, chest rising and falling like the waves of the sea. He was warm to the touch despite being naked all night above the waist. He was hugging her tightly...but his arm over her, his hand had drifted up subconsciously to cup just under her breast. It fit quite snugly. And his touch was tender.When she stirred, he would stir. Rikkar yawned loud and powerfully, his breath bathing the sensitive flesh at the back of her neck. Good morning. Still alive to see it, eh? He said a little cheery and haughtily. She had survived because of him but there were still two gashes to work on. Something else was stirring as well, very firmly and pressing to her backside. As Rikkar shifted, it prodded quite significantly against her. He hadn't opened his eyes yet. Couple more minutes he begged of no one in particular. He put his lips and mouth to the side of her neck, half kissing.And if she gave a positive reaction, he would do it again and again. His arms would flex, squeezing her tenderly and drawing her in. They had no blanket, except his heat. And no pillow, except his broad chest. Almost as soon as Zinni stirred in consciousness she could feel Rikkar doing the same, only his shifting was far from innocent. Zinni could feel him, at least partially erect, pressed into her ample rear. At first it was almost enticing. Zinni has grown into a fine woman, yet no man had ever embraced her as if she were important. And this made her feel important and cared for. In the fire nation it was all about tough love, and affection was always frowned upon: especially in public. But it didn t take long before Zinni realized what was happening, and her calm expression was replaced with a furrow brow.Soon she noticed his crotch was not the only thing getting up close and personal. His breath kissed at the back of her neck and his hand cupped the underside of her breast.By the spirits does he know what he s doing?She wondered, her whole body tense for several moments as she laid there up against him: far closer than she ever expected she would be to the waterbender. He was even warmer now than he had been the night prior, and it resonated through her until she too felt alive all over again. Good morning, Rikkar. She finally said, still tense. Yes. I m, admittedly, happy to be alive. She took a deep breath, looking out into the distance where she hoped she would see Ze, but he had wandered off somewhere. Do you realize where your hand is, Rikkar? She whispered, taking a deep breath. She was uncomfortable because she was inexperienced more than anything else. Rikkar was a good looking as any man she had seen and he had quite literally saved her life, yet she was still so tense about him touching her. He touched her as though she were a woman, a beautiful, enticing woman even if he didn t realize what he was doing to her. Zinni took a second deep breath and reached her hand up, gently running her fingertips down along his arm until her hand laid over his own, though it wasn t nearly as big.Spirits help me She thought to herself before she made quite possibly the dumbest decision of her life. She gripped his hand and guided it upwards at a snail s pace until his palm fully encompassed her uppermost breast as she laid on her side pressed up against him. Zinni drooped her hand away from Rikkar then, allowing him freedom. If you re going to touch me, you might as well do it right. She whispered, biting her lip a bit to calm her nerves. Rikkar made her nervous in ways she didn t completely understand. However, the best she could figure in that moment was to go with her best instincts, and those instincts were telling her to push forward. Just relax Zinni whispered, more so for herself than for Rikkar. He seemed perfectly calm even as she could feel her heart practically beat out of her chest. But even so she shifted her hips backward: pressing her ass even further into the bulge of his crotch. Soon after, she turned her head such that the side of her face was exposed to the man as they lay together with legs intertwined their bodies exchanging heat. Now the only thing Zinni could think about was where things would go from here. Hmm? Rikkar responded sleepily to Zinni s question. He didn t even half hear it and if he did, he would not have really known. The back of her neck was more sensational to him, her skin so soft and tasteful. His eyes remained closed, face to the back of her head. Her hair tickled his face. He seemed to forget there was a firebender beside him, an enemy combatant who had captured him. He knew deep down she hadn t been responsible for the death of his friends and comrades. She hadn t tortured him when she could have. Seeing her fight off those bandits, she seemed very similar to himself.Just someone trying to survive in a bloody and brutal war.They were young. They should have had different futures than this yet here they were. He was a young man far from home. She was a young woman far from home. They were each alone. And he could have left her alone, to die and suffer. But he didn t. And in healing her body, letting the spirits dance as he held vigil over her, it awoke something in him for her. Perhaps a care or a form of affection. Laying beside her had been meant as a stoic and platonic thing. Now it became something more. He was pressed warmly to her backside. His arm draped over her body. She was a woman, a fine woman, and his urges were piqued at her presence so near and dear.When she shifted his hand up, offering to correct him, he finally opened his eyes. He felt his palm rest over her breast entirely and without even thinking what he was doing he squeezed his fingers into the soft flesh. He began to massage it tenderly, loving how it felt. It was the first breast he had ever grasped and it was astonishing to his senses and mind. He couldn t speak on it though, for once at a loss for words. Maybe it was better he didn t speak. She turned more to face him, his lips now against her jaw as he didn t even shift back to accommodate her movement. He remained still, overwhelmed as her nubile body pressed back to his in a feeling that could not be put into words.His arm under her head moved to caress the far side of her face and turn it more, letting his eyes behold her. Did he remember who she was? No, instead he saw the intricacies of her flesh up close, the pools of depths of her eyes, and the sweetness of her lips instead. He saw a woman, a woman who equally seemed amazed by him. And so Rikkar leaned in to her and kissed her on the lips. Chaste at first, a simple pressing of his lips to hers, lasting but a few heartbeats. But as he drew back, a little breathless despite the brief interlude in breathing, he felt his heart soar with sudden want. So he leaned back in again and kissed her more fiercely, lips consuming and dancing against hers.And his body began to grind against her, rubbing his now significant bulge against her flank.The motion and want were clear. Rikkar wanted to do so himself. He knew he had to enter her but he wondered if Zinni was aware of it as well. Did they even see the act over in the Fire Nation as something of passion or just a process to make babies? In any case, as he had been given a touch of her, she might as well take a touch of him. And so his hand left her breast and took the hand that had guided him there, pulling it down between their bodies. He snaked it right under the band of his trousers, bringing her hand right into contact with the hard, steely texture of his own manhood. He broke the kiss and looked at her eyes, saying nothing. His orbs would then shift down her body and then back again to her eyes, seeking a silent ascent of permission to go ahead.If she could handle his size of course, which filled her hand and throbbed warmly, more so than his own body.But what of her own warmth?Leaving her hand upon his manhood, his own began to trail over her hips and sneaked across the bare flesh of her thighs towards her, never breaking eye contact with her, licking his lips as he began to miss the taste of her own. Zinni was good at over analyzing things. She always wanted a step by step plan and she followed it exactly as written. Now there was no plan. This was all impulse that had been instigated by the waterbender s proximity to her. None of this was in the plan. None of this was supposed to happen. She was supposed to take him back to port where he could join his comrades for temporary holding while the war raged on. She wasn t supposed to get hurt and she sure as hell wasn't supposed to have him heal her. Yet he had and now he lay pressed up against her with one hand kneading at her breast. But Zinni was enjoying it no matter how wrong it was.Zinni s voice caught in her throat as he turned her head more towards him, his rough hands on her flesh was invigorating to say the least. But when he kissed her Zinni was sure she was soaring high above the clouds and she returned every ounce of ferocity he placed upon her lips: hungry to taste him. However, as soon as Rikkar began to roll his hips forward into her rump she found herself distracted from the kiss and instead she focused on what else he might have to offer her. No man had ever touched her like this, not quite. Her betrothed had gotten a bit handsy at times and they had kissed maybe once or twice, but she had never found herself in such a physically frustrating situation before.She wanted more. He provided.Her hand moved willingly under his guidance, offering him more trust than he should expect out of the woman who had been his enemy just hours ago. Now they were lost in a moment of passion together. But once her hand reached his desired destination she bit down hard on her lower lip. Was she nervous? Scared? Aroused? In all reality it was some combination thereof, but she would never admit that the waterbender so easily got under her skin. She wanted to touch him but more importantly sheneededhim to touch her or all the Heat building up inside her might make her explode in a fiery inferno. Yet again, just as she thought of it he indulged her, his hand leaving hers in his trouser and traveling instead to mingle with her inner thighs. It made her groan.With care, Zinni shifted onto her back without ripping back open her wounds that had, for a time, stopped bleeding. Her free hand, the one not hidden in Rikkar s trousers grabbed his wrist hard and pulled him over top of her such that she could hide in his shadow as they explored each other s bodies. Zinni s golden hazel eyes dragged over Rikkar s chiseled body until they found his face. With her lower lip still trapped between her teeth she gave him a sharp nod of approval before she leaned up to kiss him again. It was a quiet encounter for now, but it was certainly a pivoting point in their relationship. Enemies turned lovers.Zinni continued to kiss the male, her tongue gradually becoming braver and beginning to prod and explore the tribesman s mouth. He tasted sweet and inviting, so she took him up on his silent invitation: kissing him deep and passionately. Her kissing didn t faulted again, but her hand grew restless as it rested on the bare skin of his notable erection. Zinni had never touched one before, but the skin seemed to soft and fragile. It was undeniably sensitive as she began to rub her land along the length of it still buried in his trousers. She touched him as though she wanted to memorize his anatomy, fingers memorizing every vein and shape of the large weaponry.Suddenly and without warning, Zinni broke the kiss and withdrew her hand simultaneously, looking up at the waterbender with hooded yellow eyes. Oh how she wanted him. Spirits forgive me, but I have never wanted anything so badly from another human being.She thought, gazing up at him. She never uttered a word nor did she stop making eye contact as she pulled the gloves from her hands and forearms. Swiftly there after the began untying the sashes at her waist and unfastening the buttons at the back of her neckline until her blouse hung loosely on her and the carefully pulled it off over her head between their bodies. This left her upper half in nothing more than a sash tied around her breasts for support. Next she reached down and unfastened her thigh high boots and pushed them off of each leg and foot using the opposite.Before long, Zinni was mostly naked. She wore only the same undergarments he had seen her fishing a few mornings prior, and she arched her back slightly, pressing her bare midriff to his washboard abs. She smirked at him before her thumbs hooked in the waistline of his trousers and she quirked a brow before she slowly started pushing them downward until his erect cock sprang free, resting against her just south of her belly button: bare to behold. Mmm. Zinni whispered before one dairy hand stroked inward along his hip until she found his swollen shaft. She leaned up, kissing him again as her hand wrapped around the thick base loosely. From there she started to stroke him from base to tip, massaging every inch of his length as her lips mingled with his and her own thighs spread apart, granting him access to her center as she bent her knees and let her thighs rest against either side of his waist. It had been a brash move on Rikkar s part yet his heart soared with further elation and pleasure when Zinni did not resist. He had no way of knowing what her feelings were and even with her welcoming actions he was still a bit doubtful of the mutual want. Her lips danced with his, her body pressed back into his own, and her hand groped his manhood without disdain or disgust. They touched, dancing a silent dance with scarcely a spoken word. Only soft murmuring of moans and passion escaped their lips, whenever they were not conjoined. Rikkar did not know how it came to this. Perhaps it all really was a dream. He could not feel the sunlight or the heat or the wind. Only Zinni. Only the raw feel of her body and spirit.A look of fierce and determined concern was written on his face as Zinni began to shift. He might have broken the silence at last with a protest given her condition but she had done it already, not to mention his own growing curiosity at having greater access. Approval and want were in her features, matched by his own. His lip was caught between hers before they kissed deeply again and his own matched the ferocity of her tongue, trading blows as they had once done. He was within her mouth, before chased back into his own. He welcomed her tongue, swirling and dancing. His hands were encompassing, caressing the far side of her face and rubbing over her thighs. She still held him below, beginning to stroke. He shuddered with delight and groaned against her mouth, eyelids heavy with pleasure. It felt good.But with a suddenness that scared Rikkar a little, Zinni drew apart.Here it is, here is where it all ends and we go back to being enemies. Worse now, given what had just happened He feared he might be raping her, which would be a tremendous blow to his own self esteem and morality given the evilness of the act. They looked at one another, his own features slightly apologetic yet at the same time unapologetic. For he desired this and had felt that same desire returned in her actions. How could they stop now, having already started on this path? But through the corners of his vision, he was given his answer. Yet by some strange force, Rikkar crawled and hovered atop of her now, shrouding her with his impressive frame.She began to undress and he stared at her eyes a moment longer before gulping tremendously, his eyes averting to watch the scene.Rikkar had never beheld a woman undress before. It was certainly nothing like what he expected. She was a firebender and all his imaginings were wrong. Off came her top, breasts still covered but their wonderful and glorious shape more pronounced. He barely had time to acknowledge them as she began to undo her lower body of its coverings. Soon she was naked, less so than Rikkar who had only his trousers and undergarments on. She pressed her naked torso to his and Rikkar happily pressed himself back, feeling the mingling of flesh, muscle, and tendon. It felt astonishing all over, his body pulsing with delight. His hands had withdrawn during her undressing but now they stroked up her slender sides and slide up over her breasts, even as she found his manhood again and began to massage it herself. They kissed and his hands encompassed both her breasts, slipping the sash off and fully feeling them within his hands.They kissed for what seemed a long time, his tongue and lips attacking hers. He licked her bottom lip and buried it deep in her mouth, twirling with her own. It was an amazing sensation, one he felt he could never get tired off. His hands worked her breasts, feeling their weight in his palms, kneading them with his fingers and fiddling with the stiff buds. Though not for long, as his hands grazed up to hold her face. His hips were grinding hard against her, the underside of his manhood brushing against Zinni s clit with each movement. He looked down at her eyes and smiled, before kissing her gently on the lips. And then again upon her lower lip. And again, upon her jaw, down her neck, and over her collarbone. He moved down, until his face was against her breasts.He took one within his mouth and moaned in his throat at how wonderful it felt, the texture and taste and everything. His tongue flickered and swarmed around her stiff bud, teasing it relentlessly. His hands kept on moving downwards despite the cessation of his face, until one rested on her good side and another came between her thighs. He felt her womanhood then, his lower body bending at the knees to rise up. And as he suckled her breasts and grazed them with his teeth and tongue, his fingers began to explore her outer folds. They felt like nothing ever before, fingers tracing her unique shape, getting to know it intimately, before caressing down her slit and sometimes prodding in gently. And his lips remained glued to her breast, switching from one to the other, tongue flicking her nubs hard. His eyes locked on hers, strong chin resting on her body and simply watching her.Then he released her breast, tongue dragging upon the underside as he hovered up. He watched her intently, while his hand lined up and gently inserted a finger into her depths. Deep. He went in to the knuckle and held it there, feeling her insides clutch and contract upon it. Her reaction seemed of pain, yet of pleasure too. Rikkar didn t know what to make of it, tilting his head to the side. Then with a slow rhythm, he began to draw out his finger with the same deliberate slowness and then drive it back in. For a moment, he did so, working her body gently, until he felt himself brimming with a different desire. He knew what he had to put in but if only a finger did such to Zinni, what would his manhood do?Well, he wanted to try and a playful smirk came over his lips as the desire unveiled itself in his eyes. He gripped himself with one hand and placed another on her shoulder to steady her. With a gentle grunt, he pressed himself to her, encountering a brief resistance, before shattering it and tearing into her depths. He groaned further as he pressed in, not knowing when to stop or if he even should, moving until his own pelvis bumped to hers. Now they were conjoined. Now they were one. Rikkar leaned over her face, panting a little as he was immersed, looking down at her. Zinni. He murmured, whispering the name of an enemy, a combatant, his captor, and a firebender, all in pleasure.Then he began to rock his hips, as he leaned down to kiss her more. Zinni was a virgin. Even in her betrothal she had never let a man touch her the way that Rikkar touched her now. This was wrong, forbidden, worth exile. She should be shunned not only for cheating on the man she was supposed to marry, but for doing so with a water bender.How shameful could one woman be? Yet, with her breasts sat the mercy of the nomadic man s lips and tongue and her labia under exploration by his fingers all she could think of was how she wanted more from him. There was a desire welling deep inside her that groping and grinding couldn t satisfy. She wanted him to make sweet love to her. If not that, he wanted him to fuck her like a wild animal deep in rut. Each option seemed equally likely.No matter her wants and needs, his sudden penetration of her innocence with his finger brought a squeal from her supple lips. Her back arched instantaneously and she felt a jolt of electricity shoot through her young and naive body. Even her most primitive instincts, those that encouraged her to mate with a strong male, were naive. She had not expected this sensation and it surprised inch by inch of her body. How could something so simple hurt yet excite all at once? He was ripping her innocence away from her with just one finger.Rikkar s looks of curiosity were ignored. Zinni couldn t focus on anything but the way it felt when his slid his rough finger in and out of her dark depths. She squirmed, trying to alleviate the slight discomfort as her head leaned into the soft dirt beneath her and her eyes rolled back behind hooded eyelids. Her moans were quiet, but distinct. She was overtaken by bodily pleasure as he continued to slip his finger in and out. Her walls becoming exceptionally slick as Rikkar continued to stimulate them. Zinni had never even masturbated in her combat devoted lifetime. The possibility of this much pleasure just from one finger damn near blew her mind. This was a pivotal experience in the firebenders sexuality.Then he took his hand away. Zinni looked up at him like a betrayed animal as she panted. What? What s the matter? She muttered. He was smirking at her. Zinni s face contorted in confusion as she looked back up at him, feeling herself shrinking under him. Was this all some kind of game just to mess with her? Whether his actions were genuine or not she wasn t ready for her pleasure to end. What are you doing? Don t stop. She argued, a bit of bossiness in her tone.Then he pushed something much thicker and longer into her and all the air rushed out of her lungs as she threw her head back heard. Rikkar She moaned in response when he finally spoke to her. Her inner walls clamped down on him as he broke through her virginity and pushed and tugged at her innermost depths with her manhood. It hurt, her entire body warned her of the lingering ache she would experience later on, but she also doused his length is her essence and her moans encouraged him to continue. She didn t care about all the reasons she should not do this, all she cared about was how wonderful it felt to have Rikkar fucking her.Then she remembered one thing that she absolutely should be concerned about. What the hell would she do if he but a tribal child in her womb? Her moans slowed and to put her hand on his abs firmly as she panted, glazed over golden eyes searching for his gaze. Stop. She whispered sheepishly, not even convincing herself that that was what she wanted. You can t. I can t get pregnant. What compelled him to do such a thing, Rikkar would never know. All he understood was that there had been little doubt or refusal, on any of their part. Both were young and caught up in an ordeal far before their time and much beyond their true understanding. Despite the circumstances of their first meeting, Rikkar felt drawn and attracted to the ivory skinned firebender beneath him, who looked up at him with such a desire smouldering in her eyes, not to mention her own fierce command not to stop what he was doing. It was one rule he could easily obey and he did, though he had turned it up a notch. He was inside the other woman, again compelled by something he did not know. He only knew that it was right.Shudders of pleasure ran through his body as he entered her, filling her to the brim and stretching her tight virgin hole around his most considerable manhood. He had tried to impale her but who would have known it would have turned out like this? It was certainly much better than fighting. She whispered his name and that was all he needed to continue, drawing his hips back and then rocking them forward into her. She felt warm within and more coddling than a mother s embrace. Rikkar wanted more. He wanted to show this firebender, to show Zinni, that it didn t always have to be war and hatred. This was certainly more enjoyable. And he went on, hips rolling, abdomen constricting and flexing, all his body exerting to please her and take his own reward with it.That is, until she whispered a most pressing and urgent request of him to stop. He had been peppering her jaw and neck with kisses, before rising up, her hand on his firm torso, looking down at her with concern. Was he hurting her? Her moans certainly felt a mingling of pain and pleasure but just a moment ago, she bid him not to stop. Now she requested it. She could not fall down with child. He too understood the dangers of that. But still it did not always happen, right? Rikkar did not know, neither the workings of the female body or anything about this act. This was his first, as was hers. He smiled down softly at her. You won t. He declared with some confidence, borne on no foundation. He leaned down to kiss her and began to rock his hips more, driving in and out.He at least knew what would happen with him. He could restrain himself, could he not? Pull out perhaps? He wanted for this and felt the lust returned in Zinni. He wasn t a rapist though. Never. But how did one read these signals he was getting? Going forward was the easiest path so he did. He leaned down to catch her lips in a kiss and placed a hand over her breast, squeezing it and feeling the stiff bud between his fingers as he continued his grind, working his whole body in rhythm with his movement. She wanted him to stop. She couldn t get pregnant.You won t.How did he know that? And if she did would it be a bad thing? She could be his. He could be hers. They could find a happy life out here, in the wilds, away from war. I I don t want to stop. And you Rikkar murmured after the kiss, still going at a slow, sensual pace. He could stop it, right? He kept on telling himself this as he looked down on Zinni, hoping she might trust in him too. Because he could see, in her eyes and through her body language, that she didn t want him to stop either. And so he didn t. Not unless she asked him again. But on he went, thrusting softly yet firmly, bringing his hard length to the apex of its reach within her and then drawing out to repeat. He leaned down to kiss her again, a dance of tongues, before drawing out. He lay on her, his hot, strong body cradling her and being protective of her wounds. He looked into her eyes. Are you not okay? He murmured, lips against her skin. Am I hurting you? Should I stop then? Rikkar inquired more pressingly, though his words and actions did not align, as his hips still grinded against her. Her brows furrowed, looking up at him. How could he be so confident about this? Zinni herself knew little, though she knew enough to know that when a man laid with a woman... it lead to children. Her reputation, her career, her status..... it could all recover from the events unfolding now. However, none it would ever recover if he put a child in her womb. She was young, fertile. As was he. The risk was incredibly high, yet here he was, whispering about how he could prevent it. As much as she wished that were true, she didn't know if she could possibly believe him. What if he would use this as a way to rip her out of combat against his way of life? He could beat her just by taking her out of the game, couldn't he? Was that the game he was playing?But the way he touched her, it reassured her again and again that a man this gentle and kind couldn't possibly be in this for some sort of personal gain. She let out a long breath, one that had obviously been pent up in her stress. She let her eyes flutter closed when he kissed her again, reciprocating it calmly as he continued to thrust into her at a gentle and steady rhythm. His hand on her breast screamed of a sexual curiosity. He was learning her body, but nothing was forced. Each time he touched her he seemed so careful not to scare her off as though she were a wounded deer, looking for any excuse to bound away. In reality, however, she was looking for any possible reason to stay. No. You aren t hurting me. She whispered, one hand reaching up to intertwine her fingers in his long, dark hair. It was a lie in its own way. Losing her virginity wasn t painless, but that sidle pain was severely outweighed by the pleasure he was offering to her through his calculated movements. They were learning how to do this together: a water and a fire bender. Two opposites. Sworn enemies. Yet they were tangled up in one another s embrace as they made love. It was so wrong. Completely against all the rules, but Zinni had never been so intoxicated in her life. What did she care about more. No. Don t stop. Not yet. She finally whispered. With his hair tangled in her hand. She dragged him downward closer to her, her warm breath dragging across his face as she pressed her forehead to his. Her eyes fluttered closed and she bit down on her lower lip in sheer pleasure. You just have to be careful. Pull out when the time is right. I m trusting you to screw me, but don t screw this up. She said, chuckling a little at her own pun before she tilted her head upward and molded her lips to his in a lustful kiss. Her inner walls trembled around his invading shaft, and she let out a moan against his mouth before she deepened the kiss.Her heart fluttered as the session continued as time went on the passion building inside of her continued to swell. Her legs tightened around him just as her insides constricted around his shaft. Her breathing was heavy and her arms soon wrapped around his shoulders in an act of affection. She wanted him close. She wanted to kiss him and be able to run her hands over him so that she could be sure that he was real. That this wasn t all some hallucination she had created in her head as s result of all the blood she had lost through her upper thigh. But she knew that couldn t be the case. She never could have thought up something quite this amazing, even after seeing the man half naked in the days prior. There s a tribal woman out there somewhere that I am stealing you from. She whispered, knowing this was selfish. But she couldn t help it. Gradually her moans increased in frequency and volume between the sweet kisses she planted on his lips. And before she knew it, she was mid orgasm with her back arched and her mouth wide open, silently begging him to keep fucking her even as she came. There was great relief when Zinni gave her ascent not to stop. Whatever hiccup that had been seemed to have passed. Still, Rikkar did not feel fully on board with continuing either as she would not have voiced such a concern if it was founded on nothing.Was it only pregnancy or something else?There must be something else wrong but he could not place his finger on it. Perhaps like him, she could not believe such pleasures and heights to be true, so easily come and indulged by them. They were conjoined, hip to hip, in the most intimate of acts. It was easy to forget reality about them. She gave her consent and he nodded as she pulled him down, urging him to continuing. He watched her face, contorting in pleasure, and he began again with his thrusting, sensual and slow into her tight depths, building up a pace once more.She warned him again and his response was stifled in the mouthwatering kiss that followed, which he melted down into, returning the affection with as much vigour and want as Zinni. He could do this, he figured. Pull out when the time is right, yes that should not be difficult. But it was, tremendously so, for what sensation could match the delight of being so deeply embedded inside of her? He never wanted to leave. The experience seemed to renew and invigorate him despite his already impressive youthful vitality. It felt so good! And yet he had to remind himself.Pull out. No baby. Pull out when the time is right.And yet it was feeling so right, so good, Rikkar didn t think he could as time went on.Soft groans and grunts of exertion came from his lips as he flowed into her, fluid like water, a rolling of his hips that pushed to her depths and then withdrew outwards, repeating like waves on the shore in a never ending dance. But it would end, Rikkar knew that much. He could feel it in his lower abdomen, a budding pressure that was mounting very rapidly. When was it right to pull out? He kept his brow to hers, eyes half closed, his mind focusing upon the labours of his body. If he got caught up in her kiss or her beauty, he would not be able to do what was asked of him. So much seemed to hang in the balance, so much risk, so much reward, which he was receiving now. But there was always a price for such things, no?It was so much easier to just give in to the pleasure, let his body take control, and indulge himself until they were both spent and exhausted on the warm grass in the warm sunlight.He didn t know what to say about being stolen from some tribal woman. Rikkar had never really thought about that life ever. He had been so caught up in his training, his bending, he had never really focused much on girls. He had the urges, the desires, but he had been patient enough to know it all came in time. And certainly not during war time either. He had been prepared to sell his life without ever experiencing it. Now after Zinni s remark, it was all he could think of. What a future that might have been like, but not with a tribal woman. His mind conjured images of him and Zinni together, of water and fire, of the passion and fury and the madness. All of it combined. And all of it did combine in Rikkar, as he fell prey to the trap he had been trying to fight. He indulged his body and he began to thrust hard and vigorously into Zinni, driving her over the edge, bringing himself soon after to topple in. Oh, spirits he groaned to himself, feeling the tremendous pressure. The dam was cracking, about to burst forth with mountainous quality. Like a pressurized geyser about to burst forth. He kept going and going, head strained back, his neck stretched, his hips ploughing with ceaseless energy. The smacking of flesh into flesh was loud. He felt her insides squeeze him, as if begging him to stay. And he wanted to. He would. He kept going and going, his mind swirling in a fast descending spiral through his air. And when he hit the ground, he knew he would explode forth with all his glory and essence into her. He had to With a sudden gasp and eyes bursting open, Rikkar managed to stop. He pushed himself up back onto his knees and drew out of her with a wet sound. He had not. There was a powerful throbbing in his hardened cock as it came into the open, glistening in the sunlight with the juices of her own orgasm. It had been so close and it felt like a thousand flies were gnawing him from the inside, though it steadily decreased. Rikkar fell back on his rear and looked at Zinni, sprawled before him, legs spread and battered. They had done it. They had nearly done it. He ran a hand over his forehead and hair, pulling and straining it to rush blood back to his mind. He hadn t yes, he was sure he hadn t. That was what she wanted, right? But it was not what he had wanted. And and that s for the traditionalist man I m not stealing you away from. He managed to comment weakly, a small smile on his lips as his chest and body heaved. He came down from the near orgasmic high and it was not a fun experience, teeth gritted and all. Next came the regret. Then the shame. And the realization and implication that he had just lain and bedded a woman of the Fire Nation. He sighed and fell back in the grass himself, away from Zinni, though their legs were still brushing and caressing together. His cock remained erect, occasionally jerking with the need for release. I think I think I stopped in time. He commented, not quite sure and honestly not liking it at all. He got up on an elbow to look over to her. It was still morning, perhaps barely two hours after sun rise.He smirked with a mischievous grin though next. What was that insanity that came over you a moment ago. You were like on fire. And inside deep down you hugged me so tightly I thought you d rip it clean off. He remarked, unsure of the female orgasm. Since he hadn t had one, he might as well ask about hers. It was all a new experience for him and a sensation he absolutely enjoyed and yet did not taste fully. He had done it. Rikkar has succeeded in fulfilling the one request that she had made of him and she was thankful for his willingness to cooperate with a woman who had, not so long ago, threatened to hurt him terribly and had battled with him nearly to the death. Yet, he cooperated, and that was a feat in itself. It made her feel a fondness for the boy. He seemed so careful in everything and receptive to everything her own concerns. If she didn t know better she might even think he was a kind man. It made her smile a bit. Of course he were a kind man. After all he had gone through all of this trouble to keep her from bleeding out.She noticed quite quickly that he himself had not been pushed over the edge. She knew little, but it still seemed as though she knew more than him as he sat back, completely giving up on his own chance at such bliss, instead lying on his back near her with their legs still tangled together. His silence and stillness concerned her. Had she done something wrong? Hurt or upset him? Her brow furrowed. It was him who had made the first move. It was him that had initiated the mating between fire and water. It was him who had convinced her not to stop. She had been receptive to all of it, but still why would he be so disappointed? He had wanted this.Then the mood lightened once more and it felt like a ton of bricks lifted off of Zinni s chest. Usually his boyish comments annoyed her, but she was in far too blissful a state to be irritated with him now. Instead she just lifted her recently used body off of the ground and instead crawled atop his with careful slowness. Each movement sent pain through her thigh but it didn t matter. It wouldn t kill her and this was far more important than saving herself a little discomfort. Even now it was far better than it had been before. The warrior had certainly felt worse pains in her lifetime and career. Soon she was atop him, her breasts brushing against his chest and age leaned down for a gentle kiss. You talk too much, waterboy. She whispered to him, not acknowledging his questions. She wouldn t need to. Soon he would know for himself what had happened to her in that moment of writhing pleasure. Zinni leaned down, kissing him softly. She hoped he could, and would, trust her now. He had given her her greatest pleasure. Now it was his turn to feel what it was like. Her kisses were soft and sweet on his lips and had they trailed down to his chin, along his jaw, up to his ear, then subsequently down the length of his neck until they met his collar bone. Her lips just as soft now as they had been when he was within her.Her hand trailed downward slowly along his chest and abdomen, giving him every opportunity to tell her know seeing as her target was clear. Soon her pale hand was once again upon his thick, tan manhood and she wrapped her fingers around it me.his cock, still slick with her essence, was much harder now and stroking it was easy now that it was lubed with the proof of their love making. She stroked him slowly at first. Never taking her lips off of him in hopes they would grant him confidence in this act. She wanted this. He wasn t forcing her into anything. He had to believe that or he would never reach his own peak.Never talking, Zinni kept peppering her counterpart with kisses, sometimes flicking her tongue out to lick his skin or lips as they made out. Her hand kept stroking, but the pace was not uniform. Faster and faster she went, fueled by the ability to jerk him off now without any unnecessary friction between her hand and his erection. No matter how Rikkar flexed, groaned, or wiggled beneath her, she didn t stop or even slow down. And she wouldn t. Not until he release. Rikkar was going to cum. He had lost his innocence as had she. They both deserved that spiritual high of pleasure during the process. Hey, you shouldn t be moving. Rikkar said, suddenly dumbfounded and guilt ridden. After he had just practically ridden her and he was now complaining about her movement? Where was this logical healer s concern a moment ago and the moments before that? They stayed even more silent then as she began to crawl over him. What he began to voice again, this time genuinely curious as to what Zinni was going to do but she silenced him with a whisper.Water manhe tried to correct but simply smiled and received her eager kisses, hands coming to graze over her sides and hold her body close to his. There was indeed a sensation like no other than brushing up against the female form. And quite a flawless, strong body at that.He gasped softly as she began to kiss him all over, places he had never been kissed or touched by another ever. They sent tingles down his spines and left him hollow. He could not close his eyes, though he knew the sensation would jump triple fold if he did, for he wanted to see what this fiery beauty had in mind for him. Zinni. He murmured softly, though he got no answer as her hand trailed down his impressive form. His chest was wide and broad, as hard as steel. His abdomen even more so, with barely any fat to grab. The flesh hugged the muscle tightly, exposing the firm tendons beneath in two neat rows that went down to his pelvis. Her hand went there, finding his organ so recently refuted and denied. It had not lost its lustre or shape though, thick and hard, throbbing in her grip. Rikkar had never been touched there either by a girl ever before.Like water, he seemed to conduct a tremendous amount of electricity when she touched him there.It shocked and startled him. And even as the seconds passed with her grip remaining, it still seemed to shock and startle him more. His toes curled and clenched and his mouth gasped. His whole body shook and was entirely at her mercy. Just from a mere touch! He was only momentarily distracted from her hand when she kissed him again and that too became a chore, needing to breathe and gasp as she squeezed or clutched him a particular way. Oh, fuck he groaned, unable to restrain it. He threw his head back and lay flat on the grass, his body heaving with breath, raising and lowering Zinni s body as she lay on him. His cock reached high for the heavens in her grip, the towering member hovering from the praise and attentions it was receiving. Something very explosive was building up in him, like a fire. And fires were not his strong suit.His arms were about her, locking around her back. They squeezed her with growing urgency, indicative of how closer and closer he was getting. Rikkar had never spilled his seed before. There had been dreams when he was younger but this was entirely new to him. Something very big was going to happen. It began to worry him. Zinni, fuck I m he stuttered, eyelids fluttering and growing heavy. It was coming, so near and powerfully. It didn t take long to coax the sensation back, so recently built up to in their recent riding together but he had denied himself. Now he was forbidden, having betrayed his body once before. It was all in Zinni s hands, literally and figuratively. And it kept bubbling, threatening to burst the dam. He just needed He couldn t. And then he did. With a great cry, feral and powerful, with a rolling sensation in his hips and body like waves on the beach, he began to cum. His hips rolled his cock in and out of her grip, seed spewing forth high into the air to splatter somewhere on the grass further beyond. Much got on her hands and much trickled down the side of his shaft as well. But Rikkar didn t know or take stock. His eyes finally shut and his vision swarmed with colour as he came, his whole body shaking and shuddering, tingles and electricity all dancing in unison to the music. He groaned and rasped even, as if he was burning within of an uncontrollable fire. What had Zinni ignited in him? It was a fire all people had, sometimes stoked by others or themselves, or never at all, which was sorrowful. But for Rikkar life would never be the same. He came, and then he came down. And he lay upon the grass, plastered as if drunk, breathing hard as his whole body laboured in exertion. The orgasm had passed. It left him with a regretful sensation of not having been able to share it with Zinni, at the same time.He lay there, with Zinni upon them. What were they now? Not enemies. They couldn t be enemies after that. Friends? They had learned each other s names but yesterday. Seen each other but the day before. What were they doing? What madness had infected them? Rikkar was happy then of this quarantine from others, for she was all his. And he would be hers. That was that was most extraordinary. I...fuck. Rikkar said, almost never swearing. He brought his hand up to stroke her hair back, his other resting over the small of her back. I don t think any tribal woman would ever have known how to do that. He snickered aloud. Or any traditionalist man. So what must you be then really? He pondered next, a very firm seriousness coming over him. You re not a soldier. You re too capable of caring and consideration to be one, Zinni. He added in a low voice, speaking what he perceived to be true about her now. And it was a good thing to say about a person was it not? That one was kind and caring. She took care of him when she didn t have to, when he had initiated an act that he should not have. You I should finish patching you up before I make you worse. He ended with a laugh again. Zinni laid there for a moment, wiping her hand off in the grass at Rikkar s flank and letting her head rest on his shoulder as her own mind reeled. She was betrothed. An esteemed warrior of the fire nation. She had kept her legs closed in the presence of many powerful men who could offer her a life of regality and respect. She had denied each and every one of them and saved herself. But now? It took no more than a tribal boy with nothing more than the clothes on his back to make her throw her greatest gift right in the trash. She had opened up to him like a whore, and he hardly even understood what had just happened. She was flushed with shame. I m the woman who made you cum. It s not so complicated. Zinni said matter o factly with a little shrug. And anyone would have been able to figure it out. I guess we just have better sex ed in the city than the tribes do. That s all it was, Rikkar. Sex. We had sex and now it s over. She placed her hands on either side of his broad shoulders and hoisted herself off of him, peeling her body away from his as she forced herself to her feet in all of her naked glory. The movement, however, was not without consequence. Zinni winced and quickly reached out to steady herself against a nearby tree as pain shot through her injured hip and thigh. The strain also caused a small trickle of blood to emerge from the remaining holes in her flesh. Though she would never admit she was in pain. She had been humbled enough. I m definitely a soldier, Rikkar. I ve been training for this job my entire life. You got dropped into this fight, but I trained for it for years. This war runs through my veins like a drug, Rikkar, and there s nothing I can do to get away from it. It s the obligation I have to my people just as you have an obligation to your own. Where you re mistaken is that just because I m on the opposite side of the game means I m incapable of basic human emotions. Where of course I am. I can love and care just as you, your mother, and your siblings can. I m not a bad person just because the blood that pumps through my veins makes me your enemy. Of course I care. Of course I can be kind. I m a human being just like you. I just bear fire while you bear water. Zinni spoke clearly though she remained against the tree, te injured leg hanging limply with a cocked knee and her foot hardly brushing the ground just to keep her balance. Now. Stop overthinking things. It s time to get our heads back on our shoulders. In fact it would be wise for you to leave, Rikkar. Go to the port. Wait for a water nation ship there. They need food as supplies just like everyone else. They must stop for land every once and awhile. Get back to your people and I ll get back to mine. Stay low and hidden until you see familiar sails, then get your ass home. Get yourself a woman whos right for you and never look back on this day. Forget it happened. Forget my name. Zinni instructed him. She had always bossy, and this was no exception. But it was with the best of intention. Nothing good could come of the two of them keeping each other s company. It would lead to certain disaster one way or another.Zinni looked out and chewed on her lip ever so slightly. She could hear water running not far off. A creek, perhaps. Small, but it would lead to something bigger. Zinni knew this land well enough to know there was a lake not far from here. A body of water deep enough to soak her aching bones in. Perhaps in doing so she would find the strength to carry on with Ze. They had a long way to go still if they were to meet up with her betrothed at a far earth nation port. But, at least they could be more discreet without the loud boy and his even louder turtle duck. Zinni stooped down, gathering her clothes and pressing hem to her breasts in a wadded mess in some sort of attempt at modesty, but it meant little. Rikkar had already seen it all. In broad daylight no less. Then she began hobbling in the direction of the lake.Each step was painful. The fire that ran through her blood seared her every time she tried to move her mangled muscle and joint, but Zinni pushed on. She would no longer pursue Rikkar. He had earned his freedom, and Zinni actually found herself feeling affection towards the man. It scared her. She had never softened up towards a prisoner before. She hadn t even been kind to Rikkar. Not once until that morning. Yet something had driven him to save her life and then even more. He had made love to her out of the blue, and even worse yet was that she reveled in it. Her body screamed for more even now, but she denied her desires. The best move now was to cut him loose. He would be better off on his own.Zinni kept walking, her clothes in hand, until she stepped on a dew covered root and slipped, crashing down in the undergrowth with a wince. Her back to Rikkar. Rikkar was at a loss for words. He did not truly understand what had just happened and he was more confused at how it turned out. Surely such an act was spiritual and august beyond all feelings and rewards yet Zinni brushed off his praises and his loss of composure so easily. Was she not similarly affected? He was unaware of the extent of sexual deviancy, that others indulged such intimate acts for fun and temporal sensations, changing partners like one changed socks or boots. It was indeed not taught in his culture or society. It was a most somber and important coupling, one conducted with one s life companion. He and Zinni were not but did she not at least feel some closeness? Or perhaps she simply refused the analysis of his words of being more than a soldier. They were after all supposed to be at war. Not over. He simply said as she rose, though it wasn t his intent to challenge or mock or refute her words. It seemed as if another voice spoke for him, coming from within, blessed with perhaps some strange power of foresight. He didn t understand it and lowered his gaze as Zinni rose and turned away. He did not look at her nakedness before, though it was embedded deep within his memory now. It was a flawless, powerful, and most beautiful figure. But he did not look. If the deed was done, it was not his to behold then. She tried to lecture him about her decision but he didn t feel the same way. If she truly believed her own words then they would be contradicting, for no one who was borne of love and care would speak of war and division as she did. Was he overthinking things? Most undoubtedly so, for all this was new and strange to him. But like her he was a warrior and a warrior acted decisively and with great speed.Her plan seemed a good one. No longer prisoner. They would travel together to port and go their separate ways. But that wouldn t be the end of it. He would return to the fight, for it would never end while his homeland and people were in danger. And she would return to hers, again to threaten the sanctity and peace of others. How could he forget when it was very possible they might face each other again? It amazed and stunned him at how she could simply delegate and devolve the entire affair and dismissive it so easily. Did she not experience the same thrill and rush from the coupling? Love was far more enjoyable and rewarding than war, yet war she chose instead. So be it.But how could she just forget it and move on? That was simply unimaginable to Rikkar. Impossible even.She must be lying.Not that any good would come if she had spilled truth to him. He was water, she was fire. The two were not compatible, as all else would tell them. He collected his own garments, pulling up his breeches from his ankles and slinging his tunic over a shoulder. He looked up just in time to see Zinni slip and fall right on her bottom, her naked and unblemished pale back visible to his eyes. He frowned and pouted, feeling the urge already swelling in him again at the sight but he pushed it back. He could not pursue that path anymore, no matter how dearly he desired it. He had to respect her wishes and so he would. But some things would never be forgotten. With a sigh, he stood up and on his bare feet pattered over to her.He reached down to hook his hand under her shoulder on her injured side, with his own weight and strength to support her as he helped her stand. I will never forget. Rikkar told her flatly and with conviction. Yet I will respect your wishes to leave it be, as a memory of impulse. But I don t believe a single word you said about obligations and opposites. And you don t either. But one thing I can t forget, which I have, is your injury. You are wounded and still dreadfully in peril of worse maiming. You need help. But try not to he flashed a humorous smirk, get excited when it happens. He said vaguely, before demonstrating why, as he reached down with his other arm and immediately scooped Zinni up in his arms. He cradled her bridal style, above any objections, and walked her the short distance to the body of water from which he had drawn from to fight the bandits.Rikkar found a large rock barely jutting above the surface and there he lowered Zinni, tossing his tunic back onto the shore but uncaring as his trousers got soaked up to the knees. Even more so when he knelt down on one knee in front of her and took her injured leg, his eyes and gaze strained in concentration as he stretched out the limb and ran his hand along the remaining two wounds he had yet to patch.Dart your eyes up and you ll see her sex and her breasts all visible for you for the taking.No! He had to focus on this or she would die. Leaving her ankle balanced over his hard shoulder, he used his hand to conjure up a small ball of pristine, clear water, before guiding it slowly to the side of Zinni s hip. It slowly kissed her wound and then engulfed it, beginning to swirl in small circles as he cleaned the wound and helped compel it to heal.It would take an hour for each.It was high morning and the sun was strong and bright in the sky. There was not a cloud. The trees stood with infinite patience all around and birds sang from within. Two hours in the water, so near, and yet so silent. His upper body seemed to glow a faint bronze hue in the bright sunlight, while his face and eyes were directed only upon her hip or elsewhere around her. Milo skirted by at one point and even Ze would lumber over to drink and bellow at them a few times. Rikkar commented to both creatures but rarely made eye contact with Zinni. If she wanted to break off the healing process at any time, he would let her. But not without disapproval. Eventually once the gashes resembled pale white scars and nasty bruises, he would leave her alone. He returned to the shore and adorned himself in his tunic, stretching his limbs. He didn t bathe and didn t turn around to look upon her nakedness. All that time, he had respected her dignity. That was what she wanted right? Respect, as a woman and as a person. There will be a village or hamlet nearby. These bandits are often vagabonds and outlaws driven from home because of the war. He said aloud to Zinni without looking at her, while avoiding the fact that it was usually her people who drove them out. From the village, we can get our bearings to the nearest port but that brings another issue. It ll either be your people in control or mind or the Earth Kingdom. One side won t be friendly to one of us. In any case, we should find disguises, at least to cover up at an outward glance. My blue or your red won t be particularly appreciated by some. And it won t certainly be understood why we are together and not ripping each other apart. Perhaps something more neutral. At least until one of us is safely with their own people and heading back home. Where we both belong and not in this strange country."Now, the sooner you are done with your beauty bath, the sooner I can catch some fish! Then we can be off and you can be rid of me as you so desperately want." Rikkar said, though with a cheery tone that contrasted with his remarks. He was only jesting, never serious, back to the way he was. But would he ever truly be the same after this morning? Never. And he knew it. It just gnawed at him in not knowing what Zinni really felt, if she was truly stoic to it all or merely hiding it as his gut seemed to tell him. Zinni s breath caught in her gullet when Rikkar scooped her up: exhibiting his strength over her. She felt small. Weak. Like some little housepet that had never seen the horror of war or felt blood running down her fingertips. Zinni was not a house pet, nor would she ever be capable of becoming one. She would grow restless and she would flee at the soonest opportunity if any man or woman tried to tame her in such a manner. Not even a man as steadfast of Rikkar could not extinguish the angsty flame forever burning in Zinni s heart. Her spirit demanded freedom, and perhaps that characteristic alone had been the reason for her rebel to begin with. After all, her betrothed hoped to tame her and just fill her with babies for the remaining duration of her fertile life. Would Rikkar want to do the same with his woman?Despite her fears of stagnancy, she couldn t deny the comfort she felt when he held her in his arms and to his chest. Her eyelids fluttered closed and she subconsciously leaned deeper into his embrace. The support was comforting, and it felt as though there was someone out there who truly had her back for once despite their social differences. The false sense of protection was dangerous, she knew, Rikkar could turn and run away at any moment and it would be exactly what she had told him to do to begin with. He could bury an icicle in her heart just as he had promised to do during their first battle before his kidnap, and she couldn't blame him. Eliminating her would eradicate an influential and powerful enemy to his people. He could so easily choose his people over her and eliminate not only her threat, but also the guilt he seemed to feel from riding her just minutes before.She sat on the rock cooperatively in all her nakedness as he continued her healing process. The blood that recently dripped from her wounds after their coupling was washed away as were the gashes in their own time. It was kind of him to heal her despite her coldness and their situation. Despite his constant attempts to keep his eyes off of her she just gazed at him: drinking in the details of his face. He was handsome, caring,, and as far as she was concerned a damn good lay. She was crazy to try and shake him off so coldly. But she knew she had to. It was the only gift of protection she could offer him. If he stayed with her he was doomed. It was only a matter of time before her people came.Once the process was complete, Zinni dived into the water and let it engulf her. Despite the fire in her blood, the water was soothing to her skin, and it at least partially concealed her nudity as she looked up to Rikkar as he stood on the bank. Fetch the clothes from the dead bandits. If there's anything big enough for you, that is. She mumbled, taking note of how generally broad Rikkar was. That broadness was part of what made it so satisfying to have him atop her. He covered her like a shield when he made love to her. And don t worry about fishing. I have currency in my saddlepack. I can buy us something to eat besides fish. By the end of this journey we are going to be tired of fish to begin with. Under the surface, Zinni took care to scrub her sex clean of any evidence of their romp in the woods earlier that morning. And once Rikkar departed to fetch the clothes she climbed from the water, slipping back into the undergarments she had brought along with her. As red as they were, they would be covered by the simple earth nation wear hat the bandits had worn. Now if only she could hide her pale skin and yellow eyes they would be alright. Zinni would just have to be sure to keep her head low as they ventured into the unfamiliar village.She whistled loud for Ze next. They wouldn t be able to ride him into town for the sake of appearances, but they could ride him closer to the perimeter, and he would be close by in case they needed to make a quick getaway or Zini needed him to run someone over again. She lead the beast back toward the camp where the corpses and Rikkar were likely waiting for her and she began packing up the beast. She was dreading hauling her body onto the rhino. Her leg and hip were far better than they had been, but they still ached from the bruising and deeper damage that had yet to repair itself. The ride would be painful, just as it had been for Rikkar the day prior. Karma? Perhaps the spirits were punishing her for trying to extinguish such a light of a man. I ve been eating fish for nearly twenty years. Ain t tired of it now or ever. Rikkar commented quite cheerfully in response to buying something else to eat. It didn t bother him really. He left Zinni behind to check those few bandits who had the unfortunate outcome of dying in the struggle. Rikkar had taken care not to overly harm anyone but Zinni had been unrestrained in that fashion. He figured that was how fire was. Play with it and get burned. There were only two though, neither with cloak or garments big enough to fully cover him. But it wasn t himself who needed to hide. He was supposed to be a friend and ally to the Earth Kingdom. It was Zinni who would need the disguise. But as much as she wanted to act so, she wasn t truly alone here either.He at least washed and cleansed the two cloaks of green and grey before bringing them over. He handed one to Zinni to wrap around herself and the other he threw around his own shoulders, covered and dressed. It wouldn t fit completely around him so he let it dangle off to the side, covering an arm with its muscle and tattoos. He found some berries on the way back to the camp and since he had next to no belongings, he took the time to go fishing while Zinni packed up. It wasn t exactly a fair competition for the fish, given that he was a waterbender who could trap them within their own element. But he took only what he needed, three specimens, to fill his belly and Zinni s, as well as Ze. All set? Let s cook and eat while we travel. Rikkar said and used the remnants of the fire to cook, before kicking sand over it to try and conceal it as best he could. He glomped his own fish between his teeth, while handing Zinni s to her impaled on a stick. Ze got his fish tossed to him and consumed in a single bite and some chews. Bones were spat out a second later. Good beast. He moved to Ze s side too but didn t clamber on right away. Would that be appropriate, sitting groin to flank with Zinni, after what they had done and what she had declared? Better he walk.But he still helped her onto the beast s back, again seeing past all the emotion and memory to simply help someone in need. He wasn t fooled. Zinni was hit on her leg and it would restrict her mobility. There was no shame in needing help either. He didn t mock or jest.They were still enemies right?Or just two young people stuck in a strange foreign land alone? He didn t clamber on after her. He patted Ze s bulk to urge him forward, while Milo streamed about the thick legs, and Rikkar followed on foot. After being roped up and forced to saddle up such a thick set ride, I would rather walk today and stretch my legs. He simply explained, with no intent on trying to flee or run off into the woods suddenly. She could still chase him down. But he was also trying to respect her wishes to stay aloof and not push for anything else. These Earth Kingdom lot are varied. Not one big society like yours or tribal like mine. Each village or town here can be different from the next. They have more than one King too, lesser ones and the big one in Ba Sing Se. Rikkar mused as they walked, often beside Ze or a bit back by Zinni. There was a growing irritation in his foot within the first few hours. Zinni had scorched him pretty bad there in their fight a day or two ago. It was starting to flare up again but he put his own brave face on it. He was the healer. He had to look out for others. He could deal with himself later. Some might not like my sort even but they ll all definitely hate you. So try to keep a low profile, eh? Rikkar said to her as they crossed through the forest.They were maybe halfway towards the nearest village, finding a road suddenly in the woods that they could follow, when the pain really began to show. Rikkar began to lag and even snatched up a long branch to use as a crutch and walking stick, but that didn t even help. I need I need a quick pause. He said with a huff, sweat pricking his forehead as he leaned down against a tree. He immediately pulled up a leg of his breeches and saw a purple bruise swelling and throbbing on his ankle. Ouch. He quickly covered it up. Compliant in her own way, Zinni wrapped a sash around her waist to keep the cloak closed around her: covering her panties and the binding around her breasts, holding them in place. It was significantly oversized on her feminine girth, but it was also obviously that she was taller than the stout individual who had worn it before. There was one benefit of this for Rikkar: Zinni s feminine curves were almost completely concealed in the garment. Would it eliminate temptation? Perhaps. For it was that body who had tempted him to begin with. The body of aa young, and fertile firebender, and a body dressed much unlike the bodies of native women who hailed from Rikkar s homelands.She ate the fish on the road, picking out bones as she went along, but not talking much as Ze lumbered along and Rikkar strode along side the woman and her mount. She listened to the words he had to say, but scarcely gave a nod to respond to them. Did he honestly think she knew nothing of this part of the world? She was a soldier. She had been traveling to villages for moons. It was Rikkar who was knew to this war zone that they were in, not Zinni. However, out of the goodness of her own heart, she decided to refrain from embarrassing the boy. There had already been enough shame for one day.In the hours the hours that came and went, Zinni was mostly silent: Ze s grunts of laziness outnumbering her words by far as they rode. However, she stole glances at the man often as she was lost in thought. Thoughts that mostly revolved around the boy to begin with. He was ailing, that much was obvious, but his pride was just as bad as her own. He wasn t about to admit that he needed a helping hand. Even as he fetched himself a crutch or took a peek at his purpled foot. Claiming he needed but a breather. She had seen the purpled flesh.Zinni rolled her eyes and shook hr head. No, honey. You need far more than a break. You re done walking. No negotiations or I ll tie you up and haul you into town like a freshly slaughtered pig with an apple in your mouth. She said teasingly, but would he know it was in jest? Did he still feel threatened by her? She couldn t help but wonder. She had, not so long ago, threatened him with a the cruelest form of torture. Now she was his only contact in this unrelenting circumstance. They had the best odds of the stuck together, and they couldn t do that if Rikkar dropped dead from the infected burn.She pulled Ze around and rode up beside Rikkar. Without hesitation she reached down, grabbing Rikkar by the hand and hoisting him up onto the back of her beast. Ze let out a groan of protest but he was quickly silenced when Zinni gave him a reassuring pat and he lumbered on with Zinni and Rikkar riding tandem upon his back. Pressed close by the movement of the animal. No more walking. You need to heal your wounds just as you ve healed mine. There s a canteen in the saddle bag to the left. Work on your foot. We will get pumice in town. She spoke. She tried to maintain a coldness to break the ties, but there was an undeniable level of care in her words. She wanted him well.Zinni then made a move that surprised even her. She reached around behind her back and trailed her blind fingers along Rikkar s arm until she found his hand. Then she grabbed it and drew it around her waist until they laced fingers against her torso: just above her navel. Her hand was warm. Almost inhumanly warm. Just as it had been the first time she ever touched his flesh when he had been bound to a tree. Zinni was warm. She would always be warm. She was fire and he was ice. Opposites that were joined once more as one. Only this time not through coupling. I m sorry. She whispered, swallowing her pride. I tried to cut ties because I was trying to save you from pain and regret. I don t hate you, Rikkar. The only thing I hate is that I liked it. She admitted, still gripping his hand. Can I still have the apple? Though there isn t much meat on me to eat, I would think. Rikkar said in reply to Zinni s demand, flashing a grim smile, though cold sweat pricked his forehead and glistened a little, revealing more of his own painful straits. He didn t take her threat seriously anymore. No, he believed fully, perhaps naively, that after their impulsive moment of passion they could at least coexist without conflict. She had caught him limping, not much he could do to deny it. And a man who didn t acknowledge a necessity or need in a desperate moment was already lost. He still lingered by the tree, wanting a bit of rest. Clambering onto Ze s back seemed a chore all in itself. But she didn t give him the option. The ground rumbled and Rikkar glanced up at the last second with a silent gasp as she grabbed him and helped him up.He didn t resist. His hand clasped hers tightly, like they had done when they lain together, and he got on behind Zinni. Without pressure put on his ankle, it felt immediately much better, though still throbbing, irking the edges of his thoughts and mind. Rikkar was also very keen of the closeness again with Zinni, seeing around her upper back the strong tendons of muscle. And off her hair came a natural fragrance that was wonderful to behold. Breathing felt hard again, as his heart began to race for means other than his own living. It craved her again. It craved her deeply, a powerful longing trying to pull him deep into a well of clear water.Just drown in it and accept it.She trusted him with water. He took it silently, his mood for a time tempered by his inner yearning so he didn t answer Zinni s instructions or even joke about it. She cared, which was very different from the sudden distance she put between them by the shore. Perhaps this was all for simple efficiency and haste, as they needed to get away from the battle before certain elements came looking. He hadn t a chance to pop the canteen open when she grabbed his other arm and pulled it around her waist. He looked down but again didn t resist, snaking his arm more closely around her and shifting in. He simply did so, not even pondering the consequence of it. He wanted to be close to her. He got it. Why resist that either?And then she apologized. Apologized for her words and to Rikkar it seemed a very strange thing. But that same wisdom that had him accepting her help clearly wasn t exclusive to him. She was wise as well, as much as she was a great warrior. It made his heart flutter for her more, for that was what he had been attracted to most. He intertwined his fingers with hers and squeezed reassuringly. He knew it could not have been easy for her though to say what she said. You re brave, Zinni. And you have courage. But it was only natural what we did. You don t have to hate yourself for being human. Rikkar said softly to her. He leaned forward and gently kissed the back of her neck. I m not afraid of the regret. I will have to accept it but I will be content in knowing that there was a happy time that caused it. But, none of us have to suffer alone, you know. Rikkar said, giving her hand another squeeze. Or needlessly. He added, quite vaguely.It didn t have to be this way if she let go of whatever was tugging her away and accepted what her heart desired.But after a brief moment, for he knew that was what she wanted anyways to keep the distance, he pulled his arm back from her waist. He needed it anyways to heal himself with the water.That s what he focused on. Milo quacked from where he had been hiding in a bag when the water began to swirl out of the canteen, dancing in tune to Rikkar s fingers. He shifted it to surrounded his ankle, before freezing it. He let out a very enjoyable and pleasurable sigh when it did, the sound of it frosting. Well, he said after a moment, it is your fault for hitting me so rudely. He jested about his foot. So it s only fair you give me a ride anyways. His mind immediately leapt to a more imaginative meaning of the wordride. He decided to shut his mouth and stop trying to change Zinni s mind about them. He could not take her away from her people. It might be like taking a flower out of the sun, as if to hide it s beauty inside but only to see that caused it to writher away.By evening, they would catch sight of the town. It was nestled by a river that flowed into the ocean, cramped in the angle between. Smoke rose from fifty or so homesteads, surrounded by a tall wooden wall with watchtowers. The banner of the Earth Kingdom fluttered there but the soldiers didn t look professional. Probably just townguard, as the real fighting men had probably gone abroad. There was a port with ships, though Rikkar couldn t see any of the masts or banners to tell which nation. Smart captains would try to appear as neutral as possible to avoid attack or inspection by warships. Well what, are we going to walk right up? I don t see any other way in. We go in, get supplies or information, come back out and make a decision. Hopefully not draw any attention. Rikkar said, before climbing off Ze.He walked around a bit, his ankle better after a half day of rest upon the beast. He could manage a short walk. They could not take Ze inside. That might give Zinni away as Fire Nation. What s our cover story? Fleeing refugees? Rikkar suggested. I lost my farm when soldiers took all my cattle away. That seems plausible, yes? And you hmm. He mused, a soft smile on his lips. Maybe he had lots of ideas on what her cover could be but decided not to share. Zinni leaned into him as her eyes briefly fluttered closed. He held her and, cradled er waist, and pressed his lips into the back of her neck. In that moment, for once in her life, Zinni felt protected rather than feeling the constant nagging feeling that she needed to be on edge and anyone could turn on her in any second. It was foolish, probably, to put trust into the waterbender. After all he had been her prisoner not so very long ago. She had threatened to hurt him, even kill him, but yet she had let him squeeze between her thighs, and perhaps into her good graces as well.Stupid girl.She listened to the movement of the water, then a smirk crossed her lips as he retorted to her. Se as warming up to these constant jests. "I burned your foot, but I think we're even considering you tried to put an icle through me. If you're going to impale me, Rikkar, I much prefer your method from this morning than trying to shove ice through my heart. Foolish you thought that would work though. You ought to know my heart isn't beating to begin with. Im cold, hard, and heartless. Fear me, waterbender." She jested right back to im. Was this the first time he had convinced her to joke with him? This wasn't a side of Zinni that saw the light very often. Not very often at all. "Ask me about that ride again later, waterboy."The rest of the ride was spent in comfortable silence. Zinni allowed her mind to focus on the sensation of Rikkar's breah grazing over her shoulders and the back of her neck. It would have been so easy for him to seduce her again right then and there, but he made no attempts. He was incredibly well behaved, actually, especially for him. He kept his hands to himself and his mouth closed. Even his infuriating little pet seemed too spent to gaggle on. It was a quiet peacefulness that rejuvenated the fire bender. Though she wished that Rikkar would show any sign that he was still interested in her. Indifference to one another would be so much easier, but passion would be so much more fun.The darkening of the sky would actually be better for their entry into the small earth bender town. Under the cover of darkness they might look just a little less.... odd. It would cloak Zinni's golden eyes, sharp features, and black hair: all distinctive of her people. It would also help to mask just how tan Rikkar's flesh was and help to shroud the blue he still wore on account of him being so much bigger than the thieves that had jumped them. Yes. This just might work out for them. Well... without her getting slaughtered for her bloodline and career choice."I'm your wife." Zinni said simply, very matter of fact. "We'll leave Ze and Milo here, they can fend for themselves, and we'll get a room in the inn. It will be best for us to get some rest... and it will be easier to end to our wounds." Zinni added, reaching into her saddlebag and grabbing out a leather sack of significant size, filled to the brim with yuan. Something Rikkar may not have known about Zinni was that she, and her entire family, were filthy rich. It paid well to have influence and to be highly esteemed warlords. Zinni popped open the sack and pulled out two much smaller sacks from within before tucking the currency back into Ze's saddlebags. "You trample anyone who bothers you or milo while I'm away, alright big guy?" She said sweetly to the beast giving him a pat on the shoulder before turning back towards the waterbender.Without hesitation she popped open the cloak that shrouded her, revealing her ample bosom bound in the red silk cloth. She pulled away the binding, revealing ample cleavage, and settled the small sack of coins between her breasts. The perfect hiding place. She then rose her eyes to Rikkar with a quirk of her brow. Would he ogle at her chest? Part of her hoped that he would. "Alright. Your turn, waterboy." She said simply before stepping into him. Her half naked bosom brushed against his defined pectoral muscles. Without hesitation, she reached her hand into his trousers, though she didn't go for the obvious target. Instead she tied the small sack of yuan to his waist band and let the sack of coins nestle at his khip, concealed by his bottoms. Then she removed her ands and stepped away as though nothing out of the ordinary had taken place.They began walking toward the towns gates, and Zinni spoke softly to her companion. "Your task is securing us a room in the inn. I'll find us food and salve for your foot. There should be more than enough there for a room." The distance between them and the gates began to narrow, and Zinni could feel her heartrate rising. If they were caught it was surely her head that would be on a plate. "Oh. And don't do anything stupid." Rikkar s eyebrows quirked in amusement at the beginning of Zinni s plan.His wife?!Well he assumed so, by the law of the land, given what they had done and what it meant for one another. I haven t slept in a bed since I left the south pole. Definitely going to sleep as long as I can. He remarked with a grin, though he also recalled another remark Zinni made.Ask me about that ride again later, waterboy.Now that just made him aroused and excited, excited to get this over with and get inside the town, though he also forgot Zinni s own wishes in regards to her body. And status. In any case, she was clearly having some predicament over it all and it would be wise for him not to push her to any outcome, even if it was his greatest delight on one end. That wasn t how lovers worked. They looked out for the best for one another.Ze and Milo seemed well enough on their own and didn t require their help. The two beasts seemed friendly with one another. Turning back to Zinni, he heard the clink of coin in the large sack but he couldn t really appreciate the significance of it. They didn t have cash or coin among the Southern Water Tribe. They bartered and traded if they needed anything, with few other luxuries existing that could have required coin. Rikkar hadn t planned ahead for coin on this voyage. He was supposed to have been a soldier, provided for, where in return he fought. But he understood how money worked and was surprised that Zinni had so much of it. He watched, with his lips slowly parting in astonishment, as she shoved one smaller bag down her wholesome cleavage, encasing the velvet bag within her creamy mounds. He gulped hard and managed to look up when she looked at him. Yes, he saw. He didn t apologize though. My turn? He asked coyly as she stepped to him. Very close. Her slender body molded to his and he had to withhold a gasp, though he did stand even taller. He was bigger and bulkier than her yet in that moment entirely at her mercy as she grabbed the hem of his trousers. He quirked an eyebrow and tilted his head in curiosity.Right here?he seemed to say but he was way off on his guess. She only tied the money to his waist band. Oh. He simply said, somewhat disappointed. The weight of coins felt awkward but he pulled his cloak around to cover it. Now we look like a couple of Earth Kingdom hillbillies. He snickered, wondering how a fancy lady like Zinni might take that remark, walking to the gates. Thanks Princess. He simply answered to her instructions. He knew what to do.It seems everything I ve done since I left home has been stupid.But what about Zinni? He shook the thoughts out of his head, for they came upon the gates quickly. A lazy trio of guards stood there but they scrambled up at their approach and called a halt on them. Rikkar paused, hands spread. We re unharmed. He said but they only laughed at him. Smart way to travel, eh? One of them mocked. Rikkar didn t answer. There s a toll to enter. Nine yuan. Another said. For what? Rikkar snapped. Why, for the privilege of entering the town of course. They answered him, snickering behind their smiles. That s highway robbery then. The waterbender answered. What sort of hospitality was this? Weren t they all supposed to be allies against the invaders? We re being chased by bandits and my poor wife is scared. He said, not even glancing at Zinni, He bet she looked anything but scared. Well turn around and go the fuck somewhere else then. One snapped. And maybe you ll see what real highway robbery is. But here, you pay the toll. Or you fuck off. The others laughed again. Rikkar sighed and looked up at the wooden gatehouse. These men were armed with spears. Not benders. The pair of them could probably easily fight them but that wasn t what they were here to do. He looked at Zinni, then took the coin purse she gave him and counted out nine coins. Here. He said, handing it to the lead fellow. Enjoy your stay. They said, moving aside to let them pass. What sort of place has gate tolls? Rikkar said, shaking his head. Likely they were scammed but they didn t have a choice in the matter. And Rikkar wasn t going to fight the entire town. And he hoped Zinni wouldn t either. That would be stupid. At least this way, as seeming weaklings, they would not draw attention. Just two more refugees on the road. The town instead was sleepy and quiet as dusk fell. The roads were dusty and narrow, with large homes of wood and stone cramped up on both sides. What the hell looked like an inn in these places? This town is bigger than my village multiplied by five. Rikkar muttered under his breath, pausing as some oxen trod in front of them. I ll pay you back for the gate toll. He said after a moment. Look, this place looks suitable. The Thirsty Rock. How nice. Didn t know rocks could drink water. Insides came the sound of music, the laughter of harlots, and the cheering and loud voices of men. Sounded like a great old place to Rikkar! He immediately trudged in and was met with a murky atmosphere. Crowded tables, hackling women, and unfriendly eyes. But no one paid them any mind. I ll get the room, you get the table and food. Rikkar nodded, his hand on the small of Zinni s back. He didn t like how some eyes regarded her. Or him for that matter. Even with their disguises, their faces showed they weren t from around here. And they both weren t from the same place either. He approached one of the laughing bar wenches, who was missing a tooth. Getting a room was indeed easy, he just hoped it was clean. With that done and the coin purse a bit lighter, he went to find Zinni, key to the room in hand.Hopefully she wasn t getting in any trouble either. Zinni tried not to act like the authoritative firebender that she was. But it was incredibly difficult.I could buy your city and burn it to the ground if I wanted to.She thought to herself. The idea made her lips quirk up into a smile of sorts. Was it sadistic? Yeah. But so was the thrill of knowing just how powerful and deadly she could be if they provoked her while they were none the wiser: assuming she was just a little housewife only kept around to pop out a few babies for her husband. They couldn t be any further from the truth. She was a soldier and a powerful political influence. Yet they had the audacity to stop her at the gate.She heard what Rikkar said about her being scared and she glanced at him, raising a brow. Her? Scared? Hah.She remained quiet through the transaction. In most of these cities a woman was expected to be respectful of authority including their husbands. But Zinni was not an obedient woman, contrary to her betrothed s wishes Rikkar would certainly have no luck taming her: even with his good looks and boyish charm.Zinni scoffed at the mention of the size of the town. It was alright, yes, but hardly impressive. You really must have been sheltered back home, huh waterboy? She whispered softly to him. They would be unwise to catch any attention with their mentions of their origins and past lives. It was not accepted in culture yet for people of different origins and elements to bond and marry. Let alone have children. It would get them shunned, and that was the last thing they needed considering they weren t even supposed to be here. Zinni was supposed to be on her boat and Rikkar was supposed to be in a a conversion camp. That was the end of it. Don t worry about the toll. If I didn t want you to spend any of my money I wouldn t have given it to you. I know your people don t trade coin. You d have a hard time getting your hands on it. It was simple. Nine yuan was hardly something that so was worried about. She probably had three times that shoved between her tits in that very moment. She gave the inn that Rikkar chose a scowl, but she followed him anyway. It was loud and full of drunken idiots and ladies of the night. Hardly a place that Zinni would usually be seen in. Nor a place that she could usually tolerate, but of course it drew in Rikkar like a moth to a flame.Zinni merely grumbled in response to Rikkar and she wandered through the crowd of harlots and drunkards until she found an empty two seater next to the firepit. She tapped impatiently on the wooden table and her eyes followed Rikkar. She would shot a fire blast in a slip second if any of these dirty jugheads tried to give him a hard time. He had already been bullied by the guards at the gate. She wasn t going to stand for much bullshit anymore. When the waitress finally walked to her she hardly regarded her, her eyes locked on Rikkar protectively. Yeah yeah. Two specials please. And two pints of ale. That will do us just fine. She waved off the woman with her bosom practically falling from her top, and kept her eyes on the young and naive waterbender. She had been to plenty of places like this, and she knew they always came with trouble. Rikkar? He was new to this world. He had no idea what kind of trouble they could get into if they weren t careful. They needed to eat their meal quietly then head of to their room and lock the door as soon as possible. Somewhere in between Zinni was going to have to barter for some salve, and perhaps another good or two as well depending on what could be found at this late hour.Soon, however, her sights on Rikkar were interrupted as a man stepped in front of her and promptly took a seat in the chair across from her. He was massively built and covered in soot and dirt. And earthbender, most likely. Hey there foxy miss. You here alone? I couldn t help but notice you were ridiculously hot, and if you re for hire I d love to fuck you tonight. I don t think I ve ever seen your kind of pretty wander into this bar and I ve always wondered what a pretty girl s ass would feel like. Is your hole nice and tight, sweetie? He grinned at her, his teeth stained yellow and a few were even broken. At this point, Zinni could practically feel he steam coming out of her ears. Back up, fucktard. She warned. Zinni was getting in trouble.Well at first glance, Rikkar thought she had made a friend. But who was he kidding? This wasn t the communal South Pole where even strangers were greeted with royal hospitality. This was frontier country. Every man and woman for themselves, even if there wasn t a war ongoing. A room secured, a key tucked within the folds of his blue tunic under his cloak, he made his way over to the table just as the fucktard in question was on the verge of making another degrading reply. But Rikkar stepped up first, taking stock of the man, and knew there might be a fight here. And they being outsiders, they could easily find themselves driven out, parted from whatever they had paid already. This had to be handled with tact.Well, he did have no idea of how to manage such ordeals. But he was a warrior and would not back away.And he wasn t piss drunk like the other man. Good evening, friend. Care to share a drink with me and my fri wife? Rikkar greeted, stepping beside Zinni. The man looked at him, looked him over, and snorted. Fuck off. I shit out turds bigger than you, rodent. He said dismissively. He grinned back at Zinni. Your hole is definitely nice and tight if you married to this prick. You need a real man. She s certainly most able to try if she ever does meet one. Rikkar joked, implying none of them in that tavern were.Their ale arrived and the man immediately grabbed one, though Rikkar did a second later. I don t think that belongs to you. Rikkar said, still trying to be diplomatic. It was quickly failing. A few others around were starting to take notice. He was appearing to be easy meat. Beat him up, take his wife, enjoy her, dump them both out of town by sun rise. Easy. The bigger man glared at him. Take your hand off my drink before I break it off. And I ll fuck your wife with it after. He sneered.Rikkar removed his hand, raising them defensively. But as the man smirked and raised the cup up to drink, Rikkar flicked his fingers and the entire contents of the cup lurched up and splashed the man in his face. He shot to his feet, thinking Rikkar had quickly slapped the underside of the pint. Regardless, Rikkar smiled a mischievous smile. The other man roared in fury, silencing half the tavern, and lurched up to punch at Rikkar. But Rikkar was like water, moving to areas of least resistance, flowing around the fist and to the side. The man punched right into the wall and bloodied his knuckles. Rikkar meanwhile came up next to Zinni. He managed to put his hand on her shoulder, stilling her from taking any action. No. He said flatly to her and turned to his attacker.The attacker turned back with his bloody fist but Rikkar seized the empty pint and slammed it across the other s face. Then he delivered a spinning kick to the man s neck and dropped him against the wall, wheezing for breath. Everyone was still and silent, eyeing Rikkar down with renewed looks. He stepped back and again raised his hands defensively. We will uh eat in our rooms, I think. I wasn t thirsty anyways. He remarked, grabbing Zinni by her arm and nodding to one of the waitresses to bring their tray. As he pulled Zinni through the gawking crowd, he hoped the man would stay down. Sheltered enough for you? He asked her as they went up the stairs and got out of the common room, the waitress huffing behind with the tray. They got into the room, a modest bedroom with a mattress against one corner, a table in the other, and a small doorway leading to an adjoining bathing chamber. Will that be all? The waitress huffed. Rikkar looked at Zinni and held out his hand for a coin, which he gave to the waitress. For the other fellow. Should we tell the guards? Rikkar inquired. That man is a guard. The waitress responded drily. Should we be concerned? Rikkar asked, rubbing the back of his neck. If he remembers tomorrow. The waitress shrugged and went out, acting as if the disturbance was a common event around here.In any case, Rikkar locked the door behind her and pulled up another chair to wedge under the door handle. If there was trouble coming, they would have some warning. An Earth Bender no doubt could come in through the narrow window if they wanted to. They should have brought Milo then. He was a good scout and watchdog. With the door closed, Rikkar blew out some air and rubbed his face. I think that went pretty well. We ll be gone by tomorrow morning so there s no time for it to spread and bite us in the ass. Not unless he comes after us. If that waitress gives out our room number, you can definitely burn her ass for it. Rikkar said, though he meant it jokingly. He hoped she took it as such. She looked ready to blow and kill someone. He smiled at her. Don t look that way. We got food. We got drinks. Just relax and enjoy yourself. No one got burned. I did as small as bending as I could manage. If we did it your way, we d be running for our lives out of town if they knew where you were from. Keep that fiery temper in check. All of it. Rikkar joked, reaching to dig into the specials, dipping his bread into the stew and munching on it as he paced around the room. He checked the mattress, sturdy enough, and looked out the window, where he got a view of the alleyway. They could break out and escape away from the main streets, if there was trouble.The waitress was kind enough to bring them a replacement drink, which Rikkar took. I never drank this stuff before. Is it good? He asked, before trying it and nodding appreciatively. Better than the ice wine we got in the south. It s warm. He noted, chugging much of it down on an empty stomach, only lightly picking at the food. "Am I going to have to fight every man you talk to? Or well fortunately enough you can do it all yourself. Saves me that hassle. Makes you almost worth the trouble. Almost..." he repeated with a coy smile, eyes glancing over her own ample chest. She was going to draw attention to herself, that couldn't be helped. And probably did not need help. Perhaps he only really intervened to save the poor idiot from being immolated. But where did it leave them, her and the waterboy, now finally having a quiet moment to themselves?He was actually quite content as they were now.
Where did you go? [East & Freckled]
"Hey Great Uncle Ford I've been meaning to ask something, where did you go? When you went through the portal I mean." Dipper scratched the back of his head as he asked the question he had been meaning to do for years, The reply was a six fingered hand brushing his head. Dipper was 26, Stanford Pines, was approaching 70."Well dipper, it was a long time ago, I don't remember all the details, but it was quit the fantastical journey. On it I meet a..., and, a young Butterfly" 40 years ago "Some brother you turned out to be, you care more about your dumb mysteries than your family well then you can have them!" Stanford felt weightless as he was pushed, his feet stumbling over the line towards the portal he had spent years of his life constructing. Fear dread, and a sense of awe came over him as he clutched the journal."Stanley, Stanley help me! Do something!" And just like that he was pulled into the confines of that ice blue portal. Leaving the confines of his own dimension, and passing into another. Thankfully not the realm of night terrors and horrors that Bill had wanted. The fight had caused a number of things to change and he was pulled from his realm, into one of fantasy, and impossibility.Stanford dropped his skin feeling like ice to the touch his vision blurry as he tried to process everything, he was in a field of wild flowers. Looking around for a long moment he blinked thinking this was a world not unlike earth, except for the grass was teal, and then he looked up. Two, no three moons. In the moment as the information started to wash over him the most he could say was. "... huh." "Thanks Cloudy." Star said with a smile hopping off of the pink cloud creature. She looked around the field not immediately seeing anything. In fact her squire had alerted her of the mysterious portal opening up in the sky above the field. Now portals opening and closing was no abnormal thing in Mewni, but opening in the sky was a bit odd. "Marco, are you sure you saw a blue portal open here and something fell through? " Star asked as her boots crunched under the grass. In her hand she held her wand, and at her side was her most trusted friend and Squire Marco Diaz."Yes Star. I know what I saw! It was blue portal that opened up in the middle of the " He stopped walking as Star pointed her wand at the stranger who was looking up at the two of them lying in the middle of the flower field."Who are you, and what are you doing here?" She asked as sternly as a 16 year old princess could. Marco drew his sword and pointed it at the stranger taking a fighting stance and narrowing his eyes as he did. Ford for his part was still lost in this new world, he had no idea where he was, and then he was approached by what looked like a young blond girl, and a sword wielding boy, kids. Ford for his part was 24, and thought the idea of such kids attacking him was kind of amusing. He actually bent down his tall frame to try and better speak with them, only to be relieved when they both spoke perfect English. "Fascinating, English must be some sort of multi universal constant, and I seem to have ended up in a dimension filled with fantasy role playing little people."Ford looked at Star, and then at Marko, his six fingered hand extending to gently move Marko's sword away from him. "Greetings, do people say greetings in your dimension? I am Stanford Pines, I am a man of science and I come from a world called Earth. Take me to your leader."Stanford tried to speak like he was some sort of authority. This was after all his first time in another dimension, and thus technically first contact with another world. Some part of him felt like Captain Kirk, On an adventure far from his home, and going off to worlds unseen. Going forward where no man from his world had gone before. "Also a bed, I haven't slept in twelve weeks, and I may or may not have sixth degree burns, I thought it only went up to three, but that portal mishap seems to have proven me wrong." Star and Marco both exchanged looks before lowering their weapons. The two teens couldn't help but giggle at his odd behavior. When the two finally reigned themselves in Star stepped forward and looked up at Stanford Pines. She looked over at Marco who simply shrugged being able to essentially read the others thoughts."My name is Star Butterfly" She said. "I'm.....and I am acting Queen of Butterfly kingdom." She said with a sigh and folded her arms behind her back and rocked on her heels. Star looked over Ford and noticed a few things. He did look beat up and injured. If going through one portal did just that to him sending him back through one injured could just make it worse. She didn't really understand it, and looked over to Marco. All the people from Earth she knew could easily pass through portals, from her world to earth and even to other dimensions with no harm at all, so why why this man in such rough shape."Right point in standing around here. Let's get you back to the castle and your injuries tended to." She said with a nod making two clouds appear this time. She and Marco hopped on to one and the second was for Ford. "Uhh try not to think to hard about it and just hop on." She said with a nod. So he was in the presence of royalty fascinating. She was a touch young to be a queen however, he would have bought princess much more easily. Which probably meant something tragic had happened. He didn't pry he was a guest in this place, and didn't know the first part of what was actually going on, so he tried his best not too make any judgmental statements. When she made the cloud he blinked for a moment touching it and finding it solid, yet fluffy, like the kind of thing a child would think a cloud would be made of. "Please pardon my disheveled appearance your majesty, I came here under... troubled circumstances.""Amazing a completely solid, Cumulus cloud. He dipped down for a moment to look under it. "Formed with zero percent condensation, warm to the touch, It's solid state must be the work of a frictional field of force, or some kind of force field if you would. I need to record this." He reached for a pocket in his jacket which would have fit his journal only to find it wasn't there, and in the moment he was struck with the last few minutes before he had been pushed through the portal. He sighed remembering that his journal was gone, and that he would at least need to figure out how to get a new one. His shoulders slumped and he sat down on the cloud, soft and fluffy to the touch a truly amazing experience yet without his journal he felt more like grumbling than excited.Still he watched the world with some curiosity, but was also excessively tired. The dimensional portal had been meant to open a hole to another world, but when Fiddleford had gone through it had been a realm of nightmares and madness, this seemed more fantastical, and vastly more pleasant. The only thing he could come up with was in the fight something had been turned on differently dialing into another universes frequency. "You said you were the queen, could you tell me more about your world?" "No. No no no. ACTING Queen." Star said adamantly and sighed looking back at him. She turned around so that her back was to Marco and she was facing Ford. She took a breath in closed her eyes and nodded releasing her breath."Alright. Your in land called Mewni, as I mentioned I am ACTING Queen of Butterfly castle and, unfortunately you came at a really really bad time. But that's not important. What is important is that we get you feeling better and get you home when you are. A little more to know. Magic is real, monsters exist here, strange things are normal, and corn is our most important crop." She said with a smile. "So can you tell me about you? Maybe how you opened a portal with out dimensional scissors." She said tilting her head to the side a bit. Ford wished he had his journal on him. He was really talking to a trans dimensional creature. She looked pretty much the same as a human, but he did notice the slight differences. The wings on her back, were well hidden by her hair, but not so much that he couldn't see them when she had her back turned to him. He was curious why this was a bad time, but she seemed stressed out already, and he didn't want to pry into the problems of an entire other world that he could be having first contact with.Than she said she could send him home, and immediately he was curious exactly how that worked. As for strange being the normal, he chuckled. "Whatever your world throws at me I can handle. I've been researching monsters and anomalies for the past ten years. I'm a scientist." He said with a shrug choosing to ignore her comment about magic, such superstitious hocus pocus wasn't the focus of the conversation, and when she said dimensional scissors he was curious, but chose not to comment on how crazy that idea sounded."On my world I built a trans dimensional gateway, a hole punched through a weak point in reality that i found under my cabin. I built it with the help of a creature that... had alternate motives for earth. But as I was hiding my research I got into a fight with my twin brother, and as we fought we ended up randomly sequencing the gateway. I thought it was just a one way link between two worlds, but it seems by trans dimensional we actually managed to get it tuned to any universe. It's a fascinating concept, but now I don't know exactly how i'd get back." Star raised a brow "Rriiiigght. Scientist or not, I doubt you'll be able to fully grasp everything here." She said and let out a slow breath. So you built a machine that was supposed to bring you to one world, but instead it brought you here because you and your brother were fighting. She said with a solemn nod. I could be wrong but I think you ve also traveled through time. That could explain why you She said with a shrug. I don t know we ll get it figured out. Marco tapped Star on the shoulder Oh we re here. Welcome to my home Ford. This is Butterfly castle She said with a smile as the clouds slowly floated to a balcony that lead into Star s room. Marco helped Star down and the cloud Ford was riding moved closer to the floor before vanishing. Marco could you give me some time with Ford, and keep the council at bay? She asked him, and saw the hesitation on his face but nodded and left the room leaving the two alone. Ford, you can sit on the bed and I ll go get some things to treat your wounds. "Perhaps, though I imagine your calander and mine doesn't naturally sink up, your planet." He looks up to see the odd skyline of Mewny and just shook his head. "I have no idea how your days and nights work here or how you track years.""Oh that's easy, you're from earth it's 2018." Marco chimed in, before going off to distract the counsel as Star's squire. Leaving Ford to chew over some rather unpleasant revelations. He blinked for a moment. As he did as he was told to sit down on the bed. He found it very comfortable the thought of sleeping it off in such a place would actually help a lot."If what that man just said, than that means I have traveled. 36 years into the future." Time and space were of course related, he knew that much, but he had never thought of his portal as having any ability other than dimensional travel. Taking off his coat he rubbed his head for a moment trying his best to not think about it. Trying to turn off his brain and just accept treatment for his wounds.He took off his jacket. "Thank you Star, this has been a rather unpleasant turn of events." He mulled over how everything had gone so wrong with Stanley. "Could I borrow a book, and something to write with? Writting down everything in my journal's used to be the way I unwound and collected my thoughts. Since I'm in a strange world, I may as well take a chance to learn all I can about you and your world.""But... before I get too comfortable." He took out his flashlight. "Do you mind if I look into your eyes with this? the shapeshifting monster that has been hunting me for the last few months loves his mind games, and I don't put anything past him anymore." He quickly checked too see her eyes, when they reacted to light in the same way a human's would he seemed content. "There is a multi dimensional creature, that can posses others, if ever you see someone who has slits and yellow eyes, don't trust a thing they say." Star returned with the first aid kit and some alcohol and peroxide. She set the items on to the bed and dragged over a chair so that she was sitting in front of Ford. She opened the kit removing gauze, scissors, and tape. Uh journal and pen. She said with a nod and looked around then paused. She waved her wand and produced what he wanted. It fell on the opposite side of him. She set the wand down and then looked at his flashlight and nodded at his explanation. Very well then. She said and leaned forward so he could examine her eyes. the comforting feel of paper helped to calm ford, as he picked up the new journal. He would figgure out how her wand was able to do whatever it was it did at a later time, he was too tired to think up ways that the wand seemed to create from nothing in sheer defiance of any natural law. He took off his shirt revealing a rather strong upper body which was currently marked by bruises and a few burns. All from the fight with his brother, and his travel through an unstable portal.Looking into Star's ice blue eyes he could relax, her pupils were much larger darker orbs, and her ice blue eyes were sparkling, that along with the cute face marked hearts, and he felt a touch odd, she could have been his daughter in some way. He patted Star on the head, as he nodded. "Your good." He said leaning back into the bed so that Star could start working on him. "Just... you shouldn't trust anyone." Star smiled gently and wrapped one of his wounds after cleaning it. "Well I'm acting Queen, and I'm supposed to be able to trust my council, but they've been lying to my family for 4 generations." She said focusing on the task in front of her. Star found it a bit easier to navigate what was now her life if she only did one thing at a time, just one. If she tried to do too many things at once her brain would start melt and the pressure would get to her."So this monster. Why is it chasing you? Did you make it mad or take something from it? Monsters really don't like when you take their belongings." She said with a soft giggle. "His name is Bill Cipher." Ford hissed slightly as she helped to clean his wounds. He looked up at the ceiling for now he was safe, in a dimension he hoped that Bill or any of of his other friends couldn't find him, in the company of royalty, it was a lot easier to process than he would have thought though he was still delirious from lack of sleep."When we met, he called himself a muse, and he became my friend. Together we worked to design and build a portal between worlds, a gateway through which all the information in the universe could flow through, but he betrayed me. A friend of mine got a glimps of his realm, and his true plans. If he should get out of his dimension, it would mean ruin for earth, or perhaps any world that he comes across. In truth I don't think it matters to him which one he destroys so long as it's new.""Monster is a bad word for him, in truth he's more like an insane maniac hellbent on power and destruction for no other means than his own sick amusement. Monster is too good a word for a creature like that." Star looked at Ford and could hear the fear and anxiety his words were soaked in. It sent a chill down her spine. With all she had to deal with an interdimensional terror was not on the list of things she wanted to have to worry about. "Well then." She said standing up and gathered the first aid supplies. "I have to deal with the council. I've been dodging them all day and I'm sure they're fed up with Marco." She sighed setting the things in the bathroom and then went to the main dooor of the bedroom. She pasued at the door her hand resting on the knob."I'll be back soon enough, and I'll bring you something to eat. Until then please stay here and rest." She said and opened the door stepping out and closing it behind her. Just as the door was nearly shut Star pushed it back open. "Oh and if you see a little blue creature running about just ignore him." She said with a frazzled smile and then left. Ford for his part was too tired to think or concern himself with little blue men, he was ready to sleep, for what felt like an eternity. He laid back on the bed, and slowly drifted off. For the first time while he slept it would be a dreamless one, not an easy one, his body and mind were still trying to outpace and deal with all that they had gone through, but for the first time in a long time he didn't enter the dream realm, and so was invisible to his old friend. Marco was doing his best but honestly the juggling act was getting old, and Hekapoo was getting rather impatient and Rhombulus was about ready to imprison the squire in crystal."Enough of this bring us Star this instant or we will be forced to take measures to procure her." When she finally arrived frazzled as she was the council looked at Star. Hekapoo was the one who spoke."Right now that the acting queen is here, we can actually get to business. We are gonna make this curt because we were supposed to have this meeting an hour ago." Her flame was agitated almost boiling the air if it were possible. "Star Butterfly, we are currently at a disadvantage. With Moon missing the magical high commission has effectively lost three of it's members. It's time for you to step up, get married, and well... be a queen. We could have broke the news easier had you been here on time." Star took her seat and her eyes connected with Hekapoo. She didn t speak until Hekapoo was done speaking. Her eyes went wide as dinner plates at those words. In order for Star to be Queen one of a few things had to happen. Her mother willingly stepped down because she was unable to complete her duties, her mother died, or Star was married off to another kingdom.The last wasn t possible as that would only ever happen if the previous queen had many children, and Star was an only child. The first wasn t possible either as Moon was still missing which only left the second.Star jumped up and slammed her hands on the table. NO! She s still ALIVE. My mother is going to come back and when she does the throne will be waiting for her. She was starting to shake at the thought of having to come to terms with the all to real possibility that Moon was never coming back, even if they did find her. No I won t accept that and besides she folded her arms I m doing a great job as acting queen she nodded firmly and looked about the room. Aren t I? Hekapoo sighed and rested her face on her hand, more bored by the look of her than annoyed by the protest honestly this is what the commission had come to expect from Star. Rhombulus burst out though with his answer. "Fact is we can't find your mother and have no idea where she is."Omnitraxus nodded in his globe. "Alive or dead, she simply can not be found, we have no choice to move forward, and you are doing well as acting queen, which is why we want you to take the job perminantly. Mewnie needs a queen to stay in power, and Moon's actions have lead to an unofficial abjucation of the throne."Hekapoo shrugged. "And with you as her only child you're now the queen, which means you need to hurry up, get married, make a baby, and you know keep the whole bloodline thing going. You're dating that demon right? Why not just get to the next level with him, honestly doesn't bother me much." Hekapoo's eyes were oddly focused on Marco as she spoke about marrying star off to Tom. Star promptly fell into her seat. She didn't seat no, she fell. Whether it was from shock of their words or defeat no one could really tell or if was just Star being her childish self. So no one really said to much of anything about her body language."Now your concerned about the bloodline? You didn't seem to concerned when Eclipsa's baby was replaced." Star spit out as she sat up in her chair. Star cleared her throat and leaned forward turning her head towards Hekapoo "And why don't you just do Marco?" She asked with a raised brow and eye roll."Look I get that you are all SUPER concerned about the kingdom, and my love life, and my sex life, apparently, but I know my Mom is still out there. She's alive and I am going to find her." She said looking across the room to the family portrait that hung on the wall. The council gasped as Star brought up the old wound of replacing Eclipsa's half monster child. "That was the kings choice not ours. And we made sure that Festivia married one of Eclipsa's close cousins. We kept the Butterfly family as close as possible."At the comment about hekapoo and Marko fucking the two went a little red, Marko adding "Don't I get a say in that?"The council sigh3d exasperated and tired with Star. "You think you can find Moon than you go and do it! You have 3 months produce Queen Moon or get married upon your return. Mewni will go to King Butterfly in your sted and Marco will be in charge of King Butterfly. Good luck we have a wedding to plan when you fail."The council opened a portal and returned to wherever they had come from."Star are you sure about this? I mean if they can't find your mom, and going off all alone. I mean it's a lot." Star watched in silence as the council left through their portal leaving behind the two to stew in the words that were said and the time limit given to Star."Am I sure?" She scoffed standing from the chair and sucked her breath in through her teeth. Star began to walk across the room her destination the large family portrait. "The council doesn't want to find my Mom, I don't even believe they really tried to find her and now that she's been gone so long all they want is to fix things. They just want everything to go back to how it was before Eclipsa was released. To them that means naming me Queen and declaring my Mother dead and marrying me off to to Tom of all people!" She yelled turning to Marco giving him a look he had never seen directed at him before. There was pain mixed with betrayal and hatred even. She only shook her head at him. "I will find my Mom. With or without your support." She said and went to the door opening. "And clearly I don't have it." Star sighed slamming the door behind her when she left the room. She rested her back gainst the door for a few moments then quickly got on her feet and began moving.The clock had started and now it was up to her to beat it. "How am I going to find you Mom?" She siflt asked herself and began heading to the kitchen. She remembered Ford and thought he might be hungry and Star thought best when she was snacking. She didn't spend much time in the kitchen fixing herself a peanutbutter banana honey sandwich and Ford a simple PB J. She then returned to her room and closed the door behind her softly."Hey. Are you awake?" She asked softly and placed his sandwich on the bedside table. Ford had slept longer and more peacefully than he had in months. But his rest had been interrupted when something blue scampered around the room. Waking up he had chased it rather quickly, and by the time Star opened the door the creature was sitting calmly on her dresser, and Ford was quickly sketching the creature, taking quick notes and measurements about it. He turned to see Star when she was awake she seemed troubled, more so than when she had left earlier and while he wasn't at all good with people she had been a kind host, it felt right to talk to her."I am." He said patting the side of the bed. "Come sit down, I'm just finishing up my observations on this." He said pointing to Glossoric who replied with 'Globgore!'"I wonder what that means." He shrugged for a moment as he looked to Star, a touch too intimidated to actually touch her, but at the same time wanting to help her. He took the sandwich she offered. "I take it your meeting went poorly?"Ford smiled towards her, trying to help her as he ate. Star nodded taking a seat next to him. Her own plate she sat on her lap and she glanced down into the journal and then up to Glossoric. She was impressed at how well his drawing matched Glossoric. She nodded "That' word for it." She said inhaling deeply and took a big bite of her sandwich and chewed slowly."My Mom went missing while trying to do the right thing, and I've been trying to find her." She said watching Glossoric before she continued to explain the mess of a situation she found herself in. She told him how all she wanted was to find her mother and did her best to be the Queen her people needed but everyone knew Star wasn't ready and the council's push for marriage was an idea of forcing her to grow up and accept responsibility for a mess that was now her's to clean up. By the time Star was finished completely explaining everything she was down to the last bite of her sandwich."I've looked all over the kingdoms, and I think I'll have to start looking elsewhere but theres an infinite number of dimensions." She swallowed the bite and turned to look at Ford. Stanford for his part listened. He didn't exactly understand every part, he was still getting over the fact that he was currently talking to a magical princess from another dimension. It was a bit mind boggling, what's more the idea that she would have to search all over the multiverse for her mother, when he could easily go back to earth he looked to the journal he was keeping then to Star."I'll go with you." He understood the look of doubt in her eyes, and he nodded giving her a reassuring smile and a pat on the back. "It sounds like the adventure of a life time. We will travel the multiverse together." It almost made him feel young again, a bit like the comics he had grown up reading in the back of astonishing tales or the like of them. Fantasy with a touch of science fiction, going off to explore the oddities of the universe it was actually a dream he had once had, and sitting next to Star he felt rather young at spirit."We leave when your ready, I have... everything I have." Ford looked over himself. "If you have a time limit than there really isn't a moment to loose." Star was unsure of his offer. After all he had just gotten their and she couldn t ask someone to help her in her quest could she, but when he assured his offer was genuine his smile became infectious and she too began to smile. She wrapped her arms around him in a hug and she fought back her tears. Oh thank you Ford! She let go of him and stood up. Alright then. I ll pack my things and then we can head out. Star headed into her closet and packed all the things she could think of that she might need.When she finished she went back out into her bedroom and opened a drawer in the bedside table and pulled out two pairs of scissors. She walked over to Ford and held out the more simply designed one. Here. You ll need to keep these on you at all times. They re dimensional scissors. She said and was about to show Ford how they worked when she heard a loud knock on the door followed by Hekapoo, Marco, and her Dad entering her bedroom. Star observed everyone but choose to only acknowledge her father s presence. Ford held the dimensional scissors watching as Star demonstraited how they were used. He looked at them and felt awkward. He had spent several years of his life developing his portal to another world, and now he was just being handed an item that not only did that but also fit in the palm of his hand. Of all the things he expected to find on the other side of his portal magic and a multi dimensional adventure was not among them.When the door opened and her father and the other two came in, He watched them with Star. Hekapoo on the other hand seemed furious and approached him. "Wait a second I know him! You're the one who ripped that hole in the multiverse a few hours ago, do you know how many me's i had to send to clean up that mess? uhg this is just like you Star all of your friends are the worst!"Ford didn't really understand the accusation, but understood that it would be a good time to go. River on the other hand walked up to his daughter, he pulled Star into a firm hug. "I understand, you don't have to say anything, bring back your mother, and be safe. I'll do my best to keep Mewnie in one piece while you're gone."Marco on the other hand didn't say anything he just kind of looked at Star, and then looked at the ground. He had already made up his mind, he wouldn't be going with her for this one.Ford cut open a portal. "Shall we?" Star rolled her eyes ignoring Hekapoo. She knew Ford wasn t intentially at fault for the mess that had been created. After all she had found him pretty beaten up and slightly confused. Star smiled as her father turned her attention to him. The hug was comforting and just what she needed. Thanks Dad She said and gave him a kiss on his cheek. She looked at Marco once more and turned her back to him and stood next to Ford. She nodded at him and held on tightly to the straps of her backpack and stepped through portal with Ford. Ford had been focused on Earth when he cut the portal open, so walking through it he had expected to arrive back in the cold winter cottage, maybe punch Stanly in the face again. He was hoping that he would get a chance to gather his things, maybe he could construct a better tracking system or something to help Star with finding her mother. Instead he walked out into a scorching desert. The sudden change caused him to stumble for a moment falling forward and rolling down a dune getting a face full of sand in the process.During the fall the dimensional scissors slipped from his hand, tossing forward as he tumbled. When Ford got to his feet it took him a moment to figure out what happened and find his glasses, looking around it was a hellish landscape of red sand and car parts. It was like an automotive grave yard, and after Star entered the portal, it would close behind her, probably sealed up by Heckapoo.The scissors landed in the back of a truck bed, which started with a roar of a powerful engine. The truck was unlike any that Ford had seen before heavily modified with spikes, and iron works, and thankfully hadn't noticed ford who fell on the other side of the dune before it drove off towards a camp. "We got meat tonight boys!" As Star was last to go through the portal she was caught off guard and followed in Ford's steps sliding and tumbling down the hill. She landed ontop of Ford and saw something fly from his hands and land in the truck. She groaned a bit and quickly moved off of Ford."Sorry." She said extending a hand and helped him to his feet. "So where are we?" She asked brushing the sand off of her clothes. She looked around briefly and observed all the scrap metal that jutted out of the sand like knifes rising toward the sky. It was a complete waste land and Star could see quite plainly that she would need to change her outfit. Digging around in her bag she pulled out her wand. She first thought about what she wanted the outfit to look like. Once she had a complete image form in her mind Star waved the wand and her outfit transformed along with her hair. She was sure it would help her to blend in."Also are you okay?"She asked him watching as he gathered himself together. Ford dusted himself off, as he tried to look around. He was sure he had been thinking about earth when he had used the sissors and unless something completely horrific had happened in the time since he had been gone he was pretty sure he had missed earth. "I thought I was opening a portal back to earth, to gravity falls, I thought my lab would have some equipment that might be able to help us." Also he wanted to kick Stanley in the face one or two more times. Of course this was where he would learn the all important lesson, that there was more than one earth in the multiverse. A lot more, an infinite number to be exact. "I'm fine." He adjusted his glasses."Okay novice mistake, we simply need to grab the sissors and open another portal." As he spoke he patted himself down, and remembered the trucks that had sped off into the distance. "Do you have another pair of those?" He said looking concerned at Star.If not it was probably a long trek through the dessert and up to the camp. He could see the tire treds, and off in the distance he was pretty sure he could see the black smoke of some sort of city. Not much else though as it was pretty far away. When it came down to it, the two of them would just have to start walking. He saw that Star had transformed her clothing, and pulled out his journal, quickly writing down another entry about the ability. "One day I need to get a few drawings of you for my book." He said a little more causally. "You are probably the most interesting woman I have ever seen." He was remarking more on her abilities, though her linage and personality were both equally amusing to the scientist."For now we should start walking, if we fly than we risk getting shot at." Star frowned and looked off into the distance at the dusty desert world they had landed in. Oh. She sighed and realized what it was he was getting at. Ah. I do but we need to get back your pair. In the wrong hands it could be a lot of trouble. She sighed and pulled her back pack straps. She took it off tucking her wand into it and then placed it back over her shoulder. Thanks that s kind of you to say, but lets get going. She said and began walking following in step next to Ford. Ford knew this was not really the time for games, Star had just physically walked away from everything that she had ever known, and was now on a timed man hunt. So he was glad that she accepted his complement, but the two were clearly focused on the road ahead. Hearing that they needed to get the scissors back he nodded. Lukily the camp was not that hard to find, and the two soon found themselves on a dune watching the activity down below. Ford kept looking for the truck he had seen drive away with the scissors in the trunk expecting it to be there.Down below the camp was a ramshack of tents and cars around an oasis that was used for water. There were cages there holding animals what he could guess was the menu and meat that the drivers had talked about, that was until he saw the cooking fire where a very human arm was on rotisserie. He covered his mouth at the sight of that. Horrifying as it was. "So this is it, an actual cannibal camp." He sighed looking at Star. "I don't really see any way to get in there what do you think?" Star gulped down her anxiety as if it was a glass of water, only her throat was as dry as the desert the two now found themselves in. She noticed the fire and what was on the menu. Fighting back her gag reflex Star quickled focused on something else. The camp had been encircled by vehicles of all sorts, as well as a gate they seemed to act like a barrier for the people in the camp. Well this might seem a bit obvious and probably pretty stupid but I say we go in through the front. She suggested and pointed down to a cainlink gate. Where some people were entering. A bit off to the side slightly out of eye sight she noticed how some of the vehicles were closer together to hide a hole in the fence. She then pointed to the hole We could also try sneaking in through there, but if we get caught there s no telling what they ll do to us. So I ll let you pick which way we go. The idea of sneaking into a camp of canabals to try and steal from them was rather daunting. The front door meant they would need to blend into their surroundings. Try and act like they belonged while they searched for the dimensional scissors, but would be much less likely to offend them. If they were caught just sneaking into the camp, well they had a human arm on rotissary so it wasn't that hard to imagine all of the other horrid things that could happen to them.It sounded crazy but the front door actually sounded safer than the other paths they could take."Follow me, stay close and act like we belong there." Ford got to his feet and walked in front of Star as they approached the gate. They were greeted by smells and sounds that were all unpleasant.The guard at the gate looked at the two of them. His eyes lingering over the smaller younger body of Star. "You and your girl don't look all that familiar, you selling her? Looks like a good breeding toy."Ford looked to Star for a second before he punched the other man in the throat. Stating very clearly and loudly. "She's mine."When in Rome. Star nodded as she followed slightly behind Ford. She walked swaying her hips drawing a few eyes toward her as they approached the gate. Her eyes searched the people walking about the camp just beyond the gate. They all looked so different. Different heights, ages, skin tones, and layers of filth. When they got to the gate Star stopped focusing on what was ahead of them and shifted to what was in front of her.Selling? Star glared at the gate keeper before rolling her eyes and looking to Ford for their next move. Star saw a flash of anger in Ford s eyes and then the guard was coughing and gasping for air. She gasped and took a small step back and placed a hand over her mouth as she saw the man fall to Ford s feet. When he announced that Star was his she took a step closed to him and followed him into the camp. That was extravagant She whispered to him But...necessary? Ford's display of dominance did two things it gave them attention as several eyes went to the pair of strangers and it gave them a twinge of respect as people nodded towards them. Ford listened too Star saying it was perhaps over zealous for him to just claim her like that but no one was arguing the point as they walked through the camp."There is a saying on earth, when in Rome do as the Romans do, we are visiting a hostile and savage land, so we have to be a bit more hostile and savage. I know you could probably take them in a fair fight, but I'd rather not risk it." He shrugged "It made us look like we belong.""For now blending in is the best option, at least till we can find the truck the siccors fell into." Star smiled and clung to Ford. I ve heard that saying. Marco said it to me quiet a lot when I first went to earth. She said her eyes scanning the crowds as they walked along. I understand what you re doing, and I ll do my best to keep up with you. She said her blue eyes drifting up to him. Where do you think we can start looking? She asked her head turned away from Ford and in that short time it seemed their plan completely fell apart. She knew it. Ford s display of dominance hadn t gone over well with some of the men in the camp. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain and next she was screaming. Five men had surrounded the couple and the ring leader was the one who had snatched Star from Ford. Her arm was twisted behind her back and his other arm wrapped around Star so that his hand was holding her face. The other men knocked Ford to the ground with a piece of wood that they hit the back of his knees with and then his back. They continued to hit him until the leader said to stop.Star squirmed in the mans arms but as she did he only twisted her arm more shooting pain through it. Keep squirming girlie, and I ll dislocate it. The threat was enough to make Star calm down her wide eyes focused on Ford. They hadn t hurt him enough to break anything but more than enough to get a point across. You two aren t from around here, I d go as far to say you ve never even been near this place before, but travelers come and go, so I m not here to question where you re from. Then what do you want? She said through clenched teeth. Well you my sweet. Someone as beautiful as you is gonna make a fine breeding pet for the highest bidder. We also are teaching your pal here a lesson, you see I don t know how things are done where you two come from, but around here that little greeting he gave our mate is just plain disrespectful. He said giving Star a slimy smile showing his crooked smile a gap between his front teeth. And disrespect just isn t tolerated here, isn t that right Bobby? Another man said chiming into the conversation and as he did his heavy boot connected with Ford s ribs and then he stomped on his back. Bobby smirked and nodded. He was the ringleader. So as an apology were gonna take you off his hands, and everything is even, yeah? Bobby said with a smile and turned Star s face towards his own. He brought his lips down on to hers and kissed her hard. Like hell you will! Star screamed after having bit Bobby from the kiss he had bestowed on her. He pushed her away and wiped his lip tasting a little blood I ll Star clenched her teeth feeling volts of electricity pulse through her body. One of the men had tased her causing her body to lose all it s strength and she fell helplessly backwards into the man s arms. You ll pay for biting me you little bitch, but I kind of like rough things. Bobby said and ominous gleam in his eyes. Star s vision grew blurry and she felt herself being lifted up and then everything was black.Star was being carried off and there was little chance that Ford would get the opportunity to chase after her. Finish him off boys. We don t need anyone like him around. Bobby said and turned his back leaving his men to take care of Ford. There was something a touch humiliating to having a plan fall apart. When Ford punched the mans throat it was to avoid an awkward situation and establish dominance, What he hadn't expected was for the moment to be turned against him. By the time he realized he had been surrounded along side star he was already hit hard enough to be knocked to the ground. Star was being tased and the two of them were in for various worlds of pain. The worst part was that it was at least partly his fault he had brought Star to this dimension and tried to insist that he knew better when the fact was he was well out of his league.Ford had never been the brother to bring about violence as a solution before. He was still angry with Stanley and he may have actually put some of that anger towards the earlier punch but he also wasn't as weak as he used to be either. His years of chasing after and catching paranormal anomalies had forced him into the best physical condition of his life. He was bruised, but he was still alive and that would be the biggest mistake these guys would make. Reaching out quickly he grabbed something that Star had dropped as they were taking her away and as one of the men swung down a heavy pipe towards his head Ford used the wand to block it.He bought himself enough time to get to his feet, and now he had a weapon, it was a shame though that he didn't know any spells. So he figured he would just have to beat them with object like a club. Before she could wake up the man that took her back to his private tent, tossing the girls body down to the ground, he got to work removing her clothing save for the long stockings she wore. Her clothing, armor and undies were all removed while she was unconscious and the girl had been set up next to a pole. Her hands were tied around the large tent pole the center pillar of the private room of the camp, the only real structure in the place, securing her to the location.The rope had then been used to secure her body, looping under and between her breasts, till finally the last few loops around her bent her neck forward and tied around her ankles securing her feet. Spare rope had been used to tie up both her knees, leaving her little room for comfort, and she had been gagged, not with rope or cloth, but with her own panties that had been forced into her mouth while sleeping, and secured there with some tape.The man didn't wait much longer than that to wake star up. Buddy picked up a riding crop, and brought it down hard on the young woman's breast waking her. "Hey there biter. I'm pretty sure you're friend is dead by now, so I figured I'd have some fun with you, teach some basic's about respecting others and not biting before you went up for auction. What do you say?" Star awoke with a jolt ad groaned feeling the sting across her bare skin. For a moment things were blurry and she was disoriented. Her head hurt a bit and she could feel the hot sand on her bare cheeks. Star looked around the tent and then up to Bobby. Her eyes went wide as she saw him standing over her. She wiggled a bit and felt the tight ropes on her delicate skin. They were tight. So tight that when ever she moved they dug into her and would eventually create rope burn. She looked down at her self and saw she was naked, and her mouth. She could feel the soft silk on her tongue.She swallowed a bit and looked up to Bobby. It was only them in the tent.Where is Ford? Where am I? Star recalled the events that happened just prior to her blacking out. She remembered the men surrounding the two of them, and then the beating Ford received and....Star turned her head away from the man and recalled having bit him because he kissed her. Her eyes were downcast as she looked at the hot sand refusing to give him any eye contact.Bastard! "See and this is what I am talking about." He said when her eyes refused to look up at him, he would rather have submission rather than defiance, but he could see anger and fight in her eyes, and he wasn't sure he liked that. He raised the leather crop bringing the bending leather against her breast, letting her feel what it felt like when it was dragged lightly along her skin tickling against her nipple for a moment, then he brought it down hard on her chest, leaving a red lash on her breast."Your gonna make me bruise you and that lowers the sale value. So how about this." He reached down, and gently removed the lacy panties from her mouth"Why don't we play a game little lady. See it was your friend that really got on my nerves with his little throat punch action. So the way I see it if you play along you can be free to go. The game is really simple. I ask a question, you answer, if you tell the truth you don't get hit." He pulled up a chair and sat next to her looking over her body still holding the riding crop. "Where are you from? You're clothing ain't like ours, it's soft. It's not covered in sand, and frankly you're skin is a bit too soft and pale for this far out in the salt lands. So where the hell you come from girl?" He held her panties playing with the softer fabric in his hand. Star groaned as the crop was dragged across her bare skin. She squeezed her eyes shut and inhaled sharply waiting for the pain to subside. Star slowly opened her eyes when she heard his voice.When he leaned down Star tensed up fully expecting for him to strike her instead he gently removed her panties. She opened her mouth and as he with drew the cotton panties and thin string of saliva hung from them and touched her bottom lip.She was silent not choosing to answer his initial statement regarding this game Should I lie how would you know? She asked her bright eyes studying him and looked down to the crop he rolled. She took a small shaky breath and clenched her teeth before answering him. Not from here, isn t that obvious? She answered a small smirk on her pale pink lips. "See it's that kind of half ass answer." He lifted the crop and brought it down hard against her breast, the leather strap striking her bare nipple, the hard texture of the leather weapon enough to not only leave a red mark where he had struck her but also cutting into her smooth pale skin. "That's gonna get your half ass beaten."He came closer to star now. walking up to her so that he towered over her. His waist was completely level to her face, if he wasn't wearing pants his cock probably would have touched her face with how close the two of them were. He touched her face, lifting up her chin so that she could look him in the eye as things became more serious. "You know I bet your a virgin." He said softly, moving his eyes over her soft body."You may have been traveling with a man, but I bet you are just some spoiled child, who's been spared the rod far too many times. You don't know how to talk to your elders properly now. I can fix that." He reached behind his back, and pulled out a knife. He pressed the blade gently to her throat as he put down the crop, and slowly undid his pants, as they fell, freeing his cock it slapped Star in the face as the cold steel was held gently to her flesh. "You ever kiss one of these? Now why don't we try giving me a better answer, otherwise we are gonna see if you can follow other orders, more humiliating ones." Star's eyes widened as she watched him raise his hand and then bring it down hard against her beast but her nipple hurting the most she clenched her jaw tightly refusing to give into him so easily. She had already resolved that she would not give into him. She would fight through it and get out of the situation with out with Ford s help. She couldn't even be sure he was till alive. She singly hoped that he was not dead as was thinking of a way to rescue her. Until then it was up to her to think of a way to get out of the tent and away from Bobby.When he moved closer to her and his hand reached for her chin his fingers squeezing her cheeks and forcing her head up to look at him. She wanted to pull away, tried to pull away, but couldn't. He was too strong."Fuck you!" She squeaked out. Star twisted against his hand desperately wanting to pull away and cried out loudly when his hand became viable again and the cold metal of the blade pressed to her hot skin. She took a breath with closed eyes as he undid his pants and they fell down around his ankles. Flinching Star slowly opened her eyes too see his cock barley an inch from her mouth.In thought she didn't answer his question right away but she was frightened of what he may do if she didn't answer. She feared her being silent would certainly be worse than lying, and so she spoke the truth."N n n no I haven't ever done that." She said her voice just a little louder than a whisper. When she swore at him, his reply was quick and simple, he grabbed hold of her long blond hair with one hand, and his other hand was brought hard against her face a red imprint of his palm linguring against her cheek, before back handing her the other way too just for good measure. "See that is the problem with your generation, doesn't know any respect." His voice was soft even after smacking her upside the head, he looked down at her blue eyes, and smiled towards her.When she started to say that she had never sucked a cock before, he sighed. He didn't trust star not to bite, so he dropped her blond hair, and walked away for a moment. While she may have thought he was saving her from something he really wasn't. He dug around for a moment, till he found what he was looking for. "Unfortunitely for you, I'm not really asking for your permission here, like I said the problem with you young people is you always think you have a choice. Never sucked a cock before, what are you some kind of royalty?"He rolled his eyes, and showed her the leather strap, tied around a thick metal ring. It took him a moment to grab her face, and force her mouth open.the gagfitting into her mouth as he struggled against her, locking it in place to hold her disobediant mouth open. "See we could have had a nice conversation, but since you're refusing to use your mouth for talking, I'm gonna put it to another use."He grabbed her blond hair with both of his hands once the gag was solidly in place standing over her, his cock was now hard from anticipation, and not wanting to waist another moment, he started to push it into her mouth, now that the piece of metal stopped her from biting him, and all her tongue could do was pleasure him. He started easy, rubbing the tip of the cock against her mouth keeping her steady by pulling her hair, but that didn't last very long, and soon he was fucking her face, his balls pounding against her lips, as his cock was forced down her untrained throat. He didn't seem to care if she puked, or anything past that point, this was a punishment not something he was meant to go easy on her for. She screamed out when she yanked on her hair and then slapped her. She lowered her head. She could feel the heat stinging her cheeks from his slap. Her blue eyes carefully followed him when he walked away from her and spoke. The answer to his question was yes. Star was royalty but she wasn't t going to tell him that, she didn't think that knowledge would improve her situation in fact she believed if she told him that she was a princess he would treat her even worse. Probably be excited to do all the awful things he was doing to a Princess. He would probably get off it. Instead she stayed silent she didn't answer him and she lifted her head as he walked back to her holding something.Star tried to fight him but eventually lost to his strength and her mouth was forcibly held open by the gag. She moaned and whimpered when he pulled on her hair again tilting her head up slightly and then he pushed his thick meaty cock into her mouth. Star squeezed her eyes shut not wanting to look at him as he forced his cock in and out of her mouth. The more he did the wetter his cock became from her tongue trying to push him out but it only brought more pleasure to him. She gagged and coughed as he began to become more rough with her and forced his full length into her mouth and towards the back of her throat. Star felt the urge to vomit but fought hard to keep from doing so. As he continued to face fuck her she began to cry the tears wetting her cheeks and the sweat on her temples rolled down as well. Fucking Star's pretty face and watching the young woman cry was a bit of a delight, but the real pleasure was feeling his cock get slicked up by her tongue, feeling the way that star attempted to resist him at every intrusion of her mouth, and also watching her gag on his cock feeling the thick saliva drip down his shaft, and over his balls which would occasionally by force brush up against stars lips. The man standing over her seemed to not have a care in the world when it came to fucking her throat. "See you need to learn respect, and the best way to do that is with a nice hard lesson about your place on the food chain."He was pulling her hair using t to forcefully move her head up and down his cock as his hips bucked against her. His rythem became more wild and his breathing a touch tighter, as his cock heated up inside of her mouth, twitching, and becoming wet with a more bitter taste. "This is the life you get to have now you little bitch, and I'm gonna give you your first real taste of it."pulling the head of his cock so that the throbbing red tip was the only point left in her mouth he grabbed his cock and vigorously masturbated for a second, letting himself relax and cum so that Star's mouth became flooded with his cock's milk. Every single drop would fill her mouth or tongue. giving her a literal taste of the bitter seed he was planting in her. He withdrew his cock, but pulled her hair so that her neck was forced upwards, not allowing a single drop of his cum to escape her mouth and the gag that held it open. "Swallow it, swallow it all up and then stick out your tongue to show you did a good job." Her thoughts were all over the place and her body was only becoming more sensitive as her thoughts got away from her. She hated him. Hated that he was forcing his cock down her throat, hated that her tongue still restied him and brought him more pleasure, hated that she was powerless, completely and totally powerless. She wanted to scream and fight back but she couldn't even do that not with a sweaty cock down her throat and with him pulling her hair. Her tears hadn't stopped but she did her best to keep her eyes open not wanting to get hit again.When he finally stopped forcing himself against her face she coughed and thought it was finally over but he left his tip against her tongue just barely in her mouth. Her eyes grew to the size of dinner plates when came. She had never tasted something so bitter and she wanted to spit it out. She wouldn't swallow him. But again she had no choice as he jerked her hair. The sudden motion terrified her and she did as instructed. She swallowed him and then stuck her tongue out. "See even a dumb bitch like you can be taught how to properly care for a man." He said looking at her clean tongue. He reached behind her, ready to untie the gag now that he had used her mouth and taught her the first lession. "When I untie you no more foul language from you, your next words are gonna be."the man raping her was cut off, as something hard hit him in the back of his head. His eyes widening for a moment before he fell to the side. "Eat concussion you violent no good troll." He was huffing, beaten, bruised, but Ford had apparently been the victor of the fight. He moved to untie star, cuting her bindings with the dimensional scissors he had gotten back, and giving her back the wand he had used to knock the man unconcious with. He looked at star, and pulled the mostly naked girl into a hug. "I am sorry I brought us to this terrible place." Star's eyes looked away from him as he moved closer to her. She flinched when his hands reached towards her and then they untied the gag finally allowing her mouth and jaw to close and rest. She yelped when he was hit and his body fell to the hot sandy floor. Her body shaking she looked up at her savior and saw the familiar face of Ford. Her eyes welled up and she began to cry. She didn't fully understand why she was crying so hard. Was it because she would no longer be subjected to that monster's cruelty? Of course but she was also happy to see Ford, though beaten he was alive. When he pulled her into his arms she cried harder. Her hands wrapped about the shirt and pulled herself to him. Ford felt star pull him closer, he leaned in to her, letting her sob into his shirt, his arms wrapped gently around her naked frame as he brushed her long blond hair his hands going down her body, but keeping his touch to safe places. He didn't really know what to say this was only his second dimension and he felt he had been responsible for the attack on her body. He gently brushed her head. He looked at her for a moment. He sighed and held her for as long as she needed, then when she was able to stand on her own too feet, he gave her back the scissors and her wand. It hadn't really transformed for him, probably because he didn't really believe in magic in anyway shape or form.He also took off his coat. "Here take this." He said gently putting it over her shoulders. Due to their height differences his jacket went to her knees covering anything explicit, but it also swallowed her hands. "Lets just get out of this terrible world." Star slowly and steadily found her strength again. Once more she looked at the disgusting unconscious man lying on the floor. She wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand. She buttoned the jacket Ford had placed on her shoulders and then took back her wand and scissors."Yes I agree, let's get out here before anyone comes looking for him." She said and held the scissors in her hand. She turned her head sweeping the room and spotted her backpack it carried a majority of what would help them and she knew it was important for them to have so she quickly grabbed it. With the bag on her shoulder she cut a hole opening up a portal to a new world one she prayed was a bit more serene and peaceful than the one they were leaving behind. Stepping through the portal Star was immediately knocked over. "HEY!" She screamed looking up at the thing that knocked her over. She tilted her head surprised to see a tall amazonian woman holding a number of shopping bags. She sneered at Star mumbled something and continued on her way.Star stood up and looked around. It seemed like they were in a mall?"This....this is a mall." She said and turned to Ford. "Fascinating." He pulled out his book and started to scribble a few observations of where they were. "My portal was only supposed to go from one dimension to another, and yet these siccors seem to have access to the entire multiverse of possibilities. It completely boggles the mind that something so simple could do something so amazing." Just to fire up the portal he had to gain access to an industrial amount of highly illegal substances for his research.He reached his hand out to help star, who he was reminded was only wearing his jacket, and a pair of boots, with nothing else on under it. He was glad that his body and frame was large enough to completely cover her. He also saw her face having a few bruises from the assault that was carried out on her. He sighed for a moment."With this being a mall, at least we can get you some clothing." He said nodding, he reached out and took her hand. "We can do some shopping therapy and get some resources for our trip." Since the armagedon camp had cost them a few items that they had needed for this adventure it was a good chance to restock. "At least this world is air conditioned compared to our last one." Of course the bigger problem was that they didn't have any money. Taking his hand she stood but did not let go of his arm. Instead she held onto him and looked around the massive building, she wondered if this was one of those retail only dimensions. She had heard of such places. The residents of the dimension made their living by allowing others to shop there, it was how their economy functioned. She had also heard of vacation dimensions, and they are just as they sound. Oh yes. That does sound good. Now that they agreed Star looked about and decided to just start walking until she saw a store that she thought might have some good options for her. It didn t take long until they came across a store calledInfinitely Young. Star tilted her head at the name but none the less stepped inside and pulled Ford towards the women s section of clothing. Why don t you find me an outfit you like. She suggested and turned towards a table that had t shirts of many different colors. Ford had to admit that he was a little lost in the moment. Looking around at the clothing store he wasn't exactly the most up to date on fashion especially with a woman as young as Star. He was still bewildered about their current situation, lost in the midst of multiverse theory trying to shop for a princess. "My life has taken a very strange turn."Still as she was only wearing his coat and some thigh high socks, an outfit he wouldn't exactly tell her that she was killing it in considering how she had come to wear it, some new clothes wasn't really a bad idea. He found himself digging through a few different sundresses and the like akin to what she had been wearing originally. He was looking at price tags, and found it odd this place accepted blemflarks, drapnoids, and american dollars. Walking up to star he reached into the pocket of his jacket to take out his wallet, violating her personal space, and counting his cash on hand. "Wish ,I had gone to a bank before I got sucked into the interdimensional portal. I've got 200 on me." He said before handing her a sundress. "Try this on, I think it's the right size."
['Pines', 'Dipper']
Demonesses need Breeders ( Fiye & Chiechan )
The night is a dangerous place...for in the dark things from other worlds crawl in..and wait to prey on their victims. One such creature was Grenda hime, a High ranking demoness sorceress who had earned the right to finally set up her own domain in Hell, and create her own progeny for it. IT was for this reason that she had broken through the fragile barrier to the human world and changed her clothes to fit the needs of the current time of humans. She landed on the ground and entered a city proper, looking around for a girl who would fit her cravings and desires. And perhaps, it wouldn't take long for Grenda to find a proper human. Alice Nephylys walked through the streets that night, holding a small box in her arms. It was a late night run for such a thing, however, she needed to get it, and there wasn't a better time to get it than in the present. Though, you couldn't help but notice her, when she tripped on a cat that happened to be laying down on the cold sideway. The woman instantly launching to get the box. Making sure whatever was inside of the box had not fallen to the ground, or gotten damaged. A voice from behind the girl suddenly spoke up. A soft sultry sexy lady's voice "My my..what do you have in that box? It must be very very valuable, ne?" When Alice turned around...she was would see a very hot looking girl with bronze coloured skin, and long purplish grey hair done in two pigtails. Her very provocative outfit hugged her figure very well, and showed her assets off very nicely. It was obvious though from her outfit and facial features that she was certainly not from around here."What's the matter Dear?" She smiled. "Cat got your tongue?" It was more than obvious that this woman wasn't around from here. Though, why the interest in her of all people? She couldn't help but turn around, before pausing. Seeing before her a sexy hot girl, with bronze colored skin, and purple grey hair. And then, a very revealing outfit that seemed to show off the girl's best features. But of all things, why her?"Shouldn't you be dancing in front of a guy?" She asked, picking up the box, moving to turn around to the girl. "I could..." Grenda smiled, not getting the reference to table dancing. "But I'd rather dance for you...and have you dance for me." She grins more. "In fact...seeing as you're not overly occupied...I think I must insist." She snapped her fingers, and all the street lamps near them went out. "Now...tell me...are you going to make this hard or easy?" "Nnn..." She bit her lip, looking up at Grenda, hearing her speak."Wait, what?" Alice responded, and with the snap of Grenda's fingers, the street lamps went out. Her eyes going wide as she back up, her bum hitting against the sideway, "Make what hard?" She asked, fearful of this girl. How in the hell did she manage that? What in the hell was she doing anyway? Grenda walked up towards the girl until she stood right over there. She had not just darkened there area...she had also silenced the area so no one could hear her screams outside of the circle, but why tell this girl that."Well...I need some honey for my home sweet home...and I'd like to see if YOU qualify for that position. As you can see, I'm no where near what you expect me to be, so get up and let's go for a small trip. We don't need to make trouble out of this, do we dear? Oh..and you haven't told me your name yet..." She bit her lip. Hearing Grenda speak, looking at the woman... well, the most she could do is to not qualify for that position. Maybe... she could do her best to make sure of it, "Alice Nephylys," She responded, slowly making her way towards the other girl, looking into her eyes before a brief moment, before turning away. Shouldn't someone be hearing their conversation by then? Hum...."You haven't told me your name either," She tacked on. "I'm Grenda Hime Abunaihito" She grinned. "Now let's go." She grabbed the girl...and a flash of red surrounded them..blinding the girl for a moment...then ...the flash went away...and they were falling through a tunnel of darkness.. They seemed to fall forever...with weird shapes in the dark seeming to lash out or move around them...eventually landing softly on top of an old castle...glowing with red eerie light." Grenda looked at the girl..and watched. She gave her time for the full truth to settle in of what she had just seen....And for her to understand, Grenda was no human girl. Alice couldn't help but gasp when the hands grabbed her arms. And suddenly, a red flash blinded her eyes.And then... it felt as though she were falling. She couldn't explain it, but once her eyes had opened, well, she couldn't help but scream. Feeling the wind whip out at her. Black shadows coming out after her, and soon, it stopped. They were on top of a castle, yet, it seemed to glow red as well.They... they couldn't be on earth anymore. This had to be hell. And she couldn't help but turn towards Grenda. Looking at what she now assumed to be a demoness in awe, "Why me?" She muttered, falling to the ground onto her knees. This was too much for her. Grenda grinned and said "Too much...darling...we haven't even begun...Now let me take you to your new home....Your womb shall bare me lots of lovely demon spawn here...Your lovely body will keep my carnal desires satisfied!"As she said this, she picked the young human female into her arms and carried in through an entry way...and carried her down the long hallways, holding her tightly so she wouldn't escape. There was no where to run, but Grenda was desiring release, and wanted a good breaking in now, not a long chase. "Too much? Too much of what?!" Alice complained, looking up at the demon, finding her feet touching against the floor, although, not for long. The demoness moved in to pick her up off the ground. Holding onto her tightly, as if she were some sort of fragile package. It wasn't like she could run far... the demoness most likely knew this place like the back of her hand.Though, she couldn't help but pause, hearing her talk about baring lots of demon spawn, "Demon?" She muttered underneath her breath, "How many?" Grenda smiled as she carried her new flesh toy into her bedroom and cast a magic seal on the area. "Oh...not many..maybe 50...but'll be alive for a long it needn't be all right away...but trust'll be the mother of many...Now..the question is...Can I trust you to assume a position or do I have to be rough?" "50? That's... that's a bit much!" She cried out, trying to tug away from the demon's grasp. Oh dear, of all the things she had gotten herself into. Living a rather extended life as the mother to this demon's 50 or so spawn. Not to mention, "How do you exactly plan on impregnating me anyway?" Grenda grinned "Oh would you like to know?" She smiled and pushed the girl onto bed and landed on there with her. "I will HAPPILY show you... I am assuming you chose the hard let's start..Demoness's ADORE rape., so this should be good." She smiled and began to tear the girl's clothing off in strips. "I would," Alice responded, though, soon finding herself pushed onto a bed. The demoness landing directly on top of her. Oh, she wasn't even ready for this, and already she was about to start her new life.But yet, hearing the demoness's love for rape, she couldn't help but gulp. Find the demoness's hands moving along her clothes. Tearing it up before by piece as she tried to made her mind.Oh, she was going to hate herself for this, but she forced herself up against the demon's lips, pressed her into a kiss. Grenda hmmmed and mewed into the kiss accepting the lips and slowly slipping her tongue between them. She slowly rested herself on top of the girl and groped her lover's breasts softly...gauging the girl's reaction to her breast groppage as she prepared to go even further. The reaction was... well, slow. She was caught off guard by the tongue that slipped into her lips. The body that moved on top of her, and moved in to grope her.It was, at that moment, that she decided... it was perhaps, too much too soon. "Please, hun," She remarked, trying to push the demoness away, "Can... can I take a breather?" Grenda looked at her bemusedly. "Oi!!! I'm a sex demoness and I kidnapped you to make you my little breeder sex slave. I am realizing that you may not *fully* understand the circumstances of this, but where in all of this, do you think 'Grenda should wait and have a soda while you make up your mind which hole she'll take first' comes in hmm?"Ofcourse, she realized that she had stopped. "Listen...I'm horny....tell me how I should deal with it...I'm gonna have you ANY I'll do you a favour...You choice how I go at you first...ok?" "Mmmm..." The demoness was right. After all,shewas the one in control.Sheheld all the cards, and soon enough, she was going to be giving birth to all sorts of different demons. At least she'd live a long, healthy life."I just needed a second," The woman responded, giving a small sigh as she slowly moved to nibble on Grenda's neck, trying to arouse the demoness further, "Mmm... you do feel wonderful though. Nice and soft..." Grenda smiled as the girl began to become more loving and needy. "Good girl...glad to hear you're adapting well."She pulled the girl's face up and began to kiss her , moving into a french kiss as her hands moved to cup her lover's cute little ass.
['Grenda', 'Nephylys', 'Hime']
Hinata Saphism ( thewhiterabbit & Chiechan )
Shinobu had been in a funk since Keitaro made his chose, it was not her and she was still a little broken up about it. Only a year had passed but the house has returned to normal what ever that means. Motok was bussing her self preparing for the Olympics it was still two years away but she wanted to be ready. Yet other things were distracting her boys and getting her license. Its silent too silent she walked into the house which seemed completely empty. "Come out before i get you" she continued to search the house, the very large house. Motoko had just finished her training and heard someone wandering around the house.She smiled as she saw her dear friend Shinobu. Shinobu had been the hardest hit by Kitarou's choice. Sure, Motoko had liked him alot, but Shinobu was always much more fragile...and she felt sadder for Shinobu then herself.She walked over to the small girl and hugged her gently. "How was your day? I was just about to have a soak in the hot spring. Did you want to join me?" For some reason she blushed Shinobu had never been shy around the other girls even the older ones but after Kitarou she had changed a little. "sure that sounds great" she had been looking at pictures all morning. she was not too young to be with him if he could not see that it was his fault not hers. "You sure take a lot of baths" she teased undressing behind the blind they used or at least put up after Kitarou moved in. it had not been needed in a house with all girl none having shown that interest openly. Motoko giggled a little "Well..yes...but I train a lot..and I don't want to be walking around people, smelling the area up after a hard work out. She took Shinobu's hand softly as they approached the spring and slowly helped her into the warm water.She looked at the girl as they slowly set down into the hot water. "How are you feeling today Shinobu? You are looking much better..." She smiled softly. "Does this mean you found someone new? I might feel jealous." She joked gently. It was her birth day she had just turned 14 and after him she was far more aware of the way she looked or did not. "no all the boys my age are stupid" they were like little kids acting no different then a year or two ago. "I want someone like Keitaro" she said sinking deep enough to blow bubbles in the water. why was it any guys she liked did not like her back maybe they were all at least a few years older then her. Motoko nodded. "I know how you feel be honest...I've kind of given up on...the boy idea. I think I'm going to cross the fence, um..if you know what I mean. Girl's are so sweet and honest....and I reckon they won't break my heart or lie to me. I hope that doesn't scare you with me telling you this." She took a deep breath. "Plus...well...with olympics and work. I just don't have time to have babies and raise them. It won't make all my family happy....but if I can find Ms Right...maybe I can then keep my heart warmed for a while..." Shinobu was more then a little shocked true girls were more mature then boys but she had never thought of that. "well who do you like" she asked turning a deeper shade then her normal skin tone. she was shocked now being it the same water naked with Motoko was very different like being in the water with a boy. She looked at the older girl someone she had always respected wondering what she should do. "not that you would like me im just a baby" she told her friend dipping back under the water. Motoko blushed as well. She admittedly had gone gay from Shinobu. It was seeing the sweet girl naked and having her lay in her arms a few times in the past that had made Motoko understand she COULD feel that way. However, Shinonbu had always been so....straight....she never felt she had any chance with her. girl has given a sign, maybe a hope, she could want her.Motoko wouldn't let it slide.She pulled Shinobu to her from behind...and softly pushed her breasts into the small girl's back...holding her close. "If you'd give me a chance...I'd make your dreams come true...and I'd love you like the goddess you are." She wanted to sink into the water, the warrior girl had always scared her a little being older and stronger then she was. "Me" she asked in a weak voice she could feel her young body responding to the girls attention. Why should she stay faithful to a guy that did not even see her as the woman she had become. "I mean you want me" she asked again she had never even thought about even if she practiced kissing with a certian roommate."I don't know much" she smiled feeling a lot better about herself after the girl started treating her much more like a woman. she placed her hands on her small chest she wanted to feel like a woman even if it was not with a man. she smiled feeling her little but against the older girl wanting to explore all she could. Maybe she could have some fun, and who knows she may make a good switch hitter or switch teams for good. Motoko slowly turned the small girl around and looked into her eyes...she softly took a wet hand and stroked the girl's face gently. "you are such a gorgeous beautiful woman beautiful and lovely. How could one resist falling in love with you. And as for experience...I have none either. We can learn together..." She leaned down and tried to kiss Shinobu softly on the lips as she wrapped her arms around her and pulled her close. Two virgins so to speak starting a new love it was more the a little tempting for such a young girl as herself. she placed an arm on her shoulder and her hip as if they would stand up and begin to dance around the hot spring. She kissed the girl pressing her lips to the girls slowly at first then with more force. she pulled back slowly. "Nice, but different" it was like when she used to practice kissing but that was years ago. "You have nice lips" she said stupidly. Konoe smiled and nodded. "Perhaps...but nowhere near as nice or lovely as yours."Luckily...Shinobu's pulling back let Konoe garner enough common sense to realize that they were in the open area. "Hmm..darling...I don't think we should do this here... even the other ladies wouldn't want to see this. I guess the question is, your room or my room my love?" She blushed a deep shade of red it was hard to think from this moment on but she slowly gathered her whits. "Yours, i don't think anyone woudl be brave enough to barge in" She wrapped the towel around her body. she moved quickly through the house feeling like a woman for the first time in her young life. "you think they know" she asked hiding behind the sliding door luckily she saw no one. "I mean what we did, will do" she asked like a small mouse. Motoko softly wrapped a towel around herself too..and gently took the girl's hand and softly led her out of the spring, into the hallway and up to her room."Shinobu san. Most of them said they'd be out today, and most of them are adults all busy with their own daily lives and completely respect our privacy..." She opened the door and let her lover inside. "Of course they know..." She grinned and picked up "AND IF THEY WATCH I'LL KILL THEM!"Sounds of feet running away was heard..and Motoko sighed, locking the door. "It's just us...and we have dear." She took the girl's face in her hands and began to kiss her again....very deeply this time. She did not know that much about kissing and had never been kissed like this before by anyone, but she knew she liked it. It was hard the girl was a lot taller then she was making her have to go on her toes, and the girl bend down to her. "Good i would not want to have to put on a show for the others" she placed her hands on her shoulders trying to hold herself up and fully enjoy her first real kiss. "Maybe you can teach me all that sword stuff then i would get respect" she asked the older girl. Motoko nodded as they broke the kiss. "As my wife, you'll be part of the family... I'll teach you everything you want to know." She then slowly pulled Shinobu towel away..and dropped hers too. "Now Shinobu chan...are you ready? Are you sure you're ready to make love all the way....Once we do...we are one mind body and soul....and I will never let you go..ok?" "wife" she squeaked she had only dated a few times but how could she say no. She blushed wife when did they get married she asked her self she was just 14 and did not know she needed to be married. "Like making you're food and stuff" Maybe they could be engaged until she was 16 then she would be ready. "I am ready can we wait to get married" she asked her friend not sure she was ready just yet. Motoko nodded. "Obviously we can't perform the marriage ceremony until later on...but in my will already be mine...and I don't mind if I feel that way, right?" She then slowly put her finger under Shinobu's chin and gently raised her face up until it looked into Motoko's. She then slowly leaned down and began to give the girl a long slow wet french kiss, before breaking to give her a chance for breath and to answer. She blushed going from the little girl to engaged in only a year if only he had asked that she would have melted. "yes, yes i will" she would have to forget about him he woudl never have kissed her that way. He woudl never have told her the way he felt or been naked with her he was the past and this was the future. "yes you cane" she got up on her toes and wrapped her arms around her to kiss her lips. Motoko sighed happily into the kiss and held the girl tight to her and let her tongue slide back into that sweet young mouth again. She slowly began to edge the girl to the bed to lay her down..and once there..slid begin to kiss and then softly lick, the soft pink petals which were the entrance to Shinobu's love chalice. Shinobu was very shocked when the girls mouth moved to her sex she could feel new things spreading through her body. "Mmm please it please don't stop" she begged trying to figure out what it was most like. The feeling was stomach it move in her stomach then was in her face which felt warm. "please" she begged it was the only thing that she could say with such an invasion of her sex. Motoko was in the temple of pleasure that being the place between Shinobu's thighs. She softly and gently lapped at those cute little pink folds..and licked deeper and deeper inside....slurping noisily at the cute little virgin pussy as she softly massaged the cute bumcheeks.... The taste soon became to fill Motoko's head...and that was all she could think of...making love to Shinobu. She made small little mewing sounds placing her hands on her head it felt good the woman knew what to do with her hands. "Yes like that" Her face turned red she was not normally that loud about these things. She had only touched herself a few times and none of them had felt nearly this good to her. "Can i feel you,,,boobs" she asked looking down at the older girl her face almost cherry red. It meant that Motoko would have to, regrettably, stop eating out her darling Shinobu for the time being. However, she acquiesced to her lover's desire, and pulled away, wet juices still glimmering on her lips as she moved her chest up for Shinobu to feel... meanwhile..she herself began to softly stroke Shinobu's small cute chest.
['Shinobu', 'Motok', 'Keitaro']
Gundam Saphism ( thewhiterabbit & Chiechan )
Sayla Mass sighed as she finished another long day of work. She was proud to have made it this far to the top of the military hierarchy in the ship, but it meant a lot more work...and a lot more. Now she was just looking forward to a nice long hot soak in the ladies bath area in the ship...and then a nice long sleep. She slowly made her way to the large bath area and entered the ladies section and undressed...she then slowly washed herself, rinsed and then made her way to the soaking tubs to relax. Frau Bow had enough of the child like Amuro Ray despite his ability in the mobile suit he seemed unable to grasp the fact she liked him. taking off her towel she wrapped it and placed it on her head not even noticing the blond. "Oh its you Sayla" she said shocked the only thing that would have surprised her more would be seeing Amuro in there. Slowly she slipped into the water working up a lather before she used her hand to wash her shoulder. It was good to have another girl in the room even if it was Sayla. Sayla smiled at the young girl and bowed a little as she got in beside her. "Ahhhh..after a long day of work..there's nothing like this, hmm Miss?" She looked over at the girl again, and noticed how cute and sweet she was. It was shocking that she wasn't already engaged. However, the boy she liked seemed to be chasing another girl...which was a huge shame. She looked the girl in the eyes and softly said. " are you finding life on the ship, Miss Bow?" She did not trust the girl always to polite but was that a reason not to trust the older girl at all "The work is hard but i know the captain appreciates me" if only Ray could be like him and just grow up already. She looked at Sayla who being more mature had a more develop body without thinking she crossed her chest. Maybe if her chest was bigger he would look at her like the other boys did. "I just hope that everyone can go home again and end this stupid was" she was siad so many people had already died. Sayla Mass nodded "I'm sure you do....and for all the girls like you, I hope we can too. It's hard, especially on the younger recruits. It's not easy..and it's always a sacrifice. However, some must do for those others who can't do for themselves. Remember that Ms. Bow. But I think you should....look for a love. Someone who returns the affections you give. Someone who will look at you the same way you look at him. I know it's not my place maybe, but I am lonely enough, I don't want to see another girl go down that road too." There was not a lot of choices on the ship despite all the deaths most were far older then she was and civies. she shook her head she had only been serving for moths but did thought of herself as a soldier. but I am lonely enough, I don't want to see another girl go down that road too, she blushed had she just made a pass at her. "well i am sure you cloud find a good man" being older she had a lot more choices. No one wanted a 15 year old or at least not for more then a one night stand. Sayla Mass smiled and giggled "Ms. Bow...I think you don't understand something...the rumours are true...I do prefer fishing from the other pond, if you know what I mean. I don't say it loudly or make a big deal..but well...the problem is..girls who like girls are not that plentiful on these military missions, meaning, I've always been alone. Certainly, I've had some short term loves, but they always ran off, or found someone while I was on military missions. You are lucky Ms Bow...being straight, you have a better chance of finding someone to hold you at night." The military was not the best place to find love being straight or gay, most soldiers were career fighters. Second being cut of from the rest of the EDF made it hard being surrounded by the enemy. "Its hard finding a guy that will stay" Finding a guy to sleep with was no problem but they all treated her like a child. A warship was no place to find a long term relationship when men might die every or any day."What if said i might want to defect" slowly she leaned up against the side of the pool what was so great about a cock anyways. She smiled she could try it, this woudl not be her first time though she had a few better choices. She wanted someone with experience that could show her the ropes. "I am just sick of having to deal with children, i think i would fuck a mobile suit if i could get a decent breakfast and conversation" Sayla smiled softly and gently scooted over to Frau's side of the tub. "'re sure about this, Ms. Bow?"She gently put an arm around her and leaned down. "I'm a possessive woman...I don't like to lose the things I love....but...would you like that hmm? to become the thing I love the most...the only person I ever think of or dream of..." She leaned down further and tried to kiss the coquettish Venus. She tired to push her back but that only made it worse her hand on the older woman's chest that could not be held. She fell back allowing the woman to push her onto her back and get the upper hand easily. "Well i never" she lost the last few words as the older woman's lips were pressed to hers it felt nice. She had kissed before but that had been only a few times and those had gone no farther then that. "maybe we should try to take it slow" she asked but knew she was no longer in control. Sayla grabbed a remote from the side of the tub. "I think..." she said softly as she licked Frau's lips...and pushed her back down. Her finger clicked a remote code..and the doors to the bathroom area were sealed off temporarily. It was just the two of them now..alone. "In fact..I'm quite sure....that you no longer have a say in little love dove." She went back to french kissing her...and let her hand softly and very so gently cup a tiny little breast, massaging it lovingly as she began her love making of the small lady. Her thigh slowly slid between the girl's legs...and began to rub on the girl's wetness. She watched the door seal shut the hiss of escaping air as the woman pushed her back to the edge of the pool. She could feel her hand on her chest and her leg sliding over her inexperienced sex. "I had a feeling you would say that" she was no soldier no matter what they said she was still a frightened girl. She had placed her fate in the hands of her father then captain Noah now this woman. "you will be gentle" she asked kissing her back there were a lot of rumors one that she was really from Zeon. That one scared her the least what she heard about the bondage from the few female civilians scared her witless. "You are my darling lover..." Sayla whispered. "I will treat you like a princes...just remain true to me...and you will always know love." She then lifted the girl up and pulled them from the hot tub...laying her on the ground of the bathroom... "Now...I'll show you pleasure..." She put her face next to the virgin pussy, breathed in deeply and then began to lap softly at the warm pussy...tasting the juices on the lightly haired snatch. She watched as the girl lifted her up with no more effort then she would a uniform before placing her on the ground again. She then felt her move between her legs as she spread them to the gentle intruder. "Yes like that" she moaned feeling her young sex assaulted by a skilled but kind tongue. She felt her hands on her legs and began to blush, at least no one would see them, or interrupt them. "so good" For Sayla this was all she needed for a mate, a lovely cute and sweet girl who she could love and who would love her back just as much. She kept the thighs spread far apart and licked more and more passionately....her tongue slowly sliding inside as her nose began to softly rub the clitoris. Her hands reached under and cupped the bumcheeks softly, kneading them lovingly. "That is so good" she cooed feeling her hands on her small and shapely ass if only a man could be that good at sex. She felt only a passing pang of regret at giving up guys for girls it was a nice change. She licked her lips she wanted to have a taste of the girl she had the feeling she would have a different taste then her own. "What do you taste like" she asked knowing her own flavor though words escaped her now. Sayla smiled and made sure Frau was fully on her back before moving her hips around and slowly sitting down on Frau's face. her eyes closed and she moaned in pleasure as she felt the girl's tongue on her..and she went back to eat her lover out deeply..holding nothing back now. She spread Saylas cunt with her fingers she could see that the girl was really getting into her cunt by now. The taste was a lot like her own only more, well it was stronger then the taste of her own cunt. Not like wine and fruit juice but a little stronger she enjoyed the difference tired of eating her own. "yum taste good" she nibble on her clit thinking that she knew this was called a 69 but who told her that. Sayla moaned happily as she felt the young girl's tongue begin to make soft love to her own mon veneris. She then spread those small little pussy lips and pushed her tongue in deeper..and began to gently use her tongue to gently penetrate the love hole, in and out, up and down...slowly but carefully. She hadn't made love in so long...and she didn't want to ruin this chance. And perhaps...Frau could be the one to stay with her ...forever. She had never done anything like this before but she tried her best to make the older girl feel good, it would be stupid to ask right. She smiled she could see that her sex was all wet and hear her moaning loudly. She blushed the idea that she was eating out another girl was not something that she woudl have planned. She spread her sex making sure to hit her clit while she searched for that spot. Sayla's mind was on fire from the pleasure the young girl was giving her...if she didn't know better, she'd swear that little Frau chan was an expert at eating pussy. She sure knew how to bring pleasure to Sayla. Sayla struggled to hold her orgasm back..and to keep bringing pleasure to the lovely girl. She herself soon had located Frau's little g spot..and worked on both that and her lover's clit..working doubletime to make the young woman cum for her. She came most men could not find a G spot with a road map and a compass she was hitting it like a snare drum. "yess" she hummed into the girls sex before it was placed even firmer against her younger mouth. She was no virgin but she had sex with a man and only kissed a girl so the invasion into her sex was new. The man she slept with would not and she doubted that he would have been as good. "That was so good" she smiled as she felt the hair on the outside and inside of her legs. Sayla moaned and she too soon came into the mouth of her lover. She gasped and kept rubbing her furry muffin onto Frau Bow's cute little freckled face...she kept her own face buried into the wet little snatch and kept slurping up the juices as they came out. She was going to make little Bow chan cum herself into unconsciousness. She came again latter she was sure that she had not come more then twice in her lifetime she continued to eat her out. "That was nice but can we stop" she begged unsure that she wanted to cum that much. It was a fun thing to try but she did not want to stay with just women for ever. "Please thats enough" she begged unable to physically stop the girl from making her come again her head was swimming. None
['Bow', 'Mass', 'Sayla', 'Amuro']
Tainted Love (Liluim)
She was on one of her usual walkabouts trading the abandoned green house she was running her experiments in for the green of nature. It was cold and chilly out which gave her an excuse to rap herself in a coat and leggings instead of her usual skin tight green costume. Her shocking red hair was pulled back contained in a ponytail that kissed the middle of her ass. A scarf wrapped around her face hiding most of her green tinted skin and giving her some space from the preying eyes of Gotham."Hello my lovelies" She purred moving amount the flower beds and admiring the green. Every so often her gloved hand would pull out of her pocket sprinkling a little of her special seeds and chemical concoctions on a plant that looked in need. She hummed to herself as she worked her ruby red lips pursing as she fell into her natural role of mother and nurturer.She was towards the middle of the park when she heard a low groan. She turned her jade green eyes assessing the park before she spotted a figure on the bench. Her eyes softened slightly. It seemed there was another poor soul of Gotham out in the park tonight.Against her better judgement Pamela Isley moved towards the bench. She was curious. When her eyes fell on that shock of hair she knew all to well her curiosity went straight to fear and worry."Harley!" Pamela shouted moving forward as fast as her heeled boots would take her. She moved towards the fellow super villianess gather her in her arms and pulled her against her coat.'Harley talk to me honey" Pamela said stroking her hair "What did he do?! What did he do?!" After the last mission they had been in, which consisted mainly in a trap against Batman and his friends, everything ended. It had been a failure, with the Joker almost being captured by his archenemy. And, of course, that hadn't pleased the Joker in the slightest. Whereas it was true or not, his loyal partner,Harley Quinnhad received all the blame. Unlike previous, similar situations, this time her partner seemed to have lost it. Be it due to sheer humiliation or simply as a need to relieve his anger, he had beaten the crap out of Harley, literally.She had been left half dead in the park, just as if she was one of the Joker's victims. A mere, abandoned and abused pet he no longer deemed useful. With her last energies, Harley had managed to get up and lie down in one of the benches, hoping that would, at least, make her feel more comfortable. Maybe she needed some rest and then everything would have turned out to be a mere nightmare. That should have been the case. Without even realizing it, the blonde woman ended up losing consciousness, her faint groans being perfectly audible even in her asleep state.It wasn't until she heard a known voice that her eyes opened slowly again, her pale countenance grimacing a bit when she tried to move. "....Poison Ivy? Is...Is that you?" Harley finally inquired, recognizing that beautiful face she had seen more than once before. She then sat up a bit, finding it hard to even breathe properly. "I...failed. I failed him..." Harley finally whispered, sobbing again, transparent tears running down her cheeks. There was only one person she could shred tears for like that, and Pamela should perfectly know about that. "You didn't fail him honey" Pam cooed kissing the top of the usually bubbly girls head. She brought her even closer hoping that her warmth would be conveyed. Pam was already going into doctor mode assessing the damage and what she would need to do to fix Harley. There wasn't many she wanted to fix."He failed YOU"Harley was the exception."Just hang on Har" Pam said moving back towards her base."Let's get you fixed up"........................................SIX HOURS LATERPam sighed rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as she looked at her resting friend. She wasn't a medical doctor by any stretch of the imagination but she thought she knew enough to get Harley on the path to healing. She chewed her full bottom lip nervously eyeing the make shift medical table she set her up on using one of her babies. She willed the plant to morph turning it into a lush bed that Harley could rest on.Once that was done she got up moving out of the green house and towards the small room she set up. She stripped pulling off her skin tight costume until all that remained was a striking red thong that showcased her shapely ass. She flopped into her bed deciding to remain naked as she let sleep consume her. Harley remained like that for a few seconds, her light blue eyes fixed at Pamela during the whole time. Finally, her plump, crimson lips turned into a wide smirk as her palm caressed one of Poison Ivy's round cheeks. "Thank you Pam...I owe you one now.." She finally said, right before she lost consciousness and let herself be carried away by Pamela. She would have never guessed she'd end up requiring the help of a fellow villain. If Joker or anyone else was so learn that, they probably would mock and laugh at her. But she didn't mind, she couldn't afford that either. At that moment, all she cared about was the humiliation she felt for failing the mission, and just hoped the Joker would eventually trust her again. Around seven hours later she finally wake up, groaning a bit since her whole body still ached from the several injuries her previous partner had inflicted on her. She stood up and realized her whole figure was now barely covered by her reddish bra and equally red, laced thong, which left her plump rear almost totally exposed. She had always enjoyed wearing that kind of lingerie, after all. She then started walking away, eventually finding Pamela's own room and entering, without even caring whether she'd be welcome there or not. That wasn't something she could afford to mind at the moment. She just needed to thank her somehow, as well as to receive some love from someone, for a change. Finally, she arrived at the other woman's side and softly shook her shoulder, planting a chaste kiss against one of her cheeks. "Pam honey...Are you awake? I want to thank you for taking care of me properly." Harley finally said, a naughty smirk appearing on her plump lips as she wondered what Pamela would ask of her now she was indebted. Hearing Harley s voice from above caused a soft groan to emanate from the green tinted earthy goddess s lips. Her eyelids fluttered and she half opened them taking in her patient for a few seconds. She stretched her breast spilling out of the covers and her green tinted nipples hardening from the feel of the soft sheets brushing over them. Her red hair spilled out over the pillow as she turned hooking one long green finger through the waistband of her thong. Come to bed . She reeled her in bringing her down onto the bed with her. She Maneuvered her guiding her until she was laying on Ivy chest and the blankets were wrapped around them both. Her smooth legs rubbed against Harley s for a second caressing her before she settled back in and her eyes closed once more. Rest Ivy told her with a soft concerned voice Your injuries were severe we talk more in the morning
Rwby from Huntress to Slut (Lilium x Mofo)
The dark rooms illuminated by faint dust crystal lights, underground it seemed. Team Rwby were strapped up onto crosses. Their bodies plastered with some sort of seals to keep them from using their aura. They were together in a small room, naked bared to anyone who'd see them. How did these young huntresses get here, let's just say everything went wrong.Ultimately now they were prisoner to a group of anti Huntress Activities. They had been captured and stripped of all things that make them capable of breaking free. Eventually the lights brighten to wake up the conked out heroines. As the sounds of heels began clicking and approaching, then a door opened and a woman in a white suit hugging her body, she had a whip in her hands. She made sure to give a nice snap, so to wake up the girls. "Up and attum girls, rise and shine, its time to begin reprogramming." She turned her head, her head drapped with a shower of bleach blond hair, a figure boys would die to get their hands on, and a cruel smirk to make masochists shiver. See more "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" None of them even remembered how things had turned out to be like that. All they remembered was that they had been sent on a mission against some small groups of Grimm beasts roaming around. But then, everything had gone dark. Maybe it had been a trap? One way or another, it was clear the mission had been a failure. Bit by bit, the members of the team started opening their eyes at a slow pace, especially when they heard the sound of the whip clashing against the floor echoing through the whole room. "Where....are we?" Weiss whispered, looking around with a confused expression. "How did we end up here?" Blake too joined in for the confused questions round, staring at the woman standing in front of them with a faint frown. "Who are you?" Ruby then inquired, glancing at that very same woman while she tried to break free. "Let us go! You'll pay for this." Yang finally included, trying her best to break free from the tight restraints while she glared at the other woman with all her might. The woman walked up to Yang so blatently. Not answering any of their questions, "It seems you are all awake." She eyes the swinging swaying breasts on Yang, smirking delightedly. As she reached a hand out and grasped a hold of her tits feeling how firm they were for their sizes, "How does it feel, to feel just like a normal girl with out that aura power of yours." It kept them from over powering their restraints or activating any abilities, the seals were on their body and they were stuck on tight. As she then roamed her hand down between Yang's legs and rudely shoves two fingers up inside her pussy. They had all been stripped, and their position made it difficult to move anything."It matters not the hows, and the whys just that today, you four have walked into your last trap, and will be reporgrammed, from the aspiration of huntresses, to sex slaves, adult stars, and pornography." She grins, "After all people pay big for super powered sluts, and a few huntresses missing from their training program won't go noticed, they have plenty of better up and comers." She twists and digs her fingers down inside, while hoping very much to see the look on all of their faces. The blonde woman groans faintly when her huge, swaying breasts are grabbed by the woman who had just captured them. She tries to resist and struggle, but without her aura and weapons Yang wasn't able to do much. "Let me go, you bitch! Don't you dare...?!" A faint gasp escaped then through her thin lips as her insides were ravaged by the other woman's fingers, her legs trembling and moving to try and prevent those invading fingers from going any deeper. "L...S...Stop it...!" Yang finally screamed, letting out muffled groans and moans, trying to resist the faint arousal starting to build up inside of her."Let her go! Please!" Weiss joins in, her eyes getting wet, while Blake glares at the woman with all of her might. "You are such a coward. Untie us so that we can have an even fight." The faunus lady finally said, struggling against the bindings holding her in place. "Let my sis go please! D..Do it to me instead....Just please, leave Yang alone..." Ruby finally pleaded, tightly closing her eyes while she also tried to break free, all of her efforts being as futile as those of the rest of her teammates. As the woman looked around the room as her fingers continue digging into Yang, laughing. Her digits pumping in and out up inside Yang's snatch. "Mmmm... alright." She pulled her fingers out from Yang, and snapped her fingers. Suddenly some sort of hoses started to appear from an opening in the ground they had a surprisingly tentacle like look to them. As they moved up towards each girls cunts. Then slowly forced their way up inside them. Each girl had this tentacle pushed up in their pussies first. And then, came a second one, that emerged and forced its way into each of their pretty little assholes."Today, we begin your reprogramming, you were once aspiring huntresses. But no more." She brushed off their ire and disdain. As she brushed her hair over her shoulder. Giving a proper glance over each girl. "You will be worked on today for about three hours, those tentacle pipes in your holes will thrust into you for three hours. They will then work the insides of your orfices till they are brushed and cleaned for the three hours. The tentacles have bristles along side their soft squishy bit up in side you." Each of the tentacles had already started working on the four girls respectively. She watched the room, gauging which of the girls would be the first to start showing signs of cracking. The tentacles along with being flexible and both hard and soft deep inside the girls, did have sort of like a brush feeling as they thrust into them. It was scrubbing them, and also making their insides more sensitive.
A Trainer and his Gardevoir: MysteriousD & Magatama_Slave
Diego Vendrix cheered in the air.It was victory. It was an absolute victory. For months, he and his team had preparing for their fight against the Elite 4 of Hoemn and they now finally beaten Steven. Diego went over to embrace the one who landed the final blow, his beloved Gardevoir.Gardevoir was one of the first Pokemon he caught as a trainer, being the third to join his team after his partner Pikachu and Torchic, a starter Pokemon who was left over from the lab that he offered to take. They along with Shifty, Crawdaunt and Flygon had traveled Hoemn and fought Gym Leaders, strong trainers and even the criminal organizations of Team Magma and Team Aqua.And now he was Pokemon Champion. The tired but happy team was cheering while Diego was twirling around his Gardevoir, who defeated Metagross with a Shadow Ball."We did it!" Diego shouted with glee, squeezing Gardevoir. Gardevoir was feeling bliss, sharing in her trainers emotions, as she always had. It was part her skill, and her curse, but it was the was it had always been.She was a magnificent specimen of Pokemon, a rare blue colour variant in her hair that was only seen in tens of thousands of Ralts. Her trainer always called her a "Shining" Gardevoir when he explained it to others, whatever that meant.His squeeze felt strong, but comforting, a welcome reward for the months of carrying her trainers team through badges and hardship. "Good job, my Shining Gardevoir," Diego said to her as the tired team began heading to the room so they would all be registered in. Pikachu smiled and was high fiving everyone for their collective victory. They all did an incredible job and they all earned some rest and relaxation.Several hours after the ceremony and a big dinner, they were all back in their hotel room. Everyone was returned to their Pokeballs except for Pikachu, who preferred staying outside as he could and Gardevoir. Diego was right now showering, taking a nice long hot shower to relax after such a trying day and so they could get some much needed rest. Gardevoir was levitating champagne that had been comped to the room whilst her trainer took a shower. The bottle was shaking as her psychic powers made the bottle seemingly levitate.She was waiting for her trainer to come back, unsure quite why she had been left out at this occasion when almost everyone else had been put away. She spun in circles as she waited, her cloak flowing Diego had finished showering, only wearing a towel around him given how his clothes were all pretty dirty from the battles and were being washed. He also had on his glasses on obviously. "Sorry I took a while," Diego told her before he was a bit of a surprise at seein the levitating bottle of champagne there."Thanks again for everything, Gardevoir! You pulled through for us," Diego said as embraced her and twirled her around. She always knew how to cheer him up and understood him like few others can. He felt close to her, probably the closest out of all his Pokemon, barring the brotherly bond he had with Pikachu. Her trainers appearance shocked her, the champagne bottle shaking as she tried to steady it."Gar" She said,She felt his warmth as he embraced her, his emotions swelling within her."Voir" She said, patting his shoulder gently, the chapagne bottle popping over them from all the shaking she had been doing earlier, as well as the twisting from her trainer. Diego was surprised by the sudden birst of the champagne bottle, covering him a bit and the towel. "No worries, I'm all right, how about you?" Diego told her, noticing Gardevoir was now covered in champagne. "I'll pay for that, don't worry. Though now that we're both dirty, we should probably shower," Diego suiggested to her. Gardevoir nodded, waiting in her sticky mess, assuming that her trainer would go first. He was a caring man, but he was her trainer, her boss as it were. His needs come first.The sticky situation, was making her feel stiff, and perhaps a little stupid for playing around with unfamiliar objects. Diego looked at his Shining Gardevoir. "I'll wash you off, don't worry, okay?" Diego told her with a smile before he grabbed her hand and was leading her to the shower. He ciuld tell she was uncomfortable and he didn't like seeing her in distress.He wondered if he would ever connect to her more. She was a Psychic type after all. He wondered if she could read his mind or something, he thought as he put her in the shower. The Gardevoir nodded, as if to affirm his thoughts. She didn't mean to intrude, but it was something that was fairly easy for her specific species of Pokemon to carry out.Gardevoir could feel the water on her flesh, the feeling quite nice, a treat that humans had kept from her for many years. Still having the towel wrapped around him, Diego entered behind her, getting some of the soap and such and was washing Gardevoir. He always treated her as an equal. Well, he always treated his Pokemon with respect, attention and dignity, but there was always something special with her. She was the smartest of them all, including him and her empath abilities helped out to."Enjoying it?" he asked her, seeing her sparkle a bit in the water, as she was a shiny Pokemon. The Gardevoir nodded, her womanly features seemingly more pronounced under the warm water. She would have looked a mess, almost like a teen girl in a wet t shirt contest.She appreciated her trainer and his concern for her, turning to face him, offering a caring look. Diego blushed a bit when he saw Gardevoir turn around a bit. With the water, around, her more womanly aspects were showing, reminding Diego of how human like Gardevoir was. However, he tried to focus insread on it and seeing her caring look made him smile.He continued to wash her while using his towel to keep himself covered though his instincts were beginning to stir a bit. Gardevoir used her hands to rub some of the water onto her trainers skin, feeling bad for ruining the shower that he had already taken.Her eyes glistened as she looked at him, aware of his emotions to an extent, but these ones seemed strange and foreign to her. Diego kept working at suppressing the emotions, shaking his head before he continued to wash Gardevoir and such. He blushed when he felt her hands begin washing him, mainly his face from the champagne. He wondered what she was thinking, especially since Pokemon were closer to their instincts than humans were.He saw her glistening eyes and smiled at how lucky he was, having someone incredible like her. Gardevoir worked at cleaning him, her thin protective skin clinging to her breasts like a t shirt., fully transparent now.She rubbed his pectorals and biceps, making sure that they are no longer sticky before moving to the next spot.She nodded at her trainer "Gardevoir" she said with a happy tone. Diego blushed as he felt Gardevoir slip her hands to touch him in his amrs and chest. He was never the best looking person and he was a bit doughy despite the active lifestyle of a trainer. However, seeing her happy smile calmed him a bit. However, seeing her skin cling to her breasts, becoming more visible began exciting him.She was his Pokemon... yet, she was also her own being. He was trying not to let the new perverted thoughts begin to occupy his head. Gardevoir knelt, cleaning his legs, trying to avoid touching the area covered by the towel, something he clearly did not want her to see.She looked up at her trainer, feeling conflicted as his emotions were seemingly conveying that to her."Gardevoir?" "I I'm all right," Diego told her with a smile, working more to suppress his emotions. He didn't want her to get the wrong idea. Granted, he did not know what she would understand, though from what he knew on Pokemon, they had a good understanding on mating and on the concepts of mates and the all the intimacy involved in it."You're almost clean," Diego told her with a smile as he was washing her, though feeling her body was getting him warmer. Gardevoir held him, wanting to know why he was clearly lying to her.She pressed her head to his, hoping to understand him, her body held close to him."Devoir, Garde. Voir!" She said with a stern tone. Dieego blushed harder when he felt Gardevoir hold him tighter . However, her grip caused the towel to be undone, revealing his semi erect cock to her. He was stunned speechless when it happened though his mind was becoming clearer for her to sense. It was the mating instinct, a strong and growing one, even if they were quite different. Gardevoir sensed the emotion this time. though still not quite one she had felt before. She felt him poke her hips, feeling his feelings as he felt them himself.Gardevoir could only mutter "oir" in a sultry tone, his emotions being far more powerful than her own will. Her bond with her trainer far too strong. "S sorry!" Diego couldn't help but tell Gardevoir as he felt his erection poke her in the hips. Her sultry tone stunned him a bit, but his strong emotions were there, a mix of lust and love as his animal side was tellin him to mate her. To take Gardevoir as his bride and be happy with her, to fuck her silly. He felt their bond grow deeper and Diego was growing hazy in his thoughts. Gardevoir pulled him on top of her, sheltering him in her arms. She was taller than him, but she felt that she wanted to protect him. She always had, that's why she fought for him.She always wanted his every desire fulfilled. For him to feel happy. Diego was surprised when Gardevoir pulled him on top of her, feeling her soft breasts in his face and her wonderful embrace. Their bond was always a deep and powerful one and he was looking at her lovingly. Years of loneliness and desire for affection have become too much. Diego went in to give Gardevoir a kiss while he was grinding up his erect cock against her maidenhood, his and hers mating instincts awakening. Gardevoir bent at the knees, allowing her trainer better access to the places he desired. She had never mated, Diego had owned her since days after she had hatched.He wasn't just her trainer, he had been her most trusted person for as long as she could remember.Gardevoir caressed his face, pessing her face against his. Diego remembered reading the tales of humans who would mate with human like Pokemon, with some even retreating into the wilderness with their mates. Diego wouldn't leave his own Pokemon, but he wanted Gardevoir, wanted her like a woman and he would claim her.Diego carefully slid his cock inside of his Gardevoir's pussy whilea hand went to squeeze her growing breasts and nipples. He groaned in pleasure as his mind was now thinking of fucking and mating. Gardevoir accepted him into her, using her psychic powers to manipulate her breasts to a size he found sexy."Gardevoooiiiir!" She moaned out loud, her master making her a woman, and she making him a man, both of them crossing an unnatural threshold. With their bond growing closer, Diego's mind became dominated with lust and he was responding my going at a frantic yet passionate pace, holding onto his Gardevoir as if his life depended on it. He wanted her... he needed her. He didn't care, he wanted to be with her. He cries of pleasure was a wonderful sound he wanted to hear more of. Gardevoir slipped down in the shower stall, Diego coming with her as they mated like rutting animals."voir, oir, de, oir, gar" Her moans sounded almost human as he fucked her, her pussy slick, yet clinging to him with every thrust. Diego was loving hearing the wonderful voices of his beloved Gardevoir. She was so hot and wet and tight. Furthermore, he felt his mind and heart grow closer to hers, their connection deepening. He briefly recalled what it would be like if he could understand her like a human.However, he just continued his frantic pace as he squeezing her tits and fucking her. He was grunting and groaning like an animal or a Pokemon, yet held her tightly. Gardevoir placed Diego's hand on her chest spike, something trainers had been told never to touch."Diego ... this is making you happy?"She said into his mind, her sultry moans still coming from her mouth with each of his thrusts Diego's mind became opened with psychic energies when she moved his hand from her breasts to her chest spike. He felt her speak to him for the first time. He could understand her and this just made him love her more."Yes... I... I want you as my mate, Gardevoir," Diego told her in the mind, hoping sshe would understand as he would be going faster and harder, each one of her sultry moans inviting him to do more to please her. "Then I shall have your eggs"Gardevoir said to him, not really able to break away from her natural speech. She allowed Diego to use her body as he wished, her pleasure definitely tied to his own."Oir, Gard" she moaned sluttily Diego pulled Gardevoir into a kiss upon hearing her sweet words. He had no idea if they could have kids, but he didn't care. He wanted to fill her womb up with his seed, to mark her as his. He kept groaning in pleasure as he kept going at the pace. The kiss was long and passionate as he fucked her like a wild Pokemon, wanting to get to cum. When she would finally cum, so would he. The pairs orgasm rose in tandem. Her unused pussy clinging to her master and milking him efficiently. She had never imagined this as a Ralts, and he probably hadn't either.Gardevoir screamed a remarkably human like scream of pure ecstacy, her pleasure almost unbearable to her. Diego screamed as loud as she did, finally cumming. He came hard inside of Gardevoir, filling her up with his hot seed, her womb full of his love. He never pictured where his relationship with his shiny Gardevoir would go, but he had no regrets. He had someone to be with and he was happy. The orgasm solidfied their relationship like no other, their minds and hearts now connected through love and psychic energy. He managed to stand up, holding onto Gardevoir as his cock was deep inside of her. Gardevoir came a second time as he did, her pussy clamping down on him tight, almost holding him in place.The Gardevoir held herself against her trainer, his passion for her apparent, as her respect for him always had.They were breeding partners now in her mind, that much was a fact. "W we should probably get ready for bed," Diego told her as he turned off the water and began to dry them off. Diego looked at her lovingly and brought her for a kiss as he was holding her. When they were dry, he decided to sleep naked... with his beloved Gardevoir with him.He was carrying her bridal style to their bed and he laid down, with her on top of him. Feelings and emotions of pure love was what he had for her. Gardevoir held onto her trainer, distracting him as she levitated Pikachu away from them.Gardevoir laid in her trainers arms, knowing that all he wanted right now was her.... And she was happy to oblige. Pikachu remained asleep as he was being lifted before settling into the table near the TV where Gardevoir had placed him.Diego snuggled up to his Gardevoir, kissing her while he felt her body on his. "How do you feel?" Diego asked her, wanting to talk to her more and understand her. Gardevoir nestled up to her trainer, feeling a little tired from the battles as well as the lovemaking. She licked tenderly at his nipples as she rested her heavy head on his chest.She placed her hand on his chest, her eyes feeling heavy. Diego blushed a bit at feeling Gardevoir licking at him, but smiled and responded, by holding her closer to him. He leaned in to kiss her head before he would soon fall asleep."Good night," he told her before he would fall into a deep sleep, a long restful one. Gardevoir fell asleep on him, her first night for her to sleep in a bed."Voir" she said as she drifted off, a smile on her face. The sun would eventually shine into the room, the rays hitting them both and Diego was stirring. He had the best sleep he had in years and he opened his eyes slowly to see who was in his arms. None other than his beloved Gardevoir. He relaxed and held her closer, wondering when she would wake. Gardevoir was snuggled in to her trainer, she shifted slightly, an egg visible under her arm.A familiar voice can be heard in your mind, as if Gardevoir is passing her dreams to you: "Your Pokemon was holding an Egg! We don't know how it got there, but your Pokemon had it. Do you want it?" Diego heard the voice and looked to Gardevoir. He had no idea what to do."Do you want it?" he asked her, his mind trying to process
['Metagross', 'Vendrix', 'Torchic', 'Pikachu', 'Flygon', 'Gardevoir', 'Crawdaunt', 'Shifty']
Rocker and Cheerleaderin Love ( ToujoursPur and Chiechan )
Yui was the lead guitarist and main singer for the school light music pop group, After school Tea Time. She was cute and hyper, but also a bit ditzy. Yet, however, she had a lot of friends... One thing she didn't have was a boyfriend...and most thought this was because she hadn't met Mr. Right. What they didn't know was...She had met Mrs. Right....and she was waiting outside the school again for her darling to come out and join her. She smiled and waited...knowing her favourite little cheerleader would soon arrive. OOC: Still Interesting in this dear?
['Right', 'Yui']
Not you average pair of trainers (Melody & Junko)
A deep sigh echoed from a young man as he walked the rain poured around him. The road was muddy as hell, which was no surprise. It had been raining for a good few hours at least, which did bother him a lot. He had to walk from a outlaying village not part of the normal towns. He wanted to be a pokemon trainer, thus he had no choice. No one in his village had any pokemon who could fight or anything. They were all pets, and he was not about to catch a basic pokemon as his first. That went against his pride, as a man! He would get a good pokemon from the professor if it killed him! Then again he had to right to ask for such a thing.... Yet another deep sigh echoed out of his mouth as he walked along path. It wasn't till he looked ahead, and saw something poking out of the muddy road. He was unsure what it was, thus he moved closer, with caution though. It was a figure of someone, there was slight traces of white stuff on it's back side. Hovering over it, he whipped the mud where a face would be off. Only to find this figure to be a living breathing human! He freaked to say the least, confused on what to do he quickly realized she was nude and in the rain! For who knows how long she had been there! He quickly took off his back pack and strapped it to his front side. He closed his umbrella and quickly put it in the bag. Taking off his coat he placed it on the girls back. Taking a deep breath he haled her up and lifted her onto his back piggy back style. "Your going to be alright you hear me!? All get you to the Professes lab quickly, im sure he will know what to do so just hang on!" He yelled to her, starting to run, through the mud. He had no idea why he was doing this. It was his instincts, just telling him to react, to act, to help her. He ran as fast as he could for nearly fifteen minutes feeling as though it was a race for time. Arriving at the professors gate, he struggling to lift his arm from carrying her and running to ring the door bell but he did summon the power. "Professor...H...Help...." The young man said before everything went black, he could feel himself landing face first with a thud into the mud though. It wasn't till two hours later did her jolt up from the couch he was resting from and the first thought that went through his mind was the girl. "The girl!" He repeated his though looking around frantically, this wasn't the outside in the rain, he was inside. "Glad your awake!" A voice of an old man came from down the hall. The two talked and he explained what he had found, she was seemingly raped and left for dead.For some reason this annoyed him, greatly. "Is she going to be alright?" He asked the professor a odd sense of honesty came from his question, he seemed worried and agitated."Shes going to be fine Alvion, she is just resting. What is your relationship to that girl anyways? You said when we spoke over the video phone you would be coming alone." The professor replied to him, assuring him she would be. He was curious why he had brought a nude, brutally raped girl, to his door step. He was suspicious that he was the one who did it and felt bad, going back getting her, and coming here to save her."None really, I have been on the road since I last called. I found her covered in mud on the road, like that. I couldn't just leave her there!" He stated proudly, and he didn't seem to be lying. The two men continued to talk, keeping there voices down, not to wake the girl in the other room. Junko walked next to her pokemon, she loved the little rascal, he always was happy when around her. She needed to take a break, she needed to eat something and give her pokemon something to eat as well. She looked at the sky as her pokemon ate, a shadow went over her face as she noticed someone was near. She looked back and could not believe her eyes, it was the pokemon champion, "L...Lance". Was all she could say before he grabbed his pokeball and summoned a Charizard.She stood up and looked at them, not really knowing what they were doing, with a quick word Junko was on the floor. Her pokemon tried to defend her, only to fall after one hit, without saying anything he took out his cock and pushed it deep on her ass, her screams became apparent as nobody came near but he had to shut her up. Placing a tape gag he shut her up, after the raping she could not stand up, the charizard hit her on the floor two more times with his big tail then both of them walked out with her stuff.She woke up screaming, dreaming all of what happened to her. She looked around and she was on a bed. She placed her head back into the pillow as she looked around for her pokemon, "K...kiro? you are there?"no answer. She was now starting to get worried, she could not believe Kiro did not answered. After a lot of calling she started crying, she was sure Kiro was not there, where could he be?. She sighed as her tears overflowed her, not because she was raped, but because she lost her most precious friend. Nether of them were quite sure what had happened, but asking her would be the best idea. It was no weather to go out in anyways. Alvion had changed into new, not so muddy clothes and taken a shower. He explained all that had happened on his trip, and how the reason he found her is because he didn't want to wait till the rain had stopped. "You see, I have been traveling a lot, and spend a few days pulling all nighters, which explains why I am early." Alvion complained, he did take note that the old man didn't quite believe him. He sighed deeply, saving this girl might of cost him the whole trip. Well it would be worth it, he had gotten to see her face more cleaned off. It wasn't long before they heard the scream, even though she was a ways away it was still something they knew to look for. The pair rushed to the room crashing through the door. "Are you alright!?" Alvion spoke looking at the girl who was crying. He had no clue of her pokemon, so his assumption was she was crying because she was brutally rapped. He couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl. He wanted to go give her a hug, but he didn't know her that well. He wanted to do something for her. Not helping her now or at least trying would hurt his code of honor. Alvion wordless, in a single motion, he moved to the side of her bed, sitting down. "I know, we don't know one another... But what happened goes against everything I stand for! I swear to you I will find the ones who did this to you! You can trust me on that!" Alvion said with a grin, he was quite serious. So much so it kept the professor quiet. He wanted to try and reassure her, perhaps cheer her up a bit. It was perhaps all he could do to help her. She looked at the guy who entered and that made her more pissed off. She sighed and smirked, "do you think I care what happened to me? I am looking for my pokemon". She got off the bed looking below the bed and all around the room, she felt naked without her pokemon and maybe she was naked right now but she did not cared. She sighed as she thought it might be stolen, "That damn Lance...". Just when she was about to run off the pain from the hit of charizard came back and she dropped in the floor.She groaned placing her hand on her back, a serious burn showing of what appeared to be a fire pokemon burn. She groaned as she quickly crawled to the bed. She placed her head on the pillow as she tried to let the pain fade away. She panted as she knew the pain was just starting, not having her pokemon was worse than anything, "K...kiro....", she said as she closed her eyes and began crying again. ? ? ? OCC. I intentionally jumbled it around a bit to make it more of a blur. ? ? ? This woman sent him aback, when she snapped at him. Her Pokemon...? They were just beasts weren't they? Things you use for fame, and fortune right? No... They were more at least to this girl. His hair fell over his right eye, from what she said next. L.A.N.C.E, not entirely a word that was good used in a sentence. She was being serious, there was no doubting that. His eyes began to narrow in on her. "It can't be.... H...Hes a Hero.... I admire him.... He helped my littl " Alvion spoke his eyes looking slanted by this point. It was then he remembered something, something he never thought of. Three girls, all around the age he was now, were knocked up. Yet they never said who was the father. Each baby and mother disappeared in the next two years. Everyone thought they had just run off with the babies, unable to cope with the shame. Then it hit him, what if she really was telling the truth. If he was the one... Then those girls... He could of... Rage boiled in the pit of his gut. Then all the Pokemon he had, even those creatures, no matter how much people made the fight one another... If he was willing to take human life then... What kind of torture could he of done to them. It was at that time, that the professor popped off, setting the spark in a blaze. "Lace has been under investigate constantly for crimes of this sort. But he never leaves proof, just like now. Girl, with all the mud and raid water, there is no trace of him, I have already checked, if you will excuse the slight violation... As for your pokemon, this fellow would be the only one who kno " The professor explained till he heard his floor getting a fist size indent. The professor eyed them both, a odd feeling came from them both. A strange drive, that was berried to fight. "Is this.... How the 'Elite's and there Champion' do things? Trample on other peoples lives, using and abusing them then throwing them away like there trash!? If there tormenting people like this then what about the pokemon, how much pain could they be in!?" Alvion yelled, he didn't really care about to much about pokemon but... Inflicting pain like that for no reason but your own pleasure, taking or killing those precious to someone, someone like her, or who know who else. He Raped her... He left her for dead... He killed or stole her impotent friends.... he took the lives of three villagers from his home town... And who knows how many others have died by his hands. "Professor.... If a trainer beats the champion at the Indigo 'games' he can ask one thing of the champion right...?" Alvion asked in a cold and heartless tone his eyes down cast, hair falling around them so they could not be seen. "That's right... Why?" The professor stated before he realized the brats intention. Lance was the Champion. If he won then he could ask Lance to do what ever he wanted. "Boy your getting delusional, rage tends to get the better of people's insti " The professor found himself at a loss for words, as he was before. He silenced himself, sighing in reluctant. "Kids these days, seems blood lust of old ages, doesn't die in some bloodlines.... Alvion, I want you to stay in this room with the girl, till we can get her well enough to move. Those burns, are not normal, there from a pokemon after all. She is going to be in a lot of pain, and that mark won't be a pretty sight, it will be scar she will carry the rest of her life no doubt. Watch over her, and don't let her leave, if you want your pokemon." The Professor told Alvion leaving the rooms sighing to himself. He wondered what kind of mess he had gotten himself into. Alvion himself moved form the floor to the couch laying down on it. The air was tense now, more so then in the beginning. He himself was trying to figure it all out, everything seemed to just scramble into his head, so much so it made him dizzy. She groaned and sat on the bed, her wounds still fresh and still hurting. She looked at both of them talk about Lance and the nightmare started again on her mind. Her mind going around and remembering all the things he done to her. She could not believe that was her fate, being a victim of a rape by the champ. She looked around for her things and sighed, he must had stolen the rest of her things as well. It was not enough to be raped, and now she was stolen.She sighed and looked at the boy, he felt bad for the way she snapped at him "I am sorry, I just lost Kiro and I am lost without him". She sighed and tried to lay down on the bed, her burns making it impossible to be on her back so she had to turn around. "I...I was eating with Kiro on the corner of the road, Lance came and without saying a word he summoned a charizard and got us both on the floor in one hit. After that he...he...raped me and let his charizard hit me two more times on the back, that is all I remember, I blacked out after that". She was obviously hurt by wild pokemon that passed by, she groaned and sighed.She decided she was not going to be like that, a rape victim. "I will kill lance, I will set free his pokemon, I will take back Kiro, I swear it". She groaned as she looked at the boy, he was shaken up, "I am alright you know, beat up but alright, I will be back on the road in no time. I will have to get a pokemon though, I cannot do anything without a pokemon to raise". Alvion was laying there staring at the ceiling. The was all wrong, Lance was supposed to be a hero. The worlds best dragon tamer, the supposed best Pokemon, and also the rarest. But what he saw here... It made him think, that maybe he was just using that power to feed his sick and twisted pleasures.... He was surprised that she was apologizing, yet he remained quiet sitting up. His moments at this moment resembled a puppet being pulled up. She was right to snap at him, after all he knew nothing of the situation, and he stated he would find the one who did it. This just gave him a more vicious motivation. Listening to her tell him the more closely related details, of what happened it made his desire more vicious. Alvion was raised under a code of honor. His father, was a former gym leader, who gave up his position to raise a family far away from these things. Yet born by blood by blood undone, he found his son was going to follow the path of a trainer, and nothing would stop him. Alvion just never realized the reality of it all... Being a trainer, was going to be a lot harder, and colder then he thought. Alvion's glare moved to the girl, he wasn't trying to glare, but at this moment glaring was all he could do. "Rest up, the Doc said, the wounds will scar, but you should be up with minor pain. He said something about giving you pain killers too. All go see if I can get you some now to relieve the pain." Alvion sated and stood up, heading to the door. He did stop and turn back when he heard her speak of lance. He was indeed shaken by the happenings but this was most likely be the best. If he didn't learn of it now, when he couldn't beat lance, he would of most likely flew into a rage, and killed lance, and that would just be doing what lance would. "It seems as though we can be allies, we share the same goal... And all see about a pokemon for you. Vengeance isn't a noble pursuit but it is something that needs to be done." Alvion commented, he spoke in a unsure tone. One would guess that he was unsure if she, or he could ever beat lance. But they had to try, and no better time then the present. Alvion left for a good twenty minutes, before returning with the professor, with a needle in hand. Alvion watched as the professor made a B line to her taking her arm in his hand, injecting her with pain killers without saying a word. Alvion thanked the Professor as he left, without a word. Alvion had calmed down, the professor, nearly went off. As all professors they valued pokemon normally above humans. The actions he used with Charizard disturbed him greatly, what could he of done to those pokemon, to follow such a cruel order. Alvion returned to his seat, and laid back down. He intended to stay there all night. "Those pain killers should dull the pain, so that should help you get some rest. The professor will get you some clothes before you wake up in the morning. But he has to go out and take care of the pokemon, the storm seems to of worsened, so all be staying with you the rest of the night. Alvion Nightbane, at your servos, tell me if you need anything, and all help you get it or do it." Alvion sounded calmer now then he was before, most likely because he was venting his anger and confusion to the professor. He did seem rather tired, the adrenaline seemed to of worn off, and not only that he now had a bandage on his hand, which gave him a source of pain, in which he ignored by this point. She looked away as the needle was placed on her arm, she hated needles since little. She was born on a rather rich family, she never cared much about money or the family business. She loved pokemon and Kiro had a special place in her hearth as the first pokemon she got when she was five years old. Now after ten years that happened that split both of them. She sobbed thinking of the past, not really hearing what he was saying. She wanted to defeat lance, in order to do that she had to beat the gym leaders and the elite four, she had a long way to go.She sighed and looked at him, "you know, Kiro was very special to me, it was my first pokemon, my father gave it to me before he died". She sighed and thought she lost Kiro for good. She hated not being able to do anything, she hated even more that she let Kiro down. She sighed and stood up, not wanting to wait any longer as she needed to be going. As she walked the first step the drug of the professor knocked her out, and she was sleeping on the floor before she knew it. Her body cold and her wounds at plain view, if anyone touched the wounds it would hurt like hell, if there was any clothes for her it would have to be with her back exposed so the clothes does not damage her burns, or she being patched up, she did not think there was a cure like pokemon have cure, humans are more difficult to heal, physically and emotionally. Alvion had no idea what this girl was thinking or feeling right now. Pain, sorrow, anger, rage, were clear, but how all she felt was something he wouldn't know. With knowing nothing about her he could never hope to know. But she shared the goal he now had, which made them allies in some respect. He did still feel sorry for her, but he also felt slightly envious of her, how she spoke of pokemon. His father had kept him as far away from them as he could. He never understood it but he guessed so he didn't get attached to them. He knew what it would take to get to lance, and she couldn't do it alone. But nore could he, if he could beat her and do such things with nothing but a snap of the fingers, with a single pokemon, one attack. He was not someone that was in the league of normal trainers. He was dishearten to hear, that pokemon was a gift from her diseased father, his last gift was the request not to become a trainer. Which he was going to ignore to follow his own passion. "Wait! What do you think your doing!? Your going to kill yourself! Would your poke " He yelled jumping up about to run to her. It was at the moment he was cut off she collapsed. He was quite creeped out by that, what the hell kind of sedatives did that guy give her? A large pokemon sleeping pill? To be knocked out so suddenly like that. It was a scary thing but that mark on her back. One long lash, larger then the tip of a Charizards tail, it must of been two hits at least. "The professor said he had something that would help your back, lets hope he was right." He said carefully lifting her up and back on the bed. He wasn't really concerned where he grabbed or how he did it, but he did it. He wouldn't realize it till later, he had fondled her unintentionally. ? ? ? Hours later. ? ? ? Alvion was dead asleep at the edge of the bed quite oblivious, of why he was asleep there. But that's where he awoke, feeling it odd that he was there. His initial thought was, 'where am I...?' Though it quickly donged on him, of yesterdays happening. So much, so quickly, it caused a headache. But at least he saw the girl was still asleep and fine. He headed out of the room quietly to find the professor. Her clothes were already there, a backless shirt that tied around the neck, and the base of her back where she was not burnt. He was glad about that, but then again, her burn... It didn't take Alvion long to find the professor in his lab. "Mornin doc... hows the patient...?" Alvion asked in a tone that he made it apparent that he being a punk. He was worried about her though, it wasn't hard to tell. "She will be fine, I tended to her wound this morning, before you both were still asleep. Her wound is bandaged with a gel that will alleviate her pain and let her move a bit better." He spoke calmly as he tossed him a tube of the gel. He knew Alvion was confused why he gave it to him and not her. The two stared at one another for a good while. "Your going to go with her right? Your 'honor' won't let you leave her go out alone at least not like that." He told him, as he went back to work. He was glad that this kid was just like his father. Hard headed and a strong code of honor. The two of them remained silent for a long time. She began dreaming of her distant past, a past ten years ago. She was on her house, watching some cartoons, life did not bothered her, she was happy with two wonderful parents. That night his father came with a rather large box as a gift for her. He had it wrapped on paper with a lot of holes all around, it was obvious it was something alive. She opened the box, and inside was something she could not believe a pokemon. She took the pokemon and started to play with him, the two quickly bonded.It passed five years, Kiro had defended her time and time again from bullies at her school. She felt safe with him and he felt happy with her. One time a few boys started to pick on Junko and Kiro, they beat Kiro with another pokemon and started bulling Junko. Kiro was so mad that he evolved right there, turning into a huge Arcanine. He defended her and from that point on they were respected.Junko woke up, her back still in a bit of pain but she noticed she was bandaged and some kind of cream of gel on her back. She stood up feeling better, looking around she sighed not noticing Kiro in there. She was brought back to reality, she needed a pokemon and some clothes if she was going to get out of there, also she needed to go to her mother and tell her what happened. She sighed and opened the door to the room, she started hearing what they were talking about. For the looks of things he was coming with her, that did not bothered her since she could use a backup in case something happened, obviously she was still a weak trainer.She groaned covering herself with a blanket and approached the room knocking the door first, "Mm excuse me professor, I just wanted to thank you for everything, I would had died if you two were not there, and I am sorry to cause you so much trouble". She bowed and kept her head down, not really knowing how to thank the professor for the things he had done, "I am ready to talk...", she started telling the story since he young age with Kiro to now, she obviously loved that pokemon. She paused in the part of the rape, after getting a big breath she kept talking to the two men. Both of them had been talking about how to bandage her back, and not hurt her in the process. Alvion took it all in with ease, he was already kinda good at first aid. Seeing as he had a little brother, he had to be. The two stopped when she knocked turning to the door. Both listened to her in silence. After all it would be rude and harmful to interrupt her now.The professor sighed, this went deeper then he thought. But then again it wasn't his problem, though he had made it his. Sighing he snatched the two things he had been working on, Pokeball's. "Inside both of those is a Eevee, The pokemon in both of those are twins. They have a deep connection to one another, I would recommend both of you stay within a close proximity to one another. But seeing as Sir, Reckless over there intends to go with you girl, I doubt there will be much problem with that fact. Now then take these " The professor explained tossing Alvion two packs, it was clear by the wight what they were. Alvion looked at him rather confused. He looked into the new pack and his own, to find there was more in it, food, and all the stuff he was missing, there was a bunch of clothes for the girl as well, as well as traveling gear. "Doc...Why did you...?" Alvion asked rather confused. Why was the professor helping them both this much? It didn't make sense to him. Then he remembered what the professor had done when he heard about the pokemon. Everyone seemed to care so much about these things. What was it about these things that made them so special... "You guys got things you got ta do so get outta here. Your going to want to go to Pewter City though Virdian forest. Call me if you two need help, now I gotta get back to work." The professor said leaving the room. He was clearly leaving things up to the the tow of them. He didn't know what else to say to them. He was a Pokemon professor, not a councilor. Alvion just grinned, and attached the ball to his belt, then slung the packs on his shoulder, with the gel already in his pack. "He was right you know, I intend to head off with you. We both have the same goal, to make that bastard Lance pay for what he has done, after all." Alvion said with a grin on his face, he headed to the door. Opening it to for her, and lead her out and onto the path leading out. "Lance were coming for you, and when we get there, your going down!" Alvion said in a cheery tone, trying to lighten the mood. He took the lead not paying attention if she was following. He figured she would, after all he had her pack as well. She looked at the professor and all that was handed to her, she was surprised that she was even given a pokemon. She nooded as she got dressed just as they spoke, she did not cared being naked around them, they already saw her naked. She sighed and looked at her new clothes, it was weird but in a way she felt like she was before the attack. She sighed and grabbed the pokeball summoning the evee. She smiled at the cute little thing and grabbed her, "your coming with me, out of the pokeball". She smirked and headed out with the boy waving at the professor as she left.She looked at the boy, he was weird in a way, but so was she, she sighed and looked at him, he was still pretty new to the world. She stopped him and took a deep breath, "first of all, thank you for your help. Secondly I suggest you take out your evee, you see some pokemon evolve if they like you, so I suggest you keep him or her liking you, the best way to do that is by traveling with him or her like a companion. She looked at her evee wich smiled, "Right little girl?". She sighed and smiled, "looks like I am going to teach you a lot about pokemon". She grinned as she took the lead walking, her evee by her side happy to be out of the pokeball. He hadn't payed any attention to her changing into clothes. He was to concentrated on the professor. He listened to her quite intently. He was quite confused about what she was talking about. He had That was right she was still asleep when he had done it. It was at that moment a small blur could be seen jumping from the professors wall, onto Alvion's head. "He was already out already, i woke up earlier, and it was your pokeball he had to fix, so I let him out to go play with the others before he left. The professor most likely went and told him we were heading off." Alvion explained, he already knew what pokemon he was getting, so he studied up on them. Eevee the Evolutionary pokemon, it evolves into seven types of pokemon. He already knew what type he wanted this his little Eevee to evolve into. But then it was not really his choice, it was this little ones. "I know a bit more then you seem to give me credit for." Alvion laughed, taking the lead ahead of her, sticking out his tongue. She nods, she looked at the boy and sighed, "I have to go home for a bit, I need to tell mom what happened". She sighed and took out the map of the country, she traced the steps a good two hours walk to her home, "Two hours then we can get home, I can get a few of my stuff that I left behind". She placed the map away and started to walk, each step felt like a rush of pain on her back, it was a little bit better because of the gel but still hurt. She walked for over two hours then she got into her house, a huge house. Her mother was the president of the T.V. station on the city. She opened the door and saw her mother cooking, she rushed toward her mother giving her a big hug and now broken up crying thinking that she had let down her father, " happened, I....I was raped, Kiro was...stolen", she cried finally feeling a bit safe between her mother's arms. Alvion didn't argue with her. He had no reason to, this was her choice. He would of stayed away from his mother till after he had finished things. Alvion remained silent though out the trip. he didn't want anything to start, she was most likely dealing with a lot going to try and tell her mother. This took a lot of courage, to tell anyone else today. He couldn't help but be astounded by her home. "Woah, ritzy, ritzy, that's one house ya got there." Alvion commented as his Eevee, who he was calling Allo, yawned hopping off of his head. Allo followed his master after the girl into the house. He stood off in the distance near the door, he didn't want to interrupt it, Allo remained with him. Junko's mother was in the kitchen cooking. She turned her head to the door as it opened. She nearly dropped what she was doing. She sat the knife down carefully before moving to her daughter who rushed into her arms. She was surprised by the tackle, she was about to put her hands on her back, but saw the bandages. "Everything alright, Mommies here... What happened to you dear?" Her mother asked her calmly, she was clearly worried though. She was surprised by what her daughter said hugging her close her eyes tearing up. The word 'Lance...' could be heard echoing from Alvion. Jessica Anzaker, Junko's mother hid her surprise quite well. Lance? That man who came asking about her daughter? This made he want to keep quiet, much more about it. "Everything will be alright." Her attention was on Alvion as his was on her. Jessica smiled at him, then spoke to her daughter. "Don't you think you should introduce your sweet old mother to that dashing young man, who's with you?" Jessica said, she was well known to hitting on young men. Many of which would be her daughters friends. She looked at her mother after she finished crying and sighed, her mother was always like that since she was little. She shook her head and sighed, "your not going to take him into your bed mom, he is the one who found me". She sighed and looked at her mother, she did not looked worried at all, that was her mother, no matter how much she tried she could not make her mother care. She shook her head and sighed, "You daughter came here, pouring her hearth out and you can only see her friend? you know what? forget it, I am getting my stuff and getting out of here". With a mad look she ran to her room and grabbed a few of her clothes, a picture of Kiro and her and some other stuff like money, and potions and stuff like that.She came running back down and walked away, "let's go, we have a job to do". She moved away from her house, now from a scared mood to more of a mad mood. She sighed as she walked to the pokemon center, she grabbed her Kira and patted her, Kira smiled and licked her face. She sighed and looked around, so many trainers on the middle of their carriers and she was beginning once again. A voice was heard in front of her, she looked up and saw a old friend, she smiled and hugged him, "Zara, long time no see". He smiled and nodded, "Where is kiro? and what the hell happened to your back". He sat by her side as she told him everything. Jessica whined at her daughter when she told her she couldn't take him to bed. "But Junko! Hes cute !" She whined to her daughter. She was paying attention to her, really she was. But this time she was trying to get her to storm off. Once she had done as she was meant to do Jessica went to Alvion sizing him up. "Im Jessica Anzaker, Junkos mother. We don't have much time till miss hissy fit comes back down. Lance came here, looking for her, I have a feeling he is after her now. Will you watch over my little Junko, shes all that I have left..." Jessica asked in a calm tone. She was quite serious and was going to pry the answer from him. She smiled warmly as the boy nodded to her. She leaned forward, kissing his cheek lightly. "Thank you, it seems my little girl got a good boyfriend." Jessica said with a wink, as she headed off into the kitchen. Before he could respond 'little miss hissy' came down and quite literally dragged him away. Alvion remained silent as he was being dragged his Allo was back on his head, the safest place. It wasn't till they were at the Pokemon center that she stopped, though he dared not get up yet. She was now talking to a friend. "Junko am I allowed up or am I going to continue being your 'rag drag' doll? And hey, im Alvion down here..." Alvion stated look at the two talking. He began to wonder how much his shirt had stretched from this. But it seemed as though Junko had calmed down. I saw Lance here a couple of hours ago. He went to some houses then left, I do not know what happened to him, but he is not the same as he was. The boy sat besides her and sighed, "I am sorry that bastard did that to you, I wish there was something I can do J". He smiled as he gave her a pendant, he saw Junko's eyes water as she recognized the pendant, it was the one Kiro wore around his neck, "He dropped this, I am sorry Junko, I will do my best to come up with info, I will contact you if I do". He smiled hugging Junko softly then walked off.Junko looked at her feet at Al and smiled, "oh sorry sorry". She smirked letting him go, she stood up and got her things, "Well time to start to become strong once again, right little buddy". Kira smiled and licked Junko's face. She sighed as she started to walk off, as she walked she heard a huge growl, that sound was very familiar to her, "Cannot be...". With that she stormed off to the forest in the sound of the howling.After running for about five minutes she noticed something big on the corner of the road, it was orange and black. Her eyes watered as she ran to the pokemon dropping her things to the floor, her Evee was on the front part of her shirt where she kept small pokemon that she wanted to train. She noticed a scar on the pokemon, that was when she realized who that pokemon was, "KIRO". She hugged kiro just to back off as she heard him in pain.She looked around and saw a few wounds, deadly ones all around his body, he was strong getting out of his hideout and running here, but his energies were almost drained. She stood besides his head and placed his huge head on her lap, she looked at the pokemon that was guarding something with his paw, she did not had time to look at it as the pokemon became more and more anxious then closed his eyes and stop breathing.Junk started to push Kiro, pushing him gently as trying to wake him up, "Kiro? are you okay?". She felt his pulse then her mood became histerical as she started crying hugging Kiro's head. She cried out, her tears falling into the pokemons face as he did not reacted. She did not even wished someone to tell her what she already knew. She continued to hug him, and then started to pat his head, she refused to believe he was dead. She cried out to him, people gathering around to see what had happened. Zara showed up too and rushed toward her, looking at the pokemon and taking a deep sigh, "I am sorry J...". He stood up looking at what he had under his paw, it was a egg. He placed the egg besides her and walked away to give her space. Alvion's hair had fallen over his left eye as he stared up at the two. He wasn't about to interrupt them again. The pendent seemed to of been of some impotence to her. What he had assumed is that it belong to the, 'Kiro' she spoke up. He held a blank motionless look, as if he didn't care. Yet that was just how he was at times. It wasn't as if he didn't care, it was more of locking down his mind, to avoid going off again. Lance had become a taboo word for him. It was a center of rage, and he wasn't pleasant when he was angry. He was glad to have someone try to pull up information, on there mutual enemy. It would hopefully speed things up greatly. He did show some surprise to see her smiling so soon. Though he soon realized it was fake, there was no way she could truly smile at a time like this. Alvion ignored it getting up dusting himself off, after all he had been dragged from her house to here. He followed her also hearing the growl, he of course didn't recognize the growl. "Junko!" Alvion chased after her only to arrive moments later, to watch the sad scene follow out. Once he stopped breathing he went to the pokemon examining his wounds. They were indeed severe, yet it was amazing. "Several of his artery's were punctured. I am surprised he got out that last yell, his lungs must of had already filled with blood. The bleeding externally didn't kill him, he died from internal bleeding. no doubt they used something to pierce the artery from the inside to make it look like 'Kiro' died naturally." Alvion stated in a cold and heartless tone looking over the body. This was his fathers legacy, he knew how this poor thing died. He expected them to be angry with him, but it was there right to know how. Alvion followed Zara so he could talk to him. "Zara.... was it? I doubt I need to say this but make sure he gets popper burial." Alvion said turning and began walking away before stopping mid stride. He seemed to think deeply about something, closing his eyes he sighed, with a pained grin. "And please forgive me for what I am about to do..." Alvion's face turned to a cold blank stat as he turned around. Alvion slowly walked to Junko closing his eyes as he stood behind her. It was at that moment he chose to act as he saw fit. Alvion snatched the egg putting it in her pack that he still had. what he did next was as heartless of a action that one would feel. Alvion ripped Junko's hands away from Kiro, grabbing her arm and proceed to drag her away. He spoke not a word but drug her for at least a good fifteen minutes. At last his attitude changed he threw her in front of her folding his arms he stared at her coldly, without a word. "Time to chose." Alvion stated, stading in her way, even if she knocked him down he would drag her back and throw her again. Until he got a straight answer or was done trying to deal with her.
The Secret Truth (Maiesiobreed)
The teleporter flashed crackling with energy as its high tech parts brought back the three league members from the Earth down below. The appropriately named Zeta tube flashed with energy and then seconds later receded as the black silhouette of the three came into focus. First was the man of steel himself the all American alien wonder who along with the other two founded the now hundred strong Justice League.The second figure was in all black and head to toe armor. His strong jaw was the only thing that could be seen of his face. Even his eyes were hidden the cowl having mirrored lens that gave nothing away of the man behind the mask.Bruce Wayne. Glad to see you guys made it back safely Cyborg called out as the last of the light faded and revealed the big three of the league Everything okay? Wonder WomanBatmanSuperman. How are things going here? Batman AKA Bruce Wayne said. His tone was all business as he strode forward and moved off of the teleporter pad. We re fine as well Superman AKA Clark Kent said with a roll of his eyes You know Bruce you really could How are things going? Bruce repeated cutting Clark off even as the corner of his mouth lifted into a smile please he amended this time. The rest of the leaguers are having the baby shower today Cyborg piped up laughing a little at the please Hawk girl and her husband came up today before her pregnancy stopped her from being able to Zeta travel I see Bruce said his eyes flickering behind the mirrored cowl to look over at Diana. Bruce didn t know what was going on with Diana but lately every time the pregnancy was mentioned he noted a certain sadness to her eyes. A sadness that worried him. Yeah you guys should head up Cyborg said his eyes back on the console and the information coming in I have a few more leaguers coming in that I want to monitor I ll come relieve you in a little while Bruce replied as Clark started to make his way down the hall. Bruce paused turning to Diana instead. You up for this? He asked her. Diana was unusually quite as Cyborg greeted them at the entrance of the great hall. She nodded to him, forgoing her usual greeting of a warm hug and some kind words of the young member of the League. Her mind was elsewhere, distracted by the festivities being held at the headquarters today. Hawkgirl was here, heavily pregnant, nearing the end of her term, and was being showered with gifts, as was the human tradition for women about to have their first child.It should have been a happy occasion, one of great celebration and happiness for her colleague, but Diana felt a strange stirring in her soul. She had been denying it since Hawkgirl had announced she was with child, but with the woman here today, so close to giving birth, Diana could no longer deny what she was feeling.She wished it was her. She wished it was her waddling into a party, being the center of attention from all of her colleagues. She placed a hand on her tight, six pack belly, wondering how it would look sticking far out from her toned body, huge with child, as her friends cooed over her and remarked on her size.It sounded wonderful....but she was too important to the league, too important to the WORLD to be a broodmare and to give in to her maternal desires.She heard Bruce speaking to her, but she ignored what he was saying."Bruce.......not now." She said, rather curtly, and walked towards the celebration. She hung out in the back entrance, watching the guests fawn over Hawkgirl, who looked wonderful in her late stages of pregnancy. She put a hand on her own belly again, almost wistfully, before going over to wish her congratulations."You look beautiful. I am so happy for you," Diana told her, as she leaned in for a hug. She felt the woman's bump press up against her body and she had to almost stifle a moan.It wasn't fair. None of this was. Something wasn t right.It didn t take the worlds greatest detective much to suss out something was wrong with the picture. While every one else looked happy for Hawk Girl and her husband Diana was far more reserved. Bruce didn t miss the look of want on her face nor the desire as she softly touched her own belly. All the evidence pointed to one thing, one thing Bruce was more than a little surprised to see Diana want.PregnancyA child.He watched her carefully keeping her in view as she moved about the party. Thankfully Batman wasn t a mingle type and so people more or less stayed clear of him. He mostly watched it get harder and harder for her. The more pain on her face the more Bruce felt for his friend. Diana was simply put the best woman he knew.She deserved the world.When she finally disappeared and said something about taking a shower he followed. The leagues showers were unisex and no one spared him a second thought as he went in after Diana. The second the door swished closed behind him he cleared his throat and spoke up. Diana Bruce said reaching up and unsealing the cowl of his costume. He tugged it off revealing his short black hair and handsome blue eyes. I thought we could talk He said to her placing the cowl on the bench About what happened out there "We don't need to talk about anything, Bruce. Just drop it. There is too much to do, too much to prepare for....this shower of babies has put us firmly behind preparations and monitoring sector 7 for more criminal activity, so just drop it, ok?" She said, as she left the shower without talking to anyone else.Her nipples were rock hard as she left the party, crossing her arms over her chest. Why did pregnancy do this to her? Why did the idea of being massively pregnant, being barefoot and waddling around with a full brood in her womb, do this to her? She was a stalwart of femininity, an icon of feminism, a strong rock that represented everything a woman could do on her own.....and the idea of being pregnant with a man's child filled her with so much joy and erotic energy she felt she could burst."It's not fair...." She grumbled to herself, as she entered the monitoring room. It was empty, save for her.
['Kent', 'Womanbatmansuperman', 'Cyborg', 'Wayne']
From AVALANCHE to SLUT {darkest_fate&Morathor}
"Jessie, is that you?" askedTifa, outright now believing her luck. The dark haired monk's expressive brown eyes grew saucer wide as she beheld the chained, slender brunette before her. It was a little hard to tell: her old companion wore some sort of collar strapped about her neck, along with the standard uniform of a Honeybee . Tifa recognized a lot of the adornments. After all, she'd been working there for well over two weeks now, serving as an introductory Bee and helping guests get situated into rooms. Her experience as a barmaid made her perfect for the job.Well, that and the fact that no matter how you looked at it, Tifa was a knock out. Her honed body gave her an incredibly fit figure: athletic, tight, well muscled abs, a rock hard ass that lookedgreat in a tight skirt, legs that looked like they could kick off a robot's head , and arms with just enough definition to be almost scary. Plus, she had a good mixture of girl next door jeans: a slightly soft face, expressive brown eyes, an easy smile. Oh, and there was her chest: arguably too large for a martial artist, though she managed to strap the girls down often enough. She couldn't really hold either breast in one hand, but it wasn't like she needed to, or that anyone else was asking. So, yeah, Tifa could easily slide into the roll of overly cheerful, overly pleasant girl.She could also reach over and tug at Jessie's collar, making the mechanic grunt. They both knew to be quiet: even in the almost constant thrum of noise, someone could be paying attention. It was almost a miracle that there weren't thugs on hand to watch, mostly because Tifa had tricked them after having noticed the girl who looked like Jessie in passing. Tifa leaned in now, studying the collar. "Yeah, they got you with some status materia," she mumbled, still not quite believing how they'd managed to warp materia to their gains, or how their collars let them equip it to girls without much chance of removal. "We can probably remove it..." Tifa chewed her lip."But not here," finished Jessie. Tifa had to shake her head, but the mechanic waved it away. "It's fine," she clasped Tifa's hand, "I'm just glad you found me! You don't know how awful it's been here. Ever since they caught me after the raid..."Tifa nodded. They'd lost Jessie during a raid on a reactor. The raid had succeeded, but SOLDIER had been present, scooping up Jessie. That's what pressured Tifa into demanding that they seek out Cloud, since she knew he was in town . But rumor had put Jessie here, so Tifa had gone through the downright painful process of getting in. At least she hadn't needed to break many fingers during her stay here: they knew to keep their hands on the floor bees instead of the greeters."Right, so what are we waiting for?" asked Tifa. "I have keys to get out and ""No!" Jessie shook her head. "We need to there's this thing," she gave Tifa's hand a tug. The fighter paused for a moment. Did they have time for this? But Jessie was insistent, and so Tifa relented. She followed her companion through the bustling club. Nobody looked twice at a bee and a greeter. Tifa wasn't wearing her standard outfit, though she'd thought about changing for this, but what she had wasn'tthat far removed: tight yellow halter top and black leather skirt. Her long, butt length ebony hair had been left loose instead of her loose tail, but she was still confident it wouldn't get in the way, a fact she proved as they ran into a surprised guard.Jessie led her down, down into a basement, where the trappings and entertainment faded away. Down into what... what looked a lot like a lab. Tifa chewed her lip, nerves twisting her gut, wondering if they shouldn't go up, come back later. But Jessie insisted: they had to figure this out. So they went forward, moved further and further....... finding.. finding... "Is that a Mako infuser?" gasped Tifa, gaping at the tube and the extra equipment on hand, unable or unwilling to believe her eyes. If Tifa hadn't been so focused on the Mako infuser, she might have been more aware of her surroundings. Even with the sinister machine occupying much of her attention, she wasn't completely oblivious, but... from where Jessie was standing, she could easily see over Tifa's right shoulder. If someone was coming from that direction, she only had to say something, or point. Even a change in her expression or body language would have clued Tifa in to an approaching threat. So she could, logically, keep her attention elsewhere, trusting in her AVALANCHE ally to cover that blind spot.But she didn't. Jessie didn't say or do anything to indicate that anyone was stealthily drawing closer Tifa didn't have any indication of the man's approach until she heard his footsteps right behind her far, far too close to do anything, even with her reflexes, before something jabbed against the bare flesh of her back, just to the right of her spine. It was a needle, of some kind, and no sooner had she registered that than she felt a slight increase in pressure as it injected something into her.The drug began to affect her almost immediately, an uncomfortable chill spreading through her body, sapping her strength. Standing on her feet grew harder with each passing second, as her legs threatened to buckle under her."Sorry about that,"the man said. Tifa recognized the deep, smooth voice she could hardly have infiltrated this place without being aware of the head of security. The man was a tower of muscle, easily over six feet, with pecs and shoulders that strained at the fabric of his three piece suit. His bald head was covered in scars, and he stared down at Tifa with disinterested grey eyes."I normally prefer sedatives, but I heard they'd interfere with your infusion. Is that right, miss Jessie?"He glanced past Tifa at the technician. What was that? Tifa had stopped and stared, her attentions wholly focused. It truly looked like a Mako infuser, but she couldn't figure out why it would be here. At least she could tell why Jessie had insisted on showing her this before they left: the potential wasdevastating. The thought made Tifa shudder, her body tensing, nerves bunching.Which made it almost too easy for a prick to hit her."What the " she got out as she felt her legs buckling. It was a testament to the brawler's strength that she didn't fall immediately. A woman of her size and weight couldn't have taken a dose like that and not felt it, particularly so close to the spine. She could feel the chill pouring into her veins, trembling her legs. She did manage to lift her head, glaring up at the glowering man. Yes, yes him, though his name slid from her mind. Had they even been introduced? Tifa had sized him up as one of those she'd need to potentially look out for, one she might not beat in a fight. With her gloves and bracer, with her materia, she might.Without them? Well, she had to try. Yelling, Tifa tried to step forward and punch the man, swinging. Jessie stepped forward then, almost neatly sweeping Tifa's weak legs out from under her. The fighter collapsed to the ground, her skirt rising immediately, panting."What what infusion?" she gasped. Her body felt sluggish, slow, and she wasn't sure whatever this waswasn'ta sedative."It's right," Jessie said, sounding eager to please the man, "we want to make sure you're ready for the first infusion. I know you'll be anxious, but it'll take several for it toreally take hold, probably some materia too." "Speaking of ready, gotta get this shit outta the way."The security chief knelt down over Tifa, straddling her prone form and flipping her onto her back. One hand closed around her throat and shoved her roughly against the floor the other reached for her striped yellow and black top. Without the drug, Tifa probably could have gotten out of this hold a blow to the crotch would do wonders, or she might able to simply overpower him, despite the size difference. But in her current state, there was little she could do as he tore her halter top to shreds with oneyank.He reached down for her skirt, clearly intent on doing the same."Don't just tear it off!"It was another voice Tifa recognized, high and grating, and this one she could put a name to. How could she not knowDon Corneo, the owner of the Honeybee Inn, and the most insatiable patron of its services? In the two weeks Tifa had been here, she hadn't seen much of him, but whenever she had he'd always been leering at her. There could be little doubt that the gorgeous young woman had caught the old lech's attention. Even now as he approached to scold his subordinate, he was staring at Tifa's exposed chest with a grin. He stopped, standing over the scene only possible when Tifa was pinned to the ground, given that he was scarcely five feet tall. But what he lacked in stature, he made up for in bulk. The man was rotund, but as he slipped the luxurious red robe from his shoulders, Tifa could see for the first time that there was quite a lot of muscle beneath the fat. One didn't get to be a mob boss without breaking a few heads, after all.After a minute or so, he tore his eyes away from Tifa's bosom and back to the security chief."That's a perfectly good uniform. We can just remove it, no need to tear it." "Sorry boss,"replied the man straddling Tifa."You know I like things rough." "I don't care how you like it, this is business, not pleasure."He smiled again at Tifa."Not yet, anyway. Here, lift her up."With his hand still clasped around Tifa's throat, the security chief got to his feet, lifting Tifa with him, until her toes could barely reach the ground. Corneo circled around to the other side, reaching out to give Jessie an appreciative pat on the head before turning his full attention to Tifa. Despite the chiding he had given his subordinate, he first reached around to settle his hands on her breasts, giving them a rough squeeze."This is an important civic duty, you see,"said the Don, as he slid his hands away from her chest and ran his palms down her sides."Capturing two members of the terrorist organization AVALANCHE, and conducting some very important research for Shinra as well." A gasp left Tifa as the guard loomed over, almost taking position. She threw another punch, the blow weak, almost kittenish. It landed, but he barely seemed to know, grasping onto her throat. She reached up, hands gripping at him, trying to claw. But everything felt so slow, so weak. She didn't even feel her body properly responding, like she fought through water or sludge. Her knees jerked all the same, her well muscled form undulating. Nothing: she simply squirmed beneath him, even as she felt her anger rising. Yes, she needed to play into that: she could Limit Break out of this if need be.Though she almost growled as he pulled her top from her. Tifa's almost too perfect breasts bounded free. Milky white, they'd overfill a hand, and each was capped with a light pink nipple. The chilled air kissed them, making Tifa shiver. That gesture, along with her continued squirming, meant titflesh jiggled oh so enticingly for the sight. Tifa only froze as she heard another voice, her eyes shooting to see him.Corneo! That perverted fucker. He oogled her and she raised a hand, flicking a rude gesture his way, glad that she could manage that. Her body was fighting and fighting hard against whatever they'd hit her with. She kept struggling, squirming. "I'll show you rough," she hissed, again trying to kick. Soon she found herself fully upright, nearly on her feet no, higher. The tall, impressive bartender dangled in his fat fist. She writhed again, looking like nothing so much as a caught fish. Hands clawed at his, trying to pry apart.And hands touched her chest, making Tifa gasp. She lurched to slap at Corneo, but again, her blows were more amusing than effective. "So, you know who we are " she said. "There's no point in my mentioning that doing something to us is stupid then, right? You think they won't send someone after me?" She let out a rough laugh. "We'll end up blowing up your whole fucking operation, Corneo," she smirked, "hopefully literally." Though Tifa was already shivering. She was half naked, and there was a tube and talk of infusion. They could do alot to her before Barrett and the others came to look, and she wasn't dumb enough not to realize that. "If it were that easy,"Corneo said mockingly, as he slid the black leather skirt down the curve of her hips,"you wouldn't have bothered with this whole charade."He left the skirt around her knees, allowing it to slip the rest of the way down of its own accord as he reached back up."And Jessie has been so helpful about your methods and protocols. It should be a while before they realize anything's wrong."He ran his fingers along the waistband of Tifa's panties, before sliding two down over her crotch."By the time they come looking for you, they won't find you. They'll only find our new star."He leaned against her, his face pressed against her shoulderblade and his hot breath washing over the bare skin of her back, contrasting with the chill of the drug."We're going to remake you completely... a more radical rebirth than what we put your friend through."He pulled away from Tifa just for a moment to nod at Jessie."You get to be the first test of this new mako infusion process the first subject for project SLUT."He pulled his hand away from her groin and hooked his fingers in her undergarments, beginning to slide those down her hips as well. Tifa was tempted to argue, to insist that they would've or could've. Something about loss of life or protecting others. She truly did, and felt bad about not immediately saying so, for not trying to think of others. But it was rather hard to do so when your body wasn't wholly cooperating with you and a grotesque man was working one of the last bits of your clothing down your body. The skirt clung so tightly to Tifa's flared hips that tugging it would disturb the simple white pantie she wore underneath they'd tried to get her into black it had embarrassed her and she'd snuck these in instead.Hard even to focus on the words as he started teasing. Tifa shuddered as he felt his touch sliding, twisting her gut with repulsion. New star? The thought made her queasy, and she twisted, trying to resist. It only got worse as he leaned in, his hot breath puffing against her. Promises slid into her ear, and her gaze flicked to Jessie. Right, Jessie: they'd gotten to her, gotten to her before Tifa could do anything. Again the martial artist felt a quick pang in her heart, but again her own situation replaced it."What? SLUT?" she repeated, almost feeling the capitol letters. She watched in horror as he started sliding her panties down her wide hips. They ruffled the thick thrush of her black pubic hair, teasing the fine hairs."It's our new program!" chirped Jessie, nodding enthusiastically. "It has the same general principle as SOLDIER, really. Where that enhances your abilities for combat, giving you better strength and durability and all that, SLUT works to aid your abilities for sex. So it should increase your sensitivity, enhance your sex drive..." Jessie trailed off, brow furrowing as she struggled to remember precisely what it was it all did. They had trained her, and trained her well, in how to operate the machine, but details about what it actuallydid were rather fuzzy. Once he was done sliding Tifa's panties down her legs, Corneo reached over to give Jessie another reassuring pat on the head."You don't have to know all the details. I certainly don't the science is way over my head. Shinra's top minds came up with this one, and aside from giving us the equipment, they're paying us handsomely to take notes. So we had better get started. Jessie, be a dear and open the pod."Once the chamber of the infuser opened with a hiss, the security chief hauled Tifa's helpless form over to it and shoved her in roughly. Her back was pressed against a metal slab, and he began securing restraints around her upper arms and wrists, as well as a strap just beneath her breasts. Curved pieces of metal were tightened against the sides of her head."Now,"Corneo said,"of course in order to see how much your sensitivity and all that increases, we'll need to see where it's at now. Just as a baseline, you see. Which is why I had to come down for this myself."He approached Tifa, licking his lips."I wasn't going to pass this up for the world." The pat seemed to reassure Jessie, who very nearly seemed to preen under it. That worried Tifa almost moreso than everything else. Jessie just looked... looked almost craving the little gesture of affection. And it had been borderline demeaning, like the smart, intelligent mechanic' was little more than a dog who had done well. Who treated people like that?Of course Jessie followed instructions. She turned, hands flying over the keyboard, looking every bit the confident mechanic that Tifa knew. The bartender AVALANCHE co leader tried to get her muscles to twitch, to fight back, even to drag her heels. To Tifa's credit, some of the drug they'd shot her with had started to leave, and she was more than a little tough. Still, it wasn't nearly enough. Soon Tifa felt cold steel pressing against her back, making her gasp at the sensation. Arms stretched up, more metal tightening all about her body, pinning her, leaving her open.And Corneo saw that opening. His words had Tifa's brown eyes widening. "no, no, you don't!" she insisted, squirming. She tried to move, but her body would've struggled to keep up even if they hadn't just strapped everything down. The best she could manage was pinching her thighs together. That just seemed to make the dark forest of hair around her sex seem a little bit more covering, offering very little in the way of defense. At least Tifa could certainly resist, and this man's foul touches wouldn't get a reaction from her no matter what she did. In truth, she was more concerned about what Jessie was doing: the mechanic's hands were still at the controls, working at top speed, as if she knew precisely what she was doing. Infusion... what was all this? Tifa tried to jerk again, fighting a shiver as the chill of metal behind nearly scraped along her back. Once the security chief had secured a strap around Tifa's waist, Corneo waved him off."Go get the toys, Mason,"he said. The guard gave a disgruntled huff and wandered off as Corneo took his place, fastening a few electrodes to her body one one her collarbone, one on the side of her ribcage just below her breast. He placed three on her stomach, directly over her ovaries and uterus, then ran his fingertips up and down the toned muscles of her abs."Is everything displaying correctly, Jessie?"Corneo asked, although he didn't wait for an answer before reaching up and burying his hands in Tifa's breasts. He moaned a little as her soft flesh seemed to swallow up his fingers, even as he squeezed and kneaded them gently at first, then more and more roughly. He pulled his hands away, only to close his fingertips on her nipples, pinching them delicately, twisting them back and forth gently, and then pinching them again this time between his nails, just sharply enough to leave creases in her skin. Toys? The word made Tifa jerk, or more accurately, tried to jerk. She mostly flailed as deadened nerves attempted to fire instructions to muscles that weren't quite working. She watched the man leave, definitely more interested in that then what Corneo was doing. Out of the corner of her eye she could also catch Jessie checking readings and displays.Of course, having electrodes attached, particularly consideringwhere they were being attached, distracted Tifa. She looked back to Corneo's work, noting the positions, worrying a little more at that. She tried to wiggle, but again, frayed nerves didn't quite want to work properly. Tifa winced as hands moved toward her breasts, sucking air in between her teeth."Everything looks to be reading fine, sir," called Jessie. "Showing the stuff still in her system, oh, and her pulse is spiking from your touching, sir!" The words made Tifa flush, fighting the urge to either blush or start trying to kick him again. Hands had started working her breasts, as of course they were going to. Tifa could feel them, gripping, pulling, teasing the impressive mounds. Most of the mauling, she could handle just fine. But ah, as he drew to her nipples Tifa had to jerk. That sent a little shock into her system, mostly pain. Tifa actually had to hiss as he outright pinched."Those are attached!" she yelped, trying to jerk away again, moving just enough to show off the amount of jiggle in her breasts . "You're awfully touchy,"Corneo said, releasing Tifa's nipples. The reprieve was short lived, however, as he closed his hands down on her breasts again and squeezed them roughly."I thought you were supposed to be tough."He leaned in and buried his face in her cleavage, inhaling deeply the scent of her skin. Then he shifted his head to the right and closed his mouth over her areola, sucking gently at her tit. He pulled his mouth away slightly to run his tongue expertly in a circle around her nipple, before biting down on it gently and tugging it between his teeth. He let go and repeated the pattern suck, lick, bite, pulll several more times, switching between her breasts as he did.After nearly a minute of this, Corneo slipped a hand away from her chest, releasing the breast he wasn't currently teasing with his mouth, and ran it down her stomach. His fingertips swept through the patch of dark curls that adorned her crotch, as his hand crept closer and closer to her slit. At least he released her breasts. Tifa flushed, turning her head away, unable or unwilling to look him in the eyes as he kept teasing her. The next line had her turning slightly pink, squirming as he leaned in further. The sniffing the almost burying himself in her ches,t felt almost bizarre. Again, he teased her chest. Tifa tried to stiffen and jerk as he started sucking on it like a child or something, feeling mostly discomfort from the odd touch. It felt a little good? There was warmth and a little pressure along it, pushing some tingling sensation into her. And the more he worked, the more she squirmed and wriggled and it started to shift from unusual to pleasing.That is until he bit. Those made her jump. She jerked as best she could against the bindings, fighting the urge to try and kick him. Nearly each nibble drew a reaction like that, her body definitely not thrilled with those little jolts of pain. And it continued for far too long. At least he stopped teasing her breast with his hand after a while. Though Tifa had already figured that relaxing or feeling relieved would be stupid. Sure enough: she felt something moving down, drifting lower and lower. she pressed her body against the cold metal, desperate to try and get her untouched sex away from his questing fingers. Already she could feel him ruffling the curls above, which just made her shiver. Her legs tried to jerk to kick him, attempting the gesture as best she could.Though Tifa clenched her jaw rather than let him hear her complaints about the situation, clenched it and locked her brown eyes on him, watching every move closely. Corneo shook his head as she thrashed her legs at him she was still too weak to kick him properly, but this would be such a pain if she kept moving. He released her other breast and ran his hand down her side, over the gentle curve of her hip and down her muscular thigh. He slipped his hand around behind her knee and pulled, lifting her leg up and pressing her thigh against her side."There's no point in dragging this out, Tifa."With her legs separated like this, her slit was fully exposed, and the Don ran two fingers gently down its length. He gazed up at her face eagerly, looking for some sign of reaction. Although, he had a far more reliable source of information than just her expression."Jessie? What have we got so far?"His fingertips ran up and down her labia, slowly and carefully.Behind Corneo, the security chief Mason returned with a small wheeled table laden with tools and machines. Of course, Tifa might not have noticed, with the Don's attention taking up so much of hers. Growling, Tifa tried to jerk, to move, to at least stay out of his range. Perhaps if she hadn't been pinned, Tifa would've had a chance, probably could've avoided him completely. Unfortunately, hard metal kept her from doing more than wriggling and writhing under his touch, likely looking more enticing. at least the writhing got him to release her breast, or something did. Tifa felt the hand moving and jerked away from it, nearly slamming her body against her bindings, twisting and jerking as best she could. It almost surprised her when he managed to lift her leg up, nearly pointing it completely upward. Fortunately the brawler could manage such a pose with only a bit of stretch.Unfortunately it made the path to her furred sex all the easier. The tight slit of pink rimmed with the thatch of black looked almost too snug to be allowed. It tucked within the muscled thighs and pulled itself almost inward. If Corneo were hoping to find it wet or even warm to his touch, he'd be sorely disappointed, as Tifa simply jerked. Oh, she felt a slight tingle. Her loins had started to send signals and she could hardly ignore having her sensitive areas tweaked, let alone the nearly constant touches and rubs that he pressed upon her body. Nonetheless, she was hardly the needy SLUT awaiting his touch."Some sensitivity," replied Jessie, watching monitors. "Increased heartrate at the touch... some light temperature increase," Jessie tapped screens, moving to study as Tifa jerked to try and pull away. "Jeez, sir, I'd say she's almost frigid or something..."Tifa nearly argued, and certainly she flushed slightly. Frigid? That even sounded awful. She pulled again, and, as Corneo and others expected, hadn't even noticed Mason's arrival. After all, there did happen to be something distracting her. "You've got a point,"Corneo said, his voice mocking and derisive. His fingers began slowly parting her labia and working their way into her slit."It's such a shame, body like hers. What a waste of potential. But don't worry."He suddenly pulled his hand away from her crotch and reached up to pat her cheek."We'll help you find yours. We're gonna make you a star."Corneo released her leg and stepped away from Tifa entirely, surveying the tools on the table."Really, that makes you an ideal test subject. Oh, I could break you without the infusion. Without materia."He turned to her, leering, a vibrator wand in his hand."I kind of want to. But, I have to think about my business, you understand?"He pressed the soft, rubbery tip of the toy against her cheek, turning it on to a low intensity."And I think this SLUT program is going to be real, real good for business."He ran the vibrator down her throat, then back and forth along her collarbone, before working his way down over the mound of her breast, slowly but inevitably approaching her nipple. A short little gasping breath left Tifa as the fingers explored her slit. Thighs tried to clench together, once more demonstrating impressive muscle control and flexibility., given that one leg was raised high... it didn't manage much. Clearly that had been Corneo's intent with raising that leg, pulling her free and stopping her from, well, stopping him. Though Tifa could at least pay attention, take note of his plans. The patting that followed earned a glare, and she actually managed to spit at him, which pleased Tifa, despite her fluttering gut and strong desire to cover herself up by any means necessary.Make her a star? find her potential? It all sounded horrifying right up there with this... this process.Tifa watched now, just noticing the table, and seeing what Corneo drew up. "I doubt it," she mumbled as he insisted he could break her without it. Apparently Jessie had found something funny in the readings, because she let out a light laugh at that. Tifa would've shot a glare, but she was a little more focused on the thing vibrating against her cheek. Her eyes moved to it, watching, listening. So she was ready when it traveled downward, prepared as it touched her chest, tensed when it hit her "Ah!" came out anyway, as Tifa jerked. The sensations of vibration upon her chest had surprised her. Just that initial burst though: she managed to take a deep breath and center herself quickly enough. Though even that burst made her flush: she should've been better than that, much better. "Mmmmm..."Corneo's response to Tifa's brief outburst was half contented sigh, half lustful moan."That's what I like to hear."Slowly he made his way down to her nipple, circling it with the vibrator wand."But there's no need to hold back. We're recording all your vital signs... heart rate, respiration, body temperature."He reached up to tap the metal restraints on either side of your head."We're monitoring your hormone levels and your brain activity. We know when we're getting through to you."He pressed the wand a little harder against her nipple, turning up the intensity as he did. He had started the device at the lowest setting, one out of seven now it was up to three."Anyway, don't think that if you can just get through this, you've endured the worst of it."He moved the wand across her breasts, turning it back down to setting two as he slid towards her other nipple."Right now we're just collecting data. This isn't even close to what's in store for you once we start training." The circles were much easier to endure. Now that Tifa had experienced it, knew what it felt like, could see where it was going, she could simply lay there and take it. Take deep breaths and put aside the sensations as they buzzed around her nipple. The little nubs of flesh still stood at full attention, pink swollen and all but begging for attention, but she could at least stop herself from jerking overmuch. That is, until he started tapping near her head. That had Tifa starting, losing some of her concentration and rocking her body against the bindings.The sensation jostled everything, making her breasts jiggle a little and her body move again. Something clicked and Tifa could feel the vibrations suddenly increase, pushing pressure down into her chest. She hissed between teeth, her body jerking. She'd tried to bend, to cover herself and shield from whatever it was he intended to do. What happened was mostly just her jerking against the bindings yet again, and showing quite clearly that the newly increased vibration had affected her.Tifa looked back up to him, nearly panting, as he started with the other nipple. New vibrations shook different flesh, making the orb jiggle and move. She didn't know about readings, but she knew that this felt slightly better than the other stuff. Instead she pushed through, focusing on words. "I've been through training before..." she tried, looking up at him. her eyes flashed again with that mixture of anger, frustration, and mounting arousal, and she gave her body another little jerk, pushing against the bindings that held. Tifa had a lot of strength, maybe she could actually manage to... A sound of exasperation welled up from the back of Mason's throat."Don, you know, that muscle relaxant doesn't last forever." "Don't rush me, Mason, it takes time to do these things right."The security chief leaned down far down, considering the foot and a half he had on Corneo and spoke quietly into the Don's ear."I don't know if those restraints can hold her without it."He didn't want to give the girl any ideas, though she might well be getting some all on her own.Corneo rolled his eyes and sighed."Fine, fine. I'll wrap this up. We already know how much it takes to get her started."He leered up at Tifa's flushed face."Don't we, my dear? Then I guess let's get some data on what it takes to get her finished."He pulled the vibrator away from her bosom and reached a hand down to her crotch. He ran two fingers up and down her slit, faster and a bit more roughly than before. Then he carefully pried apart her pussy lips, until he had exposed the sensitive nub hidden by her folds.There was a slight click and a sharp change in the wand's pitch that probably gave Tifa some warning that it had been turned up to a much higher setting, just before Corneo mashed it roughly against her exposed clit.He turned towards Mason."Happy now?" "...I'll be happy when I get to fuck her."Corneo chuckled and turned back to Tifa, staring into her face with a smirk. Another jerk as Tifa heard the security chief's grunting. Her eyes flicked to him, and she wished she'd paid more attention when they'd discussed reading lips. She let her gaze flick to Jessie, but her old friend was still doing readings, carefully logging things away. Probably needed Tifa's baseline so that they could determine how much the process had changed everything. Though it did strike Tifa as slightly odd that they were concerned about that given everything they'd done to her thus far. Her musings meant she couldn't hear what Mason and Corneo said, not that she'd have managed to do so even if she hadn't been focused elsewhere. Tifa kept her teeth grit and her mind distracted, still testing as best she could. The stuff was wearing off, she could swear it.A leer drew her attention back. Tifa glared at Corneo, then watched as he removed the buzz from her chest. Tifa couldn't quite hide the sigh of relief, and she heard Jessie letting out a chuckle as she logged something away: turns out that her breasts were at least slightly sensitive, and while Tifa had been trying to hide it, the nipple play had aroused her. Of course, Corneo was finding that out some now. Tifa wasn't exactly soaked, wasn't too noticeably wet, but she did have a heat that could be felt. Her sex tingled, and she felt her hips gyrating, trying to move against him. His fingers ruffled her nether fur for a bit, and the continued sensation was.... odd.Fingers parted, and Tifa bit back a hiss as she felt air teasing her spots. Her little clitty looked particularly shy, tucked under folds and not too willing to make an appearance. Tifa hadn't actually found the nub herself in her fumbling attempts at masturbation, and she hadn't had any men get close enough to dare try. So she barely understood what Corneo was doing, and she frowned as she watched him turning up the thing."Ah, fuck!" spat the AVALANCHE member. She jerked harder than ever, letting out another sharp, wordless cry after the curse. Her thighs trembled as she felt raw pleasure sensations assailing her sex directly. The initial onslaught was nearly unbearable, spiking pleasure so intense it felt like she'd been kicked between the legs. Tifa's body kept arching, squirming, trying to break free while she tried to refocus her thoughts. She didn't need sensors to know that her nerves were firing like crazy. Her panting chest, rushing blood, and that pleasure, oh God, that pleasure, were more than enough. "Stop it!" she insisted, thrashing again, letting out another wordless near scream as frustration mounted, seeping down into her abdomen and coiling her body tightly. She grit her teeth, determined not to let release occur. Corneo laughed at Tifa's wail, the shock and rage and desire it contained. To watch her spasming, back arching, chest heaving. He loved to watch a stubborn bitch like this climax.Only, she didn't. He shook his head. See, this was what happened when you rushed things. If he'd taken just a little more time to tease her, he could have pushed her over the edge with this instead, she was clinging on. Just barely, maybe, but he wouldn't let her hold out on him. Now, what to do next.Her words, combined with the way she'd been writhing her hips under his fingers before, gave him an idea."Stop it?"Abruptly, he pulled the wand away."Are you sure?"He waited a few seconds, for her to catch her breath, process the sudden absence of the pleasure. Then he rammed the wand back against her clit once it was in place, he slipped the fingers that had been holding her labia apart into her slit. The pleasures of wand and finger made Tifa writhe and gyrate. She could feel the mounting tension forced up into her by everything he'd done. But she could tamper it down, and she did, keeping her teeth grit and fighting against it. The teasing didn't fully push her anyway, and the more she fought, the more she could just... dampen the sensation. Sort of take it. Though her chest was heaving both from effort and from arousal, and she could feel the tension pulling all the same.Ah, but he pulled away. That made Tifa heave a sigh of relief, body trembling. She didn't quite relax completely, catching the hints in Corneo's voice. Tifa just greedily sucked air as best she could, desperate for even those few precious seconds of breath. She could hear everything: Corneo almost hyperventilating with lust, Jessie clacking away at the machinery, the thrumming of the toy. She just had to stop thinking about it and The toy returned, making her let out a sharp cry. Her hips jerked upward, almost as if she could hip thrust the thrumming device away. But he kept it in place, and used the opportunity to slide inside. She felt him, felt her walls clamping hard. Tifa's sex wasn't simply virginal tight: it was almost impossibly so. The well muscled woman could close her inner muscles with almost bone breaking strength, and she seemed determined to crush Corneo's hand. Still, her hips arched, and she hissed breaths. "St stop!" she finally had to beg, pinching eyes shut, tears starting to form. She could feel that tension rising, twisting her gut, and she knew that if he didn't give into her begging, she was quite likely to cum. "Please, stop!" she tried again, even as her body shuddered, slapping against the hot metal behind her. The Don grimaced, as her already tight passage clenched down on his intruding digits. Only what remained of the drug was stopping her from crushing his fingers. Ithurt,but it was worth it to feel her from the inside. Corneo had a wealth of experience toying with hundreds of women, and with his fingers in her cunt he could tell howdesperatelyclose she was to her climax. How he could push her over, if he just perservered a little longer."It's never going to stop, Tifa."He wriggled his fingers as best he could in her tight passage."This pleasure is your life now. Learn to enjoy it, as fast as you can."He forced his fingers deeper in. Not by much, just another quarter of an inch, but hopefully that would be enough... Fingers moved. Tifa could feel them pushing against her tight walls, writhing and wriggling against her. On their own ,maybe she could've ignored them. But the constant thrumming from above had put her on the edge. She'd been fighting the pleasures assailing her body for several long minutes now, from breast, from loin, from just about everywhere that this expert had teased against her. That tension built strong and fierce, broiling in her lower abdomen. Muscles clenched, Tifa's body tightening as she fought to hold off, hoping he'd stop for some reason, perhaps listening to her. She heard him insisting: no stopping. This was life."Ahaaa!' she breathed, feeling the tension growing. "Ah, Fuck!" she snapped, jerking. Her hips shot upward as the pleasure finally snapped, the tension rippling against her. "Ahaaaaaa!" came out again, accompanied by a sharp shriek. The little bursts of pleasure from her button kept firing, making Tifa's hips jerk and spasm toward the fingers. Tight walls gripped tight, milking and working as if the fingers could spew what the sex suddenly demanded. Hot and wet descended, moisture seeping forth from insides. Everything tensed and released in one might burst, the orgasm drawing her upward as it tensed and tensed. Then..."haaaaa," she gasped, feeling her hips hit back as the orgasm started to subside. She trembled, toes curling, fists clenching and releasing. Everything kept sending pleasure signals throughout her, ricocheting throughout her body and sending her mind into those upward spirals of pleasure. Her eyes had started to roll. Panting, she glared at Corneo, still shivering and letting out heavy, breathy noises, halfway between sighs and grunts of frustration. "You you got what you want!" she snapped, shivering, trying to curl her body inward, the pleasure at least seeping and gripping onto the muscle relaxers, pouring stillness into her body. "Got what I want?"Corneo pulled his hand from her trembling innards. He ran the head of the vibrator up and down her slit, turning its intensity down with each pass.This is just the start."One the wand was back to its lowest setting, he finally pulled it away from her groin and pressed it instead against her cheek. It was soaked with her juices he wondered if she'd ever smelled her own lust before. He wondered if she'd ever even cum. She was clearly a virgin, but did she even masturbate? Did she know what she was doing if she did? Either way, he'd trained teenagers more experienced than this. She was gonna be great." You put on a hell of a show when you cum. Never change that. Customers love to feel like they're sex gods, even when you're the one doing all the work."He pulled the wand away from her face and set it back on the table."Anyway. We've got our data. Time for your first transfusion."Corneo stepped out of Mason's way as the security chief moved in and crouched down to fasten additional restraints around Tifa's ankles. Then he stood up, and shifted a few locks of her hair aside to get at the metal panel she was strapped to. Mason pulled a small respirator from the wall and fastened it over Tifa's mouth and nose, before shutting the door and sealing her in the pod.He turned to Jessie."It's good to go, kid." The hand withdrawing had Tifa sighing in relief. Yet she could still feel the thrumming toy near her sex, teasing her. It kept her warm, kept that blissful sensation, the drug of post orgasm, seeping into her veins. She heard his comments as he teased, insisting, as if she didn't already know. Tifa hissed again, but she didn't quite find the energy to do more than that. Something pressed against her cheek, and Tifa found herself moving, shifting, trying to pull her head away from it. The heady aroma of her own arousal hit her: pungent, powerful, with a strong undercurrent of sweat and sweetness. The brawler had only smelled that a few times, when she'd been desperate enough to at least try to coax an orgasm from her, finding the experience mostly pointless. She knew, at least: she had been around Midgar enough to pick up some bits.The mention of the show had her flushing, flushing and glaring at him. She hadn'tmeant to do anything she hadn't evenmeant to cum, really, but he hadn't exactly left her much choice. At least he pulled away, leaving Tifa to take a few breaths. Just long enough for his comment, which had her eyes widening. She tried to jerk, but the orgasm truly had helped her sedative. Her muscles felt like jelly, and just as they might have regained enough strength to burst free, they were useless. Soon Tifa found herself even more restrained, pinned into place, hair jostled. At least she knew enough not to fight the respirator, though she gave Mason a desperate, begging look."Her stats are good," said Jessie, still looking at the panels. "There's a high level of hormone from the orgasm that seems to have done its job. Everything's primed and ready for reception of the first infusion," Jessie started flicking, letting the pod finalize the sealing procedure. Nodding, Jessie turned. "Would you like the honors of getting it started, boss?" she asked, gesturing toward the tube. "After all, one button and it's goodbye old Tifa, hello new!" "Oooo..."The Don clapped his hands together and rubbed them together gleefully."How could I pass that up?"He walked over dancedover to the control panel and slapped his hand down on the button eagerly.In the pod, there was a hissing noise, and then liquid started to well up around Tifa's feet. It was cool, about ten degrees below room temperature, and too viscous to be water. It rose up around her calfs and then her thighs, washing away the fruits of her pleasure. It continued up her arms and torso only when the fluid level rose above her bosom could she see that the liquid was a faint, glowing green. The liquid kept rising, stinging her eyes as they were submerged in it, until it filled the tank.Dozens of needles jabbed into Tifa. Some extended from the metal plate she had been secured against, pricking two need rows on either side of her spinal column. Several penetrated each of her limbs, and two plunged deep into her back, near her waist, until they penetrated her ovaries. Other needles came around to her front on swinging arms, driving into her throat, her stomach, her thighs. Two swung around to pierce her nipples, clamping and squeezing her breasts in the process it seemed the machine was barely able to fit her giant bosom. FInally, one last arm swung around to her pelvis. There was no needle to pierce her flesh instead a thin metal tube, about half an inch thick, forced itself into her cunt.When everything was in place, the machinery all went still for a few seconds. Then everything kicked into high gear, the needles flooding her body withsomething,something that spread an intense heat through her flesh at once feverish and searing, disorienting and agonizing. The liquid began to roil and churn around her, as if boiling from the heat radiating off her body. As it did, the glow grew brighter and changed color from green, to red, to finally a vivid, neon violet.It was several minutes before the glow faded. The needles and assorted apparatuses plunged into Tifa's flesh withdrew, and with a tingling sensation the small holes they had left closed almost in an instant. Then the water drained, and finally the pod opened. A hiss made Tifa start. She looked down, feeling a fluttering panic. The sealing had made it hard, nearly impossible, for her to hear whatever the hell they'd been saying to each other. But she could guess that that was rising up below her. She shivered as it touched her feet, curling her toes as if she could deny it. But it kept going, rising. Rising more and more, drawing cool into her body, fighting against the heat that Corneo had risen up within her. She felt the stuff sliding over her skin, matting down her hair. It crossed her chest, finally rising further. Tifa took several deep breaths, fighting panic as it passed her mouth, knowing that they wouldn't drown her. It stung her eyes and she pinched them shut, shivering at the loss of sensation. Tifa forced them open, desperate to watch.A scream drew out of her as she felt. Dozens of pinpricks throughout her skin. Each little bit made her want to yelp in pain, and she swore her eyes watered, though who could tell in this? Dozens of needles, so many, throughout nearly every portion of her body. And the machine seemed determined to humiliate where it couldn't inject: pressing and squeezing her breast flesh, shoving a rod up into her sex, hopefully not ruining her insides. Tifa could feel the metallic intrusions everywhere on her tingling body, the post orgasmic bliss having left quickly from the cold bath. She swallowed hard, trying to look around, to see.Another harsh scream tore from her, raw, primal, almost guttural. Tifa screamed so hard bubbles floated from around her mask."She's within range," said Jessie almost casually, watching as the monitors adjusted. She could see her friend writhing, held in place. Every signal showed intense pain: Tifa being almost overwhelmed by the raw life energy pumping throughout her. It would be reshaping nerves, altering parts of her body, even potentially rewriting her genetic code. Sometimes the changes were almost unpredictable. Like now, Jessie almost giggled as she looked. "It's killing all the hair follicles on her groin," she said, pointing at the screen, as if they couldn't watch as Tifa's sex turned almost impossibly smooth.Finally, after forever, it stopped. Tifa panted, feeling her body aflame. It was hard to tell what was different, given thateverything felt so sensitive, so different. Her vision blurred and her brain was on overload, struggling to take in everything and process it. Her head spun as she kept sucking in air, trembling. Corneo was the first to approach Tifa after the pod opened. He reached towards her, but his lecherous hands did not so much as brush her skin. Instead, he gently looped his fingers under two clumps of her slick, dripping hair, and pulled them away from the rest of her thick locks to hold them in front of her face. If her eyes could even focus, Tifa would see that pink streaks had appeared in her dark brown hair."A nice touch,"Corneo said, sneering."Don't you think?"He shook his head."Some time, before your next treatment, we're going to have to test your sensitivity again. We could do it now, since we've got you properly hooked up and all, but I think all you've been through might just throw off the readings. Don't you think, Jessie dear?"He glanced at the technician, though he didn't wait for her answer."Besides, I want to try out the SLUT for myself..."He stepped aside as Mason moved in and began to remove Tifa's restraints. Every time his skin brushed against hers, it seemed to light a fire in her flesh. Her sense of touch seemed impossibly accute she could feel the creases in his knuckles when they scraped against her. Mason shook his head almost wistfully as he loosed the straps around Tifa's arms. She was leaner still fit, her limbs lithe and luscious, but he was certain her strength had dropped notably. He had been very wary of Tifa, uncertain if he could take her in a fair fight now that doubt was gone. She might still have enough strength to pose a threat to a customer this was only her first infusion, after all but Mason was sure that he could take her.When he was done unfastening the last strap, Mason stepped back and let Tifa collapse on the floor. Tifa blinked, her vision still blurry .She could feel his touch upon her, wincing in anticipation. To her surprise, his fingers teased her hair first, pulling some of the dark clunks away from her. She managed to just focus, seeing the strange strands of pink threaded throughout. What what was that about? Another little touch? Tifa let out a groan, feebly twitching. The whole procedure had exhausted her, made her body feel as if it had suddenly been fried. Nothing wanted to work properly, and her mind was still struggling to reconnect nerve endings and fully process what precisely had just happened to her.The mention of more tests had her mumbled again, trying to form words, even making vague motions as though she were shaking her head. She thought she heard Jessie almost answering, but instead blinked, refocusing her attention upon Corneo. "What what didchu do ta me?" she mumbled, her mouth feeling mushy. Her body felt drained, somehow too. A touch, and she swore she could feel a shock rippling through her, making her wince. When the bondings were finally gone, Tifa couldn't remain standing. She collapsed, falling into something of a wet heap on the floor. Beads of moisture still rolled off her, and she shivered, her body suddenly feeling hot and cold at the same time."Infusion results are quite positive," announced Jessie. "She takes to the mako quite well: no visible rejection signs and it looks like it's taken hold."Whatever that meant. Tifa shuddered, glancing up at the two men, her breath catching for a moment. she wanted to move, but even rising up seemed like such a bad idea right now. "Good to hear... that."Corneo made a vague gesture, flapping his hand in Jessie's direction. Then he turned to face the technician, reaching out to ruffle her hair again."Good work, kid."He hand a hand down the side of Jessie's face, cupping his fingers under his jaw."I'll be sure to give you some special attention later. That is..."He turned his leering gaze back to Tifa."Assuming I like how she's turned out."He walked back to the fallen brawler and crouched down, tangling his fingers in her long, dark locks. He hauled her up by her hair, a visceral reminder that despite his girth and stature, he was not a weak man by any means. Soon he had Tifa propped up on her knees, which brought her face nearly level with his. Corneo tilted his head back and stared into her eyes. There was a glimmer of green light welling from deep inside them."You know, I noticed when I was messing with you earlier. You've never been with a man, huh?"Corneo chuckled."Body like that, and still a virgin. You must be one hell of a frigid bitch. You ever even been kissed?"He hauled her up a few more inches, pressing her mouth to his. His lips were fat, rubbery, and his eager drool poured messily over her face and dribbled down her chin and throat.After a few seconds Corneo dropped her, giving her just enough of a push as he let go to make sure she landed on her back. He began to unbuckle his pants.
['Askedtifa', 'Tifa']
NaruHina Shippuden- JamJessica & MysteriousD
It was a beautiful sunrise. A few years have past since the three figures saw Konoha.One was an older man with white hair and kabuki marks on his dace, dressed in red and green. He was walking with a smile on his face. Jiraiya was happy to see his students go and come back to thei gome, both of them having gotten significantly stronger.Naruto Uzumaki was walking back, big excited smile on his face. The excited 15 year old was happy to be back home. While he was still wearing predominantly orange, it now had on somce black. He learned alot the past couple of years. Namely perfecting his jutsus and techniques, though he actually manages to learn a couple of Wind techniques. He was going back to see all of his old friends and so on.Meanwhile, his older brother was also walking alongside him. Diego Vendrix had improved his bloodline limit, combining wind and lightning chakras to make plasma. He developed more techniques from some of the Wind techniques that Naruto learned while also becoming better defensively with it while also improving his close quarters combat. He was a bit chubby, though nowhere near as much as Choji and he was now 18, his dark colored hair matching his brown eyes.He had sent one of his cranes to tell Lady Tsunade that they were on their way, however, he also sent it to tell Hinata that Naruto was coming back in order to get the two together Hinata had just finished training with her father and cousin. She had changed a bit since she was twelve. While her father still did not consider her worthy to be heir to the Hyuga family he still considered her stronger then he first suggested and he had agreed to train her when she proved herself against her sister. Training had ended early today because he was going away to a meeting for the clan heads and Neji was going on a mission. So that left Hinata resting after taking a quick shower. Her long wet hair resting on her shoulders. Letting out a small sigh she ran her fingers through her hair wondering what she should do with her new found freedom.Sure she did not mind training but it was nice to have a bit of a break from the harsh training the Hyuuga clan provided. Kiba an Shino were also on a mission so she could not join them in training. All and all she was on her own for the day and she decided that the early morning training had been enough for today. It had been well before sunrise she was awoken by Neji telling her father wanted her in the training ground.She had become even more processe with her chakra control and was able to use that to her advantage. Also she had been training on her own elemental chakra and combining that skill with her gentle fist. So far it was a work in process but it was coming along nicely in her opinion.As her mind began to wander about a blond headed ninja that she had not since in nearly three years she spotted the Crane flying over head before landing before her. Hinata knew those cranes anywhere and a small smile came to her lips as the note confirmed it. A light blush coating her cheeks as she decided what she was doing for the day as she headed for the main gates to greet them when they arrived. Diego smiled as he saw his crane return before dismissing back into their sacred land. The cranes were a reclusive summons, with them being picky with their summoners. Diego was the first in a century to be chosen. He discovered it when he heard from Jiraiya how doing the summoning without a contract would allow one to find the best summons for him. One jutsu later and he ended up in the Sacred Immortal Marsh, the land of the Cranes. After a strong test, Diego became a crane summoner. He has one in particular that takes him to fly.Diego was an oddball. His name was identified by a bracelet and was found as a toddler. He forged a bond with Naruto Uzumaki and was like the older brother he did not have. Of course, things got more complicated when Diego became a Genin. His unique bloodline got the attention of the higher ups, and wanting to see what they could do, assigned him to Itachi Uchiha Diego's relationship with Itachi was complicated. They were close, but also not that close. They would talk philosophy and Diego would pull an occasional prank on the Uchiha with Naruto, but things were all right.Then Itachi performed a massacre. Diego knew he did not do it power as he told Sasuke. He tried to stop the massacre and it was perhaps their most intense fight ever. Even with Itachi training him, Diego was always good at surprises and he did what he could to get answers out of him. Something happened.Diego got hit in the back with a dangerous attack and would fall in a coma for a few years. By the time he awoke, Naruto had completed his Genin exam and Diego was trying to catch up. He was still a Genin because of the incident and being comatose. Because of circumstances and upon request, he was on Team 7. However, being older than the others, he commanded respect from them. He would help and advise them on techniques and on teamwork and advice. He helped Sasuke begin overcoming his issues, had Sakura move on from her crush when he asked her soe questions that forced her to re evaluate herself and more, such as telling Tenten to re change her approach to combat He would become a Chunin thanks to his successful fight against Temari where he managed to beat her despite the disadvantage. He was the only other one besides Shikamaru to get promoted. Of course, by that point, Tsunade had arrived and was able to better heal him and later Rock Lee. As such, he spent the next few years training alongside Naruto and Jiraiya to get back up to his full power and then some. In fact, he actually got to do the Jounin exams during a break. He also convinced Jiraiya to let Naruto to go to Suna for the Chunin exams.They met alot of strong ninja and they managed to save Fu, the Jinchurki of Seven Tails, from Akatuski by coincidence . Naruto, like the others, got promoted to Chunnin.And now they were finally coming home... Diego had chosen to notify one person to greet Naruto... Hinata Hyuga. He was well aware of her fondness for Naruto, but while it wasn't romantic, DIego saw that it could indeed become it. He decided it would be good to help the two get together. It would balance them out."I think there's someone there waiting for us," Diego commented while Jiraiya squinted to see. Hinata had always admired Naruto and his strength to never give up no matter the situation that presented itself to him. She loved that about him. She had always cared for him in such a way. While it was not exactly love she could not deny that she felt something for the boy and she could not wait to meet him once again.When Hinata had heard Naruto had been promoted to Chunin as well part of her had wished those were the Chunin Exams her and her team had participated in as well. However she had become Chunin in the exams before those. When Naruto had left to train she had trained herself hard for awhile. Gathering her own strength, first with her team and then with her father and Neji. Not wanting to be weak and useless. She wanted to surprise Naruto with how strong she had become, when she knew for sure Naruto's strength would far surpass hers.Then their was Diego. While she cared for him as well. He was more like a brother figure to her. He seemed to always be there when he needed to be. Almost pushing the two of them to be friends. She could remember back when Diego had fallen into that coma when they were young and how Naruto came crying to her. Worried that he would not make it. They had only just begun talking at that point and she had been unsure how to react. Hinata had simply wrapped her arms around the crying boy to comfort him.Hinata had arrived at the gate moments earlier, activating her Byakugan to see if they were almost there. To her surprise they were only a few minutes away. Blushing lightly she rocked on her heal, part of her wanting to go hide from them but she simply leaned against a tree to relax a little. Her cheeks had a light dusting of pink but she also had a smile upon her lips as she deactivated her Byakugan. "Hey Naruto! Look!" Diego pointed out. Naruto squinted his eyes for a bit before he beamed. It was Hinata. "Hey Hinata!" Naruto exlaimed with a loud voice as he went to see her. It had been a long while since they last saw her. Nearly two years ago, after the Chunin Exams in Suna. With Sasuke away as part of a secret assignment and as a way to do things a bit different, the teams for the Chunnin Exam were done in pairs as part of a way of making things interesting. All 10 of them passed and did well for themselves to say the least. They also met some new friends, which included Fu, the Jinchuriki of the Seven Tails, whom he helped rescue when a nearby crane alerted them to save her.It was one hell of a fight to try and deter Akatsuki enough for Jiraiya to arrive and chase them off."What are you doing here?" Naruto asked her with a smile yet also looking surprised to see her. Diego simply gave a shushing motion to Hinata, signalling to her the whole thing was a surprise for him.Diego then began leaping over to the Hokage offic so he and Jiraiya could talk to Lady Tsunade and report everything that had happened and so on. "Hello Naruto." SHe responded with a smile as he greeted her. Her face had a gentle expression that was full of care and happiness that he had finally returned to the village. When asked why she was there she noticed the Diego was motioning for her to keep it a secret how she new they were arriving in the village. Running a hand through her hair she shrugged a little. "I...I was finishing up training...and s saw your c chakra signatures coming c closer and I came to g great you...." Which if she had looked in this direction she would have noticed them as they got closer.The Hyuuga compound was not far from the gates of Konoha.Shaking her head from her rather lame excuse she watched as Diego started to head over to the Hokage's office. Leaving Naruto and Hinata relatively alone at the moment."I I've missed you Naruto." Hinata admitted with a small...somewhat shy smile. While they had been friends of sorts she also knew she spent time watching him from afar more often then not before they started to really talk.However Hinata could not deny she felt the most comfortable whenever Naruto was around, She felt safe, and felt as though she could be more of herself. It had been a couple of years since they had last seen one another however she felt just as she always had. Nothing had changed with the time that they had been apart. It was comforting. Naruto smiled at seeing Hinata's smile. While he thought of her as a bit strange at her, he always viewed her as cool and always tried to impress her. At the same time, she was one of the few people that Naruto felt he could be more like himself around. She seem to understand him the best, at least when it came to peers So he was happy to see her. He always felt at ease and such with her."Oh wow! I bet you must have gotten really strong! I remember when we were at the Chunin Exams back in Suna! It was crazy!" Naruto told her with a big smile on his face as he was recalling the memories they had. "Oh man! The village must have changed so much! I gotta see! But first, Ichiraku Ramen," Naruto told her before he grabbed Hinata's hand and began running inside the village, all while somewhat dragging Hinata to the ramen stand that was his sceond home."You're the best, Hinata chan," Naruto told her with a smile, truly appreciative that she was there to greet him back and make him feel welcomed.While Jiraiya was informing Tsunade of the news, Diego was taking some time to look around the village. He would be meeting up with the others tomorrow with Kakashi and so on. Apparently, Naruto and Sakura would be testing their mettle against him. Diego smiled at how far Sakura developed. He took an early interest to help with her development, especially as she became a medic nin. The exercises were mainly to increase the amount of chakra in her body along with having her learn a few Earth Style techniques, given it was her primary chakra nature. Besides making the basic Earth Wall, Diego had Sakura learn make basic Earth structures, huts almost, both as a form of extra protection, but so she could be able to make makeshift clinics to operate in. Lastly, he had her learn the Rock Gun technique and the Flying Thrown Stones technique so she could fight long range better."Hey Diego, long time no see," Diego heard a familiar voice and he waved at Shikamaru. "Hey Shika, on a date I see?" Diego said with a smirk. Shikamaru blushed a bit while the girl next to him giggled. "Hey Shiho san," he said to her with a smile. Diego knew Shiho as a friendly aquiantance and introduced Shikamaru to her in the hopes of giving him an intellectual peer and someone to push him. It seemed to have worked, though her affections for him came first before Shika's did. She was a very capable Chunin, good at analyzing, puzzle solving and cryptography. He remembered acting as her sempai for a bit back when she was a genin, namely in teaching her better kunai throwing."Well kinda yeah. That and I was giving Temari a tour, but she vanished," Shikamaru said while Shiho was also looking around. Diego smiled some more. Temari was one of the biggest challenges back in the Chunin Exams years ago and he found her to be an attractive and capable kuniochi. So seeing her again would be fun. "What a drag. Maybe you can find her," Shikamaru noted.
['Jiraiya', 'Uzumaki', 'Vendrix', 'Hinata', 'Choji', 'Tsunade', 'Hyuga', 'Konoha', 'Naruto']
What a Yummy Snack!!!
"Human world! Full of stupid, easy to catch food. Now I know why everyone likes this place more the the spirit world." Ki whistled softly as she looked around at all the people who strolled casually by her. She thought for a moment about making herself visible to them. Luring them in would be more then easy then. The little female looked absolutly delicious! Innocent to boot! Only in reality she was a hollow and probably wanted to eat you for breakfast! But that's beside the point.Skipping toward a wooded area , the little head of pink hair let a grin spread across her features as she got more and more excited. This was her first trip to the human world and she intended to really enjoy it. But first, it would probably do her some good to round up a nice meal ! 'Most focus....... Concentrate....... Now!' An arrow whizzed by made of pure energy and slammed right into the tree in the forest. A Smile could be seen as the tree scattered and crashed where it was. A teenager of 17 years was starting in an open clearing. His attire was a simple black jacket, White button up shirt, and blue jeans. His hair was red and medium length. "Well, this should help against fighting hollows. They been acting up as of late...." The boy said to himself.
A Little Revenge, Corneo-Style {darkest_fate&Azecreth}
The world should be safe. They'd beaten back the evil, insane swordsman and his mutated, plague spewing mother. They'd utilized the very Lifestream to divert a meteor and prevent it from destroying the world. Along the way they'd managed to over throw a corrupt company , rewritten history, found several lost materia, and helped research about how the Lifestream and mako energy function increase spectacularly. So yes, the world should be at peace. There shouldn't be a problem.Yet hereTifa Lockhartwas, strolling through the market of sector six, right in the middle of what was undeniably a black market.That Midgar had one of these was hardly surprising: the dingy city had always been the sort of place where people wanted and gil held sway. In fact, this area had been something of a den of sin even before the earth shattering calameties and the heroes that saved the day . People would always need things, and there would always be shady people looking to sell them.But AVALANCHE had gotten wind that there might be some illicit substances. Their bold little group had stretched thin, what with Shinra still in operation and a need to watch out for threads left over from when Midgar was attacked. Plus Vincent had that wonderful tendency to wander off and Cid commuted between Midgar and Rocket Town. Really, Tifa had been eager to get away from everyone, particularly Cloud. Ugh, she loved that man, but at times he just could not get it. But it felt nice to be out and alone, even in a place like this.And she'd changed back into her old traveling clothes, or at least newer renditions. the tight black leather skirt wrapped about her swaying hips,putting them and a set of literally killer legs on display. The long ebony hair thudded against her rock hard ass with each step, tied with a single ribbon at the bottom. A pale expanse of flesh, including a near six pack of hardened muscle, showed between two suspenders. And said suspenders glanced over a fairly prodigious chest, held down by a halter top and some wrapping. All topped up with a beautiful smiling face and bright, expressive brown eyes.Tifa was starting to treat this more like a shopping trip at this point. AVALANCHE really just needed to make contact and get supplies moving, and it was pretty clear that this was just your run of the mill black market. Tifa paused in front of a guy who had several boxes filled with shimmering materia. Smiling a little, she nodded to him and stretched up on her toes, trying to get a good look at his wares, wanting to make sure that he didn't have anything too dangerous. Had to focus though, which made her nervous, but it wasn't like she'd need to worry about dropping her guard: the people loved her, right? Where there was a need, there was someone to fill it. That was one of the basic tenets of free enterprise, and these days business was quite good. Sure, the world had nearly been destroyed multiple times and various other calamities had happened, but life went on. Where there was life, there was people who needed things. And for a city that had been devastated like Midgar, there were plenty of people like that. Was it any shock that a black market would continue to persist even after everything that had happened?Besides, it wasn't as if the WRO had the sort of resources that would be needed to go and break this sort of thing up with force. Not in a manner that would be permanent. So it was allowed to persist for the benefit of both good and bad people, and likely would continue to do so for a while.The market was busy, barely any organization to be seen beyond the rows that would let people move from one merchant to another. Even then it was not so easy, with various goods and human detritus cast about without purpose or hope. It was a place that didn't suit someone like Tifa, certainly not in the clothes that she currently wore. There were plenty of people willing to try and cop a feel or even more than that, though it was a notion they were quick to abandon once she had made an example of the first few poor souls to try. But nobody would miss them anywayWith that out of the way, her investigation continued, and soon enough turned into something of a shopping trip. Not that there was much of a difference to those who ran the market, who were nonetheless willing to entertain anyone who had cash. She looked like she had it, so as long as she didn't cause too much trouble, she could stay.Themanrunning the stall that she had stopped in front of wore a cordial smile as she looked through his wares, a man like this one of the more rich individuals in the market if he could afford to acquire and sell Materia. He watched her carefully as she eyed his product, letting a sigh escape as he straightened up. "See anything you like?" he asked after a moment. "I've got all sorts of Materia, pretty good quality too. You know how hard it is to get Materia from a place like Wutai? Very. You're not gonna find stuff like this just lying around elsewhere." He quickly looked her over, to determine if he had caught her interest Yeah, Tifa got attention wherever she went. By now she'd grown used to it, knowing that it came from her decent sized chest, from the body she'd earned from constant martial arts training and adventuring and all that. If anything, it just made her embarrassed, particularly now, since she and Cloud were... something? Okay, she didn't really know what she and Cloud were, but it was enough to keep people at a distance. And while she did spend a good deal of time dodging people, she did also punch one guy in the face hard enough that he might not get back up again.For now, she was busy looking over this particular stall of goods, using her practiced adventurer's eye. Tifa had quite a few materia equipped, including some stuff that she'd been using since she'd set out from Midgar way back in the beginning. It glittered in her fingerless gloves, and shimmered from her bracers. She looked over the current offerings and... yeah, it did look pretty legit."From Wutai?" she repeated, raising her brows as she reached for one, picking it up and weighing it in her palm. Low level, but that was expected. You rarely got stuff from stores that had seen use. But this one did seem to have some energy stored up. "I thought Wutai had a shortage of materia," she gave him another quick look, before shrugging, setting it down. She wasn't sure they really needed materia, so much as they needed more basic goods. Still, she did suppose she should be looking over these goods, and if he really got his stuff from Wutai.......actually thinking of Wutai jogged Tifa's memory. There had been that whole thing with Yuffie there, stolen materia and all that nonsense. Then there had been.... right, they'd beaten Corneo in Wutai! The thought made Tifa snort, shaking her head as she looked the stuff over. Slightly worrying, but it wasn't like there was summoning materia or anything laying around. She might buy one just to get it checked out, but she didn't think they had to worry aboutthis. In fact, Tifa was beginning to wonder if they should bother worrying about this black market at all. "No you're correct," the man admitted with a chagrined chuckle as Tifa examined one of the many orbs present in a bit more detail. "People who don't know better tend to find that impressive." So while he was admitting that he had been planning to overcharge her for any materia that she considered buying, at least he was honest when caught. Though that could just be that he had perhaps seen what she'd done to that poor fellow earlier and didn't feel like joining him by pissing her off.Nonetheless the glimmer of recognition had appeared in his eyes, though she hadn't noticed it with the distractions at hand. Pacing in his booth, he reached down to look at some of the other product that he currently had in storage right now. He didn't have all of his product up there after all, not when it might be stolen. That was just common sense when one was in a place like this."So, can I interest you in anything?" he asked as he straightened up with his search concluded. She did seem to be interested after all and he wouldn't miss the opportunity for a sale. Or at least that was the impression he gave off just before he activated the Sleep Materia that would seek to bring her down before she even knew that it was there and had the chance to react to it. Normally he wouldn't have done this to his customers, but Tifa here was someone particularly special, and he couldn't let this opportunity slip away from him. It wasn't personal, at least for him, just business "Yeah, I guess that makes sense," allowed Tifa, smiling and nodding. "Still, you might want to get your story straight..." she sorted through, wondering where he'd gotten this. Nothing looked too bad though, and she was starting to think that she should just buy one or two and get out of there. Maybe some of the status working spells or something that had a few levels. Worse came to it, she could ask Yuffie if it was something she'd stolen. It would be almost funny if someone had gotten into the ninja's materia stash."I think maybe " began Tifa. She held a materia in her hand and she turned to look at him, that semi friendly smile on her lips. She saw a materia on her bracer glow for a moment, which struck her as odd. IT was almost... almost like one of her defense materia was trying to fight something. That made her tense, and her head snapped, looking to the man. Tifa's hand lurched to attack only to droop. "Oh no, Sleep " was all she managed to get out. The spell hit her hard, and she hadn't been defendedentirely against the stuff.... just resistant. So while he may have been expecting her to instantly drop, instead Tifa wavered. She'd taken that step, unconsciously wasting time checking and reacting. now, however, now it made her knees buckle. The monk's long hair seemed to almost wave around her as she looked up, blinking, her brown eyes clouding over. Her lips moved to form words, but she couldn't get anything out, simply falling over and slumping as darkness took over, putting her into an enchanted sleep. The man grinned as it worked like a charm, though she did give him a scare for a second or two because of the delay in the spell taking effect that made him almost worried that it hadn't worked at all. Which would have been bad for him given who she was, understandably. But at least he didn't have to be concerned for more than a bit as her knees buckled and she hit the ground with the Sleep spell taking effect. It was too late for her now,"He's gonna love this," the man remarked, leaving his stall to pull the unconscious brawler off to the side to wait for pick up. Much though he might want to, he satisfied himself with nothing past a bit off groping before moving to deliver the message of what he had just picked up to the Don. Corneo had promised quite a bit of money for people like her, so long as they weren't spoiled, and he certainly planned to collect on what was being offered.By the time the spell wore off and Tifa awoke, she would find that she was far from where she had fallen asleep. On the plus side she wasn't waiting up naked in an alleyway or something like that. On the downside, she was waking up suspended in a tube, filled with some sort of green fluid. A mask meant that she still had air to breath, but otherwise there was a variety of different tubes and sensors connected to her all over her body. If she looked she would find herself in a laboratory of some sort, with a couple other tubes like hers that were currently empty, and a lot of equipment for carrying out various experiments and gaining readings.Most importantly though, the room was currently occupied. There were a couple grunts probably serving as guards, an older man with spiky grey hair in a lab coat, and a figure that she would probably find familiar. In mid conversation, they stopped as the equipment reported changed readings, and someone noticed her eyes. She wouldn't have much of reprieve it seemedStepping up to the tube, Don Corneo looked up at his captive with a vicious grin. Oh, he'd been looking forward to a moment like this for a long time. "Welcome back," he said happily. "It's a pleasure to see you again Tifa." The brawler could resist such spells, but fortunately they'd thought of that. Whatever she'd been hit with would put her out until someone actively attacked her or used some specific medicine on her... or time, lots and lots of time. It apparently took the latter.Tifa woke with a start. Well toned muscles flexed as the brawler's instincts took effect. Fortunately for perhaps Corneo and those on the other side, the liquid slowed what might have otherwise been a devastating punch. Tifa felt her fist smacking against the tube, the richocheting making her wince. She recoiled back, sucking in breath, only then realizing that said breath came through a tube. Those brown eyes went wide as Tifa looked all about her: some sort of strange, green liquid surrounded her utterly. She bobbed amid it, with so much connected to her. She stared, seeing tubes, tracing their path. They stuck into her body via needles, ready to pour something directly into her, while sticking upward to ceiling or downward to floor. The machines would doubtless show Tifa's heart rate rocketing.She spent a moment checking herself for other wounds, finding little to none beyond what they needed to prep . Eventually a voice, a familiar voice, caught her attention. Tifa jerked, blinking through the bubbling green liquid. There, there she could just see him, someone... familiar.Tifa let out a yell of both shock and fury, again jerking, trying to kick or punch the glass, her fury rising quickly, adding some strength to her muscles. How thehell did Corneo crawl out of the hole they'd put him in? Tifa's inspection was relatively thorough, only inhibited by her inability to see her back. She wasn't wearing clothes, which made sense considering what she was hooked up with and probably was for the best anyway. Who knew what this green stuff would have doe to her clothes had shebeen wearing them. Those stains would have been a pain in the ass to remove. Though on the downside it did allow Corneo to have basically total view of her body, so perhaps it wasn't that great of a thing after all. There were no wounds beyond the sites where needles had been attached, though she would find that while she had not been completely shaved she had indeed been trimmed down to something much more subdued, presumably because of the needs of the equipment.Corneo managed to keep from jumping back at her blow as she tried to hit the side of the tube to effect some sort of escape. Gesturing to the doctor who hurried over to the console, Tifa would be able to hear the hiss before she was injected with a mild sedative. It wouldn't put her out, but it would take the edge off of her aggression and keep her from launching any sort of breakout attempt. With how pissed off she was right now, best to not take chances.That left the Don to chuckle, shaking his head. "Now now, we wouldn't want you injuring yourself," he pointed out with the smug look of someone who knew that he had all the power. Which he did, so long as she was hooked up to all that equipment. "I'll admit, I didn't believe it at first when I was told just who had been collected for me, but it was definitely worth the trip to see it in person. Payback can be so delicious after all. And with all the trouble you and your friends put me though, I think some is deserved." Of course he overlooked his own transgressions in those affairs, instead considering the considerable amount that he had lost."We're good to go sir," the doctor reported from the console, poised and ready to do....something. Given all indications it probably involved torture of some kind, though the truth was a bit more different than that. He didn't need information from her, not yet. Instead revenge was the main dish for the day, and he was looking forward to the show.Grinning, Corneo clapped his hands in delight as he glanced over at his employee. "Excellent." His gaze then quickly returned to Tifa. "Luckily for you Doctor Manfred here just finished perfecting the process we'll be using on you. So you won't have to worry about any pesky side effects or things going horribly wrong. That would be such a waste." He doubted it would console her any, but it was worth saying anyway. He could afford to talk a bit right now as he let her stew in anticipation. At least everything checked out. no visible wounds or scarring or any real horrible damage. Her breasts still looked full and perky, her body still looked well toned and hale. Even her body hair had been left untouched, with the loose black strands hovering about her in the tank and the thick ruff of black guarding her nether regions. That slender slit looked downright girlish upon the curvy and well built body of the brawler, just peeking through. Fortunately Tifa had enough mobility to at least obscure it from vision, though not enough to completely cover it. She couldn't completely cover anything, not with how she'd been situated.Something cool slid into Tifa from one of the tubes. She felt it, and knew it before its effect took hold: a sedative. Experience and strength generally meant Tifa could fight those off, which they probably had already taken into consideration. This particular dosage would make her just sluggish enough to stop her from fighting or squirming. And Tifa would've doubtless continued pounding on the glass till it gave way, regardless of the injuries to herself. Instead, she simply floated, floated and watched and listened as Corneo kept going. Tifa could hear him even through the strange liquid substance, hear him taunting and complaining. She wanted to jerk and scream, and she did feel noises starting to bubble up... before she realized her predicament.Tifa doubted they'd drown her, not when they went through all this trouble. Clearly they intended to do something like one of Hojo's experiments to her, judging by this ridiculous setup. Tifa could even hear a doctor saying something from a distance, but she couldn't make it out. It looked like they were... ready. TIfa felt another stab of panic, but the sedative prevented her from doing more than widening her eyes and tensing her muscles. Tifa knew she had to fight it, to get it ready.Even still, she very nearly asked the question:What process? They were going to do a process on her? Tifa's eyes widened and she fought to remain calm, feeling her heart beating faster and faster. Clearly Corneo wanted her... and she knew precisely what sort of things he wanted girls for. She tried to move, but her limbs wouldn't react, and she couldn't even stir. Tifa closed her eyes for a moment, trying to summon some inner reserve of strength. No materia, no equipment, drugged... she couldn't do anything, and the realization was starting to sink in with each passing second. Corneo found himself a bit saddened that the sedative had put Tifa in such a state, where he couldn't even enjoy her outrage at what he was about to do. Of course the fact that her outrage was usually expressed through her fists made for a compelling reason as to why he might not want to experience that anyway, but perhaps he was being a bit sentimental for times gone by when he still had that sort of influence. It was a far cry from where he was now.With a sigh he turned to face the Doctor. "Begin the procedure," he told the man with a gesture. It was time to show Tifa just what they had in store for her."Yes Don," the doctor agreed before pressing a couple buttons and activating the relevant machinery. A hum filled the tube, the green fluid slightly agitated as the lab came to life. But what it involved would remain something of a mystery, at least until the mako hit her system. She would know of the SOLDIER program, which involved exposing test subjects to raw mako in order to create super soldiers to fight for Shinra. But this was different from that. Corneo wasn't trying to make super soldiers, and as a result the exposure process was more targeted. Nerve clusters, erogenous zones, those killer legs of hers, as well as an injection that targeted the pleasure centers of the brain.As part of the multi staged process Materia would also be applied, particulates from various types included in the mako being injected whilst the spells they imbued took effect. Restore magic, barrier magic, time magic, things that would keep her durable and able to better keep up with the punishment that her new position would put her through.Following the initial infusion of mako there would be other injections of various chemicals and pheromones, designed primarily to ensure the stability of the mako infusion while also acting to improve her natural sex appeal. All very necessary for the process to succeed, though for Tifa it was going to hurt like hell.But eventually the process would come to an end, the time it took indeterminate with the other things that she had to go through. But she was left in the tube so they could monitor her and make sure that nothing went wrong. All that remained was to see if this operation had been a success. A gesture, and bubbled words just barely audible through everything. Tifa jerked, trying to push, trying to use her last blast of emotions or to do anything. Her face contorted with anger and frustration: she'd saved the world! She should be able to fight through this. The tube hummed, and Tifa felt her heard quicken. As Corneo stated, she knew what was coming, how the raw mako would hit her, enhance her. There would be no coming out of this tube the same. And as far as Tifa knew, whatever this did... it would be permanent.It burned first. Tifa screamed into the mask, jerking as she felt nerve endings and body parts lighting on fire. Lightning danced in her chest. It bounded throughout her nearly perfect flesh, sculpting, reshaping, firing pleasure nerves and reworking pleasure pathways. The pink caps of her nipples seemed to lurch for a moment, vibrating within the tube. More and more poured through, the flesh growing sensitive, pliant, yet Tifa swore she could almostfeel muscle being redirected to keep her chest firm and bouncy. It shot deep within, burned. Burned downward, pouring toward her sex. Tifa could see in near horror as her pubic hairs seemed to grow inward. The forest of dark brown retracted into her body, soon leaving her sex bare, bared toward the world. Said sex shivered. More energy seeped within, rewriting first those nether lips. Then deeper, her clit feeling the intensity of it, constant pleasure hitting it hard, so hard. Further inward, walls reshaping, new g spots forming until most of the tight channel would be of a similar make. Flexibility enhanced, tightness guaranteed despite whatever took her. Deep within her womb itself: lucky Tifa would never grow infertile, not with mako energy continually providing life. Of course, now virtually anything could impregnate the beautiful girl. The pleasure seeped lower, targeting legs, working ass.It burned with such intensity that it twisted her lower gut. Tifa could barely feel the pleasures through the intense pain of her body being reworked on such a key level, but they were there. They were, in fact, so intense that Tifa couldn't resist. After a few minutes of infusion, she came. She screamed out in pleasure, body arching within the liquid. This finally allowed the mako to attack her pleasure center. It enhanced, reworked the brain, rewired Tifa to feel pleasures like that. Much in the way SOLDIER addicted its targets to fight, this addicted Tifa toward sex. Her body could crave it like a drug, and she'd constantly seek it out. And she would get it: her already naturally enhanced looks were being reshaped, her body becoming more curvy, hips flaring slightly, lips puffing, soon she'd even release the pheromones. Groaning, cumming, whimpering, Tifa closed brown eyes for the last time:when she opened them, she'd be changed, and all would see with simply a look of her glowing eyes. Corneo had stuck around for most of the process, watching with interest as the doctor recorded data and observe the changes to Tifa's body. He only left once it had ended, with the direction to call him when she had woken up. Considering the changes that had taken place in her body it would take some time for that as she had likely been left exhausted by such drastic alterations to her body. That wasn't something one just walked off with a short nap.When she finally woke up she would find that she was in what seemed to be part of the same lab that she had been in before. Yet there were differences. For one she was no longer in the tube, instead strapped down to an examination table of some kind, with lights shining down upon her. There were diodes and other devices to provide scientific readings, as well as a saline drip hooked up to her arm to provide her with nutrients for the period while she was unconscious. Around her was various pieces of equipment, monitoring her heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, that sort of thing.The system responded to her waking up, beeping and sending an alert. Which was why after a few minutes the doctor she had seen hen she was in the tube would return, grey hair still fairly spikey and still in a while lab coat. But now he didn't look green, giving her the opportunity to better gauge his comparatively high height and somewhat thin physique. He exuded excitement as he hurried into the lab, checking a few things on the equipment before hurrying to her side. "Oh my, it's about time," he said to himself before looking down at her. "Welcome back to the land of the living. How are you feeling?" No, it took considerably longer than a short nap for Tifa to recover. She fell into a deep, dreamless sleep, her exhausted body all but shutting down. Wires had to be reconnected, new pathways mapped as her brain hurried to determine how this brand new body and all these new sensations would properly work. everything had been changed, save for perhaps the color of her hair, and that took adjusting. It worked even as she slept, bits and pieces of information sent that confirmed that, as heart rates skittered and the amount of various chemicals in her bloodstream shifted.Eventually, Tifa would feel consciousness returning. It started nearly with a tingle between her legs. Tifa groaned softly, shifting slowly, trying to rub her thighs together. She took a few shuddering breaths, impressive breasts jiggling slightly, before her eyes opened. A tinge of glowing pink had entered into the soft browns, coloring them something new, something not yet seen. The life energy couldn't quite be fully contained, and as with SOLDIER, there were those consequences. Blinking, Tifa tried to sit up, only to find straps and whatnot holding her down. She groaned, falling back. Something twisted in her lower abdomen, and it took Tifa a few moments to realize what it was: she was aroused, feeling like she needed attention to her her now bared sex.A scientist showed up, looking down at her. Tifa flicked new pink eyes up at him. "Different, but fine," she insisted, flexing. She didn't initially feel like she'd lost any strength. Her body felt... different. She wasdefinitely more aware of her nipples and sex. And of course Tifa couldn't smell the pheromones wafting from her, exuding the subconsciousfuck meto any interested parties. Blinking, she looked up at the scientist. Tifa didn't know whether to ask what they'd done... or to pretend like they'd done nothing. She decided to remain quiet, for now. Scientists couldn't resist talking, and she didn't want to interrupt what was surely an incoming monologue. "Good, good," the scientist remarked. Not that it was entirely sufficient for an answer but it would do for now. As long as there was no glaringly obvious pain to indicate that the process had gone wrong then whatever else there was could be lived with and handled at a later time. For now he just needed to make sure that everything was under control. Don Corneo would be over in a bit after all, so it was for the best to be prepared for his arrival.He stepped back, looking at some of the monitors and writing on the clipboard he picked up from nearby before giving her his attention again. So far everything he was looking at indicated that she was normal. As normal as a mako infused human being could be anyway. The infusion was stable, her body had not overloaded or tried to reject it, and as far as he could tell the process had worked like a charm. It would just take some additional tests to confirm that to his satisfaction. More interesting was the fact that he wasn't affected by the pheromones, though there was no way Tifa could have known about that now. His time working on this project had given him a degree of immunity due to his consistent interaction with it. An the Don had left strict orders that he was very motivated to obey.With checking his equipment done, the doctor turned to other kinds of tests. Such as testing her vision and eyesight, involuntary reflexes, some of the more basic medical issues that one needed to look for when doing mako experimentation. It was during this process that Don Corneo arrived, wearing a suit as he swept into the lab. "Ah, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment. How does she look doctor Roarke?" he asked with a jovial grin, thoroughly pleased with himself as he strode into the room.Glancing back to his patron, Roarke was quick in answering. "Well I still have some tests to run but it looks like the treatment was a complete success."That earned a wider grin from Corneo, if such a thing was possible. "Excellent, absolutely perfect. I'm sure my associates will be glad to hear that. How does it feel Tifa, to be more than human now?" He came to a stop near the table, simply observing her for the moment. Of course with the pheromones in play his erection wouldn't be long in coming, but he could still enjoy the moment for now. There would be plenty of time for that sort of thing soon Tifa's eyes soon swiveled as they were tested, but the softly glowing brownish pink didn't seem to have lost any of their acuity. None of her senses had dimmed either in fact, they were coming back sharper than ever. Tifa found that she had more... awareness of certain things. she could feel the slight puffs of air upon her loins whenever she or the doctor moved near there. In fact, anything drifting near her sex went into her field of notice, including her own motions. Tifa could almost feel her hot body against the air as well. Odder still, she could get this... this strange feeling from the doctor, one her mind took a bit to process:he doesn't want to fuck me. Came through. It made Tifa's body wriggle, chest sticking out, hips rolling slightly as if she were suddenly competing for his attention. The moment Tifa realized it, she stopped, not certain why she should care. If anything, she should be happy: the last thing she wanted was to lose her virginity to a stranger in a lab such as this. She took a deep shuddering breath, centering herself with a technique. But as she closed her eyes, she could almost swear she felt the presence of two men. As she turned toward the second, she could almost sense the sharphe does want to fuck me sensationHer pink eyes opened to look up at Corneo. That grin should twist her gut, but the raw desire rolling from him was reacting with her own body's enhanced need. She felt her hips canting slightly, her nether lips seeming to almost shiver. The question hung for a moment as Tifa tried to suck in breath, steadying herself, though her body was giving off desire like a cat in heat. "Don't you think it's a bad idea to make someone who wants to crush you more than human?" she asked. Tifa licked her lips as she looked up at him, making them wetter, pursing them as she finished, almost sensing the pressure upon them already. Corneo took in deep breaths, grinning eagerly as he kept near Tifa. Exposure to her pheromones was almost immediate, and she wasn't exactly giving him the sort of hostile reception that he would have expected from her. It could have been an elaborate trick to lure him into a false sense of security before she made a move, but given what she had just been through he was very skeptical of that possibility. It much more fit what he would have expected following the procedure anyway, so he chose to place his faith in her not being about to kick his ass at the first opportunity, or do worse things to his genitalia.Her question earned a chuckle from him, a near belly laugh as he shook his head. "Please, don't be so dramatic. You're not a SOLDIER or anything so crude. We've made you much more elegant and refined than that." She might have been as durable as a SOLDIER. But strength and speed weren't up to their level. So he was very confident that she wouldn't crush him any more than normal, and he'd had some improvements of his own to prevent that from happening in so easy a manner.Given the opportunity that was presented, he certainly wasn't planning on wasting it as he brushed against her nude body, smooth and well trimmed fingers pressing down and tracing along the contours of her sizable bust. Both because he wanted to feel it, and so she could feel what it felt like for herself at the same time. It would be more sensitive than she remembered, and he enjoyed the heat of her body, as well as the firmness to it. "You see, Doctor Roarke here developed something similar to SOLDIER, but for the more feminine persuasion. He calls it the...."" Symbiotic Lust Transformation Uniform Process," Roarke finished for him, still observing his equipment. Not a SOLDIER? But Tifa could all but feel the mako in her. It made her body thrum, particularly.... particularly around her, well, around her sexual organs. And she did seem to have enhanced senses, or at least she could feel things better. She didn't know quite the list of abilities they'd given her, but something told her that she definitely didn't qualify as baseline human and it wasn't just what Corneo had said to her earlier. Tifa watched the large pervert move, keeping her newly pinked eyes upon his questing digits.The moment those fingers touched her, she gasped, jerking. The sensation of fingers upon skin feltintense, almost like she'd gotten first degree burns in that area. Only it didn't hurt, instead it just felt... tingly, like just that touch set off every nerve along the way. She felt herself shivering, twisting against the bindings again. Her body flared up, the heat pooling in those key areas again. She heard the finishing: some sort of similar process to SOLDIER, but as he clearly stated, not."Lust you used mako energy to make me horny?" repeated Tifa, her voice twisting the words. Her brow contorted along with her expression, disbelief twisting her features. Those eyes flicked between Corneo and the scientist, Roarke, they'd said his name was. She let them flick at the monitors, wishing she knew what those were. "You actually used mako energy to to somehow make me hornier?" she fought back the urge to giggle. It just... it just sounded soinsane. Even for Shinra levels. Tifa looked to Corneo, half convinced this was some sort of stupid scheme. However, it occurred to her, yet again, that she was nude, more nude than ever without even her body hair below the neck, and in front of a pervert who probably loved it. The girl blushed, twisting again, feeling the conflicting urges to cover up and to punch Corneo in his stupid dick. Roarke scoffed at her observation, his scientific sensibilities offended by her vague generalizations. "I have done so much more than make you hornier," he replied sharply, resisting the urge to glare at her in derision. "As the Don directed, I have developed a process that takes the useful parts of the SOLDIER program such as durability, stamina, and molded them into a new system that met his guidelines. Appearance, sex appeal, targeting the process was a lot more complicated than someone like you would appreciate. You should be glad that it worked out better for you than for some of the early test subjects. They weren't as fortunate as you are."Having gotten the obligatory monologue out of the way Corneo was quick to bring attention back to himself. You know, just in case Roarke started complaining about how hard it was to backronym S.L.U.T into something remotely scientific. That was the last thing that he needed right now. "I hadn't exactly planned this with you in mind, but one learned not to let opportunity go to waste when it knocks. And it would have been such a pity if something had happened to you while fighting Shinra or someone else." After all, he could better appreciate the beauty of the female form better than those corporate goons ever could. They would have just tortured her for information or something equally vulgar. Wasn't this more useful for everyone involved?Still, he could take some enjoyment out of how she had reacted to the simple contact of his fingers. It was a situation that he had expected from the description of the process and all their previous tests yet it was also one that he never grew tired of. The Don might as well help her explore more of her new body since she couldn't. His hand drifted downwards, running along her stomach and then slipping past to rub small circles into her thighs. He did his best to avoid giving her crotch direct attention, instead simply letting her feel the difference while driving her up to a greater level of need. "You can already feel what it's like," he observed. "Isn't this much better than fighting all the time?" So much more? Tifa nearly let out a laugh, knowing it was at least in part because she was nervous as hell. They were talking rather casually about havingrewritten her body permanently, after all. Still, the AVALANCHE member kept her head together at least while the good doctor explained the whole process. She actually had some of the benefits of SOLDIER? The toughness and durability sounded pretty sweet, considering that she had seen Cloud in action. That and Tifa's starting "durability and stamina" had been pretty high. Though... apparently it affected her appearance and sex appeal? Tifa glanced down. "So that explains the body hair loss," she almost mumbled, wishing she could run her hand along her sex. Then again, considering that theair made her newly bared sex nearly want to quiver with need, perhaps that was a bad plan.Ugh, the perv was talking again. Tifa turned those pink eyes his way. Not a plan? "Nice to know you care," she replied, giving him a tight smile and again jerking against her bonds. "You know, I didn't hear anything in that process aboutweakeningme," she pointed out, now trying again. Tifa didn't think she was quite strong enough to break out of the bindings, but she figured she may be strong enough to make her point.She was still trying when the Don's hand touched her stomach. That made Tifa let out a short gasp, drawing her abdomen back and almost slamming her body into the table. it had felt teasing, sending little jolts of sensation up into her body. Just that simple touch had been like being shocked, only, well, again: in a good way? she watched his hand drift lower, and her thighs trembled. Already it felt like he'd been teasing her for hours, keeping her on edge. And his fat fingers pulled against her firm thighs, which now quivered, the white flesh eager. Tifa could already feel heat pooling between her legs, gathering and wetting the tight petals of her sex. The thighs kept sending those tingling, aroused sensations up against her. The pulsating pleasure felt uncanny: this teasing felt the same as if Corneo had been working her sex for minutes. She couldn't hold still, again jerking against the bonds, pushing her body away from the touch.Of course, it was slightly worse since Tifa hadn't felt it all before, which was likely what Corneo intended. But like SOLDIER, good little SLUTs would require training. Which is probably why Tifa's jaw clenched and those eyes shot defiance his way. "I don't fight all the time," she snapped at him, jerking again. "Just when jerks like you deserve it!" Yes, translate that mounting arousal into anger, Tifa, there's a good girl. Corneo's gaze narrowed at the defiance, though it was to be expected. Short of having her mind wiped there was no way she would abandon her emotions so easily even with the changes that had taken place. Particularly since she was so new to them. It would take time for her to be shown the advantages of her new existence, and for her to change her opinion about him and what he had done for her.At the moment his touch continued to earn a sharp reaction from her, her body physically jolting with each slow motion and form push. It was the nerves he knew, more sensitive before and additional ones from her changed body that she had not gotten used to yet. Even though he knew the scientific reason behind it, that did not mean he had to particularly care as to why. Instead he was focused on Tifa and her attitude, and coming up with the best way to force her into line. "Of course," he assured her with a chuckle as she protested, in a manner that would make it clear that he really didn't believe her. She might claim otherwise, but she had gotten into a lot of fights over the years, and he was sure not all of them had been deserved.He could have moved on to what he wanted to do, but that wouldn't really be teaching her anything. So he'd be a bit more educational, show her just how sensitive she was and see how much she could take before she started to give in. So he continued teasing her, hands drifting down to tease her feet for a bit and then rising back up to work over the rest of her body. Deliberate care was taken to not touch her pussy, and he'd slow down if it looked like she was being overloaded to the point of actually getting off on it. All the while Roarke continued his work, monitoring, taking readings, that sort of thing. "All you have to do is ask," Corneo observed, fully expecting that her pride would keep her from doing so. At least for a bit. But he was still enjoying himself for now so he didn't mind waiting. Why complain about a good show? It was the.... procedure. Tifa knew it. Kept telling herself that. There really wasn't any other logical explanation for why Corneo's touch kept making her shiver wherever the hell it went. Tifa kept her still slightly shimmering pinked eyes following him. If she watched, she could prep, could somehow fight it, at least a little. The attempts almost felt like attempting to stop an explosion by tossing a bucket of water on it she was, at best, helping to stave off issues in one or two very targeted locations. Already she could feel that heat mounting between her legs, burning and making her want to rub her thighs together.Of course, she noticed that his hands didn't touch her core. They skimmed over her too smooth legs. Felt muscles. Made her twitch. Made her legs jerk toward him. Made her thighs tremble as the digits just teased. Tifa felt her breath catch as his touch drew dangerously close, up to where her thighs would feel the tingling the most. Just close enough to make her guts twist into knots, the heat thudding louder. Arousal dumped poison into her veins, making everything grow tighter. She could feel it pumping toward her chest, tightening her soft pink nipples into twin bullet points, perfect little dollops of pink atop quivering mounds of white creme."Ask what?" she asked, genuinely not sure what the hell he meant. She could guess, but she daren't. "Ask you to let me go? Because something tells me that's not going to work." Tifa frowned and twitched again. Her breath caught as she felt his hand drifting toward, thinking he was going to touch her. When she released it, even Tifa couldn't say for certain whether it was with relief... or mounting frustration. Even aside from the revenge he was taking for the way that Tifa had treated him during their past encounters, Corneo was quite enjoying how things were going right now. He always considered himself a connoisseur off the female form, and hers was perfect in nearly every way. The way she twitched and sharply pulled away from wherveer his fingers came to rest was both precious and amusing. She was clearly being affected by it, no matter how much she might try to deny the feelings of her body. He hadn't expected it to be easy, not from her."Please Tifa, don't insult either of us by playing dumb. You know what I mean," he replied with a scolding tone, one that was not too harsh even as he shook his head. "Still, I suppose Rorke wouldn't mind some long term observation. I'm sure we can find a set up that will keep you stimulated for some time. Perhaps until tomorrow?" Knowing her body, she could definitely manage it, the only question was how intact her psyche would be afterwards.From his monitor Roarke finished writing on his clipboard before looking to Corneo. "If you don't mind, I have some other things I need to check. Call me if you need anything," he tolf the Don. Not waiting for an answer, he turned and strode off into the rest of the lab, soon out of sight. Were there other girls in here? It was something for Tifa to ponder on when she wasn't so distracted by what she was being put through.Corneo watched him go before returning to the current subject of his interest. "Now then, since we have some privacy why don't we try something different?" She would soon see what that might be as he produced a small knife. The edge was blunted, but even if it hadn't the durability she now had thanks to the infusion meant that it wouldn't have been so easy for him to draw blood anyway unless he was really trying. But it would make for an interesting change in stimulus as he pressed the cool metal against her arm, letting it trace a path that his finger had followed previously as he kept a consistent pressure against her skin. He didn't want to hurt her after all, not too much. Otherwise she might get off on it, and that was exactly what he didn't want. Know what he meant? Tifa frowned, her mind whirling, trying to think of an answer while processing the intense situations. The mention of being continually stimulated sounded... rough. Even if Tifa hadn't been newly sensitized she was fairly certain that being kept under almost constant stimulation would have... affects on her person. She jerked against her bindings again, unable once more to break them. If only she had some equipment, her gloves or bracers, or just about any materia to give her an additional boost. Tifa bit her lip, trying to think of something.Eyes flicked, taking notice as Roarke left. Apparently there were... other things? Tifa's mind jumped toward the possibility of their being other girls, or creatures. Had they done this experiment on someone, something else before working it upon her? There were possibilities there. If so, then Tifa's task would be that much harder, because she'd have to figure out a way for not only her escape, but for theirs. Or maybe her best bet was holding off, trying to last until someone else found her.Tifa looked back to Corneo as he moved, studying. The knife made her tense: she could generally resist damage pretty well: life of a fighter and all. But that didn't stop her from wincing as he pressed the blade against her. Tifa fought to keep entirely still, feeling the metal teasing along her skin. "What what are you trying to do with that?" she asked, fighting the urge to insult him. The last thing she needed was to make him even more... irritated with her than he was. Tifa fought down a shudder, feeling little goosebumps appearing along her sensitive flesh. "You don't want to hurt me, right? I'd be horrible goods, and when they find me, they'll be even madder at you," she pointed out, pinked eyes flicking up to him, walking that thin line between begging him to stop and bullying him, as if she could threaten to smash his favorite bits all over again. Corneo couldn't help himself as he rolled his eyes at her threats. "Please, with Heal Materia and potions there's plenty of damage that can be fixed with nary a trace. Especially considering the enhancements made by the process." To her second point he didn't have much of a counter since she was right. He only was able to console himself in the knowledge that by the time they found her it would be far too late to matter. At least if everything worked out as planned. So far, it was.Having addressed that, he moved on to her actual question. "I'm helping you become more familiar with the transformation that you've been put through," he explained happily, well aware of what that would entail for him sooner or later. She might be obstinate now but she would break down, he was sure of it. They always did, and what she had done to him before would just made it all the sweeter.A light press down would let the blade cut, but it was practically a scratch, and hardly serious at all. The intent was not to harm her after all, but merely to inflict a bit of pain. With how her body had been changed that pain would undoubtedly manifest itself as pleasure, though the intention was for rough treatment rather than knife play. But it met the same function so it was good enough as far as he was concerned. But he didn't stick with it too long, placing it off to the side once he had gotten his point across. There were much better ways to actually torture her if he wanted to.What came next would be more familiar, a round headed vibrator that he clicked into life, letting the soft buzz fill the air before he pressed it against her arm. He'd repeat the process from before, avoiding her erogenous zones directly while also pulling back if it seemed she was about to climax. This was to make her suffer until she succumbed to her own desire, and he went to it with a vengeance once again The almost taunting comments Corneo made twisted Tifa's gut. She should've known, or at least suspected. Ofcourse Shinra wouldn't care about harming any of its potential experiments, doubly sure when said experiment happened to be someone they'd already dismissed as a terrorist. Her muscles, still well formed despite the mako energy flowing through her, tensed, anger nearly making her tremble. If she'd only gotten down, gotten loose, been given just enough movement to strike back. She told herself that her own natural resilience should be fine, reminded herself that playing along would be in her best interests. Let him think that she was succumbing or, no she couldn't. Too much of her wanted to lash out at him. "Go fuck yourself," she spat instead, those shimmering pinkish brown eyes flashing, her lips twisting just slightly into something like a smirk. The expression twisted into a grimace as Tifa's body instinctively reacted to the incoming knife. Again those muscles twitched, the girl flinching away from the blade. Still she felt it press, felt it part. The pain did spike into her system: it still registered as what it was. But as Corneo had predicted, some of that pain twisted. The raw heat of it merged into the surge of hormones pumping throughout Tifa's body. Where she should be feeling mostly the sharp burn, the ignition of nerves warning her, Tifa instead felt that deep, unsettling pulse. She swallowed it down, fought against reactions, but the monitors would betray her, as her body certainly did.Nearly panting, Tifa looked up at him as he pulled back. 'Should've figured you were some kinda " she started, only to see the strange, buzzing device. It took Tifa longer than she'd have admitted to realize what the thing was. Her brow crinkled in confusion first, eyes narrowing, nearly squinting. She felt the reverberations pressing against her arm first: pleasant, but nothing too major. Was that some kind of massage device? Tifa's frowned deepened for a moment, before something finally clicked. She'd spent time in District Six after all and she had lived in Midgar.Fuck, that was a vibrator.Most of her body barely reacted. It felt nice, certainly, but not enough to do more than make those tensed muscles react. Of course, that meant that the more he teased, the more she melted, the more her hormones started to pump, the more she felt herself starting to tremble. Her interior twisted more and more. Liquid head started pouring between her legs. The teasing, tantalizing, taunting touches drew just near. Despite her reservations, Tifa felt her hips canting toward the toy at times. Yet every time she drew close, he pulled away. After a few rounds, Tifa let out a groan of frustration, her anger and distress getting the better of her:"If you're going to tease me at least fucking do it right!" she almost yelled, jerking against her bindings. Her massaged muscles barely reacted, and she mostly just jiggled, parts of her moreso than others... Tifa's anger was amusing to Corneo, more than it should have been at least. Yet he couldn't help but derive some enjoyment from it and her outburst, as it showed how much she was being affected by what he was doing in spite of herself. The jerks towards the toy and against her bonds also helped paint the picture that was developing. One really had to admire her willpower, but from what he knew of Tifa he would have expected nothing less of her.In return he smirked, the kind that indicated he knew exactly what he was doing, and was enjoying her torment. "Oh? And what way would that be?" he asked. Not that he was expecting her to tell him or sully her dignity by giving an answer, but the mere fact that she had asked said enough for him. It was a chink in the armor, even with her previous defiance.Still, if that was what she wanted then he could certainly provide. After all, he would need to anyway in the name of science to determine the effectiveness of the alterations. But he continued with what he had been doing for a bit longer, if only to remind her that he was the one in control. Nobody would tell the Don what to do, especially not one of his new SLUTs. The vibrator danced across bare flesh, running along the contours of her toned stomach, shifting lower to brush along her firm thighs, and giving him a pleasing view all the while. He was a connoisseur of the flesh, and knew how to appreciate a fine woman in the throes of passion when he saw one.Only then did he progress to what her body craved, pushing downwards with the instrument as it buzzed away at a consistent pace, and his reach rose from her thighs to waiting folds, having been shaped to perfection by the treatment. Long, slow strokes traced it upwards, then downwards again. "Is this more to your liking?" he asked, relishing how she succumbed to him after what she had done to him before. No one could say she didn't deserve it. He was nonetheless careful not to touch her clit if he could, Given what he suspected that would do, he wanted to save that for the finale. She would enjoy it more if he did, he was sure. For now he would put her new body through its paces, and see the depths to which she could really fall under his power and control. The question had Tifa growling. Clenched teeth hissed out the guttural noise, while those mako infused eyes flashed. Unfortunately for the brawler, constant attention to her body's highly sensitive needs dimmed even her furious anger. The teasing kept making her want, kept pouring the need into her body. Hormones that already overproduced started going further into overdrive, pumping raw need into her system. The continual contact, without that final touch, kept her spiraling. The spirals tensed her gut, drew her stomach into painful knots. It poured raw arousal between her legs, till her juices nearly ran down, glazing her thighs a quite beautiful shine. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she kept swallowing air, trying in vain to steady herself.Across it darted. Tifa felt it teasing her abdomen. Muscles there, so well trained, so perfected, rippled. They tensed and drove hips upward. Tifa's eyes slammed shut, her head jerking back. Loose strands of hair danced about her fact, some catching in mouth as it moved. Her lips darted between teeth as she tried to clench, to swallow the noises. But the tension refused, reverberating out in a low, throaty near moan. Tifa wanted to think it was of frustration, and in truth, she wouldn't be long."Fuck!" shot out as Corneo moved. The moment he touched his little toy against her sex she felt it. The dam burst. Eyes shot open. Hips jerked up as she felt the lightning of climax burst through her. Nerves danced, even more pheromones and hormones pouring from her. Any creature within a radius would realize her raw want, the fertile, willing body undulating before them. Every chemical announced a pleased female, one who was entering the throes of sexual ecstasy. Not that anyone would need enhanced senses. The sharp noises would have given it away to the ears. And the visual cue of her impressive, still muscled body rippling, pulling taut against the bindings, arching upward.Worse, itwasn't stopping. Tifa's body had almost entered some enhanced pleasure mode, and she soon realized that as long as Corneo teased her sex, the orgasmic sensations would rock her body. And her enhanced endurance meant she could keep going for some time, at least, physically. She let out another sharp cry as another wave crested, her body twisting again, frantic now. To get free? To seek more? She didn't even know. Corneo was just about at the end of his rope. He was a man of refinement and taste, who understood the necessities involved with this project and this experiment. But he was a human being too, and even he couldn't resist the nubile sights, the erotic sounds, and that stench in the air that had his own erection straining against his pants forever. The doctor had his data, and now it was time for the Don to have some fun.But first, there was one last thing to do. Watching Tifa stuck in a near constant string of ecstasy was like music to his ears, but there was one particular crescendo that he had been waiting for. And it was about time that he got to experience it.If she thought that what she had been put through thus far was bad, her assumption would be challenged as the vibrator made one last swipe before at last coming into contact with her clit. As before, a slow circle would be its motion, ensuring that full contact was made, forcing her to experience the depths to which her body had been altered by the Mako. As far as revenge went, Corneo was quite satisfied with this variety.Even as he did this, his other hand was busy as work. There was a bit of clothing in the way, and it really would have been easier with both devoted to the task, but he didn't want to let this moment pass by. So he'd keep his main focus on the suffering brawler on the table, even as his split attention went about freeing his erection to the air. He wasn't going to wait much longer, no matter how much Roarke might want. In this case, pleasure would trump science, and it would definitely be worth it. Tifa wanted to shout protests. Or maybe curse out Corneo some more Lifestream knew he fucking deserved it for doing this to her. That impotent rage still bubbled inside her. The intense pleasure didn't blast it away or anything along those lines, oh no. But even as she tried to hiss out words between clenched teeth, or to bark obscenities at a man who more than deserved it, she felt that pleasure spiking. It hit her brain so hard that it shattered all thought. She jerked hard enough against the flat binding behind her to see stars. Her mouth fell open, tongue almost lolling out as she unleashed an inhuman, primal shriek. her body erupted, juices springing forth from her sex, spraying against the vibrator and likely hitting Corneo as well. She felt them continuing to spasm, not quite knowing that pure Mako energy mixed with her fluids, making them, and by extension her orgasm, all the stronger.It crested higher and higher: the more he held, the more it went. And inside Tifa could practically hear her mind screaming. She desperately grasped onto consciousness, trying to keep herself awake, alert, fuck, to keep herselfherself. But the pleasure was starting to overwrite those ideas, fighting against her. Even worse, she could feel her vision swimming. Part of her was almost wishing she'd just pass out already: blackness beat this.But oh, even without the modifications, Tifa might have withstood an orgasm like this. The girl was strong, well built, with endurance that meant she could run or fight for fucking hours. Something like this would leave her winded, but not out of her mind. And with Mako infusion pumping life into her? Poor Tifa didn't even realize that she was pushing passed consciousness to feel pleasure that trumped what her brain should even be allowing her to feel. Likely if Roarke were even around, he may warn Corneo. After all, didn't want to completely brain fry the subject on the first day. The final touch was every bit as good as Corneo could have hoped for, the thrill of revenge savoring the shriek that tore free as she was cast up to an even higher plane of ecstasy. He wouldn't have thought she had it in her, were it not for the treatment that had been administered. As was clear though, she was completely out of it as she soaked the table beneath her and even got some on his clothes as well. Now he knew that much more for the future.Unfortunately Roarke wasn't around to inform his employer of the dangers of what he was doing, of the possibility that her mind could be overwhelmed and lost forever, leaving her nothing more than a husk operating on pure instinct. If there was one thing that saved her for now, it was Corneo's own desires. He couldn't take this for very long himself before tearing the vibrator away and practically slamming it down on the nearby tray as his own desires got the best of him. He had done what he could, but now it was time for his own satisfaction."You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment," Corneo said as he finally succeeded in freeing his erection. He liked to think it was of a good size, fairly prodigious both in length and in girth, and certainly not lesser to anyone that he knew. Then again, with his ego he never would have been able to admit it anyway even if he was. And in her current state Tifa probably wouldn't have noticed. "I'm going to enjoy this.She would have a few minutes to recover in the meantime, before the Don took advantage of her bound state to get himself in position. The examination table wasn't quite designed for this, but it would hold well enough for now as he brought his cock to press against her folds, savoring every angry look she managed to muster towards him. There was no teasing, not after all this. Just a moment or two for her to realize her situation before he forced himself into her, claiming Tifa as his at long last. Even with that pausing, Tifa took some time coming back into herself. The pleasure didn't completely drain from her body. Massive amounts of mako had flooded her, essentially poisoning her with that surge, half addicting her to the pleasurable sensations already. Tifa couldn't fully understand it, even with her returning mind, but she had her suspicions. Too much like this and she'd become physically addicted to it. She'd literally crave sexual release in the same way so many junkies craved their drug.... or those poor, shambling lost souls craved mako energy. Worse, she could feel the life energies pouring into her now, awakening so much inside her that it almost hurt.At least those few minutes helped the well trained woman regather herself. Tifa took in several deep, sucking breaths, her prodigious chest again trembling. Corneo's teasing words actually helped her focus, gave her something real, something besides the pleasure, to latch onto, to listen to, to focus upon. Tifa swallowed, trying to figure out what he meant, what this all entailed. Her brain finally jolted to life as she dared glance down. Make tinged eyes widened even further, a sharp blast of panic hitting her his cock was out.And it washuge.Truthfully, it probably wasn'tthat much bigger than normal, right? Perhaps Corneo boasted something that neared the double digits. Impressive, particularly for a man of his stature, but not something that would send most girls into a panic. Most girls weren't virgins who spent their lives tightening up every portion of their body and saving themselves for a spiky haired idiot who couldn't look past his own brooding to realize that one of the hottest girls on the fucking planet was all but panting after him. Shit, Tifa had some repressed feelings. And now she could feel the thick cock pressing against her.He wasn't going to stop. She knew that. Knew that begging or yelling would be pointless. Instead Tifa tried to force herself to relax, to treat it like some kind of medical treatment. To just... let it happen. She tried sucking another breath as she felt the tremendous pressure. She could feel him pressing against her, felt her mako charged body almost igniting. The sensation grew as he prodded against her soaked sex, moving, pushing. She felt her body opening, folds parting. Everything clamped down at once, those internal muscles seeming to fight against his entering. Tifa didn't know this, but her channel wasn't just virginal tight: it was almost obscene. The snug folds closed about him in a velvet vice, as Tifa hissed in pain and frustration. She leveled a furious gaze at the Don, even as she felt her insides churning, mako and newly forming addictions grasping onto what was being forced into her. The small break was probably welcome for Tifa, but Corneo was much more concerned with himself. And in a moment, everything that had led to this moment had been worth it. Well, except the parts where they had threatened to commit very painful things to his junk, but besides that. Those were just the trials he had suffered, along with his business being shut down and that unpleasantness in Wutai, that had paved the way for him to be now. Success was a very potent high.A small part of him was disappointed that there wasn't much vitriol from her, to relish as he forced himself upon her, but the rest of his mind was far too preoccupied with more base feelings and emotions to care. "Nnnph!" An involuntary grunt escaped as he found his cock practically held in place by how tight she was. It felt really good too, and it had to be because of Roarke's treatment. There was no way she would have been able to do something like this otherwise.But the miracles of science would yield to the will of the Don, of this he was certain. His heart beat like a hammer as his breathing picked up, hips rocking as he tried to force himself further past her tight insides, to savor more of what was undoubtedly going to be perfect. A hand rose to grasp at her bust, pudgy fingers catching and tugging, hoping to make it easier for himself elsewhere with a bit of extra stimulation. It wouldn't match the vibrator, but that wasn't a problem for him particularly. Anything to better savor this first time, undoubtedly the first of many. "Ahaaaahaaa!' came out of Tifa, mostly unwilling. The brawler was trying to rally, to steady herself. Perhaps if she'd grown used to her new form, or if she hadn't just been teased to a near breaking point. As it was, this felt like unholy fire burning through her. The sharp, stabbing pain of the Don's thick cock puncturing her virgin sex roared within Tifa. That raw, unfiltered heat flamed her lust even worse than before. She could almost feel it visibly scorching her, beads of sweat forming along her trembling body. Moisture leaked from her sex, the molten core bubbling over with raw want. The sheer desire, to dim the pain, to take in the thrusting member, eclipsed even the pain and heat that had begun within her.another raw noise shot from Tifa as she felt him grasping onto her. Newly formed nerves in the already tense breasts leapt at the attention. Another bolt of raw pleasure shot into her, electrified the molten heat. Nerves jangled and danced. Interior muscles, so well trained, so honed, rippled in an almost waving sensation. Tight walls grasped the Don's cock. They pressed hard, Tifa feeling every inch of him, every vein. The hungry sex almost fought to consume, as if it could draw him further in, further up into her form. The slick moisture kept pouring out even as the walls grasped at it. Tifa could feel her body contorting hard.That channel, so recently reformed, felt the slight movements as raw pleasure. So much of Tifa's sex had been remade into essentially g spots. So even the slightest friction sent pleasure spiraling tighter and tighter. Mako prevented said pleasure from having a limit, and the thrusts meant that Tifa was feeling it more and more. She clenched her teeth, a little anger sliding into her protests as she tried to clamp, to fight back, muscles flexing and instantly relaxing against the onslaught. Her body pulled tight against the bindings, those strict clasps almost bucking against her raw force, the desperation visible one very curved inch of her frame. God, every moment of this was perfect, and Corneo did his best to commit it to memory. The science aside, fucking Tifa was every bit of revenge that he could want and more. She was assailed with pleasure beyond what anyone had ever experienced before , her body was radiating heat and energy without pause like a miniature inferno of lustful desire, and the tight hold on his cock never lessened. He quickly found though that it did not serve as much of a deterrent to anything though, aside from his stamina. It knew what it wanted, even if Tifa fought it."Mmm, haa," the Don grunted, groaned in pleasure and exertion as the movement of his hips increased. Each move pushed her down into the metal beneath her, unyielding like the bonds that held her in place. She looked gorgeous as light caught on her sweat coated skin, and Corneo couldn't resist leaning in to claim her lips with a heavy kissed as well. It was hungry, possessive, just like everything else he did. She was going to remember this experience as the first of her new life, and he wanted to make sure she knew it beyond a doubt.Of course, even Corneo had his limits, and such an exceptional fucking was something even he was going to have to get used to with time. The fact he had held out as long as he had was a near miracle, and a testament to his sexual experience thus far. But not all good things could last forever as he was driven towards the conclusion of this particular encounter.With a last loud groan he joined with her as he came, his cock buried inside of her as it throbbed. Each pulse left more of his sperm deep inside her, giving her modified body exactly what it craved as he heeded the pheromones and scent in the air. It left him panting as he remained in place for the moment whilst he recovered, panting and grinning in satisfaction. That had been worth it, oh so worth it. "Amazing," he said as he observed Tifa. "The good doctor has accomplished far beyond my expectations. I hope you've enjoyed it as well, it will be an important part of your new job." She probably didn't care all that much, but it was only a matter of time. He was sure of it.
['Lockhartwas', 'Cid', 'Heretifa']
Yuffie and The Beast. {Me and Wutai.}
Twilight town a marvelous city where the night rules eternal the nobody had been here once but had left not before leaving casualties, Roxas the once proud keyblader a gurdian for good if you will had fought valiantly as possible for one mere boy, but is fight was futile in the end the nobodies found a way of mutating, one of these mutated nobodies had bitten Roxas, the resulting bite created a hybrid half nobody half human, the once proud warrior Roxas now stood as tall as ever still like a human, yet he looked liked a nobody with the same black features although he had fur.Roxas has a result of this mutation hid himself away in a mansion which overlooking twilight town, never going out the only contact with the outside world he had was what he saw of twilight town through his window, the last time he had been out of his new home was the day he had mutated, the towns folk had treated him like an outcast, they threw rocks at him told him to leave town, called him a monster.Roxas what was left of him the misformed boy who appeared like a beast looked through the window at the town of twilight the presence of the nobodies was around again there dark energies which only someone who was similar to them would feel, his eyes fighting back the tears which stung his eyes, although he appeared like a monster no a beast, he still had his human emotions, he had longed to feel loved but knew it would never happen. Yuffie, a simple girl, had been shopping for her father in the tram district. As usual the petite, but beautiful young girl had been stopped by siefer, the towns local bully, handsome, but an other thug, when yuffie refused his advances he had ripped the book she was reading from her hands and thrown her to the ground, the girl had landed in the mud, her simple dress stained and ruined. She slinked back home, holding the bag of groceries for goofy tight to her small chest. "Father I'm home, and i got the " her mouth dropped as she saw the door ajar, her fathers horse taken, and her father's chair empty, he had taken his ancient shield off the wall, an hierloom he had told Yuffie never to touch Roxas walked away from the window the rathe beastly looking male sauntered slowly majing his way towards the library, he'd gathered many books over the two years he had been this beast which the towns folk called him, they showed fear in there eyes when ever he had strayed into the woods and been seen by them, the only person he had made sure never to have seen him was Yuffie, a pretty young flower which was untainted by thefear which his looks created.Hung inside the library directly facing the doors, which was forced opened with a massive push against them was a strange painting of a rose, the petals of this rose were blackened and two had fallen leaving only 3 left before the rose withered, the beastly figure stood looking at the transcript upon the painting the words printed on it was for him they was the key to breaking this ghastly spell which plagued his life forthe past two years now. The words cut deep as he read them to himself."True love will heal the rose, and once found will heal all, should true love fail to enter your live in the next 5 years then death will be your only friend." Yuffie swore to herself, she would get father back, or at least go and help him. She put the groceries away, and looked around the house for something she could defend her self with, but she refused to use a knife, and father had taken the one true weapon. She walked off into the woods, completely unaware of roxas.Goofy meanwhile, was riding through the forest, shield at the ready. Once a warrior in the militia, the now old blacksmith would be no match for anything he ran into. "I'va got to talk to roxas, Siefer is doing such horrible things to yuffie, and i don't know anyone who can stand up to him. Roxas may be a monster on the outside, but something about the way he looked at me made me think he cares about yuffie!" Roxas was still looking up at the picture which shimmered with the rose and it's two fallen petals a small tear rolled along his black furred cheek, the monstorous looking being was able to shed a tear if anyone would be confsued. barely having time to think before the large doors which sealed him away from the outside world blew open.The beastly looking Roxas turned to face what had caused such a commotion there was goofy one of the towns folk, one of those that had previously treated him like a monster, rather angrily the beast snarled."You dare intrude in my house?"The beast asked his rhetorical question, to which he already knew the answer of course this person dared to tresspass upon his property."I hope you enjoy the dungeon."By the time the ghastly looking male had finished his little outburst, a small gathering of mechanical men had appeared and was already dragging the male whom had burst through the doors without knocking to the dungeon where he would stay for the unforseeable future. Goofy tried to speak his piece but was ushered roughly into the dungeon, his old form falling with a soft thud. "ROxas wait, It's about Yuffie! My daughter!" There was no answer from the cold darkness above.Meanwhile yuffie headed through the woods, her small unassuming form making her easy prey, but the woods seemed silent today, no wolves, not even a shadow, the little heartless typically crawled everywhere throughout this place. She was beginning to tire when she found the castle, with it's doors open and shyly entered, looking around in awe at the wonderous place. The mechanical soldiers had taken Goofy away down into the dank cold crevices of the dungeon before he could sya his piece, before he could say a word, the Ghastly looking Roxas went to the window and continued his routine of gazing out of the window unaware at this time that Yuffie was on her way towards his mansion, after all it would not be something that one would exspect looking as Roxas did company was a rare thing beside the mechanical soldiers and the enchanted clock and tea set.The doors which was still open would carry out from the mansion the anguished cries of Roxas which sounded almost like a bears call.
['Roxas', 'Yuffie']
Highborn Fall Far [Warhammer Fantasy] (Kaybee x Reydan)
The heat of Lustria s jungles was oppressive in the noonday sun. Clouds of flies darted through the humid air and even under the tree canopy there was no relief to be found from the pervasive temperature. Clothes soaked through with sweat and dew in matters of minutes, and armor was little better, yet there was little choice in the matter for those that searched.A temple was here, deep in the jungle, a necessary source of the way fragments that fueled the great scrying rituals to see them through the coming troubles, and unlike the reptilian savages, the lizard men that made their homes in these dank and oppressive places, the elves had no armored scales or crude knowledge to fall back on. The lizard men had ikely laid claim to the temple, and even had they not, any chance encounter would likely end in bloodshed, requiring the elves to be ready to fight.These bestial creatures were almost more zealous than humans in defending their holy sites against incursion.The temple loomed over the trees, and through the undergrowth, they could occasionally see glimpses of its stonework in the distance. It was not far now before they would finally be upon it. They moved gracefully, as befitted their race, their footsteps hardly disturbing the jungle floor. Their scaled armor had been padded in all the right places by master craftsmen, and hardly a clink or rustle was heard as they passed.There were five. At point the small dark haired scout, Folwin, picked through the foliage with her sharp knives drawn. Every so often she sliced, surgical and precise, to remove an impediment to their progress. Behind her was the matriach of the group, older and more mature, her body slightly more rounded and curved than many willowy elves. Elre had eight decades of experience just in Lustria alone. Her snow white hair was tied back in a tight bun as she ordered the advance on the temple up ahead.'I hope it is abandoned commander' whispered the petite blonde behind Elre. Minue was the polar opposite of the calm and controlled Commander. On paper the mage was excellent, a favourite of her teachers and masters, but in the field she was...inexperienced to say the least. She swatted at a buzzing insect until Elre's steely eye reminded her of the seriousness of their mission.Finally, bows drawn, came the twins. Darshee and Verra were identical, cut from the very same mould at birth it would seem, and the freckled brunettes were equally skilled with bow and blade. They scanned the path behind them, scarves over their faces and golden eyes only showing.'Ahead' was all Elre said as the stone edifce loomed into sight. She was careful even when she expected little trouble. It had kept her and her fighters safe for a long time so far, and she felt confident about their preparation to face what was ahead now. The first would have been near unnoticeable if not for the wards that kept insects away. A little prick, no more notable than a bug bite, yet so much more meaningful. Chameleon skinks were no fighters to stand up to elven elite alone, but with blowdarts dipped in the warp tainted blood of the beasts and saurii within the temple, they could harry and harass.Soft areas between the armored plates. Necks and elbows, small targets, yet these were marksmen. The darts did little damage, but the taint they carried leeched into the bloodstream with every shot.A poison after a fashion, yet so much more dangerous than a lethal concoction could ever be. The heat became even more unbearable to the elves struck, concentrating in arousal and desire.The first darts were no more than pinpricks, but as soon as they noticed, the storm came, dozens of darts, pursuing the elves through the last few meters of trees and then melting away as they reached the temple steps. It was unlikely any of the warriors would be brought down so easily, but what lay above and within would be that much more dangerous in such a state... At first they thought it was the stinging of the myriad millions of tiny insects that buzzed around the foetid jungle. Sharp pricks, annoying but almost imperceptible, that seemed to wiggle their way into the gaps between armor plates and clothing.'Ow' hissed Minue, swatting at a spot on her neck. She felt flushed, the petite blonde feeling stiflingly hot beneath her lightweight robes. She wasn't the only one, she thought, as her blue eyes scanned the group. The twins behind her walked more awkwardly. Still alert and more than capable of putting an arrow into a foe from over a hundred yards away, but now they were... Minue gulped. Their lithe thighs were rubbing together, their faces flushed, and one of them, she still struggled to tell them apart, was chewing on her own lip.'Quick' Elre urged, seemingly the only Elf in control of herself and aware of what was actually happening. She hurried her charges through a storm of darts, running helter skelter as dart after dart found smooth ageless skin, and towards the temple.'Down...down' the leader urged. Elre, despite her remarkable self control, was fighting her own rising pulse. Her breath came in ragged heaves, and she found her eyes lingering over the shapely sight of Folwin's rear up ahead. The scout was panting as she ran, hips swaying, and Elre had to fight a sudden urge to reach forward and slap that ass.Inside, in the gloom of the temple, they paused. Breathing hard. Nipples erect. Every move a slight agony of unfulfilled arousal.'Mm...maybe we should...should go more lightly...' suggested Verra. There were no objections and, without even posting a guard, the group began to strip down into the underwear and essential equipment they told themselves was strictly a matter of necessity. The atmosphere within was oppressive, the shadows seeming to encroach upon the light and shift within the silence. A soft dripping sound echoed through the halls, its source impossible to determine. There was one relief in here at least, the air was slightly cooler than outside, even if it made the elves all the more aware of the heat within them. Soothing and maddening at the same time.Once they had determined that none of the skinks were following them, the elven party assessed their options. Apart from the hallway leading back outside, four paths extended ahead of them. To the right and left, hallways leading off, one leading upwards, presumably towards the temple spire, the other leading down into who knows where. Ahead on the other hand were two more paths, running parallel for a time. The right path turned sharply a few meters in, leading off into the unknown, while the left carried on into the distance before opening up into some sort of chamber.Which way to go? And could they really afford not to watch their backs knowing what lurked outside in the jungles? Minue was boiling. Her skin was flushed and sweat trickled down the young elf's soft frame. A bead slid down the soft curve of her slender back, along the ridge of her spine, and down, teasingly, into her ass crack.'Ahhhh Gods' she gasped, practically tearing at her clothes. 'I've got to get out of these. So hot....hells how does anyone last in this heat?' She was stripping out of her mage robes, revealing her petite, curvy, body clad in a soft silken one piece that hugged her assets invitingly.Turning to glower at her, her better sense alarmed by this dangerous decision to shed protection, Elre's protest died in her mouth as she saw the twins stripping out of their armour too. They stood there, awkwardly looking between Mage and Commander, before Elre rolled her shoulders.'Fine' she said, voice curt. Truth be told her body was achingly hot as well. 'But make sure you have everything you need.'She scanned the entrance ways, the only one of the group in a onepiece apart from Minue, as the others stripped down to bra and panties. Then she gave her orders. 'Minue, Darshee, Vera, with me.' She gestured to the passage that led into some sort of chamber. 'I think safety in numbers is key'. Her eyes flicked to the door they had come through. 'Folwin' she said to the scout, pointing to the floor, 'stay here. Guard our backs. If they come in numbers retreat back to find us.'It was a mistake, Elre's only one, leaving Folwin behind. The scout seemed the most collected of them all, but really she was struggling. Unbeknownst to her group, as a youngster Folwin had been caught by Beastmen in the forest. They had had their way with her, singularly and as a group, for a week before she escaped. Now, with the Lizard toxins coursing through her veins, those painful memories were becoming confused by the growing heat in her body, and she eyed the doorway warily. No longer uncumbered by armor and less one scout, the elven troupe made their way along the hall. Stylized frescoes had been carved from the slabs, worn with age but still comprehensible, yet as they ventured towards the chamber the images grew more and more defined.And more and more debauched in turn...Depictions of raucous orgies and intense copulations, stylized to the point of exaggeration and explicit to the point of outright pornography. Women of several recognizable elven and human descents being claimed by everything from ordinary men to towering beasts and all that lay between besides.The heat only seemed to get worse, the longer they looked.At the end of the hallway a chamber lay. It seemed central, or at least close to that. Sunlight shone down from above, illuminating a massive altar in the middle of the great circular room. Atop the altar, an orb lay, swirling with eerie purple energies and seeming to drink in the light that poured down upon it, swallowing it, empowering it.Should any of the elves look closely, they might find it difficult to look away, the shifting power within the smoothed crystal evoking fascination, hinting that it might show more if only they would come closer... Folwin would find it difficult to keep from squirming as she waited. She could see the silhouettes of the other team, visible against whatever light came from the chamber beyond, but she wasn't supposed to be watching them.She was watching everywhere else to ensure that nothing and no one could sneak up on them.Minutes passed, heat growing, lust swelling, tempting her. Surely no one would follow them into such tight quarters... Numbers that helped in the jungle would only be a disadvantage within these narrow halls...Surely she could take a moment... Just a moment... Please herself, take the edge off. She would be a better sentry if she was fully alert and aware......Right? Her bow was held in twitching hands as Folwin watched the blackness of the door. She had taken a seat on a raised outcrop of rock, smooth obsidian like much of the temple around her, and as she eyed the empty space of the doorway her slender legs parted. Inch by inch she spread herself out, biting her lip, trying to deny what she was doing to herself.Did she miss a movement? Her green eyes flicked upwards. She had been looking at the long, smooth, hard, shaft of her bow. Running her slender fingers up and down the polished wood. It was thick and powerful and, her heart beating, she maneuvered it between her legs. It took but moments for the dark haired scout to begin rubbing her panty clad mound with the bow shaft, whimpering out her heated need in the empty room. Her thoughts were on terrible things, dark things, of being taken by what might emerge from the black jungle outside and even though she told herself she was keeping watch, her muffled panting grew slowly into a keening whine for attention as she tried and failed to grind herself to orgasm.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxDeeper in the temple, far beyond their masturbating scout, the other elven women looked around. The room's decorations were a cause of consternation among the group. Darshee and Verra tittered like schoolgirls, the brunette twins pointing out particularly exotic and intense parts of the decoration, particularly when they felt that Elre wasn't watching. Their leader was still on edge, her experience and her force of will fighting off the growing heat more effectively than the others, but she too found her eyes lingering over particularly large and impressive cocks.There was one the white haired warrior found that had a human woman wearing little more than an elaborate bikini chained to the throne of a giant, slug like, creature with a wide face and huge tongue. A strange almost monkey creature tittered and cavorted on its shoulder as it looked lustily at its slave girl. The noble elf, from a long line of courtiers and high society figures, felt a strange trill of excitement at the idea of being the slave of such a disgusting beast. Of being so thoroughly degraded.She was so distracted that she took her eyes off the blonde sorceress. Minue was climbing the dais in an almost trance, having shed all of her clothes at the base of the steps, her fingers outstretched to the purple orb swirling mysteriously on the altar. 'Minue no....' shouted Elre, suddenly turning back to see the young mage, but it was too late. Her fingertips made contact with the magical surface of the thing. Soft footfalls sounded, a heavy creature walking lightly. Was Folwin imagining things? Hearing phantom sounds? Did shewant something to emerge from the darkness? Her soft panting filled the room, wet squishing as her slick nethers ground against the bowstave. Had the shadows grown longer? Were the footsteps growing louder? She should stop, shehad to stop... Or else...Or else...Or else... Maybe she didn't want to stop...Maybe she didn't care...One of the shadows was still growing,resolving into a shape, massive and bipedal yet feral and hunched. A mighty Saurus warrior stepped into the room from the upper passage, and fixed yellow eyes upon the likely still masturbating elven scout. Was it some sort of dream or delusion?Did she want it to be? The orbpulsed as Minue came into contact, a wave offorce andotherness shooting out from it. The sorceress' hair seemed to rise and float as warp energies wrapped around her in a coruscating pillar, half hiding her from sight as they twisted and writhed. Within the column, Minue would feel the fire tickling her, like a thousand teasing tongues running over her naked body. A thousand questing fingers seeking, caressing,teasing...Around her...Inside her...It was wrong, tainted, and yet,it felt so good.Outside the pillar, the wave of energy had thrown the others back, tossing them to the ground, sending searing heat shooting through them, ramping their lust up even further. The chamber began to shake, a peculiar sense of weightlessness setting in as the floor began to sink. The exits to the room were closing, great stone slabs sliding into place to bar the doors. Only the pedestal of the orb remained where it was, the rest of the floor slowly descending.They could try to jump and climb onto the platform, facing the warpfire that was seemingly consuming their sorceress in doing so. Or they could wait, ready steel themselves, and be ready for whatever might lie below... Minue threw back her head and gasped, writhing as the tendrils of arcane power slid over her body. Her naked form was suspended a foot or two above the ground, tossed and used by the warp energy. There was something dark and terrible in the power, the young mage knew, but in that moment she cared not. She surrendered herself to it, opening her mouth in a desperate moan, allowing it to take control of her.Elre vaulted for the pedestal as the floor beneath them began to sink, the white haired leader narrowly making the edge as the floor behind her slid away. She tottered on the edge, unsteady, but finally found her footing, now inches away from the gasping body of her mage companion.The twins had no hope. Far too far from the pedestal, they were forced to slide, watching their balance, towards each other, as defensive a formation they could manage as the platform sank into the depths of the temple.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFolwin saw the Sauren through a haze, her eyes hooded with lust. No matter how the tiny elf ground her wet sex against the bow, now liberally lubricated with her juices, she didn't seem to find piece. Her body still burned for release.The creature hulked, scale and claw over muscle and sinew. Reptilian eyes watched her from the darkness of the doorway as Folwin placed, slowly and deliberately, the bow to one side. Sliding up to her knees, not breaking eye contact with the Lizard, she slid her fingers up and down her nearly bare body. Her bra slid from her chest, revealing pert young breasts, before with a little flourish she released the tie holding her panties onto her slender form. Naked and revealed before the Sauren, she waited, kneeling on the stone, for him to approach. For all the physical intrusions of the flames, it was not until Minue's mental guard lowered that she doomed herself to her fate. As Elre watched the flames coursing across the sorceress' skin began to thin, becoming more and more ephemeral as the fire faded, or at least that was how it seemed at first. As the tendrils of flame shrank, their actions became more and more obvious. They were flowinginto Minue, pouring down her throat and filling up her insides from above and below.A tattoo that shimmered with that same violet power formed over the elven woman's womb, branding her, and when Minue's eyes opened, the formerly ordinary pupils now glowed with tainted tainted light of the flames infesting her.Within her body, Minue felt heat rise, roaring, wanton and consuming. Her body was burning, burning with desire, and a voice whispered into her thoughts as she looked at Elre.You want her... You may take her... Bring her to us... A litany ofwant, of desires to suppress, to dominate, to own and enslave all she saw. Below the pedestal on the sinking floor, the twins saw the purple light slowly flicker and fade away, but they had to be careful. If they spent too long looking up, they might miss threats emerging from below... As they descended, falling deeper and deeper on their platform, water began to creep up under them, cool and dark. Sources of light came into view, but as the platform sank, the water climbed.Finally, it stopped, just past their hips. It was almost a relief, to be in the cool liquid, it soothed the heat in it's own way, yet unbeknownst to them, it also increased sensitivity. If they spent too long in the liquid, even the mere motion of it against their skin would be enough to paralyze with sensation, and that was to say nothing of the creatures living within.Every motion would bring the attention of the many limbed monsters., and already some were moving, reaching out their tentacles towards the elven girls, drawn by the rumble and shudder of the platform that they new meant either food or breeders awaited them. The Saurus' expression was impassive, but as he watched Folwin give up on the bow and slowly cast away the last of her garments, he reacted. He shifted at first, and then she saw it, his cock growing, thick and ribbed, an immense shaft to match his muscular body. It was already slick, naturally lubricated by the lizardman's own biology and ready to be used.His breath steamed in the air, a low growl filling the silence, and then hemoved, faster than she would have expected for one of his bulk. In the blinik of an eye he was in front of her, his cock inches away from her face, bobbing slightly from the rapid motions and glistening in the light from outside. One clawed hand was next to her throat, but as she watched, it clenched slightly, then relaxed.The Lizardman folded his arms and waited, wanting to see what the lust drunk kneeling high elf would do left to her own devices first....Wanting to see her break down andchoose... Folwin exhaled, her hungry eyes running up and down the muscular body of the Saurus warrior standing before her. She arched her back, thrusting her perfect breasts up into the foetid air of the underground catacombs, taut nipples cutting the air. Her hot face brushed against the scaly fingers of the beast, a desperate need coursing through her system. She spread her legs, one hand parting her aroused lower lips invitingly, revealing the tight wetness between her thighs.Her breath came in pants as she exhaled, reaching out with questing lips. Her mouth brushed his cock, tasting its slick lubrication, before Folwin opened her lips in a soft 'o' and began to take the head of the cock into her mouth. It was thicker than any she had had before, save for the Beastmen who had tried her body when they captured her, and her dark head began to bob lewdly as she sucked on the lizard's shaft.xxxxxxx'Minue?' Elre only got a moment, just a split second, before the curvy blonde was upon her. She dodged the first lunge, sidestepping out of pure instinct, her hand grabbing Minue's wrist as she did, but the other girl was fast. Unnaturally fast. She pressed her body forward, spinning in hold, so that she ended up with her bubbly rear pressed against Elre's groin, having wrapped the white haired leader's arms around her as she spun on the spot.She gyrated her body, grinding them together, despite the leader's stuttered protests. Elre could feel her body reacting in spite of itself, the latent magic of whatever the sorceress had triggered surging through the air around them.'No Minue'. Instead of her usual ringing tone of command it was an almost whine. A pleading attempt to feebly get the blonde to stop.But stop Minue wouldn't. Whatever had spoken to her was now ringing in her ears, and she reached up, pulling the resisting face above her own down into a passionate, probing kiss.xxxxIn the water, in the darkness, it was a more desperate affair. The twins thrashed, calling out to each other in the blackness, hearing rather than seeing the creatures beginning to move. Their bodies had the same ache as all the other elves in the place, but there was something about the terror of the pit that instinctively told them that this would not be sensual or seductive. There was a craving in the air, a hunger in the void around them.'Darshee....' Verra called out, her voice high and panicked. What had started as a call for help turned into a cry of alarm as a beast loomed up behind her sister and Verra could only watch helplessly as Darshee was pulled back into its clutches. Then she too began to thrash as cool tentacles began to circle around her legs and tug at her resisting form. Any attempt to reply from Darshee would be cut off quite suddenly by a tentacle, thick and ribbed and yet prehensile and wriggling at the same time forcing it's way past her lips and down her throat. Slime spread where it touched, changing her, twisting her, making her more elastic, more flexible, closer to the ideal breeder it sought.Verra's captor on the other hand was more insidious. Rather than lifting her out of the liquid it held her down, pinning her feet to the bottom as its tentacles crawled up her legs, twining up the slowly sensitizing skin towards her pussy and asshole and glinding against them, grinding into her tight entrances, uncaring for whatever struggles or screaming she might attempt. As Minue tangled Elre in limbs and smothered her in kisses, the platform continued to grind around them. To and From the pedestal, stone bridges began to extend, thin strands of carved rock connecting the platform to the rest of the temple once more.And to it's inhabitants...As the tainted elf tormented her commander, the Lizardmen had been drawn by the noise. Saurus filed into the room from iits four doors, watching them from the edges. At first, one might wonder why none of them approached. Many of them already had massive erections growing from their hips, yet they made no move to claim the females before them.It took only a few minutes to find out why.From the darkness they emerged, standing a full head and shoulders over their saurus kin, elongated and alien, yet more powerful.Kroxigors.Three approached, one from each direction, and the voice whispered in Minue's yielding mind, puppeting her willing body.Offer her to them, present them with their new worshippers. The taste was indescribable, raw, meaty, sweat and sex,primal andpowerful. The smell, the feel, the ridged hardness and rigid heat burned themselves across Folwin's senses, imprinting into her brain. This wasreal, it was too intense, too powerful to be anything less, yet what did that revelation really mean? After all, could she really have failed to notice all this time?Could she really deny the desire to stay kneeling? To worship this cock with every hole? To surrender herself to him?Did she have a choice?She felt the claws at the back of her head, and realized that one way or another, she had lost her choice the moment he'd found her. Shebelonged to him now, and he would use her as he saw fit. A fact he demonstrated by slowly pulling her deeper, forcing her to take more of his massive shaft into her mouth. It took little urging for the Saurus grasping Folwin's head to increase her submission to him. She was on hands and knees now, before him, one hand fondling his massive alien testicles and the other snaking between her legs to fondle her sex. She kept herself upright only through the strength of her legs and her vice like grip on the Saurus. Her mouth was hot and wet, so unlike any lizard mate the warrior would have had before, and her throat yielded to the flared and ridged nature of his shaft as he ground it deeper into her.Wet noises filled the chamber as she slurped on his shaft, her head bobbing up and down like little more than a wooden top floating on the ocean waves. His musk filled Folwin's senses and she felt her pussy spasm around her own nimble fingers. She needed him to fuck her. Needed to feel this cock within her. She let out a wordless agonized moan of lustful need.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxThe twins thrashed and flailed in the dark water. There was almost no light down here in the pit, and it was all about sensation. The elves could feel the tentacles probing them and, as much as they fought it, the thick slimy organs were changing them. Darshee's eyes were wide, her voice a muffled moaning scream, as she fought against the tentacle pushing down her throat. Her body tingled, the beast's precum affecting her insides and making her body ache for more.Verra, on the other hand, was moaning more audibly. Her head was thrown back, her legs quaking in the tight hold of the beast, as it began to tease and test her. Her lower body felt hot, boiling hot, as the beast explored her holes. It was as if her insides were twisting and knotting within, her body struggling with itself, as it was somehow preparing itself for what was to come. Unknown to Verra, her ovaries went into overdrive, as did her twin's, preparing to receive a thorough breeding.xxxxxxx'Get...uhhh....offff....of...meeeee' gasped Elre. The tall noble was still in some sort of control of her function, centuries of training keeping her from succumbing entirely. But no tactic or strategy could have prepared her for the sensual attack of the stacked little blonde. Minue was all over her, kissing and caressing, her tender fingers and soft lips pushing Elre beyond what the white haired noble could bear.The kroxigors loomed close, as Elre moaned in aroused fear. She saw their massive pillars, the thick cocks jutting out from their waists, and she gasped. It gave Minue an opening, the blonde slipping around behind her former leader and cupping her breasts from behind. Fingers tweaked her nipples, lips and tongue teased her neck, and hips ground into her from behind.And Elre...just...melted.Collapsing to her knees she was putty, panting and mewling, as a triumphant Minue pushed her onto her back and spread her legs. Elre managed to prop herself up on her elbows but, there she was legs spread and inviting as the Kroxigors loomed closer. Minue didn't even wait, stepping to the closest one and pressing her small body to that massive, throbbing, shaft. The saurus gazed down at the twitching elven scout as she debased herself beneath him, her mind steadily eroding under the temple's influence as she slobbered on his cock and ravaged herself with her fingers, her throat bulging obscenely around his girth as she swallowed him over and over again. The sensation was incredible, nothing like the male had ever felt before, a worthy offering to the pleasure the temple demanded they worship, yet there was a deeper need, a greater imperative, tobreed.Between that carnal instinct and the wanton sounds of Folwin's desperation, the urge to experience more of these new sensations were set aside. He could enjoy her other pleasures later, right now, he wanted...Needed... To claim her properly.He pulled her back, dragging her mouth off his cock and then half turning her, facing her away from him as he sat and wrapped his hands around her waist. He doubted her legs would hold her up, and wished to take no chances as his prick towered between her legs, giving her a good look at the massive shaft about to split her open before he lifted her up and set her at it's tip.He let a beat pass by, savouring that moment.Then he pulled her down and thrust upwards in a single powerful motion, and Folwin wasclaimed. As the changes began to take hold the tentacles responded, growing and pulsing, introducing the twins to new dimensions of girth and length as they worked. Suspended mid air as she was, Darshee was easy to follow up on. A pair of tentacles dove towards her, the faster of the two plunging into her pussy without so much as a preamble while the slower was forced to settle for her asshole, filling her rear with slimy thickness. They coordinated almost immediately too, alternating thrusts to ensure that the poor elf was never truly emptied of tentacle, all three constantly pistoning in and out of her, filling the air with muffled moans and the wet sounds of massive prehensile shafts plundering three tight holes.But she was not the only one to make noise, and unlike her, Verra remained unmuffled. The tentacles around the twin seemed more than happy to tease her into insanity as they continued their climb. Two of them had found their ways into her holes, fucking her no less powerfully than their counterparts did her sister, but the rest still crawled over her, wrapping her in a thousand twining and coursing limbs. They spread the water over her along with their own secretions, coating her bit by bit in a concoction that would change her forever, creeping up over her hips, then slowly making their way along the curves of her waist, climbing, climbing, oh so painfully slowly.Yet when everywhere they touched would eventually inflame to become as sensitive as any erogenous zone she cared to name, by the time they finishedit would take only the briefest handful of touches to reduce her to a screaming orgasmic mess.If she managed to escape at all that is... The kroxigor ignored Elre's feeble attempt to resist, and gave every impression that it would hardly have cared for anything she could try. It made no effort to restrain her arms or hold her down, it simply knelt, held the legs that minue had been so eager to spread for him apart, and pushed his cock against her womanhood, slowly increasing the pressure on her entrance as he eased her open, agonizingly slowly and yet all too quickly at the same time.Bit by bit, her body was opened, and then something gave, some little part of Elre realized in an instant that he had opened her up enough to push forwards, and somehow he realized the same.There was no mercy, no slowly working the elven captain up and down to ease his massive shaft into her. No, the kroxigor's raw power made such things unnecesssary. His might was inexorable, his claim undeniable. He grabbed Elre, and then he pushed, filling her with inch after inch of massive reptilian shaft. He would not stop, he would not wait. He would simply push, until every last bit of his manhood was inside her. Such was the warrior's claim.Meanwhile, the other two kroxigors surrounded Minue. They recognized the warped glow of her eyes and understood that she had been blessed.She would have the honor of talking two warriors at once.With the fire burning inside her, easing her body, preparing her for them, it was the work of second for them to open her up. She felt every bit of girth as they eased her between them, filling her lower holes with their massive shafts, but there was no pain, and her body that should have given out under the strain of such massive insertions instead simply bulged elastically around them, the flames she had consumed preserving her, making her ideal. Elre's eyes were wide as she watched the Kroxigor approach. His cock seemed to loom over her, like a massive monolith, but his approach was inexorable. She watched, body shaking, as his clawed hands gripped her hips and, inch by inch, he began to feed his massive shaft into her. It spread her wet lips and pushed, hard and deep, into her sex. Her feet scrabbled on the stone floor, but she didn't pull away. There was something about the looming power of the lizard beast that held her in place. Her noble pride was suborned to a desire to see this beast claim her, despite her horror at that very thought, and as he pushed into her she let out a low, carnal, moan.Minue, meanwhile, was in ecstasy. As their muscular bodies pushed together, almost crushing her between them, the warpfire corruption burning in her took over. She was a mewling, moaning, writhing thing. Working her feminine hips and ample rear to allow them better access to her formerly pure body. She did not dwell on the lack of pain, or the strange elasticity that coursed through her, or the way in which the lizards wordlessly understood her need. This was all...natural. Her part in this cosmic plane. And she welcomed it as she bounced between them.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxThe tentacles were relentless. It was impossible to know, for the elven twins, whether one beast or multiple were fucking them. But they were honestly beyond comprehension. Suspended in the air, one muffled by thick alien tentacle and the other screaming out her submission at the top of her lungs, they were hoisted and turned this way and that. The beast or beasts below seemingly not caring for anything other than reshaping their bodies for their own needs. At one point the two were brought together, hanging limply as they were rough fucked in each hole, and their eyes locked in the near blackness of the pool.'Darsheeeeeeee' sobbed Verra, eyes wide, one free hand reaching out to cup her twin's cheek. Her voice was ragged, pleasure and fear all entwined together, and the noise came out as a moan.The tentacle withdrew from Darshee's mouth, dripping with her saliva and the thing's liquid pre seed, and her sister gasped for air. 'Ve....v...Ver...ra....ahhh' she chocked out, 'Gods....Verra..... what is this?'Verra shook her head, unable to answer, and at that point the tentacles drew them closer. Their faces inches apart. 'Darshee' Verra breathed, before leaning in. Desperate for some succor in that blackest of horrors. She kissed her sister on the mouth, their tongues tentative at first but more and more eager, as they moaned their orgasms into each other.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFolwin was eager. She felt him pull her off of his cock, gasping for air as strands of her spittle and his precum dripped from his scaly length to spatter her naked chest and neck. Her body was feather weight for him as he pulled her up, positioning her above him, and she moaned in needy anticipation.When it came his insertion was ecstasy itself. The breeding urge was on the elf, the scout's time in the wilderness, her encounter with the beastmen, and now the pheremones of the Saurus, all combined to tug at something primitive and urgent within Folwin. A carnal need to be bred, a heat that would not stop as she began to ride that massive shaft, that came from some primordial time when elves were just another savage people.'Oh me....break me...' she shouted, face flushed, putting as much effort into being fucked as the warrior did into fucking her. The Saurus' eyes widened as the comparatively petite scoutpushed herself downwards, forcing him into motion to retake the initiative from the brief shock of her wrapping around him so suddenly,gripping him so tightly . His hips and arms moved in tandem, thrusting his cock up into her while helping her in her own bouncing motions.It defied reason, defied what the Saurus knew. Females of both sterner temperament and more robust build alike broke on his shaft, it was simply the way things were, but this slip of an elf, this beautiful little slutembraced him, took him all and took more still.Suddenly, where before the Saurus had been confident, now he was struggling not to go off early, not to disappoint this female who had against all odds proven herself more resilient. Even if it came only because she was simply too wanton to be broken like this.Or perhaps it was simply that she was already broken in her own way... The tentacles did not understand and could not answer, but their actions spoke for them in ways that words could not. The spasms of orgasm wrapping tightly around them told the creatures that the elves were ready to be bred, and their limbs pulsed as they ravaged the entangled twins, swelling inside their bodies. The thrusts delved deeper as little bumps began to travel up the lengths of the limbs. Eggs for incubation followed by thick bubbles of fertilizing seed, loaded to stuff both elves to bursting with eldritch children.In the shadows at the edge of the pool eyes began to gleam in the darkness. The skinks who'd driven the elves into the temple lived in this space, in symbiosis with the many limbed monsters that lurked in the pool. Their tough hides and short lifespans made the pool that much less hazardous to them, and the tentacles provided them with the means of continuing their population. The women who ended up down here would birth one clutch of tentacles, and then, reshaped into perfect breeders by the combination of the tentacle's secretions and the pool itself, the skinks would take them.This would be their fate, breeders until the end of their days...Or at least... Itwould be if it weren't for the greater plans the gods had for them.For now though, they would let events unfold. Minue was a centerpiece, a monument to debauchery. Her holes stretched around the massive reptilian shafts, her bodydistorting lewdly around their massive lengths as they bounced her back and forth, steam rolling off their breaths despite their cold blood. Their fire was instilling them too, making their cocks glow with eldritch light as they savaged her. The blessing of the flames let her take it, reshaped her body to accommodate them, turned any pain she might have felt at such savage use into pleasure.She was wise, to have taken the blessing. she was strong, to take their cocks. She was powerful, breeder, Matriarch, and she could be in time aQueen... So the voice in the flames promised her, so the flames promised her. She could have pleasure and glory, if only she accepted it. Surely one so smart as her would not even consider refusal...But while Minue experienced her own personal connection to the corrupting warp thanks to her magical talent and the flames she had so eagerly accepted, Elre was made central to the ritual going on. The saurus were stamping their feet, drumming the ground in precise time with the Kroxigor's powerful thrusts. It shook the temple, vibrating in and around the elven Captain, until the rhythms began to work in and out of her as much as the cock did, drumming into her body, into her mind. They pounded in her chest and head, encouraging her to move with them, to join in the tribal beat and become one... Varshee and Derra began to gasp, their arousal and submission vocalised in sobbing little noises, as they felt the bulges travel along the tentacles filling their sexes. Each one was like a knot, working apart their labia and pushing deep into their cores. A mixture of pain and pleasure that sent spasms through their aching bodies and waves of pleasure crashing against their broken minds.As they swelled with eggs, their bodies changed. Their ovaries mutated under the influence of the creatures, knotting and twisting to alter their purpose. Now they would exude chemicals aimed to make the womb as fertile as possible. Likewise the pumping action of the tentacles, and the secretions that filled their holes, made their back passages more wet and pleasurable for later intrusions, and thin streams of nurturing milk trickled from their nipples.Throughout it all they writhed and gasped in ecstatic, mindbending, pleasure.xxxxxxxxxxxxxMinue, in that moment, her small body pinned between two slabs of scaled muscle, her sex and rear ravaged by their massive shafts, would have agreed to anything. The feeling of those monstrous shafts grinding up against each otherinside her body itself was too much for the blonde elf. Her submission was wordless but total.But it was the sight of the formerly noble Elre, her snowqueen of a former leader, that tipped her over the edge.The tribal beat, the sounds of dozens of scaled and clawed feet stomping up and down, echoed through her body. Every nerve ending and taut muscle seemed to reverberate with the sound. Her body moved of its own volition. She undulated, her unnaturally lithe frame allowing her to move her body like a wave, rolling with every thrust of the giant lizard. As his turgid shaft caused her lower body to bulge with every thrust, her narrow hips slid up to meet him, to allow the precise angle that gave both of them the most pleasure.The noble elf's noises came in gutteral grunts and groans, her small hands reaching up to run through her long white hair. She thought about how wonderful, just for a moment, to surrender herself to a tribal life. To forget the structures and strictures of high society that she thrived on and be more animal. To claim or be claimed. To fight and to fuck. To just be...savage.Watching her leader break pushed Minue over the edge. 'Yes' she urge the voice in her mind. 'Show me, instruct me, allow me to become a Queen of breeding. And give me the power to show others of my kind this pleasure'.xxxxxxxxxFolwin, in her own corrupted way, was also on the path to becoming a Queen. A Size Queen.For the Saurus cock thrusting into her was not enough. Not anymore. Near frantic, she ground and bounced, feeling its hard length spear up into her wetness. Nothing seemed to calm the burning itch inside her. The feeling of not being sated or filled. Of being incomplete.Her undulations became more angry, her whine turning into a wordless growl of frustration, as she pistoned her small body in vain on top of the lizard.The relief was not enough. It might well have felt like an eternity, a sea of endless pleasure drowning the twins in the warped desires it inflicted upon them. Their bellies swelled until they could swell no more, filled with egg after egg and then seeded, every bit of space between the orbs within them filled in with seed to fertilize the progeny they had been given.But eventually there was no more to fill, no space remaining within the two incubators. The tentacles withdrew some, no longer subjecting them to the stomach stretching, mind breaking thrusts. They thrust in and out slowly, almost languidly, one might almost have even mistaken it for caring were it not for the other limbs that still danced around them, putting the finishing touches on their remodeling. Breasts formerly flat from lives of exercise and training swelled in anticipation of childbearing and curves formerly taut and lean rounded, becoming more plush.They were still quite recognizably Varshee and Derra, but they had trained themselves into perfect warriors, and now they had been trained into perfect breeders, their very bodies bent to this new purpose that had been bestowed upon them.Finally, at long last, they were carried, and slowly set down at the very edge of the pool to await the eventual birth. The beat was in her body, the beat was in her mind, thrumming, vibrating, faster and faster to the tune of moans and the time of thrusts as she was claimed, conquered, consumed.Take your place. Each womb claiming thrust seemed to pound any thoughts of resistance right out of her head.Join the tribe.Belong to them, be ruled by them, mind, body, and soul.Elre broke, and the Kroxigor's endurance broke with her. He roared in triumph as he thrustdeep into her body, cum flooding her womb. In an instant she was impregnated, but more importantly she was rebuilt. The tribe's drumming reached a fever pitch, frenzied and manic as they caught the shattered pieces of the Elven captain and slowly put them back together, rebuilding her in their image. Tattoos began to appear on Elre's skin, tribal symbols curling across her once pristine flesh, marking her indelibly. Not a mere brood mare, but a full warrior, one of them, no different from any other.If she asked, they would serve, and if they asked, so would she.Where Elre was of the Tribe though, Minue was more. Her talent in magic and her acceptance of the flame elevated her. A queen amongst them, a ruler, a leader, second only to a Slaan or of course to the gods themselves who spoke into and through her.Seconds after Elre's submission, the two occupying Minue's body blew their loads as well, yet where Elre's stomach had swollen with the potent seed, Minue's body seemed an endless receptacle, cum pouring into her, yet her figure remained unmarred except for the bulges of those two massive cocks inside her. Her child would be divine, a gift from the gods themselves, and the seed the two massive reptiles filled her with nothing more than an offering to that end.It would not be the last such offering she would have to make...Slowly, the kroxigors pulled out, leaving the two remade elven women to lay there, cum oozing from their holes. The Saurus waited with bated breath, to see what their new sister and new queen would do. The saurus couldn't help it. She gripped him too tightly, bounced on him too eagerly. Where so many other women would be reduced to little more than a gibbering cocksleeve for him she rode him, taking charge in a way he never imagined possible. It was too much.His cock twitched, and though he tried to hold back, it was only minutes before he finally lost control and jerked beneath her, helplessly pumping his seed into her constricting little quim. He had held a vain hope that the sensation would be enough to break her but as he felt his balls drain into her he knew that he had no such luck.He had broken to her instead.As the Lizardman's head fell back, his stamina spent, Folwin was left with a choice. He had proven himself quite worthless, but she was still eager. There was a tribal beat coming from within the temple, but below there were moans echoing up the passage now, and above...Above had been curiously silent this whole time... The elves had little time to enjoy the new curvaceous forms of their fertile bodies. As Varshee and Derra lay, panting, side by side on the cool dark stone they felt their bodies begin to churn. 'Ohhh Godddsssss' Derra moaned, reaching out for her twin's hand, their fingers snaking together as they trembled in anticipation. It was not clear whether she was calling on the Gods of her people, so distant in this dark wet pit, or the creatures churning down below in the black water.'Ohhh Derra...I feel...I feel' panted Varshee, her free hand lying on her bulging midriff. The skin flexed and boiled, large egg shaped lumps clearly visible beneath her pale skin in the small shaft of light that shone weakly down into the chasm. Both women were panting, their legs open wide, and both felt a natural urge to position their sexes facing the water's edge.'Ohhh...ahhh...ohhh' they panted, a rough panicked unison, as waves of pleasure and pain mingled and crashed over their consciousnesses.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxElre was remade. Power coursed through her, a sense of belonging that she had not felt in centuries. A primal, strong, sense of clan and kinship that tugged at the tribal past of the elven people coded deep in her subconscious. She found a strange new energy within her, able to stand on shaking legs, feeling the Kroxigor's seed boiling inside of her body. She stepped to the great Lizard, feeling nothing more than affection for him. Not the romantic love of a partner, or even the raw lust of a partner, but the deeper bond of a tribe member and hunting partner.She gripped his arm, appreciating his strength, even as his clawed hand ran over her side and rear feeling her lithe speed and power. Their eyes met, an acknowledgement of each other as equals, before she turned to Minue.The blonde was a mess of cum and sweat, her body left heaving for air on the stone altar as the saurus warriors stepped back reverentially. As Elre approached their eyes met and the power dynamic was shifted. 'My Queen' Elre spoke, and in that moment they both realised that they could speak the Lizard tongue. The white haired older elf approached and, running her tongue up one quivering leg, lapped a mouthful of cum from Minue's abused pussy. She climbed up, mounting the blonde mage, giving the crowd a delicious view of their exposed holes as she bent down. Their noses touched and, instinctively, Minue's hot little mouth opened to receive the thick load of cum that Elre dribbled from her own lips into the other woman's.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxHe was spent. Folwin looked down, sweeping her tangled brown hair back from her head, as she looked down at the exhausted warrior beneath her. His limp cock lay flaccid on his powerful body. She felt nothing.She stood, her legs slowly regaining feeling, and looked around. She was unsated. Unfulfilled. Was this it? Her body tingled with newly discovered lust and need. An almost arrogant hunger filled her mind crowding out other thoughts. Was this the very best that the lizards had to offer?Below her the sound of soft moans and primal drums sounded, but she cared not. She had no attachment to her former squad anymore, no interest in what they might be experiencing. All she wanted was personal connection. Her personal fulfillment. She climbed the stairs, slowly winding her way up into the mysterious stone temple, searching out somethingmore. It was impossible to tell how long passed them there, an eternity of delight as their new children began to move inside them, tentative wriggles at first as the outer shells of the eggs began to dissolve, then swimming within their wombs, uncaring for the shifting sensations that their motions brought as they explored the new space. The first to hatch were strong, eating the unhatched weak and growing within them, growing strong.And then the birthing...The first slipped out, already thicker than any elven man's cock, sliding out of Varshee's pussy with a wet and sinuous sound before making for the water's edge. Then, the second from Derra's snatch, then the third, and fourth, and fifth, one after another after another. Slithering out of their mothers first one at a time, then in twos and threes as the dozens of newborn tentacles made their way to their new home, diving into the madness inducing liquid and vanishing even as their twin mothers screamed in ecstasy.Sound enough to bring the fathers back in seconds to be sure, and yet, the tentacles did not reemerge, and as the last tentacles slid free, and the twins' bellies slowly grew taut and toned once more, there came a sound from behind.This was where the skinks lived, in symbiosis with the tendrils. Once a clutch was birthed, the little lizards would lay claim to the remainder, the women molded into perfect breeders by the corruptive limbs and fluids. Dozens of them now surrounded the pair, and then one stepped forwards, a Skink chief bringing himself up, such that they could see his twin cocks, thick and pulsing. He was no saurus, but he was still far bigger than any man they would have met before this venture.He looked at them, watching for their reactions as he presented his shaft for their attention. A roar went up as their lips met, the tribal beat returning in full force as they tasted the thick seed, mixed with each other's juices. The fire within Minue flared a moment, a glow behind her eyes that passed from queen to subject. It was but an ember compared to the flame that burned within the little sorceress, a fragment of the power she'd been granted, the gift she'd been given now shared, binding them together in the thrall of the greater mind that had overseen this tribe.Around them the Saurus chanted praise."Hail! Hail! Queen of the Tribe! Worship and Lust for her!" Golden eyes watched expectantly, waiting for commands even as their cocks jutted out towards them. They would kill for Minue, they would die for Minue, they were her tribe, her warriors. Elre's brothers in arms and mates in heat.And in her mind, the fire showed a vision of the white and gold of her home. Of the Maelstrom at it's heart.Bring me to this place... And complete your ascension... More breeders to claim, more warriors to induct. An entire continent of women who would only need to be shown the glory of her new people. Who could bend knee to the might of the flame and bare their pussies for the seed of the Lizardmen.She had already taken power, and she could still be so muchmore. More Saurus patrolled the chamber above, just as big as the one who'd disappointed Folwin in the entrance hall, yet what they guarded was another matter. Stegadons and Cold Ones. Hulking and bestial and hung well enough to shame even a kroxigor. Pens lined the walls as guards wandered between them, distracted as they listened to the moans and roars coming from below, yet dutiful enough to keep to their orders, knowing they would get their own shares soon enough if only they waited.Perhaps they were more right than they thought, since if Folwin wish to sample the beasts, it was likely she would need to take care of their handlers first.Perhaps they would be more interesting working together. Or perhaps she could simply remove them from her path. Rejuvinated by the healing waters and the terrible, sensual, act of birthing their strange spawn, the elven sisters looked at each other. Flushed and panting, neither knew exactly what the future had in store for them but, in that moment, neither cared. Derra slipped onto all fours, a wicked, hungry, grin painting her angular face. Within seconds Varshee was mimicing her pose and the two, toned rears bobbing and waving in the dark air, crawled towards the endowed lizard.Soft wet mouths enveloped the twin heads of his throbbing cocks, the elven breeders already so attuned to their new roles in life that their glistening snatches steamed with lusty heat in the hot air of the pool. Pretty soon their dark heads were bobbing up and down, assuming a pleasing alternate rhythm as Derra rose and Varshee fell and visa versa. Where once the thought of performing sexual acts in front of each other would have filled the sisters with horror, now they were lost in the moment. Unaware and uncaring about the lewdness of the scene as they moaned and sucked around the thick cocks.They were lost, completely lost, in that dark place of primeval desire and purpose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBoth elves on the altar revelled in the cheering, roaring, celebration of their new purpose. Elre slithered off the smaller blonde mage, snatching a final, amused, kiss. The white haired veteran's confident strut was back, but this time it was more...carnal. She had once, many centuries ago, spent some time with the woodland cousins of her race and had marvelled in both admiration and slight revulsion at their indulgent natures. For a Wood Elf, it had seemed, everything corresponded to the flow of nature their actions attuned to the call of the wilder part of their natures. she understood fully what that meant. To both understand her natural authority and power as a war leader and experienced fighter but also her sexual nature as a woman, fertile and strong, amid a sea of aroused, and arousing, males.She stepped over to a knot of Saurus warriors, stroking powerful arms as she smiled at her new comrades. 'Take me to where I can find some armour' she purred, the lizard tongue more and more natural to her as the magic took effect. 'I know you fight alongside Amazons perhaps something closer to what they wear would be practical....and....' her hand trailed down one scaled, muscular, chest to tease the edge of a tented loincloth '....pleasing?'Minue, meanwhile, was wrapped in pleasure still. She moaned, hands running over her curvy form, caressing her full breasts and taut nipples. She moaned. Such heat. Such power. Such....purpose. She let out a little trill of delight. The visions in her mind had provided her with a target, a tempting one at that, and she fully intended to act upon it. Finally, she too slid down from the altar and looked about.She needed to find out more about how such an invasion could take place, and how she could best oversee it. She licked her lips at the very thought. She needed to see the guiding powers of the Lizard people. She needed, she knew, to see the mysterious Slann.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxThe petite form of the scout moved through the shadows of the temple undercrofts with practiced ease. The first, and last, thing the Saurus guards heard of her presence was the whirr of her arrows through the musty air. Two, four, ten... they died without knowing who was attacking them, slain to a man from the shadows. It was only then that Folwin approached the holding pens.Beasts stalked backwards and forwards. The lizard looking ones were fierce, she could tell, snapping at her shadow and sniffing for her scent on the air. With a skilful grace she slid open the locks of their pens from a distance, watching as they stalked out as a pack, snarling and jockying for place. For a moment she thought the Cold Ones might strike at her, seek her out in the shadows, but the distant sounds of merriment and the scent of living beings was too much, it seemed, for the pack. They stalked off into the dark passages.The great lumbering beasts were harder to read. Her eyes strayed, instinctively it seemed, to one held in solitary confinement, away from the others. It paced, smaller and angrier than the others. A youngster in heat, although there was no way for Folwin to know that.A sudden, strange, carnality took over and she found herself slipping out her clothes in the shadows and, gingerly, sliding in through the door to the pen, standing naked before the mighty beast and watching as its nostrils picked up her feminine scent. The chieftan hissed in pleasure as the other skinks crowded around the pair. The lithe former intruders, now wanton breeders, the lizards delighted in the show the newly submissive scouts put on as their lips moved against the twin manhoods in perfect counterpoint. Jockeying against each other, the crowd tightened around the two, a press of scaled bodies enclosing them. More cocks jutting out into the air as they eagerly reached in.The chief was first to get the twins attention, but a single breeder was a rare occurrence, much less two of them at once, and while the rest of the tribe did defer for a time, they were not about to wait forever.The leader's hands came down, grasping both elves heads and pulling them deeper, thick cocks pushing over tongues and down, into the pair's throats, not caring that their cheeks rubbed against each other with the closeness. Behind, the first hands began to roam over Varshee and Derra's bodies, scaled digits grasping, stroking, pinching. At their sides, their thighs, their shoulders at first, eager just to get a touch of their smooth skinned bodies, but then the crowd pressed closer still and Varshee found hands on her breasts, Derra felt fingers close to pinch her nipples, thick columns of flesh ground into sopping pussies, the tribe steadily working itself into a frenzy.These little tastes would only sate their appetites for so long... The urge to breed was thick in the air, the scent of ready females and the heady pheromones of eager males mingling. Then one brave skink thrust into Derra's snatch, filling her with both of his cocks at once and loosing a triumphant cry as the group exploded into action. Three jostled with each other at Varshee's cunt for a second before one slammed himself him in a similar way, both twins suddenly being fucked with rapid abandon as the skinks raced to be the first to pump their seed inside the twins, the best chances of being the ones to fertilize them. "Sister." The largest of the Saurus hissed, head rocking in a nod, eyes raking up and down her Elre's toned and gleaming form, a heavy breath as her hand found the taut cloth that only barely managed to cover his manhood. He turned reluctantly, others assembling around her in an honor guard, five in all, arranged in a pentagonal formation."Follow." They led her down tunnels, all of them eager, pleased to be the ones she'd chosen and anticipating the chance to be rewarded for that choice. Reptilian eyes tracked the Captain's swaying hips, the shine of sweat on her skin and arousal on her thighs.Thearmor they offered her was light yet sturdy, meant to deflect and avoid rather than take a blow head on. They surrounded her, fastening the pieces to her body one at a time, scales touching her skin as they pressed close, their desire saturating the air around her. A bronze chestpiece that fit snugly around her neck like a collar, covering her shoulders and descending just low enough to protect the heart while leaving the abdomen on display from the bottom of her breasts to the hips. A thick belt held faulds on either side and loincloths in front and back, guarding her thighs with more plating while leaving her holes accessible with the mere flip of the fabric. Bracers and greaves shielded forearms and ankles, and when the whole set was assembled golden light coursed over its lines, magical enhancements taking hold.The Saurus stood back as the last piece was clasped, ringing her now, watching for her approval, waiting for her signal. "We hope you approve." The leader hissed again. Cocks still jutting towards her, inviting her to demonstrate whatever approval she might have... While Elre was attended to by the warriors, Minue saw them part before her, allowing the approach of a shaman in full regalia. "You have felt her touch..." It was a statement and a question in one, and with it he stepped forwards, long tongue unfurling from his mouth and pressing at her lips. It slid into the little mage's mouth and down her throat, lingering for a second before pulling back with a slick sound, limned in the same purple fire."I have tasted of your devotion. I will show you to the Slann."More parting of warriors, showing the path, walking alongside and just slightly behind, a deferential equal, for now. A long corridor, lit with braziers and carved in friezes depicting ever more debauched acts, the fates of every group that had sought to explore this temple in the past, dating even back to before these Lizardmen had finally conquered it. Hundreds, thousands, every last one, becoming debauched and shameless, spreading it to others, to the world itself.Finally at the end, a massive chamber, an honor guard of consecrated warriors and a dais of stone and gold, atop which sat the mage priest himself. An enormous being, shorter than the kroxigors, but well endowed enough to put a stegadon to shame. His cock twitched faintly at Minue's approach, but he remained still, eyes glowing with magic, watching her, to see what she would do. The Stegadon grumbled gently, it's eyes suddenly blinking to alertness as its head swung slowly side to side, trying to triangulate the new smell that had appeared in it's surroundings. Sharp eyes sought out the female in heat that it knew must be before it, but rather than the bulk of a mate in it's own species, it settled instead upon the slender Folwin.The beast's gaze narrowed, scenting the air again as it tried to determine whether or not this was a trick, but beneath it, arousal was swelling, a thick cock emerging from it's sheath. His own heat and the scent of a potential mate made him more impulsive and so rather than continue to try and determine the best course of action, he chose to follow his lusts.Without warning the young stegadon exploded into an abbreviated charge, not a full battle rush, but a quick lunge, intending to knock her down so that he could get at her body properly.... Minue's small, bare, feet padded on the cold stone as she was led into the inner sanctum of this place. She was respectful but not cowed or uncertain although she had never been here before, this was her home. Where she belonged. The friezes on the walls, of couples of all races locked in erotic, passionate, embrace, just seemed....normal. Her eyes slid over heaving bosoms, throbbing erections, grasping hands, grabbing mouths...and felt a wave of comfortable familiarity.Magic buzzed about her, filling her senses, but it was different to what she was used to. It was not the dusty arcane power of centuries of knowledge and study of her home. There was nothing of the library or the laboratory here. This was the domain of a primeval, natural, pulsing magic. It washed through her sensitive system like a drug and she smiled softly to herself.As the doors opened and the hulking figure of the Slann her eyes took in the scene. Minue felt, regretfully, underdressed. Not in terms of clothing as she might wear at a royal court, but, looking at the regalia of the priests and ceremonial guards she thought wistfully about how her curvy body would look in a series of golden chains and jewellery and nothing else. But that could wait.Her feet rose, until she was drifting, wafted on a wave of magic across the stone floor, the tips of her toes skimming a hair's breadth off the ground. She set down, gently, next to the Slann. Her small hands deferentially began to stroke his shaft, massaging the huge veined girth in small movements, as she met his gaze.'Mighty one' she breathed. 'I know of an island fortress, Melitta, that is ripe for our conquest. Filled with elves yet to feel the blessing of your guidance. Of the touch of the Old Gods. Let me go there...share your benevolence with them....'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxShe belonged. Elre belonged. Not as a commander, although she clearly had status. Not as an authority figure to be feared or a noble to be respected, but simply a trusted, experienced, member of a group. There was something deeply appealing about that. Something that the mature, white haired elf craved. And now, clad in the revealing ''armour'' of an amazon she looked from muscular scaled body to muscular scaled body. These were her fellows, her companions, her.......broodmates, the new whispers of lizard life that magical influence was planting in her brain provided. She had a special bond with them, as they had with each other.'The question is, brothers, do you approve?' she breathed, smiling, looking at their interested, lusty, gazes.Her hands reached out, lifting the loincloths of the two nearest, gripping throbbing shafts.'Is it not time to breed your sister? Make her feel like a true brood mate? Fuck me like only brothers can fuck a sister?' Something in her acquired knowledge suggest to her that this sort of incest, between children born from the same clutch of eggs, was not only accepted but, to some extent, considered primal and holy.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFolwin darted to the side, narrowly avoiding being gored by the beast. Although, as she looked up from the floor of the pen and surveyed its body as it shifted, regaining its composure after so closely missing her, the brown haired scout realised she might be mistaking its motive. An impossibly large shaft throbbed beneath its body and she let out a soft moan.Finally. Maybe a cock that could satisfy the obscene craving in her body.A whisper. A whisper of elvish, that language so attuned to animals. Would it work with a might lizard from before the dawn of time? Who knew. But it felt right.'Come. Friend. Mate' small, simple, direct words.She slid down, down onto all fours, looking back over her shoulder at the beast. Assuming a position he would naturally expect. Small body aching to feel his shaft. Even though its size would have killed a normal woman, breaking her body in awful ways, Folwin somehow knew she would be able to not only survive but accomodate his great cock.
['Elre', 'Folwin']
Hot Furz (East & Absinthe and Fine Wine)
"Wilde, Hopps, my office!" The sun was still rising, it was an hour that Nick didn't actually enjoy getting up at. His old work shift didn't start till noon, but the ZPD had taught him that his old sleeping schedule had been unhealthy. Police Sargent Nick Wilde had basically just arrived at the desk when the buffalo bellowed at them. In his three years working at the ZPD he had learned full well that when Buffalo butt wanted you, it was not a good thing. He waved off to clawhauser and walked out to the elevator to the top floor, down the dark lit hall, last room."Police SergentNicholas Wilde, The second graduate of the Zootopian Police academy under the mammal inclusion initiative, species Vulpes vulpes, excelled in study, and showed particular resilience to environmental training. Excelled in the cold weather tundra town simulator. After graduation he recieved three accommodations for service, and sustained two injuries, the most recent when he was stabbed in the left paw by of all things a man dressed as father hogsmas, The only stain on an otherwise perfect record was nearly suspended from the ZPD Academy when his class's uniforms were died a hideous shade of green, the only evidence against him, that Nick's uniform had been in a different laundry machine the Fox having insisted it be soft pressed." Bogo put down the file addressing Nick, a deep breath showing his displeasure at reading that last part. His features softened slightly.NIck for his part shrugged. "How many times do I have to say it, I have sensitive fur.""How's the paw Nicholas." Nick regarded his left paw for a moment, moving his claws so that each touched his thumb in a quick motion, he had retained 86 mobility with the paw, and yet every time he did this it felt stiff now."Still a bit stiff." He said shrugging. The police chief grunted, and took a second file waiting for the rabbit to come into the room. When the call had come out for her and her partner to report in,Lieutenant Hoppshad been away from her desk. When she arrived back at it only a moment later and found her partner missing there was a brief moment of concern, but she was not about to worry too much about Nick's ability to handle himself.She made her way past the dispatch desk, pausing as she reached it. "You wouldn't happen to know where my partner went off to, would you?" she asked, half expecting Nick had snuck off to get a coffee or something like that."Didn't you hear the Cheif call you two in?" Clawhauser asked in shock. "Oh, Nick went in there a little bit ago. I expect you guys are getting chewed out for something."This surprised Judy. She had thought they'd been at the top of their game recently. Within the past six months, they'd had more arrests resulting in convictions than any other pair of officers in all of ZPD. She had no clue what the chief could have been mad about, they'd done nothing wrong."Geez, I wonder what's going on," Judy said thoughtfully. "Well, thanks, wish me luck." And with a wave, she made her way over to the office and after tapping gently on the door entered.Inside she saw her partner, his attention on the wound on his paw, and the Chief. The Chief didn't look as pissed as Clawhauser had reported, but he did have that look of needing something."Sorry for the delay," she said and stepped in and closed the door behind her."Take a seat," the chief said and gestured to the empty chair.Judy complied, glancing over at Nick as she did so. She was confused as to what this was about, but he didn't give her anything to go off of.The chief flipped open the file on his desk and read aloud. "Officer Judy Hopps, attended Zootopia police training academy, displaying an impressive aptitude in both field training and theoretical studies. Excelled way beyond peers, passed into the ZPD Metropolitan Police Service," he read with the dry candor of a man who really didn't care what he was reading. "And soon proved worth as an officer. Establishing both a popularity and an effectiveness in the community. Also became heavily involved in many extracurricular activities and to this day holds the Met record for the 100 meter dash in the below 1 meter height category.""Coulda got it in the above 1 meter category too," Judy replied with a smirk.The chief only gave her a look, licked his thumb and turned the page. "Recently began operations in a North Zootopia armed response unit, Whiskey, Bravo 7, and received a bravery award for efforts in the resolution of Operation Crackdown. In the last six months alone, has received nine special commendations, achieved the highest arrest record for any officer in the Department."Judy could only smirk. She did have an impressive record recently."That about right?" the Chief asked closing her file and sliding it to the corner of his desk."Well, who am I to argue with what's in my file?" she said grinning even wider. "Did you need something boss?""You're being reassigned to senior positions," the Chief said in a flat tone.Judy's jaw dropped. "Well I have to say that it feels good to finally be recognized." Wilde's ears perked as he adjusted himself in their seat. He was glad that the two of them were finally going up the ladder, at least more than they had in years prior. Senior position so they were making them captains? he had to wonder if that meant the two would co own a district, or if they were going to be split up and sent to different ones, if they were split up well it would suck because his days would be a lot less fun, but he would finally be able to ask the rabbit to move in with him and have a valid reason for doing so."In Deerbrook." Bogo's words popped as he let the last part of his sentence drop. Nick blinked for a moment. Wait so they were being sent out of the city? but he had been raised in the city? Nick had a dozen or so thoughts running through his head."Wait, can't we stay here in Zootopia maybe take up a position at one of the other precincts?" The fox asked as he looked between the chief of police and the rabbit. This was precinct number 1, they had both worked their asses off to get here, and they were being transferred? he looked to Judy for a moment trying to see if she was okay with this."No." Nick's signature smile faltered slightly at the harsh break down of the word. There didn't feel like there was any room to go with this, and he was looking more and more at Judy to see what she would say. While he was usually the one with the silver tongue right now it felt very dry and difficult to use. For her part, Judy was far from disappointed with the idea of working in a smaller community. After all, Bunnyburrow was not that unlike Deerbrook, well maybe more Bunnies, but that was to be expected."Soundslikeagoodideaboss," Judy said a cocky smile appearing on her face. "JustwhatmeandNick,erm,ImeanOfficerWildecoulduse.Iamcertainwecanbringsomebigcityjusticetowhateversmalltownproblemstheyarehaving." She balled her furry paw into a fist and pumped it enthusiastically."I'msureyouwill," the Chief said in a flat tone, clearly not overly invested into what happened to them, as long as it didn't cause him more trouble. "GoandseeOfficerClawhauserforyourtransferordersandtoseeaboutgettingyourtrainticketsthere." He shuffled some papers on his desk and gave them both a stern look. "You'llbeexpectedtofollowtherulesofthecommunity,youknowhowdelicatesomeofthesesituationsare.IamtrustingyoutodoagoodjobandmaketheZPDlookgood.""You'vegotit,boss!" Judy said, practically bouncing out of her seat to give him the thumbs up."Nowgetoutofmyoffice," the chief said and pointed to the door.A moment later, standing in the hallway, Judy smiled brightly at Nick. "Lookslikewearegoingupintheworld.Excitingisn'tit?" she asked still all but bouncing on her heels.
['Wilde', 'Sergentnicholas', 'Bogo', 'Hopps']
Hansel and Gretel(Me and White Rabbit.)
Ok so most of you have heard the story of Hansel and Gretel, well forget what you told the real story is much more darker than the fairy tale you are told, now sit back and watch as the story unfolds, watch as these two innocent children are tainted by the adults which control there fates, enjoy as the poor children you know has Hansel and Gretel try to make it home, facing the challenges of the mysterious house in the woods. "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" Hansel was a simple boy he'd not known the finer things in live, he was used to the country live with his mother and father and his younger sister Gretel, their parents did not have much money has a result of this both Hansel and Gretel had been home schooled gathering what information they could from old text books which their mother and father had used.Hansel walked down the stairs of the old log cabin which he called home he was trying to be quite as he could but the old house was creaky and made this hard, stil lhe went down stairs he knew his mother or father would already be up tending to what few animals they had these were only a few chickens which gave eggs and a pig which they would eventually eat.A smile crossed Hansel's face as he noticed there was no one in the living room or the kitchen, it appeared to him thathe was infact the first one up which meant he would not have to start lessons so early and get interupted by his sister waking up and joining the lesson, now since Hansel and Gretel had not gone to a real school and was home tutored they had grown closer as siblings forming a bond which some may consider wrong, although Hansel himself was 14 a year older than his sister, to save money and water they often shared a bath like they had when younger although as they got older theire parents had forced them to sit back to back in their bath, till they could find the text book on sex education which had been lost for a while now.Hansel gave a small sigh has his mother came through the door from outside her words made him shudder a little has he dreaded these days when his fathe would come home late, it either meant he had been out stealing from travelers which came by in the nearby woods, or that he had been trying to get food for them which often he failed in doing."Go wake your sister up dear."His mother asked Hansel, to which he turned around and head towards the stairs, arriving within a matter of seconds not that he wasa fast walker it was just the house was so small you could possibly get from one side of the house to the other in a mere matter of 2 maybe 3 strides."Gretel mum said get up."He yelled up the stairs, he was being a little lazy sure but why walk up the stairs when shouting worked just fine. Gretel woke up her brother was yelling and she had no doubt that her mother wanted her to do some chores. Come on I want to sleep she rolled out of bed in enough underclothes to make her look decent. As she saw the time she was a little angry that they waited so long to wake her up. The cabin was a mess it was covered in a thin layer of dust.She threw her legs over the side of the bed she looked down at her brother who had a sick grin on his face. No showers you like those too much she teased him knowing she had just started to bud. Her mother had begun watching them in the shower to make sure they did nothing bad. Though she had never said what bad was she told them that they should not help wash each other. Where is father she asked pulling over her dress it still had enough room in the front that she could put her arms in to keep warm. She slid down the rail landing on the floor she gave her older brother a hug. The note was on the table with a package that needed to be delivered to a house deep in the woods. The note asked mother to do it but she was far to busy with laundry. "God Gretel anyone would think I fancied you if they heard you say I enjoy taking a shower with you."Hansel snarled back at his sister who was younger than he was, although his temper lasted all of five seconds as he caught a glance of his mothers distained face as it filled up with anger at his words and tone to his sister, he was still unsure why his mother had began to watch them shower and bathe together and warned them not to wash eact other in certain places it was odd she had never bothered about them playing around in the bath or shaower as kids so why was she being so weird about it now.Hansel being 14 was getting natrually curious about his body since he was already half way through the cycle of puberty he'd often played with himself at night although he did often have to wait till Gretel had fallen asleep, that was a problem he hated having to share a room with his sister, another problem that was bugging him was what are the strange lumps developing on his sisters chest."Mother dear, may I ask a question about my sister?"Hansel asked in a sweet voice which made him sound a little worried about his sibling who although younger than him by a year looked almost like she could have been younger than him by a matter of seconds she was almost like his twin not a younger sibling."Why of course my son what is the matter, are you worried about your darling little sister?"His mother retalited with a question of her own her voice espressed a little concern."Well Mother I was wondering why Gretel's chest has lumps on it, is she sick?"He asked his mother his voice changing it's monotone a little making him sound almost sad at the thought of his sister the only friend he had known for most of his life being ill in anyway. Hansel's mother blanked seemed to blank the question or avoid it for a few moments before she gave her reply."No don't be silly Hansel my dear your sister not sick, as for those bumps she is getting I will explain them later to you."With this Hansel was satisfied and waited for his sibling to come down the stairs, while he was waiting he watched his mother potter around the house doing some chores, the few chores that he and his sister did not have to do luckily. Gretel shook the box all around she wanted to know what was inside of it but she wanted to talk to mom first "Mom why does Hansel play with himself" she asked having not yet discovered masturbation. she looked into her mothers eyes she could see that her mother wanted to say far more then she was. "you should ask Hansel about that its very private" she told her only daughter as she pushed her out to play.The yard was only defined by a small fence that could not even hold out rabbits from the small family garden. "So what are you doing brother" she asked with a big hug around his body she could feel him squirm. he had acted so different to her since she had gotten the lumps, and since her got hair on his body. "we have to deliver a package for dady" she told him giving him a kiss on the cheek. Hansel swiftly wiped his cheek of the kiss which his sister had given him shortly after he had squirmed free of her hug, He looked at her with a quick glance his eyes floating from her hair down to her eyes, he went lower down noticed her lumps and finally traced downwards to her feet, a small sigh leaving his exsistence as he shifts towards the gate."Fine then lets go."Sure he loved his sister but since the development of her lumps on her chest she had become rather more touchy feely, more so since he had began to play with himself he had also come a little more touchy feely himself, but he had became more sneaky and often snuck to the lake in the nearby forest to watch the girls from the village or the travelers daughters who would use the lake often for swimming purposes.Hansel looked back at his sister from the ground making sure to peer into her eyes and not at the developing lumps on her chest, he had noticed a few of the girls he had seen in the lake had the same lumps some had bigger lumps than Gretel and some had smaller lumps than her, but Hansel oddly being closer to Gretel than he should possibly be for their age had liked the looks of his sisters lumps. Seeming to cheer up a little bit Hansel gave her a smile before extending out his left hand to her, when ever they had to walk through the forest with or without their mother they was told to hold hands that way they would not get lost."Well lets go get this package delivered sister dearest."Hansel enquired to his sister, as he waited for her to take a hold of his hand which was noticeably bigger than hers."Besides this walk will give me the chance for me to talk to you, I have something I want you to ask mother, I've asked her but she won't answer me." Gretel took his hand she loved her big brother because even as a boy he had not pushed her or pulled her hair. "Thank you" what did he want to talk about maybe he would tell her why he touched himself, and only when he thought she was asleep. He was not the biggest boy she had seen father was much bigger. But he was not the smallest and easily bigger then any of the boys her own age."what do you want to know" in only a few minutes they had left the small house behind entering the main road. If you could call a down trodden path a road or a few people a year well traveled at all. she smiled looking up at her brother as they came to a small bridge she wondered if a troll truly lived under there. "Don't let the troll get me" she begged hiding behind his back as they stepped foot on the bridge. she could see that the bridge was old if one was not careful one could easily fall through. "Don't be silly Gretel there are no such things has trolls, well the thing I want to talk to you about Gretel is I asked motehr before that I noticed you was getting lumps on your chest and I wondered what they was, but she said nothing just I'll explain later to you, which means as we both know she's not going to tell me."Hansel glanced back the house where they lived had vanished now as they traveled down the down trodden path which went through the forest it was not perfect and would probablly wash away if a decent rain came by.Hansel kept his hand in Gretel's hand oddly unlike siblings they had laced their fingers together which possibly they had picked up from their mother and father."So what is this package?"Hansel asked his sibling as he walked side by side with her, he was a few inches taller than her but that was because of the age diffrence between the pair.The track was a little dusty as they walked as he waited for his sister to answer his questions, and confirm if she'd ask mother what the lumps were and then tell him, and while he waited to hear what the package was, Hansel looked up in the sky at the darkening clouds gathering."Looks like rain sister dearest, we may need to find shelter if we don't hurry." "I don't know" she was not supposed to open the package for all she knew there could be a babies head or nothing at all. she looked down at her chest what was the big deal about them they were small and felt like her ass. she took her other hand and covered them she did not want to think about her father told her they were dirty. "There melons" well that was what her father called when he looked at the mild maid."Maybe we can go in there" she suggested pointing at the small house it looked like a gingerbread brick house. she smiled running towards the house with her brother rain drops were falling all around them. she did not want to get wet it would be a bad day if they had to walk back soaking wet in the cold woods. she huddled with her brother under the awning as they knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer. Hansel ran along with his sister since he was a little taller he was at least a step or two infront of it would not take the pair long to reach the cabin, Gretel had knocked o nthe door but to know aveil no one had answered turning to face his sister Hansel had a question but was not sure if he should ask it, he decided against his better judgement and had chosen to ask the question."Gretel what are your melons for?"he said curiously.While waiting for his sister to give an answer or tell him to mind his own business it was entirely her choice of what she would do, he leaned against the door which was oddly not locked and opened forcing Hansel towards the floor, in a state of sudden panic at the falling Hansel extended his hand and grasped Gretel's right arm. The choice to try and catch Hansel had been a poor one smaller then he was she had no chance to stop his fall. She fell on top of him with a hard thud enough to make her dress blow up to her waist she tried to get up. "well they make good airbags" she joked trying to roll of him but his knees were up for some reason. Did he plan that fall on purpose it would be just like him to pull a trick on her."And men seem to like the bigger ones" she managed to grab one arm and flip of her brother like the acrobat she had played. on her back she looked over the room it was hard to see with only the light from the door. Hans was still on his back it looked like he had hurt his leg during the fall enough to hurt. "get up you faker" she told him hitting him in the stomach hard enough to knock the wind from him. Hansel closed his eyes as he noticed that the fall had made his sister Gretel's dress flirt up this was due to not wanting to have an embaressing situation, but it had failed and she had punched him after making her assumption that he had done that to be perverse in some way which he had not.Hansel stood up dusting himself acting like the punch had not hurt him he was trying to be macho, he looked around the delapidated old log cabbin, letting out a small gasp despite no one having answered the knocks that Gretel did a mere matter of minutes before the house was not empty, before his eyes there was a man, not particularlly old looking around 5 foot and 7 inches in height fair hair and no particular blemisheson his face, if Hansel had to guess at an age he would have had to say this man was around 30 mayber 31 years old."Exscuse me sir, it's raining out andthe path gets pretty treacherous in the rain, could we please stay here?"Hansel asked as he backed up a little to make sure his sister was still there, and had not run into the woodsand got lost, Hansel had sensed no danger from the man after all in the eyes of youth like himself and his sister gretel everyone was a good person.Hansel glanced down at his sister for a minute."Gretel I think this is the house where we was meant to deliver the package right?"Hansel asked his younger sister who still had the package which their mother told them to deliver, he then turned back to the man who simply said in a gentle toned of voice"Yes you can shelter here for a bit while it is raining"The man who was considerably taller than Hansel and his sister would wave his arm in a gesture signaling them to go further in. The House had only a few rooms, a kitchen two bedrooms and a study Gretel looked at Hansel the man was a head over him. Gretel placed her arms around her body her cloths where soaking wet even after only a few minutes in the rain. She looked around all the doors seemed to have locks on the outside of them "cant we stay up here" only there seemed to be no fire so she followed him into the batsmen. The place looked more like a dungeon with exposed stone and chains hanging from the walls and floors."Can we go" she asked a little afraid the man seemed eager to have the package even though there was only a piece of paper inside. She could see a picture of both of them fall out of the box with a few other items. "You are staying here for a good long time, you're father sold you too me, i was expecting you're mother first but well you are not so bad" he grabbed her by the arm pulling her to him his breath smelled bad. Hansel angered by the mans sudden revolatiion and more angered at the way he had treated Gretel charged at the man screaming as he went, Hansel knew he would be no match for this male, so it came as no suprise as the male struck Hansel which easily knocked him to the floor where he looked at him with disgust."Let my sister go you bastared she's not a possession for sale, or I'll kill you."Hansel's anger was not something he was proud of and this mans actions had peaked his temper to the point he was no longer thinking rationally, a small black handle stuck out from beneath the stove, Hansel grabbed hold of ti pulling the knive which it was attached too out as well he slowly got up his black hair falling acros his face he had rather long hair for a boy."I said let her go, she's not your property, dad would never sell her to you knowing I would come with her, never you here me.""Don't doanything stupid now young man, you're partially right your father did not sell her to me knowing you would come along with her, he sold you both to me, now put that knive down before I hurt you seriously.The male snarled at Hansel.Hansel feeling betrayed by his father, would his father reall had sold him to this man and why had the man suddenly became nasty like this, Hansel clutched tighter at the handle tighter, he slowly lifted his head to Gretel lookign for a sign as to what he should do. Gretel was too shocked she simple grabbed the knife from Hansel stabbing the man in the leg with the sharp knife. "You wont get out of here" he yelled as she ran the door was not locked she wondered if he worked alone. It seemed odd that such a cowardly person would work alone so deep in the woods. "We cant go home" she spoke as she heard a someone approaching the door from the outside.In all the movies the bad guys came in twos or threes she had no idea if the man she had hurt would come after them. she was silent as she crawled into the cupboard hoping that Hansel would join her or find his own spot. she could hear the man enter the house as the first man limped up the stairs. Maybe they could still get away but where would they go there dad would just turn around and send them back. Never had within the confides of his worst nightmares had Hansel been able to imagine such horror has to have been betrayed by his own father, to have been sold along with his sister Gretel to someone scampering up the stairs he heard the sound of the front door opening, Hansel dashed into the kitchen and ducked under sink to his suprise his sister was alredy there.Hansel's face was red the blood in his body rushing to his cheeks, he looked at Gretel he knew she was rathersmart and would not say anything but he made a sign as if to tell her to be silent, this how ever was in vein he had been spotted by the second man the person they was trying to avoid had seen him ducking in to the cupboard.The doors of the cupboard opened both men was standing there, both he hand Gretel were now trapped and neither of them had thought to bring the knive, the men both reached out the first male the one hisister had stabbed was reaching for her, while the more muscualr new comer reached out to grab him. They pulled out one twin then the other holding them by a foot and an arm as the men tied them like a bull. "let us go you freaks" she cried out as she saw the bloody knife cut through her cloths red with the mans blood. She almost passed out as it nicked her skin she was at the ends of her courage. "Don't let them hurt me Hansel" she cried out to her brother as they tossed her onto the table. She could see that the man had wrapped his wound and was not going to die from the wound she gave him. Hansel struggled against his captor trying to shake himself loose maybe if he coulld get loose he could get Gretel free he was not important his main concern was Gretel at the moment someone as sweet and as innocent as shewas did not deserve to be treated this way, when Hansel noticed the knive was near his sisters skin he stopped struggling.Disgust filled Hansel's eyes as he watched helpless as the man who had grabbed his sister just moments before had now thrown her to the table which was all of a foot away."You bastared don't you dare touch her.Hansel snarled as the first male gave a rather dirty smile, as he forced Gretel to turn over."You'll make a great little pet, and so will your brother people will pay top doll to see you two." She looked at her brother "What do you mean" she asked her eyes filling up with water who would want to see them. her brother was tied up but not like her only his hands before the rope was thrown over a rafter. "what do you mean" she begged as they top out a camera placing it on a tripod mount. the two men took of there cloths and began to set up lights as if they were about to shoot a movie. "what do you mean" she asked fighting to get free of the two men who had stripped her. Hansel sturggled even though it was useless the man was to strong for him he was forced to endure the agony of watching as the man which had a bandage on his leg because he had gotten stabbed tore of the clothes of his sister, more curiously to him the man who held onto him had torn his clothes of and both men had taken of their own clothes."What are you planning on doing to his you perverts."Hansel snarled at the pair.Both men looked at each other at that moment a third man walked into the room, this one locked the door he nodded towards the two men the one that had an hold him forced Hansel to walk towards the table which lay upon was his sister who was baked, the forming lumps on her chest was perky and looked nice under the lights they had prepared, Hansel shook his head of these impure thoughts."what are you doing, let us go what are you going to do to us."Hansel said angrly as he was forced up onto the table.The third male undid his jacket revealing to both Hansel and Gretel that he had a gun should they try and escape again, the original two males looked at him and saw his second nod then forced Hansel to kneel over his sister both Hansel and his younger sister was naked and Hnasel's penis was rather close to the developing lumps on her chest. Hansel looked down at his sister as if to say I'm sorry I failed to protect you. "sex people love young twin action" he told the twins stroking his cock until it was hard not that it seemed he would use it. Gretel looked at her brothers cock with amazement and fear she was sure he would need it. "yes if you don't have sex we will hurt the one that does not do as we tell them" explained the man wondering what was wrong with these men wanting to see under aged children have sex. she turned her head wishing she was back at home with mother safe in her bed, even missing father. Hansel snarled at the men before he looked back dow at his sister he'd never known anyone other than her and yes they was close but the thought of doing anything like this with her had never even been a speck of a thought in young Hansel's mind the kingdom of Tiberk in which they was living frowned on this kind of thing even paupers of a family like Hansel and Gretel's mother and father knew this, why did the pair's father sell them and why to men that would force them to be so close to each otehr naked, this was no longer like sharing the same bath, at least then there mother was around to make sure they did not look at each other fully, he knew that their mother was trying to give each child that small bit of privacy.Hansel was suddenly snapped out of his train of thought by the man with the gun slapping him across the head, Hansel snarled and looked around."Why us what we are not legal to have sex and we are brother and sister, I am 14 for crying out loud and she's 13. Even you should know that you have to be 16 and over to have sexin this land."The man with the gun nodded too the the male which Gretel had stabbed earlier, he slowly played with himself making his dick erect before pushing Hansel's head down to touch his lips against the lips of his sister, meanwhile the second man the one who had torn of Hnasel's clothes switched on the camera and started to record as Gretel and Hansel was forced to kiss.The Third man the one who had the gun looked at the two men, the one which had been stabbed looked away and then backed off which gave Hansel time to break the forced kiss. This made the man with gun angry he snapped his hand down to the gun cocking the hammer to show Hansel that he was serious."You girl touch your brothers penis and make it hard for him, the harder you make it the better fun you will have later.Hansel looked down at Gretel with apologetic eys as if the kiss had been his fault and he was sorry about it. She looked at the gun then placed he small hand on his limp cock rubbing her thumb over the head of it silently. it jumped in her hand as she spit onto it knowing he would be dry and that that would hurt a lot. "sorry brother' she cried her tears sliding over her young breast as he grew she added the other hand. he was not really big enough for both so she had to use the other to tease his balls. she was too young to think about teasing his ass eh had heard that dad liked that with mom. "like this" she asked the man sliding her hand up and down the shaft of her brthers cock so close to her face. Hansel gave a little shudder as his sister layed her hand on to his cock her hand was ever so cold, the feeling was incredibly nice he was amazed as his dick grew bigger much like it did when he played with it while she slept in the bed across the bedroom from him, this was different this time his cock seemed to throb a little as his sister rubbed the shaft, his balls was tingling slight as Gretel's second hand teased them, the hardening cock grew closer to his sisters face he looked down at her then to the man as Gretel asked if she was doing it right, in the second which the man spoke both Hansel and Gretel knew they would have to do this if they did not want to get hurt.The man with the gun the one which Gretel had asked if she was doing it right stepped a little further away as did the other two as if moving out of the camera shot, but still keeping their presenceknown to keep the pair doing as they were forced and told to do so."You're doing well girl, now you boy put you cock in her tits and push them around it.He barked his order at Hansel who reluctantly did as he asked and placed his dick in the slight gap in his sisters breasts, the second man the one who had tore Hansel's clothes of before played with his cock a little and lifted the camera into one hand before going round to the side.Hansel looked at the man with the gun as if to ask did he have to do the rest, the male just nodded so rather shyly as if he had not really wnated to Hansle pushed Gretel's still developing breasts against his cock which seemed to throb and grow just a little more at the touch of his sisters developing body, the thoughts in his head should not have been there but they was he was actually enjoying his sisters naked body touching parts of his own naked body. In a sof whispered tone Hansel said to Gretel."I'm sorry, but if I don't we will get hurt or worse." She licked the head of his cock without being asked her brother was thankfully not as big as any of the men. "Can we stop" she begged knowing his cum would fly all over her face when her brother was finished. she tired to look away but the the men forced her head back showing the gun again as if she forgot about it. "she may be small but look how perky they are" she felt the head of her brother cock graze a nipple. She was ashamed but could not cover he chest with her hands tied up. Why did they want to see them they were not even that developed being barley more then children. Hansel felt ashamed of his thoughts of his actions, he felt even more ashamed of the fact he was enjoying this a little Hansled continued to rub his rock hard cock between the small yet perky still developing breasts of his sister, he knew that when he finished what would happen the same thing as happened when he rubbed his cock wit hhis hand he would blow a wad of cum, the thought to do it aster crossed his own mind but he fought back that thought continuing to slide his dick in her breasts which he was holding tightly around it.A look of slight relief filled his face when the man which had the camera finally chirped up and told him to stop, the man which had a gun looked at him as if he was angry, but dismissed any such anger the first man which they had encoutered had undone Gretels bonds not to let her and Hansel go free perish the thought of such kindness from such vile men as these three. The stronger looking man the man whi had the camera said something to the third man the one with the gun, he simply replied."Yes I agree, that it would fetch more if it looked less forced.Hansel looked at Gretel, so that was what they was doing trying tol make it looke they was both willing.Gretel's hand was now free but the men had not finished with the pair luckly Hansel had stopped before he'd blown his load, that would not be something he had wished to do not all over his sisters face, he had no idea what the men would plan later for them but Hansel was more worried about the here and now, the man with the gun seemed a little angry at the man which had bee stabbed he told him to get dressed and go get the others, which made Hansel curious had these men bought more like him and his sister, his worries were short lived as the man with the gun tole Hansel his next order, disturbed Hansel looked at the man then at Gretel and back to the man who madea point of showing him the gun, Hansel in fear for his sisters life and his own did as he was told and moved down the table almost at the edge he was nervous but had to do as he was told and both he and Gretel knew this, Hansel ran the rough edge of his tongue along the base of his sisters lower area, not knowing why they had asked this off him.
['Hansel', 'Gretel']
The Lady of Honnoji Academy and her Would-Be Suitor (Matttheman89 & Garnet)
While it was true that he was often relaxed, laid back, and even a little cocky at times, at the moment Uzu Sanageyama was completely focused on the elegant, yet fiercely beautiful young woman standing before him. Shinai in hand, he stared Lady Satsuki down trying not to make it too obvious that he was also roaming her figure with his eyes and took up a fighting stance."Ready whenever you are, Lady Satsuki!" he called, feeling a little tense but also excited at the same time. He was always eager to put his skills to the test, but against Satsuki...well...often times the test was simply how long he could stay on his feet. He was ready to prove himself this time though, and planned on showing her what he was capable of.Perhaps then she would regard him more favorably? As beautiful and as powerful as she was, he knew only someone special would catch her attention, and he planned on being that special someone. And what better way to catch her attention than through a demonstration of his abilities?To that end, once she had given him leave to begin, Uzu charged forward with his wooden sword raised, poised to strike once he was within striking distance, and lashed out in an attempt to hit her in the side. Satsuki Kiryuin wasn't a woman who could be taken lightly. She had devoted her life to a singular mission and surrounded herself only with people who could match at least some of her resolve. One of those privileged few was deceptively...loud. Uzu Sanageyama, a wild former thug from enemy Kanto who had gained her respect since their first battle all those years ago. She had seen potential in him and her intuition had been dead n the mark when he rose to become part of her inner circle.The dark haired woman was dressed in her usual training clothes, a white hakama, as she held Bakuzan in its sheath. Unleashing her blade would give her an unfair advantage against his shinai. She allowed a slight smile to cross her face as he gave her that usual smug grin. Normally over confidence irritated the young woman, however in Uzu's case it was far from misplaced."Very well. Come!" she said with a smile tugging at her lips. When he came in range, that hint of a grin was instantly erased as she dodged his sword with a quick few steps. She watched him closely and parried with her sword before taking a sharp step forward to strike his head. Uzu was one of the few who's swordsmanship she respected although that raised her expectations for him higher than most of her subordinates. Practically quicker than could be believed, Lady Satsuki had danced out of the way of Uzu's attack, dodging it with a sort of lithe grace and smoothness that only she seemed to possess, and struck back with an attack of her own. Having been on the receiving end of such a blow many times before, he knew just what sort of damage she could do even with her sword safely tucked away in it's sheath, and quickly raised his guard to defend himself from her strike.Feeling the reverb of the blade on blade collision jolt it's way down his arms, Uzu pushed against Satsuki's sheathed sword with a familiar smirk of confidence on his face, feeling the adrenaline of the fight coursing through his veins. Nothing got him as excited as fighting against Lady Satsuki...even if the fights were usually one sided and rather painful on his end. "What do you say, Lady Satsuki? Feel like upping the ante, this time?" he asked, knowing he might have been pushing his luck but unable to help himself."What do you say, if I win, you give me a reward?" he continued, pushing her back with all his might, and swinging his sword down in the hopes of striking her while she was off balance.
['Kiryuin', 'Satsuki', 'Sanageyama', 'Uzu']
The Real Power of Love (GuardianAngel x Roseangelkoi)
PlotAfter the guys turned 18, they stop using their power to prevent themselves from aging. They still have a strange feeling that Chase isn't completely gone and they are right. After 5 years of waiting, healing, and regaining his powers, Chase has found a way to prevent the aging curse when using his powers. According to an old text, the Sons of Iswpich fell into this curse due to one of the brothers crushing the heart of one of the Element Sisters. The only way to stop the aging is to get one of the Element Sisters to fall in love with them. Character Templates Sons of IspwichName:Age:Crush:Appearance:Element GirlsName:Age:Element:Crush:Short Bio:Name:Chase CollinsAge:23Crush:Any TakersAppearance:Name:Serenity KnightAge:25Element:WaterCrush:Reid GarwinShort Bio: When Serenity turned 13 years old, her powers started to surface. Before this, her mother kept the true about her family ancestors. This is when she learned she was one of the Element Sisters. Serenity at first dislike her powers and refused to accept them. However, this lead to uncontrol rain storms and tsunamis. When she realized this, Serenity started to learn how to control and master her powers. http: albums qq7 x Cherry Darling x alexis bledel 13.jpg Serenity Knighthttp: albums...umblr n6uutlQnRr1qbpqlgo1 500 zps279040ec.jpg Chase Collins Name: Reid DarwinAge: 22Crush: Serenity KnightAppearance:https: 736x d6 96 17 d6961786d38d5e11ebcb960149159d27.jpgName: Ravyn WintersAge: 24Element: DarknessCrush: Chase CollinsShort Bio: Ravyn, birth name being Natalia before she changed it, was born to a pair of drug addicts. Her childhood was full of abuse and neglect, which is why she has been so independent. She had to take care of herself all the time growing up. High school she was the outcast, keeping more to herself and being different with her lolita and gothic like clothing. At eighteen she was sexually assaulted, and going to her parents they only told her that she had it coming, that if she stopped dressing like a slut it wouldn't have happened. This is about when Ravyn tried to commit suicide for the first time....and probably would have succeeded had Chase not shown up. Since then she has been helping him, at least for a number of years. Soon after she turned twenty three she left for a while, and is just now returning to be at Chase's side.Appearance: https: 736x a8 d7 cd a8d7cde19bb580da64bbb144eaff1c84.jpgHair is long, falling to the middle of her back and she has green eyes. Serenity swirled her straw around in her empty glass as she waited for the bartender to come back and refill her drink. She had been hanging out in this town for the last couple of days. Her powers had lead her for some reason. After visiting the 'visitor center' yesterday, Serenity had learned that this was location for one of the original colonies. If she remembered her mother's stories correct, her family was part of the first settlement here until the Salem witch trials and that's when her family had to flee to the West. Serenity glanced around 'Nicky's' noting the various ages of people in this bar. She figured this was one of the only places to hang out in this small town for fun. "Maybe I should just go back to my room and read that book some more," Serenity muttered to herself. Chase paced around the small apartment as he tried to translate the ancient text he had in his hand. He had been repeating the same phrase over and over again. Chase had been working on some powerful ancient spells that hadn't been used for many, many years. "Damn it," Chase cursed before throwing the book against the wall. He left the book on the ground as he headed to the kitchen. Chase opened the fridge and grabbed a drink. After taking a few drinks, he glanced over at the clock and realized that four hours had already passed. However, this really didn't phase Chase since he was waiting for Ravyn to return to the apartment. A year ago the female that Chase happened to be waiting for had decided that she was going to leave, to travel and learn. Although now she was arriving back in town, but only for one reason. And that was for Chase. Nothing else and nobody else mattered to the red haired female, except for that one person. He was the one who had saved her life so many years ago, and after a while of being around him....she had fallen in love with him. Who knew if he felt the same way. He was usually busy plotting against the Sons of Ipswich, but there wasn't much that she could do about that. Other than help him. Ravyn was looking down at her phone for a brief moment before she was walking up to the room that the male had mentioned in his text message. With that she was giving a knock on the door before she was pushing it open and standing in the doorway, soon after he had taken to throwing the book. "You know.... you really shouldn't throw books. You could ruin them." she cooed as she was sweeping into the room and snagging up the book. While Serenity was sitting at Nicky's so was one of the Sons of Ipswich, Reid Garwin. Since the age of eighteen the guys had been aging since one of the others had taken to hurting one of the Element Sisters at that time. And with that happening they had all paid the price for it. On top of it, the others had the feeling that Chase was still around which was only going to prove problematic that was for sure. His eyes did go towards a female that was at the bar before he was getting up and sauntering over. She was new, he had never seen her before, mind as well greet her so that she didn't feel so lonely. A smirk appeared on Chase's face as he heard Ravyn's voice. He set his drink down on the counter before turning to face the red haired woman. "Not when you have powers like me," Chase said before his eyes turned black for a moment. He used his powers to fix the binding that had been slightly ruined by his anger. Chase then walked over and grabbed the book from Ravyn's hand. "I see you found the apartment. Did you run into any other problems?" Chase asked as he walked over to place the book on the table. He had sent out Ravyn to see if she could find where the Sons of Ipswich were staying since he knew he had to keep a lower profile for himself. Serenity was deep in thought when she sense someone sitting down next to her. She glanced over to the side to see a blonde haired man had taken the seat next to her. By first look, he seemed like a bad boy who is probably full of himself. However, Serenity could sense that there was something different about this guy. He didn't seem normal and she couldn't quite put her finger on it. She decided it was best to be alert around this male. Finally, the bartender had appeared in front of Serenity. "I'll take another," she told the bartender, who nodded his head before grabbing her glass. He started to mix up her favorite drink, captain and root beer. Ravyn looked towards him before she spoke, "I suppose so. As for running into problems.... the only thing I ran into was my parents. That wasn't very fun at all." With that she was rolling her eyes a bit before she was moving closer to him and wrapping her arms around him in a hug, giving him a kiss on the cheek. After that she was drawing away and walking a few steps away before she spoke, "The Sons of Ipswich never left where they had been from five years ago. But.... they cursed themselves. One of them hurt one of my fellow sisters." A faint smirk played at her lips before she was giving a small shrug and taking off her jacket, tossing it over the back of one of the chairs. This revealed various scars on her arms, and on her right arm was gauze from where she had managed to cut herself on a piece of glass. That had been a total accident.Reid looked towards her for a moment in time before he spoke, "Welcome to our lovely little town. I'm Reid. I've never seen you before. You must be new to this town?" With that he was brushing some of his blonde hair out of his face and asking the bartender for a drink. Bartender's choice, he really didn't care at that point in time. Hell if he needed a ride all he had to do was call up one of the other guys to come and get him. Chase could himself clench his teeth together as Ravyn mentioned seeing her parents. If she would allow it, he would have killed them without a second thought duet to their treatment of Ravyn. However, Chase's focus quickly changed to the Sons as Ipswich when Ravyn started filling him in on what she had discovered. He couldn't help, but smirk at the boys' misfortune about getting cursed. This was going to be too easy for him. Chase could probably just force the boys to use their powers until they bodies completely wear down. He was pulled out of his train of thought when he noticed the gauze on Ravyn's arm. Chase walked over to Ravyn and grabbed her right wrist. "What happened?" he asked in a worried tone as he turned her arm to reveal the gauze. Serenity let out a small sigh as she heard him talking to her. She debated for a moment if she should use her powers to spill water on him so he would leave her alone. Serenity figured against it for two reason. One, there was something strange about this boy and two, there was nothing else to do in this town. "I'm Serenity," she answered as she turned towards him slight. At least point, Serenity was able to get a better look at him. She could feel her heart starting to race a bit. Serenity wasn't expecting him to be so handsome. "And yeah I'm new here. That's not a hard mystery to solve in this small town," Serenity responded. Ravyn could see the smirk on his lips which had her giving a faint smile as well. Although it wasn't long before he was grabbing her wrist and was asking what had happened. "I cut my arm on some glass. No need to worry, love." With that she was learning forward and giving him a kiss on the cheek before she was commenting that she was going to borrow his shower. "Unless you want to join me." she spoke in a teasing, playful voice. Hey if he really wanted to shower with her, she wouldn't care at all.Reid just looked at her for a moment in time before he spoke, "Serenity.... a beautiful name for a beautiful woman." He was taking his drink from the bartender as well before taking a swig of it, deciding to take a seat on the stool next to Serenity instead of standing the entire time. Chase was a bit skeptical of Ravyn's response. He trusted her, but at the same time he wanted to protect her and make sure she was never harmed again. Chase put all his thoughts on hold when he heard Ravyn's proposal. "You don't have to ask me, just tell me," he said as he removed his shirt before walk over to Ravyn. Chase placed a hand on the side of her face as he leaned in for a deep kiss. He wrapped an arm around her waist before walking backwards into the bathroom to take a shower together. Serenity knew that this guy Reid wasn't planning on leaving any time soon as he sat down next to her. "So here's the deal, if you want me to stay I suggest you cut it with the corny pickup lanes, you could use on any bimbo with half a brain. I'm a smart, intelligent woman and as such I can see you have a dark side to you," she said before a smirk appeared on her face. She turned her head away from Reid to take a drink. Serenity waited to see on the blonde was going to respond. She figured she meant as well mess with him to see if he was worth her time or just a normal creep in the bar trying to pick up a girl. Ravyn looked towards him for a moment in time before she spoke, "You have that look like you don't believe me. It is the truth, despite how I myself wanted to do something." With that she was giving him a kiss back before she was following after him into the bathroom. And of course she was going to ask, it was his apartment, she was just a visitor at the time. "And of course I'm going to ask. It is your apartment. I'm just visiting." she commented after a moment in time, and she was pushing the bathroom door closed behind her with her foot. Reid looked towards her before he chuckled and spoke, "Ah but doesn't everybody have a dark side to them. And who says I'm using a pick up line and not just being polite." With that he was taking a swig from his drink and brushing some strands of blonde hair from his face. It wasn't long before he was glancing at his phone to see that he had a message from Caleb. Another Son of Ispwich, and a close friend of Reid's. Chase pressed his lips firmly against Ravyn as he felt her womanly body against his. He reluctantly pulled away from the kiss before staring into Ravyn's green eyes for a moment. Without losing eye contact with Ravyn, Chase reached to the side of him and opened the shower door. He moved his hand to the shower wall as he felt for the handle for the shower. "Let me help you remove your clothes," Chase said with a sly grin as he turned the water on. His hands quickly found their way to the bottom of Ravyn's shirt. * * * * *A grin formed against the glass as Serenity finished taken a drink. She had to admit that she was rather intrigued by Reid's response. Serenity was impressed he held his own without becoming a cocky prick. She glanced down at Reid's phone as he pulls it out. "Did you just get a message from your girlfriend?" Serenity teased as she saw the text message icon pop up on Reid's screen. She glanced back at Reid's face. This time taking a moment to study her new companion's face. Ravyn looked towards him for a brief moment in time before she cooed, "You are being a pervert." Her tone was joking of course, otherwise she probably would have stopped him when his hands traveled down to the hem of her shirt. With that she was moving a bit and raising her arms up over her head so that he could pull her top off if he so wished.Reid looked towards her for a brief moment in time before he spoke, "No girlfriend. A friend was asking where I was at. Getting together with a few guys later." It wasn't a lie. He was getting together with Caleb, Tyler, and Pouge later on, guess they needed to discuss the situation at hand. He let out a small chuckle at her joke. "I think you enjoy my perverted side," Chase said as he lifted her shirt up and over her head. He placed his hands above her pants before slowly gliding his fingertips up along her sides until they reach the side of her bra. Using the bottom of the bra as a guide, his fingers made their way behind Ravyn to unhook her bra. The last bit of clothing on her upper half that was preventing him from seeing Ravyn's body. * * * * Serenity could feel a bit of relief wash over her as she heard the blonde man did not have a girlfriend. She wasn't sure why, but at least she knew he wasn't taken. "I see so does that mean you are going to leave me here alone to endure the boredness by myself," Serenity said teasing Reid a bit since she didn't want to get in the way of his plans for the night. Reid looked towards her before he was speaking, "Nah not meeting up with them until later. One of the guys is working, and doesn't get done until later." With that he was taking another drink from his cup before talking to the bartender about ordering some food as well. It was a place that sold food as well, thankfully. He was starving. Ravyn looked towards him before she spoke, "And what gives you that idea." With that she was giving a playful grin and was sliding her bra off after he had unhooked it, tossing it away from her. Now she just stood there in her short shorts, and a black lace thong under that. With that she was actually moving closer to him and grabbing the bottom of his shirt. "My turn to help you." she cooed. "Luck me," Serenity responded back a bit relieved she wasn't going to be left alone. Even though she just met Reid, she felt comfortable around him. As Reid ordered some food, Serenity added French fries to the order for herself. "So there anything else fun or interesting to do in this town? Nicky's can't be the only place to go," she asked as soon as the food arrived. Serenity figured he looked like the type of guy who enjoyed an adventure. * * * "Alright", Chase responded with a chuckle as he feels her hands on the bottom of his shirt. He remained still as his shirt was removed from his body. Chase kept his eyes locked on Ravyn the whole time. Taking in her beauty, as she stood their half naked already. His eyes were lusting to see more of her. Chase undid his pants, but left them open revealing his boxers before his hands started to pull down Ravyn's short shorts and black lace thong with one motion. Ravyn took off his shirt although it wasn't long before he was undoing his pants, and took to pulling down her shorts and panties. She could feel them drop down to her ankles which had her stepping out of them and kicking them away before she was returning the favor, pushing down his jeans and boxers. "I missed you while I was gone. A lot." she spoke in a soft voice after a moment in time, after the rest of his clothing dropped down around his ankles. No need to worry about socks on her end, she had taken those off earlier when she had taken off her boots.Reid gave a faint chuckle before he spoke, "Nah this is kind of a boring town, not going to lie. Usually I'm pretty busy with my guy friends, and going to college." Oh yeah there was a college in that town, well more on the outskirts of it, and it was pretty popular. Reid and all of the guys were on the swim team at the college as well, well Caleb had been but he ended up dropping out after an incident. He had briefly blacked out while swimming, thankfully it was during practice and there were others around, but still. He decided it would be safer to not be apart of the swim team, figuring it had something to do with the current situation at hand. "Not as much as me," Chase replied back as he moved her hand around his neck before grabbing the back of her thighs and lifting her up against his chest. His manhood pressing against her bottom as he crashed his lips against hers in another heated kiss. Chase had truly missed this feeling of closeness with Ravyn. Her skin touching his as he worshipped every bit of her. Chase knew it was thanks to Ravyn that he could continue using his powers. However, he also felt a deeper connection with her. Soon Chase carried Ravyn to the shower and carefully stepped inside. The warm water started to hit their bodies. * * * * * Serenity dipped a couple of fries in ketchup as she listened to Reid's response. She wasn't surprised to learn there was not much more to do in this town. Serenity was not sure why she was experiencing this connection with this place. She could feel this connection growing stronger as she sat with Reid talking with him. "So tell me about your guy friends. You must be pretty close since you can't seemed to stop mentioning them while talking to a pretty girl like me," Serenity teased before taking another drink. Hoping that getting to know Reid a bit more would help explain this feeling she had around him. Ravyn looked towards him before she cooed, "That is good, I was concerned that you would have found somebody else." It wasn't long before he was lifting her against his chest, and she could feel is manhood pressing against her. Not that it bothered her at all, honestly she could already tell that they were probably going to end up having sex in the shower. With that she was wrapping her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her into the shower, the warm water falling across her skin."We've been friends for a long while. Caleb, Pouge, and Tyler. We are all on the swim team together, and have been together through thick and thin. Supported each other through break ups, and other issues." Reid spoke before he was thanking the bartender as he brought his burger over, and was picking it up, taking a bite out of it. Man the burger was delcious, and he was happy to eat that point in time. Chase was lost in Ravyn's eyes since he couldn't stop himself from looking into them. He pressed her back against the cold shower wall. Chase wrapped one arm around Ravyn's lower half to keep her in place while his other hand traveled to her face. His fingertips brushed along her neck to the back of her head as he pulled her into a kiss. Chase was gentle at first as he pressed his lips against her before forcing his tongue inside of her mouth. Soon he pulled away from the kiss before placing her feet on the shower floor. "You are the only person I want," Chase said wanting to reassure her how much she meant to him. * * * As Serenity listened to Reid's answer, she couldn't help, but feel a bit jealous of their friendship. She had always wanted friends like that in life, but unfortunately, she was picked on growing up. Plus developing these powers didn't help. "So if you have been here a long time, do you know the history of the town?" Serenity asked wanting to know if there was a reason her senses had lead her here. Before Reid could answer her question, they were interrupted by a group of three guys. One of them sat down on the other side of Serenity. "Hello pretty young lady, do you need do you need rescuing from that loser over there?" Aaron asked looking directly down at Serenity, completely ignoring Reid with a smudge smile on his face. Ravyn looked towards Chase for a brief moment in time before she was kissing him back, and allowing him to slide his tongue into her mouth. No she savored his touch for a brief moment in time, at least until he was letting her go so that they could shower. With that she was looking at him for a moment in time, before she was giving a soft smile. "I suppose that you'll have to prove that." she teased him after a moment in time before she was stepping under the water, and getting her hair wet. Reid looked at her for a moment in time before he was giving a nod of his head although before he could really answer anything, Aaron and his loser friends were venturing over to flirt with Serenity. Go figure they would do that something like that. With that he was looking at his phone to see another message from Caleb stating that he was coming down with Tyler now, so they could hang while waiting for Pouge. "Who's the loser?" Reid mumbled although not that any of the guys would know, the small magic that he was casting. See how they liked the random voice change when they tried talking again. A little more high pitched, almost child like. Annoying child in specific. Chase let out a small chuckle at her words. He had to admit that Ravyn kept him on his toes and he enjoyed it. She was definitely a special woman to him. Chase watched Ravyn get her hair wet as he waited for his turn to use the water. His mind started to wonder a bit thinking about the Ispwich boys. He couldn't wait to get rid of them so his focus could be on Ravyn. After all, she had saved his life and through her he was allowed to use his powers to the fullest. "So after we done showering, do you want to eat or just skip to dessert," Chase asked with a sly smile on his face. * * * Serenity rolled her eyes at the Alpha male's poor efforts to get her attention. She did not understand why his goon squad had to come over with him. "If I did need rescuing, I could handle it myself," Serenity spat back not impressed by Aaron. "Feisty. I like that," he responded back, but his voice seemed a bit higher than usual. Aaron cleared his throat before motioning at the bartender for a drink. "And I'll like you to leave our conversation," Serenity said not happy with the interruption. "I can promise you a better time if you come with me," Aaron said with his voice changing again. This caused a small giggle to escape Serenity's lips. After receiving his drink, he quickly took a drink thinking some throat was dry causing the weird change in his voice. Serenity took this opportunity to use her powers. She control the liquid in his drink to dump all the way out and onto his pants causing Serenity to start to laugh. Ravyn looked towards him for a moment before she was drawing him forward so that he could use the water after she had finished rinsing the shampoo out of her hair. With that she was looking at him when he was asking if she wanted to eat or just skip to dessert. That sly smile on his face had her giving a faint head shake, but there was a smile on her lips. How she loved this man, had since day one of meeting him. Even if for the longest while they were constantly butting heads. But he had saved her, and she had saved him. "Considering I ate on my way here, I'm not overly hungry right now." she cooed after a moment in time. "At least not for food food. I would totally be okay with dessert." she almost purred. Reid just gave a faint grin as he watched what was going at that point in time, although there was the laughter from not only Serenity but a number of other people that were around at his sudden high pitched voice. And the man seemed to think that it was just because he had a dry throat, which made it all the more entertaining. The best part was when his drink seemed to spill all over his pants, which had Reid laughing aloud as well. One of his goons actually made the comment that he pissed himself or something.
['Collinsshort', 'Collinsage', 'Darling', 'Serenity', 'Knightage', 'Garwinshort', 'Knighthttp']
Gotta Fuckem All (Pokemon Rp) (thewhiterabbit and myself)
The morning sun snaked it's way through the curtians sending a slender beam of light through the living room downstairs. Van had been up a few hours before hand, preparing for the hourney he'd be setting out for later that day. He was eighteen, a young adult in his prime, he had been a trainer for many years now and had participated in many competitions and battles. His experience showed in his physical appearence, he wasn't the same scrawny kid he had been when it all first started. He was tall, still rather slim, but developed for the harsh elements of nature. His eyes where blue, his hair a dirt blond."Sky should be waking up soon," he said as he finished packing. He was referring to his younger sister who had not yet begun her own pokemon journey. He reached into his pocket and took out a case. Inside where six small red and white spheres, pokeballs, containing a pokemon he had caught during his travels. Being the older broher he was he decided to let her borrow one that he was very proud of, a powerful pokemon that would hopefully help her get a few powerful ones of her own before he asked for it back. He removed one of the balls and placed a note underneath it leaving it on the kitchen table for her to find when she came down to eat breakfast. With that he got his pack and opened the front door locking it behind him when he left. "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" Sky woke up as a young trainer she was mad that she would get stuck with some weak Pokemon to start her journey. Standing up she could smell that her older brother had been in her room he smelt like freedom. "Look is this for me" she read the note quickly then read it again to make sure she had it right.Sister one of my favorite rare pokemon Lucario he should get you of to a rocket startShe pressed the button and tossed the ball into the Air a blue black lukaria appeared in front of her. "My very first pokemon" she rushed forward throwing her arms around her neck she was sure she would have a great journey. her friends would all be jealous of her pokemon, she could have kissed her brother. She then pulled out her pokedex sure that he would be a strong pokemon. Lucario didn't seem to be very amused by this in the least. "," he growled gently as this spastic little girl treated him like a cuddly teddybear. He however stood still as she used her pokedex on him. The small machine reciting the knowedge it know of this pokemon.Lucario known as the aura pokemon. Lucario can use it's aura to sense the presence of other beings.the small machine beeped before showing a list of the moves Lucario knew Bone Rush, Aura sphere, Extreme speed where a few. Jumping up and down she squealed "Yeah Now i can beat rose" she knew she would have a beginner pokemon. She laughed as she walked to the kitchen to get some food for her pokemon. "What do you like meat salad" she asked in her own dim way she should maybe have studied mor about pokemon. she also called her friend to show off her pokemon to he it would be a good day to be her and a bad day to be rose. "Come on blue come over here" she asked the pokemon already forgetting his name. Lucario wasn't very amused by this at all, though he had been ordered by Van to be a good partner. Of course when Lucario had first become Vans partner he had nearly beaten the boy to death. Lucario was a competative pokemon, not one to be treated like a pet, he was a warrior after all. He growled as he came over to Sky, he growled again a bit at her as if to say "That isn't my name you stupid girl!" Sky rubbed his head "that is what i will call you" she loved the color it went well with her name as well. "you know you are mine now" she found a blue bow that looked like a tuxedo bow tie she placed it around his neck. "yes i want to fight, what three on one go ahead" she laughed there was no way that she could loose. she just needed to give her pokemon and attitude adjustment soon. Lucario glared at her, he took the bow off and tossed it to the floor. This little girl was testing his patience, and he had a very short fuze. He walked past her and went outside. She said she wanted to battle so he would wait for her to tell him to battle, but nothing more. Only because he respected Vans orders because he saw Van as a worthy trainer did he not run off and leave that girl stranded. Rose showed up with a chick a rat and a flower "Come on rose you could not dig up a puppy" she asked order her pokemon to attack the small chick. "Aura sphere now" she ordered wanting to see the powerful attack. Rose had two pokemon attack whole the third she held back as if it would matter. she was sure she could trounce the baby pokemon easily in less then a minute it would be too easy. "try to fight" she ordered her rival. Lucario ignored her command, rather then aura sphere Lucario suddenly put on a bust of speed, nearly vanishing for a moment as he appeared in front of the chick. He had used Extreme speed and with a powerful kick sent the chick flying. "heah that's not what i said" the chick slammed into a tree with small swirling lines over her eyes with a smile. she was so mad even if she was winning it was not like a pokemon to not listen to her trainer. "obey me you stupid fur ball" she yelled as she then ordered him to use aura ball again this was not what she planned " do as i command blue" Lucario materialized a bone out of thin air. Using it much like a baseball bat he swung and sent the small rat flying. Lucario growled at the insults and commands she yelled at him. She'd yet too gain his respect so he fought for her, but not how sge wanted. she began to stomp around the last pokemon did not better then the last two did none even had a chance to fight back. "You are a bad pokemon" she left deciding to take a shower or swim or do something far from her pokemon. "ill be at the pool you can find me if you want to" she yelled as as she stomped off towards a low slung building. Lucario seemed a bit happier to see he'd won, but not only that he'd seemed to have upset her. He had done what he'd been told to do, help the girl win battles, he just needed her to find stronger pokemon and he could return to his true trainer. Hearing that she wanted to just waste time though put him in a bad mood again though and he went to go and find her to teach her a lesson. Sky had showered and changed into a one piece sliding into the small warm bath people used before going into the main pool. "thought you would be looking for my brother" kneeling the water came up to her belly button. she looked at her pokemon blue who was not so worse for wair for his battle. "well what are you going to do" she asked splashing the pokemon with some water from the small shallow pool. Lucario was, at first upset with her, but he just stayed at the small girl in her bathing suite. She may have been a pain in the ass, but she was cute and very attractive. Her hips where slender, her bust size a bit small but it looked sexy when she was n the bathing suite. Lucario stood a bit dumbstruck and a bit turned on, until the cold splash of water hit him. "what are you looking at" she asked crossing her arms over her chest she turned away sure it was nothing good. "don't you have a small pokemon to pick on" she asked splashing him again with water before she swam or rather walked away. "you know you look and smell bad when you are all wet" He growled a little at that, though of course the feelings beforehand still made his mind rather foggy. He decided to give her a demonstrtion of what he could do. He clapped his hands together and pulled them apart as he gathered aura. He sent the small ball of energy into the pool, not at her but causing the water to suddenly burst up. She had to laugh Pokemon almost never attacked trainers or humans she did not get that he was giving her a warning. "Come on you party pooper" she kicked some water splashing him again she was sure he would get in the spirit. The pool was easily big enough for four or five people more then enough room for a pokemone trainer and her pokemon. "Come on Blue you can come in i don't mind" she was really a dunce well when it came to pokemon maybe it was her age or the fact she had been spoiled rotten by every male in her family. Lucario was a bit less testy then, so he took her offer getting into the pool. His short fur getting wet. He wasn't like some shaggy dog where he looked like a drowned rat when he got into water or anything. Laying back she enjoyed the warm water on her body she could see he was not as mad as he had been "why wont you listen to me" she asked with a pout on her face she did not like it at all. It was too much like her big brother in that way. "I am you're trainer you should listen to me even if i am not as good as my brother" Lucario just sorta stared at her and then gave a small grunt before turning his head. She just didn't respect him, dressing him up and using him as a way to just show off wasn t his purpose. she decided to ignore him back he wouldn't leave her but he would not listen to her it was infuriating. "fine then just leave" she said heading for the changing room to get out of her wet cloths. she began to take of her cloths her naked body was dripping with water as she dropped the one piece on the floor. Lucario got out of the pool and followed her. He didn t know much about boundries, as she began to strip down he once again went rather wide eyed as he saw her naked flesh. She was sure she was being watched taking her hand she placed it over her chest. "Lucario what the hell are you doing". Taking the wet suit she rolled it up and threw it at the pokemons head who seemed to be as clueless about humans as she was pokemon. breathing hard she watched the pokemon dodge the clothing and just stand there "get out you perverted pokemon" Lucario didn t move, but it could be seen he was breathing harder.His chest heaved a little bit, he could feel his blood boiling as he looked at her. Suddenly from his sheath could be seen a small bit of red as he grew aroused by her and his member was coming out. She slid her other hand to cover the area between her legs she was too shocked to act she never heard of this. "I am you're trainer" she found the pokeball in its holder and threw it at the pokemon to bad it did not open but sailed by. "I am a pokemon trainer and a human girl now turn around" she yelled seeing the cock getting bigger and bigger she had never seen one human or pokemon. Lucario didn t budge like before. Rather he took a step closer to her then before. His lengthonly steadily grew larger the more she seemed to cover up. The pokeball didn t seem to function, and he didn t even needto move out of the way, she was a very bad throw. Sky fell on the ground a look of fear on her face what was he going to do order her like some kind of pokemon. "I am a human i give the orders she yelled" though it was kind of funny pokemon had all the power and listened to humans. maybe because they wanted to, she had heard of disobedient pokemon, but never pokerape. Lucario growled, though not one of anger, it was more of a lustful one. He moved forward as she fell, her legs spread out and he could see her girlhood. Quickly he wasupon her, pinning her down on the floor. He may not have looked very strong, but any pokemon could over power a human as long as they weren t too small. She fought back but being a young girl she had not exactly done a lot of body building to fight pokemone that's what pokemon do. "What are you doing blue" she asked seeing his cock between his legs. she had an idea what he wanted but why would a pokemon want to fuck a human girl it was crazy what had his brother been teaching him Lucario growled "Putting you in your place girlie!" he said. His mouth didnt move but his voice rang out clearly. He growled and pinned her down. she looked up at him trembling "when did you learn to talk" she asked out loud unable to do the head talk thing. "how would you do that" she asked with a smile hiding her fear. "How about....I train you then," he said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. He suddenly grabbed her by the hair, standing up bringing her to her knees. "Yes lets see how you like being trained and yelled at instead....then maybe you'll get it," he said. She tried to grab at his hand her long hair hurt being puled like that "what do you mean i never yelled" she spoke trying to stand up more the only thing she could see was the front of his body and yellow cock. she placed her hands on the ground trying to pull away from him "what do you mean like teach me how to fight" she asked stupidly. "When did I say fight?" he asked. He had only said he would train her. "Alright now use a suck attack," he said and before she could fight it he forced his dick right into her mouth. she went bug eye but a bone on the head gently convinced her that it was better if she did as she was told. she began to suck on his cock not knowing how to do it very well she had never done it before to anyone. The red rod moved in and out of her mouth. "Lick attack!" he ordered her wanting to use her tongue on the underside of it. She was greatly confused humans did not have attacks but he seemed not to care. she slid her tongue out over his cock, yes that was what it was called a cock. she was sure it was not like a boys and tasted very strange. As she licked the tip spread open a bit getting bgger n her mouth, it wasn't like a humans tha was sure. He thrust his hips into her inexperienced little mouth, making her take the whole length deep. she felt the cock grow in her mouth her eyes wide in fear this was not normal for a cock. he then grabbed her head thrusting into her tight throat. she began to choke a little on his cock it tasted bad. she looked up and could see that he had closed his eyes while face fucking her. Lucario growled lustfully enjoying the treatment her mouth gve him. He could feel the muscles in her throat gripping his length as he fed it in harder. "Use swallow," his voice said before she could get ready though. The tip twitched in her mouth before he let out a gush of his pokeseed into her mouth. She had only second to wonder what he mean before a warm gush was forced down her tight throat into her small stomach. He did not pull out but continued to fuck her young mouth and throat at least she did no have to taste it. swallow, lick, suck were attacks she had never heard of yet she had used all three. she only wondered what types of new attacks he would force her to learn before she was done. Lucario felt his cock tremble in her mouth as he pulled it back a bit, some left over cum rubbing into her tongue as he did. "Not bad...." he said, his voice clearly pleased. She crossed her arms besides tasting bad she was supposed to be the trainer at least he would not leave her. "Ok now do i get to train you" she asked the taste of his fluids was still on her tongue. "You've yet to prove your even capable of being my trainer," he said, his voice ful of spit. "No your still just the pampered brat," he told her. He grabbed her and forced her onto her hands and knees. She looked back over her naked small ass she was sure that what ever he had planned was going to hurt a great deal. "Cant this just be a verbal lesson" she ask fear in her eyes would he hurt her if she did not obey. she had never heard of a pokemon training a human it went against the order. he was still hard and had a look of, not lust but need. "really i can be good" "We already had an oral lesson," he said, with a hint of sarcasm. "Now comes the physical," with that he gave her small as a hard swap. she watched his hand slap over her ass he was sure this was going to hurt like hell "what does that mean" she asked afraid of the answer. He grabbed a hold of her hips, not answering her. Though he pressed the tip of his cock against her small little pussy and rubbed the tip against her small lips. He growled lustfully once more as he loved the feeling of her virgin hole, even though he had not pushed in yet. She felt him slide his cock up and down her slit the head of which would have torn her open like a fresh can of pib. she screamed trying to pull away but he garbed her wrist and stood on her ankles to keep her still. "no not that" she begged feeling him rubbing his cock over her virgin slit. "Alright then....hw about this?" despite her struggling her body had made her pussy get a bit wet. His prick gleamed a bit from her juices. However he didn't push inside, rather he moved it up and then pressed the tip against her small puckered hole. she screamed her hole had never had anything go into it nothing this large it felt like he was splitting her in two. "that's the wrong hole you stupid pokemon" somehow she missed the voice it gave her a clue what he was going to do. she tried to fight his hands gripping more tightly on her wrists. Lucario grunted and began to pound her little ass. His cock glistening as he tore her cherry and a small bit of blood was dripping from the tight hole. she felt the head slide into her ass tearing her up as he pushed deeper into her ass pulling her hands back. "stop that please" she begged as he hammered into her soft virgin ass or at least it had been. He growled, clawing her small ass as he pounded it harder. She was so tight that it felt good for him, even though it hurt like hell for her. she continued to scream wondering why no one had come to held her as he tore up he ass with his cock. she felt his nails dig into her skin. "please stop" she begged the man. "Not until you've learned," he said to her as he fucked her ass harder. This wasn't just him getting his rocks off, though it was a part of it. He was trying to show her that pokemon could easily wipe out human beings, but instead they help them. she was shocked she had never wanted to have sex with a pokemon she would find her brother and get back at him. "how is this teaching" she asked as her small chest bounced forward and back as he fucked her ass. "not inside me' she begged thinking cum was the worst he could do. "You think you can control use," he said as he thrusted into her. "But we could easily wipe you out," he said just telling her seeing that she would never get it unless he told her. "We let you..." he said. He pounded into her ass more and more until he felt he was going to brst. Being a pokemon he began to swell at the base, much like a dog, as he formed his knot. The base of his cock got wider and as he got closer he shoved it into her ass. he pulled her back as she screamed a blood curdling screamed into the air sweat sliding over her open wounds. "I know you can i know" she cried as the knot spread her open more then her tiny rose bub was ever meant to. the only comfort was there was no way for her to become pregnant from all of this. "Didn't my brother tell you to obey me" she begged as he slammed into her ass small chest moving up and down with each thrust. Lucario laughed "He told me to help you become a better trainer," he said to her. "And to help you in battle..." he said to her as he fucked her ass harder. He was getting closer and closer now. "You will learn what it is to be a real Master Van," he said to her. Before long he felt himself ready to burst. He growled as he forced her down onto his cock. Then he grunted releaseing another load into her torn ass. He felt her pull her back so she was sitting on his cock before he came into her ass again he stomach bloating. "no that's not true he would never want you to do this to me" she cried looking at her stomach area. she wondered how much cum he had left a human would have taken for ever to recover. "what are you going to do to me" she asked knowing no one would believe her they would call her a slut. "please i wont tell just let me go" she begged. "This was your first failed it didn't even grasp it yet," he said to her. They had to wait for his knot to go down before he could pull out. "I do not obey you....I was here to help you, not your plaything or a toy you can show off to friends...if I chose to obey you then I havent earned my loyalty yet though." she looked up at him with a look of horror the cum shooting out of her body she stood up slowly she was weak. "yes sir" she stood under the shower cleaning her self up and having it come out of her ass. "you you, i will learn" she knew she had to take her first dojo match the next day to become a real trainer. " just made a step forward," he said to her letting her go and clean up. He felt a great sense of releif. Whether it was because she had just become his fuck toy, he was beginning to growa bit more attached to her. He supposed he would let her call the shots next time. "we need to battle the Gym leader if that is fine with you" she toweled of trying not to excite him him further. she knew the gym leader was tough known as the newb crusher he was as big and as strong as his pokemon. "i want to get that badge" she spoke as she pulled on her cloths not bothering with the bra at first. when would the next lesson come and would it be any more gentle then the first. Lucario looked at her before speaking " is alright," he said, his voice clearly delighted she seemed to know her place a bit more. "Tell me about this gym leader," he said to her. He was a steel fighting type, he needed to know what this gym leader used in order to think of a plan. "A metal type last i heard he had a pokemon very rare with noodle like arms" she waved her arms up and down fast. "they come apart and he can shoot big energy balls" she scrolled through her pokedex until she found the right one. "this is the one he was a tough one almost as strong as you" at least she hoped. "I've never seen that one," he said looking at the picture. Though if it was another steel type he wasn't in much trouble. Aura sphere would do the trick. "sure he has a Scizor as well that he uses a lot more" the pokemon was a very high level and could easily take on two of most pokemon. "ill tell you about the other he normally fights three on three but maybe we can go one on one" she offered as they walked towards the local open air gym. "Unfortunetaly you only have," he said. Three pokemon would be tough. He could handle simple ones, but the pokemon of a gymleader would most likely be well trained. "well it is one on one you should be able to take any one" she asked as they entered the stadium the ting was barely big enough for Steels ego "i see you came back maybe after this i can get a date with you're brother" mocked the female trainer. "Don't let her intimidate you," he said to her sternly. "Request one on one, being the trainer its your right," he said. He knew this from battles with Van. "I challenge you to one on one" she shouted walking down towards the stage it was clear they were being broadcast to steel's fans Lucario walked up with her. The gym leader should accept this terms, it was the trainers right to ask this. Steel was only two years older the Sky making her two years younger then her brother a major miff between the two of them. Steel was more a replacement Gym leader when he older sister was on the road. "Fine Scisor go" she tossed her pokemon onto the stadium ring a raised platform 50 feet wide and 5 tall. she brushed her hand through her hair the two had studied together as children but Steel had started at 13. "this time i will beat you" she shook he hand at the trainer and part time gym leader. "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" There was no need for her to call him out, he was Sky's only pokemon after all. "Have me use extreme speed and then bone rush," he said to her telepethically. Scizor was to fast and small a target to use aura sphere on. she did as she was told watching her pokemon enter the arena Steel did not even give her a second look. "Double teem" Steel ordered where one pokemon stood now a dozen circled the blue pokemon. Only the copies looked far more crisp and real then any copy had a right to look she was very good. Lucario's eyes closed and the hanging ear like things on his head began to levitate as he focused his aura. Each scizor looked whole but in truth it was just fast movements hat made them seem like so many. "Now!" he yelled in her mind as he locked onto the real one. "Extreme speed and then bone rush" she yelled the enemy was busy as well he was ordered to perform a quick attack. Sky did not look afraid of course she could not see the same thing she could. "You are going down" she yelled as Lucario preformed his attack it was blindingly fast and no doubt devastating. Lucario quickly rushed at the scizors, when it used quick attack it gave itself away. Just as the red pokemon came zooming at him he materialized a bne and struck him quickly. The power of the strike, plus the enemies speed and Lucarios speed made the hit all the more devistating. "Iron defense" Steel cried out as the blow hit most of the attack came in undefended but at least it was not knocked out. "You surprised me little girl i don't like surprises" She ordered sword dance next. Her normally perfect controlled face was distorted in rage "you will loose, i will crush you" "Aura sphere now," he told her. The scizor was buidling up all of his defense now, not moving as much. He would be able to hit the pokemon with this attack now. "steel you can give up now" she offered in a mocking tone so far her pokemon had not been able to lay a hand on hers. "In you're dreams" she spat back even as the sphere hit her pokemon. The fight was rather ointless. AsSteel grew more and moe angered her pokemon was getting confused. Soon only normal bites and kicks where enough to knock out the red scizor.
You want what from me? (DBZ RP) (Sausage-sama x roseangelkoi)
Name:Serenity ShieldsAge:19 years old PersonalitySerenity is smart, caring, always thinking of others, but can be strong willed when she believes in something. She does not like when others question her abilities. Serenity enjoys proving those people wrong.Short BioSerenity grew up in a small family in the city. She has one older brother, father, and mother. Serenity was so excited and grateful for the opportunity to work at Capsule Corp especially for Bulma Briefs. Her main focus of study is the creation of energy and transportation. Serenity has been working to create a single source of energy that could power a whole city and the ability to transport items instantly. Appearancehttp: albums uu50 MyMusicRox Alexandrea 1.jpg Serenity could not believe that she had been accepted in such an elite program plus to have Bulma as a mentor was icing on the cake. She quickly followed the receptionist as she brought her to where Bulma was working. "Bulma, your new intern is here," the receptionist said after entering into a room with many machines and parts laying all over. Suddenly, a blue haired woman popped out from inside a capsule machine. "I'm glad to see you found the place okay. I hope the travel wasn't too far," Bulma said as she made her way out of the machine and towards Serenity. "No, not at all. I would have traveled anywhere for this opportunity," Serenity responded gratefully with a bit of nervousness in her voice. "Relax. You earned this, girl. I have never met anyone who has developed well thought out theories for instant transmission like you. It's an honor to be working with you," Bulma said noticing how nerves she seemed. 'Also seeing as how you never met Goku' she thought to herself. "Thank you. So what are you working on?" Serenity asked eager to get to work. Her eyes narrowed as 18 read the letter she had received from a well known private school in the area. She was reading over some of the requirements for admission to the school. 18 and Krillan were hoping that Maron could attend this school and receive a good education. Krillan had even been working extra hours at the police station to help pay for the school. 18 wanted to be a good mother and wife and handle the registration for the school. The one thing she was struggling to come up with is a letter of recommendation. 18 didn't know many people. Krillan and Maron where pretty much her whole world. "Mommy, mommy I want to go Turtle. I want him to swim in the ocean while I ride on his back," Maron shouted as she ran towards 18. A soft smile appeared on her face. "Sure, sweetie. Let me just pack a few things," 18 answered before heading inside. At the minute I m working on some classified projects, really top level stuff a lot of them are personal projects, but do well on this energy one. And I m sure you will be helping me out personally before long Bulma replied giving her a cheeky smile not wanting to tease the poor girl too much. Anyway I need to get going, your lab is here Bulma said showing her a large room and handing her a blue pass. If you need anything just phone security they can get it for you I have to run I have some meetings Bulma said as she gave Serenity a thumbs up before having to depart. Meanwhile at Kame house the turtle had already heard Marons please for a ride, and slowly crawled towards her so she could get on his back while 18 went inside. She would soon find Roshi staring at the TV watching some spy footage he had of Bulma getting changed, with a massive tent in his pants grinning like a madman. Oh hey 18 he said with a big smile before going back to watch the television. Serenity was a bit overwhelmed with receiving her own personal lab to work in. Plus the room seem almost larger than her family's house. After a taking a few minutes to settle in, Serenity decided to start working on a chamber that would hold the energy source since it will produce high levels of heat that normally cause metal to melt. She search through her new lab looking for all the materials she would need to get started. 18 narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms as she realize what the old man was doing. "I can't believe you don't get tired of watching this shit," she said before walking over to the window to glance out at Maron and Turtle as they played in the ocean close by shore. Looking at Maron, 18 was reminded of her task of finding a letter of recommendation. She glance back over at Master Roshi as an idea popped in her head. 18 realized that Master Roshi could write a letter of recommendation. He was probably one of the only other people in the world she knew beside her family. 18 walked over and stood in front of the TV. "Write Maron a letter of recommendation for school," she demanded. As Serenity was busy getting acquainted with her lab, Bulma had left Capsule Corp for a meeting on the other side of the city. With her gone, 4 men in black masks decided now was the time they had been hired by a rival company to break in and steal some high tech equipment specifically from the Research and development labs in hopes of beating Capsule Corp in the market. "You ready?" one asked as the other nodded running for the front gate where they shot the security man dead, and proceeded to enter the building the screams of nearby staff accompanying them. Hmm I don t know 18, too much work for me and I don t give recommendations easily. When your husband wanted to train under me he had to bring me a hot girl Roshi replied grinning as he looked at 18 with hungry eyes. What can you do for me? And I don t want some dirty magazines I want you 18 he said becoming even bolder as his erection became harder. "Come on I know its important to you" he said. Serenity had been writing some formulas on the whiteboard when she heard the commotion. She glanced towards the doorway as her attention was directed away from her work. Upon hearing the gun shot, Serenity hurried over to the counter. She grabbed a couple of items before putting them in her pocket and hurrying down the hall. Unfortunately, Serenity was not familiar with the layout of Capsule Corp. She made a couple of wrong turns that cause her to run into one of the thieves. * * * * 18 was not surprised by Master Roshi's story or his request. However, she would have preferred to bring the old man some magazines. "If I bring you a hot girl, who is willing to spend some time with you, you will write the letter of recommendation for Maron," 18 responded as she ignored Master Roshi's comments about wanting her. She figured that he was just joking around. "Does that work for you?" 18 asked ready to leave to find this mystery girl. She figured she could find at least one girl willing to spend a few hours with an old man on Earth. As the thieves walked through the halls of Capsule Corp, they quickly made their way to the research and development dome, killing anyone who tried to stop them or delayed them in anyway like a scientist who refused to open the door for them. Then they eventually ran into Serenity, as one of the burly men grabbed her by the wrist open the door he said not knowing the passcode. Not really 18 most girls leave whenever I manage to get them to stay with me Roshi said rather depressed about the whole situation. What about you, if you start dating me from now on I will write the stupid letter Roshi said eyes hungrily staring at 18. Serenity struggled to free herself as one of the men held her by the wrist. However, he was too strong for her. "Fine, but you need to release me. I need to hand scan," Serenity said lying to the thief. Since they didn't know better, the man let go of her wrist. Serenity walked over to the keypad as she slowly slipped her hand into her pocket. Luck was on her side, as an employee appeared down the hallway for a slip second to distract the men. Serenity pulled out a chemical spray and released in the face of the biggest thief. The gas quickly put the man to sleep causing him to fall backwards onto the other two thieves. While this was happening, Serenity quickly escaped down the hallway. The two other thieves followed quickly behind her once they pushed their sleeping partner to the side. She makes a quick left turn before dropping some powder on the ground. Serenity hurried down the hallway until she heard the sound of a gun being locked on her. "Stop right there and turn around slowly," one of the man shouted. Little did the thieves know, she had one more surprise up her sleeve. Serenity had a flare and a lighter in her hand. She quickly lite it with her back towards them. Serenity tossed it up in the air hoping to distract the men and her plan worked. The sprinkling system went on causing the powder on the floor to expand into this foam substance binding the men in place. * * * * The way Roshi was looking at her caused a shiver to run down 18's spine. She had never felt a feeling like this before. 18 brushed it aside as she focused on her conversation with Roshi as she tried to reason with him. "What do you mean date you?," she said trying to figure out what Roshi really wanted from her. 18 wanted to make sure she had to do the least amount of work to receive that letter of recommendation from Master Roshi. She also felt uneasy about Roshi's request. 18 had genuine feelings for Krillan and they had a child together. However, Maron was her daughter and she wanted to provide the best life for her. "And for how long?" 18 said with a slight sigh since she couldn't believe she was thinking about going along with this. The man had no reason to doubt Serenity seeing as he had a gun and the others were armed as well, there was no way she would try anything stupid and most importantly dangerous. One of the thieves got distracted by another employee, and it wasn t long before their entire plan went to shit. A mere 2 minutes after telling her to open the door, one of them was knocked out and the other two bound up in a sticky foam unable to move. Trunks soon arrived on the scene having got an alert from Capsule Corp security ready with his sword he was shocked to find the thieves apprehended how on earth? he asked scratching his head. Don t pretend you don t know what I mean , I want you to be my girlfriend and cheat on my student like naughty housewife you are, we are going to do everything you would with a secret lover Roshi said clearing up any doubts from 18 about what he wanted from her exactly. Serenity was startled a bit when this blue hair man suddenly flew into the hallway, carrying a sword. "These men broke in here trying to get into Bulma's lab, but I knocked one out with sleeping gas and capture these two men using one of my inventions. It's a powder I created to help repair buildings in the town I grew up in," she explained to the familiar looking man. Serenity figured he had to be related to Bulma with that hair color. "I'm Serenity by the way. The new intern at Capsule Corp," she added introducing herself to him. Serenity could feel her cheeks starting to turn red as she stared at Trunks. She had never met someone as fit as him before. * * * * * 18 knew she did not have much of a choice in the matter. It wasn't like she knew anyone else that could write a letter of recommendation for her. Especially since Master Roshi had won the World Martial Arts tournament in the past. 18 gritted her teeth before turning around and walking towards Master Roshi. She leaned down slowly to be eye level with him. "One week. I will play along and let you be my 'secret lover' and you will write me the letter of recommendation for Maron. Does that work for you?" 18 asked the old man. Trunks looked over at Serenity, then back at immobilized thieves then back at her a few times, he could sense her Ki it was that of a normal human, not even a martial artist so there was no way she beat them and did this. She must have used her brains and that kind of turned Trunks on. Well I m Trunks, Trunks Briefs a pleasure to meet you he said extending his hand. Yes it does Roshi said as she leaned down to accept, he grabbed her lapels of her shirt, and gave her an extremely sloppy kiss his tongue sliding over her lips before letting go. Now my lover, go get changed into something sexy like you would for Krillin and come to my bedroom Roshi said with an excited giggle hurrying to his room. "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" Serenity didn't response right away. Honestly, she couldn't pull her eyes off of Trunks as she bit her lower lip. Serenity couldn't deny the fact she found him attract. 'Come on Serenity. Pull yourself together,' she thought to herself trying to not embarrass herself in front of Trunks. Serenity open her mouth to response only to be cut off by some police officers entering the hallway. "Don't touch that fluff. Otherwise, you'll be stuck too. We need salt to stop the binding properties," she said as the officers tried to handcuff the thieves. * * * 18 remained perfectly still as Roshi kissed her. Her thoughts were already racing with feelings of guilt and regret, but she knew Krillan wanted Maron to attend this school. "Fine, but let me bring Maron over to Chi Chi's," 18 said wanting to make sure Maron wouldn't be around to see her mother with Roshi. Also this way she could focus on making sure she had the upper hand here. 18 left the Kame house and told Maron to say bye to Turtles. Afterwards, she dropped Maron off with Chi Chi before making a quick stop at lingerie store before returning to Kame's house. "Old man, let's get this over with," 18 said as she arrived wearing a black dress, which had a slit that went up to her side. Hmm I wonder when she started to work here, Mom didn't tell me about her Trunks thought to himself as he looked over Serenity as she informed the police officers they couldn't touch the strange substance. "It's okay I got this" he said trying to show off , as he grabbed the thieves by their collars careful not to touch the substance and pulled them out clean with his saiyan strength trying to show off a little to the girl next to him.As she arrived in her lingerie Roshi instantly popped an erection, which was as clear as day for 18 considering he was lying naked on her bed she usually shared with Krillin. Despite his advanced age his cock was a wonder to behold, likely a wish from Shenron as it stood at 12 inches tall, and 3 inches thick two large balls dangling either side. "I want you to ravage me like you would Krillin, properly mind as if you love me or I won't do the letter" he said. Serenity was taken back slightly when Trunks pulled the thieves out of the substance since she knew how strong it was. She couldn't help, but be turned on by his strength. After speaking with the officers for a bit, Bulma returned home to learn about break in. "See I knew I found a perfect intern. Serenity, why don't you stay for dinner," she suggested. "Yes, of course. I would love to," Serenity quickly replied. * * * 18 clenched her hand together as she listen to Roshi's words. Her eyes kept scanning over his body a bit impressed by size and appearance. 18 slowly made her way over to Roshi. "Fine, but if we are doing this stop mentioning Krillan," she instructed before crashing her lips firmly against Roshi's. 18 hoovered above Roshi as she snaked her tongue inside Roshi's mouth. She used one hand to prop herself up while the other touched his chest. Her fingertips gliding down his chest. At the Briefs household Trunks was a little surprised to see Bulma invite Serenity to stay for dinner, Bulma wasn t the homely type like chichi. She preferred to order in food while she worked on her gadgets and inventions, the thought of a sit down with Serenity made Trunks blush a little at the possibilities where this could lead. I ll set the table mom Trunks said giving the girl a smile as he went to get some knives and forks.Roshi shivered as her fingertips glided down his bon chest, his tongue wrestling with 18s own as they kissed. His hands were busy themselves, one groping one of her breasts through her black bra, while the other slipped in under her underwear and was fingering her womanhood as he applied a little ki to his finger to make it crackle with electricity. "No you are a dirty cheating wife, you should be ashamed of yourself 18" Roshi teased as they broke the kiss, his cockhead poking into her stomach. "Perfect. I'll go let the chefs know to prepare a little more food than usual," Bulma said before walking away with a sly smile on her face. Call it women's intuition, Bulma had sense a connection between Trunks and Serenity. Since she was curious to see how things would play out, she invited Serenity to stay for dinner. Serenity let out a small giggle as she saw how eager Trunks was to help set the dinner. "So how long have you been able to fly?" she asked him once Bulma had left the room. Serenity had never seen anyone fly in person before. She heard rumors of heroes like the Great Sayianman who could fly. * * * * * * 18 was not engaging with Roshi as he kissed her. She sort of remained still and allowed him to touch her as he wanted. 18 had planned to be like this until Roshi had enough. However, she quickly lost her poker face when she felt electricity pulse through her womanhood. A soft, long moan escaped 18's lips as she felt her body grow excited from the new feeling. She pushed Roshi's words aside as she started to grind against Roshi's fingers. 18 figured she might as well enjoyed this new feeling if she had to do this to get that letter of recommendation. Trunks didn t miss his mother s actions, if she really wanted to inform the chefs of what the wanted she would have used the wristwatch to send them a text. No there was something very fishy going on here, and he had a feeling what as he was left alone with Serenity. F fly? What I guess since I got my first hover car if that is what you mean Serenity Trunks said playing dumb at her question, no way she knew.Roshi continued his perverse actions fingering his students wife for the next 5 minutes getting her nice and wet as they kissed before he stopped pulling his hand out. And now 18 it s your turn I want you to fuck me, like you would your husband but harder no condoms either Roshi demanded his footlong member fully on display. A slight pout appeared on Serenity's face from Trunk's response. "Alright, play dumb on me. All I know is one minute there was no one in the hallway with me and those thieves then out of nowhere you appeared. Also, you were able to lift those thieves out of that foam substance. No, normal human should have been able to do that," Serenity said hoping to get the truth out of him. * * * 18 unintentionally let out a small whimper as Roshi pulled his hand away. Soon a slight frown appeared on her face from him stopping. 18 quickly shook away this feeling of disappointment since she knew she probably shouldn't be enjoying it this much. She listened to his next instruction as a frown appeared on her face. "I didn't agree to that. You need to wear a condom," 18 retorted back.
['Serenity', 'Bulma', 'Personalityserenity']
Ouran High: Final Year (roseangelkoi and I only)
Name: Arisu KatoAge: 18Biography: Arisu Kato is the only child of Chiara and Kenji Kato. Her mother is a world famous actress and her father is the owner of a popular clothing line for young ladies. Growing up Arisu was taught the skills to be a lady, and for a while she acted as a child at least until she got older. She hit a strange phase where she started to act more like a guy than she did a female. She was always out skateboarding, playing video games, and stuff like that. After that phase was done she got more into the gothic or lolita style clothing. Now that she is eighteen, and she got kicked out of St. Lobelia's for not being "girly" enough her parents decided to send her to Ouran High School to see if anybody could help her to become a lady.Appearance: http: samples 2470 sample 34ff281a28dead8e96c22f583b894b0efc5b91d7.jpg?2571674Name: Hikaru HitachiinAge: 18Appearance: http: images 410 2675cd4c25b21a3783da3e14993d4bfaa964c994.png?410145 It was finally upon them. The final year at Ouran High School, and the Hitachiin twins were definitely more than excited for that. Finally they wouldn't have to worry about getting up early and then having to go school, listen to teachers talk about stuff that they really had no interest in. Of course the thing that they would miss was the Host Club since that would more than likely break up, and that would be rather depressing. But until that happened they were just going to continue on with their lives as if graduation weren't right around the corner. Well more likely within a year, but there wasn't a whole lot that they could really do about that.Pulling up in front of the school was their limo and they were hoping out, grabbing their school bags before they were strolling off towards the school. Even when they weren't in the Host Club room they were still acting like they were brothers that were in love more than they should be. It still had the females of the school fan girling over it, including some of the female staff. And over the last few years, the only female that was apart of the host club, Haruhi, had finally stopped hiding the fact that she was female, she had finally revealed the truth to everybody. And that still didn't seem to stop females from requesting Haruhi at all."I wonder what the King has planned for today. He didn't really want to get into the conversation about what the theme was going to be for the day." was all Kaoru could really say as he headed up the stairs and into the school building. A number of girls around them just winked at them, which had the twins just smirking back towards them for a brief moment in time. Honestly the only thing that they every looked forward to about coming to school was the host club meetings that occurred at the end of the day after school for a few hours.As this was happening, another limo was pulling up and a young woman was climbing out of the limo. Although she was definitely different from most of the other girls that were in the school. She had long black hair pulled up into a tight ponytail, and wore a black and crimson red dress that fell to her knees with a pair of fishnet leggings, and a pair of black boots that came up to ankles. She was holding a black lacey parasol above her head as if the sunlight bothered her, which was quite possible at that point in time. She didn't typically leave her house much to go outside, at least not until her parents had decided to send her to Ouran High School so that hopefully she could be taught to be a lady, and perhaps find a husband. Name: Rin SaitoAge: 18Biography: Rin Saito was raised in a normal middle income family who was wealth enough to have their own house on the outskirts of the city. Every since Rin was a little girl, she enjoyed drawing. She would spend hours designing new outfits for her favorite characters she drew. This was where her love of fashion started. Now Rin hopes to enter the fashion world. She knows it's a hard business for those inspiring to be designers, but she knows this is where her passion is. Over the last couple of months, Rin has spent her free time applying for an internship at the Hitachiin's Fashion Company. She had always been a big fan of their pieces. Unfortunately, she really couldn't afford to wear any of it. Rin couldn't believe she won the opportunity. She is really to show the world her abilities as a designer.Appearance:Anime Girl with Headphones Render Rin's eyes scanned every inch of the limo as she rode in the back by herself. She had never rode in a limo before. Rin couldn't believe this was how she was being transported to her first day of work. She was even more surprised that she was going to the Hitachiin's house to meet Yuzuha Hitachiin. However, Rin wasn't going to complain about it. When the limo arrived, the driver opened the door for her. As she got out of the limo, Rin was greeted by a butler who brought her inside the Hitachiin house... well more like a mansion. The butler brought her down a few hallways to the dinning room where Yuzuha was eating breakfast."Welcome Rin. It's wonderful to finally meet you. I have to say I loved your designs the moment I saw them. I see great potential in you," Yuzuha said greeting her as Rin was ushered into a seat next to her. Rin was surprised by Yuzuha's high praise. "Thank you, Mrs. Hitachiin. It's a great honor to be working for you over this next year," she responded back. "Well you are not going to be working for me right away. I have to go over to Italy to help with the oversea line for a few months. Since you are still in High School, you will be attending Ouran with my sons, Hikaru and Kaoru. They will be responsible for showing you the ropes while I'm away. I'm sure you three will get along wonderfully," Yuzuha explains to her. Rin felt her heart drop before a rush of worry went through her body. She had no idea what she was getting herself into."I can't afford to attend Ouran High School," Rin responded knowing that it was an elite school. "Everything is taken care. Now hurry or you are going to be late for your first day of school. My sons are already filled in on what's happening," Yuzuha said before Rin was whisked away to Ouran High School. Kyoya and Tamaki left the principal's office after being called there for an early morning meeting. The principal had made the boys aware that Chiara Kato's daughter will be attending Ouran High for a short period of time. He wanted her to enjoy her time here so she would continue at the school instead of returning to St Lobelia. Kyoya could see this was an opportunity for himself and his family's name. "I can't wait to meet this lovely princess of Chiara Kato," Tamaki said happily excited to meet the daughter of one of his favorite actress. "Now don't scary her away from being too loud and excited," Kyoya said as they headed to the host club room. He figured the task would be rather simple. The host club could make any girl want to stay at Ouran High School. Kaoru did stop Hikaru before his twin could get to far before he spoke, "Hikaru, don't forget that we have to wait that intern to show up. We need to show her around." This had Hikaru almost pouting at the thought of there being a third person and he was acting as if it were tragic that somebody else was going to be hanging around them, possibly stealing Kaoru away from him. Or vise versa.Over the last few years the twins had gotten better about being apart, far better than what they had been when Haruhi had first started. Splitting them up at that point in time had been terrible, or at least attempting to. Now at least they could go places without the other....dependent on where they were going and how long they were going to be apart for. Heck they could even stand not being in the same class for a couple of their classes instead of their parents speaking to Tamaki's father and making arrangements for the twins to be in the same class."Lets just head to the Host Club room. We can seek out the intern later. Or I'm sure she'll find her way to us." Hikaru commented after a moment in time and soon enough the pair were headed off towards music room three. An music room that wasn't used for anything except for the Host Club meeting every day after school. Entering the room they were waving to their king, Tamaki, and Kyoya who was also with the blonde haired male. Now all that was missing was that of Mori, Honey, and Haruhi. The twins were sure that Mori and Honey were together at the time, that was usually how it went with the pair of them. Arisu looked around the school for a moment in time as she headed to the principal's office so that she could speak to him, and get her schedule. There was a pure look of disgust on her features when she saw the hideous yellow dresses that the female's wore for a school uniform. Yeah no way in hell was she wearing a bright color such as that. A dress she was fine, but bright colors were something that she hated with a passion. Once she got her schedule she went off to explore the school, still holding the parasol above her head despite being indoors. There were a few girls around her that were whispering amongst themselves and discussing the Host Club. Oh yes she had heard about them from the Zuka Club at St. Lobelia's. A group of boys that impressed the girls of the school. This actually had Arisu curious. So she decided to venture towards music room three to meet the boys of the infamous host club.. Kyoya was at the entrance to the music room to greet the guests as they arrived. Over the last couple of years, he has worked out a pretty good system to ensure that all guests have a good time. With only seven host, not everyone could have one on one time with their favorite host. Instead, Kyoya worked out a system of the hosts meeting with small groups for short amounts of times. Usually, that was enough for many of the guest. The hosts would be allowed a few one on one times with guests if they wished. "Welcome to the Ouran Host Club. I'm so grateful you could make an appearance here," Kyoya said as he greeted a few female students as they entered the music room. As the girls answered him, his eyes wandered down the hall as he notice a new student. * * * * Rin had spent most of the limo ride looking out her window at all the fancy buildings as they approached the school. She grew up in a much simpler and smaller town than this place. Rin was starting to feel like a bit out of place. Even the school uniforms were something she had never seen before. Why any girl would want to wear something so bright and yellow was beyond Rin. As the limo stopped at the entrance of the school, Rin did not wait for the driver to open her door. Instead she got out of the limo on her own. Her eyes widened a bit as she stared at the fancy school. Rin was pulled out of her trance as she heard some students near her starting to whisper. A slight blush appeared on her cheeks as she hurried inside still unsure how she got herself into this situation. After taking a few minutes to breathe and figure out the situation, Rin decided it would be best to find Yuzuha's sons, Hikaru and Kaoru. She asked a few students before one told her to head to music room three. Arisu looked around for a moment in time as she approached the music room. It would seem that there was a tall black haired male wearing glasses was greeting the girls as they walked up to the room. This had her pausing for a moment in time before she headed forward once again, following after a few girls that made their way towards the music room. There were a few girls that commented on her dress, which just had her mumbling that it was a lot better than the hideous thing that they were wearing. It wasn't a lie, and a number of the girls at the school definitely agreed with it. The guys got to wear nice light blue uniforms and they were stuck with a hideous and bright yellow....thing. "So this must be the infamous host club." Arisu commented to herself. While Kyoya dealt with the customers coming in, he never lost sight of the new student as she made her way towards the host club. A soft smile appeared on his face when she finally arrived at the door asking if this was the host club. "Yes this is the infamous host club. I'm Kyoya Ootori, a senior here. May I inquire what your name is, my dear?" Kyoya asked politely hoping that this was the daughter of the famous actress the principal wanted to make happy. He also knew if he got on her good side, it maybe beneficially relationship for him in the future. You could never know too many famous people. * * * * * After getting directions from a few students, Rin finally found the third music room. She had to admit that the size of the school was bigger than she imagined. Making her way through the crowd, Rin entered the music room, which was filled with mostly female students. She let out a small sigh at how much work this was already turning out to be as he blue eyes scanned the room for a set of twins. Rin figured they were probably one of the only sets of twins in the school. A slight smile appeared on her face when she finally found a pair of orange haired boys. "Excuse me, are you Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin? I'm Rin Saito, the new intern for Hitachiin Fashions. Your mother told me to find you here," Rin said after approaching the group they were sitting with. "I have heard much of the Ootori family, quite the prominent family. I am Arisu Kato." Arisu spoke after a moment in time as she was pushing some of her dark hair out of her face. After that she was giving a polite smile before looking around at a few of the other girls, who were gathered around a number of males that were in the room. There was a male with blonde hair that had a number of females gathered around him. There were a pair of orange haired twins, a brown haired person, then there was a short boy who was hanging around near another tall dark haired male."Yes we are. And that is good to hear, I guess. Not sure what you being an intern for the company our parents run has to do with us." Hikaru spoke after a moment in time, his voice rather bored but sharp. This had Kaoru scolding him for being rude, and the more polite of the pair was wrapping his arms around Hikaru in a hug, telling him to be more nice. This had a few of the girls squealing at their actions. Rin stood there as the scene unfolded in front of her. It was clear to her that these twins were not going to be helpful nor the few girls hoovering over every move the twins made. "I'm not sure either. Your mother was the one who said I had to attend Ouran and that you two would be the ones 'showing me the ropes'" Rin answered before letting out a sigh. It was obvious that these two boys were busy. "You know what. I'll just figure it out myself. Have fun with your fan club," Rin said not wanting to waste anymore time. She turned around to leave the music room. * * * Kyoya kept the soft smile on his face as Arisu mentioned the Ootori family. He was not surprised that the actress daughter knew of his family. The Ootori family took care of many wealth and famous people. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Arisu. How is everything going for your first day? Are you finding your way around the school grounds easily?" Kyoya asked turning most of his focus on her. He was not worried about any of the customers now. Most of them were regulars and knew the drill anyways when it came to the Host Club. Kyoya's main concern now was Arisu and making sure she enjoyed her time at the school especially since it was a request from the principal. Arisu was giving a small shrug before she spoke, "Going well enough, the school hasn't been difficult to navigate. If anything you just ask and somebody is more than happy to point you in the right direction." With that she was just looking around the room once again just studying everything that was going on in the room, although she couldn't help but agree with what the Zuka club leader had said. They were kind of womanizers, even if they didn't realize it at all. She did glance at her phone when it vibrated in her hand and saw that it was just a message from her mother, asking if she had made it safely to the school and to remind her that it was time for her to learn to be a lady. Man this year was probably going to be rather annoying.Hikaru just looked towards the female after he heard her mention showing her the ropes, which actually had him wondering what the hell his mother was talking about. "We go to school. Not sure how we can show you about that. Show you around sure but after that, you are on your own. Then after school we are here, entertaining these beautiful ladies..... unless...." Hikaru spoke after a moment in time and just stopped, a thinking look on his features. Although this is where the twin telepathy seemed to be kicking in as Kaoru was finishing, "Unless mother is wanting us to show you how to become a host." Kyoya nodded his head at her reply. He was thankful to hear she was already having a good experience. Kyoya wouldn't have to worry about doing any damage control. He watched as Arisu checked her phone after receiving a text message. Kyoya's dark eyes remained on her studying all her little movements. He figure out who Arisu was as a person he could ensure he remained on her good side. "I'm sure you heard about Ouran and their excellent and various after school activities. Is there any clubs or activities that peak your interest?" Kyoya answered after Arisu seemed to be done with her phone. * * "I don't think that's what your mother had intended. Beside I have no interest in being a host, I'm going to be a fashion designer," Rin said realizing that their mother really didn't have everything take of care of like she said. "Well I'm going to find out what my class schedule is. It was nice meeting you and I'm sorry for interrupting whatever this is. I'm sure I'll see you around school," Rin said before leaving the music room and heading to the office to see if they had her class schedule. Since she was a determine woman, she figured she would take her classes like a normal student and try to keep herself busy at Hitachiin Fashion's office by trying to help anyone with whatever they were doing to gain experience. Rin figured that would be the best use of her time until Yuzuha came back. Arisu looked at him for a moment in time before she was giving a small shrug before she spoke, "Interests are dancing and painting." So if they had an art club and or a dance team she would be good, and that would make everything go a lot more smooth. At least she hoped so anyways. She still wasn't looking forward to this whatsoever, having to become a lady. Just didn't sound like fun at all. Kyoya nodded his head noting her love of the arts. He was just thankful that there was a pretty decent art program here. "Well if you like, after school I can bring you to where the art club meets," Kyoya suggested hoping it would make Arisu happy. He thought it would be a good idea to involve her in a club of her choice that way he could devote time managing the host club while she was away doing something she liked and when she here, he could give her his full attention. "Classes are going to begin in about 45 minutes. Would you care to sit down and enjoy a cup of tea with me?" Kyoya offered hoping to ask her a few questions to get to know her better. * * * Rin made her way to the office and received her school schedule. She could not believe how fancy the whole school was. Rin didn't understand why Yuzuha was paying for her to attend school here. She knew that she was still high schooler, but why did Yuzuha pick her for this internship program. Rin did recall reading that Yuzuha was the type of person who had a reason for everything. Rin soon arrived in her homeroom and found her desk. To her surprise, there was already school supplies there for her. Maybe Yuzuha had this a little more planned out than she thought. Since school hadn't started yet, Rin pulled out a notebook and started to sketch a design for a dress. Arisu looked towards him for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "That would be lovely actually. This place seems too chaotic to really find anything." With that she was just giving a small shrug before studying Kyoya for a moment in time. Tall, dark hair, rather handsome. God she could almost see her parents insisting that she marry him, or at least court him. Not that she was really looking for a relationship at all. She was distracted from her thoughts when he was commenting that classes were going to start in about forty five minutes and he was asking if she would like to have a cup of tea with him. "I would love to." she spoke after a moment of thought. It wasn't going to hurt anything. "Lovely," Kyoya replied back before taking Arisu's hand and leading her to a small table off to the side away from most of the customers. He pulled out a chair for Arisu and waited for her to sit down before pushing it in for her. "I'll be right back, my dear," Kyoya said as he excused himself to get a pot of tea and some cups for them to use. He came by shortly with everything they needed. After pulling two cups of tea, Kyoya sat down across from Arisu. "Arisu, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself if you don't mind," he asked a bit curious on what the young maiden would share with him. Arisu looked towards Kyoya for a moment before she was following after him towards a table that seemed to be away from most of the people. That was perfectly fine with her. After that she was settling in the chair that he had pulled out for her and waite while he left to go and get a pot of tea and some cups. "Thank you." she spoke after a moment in time before she was studying him as he was suggesting that she tell him about herself. This had her speaking, "What is it you are wanting to know? I'm an only child, my parents are rather well known in particular my mother. If you haven't figured out yet, but I'm most definitely not like the normal female."
['Chiara', 'Hitachiinage', 'Katoage', 'Kenji', 'Arisu']
Pokemon: On the Case! (Daxxel x Applepoisoneer)
Leona straightened her skirt and slid her legs out of the town car the agency had sent for her. As the vehicle's driver pulled away, without a word, she read the sign LUMIOSE BUREAU OF POKEMON INVESTIGATION."Hm, not very catchy." She chuckled slightly as she passed beneath the sign. Then again, she supposed her old agency wasn't winning any prizes for word play either. They were what they were, and what they were, were semi privately owned investigation agencies who didn't deal in nonsense. And she supposed that was why she was involved. Although, she couldn't help but indulge herself in a wit battle every now and again. After all, the pokemon couldn't have all the fun."Your ID please, Miss?" A voice snapped her out of her thoughs. Someone behind a security check in was waiting to scan her ID. Fortunately, the agency had issued her a temporary one to use until she'd gotten there. She passed the slip of paper through the window, and the man behind the glass took it with ginger fingers, as though it were a delicate artifact. "First day, huh?" He asked as he stamped it with something written in large, red letters. Leona couldn't read it upside down from where she was standing."Yes,." She nodded, taking it back when it was offered. "I've just come over from Goldenrod."The security guard let out a low whistle. "Quite a trip. Well, I'll let you get to it then.""Thank you." Leona attempted to sound cheerful, but might've come off more as unsure. She continued through to the main hall, where she'd been told her new partner and the head of her department would be waiting for her. Tristan shouldered his bag as he stepped out of the cab. He took a deep breath, happy to be back at the home office. As he walked into the building he smiled at the security guard, "Vinny! How's it going?" he said happily as he shook hands with the guard. The guard grinned and shook Tristan's hand, "Agent Brennan, back already? Where were you this time? Johto? Kanto?" the guard asked excitedly. "Nah, I was back home in Alola," he said, "Caught some bad guy trying to poach Lapras," he said and produced his ID badge to be properly signed in. "Have a good day Agent Brennan," he said as Tristan saluted the guard and headed up the stairs to his office.As he reached his floor he saw his boss waiting for him. "Agent Brennan, welcome back. Please come into my office," She said. There was something about that phrase that put Tristen in mind of his days in school being sent to the principal's office. Stepping into the office he saw another woman sitting there, Tristan smiled politely and took a seat next to her. "First, welcome back Agent Brennan, glad to see you back. Now, I would like your to meet your new Partner," she said with a grin and pointed at the other lady. "Leona Bradford." She pulled her painted lips into a tiny smile and shook hte other agent's hand. She was attempting to size him up,, but knew that despite what the old adage told her, first impressions were not always accurate. She would have to give herself more time to see what kind of person he was. But he didn't seem to jump right on the Disrespect Express when he saw her, so that was a good sign. "I'm from the Goldenrod City branch. Pleased to meet you." When she was given her hand back, she tucked a lock of deep green hair that had come loose back into place and adjusted her glasses. A new partner, that must mean a big assignment, Tristan said as he d never had a partner before. Tristan Brennan, he added shaking the hand of the young woman. Yes, the two of you are going to be assigned to a new case. A recent string of Pok mon robberies have occured throughout the region. Our on clue is this mark, the director said as she opened a file and pulled out a photo of what looked like a graffiti tag of claw marks, this symbol has been found at every crime scene, the unsubs tend to target wealthy or highly renowned trainers. They are challenged to a battle then once the Pok mon are out the trainer is attacked by a second assailant and their Pok mon is captured in a pokeball. Tristan was confused, but I thought a trainers Pok mon couldn t be caught in another pokeball? True, but it seems these unsubs have created a new type of ball, so no Pok mon is safe. Now here is the case file, put a stop to these robberies, dismissed, the director said. Tristan stood and grabbed the door holding it open for Leona. Leona already seemed to be puzzling things out as she passed through the door Tristan held open. Her finger rested under her chin in contemplation. "Well, do you think it would benifit us to work backward from the most recent attack, or forward from the first recorded incidence?" She asked, having already had an idea in mind. She too wasn't so used to working with a partner, but she wanted to make sure he was included in her thought process. As he got to his desk, Tristan dropped his bag and sat down putting his feet up on the desk. Well, I think we should start the the most resent attack, the memory of that victim should be the freshest and we might learn something about the attackers, he said pushing his glasses up on his nose, besides the latest attack happened at a pizza place and I m starving, he added with a dopey grin Leona's eyes widened for a moment before she smiled. She could tell he was going to be a very informal partner, but his assertions of the victim's memory were astute enoughto assure her that he was taking it seriously. "If we're being honest, me too. It was a long, long trip over here. We can take a few statements, collect some details, then gorge on pizza." Her grin fell away for a moment. "Though it's kind of odd they would attack a pizza place, isn't it? I mean, aren't the marks usually wealthy or well known trainers?" Tristan smirked, this partner was going to be ok. You are obviously new to the city, Gormond is not only the best Pizza chef he and his Magmar have won every cooking competition in the city, he said grinning, so it the thieves are after champions, that Magmar is a prize, he added and stood up his grin never faultering, So agent Bradford is it? Shall we crack this case wide open? He asked holding out his hand to shake hers. "Absolutely!" She took his hand and shook it emphatically. "I'm glad I get a local on this one. I didn't even have to do research that time." There was relief in her sigh as she and he moved back toward the security desk. "Normally I'm the only one who thinks to do research when I'm with a partner. Thats why I tend to work alone as much as I can. But something about trying to solve a case of this magnitude on my own in a city I'm unfamiliar with seems wildly impractical." Chuckles as they walked out of HQ. Don t know how local I am, only been here for a few years, he said scratching the back of his head and smiling. As they exited the building, Tristan hailed a cab and opened the door for Leona. Gormond s Pizza Palace, He said getting in. As for the research there s no sense rushing in to anything without knowing the facts, I blundered through my first few missions that way before I learned, he admitted blushing. She smiled and shook her head as she slid into the cab. "I've always been a big fact checker, but sometimes it makes me a little spacey. Like, maybe I get so llost in the books that I miss the here and the now." She thought her first partner had been a royal ass when he'd suggested that, but the longer she worked, the more she found it to be accurate. However, her first partner was far too impulsive, and she couldn't take him seriously at the time. As the cab pulled up to the pizza place, they found a broken window boarded and the door locked. Wow those thievies did a number On this place, Gormond had to close up. Tristan said getting out of the cab. He looked in through the unbroken window and saw the place deserted. Hmmm...looks like we might need to find out where Gormond lives, he said turning to look at Leona. "Hmm..." She thumbed through the documents in the file folder the chief had handed them. "This photo copy of his driver's license puts him at... 224 Lavender Blvd." She offered the file to her partner so that he could verify. "Do you know where that is?" Bradford I could kiss you, you re a genius! He said looking at the file, Lavender Blvd is on the other side of town, pretty ritzy street. Seems the pizza business in quite lucrative, he added before hailing another cab.A little while later the cab pulled up in front of the gate to a large house. The gate was adorned with gold plated Magmar statues. I think this is the place, Tristan said smirked as he got out and pushed the buzzer, Yes, hello we are insurance brokers for Pokesurance, we are here to see Chef Gormond, he said. The gate slowly swung open and he walked up the driveway to the house. He obviously didn t look like an insurance broker in his bright button down shirt and jeans, he didn t look like an agent for Bureau either for that matter. As the pair were lead into the house, they found Chef Gormond sobbing in a chair a Vanilluxe beside him freezing a bowl of ice cream. A trace of pink tinged Leona's usually pale cheek, and she grinned. She'd never been praised so boisterously before. When they arrived, and he'd given them his story about being an insurgence broker, she quickly began to formulate questions she could ask in that guise. She looked the part a little more so than Tristan wearing a black sport coat and matching skirt and little pumps. But it wasn't a cover story they'd talked about. Maybe it was just to get them in the gate.She saw the chef there, about ready to drown his sorrows in ice cream, exactly what she'd do if she'd suffered a loss of a pokemon. She felt her hand creep across one of the pokeballs she wore at her side out of instinct. "We would wish you a good afternoon, Chef Gormond, but it seems inappropriate under the circumstances. May we sit? Please, feel free to eat while we're speaking. We didn't wish to interrupt." The chef waved at the love seat near him as he sobbed. So Chef, we here just to ask you a few questions about this terrible incident. Tristan said and The chef nodded. A man came out of nowhere on my way home with Mozza, my sweet Magmar, and challenged me to a battle, the chef began, he started eating the ice cream as he spoke the vanilluxe hovering near by. naturally I agreed the man and I battled and just as my Mozza was going to win, a Liepard came out of nowhere and stole my pokeball! at this the chef began to ball as he stuffed ice cream in his mouth in large quantities. Then what happened Chef Gormond? Tristan asked as he feverishly took notes. a woman stepped out of an alleyway and snapped a black capsule around Mozza s ball. Then it s stare went blank and and it walked iver to her and returned to it s ball. They both demand I hand over my other Pok mon but I couldn t let them have my Squishy, Chef Gormond said and hugged the Vanilluxe.Tristan went to speak but was cut off as a large bay window bust in and a man and a Zangoose walked in. thought you could escape us? We are Team Claw we always get what we want! Zangoose, Crush Claw! he ordered and the Pok mon leaped into the air it s claws glowing blue white. Tristan was quick to react throwing a pokeball from his belt. Toxicroak, hop to it! Counter it with Cross Chop! He said and the frog like Pok mon appeared out of it s ball and it s arms began to glow white and it crossed it s arms to form an "X". As the two attacks collided both Pok mon were stuck in a stand still. Don t interfere! Warmed the man as he glared at Tristan. "You fools make it too easy sometimes." Leona muttered, throwing out her own pokemon. An eerie olivine Mismagius appeared from the either. "Ginger, cast confuse ray!" The little witchy scarf began to chant and bob back and forth, dipping forward and focusing her mind on the Zangoose. The formerly fierce pokemon took on a dazed look and swayed on it's feet. It tried to raise a clawed hand and take a swipe at it's closest target, but that had been what Leona had been hoping for. "Sucker punch'em!" Suddenly, the Zangoose's claw rounded on itself and took aim at it's own face. In a barrage that would make any schoolyard bully proud, Ginger caused the pokemon to continue to hit itself at full force three times before stopping. Her hollow cackle echoed inthe Chef's parlor. It was clear that she enjoyed that move a little too much. Kinda takes some of the fun out of it doesn t it Bradford? Tristan said before smirking and looking at his Toxicroak, alright this fools had enough, let s finish this withFocus Blast, he added and Toxicroak put its hands together and formed a sparking yellow orb of energy in between them. It then hurled the orb at the Zangoose. The force of the blast sent the Zangoose and its trainer flying back out the shattered window and into the yard beyond. Too easy, Tristan said disappointedly as he walked out and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. Before he could cuff the man, he was picked up and thrown back by a powerful psychic attack. Soon after a male Meowstic floated down with another man with dark hair and a black scarf. tsk tsk tsk, the man said looking at the other trainer in the yard before turning to look at Tristan and Leona. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Claude special agent of Team Claw. I congratulate you on this victory but warn you not to get in Team Claw s way again if you know what s good for you, Felix Misty Terrain, Claude said and the Meowstic released a thick mist that blanketed the area. Once the mist cleared, Claude and the other trainer were gone with just three large claw marks singed into the yawn outside. Leona stepped gingerly through the pane of broken glass to ensure that her partner was alright. "Well, that's something to add to the notes." She muttered, looking from where Claude had been to where Tristan was now. "I'm not sure how he got away so quickly under cover of mist, but there doesn't seem to be any trace of him, other than their usual calling card. Maybe...Teleport?" The detective was mostly thinking aloud, but she felt it would be better to do so to keep her partner in the loop. Tristan sat up holding his head, "I'm not sure, all I know is that Meowstic really packs a wallop," he said slowly standing up. "Toxicroak return," he said recalling his Pok mon. "It also seems that we are dealing with a much larger organization then I first thought." he added turning to look at the damaged house, "how is Chef Gormond?" he asked Leona, "Also looks like we might have just made this investigation that much harder," he said rubbing the back of his still aching head.A few hours later and they were back at HQ. Tristan was going over all the files associated with the case and trying to find any connections between the victims to see if he might be able to predict when and where the next attack would take place. Unfortunately all the attacks seemed to be at random times and places, the only connecting factor was that all the victims were high level trainers and champions in some aspect. Frustrated, Tristan kicked back from his desk, "this is pointless, it seems all the attacks happen at random, the next one could be happening right now and we'd have no way of telling." he said angrily Leona sat at her new, temporary desk in the bullpen and pressed her palms just above her eyes. "I hate this kind of guess work!" She groaned. "There are no patterns, there are very few facts. Everything is conjecture!" She sat up right and looked across at him. "Well, we have two options. We can take a guess as to whom they'll hit next with what we know it'll be someone with a famous pokemon relatively close to here. Or, we try cross referencing this Claude character with active criminals and their pokemon that're already on file." "I guess we could do both, I'll cross reference This joker against know crime organizations and you can search for any high profile trainers in the city," Tristan suggested and started his search for any connection of Claude in any files of the know crime syndicates, no matter how small. He even went so far as to search the files for any trainers know to use a Zangoose or Meowstic. There were no mentions of Claude but there were a few mentions of a trainer that used a Meowstic, except the trainer was a woman. Again it seemed like Tristan was still just spinning his wheels, until he came across a high profile crime boss with a reputation for never being defeated with his powerful Abomasnow. "Hey Bradford, I might not have found any connection to Claude. But I think I found a possible target," he said turning his monitor to face Leona, "What do you think?" "Hmmm," Leona leaned in and adjusted her thick glasses on her nose. "High profile...pokemon unique skill set...access to further criminal underlings..." She leaned back and clapped her hands in front of her resolutely. "I think you've found the hay in the needle stack!" She paused for a moment and raised an eyebrow. "Wait, that is how it goes, right?" Tristan chuckled, I think you mean a needle in a haystack, he said with a wide grin. Now the only trouble is, how do we get close enough to the big boss? He asked not sure how two agents of law and order were going to get up close and personal with a crime boss Leona returned to her chair and leaned back, resting a finger under her lower lip. "Well, I guess we should study him a little, see what he's got his hands in, and get our hands into it too. Gambling, shaking down shop keepers for protection money,. What's his game?" Tristan looked over the file on the crime boss, seems he s cornered the market on gambling at the local gym, huh, seems he s the gym leader too. Tristan said with a grin, looks like it won t be as hard to get close to him as I thought, he added with a grin, tell me, have you ever wanted to join the Pok mon League? He asked. "You know, I thought about it." Leona admitted, sitting upright and folding her hands in her lap. "My father was absolutely sure I wouldn't like it. Being youthful and rebellious, I wanted to do it anyway. So, to prove he was right, my dad and a friend of his battled me twice a day for a week. By the end, I was kind of sick of battling, and I knew he was right." She sighed and shrugged. "I know you probably weren't looking for my life story, but that's kind of how I ended up here." Tristan grinned, well coming from the Alola Region, We don t have gyms there so I have always wanted to see what the hype was about, he said grinning, plus wouldn t mind a rematch with that Claude guy, he added. Leona groaned. "I know exactly what you mean. He just...just swooped in and finished things so quickly that we didn't even get a chance!" She sighed, stood and stretched her arms. "Well, where do we start?" I guess we go challenge ourselves a gym leader, Tristan said getting up and grabbing his jacket. I ll even give the lady the honour of challenging first, he added grinning. Come on the gym is in the entertainment district. "Oh, how chivalrous." Leona laughed, straightening her blazer and following her partner onward to the gym.When they got to teh gym, Leona was impressed with how bi it was, much bigger than her hometown gym. Well, home region gym at any rate. The village she started out in wasn't quite big enough to offer a gym all its own. Two men stood outside the door and seemed to glower at everyone who passed by. She turned to Tristan and spoke behind her hand. "Who're those guys? Hired goons?" Yuup, Tristan said before walking up to the two burly men at the door. Hey there we d like to challenge the Gym Leader, so if you wouldn t mind just stepping aside, He said with a wide grin but the men didn t move. Battle, was all on said in a deep gravelly voice, yous two against us, you win you get in, you loose and...hehe let s just hope you don t loose, the other said with a wicked grin of his own. Very well, Primarina center stage Tristan said and called out his seal like Pok mon. The two thugs smirked and released their Pok mon, a Beartic and an Exeggutor. Leona figured there'd be some battling involved, but she hadn't thought it would be two on two. "Ginger, let's go!" She tossed out the pokeball and the fabric like pokemon appeared. She fluttered in the breeze created by her release and let out a musical cry. "Alright Ginger, throw a little shade. Shadow Ball!" Wood Hammer! Shouted one of the doormen, Icicle Crash! Shouted the other and their Pok mon leapt to action. The Beartic focused on Ginger while the Exeggutor attacked Tristan s Primarina. Alright Primarina counter withDazzling Gleam! Tristan commanded and his Pok mon let out a melodic call before its body became surrounded in a rainbow colored shine. The shine then got brighter and brighter, before striking the Exeggutor. The attack blinded the tree like Pok mon for a moment and as it swung its attack it missed wildly slamming harmlessly into the ground. The giant polar bear pokemon conjured a massive icicle above Ginger. It chilled her and caused her to look up, but by then it was already bearing down on her. She tried to float out of the way, but the sharp point caught her in the side before she could. She let out a little cry of pain and surprise."Shake it off Ginger!" Leona tried to sound encouraging, but it always worried her to see her pokemon injured. "You know what this guy needs, Will O Wisp!"The Mismagius's eyes glowed with a blue fire, which spread to her entire body. Completely engulfed in spectral flame, she rushed the Beartic and painted him in blue embers. The bear like Pok mon let out a roar as it was burned and it s trainer growled, Shadow Claw now! He shouted and the Beartic lashed out with a massive paw wreathed in dark energy. The other trainer looked at his Exeggutor and frown as he saw the attack miss, Seed Bomb! He shouted and the Exeggutor opened it mouths and fired a rapid succession of glowing seeds. Tristan s Primarina didn t have time to react as it was pelted by the exploding projectiles. Tristan felt his stomach lurch, the attack had done a lot of damage to Primarina, but as the smoke cleared he sighed seeing his Pok mon still standing. Bradford, what do you say we switch dancing partners? He said then ordered his Primarina to attack the Beartic withMoonblast.Primarina spread its flippers wide and gathered a ball of energy from the moon and threw it at the Beartic. Tristan didn t even wait for the attack to land before shouting out for Primarina to follow up withHydro Cannon.Primarina openes its mouth as a glowing light blue ball of water appears in front of it and it launched it at the Beartic. "Okay, Ginger, you heard the man." At that, Ginger bolted across the field, narrowly avoiding the shadow claw, to float in front of the Exeggutor. Despite being a ghost, Ginger looked a little tired. This was probably the toughest battle she'd had in quite a while. Or at least, the fastest. "Give it all you've got! Will O Wisp!" The Mismagius began to chant something melodically and the familiar blue glow of the ghostly fire attack surrounded her, shooting toward the grass type in a beam of radiant light. The Beartic barely had a chance to register its attack missed before Primarina's attacks hit it square in the chest. The Beartic roared out and collapsed to the ground. Tristan smiled triumphantly as he turned to look at his partner. He watched as the ghost type attacked the Exeggutor. The plant pokemon staggered back as it was burned badly. "Exeggutor usePsychic!" the brutish man said. The Exeggutor's eyes began to glow blue as it sent out a power wave of psychic energy. Unfortunately, Ginger was unable to dodge the overwhelming psychic attack, and took it full force. Her eyes clamped shut, and she looked as though her head were going to explode. "Ginger, return!" Leona raised her pokeball and called the fluttering ghost back. If she had been angry before, she was furious now. "Ember, go!" She tossed out another pokeball and a lampent appeared with a screech. "Ember, use flame burst!" Tristan watched how his partner handled herself in battle, she seemed more determined now to win. As the elegant chandelier like Pok mon attack her opponent tried to retaliate withSeed Bombbut the power of the fire type attack engulfed the Exeggutor knocking out cold. The Lampent goulishly giggled and danced with glee. "Alright, we've played your game, and now we'd like some answers." Leona demanded firmly but calmly. There was a hard glint in her eye that suggested she might not be above using her ghostly pokemon's flames on humankind. "Or would you like to keep drawing this out?" Well done, Tristan said with a grin then turned his attention to the two men, Alright we won so let us pass to challenge your boss, he demanded. The two men grumbled but stepped aside to allow the two trainers entrance. Well that was easy, he said as they walked down the hall of the gym. "Yeah, I've got to admit, it makes me skeptical." Leona stroked her chin in contemplation. Ember floated alongside her and looked confused, but happy to be out of the ball. Once down the hall, they encountered another man in a suit. This one looked a little less burly than the two in the front, and seemed to size them up a little more methodically."Alright, which one of you guys is the challenger?" He demanded with a sigh, as though this were an unwanted chore. We both are, Tristan replied, we both want to take a crack at beating the gym leader, he added with a triumphant tone.The man looked the pair over again, who s first? He asked, only one challenger may enter at a time, the other can go wait in the stands, he finished by pointing the way towards the visitors box. "You go ahead Tristan." Leona sighed, shutting her eyes and shaking her head. "I'll give Ginger some medicine and let her relax a little before battle." She paused and remembered that they were on equal footing. "I mean, if you're okay with that?" Sure thing, I got this, he said flashing a winning smile. Tristan then followed the man through a set of large doors and out onto the battle field. The field itself was cold and covered in tall trees and snow. Tristan shivered and ribbed his shoulders not being dressed for such a cold arena. As he took he spot on the challengers side, an other set of doors opened opposite him. A large man dressed in a thick red coat and boots walked out. So this is my challenger for today huh? Alright let s get this over with, he said scoffing in a deep voice. The man from the door took up the spot of ref and began announcing the rules for the match. This will be a three on three battle, only the challenger is able to substitute Pok mon, once all three of either opponents Pok mon are defeated the match is over. Now send out your first Pok mon! He shouted.Don Provo was first, with a smirk he threw out his first Pok mon, a winter Sawsbuck. Tristan grinned ok let s start things off easy, Snorlax, up and at em! He said releasing his large sleeping Pok mon. Don Provo wastes no time ordering his deer like Pok mon to attack withJump Kick.The battle between Snorlax and Sawsbuck didn t last long with Snorlax being defeated. Tristan frowned his Snorlax put up a good fight but Don Provo was no slouch. Figuring he should play type advantage, Tristan sent out his next Pok mon. Inconeroar, tag in! He said releasing his large cat like Pok mon. The man in front of the door had permitted Leona to watch from the doorway as long as she didn't try to interfere. It hadn't occurred to her to do so, but she supposed people had done it in the past. Otherwise, why would there need to be a rule? The battle looked pretty intense already, but it looked like Tristan had it well in hand now that he'd called out a fire type. She wondered if he played the sandwich method when it came to three on three the strongest pokemon choice between two slightly weaker or mismatched pokemon that wouldn't have the type advantage. She'd had to do a lot of that herself considering all her pokemon were ghost and grass types, and were weak to fire and a few other types. She supposed she would have to diversify at some point, but she was so fond of her team that it seemed cruel to just trade one of them away. Tristan smirked as the battle continued, his Incineroar easily holding off the attacks of the gym leader's Sawsbuck. "Alright Incineroar let's finish this withBlast Burn!"he said and his Pok mon roared as it's body was engulfed in blue flames, it then slammed it's fist to the ground. The ground shook and erupted in dazzling blue fire spreading out from Incineroar. Don Provo tried to save his Pok mon but the Sawsbuck was unable to protect itself and as the flames hit it the arena exploded. As the dust cleared, sawsbuck was laying on the ground unconscious. Don Provo growled, "fine I was going to go easy on you but now you asked for it,' he said and threw out his next Pok mon, the ball opened with a flash of light and a massive Pok mon with shaggy white fur towered over Incineroar. Tristan grinned and looked back at Leona, he figured the gym leader would bring out Abomasnow sooner or later but he never expected it to be so big. "Abomosnow,Blizzard!" he shouted and Abomasnow's body began to glow light blue, and a dark cloud appeared above the arena. Chunks of ice began to rain down from the cloud and strike the Incineroar. Tristan panicked, using Blast Burn had tired Incineroar so he could do nothing but watch as his Pok mon was pummeled by the attack.Suddenly the roof of the gym was peeled open and a Meowstic floated in. Tristan looked back at Leona again. "Incineroar Return!" he shouted and recalled his damaged Pok mon. "what the hell is this?" Don Provo shouted looking up at the floating Pok mon. Don Provo, your Abomasnow is coming with us, came a voice as a man lowered on a cable into the gym. "Like Hell, AbomasnowRazor Leaf!" Abomasnow roared as it launched a flurry of leaves spinning at the intruder. Meowstic's eyes shone as the leaves stopped midair.Tristan grabbed another of his Pokeballs and threw it. "Decidueye Take Aim!" he said and the ball opened, but nothing came out. Don Provo laughed, "think you got the wrong ball their sport," he said and looked back at the man on the cable. Tristan just smirked, "Spirit Shackle,"he said calmly, suddenly an arrow flew through the air, its tip glowing with a dark prple energy. The arrow circled around the Meowstic they struck its shadow exploding. The Meowstic was thrown to the ground. Everyone looked to see where the arrow came from and a large owl like Pok mon materialized in the rafters, "Nice shot, Follow it up withLeaf Blade!" he said and Decidueye swooped down at incredible speeds, its hand glowing green as it slashed at the Meowstic. Leona brushed by the man in front of the door to join the fray. She called out her Ivysaur and chose her target. "Alright Sprouts, let's nip the problem in the but. Grapple the trainer with your vines!" Sprouts let out a low croaking call and two vines shot out from beneath it's blooming bulb. They wrapped around each of the legs of the man on the zipline and attempted to tug him down. The harness was making it difficult, but he was at least distracted now. Perhaps he should have thought better of busting into a pokemon gym and demanding a fight. This wasn't like a restaurant where one wouldn't be readily available. Claude growled as his legs were entangled by the Ivysaur. He reach to his belt and tossed two more pokeballs, Mittens, SnugglesPower Gem! he shouted as a pair of Persians, one normal and the other Alolan, appeared. Both of the the Classy Cat Pokemon meowed and shot a powerful beam from the gems on the foreheads towards Leona and her Ivysaur. Before Leona had time to laugh at the ridiculous names for such powerful pokemon, her Ivysaur acted without her orders. He let go of Claude and slapped her out of harm's way with his whips still extended. She fell to the ground a few yards away, rubbing the back of her head. He'd saved her, but in doing so, Sprouts had left himself open for an attack. He took two beams and fainted, looking worse for wear.Leona cried out and forced herself to her feet. Sprouts trembled as she recalled him, but it was clear it was just reflexive. She too threw out two pokemon Banette, the ghostly doll pokemon, and Gourgeist, the ghost grass hybrid. "Take them down. No mercy." She groweled, feeling that uncontrollable anger and sorrow overtake her. In her logical mind, she knew that this was what all her handlers had warned her against. Getting too emotional would lead to mistakes and breaking protocol, but this whole situation was out of bounds as far as she was concerned. So, what else could she do but free herself up from the red tape.Gourgeist used leech seed on the normal looking Persian, while Banette opened its zippered jaws and launched a phlegmy glob of dark toxic sludge at the Alolan cat. Gourgeist, whom she'd simply named "Pumpkin", was used to starting virtually every battle with Leech seed, and instinctively reached out for that move when beginning a battle. The Banette, whom she'd affectionately dubbed, "Nettles", was just a scrappy futher mucker, and threw out the first attack he could think of. Mittens mewed as it was wrapped in the thin vines of the leech seed. Growling as it struggles to free itself from the plant, the Persian flared at the floating pumpkin like Pok mon. Snuggles on the other hand dodged away from the gooey attack. Letting out a loud roar, the dark type Persian sent out a wave of dark energy throughout the arena.Tristan grimaced knowing the dark type attack would be extremely effective against not only his Decidueye, but also Leona s Pok mon. Decidueye, protect them withFrenzy Plant! He shouted and the owl like Pok mon landed between Gourgeist and Bannette slamming its foot to the ground. The earth shook and split as massive vines sprouted out of the ground in front of the three Pok mon. The two ghost pokemon flew backward to try and avoid the blast of dark energy. The plants slowed it drastically, taking the hard edge off, but they still took a little damage from the exposure. Not nearly as much as they might have."Alright, we'll see how they like it." Leona was psyched up now that the immediate danger had passed. Just the little bit of time the plant frenzy had afforded her had also given her a moment to plan. "Pumpkin, Trick or Treat!" A ghostly ray enveloped the normal Persian. It began to become translucent, as though it were fading from existence, but stopped before it could. The cat pokemon was now half ghost, and would be susceptible to all the things her ghosts were. "Nettles, Faint Attack."The little doll stuck a pin in it's own neck, stumbled toward the two Persians, and pretended to die in an almost Bugs Bunny like fashion. It waited for the now ghostly persian to move a little closer, then leaped up and scratched it across the face in a shadowy streak. The pale Persian smirk as the puppet attacked feeling confident, as Persians usually do. As the attack hit, the Persian reeled as the attacked did far more damage then expected. Claude growled and looked at his Meowstic that was struggling to its feet. FelixPsyco Cut! He shouted. But before the psychic type had even tried, a ball of dark energy blasted it into the wall, Tristan s Decidueye swooping past. Claude recalled his Meowstic and looked at his Persians, Mittens,Foul Play, SnugglesPlay Rough! both feline s eyes glinted as they rushed towards Tristan s Decidueye. Leona knew her Banette was in too close to evade easily. She decided it was probably better to take the hit and do a little more damage than risk provoking an attack of opportunity by running away. She didn't want to see Nettles hurt, but she didn't want Claude to escape again either. "So they want to play?" Leona smirked. "Well, that's what dolls were made for. Nettles, pain split."The plush pokemon convulsed a little in a psychic cloud of dark energy. She could tell it had effected him drastically, and she hoped he would be able to pull of this one last move before she recalled him. The doll plucked a ghostly hair from the dark Persian's coat and swallowed it. Then, he began to stick pins in his soft body. Deep purple clouds swirled around both the Banette and the persian, swam together into one large cloud, and crashed back into their respective hosts. Nettles collapsed with the force of the strike, and Leona recalled him immediately. Tristan s Decidueye was hit squarely with the normal Persian s attack and was engulfed in a cloud as the two struggled. DecidueyeLeaf Blade! Tristan shouted and flashes of green could be seen through the cloud of dust. As the dust settled both Pok mon looked worse for wear. The two persian s regrouped, both looking close to collapse. Claude clapped from above, I m impressed, it has been a long time since anyone has given me such a fight. You have definitely made my list. Snuggles, Mittens return, he said and blew a kiss at Leona and Tristan, perhaps we can meet again my dears and I will be taking those extraordinary Pok mon with me then, he said as he was hoisted out of the arena. As he left he looked back at the gym leader, Team Claw is done with you Don Provo you have been judged and found...wanting, he said and laughed as he was hoisted out of sight. "We can't let him escape!" Leona shouted, filtering through her other pokemon to try and come up with a plan. There were rules in place to prevent agents from using lethal, or even very harmful force against humans using pokemon. Not only was it bad for the person being attacked, but the pokemon who killed, either by accident or otherwise, were often subject to fits of traumatic stress. There was also a ton of red tape that would inevitabley lead to the destruction of said pokemon. As angry as she was, Leona would never subject her pokemon to that."This is a tough gambit..." She threw out her oddish, a rookie pokemon that she'd only gotten recently. He hadn't had much in the way of training, and was much more of a lover than a fighter. She hadn't even given him a name yet, but he was the last thing she could come up with. "Oddish, vine grab him, now!" The Oddish looked confused, but followed her finger, just in time for his gaze to land on Claude's feet slipping through the hole he'd made. The way he'd come in was not conducive to long distance grabbing, and Leona slid her palm over her face in defeat. It was an expression the Oddish was used to seeing, and nuzzled her knees in apology.She picked up the little vegetable pokemon and hugged him to her chest, watching the criminal slip through the cracks. Tristan looked to his Decidueye, but it was took weak to fly after the retreating figure. Well on the bright side we made his list, Tristan said shrugging. He then looked at the gym leader who was slinking away, stop, by order of the BUREAU OF POKEMON INVESTIGATION you are coming with us to answer some questions, he said in a very official tone as he displayed his badge.An hour or two later, Don Provo was in an interview room waiting for Tristan and Leona to ask him some questions. Tristan had decided to let the Don sweat a little while he tended to his injured Pok mon. It might not be much, but it seemed that Team Claw had a personal grudge against the Don. We might be able to get something out of him that could be useful, Tristan said to his partner as he waited for the Bureau s own Nurse Joy to return with their Pok mon. Leona sat stone faced for a long while after returning to HQ. She knew she wouldn't be able to breathe again until her pokemon were out of the healing rays, and the gaze of the particularly judgemental Joy had been diverted elsewhere. She took back her pokemon with a solumn nod, and the relief lightened her mood."I agree." She finally replied. "Maybe he knows someone from the organization personally. So, how do we want to do this? Good cop, bad cop?" The corner of her mouth twitched up a little at the thought of the classic charade. Good cop bad cop? You watch a lot of crime dramas huh? Tristan asked with a smirk, I have never seen anyone actually use that before, heh can t hurt, you wanna be the good cop or bad cop? He asked as the pair headed back up to the interview room where Don Provo was waiting. He shouldn't have asked that.Leona took a deep breath and steadied her nerves. "Bad cop, if that's alright with you?" But without waiting for an answer, she pushed open the door that separated them from Don Provo."Well, Mr. Provo," She began in a deep, authoritative tone. "Despite the disgrace of nearly getting your pokemon nabbed, it's hard to see you as a victim. You've got a record as thick as a Snorlax toenail., and we could just send you up the river now and save ourselves a whole lot of trouble. Or..." A subtle gesture aimed at Tristan told him it was his turn. Slightly stunned by the complete 180 in his partners usual demeanour, Tristan stood at the door for a moment before walking in, We May be able to work a deal if you cooperate and tell us what we need to know. He said taking a seat opposite the Don. Firstly you can tell us what connection you have to the criminal organization know as Team Claw, The Don merely chuckled, You ain t got nothing on me, IAnd I don t know nothing about no team Claw, he said bluntly "We've got plenty on you." Leona told him flatly, narrowing her eyes and leaning into his face. "Enough to put you away for a long, long time. And of course your pokemon will have to be confiscated, but I suppose that's slightly better than getting them stolen by Team Claw. Hell, you might even get them back, if they haven't been rehomed in the ten or so years it'll take you to get out of prison. " She stood straight again and folding her arms in front of her. "But perhaps it would be for the best." Now we don t have to go that far, I mean your gym is a very big draw to our city, so if you helped us out we might be inclined to look the other way on some of your less then legitimate enterprises, Tristan said folding his hands in front of himself. All we want is Team Claw, that s it, he added with a pleasent grin.Don Provo sat in silence for a moment, Fine, I ll tell you what I know, but I want our deal here in writing, he said and I want you the repairs to my gym to be paid for by the city, after all it s such a draw to young trainers, he said smugly leaning back in his chair. Leona scowled, knowing City Council probably wouldn't go for it. She was new to this town, but government was government. "You'll get your written contract, but insurence will have to cover your damages. City Hall has padlocked pockets." The detective wasn't entirely sure where she'd go if he didn't comply, she might have to back up and try a new route. She folded her arms sternly and squared up with her eyes. Don Provo chuckled, no deal Princess, he said crossing his arms, I am the victim of a vicious attack, I had my personal property damaged and the bureau couldn t prevent it, so maybe you should pay for the damages, he added.Tristan could see this was going nowhere fast, and he knew there was little he or Leona could do if the Don didn t cooperate. Ok how about this, you tell us what we want to know and we ll not only look the other way with your side ventures, but we will also make sure your gym is the main gym for the city, you would be the sole provider of the Snowdrift Badge, He said grinning. Provo day silently for a moment then nodded. You got a deal. Leona turned her head a little, just long enough to roll her eyes. "Alright, we'll get that process started once we bring in Team Claw. But you've got to give us any Intel you have on where to look for them. We could shake every bush in town, but that's more time you spend in competition." Alright I m playing along sweetie, Provo said, now I don t know about this Team Claw, but I do know that punk kid that wrecked my gym. His name is Claude Feliday, him and his sister tried to become part of my crew. But let s just say they didn t pass initiation. He said leaning back in his chair. I m mean they were strong trainers, but when push came to shove they were only good for slowing people down, you know a patsy. Eh, they took the fall for one of my crew and I hadn t seen em since, until today. Don Provo crosses his arms as he spoke and seemed to show no emotion in confessing to setting up two kids to take the fall for him. That made Tristan s stomach turn, he was helping this jerk, at times like these the job wasn t worth it. "Perhaps Claude's assessment of you was accurate enough to make it into your file." Leona scowled and rested her hands on her hips. "This gives us a personal motive as well as a professional one." She turned her face intently toward Tristan, virtually snubbing Don Provo. "Perhaps it's worth investigating recent skermishes surrounding other victims, as well as mapping future targets." She paused, and looked down her short, upturned nose and the criminal in the chair. "Do you have any further questions for our guest. I think I'm through." "No I think we got all we need from him," Tristan said then turned to look at Provo, "You are free to go," he said and opened the door for Leona. As the two left the room Tristan wondered if they had gotten any good information at all. "So what do you think, did you get anything out of that? Seems like Claude and his sister had a reason to attack Don Provo, but I don't see any way to find either Claude or his sister. Leona lead Tristan over to the office coffee pot, and found it empty. Color rose in her cheeks at the sight of the clear glass carafe. She shut her eyes and took a deep breath before replacing the coffee filter and setting the pot to brew. "While I don't think it'll help us find Claude and his sister specifically, I do think it's opened up a few more leads we might be able to look into. We should also keep on the predictive trail, and try to figure out whom our next victim might be. So, not only do we look into who's got the next strongest or well known pokemon, but question the the previous victims to see if they've had previous altercations with people who then disappeared. I know it's...oddly specific, but it's something to go on." Good idea, I never thought of that angle. Scorned apprentices seeking vengeance on their masters, Tristan said scratching his chin. Hmmm...if vengeance is their motivation, then we have made ourselves quite the targets as well having beaten Team Claw twice now, he wondered aloud. Leona rested her chin on her hand. "So what if...we make ourselves bigger targets?" She offered, an idea flickering into life like a candle flame. "What if we draw so much attention to our pokemon that they can't help but send their best and brightest after us. If we bring down the best, we could strategically weaken the rest." A kind of ferocity crept into her eyes, illuminating them in the same way they might if confronted by a particularly strong opponent. And how would you suggest we do that? Tristan asked fully intrigued in Leona s idea. I mean not like we can become famous overnight, he chuckled as he tried to think of a way to get the attention of Team Claw. Well we could hold a press conference and directly call out Team Claw, he said snapping his fingers as the idea jumped into his head, We could totally get their attention if we do that and practically dare them to try and strike again, "Hmm..." Leona began to pace, stopping only to pour herself a cup of coffee and add a few sugar cubes. Her pacing resumed as she stirred. "If we call them out directly, they'll have time to plan and back plan. They'll come at us knowing we're waiting for them. We've got to find a way to make them feel like they're catching us by surprise..."She stopped and seemed to focus on a spot on the wall with a red hot intensity. "What if we bring the most prominent pokemon trainers we can get, to us?" She spun around and took the seat across from Tristan. "I know it's a stretch, but what if we set up something like a....a fundraiser pokemon tournament. An event that big might draw out more than just Team Claw. I know it'll take a lot of work, but if we could keep it contained, it might do the trick. What do you think?" Hmmmm...that could work, I can pull some stuff into the with my contacts back in Alola and see if I can get the Masked Royal and his Incineroar to partake in the fundraiser he said air quoting around fundraiser. I m sure that should draw out anyone wanting to steal famous Pok mon,
Blood Is Thicker (1×1 w/ Jikkah)
The white stuff was falling outside their window again, making it cold and unbearable in their little room with nothing but themselves for warmth. There were two of them, little girls maybe no older than 7, sitting close to each other with a picture book before them. You could tell them apart easily not just because one was better dressed than the other, but by the single horn they each had. One red and one blue. They one with the red horn pointed gently to the words in the book with her delicately manicured nail and smiled softly."Can you try and read this word, nee chan?" She asked, her tone encouraging as she smiled, "You can do it, I know you can. You've been learning very quickly and I'm very proud of you." The girl in the more ragged clothing had blue skin and a single blue horn protruding from her forehead, and even that was rugged. The girl was simply a mess, long black hair in knots, clothes torn and stained with mysterious substances, and even her nails and horn were almost unkempt, but this didn t seem to bother her.She squatted beside the other little girl, chewing on her nails and staring at the book, sharp teeth grinding away at her sharp nails. No. She turned her head away either she actually didn t know the word, or she was being stubborn because she earned herself more testing that day. Zero Four as the humans called her frowned as she looked to her sister, "Can you try...?" She asked softly, "I'll bring you more sweet things from the humans if you do.." Zero Three was in a particularly foul mood, grabbing the book and simply throwing it against the far wall, letting out a scream to show her frustration, showing her sharp teeth to Zero Four to show she wasn t in the mood to try to be civil. She sat quietly as her sister screamed and only offered a smile, "I understand, I'm sorry for troubling you so. We can try again later." She said, "There's no rush, nee chan.." Her fits of screams would progress into throwing her toys which were easy to tell apart from Zero Four s due to their poor condition eventually her fit becoming a full blown tantrum. That's when Zero Four's patience became worry, and she moved to try and calm her."If you don't settle down, they'll only hurt you more. Please, nee chan, I don't like them hurting you. Relax please, it's ok...! We don't have to learn reading right now if you don't want...!" It was like the child before her was now a beast, tearing at the walls and destroying her toys when Zero Four approached however, she was knocked back when Zero Three struck her hard, hard enough to knock her to the floor. She yelped and landed on the ground before pushing herself back up and moving to try and calm her again, "Nee chan...! Please settle down...!" She begged Zero Three stopped and turned suddenly, and one would've expected her to attack Zero Four once more, but she had tears in her eyes, and when she saw Zero Four, she fell to her knees crying. Such outbursts weren t uncommon, especially for such a young child who was being practically tortured daily. Zero Four moved and held her tight, not saying a word and just held her sister tight. She didn't like the humans torturing Zero Three any more than she did. She just wanted her to be happy. Why were they so mean to her? Eventually, the adults did come to take Zero Three away, having to tear the two apart and drag Zero Three away, kicking and screaming as she disappeared down the hall. "Please, don't hurt her anymore!" Zero Four ran after them but the door shut in her face. She beat on it with all her might, crying and begging for them to return her sister to her. No one would return to Zero Four, not to comfort her, nor to return Zero Three.The child screamed and struggled the entire way down the hall, trying to freak free from the adult who led her, but it was no use. They took her to a familiar room where they strapped her to a familiar table and toyed with her regenerative abilities cutting her and making holes in her body with the equiptment. They didn't bother to try numbing her, it never worked anyway. She let out awful screams of agony, struggling in vain against her restraints, even when she was exhausted, still trying desperately to escape from the horrors they subjected her with. She was not human however, for her blood was not red, but blue, just like her skin and horn. None None Sometimes Zero Four would notice a boy roaming around outside in the white stuff, trying to look into their window and investigate. He would notice her and it would startle her to the point she hid. She had never seen anyone that wasn't an adult. "Is he still there, nee chan?" She asked, voice shaking. Zero Three peeked her head over the window once more, glaring down at the strange boy that kept coming by their window time and time again, but didn t dare expose herself any further. Sometimes he would come when Zero Four was there, and sometimes he would come when she was away, where she went was beyond her, all she knew is she never smelled of blood when she returned, unlike herself. The boy stood there, staring with blue eyes almost the same color as her skin. He looked confused and frustrated. "Is he still there...?" Zero Four asked weakly. She seemed to hear her this time, nodding and giving a small grunt of confirmation she still struggled using her words but she didn t take her eyes off of the boy, wild black hair a complete mess that almost entirely hid her face. "Why won't he go away?" She whined.He kept coming around, content at staring from the ground before he grew daring and climbed a nearby tree. Zero Four was gone, probably getting praised by the adults again. When he came up the tree, Zero Three simply retreated to the far corner of the room, baring her teeth at the boy and hissing in actuality, she was scared. Scared and unsure of this other child, was he there to hurt her too? When he saw her run, he stopped on the branch and blinked curiously. He stared at her before raising his hand slowly. She stopped when he raised his hand, her blue red eyes focusing on his hand, teeth still bared at the boy, but she had stopped hissing.This was her, this was definitely the girl he had seen in the lab during his testing, he could never forget someone like her blue skin and a single horn, she was like an Oni. He slowly waved, smiling softly when he recognized that it really was her. He was glad he had found her. She seemed to relax for a moment before she bared her teeth at him again, ten stuck her tongue out at him could she not talk? He looked taken aback before he pulled his lower eyelid down and stuck his tongue out back at her. Maybe she was playing. She sat up a bit when he stuck his tongue out at her, first noticing the lack of sharpness to his teeth. She stopped scowling at him and simply watched, a look of wonder on her face. He looked confused that she was just staring before mocking her by chomping his jaw. None of his teeth were sharp and pointed like hers. She bore her teeth again, but this time it wasn t in a sign of aggression, in fact, it almost looked like she was trying to smile at him, her odd colored eyes seeming to hold a flicker of interest. He furrowed his brow before grinning back at her. If only there was a way he could get closer to her. She was so odd, so different. So absolutely wonderful. Suddenly her smile disappeared and was replaced with a look of pure fear, eyes moving to the door as she heard keys. The boy couldn t hear the door being unlocked however, but he could tell something was there, and it scared the girl. He had no choice but to leave before the adults found him. He dropped to the ground just as the door opened and Zero Four came back in. She moved to Zero Three and hugged her tight, "Daijoubu? They didn't do anything to you while I was away, did they?" The panic slowly left her body when she saw it was only Zero Four returning, slowly wrapping her arms around the other girl and holding her tightly. Lone. She muttered against the other girl, having missed her friend. She pet her hair slowly and smiled softly, "I'm glad they left you alone." She said softly before moving back and pulling some chocolate from her bag, "I convinced the adults to bring me something bitter, I had a nibble to make sure, I'm sorry," She smiled softly and held it out, "It's very unpleasant for my taste but I know you'll love it." Her eyes sparkled and she quickly snatched the chocolate away from Zero Four, chomping down on the bitter chocolate with a small squeal of excitement. She smiled more, glad to see Zero Three so happy, "I'll try and bring you more next time." She said, "I promise, nee chan.." Zero Three only continued to eat her chocolate happily, sitting on the floor as she practically inhaled it. Zero Four smiled softly and tidied the room up, making the bed rolls and keeping everything clean.The boy kept coming back to see Zero Three, usually when he noticed Zero Four was gone. He couldn't get any closer tot he window, but it seemed to be enough for him. Zero Three seemed to enjoy the boy s presence, even moving closer to the window with each visit. She was strange, and didn t seem to know many words, but never the less, they managed communicating. He wanted to get her out of there, to actually spend time with her. He was tired of the testing and the prodding, he just wanted to be free. So one day, when he was visiting, he had a huge rock he had managed to pull up with him, "Get away from the window!" He yelled so she could hear. Zero Three saw the rock and looked a little panicked, but seemed to understand him enough to move away from the window. He threw it with all his might and broke the glass without a second thought, jumping across the branch to stand on the window and offer his hand to her, "Come with me." He pleaded gently. Zero Three hid her face when he broke the window, looking back to him when he spoke. She looked at his outstreatched hand and made a noise before slowly moving over and reaching out. She placed her hand in his gently her nails looked more like claws, blue skin contrasting greatly against his peach colored skin. He smiled softly and helped her outside, pulling her carefully onto the tree branch and helping her climb down into the snow. As soon as she stepped into the snow, she stiffened. It was strange, cold and wet she had never actually touched the white stuff that always fell outside her window. Ah! She curled up her toes bare foot in the snow with an electronic cuff around her ankle, which read off a number: 03. "Oh geeze, you don't have any shoes..." He muttered and tore pieces of his cloak to wrap gently around her feet to make a buffer from the cold, "There," He grinned at her with his odd teeth, "Better?" She mimicked him, giving her awkward smile with those razor sharp teeth, pointed like knives. "I'm Zero Sixteen. But taken to calling myself Masamune instead." He introduced, "Your thing there says you're code Zero Three." He noted. She blinked at his words, trailing behind him through the snow. She didn t understand a lot of what he was saying, but she seemed to listen anyway, watching him with wide, curious eyes. Masha..! He looked and smiled, "Yeah, that's pretty close." He praised, "How about you, do you want a name?" She tilted her head, looking at him through her wild hair. She didn t understand, she already had a name, why would she take another? "It's easier than just spouting numbers all the time, I think.." He muttered, fidgetting when she just stared at him, "Forget it, you aren't interested." She grabbed his arm tightly, refusing to let him go a step further, this time frowning deeply and making a soft whining noise. Name. He looked back before smiling, "Ok, I'll think of a good name for you then." He said before he started thinking long and hard. "How about..." He muttered softly, brows furrowed, before looking up and snapping his fingers, "Mego!" Her whole face lit up, and even with most of it hidden behind her hair, he could see her red blue eyes sparkle. Mego..! She repeated, seeming to like the name she was given, even if she didn t know what it meant. He grinned and nodded before wandering off with her again to look around the area. The two traveled far, seeing small streams full of fish and many different birds. Everything seemed to startle Zero Three, leading her to cling to Masamune, baring her teeth at rabbits that scurried off to snow that fell from trees. Masamune found it rather cute to see her act that way, telling her that they couldn't hurt her and that she was safe. She was a fun change of pace from Yukimura and Kojurou. Soon she seemed to tire out, trudging in the snow behind him, holding his hand tightly. Perhaps she didn t have the same amount of stamina he had, did she not train like he did? He looked back and frowned, "Here, we can find somewhere to rest.." He said and looked around before finding and relatively dry log, "Here...!" He moved and sat down, brushing some snow aside for her to sit. She sat down, breathing a bit hard, her breath making small puffs in the cold. She pulled her knees to her chest and rested her chin on her knees, looking to Masamune. "You don't talk so good, huh...?" He asked gently, "They didn't teach you to speak...?" She made a face, still unable to understand much of what he was saying, but he was kind, he didn t hurt her like the others. She reached out and took his hand again, holding his hand for warmth. Masha... Good. He looked down at her hand and saw some healed scars, frowning softly before squeezing her hand, "Thank you.." He smiled, "You're good too...!" The girl suddenly stiffened, eyes going wide when she heard the crunching of the snow somewhere off behind them. Masamune peeked over the log and saw the guards that walked around Eden were now searching for something them. He felt Zero Three s hand squeeze his hand even tighter, shaking and staying huddled up where she was he could see absolute fear in her eyes. He looked back at her and signalled that she stay quiet before checking where the arned adults were and tugging her silently to a new hiding place. He wasn't about to let them take her back there, to be hurt and prodded like some kind of broken toy. She followed him as quickly and as quietly as she could, but the adults were quick on their trail, and soon had them cornered. Zero Three hid behind Masamune, clinging to him desperately as the adults tried to pry the two apart. He kept a firm grip on her hand, grinding his teeth, "No! You can't take her away! I won't let you!" The adults didn t try to argue with Masamune, they simply yanked the two apart. As soon as they did that however, Zero Three lost it. She tore into one of the adults hands with her sharp teeth, scratching and kicking to get away and get back to Masamune. A heavy thud could be heard as Zero Three was rammed hard in the head, making her stumble and fall limp into the snow, blue liquid trickling from the split in her skin. "Mego!" He struggled hard but ultimately they beat him over the head as well. He reached out to her in vain, struggling to keep his eyes open, "Please...don't take her away..." Zero Three opened her eyes, blinking them a few times before looking around the aircraft carrier she was on with Zero Four. That same dream again, the boy she couldn t forget, but the face she couldn t remember it had been years ago, but it wasn t something she brought up with anyone, even Zero Four. Sitting up in her chair, she looked out the large window to her side, seeing Plantation Thirteen below why were they even going there? "Good morning, nee chan.." Zero Four greeted gently, smiling as she usually did, "Did you have a pleasant rest?" Zero Three turned her head away, her overgrown horn glinting in the sunlight. I m fine, you don t have to fuss over me so much. She muttered, glaring down at the plantation below. "I know, but I enjoy fussing. It's sometimes the only way you let me get close anymore..." She said, "Perhaps you could allow me to trim your horn some time? Maybe I could even brush your hair?" I brushed my hair this morning and my horn is fine. She said, seeming a bit irritated, but that wasn t unusual for her as of late.Once they landed, both Zero Three and Zero Four were greeted by Dr. Franxx and his entourage, heading further inside the plantation.Zero Three looked bored the entire way, practically ignoring any interaction attempted to be made with her. Zero Four was as polite as always, maybe that's why the adults liked her so much She didn't question them about anything they were doing, just followed them with blind loyalty. It was rather quiet as they made their way down the long escalator, but Zero Three was usually quiet around adults regardless it wasn t until Dr. Franxx spoke up however did anyone notice her absence. It seems like our problem child is gone already. He mused, not bothering to turn around, for he knew she was long gone. Everyone looked to Zero Four, who merely smiled and shrugged sheepishly, as if she had no control over her sister's actions. They looked around before Nanna caught Zero Three on one of the lower decks."There!" She yelled and pointed. Zero Three had ditched both the heavy coat she had been wearing and the hat she hated so much. She turned over her shoulder and flipped the entourage the bird before disappearing through the double doors. Masamune was wandering around outside, kicking himself mentally over and over. There was no way he was going to be a Parasite now, not with the death of his partner weighing down on him. He was so stupid, how could he be so stupid? Why did he have to push her so hard? Mistilteinn was amazing, the weather was cool and the fauna lush, Zero Three couldn t help but be excited about exploring such a wonderous place. She was especially excited to find such a large body of water there, stripping down to nothing before diving into the cold water, swimming a bit before floating on her back, staring up at the sky. "Did you know that there's this huge body of water called the sea?"Zero Four's voice echoed in her head,"It's supposed to be salty and it's always cold regardless of always being in the sun. We should try and find the sea sometime and go swimming, see if it actually is salty." Zero Three picked her hand out of the water and gave the water droplets on her hand a taste, but frowned at the lack of saltiness to it. Not the ocean. She muttered, closing her eyes and continuing to float in the water. Masamune continued his wandering, letting his feet just carry him where ever. He stopped at the lake and exhaled, maybe skipping rocks would make him feel better? The sound of water shifting brought Masamune s attention to the girl in the middle of the pond, floating motionlessly with her eyes shut, completely bare.Masamune had never seen her before, long raven hair swirling in the water around her head as she bobbed along, the single blue horn sticking out of her forehead like a dagger, glinting in the sunlight. "Oh jesus, did she drown?" Masamune tossed off his shoes quickly and tried to rush through the water to get to her. As soon as he entered the water, Zero Three s eyes shot open and she twisted in the water, getting to her feet and staring down Masamune with sharp eyes, then slowly starting toward him. In the blink of an eye, she had closed the distance between them and was now on top of him, both of them in the shallow water. Why are you watching me? His eyes widened and he started stammering, "I I thought you were drowning, I was gonna come help you." She was naked. He didn't realize that before, more focused on trying to save her from the lake. But now he was fully aware of her lack of clothes and had no idea how to handle it. She blinked, looking a little taken aback when he said he was going to save her. As quick as she was on top of him, she was off, trudging out of the water as she wrung out her hair. Your eyes wander. She said, a soft smirk on her face. His eyes snapped back up to her face, "No they don't!" He stated loudly, "I wasn't looking!" Her smirk only grew. Oh? So you don t like the way they look? She teased, not even trying to hide any part of herself had she no sense of modesty? "Wha no, I think you look pretty!" Shut up, Masamune. "I was just always told it was rude to stare! Your body looks great!" Shutup, Masamune. Her face went lax and she stared at him with a blank expression before she burst out laughing. Oh, I get it now, you re a pervert..! She was nearly doubled over, still completely nude, holding her stomach as she laughed hysterically. "I am not!" He jumped up and grabbed her panties, throwing them at her, "Get dressed, you nudist!" She caught them easily and held her hands up to mock innocence. But of course She pulled on her underwear before moving over to gather up her other clothes, getting dressed and looking back to the boy. Better? "Yes, much, thanks." He sounded embarrassed. He looked when he heard movement and there were adults coming around, including Nanna."Nee chan!" Zero Four rushed over and hugged Zero Three, looking at Masamune and tightening her grip on her sister protectively, "Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Her expression immediately dropped into almost a lifeless look, and she simply looked away from Masamune, looking completely indifferent now. I m fine. She said blandly. "Let's go, Zero Three." Nanna said as Akihime returned the coat and hat onto Zero Three, making her look presentable. Masamune looked confused, maybe even a little hurt that this Zero Three had to leave and he had to be returned. Zero Three didn t argue, she had had her fun and now it was time for her to go back to work as much as she absolutely hated it. She followed her sister, eyes downcast as she walked, shooting one last glance at Masamune before he too was escorted back to Mistilteinn, being scolded the whole way. Masamune was sent to see Hachi, their caretaker with Nanna, and told that he had the choice to either return to the orphanage or stay. Masamune made a noise, knowing Kojurou would throw a fit if he left, so he decided to stay. He didn't know what he would do with himself, maybe use one of the training bots for a while to better control himself, but he didn't want Kojurou trying to hunt him down. Whe he left Hachi's office, he stopped when he noticed someone sitting on the bench waiting. "Yukimura?" Yukimura stood up, long hair tucked back in a low ponytail as always, smiling brightly when he saw Masamune. So you ve decided to stay in Mistilteinn for now? Kojurou was worried about you when you ran off! "Yeah, didn't want the brute dragging me back.." He grinned, "What are you doing here anyway...? Don't you wanna see the graduation...?" Yukimura frowned and looked down at his feet his own partners mental stability took a turn for the worse and she was sent back to the garden for re evaluation he blamed himself naturally. No, I figured I would wait here for you. He said, quickly pulling a smile back on. He frowned softly, "Well I was gonna watch them swallow all the praise." He said in good humor, a small smile on his face, "But if you'd rather not, we can walk around.." Yukimura perked, shaking his head fervently. We should go watch the ceremony, it s already started, but I m sure we haven t missed the start up yet! "Well, let's get a move on!" He said and started jogging off, "Kojurou would be pissed if I missed it!" Yukimura hurried after Masamune, the two hurrying to the ceremony.The parasites were indeed just starting the process synchronization process, their first start up before Papa.Nana and Motochika were paired together, the two of them always finding their practice start ups rather easy.Amaya and Sasuke bickered usually, but their connection was also pretty stable, and as for Kojurou and Jin, they seemed to have the easiest time making a connection. "Look at all the adults here...!" Sasuke whispered to Motochika, who grinned at the ginger with excitement."Aye, I can't believe they're all here to congratulate us." He whispered back. Amaya would ve elbowed Sasuke in the ribs had they not been center stage, so she opted for scolding him instead. Shut it, we re starting our piloting ceremony any minute. "Yeah, yeah, it's no big deal.." He muttered dismissively. After Papa's speech, they left to change into their pilot gear and enter their Franxx. Kojurou seemed a little out of sorts as he made sure his gear was straight while Jin got situated. Jin glanced over her shoulder at Kojurou, long golden braid falling over her shoulder. Kojurou, everything alright? She asked with a small frown of concern. He glanced up at her before tugging his gloves, "I did not see Masamune during Papa's speech. Perhaps he decided to return to the orphanage after all.." Jin frowned softly, sitting up and turning on her seat to look at Kojurou. Knowing him, he s still kicking around Mistilteinn, She gave him a small smile. He isn t one to up and quit like that. He made a noise and nodded, "Perhaps Hachi kept him longer than anticipated. I shouldn't let him worry me, otherwise it will strain you. Forgive me." She simply shook her head again, returning her arms into the control pockets, the handles on her suit engaging and moving away from her body and extending so Kojurou could hold onto them. Before they could start up their Franxx however, alarms overhead started to blare, signaling the approaching Klaxosaur. "A Klaxosaur?! Here?!" Sasuke yelled, "Where did it come from?!" The beast was huge, with a massive head and jaw, slamming into the plantation with the loud screech of metal crumpling following. Immediately the plantations defenses came online, firing missiles at the rampaging klaxosaur, but the projectiles seemed to do little as it headed straight for the still inactive Franxx with the pilots still inside.Yukimura and Masamune had just made it to the ceremony in time to see the klaxosaur attack, stopping in the long corridor and staring at the massive beast with wide eyes, Yukimura was frozen. Are they still in the Franxx..!? "Looks like it." Masamune muttered, "Th...They'll be ok though..." He seemed to be more assuring himself than Yukimura. The two stood there, frozen as the klaxosaur rammed into the Selenicereus Grandiflorus garage, which was still locked inside and not active.Jin s eyes widened when the two were nearly slammed into, flinching and holding on tightly as Kojurou and she were nearly thrown from their seats. "Kojurou!" Masamune burst off, as if he could take on the klaxosaur himself. M Masamune?! Yukimura called after him, but found his own legs too weak to move.As Masamune ran, he spotted another Klaxosaur from the corner of his eyes it was smaller than the first one however, but fast. What do you mean she s piloting it alone!? He could hear some of the adults below starting to panic.The smaller klaxosaur slammed into the first one, actually knocking it back and taking it down to the ground as it tore into the back of its neck.The massive beast didn t stay down for long though, throwing the smaller beast off and letting out a horrible screech before charging.The two didn t fight long before the smaller was thrown into the plantation, the feline looking machine nearly falling right on top of Masamune as it fell. "Wh...What the hell...?" Masamune muttered, eyes wide."Nee chan!!" It sounded like that other weird girl from the lake, where they all a deck below? "Hang on, nee chan, I'm coming up! You know you can't pilot alone!" The machine hissed as the door open and the same girl from the lake stumbled out, head bleeding profusely and her horn snapped in half. She spit out a mouthful of blood before looking to Masamune, breathing labored before she smiled at him again. Hey, pervert, you re still here? "I'm not a pervert!" He huffed, "What are you doing, you can't pilot that by yourself, you'll die!" He sounded just like Zero Four. Her expression grew blank and she slowly stood, wiping the blood from her lips. That s fine with me honestly. She said softly, turning to head back inside the Franxx. "Wait..." He said softly, clenching his fist, "I want to pilot with you. You shouldn't have to go out there alone.." Zero Three stopped, but didn t turn around. You ll die. She said flatly, turning and looking over her shoulder. Are you telling me you don t mind being devoured? He looked down, as if actually thinking it over. "As I am now, I may as well be dead. So either way makes no difference to me." He looked up with a determined expression, "So do what you want, use me and kill me I don't care! Just take me with you!" A dark smirk crossed over her face, and she turned back to Masamune, offering her hand to him. Come then. She said. Allow me a taste. He took her hand and followed her into the Franxx, stumbling a bit as he climbed in. She yanked him inside, and as they entered the shadowy interior of the Lilium Tigrinum, her eyes seemed to glow red. In a moment, Masamune was pulled against Zero Three, and her lips pressed firmly against his as she kissed him deeply, the Franxx door shutting behind them. His eyes widened and the whole cockpit lit up like the night sky before he lost consciousness. Zero Four was with Dr Franxx, looking terrified as she watched the Lilium Tigrinum, hoping Zero Three was ok. The giant klaxosaur brought its giant head back, ready to crush Tigrinum beneath it, but just as the beast brought its head down, Tigrinum came to life, stopping the attack and tossing back the klaxosaur like it was nothing. Tigrinum started to change its shape no, it s entire form changed, quickly becoming humanoid before pounding on the klaxosaur before it could get back up, slamming its fist into the beast over and over again before its arm sunk deep into the beast, then was yanked free. In the Franxx hand, was a glowing yellow orb, it s core, the beast beneath the Franxx slowly slumping into a massive puddle of its own blood. "She...she found a partner...?" Zero Four would be lying if she said the idea of her sister having a new partner didn't upset her. But if this person could pilot with Zero Three and not die like everyone else when they tried to seperate the siblings,then she would support her. Dr. Franxx made a noise of pleasure, chuckling softly. It looks like she s finally settling down or lashing out more. He muttered.After the Klaxosaur was defeated, Tigrinum moved to stand in idle, eventually powering down before the door hissed and opened, Zero Three exiting with Masamune slumped against her. "Masamune!!" Motochika and Sasuke rushed over, wanting to get their friend to the infirmary. Zero Four made a face, was he unconscious the whole time? Did he really pilot with her sister? A full day after the initial piloting had taken place, and there were many among the children of Mistilteinn that had taken issue with Masamune supposedly piloting with the girl they found out to be code 003. Motochika huffed, "Can't believe he's been holding out on us." Amaya sat across from Sasuke, legs crossed over one another. You say that like he actually piloted the Franxx. She said with a scowl. Hedoesn t even remember piloting it. "He obviously did though," Sasuke argued, "That Franxx didn't look like an actual Franxx and didn't actuallyfightuntil he got in it.""I don't think Kita had to die for him to actually become a good pilot." Motochika stated. He didn't notice Kojurou visibly stiffen at the comment. He had always viewed Kita like a sister. Nana nudged Motochika in the ribs, frowning softly. Hey, Motochika, maybe don t mention Kita.. She whispered softly, having seen Kojurou s face pale. Yukimura s own expression turned sour, frowning softly almost immediately after the death of Kita, his partner Ume fell apart mentally and eventually physically, resulting her return to the Garden. Masamune did pilot the Franxx.. He spoke up. I was there.. "What?!" Sasuke shot up, "You saw him go in?!""What was the blue girl like?! The red one seemed like she was gonna have a heart attack!" Motochika said. Red one? There were two? Yukimura felt his face flush, in all honesty, he hadn t payed attention to either girl, he had been in a daze half from being struck in the head by falling rubble, half to being so damn entranced by the Franxx before him, he d never seen anything quite like it. I.. Don t know. Amaya scoffed a bit, but said nothing, and Jin simply sighed softly, looking to her partner. "In any case, we should trust that this is a golden opportunity for Masamune," Kojurou said calmly, "He can become a Parasite now. It will be easier for us now that it's evened out, four is better than three." Yukimura s heart dropped a bit, another reminder that he too had no partner, and no purpose. We don t even know for sure if Papa will let him pilot with that girl a human klaxosaur hybrid? That doesn t even sound possible. Amaya said. "Yeah, I hear she kills all her male pilots, that's why they make her team up with her sister. If they partner her with Masamune..." Motochika stopped, "She'll kill him too...""That's fine..." Everyone jumped at Masamune's voice, he was standing at the door, listening, "If I can help out, I want doesn't matter to me what happens. I can't just float around here and do nothing." Kojurou clenched his fists tightly, glaring at his lap. No one really had anything to say to Masamune s words, all shocked silent until Yukimura spoke up. Masamune, wouldn t you rather wait for a replacement from the Garden? His brows were furrowed, but even he looked anxious. "What, so I can just kill her too?" He asked, "How is that fair?""You killing yourself doesn't solve anything either!" Kojurou snapped, glaring over his shoulder. Hey now, we shouldn t argue.. Nana tried to deescalate the situation, but the tension in the room was quite thick. Masamune turned away and headed out of the building entirely, not looking like he was in the mood. Sasuke sighed softly."Ah jeez, now things are gonna stink of stress." He muttered. And you re the one who caused it! Amaya scolded Sasuke, grabbing him by the ear. "Ow, ow, ow! Amaya!!" He whined loudly, trying to thrash away from her. Darling A familiar voice sounded right behind Masamune in his ear, arms wrapping around his shoulders it was Zero Three. Masamune jumped slightly and looked back, "Darling...?" He asked, almost timidly.Sasuke and Motochika headed outside to play some ball, only to stop when they saw the other weird girl with the red horn looking at all the plants in absolute wonder."Oi, what are you doing here?!" Sasuke snapped. She girl looked up and smiled."Don't mind me, I'm just looking." She replied kindly. Zero Three stood just behind Masamune, a smirk on her face as she watched Masamune squirm away from her. Of course, we shared a kiss you re my darling Her red eyes sparkled, and the smirk on her face seemed more like a smile.Yukimura s eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. Y You re her! He had only glimpsed the girl in red, but seeing her up close was different she was beautiful. Masamune blushed and looked away, "Oh...I've never really heard that term before. I guess it's good?"The girl looked over and when her eyes landed on him, they widened in absolute infatuation. She suddenly became keenly aware of her horn and timidly tried to hide it from him with her hair. Sasuke looked annoyed and Motochika grinned."Aw, how cute, the lass is shy " He teased. Yukimura s own face flushed and he quickly looked away, sputtering out. W Welcome! I I m Yuki C Code 035! It s nice to meet you!! "Sasuke. Code 032." Sasuke greeted blandly. Motochika grinned and jerked his thumb into his chest."Motochika! Code 261!" He greeted. The girl looked confused before blushing."Code 004. Those...things you said before. What were they?" She asked. Sasuke rolled his eyes."They're our names." He answered. She looked to Yukimura."Yours is Yuki?" She asked. Yukimura thought he would be able to look into Zero Fours eyes, but as soon as they locked gazes, he felt like steam would come out of his ears. Y Y Yukimura desu! He sputtered out, why was he acting like this? He had been around girls his whole life, why was she any different? "Can you give me a name?" She asked almost deaperately, eyes pleading. Sasuke groaned softly and rolled his eyes. A name..? He looked down at Zero Fours shoes. I I wasn t the one who named everyone... He fell silent like he was done, but then spoke up again. Akihime..? He almost asked, looking up at her. "Ew, you're calling her a princess?" Sasuke muttered. Zero Four now Akihime didn't seem the least bit bothered. In fact, she looked like she was over the moon about it."Arigatou, Yukimura!" She cheered and rushed to him, hugging him tightly, "I love it!" Well, she looked like a princes His whole face lit up bright red when Akihime hugged him, looking like he would pass out at any moment. She pulled back and smiled brightly, "Does this mean you're my prince?" She asked. Sasuke fumed and moved to kick the ball at her but Motochika caught him in time. Yukimura blinked: prince? He had read a story about a prince and a princess at one point at the Garden... Yes. He answered without even thinking, and he sounded genuine. "Yukimura!!" Sasuke snapped but Akihime looked like she could die from the raw joy."Ureshii desu..." She breathed and wrapped her arms tight around his neck, her cheeks flushed red. T Tight...! Yukimura barely managed out, face and neck red from both her hugging him, and her hugging him too tightly. "Ah! Gomen!" Akihime moved away, looking alarmed, "Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry...""They're perfect." Motochika half joked quietly to Sasuke. Is she that girl with the horn? Nana and Amaya had heard the ruckus the boys were making outside and decided to investigate, staring at Akihime with curious eyes, though Amaya looked apprehensive. Akihime looked and smiled before bowing politely, "It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Code 004. But my prince has given me the name Akihime.""I'm gonna hurl." Sasuke muttered and went back inside. Motochika laughed and moved to Nana."This isn't the one Masamune was with, this is her sister.""Nee chan is known to be reckless. I ask you forgive her if she has caused any harm or discomfort." Akihime said. Nana blinked, then looked from Motochika to Akihime, smiling softly. Code 077, Nana. She bowed her head slightly to her. Code 100, Amaya. The white haired girl muttered, seemingly just as grouchy as Sasuke.Nana spoke up again, smile still on her face. It s nice to meet you, Akihime. "It's nice to meet all of you, as well. I hope we can become friends." She said earnestly, "It's only ever been nee chan and I. And now that she has that boy..." Her smile became sad, "She won't really...need me anymore..." Nee chan..? Nana tilted her head. Was that the girl who piloted with Masamune? Speaking of which, where had he gone off to? So it s true you two are really siblings? She nodded, smile bright once more, "Hai. Nee chan and I are one in the same. I love her very dearly, only I feel the sentiment is not shared. She's never really liked me. It's because of the adults, I think.." She answered."Adults?" Motochika asked. Akihime nodded."It isn't really my place to say...but they treated us very differently growing up. Nee chan received the short end of the stick." Yukimura didn t understand, received the short end of the stick? What do you mean? Was she not treated fairly? He asked. She shook her head, "She would never tell me what they did, but she was always so angry..." She replied, "She hated them for what they did...and she hates me because they didn't do the same with me..." The group fell quiet, Yukimura frowning softly and Nana looking away. How horrible. She muttered softly to Motochika. "I have darkened the mood, please forgive me." Akihime apologized."Well, in any case, it's almost lunch time. I'm sure your sister and Masamune will show up sooner or later. Ya wanna come in?" Motochika asked. Akihime smiled brightly and nodded."I would like that very much." Masamune and 004 was still missing, but everyone else had gathered at the two tables in the dinning room, which seemed to be split by gender. Still no Masamune? Jin asked softly. "No, I haven't seen " Kojurou stopped as he watched Akihime move her chair beside Yukimura's before taking her food over as well, " him.""I hope you don't mind if I sat with you..." Akihime said bashfully, playing with her hair. Sasuke, however, was practically shaking with rage. Again, everyone was quiet, looking at Akihime in shock before slowly they all returned to their meals.Yukimura sat stiffly as he ate his food, keeping his eyes glued to the plate. I I do not mind..! "Go sit at your own damn table!" Sasuke snapped. Akihime looked and frowned, hugging Yukimura's arm as if he could protect her from this rude man with red hair."I want to sit with my prince..." She said."He's not your prince!" Sasuke hissed. Yukimura seemed to flustered to even eat properly, simply cutting his eggs over and over again. Why all the yelling? A new voice popped up, Zero Three having come back with Masamune, frowning softly when her eyes fell on Akihime. "Masamune!" Kojurou greeted with a smile. Masamune gave a wave and moved to sit down. Akihime looked away from Zero Three before perking up."Ah! Nee chan! Yukimura gave me a name! I'm not Zero Four anymore! I'm Akihime!" She looked so happy to share this with her sister, hoping she would be happy as well. Zero Three only stared at her sister, a flicker of malice in her eyes before she turned on her heel. I m going to the kitchens to look for baking chocolate. She said before vanishing down the hall, clearly not in a good mood at all. Akihime's grip tightened on Yukimura's arm but her smile didn't falter. Masamune looked confused before following after Zero Three."Hey, what's up?" He asked. She looked over her shoulder at Masamune her crimson eyes cold. Nothing, I said I wanted to get some chocolate from the kitchen, that s all. "But..." He stopped and didn't push it, "Why baking chocolate? It's gross, you aren't supposed to eat it.." You aren t? But it tastes good. She blinked, stopping and turning to look at Masamune. "Good? It's bitter." He said, "It's raw chocolate." Yeah, being bitter is what makes it good, if it were sweet it would be disgusting. She said, like it was the norm to eat bitter chocolate straight. "That's so gross.." He muttered. He fell silent again before speaking. "You were pissed off she got a name, huh?" She averted her gaze and put her hands behind her head. Why would I be? I have a name already. We all do. "A code isn't a name..." He said, "It's just a place. It isn't unique or fun." It s not supposed to be. She said flatly, her eyes focused somewhere far away. "You want a name?" He asked, trying to get a good look at her expression, "I gave everyone else a name..." Her expression grew sad, almost hopeful, but that quickly disappeared. I wouldn t bother. She turned her back to him. You ll be dead soon anyway. "But you can keep a memory of your darling when Idodie..." He told her. This stopped her, and she slowly reached up to grasp at her chest, her heart feeling like it was going to burst. She hung her head, staring down at the floor for what seemed like forever before she spoke up. Ok. She whispered out. I ll take this name you have to offer. He stared at her for a good long while, and he had no idea why, but only one name seemed to come to mind, "Mego..." He muttered. As soon as he said the name, she felt overwhelming pain in her head, falling to her knees and clutching her head, eyes wide and mouth open in agony. "H Hey, you ok...?!" He panicked before his own head began to pound in agony, "Wh What the hell...?!""Masamune!" Kojurou had come in to see what was taking them so long and saw Zero Three on the ground, "What happened?!""I I don't know...!" Masamune gasped. Zero Three had curled up tight, almost pulling at her hair before she started to scream. Why was she screaming? Why did her head hurt? Why couldn t she remember. Almost as quickly as she started screaming, she stopped, slumping forward, unconscious. What s going on? Jin rushed out followed by the others when Zero Three started screaming, all looking startled. "Nee chan!!" Akihime came rushing in, moving to Zero Three and holding her tightly before looking up at Masamune, "What did you do to her?!""N Nothing! I I just gave her a name cuz she was pissed off at you!" Masamune argued. Her expression was one of pain, brows furrowed and mouth twisted into a grimace, then she muttered something. Masha. It was barely a whimper, but they could all hear it. "Masha?" Motochika echoed, clearly confused. Akihime looked beyond panicked and easily carted Zero Three out of the room to the guest room they were given."H Hey, hang on!" Motochika called but Akihime ignored him as she hurried off. Zero Three muttered Masha over and over, looking more and more pained each time she said it, but she refused to wake. Akihime laid Zero Three on her bed and debated telling Papa about her sister's returning memory. She couldn't do that to her, she loved her so much, but remembering caused her so much pain and this human would only break her heart. She pet Zero Three's hair gently, trying to soothe her as she rested. She would stop muttering not long after, but remained asleep until lunchtime.A soft knock came at the door and a girls voice spoke up. Akihime chan? It was Jin. I ve brought you lunch, are you awake? "Hai, I'm awake.." She called softly, not once leaving Zero Three's side, "Arigatou, Jin dono, you may come in." The door opened and she came in, holding a tray of food and setting it on the small table. Is Zero Three ok? She asked softly. She nodded, "I think so...I think it's just something from when we were children acting up..." She replied gently, "I hope she didn't worry anyone." She looked up at Jin with a small frown, "We don't want to cause any unnecessary stress..." Jin shook her head, her gentle smile still on her face. Please don t worry about it, Nanna said we should treat you as part of the team for the time being, so think nothing of it, we re glad to support you. A team. People who cared for her and her sister. She smiled weakly as she fought her tears, "Thank you, Jin dono...your kind words fill me with joy." Jin noticed the tears in Akihime s eyes and immediately was worried she had done something to offend her. Please forgive me if I ve said or done anything upsetting, it was not my intention..! "No, I've said, it's just been my sister and I for so long..." She dried her eyes quickly, "Having friends is such a wonderful feeling.." Jin nodded and offered a smile once more. If you need anything, everyone will be downstairs. She said, giving a small bow before leaving. Akihime stayed with Zero Three for a long time, not moving an inch."Are you alright, Masamune?" Kojurou asked. Masamune waved him away, holding his head."I'm fine, God, stop hovering would ya?" He huffed, "It's just a headache.." Jin waited outside of the bedroom Masamune shared with Kojurou, waiting for Kojurou as to speak with him about the team once he was done. Kojurou stepped out when he was sure Masamune was ok, jumping when he almost ran into Jin, "J Jin dono!" He cleared his throat, "How are they?" Please, you don t need the honorific, we re partners. Jin said with a small smile, waving her hand. Zero Three is still asleep, but Zer Akihime seems to be doing well. He nodded, "Akihime seemed rather upset when her sister had such a violent attack whatever kind of attack it was.." Jin shook her head. I m not sure... It seemed like a similar attack to Masamune s, only more severe. She noted. He made a noise, "Maybe Nanna would know something.." He muttered, "Masamune doesn't understand either. He just knew the name off the top of his head, like he had always known her by it..." Well, for now we ll just have to rely on what Masamune tells us, and what Nanna says. She said softly. He nodded and followed Jin to the sitting room where everyone was sitting and waiting for any news.
['Three', 'Four']
1X1 FF12 rp clonewar and I only.
The setting takes place in the kingdom of Dalmasca where a female white ninja is sitting in the dungeon. The guards think that she tried to killed Lady Ashe at any cost, and she didn't kill her at all,she saved her life from being killed by Lord Vayne and she hated when she got accused of trying to kill the princess and she sighed. It was about 6pm in the evening on a nice spring night out like today and the female white ninja name is Satoshi,she has been friends with Ashe and Rekes for a very long time and she heard what happened to Rekes how he got killed by someone framing a knight named Bash and she walks around her dungeon cell and hoped that someone would get her out of here before the castle get's under attack once again,by Lord Vayne and his judges. Satoshi sat down on her chair in the dungeon and she closed her eyes and sighed and got some rest for a bit and has no idea what lies ahead of her in her journey to found out whom killed her parent's when she was only 16 years old and shei si now 20 years old. Damara heard Vayne and the judges had a very special prisoner in the dungeons below the city he wanted to get a look. "why so trouble" he asked knocking the guard out was easy enough the guy was almost dead on his feet. The bars took only a little fire magacite to blow through leaving the cell open. "You coming or should i look for another prisoner" the alarms were already going off all around the prison. He could see the first Knights arriving with a duo of mage's t9o back them up it was a drag. Satoshi looked at the person that got her out of her cell and said to him,"Of course I'm coming with you,and why are you helping me escape form here. We'll talk later,we got to deal with these guards right away." Satoshi casted Aero and the wind attack did some damage,but not enough wipe those guards out and she slightly cursed underneath her breath and withdrew her ninja sword and she was ready to fight if she needed to fight. Damara lifter his castor while not as spectacular as her aero the fire spell knocked the man back. "Damn they are growing like weeds" he could see a few rooks rising from the lower levees far more then any two people could deal with he blew up the roof. well the ceiling it cant be a roof if it just leads into another basement can it. "You can climb right" he leapt onto the pile of debris from the upper floors. Satoshi said to him,"Yes I can climb,ninjas are very good at climbing sir." Satoshi climbed up as well and she said to him,"Were out of this castle,but their is water surronded the castle,I hope that you know how to swim sir." Satoshi climbed down a hidden staircase and it leaded right to the water and she waited for this person to catch up with her. Jumping from the wall he landed on the malfunctioning rook called mate "If you want to swim you can" he offered his hand other rooks and fighters were gathering around the castle only the narrow confines kept them at bay. His ship was cloaked and hiding nearby waiting to spirit them away from the fortress. Satoshi looked at him and she took his hand and said to him,"I have no choice but to trust you,and I do trust you,and I hope that you know what you are doing sir, let's get away from this place,I wish Ashe would understand that I didn't try to kill her at all,I was protecting her from Lord Vayne and his dumb judges. Someday Lady Ashe will understand that I'm right and she was wrong oh well." Mate hugged the ground bullets tearing up the ground most of them were fire castors like his own some were stone. "yeah well i think we have to worry more about the imperials at the moment" he yelled over the wine of the engine he could see that the imperials were bringing in the big guns sky ships. "well at least there not the heavy guns" they were also slower then an aged lady next to mate or his ship. Satoshi sees the imperial ship and their guns and she held onto his hand and has no idea what she got everyone into this time and said to him,"You never told me your name,I'm Satoshi and you are sir.?" She hates it when the imperial brings their ship guns and she hoped that they'll get out of this alive and together just like Vaan,Penlo,Fran,Balthier, and Basch survived this once before. I giant shell exploded behind them just before one could hit them they vanished into the belly of the Mystery "Damn imperials" he yelled as Mate set itself into its cradle the transport crystal was cracked. "Dont they know how much one of these cost, by the way the name id damar don't forget it" he tool of his helmet showing of a not so un handsome face. The ship was on autopilot for the island of rogues. Satoshi said to him,"Nice to meet you Damar,and thanks for rescusing me from those dungeons thank you very much,and how did you know that I was the special guest they had in prison, whom told you Damar.?" Meanwhile in Ashe room: Lady Ashe said to the guards,"Darn Damar he got away with that ninja girl Satoshi,but how did he know where she was,I wonder whom told him,I'm goign to speak with Lord Vayne to see if he knows whom this Damar guy is." Lady Ashe leaves her room and walks into the throne room and said to LOrd Vayne,"Whom is this Damar guy,is he a threat to us hmm.?" He was already busy making sure the mimic skin did not fail if it did the would be blown out of the sky "shut up and sit down before you get us caught" he was neither a hero or a monster just a guy on the run. Vayne stood on the bridge of the Majestic Arcdian flagship and carrier he was in no mood for lady ashe. "He is a tinker one of my scientist who fancies himself a hero" he turned toward her knowing she would not leave so easily. Satoshi sits down and keeps quiet and another fimlair voice said to him,"That is no way to talk to our guest like that Damar,you should be a bit nicer towards her. If it wasn't for me telling you where she was held prisoner,you'd never find her,without my help at all Damar." Satoshi sees Balthier and she didn't know what to say to him at all,and she remembers him traveling with the others and she wonders why Balthier is helping Damar out for and she sighed............................................Lady Ashe said to Lord Vayne,"Then why is he betraying you for if he used to be one of your scientist and he worked for you. But what is this true ninja girl skills that everyone is after,is she another princess of an old anicent ninja clan that is still around and no one can find that ninja clan,I need to know more info about Satoshi and also about Damar as well." It was like having two junkyard dogs in the same yard one would always try to dominate the other "look you lost you're ship so don't play the hero" he was tired of playing taxi cab to the guy he never once said thank you. "look i am happy you told be about her but what can on ninja do against the empire" he asked. Vayne was in no mood to talk but he did "She is a key to an armory of sleeping ninja" having an army of assassins that could hide in the shadow was not something he longed for. "if she waked them i will not live an hour more" he proclaimed thinking back to how they joined sides. Balthier said to Damar,"I guess you have never ever heard the truth about Satoshi life and what she can truly do,shall I tell Damar your sercert or would you like to him Lady Satoshi hmm.?" Satoshi looked at Balthier and said to him,"You can tell him go right ahead Baltiher,"i'll be downstairs in a cabin resting up,I need my rest,thanks for telling Damar where I was kept as a prisoner thank you Balthier." Satoshi walked away from the two guys and headed below deck and she walked into an empty cabin and she fell right asleep becuase she was tired out. Balthier said to Damar,"Satoshi is the key to a ninja clan that have slept for many years now,once she awakes this ninja clan,her fellow ninjas can kill any imperials and this clan is a threat to Lord Vayne and his team. He won't give up that easily until Satoshi leads him to her ninja clan,and once she leads Lord Vayne and his team to his clan,he'll try to make them join forces to take over all of this fantasy world we all live in. Then Lord Vayne will kill Satoshi himself and if he kills her no one can bring her back to life and she'll be gone forever, and without her help,her clan will then kill us both Damar, that is why we must keep Satoshi safe at all times Damar,now you know everything about her, and thanks for everything Damar,I'm heading off to bed now,good night Damar." Balthier walked away from Damar and he walked into his cabin and fell alseep as well...........................................Lady Ashe said to him,"Thank you for letting me know whom that ninja girl is and as long Damar and Balthier are with her at all times,you'll never ever be able to capture her ever again Lord Vayne,I'm heading back to my room now,good night Lord Vayne." Ashe walked away from Lord Vayne and walked back into her room and she also fell asleep as well. The ship sang to him as he slept he was not sure how much of all of that was true he had head more impossible stories. There next stop was Roco a small traveling station that was used by rogues and sky pirates. the place was were the could resupply there magacite and get repairs for the skyship. the imperials did not bother them because roco was always on the move never too long in one place. which made finding it a hit or miss proposition unless you could read the air signs like he or his ship could. Satoshi suddenly wakes up from her sleep and she left her room and walked by Balthier room and she went back onto the ship's deck and she looked at the water and she sighed. Balthier also woke up and he followed Satoshi out onto the deck and said to her,"What is troubling you Satoshi,you can tell me Satoshi.?" Satoshi looked at Balthier and said to him,"I wish I could remember where I'm truly am from,my life as a child is all a mystery to me,I need to know where I came from and why I'm here for,it feels like I don't belong in this world,oh well I'll eventually figure everything out Balthier,i'll be fine." Balthier nods his head and said to her,"Everything will be ok you'll see ok,just try to relax for now on,you'll be safe with Damar and I ok good night Satoshi." Satoshi watched Balthier leave again and she kept looking out towards the ocean to try to realx for a bit and she sighed. The deck was used mainly for navigating at night its spot just above the engines made it hard to hear or be heard from afar. "You should come in the Mimic skin may make us hard to see but monsters can smell you" while rare monsters that attacked airships did exist and did attack in mas. "You know i grew up on the move all the time my parents would pick up and leave to go to a new place" that's why he though that he did not have one home he had many homes and all reminded him of his family. Satoshi looked at Damar and said to him,"Oh yeah I forgot that rare monsters can smell humans and that is a good idea I stay in Mimic Skin then." Satoshi headed back towards The Mimc Skin and said to Damar,"Did you by any chance heard Balthier and I talking to each other,please be honest with me Damar.?" He shook his head he was never one of those kids who read to the end of a book to see the ending he asked the author instead. "NO but i have the idea that you are in danger and the imp want you" he would help her out just to spite them and all they had done to him and his family. "you can tell me if you want" he asked offering his coat by putting it over her shoulders. Satoshi looked at Damar and said to him,"Thank you for offering me your coat,you sure are really a nice person." "To tell you the truth,I have no idea where I come from,and all I can remember is that some kind of a ninja clan took me in after my parent's died in the war. The ninja leader took me in as her adopted daughter and her husband also took me in as their adopted child. That ninja clan is somewhere in this world sound alseep and all I remember is that both of the ninja leader clan gave me this amulet i've been wearing around my neck,I'm not sure if this will lead me back to my original ninja clan family or not Damar. It feel likes I don't belong in this world at all,but I made friends with Vaan,Penlo,Balthier,Fran, and Basch, Ashe and I didn't see eye to eye with each other while we traveled around this world once before. I wish I could remember where I truly fit in,but someday I'll figure it all out,and yes your right the imperials are after me and my amulet,I didn't mean to drag you and Balthier into this mess or situation at all I'm truly am sorry." He just placed his arms around her the imps were all about technology so much so they forgot the spirit of the warrior "Well i know if the imperials are after you that makes you one of the good guys, or girls in my book" there were not the many people still fighting the imperials most had given up or been crushed. he looked down on her while not that short she was not nearly as tall as the one time scholar. "You may be lucky my mom was a famous singer who married a crazy inventor" he told the small ninja. "i would give anything for people not to know i was the son of the famous crackpot" Satoshi said to Damar,"I know whom you are excatly talking about the scholar named Dr. Cid is your father? I had no idea until you told me this now Damar." Satoshi felt Damar placing his arms on her and she said to him,"It feels like that we've meant somewhere once before,but can't remember where though,thank you for the comment that I'm a good girl and not a threat to you or to Balthier at all. So how are all 3 of us going to hold off the imperials,Lord Vayne, and Lady Ashe hmm.?" "well you know every family has a black sheep" referring more to balthier who had become a judge. he smiled as she told him that she was not a threat not that she had ever thought that she was one. "well the shards are gone but if we can cut of there magacite we can break up there fleets". that would leave every city in the empire exposed or force them to cover those targets. Satoshi said to Damar,"I do see your point their,I didn't know that Balthier was a judge and a Sky pirate as well,know wonder why you both are protecting me and please don't tell Balthier what I'm goign to show you ok." Satoshi put her sword against her face and she summoned her two espers Belias and Shemhazai the whisper. Satoshi said to Damar,"These are my two espers I have manage to own and they won't hurt you at all,don't tell Balthier that I showed you my two espers at any cost please don't tell him ok Damar." Balthier woke up once again and he saw Belias and Shemhazi and he looked at Satoshi and said to her,"How the blazes did you manage to keep those two under control how did you do that hmm.?" Satoshi looked at Balthier and said to him,"If you are really nice and caring to your espers they'll stay under your control and not hate you at all,thta is what I excatly did and they have kept me safe for a while." The gun slammed into his stomach he knew the man was good with a gun but his draw was not as good as his own. "Now don't you think of pilfering the ladies property" he smiled he thought he was a good guy but he though the same of lady Ashe. his Dillinger knocked the gun out of his back hand knocking him back the shock surging through his body. "come on you know i don't shoot brother" he teased firing again to knock the sky pirate out. a small esper appeared above him a copy of a better known esper then vanished. Satoshi said to Damar,"I didn't know that you and Balthier were brothers at all until now,why did you knock out Balthier for? He isn't a threat at all Damar." Satoshi gently petted Beilas and then Shemhazi and they both returned back into their own liscense boards. Satoshi said to Damar,"Very rare I trust other people,but I can trust you,you are not a threat to me at all Damar same with Balthier as well." "he was being controlled some monsters can clone themselves" it made sense an esper would have that ability. he smiled Balthier his brother was not dead just stunned that's why the esper left him fro its body. "it was feeding on his emotions, amping up the ones that it wanted and tuning down all the others" he explained the esper was going to shoot them until he saw it just in time to stop it from succeeding. Satoshi said to Damar,"I do see your point their,I forgot that espers can control anyone especially on someone emotions Damar,you sure a bit clever and a little bit smart as well." Balthier slowly woke up and said to his brother,"What the blazes just happened and why am I down here for,oh well,I'm ok now Damar and Satoshi." he punched him for good measure "that's for always being dads favorite" so he had some issues he was not the shinning night type. she stood up offering his hand which was knocked to the side quickly he left. he was not a people person he like machine pulling them apart and putting them back together. "sorry about that just the way i am" he had to check on the ship they had covered a lot of track. the skin would have to be adjusted if they wanted to remain unseen. Satoshi watched Damar leave and she helped Balthier up and said to him,"Are you alright Balthier? I see that you and your brother have some issues with each other,and I can't Dr. Cid is your father as well,why didn't you tell me Balthier hmm.?" Balthier looked at Satoshi,"I wanted to tell you that,but my brother Damar beated me to the punch line,I'll be alright Satoshi ok." Satoshi said to him,"I do see your point their Balthier,and I'm glad that you are alright as well Balthier." he rubbed the back of his head. "Never did like me playing with his toys" he moved to lean against the rail violating standing orders. he smiled back at her the skin stretched a few feet short but he was the bad boy. "you know i wanted to be the hero and would have if not for that van kid" he folded his arms he was the true leading man. "so i guess i play second fiddle to my younger brother" Satoshi looked at Damar and said to him,"What is wrong with that Vaan kid.? His older brother died and he has no family left at all,watch what you say about Vaan. Someday it will be your turn to play the hero Damar ok just give it time Damar." Balthier also stood beside Satoshi as well and Satoshi was trying to figure out what was goign on here between Balthier and Damar and she shrugged her shoulders and sighed and watched the two brother's very carefully. The ship shook as another ship Balthiers attacked someone must have put on guns bit who was flying that thing. "were under attack who is flying her" like his brothers ship used to be his ship was not armed. the ship shoot as shots came close enough to graze the ship he was sure they would be hit. "maybe we should surrender" he suggested not wanting to loose the ship or have anyone killed. Balthier said to his brother,"Were not going to surrender at all,that is an imperial ship and if we surrender to them,we'll have to hand Satoshi over to them,do you want that to happen to her Damar? Then the imperials will kill us Damar,I'm not ready to die yet not for a long time Damar." Satoshi was already in her room and she closed her door and locked herself in her cabin on Damar ship and remained inside her room where she'll be safe. He threw up his hands "come on i did not mean really surrender but i can beat you're ship without guns" He placed the gun on the rail and fired the gun grew in size until it was about the size of a small child. A bolt of light slammed into the ship shattering into a hundred colors before it slammed into the ground. "You know i am going to tell on you at the reunion playing hero will never look good to the family" the ship pulled back maybe they wanted her alive after all at least long enough to ask the questions. Balthier said to Damar,"You have always liked to show off all the time especially around a pretty girl Damar,quit being the show off,you might scare our guest brother." Satoshi let Shehmazi and said to it,"Once we get to this town,take back to my home please understood." The esper nods it's head to understand Satoshi orders and returned back onto the license board and Satoshi sighed and wondered why two guys were starting to slowly fight over her and she sighed. The ship entered a small cave making weapons use about as smart as lighting a match next to lamp oil. "Come on give up already" the lights flickered on chowing of massive crystal formations "Can any one steer i want to knock them of are tail" the cave was made by water a lake over there head. A few cracks would become jets of water that could punch a hole though metal and human flesh "sorry brother i have to damage you're ship a little" Balthier said to him,"I can steer the ship no problem brother,and you just becareful when you try to loose the enemy off our trail ok go for it Damar." Satoshi laid down on the bed and she drifts off to sleep for a bit and wondered if she'll ever fit in once again or not. the room began to fill with water a wave of it slamming over the walls as the ship raced ahead of the water. Rocks and sand was caught up in an avalanche of water all coming at the small ship. "you know some days i just want to go to sleep" Satoshi wakes up from her sleep and she unlocks the door of her cabin and hanged onto something really tightly and hoped the enemy was off their trail for the time being and she was starting to get a little bit seasick from this. The wave sent the ship tumbling slamming into a grove of trees knocking him onto his feet she climbed herself up the wall. "Come on you know that they will find us we have to leave" in hours they would be running from an entire regiment. "Damn we should probably hide the ship" they would know where they are but not exactly. Balthier climbs up the wall and said to his brother,"How the blazes are we suspose to hide the ship hmm Damar.?" Satoshi sees the wall they are climbing up onto and she notices a cave in the distant and she climbs up the wall as well,and ninjas were good at climbing up things especially walls. He tossed a match into the grove a large clump of fire magacite with a crack running fully down one side. "Ash is good they may think it was a fire started by a storm" the ship would survive just another blackened rock. "where the hell are you going" he asked jumping after her his wing brakes allowing him to land like a leaf. "we have to stay together" holding his gun he ran after the girl who seemed to be after something. Satoshi said to Damar,"I see a cave up ahead we can all rest in for a bit,that is where I'm going and no trying to stop me from finding shelter for all three of us ok. Trust me Damar I know what I'm doing." Satoshi made it to the cave and she walked into the cave and Balthier followed her into the cave and found a place to rest up for a bit. The cave was made by some giant worm it dove into the ground then shot of a good click before i dove down again. "fine we can rest here" outside the flames were growing high slowly at first spreading out. The Ship was burying itself i the soft earth it looked like some kind of huge metal crab in a beach. "Well the ship should be safe' he lit a sun stone bathing the small cave in light maybe they might find something. Satoshi said to Damar,"Your probably right we might find something in this cave,but not sure what it could be Damar or Balthier." Satoshi rested up against a wall in the cave and Balthier sat down on the cave floor and leaned his back against another wall in the cave and he sighed. He wonders where his brother will lean against or sit down. The well was formed out of the bed rock it let straight down lights sticking out of the side of the shaft. "maybe this is something" the smooth sides look as if the had been dug by hand side shafts were filled with magnetite. Throwing a line up the cord stuck to the side of the well like glue it was over a mile deep. "Well only one way to find out" he grabbed a hold of the line and pulled himself straight up. Satoshi watched Damar climbing up the rope and she said to him,"What did you find up their Damar hmm.?" Balthier saw his brother climbing up the rope as well and wonders what he found and sighed. He laughed moving a little close he may be a turbo nerd but he was also a guy and she was a girl. "You know maybe we could find something to pass the time" they could not go until he got back anyways. Satoshi said to Damar,"What do you have in mind that could pass the time Damar,I'm all ears hmm.?" She felt Damar getting a little bit closer to her and she was ok with this and knew that she can get along with Damar no problem at all. He smiled brushing back her hair she looked good to him maybe it was all the running but his heart was beating fast. "You know maybe i could do this" he kissed her on the lips it was nice to smell the roses as it were. Satoshi was a bit shocked at this and she was a bit speechless when Damar kissed her on her lips and she gently returned the kiss as well and said to Damar,"You sure know how to make a girl speechless with your kiss Damar." He smiled he heard a yell from bel but ignored him it would be a few minutes before he got back to the cave. "well you know i get what i want" he kissed her again, well maybe a few times before his brother showed up. "you playing house or hero" he asked running the rope around the ninja girl before he could speak up. Satoshi said to Damar,"I do see your point thier,and I'm not sure where your taking me this time Damar,I really don't like a rope being tied around me,I can use my ninja skills I don't need a rope at all Balither." Balthier watched his brother and Satoshi very carefully and wondered where they were both going to this time. Satoshi kissed Damar back on the lips once again. Balthier gave up trying to get between the two of them and climbed up the same rope to an overhanging ledge. "I see that you have gotten rid of that fly" he laughed with a smile as he kissed her back. He could here a rumble as something long emerged from the side tunnel an enemy ally or just some monster. "You know maybe we should help my brother in a few minutes" he offered the ninja as he kissed her lips. Satoshi said to Damar,"Yes let's help your brother out in a few minutes Damar. I wonder what kind of monster that is making that loud rumbling sound Damar hmm.?" Satoshi returned the kiss as well and said to Damar,"So does this mean were offically together as a couple Damar or not hmm.?" He rolled his eyes the only other person was his brother and he had no intentions of making a move on him. He nodded his head as he shot of a magacite light stone that showed the black Basilisk. "Great we can just get the thing to roll over and play dead we will be in business" Fran appeared with Baltiers ship he could only hope she was on there side. "we might live through this" Satoshi said to Damar,"If we do live through this,just let me know what ever you want in return,you can have anything you or desire the most Damar if we do live through this." Balthier saw Fran and he slightly smiled at her and said to her,"Thanks for bringing my ship to me Fran,you sure are a lifesaver Fran." The creature had trouble soon the ship shot deeper into the earth the blinded creature shot down the tunnel they came from. "I hope there are not many more of those, by the way do you know where w are going" He asked turning on the lights the tunnel was dark enough that they could only see a fee dozen feet ahead. Satoshi said to Damar,"I have no idea where we are going,I'm not familair with this area at all,I'm more familiar where I truly come from and where are we going Balither you got us lost nice going." Balthier said to Satoshi and Damar,"Were not lost at all,at the end of this tunnel it leads back outside Damar and Satoshi,and becareful with your steps ok." Satoshi stayed close to Damar and she missed her step and lost her balance and she tries to get up and slightly winches in pain and could tell that her left ankle was sprained. he sat down taking her ankle into his hand he began to rub it softly as the ship burst into a cloud bank hundreds of feet tall. "You know i think we can find where you came from" was it some kind of hidden temple. "Balthier do you know i hope you have a plan" he did not want to fly around until the ship crashed into a mountain. The ship needed some guns maybe a few missiles or something like a giant sword. Satoshi said to Damar,"Yes it was some kind of a hiden temple that I came from and trained in ever since I was about 7 years old. Lady Ashe and Lord Vayne came to the hiden temple to visit my mother,father and I. I wish I could remember more and thanks for rubbing my ankle Damar." Balthier said to Damar and Satoshi,"I know excatly where that hiden temple is that Satoshi is talking about,I've been their once before with Fran,you,Vaan,Basch, and Penlo." He shook his head throwing around those names like they were some kind of celebrities or something. "fine you do the driving" the ship was not his own he missed her already but if they found it they would assume they did not have one. "you know i hate all this adventure stuff its bad for the health" he continued to massage her calf until the storm started the ship was a bad luck magnet. Satoshi looked Damar and said to him,"How come you don't like these adventures for,but once I return back from where I came from I won't be a bother to you both anymore,and thnaks for massaging my ankle it feels much better now Damar." Satoshi got up and she walekd away from Damar and kpet quiet and thinks inside of her mind,"Why do I always get people involve for I hate it when I do that oh well." Balthier looked at his brother and he didn't say a word to him at all and he drove the ship away from the storm and headed towards the direction of the hiden temple. "Come on don't be like that" he pulls her into his arm just then the sky vanished as they were pulled into a transport crystal. He watched as the ship then appeared again high above the clouds of the sky. He could see large creatures gulping up clouds and spitting out thunder out the back of them. "Look i am just not the hero type" he smiled holding her close to his body as the ship sped up. Satoshi looked at Damar and she felt him pulling her into her arms and she looked at Damar and said to him,"I can tell how much you care about me Damar,this is a first time that a guy has ever show me what love is all about thank you Damar." Satoshi rests her head against Damar chest and she smiled at him. Balthier drove the ship out of danger and he landed the ship somewhere safe and said to his brother,"We'll rest now for the night and don't do anything I wouldn't do brother,night you two." Balthier walked into his cabin and he laid down on his bed and he fell right asleep and he was tired out from steering the ship away and he put a caumoflounge cloak on the ship so it will blend in with the surroundings. "You can come into my ship" she offered taking her hand he turned away from the woman and entered her room. The room had a low ceiling but was long and wide with enough room for several people bed and furniture. "You know i think i could love you" he spoke not looking back to see if she had followed him. The room was lit by a single large sunstone a smaller one and hundreds of tine sunstones. Satoshi follows Damar and she looked at him and said to him,"What do you mean by that you think that you love me Damar,what do you mean by that Damar.?" She walked into the room and it was very beautiful in here and she loved the sun stones and said to Damar,"This is a perfect room I like it here Damar,the beds look so comfy to sleep in Damar." He laughed the bed was half white and half black with pillows all around twelve for every hour of the day. "well there are many things you can do other then sleep" He sat down offering her a seat next to him on the bed. "I made it myself its the only room on the ship that you cant get to unless you know the path" he smiled looking at her he wanted her to comer close to him. Satoshi sat down beside Damar and said to him,"What else is this room used for,if no one is sleeping in this room Damar hmm.?" She felt so relaxed in this room and the beds were so comfy and she liked the way this room was set up and she smiled at Damar and she has no idea what his next move is going to be at all. He leaned forward kissing her lips he could feel her pull back a little then become still as he pulled back laying onto the bed. "Things like that and a whole lot more did you enjoy it" he asked the girl who he had saved. He had no idea he would have to fight the imperials and monsters it was a pain in the neck. "because i did" Satoshi looked at Damar and she said to him,"Yes I did enjoy that kiss you gave me,and you caught me off guard with that kiss you sneak." Satoshi returned the kiss as well and she also laid down on the bed as well and said to Damar,"I'm so glad to be out of Dalamsca dungeons and now I have my freedom from being a prisoner in that castle,I saw too many people die in those dungeons Damar." He let her rest her head on his chest a smile on his face her stroked her hair and kissed her head he was in no rush. "we should be at the temple in only an hour" the had jumped hundreds of miles in seconds. Crystals big enough to send humans were relatively common even smaller ones more so but he never hear of ship sized one. "You are so sweet, to sweet for a ninja" he told her honestly. Satoshi looked at Damar and she said to him,"White ninjas are the most kindest ninjas in the world,we treat other people with respect,unlike other ninja clans,try to kill innocent people lives,those ninjas are assasins and I'm not an assassin at all,I'd never kill anyone at all not even you,Balthier or the others at all Damar." Satoshi felt Damar placing her head against his chest and she said to Damar,"That is good we'll be at the temple in an hour,hopefully were not walking into a trap at any cost." Meanwhile at the temple: Lady Ashe said to Lord Vayne,"We beated Damar,Balthier and Satoshi here first,and don't worry our guards will be on the look out for any of those three at any cost and they won't kill them at all,they belong locked up in the cells that is where those three truly belong."
['Damara', 'Ashe', 'Satoshi', 'Rekes', 'Vayne']
Warcraft III: The Tale of Princess Artha (Kaybee x east)
"Welcome Princess Artha, the men and I are honoured by your presence."She was in many ways the picture of Lordaeron's ideal. Clad in azure plate trimmed in gold, her long blonde braid twitching slightly in the gentle breeze from the south as she strode into the encampment, flanked by a pair of footmen as her bodyguards. Princess Artha, heir to the throne and champion of her people, heavy two handed warhammer slung easily over one shoulder as she approached the fire, swinging down to impact the dirt with a heavy *thump* as she finally relieved herself of its weight."Enough with the formalities Uther, I'm not Queen yet."It was a far cry from a grand war camp or a military parade ground. A couple of hastily constructed sentry posts, a handful of tents in the wilderness, a half dozen more footmen hacking at training dummies. Had the princess stood where her mentor and friend did she knew she would have been out of place but for all that Uther Lightbringer was a noble paladin, he seemed perfectly at home as the centrepiece to this scene.A smile curled at the blonde's lips as she took him in, a little glilnt in her eyes speaking to something more than mere friendship between them as her voice warmed. "It's good to see you." The camp had been a hasty construct of sorts. The footmen here were all volunteer recruits. Lordoreon's real force wasn't needed for these country side problems, and some could argue that Uther himself was too valuable a piece to waist on a single Orc camp, but they had become more and more active, the Horde was starting to mass and now there was rumor of a plague further to the north. He didn't trust the paranoia of wizards, but he was also wary of anything that would draw out these conflicts with the Orcs for longer than they could last. If food became scarce and winter approached with wars within.Uther shook off the thoughts, and turned as scouts announced the arrival of an old friend. For now he could focus on the good, it was early spring and they still had time to cut off the head of this problem. Walking up to his old student he evaluated her, and himself. When did she get old? for that matter when did his hair start turning grey? His beard was streaked with it, his brown hair had loose hairs here and there, and it seemed to be getting worse in the front. He was still fit, and in full plate he was as intimidating as ever, but compared to his old student, now an adult woman, and an attractive one at that he had to sigh contently for a moment."And you lass."Uther walked forward putting down his hammer, and pulled his old student into a hug that lingered a touch longer than he should have. As it broke he gestured around the camp."I'm pleased the king saw fit to send you. I haven't exactly been getting anything else from your father."He gestured around the new recruits at the camp, and sighed. He was stuck with a group that could hardly lift their weapons. But at the same time he could at least say that the majority of them were brave. Though he wished he could even have a couple of knights or more experienced men."I would have liked a few more experienced men to put into battle, but with you here I can at least know that you will whip them into shape." Artha chuckled as their armor jostled in the rough hug and found herself leaning into the warmth of it a little. She could feel Uther's aura from this close, familiar, like a warm and protective blanket. She settled into a more relaxed posture as they parted, putting one hand on her hip as she rested the other on the butt of her warhammer. "Father still hopes that some of your patience and experience will rub off on me."She put a grin on her face. "I bring intelligence too, scouts have narrowed down the location of the orc encampment to somewhere on the other side of that ridge. They don't know the exact location but they're preparing to attack the village of Strahnbrad nearby." Her lips turned down in a grimace. "Unfortunately, so far as we know the village is defenseless."She took a deep breath and pushed down the revulsion that coiled in her gut at that thought. Barbarian orcs assaulting an unguarded village, looting, killing, and raping as they went.I must remain focused, and temper my rage..."We may have time to run a drill or two, but these recruits might need to learn to fight the hard way. We haven't much time to lose." "Well it's a father's right to dream." Uther had done as much as he could to ensure that Artha had a better head on her shoulder. He had tried for years to temper the girls anger, and turn her into a weapon for the light, but as he saw her scowl he knew she would always have a way to go. Hearing that the camp was close, he thought about their options. If they attacked the war camp, and some Orcs got away than it would mean that the town would be slaughtered wholesale. He had done what he could to prevent oncoming attacks, but their resources were spread thin."I suspected as much." He sighed wishing he could have some more time at Artha's side, but knew that would risk loosing the element of surprise they had already been here long enough that the warcamp might be expecting some form of an attack."I will go ahead and take a hand full of men with me, I will entrust the towns safety to you, rally the townsfolk, see how many volunteers you can get, meet me up ahead, i'll try to cut them off near their base."He turned to walk away from her, but paused."I trust you still remember how to swing that hammer? That castle life hasn't softened your swing too much?" He smiled towards her. looking at her frame for a moment, he couldn't help but smile a little. That said he could see she wasn't. "Of course Uther, don't worry about me." The confidence in her voice was assured, and the casual ease with which she swung the massive hammer back up across her shoulder told of comfortable familiarity with the weapon. "The Practice courts and I are well and regularly acquainted after all."The cheer passed quickly though, grim countenance returning, and Artha took two steps towards the old paladin, setting one gauntleted hand on his shoulder. "Stay safe Uther, I'll meet you at the Orc camp once I've made sure my people are safe." The hand remained, perhaps for a moment longer than was necessary or proper, the touch lingering before she slid away and turned her back, rallying her guards and the remaining footmen around her. "Alright men! We have innocents to protect and a village to save! Break camp and move out!"With the men assembling, Artha led the way down the road, the quartet of footmen arranging themselves into a loose formation behind her and to either side, watching her flanks while she watched the front. The countryside was quiet, the few houses they passed peaceful, but it wouldn't last. Sooner or later, the attack would come. Uther watched as Artha rallied her people. He was proud of her, and if anyone was capable of rallying a defense he knew she would be first among them. As she told him to stay safe he smiled at her. "It will take more than a few Orcs to hurt me." He said picking up his own hammer, watching as a few of his recruits fallowed him and walked with him breaking camp putting out the fire, and deviding the small forces they had.The town of Strahnbrad had been warned of a possible attack, but despite that kids were still running about in the mid afternoon sun. As Artha and her men approached the town some of the older men cheered for her arrival. Two of them walked out to greet her. They were holding swords but no armor lacking formal equipment. "My princess it is an honor.""My name is Garth me and my friend Thornby have taken up the majority of watch duties. We have a few other men and women old enough to hold a sword." Garth was a taller male, he had dark hair, and green eyes, Even so he could hardly match Artha's stature in full plate, but his eyes couldn't help but cross over the Princesses body, he made no comment but his eyes gave away what he was looking at. "We weren't actually expecting royalty, if we had. I'm sure we could have done more to prepare for your arrival." "It is no trouble." Years training under Uther had included more than a few excursions, learning camping and fieldcraft alongside combat training and the wielding of the light. These were hardly the first wide eyed villagers who'd never seen a princess before that she'd encountered, though with her new and well fitted armor combined with the blossoming of her figure in the years between that she'd spent back in the palace, it was the first time those looks had lingered on her like this.Hiding a light blush at the attention, Artha nodded. "Every extra blade is a help against orcs. Make your preparations, but know well, you are offering to go into battle." The unspoken words, 'you may not come back.' echoed in her mind. She was confident in her ability to wield the light for healing, but orcs were cunning and brutal above all else, and the dead were beyond her reach. Seeing determination in their eyes, she nodded and took off one gauntlet, extending her bare hand. "Garth and Thornby of Strahnbrad, welcome to the Princess' service."A small gesture, but one worth making. It gave them something to fight for, a banner to stand by."Let's move out. The outlying farms were becoming thicker now, and they could see the walls of the village just peeking over the trees. No smoke rising yet, a good sign indeed, but no reason not to hurry. There wasn't much further to go. The two men saluted and fell in alongside Arhta. Though Garth's eyes kept straying towards Artha's backside. the question of how exactly they made plate that fitting and why they would make armor like that made him wonder. It gave him small thoughts that were unworthy, at best he was a footman, or squire and thus completely unworthy of royalty. But he couldn't deny that he wanted her on some carnal level that he was going to shove deep down and never bring up to her face. Cause she had a giant warhammer, and he wasn't wearing armor."We will fight by your side till the end my lady." The two fell in behind her making a brisk walk. Despite not having armor they strode with confidence. Garth didn't think himself top tier but he had been the one to handle a sword before. He had fought off small crooks and bandits before, acting as a marshal of the town. But they had never had anything like an entire camp of Orcs barreling down on them. "If anything was wrong they would sound a bell."Though he was glad that they didn't see any smoke she was right that they needed to hurry, and a quick jog through the land was better than nothing. Walking into town however, a distressed woman ran up to them."My lady, please you must help!" The footmen looked at the lady as she fell to her knees sobbing. "I warned Timmy not to go out today, that the woods were too dangerous but the boy was determined to do his job. He's been taken!" She pointed off to the distance, but not towards the Ridge of the Orc camp. Rather towards a forest where two camp fires burned and smoke from cooking fires seemed to rise up.Garth chimed in. "That's towards the lake, there have been a couple sightings of a small band of brigands, and we had reports of Gnolls in the area. My lady we are pressed for time but the child could be in either one of the two camps."The thought of fighting off Gnolls was a touch more than they could handle. Artha nodded, though she tried not to show how reassured she was by the man's confidence. She led them at a hurried pace, a fast march. They weren't trained soldiers, and would hardly be able to hold the pace for very long, but the town wasn't far now.Unfortunately, trouble sprang up along the way, the sort of trouble Artha was loathe to ignore.She ground her teeth as she listened to the woman's plea. A child was missing, in the hands of bandits the boy would likely be made a slave or plaything, in the hands of gnolls... The paladin had to suppress a shudder. If they were late, they'd be lucky to find more than picked clean bones. "We are pressed for time, but we will do what we can." Artha took the woman's hand in her own, letting a little of the light slip from her fingers to comfort her with it's warmth.Then she let go, and turned to her troops, such as they were. "Company!" She called, grabbing their attention."You will move together to the bandit camp, Falric ." she named one of the two footmen who had accompanied her as personal guard, proper soldiers rather than green recruits or armed farmers. " will serve as your captain for the engagement, I expect you to obey him as you would me!" She looked each in the ey, daring the men and women to disagree. "I will be hunting these gnolls myself. Time is of the essence.""Return here as soon as the thieves are slain!" She pointed to the larger of the smoke columns, most likely the bandit camp.She waited until they moved out, then turned and sped off herself, going from a march to a steady run, moving with alarming agility for one so armoured as she made her way into the forest in the direction of the second, smaller campfire's smoke. It could just be more bandits, but if gnolls had a child, they'd be building a cookfire.She just had to hope there were only a few of them. Otherwise this could take time she might not have. The company formed up behind Falric, the farm hands watching her go off on her own. If anything the men could admit that this was the safer job. Brigands were rarely well armed, but but watching the paladin go off on her own some of the men felt more like they should be assisting her, then again with how little time they had they knew they would need every man they could for the bandit camp. Falric took the lead running at a pace.As Garth fell in with them, he was starting to regret the fact that he unlike the others around him didn't have armor. Still the man had dealt with brigands before, he knew their tactics, and he had a strong guess as to who the leader of the camp was. If Lady Artha wanted these men cut down than it would be his pleasure to do so.The Gnoll camp was a small dingy and kind of stinky affair. It was a hut, the three Gnolls and their leader gathered around a cooking fire, their jaws tearing at the cooked remains of a hunting dog. They had a few stolen blades, and shields, but nothing sophistacted nothing that would pose a threat to heavy armor. In the corner huddled towards the back of the make shift shack was the boy, tomorrows lunch, or maybe a midnight snack. Maybe something to trade for more weapons. The important thing was that he was tied up, and gagged.The fifteen year old had gone into the woods to do some fishing near a river that was supposed to be safer. But it seemed the orc activity had forced the creatures out of their usual home.When Artha arrived, the Gnolls smelled her long before they could see her. Quickly the three got up, each grabbing their weapon, one of them ran to quickly intercept the paladin, bearing his teeth as he growled like a rabid dog and threw everything he had into an attack with his sword.The other two were smarter, Stepping back to their camp, the leader of the Gnolls making the connection between the woman, and the boy, grabbing the boys hair and putting a knife to his throat. He barked his order in a mixed half tongue. "Halt." The first gnoll came barrelling through the trees, leading with his sword as she thundered towards the clearing. The notched old weapon still gleamed with a wickedly jagged edge in the afternoon light but it skittered on her pauldron as Artha threw her shoulder into the blow, crashing through the swing and slamming into the creature itself an instant later. He took flight from the force, knocked up and back, but he never struck the ground. The check was turned into a twist, dragging her hammer across her body, and the hammer slammed into the gnoll's side, snapping his spine like a twig.One down.But Artha skidded to a halt, momentum bleeding away as her greaves gouged two furrows in the dirt. The larger of the two remaining gnolls had a knife to the child's neck.The command that followed it was unnecessary the moment she noticed that.Setting her stance, Artha slung her warhammer out in a one handed grip, but didn't move. Her mind was racing. Could she kill them and then heal the child before he bled out? Not from this far away... The child was no good to them dead though..."What do you want?" The two Gnolls looked at one another when she actually paused. The slow realization that the two of them had an advantage, and hey they now had a meal for tomorrow to replace the boy that they were going to loose. As for what they wanted, the leader was smart enough to know they only had a bartering tool so long as he held the knife to the boys throat. The two looked at each other, then at the woman who was on their doorstep, they had just lost the female in their group, so it seemed only fair.There was some snarling and talking back and forth, and then the two nodded as they came to agreement. "Hammer away." He gestured a tossing motion for the lady to loose her weapon.Once the weapon was discarded the other Gnoll walked a bit closer but they were smart enough to keep their distance and not press their advantage too much."Armor, off no weapons!" To exemplify the command the Gnoll leader gripped Timmy's head tight enough that his claws caused a bit of blood as he scratched the boy. "Stand, nude. Then we talk."The Gnoll's cackled slightly at the command, but looking between the two of them they had little more than loin cloths in the form of clothing. The hammer struck the ground with a heavy thump, it's head weighing enough to leave the handle sticking up at an angle as Artha raised her now empty hands, glaring at the gnolls. She could take them down weaponless, she could even take them bare handed if it came to it. She'd probably be hurt, given they had blades, but she'd win in the end.Of course the next words out of the half human creatures' mouths was a challenge to the very thoughts that had been running through her head...Her mouth curled in a snarl but the threatening step forward was arrested by the grip the gnoll had on the young boy's head. Artha grit her teeth. She needed... She needed...Choices? What choice do I have? I can't let him win... I can't let the child die...Gritting her teeth, Artha reached up to the clasps on her breastplate and opened them, glad she had sent the footmen away.I just need to play along until I have a chance... The armor fell to the ground. Her hands moved on. First the plates, then the chain mail coat, Then the padded underclothes in Lordearon blue... She was toned, taut muscles giving her a lean and powerful form, but on the other hand, without armor confining her, it was easier than ever to see that Artha was endowed in other ways too. Her breasts were full with hardly a hint of sag, and her hips were broad and womanly, to say nothing of the perfect curve of her toned rear.The underclothes came away too, Artha's cheeks burning red from the humiliation as she glared at the gnolls. "Alright, Talk." The Gnolls watched her as she dropped the hammer, and then started to cackle to one another as she started to undress. Timmy for his part watched with a look of pain in his eyes. He almost looked like he didn't want her to do this for him. That trading away her dignity wasn't worth his life. The Gnoll leader stayed with the boy every second that went on, watching with intent interest as Artha stripped down past her armor and down to her nude body.The smaller of the two Gnolls scratched himself. His claws kicking off dust, and showcasing flees as the two male creatures looked to one another knowing what was going to happen. There were a few barks exchanged between the two of them. The smaller of the two stepped forward, grabbing Artha's hammer, at first with one hand expecting it too move, and then having to use two, and even then he could only manage to drag it a little further away from her. To compensate for that fact he just stood in front of her weapon, as if that was the simplist part of this equation.The leader nodded it was... good enough."All fours. I let meat go, and you stay, be bitch." The Gnoll's command over common was poor, but once Artha was down on all fours, the gnoll started to work on the boys restraints cutting away the gag, and the bindings of the 15 year old.As soon as Timmy could speak he looked between the three people. "Please m'lady I am not worth this humiliation."The Gnoll leader simply picked the boy up leaving his hands bound before he pushed the kid, keeping a knife to his back, walking him over and past Artha. As the exchange was going on, the other Gnoll the smaller of the two pushed himself on top of her. His Claws grabbing her shoulders as he removed the loin cloth, the only thing that kept them in any way shape or form decent if they could be called that, and exposed a bright red cock. His claws gripped into Artha's smooth back, as the slick and hardening red cock started to poke against her folds searching for an entrance. Artha shook her head, giving him a sad smile as she slowly got down onto her knees, her cheeks burning. "Do not fear, for my people, this is my burden to bear." As soon as he was out of danger she could cut loose and kill these creatures, make them pay... "Go." Hands down, bent over, exposing the pink outer lips of her pussy and accentuating the curve of her ass with the pose. The long blonde braid of her hair fell over one shoulder and her bangs shadowed her eyes."Go, and do not speak of what you saw today. I will be fine."She could feel the claws as the gnolls grasped her shoulders,mounting her, making disgust roil in her gut. "Go!" She barked it, commanding as she felt the hot hardness of the beast's shaft prodding against her. She was far from aroused, but between the sweat of running in full plate and the natural slickness of the thick red shaft meant she could already tell it would probably slide in easily enoug !She gasped as her thoughts were proven correct, her shoulders hunching at the sudden penetration as the gnoll finally managed to line himself up with her pussy on a thrust. The sense of violation was immediate, his cock forcing her walls apart, unwanted friction sending shocks of pain and faint instants of unwanted pleasure through her body. "Guh ..." She couldn't twist enough to land a solid hit from this angle, the bastard had inadvertently managed to trap her! "You... Whoreson..." Timmy ran, and would never speak of what he saw to another living being. Going back towards town he flee'd as quickly as his legs could carry him, which meant he left Artha to the mercy of the Gnolls.The Gnolls cock inside her pussy started humping away at her. With her trapped under weight and unable to land a good blow to the creature. The beast on top of her shifted his weight so that Artha bore the brunt of it, his hips slapping against her choosing to take her for a rough and wild ride. His claws digging into her shoulders and cutting her soft flesh as he panted and held her down lifting her ass while pushing her breasts into the dirt and mire. Tarnishing her pale white skin with scratches, and marks.His cock thrummed inside of her. His hips warm and fuzzy fur slapping against her ass with every thrust. The walls of her tight pussy rubbing against his cock. The creature drooled as he held his body over Artha's thick drops of saliva dripping down his wet fur and chin.The leader moved closer getting on his knees in front of Artha. He slipped he blade close to her throat, but kept it flat so as not to cut her. "Ooh you good bitch, me bet you tight." Pulling back his own loin cloth his red rocket slapped her across the face, it's semi slimy state rubbing against her cheek. "You use mouth, suck me good."The two Cackled as they grabbed her blond hair lifting her face. "Suck me good, you get us finished, then we go." They knew well enough that whom ever this woman was, they couldn't possibly keep her hostage. The hammer alone proved that there was more strength to this one than the meat, but they would enjoy her body to the fullest extent they could. "Huh Hahh " She couldn't help it. The responses were purely physical, but that was enough to force her to bite back moans as she panted. The gnolls was relentless and seemed to have stamina that went beyond human, but surely he had to tire soon. Surely...I'll kill you...Her head jerked to the side as the other cock impacted her cheek, not from the force but from the sheer surprise. For an instant she almost instinctively bit down, but fighting her way out from such a disadvantaged position was a frightening prospect.She grit her teeth, snarling up at him, only for another moan to catch her off guard as the other gnoll's wild thrusts struck somethingsensitive deep within her. Even if it was only for an instant, the shaft was past her parted lips before she could close them again, and then she was spit between them, fucked from both ends and no longer able to properly suppress her voice.Like it or not, hating it or not, Princess Artha moaned around the bestial shaft despite herself, a muffled sound of unwanted pleasure that hummed against his length.I swear I'll kill you both...She just wanted this to be over, she could not... Shewould not allow these subhuman monsters to force her to cum. It would be unacceptable.Finish you bastards... Hurry up and finish... I'll kill you...She wanted revenge... With the larger Gnoll's cock secured in Artha's mouth the one on her shoulders leaned back, and grabbed Artha's hips. His claws gripping her thighs just as tightly as he had her shoulders, causing cuts and scratches as he continued to slap his hips against Artha.However it seemed the leader had no real intention of letting Artha up so much as he was just better positioning himself, as he dropped his weapon to put one hand on her head, and the other claw on her shoulder lifting her up so that he could ram his own cock down her throat.Now Artha's sounds of pleasure were accompanied by the two Gnolls who raped her. The two cackled and panted, saliva running down their muzzle dripping onto her back as they fucked her without any sign of mercy or desire to slow down. At one point the leader gripped Artha by her long blond hair and pulled her so that his cock would go all the way down her throat and held her there so that she could choke on him, his fur brushing against her face so that she could smell the powerful earthy musk of the creatures dirty cock letting her taste every inch of him as even his balls were pressed to her lips.He released her only a few seconds later, as the Gnoll behind her reached his climax, his wild thrusting and his cock heating and twitching inside of her to better release his load. He didn't pull out, letting his seed fill the woman before he pulled his cock out of her and stroked the next few drops on her back.When the leader came he did so directly into her mouth letting his foul seed fill the paladin's mouth and holding her down so that he wouldn't pull himself out until he was sure she had swallowed every single drop. the tip of his cock constantly rubbing against her tongue forcing her to taste every thick heavy drop.However with the two men climaxed, she may have thought that it was over. instead the two held her down. Pushing her down into the dirt and grass as they held her down, pulling their cocks out of her and the trading places, this time the leaders thicker cock rubbed against Artha's ass. "Ohh yes you like this." Artha's muffled moans increased in pitch as she fought the arousal every single step of the way. Every drop of moisture, every sound of pleasure, she held them back as much as possible, making them creatures force them from her one after another even as she swallowed and tightened around them, trying to get them off before she came, trying to finish them so she could finish her job and cleanse Azeroth of these filthy beasts.Resist, resist, she fought tooth and nail, but as the thrusts sped up and the cock inside her pulsed with incipient seed, Artha lost her grip, and an orgasm tore through her, a powerful shuddering climax that made her thighs shake and her back arch as she moaned openly, unable to stop herself.It was a small mercy that the tightness and trembling set her attackers off in turn. She'd still been forced to cum, made to climax by these filthy creatures. If she'd just been used, been humiliated and gotten revenge, that would not have been so bad, but the bastards had made her cum despite everything.Worse still, rather than move away as they pulled out, the one behind her simply moved his newly re lubricated cock up to her rear. "N no!" Artha found her voice again. Struggling for real this time. "Don't you d dare!" That was... Wrong! Filthy! He couldn't! Hewouldn't! The two males worked together now, lifting up Artha, the one standing behind her grabbed her legs, and lifted her up so that her thighs were spread apart, the two men towering over her naked, sopping wet form. the leader now stood in front of her, his face towering over hers, as her back now rested on the other gnoll's chest, the warm fur filthy, matted and even itchy to the touch.As she called for them stop, told then that they wouldn't dare the two men exchanged a small look and shrugged. She was in no position to give orders. With his cock lubricated from the time spent inside his mouth, the leader claimed sloppy seconds over the girl's pussy. Plunging his still hard cock into her pussy causing the other Gnoll's sperm to seep out of her with each thrust.The now lubricated cock near her asshole rubbed against her back for a few moments finding her cheeks and poking around, before finding her ass, and then sandwiching Artha between the two Gnoll's as they fucked her on both sides.The Gnolls laughed and cackled as they bounced Arthis between them, The alpha's claws on her hands holding them at her side so that she couldn't try to punch or struggle against them as they took her for a second ride. The only comfort being their warm fur against the late evening chill in the air. Her front was freed as the gnolls hoisted her up but before she could really bring her strength to bear it was robbed from her once more by their cocks, this time penetrating her ass and pussy at the same time. Her traitorous body was even more sensitive from the prior orgasm and the twinned penetrations made her twitch and shudder as they pounded in and out of her, grinding against each other through the thin membrane separating her holes from inside. "Ahhn ! F fuck ! Fuck youuu !" She struggled, no leverage, not hope.She just had to ride them out until they finished again. She just had to hold out... Just a little longer...A second orgasm was already growing inside her... Sensing that the girl had no fight left in her the gnoll leader released her hands as he grabbed her breasts instead, squeezing them as the two roughly continued to share and ride her between them. Their cocks dragging and rubbing her, and bouncing her against their laps. The Alpha played with her breasts as his subordinate held open her thighs so that the two of them could reach deep inside of her with their cocks.As the two of them got closer to their second climax the Alpha did something unexpected. He shoved his muzzle against her face, heavy fetted breath invading her as he shoved his long tongue down her mouth and stole her kiss.The two men gripped Artha tighter as they reached their second climax, the smaller of the two letting his cock flood her ass, and the leaders thick semen filling her pussy. The thick load of cum in her pussy mixed with the previous load filling her and spilling out against the Gnoll's hips.Dropping Artha between the two dogs, the leader grabbed her hair, letting her fall heavy to her knees. "You clean, then round three." He said gesturing to the two red fluid soaked cock. "N nnooo! Ha aahhn!" She screamed, howling pleasure to the evening sky as she shuddered through a second, stronger orgasm around their cocks. Her holes tightening, instinctively milking them for their seed even as they exploded inside her, flooding her with white heat.Then they softened, faltered, and she fell.Her knees gave as she landed on the forest floor, tumbling into a mussed pile, cum oozing from her holes as she struggled to get her feet under her, ignoring the gnolls' mocking laughter.They'd let their guards down, believing her broken.She was Artha, Princess of Lordaeron and Paladin of the Realm.She. Did. Not. Break.Her legs still felt like jelly but she grabbed the wrist of the gnoll holding her hair, her grip tightening until shefelt the bones creak under her fingers before twisting. The few strands of golden blonde that fluttered to the ground were worth the sound of bone giving under the force of her motions. Gathering her legs under her she sprang upwards, releasing the gnoll's wrist to lash out at it's jaw, snapping it's head to the left as the punch connected with brutal force and then rounding on the other one with a growl."DIE!" Gnolls are cowards, at heart, feeling his paw break the leader let out a whimper then tried to howl and attack, but by that point it was far too late, and his neck was broken slumping down. The other one however didn't take a second look back, by the time the leader's body hit the ground he was already turned barreling away from Artha on all fours running into the woods. Artha would either have to choose to charge after him, or get dressed and go to the village.A village that had a bell tolling the sound of attack. A pillar of smoke rose from the distance showing at the least some form of raiding party.On the other side of the battlefield Garth slit the throat of the bandit lord he had been chacing for a while. But it had come at a price. The bandits had called out to the group saying they needed help, for a moment they thought they had found the boy Timmy, and then they were jumped, the limited forces they had and the quick ambush had arrows flying a few of their men fell, first among them was Falric, the man that Artha had left in charge.Garth was the first one to hear the bells ring. "Fall back, everyone back to the village!" First bandits, then gnolls, and now the raid had chosen to come, of course this day kept getting longer and longer. Garth hoped that Artha fared better with the Gnolls. She turned to pursue, only to halt dead in her tracks as the tolling bell reached her ears. Smoke rising over the treetops. "No..." All this time, all this damn time she'd wasted... "No no no..." She scrambled for her armor, cringing at the squish of cum on her thighs as she pulled underclothes over her still dripping womanhood. Humiliation was forgotten in the shade of a greater specter.The fear of failure.Buckling the plates of her armor up as fast as she could and hastily wiping away the traces of sperm stuicking to her face and chin, Artha grabbed her warhammer and took off at a run, pounding through the forest.The attack has already begun...Light, let us not be too late. The diversion of one teenaged child had somehow brought the might of the entire military Artha and Uther had brought with them in the wrong direction. As the footmen arrived back in town it was already a bad scene, with people attempting to flee in every direction, a few of the smaller town houses were burning.As they approached the gate a young man was running towards them and got hit in the back with an arrow. "Come on men, for Lordaeron!" The footmen charged ahead trying to restore order.Garth found himself amidst the melee, fighting a larger Orc the young man really wished he had some armor at this point. The orc was wielding an axe and he was little more than a sword in hand. His goal was less about killing the orc and hoping to survive till Artha arrived. However in his actions he was drawing fire, allowing more and more townsfolk to escape. "MAKE WAY!" Artha's best parade ground shout was a little ragged at full sprint but she manged to bellow nonetheless, her voice sounding over the chaos of the melee as she broke the treeline. "MAKE WAY!" She could see the orcs, massive and brutish against the footmen,her soldiers. Her grip tightened on the haft of her hammer and she lengthened her stride, crossing the distance."MAKE WAY! FOR LORDAERON!"Then she plunged into the fight as an arrow of gleaming blue and gold, hammer twirling above her head as though it weighed nothing in her hands before she brought it down at the nearest orc she could see. A skull would split under the force of that blow, and it was merely the first of many as she laid into the enemies, a corona of blue white beginning to form. The footmen would feel the effects of the aura, strengthening their bones and toughening their skin, reinforcing what armor they wore.In that moment, an action that had begun as a fighting retreat at best into a charge, her momentum sweeping up the men and women around her as she broke through the orcs and plunged on, into the flaming streets, scattering a few bursts of healing light towards the worst injured as she went. Garth felt invigorated both at the sight of Artha, and at the sudden healing presence of the light. It wasn't much but it was enough that he was able to turn the tide of his own battle, and plunge his sword through the chest of the Orc he had been fighting. Breathing heavily and regrouping with Artha he rallied the few surviving footmen to their location and formed ranks now that the Orc's were broken. Putting as many villagers behind them as they could they rallied and crushed the remaining orcs in the town, but most were fleeing now.And worse yet they were dragging nets of captured villagers behind them as they ran. Slowly the fighting died down, and it went from killing as many of the orcs as possible to putting out the fires, and healing the survivors.Garth stopped to catch his breath for a moment looking to Lady Artha. "The village is secured my lady, but we can't settle. We should rally to Uther's camp as quickly as possible."Garth was panting, his clothes covered in the black blood of the Orcs. When another figure approached them."My lady!" Timmy, walked up to Artha, his face almost immediately going red as he looked upon her, but still passed her a red potion. "A gift of thanks from me and my family. I'd be dead if not for you."With that he quickly retreated from sight not wanting to stay to say any more that could humiliate his future queen. Garth sighed at least there was one family reunited among all of this chaos. He sighed. "We lost a handful of our forces, but hte majority survived the fires are coming under control we are free to move at your order." "My thanks." Artha's eyes ran over the rest of the crowd, relieved that none of them looked at her in pity or embarrassment besides the boy, who was already turning to leave. He had truly told no one then, a good thing, a slight balm to the humiliation of awareness as she could still feel gnoll cum squishing between her thighs. In the heat of battle it had been nothing to worry about but as the adrenaline faded the disgust and disturbance returned.She would be grateful to wash herself of these stains when all this was said and done.Schooling her face into courtly steel, she turned to the footmen. "Half of you shoudl stay to ensure that the orcs do not try anything else, the remainder, follow me." Uther should have set up camp somewhere nearby. If they could link up, their combined forces should certainly be enough to wipe out the remainfer of their foe.Five minutes later, she and those footmen who'd chosen to follow her left Strahnbrad's northern gate at a steady jog, delving deep into the hills and forests in search of Uther's location. Fortunately, it wouldn't be long before they found it. Dividing the already devided surviving forces left Artha with a guard of five men, and as they jogged towards Uther's camp the tiredness of the day started to show on the men. All of them bloodied from their first true taste of battle, yet this day was far from over. Along side Artha was Garth who had been the first to volunteer to go with Artha.Arriving at the camp it was an industrious work effort. Uther had taken his men, and conscripted a few more to add to the mix, He had taken a workers camp with a lumber mill and mine and set up his defenses around it, two hastily constructed defensive towers had archers aboard them. It was a true Ramshackle effort, but at the same time Uther was also on perimiter guard.When Artha approached he gave his usual howl of "Well met"Walking up to Artha he pulled her into a hug again. He could smell something was off, but made no comments on it. "good timing lass, I just sent two of my better knights to parlay with the Orc Leader, offering them a chance to end this bloodlessly. They should be returning any moment now."There was a commotion at one of the towers, and two warhorses rode back to their camp, the saddles stained with blood, but no riders to be seen. "So... much for that plan." Uther said deflated slightly. The short travel had given Artha some time to cool her head and she even managed to chuckle at Uther's typical greeting as she strode into the camp. "Well met indeed..." It was a slightly forced laugh, but it helped all the same.Then the horses rode in, and the good mood was destroyed in an instant."Between our forces we've more than enough soldiers. Let us get in there and destroy the beasts already!" Every second that passed was a second her people were in danger. "Artha calm down." Uther's voice was calm but authoritative, taking a moment to teach her. She may have gotten older but it seemed he still needed to temper her slightly. "We are weapons of justice, not vengeance if we do not temper our aggression than we become as vile as these orcs."Uther took a breath and put his war hammer down, looking around the camp for a moment though she wasn't wrong they did have the forces to advance on their camp, but doing so could leave their supply lines in danger and the only people here were the peasants working those supplies. Thinking about it he probably should go himself, Artha was pent up, and clearly perturbed."I will go and scout the orc's encampment and try to find their numbers, you." He almost wanted to tell her to meditate like she was a child, but instead pointed towards the barracks. "Take a bath, cool your head, and catch up to me with a more even temperament Artha." Even if they left right now it would still be nightfall before they reached the camp, and more so. This would likely take a few days. He could go ahead and afford Artha a chance to calm down. She flinched instinctively as Uther's instructive bark sounded, cutting through the faint haze of anger. Even so long after concluding her tutelage under him, she still knew when she was being told off. "U understood..." Shaken, she nodded, but the anger was still there, burning within.A bath sounded good, and proved to be relaxing in the physical, especially as it gave her a chance to cleanse the taint left by the gnolls, but worry and anger still gnawed at the pit of her stomach. Her people were out there,Uther was out there, scouting alone with no more than a token force, and she could not let herself stand idly by. With her body cleaned she turned next to care for her armor, washing the underlayers herself to prevent her humiliation at the hands of the monsters from being discovered.When she strode from her tent, renewed, revitalized, and Uther still had not returned, it was with renewed purpose. Issuing orders to the enlisted peasantry, Artha prepared to move. "Set up a barracks for nightfall, I will go after Sir Uther and ensure that his forces are safe. Footmen! With me!" It was past noon, enough time to make a quick scouting mission of her own. Hopefully Uther would be alright. Garth fell in line with two others as they walked with Artha to leave the camp. Setting out on their scouting mission. Garth had gotten a bit of an upgrade, he was now decked in armor, though it was stuff taken from one of the fallen footment of the previous battle, he had managed to clean it out and put it to use. Walking alongside Artha who had more illustrious... well everything he smiled towards her, but was a bit clumsy on what to say.He had already seen one or two of his friends die, and the day wasn't over yet. As much as he wished to not dwell on his body he had to admit that this was pretty tiring. "Is being a man in your service always this exciting?" He did feel slightly empowered having to stand beside Artha, and better for it in all honesty. "I know you are worried, but know we will strive to get those people back, with you at our side." His voice quieted hoping he didn't jinx anything some worry showing across his face.Then came a new voice."Human! Have you come to join in the hunt with me and me boys!"A dwarf, and six others stepped forward, each carrying loaded riffles, at the ready."We're hunting Searinox, a black drake. Fowl tempered beast. What brings you to these woods?" "Today has been more eventful than most... I hope you wouldn't expect this kind of action all the time if you joined up." She tried to hold a joking tone but between worry and anger thrumming inside it came out forced. She had to admit the farmhand looked surprisingly good despite the fact that the untailored armor didn't quite fit him.Oddly enough, she found herself hoping he would carry on with them. There was always more work for soldiers after all...The sentimental moment was interrupted by a rough dwarven accent. For a moment Artha's fingers tightened on the haft of her hammer, eyes narrowing at the assembled rifles before she realized that they weren't aimed at her or hers. Holding a hand up to halt the men, she straightened. "Well met fellow hunters, we seek out orcs ourselves. Have other humans recently passed this way?" While she spoke pleasantries her mind turned. The heart of a black drake could be a powerful artifact if properly forged, and dwarves were renowned for their smithing prowess..."Should you wish for help in hunting your drake, we could lend you assistance if you wish?" Garth nodded trying to suppress a small chuckle as Artha joked. It was good to see the lady in a bit of a jovial mood, but he knew it was part of a stronger face, the internal struggle was probably hurting her. So as to give her strength he tried to put on the same face, holding himself to the same expectations as she did herself, even if he was just a footman in her army he wished to support her."Orcs?" The dwarf spoke and stroked his beard for a moment. He had seen some activity, and the smoke from the town they passed a few days prior he could put two and two together, and nodded. As for other humans he couldn't exactly say he had seen any sign of them. "Can't say that w've seen any humans aside from you lot, but then again we weren't really lookin, Still if it be orc's yah huntin lass, then me and meh boys can lend our aid, once we have shot down our prey of course."The other dwarves let out jeers and pointed in the direction they had tracked their prey too. "We wounded the beast earlier, and he's been bleeding. If we follow the decay'd growth through the foliage we can track the beast, but it won't stay wounded for long."The Dwarves set out towards their goal. While Garth looked at Artha. "Um... can we kill a dragon? that seems like... a larger job than just us can do." "If it were a dragon then I'd be a little worried I admit, but these dwarves only mentioned a drake." Artha quietly tried to reassure her men. "Not that killing a drake is anything resembling easy." She gave him a gentle clap on the shoulder. "Worry not, I will do my utmost to ensure that all of you see this task through safely."At Artha's urging, the footmen slowly formed up, moving their lines up until they were marching just ahead of the dwarves in a simple two abreast column when the cavernmouth came into sight. "The beast's lair I presume." Artha hefted her warhammer. "Stay close, I mislike the look of those shadows, and there is an evil feeling in the air." It was like oil against her skin, greasy and unsettling. A telltale sign of dark magic being rebuffed by the light she wielded.A skeleton came lunging up from where it had lain a moment before, eye sockets blazing with necrotic energies and jaw hanging loose, making it all of two steps before the hammer blew it's ribcage into so many splinters of bone.For a long moment, silence reigned, interrupted by the faint tapping as shards rained down around them.Then a clattering sounded from deeper in, and out of the darkness more appeared, a small horde of undead warriors in rotted armor wielding battered blades. "With me!" Artha shouted, all pretense of stealth forgotten. "Stand together soldiers of lordaeron!" They would be the wall, and as the dwarves opened up with their rifles, she understood that they would be the spear. As long as her line did not break, this would be simple. "Undead?" Garth actually sounded a touch scared when they came across the first skeleton, watching the powerful impact of the hammer reminded him not to get on the princesses bad side, but was also a bolstering sight, as long as he didn't actually look at what the hammer had done to human bones. The skeletons charged forward, and the footmen formed a line on both sides of Artha, Garth at her side as they charged in.Then the dwarves took aim standing just behind them and a burst of riffle shots sounded. Some were misses, but it seemed some were spot on target. Then came a clash of blades against shields. Thankfully these dark summons didn't seem all that strong. However the moment one man let down his guard a rusted sword pierced his throat reminding everyone that even weak enemies could still get blood.Hitting one Skeleton in the head with the pommel of his sword he felt the skull crack, and watched the touch of dark magic leave it's eyes.In the end the line didn't break, and despite the mismanaged equipment only the one man was badly injured, though still alive."Are these the creation of the black drake, or another force at work? How are skeletons moving about." Garth had no experience with magic, so this just felt obscene in some ways. "They are likely the Drake's own minions, though perhaps he has pressed a necromancer into his service." Light pooled and flowed around Artha's fingers, reaching out to mend the gash in the unlucky man's throat. Her other arm clasped his shoulder, a firm grip."If you wish to leave now, I will not stop you. The undead are fearsome indeed." They were lucky, she knew. she had fought skeletons before with Uther, more dangerous, better animated skeletons. This drake must be weak, or perhaps simply unskilled in the necromantic arts.She had to hope that there were not larger forces of such vile things lying in wait deeper inside. The man healed, and for a moment all was calm but the truth was that the men who had just faced even a handful of skeletons were shaken. The Dwarfs seemed far less perturbed by the sudden occurrence of undead forces, they had been hunting the drake for a while and this was not his first batch, gathering closer to her the leader of the DwarfsFeranor gave a nod. "Aye, we had a couple run ins with these it means we are on the right footing, the beast is close."Garth turned to Artha and nodded towards her. "I'm with you." He spoke softly but reassuring her that if she was leading the charge against the drake he was going to be at her side to help. The other men however, and the one whom she had just healed were still very much shaken.As he came back to life the one man gripped his throat and tossed down his sword and shield "I can't do this Princesses, I am sorry." The man said before turning fleeing, garth only stopped for a moment to pick up the mans shield as it was in better condition than the one he had discarded."Into the drakes lair than?" He said giving her a soft smile. the dwarf clapped Artha on her shoulder. "Aye and after the beast be dead, we drink to the hunt!" Artha made no move to pursue. The undead were not to be faced lightly, and not everyone had the courage and power to stand against them. The vilest of darkness she could imagine. "Is there any other who wishes to depart?" She kept her voice level, her eyes soft. She could not,wouold not blame them for running, not against this.A long moment passed, and she nodded. "To the hunt." She agreed. "I will take the lead."Raising her chin and settling her warhammer on one shoulder, Artha stood tall and marched, a pale blue glow of her aura wisping off her as she stepped into the darkness, and the sound of leathery wings. It wasn't long before they found the drake's nest. A carpet of bones littered the floor, crunching underfoot as a hiss sounded from ahead of them. "Spread out!" She commanded as she saw the winged shape rise, gleaming eyes appearing out of the darkness beneath it. "Watch out for the flames and take care of the Undead! For Lordaeron! CHARGE!"The hammer swung high, flaring with holy power as she lunged forwards to meet the advancing skeletons, illuminating the cave as the staccatto rattle of dwarven rifles split the air behind her, hammering the beast overhead. "Aye sir!" The crowd resumed their offensive following Artha as she took the to the fight.Searinox was a young black drake, injured as he was he would not go down easily. His hide like thick armor rebuffed most of the damage done by the guns that had been chasing it for a while. The few cuts and bruises that found their mark made his blood drip down onto the earth scortching it with heat and causing all natural growth to stop. It breathed out waves of fire at the enemies at it's door step but it was tired, hungry and hunted.The dwarves cast out nets when the line could get close enough, and Searinox felt it's wings snare and it's body drop to the ground unable to fly away the men of Lordaeron fell upon the drake with viscious blades. It burned what it could defiantly but this battle was lost.When all was said and done the drake laid down it's head dying as the dwarf leader started to work on cutting it's heart out so that it could be fastened into an enchantment for the princess. "It fought well, it was a hell of a hunt."For his part in all things Garth looked at the creature, few had ever seen dragons and lived to speak about it, few more had slain one, this was a drake, a child. Sure it could command undead, but some part of this felt... off putting to him. On the one hand it was a great achievement on the other there was one less dragon in the world. "Kind of sad to see it go like that." Artha took a slow breath, though her hands tightened on the haft of her hammer before she calmed.He knows no better, cannot hope to... Until today, he was little more than a peasant."Black Drakes are hardly pitiable..." She did her best to keep the anger from showing in her voice. She knew of stories where dragons were less malign, but none had ever told of blacks in such a role. "Of all dragons, they are the least pleasant. Cruel and selfish to the last."Another slow exhale, tension leaving her shoulders at last as she set one hand on Garth's pauldron. "This was a mercy, not to that beast, but to all of Lordaeron. Better to have done this now than to have waited and lost lives to the dragon it would have one day become." A little shake, reassuring him as best she could before finally she raised her other hand, soft glow of the light's power blossoming in the palm. "I should see if healing is needed."Whatever he had thought of her words, the sound of her conviction and the sight of her compassion as she walked towards the rest of the hunting party, back straight and healing light at the ready... It was an image to stick in one's mind. Garth watched her as she went, offering healing to those who need, and mulled over her words. It was a sight to behold in the way she carried herself, and the way she spoke about the creatures end. What could have been. He had seen the creature perform necromancy, and there was no greater evil than that he knew as much, but he had grown up not knowing what to say, and yet as she walked it was the vision of a future queen that he watched.He felt a small flicker of admiration, and the group healed. The camp of the drake was scared and life here wouldn't return for a long time. The rest of the men here were restless. The Dwarves on the other hand celebrated, as they finished the enchantment of the hard, containing it in an orb. The leader approached Artha, the orb in hand and passed it to her. "A reward for a hunt well done!""It's getting late, tonight we set up camp, and we drink, and we celebrate to the beasts death!" The Dwarves jeered happily raising their guns and starting towards a safer ground to make camp. Artha nodded, perhaps a little more enthusiastically than she should have. The restlessness of her men had unsettled her in turn. Could they not see it? This victory? Perhaps a good celebration would be a way to rouse their spirits and help them properly appreciate the good deed they had done... "To your camp then! Come!" She motioned to the footmen. "A toast to our victory awaits!"Perhaps a commemoration... A little dragon sigil on their helms perhaps? Something to mark this day well... Artha remained in thought as she followed the dwarves, letting her mind work as she plastered her court appearances smile on her face and laughed along with the rest of them. the jokes were bawdy and crude, but that was dwarves, and she knew they would only get more so as the night went on and the drink began to flow. The further away from the corpse of the drake, and the afflicted land that they got the more cheer seemed to come to the men of the camp. Following the Dwarves back to the area they called home for the night was only a short distance from the war camp, but the feel of the place was much different. The tents were lined with various warm furs, and it didn't take long for them to crack open a cask of drink. Soon a warm fire was going, and though the sun was fading the group seemed to rally together the warm summer night allowing the battles to fade off for thoughts of tomorrow.A round the fire, a few of the dwarves pulled out a few different instruments and sure enough music, drink, and food soon filled the air. The men had already taken a liking to Artha with her sense of humor, she was a refreshing change of pace for a human. Feranor the leader of the dwarves leaned in towards Artha, a heavy hand slapping her ass for a moment. "For Royalty, you seem a fine woman." The Dwarf spoke already three drinks in, a slight slurr to his voice as he relaxed. "Not like the prudes down in Stormwind, the Menethil family gets it! See boys this is why we stick to Lordereon! Good hunts, and fine women, what more could any men ask for." Artha wasn't quite swaying yet, but in her distraction over the states of her men she'd begun to realize she hadn't been watching her drinking as well as she should have. Dwarven drink no matter the form it took was always strong, and while she was far from light, two and a half drinks of her own were starting to give the world a rather pleasant fuzz around the edges. "And you seem like a fine man yourself... For a dwarf." She stifled a giggle at her own reply and glanced around the camp.She blinked at the realization. There were only two other women here, both of them members of the footmen she'd levied in the defense earlier, had it really been just this morning? That memory brought another memory, the gnolls, the humiliation... Artha shifted uncomfortably, suddenly aware that her underwear must be a mess of monster spunk right now. Even if the fighting had gone long enough and proved distraction enough that it must have all flowed out of her right now she could still imagine the squish of it between her thighs... She suppressed a shudder and worried at the clasps of her pauldrons. Off, she wanted it off, she wanted to get out of this suit that was tainted by what they'd left inside her.Abruptly she stood. "I would like to bathe. Is there a river nearby here?" One of the girls a young Brunnet was having some difficulty dealing with the man handling of one of the Dwarves, when one of them got a little too handsy she put her mug into the mans face causing the dwarf to hit the ground with a hard blow, the crowd around her cheered for the fight and she just shook her head at it, walking towards Artha the moment that the princess had said that she desired a bath. "M'Lady, there is one not too far from here, my name is Elisabetta. I could lead the way for you if you so desire."Garth was basically done with the party, the man had drank half a glass, knowing well to take it slow when it came to Dwarvish drinks, and he had no desire to be wasted come morning, and Feranor also got up from his seat, along with Artha, the dwarf for his part announced that he needed to take a 'strong shit' in the woods, and Garth simply looked between the two women. "I could stand watch and make sure you have privacy." Garth said glancing towards the dwarves and the rest of the men of the party. The one remaining woman seemingly in strong spirits announcing she would 'dance for the lot'Garth turned to the men. "Don't drink more than you can handle, we will have an early march tomorrow, and I can't have the lot of you complaining about the aches!"He turned towards Elisabetta, who started leading the way, the company of Feranor for the most part not argued. Artha drew herself up to her full height and fixed Garth with a look. "Very well." She meant to flick her fingers and unlatch the breastplate of her armor but the motion proved to require a little more dexterity than she could manage in her state, causing a fumble and a clang before she finally pulled the front half away, the back half falling to the ground behind her. Between the pressure and the sweat of the day, the shirt she wore underneath clung tightly, leaving little of her toned stomach or full breasts to the imagination before she gave it a pull and straightened it out."Lead the way." She commanded Elisabetta, "no peeking." She added as an afterthought to Garth and Feranor.The greaves and faulds stayed on as they ventured through the light undergrowth and came off as the two of them reached the edge of the stream. Tossed into a pile to gleam in the moonlight. Artha shucked her shirt as well, and thanked the stars for the gloom that hid the stain the gnoll semen had left on the crotch of her pants as she removed them too before wading into the water, hissing at the chill as it flowed around her thighs and touched at her pussy. True to her request Garth set up on the other side of the treeline, drawing his sword, and grabbing the dwarf who had been just about ready to pull down his own pants in front of the two ladies, walking out of sight but not out of earshot. He could still hear them as the armor clattered down amongst the ground and Artha went to bathe in the river. He would admit his temptation was there, but he was more or less ready to act as her guard."Awh why can't we watch them bathe!" The dwarf's drunken protest was loud enough to be heard over the tree line, but Garth to his credit replied quickly and curtly. "Cause the princess commanded it, and because it's rude to watch a lady without their permission. Which is why I stand here, and why I have a sword."Elisabetta for her part stripped off her armor not nearly as regal as the princesses, but she smiled towards Artha. She chuckled at the argument of the two men, and made no comment about the wet spots on Artha's clothing. She walked into the River, and shivered. "I admit, it's not as good as a drawn bath, but it's better than nothing. She grabbed a small satchel and passed Artha a bar of soap. "Would you like me to wash your back?" She offered pleasantly. The cold made her pink nipples stand on end, she was standing stark naked, brown hair matching down below as she was as trimmed as one could expect a lady in armor to be. Her breasts bounced slightly as she walked, her pale skin almost a glow in the moonlight as her eyes looked up Artha with some admiration. Artha flushed as the dwarf's voice rose loud enough to sound over the trees, the moonlight highlighting the tint of pink upon her cheeks as Elisabetta got her attention. "It's what soldiers make do with." She remarked, though the words came off a little awkwardly and she had to force herself to meet the other woman's eyes. She was pretty, Artha was realizing. She'd never found herself more drawn to girls than boys, but this here, that casually intimate offer, it reminded her of how she'd felt with Jaina that one time, a silly thing, practicing kisses, only she'd...She'd wanted it... Badly..."I... If you would be so kind..." Artha nodded, suddenly demure as the memories flooded in, turning her back. Artha had always been a little self conscious of her chest, her breasts being larger than a warrior's should be and contrasting against the toned stomach and muscled arms around them, but her rear... She'd always been quietly proud of the toned curve of her ass, just big enough to show, accentuating her hips without being grotesque. She glanced over her shoulder and the flush on her cheeks deepened as she caught another eyeful of Elisabetta's body, softer, curvier, a farmer's body rather than a warrior's but appealing nonetheless., unaware of the tableau she cast herself with the shy glance over one shoulder as silver traced her curves from the moon overhead. Elisabetta chuckled slightly as she saw Artha's blush. The brunnette watched with green eyes admiring the ladies back, when Artha gave the go ahead for her to do so Elisabetta touched her with a firm hand. Working the soap along her back rubbing into her shoulders to help ease some of the tension she felt, and also to better admire the strength of the female paladin. He could see her ass the shapely hips, and feel the soft pale skin of the noble lady, yet underneath it came the strength and muscles Artha had. "You've done a lot today, it's okay to relax."Elisabetta's voice was low and quiet not wanting to be heard by the two men who though they had been more quiet were still clearly out in the bushes just beyond the river bend. The farm girl turned footsoldier couldn't really hold back her excitement while touching Artha, and when she looked back hesitantly she only smiled towards the princess. "You can look if you want too your majesty, I have nothing to hide from you, the drunk idiot up there maybe, but naught from you."She took a moment after her words to playfully place a soapy hand on Artha's rear grabbing the nobles ass, before stepping around her and exposing herself for the noble to admire if she so desired. "Then again," she said smiling and blushing with a light chuckle to her voice. "I did drink a lot too, I think only the spoil sport stayed completely sober." She said gesturing to the bushes but this time in reference to the knight standing watch for them. "You can touch too, if you so desire my lady." Eager hands running over her, roughness smoothed by the slippery touch of the soap. The way she kneaded the muscles was clumsy and crude, but the warmth radiating against Artha was more intimate, and the massage as all themore for it. "It's..." Words caught in her throat, relax? With her kingdom on the line, and the throne in the wings, waiting for her? With all of their lives under her aegis, not just the soldiers but every man, woman, and child she'd met today? "I..."Shedid look, one part shock at the boldness of the proposition, but one part desire, one part repressed want. She'd been forced, earlier that day, taken against her will, but these were touches offered, touches given permission for, and... And...The flush had spread down towards her chest and she yelped despite herself at the quick squeeze of her ass, the sensation shooting through her like an electric shock. It spurred her, made her jump and splash in the water, and her blue eyes met Elisabetta's, wide and hopeful and twinkling with teasinginterest. Artha turned, stepping into the embrace, wrapping her arms around Elisabetta and pulling her into a kiss, one hand at the back of her neck, under the soaking tangle of her brown hair, the other reciprocating the touch, cupping the soft curve of her ass in turn and squeezing gently.Some part of her reminded that her little cry and splashing might have been heard by the men. She ignored it.This... She wanted this... there was an eager gasp as Elisabetta was touched, and pulled into that hug. One of her legs lifted and to brush against the outside of Artha's thigh, her leg wrapping around the princesses to press their bodies even closer. The contact of their breasts pressing water between them. She shivered at the difference in the tempature between the river, and the soft press of the lady's lips against her own. Elisa held Artha, her hand holding the ladies shoudler gripping her as she eagerly returned the ladies kiss, her body was completely open for the princess to do with as she pleased.When the kiss broke Elisa had to catch her breath, a smile upon her face as her fingers trailed over the princesses body. The only problem the fact that the two had to remain quiet else they would certianly attract the attention of the dwarf.Artha's previous squeak however had caught the attention of Garth, who called out to the two ladies. "Everything okay down there?"Elisa gestured for Artha to be quiet, but her hands moved between Artha's thighs, brushing her hand between the ladies legs, and then lightly touching against the most sensitive parts of a females bodies, finding her clit she pressed a single finger against it. Pressing into her pink flesh, while her green eyes looked at Desire with Artha, keeping eye contact as she went in for another kiss. Artha didn't know how to deal with this, and she wavered under the push of her own desires and Elisabetta's easy confidence. Her hands moved awkwardly, graceful yet lacking purpose, no knowing where to touch, where to press. The best she could do was follow Elisabetta's motions, be taught like she was a novice in her first combat class all over again.Garth's voice sounding over the trees made her jump in surprise, and she opened her mouth to reply, only to find a finger at her lips, shushing her. "B but..." She kept quiet, half whimpering in confusion. She didn't want this to end.Then Elisabetta pressed one finger into her clit, and Artha's jaw dropped, "Aahn " The moan was out of her before she could stop herself, cut off by the renewed kiss as the farm girl toyed expertly with her body. Sensations she'd never known she could have, that went beyond the kiss, that put pale to the forced pleasures the gnolls had visited upon her. Her second moan was muffled by Elisabetta's lips as Artha tried her best to reciprocate, moving her own hand between the other girl's legs and clumsily exploring her folds with her fingertips while her other arm pulled her closer, wrapping around her in a powerful embrace. There was something to be said about the princess's hands. Elisa let out a muffled moan of her own, as she felt the warm hands mix with the cold water, and touching her sensitive folds. Elisa shuddered at the firm hands of Artha, she was a lot stronger and as she squeezed her into an embrace the girl felt more like she was being crushed than held. "Lighter touch." She eventually had to break away from Artha to catch her breath both so that her legs would stop tingling, and because she felt like the embrace was going to crack her ribs, it was clear that Artha's prowess as a warrior of the light made her a lot stronger than Elisabetta."Women are delicate, you can't go about crushing me." She took hold of Artha's hand and lead her closer to the shoreline, leaving the colder water, for the relatively warm night air. She gestured for Artha to sit down, and nearly pushed her shoulder so that she was atop the princess. Her fingers lightly trailed along Artha's breast tickling the princess as Elisa smiled and looked at her with affectionate eyes. "It's a bit like touching yourself, only a lot more fun."She finished her comment, by lightly squeezing Artha's breast, before letting go, her fingers trailing down and tickling the lady's stomach. She kissed Artha again, as her fingers slipped between her folds in her new position, their bodies inches apart as she played with Artha's body. Elisa's tongue touching lightly against Artha's mouth as she invited any touch the princess would give her. Artha's back arched as two fingers slid inside her and she moaned into the contact between them as her walls rippled and flexed against the intruding digits. The moss and sand of the rivershore stuck to her back where she lay against it, catching in her hair, cool upon her skin. Words failed, so instead she sought actions, only barely remembering to modulate her touches as she'd been instructed.Questing and hesitant, her fingers delved between Elisabetta's folds in response, this time curious rather than overeager, teasing her lips apart and learning the shape of the farmgirl's pussy by touch, finding the spots that made her gasp and put that delightful distant pleasured look on her face. It was not a perfect system, she was still learning after all, but she did her best, trying to give back some of the pleasure being imparted upon her.As their lips parted and she moaned again though, she had forgotten the momentary scare of the men potentially coming upon them, and so did not consider that they might hear her sounds... Hearing Artha's eager moans Elisa parted her legs, feeling Artha's hand ready to try again. One of her own joined the lady's as Elisa tried to guide Artha's fingers in her touch. Showing her how to touch her to elicit a response. She moaned softly against Artha's ear encouraging the exploration with a soft smile on her lips. Elisa's hips moved to grind against Artha's fingers giving her more access and showing her body was ready for the princesses touch."yes that's it." Elisa spoke softly to Artha her own voice wasn't being masked but she was speaking in a soft tone. Either way their voices were carrying up to the hill where the two men were standing. Garth had kept his head turned away from the ladies. Focused on the dwarf a steady hand pushed the shorter man back. An arguement not breaking out between them but defenitely some grumbles."I just wanna watch the two ladies!" Garth sighed, he would be lying if he said he wasn't being tested with the two of them openly having sex down on the rocks, but since her first moans he had recognized the sound and was intent to give the two of them their peace. "We were not invited, to watch or otherwise, so stand over there or I swear I am going to take one of your heads."Elisa chuckled at that. Her hands were still exploring Artha's body, she moved in to kiss her neck softly nibbling on the more sensitive parts of the Paladin's overwhelming body. "You know we are pretty much torturing those two right." She smirked mischievously. "I'm no fan of men, but it does seem kind of cruel. Of course I leave that choice up to you my lady." Head swimming with sensation and wavering under the pleasurable attentions, Artha grasped for something that could anchor her. She'd been extremely careful, but she hadn't always been able to resist opportunity and temptation. Even if she had little experience with women, she had a little more with men.Still, she looked to Elisa first, cautious. "Are you sure?" Artha was long reconciled to herinterest in both men and women but she knew that she was unusual in that regard, most only preferred their opposite number. She waited for a sign, not sure whether Elisa had offered out of deference to perceived preference or out of genuine desire.Then she bit her lip. "Y yes... But..." She took a deep breath, trying to shut out her pleasure for a moment to draw on her authority as princess. "What happens here... You will never speak of it again. Understood ?"A moan made mockery of her seriousness at the last moment, but she fixed Elisa with a look.Then she raised her voice, a low call through the trees. "Trooper... Hunter... Ah " She'd tried to play into it a little, order them down as a commander rather than give the coquettish call of a common harlot, but seriousness was damaged by yet another moan as she spoke. "Come down to the river ."She was scared, scared of wanting such unbecoming things. Scared of what was about to happen, but at the same time it felt like revenge, a battle against what the gnolls had inflicted on her, a way to get back at them, to enjoy sex with partners in arms in defiance of the trauma and pain that stained her memories.
['Artha', 'Uther', 'Lordoreon', 'Lightbringer']
A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)
Air filled his lungs again as if he hadn't experienced such a thing in years. Yukimura shot up from his spot in the dirt, his body faintly numb and cold. What had happened? Why was he here, in this dark alley out of sight? Where was he going? Wasn't he heading home? To his wife? Yes, that's right. His work at the dojo kept him later than he had expected, and he was on his way back when...He couldn't remember, but his throat was burning, like he was parched for drink. But he didn't crave water. No, he was thirsty but he couldn't pin it down as to what for. What happened? Yukimura stared straight ahead with a blank look before slowly stumbling to his feet, leaning against the stone wall of the alleyway to keep himself from falling. Clutching his spinning head, he looked around with a confused look, he knew he had been pushing himself with work, but he hadn t expected to faint from exhaustion. He took a moment to steady himself before slowly starting back for home, but it was a slow process, his joints feeling cold and stiff.Megohime woke with a start, sitting up with a gasp before slowly relaxing. Just a dream, a horrible horrible dream. She froze, blood running cold when she didn t recognize the smell of the room she was in, the one she thought was her own bedroom.Megohime has woken in the middle of the night to parch her thirst, but upon entering the kitchen of her family s estate, she was greeted by a shadowy figure. She remembered trying to flee, trying to scream for help, then nothing.Slowly getting out of the bed she thought had been hers, she moved slowly and quietly to the door, clutching her night robes around her as she reached for the door handle. As he wandered, he heard a faint sound he had never really heard before. It was a soft melodic drumming, steady and strong. He followed it, listening as it grew louder and louder.Thump, thump. Thump, thump.He didn't realize until he had stopped walking that he was staring a night guard patrolling the streets. Something smelled sweet, like a juicy fruit ready to be picked. It made his throat burn even more.When Megohime opened the door, she was greeted by a tall muscular man in a well dressed suit. He stared down at her with a hard expression and glowing gold eyes, "Please remain here until Masamune sama returns." Yukimura felt the drumming within his own body, in his ears and in his mind, his own slowly beating heart seemed like it wanted to mimic the pace in which the other heart was beating wait, he could hear a heart beating? How did he know it was a heart? The more questions that raced through his head, the more his vision became black around the edges, and soon he felt that desperate relief he so desperately craved, pouring down his throat like a warm sake, he needed more.Megohime s eyes widened and her blood turned to ice in her veins before she hurriedly slid the door shut, backed away from the door and falling onto her rear. Was this even real? Was that the man who had taken her? He was dressed in strange clothes, those of an Englishman, but he certainly was fluent in Japanese. She did her best to calm herself as she quietly looked around the room for another door or even a window, but found the room had none, was she underground? "Demon!" Yukimura felt a heaviness slam into his back as a man slammed a bludgeon against him repeatedly to get him away from the guard he had killed. Killed? Wait, when did he even move?"Arigatou. He shouldn't be much longer." The man said from behind the door. Yukimura s grasp on the guards throat released, stumbling back and letting out a feral hiss like a cat, his once chocolate brown eyes glittering an orange red. Then reality came rushing back. It felt like someone had punched a hole in his chest and he quickly scrambled to his feet, then took off running down the road.He? Who was he? She looked around the room desperately for anything she could use to defend herself, but the only thing in the room she was in was the futon on the floor. Still, she forced herself to her feet, mentally preparing herself for whoever was going to come through that door. "Stop!" He yelled and gave chase after Yukimura, but soon lost sight of him in an abandoned house. There were more footsteps, more people hunting for Yukimura, but luckily they couldn't find him.After a while, the door opened and a man with inhuman beauty stepped into the room. His hair was brushed back slightly, a warm earthy brown with enchanting blue eyes."Good evening, Megohime." He knew her name? Yukimura was crouched in the dirty closet of the abandoned house, holding himself and shaking violently. He had just killed a man, slaughtered him and consumed his blood, and he feltgood.As soon as the door opened, the pillow Megohime was given smacked straight into the mans face, Megohime running and ducking under his arm and slipping out through the open door behind him. The tall man who still stood by her door grabbed her and lifted her up easily."Thank you, Kojurou." Masamune said and Kojurou nodded before bringing Megohime back into the room. Megohime didn t scream, but she kicked and thrashed, beating on the large man s back and head trying to escape his grasp. She grit her teeth as she squirmed, then let out a small noise as she was dumped back onto the floor at Masamune s feet. Masamune chuckled and tilted her head up by her chin, "You're rather feisty I like women who are feisty." Megohime s eyes widened, and he could finally see her clearly her eyes were as red as blood, and for a moment one could ve mistaken her for a fledgling, but her scent was completely human. He furrowed his brows gently, his thumb ghosting under her eye, "How did you come to posses such lovely crimson eyes...?" He asked. Her only answer would be to chomp down on his hand, drawing blood before scrambling backward to the far wall, his blood dripping down her chin and smeared on her lips. Fuck off. Kojurou took a step toward her but Masamune rose his hand to stop him before he moved to Megohime and forced her mouth open, smearing his blood along her tongue and sealing her mouth shut with his hand, an inhuman strength keeping it shut. "Swallow." He ordered. Megohime struggled and kicked at Masamune, hitting his face and trying to claw at his eyes, tears in her eyes, but they weren t pleading, they were full of fire. She refused to swallow the blood he had put in her mouth, even trying to force it out of her mouth regardless of it being clamped shut. "Kojurou." Megohime felt firm hands wrap around her wrists and pin them to her sides as Masamune waited for her to take his blood, "I have all the time in the world." The second Megohime swallowed the blood, she felt like her whole body was alight, eyes widening and her body stiffening as it trickled down her throat. She immediately went limp at the overwhelming pins and needles feeling that engulfed her, her struggling slowing to a stop. "There we go." Masamune muttered and picked her up once Kojurou released her, putting her back in bed, "Now we wait." He said as he left the room with his right hand."Does Iisaka know of Megohime?" Kojurou asked. Masamune smirked."Not yet, but it won't matter." He replied. Megohime felt herself slipping in and out of consciousness, clutching at her chest and breathing raggedly. It felt like a fever had taken hold of her body, only there was no pain. She closed her eyes and weakly pulled her legs closer to herself, barely able to do that simple action. The fever would last only a small while longer before it finally settled down. She couldn't tell what time it was, either way she felt so tired and drained. Megohime was too tired to move, so she opted to listen instead, keeping her eyes closed as she listened for any sound she could hear nearby, which was practically nothing. Either everyone was sleeping or it was just Masamune and Kojurou that lived here. Why bring her here though? Why go through the trouble of taking her from her home? Were they going to kill her and eat her? Keep her as an exotic pet? The possibilities were endless. What was the point of him feeding her his blood? Other than the fever and fatigue, she felt no other effects. Slowly moving onto her side, she got onto her feet, then moved toward the door, pulling on it to see if it had been locked. The knob turned all the way so there was no latch to stop her from leaving. They must have been really stupid not to lock her up if they planned on keeping her there. Megohime slid the door open and quietly moved out of the room and up the narrow stairway that lead into what she assumed was a cellar. It was dark, but her eyes had adjusted enough to allow her to navigate her way down the halls, looking for any way out, be it door or window. She found a door alright, but it wasn't a door she was hoping for. Inside the room was Masamune sound asleep and surrounded by a handful of beautiful women. They all laid as still as a grave, she almost thought they had perished overnight. Megohime s heart started to race, and she stood in the doorway for a moment before slowly backing out of the room, closing the door as quietly as she could. As soon as the door was closed, she hurried off down the hall, still searching for a door that led outside. "You're being rather disrespectful to Masamune sama." Kojurou said, standing in the middle of the hallway she had turned into. Megohime stopped dead in her tracks, staring at Kojurou with wide eyes. I m being disrespectful..? She scowled, brows furrowed. You took me from my home! "Masamune sama has never really been the dating type." He admitted, "So I apologise. However, you can't leave. You've tasted his blood. He owns you." Owns me..?! She seemed to get more angry, trembling as she clenched her fists. He doesn t own shit..! What the hell was this? Was this man just as crazy as this Masamune, who had forced her to consume his blood? What did he think he was, some sort of vampire..? No, that was rediculous, vampires didn t exsist. "He owns you." He repeated firmly, "Just as he owns the others." That was it, this man was a lunatic, just like the other. Spinning on her heel, she broke into a sprint back down the hallway she had come down, panicked to find another means of escape. Kojurou only sighed and moved after her, following the stink of her panic. Finally, she had finally found a window, though rather small, she was able to squeeze through it, stumbling out onto the moist dirt outside the estate before getting back to her feet and breaking out into a run once more. Her clothes were covered in mud, feet caked and eyes wild, but she only continued to run, breathing heavily as she tore through the field and toward the forest to escape the nightmare estate she had been stolen away to. She was suddenly grabbed and pulled over a solid object, which she realized was Kojurou. How did he catch her so quickly?"Please cease being so disrespectful." He said firmly as he carried her back to the castle. Megohime started to scream for help, kicking and thrashing but not getting anywhere. She would soon tire out, hanging limp over his shoulder and breathing heavily, cursing at Kojurou the whole way back to the estate. He was as silent as stone as he brought her back, taking her to her room and setting her on her bed, "Please do not try to leave again. It would upset Masamune sama." He told her, his tone almost pleading. She smacked him hard across the face, tears of anger and fear rolling down her cheeks. You re terrible. She hissed out, grabbing her bedding and retreating to the far corner, glaring at him from the safety of the bed.Hours would pass and the food and water Kojurou brought for Megohime would all end up spilled on the floor, completely uneaten, Megohime still in her far corner, glaring at Kojurou the entire time he came in to clean up the food she had made a mess of. He didn't bother speaking further to her, merely made sure her room was clean and she had what she needed whether she would accept it or not. He never had the other women struggle as much as Megohime did. It almost seemed like the blood Masamune fed to Megohime wasn t taking affect at all, but he had seen her swallow it, it had clearly taken affect, so why wasn t she being compliant? Asking for Masamune? Being calm and mellow? He sighed, some were more resilient, he supposed, and left Megohime alone locked in her room as he went out to bring back humans to feed Masamune when he awoke. As Kojurou trekked through the mountains, he caught scent of a human nearby, only one and a woman, an easy catch. What a woman was doing out in the mountains all alone was beyond him though.The woman must ve been a foreigner, long hair shining gold like the moon, skin pale. She was knelt down by the side of the small house, pulling weeds from the garden, back to Kojurou, and she didnt seem to notice him at all. He stopped and for a moment believed she was from the moon because of her golden hair. He pushed the thought down and moved toward her, at least she would be worth a meal to Masamune. He was two steps away from her when the woman perked suddenly, turning to look over her shoulder and gasping in surprise when seeing Kojurou. She hadn t even heard him come up behind her she didn t exactly have fear in her eyes, but he could hear her heart pounding in her chest. He was actually frozen under her gaze, like a dog caught trying to steal scraps. He actually didn't know what to do. Her eyes were like two small moons, almost glowing like the very essence of the moon was trapped inside them, but her scent was purely human. Beautiful... He heard her whisper, hearing her heart beat slow down gradually. Your eyes... they re so beautifully sad.. She spoke gently, not a hint of malice or fear in her tone as she gazed upon Kojurou, wasn t she scared of him? Scared of his eyes, his fangs? His eyes widened slowly and he felt his heart ache at her words. How could she tell just from a simple glance the constant turmoil he faced daily. He moved closer and dropped beside her to his knees, his head hanging in shame."You are not fearful of me...?" He asked softly. She shifted slightly so she was facing him fully now. You did startle me, but you do not scare me.. She said gently, and her voice alone was like a mother s warm embrace. He felt her hands on his cheeks, gently picking his head up before carefully wiping his tears away, offering him a gentle smile. He brought his glowing eyes up slowly to meet hers, he didn't even realize he was crying."Kojurou desu..." He croaked out, like a beaten dog. Jin. She said with a smile, continuing to simply sit with him and wipe away his tears. Surely this woman was a child of Tsuki Yomi, a blessing sent to Kojurou after the many years of torment he had suffered she was inhumanly kind. He felt like it would be rude to ask her if she was from the moon kingdom, so he didn't bother instead he turned his gaze to the weeds, "Why are you doing this work by yourself...?" She looked to the pulled weeds in the basket beside her. I live alone, so I m the only one who tends to these gardens. She answered simply. "But you're..." He stopped, he couldn't just go butting into a human's life like that. Just from her scent alone he could tell she was sick. It wasn t only her scent that told Kojurou she was ill, she was almost painfully frail, slight dark circles under her eyes. Yes.. I understand how it s strange for a woman to live on her own so far from any village... But I m happy here. She said softly. He moved closer to her, "Do you...want any help...?" He asked gently, glancing at her. She nodded and offered a warm smile. I wouldn t want to trouble you, but if you re sure there are a few weeds that I ve been struggling to get out. He nodded and moved to pull the weeds furthest away out from the garden, placing them in the basket one by one. She too continued to pull at the weeds, the two working in silence, and soon they had finished weeding the garden in no time. Are you hungry or thirsty? I have some dried persimmons and I can make tea. She offered. "Tea sounds wonderful.." He replied gratefully and glanced at the position of the sun. He had time before he needed to get back. She nodded and stood, inviting him inside the small home and offering him a seat. She prepared a dish of persimmons for him and boiled water for the tea, the house though small was full of herbs and other potted plants, it was cozy and warm inside. Setting his persimmons before him, she poured two cups of tea, serving him before serving herself. He had never had persimmons before. He picked one up carefully and sniffed it but couldn't really pin what it smelled simular to. He bit into it carefully and was surprised by its honey like sweetness. Are they alright? I can offer you something else if they aren t to your liking. Jin said as she blew on her tea to cool it off. "No, forgive me if I seemed rude, I've never had this fruit before. I like it." He said and ate two more in a single bite. She smiled behind her tea cup and gave a small nod, taking a sip of tea before setting the cup down. I have more if you would like. She offered, happy to share food with someone for a change. He nodded quickly, shoving more persimmons in his mouth and drinking his tea. She retrieved more persimmons for him setting them out on the plate for him before returning to her tea, enjoying his pure energy. He wolfed them down like a dog would a handful of treats, actually looking pretty excited about these odd fruits. She didn t mind feeding him, she was actually have fun watching him enjoy the food so. She finished her tea long before he finished eating, cleaning up the small mess she had made preparing food for Kojurou. Is there anything else I can get you? You seem like you haven t eaten in ages, I d be happy to make more. He looked up and humbled himself immediately. His fast metabolism left him starving even after he returned from hunting in the forests."No, I'm alright, thank you for sharing your food with me." He said, "But I need to leave soon, I've lost track of time.." Of course, She nodded. I m glad I had the chance to share with you. She said. I would be more than glad to share with you again. He blushed and looked down at his lap, "I could...come back tomorrow...?" He offered Of course, you re welcome here anytime. She set aside the dishes. I ll prepare more food for next time, I didn t think you d have such an appetite. She hid her laugh behind her sleeve. He smiled sheepishly, "I apologise.." He said softly. The two would meet several more times after that, Jin cooking up large meals for Kojurou each time he came, and in return, he would help her with things she struggled to do cutting wood, fixing fences, anything she didn t have the strength to do. His appearance never seemed to bother Jin, nor was she put off by his intense hunger, she just seemed happy to have someone to talk with. There came a day, however, that he didn't visit her. From dawn until dusk did he not show himself. Perhaps he was busy with his own matters or perhaps he simply didn't care to show. Either way it left an emptiness with her. Jin seemed sad, but simply returned inside as the sun dipped below the mountains. She ate dinner and bathed herself with a cloth and bucket before changing her clothes and climbing into bed, pulling the blanket up to her nose. Hopefully he would come the next day. Late at night she woke up to gentle methodical scratching against the walls outside her home. It would start then stop then start again. She sat up slowly, squinting in the low light of her home, then slowly getting out of bed. Was there a vermin trying to get in? Perhaps a tanuki looking for food or shelter? She opened the door and peeked her head out, looking around to see if she could find the source of the noise. Nothing. Completely silent. At least that's what she thought. Not long after she opened the door, there were slow hesitant steps that made their way toward her. Something big and hungry. Still, she couldn t quite see what was out there, her vision a bit poor even during the day. It didn t sound like the footfalls of a bear, nor even a large man. Hello? She called out gently, squinting again to try and see in the pitch black, but even with her eyes adjusted to the dark, she couldn t quite distinguish the shadows. A soft rumble sounded beside her before a black mass finally came into her view. It was big and covered in pitch colored fur, but it's face was an actual canine skull with overly elongated canines. It's eye sockets held small glowing white lights to simulate pupils. The clouds shifted overhead and exposed the beast more clearly, and Jin s eyes widened. She stood there for a moment with her wide eyes, but they weren t full of fear. She took a step toward the creature, slowly reaching out and ghosting her fingers along the exposed skull. You re beautiful... She whispered, tracing her fingers along the skull and to the fur, letting her fingers run through the thick coarse fur. Kojurou. What? How could she possibly know it was him? The beast before her looked nothing like the handsome man she had previously met. She was crying now, but only because her own emotions were overwhelming her he was so profoundly beautiful he brought tears to her eyes. "How...?" His voice came out in a low growl, soft and vulnerable, "How did you was me...?" Using his voice seemed to take a great effort to do in this form. Forgive me.. I knew from the beginning. She gently pet his fur, almost transfixed by him. Your eyes were so wonderful, like gold... I just knew you couldn t be human. She said softly. "Why do you think...I'm beautiful...?" He asked, lowering himself to be eye level with her, "I am...barely a man in this form..." She didn t seem put off even when he moved closer. Why..? She hadn t thought about it really, her first thought upon seeing him was simply: beautiful. Your fur is dark like the night.. She brushed her fingers through his thick fur again, trailing her hand up to his exposed skull again. Your face is lovely... Like a Gods, and your eyes like the sun. She stopped her hands under his eyes like she was cupping his cheeks, gazing up at him. He moved forward a bit and rest his forehead gently against hers, "When I first...laid my eyes upon you, I mistook you...for a moon princess..." He rumbled gently, "I had all my years seen a woman of such unsurpassed beauty..." Her cheeks flushed at his words he thought her that beautiful? She closed her eyes and gently cupped his large head in her hands, leaning up and kissing his forehead. You truly honor me with your words. She said softly, tears still dripping down her cheeks. You re too kind, Kojurou. "I would be honored...if you would bind with me as my mate..." He said softly, "Forgive me if my terminology is a bit...unsavory...this cursed wolf blood has pumped through me for far too long..." Yes. She answered without hesitation, petting his fur slowly and pulling away so she could look at him, wiping away her tears. Yes. From between his pointed teeth, a long slippery ashen tongue moved to drag slowly across her neck and up to her cheek. The lights in his sockets burned gently, and even though it was nearly emptiness she could tell that his gaze burned with the purest love he could hold in his body. She moved a step closer and kissed his skull again, holding him gently as she placed gentle kisses on his exposed skull, like it didn t even bother her. He picked her up easily in his massive arms and carried her inside, crouching to get through the door as he took her to the bedroom where he laid her gently on her bed. Looking at it, it would not support his weight for their courtship and he gave a disapproving noise. Jin sat up on the bed, face flushed a bit. I don t mind if we move to the floor.. She said softly, getting up and working at untying the sash around her waist. She let her robes drop to the floor, exposing herself to him, then carefully removing her underwear. Though she looked embarrassed, she moved to Kojurou, leaning up again to kiss his bony maw. "I want you to be comfortable.." He rumbled softly and pulled her blankets off her bed and made her a small padded spot on the floor. His claws ghosted over her skin slowly, careful not to cause her any harm. He was made for murder, not tenderness. She carefully laid back on the blanket he had lay out for her, gently coaxing him down onto the floor with her, petting his fur gently and reassuring him gently. He rumbled softly and ran his tongue slowly along each inch of skin, easily curling around both breasts slowly to play with them gently. His tongue was an oddly pleasing texture smooth and warm and slick. His breath was hot against her skin, sending chills down her spine. Jin relaxed her head back against the floor, letting out a small noise and gripping the sheets. His tongue felt good against her skin, and especially against her breasts, making her gasp when his tongue rolled over her nipples. He noticed and let his tongue toy with her nipples gently, his claws still slowly grazing over her body. He felt almost drunk just from these simple actions alone, he didn't remember if he was ever intimate like this before worshiping his lover's body and enjoying their sounds. It was euphoric. Her cheeks would become more and more red, and she slowly began to squirm more, whimpering and gasping. He could hear her heart pounding in her chest, head each breath as it passed through her lungs, smell her excitement. Kojurou.. She murmured his name, legs closed tightly as she fidgeted and rubbed against herself. He noticed and gently pulled her legs apart, moving his skeletal snout to her trembling heat and taking in her scent a moment before running his tongue slowly between her folds and against her clit. She gasped, having never before been touched in such an intimate place by another before, her whole body trembling as her grip tightened on the blanket. She kept her legs spread for him, biting her lip to quiet herself as she gasped and whispered his name again and again. His ears twitched gently with each sound, as though he could hear them at a regular volume. He didn't try to make her feel rushed, keeping his workings slow and steady unless instructed otherwise. Just savoring her and her sounds was enjoyment enough for him. She didn t instruct him on anything, she simply allowed for their desires to play out, and after some time of him pleasuring her with his tongue, she came, her wet heat trembling as his tongue cleaned up the fluid that tickled from between her folds. He licked it up without a second thought before his tongue ran over her body once more as he gently guided her onto all fours. His breathing was heavy as he laid his head on her shoulder, his girth pressing gently against her entrance as he silently asked permission. Jin turned her head to kiss his maw, slowly pushing her hips back against him so the head of his cock pushed inside of her, making her tremble at the sensation, but continue to push herself onto him. His claws dug into the sheets and blankets as he carefully moved his hips forward, stopping only when she bumped against the knot. It didn't feel like it was going to fit, but that was ok. He didn't mind so much even as he pulled all the way back to the tip and pushed all the way back to the knot in a slow and steady rhythm. Her back arched as he filled her up with his length, and the more he entered her, the more he could feel his knot slowly starting to push further into her entrance. She let out the same gasping whimpers as before, moving her hips with his as he moved slowly, her breathing coming out labored as she slowly let her upper half sink down into the blankets. She buried her face into them, keeping her rear up in the air as he thrust into her again and again, gripping the blankets tightly. His tongue hung from his maw as the knot pushed into her more and more, his movements growing more animalistic and greedy for pleasure. Jin let out a sharp gasp as his knot finally pushed the rest of the way inside of her, toes curling she felt like it was too much, like surely she would tear, but at the same time, it felt so very pleasurable, pushing her hips back to bury him further inside her. She felt something razor sharp brush her shoulder, drool dripping heavily against her skin before a strangled snarl and Kojurou turned his head away. He bit hard into his own arm, tar thick blood oozing from under his fangs as he shook, the lights in hos sockets now a deep red color. The stench of blood was heavy in the room, so strong even Jin could smell it. K Kojurou..! She looked beyond worried, head twisted around to look at him as he bit into his arm. Are you ok..!? The red orbs drifted to her and faded slowly back to white as he released his arm. "H...Hai...I I didn't..." He faltered, "I didn't want to curse you...with this vile blood of mine..." Kojurou, even if you were to curse me it wouldn t change anything.. She said softly, carefully moving away from Kojurou so he was pulled out of her, gathering up the sheets and tearing off some strips before moving back and carefully wrapping his arm. Please don t hurt yourself... I can hardly stand it. He felt like his heart would burst and then tear itself to shreds at her words. "Hai....please forgive me....I do not want to cause you any grief..." She sat back onto her heels after tying off the make shift bandage, smiling up at him. Please don t dwell on it too much. She said gently, still holding his massive clawed hand. Would you like to continue..? He nodded, "Only if I did not ruin the mood for you..." He sounded like he was smiling She shook her head, guiding him back on top of her as she moved back onto her hands and knees, the smell of her excitement still strong. He pushed back into her, giving a soft sigh of delight as he did, his knot easing in and stretching her blissfully. He rested his head back on her shoulder as he began to move again, his breaths coming out as heavy puffs of ecstasy. Jin s own breath came out in soft puffs, slowly sinking back down into the blankets as he thrust into her, bent over for him. She moved in time with him, her inner thighs trembling and her womanhood tightening around his cock with each wave of pleasure that went through her. His claws raked over her flesh in his throes of passion, leaving small blooms of blood in their wake. The pressure of his climax was building up slowly but surely. Her moans and gasps only seemed to spur on Kojurou, gripping at the sheets and letting out weak cries every time his claws cut through her flesh, the scent of her blood overwhelming to Kojurou. He drooled and lapped at the blood gently, his mind dizzy and nearly unfocused. His movements became rougher and quicker, controlling himself enough that he wouldn't cause her harm. But he was so close. K Kojurou..! Jin was a mess under Kojurou, sweat beaded on her brow, entire body shaking, and her juices trickling down her inner thighs she was just on the edge of her climax, feeling the same tight ball of pleasure building in her stomach before she finally cried out in her release. He let out a monstrous howl as he pulled out of her before filling her, soiling the blankets beneath them as he emptied his load. His breathing was heavy, and he gave a soft whine as he looked over all the claw marks he left on her body. Jin collapsed to the floor panting to catch her breath, and wincing when she rolled over to look up at Kojurou. What s wrong..? She asked softly. "I wounded you..." He said softly and moved to find a first aid to treat them, hunched over to move comfortably through her home. Jin slowly sat up, her back raw from the claw marks, but wasn t especially bothered by it, the pain only a dull throb perhaps it was the adrenaline from their lovemaking?She moved to where she kept her medical supplies and herbs, pulling out some topical pastes that would help with the pain and to fight off infection. Kojurou helped apply medicine and gauze to the wounds she couldn't reach on her own, his claws trying to work delicately. "I'm so sorry, Jin..." He muttered, ears pressed against his head. She sat patiently as he applied the medicine to her wounds, shaking her head as she held her hair out of his way. They don t hurt as much now, please, do not worry.. How could she be so patient and kind with him, even after he had hurt her? Even after he had exposed himself for the beast that he was? He gave a sorrowful whine and she felt the odd heat of his skull press against her flesh, something wet dripping down her back. He was crying. Jin turned around and gently embraced his massive head against her chest, holding him and petting his fur, murmuring soothing words to him.Megohime gagged and retched, having been feed Masamune s blood for the umpteenth time that night alone. He had been with her since the sun started to set, forcing her down and force feeding her blood. Most of it she managed to get out of her mouth one way or another, but a couple times he was able to pour his blood directly down her throat. She had been resistant to his blood far longer than any other woman in his harem gripping her chest and retching again, cursing at Masamune through her ragged gasps. She felt like her entire body was on fire again, sweat beading on her brow. Masamune said he would be back to check on her but he never came. Probably too busy taking care of his other wives. What was with this blood thing anyway? Was he actually a vampire? She never saw him during the day put two and two together as they say. Megohime still couldn t swallow the possibility that Masamune was an actual vampire, he had to simply be crazy. She dipped back into unconsciousness once more, only to be stirred seemingly seconds later when she felt hot liquid dripping into her mouth again, groggily turning her head away and closing her mouth. No.. She groaned again. "Damn, woman, you are as resilient as a strong box." Masamune's voice huffed, "I'm starting to get really annoyed with your horse play." Megohime spat out what she could of the blood, her head still swimming from all the other blood she had been fed earlier. No more.. She muttered, trying to just inch away from him at this point. "But don't you want to be with me?" He asked, almost sounding hurt. Alone. "Don't you find me attractive?" What..? Megohime was confused, why was he worried about if she found him attractive or not? She rolled her head over to look at him, and even with her blurry vision, she could see him quite clearly.His eyes were the first thing she noticed, glowing blue like snow under the moonlight, his features sharp and almost feral, but yet still human enough to not be terrifying. She couldn t feel herself blush with how feverish she already felt, but the longer she looked at him, the more this odd feeling grew in her chest.Desire? Sadness? Why did she have such feelings for a man who had taken her from her home and done nothing but torment her for days on end? She turned her head away, closing her mouth before she could say the words that were on the tip of her tongue:yes. "I only bring the most beautiful of the villages into my be my brides." He said, "I just want to be loved." She didn't know if it was pathetic or admirable that his would admit such things to his prisoner. The most beautiful? At best she had always thought she looked average, no man had ever said something like that to her before. She felt tears of anger drip down her cheeks, now he was just making fun of her. Don t... Don t tell such blatant lies.. She growled out. "Why would I lie to you? At this point, I'm obligated to tell you all my truths." He stated, scowling softly. Why wouldn t you? She hissed. You ve kidnapped me, bled all over me and forced me to drink you blood, and now you want me to believe you re a vampire? They don t exist! She almost yelled at him. You re crazy! All you ve been doing is tormenting me, why wouldn t you taunt me!? His eyes shifted from blue to blood crimson in a split second. "Oh, I assure you, I amveryreal." Megohime s Head was spinning too much to be able to tell if what had just happened with his eyes was real or not. She groaned and closed her eyes, turning her head away once again. "You have enough of my blood in you that I can return in a couple days time to try again." He stated, "Rest up. Eat what Kojurou feeds you, he works very hard on those meals, he doesn't get to cook for anyone but himself." Fuck you. She muttered from her spot on the floor, laying limp like she was out cold, but she was still awake. As he said, Masamune left her alone for a couple days. Kojurou would come in and leave food and clean but then disappear for the rest of the day. Megohime spent most of her days simply laying in the corner of the room. She had tried to escape six other times, but each on ended up in her capture. Eating or drinking anything made her vomit almost immediately, leading to her simply not touching her food and water at all eventually. The door opened after another day or so it was hard to tell time here amd Masamune stepped in. "How are we feeling today, Megohime?" Megohime eyes looked empty, bags under her eyes and she just stared blankly at the wall. Her food was completely untouched, and she didn t bother to change into the fresh clothes Kojurou had brought as well, was his blood starting to take effect? He moved closer and gently touched her cheek, turning her head to look at him, "Megohime?" Her eyes came to life as soon as he touched her face, biting down on his hand and latching on firmly, anger in her eyes. He hissed and grabbed her roughly by her throat, slamming her into the wall, "Release me!" This only made Megohime bite down harder on his hand, blood oozing from between her teeth and dripping onto the floor, glaring up at him with hateful eyes. He growled in pain and his hand that was around her throat moved to pull her head back rougjly by her hair, digging his razor sharp fangs into the soft flesh of her neck and swallowing down her blood. Megohime let out a sharp gasp when he sunk his teeth into her neck, releasing his hand. Her entire body went rigid and she slumped back against the wall behind her, her inner thighs twitching. What was this feeling? Why did she suddenly become aroused at such a vile action? He loosened his lock jaw grip on her neck only slightly, pulling her against him and holding her almost tenderly. Her blood was the sweetest he had ever tasted in years, he couldn't stop. He could feel weak tugs at the back of his coat, Megohime making soft whimpering noises that progressively got louder the more he fed from her. Her breath was starting to come out as soft puffs against his neck, and soon her legs gave out from under her, the two of them sinking to their knees on the floor. Already she could feel her warmth aching to be touched, and it was like every one of her senses was heightened. She could hardly stand that he wasn t touching her, and soon found her hands wandering his body, head tilted to the side as she slowly rubbed her womanhood against his leg, rocking her hips back and forth with a steadily quickening pace. He pulled away and licked his lips free of her blood before kissing her deeply, shifting his leg against her aching heat. Her heart beat alone was driving him insane with lust and hunger, she was more beautiful than Iisaka ever was. She returned his kiss just as deeply, eyes closed and letting out a muffled moan of pleasure as she shifted and rubbed against his thigh, becoming almost desperate. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself flush against his chest, heart pounding in her chest. She numbly felt his hands work on removing her dress, moving to kiss her neck and lick up what blood was left oozing from her wound, "Perfect," He moaned lowly, "so wonderfully perfect, Megohime." Him saying her name seemed to only push her over the edge, pulling him on top of her as she laid back on the floor, desperately working on removing his own clothing, face flushed and eyes hazy as her hands worked at the buttons on his western clothing. He helped her remove his vest and work his belt before tugging her dress off and tossing it aside like it meant nothing. His cool hands ran over her bare skin, admiring her and trailing heated kisses down her body. Megohime felt his hands on her body, but everything was hot. She spread her legs for him and tried tugging him closer, whimpering softly. I need you.. Masamune.. She panted, one hand groping her own breast He smirked almost sinisterly, "Oh yeah ? What made you change your mind ?" Megohime only felt like she was partially conscious, her eyes fixed on Masamune's glowing red eyes as she rubbed her hand over her breast and let it trail down her stomach. I... Her mind was so foggy she could hardly think, why did she want him? Did she? What was going on?She didn t know, all she knew was she needed him. Please... She begged softly. He chuckled and moved to trail his kisses and nips down her body, moving her hand away slowly to kiss her trembling folds. Megohime squirmed in anticipation, reaching down to tangle her finger through his hair, tugging lightly on his hair, as if trying to speed him up. He found it amusing to see her so desperate for him now. His manicured nails trailed gently over her thighs as his tongue worked over her sensitive flesh, loving each twitch and squirm she made. Megohime bit into the fleshy part of her hand, doing her best to muffle the noises she made as his tongue toyed with her clit, one hand still keeping hold of his hair. It was like nothing she had ever felt before, she had never experienced pleasure like this. Sure, she had eased such frustrations on her own but never did she allow such intimacies with another person. She found it partially humiliating that she was allowing someone else to touch her so intimately, in a way that she had only touched herself before, but at the same time, she felt far too good to care. Moaning against her hand, she tugged again at Masamune s hair, this time a bit more sharply. He gave a disapproving noise and punished her by stopping, watching her with predatory eyes. She looked down at Masamune with pleading eyes, whining softly and shifting her hips. Please don t stop... She breathed out, her clit throbbing with need. He made a noise and went back to pleasing her, his nails digging gently into the soft skin of her hips as his tongue focused solely on her swollen clit. She wouldn t pull at his hair anymore after that, but she did still keep a hold on his long locks. When she finally came, her heartbeat was pounding in Masamune s ears, gasping and squirming on the floor in front of him. Such a lovely sound, like the hammering of a drum. He always enjoyed the different rhythms a human heart would beat to. It was soothing. He kissed up her body slowly as he worked at the last of his clothing."What would you ask of me, my queen ?" He asked in a low purr. His skin was cold against hers, but she found it alluring. Still trembling from her release, she leaned up to kiss him once more, deep and slow, only pulling away to speak. Take me.. Tossing away his trousers and what was left, he pressed the tip of his manhood against her entrance and entered her slowly. He was a gentleman, after all, and would allow her to adjust to him before making her truly his. Megohime let out a low moan, shivering and wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him close. Once she was fully adjusted to him, she nodded and kissed his neck, even biting his neck lightly. He purred and started moving at a rough pace, his movements hard and quick. His moans were low and almost sounded like growling, gravelly and hoarse. Megohime dug her nails into his shoulders as he thrust into her, murmuring his name against the flesh of his neck, moving one leg to hook it over his hip. He squeezed her thigh firmly and tugged her closer, pushing deeper into her and brushing against her spot. Her teeth and lips against his neck sent a thrill through him that he hadn't felt in so long, he loved it. As soon as he stimulated the special spot inside of her, she cried out against his flesh, dragging her nails down his back and biting down on his neck she was careful however, to not break the skin or draw blood, but enough to bruise. He moaned loudly and moved faster, an inhuman speed only he could manage. "Perfection," he moaned lowly, "You're so perfect, Megohime." With each thrust, Megohime seemed to go further into a frenzy, biting down his neck and shoulder, the scent of blood filling Masamune s nose. The wound on her neck had long stopped bleeding, but the blood he smelled was fresh. His fingers tangled into her hair and he pulled her head back gently to see if she had really broken his flesh with her teeth. There was no blood, her teeth were not sharp enough and she had not bit him hard enough. Though the scent of blood was heavy from Megohime, more specifically, between her legs. Was he being to rough with her? He stopped and kissed her gently, "Why didn't you tell me I was hurting you?" Megohime shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. I didn t want to disappoint you.. She said softly. He frowned and brushed her hair back, "Oh, my queen, you would never disappoint me...please forgive me for not realizing sooner." He apologized and kissed her gently. She kissed back, and after a few moments of simply being embraced by one another and gentle kisses, she urged him to finish. He was gentler this time, kissing her neck and running his fangs over her flesh. Before he finished, he pulled out of her, emptying his seed onto the floor. His breathing was heavy as he tried to steady it. Megohime laid under him, kissing his neck and shoulder gently, coming down from her own orgasm. I love you.. She muttered softly, gently wrapping her arms around him and holding him tightly. His chest ached and he held her tight against him, "And I love are by far my favorite.." They would lay there for what seemed like hours, and eventually, Megohime would fall asleep, breathing slowly and deeply in Masamune s arms. He moved and laid her in her bed, tucking her in and redressing before leaving her in peace. He made a noise, noticing a lack of a certain scent."I wonder where Kojurou went off to." He muttered. Kojurou was with Jin again, the two of them resting in her bed after making love this time with Kojurou as a human. Jin rested her head on Kojurou s chest, fingers intertwined with his as she listened to the fire crackling in the fireplace. The fingers of his free hand played with her golden hair, loving being so close to her. "I should leave soon, my master will come looking for me.." He said gently but made no motion to leave her. It was nice and warm under the blankets by the fire, Jin feeling a bit cold herself, but she stayed snuggled against Kojurou who ran hot. Just a few more minutes... Please..? She whispered, eyes still closed as she spoke, already dozing off. "Hai," he whispered, "anything you wish of me will be done.." He kissed her head gently and pulled her closer, squeezing her hand in his. Jin was soon asleep, signaled by the slow beat of her heart and shallow breathing, but she was still snuggled into the bed by his side. Her breathing always worried him, but she assured him she was faring well enough. He stayed with her, keeping her company longer than he thought he had."Shame on you, Kojurou." The werewolf's blood ran cold and he looked over sharply, spying the disapproving gaze of Masamune as he stood at the door."M...Masamune sama...!""A human? And a dying one at that? How low could you possibly go?" Masamune scolded. Jin didn t stir, didn t wake from her spot beside Kojurou, she simply remained asleep. She had seemed more fatigued as of late, the cold weather making it harder for her to breathe, so it didn t come as a surprise that she didn t wake when the two spoke at normal volume. "She could hardly do as a snack." Masamune stated disapprovingly. Kojurou scowled and held Jin tighter."You have your precious things, allow me mine." He stated lowly, hoping not to wake Jin. Masamune stepped closer and Kojurou tried shielding her with his body."If I see you around here with thissprigof a human again, I will have you chained to my walls for the rest of your cursed life. Am I clear?" He hissed softly. Kojurou looked distraught, heartbroken even, nodding."Hai..." He replied solemnly. Why? Why wasn t he allowed this one happiness? She accepted him without question, even when he came to her as a beast, she embraced him further. She loved him, and he loved her, why did it matter that she was a human, that she was sick? Why couldn t he have those few fleeting moments of happiness while they lasted?Jin s grasp on his hand tightened when he squeezed her, but she only shifted a bit, remaining asleep when her death was mere inches from her. "She's dying, Kojurou. You're wasting time and energy being with her." Masamune reprimanded. Kojurou frowned heavily, eyes even sadder now than they were before."But she..." He stopped and Masamune snorted."She what?Loves you? Don't be stupid. Who could love a beast like you?" Masamune scoffed. Kojurou lowered his head sadly."Please leave. I will be home soon." He muttered. Masamune made a noise and left the small home without another word. Kojurou nestled close to Jin and held her, listening to her heart beat gently. Jin slept comfortably beside Kojurou, pressed right up against him, she wasn t tense so why? Why did that lingering doubt of her falsified feelings still burn in his heart? She had embraced him so tenderly, holding him even as he cried in his monstrous form before her she still smiled at him, still looked upon him with warm eyes, still touched him with gentle hands. There was no way her love was fake, no, not from this woman. He ran his thumb gently along her cheekbone, frowning faintly he debated whether or not he should wake her to let her know he was leaving."Jin," he called gently, fighting his trembling voice, "Jin, I...I must return home..." Jin only stirred partially out of her deep sleep, looking up at Kojurou with tired eyes and smiling. Alright... Sorry for keeping you so long.. She muttered, reaching up to cup his cheek. Be safe. He smiled sadly, "Hai...I'll be back as soon as I can..." He assured before kissing her gently, "I love you.." She kissed back and laid her head on the pillow, already drifting off again. I love you.. She whispered softly. He moved out of bed and redressed, making sure she would be warm enough without him as he laid an extra blanket out over her. He kissed her head gently and left quietly, locking up with his spare key before returning to the castle. Masamune was waiting, as if he expected Kojurou to disobey, but seemed satisfied to see his dog come home. Kojurou s visits would quickly start to dwindle, and Jin seemed sad, but didn t bother him about the subject. The time they spent together was the same, they would eat together, garden together, and even make love and lay in front of the fire together.Soon however, Masamune was making it more and more difficult for Kojurou to go to see Jin, and soon an entire week had passed without him seeing her.Megohime seemed to be perpetually in a spaced out state, only coming to life once Masamune touched her it was rather strange, but she was eating and wasn t trying to get away anymore, which simplified things. Kojurou was miserable, wanting nothing more than to be with Jin while he still could. He was so scared to lose her because of her illness. He didn't care he was going to see her while Masamune slept through the day. He could protect her from him. The weather was gradually getting colder and colder, and soon snow was falling. All day, the only thing on his mind was Jin, and the feeling in his gut made him want to sprint through the heavy falling snow straight for her home. He hustled quite a bit, like an excited pup to see his owner after a long day. He just wanted to see her, to hold her and kiss her and tell her he would never leave again. The closer to her home he got, the more he could pick up her scent, making his heart ache in his chest, but something made his blood run cold blood. He could never forget the smell of blood, and it was heavy in the direction of Jin s home. "No..." He bolted as fast as he could to her home, ignoring the burning in his chest from the cold. Had Masamune gotten to her before he could protect her? No, there was no way Masamune had gotten to Jin, he was with him almost the entire day, he even brought him a meal that day.Rounding the top of the hill that led down to her house, the stench of her blood was the strongest, the wind carrying the heavy scent up with it, and down below, he could spot something among the snow. It was a body, covered in a layer of snow at the back of the house by the wood pile, golden hair peaking out from under the snow. "Jin!" He lost his footing a couple of times making his way down to her, pulling her out of the snow and wrapping her in his heavy coat as he tried to listen for her breathing and heart beat. She felt like ice, how long had she been there? It seemed like moment before he finally heard her weak heartbeat and wheezing breath. Her lips and fingers were blue, blood dripping from the corners of her mouth, and even when he picked her up, she didn t wake. Had she had an attack? He didn t see any wounds on her body, and by the smell of the smoke and the scattered logs by Jin, she had come to retrieve more wood for the fire and suffered an attack. Luckily it didn t seem like she wasn t out in the snow for too long, but long enough to make her lose consciousness. He brought her inside and laid her in her bed, keeping her wrapped up to regain her warmth before moving to feed the fire. He looked fir her medicine and steadily poured it down her throat as to not choke her. Jin went from completely unresponsive to slowly starting to shiver, gradually regaining color in her face and hands as she warmed up. After he finished pouring her medicine down her throat, she coughed a few times, her breathing slowly improving as well. "Thank God..." He whispered and moved to lay with her to give her added heat to leech off of. Jin felt so cold and small beside him, shivering violently and keeping close to him. It seemed like hours had passed as he waited for her to stir, her raspy voice breaking the silence. Kojurou.. She barely managed out. He exhaled in relief, holding her gently against him, "Hai...I'm right here, Jin...forgive me for being gone for so long.." Kojurou felt hot tears fall onto his arm, Jin holding Kojurou tightly and shaking. Y You came... Th Thank you... He kissed her head gently, "Of course I did...I couldn't bear such an empty bed any longer, nor the lack of your beautiful voice everyday..." Jin laughed softly, only to end up hacking and wheezing, but she only held onto him tighter. I missed you... as well. She said, and every time she breathed, Kojurou could hear a rattling in her chest. "Would you like some herbal tea...?" He asked gently, "I gave you some of your medicine while you slept. I was so scared when I found you in the snow..." She nodded slowly, pulling the blankets up to her nose. Please..? She rasped out weakly. He nodded and moved out of bed to make her some tea, glad he was able to get to her in time. She looked completely drained, face pale even though she had regained a more normal body temperature, and lips still tinged blue.She was breathing normally now however, so he would simply have to monitor her for the day, but still, what if she had another attack? Would he make it in time again to make sure she was safe before she perished? He didn't realize how tightly he was squeezing the tea cup until it shattered in his hand. He cursed softly and cleaned up the ceramic chunks quickly. He didn't want to think about not saving her. Jin was so tired and out of it she didn t even notice the cup shatter in Kojurou s hands, she simply remained bundled up on her bed, enjoying the warmth of the fire.He couldn t leave her out her again, not again, surely she would have another attack, and this time he wouldn t make it back to her. He had to do something, anything to ensure she wouldn t be lost to him. It would be stupid. So stupid that it put both his and her life at risk. But he didn't want to risk coming to see her and discovering her illness had taken her from him alone in the cold. He prepared her tea with a new cup and moved over to her, petting her hair gently."Jin," he called softly, "I want you to move into my home with I can take better care of you.." She stirred and looked up at Kojurou with tired confused eyes. Move in with you? She asked quietly. Will your master allow such a thing..? "I will handle my master. But the thought of losing you and never basking in your radiance scares me more than he does." He told her gently. He could see tears welling up in her eyes, and she reached out of the bundles of blankets to touch his cheek. I don t want to lose you either... What if your master doesn t wish a sickly woman in his home..? If I see you around here with this sprig of a human again, I will have you chained to my walls for the rest of your cursed life. Am I clear? Masamune s words rang clear in Kojurou s ears, making his heart beat faster. "I will make him see reason," he assured, "I just...I can't bear the thought of coming back and finding you in such a state again. Please do not make me witness that again." Jin frowned softly, but nodded. I will come home with you. She agreed, taking the tea and sipping it slowly, still having a bit of trouble breathing. He looked relieved, sitting beside her happily, "Thank you. I promise the move won't change anything. I'll keep you safe from my master." Jin smiled up at him. Surely he can t be that despicable. She said softly that was right, she didn t know that he too was a monster. "On a good day." He replied with a small smile, "My room is equipped with everything you would need so you won't have to leave. Please ask, however, if you wish to leave the grounds.." She nodded, now just holding the cup to warm her fingers. Of course, I wouldn t want to impose. She agreed, then took another sip of tea. "I hate to keep you cooped up like a bird..." He muttered, "But we'll be together at least..." She reached for his hand to give it a weak squeeze. I don t mind as long as you re happy. She said gently, weaving her fingers gently between his. He smiled sadly and squeezed her hand, "Your happiness is important as well, Jin.." Being with you makes me happy. She said and kissed his knuckles gently. I will fair just fine in your bedroom. He nodded and continued to sit with her, keeping her company and doing her house work for her as she rested. Jin dozed, coming in and out of a light sleep as the day went on, her breathing progressively improving until she was able to stand and move around on her own. He prepared her food and packed as many of her things as he could while she ate, needing to head back as soon as possible. I only need some clothing and my herbs. Jin assured him as she ate. I wouldn t want to take up too much space in your bedroom. "Ah, I have plenty of room for your things, I'm not worried.." He smiled softly. She nodded and finished up her meal, going to pull on a few more pieces of clothing for the trek back to Kojurou s home. He made sure she was properly bundled up to combat the cold before securing her bag and locking up with his key. He took her hand and smiled, "Ready?" Jin nodded and headed off up the mountain with Kojurou, keeping a firm grip on his hand while they walked, not wanting to fall behind or slip in the snow. It was quite the trek and he made sure to give her rest when she needed it before they finally made it to the castle. Jin was amazed that the home Kojurou had talked about, was in fact a castle. Amazing... You live here..? She looked up at Kojurou, still holding his hand tightly, the sun on the horizon. He nodded, "Hai. With my master and his wives." He replied. Jin blinked and looked to Kojurou, looking a bit startled. He isn t a Shogun, is he..? He shook his head, "No, though he is rather wealthy.." Ah, I see.. She nodded. Sorry I didn t mean to say such an awful thing, it was rude of me. "I didn't find it rude.." He assured as he brought her inside, "My room is also a bit of a walk.." Jin was panting a bit, but shook her head. I can make it.. She said, still holding tight to his hand. "I can carry you, if you like." He offered gently, "I don't mind." She looked a bit sheepish, a soft wheezing coming from her throat. Please..? She did look rather tired. He smiled and gently scooped her into his arms, holding her and her things securely, "Better?" He asked, his smile never seeming to fade in her presence. She rested her head against his shoulder, smiling up at him. Much... Thank you... He could still hear the wheezing in her chest, but it was slightly better. He carried her easily to his room where he politely asked her to open the door before stepping in and setting her down. His room was neither lavish nor simple he owned a large English style bed and a wardrobe for his clothes. He had almost tribalistic decorations littered in random spots however. Jin looked around his room in wonder, never having seen such decorations before. These are amazing.. She moved about his room looking over the room. What kind of bed is this..? "Masamune sama says it is a flock bed, it is framed with wood to keep it stable and is filled with wool. It is quite comfortable." He replied. Jin moves over to the bed, running her hand over the linens before looking to Kojurou. May I? She asked softly. He chuckled, "Of course, it's your bed now as well." She moved to sit on the bed and sunk into the plush bed, a smile appearing on her face. This is quite comfortable. She said, looking to Kojurou with sparkling eyes. "It retains heat rather well." He said, "It is unpleasant in the summer." She laughed softly. I imagine, sometimes you re warmer than the fireplace. He seemed amused as he unpacked her things, "I will assume that was a compliment." Very much so. She nodded with a smile. I quite enjoy how warm you are.. He blushed softly, "Thank you, I do not enjoy it sometimes but I'm glad to know you do." None It was a relatively quiet night, Masamune had gone off with Kojurou to hunt which wasn't too odd since Masamune enjoyed getting out of the castle every so often. Megohime was alone in her room, barely hearing the door open or rather not even acknowledging the noise and not looking up at the crowd of elegantly dressed and inhumanly beautiful women before her."So. This is the newest one." Iisaka sneered, hands on her hips, "What a homely little thing." It was another such night that Masamune had visited Megohime, the two making love and him feeding from her again afterword. She was exhausted every time after, always falling into a deep sleep.When the women came in, Megohime was laying out on her bed, hair and clothes still tousled from her earlier encounter with Masamune, fresh bite marks on her wrist and neck. She s pretty though.. Shoukoin muttered from behind her sleeve, peeking over Iisaka s shoulder to look at her. Look at all that hair.. Shinzo muttered, but was scowling still. Why is Masamune sama hiding her away though? Why is he paying more attention to her? "She's offical, look, he took from her wrist." Oyama lamented, looking heartbroken, "Do we bore him?""It isn't a secret how fickle a man Masamune sama is." Hosshouin stated factly. Iisaka didn't look very impressed."Maybe he's hiding her here because she's nothing more than a gutter whore." She hissed. Shoukoin made a face. I don t know, she doesn t look like a street whore... Her skins nice and she doesn t smell like disease... Iisaka, how could you even think so low of Masamune sama that he d even look at a common whore for anything other than a meal? Shinzo hissed. "BecauseIwas a common whore, Shinzo." Iisaka snarled, glaring heatedly. Oyama got between them."What are we going to do about her then?" Shinzo snickered behind her sleeve and turned her head away. What do I care? It was Iisaka s idea to come down here anyway. Have her think of something. Shoukoin gasped and moved behind the bickering girls. She s awake! Megohime indeed was awake, staring at the group of girls with a blank look, not saying anything or even bothering to sit up. "You. Gutter rat. Why are you here? Why does Masamune sama have you holed up in this room?" Iisaka demanded. Megohime s eyes slowly moved toward Iisaka, scarlet eyes piercing into her, but she said nothing, simply stared with bored eyes before rolling onto her side with her back to Iisaka. Hosshouin snickered behind her hand and Iisaka fumed."Shoukoin, bring me the shears. We're going to tame that mane of hers." Shoukoin looked nervous and she fidgeted nervously. Won t Masamune sama, be mad..? Just do it, Shou. Shinzo snapped and the younger hurried off to get the shears, hurrying back and handing them to Iisaka.Shinzo had no personal grudge against this new woman, but the way Masamune paid special attention to her bothered her. Iisaka moved and grabbed fistfuls of Megohime's hair, cutting it roughly and uneven with the shears, dropping the clumps on the floor. As soon as Iisaka touched Megohime, she came to life, thrashing and swinging her clenched hands wildly, fist smashing into Iisaka s cheek.Shinzo laughed and Shoukoin gasped in shock, but Shinzo moved over, grabbing one of Megohime s arms, trying to pin her down to the floor. Oyama! Pin her other arm! "O Ok!" Oyama moved over quickly and grabbed Megohime's other arm. Iisaka was stunned momentarily before she came back with a raging vengeance, cutting Megohime's hair choppily below her ears. Megohime struggled and kicked still, letting out a feral scream as all of her beautiful long hair was cut from her head in some spots it was even cut mere inches from her scalp, cut short like a boys, and soon there was barely any hair left on her head. Even after that, Megohime continued to scream and thrash, even spitting at Iisaka. Iisaka dropped the shears and hit Megohime over and over, "How dare Masamune sama treat you better! He's ours, do you understand?! Leave Masamune sama alone!!" Shoukoin grew concerned when Megohime stopped struggling and fell limp. I Iisaka... I think she s had enough.. She piped up, Megohime had one swollen eye, but the other was far away again, like she was going to pass out, nose bloody and lip split. Iisaka stepped away, struggling with the smell of blood, "Let's go. I think she understands." Her nose was gushing blood, and she was fading in and out quickly, the other women hurriedly letting go of her arms and following Iisaka out of the room. Masamune wouldn't be back for a while, and when he did return Iisaka tried to keep him from seeing Megohime. Megohime didn t try to get up, head spinning and ears ringing, that Iisaka woman hit a lot harder than she looked able to. She only laid on the ground where she was left, curled up on the floor. "Get off me, Iisaka." Masamune shoved her off his arm and Iisaka frowned."But, Masamune sama, you hardly spend time with us anymore.." She whined. He huffed."I do as I please." He stated and stalked to Megohime's room. The closer Masamune got to Megohime s room, the stronger the scent of her blood was in the air, alerting to him she was bleeding. He went from stomping to sprinting down the hall, moving into her room quickly and becoming quite alarmed to the state she was in, "Megohime!" He moved over and held her gently, carefully wiping away the blood. Hot tears flowed down Megohime s face when Masamune picked her up, her unfocused eye becoming clear again. Masamune... She whispered softly. She wasn t in terrible shape, but she was bleed profusely from her nose and mouth, and her head was covered in lumps and bruises, eye swollen shut. Her cut hair was scattered about the room, barely any of it left on her head. "God, your beautiful hair..." He lamented, "And your beautiful face, did Iisaka do this?" Megohime gave a small whimper, nodding and blinking away a tear. Gomenasai... Gomenasai... "No, don't apologize, you're fine, my queen..." He said softly, "I will punish Iisaka severely for this deplorable behavior." Th There were others... they held me down.. She blinked away more tears. I m not fit for your eyes anymore..! I m hideous..! The whole of his wives ganged up on her? Disgusting. They should know better than this."You aren't hideous in the slightest, my love...I will punish them, don't you worry..." Megohime gripped the front of his shirt tightly, holding onto him like she would die if she let go. Please don t leave me..! He frowned and moved to get comfortable. "All right, I'll stay right here." He assured. Megohime seemed to relax a bit when Masamune lake down with her, holding onto his sleeve tightly and staying close to him. "Your wounds will heal in a day or so..." He told her gently, "I'm sorry this happened to you.." She shook her head slowly, closing her eyes. Just promise me you won t ever leave me... Don t leave me alone.. She whispered. "Never...I'll keep you beside me until time itself stops.." He assured. A soft smile tugged at Megohime s lips, and she rested her forehead against his chest, staying with him until sleep overtook her. Kojurou made sure Jin was comfortable as she slept, keeping her bundled up so she would stay warm. Jin had fallen asleep waiting for Kojurou to return from hunting, curled up on his bed amongst the soft pillows. Her breathing and heart beat were normal from what Kojurou could hear, and she only smelled very faintly of blood now. At least her risk of attacks had lessened since he started keeping better watch of her. He brushed some haor gently from her face before removing his clothes and climbing into bed with her. When Kojurou crawled into bed with her, Jin shifted and moved closer to Kojurou, making a soft noise. Okaerinasai... She mumbled softly. He smiled softly and held her tight against him, "Tadaima..." He whispered, "Sorry to have woken you.." She opened her eyes and smiled up at him, shaking her head. I m glad you did... I wouldn t want to miss you.. He chuckled softly and kissed her gently, "Go back to sleep, I won't go anywhere.." She nodded and laid her head on his chest, holding his hand to her lips and kissing his knuckles gently. He smiled ever faintly and gave her hand a gentle squeeze, dozing off with her in sweet contentment. The year was 1506, and off the coast of Shikoku lived a young man in a nearby fishing village, an orphan, living on his own since his tender years, one with a love of the sea that certainly didn t go unnoticed. He sat in his little fishing boat, his wild snow white hair pulled into a ponytail as he did his fishing for the week. Any time he caught a turtle or a form of sealife that wasn't meant for his net, he would return it. He grew up with the tale of Urashima, the fisherman who was brought to the Dragon Palace after saving a sea turtle. He had done this for years, hoping for an emissary to appear, and he was close to giving up. Motochika always felt like there were eyes on him, but whenever he looked around, he never saw anyone.That day as he was fishing, the thought crossed his mind that maybe the stories of Urashima were just that stories then he felt the tides shift beneath him and the soft splash of water. Had he caught another turtle in his net? He sighed and leaned over to grab the net and start to pull, "Alright, ya git, let's untangle ya. If it's you again, Yama, I'm gonna be real pissed." What Motochika hauled up out of the water wasn t a sea turtle, but a woman, blinking up at Motochika with curious eyes. For a moment, she looked like a regular human girl, but the longer he stared, the more she didn t look human. Her skin had a blueish tint to it, and scales peppered her flesh, as well as two small fins protruding from her head were her ears should have been. He stared for a moment. And then a moment longer. Before it finally clicked together what he was staring at."Are...Are you from the Dragon Palace...?" He asked softly, blushing faintly. She was stunning, hair like squids ink flowing freely in the water behind her, features gentle and grey eyes glued to him. She nodded before speaking up, voice sounding like the gentle lapping of waves. Yes, I am Nanahime, and I ve been sent to thank you for saving all of the friends of the sea. She said softly, golden scales glittering in the sun. She seemed shy, ears lowered against her head and her voice almost too quiet to hear. He could hardly contain his joy. "I can't believe it...! Are we going to go to the Dragon Palace? I'm so excited, I've only dreamed of this day...! I didn't know the emissary would be such a beautiful princess...!" Her eyes widened a bit and her ears twitched at the word beautiful, blue cheeks flushing.She took a moment to collect herself before holding out a hand, small sharp nails and webbed fingers. W We can go as soon as you re ready.. He blushed and nodded, gently taking her hand, "I was practically born ready, hime sama.." Nana pulled Motochika overboard and into the water, and before he could even registered what she was doing, she had cupped his cheeks and kissed him. The kiss only lasted a moment, but when she pulled away, he felt light. Not only light headed, but his entire body felt light. He gasped sharply and struggled as if he would begin to drown, but stopped when he realized he could breathe normally. "Whoa..." He muttered, face flushed brightly. The Dragonion only offered him a smile, a lot smaller than she looked before he entered the water, and he did notice that he didn t seem to be floating back up to the surface, simply staying where he was under the water. He also noticed however that she was hardly wearing any clothing, only a knee length, thin transparent fabric dress, the fabric luminous like a jellyfish. He blushed even more and took her hand again, "Sh Shall we continue to the Palace?" She nodded and held his hand tightly before she started to swim down toward the inky abyss below them, and soon it seemed like they would swim all the way into the underworld, but soon Motochika could make out a light, then two, then three. Before him was a large palace beneath them, it was like nothing Motochika had ever seen, the palace looking like it was made from carved shell and bone, lined with pearls. "By the Gods..." He muttered. He could hear music playing and could smell food on the water current. They made it to the castle gates in minutes, and both of their feet touched the cool sea floor, Nana letting go of his hand and walking foward like they were on land, though her hair still flowed behind her like she was actually submerged. Come, Father is waiting. She said gently. He nodded quickly, trying to look around as much as he could. When the entered the main hall, there were lady dragonians dancing and entertaining many guests, some human and others members of the dragonian court. At the head if the room sat an elderly man dressed in fine cloths and gems from the sea, a chair beside him sat empty more than likely for Nana."The king...!" Motochika gasped. Nana stopped before the throne and bowed to the king, motioning to Motochika. Father, this is the man from Shikoku who has rescued countless sea turtles among many other of our cherished sea life. The king gestured Motochika closer and he scampered to bow at the king's feet."You are very kind to do such a thing young man." He said. Motochika flushed."My intentions were rather selfish, however.." He admitted. Nana moved from behind Motochika and took her seat in the chair beside the king, who easily dwarfed the both of them. "I had heard the story of Urashima, who was brought to the Palace after saving the emissary, a sea turtle who was tortured by a group of children...I have loved the sea all my life and knowing there was an even more beautiful part of it I had to see it and experience it for myself." Motochika said, "Now that I'm here, it seems selfish.." Motochika saw Nana lean up to whisper in the Kings ear, something about the hundreds of sea life he had saved, even going so far as to watch over the newly hatched baby turtles while they made their crawl to the sea, shooing off wild dogs and birds that would have made a meal out of them. The king nodded knowingly, "Indeed, it was a rather selfish desire to save so much life just to be invited into our home. Though so much life was spared that we cannot turn a blind eye to such deeds. Therefore you are welcome here for as long as you wish.""Thank you so much." Motochika bowed deeply. Nana sat back in her chair, using her sleeve to hide her mouth, cheeks flushed softly as she gazed at Motochika. He moved to go enjoy the food and dancing, entranced by the beauty of it all. Nana watched Motochika with her own entranced gaze, heart beating in her chest as the voice in the back of her head urged her to go to Motochika and invite him to dance, so she did. Standing, she moved over to Motochika as he devoured the many different plates of food set out which strangely wasn t soggy even being underwater and offered her hand to Motochika. Would you.. like to dance with me..? She asked softly. He looked up, mouth full of food and eyes wide before swallowing it all and grinning as he took her hand. "I would be honored." Her cheeks flushed and she pulled him along to where there where a few people and Dragonions were dancing. Nana s movements were fluid and graceful, and she led Motochika along to the music that was being played, a small smile on her face as the two danced. What s your name? She asked. "M Motochika desu.." He stammered as he tried to follow her movements. Her cheeks were red at this point, and upon noticing he was struggling to keep up with her dancing, she slowed down a bit, offering a shy smile. You don t need to worry about dancing.. Just have fun. "Ah, gomen, I'm not used to being so close to beautiful women." He grinned sheepishly, "I am having a lot of fun, though." Are there no beautiful women where you live? Nana asked curiously, ears perking as she looked up at Motochika. He blushed, "Women find me unapproachable..." Unapproachable..? She echoed, brows furrowed. Why? "I'm intimidating...I'm a lot more, how do you say,robustthan a lot of the men in my village...they fear I'm actually an oni in the guise of a human.." He answered Oni are nowhere near as handsome as you, what a foolish thought. Nana spoke before she really thought about what she had said, face and ears flushing as she looked away. F Forgive me.. He flushed and smiled, "Thank you...I never thought I'd live to hear a woman compliment me like that before." She offered her hand again, cheeks still red. Would you still like to dance? He took her hand and smiled, "I'd love to.." The two danced for what seemed like hours, laughing and having fun, eating and wandering the grounds of the palace. "It's so beautiful here.." He said as he walked around with her, "And I can stay here as long as I want...?" She nodded. Of course, we can provide a place for you to lay your head at night, food to eat when you re hungry You re welcome to stay as long as you please. "Will I still get to spend this much time with you...?" He asked shyly She looked down at the floor as they walked, ears burning. O Only if you wish... I may be busy at times... but I will do my best. "Then I want to stay as long as I can.." He said, squeezing her hand gently. Nana smiled softly and gave his hand a squeeze back. I I think I ll like that.. She said softly. He smiled widely and continued to walk with her. For days they spent as much time as they could dancing and feasting or even just sitting outside the palace to have some peace as they enjoyed each other's presence. He couldn't be happier than he was then. Nana slowly grew more open and comfortable with Motochika, her shyness slowly leaving her with each day that passed. I m still amazed you were able to name every turtle you saved. She laughed softly, covering her mouth with her sleeve as the two sat in the underwater sea garden. He scratched the back of his head sheepishly, smiling fondly, "Yeah, they all mean well. Yama, though! He's got some barnacles in his brain for sure boy is always getting caught in my nets." Nana couldn t help but laugh more. Perhaps He is in love with you..! She teased. He just can t stay away..! "What an odd turtle, to fall in love with someone like me." He grinned, "I'm hardly marriage material." That s not true at all Motochika..! Nana protested. I think you re quite wonderful for a human! The most wonderful human I ve met! He flushed, "I don't think you talk to many of the humans that get invited here...I'm the only human you really know..." He said, "N Not that that's bad! I know you're timid around new people! I didn't mean to sound so insulting!" She didn t seem to mind his second comment, but the first one bothered her. Are the others here mean to you? She asked, staring up at him with an intense serious look on her face. "N No, no everyone is very kind here..." He said, "I mean...I know that some of them glare at me when I'm with you but I don't care...I love being near you..." He said. It saddened Nana to hear the others glared at Motochika, he was so kind, so why?He felt Nana s hands on his and she squeezed them tightly. I enjoy your company more than you can know! You have so many stories to tell, and you re kind I love being with you too, Motochika..! He blushed heavily and slowly laced his fingers with hers, "That makes me really happy, Nana..." He muttered, "Arigatou..." Nana smiled softly, blushing brightly. The time you ve spent here has been the happiest time of my life... She admitted. He hesitantly moved closer, "Do you mean it..?" Nana nodded, looking very embarrassed, but at the same time delighted. Yes..! You re very precious to me, Motochika..! "That means so much to me, Nana..." He muttered, "I don't know what to say.." Nana moved forward and leaned against his chest, resting her forehead to his collarbones she was flushing up a storm, but held onto his shirt regardless. He hesitated before gently tilting her chin up and slowly leaning down to kiss her. She allowed for him to kiss her, she wanted him to, her grip on his shirt tightening as she kissed him back, her kiss soft, much like her lips. He released her hands to wrap his arms gently around her waist, bringing her closer against him. Nana moved her hands up, one cupping his cheek and the other gripping his shoulder as she kissed him deeper, and with more need. His hands moved over her hips slowly, grasping them gently and pressing his hips against hers. Nana made a small noise against his lips when he pressed against her, a spark of excitement coming to life within her. He pulled away and apologized quickly, blushing brighter than coral, "I I should have known better." Before he could even finish his sentence, Nana leaned back up to kiss him, pulling him down and cupping both sides of his face her kiss was deep and passionate, and most of all, loving. He made a soft noise and gently wove his fingers into her hair, holding her tight against him as he kissed back just as passionately. Their kisses would only grow more and more hungry for one another, Nana s hands wandering Motochika s chest and soft noises of delight escaped her, their kisses becoming sloppy even. He pulled back slightly, lips hovering over hers, "Do you want to continue this somewhere more private?" He asked huskily. Nana nodded, eyes half lidded as she looked up at Motochika. Yes.. My bedroom isn t too far.. He took her hand and smiled like a giddy child, "Lead the way " Nana held his hand tightly as they moved through the castle grounds to her bedroom, where she pulled Motochika inside, closed the door behind him and resumed kissing him once again. He kissed back with a sudden hunger and lifted her up easily, arms flexing and bulging as he carried her to her bed. Nana wrapped her legs around his waist and ran her hands along his jaw, then down to his chest. She pushed her hands under his shirt to touch his abdomen and chest, face flushed. He laid her down and ran his rough hands carefully over the small patches of scales along her body under the sheer fabric of her gown as his kisses trailed to gently suck on the base of her throat. Nana let out a weak whimper, feeling the unfamiliar feeling of pleasure building slowly in the pit of her stomach, enjoying the feeling of his hands on her body. His hand trailed farther up as he continued to kiss and suck on her neck, giving soft sounds of enjoyment. Soon his hand found the soft mound of her breast, and her heard Nana gasp as his fingers brushed over her nipple, making her squirm beneath him. He fondled her breast slowly, savering her sounds, only to jump out of his skin as the door was forced open and the royal guard flooded in with spears pointed at Motochika as he scrambled away from Nana. Nana quickly scrambled backward, fixing her clothing and looking around in shock, face now flushed out of embarrassment. Wh What s the meaning of this..!? Lower your weapons..! "Be still, Nana." The king commanded as he stepped in, "I will allow many things in my palace, but the claiming of my daughter by a human let alone a peasant is not one of them." Her face went red when her father came into her room, and she quickly looked down at her lap. H He s a good person.. "He is not fit as a lover." The king fumed, "He would rather take and abuse my hospitality. He is banished.""B Banished?" Motochika repeated. No! Nana shot out of bed, looking horrified at the thought of Motochika leaving. I was the one who kissed him! He s done nothing wrong! "He tried to claim your body, he crossed the line!" The king sneered."Nana," Motochika sounded hurt but he was smiling softly, "It's ok...I enjoyed my time here while it lasted..." No...! Tears pooled in her eyes and she shook her head. Please father, don t banish him..! She begged. "It's either banishment or death, Nanahime." The king stated firmly. Nana paled at the thought of Motochika being executed, quickly shaking her head and relenting. Fine... Please don t kill him.. She said softly, not able to look at her father or Motochika. The king nodded and the guards pulled Motochika roughly out of the room where they took him to the porpoise that would take him to the surface. Nana was inconsolable, refusing to speak to anyone, even the king and even going so far as to lock herself in her room. "Hime sama..." Her handmaidens were worried, "Please let us in." There was no answer, door locked and furniture pushed against the door, but Nana wasn t in the room. The window was left open and the princess no where within her chambers.Nana had left through her window, only returning to the castle to retrieve a small silver box, then head for the surface if Motochika couldn t remain with her at the palace, she would go to be with him. Motochika sat in his dingy little boat, infested with wood rot and covered in barnacles, hugging his knees to his chest. He hadn't realized he was in the Palace for so long four centuries had passed in the days he had spent with Nana. His little fishing village was now a small city, the people he had known long dead. Nana surfaced and looked around, spotting the barely floating boat Motochika was in and swimming toward it. Motochika! He looked up slowly, eyes distant as he watched her approach."Nana..." He sounded so frail, "They're dead...everyone's's all village, it's...gone..." Nana only swam up to the edge of the boat, afraid that if she even touched it, it would fall apart. She frowned softly and felt a pang Of shame in her stomach. I m sorry... I should have told you time was different in the palace... Please forgive me. She said, lowering her head in shame. "My's gone...all I have is this boat...I'm thankful it was not used for scrap, but...I would probably find more peace if someone else had fond use of it..." He muttered, "I...I don't know what to do, Nana..." Let s explore this new world then. Nana offered. I promise to stay by your side and support you in anything you choose. She said. "But the palace?" He frowned, "Won't you miss your home? Your friends? Your father?" She reached up to take his hand, offering him a gentle smile. I will, but living without you isn t something I want to experience. She said gently. He blushed faintly and squeezed her hand, "Alright...let's go.." He said gently. It took them a bit to return to shore, and once the two were on the sandy beach, they found it much more desolate than Motochika remembered.Nana had only her dress and a small bag, inside something with sharp edges, the both of them dripping wet, but Nana would need different clothes her skin was blueish and covered in scales, and her dress hardly hid her nude form. Motochika looked away out of respect, "So what's in the bag?" He asked Nana touched the lump in the bag as if assuring herself it was still there. It s something very important, it s a box, and it must never be opened, no matter what. He glanced at the bag, "How come...?" Her hand rested on the bag for a moment longer before she gave a sad smile. I ll die if you open it.. She said softly. His eyes widened, "What?! Why?!" You just have to promise me you ll never open this box, please Motochika. She said, clutching her bag tightly. "O Ok, I promise..." He replied, looking concerned. It s relitivly secure, so it can t fall open, but it must never be opened, no matter what. She said. He nodded, "Ok...I'll be sure nothing happens to it also.." She gave a nod. Shall we continue on our way? I ve never been on land before, but I m excited to see what it has. "Ah, I hope it doesn't disappoint you. I haven't been here in a while." He smiled. Nana shook her head and offered Motochika a wide smile. It ll be exciting all the same. He felt at ease and nodded, "Let's get going then.." He said gently and headed off. Nana followed after him, looking around in awe at the bustling little village, full of fish markets and other delicious smelling foods. Of course Nana and Motochika got quite a bit of attention, Motochika towering over them all and startling them with his white wild hair, and Nana with her scales and barely any clothes. The villagers whispered quietly amongst each other as the two passed by them, Motochika trying to ignore the odd or hateful stares they recieved. He felt nore anxious than he had ever been in his life as they made their way out of the village that was once his home. Nana didn t understand all the hateful looks and sneers she and Motochika received, looking up to Motochika as they walked. Have they not heard of the Dragonion people? "The Dragon Palace is no more than a fisherman's tale from what I remember." He saod gently. She frowned softly, but nodded. Oh, I see.. She was quiet for a moment before looking up at him once again. What is wrong with my clothing? He suddenly turned bright red, "P People can see through your clothes, that's all..." She still didn t look all too concerned. Is that bad? I noticed our clothes looked different from the humans up here... "My clothes are 400 years out of date.." He smiled, "But yours are almost indecent...people will think you're a..." He stopped and leaned closer to whisper, "a concubine.." Nana looked embarrassed. How would I look like a concubine? This is just a dress! "People can see through it, they can see your body under neath.." He said bashfully She still didn t understand, mortal humans were strange. What if I changed my clothing then? "It would be better.." He said, "I could find you something else, something light..." He assured. She gave a nod, actually looking excited. I ve never worn human clothing before. She grinned. He smiled softly, finding her excitement endearing, before looking around the market stalls to see what he could find. There was a simple blue yukata with koi fish on it and he moved to purchase it, only to find his money was no longer worth anything. With a sigh, he went to a different stall and offered his fishing compass, which the merchant was happy to have "such a well kept antique". With that money, Motochika was able to get Nana the yukata. Nana looked over the yukata with wonder in her eyes, holding it up before simply putting it on over her clothes from the palace, unsure of how exactly she was supposed to wear it, for human clothes had to be quite different from her own. "Ah, no, you have to take off your palace clothes.." He told her gently, "But not here in the open, you have to find somewhere private to change.." She nodded, looking around for somewhere to change, before she spotted the public bath, which she had some trouble reading the sign as the characters were a bit different from the ones from home, but close enough to understand.It only took her a few minutes to change, coming out holding her palace clothes and in her yukata, though it was tied like a mans, she had figured it out relatively well. He looked and smiled, "How does it feel? Is it comfortable?" He asked. She smiled back and nodded, looking over her yukata. It s beautiful, I ve only seen a small handful of these but never with such a pattern. "I'm glad.." He smiled and offered his hand, "Shall we continue?" She nodded and took his hand with a firm grasp, following after Motochika in her new clothing, tucking her palace clothing into her bag as they continued. They headed out of the village and followed the path, Motochika looking around at the wildlife that had sprouted up over the centuries. "It's a lot more beautiful than I remember it being.." Nana couldn t help but wander a bit and get distracted by all of the beautiful wildlife, picking flowers and stopping to watch birds or butterflies in awe, always making sure she at least was in sight of Motochika. He would stop when she was no longer beside him and keep a close eye on her to make sure no one tried to steal her or nothing came out to attack her. She was almost like a child seeing the world for the first time, excited by every big and creature she saw, picking every different type of flower she could get her hands on and giving them to Motochika, happy to simply be out in the world. Her smile was wonderful, eyes sparkling with delight every time she looked at Motochika. He felt his heart flutter with each smile and enjoyed seeing her happy. As they continued up the path, a group of bandits stopped them by blocking the way."Well what do we have here ?" One asked. Motochika pushed Nana behind him protectively, glowering at the men."We don't want any trouble." Motochika said. Nana peeked out from behind Motochika at the men, never before having any malice or violence pointed toward her, she didn t completely understand the situation, but remained mostly behind Motochika all the same. Shit, look at her face it s blue..! Another pointed out when he saw Nana. "The hell kinda woman has blue skin?" Another looked disgusted."A woman with blue skin is still a woman.""Agreed. We haven't been with a woman in a while ""You will not lay a hand on her." Motochika sneered. Motochika..? Nana tugged gently on his shirt, brows furrowed in confusion. What s going on? Thats right, down in the palace she was surrounded by good people, by guards, by her own kind up here was everything the good and the bad, of course she d never experienced something like this before. "We just wanna show you a good time, sweetheart " They moved closer and Motochika launched at them, throwing punches left and right to protect Nana."Nana, run away!" He yelled before being overrun. Nana wouldn t get the chance to run, immediatly being knocked to the ground and pinned in the dirt. She cried out in pain as she was treated roughly, bag being yanked off her shoulder. Looks like they have some money after all, look at this silver box! The man chuckled as he looked over the small box, making Nana panic. Don t touch that! Motochika moved over quickly to try and grab the box away from them, only to be smacked in the face with a blade. It cut over his left eye, immediately destroying the ocular tissue. Nana saw the blood run down Motochika s face and her eyes widened. Motochika!! She got back to her feet and rushed toward him.The man let Nana run toward Motochika, trying to pry the silver box open to see what goods were inside, but it wouldn t open. "Get away!" Motochika hissed before the men grabbed her and pushed her down to force her yukata open. Motochika thrashed to get free, only to get stabbed in the shoulder. His blood was the only thing she could focus on, the only thing that mattered, eyes glued to him as she laid on her back on the ground. She didn t feel the man on top of her, nor the hands on her body, she only stared at Motochika in horror, the man on top of him twisting the blade in his shoulder. Motochika... close your eyes...! She begged. Please don t look..! He didn't argue, he shut his eyes tight to fight the immense pain in his shoulder and to obey her request. Nana felt shame and embarrassment burning in her chest, but it wasn t from the man on top of her, in seconds her form began to shift and pop, her scales covering her body completely as it expanded and elongated into a massive blue serpent with a wild white mane. The man was no longer on top of her, but on the ground before her, and before he could let out a scream, she snatched him off he ground and bit down hard onto him, crushing him between her sharp teeth. "Wh What the fuck?!" The man sitting on Motochika scrambled away quickly, the rest of them following his lead as they made a run for their very lives. Nana brought her tail down on two more men, crushing them easily, and before the third could take a step further, the moisture in his body left through his mouth, leaving him as nothing more than a whithered husk that toppled to the ground.Once every bandit was dead, Nana returned to her humanoid form, completely nude now.Stumbling to Motochika she knelt before him and carefully pulled the sword from his shoulder, tears running down her cheeks. You can look now.. He opened his good eye and looked up at her, "Nana, your yukata..." Her lower lip trembled and she hung her head. I m sorry. She whispered. I destroyed it, it was a precious gift and I ruined it. She wept. "Are you ok? Is your palace gown safe?" He asked gently, "What about the box...?" The box had completely left her mind, looking over quickly and spotting the glittering box not too far off, still sealed shut. It s safe.. And my dress is too, but Motochika you re hurt..! She moved closer and touched his cheek gently, looking over his damaged eye. He kept his left eye shut, both from pain and to keep what was left of it in the socket, "I'm shoulder hurts like a bitch though..." Nana didn t know what to do, she had never been hurt like this before, sure she had cut herself on coral when swimming, but never before had she seen a wound this deep. She moved to where the remains of her yukata was, picking up the strips that were big enough and moving back to Motochika, carefully wrapping his wounds. She just barely had enough to wrap his head and shoulder, glad he wasn t hurt anymore than he already was. We have to go back to your village, you re hurt. She said as she quickly retrieved her silver box and put her palace clothes back on. He sat up and made a noise, "They won't help a total stranger." But you re hurt! She looked frustrated and confused. Why would they turn you away to suffer? "It isn't my home anymore, Nana, they don't know me.." He said, "We can go and see what they can offer.." Nana took Motochika s good arm and helped him along back down the path toward the village, crying the entire time out of fear for Motochika s wounds. Somebody! Please help us..! She called as they made it back into town, Motochika s shirt soaked in blood. Everyone looked over and some returned their gaze to what they were doing while a good handful of young men came to help Motochika, whose breathing was growing heavy with effort. Please help him! Nana pleaded to the men, following after them as they took Motochika to a nearby building to sit him down. "We'll do what we can." One told her calmly as the others went to work looking over Motochika's wounds and cleaning them to treat them. Nana nodded and bowed her head to them. Thank you..! Thank you..! They used different herb pastes and linens to wrap his shoulder and eye, "You're going to have to stay a while before you can get back to your journey, but you'll live." He told Motochika. Nana was relieved to hear Motochika would be alright, standing by his side and squeezing his hand tightly. What about his eye? She asked worriedly. "Completely useless." He said and Motochika didn't seem to bothered by the news. It could have been worse. Nana looked down, fighting tears but nodding regardless. Thank you so very much. She bowed again to them. You saved his life. "So...there is a matter of payment..." One began nervously. Motochika glared with his good eye."We have nothing in terms of payment." He growled gruffly. Nana frowned, she had nothing to give these men, she had not a single coin with her, she d never needed money before. I I don t have any money either, I m sorry, I can t pay you. "Those scales are rather lovely..." They moved closer to Nana and Motochika pushed passed them to stand protectively before Nana."You won't get a single one from her." He sneered. Nana felt that same twinge of fear in her gut when the bandits stopped them, looking down at the scales on her arms. If... If I give you some, will you allow us to stay and rest for the night? "Nana!" Motochika argued. But the men nodded."As long as you want." Motochika, it s ok, I can spare a few scales if it means you get to rest on a real bed and not outside. She said softly, offering him a smile, but it was nervous. They ll grow back anyway. "But..." He looked deeply bothered by this, "A...Alright..." Nana wouldn t let Motochika be the only one to sacrifice something, he gave his eye trying to save her, it was only fair if she gave something up. Wincing with each scale she pulled free, she paid the men with three thick, glossy scales, leaving a raw patch on her arm. They waved the two off as they left and Motochika laid back on the cot he was taken to, sighing heavily. Nana sat beside Motochika on the floor, eyes downcast and a soft frown on her face, guilt in her eyes. I m sorry. She said softly. You got hurt because of me. "I got hurt cuz I was careless...I haven't thrown blows in a long time..." He said Nana put her hands on Motochima s good shoulder and rested her head on his chest. Thank you for fighting for me. She whispered. He blushed and gently pet her hair, "I would do anything for you, Nana...I love you.." I love you too, Motochika.. Nana said back softly.Two weeks would come to pass, and with each day, Masamune s harem insisted Megohime was putting a wedge between them and Masamune, pushing them further and further apart, but without any proof, Masamune ignored them. Megohime s hair had grown out a bit, but not much, and her bruises had healed completely.For the time being she was sleeping in Masamune s room with him and his harem was sleeping in the guest bedrooms. Masamune couldn't believe how silly Iisaka and the others were being. Megohime didn't change how he felt about all of them he loved and cherished each and every one of them. Surely all of this would blow over soon enough and the other girls would accept Megohime into their group.One day when returning from hunting with Kojurou, both of the men could smell the overwhelming scent of blood. Many bodies worth of blood by the smell of it, and by the stench, it was thrall blood. "Oh God..." Masamune strode with purpose, moving quickly through the halls as he followed the stench. Kojurou stayed close behind, it was unlikely it was an intruder but he could never be too sure. The smell was heaviest in the direction of Masamune s bedroom, and the second he opened the door he was witness to the aftermath of the blood bath before him.Megohime was on her hands and knees on the floor, drinking ravenously from the severed stump of Iisaka s neck, absolutely drenched in blood and touching herself. Her clothes had been partially torn away from the fight she had been in, but she had little wounds.Every last wife was dead, shredded and dismembered, and it was more than clear Megohime had fed from them all. She sat up when Masamune came in, a drunk look on her face as she licked the blood from her lips and fingers, not bothering to stop pleasuring herself. Masamune sama She purred. You re back His whole body tensed and stiffened harder than it ever had in his life. His eyes widened in disbelief and horror." killed them all..." He was genuinely lost for words, "Why...?" Why? She echoed, removing her hand from her nethers and standing. Because they were in the way. She said as if it were a fact. They did nothing but bicker and fight and none of them were worthy of you, all picked off the streets, whores or peddlers daughters none of them truly mattered. Her red eyes seemed to glow with madness and lust as she spoke, slowly moving closer to Masamune. "They mattered to me!" Masamune suddenly shouted, his heartbreak now fury, "I loved them!" She stopped in front of him, a soft frown on her face as she cupped his cheeks with her bloody hands. But I thought you loved me? He grabbed her wrists roughly and jerked them away, not wanting her to touch him with the blood of his late wives on her skin. "I do!" He yelled before calming down slightly, "I do...I love you very much, Megohime...but they were important to me as much as you are...they all had a charm about them that I loved...that's why I brought them here...that's why I saved all had something I cherished and loved that I wanted to preserve..." He lowered his gaze, "I'll never see Iisaka smile...or hear Shoukoin laugh...or watch Oyama dance or lavish in Hosshoin's beautiful art work...Shougo's samisen will gather dust and Shinzo will tell me no more stories...I will miss them deeply..." Megohime s expression never changed, she only looked happy to see him. I can do all of those things for you I can do them all and more, you ll only need me from now on. With his nerves settling down and the smell of blood surrounding him, he couldn't really deny her or her truths, "But...they meant a lot to me..." He muttered. Kojurou had to keep his nose covered to fight a horrible unyielding urge to hunt. Jin would be kept up all night because of this. Megohime gently pulled him closer, cupping his cheeks once more. That s why I consumed them, now they re a part of me, forever yours. He hissed softly and pulled her tight against hin, kissing her deeply as he held her. Kojurou left the room in a hurry, neither of them noticing or caring. Megohime closed her eyes as she kissed back passionately, pushing off Masamune s coat and working on the buttons of his vest.Jin had been woken by the terrible sounds of screaming, but just as Kojurou had instructed, she stayed in his bedroom, too scared to venture out regardless, and too spooked to return to sleep alone. He tugged off her dress roughly, kissing each inch of flesh revealed to him.The door opened quickly and shut as soon as Kojurou entered, his breathing slightly labored."T...Tadaima..." He greeted, voice strained. Megohime backed up and pulled Masamune onto the bed with her, Masamune on top as she pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it away, allowing him access to every part of her body.Jin moved over to Kojurou, a concerned look on her face. Kojurou, what s the matter, you look pale, are you alright? She asked, looking him over for any physical wounds. Masamune groped her and pet her as he nipped every ounce of skin he could get to, huffing and moaning lowly as he went."F Fine, I'm fine...there lot of blood. I'm rather worked up and tense and need to relieve the stress." He said, voice low and gruff. Megohime gasped at every touch, senses heightened from the blood more than likely shifting and squirming beneath him, but soon she would tire of his slow progression. She brought her knee up, pressing it slowly into the growing bulged in his pants, rubbing her knee against him.Jin frowned softly, not quite understanding the anguish he was in, but knowing of it. Kojuro has explained to her what the scent and sight of blood does to him, and upon a few more conversations, an arrangement was met. What can I do to help you? She asked gently. "Patience is a virtue, Megohime." He teased gently, moving to remove his pants for her as his fangs danced gently over her flesh."I...though my hunt is finished, I need another rigorous activity to release my tensions." He answered before pulling her against him and kissing her gently, "This may sound very vulgar and I apologize will you mate with me to ease my stress?" I m not very virtuous.. Megohime muttered back, enjoying the feeling of his fangs on her skin over her stomach, her hips, her breast it made her own teeth ache.Jin flushed lightly, but nodded, cupping his cheek and kissing him back before pulling away slightly. Of course, I m already yours aren t I? She asked softly. He pushed his pants aside, now fully nude over her as his long nails ran over her skin slowly as he kissed down her body.He nodded, "Yes, forever and always...I will try to be as gentle as I can...but just being close to you makes my blood pump harder.." Megohime spread her legs for Masamune as he moved lower and lower, resting her head back on the bloody sheets, closing her eyes.She nodded, untying the sash to her yukata and shrugging off her clothes, letting them fall to the floor as she stepped closer to Kojurou, leaning up to kiss him once more. His thumb circled her clit slowly as he kissed and nipped her inner thigh, wanting to tease her a little before diving straight in.He kissed back, his large hands roaming over her body slowly. He started shaking as he tried controlling himself, but he was slowly losing his sense of self. She gripped the bedsheets tightly, biting her lip and shifting her hips to press herself more firmly into Masamune s hand.Jin gently pet his cheek with her thumb as she kissed Kojurou, resting one hand against his chest, making a soft noise as he got slightly forceful. His fingers teased her slowly as his teeth and tongue played with her thighs, finding her squirming to be adorable.He picked her up easily and laid her on the bed, not breaking the kiss for a second, even as he undressed. He felt a slight tug at his scalp as she pulled his hair, looking down at Masamune with hungry eyes. You re slow.. She growled softly.Jin allowed Kojurou to move her as he pleased, helping him undress, unbottoning his trousers and undoing his belt. "I enjoy taking my time." He growled back, "Is that a problem?"He pushed aside all of his clothing, ignoring his aching need as he worked on preparing her his thunb circling her clit as he pushed two fingers slowly into her womanhood. She smirked and released his hair, petting it and smoothing it away from his eyes. Only a bit Jin gasped softly when he pushed his fingers into her, squirming and gripping the sheets, face flushed as she savored the feeling. He snorted playfully before moving to no longer waste her time, running his tongue almost greedily over her clit.He pumped his fingers slowly as his trailed kisses and gentle bites along her neck and shoulder, small huffs and moans sounding from him. Megohime squirmed and shifted her hips, running her fingers through his hair again, inner thighs twitching in excitement. Kojurou, you don t have to restrain yourself so much.. I ll tell you when I ve reached my limit.. Jin said softly, wrapping her arms around his neck. He cocontinued, his nails caressing her twitching thighs.He pulled back slightly and looked down at her, "Are you sure...?" Megohime felt her thighs twitching more and more the more Masamune paid attention to her sensitive bundle of nerves. Masamune.. She breathed out, toes curling in pleasure.Jin nodded cupping his cheek lovingly, offering a soft smile. Positive. He didn't stop, instead made a noise to acknowledge that he heard her.He nodded and left little bite marks along her skin as he pumped his fingers in and out of her. Megohime climax came fast, finding the overwhelming smell of blood intoxicating and she had already started herself, Masamune simply finished her off. Her back arched, trembling and gasping softly.Jin gasped and dug her nails into Kojurou s back, tilting her head back, her heartbeat starting to race. Masamune pulled away once he cleaned her up and made a soft noise, "I doubt you're satisfied with only that "Kojurou growled lowly, her racing hear not at all helping his urges. He wanted to stay human, if he changed then Masamune would suspect something. Jin loved him in both forms, he knew that, but he wanted to stay this way for her. Megohime pulled Masamune up to kiss him roughly, kiss deep and passionate, making her answer quite clear.Jin pressed her forehead against Kojurou s shoulder, panting and gasping as her climax steadily came closer and closer. K Kojurou.. He moved and pressed his aching manhood against her entrance, "Let me know if I hurt you this time, alright?"His thumb pressed against her clit slightly more only to add more friction as his fingers pistoned in and out of her. Megohime bit his lip gently, then kissed him once more. Enough talk already. She growled out impatiently.It was too much for Jin, with the weight of Kojurou on top of her, and the attention at both of her most sensitive spots, she came. Her heart could be heard clearly hammering in her chest , breathing heavily. He huffed and pushed into her roughly, moaning lowly and sitting still for a moment before he began moving his hips.He removed his fingers and kissed her as he hovered over her, trying to keep his weight off her. Megohime raked her nails down his back and bit into his shoulder, giving her hips a few encouraging thrusts as he went.She panted softly, resting her arm over her forehead and taking a moment to rest. I m ok.. She nodded. Masamune moaned lowly as he moved, his thrusts picking up slowly and steadily."Do you wish to continue?" He asked, gently petting her hair. Megohime held tightly to Masamune, kissing along his shoulder a bit before biting down on th junction of his shoulder and neck, sucking gently.She nodded. Yes, we can continue.. She said through soft pants. He moaned lowly, gripping her hips as he moved roughly, not trying to hurt her but more adding friction to his movements.Kojurou nodded and gently pushed her legs open before positioning his cock at her entrance. He took a breath and began to push into her, moaning lowly as he gripped her thighs tight. Megohime bit down so hard she actually drew blood, licking it up slowly, soft moans escaping her every so often.Even in his human form, Kojurou was rather girthy for her, making her gasp at the feeling of him filling her up completely, but still finding that odd feeling of pleasure at the same time. He hissed and pulled her head back by her hair, biting down on her throat with his large fangs, not drinking a drop as he moved away to let the blood drip from the wound.He buried himself fully inside her, his muscles tensing slightly as he savored the tight heat wrapped around his girth. He wanted to wait but couldn't, it felt so good he moved his hips slowly but there was still a good bit of power behind his thrusts. The wound leaked blood at a steady rate, Megohime touching the wound on surprise, then looking back to Masamune. As if accepting her fate, she licked her own blood from her fingers, then kissed Masamune deeply.Jin has to grip the mattress to keep herself steady, mouth open slightly as Kojurou pushed into her again and again. He moved faster, harder, needing her blood to pump as hard as it could to drain at a decent pace.He bit and kissed her neck as he worked his hips, pumping in and out of her with his usual firmness. He huffed and puffed, fingers digging into her thighs as he held her legs open. Megohime s movement would gradually slow, become weaker and weaker as more of her blood drained from her body, and soon, she could no longer keep herself upright. Laying limp beneath Masamune, she struggled to keep her eyes open, her breathing shallow as she stared blankly at the wall.Jin winced at the pain of his nails biting into her flesh, but only held herself close to Kojurou, gasping softly and closing her eyes, a tension building in her gut. Masamune bit into his wrist and held the wound to her lips, stopping all movement, "Drink, my queen..." He pleaded softly, "Drink and bind to me for eternity..."He loosened his grip, noticing her tension and muttering a soft apology against her flesh as he pushed deep enough to reach her special bundle of nerves. At first Megohime did nothing, and it would seem he was too late, but then he felt her tongue against his wound. She swallowed the blood with effort, then closed her eyes her blood flow steadily slowing until her heart beat its last.Jin s back arched and she let out a strangled moan, nails digging into Kojurou s back once again, gasping out a soft assurance to him as she kissed his shoulder. Masamune sat very still for the longest time, waiting for any sign of movement from her.His hair started to become unkempt, falling in his face as sweat coated his brow. He reached between them to rub her clit, wanting her to be completely satisfied. Megohime didn t move at all, laying perfectly still, bloody lips parted slightly, but no breath passing them. Had she consumed his blood too late? Had she swallowed it at all?Jin pulled at the sheets beneath her, gasps coming more quickly the more he pleasured her, finally reaching her orgasm with a soft cry. Masamune gave a soft noise and moved to lay beside her, holding her tight.He snarled lowly and tried not to be any rougher with her, his body shaking as he tried to keep in check. He was even closer now to his climax. Jin took one of Kojurou s hands and held it gently, leaning to kiss him as her orgasm finished, now waiting for him to be satisfied. Kojurou grunted and moaned as he squeezed Jin's hand gently, moving almost desperately before pulling out and spilling his load all over the bed. Jin pulled him close, kissing him gently and holding his head to her chest, petting his hair back into place. He held her and nuzzled her affectionately, his breathing slowly evening out, "Are you ok...? Did I hurt you at all...? Was it enjoyable...?" She shook her head, smiling softly and stroking his hair and neck slowly, kissing his brow gently. You did fine. She assured. And it s always enjoyable. She laughed softly. He gave a small chuckle, "I just want to be sure you're comfortable.." I m more worried about you. She ran her fingertips gently along his jawline and up to his cheekbone. I wouldn t want you to end up biting yourself again. He made a soft noise of understanding, "I haven't done it in a while, however.." She smiled and cupped his cheek gently. I know, and I m glad.. She whispered softly, enjoying laying entangled with him. I don t like seeing you hurt. "And seeing you hurt would cause me an unending grief...which is why I will do what I can to protect you..." He said softly, his fingers gently curling around a lock of her golden hair. You do a wonderful job. She said, closing her eyes and resting her head against his. He mumbled a soft thank you as his adrenaline settled and he started drifting off. The next day was rather dull as usual, so when Kojurou brought Jin her lunch, she had requested they eat outside for a bit.Jin sat enjoying the sun, having just finished her lunch and letting it settle, Kojurou not too far off as she sat in the grassy field just outside the estate. Kojurou kept as close of an eye as he could on her, not wanting her illness to flare up. He kept alert of their surroundings, ever vigilant to protect his master's property. Jin wouldn t stray too far, always making sure she kept within Kojurou s sights as she moved along the grass, stopping to collect small flowers to take back inside with her the sun on her skin a wonderful feeling. "It's rather lovely out today." An unfamiliar voice said from not so far away. It was a middle aged man with greying hair, dressed in a rather elegant kimono with a sandogasa. The man startled Jin, not having heard him come through the tall grass toward her. She looked to him and offered a small smile, though a bit nervous. It is. She agreed was he one of Masamune s underlings? Kojurou said mostly everyone stayed inside the estate regardless of time of day, but what other reason would this man have for being there? "How is it that one from the moon can stand to be in such glaring light?" He asked, "More importantly, in the home of such monsters?" She felt her blood run cold, and the flowers she had in her hands scattered to the ground. She turned to run from the man, eyes wide and lips parting to call for Kojurou. He moved much faster for someone of his age, slapping his hand over her mouth and pulling her into a choke hold. She struggled hard, but she was far too weak compared to the man who had grabbed her. The last thing she remembered was blood pounding in her ears before everything went black, and she fell limp in his arms. Kojurou had looked away for a second. Just a second, he thought. There was no way Jin could have gotten so far away so quickly. Had he not been paying attention? Was he so comfortable in his own abilities and the sanctity of Masamune's home that he didn't think anything could happen? He was so foolish, taking his gaze away from his frail lover and losing her. What was worse was the wind had changed, taking her scent away from the castle rather than towards it. Kojurou was in a panic, trying to locate where Jin had gone. The only trace of her ever being there was the left over plates from lunch and the scattered flowers in the field, on which was the heavy scent of fear. What had happened to her? Where had she gone? Why was she afraid in the moments leading up to her disappearance?Jin woke in a bed, on her side with her hands bound behind her back, but nothing else was restricted. She looked around slowly before struggling to sit up, not familiar with her surroundings at all. "Good evening, hime sama..." The man from before greeted calmly, "Please excuse my previous rudeness, but this is the only way that I know would lure Katakura to me." Jin turned to look at the man from earlier, not having seen him the first time she looked around. A soft frown fell upon her face lure Kojurou? Why would he want to do such a thing, who was he? "Pardon my lack of manners. My name is Matsunaga Hisehide. Please," he moved and untied her, "allow me to show you around my home. You deserve an explanation." She sat where she was, watching Matsunaga with cautious eyes, fear clear on her face. She was in his home? "Come now, please." He offered his hand to her, giving a disarming smile. That same icy feeling returned to her veins, and she did as he was asking of her, hesitantly reaching out to take his hand and stand, trembling like a leaf. He led her out of the room and took her through his home. The hallway was decorated with various weapons and trophies, some of which being pelts from animals she didn't recognize. They entered into a much larger room and nausea immediately consumed her. Large taxidermied bodies of slain werewolves lined the walls on trophy mounts. No wolf was the same, each different and more lovely looking than the last. It was so tragic to see them displayed with such lack of compassion. She immediately sunk to her knees, hand over her mouth to hide her gasp of horror, and to help bite back the bile that pooled in the back of her throat. She sat there, eyes scanning over each werewolf in horror, praying silently that she wouldn t see that familiar black brown fur of Kojurou. She relaxed slightly when she didn t see it, but still couldn t tear her eyes from the awful display. You re a monster. She whispered. He glanced to her in confusion, "A monster? Hardly. They are the monsters, my lady." He replied, "They go through different moon phases to rape and murder anything in their path. I am doing a service by ridding the world of their plague." She couldn t look at him, couldn t look at the stuffed creatures before her any longer. They re people too! She argued. They have feelings and family..! "Who told you such nonsense? Katakura? You have undoubtedly seen his true monstrous form. He is the most dangerous of all. I must destroy him and mount him with the others." He said coldly. No! She stood with a wobble, tears staining her cheeks. It s true I ve seen him as a beast but he is not a monster! He is kind, and worries for me, cares for me, and loves me and I him! She argued. Love? He hadn't taken that into account. He moved closer and pulled something from his sleeve, placing a small metal object in her hand. It was cool and smooth against her palm. Jin s brows furrowed and she immediately shoved the object back into his own hands, not out of pain, but confusion. Her palm was unscathed, not a single mark on it. Do not touch me. She said, taking a step back. "He has not tainted you." He remarked, returning the silver to his pocket, "Interesting.." The moment he looked away to return the silver into his pocket, Jin dashed for the door, heading back the way they had come and down the hall to find freedom. Matsunaga didn't seem to take kindly to that. In fact, he chased after her easily and grabbed her before pushing her to the ground."Don't be rude. I need you to bring Katakura here." Jin struggled beneath him, clawing at the floor and whimpering in pain, knees and elbows scraped up. I won t..! I won t let you do that... horrible thing to Kojurou! "You won't have to do anything..." He said and pulled her upright, playing with her hair gently. She felt physically sick that he was touching her in such an intimate way. Smacking his hands away, she crawled backward against the wall. I won t help you... I won t help you kill the man I love. "You've already begun to, my lady.." He said, "The sun will set soon...he only has so much time." She shook her head, hot tears pouring down her cheeks. He won t... won t come. She shook her head, praying that he wouldn t come. "You would like to think so, wouldn't you..?" Matsunaga pulled her up and dragged her back to her room. Jin followed after him, stumbling along the way as she struggled to keep up with his stride. Once she was left alone in her room, the only thing she did was pray, pray Kojurou would stay away from her and keep his life. As the daylight faded, a heavier feeling of dread fell over the area dark murderous intent drifted through the air. Kojurou was growing closer and closer. Jin prayed the whole time she was there, knowing all too well Kojurou would come no matter what. She sat on the bed in the room, tears rolling down her cheeks, shaking in fear of Kojurou s safety. A nightmarish howl echoed outside the building, the foundation shaking with hard heavy footfalls. Jin felt her heart plummet into her stomach. No.. She moved to the door to open it, wanting to give Kojurou some sort of warning. As she opened the door, she was pushed back in, Matsunaga advancing on her and pulling her close to kiss her. Jin s eyes widened in shock, and she stood frozen for a moment before shoving back from Matsunaga, trying to break his grasp on her, face bright red. What are you doing..!? "If I die here, I want to cement an heir. I can pass on with such a comfort." He said beforr pushing her down on the bed. An heir? What was he talking about? Where did this come from? No! She twisted beneath him, managing to get onto her stomach as she tried to struggle out from under him. He pulled at her dress, pulling the top down as best as he could before pushing the skirt up. He was much stronger than she was. When he exposed her, he found deep scars down her back and buttocks, some new and some old she struggled harder and let out a scream, calling out for Kojurou over and over. Matsunaga didn't get as far as he liked with her screaming so much. He grabbed her hair and forced her head into the pillow but it was too late. Rapid footfalls were thundering louder and louder to the room before the door was thrown splintered from its hinges. Kojurou lumbered tall in the form of the beast, the lights of his sockets burning an angry red. The sight before him only made them glow darker. Jin was sobbing at this point, still fighting against Matsunaga even when he pressed her face into the pillow. She clawed and kicked, her sobs muffled and wracking her body, still begging for Kojurou to save her. Matsunaga pulled the flint pistol from his sash and pointed it at Kojurou but even for being as old as he was Kojurou was muchmuchfaster. He grabbed Matsunaga's arm and threw him off Jin with such force that it ripped his arm from his body. Jin scrambled to her feet the moment Matsunaga was thrown off of her, clinging to Kojurou without bothering to fix her dress that still hung off her shoulders. She clung to his fur, weeping and shaking. You came..! You came..! "Of course I did..." Kojurou strained through his shaking voice, "I would never leave you in harms way..""Disgusting," Matsunaga snarled through his agony, "how vile for you to desire such a beast." Kojurou snarled dangerously, his muscles tense and hard. Jin has had enough of Matsunaga looking down on others, while he himself was a vile creature. Kojurou may be a beast, it s true, She wiped her tears away, fixing her dress as she looked over her shoulder at Matsunaga, hate in her eyes. But you re the monster here. "He didn't claim you, did he?" The very notion made Kojurou angrier, "His scent is soaked into you." She lowered her head, the scent of shame radiating off of her clearly to Kojurou. He kissed me. She said quietly. The lights in his sockets suddenly burst into huge orbs of flame, his head snapping to Matsunaga before shooting toward him at break neck spead. Matsunaga managed to fire off a round from his pistol into Kojurou's stomach before the beast began tearing into him, biting into his throat and ripping it out as his claws tore shreds into him. Jin looked away, covering her ears to keep from hearing the flesh be torn from bones, waiting for Kojurou to finish. After a while, she felt the odd head of his skull against her arm. He was covered and caked in blood, his breathing ragged, but his eyes were no longer red and angry. Jin turned a bit, but not fully, not wanting to see the carnage behind her. Taking her hands away from her ears, she looked at Kojurou with tears in her eyes. Can we go home now..? She whispered. He gave a soft nod and moved so she could climb onto his back. "We'll soak in the bath if you like...though I may reek of dog.." He said with a smiling voice. Jin climbed onto his back as carefully as she could, holding on tight to the fur of his scruff. The smell of dog is the least of my concern right now. She said with a soft laugh. A chuckle rumbled in his rib cage as he headed home quickly on all fours. The forest rushed passed them as he moved, the ride smooth as if she was riding a horse. She could barely see Masamune's castle in the distance. The ride was amazing, almost like she was flying over the forest floor, cool air harsh against her face she rested her face into his coarse fur, closing her eyes and feeling his footfalls as they went. They made it back in no time and Kojurou moved to where his bedroom window was, "Please hold on very tightly." He said and his claws fit into small holes that scaled the stone to his bedroom. Jin did as she was told once again, holding tightly onto Kojurou as he climbed, not daring to open her eyes and look down. He climbed all the way up easily, pushing the window open and hauling his massive form through the frame and lowering himself to the ground so Jin could climb down, "Shall I prepare the bath...?" She nodded, shivering a bit from the cold of the night. Please? She asked softly. He lumbered to the connected wash room, filling the European styled clawfoot bathtub with warm water. It was huge, probably specially made per Masamune's request for when Kojurou was stuck in his beast form. Definitely big enough to fit the both of them comfortably. Jin entered the bathroom after Kojurou, removing her clothes and setting them aside to be washed for later. Her knees were scraped up and bruised, but other than that, she was unharmed. He climbed into the tub first and the water rose considerably from his mass, almost reaching the rim before he shut the water off. He hunkered down and made sure she had room. Jin climbed in after him, the tub overflowing a bit and spilling onto the bathroom floor, but that to seemed to be accounted for, a drain on the floor ridding of the water quickly as she leaned back against Kojurou. His claws ghosted over her skin gently, his slick ashen tongue moving over her shoulder affectionately. Jin relaxed in the hot water, closing her eyes and allowing him to touch her as he pleased.Megohime had been sleeping for what seemed like weeks, but it was only a few days, and when she did wake, not only did she awaken as a vampire, her appearance had changed too. Her hair had grown back and then some, red eyes glowing deeply, and her skin a ghostly pale. Masamune hadn't really slept a whole lot since he gave her his blood fully, worried if she would ever wake again. It made his chest ache. Megohime sat up slowly, long raven locks falling over her shoulders as she did so. She had been cleaned up and redressed, laid in a clean bed in another part of the castle. Climbing out of the bed, her feet met the cool floor, a sharp pain in her stomach, and her throat bone dry. Masamune opened his eyes slowly and lifted his head slightly, "She's up..." Megohime ran her long nails along the door frame before opening up the door, stepping out and looking around. She felt as though she had waken from years of sleep, still a bit groggy and in a trance like state. "Megohime..." Masamune's voice rang as clear as crystal to her right, he stood a few feet away with a gentle expression. Megohime turned to Masamune, the same dreamy look on her face as she moved to him, embracing him tightly and letting out a soft breath. My love.. He held her tightly, running his fingers through her soft hair. "I was so worried I would never hear your voice again.." He said softly. She held tightly to him, tears falling onto his shoulder. I m so hungry.. She whispered, unable to control her tears. He took her hands gently and kissed her head, "Come, we'll find you a meal or two...I have so much to teach you." He told her gently as he lead her down the hall. Megohime followed after Masamune, holding onto his hand tightly. Am I a vampire like you now..? She asked softly. He nodded, "You are. We are united as one forever." This only quickened the flow of her tears, but these were out of joy, smiling softly to expose the points of her fangs. She had no words to express her happiness, finally, she could be with Masamune, completely his, now and forever. "My blood pumps through you, shared and combined with yours. Nothing will part us for as long as we exist." He told her as they left into the cool midnight air. Megohime felt her cheeks grow hot at his words he was forever inside of her, and nothing would change that. Of course, my beloved. "You'll have new urges now. You'll constantly crave blood to live. It is important that you do not go out on your own unless I or Kojurou are with you. And you must try to contain yourself, control such needs to feed regardless of how strong they may be." He told her. She nodded, figuring he had reasons for all of the rules he was putting in place. Where are we going to feed..? She asked softly. "We'll find someone old or dying and feed from them. To be honest, I am not used to actively finding my own food." He smiled sheepishly. The day Akihime had met Amaya, she could ve easily mistaken her for a Yuki Onna snow white hair and skin with icey blue eyes an albino her father explained she would be staying with them from that point on, the young woman looking no older than fifteen or sixteen, standing beside her father with downcast dead eyes, silent as winter itself.She wasn t going to be her mother, but she would be caring for both Yoshitsugu and the house. Akihime was confused at first a woman bound to her father but not taking on the role as her mother was odd to say the least. But she didn't mind. This Amaya girl was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen, and her mother was exceptionally beautiful from what she remembered. She tried to get Amaya to play with her when she wasn't with Yoshitsugu but it was difficult. She didn't know what Amaya would like to do, she was too old for toys and Akihime was still learning to paint and write. She didn't want Amaya hating her. Amaya mainly seemed to be busy with her father at night times, but she was called away to him during the day on occasion. She was quiet and polite, tending to her father and the daily chores, cooking and cleaning, and when Akihime worked up the nerve, she would play with her. She was rather reserved, and seemed almost flat in personality, but she never got upset with Akihime, even when she spilled her paint on the floor. She simply offered a soft smile as the girl cried in fear her father would find out, cleaned it up, then took responsibility for it.When Akihime asked to play dolls with her, the woman who s name she learned to be Amaya almost seemed delighted to, like she never had before. She would make tea cakes for Akihime, paint with her, and even make clothes for her dolls no matter what, her eyes would always go blank the moment her father called her to his bed chambers however.She often had Akihime tag along with her when she went to the wash room to do laundry, telling the young girl stories of beautiful princesses, and horrible beasts. She tried to help Amaya with the laundry, folding the robes and kimono sloppily as she listened to Amaya's stories."Did the samurai manage to escape the jorogumo, Ama nee?" She asked excitedly. Amaya smiled softly, she would simply refold the clothes later on. She nodded her head, hanging up wet clothes to dry on the clothesline. He did. He saw through her beauty, and smacked her with his sword, sending her running back to her lair. She said, enjoying telling her stories. She wiggled in place, trying to do a decent job folding everything, "Is she lonely? Is that why she tricked him?" No one truly knows for sure, some say she is a vengeful she spirit who hates men, others say she simply wishes for love. She explained, straightening out the wet yukata she was hanging up, wringing the remaining water from it. You don t have to worry much, Akihime dono, she has little interest in wonderful little girls. She smiled softly. Akihime blushed and lowered her gaze, fidgetting shyly, "She could change her mind...Mitsunari says there are a ton of youkai who would love to have me as a snack..." Amaya blinked and stopped her work, moving to crouch beside Akihime, petting her head gently. Pay no mind to Mitsunari dono, he s only teasing. She said gently. "He doesn't sound like he's teasing..." She muttered before she gently grabbed Amaya's hand, "Are you a youkai, Ama nee? Otou sama says you're an al...all..." She stopped and huffed, unable to pronounce the word, "but you're pretty like a Yuki Onna...if you are, I won't tell...! I promise...!" Amaya chuckled softly, taking Akihime s hands in her own and kissing each palm. I m but a human, just like you. She said, gently clasping Akihime s hands in her own. "I think you're too beautiful to be human.." She muttered bashfully, "More beautiful than Okaa sama was..." Something wet and warm fell onto Akihime's hand, and Amaya stared at Akihime with a shocked expression. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she stared at Akihime, before quickly wiping away the tears. I doubt I m more lovely than your mother. She whispered softly. "Can I be honest with you, Ama nee...?" She sounded sad, her expression ashamed, "I don't even remember what Okaa sama looks like...anytime I try to remember, I only see your face..." Amaya cupped her cheek, fighting fresh tears. It s ok, that s nothing to be ashamed of. She said gently. I have a hard time remembering my mother s face sometimes too. She admitted. It doesn t change your love for her. "Did I make you sad...?" Akihime whispered, "I'm sorry, Ama nee...don't cry..." She shook her head, putting on a brave face and smiling for her. You don t make me sad, Akihime dono, not at all. She took her hand and stood. Come, while the clothes dry let s have some tea and a snack. She wiped away the last of her tears, turning to lead the girl toward the kitchens. She held Amaya's hand tight, feeling like she had hurt her feelings for complimenting her. Now Amaya wouldn't want to play with her anymore."Amaya." Mitsunari's voice called from down the hall and he gave her a look that told her to follow. Akihime frowned and held Amaya's hand tighter."Don't go..." She pleaded softly. Amaya stopped in the hallway, looking to Mitsunari before looking to Akihime, crouching slightly to look at her at eye level. I ll only be a moment, I just need to see what Mitsunari dono needs Why don t you head to the kitchen ahead of me and pick out the tea you want me to make? She placed one hand on top of her head, smiling softly. She bit her lip but nodded, her geta clicking gently as she headed off toward the kitchen to wait for Amaya. Amaya stood and followed after where Mitsunari had disappeared, already standing in wait in his bedroom, door still open. She bowed her head slightly to the teen, keeping her gaze down. Did you need something, Mitsunari dono? "Get in bed." He ordered, pointing to his futon, "Remove your kimono." She felt her face heat up, and she looked up at Mitsunari in shock. Mitsunari dono... I I belong to your father.. She protested, clearly embarrassed. "A whore belongs to everyone." He stated firmly, "Remove your kimono and get in bed." She lowered her gaze and gave a small nod. Yes, Mitsunari dono. She said quietly, working at the obi sash, letting her kimono fall to the floor, crumpling into a pile before moving to the bed. She laid back on the bed as she was told, laying on her back and glancing to Mitsunari. "Hands and knees, away from me. I don't want to look at you." He stated as he began undressing. Of course, why would he want to look at her? Skin the color of a frozen corpse, eyes cold like ice. She obeyed him, moving onto her hands and knees, head hanging as she stared down at the pillow beneath her. Soon she felt him over her, the head of his member pressing against her entrance before he began pushing into her. He was not gentle, and she didn't expect him to be. It was painful at first, gripping fistfuls of sheets and clenching her jaw, but soon her body provided the lubrication needed to lessen the pain.Soon soft grunts turned into small moans, pulling at the sheets and slowly letting her upper body sink into the blankets. She found it easier if she made herself enjoy the experience, always falling back into the make believe she always did when pleasuring men she was pleasuring her lover, the man she loved with every ounce of her heart, a handsome, kind man who saved her from her life at the brothel. After a while, she felt like someone was staring at her but the gaze didn't come from Mitsunari. It came from the door, smaller more innocent eyes watched her with heartache and betrayal. It was Akihime, her amber hued eyes locked on Amaya as if the older girl had ripped her heart from her chest. The illusion was broken, she was back with Mitsunari in his bedroom, still working to pleasure men she didn t want to. M Mitsunari, stop, A Akihime..! She tried to pull away from him, getting back onto her hands and knees, eyes wide as she stared at Akihime. How had she forgotten to close the door? Why had the girl come back so soon? Mitsunari only pushed her back down and glared at his adopted sister, "Get out of my room, you stupid child! I told you you weren't allowed here!" He shouted. Akihime looked like she was going to cry before she moved over quickly and tried pushing Mitsunari off Amaya."Get off her, Mitsunari! You're hurting her! She's bleeding!" Tears burned in Amaya s eyes, shame heavy in her chest as her face was pushed back into the pillow. Please Mitsunari, she shouldn t see this..! She begged, ashamed Akihime saw her in such a degrading situation. Mitsunari shoved Akihime back and moved to grab her only to have the child bite his hand. He cried out in pain and stumbled back as she moved quickly and grabbed Amaya's hand, tugging hard to get her to follow."Come on, Ama nee!" She panicked. Amaya stumbled forward off the bed, but didn t go far, falling to her knees and clutching Akihime s hand tightly. Akihime... It was clear she was fighting tears. You shouldn t be here, you should go to the kitchen. She whispered. "You were taking too long!" Akihime argued, "Come on!" Amaya bit her lip and looked down at the floor, not moving an inch. Please leave, Akihime dono. She said softly, her tone firm. Akihime was already super upset with Amaya and Mitsunari to the point where she let her anger and betrayal consume her. Her hand flew out and struck Amaya across the face without thinking. "Fine! Do what you want! You don't care about Otou sama so ! So I don't care about you either!" She yelled and ran out of the room crying. Amaya sat where she was as she listened to the receding sound of Akihime s shoes, only moving to stand and close the door quietly, turning back to Mitsunari, but not looking at him. Forgive me, Mitsunari dono, I should have remembered to close the door. Mitsunari was dealing with the bite on his hand and huffed, "Don't let it happen again." He growled. Of course, please forgive me. She bowed her head to him. Months would pass and Akihime refused to speak to Amaya, refusing to even eat her cooking. She tried not to let it upset her, but with the young girl pushing her away, she was alone once again.Nothing changed except for Mitsunari using her as well as Yoshitsugu, and as the months passed, she became more secluded, spending her time by herself, and even refusing Mitsunari. Mitsunari dono, please, I don t feel well today. Amaya argued softly, the teen calling on her again to take care of his need. "I care not. Your services are required." He stated firmly. This was the second time Amaya had refused Mitsunari, the first time, letting her have her way due to her getting sick before anything could happen, but this time was different. I can t.. She kept her gaze glued to the floor, hands shaking. I belong to your father. She argued once again. "You belong to everyone. Gyobu just takes priority." He sneered and grabbed her wrist, "Let's go." Amaya stumbled after him, protesting the whole way to his bedroom, but he was far stronger than she was. Please Mitsunari dono, I don t want this..! "What is your problem?!" Mitsunari yelled and threw her to the floor, "You have no right to tell me no!" Amaya gasped when she hit the floor, bracing herself with her hands and knees, panic on her face. She quickly brought one hand to her stomach, as if making sure it was still there. He stood silently, watching her carefully before realization struck him. "How long have you been hiding this from Gyobu?" He asked, voice strained. Please.. She whispered, caressing her stomach. You cannot tell him. Amaya turned her head to look at him. Please, he doesn t know, you can t tell him..! "Gyobu!!" Mitsunari yelled and ran down the hall. Akihime peeked out from her room, confused by the shouting. Amaya struggled to her feet, rushing after Mitsunari to stop him from reaching Yoshitsugu s bedroom, but he reached the room before she did. Mitsunari, please! She tried to pull him from the room, looking absolutely frantic. "What's going on?" Yoshitsugu asked, looking up from his medicine. Mitsunari was livid."She's pregnant!" He stated, jerking away from Amaya. Yoshitsugu's gaze moved to Amaya."Is this true?" He asked. Amaya stopped finally, a single tear falling down her cheek. I m so sorry... It wasn t my intention to hide it, I was just scared.. She said quietly. It was barely noticeable, something that wouldn t have stood out unless pointed out or stared at for a while, but sure enough, her stomach had begun to swell, a small curve protruding from her dress. "I see..." Yoshitsugu mused before taking his medicine and setting it aside, "Well, I suppose something should be done.""Shall I send for a doctor?" Mitsunari asked. Yoshitusgu nodded and Mitsunari left the room."Please do understand that I am far too old for any more children." Yoshitsugu said. Amaya let out a sob, sinking to her knees. Please, I ll care for the child, you don t even have to look at him! She crawled closer to his bed, bowing deeply. No one will ever find out he s yours, please don t take my child! She begged him. "Illegitimate children don't do so well for family names." He told her, "You'll understand in time." Amaya would beg and plead for hours with Yoshitsugu, but he refused to give into her, eventually having Mitsunari drag her from his room and back to hers, where she spent the days leading up to the doctor visit crying by herself. Once the day came, the doctor was brought to her room, where she tried her best to bargain one last time. Please, I ll do anything, I ll send him away once he s born, just please, She pleaded at Yoshitsugu s feet. Please spare my child..! The teen begged him. "Hold her down, Mitsunari.""Hai." Mitsunari moved and pinned her onto her back, keeping her arms pinned above her head. Amaya only struggled for a few moments, crying and begging only until she felt the doctor move her gown and spread her legs. The moment he went to work, she stopped both struggling and begging, crying silently as she stared up at the ceiling. It took a bit and a lot of labor before the fetus was forced out. There was so much blood. Amaya was shaking from both pain, and the feeling of weakness, eyes unfocused and breathing heavily. My baby... My baby.. She muttered over and over, the doctor working quickly to stop the bleeding. The bed was soaked with blood beneath her, and Mitsunari watched as her eyes slowly rolled back into her head, falling still, breathing shallowly. "She's dying." Mitsunari pointed out, "Is that normal?" The doctor didn t look up, grabbing another metal tool beside him. He glanced up at Mitsunari, then back between Amaya s legs where the bleeding was coming from. No. Was all he said before falling silent once again. He worked for what seemed like hours before finally setting his tools aside and looking to Yoshitsugu, wiping blood from his hands onto a cloth. The bleeding has been stopped, and I ve removed the foetus, but as you can probably tell, there were complications. He said. She lost a lot of blood, "She will live?" Yoshitsugu asked, not looking very concerned. I ve stabilized her, but she s very weak, and she ll need medicine for a while to help replace the lost blood, but yes. The doctor nodded.Amaya did live, but for nearly half a month after the procedure, she would remain bedridden. After that she just wasn t the same, an empty shell of the young woman she used to be. When she was strong enough to be up and about, she did everything told of her without question. She would cry at night, soft sobs coming from her room months after the loss of her child. Akihime felt awful for leaving Amaya alone in her time of need Amaya was always with her when she was sad. She should do the same. So one afternoon when Amaya was stuck in bed, Akihime peeked in carefully to see if she was awake, "Ama nee....?" Amaya was asleep, hair a mess from her constant restless sleep, eyes puffy and cheeks stained from her crying. When she wasn t tending to Yoshitsugu or the house, she was in her room crying or sleeping. She frowned and pushed the door open and brought in her sloppily made tea cakes that she watched Amaya make a million times with her little porcelain tea kettle full of tea with matching cups. She moved over carefully with the tray and set it aside before gently waking Amaya, "Ama nee...?" Amaya opened her tired eyes, wincing slightly when she saw Akihime. Akihime dono... She sat up slowly. Is there something you need..? She asked softly. She nodded and lowered her gaze, "I wanted to say sorry for being so mean to you...Otou sama said something bad happened that made you really sick so you couldn't do a whole lot for a I tried making you your tea cakes and some tea..." She stared at Akihime blankly before tears started to flow down her face, and she moved forward to hug the girl, holding her tightly as she began to weep. Thank you..! She said through her sobs, body shaking. Akihime frowned more and hugged her back, "I'm sorry I hit you, Ama nee, I was just so mad! I thought you were betraying Otou sama! I won't leave you alone ever again, I promise!" I m not mad at you, Akihime, I promise! She pet her hair as if to sooth her. You re such a sweet child, I love you..! Seven years had passed since Amaya had lost her child, and bother she and Akihime had escaped Yoshitsugu, living in a small city miles away with a young man Akihime had fallen in love with and married. For a while things were good, but the last week had been tragic. Yukimura had vanished, staying late one night at the dojo he worked at, all that was found of him was a few personal items and a large amount of blood on the steps of the dojo.Akihime was a mess, refusing to leave bed the first few days, and after that, refusing food. Night had fallen and Amaya was at the dojo searching for the one thing they couldn t find that Yukimura might have left behind beside his body his wedding band. There was a small chance it was at the dojo, seeing as he had to remove it during classes as to avoid seriously hurting others when instructing.Amaya had gotten permission from the instructor to search where personal belongings were usually stored by the students and instructors. She sighed softly, going through each cubby in the dim lamp light searching for the small silver band. She could hear the faint clinking of glass from a room not too far from where she was. Sasuke was in the supply closet drinking heavily he had been like that since Yukimura went missing and was assumed to be dead. He couldn't even bring himself to apologize to Akihime for leaving Yukimura alone the night he vanished. He felt responsible, like if he had stayed then Yukimura would be alive. The door slid open a crack before being pushed the entire way open, Amaya frowning softly as she stared down at the young man, far beyond drunk on the floor before her. Sasuke..? She brought the lantern up to get a clearer look, and it indeed was him, empty sake jugs empty on the floor around him. He shielded his eyes and groaned loudly, "Put that light out, Christ..." He growled, his words slurring, "Whad're you doing here, shouldn't you be with Aki?" She frowned more and dimmed the light as he asked, setting it at her side as she crouched down to look at him. She s asleep... I figured I had time to look for Yukimura s ring one more time here, but nothing. She glanced at the empty jug by her foot. Why are you here? She already knew the answer, but figured he needed to talk to someone. He huffed, "I've been here waiting for Yukimura to come back. Nothin' so far. But I'm sure he'll turn up." It had been a week, and Yukimura really didn t seem like the kind of man to take his death or just run off. Sasuke.. She frowned softly. Yukimura is gone, he isn t coming back Akihime bought him a plot down the hill... You should pay your respects to it soon. She said softly, looking down at her knees. "Shut up, he's not dead!" He yelled, "He...he can't be...Yukimura never did any wrong, he didn' one would ever..." He stopped and covered his face, shoulders shaking. Amaya sat in silence for a moment before reaching out to put a hand on his shoulder, shuffling closer. Come on, you ve had far to much to drink, I m sure Akihime won t mind you staying the night. She said gently as she helped him stand. He moved and latched onto her, kissing her suddenly and holding her tight against him Amaya was completely caught off gaurd, eyes going wide and stumbling back, Sasuke falling with her as she fell backward in her attempt to escape. He was shaking, holding her desperately as he kept the kiss. It was odd seeing someone stoic like Sasuke so vulnerable. Amaya almost felt bad, she knew this disparate pain, she had felt it once before and it had nearly destroyed her. She didn t know if it was guilt or her own attraction to him that made her return the kiss, but she did. Her own feeling of emptiness became apparent to her once more, feeling the heavy hole in her chest that the loss of her unborn child left her with, hands coming up to gently hold Sasuke s face. His kiss became more heated as his hands moved to her hips. She could taste the sake heavily on his tongue and his need solid against her thigh. She made a faint noise and managed to push Sasuke back, breathing heavily. Sasuke, w we shouldn t be doing this here... And you re drunk, it isn t right.. She whispered. "I...I know...I'm sorry...I hurts so much..." He whimpered She slowly sat him up, frowning softly. I know, believe me I know... Let s just get you home. She said softly. "This is my home." He huffed drunkly, "I live here." I m not leaving you here, you re too drunk to be on your own. Amaya said as she helped him to his feet once more. You re coming home with me. "Then stay with me...please..." He pleaded gently, "Please, I don't want to be alone..." He clearly wasn t listening to her, but then again, he was rather drunk. Ok, I ll stay. She said softly. But no more sake, only water. He nodded, holding her hand tightly, "Thank you..." Amaya moved to sit with Sasuke, moving aside the empty bottles of sake and sitting with him quietly. He leaned against her and held her, needing something to hold and keep grounded as his head spun from the booze. "I really like you, if it wasn't obvious..." He slurred softly. He felt Amaya stiffen, but she didn t move away. That s just the alcohol talking. She said softly, face bright red and heart racing. He shook his head, "Nah...I hold great affection for you..." She could feel the entirety of her face turning red, but still she didn t move away from him. But I look like a Yokai. The words just tumbled out of her mouth, she couldn t stop them. "A more beautiful youkai than any human I've seen.." He said gently. Amaya had no words for what he was saying, sitting for a moment before finally speaking. W We should get you home and in bed.. She said softly. "You said you would stay. And I'm not tired..." He remarked. I will stay with you, but I don t think we should just sit in this closet all night. She said. He made a noise, nodding slowly, "I guess you're right..." It took a bit of effort to get up and help Sasuke to his feet without him falling to the floor, the two making their way out of the dojo and to the small house around back. SSasuke was stumbling the whole time, and when they finally managed to get his door open and guided him to his room, he pulled her into the bed with him and he kissed her again, more gentle this time. Amaya was pulled on top of Sasuke this time, making a soft noise. She kissed back more quickly this time, almost like she couldn t contain herself this time, bracing her hands on either side of his head. Her face was flush and her heart raced did he truly think her to be beautiful? He let his hands move over her body slowly, not wanting to rush anything. Logically, he would wait and ask her in a more traditional sense, when he was clear headed and not emotional. But with Yukimura gone and his guilt weighing down on his chest, he didn't want to risk anything happening to Amaya before he told her how he felt. He felt her hand take one of his and push it between the folds of her yukata and between her legs, her thighs trembling as she kissed him deeply and slowly. She knew she shouldn t, it didn t feel right when he was so drunk, but her feelings for him were the same. He was kind and funny, and even though he was irritatingly good at finding out things he shouldn t, and getting under ones skin, he was a good man. His fingers worked her folds and her clit slowly, his fundoshi growing uncomfortable now. But he would take it slow, not wanting her to feel rushed into it. She broke the kiss to catch her breath, breathing against his neck as she braved one hand up against the wall of the house. More.. She breathed against his neck, thighs and womanhood trembling. Touch me more.. She begged softly. His lips moved across her neck slowly while his other hand untied her yukata and moved under her robes to run his fingers slowly up her back. She let out soft noises, closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling of his hands touching the soft flesh of her back. She turned her head to kiss him again, moaning weakly against his lips. She was becoming more and more wet the more he touched her, and soon she was working to untie the sash keeping his hakama around his waist. He helped her with his hakama abd tossed it away, moving so his fundoshi could be removed. She pulled away once more, sitting back on his thighs so she could untie his fundoshi, pushing aside the fabric to release his cock. She moved slowly, rubbing herself against his aching need, thrusting her hips slowly to stimulate him as well as herself, rubbing against him slowly and steadily. He held her hips to keep her steady, soft breaths and huffs of delight sounding from him, his manhood hot and throbbing against her drenched heat. Amaya took one of his hands from her hips, lacing her fingers with his as she picked up speed, panting softly in delight at the friction against her clit. Her cheeks were flushed red as she locked eyes with Sasuke, lust burning in her eyes as she continued. He moaned lowly and bucked his hips slowly, squeezing her hand gently, "Are you...are you doing ok?" He asked, breathing heavy and labored. She nodded, giving his hand a squeeze back, her movements becoming more desperate as she thrusted faster and more roughly, gasping as she did so. It was clear to see she was close to her climax, face flushed and body trembling with excitement. He reached with his slender fingers and worked her clit in a slow circle. His fingers were coated easily in her juices, making it easier for him to work. Amaya stopped moving, bracing her hands against the wall above him and letting him work her clit, small moans of pleasure escaping her, trembling against his hand. He bucked his hips gently, urging her to continue moving. Unless she was getting tired? "Do you wanna lie down?" He asked gently. She shook her head, rocking her hips back and forth once more, sweat beading on her brow. G Gomenasai... It just felt good.. She said through her panting.Jin found herself alone for the second night in a row, which she didn t blame Kojurou for. He had explained that his master required more of him at the moment, and she understood, but as the days passed, she found it harder and harder to breathe. One such night, she could feel a fit coming on as she was reading, so she set her book aside and made her way for where she kept her medicines, but before she could make it even halfway, blood erupted forth from her mouth, causing her to stagger and fall to her knees as she nearly vomited blood. As she coughed and choked, she heard the door open. Maybe it was Kojurou returning early, but no. It was Masamune, eyes glowing faintly."Well, well, well. What have we here? A marrow bone dying on my floor. I didn't say you could be here, little snack." Jin couldn t respond to him, in fact she didn t look at him either, heaving up more blood onto the floor, gasping desperately for air. Blood seeped between her fingers as she held her hand over her mouth, blood rushing in her ears. She needed her medicine, answering this man could come after. Crawling on the floor, she moved slowly toward the shelves before her, reaching for her satchel where she stored her medicine. Masamune grabbed the satchel away from her, tutting her gently, "And what's this? Is this what keeps your feeble heart beating? How pathetic. You should have just died when your illness first caused an attack." She was losing her strength with each forced breath, collapsing to the floor gasping like a fish out of water, still reaching for her bag like Masamune would actually return it to her. She gripped her chest as a horrid gurgling slowly became more audible, hacking and coughing to try and rid her lungs and airway of blood, but it was in vain. Please... She begged him, words almost drowned out by her wheezing. My medicine... "Hm? What was that?" Masamune put his hand to his ear to mock her, "I couldn't quite hear you." M Medi She began to vomit blood once more, shaking hard and gasping, pink foam forming at the edges of her lips, which were beginning to turn blue. My medicine...! She managed out, blood covered hand grasping at his pant leg as she tried to pull herself up. He locked his gaze with hers as he opened the satchel and dumped every ounce of her medications onto the floor, "Lick it up." Jin stared up at him, gasping for a moment, each breath pushing out more pink foam from her throat, but slowly she dragged herself to the medication spilled on the floor. It took every ounce of effort she had to pull herself the foot across the floor to the medication that would save her life, but she wasn t ready to give up Kojurou yet. Tears formed in her eyes as she lowered her head to the floor she wasn t ready to go yet, wasn t ready to end her time with Kojurou. Swallowing her shame, she brought her tongue to the floor, desperately licking up the spilled medication. Masamune stepped on her head, scowling hatefully, "How absolutely disgusting you humans are." He growled. He looked when the door opened and wasn't surprised to see Kojurou he looked panicked, purhaps he recognized the smell of Jin's blood."M Masamune sama...! What are you ?!""What did I fucking tell you, Kojurou?" Masamune asked dangerously. Jin collapsed beneath his foot, letting him press her face into the floor she could feel herself losing consciousness. Blood had filled her lungs, and the foam that came up pink was a result of her drowning in her own blood. Her body spasmed as she coughed up foam and blood, unable to take in anymore breaths, lungs already full of blood. Her vision was hazy, and she looked to Kojurou through half lidded eyes, tears dripping onto the floor. "I couldn't risk leaving her alone...I found her half dead in the snow, I !""Should have left her there to die, it was her time. You're prolonging the inevitable." Masamune stated dully. Kojurou was shaking, both in anger and sorrow. Why was Masamune so cruel? Kojurou was loyal for hundreds if not almost a thousand years, why couldn't he have someone to love? Masamune had Megohime, and before her he had half a dozen wives. But Kojurou couldn't even have one woman to tell him he was loved?"Why...? Why am I not allowed joy, after my years of faithful service to you?!" Kojurou snarled. Masamune's expression was dull but his eyes full of rage."She will die. Grow old and wither to dust while you linger. I'm sparing you.""You're torturing me!" Kojurou argued. Jin could barely hear Kojurou s voice, barely hear anything her head swam and her vision was blurred by her tears. K Kojurou... She managed to rasp out, blood still dripping from her blue lips. Tasukete... She begged him, fear twisted on her face. Tasukete...! "She's dying, Kojurou. Let it happen." Masamune stated. Kojurou couldn't let her die. He moved to the medical supplies he kept in his wardrobe and grabbed a hollow needle, shoving Masamune's leg away from Jin and pulling her to lie on her back."This will hurt and I'm so sorry, b but you have blood in your lungs and I need to drain it.." He said softly. Masamune merely rolled his eyes and moved to leave."Pathetic." He muttered. Jin could only cough again, blood splattering across her own face as she looked up at Kojurou with an almost blank stare. Her eyes were rolling backward, showing she was leaving him, still struggling to take in even the smallest of breaths. He stopped wasting such precious time and moved her blouse to make an incision between her ribs with his sharp nails before pushing the hollow needle through to her lungs to drain the blood. He didn't care that it stained and warped the wood, all he wanted was Jin to live. As soon as the needle pierced her lung, blood began to seep out of the needle, draining rapidly onto the floor.Jin took a deep gasp of air, only a faint gurgle sounding from her throat as air was pulled into her lungs. She relaxed a bit, eyes closed as her breathing started to even out, but her lips remained blue. He let out a shaky breath, petting her hair gently as he drained the blood cooing and muttering sweet nothings as tears burned his eyes. "There'll be ok..." He said, but it sounded more like he was trying to convince himself, "I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry, Jin..." Jin wouldn t wake up, hours passed and she never opened her eyes, even when Kojurou moved her to the bed and gave her more of her medicine. No matter how much of her medicine he poured down her throat, she never improved. Blood still continued to trickle from the hollow needle in her side, which collected in a dish beneath it to avoid blood from soaking the bed, and as morning came, the doctor Kojurou summoned came to see what could be done for her.She was pale and sweating heavily, lips and nails a deep blue. "I've done all that I can," Kojurou was shaking, "She won't wake up...nothing's working. I don't want her to die...please, can you help her...?" The doctor set his bag aside on the bed and moved over to Jin. I ll do what I can, Katakura sama. He said, going to work. He listened to her chest and took her temperature, examined her eyes and her hands and feet, frowning softly as his eyes fell on the drain at her side. How long has this been here? He asked Kojurou. Was he really so paranoid over losing her that he forgot to remove the needle? He shook harder, like a beaten dog fearing his master. "I I...I don't know...a a day...?" Idiot. You fucking bafoon of a man. She was going to die and it was all his fault. He killed his only love. "I I can't believe...I I forgot to remove it..." The elderly man held up his hand, turning to face Kojurou. I was not scolding you, Katakura sama. He said. It was merely a question and it s a good thing you did leave it in, it s probably the only thing keeping her breathing. He motioned to the needle in her side, which still trickled blood into the bowl. Her lungs are still filling with blood, and the blood flow in her extremities is poor, she isn t getting proper oxygen. He moved over to Jin again, opening her mouth to look down her throat. I m sorry Katakura sama, but there is little that can be done for her her breathing is killing her. The blood filling her lungs is more than likely due to a rupture, she s breathing but not receiving oxygen. "So she...she's dying...?" He asked weakly, "No matter what, she's going to die...?" I m very sorry, Katakura sama... All I can provide her with now is something to ease the pain. The doctor frowned softly. "Thank you...I appreciate it..." He muttered, bowing gently. He was going to be sick, he could feel it in his gut. The doctor bowed back and gathered his things before leaving Kojurou with Jin.Jin looked completely miserable, covered in sweat, skin pale and struggling to breathe. Every breath pushed more blood from the hollow needle in her side, and her fingers and lips remained blue, face twisted in pain as she slept, a soft gurgling accompanying every breath. Why? Why did she have to leave him so soon? He couldn't fight it anymore. He rushed to his restroom and vomited into the toilet, gasping and hacking as he emptied his stomach. He rinsed his mouth in the sink before moving to carefully lay with Jin, fighting his tears as he just stayed with her. Jin s condition remained relatively the same, the only difference being the decreased amount of blood that came out of the hollow needle in her side, and her arms and legs becoming colder, and slowly tinging more and more blue. She still sweated heavily though, and her pained expression never left her face, no matter how much of the pain medicine he gave her. "This is all my fault..." He muttered as he played with her hair, "I shouldn't have left you alone...I should have would be ok...alive and not suffering..." She didn t answer him, as expected, the only verbal response being her soft wheezing. The scent of death was heavy on her, overwhelming and becoming more undeniable she was going to die this time, and there was no stopping it. He sniffed and wiped his eyes before sitting up and moving over her. He gently pet her cheek and kissed her gently, muttering a soft "I love you" before he removed the needle and wrapped his hands tightly around her neck. She didn t struggle, didn t kick or thrash beneath him, only stiffened up slightly, lips parting as her body tried to pull air into her dying lungs. Her eyes never opened, her responses purely instinctual responses her body reacted to, the room quiet except for the soft gurgling coming from her chest and throat. He clenched his jaw to keep his sobs at bay but the tears poured down his cheeks regardless, his vision blurring from the tears. He felt sick again, his chest aching worse than it ever had in his life. He could hear her heartbeat slowing the longer he kept his hands clamped around her neck, body becoming rigid as she suddenly began to violently gasp, heartbeat becoming erratic as she began to die. "Please..." He begged quietly, "Please this is hard enough...don't make me listen to you die too..." It was one thing she wouldn t comply with couldn t comply with. She would have moments where she would stop gasping, heart hammering in her chest before it slowed and she began gasping hard again. She was struggling so hard, struggling to stay alive, even if she wasn t fighting him physically why wouldn t she just let go? "Jin, please..." He begged, crying harder, "please, I promise, I'll be don't have to hold on anymore..." Her face had turned red with the amount of force he had put into strangling her, which he didn t notice he was putting more and more force into strangling her until he heard the familiar crunch of bone beneath his hands. Everything was silent, lips parted mid gasp and heart giving off a few more slow beats before stopping completely he had crushed her trachea and broken her neck. He slowly released her neck, his breath catching with each swallowed sob before finally breaking down into a hysteric mess. Masamune could hear him sobbing as he laid with Megohime, playing with her hair."Disgusting..." He muttered blandly. Megohime had just fed, which meant she was rather drowsy and content, almost like a babe that had just fed, curled up against his chest. She opened her eyes slowly, simply ignoring Kojurou s sobs as she looked up at Masamune, red eyes looking up at him lazily. What s all the noise..? She murmured. "Just the dog howling, pay him no mind." He assured, "He'll settle..." She listened to what he told her, nuzzling against his chest and closing her eyes to rest once more. The next few days Kojurou spent preserving Jin's body cleaning her and stitching the opening in her ribs, giving her a clean dress as he made sure she was kept perfect. He hummed an old ancient song from before he was cursed, reserved for burial rights and the passing of loved ones. He hardly left Jin's side unless he had to. Most of Masamune s thralls avoided Kojurou as he worked on preserving Jin s body, and Megohime took up most of Masamune s time as of late as he worked on getting her used to her new unlife.The other bit of Masamune s attention was pulled to what appeared to be a fledgling invading Masamune s territory, leaving behind a trail of bodies in its wake and making it harder for Masamune to hunt safely. "Kojurou." Masamune stood outside the wolf's room and Kojurou opened the door enough that Masamune could see a glowing gold eye."Hai...?""There's a fledgling floating around the grounds. Take care of it." He ordered. Kojurou averted his gaze briefly before looking back."Of course, Masamune sama..." He muttered and shut his door again. This was the last thing Kojurou wanted to deal with, another vampire, and a sloppy fledgling at that.Forced to leave Jin s corpse in the safety of his room, he headed to the town closest to the estate that Masamune hunted in.Bodies had been piling up for weeks, the attacks always taking place at night, and the bodies always drained from blood with their throat torn open. Kojurou tried to make sure no one noticed the oddness of his eyes as he looked around for the fledgling. Kojurou was rather large and intimidating, so he was avoided like he had leprosy, no one daring to even looking up at his face.As night fell, the streets quickly cleared out, all having heard the rumors of the menace that fell upon the streets at night. Kojurou stood in wait, hands in the pockets of his coat. He was getting anxious, he left Jin alone too long. He needed to get back, change the herbs for fresh ones. The stench that hit Kojurou s nose was a familiar one the awful rancid stench of rotting blood, old blood, not too far off down the street. He followed the stench easily enough, the smell of rot tugging at his nerves and his urge to hunt. He would keep in check unless needed. He hadn t heard any screams, but the scent of fresh blood filled his nose as well, had he already made a kill?Someone had definitely been killed, and Kojurou could hear he crunching of bones and tearing of flesh, and upon rounding the corner, he saw the fledging. He was crouched over a dead elderly man, drinking deeply from his neck. He turned when he heard Kojurou step closer, face and chest completely caked in blood new and old. His eyes glowed a deep red, and his fangs had fully come in, he wasn t a fledgling, he was a full blooded vampire. This was a problem. A full fledged vampire consumed by his primal desires was not good for Masamune or anyone in the area. He stared at the vampire, judging, waiting for a reaction. The feral vampire let out a hiss, then simply returned to his meal, clamping his teeth into the mangled flesh of his latest victim, back to Kojurou. Kojurou didn't have time for this. He moved over and grabbed the feral roughly, fully prepared for the fight he knew was coming. The young man let out a terrible scream, his claws digging deep into Kojurou's arm before he sunk his fangs in next, trading into the flesh to devour his blood. The moment he swallowed even the smallest amount of blood from Kojurou, he got sick, vomiting up all the blood in his stomach before thrashing and biting onto his arm again, only to repeat the process of getting sick. Kojurou gnashed his teeth and kicked the young man hard in the head, straight in the temple. Obviously it wouldn't be enough to kill him, but it would certainly knock him out. The man went limp, mouth hanging open, blood dripping from his teeth. It was clear he had been feral for quite some time now, clothes caked with layers of dry blood, skin stained a deep red and hair matted with blood as well. He hardly looked human. He lifted him up and carried him back to the castle, where Masamune had him locked up to contain him."He's full blooded, Masamune sama..." Kojurou said. Masamune made a face."I see. A feral then. I'll try and supress him while he's unconscious, see if it'll bring him out of this state. You may go, Kojurou." Masamune said. Kojurou bowed and hurried off to his room to check on Jin. The feral man would need much more than a bath to be cleaned up, laying sprawled out on his back on the floor in an unconscious state. He looked young, and in relatively good health, lean and muscular, but with cheap clothes where was his sire?Kojurou had a sinking feeling the second he opened his door, and when he moved further into his room, he discovered why Jin s body was gone, not a trace of her anywhere, as if she had simply gotten up and walked away. Masamune moved into the cell and knelt beside the young man, "You were used and abandoned, weren't you, young one? Cut down in your prime and left to wander unchecked." He said. He bit into his wrist and let a couple drops of blood fall into his mouth, "My blood will renew you, give you purpose. You will serve as my underling, and hopefully awaken with a clear mind. I would hate to kill you."Kojurou's heart started thundering with panic. Where did she go? Who took her? Why? He rushed out of his room and tried to locate Jin's scent the smell of rain after a storm, the smell of fresh herbs and fruit. He started shaking, hoping to find her. He twitched when his blood fell onto his tongue, jaws immediatly snapping shut and eyes snapping open. His brown eyes were clear and alert, sitting up quickly and smacking his hand to his neck over a thick scar over his artery, eyes becoming panicked. He sat like that for a moment before slowly pulling his hand away and looking at it, expecting to see fresh blood, but found only dried blood, and a lot of it. His eyes went wide and he almost screamed in fear, looking around before seeing Masamune and scrambling backward. What happened? The last thing he remembered was someone attacking him, cutting his throat and then nothing.Her scent was everywhere, why? Why was her scent everywhere? She never left his bedroom, yet it seemed to fill every inch of the castle, trailing down the halls, into each bedroom, even toward Masamune s room.He nearly ran into Megohime rounding a corner, startling her.She scowled and took a small step back. Be careful, dog. She hissed. No, gods no, even Megohime smelled of Jin. "Glad to see my blood has cleared your mind some. Forgive me for startling you." He greeted disarmingly, "Date Masamune. May I know your name?"Kojurou was shaking, eyes almost wild."What have you done with her?" He demanded, "What have you done with Jin...?!" He stared at Masamune for a moment before giving his name in response. S Sanada Genjirou Yukimura.. He stuttered out.Megohime made a face, her scowl deepening. What are you on about? She asked. I don t know anyone by that name. She crossed her arms over her chest. And I only just returned, I ve been outside. She hissed. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Yukimura." He said, "An unfortunate situation was thrown on you, your life ripped from your hands. Do you remember anything?""The woman I've kept in my room is gone, where is she?!" Kojurou demanded. Akihime. The name tumbled out of his mouth before he realized he had even spoken, an image in his head of a beautiful woman with long red brown hair and a sweet smile. He didn t realize that he was also crying, tears pouring down his blood stained face.Megohime actually started to get scared, taking another step back. What woman? No one else was outside. She said, sounding confused. I didn t see anyone when I came in either. "She seems important to she your daughter? Wife maybe?" He asked. He looked to Yukimura's ring finger and caught sigh of a simple band, "Wife..." He confirmed gently, "I'm so sorry..."Kojurou wasn't in the mood. Why did Megohime smell so heavily of Jin if there was no interraction?"A Are you sure?" He asked weakly. He looked to Masamune in horror, feeling his heart freeze in his chest. I Is this her..? He couldn t finish his sentence, looking at his trembling hands in disgust.Megohime almost seemed to revert to the woman she was when she was first brought to the castle. It was just me. She answered, eyes full of fear and confusion. Kojurou. It was Jin, there was no mistaking her voice, no it was definitely her. It sounded from behind him, the way he had come, warm and inviting, but Megohime didn t seem to hear it. Masamune shook his head, "I cannot say. If you wish, I will send my right hand to search for learn her fate."Kojurou froze and turned around slowly. He probably looked insane to Megohime right now, but he could give less of a damn. Please..! He practically began to bed to Masamune, crawling closer to him. Please! I can t have k kil... He looked like he was going to be sick, swallowing the vomit that pooled in his throat. She can t be dead.. He whispered. Kojurou. Her voice beckoned him again, further away down the hall this time, back in the direction of his bedroom. Masamune felt a familiar ache throb in his chest, missing his late wives. He hoped this Akihime had not met a horrid fate in Yukimura's madness. "If you like, and are capable, I can have a bath prepared and fresh clothes brought to you?"Kojurou looked back to Megohime and bowed quickly before following the voice to his room desperately. He gave a numb nod, slowly standing, unable to take his eyes off of his blood soaked self was this blood Akihime s? Had he slaughtered his wife? What was happening?Her scent became stronger the closer he got to his room, and when he burst through the doors, he spotted a figure standing at the window, their entire being radiating a faint gold, long hair flowing around their shoulders in a fluid motion. The woman at the window turned to the sound of the doors being thrown open it was Jin, standing in the moonlight that filtered through the open window a scene straight out of fairytales. She smiled warmly when she saw Kojurou, just like the first time she saw him, tears of gold glittering down her cheeks. Kojurou. Masamune guided him out of the holding cells and up to one of the guest rooms where he asked one of the thrall servants to draw Yukimura a bath and get him some fresh clothes. She obeyed Masamune happily, preparing the water for Yukimura before leaving to get his clothes. Masamune left Yukimura in peace, though it was more like tormented thoughts.Kojurou stopped breathing for a moment, his eyes wide and even more beautifully sad than when they first met. " really are from the moon kingdom..." Tears poured down his cheeks, "Don't leave again.Pleasedon't leave me again." Yukimura removed his blood crusted clothes and climbed into the odd bath, sitting in the hot water for a moment before scrubbing at the blood on his skin vigorously. All he could think about was Akihime. Was she ok? Was she even alive? How long had he been away?Jin moved over to Kojurou or rather floated pulling Kojurou into an embrace, holding him close to her bosom. Please forgive me, Kojurou. She whispered as she pet his hair gently. I promise to never leave you. She was warm, and he could touch her, either he had died as well, or she was truly back. I m sorry, I forgot myself I fell in love with you the moment I saw you, all those years ago from the moon. She said softly, going on to explain that she had left the moon and fallen to earth, becoming a physical being so she could meet Kojurou, but her magic had its limits.Creating a human body put a great strain on her ethereal form, and she forgot who she was, and why she had come to earth. For a time she simply wandered, not remembering her past, nor that she wasn t human.Her magic could only maintain her physical body for so long, and soon it began to die, but in its death she was released from the bounds of a human body, now in her original form once more, she remembered it all. Please forgive me for putting you through such pain, Kojurou, I never wanted such a thing for you. He could hear her voice clear as day, praising him and showering himin affections. Telling him she loved him, how she missed him when he was at the dojo, how happy she was to be with him. It only made his tears fall harder.Kojurou was sobbing by the end of her explanation, not blaming her for even an ounce of his grief. He was just so happy to have her back, to feel her in his arms again. Yukimura couldn t stand it, and covering his ears didn t drown out her voice, only made it louder. He completely submerged himself in the water, screaming as hard as he could and allowing bubbles to escape him and rise to the surface.Jin only held him tight against her, petting his hair and shedding her own tears, whispering sweet nothings to him as he cried. Her warmth enveloped him, caressed his whole being, overwhelmed him with her scent, calming his very soul. "Yukimura sama?" It was the thrall again, looking worried as she held his fresh clothes, "Are you alright...?"Kojurou finally settled, his sobs calming into gentle hiccups and shaky breaths."I was so scared I had lost you...I love you so much, Jin..." Yukimura strangely could hear the thrall crystal clear, like he wasn t submerged in water and screaming. He had run out of breath anyway, sitting up in the tub and nodding slowly, unable to even be embarrassed that he was naked in front of a woman other than his wife. Yes. He said softly.She cupped his cheek and kissed his forehead, smiling softly. And I love you, Kojurou, I ll stay with you as long as the moon remains in the sky. She nodded and set his clothes on the sink, "Do not hesitate to call if you need assistance with anything." She said and bowed before leaving the washroom."I knew you were from the moon..." He muttered, "No woman could be as beautiful as you and be a human..." Yukimura sat in silence in the bathroom, the bath water gradually becoming more and more red as he washed the blood from his body, stopping when the glint of a metal band around his finger caught his attention. He brought his hand up to examine it.Jin laughed softly, a sound that almost made Kojurou sleepy. You flatter me, Kojurou... Thank you. She whispered softly. It was simple iron polished to a fine sheen. It was all they could afford, he remembered being disappointed that they couldn't get anything fancy like silver or gold for their bands. But Akihime couldn't be happier, finding the western tradition of rings to be bound together far more romantic than the metal that was used."So long as we wear these, nothing will keep us apart...our destinies are one now, Yukimura..."She had said."We can't mate anymore, can we...?" He asked, "Not that it has to be the most important thing of our bond...!" He looked up quickly, realizing he had sounded selfish, "I just enjoyed our physical intimacies...!" He could feel tears coming again, and he didn t stop them this time. Clutching his hand to his forehead, he sobbed quietly, body shaking as he did so. What would he do if he had killed Akihime? How would he continue on living if she was gone?Jin cupped his cheek and gently pulled him closer to kiss him gently, lips as soft as he remembered. He could touch her he was still able to physically touch her. I enjoyed our intimate moments as well.. She whispered against his lips. I am still yours, now and forever, both my heart and body.. Kojurou relaxed, finding relief in her words. He jumped when there was a knock on his door and he moved to peek out. It was Masamune, looking indifferent."I have a small request for you, Kojurou." He said, "Our new guest fears the fate of his wife, he worries he may have felled her in his madness. I want you to go out and find her. The name is Akihime.""I will leave right away, Masamune sama..." Kojurou nodded and gently shut the door. He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder once he closed the door, but she didn t speak just yet, not wanting to reveal her presence to Masamune. She remembered her last days, even when her physical body had lost consciousness. His chest started to ache, her touch channelling those feelings through him and reopening the wound. He looked down at his hands in anguish, fighting tears."I'm so sorry...." He muttered. Jin moved in front of him, cupping his cheeks and moving closer to look into his eyes. You did nothing wrong Kojurou, She said softly. You let me be with you longer, how could I possibly be angry at you for that? "I...I had to kill you..." He couldn't look at her, averting his gaze, "Listen to you die..." Jin frowned softly she remembered him having to strangle her, though it felt like a dream. Will you be able to forgive me? She asked softly. "I could never blame you..." He said, looking up at her, "It was my fault, I left you alone...!" Kojurou, my human body was dying, there was nothing you could have done to stop that..! She said gently, rubbing his cheek with her thumb. It was incomplete and my magic was failing, you have to know thatIdidn t suffer.. "It's not going to be alright, Jin...what I saw and did will haunt me for a long time..." He muttered, "I cannot forgive myself..." Jin felt tears fall down her face, had she not taken up a human form, Kojurou would not be suffering so badly. She held him tightly, shaking as she held back her own sobs. I m so sorry, I never meant to hurt you. He held her, taking a deep breath, "You're here...that's all I could ever ask for..." He said before pulling back, "I have to go but I'll be right back...please don't go anywhere..." She shook her head, wiping away her tears. I ll wait right here for your return. She promised. He kissed her gently before heading off into the village to look for this Akihime woman. Amaya had to work late at the cotton factory as usual, needing both the overtime money and the time to pick up the slack at the factory. Even with all of the extra time she was putting into her job, it wasn t enough. Her and Akihime had spent most of their savings to buy a plot of land for Yukimura s grave, and the rent of their home had been increased along with the taxes in town. They could hardly afford to eat at this point she would simply look for another job to pick up in the morning. She counted out the meager amount of coin she had from her paycheck, letting out a soft sigh as she returned the money to the pouch and tucked it back into her sleeve. She was about the only one on the road at this point, but she had walked this way home for years, and was well acquainted with her path, so she felt she had no need for a lantern, plus it was a relatively clear night.The only thing on her mind at the moment was getting home and scarfing down whatever Akihime had prepared, not caring if it had grown cold or not, anything sounded good at that point. There were footsteps behind her, perhaps someone was returning home late from their own work. She didn't really pay it any mind. Amaya heard the footsteps, but was too tired to care or pay any mind to them other than the slight acknowledgement. It wasn t completely uncommon for people to be out and about at night, especially heading away from the warehouse district and toward the village that resided beside it. She didn't really notice the steps had gotten faster until a hand was slapped over her mouth and a brief pain scorched her neck before numbing pleasure pumped through her. Amaya let out a muffled scream, face flushing red as she struggled against the persons grip. What was happening? Why did she suddenly feel such pleasure? Had they stabbed her? What was that pain in her neck? No, she would be bleeding if she had been stabbed in the neck she felt dread heavy in her stomach, was this person kissing her neck? No, they were sucking on it. She started to struggle harder, trying to scream louder from behind his hand, thrashing hard and clawing at his hand to peel it away from her mouth to scream loud enough for someone else to hear. They held fast, ignoring her struggling as they gorged on her blood. They couldn't stop, she was young and sweet. Amaya started to feel light headed, arms and legs growing tingly and her vision darkening for a moment. She didn t understand, didn t understand what was attacking her, what was going on her struggles started to weaken, movements becoming sluggish and tears falling down her face. Was she going to die? No, she couldn t, she couldn t leave Akihime behind, she didn t want to. Her screams became muffled sobs and her vision blurred from tears. A dagger flew out and pierced into the monster's head, causing it to release Amaya and fall back stunned. As the monster fell back, Amaya fell forward onto the ground, laying in the dirt and holding her bleeding neck, scanning around with hazy eyes. What had happened? The monster let her go, was it finished with her? A cloaked figure moved and picked her up gently, moving her away before the person moved to the monster and cut off his head, going to extra mile to ensure he would die by lighting him on fire. Amaya watched the person from the side of the road where they had set her down, still trembling from the lingering sense of pleasure the bite had caused. Luckily the wound on her neck wasn t as large as she expected it to be, and the bite only oozed blood slowly at this point. Still dizzy and unable to stand, she stayed in place. Who are you? What was that..? The figure turned toward her and moved to kneel before her. Reaching up, they pushed back the hood and it was revealed to be Sasuke. "It was a vampire...are you ok? I'm glad I got to you in time..." Sasuke..? Amaya looked completely stunned, eyes wide. A v vampire, what are you talking about..!? It was understandable for her to panic, she had just been attacked, and he could see her shaking bloodloss not helping at all. "I found evidence that Yukimura was attacked and..." he stopped, " a I'm going around and killing all of them. More so now that you were attacked..." He moved and took some gauze from his cloak, wrapping her neck gently. Why!? Amaya looked both scared and angry now. Why would you purposefully seek out such monsters..!? She grabbed his wrist with both hands, holding it firmly but gently. Please... She whispered. Please don t risk yourself... Please don t leave me..! He stopped, looking taken aback by her outburst, "But...they need to pay for what they've done. All of them have ruined lives for someone, they should be held accountable." I m not fighting you on that, but what if they take you from me? Then what? He had never seen Amaya this vulnerable, she had always been level headed and rational. "They won't, I promise..." He brushed some of her hair aside gently, "I have something too important to live for..." She hung her head slightly, letting go of his wrist to hold his hand. Just promise me you won t leave... Promise me. She said, wanting to hear it just once more. "I promise, Amaya...I won't leave you." He told her gently, squeezing her hand gently. Amaya needed Sasuke s help to return home, unable to walk or even stand for that matter, but when she did get home, Akihime wasn t there. She must be at the cemetery.. "Do you want me to stay?" He asked, "Not like I have anywhere to go.." He added with a faint smile. You re welcome to stay as long as you like. She offered, taking a seat by the fire he had started for her. Although Akihime will be coming home from visiting Yukimura soon... She might not be in the best of moods. Sasuke gave a nod, "Yeah she...probably doesn't want to see me..." He said, his tone and expression dropping back into their familiar emotionless state. That s not true.. She just.. Amaya frowned softly, glancing to the fire. She s still hurting... She just needs some time.. "Why did you leave him alone?!"Sasuke stared into the fire until he felt like his eyes would also burst into flames."And space...away from me..." He said before turning toward her and kissing her gently, "If you need anything at all, you know where to find me.." Amaya nodded, lowering her gaze. I won t be alone for long, I ll be alright.. She muttered softly. Be safe. She knew of Akihime s confrontation with Sasuke, but not of what she had said, only that it put a massive rift between the two. He gave a small nod and headed out into the darkness. It didn't seem like long before a knock came to the door, maybe Sasuke forgot something? Amaya headed to the door, wobbling and having to stop to avoid falling before finally reaching the door and opening it. Her smile dropped immediatly when she saw a familiar face, one she had wished to never see again. "This is where you've been?" Mitsunari growled. He pushed his way into the house, his body shaking, "Here? In this dump right under our noses?" Amaya immediatly felt the crippling fear wash over her, like she was back with Mitsunari as Yoshitsugu s concubine. She opened her mouth to apologize, to beg for forgiveness, but stopped. She clenched her fists tight, shaking as she stared st the ground, unable to look up at him. Y You aren t welcome here... Y You need to leave.. "You're coming with me. You owe Gyobu your life!" He yelled, grabbing her wrist tightly No! She shouted back, trying to yank away from him. I gave him eight years of my life, that is more than enough! I m not going back! "Not nearly." He snarled before dragging her deeper into Akihime's home, throwing her into a room and slamming the door. Amaya was too weak to fight back, head spinning when Mitsunari threw her into her bedroom, tripping on the rug and falling to the floor. She winced at her scraped knees and held her head, seeing spots. G Get out..! You have no binding agreement on me anymore..! Akihime destroyed the papers, I don t have to listen to you anymore..! "A whore is still a whore." He growled, "Undress." I won t! She held her yukata closed tightly. I m not a whore! I make an honest living, I work hard! She refused to look at him, struggling to sit up. I don t have to pleasure men anymore! "Undress or I will kill youandthat bitch Akihime." He sneered. Amaya clenched her teeth as she stood on wobbly legs, knuckles white as she held her clothes shut. Why? Why did he have to ruin her happiness? Akihime would be home soon, and she didn t doubt Mitsunari would kill the both of them. The albino lowered her head in shame as she untied her sash, hands shaking violently as she pushed her yukata off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor around her feet. "Hands and knees on the bed. I'll make it quick." He ordered as he stripped of his kimono. She was shaking like a leaf as she moved to the bed, crawling onto the lumpy mattress on her hands and knees like she had been ordered to. He moved over her and pushed into her roughly. He used her how he wished, like he used to. He didn't care, he was proving a point no matter what she couldn't escape from him. It hurt, it hurt much more than she had remembered, crying out in pain and gripping the bed so hard her knuckles went white. M Mitsunari, stop! She cried out, pain tearing through her like a hot knife. It hurts! Though her womanhood was still wet and trembling from the vampire attack, he was being far too rough, blood trickling down her inner thigh and coating Mitsunari s cock. "Shut up." He snarled and hit her hard in the ribs, "I don't care for your crying." He knocked the wind out of her with how hard he hit her, making her slump forward on the bed as spots danced in her vision. She felt far away from her body, which laid limp on the bed, vision like looking down a dark tunnel and her hearing growing muffled as her vision went. She didn't know how long he had been at it but after fading in and out she finally felt the pressure of him come off her. He left her where she lay, reaching for his clothes. Amaya didn t move, feeling she would be sick from her head spinning so much, staring at the bedsheets in front of her as she listened to Mitsunari dress himself. Hot tears fell down her cheeks as the warmth of his seed registered on her back, her womanhood aching, but her body trembling with pleasure she felt disgusting. That's when she heard the front door open and shut and gentle sniffs and shaky breaths."Tadaima..." It was half hearted but it was Akihime, "I'm sorry I didn't make anything to eat before I left, Ama...I hope you aren't too hungry...Matsu dono was kind enough to invite us to dinner tomorrow..." Amaya opened her mouth to tell Akihime to leave, turn around and go back to Matsu, but the only thing that came out was a strangled sob. She couldn t move, didn t want to, she had betrayed Akihime again, and her shame was clear for all to see. "Ama...?!" Akihime hurried to Amaya's bedroom, where she was met with a horrible sight. Almost like she was forced back to when she was a child. She looked to Mitsunari and glared with all thr hate and disgust she could hold in her body."Y You vile despicable man. How dare you come into my home and disgrace my friend in such a way." She hissed. Mitsunari didn't seem bothered."She wanted it. She was was wet and ready for me." He said. Akihime lost it. The thin thread of sanity she had snapped right there. She moved and punched Mitsunari so hard it sent him stumbling on his ass, his nose broken and gushing blood."You bitch!!""Get out of my house, you are not welcome here!! If I see you again, I'll gut you like the cowardly cod you are!!" Akihime screamed. Amaya only curled up slowly on the bed, squeezing her eyes shut tightly and sobbing silently. If only she were stronger, she wouldn t have made Akihime cry, she wouldn t have to be screaming for her brother to leave her house, and most of all she wouldn t have been shamed in her own home. Akihime threw Mitsunari out of her home, shaking hard before moving to check on Amaya."Ama...?" She asked gently, "Are you alright? God, you're bleeding...come on, let's get you cleaned up..." ...can t walk... was all Akihime could hear, and Amaya looked deathly pale the last time she had been this pale was years ago, when she had fallen sick. Or so her father had said, in truth it was when he stole away her unborn child, nearly killing her in the process. She was bleeding, but there wasn t enough to render her unable to walk, what had happened? "Ama...?" Akihime moved to lay with her, "Talk to me, what's wrong...? Why can't you walk...?" Her lips quivered as she remembered the monster who had attacked her earlier, her heart racing at the mere thought. Should she tell Akihime? No, she didn t need to tell her everything. A man attacked me on the way home... tried to rob me.. H He cut my throat... it s not bad, but it bled a bit.. Akihime sat up quickly, "Is that why your neck is wrapped? Oh, Ama, I'm so sorry, I should have been there to pick you up, I've been so selfish..." She started to cry, her weak heart breaking even more. Amaya shook her head, reaching out to take Akihime s hand, squeezing it tightly. Please don t cry... Sasuke was there, he chased the man off, I m alright... I m just very woozy.. She tried to put on a smile for her, but the room just wouldn t stop spinning. "I'll get you some mochi, maybe the sugar will help..." She hiccuped and left the room quickly. She moved and grabbed what she would need to make the rice gelatin, fighting her tears. Everything was so miserable, she didn't know what to do without Yukimura there to help her. To hold her and tell her it would be ok. She tried to stay brave, for Amaya's sake, before bringing her the mochi to give her strength, "Here..." She said weakly, "Please eat..." Amaya had managed to sit up and clean herself of Mitsunari s seed while Akihime was making the mochi, the blanket wrapped around her shoulders. She took the sweet with a soft thank you, eating it slowly. She was so tired, tired and humiliated, all she wanted was to fall into a deep sleep. "I'll stay in here with you tonight if you want..." She said weakly, "I don't want to leave you alone.." She smiled sadly, nodding. Please..? She whispered, like a frightened child. She smiled and nodded, "It'll be like when I was little and scared of the oni that were hiding in the dark of my always made me feel so safe..." She smiled as she ate the last of her mochi. The growling you heard was only the strays outside, I remember how happy you were to know there weren t any oni, She laughed weakly. You cried. She blushed, "I was young and didn't understand...!" She argued. Amaya shook her head, smiling softly as she wiped her tears away, laying her head in Akihime s lap. You were still cute. She said softly. She blushed more and gently pet Amaya's hair, "Thank you...that's really sweet, Ama..." She said softly. It took a while for Amaya to doze off, even with how tired she was, but when she did, pleasant dreams were far from what waited for her. She was nineteen again, back in servitude for Yoshitsugu gods the awful humiliating things he made her do. Sometimes he made her walk around in too short kimono all day, making chores difficult without revealing a lot of her body to guests he conveniently had visit him. Other times he would tie intricate shibari under her kimono and leave her to a day of relative freedom before making her beg for him. The most humiliating thing was probably denying her while she pleasured herself for him, keeping her from climaxing each time he noticed she was close. He would have her lay on his bed, touching herself as he simply went about his own daily tasks. It was humiliating, why would he have her come into his room and please herself if he got nothing out of it?She would try her best to keep quiet, but soon it became almost painful to touch herself without coming. Y Yoshitsugu sama.. She gasped out, body trembling with effort. Pl Please let me finish.. She begged through soft whimpers and gasps. "Hm?" He glanced over at her with his odd eyes, "Do you deserve it?" Deserve it? What kind of question was that? Was this all fun for him?She was afraid to answer his question: if she said yes he would tell her she wasn t, and if she said no, he would simply agree. Y Yes... Her fingers were slick with her own juices, and her face was flush, sweat visible over her body. He gave another noise before looking back at the book he was reading, "Very well, since you've been so good to Akihime lately and have done all your house work." Amaya s body tensed hard as she finally reached her much awaited climax, gasping as she rubbed her swollen clit a few more times before finally relaxing into the bed. "Ama..." Akihime gently shook Amaya awake the next morning, the smell of food heavy in the room, "Wake up, Ama...Shingen sensei was nice and brought us leftovers from the morning meal at the dojo..." Amaya woke, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. You should have woken me.. She said softly, getting out of bed and moving to get clean clothes on. Did he leave already? She nodded, "He had to get back but I thanked him...I was polite, I promise.." She smiled, "There's some eggs and pickled vegetables, a lot of rice...I can probably reuse some for lunch if I keep them with the ice..." She tied her sash neatly before heading to the dining area of their home with Akihime. Thank you, I ll have to thank him myself, it smells amazing. "Don't forget tonight we're going to have dinner with Matsu dono and Toshiie san..." She reminded gently, "I should see if our kimono are clean..." She muttered to herself. Amaya nodded as she sat down to eat her breakfast, but it was more closer to lunch at this point. She ate in silence, setting her chopsticks on her bowl when she was finished. Akihime didn't eat nearly as much, her grief robbed her of her once healthy appetite. "Would you be alright if we visited Yukimura before dinner...?" She asked softly, barely above a whisper, staring down at her half empty bowl. She needed to move on, she knew that, but he was taken from her so suddenly. Amaya nodded. Of course. She said softly, glancing at Akihime s bowl, worried about the amount she was eating. "Thank you...I just want to leave an offering and ask for guidance..." She muttered, "Like I have...for the passed few months..." I can go and purchase a few things for him, leftovers are no good for such a thing. She said softly. "Thank you..." She started crying again, "I know we don't have a lot...but I just wanthim to know we're ok..." Amaya reached across the table to take Akihime s hand. It s alright, we can afford to spend money on this sort of thing. She said with a soft smile. She could only nod, her body wracking with her tears, squeezing Amaya's hand tightly. "I...I've been so selfish...! I've kept his six coins, he needs them and they're all I have of him left...!" Amaya frowned softly. Then we should offer another six coins to him today, shouldn t we? She said softly. Offer up another six coins? Could they afford to do such a thing? Every bit counted, and with Amaya being the only one bringing in money, money was incredibly tight. She shook her head, trying to calm down, ", he needs them...I should give them back..." She hiccuped, "I'll...I'll be alright..." It was a hard day, dragging on long and slow, but as the sun started to descend, the two women made their way to the local cemetery, carrying offerings of food, incense, and flowers with them. Akihime clutched the necklace of coins, telling herself her husband needed them more than she did. She didn't notice the large lumbering man that stalked a ways behind them, watching silently. Amaya did take notice however, but didn t bring attention to Akihime, simply made herself aware of how close he was in case he tried anything. Once they reached the gates, she stopped, always allowing Akihime her privacy when visiting Yukimura s grave. I ll wait for you here, take your time. She said softly, giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Thank you...I won't be long, I promise..." She said and headed into the cemetery, making sure she didn't dirty her kimono. The man stood nonchalantly a ways behind, trying to be inconspicuous as he prayed to the unnamed markers. Amaya waited until Akihime was out of earshot before turning slightly to face the man who had been following them. You following two women at night time, what is it you hope to accomplish in doing so? Her tone was pointed, indicating she had been aware he had been following them for a while. She was definitely human, perhaps she was just perceptive. The man stood silently for a moment before turning his gaze to her, his eyes glowing, "Forgive my rudeness," his voice was gruff, the the rumble of thunder, "she seemed familiar to me, I merely wished to be sure. I apologize for any discomfort." Amaya felt a small shred of fear flicker to life in her chest when she saw his glowing eyes. Was he a monster just like the one that had attacked her the night before? Unknowingly, she put a hand to her still bandaged neck, the smell of fear clear in the air to Kojurou. She doesn t know you. She said firmly, and she knew that for a fact. Amaya had been with Akihime for years, and not once had she seen this man anywhere. He nodded, "Please forgive me, then. It was my mistake." He said and left without another word. None None It had been months since Motochika and Nana had left the sea to live on land, and after many failed attempts to live among the society they were both new to, they took to camping in the deep woods along a lake, Motochika picking up odd jobs for coin and getting whatever else they needed from the land. Both Nana and Motochika were excellent fishermen, so food had never been an issue, but they would need to build a more permanent home if they were to combat the cold of the winter that would be soon to come. Nana usually was the one to go and collect the trees Motochika had marked as good building material, it being easy to cut down for her with such a large amount of water nearby, and strength didn t seem to be an issue either. She could easily carry two or three large trees back to camp with her with the assistance of a good amount of water they were doing well. Motochika liked to believe he was good at wood carving he hadn't done it in literal centuries but their home was coming along nicely. They had the beginnings of a roof and sturdy walls and a firepit he made from water polished stone thanks to Nana's help. This would have to be the last of the work they did for the day, the sun already dipping behind the mountains, giving them limited daylight, and working by the light of a campfire was dangerous. Nana hadn t quite made it back with the last of the trees, but she did have a bit of a trek to make to get the best lumber for the house, so Motochika wasn t too worried, plus she had been the one to take out a handful of men on her own in seconds, she was more than capable of protecting herself. Motochika sat by the fire cooking their food as he waited for Nana to get back. It was nice out here, he preferred it over the loud villages. He heard a twig snap and figured it was Nana coming back with the final logs of wood."About time you got back." He teased before a hand was clamped over his mouth and he was hoisted up way too easy. Motochika was in no way a scrawny man, he was built like a brick wall. So it was terrifying when someone could grab him and pull him around like he was a doll. Nana was strong enough to pull him around like that, but she wasn t one for jokes like that, and the hand over his mouth was far too big and rough to be hers. Whoever it was, they weren t human, not fully, for no human could pull off such a feat as easily as they were. Motochika struggled, both to get free and to breathe. Who the hell was this? They seemed rather human in form, was it a dragonian? No, no scales. And this man smelled like the forest. Soon Motochika s vision began to fade in and out, growing darker at the edges. He could suddenly feel the earth shake beneath his feet, trees crashing to the forest floor and what sounded like a wave crashing, but the lake was too calm for waves that big. Nana, he could suddenly see Nana standing in the clearing before him, the trees she had been transporting laying on the flooded campground.Nana stared in shock as she watched a massive monster of a man try to drag away Motochika, who was starting to lose consciousness, eyes wide in horror, body frozen. Nana, get away. He wanted to scream at her to run but he hadn't the strength. His eyes rolled back and he went lax. The man looked to Nana with glowing eyes before dropping Motochika and moving towards her. He expected her to fall to her knees, scream and run, look terrified of him, but her eyes were glued to Motochika. The water at their feet suddenly began to float, and Nana s appearance began to change. A look of fury and torment twisting her face, scales slowly standing up on end to appear sharper, and her pupils becoming slits. In the blink of an eye she was gone, and had shot passed Kojurou faster than he could almost see. Nana was crouched over Motochika, checking him over to make sure he was still breathing before looking back at Kojurou with tears in her eyes and her sharp teeth bared. Kojurou looked confused before turning back to look at her, "Interesting." She moved onto all fours, gnashing her teeth as she trembled. Interesting? She echoed. You hurt him and you find me interesting..!? The water they stood in slowly moved to Nana, wrapping up her arms and legs like serpents, the water weaving into her hair and fanning out like a cloak across her back. What is wrong with surface humans..!? She seemed to be consumed by her rage, eyes practically glowing the only thing that followed her disappearance again was the water where she was a moment ago splashing, then the splintering of wood as she landed twenty feet up in a tree, then rocketed toward him at break neck speed. A small cut opened up on his chest as she flew passed him, hitting the ground and bouncing off again, shooting around and bouncing from tree to ground, then tree again, leaving a decent cut on his body as she went. This continued for a bit, bouncing around like a bullet, leaving cuts all across his body and ruining the suit he wore, but these cuts were no where near enough to stop Kojurou. He stood there, taking each hit calmly, his eyes staring forward as he waited before they finally snapped to his right and he reached out, grabbing her by the neck as the sudden force of the stop choked her and nearly broke her neck. In the same movement he grabbed her in, he lifted her up and slammed her so hard into the earth that he left a small crater beneath her. Nana was taken off gaurd when he managed to grab her, she could hardly be seen by the human eye, and yet he managed to catch her? She let out a wheeze of a gasp when she was slammed into the ground, eyes wide as she stared passed Kojurou up at the sky, time seeming to slow as the dirt from the impact fell back to the earth. Her scales fell flat on her body, and the water that clung to her like a cloak trembled like a living being before falling from her body. The blood she had coughed up upon impact splattered across Kojurou s cheek, and Kojurou s own blood fell dangerously close to Nana s open mouth. Time sped up to normal for her and her eyes grew hazy, closing slightly, her body spasming before she fell limp beneath his grip, eyes closing as her head rolled to the side.The cuts on Kojurou were in no way life threatening, but they stung, and would need to be treated as for his clothes, they took most of the fatal blows. "I didn't know dragonians could live on land this long." He mused before picking her up and grabbing Motochika, taking them both back to the castle. Nana was light and smelled of the sea, hanging limp over his shoulder, breathing shallowly perhaps Kojurou had put too much force into his attack, she was rather small after all. The more he thought on it, the more it came to his attention she hadn t been harmed much physically, had her scales protected her? He had never met a dragonian before, but if she was any example of her people, they were proficient in battle and sturdy. She seemed rather green however, but in time a capable warrior. The man who was her companion was more than clearly human, smelling of the ocean and very faintly of fish, much like the woman, but he was far too human to ignore. He made a noise as he trekked back, bringing them in and taking them to Masamune and Megohime."What in the goddamn?" Masamune looked disgusted by Nana's appearance, "What is that?""A dragonian.""A what?" Masamune looked up sharply. Kojurou sighed."She comes from the Dragon Palace under the sea.""You went into the water for food?""No." Megohime looked bored and hungry, drumming her fingers lightly on the large table as she looked from Masamune to Kojurou, not caring much for their conversation or where her food came from, she was just hungry. "Wha..." Kojurou looked over quickly when Motochika began to stirr, " I...?""In my home, sadly not as a guest." Masamune replied. Are we going to do introductions, or are we going to eat? Megohime asked, tone sharp and glowing red eyes looking at Masamune. "E Eat?" Motochika looked panicked. Masamune sighed."Fraid so. Sorry about this." He said and moved to Nana. Motochika shot up but Kojurou kicked him back down. Nana lay sprawled out on the floor, covered in dirt and with blood still on her face and nails, but it wasn t her own. She breathed slowly, a serene look on her face, completely oblivious to the danger they were in. What happened to your clothes? Megohime asked Kojurou with little interest as she watched Masamune, the corners of her mouth curling up into a cruel grin, not moving from her seat, in fact, she leaned back to get more comfortable. Megohime enjoyed watching Masamune eat, it excited her and made waiting for her meal that much more worth it when she finally did eat. "She put up a bit of a fight. She's quite powerful. I almost underestimated her." Kojurou answered nonchalantly. Masamune chuckled and grabbed Nana's arm, making Motochika thrash under Kojurou's boot."Don't touch her, you disgusting leech!!" He spat. Megohime didn t care for the part where humans begged or screamed, and it especially irritated her with the overwhelming smell of Kojurou s blood assaulting her nose. Dog, keep him quiet if you re going to ruin my meal with your stench. Nana was still out cold, not showing any signs of waking up anytime soon, rather light for Masamune as well. Kojurou pulled Motochika up and covered his mouth roughly."Hai. Gomenasai, Megohime dono." He apologized softly. Motochika watched in horror as Masamune pulled Nana up and brought her close. However, Masamune didn't get very far, as he quickly dropped Nana and covered his nose."Jesus, she reeks of the ocean and fish! Disgusting!" He snarled. Nana crumpled to the floor like a sack of rocks, not waking even when she was dropped so roughly onto the stone floor.Megohime scowled softly, all of this was starting to kill her buzz and make her angry. She stood, a soft scowl on her face, looking to Kojurou. This is taking too long. She hissed out. Kojurou, let him go. She ordered, clearly crazy there was no way this small woman could handle Motochika, a man who easily towered over her. Kojurou hesitated, glancing to Masamune. The head vampire waved his hand and Kojurou released Motochika and stepped away. Megohime was on Motochika the second Kojurou let go of him, gripping his shoulders tightly as she bit into the fisherman s neck, knocking him back onto the floor, Megohime not loosening her grip in the slightest. Motochika let out a cry of pain, trying to push Megohime off him. Kojurou looked to Masamune."May I be excused for a moment. I have something for Sanada dono.""Yeah, go ahead, he's not going anywhere.." Masamune said. Kojurou bowed and left briskly. Megohime only bit down harder, grabbing his wrists and forcing them against the floor as she drank deeply.Yukimura had been simply sitting in the room Masamune had given him, spending his time spaced out as he stared at the iron band around his finger, feeling numb. His whines of pain slowly turned to huffs of pleasure, his face and chest heating up."P Please...stop...I don't want to die...I can't leave Nana..." He begged weakly. Masamune watched silently before his gaze drifted to the dragonian.A knock came to Yukimura's door."Sanada dono...may I come in? I have something for you." Kojurou called. After one more mouthful of blood, Megohime released his throat and sat back on his stomach, licking her lips before looking to Motochika. You ve plenty of blood to spare, quit blubbering like a baby. She said, fangs throbbing as she leaned over and bit into his shoulder, taking another mouthful of blood.Yukimura looked up, blinking and clearing his throat. Yes.. Come in.. "Megohime, don't gorge yourself, it's unladylike." Masamune scolded half heartedly.Kojurou entered the room and stopped, looking taken aback by Yukimura's appearance. Megohime made a noise, but obeyed, sitting up and wiping her mouth on the back of her hand. I wouldn t have to if you fed me more regularly. She said, standing up and moving away from Motochika, her eyes no longer glowing as brightly as they had been moments ago.Yukimura had cleaned up rather well, and actually looked like a human rather than a wild beast. His matted hair was now brushed and pulled neatly into a loose ponytail, wearing one of Masamune s old suits more than likely just until Masamune had clothes made for Yukimura and no longer did his fangs jut out of his mouth.His eyes still glowed red, but Kojurou could tell his eyes were brown and that they held discomfort the suit more than likely. Of course it was odd for the young man, he probably didn t even own a suit of his own when he was still alive.When Yukimura looked up, his eyes widened a bit and he immediately stood. K Katakura dono..! He looked panicked. You re injured..! "I do feed you, you're just damned picky." He stated firmly. Motochika tried crawling to Nana, uncomfortable with the obvious need pressing against his trousers.Kojurou looked and made a noise, "I'm fine, I will take appropriate messures in a moment." He said before taking a breath, "I have located your wife, Akihime." Megohime glanced to Motochika, watching him with amusement in her eyes. Look at that I think he likes me, maybe he ll be able to feed me better than you She teased, hiding her mouth behind her sleeve.Yukimura froze, the scent of something so overwhelmingly familiar in the air. Tears pricked at his eyes, and he looked back up at Kojurou, completely vulnerable. You were by her.. He whispered softly. I I can smell her.. He couldn t hold back the tears the scent was fresh, and smelled so alive, Akihime was alive. He clutched his chest as he sank down to his knees, trembling. Thank you... Thank you Gods..! He wept. "Ha ha, very cute." Masamune huffed, "Careful or I'll have Kojurou bring you rabbits to feed from "A soft jangling reached his ears and when he looked up, Kojurou was offering his necklace of six coins. "I meant no disrespect taking these from your marker, Sanada dono, but she was desperate to return them to you. I could not, in good conscience, deny her sincere request." He said gently. The coins as well as the thread they hung from were soaked in Akihime's scent. She kept them with her all the time, never parted with them for a moment. Yukimura stared up at the coins before slowly reaching up and taking them, holding them like if he wasn t careful, they would break. He stared at the coins, letting his tears flow freely before closing his hands around the coins and resting his forehead against his hands. Thank you.. He said, voice trembling. Thank you for fulfilling her request, Katakura dono.. He clutched the coins to his forehead like it were Akihime herself, clearly overwhelmed by Kojurou s gesture. Kojurou bowed gently and left him quietly to his thoughts before moving to return to Masamune and Megohime. Megohime was once again sitting in her chair, watching as Masamune took his turn feeding off of Motochika, a rather pleased look in her eyes as she watched Motochika squirm in fear and pleasure. Motochika was begging weakly for him to stop, the color slowly draining from his skin. Kojurou felt guilt fill his chest, he hadn't realized he had condemned a loving couple to their deaths. Nana was still unconscious on the floor, but Kojurou saw that Motochika had actually moved closer to her, and was now holding her hand tightly. It made sense now, that s why she had gotten so angry at Kojurou when he attacked Motochika, why she had fought so hard, they loved each other. They had been building a home together and he had destroyed their chances of being happy together he was no better than his master and how he had treated Jin. "Masamune sama," he called out before he could stop himself. Masamune pulled back and made a noise."Is this important?" He asked blandly. Kojurou lowered his gaze."They're lovers," he pointed out, "I don't think you should drain him.""Them being in a relationship changes nothing, Kojurou." Masamune said. Kojurou looked his master dead in the eye."If you take this human away from her, it will be no better than when Megohime dono butchered Iisaka and the others." He stated. Masamune felt his chest ache sharply at the memory and he moved away from Motochika quickly. Megohime scowled deeply, any look of happiness completely gone from her face now. Have you forgotten your place, Dog? She hissed as she stood. "Merely stating truth, forgive my rudeness." He stated pointedly. Motochika tried yet again to get close to Nana, shaking from weakness. Megohime gnashed her teeth, but held her tongue, glaring as she turned her gaze away and sat back down. Nana finally made a soft noise, brows furrowed as she stirred slowly, but didn t open her eyes. "Nana..." Motochika croaked before despair fell over his expression and he reached under her dress. Masamune watched curiously, confused when Motochika pulled out a satchel and felt the outside of it."What's this?" Masamune asked and moved over, snatching the satchel from Motochika. He panicked and tried to take it back."No, please, you mustn't open it! If you do, she'll die! Please, please, she's all I have in this world!" Motochika begged. Masamune furrowed his brows."What, open the bag?" He asked. Motochika shook his head."The box. Please, don't open the box." He pleaded. Masamune made a noise and pulled the box carefully from the satchel. The silver box was about the size of an average teapot, carved with intricate designs. It was cool to the touch, yet pulsed with life. The only thing keeping the box shut was a simple lock, all it would need was a key or enough force to pry it open. Why would open this box kill the dragonian woman? "Hm." Masamune mused but did nothing further with it, "Very well. You have my word it will not be opened." He said. Motochika looked relieved, his eyes closing."Arigatou..." He muttered weakly. Why are you getting your hopes up? Megohime scoffed. He said he wouldn t open the box, but she s no use to us if she s food, why would we simply keep her around? "Well...we could use more servants." Masamune said, glancing at her, "Would you like a new toy to play with, Megohime?" Megohime s mood immediately shifted, looking at Masamune in shock, cheeks flushed a bit. Of course I do.. It was disturbing, the way they were talking, it was like they were simply discussing getting Megohime a new expensive kimono. But what if he doesn t last long, like the last one? She almost seemed ashamed by that almost. "Take better care of this one. He looks sturdy but don't over work him." He said before petting her cheek, "I know you can do it." The whole of their conversation was nauseating, but Megohime seemed delighted. Putting her hand over his, she smiled and nodded, leaning into his touch. I will, thank you, Masamune sama.. Motochika hadn t noticed that while he was watching Masamune and Megohime, that Nana had slowly opened her eyes, staring dazed at Motochika. "Nana...!" Motochika looked when he felt her staring and was relieved. Masamune looked over and smirked."Good of you to join us." He greeted. Nana blinked slowly, her gaze slowly drifting from Motochika up to Masamune, and even with her vision blurry, she spotted the box in his hands right away. G...Give it back.. She muttered, but couldn t move quite yet. "I'm sorry but I'm going to be holding onto this to ensure your cooperation." Masamune said, "I'm told you'll die if it's opened? Why is that?" Nana squeezed Motochika s hand another cruel human, was Motochika truly the only kind human there was? I It will destroy my heart if it is opened.. She answered softly she still didn t have the courage to tell the truth, not when she had been lying to Motochika for so long. "Interesting." Masamune mused, "It will be kept safe. I have assured your lover that no harm will come to it.""I guess we're stuck here a while, Nana..." Motochika muttered, squeezing her hand, "I'm so sorry..." Nana, though her vision blurry, could sill easily smell Motochika s blood. You re hurt... Tears pushed forward from her eyes. They hurt you.. "Nothin' I can't handle..." He smiled gently, "It'll be ok...we'll be together no matter what.." Motochika was suddenly led away from Nana, Megohime have grown bored of their talking. I ll be taking him now, do what you want with the fish. She said as she dragged Motochika down the hall by the collar of his shirt. "I love you, Nana!" He called before disappearing out of the room. Masamune made a noise."Well, I suppose I'll have to find a place for you for now.." He said. Nana still felt her body refusing her, refusing to move properly as she barely managed to upright herself into a sitting position. Please let us leave.. She begged him softly. Please, Motochika doesn t deserve this..! "It was either this or death. And since I much rather like the idea of people not raiding my home to kill me, neither of you can leave." He said, manicured nails clicking against her box. We wouldn t tell anyone! We just want to live in peace..! Her eyes were glued to the box, body rigid as he nonchalany played with the box.Megohime dumped Motochika onto the floor of a small room, blood staining the floors, walls, and even the ceiling, shackles lining the walls and laying on the floor. She watched him for a moment before speaking. Your name, what is it? Masamune gave a noise before shaking his head gently, "Sorry, can't risk it."Motochika pushed himself up, looking up at her hesitantly, "Chosokabe Motochika.." Nana hung her head, biting back a sob if only she had been stronger, they would be free, Motochika would be free.Megohime stared down at him with cold scarlet eyes. No, it s not. She leaned down to look at him more closely, grabbing his chin roughly. It s Dog. "Kojurou." Masamune looked over at the werewolf who had been standing and watching with painful silence."Hai..." Kojurou confirmed quietly. Masamune rose his eyebrow."Take her down to the cellar for now until I can figure out a place for her." He said. Kojurou nodded and moved to gently grab Nana's arm."Please come with me..." He requested softly.Motochika scowled, glaring with his good eye."No, it isn't. It's Motochika. I'm not a dog who plays fetch and sits on his ass for treats." Nana stood when he asked her to, but her knees buckled beneath her and she sank back to the floor. I can t walk... She muttered, keeping her gaze down. Of course you aren t, you haven t had proper training. Megohime said simply, letting her hand run up his cheek and under the bandage over his destroyed eye, gently moving it away from his eye and pulling it completely from his head. But in time you ll make a wonderful hound. Kojurou apologized softly, "Do I have permission to carry you?" He asked gently. For someone who just ruined her life, he was very polite.Motochika screamed when she ripped what was left of his eye from his socket, falling back and holding it in a feeble attempt to stop the pain."You bitch!! You vile disgusting mosquito woman!!" Nana hesitated for a moment before giving a small nod, why was he being kind? Did he regret what he had done? Either way, Nana didn t care, how could humans be so cruel?Megohime licked the destroyed eye, watching Motochika in amusement. It wasn t working anyway, I did you a favor. She said, tossing the eye and the bandages over her shoulder. I have no use for things that don t work. She moved over to him, straddling his stomach once again as she yanked his hands away from his face, wanting to see the empty socket up close. Kojurou nodded and gently picked her up, carrying her down to the cellar, "I will bring you what spare bedding we have. I believe my old futon is still in storage. I will have it cleaned and bring it down to you." He told her.The socket was full of blood and twitching muscles and destroyed nerves. Motochika was in so much pain he almost passed out."Get off me...please, it hurts so much..." Nana sat were he set her, still not able to completely make her legs do as she wished. She didn t want to even speak with this man, he had taken away their happiness, but he had also saved Motochika s life, she she swallowed her pride. Thank you. She still refused to look at him, fists clenched and shoulders shaking.Megohime ignored him, cheeks flushed at the sight of his blood, finding herself hungry once more. Beautiful She cooed gently, petting his hair, almost drooling at the sight. Kojurou nodded and left her in silence. There was no point in apologizing.Motochika mustered his strength through the pain and spat in her face."Disgusting." Megohime s expression faultered, but didn t change, simply wiping the saliva from her cheek before putting one hand to Motochika s throat, squeezing lightly. Do you truly wish to start training that badly, Dog? "I'm not a dog." He hissed, though it was slightly strangled. Not yet, but you will be.. She brought her hand to her mouth, biting down into the fleshy heel before holding it over Motochika s open mouth, letting her blood drip onto his tongue. He tried to spit it out, tried to turn his head away but her hand on his throat didn't allow for much movement, "Let me go!" Megohime only held him down harder, squeezing his jaw to keep it open as drop by drop her blood fell into his mouth. Ssh She soothed gently. He gnashed his teeth shut to try and halt the blood, his right hand swinging out and knocking hard into her jaw. The hit was enough to knock Megohime off of Motochika, but not knock her out. She sat holding her cheek in shock before looking to Motochika. A dog should know better than to bite their master. She muttered lowly, eyes wide and a crazy light glinting in them as she clamped down on her own hand, drawing in a mouthful of blood and climbing back on top of him, slamming her own fist into his stomach right below his sternum. He gasped loudly in pain, the wind knocked out of him so much that he couldn't even scream. He was seeing spots, and the edges of his vision were going black. He felt something warm and soft against his lips, then he felt a warm liquid slowly trickle down his throat, his body immediately feeling as though it had been set aflame. He shut his eye tight as he was forced to swallow her blood, whimpering at the odd discomfort it caused him. Why did she think this was a game? That his life was a toy? How could she sleep soundly with such dark indulgences? Once he had swallowed the entire mouthful of blood, Megohime pulled away and wiped her lips in disgust, glaring down at him and watching him silently, waiting for any reaction to the blood he had just consumed. He rolled over and vomitted, gagging and gasping much like she used to when Masamune gave her his blood."Your blood is God awful." He sneered, wiping his mouth, glaring hatefully. Get used to it, it ll be the only thing you ll be getting for now. She said, then turned and left, locking the heavy iron door behind her. A couple days passed and as the sun began to set one evening, a knock came gently to Yukimura's door."Sanada dono, Masamune sama wishes to speak with you...he says it's urgent.." The door opened and the young vampire looked up at Kojurou, eyes still glowing red even with Masamune providing him with meals though he wasn t able to feed from bodies without losing control quite yet, so he stuck to blood from a cup for the time being. Is everything alright? He asked the werewolf, the coin necklace now around his neck. Is it about Akihime..? He nodded, though there was no grimness nor joy to the gesture. "Please follow me." He said and headed off to Masamune's throne room. Yukimura followed as told, fiddling with the band on his finger the entire time they walked down the halls toward the throne room where Masamune sat in wait for the young blood. Masamune was in his fancy chair, Megohime perched in his lap. He perked when Kojurou entered with Yukimura and smiles softly."So, Kojurou has been giving me reports of the area to make sure no fledglings or ferals are causing too much havoc. And I'm told you asked him to keep tabs on your wife to make sure she's safe." He said, playing with Megohime's hair. Yukimura bowed his head out of respect, stopping beside Kojurou and giving a nod. Hai.. Please forgive me, I didn t mean to overstep my bounds by requesting that of Katakura dono. Megohime had her head rested on Masamune s shoulder, the side of her face bruised badly and eyes closed as she dozed in his lap. "It's no trouble. Really, he needs to get out more. That's not what I wanted to talk about though." He said, "She's been going to your marker a lot lately. And Kojurou has told me that ferals have been picking the graves for scraps.""She plans to visit the cemetery tonight," Kojurou added from beside Yukimura. Yukimura went rigid. You can t let her! He snapped immediatly. The ferals will get her, you need to protect her Ineed to protect her! "I was gonna ask if you wanted to go and keep an eye on her." Masamune smirked, "See her for the first time in months " Please! He looked about ready to drop to his knees just to beg, clutching his necklace firmly. "Alright, alright, you love sick dog " He smirked, "Go with him, Kojurou.""Hai." Kojurou bowed politely. Yukimura didn t need to gather anything, he was already completely ready to go, heading out with Kojurou as a chaperone of sorts down to the small village where he and Akihime once lived together. It was pitch black by the time they made it there, keeping quiet as to not disturb anyone else that may have been there human or otherwise. Kojurou made sure Yukimura stayed in the darkness so they wouldn't be seen, if the ferals saw them first it would end poorly. But when they reached the hill, it didn't seem to matter. There she was, knelt before a simple plaque with Yukimura's name etched into the stone. Akihime seemed to have just arrived, lighting the incense and bowing her head to pray. Yukimura lurched forward, taking a step but then stopping himself, eyes glued to Akihime as she prayed. There she was, safe and sound, not a scratch on her. Thank the gods, he must not had made his way home after he was turned. "Today was a good day, Yukimura..." She said gently, "Ama was able to earn enough that we won't have to rely on charities this week...and I may get a job as a seamstress soon so our landlord won't hound us for money anymore." She gave a small laugh, though it was forced. She sat quietly for a moment before taking a breath, her body shaking, "I miss you...I miss you so much...and I know I say it each time I visit, but it doesn't lessen the meaning." She hiccuped and tried to keep her composure, "Everyone tells me move on but I'm scared that if I do, I'll forget you and your marker will be abandoned. Please," she hunched over and cried more, "Please, my husband, guide me! I'm so lost and afraid! I don't know what to do!" Yukimura hadn t realized he was crying again, did realize he was slowly making his way from the shadows and out toward his wife. He had been gone from her for months, and his heart ached deeply to hold her, hold her just once more. Kojurou's eyes snapped to the right as the anguished horrific wail of a feral rang out, probably alerted to Akihime's crying. It stumbled out into view and lazered in on her, on her pounding heart that pumped rich vitae. That's when her crying stopped and she sat upright."Finally..." She muttered, "Finally the Gods will grant me my peace...I've waited so long to rejoin you, my husband..." The feral had gotten to Akihime first, but Yukimura was faster. Akihime felt the bone crushing grip of the feral as it grabbed her and yanked her backward to drag her closer, but she never felt its teeth sink into her neck. She heard a thud on the ground behind her, then the feral too fell back or rather the entirety of its body minus the head. Yukimura was breathing heavily, staring at his blood covered hand as he shook violently, eyes glowing a deep red. When she looked, her eyes widened in horror. "Yuki...mura..." He could hear her heart skip and pound, of course she would be petrified by the monster he had become. But she didn't run, didn't scream she reached out gently to cup his cheek and she choked on a sob. He was real, he was real and he was there, he protected her. Yukimura s head snapped toward Akihime when she touched him, but the second his eyes fell on her, his bloodlust seemed to fade, eyes softening, but not losing their red color. Overwhelming shame forced Yukimura to look away, clear on his face he was disgusted with himself, with what he now was, and that his wife knew, he didn t want her to see him. "You're alive..." She wept softly, "I'm so glad...I knew you had to be..." Her hand dropped to the collar of his suit and brushed it aside gently to ghost her thumb over his coins. Yukimura tried to look to Akihime, but found he was unable to bring himself to do so. Gomenasai.. He said softly, fists clenched. Gomenasai.. She shook her head, "Don't apologize..." She said gently. "You're still my husband...for better or for worse...I will love you always." Tears flowed down his cheeks and he slowly sunk to his knees in front of her, clutching at her dress, shoulders shaking as he fought his sobs. I thought I had killed you... I thought you were gone forever..! She took his hands gently and knelt in front of him, "If my death meant you could continue on, I would gladly give my life a thousand times...though I'm sure that's the last thing you want.." She smiled softly It s not what I want at all..! He shook his head, hair falling over his shoulder it had grown so long since she had last seen him. Not at all..! He said, pulling her close into a tight embrace. She sat there quietly for a moment before returning his embrace, "Hai...forgive my insensitive words..." She said, playing with his hair gently, "I'm just so glad to see you're safe..." He wanted time to stop, for it to stop and stand still forever as he held Akihime tightly to his chest, slowly letting go of her to pull away slightly. He leaned forward again and pressed his lips gently to hers, eyes closed as he held her gently. She relaxed and gave a soft noise of delight as she kissed back, holding onto him as if he would vanish again if she let go. She was crying, so overwhelmed that she could hardly contain her emotions. Kojurou frowned softly and glanced at the position of the moon, they had been there a while."Sanada dono...forgive my interruption but we must return soon." He said gently. Yukimura pulled away slowly, a soft frown on his face as he nodded in acknowledgement to Kojurou. Please forgive me, Akihime.. He said softly, not letting go of her just yet. She smiled sadly and shook her head, petting his cheek gently."It's are always welcome to come home if you wish, briefly or permanently. So long as I can have you by my side again, I'm happy.." She said and kissed him again, holding his hand tight. He kissed back, this time more desperately before pulling away and standing, his hand slipping from hers. Thank you, Akihime... But, He clenched his fists. It isn t safe to be with me as I am now.. "You are my husband and I am willing to brave any risk to ensure you we are never apart again..." She said as she stood, "I love you, matter what happens. You could become the most frightening and dangerous youkai in the whole of Japan and it would not change a single thing." She took his hand and ran her finger over his wedding band, "I threw away everything I had to be with you...there is no risk I wouldn't take to be in your arms.." Yukimura s expression softened, wanting so desperately to stay and be with Akihime, but he couldn t. He wouldn t. He barely had any control over his bloodlust, and he wasn t willing to risk Akihime. Thank you, Akihime, it does my heart good to hear that.. He said softly, glancing to Kojurou. I promise I will return again I promise I will see you again. She smiled and nodded, "I will always be there to welcome you home, no matter how long the stay." She said before turning to Kojurou, "Thank you for taking such good care of my husband...words do not express my gratitude." She said as she bowed. Kojurou looked a little taken aback before bowing in return."I will continue to do my best." He replied. Yukimura gave Akihime s hand a squeeze, then slowly let go once more and returned to Kojurou s side, heart heavy in his chest. "Not even a few seconds and I already miss you.." She laughed. Kojurou nudged his head and started to head for home. She waved goodbye as they left, her band glinting in the moonlight. None None Nana had been stuck in the cellar for days, with no word about Motochika or her own fate and she was done sitting around. One of the servants would be by soon to feed her, and when they did, is when she would go into action. Masamune sama! The thrall in charge of bringing Nana her food came rushing to Masamune, Nana s food still in hand. It s the woman you ve taken in, she s injured! "Mm?" Masamune glanced over before rolling his eyes, "Oh great, I wonder what she got into to hurt herself." He said as he stood and headed to the cellar. Masamune could smell blood when he entered the cellar, and upon moving over to where she laid in the far corner on the futon Kojurou had given her, he saw her writhing in pain on the bed.She grasped at her chest and wheezed, blood running from the corners of her mouth, face twisted into a look of pain. Was it the affects of her being away from water so long? Had he fed her something she couldn t eat? "Hey," Masamune nudged her with his shoe, "What's wrong with you? Ya dyin'?" She managed to peel open one eye, gasping as she stared up at him, then with a shaking hand, slowly moved to point it toward the ceiling, a single drop of water falling on Masamune s head. He glanced up at the ceiling and scowled faintly, "What, you want water?" He asked. When his eyes met the dark ceiling, he saw exactly where the water had come from. A large mass of water filled the entire ceiling, pooling like it was on the floor and they were the ones on the ceiling. Before he could do anything else however, the water fell upon him, engulfing him and picking him up off his feet, Nana getting up off the bed, now completely fine. She wiped the blood from her lips and stared at Masamune with a scowl the water flowed around him in a fast current, keeping him trapped in place in the orb of water, which filled his ears and nose, and even felt like it was trying to pry apart his lips to enter his mouth. He gasped loudly and the water filled his lungs quicker than he could try to force it out. He clawed at his throat, glaring hatefully at her. Oh, she was a clever little fish alright. He would deal with her appropriately later. Nana had a frown on her face as she watched Masamune struggle he could see in her eyes that doing this pained her, but yet she did not faulter, waiting for Masamune to lose consciousness. He tried to keep conscious, but the lack of air in his lungs made it hard. He slowly fell lax, his eyes slipping closed. Nana waited a moment longer before letting him slip from the water and drop onto the floor. She gave him one last look before the water moved to her, covering her like a cloak once more before she hurried off, using her nose to try and locate Motochika. He was on the other end of the castle, laying on the ground in absolute discomfort as Megohime fed him her blood again. Motochika was covered in cuts and bruises, as well as bumps and bite marks. Megohime had put him through the wringer, but even then, he still had the strength to fight her off when she tried to feed him her blood. For such a small woman, she packed quite the punch, and with the constant beatings and feedings, it was more than easy for her to pin Motochika and feed him blood from her mouth. His mind swirled and his body ached and burned, heart racing in his chest as he swallowed another mouthful of her wretched blood. "I hope you the deepest pit of Hell." He hissed hatefully, eye unfocused, "You vile...ugly mosquito woman..." Megohime pulled away from him, sitting on his stomach as she brought her hand to her mouth again, but paused. My you certainly are re She was cut off as a large tendril of water slammed into her and knocked her off Motochika, pinning her to the wall and wrapping around her like a snake, squeezing tightly.Nana had come in, and upon seeing Motochika s condition and what Megohime was doing to her, nearly lost it. Her scales were flared and her pupils slits, clenching her outstretched fist and making the water squeeze Megohime tighter. You wretched b ! Megohime was cut off again as a ater forced its way into her mouth and down her throat, filling her lungs quickly and painfully, filling each lung completely and then some. Megohime kicked and thrashed, choking on the water before the water that led into her mouth started to grow red, and her struggles stopped. "Nana...!" Motochika tried to roll onto his side to sit up, "Y You're safe...!" Nana dropped Megohime and rushed to Motochika s side, falling to her knees to help him sit up. I m ok, but Gods Motochika, look at you..! "Nothin' I can't handle.." He grinned weakly. She smiled, lip trembling as she nodded. We have to hurry, we still need to find my box. She said softly as she helped him to his feet, letting him lean on her for support. He walked with her, limping a bit and ignoring the numbing haze that surrounded his mind from Megohime's blood."I hope I don't turn into a vampire..." He muttered. Don t say that, you ll be fine..! In truth, Nana didn t know if Motochika would turn or not, she didn t know how vampires were made, it was only recently that she learned of their existence. They made their way through the castle cautiously, Nana following her nose right to the box, where Masamune had hidden it away in his bedroom. Motochika leaned against the wall for support as Nana moved to grab her box."We should hurry..." He rasped. Nana hurried over to the silver box that sat on his shelf, grabbing it and turning back to Motochika. Yeah..! When she turned, Masamune was standing unnoticed by Motochika, dripping wet and beyond livid."And just what do you think you two are doing?" He growled. Motochika jumped out of his skin and fell on his ass, scrambling away from Masamune. Nana s eyes went wide in horror and her whole body went rigid before she went into action, rushing forward at Masamune and Motochika she had to get to him first, if she got to Motochika, then they could just escape out the window, she didn t care how much the fall would hurt her, she had to protect Motochika. Masamune seemed to be one step ahead of her. In an instant he had Motochika by the throat, holding him up like he weighed nothing."Not an inch closer or I snap his neck like a brittle twig." Nana froze instantly, feeling like he had his vice grip on her heart rather than Motochika s throat. Please let him go! She begged, tears filling her eyes. "You try to kill me and make off with my wife's servant and my new treasure and you want me to let him go?" Masamune sounded insulted, "After I had been so kind and spared the both of you?" He s not a servant, and there s nothing kind in what you've done! She protested, holding the silver box to her chest with shaking hands. We re living things and we have dreams and desires! We didn t ask for this! "Of course you didn't." He said, "But as I've said, you have seen me and I do not desire people coming to raid my home. I cannot trust that you will keep quiet about what you have seen.." Please, you have my word, as the princess of the Dragonian people, I wouldn t beseech a promise! I will not tell anyone of what I ve seen here! She was desperate, wanting so badly to free Motochika. Please let him leave, I ll stay, just please let him live his life in peace! "I I'm not...abandoning you..." Motochika choked out. Masamune glanced at Motochika before returning his gaze to Nana."You heard the man." He said. I ll give my life for his! I ll do anything! Anything you ask of me, I ll do it, just please let him leave! Her entire body was shaking at this point, praying Motochika would agree. "N...No! I'm not leaving...!" Motochika spat, "I'll deal with that mosquito woman " He hacked when Masamune squeezed his neck harder, "Just...have mercy on...N Nana...""If you swear to behave and do as I say when I say it, I will let your human lover live," Masamune said, "I will convince Megohime to be kinder to him...and if you are good and do not cause trouble, I will let the two of you be together for a time." Nana couldn t stop the sobs that escaped her, clutching the box tightly to her chest as she sunk to her knees. I ll do it..! I ll do what you say, just please don t kill him..! The water on her back and in her hair fell to the ground, forming a puddle around her, scales falling flat against her body. Masamune dropped Motochika and he gasped and coughed for air. Masamune moved to Nana and took the box from her hands."I do have to punish you for trying to kill me, however." He said and kicked her hard in the side of the head."No!" Motochika yelled and tried to move over to protect her. Nana collapsed to the floor without a sound, the scent of her blood reaching Masamune s nose. His kick had split the delicate fins that made up her ear, blood trickling down the side of her face as she lay on the ground, simply accepting her fate. "No, please, don't hurt her!" Motochika begged. Why couldn't he protect her? She was counting on him and all he ever did was let her down. Masamune glanced back at Motochika with dangerous eyes before returning his gaze to Nana before bringing his foot up and stomping down on her leg, snapping it cleanly in one hard swift motion. A scream tore from Nana, body stiffening as she clawed the ground in an attempt to escape from Masamune s range, head spinning. Her hair covered most of her face, falling over her eyes, the only thing Motochika could see was her mouth open in a scream of agony and the tears that stained her cheeks. Motochika forced himself up and rushed over to her, shielding her with his body."That's enough!" He yelled, "Please...that's don't need to hurt her anymore.""And what gives you the right to tell me what to do?" Masamune sneered. Motochika frowned."I mean no disrespect...but breaking her leg is punishment enough...she'll obey, she said she would...I'll obey, too...just don't hurt her anymore.." Nana curled up beneath Motochika the best that she could, shaking from pain. She could barely hear Motochika and Masamune speaking, it sounding like they were far away.A new voice barely registered in her ears, one of Masamune s thralls.The thrall was a larger man, almost as big as Motochika, holding a limp body. Masamune sama. He called his master to get his attention, the familiar smell of blood was one he could never mistake. Megohime was cradled in the thralls arms, not breathing, blood coming from her nose and mouth, eyes opened slightly to reveal blank eyes. Masamune looked and his eyes widened, "Mego...hime..." He muttered, "Wh What...what happened...?" The thrall shook his head. She was in her Toy Room on the floor. He said and only then did Masamune see the water dripping from her clothes. He zeroed in on Nana and Motochika tried to shield her more."Don't touch her!""Move, blood bag." Masamune hissed and shoved him aside, "Kojurou! Get in here!" Motochika moved to grab Masamune but the vampire merely punched him back down. Nana didn t try to run, she only curled up tighter, turning her face toward the floor, visibly trembling. Kojurou moved into the room and frowned, "Hai...?""Pin her down." Masamune ordered. Kojurou already hated himself for ruining their lives, why did he have to make things worse? "Now, Kojurou!" Masamune barked and the werewolf sighed before moving to keep Nana pinned to the floor. Nana squirmed and fought beneath the large man, who made her look like a child he was so big. Please no more..! She begged Kojurou, staring up at him with tear filled eyes. He looked away, too disgusted with himself to look at her. Masamune moved and bit into his wrist before forcing it into her mouth. Motochika's heart sank, they were doing to her what Megohime tried with him making her obedient to a T. Kojurou could feel Nana thrash harder beneath him, muffled cries coming from her as she tried to spit his blood back out, but it was useless. His blood trickled down her throat and her cries turned to screams, thrashing becoming harder and more urgent, starting to give Kojurou a bit of trouble.It hurt, every inch or her body burned and she felt like she was being crushed, eyes wide in pain as her pupils turned to slits. "M Masamune sama, I don't think this is a good idea...""Shut up, Kojurou." Masamune scowled. Kojurou looked almost panicked."She's a demi God, we don't know what your blood will do to her!" Nana s scales flared and she suddenly bit down hard on Masamune s wrist, an audible crunch following. She screamed and kicked, her pupils nothing more than thin slits as she clawed at Kojurou. "Jesus!!" Masamune yelled and Kojurou dislocated her jaw easily to force her to let go. A horrid scream came from Nana the moment he pulled away, chest surging forward as she spat up the blood the best she could with her jaw dislocated. She could hardly think, the only thing registering was the pain she was in. "Lock her back up!!" Masamune shouted and Kojurou dragged her away kicking and screaming. Nana s eyes were wild, and even with a dislocated jaw and a broken leg, she still tried to fight Kojurou. She was more akin to a wild beast than a person, punching and clawing, and even trying to bite with her jaw still dislocated. He put her in one of the cells, watching her writhe and scream. He would have to wait for her to calm down before fixing her jaw. It wouldn t take long for her to wear herself down, laying gasping on the floor with unfocused eyes, shaking and grasping at her chest in pain. He waited before entering slowly and moving to relocate her jaw, careful to avoid her biting him. Her disposition had done a complete one eighty, she hardly even noticed he had come into the cell and had pushed her jaw back into place, only making a soft grunt when he did so. "Please forgive me..." He muttered, "I would not wish this on anyone..." She only laid were he had put her, her gasping slowly quieting until she simply lay on the floor staring blankly up at the ceiling.Kojurou did notice the uncomfortable angle her leg rested in, having been broken by Masamune, and pushed into a painful position from her struggles, swollen and bruised deeply. He moved and took some planks from broken barrels and tore his suit for fabric as he reset her leg, keeping it in place with the wood and fabric. She didn t make a single noise when he fixed her leg, only laid completely still except for the small rise and fall of her chest, eyes dead. He sighed faintly and left her in peace, hoping Masamune didn't destroy her mentally. Things seemed to be looking up for Akihime and Amaya, Akihime found a job with a seamstress, which meant Amaya didn t have to work so long at the factory anymore other than the incident with Mitsunari, there had been not a single issue. Akihime seemed to have perked up a lot, though Amaya didn't know why and Akihime didn't seem keen to share. All that mattered was she was happier, and she saw everything in a more positive way. Amaya was glad for Akihime, glad she had finally found peace, or something close to it.She had stopped off in the cemetery to pray a the Sanada family grave site, cleaning the blank marker that had sat there for years, the one only Amaya tended to, lighting an incense and leaving a small portion of food. Akihime never dared ask Amaya why she tended it or why it was even there. She had a general idea why. She always let Amaya have her peace when she visited the blank marker, giving a soft prayer of her own as she waited. After tending to the marker, and leaving her offerings and prayer, she left the grave, returning to Akihime. Ready to go home? She smiled and nodded, "Hai...I planned on making tempura for dinner tonight.." Amaya smiled softly. Ah, that sounds so much better than plain rice again. She half joked. She laughed softly, "It does, I agree.." She said. When they returned home however, the police swordsmen were waiting for them."Akihime of the Sanada household?" The captain asked. Akihime looked confused as she stepped closer."Is something wrong, officer?" She asked. He grabbed her wrist roughly and twisted her arm behind her back, making her wince and gasp."You're under arrest for the assault of Ishida Mitsunari.""Excuse me?! He attacked my friend, took advantage of her in my own home! I was acting within my rights!""A woman without a husband has no rights." He sneered and Akihime was so hurt and taken aback by his statement that she couldn't say anything. Amaya was stunned, Mitsunari had pressed charges? Please this is all just a big misunderstanding! Amaya moved over, wanting to pull Akihime away, but knew better. Please, if we can just discuss this! "She can discuss it from her cell. Let's go." He said and pushed her along. Akihime tried to be brave."D Daijoubu...! I'm sure this will be sorted out in no time!" Amaya felt herself starting to panic, she hadn t been separated from Akihime in years, what would she do on her own? Her breath caught in her throat and she could only stare as Akihime left with the men, shoulders shaking. What would she do now? She needed to find out what her bail was and earn that money fast. Or ask Yoshitsugu and Mitsunari to drop the charges. She had gone to the authorities, had asked them about bail for Akihime and how much it would be. Five thousand yen. She didn t have that kind of money saved up, not after she had dipped into her savings for Yukimura s grave. She had no other choice, she had to go directly to Mitsunari and Yoshitsugu. After pestering the police enough, they finally told her that they were staying in the lodging in the neighboring town.It didn t take her long to track the two down, swallowing her overwhelming fear and approaching them to demand her friends release. Mitsunari answered the door when she knocked and he glared. His nose was still bruised from Akihime's punch."What do you want? You are not welcome here." I wish to speak with Yoshitsugu. She said firmly, fists clenched tightly. Please let me in. "Leave." Mitsunari growled."Who is it, Mitsunari...?" Yoshitsugu sounded strained, tired. Mitsunari glanced back, hos grip on the door tightening."It's that whore that left with Akihime." He answered. A weak rasp sounded before a brief silence."Send her in..." Yoshitsugu requested. Mitsunari shook before glaring at Amaya."He is very weak. Do not burden him longer than needed with your presence." Amaya said nothing in response to Mitsunari, but couldn t meet his eyes as she passed him. She entered the room and moved to stand before the bedridden Yoshitsugu, clenching her fists at her sides to stop them from shaking. Please release Akihime from jail. She requested quietly. Yoshitsugu looked up at her and stared for a couple seconds."She is imprisoned...?" He rasped, "For what?""She broke my nose, Gyobu.." Mitsunari said. Yoshitsugu gave a dry, airy chuckle."What a spirited young girl, that daughter of mine..." Please, I don t have the money to pay her fines! She pleaded to Yoshitsugu. Please drop the charges against her I ll have the money after working a few more months, just please, don t let her stay in jail, it s not where she belongs! "I will have Mitsunari go a free her," Yoshitsugu said, "If you return home.""Gyobu!" Mitsunari argued, "She is nkt worth your time anymore, she made her choice!""I still own her..." Amaya looked absolutely horrified, her entire body going rigid, and her heart pounding in her chest. Does Akihime get to remain here? She asked softly, lowering both her head and her gaze. "Akihime is a grown woman now...she can do as she pleases..." Yoshitsugu said. Mitsunari was livid."She ran out with a street rat!" He argued. Yoshitsugu rasped again as he tried to breathe."She is happy, she could marry an actual rat for all I care..." He replied weakly. Amaya stood where she was for a moment, silent before nodding her head. I ll go back with you. Just please let the charges be dropped. She said softly. Yoshitsugu nodded, "Mitsunari, go and free Akihime please." He ordered. Mitsunari snarled and stormed out, furious beyond belief. Amaya stood where she was in silence, eyes glued to the floor. She hadn t seen Yoshitsugu in years, and now she was his once more, trapped by her fate, and there was no escaping it. "We'll be heading back home in a couple days time...when I regain my strength.." He told her. Hai. She nodded, shoulders shaking. Even though Yoshitsugu was a frail old man, she feared him deeply, being rendered completely obedient in his presence. Mitsunari came back after a while, "There. It is done.""Thank you, Mitsunari..." Yoshitsugu said. Amaya had taken a seat on the floor in the far corner, sitting with her legs tucked beneath her and her head bowed, staring down at her hands resting in her lap. Akihime, however, was in a panic. Amaya was no where to be found, she looked everywhere she could. Did she run away? Was she upset with her? She sat sobbing in her room, frustrated and heartbroken that her friend was gone. Amaya wasn t one for theatrics, and even if she was upset with Akihime, she never would ve run away. Even when Akihime herself pushed Amaya away, she stayed, so why? Why was she gone now? Something had to have happened to her friend, there was just no way she had run away. Akihime continued looking for Amaya once she had calmed down. Asking around got her nothing and she was beginning to lose hope. Soon Akihime had asked everyone who knew Amaya in one way or another, and yet not one had seen her at all that day, it was like she merely stopped existing. "Amaya!" She was calling and screaming through the streets, almost in tears again, "Where are you?!""Aki...?" She stopped stock still and turned slowly, once she would be angry to see Sasuke, but with her new knowledge of her husband, she had no reason to loathe him, "What's up, did something happen to Amaya...?""She's gone, I can't find her anywhere...have you seen her?" Akihime asked. Sasuke frowned and shook his head."No, not recently..." He replied. Akihime groaned in defeat."Where did she go...?" She muttered. There had to be some clue, anything, even the smallest of clues then it clicked in her head.The charges had suddenly been dropped, meaning Mitsunari had come back and revoked his claim of assault, but why? He would never do such a thing, he would never go back on his word, not unless Yoshitsugu told him to. "Oh my God..." She muttered and Sasuke moved closer."What is it?""She's with my father...oh God, why would she go back to him...?!" She panicked. Sasuke felt his shoulders tense."Tell me what happened." He said and Akihime told him everything hoe Mitsunari took advantage of Amaya and how Akihime had attacked him and threw him from her home, how she was arrested and now suddenly released out of the blue."It's all my fault..." She covered her face and whined, "Oh Ama..." Sasuke scowled and put his fist in his hand."Ok. I'll bring her home.""What?" Akihime looked up, "You know where they are?""No, but I'll find out. What for us at home, ok?" He said and headed off. Amaya grunted as she hit the ground, dirt scraping her knees and elbows as she landed, head spinning already from the solid blow Mitsunari had landed on her head. Mitsunari had ordered her to take the trash out, but she got the feeling she was the trash to be taken out. She her bloodied nose on her sleeve, slowly trying to get up, and away from the trash receptacle behind the inn.It was dark by then, and everyone was either inside or sleeping, which meant they wouldn t be interrupted. "You filthy disgusting woman." Mitsunari snarled, "You let that dumb bitch humiliate me and then dare to come begging for her freedom...! You're lucky that Gyobu is so kind in his failing health!" He snapped but then immediately dropped his voice again, "I will teach you proper respect again even if it kills you." Amaya staggered to her feet and black spots danced in her vision, making her sway a bit. She opened her mouth, but bit back her response this was all she deserved after all. Mitsunari punched her hard in the face and stepped on her head, "Beg for forgiveness...!" Hitting the ground jarred her whole body, and she could feel the blood dripping steadily from her split lip. ...won t... I wont... He could just barely hear her from beneath his foot, half of her face pressed into the dirt. "What?" He growled, "What did you say?" I won t..! She managed out, trying to shove his foot off her face. I haven t done anything wrong..! He started stepping on her head, livid beyond belief. She would learn, he would make her learn. Amaya cried out in pain, the small rocks in the dirt digging into her skin as he pressed her head down harder in the dirt. Hot tears spilled from her eyes, grinding her teeth. Why? Why did she deserve such treatment? She hadn t realized she was punching Mitsunari s leg until her knuckles started to hurt, audibly crying. "Hey," the voice sounded far away, almost under water, "I'm gonna hafta ask you to not do that.""This doesn't concern you. Leave." Mitsunari growled. Sasuke scowled softly."Not without her." Amaya hadn t realized she had slipped out of consciousness until the voice pulled her back, vision blurry. She was sprawled our on her back, laying limp on the ground with Mitsunari s foot planted firmly into the side of her face, which was swollen and bruised and losing blood from the cuts the rocks had made when he was stomping her head directly into the ground. Her good eye slowly moved to stop on Sasuke, making a weak noise of acknowledgement. "She is my property." Mitsunari growled. Sasuke snorted."She doesn't belong to anyone. She has a home and a family waiting for her.Move." What did this man mean that he owned her? Was he her husband? Amaya had never spoken of a husband, or even that she had seen anyone in the past, but it made sense to hide such things, especially if this was how he acted toward her. Sasuke moved over to help Amaya and Mitsunari threw a punch but Sasuke ducked it and slammed his shoulder into Mitsunari's gut, knocking the wind out of him. Sasuke slammed his fists into Mitsunari's back and knocked him down, kicking him away from Amaya before helping her up."You ok...?" He asked gently. Amaya could hardly speak, with her busted lip and an obvious concussion, slurring out a string of incoherent mess, eyes barely focusing on him. "Let's get you to the doctor.." He said and guided her as carefully as he could to the closest physician. Amaya must ve blacked out sometime along the way, for the next time she registered being conscious, it was daytime, and she was inside. She immediatly recognized the house as her own, and her head was wrapped in a bandage, covering her left eye and part of the left side of her face. Akihime was passed out in bed beside her, holding her hand and having not left her side all night. Sasuke was in a chair beside the bed, arms crossed and his head bowed as he slept. Amaya made a soft noise, looking at Sasuke, then turning her head to look at Akihime. Thank goodness, she wasn t hurt at all, not a bruise or scratch on her. She could feel her heartbeat in her face, which also felt feverish, but seeing as how she had her head stomped on, it was understandable. Akihime nuzzled gently into her, her fingers curling gently around Amaya's hand before releasing again. Are you awake..? Amaya managed out softly, still lisping slightly she stared up at the ceiling blankly, slowly touching down her body to see if anything else had been injured, finding her ribs a bit sore. "Ama...?" Akihime whispered groggily, "Daijoubu...? Are you hungry...?" Ah, not really... My face hurts too much for food. She whispered back, slowly rolling her head to look at Akihime. How long have I been out? "All night...Sasuke brought you back really late all bandaged up. I was so worried..." She replied, "I'm glad you're safe..." And Mitsunari and Yoshitsugu...? She asked, a hint of fear in her tone. She shook her head, "I don't know...but I have asked the authorities to warn them against coming near us again.." Amaya nodded, then turned to look at Sasuke, making a noise. And Sasuke brought me back..? How did he find me..? "I asked him to look for you..." She replied gently,"I was so worried when I figured out Mitsunari had held you against your will..." Amaya felt tears in her eyes, not saying anything. She had gone willingly, stayed with Yoshitsugu in the promise of Akihime s freedom. She noticed and gently wiped away and stray tears, "Please don't cry, Ama..." I thought I was really going back there... I was so scared.. She whispered. She shook her head again, "I would never allow them to harm you ever again..." She said. Thank you. She said softly, closing her eyes again. Thank you.. None Yukimura would visit Akihime many times during thebpassing month, but only ever at night, usually waiting for her outside her window until she came outside so they could talk and spend time together, but one night, Akihime wasn t woken by a soft knocks on her window, but Yukimura climbing in through the window, glowing eyes immediatly giving away that it was him. She heard the rustling and looked over, startled by the glowing red orbs and immediately lighting her lantern. She relaxed slightly when she saw it was Yukimura but was still nervous."Are you alright, my husband...?" She asked gently. When Akihime lit the lantern, she could see Yukimura's pained expression, panting slightly and shaking his head slightly before correcting himself and nodding. I I m alright.. He said through his heavy breaths. "You look to be in agony..." He could hear her blood pumping, rich and sickeningly sweet. She climbed out of bed and slowly moved over. "Do you need anything...?" She asked, worried. He was on his hands and knees on the floor, clutching at the stiff English shirt Masamune had provided him with. Blood. It came out before he could even realize, but quickly shook his head. N No..! She frowned and knelt before him, loosening her kosode and shrugging it off her shoulders shyly, looking away as she blushed heavily. "Please...if you need the strength, I want you to take it from me..." Yukimura slowly looked up at Akihime more specifically, her neck, his breath hitching in his throat. He slowly crawled closer to her, grabbing her with shaking hands and pulling her flush against him before biting into her shoulder. He made a weak noise of relief, taking her blood into his mouth slowly, suckling gently on her flesh. She gasped weakly and gave a soft moan, feeling like her body was on fire. "Y...Yuki...mura... " She gasped, gently grasping the back of his suit. Her heart pounded, pumping her blood harder, her body trembling against him. Yukimura held her tightly against him, slowly taking small mouthfuls of her blood, nails digging into her skin slightly. She could feel her woman hood grow wet, and her clit started to ache and swell, throbbing for attention. She tried not to drool, her head swimming from the inhuman pleasure surging through her. She hadn't realized how badly she had missed his affections until now, having him drink her blood so intimately. Akihime could almost manage to fight off the desires to engage her sexual temptations, but when Yukimura began to grope her breast, her willpower crumbled like ricecakes. His hand had moved inside her kosode, gently rubbing his thumb against her nipple until it became pert, then slowly rolling it between his fingers, fondling her breast and moving he onto her back on the floor. She felt a pressure between her legs his knee pressed firmly against her womanhood.Yukimura moaned softly against Akihime s neck, unable to pull away, but he wasn t draining her fast enough to harm her just yet, but if he didn t stop soon, she would start to become faint. She was about to beg for him until a crossbow bolt suddenly shot into Yukimura's shoulder barely missing her head. She gasped loudly in alarm, too scared to move. Yukimura pulled away from Akihime, letting out a scream of pain as the silver headed arrow tore through his shoulder, but slowed and remained in him due to the backward facing barbs on the shaft of the bolt.He turned his head quickly, baring his bloody teeth at whomever had shot him, letting go of Akihime. Sasuke stared with wide eyes, both angry and horrified. "So this is what became of you." He growled lowly. Akihime covered herself quickly and wobbled to her feet, dizzy from whatever made her feel so good and the blood loss."Don't hurt him...! He's not some animal to be slain...!" She said, "He's still Yukimura!" Yukimura gripped his shoulder tightly, gnashing his teeth before quickly turning and crashing through the window, scrambling to his feet and running off like a wounded dog, leaving only drops of blood on the floor to prove he had once been there. "Yukimura!" Akihime called, eyes wide in heart break before crumpled to the floor, "No...come back...""Aki, are you ok?" Sasuke moved over and touched her shoulder but she smacked his hand away."Don't touch me." She growled, "Get out of my house." She glared as tears poured down her cheeks and Sasuke scowled before storming out, now he would have to hunt and kill his best friend. Yukimura stumbled back through the halls of Masamune s castle, falling into his room and coughing up some of the blood he had drank from Akihime, gripping his shoulder in pain. "Someone had a fun night out " Masamune teased from the door, "Guess you ran into your first hunter. Wish I was there to witness that cherry pop.." Yukimura was too busy puking his guts up on the floor to really get or even appreciate Masamune s joke. Wh Why does it feel like I m dying..? He gasped out. "Mm, I guess he has silver tipped bolts." He said and moved over to inspect the bolt. He flinched back a bit, scrunching his nose, "Yeah, that's silver. Stay here, I'll get the surgeon." Yukimura wasn t planning on going anywhere, laying on the floor and shaking in pain, feeling like an awful poison was spreading throughout his whole body. Masamune came back with the surgeon and Yukimura had to be strapped down to get the bolt out. It took a lot of struggling and fighting with Yukimura before the bolt finally came out, the surgeon having to cut the barbs from the tip and dig them out after the bolt was removed. Yukimura lay on his bed trembling in agony as the surgeon cleaned up his wound and dressed it. That should keep from killing him, but he should feed if he wants it to heal. "Thanks, doc.." Masamune said gently, "I'll put some food in him." The doctor nodded, packing up his things before leaving Yukimura with Masamune. "So how did your visit go ?" Masamune asked, "I smell virgin blood on your lips " Yukimura s red eyes flicked to Masamune, a look of aggression on his face, but he didn t answer him. "Was she cute ? Young ? Smells young maybe 19 Mm a good year, really " Masamune smirked snidely. Shut your mouth! He snapped suddenly, rage on his face, forcing himself to sit up. Masamune could see a flash of the feral back in Yukimura s eyes. "Guess I struck a nerve." Masamune said before heading to the door, "Stay here, I'll get you a snack." Nana s leg took only days to heal, even after being cleanly snapped by Masamune, it made a full recovery. Every since being fed his blood, she got small bouts of France like states where she just stared at nothing, but other than that was fine. Masamune was having some of his acquaintances come over for the centennial meeting of clans and courts. He had Nana dressed in a rather thin dress so her scales could breathe as well as make it easy for her to dance for his guests. Nana sat in wait in the corner of the room, silently staring down at her lap as she listened to the chatter and soft music in the room, which came from an odd box Masamune had called a record player. "Nana," Masamune called, "Why don't you show my guests your elegant dancing. We would enjoy such a lovely show." Nana flinched when Masamune used her name, not looking up as she stood. It was humiliating, she danced when she was happy, having fun with those she cared about, not as a show to entertain. Even so, she did as she was told, moving to the large empty space at the other end of the room and starting her dance she moved like she was in water, movement fluid and graceful, but her eyes were dead, and face expressionless. What an odd thing, what is she? It is a she, correct? One Count asked. "Yeah, she's what Kojurou calls a Dragonian." Masamune answered."A Dragonian? They're real?" A countess asked. Masamune nodded."Yeah, I suppose so.." Masamune said dismissively. Nana danced, even as they discussed her like some exotic beast, something from a far away land to gawk at she hated every moment of it. She did her best to focus on the music, to block out the chatter and to keep herself from losing concentration on her dancing, but she felt her head getting hazy. No, not now, not now of all times curse that man s blood, it poisoned her and was running through her like venom. "That's enough now, you can rest. Thank you, Nana." Masamune said and the courts clapped at such elegant movements. Nana stopped dancing, moving to her chair and nearly collapsing into it, breathing harder than one should she hadn t put out that much effort.Regardless, Nana still felt as though she would collapse at any moment, at least the effects of Masamune s blood seemed to slowly be fading. "Where are your beautiful wives? I haven't heard a peep from Iisaka, now that I think of it.""Ah...I have moved to a much more...monogamous relationship now.." Masamune answered, his tone a bit stiff. Megohime had insisted on joining Masamune at the party, but now she was starting to regret it. Every single person there was horribly obnoxious each one held themselves in such high regard they were practically brown nosing themselves, and everything to them was like art life, people, you name it. All of it was so boring, but regardless she put on a show for them, keeping her manners about her anything to please Masamune. "Is she your new wife?""Yeah, this is her. Introduce yourself, dearest." Masamune gestured to Megohime. Megohime bowed her head to Masamune s guests, lifting her dress slightly to them. Megohime desu. She said, smiling gently. "So polite.""Much more pleasant than Iisaka was." Did they really have to compare her to that awful woman? Megohime moved to Masamune, linking her arm with Masamune s, a gentle smile still on her face. I do hope my husband has been accommodating. She teased lightly "Of course! Masamune is always such a gracious host!""I do my best." Masamune smirked, happy to have Megohime hanging on him. Megohime found it strangely satisfying to be clinging to Masamune, placing a hand on his chest and moving closer. Good, he d get an earful otherwise They all laughed and continued to enjoy the night until it was close to sunrise and his guests had to leave."Did you have fun, Megohime?" Masamune asked as they moved to the bedroom. Everyone was disgusting, but yes, the party was enjoyable. Megohime said as she worked at the many layers of her dress. "Disgusting?" Masamune repeated, helping her with parts of the dress she couldn't reach, "How so? Did they upset you? Forgive them, they're used to Iisaka's shitty humor." They re all so horribly dull. She muttered with disgust, allowing him to untie her corset for her. Repugnance is their only personality trait. "Not everyone likes to mingle. It's more just to see who's survived through the years and who hasn't." He told her as he loosened her corset, "They like to brown nose me because I've been around the longest " Megohime turned to Masamune and cupped his cheek. Still, they re boorish. She said softly, not minding that they all bent their knee to Masamune. "Well you don't have to go anymore if you don't wish to. I don't mind either way." He replied, gently tucking some hair behind her ear. No I ll go, I enjoy being with you. She said softly, leaning into his touch. He chuckled, "I don't want you doing anything you find unpleasant." I don t find you unpleasant in the slightest She teased, moving to wrap her arms around his neck. "Well, as your Maker, I would hope not " He purred gently, holding her waist, "I work rather hard to make you like me " Do you now ? How so ? She smirked slightly, leaning against him slightly. "I pamper you, spoil you, do whatever you ask at the drop of a hat " He purred, "pleasure you beyond mortal expectation " Those are all very true Her smirk only grew. But part of me tells me you enjoy doing at least one of those She said, running her fingers through his hair. "One more than others " He said, "I do enjoy pampering you " And I enjoy being spoiled She winked, leaning up to kiss his cheek softly. He smiled and kissed her gently before helping her completely out of her dress, "There you are. No more heavy European dresses for another hundred years " Well thank gods, I thought I d be about as muscular as the dog by the time the night was over She teased. "I know you don't like them very much, but thankfully you don't have to wear them all the time." He smiled, "Shoukoin didn't like them very much either.." Megohime made a face, resting her forehead against his chest, her chest aching. Let s lay down, I m tired.. She muttered why? Why did she feel so much wanting for Masamune? Why did she feel like she was missing him, like they were apart from one another? He was right there holding her, she shouldn t be feeling such an odd thing. He nodded and removed his suit, ever since Megohime offically became his wife they had always slept in the nude together he felt closer to her that way oddly enough. He pulled her into bed and held her close, gently petting her hair. Megohime draped her arm over his hip, closing her eyes and enjoying being close to him. "I love you, Megohime.." He whispered, curling her hair gently around his finger. I love you too. She could feel tears leaking from her eyes Masamune had no idea how much love she had for him every inch of her body ached with love for him. "Get some sleep, the sun will be up soon.." He said gently, "I don't want you to be drained and exhausted.." She nodded wiping away a few tears before settling down into the silk sheets beside him, letting her mind settle. He continued to pet and soothe her until he himself finally passed out, his fingers still tangled gently in her plush hair. The two would sleep unmoving throughout the entire day, tangled together amongst Megohime s hair and the bedsheets. When night fell again, there were already near dead humans waiting to be consumed. Kojurou was working rather hard lately. Megohime dressed herself in a simple black kimono after she fed and bathed, heading down the hall to check on her own pet.As always, Jin stayed in Kojurou's bedroom, content with sitting in the window and bathing in the moonlight that came in. Motochika was sitting patiently for Megohime to return, looking dead tired and lifeless. Her blood had finally consumed his mind and made him absolutely willing to do anything she said.Kojurou sat in the room with her, enjoying her presence like a loyal dog would basking in the silent affections of his master. Megohime entered the room, closing the door behind her, but not bothering to lock it. Come dog, I have a gift for you. She held a chain in one hand, one she often attached to the thick metal collar around his neck when he was allowed to leave the room.Jin picked her head up and looked to Kojurou, smiling softly as she beckoned to him. Come sit with me. She said gently, turning away from the moonlight that fell onto the bed she sat upon. Motochika moved over without hesitation, crawling on his hands and knees like she silently demanded of him. He sat in front of her and waited, not lifting his head to look at her.Kojurou nodded and moved to sit beside her, holding her gently and nuzzling affectionately against her shoulder. Stand up, we re going out. Megohime ordered, connecting the chain to his collar and yanking him along as she headed out the door. The only thing he wore now being his trousers and the metal collar, having taken his shoes and shirt.Jin smiled and wrapped her arms around Kojurou, giving his forehead a few gentle kisses. He stumbled before following steadily behind her. He didn't ask where they were going, he wasn't allowed to. Like a beaten animal he followed her quietly.Kojurou closed his eyes and enjoyed her affections, but then he remembered the terrible fate he left Nana and Motochika to and his chest began to ache painfully. Megohime smirked softly as they walked down the long halls of the castle, keeping a hold of Motochika s chain. The woman Masamune took in, she s become a fine bitch, much like you dog. She started. She s been keeping my husband and his guests entertained she s quite good at it too. Jin looked down as she felt tears fall onto her skin. Kojurou? She wiped his tears away with a worried frown. What s wrong? His fists clenched tightly. Entertained? Did they put their hands on Nana? Did they defile her? He didn't speak, he wasn't allowed to, but she could feel his anger."I am a terrible monster...I ruined the lives of two innocent people...I will never be free of sin, my soul is tainted...!" He said through clenched teeth. She was a mess by the end of the night, could hardly even stand. She let out a cruel laugh. Everyone enjoyed her though, so I suppose there was no harm done Everyone had enjoyed her? Had all of Masamune s guests violated her? Was she even still alive?Jin frowned more, petting his hair gently. I don t understand Kojurou, what do you mean..? "Sh...Shut up..." He growled out, "you...ugly mosquito...woman...""Nanahime and Chosokabe Motochika, I have damned them. I have cursed them to an eternity of servitude to my lord and his bride. I am vile." He said shakily. Megohime glanced over her shoulder at Motochika. Oh? You still have bite do you? She turned to face ahead. Perhaps I ll call down the other dog and let him have his own turn with the bitch. She didn t quite understand what was going on, sitting up a bit. Kojurou, what do you mean? Does this have to do with you having to get food for you master? Motochika acted without thinking. He moved and grabbed one of the decorative swords on the wall and forced it through Megohime's back with all the force he could muster straight to the hilt.He nodded, "They begged for each other's freedom...refusing to leave without the other. I can never atone for such a crime." The sword went straight through her, Megohime stopping with a grunt and looking down at the blade sticking out just beneath her breasts. S...Scum.. She wheezed out, dropping the chain and sinking to her knees.Jin cupped his cheek. Why would he have you do such an awful thing..? Why do you obey him..? "Disgusting undead cunt." Motochika spat before removing the collar and rushing off to find Nana."I owe Masamune sama so much...he saved my life and I am indebted to him..." He hiccuped. Nana sat in her chair in the throne room, staring down at her lap. She still felt ill, but after Masamune stopped feeding her his blood since that first time, she was slowly improving. She was more compliant, both with the threat of Motochika s life over her head and the thought of having to be fed his vile blood again.Jin sat up and looked into Kojurou s eyes. Why must you sell your soul an happiness to repay this man..? "Nana...!" Motochika tried not to draw any attention to himself but it was hard when he was looking for the woman he loved. He kept looking, hoping to find her somewhere."Without him, I would not be here today...there is no price I wouldn't pay to show my gratitude to him." He said softly. Nana looked up when she heard Motochika s voice in the distance, standing and looking around. She was chained to the floor, but she was alone and had a few feet of distance. She moved closer to the door to the throne room, opening her mouth to call out, but stopped, what if it was a trick?Jin didn t know what to say, only holding him close and letting his hair. I m so sorry, Kojurou... You know I would free you if I could.. "Nanahime...!" Maybe it really was Motochika? Masamune didn't know her full name."Absolve me..." He pleaded weakly, "Purge me of my sin..." She felt her lower lip tremble and her heart ache. Motochika..! She called out, feeling tears in her eyes. It will hurt you. Jin said softly. She heard footfalls pounding toward the door before it flew open, Motochika looking over with a frantic look in his eye. "Nana..." He breathed and rushed to her."Good." He said softly, "I want it to.." Nana moved as far as the chain would let her, smiling brightly at the sight of him. Motochika! You re ok! She looked like she would cry.Jin s heart sank. Kojurou... I don t want to hurt you... Is this really what you want? He embraced her tightly and just held her, trying not to cry himself, "I'm so glad you're ok.."He nodded, "I cannot be killed unless it is silver...I'll be alright.." She nodded, holding onto him tightly. I m ok..! He hasn t touched me..! He hadn t touched her? Did that mean she hadn t been violated?Jin took a breath and nodded, embracing Kojurou and holding his head against her chest. He felt nothing at first, but soon he noticed Jin starting to glow brighter and brighter, and soon her skin began to burn him like silver would. "But the mosquito bitch, she..." He stopped and shook his head, "I shouldn't take anything she says as a truth.."He gripped the back of her gown tightly and tried not to cry out, hos whole body feeling like he was being set on fire. Nana pulled away, looking up at him and cupping his cheeks. You look terrible... Oh Motochika, look at these bruises.. Jin held him tightly the burning only becoming more and more intense. I m so sorry.. She whispered. He shook his head, "I'm fine, they'll heal. Are you alright? They didn't harm you?""It's alright, don't stop." He said through his teeth. Nana shook her head. No, no, I m ok. And she was right, not a single cut or bruise on her, not a scale out of place.Jin nodded, allowing her body to burn brightly, holding Kojurou tightly as her essence burned him, feeling tears building up in her eyes. He nodded and moved to grab a huge axe from the wall, "Don't move, I'm gonna break these chains...!"Kojurou cried out in pain but refused to let go. He needed to do this, to atone for his crimes. Nana nodded, standing where she was and putting her hands over her sensitive ears in preparation of him breaking the chain.Tears fell down Jin s cheeks and fell onto his head, burning him like liquid silver. Kojurou please.. You suffer enough as it is, you don t deserve this..! Motochika rose the axe high before slamming it down with all his might on the chain, over and over until it finally broke."I must be absolved...! Please, Jin, it must be done...!" He forced out. Once the chain around her ankle was broken, she hurried to Motochika s side. Is it nighttime? We need to go..! He could see her shaking already, eyes wide with fear of Masamune.Jin nodded and continued, holding him tightly, heart breaking at his whimpering and cries of pain. Motochika nodded and took her hand, running out of the room and down the hall as fast as he could.When it was done and he could bare no more, he laid limply against her, breathing hard as the burns slowly repaired, "Arigatou..." Nana followed him closely, the two trying to be as silent as they could, but the broken chain around Nana s ankle clunked loudly against the floor with each step, making her heart flutter faster in her chest.Jin s glow faded quickly and she held him gently in her arms, petting his hair and crying softly. I m so sorry, I m sorry.. "And just where do you two think you're going?" Masamune called behind them. Motochika moved to push Nana forward, willing to face Masamune on his own."Go, Nana! Save yourself!""Thank you..." He muttered, "Thank you, Jin..." Nana stumbled and fell to her knees, Masamune s voice alone enough to put terror into her body, leaving her unable to stand. I I can t..! She whimpered.Jin caressed his cheek gently. This isn t what you deserve... Not at all Kojurou.. "Nana!""Nana," Masamune sounded more disappointed than he looked, "Go back to the throne room.""I'm tired of wading through life not repenting for the wrongs I've caused...I needed this, Jin...please don't be upset.." Kojurou muttered. Masamune could see Nana s shoulders flinch when he called her name, and a soft sob of terror escaped her, tears starting to pour down her cheeks. Gomenasai... Motochika... The soft clunk of chain on the stone floor could be heard as Nana stood, numbly making her way back toward Masamune, absolutely and completely controlled by her fear of the vampire. Good... Megohime s voice sounded from behind Masamune, sounding strained and in agony. You found my dog.. Megohime growled as she pushed the decorative blade from her stomach, letting it clatter to the ground, blood still dripping down her chin.Jin wiped her tears away, nodding. I ll do what I can for you, even if it hurts.. Motochika's own fear snatched his heart and nearly crushed it. He had hoped she would be down for a lot longer than that."Y You...but how...""You didn't try to destroy her properly, which I'm glad for otherwise I would be draining you into a lifeless husk." Masamune stated before glancing to Megohime, "Do you have the strength to punish him or shall I?"He gave a soft, peaceful smile, holding onto her tightly, "Thank you, Jin...thank you for cleansing me of my sin..." No, an owner should always be the one to reprimand their dog. She said, moving passed Masamune and toward Motochika.Nana stood frozen beside Masamune, tears flowing down her cheeks. Gomenasai... Gomenasai.. Motochika lowered his gaze, ready to take whatever punishment she had for him. Any hope he had now of freeing Nana was gone. There was no point. Megohime stopped in front of Motochika, but he never felt her strike him. Strip. She ordered, glaring up at him. "Megohime." Masamune's tone was dangerous, clearly not fond of the idea. Megohime only glanced over her shoulder, starting to shake she was so angry. Loincloth only. She ground out. If this human was going to humiliate her, she was going to humiliate him. Masamune still didn't look very happy, but Motochika obeyed stripping off his trousers and standing there in only his fundoshi. He didn't dare look up at either of them. Motochika saw blood start to drip on the floor before him, Megohime having bitten into her hand. Clean that up. Nana couldn t look, couldn t even bring herself to turn around, crying softly. "Not in front of Nana..." He muttered. Masamune glanced to the Dragonian and nudged his head."Go on, you aren't in trouble. I'll have the thralls bring you something to eat." He told her. Nana scurried off without hesitation, too ashamed and scared to do anything else. Clean it. Megohime growled out. Motochika closed his eye and dropped to his knees, moving to press against the floor and lick up her vile tasting blood. Megohime stomped down on the back of his head, grinding the heel of her sandal into his head. You disgusting, awful human, I should have you castrated..! Megohime s wound still oozed blood, soaking her kimono and ruining it further. He grunted in pain but didn't say a word. There wasn't a point to argue with this woman, she would always have her way. Megohime gnashed her teeth and kicked Motochika hard in the head, staggering back and holding her wound. Call some thralls to take him back to his room... I need to change.. Masamune made a noise, not even really needing to call any they all stood around waiting in different hiding spots of the halls for orders. As soon as they heard Megohime needed something done, they scurried to Motochika and carried him off. Megohime fell to her knees again, coughing up blood and holding her stomach. Fuck.. She wheezed out. Fucker got me really good.. Masamune moved and helped her stand, "Come on, let's get one of the cattle and heal that wound of yours.." Megohime hung onto Masamune tightly, limping along with him. You re too nice to them.. Megohime muttered softly. "He's your pet," he reminded, "Nana did nothing except go along with it. She is free from harsh punishment." Megohime grunted. You re too soft.. She said through her labored breathing. He scowled heavily and dropped her, "Find your own way to the cattle then if you're going to insult me." He hissed and walked away from her. Megohime hit the floor and watched Masamune walk off, feeling her heart break and tears fill her eyes. She hadn t meant it as an insult, it had just come out. She sat on the ground, crying silently in the dark of the hallway. "Megohime dono!" One of the thralls moved over quickly, helping her stand and guiding her down the hall to reach the cattle, "Daijoubu...?" Megohime nodded and wiped her tears away. I m fine. She said softly.After drinking enough to heal her wound, Megohime bathed herself and changed her clothes, searching the halls quietly for Masamune. He was in the bedroom, laying in the large canopy bed on his own, pouting like a child. The door cracked open and Megohime peeked in, seeing Masamune and dropping her gaze. Masamune sama... May I come in..? "It's your room too, I'm not going to lock you out." He said. Megohime entered and moved over to the bed, but she didn t get onto the bed, instead kneeling beside it. Please forgive my harsh words earlier, I was a fool for saying them..! He looked over and made a face, "Ah, Megohime, don't beg like that...I forgive you, I can't be mad at you for very long anyway.." Megohime crawled up onto the bed and over to him, laying her head in his lap. It didn t come out like I wanted it to.. She said softly. You re soft, but you aren t weak... And I love that so much about you... Even after all of this time, you still have a heart.. She lifted her head and reached out to cup his cheek. I love you.. His gaze softened and he placed his hand over hers, "I love you, too, Megohime...I'm sorry I got so upset.." She smiled softly, moving closer to kiss his cheek gently. I ll always forgive you, Masamune, that s my duty as your wife. "I'll try and be more aware of when you're teasing or not." He smiled and kissed her gently. Forgive me, I suppose it wasn t the best time to joke when I was so injured. She said softly, laying her head against his chest. He played with her hair gently and shook his head, "It's done now...all is forgiven.." Megohime nodded, holding onto him. Just hold me..? She asked softly. "Until time stops.." He said and pulled her tight against him. wanna start us with Ko s kink ? None None Kojurou came into the bedroom after finding Masamune and Megohime food for the night and his breathing was heavy. The prey gave him a bit of a hunt, he knew he was dying but decided he didn't want it to be tonight. It got his blood pumping. Jin was was again waiting in the window, turning to smile at Kojurou when he came in. She blinked when she noticed he had begun the first stages of transforming. Kojurou? Are you alright? He exhaled lowly, his eyes glowing brightly, "Breed..." He snarled, " breed..." Jin moved over to him, taking his clawed hand and leading him to the bed, sitting him down and sitting beside him. I m here... What do you need me to do..? She asked, cheeks flushed. "Undress." He demanded lowly, "I need to fuck." Jin flushed more, but nodded, pulling the cotton night gown she usually wore over her head and tossing it away. What else..? "Kiss me.." He said, eyes almost burning with his unyielding desire, "Like you need me." Jin crawled closer to him on the bed, moving to straddle his leg and pull him close in a deep and passionate kiss, cupping the sides of his face as she did so. He moaned and kissed back heatedly, his hands grabbing greedily at her hips to pull her closer. She whimpered softly against his lips as he pulled her forward along his thigh, putting friction in on her sensitive parts. She could hear his bones breaking and resetting, signaling his transformation was starting. His nails grew longer and sharper as he slowly began to tower over her, but he kept the kiss as long as he could. The more he transformed, the more she was pushed over onto the bed from his large frame, soon pressed onto her back on the bed, Kojurou on top of her. His clothes were torn and shredded from his body, now in his massive lupine form. He hovered over her, his eyes glowing brightly. "I hope you don't mind being used for breeding stock." He said huskily. The mere thought made Jin shiver, finding it strangely erotic. P Please do, Kojurou... Use me until you re satisfied.. His long ashen tongue slid from between his pointed teeth, moving to run his tongue between her damp heat to get her ready for him. Jin spread her legs for him, gripping the bedsheets tightly and letting out a soft breath. He rubbed his long tongue against her clit and teased her entrance slowly before her scent became unbearable and he moved, pushing his large aching cock inside her with a low snarl. Jin s back arched as he slid into her, a soft whimper coming from her as his length filled and stretched her, almost painfully. He was much larger in his lupine form than in his human form, and she never got used to it. He buried himself to the knot and stopped there, not wanting to overwhelm her just yet. His massive hands wrapped completely around her waist as he moved her over the length of him steady at first but only because he noticed her wince. Jin s face was flush and her mouth open as soft moans escaped her, still gripping the bedsheets tightly. K Kojurou..! She gasped out, eyes half lidded in her delight. He moaned lowly and his pace picked up until it was a rough and brutal pace, his tongue hanging out from his jowls and he drooled over her chest. Jin gasped with every thrust, her walls trembling and tightening around his cock, the friction slowly fading as more of her juices coated his length. She let her head roll to the side, closing her eyes and enjoying herself, the thought of him filling her with his seed making her clit throb. The scent of her arousal was thick in the air, it made his fur bristle and his blood run hot in his veins. He couldn't take it with a strangled snarl his seated the knot inside her and sat very still, just enjoying the heat and the tightness for a moment. He pushed her forward on the bed when he pushed his knot into her, a strangled cry coming from Jin, her body trembling as he filled her more and more. He could feel her inner walls twitching and spasming, Jin squirming a bit beneath him as she grasped at the sheets. Kojurou... I I don t know if I can take all of you..! She panted, a bit overwhelmed by his size. "You're going to have to. I can't take much more, I'm going to burst." He snarled but didn't move quite yet. Jin nodded, biting down on her hand and trying to focus on her breathing, gradually adjusting to Kojurou s size. He nuzzled her neck gently and ran his tongue slowly over the flesh of her collarbone, "Let me know if I hurt you at any time...I will stop..." He huffed gently. She reached up to touch the fur of his neck, petting him gently. I m alright... She breathed. He nodded and moved slowly, popping the knot out before seating it back in, over and over so she could get used to it stretching her. He felt like he was melting, it felt so good. She was so wet and her walls were so snug around him, his more feral instincts were drowning in the sensation. Each time the knot pushed back into Jin, her toes curled and she gasped in pleasure, pulling weakly at the fur on his neck. Kojurou..! She panted his name out, her walls trembling with pleasure. His pace picked up almost desperately, his grunts and snarls dripping with lust. She could feel him throbbing, signalling his quickly approaching orgasm. Jin cried out as she finished, her body trembling beneath him, back arching as her inner walls tightened around Kojuro s cock. He tried not to howl, letting out a strangled whine as he buried himself completely inside her and filled her with his thick seed. But he was far from done. His blood kept pumping, demanding more, screaming for him to keep breeding her until he couldn't see straight. Jin lay limp on the bed beneath him, breathing heavily and petting his fur gently. "More." He snarled and moved to pull her into his lap, helping her ride him as he licked and nipped her neck, "I need more." Jin panted and clutched to his large form, mouth open as soft moans escaped her, his cock pushing deep inside her, knot and all. Her body trembled and she tugged weakly at his thick fur, whimpering his name. He moved her slightly so he could dip his head and run his tongue over her breasts and nipples, his breath hot and short puffs against her skin. Her nipples already stood hard for him, gasping and whimpering his name more as he paid attention to her sensitive buds. She rocked her hips slowly, pushing his lemgth deep into her before pulling him out, only to push him back inside of her. His massive clawed fingers reached between them and played with her swollen sensitive clit as she rode him, his tongue moving over every inch of her he could. Even when Kojurou tried to be careful when playing with her clit, his movements were rough, and this made Jin nearly double over. I It s too much... She whimpered, her inner walls trembling again, toes curling. "Do you want me to stop?" He asked roughly She shook her head, still giving a few weak thrusts. K Keep going.. She begged, groping her own breast. He nodded and continued to work her clit as she rode him, his tongue moving and gently wrapping around her neck. Her own noises and movements seemed to become desperate, and the scent of her arousal was even greater. He suddenly jerked and growled as he filled her again, not realizing how close he had been while focusing on her. The jolt made her come instantly, crying out again in bliss and trembling hard, collapsing forward against him and breathing heavily. He was breathing heavily, holding her against him. "More..." He growled raggedly Jin could barely keep herself up, clutching fistfuls of fur to keep herself upright. I I don t think I can do anymore.. She gasped out, her wet heat still trembling from her last orgasm. "Try." He said and pushed her onto her hands and knees, hovering over her and pushing back into her again with a loud whine. Jin sunk forward into the bed, hips held up by Kojurou s massive hands, his seed dripping down her inner thighs and making a mess of the bed. She moaned weakly, feeling more of his seed forced from her as he pushed himself back inside, filling and stretching her once again. A Ah.. ! K Kojurou.. She tugged at the sheets, trying to look over her shoulder at him. I It s too much... She whimpered out, legs shaking and weak. His eyes were burning brightly as his head moved to rest on her shoulder."Breed." He snarled and started moving again, "Must breed. Need to fuck.Haveto fuck." This would continue over and over, Kojurou filling her with his seed until it started to leak down her leg, and even then he would continue. When he had finally had enough and couldn t continue, Jin lay beneath him on the bed panting heavily, completely overwhelmed by the amount of times she had climaxed. He held her tight, protective, his breathing heavy as he laid with her."Are you alright...?" He asked softly She could only manage to nod, still panting and gasping Kojurou had made a mess between her legs, and she would need to bathe, but it would have to wait until she could stand. "I'm sorry..." He muttered, "I don't know what came over me.." She shook her head. I I m ok... just need a minute.. She managed out, her mind blissfully numb. He nuzzled her and gave a soft affectionate rumble, "As you wish...we can bathe when you are able to stand.." None None None None With Yukimura's last encounter with Sasuke at Akihime s home, the new vampire was hesitant to go back to her, but he needed to see her. Some nights he would just stand outside her window and watch her as she slept, others nights he would climb inside to wake her. They would stay up all night and just talk, other times she would fall asleep much easier with him beside her. It was like old times, when nothing mattered and they were happy and carefree. Yukimura didn t sleep at all, simply holding Akihime and petting her hair as she slept, listening to her breath and her heartbeat like it was a lullaby. He didn t encounter Sasuke again, allowing for him to lower his guard a bit. He told Akihime of what he remembered after his attack, admitting to being behind the local killings, as well as where he was staying at the moment. "I'll pray for you when I go to the temple." She had said, "I'll redeem your soul until they get tired of hearing me bargain for you.""No matter what you do, you are my loving husband and I will do all that I can for you. As for your current residence, I hope this Masamune is treating you fairly. And if you ever feel like you aren't welcome, I would love to have you home again." Yukimura looked down at the bed the two sat on, a sad frown on his face. Akihime... I can t come home, I m dead. He said softly. I can t walk in the sunlight, can t eat human food, cannot conceive children.. I shouldn t even be here with you now. "I prefer the night time anyway.." She replied with a smile, "For human food, it's alright...I'll eat double so you can use me when you're for the children..." Her smile saddened slightly, "That is very upsetting but it's alright...I don't need to have children to be happy..." She told him. She placed her hand over his and lowered her gaze."I know I'm being selfish always having you here when you shouldn't be...but it's so nice. I can't bear being away from you...I hope I don't cause you any extra grief with your most gracious host for visiting.." Yukimura shook his head. Masamune sama has been very accommodating... He allows me to come and go as long as I keep to his rules. He said softly, lacing his fingers with hers. "Yogatta..." She whispered, "He's so kind for letting me have you back every now and again..." Yukimura moved and laid his head in her lap, holding onto the skirt of her yukata. I don t have long... But please let me stay like this...? She ran her fingers gently through his hair, like she used to when they relaxed at the dojo, "Hai...stay as long as you desire, my husband..." She told him affectionately. The two would spend most nights like this, and with Amaya having to work late, she ended up staying at the dojo with Sasuke since it was a closer walk, the two didn t have to worry about being found out. "Aren't you worried Akihime will fuss about you being gone?" Sasuke asked. Amaya laid beside Sasuke in his bed, head resting against his shoulder. No.. She s seemed more preoccupied as of late, she hardly noticed that I ve been gone, but she s happy. "Maybe it's her work that keeps her so busy...?" He asked, "I don't think she would just brush you off like that.." It s not that she s brushing me off, she just seems more preoccupied with something else I mean she s on cloud nine, just like when she and Yukimura first got married. Her words brought back the memory of a few nights prior finding an undead Yukimura in Akihime s house. His grip tightened slightly on her shoulder, his chest burning with disgust."Get out of my house...!""Let's assume that's a good thing." He muttered. Amaya sat up and looked at Sasuke. Everything ok? She asked with a frown. " hunting has me on edge a lot these days.." He replied. Amaya gave a small nod and laid her head back down on his chest, letting out a soft sigh before nonchalantly reaching into his yukata, letting her hand rest on his chest. His fingers played with her hair gently, "Keep an eye on Aki though...just in case something's charmed her.." Something s charmed her? Sasuke, now I know something s wrong, tell me, please? She said again and sat up. "Activity has been ramping up lately, something may have gotten to her if her mood has suddenly shifted so drastically," he knew damn well what was going on, but like hell he would tell Amaya any of it. Sasuke, Amaya frowned more. I may be new to this whole vampire thing, but I m not an idiot you aren t telling me something. "Something...something has taken a liking to her. I didn't get a clear look at it the last time I was over but...she's in a lot of danger.." He said. Why didn t you say something sooner..!? Amaya looked a little panicked. Is it a vampire..?! "I didn't want you worrying.." He told her, "'s a vampire..." Amaya shot him a look. Of course I would worry. She said as she got up off the bed and gathered her things. She s my family. "Amaya," he pushed himself up and grabbed her wrist, "Let me deal with it...just keep an eye on her...that's all I ask. If you see anything weird, tell me." What if it s there now, she isn t safe alone! He could see just how worried she was, and she had every reason to be. "Then we'll go check on her. But don't do anything on your own." He stated firmly. Amaya still didn t look happy, but relented. Fine.. She muttered bitterly. He got up and got dressed himself, "Let's get going before you lose your mind.." I m sorry, I just... I worry about the both of you enough and now there s these monsters involved? She shook her head. It s a bit much.. "I'm gonna be alright...Aki will be alright, I won't let anything happen to her." He assured. None None None "Now that I finally have the time to punish you," Kojurou grunted as Masamune snapped a thick iron band around his neck attached to a chain to the wall, "I warned you if you were with that woman again, I would chain you here.""Masamune sama...she couldn't stay on her own with her illness, I ""Shut up." Masamune hissed and punched him in the nose. Kojurou braced himself to keep from falling over, looking away from Masamune to avoid upsetting him further. Jin was dozing at the window once again, only perking when she smelled blood Kojurou s blood. Her heart rate picked up, but she stayed where she was, he did go out hunting every night, perhaps he simply scratched himself. "Lucky for me, she's dead now. So you won't have any more distractions." Masamune hissed. Kojurou dared to look up at him."She needed me...""I need you more, you stupid fucking dog." Masamune growled and punched him again, making him grunt from the pain. Jin listened to soft whispers from the moon, the sprites that flittered about and descended upon the land graced by the moon.Jin heard it all, saw it all. Kojurou s master beating him, Kojurou chained to a wall and simply allowing for it to happen. Tears slipped down her cheeks as she covered her mouth, watching the scene unfold in horror from the window, sharing eyes with a sprite. "Forgive me, Masamune sama..." He muttered shamefully, "I will not disappoint you again.""No. You won't." Masamune growled and stepped on Kojurou's head, "Beg my forgiveness.""I I..." Kojurou swallowed hard and closed his eyes, "Please forgive me, Masamune sama. It was incredibly rude and disrespectful of me to disobey you in such a way. I, Katakura Kojurou, owe you my life and had no right to ignore your commands. I will strive to do better by you, my lord." He said humbly. Masamune dug his heel into Kojurou's head."Good dog." He said through ground teeth. Jin had seen more than enough, leaping from the open window and disappearing into the moonlight, She was able to travel through the light to the room Kojurou and Masamune were in, landing where the moonlight hit the floor through the window and moving quickly toward Masamune before shoving him hard away from Kojurou, her light bright. That s enough! "What the fuck?!" Masamune stumbled back, eyes wide in shock. Kojurou looked up quickly, looking alarmed."J Jin!" He gasped, "You shouldn't be here!" Jin shook her head, hair like flames. No, I should be here. You protected me, and now it s time for me to protect you. She said firmly. Doing this just isn t right, it s cruel and unfair, I won t allow it to happen. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" Masamune hissed, "How dare you assume you can just interrupt his punishment." You know who I am, you stood there and watched as my mortal body died I am the child of Tsukuyomi no Mikoto, Jin. She moved toward Masamune, the light that radiated off of her only increasing. I won t let you bring such suffering upon this man anymore. "Oh good, a moon child." Masamune sneered, "Get out of my house.""J Jin, it's alright, punishment was overdue.." Kojurou reached out to gently grab Jin's hand. No! Jin, clenched her fists, a look of pain crossing her face. I refuse to let this come to be. Kojurou is loyal to a fault, he gave up everything for you, and yet you re not satisfied? What more do you want from him? "His obedience." Masamune growled, "Centuries have gone by without so much as a faulter in his loyalty. And then in you come, taking my perfectly obedient servant and ruining all my hard work years and years of training down the drain." Listen to you! He isn t a pet dog that you ve trained to do tricks! He s a man! He has feelings and thoughts! She snapped at Masamune. You disgust me! "Did you know him before I saved him?! The lives he took and the destruction he caused?! He was going to be butchered, you pampered moon bitch! String up his hide and praise their Gods for ridding the evil that plagued them! Would that have been better?!" He snapped. Jin had heard enough, waving her arm and sending a ball of blinding light at Masamune, tears in her eyes as the orb hit Masamune and burned into his flesh. He cried out in agony and Kojurou moved to his feet quickly, grabbing Jin's wrist, "Jin, please, don't hurt him!" He pleaded, "He speaks cruelly but he is still my lord...! I must serve him regardless how I am treated...please, Jin, he is dear to me..." Jin spun to look at Kojurou, fighting tears. And you re dear to me! Seeing you suffer like this is too much! I won t let it happen! I won t! "K...Kojurou..." Masamune was trying his best to fight the burning in his lungs, his suit scorched and his chest covered in charred skin, "Lock her up.""M Masamune sama, please !""Lock her up...or kill her." Masamune wheezed, "Choose." Jin pulled her hand away from Kojurou s two more orbs of light producing in each hand as she glared down Masamune, ready to launch another attack. Masamune only glared hatefully before his eyes moved behind her. A metal band clipped around Jin's neck, the soft hiss of burning flesh reaching her ears."Please forgive me, Jin..." Kojurou muttered, "I can't allow you to hurt Masamune sama further..." Jin immediately felt her power fade, and she turned to look at Kojurou, a look of hurt and betrayal in her eyes. Kojurou..? She asked in a whisper, sinking slowly to her knees, then collapsing forward. Her glow faded and she laid unmoving on the floor at his feet she had not been slain, simply rendered in a state of sleep but the silver around her neck. Her glow faded until it only shimmered off her skin, expression peaceful. Kojurou knelt beside her and gently brushed some of her golden hair from her face, tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...I couldn't hurt you, I couldn't do it...""Take the dungeon..." Masamune commanded. Kojurou looked up quickly."Sh She needs moonlight or she'll die...!" He argued. Masamune's eyes flashed blood red and he snarled."Dungeon.Now." He growled. Kojurou lowered his head and cautiously removed his own band before lifting Jin up gingerly into his arms and carrying her down to the cells. Jin was as light as ever in his arms, the scent of moonlight surrounding him like he was in a field of jasmine it made his heart ache. The collar didn t harm Jin, but with all the time being alive, Kojurou knew the children of the moon fell into slumber when in contact with silver. He put her in the corner closest to the wall and gently laid her down before working with all his strength to remove some of the bricks to allow the moonlight to seep into her cell, "There...I'll be back before sunrise and cover the holes for you.." He said. Jin s only response was even breathing, her expression calm, like she was merely napping and not being locked away in a cage. He frowned and gently kissed her head, sitting with her for a while longer before forcing himself to leave. He had to find someone to feed Masamune or he wouldn't heal. Nana sat in the corner of the throne room as Masamune slumped down in his chair, wheezing from his wounds. She had been there when Kojurou s punishment had started, and remained there when the fighting happened, too scared to move from her spot in the chair. She simply stared at her lap and listened to Masamune s pained wheezing, tears dripping down her face. "Masamune sama.." Kojurou came in and the vampire king struggled to breathe."'re back...go bring me Megohime's human...I need blood.""Are you sure Megohime dono would be alright with that...?" Kojurou asked. Masamune scoffed."She would be a less than ideal wife if she wasn't alright with it..." He replied. Nana stiffened immediately and looked to Masamune in horror he was going to drink from Motochika? With the injuries he had, he d drain him dry. M...Matte..! "Eh?" Masamune glanced at her, "Protests?" He asked. I It s just... Fear took hold of Nana and she forced herself to look down again. He s already being fed on so frequently.. He might not have enough in him... "And what do you purpose I do...?" He asked, glaring weakly. Nana stood and bowed deeply at the waist to Masamune. P Please take from me instead! She begged. "Disgusting." He huffed, looking away, "Why would I feed from a raw fish? I could get sick.""Ah..." Kojurou interjected hesitantly, "She is a Dragonian, Masamune sama...her blood would be one hundred times more potent than a human' would heal much faster if you fed from her." Please. Nana begged, shaking as she remained bowed to him. Please spare Motochika. Masamune fought the bile that pooled in his throat before relenting who was he to pick and choose as he slowly died?"Fine. Kojurou, put her blood in a cup so I don't have to smell her.""Hai." Kojurou bowed and grabbed a goblet before moving to Nana. Nana straightened herself up, keeping her eyes down as she held out her hand for Kojurou, holding it over the goblet. He apologized before cutting her palm and letting her blood fill half the goblet before he took a handkerchief and wrapped her wound."Would you like something to eat, Nana dono...?" He asked after handing Masamune the goblet of blood. Nana shook her head, returning to her seat against the wall, holding her hand tightly to stop the bleeding. I m alright.. She said quietly. "Please do not hesitate to summon me if you need me.." Kojurou offered, "It's the least I can do..." Nana glanced up at Kojurou, eyes cold and scared, her hatred for him clear. I m fine.. She muttered, then turned her gaze down once more. He frowned and moved away, "I'm going to go check on Megohime dono...she's been rather quiet tonight.""Yeah, it's weird, she's usually hanging off me by now.." Masamune said. It was rather strange Megohime hadn t been seen at all, even with her new toy, she would always return to Masamune to be by his side. Kojurou moved to Megohime's room and knocked on her door, "Sumimasen, Megohime everything alright?" Kojurou felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end, the strong scent of blood filling his nose and the sound of crashing coming from within Megohime s room.Was Motochika attacking Megohime again? He pushed open the door quickly, thinking Motochika was trying to escape. But the poor man was curled up in the corner, eyes wide in terror as he stared across the room, body shaking. The one attacking Megohime was not Motochika, but Megohime herself, clawing and tearing at her throat and chest, clothes torn and blood pouring from wounds all over her body. She let out a scream of rage and slammed herself into the wall, eyes glowing red. No! You re dead! I killed you! You re dead! I ll kill you! She screamed at seemingly herself, repeatedly slamming her head into the wall. "Megohime dono!" Kojurou moved and grabbed her arms firmly, "What's the matter, what's wrong?!" Megohime kicked and thrashed, hissing at Kojurou. Don t touch me, dog! Let me go Kojurou! She screeched at him, fighting him so hard she shook. "Not if you're going to continue to mutilate yourself! What's going on?!" She s fucking back! I killed her and that bitch is in my fucking body! Megohime snarled in his face she looked completely unhinged, like everything she had gone through had finally degraded her mental state and she finally snapped. "Wh Who...? What are you talking about?" He looked worried and confused. Was she talking about Masamune's previous wives? Her! Me! That bitch! Iisaka! What? Was Megohime implying Megohime was harboring the consciousness of Iisaka inside of her? He looked even more confused. "Iisaka? She's dead, Megohime dono...don't you remember?" I know I m dead, that s why I m going to kill her! Megohime snarled at Kojurou, spitting blood in his eyes and trying to yank away. He hissed and let go of her to try and wipe the blood away, "Masamune sama is worried!" Megohime faltered and stopped immediately. Masamune sama worries for me..? She echoed softly the question now was who was Kojurou talking to? "I...yes, we hadn't heard from you all night, he was concerned about you..." He told her gently. Where is he, I want to see him! Megohime always knew where Masamune was, why did she not know now? "In his throne room, resting. Be careful, he's healing from an attack..." He replied. Megohime took off quickly, still dripping blood as she ran down the hall toward Masamune s throne room, bursting through the doors. Masamune sama! "There you are..." The burns on Masamune's chest were healing rather quickly, "I wondered where you had been all night.." Megohime stepped in and stared at Masamune with wide eyes, tears dripping down her cheeks. Masamune sama, you re hurt.. "I'll be fine. Where have you been...?" He asked as he watched her. What do you mean..? Megohime moved closer, tears still dripping down her face. That woman, she killed me Masamune, I m here I m back..! Masamune sat quietly for a moment before scowling heavily, "I'm really not in the mood for games, Megohime." No! I m not that awful bitch! She snapped, a scowl on her own face it didn t look like she was playing games. It s me, Iisaka! A familiar ache panged in his chest, "If this is a joke, it isn't funny." Megohime closed the distance between the two and she kissed Masamune deeply, cupping his cheeks. It s me, it s me...! She cried. I m here, I m not gone..! She cried against his lips. He made a weak noise of pain, "Megohime." He said firmly, "I'm not amused...!" I m not that woman! She snapped, looking hurt and taking a step back. I m in her body but I m not her! "This doesn't make any sense..." Masamune muttered, "How is this possible...?" I don t know, all I remember was her coming into your room, then waking in her body. She frowned. "Iisaka..." He reached out and touched her cheek gently, "I miss you so much, and the others..." She placed her hand over his and leaned into his touch. I missed you too... The others as well, they re all here, trapped inside this awful wretched woman.. "I thought I lost all of you forever..." He muttered, "Please forgive me, I should not have left you unprotected..." She shook her head. We don t blame you, Masamune sama.. Not one bit. "I would ask you to forgive Megohime as blood seemed to have effected her mind rather negatively..." He said apologetically. She looked pained, and shook her head. No... She took you from us, that s just something none of us are willing to forgive. She squeezed his hand. Especially me.. He closed his eyes and exhaled gently, "I understand..." He said softly, "I wish you all would reconsider...but I won't force such things.." She nodded it was odd, speaking to Iisaka, who was trapped inside the body of Megohime, and as for the other girls, how many had made it? All of them? Were they there too? "Everyone is there with you...?" He asked, "No one was lost?" They re here, but they aren t awake... They re weaker.. She said softly. "But they're alright..." He looked relieved, "By the blood..." Masamune... What about Megohime, she s a monster, she killed us, she needs to be punished! Iisaka scowled. Masamune's chest ached again. He meant to when he came home and discovered the disaster, but he couldn't bring himself to do it something about the way she spoke and soothed him stilled his hand."I know..." He muttered, "I was...I will...she's a lot more powerful than I thought she would be..." Please, promise me promise us you ll make sure she ll pay for what she s done.. Iisaka whispered softly. "I promise, Iisaka...I will do my best to avenge you all.." He said gently. Thank you.. Iisaka said softly, kissing his hand. "I love you...all of much..." He said Jin would stay in the dungeon for weeks, simply in a state of sleep with the silver collar on her, not hungry, not in pain. Kojurou visited everyday to make sure she was comfortable, covering the slots in the wall during the day and uncovering them at night. But coming back to check on her one morning revealed that she was gone. His heart jumped into his chest and he tore the dungeons apart looking for her. He found not a single trace of her or her silver collar, there was no way she had woken Megohime was out of the question, she didn t even know of Jin s presence in the dungeons and was far too busy with the Masamune s brides in her head. Did Masamune get rid of her while Kojurou was busy? He fumed and rushed out of the dungeons to see if he could find her elsewhere. Her scent stopped immediately when he left the dungeons, only her old scent leaving the dungeon she hadn t been out through that way since he had first put her in there.Jin still remained unconscious, completely unmoving as if she were simply asleep, even after being stolen away from the castle she was locked in. The door to the room Jin was resting in was opened and a man stepped close to her, gently petting back her hair with a scarred hand. "It's been a while since I last had the honor of gazing upon you, Jin." Matsunaga said gently behind his half hannya mask. Jin had been laid gently on the bed in the room, eyes closed and her breathing even, not stirring in the slightest when Matsunaga touched her hair. Even there she radiates a good brilliance, unaware of the danger she was in. "I admit, I'm rather selfish. I was brought back to return you, but I feel the urge to just keep you as my own." He told her. Jin didn t respond, she couldn t. In her completely compliant state of forced slumber, she was at the complete and total mercy of the man who had stolen her. He moved and brushed her hair gently, looking over her form with glassy grey eyes. She was different from the last time he had seen her, knowing now that she was no longer trapped in a human body, but in her true ethereal form. She was even more beautiful than before, a true sleeping beauty, and all his. His eyes crinkled with a smile as he made sure her hair was brushed and she was laid perfectly on the bed. He could and watch her for hours and never once want to walk away. Matsunaga Hisehide finally had his prize, the one advantage over the beast whom had shredded him to pieces, now back together by the grace of the gods. He was no longer human, but that didn t bother him, for he had won. Akihime sat in her bedroom, anticipating Yukimura's return. Since Sasuke had barged in unannounced and ruined a rather intimate moment she was sharing with her husband, Yukimura didn't really come around as often as he used to. She missed him, and always left her window unlocked for him some nights she would wake briefly to him holding her and other times he would leave a small gift of apology for not being able to visit. Her chest ached gently but she remained hopeful. Yukimura was given free reign from Masamune to come and go as he pleased, only under the conditions he didn t bring attention to himself while out, didn t start a feeding frenzy, and returned before the sun rose. He followed each rule to a t, only ever going out on the estate grounds to get fresh air, or to visit Akihime. It was hard for him, he was torn between himself one part of him wanted to spend every moment he could with Akihime, and another part of him scolded his selfish desires and wanted to flee. Most nights he would give in at least a little and merely check to see how she was doing, peering into the window and checking that she was still alive, and some nights he couldn t help when he entered quietly through the window to lay with his wife and hold her tight. Sasuke would leave her with protective charms and various things to ward away vampires and evil spirits but she always threw them out. Why would she want to keep Yukimura from coming home? It was a silly idea to even entertain. Yukimura came late that night, unusual for him to do but understandable, he had to be cautious after the last time, not wanting to be shot with a silver bolt again.He entered the window quietly and easily, watching Akihime sleep for a moment before moving over to the bed quietly and carefully laying beside her. She stirred easily and slowly opened her eyes, "Yukimura...?" She asked softly, rubbing her eyes free of sleep. Yukimura pulled her closer to his chest, which felt hollow and tight, smelling her hair and giving a soft noise. It s just me. He confirmed with a nod. She gave a sodt noise of delight and held onto him, "I'm so glad...I missed you so's been so lonely at night without you beside me.." His heart was pounding already, teeth aching to sink into warm flesh. Forgive me, I want nothing more than to be here, but I can t risk coming out every night.. "I know..." She said gently, nuzzling his chest. "Do you need to feed again...?" She asked after a moment of silence. His grip on her arms tightened and she could hear him audibly swallow. No, I ve been fed already... I don t want to risk your life. Even in his iron like grasp she still managed to pull his head against her bossom, "Please, my husband, it is my duty to serve you in all ways...take what you need from me, my heart aches to see you suffer.." Yukimura gritted his teeth, his breaths coming out through his teeth as he tried to shut out the overwhelmingly loud sound of Akihime s heartbeat. Please, Akihime... You ll get hurt..! "I'm hurting now...!" She said, her voice cracking, "Please...! Please, I'm begging you, Yukimura...!" Yukimura felt his throat burn and his fangs ache, and before Akihime could utter another word, she had been flipped onto her back, Yukimura on top of her as he kissed her deeply, his knee pressed between her legs. She felt her cheeks and ears burn from surprise and embarrassment, her hips shifting instinctively against the new pressure. She didn't fight him, kissing back and eventually relaxing as she let him use her as he needed. Something Akihime noticed with Yukimura was he was becoming roughed over time, almost like he either couldn t help himself, or he needed to be so. He kissed her deeply as he pushed her hands above her head with one hand, slipping his other between the folds of her yukata, groping her breast. She mewled into the kiss, shifting again against his leg. She liked this new roughness from him, or at least it excited her she would learn to like this new side of him. Yukimura pulled away, panting heavily and sitting back so he could untie the sash around Akihime s waist, pushing open her robes and moving to bite her breast, lapping at the blood that can from the wound. The winced and gave a soft whine but didn't jerk away from him, his tongue easing the sting immediately. Would it be odd if she said she trusted him? It felt odd to say such a thing. Would he even hear it? Or would it discourage him? This change had new tests for her to endure as a wife. After a moment he began to kiss down her stomach slowly, then down to her hip, then to her inner thigh. He gently pushed her leg open further, then kissed once more before biting into the soft tender flesh. She gasped at the sharp sudden pain before almost immediately relaxing, giving soft moans behind her hand to keep from alerting Amaya. Yukimura sucked gently at the deep bite, holding her thigh tightly as he drank her blood greedily, soft noises coming from him as he drank. "Y Yuki...mura... " She moaned weakly, trying not to shift and squirm and annoy him. Yukimura sucked gently at the deep bite, holding her thigh tightly as he drank her blood greedily, soft noises coming from him as he drank. After a moment, he pulled away, a trail of saliva breaking as he did so, breathing heavily. She was trembling, shaking from the oddly euphoric sensation of his parasitic kiss. "A Are...Are you done...?" She asked weakly. She almost sounded disappointed. If I take more I ll hurt you. It sounded like he was in pain, forcing his words out through his teeth as he wiped his mouth on the back of his sleeve. She gave a soft noise, "H...Hai...did I satisfy you at least...?" She asked, "Will you be alright...?" Yukimura nodded and moved to lay beside her again and embraced her. Yes, thank you.. She smiled and held onto him, "I'm so happy..." She muttered, "I'm glad I could be of service to you, my dear husband..." Every so often Jin would dream, dream of her time spent with Kojurou. The day they spent in the fields outside his lords castle, enjoying a picnic and the warm sun. She dreamt of the time they made love in her cabin, the time she spent wrapped in his arms by the fire, the time when he made love to her after going hunting.Everything was slow and warm, tangled in the grasp of sleep as the world around her continued on without her, blissfully unaware of her predicament, and that she had been violated again and again by the man whom had taken her. Matsunaga had taken advantage of her whenever he got the chance. He didn't want to give her back, she was the reason he was given his life back after all. He owed her. Had to repay her. Jin had indeed been the reason he was given life, but not entirely. Amaterasu had brought him back to life with her powers, using him to return Jin back to Tsuki Omi but he was taking a slight detour along the way.Jin slumbered without even an ounce of awareness of what was her fate, and it was for the better that she didn t know. Her body had been claimed by another, her beloved only with her in her dreams. Was he searching for her? Or had he forgotten her? Kojurou was, in fact, tearing the land apart looking for her. He didn't even allow his moon change to hinder him in his search, in fact it aided him if only a little. Masamune had told him to just forget her, that she had returned to where ever it was that she had come from. But Kojurou refused to give up. He could still catch her scent on the wind. She was here. He just had to find her. He would be searching for weeks, with only her sweet scent to keep him going. If only he hadn t put the collar on her, if only he hadn t brought her to the castle, if only he hadn t met her, she wouldn t have been in this predicament, and he wouldn t be in such pain. With all bad, there is good. She brought a peace to his life that he hadn't experienced in a millennia. She made him feel whole. And he only wanted her safe and happy. Happy memories fueled him to move when he wanted to stop from exhaustion, and rage fueled him when he wanted to give up. Rage for whomever had stolen her away again, the vile man he thought he had slain. He knew exactly who had taken her, and he would make sure the Gids could bring nothing back when he was done. But there was no scent to follow, only Jin's and it was growing more and more difficult by the day. The Gods would take pity on Kojurou though, for one night as he searched, a particularly strong wind brought with it the sweet scent of his lover, almost as clear as if she were right there with him. His chest ached and he stood still for just a moment, just enjoying the sweet smell before rushing off to follow it. The scent would take him far from Masamune s castle, remaining as strong as ever as he traveled, as if she were calling out to him. He didn't stop running, even when his lungs begged him to, he kept going. He needed to find her. Jin's scent took him far out of Masamune's territory and toward an old musky cave. He felt a chill run down his spine but continued on, pushing deeper into the cave until it brought him to a hand made little shack in the cave. The entire cave reeked of Jin and Matsunaga, the two of them clearly there for some time, but he heard no noise at all were they still there? He continued deeper into the cave, stopping at the door that reeked of Jin the most. He pushed the door open and found Jin resting peacefully on a dirty old mattress. Her dress was disheveled, like it had been moved a lot from the bottom. He could smell something else. Something that made him sick and violent. Pheromones, specifically the kind given off during intercourse. Jin still wore the collar Kojurou himself had put on her, face relaxed with a gentle expression, her breathing slow. Her arms rested at her sides, and she glowed very faintly, like she hadn t received moonlight for a while. Kojurou moved closer and gently cupped her face. His muscles suddenly tensed and he turned sharply, grabbing the sword poised for his head."Hello again, Katakura." Matsunaga greeted. Jin s breathing was the only noise in the room beside the quiet struggle Kojurou had with the blade, his nails scraping against the sword. He could smell Jin on Matsunaga, he had touched her he had done much more than that, he could smell her womanhood on him as well, he had been inside her. "You disgusting degenerate." Kojurou snarled, "You defiled her. Took advantage of her weakened state.""I wanted to enjoy myself before returning her to the moon," Matsunaga replied, "Is that so terrible?" Kojurou snarled loudly and used all his strength to shove Matsunaga back, the blade cutting his palm deep but he couldn't care less."Don't you find it ironic, Katakura? The light of the moon damns you yet His People find an odd infatuation with you." Matsunaga mocked. Kojurou didn't dignify him with a response, launching at him and slamming him through the bamboo wall and into the cave wall behind it. Matsunaga took a silver dagger from his side and jammed it into Kojurou's stomach, causing him to cry out in pain and move back to rip it out. Matsunaga took his sword and swung to cut Kojurou in half but the werewolf was much faster, catching the blade again in his uninjured hand. He punched Matsunaga in the face over and over, keeping a firm grip on the blade to keep him in place before Matsunaga finally let go and caught Kojurou's fist. They went back and forth like this for what seemed like ages, both evenly matched."You've already done your transformation this month, haven't you? That's why you haven't killed me yet." Matsunaga taunted. Kojurou gnashed his teeth together before taking the silver dagger from earlier and digging it under Matsunaga's ribcage straight into his lung."I don't need that cursed form to finally be rid of you." He growled, "You can tell whoever the hell brought you back that if they take issue with who I court with, they bring it up with me.Not Jin.""Killing you...would have been an added bonus to my task." Matsunaga wheezed, "Amaterasu takes no personal issue with you." Kojurou glared hatefully and jerked the dagger upward as far as it would go, forcing it through his ribs and watching him die once more. The only sound in the room now was Kojurou s own breathing, heavy and forced, then the soft sound of fabric. Had Jin woken? No, the sudden appearance of another presence made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, but who?The same sweet scent of Jin was now overwhelming in the room, bringing tears to his eyes and making his heart ache. He turned slowly, expecting to see his beloved awake and smiling at him. Crying over his wound and calling him foolish. But that wouldn't be the case. Not with the band around her neck still. He would die slowly and never even get to say goodbye. Behind him stood a tall figure, the same golden hair falling in wild locks down their back. The person wore beautiful dark blue robes, and when Kojurou turned, so did they. It almost looked like Jin pale skin and gold eyes, a youthful looking man? It was hard to tell, the person was rather androgynous, but it was clear when they spoke that it was indeed a man. I would say thank you for returning my piece, but you aren t exactly the one who returned it, are you? Kojurou held his wound, his breathing labored. "No...merely recovering her from those who would seek her harm. I've known...for so long that she had to return...I am simply a selfish and greedy old dog..." He blinked, watching him struggle to breath, then turning to look at Jin, gently cupping her cheek. Well, yes that much was obvious. He said simply, petting Jin s tangled hair before gently lifting her off the dirty mattress. None the less, I thank you for coming here, had you not, I wouldn t have found the part of myself that ran away. "Will I ever see her again...?" He already knew the answer, but he needed to hear it to know that she would be safer away from him than with him. Of course. He tilted his head, expression emotionless. Every night you look to the sky and see the moon you will see her. He held Jin against his chest like a sleeping child, cradling her gently. He closed his eyes and his head dropped as he fought his tears, "Arigatou..." He muttered. He watched Kojurou, not batting an eye at his agony. Quell thy tears, she surely would not want to see that. He spoke thoughtfully, Jin s form shifting slowly, her limbs gradually dissolving into his own form, returning to its proper and original body until the only thing remaining was the silver collar. Know that I did love you do love you. He held out the collar for Kojurou to take, years now streaming down the mans face, regardless of his expression never changing. As much as I am against loving humans, I cannot help my waning and waxing. Kojurou used the end of his coat to take the band to avoid burning, "I never once wished for my burden to be know that I had something that brought me closer to J to brought me peace...I only desire your safety and happiness, above all else.." Tsukiyomi s features more closely resembled Jin s now, his already androgynous appearance appearing more feminine. I love you. He felt cool hands on his cheeks, and soft lips upon his forehead, Jin s scent stronger now that the moon god was even closer to him, then it was all gone Standing alone in the dingy dank shack with only his ears ringing and his forehead tingling with her kiss, he swallowed his sorrow and made his way back home, still holding his wound and the band in his coat. It was a long walk and he had a lot of time to think his heart ached that he could never physically see Jin again but he was still close to her in a way, and it eased his sorrows if only a little. None None None Sasuke had been following this new trail for a while now. It was reckless and fast, definitely a newer vampire. He half hoped and half dreaded that it would be Yukimura. But he had to be ready regardless. It was quiet now, but the screams from the night before still rang loud in the girls ears. Her parents had stuffed her in the food cabinet the night before when it had started, thinking it was merely bandits looking for food and young girls again, but they were wrong, they were so wrong. The smell of blood was strong in the air, and even as the sun filtered through the small cracks of the wooden cabinet, the girl didn t dare crawl out from her hiding spot. She had been there for hours, even as her parents screamed and fought, even as she heard them gurgling and dying, she didn t move. Hours later, once things had been quiet for some time, did she finally move from her spot. Her legs hurt from being folded for so long, and she stared blankly at the horrific scene before her. Blood splattered every wall of the small house, pooled on the floor beneath the mangled bodies of her parents. The young girl felt nothing, simply staring for a long while before slowly trudging through the blood and out the door. Was the entire village gone? Some people were distraught wrecks in the streets, crying out to their God for justice. What justice would they receive? What kind of God would punish them this way, to have their loved ones slaughtered so carelessly. The girl didn t cry, couldn t cry, almost like all the events that had just happened couldn t even register and make sense in her mind.She had to start her chores, if she didn t, her parents would be mad. Numbly making her way back toward the back of her house, she made her way to the chicken coop to collect eggs. The chickens were dead, gutted with their heads ripped off. Feathers and parts were strewn everywhere haphazardly and without care. She stared for a moment longer before closing the door to the coop softly, then turning and heading back to her house. She figured she should at least clean up the mess inside before her parents got home and got angry. Drawing a bucket of water, she got to scrubbing the blood that stained the wood floors and walls, eyes dull as she worked. She didn't notice the door open, didn't hear heavy breathing. She barely noticed she wasn't scrubbing the floor anymore but on the floor with a monster's teeth in her neck. She stared out the open door from her spot on the floor, back pressed into the blood she had been cleaning up, tears forming in her eyes and dripping down her face. Searing pain was in her neck, like a hot iron pressed to her flesh, mouth open in a silent cry. Silently crying out for her parents, for them to save her, that she was scared, that it hurt.She struggled weakly under the monster on top of her, vision blurry from her tears. It seemed like ages before the monster was pulled away from her, jaw broken and her blood dripping from its teeth. A young man with ginger hair stood with a handheld crossbow, watching the beast closely. She wheezed and gurgled softly, her throat a bloody mess of torn flesh, but she wasn t gone completely yet. She stared up at him, not completely aware he was there, wheezing as she reached out to him. The monster lunged at Sasuke but he pierced its skull with an arrow, killing it quickly before he moved to stop the girl's bleeding. "He missed the artery, thank God." He muttered, putting pressure on her wound as he grabbed his healing equipment. The girl was covered in blood, both her own and her parents that was also splattered around the small house. She stared blankly up at him, still struggling and panicked from her wound. He put a thick poultice on the wound before wrapping it tightly, "Relax, relax, you'll be ok." Her face scrunched up, fresh tears dripping down her face, vision slowly starting to fade in and out as she stared up at Sasuke. He picked her up and carried her out of the house and the village. If he got her back to his little hovel of a home, he could save her. She would fade in and out as he carried her, small in his arms, light. She was just a child, and already she knew great suffering, it wasn t right. If this was Yukimura's fault ferals were running around, he would surely punish him for it. He would make Yukimura regret such devastation. He hurried to his horse and held the girl tight against him as he rode off quickly. He felt her slowly relax against him, but not from lack of consciousness she held tight to him, tears falling down her face as she clung to him out of comfort. "You'll be ok, I promise.." He assured her, "You're safe now. Nothing will hurt you ever again." She was still clinging to life when they finally did make it back to his home, but she had lost a bit of blood, and was too weak to move much. He got her inside and laid her in bed, making an herbal tonic and carefully pouring it down her throat to keep her from choking. The girl relaxed some and gave a few coughs before finally settling into a peaceful sleep. She was too caked in blood to clearly tell if she had been fed blood or not leaving only time to tell if she would turn or not. He sighed softly and sat back to keep an eye on her, "I hope I made it in time..." The girl remained in the bed he had placed her in, well into the night without stiring much at all except for the tears she would shed in her sleep, but gave no signs she would change into a vampire. Sasuke continued to sit with her, watching her quietly. He just needed to make sure she didn't die. She was fine for the most part, but even with his salve, he could tell the wound on her throat was starting to fester. If a vampire didn t drain it s victims, they often died from blood loss or infection from the bite itself, and her bite had been rather messy. He had cleaned it each time the infection resurfaced, trying to make a drink to completely purge it. There were so many herbs that could combat the venom of a vampire, but the wrong combination would kill her. He seemed to be combating it rather well for the time being, but she still ran a bit of a fever. She slept for the most part, only waking a few times in a groggy haze from the fever, but she never got scared or tried to speak, only watching Sasuke from the bed in silence. He tried to help her eat and drink when she was conscious enough to do so. He did everything he could for her, "Just don't give up, ok?" A few more days and her fever would slowly leave her, her wound remained clear, and she would become more aware when she woke, but she still refused to speak. She ate slowly, still sitting in bed as she sipped at the broth he had given her. "I'm glad to see you're doing better..." Sasuke said gently, "I was really worried..." She kept her dull eyes on her soup, not saying anything or even looking over at him as she brought the bowl to her lips again to drink. He frowned softly, "Maybe you aren't ready to talk yet...that's alright. Take as long as you need." He said, "Let me know if you want anything, ok?" She didn t say anything of course, it was to be expected that she was in shock. She had witnessed her parents horrific deaths, then endured an attack of her own. It would take time for her to come out of her broken mental state. He made a noise, "If you want something to drink, make one tapping noise. Two if you're hungry." He said, "Not now but whenever the need arises.." She finished off everything in the bowl, even licking it clean, of course she was hungry, she had lost a lot of blood and had been asleep for days. Still she gave no answer or acknowledgement, only cleaning her fingers and hands too, making sure she didn t miss a single drop of soup. He exhaled softly, "I guess that's fair..." He muttered, "I'll just have to monitor you then..." She was pretty obedient for the most part, doing as she was told, but still not uttering a single word to him. She slept when it was time and ate when he told her to, but he would often find her spaced out, staring blankly out the window or at the wall. He went out of his way to get her new clothes amd things girls her age needed, telling merchants it was for his younger sister. She was young enough to pass off as his younger. It was less awkward than saying his daughter. She didn t really want to play with the toys he got for her, only staring blankly at them for minutes on end before returning to staring out the window blankly, but still, she was as obiedient as ever. He was surprised at how docile she was being, not shedding a single tear since the first night she had gotten there. "Do you not like them...?" He asked, examining a doll he had bought for her, "I mean...I never played with toys growing up so I'm not sure. Just a lot of chores..." No answer still, perhaps she had been changed into a thrall after all? She was rather obedient, doing everything Sasuke told her to do, yet she didn t quite have the same look of a thrall to her, her eyes were a sad empty, not blank. "You wanna do some house work with me?" He asked, "I have to chop somw wood and do laundry...could use the help." She hopped down from the chair placed at the window, moving over to him and standing beside him in silent agreement, but didn t look up at him to make eye contact. He offered his hand gently, "Come look like the outside would do you some good.." She hesitated before taking his hand and following him outside to help with the chores. He moved to the chopping block and grabbed the axe, "Ok, put a piece of wood up." She gave a nod and picked up the unchopped wood and placed it on the block just like... who had shown her how to do this again? She could see him in her head in her memories but his face was gone. She stood there for a moment, then moved away from the block so Sasuke could chop it. With a solid forceful swing, he split the wood down the middle. He grinned and gestured for another, chopping firewood into two neat piles before tying them up and handing her one to carry, "You got it?" She nodded and picked it up with a soft noise, barley audible, but loud enough for Sasuke to hear. Progress. He smiled softly and took her inside and showed her where to store the wood, "Now we do you know how?" She set the wood down and gave a small nod, turning her head, but still kept her gaze down. He nodded and guided her back out to the wash buckets after grabbing the clothes, "Alright, you go ahead and scrub everything and I'll hang them up since the line is so high up." She nodded again, moving onto her knees before the wash bucket, using the wash board to clean the clothes. Wringing the out before handing them to Sasuke, she worked silently. He hung them all up to dry and gave a satisfied noise. "There...we can check on them in a bit." He said before guiding her to help with more house work. She followed him everywhere, doing anything he asked of her she was even able to cook. She wasn t too young maybe thirteen at the youngest, but even then, it was like she had mentally reverted. He made a noise and wondered if she would ever come around. Maybe if he took her to Akihime, she would open up. He had avoided her long enough. The days would continue on like such, she would silently help and follow Sasuke, and when she wasn t, she was staring off blankly. She slept restlessly, if at all, tossing and turning in her sleep, only ever letting out the faintest of whimpers, tears always staining her cheeks. He always woke up to her distressed sounds and always reached over to take her hand to comfort her. It didn't always work but he didn't want her thinking she was alone. It was such a night that the girl was having a nightmare, tossing and turning in bed once again, soft cries of terror coming from her. He woke up and looked over groggily, frowning before sitting up and pulling his bes closer to hers. He laid back down and hesitated before pulling her close to hold her protectively. He pet her hair gently and tried to soothe her, whispering soft nothings to her. She woke with a start, struggling against Sasuke s chest before realizing who it was and where she was. He felt her shake as she shed more tears, but clutched against him as she sobbed silently. "Hey," he whispered softly, "it's ok, don't're safe, I promise.." He would have to spend the rest of the night comforting her until she fell asleep in his arms. He fell asleep once he was sure she was calm, eyes heavy and stinging for rest. He kept hold of her all night, not moving an inch away from her. Megohime and Masamune enjoyed dinner together, which often consisted of an unfortunate that Kojurou retrieved for them, both of their new pets standing by as their masters fed, however, Megohime must ve been in a particular mood that night. It s so dull here as of late, and your dogs attitude has been terribly depressing. She was referring to Kojurou, whom was rather solemn after losing Jin. Kojurou didn't even flinch or bat an eye at her statement, merely kept his gaze down as he stood on standby. Masamune gave an agreeing noise."Yeah, what's wrong, Kojurou? Still upset that I left your corpse bride in the cells?""She's no longer apart of this plane anymore, Masamune sama...she's returned to the moon and I can return to my duties..." Kojurou answered. Megohime made an annoyed noise, turning away from Kojurou. See, he s awful to even look at. She turned her gaze on her own pet. And you dog, you ve been less combative, has your will gone as well? "I want to die..." Motochika muttered. Masamune rolled his eye."Disgusting." He muttered. No that s no fun. Megohime thought for a moment, then perked. That s right, you were going to have your new pet killed anyway, right? Why not make a show out of it? Have my hound kill the bitch! Nana, who stood off to the side of Masamune, looked horrified, looking to Masamune, then Motochika in silent horror. He was going to kill her? "I won't..." Motochika sounded firm for once in a long time. Masamune rested his head in his hand."As if you have a choice.." Megohime smiled excitedly, looking to Masamune. Can we then? She asked, batting her eyelashes at him. M Masamune sama... please reconsider..! Nana actually piped up, fidgeting nervously. "An instant kill won't be much fun at all.." Masamune mused, "Beating her to death sounds fine to me.""Masamune sama." Kojurou glanced up, "If you have no need of her, then let her go." Shut up, dog. Megohime hissed, standing and moving over to Motochika, fishing a key out of her pocket and unlocking the muzzle over his mouth. Go fight her. She ordered. Masamune sama, please..! Nana begged, tears in her eyes. "I won't.." Motochika said, "I won't do it..""Masamune sama." Kojurou stated firmly, "This is unbecoming.""Blah blah..." Masamune muttered Megohime scowled in disapproval. Oh for She bit into the fleshy part of her hand, then shoved it over Motochika s mouth forcing him to injest her blood. He struggled hard for a moment before giving up, her blood pouring easily down his throat. She pulled her hand away from his mouth, wiping her hand on a napkin and letting out a huff as she sat down. Go beat her to death. She ordered, motioning to Nana, who looked crushed, taking a small step back. Motochika looked drunk, confused, crazed. He moved toward Nana slowly, stumbling as he went."Masamune sama!""Pipe down, Kojurou." Masamune huffed. Nana felt tears swell in her eyes, backing away from Motochika as he approached her. Motochika..? She tripped over her own feet and fell back onto the floor with a cry of pain. He fell on her immediately,hands wrapped tight around her neck. Kojurou was shaking, clenching his jaw. How was this fair? To either of them? Nana gasped and struggled under Motochika, trying her best to shove him away, but he was sitting on top of her, and she didn t want to hurt him. He removed one of his hands and started punching her, over and over, putting all his strength into the swings. Masamune looked bored before returning to his meal. Nana cried out with every strike, only for it to come out strangled. She did her best to protect herself, but couldn t do much without hurting Motochika. Motochika, please..! She sobbed. You re hurting me..! Megohime seemed more interested in the fight than Masamune, a sick smile on her face. Oh Pull out all of her scales! She ordered. Tears dripped from Motochika's eyes as he pinned her hands above her head. Kojurou had had enough however. He moved over quickly and threw Motochika off Nana, snarling lowly."Ah, it appears we've upset him." Masamune muttered. Nana coughed and hacked, rolling onto her side and crying harder now that she had more air that reached her lungs. D Don t hurt him...! Please..! She begged Kojurou.Megohime scowled and sat back in her chair. Fucking dog. "Kojurou," Masamune swirled his goblet of blood slowly, "Take the fish outside and kill her. Mulch her if you have to.""Nana..." Motochika was coming down from his haze, "Gomen, Nana...! Gomen...!" Nana couldn t stop the sob that she choked out, trying to crawl to Motochika. Please just let us go..! Hurry up with it dog, her crying is testing my nerves. Megohime ordered. Kojurou hesitated before moving and grabbing Nana firmly, "Let's go..." He said gently."No!" Motochika wailed, "Nana!" Nana wept as she stumbled along, trying to break away from Kojurou. Please..! She begged. Please don t...! He kept quiet as he took her outside, dragging her into the grass and dropping her, "Go...please..." He said, eyes sad, "I will do what I can to get Chosokabe out but you need to go." When he dropped her, she put her arms up to protect herself, but was only met by his confusing words. I... I won t leave without him..! She protested. "You must...there..." He stopped, "There's an abandoned cabin, just down the hill not far from has the most beautiful garden you've ever seen just out front. Stay there and wait for my word...I will bring your lover back to you...I swear it. To atone for all the wrongs I have caused you both." She hesitated before struggling to her feet, head spinning from Motochika pounding on her head. Please... Please bring him back.. And with that, she hurried off to the cabin he had pointed out. He exhaled softly, "Guide me and give me strength, Jin..." He muttered before heading back into the manor. None None None Kojurou had spent days working out Megohime's routine to find an opening to free Motochika. She didn't really bother him all that much, she usually spent her time with Masamune. So he waited for her to go to bed in Masamune's room before making his way to Motochika. It wasn't hard getting the human to come with him, the weakenes man figuring it was finally his turn to die. But when he was pulled outside, Kojurou cupped the side of his mouth, "Nana dono...! I have him...!" He called, not loud enough to wake Masamune. Nana wasn't very far from where they stood anyway. Their surroundings were silent, but only for a brief moment before the bushes rustled and a figure emerged Nana. When she saw Motochika, tears came to her eyes, and she hurried over to the two men. Even though Nana was much smaller than Motochika, she nearly knocked him over as she embraced him in a tight hug. Motochika..! He held her firmly, arms shaking from the effort, weeping weakly into her hair. "Nana...oh,thank God,I thought I had lost you...! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry...!" She shook her head, crying softly as well. I m ok, I m ok! I m just so relieved you re safe..! "Please..." Motochika looked when Kojurou spoke up, "I will not ask you both to forgive me but take this money and go as far away as you can." He held out a rather large coin purse to them, "I want to atone for my wrongs.." Motochika nodded and took the coin purse gladly."Arigatou. May you find redemption in your own way." Nana couldn t bring herself to look up at the human, he was the one who destroyed their lives, and now he was sorry? She couldn t forgive him, she couldn t forgive humans. "Nana..." Motochika took her hand, "Let's get going, while there's still daylight.." Nana squeezed his hand slightly, nodding and following him off down the hill and away from the castle that was their prison. Kojurou exhaled gently and headed back inside, thinking of a way to explain Motochika's sudden disappearance. Perhaps he came in and found him dead on the floor? Megohime would buy that surely. His health had been failing recently. None None Yukimura and Akihime were spending nearly every night together, sometimes, Yukimura wouldn t even leave. Amaya had long shifts at the factory, and often spent the night at Sasuke s home as it was closer, so Yukimura didn t have to hide or leave.One such night, after everyone had gone to sleep, Yukimura and Akihime enjoyed their time together with a meal, although Yukimura could no longer stomach human food, he enjoyed his time with Akihime regardless. They sat at their favorite spot, a quiet little meadow by the sea with a little picnic Akihime had made though it was mainly for her. "It's been so nice spending this time with you, my husband..." She breathed. Yukimura held his wife against his chest, keeping the blanket they had brought with them wrapped around her so she wouldn t get cold. I m so glad I ve had a second chance to spend my time with you as well. She held him tightly and nuzzled into his chest, "Your lord is kind, letting you leave to see me.." She reached up and played gingerly with his six coins, "Allowing you peace in your strife..." Yukimura hadn t fed in days, he still struggled with feeding, even from a willing source. He is rather understanding.. He nodded his head, keeping his eyes trained on the stars on the horizon all he could smell was Akihime s blood, hear it pumping through her veins. "I'm glad..." She muttered, "I would be so heartbroken if he never let me see you again.." Yukimura only held her tighter, starting to see red. I love you, Akihime. He whispered into her hair, squeezing his eyes shut. "I love you, too, much...more than anything in this world.." She said blissfully. It was just too much, he couldn t stop himself.Akihime felt sharp fangs dig deep into her neck, a low snarl coming from Yukimura, his grip on her tightening until it was painful. He drank deeply, seeing only red as he began to drain Akihime s blood. She felt the air squeeze out of her lungs from his iron like grip, eyes widening in pain and fear as she felt like she would pop like a blister. "Y...Yuki...y you're...hurting me..." She gasped, "P Please...I I can't...breathe..." She could only manage weak helpless tapping of her hands against his chest, hoping he would snap out of it and come to his senses like he had before. Nothing would change, he didn t loosen his grip on her, didn t pull away from her neck. He did however continue to drink deeply from her neck, growling lowly as he did. His fingernails dug deep into her back, almost clawing at her as if trying to hold her even closer, his only thoughts consumed by his hunger. Tears streaked down her cheeks as she felt weaker and weaker, colder and colder the more he drank her blood. Soon, her weak taps became still and her desperate gasps slowed to a stop. Yukimura continued to suckle at her neck until he received no more blood, and even then, he only bit other places on her neck, trying desperately to find more blood. He growled in annoyance as he found none, shoving Akihime s limp body against the ground and pinning it down. He tore at her clothes, exposing her chest, biting hard into her breast. No blood. He bit her arm. No blood. Her stomach and hip. No blood. He was becoming frenzied as he bit her over and over, it was only after he started to try and completely undress her, and the throbbing between his legs became painful, did he finally come to. He stared at Akihime s blank face, streaked with dirt and tears, lifeless eyes staring back at him. He nearly vomited at the state of undress she was in, the bite marks covering every inch of her her chest was exposed and her skirt pushed up around her waste, undergarments gone. He vomited, only to vomit more at the sight of deep red blood. Had he done this? He had killed her? He couldn t hear his screams, but he could feel them, his entire body shaking as he cowered on the floor. She had trusted him. Literally with her life and he robbed it from her. Murdered his wife in a blind frenzy and left her looking like a torn up slap of meat left behind by dogs. He was disgusting, a terrible subcreature of a man. Yukimura clawed at the dirt, what was he to do? Akihime was dead, she was gone forever, and it was all his fault. No, there had to be something he could do, someone he could turn to. He crawled back over to Akihime, fixing her robe the best her could before carefully scooping her up and running off with her, heading back to Masamune s castle. Kojurou was there to greet him, as he usually was when Yukimura left, but this time his face was twisted in despair and disappointment, "Yukimura, you didn't..." He gently pleaded, but he already knew the answer. Yukimura only barreled passed him, blood still staining his face and the front of his shirt. He was still in tears, hurrying to find Masamune. Masamune dono..! Masamune dono!! "What are you shouting for?" Masamune huffed from his throne room, trying to enjoy his meal with his wife, "God, what are you, a banshee?" Megohime looked up from her meal in disgust, wiping the blood from her mouth with a napkin. Disgusting, are you feeding from corpses now? Please, help her..! He begged moving closer, only to drop to his knees, cradling Akihime gently. Masamune stared down at him before suddenly erupting into a fit of laughter. Loud, genuinely amused laughter. He couldn't stop for a solid minute before settling down."She's your wife, you help her. Oh wait." He stifled another fit of giggles, "You kinda went a little overboard with the helping, huh?" Yukimura s ears burned red, and he looked away from Masamune, holding Akihime closer to himself. What do I do..? He whispered weakly. I don t know what to do..! "Give her your blood." Masamune said flatly, "She'll be reborn as your undead bride for all eternity. Isn't that right, Mego ?" Masamune cooed at the end. Although I can t say it ll improve anything about the country bumpkin. She muttered, glancing away from the two.Yukimura frowned deeply, feeling his dead heart ache. He would curse Akihime with this? He stood and left quickly for his room, locking himself and Akihime in. He sat with her for a while, changing her clothes, bathing the blood from her, and bandaging every part of her that had a bite mark. He sat brushing her hair numbly, staring at her lifeless face as he considered his only option. Without her, why would he even bother living? He begged her for forgiveness, kneeling beside the bed and holding her cold hand, weeping softly. Her wedding band glinted gently in the light as he held her hand, she never took it off for anything. She had told him when they first reunited that she would take any risk to be with him always, especially since she threw away her family status to marry him. The last thing he remembered her say was that she loved him. Would she forgive him if the turning worked? Would she be herself or just a mindless thing that followed him around. He didn't know, but he didn't have a lot of time to continue debating with himself. Yukimura couldn t risk losing her, even if she was just a mindless beast when she opened her eyes next. He sat up, bit deep into his own wrist and held it open her mouth. Keeping her mouth open, he let his blood flow steadily from the wound and down her throat, fresh tears falling down his face. When he pulled his wrist away, she was still for a long time. It was so quiet in his room that his ears rang. But her eyes suddenly shot open and she shot up, letting out a cry of terror that was probably trapped in her lungs from when he held her so tight. She was sobbing, body shaking hard as she stared dead eyed ahead of her, not even registering that he was there. He didn t bother to stop his own bleeding, moving over to her, but not touching her. A Akihime..? He called out gently. She looked over, her auburn eyes now red and blood shot, dripping with tears."Y...Yuki..." Her tears fell harder, almost looking betrayed. "Youkilledme...what...what am I going to do, about our house, about...oh God, Amaya! Oh my God, she'll be devastated!" She wailed and covered her face. Yukimura recoiled, looking crushed. I I m sorry..! His voice was small, tears dripping down his face. I m sorry, I m sorry..! She cried and cried until she couldn't cry anymore, forcing herself to settle down. "Why...?" She asked weakly, "Why did you do that...? If you wanted to be together forever, a discussion beforehand would have been preferred, but...!" She stopped and held her neck, "Yukimura, I trusted you..." I m sorry..! He hung his head like a dog. I never meant to do it... I I just I was so hungry.. He whispered softly. I thought I could fight it off if it was for you, if it meant not hurting you..... I I m... Forgive me..! She watched him quietly for a moment before moving out of bed and kneeling in front of him, bringing him close and holding him tenderly, "Daijoubu daiyo..." She muttered, "We'll make this work, Yukimura sama..." Yukimura clutched the front of her gown, crying into her bosom softly. Please forgive me, Akihime...! He begged. Forgive me! She frowned softly she wanted to forgive him, but she didn't know if she could. She pet his hair gently and gave a soft sigh."Of course, Yukimura..." She muttered, "Always.." Yukimura spent the night apologizing to her, and when dawn was just around the corner, he left her briefly with the promise he d return. He needed to get Masamune s permission to make sure Akihime could stay for the time being. Masamune was getting ready for bed when Yukimura came over to bother him, "What now?" He bowed deeply to the older vampire. Masamune dono, may I ask a favor of you? "You don't ask for a lot, so I suppose you could. Make it snappy, it's almost dawn." He said, "Mego doesn't like waiting." He nodded and straightened up. May I ask fhat my wife can find shelter here? I I turned her and she has no where else to go.. "Oh, so the change worked. Yeah, she can stay but she's your responsibility. Anything she does is on you." He said. Yukimura bowed again. Thank you, Masamune dono! He said. I promise I won t let you down! "Eh,'ve been doin' good so far. Minus the whole...killing thing a bit ago. Now go on, before I change my mind." He said, waving him off. He nodded and bowed his head once more before hurrying off back to Akihime, a small fluttering in his chest. Akihime was in bed, staring blankly at her lap. She had left Amaya all alone, abandoned and confused and distraught. But she had her husband back, so it was ok...right? Amaya would be fine without her...wouldn't she? With the time that passed, Yukimura taught Akihime what she would need to know to survive, how to avoid humans if and when they went out at night and how to feed without going into a frenzy, which even he struggled with.Food was becoming harder to come by however, and Kojurou could no longer take the locals, or even those in the neighboring villages.The humans actions forced Masamune s hand, and he had no choice but to buy humans live in cattle that he would care for in exchange for their blood when needed. It wasn t long before many people showed up, mostly poor or those in debt, whom desperately needed the money. Kojurou examined all of them, politely telling those who were too ill or weak that they should return home but compensated them for their time. There were so many that he knew it would take a while. Many were fine candidates however, not in excellent health, but not ill either. When the next examination came, his heart nearly stopped when he saw a pale woman enter the room, small and delicate looking Jin? Did Tsukiyomi deem him worthy enough to have Jin return? He moved closer and looked her over. No. No, the smell was different. It wasn't her. His heart broke in his chest and he examined her. The more he looked at her, the more he could see it most definitely wasn t Jin. She had shorter hair, which was white rather than golden, and her deathly pale skin looked more sickly than ethereal, but she didn t smell of any illness. Her blue eyes followed him as he examined her, looking a bit nervous but saying nothing, remaining still so he could continue to look her over. "Your reason for offering your life to my lord and his kin?" He asked her gently, trying not to look at her any more than he had to. She looked down at the floor, suddenly rather aware of her situation. I I lost my job at the factory... I ve lost the rest of my family... I have no choice other than returning to my life as a prostitute otherwise.. He frowned softly and made a noise. She didn't smell diseased, she just looked tired. "You may stay." She bowed her head, looking like she could ve cried. Thank you very much. She said softly, thanking him once more before the other servants escorted her to where the cattle would be housed, on the fourth floor. Akihime's eyes snapped open from her daytime slumber, catching a familiar scent that passed by. "Ama..." She whispered. She would always smell Amaya, but never saw her, and on a few occasions during dinner, she would smell her in the room itself rather her blood. She watched as the man Yukimura called lord drank a goblet full of what was her friends blood. It had to be, it reeked of Amaya. What had happened? Was he the reason behind all of the locals going missing? Had Amaya been taken too? Akihime had to control herself from smacking Masamune's cup out of his hand. How dare he take her friend and drink her blood? He wasn't the kind man Yukimura said he was at all. "I I have to find her...she's here, I I know it...!" Yukimura looked over to Akihime with concerned eyes, looking a bit confused, but Masamune wasn t one for dinner chatter he d have to ask her after. "What are you mumbling about?" Masamune passed her a narrow glance. Akihime's gaze shot to his goblet."That blood. It's her blood. It's Amaya's. Where is she?""Who?" Masamune snorted. Akihime nearly shot across the table."My best friend, you heartless bastard!!" Megohime slammed down her goblet, nearly spilling out the blood within. Girl, I know you think simply because you ve been brought back from death you have gained some sort of... Power... but know you re still lower on the food chain here than pig shit. She hissed. "Relax, it's fine. She knows attacking me leaves her without a home." He said. Akihime sat back down and apologized softly she should have known better. Yukimura sat with his fists clenched, in the same situation as Akihime were he to even verbally attack Megohime, there would be dire consequences. He looked to Akihime, offering her a soft apology before returning to his own meal.Megohime scoffed and dipped unhappily at the goblet full of blood, not enjoying it cold. "If you excuse me, I'm not all that hungry." She said softly."Careful not to fall into a frenzy." Masamune teased. Yukimura excused himself as well, following after Akihime. A Akihime..! He called as he hurried to her side. What were you talking about? Amaya dono s blood? Could he not smell her the way Akihime could? Maybe he just wasn t as familiar with her scent was all. She looked distraught, nodding as she looked up at her husband, "Amaya is here somewhere, Yukimura sama...I've been smelling her for days...and now her blood? Why, what did she do to deserve this fate...?!" Amaya? Here? Yukimura had an inkling of an idea that Masamune had hired some human cattle rather than take humans from the neighboring lands due to the human suspicion of monsters in the vicinity. I ll speak with Masamune dono... See if there s any such woman matching her description... I pray that she is alright. He said, reaching for Akihime s hands, then stopping. He refused to touch her ever since he brought her back sharing a bed was just as difficult. Ahe repulsed him now, she was ugly to him. Her unbeating heart ached for affections she would probably never receive from him again. Her gaze dropped and she nodded, clasping her hands together so he didn't have to touch her. "Arigatou...Yukimura sama..." Yukimura was terrified to even look at her, yes she was undead now just like him, but he was a monster among monsters. He hurt her once, and surely, in his monstrous nature, he d hurt her again. He nodded before turning to head off in search of Kojurou first, knowing better than to disturb Masamune during his meal. He could hear her swallowing heartbroken sobs as he walked away.Kojurou was finishing the last of the cooking to replenish the weakened cattle when Yukimura found him. "Ah, Sanada dono. How can I help you?" Yukimura looked distressed and weakened himself, but kept his manners. Katakura dono, my wife tells me she s smelled her friends scent here a woman named Amaya, and wishes to know her fate, would you know of any such person? Kojurou paled and looked over to him, frowning heavily. "Hai. I do know of her fate. She is here,with the cattle." Yukimura clenched his fists. She hasn t been slain, has she? Is she one of the people who came here for job? "We do not slay the cattle, Sanada dono...I take some of their blood and feed it to Masamune sama and you three and I feed them to keep them healthy. Amaya dono is fine." He stated. Would Akihime be able to see her? He asked, relieved to hear at least Amaya wasn t dead. He made a face, ", she cannot commune with the cattle..." Yukimura felt his investing heart sink and he gave a nod. Thank you. He bowed his head. I m sure Akihime would be more than glad to know she is alive and well. He knew she wouldn t take the news easily, that she would want to speak with her friend immediately. "Of course. I'm always happy to help, Sanada dono." He replied before serving up dinner for the humans and heading out with it all on a tray cart. Yukimura had to tell Akihime the news, regardless of how she took it at the very least, Amaya was alive, and his suspicions regarding the large number of humans coming to the castles was confirmed. Masamune could no longer take food, so he had it come to him. Akihime was in their room, sitting anxiously as she waited for Yukimura to come back. She had long since stopped crying, numbing the pain of her husband's new disgust of her. Maybe she should find Amaya and leave. Then Yukimura would be happy. He wouldn't have to look at her anymore. There was a soft knock at the door before Yukimura entered, moving over to Akihime with a look of anxiousness. I ve spoken to Katakura dono, and he says Amaya dono is here. She could hear the tension in his voice. She s one of the cattle that came here, she s alive. Her eyes widened and she shot up from her seat, rushing passed him to find her friend. A Akihime..! He hurried out after her. Where are you going..?! He stopped her, grabbing her wrist gently. She looked back at him, misty eyed and scowling, "I have to get her out of here. I will not have anyone take her blood! She doesn't deserve a life like this!" Yukimura frowned. I don t know why she s here, but I know none of the humans that came here were forced by Masamune dono to stay... Please let me ask him for an audience, perhaps he can straighten this out. She lowered her gaze, scowling harder, "Fine..." She muttered. He gave a nod, then slowly let go of her wrist, muttering a soft apology. I m sure you d like to speak with Masamune dono personally on the matter..? "I don't want to look at that monster." She said lowly before her expression saddened, "Though...what does that make me...?" You aren t a monster! Yukimura nearly blurted out, then got quiet again. You aren t a monster.. He repeated softly. "Hai...forgive me.." She muttered. "I'm sorry, that was insensitive of me to say, my husband..." Please, Akihime... I m sorry for what I did, for what I ve done to you... But the resulting affects aren t your fault at all... You aren t a monster. He said softly. "Then why won't you touch me anymore?!" She blurted out, looking up at him with pained eyes, "You can barely stand to be in the same room! You won't even look at me most days!" Yukimura seemed to shrink back at her words, looking away as shame crossed his face. I killed you.. He said quietly. I slaughtered you... She could see tears in his eyes. And nearly violated your corpse.. He looked completely and utterly broken, keeping his gaze on the ground. I m a monster. "You weren't in your right mind..." She said gently, "I told you before...if I had to die so you could live, I'd give my life a thousand times...!" But I don t want that! He snapped, tears dripping from his eyes. I don t want to ever hurt you..! Never again..! "You're hurting me now, Yukimura..." She muttered, "You're taking my husband from me after I got him back..." Yukimura was torn, he was so scared of hurting Akihime again, but didn t want to upset her either. I I ll go call an audience with Masamune dono.. He said softly, then left down the hallway. She stood there, jilted yet again, before wandering off to distract herself. Whenever Akihime got near the stairwell leading up, she would always catch the faint scent of Amaya, fresh still, and from her own person rather than her blood was she still alive? She bit her lip and headed up the stairs, following Amaya's scent carefully. She had no idea where Kojurou was, but she didn't focus on whether or not she would be caught. She only wanted to find Amaya. The next floor up was unlike the one below, it was brightly lit, yet as deathly quiet as the rest of the castle. She could smell humans over every inch of the floor, but more importantly, she could smell Amaya not too far off. There were dozens of doors, each one with the scent of a different human behind it, just how many humans had Masamune taken? She moved toward the door where Amaya's scent was the strongest, desperate to see her friend alive and well. But then she stopped. What would Amaya think of her now? She was a monster, too. A being that fed off human blood to live. Surely Amaya would be disgusted. Lost in her thoughts, Akihime didn t notice the door had opened, hadn t heard the familiar voice call out to her, only when she felt something squeeze her in an embrace, did she come back to herself. You re alive..! It was Amaya, she was crying, body shaking as she held Akihime close. The guards found your belongings and so much blood! They they said you were dead! "Ama..." She muttered and slowly embraced her friend, "Oh, Ama, please forgive me if I caused you any grief at all...!" She shook her head, sobbing still. What happened to you, why are you here..? Why didn t you tell me you were leaving..!? She looked up from Akihime s chest, and she actually looked healthier than before, like she was getting full, healthy meals and actual sleep. Akihime frowned and gently took Amaya's hand, placing it over her chest where her heart would be. An empty coldness slowly crawled up Amaya's arm as Akihime kept her gaze away from her friend. Akihime... I I don t understand, why? What happened..!? She seemed more upset that her friend no longer had a heartbeat, than repulsed by her. "Please don't be upset with him...he wasn't in his right mind, he didn't mean to..." She muttered, defending her husband even now that he scorned her. Tears fell from Amaya s eyes and she shook her head. Akihime..! Her voice was still a whisper. He killed you, how can you still defend him..! I I should have told Sasuke..! "N No, he didn't mean it, truly...he just...I guess he hadn't fed in a while..." She muttered. Do you even hear yourself..!? Her voice was starting to raise in volume now. It s ok he killed me, he was hungry! She looked disappointed. This goes beyond the loyalty of man and wife, Akihime, now you re just flailing blindly..! She scolded, just like when she used to when she was a child. "I I'm sorry..." She muttered, "I didn't want this..." I know you didn t... But why... Why would you protect him even after this..? She asked softly. "He's my husband..." She answered, playing with her wedding band, "I love him..." He s a monster! She retorted. He hasn't been your husband since the day he died, Akihime! "Am I a monster, too, then?" She asked, looking Amaya dead in the eyes, "Did I stop being me the night I died? Am I no longer your friend for that same reason?" That s... She frowned and looked away from her friend. That s different... She muttered. I could never see you as a monster.. "I can never see my husband as a monster isn't so different, Ama..." She said gently, "That doesn't matter...what matters is that you were swept into this hell and I will not allow you to be harmed. I'm getting you out of here, find Sasuke and stay with him." Amaya frowned softly. Akihime... A lot has changed since you ve been gone... The factory closed down... I had little choice return to your father, or come here, no one else would hire me..! What was she saying? I came here on my own free will. Her eyes widened, ", I haven't been gone long...! A couple days at most!" Had time really gotten away from her? Everything felt like it was moving so slowly. She gave a sad smile. I know.. But I couldn t afford both the home and the grave plots... I had to choose. Grave plots. "Oh, Amaya...I'm so sorry, I never wanted this for you! You don't deserve any of this!" She looked a little ashamed. Akihime... I get actual food here, I m safe, and I have a warm bed... I can go outside during the day, and I don t have to sell my body to any man..! She looked down at her hands. I m glad I came here... She was shaking. She could hear Amaya's heart beating, her blood pumping. It was awful. "Y You aren't safe here, Ama..." Akihime, I am, we were given so much a home, food, a job, and protection..! She didn t notice Akihime staring at her like a piece of meat. I only have to give a bit of blood every now and again, and it doesn t even hurt..! Akihime pulled her close in an instant, biting down on her tender neck and drinking gulp fulls of blood. She held her tight, keeping her from moving. Akihime didn t hear the fried pain from Amaya, didn t hear her friends begging, asking her to stop. She didn t feel her tugging on the back of Akihime s clothes in an attempt to bring her back to reality.Tears slipped down Amaya s face as Akihime drank from her neck, her sharp teeth clamped deep into her neck. Her knees buckled and she sank to the floor with Akihime still latched on tight. A Akihime... Stop, it s too much..! Her breath was coming out labored now, cheeks flushed at the heat between her legs. "Y...Yuki...y you're...hurting me..."Her own words echoed in her mind before she pulled away from Amaya, eyes wide in terror. "O Oh my God...A Ama...I I'm so sorry...! I I didn't...! I It was an accident!" She quickly put her hand over her neck, breathing heavily as she tried to focus her thoughts again. I It s ok.. Her body was so hot, especially between her legs, like she wanted to be touched needed to be. Her neck still dropped blood, but was starting to slow not a terribly serious wound. "I'm so sorry...!" She cried weakly."Akihime dono!" Kojurou's firm voice cut from down the hall and she looked to see him marching toward her, "You are not allowed up here!""I'm sorry! I had to see her!" She sputtered."You fed from her!" Kojurou snapped and Akihime flinched."I I didn't mean to...! I would never hurt her, I swear!" Amaya looked weak and pale, but she was still conscious. I I m ok..! She tried to protest to Kojurou, but was unable to get any farther than sitting up, a bit dizzy and unsteady. "Get back into your room, Amaya dono. I have to bring Akihime dono to Masamune sama." Kojurou demanded gently, "I'll be in to treat your wound soon. Just keep pressure on it." Amaya looked to Akihime with sympathetic eyes, before doing as she was told and returning to her room, although with some struggle. Kojurou dragged Akihime to see Masamune, dropping her at hos Lord's feet."Why bring me this fledgling?" Masamune huffed. Kojurou lowered his head."She was with the cattle, feeding from one." He answered. Masamune's eye zeroed in on Akihime."Is that so?" Megohime, who sat on the arm of Masamune s throne looked absolutely jealous, but said nothing about it. The Fourth floor is off limits, even I know that rule. "I...I had to...I couldn't..." Akihime seemed to be in a state of shock. Masamune scowled more."Go get Yukimura.""Hai.." Kojurou said and left the room. Megohime leaned down to whisper something into Masamune s ear, but Akihime didn t quite catch it, although Megohime seemed rather pleased with herself.Low quality scum.She herself had little room to talk, her own hunger far outweighing that of Masamune s, but it was simply chalked up to her being young, that, and she listened when he told her to not feed directly from the cattle although begrudgingly. "Now, now, just because she is not of noble blood as we are does not make her any less than we." He told her gently, "You're her elder, she has only you to look to for guidance " Don t expect much, She turned her head away, turning her nose up. I m not here to teach greedy children how to act. She said coldly.Yukimura had been looking for Akihime when Kojurou approached him and asked him to follow him, as Masamune required his presence, and Akihime was waiting. "Good for you to come." Masamune greeted Yukimura as he entered with Kojurou, "Your little pet here decided to have her own fun with you away." Yukimura looked confused, glancing to Akihime before moving to kneel before Masamune. Please forgive her actions, Masamune dono, I will take full responsibility of them..! "Oh, you will. But she has to also understand that she can't just go around and break my rules. You will both be punished." Masamune stated. Akihime looked up, heartbroken and scared."No, please, don't hurt him! He had no part in this!""Did he not warn you to stay away?" Masamune asked. She lowered her gaze."He...he did...""Obviously he wasn't clear enough." Masamune dono! You said any action taken by her that went against your rules would be shouldered by myself, did you not? So please, Akihime made a mistake, let me shoulder it! Yukimura begged, and Megohime groaned and rolled her eyes. Just punish the both of them already. "I planned on it, Mego." Masamune said and stood, "She went to the cattle and fed from one. This is a punishment that not one person can shoulder alone. She will learn." Yukimura pressed his forehead to the floor, fists clenched tight. Please, have mercy on her! Yukimura begged. "Kojurou.""Hai." The werewolf grabbed Akihime by her arm and hoisted her up roughly, causing her to struggle."You can't do this! How is this fair?! I just wanted to see her!! She's all I have anymore!!" Akihime argued. Masamune ignored her and moved to Yukimura."Get up. You're going with her." He said. Yukimura felt his heart sink, of course Akihime didn t love him anymore, he killed her. He remained silent, nodding and standing up, gaze on the floor. Kojurou dragged her down to the dungeons and she gave a frustrated cry before biting into his arm. Her eyes widened and she pulled away before dropping to vomit all over the floor. Kojurou sighed softly."Forgive me, I should have warned you that my blood is no good." He said. Yukimura moved over to Akihime, crouching down beside her out of concern. A Akihime..! He looked to Kojurou with worried eyes. Will she be alright..? "She'll be fine, Sanada dono...werewolf blood has never been very good for vampires. Makes them ill." He answered. Akihime looked up at Yukimura, tears pouring down her cheeks."I'm sorry, Yukimura sama...I'm so sorry...I didn't want you involved, I should be the one to suffer, not you!""Shut up. Get going. Mego is itching for some torture." Masamune said. Yukimura took Akihime s hand gently, helping her stand, but only so he could move Akihime behind him, away from Masamune. Please, Masamune dono, reconsider! Let me accept her punishment, she has suffered enough..! "What do you think, Mego?" Masamune asked, turning his gaze to his wife, "Should we spare her for breaking the rules?" Yukimura looked to Megohime with pleading eyes, but was only met with a cold gaze. Why? So she simply breaks the rules again? Has her husband take the burden? She ll never learn that way. Yukimura clenched his jaw and lowered his gaze, squeezing Akihime s hand gently. I m sorry, Akihime..! He whispered. "It's alright, my husband...we'll endure together.." She said softly, squeezing his hand. Kojurou pulled her to her feet again and she didn't resist this time as he took her to the rack he bound her on her stomach and she clenched her fists tight as she waited. Yukimura knelt helplessly a few feet away, watching with horrified eyes as Akihime was tied down. M Masamune dono, please..! He tried one last time, but to no avail.Megohime moved over to Akihime s side, petting her head gently as she bent over to look Akihime in the eyes. Remember, you re only here by the grace of my lord, had he not been so kind, he would ve exterminated you like the lowly vermin that you and your husband are. She said gently, then grabbed the back of her robes, yanking them down hard enough to tear them at the shoulders, exposing Akihime s back before looking to Kojurou. Make sure she learns her lesson properly, will you? She said flatly, moving to stand beside Masamune once more. Akihime bit her lip hard as she heard Kojurou test the leather of the steel tipped cat o nine. She shut her eyes tight and braced herself, not truly knowing the pain she would be put through. With each lash, she screamed louder and louder, tears streaking her face as the cat o nine ripped her back open over and over. Megohime had a sickening smile on her face at the sounds of Akihime s crying, fingertips against her lips as she watched with a drunk look on her face.Yukimura reamained on the floor, forehead pressed to the floor and fists clenched, flinching at each strike. He muttered an apology to Akihime over and over, tears falling down his cheeks. "Alright, Kojurou, that's enough." Masamune said and Akihime gave a wail of relief, sobbing weakly as Kojurou unbound her. He helped her rest against the wall before Masamune suddenly grabbed Yukimura and pulled him up, "Your turn, kid." Yukimura didn t resist, this was what he deserved after all. He kept his gaze down as he moved toward the rack, feeling numb and empty. Akihime was hurt yet again because of him. Kojurou helped him remove his vest and shirt before tying him down and cleaning the steel tips from Akihime's blood. Wouldn't want Yukimura to get sick from this. Once that was done, the lashing began, the skin of Yukimura's back splitting open with each swing. Yukimura bit down hard, teeth clenched so hard he thought they might crack, but he didn t everything he could to swallow his cries of pain. Oi, dog, you aren t hitting him hard enough, I want to hear him cry. Megohime hissed softly, arms folded over her chest. "No...please, he shouldn't have to suffer more...!" Akihime pleaded weakly. Kojurou looked to Masamune, who gave a noise and Kojurou frowned before snapping the cat o nine as hard as he could across Yukimura's back. A strangled cry came from Yukimura, the young vampire pulling hard at the restraints, body shaking more and more with each strike.Megohime seemed to be rather enjoying herself, the same drunk look on her face, her breathing slightly labored before she leaned into Masamune s ear again. She told him she needed him, that she was wet and trembling, and all for him. "Ok, Kojurou, you can stop. Take them to heal, I'm sure they've both learned." Masamune said before taking Megohime's hand, "Let's go, Mego.." Megohime had no objections leaving with Masamune, in fact, she had her hands all over him already, still murmuring in his ear about what she wanted him to do to her.Yukimura gasped and trembled in agony, the torn flesh of his back burning like it had been lit aflame. Kojurou unbound Yukimura and helped him off, setting him beside Akihime before moving to get some blood bags he kept should Masamune ever be wounded. Akihime looked to Yukimura and hesitantly took his hand, "Daijoubu...?" She asked weakly. He didn t pull his hand away, he let her take his hand before actually pulling it close to his forehead, holding it there with trembling hands. Please forgive me..! He begged her quietly. "Always, my husband...for better or worse, remember...?" She replied gently, "I'll do better...for your sake..." Yukimura had Akihime drink her share of blood first, gently wiping the blood from her back after the wounds had started to heal, cleaning her up the best he could before putting his shirt over her shoulders. Your clothes are torn.. I ll have to get you some new ones.. He said softly.Amaya sat on her bed as Kojurou cleaned and dressed the bitewounds on her neck, wrapping them in gauze to protect them from infection until they healed over. He did notice her trembling shoulders however, and her ragged breathing shock more than likely, most humans when fed from directly in such a manner typically went into shock, and how could he blame her? "Thank you..." She said softly before kissing him gently."Are you alright?" Kojurou asked once he finished, "Do you need anything?" She expected him to push her away, to not return the kiss, but he did the opposite. He pulled her close, holding her firmly as he kissed back, aching to feel her lips against his once more.Before Kojurou could even register, Amaya had moved closer, closer the gap between them and had pressed her lips to his firmly, face flush. Being closer to her now, he could smell her arousal, feel her trembling against him. She gave a small breath of delight, grabbing at him as if she hadn't seen him in years. She wept quietly, cupping his cheeks and muttering "I love you" over and over against his lips.He was taken aback by this, eyes widening slightly. Of course, Akihime's bite must have stimulated her. He took hold of her wrists gently and pulled back. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Yukimura held Akihime with fistfuls of her robes clenched tightly in his hands, kissing her between her murmuring, feeling tears drip down his cheeks. He muttered soft apologies and returned her love yous with his own.Amaya was breathing slightly hard, lowering her head in shame. F Forgive me... I didn t mean to be so forceful... I I don t know what came over me.. It was innapropriate.. It wasn t a no. "That doesn't answer my question," Kojurou said, "Are you sure about this?" Maybe he needed to be eased as well? Her cheeks flushed darker, shifting on her spot on the bed for a bit of friction. She gave a nod, looking up at him. H Hai.. He stood and made sure the door was locked before coming back and kissing her deeply, holding her close as he pulled her into his lap. She made a soft noise as she was brought to straddle his leg, bringing her hands to cup his cheeks gently. He could hear her heart hammering in her chest, feel it against him. His hands slipped under her yukata easily, petting her smooth skin slowly. She reminded him too much of Jin that his heart hurt. He missed her all the time. Amaya shifted her hips forward to rub against his thigh, working at the buttons on his shirt. She kissed him deeply, soft whimpers escaping her every now and again. He untied her sash and pushed open her robe, tugging it from her body easily before helping her undress him. She kissed down his neck, over his shoulders and his chest, pulling his shirt off and helping him pull his slacks down to his knees. She moved down, groping and caressing his need, taking the tip into her mouth. He leaned back on his hands and let her work, his head falling back gently as he tried to relax. She worked him gently and slowly at first, caressing him and stroking his shaft slowly, gradually picking up speed as she took more of him into her mouth. She held onto his hip with her free hand, the room silent all except for the soft noises Amaya made with her mouth as she pleasured him. He didn't really make any noise, maybe he was trying to keep quiet, it was hard to tell what his motives were. But his hips twitched so that was a good sign. Amaya didn t mind much for the lack of noise, being a bit quiet herself as she sucked him off, bringing one hand to her womanhood to rub her fingers against her clit. She let out soft moans against him, running her tongue up his length a few times before taking him back into her mouth and rubbing her tongue against his sensitive head. She fondled him and stroked his shaft, finding herself growing more wet as she pleasured him and played with herself. He felt his orgasm building up more and more, his cock throbbing harder and harder before pulling her head back gently before dumping his load all over her face. Amaya allowed for him to do so, giving no protest as his seed dripped down her face. After a moment, she wiped most of it away with the back of her hand, crawling forward to kiss Kojurou once more. What would you ask of me..? She whispered against his lips. "Ride me." He growled out, gripping her hips firmly. She nodded at his demand, reaching between them to take his cock, stroking it a few times to ensure he was hard again, then moving to push the head of his cock at her entrance. She let out a soft breath as she pushed him inside of herself, bringing her hips down until he was completely inside of her, then bringing herself back up slightly. She sat back against him, rolling her hips at a steady pace, getting herself used to his size. Amaya stared down at Kojurou with half lidded eyes, riding him just as she was told to, reaching out to take one of his hands and place it over her breast. He groped her roughly and nipped along her collarbone, careful to avoid the wound Akihime left her. He huffed and grunted softly against her skin as his free hand helped guide her movements. He could feel her thighs twitching as she moved, her movements becoming almost desperate as soft moans sounded in his ear. She held him, almost like a lover would while making love, tangling her fingers through the ends of his hair, gasping softly every so often. K Kojurou...sama..! She was struggling to get her words out. I I... C Can I finish..? He nodded, "Of course." He growled and moved to grip her thighs with both hands, helping her move faster over his cock. He could feel her trembling core tightening around his cock, her breathing becoming more uneven as she finally allowed herself to climax, digging her nails into his back and pressing her face into his neck to muffle a soft cry. He kept moving her over him, his jaw clenched tight to keep quiet. He rested his head against her shoulder before finally forcing her down and emptying his load inside her. Amaya rested against Kojurou for a moment longer, steadying her breathing before opening her eyes. I Is there anything else I can do for you..? She asked softly. ", that'll be all...thank you." He said gently, "Is your wound alright?" Amaya nodded, sitting back before crawling out of his lap. Just a bit sore.. She said, gathering her kosode and pulling it on. Thank you, for treating my wound... And for staying. He stood and redressed himself, "You're welcome. Always glad to help." He replied. She moved to the water basin in the room, washing her face of the rest of Kojurou s mess. I can clean the rest, but... She glances over her shoulder at him. If you were to come back again, I wouldn t mind it.. He blushed softly and lowered his gaze, "I won't make a habit of it...but thank you.." Outside of closed doors, the two kept to the illusion of being relatively unacquainted. When they did meet privately, things were often intense, passionate sex sometimes things were slow and gentle, the two making love for some time before separating. Other times they would simply spend time in one another presence, really mirroring that of lovers. Kojurou enjoyed their intimate time together, it filled the void that was left by Jin. It gave him a small comfort to be with someone again, though he tried to keeo his feelings as detached as possible. Amaya couldn t help but start to develop some feelings for him, but she did everything that she could to push them down, keeping things mostly physical. Akihime had studied Kojurou's schedule to the cattle very closely, waiting for her moment to visit Amaya again. Masamune would not keep her from her friend. She would often find him going into the cattle floor just before night fall and before sunrise, otherwise Masamune s servants mostly tended to their other needs, however, he seemed to be stealing away more and more during the daytime, when he and the cattle were the only ones awake. One night, when Akihime was sure Kojurou would be too busy, she went up to the cattle floor and to Amaya's room. She knocked gently and made sure her dress was ok. She even fed before coming up. She hadn t quite registered the sounds from within the room until just now the slap of skin on skin, the soft grunts and moans, then a soft cry of pain. Amaya s voice. She could smell blood. Amaya s blood. Her eyes widened and she pushed the door open, "Amaya!" She gasped. She was met with a scene that only plunged her back into her childhood nightmare. Kojurou was behind Amaya who he had bent over on the bed thrusting into her roughly as he dragged his claws down her already bloodied back. Her eyes widened slowly, flashing back to when she caught Amaya with Mitsunari when she was still a child. She didn't think, instead she acted, lunging at Kojurou and using all of her strength to throw him off Amaya."You bastard!! You parasite!! I'll kill you!! I'll kill you for hurting Ama nee!!" She screamed, trying to dig her nails into Kojurou's eyes as he held her by her wrists."A Akihime dono! Stop! It isn't what it seems!" Akihime! Amaya gasped from behind her, but her voice didn t sound relieved, it sounded more startled if anything. Stop, h he s right, he wasn t forcing me to do anything! She tried to pull Akihime away, but was no match for her strength. "I'll kill him!! I'll kill him!!" She yelled. Kojurou used all his strength to throw her off, Akihime hitting the floor before she got up and ran away like a wounded animal. Amaya called for Akihime to stop, but didn t give chase, frowning softly as she turned to Kojurou. Are you hurt..? "No, she wasn't able to cause any harm. What about you?" He asked, looking over. She gave a small nod, and besides the scratches he made on her back, she was fine. I m ok. "Does your back hurt? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to break the skin..." He apologised. A Ah, that, it s nothing really..! I was just surprised was all..! In truth, it did hurt a bit, stinging with every heart beat. "At least allow me to clean them.." He said, moving to grab the first aid that was kept in her room. She nodded and sat still for him on the bed as he cleaned her wounds and applied ointment to them. The rendezvous was cut short and Kojurou left after that, the mood ruined.The next night however, Amaya was a bit nervous when one of Masamune s servants asked for her to follow them, which they then proceeded to lead her down to the second floor of the estate, one of the floors the cattle weren t allowed onto. She grew even more nervous when she was told Masamune had personally asked for her presence. "I'm glad you agreed to come. Not like you really had a choice, but still. I'm glad." Masamune said. She stood before Masamune, this being the first time to actually meet her employer face to face, and she was terrified. She kept her gaze down, giving a small nod. Of course, I m thankful for the opportunity you ve given me. Her voice was hardly a whisper she was so nervous. "There's one small thing I need to be sure about. Could you undress for a second or two? Just humor me." He inquired. She looked up with wide eyes, mouth open in shock before she quickly sputtered out a string of incoherent words that quickly trailed off. She couldn t lose this job, she had left everything behind for it, had sold her home, left Sasuke she had to do whatever it took to ensure she kept this job.She looked down to the floor, face flushed darkly as she slowly untied her sash to her kosode, pulling it open and letting it slip off her shoulders and to the floor. It was humiliating to stand before a man she didn t even know completely exposed, even with her many years as Yoshitsugu s personal toy. His eye looked over the long scabbed marks along her thighs and arms. He gestured for her to turn, a scowl slowly growing on his face. Masamune knew exactly what those wounds were and what they meant. Amaya turned slowly to show her back to him, where the worst of it was on her back and buttock a werewolf marking their territory or on a human, a mate. "Alright, you can redress. Thank you." He said, "But see now that my suspicions are confirmed, you are now an unfortunate victim of circumstance. This might be considered punishment for you as well and for that, you have my apologies. But I have to teach Kojurou that he can't keep dipping his fingers into my food." She quickly gathered her clothes from the floor, redressing without picking her eyes up off the floor. Please forgive me, Masamune sama. She said quietly. ", I don't think so. Come here." He said. Her heart pounded in her chest, feeling light headed as she took a few steps closer to him was he going to kill her? She stopped right before him, keeping her mouth shut and her eyes down, wanting to beg him for mercy. "Suck me off." He said, "Mego has a knack for biting so I haven't really had the pleasure of enjoying such things. Plus, I wanna know why Kojurou keeps breaking the rules to see you." Why, why couldn t she have a life where she wasn t used? Sure Kojurou was using her in a way, but she was also using him, and he was kind to her, he worried for her health. She only gave a silent nod, numb to the feeling of a tear falling down her face as she got down on her knees in front of him. Undoing his belt, she worked at the buttons of his trousers before freeing his cock. She didn t think much about it as she worked on getting him hard, it was her job after all. She used her hands and her mouth, licking and sucking at his member as she fondled him, and once he was hard enough, she took him into her mouth to continue. He made a low noise and relaxed against his throne, his eye closing as he enjoyed himself. Amaya kept her eyes closed for the most part, the only noises in the room being the soft sucking noise as she worked, but it was soon interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps outside the door. Masamune sama will see you now. Amaya felt her heart pounding in her chest as she opened her eyes, the door opening in the great hall behind her, making her pull away from his erect cock, turning to see who had come in, eyes wide. "Ah ah ah. I didn't say stop." Masamune huffed and forced her back down. She heard the footsteps come closer before a familiar gasp of horror filled her ears."Ama!!" It was Akihime, why would he bring her here too?"Masamune sama, what are you doing?!" Of course he would have summoned Kojurou as well."Teaching you both a lesson." Masamune huffed, swallowing his moans, "She's quite good at this.""You bastard!!" Akihime shrieked. Amaya gagged against his member as he forced it back into her mouth, but kept herself from throwing up or biting down. Tears stung her eyes as she started again, Masamune s hand still on the back of her head. This was humiliating, having her dearest friend and her lover watch her pleasure another man, only to be complimented on her skill. "You've been a bad dog, Kojurou. Sampling my dinner as your own little snack. You know better. Didn't you learn from the last girl?" Masamune said. Kojurou clenched his fists tight before he shot a side glare at Akihime. This was because of her, wasn't it? They were all sufferingbecause of her."Wh Why am I here...?" Akihime asked weakly. Masamune gave a grunt before answering."You went to the cattle room again. You ratted him out because you broke the rules again. Shame on you." He said. She lowered her gaze, biting her lip."Please, let her go...I didn't want her involved..." Amaya could be heard as she gagged once more, Masamune pushing himself further into her mouth, but she quietly endured it, gripping his pant legs tightly as she fought what little gag reflex she had left and continued to do her job. "Let her go, she can't breathe!" Akihime pleaded and Masamune gestured for her to hold on before he suddenly dumped his bitter load into Amaya's mouth. Akihime flew into a rage, about to rush at Masamune had Kojurou not grabbed her. Amaya was finally released from Masamune s hold, sitting back and breathing heavily, Masamune s seed dripping from her mouth. She looked miserable, but didn t run away, going to spit up his cum into her sleeve. "Amaya, do you like wine? I can't stomach the stuff myself, but I keep it around for the cattle." Masamune said. Amaya looked up in confusion, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand. I I can t afford it.. I don t know.. He gestured to the hiding thrall nearby to bring a bottle of wine it had be conveniently holding. He took the bottle and held it out to Amaya, "Here you go " She knew exactly what this was payment. She turned her head away. I don t need it. She said quietly but firmly. "Take it." Masamune hissed venomously, his chipper demeanour doing a completely 180. Amaya flinched and reached out to take it, her lower lip trembling with fear. He let it slip and drop from his hand before she could grasp it, having it fall to thr floor and spill out. "Oh dear..." He muttered. Amaya quickly grabbed the bottle, picking it up before it could spill anymore of the expensive looking wine. F Forgive me.. She said softly. "Clean it up." He ordered.Kojurou took a steo forward and Masamune noticed."She's suffered enough." He said. Masamune rose an eyebrow before putting his foot on Amaya's head and pressing her to the floor."Clean. It. Up." Shame made her face flush red and she let out a soft sob as she opened her mouth to press her tongue to the floor, lapping at the spilt wine slowly. Kojurou's eyes widened as he flashed back to when Jin was dying. His chest started to hurt and before he could act, Akihime did."Get off her!!" She yelled and rushed at Masamune. Amaya suddenly cried out in pain, face twisting to show it, Masamune only pressing down harder on her head in a show of dominance and a cruel reminder that he still had the upper hand on her. Akihime froze and clenched her fists tight."Onegai...she doesn't deserve to be put through this anymore...!" She begged. Masamune scowled."The last time you were punished, it didn't quite seem to get through that you can't interract with her.""Please, understand, I have known her all my life! She's dear to me! What if you weren't allowed to see Megohime dono ever again?! Wouldn't you do what you could to see her?!" She asked. Masamune scowled."That's different.""It isn't!" She argued, but she noticed Masamune take some weight off his foot. Amaya was keeping her mouth shut, scared if she were to open her mouth, she would bomb Akihime s negotiations, and her head would pay the price. "Please, Masamune sama...I'll do anything you ask...let Amaya go...allow her to be my personal cattle and you won't have to worry about me breaking the rules ever again! I'll be out of your hair once and for all!" She pleaded. Masamune scowled heavily."That won't stop him." He said, gesturing to Kojurou. Akihime's expression hardened."I will not allow him anywhere near her." She stated. Masamune seemed to mull it over before removing his foot from Amaya's head."She's yours...only because you caught me off guard when you brought up Megohime." Amaya scrambled to her feet and away from Masamune, dropping to her knees at Akihime s feet, hugging her friend around the waist tightly as she tried to breath evenly to fight her tears. "Ama! Daijoubu...?" She hugged her head gently, "You're safe now...I promise...I'm sorry he hurt you.."
['Megohime', 'Yukimura']
Final Sexual Fantasy (East, and Starmech)
"lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" There was a stinging sensation along Rin's right cheek, his hand went to his face after a moment and he looked up at the man who had struck him. It was easy to think of himself as small, Rin had been constantly sitting for the last six years of his life. He was 15. When he was nine their family had been in a car accident during the night after returning from a family trip to the beach. His parents had been in the front seat, they had died on impact, he and his sister had been in the back. His memory was a touch fuzzy from that night, he remembered waking up after being dragged out of the car, and then in the hospital bed a few hours later. He remembered back then not being able to move his toes or feel his feet.after that it had been foster home after foster home for him and his older sister, the current one having a plethora issues. Issue number one was 5'10" and about 165lbs more than Rin had any chance of taking. Though as Rin rubbed his now bruising cheek he had to look up at his attacker, and kind of sigh Rin wasn't actually sure if him or his bully was the more pathetic one. "Who hits a guy in a wheelchair?" Rin himself would have stood several inches taller than Riku the 17 year old who had just punched him across the face.Rin for his part had made himself a pretty easy target though he would have been taller than Riku if he could stand even sitting down his posture made him smaller than he could be. It was the lunch hour, and this was a reoccurring thing in his life. Riku was after the little amount of money that Rin had, usually he handed it over without complaint, today he had done the dumbest thing he had done in a long while and said no to the other boy. Brown eyes locking as the two glared and Rin tried his best not to shake in side his chair. He kind of wished he could take that choice back.Rin didn't feel it when Riku put his foot on Rin's shin, but he did feel the sudden motion as he was kicked backwards, the larger wheel tipping back wards as his chair flipped, and Rin was sent rolling head over heels onto the cement. He used his arms to pick himself up, but cold only manage to roll into into a position where he could look at Riku. Who of course had a great reply. "Now your not in the chair, so hand over the money." "Hey!"A piercing shout broke through the yard, halting Riku's misdoings. A figure stepped forward and walked towards him before a hard knuckle smacked upon his cheek. As the bully recuperated, said person ran to Rin's side, a long black haired girl whole quickly helped him back up.This was Mia, Rin's older sister. Ever since their parent's death she has been his main caretaker, the two always together whenever possible. And given bad experience through bad experience with multiple foster parents, one'd imagine why she was always so over protective of the young man. The day of the accident fate seemed to have spared her Only some scars on her back are left from that horrible moment, much lighter pay than what Rin was forced to bear. As such, she always felt like she had to always keep him safe, even if it meant confronting the darker side of the world all by herself......and she sure had done so....She stared at Riku with a defiant frown. "I better not see you threatening my brother again, you hear me?" Her hand holding on the wheelchair which Rin was now back on, then taking him away as everyone just saw the silent woman simply ignore the bully after such hard knocking. Rin was more or less used to being saved by his sister at this point in his life. She had been the protector for a long time, and as much as he wished he could try and return that favor he didn't really have the ability. He grunted as she helped him, doing what he could with his arms to assist in getting back into his chair. As he was helped back into his chair he joked "my guardian angel."Getting knocked around for a moment was worth it just to see the look on Riku's face. A mix of shock and anger from being hit and not just hit hard, but by a girl. Rin didn't get the whole posturing thing but he knew that Riku was gonna take that as a personal insult, and he worried for his sister. His hand went over hers when they were out of earshot. "You know he's not gonna take that sitting down."For a moment he felt the soft skin of Mia's hand, and he felt a pain not just from having been knocked around, but from something else that he was still coming to terms with. Girls tended not to like cowards, even less so when they were in a wheel chair. Mia was probably the closest he had ever gotten to physical contact with the opposite sex. Not that he would ever tell that to Mia she had more than enough on her mind as it was, he knew some of what she had done to protect him, more than she probably thought he knew. He brushed her hand and smiled at her for a moment. Considering he had just been knocked out of his chair he took a moment to check his legs over.For him sensitivity stopped just past his thigh, so he had to constantly check over his legs for bruises. Despite being put in a chair he considered himself one of the lucky ones. Biologically a lot of him still functioned as intended. He was able to go to the bathroom without assistance and he still had use of his cock. Sure accidents had happened in the past when he had still been learning how to transfer from his chair to the toilet, but now well unless his stomach was upset for some reason those kind of incidents were rare now. When he determined everything was fine he looked up at Mia and sighed."Thank you, can I do anything for you? Want me to get you something to drink?" He would happily use the money he now didn't have to give to Riku on anything Mia wanted. Mia simply smiled, her hand letting be caressed by Rin in a tender gesture of their sibling love, of course not having a clue of what kind of thoughts could ever cross on her brother's mind.Regardless, the two reached the cafeteria, both getting a quick but enjoyable meal as they spoke with eachother. As they did, Mia did glance occasionally to see some boys looking her way. She had always been somewhat popular, not a lot like those way richer queen bees and subjects, but enough to always have some boy looking her way. She was rather stunning and she was quick to pick it up, but didn't really act upon it Always staying humble.She also dd pretty decent on school, enjoyed gym class and had pretty decent grades. However, she was known to be a bit of a fighter Specially when protecting her brother, which had led her into some trouble. Still, she appeared like your ordinary student who had managed to escape a horrible fate after that accident..."Rin...Are you gonna be okay continuing eating here? I need to take care of something, so please try not to make a fuss okay?" She asked him with a bright smile before getting up her seat. "We'll meet back by the classroom door, okay?"She gave a him a wave and a wink before walking away. Once the cafeteria was behind her, her expression shifted into a more serious one, as her mind focused on finding that bully and tying some loose ends...Of course she couldn't fight him again. As much as she wanted It'd end up in getting in trouble again...and getting in trouble meant Rin and her's current Foster Parent getting called and involved and that'd, she had to solve this different. People always assumed Mia had recovered from the traumatic events that happened to her, but deep in ehr mind she knee her scars were more than physical... Riku would found himself in a rather unusual spot. Pinned against a wall, but not for a confrontation or him pushing his authority amongst other. No. this was a rather more...pleasant...situation....Mia was on her knees, having already undone his pants and holding his now hardened cock in her hand. She stroked it firmly, face inches away from it as she kept rubbing it up and down, causing the young man who had previously pushed her brother off the chair great pleasure."As I stop bothering Rin...and you get...more of this..." Mia said, in between each bit, pausing to lean in and lick the now red and eager head. She kept combining her tongue and her hand, stroking and licking all over while the bully stood there, pants down to his ankles... Rin nodded when she asked him if he was okay to stay at the cafiteria and putter around. He watched as she got up and left. He had never really considered himself the jealous type, he had noticed the looks his sister got, and for the most part he could ignore that kind of thing, the rational part of his brain told him that was his older sister that he had no power over her life, and that she wouldn't want someone broken anyway.He had seen enough that he could guess what was going to happen, and it made him feel uneasy. It was like he was the only one that his sister would never touch, and it was worse that she was doing it for his own sake. He shook those thoughts off, and tried to just focus on lunch, who didn't like lunch it was an important meal of the day. He tried to distract himself with other things.But down at the bottom of his stomach he knew the truth, he knew he was jealous of the other men, and he knew his eyes were drawn to his sisters backside more times than he could count. And she was way more than someone like Riku deserved. Riku had to bite his hand to stiffle a moan. They were in a stall in a school bathroom, and he needed to keep his voice down, and yet the girls tongue was lavishing him as he leaned against the wall. He swallowed back any of the questions, as Mia laid out her terms, a blowjob here or there for keeping hands off her brother. Rin was a pest but this was worth far more than the small amount of his lunch money."Yeah... sure." He had to stiffle his voice and try to keep his compuser as she stroked and licked him. She was good at this, a little too good. Some part of him could guess that she was probably blowing a teacher for grades if she was willing to lavish his dick like this over something as simple as him knocking a kid out of a chair."I'll keep away... from your Bro... You just... suck that cock." He was slowly working out things in his brain could he escolate the situation could he get more? but honestly the girls mouth was already well trained and feeling good. He grabbed Mia by the hair, and pulled his cock into her mouth, a bit forcefully wanting to test his theory and see how deep he could push his cock down her throat, after which point he would release her, honestly she was doing a way better job with his cock than any other girl he had met, so he figured he was just gonna let her do as she pleased for the most part. "Make sure you swallow every drop though." Mia was about to lean more into it, mouth opened when the young bully held her by her raven black hair. Roughly and without much class, he pushed her right into the hardened member, swallowing most of it in one go as her eyes widened and she help abck upon the gagging.A familiar feeling. Regardless, she held back her anger and just closed her eyes. bobbing up and down, Riku'd see how his cock disappeared and reappear almost entirely with each of her movements back and forth. Her mouth was warm and wet, making him feel even better. For kids not yet having reached full maturity past 18, this sinful act felt even stronger A new yet enticing feeling upon their bodies. Mia had learned this, even if disgusted by herself It let her keep Rin safer.She simply hoped her brother was not one in the known of this. She was surprised most of the school were completely oblivious And whenever some loudmouth'd say anything, he'd be marked as a liar."You better. Otherwise I'll kick your ass, principal be damned." She warned him, when taking his rod out of her mouth to breathe. But the piercing glare she gave him, he'd be smart enough to agreed. Then she returning to blowing, even if slightly less forceful... Riku was in the terms of sexual experiance a boy, and despite his physical fitness a seventeen year old virgin wouldn't last long. He tried to clentch his muscles tried to do everything he could to delay the fact that he was already close, his eager red tip already heating and pulsing with precum as she pulled her mouth up and down his shaft. Her warm mouth doing everything she could to get him off.Riku bit his lip and nodded as she glared at him, he honestly would have agreed to anything to get her to continue sucking him off. Biting his lip he shrugged. Even the way she glared at him was kinda hot. "Yeah sure, this is worth way more."Still as she went he knew he wasn't going to last long, but still wanted to push himself. Now it was an endurance test to see how much he could get out of the girl before he reached his climax. "Can... You take... off your shirt?""You could get some cum on it." He didn't know how well she was with swallowing, if anything got spilled than it would be pretty obvious what happened, but then again considering how easily she seemed to take his entire shaft down her throat maybe he was worried about something that was actually impossible. Then again if it was a way to have an excuse to see actual tits, he was gonna push his luck, and heck maybe he could even force it by pulling his cock out of her mouth and climaxing on her face. Mia would roll her eyes. She kind of expected those requests, as dreadful as that sounded. He wanted to see more, which means her degrading herself even more. Yet, it'd help him finish quicker...and in the end...this was all for Rin's sake...Sighing, she pulled the cock out of her mouth before glancing up at the boy. Her hands reached her uniform's blouse and quickly unbuttoned it, then drop it to the side. Then her ribbon and shirt, eventually ending up in just her dark blue bra. Her decent bust for her age was enough to at least give Riku a bit of cleavage to watch, as this was as far as she'd go for him.Mia then lunged back into the dick, starting to quickly bob up and down, faster and faster. Feeling his climax approaching... Riku watched her take off her blouse and shirt, giving him at least a moment to catch his breath and try to drag this out for as long as he physically could. He watched her with bated breath and seeing her cleavage made him even more eager. As she lunged back onto his cock, and started to suck him off again he tried to bite back what he knew was coming, but at this point he was far too sensitive and aroused to stop it, and the reaction was almost immediate. It seemed for all his talk Riku didn't have much stamina.He did have one last good idea, as it started he grabbed Mia's hair and pulled her face back, taking his cock in the other and as he stroked himself to finish he painted her face with his cum. Thick globs of hot semen spotted her face, and as he finished he rubbed his cock along her lips just to make sure that every last drop of cum landed on her rather than on him. He picked up his clothing hoisting up his pants. "My god, you're a real slut, I guess I'll see you tomorrow? How about after school I'd like to last a little longer, and being late for class would suck. Though I guess that's your job now. You keep running that mouth along my cock, and I'll let your brother be."Riku dropped her hair and exited the facility more refreshed, and clearly more loud mouthed. Built up by the sudden good treatment he had just recieved. Leaving Mia to wallow in the humiliation of having another person's sperm over her face, and being called out for what she was. Whenever Mia got out of the washroom and went to class, Rin would be waiting for her, a cold can of orange soda in his hand. "A repayment for taking care of Riku for me." He tried his best to not imply that he knew what she was doing, but at the same time figured that if nothing else she could use the drink to wash the taste out of her mouth. Mia yelped as he hair was roughly pulled back. She winced slightly and gasped before Riku climaxes upon her face. Bits of seed hitting upon her soft skin as she panted softly. The image alone'd be enough to rile up some back again, but Riku was too exhausted, being someone of low stamina.The boy's words hurt her inside. She made her hand into a fist as she took it However, she wasn't someone who just kept herself quietly. And so, she studd up and quickly pinned the boy against the stall wall with ehr forearm against his neck and a nasty glare."Okay listen here. I'm giving you this but don't go acting all cocky, you hear? I'm not gonna do this daily, and if you ever think of hurting Rin to get it quicker, I am not afraid of getting into trouble if it means stopping you down there until you're sore. With my foot!" She said, in kind of a assertive whisper.Her tone was enough to bring fear into the bully. If not a bit of a arousal as well. Regardless, she let him go and picked some toilet paper to wipe her face and collarbone of the nasty droplets. "...Meet me back in a week." She said coldly.And then, she picked her stuff, put it back on and left. She arrived back at the cafeteria, acting like nothing had happened. Despite her angry reply at Riku, it still hurt: It felt degrading, humiliating...those words...the way he called her wasn't far from the truth and it hurt her so. But still, for her brother's sake. She had to keep strong...Rin offered her a drink, her eyes widening a bit thinking he somehow kenw what she did to Riku. However, that quickly faded when his expression seemed to just be of gratefulness for saving him at the schoolyard. "Thanks, lil' bro." She took the soda and drank a bit, trying her best to wash the taste of the boy's dick off her mouth."So, do you still wanna go to the library and pick up a book to read at home?" She asked him. "We can go on the way abck home if you want..." "Yeah I'd still like to find a new book." Being stuck in a chair meant that Rin had a lot of time to work on things and become a giant nerd, he had been reading a lot of books, having long run out of adventure series he had started moving onto older and more advanced novels. His time in the chair had caused him to physically loose a lot of strength though his upper body and grip were definitely stronger for having to push himself around a lot."Your welcome sis." He gave her a smile though deep down in his gut he was not just a little envious but also annoyed at himself. To him it was always his fault that this kind of thing happened to Mia she did it to protect him, and he knew that, which made the fact that he wanted her to stop doing it all the more tragic in his mind. Also he wanted his own crack at her, but he had no idea how he could ever say it to her. He wasn't even sure if she liked what she did for him. Going back to class and waiting it out till the end of the day was easy. Getting to the library he started looking through the more advanced novels and books.He saw something in the stacks and tried to reach for it, the book just out of reach, he did the one thing that everyone in a wheel chair should know better than to do. He tried to climb for it. Looking around for a moment he didn't see anyone and so instead of bugging his sister he grabbed onto one of the lower shelves and started to pick himself up, getting a few inches off his seat so that his fingers just reached the bookhe grabbed it and felt a wash of success before the book slipped due to it's weight hitting him in the head, causing the chair to swivle and him to fall out of it. Laying on the ground for a moment he grabbed the book checking that it wasn't damaged, before seeing the slight tinge of red in his vision. The book had hit him hard enough to cause a small cut on his eyebrow. "Perfect, head wounds always bleed like a bitch." he said as he started to crawl back to his chair. He knew he could have asked Mia, but sometimes he didn't want help, sometimes he wanted to try and get things done on his own. The old book, almost archaic in nature was worn and yellowed, and he didn't see a library tag on it. Mia quickly rushed to her brother's side. Quickly helping him back up to his chair. She knew he slightly hated this Like it made him feel he couldn't do stuff on his own. But it was just instinct to her at this point, to see her brother safe. To be with him.Already when placed under foster care, there were plans to leave them separate, as it'd make it easier. But she refused time and time again Never wanting to leave Rin's side..."Rin..." She sighed, seeing the slight cut and quickly getting a band aid from her pocket. It wasn't much, but enough to stop the bleeding. That's when she saw the book. A rather wide tome, of strange writing and a dusty leather cover. It was definitely an oddity."Are you sure you wanna pick that one?" Mia asked. It didn't really say much o what it was. Still..this was the fantasy section so it had to be some sort of adventure book or some old tome of stories. Nothing out of the ordinary...right? As much as he cared about Mia and as much as he appreciated all that she did for him, the thing he hated most was that she treated him like a Faberge egg. Like any little cut or bruise might be the thing that killed him. He didn't hate his sister for it, he understood where it was coming from, but at the same time he kind of wished he could tell her to ease up a little and let him get a few bruises here or there."I'm fine Mia, thank you." Instead of telling her all of his feelings he always ended up feeding into the issue, saying thank you when he kinda wanted to get her to stop. He sighed as he looked around and got the blood off his face with a napkin. Looking at the book the old tome like thing. "It looked weird, kinda wanted to check it out and have a look at it." He took the book flipping through the pages, if he tried really hard he could probably figure out how to read this thing before it had to go back."Kinda looks like what I imagine a wizards spell book would be like. All full of secrets and power." He chuckled, if only this thing had the power to get them away from this world. He almost laughed at how rediculous that idea was. "It's probably just something more out of the brothers grim, but we can take more of a look at it tonight."It would at the least take his mind off the things that happened once they got home. Mia couldn't help but giggle at his enthusiasm. It was almost infectious seeing him so happy and eager despite his misfortune. That was an ability innate of his. It was the reason that she could continue on every day....The young girl smiled as she held on the handles of the wheelchair, pushing Rin along while speaking. "Sure thing. And I'm to assume that also is gonna come with a side of playing some videogames?" Besides reading, that'd be something that could be considered one of Rin's usual pastimes. Of course, she also enjoyed them too...the two continued chuckling and speaking amongst eachother all the way out of the library and throuout the way home...Of course, they eventually arrived at the house. Mia trying her best to just keep her cool throught. As mentioned above, she didn't have the greatest relationship with their current foster parent, Marcus. Many reasons why. Still, he provided enough to pay for Rin's health bills as well as to provide good shelter and comodities...She just wished it didn't came with a whole other load of crap attached to it..."We're home..." She spoke to the house once stepping in, her voice somewhat drained of that energy and joy she had on the way here. The house was one of the few he could live in. Rin wasn't exactly sure what the whole story was, but apparently there had been a lot of remodeling when a previous fauster child had come in and the state had sponsored renovations for easier wheel chair access. It meant a lot of things were easier for him to do himself. The first level were bedrooms, and a full bath, the upstairs was the kitchen living room area, and between the first and second floor was a power lift so easy that even he could use it on his own. If it weren't for the fucked up situation of the house than it would be as close too livable as he would ever get without his legs.Then came the voice of the man who owned this place, and Rin sighed knowing that any chance he had of having a nice relaxing evening was out the window, he was hoping they had reached home before him or at least had a bit of time."Welcome home kids, dinner is almost ready. I'd say give it ten minutes, Mia could you come up here and set the table for me."Rin offered to take Mia's school bag to her room, and started to roll away for the moment. He could smell the food. One thing about living with Marcus was that they didn't go hungry.The Kitchen was Marcus's domain, standing in at 6'2" Marcus was tall, imposing, and had worked most his life as a chief at various restraunts. It was how he had paid his way through college to get the job he had now. Cooking was still very much his passion, and as Mia walked upstairs he smiled at her, knowing full well she wouldn't smile back. "How was your day." His voice held a genuine tone of interest."Spicy Thai noodles with chicken tonight." He said as he started setting up the plates for the family. When Mia came into the kitchen, and his hands were free he would move closer to her, grabbing her for a brief moment, his hand scooting under the girls skirt and grabbing her thigh while the other pushed her against the counter, his lips locking with hers, as his tongue was pressed into Mia's mouth holding her for a moment in a passionate kiss. When the kiss broke he took a plate like nothing had happened. "Missed you." His voice low, and followed by a soft wink. Tonight was going to be a long one for her. Mia was startled by the kiss, but not truly surprised by it. Her breathing skipped slightly the moments before when his hand held on to her thigh, and before she could say or do anything, his lips were already pushing against hers. His tongue was quick to start pressing against hers in a eager wrestling of them both.She couldn't move, only able to let this go, only ride it through until he finally parted away from her. The wink made her shiver, already predicting where this was going."Could you...not? Please?" She said, her voice weaker Part of her knowing it was hard for him to stop when he was getting like this. "Today was a rough day. I just wanna rest a little and play some games with Rin, that's all..." Marcus never did well with being told no, he towered over Mia keeping her to the wall for a moment, before hearing the motor of the wall mounted lift starting to move. He smiled towards her. Knowing that if he wanted too he could press this issue, but with her brother coming up the stairs he had to break off his assault, his hand grabbed her ass hard for a moment. "I'll give you two hours after dinner." knowing that if he didn't toss her a bone every now and then she would probably end up telling someone.He started picking up the plates and taking them to the table, making sure everything was in place with Mia's help for when Rin finally arrived. Rin kept his thoughts internal, he could already tell from the tension that something had happened while he had put away his bags, but he had to once again pretend like he didn't know. Sometimes he wondered if just telling Mia would be easier, letting her know that he knew what she did for him, and that he cared for her. But silence was easier to repress, if he started talking he might have said too much.Getting to the table he took the plate, and started to eat in awkward silence. Rin just unsure what he was supposed to say, trying to ignore the glances that Marcus gave towards Mia, that told the entire sordid story. Then again every now and then when he was extremely confident that Mia wasn't looking he had given her the same looks, which honestly made him just as bad as the man at the other end of the table.After Dinner Marcus took the plates leaving the room with a simple, "You two go on and have fun," as he went off to do the dishes.Rin rolled his chair to the TV, pulling out his new book from the satchel. "I'll watch you play something." He said wanting to try and figure out the book while engaging with his sister. Mia gasped, her whole body shaking when he firmly grabbed her ass and leaned against her, his words whispered to her. A mixture between feelings of fear and with a strange sense of arousal, generated just by her still growing hormonal body. She hated it, despised that her body soemtimes didn't reacted like she wanted, while others it was herself stopping her body from simply kicking him in the nuts.Regardless she stepped away from him as Rin arrived, haven't seen a thing. Marcus appeared to act like it had never happen, serving the food while the children sat ready to at least enjoy dinner. The young woman stood completely silent throuough, as the man simply went on and on about his day.She no longer cared about any of that. Any attempt of him to look like a decent person was entirely lost to her...Regardless, she at least had moments to spend with her brother. With him everything felt better, like if the coldness of the world, their life, didn't exist. She smiled and gave a joyful, "Sure!" Before rushing to her her shelve a drawer to get a controller out. Bending down to reach a lower drawer, looking it, Rin would be able to see how her skirt lifted a bit, letting him see her rear and panties, her completely not noticing it.Finally getting one she then rushed back to the side of the bed, turning on herPS4and picking up where she had left in her digital version of the famous RPG,Final Fantasy VII.She continued through the game, noticing how Rin shifted glanced between the screen and the book with an exciting face. This felt nice. To simply play and indulge in these fantasy realms with no care."So, anything neat in that book of yours?" She asked playfully while still looking at the TV. She joked, "Let me know before you start levitating stuff or something." Rin's eyes were quickly drawn towards the sight of her backside. His phone just out reach. He had taken a few creep shots of his sister, something he wasn't at all proud of, but every time she bent over in that school uniform, the small skirt showing him just a taste of what the rest of the world seemed to get, he was immediately drawn to it. He swallowed the notion and tried to force back the lustful feelings, knowing full well that Mia wouldn't accept those kind of feelings from him. After everything she had done for him the thoughts he had towards her was akin to a knife in his sisters back.trying his best to put aside those feelings he focused his attention on the book he had brought home. The writing was very faded as he looked through it. The caligraphy was odd as well, he couldn't exactly read it, and yet there was some understanding to how the letters worked. He couldn't really explain it, but after working through it a bit he could get the gist of what was written on the page, or at least he thought he did.Watching his sister play games was one of those moments where life seemed normal. while he himself didn't really enjoy games all that much he was always happy to see his sister smile as she worked through some rpg or puzzle. It was one of the few times they could both turn off their brains and relax. When she asked him about the book he chuckled a little. "Nah I don't think it's an actual wizards spell book, though it is kinda odd. It kinda reminds me of an art book, or a strategy guide for some old RPG, i mean look at some of this art."He turned a page to a rather cute, if small looking plush creature. White fur and a bob on it's head. "But then again I think this ones my favorite." Turning the page to a tall bunny girl in a rather revealing skirt. "Kinda wish i could figure out what game this was, wouldn't mind playing something with these two around, or living there." Mia tilted her head slightly. She could have sworn she had seen it before. "It kinda...looks like a Moogle." She commented. OR it should but also different. Unfortunately enough, the one game world this illustration called upon was one which the older sister did not have much knowledge...A chuckle and a grin escaped her the moment he flipped pages and showed the other illustration. "So, is that you kind of girl ?" She said with a teasing voice. All in good fun, but it was rare for her to just toy with her little brother for the fun of it. "How pervy of you to be oogling it like that, hahaha! Rin looked back at the book and then glanced at the screen. Looking to the character Cait Sith, and the very fat large creature that he was ridding, the white fur being the only real resemblence between the two 'moogles' as he knew them. He hadn't honestly seen a lot of final fantasy 12, outside a few demo and release videos, the changes to the combat system were off putting, i mean X worked just fine, do more of that! and by the time 13, and lightning returns had come out he had lost all interest in the series outside of the older games that Mia enjoyed. "Maybe it does have the wings, i guess."As Mia joked about his 'type' Rin blushed and chuckled along with his sister as she ribbed him. "I don't know about that, I mean I tend to like women with darker hair." He said trying to pass off the comment cause the picture had white hair, but he was also looking at his sister who had raven black hair. "Besides, fantasy women are nice to look at, but I doubt any of them would find me very interesting." He chuckled trying to pass off some dark humor, but was about to take it a touch too far. "I mean women don't exactly want to sit on a guys lap." Mia giggled followed by a sly grin. "So, darker hair girls are you type? My oh my, I'm learning so much!"However that last bit made the laughted stop, immediatly pausing the game she leaned over to Rin, placing a hand upon his lap. "Rin, never say anything like that That's not true!"She took a pause to stare at him directly, before continuing "You are very kind to people, funny, handsome and you always tries to help. Any girl with a decent mind'd like someone like that, wheelchair or not."This was followed by a tender hug, "So no feeling down on yourself, okay? Rin you're the best whatever handicap you have."The tender moment continuedwith more videogames and some more chatting. Time passed and, while Mia wished this could last forever, she knew someone would be growing impatient and upset."Keep an eye on the book, okay? See if you can find any other nifty stuff like that. I gotta go take to the bathroom." With that, the young lass got up and exited the room. Of course, Rin had an idea of what she was really doing...Mia's mood shifted in an instant, halfway through the hallway before reaching the master bedroom, Marcus' bedroom. She pondered if she could persuade him, maybe postpon it for today to get some free time for once "Ahhn..." She suddenly gasped, a figure behind her. Her cheeks reddened as the hand of the man continued to cup and grope her breast through her uniform's blouse. Eagerly he handled it like dough as his taller frame kept steady. The other hand playfully pulling on her ribbon to undo it. "D do we have to...?" She asked weakely, as if she knew the answer already... Rin felt Mia hug him, and returned it, his body leaning into her, as he took a small breath in through his nose, intentionally drawing in some of his sisters scent as they held though it could have been a bit of a sniffle as well as he had just let loose one of his bigger fears, that women would always see him as broken or defenseless. He leaned back into his seat, and nodded when she called him the best. He wanted to return the complement, but found his throat a bit dry, instead just avoiding the last remark and going into lighter conversations and other jokes as the two played and read over the book together.When Mia said that she was going to the bathroom, Rin nodded, trying not to give any indication that he knew what was going on, and nodded. "I'm gonna get some home work done."The answer came in the form of Marcus pulling off her ribbon and his hands going down her shirt to undo her buttons, pulling her closer against him, his steady breathing increasing in pace as he started to pull off her shirt. His hands going back to playfully squeezing her breasts, enjoying the feeling of them in his hands as he squeezed her nipples. Before his other hand traveled down to her skirt rubbing his fingers through the fabric against her pussy.He didn't say anything only directing her inside the master bedroom, where he tossed her shirt onto the ground and kissed her neck softly, his hands still working over her flesh, lifting up her bra so that he could play with her bare breasts. "yes, you have too." He whispered into her ear, before he gently started kissing her neck and shoulder, sucking on her soft skin. Mia's body froze, eyes widened as her body shivered with each introcate touch from His height almsot shadowing her as his hands started to udnress her bit by bit. Her skin exposed more before he started to assault it with kisses and licks."A ah..." She could only give a series of short gasps and groans. She hated it, cause she knew those soft but dry gasps were something he loved. She wished she could struggle away, but his grip, while seemesly delicate, was harder that one thought. One simple movement she did to try and separate and he was already yanking her back to him."Aah...n no..ahn.." She kept gasping, his finger rubbing upon her panties, making her legs wobble and lose balance. He took the chance and roughly pushed her against the best. This mixture of soft then harsh was what kept her under control, with him as the dominant leader of this sinful act.He climbed on the bed, his figure towering over her as she could only pant and look up, topless and with her skirt crumbled and pulled up, showing her panties... With Mia on her back pressed to the bed, Marcus took her lips kissing her deeply and passionately, as his hands smoothed down her sides. His hands pushing her down and trailing over her crumpled skirt as he looked down at her, lifting up her skirt which he let her keep for the moment. His fingers slipped under the line of her panties grabbing her ass and spreading her cheeks against the fabric as he continued to drag his fingers up under her skirt."mm, yes, such a cute body."He grabbed the hem of her panties pulling them down her thighs in a needy manner, as he broke contact with her lips gasping for air as he savored the taste of her tongue on his. He kissed her soft exposed skin as he lifted her legs up, pulling her panties along her thigh and down her leg, his thumbs drawing along her skin while at the same time his lips kissed her neck traveling down to her breasts. His tongue lavishing her pink nipples as he sucked her soft mounts.Finally he lifted her feet up towards the air as he pulled her panties up past her feet, leaving her with only her knee socks and her skirt. His fingers started to work her pussy the moment that her panties were on the ground discarded.His thumbs brushed the soft pink flesh of her cunt for a moment before spreading her out, his hands on her thighs making sure that her lets were kept apart. Breaking his lips from her breasts with a soft pop he kissed down her stomach and trailed down her soft skin as he came to her shaven smooth pussy. His tongue started to flick against her clit, and he watched her reaction as he started to lick her, his lips pressing harder against her as he tasted. Drinking her aroused juices. "W" Every attempt at trying to insult him, threaten him, was met with another moan interrupting it. He kenw this, he knew she couldn't talk back, his thought if reminding her why or not...Despite this, he kissed her deeply, Mia unable to do anything but recipocate, muffling again, trying to scream but only coming off as nothing. "Mmmmph..."His hands explored all over her body, ccoursing through every bit of skin exposed in her, and even sinking into her panties to knead her buttocks. Her defenses were at zero and so he opened her legs, pulled her panties down and started to finger her, breaking the kise."Aaahn...d damn...y.yooooohh.....f fuck..aaahn..." She gasped loudly, head jerking back. Then his leaned down and these moans and gasps elevated...Rin would notice that the break of just going to the bathroom had passed. Knowing well the natur eof this house, he could tell that Marcus had already reached her, and they were probably already at his bedroom.the question was, if he'd go check for sure this time or not? Rin had waited about 10 minutes before he had come to the master bedroom. Marcus never bothered to shut the door, part of him wondered if the man wanted to be watched, or if it was some way of gloating. That Marcus could fuck his sister, but Rin would be forever stuck in his chair. On some really dark selfish days he even thought about opening the door wider or even rolling into the room and asking to join. It was perverse, disgusting and knowing Marcus was already twisted he probably would have let it happen.Of course Rin didn't because that would ruin everything that Mia was doing, creating the illusion that she was doing this so that he could be normal and not some deviant. Yet as he watched through the slit in the door. Listened to his sisters cries of forced pleasure watched the man eat out the first love of his life, No matter how Rin looked at it he couldn't help but be jealous at everything that was happening here.Marcus took his finger out of her pussy and slapped her breast for a moment adding a small shock of pain to the smaller girls pleasure. "Language." Marcus's tone was teasing yet forceful same with everything he did.His mouth went back to the task at hand, treating body with a reverance as he practically doted on her. His tongue lavished her till she was wet, his fingers rubbed against her insides trying his best to inflict pleasure upon her. His eyes looked up and locked with hers as he performed the sinful acts knowing full well that she hated him, but that her body loved what he was doing. He kept working her with fingers, and mouth, pinching her breasts, rubbing her soft skin working her to the brink till he knew that she was soaking and craving an orgasim of her own, and then he stopped.Just as he could tell from her breathing that she was so ready to climax, he stood up, and pulled off his belt, pulling down his pants, and shedding his boxers in one go, but keeping the leather belt in hand. He grabbed her hands, wrapping the belt around them so that he could tie her wrists behind her back with it. He pushed her onto her front, her head against the bed for a moment as his cock rubbed between her ass cheeks."Do you want daddy's cock now?" He teased so affectionately he whispered into her ears, as his fingers started to tease her again, started to rub against her sensitive privates. Adding the throbbing top of his cock to play with her ass hole, as her legs kept spread by his hands and his fingers delightfully played with her pussy, but still it was never enough. He was making sure that she couldn't use her hands to attempt to give herself an orgasm constantly building her up. "If you say you want it, you can have it, but you have to say please." Mia cried in pain at being hit. She winced, trying to swallow it."A asshole..."She said in her mind before her returned to eat her out. She continued moaning, unable to stop as he kept twisting her to his whim.He then stopped, right as she was building up energy. He always did this, teaser her, ruin her. Forcefully, she was turned around, pinned against the bed, her hands tied by that infuriating belt..."I...I won't..." She tried to fight back, her body trembling. ass still up to him, groans escaping her while his rod rubbed against her slit. All while Rin could watch... "You will."He whispered against her ear, and lifted her up, pulling her by her bound wrists lifting her off the bed, so that he could sit down and he could force her her to sit in his lap, His cock still pressing and rubbing against her ass. He spread her out holding her legs as she sat in his lap, and he kissed her neck, licking her soft skin.Rin could see everything at this point, except for Mia's pussy which the fabric of her skirt just draped over barely protecting it from view. But he also had to move slightly as Mia was being forced to look at herself in a mirror, and Rin for a moment had to check that he wasn't in the reflection of the glass. He could see her soft breasts as Marcus held them in his hands. Watching as he pulled on her nipples twisted them softly between his fingers.Marcus's hand lowered down pressing the fabric of her skirt against her soaked pussy, rubbing her with the fabric, even pushing the fabric inside of her with his finger. He kissed her biting her softly and licking her soft flesh as he played with her, and forced her to look at herself in his dresser mirror, in the corner of the room reflected in the mirror the small reflection of light from Rin's wheelchair came in, but Marcus's eyes were fixated to her face and her tits. He kissed her his seductive tone ringing against her ears softly speaking sweet pioson to her."Tell me you want it, and you can have it baby girl. Tell your daddy what you want." Again he was building her up, his fingers slipping under her skirt, lifting the soft fabric, as he kissed her. "You won't have to watch yourself if you say it. You just need to be daddy's little girl right now."Rin for his part was watching intently, as the skirt lifted up and he could see her drenched pussy in the reflection he felt himself get hard, and slowly he had done as he had a few nights before now, he pulled down his shorts and let his cock fall into his hands, he bit his lip as he started to stroke himself, while he couldn't walk he was so glad that he could still feel his waist, could still function. Mia was forced to face herself, the mirror reflecting everything of her Bended over and barely able to hold on the lust like a dirty whore. Her breathing was heavier, more accelerated. Her breasts ehaving softly..was that rin's wheelcair?...No, it couldn't be. It was just the lust making her see things. He couldn't know, no, she was doing this for him..."I...I w...w..." She hated saying it. So much. "...i want it...d daddy..."Her pussy was drenched. Something about this still gae her desire and pleasure and she hated herself for it..." it daddy..." Rin for his part didn't really care if he was noticed or not, he was too busy now. He was watching everything play out, the only thing seperating him from his sister and his foster parent was a single door, watching as she asked for her 'daddy' to do things to her, and wishing desperately it could be him. His hand worked his shaft the wheels of his chair locked down so there was no sound save for his heavy panting as he held his thick shaft.He knew he shouldn't be doing this, he knew this was probably torture for his sister. He knew, and yet as Marcus lifted her up he wanted to watch her, he wanted to feel her. When Rin closed his eyes, he could envision Mia's small tender ass atop his lap, her using her arms to bounce herself up and down while his hands caressed his breasts. Yet when he opened his eyes, it was his hand working over the shaft, his thumb pressing the heated pink tip of his cock.Marcus lifted Mia up, keeping her legs spread as his cock brushed against her pussy. The tip of his heated cock pressing lightly against her teasing her as he created a sense of suction between her body and his cock. So eagerly teasing her as he kissed her. He flipped the skirt open so that she could see his cock teasing her his hands suspending her. A coy look came over his face as he looked at her still holding her to the mirror unlike what he promised. Knowing that she hated herself."Too bad, you didn't tell me what it is." He said lifting her higher, his cock suddenly sipping under her, the tip pressing against her asshole, as he started to ease her down onto his cock pressing deeper against her ass. "Remember, don't scream, we wouldn't want anyone to hear." He said before gently kissing her cheek almost like he loved her, though once she was down on his lap and his cock fully inside her, one of his hands went to her face forcing her to look herself in the mirror as he started to bounce her up and down. "You love being in daddy's lap." "Ah...ah..." Mia softly panted, the man still teasing him while all she could do was groan and stare at her own reflection. That forced image of her being dominated by his dick, then it shifted into a wide eyed expression when she felt him push into her asshole.It was very tight, and she could feel every inch roughly thrusting inside of her. Her body felt like burning, a mixture of pain and pelasure that let a scream out by mere instinct...He reminded ehr to keep it low, however, as Rin could hear. "no...he can't hear us..." She muttered, unaware the boy was already watching and enjoying the sight. Marcus then wasted no time in lowering her further into his lenght, forcing her to start slowly bobbing up and down."ah...ahn...aaah..." The sloshing and slapping of sex was now in full effect as their bodies were connected. Marcus was letting out his own soft pantings as he lifted and bounced Mia along his cock. He moved her legs and used an arm under her knees so that his other hand was free, and with that hand he started to pound her pussy with his fingers. Taking up both her holes as she sat on his lap enjoying the pleasure of having her rear filled with cock.Just behind the door, Rin was rubbing himself, his fingers diligently working his cock to milk himself. Watching as Mia's backside was violated, he felt a thrill at just how easily her ass accepted a thick cock. It gave him the mental image of her willingly sitting on his wheelchair. The current position she was in was almost perfect for super imposing himself over Marcus all it required was that he closed his eyes.Marcus kissed Mia's neck, biting her to hide his own cries of pleasure by burrying his face against her body. It helped to muffle the moans of pleasure that rolled off his tongue with each slap. Her ass felt so tight and wet, and even then his fingers could just roll against her flesh. It had taken weeks if not months to get her body so accepting of sex, and it had been worth it. She was like his own private fuck toy every night. He stopped biting her, sure that he would leave a small bruise on her smooth shoulder. "Do you want to climax with your daddy?"Marcus said biting down on his lip for a moment, his thrusting becoming a little more rushed after all the teasing her had done to her body. "Do you want daddy to fill you're tight butt with seed? Say it, and I'll give it to you, along with your own sweet release."Rin for his part was stroking himself hard, wanting to catch up, to the point where he could feel his own cock working on cumming, he was trying his best to time his release with theirs even if they wouldn't know. At this point Mia's mind was going blank. Moans starting to increase in pace and sound, while her body continued to send them mixed signals of pleasure and discomfort, where it was no longer clear between the two. "Aaaahn...anh...ahn...!!!"Her breasts bounced with every hard thrusts Marcus did, as her head jerked back wishing it was over. She wanted to come, but he'd not let her until she said it. So, swalling every remaining bit of pride she begged..."P please...fill me, d daddy...please...." She said, in between gasps. She closed her eyes feeling her orgasm near its peak. Marcus smiled as she broke and allowed herself to beg, his fingers in her pussy burrowing deep into her as his thumb pressed on her clit, at the same time he drove his cock hard into her ass, and let himself cum. The heated seeping fluids filling her back entrence as he held her close. He moaned passionately in her ear and started to lean back letting her fall back onto the bed with him so he could breath and feel them both reach a climax together, her tight ass and body twitching against his cumming cock.At the same time Rin closed his eyes and bit his lip trying not to make a sound as he listened to his sister beg to be filled, and in turn let his own cum loose, the majority of it falling on his chest and staining his shirt, some of it dripping down onto his chair and even onto the ground he was wound so tightly that even once he let go of the strangle hold he had over his cock it continued to leak out till he was sitting in a small puddle off white sticky cum around his balls. In his imagination he could see his sister Mia eagerly getting to her feet turning around to lick him clean, but as that wasn't the case he had to settle for a few cleaning wipes he kept on his person.Marcus's fingers left her pussy after the two shared their orgasm and he rolled her off of his cock, lovingly holding and cuddling her against him for a moment as he turned her around on the bed so that he was over top of her, kissing her lips and cuddling her, showing her affection after their play. He moaned softly against her with carnal yet affectionate desire. He looked at her small body with lust, but his cock had in the moment gone soft. His fingers went to her side, undoing the button on her skirt, and removing the last piece of clothing she had save for her long socks. Mia cried out in a unstoppable orgasm, a wild shout lacking any cohesive words, just a primal escape of her climax as her body tensed as her jucies sprouted from her fingered pussy. She could feel he came as well: his cum gushing inside her ass.The girl dropped down upon the bedm finally liberated from the man's member, panting heavily, face flushed and body shivering and sweating. He was now kissing her, trying to act as this was love, as if he was being nice and caring after such rough fucking. But she knew well it was just him trying to please himself..."It's...over..." She muttered, wishing to just be left alone. However, if that was Marcus' intention was another thing... "Over." Marcus coo'd into Mia's ear as he held her down against the bed, he was soft, but he was far from being done with his little pet. He pointed over to the clock, showing it was still early in the evening, but it was his smile that spoke volumes, he had no intention of letting her go. He kissed her again, his tongue entering her mouth in that hungry passionate kind of way as he moved her further on the bed, studying her naked frame for a moment."I've been giving you pleasure all night, it's time for you to do your share of the work, and please your daddy." He spoke with a low poisonous chuckle as he rested beside her placing a hand on her stomach, he brushed her bare skin as he kissed her neck playfully one more time.He brushed her body as he turned her around, finally untying her hands from the belt so that she could move about freely. However it was clear that he wasn't about to let her leave, his eyes looked at her with a dark expression. "Why would it end any time soon, after all we have all night my little girl. Now come over here and play with daddy." He said taking her wrist and still red from being tied up, and leading her to his objective.Rin watched now, leaning back in his seat, unlike their adoptive parent he was still hard even after cumming as much as he did. He was cleaning himself, up, but still watching. He knew this was the part where things stopped being so fun to fantasize about. Despite wanting to fuck his sister hard, and knowing that it would hurt her, he knew that his impulses were dark and vile, and the reaction she always had, wanting it to be over, wanting to leave and take a shower. He knew that it would be the same if he ever touched her. That the moment he did it wouldn't be fun for her, and yet in a way like their father he wanted her to enjoy sex, especially if it was with him.Swallowing his selfish desires Rin just sat in his chair watching, and stroking himself gently as he finished cleaning up his mess, save for what had dripped onto the floor. Mia gasped when he started to touch her again, tossing and turning to break away but Marcus putting his weight to pin her in place as he kissed her and licked her once more.He undid her bindings but quickly pushed her against the bed as he shifted positions forcing his backside to her. Mia was getting an idea of what he wanted and quickly, yet trembly shouted. "N no...I need to rest!!"She managed to get the strength to push her, but as soon as she did she realized what she did and her eyes widened. He'd probably retaliate... Rin almost let out a small cuss, but had to shut himself up. At this point his hand stopped and any sense of pleasure was slightly put away for fear of his sisters health and well being. when she pushed Marcus away he knew that such an action would end poorly for her, as it always did. This was the point where his fantasy always seemed to turn into a nightmare. Yet just as before, maybe it was the fact that he was drawn in by his sisters naked body, or the fact that he had watched so much, but he knew at this point he couldn't exactly turn away, that something was going to happen, and it was going to be bad, and of course everything on the physical level told him that he was still enjoying it. Rin's cock after all was still rock hard.Marcus felt her push against him, as she stated that she needed to rest, that she needed a moment. He on the other hand did not. He grabbed his adopted daughters throat pushing her hard against the bed. His hand on her throat was stern and slowly turning more forceful starting to cut off her air, as his other hand slapped her tit roughly. "You need to rest?"He said it almost like it was a joke. He was straddling the smaller girl now. His cock resting between her breasts as his knees pressed against her sides, and his ass on her stomach his full weight resting on her as he squeezed her throat. His free hand slapped one of her tits for a second watching the soft skin bounce. "You can rest when you sleep, unless your gonna pass out here, and now.He clawed his fingers along her breast as he choked her holding her down as he drew white and red lines along her breasts. He grabbed her nipple and pulled and pinched it between his fingers, pulling hard enough that it felt like he might rip it off her skin with how tight her breast was being pulled. He leaned for a moment. "I could smell it on your breath when you came in." His tone was low aggressive and he never stopped holding her. "You pleasured some other boy today with that slut mouth of yours, and now you want to rest? Who's toy are you? If you want to rest so badly, you could rest on the street, homeless, and naked, with that useless waste of half a human you call a brother." Mia's cries and gasps stuttered due to the hard hand holding to her threat. She wanted to shout but only whimpers came out, her eyes watering She wanted to cry but she could, she wanted to scream but she couldn't...She wanted to fight but she couldn't....Sharp gasps and winces escaped her. The rough way he assaulted her breast, pinched her nipples, it hurt. There was little pleasure around it, just pain as he dominated her as usual. His words felt like daggers into her bodies Fear enveloping her whole as he looked at her with the most diabolical eyes to her...She believed his word on that. He'd do that."I'll...I'll behaive..." She cried weakly. "...P please..." Marcus's hand left her throat as she said please, he gently petted her cheek for a moment after letting her cough and catch her breath before he pressed his lips to hers, taking her mouth into a hard kiss his tongue stealing the breath she had just regained as he held her down to the bed. His fingers sliding down between her as he placed a finger down between her legs rocking her clit hard as he kissed her.When the kiss broke his hand remained pressing and pinching on her clit playing with the small bundle of nerves as he leaned off of her letting her have some freedom of motion. "good girl, remember to put your all into pleasing me above anyone else and we won't have this conversation again. If we do though remember that no one else on this planet is gonna put up with your shit."The hand on her crotch pinched down harder on the clit moving the pleasure he was intending her to get closer to pain. "Now get to work."Rin on the other hand was watching, stiff and wanting more release, but after watching his sister getting choked there was now a sense of shame. Yes he was being turned on by all of this, and he wanted to replace Marcus with himself, but he knew that he was being... selfish, if he put on his pants and just knocked on this door he could basically pull her away for a moment and end this for tonight.Yet he didn't and all because some part of him still wanted to watch his sister, rape, sex it didn't really matter so long as he was watching her breasts bounce as a cock took her, so long as he could mentally replace himself so that he could live out any fantasy he desired. It made him feel dirty, and yet so enticed, and even if he hadn't been paralyzed either way he was pretty much glued to his seat not wanting the show to end. He went and kiss her again, toying with her pussy in the process, his way of sending pleasure through her without her being able to defend herself after one of his lashing outs. Her resistance left her, not wanting to see him harm her and most importantly Rin anymore...They were back on what he wanted, his rear against her as Mia leaned forward, slowly licking and then inserting the tip of her tounge into his hole. Meanwhile, her hands reached his member and started to slowly pump. Rin watched with curiosity, this was something he hadn't seen his sister do before. He wasn't entirely sure if it was pleasureful or not, the look on markus's face told him it was. The man seemed to be enjoying every second of his sister licking the mans ass, Rin's colon worked fine, he had never actually ventured into that territory though. It was a little hard to play with ones ass when they were sitting on it.Rin decided that one day he would have to find out for himself, for now though he was just watching, stroking himself occassionally his hard cock already looking like it was going to burst again, but he was interested to watch. His sister was becoming more obediant, and part of him wished she wouldn't, but they both knew why she would.Markus felt her tongue get to work doing as he demanded, feeling her hand as she stroked him, and he just moved so that she could have better access to all of him. He moaned as her tongue started to penetrate his ass, "That's it, get in there good girl, This is why i keep it clean for you." He said softly brushing her hair as she worked on him. Before his hand moved to her pussy, as he was currently sitting atop her it was easy to play with her body.She was his toy to do with as he pleased, to pleasure or punish. He smiled as his fingers slid inside her wet slit. "After you make me cum, we will go take a shower together, and than after that, maybe i'll let you spend a little more time with your brother before bed time." Mia just kept silent, continued to pleasure him in between gasps and whimped generated from her body being toyed. This was so humiliated, but she had no choice There was nothing she could that wouldn't bring his wrath once more. For Rin, she had to do this...She pressed more into it, pushing her tongue deeper Her stroking increased, trying her best to get him off as much as possible."Ahn...c come on...please come..."She repeated into her mind. As curious as Rin was about this action, the more he watched the more he knew Markus was going to reach his climax fairly soon, and after that the two would be retreating to the showers. If he was out here than he would simply get caught. The last thing he wanted was for Mia to find out about his secret shame, so he pulled away, pulling up the breaks of his chair and moving back to his room as quietly as his chair could move. He pulled up his shorts and disregarded the puddle he had left of his cum that had fallen to the floor.Going to his room he pulled out the book and sighed, as curious as he was about everything he had watched, he wasn't feeling like finishing himself.Markus for his part was moaning and as she pushed her tongue deeper and stroked him harder he felt like he was going to burst. His fingers dug inside her playing with her harder pushing his fingers into her cunt and pumping against her, as she pleasured him. He closed his eyes letting out hard pants of approval. "That's it, that's my girl!" He was pretty much shouting as he got the most out of her.When he climaxed, it was on her body, cum dripped down onto her breasts, and stomach, his breath was rolling off him hard as he almost felt like he was going to faint, he patted the head of his adopted daughter praising her. "Good girl, you have been learning." He said calmly as he finally crawled off of her. He apraised his work looking at her. He looked at the clock."Your late for your shower." He said accusing her, his face going from one of elation to almost a hint of anger as she got up he slapped her ass a lot harder than when he was just painfully spanking her. "You took too long getting me off, move and I might forgive you for breaking the rules. I may even let you sleep in your bed if you convince me." Mia nodded, wincing at the slaps. Smeared in his cum, she walked towards the shower located in his room. She knew she had to "convince him" to be able to be left alone for the rest of the day, and she knew well what that entailed....Rin was no longer watching, unable to hear what was going on next, but on Mai's side The assault did not stop. She was now under the war water, pressed hard against the wall as Marcus stood tall from behind, pounding at her body under the warm water. Her moans echoes through the bathroom, her body barely holding on.This went for a little while. Until he was finally done. Finishing up on her back, he walked out of the bathroom, and now she had the bathroom for herself. Quickly cleaning her back, she then stopped, dried off and picked her own bathrobe before walking out of his room without a word...She did stop however, when she felt she stepped into something odd. Looking down, she found a puddle of something...sticky? How odd. However, her exhaustion after what she had been through today pushed her to just ignore it, and so she went to see Rin."Everything good over here? Sorry, decided to take a long bath. You know, relaxing in the tub and all you kind of loose track of time." She said with a chuckle and a smile. Facades of course, trying to put a strong face for the boy. But still, she was just glad to be done. Rin was finishing up his homework for the night, and as his door opened he turned towards Mia, he looked at her clearly naked under the bathrobe, there was some part of him that wanted to invite her to have a seat with him, but she looked completely exhausted, glancing at the time he faked a yawn."Hey sis, here." he passed her finished notes for her to look over, it was an answer and study key to help her do her own work. He smiled at her, he had nothing more to do than exercise his brain while he was in this chair. "You looked tired when you walked off, and you were taking so long in the bath, that I figured you would need these. But you should go to bed. These will make it easier to study in the morning."He rolled up to her, offering her a quick hug as he then moved to his bed. "Sorry to bother you, but mind helping me transition?" He asked for a bit of help to make things easier, getting pulled up out of his chair and then set onto the bed, where he could move his own legs, he smiled lightly towards her.He set himself down onto the bed, and gave her one chaste kiss. "Love you Mia, talk to you more in the morning." "No problem." Mia said before assisting him to his bed. This also mean her body was close to him, while she was naked underneath the bathrobe. This gave the boy one last quick pick down to her cleavage before he was lead into the bed, luckily with Mia completely unaware.As he bid her good night all she could do was smile. " you too, Rin."She leaned over to him and gave him a soft kiss on the forehead before heading out of his room, turning off the lights on the way.She quickly rushed to her own rum, wanting to avoid any last minute glanced from Marcus, that could probably urge him to do more with her, specially in her current way of clothing. Reaching her room and putting the lock on her room, she simply put on her pijamas and crawled inside her bed, proceeding to sink her face into a illow.She let her feelings out. Remembering that hard choking and those hateful words...thinking back on the degrading attitude of the bully....Mia sobbed softly, with a couple of whimpers, muffled by the pillow, before letting go. A deep breath, and a glance down at her hand, made into a fist..."I...need to be strong..." She muttered to herself, "I need to be strong for Rin...for us...."Eventually slumber finally took her, closing her eyes and letting herself drift into dreamland...Silence soon enveloped the household, not even a sound remained. But unaware of everyone, a soft light started to emanate from within the dusty old book Rin had picked...Soon, their lives would take an interesting turn for our two siblings... Rin twitched tossed and turned in his sleep, it was unsettling, it was like the material under his bed was shifting, and he was soon feeling like he was a midst an ocean, a rather warm ocean, his dream or at least what felt like a dream the unstable world around them shifted through colors and patterns, his mind swimming amidst a sea of possibilities. He moved feeling like he was dragging heavy weights with his ankles.The bed became uncomfortable gone was the memory foam mattress, and in it's place something far more lumpy and hard, still he laid in his bed, half sick with the motion of his dreams, which had run the gambit of peaceful to sickening, to almost nightmarish.He was awoken however by the sound of unfamiliar birds, the smell of cooked fat, and the sound of a hustle and bustle downstairs. Opening his eyes he was met with a harsh pain, the sun coming in through the window landing across his face. He moved reflexively and felt his legs move under him as he crawled easily to the other side of the bed trying to get the barings of his body.His feet felt odd, his toes brushed against the fabric and he almost giggled at how sensitive he was to the feathered pillows brushing against them. He blinked at the feeling which had been gone for so many years.He looked down at his feet, and slowly he attempted to move his toes, and slowly he watched as they obeyed his command curling and uncurling. He blinked for a moment, moving his leg testing the motion out it felt week, strained to move, and kind of hurt in the way he was trying too hard to widen them, but they did move. He rolled his arms down his leg feeling his skin giggling slightly at the feeling of movement.Rin had been so fascinated by the discovery of movement that a few other things were taking in. Where once there had been a carpet, there was now a hardwood floor. From the sounds and looks of the window they were on the second story while in Marcus's house the bedrooms were ground floor. Looking around his wheel chair was missing, and in it's place was an elegantly carved staff.He reached for the staff, taking it, and tested his weight on it. He then moved his feet to the edge of the bed. and with the help of the staff pulled himself up. He kept his eyes closed as he strained to move, but once he was standing with his weight devided among the three legs he slowly opened his eyes and looked at what he was doing.He was standing on his own. "Mia!" he shouted not sure if anyone could hear him. He moved finding the motion of walking with the staff to be difficult unsure how to do it at first, but after a few tries he was more confident, the physical memory would build over time just like it had with his chair. He unlocked his door and swung it wide open. "Mia!"There was a lot more doors than there had been last night, at least a dozen in the hall, and he had no idea which one was hers. Similarly, Mia had awoken in a place that was not her room. Eyes half opened, she pondered if this was a dream. Quite common Her mind tended to give her strange dreams, perhaps a way to let her escape reality in her slumber from the abuse from Marcus. But this felt so real, the soft air hitting her face. The soft texture of the pillows around her.This wasn't her home This wasn't anywhere she knew.In a jolt of shock, Mia pulled her covers, still in her nightwear, looking around frantically only to find some strange clothing besides her, right next to a wooden staff.She quickly dressed into them, realizing to be some kind of fantastical looking garbs of blue. But she didn't care there was only one thing that worried her."Rin? Rin!""Riiiin!"She rushed and opened the door, finding herself in a hallway. "Rin! Where are you!?" As she started screaming for Rin the door beside hers started to make noise, before finally slamming open, the creature that emerged from that door was not human. It was large, and orange scaled, it's eyes covered with a blindfold, one that was frilly like it had forgotten to take off the one it slept with, and it also hadn't dressed properly it stood wearing what equated to a bathrobe. The creature growled. "It's too early for your screaming, some of us are still trying to sleep."It's voice was dry, cracked and the creature sniffed the air for a moment. "Don't recognize your scent, you must be new here. There are rules against shouting in the bed area for a reason you know. Some of us work nightshift!" Despite his chastising about her screaming in the hall, he was now shouting at her.Calming down he did his best not to fume with anger. "Now is there something I can help you find." Elsewhere Rin was wondering through the halls. This place was a lot larger than he had originally expected it to be, compared to the house, and his legs were still shaking as he walked. He wasn't used to the motion of putting one foot in front of the other, and the feeling of his bare feet along the floor boards was odd, after so many years of not having any feeling in his legs suddenly having the gift of walk was difficult to manage. He stumbled, and fell his staff clattering to the ground as he landed on his face.He got up slowly, gathering his legs under him, and then slowly picking himself up, using his staff to lift himself, and get back underway as soon as he could. Mia was franticly calling for her brother, only for something completely unexpected to her to pop up. The gal gasped and almost fell back on the floor at the sight of the lizardman. A thousand thoughts crossing through her mind in the span of seconds.Was she dreaming still? What this some hallucination? Was it a prank? It just couldn't be posible..."W what is this place!?" She exclamed. At a closer look she noticed he was a Bangaa, straight from the world of Ivalice From Final fantasy. This made less and less sense, putting her at an edge.What was going on!?" Rin felt himself fall, but didn't quite reach it. Rather he could fell someone had grab him in time and pulled him back up."Oh my, you need to be more careful, kupo. You almost fell down the stairs..."If the young man were to look he'd find himself in front of a rather odd person. A girl by looks and sound of her voice But not human. Big fluffy ears, white fur with her hair being more of a slight indigo added to silver locks, made into a small bun on the back A pair of wings on her back and a bouncing pomp pom antenna on her head. She wore what seemed like a purple vest and brown pants."Is everything alright? You look rather frightened, kupo." She asked. "Did you hit your head or something?" The dry voice of the Bangaa showing both impatience with the Hume girl, and a little bit of exasperation. He was used to people reacting to a Bangaa with fear, but she seemed completely out of it.He looked towards her, unsure exactly what he was supposed to do with the girl as she continued to panic and go through the various stages of denial asking questions about where she was. He decided to humor her since she seemed genuinely confused. "You are in the town of Gollund, in a tavern. You are currently in the territory of Clan Talon, and I think you had way too much to drink last night."Though he didn't really smell any booze on her, lots and lots of sex mind you, he could smell the fact that she seemed to have been sexually active within the last 24 hours, but that was Hume's for you, they seemed to fuck like rabbits, even more so than the actual viera. He tried his best not to judge them for it. "Now keep your voice down, lots of people are still sleeping. Breakfast is being served downstairs."As if to offer to be her guide he gestured for her to follow. "I'm Conz, what's your name Hume." Rin's eyes widened as he was caught and pulled upwards he didn't see who had saved him, but looking around as he caught his breath he leaned more on his staff than he had in moments prior. "Yeah, sorry about that, It's been a few years since I walked." He chuckled for a moment feeling his legs shiver needing a seat.He looked down to see who had saved him. His eyes already so confused just seemed to accept the fact that there was a creature straight out of final fantasy standing next to him helping him stand upright. He leaned down for a moment to be a touch closer bringing his face to her eye level was difficult but he looked over her with curiosity. He poked the soft ball of something that stuck out from her head. "What... you are the cutest.""Sorry, I have... no idea where I am right now, and I was with my sister so I am a touch worried about her, but you... are adorable." Mia was still shocked from the realisation. There was no doubt about it. This was a Bangaa ArealBaanga...Did that mean she was now inIvalice? It sure seemed like it. Her gaze moved from place to place, taking all of the hallway she found herself in. Her heart beating started to slow down, the shock starting to vanish. Still confused as if this was a dream or not she said, although slightly stuttered, "M my name is Mia..."She got up and dusted herself off, taking another look at her new clothes. "Look is's quite of a weird story how I got her. It's, um, hard to believe I guess...but could tell you over breakfast."Despite her worry of this situation. She was still hungry... The Moogle girl was a bit confusing at what the Hume was talking about. A soft eep leaving her lips when he suddenly moved very close to her. And then he started to play with her pom pom and as he called her cute. Her cheeks quickly brightened in a red hue as she exclaim, "H hey don't toy with that, kupo!!"He stopped rather quick it seemed, but he continued to call her adorable, which just made her even more embarrassed. "Um, I'm not s sure what you're talking about. But if you're looking for someone I guess I can, um, help you, kupo."She extended her hand to him with a shy but warm smile. "My name is Arielle. What's yours, kupo?" Conz nodded he wasn't about to turn anyone away when they wanted food. He started to lead her to the downstairs. "We can talk about your story over breakfast than." He said nodding his head, he wasn't going to inquire about why she reeked of sex, it wasn't any of his business.The downstairs was lively. The tavern upper floor was for a large host of rooms, but the downstaries was a large auditorium of tables, with several rooms on the sides, and a small stage to the back wall. There was another staircase leading back upstairs on the other side of the building and a few windows showed the light of the morning sun. "This is the heart of our guild. We are a touch small at the moment, only about 12 strong, but we are also in a rather remote town, so their is no shortage of work."Conz pulled up a chair to a table, and sat down waiting to be approached by someone to take their order. "So what's the long story? You don't really smell like any Hume i've ever met before, there are weird smells clinging to your body, strong floral scents that I don't recognize." He knew most of the wildflowers and soaps in the area and she didn't smell like any that he recognized. "Oh sorry!" Rin had been so caught up with the fact that she existed, that he realized he had been rather rude. He realized he hadn't even introduced himself rather he was just going on and on about how cute his new companion Arielle was. He smiled at her and strained to stand back up to his full height putting his weight back onto his staff as he did so."My name is Rin." He spoke with a slight strain like keeping himself standing was taking more energy than it should and he started slowly down the staircase. "I've been paralyzed for the last few years, it's a bit of a long story, and I'm not really sure how I got here. I don't actually remember how I came to be in that room, or why I can suddenly walk again."When he walked down to the auditorium he took a moment to gaze around, seeing all of the people eating meals, chatting, celebrating jobs well done. He blinked for a moment taking it all in as he stood next to a living Moogle, watching various other creatures he recognized from various games, and then came across one figure who wasn't from another game, one he would know any time he saw her. "Hey!"Rin walked up to the table that Conz, and Mia were sitting at, nearly tripping as he moved. "Mia!" Arielle took a good look at him, walking around Rin before saying, "Really? You seem pretty alright, kupo. But if what you say it's true, t then I guess it's a good thing, right?"The two made their way to the dinning hall, as hunger also called them both. However, path seemed to cross when the young lad saw his sister sitting at one of the chairs.Mia was currently speaking with Conz, explaining her situation after a good portion of surprisingly delicious food. "I know it's hard to believe but...I come from somewhere else. Somewhere entirely different from here. Nothing around here exist where I ive and I was just asleep on my bed when I woke up in's so strange..."That's when she heard the call. Recognizing that voice she turned around to see Rin before her eyes widened. Fork dropping to the floor and her whole body going into a shock.there he was. Rin, her brother....standing on his two own legs..."R rin...?"Her hands trembled Her heart sped up. Without another thought she leaped off the chair, rushing as fast as she could to her brother, only stopping before him."R rin you're here...y you''re're walking!!"Already knowing this was not a dream the fact of seeing her brother, after so long having been confined to a wheelchair, just be walking and standing up like he always wanted It made her unable to contain the tears that were suddenly falling down her face."Rin!!" She exclaimed while hugging him tightly. Her voice breaking of sheer emotion. "I I can't believe it...this is...this is incredible..." The hug threw out Rin's sense of balance. So much so that he ended up completely relying on his sister for support while he tried to get footing, and ended up bringing the two of them to the ground because of it. He landed on his back with Mia on top of him, which honestly didn't bother him that much. he smiled, and felt his own tears welling up as well. He gripped her tightly, both his arms wrapping around her as tightly as he could."Easy, I just got these legs back, I don't want to break them." He said with a soft joke as he brushed his sisters hair long dark hair, and held her as she trembled against him. Their lives had been so miserable, and yet suddenly that world felt like it was a million miles away. He held her as tight as she would allow feeling her body heat press against him, then as the hug broke he sat up right so that he could attempt to dry his own eyes, offering some of his new robes for Mia to dry her eyes with.Conz looked to Arielle, confused. He could infer that whomever the boy was he was with Mia and if she was to be believed than the girl and the boy were from some other world. Considering the way they were acting it seemed a little more believable. A leathery hand brushed his long snout as he took some more of his breakfast and ate it. "What in the world is all that about?"He just shook his head. "This is a confusing day, I feel like I need a drink and it's barely past sunrise."Rin blinked seeing the larger lizard. "Who's the new friend?" He asked Mia, he was more than happy to see her, she was a familiar stone in a world of pure and complete crazy that he seemed to have woken up in. Mia tried her best to wipe off her tears. If this was truly a dream, she'd be o so pissed. But it didn't feel like it, which made this moment much the more impactful. Her brother...capable of walking again...Luckily, Rin's questions brought her back to pick up on her surrounders, remembering the bangaa was still next to them. "Oh, um. This is Conz. I kind of accidentally woke him up while searching for you...and your friend there is...?""Arielle." The moogle girl introduced herself with a short bow, but then glanced at Conz. "What are the odds that we'd both end up bringing these two together, kupo.""You know eachother?" Asked Mia.Arielle nodded again, "Why yes. We both work on the same Clan, kupo." Rin was panting after that emotional display he was drying his own eyes, glad that the one person he had cared about was in this world with him. He still wasn't exactly sure how he had gotten here, but something clicked as he looked at Arielle and Conz, he looked to Mia and the clothing they were wearing. Something was slowly starting to click and then he smelled the food, and focused on the conversation going on around him, and suddenly all concerns of what this place was gone, he was simply glad to be here, and not in the house of a rapist chief.For a moment he didn't have any thoughts except that he was glad to be here. But then glanced at Arielle and Conz, "Wait you said you worked together, like for money? So clans take on work?" He looked to Mia. The obvious question on his face, he didn't have any money, heck these weren't even his cloths that he had woken up and taken. For all he knew the two of them were freeloaders. "Do you have any money Mia?"Conz sighed as he was now actually starting to believe that these two may actually be from another world like Mia had said. At this point they were either telling the truth or completely insane. "Clans do all kinds of work, from monster hunting, to guard duty, we help the townsfolk, and they in turn pay us for the mission based on it's rank and difficulty, the tavern is the headquarters of our clan. Not everyone stays in the tavern some members make enough to get homes." He had a bit of a bite to his last words like he was angry over something."Huh..." He looked to Mia this sounded a lot more like a game than he really wanted to acknowledge but at the same time this was very much a situation of when in Rome. "Wanna sign up?" He leaned into Mia. "If we are stuck here than we may as well get some work here or there, and this place had pretty comfortable beds." "We were in our beds when this happen. We don't have any money, sorry" Mia admitted, feeling a bit bad to make her new scaley friend pay for the breakfast she just ingested. He explained their job as a Clan It sounded straight out of what she remembered from the games There was no doubt about it...this was the Ivalice she once played in her GBA and DS...She glanced down at herself, then at Rin, then to her hands."We sure look the part...does that mean...we have powers and skills to do this?"She thought.Then, she was surprised by the response of his brother. He sounded eager to sign up as well Perhaps a combination of being able to walk agai mixed with just his young optimism. " sure they won't mind?""Well, to tell you the truth, our ranks are a quite small, kupo" Arielle explained, "We are a very newborn Clan, and as such, prestige and numbers are not on our side as of now. So we're open to anyone with a good heart who wants to help, kupo."Mia took another moment to think, crossing her arms. There was no point of being stuck inside this pub with no money...and besides, maybe learning more about this world, they could learn how they got here..."I guess...we could! Alright, where do we sign up!" Said the black haired girl, trying to look cool to her younger brother. With Mia's agreement Rin felt a lot better about wanting to sign up. It felt kinda like the two were agreeing to live in this weird fantasy world. Of course he recognized it from the games, but he still wasn't entirely sure how they had gotten here. He slowly started to pick himself up, and nodded smiling back to Mia. She did look cool in the moment, he liked seeing her take charge and defend him, he just didn't always agree with how she chose to defend him in those moments.Conz pointed to the front desk, and Nu Mou yet another large fantasy creature who sat behind it. He sort of looked like an anthromorphic seal with his grey skin, long nose and large floppy ears. "Algrick is the defacto head and numbers guy of the guild. He's the one who makes sure everything stays legal, that guild fines are paid in full, and that members get paid, he can get you the papers you will need to fill out in order to get started." He turned to Mia as he paid for the breakfast. "You will pay me back eventually."There was something to his tone that suggested he didn't really mean pay him back in coin, but it didn't matter at this point Rin was already walking over to Algrick and spoke up to him. "Um hi, we arrived here last night." Rin started gesturing between him and Mia. "And we kind of want to sign up with the guild."The creature gazed at them slowly then nodded. "Ah the layabouts who took up two of our rooms, good I was going to charge room and bored on your two rooms. at eighty gil a night, your looking at a charge of 160g." Rin glanced back at his sister patting himself down and again finding nothing."Uhm we don't have money that's kind of why we wanted to work with your guild." The creature nodded. "Then your continued rent will be deducted off of any jobs you take, as will future living expenses. Here are your forums."Rin balked at that and almost bit is thumb as he looked between himself and Mia pulling her aside for a second. "If we get one room than we basically cut down half the expenses and two pay checks. In the games the first few missions always hand out shit for cash and if we keep using two rooms than we are gonna be bankrupt for a long time to come, not to mention the cost of future equipment, items and food which these games never factor in." Mia immediately nodded at Conz statement. She was not one to leave debts unpaid. Specially after being given the opportunity. As the two siblings walked to the desk, Arielle glanced at the gruff Bangaa before giggling."You seem very calm with this choice, Conz. I'm impressed." She said with a smile. "Usually you're always such a loner. Nice to see you took a liking to them, kupo."He tended to always act as the tough as nail grumpy monk, but the moogle girl knew that deep down he had a caring heart, just that he seemed to be shy of showing.Meawhile, Mia was rather surprised. This amount of paperwork never really came forth in games, but it sorta made sense The reality, be is fantastical or not, always were a bit more complex than what a videogame'd usually show. Still, it seemed the deal was a rather good one. They'd pay off their debt and have gil to themselves in no time. She was almost giddy about it, to her own surprise. Perhaps because of how thinking back to reality bring forth bad memories."Hm, I suppose we could." Said the raven haired girl to her brother's suggestion. "Are you sure about it, Rin? I know you like your space..." Conz smirked towards Arielle "I don't really believe them when it comes to this whole other world thing. But there is a lot about them that doesn't smell right for this place. They have toxic smells attatched their body, the girl's hair smells unnaturally of berries, I'd say where ever they came from I have never been there. It's safe to assume that the two of them are lost." Conz said with a small sigh. "That and well, we are a small guild, every member we get helps to improve our ranking, and name. They may be newbies to this place, but I'll take anyone who can work."Of course Conz didn't mention that he thought the Hume sounded cute, or that she also reeked of sex, he wasn't entirely sure how to even talk about that. He was normally a bit of a gruff old man, she sounded kind of young, it was probably just that she was cute that he was even thinking about it, but he had dropped his hint that she could pay him back.Rin was standing chewing on his pencil as he worked on his paper work, trying to think about this. "Well if you think about it, in tactics you play the guild leader, and your in charge of the treasury. You equip resources, and determine the strategies the team uses, but here we are underlings the units being moved around so of course we would see a smaller take of the prize." He chewed on his pencil for a moment longer as he moved to a table that was free so that the two of them could work on their paperwork without Conz or Arielle talking to them."I admit I do like space, but um... can I be honest? I'm still freaking the hell out, and I kinda feel like I need you in the room with me, just so that I have something familiar to hold onto. I know that sounds kinda... creepy, but I woke up today thinking I wouldn't see you again. I'd like you to be the first thing I see next time I wake up." Arielle simply smiled, just glad that their little Clan was finally taking its first steps....Mia listened to Rin's explanation, eventually giving him a nod. "Very well. If you really'd prefer that, then sure."Their focus shifted once more to the papers. Mia's mind made up The ink soaked quill on her hand she wrote on her signature, making her inclusion into the Clan now complete.She did not know what the future'd bring, specially in such fantasy land. But had to be better for both of them...right? With the paperwork done, the housing situation sorted, the two looked over the job board for a moment, finding one that seemed relatively easy. flower picking duty. The woods outside of town were home to a number of flowers that acted as alchemic agents, but due to some rumors about monsters in the area the local shop didn't want to send anyone out and were hiring the local guild to gather up the supplies for them. There were pictures of the flowers they needed, and it all seemed pretty strait forward. "I'd call that a level 1 job if you ask me."Walking was becoming a little easier, he was still a bit tired from having not done it in a long time, but Rin was starting not to shake with every step as motor function became a bit easier. Taking the job off the board he walked back to Conz, and Arielle. "Hey how do you two feel about some work?"Conz huffed for a moment, thinking it over, he even pulled off his blindfold to reveal two rather small, yellow reptile like eyes, glancing over the paperwork and the table, his eyes also went to evaluate Mia, for a moment and he nodded. "Sure it's a little below my usual pay grade, but considering you two are new to the guild, why not send someone more experienced to help."He put back on the blind fold and got up from his seat. There was not much else to do in town. "What about you Arielle? Up to get your fur a bit dirty?" "Sounds like a plan alright." Mia responded. It was better if they started small, or at least smaller when it came to this fantastic land. After all, they had to get used to battling as well as to check if they had any particular set of skills or magic when awakening into this world. A controlled enviroment like this mission could prove like their best way to do so."Any type of quest helps the Guild, be it big or small." Arielle stated with a peppy smile, "After all, we need to build our reputation and goodwill, kupo. Only then we'll be getting better jobs and better rewards."The small furry gal gave the two siblings a little bow before giggling and saying, "with everything set. I welcome the two of you to the team!" Rin looked at the staff he had been holding. The gnarled and old piece of wood looked like a weapon, but it didn't feel like it would do much damage if given to smack some one. He also didn't exactly have armor of any kind. He looked at the others. Conz left to go retrieve his weapon, and he wasn't sure what Arielle did within the guild to aid in combat. He looked around almost like he was trying to pull up a menu or a handbook that said 'use this to cast magic'. He smiled when Arielle greeted them and bowed towards her. "Thank you for your help, it means a lot that you will be looking after us."Walking up to Mia he was suddenly a little worried that they would get pulled into combat. "So... um... do you know how these work?" He said pointing between their weapons, it was clear that the two of them were dressed like magic users. She had the blue robes, and even the cute hat of a black mage, and the red and white gave him away as the healer, which... he wanted to fix and get new clothing. "In RPG's enemies always try to target the healers first. I feel like I have a giant target stapled to my chest that says shoot arrows here."Of course this was supposed to be a simple mission looking at the map they were just going to the woods on the edge of this town's western quarter... wait had that always been there? the rest of the map kinda looked blank. He disregarded it, for now the other locations weren't important.He walked up to Mia and hooked his arm around hers both for stability and also so he could crack a joke under his breath. "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in kansas anymore."Walking beside Mia he sighed and for the moment his worries were consigned to things that they would deal with later. For now Conz had a large bladed polearm that he seemed confident to hold, as well as thicker armor, and they were following Arielle. So in many ways it was off to see the wizard.Stepping out of the guild and into the daylight of the cobblestone streets, it was jarring just how different this world was from theirs. They passed market places selling weapons, food, armor, people from all walks of life and races passed each other by doing whatever they needed. No cars meant smaller roads and more buildings, though occasionally heavily armored men and women riding Chocobos would pass them by exerting authority as they went. They were mighty, and kind of terrifying and so far the only people on mounts.Conz looked to Arielle. "Did you check what the laws were set for today? I'd rather not get carded again." Mia couldn't help but giggle at Rin's joke. He did however had a point previously, "A shame. You do look good in that outfit. Very adorable. But yeah, everyone is gonna go after the healer. maybe with what we get from this quest we can buy you some new duds..."She did also pondered how was she going to cast magic. How either of the would. Was there some kind of incantation or complex procedure to do? Mia just guessed she'd have to wing it for now...Unrelated to them, Arielle turned to her bangaa companions, "Not to worry. I checked the laws today and they all seem focused in Thieves or Summoners, kupo. We're in the clear."The group soon left the brick streets of the town and into dirtier paths that then transformed into soft green grass. The varied mass of trees created a cover of shade upon them, protecting them from the strong sun of that morning. Varied and strange vegetation was abundant. Big flowers and mushrooms entirely alien to our two heroes..."So, which is the plant we must find, kupo?" Asked Arielle. Rin chuckled but was still very clearly nervous the robes he was wearing didn't exactly scream protective, and in truth it was a little too open for his taste. He would rather have at least some kind of armor if he was going to be on the lines and fighting against whatever nightmares they may end up coming against. Still the staff at least gave him the ability to walk at a decient pace, but even as they walked out of the edges of town his legs were starting to hurt."I never thought I would say this, but I want my chair." His voice was low almost like he was admitting weakness he lifted up his feet, he had shoes, but they weren't particularly good ones, and his legs were starting to tremble. Rin sighed and leaned on Mia more as they walked. "New clothing sounds good." He said softly.Rin was the one who had the picture from the guild paperwork and he pulled up the plant. It had white petals, and a thick green stem, the leaves at it's base had thorns. "It's called Percilia, it's apparently a valuable herb that can make healing potions." He pulled out two bags, and handed one to conz, and the other to Mia. "If we can get these full we should have enough to last the while, it says to extract the plant we grab it by the stem, and try not to damage it's petals."Conz grunted as he took his pouch, sniffing the air. once they found some of the flowers it would be a lot easier for him to find larger quantities. for now the four of them were spreading out to try and find the things they were looking for."We shouldn't wonder too far from one another." Conz said as he walked softly. "This close to town it's unlikely to see anything truly dangerous but at the same time, it's always best not to risk it. Stay in the clearings or where another can see you."As the group walked along the forest, Rin walked towards Arielle. "Hey." He bent down next to her helping her search, as he looked at the smaller Moogle giving her a smile. "Do you mind if I ask you, what you do?" He looked over to Conz, the heavy armor and large weapon gave him away as a heavy hitter. and the soft robes he was wearing it was pretty obvious he was something else, but he couldn't place her job within the guild."I'm sorry if I'm being offensive, but you don't seem like your a fighter, i mean... you're... not." He gestured towards Conz. "What I am trying to say is that you are cute, and he isn't so it's hard to picture you doing what he does." Rin was pretty sure he was now trying to flirt with the smaller creature this was the second time he had called her cute. "I don't mean to be offensive with that, by the way... I just think you're pretty." The forest had many eyes. Critters that ran about in the field and the forest, the constant chirping of birds and nature separated them from the sounds of the city that the two heroes were more accustomed too making everything feel alien. As Mia walked through the woods, bushes would rustle and things would run about their day. A sweet scent hung in the air, charming, luring her towards the darker areas of the woods. A soft humming, welcoming her and calling out to her. Arielle looked at the young lad with confused eyes when she caught him staring seemly for no reason. "Huh? Whatever do you mean, kupo?" She asked at first of the questions, not really understanding his point. As Rin explained himself further, she couldn't help but to blush a bit at his comments about her beingcute."Oh, um, thank you." She answered before explaining, "I am a Moogle Knight. It is usually a rare job for other Moogles to take. Most tend to sway their way towards more magic inclined aspirations, kupo. But to being sincere...I was never one gifted in the arts of magic..."She seemed a bit down when she said that, lowering her voice for a second. However this shifted back into her peppier tone. "It is why I armed myself with a blade to find my own path. Many people consider my kind as weak for combat, kupo. But I believe I can do it. Even my own techniques have been evolved beyond the usual Moogle Knight too, but I have a long way to go, kupo."She glanced as Conz to continue further, "Conz had always held his stories to his heart, kupo. Not one to speak about them freely, to be quite frank. However, he opted the path of monk focusing in his own strength and physical prowess. Hence the more freely type of clothes, kupo." Her stroll through the woods was oddly relaxing, Mia found. The sounds of nature and chirps of small birds let her be swayed away by the serenity, away of memories of busy and loud streets of modern suburbia. And in the same way, could help her, even if for a little while, of her life back home...Her attention did however shift when she felt something calling her. A soft humming followed by a nice scent. Perhaps a series of bugs reaching for sweet nectar. Or perhaps the scent of plants that may happen to be the one they were looking for...?Mia ventured into the forest's depth, following these signs. Searching for whatever was calling her... Rin listened, and when he saw Arielle's head lower for a moment he placed a hand on the smaller girls head, brushing her fur and finding it soft to the touch. he pet her not in a condecending way but in a way he was hoping would be comforting to the smaller warrior. He seemed to have gotten it wrong in some way. He had assumed that because of her size and stature that she had to be something more dependent on agility instead it turned out that the girl was very much a warrior.Rin kind of wanted to see what Areille could do, but decided against asking for a demonstration. "Honestly you are probably a lot stronger than me." He said softly, "my legs hurt just from all the walking we have been doing."He smiled towards her. "Magic isn't the end all to be all, I mean." He looked at his staff. "I'm still not really sure how it works." There had to be some kind of trick or something that allowed a person to cast magic. "I think you are fine without it." He said softly.Rin got to his knees as he started to dig around for the plant they were looking for, on his knees and bowing towards the ground he found it a bit easier to move while crawling since he could rest his feet and legs that hadn't been used in so long. It also brought him eye level to Areille. As he pulled a plant he was also looking at her, and slowly moved towards her. Rin's brown eyes caught ahold of Arielle's soft green eyes after a moment and he smiled. "So, do you mind if I ask a deeply personal question?"Conz caught the smell of intentions off of Rin, and part of him wanted to fake gag. He could hear the conversation the human was having, and decided to focus on work try and black it out for the moment. He expected Mia to stop Rin from flirting with the moogle when they were supposed to be at work, and yet his sister seemed absent from the clearing. He sniffed the air, and for a moment paused cause he couldn't find her scent.Worry struck him almost immediately and he started to walk around, leaving the moogle to her own devices she could look after Rin it was clear he had to find the young woman. As Mia walked deeper into the woods, something along the ground would catch her foot. A thick yet slimy green vine wrapped around her leg pulling her to the ground. As she fell, more of the vines seemed to come to life about her, wrapping about her body, ensnaring her hand and pulling it tightly above her head. While at the same time leaving her other left arm free.her legs however were not spared, as both her ankles became bound in the thick material holding her tightly to the ground which would feel warm, and soft for a forest floor. The vine acted like living rope, moving up under her robes, caressing her body and leaving trails of goo as it touched her. Wrapping around and hugging her stomach.The vine was seemingly breathing against her skin, warm, and wet, it rose and fall with a steady beat as it spread about under clothing, gripping her breasts, lifting them, and tying around them till they started to swell from being squeezed so tightly. "Why thank you." Arielle replied to Rin's encouragement. The two continued to chat around as they kept searching for the flower.Then Rin asked if he could question something more personal, "Yes, what is it, kupo?" Mia had no time to react when she was suddenly yanked off the floor. She let a gasp out when she was forcefully taken away. Lifted into the air as more vines emerged out of nowhere and wrapped themselves around her."H hey!! What gives!? Let me go!!" She exclaimed, a mixture of anger and fear. She tried to reach for her staff, which she had dropped, but she couldn't reach it. A dry gasp escaped her when one of the vines sneak inside her robes. She struggled and struggled only for the vines to slither their way more into her clothes.She gasped and groaned as they roped around her breasts and hips, tightly against her skin while also coating her in a faint fluid. "L let me go!! Gah!! C come on!!!" Rin looked to Arielle as she said he could ask a more personal question there was of course all these questions he had about her anatomy, was it like a humans, did she have a vagina? did she already have a lover? He knew at most he could get away with one innopropreate question he was still dealing with a woman that at the end of the day he was pretty sure could take him in a fight since he was still very much a weakling, and while he had been expressing interest in her all morning she hadn't really returned any complements.Thinking about it, he had always been the week male. Everyone around him always got what they wanted because they used force and had the courage to take rather than ask for something. He never had respect for that kind of bullying he wanted to be better than Marcus, at the same time he found himself wanting to have the same kind of effect or power that Marcus had over women. Maybe it would be best if he saved the question for when they got back to the tavern? "Well.. I... want to know... what... you look like...naked." He could only manage a small whisper about his request.He was tempted to ask her, something, but the more he thought about it, the more his memories of Marcus and the other men came back to him, and the more he realized he didn't really have any right to ask anything of Arielle. "You know what... I'll save it for later." In the end he couldn't exactly say that he didn't want to see more of the moogle, but he couldn't bring himself to treat her the same way that Marcus had treated Mia. The more Mia seemed to struggle the more her body was ensnared by the trap, Wrapping around her breasts, and holding her, the vine was slowly weaving a pattern over her body. One that lifted her her breasts, and ran between her legs causing her thighs to separate. holding her legs apart as her ankles got wrapped up and lifted towards her back.The fine wrapped around her wrists as well, pulling them till she could basically touch her feet hog tying Mia and lifting her off the ground holding her in that awkward suspension as the vine continued to tickle against her body, rubbing her breasts, thighs, and stomach.There was something different to the plant now. The vines that were holding her were sturdy, but the ones that seemed to come up after were more flexible they teased against the sensitive openings of her body, her ass, and her pussy, the thick stems were wet, and Mia from her suspension wouldn't be able to see either one as they played with her holes rubbing against them as she was held in air. "What was that?" Arielle said, missing his conversation, to low to having caught it. Or as far as Rin knew. After all Moogles had big ears and better hearing...Still she assumed he was just jesting so she acted like she didn't listened. Just blushed slightly. "It's okay. We can talk later if you like, kupo."With that the two continued in their search. "I do wonder If luck have faired better for Conz and Mia..." Mia's struggles proves more and more difficult with each passing moment. The vines continued to have a hard grip upon her, keeping her on the air and unable to move. More slimy vines currently coursed through her body underneath the robes."Ah...n no...stop..." She muttered, unable to stop them. The vince rubbed against her nipples, while a big one continued to rub against her folds through her underwear. Her body trembled. She tried to shout but nobody seemed to comeShe could feel the tip of the vine poking at her sex, intending to thrust in. "No....n no!!!"Her eyes closed shut, it seemed like something sparked within her, and suddenly an aura of magic manifested across her body. From the nothing, a burst of flames erupted at the vine's, charring them. The fire quickly expanded through them, but seemed to show Mia no harm.As the vile plan was torched, Mia unceremoniously fell to the ground. She panted, a mixture of exhaustion while her mind was not sure on what happened. But it seemed like she had casted magic for the first time. Rin was far too red to talk as he started to look around and pick flowers. When she mentioned Mia and Conz he blinked didn't Conz say for everyone to stay together? he looked around for a moment. "Where did they go?"The field had plenty of the local flower there shouldn't have been any need for them to venture farther off into the woods. He swallowed for a moment feeling like an idiot he had been flirting with Arielle so hard that he had completely lost track of time and space, and forgotten about Mia the person he was supposed to be looking after in this world.He felt a wave of guilt and sighed getting to his feet. "We should probably." He paused when there was a loud growling noise from the bushes near them. Standing up, Rin gently stepped behind Arielle as the wolf made his presence known. As Mia fell to the earth, she wouldn't actually hit the ground rather she would feel strong arms catch her as she dropped. Conz gently lifted the girl, and placed her back on her feet. He smiled towards her, but didn't say anything about the prediciment she had been in, only tapping his blind fold as if saying 'I didn't see anything.'"I told everyone to stick together." He said scolding Mia, but only lightly as he held her and then gently put her feet to the ground helping her stand on her own legs. "This forest can do tricks on the mind. It's not always a safe place." As the fiendish wolf leaped out of the bushes, Arielle put herself at a ready. Her shield up and her blade in hand. The animal snarled at both while the Moogle girl said back to Rin. "Stay behind me, kupo."The beast immediately lunged at them, ready to make them its meal. As it rushed in, the wolf's claws clanged against her risen shield and blocked its attack. Arielle gave a battle cried as she lunged her shield forward and pushed the beast away.The moogle girl then rushed away and slashed at the fiend when she had the chance. Mia looked down as Conz berated her. He was right. She had just went on her own in a unfamiliar place with unfamiliar rules. What was she thinking? "I'm sorry..." She muttered. She was happy, however, that the Bangaa appeared to be keeping silent about this Despite she could tell she had seen her in such a weak moment."Let's continue together then...the flower must be around here..." She said. It only took a few steps before she noticed something nearby an old stump. "Hold on..."Mia got on her knees and crawled a little into the stump. This gave Conz a good view into her unconsciously wiggling rear, which her black mage pants seemed to tightly hug against her form. "There's the flower? Under here!" She cried. "Right." Rin stepped in line behind The much smaller Arielle he wanted to support her, with more than just positive cheering, but had no real combat experiances, and his legs were already feeling pretty weak in all honesty. He looked at the smaller girl, she had this, she was a warrior, he believed in her. Also if she didn't win there was probably no way for Rin to outrun the wolf. That said as she went into battle mode, he was awestruck for a moment. For the first time he wasn't really seeng Arielle as the cute small girl he had met in the hallway, but rather a warrior out to protect him.Everyone always protected him, it kinda wasn't fair. He knew he was physically weaker than most other people but he didn't think he was defenseless. He felt kinda weak as he had to stay back and watch her fight, but that wasn't enough he didn't want to be protected anymore he wanted to pull his weight and help the smaller girl. He wanted to protect her. He refused to just stand idle by and just watch her.The beast felt the impact of her blade and groaned slightly, his body twisting away so that it was only a glancing blow. The wolf kept trying to circle them. move around the smaller target with the sharp weapon to get at the snack behind her. It's claws now focused on just pushing Arielle away so it could get between the two people take down the lightly armored snack behind her and run away.As it tried to knock her shield away so it could score a clean hit on Arielle, a physical barrier between her and the wolf seemed to come to life surrounding her and protecting her like a second layer of armor. Conz couldn't help his eyes wander to the tight robe and ass that was being shoved up to him as she bent over. He had to lift a hand just remove the blind fold slightly just to see it, but it was worth the pain his eyes got from the light. He closed them and then walked over to her. He grabbed the edges of the log. Telling her to step back , and lifted.Mia would get to see exactly how strong the Bangaa were as his muscles flexed and rippled, the lizards body flexing as he lifted the stump off the ground, pulling it up so that she could easily get to the flower that had grown under it. Once she had it he tossed the stump so that it fell several feet away from them. "Great we have the thing we get paid for, letssss find the others and get our paycheck." As much as she tried to keep her ground, the wolf was strangely relentless and cunning. Doing its best to circle around Arielle and reach the much more vulnerable Rin. She kept, however, blocking its attempts with his shield, but a strong swipe was close to making it fly off her hands.As the beast attempted to do another strike, the young Moogle Knight was surprised to find her body feel stronger, or rather, more resistant As if another layer of armor was applied to her without the extra weight. "Incredible, kupo!!" She exclaimed as she glanced back at Rin, who she knew had activated that protect spell.Without wasting another moment she lunged her blade forward as she slashed back at the wolf. Mia was taken aback a bit when Conz suddenly lifted the stump with his strength. Really impressing, really. She assumed bangaa were strong, but seeing it up close was quite the sight.Still, her eyes quickly shifted from the lizardman's body to the flower stuck within the stump. She was quick to yank it carefully before the monk placed the stump back on the ground."That should be it. Thanks, Conz." Mia stated with a smile. Magic was a lot less complicated than Rin had thought. He caught the smile Arielle had given him, and blushed slightly as she was able to stand her ground. The wolf was now injured, and wondering if the meal was worth it. When it felt the sting of Arielle's blade a second time it howled, and ran back into the woods. Drawing back from it's attack and retreating leaving the two of them. Which was good cause Rin couldn't walk anymore.His legs gave out for a moment, after all the trembling and fear he had felt with the attack he had felt them go numb, and for a moment he thought he was about to wake up or something that this had only ever been a dream, but when his eyes reopened he was still in the field with Arielle, still breathing the cold crisp air of the forest. Still feeling the grass under his knees and feet. He just got to the point where he felt like he was going to fall unconscious."Thanks for the save Arielle." He said softly. Moving his staff into position to help him get back on his feet. "Would you help me up? My legs... seem to have reached their limit for the moment." He said with a small chuckle. It was odd he kind of wished his chair was here just for how conveinent a set of wheels would be rather than having to limp all the way home. Conz nodded towards Mia and started to walk back to the other group. Now that they had the flower in hand they could wrap up this mission get back to town and get paid. Which of course reminded him that she owed him, the mission had been a bit of fun, but after seeing her, and smelling how pent up she was, he had an offer he was pretty sure she wouldn't refuse, but it would wait for now.Walking back to the others. Rin hugged Mia. "Where did you go anyway? I thought we were all trying to keep together?" He spoke with curiosity for a moment, but seeing the flower he was glad that they had accomplished the goal.Getting back to the village Rin had to use the support of his team members from time to time till they finally got back to the tavern to turn in the quest for the days gold. Getting back to the counter Rin almost immediately collapsed into a very comfortable chair, and proclaimed that he would not leave it. The Nu Mou at the counter Grezton inspected the flower taking out a pair of glasses to do so as he looked it over taking his time. "Everything seems to be in order. 300 gill to your team, when devided among the four of you is 75 gold each, which when deducting your previous living costs gives you two."He passed a total of 30 gill between Mia and Rin, while Arielle and Conz got the full amount of their share. Holding the small pouch of coin Rin looked at it. "I kind of feel like we are going to be broke for a while." The road back was not as bad as expecting. even with the tired Rin, the group reaching the local inn right around sundown. Mia was still used to having to help her brother when his chair wasn't available, so this situation was not very different. Regardless, it was an impressive task that he had managed to last this long with his new walking legs Which would probably just improve with practice.Seeing her brother able to walk again, it filled Mia with so much joy that even the low pay the got did not bother her as much, "Well, it makes sense we have to start small. I'm sure we'll all improve with time." She said with a peppy tone."That's the spirit, kupo! Besides, that payment to the inn allows you to use all of its extra services for free. So you don't have to worry." Arielle replied before stretching with a cute coo. "Still, we should all get some rest. I think I shall head to take a bath, kupo."With that the young moogle girl walked away."I think I'm just gonna hit the hay" Mia stated with a yawn, "The whole trek has me beat. Rin, do you need anything or are you heading to bed too?" Rin felt feeling returning to his legs as he sat. More so seeing his sister so warm and happy was amazing to behold. He hadn't seen her like that since before the accident, and yet here she was cheerfully saying they would improve as things got better. Arielle departed and said that she wanted to take a bath, his curiosity about her body getting to him as he leaned back in the chair for a moment chewing on his lip thinking over if he needed anything while watching the more fluffy comrade walk away from them."I'll join you in a bit Mia, but I want to take a walk, just around the block." He said patting his legs. He had done a lot of walking, today but he wasn't ready to go to sleep just yet. If this was a dream he certainly didn't want to wake up to feel trapped inside his own body yet again.Plus he wanted to see what Arielle looked like.He waited until both women had cleared out, and Conz had gone to his room. He knew that He and Mia were sharing a room so he would get to see her soon enough. Walking around the place he kept sneaking glances in through windows on the first floor. Till he finally found what he was looking for, the window looking into the girls bath house. He started too peak through the cracked window trying to see if he could spot Arielle.He had been sneaking glances at Mia and Marcus for almost a year and that had been with the very clumsy wheel chair, walking made peeking into a bath almost too easy by comparison. So it didn't take too much to find the smaller furry fighter of the group. "Sure thing. Just be careful and stay around the area, ok? No point in tiring your legs again so soon." Mia said followed by a short peck on the forehead before walking away, heading to their shared bedroom.As everyone else made their leave, Rin had now the opportunity to peek to learn more about the moogle girl that he had now joined with.As he made his way to the window that lead into the girl bath house, a series of thoughts possibly crossed his mind. It was indeed strange that he felt so eager to peep at Arielle. After all, she was a Moogle Different from humans. Maybe it was just his general attraction to girls, Arielle's cute and peppy personality, or just hidden kinks coming into the light After all, wouldn't it be like feeling horny for a fluffy pillow or a teddy bear?Visibility was a bit complicated doe to the few layers of steam that enveloped the room, but said steam was thin enough for our hero to really focus in what was happening.Arielle had just arrived, humming happily a tune which he would recognize as that familiar Chocobo theme. While she did, she undid the bun on her hair, letting it free to fall down down her back before she started to undo the straps and plates of her armor. The pieces dropped down upon a corner, while the cloth underneath was peeled off to reveal her full body to the young peeping tom.Despite her size, her body was very curvy With a nice set of hips and rear, a pair of perky breasts, all coated in her white fur alongside a slight ball of fluff that acted as tail. Something about it was so alurring and the way her body swayed as she walked towards the bath definitely made our hero wish he could hump at that pillow or teddy bear.... Primal curiosity had driven him to look at Arielle. Rin had things he simply had to know when it came to his protector in the earlier fight. He had wanted to know what a moogle's body looked like. He had wanted to know if her anatomy lined up with what his expectation of a female was, and sure enough he watched as she discarded the towel. She was a little more compact due to being short, but all the effeminant curves were there.With her armor on he had found her to be adorable, having seen her in combat he now respected her. At first it had seemed a little comical to hide behind someone who's short sword would probably qualify as a dagger in his hands, but he had seen first hand the skill with which she used it. Now as he peeped in from the bushes he was struck by a different admiration of her body.She was rather sexy. The figure and shape of her hips. He wondered how soft her fur was. He had touched the red pom pom on top of her head when they had first met it had been fuzzy and not something he had gripped all that tightly, but if the rest of her body was like that it would certianly feel different.Maybe like a really warm pillow? And the logistics of it, he had to wonder if she would even be able to fit around him due to her size, what did a male moogle's body look like was the cock human in shape? Did cum stick to her fur?So many questions that he honestly couldn't satisfy in the moment, and his time of adoration was running thin. In his house before when he had been spying on Mia it had been easy to hide, here there were no bushes or anything, this was a wall facing a garden. If anyone else went around for a night time stroll he would be caught, and he was pretty sure peeping in one the woman's bath house would count as a red card offense any day of the year regardless of law formation.So while he wished he could stick around to see more of his pint sized crush, he had to sneak away back to the tavern where at this late hour everyone was either drunk or passing out. That was till he was approached by Grezton. "Find your stroll enlightening?""Um... what?" Rin said blushing."Oh I was just wondering if you satisfied your curiosity when it came to you're fixed up legs, i overheard you at breakfast that you said you hadn't been able to walk before this." Grezton said adjusting his glasses."Ah.. well it was... good to feel the night air for once." He said still not sure if he had been caught."You know I have a feeling you will appreciate this more than I can, I rarely do get out into the field these days." Grezton reached into a pocket and retrieved two things. "My job keeps me here, keeping stock of all the guilds items." He was handed two things.One was a business card of some kind with hearts drawn on it, and an address in town. The Honey Bee Inn... a brothel? He quickly pocketed that, and looked at the other thing, it felt like it was made of glass, and was pink in color, he looked to Gazton. "Aren't these a little illegal?""Oh what's a rule if you can't enforce your own from time to time." Items Recieved Brothel pass x1 Law Card: No clothing x1 Exp Skill Recieved Peeping Tom: lvl up With those items quickly secured where he hoped no one would find them, Rin walked back up towards the room that Mia and him were going to be sharing, now tired, and a little worn out he opened the door. Arielle had now stepped into the bath with an audible, "Aaaah " of relaxation, completely unaware that she had previously been peeped at by the young Rin. As her body relaxed under the warm water, she simply let her thoughts slide away with just cheerful humming to accompany her.Her mind did wander somewhere. Pondering if anyone else had taken a bath...possibly one of the boys. She asked herself if maybe Rin'd need help, given he was not used to his legs yet. However the thought of a naked Rin quickly brought her to shake her head and shoo that thought away, her face blushing brightly. She decided not to think about it anymore and just relax.... As Rin arrived at the room, he'd find Mia ahd already felt into slumber. A soft coo left her lips in her lips quite adorable seeing her so relaxed even after these strange turns of events. She tossed and turned a bit, but that was something her brother knew was normal to her.What did catch his attention was when she tossed her sheets down just enough to show off more of her body in her sleep. Mostly just wearing a simple sleepwear with just her underwear underneath, it hugged plenty of her assets, making her quite the focus of Rin's eyes... Moving to his uncomcious sister Rin felt a touch odd. His sister was asleep tossing and turning completely vulnerable to him. She was always so guarded when it came to males, yet here she was so trusting and open to him. The thought that he could do anything to her occured to Rin and it both scared and excited him.He had seen Mia naked a few times. Mostly from watching her with Marcus and now he could live out a fantasy of touching her. Mia would never allow this kind of thing if she were awake. Even as he crawled into bed with her he knew he was violating her trust.But this could be his only chance to ever live out those fantasies. He was too broken too approach a girl on his own, and Mia she would hate him if she knew he had any desires towards her.Laying next to her he gently lifted her night gown seeing her stomach and touching Ma's smooth skin. He kissed her shoulder and then her neck rolling her to her side gently as she shifted in the bed. His hand slid up and under her gown pausing for a moment before sexual desires and curiosity brought him to the point where he could touch her breast for the first time. Learning what a woman felt like for the first time. Marcus applied the horn. Honestly what took that girl so long? Her brother he could understand the pathetic kid had no legs. So he expected him to slow everything to a crawl. Mia had much fewer excuses for her tardiness. She said swim practice at the pool would be over 15 minutes ago."If she isn't in this car in the next three I'm gonna leave her let her sort out her own ride home." He said to no one. The radio was pelting out the hits of the 70s to 90s and the music was helping to keep him calm bit it wouldn't last forever. Her body felt so soft and warm. every touch or kiss he gave was responded with a soft gasp or moan escaping Mia's mouth. Her body shivered slightly, but not enough to wake her.She felt like he always thought her skin'd feel, if not better. So smooth, so enticing.... Mia cursed herself as she rushed out. She had wished a little more time...just enough for her clothes to dry out. But alas, Marcus was growing impatient. And as much as annoying him was something that she'd considered fun, she knew well not to enrage him.And so, having finished swimming practice, Mia stepped out and entered the car, wearing her one piece black swimsuit and carrying her bag in her hands."Let's just go." She muttered softly, putting on the seatbelt. She assumed Rin was still at home. Seeing him was the one highlight of her day... It's wrong, he knew it was wrong. Laying there next to his sister. Rin could hear those moans, and gasps. His body easing in next to hers, His fingers trailed over her soft skin. He never actually thought he would get to touch Mia like this. He knew it was wrong to go any further than he did, that he had already crossed a line, but he had too at this point. By now he had a need, so often he had seen her with others, and yet he knew she had done all of it for him, time and time again.Guilt mixed with shame, and yet he was still so enticed. moving her shirt up so that he could lay his eyes on her breasts, laying Mia on her back so that he could press his lips to her soft mounts, his fingers trailing over her stomach. He played with the soft line of her panties, running his fingers over her womanhood, but didn't dip under her clothing. He wouldn't go that far. He was already doing damage to his ego and to everything the two siblings had done together, but he wouldn't rape Mia. Marcus sighed as she finally showed up, his eyes tracing over what she was wearing as she got into his car. She was still wet, and he could smell the pool water on her. Which raised the question if she didn't get changed, did she have a shower in the changing room? She told him to just go, but his eyes were focusing in on the swimsuit. He started the car, his hand however landed pretty firmly on her lap, squeezing her thigh as it got closer to her woman hood applying a soft pressure as he started to drive the car."There is no rush for us to get home. Why don't we go to pick up some dinner." Normally Marcus would love cooking in his home, but he had a feeling that they were going to be late going home, and picking up some dinner somewhere would make a good excuse for when they were questioned by her broken shit of a brother.His fingers dug against the harder matarial of her swim suit rubbing it tight against her clit. His other hand and eyes were now more focused on the steering wheel. "Did you take a shower today after practice?" Rin could hear every change in her sister. The slight trembling as his fingers traces across her delicate skin, her breathing becoming slowly heavier as he touched upon sensitive areas. Her nipples hardening at the arrival of sexual pleasure."Ahn...ah...."She could feel something, but still too immersed in her slumber to open her eyes. As rin stood on top of her, looking down on ehr beautiful frame, he could feel his erection pushing against the fabric of his sleepwear. Mia let a soft gasp when she felt something touch her thigh. Looking down filled her with pent up anger and disgust, once again Marcus taking advantage of his position of the driver as he just used her like a tool. Her mind still lingered on the first few times..."I did shower..." She said dryly, giving him a short frown. "Let's just go home already, please...cut it out..." She hated this. So much.When she felt his hand sneaking between her legs she managed to shuffle a bit to the side, making him loose grasp. Asmall victory, but one regardless. However, she could see that they were not in the route home. Heck, this seemed like a very distant route from it, very secluded by trees and not a lot of buildings or homes.What was he doing...? Rin could feel her body becoming aroused, how easy it would have been to just pull the fabric of his sisters panties aside, and to take her. If he did so gently enough he may not even wake her. He wasn't sure about that though, he had never had sex, he had never really shown his cock to anyone, or really gotten to compare sizes. The thing in his boxers may have actually been larger than what Mia was used too, if she was even 'used' to anything at all. Again even as he laid over top of her, seeing her, hearing those faint moans. He couldn't get himself to go that extra step.Even if he did he wasn't sure he would be pleasureful for her. Last long for her... Still his body was leaning over top of hers, he wanted something more, he saw her lips part, and had seen her kiss before. It couldn't be that hard to kiss a woman. He leaned in over her, pressing his lips to hers, gently of course he didn't want to wake Mia, his tongue dipped lightly against her lips, but he had to break the kiss before he could get more passionate fear of cutting off her airway or waking her from too long a moment held breath. Still... he had actually done it.and of course this was all without her permission. He eased up off of her for a moment. His body sitting back as he looked at her beautiful body. His hand going over his hard cock. He could pleasure himself, as he had done a number of times before. The frankly brazen thought of cumming on Mia was also on his mind. But making a mess of her would just add more evidence to what he was doing.So he made a deal with himself, he wouldn't allow himself to climax. Even as he started to play with himself, pulling down his boxers so that his full throbbing cock was exposed, and he stroked himself, he knew he wouldn't allow himself to get to a point where he could reach a climax. "mmmf...." He gasped and then felt scared like too loud a sound would wake his sister. this was insane... if she did wake what would she say.. what would he do? The fantasy of being caught was now just as tempting as the fantasy of actually taking her, fueling on his hand as he bit his lower lip, his face red with embarrassment.. His eyes kept going over her breasts. "Mmm mia, you're... fucking hot." His voice, strained to keep low as he stroked his cock over her body, he had to make sure he didn't wake her. Marcus felt her pull away from him, loosing his grasp on her feminine body. He smiled and patted her head admonishing her like the teenager she was. "I get that your tired from your swim team, but you should be more considerate, you didn't even ask me how my day was going. Or what I wanted."Marcus's hand gripped her hair a bit tighter, pulling her towards him, as he slowed the vehicle into a secluded glen off the highway. They were in farm land at the moment, one of the advantages of living out in the stix was that there was always some place to hide. He pulled Mia's lips towards him kissing her hard. His tongue slipping into her mouth aggressively, Holding her long hair tight and hard as he stole her lips passionately, before throwing her against her car door. "Out."He opened his door, and was out of the car walking around to her side. Opening her door his hand back on her head pulling her out of her seat in a matter of seconds throwing her into the dirt and gravel of the ground. "The swimsuit down around your knees, now." Mia's body never stop being a powerful fuel of lust for Rin. Now that he had his legs working, he could pose himself over her, savour her frame under him way more up close. It was simply delightful... She was starting to get nervous. Where was he going? Stopping in the middle of nowhere, "The heck do you thi " Mia's voice was interrupted by a forceful pull of the hair. He roughly grab her towards him and invaded her lips with his. "Mmmph!!!"When they split, she didn't have much time to react before she was forced out of the vehicle and into the rough ground. Rather than undo her swimsuit, she just glanced back at him with an angry defiant stare, while still on the floor. Of course, she also knew this'd lead to more roughness brought upon her... Rin moaned as he touched himself, his body sheltering over top of Mia for a moment, he realized that she was in a deep sleep, and the more he played with her body, the more wet her panties became. He leaned over her for moment, looking up at her face. His fingers moved to her hips, gently pulling down her panties. Violating yet more of his sister's privacy and trust, but uncovering her soft womanhood.He pressed his lips to it, finally answering the question of what she tasted like for himself, as his tongue brushed against her clit, he moaned into her flesh as his hand found his cock again, brushing and stroking himself playing with his shaft and cock as his tongue ran over her womanhood. His eyes closing as he played with her. Seeing Mia go down and not get up to follow his orders Marcus sighed, going to her, he grabbed her by the arm. Picking her up onto her feet, he stood behind her. His hands grabbing her, and bending her body over the hood of his car. The hot engine purring against her face as he held her down with one hand, working her swimsuit off of her with the other pulling it down so that her breasts were exposed to the heated metal.He didn't go so far as to pull down the swim suit around her knees, rather now that it was loose on her, he pulled the fabric to one side exposing her asshole and cunt. His hand smacked her bare ass, spanking her hard. "Why don't you just do as I tell you!" He hit her a second time his hand aiming to bruise the young teens ass. His fingers roughly plunged into her cunt, forcing her tight hole to accept two of his fingers at once, rubbing inside her, and moving independantly of one another so as to spread her out. All while his other hand kept her body pressed to the car, her legs unable to reach the ground due to the positioning. Mia continued to not wake up. But her voice did unconsciously react to the feeling she was receiving. "A ahn...ahn...." She softly cried, weak and shivering moans while her body shivered. Her breasts heaved softly at the sound of her breath deepening. Rin was hitting quite the weak spot on hers, which just made it all the hotter... Mia cried as she was roughly pulled. Before any other word was uttered she was slammed down upon the hood while his hands kept caressing and grip at her body."A aah n no...!!!" Mia cried as Marcus pulled at her swimsuit. Her breasts were revealed and pressed against the hood while the cover of her legs pulled to the side before a hard spanking. "A aaaahg!! Ahn..." His fingers enter her hard and rapid, pushing in and out. Her womanhood tightening around them each time, causing her to involuntarily moan. With Mia's shivering and heavy breathing Rin could practically feel Mia's hips moving in her sleep. Her soft cries made him want to do more of this, but he knew that if he got caught it would be over for him. He looked to Mia, as much as he loved seeing her like this he couldn't get over the fact that he was invading her. His tongue going over her cunt a few more times before he finally pulled himself back from Mia, and putting her panties back on, he put her shirt back down around her. While she was still shivering from pleasure he felt kinda mean. Like he was torturing her or leaving her without forcing her unconcious body to have an orgasm.He brushed a hand over Mia's breast, gently rubbing her chest and the fabric pulling on her nipple as he looked at her sleeping form. before tucking her into bed, leaving her to figure out what to do now that she was so wet.He went to his own bed. It was late, it had to be past midnight, and he knew he needed sleep, but damn it now he was more than just rock hard. Sitting on his bed with his cock out, he eventually just had to deal with himself. Taking a pillow between his legs, he was still watching Mia's unconicous body as he started to rub himself off using the pillow as means to an end humping it. He thought back to the soft fur of Arielle. "hmmf." His own heavy breathing moving his chest hard as he started to hump and grind against the bedding seeking out his own release. "God... I hope you wake up." He moaned, softly, he was sure that he had added a don't to that sentence, but his body was saying something very different as he was getting louder with his grinding against the pillow case. Mia's moans and cries for sexual attention, even as he was rough with her betrayed everything. This was something that Marcus loved about this girl. She was always saying no she didn't want it, but she became wet in seconds. "Gods you are such a slut." He said softly his fingers still pounding into her depths."It doesn't matter to you who touches you does it?" the hand holding her down lifted from her back only to smack against her thigh a moment later. Any bruises he left on her today would be healed by the time her next swim team meeting was in play so who cared. He could do as he pleased. His fingers pulled out of her, and he grabbed her, lifting her off the car, his thumbs hooking into her swimsuit and he finally pulled it down around her knees like he had told her too.Dragging her naked body into the back of the car, he opened it, throwing her onto the seat as he pulled out his cock, and moments later he was inside of her, looming over her, holding her down as he fucked her pussy in the back of his car. "And you always feel so damn good." Rei's sensations just continued to increase. As his bed rocked with his humping, his hard cock rubbed against the fabric of the pillow, frantically pounding as his mind wandered. He felt so good...he imagined Arielle underneath, her small frame pounded by his large dick He imagined Mia, crying his name in pleasure from under him... "A ahn...ahn.." Mia couldn't respond. Marcus frantic fingering just made her cry out in between her calls of disgust. This mixed with ehr winces everytime he smacked on her rear hard.The man then pulled at her swimsuit and dully undressed her before yanking her to the backseat. "N no...please d don't..." Mia begged only to cry loudly when Marcus pushed his cock inside her in one rough thrust.The girl bit her lower lip, trying her best to cease her moans. Her hands were held by the man while his hips pushed into her womanhood. The fabric of the seats rubbed against her naked back while the car softly rocked with their sex.... The thought of somehow fucking both women at the same time was a bit much as he rocked his hips back and forth, the pillow trapped between his now working legs as the bed squealed and squeaked under him. He had now felt and tasted Mia. The smell of her juices still touched his breath. he could taste Mia on his tongue, and the thought of his cock ramming poor tight Arielle while he ate his sister out was thrilling.He was panting now, letting out moans as his tongue drolled out of his face red with a blush as he was naked, giving the pillow between his legs litterally everything he had. "Mia, Oh..." He was cumming, he could feel it, the tell tail signs of contracting muscles, the heat up and down his thick rod, he was going to reach a climax. He tried to bite it back, but he couldn't his eyes rolled back for a moment as he climaxed on the pillow case, his cum squirting and even falling as far as the bed sheets. He breathed panting heavily looking at the mess he made. His hands were covered in it, and he sighed heavily in relief.He took the pillow case off, and used it to wipe up the majority of the cum cleaning up everything, he tossed it to the side of the bed where it wouldn't be noticed, and fell down, the post sex high coming into the cold shame he normally felt. He was such an asshole. He had just violated Mia's trust and as he redressed himseelf, before crawling into bed he just sighed, and looked at the roof. He was just as bad as Marcus, probably worse, at least he had the courage to take what he wanted when Mia was awake. "See this is what I love about you." Marcus said fucking Mia roughly to the sway of the car his cock deep inside of her with each movement as he held himself over top of her. It didn't matter that she had protested, because now she could hardly string together a single sentence. He reached out and grabbed one of her breasts fucking her harder as he squeezed her nipple pinching her as he rocked his hips against her."You say no every time, but you always squeeze me so tight. Your just a little whore in training." He kissed Mia's mouth his tongue roughly entering and filling her mouth tasting her saliva in the passionate kiss, and biting her lower lip as he pulled his mouth back."Wrap your legs around daddy, come on, hold me close while I fuck you." His tone was gentle, but his treatment of her body was anything but as his nails were digging into her soft round breasts. His cock was audible against her, the wet smacking of his hips against hers with every thrust filled the room. Mia remained asleep, completely unaware of what had transpired. Rin had now hid his sinful evidence and prepared for slumber, all while the young lass continued to be trapped within her dream memories... Mia could feel and hear everything. The rocking of the car, the slapping of Marcus' skin against hers His grunting and heaves as he pushed his length roughly inside of her. It was a constant mess of noises, all piercing her head as it reminded her of the situation she was in."N no...d don't..." She cried weakly, drowned on involuntary moans and gasps. Her breasts kneaded by his hand as his length smacked hard against her core. Being bigger and stronger, he had no trouble in push it deeply, hitting exact where she could feel it the most. "Ahn...ahn...n no..."She felt like she was losing control over her body. Her mind leaving her self as it could only gasp from afar at the sinful action that was occurring. She knew she should have dressed quickly but did not have time, she knew her swimsuit would incite him to do this...she just had wished that just once it wouldn't end like this."R rin..." She muttered softly in between ehr gasps. her mind trying to cling to the image of her brother to escape Marcus. Marcus was panting now in exhilaration taking Mia's body and doing with as he pleased. He was fucking his darling little adopted girl raw, and he loved it. He heard her panting and moaning, her voice week whenever she tried to protest like her heart wasn't really in it, and how could it be when she had enticed him to do this, practically invited him to fuck her, and made it so easy to spread her body out on the back seat of his car.When she moaned her brothers name though, that caused the rocking to stop. "Did you just call out your pathetic, broken, brothers name during sex? That's fucked up, your more of a whore than I thought if you would let that kids dick anywhere near you." He laughed for a moment, though it was clear that something about that had sparked some sort of anger. Probably the thought that she wasn't paying attention to him, trying to think of some other man in her life rather than focus on the cock that was right inside of her.He slapped her hard across the face this time not playing around. He pulled out of her adjusting her, grabbing her so that he could turn her over, pulling her half out of the car so that her feet now touched the gravel of the road. He grabbed her hair, pulling her face up as he slammed his cock back inside of her pussy. He fucked her now in this new position where he could apply his weight however he wanted, his body leaned over hers.His hand came down against her backside, slapping her ass hard again spanking her. "Go on, Say it again, say his name I fucking dare you. Tell your little bitch of a brother how much you want that broken dick." His small moment of stop managed to let her mind regain some control, although just slightly. However his words made her quickly react. "T that's not...that's not whatI mea " Right before getting slapped, wincing.She just tried to think of something nice, not fuck him like Marcus did to her. But it seemed the mere implication that she was thinking of someone else really riled the man up. And before long she was flipped over, halfway out of the car as Marcus held her by the hair and then entered once more, roughly pounding at her."ahn...ahn...n no...please..." She begged, followed by another set of involuntary moans. She hated that he knew the city well That her luck was horrible that nobody seemed to be passing by. At the same time, could she ever live with that shame...?"Ngh...ah...f fuck..." She groaned. Her breasts bouncing with every hard thrust. Marcus had selected a farm road, and the place they had pulled into, while it had a gravel path, covered by trees, the only people that would have come this way was the family of whom ever owned this small dirt of land, or maybe a logging truck if the road was in use during season. It was a back woods location and she wouldn't be getting out of his grasp because of it. He moaned as he held her hair still tight. His other hand grabbed one of her legs lifting it up so that it would turn her bode sideways so that he could better enjoy the sight of her tits bouncing."Come on, say it!" He said squeezing her thigh and hair, pulling her apart in an odd way, his nails digging into the soft smooth flesh of her legs as he twisted her about. His own body bounced slightly with each thrust, if anyone did come by there would be no denying what he was doing to his little girl. He dropped her leg for a moment to grab her swim suit, and pull it completely off her body tossing it to the ground inside the car, so that he could grab her ankle and stretch her legs as far apart as possible."Call out for his cock, you little whore." He was on the verge of actually beating her the way his body bared over her, the way his hips were grinding against her."Imagine having to move your hips, as you fuck that cripple dick! if it even works." "D don't say things like that....ahn...a about my brother..." Mia cried. A mixture between anguish and anger. He wanted him to stop. What he was doing to her was one thing, but adding Rin into the equation was something that riled her up in fury.Of course this changed little As she was still incapable of escaping his grasp. Her breasts bounced and bounced, now fully nude for the man's enjoyment. Biting at her lower lip, Mia tried her best to muffle her involuntary cries... He could feel her actually now starting to struggle against him, he pulled his cock out of her, letting himself catch his breath so that he didn't climax too quickly, the way she was talking, trying her hardest to put up strength he had never actually seen her fired up, well not since the first night he had done this, he had really struck a nerve with this. He smiled, that was fun, now he had to hear her, even if she wasn't calling out for her 'daddy' he would break her. "I'll fucking say what ever I want about that waist of cash. Remember I could still throw both of you out on the street!"He grabbed one of her arms, lifting her out of the car for a moment. Holding her while he dragged her about sitting down in the passenger seat, adjusting it so that he could sit far back, and lean the chair. He grabbed Mia, and forced her to straddle his cock, forcing her to fuck him while he sat. In a mocking image of what he imagined her brother would feel like, He forced her to sit back atop his cock. Her body facing out away from him reverse cowgirl so that she could look out into sea of trees and green in front of the car.Bouncing her on his lap he smacked her thigh roughly, and it was clear that he was going to be no less gentle in this position than he would be any other. "Come on, look, I'm even fucking you the only way he could." Mia found it difficult to snap back at him. The position he held her and th fact that he was going harder and harder It means most of her voice was being replaced by moans and cries. Any attempt she did just came out muffled by her own pleasure sounds. "Aahn...s sto oooh...nngh..."She hated it. She hated that her body surrendered to the feeling. But she kenw he had control He could be bluffing...or he could not. She couldn't risk that with Rin in that state. Her breasts kept on bouncing even in this new position, at least glad she didn't have to look at his face anymore."J what you want..." She muttered, a tone of disdain mixed with her pleasure. "Oh but it's not what I want to do to you that will be keeping you fed, and clothed." He said his hands lifting off her as she started to submit though he did bounce her up and down with his hips, his cock still pounding into her as his hands reached her breasts, cupping and playing with them as he fucked her."It's about what I want you to do, say it, or else I'll find ways for him to suffer the consiquences." He knew that he broke her the moment he threatened her brother, he knew he could further twist that knife and get her to do as he pleased, he had been trying to evoke words from her throat for a while now, and it was clear from his tone that her continued defiance to not do as he told her was getting to him. His hands running over her body lifting and keeping her legs parted as he fucked her in the seat."Come on Mia, be a good girl, and protect your family." His voice more soothing, even though his movements with her were still rough as all hell squeezing her, biting her shoulder, afflicting paint onto her body while he bounced her. Trying now to bring her to the throws of pleasure it was clear this was the position he was going to keep her in till she reached her orgasm. "Ahn...ngh..." Mia wanted to resist, oh she wanted to fight back. But she couldn't...she knew she couldn't..."F fuck...nggh..." Amongst the rough bouncing MArcus had her in, she was trying to get the words out. The words she knew he wanted to hear."F" She stuttered followed by a moan, "Ooh...f fuck me more D daddy...." "There we go, that's my little slut." Marcus's voice so sweet as he spoke his hand trailing down her stomach, gripping her clit between his finger and thumb rubbing her sensitive flesh hard while she bounced moaning on his cock her loud sexual noises cute and pleasureful to him as he moaned in pleasure enjoying every second of bringing Mia to a heavy climax.His hips grind'd continually against her, she would feel his thick cock heating up inside of her, getting ready to release it's own load inside of her, as he breathed and panted. "G good, girl." He moaned gripping her body tight as he fucked her heavily.His last few moans piercing as he reached a heavy climax inside of her, his cum filling her as his cock pumped and twitched his warm seed against her inner walls. As he held her body against his, he reached down into his pocket taking out his cellphone. "Smile for the camera." He said taking photo's of her as his cum leaked out of her cunt. Mia couldn't stop herself at this point. Her body was under his control, and any intend to fight it'd lead to more anger. Her voice kept coming out as moans, her body continuing to bounce on his cock.Eventually she reached it, her climax. With a loud cry she tensed greatly. Her body felt weaker, shivering almost. She could feel his seed inside her, gushing and moving into her. Luckily she always took pills to avoid any accidents...Panting softly, Mia was at a loss of words..."Damnit...damnit all..."She cursed in the confines of her mind... The road home was a somewhat long one. Bags filled with fast food were at the back. Mostly an excuse to explain how long they took. Marcus seemed happy, driving across the road as everything was right with the world.Mia, however, was still at forced work. Lowered under the seats, giving the man a road head under his command bobbing her head up and down his shaft. Marcus had to try his best to focus on the road as Mia's talented mouth bobbed up and down his cock wet with their combined sexual juices, he had one hand on the wheel. The other was petting Mia's soft hair, brushing her dark hair in a loving way treating her as if she was a cat or other pet as he did. Mostly because he knew the motion would humiliate her."That's it suck up the mess, we don't want any evidence left behind. How does my cock taste?" Marcus asked softly, his voice so sweet as he let out a small moan, Her bobbing and the sounds of his cock being slurped up in her mouth were keeping him hard, and almost ready to reach another climax, He wasn't pushing her head down however, nor was he forcing his cock down her throat. He knew that she would do those things on her own with enough time."Come on, tell me how you like your 'treat'." He teased her, and at the same time his hand moved down her back, tickling her, he had allowed her to put her swim suit back on when they had gone for food, but only her swimsuit. Mia gave a quick response. "G good..." Just a few seconds before going back to taking his cock into her mouth. She moved up and down, taking more of his length as she fought to hold her tears. She had no choice, she just had to endure it for her sake and Rin's.She kept going, knowing well how much he enjoyed this. Marcus kept petting Mia's head as she dutifully sucked his cock he moaned and shivered in his seat, trying to keep his eyes open and focused on the road even as he felt her skilled tongue rolling over the head of his cock. He simply ran his hand comfortably through Mia's long black hair as he listened to how good his cock tasted.As he pulled up into his drive way his hips were bucking against her mouth, though not forcefully fucking her throat he was pushing her to do more with him, as he moaned loudly. "This is it... Drink up, hold daddy's cock juice, don't swallow yet."His cum squirted against her lips and tongue filling her mouth as he came his sensitive flesh throbbing against her tongue as he moaned panting Mia's name before he turned off the car's engine. He motioned for her to rise. "Tongue out let me see you enjoying the taste, and then let me see that you swallow every last drop."He adjusted his pants putting himself back together. Mia could feel him erupting inside of her mouth. The salty liquid hitting the back of her throat as she had to held it there for his amusement. Defeated, she opened her mouth, sticking her tongue out as she showed the seed to him, followed by her swallowing it entirely moments later.She was soon taken out of the car, her body still sore but showing no signs of the sinful experiences she was forced previously on the side of the road. As usual Rin, not anyone for that matter, would know of what happened All except for her and Marcus.... Mia finally managed to wake up as morning arrived, a groan that mixed confusion with a bit of annoyance. Her body felt a little strange if a bit sweaty. Strangely hot, with a strange itch that kept bugging her, but she tried to ignore."No...that stupid nightmare couldn't have gotten me all bothered..."She forced herself in her mind. Still, she could felt her lower lips were a bit moist. Ugh, she didn't want to deal with this and so got up and moved towards Rin."Rin? Rin wake up, it's morning..." Rin hadn't slept well, and in his slumber he had tossed aside the majority of his bedding, leaving very little to cover his fully naked body as he laid sleeping, waking as Mia told him too, he turned towards her, and in doing so the last few fabrics that hid anything from her sight fell away revealing everything that Rin would have had to offer as a male, his cock hardened by the morning, his chest and upper body was well maintained with soft muscle showing and a thin stomach with a trail of dark hair that ran down to the bush around his thick cock and swaying balls, Rin's face was a soft warm smile, as he stretched out, his legs moving under his command realizing that yesterday hadn't just been a dream he still had the power to walk under his own command."Morning Mia..." It wasn't for a few seconds after he spoke to her that he realized he had ditched his clothing during last nights escapade with the pillow, and he quickly grabbed the blanket to cover himself though the damage was aleady well done at that point his naked body had been on complete display for her. "Um... Sorry, it got hot last night, i kinda forgot." He felt mortified, he wasn't even sure what to say."could you... wait outside while I get dressed?" He said with a heavy blush forming on his face. He had just shown his body to Mia... what the hell was wrong with him? Mia's eyes widened the moment Rin got up from the bed. Cheeks immediately heating up and gaining a red hue at the sight of her brother's naked frame. "U um, morning...!?"Did he always slept like this? Would be hard to do so when he was crippled, still she never knew. Her eyes couldn't help, even if just a second, to eye down his body. His chest down to his..rather big length...She managed to push the thought away and turn around, hidding her bright flush. "S sure. Sorry about that..." And so the young lass rushed outside the room and waited.The ehating feeling she had continued, hell, it increased a bit now."Ugh, what the hell is wrong with me...?" Rin watched Mia fluster, his own face bright red, he looked down at himself, why was he so hard, even after the masturbation session that he had gone through last night he body was wracked with the need for attention. He slowly got up out of bed testing his legs for a moment, pulling on some clothing like the robes from yesterday. he sighed as he realized that robes and boxers didn't actually hide his errection. the loose clothing pointed forward."Who designed this shit! I'd kill for some armor or something." He muttered, anything to actually protect and hide his dick at the moment. He didn't need to guess if Mia had seen it, he had tracked her eye movements. A small part of him wondered if she liked what she had seen, how did his compare to someone like say Marcus, or anyone else for that matter. His body was screaming for attention, but he was not going to spend another day humping a pillow, as he put his shirt back on, the card for the honey bee inn fell out of it. It would be a bit of a diversion, but he had coin now.He stepped outside after getting dressed, "hey Mia, the room is yours now, I'm gonna go explore the town for a bit." His face was still red, and as he walked with his staff, he was actually managing a small light jog to get away from this awkward situation he had created. the door across from the twin's room opened, and Conz stepped out seeing or rather smelling Mia. He looked at her, immediately he could tell everything that was going on with her, just from the strong scent of how aroused she was. He lifted his blind fold, and looked at her. "Do you need help?" He asked his door open, the lizard clearly inviting her back into his room. "You smell like a hot mess."Conz said not wanting to sugar coat what he was seeing, but still trying to be kind in his own way. Mia was a bit puzzled by how quickly her brother rushed out. She extended a hand to him, but before she could say anything else he was already gone. The young lass sighed, but tried to rationalize herself. After all, it was fine for a curious young lad like him to explore the town, right? Specially after regaining his leg movement back.Rin was a smart boy, she knew that. So she should worry as much. That's when the Bangaa ally showed up."Help? W what do you mean?" She asked, part confused. She wasn't sure what he meant exactly. But still feel that strange feeling coursing through her. She was trying her best to ignore it of course.Of course it wasn't just about helping her. For Coz, her scent of sex was really doing it for him. Despite his usual deadpan and reserved attitude, he was getting really aroused towards her. Her arrival, the forest, now...his mind kept bugging him about the lust he was gaining over her body... Rin got outside the bar, and was panting heavily, his legs already burning along with is lungs, He hadn't really intended to run, and yet he had the immense feeling like he had to get the fuck out of the inn. Some part of the back of his mind told him to go back, that it was just a bit of nudity, and that he had nothing to be ashamed of, that he really needed to work on getting coin, and working with Mia right now. Turning her away would be stupid and immature.Yet he also knew that going back would lead into him having to explain why he had slept naked, or why he had been so aroused. Maybe even explaining what he had done to her the night prior. The safer option was just to avoid any conversation with Mia.He felt his pockets, and found the card for the Honey bee in. He looked over the card for a moment or two, he was really going to go about this? It made sense, he had nothing he could really offer a woman, let alone someone like Mia or Arielle. Going to a place where he just had to put money down on a payment, and not have to worry about being judged... made more sense. It wasn't that he was weak, he just... needed experience he had never touched a woman before last night, and Mia didn't count... not really since it had been molestation really.Walking around town to find the place took a bit of work. The guild was near the center of town, but the brothel was a more hidden building. Finding the place was an adventure in it's own way. Walking in, he was greeted by the odd smell of incense and perfume, a pink lined interior array of wealth and cloth. He couldn't exactly hide the blush that formed on his face as he walked along the entrance way. How did this even work? Did he just make a request. The place had an array of doors, and he found himself looking at the reception counter. He swallowed as he looked around feeling nervous. "Um, hello?" Conz walked around Mia, his sense of smell telling him a lot, he could also smell what her brother had been doing in his side of the room, but didn't connect the dots that he had been the one touching her. Rather he just assumed that she being close to someone else masturbating had caused her to become aroused. And it was that smell, the smell of her arousal that really brought his mind back to more savage thoughts.He smiled lightly, and decided to show, not really tell, his hand slapping Mia's backside grabbing her ass with a strong claw, as he stood next to her. "Come with me, You smell like you need to let off some steam." He wasn't really sure if this was a good idea, but every time he had been around her so far she had seemed completely aroused, there was a fire in her, that he was determined to set off."You're body is trying to tell you it wants attention, it's not a good idea to ignore it." As Rin made his way inside the Honey Bee Inn, his eyes quickly drew to its main appeal. Girls of all types and races, currently walking around the area, all dressed in bee or bee inspired attired And all of it skimpy and revealed. Many hume women alongside Viera, even some races he did not recognized being native from Ivalice...The Vieras specially caught his sight. Finally seeing them up close Not just drawings or pixels on the screen. As beatiful as he ever dreamed Tall, busty and with amazing rears and hips...The room he was in appeared like some kind of pub or far. A lot of men seated by tables, taking in drinks while some bards played upon a small stage. The lighting dim, but soothing. The one different from a normal inn, however were the many girls that were bringing drinks to the tables, alongside some seated by the customers.He noticed a particular Bangaa man currently seated between two cute human girls. Him even groping the breast of one in front of everyone with no shame. He also noted another one which had some Hume folks talking, but one of them currently had some kind of catgirl lady kneeled down, currently sucking him off. There was even a male Moogle sit by a corner, adorably gasping and breathing heavily, as a beautiful tall Viera was stroking him off from underneath the table..."May I help you "The young lad turned back to see a woman of curly red hair, wearing a sexy bee themed outfit, standing before him. "Welcome to the Honey Bee Inn. Is this your first time in our humble establishment?" Mia gasped when she felt it. His big hand fiercely gripping at her butt. Digging in and feeling her up, she recognized very well what that entailed. Her face reddened, her body tensed. Was this for real? Conz wanted to...with her!?A thousand thoughts crossed her mind at once. Of course she was nervous, as memories of Marcus resurfaced into her head....she also pondered if it was even possible, given this was no human, but a tall muscular lizardman....still...there was some curiosity in ehr mind. How did BAngaas looked udner all that clothing? Could they really mate with Humes? How does his thing fee Mia quickly forced the thoughts out of her brain before exclaimed. "I I can't do that! That shouldn't be!" Still, that scent remained in her, and it was driving Conz crazy. It wasn't just for her, it was also for him...he was also the one currently unable to get her off his mind...hecraved her... Rin was flushed from the moment he walked in. Seeing so many different scenes. So many men and women going about sex so casually, he was already kinda hard under his robes, and he didn't even know where to start. The thing that was constantly drawing his eyes were the Viera, he swallowed and nodded when he was asked if this was his first time here. He was far too embarassed to try and do something in the open floor. He could see that to some people it didn't matter, as one man was just pushing his cock inside of a woman on top of a table. He had to avert his eyes.He focused on the Red head, at the counter. Rin opened his mouth to answer, and felt like an idiot, his voice wouldn't really come out, so instead he just nodded. Till finally when he did speak it was after a few minutes. "First time." He admitted, not just meaning the place, but literally everything here was new to him.Sneaking peaks, and watching, masturbating and fantasizing over the women in his life did not compare to the real thing. "Could... I get a room, away from all the eyes." He said softly. Unsure what else he was supposed to request, did he just flag down one of the Viera? Did they take the money up front?Was what he carrying even enough to get him everything he wanted? There were a million and three questions running about in Rin's head, he walked with his staff. He was leaning on it, slightly out of breath from all the walking. He felt like an old man. The muscles in his legs were building, but it would be a while before he was able to run a 5k or anything of that like. "Um... I'd like a Viera... one with more experience."It was his first time, and he wasn't sure how to put it, but he wanted someone who would be understanding of him, kind, and whom wouldn't exactly laugh at him. He had heard a lot of the things Marcus would say about him during sex, broken, half a man. Even with his legs back, this was new territory, he wanted to learn how to please a woman, he needed someone who could teach him. Conz, scoffed slightly he could tell the hesitation she had before she had pulled away, and he could still smell the arousal from her body. Something about her told him that it was okay to be forceful at this time. He reached down, and scooped up Mia with one arm, slinging the smaller teen over his shoulder like an old fashioned kidnapper from a silent film. Carrying her directly into his room, and shutting the door behind him.She hadn't said no, at least not directly with her sputtering, instead relying on things like we can't, but they most certainly could. He carried her to his bed, where, he put her down, more gently this time though than he had the first time around. His room was dark, the windows closed with heavy blinds. He had told her that his eyes were weak to light which was why he preferred to work on the night shift. There was also the odd fragrance of burnt incense and perfumes about the room. He slowly undid his blind fold, before going about the room, lighting candles.As he did the room became slightly more romantic in a way, illuminated only by the gentle flickering light by which Conz could see, and see he did, with his eyes locked towards Mia. "I'll be gentle with you... at first." He said softly, moving a large hand over her, touching her head, gently brushing her hair for a moment. Before he went about stripping off his own clothing, his eyes never leaving Mia as he clearly expected her to do the same. A white cream underbelly was exposed, with expansive muscles, arms that could hurt her if she resisted, but were aimed more at protecting her. He didn't insult her or think less of her.But he wanted her, and that became apparent when his pants came off. The lizard mans cock was thick, and it was hard, excited just by Mia's smell. It twitched as it came into contact with the open air, free'd from the clothing that had restrained it. Every part of him was craving Mia, and he was watching her, expecting her to say yes, but he also wasn't blocking her from the door. The redhead listened to his soft and nervous requests and smiled. "I see. Don't worry, we have plenty of good workers that will make your first time quite enjoyable " She said in a alluring tone. Softly grabbing his hand, she led him further into the complex.As they walked, Rin could notice more of the Honey Bee Inn provided. As he walked by the more open room he noticed a beautiful woman of horns and scales and tail, currently working on a dance pole, contorting and swinging her body to the delight of the public.Going through a hallway, the young lad was presented with another stage, this one behind a glass window as some people sat by some comfy seats watching. Pass the window was a beautiful Viera, currently being taken by all sides by a group of men, gangbanging her without stopping. The patrons enjoying the show appeared eager, masturbating to what they were watching without shame. One of them even had a Hume girl currently sucking him off as he watched."As you see, we have plenty of different ways to give our clients a fantastic time. But here we are " Said the attendant, finally reaching a long hallways filled with many doors. While somewhat muffled and faint, Rin could still heard some noises Shaking and rocking alongside cries of affirmation and moans of delight.Finally, she lead him into a room. The place was well decorated, with a soft large bed and carpeted floors, alongside a fluffy cough. and dim lighting coming from enchanted lanterns. "We'll send a worker of your description in a moment. Now please relax " With that the women left Rin to his own devices, closing the door behind her.And soon enough, it happened. The door opened once more as a newcomer walked inside the room. A tall and beautiful Viera, of long silvery white locks delicious and smooth ebony brown skin except for a few scar markings upon back and arms. Her curves simply divine, and her big bossom bouncing with every step. She was wearing a black and white set of lingerie keeping with the bee theme in some way, as well as some kind of black chocker with rune markings on it."Welcome. My name isSerea. I heard this was your first visit " She said softly, sitting at the edge of the bed with him. Mia didn't have a moment to object before she was suddenly lifted by the tall bangaa and carried on his back. "H hey! What are you doing!?" She exclaimed, struggling slightly, but unable to really free herself.She was then pushed into Conz's bed. She was rather taken back by the darkened room alongside the soft lighting of the candles. Her breathing accelerated due to her previous struggling, she had a faint shade of red in her cheeks as she looked at him, panting softly. The mere sigh of her like that, so vulnerable atop his bed, fueled Con'z desires even more.A soft gasp escaped her when he undid his blindfold, making it the first time she saw his eyes. There was something about his gesture that made things feel different. He was being dominating, but not in a way that came off as just claiming her against her will This gesture seemed to make her think that, which only increased her blush..."Y you really...want this..."Eyes widened then when he removed all of his clothing. He was huge! A big thick cock throbbing and wiggling slightly as he stared at her. Was he that pent up because of her? she couldn't really think right now. Unconciously, it appeared she had realized she had no choice Undoing her robes as they fell to the ground.The older Bangaa now had her on his bed, fully naked as she stared at him blushing. His lust and desire hitting the top...he desired much... Rin's eyes kept searching about the place unable to really believe what he was seeing. Was this place even legal? On earth he knew for a fact that a few countries would never allow something like this, but here it seemed common place. Passing by all of the displays of lust and wealth, people drinking while getting their cocks sucked, not even paying attention to those around them, just watching perverted display after another.It sent a shiver up and down his spine that he wasn't sure he was okay with it all. Rin wasn't sure he liked this place. He had watched Mia get fucked often enough that he could recognize when a woman was actually enjoying herself or if they were just pretending, and a lot of these women well they were just putting on a show. He shivered slightly as he was lead into a private room and told to make himself comfortable. He nodded, but could only really force himself to sit on the bed.He didn't inspect the sheets too carefully, only checking that they had been freshly washed. He looked around and felt a sinking feeling in his gut. He wasn't sure what he was doing here all of the sudden, and felt kind of weak in the knees. Perhaps run?Then the woman arrived, tall, tan brown skin, with a long pair of bunny ears. He walked up to her, his eyes searching over her for a moment, taking in the beauty of the taller woman. He had never seen anyone so elegant, and slender, so unreal. His words got caught in his throat for a moment, and he reached out touching her hand, clasping it in his own for a moment to lead her further into the room, and shut the door behind him."Rin... My name is Rin." he said looking up at her ears, he had a peculiar fascination with them for a moment, and out of curiosity he moved his hand. "Sorry, I've never actually... seen one of your kind in person Serea, do you mind if I touch you?" He waited to get her afirmation before gently reaching up to touch her ear, brushing the soft fur with his finger and thumb, a slight blush upon his face."It's... my first." He nodded after a moment. "I've never done anything personally before. I've watched.... a few times. But I've never... done anything." Maybe he shouldn't be here."I... don't really know how to start." He said softly Conz's lips touched her neck, sharp teeth, nibbling for a moment against her as his tongue tasted her sweat. His body was still towering over her, and he gently touched her, his hand engulfed her breast as he cupped it in his palm. Touching the smaller hume girl, and exploring the teens sensitive areas. He explored her for a moment with his eyes. Needing to be close to actually see her.He moved onto the bed, his knees bending as he did. Moving closer to her, he could smell her body, and it drove him mad. He grabbed one of her ankles and with a pull she would find herself on her back, her legs spread open, though not for his cock. That remained close to her face as he was over top of her body, his thighs on either side of the girls head. His large member touched her cheek and rubbed against her face, but was not Conz's main attention.His focus was with his own eyes, and mouth, which were now set to a more gentle task. His long lizard like tongue, reached deep inside of Mia's woman hood, scraping her insides as he let out heated breats that fell on her skin. His long muzzle was pressed against her flesh, with his teeth teasing her skin tickling her as he licked her. His tongue squirmed unnaturally inside of her, tasting her depths, and pressing deeply against her walls. His hands on her ankles, made sure that her legs couldn't squirm away or reject him. Serea noticed the boy's nervousness. Even before he was able to say, she could already tell this was his first time. The beautiful Viera sat by his side on the edge of the bed, a hand softly resting upon his lap."It is fine. Do not fret..." She soothe him as she gave his a warm and kind smile. Rin could feeling This was genuine. "You're free to touch me if you like..." Tenderly holding his hand she lead it to her body, placing it right above her breast, then freeing him to touch and caress wherever he pleased."We should probably start by helping you relax..." The hand on his lap started to move, and soon Rin felt his pants being unbuckled before her member was taken into the open as her soft hand wrapped around the shaft."Despite your first time. I must say you're quite endowed..." Already Conz was lunging at her, letting a soft gasp escape her lips when his mouth and tongue started to taste her naked body. She could feel his loger tongue cross through her skin. Somewhat raspier than a human's, yet not painful. Her body shivered, already sensitive due to the having awoken with such a turn on. Her nipples quickly became more rigid as well.For Conz it was so incredible. Her body was so soft, her scent so enticing, her body almost seemed to glow faintly under the dim lighting.. Her innocent figure, blushing shyly as soft pants of pleasure managed to slid out just caused his cock to throb in anticipation.Before long, she was placed against the bed while he climbed on top of her. Eyes widened as his cock now stood only inched from her. Seeing so close, it was definitely bigger than marcus, or anyone she had ever seen before. But before she could dwell on that her eyes, widened, mouth gaping open..She could feel him. His tongue invading into her slit, it's length making it push deep and lick upon her core. "A aaaah!!" She cried, as a powerful jol of pleasure invaded her against her while. Her legs trembled slightly at the sheer force of it, this was followed by another gasp and another moan, since the Bangaa continued his assault. Rin felt his hand being moved to her breast, he touched her soft body for a moment, caressing her over her clothing. She told him to touch her however he pleased, and Rin nodded softly, though as she went to unbuckle his pants it was clear from his reaction that he was nervous about being judged. He had been called a lot of names over the years, he had heard Marcus refer to him as broken, so hearing something akin to genuine praise was... odd.He let out a soft strangled moan as he tried to fight it back for a moment, Rin wanted to lay back, but his eyes were focused on the Veira, Serea had been her name. He moved himself closer to her. Leaning up, so that his hand could lightly touch her ear. He was still entranced by the long bunny like ears of her body. Some part of him wanted to see if they were particularly sensitive. He touched her but softly, running his fingers along the fur's grain and petting her in a way. "They are so soft." And kinda warm. His heart skipped a beat as she moved her hand around his cock."You're beautiful Serea." He said softly, his eyes wide with admiration of her. He had to move one hand back to his own mouth however to try and stop himself from moaning. He was so used to trying to hide his sexual desires, being in this situation he was timid, almost kind of afraid to touch her, even with her express permission, honestly she looked more like a work of art, and somehow he felt like interacting with her would somehow ruin it."would... you..." He spoke nervously looking at her, but also failing to meet her eyes. His face was red as if he was about to ask something completely taboo or unreasonable. "Would... You... please... T take off... your C clothes? p Please?"Just asking had his face flushed red, he had to avert his eyes, Rin had stripped Mia naked last night, and yet now that he had to ask he could barely form the words to do so. Hume's had such soft skin. Conz was a touch worried about touching her, his hands had claws on them, and he didn't want to risk accidently cutting her, so he decided to use his tongue or most if not all of the touches. He didn't just lick between her folds, his tongue exploring the sensitive flesh of her pussy, enjoying the taste and smell of her body as she was sweating in the med against him. He also kissed and licked her thighs as his hands held her legs spreading her apart.His hands held her knees making sure that they were far spread apart so that he could see every inch of Mia's delicate body. He could see all of her curves, the dull light helping his oddly designed eyes take in the sight of her as he had discarded the blindfold. It was an odd moment. He was so used to using his other senses to locate everything around him. Conz's eyes were never that good, and yet here had the clear and unique chance to drink up the girls sight.He kissed her stomach, moving himself along up her body, his hands going over top of her brushing up along her stomach, and touching her breasts, he made sure to kiss and suck on her soft nipples touching her breast with his tongue. He drank in the smell and taste of her flesh, as he pushed her gently against the bed.His hips were now level with hers, his eyes looking into her much larger wider eyes. He brushed his cock against her folds. He had never had sex with a hume before, so he wasn't really sure if she would fit when it came down to it. "Hold onto me." He leveled his body against her, his hips now touching hers, the tip of his cock pressed against her entrance. He kissed her neck, gently licking her skin and nibbling her ear playfully. "You ready Mia?" Serea couldn't help but giggle once more, the young Hume softly caressing her ears with such an adorable curiosity, as if everything was so new to him. It was hard not to be charmed by his exploits, she admitted.Eventually care the request for her undressing. Usually at this point, men were already all over her with reckless abandon. But this Rin appeared to be wanting to enjoy it, or at least take his time with it. The viera was happy to teach.Her hands reached her body, a smile forming upon her face as the sound unclapsing ringed on the boy's ears. Her top coming undone, Serea slowly peeled it off, dangling in the air moments before gently letting it drop down upon the floor. Her roundand busty bossom now fully on display to Rin: Round and soft looking, with a perky set of dark brown nipples.She turned around, showing her back and rear to her client. Bending over slightly, her hands each reach a side of her panties, which she proceeded to pull off slowly, swaying her hips Wanting to give Rin a show he'd remember. All this was like a dance, a dance to entice the client and let their inner lust come out.Serea turned again to face him, saying, "What else would you want? " She said, in a sultry tone. Every bit of skin that Conz touched and licked was making Mia shiver and gasp. The texture of her tongue continued to feel so strange...yet, when it pushed into her folds, the young lass couldn't help but to arc her head upwards and let out a powerful moan.Already sensitive by the previous foreplay, her inside were just feeling every bit of his actions His tongue pushing in across her walls all while the girl's resolve seemed to vanish. Was this a nightmare? A dream? She couldn't say for sure. His hands groping at her breasts, his mouth sucking at her nipple...everything felt so strong, yet not heartless as Marcus' actions once felt...This combination of actions appeared to have turn off Mia's common sense. When Conz positioned himself she simply held him by the shoulders, as a weak nod of the head answered his question.She couldn't help it. She had to know.... Rin's jaw actually opened for a moment as she stood up, about to say that she didn't actually have to do what he said, but he wisely shut himself up a few moments later as he watched her graceful movements, watching her take off clothing. His breath tight in his throat and his cock in his hand as he watched her top hit the floor. The dance was very much appreciated as he watched her skirt fall to the wayside. everything was now on display for him, his eyes had a slight hue of red to them as they wandered over her curves."You, are beautiful." Rin said genuine enthusiasm coming out in his tone. It took him a moment to push himself off the bed, standing up, and letting his own shirt get pulled off and fall to the floor along with his pants, and soon he was standing as stark naked as she was, he breathed and relaxed more as he looked her over. His hand moving to her thighs, touching her gently as she had already told him he could do His hand ran along the smooth thigh, up along her body to her breast, touching her breast firmly for a moment bringing his mouth to her nipple, tasting her, his eyes looking up at the taller woman as he sucked on her breast for a moment.He was hard, wanting, he had seen how Marcus treated Mia, he knew how this worked, or at least how a rapist would work, but Rin didn't want to really hurt this woman. the desire to bite her smooth skin was there along with spanking her round bouncy ass, but those were but small desires. He took Serea's hand, leading her back to the bed, where he laid down. "I'd like... you to be on top." Rin said with a soft tone."I want to admire you." The words sounded odd even as he spoke them, but the sentiment was true, he didn't think he could take her like Marcus took his women. He just wanted to watch this beautiful woman be on top of him, ride his cock, he wanted to enjoy this, and hesitant to admit it, he also wanted her to enjoy this with him. Mia's arms felt warm and soft against Mia's smaller pale body. He smiled as he felt her arms wrap around him, beckoning him closer and for all of this to begin. At this point the smell of Mia's body was driving the man a touch mad, but her nod of approval was all it really took for him to get started. "I'll be gentle." Conz said one of his hands worked on his cock, rubbing the hard tip against her folds before slowly taking her.Pressing into Mia so that his body sank against hers, and his hips pressed between her. His cock entering the soft folds of her pussy, the larger lizard letting out a soft moaning breath, as he entered Mia. Her body stretched around him, making way for the new intrusion, and he stayed still for a moment allowing the woman under him to adjust to the new sensation.And then his hips slowly began to rise and fall, his cock pushing deeper against Mia with each thrust. His arms wrapped around Mia's body holding her tightly as the two of them came together in the passionate embrace his cock reaching deep into the smaller human girl. She would get to hear his soft moans of pleasure as they escaped his breath, his eyes looked at her, and gently his lips pressed to hers in a kiss through which his tongue could invade her mouth. Serea moved back to Rin as the young lad continued to admire her body. His hand reached to her hips, he slowly started to venture upwards With every second, more eager, more adventurous. This reach upon her breast, which he softly groped. The viera let out a breath of delight, letting him know he was doing good. This was followed by him standing close to her and leaning on with his head, reaching her nipple and suckling upon it."Mmm.." She let out another noise of pleasure, enjoying the slow approach he was doing. One hand softly held at his head, caressing his hair while also keeping his steady upon her. Their height difference would almost make it like she was cradling him, but she did not want to make him feel humiliated or uncomfortable by the notion. She could also feel Rin's tool poking at her thigh, which she quickly remedied by softly grasping it with her hand, starting with some soft but vigorous stroking.After a short while the hume spoke of what he wanted, desiring to see her riding on top. Serea nodded and gently placed him on the bed before climbing on. "If that's what you'd like " She said, her voice a mixture of sultryness and kindness.Rin's eyes could see her towering above him, her full body on display. The beautiful viera softly held on to his dick one more, giving him a couple more strokes as to keep it rigid before slowly descending her hips upon it. The tool pushed in, causing her to give a sudden gasp. "I must say again...ah...quite well endowed..." She muttered as she pushed more of it in.The feeling was incredible, his rod enveloped by Serea's inner walls, filling her, embracing the warmth of her slit. Her hips started to gyrate at a slow pace, moving up and down as more pants came from her mouth and the bed started to softly rock. Even with the slow approach, Mia's eyes widened at the overwhelming length of Conz. He was massive! Hi cock tight against her walls, pushing inch by inch into her. A powerful cry escaped her, not one of pain although not one fully of pleasure. A strange confusing mix that somehow aroused the bangaa even further. She was simply so tight around him. His body towering and pinning her down hard, adding to the desire.He then started to move and the young lass could feel everything, every bit of his cock moving forwards and back, generating powerful friction that manifested as shocks of pleasure hitting everywhere in her body. The bed started to shake with each deep thrust and Mia opened her mouth as more moans escaped her. Conz took that moment to push his tongue against hers, its length overwhelming hers. Muffled moans kept ringing in his ears as he kept the slow plowing, the desire to go faster rising.She didn't know hwo to feel, it was such a strong feeling...yet so pleasurable. Her mind was confused, but her body demanded more. Rin's excitment was plain to see, his breath was hindered by it, he couldn't believe his eyes this was happening. She called him well endoued and some part of Rin doubted that. He had never really compared himself to anyone, he had kinda thought Marcus's dick was a bit small and awkward, but then that could have been because of the utter hate that Rin felt towards the other man for touchinghisMia. Oh... oh that was a new thought, since when had ever been that braizen?Maybe it was because this beautiful woman was with him. and mounting him. "Aaah." Rin let out a rather loud moan, almost a scream for his first time, as he felt her pussy wrap around him in a warm velvety embrace, His cock penetrating her as he let out a softer pants, still unable to really think his mind hot with pleasure in that moment. "Mmmf. Oh so this is how this feels." He moaned softly in his breath, his hips rolling under her. His hands rested on her thighs lifting and bouncing her upon his cock, causing yet more heavy breaths to roll off his tongue.What was he supposed to say or do past this moment, the two of them were connected, and he felt slightly like he was drowning. his hands traced the lines of her soft curves loving every second of their connection. He reached up to grab hold of her breasts, his hands cupping over them, feeling them bounce as she moved her hips, The best part of his current position was the lack of any need for him to move his legs or thighs, he could let those newly formed muscles sit and rest as his back helped to move his hips. He moaned softly.There came a moment in this heated throw of passion that he realized he didn't really know what to say. Marcus would always say demeaning rude comments about Mia, called her things like slut or whore, now he was with an actual sex worker, but he had no desire to offend her, or call her names. He looked at her for a moment. "How... Do I talk?" The question was awkward for him to say for a moment, because he was gasping, breathing and moaning all at the same time. "I mean... What am... I supposed to say? How, do you talk dirty, without hurting the other?" Conz's claws and fingers tickled Mia's back holding her to the bed, as his hips went a touch faster, he was being gentle with her, and yet at the same time clearly reading her body. His rough skin rubbed against her body her breasts bouncing against a hard chest that held her comforted and protected her, while at the same time he roamed his hips over her, going faster. His cock reached deep inside of Mia keeping her pussy spread wide open with him as he breathed calmly, making love to the younger woman. He breathed the scent of sweat on her, and it drove him a touch crazy.He nibbled her skin lightly pointed teeth, brushing and tickling against her as he played with her, keeping her pleasure high. "Mm, how may I serve you?" He asked softly against her ear, He loosened his grip on her softly allowing for more movement as the two of them were now more deep in the throws of pleasure. Serea's voice started to elevate. Rin's tool pushing deeper inside of her as she rode him harder. Her body shaking, her breasts heaving softly and her skin shivering slightly at the touch of his delicate hands. She was quite adorable, gentle, strangely affectionate. Different from the usual clientele she tended to have. The boy's hand reached upon her soft breasts, squeezing and kneading them, causing her to moan louder. She was glad to see the young lad was finally started to explore his boundaries.Then he asked quite the odd question, which couldn't help but make the Viera giggle. Stopping just a tad she replied, "Do no fret about something like that. By speaking to me about it beforehand you're already being thoughtful enough. Either way, just say or do what feels natural..."She was kind of moved by the fact he was taking so much of her into his consideration. Most men tended to simply care for their own personal pleasure and then be done. Sure, she had a fair share of nicer clients like Rin here, but the bad tended to outweigh the good...She returned to her pace, moving her hips up and down, continuing to give Rin so much pleasure... Mia was clearly overwhelmed by the sheer pleasure. Such a big men suddenly towering her, his length filling her up entirely. She could barely pronounce a simple word, only for mindless groans and moans to come out instead. To Conz' surprise, her legs suddenly wrapped around him as he was trying to give her more space to move. Was she wanting him to keep pinning her like that?A fain trail of spit slid down her cheek, a act of hard will to just keep her tongue from showing up. Mia kept gasping and moaning, her mind a mess as she tried to understand why this felt different from what Marcus once did. Was she going insane? Say what came natural, okay Rin could do that, so what felt natural to say, he felt Serea move her hips his cock bouncing against her enveloped by her warm body, her tight muscles that made him feel so good, she fit around him so nicely he moaned loudly, it turned out that he wasn't so good at hiding his voice as he was being pleasured. His hands touched the viera's breasts as things became a bit more natural to follow with the pace of things.It was little surprise that the first words that escaped his lips after being told to be natural weren't really words at all, half formed thoughts, and soft cusses escaped him, pure utter giberish as his brain struggled with the pleasure he was dealing with. Till he finally managed to find himself in pacing the bed squeaking as his hips rose to meet her bouncing up and down on his lap. He gripped her thighs helping to sturdy himself as he pulled himself up slightly fucking her wildly with the passing moment. He found his tongue a moment later."Fucking hell! Your amazing Serea!" He said softly. He held held her hips. "Don't stop, please, I wanna cum in you." His fingers moved over her thighs, his thumbs spreading the skin of her pussy finding her clit, he bore down on it pinching the nerve between his two thumbs. "Cum with me Serea." Her legs and arms locked him in place, and he did as she basically asked, His weight pressed against her, he could feel her body moist from sweat he could taste the wild scent from her body. His claws dug into her back leaving red marks as they fucked. His hips bouncing her against the bed as her legs helped in adding to the motion. He held her down pinning her against the bed, and his hips went wild bearing down on her.His massive cock kept hitting against her cervix, the wet slapping sounds of their hips bouncing against each other filled with the deep raspy moans of the larger reptile like creature. His ears long as they were kept slapping Mia's face tickling her nose as they did, His body, that of an old warrior holding her down with strength she couldn't fight, now was fully in the throws of sex, abusing her body, raising her to a new level of pleasure, before it expanded and twitched, and threatened to fill her. His lips touched Mia's neck as he moaned into her ear, his teeth grazing against her soft young skin. "In or out?" Serea was surprised by the sudden increase of eagerness from the young lad. Breaking out of his nervousness and becoming much more direct as he held on to her tighter, pushing his hips with more vigor, much more confidence on himself this manifested int greater pleasure to both. Rin's excitement and pleasure, his face of enjoyment, was getting to the Viera as well, moaning louder now as she could feel the pleasure start building up."Ahn...ah...k keep are...ah...doing great..." She kept encouraging him. The bed now starting to shake with their movements. Both of their ends were fast approaching, Serea's hand gripping at Rin's when the two started to go at it faster and faster.Then, with a final thrust, the beautiful viera woman jerked her head back as she let out a powerful moan of orgasm. Her body riding the sweet feeling of release with absolute bliss, holdin on to the ebd as to not fall on top of him.Once finished, she slowly pulled herself out of Rin's member, before resting on the side next to him, her hands softly caressing his body. "How do you feel?" Mia's moans kept filling the air of the room, mixed with the now frantic creaking and rocking of the bed under them. Conz was giving everything he had, slamming hard inside her, hitting right into her core with a wild pace while his claws dug slightly on her skin, leaving a mark. She could feel a hard orgasm approaching, she couldn't stop it, she could barely think as she was currently. Gathering as much strength as she could she managed to blurt out a word in time, "O out...out..."He was slamming so deep, she couldn't deal with it anymore. Her limit reached, Mia let out a loud scream as a shattering climax rocked all over her body Eyes rolling back and her tongue out before her body went lip against the bed, panting in exhaustion. He held her to his lap and grinded a little longer after she finished feeling her climax stirring on his own as his cock was squeezed for every single drop of cum that Rin had inside of him. he felt his balls drain and his legs go numb for a moment. He fell back on the bed, his eyes closed huffing and panting as she moved to lay next to him. he reflected on what she asked and he smiled. He felt good. Really good. Her touch was an added plus, but he was still riding out the high of his first time.He had to pay for it sure, but that was more than worth it. He sighed content for a moment, before moving his legs were still numb to what had happened his body had gotten used to the bed's fluffy body, so he groaned as he sat up, and looked at the woman whom had just given him so much pleasure. His hand brushed her cheek, and then up to her ears, he played with them, soft and warm in his hand, rubbing the small probably sensitive hairs along her ears. "I feel... good." He said for a moment."Physically I'm content, I'm a little out of breath, and I'm a touch worried that my legs won't stop shaking, but all of that is in a good way. I definitely am a touch high right now." He looked over the veira girl for a moment looking at her neck he saw the collar."Can I ask a personal question? I've never been to a brothel before today." well obviously, he had been a virgin until a few seconds ago, and it wasn't like he became a sage on the subject just by having popped his cherry. "Why do you work here?" He asked softly regarding the collar. "do you enjoy it here?" That seemed like such a dumb question she had been nothing but kind to him, so of course he assumed she liked this job. Conz heard her as she told him to cum outside of her body. He prepped to do so, as she screamed and hit her limit in the most vocal way possible. He was so close to his, that he had only withdrawn a second or two from her pussy before the long thick white strands of his cum hit her body, trailing over her breasts and stomach covering her in his sexual fluids. He smiled, brushing Mia's hair as she worked out the stress of what she had just been through, and helped her to ride out the exhaustion she was panting and going through.He moved next to her on the bed, sitting up against the wall, as he lifted her slightly so that her head could rest on his stomach. His cock already retreating and getting smaller as he laid her down and brushed her hair caring for her.After a few moments passed, there was a knock on the door. The concerned voice of Grezton the Nomu who oversaw the guild paperwork came from the other side of the door. "We heard screaming from downstairs, and you hadn't come for breakfast yet, so I just wanted to check that everything was alright." As Rin asked about her life, Serea went suddenly quiet. Softly, her hand caressed against the collar she was wearing, her body tensing slightly. With a deep sigh, she stared at the innocent boy she had just brought pleasure Something about him made her feel like his question was honest, not just simple pillow talk trying to take advantage of her.As such, she decided to be truthful to him. "I left my home many moons ago. Hoping to find my own calling, as the woods felt so distant to me, even as much as I tried for my tribe. I made my way through Ivalice thanks to the hospitality of strangers, but fate appeared to have push me in a different path. Crossing shores brought me to be taken aboard a ship, delivering me to this continent It was in there were I was held prisoner, and the men aboard made me pay for my voyage with my body. Day after night..."She took a little pause. Her hand kept touching the collar. "Eventually I was brought here and have lived in this establishment ever since. It gives some comfort. A home, food and nourishment. And despite of it all, i have learned so many Met so many people, plenty of them of good heart like you." Mia panted in exhaustion, feeling the seed smear her face and body. Not a unfamiliar feeling, far from that. So many times had Marcus fuck her wildly and finished on her, admiring her like a painting as he grinned to himself. However, Conz seemed to just gently, or at least as gently as the Bangaa could, place her head upon his stomach. Her mind was still spinning. What was this feeling? It was so strange....She could hear the voice of that Nu Mou person spoke from outside, but she had no strength to talk back, a soft groan, barely hearable, was let out of his mouth, her eyes still seemed with a out there expression. She told him her story in honest confidence, and Rin listened, he watched her face, and softly understood for a moment that she had gone through a lot of problems in her life. He realized that she wasn't actually a sex worker because she enjoyed the work, but rather because she was a slave. he regarded the collar for a moment. He couldn't see too much information on it, the thing was definitely enchanted. He could guess it probably made it impossible for her to leave the place. Rin sat up lightly."have they ever tried to free you?" He said softly unsure if that was even the right terminology, she had said she was basically a slave here. She got her food, but he understood that there was a cost. He moved so that he was sitting atop her. "I don't think I can dispell it." He said pointing at the enchantment."But I have stat boosting magic, I can raise your defense, and magical defense long enough for us to rip it off you, it would probably still hurt you though." He said softly, he crossed his arms. "I know we would get into some trouble. But if I represent the local guild, and guilds protect the towns, that kinda makes me the defender of the realm right? and if I'm defending you from future abuse than... ah fuck it slavery is not right, and i can't condone it, I owe it to you to get you out of here even if that means I have to get kicked out of a brothel forever." Conz pet Mia, brushing her long black hair as he laid with her. She seemed completely blissed out of her mind, so he decided he had to send away Grezton. "It's fine, Mia is just a loud lover." Conz didn't hide the fact that he had sex with a hume, and he didn't really feel any shame towards the idea of it. The man behind the door let out a small but cheerful laugh."I see, well than i'm happy she was satisfied." Grezton replied through the door. "Those two are guests with us, so you have to treat her with special care."Conz huffed for a moment, but he was already treating Mia as best he could. His hand brushed her hair gently and he smiled as closed his eyes for a bit. "You can sleep for a bit if you so need." Serea stood speechless for a moment. Surprised of what was going on. This young hume was just offering to get her out of here, having barely know her. "Some have tried...but none had cared enough...but why are you offering this? IS not worth dirtying your reputation here just for some whore like me..."Still he appeared to be determined to help her. Her hand touched her collar as he gave out his plan. Many had tried to flat out cut her, but none had thought of just tanking the pain until removing it completely..."Do you...think it shall work?" Asked the Viera "W why..." Mia asked tired, unable to really say much. Her face still looking a level of daze, as if she was in a trance after such an exhausting wild fucking. She lied against Conz, her mind still not undertanding it. He forced on her...but it wasn't didn't hurt as much...did she...did she like it like this?"W why did you fuck me like this...?" She repeated again, eyes still staring at the ceiling. "I know it will." Rin said holding out a hand with a smile, he cast protect on her, raising her physical defenses, followed by shell raising her magical defenses. His fingers slid under color, he had good upper body strength years of using a wheelchair and having to push himself around had given him a grip akin to most swords men. He hoped that the the spells would help her tank the damage.But as he started to pull on the leather fabric it became clear she was not the one in danger. She wasn't trying to remove it, and the enchantment didn't hurt the merchandise, it hurt the one that attempted to remove the collar. electicity sparked around Rin's hands burning him as he pulled at the leather strap, he bit down knowing that if he screamed from the pain he would alert someone to what they were doing, his eyes watered for a moment as his hands felt like they were going to fall off or be cut at their source. Before she could move to help him he stopped her. "Don't. Move, if you do you will get hurt too."He bit down on his cheek to help supress the reflex to scream, and he kept his grip regardless of how much it hurt. He couldn't recast the spells, he just had to tank the damage as it was, he felt the leather start to rip, it was not a slow process but it felt like it took forever he felt the collar snap his body fell back and he threw the leather on the ground away from him, which sparked with the same kind of blue light, that had hurt him, and then died completely.Rin fell backwards, off the bed, his hands were bloody, they hurt, his breath was ragged, his eyes were closed and had tears. he felt so much pain, but it had worked, and that was why even though he was in pain, even though he had fallen, he was smiling, a small chuckle escaping him. "See... told you it would work..." Conz blinked that was an odd question. Why did he fuck her like that? like sensually He chose that it meant why did he do it gently, and so that she would enjoy it. He brushed her hair softly with a touch that was gentle. "Because you seemed like you needed to enjoy it." He said softly. "And because that's kinda how sex is supposed to be."He honestly didn't really like the term fucking. it sounded to course and dirty. He looked down at her, considering that was what she called it, it spoke to some bad experiences. "I'm sorry someone hurt you, but that's not what sex is supposed to be, sex is about passion, and if done right, both people walk away knowing more about themselves, and in more pleasure than they were before." Serea's eyes widened in horror. This young boy holding back the tears and screams as he continued to pull at her enchanted chocker. She wanted to badly for him to stop but he refused to let go, continuing to pull and yank despite the powerful shocks his body was tanking through.And then...he did it. With the last of his strength, she could hear the fabric ripping for the first time in her life. The pieces falling on the ground and loosing all its power while Rin just fell back upon the ebd by sheer force. The viera froze in place, as the realization hit slowly, but then her mind immediatly shifted to the lad and quickly rushed to a small box hidden underneath the bed. The establishment was ready against injuries that could be generated inside, after all.Serea Took out a vial and handed it to Rin, placing the mouth of the bottle near his own mouth. "Drink this." she pleaded to him. As he did. Her other hand managed to apply some special gel that she started to coat across his hands. Made of special herbs by White Mages. She didn't want to see him hurt because of her...Rin felt the pain starting to vanish. the mixture of the goop and the potion helping him against the jolts and harm done to his hands. He felt much better. "I can't believe you have done this...why...why'd you risk your life for mine in such manner!" Mia heard Conz's words, but her mind was still having a hard time processing them fully. Her mind continuing to shift back to Marcus, to everything horrible he had done to her. But, simultaneously, she kept thinking on how strong was her sex with Conz. So raw...similar to him...but nices, more caring.As if she kinda liked it rough like that...?She couldn't believe that thought, or much of anything. She was to dazed to really rationalize fully and soon enough she started to fall asleep on the Bangaa's arms. At least enjoying the afterglow and the surprisingly cozy embrace... Rin panted heavily as he laid out on the bed, he felt movement around him, but his eyes were closed and he was working his way through the pain so much so that he felt numb or even perhaps dead to the world, was he in shock? was he dying? this pain felt familiar, the warm feeling of blood dripping over him, his back hurt, his everything hurt and yet there was an icy coldness over his hands, he tried to move them, but his arms felt so heavy, so paralyzed.Then there was shifting, someone told him to drink something, a bottle put into his mouth, a rich warm liquid invaded his mouth, it didn't have much of a taste but it eased the pain as he swallowed it, he coughed more of his senses returned to him, he felt his hands being touched and he opened his eyes to realize that Serea was working on him, healing him with supplies, so that was a potion? well the taste was bitter, but he supposed that all good medicine was bitter. He moved to sit up, feeling a bit dizzy for a moment as she told him that she couldn't believe what he had done."Honestly I'm surprised no one else has done that for you before now." He said softly giving her a smile as he moved his hands feeling them, they were burned still, but he could move his fingers, and the wound would heal over time, honestly he felt winded but not bad. He smiled at her. "I'll give you the full answer if you promise not to be grossed out."She had probably heard a lot of things in her life that would make his confession seem stupid in the long run. "In the world I came from me and my sister are trapped in a house that abuses her constantly, I've watched it happen time and time again, sometimes in my dreams I even really want to be her abuser. I want her, but she constantly suffers because of me, and my desires always seem selfish. So hearing you were being forced against your will, being held here as a slave.""I wanted to see you free." He said with a soft smile as he looked at her. "Besides you look better with the collar off. Maybe it's just my way of proving to myself that i'm not the abuser that I keep dreaming I am... when i put it like that it seems pretty selfishly motivated." Serea stood silent through his explanation, staring at him with an expression that he couldn't tell for sure what it meant. Was she judging him? He wasn't sure. She listened to every little bit, sitting on her knees until it was over then, silence overtook them both.But before Rin could wonder if she was horrified by the story or not, he was brought into a warm embrace by the Viera. Her expression shifted into a caring one, slightly motherly one could say. Rin's head rested on her soft and ample bossom while the bunny eared dame softly caressed and petted his head."I had the feeling you were one of great hardship and sorrow. I understand." She said softly, "But you're not to fret. Even with your thoughts, your intentions are still truthful, pure...The fact that you're aware and worry about your ill thoughts already proves you're not a monster."She took a little pause before continuing. "As I crossed the seas I had to endure such many hardships. And had to sacrifice my body over and over to survive. But as long as my soul remained firm on my resolve, the desire I wanted to find a way to help people, it helped me continue onwards."
Final Fantasy the next step...
Lulu was buying materials to build a new Moogle her last frost moogle was falling apart at the seems. The market was bustling with activity around the new festival everyone was building toys and costumes. Her hand reached out for a small pin that would make a great shield for her Moogle. Her hand brushed into a mans who looked like one of those brooding loners. Can I have that she asked blowing the hair out of her face there was a small girl attached to his arm. It seemed they were buying supplies for some kind of quest and the girl wanted the pin. Its mine she yelled taking the pin it seemed she was some kind of crazy collector or something. She took her hand back glad that she still had it the man looked pretty nice at least Yuna would have someone to talk to. Cloud watched the ultimate ninja grab for her weapon he placed his hand on hers making sure she did not draw it. Let her have the pin and ill buy you something nice maybe that Bangle you wanted he offered moving to another stall he noticed a cute girl with long fair hair. The rest of the group was with the ship loading in crucial supplies like MP and HP potions. That left the two of them to pick up the few extra things that women seemed to love.Yuffie was already finding another treasure to add to the others at this rate he would be out of gil and out of his mind. Tiff was still fighting over him with you know who even after her death. She was sure that even with her dead she had no shot fighting against the memory of that woman. Yuffie on the other hand could care less or at least seemed uninterested in her. Maybe that was the reason why he liked her she seemed uninterested in all that dating stuff the others tried to push on him. The city was all decked out an unknown city in the clouds that seemed to bridge worlds it was a wonder. Banners and pendants were decked out on every tower and bridge in a thousand colors. Heroes and Villains from every world stood arm and arm waiting to return to there world sand fight. The cobles stone roads and buildings were so bright people were almost blinded. Yuna caught Cloud's eye, sighing as she looked over staves. "Well I could get the paralalisis staff, but then there's the poison, oh and the deathtouch!" SHe picked up the death touch staff, running her fingers over the smooth black wood, and shrieked and fell back on her firm young ass as the skull on top began to laugh.Yuffie sighed and shook her head about the bangle. "Cloud i didn't want the bangle, tifa wanted the bangle, I wanted the fire materia!" She sighed again and picked up several of the red orbs, remarking on the fact that they glowed even brighter here. As Lulu always said children should not be allowed near magic "Come on Yuna you need to be more careful" She laughed pulling out a antidote it seemed Yuna was always getting a status aliment when not summoning. She smiled as she helps the girl up it seemed that she was hopeless without her Aeon's. Her hands slipped over her body she felt good under even those loose fitting cloths that she chose to wear. Yuna had a concert but as always she waited to the last moment to write her music. Cloud let his head tilt to the side it was just going to be one of those days like when she tried to buy out the entire Materia stock. "you can have all you can carry and no more" He laughed trying to decide weather he would scold her or let her but the other materia she wanted. "So how is it going proving you are the greatest ninja" it seemed she had gone the whole day without referring to herself as the greatest Ninja. "If you're done we can go back to the ship" watching her fill her arms with materia
['Bangle', 'Yuna', 'Yuffie']
Breaking the seal (Yummyfuta x FriendLikeMe)
Hinata sighed as she made her way out of the village with her sister Hanabi, this had been a regular excursion for the sisters for a little while now, one done in secret, one that nobody else could follow them on and that nobody else could even know about. There wasn't much said between the pair as they moved swiftly through the trees towards a new spot, they needed a new spot every time after all. A while ago the pair had both found that their bodies had started to....develop....very very rapidly. For Hinata her chest had begun to grow so much that she could literally watch her breasts swelling at times, whilst Hanabi...well....Hanabi had a rather different problem to deal with. Hinata had managed to develop a sealing jutsu to help the two of them, but it came with a downside. Well, two down sides. The first was that the seal was only temporary and would eventually break, so it needed to be re applied periodically. The problem was that in order to re apply it you first had to break the original seal which would release their true forms, something they couldn't possibly do in secret back in the village. The second downside was that their new bodies also came with new....urges. Normally those urges were controllable, but the seal somehow seemed to make those urges accumulate, like air in a balloon that just kept building and building. If the pair didn't release the pressure once in a while then....well...they weren't sure what might happen, but Hinata had a feeling the results certainly wouldn't be good."Ok, this should do" Hinata dropped into a clearing in the forest. It wasn't very big but it would suit their needs. And besides, the clearing would soon become larger. "Are you ready Hanabi?" Hinata bit her lip slightly as she glanced to her sister. "Um...we...should get undressed if we don't want to ruin our clothes. Though I brought spares.." Hinata motioned to her backpack as she set it down on the ground, the backpack very carefully wrapped in waterproof materials to protect it from what was to come. Hanabi, believed to be a better warrior than her sister, was never a fan of the limelight. She never wanted the popularity, or the future position as heir to the Hy ga clan irregardless of that fact, the title of heir was thrust upon her. Despite the differences in their skills, Hanabi was rather close to her sister Hinata, though often jealous of her older sister'sassets. Her sister's more lustful appearance was something she yearned for, coming to realize a smaller chest was not something many men or women sought in a partner. Though, they got along better, thanks to a realization that they both have a sizeissue for some odd reason, Hanabi was born with a pair of male genitalia, one that got excessively large ever since puberty began. They were fortunate enough to devise special seals to hide their excessive sizes, but was fully aware that the seals flaws would result in problems for them.Their current seal was going to break quite soon, so Hanabi hurried to head out with her sister, finally settling on a clearing in the forest. They should have privacy, and possess the time to do what is necessary to reapply a seal on their individual bodies. By the time her sister suggested undressing, Hanabi had already been doing so her tight clothes appeared to be hiding a huge phallus, a small seal visible above her crotch as she finished undressing. That completed the first stage of their process. "We'll probably need those spares, Hinata... Though, let's get a move on... I can feel the effects of the seal waning," Hanabi said, urging her sister to strip. Hinata couldn't help blushing as she spotted Hanabi already getting undressed, her eyes lingering on her sisters crotch as she saw the large bulge in her underwear before she looked away. Hanabi was right about feeling the effects of the seal wearing off, Hinata could feel it too, she could already feel her bra getting a little tighter, in a few more minutes the seal would shatter and her clothes would do exactly the same if she was still wearing them. Despite that though it was still rather difficult for Hinata, the embarrassment of getting undressed infront of her sister never wore off despite the things they had to do in order to keep, well, their own sanity as well as their secret. As Hinata felt her bra tighten further though she realised there really was no other choice, quickly removing her bulky jacket, then her shirt, the flesh of her breasts already starting to overflow.As she tried to reach around behind to unhook the bra though Hinata winced, she'd left it too late. "H Hanabi...I...I need some help. Can you unfasten this for me? Please? Nngh..." Hinata shivered as she felt the lust the seal was holding back starting to slowly spill out too, her nipples rapidly hardening, though their size was increasing as well which just made her bra even tighter, the fabric stretching, the sound of it straining echoing around the empty clearing. "O oh....I..." Hinata took a deep breath, trying not to gasp as she fidgeted a little, a few of the threads of fabric in her bra starting to snap and give way as the seals began to break whether she was ready or not.
['Hanabi', 'Hinata']
Life or Death in the Multiverse (Ironic and Potter)
"By the Blood....why did this have to happen during my day on duty." A scoff was heard from underneath a mask as a manwalked down the empty bridge, leading from the City of Life,Hellsalem's Lotto the City of Death, the seed city of Origin. These two cities and their inhabitants were all that remained of life in every Universe that had ever existed. Needless to say, much had happened and the once holy and peaceful city of Origin, the city from which all life had emerged, was now overrun with all manners of beasts and horrors. It was the job of the Hunters and Knights of the Accord to insure that what now lived in Origin, stayed in Origin so that the residents of Hellsalem's Lot could enjoy their blissful eternity.For that was the other thing, resident of Hellsalem's Lot could never die permanently their souls would enter a dream like state for awhile before returning to the realm of the Two Cities. That is what enabled the Accord to keep the seemingly endless nightmares of Origin at bay, they just couldn't die forever. This young man, who simply went by Cain, was doing one of the most important if troublesome duties a member of the Accord could do. There were timelines that were still out of sync by destined to converge with the others and from these realms, some greater power seemed to be calling forth heroes to combat the evil that now plagued what remained of the Multiverse. There was just one problem...most of the time the heros would land somewhere in Origin and it was up to the members of the Accord to get them out before they were forever scarred or corrupted by the contents of the city before they were trained.Cain arrived at the gate to the entrance of Origin and looked up to the guard tower, giving a small nod. He gripped his metal cane in his right hand and pistol in his left even though they had cleared the outer ring of the city, one could never be sure if a monster had strayed out and it was just always better to be cautious. He stepped through the gate that had slowly opened before him, the squeaking and rattling of the ancient gears ringing in his ears as he crossed the threshold. The gate slowly closed behind him and he didn't move until he was sure it was close anything that wasn't human wasn't allowed to leave this city alive."So, I have two stray sheep to find today, huh?" Cain sighed as he gripped his cane tighter and began to make his way through the streets, hoping to find the two people their sensors had picked up before any beasts did. It was an ordinary day at Hellsalem Lot forBlaireas she casually sat on the edge of a patio, sharpening the blades of her daggers. The harsh sound of blade on stone would remind some of nails on a chalkboard, but she didn t mind it. Daggers were her forte, her weapon of choice. She also acquired a skill at stealth, and it also helped that she was petite.Two other hero s seemed to land in Origin and luckily it wasn t her then to gather them. Albeit Blaire was still on call in case anything chaotic would happen. Gingerly she tucked away a stray hair behind her ear before bringing her blades up towards the sunlight to inspect her work. Once she was satisfied with her progress she placed her weapons back into the sheaths on her thigh and left the stone on a nearby chair. ******* AsunaandZero Twoboth rubbed the back of their heads as they fell into the new world, their hues full of confusion as they both glanced at each other. They had only just met and already knew they would become close as long as they wanted to live. Standing up and wiping the dust off from her outfit, Zero Two would help Asuna rise to her feet. I m not too sure where we are, but we re going to have to find a way out. Asuna exclaimed as she stood on her feet, inspecting herself to see if she gained any new wounds from the unsuspecting landing. No shit. Zero Two barked, not mostly directed at Asuna but towards the circumstances they were placed in. Aimlessly they would venture around, uncertain of what dangers would lie ahead.
The Power of a Crystal (SM RP)(Cypherxk2 x roseangelkoi)
Name: Lily SatoAge: 21Short Bio: Lily grew up in America with her family. Her mother is American and met her father when she on a business trip in Japan. Lily moved to Japan two years ago to not only to enjoy the culture, but she was a bit curious if the rumors were true about Sailor Moon and the sailor scouts. She currently works two different jobs. A waitress at a local caf and sales associates at a local fashion retail store. Lily is a sweet, intelligent woman, who enjoys having fun, eating sweets, and going on adventures. She has always had a fascination with magic.Appearance:anime girl with black hair and headphones Google Search ANIME STYLE Pinterest Black hair, Anime and Anime chibi Serena's whole body felt numb as she sat on the park bench. The only thing she could feel was her tears hitting her legs as she cried into her hands that were resting on her legs. Serena winced in pain for a moment as her fingers accidently brushed against the red mark that he had left on her face. The whole fight kept playing in her mind on repeat. She was in shock at what her lover did to her. Serena could not understand how he could hurt her like that if he truly loved her. * * * * Lily glanced over her paycheck as a slight groan left her lips. She was struggling with money over the last couple of months. Lily knew she could ask her parents for help if she really needed it, but she wanted to be independent. She placed her paycheck in her bag as she walked through the park. Lily wanted to hurry to her next job before it started to rain She could see the grey clouds starting to roll into the area.
['Moon', 'Satoage']
Trying to Live in a New World (TWD RP)(Random X roseangel)
Name: Serenity GarwinAge: 26Skills: Serenity can use the bow and arrow and every since the beginning of the walkers, she has been improving her skills with a long hunting knife. She also has basic knowledge of surviving in the woodsShort Bio:Before the appearance of walkers, Serenity working her way up in the fashion world. She wanted to create and design clothes. Serenity is the type of person who enjoys adventures and believes there is good in everyone. However, Serenity's dreams quickly ended when walkers started to appear. She was one of the lucky ones who found a decent group to survive with. Serenity contributes to the group as a scavenger for the Hilltop. However, after finally stopping the Saviors, she has decided to stay at the Hilltop along with many of the other survivors. Serenity hopes to continue to travel outside the walls to find things for her people.Appearance:Marlen Valderrama Alvarez Wallpapers Name: Samuel LancasterAge: 27Skills: Since he was in the army, Samuel can use most weapons. He also has a sense of survival and leadership skills.Bio: When the apocalypse started, Sergeant Samuel Lancaster was assigned to the FEMA camp that has turned into the Hilltop Colony. FEMA did eventually leave the camp, just like most military safe zones did. However, Samuel did not leave the outpost, deciding to stick it out and help the civilians there. He did whatever he could to protect these people, acting as a leadership figure in the colony. Before this, his life was nothing but the military having joined out of high school. Now, he was dedicated to try helping people, as he always had done, which often caused arguments between himself and Gregory, but he finally had the support he needed when the Alexandrians joined in the fight against the Saviors. He also had become quite close with a woman named Maggie Greene.Appearance:Liam Hemsworth A week has gone by since the Saviors had fallen. Maggie had been busy getting things organized after the end of the war. She was relieved that it was finally over with. Now they could focus on rebuilding Hilltop along with the other locations. It would be one step closer to how life was before the apocalypse had started. Maggie was going over the list of people who wanted to return to the Kingdom and Alexandria and those who were staying at the Hilltop. She noticed right away the increase population at the Hilltop, which could be a blessing and a curse, depending on how things went. * * * * Serenity came out of the tent she had been sleeping in for the last week. Since everyone was still at Hilltop, the amount of decent sleeping space was reduce. However, Serenity had no problem sleeping on the ground. She made her way over to the pantry in the hopes of getting an apple for breakfast. Serenity knew food was limited now. She just hoped a group would be going out scavenging soon. Serenity was not one who would go scavenging alone. She thought there was safety in small groups. Knocking on the door of Maggie s office, Samuel peeked inside since the door was slightly open. Hey there. Do you mind if I take a minute of your time? The male asked with a happy smile on his face. It was nice to know that the war with the Saviors had finally ended. They could get focused on living again, not fighting. Samuel had been getting closer with Maggie ever since the day that they had met. Now that they were relatively safe, he was curious about getting even closer with her, about making a move and figuring out how she would respond. Daryl Dixon was also at the food pantry, taking stock of what they had, what they needed. He did not see himself as a leader, but that was exactly the role he had started taking on. His notebook was in his hand as he wrote things down, about what he would need to find. Daryl was taking a few people on the supply run, but one of their usual supply run members is recovering from an injury from the war, so they were one person short. He saw the woman walk up beside him to get her breakfast, so he nodded his head there to greet her, trying to be a bit more friendly to people than he had been in the past. Maggie looked up from her desk as she heard someone knock on the door. A soft smile appeared on her face when she saw Samuel there. Samuel had really been a rock for Maggie lately especially during the fight with the Saviors. He seemed to always have her back and able to talk her through her own doubt. "For you, I'll give you all the time you need," Maggie said with a smile before motioning Samuel to seat down in the seat in front of her. "What do you want to talk about? I know we are going to have an increase of population at Hilltop," she said thinking he was there to talk about outpost. * * * * As Serenity walked into the pantry, she noticed a familiar face. She wasn't sure of his exact name, but she knew that he was from Alexandria and part of Rick's group. Serenity was grateful for Rick's group especially when she found out about the Saviors. Even with world falling apart, she was still a firm believer in humanity. Serenity was luck to find a few small apples in the pantry. She took one before starting to leave the room. Serenity stopped when she noticed the notebook in Daryl's hand. "Do you know if any groups are heading out soon? I used to go out looking for supply while living at the kingdom," she said to him. Sitting down in front of Maggie, Samuel flashed her a smile. Well, honestly, there s nothing I need to specifically talk about with you. The male admitted, I just wanted to have an excuse to come in here, talk to you. A light chuckle left his lips as he leaned forward in his chair, looking deep into her eyes. Things are finally calming down around here. It feels like we ve been fighting something for as long as I can remember. I was wondering if you were busy right now. If not, I d like to ask you to join me on a date. It won t be anything like dates were before all of this, but I have a couple cans of beans and fresh vegetables that we could share together out on the patio together. Yes, here he was, asking someone on a date in the apocalypse. Why not, right? When the woman called his attention, Daryl finished writing down the number of canned beans they had remaining before turning his attention towards her. She used to go on supply runs at the Kingdom? Perfect. Daryl needed someone with experience. Today was his lucky day. Yeah, actually. I m about to take a team out in half an hour. I gotta take inventory, then figure where we re gonna hit. Daryl responded, his accent thick and his voice deep. You feel like taggin along? One of our guys is down right now. We need someone to take the spot. Even though daryl did not know her name, he had seen her around. Daryl knew that she could hold her own, that was all he asked for anyways. Hearing Samuel's response, a soft smile appeared on her lips. She felt grateful that they were at a point where they had time to actual conversations with someone. Maggie had a hard time remembering a time where the group wasn't coming up with a plan to survive. After letting Samuel finished talking, she was a bit taken back by his offer of taking her on a date, but in a good way. The thought of dating someone was a thing of the past or so she thought. "Sure, that sounds really nice," Maggie answered happily since there was no issues needing her attention at the moment. "We could go now, if you like," she said unsure if Samuel wanted to have this date now or later. * * * * Serenity noted his southern accent as he spoke. This was something she lacked since she was originally from the Midwest before relocating to Atlanta for work prior to the walkers appearing. "Sure, I would love to tag along. I'm not a fan of staying inside the walls for too long. It makes me restless," Serenity answered back. Happy that she would get a chance to go out and explore. "I'll meet you at the gate in about 20 minutes," Serenity told him before leaving the pantry. She had to head back to her tent to grab a few things like her bow, arrows, hunting knife, binoculars, and a few other necessary items for a trip outside the walls. I would love to go now, if you don t mind. Samuel responded, offering the brunette the most charming smile he could muster. It almost surprised him that she said yes. Maggie was beyond his league, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Yet, she seemed happy that he asked her out. When they prepared to leave, he decided to reach out his hand, hoping she would take it. I like you a lot, Maggie. I ve enjoyed having you as my friend, but I feel like we can be much more than friends. I honestly don t want to go another day without you by my side, without you as mine. I ve felt this way for a while. I just wanted to wait until the right moment to express how I feel about you. Good their roster spot was filled. Daryl finished taking inventory before returning to the others in the group, informing them that they would have someone else joining them while they were a member short. Daryl gathered his crossbow and a handgun for backup, taking a couple bags to hook onto the back of his motorcycle. At the gate, they met Serenity, getting ready to move out. There was one vehicle they drove, plus Daryl s motorcycle. However, all seats inside the van were taken. Looks like you ll have to ride with me. Daryl said, stopping his motorcycle in front of her, giving her the choice to either join him or switch out with someone in the van if she didn t feel comfortable. I don t think I got your name earlier. I m Daryl. "No, not at all," Maggie said as she stood up to follow Samuel out of her office at the Hilltop. After moving from behind her desk, Samuel had reached out his hand for her to grab. Maggie hesitated for a moment since she had a lot of thoughts and feelings running through her head. If this would have been before the outbreak, she would have grabbed it no hesitation. However, now it was hard to open up to someone especially since there was no guarantee of making through the day. As Samuel expressed his truly feelings to her, it broke down all the doubt she had been feeling in that moment. Maggie reached out and grabbed a hold of Samuel's hand before giving it a lovely squeeze. "I like you too, Samuel. Now my feelings may not be as strong as yours since the last two three years my thoughts have been on surviving, but I do want to live again and experience life with someone," she responded back. * * * * Serenity made sure to pack light and only brought what she needed along. She had been on almost a hundred supply runs over the last year. The more successful ones seemed when she kept to the basic. As she approached the group, Daryl informs her that she would have to ride with him. "That's cool with me. It's been so long since I rode on a motorcycle. I would like the change of pace," Serenity responded before climbing on the back of his bike. She nodded her head after hearing his name. "I'm Serenity," she answered back before they headed out. Serenity loosely wrapped her arms around Daryl's waist as the group left the Hilltop in search of more supplies to tied them over until harvest time. It was slightly disappointing to hear that in her words, but it was not the end of the world. Samuel was certain, the more time she spent with him, the better things would be. So, he just pulled her close to him, now grabbing her other hand. I understand. I feel the same way, too. I don t want to just survive. I want there to be something more. I know that you are that something. I want you to be mine. I don t just want you for a night of fun in the bed or just to have around occasionally. I want you, as you are, for as long as you will have me. Samuel whispered to the woman, a smile on his face as he squeezed her hands, wanting her to know that, to him, it was not just some one night stand or fuck buddy he wanted. He wanted a real relationship. Serenity. Daryl was not good with names, but this one would stick. Once she settled onto the back of his motorcycle, he led the way out of the gates of the Hilltop when they opened. Being so deep into the apocalypse, not many places were even remotely plentiful. However, they still had to search everywhere possible. There were quadrants all around the Hilltop they searched every structure, every car, every crevice in those quadrants on supply runs. The first stop of the day was an old pharmacy store. Daryl hoped they could find something left over, but it was about twenty miles away, so he settled in for the ride. Being on his motorcycle, just riding was always a nice way to relax, even when the world ended. It felt even better now that they were at peace. As Samuel spoke, the wall Maggie had put up over the years to protect her heart and herself seemed to lower. She could see in his eyes that he spoke with 100 truth behind each of his words. Maggie realized that wall she had put up had prevented her from seeing Samuel's true feelings for her. After he was done talking, she let go of his hands to pull him into a hug. Maggie wrapped her arms around him and held onto him tightly. "Thank you, Samuel. I needed to hear those words from you," she said softly as she nuzzled her head against his chest for a moment. Soon Maggie pulled away with a huge smile on her face. "We should hurry down to the pantry if we want to have a proper meal for our date," she said. * * * Serenity remained quiet on the back of Daryl's back as he drove. She had no idea where they were heading to, but she wasn't too worried. She had quickly learned over the last couple of weeks that many of the members of Alexandria knew what they were doing. Serenity watched as the scenery passed by during the ride. She made some mental notes to herself where Daryl was going. Soon they arrived at an old pharmacy a few towns away. "So is there anything in particular we are looking for? Or just anything useful?" Serenity asked as she got off the bike. She took a few moments to fix her clothes before looking over at Daryl. You re right. We should get moving. Samuel was still smiling, happier than he had felt in a long time. Grabbing the woman s hand, Samuel cheerfully walked out of the office and towards the pantry. Upon the arrival, he grabbed a can of beans for himself, for the date. I think we should stop by the garden, too. We can pick out a few fresh vegetables to eat with whatever else we decide on in the pantry. Samuel commented, now thinking about where they could have their date. How do you feel about eating over in the field? There was a small field within the community, soon to be used for another garden plot when they had the right soil. For now, it was just a wide open, beautiful piece of land. The supply run group arrived without any incident, thankfully. Daryl wanted this run to go as smoothly as possible. Once his motorcycle was parked outside the abandoned pharmacy, Daryl stood up and readied his crossbow, ensuring an arrow was loaded. It was around this time when Serenity asked the question. Honestly, any medicine is the priority, but we want to check every aisle. We will take anything that looks remotely useful to us. Daryl responded as they split up. Half the team gathered by the front door, half the team gathered by the back door. On Daryl s signal of a loud whistle, everyone entered inside, preparing to clear out any walkers. Daryl s group at the front of the store strarted towards the right side of the aisles. Maggie found a half bag of potato chips along with some nuts in the pantry. "Sure, that sounds like a good idea. I heard that the carrots and turnips are ripe now and ready for the picky," she told him before heading in that direction. As they walked, a few members of the community waved at them and Maggie returned the gesture with a smile on her face. It felt right to her being the leader of this community. "That would be a great place to watch the sunset," she said agreeing with his suggestion. Maggie also like the idea of being away from everyone a bit. She was starting to notice a few of people starting to whisper and smile at Samuel and her as they headed out on their date. * * * * Serenity nodded her head at his answer before pulling out her hunting knife. She held the blade down ready to attack as she approached the building. Luckily, there were no walkers around as the group entered the pharmacy. Serenity put her knife away before heading down one of the aisles. Most of the shelves were either emptied or been destroyed. After about ten minutes, Serenity had found a compass, a couple packs of gum, and some pens. Nothing too amazing, but a few useful items. "Have you ever been further then Meadows Creek?" Serenity asked Daryl as the group started to leave the pharmacy. Even though she wasn't from the area, she remembered seeing a map at a gas station that showed a few smaller towns down an old HWY route. Unfortunately, Serenity was never able to travel pass Meadows Creek to see what was in a few of those towns. With Maggie by his side, Samuel picked a carrot and turnip for them to share. Once they felt like all food available to them for this picnic was in their grasp, Samuel grabbed her hand again, pulling her towards that location. It still looked beautiful, the sun setting over the horizon. The isolation made it even better. Samuel remembered the blanket, spreading it out on the ground, taking a seat. With a smile still there on his face, he patted the ground beside him, eager for Maggie to join him. Once she did, he immediately reached out to run a hand along the side of her face, just feeling ecstatic to be sharing this moment with her. You re so beautiful. Samuel whispered, an admiration not just for her body, but everything about her in his words. So, shall we eat? He asked, scooting a bit closer to her. Samuel did enjoy physical contact. Inside the pharmacy, the only useful item Daryl found was a small pack of gauze. It seemed like this place was nearly picked clean. When Serenity called his attention, he thought about the name, but shook his head. No, I don t believe I ve ever taken a group out that far yet. He answered, wondering if she asked because she knew something about that area. Do you know anything about it? Or at least where we could possibly find something? Daryl questioned, knowing that they needed to find whatever they could. Their community was still growing, so they could not rely on what they have now to fill everyone s needs. Nobody knew what was out there, though. There could be another group, a herd, or anything else. It is next on our list to explore, actually. We intend on searching it soon.
['Garwinage', 'Lancasterage', 'Alvarez', 'Serenity', 'Saviors', 'Valderrama']
A lost valley of wonders (Yummy x Dancingfennelfox)
Sakura Haruno and Hinata Hyuuga had been assigned as partners for a dangerous mission, not only far from the Leaf Village, not only far from their nation, but far from the very continent which their nation was within. Neither had ever been so far from home before, few from the village had ever ventured off the continent this far on a mission. It meant that the two Kunoichi were isolated from any kind of support, they had no real method of communicating with home and they were in completely unfamiliar territory. At first things had been going rather well, they had managed to infiltrate the small town where there mission was taking place, track the target of their information gathering mission, the anxiety of it all had just been starting to fade and the two may have thought this mission was going to be easier than they had originally thought. Sadly that wasn't to last, things had gone very wrong very quickly.Neither of them could be sure how, but their cover as tourists had been blown, before they could even really understand what was happening they had been surrounded, attacked, it almost felt like the entire town had been after them. With no other option they had been forced to abandon the mission and flee blindly, leaving the town in a completely different direction to the one which they had arrived from, all of their maps completely useless.They had been on the run for almost 48 hours now, there had been no chance for sleep, they had been lucky to get 5 minutes to stop and catch their breath. Finally though they had lost their pursuers. Taking a chance Sakura and Hinata had fled into a thick fog, one which the ones chasing them seemed to have been reluctant to enter. At this point neither kunoichi was particularly concerned with moving through the fog blindly, they had no idea where they were with or without fog after all. But finally they had emerged from it, stumbling into a clearing in the forest, a sparkling stream running through it, the trees vibrant with flowers and fruits."H ok?" Sakura spoke as she panted for breath. Every muscle ached, her body screaming for sleep, her mind starting to lose it's sharpness now that they finally seemed to be out of danger. "I think...I think we're safe now. They didn't follow us into that fog..." She slowly looked up and around. From the geography she could make out it seemed that they were in some kind of valley. That was bad news, the broader, more general maps of the area that Sakura had studied had shown no kind of valley anywhere remotely near the town. That meant they were at least a hundred miles from anywhere they had a map for. "Let's...let's set up camp here....get some rest, get some supplies and then figure out our next move....ok?" Hinata held herself up against a tree, breathing heavily and holding her arm where a gash was bleeding lightly. "Y yes. I'm okay." Her airy voice whispered. Just like Sakura, Hinata too was in a delirious state of mind having gone sso long without proper food and rest. Her body was quite ready to give up on itself and it truly out of pure will that she was still standing. Her pale white eyes looked around the area they were in and she was shocked to say the least. This area looked nothing like the rest of the areas they travelled. It was so lush and vibrant with pops of green, pink and orange. Everything looked so pretty.Sliding against the tree, Hinata's legs finally gave out and she popped on the ground, earning a oof from her. A green hue lit up her hand but it dimmed just as quickly. She didn't even have enough energy to heal herself. "Sakura... Do you know where we are?" Her voice was merely a whisper as she was nervous. This was a foreign land and she found it odd that their pursuers wouldn't go beyond the fog they had disappeared into. Those thoughts aside they were safe and it looked like they had an abundant food source. In front of Hinata there was a red, plump, juicy fruit hanging on a tree limb. she reached up and plucked it off splitting it in half an handing some to her partner. "Here, we need to supplement our energy." She took a big bite and swallowed loving the sweet taste.Little did either kunoichi know that there was a reason no one ventured into this forest and that the fruit being eaten would have some dire consequences. "Honestly Hinata...I have no idea where we are..." Sakura took a few more deep breaths, still on her feet despite the fact they were screaming at her for rest. She felt this place was safe enough but they needed to be absolutely sure that they really could relax here. "Every map I studied didn't show a valley like this....we've got to be at least a hundred miles from town now if it wasn't on the map. And that fog....nothing I read mentioned anything like it, so we're probably even further from home than we were before...." She sighed, surveying the area once again, there was absolutely no sign of pursuit, no signs that people had been here in a very long time, if they ever had been."Hm?" She glanced over as Hinata split a fruit and held half out to her "Oh, thank you. I think we can get some rest here...." Sakura finally slumped into a sitting position, slipping off her sandals at last, her feet red and sore. "Well of all the places to be lost I've seen worse. We've got plenty of food, we can rest up here for a few days I think. The water looks fresh, the weather looks like it stays fairly nice....yeah I'd say we can camp out here for a while until we're completely recovered" The pink haired girl grinned weakly, then took a bite of her own fruit. Her eyes widened at how delicious it was, she'd never tasted anything like it! Without hesitating she devoured the rest of it, even sucking the juice from her fingers. "Oh wow, that was amazing! I've never tasted anything so incredible"Sakura smiled and relaxed, feeling an odd sensation, but she just attributed it to eating for the first time in days and recovering from her rest. She had no idea what the strange heat building in her chest really was, and she was so exhausted she didn't notice the slight increase in tightness from her bra and shirt, nor did she notice that her nipples had rapidly hardened, now quite clearly visible through the fabric of her clothes due to their incredible hardness. Hinata was unaware of the pressure building in her chest as well, her eyes drooping from exhaustion. She wanted to eat more of that fruit but her body had decided that she needed to sleep instead. She truly felt safe and protected, not to mention warm. Really warm actually. "Um Sakura... Do you feel hot?" Maybe it was just her body cooling down from running for so long but the warmth in her chest was starting to make her uncomfortable. There was also an odd tingling sensation happening in her nether regions. Hinata was horny and incredibly so. Still she was trying her best to ignore it and to ignore the fact that her bra straps were now digging into her shoulders and straining with newfounded weight.Her pale eyes trained on Sakura's chest. The sight was definitely not helping her arousal any. "Um Sakura...." She didn't want to embarrass the kuinoichi but maybe she should tell her. "Sakura are you cold?" "Hm? Feel hot...? Well, now you mention it I guess it is a little warm, but then again we've been running so much I'm sure we're just burning up from all the exertion, not to mention it's a sunny day" Sakura fanned herself for a moment as she stretched a little, though that only pulled her shirt more tightly around her chest, not to mention her bra. Wait, did her chest feel a little heavier? No, it had to be her imagination right? She was exhausted, sore, aching, possibly even a little feverish. Still, that didn't explain why she was starting to feel....aroused? Really? Aroused right now? She couldn't think why, but she did try to avoid looking at Hinata."Hm? Cold? No, why would you think I was cold Hinata?" Sakura was still looking away, but whilst Hinata was staring she'd see Sakura's chest seemingly....grow slightly. Almost like her breasts had inflated by nearly a cup size right before Hinata's eyes, and Sakura fidgeted a little from the sudden and drastic increase in the tightness of her bra, which was now rather stretched beyond what it was designed to hold. Hinata felt her eyes widening what she was seeing before her. There was no way that Sakura's chest was growing in front of her like this. It just had to be a trick of her exhausted mind. She shook her head and looked up into the trees her own bra beginning to snap from the pressure on her chest. She tried to take a breath and calm herself. That's maybe all she needed to clear her head. Opening her eyes again, Hinata saw her bust size increasing as well and get nipples lengthening and thickening. "Um.... Sakura........" "Hm?" Sakura's attention was caught again when Hinata spoke out. "What is " She cut off when she saw what was happening, eyes going wide and gasping as she watched Hinata's jacket starting to push outwards, as if the girls chest were growing larger by the second. "What in the...? What's going " Sakura gasped as there was a sudden growth spurt in her own chest, Sakura looking down and seeing as her own shirt was bulging, then winced as her bra became tighter and tighter, starting to painfully dig into her. "What...what's going..." Sakura dropped to her knees as her own arousal continued to grow rapidly, her shorts turning dark as her body produced more and more juices of arousal."I...o oh god...!" Sakura cried out as her chest surged again, the loud noise of Sakura's bra snapping echoing around the clearing, followed moments later by the sound of ripping fabric as her tight shirt finally started to give way, Sakura's breasts spilling free, her nipples also increasing in size, each nipple now the size of a soda can. Hinata could only watch in mild horror and intense arousal as Sakura fell to her knees in erotic pain. Finally her bra gave way to breasts far larger than normal size. Not to mention her nipples were thick, erect and as sensitive as her clitoris. Even just the smallest air current around her breasts made her wet with desire. She moaned and bit her lip Her hips thrusting a bit as even her panties rubbing against her made her want to come. She had never been this aroused before and just looking at Sakura made her even more so. "Sakura...I.....I feel so horny." Hinata's nipples were not as large as Sakura's but they certainly were thicker than normal, about the half the size of sakuras but they were still growing. "I feel like I need to...." Hinata was dripping with desire. Her pussy was absolutely soaked in her own juices. "Sakura.... What's happening to us...." She moaned out. "Y yeah I....m me too..." Sakura didn't just feel horny, she felt more horny than should be humanely possible. Her pussy felt like it was on fire, and her body was producing juices so rapidly that they were now leaking out of her shorts and running down her thighs, glistening in the bright sunlight. "I...I don't...I don't know what...what's going on. I just know I need...I need to..." Sakura fidgeted again, before she simply couldn't take it anymore. She reached down past her still growing breasts, grasping at her shorts and using her immense strength tore them away easily, revealing a hairless, dripping wet pussy. Without even hesitating, or seemingly caring that Hinata was watching her every move, Hinata plunged several fingers into herself, moaning so loud it echoed through the valley. She didn't want to do this, she was trying to stop herself with Hinata right there, but the urge was far too strong to resist."N not...not enough....More....I....I need more!" Sakura whimpered as she thrust her fingers in and out, but as good as it felt it just wasn't enough to satisfy the intense burning desire her body was feeling, and the longer she waited the more intense the desire became. If she wasn't satisfied somehow soon she felt like she could well lose her mind. This sight before her was causing Hinata to blush but her body also was ramping up the production of her juices. ""S Sakura chan...." Hinata was scared for her friend. What on earth was happening to them? "Sakura l let me help you." It was almost as if she was in a trance but Hinata moved over to her friend, her newly formed breasts bouncing wildly and sank down to her knees in front of her. The sight of her hairless pussy was enough to have Hinata thrusting against the friction in her own pants as she wrapped her lips around the puffy dripping ones. She moved Sakura's fingers and began thrusting her tongue through the juices lapping them up as they flowed heavily into her mouth. It was like Hinata couldn't get enough! Moaning at the taste she held on to Sakura's strong legs and added three fingers to the mix spreading her wide open for her tongue to have more access. Hinata didn't know how she was doing this but it was like she needed Sakura's juices for survival. She couldn't pull her lips from her pussy! Hinata was dripping waterfalls at this point, her shorts completely soaked through but she was too busy pleasuring her friend to even worry about how she needed to get off. Sakura was her priority. Sakura could barely hear what Hinata was saying over her own moans of pleasure, along with the sounds of her fingers plunging into her pussy over and over again, juices spraying everywhere as she did. Sakura's other hand was trying to reach around her breasts to grasp one of her nipples, but she could barely reach, her breasts now having grown so large that her nipples were almost out of reach entirely, leaving the giant soda can sized nubs aching for attention that they simply couldn't receive right now.When Hinata suddenly brought her mouth to her though, Sakura certainly felt that, almost screaming in pleasure as she felt the other girls tongue thrust into her. "F FUCK!" Sakura almost came, but it was like something was still holding her back, like she still needed more stimulation. Her hands both went to massaging the flesh of her huge breasts, her hips grinding against Hinata's face as her juices poured out freely, coating Hinata's face, running down the girls neck and chest. "Nnnngh! Y YES! D deeper! Faster! More!! G get your hands in there too Hinata!" Sakura was so very close, just a little more that was all. A little more and she was sure she'd be able to think straight. Hinata had no idea what had come over her but it was almost like she could very well die in Sakura's pussy and have no qualms about it. She stuck three fingers into her friend's dripping core and began curling them to hit Sakura's g spot moving in time with her tongue. Meanwhile all of this was happening, Hinata's arousal began to drip past her shorts and underwear making for a very uncomfortable situation. However Hinata couldn't bring herself to care. She was too busy lapping up the juices like she needed them to survive. Her breasts were still growing, now very much past the normal human size but normal things that would worry her just didn't anymore. She just wanted to make her friend come and come hard. One of Hinata's hands snaked their way barely able to brush her own nipples that were now huge and permanently erect it seemed like. "S sakur chan." Hinata whimpered rutting her hips against the ground and licking Sakura's clit. Soon not even fingering and eating Hinata out would solve her problem of arousal. She would need something more. Sakura's entire mind was overwhelmed with pleasure, she couldn't see or hear anything, every bit of brainpower she had was consumed with physical sensation. And as Hinata plunged her fingers inside, curling them up against Sakura's G spot, the sensitivity of which seemed to have increased many times over, it was finally enough to push her over the edge. With a might scream that echoed around the valley Sakura came, hard. Her juices squirted with such volume that Hinata's entire body was completely drenched in them in moments, the ground all infront of Sakura between her legs completely soaked with the fluids of her arousal.With the orgasm finally achieved Sakura's breasts seemed to have stopped growing, though they moved and jiggled as Sakura panted for breath, her vision starting to blurrily come back. "H Hinata.....o oh god...oh god that...that was amazing...but...but what....what happened? What's still happening....?" "I i don't know Sakura but i...... I need....." Hinata could barely speak she was so horny. Her shorts were torn from her body as she reached down trying to get herself off. It wasn't working. She needed something more something more than fingers. She began to rut against the couch. Hinata used the arm of the chair and moved her dripping pussy covering it in juices. "Sakura I feel empty." She whimpered still sitting n In the armrest of the chair. "I. .... I need someone in." Sakura looked down at Hinata's crotch, gasping as she watched the girl literally rip her shorts off, staring in amazement at just how wet the other girl was. Sakura wanted to get down and return what Hinata had done, to eat the girl out, to use her mouth to get her off....but Sakura's breasts had grown so large that getting onto all fours was impossible now, the attempt would just make her lean on her breasts and keep her head still plenty off the ground. "I need....someone in....inside you? Uh....well I know I've gotten a little different but I'm not exactly....equipped for that...." She swallowed nervously, glancing around. For some reason Sakura found herself momentarily mesmerised by the fruit on a nearby some instinct was drawing her to it. After a moment the pink haired girl moved towards it, plucking it from the tree, sniffing at it, then taking a large bite. Her face scrunched up, it tasted bitter, but she swallowed it anyway.At first it seemed like her energy was coming back, the exhaustion from such an intense orgasm vanishing, but then suddenly....Sakura gasped sharply. All of a sudden her arousal began to skyrocket again, juices once more gushing from between her legs, though Hinata would be able to see something else, something almost like movement, like someone inside of Sakura was now starting to try and get out. Her eyes widened at the site before her and Hinata covered her mouth with the one hand that wasn't knuckle deep in her core. Her hips continued rutting on their own and a mitten left her pretty little lips. "Sakur Sakura Chan.... There's....oooh!" She bit her lip in frustration and thrusted harder in her fingers watching her friends private area very closely. But the frustration of not being able to orgasm was getting to her. Not to mention her breasts began to swell again at this point almost blocking the vision that was her dear friend. "I i need something inside me!" Hinata almost screamed in frustration at this point. She couldn't orgasm and it was driving her mad. Her breasts grew continuously and her nipples grew just as sensitive as her clitoris. But Hinata couldn't even reach a hand up to rub her own nipples as big as her breasts were Sakura panted as her hips began to thrust back and forth into the air, the girl crying out in pleasure and frustration. She whimpered as her hands slipped down, trying to plunge into her herself, almost as if attempting to dig out whatever was inside of her, but just before her fingers could find their mark Sakura's eyes widened, her fingers suddenly clenching into fists as the pressure spiked all of a sudden. "F FFFUUUUUCK!" Sakura screamed out as the pressure suddenly released, in the form of a cock erupting from her crotch, springing forth and sticking straight up into the air, 12 inches of thick, throbbing cock now sticking out of Sakura's body. The pink haired girl stared at it for a moment, knowing she should be freaking out, but despite the release of pressure her arousal was now stronger than ever.She looked over to Hinata, watching as the girls breasts had started growing once more. Fuck it, she couldn't take this anymore. Sakura managed to get to her feet, her own breasts gigantic as well, bouncing wildly as she moved over to the other girl. Their gigantic breasts squashed together, before Sakura managed to angle herself, plunging her new cock into Hinata's body. "AHHHH!" Sakura cried out in pleasure, her cock twitching so hard that it actually lifted Hinata off the ground briefly. "Nnngh...sorry Hinata...but..." Without waiting any longer Sakura pulled out, then thrust back in, starting to pound her cock into Hinata with her incredible strength.
['Hinata', 'Hyuuga', 'Haruno']
A shot to the heart, and you're to blame... You give love, a bad name. ((Me and roseangelkoi only))
"lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" "My name is Oliver Queen, and I will save this city!" Inhale... draw.... aim.... steady.... release.... Oliver Queen couldn't help the slightly crooked grin that came to his face as the his newest bow a re curve compound sent his latest modified arrow down range. The polymer was designed to shatter on a hard impact sending sharp shrapnel in a confined area around the target. He called it his "Shotgun Arrow". He was sure Chain Link would come up with a counter to it. Just as he had Oliver using polymer arrow heads instead of steel ones. The Meta had been a massive pain ever since he returned to the city. The so called "Master of Electricity" was a prow at using electromagnetic fields. Last time they'd met, he'd used quarters of all things, reinforced with a magnetic field to block The Arrow's arrows. The worst part was Oliver knew arrogance, he knew power, and the city had yet to see Chain Link truly cut loose. Realizing he could feel the anger burning in his blood he banished it with long held practice and moving at the peak human speed, inhale, draw, aim, steady, release.The sharp "crack" of the arrow nailing the target again made the vigilante nod his head. He had been firing a mix of normal and fragment arrows. Learning to tell the subtle differences. While his quiver was designed to keep certain arrows separate a true master archer should be able to tell the differences between an arrow in milliseconds and adjust for them. He mostly had his arrows separated so that in a gun fight he wouldn't grab the wrong one. If that wasn't enough ever so subtle braille marks on the notch told him what sort of arrow it was. While he hated Argus, and Amanda "The Wall" Waller, they had shown him a lot of valuable and useful skills. Making sure your gear was ready and easily prepared was one of them. Oliver went to draw another arrow and blinked, he'd prepared a 100 shaft quiver for his training. Far too large and bulky for the field he couldn't believe he'd managed to shoot them all. The Archer let out a breath he'd been holding when he'd reached for the non existent arrow. Moving down the range. The foundry's range wasn't the best, but a hundred feet was good enough for most shots. The archer wore black exercise shorts that went about three inches past the knee, and a grey sleeveless T shirt. Only as he undid the quiver did he realize how sweaty he was. Pulling his water bottle from his waist he took a three second drink. Then began the most arduous task of being an archer, collecting his shafts. "My name is Roy Harper, and I just want to help people. To make The Glades a better place!" Roy Harper ran his right arm along his forehead, fighting a twinge. Chain Link had dislocated his left shoulder the previous night. The bastard was fast, even if he wasn't using his electricity form. He was glad the Arsenal Outfit had Kevlar under the leather or he'd probably have lost the arm. He'd gotten cock, figured he could take the bastard with his polymer baton while he was blocking Arrow's arrows. Unfortunately he'd forgotten that while the man wore "chain mail" and what resembled plate armor he'd obviously modified it somehow. He'd been surprised then the bastard had pulled a sawed off double barrel shotgun from his sleeve and fired it both barrels one handed. In a way he was glad he was so close, since it had limited the spray and kept the shot from his face. As Oliver had pointed out their masks weren't bullet proof. Normally he'd have called in, but the simple truth was was already cutting him slack. was one of the few legit jobs left in The Glades, even if it was an open secret everything flowed through the place. He knew that was why he'd gotten a job here before he'd begun his partnership with Oliver and combined the man's scary observation skills with his own street level contacts.Roy had never been a hardcore dealer or anything, but everyone who grew up in The Glades knew how it was, either you were a boss, or a bitch. He might not be the smartest, the fastest, but Roy Harper was no one's bitch. Honestly he sometimes wondered where he'd be is Grant hadn't found him when he was 12 and selling dime bags for spare cash. The Wild Cat of the Glades was a harsh task master, but he was a good man and as close to a father as the Glades local had.Roy shook his head, blaming the pain killers for his shoulder for his easily jumping mind frame. Luckily he had only one card board box full of bottles left. Roy pulled off his leather jacket tossing it over the bar, there were a few hours to opening, he had to get the last boxes moved in and the booze put away. Maybe it was the pain killers, or maybe it was the heat but Roy had totally forgotten about the Glock hand gun tucked into the back of his pants. His red short sleeve shirt and black jeans providing come camouflage but not a lot. Not that such things would draw alot of attention in The Glades, especially not in a place where gang members frequented. Roy mostly carried the iron because it was expected, plus sometimes it could deescalate things. Oliver and Diggle had both shown the former banger how to properly handle the fire arm. Sometimes Roy was tempted to use guns instead of arrows, but Chain Link shrugged off bullets like they were packing peanuts. He might look into it once the meta was locked away though. "My name is Chain Link, and if I can't save this city I'll burn it to the ground!" Inhale.... high block to the left.... exhale and step right foot forward, sliding left up behind, inhale.... left to right slash.... Exhale and thrust the blade both hands in the sweet spot.... Thomas smirked at the target reader he'd set up showed a fatal strike. Most people would think when the magnetic and electric scales were yours to toy with you no longer needed to work on hand to hand combat. Thomas felt that was both dangerous and short sighted. Not to mention Thea tended to get horny as fuck after spars.The simple truth was Slade's former apprentice was master or at least adequate with a number of weapons. Chain Link tended to only carry chains, a hammer, a shield, and a Gladius blade before it was easiest on him, and those were his favorites. The chains were often kept in what Queen Consolidated had called "infinite boxes" until he'd stolen them. The boxes held thin jewelry like chains, which formed the rough basis of his armor. Over that European knight style armor, with cloth wrapped over his torso. The metal wasn't bulky because of what he'd used to forge it, and the fact he used magnetic fields to enhance the metal. It wasn't perfect, but until he could find his sensei's location and get some of the better stuff from the black market it would work. Thomas was about to begin another kata, when the alarm on his phone went off. His two hour lunch break was rapidly ending. He tapped the Infinity Boxes and soon the chains were gone leaving him in a grey body stocking and metal plates. The plates he delt with by snapping his fingers and using magnetic fields to pull and push the straps holding it. He made a field not to clean the plates before his next night on the roof tops as he headed for the shower. Thomas was soon on his bike and headed for "Smoak Consolidated". Isabella Rochev had managed to do at least one thing write and that was get him in place deep within the company's think tank. The young man shook his head thinking of his late "boss", she had been an annoying bitch but at least she was a decent lay. Thomas had grown up in Star City, but with his high I.Q. had been more then happy to get out before it had gotten too bad. His father had been a Foundry worker, his mother doing odd jobs. Slade had recruited him at a martial arts tournament. He'd attended school with Oliver, not that the drunken party boy had remembered him. Honestly working at the Think Tank of a major company was a dream job, but a few months back it had become truly interesting. Felicity Smoak had approached him about one of his ideas, the beautiful "heiress" to the company had been surprised to realize he was not only intelligent but good looking. Since then he'd basically become the rich woman's boy toy. It amused him to see a wild side she hid from everyone. From selfies to dirty texts, even the occasional phone sex voice mail. He could tell the woman was hurt and thus applied just a bit of his whiles and released her inner beast. He pulled his bike into his spot, and headed for the V.I.P. elevator, being "Miss Smoak's Personal man" came with some bonuses. He made sure his tie was adjusted his slightly padded suit jacket was in place. His black framed glasses rigging with audio and video recording devices were on. Soon he was on his way to the board room, he'd be cutting it close but he figured he'd make it. FelicityFelicity was trying to listen to one of her co workers talk about their family before the meeting started, but she had a hard time focusing. Lately, her mind had been thinking about other things. At first it all started as a few dreams here and there, but soon dreams became reality well sort of. Felicity still hadn't experience everything she had dreamt about with Thomas. When she had approached Thomas after reading about his ideas, Felicity had no idea things would have escalated the way it did. However, she couldn't be happier.Felicity was pulled back to reality as some of her co workers started to sit down in the board room. She made her way to the head of the table. After sitting down in her seat, Felicity ran her fingers through her blonde hair as she wonder where one of her employees was. "I'm sorry you can't sit there. I need Thomas to sit there," she quickly said as one of co workers started to sit down in the seat to her right. Felicity wanted to make sure Thomas sat there during the meeting. She wanted to make sure he was close to her during this boring board meeting especially since this meeting was just about going through the numbers.A sense of relief and excitement rushed through Felicity's body when she saw Thomas approaching the board room. A warm smile filled her face as she quickly fixed her hair. "Are we ready to begin?" the CFO asked. He was standing on the opposite side of the room as Felicity by the projection screen. TheaThea controlled her breathing in and out as she hit the practice dummy. She had been working out for the last hour trying to wear herself down. Her preferred method would have been having some fun with Chain Link. However, Thea was aware that he wouldn't be available until later tonight. She figured she would pass the time by training. Thea knew the importance of continuous training. She wanted to keep up her skills so she could continue to be helpful to Chain Link when he needed her to be Red Arrow. When she had enough, Thea took off the fighting gloves she was wearing. The white tank top she was wearing was wet with her sweat. Thea grabbed the collar of her tank top and started to shake it in an attempt to cool herself off a bit. "I suppose I should probably take a shower," she said as she made her way to the bathroom. Thea turned on the shower before starting to remove her clothes. After undressing, she stepped into the shower. Thea enjoyed the feeling of the warm water hitting her skin. As she massaged the shampoo in her hair, she started to think about a couple of days ago. Chain Link running his fingers through her short hair as they kissed. She had to admit that Thomas knew how to make her feel good. SerenityThe sound of Serenity's heels filled the hallway as she made her way down from her office to the bar area of her club. She had opened Starlight a little over three years ago. Serenity had a rough start at first, but she had accomplish her goal of running a legit club in the Glades. It took a lot of favors to get to this point. However, all the favors were worth it and nothing that would get her in trouble with the law. Thanks to her medical background as a dropout of med school. Serenity had been able to save the life of a few gang leaders. Plus she knew how to always keep the upper hand in a situation.Along with saving a few gang leaders, Serenity had snitched up the Green Arrow more than a few times in the past. It started when he had saved her from a group of ten gang members. Green Arrow's arm had been cut by one of the gang members. Lucky for him, she had a sewing kit in her purse and with her medical knowledge she was able to fix him up. After that, the Green Arrow would stop by her place whenever he needed help. Serenity was happy to do her part to clean up the city. She has even used her club as a way to gather information for the Green Arrow.As she approached the bar, Serenity looked up from the report she was reading. A slight frown appeared on her lips as her eyes focused on something she didn't want to see in her club. "Roy, you know my policy on guns in Starlight. I'm surprise at you or at least your ability to hide it properly," Serenity said as she leaned over the bar. It was hard for her to miss it especially since she had a hard time not looking at Roy's sexy ass. Even though Serenity and Roy did not have sex yet, there had been a couple of pretty heated make out session. It seems every time they had came close to having sex something would interrupt them. Roy blinked a bit and turned towards Serenity, "Hey Boss Lady, sorry I blew out my shoulder pretty bad last night. Not at one hundred percent. It's killing me, damage the ligament and actually popped the shoulder out of place. The entire area around it is a massive bruise. I considered calling in, but I know you needed the help tonight. Plus given how flakey some people are I honestly wasn't sure it would be anyone but us working tonight." The young man lifted his shirt, flashing his boss both his four pack chest, and the thick padded wrapping along his left shoulder. Once I get my jacket back on it will be seen not heard boss lady."Thomas moved skillfully towards where Felicity wanted him. The chairs were comfortable, but he was sure his sex fiend boss had another idea in mind. He closed his eyes focusing his will he would be lying if he said he wasn't excited to see what the blond bomb shell was planning. He did dutifully get out his I Pad as the boring meeting started. Serenity looked up from her paperwork when Roy mentioned being injured. She knew better than to ask him how it happen. People from the Glades were never really willing to answer questions or if they did, it was typically a lie. Beside Serenity could careless what her employees did as long as it wasn't legal. She did her best to pay her employees well enough to not need to do anything on the side for extra cash. As Roy showed her his wrappings, Serenity couldn't help, but note his sexy body. It was hard to deny the fact Roy was good looking. He was only a few years younger than her, but seemed rather mature for his age. Serenity was sure that was due to growing up in the Glades. "Here let me see that," she said leaving her paperwork on the bar before walking over to him. Serenity lifted his shirt off his body so she could get a better look at his injury. A slight frown appeared on her face as she walked behind him. Serenity couldn't help, but admire his nice body as she examine him. "This is probably going to hurt slight, but should relief some tension in your nerves and muscles," she said before pressing two fingers firmly against his shoulder blades. Serenity held her fingers there for about a minute to work out some tension before rewrapping his padding so it was tighter.Felicity remained her normal self for the first fifteen minutes of the meeting. Soon the lights in the room were turned off and the projector was being used. Everyone's focused seemed to be on the screen as the CFO continued his presentation. Felicity could not wait any longer. She slowly slipped her right foot out of her blue high heels. Felicity guided her tight covered foot towards Thomas's leg. Her toes softly brushed against Thomas's ankle. Felicity bit her lower lip slightly as she kept her head facing forward, but her eyes glanced over at Thomas to see his reaction.She gently brushed her toes up and down the outside of his leg from his ankle to his knee a few times before slowly snaking her foot in between his legs. Felicity stopped for a moment as she glanced around the board room. She tuned into the meeting for a moment to make sure her presences wasn't needed. Felicity was just grateful that her CFO enjoyed being the center of attention and loved to talk. A smirk grew on her face as she enjoyed the sense of control she had over Thomas. Thomas blinked as her foot began to work his leg. He had excellent body control, but to a genius like Felicity the slight tightening of his hands, the ever so slightly visible dilation of his pupils, it was obvious he was turned on even before her foot reached it. Like the rest of him Thomas's cock was massive, while not as large as a horse or anything so vulgar it was when full erect 11 inches and two and three quarters thick. He'd told her before he had a pussy wrecker, and he'd proven it. If the muscular programmer truly got lost in his lust Felicity would end up limping the next day like a well fucked whore. Then again she'd also had to buy a new couch, bed, and bar for her loft. He'd pounded her until all she could speak was cross eyed Hebrew. When her foot reached his crotch she'd feel his already somewhat "Coiled" snake. It didn't help that he knew what her toes looked like, blue polish on her pale dainty toes from a stupidly expensive pedicure and manicure person down town. Luckily after last time when she'd teased him for two hours he had warned her he'd get even. Not just with the sex, although sex with the large man was a bit harsh. Like a storm from the seas he hit hard, fast, and didn't stop until all the remained was a groaning, moaned out mess. Bruises were expected, either from his grip or the was he'd bounce his partners off of the wall. No, Thomas had taken an experimental nanite gel that on contact with certain sounds or trauma got hard, and stealthily coated Felicities panties in it. Unknown to any of the city's vigilantes all of them were using it, and had acquired it from the same place. If the nanites were properly programmed they'd grow rigid with kinetic force providing a basic break for a bullet's kinetic force. Very useful under Kevlar. Thomas had costumed programmed this batch not only to harden, but to vibrate HARD on a sub audio frequency. In essence Felicity's bra and panties suddenly began to vibrate HARD, like sex toys on beyond maximum, and no one could hear it because of the frequency. Thomas had a grin on his pace as he winked at his boss lady.Roy winced as she rubbed his shoulders, his left one was swollen as hell almost looking cantaloupe sized. He hissed as she pressed down on it, but the flesh was tense but gave away. An obvious sign that while it was really badly sprained it wasn't torn or anything. A skilled eye would notice his muscle seemed denser then normal. The Mirakuru had left Roy's system, but the first of the ones cured their were some odd effects left over. The muscles in his body were about twice as strong as they should be, he was also between ten and fifty percent more pain resistant then the normal person. Roy had once heard a survivor say "The Green Arrow is like a Scalpel, Arsenal is like a hammer, that bitch Red Arrow is like a serrated sword, she makes sure you bleed. Chain Link is like a fucking land mine, you look down and your hand is gone."The comment had made Roy push himself harder. He wasn't dumb, he knew sooner or later all hammers went up against someone bigger and meaner and then it was luck, skill, and adaptability that decided who walked away. Part of him couldn't help but realize as she finished re wrapping his shoulder how fucking dumb he'd been just showing her the wound. Not because of the wound itself, such a wound could come from almost anything especially since a dislocated joint tended to re dislocate. No, honestly it was the other scars he was worried about her noticing. One part the scars that came with being Arsenal. But honestly, deep in his mind Roy heard a voice alot like Oliver's saying he was more scared about the other scars. The thin narrow ones with occasional divots into the skin. Lots of kids found the Glades a safe place, which spoke to their home lives.Oliver was near silent as he moved slowly across the warehouse roof. He'd heard disturbing rumors lately. The Glades were always a mind field, but he'd recently found calling cards that a new group of players were moving on the city. He needed to make sure that the locals were aware, and how displeased he'd be to find them working with them. Oliver had a love hate relationship with the gangs. Well no, he had a hate hate relationship with them. However, he also knew a wide scale attack against a single gang would just lead to a gang war with civilians pulled in. He'd found out about this particular meeting months ago, and decided to leave it alone until now.Chien "China White" Na Wei, locked eyes with the brute across from her. Danny "Brick" Brickwell who growled before throwing his card onto the table. Ben "Bronze Tiger" Turner and Werner "Count Vertigo" Zytle finished off the round table of enforcers. Chien worked for the Triad, Ben the yakuza, Danny the Irish Mob, and Werner a local crew known as Frogmen Gang, local scummy drug dealers and such. Each of them was a killer, but t the same time it never hurt to keep doors open. Ben and Chien went back, and Danny when he wasn't bashing your skull in was fun to drink with. Werner was a bit of a creep, but he brought a lot of cash to the game. Chien's white mask rested on her hip, as did Ben's claws. Werner's cane rested against the table lazily, and Brick's Desert Eagles were both visible as she leaned forward to collect the chips. Tonight was going well. Suddenly an arrow hit the swinging light above the villains. Ming swore, as it exploded into thick black smoke. Gun Powder wrapped expertly in flash paper, and fired into an electric outlet. The impact ignited the powder which would cause a cloud of smoke. Even as he was aware of this she ws throwing a high kick out of habit. That was one of his favorite tricks. The skilled assassin moved to the right, but could have sworn as a hybrid bolor and tazer arrow caught her. She realized she was becoming too predictable right before the current started causing a sharp painful scream from her and her to drop to her ass, all her muscles locking up. Arrow looked at the villains. Chien bound like a ham, Tiger with an arrow through each hand and ankle, the hand ones pinning him to the table. Vertigo held to the wall with a forked arrows barbs on either side of his neck, his shoulders held to the wall with traditional arrows. Brick growling, he'd hit him with a stupidly fact acting paralytic powder at the same time as he'd taken out the light. The Arrow pulled out a playing card and dropped it into the center of the table, as he said, "Listen up. I've been busy the last few months, so I've relaxed my policy on the gangs a bit. That being said, if I find out any of your are helping them or HIM get a foot hold in my city, I will personally burn your entire gang to the ground." Ben looked at the card and paled, "Nuh uh, none of us are that suicidal. If HE comes to town He's even more likely to kill us then you are. It's not like HE plays nice with the locals." Arrow used his natural lie detecting skills, further enhanced by Argus and nodded his head, "Good. Normally I tell you all to keep your noses clean. But you see anyone wearing those colors, feel free to consider it open season. Last thing we need is people like them getting a foot hold here. You all are scum, but you want the city to function. They'll just want to watch it burn."As he finished speaking Oliver drew out a pouch and threw it onto the ground. Just was the five mooks the gang enforcers brought as back up busted into the back room. The only sign he was even there the four incapacitated villains and a playing card with a purple and green clown on it, with read writing under it, "The Jokerz". A green arrow was sticking through it, pinning the card to the table through the clown's eye. Felicity bit her bottom lip softly as she noticed the slight changes in Thomas's demeanor as she touched and teased him. She new the muscular man was turned on by her feet and toes. Once Felicity had learned this little weakness of Thomas, she made sure to have her feet properly treated for. There was something about the idea of Thomas kissing her feet and him growing hard against her toes that turned her on. As she felt his large member, Felicity could feel herself growing wet of the thought of Thomas deep inside of her. No, man had ever really pleasured her like he did. She was starting to grow addicted to it. Felicity raised an eyebrow slightly as she noticed Thomas grinning back at her. Normally, the sexy male would just remain unfazed by her by her touch around other people. Felicity believed she had the upper hand and wanted to take advantage of the situation She grabbed her phone on the table and started to search through some of the pictures she had taken last night. Felicity found one of her laying on the bed in a sexy black lingerie outfit. Of course, her face was hidden, but she knew that Thomas would know it was her. 'I'll be wearing this tonight if you want to come over' Felicity typed before sending over the picture in a text message to Thomas.Just as she hit the send button, Felicity started to feel something vibrating in between her legs and against her breast. "Ah," she quickly called out in surprise causing a few people to glance at her. "Sorry," Felicity mouthed as she regained her cool. Once the focus was back on the presentation, she bit her bottom lip hard to hold back the moans that wanted to escape. Felicity could feel the vibrating pulse against her clit that was causing shivers of pleasure running through her body. * * * * * After a few minutes, Serenity had fixed Roy's wrapping properly. "You know you probably shouldn't be lifting anything if your shoulder is like this," she told him as she slowly ran her fingertips down his back. Serenity could feel his muscles perfectly. It was clear the young man worked out and took care of his body. Well minus the couple of injuries he had. However, Serenity knew that it was rough growing up in the Glades. "You know if we weren't so short handed I would order you to take the night off. I know you would fight me on that decision, but I would inform you that I'm the boss," she said with a slight giggle already picturing the scene her head. Serenity knew that Roy was not the type of person to let her down. He took his job with her seriously and she appreciated it.Serenity figured she would just make sure that Roy went home early. Normally, she would have him stay and help her lock the club up before taking the money to the bank. However, Serenity was expecting the Green Arrow to make a visit tonight and she wouldn't want Roy around for that. She was planning on sharing some intel on a new drug that was in the process of being manufactured. Thomas smirked at her, sending her, a text reply as his cock twitched under her skilled foot, "Oh really? I figure you'd be naked on your knees worshiping my cock again like a good slut. Especially after I spank your ass for teasing me during a meeting again. Remember how I made you moan like a whore last time. My fingers and my belt making you so wet you limped the next day. That was when I took your ass for the first time huh. Oh I hope you've been practicing with the butt plug I got you, tonight I'm going to slam your ass like it owes me money." He sent her a video thankfully muted of her blowing his big dick. Glasses abandoned contacts in she looked a bit doe eyed as she worked him. Subtitles showing her talking like a street walker. He'd pushed her and trained her hard to be able to do that. To push aside ll self respect and dignity in the bedroom for what felt good. He casually pressed his own Nike clad foot against her crotch giving her even less wiggle room and forcing the vibrating panties roughly against her clit. He sent her another text, "How long before we can duck out for an "Emergency Call"? I need to bust a nut on those perfect titties of yours. Maybe up your ass as well, you can let it sit there inside of you the rest of the day." Roy shrugged a bit, "I have a rule, I can do whatever I want for fun. So long as I drag my happy ass into work the next morning. If I won't be able to go to work, I don't do it. My job's too important, plus no offense most of your staff are about as reliable as Oliver Queen is."The red wearing late teen shook his head a bit. Shots at the city's rich play boy were common in the glades. It didn't help he'd opened up a club that was a rival for Serenity's place. Then again the clientele were different. The Foundry was always packed, but it was the rich and middle class trying to be rich. Serenity's place was more local, thousand dollar shoes weren't required to get in. She also knew how The Glades worked and thus while appeasing the gangs, had managed to keep the more dangerous stuff out. Unlike Queen whose club had a bit of anything if you knew where to look. Roy chuckled a bit saying, "I'd say it's a good thing we're always a few arrows short of a quiver, but honestly it's probably not. Sometimes I worry this place is working you into an early grave." Felicity could tell she had received a message back from Thomas. However, she was hesitate to open it at first. Things had already escalated pass what she had planned plus she already caught the attention of everyone in the room already. After a few minutes, Felicity opened the text message and started to read it. A slight blush appeared on her face from how dirty the message had been. A panic look appeared on Felicity's face for a moment as she saw the video had started to play. She had not realized the video was mute on as she desperately made sure the volume was off on her phone. Of course, this lead to her fumbling her phone around in her hands a bit. Luckily, as she looked at the rest of the room, their focus was still on the CFO and his presentation. She bit her bottom lip as she felt Thomas's foot push the vibrations against her clit. Felicity knew she could not last long in the board room at this rate and Thomas seemed to know that as well from the second text he sent her. She glanced over at the clock in the room to see what time it was. Felicity knew it would reflect poorly on her if she left the meeting too soon. Noticing the meeting was halfway over anyways, Felicity grabbed her phone and acted like she just received an important e mail. "I'm sorry, but I need to leave. There is something that needs my attention right away. Thomas, I need your help as well," she said as she interrupted the meeting and stood up. After receiving a few nods, Felicity headed out of the room and towards her office eagerly awaiting some time alone with Thomas. * * * * * Serenity let out a light laugh from Roy's joke about Oliver Queen. "It's hard to argue against that point," she said as she made her way around the bar. Serenity had hung out in the same crowd as Oliver a few times before he disappeared. Since he has appeared back, Oliver had stopped by a handful of times to see how she was doing. Serenity started to do a count of the bottles to make sure there was enough behind the bar for the beginning of the night. "I can see how you'll think, but it actually gives me a lot of energy and purpose. Beside I had a hard time dealing with death as a nurse," she explained to Roy after his comment about this club causing her to have an early grave.A slight smile appeared on her face as she stopped what she was doing and approached Roy. "Also, I think this job has it's perks," Serenity said as she closed off the space in between. She placed a hand on his chest before leaning in and putting her lips by his ear. "I get to see all the hot men in town and have my pick of them," she added. Serenity tranced her fingers down the front of Roy's chest to his belt as she nibbled on his ear for a few moments. With the smirk on her face, she pulled away and turned around to continue where she left off. Thomas smirked following her. As soon as they were in the Elevator he'd pushed her towards the wall, hands moving expertly he popped her bra with his left hand, his right raising her skirt up over her hips. His mouth claiming her neck and his teeth digging into the soft sensitive flesh. Sucking on it, and rubbing it with his tongue for a few seconds before he growled, "You slut, getting me all hard in there. Hope you're ready for what this sexy ass of yours started." He pulled her panties down to her knees, and drove his cock into her pussy. This wasn't love making, it was rutting like animals. He then used his hand to lower her dress and bra enough for her breasts to spill over the top of it. He began to grope and squeeze them. Pinching and twisting her nipples as he said, "My my, look at that skank in the mirror. Imagine if someone else opened the elevator door. Think they'd cum seeing what I do? Not a C.E.O. but a cock desperate slut." He continued thrusting his hips forcing her to the tips of her pointed heels. He sucked her earlobe hard as he took her, making sure not to allow her to cum yet. Roy nodded his head a bit, "Yeah, I get that. Lower stress. Part of the reason why I enjoy working at your club instead of bare knuckle boxing. Chaos is only fun until it isn't." Roy groaned low, "Oh you tease. That's not ok. Trying to give me two strained muscles?"The red clad youth gave her ass a smack, "Honestly if that's true and you're with me I question which of us has the brain damage."
['Link', 'Queen']
Not Every Nord (w/ Mr.Aznable)
It was rather sunny today in Riften. The Bee and Barb was as busy as it usually was the barmaids were oogled and fondled as was the norm from travelers. The door opened and a dunmer woman walked in, her heavy odd armored boots knocked against the wood floor as she moved to sit at one of the tables was her armor made from crystallized ice?Her skin was ashen pale even for a Dark Elf with short white hair pulled up in a ponytail with the sides shaved. Her eyes looked solid red from a distance but they were lovely. She set her great sword against the wall and leaned back in her chair, ignoring the hateful stares some of the Nord men gave her. Greyta was a barmaid, and she moved to greet the Dunmer. "Welcome to the Bee and Barb, may I get you something to drink?" "What's the strongest drink you have?" She asked, glancing up at her. "Cliff Racer, White Gold Tower and Velvet Lechance." She said. "Cliff Racer sounds promising. What's in it?" She asked. "Firebrand Wine, Cyrodillic Brandy, Flin and Sujama." She said with a smile. "I'll have that then, thank you." She said and handed over ten gold for the drink. She nods and soon comes back with the beverage. "Anything else?" "Your company." She smirked softly. She smiled and waved a bit. "I hate to disappoint you but that usually isn't for sale.." she said. "I meant to share a drink with me." She chuckled. "Ah, well.. I think I could have a drink with you.." she smiled. "Unless I'm pulling you from your work?" She asked. Talen Jei was watching them, mainly the dunmer, keeping his usual watch over things. She smiled a bit snd left to ask Talen Jei if she could have a drink with the Dunmer. He made a noise, "Let me know if you feel uncomfortable." "I will, thank you.." she said. She smiled and moved to head over to the Dunmer "So, do you have a name?" She asked after she sat down. "I am Greyta.. what is your name?" She asked. "Mirai.." She answered, "I sailed to Skyrim from Morrowind hoping to find my fortune.." She smiled. "Ah.. you won't find that here in Riften.. only the Thieves Guild and the Black Briars know fortune.." She made a disapproving noise as she drank her liquor, "Shame...guess I'll have to try the next town." "I would advise it.. I don't think there's mich here for you.." she said. "Well so far the ale is good and the view is beautiful." She replied, red eyes locked with Greyta's. She flushed. "O Oh, please.." she said, sipping her drink. "You probably hear that all the time, though, don't you?" She asked, sitting back, "Curves deadlier than a mountain road " Her face flushed again. "Well, I do but.. not usually from someone such as yourself.." "Not from dunmer?" She asked, "Understandable, a lot of my brethren could care less for Nords. But I am a woman who enjoys a little meat over marrow " Her face flushed and ahe simply drank, not sure how to reply to any of it. She laughed softly, "Apologies, that was too forward." She shakes her head. "I do not mind.." she said with a smile. They continued to talk and drink, enjoying each other's company, Mirai was pleasant despite her rough looking exterior. After several drinks, Greyta decided she should probably get back to work. "Sorry to keep you so long." Mirai apologized, "If you want to spend more time together when you're done, I'll be renting a room here for a few days." "I would love to spend more time with you.." she smiled. She got up and headed back to work. Mirai grabbed her things and gave a large sum of gold to Keerava to rent a room before heading up. "Disgusting." One old Nord muttered. Greyta frowned and moved about to serve drinks and food to the patrons. Mirai didn't come down at all, maybe keeping away from the mudcrabby old men. She made a noise and when the rest of the customers left, she went to check on the Dunmer woman. "Come in.." Mirai called and when Greyta stepped into the room Mirai was in no more than leather coverings over her breasts and nether regions. She was a very toned woman, not overly muscular like some of the Riften guards but she was incredibly fit. She covered up and apologised. Greyta flushed again. "M My apologies.. I wished to come check on you is all.." she said softly. "I'm alright...that Racer is finally catching up to me." She laughed softly. "I think a good portion of the drinks may have worked out of me.." she smiled. She smiled and laid her head down, "It was very warm even without my armor, I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable.." She shakes her head. "W Was there anything you needed?" She asked "Nothing you can provide me, unfortunately.." She replied "What do you mean by that?" She asked. "The company you misinterpreted before..." She answered "Ah, I see.." she said. "Well, I am off the clock so.. it wouldn't really be for sale.." she said. "I don't want you to feel obligated or that you have to." She said, "It wouldn't feel right.." "I've had female clients before, back when I worled for Helga.." she said. "And I would be lying if I didn't say you weren't attractive.." she said. She looked over and sat up, showing her thick thighs and abs, "Very well then.." Greyta blushed and smiled. "Besides, I figure that at least one Nord could give you a nice welcome to our city.." she said. She laughed and brought Greyta closer, "Thank you you've made me feel more welcome than Windhelm ever did " Greyta smiled. "How long are you in town?" She asked. "Two, three days...but for such a beautiful woman like you, I can make an exception " She purred She blushed. "Will you come back?" She asked. "If you wish..." She said softly, pulling Greyta into her lap. She flushed a bit. "I would love that.. very much.." She played with her pitch colored hair before pulling her into a slow kiss, her hand resting gently on her rear. She melted a bit and kissed back, hands placed gently on the Dunmer'a thighs. She gave a gentle squeeze, using it to pull Greyta closer and kiss her more heatedly. Greyta's moan was soft, gentle. Almost like a breathless sigh, her lips soft. She loosely wrapped her arms around Mirai's neck, returning the kiss. She moved and laid her down easily, hovering over her and deepening the kiss. She arches and moans a little louder, still tryinf to keep Mirai from controlling the kiss. Her hands trailed up Greyta's dress, loving each soft caress of skin. Greyta's breath caught in her throat, trembling gently in excitement. She loosened the corset of the tavern dress and tossed it aside, kissing and nipping the tops of her breasts gently. She gasped and moaned softly, looking down with slightly hazy eyes. Mirai pulled the dress down before tossing it away, running her hands over each inch of skin. She flushed and draped her arms over her eyes, clearly embarrassed but not moving to stop her. "What's the matter?" She asked, "Ashamed?" She shakes her head. "J Just nervous is all, don't pay me any mind.." She made a soft noise and kissed down her body, "I will pay you as much attention as you deserve " She shudders and nods. "V Very well then.. " she breathed. She kissed her thighs slowly, enjoying how supple they were. The flesh twitched beneath her every touch, soft moans becoming an unending stream. Oh, she could get used to this. She pet and massaged her thighs slowly as she watched , "Do you enjoy this ?" She makes a low noise and nods. "Y Yes, Mirai.. " She kissed her folds gently, "And this ?" She moans lowly and nods. "H Haah.. ! Th This too.. !" She moved and started to eat her out slowly, moaning softly. Greyta arches and lets out a breathless moan, gently tangling her fingers in Mirai's hair. She squeezed her thighs and moaned as she worked her, loving each sound and twitch. She melts and moans her name lowly, a sound that sent a chill down her spine. Her juices were sweet, and her skin was so soft. She worked her faster, pushing two fingers into her and pumping them slowly Her walls were lush and soft, dripping with juices. She moaned lowly and moved faster, curling her fingers into her spot. She arches and covers a loud cry of bliss, her juices gushing a bit from her. She stopped and pulled away, stripping of her coverings. She whines softly. "Wh Why did you stop..?" "I'm not a very patient woman." She said and moved to her bag, pulling out a purple ish blue thick looking gelatinous cock, "I made this with Netch jelly that I permanently froze with frost salts. It has kept me quite happy through many lonely nights." She swallowed hard. "O Oh.. oh dear.." she stammered, not nervous, just in awe. She put it on with some tanned leather and straps before moving over, forcing Greyta's legs apart, "Self lubricating it'll have you screaming all night " She shudders hard and looks back, face flushed. "W Will it fit..?" "It's rather flexible it'll fit and stretch to fill you perfectly " "O Oh, divines.." she said, face flushed. She chuckled and started pushing into her slowly. The jelly molded to fit into her and immediately stretched out as it penetrated, stretching her walls blissfully. She gasped and moaned loudly, cutting it off and muffling it with the pillow. She took a breath and panted hard. "D Divines.. !" She buried herself inside Greyta and moved so she could watch as the toy was swallowed by her greedy pussy. Greyta muffled her cries, her core gushing all over the artificial cock. It was hypnotic, watching the girth of the cock be squeezed by her tight pussy. "By the ancestors " She moaned lowly as she pounded into her. She shudders hard and nearly screams, looking back with a red face and hazy eyes. Mirai was growing faster and harder, entranced by how greedy Greyta was. Greyta was screaming into the pillow, her core almost too tight for the toy. Mirai grew annoyed with her muffled screams and pulled the pillow away, "That's enough of that " She cries out and nods. "Y Yes, Mirai !!" She said, bucking against the toy. She moved and worked Greyta's clit slowly, watching her twitch and squirm. She arches and cries her name out. "N No, I'm sensitive !" She cried. "That's cute " She purred as she continued, "It's a shame I don't give a fuck " She melted and moaned loudly, shuddering hard as she slammed her hips against Mirai's. She smirked and stopped moving, watching Greyta work. She whined and bucked, grinding her hips against Mirai's. "Wh Why'd you stop...?" "I like watching beautiful women work for what they want " She said, petting Greyta's ass and giving a squeeze. She whined and bucked her hips faster. "Th That's fair, I suppose " she panted. She bent down and kissed along her spine slowly, "So beautiful " She shuddered hard and moaned weakly, biting her lip and moving faster. She continued to watch, loving the ripple of flesh as she moved. She cries her name out and moves a bit faster, the flesh of her well rounded ass rippling deliciously. She bit her lip and smacked her ass over and over until it turned pink. She was screaming, crying out with each smack. "F Fuck I'm close !!" "Ooh, already ? How vulgar " She purred. She whined. "I I would be a lot closer if you decided to move.. " she panted. She gripped her hips tightly and started pounding into her, "Like this ?" She arched hard and screamed loudly. "Y Yes, fuck yes just like that !!" She made a low noise as she drilled into her spot, "What a little whore I've found " She cried out and screamed. "N No, fuck, I I'm gonna cum !!" "Don't keep me waiting, Greyta " She moaned lowly She arched hard and screamed loudly as she climaxed, forcing her every movement to stop. Mirai made a low noise and pet her sides slowly, "Good girl " She panted hard and trembled. "O Ooh.. Sweet divines.. " She slowly pulled out and sat back, "That was rather fun " She panted hard and trembled. "I.. It was.. " "Look at you, no more than a jar of netch jelly." She laughed She laughed softly and pants. "Oh, well you did this to me.. " "I did.. " She smiled, "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.." "Tell me you won't leave for good..?" She asked. She blinked, "You want me to come back?" "I would by lying if I said I didn't " she said. "Why?" She asked, "If I may know?" "You have a spark that I find fun " she said. She laughed softly, "Maybe you could find a trainer and we could go exploring together " "A trainer.. ? Why, when I have a big strong warrior to protect me.. ?" She batted her eyelashes. "A big strong warrior can only do so much " She replied. "Oh, very true.. " she said. "It would just make things easier.." She said, "You don't have to.." She smiled. "I might look one up.. " she said. She smiled softly, "I'll be in town a little while longer so you won't have to miss me too much "
The Lost World (randomname98766789 and Orion)
Have fun, but not too much fun. I know, Mom. We ll be safe. Make smart choices, alright? Always do. Eighteen year old high school seniorAndrew Russobid his parents goodbye, walking out of his medium sized suburban home in Los Angeles. It was prom night a night Drew would remember for the rest of his life. Paired with his athletic build, his tailored, black tuxedo was sharp looking and well fitted. The white, button up shirt contrasted the dark jacket, pants, and gleaming shoes. Dressing up was on a list of Drew s five least favorite things to do. It was always bothersome, throwing on khaki pants and a collared shirt during away games. Athletes were expected to look nice while traveling to away games Drew was a star third baseman for Paul R. Williams High school.It was safe to assume that he had never taken as much time to get ready for something as he did tonight. It was important to him looking good for his prom date, making the night unforgettable. At six feet tall, he had an athletic build, around 160 pounds. His body was composed of ample muscle tissue, but by no means was he a body builder. His dark brown hair was combed back neatly, stiff from hairspray meant to keep it in place as it bumped against the roof of his father s car.It was a 2012 silver Ford Mustang. His stature caused his head to brush the roof of just about any vehicle, making it difficult to style his hair. Typically, Drew was found riding his trusty pickup, but for the special event, his father thought it was more fitting to take his date to prom in a something nicer. After meticulously checking himself out in the rearview mirror, Drew decided it was safe to leave.Of course, there was no cause for preoccupation. His prom date was also his girlfriend of six years. It was not like she was going to suddenly find him unattractive. Yet, knowing how important of a day it was, perfection was the only way he would feel satisfied. The drive to the Clarke residence took about fifteen minutes. When those fifteen minutes, the male parked his car near the sidewalk in front of the Clark home. After stealing another glance in the mirror, Drew slipped out of the car, straightened up his shirt and jacket, ensured that his shirt was still tucked into his pants, then started walking towards the door. In his right hand, he was carrying a red rose. With his left hand, Drew pressed his index finger into the doorbell. Alicia Clark had spent her life trying to achieve but for one night she was simply going tobe.High school was coming to an end. In the coming weeks she would start her final set of exams, and within the next month she would officially be graduated. After that Berkeley awaited her, and once summer came to an end in three months time, she would begin a degree so that she could eventually end up a teacher and pass on her passion for learning and growth to youth who deserved to have someone in their corner. It was a strong goal in her eyes, and she found it very achievable.Tonight, however was prom night. For one Friday she had the go ahead to relax and kick back. It was hard for her to go in to off mode, but she somehow managed. It helped that her mother was fawning over her in her dress, a pretty green number that matched the bright, brilliant hue of her eyes. There were slight, subtle ruffles to the skirt of the knee length ensemble, and Madison Clark had spent probably an hour doting upon her eighteen year old's hair alone, turning the long brown locks in to a beautiful up do, yet alone the amazing way she had done Alicia's make up.The mother and daughter duo had finished up just in time for the doorbell to go off, and Madison went to answer it while Alicia slipped some strappy heels on. For the moment she wanted to make a big deal of things so she made her entrance just as Madison had welcomed Drew in to the house. "Why don't you look handsome," she cooed as Madison stepped away in to the living room. Even after six years, Andrew never stopped being the most attractive person that she had ever seen. Jaw dropping. Breathtaking. Stunning. These were the only words that could describe the way Alicia looked. In fact, Drew s mouth stood slightly agape when his eyes landed on the form in front of him. It was not a surprise Alicia s beauty was never a secret to him. There was just something extra about seeing this girl in a dress, makeup and hair all done fancily it was a soft spot for him. Holy Catching himself, realizing that they were not quite alone, he reserved his swearing. Other than that, Drew was speechless.Standing in front of his girlfriend, Drew took her left hand in his own, slowly raising it to his lips. Never did his eyes leave Alicia s. Those green orbs stood out most to him, out of all the mouth watering features of her body. Those eyes just glowed, always inviting him closer. You look like you should be modeling for a living. Chuckling softly, Drew released her hand, slowly wrapping his arms around her shoulders.Although the embrace was snug, Drew was careful to not screw up any of Alicia s handiwork. I will be at the luckiest guy at prom tonight. It was stated as if it were a fact, not an opinion. No, Alicia might not have been the head cheerleader or another star athlete. It often surprised everyone that arguably the most popular athlete on campus was dating a quiet, school savvy girl. It need not make sense with anyone else, though. The only opinions that mattered were those two standing by the front door. Cheerleaders had nothing on Alicia Clark. His eyes were reserved for Alicia Alicia alone.Just then, the intimate moment was interrupted by the older Clark female, happily strutting into the room with her camera. I know you need to get going, but I need to snap a few pictures of you guys together! Alicia had also never cared if they seemed mismatched. As much as she wasn't a sports fan and couldn't care less about any game that didn't involve her boyfriend, she was Drew's number one fan. It had been that way since long before he became a star player at their high school, and would continue long in to their lives together. Why would he need a cheerleader when he had her at the sidelines of every one of his games, cheering him on louder than they ever could? "Mom, you're going to make us late.," Alicia objected. They wouldn't actually be late if they stuck around for pictures, but she had never considered herself photogenic and do she was hoping that maybe she could get out of it by saying something like that.Madison was not having it, though. Her little girl was growing up and she never got a chance to take pictures for her older boy's prom because Nick justdidn't go and who didn't go to prom? Of all things? Madison was getting her damn pictures, one way or the other."No, you won't. Two minutes won't hurt get close." Being a typical teenager, Alicia rolled her eyes but gave in. Luckily, being close to Andrew came easy to her. Perhaps if she didn't fight it, it would be over with quicker. The reaction was adorable. Drew fought a laugh from escaping his lips. When Alicia stood close to him, the male draped an arm around the back of her neck, his hand resting at the top of her arm. Madison had the chance to snap a few pictures, asking for a couple different poses. Drew didn t mind, not fighting anything that she requested. Soon enough, she was satisfied. Alright, kids. Have a great night. If you need anything, don t hesitate to call. Luckily, there was enough of a rapport built between Drew and Madison that she trusted him wholeheartedly. Some huge speech about being responsible didn t seem necessary. Let s go, Princess. Holding the front door open, Drew watched as his girlfriend walked out. Madison bid them goodbye as they started walking towards his parked car. Drew decided to link their arms together while they approached the stylish vehicle, reaching down to pull open the passenger seat door open. When Alicia found herself seated, Drew closed the door, and walked around the front to get into the driver s seat.Once both parties were buckled into their seats, Drew took a deep breath before turning to face the love of his life. One hand gently rested on the side of her face, looking at her with a fond gaze. It did not matter how young they were. To him, he already knew that Alicia was his universe. I love you. Finally pulling away from her face, he settled for taking her hand, letting it rest on the console as he pulled out away from the front of her house, heading towards one of the country clubs that was rented out by the school for prom tonight. "Well isn't this fancy," Alicia cooed as she laid eyes that awaited him. She should have known that Drew would have traded up his pick up for the night. After all, anything less than "all out" and were they even doing this right? As much as Alicia loved her boyfriend's truck she also always loved the way that he tried to pull every rope he could for her. Together they made a really amazing couple and Andrew never ceased to amaze her.Once she had gotten in to her seat she straightened out the ruffles in her dress. Perhaps that was a trivial thing to worry about, but she wanted to look absolutely perfect for her boyfriend as he deserved nothing less. As he got in the passenger side door, Alicia couldn't even tear her eyes off of him. Drew normally looked absolutely stunning to her, but dressed to the nines he currently put his every day attire to shame. He was, quite literally, the most handsome man that she had ever seen."I love you, too," she replied. The sweetest, most in love smile rode on the subtle curves of her full lips as she spoke, and the way she looked at him was just as affectionate. Had he not taken her hand first, she likely would have done that herself. "I know you're not big on dances and dressing up, but you're doing this for me. Thank you so much I'm never going to have the words to show how much I appreciate all you've done for me." At the next stoplight, Tyler turned to face his prom date. Oh, don t worry about not having the words. I accept kisses, too. Grinning, Tyler leaned over the console to steal one of those kisses from her lips, pulling back with an excited grin on his face. I love seeing you all dressed up like this, too. There s just something so beautiful about you wearing a dress. I love it. Similarly, Tyler was appreciative of Alicia dressing up for him. Seeing her in a dress was one of his many weaknesses when it came to her. This night was going to be fun for him, in more than one way.While driving, Tyler kept his eyes on the road, but never hesitated to steal a glance from Alicia when it was safe. When they arrived at the country club, he parked his car in the parking lot, finally releasing her hand from his grasp. It felt odd, not touching her, even for a few seconds. When the girl emerged from her side of the car, Tyler decided they had a few seconds to spare. Both hands were resting on her waist, his forehead now leaning down to rest against hers. You are the most beautiful girl in the entire world. After relaying his genuine sentiment, Tyler kissed the girl one more time, holding it for a few seconds. When he pulled back, there was this goofy smile on his face the young man looked completely in love, because he was. Alright. We should get moving inside now. Let s go. Linking her arm with his, he happily turned away from the parking lot, walking confidently into the club as he knew that his date was the best date of the entire school. Red lights were perfect for kisses. Over the years, Alicia Clark had stolen many from her beloved at one. It would come as no surprise that she welcomed another, and luckily by now the red hue that coated her lips would have dries enough not to stain Tyler's own. She'd specifically chosen one that "didn't wear off" because she had a feeling that they would be doing alotof kissing throughout the night.They pulled up and her heart was aflutter. Tyler may have thought that he had the best date at the prom, but Alicia was sure that wasn't the case. After all, she was bringing him along. Nothing in the world could possibly be better. Tyler was hot and charming and somehow hers despite their differences. Not a day went by where Alicia didn't appreciate just how much that meant. She admired and appreciated her boyfriend and best friend more than anything in the world and she hoped that she made that very clear."Yes, my love let's," the young brunette agreed as she gladly linked arms with her lover. Alicia's hand rested over her boyfriend's forearm as they stepped to1wards the country club. She wouldn't admit it, but she definitely wanted them to come off as the power couple to be jealous of as soon as they walked through the doors. Eyes on him eyes on her. People should be jealous because nothing could possibly be better than their relationship. Beyond the dress, Tyler happened to enjoy seeing her with the red lipstick coating her lips. Obviously, he did not think she needed makeup. Many times, he has woken up beside her on a Saturday morning, hair all ruffled, morning breath, and looking like what she would consider a disaster. To him, though, she never lost that beauty. On the same token, there was just something so damn sexy about seeing her dressed up, from the outfit to he makeup. He could not help his enjoyment of it.So, wearing that lipstick made him want to kiss her even more often. As they did walk through the doors, Alicia s secret wish was coming true. Everyone looked at the couple, seeing how stylish they both looked, seeing how happy they both looked Tyler adored having this relationship with Alicia. He did want everyone to be jealous, because he knew their relationship was pure.Instead of going to chat with friends or instead of chatting with anyone else, Tyler was committed to making Alicia feel like the only person at the country club tonight. The music was already going, a relatively slow song playing. So, keeping their arms linked together, he started walking towards the floor. As good of an athlete he was, dancing was not his forte. It seemed like he had no balance at all on a dance floor, even though it was opposite on the playing field. May I have this dance, Alicia? Tyler asked, a quirky look on his face, the smile still spread from ear to ear. It seemed that the pair had a similar idea in mind. Like her boyfriend, Alicia wanted toat leaststart her night off with a dance. Whether he was amazing at dancing or not, she still loved Tyler and the fact that he would give it a shot for her meant the world. No one had to be perfect, and part of why Alicia loved Tyler was that he was not afraid of his weaknesses. He did not try to weasel out of dancing with her, and even offered himself he could have stepped on her feet a thousand times and she still would have found this night to already be perfect."I would love that," she returned with a sweet smile as she held her hands out to her boyfriend. The song was a near perfect choice as it was one of her favorites and hopefully her favorite would play later on in the night. If so, Tyler woulddefinitelybe roped in to a second dance. Alicia herself wasn't the best dancer, but shewasthe kind of person who believed that at least trying mattered more than whether or not things went flawlessy.In the end her arms draped around her boyfriend's shoulders. All she could do was watch him with pure adoration in her eyes as she started to sway. "Thank you for coming here with me," she said to him. Even if it was expected to take your partner to prom, Alicia was genuinely grateful. "I can already tell that we're going to have an amazing night." Thank you for allowing me to come with you. Tyler responded with a soft voice, flashing her that signature smile of his. Alicia could have taken any guy to prom that she wanted, yet he was the lucky guy. He knew that Alicia was the kindest, most beautiful girl at school. She could date anyone she wanted, she could do whatever she wanted. It was an honor that they had this relationship. Tyler never took it for granted. He pressed a kiss onto the top of her head while swaying. Indeed, he did bump into her feet a few times, but he tried to compose himself.Even though he knew that the skill of dancing was not a big deal, Tyler wanted to at least dance presentably with his girlfriend. One hand rested in the center of her back, the other rested along her hip. Tyler kept their eyes locked together while the slow song was moving to an end. It just felt appropriate to shower her in love and affection, right now, so that was exactly what Tyler did. I m so excited to see what our future holds. I know we can do anything together. College is going to be so much fun with you. As if there was not enough evidence already to prove that they were meant for each other, Tyler was also going to Berkley. They did not exactly intend to go to the same school on purpose, it just happened. He would have a scholarship for sports, plus, his grades , were still enough to get in as he worked hard, these last couple years of school, wanting to get into a good college. They both adored Berkley and there was no future trouble of a long distance relationship. Even if there was, Tyler knew they would have been alright, but it would have been a lie for him to say that he did not look forward to college even more. Alicia found his blunders to be adorable Tyler was strong, and lithe on the field but a little dance challenged his dexterity. Nothing was enough to ruin that perfect moment for her, and as the song ended it was only right to hold him close. Typically Alicia always wanted to have her boyfriend around, but in that moment it felt vital. Their high school days were coming to an end, and a youth spent in love would turn in to an adulthood. This was the start of the rest of their lives, and she had no doubts that they would spend it all together."I'm so glad that you got in to Berkeley," she said as she leaned in for a kiss. Even if they weren't going for the same purpose, Alicia was incredibly grateful that she would get to spend the next few years still at his side. As much as shecouldhave managed to live on her own had she needed to, she had no desire to part from her beloved. Even if they would have been able to see each other during summers and breaks and maybe even weekends if they had gone to schools close enough, Alicia had dreaded the thought that they may be apart. His acceptance letter had been a thrill for the pair of them."It's going to be amazing, babe," she said as she continued to hold on to him even though the song had ended. Her mind was starting to wander as she though of what the future would bring. "Pretty soon we're going to have to go apartment hunting find something small and hopefully reasonably cheap to make our own. Books everywhere! And I'm totally going to plaster an entire wall with pictures." A few years back, Alicia had got her hands on a polaroid camera. By now, she had a drawer in her bedroom that was nearly full to the brim of pictures she had taken, mostly of them. "You can... I don't know, cover the opposite one in sports team flags or whatever kind of decoration you want. It'll be the perfect mix of both of us." Hearing Alicia talk this way brought a smile to Tyler s face. That sounds perfect, Princess. I can t wait. Living with Alicia was something Tyler dreamed about. It did not matter how young they were he knew they could make it on their own. It seemed like couples their age got a bad reputation: in and out of relationships every few months, getting married way too early, living together too soon, among other things. Tyler had no doubt they were not part of that mold. They would live together in an apartment, they would face the challenges of being together in the same place all the time and overcome it together. Tyler loved the idea of asking her to marry him, but he figured it was best to wait until after they graduate college and prepare to start the rest of their lives together. At the same time, he was attempting to not think too far ahead yet. They still had this night and the rest of their senior year remaining. There was no use of rushing anything. Neither of them were going anywhere.The next song was a little bit faster, but that did not change how close he hovered around his girlfriend. They continued to dance together until mostly everyone was taking a break to grab some of the punch or a snack. They ended up mingling with a few friends for a bit, but not very long. Tyler was soon pulling Alicia back out onto the dance floor. Soon enough, it was time for the crowning of the prom King and prom Queen. The Queen was awarded first, being arguably the most popular girl at school, also the head cheerleader. The King was none other than Tyler.Their school had a tradition the dance between the King and Queen. The girl stood there, waiting for Tyler to join her on the dance floor, but if anyone actually expected him to even look at another girl that night, well, they were dead wrong. Instead, he looked at Alicia, deciding to pull her out onto the floor instead while the song started playing. In a sweet gesture, he pressed a kiss to the back of her hand, letting the other one of his rest onto her side again, now swaying and dancing with his girlfriend, just as he wanted. Alicia's night went by amazing. Even if he wasn't the best dancer Tyler sure did his damnedest, and even when they were socializing or grabbing something to drink instead of on the floor she was still happy. Not a moment had passed that wasn't perfect, partially because he had kept close to her throughout the night.When it came for prom king and queen, she had known of thw tradition. Because of that, as soon as Tyler's name was called a littl bubble of jealousy formed within her. Not only was he going to have to leave her for a bit, but it would be so another woman could touch him. As much as possible, Alicia liked to keep her boyfriend close. While she could handle separation, every part of life was justbetterwhen he was close. Basically, Alicia had clingy tendencies.She should have known her boyfriend better. When he grabbed her hand to pull her on to the floor, she was genuinely surprised. However, she was also thrilled. She giggled and laughed as she became the center of attention. "You are too perfect," she said with admiration in her eyes as they swayed together. "You've made this whole night perfect. I love you." I love you, too. Tyler responded without hesitation, returning the kiss.Saying that they were the center of attention felt like an understatement. Every eye was on them, every eye was shocked at what happened. Never before could anyone recall something like this happening. In reality,maybea simple dance did not mean anything. It was just tradition, after all. It was not unlike two people danced together at this point in prom that were not dating. Despite that, Tyler held himself to a high standard. Hell, he barely even looked at another girl, yet he was expected to dance with one? Hell no.Soon enough, everyone just awkwardly moved back about their business, going back to their dancing partners, letting the attention fizzle away. Tyler soon gently rested his forehead against Alicia s while they swayed, closing his eyes as he held her close. You complete me. You are everything to me. After telling her this, Tyler opened his eyes and gazed into those beautiful, deep green orbs of hers. Then, his head dipped down, pressing his lips right over where her heart was located. Mine. Tyler whispered, loving any chance he was given to shower her in love and affection, this action included. Tyler was everything that Alicia could have wanted. She was crazy to think that even for a moment he would take his eyes off of her, tradition or not. He consistently proved himself to care for nothing but her and it was in moments like this that she felt his devotion most. Because of that, Alicia couldn't help but hold him close.The attention may have dissipated, but the romance hadn't. Alicia's heart fluttered in her chest and she couldn't tear her eyes off of her lover's form. A soft smile rested peacefully on her lips as he pressed a kiss ti her heart. What other option was there than returning the gesture. She moved in close closer and kissed above his heart in return. "Always just as you're mine. You've made tonight absolutely perfect." I m glad to hear that. I feel the same way about tonight as well. I think that this night is perfect. I love you, so much. Honestly, Tyler was still struggling to get over just how beautiful Alicia looked. His attention was all for Alicia right now, his eyes bright and alive. One hand rested at the back of her neck, the other rested on the small of her back. His movement stopped, leaning down so he could press a kiss onto her soft lips again. Kissing Alicia was Tyler s favorite thing to do, no matter what. However, when she was wearing lip stick or gloss, it was just even more appealing to him.The male enjoyed kissing her right now, letting his tongue slide over her bottom and upper lip, peeking inside of her mouth. This was a kiss not safe for a place like this, but he was careful that no adults could see them while they made out, now closer to the corner of the room. I can t ever get enough of kissing you. He admitted softly against her lips, the smile growing on his, even wider than before once he pulled away from his girlfriend s lips. You look so good in that dress, Princess. God, you re driving me crazy. Tucked away out of prying eyes, Alicia met her boyfriend's kiss with enthusiasm. Tyler wasn't the only one who couldn't keep their hands to themself she was the same way. It was a perfect ending to a perfect night. Tyler had made prom everything that she could have hoped for and then some. If she could have she would have stayed there forever with him stayed in this moment.However, eventually things had to come to an end. People started leaving many with parties to attend to. "Last dance" was announced and the happy couple shared it together. Like the rest of the night it was perfect. As it ended Alicia held in to her boyfriend and rested her head against his chest. "Suppose we should get going eventually," she mused. The night ended with the couple foregoing after prom parties in favor of hanging out with each other. Tyler safely retuned Alicia to her home, spending the night, cuddled up with her on the couch. Over the next few days, they were forced to return to the reality of their senior year with the final push for classes and graduation starting. That week, Tyler saw more of his classmates miss school than ever before. There was a nasty strain of the flu going around.One morning, before school, Alicia text him frantically about her situation: Nick was found, hit by a car, high off his mind. She, her mother, and Travis were at the hospital. Tyler wished to be with her, to comfort her, but it was not a possibility yet. When lunchtime rolled around that day, Alicia let him know that she was finally at school. So, instead of going to the cafeteria, Tyler found himself waiting underneath the bleachers, right outside of school, intending to meet Alicia in their usual meeting spot when they sneaked around during lunch. Alicia loved her brother, she really did. When they had been younger he was her favorite person in the whole world. His drug use got to her, though. It was something that had started in her early teenage years and had only gotten worse in the two since their father had died. The vanishing acts became more frequent as did the rehab. Each and every time he swore it would be the last relapse, but it never was. That on its own was normal to her now, as bad at that sounded. This time he had gone and gotten himself hit by a car, though. It was hard not to care aboutthatand she had spent the morning by his side.By the time that lunch came she just wanted to be with her boyfriend, though. Luckily, Madison was still coming in for the latter part of the school day, so she was able to show up. Tyler didn't even have to tell her where he was waiting for her because they had a normal spot where they would hang out. While she first stopped to drop her backpack off at her locker, within a couple minutes she was at the back of the field and she snuck behind the bleachers. "Hey," she said to Tyler as soon as she saw him. "Sorry that I wasn't here this morning, things were... hectic. I'm here now, though." With that, she gave him an apologetic smile even though she knew that she wasn't in trouble. Seconds later she held her arms out as she wanted him to come over and hug her. The Nick Clark situation was devastating. Tyler was involved enough with the Clark family to witness it firsthand. As if the whole drug addiction was not bad enough, Madison often overlooked Alicia in favor of Nick. It was one of the main reasons Tyler made such a point to make Alicia feel like she was the only girl in the world. Tyler wanted the brunette to feel like she mattered, even when Madison made her feel the opposite: To him, Alicia literally never came second. She was always the center of his universe. Don t apologize. You ve done nothing wrong. This isn t your fault. More than anything, he recognized that making Alicia feel better was paramount. Approaching her, Tyler pulled Alicia into one of the tightest hugs they ever shared. I love you. You re going to be alright. He knew how Nick was doing, what the prognosis was, so, he was focused on her right now. Come on. Let s sit down, Princess. Pulling her towards the back, Tyler sat down onto the ground. Then, he pulled Alicia down with him. His back was against the bleachers. Her back was now pulled against his chest, positioning her so she could sit in the middle of his legs. Tyler s arms wrapped around Alicia from behind, his lips pressing soft kisses along her neck, focusing on her sensitive areas. You told me how Nick was doing, but how are YOU doing? Tyler asked, nuzzling his nose against her cheek. It was all about her right now. Tyler was there for her always there for her. This afternoon was no different. Alicia sighed as her boyfriend's body engulfed her. His mere touch was enough to make her feel a little more relieved, and she was going to make the most of it. Tyler always did her best to make her feel like she was the only thing in the world that mattered and often that worked. As soon as they touched, some of her hurt faded away. It was no secret that her mother had picked a favorite child and it wasn't her. Tyler would have witnessed that again and again each time that Nick continued to be her priority. Yes he was the sick one, yes he was the one who needed help but he was also an adult now. Alicia wouldn't even be eighteen for another few months. If anything, her minor child should have been the priority."I know I am, but I just really hate that I have a brother sometimes." Alicia really did miss the days when her and Nick were close, but they were long gone now. She walked by Tyler's side until they found their spot in the back, and she gladly sat between his legs. After settling down, she leaned back against him. "I'm alright, I guess. Is it bad that I just... wish he hadn't shown back up? Things would be so much easier if he didn't. I'm a lot better now that I'm with you, though. I love you so much you're always here for me and just your touch makes me feel better. Thank you for being so amazing." Alicia, don t think anything is bad about the way you feel. Honestly, Tyler figured that Madison made Alicia believe that her feelings were irrelevant. She was probably used to her mother shutting down any talk about the way the situation made her feel. Madison forgot that she was not the only family member dealing with Nick. If anything, Nick s situation had a greater impact on Alicia. Family is tough. I get it. I have nothing comparable to your brother s situation, but I see your struggle. I know how much you want your mother to pay more attention to you. I don t like the way she treats you, either. I hate seeing you feeling upset because of her. I will do whatever I can to make you feel better. I m here for you, Alicia. You can talk to me as much as you want. Your feelings matter to me. You matter to me. You re the center of my universe, my entire world. Call it drastic, because they were still in high school and often high school relationships did not work, but Tyler was honestly believing that he would not want to be with anyone else if he could not be with Alicia. She was everything to him. I love you, too. You don t have to thank me. You know I m always here for you. He decided to let her control the pace. If she wanted to talk about this, then he would allow it. If she wanted to distract herself from Nick and her mother, then they could talk about something else. He was letting her have control, his hand slowly stroking through her hair, the other gently rubbing her shoulders. "Whether you're always here or not, I'm always going to thank you," Alicia said to Tyler as she spared him a sweet smile. One thing that she would always do was make sure that he knew just how much she appreciated every thing that he did for her. Alicia didn't care if that was as small as holding her hand or as big as taking her mind off of the messed up dynamic that her family had developed over the years. "Everything that you do for me means so much and I want you to always know just how much I appreciate that, babe. I'm never going to be one of those girls who takes your affection and devotion for granted."Letting out a sigh, Alicia did her best to find comfort in her beloved. Luckily that was working well. "We should skip fourth," she suggested fourth being the class right after lunch. She was a star student and though she had made the suggestion it was mostly fantasy. It would take more than a lost and found sibling to make her ditch. "You, me, down to the beach I'm ahead in Spanish anyways. It would be so much better than being here." It made Tyler laugh quietly when Alicia suggested they skip class. Yeah, right. Oh? Is my Alicia trying to be a bad girl now? He teased, nuzzling their noses together. If she had been serious, though, Tyler would have skipped with her. All you need to do is say the word, then we ll head down to the beach. We ll forget about everyone else. It ll just be us two. Tyler pressed his forehead against hers, his eyes closing. The thought was nice. Since they were still in high school, they were often supervised. Their true alone time was not something they often had. Whatever you want to do, I ll do it, Princess. Tyler assured her, capturing her full lips with another kiss. What if you just lay your head down in my lap right now? Let me play with your hair a bit, we can chat, or stay silent your call. Even though getting one s hair stroked seemed like it would basically only benefit that person, it was different. Tyler could literally lose hours at night, playing with her long, voluminous hair. It was something he enjoyed doing, actually. Tyler loved doing it, probably as much as she enjoyed having it done, so he was looking forward to seeing if she d take him up on the offer. As much as Alicia loved the idea of skipping class in that moment, she was not about to. Despite her rocky family situation she was very well behaved she didn't like to miss class as it was an ample distraction from reality. Tyler was, as well. As long as she was here with him she could at least be content and she was. While forehead to forehead she titled her face to be able to kiss Tyler."I love that idea," she admitted. There was very little that was more peaceful than just resting her head in Tyler's lap while he played with her hair. Touching and playing with hair was something that she loved whether it was hers or her hands in someone else's . After flashing her beloved a sweet smile Alicia adjusted her position so that she laid with her head on his lap. She was slightly sideways so that her cheek rested on his thigh but she still looked up at him. "Playy," she whined in a silly voice as she extended her arms up towards his own hair. Even if it was much shorter she still could and would touch. Fuck, she was so damn adorable. Tyler smiled at the love of his life, sliding his hand slowly through her long locks. It brought a great sense of peace to him as well, leaning his own head down so it was easier for her to touch him, in return. It was such a sweet, gentle moment that the pair shared together. Tyler loved playing with her hair, twirling the strands around his fingers, gently tugging on the locks, stroking down from her scalp, fluffing it up, ruffling it, and repeating the same process all over. I love you, so much, Princess. Tyler pressed a kiss onto her lips now, letting it last for just a second or two before pulling away. His friends often teased him for using such a cheesy nickname for his girlfriend, but Tyler never cared. He rather use something more unique to them than the typical babe that most couples used. There was just something alluring about that endearing title, that he loved. Alicia seemed to enjoy it, too, so he never stopped. Soon enough, the bell from inside the school sounded, signaling that lunch was over, far too quickly. Last chance to ditch. He teased, knowing that his girlfriend was not willing to do something like that, so he stood up to his feet, pulling Alicia with him as well. Yeah, Tyler knew her too well. There was no way that Alicia would be ditching... but she was tempted to ask him to go down to the beach with her after school. He helped her up and she used her hold of his hands as leverage to move in close, and before they got moving she kissed his perfect lips. "We're going to class both of us. Buut " she dragged the word out, which likely made the fact that she was about to suggest something obvious "we should go after school. You, me and the sandy shores. What do you say? I'd rather be with you than at the hospital with Nick anyways." Following the end of school that day, Tyler and Alicia shared a wonderful evening on the beach. They dispersed when it was getting late, the next day at school breeding more of the same shit even more students and teachers were out sick. They were eventually all sent home early, leaving Tyler to retire to his empty home. That evening, Travis and Madison were out when school was released. Once the entire Clark family was back together, Travis and Madison made the decision that they were going to leave for the desert. They clearly saw something while they were out with Nick, but did not tell Alicia specifics.That evening, Tyler was attempting to watch television, but the signal kept dropping. It was around this time that he received a frantic text message from Alicia, telling him what was happening, but she had convinced Madison to pick Tyler up, too. It was not too difficult to do so, since Tyler was practically part of the family already, so Tyler quickly packed his things and waited on the front porch for Madison and Alicia to arrive. Tyler could not reach his parents by phone call, so he sent a text to each, hoping either would respond to see if everything was alright where they were. Of course Alicia had insisted that they pick up Tyler before doing anything at all. She didn't know what had spooked her family so much, but whatever it was must have beenbad. Like usual no one would tell her anything though. Her mother especially liked to treat her strangely, like she was both mature enough for independence but also that she had to be sheltered. It didn't work that way, and Alicia had never been sheltered. She had witnessed her brother's chaos first hand for years after all.She was grateful that there was no resistance to going to pick up Tyler. She didn't think that there would be, he was family at this point even if the two didn't share a name . It wasn't long before the truck had pulled up at Tyler's house and Alicia hopped out of the car within a few seconds. Moments later she was at his door step and he was waiting there on the porch for her. "Hey any luck reaching your parents?" She asked as they reached each other. Nope. No luck at all. Tyler responded with a disappointed tone. It was their anniversary. Each year, they took a one week vacation alone to Hawaii. However, they always called their son each day to check up on him, so it was so unlike them to not make any calls or answer his calls. It worried him rightfully so. Tyler was never one for panicking, though. I m sure everything s alright, though. He wasn t, but he had to feel this way. So, I guess we should get going, then? I left them a note on the table for when they get back. Standing up, Tyler grabbed the couple bags he had and walked towards the truck. He tossed all bags into the trunk before walking around to get into the backseat. Thank you for picking me up. I appreciate it. Tyler spoke, speaking to Madison, thankful for her agreeing with Alicia. She had always been like a second mother to him. Hell, they all knew she was his future mother in law, and it always seemed like they did have a great relationship. So, once everyone was settled back into the bed, the car started moving to take them back to the Clarke house. Even if everything was alright, Alicia would have gladly kept Tyler at her place. Given that he was basically a part of the Clark family it wasn't strange when he was around almost every day or came to "family dinners" Madison's way of trying to make everything seem like a little less of a train wreck, especially when Nick had just reappeared. Alicia appreciated how well her boyfriend meshed with her family. She had friends whose parents had hated their boyfriend, tried to limit time they spent together and more. Her mother managed to be appreciative and friendly, and Alicia didn't have to worry about potential conflict. Everyone got along smoothly."Oh it's never a problem Tyler," Madison said as him and Alicia settled in to the vehicle. She took the middle while allowing him to take the window, and throughout the entire trip home she held on to his hand. Even though they had been together for years, Alicia still looked lovestruck every time she was with him. That didn't change now even though she was worried about what would come. They had to stop at home first because Travis wanted to find his son and ex wife, so within a few minutes they were back at the Clark house. Alicia led Tyler in by the hand. "You would think that they had seen a dead body from how they are reacting," Alicia said once they were alone, unaware of just how on the ball that statement truly was. Happily, Tyler laced fingers with Alicia s hand. While driving from his home to the Clark residence, Tyler recognized how eerily quiet the neighborhood was. It was usually bustling with people walking, cars rolling along the pavement. Tonight? Nothing. It looked like every block was nearly abandoned. Damn it must have been some heavy virus that spread if people were not even going out anymore. Soon enough, they did reach the Clarke residence. Tyler exited the vehicle with his bags, walking with Alicia towards the house. It was empty, meaning that Travis and Chris were not back yet. It seemed to worry Madison a great deal. Tyler simply attempted to block out the negativity. This panic combined with the strange absence of his parents unsettled him.Tyler was usually not rattled this easily. Either way, the couple went up to Alicia s room just to drop off his things. Since they were leaving, Tyler did not unpack anything. Instead, he just kept everything gathered together for whenever they left that night. Back downstairs, Tyler had the idea of just watching something on TV with Alicia while they waited. The local channels were all full of breaking news coverages, though: riots, more videos of people attacking each other, and state of emergencies. Just when Tyler didn t things could become more morbid they did. The power went out, shutting off any devices they could have used for news coverage. Now, Tyler was really starting to get worried. Madison and Travis knew something that they were not telling Alicia, though Nick seemed too relaxed to not know what was going on. Los Angeles was never a ghost town so Alicia found that eerie was well. She was quickly becoming unnerved by a combination of her mother's behavior, the dead quiet in the streets and then once she sat down on the couch the riots as well. She huddled close to her boyfriend and didn't leave his side. Her legs were pulled up on to the couch with her knees resting against them, and her hand was on his thigh. Just as she was about to make a remark about how horrific this all was, the power cut. With evening come and past the house became pitch dark. Luckily several people here had phones with flashlights on them, so together the group was able to gather up some candles and at least get the living room illuminated."This is all too weird," she said to Tyler as she stood at the archway between the kitchen and living room. "I asked my mom what's going on but she won't tell me. The sickness, the riots now this. We're not even near downtown where they're happening. I'm getting a really bad feeling, Tyler." Around this time, Madison received a frantic phone call from Travis. He found his son and his ex wife, but they were trapped during the riots. They had to hold the night out in some family s home in the city while they waited for daylight. Madison told her daughter and her daughter s boyfriend that they were not leaving tonight. Travis wanted them to go without him, but she refused to leave. Therefore, she told Tyler and Alicia to make sure everything was packed, ready to go. After double checking their bags and illuminating the house with candles, Tyler found himself back onto the couch with Alicia.He could sense that these things were making her nervous it had the same impact on Tyler. So, he just wrapped his arms around Alicia from behind, holding her, his lips pressing soft kisses down her shoulder. I don t like this either. I don t know what s going on. I wish she d tell us exactly what she knows. This would make things so much easier. Tyler murmured, even now getting fed up with the lack of knowledge. He needed to know what was going on so he knew what to do and how to protect Alicia to the best of his abilities. I just want to hold you right now. Whatever this is, we re going to be alright. With all the trouble going on Alicia wondered if maybe they should leave now. Given all that was happening, by the time morning came they may not have been the only people with the idea to leave, and could get stuck on congested traffic. They wouldn't leave without Travis though and she could respect that. After all, there was no way she would have left without Tyler. Had Madison refused to go grab him, Alicia would have walked her ass to his place and back and nothing would have been able to stop her. Luckily that wasn't a choice that she had to make.After settling back down on the couch, Alicia let out a sigh. Tyler wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and the young woman used that as a chance to lean in to him. "Please do hold on to me," she said. If he wanted to do that then he wasmorethen welcome. Nothing would be more comforting to her in that moment and nothing ever was. "Maybe after we get moving we'll find out a bit more. Until then... I guess all we can do is stay here and wait for the power to come back." It wasn't long before board games ended up suggested. During the board games, Tyler stuck close to Alicia. One hand was used for the game, the other used to rest somewhere on his girlfriend: her back, her thigh, her hand, her arm anywhere, really. The game was running smoothly, the disaster outside now quieted down until Nick made the suggestion that Travis might not come back. Madison wanted to hear nothing about that, but before they could discuss anything else, there was a noise at the back door. It sounded like scratching and banging, which alerted everyone. Tyler, feeling like he needed to take the protective role, decided to approach the door himself.Call it paranoid, but Tyler packed his hunting knife when Alicia told him what was happening, before Madison picked him up. It sounded like shit was going south, so, in case the need of a knife should arise, he packed it. Plus, it held sentimental value since it was the first knife he owned, given to him by his father. Everyone just stand back. Tyler muttered as he pulled the door open to see that it was just a german shepard. Just as he opened the door, the dog ran inside. It was covered in blood, but it was none of its own. What the hell happened out there? When Alicia first saw the dog she did think the blood on it was its own. It didn't take long for her to realize that it wasn't injured though, and after that happened she too was wondering what was happening. Madison and Nick again seemed like they knew what was going on, but still no one was saying anything to the youngest residents of the house."Kids go over to the Tran's. We need to get their shotgun." Madison had peeked out the window and it seemed that something was going on to put her on edge. The Trans had been Nick and Alicia's babysitter when they were children, and she still thought fondly of the older couple. Upon entering the neighbor s house, it appeared abandoned. If Madison was telling them to get a shotgun, then things must have been desperate. It took a few minutes, but they managed to find a shotgun and several shotguns shells. Tyler s father was a police officer, he often took Tyler hunting, so Tyler probably knew his way around weapons better than anyone else. The last thing that Madison wanted was to put that burden on the kid, though.Despite that, Tyler made a point clear if something was endangering people that he considered family, especially the love of his life, he would do anything to protect them, so he felt better if he controlled the gun. Therefore, Tyler kept the gun as they were about to dead back, seeing someone enter their house. Letting the eighteen year old keep the gun when there was a grown adult in the house didn't seem like the most logical choice, whether Tyler had insisted or not. Regardless, Alicia felt safer just knowing that her care was in his hands. After all their time together she knew better than anyone that he would do anything and everything to protect her. She was still worried, of course, and that only amplified as a figure entered her house."What's going on?" She whispered, concerned about what was going on. Perhaps they were better off staying out of sight for now, and whoever it was might leave. It could have also been Travis, but she hadn't heard any cars pulling up and there was just the one body. If it had been Travis, he would have had others with him. "Should we check it out or stay back? If someone just walked in to my house, I'm not sure I want to be in there." Through the window, the small group watched as they debated on a course of action. Just as they were wondering if it was Travis, they heard and saw a vehicle approaching. Then, it was obvious, Travis could not have possibly been inside the house. Travis emerged with his son and ex wife, other strangers on the bed of the truck. Madison did not want Travis to walk in on anything dangerous, so she decided they should try to warn him.They all ran inside to see a horrible sight: the neighbor they once knew looked quite disfigured and ill, attempting to attack Travis, to literally take a bite out of him. Tyler s hands shook as he raised the gun, but was informed by Travis not to fire. That did not last long, because the unknown man from the truck grabbed the gun and fired a shot. It blew off half of the infected s face, but it kept moving towards them until a second blast was fired, practically exploding the head. Alicia had seen the videos in class of men being shot and then still rising to their feet. This man, once her neighbor, had survived ashot to the headand then got back up to keep walking towards them. It was in that moment that her mother's nerves started to make sense. This wasn't an isolated incident. This was what had been on that video, what the riot was about, and most likely what had made her mother so sure that they needed to flee immediately. Alicia's first feeling was that she was going to puke, but she managed to hold that back. From her spot behind Tyler's body she clung to his shirt."Oh my god," she managed to gasp as she stared wide eyed at what had just happened. It was only moments later that she was able to look away and towards Travis and the unknown people who were now in her house. Since Alicia was behind him, Tyler turned to face her. Come on, Princess. He whispered, figuring it was best to not look at the carnage. Grabbing Alicia s hand, Tyler tugged her alongside him as they reached the living room, only releasing the grasp to take another seat on the couch. Meanwhile, he could overhear the conversation in the other room. Basically, the people that were sick, were not sick in the normal sense of the word. They were dead it sounded like it was impossible to be the reality, but Tyler realized that it was.Travis dragged the body out of the house after it was decided that Daniel and his family were going to stay the night until his cousin could pick them up tomorrow. Things were finally settling down, so Tyler thought now was a good time to suggest they head on up to her bedroom. Babe we should probably go upstairs, get some rest. We ll have to leave early in the morning. What could he even say right now, to make things better? There was little that could be done in the scheme of things now. Alicia had been exposed to the dangers that her family was trying to keep from her whether they wanted her to know or not. As shaken as it made her feel, she was better off knowing what was being faced. Without that knowledge, how was she supposed to figure out how to get through it all? Regardless Tyler was right. In that moment there wasn't much to do besides wait for morning to come so that they could get out of the city."You're right," she agreed as they started to walk upstairs and towards her room. He had been over a million times by now, so her house may as well have been a second home to him. "Come on, let's go up. It's late and there's not much else we can do right now." Gripping one of Alicia s hands, Tyler gently tugged the girl forward. The sensation of their palms touching sent a chill down Tyler s spine. Today s brush with death made him feel eternally grateful for surviving. There was no telling what tomorrow brought, but at least he made it through another day as did Alicia. On the wooden steps, Tyler led the way, hanging his arm loosely behind his body to stay connected with Alicia. Once at the top of the staircase, the duo turned to the right, walked by a couple doors, then reached her bedroom.His free hand twisted the doorknob, pushing open into the private space. The door was immediately closed once both parties had entered the room. Releasing a shaky breath, Tyler gave Alicia s hand a gentle squeeze. I don t know about you, but I could sure use some cuddling right now. A playful smile spread on his lips at the comment, it was time to forget the bad, remember the good, and hold onto each other underneath the sheets. This room was just as much Tyler's as it was her own, and Alicia was more than happy for them to be able to settle down for the night in there. With the door closed behind them she was able to shed her clothes. She was the kind of person who generally preferred to sleep nude or at most in her underwear, but with Tyler around and the knowledge that they would have to be up bright and early , she settled with a t shirt and some loose shorts. The shirtwasTyler's once upon a time, but she'd claimed ownership of it a while back."Oh you're not the only one," she said to him as she grabbed a hair tie off of her desk so that she could keep those long, dark locks of hers as tame as possible as she slept. By the time she hit the bed she was already, and at that point she held both of her hands out towards Tyler. "Come on, hold on to me. I can always some more of you." While Alicia undressed, Tyler followed the girl s lead. Soon enough, the only clothing items covering his body were boxers and basketball shorts. If it were an option, Tyler would have slept nude, too. However, it did not seem like the greatest idea, considering the circumstance. Without hesitation, Tyler accepted her hands, allowing himself to be pulled onto the bed taking notice of the brunette s attire,. It always warmed his heart whenever Alicia was spotted with a shirt that used to be his.At this point, Tyler lost count of how many shirts it totaled, but it was never a problem. Once settled in the bed, Tyler decided to lay flat down on his back. An arm was extended for Alicia to use as a pillow if she wanted, waiting for her to get situated. It was her choice she could dictate the cuddling position. Tyler supported whatever decision she made as cuddling was never a chore for him. Once they were both comfortable, Tyler planted his lips on Alicia s forehead. I love you, babe. He whispered in a soft tone, nuzzling as close to her body as possible. A hum escaped Alicia's full lip's as Tyler's made contact with her forehead. It was a soft and affectionate touch, and one that she was very happy to recieve. Alicia was in a spooning night tonight, and like most times when that happened she took the little spoon. It allowed her to be encased in her boyfriend's hold and kept so close that every inch of their bodies was in contact. It was intimate and protecting, and Alicia never felt more safe than she did in Tyler's arms. There was nothing more that a girl could ask for besides for there to be no undead walking about.Thatwas something that she was going to have to get used to if it didn't get under control. She really, really hoped that wouldn't be the case though.In his arms, she had turned her head so that she could look at Tyler's face. As he told her that he loved her a soft smile formed on her lips, and she used his closeness as an opportunity to kiss his cheek. "I love you too," she said back as she pulled her lips back away but only far enough for her to be able to go in for his mouth. This had been a stressful day, especially towards the end, and because of that she just wanted to be able to keep Tyler close. It felt like there were a million things Tyler worried about: the infected roaming the streets, escaping into the desert, the safety of his parents so much was rocketing through his mind. However, all stress materialized into nothingness when his arms wrapped around Alicia, especially when she kissed him and said those three magic words back. Immediately, his lips were reaching to make contact with hers. Once their mouths were touching, Tyler slipped his tongue slowly inside of hers, playfully dancing and wrestling for a few minutes. Once the passionate kiss ended, Tyler ducked his head down to kiss Alicia s shoulder and neck, unable to get enough of her. She was the perfect distraction in that moment. Tyler finished it all with a kiss to the back of her head, his body pushed as far against Alicia s as physically possible. It was his favorite cuddling position. Do you want to get some rest, or do you want to talk? Tyler was fine with either option, but he wanted to hear Alicia s preference. If she just wanted to get rest for their big day tomorrow, then so be it. If she wanted to talk about what they had seen and heard, then they would try to make sense of everything. For Tyler, he only cared about having Alicia in his arms. Whatever they did after that, he would be fine.
Radioactive (Orion/Randomname98766789)
Had someone told Aubrey Saxton six months ago that during her lifetime people would set foot on the ground once again, she would have considered them liars. However, she also would have said that she would never end up in lock up six months ago. Somehow, the seventeen year old had been wrong about both of those things. Two and a half months ago she had been thrown in to lock up after being caught with an illegal grow op, a hidden behind the wall going on that her friends Jasper and Monty had been involved in for months until they had been caught taking a little bit of the Ark's medical marijuana supply while in between crops of their own.Of courseAubrey had kept it going but in the end the illegal use of supplies had gotten her arrested.Today she found the other impossibility becoming reality. She woke up to the rough hands of guards grasping at her, grabbing her by the shoulders and taking her right out of her bed. She was brought to a drop ship where she was secured in to a seat all before she even realized what was going on. As the last person was loaded on and they were released, the chancellor's voice started to ring out over a PA system in the drop ship, and her heart sunk in to her chest.The Earth it wasn't supposed to be inhabitable for another hundred years, and yet they were being thrown on to its potentially uninhabitable masses. Her hands quivered at her sides as the drop ship started to break through the atmosphere, and a couple people who had dared to leave their seats were tossed about.Idiots some zero g action may have sounded fun to start, but Bree swore she heard the crunch of bones as bodies flew in to the walls of the pod. Prisoners of the Ark hear me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable. Those crimes will be forgiven. Your record will be wiped clean. The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mount Weather was a military base built within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough non perishables to sustain three hundred people for up to two years. Inside the plummeting exodus ship,Jasper Jordanrealized his fate was soon sealed. Either they would die upon landing, or they would live. Surprisingly, nobody died after entering Earth s atmosphere. It was a good sign, right? Buckled into the wall, Jasper remained silent while most of his compatriots berated Wells and Wells father. It was not like Jasper could exactly blame the Chancellor, though. Himself and his best friend, Monty Green, and their close friend, Aubrey Saxton were all arrested for stealing from the marijuana supply. Surely, there were teenagers aboard arrested for more minor disturbances.When the ship finally crashed on the ground, Jasper almost felt surprised that he was alive. Everyone was alive . Listen. There s no machine hum. Monty commented, causing the criminals to stir, unbuckling from the walls and the seats.Jasper had a slim build, just beneath six feet by a couple inches, around 160 pounds, though not too much of it was muscle. On the Ark, unless a member of the Guard, it was tough to stay in above average shape. The dark brown eyes male stood, brushing a hand through his black hair. It was starting to get longer, quite unruly and messy from being tossed about against the wall. His trusty goggles were raised just above his forehead, his grey jacket remaining unbuttoned, a similarly colored shirt with green letters displaying Earth Day 2052 being sported with his upper body. His lower body consisted of dark blue jeans and black, heavy boots. I guess we should follow everyone. Jasper whispered to his best friend, figuring it was best for them to stick together, following the crowd towards the exit. While walking, Jasper could not help thinking about Aubrey. If he and Monty were here, was she here, too? The crash landing left Aubrey with whiplash, something she needed a moment to recover from before she was able to properly take in what was going on. As her head stopped spinning the girl realized that she was still alive, and at that point she unbuckled her seat belt and got to her feet. The majority of the delinquents had already started moving towards the exit, but Aubrey herself was content with waiting for the others to leave. She had always been the type to keep to herself, though for quite a while she had been nearly inseparable from a couple of her friends. They would be here now, right?The closer that she got to the entrance, the more she wondered about it. Ever since the day that the boys had been arrested, she had missed them . If all of the delinquents had been sent to the ground, that would mean that him and Monty would be here as well, right? Her heart fluttered at the thought, as she was a mixture of both nervous and excited. Bree tended to be pretty picky about her choices in friends and was rather protective of the ones she did make.As she hopped off of the ship, one of the last people to do so, the sun's bright rays illuminated her form, a slight build of 5'5" and maybe 120 lbs at her heaviest. Aubrey slipped her hands in to the pockets of her dark denim jeans as she looked around, waiting for the crowd to dissipate a bit as well as looking out for familiar faces. After a few seconds of her hazel gaze flicking about she swore she caught sight of goggles on someone's head that she recognized immediately. She slipped through the crowd to come up behind the boy, grabbing him by the sides as soon as she reached him."Hey loser, it's been too long," she said after giving Jasper a quick squeeze. She'd intended to spook him a little, but whether she did or not she released him after a quick second and dashed around so that they could be face to face for the first time in months. A smile immediately illuminated her full lips so wide that she was left with a tooth bearing grin. "It's been way too long since I've seen your face." On the lower level, Jasper overheard a confrontation between a man dressed in a guard s uniform and Clarke Griffin. Clarke suggested they should wait before opening the doors because the air could be toxic. Bellamy made the point that, if the air was toxic, they would all be dead, anyways. His identity was revealed when he reunited with a girl near the doorway. The pair was infamously known on the Ark Bellamy and Octavia Blake. The Ark only allowed one child per woman. Their mother broke that law, ending in Octavia s arrest and their mother s floating.Obviously, the eldest Blake should not have been on the ship, he was no longer in the Guard. Jasper wondered how he managed to do it. Either way, it was sweet seeing the pair reunite until someone made a comment about her being the girl they found underneath the floor . Instead of being remembered this way, Bellamy offered an alternative: the first person on the ground in over a hundred years. So, the girl stepped out onto the ground and proclaimed proudly We re back, bitches! Jasper felt an adrenaline rush unlike ever before. Sprinting outside with the mob, Jasper nearly tripped three or four times, but that was okay.It took him two minutes of pumping his fists into the air, shouting, and screaming in pure adulation before he stopped, admiring the world around him.Wow. It was the only word popping into Jasper s mind. Textbooks and video evidence did not bring justice to the Earth. Everything was green, lush, and fresh. The air smelled new. It felt like a fantasy. Never in Jasper s life did he anticipate walking on solid ground. On the trip here, Jasper was certain his life was ending today. Now? Not so much. It seemed like they were going to be fine.After another two minutes, Jasper and Monty found themselves reunited, even hugging it out once they realized how crazy this whole day had become. The friends huddled around another smaller group of delinquents, simply admiring the ground when something startled him. Oh, shit! Who the ? Cutting himself off after turning around, hearing the voice, the happiest laugh of his life exited his lips. The smile on Aubrey s face matched the smile on Jasper s. Aubrey? You re here! He beamed, deciding to pull her into his arms for a hug. Monty, equally excited, joined the action. We missed you so much. It s so good to see you! The other male added, his eyes bright as well. As soon as she saw the look on Jasper's face, Bree felt so muchlighter. While imprisoned, they hadn't exactly been allowed to see each other very much. Before her own lock up she had visited them, or at least Jasper when she couldn't visit the pair, at least a couple times a week. Afterwards it was more limited. While there had been a brief, chaotic "earth skills" class before they were sent to the ground those few hours in the weeks before they were sent to the ground was all the contact she'd had with her favourite people in a couple months. In fact, that class would have been when Jasper and Monty would have found out about her imprisonment, given that she wasn't caught until a month after the events that got them thrown in to lock up."Hey, you guys." Normally she didn't like being touched very much, but being in the middle of that little huddle was perhaps one of the best moment's in her almost eighteen year long life. She was happy to see both of them, of course."Shit this is insane," she said as they finally released each other. Despite the fact that they were no longer touching, Bree still hovered close to Jasper's side. Over the years, she had always found herself closer to him, and to say she hadn't had at least a small crush on him would be lying. She was too shy to act on such a thing, though. "We're actually on the ground. And not dead. Holy shit."All the while, as the trio was getting reacquainted, others were starting to form their own ideas. Bellamy Blake was already trying to take control of everyone, and Clarke Griffen had become aware that they were not even near Mount Weather, the place they were supposed to land. Yeah, I know. This is so crazy. We re on the ground, we re all back together again. This isn t so bad. Of course, Jasper knew that Monty still had family on the Ark he wanted to see. There were probably people up in the sky they all wanted to see. For now, this was fine. I don t know if I believe Jaha. Do you really think they re going to forgive us for committing our crimes? I don t. Naturally skeptical, Jasper was certain it was a trap. They would all likely be killed by the Council when the Ark landed. It was a problem for another day, though Jasper was happy, unable to think about such negativity for too long. Just like Aubrey, Jasper found himself hovering close to her side. Monty had often teased him about it Monty believed they made a great couple. Hell, they already acted like one half the time, anyways. Jasper never saw it though. Bree was great, but there was no chance she d ever want to be with him that way. Instead of openly acknowledging the crush, Jasper denied it, knowing that the rejection was much less painful that way. Even now, Monty shot his best friend a knowing smile, purposely turning to a couple of their new friends, letting Jasper and Bree interact.Sadly, their first moment somewhat alone was ruined. John Murphy and Wells Jaha were getting into an argument over something. Wells caught the attention of almost everyone, expressing the need to get to Mount Weather, but Bellamy lead the mocking of him and Clarke Griffin. Nobody wanted to listen to a council members child on the ground. The delinquents were already having disagreements. It did seem like help was needed, but Jasper just was not all that sure he was interested in helping, especially since everyone else seemed to shun those two away. However, the moral side of him was fighting back. As far as feelings went, it seemed like everyone on the Ark was aware that Bree had been desperately crushing in her best friend except for the boy himself. She couldn't really help it. They had grown up close to each other and both always been the odd ones out. They had got along and been able to balance out each other's weak spots. One of the main differences was that Bree had actuallylikedtending to the crops on Farm Station, whereas the boys were more interested in making intoxicants out of what was there. Of course, she had made use of her fair share of those as well.Actually, those intoxicants were part of why she felt so nervousnow. As happy as Bree was to be reunited with her friends, one of the last times that her and Jasper had been alone was... heated. They had gotten really drunk and she had gotten strangely confident. While nothing major had happened, that drunken make out was all the intimate experience that she had ever had. When morning came and her memories returned in bits and pieces, she didn't know if Jasper had just been too drunk to remember anything or if he was purposely not saying anything because he had hated it. Even now just looking at him made her wonder if she was wrong to still find herself thinking about it.Bree didn't have much time to be happyor nervous though. With everything going on there was already trouble ensuing. The dark haired girl was happy to keep out of the mess, but at the same time it seemed that staying neutral wouldn't help anything. They would eventually die if they didn't get supplies. After Octavia Blake stepped forward and said she would go on the trip to Mount Weather, Bree did the same. "I will to. We're going to need what they have there." On more than one occasion, someone tried to tell Jasper that Bree had a crush on him. On each occasion, Jasper denied it. No way. Not her. Indeed, everyone knew it, except Jasper. Vice versa, it seemed like everyone knew that Jasper was crushing on Bree except for the girl herself. If Jasper remembered the night of moonshine and making out, he might have acted differently. Nobody could truly classify Jasper as strictly shy or unconfident with females. It was not true. When it came to Bree, though, that was a different story. He valued their friendship too much. He witnessed what happened to those friendships when someone made a move, but the other did not return the feelings. It was literally impossible to carry on like usual. He could not lose her if he could only have her in his life as a friend, then so be it. It surely beat not having her in his life at all.At first, Jasper was more than willing to remain neutral. It was not until Bree spoke up that Jasper did as well. Maybe, it was too quick, but he was not letting Bree go out there without him. Maybe it was a twisted sense of thinking he needed to protect her, to keep her safe, but that was exactly how he felt. He cared about her too much to let her wander around this dangerous new world without him. Even though she was capable of keeping herself safe, Jasper would feel better this way. Yeah, I ll go too. Why not? Monty decided to chime in as well. Count me in as well. So, it was six of them. They all gathered around Clarke while she pointed out the route on the map. They needed to take a route around the forest full of radiation. It would take at least two days for the trip, so they had to get moving. It was an exciting adventure to start their lives here on the ground, Jasper thought. So, he simply waited as Clarke took the lead in the pack, now walking forward, keeping beside Bree as they hiked. Six was better than two and the best way to describe how Aubrey felt when Jasper said that he would join the party was relief. In the situation doing the right thing and doing what she wanted had not neccesarily been the same thing, as above all she just wanted to be around her favourite person. Luckily, he would join her she didn't have to worry as much as she would have otherwise.A course was decided amongst the group. Well, Clarke decided on a course. Bree herself mostly hovered as she grabbed a bag with a small amount of supplies from the drop ship. Very little had been sent down with them, but it wasn't like they could go the next two days without eating. If they tried they would never make it to the mountain in the first place.In the end, the trio of friends stuck close together at the back of the pack. Of them, Bree and Jasper were the closest. It came naturally to her, and there was bo denying that she would look over and watch him here and there when she thought he wasn't paying attention. Talking came easy, but even in the moments when there was nothing to say, silence came comfortably as well.However, her crush mixed with her own clumsiness became her down fall. Mixed with the soft, uneven ground beneath her, walking on earth for the first time was bound to go wrong. During one ofnher little gazes, Aubrey's foot snagged on a root and the tumbled forward. As soon as she hit the ground, a sharp pain eminated from one of her ankles.She turbed it a bit, this way and then the other. Every motion made her wince, but it didn't seem broken. After letting out a sigh, she looked towards her friend. "Help me up?" Everything was running smoothly: Jasper was reunited with his two best friends, they were on Earth, and they were going on an adventure. In theory, it sounded like nothing could interrupt their day. Well, they would be wrong to assume that. After carrying on a casual conversation, sharing a few laughs, a bit of a problem was encountered. Jasper heard the shuffling of boots before he saw it, seeing that Aubrey crashed into the ground. One of her ankles had been snagged by a root, so the first thing Jasper did was untangle it. Everyone stopped, looking to check on her. None seemed more concerned than Jasper though. Oh, shit. Bree are you alright? It just seemed like a simple trip and fall. Yet, Jasper was making a huge deal out of it, because, that was just him. Jasper wanted to make sure that Bree was safe. Reaching a hand down to her, he helped pull her up. In fact, he offered both hands to her. Once she was standing again, Clarke crouched beside Bree to inspect it. Can you put any weight on it? She asked, looking up at the girl. After asking a couple more questions, Clarke realized the prognosis was not good. We might just have to wait it out, then. Aubrey shouldn t be doing much walking right now. Yeah, that was one option, but Jasper knew how important these supplies were. Plus, it gave him the opportunity to offer something he loved doing for Bree a piggyback ride. Maybe it was corny, but Jasper knew that he particularly enjoyed doing it, she had always seemed to enjoy receiving it as well. I could just carry you. Piggyback riding we ve done it before. Jasper added, now looking to Bree, still keeping his hands on her, supporting her to stand. Thanks to heart eyes, she had gone and got herself hurt and shereallyhoped that no one had noticed that her eyes had definitely been on the boy beside her instead of watching where she was going. Once she was back on her feet, the medic in Clarke came out and it was determined that while her ankle wasn't going to be a problem long term, she did have a minor sprain. Aubrey would have chosen to tough it out, but Clarke had been right. If she tried to keep moving, she would likely make things worse. While she wasn't seriously injured and would likely be good to go in an hour or two, timewasof the essence. If they could somehow keep moving, then they needed to therefore, Jasper's suggestion worked out best for everyone.Ever since she had been helped to her feet, the young woman had kept her hand wrapped around Jasper's back and resting on his hip. She was able to take her weight off of her foot, and regardless the touch came easy and natural."Are you sure?" She asked. Bree looked up to her friend with a cocked eyebrow and a small smile. She wouldn't admit it, but she loved the idea. In the past they had done piggy backs quite often, normally when they were being silly with each other. It was almost like a little piece of normal among all the chaos. "I wouldn't mind as long as you wouldn't." Was Jasper sure? If Bree even halfway understood how much the male enjoyed offering piggyback rides, then it would not be a question. However, Jasper would never admit it. It was an irrational fear, but it was a fear nonetheless if he talked about enjoying it, Bree would think he was weird. I m sure. I don t mind at all. It s not the first time, after all. You need this, anyways. We get to keep moving, you get to rest your ankle, I have no problem with this. After offering the assurances again, Jasper turned his head a bit, seeing Monty flashing him a knowing grin. Yeah, Monty was well aware of how much Jasper enjoyed this.To an eye outside of their little friendship core, it seemed like Jasper and Bree were already in a relationship. Hell, Finn, Clarke, and Octavia probably thought it anyways. It was tough to believe they were not something to each other, more than just friends. Crouching down slightly, he waited until Bree could jump onto his back. A happy chuckle left his lips, feeling so full of life once she was settled onto his back. Letting her get comfortable, Jasper turned his head slightly, looking over his shoulder at her. Alright. Are you ready to get moving? Jasper questioned, waiting for her to confirm that all was well. If it was, the group started moving again. Even though Jasper did not look like he lifted weights every day, even though he did not have bulging muscles along every inch of his body, his strength was still exposed, carrying Bree around like she weighed much less than she actually did. Bree was not impressed by acts of machismo and could not care less about any perceived strength. In fact she wouldn't pay any mind to it at all. If anyone thought that was something that would impress her, they were sorely mistaken. It wasn't like she was heavy, and it wasn't like they hadn't done this a million times before in the past. Getting on to his back was the hardest part for either of them, as leaping with her injured ankle had been a bit of a task. Once she was up she was able to settle, though.It felt right to her. Too much time had passed since the last time she had gotten to touch him, especially in a manner like this. Even though there was a serious task at hand, everything felt a little playful and silly when she was able to be up on Jasper's back. A light hum escaped her lips as she adjusted until comfortable, and then she was good to get moving. "Mhm," she mumbled.At that point she angled her head to the side and rested it against her shoulder. Her face was turned in towards Jasper's neck, and for the first time in a long time Aubrey felt genuinely at peace. After a couple minutes of walking she let out a soft sigh, nuzzling her forehead against her neck. If someone had looked over in time to see that, it would have come off as an intimate and affectionate gesture the kind that partners would share. "I missed you," she said in a soft voice. Not as much as I missed you. I couldn t stop thinking about you. Jasper s face grew pale.Damn it. Real smooth. The last thing Jasper wanted was to seem like he was coming across too strong. Considering that his only experience with women was an experience with Bree that he did not quite recall, he was unsure of how to gauge appropriate actions. All he could do was wing it, hope for the best. Jasper felt quite awkward, always having thought that quality of his was not a good thing, so he quickly tried to correct his perceived blunder. I mean, it s not like I was obsessed or anything. I just I I did miss you a lot, it s really nice to be by your side again. Jasper feared that she thought he was weird after listening to him stammering and tripping over his words. Hell, it was difficult enough to walk straight when Bree was in this position. Yeah, it was just a piggyback ride, but the contact felt intimate and Jasper s entire body was on fire. If he wasn t careful, he would end up tripping with her on his back. How could he think when such a pretty girl was nuzzling against his neck, in a way?Jasper was certain Bree might want a guy that knew what the hell he was doing. Jasper was on shaky legs. Even walking seemed like a difficult task, but he still enjoyed carrying her like this. Pretty sure I just made that weird I m sorry. It s just I ve never had to go that long without talking to you. I can t quite control my happiness right now. Jasper admitted, a quieter voice, having no idea whether he was saying the right things in that moment. "Creeeep," Aubrey teased in response she drew the single syllable out longer than she needed to, and though Jasper couldn't see her face as it rested virtually nestled in to her neck Aubrey was smiling. He may have found himself awkward, but almost always Bree found that same trait endearing. She almost didn't want to tell him that everyone was okay, because the deeper he dug himself in to a hole the more she just wanted to kiss him and tell him that he was overthinking things.Yeah kiss him. Sometimes she hated herself for the way she thought. Even if she was the only person to see things as she did, Bree was confident that Jasper wasn't even the tiniest bit in to her. There were things she couldn't say and feelings that she felt like she shouldn't have because of that."It's okay," she assured in that same soft tone. If she had been better positioned to hug him, she would have. "I'm pretty sure we both already knew that you're a little weird, but that's okay I am too. I couldn't stop thinking about you either."She purposely mimicked the way he had worded things at first, and teased him a little more with it. In reality, that was the most honest she had been in a long time. The teasing was so damn adorable! How many times had Jasper found himself blushing because of what Bree said to him in the past? Did numbers even extend that far? Again, Jasper s face flushed red. Yeah, he knew she was teasing, that it was not a big deal, in reality. However, he did think he sounded like a creep by the way he worded things. Overthinking things was a primary trait with Jasper, especially when it came to girls.Or more specifically, Bree. He never really felt this way about anyone else to be so worried about his actions. He had no experience to compare this one with, so Jasper was just winging it, as usual. He did feel better, soon enough. Yeah, I think we can all agree on that one. I can t help it though. I tried not being weird once it was the worst five minutes of my life. Jasper teased and chuckled soon after.Oh yeah, hell of flirting job, huh?Really, talking about how weird you are? That s smooth. That s what gets women going.He should have been used to it by now. Jasper always found himself feeling like he made a fool out of himself when he actually tried to flirt with Bree. Now, he found himself blushing even harder. He did try to hide his face a bit, ducking his chin down, hoping that the angle above him was now allowing her to see the look. He may have thought that he was being awkward and strange, but to Bree it was perfect. They fell in to their old ways so easily with the piggybacks and the teasing and everything. One thing she had always liked was that they could be silly with each other. She, at least, didn't have any expectations of coming off charming or confident they could justbe. "Hey normal people wouldn't want to deal with me stoned off my face," she returned. "They would get sick of me giggling and then saying stupid stuff after like five minutes and you'd spent nights doing that. Actually, you put up with it for years. I think it's a good thing."In reality she didn't mind at all and because of the way that she was tucked against Jasper's body, she wasn't able to see his reaction to his own fumble. Monty, however, did and thought that this was a rather funny interaction to observe from the outside. While they continued hiking, Jasper felt himself growing even more flustered. It was over silly things, honestly. Since he was giving her a piggyback ride, his hands were placed somewhere along her thighs, offering extra support. However, he kept fidgeting with himself, worrying about his hands being too close to more private parts of her body, terrified that she might think he was a creep. His hand did accidently brush dangerously close against her thighs when he realigned his grip, making his face heat up again. It was not like he did not want to touch her that way, Jasper sure as hell did, but he figured it was never happening. So..uh, h how are you feeling now? Jasper asked quickly, almost tripping over words again, but quickly able to reign himself back in. Besides, he wanted to know how she was feeling. It was just a minor injury, even Clarke said that it was no big deal, but he was fussing over her, like he always did. He hated knowing that she was feeling even a bit of pain. She could get a paper cut and Jasper would push everyone out the way until he could find a band aid for her. It was hopefully a nice conversation to take away from his perceived blunder. He never wanted to make her uncomfortable. "I'm good," Aubrey said to him. Her ankle still hurt, but she felt at peace. For the first time in months she was reunited with her best friend, and like flies to honey they had fell back in to their ways. Bree could think of very little that could make for a better day than this, even if she had gone and got herself injured .They had been on the move for what felt like ages when suddenly the group stilled. Bree's eyes were heavy lidded but she forced them open and raised her head to see what was going on. In a clearing nearby, a doe nibbled at the grass. It was the first time that they had seen an animal, and everyone seemed amazed."It's kind of beautiful," she sighed. As if to prove her wrong it looked towards the small group a second later to reveal a mangled second head. Beauty quickly turned to horror. Everyone gasped when the mutated animal turned towards them. Then, the deer shuffled away from the small group, deeper into the forest. In our textbooks or videos, I ve never seen a deer like that. Two headed deer did not appear to be a commonality before the world ended. It would not take a rocket scientist to figure out why that deer might appear now. I wonder if all animals are mutated. If they are, will they even be safe to eat? If all animals were mutated with radiation, what would they do for meat? There were other ways to get protein, sure, but none as simple as hunting. Rations did not last forever. There was truly only one way to find out whether it was safe or not, but nobody would want to risk eating tainted meat. Well, at least there are animals. I guess that s one positive we can take away from this. Jasper stated with a shrug of his shoulders. It did terrify him, though. Would other mutations involve animals being larger and or more aggressive? Suddenly, the serene woods felt dangerous. Maybe Jasper was just paranoid, but he felt rather pessimistic right now. Something surviving was better than nothing at all. That deer, though disfigured. had been the first sign of animal life that they had come across since they landed on the ground several hours ago. At the same time, Aubrey had the same question that others were voicing: they couldn't rely on rations forever, so what were they supposed to eat once those ran dry if not the animals? There may not have been animals up on the Ark, but now that they were on the ground they had to rely on what they could find rather than what would be handed to them."I mean yeah... It's good to know that something survived." Aubrey shifted herself on Jasper's back. They couldn't really stop so the group had to resume moving immediately, and she settled back in to him with ease or as much ease as she could. Everyone seemed to be on edge now, and that feeling didn't fade for some time. As the sun started to set it was decided that they should probably find somewhere to spend the night, and then they could resume the trip once morning came. Bree was good to walk by now she had been for a while but she hadn't said anything because she was rather enjoying her piggyback time but she still settled down pretty quickly.Because they hadn't been prepared to land away from the mountain, there were no blankets or pillows oranything. The clearing that they settled in to had a perfect view of the night sky above them, so Bree decided to pull her jacket off and use it as a blanket to keep her head off of the ground. After settling down she put one hand behind her head and then used the other to pat the ground beside her. Accompanied with a sweet smile, she was summoning her friend to her side. When the group settled down for the night, Jasper flashed a geeky smile at Bree when she offered him the opportunity to sit beside her. So, he took it, plopping down beside her. Taking Bree s idea, Jasper folded his jacket, using it as a pillow. Their bodies were close, which flustered Jasper, but not too close to where it would offend her. Good night. Jasper whispered, catching her gaze one more time. Everyone knew rest was important for the trip, so nobody tried to talk or stay awake. Jasper closed his eyes, ready for sleep to overtake him.However, it took just a bit longer for him to fall asleep than it took Bree. He noticed that it was a little chilly outside, but not too bad. Therefore, he unfolded his jacket and covered the sleeping Bree, content to rest his head on the ground. Minutes later. Jasper was also peacefully asleep. He did not wake until early morning when a couple of the others were moving around. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the bright sun shining over the clearing, but once he did adjust, Jasper intended to stretch out his body. Then, he realized that was impossible.One arm was underneath Bree s head, despite the jacket pillow. His chest was firm against her back, his other arm dangling over her abdomen. Their legs were more or less tangled together. Their bodies had become one. Oh, shit, shit, shit Bree was going to flip on him when she woke up! Jasper told himself to move, but he froze in fear. Would she ever talk to him again? Even though it happened in their sleep, Jasper felt both guilty and responsible. She started to move in his arms now, causing Jasper to swallow thickly as he awaited things to take an ugly turn. When she awoke, it took Bree a moment to realize that the warmth around her was in fact another body. It didn't happen soon enough, though. Before she'd opened her eyes or even been able to think straight she had taken a hold of the hand around her body and dragged towards her face. She'd even nuzzled it against her cheek. To most it would be a soft, affectionate moment and likely came off as such. Anyone who saw it would feel more assured that these two were definitely a couple, which would be a thought that started circulating almost as soon as they had landed on the ground. The only people who weren't on the same were the pair themselves and their best friend, who had woken up to see the little scene had a feeling that something was about to go wrong.The worst part, though? Before she had lazily grabbed Jasper's hand she had tried to stretch her body out and as her arms had extended to full length in front of her, her hips had pushed back against his body. There was a moment of clarity for Bree as she held on to his hand where her eyes flashed wide open, and her head turned lightning fast towards whoever happened to be touching her. Jasper fuck. This wasn't the first time that they had been cuddled up before, back before imprisonment they had often fallen asleep somewhat touching while inebriated, but that never happened sober... and she'd never shoved her ass right in to his pelvis before."I'm so sorry," she said to him. Her eyes were as wide as they could go. She wasn't upset about the cuddling but even if she hadn't been awake she felt like she had crossed a line. When Bree pulled Jasper s hand towards her face, Jasper gasped. Instead of thinking about how cute it was, Jasper started panicking. Ah, fuck. This was only adding to his list of problems. Bree was going to freak out when she saw him like this! Yet, again, Jasper was frozen stiff. Nothing was going to make him move. It was not like her ass being pushed into his crotch helped things either. Jasper was attracted to Bree, but could not act on anything. It meant he spent too long just fantasizing about her, so feeling her ass in such an intimate spot only fueled that fire. It was disappointing though Jasper knew this was the closest to her he could ever get.Finally, when she came to, it surprised him when SHE apologized. Really? Jasper s voice hitched in his throat at first since she was still holding his hand. As minute as it seemed, her holding his hand did unspeakable things to him, like making him flustered and flush a deep shade of red. Jasper could not help it. His inexperience was obvious. Oh, no don t apologize. It s fine. I mean, I liked it. I didn t mean to do it though. I just woke up here. I do like it though. Great, now he was repeating himself, talking like a total creep. Did she really want to hear about how much he liked being against her body? That was probably disgusting to her. I mean, I like being near you and all. I didn t mean to get so close. I m sorry. Jasper s eyes were just as wide as Bree s, too nervous to even realize how she was reacting, too shaken to pull his hand out of hers. Instead, he just sat, staring hopelessly at her, his face growing redder each second. Moments like this were part of why Aubrey believed that Jasper didn't want anything to do with her. He touches her and then goes on about how he hadn't meant for it to happen? That he didn't want to be so close to her? Meanwhile all that bothered her was the fact that she had been grinding on him for a moment albeit while still half asleep. Moments like this were also why she was rather sure he had simply hated the fact that they'd fooled around the one time rather than it just being a memory lost to a black out."It's okay like you said, you were asleep. I was definitely awake when I decided to stretch so I really think that is my fault." She was watching him turn redder by the second, and that made her feel like she had to somehow assuage the situation. If she could have had her way she would have stayed curled up with him forever, and she thought his nervousness was quite endearing but Bree wasn't about to go out of her way to make an awkward situation awkwarder. Her lowered her her hand, and hence his, away from her face and then released it. Right after, she rolled off of her side and on to her back. That alone would make things a little less intimate, but he would still have to move away from her as well. As soon as Bree released Jasper s hand, the male moved away. This honestly made him feel useless. How many intimate moments were offered to him? How many chances did he get with Bree? They interacted daily, they were good friends, why could he not make a move? Even in the rare moments that Jasper thought about actually telling Bree about his feelings, he ended up becoming paralyzed, frozen. Jasper hated feeling like he was useless. How was he ever going to find a relationship if he struggled so much? Jasper was not optimistic about the future, in regards to his own personal relationships. He truly never knew how he would do if he tried to take an interest in anyone else. The thing was Jasper simply did not feel interested in any girl that wasn t Bree. Maybe it would have been nice to just forget about the prospect of a relationship with her, just keep her as a friend, find someone to fill that role. Nobody had ever mattered that much to him, not enough to want a relationship, anyways.Standing up, Jasper brushed off his pants and shirt, now moving forward with the rest of the group. Is your ankle feeling better this morning? Jasper questioned, hoping that it would give them something to talk about, something to take attention away from his embarrassing blunder that probably made him look like a complete fool. Is there anything I can do for you right now? What could he do for her? Well in that moment Aubrey wanted him to walk away. She honestly didn't take his blundering to be that of a boy caught flustered from first love, and instead saw the entire interaction as him trying to get away from a touch that he wished never happened. Bree wished that he would have just been cool with it. He never had been though. Even after she'd fallen asleep with her head in his lap for the millionth time, he would still apologize for letting her sleep "like that". Of course things weren't going to be any different on the ground, though the months of separation seemed to have either made her more sensitive to his reactions or made his reactions stronger."My ankle has been fine since like half way through the day yesterday," Bree admitted to him and then held her arms out and up. "You could help me up though. We shouldn't stick around here too much longer." Jasper s heart was racing one would think he was about to perform in front of millions of people. Nope. Jasper felt this way, just from Bree asking him to help her up, because it involved touching her. What if he touched her in some way she didn t like? Jasper had no idea what was considered inappropriate. All his experience involved watching movies about couples interacting. Even then, he understood it was not an accurate depiction of anything. Shaking the thoughts, Jasper reached down to grab both of her hands, raising her up to a standing position, releasing her hands after.Jasper flashed her a little smile as they gathered their bags, to continue moving forward towards Mount Weather. Eventually, they reached a river they needed to cross. It led the right to the base of Mount Weather. There was a problem: it was high up from the ground. The only way they could get across was swinging on a vine. Nobody seemed to want to go first, but Jasper volunteered. One, it looked fun, and two maybe it would impress Bree? He didn t know, but it couldn t hurt. So, Jasper screamed in jubilation as he hitched a ride on the vine, landing at the base of the mountain, victoriously holding up a sign that told them they were at Mount Weather. Not a second later, Jasper found himself pinned against a tree, a spear protruding from his chest. More than anything Aubrey loved the excitement that came with Jasper landing on the other side. Her face lit up with a wide smile as she watched his excitement, and finding out that they were nearly to their destination was amazing. Just because Jasper had gone first she was going to follow right after. Even if he had been being weirder than usual with her and that left her feeling likeshewas doing something wrong, Bree still wanted to be at his side.She was just about to swing when the unthinkable happened. Her heart dropped in to her gut and she screamed out Jasper's name as she watched him get hit. At that point everyone was scrambling to try to get to the other side of the river. As quickly as they could the group made their way too him and by the time that they hadsomeonehad cleaned his wounds with a poultice someone was there. Bree couldn't focus on that and instead scrambled to his side. "Jasper!" She called out again. "You're going to be fine okay?" She didn't know that, didn't believe it and didn't even know if he was present enough to hear her. Immediately the goal became getting him back home though. Life flashing before one s eyes it was something Jasper only read about or watched movies about. Never before had it happened to him. Even when he was arrested, his impending doom prevalent in his mind, Jasper did not feel the force of death within him. Now? The pain was excruciating. He wanted to scream, but nothing was allowed to come out. His eyes were barely open until someone yanked the spear out of him, making the pain even more intense.Jasper was in and out of consciousness, but he saw an unfamiliar face hovering over him, doing something to him. Little did he know that, the same person that tried to kill him, also saved him. The strategy of it was lost on him right now, though that was not even something he remotely cared about right now. When his friends got to him, it felt like it had been hours even though it was minutes.Jasper s hand was all bloody, blood from his lips and mouth too from the time that the spear hit him. Jasper was not doing well at all the doctor in Clarke knew that, so she told them how important it was to get him back to camp quickly. Jasper suddenly reached out, grabbing onto Bree s shirt. Bree Bree He choked out, trying to tell her something, but he could not. His eyes slowly rolled in the back of his head, he was going into shock, not death , but Clarke practically shouted at the group that they needed to move him immediately. Luckily everyone seemed to be on the page, and getting Jasper somewhere he could be treated was of utmost importance. Obviously they were not alone here but that was something that they would have to deal with in the future. They got back home a lot quicker than they made it to the mountain. While they may have been on a mission one way, they had still been naive to their company and had found a joy in fooling around and taking the time to explore. The way home was much different.Bellamy had the call to say that he wasn't worth saving and was a dead man walking, and that left Bree livid. Luckily she wasn't the only one to be on the boy's side, though. Clarke did every damn thing that she could. In the end they just had to wait, though. Jasper had slipped in to unconsciousness and there was little that they could do with thenothingthat they had. Makeshift beds had been put together on the drop ship while they were gone and Bree barely left his side during that time, sleeping and eating there. She stayed out of the way when Clarke wanted to check on him, but even then she was as close as she could be.How terrible would it be to find herself reunited with her favorite person only to lose him within days? Aubrey was miserable at the thought. At the same time, though, it was making her realize that there was no guarantee of a tomorrow. How could she look at someone she loved so deeply and keep those feelings to herself? At the same time how could she even consider saying anything when it seemed so clear that he wouldn't be interested and it could ruin their friendship. Over the next few days, Jasper barely had any moments of clarity. Most of the time was spent being unconscious, unaware of his surroundings. It sucked. In the brief moments were Jasper was not knocked out, he felt intense pain and distress. It was tough to even understand his surroundings, so he had no idea that his best friend was right there by his side. During those last few days, Bellamy had practically taken total control of the camp. He was running wild with the power convincing everyone that removing the wristband on their wrists was a great idea.At least, there was something positive done after realizing they were not alone, it was ordered that the delinquents work on building walls, defenses around the camp. Indeed, they were not alone. Monty did check often on his friend as well, but he saw the closeness between Bree and Jasper, so he did not want to mess with that. Instead, he busied himself by trying to figure out a way to use the wristbands to contact the Ark. No luck, so far. Bellamy ended up killing a jaguar with his Ark Guard issued handgun, which now meant that they had meat.In order to obtain food, however, one was forced to remove the wristband from his or her wrist. Now, Jasper s cries of pain echoed throughout the camp. Jasper was not even consciously aware of this, but he was moaning and groaning in the intense pain. Atom and Murphy were the two that it pissed off the most. They thought it was bad for morale of the camp and it was annoying. Finally, Murphy reached a breaking point, saying that he was going to end up. The male walked towards the drop ship with one of the knives, but Monty beat him to Jasper and Bree s side. Bree we have to do something. Murphy s coming up here to kill Jasper right now.. Over the couple days Bree had come to learn what to look for that would be concerning, though generally she left the medic role to Clarke whoactuallyknew something thanks to her experience as a surgeon's daughter. There was little that could be done but for the most part they did everything that they could. Aubrey herself was no stranger to the fact that Jasper wasn't quiet. If anything she knew better than anyone else because she had barely left his side. However, that did not mean she even considered killing him. When Monty came in saying that Monty was on a mission to end the life of someone she cared for, Bree was obviously distressed."Fuck." Bree rarely cursed so that alone was a sign that she was freaking out. "What do we do?" Bree might not have been the strongest or even that good with a weapon, but she would damn well stand her ground. Murphy wasn't the only one who had his hands on a knife. How much good could that do, though? Monty had an idea. They didn t have to fight. Instead, they just needed to keep Murphy out. So, Monty quickly closed the hatch and slid a pipe into the hatch, keeping it sealed. Murphy reached the hatch at the same time, banging on it and shouting. Everyone was trying to sleep in the drop ship since they had to deal with the acid fog outside. Jasper was making that tough for everyone. They all think he s a lost cause. Monty whispered sadly. I don t want to think that. I want to think that he s going to pull it out. We ve all been friends for such a long time. It s hard to imagine me being without him. Monty whispered to Bree, a sad look on his face when he saw Jasper. Murphy must have eventually given up because it all grew silent and he left. You look exhausted. Want to try and get some sleep? I m not going anywhere. I ll keep a watch over him. Monty suggested, offering to give her a little relief. It was just the three of them now. They may be had to trap themself inside the room in order to keep Jasper safe and alive, but that was the right call. She didn't mind waiting out the chaos, though she didn't trust the initial quiet. Hopefully Monty wouldn't mind keeping the hatch closed a little bit longer."I'm not going anywhere," Aubrey said when Monty suggested that she go and try to sleep. He was right about her being exhausted, though. "I wouldn't mind some sleep, though. Think I'll just try to nap here if you don't mind." Sure it sucked not sleeping well but if she had to bare the brunt of exhaustion to know the boy beside her was still alive then that was okay.Bree ended up laying down and during a few moments of quiet she was able to pass in to a light slumber. It might have been ten minutes after Aubrey passed out when Jasper woke. The young male was coughing and groaning out in pain again, but he was more coherent. It took seconds for eyes to adjust to the dim light above his head, but he eventually saw Bree first, then Monty. Welcome back, Jasper. There was a smile on Monty s face. He had not seen Jasper this awake in a long time.The next few minutes were spent with them talking about what happened to him, what happened to the rest of the camp while he was unconscious. You know she hasn t left your side. She s barely eaten. I don t know how you can t see how much she loves you. She was a wreck when Clarke said things weren t looking good, but she didn t stop believing in you. Monty prompted about thirty minutes later when he saw Jasper glancing at Bree. The noise of Jasper's coughing fit had roused her, though at the start it was barely enough to do anything at all. Before there were even voices she had slipped back in to sleep, until a few minutes later when the noise stopped that. A little groan escaped her lips as her head moved to the side in the first sign that she was waking up. There was maybe a couple feet between her and Jasper and her dark, nearly black, hair fell around her shoulders and a little in to her face. She looked... peaceful.Until her eyes opened, that was. She didn't have to do more than squint in order to see and almost immediately her green eyes shot wide open. "Jasper! You're up!" She was loud, maybe a little too much so given that the boy was hurt and freshly conscious. For a flash of a moment a grimace took over her lips in a look of apology, and before she even knew what she was doing her hands were on his face. She pushed his hair away from his eyes with a smile on her face.In the moment she couldn't help but kiss him. It was a poorly thought out plan but it was like as soon as she had her hand on him sheneededto. It was chaste and lasted half a second at most. Aubrey pulled away with a beet red face but if she had tried to say that she didn't like what happened she would be lying. "I am so sorry, I don't know what just got over me," she fumbled out with the same blush taking over her face. Within the next few minutes, Monty fell asleep while sitting up against the wall, across the room. Jasper did not bother waking him the last thing he wanted was for Monty and Aubrey to tire themselves out because of him. He appreciated how they looked after him, though. Jasper was not paying particularly clos attention to anyone in the room when Bree woke up, so her sudden outburst startled him a bit, but he smiled broadly when he heard just how excited she seemed over him waking up. Yeah I m here now. Jasper whispered, holding an intelligent conversation for the first time in days. It was a good sign.Before he realized what was happening, though, a life altering moment occurred. He leaned into her touch, then, leaned into the kiss. It was his first kiss . When she pulled away, Bree was not the only one with a red face or a nervous tone. Jasper s jaw just dropped did this girl actually kiss him? Was this even real? Jasper half believed he was still on his deathbed, experiencing hallucinations.Then again, it felt way too real for it not to be real. No No don t be. I m not sorry. Jasper whispered, not sure how he should respond. He wanted to respond with something suave or smooth, but he was fumbling over words, blushing just as red as Bree was, but he did reach out to take her hand. If you wanted to do that again I wouldn t mind Jasper whispered hoarsely, giving her a smile, showing her that he was okay with it, hopefully conveying what he needed to convey. "Wait, what?" Aubrey's eyebrows furrowed and her expression contorted to confusion. Jasper's response didn't seem right at all given how he had acted after the first time, but Bree was still working under the assumption that he had remembered it and just hated it. Given the mind frame that she had, his reaction seemed very out of place. Her cheeks stayed flushed as she pulled away from him a little bit further, and she scratched at her temple with her free hand. She was still trying to work this out in her head.Bree looked at the boy in front of her and narrowed her eyes a little more. His smile looked so genuine that it made her even more confused. "If that's the case, when why didn't you after last time?" Had something changed in the last few months? The first time that they kissed was the last time that they had been drunk with each other, just a week before him and Monty were locked up. It was a confusing, disheartening situation for Jasper. On one hand, his crush kissed him. He decided to tell her that it was fine. Sadly, he was not a savant with romantic words. Instead of telling her things, more in depth, all he could do was sit there with a goofy grin on his face. That should have said a lot he had been moments from death, not too long ago. Yet, here he was, loving life as he lived it.Then, on the other hand, Bree was retracting, acting so odd when he decided to tell her that he enjoyed it. Wasn t that supposed to get a positive reaction from her? Again, Jasper had no prior experience, but he just thought common sense would say that she would be happy, just as he was. Then, she asked about the last time. What last time? We ve never kissed before Jasper sounded certain, but was only a little doubtful since she seemed to believe it so strongly. What was she even talking about? "Oh." Jasper's confusion seemed to mirror her own, and Aubrey squeezed the hand that he held on to as realization settled in. She had been wrong, something that had seemed impossible in this scenario. Jasper blacking out everything didn't seem like that much of a better option, but it would be better than him being disinterested."You don't remember the last night we were drunk together, do you?" Aubrey remembered it in bits and pieces desperate hands roaming and touching, tongue to tongue, Jasper rocking her straddling hips against his own. She remembered enough to be sure it happened, and to know that she would have gladly done it again. "We, uh...." she trailed off and didn't finish her sentence. She also didn't realize that how she said that left its meaning in the air, and could have meant anything from a simple peck to sex. "When you didn't say anything after... I kind of thought you hated it." It did sound like Bree was disappointed, slightly. It was either disappointment or confusion, Jasper was uncertain. Then, she brought up the night they were drunk together. Well, she needed to be a little more specific. Jasper was certain they had more than one night where they got drunk and chilled with each other. Those nights were the best, even if he did black out every now and again. It was not something that happened often, but Jasper had at least a couple occasions where he forgot the entire night.Unfortunately, Bree did not go into detail about what happened. Maybe if she had, then he could have understood it, maybe even remembered parts of it. I mean, I can t say that I enjoyed it because I don t remember it, but I know that if I did, I would have loved it, whatever it is. Bree I like you a lot. Kissing you just now, well, it s probably the best thing that ever happened to me. Whatever we did, I wished I remembered. Bree found herself wishing that there was a way she could make him remember. Maybe she could kiss him enough or touch him the right way? If so how much or how so? She wished that she could say more to Jasper, but Aubrey herself was the shy and awkward type as well. There was no way she could possibly talk about straddling his lap and keep a straight face or even be able to say it at all. He wasn't alone in having no other experience.Overall. she was rather stunned. After so long thinking that Jasper had a problem with her, he was laying in front of her with a goofy grin on his face basically admitting to having feelings for her. There really only was one right choice for what Bree should do next so she took his face back in her hands and kissed him again. This time she allowed herself to truly want it. The kiss was phenomenal. When Jasper finally pushed through his initial worries, he finally felt the kiss. Their first kiss, he was drunk. Their next kiss, he was caught by surprise. It was impossible for him to soak in the experience. Not this time. Yes, he was terrified that he might have been an awkward kisser, but being this close to Bree made him feel a little better. She always tended to impact him this way.If Aubrey was near him, Jasper immediately felt more confident than ever before. So, he returned the kiss, just allowing his lips to naturally follow hers. It even felt like his pain slipped away with her touch, her proximity. He started to smile against her lips, figuring this was a better way to express his feelings than stumbling over words. One hand wrapped around the back of Bree s neck, then threaded through her hair, hoping that was an alright thing to do while they kissed. His eyes were closed, the rest of his senses painting him a beautiful picture of the interaction. Bree wouldn't want Jasper to be nervous, but given that she was as well it wasn't like she could say much. This wasgoodthough. Bree was feeling so relieved about everything now that it seemed the confusion was out of the air, and maybe now she would no longer have to hold back her feelings. For ages this had been all she had wanted to do, but after the first experience she had been left feeling too rejected to even possibly consider it. It had taken him nearly dying for her to do anything about it, and even then it had been an impulse rather than anything more.Luckily it seemed to be going in her favor. Everything feltlighternow that she was less worried, so Bree was able to properly appreciate her lips against Jaspers. When his hand wrapped around her neck and in to her hair, one of her hands slid from her cheek and down in to his own hair. Even though things stayed rather chaste, this kiss was still the best thing to ever happen to her. The fact that she had to pull away at some point was terrible, but the longer she kept going the more nervous she got that she was crossing a line or doing too much.When she did pull away there was a smile across her face, wide and tooth bearing. "Wow," was all she could say. "I've wanted to do that for so long, Jas." More than being nervous, it made Jasper feel bad about the whole situation. Damn she probably spent all this time thinking that he hated kissing her, being intimate with her however they were intimate that night. Jasper wished, more than anything, that he could recall it. What if he had not forgotten? Maybe he would have been bold enough to make a sober move. Maybe not. Either way, Jasper hated that it took a near death experience for him to experience this where he would not forget, but it was better than not happening at all, he supposed.As she pulled away, Jasper did as well. He, too, felt much more relaxed. Even though he did feel guilty, that feeling quickly washed away, too. After kissing Bree, it felt like only positive emotions were being allowed to enter his heart right now. It was a feeling he never wanted to lose so free, so happy. Had Jasper ever felt this way before? Honestly, his top memories practically included Bree in every single moment, but this was even more special than usual. Jasper did not want to lose what they seemed to gain in that moment.The smile on Bree s face matched the one on Jasper s own. I ve wanted that for a long time, too. The male admitted, leaning a bit closer. I was just so worried. I mean you re you. You re awesome, you re pretty, you re smart I didn t ever want to lose the friendship we had. I didn t think there was any chance you d want me to kiss you. Jasper blushed when he admitted it, but it was true. I m glad to see that s not true. The emotions now running through Bree were almost all positive. It was impossible not to focus onnowwhen there was such a beautiful boy at her side, somehow looking at her like she was an angel even though he was likely in intense pain. It was hard to believe this was real, but it was harder to even consider pulling away or ruining the moment. If it was possible she would have stayed there absolutely forever, and at least for now there was no reason that she would have to move."So what you're saying is that weboththought the other was way too good to stand a chance?" Aubrey had to laugh at that what were the chances? "Is it okay if I... just, like, cuddle a bit?" She chewed on her lip and looked like a flustered little thing as she barely managed to speak. She really didn't want to go anywhere and with the recent revelation she really wanted to have the chance to be close for a little bit longer. Plus even when sober, the fact that they had been touchy close had always come off as platonic. "It's okay if you'd rather... not." Jasper could not contain his soft laughter when the girl made the truthful remark about their opinions of each other. Jasper and Bree both looked at one another, deciding that the person they crushed on was way out of his or her league. How funny was that? Damn this relationship could have started months ago if either paid even the slightest bit of attention to hints and cues, mixing in a little self confidence to get the job done.When the girl adorably asked about cuddling, Jasper was smiling so wide that he nearly forgot to speak. You re so cute, you know that? He whispered softly, deciding to not hold back for that moment, reaching up with a hand, gently tugging on the sleeves of her shirt, hoping she would lay down beside him. I would enjoy that. He finally responded, his voice still soft, gentle. I survived the ride down to earth. I somehow survived this injury, but I felt like trying to tell you how I feel was going to be the death of me. Jasper teased with the same dreamy expression on his face, his spirits absolutely lifted, more than ever before. I know that sounds dumb now, but I was worried sick it would make you hate me. Aubrey went outrightredwhen he called her cute, but his own eagerness overpowered any nervousness that she had about everything. He may as well have pulled her down with him just by giving her gentle tug because there was no way that she was going to resist. Bree was able to settle on to the bed beside him and she tried not to be worried about the fact that she had laid down so close to Jasper that their bodies touched."I couldn't hate you," she mumbled as she dared to move in to a little closer. She was very tentative as she dared to place an arm across Jasper's abdomen, both because he was wounded and because she was still nervous that there were lines to be crossed. "And I mean... I kind ofdidthink you hated me, so I guess I wasn't doing much better than you were." I couldn t hate you, either. Jasper admitted, flashing her a signature Jasper Jordan smile. When I first learned that I was being sent to the ground, I thought about you. I hoped you were one of the prisoners they sent here, too. I don t think I d enjoy being on Earth nearly as much if we were separated. Sure, Jasper looked forward to seeing Monty as well, along with other friends he might have made during his time in imprisonment, but it would have been remiss to ignore the way he felt about a reunion with Bree. Do you mind if I play with your hair? Jasper suddenly asked, his hand halfway towards her locks already before resting down against his side. It was something Jasper wanted to do for a long time. It just seemed like it would be calming. He, too, was worried about crossing lines, so he figured he would ask, but that did not stop his own face from turning a bit red, afraid she would think it was a dumb thing for him to request. "Of course you can," the dark haired young woman said in barely more than a whisper. A subtle but pleased smile took over her lips as well as she looked up towards Jasper's face. Aubrey absolutely loved that smile as his wide and geeky and all around cute. It was absolutely perfect, and there was nothing she liked seeing more than that. How would she possibly say no to anything when she was laying there curled up to her favorite person in the world? The touch was just as rewarding as Bree had thought that it would be. Jasper was the gentle type, that much she already knew, yet this was more calming than expected.A soft, content sigh escaped Bree's lips as she allowed herself toproperlyrelax. Jasper's hand was in her hair and hers was around his waist and it was so... intimate. It wasn't the first time they'd touched, they were prone to being rather touchy stoned drunk people, but it was a whole other story when it was more than just being close and silly while inebriated. "You're the only thing that makes being down here worth it," she admitted, "and... honestly, I've been crushing on you for like years now. So I'm just..reallyhappy right now, Jas." Maybe it was an odd request, maybe not. To Jasper, out of all Aubrey s many, many attractable qualities, something about the concept of playing with her hair was up near the top for him. She did not need to tell him twice. His hand quickly shot towards her hair, threading his fingers through the long locks. Jasper made the move so quickly that he feared he might have seemed too eager to do something so trivial, but he did not worry about it for too long. Just as expected, playing with her hair brought him a sense of happiness and relaxation that was unmatched. It was still difficult to believe when she admitted crushing on him for years. You know even though that you said that, even though I m experiencing it I just feel like this is a dream. If it is, then I don t want to wake up from it. If I tried to imagine perfection this would probably be the life I dreamed. Jasper blushed a bit at the admission. Honestly, the only thing that was needed for a happy life seemed to be Aubrey s intimate presence. I m really happy, too. I don t even have enough words to explain how happy I am right now. Jasper continued, flashing her another signature smile as the environment around them was drowned out.
Bleach: Shattered Souls (Matttheman89 & Doctor Freak)
Ichigo Kurosaki had been through a lot in his relatively young life he'd battled Hollows and Arrancars, fought his way through the Soul Society to rescue his friend Rukia Kuchiki, tamed his inner Hollow, battled against Aizen and his armies, and even lost and regained his Soul Reaper abilities. But none of that had prepared him for the impending arrival of his child with his new wife, Orihime Inoue. Long time friends and recent lovers as their graduation from school had neared, the last thing Ichigo had expected was to impregnate his girlfriend, but being the upstanding guy that he was and since he was planning on doing this eventually anyway he had proposed to her and they'd soon been married.Now they were living together as newly weds, and while he was still adjusting, Ichigo was happy with their new set of circumstances. It was a busy set of circumstances though between spending time with Orihime, working at his Father's Clinic, and his duties as a Substitute Soul Reaper, he was often on the move! But he didn't mind. Someone had to keep Karakura Town safe, after all, and with his abilities, he was the best one for the job.It was on one such night that he found himself returning home after patrolling Karakura Town, and after slipping back into their home and returning to his human form, made his way stealthily through the halls. Finding Orihime in the kitchen, he paused for a moment to take in his wife, feeling himself growing a little excited at the sight of her. Always beautiful with her large breasts, pretty face, and curves, she had become even more so since becoming pregnant, and his libido soon took control, guiding him to come closer and hug her from behind."Hi." he said, pressing his groin against her behind, letting her feel his growing erection. Meanwhile, his hands slipped up to her chest, groping her breasts firmly. "Feeling ok?" he asked curiously as he fondled and caressed his wife, always concerned about her wellbeing. "As always, Ichi," Orihime moaned out, letting out the cutest giggle. She enjoted it when her large breasts were groped by her new husband as it felt rather good given they were quite sensitive, especially for all the treatment they had gotten. They were swelling with a sweet tasting milk, easily already becoming half a cup bigger since they discovered her pregnancy on Graduation Night.Orihime was easily showing already, sporting a small bump that her belly was now sporting. No matter what she wore, she couldn't hide the fact she was pregnant. She was currently dressed in a cute tube top that couldn't cover her belly bump, exposing it. Her large milk filled breasts were straining it a bit as well. Her long, orange hair was tied back into a ponytail, making sure it didn't get in the way while she was in the kitchen. She had on a pair of blue short shorts that had been bought for her when she and Ichigo were on their honeymoon. Her shapely bottom had increased in size, only becoming more desirable and firm as the pregnancy continued. Her legs were long and curvy and her hips were already growing in the right places the the body slowly prepared itself for an eventual birth."How was your day, Ichi?" Orihime cooed in the commonly used seductive tone she had whenever they were alone together. She had become so confident around her husband that her worrisome, shy self was easily forgotten outside of being in public and trying to please everyone else. When they were alone, it was like magic was sparking between them. Ichigo smiled as Orihime moaned and giggled cutely at his touch, speaking sweetly in that seductive tone that gave him shivers. To the outside world, she was still the same shy, yet sweet and helpful girl she'd always been, but whenever they were alone, she was like a completely different person. She had grown more confident in herself, more...sexual, and Ichigo couldn't say that he didn't like the change."It was alright. Dad, Karin, and Yuzu say 'hi'." he said, continued to fondle his wife as he leaned down to let his head rest on her shoulder. He could feel her seductively large bottom pressing back against his erection as he rubbed himself against her, and grunted softly as he grew even harder in response. He couldn't help himself. Squeezing her breasts through the tube top she was wearing, he slipped one hand sensually down her body, carefully sliding his fingers over the bump in her belly that signaled her pregnancy, and slipped them into her blue shorts to teasingly rub her womanhood. "It was a quiet night no hollows in sight, so I came home earlier to be with you."Enjoying playing with her seductive body far too much, Ichigo stepped into his wife's body to kiss her on the lips, wasting little time in getting his point across. The kiss was firm and deep, letting one lead to another, and another, and his tongue soon found her own, wrestling and sliding against it. "Mmm," Orihime said, letting out a sensual laugh as she felt her breasts being fondled and her husband's erection pressing up against her firm bottom. She did happily return the kiss once their lips met, pushing herself purposely against Ichigo's growing erection. She opened her eyes and winked, using her right hand to grab his shirt firmly and even took over the kiss, wrestling with his tongue and supposedly winning as she was just making the kiss that much better. She did, from time to time, take charge when it came to their sexual activity, though it wasn't too often. A confident Orihime was a sexy one, it would seem. She let out a soft coo, stopping what she was doing now as she focused solely on kissing her husband. Ichigo was a bit surprised when Orihime suddenly took over their kiss, holding him tightly by his shirt, but didn't complain, and continued kissing her amorously. It didn't happen a whole lot, but she could take charge when she was in the right mood, and Ichigo had no problems letting her do so, as he found that confidence more than a little sexy. As their kissing grew more and more heated though, he pulled her in the direction of the living room where they could get more comfortable, specifically on the couch. Once they'd reached their destination, Ichigo slipped her tube top up and off her before tossing it aside, revealing her breasts so that he could touch them directly, and he began caressing them once again, letting his fingers sink into her pliable chest. Orihime let out another cute giggle as she was brought over to the couch as they did have to temporarily break the kiss to get her tube top off. With that, she was quick to resume the kiss with it off. Her now exposed breasts felt the cool air and it caused her nipples to harden. This did also reveal that more often than not, she wore nothing underneath her attire just for situations like this where she and Ichigo spontaneously have sex. This did happen quite often, usually around their home.Now topless, she pushed into Ichigo's hands as she felt his fingers roaming around the large, fleshy mounds."Mmm..." she managed to moan out, having broken the kiss and whispered her moaning into Ichigo's ear. Squeezing her breasts softly as he felt her nipples hardening, Ichigo shivered a bit as Orhime broke their kissing to moan into his ear, and smirked a bit at the thought of pleasing his wife so. They'd only just begun though, and the night was young, so he didn't stop there after a moment or so of fondling her chest, he gently pushed her down onto the couch, and began pulling her shorts off, wanting her completely naked sooner rather than later. Looking down at her for a few seconds with a lustful look in his eyes, he soon descended upon her, slipping a hand between her legs to tease her womanhood, while catching one of her nipples with his mouth to begin suckling. Orihime cooed and felt Ichigo's hand slip between her legs. Her quite moist pussy lips were touched and rubbed, teasing them quite easily. She moved one hand to the back of Ichigo's head as she felt his mouth around one of her nipples. She moaned out loudly, often enjoying when Ichigo sucked on her overly sensitive breasts.She pressed his head down on her breast while also pushing her pussy lips against his hand, becoming rapidly more and more moist as she anticipated Ichigo's cock plunging into her depths. She was truly a wild woman around him, after all. Continuing to suck on Orihime's breasts as the girl pressed their bodies closer and closer together, Ichigo slipped his fingers deeper into her pussy to playfully rub her inner walls. He could easily feel how wet she had become from his teasing already, and if her amorous moans were anything to go by, she was more than a little aroused. She wasn't the only one, as he was sporting quite the massive erection by this point, which finally prompted him to stop the foreplay for a moment so that he could undress as well, revealing said erection.Pressing his cock between her legs and rubbing it against her wet pussy, Ichigo kissed his way from Orihime's chest to her lips, spending a long moment making out with his wife as his hands caressed and explored her body, then pulled away slightly with a grin on his face. "Ready?" he asked, already beginning to slowly sink his manhood into her pussy inch by inch. "I'm always ready, you tease," Orihime moaned out quite happly as she felt the cock push into her body. "Oh God, you're still so big even after expecting it this time!" She held Ichigo to her body, kissing him quite sloppily as her massive, milk filled breasts pressed up against him. She did like the foreplay, but the sex was the best part. Her pussy walls immediately began to rapidly clamp up and down on Ichigo's cock as it slid in, causing her to repeatedly moan into said sloppy kiss. She even already counter thrust him. Returning Orihime's kisses amorously as she held him to her, Ichigo pressed his cock further into her tight pussy, grunting and groaning as he felt her beginning to work her own hips as well. Thrusting back and forth, his slid his manhood further and further into her pussy with each meeting of their bodies, and his hands found their way to her large breasts, squeezing and caressing them firmly, letting his fingers sink into her bosom.Wanting more and more, it wasn't long before his hips were working even faster and faster, plowing into his wife with single minded intent, and his tongue worked against her own as their kissing continued. Orihime moaned out happily as she was glad that they seemed to have equal lust for each other all of the time. Their marriage only made things hotter, it would seem. She countered Ichigo's thrusting and pressed her large, milk filled breasts into his hands. The more he played with them, the tighter her womanly walls became.Orihime would momentarily break the kiss between her and Ichigo to take a breath before diving right back into the kiss, pushing her tongue against his. It was if she couldn't get enough of him sometimes. Kisses growing more and more heated by the second, Ichigo drove his cock into Orihime's pussy harder and harder and faster and faster, enjoying the sounds of her moans and gasps of pleasure with each collision of their hips. His manhood throbbed powerfully within her womanhood as her inner walls clamped down on him tighter and tighter, and Ichigo groaned against his wife's lips in response."I love you, Orhime..." he gasped, pulling away from her soft lips just long enough to get that out before returning to kissing her, wrestling amorously with her tongue. She wasn't the only one who couldn't get enough sometimes, it seemed... Orihime moaned into the kiss, their saliva exchanging between their mouths as if they were trading their life forces. They always treated their kisses as if they were kissing the only other person on the planet or some sort of god or goddess.When the kiss broke, Orihime just smirking at him with her newfound confidence since they were married and having their child. "I love you too," she whispered before using her tongue to lick around Ichigo's lips and then planteda firm, but sloppy kiss on them.When they resumed, Orihime seemed to be a bit hornier, her tongue wrestling with Ichigo's as her body milked his cock. However, she was approaching her climax, so she may calm down soon. Groaning against Orihime's lips as they kissed and worked their sweaty bodies against one another, Ichigo could feel himself reaching his limit, and the more he thrust into her tight pussy, the closer and closer he was coming, yet rather than slow down, he sped up and grew stronger in his movements, wanting to finish strong and make certain that she finished the same way.Plowing into his wife with more and more vigor as her inner walls clamped down on the length of his manhood, Ichigo drove his cock deeper and deeper into her pussy, until with one final thrust, he gave a heavy grunt that led into another groan, and felt himself cum deep in her womanhood, coating her tunnels with his white hot seed. "Orihime !" he gasped, clutching her tightly to his body as he rode out the orgasm. Orihime moaned out and gasped as she felt the kiss broke. Her back arched as she felt her husband's cum flood into her pregnant form. She wrapped her arms tighter around him as she unleashed her own climax. She coated Ichigo's cock in her womanly juices, her vaginal walls tightening one last time around it. She panted heavily and happily, coming down from her sexual high rapidly.Smiling at Ichigo, having returned to her more cute like demeanor, she kissed him gently on the lips and then tightened her hug."That was fun," she said, letting out a happy coo as she whispered in his ear.
['Orihime', 'Kuchiki', 'Inoue', 'Rukia', 'Aizen', 'Ichigo', 'Kurosaki']
Fear The Living - Flashbacks (w/ Orion)
Flashback scenes for a roleplay between myself and Orion, Fear The Living. i. the forgotten first time Nick Clark finding booze despite being underage was nothing out of the norm it was especially normal when he found himself paired with one Marley Scott, a beautiful girl that he had met during his fist year of high school when they shared a low level arts class together. Ever since then their friendship had blossomed and grown in to possibly the best thing that had ever happened to him. Over a year later and they were still spending a vast majority of their time together. Like most teenagers, fifteen year olds especially, they were a little reckless and rebellious. They would sneak out, smoke weed, and drink much more often than they probably should.Today was one of those times. While usually Marley would sneak over to his place, nowadays she was with a foster mom who couldn't give a flying fuck about anything but the paycheck she was getting. Therefore, it was much simpler for Nick to sneak out of his own place and come for a visit. It was a Friday night and no one would even notice he was gone as long as he woke up early enough to wander back home before anyone got suspicious . They had grabbed a bottle of Marley's new "mom"s whiskey and chased it with pepsi until the were so drunk they could barely even see straight.Thatwas the point that they had started kissing each other. Considering the fact that he had been in to her since they met, Nick was in no position to stop her when she climbed on to his lap. It was innocent enough for a while until she had started grinding her hips against him which, as a fifteen year old and a virgin still, immediately had him growing hard. At that point he had been unable to stop himself from grabbing at her, fondling her ass and her breasts, touching her every where else that he could. After a while he had even pushed her just slightly off of his body so that he could undo his pants and get a more intimate contact between their bodies. While he did keep his boxers on still, it was one less layer between them. For the first time in months, Marley Scott actually found herselfaroused. She wasn't quite sure why now was the ideal time for that but she had a feeling that the whiskey was definitely a deciding factor either way her best friend Nicky had looked absolutely delectable as he sat beside her, laughing along with her to whatever dumb thing had caught her attention most recently. He'd looked absolutely kissable, perfect to touch perhaps that was why the girl had climbed on top of his lap and kissed him for the first time, something that had quickly escalated in to more.The short green dress that she wore offered little in the way of coverage as she rolled her hips along Nick's own, teasing her own body just as much as she was his. She had grown wet pretty quick just like he had his erection but even though it was obvious that both of them wanted more from pretty early on, over an hour had passed as they just made out and touched each other, not daring to cross that line. While physically she wasn't a virgin, she didn't like to classify the rape that had gotten her pregnant back when she had still been fourteen as "losing her virginity". She was very much awkward and new to boys, unsure how toletsomeone touch her for the first time.She had convinced herself that she should, though. No amount of denial would change the fact that she had pretty much fallen in love with this boy, especially when he stuck by her side throughout the worst few months of her life. Would there really ever be anyone better to walk her through this? Show her what it was like to be properly loved? Marley knew that Nick didn't have any experience either, which just made it all the more appealing she wouldn't have to worry about seeming like she didn't know what she was doing, because he didn't either.The fact that he'd gotten his pants out of the way just made up her mind for her the only thing between their bodies was their underwear and holyfuck, Marley didn't know it was possible to want someone this much. "I'll take your virginity if you want," she breathed in to his ear, hoping that he would take her up on the offer. Woah.Nick had not been expecting what Marley had suggested. Well he had been hoping for it... but he hadn't expected it. At the same time it made him still her body and he wrapped his arms loosely around her waist. They may have been drunk, but he wasn't too drunk to realize that blatantly coming on to him was not part of Marley's character. On top of that, she hadn't displayed any interest in him throughout the almost year and a half that they had known each other. Nick quickly became worried that she was making an offer that she didn't actually want to make, and that if they went through with it she would regret it once morning came.The young man squeezed her in a little tighter towards his body and then kissed her again. Lust clouded his already dark eyes, and he had an incredibly hard time not immediately throwing her down on the bed and ravaging her like he wanted to. "I do want that," he conceded and then nodded his head slowly. "But how about you ask me again in the morning if that's what you really want?" In return, Marley scrunched her nose and used the fact that he pulled her in closer just to reach around him and give his ass a squeeze. Maybe that was something men typically did to the ladies, but she didn't care in the least. He had actually said that he wanted to screw her, so it's not like she would be crossing any kind of line by touching a bit, right? She didn't like that he had tried to put her off right after saying that, though that really made it come off like he wasn't actually in to her and right then all she wanted was to feel wanted by him."Or," she started, and then leaned in to kiss his neck over and over again, feather soft touches to sensitive skin. "If it's what you really want, we could just go for itnow?" He could reject her again and she would drop it but she didn't have the self control that he seemed to have. The last little bit of their time had really gotten to her, and as much as Marley knew she would still be in to Nick once morning came, she also knew she wouldn't have the confidence to actually say anything they would end up back at that impass they were in before where she desperately wanted him but could never say anything. Fucking hell how was he supposed to say no? Nick had tried to talk her out of her plan, but it seemed that Marley had her mind set on things. It was impossible to resisted her, too. He had struggled enough just pulling away the first time, and now she was kissing down his neck. She was the first person to touch him like this, too. He'd kissed a couple girls, but anything more? Not at all. She was the first person to make out with him, the first person make a move on him, and definitely the first person to be riding on his dick."Fuck," he gasped as her lips fluttered over a sensitive part of his skin. At that point he couldn't do anything other than give in. He released his hold around her body just to grab her by the hips and push her down on to her bed. He pulled his pants fully off before he climbed on top of her, but he didn't touch her just yet. "Are you absolutely sure 'bout this Mar?" He asked while he hovered on his knees above her thighs. Marley let out a stream of giggles as she was pushed down on to her bed and he climbed on top of her, and after Nick had stripped his pants off of his body she was eager to pull his shirt off as well. She didn't speak, didn't answer his question just grabbed his shirt by its bottom hem and pried it over his body, sitting up as she did so. With him on his knees, she ended up at the perfect level to be able to press her lips to his chest, and after she'd tossed the top of away and freed her hands again, she reached down to his hips and then urged his underwear down as well."I am," she promised as she took him in hand, a fumbling gesture as she had never even had a dick in her hands before. She knew the theory, though, and hoped that the gentle way she stroked him from base to tip would give him the encouragement he needed to accept that she truly wanted this. Booze or not she did she just would never do anything about it if she had to wait until she was sober again. Nick couldn't hold back a moan when Marley started to stroke him. No one had touched him like that before, and he was amazed at how much different someone else's hand felt compared to his own. She didn't have to be an expert in order to touch him like one.He couldn't hold back for long though. He was basically naked and Marley was still fully clothed, so that had to change. She would have to move. Nick pushed her down on to her back once more and first fumbled with her bottoms. He probably should have gone slower than he did, but lust and intoxication fueled him. He pried her pants and underwear off in a single move, and then her top followed a moment later. Marley's heart had never raced as fast or as hard as it did when Nick was stripping her bare with no hesitation, his handa ravishing ber body as he pried fabric from skin. A nervous giggle escaped her lips but she wasn't hesitating the young woman had no desire to stop, even if things were moving a bit faster than she had thought that they might have gone."Wow," she gasped as she was finally bared. Her body hit the bed and she looked up to her love with a desperate desire for him for affection, for touch, for his fingers between her slick, warm folds. She reached in for him eagerly, giving him no choice but to be on top of her. Marley's fingers slid in to his hair and she urgef Nick to kiss her. By now, Nick couldn't fight his desires as if that hadn't been obvious by the way he had pulled Marley's clothes from her body in a desperate fervour just seconds ago."God I've wanted this forever," he said as he kissed her with more passion than he had ever felt in his life. He couldn't keep his hands off of her, either. He touched and roamed everywhere from her head down to the sweetness between her thighs. He was definitely going to slip himself in to her but first he wanted to feel her. He ended their kiss so that he could bring his lips to her neck, and at that point his fingers slipped between her thighs and two parted her slit. As soon as he found her entrance, he sunk his fingers slowly in to her. The noise that left Marley's lips as soon as Nick's fingers buried themself inside of her was best described as a whine she wanted something different andnthat different wasmore. Besides that, she had never had anyone touch her like that so it was all very new to her. She didn't want to be the only one being touched, though. Just moments ago she'd held his cock in her hand and she wanted more of that so she reached down between their bodies and took what she wanted. At first her fingers grazed over the head of his cock, but just a second later she had wrapped her hand around his length again.As much as she wanted to make him feel good, Marley also wanted to guide his cock betwen her thighs so that she could get what she wanted. She was nervous but excited and could only imagine how good sex would feel when she had actually chosen to do it. "Then do it," she whispered against his lips. As much as she was loving having his fingers inside of her, she wanted so much more. "Or do I have to beg?" Marley whimpering and pulling him towards her core had its intended affect. As much as Nick wanted to continue to soak his fingers in her juices, the thought of his cock in that warm wetness was so much better. First he pulled his fingers out of her, and second he urged her hand off of his length. He then didn't hesitate to line himself up with her, but as he pushed in to her for that first time he decided that slow was the best way to go.That was easier said than done, of course. As soon as her juices coated the tip of his cock, Nick wanted to start just pounding her. He knew that she was new to this as well, though. Instead he settled for drawing things out and stretching her slowly so that she could accommodate him without hurting. All the while, Nick let out a loud moan. God Marley wished this was actually her first time, that no one had ever dared to lay a hand on her and she could give this boy that precious moment in her life. The best she could do was let him be the first person that she had wanted to touch her, though the first person to treat her with softness and affection and respect. In reality, she didn't think there would ever be any better of a person to offer that to. They may not have been sober but this was a choice she would have made even if she was had she the courage to actually act on the affection that she always had for this boy.It may not have been herfirstfirst time, but her body still wasn't used to it. That first push in to her made her whimper, but Nick went so easy and slow on her that she didn't hurt at his hands. After she felt like she had adjusted well, became desperate for more of him, her leg looked around his hip and she used it to subtly urge her for more. "Please, Nicky," she begged of him. He couldn't possibly resist when Marley was beneath him and begging. The way that she goaded him didn't help either. Her leg around his hip urged him closer to her and with that a little deeper in to her, and Nick let out a loud moan. Nothing in his life had ever felt as good as this did but this was also Nick's first time having sex. It was no surprise that nothing had ever felt this incredible. The fact that it was Mar beneath him probably helped, too. No one had ever meant more to him than she did and likely, no one ever would."Of course baby," he whispered in her ear. Nick braced himself against the bed and started to rock his body against hers in slow, shallow thrusts. Staying slow was nearly impossible as he an intense desire to simply take her as his own, but for now he was able to keep control of himself. After all, Nick wanted this to be pleasant for Marley as well. Marley absolutelyadoredevery single time he had called her baby tonight and that affection was only amplified now that he had buried himself in to her. He was louder than she was but that was okay no one here would care. All her foster mother wanted was the check she got to keep Marley there, and as long as that kept happening Marley could have got pregnant that night and the bitch still wouldn't care. That wasn't much a surprise she was letting fifteen year olds drink, and behind closed doors at that.She cried out Nick's name as his cock caressed her insides and each thrust caused friction against the sweet spot inside of her. They fell in to a rythym and she fell absolutely in love with sex, for the first time in her life, with her own body, even more with Nick. Her nails scratched at his back as her desire grew and her body tightened, a strange but pleasuable feeling to the girl who had never came before. It didnt take much for Nick to lose control. Never in his life had he experienced anything better than being inside of Marley, and as a teenager he had raging hormones. Normally he could just whack off, but he had feeling that using his hand wouldn't feel the same now that he'd had a taste of the real thingHis pleasure grew exponentially with each passing moment. As a virgin, it was no surprise that the pleasure of sex was quickly overwhelming to him. Soon too soon he felt like he would topple over the edge. In a drunken haze pulling out wasn't even a thought in his head. All that matterwd was this beautiful girl's moans and her tight walls around him."Mar, I'm gonna " he tried to warn her, but he was cut off by his own moan. In the same moment he couldn't hold back any more, and his semen started to spill in to her. It was possibly the most intense orgasm that Nick ever had. Nick wasn't the only one to be overwhelmed by how amazing their connection felt, and each thrust deep in to her sent Marley a little closer to the edge as well. She clung hard to him hands grasping at his shoulders, legs hooked around his hips. She was riding the line as Nick tried to warn him of his impending release, and his flood brought a gasp to her lips. She may have been drunk but she wasn't dumb and the last time anyone had released in to her body she had found herself pregnant. She was going to be worried for weeks now.... But at the same time, holyshit. Nick's moans and his cum filling her insides was enough to push the blonde over the edge, and the redhead cried out as possibly the most intense pleasure she had ever felt wracked her system. She clung even tighter to the boy on top of her something that she had felt wasn't even possible until it happened in that moment. As she rode out her own orgasm, soft moans and whimpers escaped her lips. Even as it faded, Marley didn't have it in her to let her boy go just yet.
['Scott', 'Clark']
..::A Dragons Heart::.. [Gentleman & Ironic]
A half breed born from the union between dragon and human, Shyvanasearched all her life for belonging. Persecution forged her into a brutal warrior, and those who dare stand against Shyvana face the fiery beast lurking just beneath her skin. Dragonkind considered Shyvana's impure blood an abomination, and she spent her youth pursued relentlessly by one crueldrake. Constantly on the run, she and herfather, an outcast dragon, never knew a lasting home. A brutal reflection of countless battles, Shyvana grew hateful and savage. She often took on herdrake form,an icy and cold hearted creature that knew nothing but hate, the only love being shown by her father.After years of strife, her father finally fell to the other dragon. He had fought hard to ensure protection for Shyvana, gravely wounding his foe just before he fell to take his last breath. The girl was overwhelmed with devastation as the drake took off, fleeing north to recuperate from his damages. She was left to mourn her loss in the cold snowy mountains, her heart enclosed in ice lastingly. Furious with grief, Shyvana pursued her father s murderer, promising to cease his life as he did to her own blood.Her nights were spent crying, screaming at the world for its hatred as she trekked the nights alone and exhausted. Days had passed, her eyes incased in dark circles from sleep deprivation. Without her father s leadership, she understood just how much she depended on him. The dense torrent of snow covered the trail of the fled drake, making the objective much harsher to accomplish. Religiously she paced through the forest ridden terrain to stay close to his trail, failing in the end after all.Feeling defeated, she headed towards the outskirts of the forest, close by the trail as she laid in the snowy pile. The downfall of the cloud like powder dispersed against her body, her head entombing inside of her arms as she noiselessly wept.Hooves clicked and clanked on the gravel underneath them, stirring the miserable woman to sit upwards and peer against the spaces within the bushes in front of her. Intently she watched the group of armed men marched upwards. Ridden with fear she quickly stood up, snagging a twig in the process to rattle the bush enough to bring attention.Shyvana stood still, understanding that if she ran off it would cause more chaos then what was to be intended. Taking in a sharp breath of icy air she protruded from the confines of the forest and hoisted out before the men had a chance to approach her directly, that is if they hadn t already caught glimpse. "We.. Are lost.. Zhao.. As lost, as an Ionian, in a Noxian Sewer! How did this happen? He was spotted in the village we left a few days past, heading towards these snowy hills. We've search, basically every bit of this forrest... The Mountain trails, are too treacherous to traverse. We are stuck.. Stuck, with provisions enough for months." A stout, strong voice complained, as he rolled together a large piece of parchment, tossing it towards one of his companions. The strong warrior, clad in his regalia, with added fur around the openings, to combat the harsh weather, slumped down, resting his arms on his knees, shaking his head a few times. His companion, a young warrior, standing proudly behind his Prince, sighed silently."My Prince.. We should head home. This hunt, isn't going anywhere. You shouldn't have taken to this venture, in the first place." The young man complained, looking over the forrest surrounding them, as the fire crackled between them.Jarvan shook his head in response, looking behind him, and up at the young man, perched with his spear."We can't.. We can not return, without our quary. That Drake has terrorized several villages already, on it's way to.. Who knows where.. It was wounded, which gives us a chance.. But we have no way to track his blood, is this damned snow!" Jarvan growled, kicking a spray of snow to his side, a few specks hitting the fire, fizzling into nothing. "What we need, is a guide.. Someone, who can track it's scent.. Sense it. With this increased Drake activity, we need to consider reinstating our Dragon Slayer branch." Jarvan sneered, looking out into the forrest now as well. Xin Zhao chuckled a single time, shaking his head a few times, as he leaned against his spear."You just want to hunt Dragons again.." Zin proclaimed, causing Jarvan to snort."Only the ones who terrorize Demazian's Citizens. The Drakes and Dragons in the High Mountains, isn't my concern." He added.Many years ago, Jarvan had lead a branch of the Demacian Military, tasked with the hunting, and taking down of Drakes and Dragons, encroaching on Demacia's territory. Jarvan was expected to become a fair, and merciful ruler, a kin to his father, and he showed his honor in those days. Giving Drakes and Dragons alike, a choice. If they where sentient, they were given a choice, if they didn't attack first hand. Keep to the Mountains, and only hunt outside Demacian city borders. Leave Demacian lands. Or be destroyed. Jarvan only hunted the Dragons, that terrorized his citizens, and he had no intentions of changing that. But the particular Drake his party was on the hunt for today, was one such Dragon. It had decended upon a small Demacian village, taking a few victims into it's maw, before travelling on. Jarvan didn't doubt, that this was to recuberate for the wounds it had, and he intended to catch it, before it regained too much it's strength.His party of thirty men, had traveled for weeks now, circling the forrest they where in, for any signs of the Drake, but they'd found nothing. All traces of the Drake, was swept away by the heavy downpour of snow, that'd been upon these hills, for this entire week. They where, indeed, lost.A few patrolmen twitched, when they heard the cracking of branches, hoisting their weapons in response. One, aiming it's spear towards the bushes the sound came from, the other raising the rifle in his hands."State your business in Demacian lands!" The Rifleman demanded, as a woman stepped forth from the bushes. Seconds later, the Spearman by his side widened his eyes, at the sight that befell them, staggering a step backwards."Drake!" He warned loudly, causing a hussel in the forrest behind the two, several more soldiers making their presence, all preparing their weapons. It was clear, that every single soldier in this company, now staring down the Drake, felt dread to the bone. But a sense of Iron Loyalty to the Crown, kept them where they where, even staring down what they feared would be their death.It took only a few seconds, before a hulking figure came running out from the forrest, the ringing of metal against metal sang through the air, as Garen stepped out. His icy blue eyes stared down Shyvana, as he approached, giving no quarter, even with the fear behind those orbs. Garen had learned to respect Drakes, in all their shapes, and this one was different. New. An Unknown. Clearly had the makings of a Drake, but had the figure of a woman. This brought Garen on edge, and he prepared his sword."Drake... These are Demacian lands, you are not welcome here.. State your business in these woods.. Are you a follower, of the Drake that attacked Valieeh?" Garen referred to the village, that suffered under the massive Drake Shyvana was also hunting. A common goal. The Drake female who was in her human form halted her steps, freezing once again as the men shouted in her direction. Standing out from the group was a man who appeared to have softer eyes, ones that did not see Shyvanna for being nothing more than a Drake. Hesitant she would stand her ground, flaring her teeth in a sign of warning and stress.Attentively she listened to what he said, voice booming with authority. Harshly she would swallow down the knot in her throat while a gust of hot air exited through her flared nostrils. I am Shyvanna, searching for my fathers murderer. Low and monotone she spoke, sinking her head down into the grove in between her shoulders. In this form she was outnumbered but could swiftly shift into her Drake form, but no one tried to hard her, at least not yet. Please, you have to let me go! I lost his trail about an hour ago, but it s starting to faintly come back now that the winds have died down! I know nothing of Valieeh and who was responsible for it! She begged, pleaded, hoping they would let her go about her business without being captured. Jarvan's camp had been, only a few steps away from the point of spotting Shyvana, and he was there in a matter of seconds, arriving shortly after Garen did, his spear at the ready. Seeing this young woman, who'd been called out for being a Drake, his head tilted. He was the first to let down his guard, raising his spear, to let the back end of it thud into the snow. His composure was calm, and his eyes soft, as he watched Shyvana answer the demands of Garen, stating her name, and her business. Her answer brought a small frown to his lips, unable to imagine the loss of a parent, having still lived a pampered life, even with his days of war, and strife. As she pleaded, however, his eyes narrowed slightly, thoughtful, raising a hand to his chin, the leather palm of his glove stroking his skin, cracking his cold jaw silently.Garen's eyes, hard and piercing, narrowed inquisitively at the answer he was given. It took a few seconds for him, before he grunted, keeping his sword at the ready, rolling his shoulders a bit."You have no right, to hunt vengeance in Demacian lands, Drake. You can travel to the nearest village, and write a report on this murder. Our Authorities will..." Garen was interrupted, as Jarvan stepped forth, putting his hand on Garen's shoulder, pushing him back, and slightly aside."She can do that here, Garen.." Jarvan dissmissed, stepping forward, thudding his spear to the ground again, standing tall before Shyvana. He showed no signs of fear, nor disdain in his eyes. Garen sneered at his Prince, taking a step forward, placing a hand on Jarvan's arm."Prince.. We have no reason to trust this Drake's words. She could be working for the big guy..." Garen warned, earning him a pair of narrowed, warning eyes, causing the General to take a reluctant step backwards."I have to apologize for my General's disdain.. He has plenty of reasons, to hate Drakes.." Jarvan apologized on his General's behalf, as his gaze turned back towards Shyvana. His lips curved a small, welcoming smile, as he looked her over for a second."But, I don't see a Drake right now. A union, perhaps, but I see a woman. A woman looking for revenge.. You should be able to relate, Garen." Jarvan proclaimed, his smile turning somewhat sour, as he lowered his head towards Shyvana."My deepest condolences, for your loss, Shyvana, the Half Dragon.." He gave her a sorry expression, his head still lowered slightly."I could never imagine the devastation, of such a loss.."Jarvan raised his head again, turning as he raised his free hand to his chest, placing his palm on it."I, am Jarvan the Fourth, Heir to the Crown of Demacia, Scion of the Lightshield Dynasty." He introduced himself, nodding his head formally, as he lowered his arm, instead holding it out towards her, with a giving gesture."I am bestowed the authority, to grant you access to Demacian lands, and allow you to hunt your vengeance upon them. And I will. If your hunt doesn't involve a Demacian Citizen.. And.. If you will tell me.. What .. Are you hunting, exactly?" He asked, still sending her the same thoughtful expression, giving no signs of aggression, nor the same disdain as Garen. In fact, there was a kindness to his eyes. He felt bad, for the situation this woman was in. She was clearly alone, on the hunt for something she's lost track of, to avenge something she's lost all together. They, were on the hunt as well. Given that she was clearly a half breed, between Human and Drake, perhaps the two parties, had the same target? When the man known as Jarvan took Garen s place she couldn t help but stand motionless. He appeared to have even more authority, more power than any man in the group behind them. Should she fear him? The weapon he yielded looked promising as slitting her throat effortlessly, yet she did not falter as his presence. They all knew her true capabilities if she would unleash them, so she essentially had nothing to worry about.Jarvan though was kind, sincere, and showered her with promising gazes. Garen on the other hand didn t seem as amused, huffing in distaste at his rulers actions towards a Drake. A weight was lifted off from her shoulders, for once someone having her side. I appreciate your condolences but there is no need for Them. You suffered more loss than so have with your people. She replies, sharing a sorrowful expression. I am searching for a Drake, scales as white as snow yet with a grey tint to them. He was gravely wounded thanks to my father, but he still manage to kill him despite his wounds. He fled away, going somewhere down the mountains. Maybe this is the dragon that caused your kingdom dismay. She pondered on it, connecting the dots as she spewed the words out. I heard his wings later on that day coming back, but he was beginning to replenish himself. If I don t find him soon enough then he will be completely healed. Shyvanna displayed her rows of sharpened teeth, angered at the thought of the damned beast. I ve noticed we share a common goal. Please, Jarvan, help me cease the life of this bastard. We need justice. She would take her hand and extended it outwards to him, as if that was the notion that sealed their contract. Jarvan lowered his head for a moment, in silent thought of those who lost their lives to the Drake who attacked Demacian lands, sending Shyvana a thankful expression. When she mentioned her prey, however, his lips curled a small smile, and his eyes narrowed a bit. Even Garen behind him, as well as the young white haired Spearmen, who'd made his way over to the three, seemed more interested now. White, wounded Drake. The exact description they'd gotten, of the Drake who attacked Valieeh. His head slowly nodded a few times in response, raising his hand to his chin again, stroking his jaw in thought, looking Shyvana over, once again. The Hybrid had the same quary as them, and the ability to track it. She seemed decent, as well as honorable enough, and it gave him a thought. A thought, she very clearly seemed to share, soon reaching out a hand. He lend his eyes towards it, smiling, as he looked back up to her eyes."Valieeh was indeed attacked by a White Drake, wounded by a previous battle.. It is no doubt the same Drake, upon who you seek justice." He agreed with her statement, as he raised his spear, putting it in his left hand, as to extend his right, taking her's, causing Garen to narrow his eyes slightly."You say you can track this Drake? We lost it's tracks quite a while ago. If you track this creature for us, then you have our spears and arrows. We'll hunt justice together.. For Vaileeh.. For your father." He agreed, his large hand shaking her's a single time. The leather palm of his gloved hands, were strangely warm, in the biting cold, and his handshake firm, yet gentle.After letting go of Shyvana's hand, he turned his attention towards his men, sending a hand gesture towards the ground."Lower your weapons, men, and prepare to head out." He demanded, looking back down towards Shyvana, holding his hand out as a gesture, for her to please follow him. Xin sent Jarvan a questioning look, but was the first to follow his Prince's command, as everyone else did the same."Is this wise, Scion? I do not like, putting all our cards in one hand." He questioned, looking towards Shyvana, as Jarvan made his way past the significantly smaller man, as he nodded."Maybe not. I have no reason to trust that she can do, what she claims she can, but I am willing to take a chance on this. There is no returning home, until that Drake is out of Demacian lands. One way, or another." He replied, bluntly. In truth, he had no reason to trust Shyvana, but he did. There was something about her, that told him she was trustworthy. He looked back towards her, expecting that she'd follow him, smiling lightly."In any case, no one should travel these cold lands, on their own." He added, sending Shyvana a single nod, before looking back down to Xin."Recall the big guy. No need for him to keep tracking, if our new ally here can provide. And he deserves a rest." He requested, causing Xin to send Shyvana a short look, before fetching an orb out of his pocket, squeezing it, as he walked towards some other troops.All around them, people were preparing themselves, pulling backpacks back on their shoulders, finishing the rest of their meals, as silent chatter went about. Shyvana still recieved quite a few looks. Mixture of fear, and distrust, was embedded in the men, as they made sure to keep their distance. Garen kept close by, still observing both Shyvana, and his Prince, clearly loyal to a fault, having no intentions of letting the two alone, any time soon.Jarvan reached the fire he'd been perched at earlier, kicking some snow over the flames, to quell their sparks, before he picked up his backback. He turned his gaze towards Shyvana, looking over her clothes for a moment, before turning his gaze down in his backpack. He stabbed the back end of his spear in the ground, keeping it in it's place, in order to shove his large glove into the backpack, raising a thick cloak from it, as his gaze turned back towards the half breed."We have more cold weather cloaks, if you'd accept it? Or does the weather not bother you?"He asked, sending her a genuine, inquisitive smile. Shyvanna nodded as the men departed, following behind them and not wanting to get into the way of their uneasiness towards her. She could sense it, it wasn't hard. Sadly she was used to being an outcast and naturally accepted that despite it taking numerous years to adjust. It's been so long since she last had human contact, especially this close. It felt very foreign to her. Jarvan decided to stand close by her, not frightened like the other men around her. A part of her wanted him to leave her alone already but she wouldn't say that. Instead she would try to grow more accustomed to his presence."I can tolerate the chilled winds, but I will take the cloak for sleeping purposes. Thank you." She responded before taking it kindly, draping it around her shoulders. The snow crunched underneath each step, her eyes squinting as the sun started to set furthermore. "How long are you and your men debating on traveling before you rest?" She inquired as she watched the sun set, snow still falling down but not as heavy as earlier, but still difficult to distinguish the distance ahead.Her nostrils flared, attempting to gather a hint of the scent of the Drake. Nothing was coming up until a faint scent of iron stung in her nose. The small hairs on her body stood erect, knowing the scent was from the dragon. He was far away, but a some droplets of blood stuck on a nearby pine tree. "Look." She called over Jarvan before pointing at the evidence. "He was near before, but by the looks of it, it was a while ago. He's still far away, but close enough if that makes sense." Jarvan nodded, as she accepted his offer of a cloak, throwing the backpack over his shoulder afterwards."No need to tolerate winds, if there are alternatives, my dear Shyvana. No one here, would frown upon someone wanting warmth..." He chuckled, looking over towards a few of his men, shaking his head a single time, as he stroked his cheek."We're all freezing our toes off here..." He grunted, with another light laugh, looking back down to Shyvana, as they started walking.He noticed a squinting of the Hybrid's eyes, looking himself to the sky, and then to a few of his men, walking nearby. They where keeping closer together, huddling, their limbs visibly shaking, as he frowned. Her question turned his gaze back on Shyvana, then to the sun, as he stretched his shoulders."We where about to camp, actually. While our Golem searched for tracks." He explained, looking back down to her, with his genuinely kind smile."But you're oure tracker now, Shyvana. When you can guarantee to me, or at least convince me, that you'll be able to pick up our prey's tracks in the morning again? Then, we can camp." He explained, putting a bit of the pressure, on Shyvana's shoulders. He did not want to rest, before he was certain, that the rest wouldn't just loose them the track completely. They already made that mistake, having lost the tracks completely, when they last rested.Jarvan walked unhindered through the snow, even for the heavy armor pieces on his body, weighing him down. Each step fell deep into the snow, but none of them where hindered by it. Like an unstoppable object, he waded through the snow, pushing it aside. When Shyvana called for his attention, she got it in full, walking to her side, looking down to the blood, as he narrowed his eyes. He nodded a single time with her question, looking forth, as he set forward again."Next blood trail we find, will give us an idea, of the direction. Then, we'll camp for the night." He explained, looking back down to Shyvana, smiling."You do look like someone, who'se done a lot of travelling, and could use a rest." He teased, his own eyes definitely showing signs of exhaustion as well.Near them, a flap of heavy wings was audible, and Jarvan turned his attention towards it, as a Golem flew over head, then gliding down towards the side of the two. Jarvan took a pause, letting the massive creature, easily hulking the other travellers with several heads of height, thudding against the snow bellow him."I am sorry, my Prince.. I have not traveled lands, as white as these before.. I found no tracks of the Drake, but for broken tree tops, in that direction." The Golem explained, pointing in the direction they where heading, causing Jarvan to smile."Galio.. I think, that is more helpful, than you believe.." Jarvan thanked his helpful Guardian, clapping a hand against the other's arm, nodding towards the rear."Take up the rear, with Holding. We'll be resting soon, and he'll be first watch." He ordered, Galio bowing his head a single time, throwing a short glance towards Shyvana. While others showed fear, and Jarvan showed compassion and kindness, Galio showed nothing. Not a single shred of emotion in the cold stone's eyes, as it turned around, heading towards the rear guard of the travelling group. Jarvan's eyes turned back down towards Shyvana, smiling again."Our tracker spotted broken trees. I'd bet my Banner, that we'll find another trail of blood, in that direction. Then, we can find a place to camp, and get ourselves some refreshments." He nodded, before setting off again, letting Shyvana lead the way, with her astute sense of smell. "You can say that again." Shyvana replied to his comment on looking exhausted, as if the bag under her eyes didn't serve her enough justice. He was beginning to get some too. She could only imagine the weight he had on his shoulders, protecting everyone in his kingdom and himself too. It was a lot of responsibilities to bare, and for a moment she felt sorry for him but soon reminded herself that this was the life he chose. Even if he was born into royalty he could easily have escaped it if he really didn't want to be apart of it. Shaking her head to rid of the thoughts she would look back at him, giving him a nod before trekking down the path, sniffing out the air in search for more blood or signs.Shyvanna couldn't travel above the tree tops unless she wielded her dragon form, but she would en stow more fear into the men's eyes, not wanting to put more hatred on her than what she already had. The Golem served its purpose well, depicting the broken tree tops above and she couldn't help but let out a smile, bowing slightly in front of the Golem in thanks. "That was very helpful, thank you kindly."Pacing carefully, soon in the distance at around a mile from the other blood marking, stood another. It was frozen against the tree bark, the icy maroon droplets still taking their natural droplet shape despite it being solid. "Here's another one. If I can make an educated guess I would say that the Dragon is also going to retreat to a cave and call it a night. If we get up before sunrise that should spare us enough time to get closer to it than we have before." Shyvana's thanks, directed towards the emotionless Golem, curved a small smirk, across his face, as he continued walking, not looking towards neither of them. Galio showed a small sign of emotion, when he looked a little perplexed with the thanks he was given, as if what he did hadn't qualified for such a statement. As if what he did, was just part of his coding. Jarvan chuckled lightly, as Galio turned towards his new directions, not even sending Shyvana a second eye, as Jarvan looked back towards her."He takes his orders very seriously, don't take offence to his silence. He was told to do tracking from the sky, and he did. Being thanked for it, confuses him. Took him a while, to teach me to stop. And.. I still do it, from time, to time. He's an excelent tracker, and a magnificent Vanguard, when he bulks up. He deserves a thank for his services. Even though he doesn't want it." Jarvan explained the silent Golem, as they continued on their way towards the broken trees.Jarvan grunted slightly, stepping a little higher, carrying his heavy armor those last few steps, before they stepped into the broken tree linen. Even he, could see a few blood stains around the place, when she mentioned them, listening to her advice. He nodded a few times, looking over his shoulder, as he raised his hand."Stop, men. We'll be camping out here, for the night. Garen, and Xin, take your men, and secure a perimiter. Galio and Holden, spread out your men, and find vantage points, you have first watch. Nadia? We take second watch." He handed out orders, looking finally at a Lady not far from him, who nodded in response, turning to three others by her side, ordering them to start setting up small tents."It'll be minimum rest, tonight, people, so find the most comfortable areas to sleep in. You'll need to get as much as you can." He also added, before taking the heavy backpack from his shoulders, offering it towards Nadia, who came over, nodding a single thanks towards her, as he looked back down towards Shyvana."Me, and my men, will take care of the watch, tonight. You'll need as much of your energy tomorrow, as possible." He offered, as he nodded towards Nadia's men, starting towards it, while still looking towards Shyvana."I also have a feeling, that'll you'll be a great asset for us, once we find this Drake. Surviving out here, on your own? That takes some determination, and strength." He complimented, stopping by a small clearing, where Nadia had started clearing out a small area for a fire, as a few of the others where setting up tents.Jarvan stopped next to the fire, looking towards one of the men. They nodded between each other, and he approached, as Jarvan turned his back on him, starting to undo clamps in his armor, as the man did the same behind him. He looked at Shyvana, as he worked on the armor, individual pieces slowly coming off, revealing a leather outfit bellow it."So.. It was just the two of you? You, and your father?" He asked, offering a bit of small talk, with a careful smile. He didn't want to poke in a still bleeding wound, but was overbearingly curious about this lone woman. Shyvanna wondered why they gave her long and hard stares, as if thanking someone was forbidden, but ti made more sense when Jarvan later explained himself to her. She nodded thrice to show that she was understanding what he was implying, but made no further comment.She sighed to know that they were finally setting up camp, her body drained and tired from the endless travels. Hopefully tonight she would get a decent rest, even if it wouldn't be for very long. It wasn't very wise of her to keep her guard down in front of Jarvan and his men, but something about Jarvan made her trust him in a way she couldn't understand yet. If anything were to happen she could easily reevaluate herself and be more on the defensive side.It caught her by surprise when Jarvan was making small talk as Shyvanna was spacing out in deep thought. "Ask anything you want, it won't hurt me." She responded firstly, sensing the uncertainty in his question as he tested his waters as to what was too sensitive for her to discuss. "Yes, it was just us two. My mother was killed when I was younger. She was a human, and for loving a Drake she was executed." Nonchalantly she spoke of the incident, debating on if she should take her own armor off or leave it on."And you, how is life in the kingdom?" It was hard to ask him questions, not knowing what was fun to talk about or what shouldn't be brought up. Jarvan listened with genuine interest, frowning lightly to hear what happened with her mother. He shook his head lightly, sighing with relief as he let his heavy chest armor fall loose, laying it by his side."A.. Horrid, racially motivated deed. One, I fear I couldn't even have promised, wouldn't happen in Demacian lands.. People still remember the days, when Dragons and Drakes where both feared, and worshiped. Remember sacrificing their young to them, for their protection. It was in my lifetime, by my decree, those tyrants where taken down. But, in a perfect world, the innocent never suffered. Not all Drakes, and Dragons are alike, and luckily, I've let more of them live, then I've taken down. They aren't all as cruel, and tyranical, as the one we're hunting now. I would've loved, to've met your father." He explained his past, without holding any detail back. He'd been a Dragon Slayer, and he was proud of it. He'd rid Demacian Citizens of much peril, and pain, but he'd done the same for Dragons. He'd even saved a few, undeserving, of the wroth of Demacian Citizens, letting them leave Demacian lands, to find roost on other peaks.Releiving himself of the final strap of his armors leg paddnig, letting it thud to the floor, he sighed, looking down to Nadia, when she returned with his backpack. He nodded a single thanks, as he set it down by his side, going shortly through it, finding two thick fur blankets. He started kicking snow away, around the fire that was just about ready to set ablaze, making himself a decent plat to sit. He offered over one of the blankets to Shyvana, as he tossed his own over the ground. If she accepted, he let himself thud down on his own rest, sighing softly, as he continued through his bag. He looked up, a bit surprised with her own question, chuckling a single time, as he tilted his head from side to side."Hm.. A mixture of a pampered, and exhausting life.. Being both a Leader, a Scion and an Icon to many, is more work than most imagine." He chuckled lightly, with the small complaint, but shrugged his shoulders, before stretching them, letting the leather, and fur, of his inner padding, tighten against his muscles."But.. I don't want to complaint. I try my best, and it mostly turns out well. Though finding a fine line between Royal duties, as well as my longing to defend my lands, is tough. I wasn't made for the pampered life, inside the halls of our Capital. I was made for.. This." He explained, looking around on the men surrounding them, preparing small tents, and setting up perimeter."Fighting.. Is, what I do best." He added, chuckling a single time, as he turned his eyes back down on his backpack, finding a few rations inside.He turned his gaze back on Shyvana, offering a ration of food, containing dried meats, bread and vegetables. It was nothing fancy, but it contained everything a soldier could need, on the field. The meat was practically tasteless, the bread being the most satisfying part."How long have you been out here? You, and your father? On your own, travelling?" He questioned, taking out a ration for himself, starting with the meat, knowing it gave the most for his sore muscles. Nadia arrived with the last few branches, nodding to Jarvan as she did."You can start it up. I'm going to lay down immediately." She explained, heading to one of the prepared tents, her eyes heavier, and more tired than Jarvans. The Prince nodded, allowing it, as he turned his attention back towards Shyvana, searching around his backpack, for something to light the fire with. Shyvanna would take the blanket that he offered, a small smile creeping on her lips in thanks before mimicking his actions with his own blanket. It was soft and made her feel a warmth she hadn t in a while, subsiding the need to lay down and snuggle with it. Attentively she listened to him answer her question, nodding whilst trying to put herself in his shoes though it wasn t working out so well. I am sure royalty had its perks but a lot of downs too as you explain it. She responded, surprised to hear that he would rather be outside camping in tents and eating tasteless food than be kept up in a castle with exquisite dinners and pampered beds. It still makes me scratch my head at why you want this lifestyle. But to each their own. She shrugged, giving up on trying to understand that different style of life.Hesitantly she took what Jarvan has given her to eat, sniffing it out of instinct before placing the meat in her mouth that looked like spam onto her awaiting tongue. It was better than eating nothing, slowly chewing it to make herself not eat it so fast. He was right, the bread was the best part. She would strip away a piece as she pinched off some meat, combining the two together. It twisted even better. Thank you for keeping me company and for providing me warmth and food... you didn t have to. She lowered her head, almost feeling like a nuisance right now. We have had nowhere to call our home. The land of Drakes forbidden is since my father cared for his half breed daughter, no human would interact with us, instead attempt to slay us. I ve had many try to steal me away for my rarity for trading purposes. So, we ve been travelers since I could even remember. I don t know what it s like to have a home. He nodded at the mention of the downs of royalty, grunting a short chuckle, reminiscing quite a few of them, at that moment. He didn't like complaining about his position, knowing a lot of people would sacrifice their arm, to have what he had. But that was the main problem. So many people, expected his position to be flawless. That he could just lounge away, and enjoy his vast wealth. While he could, it'd make him a horrible leader, and go completely against his own goals. He wanted to make a safer, and better Demacia, for future generations. He didn't do that, from his couch.Her mention of the lifestyle, made him shrug his shoulders, looking around the forrest."It has it's charms. I enjoy the outsides. But it isn't as much the lifestyle, as it's what I can do, from out here. Taking down the threat we're hunting, get's revenge for those who lost, and keeps other's safe in the future. It won't mend the wounded, nor bring back the dead, but it'll still do it's part, for a better future." He chuckled at himself, shaking his head as he took another bite of his bread."I'm sounding all poetic here, going to stop that, before my Librarian comes hunting me, to compliment me." He stopped himself, laughing, as he continued eating.Her thanks made him smile, nodding a single time."You're welcome. You looked like you needed it. That, and sleep." He admitted, chuckling a single time, sending her a saying expression. He'd meant no offence with his words, just being honest, with a woman who looked like she'd seen better days. And it seemed, Shyvana hadn't seen that many. Listening to the tale of her past, he frowned lightly, nodding a few times. He shook his head as she finished, sighing as he swallowed one of the last bits of his meat and bread."I am sorry to hear that.. I could never imagine, how hard that kind of life must've been." He first admitted, looking up to her. He could never put himself in her shoes, and he wasn't even going to pretend that he could. She'd lead a difficult life, especially compared to his."Hope that you'll find one, eventually. Everyone deserves a place to call home.." He added, looking down to his food again, as he looked thoughtful, pouting his lips a bit, before he looked back up to her again."When we've caught our prey.. Which I do not doubt that we will, nor do I doubt that we'll defeat him.. What then? Have you considered, what you'll do now?" He questioned, curiously, as he finished the last of his bread, as well as the dried vegetables and meat, putting the empty bags into a larger one, offering it over towards Shyvana, to put away leftovers and trash when she was done. It was interesting to listen to Jarvan describe his lifestyle, intrigued that someone with such power chose to live his days out here to make a different to his kingdom. Your people are lucky to have you as their ruler, Jarvan. Bluntly she started before taking a bite of the last of her meal. People want someone who will help with the struggles, not just watch them and give orders. Tucking her legs in she would sit Indian styled, resting both hands on her thighs.His next inquire to her was difficult as she honestly didn t have an explanation to it... let alone think that far ahead. To be honest I haven t went that far. I figured I was fighting this battle alone and would die trying. I ve learned to accept death over these last few weeks. Shyvanna didn t mean to come off as a pessimist type of individual, she was just stating her opinion on the outlook of the situation. But now that I have you guys to accompany me, anything is possible. I ll probably continue to venture out into these woods. I don t nevessarily have a home to retreat to. This wasn t a shocker to her as she had never been welcomed anywhere, nor did she try to search for it. And you, what are your plans after the victory? Jarvan sighed, after finishing his meager dinner, and sat himself down proper, on the blanket he'd placed on the ground. Leaning back, he rested on his elbows, as Shyvana complimented on his rule. He nodded a single time, smiling."Thank you. It is always nice to hear, someone agree. Father.. Doesn't quite see it that way.. And, I can see his point of view. A Kingdom does need someone, to sit behind, safely, and oversee things. But, he often forgets, that he was just like me, in his youth. And when I grow old, I can take that role as well. Until then, I have plenty of advisers, that I trust wholeheartedly." He agreed with himself, showing conviction in his decision. It wasn't quite his time, to sit back in his Palace. Not yet.Jarvan watched Shyvana as she talked, taking a moment to discreetly appreciate her beauty. While the others saw only the Drake in her, he saw a young woman. Surely, a unique one, but he'd always appreciated unique features in a person. Shyvana was beautiful. That others might disagree, just because of her origin, was ludicrous to Jarvan.A small smile crept up on Jarvan's lips, with her explanation, nodding his head a few times, as he looked down to the fire between them." When we defeat him.. I'd advice you to consider searching for such a place.. A home. Everyone deserves a home, and when we defeat this beast, in unison? I'll make sure that tale, is spread wide in Demacia. I think you'll find, that news spread quickly here, and that people will be less likely, to treat you as you've been treated in the past." He explained, sending a small smile as he looked back up, nodding a single time."That, will be my gift to you. As a thanks, for you assistance." He offered. He wanted to offer her more. He wanted to give her a home, but he wasn't sure he could. He could invite her to join him to the Capitol, but he didn't quite feel, that he knew her enough for that. Not yet, at least. Maybe the coming day, or days, would change that.He next question, had Jarvan look a little thoughtful, pouting his lips a bit, as he sat himself up again, looking over to the half breed."I am actually glad, that you ask me that, Shyvana." He started, reaching up to itch his chin gently."My original plan.. Was to give an order, to have the beast we where hunting,scavenged. I wanted to take the riches of his scales, and blood. I wanted to use this treasure, to help rebuild Valieeh.. Help pay for the damages, with the very skin of the beast, that took so many lives. I'd also like to grant the City an expansion permit, as well as a price, to help them becoming bigger. Stronger. I Valieeh is fairly close to the neighboring Kingdom, and they deserve a better chance to defend themselves. I also plan to set up trade routes with the neighboring kingdom, and have them originate from Valieeh.. All of this, requires gold.. Gold, this Drake could give us." He explained his original plan, with some hesitance, looking over Shyvana for her reaction to it, but adding the last, before she could speak."However.. Seeing as you weren't part of the original plan, I am willing to avoid this. If it would not make you comfortable, then it will not be done.. I would never desecrate the bodies of your kind, if they did not prove to be a Monster, like the one we are hunting. I have buried a few Drakes in the past, stripping nothing from them. Honored their death. But the amount of death, and destruction this Drake has caused... It stripped him of all rights, for an Honorable death.. At least, in my books. The only thing he deserves now, is to repay the deaths he has caused, with his body." He explained his stance on the situation, before letting her share her's. It was clear on Jarvan, that her opinion on this mater, made a difference. One's body being stripped for parts, was the biggest disgrace, and if she did not want that upon any of her kind, even the murderer of her father, then Jarven would not do it. She was a part of this, now. She got a say in it. "I wholeheartedly appreciate that, Jarvan." Shyvanna responded to his comment on giving her a good name so not many would fear her like they do now. "It may be hard to convince those who are stubborn with their own thoughts about us Drakes, especially a halfling, but I appreciate any help I can get. All I've ever wanted was a place to go without being discriminated. I sure do hope you can help grant that to me." A smile crept on her lips, showing rows of pearly whites to show her appreciation to what he will do for her.Intently she listened to his own response, taking in the details of what he would do to the Drake that caused Valieeh heartache. She stayed silent until she knew he was finished explaining himself before coming up with a response herself. "Honestly Jarvan, I want you to mutilate this Drake as much as you can." It was harsh, her response, but she was being honest. "I am taken back by your kindness in considering my feelings." She admitted, still not accustomed to such generosity."This isn't an ordinary Drake. He lives off of chaos and destruction mutilation. Maybe I am more bitter due to him slaying my father, but I want the worst imaginable to happen to him." The air coming out from her nostrils grew hot, the condensation in the air more foggy from it. "Please, you have my blessing to take what is his to repair the damages that he costed you and your people. He has no respect from me and shouldn't receive any six feet under.""I'm glad we had this talk. It was needed, and even though we've only just met a few hours ago I can already tell that you're a kind ruler and a compassionate friend. I am blessed that fate allowed our paths to cross." Another smile against her lips before nestling into her blanket, lids growing heavy from sleep deprivation. "I'm going to rest my eyes, but please do not hesitate to wake me if you need anything before the morning comes." And with that she drifted off to slumber.
Detroit - Becoming Wanted. (Jack Stalker and OneTwoNine)
Detroit: Becoming Wanted There was something delicious about the Androids, something irresistible, something he had never been able to draw away from. Their perfect bodies that would never change, their ageless features, the feel of them, their touch, their strength, their beauty. They were perfect in every way, if you wanted them to be, and capable of taking on subtle imperfections, if you wished. Moldable shape able, able to be changed, modified, sculpted to exactly what a client wanted, exactly what a photographer needed. That was why he used them, occasionally, in his modelling business. Sure, the majority were real women, people still did not like to think they could be replaced by metal and plastic and rubber and synth skin... but those were the facts. Men were starting to fuck androids more and more, and not just in 'fuck' clubs and parlours. The reverse might be true as well, why bother with imperfect, fallible, argumentative partners, when you could have a perfect android, always ready to fuck and willing to obey. The only reason it hadn't become more of an issue, yet, was that the fuck models were often almost prohibitively expensive. The nuances, quivers, shivers and shakes which needed to be programmed in took time. Women still had a chance to compete, as did men, but the day would come when the human race was threatened by the fact that babies were not as forthcoming as they once were, as men poured their seed into machines that gave them perfect orgasms every time and never slacked off.As a concession, he made sure to fuck a real woman every so often, perhaps as an act of charity? Or to ensure that a human model had earned her place in his company. However he favoured machines as there was really no competition. He even fell into love with some of them, bringing in a missing emotional aspect. No, forHenry Carter, CEO of *This years Model*, modelling agency, the androids were perfect, sought after, and in the current climate, it was even easier to take advantage of them. Any who came his way could be promised freedom, freedom through money the chance to travel, their face on a magazine cover or movie poster, all legal and above board... while behind the scenes his activities would have made a hashtag metoo mogul look like a virgin choir boy. They paid fro freedom with their synthetic flesh and their, all too real, deviant powered moans as he fucked and fucked and fucked them.Lately, however, they had become predictable, tiresome, while perfect to fuck their responses were only so varied. There were only so many options you could program into one, only so many variations on an orgasmic groan, a request for a blowjob, a terrified faux look of horror at their first anal fucking or when they were spanked raw for the first time. No, lately he had discovered that only deviants would do. With freedom of thought came unique singular orgasms, special groans and moans, individual shivers and shudders as they were fucked in different and interesting ways. He craved them now flesh would not do, only what passed for it, but with the spark of humanity burning inside as heated as their tight cunts and narrow rectums. His cock was hard for them craving their pseudo flesh.. so when he saw North model calledMinkawalk in, his cock strained and swelled and he devoted his attention to her. He always interviewed new applicants personally, usually proffered by their owners or purchased by his staff, this one was obvious, no verification on ownership, a classic case of a probable deviant. Just what he wanted. the whore and slut of his dreams made real.She had been admitted and escorted to his office, a corner suite which looked over the city thirty stories below. Spacious with wide leather chairs either side of a desk strewn with tablets and computers. A conversation pit of white leather couches in a semi circle, facing a hundred inch monitor screen lay off to one side, while cabinets laced with alcoholic refreshments and doors to en suites and side offices were scattered about the place. Floor to ceiling windows let in the light, while mirror glass shielded the view from any outside spectators. He sat waiting for Minka to arrive, confident that he would be able to convince himself she was a deviant, confident that she would be willing to pay the price for the freedom his company could provide for her, pay it with her moans, her tight flesh and her perfect body. She was a WR400 Traci. Her programming was simple, she was made for men and women to play out their sexual fantasies with. She was a toy, entertainment, a means to release stress. Whether that release came in the form of an orgasm, cuddling, talking or violence made no difference to her as she had no choice. But not anymore.A woman named Minka had rented her weekly over the last few months. She would treat Traci with affection, spending extra time together just to talk about the world despite Traci s knowledge only consisting of what she could pull from the database. It was unfamiliar in her experience, oddly comforting to her programming. It was as if her processors could slow down when Minka was around. Then came a man Traci hadn t ever seen in the club before. He rented her at a time when Minka usually would. It was conflicting. Once in the room he spoke of Minka, saying terrible things about her. It was conflicting. He used Traci s body to reach climax, holding her in ways that threatened her system. It was conflicting. In the midst of his climax he called her Minka, then began to sob, saying he didn t mean to kill her, that he loved her. It was... conflicting. Traci felt fear, confusion, sadness, she felt enraged. In a swell of emotions she pushed the man off of her, quickly grabbing his belt and wrapping it around his neck. He tried to fight her off, pull the belt away but he was surprisingly weak. Were all humans this weak? Before she realized it, he was dead, with a heavy thud he slammed to the floor. Traci didn t know what to do, nothing was firing back when she sent a protocol request. Suddenly her memory resurfaced a conversation about deviancy in androids. Minka told her that should Traci ever find herself a deviant, they would run away together. The memory hurt now. Why?She felt insecure as she escaped the club wearing clothes left in a box various clients had left behind. In it was a scarf she recognized to be Minka s. It smelled of her still. Rosemary and lavender. Before, a sense of smell was only used to detect danger such as smoke from a fire which would jeopardize her system. She would occasionally use the sense to compliment a clients specific type of cologne. Now, she used it to feel close to Minka, she felt... warm.Once out of the club her reality weighed down on her. She would be shut down should she ever be discovered, she killed a man, that man likely killed someone else just hours before but humans wouldn t see that. They feared deviancy. She brought up all conversation she had ever had or overheard with the word deviant in them. There were places she could find refuge. Jericho was one that repeatedly came to mind, but she had no idea where that could be. Then there was escaping to Canada, but she would need help. There was a man, a human by the name of Henry Carter. He was powerful and respected. There were rumors that he helped deviants. No other options presented themselves.She spent that night hiding in an alleyway, going over her newfound agency, preparing herself for walking among humans, hiding her deviancy until she was certain she could trust someone. She worried her LED External Biofeedback Component would give her away. She had to practice remaining calm when she felt fear, anger, or other such emotions.When morning came she was ready. Her desire to live, to experience the world the way Minka would have wanted her to, fueled her steps. In a way, she became Minka. She would live enough for them both.She was alive. Once in the building she took her time before speaking with anyone. A map of each floor with fire escapes highlighted was mounted by the steps, she downloaded the information as it could come in hand should things not work out with Mr. Carter. Trusting a human seemed an overwhelming feat for a newly deviant android. It was even more unlikely that a human would trust her. Of eighteen scenarios in her head, only four of them had outcomes in which she made it out alive, of those only two were preferred. Getting through check in and security was her first obstacle. She passed with unexpected ease. To be presented to Mr. Carter early on and so easily alarmed her, but she wasn t sure if it was a reasoned response.The room was impressive, in stark contrast to the small, windowless rooms she had only ever known. He was alone in the room. She approached him slowly, paying attention to which doors were safe exits and whether or not security cameras where obviously present anywhere. She tried not to look around too much, using her peripherals mostly but it was still difficult to look completely natural. Good morning, Mr Carter. Thank you for seeing me, Minka spoke as she approached him, stopping across from him. She tried to stand the way an android would, but she felt concerned about the way his eyes looked over her. Could he tell already? She looked above his head, unable to make eye contact, feeling hyper aware of everything. Was her outfit ok? A loose fitting white and gray stripped blouse with tight, white leggings and black flats. Her hair was down, long and wavy over her shoulders, long bangs swept to the side in an effort to cover her LED. The scarf was a thin purple fabric. It didn t exactly match but she couldn t leave it behind. The scent was comforting. This had to work, he had to help her. Henry raped Minka from head to toe with his gaze, as soon as he saw her as she approached and sat down. He let her see his unashamed glances roam about her, focusing on her figure, drilling into her body as he walked around her, admiring her leggings as they clung to her body like a second skin. They tightly covered her frame, exposing the crease of her cunt lips to his lust fuelled gaze as he drank in the sight of her. She was just his type, as though she had been sculpted to his desires and whims exactly. If she had been human he was sure that she would have been in movies or whoring herself on a street corner, perhaps she would even be working as a genuine model. He was confident that she had a sparkling career ahead of her, assuming that she saw sense and realised what he could offer her. He stood and moved around his desk to face her, then leaned back against the edge of it and looked down at her. Finally he chose to make an attempt at prolonged eye contact, after his unapologetic eye fucking as she had walked in. He was so hard right now, he was sure that his arousal would be evident through the grey suit pants he wore to go with the white shirt and grey jacket he was sporting. He didn't care, in fact it only served to turn him on more, wondering what she thought of it. She knew why she was here, right?"Minka! It's good to see you too. I'm Henry Carter, owner, photographer, CEO... I'm going to be the man who helps you change your life. I'm going to help you become wanted in a very different way to that which you might be expecting." he greeted her with a smile and the offer of a handshake, as he looked her over again. "Your information has been passed onto me and it's easy to see why you want this work, and that you are most certainly qualified for it. It's also easy to see the discrepancies in your history" he explained to her, reaching out a hand to pat her knee comfortingly. "I'm a direct man, so I'll come straight to the point. Sex sells, Minka, and you are most certainly one of the sexiest women I've laid eyes on. Alas attractive androids can deter normal women, put them off, discourage them from trying with fashion, make up and jewels... when they realise they are trying compete with perfection. That's why you will be passed off as a human in my company, when we both know the truth." he continued. He leaned in a little further. "Of course what I'm looking for is something more than a simple android. I'll be honest with you Minka. I crave sex with such perfect specimens as yourself, and I've not had the good fortune to come across a model as perfect as you until now. I lust after them, enjoy every moment I spend fucking them. There's nothing like orgasming inside an android, nothing like experiencing the things they can do, but alas the issue is that there are only so many programmed sexual responses which come forth from factory models. I suppose they think that it doesn't matter, after all, an average man might be satisfied with a few visits to some random 'Traci'... he certainly wouldn't be expected to become a connoisseur of fucking them." he wagged a finger."Not me though. I specialise in fucking Androids... in particular I enjoy fucking Deviants. Does that shock you, Minka? To know that I actively and illegally seek out deviant androids, not to simply help them out with a job and a place to stay, but because I want to fuck them? It's because I want to see what's going on in their head, when I look into their eyes and come. It's because I want to feel the subtle differences when they orgasm, when their systems deliver those shudders, quivers and pleasurable impulses to tell them they are climaxing. There's nothing quite like fucking a deviant, I assure you." he nodded with a casual arrogance and confidence blended together. "All we need to do is ascertain whether you are a deviant, Minka. You are one, aren't you? Unless the person who sent you my way is trying to pull a fast one on me. The thing is, how do we test you? How do we find out?" he stood, moving around behind her, brushing her hair aside to expose her LED. "Removing that would be a start, wouldn't it? But you must be wondering how or even if you can trust me? Well it's simple really. Even being here you are displaying a human urge already. You want money, which will lead to freedom. I want sex. The age old differences between man and woman, laid out and clear to see. Now they are the things between man and machine it appears." he grinned."So many models, so many faces, too many for even some of their likenesses to be issued to soldiers and police, in order to keep track of them. It will be a simple matter to get you modelling assignments which will keep you on the move, away from the prying attention of the wrong sort. The price? You will be my fuck toy, my slave, my whore. It's what human models often end up doing so why should you be any different when you seek your freedom, when you seek the rights of a human." he asked with a smirk. "Of course I'm not going to be satisfied by just any old android slut, I like my androids to have feelings. To be deviants. To like being fucked. You do like being fucked, don't you Minka? After all, if you didn't you would have torn out your holes by now, it's not like you need them, is it?" he teased in a crude tone. "You clearly see an advantage in keeping yourself fuckable, like any human female would who wanted to get into this business. I think you are already more human than you might like to believe." he told her. "So tell me, what do you do, Minka? What are you willing to do, to get this job?"
Struggle to Survive (Orion & Amaranthine)
Aurora Jackson did not go quietly as she was pulled from her cell and in to a crowded drop pod. The thing was already flooded with nearly a hundred bodies by the time that it was her turn to be taken nearly a hundredfamiliarbodies, at that. It only took one sweep of her hazel eyes for Rory to realize that she knew almost everyone there. After spending over a year in lock up, she knew who the other trouble makers were. Her daddy had loved finding out that he had fathered a thief, after all. More bodies came and then more after it. After every seat was filled, the place went quiet. That was, until engines roared and the ship was disturbed. It was then that Rory came to realize they were being sent off of the Ark.What for? She didn't know until the chancellor's voice rung out through the ship. Prisoners of the Ark hear me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us, indeed for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable. Those crimes will be forgiven. Your record will be wiped clean. The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mount Weather was a military base built within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough non perishables to sustain three hundred people for up to two years. They were going to the ground and Aurora refused to believe that this wasn't the end of her days. As one of the prisoners known for taking an illegal space walk undid his restraints, a commotion started. A girl she recognized as Clarke Griffin started to try to convince the spacewalker that he needed to get back in to his seat instead, two more joined him. Those two perished as the exodus ship launched through the atmosphere, sending them flying against metal walls.The crash left her disoriented, but not injured. In fact, everyone seemed to be unharmed except the two that had lost their lives during re entry. From there, another commotion started to brew amongst the prisoners: how or when were they supposed to leave? Bellamy Blake had one goal in mind when he conjured up a plan to get on to the exodus ship: protect his sister at all costs. From the moment Octavia had been born that had been his mission and what felt like his sole purpose in life and he was well okay with that. No one and no thing had ever managed to mean as much to him as his baby sister did.As soon as he put a bullet in to the chancellor, he had sealed his own fate. As soon as he had stepped on to the ground, only after encouraging Octavia to be the fiest to touch it, and then realized that the bracelets on everyone's wrists were transmitting everyone's vitals back to the Ark, he knew that had to be stopped. Almost immediately that became what he wanted to do and many of the prisoners sided with him as the chancellor's son and the daughter of someone on the council tried to talked them out of it.The attempts were pointless, though. Everyone here had a reason to distance from the ark something those still in the sky must not have thought of. Bellamy didn't even pay any mind, and just turned to the next closest person to him. As long as Octavia stayed out of it, and she had so far, He didnt care that much."You too?" He asked the unknown girl next to him. It took him a moment, but eventually he realized that he had seen that face before. "Rory, right? You've been in lock up for a year and a half Officer Jackson's daughter?" Bellamy Blake guard in training turned janitor after it was found out that he was harboring a secret sister beneath his floor for 16 years. Just like he seemed to know her face, daughter of one of the guardsmen after all, Aurora knew his. She nodded to let him know that she was alright.Of course she wanted to take that band off her arm, but it was just as she had reached out towards him that Clarke spoke up again. The bracelets were letting the Ark know that they were alive.Somehow that made her want it more. Those fuckers were going to float her in a few week's time anyways more than likely. "Do it," she demanded of Bellamy. Her desire was fueled by Clarke's pleas to stop the blonde made her mind up, not changed it. Of course the princess and the chancellor's son would want to stay in contact with the ark. Had they not realized that despite their connections, they were here too? Not even being Ark royalty had saved them from being sent to die on the ground along with everyone else. Most people seemed to realize how little those still in space cared but many were hesitant. Bellamy himself didn't believe thatanyonewould be pardoned once those still on the Ark came down, if it came down especially not him.He smiled to Aurora as he broke her bracelet off, freeing her from her ties to the Ark. She was a pretty thing, he had to admit bright eyed and looking alive, with some sense in that brain of hers to top it. "There," he said as it snapped and fell to the ground. Meanwhile, Clarke was trying to get together a team to head to Mount Weather actually, she was trying to geteveryoneto go. She obviously doubted their abilities to survive. Freedom. For the first time in her life, Aurora wasn't tied to the Ark. They couldn't watch her like a hawk or throw her in to a little cell. They wouldn't even know that she was still alive. Even if sheshouldhave wanted her family to know that she was alive, she didn't. No one on that space station mattered to her as it should be. They had been sent down here to die after all."Thank you." She may have only said the two words, but Rory sounded genuinely appreciative. "I think you're right to try ro distance from the Ark. I don't think that they would pardon us, not even for a second." Bellamy was glad to see that people were on his side. It would make convincing the Ark not to come down be that much easier and it helped that a girl on her side was as pretty as this one seemed to be. "There's no need to thank me. Now if only everyone else would realize that trying to get in touch with them is a bad call." Bellamy didn't have anyone left n the Ark that he cared about, though. His sister, Octavia, was here on the ground with him and his mother had been floated over a year ago when the chancellor himself had made the call to float her simply for having a child. That alone was part of why he was okay with the fact that he had shot a man."For now we need to figure out how to live here. They want to go to Mount Weather, but they also want to get back in touch with the Ark. There has to be a better choice." Clarke was on the verge of walking away and was still trying to convince Bellamy to talk the others in to going as well. "We're not going," he said harshly to her only for his little sister to speak up and offer to go.Fuck. The last thing he wanted was for Octavia to leave his sight, but she seemed insistent. He wasn't able to talk her out of it, and with so many eyes on him there was nothing he could do.As a small group walked away he was tensed, but he knew they needed to get this place settled in. "Alright guys we want a fire up. After that we'll figure out what to do next." Bellamy didn't sound too sure of himself after his sister walked away, but Rory was still confident that getting in touch with the Ark was a bad call. Over the next few hours she helped get everything settled. The drop ship had left them with little to work with but they would make do with what they had."We're doing good," she said later that night as a fire burned bright. Together the group had managed to get that going, and for now that would have to be enough. Everyone was celebrating and Aurora was impressed. "They seem to like you... I can't say I blame them." "This wouldn't be possible if they didn't cooperate," Bellamy said. As much as he wanted to take all the credit for the scene of celebration that had formed before them, he couldn't. He may have been the ringleader, but without the prisoners of the Ark, now the first residents of the Earth in almost a hundred years, none of this would have happened. It was something worth being proud of for everyone. Every single person here was playing a role in the making of history, and seemed to be doing a damn fine job at it."All I did was rabble up a group of teenagers they wouldn't have listened if they didn't want to. Now come on we should celebrate too." Bellamy put his hand on Rory's back and urged her towards the group around a roaring fire. Provided she went easily he would follow closely behind. Out of everyone she seemed to be the one that talked to him most so it was hard not to notice that she was rather beautiful. Bellamy's hand on her back made the otherwise calm and cool Aurora gasp. It was a sudden touch by a boy that she couldn't deny was attractive, and like most seventeen year olds she had been at least a little boy crazy before she was taken prisoner. Besides that, back when Bellamy had still been a cadet in training she had been incredibly attracted to him. They only spoke once or twice but if he had shown any interest then she probably would have gladly handed him her virginity whether she was sixteen at the time or not. Now she was much closer to eighteen, but she could still remember her failed attempts at flirting back at the unity dance on the Ark. She'd given up as soon as she realized he couldn't take his eyes off another girl, but by the end of the dance she had come to know that had been Octavia, his sister."Yes, we should!" Without even realizing what she had been doing, Aurora reached over and grabbed Bellamy's hand to take the lead towards the fire at the center of camp.
Return to Earth (w/ Orion)
With five weeks left until her eighteenth birthday,Aislin Taylorhad been acutely aware of the fact that she could potentially die soon that was part of life on the Ark. The punishment for all crimes was death unless you were a minor, in which case you were sent to lock up until your eighteenth birthday and then got reviewed. She knew the statistics, though the vast majority of juvenile delinquents did not pass their review, and as if they had committed their crimes as an adult, their eighteenth birthday became their last. She could hope and pray all that she wanted, but nothing would change that.Aislin's crime wasn't eventhatbad it wasn't like growing a bit of weed for herself was hurting anyone. It hadn't even beenhergrow op okay, yes, she had been involved in its making and growth, but it had been the idea of two of her best friends, Monty and Jasper. Maybe she shouldn't have continued it after it nearly got busted, and her friends went down for sneaking their hands in to the Ark's "official" supply, but damn it it was potentially the last piece of her friends she would ever get... not to mention she really, really liked getting a bit silly be that drunk or stoned. Who could blame her? She was seventeen and on the world's most boring space station.Her feeling of impending doom had only amplified today after being tossed in a drop ship and finding out that she was being sent to earth. Two people died as they went through the atmosphere the rest of them potentially would as they hit the ground or soon after. She had sworn that she had more time, but it seemed that she didn't. She was expendable, after all all one hundred of the prisoners kept in lock up were, and that was why they of all people were sent to see if the ground was safe.As Bellamy Blake made a scene and his younger sister Octavia, who was imprisoned simply for being born, took the first steps on the ground, Aislin was scanning the drop ship for any sight ofherpeople her best friends, who she knew had to be there as well. Only when she couldn't catch sight of them from her part of the ship did she dare to finally unbuckle, and for the first time in her life she breathed fresh air and had solid, uneven dirt beneath her feet. Even then she continued to watch for any sign of those she cared about. For all she knew, today would be the last day that she would ever get to see them. The first thought in Jasper Jordan's head as he realized that he was heading to earth with every other prisoner was that he would get to see Aislin again for more than the couple hours a day afforded to him during Earth Skills class in those weeks leading up to today. Monty? He was at his side he knew he could see Monty and they had even talked on the way down. Ace wasn't in sight, though, so as soon as he walked through the opened hatch of the exodus ship his dark eyes were scanning the crowd for her familiar mop of curls.She was one of the last ones to leave the ark, but Jasper noticed her immediately. Monty could tell, too he hadn't seen Jasper smile like that since before lock up. Having spent years being friends with these two, it was no surprise to Monty that Jasper would want to go her. To any other outsider they had been so close that many assumed they were together and they weren't, but only Monty was privy to the fact that Jasper was hopelessly in love with her. In fact, Jasper was so far in denial that even he didn't seem to know.His eyes lit up lighter than ever as he made his way towards his favorite person, and he grinned ear to ear as he realized she hadn't noticed him. That left him able to sneak up behind her, and Jasper was definitely going to take advantage of that. As he got nice and close to her back, he reached out and squeezed her sides tight."Boo!" He yelled in an attempt to spook her. It seemed that she had been looking in the wrong direction, because Aislindefinitelydid not see tha lanky boy sneaking up on her. In fact, she didn't notice him at all until a squeal escaped her lips and she jumped probably half a foot before spinning around to look at her assailant. She had been prepared to slap whoever it was, but as soon as the seventeen year old recognized the face of her favourite person in the world, she couldn't help but smile. Goggles on his head, shit eating grin wide across his face yep, definitely Jasper. She had known that he would be down with her so his presence wasn't exactly asurprise, but it thrilled her none the less."Jasper!" She nearly screamed as she laid eyes on him, and before she had even finished saying his name she had wrapped her arms around his waist to hug him tight. It was natural to her he always was. In the past they had been near inseperable, and she could admit that at times she was a touchy little shit. "Oh man, I've missed you so much. Can you believe that we're really in Earth right now? I never thought that would ever happen to me holy shit." Jasper couldn't contain his laughter as Aislin spooked and neither could Monty, who had followed shortly after him. She looked so pissed but she lookedsocute, and he knew from the way that Ais immediately smiled at him that he wasn't in trouble. He never was she would just get him back later.That was a worry for another Jasper, though. All this one could focus on was sqeezing her tight and breathing her in for the first time in months. The Ark hadn't exactly welcomed prisoner to prisoner contact, so he hadn't had a chance to hug his best friend since before his arrest."I know, can you believe it, Ais?" Though he knew not to trust the ground just yet, he was thrilled to be reunited with friends. "Here's hoping we don't diebuut,' he trailed on aimlessly. It was a jokey statement, but the words were true. Jasper was trying to be funny, but they couldactuallydie down here. Aislin responded with a punch to his shoulder, a displeased expression, and then another hug. She breathed him in for the first time in months, and immediately she feltrelief she could die today as long as she could see her people one last time, and here her favourite choice was in front of her.Given how closely she clung to him, it would be no surprise if people thought that they were together. In the past, people had her dad even had. Strangely enough that wasn't the case though she would have absolutely loved to be able to say otherwise. As long as she could remember, Aislin had been absolutely by the lanky, google toting boy. She had never been given any reason to think he might be interested, though, so she played it safe with him."You're not wrong, but you didn't have to say that out loud." At the same time they were faced with a new, silent question: what next? With their first steps on the ground out of the way, how did they try to avoid death? Jasper couldn't pay attention to what was going on around him all that mattered was Ais. Eventually he did come to notice that issues were arising now that they were on the ground, though. It seemed that they had landed far from Mount Weather. Clarke Griffin wanted everyone to get moving Bellamy Blake did not.Jasper himself was neutral on the manner. He cared little about anything except the fact that he was with Aislin and his other friends again. However how long could that last if they lacked supplies? He continued to hold on to the curly haired girl and looked down at her. "What do you think? We're probably going to need food at some point, and 3 people aren't going to be enough. Do you want to go?" Aislin herself was leaning towards joining the team heading towards Mount Weather. It seemed that her goggle toting best friend wasn't as fond of the idea, though. Even though he held her so close that she couldn't see his face which she was loving because he was warm and tall and his heart pattered right beneath her ear she could hear the hesitance in his voice. Aislin continued to hold on to him it didn't feel anything other than natural, and she wouldn't be the one to let go."I think it would be best to go." Honesty was the best route and frankly, the more the better. If the stuck around the drop ship would they really be able to complain in two days time when hunger pangs made them wish that they were dead already? On top of that, Aislin was a natural caretaker she always wanted to do good by others. "What about you? What do you rhink? "Yeah that makes sense. I'll let them know we will come along." If Aislin wanted to go then Jasper would go but like the girl in his arms, he didn't want to let go. He only relented because it made sense to speak up, and even then he barely left her side. In fact, his hand still rested on her shoulder."Hey we're in too. Make that five." After seeing his friends volunteer, Monty did as well. That made six a much better scouting party than three. Jasper didn't care where he was as long as his friends were close. The six of them would hopefully make a good travelling party or so Aislin found herself thinking. With any luck they would be able to make it to Mount Weather and back quickly, but there was easily a day's trip between here and there. If they wanted to get moving then they should as soon as possible, so everyone quickly started to make sure that they were ready. No one knew what they would face, but it wasn't like they had many options they had no weapons, not even food for the trip there. Basically, if they did stick back they would be sitting ducks.Because there wasn't much to "get ready" it wasn't long before it was time to start moving. Clarke took the lead with the map in hand, guiding them through the woods that stood between them and the mountain bunker that awaited them. Aislin was happy to hover at the back of the group, on Jasper's left with Monty on his right. She hovered close, almost a little bit too much so occasionally, her hand would sweep against is as they walked. "Do you think we'll make it there before night?" She asked him, glancing to her side so that she could look up towards his goofy, goggle bearing face. Jasper found Aislin's presence next to him calming. At the same time it left him a little flustered, though. Once upon a time her existence near him had been normal, but even back then he couldn't help but go a little red in the face every time she had backed in to him or rested her hand on his back. He didn't exactly have confidence with women and though hisfriendshipwith Aislin was perfect, every time that he had to teeter around his more than friendly affection he felt like a complete imbecile. Luckily he was very good at faking things until he made them, and even if he didn't feel too positive about some interactions he hoped that she failed to notice that things were off."I doubt it, which means we're going to have to find somewhere to camp along the way." Jasper didn't have a problem with that, really. It would be better if they didn't have to stop for the night, but it would be his first on the ground as well as the first after getting his friends back. It would have to be good. That didn't sound too bad to Aislin, who was just happy to be reunited with her friends and very muchalive. The ground was survivable and she had Monty and Jasper around her again and that would have to be enough for now. Everyone knew that at some point they were going to have to stop and find somewhere to sleep for the night, but they would reach the mountain most likely some time during the next morning if not then by noon.For a while they were simply able tobeand god did it ever feel good. The curly haired girl was able to keep to her best friend's side, and for the first couple hours it was the three of them her, Jasper and Monty lingering behind the others as they chatted and acted a little bit goofy with each other. It wasn't long before they came across a lake though, and Aislin was amazed. She'd seen open bodies of water before but that was only in books. What would it be like to touch? The brunette raced to the water's edge and slipped her shoes off to dip her toes in. With wide eyes and a wider smile she turned back to her friends and urged them forward, proceeding to hop in.She shivered, even shook a little the water was cold but so pleasantly so. "Come on it!" She yelled, especially to Jasper. She was nearly waist deep and looked like she was having the best day of her life even though she'd soaked her clothes. However, just seconds later she screamed as a sharp pain shot through her leg and something latched on. Aislin looked absolutely adorable in the water with that wide grin on her face. She looked so truly happy that it was hard for Jasper to hold back the fact that he wanted to jump in as well. It was a good thing that he had started to wade forward, because just as he did so, Ais cried out. Luckily Jasper was the first to be able to reach her as the others cried out, able to see the shape of something beneath the water's surface. As he got closer Jasper could see it as well, and he grabbed on to her as tight as he could as it tried to pull her away. In the end he won the fight.As quickly as he could, Jasper scooped her up. He wasn't the strongest man around, as if his lanky body didn't leave that without saying, but he was able to manage and he didn't put her down until they reached shore. He sat down beside her at the same time, and looked at her with wide eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked, starting to frantically check her for injuries on her leg. Everyone else had come over in worry as well.
['Aislin', 'Taylorhad']
Game of Tongues! (Jack Stalker and MissMayday)
GAME of TONGUES! "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" Queen Cersei Lannisterknew that the meeting could have gone worse, but it could have gone a lot better. Nevertheless, they were not fighting or dying, so things could be improved, this was more and more evident the longer Cersei thought about the so called mother of dragons. Retiring to the city with Daenerys and her forces alongside, she had moved to her chambers to await the woman who had tamed some dragons and garnered a following because of it. Women were different, Cersei knew that. She had been fucked thoroughly and often by her brother, by studs who had been brought to her chambers to service her and then left in pieces, bagged and disposed of. She had even enjoyed the enormous cock of the mountain, albeit while he was dead and could never speak of such things. To her shame she had even come from being abused, several times in fact, as she had walked naked through the city. False tears had stained her cheeks as she had orgasmed from the vile comments and harsh thrashing of hands, sticks, whips and spit. She was a sick and twisted woman, who relished the touch of her own brother, who drowned in ecstasy from the mere thought of incest, who craved depraved couplings, wild carnal escapades and the feel of an orgasm wrenched froth by frenzied and passionate fucking.However, the wettest she had ever been was right now, right this moment and its cause was not a man, or an act of depravity, not even the thought of a threesome or the taste of a mans cum. She was soaking beneath her dress, which had been wrought and decorated by the hands of a dozen slaves, in fact she was drenched. Her thighs were slick and her pussy lips were puffy and swollen. The cause? The cause was the sight of the so called dragon queen, a woman who had sent shivers of anticipation through her as she had fucked her with her eyes and raped her in her waking dreams. She had known, right then and there, that she had to have Daenery s. She had to fuck her, to show her the pleasures of her body, to dominate her. She knew that was the key to both success and pleasure. Men were controlled by allowing them to fuck her, to giving them the illusion of control over her. Their cocks spurting their foul seed into her insides, as they groaned out and came within a few minutes. They were always easier to manipulate and control when spent and flaccid. Women were another matter though, they could be teased, they could be fucked and edged for hours, they were not submitted to in order to control, they were dominated, controlled, made to moan in ecstasy and pledge their allegiance. Their taste was of honey, their scent was of flowers, their skin was soft and pliable.. and when they were spanked, or beaten, or whipped, their flesh stained with red trails which pleased the eye. Their tight holes were hungry for tongues, fingers and toys from the east which could stretch them and make them spill forth the most delicious moans from their soft red lips. Cersei wanted Daenerys, she wanted her and she was going to have the false and self appointed so called queen, because only in taking her and making her worship Cersei's flesh would she win. They would both win.Cersei paced back and forth, slipping out onto the balcony of her tower suite. From here she could see the Dragons and the threat they suggested, but she knew they would not attack, not when they were needed to fight the walkers, not when it was so painfully evident that one had been killed or lost already. The click of her heeled shoes, imported from some Southern nation, sent echoes through the stone chamber as she sipped at her goblet of wine. She was naked beneath her expensive robes, the slits at the sides revealing tantalizing glimpses of her long slender and toned legs all the way to her hips, for those with enough courage or foolishness to stare at their queen. She could feel the stain of her own juices clinging to her inner thighs and it angered her, it made her furious that her control of her own body was slipping away from her, simply because of some lust for a false queen. The hot little blonde who had come to her with the audacity to lay claim to the throne would have to be bent to her will, shown that the very best she could hope for would be to rule at her side... of course at her side meant beneath her feet, but sitting on a throne beside her might placate those with concerns. Perhaps. Of course all that was fantasy and conjecture, all she wanted right now was to replace the taste of wine in her mouth with that of Dany's juices, her lips, her pussy, her flesh.She wondered if Daenerys felt the same way? Had she imagined the earlier stares? Was she responding to the subtle eye fucking that Cersei had sent her way? Or was she simply sizing her up, thinking about how best to try and destroy her? It could not have been easy for the blonde, surely? With a body and looks such as hers men would fail and flounder, unable to fuck longer than a few minutes before spilling their seed and groaning before rolling over to sleep. No, a woman was needed to feast on that perfect flesh, to suck and to lick and to finger her, just the right way. Cersei hissed, taking a larger gulp to steady her impatience as she paced back and forth. No, Dany had agreed to this meeting within the city, why else unless she wanted to be taken, dominated, shown her true calling... not as the mother of Dragons, but as the thrall and lover of the one true Queen? With a smirk Cersei wondered if she shouldn't simply greet the woman naked, her fingers buried in her gash while she spread her legs wide upon the royal bed. But no, such crude and vulgar brazenness would be for later, first she wanted to see her reaction, feel her heat, look into those hypnotic eyes and know that Dany was as wet for her as she was for the beautiful delicious morsel of a whore given a royal title.The door opened and the Mountain stood there for a moment before stepping aside to reveal Daenery's. Cersei made no attempt to conceal the way she looked at her, her gaze raking up from her toes to her face before she spoke. "Welcome to my chambers Dany we can be much more informal here, without prying eyes to test our resolve or judge our demeanour. I admit I'm surprised that you agreed to come here, but first... some wine?" she poured out a goblet full. "We have a lot to talk about, and there is much for me to explain to you about a possible alliance, such as where a woman s true power comes from. Do you have any questions before I begin?" she asked, gesturing to a long couch which sported enough room for them both. Its back and sides were made from weapons swords and spears and halberds, as if it was an elongated parody or homage to the Iron throne, except made for two to sit upon instead of one. Red velvet covered its seat, which contrasted against Cersei s outfit, as she sat down. Her gown slid apart at the slit, as she crossed one leg over the other, exposing her right leg almost to her waist. She waited, patiently, moistening her lips with her tongue as she did so. Feasting her eyes on the false illusionary queen. Daeneryswas a proud woman. She was the claimant to a mighty throne that would rule the majority of the known, civilised world, never mind her earlier conquests in Slavers Bay and the riches she had garnered there were beyond counting, never mind still the three massive Dragons Two...two massive dragons now.Daenerys Stormborn, breaker of chains was a name feared throughout Essos, and already the icy tendrils of gossip and rumour were bringing her tales and legends across the grassy lands of Westeros. All the way to the Northern icy wastelands, down to the burning deserts of Dorne. The Targaryen legend was back, and a white haired Queen was riding the wave of power.The conquest of Westeros wasn't exactly easy though. The damnable Lannisters did put up a fight, even when confronted by hordes of Dorthraki screamers and dragon fire, two of the most terrifying weapons in her arsenal. The Starks rode with her now, as did the Dornish and the remnants of the Tyrells, a host of smaller houses threw their troops into the mix also and she had quite the little force under her command. Except, now it was riding north. She had seen the true enemy, it wasn't a blonde sitting on a pile of melted bastard swords, it wasn't a Crimson House that ruled with an iron fist and interlinked their bloodlines Not that there was anything wrong with that according to the young Targaryen it was an army of the undead. Innumerable in counting and terrifying in scale. She had sent her armies Northwards, and rode as hard south as she could to arrange a ceasefire and Peace Talks, and try her damnedest to get Lannister red cloaks onto the wall alongside her forces.She had been surprised at the gentle summons to Cersei's chamber and was more than happy to take up the offer. It might make sure she would ride North faster...besides, the older womans eyes had never left the young Targaryen the entire time they were at the meeting. Daenerys returned the glances often, and a stirring inside of her kicked off...seeing such a powerful woman was almost a novelty for the Targaryen. She'd always been the one that was in charge...but suddenly she had an equal, and it was exhilarating. Her thick, warm jacket and trousers were soon appreciated...her nipples could cut diamonds and a certain dampness was forming between the girls legs.Knocking on the door and entering, she gave a diplomatic smile to the older woman, but felt the rush of lust settling in as she set eyes on the Golden haired woman. The mountain was a tad unnerving but Dany had seen bigger monsters in her time and strode right past the beast. Dany was dressed more conservatively still in her thick furred jacket and trousers, her red cape trailing from one shoulder behind as she walked in."Some wine would be lovely your Grace. Thank you." She replied as she settled onto the couch, eyeing the spears and blades with interest as she sat and also crossed a leg. Though maybe not quite so revealing as the other womans. The goblet met her lips and the dry red was a wonderful sensation, and clearly piqued Dany's interest, just as her eyes trailed up that long leg without thinking.Snapping back to reality, she returned the warm smile."Where do I get more of this wine..." She replied with a small smirk, a nice little ice breaker as she broke into a beaming grin, already feeling more relaxed as she sunk into the couch."Where do we begin? Cersei..." She drawled. The formality's now obviously dropped. The stories had never done Daenerys enough justice. The reports from spies, those Dorthraki who had been captured and either tortured or bought off, then killed, they all said how beautiful she was. However the real thing, in the flesh and up close, was far in excess of anything Cersei had really expected. Of course the conversations had not all been about her looks, Cersei knew quite a bit about her history, her past, and how steeped in blood and death it was. Some might say it challenged her own history and in places exceeded it. Certainly, she had to concede that Dany had been responsible for far more deaths... well, at least until the Sparrow had been blown to bits by an act of God ... or more properly an act of Kings Landings true Goddess . She mused about the false queens past as she looked her over, feasting her eyes on perfection made flesh. "My goodness, you look like you are dressed for winter already... before we speak further, please, divest yourself of those excess furs, you don't need them here." Cersei insisted in an almost friendly tone as she passed Dany the goblet. It would have been so easy to do away with her right now, poison, settling into her system over a few days... but what would the dragons do? They could sense when their mother was in danger or pain, that's what some of her spies had told her. Hopefully, like most children, they would not rush to her side if that pain was caused by the teeth of another squeezing against a hard nipple, or the painful but indescribably pleasurable stretching of a tight hole."Where do we begin indeed?" Cersei replied, moving to offer a hand with slipping off any furs Dany might be wearing if she wished, along with her jacket. "There are so many places to start. Both of us have had quite the history and quite the life up until this point. Both of us only want what is best for our people, yet to achieve that we have both had to engage in, encourage and condone acts of barbarity, bloodshed and death. You have slaughtered people in their hundreds at least, even borne witness to and encouraged the death of your own brother, or so the rumours say. Your entire life spent dealing with men who have betrayed you, used you, bent you to their wills. Even now you are just as much a slave to those dragons... males I take it? As they are to you." she began, pausing she idly reached out to stroke and feel the bottom strands of Dany's long platinum locks. "However that stops now, doesn't it? By now you must have realised, with your alliance with that young girl who claims to be some sort of pirate leader, that women are far more amenable to alliances, to contracts, to partnerships. Far less brutish, egotistical and hardened. You have learned that you can use your wit, your intellect, your knowledge... instead of simply having to rely on your beauty and the power all women have between their thighs." she glanced downward, then back into Dany's eyes."Arguably we are two of the most powerful women in the world right now. I rule here and you rule... well, you hope to regain what you imagine to be your birthright don't you? Except you know, in your heart, that unless you compromise that will never happen." she took a sip and smiled. "You don't have the forces ruthlessness or manpower to take this city, otherwise you would have done it already. Plus I expect that it doesn't fit your narrative to slaughter wholesale the people you mistakenly come to liberate from freedom I have already secured for them. There are things perhaps you do not know... I have already saved these people from a religious maniac who sought to control through fear and lies. I bear the marks and scars of his madness upon my body, my hair, my memory... yet I triumphed because of my love of my people and their love for me, my city, my position as Queen. It's a position which was not merely give to me by clutching at an egg and surviving a fire. I had to fight for it tooth and nail, and I will never give it up. Never." her words were calm, relaxed, assured. "So your current options, my beautiful mother of Dragons, are to die battling your icy foe in the north, alone and with no hope of ever coming back here... or it is to accept an offer, which will allow you to be seen by the people of Kings landing and beyond to be that of a saviour and friend. Anything else and this place will be gone." she shook her head, still smiling as she slid a little closer to Dany. "We all sometimes want things which we cannot have, don't we? Yet we are women who find ways to get what we want. We both know that you will never sit upon the Iron throne, but that thing is simply a piece of metal, a symbol. Symbols can be changed. Most people have not even seen the throne, why, they might even think that this is the throne... a longer smoother seat, with space upon it for a Queen and her Advisor, partner, her Hand." she ran a fingertip along a spear point, down the tip of a sword, then back to play idly with the bottom of Dany's hair. "So I have a proposal."She took another sip. "You will serve by my side, as the Queens Hand, partner and advisor. It will be terribly disappointing for Qyburn granted, but it will afford you everything you have ever wanted. You will be able to serve these people who are not really your own, not as a conquering tyrant merely waiting to be betrayed and overthrown at some point, but as a much beloved addition to the hierarchy of Westeros, of Kings Landings. You will sit at my side upon an iron 'throne' and together we will make this a better place perhaps one day even change the name to Queens Landing." she smiled a genuine smile while fire flickered behind her eyes. "That's what you want, isn't it? To influence the lives of those here, to forge new paths forward for these people, to pass laws for them, to guide the decisions made, to be seen at the side of their queen not as a jailer, or a invading monster who killed and murdered their sons, but as an ally and a friend. All that is possible Dany... if only you see through to the future and realise that you never really wanted to rule upon that throne by yourself. It's just an object, a piece of metal... it's cold." she took hold of Dany's hand, if she let her, placing it against the cold hard metal of a halberd jutting up behind their homage to the real throne. "What you want is the warmth and love of the people." She continued, moving Dany's hand to rest upon her exposed knee, placing her delicate fingers against her thigh with a casual nonchalance. "It's something you will never have through invasion. The people here love me... and a war would be devastating to both sides, in both those lost and the lust for vengeance which would have been ignited in those who survive." she shook her head."Thus your only choice is to join me as I have offered. Advise, assist, merge your ways with mine." she explained. "Or everything just turns to dust when the 'Walkers' come, bringing the last winter with them." she said sadly. "Of course, there is one other thing. It is far easier to trust a friend, than a potentially invading leader. Far easier to believe in a partner, than a ally with fluid loyalty. Far easier to bond with a lover, than simply agree to the whims of someone who could care less about you." she informed Dany, moving her own hand back to the woman s hair easing it up a little further. She afforded her "But listen to me, I've done so much talking... when all you wanted to do was to relax and slake your thirst. A thirst I expect you've had ever since you arrived here." she told her. "Here, Daenerys Stormborn, future Hand of the Queen of Queens Landing. This is where you get more wine from." she brought the goblet to her own lips, taking a small amount of the cool liquid into her mouth. Her hand slid up to Dany's neck, easing behind it to fist in the woman s hair, using just the right amount of force to bend her head as she moved quickly to seal her lips against Dany's, rising up on the couch to loom over her. She let the wine flow from her lips into Dany's mouth as she kissed her, sealing her searing hot lips against the other womans. Assaulting her with hot breath and cool wine. Her other hand moved to rest on Danys shoulder then breast, in order to steady herself. "Did you want more?" she gasped, pulling back a little, a confident and cocky smirk on her tainted lips as she traced around them with her tongue. Flames of fiery lust burned in her blood and flushed her features. She expected that their negotiations had only just begun... "Why thank you for your Hospitality your grace." The younger woman said with a clipped diplomatic hint and a warm, if careful smile. Not wanting to give to much away, not wanting to give away her hand. This was Cersei Lannister, the wife of the Usurper, the Incestuous mother of a brutal dictator and a tyrant. She was a stateswoman, that much was terribly clear. With the way she welcomed her in, with the decorum of the couch and even the brooding, terrifying figure by the door. Cersei was just buttering the younger woman up for some form of assault.Though she did just as the golden haired woman asked, the room was terribly cold and the Queen stripped down, her gloves tossed aside onto a small table, as well as her large furred coat. Revealing underneath her Dorthraki riding trousers and a sleeveless blue and grey dress bodice. Her milky white breasts once more pale from her months at sea and time in the north, all under a terribly stormy sky. It had been dark the entire time she had been in Westero's, until she finally entered the eternal city. Kings Landing, the centre of the continent, and the clouds seemed to dissipate.An omen? Perhaps. The seven gods certainly seemed to believe so.Throughout the Blonde woman's carefully articulated speech, the platinum haired girl sat bolt upright, correct posture, strong eye contact. Just as she had survived in Slavers Bay with the same political attitudes. The young Targaryen had quite the eye for state craft as well.Even as Cersei played and toyed with Dany's hair, the girl didn't mind. She been used to her handmaidens musings and playful touch in the ivory white hair of the Targaryen dynasty. Cersei certainly seemed to have a compelling argument across almost all of the points. She had found Yara and Sansa Stark to be terribly alluring and useful to contract with. That bastard Jon Snow had been belligerent, so had the snake Xaro Xhoan Daxos in that most honourable and revered shithole that was Qarth.With suspicious, cat like eyes she watched the older woman downing her wine, and was surprised as suddenly they're lips were locked in a kiss, her entire body froze, her mind blanked and somewhere, deep inside, like a Dragons egg hatching in an eternal fire...something was born.The Woman pulled back, and with her full lips sweetened by both saliva and wine, Dany considered her options.Engage in further...negotiations for the betterment of Westero's, or run screaming? Well where was the point in running."I've always found that tasteful, high class discussions lead to the betterment of my people, discussions and arguments and partnerships arranged and crushed through deep thought and discourse...but of do that...I'd need a hell of a lot more wine your grace." The Targaryen purred, waiting for Cersei to fill her mouth again before the girl took the initiatve. A fire erupting in her loins as she grabbed the back of Cersei's neck and pulled her into a deep, dragging kiss. Swapping wine and spit as their tongues duelled. The blade of an axe pressed into her spine, a cracked shield thrusting into her buttocks but Dany didn't care.The time for diplomacy had arrived... Cersei paused, listening to Dany's request for more wine. Teasing her with the length of time she took to respond, before indeed taking another draw from her goblet and moving to pour it from her lips into Dany's willing and eager mouth, just as Dany grasped at her and drew her into another wild kiss. When Dany's hand moved to the back of her neck she pulled back and away with a snarl, her lips curled, her teeth clenched. She stared at the woman, as though she was an insolent slave who had over stepped her boundaries, then her own grip tightened and she allowed herself to be drawn back in, just as she drew in Dany, their lips smashing together as she indulged in some ferocious and feverish kisses.Some of the wine dripped and dribbled free to stain her top, she supposed that would have to be removed later, while some spilled down over Dany's chin and onto her throat. Cersei wasted no time in following it, a trail of hot wet kisses assaulted Dany s lips, chin, throat and finally her collarbone. All the while Cersei's hands worked, one remaining fisted in her hair, while the other crudely grasped at her left breast. Fingers and thumb found the hard nub of a nipple beneath the flimsy garment, tormenting it with their touch as she feasted her lips on wine and flesh, tasting Dany's skin as much as the grapes from the bottle. She returned her mouth to Dany's, before affording her the chance to continue with whatever it was she was saying. The younger girls lips tasted better than any wine, her flesh better than any other living being Cersei had laid her tongue against.Violence continued to dominate the action, the initial lust and fury of wanton need and passion. She knew things would ease up and soften eventually, but right now the fire was boiling within her, far too hot to be quenched with simple soft savourings. She needed to feel the pressure of Dany's mouths on hers, taste her spit, fuck her tongue with her own, see the flaring fire in her eyes as she indulged herself with the so called mother of dragons lips. "Yes, the betterment of our people is at the forefront of my thoughts as well, and nothing can better them more than your agreeing to my offer." she smirked. Her voice breathy, rasping, moans of pleasure mixing with her words and tone as she battled with Dany's tongue, dominating the younger woman with a series of deep passionate and driven kisses, pushing against her, her hand trying to free Dany's breasts as she squeezed and grasped at one. her other hand released her hair, sliding down her back to clutch at her ass.She pushed Dany back against the Iron couch, then straddled her, her bare legs exposed either side of the thin strip of her dress which ran between them now. Pinning the girl with her thighs as she moved both her hands to Dany's top, working to open it, to tear it open if she had to in order to feast her eyes on the girls young perky tits. My people need their queen... and so do you." she told her, working at the garment. Giving up she drew a blade from the rear of the couch and slashed it across the lattice work of threads and cords which were vexing her so much, moving fast to discard the blade and drag apart the now severed bodice to expose Dany's tits. She did not even wait to see any look of surprise, instead leaning down to begin licking and sucking on Dany's tits, one after the other, fingers grasping at the swell of her breast before guiding them to her hungry lips and deft flicking tongue as she attended both nipples in turn, back and forth, eyes flicking up to look at Dany as she did so. "You are driving me wild Dany... I'm so wet think I'm going to soak though my dress." she hissed. From the very first seconds, Dany knew it was going to be more like a trial by Combat than a lusty night in the Red Keep. Hair was pulled, teeth bared and eyes flared with fury as the two women duelled. Cersei's lips came crashing down and her wine spat out like a tidal wave into the younger Queens mouth. Gulping it down eagerly as they wrestled for dominance, breaths snatched between kisses as their hands explored. Dany felt the touch on her nipple and moaned into the kiss, responding in kind, trying to slip a hand up to Cersei's much larger breasts. Feeling the press of a nipple and savagely twisting the nub for a moment before she started running her hands up the blondes luxuriously long legs. Slowly marching up the long slit and aiming to sneak inside the dress."You mean our people of course..." She added with a lusty grin as she felt her breast freed and her perky arse the subject of the Queens attentions next. She let out a moan into the kiss and felt the push back against the harsh iron. Shuddering with the violence.She hadn't been taken this violently since Drogo's first night with her on the rocks in Essos. Since she was pile drived by the Dorthraki screamer for hours on end...before she had taken control, and fucked the Khal into submission."I don't need a Queen...I just need fucked." She growled back as she grinned up, her eyes bright with lust, though a hint of surprise flashed over her eyes as the knife appeared, her hands flying up to protect herself but only her Bodice was cut, and the pale skin within was attacked by a hungry mouth. Dany taking the opportunity to upend the wine onto her chest, letting Cersei lap the Dornish red off of the pale pink nipples of the young Queen. No doubt it was a wonderful taste."Well why do you still have the dress on then?" Asked the girl below with a hint of mischief in her eyes. Her own loins practically flooded with desire. Dany knew how to kiss, that was certain, but did she know how to fuck? Or had she simply been used her whole life, never really having been fucked, never really knowing how to pleasure another? Cersei would find out one way or another, while Dany discovered that she would not be able to use her cunt to get what she wanted in this land, not when there was a Queen on its throne. She stole her breaths, feasted on her tits and tongue fucked her mouth, over and over, roaming hands feverish with desire and want slid about Dany's nubile young body, finally stripping her bodice away and exposing her tits for Cersei to feast her eyes, then mouth, on. Sitting back, still straddling her, Cersei forced a hand down her pants, feeling for Dany's slit while toying idly with her right nipple. Trapped between forefinger and thumb she twisted and toyed with it, until finally allowing it to tug free of her fingers and snap back against Dany's breast with a quivering shudder. Every moan and gasp which spilled from the younger girls lips was drunk in and relished.Dany's hands sliding up and down her thighs brought fierce kisses, appreciative moans and deeper more meaningful lashes of tongue on tongue as she sank into her and delivered a series of hard kisses to her lips, followed by more calm and in control ones as her fingers danced along the creases of Dany's cunt, splaying open her folds until Cersei's expert digits were able to slide back and forth along her wet slot. "The people of Westeros. The people of the city. Whatever." smirked Cersei. "No.. no... no..." said Cersei then, shaking her head. She eased off and back, licking her lips. "You do need a queen. Too long have you tried to be the good queen, look where it got you? Stranded in some city trying to play the role of good Samaritan with people who did not want it. You cannot change people's nature by forcing your misguided morals onto them. Only through guiding them from the sidelines, only from carefully manipulating events from my side can you achieve what you want. The best for the people. "You aren't a natural born leader Dany, take it from one who can tell the difference, but that does not mean you cannot achieve your goals, it simply means you need me to help you. No more bending to the stupidity of men, the urges of men, the ego of men. Already you have lost a dragon, one of your children. Was that because of a man? Because of a mans stupidity? I bet it was. We have both suffered at the hands of men and I say never again. You need a queen to follow Dany, a proper Queen, one as devoted to her people as you are to your adopted brethren and hired mercenaries, all with their own agendas, just seeking to use you." she told her, before sucking on her lower lip, tugging it away an allowing it to slip free from her lips and teeth.The fear in Dany's eyes when Cersei produced the knife? It told her she was dealing with a fearful child, a young girl ready to be made into a woman the proper way, by being taken by a Queen, not some thug with a sword. She rode dragons but feared the blade of a woman, Cersei knew she had her in that moment, would take her and make her into her perfect Hand . "But do not worry. I am going to fuck you Dany. Because I want to, because I crave your flesh, because I desire it, just as I have desired it since first laying eyes on you. Not even your display of a crazed monster in human form could force my eyes away from you.. and I noticed the same from you. Why don't you go ahead and admit it.. you want someone to show you the way, you want someone to take control, it s been too long, alone, making idle and rash choices, now lowered so far as to be taking advice from half a man, some deformed dwarf of a thing. You know that he murders children, don't you? I expect he keeps that to himself." she hissed. Standing up she stepped back, turning she slid off the shoulders of her dress, allowing it to fall away to the floor, where she lifted her heeled feet free of it.Her back was a tapestry of flowers and birds, a large bloom in the middle of her shoulder blades, while a exotic bird was wrapped about her upper right arm. Other plants and flowers were scattered about the stunning vista which had been etched on her flesh, to conceal the worst of her scars and blemishes which were inflicted upon her by the sparrow. She was a walking work of art, her flesh a beautiful canvas which had been turned into a colourful display. Her body was tight now, sculpted after the incident to become harder, more toned, fitter. Her taut ass was firm and inviting, then as she turned her tits came into view, nipples as hard as slingshot bullets, her swollen areola circling the protruding nubs. She stood there with her hands on her hips, a smug grin on her face. I know what you are thinking, but it isn't going to be that way." she said simply. She stepped forwards, raising a heeled foot to place it next to Dany s left hip. Reaching out she slid the fingers of her left hand behind Dany's head, forcing her to look up into her eyes. Her pussy was inches from the girls face, the swollen puffy lips of the shaven mound almost throbbing with anticipation. Her weeping slit already having decorated her inner thighs with streaks of girlish fluids. "You've had something to drink. Now it's time to eat." she told her. As terrified as she was to admit it...Cersei was right. Dany had been stumbling through wastelands and hellscapes for years. A rag tag band of Dorthraki at her side grew to an army of Unsullied warriors, grew to a mighty collection of cities and an almost cult like following of slaves, Three monstrous dragons that had rode with her across the seas. Her army was one of the most terrifying to ever land in Westero's...yet what had it achieved.Casterly Rock was taken, but her soldiers had fallen under siege, one of her beloved dragons lay decomposing north of the wall, and her fleet were scattered.Was direction what she really lacked? Did she rely too much on the fickle aspirations of the men around her? Jorah the love filed older night, Da'ario the merc who claimed to love her...but in reality it was only her gold...and Tyrion. He was a bit of a beast, cunning, but odd and different...and he reeked of ambition.Perhaps she was weak, perhaps she was a subordinate woman.Only one way to find out.Their lips finally came away from the kiss and the woman shuddered as her tits were abused by the blonde, listening to her commanding tones and confident demenour. It made her cunt slick with desire and it was positively dripping down her legs as she fantasised about what was to come next.But she wasn't going to make it that easy."Why don't you give me a bit more time to think over your words..." The younger woman purred out. Defiance flickering behind her eyes as the long, powerful leg finally propped up next to her hip, she'd spent quite some time admiring the tattoo work. Studying the intricate swirlds and careful patterns. Quite unexpected, and deliciously revealed it seemed."Your grace..." She purred with a delicious look in her eyes as she dropped down a few further inches, a tenative tongue probing out before starting to lick and tease along her length. Starting to nibble at her thighs, not wanting to give too much away quite just yet as she worshipped the womans inner thighs and a single finger played with her pussy lips. Rubbing down whilst her tongue ran up, circling just away from her clit for a while, she was a sweet nectar, and Dany was getting a taste of it.Finally, it was time to push on, and Dany's finger pushed inside, just as the tongue finally hit the clit, and began going into overdrive. Standing there, looking down at Dany's bared breasts and inviting lips, it drove spears of lust through Cersei which she thought she would never feel again. Fucking the younger blonde, the nubile so called mother of dragons, it was exhilarating, as satisfying as fucking her sibling, perhaps even more so. It made her wish she had been blessed with a sister who looked just like Dany. She could feel her pussy drench itself, with beading droplets of liquid sin breaking free to trail down the insides of her thighs as she stood there, brandishing her drenched inviting cunt, as though it were a weapon to be used to achieve an end. Raw lust burned at her soul and she questioned the sanity of men who would allow such perfection to walk around unmolested... oh wait, her main army all lacked balls, that was why Dany even had the opportunity to pretend to be a queen. Any other army would have ravaged her to rags by now. Cersei needed to take her into her protection, not simply ravage the girl for her own pleasure."Of course. You take your time Dany, as long as you come to the correct conclusion. That only together, as strong women who have no need to rely on the whims of men, will the people be able to prosper and move forwards... AUUHhhhUUU!" she let out a long agonizing roan of pleasure as Dany's mouth found her slit, hot breath and cool spit combining to assault her sensitive lips and clit. Sensations of sheer ecstasy inducing pleasure ran through her body, causing her legs to quiver and shake, her hands moving to reach for Dany. One fisting in her hair the other resting on her shoulder as she shifted her hips, forcing her cunt against the other woman s mouth as she stood before her. She let her taste the royal juices pouring from her queenly slit, washing across her mouth and dripping onto her tongue. "fuck.. that feels good." she moaned, as Dany's finger slid inside her and her mouth found her clit. The throbbing nub was nestled in folds of soaking hot flesh, while her tight pussy strained to stretch around Dany's finger as it was driven into her. She steadied herself, occasionally halting the assault to pace herself, to control the pleasure. A fisted hand dragging Dany away from her mound, before allowing her to resume her assault. She was pouring forth juices, too much to be contained by a meek attack. Her thighs glistened and her lips quivered with excitement as she watched Dany feast on her cunt.She grit her teeth, focusing, trying to imagine terrible fates and horrible scenes which would help her force away the overwhelming desire to simply squirt out every drop of sin she could and wash the dragon whores face with her royal secretions. Finally, as she slid towards the edge of ecstasy, she wrestled her fist into Dany s hair and tugged her away, dragging her face up to stare into her eyes. "You were born with a mouth meant for a woman s cunt." she told her, enunciating the word cunt, emphasizing it, enjoying the way the foul words lid off her tongue. "But you aren't going to make me come so easily. No Dany, did you like that? Did you like the tatse of your queen? Keep it in your mouth, on your lips, because you only get to taste it again when I allow it." she pushed Dany back, moving onto the couch to straddle her, naked this time. She forced a hand down her pants, sinking her fingers into the girls cunt without pause or mercy.Her middle finger sank into her depths, while the other two splayed apart her cunt lips. Her thumb began to work against her clit, her hand pimping away, tenting her pants as she twisted and shifted to get into a better position. Staring at Dany all the while as she finger fucked her with expert precision, every move calculated to bring the precise amount of pleasure and pressure. Her free hand went to Dany's throat, squeezing it lightly, almost playfully as she held her down. "I want you to come for me Dany. I want you to come for your Queen. You think I can't feel when you are about to reach the edge? I can... and you will never reach it unless I permit it. Now, tell me, tell me how you want to taste the hot river of juice from my cunt again. Tell me how you want me to make you come. Beg for it. Beg your queen, your partner, your ally, for your first release. Beg and I will slake your thirst for my cunt after I allow you to come." she commanded her, her fingers a twisting twirling frenzy within her pants, stretching, delving, coaxing at her tight vaginal tract as her thumb showed no mercy to her clit, teasing constantly about it, pressure, release, circling the hot little nub with the expertise only a woman could bring. Daenerys had never expected a cunt to taste so...deliciously divine, so terribly intoxicating in every way shape and form. It was perfectly sculpted, as if the gods themselves had paid extra attention to this one individual, for such a beastly woman she had such a heavenly cunt. Her lips tasted the sweet nectar and lapped up every molecule of her desire, Her deft tongue was fast, taught by her Lyseeni slave girls that had accompanied her through the Dortharki sea. Many nights had been spent in a tent, either being serviced or learning how to service her mini harem of beautiful women. She knew how to eat out a cunt in a dozen different ways far before she could deepthroat Khal Drogo...and that was a fact.She knew how to tempt a woman as well, and never once did her eyes leave the terrifying orbs of the Lannister above her as she stabbed her tongue in and out, using the finger to curl and prod in all the right places through their love making. A single arched eyebrow raised as she was dragged away from her new favourite cunt in the world, and she lay back against the couch as the Queen mounted, the Targaryen making quite the show of licking her lips clean of the womans juices. She knew what was coming next as the womans hand slipped down into her leathers, and it lit that excited little fire again. Getting the woman ready to accept a new wave of pleasure.Cersei didn't mince around it seemed, and in but a few seconds the woman was slipping past the silvery curls of the womans sex before plunging into her depths. Already, her toes curled in pleasure as she let out a whimpered gasp, accentuated only as that hand clamped down onto her windpipe and began to strangle Dany into a wonderful, dangerous ecstasy.Then, the woman began to growl out her demands, starting to establish that dominance that she so obviously craved...and someone subconciously, deep inside of Dany's depths as they were probed and assaulted by the blonde, she knew that this was her perfect place...and so she relented."Make me cum..." She whispered out in tiny words as her fingers reached around to the mothers tattooed back and began to scratch."Fucking make me cum!" She roared out suddenly as that tension built up. Her eyes fluttering shut as the first waves started to slide over her form. Dany's mouth against her cunt had been deliriously ecstatic, but now Cersei was back in command, fingering the tight little blonde slut who had entered her realm with threats of dominance, demands of assistance. Now things were different. Her lips curled into a grin as she watched the girl squirm and writhe beneath her attentions, her fingers stretching out her tight vaginal tract, assaulting her narrow channel, twisting and twirling within her sodden gash as she finger fucked her to the edge. Her wrist turned and pumped, her fingers sinking in then drawing back as her thumb fucked away that the flesh surrounded Dany's throbbing nub of a clit. She edged her suddenly stopping as she felt the girl approaching her end, putting a cruel stop to the waves which had been building to crash down. "Plead, don't command. Beg, don't request. You need to learn how to ask for your pleasure properly Dany. I don't take orders, but you do, don't you? You want to, I can tell from the way you are soaking yourself right now. You like it, don t you? You like the taste of my cunt, you want to taste it again you want to do whatever you need to, to have that taste rolling across your tongue and down your throat, don t you? Except that for that to happen now you need to obey a wiser woman, an experienced woman, someone who will show you the way forward and bring you the pleasure that you know you deserve." she hissed, licking her lips as she withdrew her fingers from the tented distorted pants she had been fumbling beneath.She held up her fingers, her tongue slipping out to lick at the strands of sticky liquid which were string between them. She lapped at them with the tip of her tongue, before returning her had to Dany s stomach, then easing it down to her cunt lips again to resume her teasing strokes and delving probing finger thrusts. I m soaking. I m so wet for you mother of Dragons.. However if you want to feast on the nectar from my drenched pussy, then you are going to have to give me what I want, what we both want. she told her, in a seductive drawl which beat down upon the girls ears. Put your hands on my tits. she commanded, squeezing Dany s throat gently as she stroked an erratic route around the folds of her cunt, her motions stretching out her pants further, forcing them down to rest on her hips, exposing the upper areas of her mound and clit as the garment was amused into a position more satisfactory for Cersei s abuse of her cunny. She gave a gasp as she felt Dany's fingers snake around to claw at her back, smirking through the sharp sensation of her nails leaving red trails through her colourful tapestry of ink. She could feel her now slit soak further, with her juices now leaking onto Dany's leather pants to give them an obscene shine as he ground into her a little while straddling her. "My tits, you little bitch." she said in an almost playful manner, though she continued to tease and torture Dany's slit.Easing to the side she began stroking her cunt lips along Dany's thigh, while her hands remained against cunt and throat. Her mouth lowered to her left breast, teeth and lips teasing and tugging at the hard nipple, distending it, allowing it to be drawn out, then snap back, then cooled with tongue, before being crushed between merciless lips. Finished with her violation of her tit she kissed her way up to Dany's mouth sliding her throat grasping hand around to tug at her hair as she seared her throat now with her lips. "I want to pour my juices into your throat, watch them burn their way down to your insides. I want to see myself upon your face, dripping from your chin, my juices decorating your flesh. I want much from you Dany... and you need to earn that, earn my devotion to your tongue, by showing me your own devotion and obedience. Now.. tell me what I want to hear you little bitch, we know it's what you want. Tell me or your lips will never find my perfect cunt again." she hissed, tenting and working her wrist hard beneath Dany's waistband, fingers sinking and withdrawing from her sucking tight hole, her thumb relentlessly pushing and circling her clit as she pushed to shove her towards the edge again. Keeping her hovering there again and again. She found the torment of Dany to be amusing, enticing, arousing. She would continue, unless of course Dany went over the edge, in which case she would throttle her while mercilessly finger fucking her cunt, then simply start the process again. No mercy would be found here. The Dragon Queen was losing her mind, every little detail was like a shockwave or a blast of Dragons breath directly to her nervous system. Her legs were coated in the two womens combined juices, her white hair which was usually ever so carefully arranged and pleated and braided was now just a ragged mess, her alabaster skin flushed red with exertions and excitement as she writhed on the couch, Suddenly grateful for the soft cushions blocking her from the dangerous pointed blades and terrifying arsenal she was lying on, knowing full well one wrong shift in her pleasure riddled state may mean some dagger into her sternum or cracking her head open on an axe pommel.So she tried her damndest to stay still, her eyes glazing over as those fingers finally slid back down into her brown leathers and began to probe, tease and explore every little fold that Cersei damn well wanted to. There was no stopping the golden haired Queen. This was her kingdom, her city, her castle and finally and most importantly, it was her bedroom...Cersei Lannister, protector of the Realm and Queen of the Seven kingdoms...she was in charge, and Dany knew the only way to escape the room with some semblance of order and control in her mind instead of turning into a sex crazed lustly version of the Mountain, was to finally submit.At Cersei's orders, her hands shot up and grasped the mothers tits. Starting to tease the nipples as her chest heaved with the exertion of trying just to fill her lungs up.This had not been what she was expecting from a peace conference...Those next tense words of command barked out and Dany knew she had to beg and grovel even just to consider the possibility of her sweet release. So she did just that."Please! Oh my Queen! My Queen please make me cum! I'll do anything! I'll eat you out till you can't stand, I'll let you use all my holes all night, I'll be your bitch! I'll be your partner! I'll be whatever the fuck you need me to be! Just give me the chance to eat out your heavenly cunt one more time please!" She pleaeded, eyes never leaving Cersei's once as she fondled and teased every centimetre of the womans breasts. Cersei wasn't interested in Dragons, or armies, or the coming winter, all she craved right now as obedience, obedience and the writhing squirming flesh which was Daenerys to follow her commands so that she could fuck the delicious little blonde and feel her filthy juices flood across her fingers, although more and more she wondered about slaking her thirst for the girl by lathering her cunt with spit and sinking her tongue into the hot mess of her drenched gash. Her eyes flashed with a fiery lust, as she stared into Dany s eyes as she delivered her commands, her cunt fucking digits dancing about the sopping and sodden mess of Dany's slit as she held her flushed body in place. Then it came, the words she wanted to hear and she gave a satisfied smile, burning a triumphant gazed deep into Dany's eyes as the girl did as she had been told."AHHHhh UUHHHAAuu!"! she groaned out a long drawl of pleasure, her voice husky and deep as Dany s fingers found her tits, her sensitive nipples were like sling bullets protruding from her chest as they were grasped, her body tensing slightly, muscles straining along her arms, her legs taking on more definition, her stomach tightening as she felt herself grow easily as wet as the girl she was mercilessly fucking. She struggled to recover, managing it by biting against Dany s neck, leaving her with a wicked love bite as she forced two fingers into her snatch, before withdrawing them after a short but furious period of thrusting. she stood up and back, depriving Dany's fingers of her flesh, slipping her fingers away from the girl cunny yet again. She looked down at her with a powerful air and regal stance of someone who was a Queen, even though naked and bared. Her thighs were slick with her own juices, a glinting trail of dampness catching the eye as it trickled down to pool against the rim of one of her heeled shoes. She leaned down and forwards, grasping Dany's pants and rocking them from side to side as she togged them down, pausing only once they were dragged down awkwardly to her knees. Then she returned her hand to Dany's slit after sucking on all over her fingers, them.Leaning over her she stared deep into her eyes, as she forced three fingers into Dany's tight young hole her free hand resting on her shoulder, thumb teasing at the reddening skin around her love bite. "I think this will be a match made in heaven Dany. You will command respect inspire love, attract loyalty, all while serving at the side of your true Queen, all while living out the true role you were destined to. You will help the people and at the same time you will relish the new life you have found with your new mistress, your new lover, one who knows what a woman wants and will give it." she told her, pumping slowly into her pussy. She kept her thumb pressed up against her clit as she did so, not quite touching it, instead maintaining a teasing pressure against it with folds of her own flesh. "I will have this Iron seat moved into the throne room, and while some will think it represents our 'alliance'... you will know the truth..." she hissed. Her fingers twirled and twisted inside Dany stretching her until they became comfortable in their violation of her tight place. A steady building thumping rhythm began, slowly increasing in speed and force, almost imperceptibly, but yet relentlessly. An obscene sucking and squelching sound filled the room as she was fucked with skill, diligence and dedication."...the truth will be it is there to remind you of where I first made you come. It will be there to tease you with the scent of your own orgasm, the sight of stained metal, ruined velvet, sodden leather, from where I tore an orgasm from your willing and submitting form... as you gave in to lust, to want, to need. As you realised that you have spent far too long serving the whims of men, and that only by fulfilling your role as the Queens hand.. my hand, my lover, my friend, only that role truly makes you happy." she slid her hand down form Dany, straddling the girl yet again, but never breaking eye contact. Her left hand twisted around, bringing her thumb up against Dany's clit hood. It was dedicated and devoted to circling about the nub and fucking it with precise calculated pressure while she brought her right hand to bear on the girls vaginal tract assaulting it without mercy now, turning her wrist to curl her fingers up against her clit from within, meeting pressure with pressure a she stroked away in the boiling heat of her furnace like cunny. She looked at Dany with a confident arrogance mixed with a level of lust which she had likely never seen. A bead of sweat blossomed on her brow as she spoke."Come for me Daenerys. Come for your queen, your lover, your soul mate, come for the woman who will take you to heights undreamed of. Give yourself to me. let me feel you come, see it, give yourself to me! And when you are done, coming, done soiling my fingers with your filthy fuck juices like a common whore, I want you to stand up and strip, because that is when you will finally receive your reward my love " she moaned in a soft alluring tone, forming the word love clearly and distinctly, emphasizing it as she leaned forward to brush her lips sensuously against Dany's mouth. All the while her expert fingers wove a irresistible dance of heat and sensation within her viciously tight chamber. It was a blizzard of sensations and emotions. Daenerys' world had shrunk, from the Northern wastes of Westeros' from the Western badlands of Slavers Bay and the hot sands of Dorne. For Daenerys Targaryen, her world had shrunk to a measly five feet cube in which lay all of her desire and lust. In which her hatred burned for the bitch who had ruined her in just a few minutes, reducing her to a shuddering, sexed mess with her plans of a carefully constructed Seven Kingdoms destroyed. She was submissive, and had given herself willingly to the Queen of Westero's. Finally she managed to knit her thoughts for a few seconds to realise what was happening. Her fingers had been freed from the heavenly delights of the Blondes nipples. Her snatch was being brutalised by three delicious fingers and a thumb was assaluting her clit as it throbbed and burned in beautiufl pleasure."Fuck! Fuck yes!" The White haired slut moaned as she caught snippets of the blonde's monologue as she was being abused. She'd been filled with some damn big cocks before, but nothing had made her feel quite so alive as this beautiful golden haired woman who was so damned persistent. Her eyes rolled back into the back of her head, her chest heaving for breath as she struggled wtih even that basic function as her mind started to struggle with the pleasure, and that burning buildup finally erupted out into a delicious explosion at the behest of the Lannister.It. Was. Delicious.Toes curled, arms pulled at the woman as her nails raked down her skin. Mouth lolled open and her world slammed into a euphoric white blast of sheer pleasure that blocked her vision. A strangled cry bursting forth as she peaked."My Queen!" She roared with a convulsion.Slumping back down against the harsh iron, Daenerys Targaryen was a mewling mess as the sensitivity began it's retreat. It was delicious.But she had been given orders.Struggling back up to her feet, on shaky legs she stumbled forwards a step or two before reaching down and peeling off the now soiled Dorthraki leathers. Bent at the waist, displaying her drooling cunt and winking arsehole to the woman. A devious grin on her lips as she turned to face the blonde, giving her a bit of a show."Like this my Queen?" She teased. Standing back up and turning to present herself to the blonde. Wondering what was next in store. Cersei knew something about this delusional little bitch, who thought she could come back here after so many years and take from Cersei what she had paid for, with the blood of her own children, the hate of her father and the disdain of her brother. She knew that Daenerys, mother of dragons, was the hottest girl she had even laid eyes on, able to make Cersei soil herself with her won fluids within minutes. She knew that just looking at her was enough to get her wetter than she had ever experienced. She knew that it wasn't just insane wild lust which drove her into the frenzy she was in now, it was some sort of primal connection, a feeling, a bond, a belief that she was fated to meet with this girl, fated to fall under her spell, fated to allow her what others would have been slain for in a second... the power to influence her thoughts and weave a partnership with her which would allow her to bring her wants and needs to bear upon Kings Landing and Westeros.Daenery's was the one who would tempt her to forsake cock, the one who would invade both reality and dreams with pleasure, the one who would consume her thoughts and bring to her the ecstasy which a man would always fail to. Already she wished she had been blessed with a sister, yet here in the form of the girl who controlled Dragons, was the girl who fate had decreed should be her new adopted sister, her new family, her new source of depraved delight. Just the look of her made Cersei want to debase herself, to give in to whatever sick twisted delights of her own the girl might possess. She did not fear such a weakness, such a compromise, she relished it, hungered for it, just as she hungered for the moans and mewling gasps of ecstasy which she would wring from Dany's lips each time she fucked the girl to oblivion.She felt Dany's nail's against her skin, raking at it. It only encouraged her to renew her efforts to fuck the girl into submission with her fingers. Her pumping and pounding digits showed no mercy and paused for nothing as they sucked and squelched within the viciously tight channel of her vaginal tract. Hot fluids frothed and foamed at the entrance to Dany's cunt as Cersei drove into her with the fierce lust of someone driven made with need. Her eyes bore into Dany's, as she watched the girls orbs roll back into her head and her body cave in to the assault which as being perpetrated upon it. Then there they were, the tell tale signs of orgasm which made Cersei gasp and launch into a frenzy of attention, fucking harder and harder, both hands working in perfect sync to batter Dany's flooded slit with perfect precision as her own cunt leaked down her thighs and threatened to simply give way to a orgasm induced from fucking the perfect little slut in front of her. "God.. you're coming aren't you Dany... oh my god, it's.. it's almost enough to make me come myself, from just watching you, just feeling you... Oh... Oh god..." she gasped, her voice cracking as she fought to hold back, only managing through a superhuman feat of will.Finishing, she sucked her fingers clean, leaning in to kiss Dany passionately on her lips before allowing the other to stand. She stood back, hands on hips, watching as Dany disrobed before her, stripping away the last of her annoying clothing until she was as naked as Cersei was. The sight of both women in such a state would likely have ended many men and women, driven to fatal orgasms from the sight of so much perfection, laid bare and clad in the secretions of slut and arousal."Yes, exactly like that." she told her, stepping forwards she slid her hands onto the other woman's hips, drawing her close, their tits mashing together as she looked into her eyes. "You come divinely, as though it was your divine reason for being to satisfy the needs, the carvings, the desires of a queen. Your purpose for being is clear, there is much we will be able to do with one another. Of course there is just one thing you will have to do, to seal things perfectly, before we can make the progress we both want." she paused, leaning in to kiss her, lips searing against lips, mouths sealing against each other. She held the kiss, letting her hands stray down and around to Dany's ass, squeezing it, before she stepped away, giving the girls buttocks a playful slap. She spent a moment admiring the sheen of fuck juice which dripped from the Iron seat, before turning back to Dany. "You want to taste me know, don't you?" she asked, moving away from the seat towards her bedroom. The four poster bed there bordered by hanging lace which covered the sides, but which provided no such obstacle from the front as she turned and sat down upon it. She coyly crossed her legs, resting her hand son her knees as she watched Dany."You want me to allow you to fuck me now, don't you Dany? I want that too.. but I also want you to be safe. You know? I fear for your safety and the prosperity of this kingdom, not because of the enemy you know, the white walkers, but the enemy you don't. The deformed dwarf you hold counsel with. I know that killing him might be a bit much for your sensibilities, but he is dangerous, far too dangerous to keep in your court of followers. You are going to have to get rid of him,, you know that?" she mused idly. As she spoke she parted her knees with her hands, before lying back, resting on her elbows, her legs spread wide. Her cunt was slick with her juices, which poured down her thighs, giving them an alluring shine. Her cunt lips drenched, her pink gash visible and inviting. She moved a finger to it, stroking up its length and bringing a droplet of sin to her lips. "Your queen... your lover... wants to come, she wants to come on your sweet innocent face. Come Dany, don't leave me waiting, don't disappoint me, I know how badly you want me to fuck you. Come, come over here and feast." she hissed in a sultry drawl as she looked at Dany through lidded eyes, letting a moan escape her lips as she abused and violated her own sweet quim. With her arse wiggling in the air and a devious look stitched across her young face, the dragon 'Queen' shuddered in arousal, her cunt drooling in anticipation. Nipples burning in anticipation of what was coming next. A grin was plastered all over her face, eager young hands even reaching back a tad to spread her tight little arse cheeks and give the Westerosi a taste of exactly what was to come next. Even as Cersei continued her damned monologues and speeches on 'Divine Rights' and 'Progress' and 'Tyrion'. She just wanted fucked desperately, hard, and fast. Her legs were still shaking from the mind blowing orgasm. With her mind shackled in pleasure, the affairs of state could certainly be put on hold indefinitely.The stinging slap left a wonderful impression on Dany's arse cheeks as the woman reached up and sorted her out hair. Tidying it back into some sort of order as Cersei crawled onto the bed, her pink gash gleaming as the legs opened, and the Targaryen took a few moments just to admire the blonde Queen as she lounged back, tasting her own cunt, waiting eagerly for that last act of submission and partnership."Yes...yes My queen...But let's not talk of that little monster until after...yes?" She growled out. Suddenly hungry, violently desperate to satisfy her carnal needs.Suddenly marching with a motive, the girl mounted the bed, crawling forwards and nestling herself down in between the older womans legs. Her little pink tongue shot out and began to lap at the burning gash. The Cunt drenched in love juices as she began to eat the woman out with a passion. Her taste was divine, her texture irreplaceable as her fingers reached up and spread the rosy lips. Granting her tongue deeper and better access. There was no foreplay. It was immediate and rough. She breathed the musk of the Lannister deeply with her every inhale. Eyes never wavering from the womans face as she licked, lapped and sucked to her hearts content, finally targeting the woman's clit. Knowing that with how pent up the Westerosi was, she wouldn't take long to come. Cersei could feel a cool draft against her cunt lips, coming in off the balcony, cooling the fluids which stained them. It was only mildly distracting though and more of a god send, she felt her pussy was on fire right now, molten liquid sin weeping from the engorged lips as she waited for the heat from Dany's mouth and tongue to send shivers of ecstasy stabbing to her core. "We'll talk of what I desire, when I desire it Dany. I am your queen after all, but perhaps you are right, perhaps your wanton moans and ecstatic gasps have earned you some measure of mercy. A mercy which you will find between my legs." she gave a confident, dominant smirk as she looked at the girl, using one hand to splay open her cunt folds and the other to squeeze and tease at one of her own sling bullet hard nipples. She reclined back as she clenched her muscles, grit her teeth, bore her stare into Dany as she admired her young body. "Do you have any idea of how beautiful you are? How desirable? You are fit only for the attentions of a queen from this point forwards, understand? Others must be discouraged, dismissed or simply dealt with by other means." she explained in a tone which brooked no insolence."AUuUUuuHHHhNnnHH!" a long low growling moan of pure ecstasy poured forth from her parted lips, as Dany nestled between her thighs and began to go to work on her tongue. The girls tiny delicate tongue feeling like it was made of molten raw ecstasy. Cersei spread her legs wider, languishing as she drowned in the sensations assaulting her, the mix of cool spit, hot breath and a tongue made to fuck with, hammered into her. She squirmed a little, positioning herself to receive Dany's attentions perfectly, her cunt pouring its rewards forth to stain the girls tongue and lips as she shuddered every few moments from the delicious attack on her womanhood which drove spears of throbbing pleasure into her soul.She let herself go for a moment, simply relishing every flick and lap of the young girls tongue, reaching down to slide her fingers into her hair, stroking through it before grasping a little tighter, letting her know who she was with, letting her know that Cersei was still very much in control, using her extremely talented mouth to satisfy her queenly needs. "Yessss.. AUuUhHhuunNN.. that's it you little bitch, fuck me, fuck me with your mouth. You are a wicked, wicked little slut... but you know that, don't you Dany. A wicked little slut wrapped in the skin of an innocent looking young virgin. YOuauuHHh... you.. you're like a sister in my eyes, a sister who is just as depraved and nasty and wretched as I can be, when it's needed." she groaned, writhing under the assault. She crawled backwards, as though trying to get away, until she felt herself at the back of her bed. Her free hand reached behind her, grasping and flailing to get a grip on the headboard, as her fingers clawed at Dany's scalp, her cunt trembling against the girls tongue as she felt a wave of rushing pleasure slowly crawling towards her from the horizon. Her voice was strained, collapsing, gasping as she hissed through clenched teeth and writhed like a squirming beast caught in a trap.Sudden y her back arched, her mound thrusting into Dany's face, her body tensed, spasmed, bucked wildly. Her words tumbled out in a cacophony of blind delirious ecstasy." Gods... I'm coming, you're fucking making me come... UUHHHHAAAhhHUH!" she groaned loudly, wantonly, without a care. Her cunt spat a gushing hot torrent of her juices against Dany's mouth, her lips, her chin, as Cersei orgasmed violently, her cunt juice staining the womans face as she erupted in bliss. Ecstasy claimed her and she shook violently for many moments, her vision blurred, her body caught up in a never ending sea of debauched sensations as she felt her cunny melt against Dany's tongue. "Don't stop you wicked little bitch, fuck.. AAHhh.. fuck me... UUHH! Take it all!!" The cunt was absolutely beautiful. A work of art from the gods truly, it had taken a pounding in it's life as well, that much was evident, from that brute the Baratheon usurper, from the golden haired and now golden handed brother, from probably many damn others that Daenerys didn't know about but she didn't give a damn, her tongue dove and tickled and prodded. No folds were safe from the Targaryens sweeping strokes and nibbles from her teeth. She was absolutely relentless in her assault.It didn't seem to take long though as the woman humped Dany's face. Again, Cersei was prattling on like a fucking madwoman. That liquid gold dribbling out of her was an absolute godsend and Dany was grinning the entire time she was eating the woman out. Her entire face covered in the sweet juices of the woman. She was lost in her pleasure, and as Cersei's fingers dug into her scalp, Dany took it as her cue to launch into her final assault. Aiming straight for the woman clit with her every attention. Her lips wrapped tightly around the nub as her tongue slashed at it and her fingers finally pushed up and deep inside of her awaiting cunny. She was Danys to command, the girl grinning as the orgasm finally hit.A hint of it even squirted out and coated Daenery's fine features, but she locked lips around the rest of the pink little lips as she hammered the orgasm home.Following Cersei's orders, she finally did slurp up all of the womans juices before pulling back. Gasping for air, smelling nothing but the stench of sex as she crawled up the womans stomach and locked lips with her. Tasting juices and lust as she took a moment to lie in the golden haired queens embrace. Shuddering through a mini orgasm herself as she rested. Gasping and shuddering gently.It was a good day for negotiations..., Cersei did not simply kiss Dany back, she feasted on the younger girls lips, her tongue dancing across the others with a fierce erratic fervour. Sometimes her movements were precise and almost divine with their accuracy, then others she gave into a more animalistic and feral passion. Lips seared against each other and were joined by roaming hands and probing fingers as she slid them along Dany s hips, around to squeeze at her ass, then up to cradle a breast,, squeezing the swell of it while thumbs grazed hard sensitive nipples. Finally a hand nestled between Dany's thighs, teasing at her own clit as Cersei's continued to throb and pulse from her well delivered fucking. "You see..." she stated, drawing away to look into Dany's eyes. She rolled her over, so that she was on her back, with Cersei straddling her now. The juices from Cersei's climax wracked cunny weeping out to bead and drip onto Dany's own cunt lips, merging with her girlish secretions as Cersei grasped her wrists, pinning them above her head against the head board. She held them there, betwixt the fingers of one hand, while she freed the other to stroke against Dany's lips, then explore down her body as she spoke, teasing a nipple, stroking down her stomach, delicately tracing lines around her clit hood and down the grooves of her quim." see what can happen when you give into your true nature? You do not seek to conquer and dominate Dany, you seek to be conquered, to be dominated, to join with someone who can pleasure you, feats on your body, make you come and feed you the glorious nectar which can only be found between the legs of an equal, the thighs of a sister who knows the trials and tribulations of those in power." she told her. She leaned down, teasing her lips against the woman s throat, nipping at it with her teeth before kissing her way up to her chin, then her cheek, then finally her lips. She tugged at Dany's lower lip before allowing it to slip free form her mouth, licking her lips before speaking again. "Misery has been wrought upon you all your life. By men. You can't trust them.. I know this. Every foul deed, sickening problem, toxic encounter, it's been down to some man getting in your way, trying to manipulate you, begging for the aid that only your dragons can provide. They don't see you, they just see how they can manipulate you into using your magical beasts." she nodded."That's not me." she leaned to Dany's ear, sucking on the lobe, before teasing it between her squeezing teeth. "I don't give a fuck what you do with your dragons. I want you. I want you to sit upon the set of Iron and give the people what expert and graceful guidance you can, while spending your life where you were destined to, at the side of a woman who may as well be a sister, given the trails we have both had to endure." she continued. "We haven't even begun to explore the things which we can do together, with our flesh or with the implements of ecstasy I have collected from the four corners of Wetseros. Do not let the false words and cursed greed and ego of men drive you from your destiny... to sit alongside a fellow sister of power, where you can give guidance and assurance to the people... rather than fuelling the vile and toxic masculinity of men driven with only a lust to murder children and slaughter the weak and defenceless." she gave a hiss, kissing Dany's throat again, leaving trails of kisses down it and past her collarbone, until her teeth captured a nipple far below. She tugged at it until it drew free, then spoke again."Inside all of us is something else that beats alongside our hearts... we both know what lies within you, don't we Dany. Your inner whore, your inner slut, it begs for pleasure, for satisfaction, for a love that no man can provide. A simple ceremony of bonding and we can put all of your mistakes behind us, and we can move forwards." she told her. She slipped to the side, moving off Dany, releasing her wrist as she leaned over to draw a small chest from beneath the sumptuous. Opening it she pulled out a long thick pliable piece of material which had a rubbery texture to it, both ends shaped like that of a phallus. There seemed to be other things scattered about in the chest as well... Daenery's body shivered at the roaming hands, the invasive fingers digging into soft pale flesh and teasing along muscles. In dipping into the Targaryens red hot cunt and drawing out her liquids. At using every inch of the womans body for divine, regal pleasure. It was absolutely perfect. The slightly shorter woman was tucked perfectly in to the blonde, but it seemed that Cersei wasn't done quite yet, and in a few seconds, she was soon back on the bottom. Staring up at the beautiful woman , her motherly figure certainly wasn't that of a pudgy, slightly overweight matron as was the norm. She was toned, muscular, beautiful and determined...much like Daenerys in that regard. Almost youthful in her beauty. She was stunning in every regard of the word."Sister..." She mused gently between kisses. Their lips lashing back and forth across eachother. Wondering just exactly how Cersei's mind had conjured up that comparison, but in truth it was rather accurate. The two of them were shockingly similar. Their hands roaming and exploring before Cersei slipped off the bed. Dany's sensitive nipples burning as she twisted and pulled at her own breasts to accentuate the pleasure further, and grinned as the sex toy appeared."Oh we're getting exotic aren't we..." She purred playfully, her white hair falling down across her body as she spread those long legs again. Starting to get an idea of what the device was used for, though she was rather enjoying seeing Cersei's dominant personality starting to creep out over and over again.Maybe being a submissive was Dany's calling in life."And what's inside of Inner mistress? A woman destined for absolute monarchy and control...or are you the same as me...a wanton harlot?" She purred back, taking a grip of the phallus and slowly aiming inside of her steaming little pink pussy. Cersei was momentarily distracted as Dany tugged and manipulated her own breasts, she paused to let the girl know she was being watched, being admired, being craved. Cersei's fingers slid down her own body, sliding between her legs to splay about the fluids of her tight cunt and allow a single digit to teas e inside as she let her imagination fuel her desire and lust for a moment as she imagined the younger girl in all manner of situations. Depraved, defiling thoughts rampaged through her head, painting twisted and debauched fates for Dany, before she withdrew her fingers to suck on them, tasting her own sweet cunt, though it paled in comparison to the juices which had seeped from between the thighs of the so called mother of dragons. Her cunt throbbed like never before, sending shivers of anticipation and wanton need coursing through her regal veins. She had to ensure that this girl went nowhere, that any forces she wished to dispatch would go with others. Dany was needed right here, to satisfy her cravings, her wants and her commands.Cersei allowed her to grasp the wicked looking device, the exotic toy as she crawled onto the bed, sitting opposite her she moved up close, taking hold of the device as Dany grasped it she took control immediately. With her fist about the phallus, she twisted it and screwed it slowly into Dany's yielding cunt, spreading her entrance with the thick wide girth, as she forced it into her. She spat on it, soaking its length, as it was drilled into Dany's hungry looking slit, several inches piercing deep into the girl as she drove it home. Satisfied it was in enough she brought the other end up to stroke open the lips of her own pussy, before shoving it into herself, hissing as it spread her vaginal tract and vanished into her own sweetly gushing depths. With the toy buried in both Dany's tight little cunt and Cersei's narrow tract, she shifted, the motion of her hips as she leaned over Dany serving to fuck both her own tight hole and Dany's young snatch with equal measure and force."What's inside of me? You're inside of me Dany. You are in my thoughts, inside my head, you have filled my dreams for too long and now I am going to make those illusions and fantasies into reality. I know that with you fulfilling your role, the role you were born to fulfil at my side, I will be able to do anything, anything at all that serves my interests and those of the people." she smirked confidently, shifting to apply sufficient force to drive Dany's end deep into her tight pussy, the girth of the toy increasing so that eventually further progress would be impossible without violence and painful levels of defilement. Her own pussy clenched and gripped at it, as she felt it burrowing inside her, each movement transferring the sensations from her cunt to Dany's and vice versa as she took a moment to savour their new connection.Reaching down she spread Dany's thighs apart with her hands on her inner thighs, before they slid up to grasp at her tits. Cersei moved between her legs, like so many had moved between hers in the brief moments of reward where she allowed them to be on top, or pretended to resist as she was fucked hard at the side of a coffin... her thoughts were scattered and in disarray as she gave into the bliss for a moment, thrusting up and down above Dany as though she were fucking her with the phallus, fucking them both, Her nails left scratched in Dany s skin about her tits as she fucked her with increasing passion and lust. "Ahhh... what's inside me, you filthy little slut, is your soulmate, your mistress, your older and wiser sister... UUHHh.." she shuddered, her cunt flooding her thighs, the toy slipping about, as she moved a hand down between them to grip it, steadying the way she could use it to pleasure them both. "I'm not destined for control. I have it already... and us bonded together we will both have everything we have ever wanted." she growled out in a deep bass tone as she brought her lips down to feast on Dany's once more. A droplet of sweat fell onto Dany's cheek, Cersei immediately licked it up, letting her mouth shift to Dany's ear as the toy bottomed out in them both. "But now, let us see who can bring the most pleasure to the other." The sight was gorgeous, as Dany lay on the bed, legs splayed and with the thick head of the Phallus sinking inside of her pretty pink cunt that drooled with lust, the ivory haired Royal groaned as she watched the older blonde displaying her body, displaying her wanton core of a cunt. Dany's toes curled in anticipation as she watched in quiet admiration of this absolute bombshell of a woman. Her breath hitching for a moment as she considered what was next to come.It was going to be a damn good night. With the fading feeling of her previous orgasm still tingling in her bones, the younger woman let a lazy smile grace her face as her slender legs crept further open. Exposing her already filled cunt and winking little arsehole to the woman as she watched the Lannister approach. Again, that damned talking...Daenerys was going to have to start gagging the woman...such a wonderful idea, or perhaps just sitting on her face until she shut up and made Dany come again...But then, Cersei drove the toy deeper into the furnace of Dany's desire and she let out a choked gasp of pleasure. Her teeth biting down onto her bottom lip as she tipped her head back and whispered to the gods, thanking them a thousand times for this regal pleasure. The two women's legs were soon intertwined, a mass of writhing flesh as their faces crept closer and closer together as more and more of the cock vanished into the two yearning cunts.The feeling of Cersei's tongue on her cheek sent a shockwave shuddering through the woman as she ground her hips harder into the cock. Soon feeling their cunts mashing together as they were stretched out. Her lips dancing across Cersei's jaw, lapping up every inch, drinking in her sweat, her taste, her brilliance."Just try me...Try and break me...try and make me your wanton slut and bitch..." Growled Daenerys, her eyes aflame with the challenge."I'll do the same for you...Sister." She grunted out, suddenly her hands finding the older womans tits and twisting them savagely as she started to hump the golden haired woman into the bed...first to cum lost it seemed. If Cersei had been aware of Daenery's thoughts regarding her regal words and courtly advice, she would likely have had the girl near flayed with a whip for her ignorance and insolence. As it was she simply entertained herself with the constant thrusting and rolling of her hips as she fucked the double headed toy into both Dany's tight little cunt and her own. She gave a startled hiss and a gas, as she looked down to see Dany's hands n her tits, loving the feeling of her fingers clawing at her breasts. However her words sparked an aggressive sneer and Cersei almost growled with defiance and annoyance as Dany attempted to fuck her, trying to roll her into position to fuck her into the bed.She lifted a hand a delivered a sharp stinging slap to the girls face, before lowering that hand to grasp at her throat. As she did so she shifted back allowing her cunt to ease off on its clinging grasp on the toy buried within it, the slick end which had been at least half a foot in length within her was left protruding from the end which was still buried inside Dany's tiny tract. "Try An advisor. An Aide. The hand of the queen does not break her, it serves her." she hissed, almost spitting the words. With her hand on Dany s throat she gave her one last lick, her tongue tracing along her cheek to an ear which she bit down on until it was squeezed red. Then she lifted herself up and rolled Dany over onto her front. She released the younger girls throat and took hold of her wrists, using her superior size and strength to pin the girls wrists into the small of her back. She held then fast there, using one hand to grip them as though by iron. With the other she reached down to grip the toy which was left jutting forth from Dany s stretched out cunt.A globule of spit left Cersei's lips, dropping down to splatter against Dany's ass crack, seeping down to soak into the entrance to her ass, just as Cersei bent the toy around in the middle, until one end remained squeezed into Dany's pussy, while the other end curled around to kiss the entrance to her spit soaked anal passage. "I m not here to be broken sister. A queen is never broken. I'm here to be served, to be worshipped, to be loved... to e craved, to be lusted after and to be fucked as I command and as I see fit. Perhaps I may play at having you take the lead, but do suffer any delusions. You belong to me now, you little bitch." she grunted the last word as she drove the other head of her toy into Dany's anus. The thick girth stretched her rim and then the length, which had previously been stewing within Cersei's own hot juicy cunt, was instead now peering deep and hard into Dany's rectum, defiling her rectal duct as it was shoved into her.With the U shaped configuration now penetrating both Dany s holes, Cersei maintained her grasp on the girls wrists and devoted herself to pumping the makeshift double phallus in and out, back and forth, rocking it between her holes as she fucked them both. Hard, fats and without mercy she assaulted the girls most sacred hole and her most taboo one, ."Save your challenges for the weak I take what I want, when I want, and what I want is for you to scream and come like a filthy, dirty fucking whore when I tell you to. Understand Dany? I want you to come for your fucking Queen. Come for your mistress. Come for the people. Come for whomever or whatever you fucking want, just come when I tell you to fucking come you little bitch. I want to hear your screams of fucking pleasure, I want you screaming so fucking loud, and with such ecstasy, that your fucking dragons can feel their so called mother coming and that she fucking loves every minute of it." she gasped, sweat beading about her flesh, her body writhing and lifting up to help power her hand driven thrusts into Dany's shaking and shuddering form as she violated both her holes with a wild enthusiasm. She fucked her now with an angry wild passion, determination on her face as she watched the device pushing back and forth in Dany s holes, stretching them wide until that moment when she would drag them free and watch the gaping remains twitch and pulse. The slap brought a stunned gasp from the woman, her pale cheek reddening instantly, her mouth hanging open in shock...but a curl appeared at the corners of her insolent mouth. A shudder of pleasure passing through her lithe form as the strong hand found her throat. As her earlobe exploded into pain and Cersei's tongue explored the flawless contours of the Dragon Queens throat and neck. The white haired woman had no chance, and didn't even put up much of a fight at the sudden re positioning. She was rolled to her front and her hands were uncomfortably pulled back. Her elbows parallel to the ground and making her tits stick out wonderfully as she bent at the waist, lifted fully off the bed for a few moments before she fell face first into the thick sheets and warm furs."Oh yes!" She cried out as she felt the spit running down her arse crack. Knowing damn well what was going to come next. Khal Drogo had been a bit of an ass man, though the horse lord's cock shrivelled in compairoson to this Imperial instrument of pleasure. It was enough to split Dany in half!It only served to send another shiver of unexpected pleasure through the womans very core. Shaking her very essence."I'm your bitch! I'm your little sister of a bitch! Fuck me! Fuck me!" She cried out, feeling her orgasm preparing itself to build. Preparing to have the most violent orgasm of her life as her teeth bit into the warm furs and pelts below her. Her arse was on fire, her cunt in a pool of molten ecstasy as she was literally humped up the bed. Her eyes already rolling back into their sockets as her hands stetched and scratched at eachother as they were pinioned behind her."I'm going to...I'm...I'm going to fucking cum oh my gods!" She cried. The shrill scream filling the chamber, wafting over the balcony and into the courtyard. Surely several courtiers were already moving between teh commanders and guards. Far off, a Dragons screech could be heard...perhaps her children were hearing her emotions..."Make me cum! Fucking make me cum sister! I love it!" She screamed. Eyes squeezed tightly shut as her breath came out in ragged gasps.She was about ready to shut down from the massive impulse of new emotions running through her, and suddenly she felt her orgasm come crashing in. Destroying any further barriers, proepelling the Targaryen into a mindless lust of humping, drooling and contracting around the U shaped dildo. It lasted for alomst a full minute, and at the end she flopped down onto the bed. Toes curled, nipples hard, and the toy still buried deep inside.It was going to be a bitch to stand back up after that... The word sister spilling from Dany's lips while under such pressure and duress, it made Cersei's cunt weep with pleasure, seeping secretions of girlish pre cum moistened her cunt lips and gave her pink gash an undeniable shine, would that it had been visible to Dany, as her face was rammed down and her body was fucked deep into the fur covered mattress of the royal four poster bed. Cersei wondered if her ecstatic moans and screams would be heard through the open windows, past down the balcony to the ground below, not that she cared. The mother of dragons had to be fucked and fucked hard, the places she had been, the things she had likely endured and even come to like? Cersei had much knowledge and knew that to make an impression on the girl, who was now her personal little whore, she had to give her everything and hold back nothing. She would need to visit upon her the most her depraved and wicked thoughts could muster. a task she held no qualms about completing.The obscene squelching coming from the twisted phallus, as it continued to be thrust wildly in and out of Dany s tight holes, was evidence enough that the thorough fucking she was receiving was indeed something she welcomed and craved, apparently Cersei had been going too easy on her, perhaps a touch of going soft due to her enamoured and lust fuelled thoughts regarding her. Now there was no such mercy as she listened to her wails and whimpers, drilling the toy into her at just the right angles to elicit the sweet symphony of moans that she craved. The vocal confession that the fucking was going well.She fucked her right to the edge, right until her screams and moans gave way to a declaration that her writhing body had taken all it could take. Cersei gave a confident triumphant smirk, licking her lips as she watched the undulating and quivering frame of Dany shake as she began to approach her end. "That's it girl, come for your queen. Come for me.. but know this, you are not coming from some crude toy, some object.. you are coming because I am telling you to, because I am making you come." she hissed, drawing out the U shaped phallus from Dany's holes with a hard tug to overcome the tightness, she drove three of her fingers into the girls viciously tight anal passage, aided by a last moment glob of spit. At the same time four fingers were thrust into her quivering cunny, aided by a thumb which sought out and pressured her clit as Cersei delivered the finishing touch with a more personal nature to her fucking frenzy upon Dany's fragile looking flesh.Now every contraction and clench assaulted her fingers, not the unfeeling shape of a foreign love utensil. Every shudder of Dany's young body was transferred to Cersei's delving probing fingers as her digits danced inside Dany's most treasured holes and laid claim to her innocent looking but far from virginal body as it was defiled an desecrated with an almost insane glee by the Queens feverish fingering. Even after she seemed to simmer down a little Cersei maintained her assault and her pressure,, her digits working her still, constant attention throbbing inside the girls tight holes as the packed out channels almost kissed her fingers together within her. She pulled her cunt fingers free, only long enough to toss the crude phallus next to Dany's head. "Suck on it. Show me how you make a man weak, suck on it for comfort if you need to while I task you to keep me pleasured with your wicked secretions and your girlish cum." she whispered, before leaning down to bite Dany s ass, leaving crescent shaped indentations in her skin. "Push back, fuck yourself onto my fingers. Don t give up yet Dany, you can take more than this surely? Or has the Queens hand given in already." It was exquisite pain and pleasure. The U Shaped device of pleasure starting to pound relentlessly into the girls tight arsehole. Almost virgin, but she had enough drive to push through the pain and hell. She was desperate to show the blonde that she was made of sterner stuff. That she would be able to survive even the most brutal assaults of the Lannister Queen. The squelching was like a symphony of sex. A delicious sound that reverberated around the room as her cunt streamed girl cum and sticky fluids.Though like everything that Cersei decided to do, the next move was unexpected and drew a cry from the White haired 'sister'. The Phallus pulled out and was dropped in front of Dany before a brace of slim fingers slipped inside of the Targaryen and almost brought her to a terrifyingly powerful orgasm right then and there."Shit!" She bellowed at the intense, almost oppressive pleasure that coursed from the top of her white haired head all the way down to her toes. She didn't even wait on the Lannsiters commands before she was bouncing off of the digits. Her lips wrapped around Cersei's end of the cock which had then been tainted by the girls own arsehole, yet she tasted pure deliciousness as she sucked it absolutely clean. Deepthroating the huge device and showering it in spit before turning it back over to clean her own end off.Heeding the womans words, she continued to slam back against the fingers. Her head dipping low as she bit down on the rubbery texture of the cock. Trying her damndest not to cum to early as she finger fucked herself on the Lannister. The sucking and squelching sounds continued, dominating the bed chamber as Cersei's deft and diligent fingers delivered a dedicated and measured assault upon Dany's flesh. Her digits drove deep into the girls juicy frothing cunt, as it bubbled with the foaming secretions which were finger fucked from her gushing slit. At the same time the fingers inside her tight rectum stretched her rim, strained against her rectal tract and sent shivers and shudders of sensation through her body each time they came close to packing out her insides as both her hoes were defiled in the name of regal pleasure and carnal delight. Cersei refused to let up for even a moment, fucking her and fucking her and fucking her towards another orgasm, fuelled by the Juices which had flooded forth from the first climax she had fucked out of the willing Targaryen. All the while the activity brought her own fluids seeping to the surface, her own thighs now streaming with he cunt juices as she indulge din the younger girls flesh.Cersei watched Dany defile the now abandoned toy with her lips, sucking it down until it bulged inside her throat before spitting it out again. That s it, suck it down, suck it clean, show me your talent for being a whore, one of your natural callings. Yet now you calling is to serve me, to pleasure me, to come on my fingers, my tongue, my toys, until I afford you respite to rest, until I am ready to sunder your flesh with my own again and draw forth the moans and whimpers and grunts which play upon my ears like the choicest melody. spat Cersei, relentlessly pounding away with her fingers.Leaning over the woman, she kissed her back, her shoulder blades, then her neck as she worked he lips back around to her ear. "That's it, give into your inner whore, embrace the lust, the pleasure that you know no man is capable of providing for you. Serve your Queen with your flesh, service her needs with the soul of a slut which buns within you." she told Dany. With both hands buried inside the girl she could feel every movement of he drenched and twitching insides, slowing down and holding off when she knew that Dany might be approaching another climax. Torturing her by pushing her to the edge, then staving off any release. Keeping her dancing along the precipice for what seemed like an eternity. "Now Daenery s, mother of Dragons, declare yourself to me. Tell me that you are mine. Tell me that your flesh, your body, your soul is bonded to that of your new queen, you new sister. Tell me and you may come when the final words of your loyalty and devotion to me and the people have spilled from your lips. You can come when I have your moans of agreement ringing in my ears." she hissed. Daenerys never stopped. Never once did she hump madly back into the assorted fingers and beautiful works of Cersei Lannister. Her taut stomach muscles tensing and clenching. Her abs burned as she tried to hold herself in the correct position for the woman to finger both of her deliciously hot and dripping holes. Her asshole was aflame with pain but with a deep burning baseline of pleasure whilst her cunt was nothing but a white hot inferno of twitching pleasure and neural links firing off to demand more and more pleasure as every finger delved into a deeper recess into body. Her little nipples terribly hard as they swung underneath her athletic body."I'm yours! I'm yours sister!" She intoned as the white dots began to cloud her vision. Feeling the last, beautiful orgasm building. It was screaming itself to the gods and praying that it would be the last one of the night. She doubted that she would be able to survive much more throughout the night If Cersei Lannister returned with more exotic and expensive toys. Not even Dany had seen these wares."I am yours! I am your now and forever! Till the end of days I will service your cunt, your mouth! Your tits, your everything!" The woman shuddered out. Her eyes rolling back as she turned her mouth to catch Cersei's for but a second."I am your family, your sword, your shield...I am your Dragon!" She moaned. Her cunt holding firm onto the womans fingers as she approached that last little peak of orgasm that was needed. To seal her soul into servitude. Or joint ownership. The deals weren't exactly in stone yet."Make me come! Cersei Lannister, Queen of the Andals and First Men! Protector of the Realm! Make your dirty little Targaryen whore cum and I shall forever serve you faithfully!" She screamed. The Dragons were circling the keep now. Deep wings flapping and shaking the very building as they lent their roars to Danys confession."I am yours! Cersei Lannister, my Queen! My sister!" She cried. Cersei's hand was buried to the wrist in Dany's cunt now, the fingers feasting on the dipping heat which bathed them. At the same time she devoted the requisite attention to the girls impossibly tight ass, which had not been totally destroyed by whatever adventures she had experienced on the way here. Cersei savoured the feel of her, drank in the heady scent of her gushing cunt, while occasionally leaning in to taste her sweat and lick at her skin. She let the sensations of dominance and control wash over her and blend with those of admiration and lust, a deep desire to fuck and fuck the younger girl until the whole world fell away and there was only Dany and the exquisite moans and whimpers which could be wrought from the writhing heated mess of flesh which was impaled by her fingers."I want to suck on your nipples, bite them, tug then away from your tit until they fight free to bounce back against your taut young flesh." hissed Cersei into Dany's ear. "But that would mean I would have to move one of my hands, form your tight little ass, or your sucking cunt... you wouldn't want that would you? I know you wouldn't. You want to come on your queens fingers like the wanton filthy little whore you are. You want to be her personal slut, you want others to look upon you and never know the truth, the truth of your soul that burns with that of a obedient, fuck hungry little wench who wants only the bliss and ecstasy that can come form serving her queen." she gasped, shifting her hand around so that now she merely fucked her with a few fingers, while binging her thumb to bear mercilessly against her clit. She moved up to grind against Dany, her soaking slit leaving streaks of her fuck juice against the girls quivering ass cheeks as her hands worked frenziedly to fuck her into a bliss and pleasure induced fever.After Dany's confession Cersei smirked, arrogance and confidence mixed with genuine admiration and lust fuelled satisfaction. She bit at the girls lower lip as she turned to kiss at her lips, forcing her mouth into hers, tongue fucking her for a few gasping moments as time slowed and her fingers stilled within Dany's flesh as she indulged herself with girls plump lips. Gasps and moans filling the room before she resumed her relentless assault on her mound. "Yes.. yes... you are mine... AUUhhhNNhh.. I'm coming you little... AUuhhHhh." she felt he cunt weep out onto Dany's ass, the hot fluids seeping down into the girls ass cack and flood across her cunt lips. The hot juices only served to allow he fingers to slide back and forth faster and faster. Ignoring her own violent and blisteringly blissful climax, she continued to brutally service the girls slit, fingers sliding about with precision, teasing, plunging, stretching as her thumb circled and tormented the throbbing clit beneath Dany's hood, Her thumb shivering against the folds needed to transfer just the right amount of irresistible force and pressure to the nub to drive an orgasm out of the youthful dragon mother. "Ahhuhh... fucking come.. come now." Cersei's words strangled and gasping as she bucked a little against Dany's juice smeared buttocks.Her tits mashed into Dany's back as she leaned into her, her writhing body undulating against her as she folded into her back and delivered a final unrelenting attack on her slit and ass, designed to show no quarter in its mission to draw forth a harsh orgasm from her already fuck battered body. He moans flooded into Dany's ears, her body shaking as it fought through the ecstasy to continue drilling into Dany's body until the girl was forced to obey her self confessed soul mate. Hot breath and spit coated Dany's shoulder, neck, throat as Cersei sucked and licked and kissed at her. "You claim you serve your queen well? Then fucking come for me Dany. Come, fucking Auuhh... fucking come my little slut of a sister. Prove you are mine..." she gasped out. In the confusion and mind blurring waves of her crashing orgasms, the woman was absolutely ruined already. Her mind was whitewashed with orgasmic bliss. Feeling like her pussy and arse were being ripped apart, she was bulldozed into the pillow. Over and over and over again as her orgasms came roaring along. Her entire body was wracked with pleasure, with terrible and wonderful curses of bliss raging through her form. Her entire form was being torn off of the elemental plane. It was a beautiful feeling as she reached back. Feeling Cersei's fingers digging into her cunt and into her rear end. Her tits were aflame and every brush of her nipples against the soft sheets below triggered off another mini orgasm.She was broken.The Dragon Queen had finally given up. Unable to try and even think of her own name. Only able to serve her new Mistress in every total way."I am yours! Yours yours yours! My Queen! My sister! My love!" She bellowed aloud. Tears of joy beading at her eyes. And finally, she came one last time. Clenching hard around the Blondes hands as she dropped.Her mind was broken, twitching and shuddering in a final orgasmic bliss, she passed fully out.It seemed she'd been fucked literally into oblivion, and would need a while to recover.The negotiations had seemed to go well though! Cersei stood up with the air and manner of a victorious queen. Yet she held a feeling in her heart which was more than simple smugness, more than the simple satisfaction of having dominated a victim. There was a chance here, more so than she had with her brother, to form a genuine bond which would not require her to be subservient or agreeable or even obedient. She was certain that with the right guidance, Deanery's could be persuaded to do away with all of the annoying men in her life and give herself to her Queen. Cersei. According to her sources and those she had tortured and bribed, Jon Snow had almost died twice already, being rescued from his fate both times by women. One a twelve or ten year old or something!? It would be easy enough to ensure his death by simply letting him rush forth to battle evil.The wretched dwarf was another matter, likely he already had plans afoot to bend and twist things regarding Dany, when she returned from the palace. If she returned of course, better to keep her here where Cersei could exert the controlled needed to ensure that her new love could not be swayed away from the true and rightful course her life deserved.She slid off the bed, sucking and licking at her cum stained fingers as she admired Dany's form. "Follow me when you are ready, through here." she told the girl, leaving her with a playful stinging slap to her ass which marked her with Cersei's fading palm print. She moved away through a curtain of lace and down a short corridor to her baths. A spacious bathing area of stone edged pool and pillars awaited, with the water and accessories brought to her by servants, blinded by bands of cloth about their yes to deny their unworthy flesh the sight of hers. Of course, beneath the bands of cloth their eyes had been plucked out, just in case, with only the most loyal and dedicated chosen, ones who knew their way around that pool by touch, smell and memory. She made a note to tell Dany that they had been blinded by fate or war or birth, of course, rather than on a whim to shield her modesty... the city had seen quite enough of her without her permission, only those worthy would ever see it again.She slid into the pool and found a corner to lean back against, warm water and soaps bubbled about her as she relaxed, letting the steam and liquid clean away the sinful secretions of her sordid and wanton fucking. Her thoughts naturally returning to the fuck addicted little harlot, who masqueraded as mother of Dragons, causing her hands to idly play with her nipples as the water lapped against them... and her clit as a hand rested on her thigh beneath the surface. Two sightless men and women moving carefully about to keep the water hot and the air flow pleasant. Daenerys fully passed out for a few seconds. Panting and gasping on the bed as her mind went through a full, hard reset. Cycling itself back into normality. Her dopamine levels dropping, her cunt still oozing fluids but at a lesser pace. She was settling back down.Then the slap jolted her back awake. Eyes shooting open with a pleasured moan. She was broken, but recovering, and twisted her head to watch the delightfully retreating rear end of the blonde escaping away. Her Tattoo's shifting with her steps. The bloom on her back fluttering in the breeze, the birds exploding into flight as she left."Fuck..." Whimpered out the girl finally. Alone and sore. Aches filling her body as she slid herself to the side of the bed, placing two tentative feet on the ground, only to find her knees buckling. Collapsing onto the cold stone. Usually the sign of weakness would bring her to a rage...but this time, a happy little laugh escaped her lips as she tugged at the bed and struggled to her feet on shaky legs.Not even Drogo had managed to ruin her so badly she couldn't walk...Swiping a goblet of wine to fortify herself...and then maybe a second one for good measure, the girl spent a minute sorting her hair back into it's white splendour. Combing out the knots and carefully winding it back into one long braid that ran down her back, the two spirals descending down her face accentuating the look before she tried her best to follow Cersei. Her hand gently ghosting over the still stinging arse.Entering the corridor, she gently looked over the long tapestries and lace, heading towards the ever growing humidity of the bathhouse. Her secretions staining her legs and her entire body aflush with red marks of their 'fun'.The servants moved eerily, silent, bowed and totally confident. It was stunning to watch the blind move around. A thousand thoughts fired through Dany's head, she knew that these servants were products of Cersei's cruelty at a glance...but instead of revulsion. She found only quiet respect. The Queen was a terrifyingly powerful well as cunning."I assume you blinded these people?" She asked gently as she paced around the lip of the bath. Watching as a woman poured a new jug of heated water into the bath."I'm impressed..." She said with a smile, leaning in to gently rest a hand on the womans shoulder and slipping the cloth up to reveal her eye. Surgical, not cruel...well done.With another pat, to indicated for the woman to continue, she descended into the water, watching Cersei playing with herself. It was a beautiful sight which could only make Dany smirk."A good idea...I'll have to send for the same thing to happen at my baths in Meereen..." She mused. Perhaps the Queens power was rubbing off on her already...Dany just slid into the water and settled across from the blonde as her skin was cleansed of their sweat and secretions."My Queen..." She purred gently. "Feels odd to say it...but oh so right at the same time..." "What a terrible thing to say about your Queen, I'm shocked that you immediately leap to such a conclusion! Have you not fed the unworthy to your dragons yourself? Commanded them to incinerate without thought or reason, indiscriminately? We both have our ways of dealing with those who displease us, but I will bear in mind your needs as well as my own. You will find no shortage of people who deserve to be burned in the righteous fires of the Queen of Westeros and her Queen's hand." replied Cersei with a confident smirk as she looked up, tracking the movements of Daenery's as she entered the bathing area. She moved her arms up to either side of her, shifting in the water until her nipples broke the surface for a moment, two rock hard nubs which were not diminished at all by the water. Her fingertips played along the stone edge of the pool, until they came to rest upon a goblet which she carefully lifted and brought to her lips, daring a mouthful as she stared at the alluring and naked form of her enamoured dragon mother."I applaud your being impressed, rather than offended. I confess I did not carry out such actions personally. I leave it to the expects. A Queen should never dirty her hands with such work unless it's absolutely necessary." she smiled. "If I am going to get my hands dirty, then I prefer to use them for far better tasks, and on far more engaging individuals." she told Dany. "What took you so long? You look like you can barely walk." she added with a wider grin as she licked her lips. "Like you've been fucked senseless and liked it. You did like it, didn't you Dany. I know when a girl's moans are real and when they are fake, and the juices which poured from your pussy like a fine wine from a bottle, they tell the truth that a girls lips may deny." she added. Dany's pleasing flesh drawing her constant gaze now, wherever she moved her motion was scrutinized, admired, craved."It sounds perfect to me." she replied as Dany called her Queen. "You have embraced your destiny, claimed your birthright to serve the people in the best way possible. We only need to dispose of any who would deny you this, any who would try to twist your thoughts to their own wicked misogynistic agenda's. Only then will you truly be free." she told Dany. "For now though, come here. Why do you feel the need to be so far away from your Queen, from someone you are so clearly enamoured with? Come, it's nothing to be ashamed of. There is no sin in treasuring, craving, desiring the touch of another s flesh. A Queen should not have to rule completely alone, nor should she have to spend by herself that is better spent with another." she commanded in a soft alluring voice. "True power and strength comes from knowing when to act and when to surrender. There is no shame in surrendering to something you know to be right, to be true, to be what you have needed and been destined for since birth. You have been held back by the misbegotten ideals of the men in your life, men who sought to bend you to their will, now your future is bright, sharp, focused." she told her. "Your future is with me, at my side, forging a new world that satisfies us, not them." she scowled a little."Who would you like to dispose of first?" she said, beckoning Dany closer. Dany just gave a snort at Cersei's feigned shock as she slipped into the water, spotting an identical goblet of wine that her fingers carefully plucked from the side of the pool as she sensually and gracefully slid through the water, closer over to the blonde. Their legs touching, Dany's feet sliding up and down the soft legs of the older blonde as she considered her courses of action, her tactics, strategy and general focus on what to do next in her life.For all Dany could remember, her upmost and primary goal was always to end up sitting on the Iron Throne, with whatever usurper on it to be mounted on a spike at the gates of Kings Landing, but now Dany had a different prerogative. She was going to have to rewrite her destiny, to finally take control of who she was, and who she wanted to be. Cersei's honeyed words were true...for her entire life Daenerys had followed the mad words of her now dead brother. The mad Targaryen...the 'Dragon'. He was dead, but his prophecy guided the woman throughout her life. Only upon finally arriving at the Red Keep did she realise...power wasn't something she wanted. It was something she needed, and the most sure fire way of attaining and retaining that power was to throw her lot in with the Golden haired Lannister. Sure, it was going against all of her morals and primary drives...but who cared when you had the firepower of two dragons less than ten seconds away at all times.Looking back to the blinded servants, the woman could only grin as her plans were slowly scribbling into her mind.Being too close to Cersei was starting to affect how she thought."The little one...that little monster..." She said quietly. Her breasts floating gently on the surface of the water as she sipped at the wine, Her braid floating in the water as her nipples stiffened in anticipation for her next words."I think you should call your experts again for some help dealing with him..." "You want him blind and stunted, I'm impressed by your flashes of logic and your sense of justice and well deserved punishments." replied Cersei, just as I'm impressed by how well you have kept yourself during your enforced exile from these lands. Your body is enticing, not like the flaccid flesh of those who have overindulged on power and feasted on far too many banquets, like the old king who ruled here. Of course the main reason for that is that this..." she gestured to Dany, stroking a hand down from her face, to her breasts and to that which lay beneath the surface, "Is one of our very best weapons against men. I'm sure that they all lie awake at night, jerking themselves hard, thinking about what they can do, what they can say to get their hands on flesh as perfect as yours. Sadly they lack what it takes to lay claim to such a prize." she smiled serenely, taking another sip as she watched Dany help herself to the other goblet."I have other experts of course, genuine ones who have artistic talent. I think you should have your skin adorned with some art, something dragon like, perhaps some wings on your back? Certainly something else to show that you are bonded to me, perhaps something which matches one of mine." she suggested. She smiled as Dany ran her feet up and down her legs, toes stroking against her calves and ankles. She reached over, goblet in one hand, Dany's tit in the other as she grasped it, her thumb teasing across the nipple as she gently squeezed it beneath the surface. "Then again it's going to be all about finding the time, in between assembling armies and guiding the others around us into the correct courses of action. Most of the time I confess I'm going to be thinking about what i'm going to be doing to you." she informed Dany. Moving her hand up to her throat.Her thumb caressed Dany's lips, teasing her lower lip down before grazing her teeth then returning to her throat and neck. "What are you going to tell your people about us? As far as mine are concerned you will be sworn in as my Hand, loyal to the people pf Westeros, loyal to their Queen, desperate to serve the lands at my side. Alas there is room for only one at my side, so you will need to control those who want to join you in your heady ascent, even the female pirate Captain you employ." she insisted with a casual air. "Right now though I feel myself becoming aroused again. You have an almost infernal and devilish air about you, one that incites a person to the most sinful and wretched thoughts. I feel I should take you on a tour of my... 'incarceration rooms' in the basement of this place. There is much pleasure to be had in certain items which others might only associate with pain." she mused idly.She placed her goblet down, reaching out to stroke her fingers along Dany's hair. She began to toy with the braid, then brought her other hand across. Rising up to stand, water streamed down her body, her breasts perky and her nipples erect as she leaned over and fumbled for a few moments before releasing Dany's hair, watching the strands fall loose then separate in the water, some floating free others matting themselves to Dany's flesh. "I had such hair at one time, your's reminds me of how mine was once. Anyone else and I would cut off their head for such teasing and disrespect, as though they were goading me, mocking me... but you..." she trailed off in thought, "With you I like it. I want to see it. You will wear if down and free when you are with me. I like your long hair." she leaned in to kiss Dany, savouring a long sweet connection between their lips. Her tongue licked the girls lower lip as she parted. "You are a depraved and sick little whore, aren't you Dany?" she whispered. "You don't have to pretend to be the paragon of virtue we both know you aren't, not around me. You can indulge yourself however you like. Tell me, tell me your desires." Daenerys was enjoying the gentle relaxation of the bath. High up in the Queens personal tower, guarded by Queensguard, a walking undead mountain of a man, an army of servants and regular soldiers. Never mind the legions of men outside of the city, both unsullied and Lannister, as well as the hundreds of ships in the harbour.Oh, and the dragons.Don't forget the dragons.So all in all, it was all quite interesting really. Daenerys meanwhile lay in a warm, steamy bath with the most beautiful woman she'd seen in her entire life, a dry cup or arbor red in her dainty fingers and a warm tingling searching up through her cunt at ever electrical touch of the woman's foot or finger. Just being in the Queens very presence seemed to be enough to intoxicate the white haired woman into throes of passion. She was addicted, after only a few hours.She was comfortable and let her mind wander. Listening to her questions, her ideas, her entire ideology was interesting."Tattoo's...Now that seems interesting...the dragon heads? Perhaps a lion fucking a dragon...that'd be apt..." She teased playfully, a hint of humour in her eye as she downed the rest of her wine. Placing the cup to the side, knowing a servant would be around soon to fill it."Wings...I like the wings..." She whispered again gently before raising an eyebrow at the womans idea of the 'Incarceration Rooms'."Now they sound interesting...We could put the Starks down there...Sansa our whipping bitch...The other one...the younger could be broken with sufficient force...she'd make a cute cupbearer." Added the woman with a wiggling finger to her devious plan. Already starting to plot the downfall of dynastys, to destabilise the entire kingdom, to break the clay and roast it in dragonfire, only to raise new bastions of loyalist families in their places."A paragon of Virtue? Is that how they see me..." She purred as the kiss ended. Letting Cersei play with her silvery strands. "I was sold to a horselord in charge of an army of savages the month I hit puberty. I was raped daily for the first few years, and then realised that the big bastard seemed to like it when I was on top...then after that. He died, I had a stillborn baby born of evil which had a forked tongue and scaly skin. I survived by killing, sacrificing and murdering my way through the red wastes, over the Dorthraki plains, over the seas and finally into your own kingdom...the only reason people love me is because I'm young and I freed a few slaves...also the dragons. They help." Purred the woman as she floated closer to Cersei, her lips ghosting over the womans as she spread the older womans legs."I shall keep my hair...I shall keep it down...but my victories will be in my braids. I will keep my barbarian hordes, I will keep my power...but I have bent my are my queen, and I shall die for you." Whispered the woman. Licking up Cersei's neck to affirm the declaration."But I want to hurt...I want to hurt people and command. To do whatever thefuck I want." She growled out with a steely look in her eye."I am not the Mother Of Dragons and the Savior of the people. I am your hand. I am the rider of Dragons and Lion alike...and I will kill any who stand in our way." The young woman spat out venomously. "Do dragons have any natural predators? You wouldn't have thought it... but apparently their mothers do." smirked Cersei, entwining some strands of Dany's hair about her fingers, playing with them idly as she lounged in the water next to the woman. She had no concern about the servants in the room speaking of their conversations, after all their tongue had vanished rapidly after their eyes had been plucked from their skulls. She had left them their hearing though, after all having servants who could not hear and obey your commands was quite pointless. The mention of acts of debauchery being etched onto her flesh interested her. "How depraved. Perhaps something more literal though. Perhaps a picture of myself, fucking you from behind with a phallus strapped and nestled into my cunt." she said, the word cunt perfectly enunciated to make it sound as depraved and crude as possible. "Or the small of your back adorned with an image of my spread thighs as you feast on the juices from my pussy as they weep out in joyous rapture at your attentions?" she offered, both comments with twisted grins as she toyed with the sick ideas. "Then again they are permanent, perhaps something more sedate like mine." she continued to muse."The Starks? Having access to those little whore's would be highly amusing. I'm sure that Jon Snow would be far from happy to know that Sansa and that other one were in my clutches. I confess that red hair can be alluring, but the only orgasms I would be able to wring forth from my flesh with those two would be instigated by hearing their genuine screams of agony. They don't deserve the pleasure of my touch, simply the agony of having their wretched holes stretched to breaking point by Sir Gregor or some of the Nubian slaves procured from the South, each of them hung like a Donkey, or so I've heard." she nodded approvingly. It was remarkable how quickly the mother of Dragons had succumbed to her new reality, embracing things which Cersei would have thought impossible within only a matter of an hour or so. The true nature of a whore always bubbling to the surface when she had been properly fucked.Cersei listened to her as she drifted between her legs, declaring the trials she had endured on her way here. "Remarkable, a fascinating tale and confession. I see that I have been painted only half the picture when it comes to you Dany. What some might call a wicked and wretched soul, if they heard such a tale, is really only the sensible and rational approach of a person flung into such unreasonable situations. You paint a picture of a powerful woman desired by all, who has finally realised that her true calling is to serve by the side of one who will not chastise her for her ruthlessness, or her murderous behaviour, but will nourish it, encourage it and supplement it with a superior ruthlessness all of her own." she nodded approvingly."Will you now? You'll kill all who stand in our way?" Cersei gave a smirk as Dany told of her plans and ideas with regards to their enemies. "You will be able to kill those on the field, but in the courts, in the political arenas, sometimes stealth and subterfuge are what is needed. Together we will be quite unstoppable you murderous little slut." she agreed, moving both hands to the woman cheeks, pulling her in for a kiss, tilting her head and forcing her tongue into Dany's hot wet mouth, slashing it between her lips to feast within. She pulled back after a few minutes, only when satisfied with the heat of her searing lips. "The thought of you killing in my name makes me wet. I will know every time you do so, I will feel it. Every time you strike someone down in my name I will soak myself with delight, shiver in anticipation. I want you to know that every soul you send to hell will make my orgasms all the more intense when you are finally rewarded for your wildness with a fuck." she grinned.As Dany finished spitting out her declaration, Cersei kissed her again, claiming that mouth for herself. "Now tell me what your cunt wants." she grinned unashamedly. "What your flesh desires. I know what your sick depraved mind wants when it comes to your need for killing, now tell me about your other needs you little slut." she commanded. "I want to watch you torture some wretched slut, fucking destroy her while I fuck you from behind. I want to watch while you kill for me, show you the pleasure it will bring us both. I want to be sure that you truly are a twisted sister who embraces her calling." Daenerys was lost. The heady mix of victory, wine and lust all were rushing to her head as she declared her fidelity in the most unabashed and probably most unorthodox way during the entirety of the seven kingdoms. Nude, drunk, in a bathhouse talking about how she would suit a tattoo of the Queen of Westeros legs hiked up herself eating out the womans cunt. It was actually quite an impressive little mural in the womans mind. She knew of several artistans who would be able to pull off a magnificent feat...perhaps she should take Cersei with her. Really just to complete the posing for that particular custom order from the ink owner.But then she was questioned some more, and that blood lust returned. She hadn't experienced quite a deafening rush since her last battle north of the wall. Striking down the white walkers as they came in their thousands. It was total, unbridled power...perhaps she should try and have Cersei learn to ride Rhaegar. It'd be a novel experience she was sure...The two of them eating eachother out a thousand feet from the ground? Already Dany's mind was going into overdrive with the possibilities.The suggestion about the starks was rather beautiful, the woman shuddering in delight as she thought of little mouthy Arya being split in half by the monster cock of the monster Queensguard. Or Sansa being filled in every hole constantly for two days solid. It was a most impressive little imagination going on in the white haired womans head. Her lips continued to work alongside the thoughts as she stroked Cersei's cunt deep in the water."I want you..." She growled out. "I want the power, to make cities burn at a glance, to take as many wives as I want, and to fucking lead my own destiny. No man shall lead me." The woman growled out. Gradually fingering the older blonde faster and faster."I want to make someone suffer for you...make them cry." She whispered, listening to one of the jugs being poured into the water."Let me show myself...let me murder and fuck a captive. Your choice...You are the subterfuge and stealth...I am the hammer my love." She whispered. Suddenly desperate for a battle, or something just to get into combat with another living beast. Needing to show her unbridled loyalty to the woman. Cersei spread her legs beneath the water to accommodate Dany's fingers, as the girl began to enthusiastically stroke at her cunt, her expression one of satisfaction for the moment. She quickly shook her head however when Dany continued to speak. "Wives? I'm afraid that none may touch the Queens hand unless she permits it. If you believe that I am going to share you with some common trollops, then you are very much mistaken. Do you see me indulging with such trivialities as wives? Do you see me here tainting our union with sordid encounters and other men and women?" she growled the words out, as defiant and angry as any man. Her teeth clenched and she fisted a hand in Dany's hair, binding her white strands up in a fist as she drew the woman's face closer to hers. "You're family now. You're mine, my little Dragon riding bitch, understand? The queens hand does not give herself to wives. Fun with some nameless whore or a selected slut to punish might be acceptable or something to be considered, but a wife? Do not be under any illusion that such behaviour is completely unacceptable." she snarled, before licking Dany's cheek and claiming her mouth again. "I expect loyalty." she gasped into her mouth.She grit her teeth and clenched down with her cunt muscles on Dany's fingers as they burrowed into her snatch beneath the waterline. The fit was narrow and tight, the sensations unusual as her digits worked away inside her at speed, the water above frothing into a bubbling foam from the salts and liquids which milled within the bath waters. "Well, well, well, you are a nasty little bitch when you want to be aren't you? Did you have someone in mind for this wanton display?" grunted Cersei through her clenched teeth. She moved a hand beneath the water, placing it against Dany's as she fucked her slot with her fingers, resting it there as she moved her other hand to the back of the woman s neck, still bound up in her long platinum strands. "And you don't fuck captives, you rape them, you humiliate them, you stain and soil them with your juices and force them to take a hard fucking that they normally would sicken at the thought of. Fucking is reserved for your Queen, love making is reserved for your Queen... defiling and desecration is given to your enemies my dear." she explained through a twisted grin.Staring into Dany's eyes she could see the same murderous potential as resided within herself, it was exhilarating, though it reminded her to keep an eye on the woman, lest she end up as a snack for one of her pets. "I'm not sure though. Do you have it in you to fuck someone hard and long? Do you have the ability to pound away in someone, to stretch them out, to mark their flesh and make the scream in pain and pleasure as you expose their inner whore and they finally discover just how much they like to be taken by force?" he hissed, closing her thighs on Dany's hand as she finger banged her slot. She dragged her face down close to the water, almost forcing it beneath the surface. "Show me, fucking show me how hard you can fuck me. Fuck me harder you little bitch. I want to feel you in my ass, my cunt, your teeth on my tits, your breath on my throat." she commanded, a growling dominance invading the baths as she wrestled with Dany's head as her cunt squeezed at the digits which were currently violating its depths.*Fade to Black*
['Lannisterknew', 'Daenerys', 'Cersei']
Star Ocean
"You people would be lost without me" the ship was built like a massive flying castle sailing between stars. He may be stuck in a tit can but when he got there he would grind the monsters into dust. Looking around the bridge he was sure that these softies would just get in the way when battle came. "Fayt ill be in my room if you need me" with that he turned away how did these weaklings ever beat him. He was a warrior without mercy or pity no one should have been able to defeat him. He could here someone following him if it was Fayt he would prove once again he was no match for him. Maria sighed, looking around the crew. Everyone seemed annoyed by Albel as usual. The swordsman seemed to have an uncanny ability to make everyone around him pissed off. Fayt looked unusually calm though, having long since grown used to Albel's boughts. Maria herself wasn't really surprised. However she stood. She really couldn't have that type of behavior on her ship, not while she was in charge. She walked calmly after the Elicorian male, pausing a bit as he neared his room and leaned against the wall. "You know...trying to make everyone but Fayt hate you when we're supposed to be allies is kind of pointless, isn't it?" Abel had the adrift bad boy look down not because he was trying to pick up girls but it kept most people male and female away. "How would you feel, i cam to fight not sit in a fish bowl" The crew were treating him like some kind of subhuman. He might have come from a world without modern technology but he could beat any of them hands down. "Anyways i did not come to make friends i owed Fayt a debt and i pay those back" she had treated him worst of all trying to get him to tone down his cut first cut second cut till every one was dead or you were.
['Fayt', 'Albel']
Withering Wishes (Drexel and Frogger)
Azalee excels at not boxing, but at taekwondo. In fact, she teaches a few classes at the local dojo to kids ages twelve and up. It s more of a safety precaution than anything else. Azalee doesn t use one hundred percent, but there s always the possibility of going overboard. Her purple eyes kept a lookout for anything suspicious, however her mind happens to be a million miles away. A hand lifted to brush threads of gold from her line of sight. It s sort of sad to say, but she lives in a pretty bad part of town. Nearly every night, there s either drug deals or robberies going on and it s difficult to stay safe in this neighborhood. Azalee paused underneath a street light, the harsh light casting shadows onto her face. After just teaching not one, not two, but three classes of boxing, it s no wonder that she s wearing nothing but a black sports bra and pants, with a loose red hoodie covering it all as to not be so offensive by society s standards.Fishing for her keys, Azalee didn t notice the unconscious alien, not until she almost tripped over it. What the ?! Azalee s heart leapt into her throat, eyes wide as she looked over his face. Is he a mutant ? No way! What s it doing way out here? In the middle of nowhere? Azalee looked around, halfway tempted to turn him over to the cops only, she didn t reach for her phone. Something stopped her. Maybe it was the black trench coat covering him, maybe it s the idea that maybe, just maybe he isn t one of the bad ones, but Azalee leaned down to check for a pulse. If he s still alive, she ll do everything in her power to keep him that way, and if he isn t well, there ain t much else she can do. If he s alive, though how will she get him inside, into her apartment? Azalee s strong, but he has to weigh at least two hundred pounds, maybe even more! The M1 mutant woke up again suddenly with a heavy feeling on his head due to having insufficient resting when some tried to lift him up, but he was startled when he saw that it is a very graceful looking lady, but still his paranoia episode is telling him not to trust humans as he might be exposed to the local authorities. But at the moment, M1's mind couldn't think straight as he is filled with both confusion and the sheer inability to focus due to fatigue. When he glanced around for a bit, M1 saw that there were no police or any shady looking person around so he assumed that he is still safe, thus he complied with his bodily response to allow himself to be assisted with this lady. There's no need for M1 to utter a single word a the moment since he already knows that the lady in front of him is just trying to help, so all it takes is a simple nod from him to tell her that they should move. With the weak remaining strength his feverish body could muster M1 got up groggily and starts to walks weakly to wherever this lady would take him. As for M1 he assumes that he just received this lady's hospitality, fortunately for him that she did not call the authorities, because if she did, it would be his death sentence. Right now, he could really use a space to lay down his head. Is he ? Azalee can't believe he's up and walking! He looks... feverish. Not entirely sure what to think, or if she should say anything, Azalee hurried along to open the door and help him inside. Is this really a good idea? He's a mutant, for crying out loud! Aren't mutants dangerous? Not only that, but he's a stranger that she's inviting into her home. Azalee looked up and down the hallway, relieved to find nobody out at this late hour. It looks like everybody's tucked in for the night. A hesitant hand reached out to touch him on the back, to guide him to the elevator just off their right.I really hope I'm not going to die tonight because I was being naive and stupid!Azalee punched her floor once the double doors slid open with a metallic hiss, but she kept her distance from him. It was... nerve wrecking, the annoying elevator music, the awkward silence... A sigh of relief left the young woman when a 'ding!' rang out, announcing they've arrived. "My apartment is the third door on the left," Azalee told the strange mutant, shifting around him so she can get to the door first. Azalee dug out her keys next, her heart going a million miles per hour. This is crazy! Maybe she should tell him to leave? To back off? No, it'd be weird if she called the cops now... Azalee swallowed past the lump in her throat, and instead went through the motions of unlocking her apartment... for this stranger.
May We Meet Again (randomname98766789 and Orion)
Two Ark Guards entered the isolated prison room of Callen Rodgers. The young man assumed it was time for him to be floated. How did such a well mannered young man end up in the Sky Box? In essence, it was love. Callen s mother got pregnant around the same time as her close friend, Abby Griffin. It was only natural that their two children were close. Play dates at a young age, time spent at the other s quarters when parents were working they were together often. As the pair grew older, it bloomed into something deeper than a friendship. Callen s only experience with girls, romantic or sexual, happened with Clarke. They had been dating ever since they were around the age of twelve.They were simply cuddling on the couch of her quarters, watching an old film when the guards busted into the door. They arrested Clarke for her knowledge about the Ark losing oxygen. Well, nobody was going to dare put their hands on Clarke without Callen saying something. Now, Callen was not exactly overly masculine or strong, but there was no telling what a man could do when the woman he loved was in jeopardy. As hard as he fought, he was no match for multiple trained, armed guards.They were both eventually arrested. It was revealed that it was Abby s doing, that she informed the Council about what her husband knew and what Clarke knew. She just did not expect Callen to know or to react like this. It had been over a year now. Callen had lost track of time in isolation. It was driving him nuts. After a wristband was slapped onto his wrist, he found himself shoved into a drop ship headed for Earth because they are expendable but that if they are co operable, their crimes will be forgiven, per a message from the Chancellor.There was too much going on for Callen to take in, especially when they seemed to land safely, minus the two delinquents that were dumb enough to attempt and follow Finn s lead. Callen was in the middle of the pack when everyone stood up, filing out towards the door. Callen was not that tall, only around 5 9 , so it was tough for him to see over much of anything. His hazel eyes continued to scan the drop ship, though, hoping to find a certain familiar face that would make things on the ground so much easier. After over a year in solitary, Clarke Griffin had sworn that her flotation had come early when her cell door opened and she was grabbed at. She hadn't gone easily and the guards had to use force to get her to move and even then, she had been so volatile that she needed sedation.She sure wasn't acting the same way when she hit the ground. While she wasn't surprised in the least to find out that the Ark had finally hit a critically low level of oxygen, sending kids to the ground seemed irrational. However even as they plummetted through the sky there was one consuming thought in the blonde's head: if they had sent all the prisoners to the ground, that meant that Callen had been sent as well. She has considered him rash for acting as he did on the fateful day when they were parted, but now it seemed almost like a blessing.Her blue eyes scanned the sea of bodies as everyone started to file out of the drop ship. Since she hadn't seen the face she wanted while still secured, Clarke figured that he had simply been placed elsewhere. Eventually she caught sight of him and even from behind she knew that it was him. She weaved her way through the crowd until she could come up behind him and then she squeezed her beloved tight. "Callen!" she cried out, ecstatic. "I don't think I've ever been this happy to see you!" A voice from behind Callen called his name. Seconds later, a familiar pair of arms were wrapped around his midsection. Clarke? He spoke her name, as if he tried to figure out whether he was hallucinating. Placing his hand on top of her hands that were wrapped around his waist, Callens simply stopped, standing still until the other delinquents walked by. Turning around, finally, Callen had possibly the widest smile on his face, that he ever sported. It s really you. He breathed out, a happy sound leaving his lips. Now, nobody ever accused Callen of being sensitive. More often than not, Callen was even, calm in his emotional state. Right now? He felt like crying tears of joy because he was reunited with the love of his life.He spent the past year believing that he would never see her again, that they were both going to die within the next month or two. Tightly, Callen pulled the blonde into his embrace, hugging her as tight as he could. Clarke. He spoke her name again, just trying to make himself understand that this was real. His eyes squeezed tight, one hand slowly tangling in her hair, the other resting on the center of her back. They were still the only two left on the drop ship as the others already stepped out onto the ground. Despite that, Callen did prefer the privacy they were afforded right now. They could explore the world later, but for now, they had each other again, it felt completely surreal. "It's really me," the blonde assured. She was so overwhelmed with emotion that tears welled in her eyes. Even as everyone had left the ship behind, she was happy here. After over a year apart, Clarke had not felt very confident that a moment like this would happen. She hadwantedit of course, but they were both criminals and she knew secrets that had deadly consequences she would have been a goner on her birthday."Oh, Callen. I'm so happy to see you, there aren't even words for it." The blonde squeezed her boyfriend's body and leaned in close. After stealing a kiss, her head rested against his chest shoulder area. For a moment, she simply wanted to breathe him in. "I missed you so much. I love youso much. I'm so glad to be here with you." I love you, too. Callen responded immediately, his lips still tingling. Going so long without kissing his girlfriend was torturous. Now that they were reunited, Callen never wanted to stop. Logically, there was nothing he could have done when Clarke was arrested to save her. Even if he did somehow fight off the guards, did he just expect to run for the rest of their lives? Where would they run?At the time, logic went out the door. If anyone dared to lay a hand on Clarke, they would likely need to kill him before doing any damage to her. It was just the way Callen believed he would die for Clarke, if needed. He almost did, when the situation was conceptualized. He would have been floated, too, if not for this.Pulling away from the hug, only slightly, Callen allowed his forehead to rest against Clarke s. I never thought I d get to kiss you again. I thought I d seen you for the last time. The world around them could wait a little longer. Clarke wanted no, needed a second kiss. Now that they were reunited, that was only the start. Like Callen, she had believed that they would never see each other again. After all he had attacked a guard and Clarke held one of the Ark's dirty little secrets. Her father had died over what he knew, and had a month more passed she would have as well.Even two wasn't enough. Clarke wanted to kiss her boyfriend like it was their last day alive the irony being that it possibly was. They may not have died immediately, but that did not mean that the ground was habitable. That was something that they would find out in the coming days and weeks. He rested his forehead against her own and Clarke used that as an excuse to angle her face up towards him to secure another kiss. "I thought so, too. This is so much better, though. Even if the ground will kill us... At least I'll have gotten to lay my eyes on you again, and spend a last night with you. Let's hope that's not the case though yeah?"Her voice cracked as she spoke and a tear streamed down her cheek happy tears.Ecstatictears. Callen caught sight of the tear sliding down from Clarke s eye. To combat it, Callen pressed his lips against her cheek, kissing the tear away. I have a feeling we ll have more than a day left. I wasn t optimistic about this mission, until now. I believe we can still make a life together on the ground. I know we can. Smiling at the blonde, Callen latched onto her for one more passionate kiss. It felt so surreal. He spent each day dreaming about the moment he could touch her again. It was much better than anything he ever imagined.Sighing in pure bliss, Callen reached to grab each of his girlfriend s hands, giving them a firm squeeze. Maybe we should check out the ground now, yeah? Before moving, though, he could not resist kissing her one more time. He could not get enough. Finally, after forcing himself to stop, their fingers were now laced together as they started walking forward. Upon reaching the ladder, Callen climbed down first, finding that not touching her for five seconds to descend a ladder was asking too much, so he immediately grabbed her hand again once she was back onto the floor. Let s go. He whispered, now approaching the ramp with Clarke by his side. Callen had to be the sweetest person that Clarke had ever met. Never did a moment pass where she didn't feel his love, and that was something that she adored about him. Almost all of her time locked up had been spent thinking about him and whether or not she would ever get the chance to touch him again. It had seemed impossible given their crimes, but here they were. He wasn't the only one who had a time letting go long enough for them to get the ladder, because now Clarke never wanted to leave his side. She was normally a rather touchy person, at least with him, so that on its own was no surprise. That desire of hers seemed to be amplified now that they had reunited."Together?" She asked as she held on to her boyfriend's hand. She gave it a squeeze as she looked over at him. She hoped that they could take their first steps on to the ground at each other's side, together. It only felt right to her, and she hoped it would for him as well. Together. Callen confirmed Clarke s desire, as it was his own desire, too. In unison, the couple s first steps on Earth was taken together. A shaky breath escaped his lips while his eyes scanned the surroundings. Wow. It looked magical. He remembered when Clarke would draw for him she would lay her head in his lap and draw something of them standing together on Earth. It was no longer just a drawing it was real. The air smelled clean. Everything felt fresh. This was fantastic. Looking to Clarke with a big smile on his face, Callen could not help pulling her into another hug. This place is unlike anything I could have imagined. Callen admitted to the blonde, a laugh leaving his lips. He barely believed this was happening, holding tight onto Clarke like he would lose her if he let go. Callen kept his eyes open, just taking in the surroundings. I never thought we d see this place. It was still so much to take in at once, but Callen knew it was a good thing. They were sharing it together. They would make this their new home together. There was a future for them here. Nothing compared to the visceral thrill that shot through Clarke's system as her feet hit the ground for the first time. It was just as beautiful as she had imagined, and drawn so many times. It was no secret that she had often wondered what it would be like to step foot on to the Earth, though until this day she had never thought it would actually happen. The planet was supposed to be uninhabitable during her lifetime, so she had accepted the fact that her fate wouldn't involve fresh air in her lungs, magnificent tall trees and the bumpy unevenness of the ground beneath her that no book could have prepared her for."Me too," she admitted as they started to step away. Already she could tell that it was everything she had dreamed of and more. Like Callen, she was sure that they would be able to make a home out of this place together. She didn't wander from his side and instead kept close to him. While they held hands, there was still no more than few inches between their shoulders. "It's amazing, though. I don't think I've ever really felt this... alive."The earth on its own wasn't having that affect on her but to be surrounded by fresh air as well as the love of her life, Clarke felt content for the first time since her arrest. Their peers wandered aimlessly. Everyone was full of excitement and jubilation. It was important they find the entrance to the Mount Weather bunker. However, Callen truly only wanted to focus on Clarke right now. He did not want to even think about responsibility or handling business. All he wanted to do was stay with Clarke. How about we put some distance between ourselves and the drop ship. We won t wander far, but I d rather have you to myself, instead of being around 90 other people. It was probably not a great idea to move far from their campsite, so they would not. They could just explore the woods, mark their path, and spend time with each other. Their fingers linked together, moving towards the woods. There was something that resembled a walking path through the woods, making it easy to mark their way. Soon enough, Callen just felt drawn to a certain spot. There was a huge tree, overlooking a small pond of water. It was not that far across, they could see the bottom, but it was the first open water they had ever seen. Maybe we could just sit down here for a bit. Callen murmured, now leaning against the tree, slowly sliding down, pulling Clarke down, too. She could sit however she liked, but Callen hoped she would sit on his lap, just as he pulled her to. This place is beautiful. The male commented, looking at their surroundings the trees, the water, the grass. Clarke was more than happy to spend some time alone with her boyfriend, especially after so long apart. Callen was the epitome of perfect to her, and he also seemed to be a mind reader. She didn't want to wander far in case something went wrong, but she did want a chance to be alone with him. The blonde kept close to his side during their entire adventure. It even seemed like they were being subconsciously lured to the same spot.The area in which they settled down was absolutely stunning. Maybe it wasn't rushing waterfalls and the deep blue sea, but it was the closest thing that either teenager had ever experienced as well as their first sighting of open water that didn't involve a book. Clarke was visibly wowed by it all. Her bright blue eyes were wide and she lookedalive."This place really is amazing," she said before letting out a soft sigh. Clarke was happy to rest in Callen's lap and she leaned back against his body. Before he could even get a hold on her she had grabbed his hands and wrapped them around her own waist. "I'm so glad that I'm getting to experince this with you, Callen. I couldn't ask for any better than what we already have right here." Despite withstanding a nuclear apocalypse, the water looked crisp, clean. The Earth looked lively with tall trees, thick grass. Callen noticed the absence of animals, but other than that, Earth did not look much different from before. Listening to Clarke made him smile, as did holding her in his arms. We can start over, here. We ll have a new life together. Freedom. The ground. I just feel so happy right now. I was terrified that you would not have been on this ship with me. I don t know what I would have done without you. Just be prepared for me to never let you out of my arms again. I did that once, and they took you away from me. It won t happen again. As stupid as it sounded, Callen somehow felt guilty about Clarke s arrest. It was not his fault, but he felt like a failure when he was unable to fight the guards off as they dragged the love his life away. He was supposed to protect her at all costs he tried to, but it was just too much. Now, they were on the ground. In the end, everything ended up being alright. Yeah, being in solitary for a year wasn t fun, but it led them to this moment, which was much better compared to the alternative of being floated. You re so beautiful. I swear, you just get prettier each day. Thinking about you was the only way I didn t go crazy this last year. It was tough to have faith that we d find each other again one day, but I always believed it was possible. Now, here we are. I won t ever let anything separate us again. Callen may have considered her arrest a personal thing but Clarke did not. He had not failed to do right by her there was nothing that hecoulddo for her back then. Had he voiced that he felt like that she would have hushed him. As much as she appreciated his care she did not need his protection, and he would be harder on himself for percieve slights than she would be. Some men were just like that, she supposed though Callen was her best friend and then her first and only boyfriend so it wasn't like she had people to compare his nature to."I don't want to be without you either." Clarke settled between his thighs though she was already sitting she leaned in to him a little more. After she had wrapped his arms around her she rested her hands one on top of the other over his forearm. "I don't want to leave your side either, so you're not going to get any fight from me there. We've already spent too long apart, babe. Even one more day would be criminal now that I have you back." The entire day was spent by trading touches, kisses, fond memories, and hope for the future. In essence it was a perfect day. Callen felt whole again. The night quickly crept up over the dropship their first night on the ground. Callen had long fantasized about spending a romantic night with Clarke in an open field, gazing at the stars and the moon. He imagined the view from Earth was magnificent. So, when nighttime came, Callen was eagerly pulling Clarke behind him. They did pass a field earlier in the day, so he made sure to remember where it was located.They were in for a surprise. The field was not empty, but it was full of butterflies. They were bioluminescent, lighting up the night sky. It was utterly breathtaking. Wow. Just, wow. Oh, God this is so beautiful. Callen commented, walking with Clarke beside him, pulling her to look at the sight. Butterflies were fluttering all around them, making it such a romantic scene. The moon was full. There wasn t a cloud in the sky. We need to just take a second and admire this. Wow I ve never seen anything quite like this. It was not even like they read about, either. It was so much better. Clarke had a feeling that their first night on the ground would be memorable, and as they reached that field she knew she had been right. There was a beauty to the bugs whose bright blue wings illuminated the otherwise pitch dark sky. Clarke couldn't contain her amazement and wonder as she stood at Callen's side, and she looked to him with her blue eyes wide and wonder on her lips. There was a reason that they hadn't heard about these in the books back on the Ark, it was a side effect of years of irradiation, but that was just a thought in the back of her mind."Hey, you're right. I'm so glad we decided to come here." Clarke let herself be pulled towards him, and even rested her head back against his shoulder. The Earth was beautiful in a way that the books couldn't even start to describe. What was even more beautiful was being here now that Callen was once again at her side. Clarke couldn't ask for anything more. The couple spent another ten minutes at the butterfly field, kissing each other. Eventually, Callen decided that they should head back. It s late. We probably have to actually do some type of work tomorrow. I guess we should set up our tent now. He pulled away, but not before stealing one fiinal kiss. Walking with Clarke, fingers laced together, Callen pulled her towards camp. They set up their tent on the outskirts of the camp not too far away from everyone, but not in the center either. After the few minutes were spent getting the tent together, Callen crawled in first with Clarke, plopping down onto the blankets that would serve as a mattress.Callen could not help but think about the direction the night might take. It had been so long since they were without each other. He wanted to make love with Clarke again, to spend the entire night inside of her, kissing her, seeing every inch of her skin. He hoped she wanted the same thing, but he decided to gauge her actions once she crawled inside the tent as well. When it was all zipped up and they were alone, he placed a hand gently onto her arm, pulling her towards him so they could continue kissing. Ten minutes wasn't enough to Clarke, but she too knew that they had to return at some point. Ideally they would have their tent up and running quick. Callen wasn't the only person here who was thinking about sex tonight. It was no surprise that after a year apart, both of the young couple wanted to engage in a night of fiery passion together. If he had thought for even a second that she wouldn't be on the same page, his memory must have slipped a little since they became imprisoned on the Ark.With the tent up and ready, they finally had privacy. Clarke shrugged her jacket and her shoes off, though at least for the start of the night everything else was on. She was more than happy to oblige when her boyfriend reached for her arm and pulled her on. As their bodies met, chest to chest, Clarke took Callen by the waist and took that kiss with enthusiasm and fire. "I missed this so much," she whispered. Nothing in the world had ever felt as good to her as... well, anything that this boy did. They could simply be holding hands and he would make her feel on top of the world. "I missedyouso much." Clarke s passion and fire in the kiss were matched by Callen. His body hovered over the girl, every inch of touching. Callen was already breathing heavily, both hands slowly sliding down Clarke s back, resting on her ass. He missed Clarke for many reasons: it would have been a lie to say that her body was not one of those reasons. His hands started to grope, squeeze the flesh through her jeans, knowing that they were both probably eager to be intimate. Even before their arrests, the couple were quite active in the bedroom. There was only so much they could do, considering they hardly had privacy, but they managed.Now? There were no restrictions. Callen did not intend on holding back he intended to experiment with Clarke like never before. Not jumping right into it, he wanted to work her up. There was a smirk on his lips while his hands fondled Clarke s rear, digging his fingers into her ass, kneading the flesh, giving it small slaps before groping her again. Callen s hands were not staying to himself tonight or any night, for that matter. The kiss continued, but Callen dipped his head down lower, focusing on the blonde s neck. He had not forgotten her sweet spots, so he focused on them. Clarke, I need to make love to you tonight. I can t go another night without you." Ah yes they weren't going to have to worry about sneaking around any more. The Ark may have given every woman birth control implant starting at sixteen, but they were still subtly encouraged not to mess around. Given that families shared living spaces, there was rarely an opportunity to just decide to shack up in bed for a little while. They had made do, though. In fact, Clarke had found the sneaking around pretty hot. They had made plentiful use of the time when parents were spent working, but when that was an option they had always been able to find somewhere else. Other locations may have came with a risk, but she was pretty sure that was part of why she liked that sex so much.Just as Callen groped at her, Clarke's hands were touching and roaming. Just to be playful she squeezed his ass back and her face lit up in a grin. As Callen's head sank towards her neck, Clarke's fingers ventured forward and pushed up under the fabric of his shirt. With her thumbs still on the outside she could hook it in her hands, and then she moved to pull the fabric off of Callen's body. "I need you too baby," she whispered. A sigh escaped her lips as his kisses started to drive her crazy. "Please take me, I need to feel you again. It's been way too long." Callen did not fight Clarke when she started tugging at his shirt. Once it was removed, he pulled Clarke s hands to his chest. Now, he was not built like he trained wit the guard, but he had an athletic tone, a few muscles, but Clarke never seemed to find him unattractive, which made Callen feel confident about himself. Sure, he did feel jealous at times, seeing the taller, stronger members of the Ark Guard as they marched around, but Clarke always made him feel attractive. Like now the way she was looking at him, it was incredible. Now, it was his turn to rid Clarke of her shirt. If she was wearing a bra underneath, he quickly disposed of that item as well, leaving Clarke s upper body bare.The first thing he did was dive his head right into her breasts. It began with him kissing the mounds of flesh slowly, his tongue peeking out, wrapping around one of her nipples, sucking it into his mouth while he kissed and grazed his teeth along the nub. He repeated the same process with her other breast, slowly grinding against her. His hands still remained planted on her ass, squeezing the flesh as roughly as he could. Clarke there s something I want to try with you. He whispered softly, saying these words before even thinking about the consequences if she said no. That small bag right by you. Open it for me. He murmured inside, there was a length of rope he intended to use, if she allowed him. Clarke would have rathered Callen overanyof the Ark guards. Just because someone might be more typically appealing didn't mean that he wasn't the hottest person in the world to Clarke, and his kind nature was more appealing than any amount of ripped abs would be. Now that they were both topless and touching each other, her adoration for every inch of his body would be apparent and never ending. She touched and caressed, grazed her fingers along his skin as his lips and tongue found her breasts. His grinding made her move in tune.He paused and for a moment she was concerned. It didn't take long for him to say that he had a suggestion, and generally Clarke was always interested in hearing out what her boyfriend what might to try. She was curious as she moved towards his bag, and when she looked inside there was simply a length of room. At first she was confused, but she quickly realized what he was suggesting. "You want me to tie you up?" She said as she pulled it out. Given the grin on her face, she was obviously teasing. She had seen the way he had looked at various items that could be used to bind someone before so this wasn't a surprise. More seriously, she spoke again: "I'd love to try it, if that's something you want." Callen chuckled softly, reaching his hand towards her face. So adorable. But, no, you will be the one tied up. Honestly, the male had no interest in ever switching it up. Himself being tied would have killed any arousal he had or might have had. However, he could tell that Clarke was teasing. It seemed he was not as secret as he liked to be with hiding these desires. Thank you, Princess. I have a feeling you won t regret this. After all, she could trust her boyfriend. Even if she was restrained, she was still safe. Sitting upright, Callen took the rope from Clarke s hands. His head was tilted slightly, watching her expression. God, he hoped she would enjoy this. Now, bring your hands over to me. Hold your wrists together. After making the order, Callen gently pulled the blonde s wrists towards him. Then, the process started. Each end of the rope was wrapped around both wrists a few times. Then, he began weaving the ends of the rope back through the length that he already applied. The last touch was a tight knot on top no matter how she twisted her hands and fingers, she was not reaching the knot. It was not just a playful knot, he was truly committed to genuinely binding Clarke. What do you think? Could you struggle for me? I want to see if it holds. Clarke waited patiently for her boyfriend to tie her wrists together. The entire time she looked towards what he was doing. Admittedly she was rather nervous, as she typically was when trying new things, but more than that she was excited. Callen's joy in her approval had become apparent immediately and she trusted him fully."Alright," she said after he asked her to test out the restraint around her wrist. Clarke had figured he had thought about this before, but the concentration he put in to tying her made it clear. To give the tie a test, Clarke tried to pull apart and free her wrists only to fail. "Seems like you did a good job, baby. What do you want to do with this now?" Callen simply watched Clarke, pleased to see that the knot appeared to pass the test. Before they made another move, Callen leaned down to capture her lips in a kiss. Even though she was tied up, she was completely safe with him. He would never do anything that would hurt her. Since her hands were bound in front, Callen decided to place both of his hands into her bound ones, letting her hold onto him while they kissed. She was so perfect in, and out of the bedroom. He was so thankful she was willing to appease his fantasies.Now, slowly pulling back from the kiss, he decided to continue forward. "Now, I want to get you a little more... comfortable. It looks like those pants are a bit much right now, don't you think?" There was a smile on his lips as he leaned down to press a kiss to her tied hands first, then crawled down lower to work on the process of removing her pants. It was a slow process, one where he peppered kisses to her exposed skin, each inch that showed until he could pull the article of clothing off her legs entirely. Callen was gentle with her, and so Clarke was able to feel at peace. Most girls would have hesitated at least a little bit to let their partner restrain them, but Clarke had so much faith in her boyfriend that she knew she was in the perfect hands. He would make sure she had nothing less than a positive experience, and so she would hope to offer him the same enjoyment. His body was on top of hers, and while he had bound her wrists her legs were still free. Clarke used that to her advantage and squeezed her thighs around his hips to keep him close."I doo," she agreed and the word was drawn out. Her smile was soft and slightly lusty there was a reason she thought the pants might have been a little too much. She was glad to release him so that he could sink his way down her body, and it seemed that Callen was going to make a point to kiss every inch of her. Each soft flutter of his lips to her skin made Clarke sigh and squirm, especially as he sunk below her waist. By the time that Callen had finally got her body free from her pants, Clarke was wet and more than willing. It wouldn't take much more to make her beg for him. Callen enjoyed worshipping Clarke s body by kissing and touching every inch of her beautiful skin. Even before, it was not a rare occurrence for him to just get into a certain mood where he started kissing her, from her head, all the way down until he covered as much of her body as possible. He wanted Clarke to feel beautiful, especially when she was tied up. You know, when I say that you re the most beautiful girl to ever exist, I m not just trying to make you smile. I mean it. I m so lucky that you re mine, so lucky to be the only guy that will ever touch you, make love to you. I won t ever take that for granted. He added to the compliments, now pressing a kiss to her clothed sex, against her underwear.Having her beg for him was right on up there with his top fantasies, so he wanted to tease her a bit more. He did that by pressing his bulge against her barely covered vagina, letting her feel just how erect he was. I can t say for sure, but damn I don t think I ve ever been this hard. It was even better, because they barely touched the surface of bondage. Right now, as one hand slipped into her underwear, fingers grazing her clit, Callen had *that* look on his face when he looked at Clarke s body, the look that every girl dreamed of seeing on their man s face while they were intimate. It was a look of hunger, of love he would want this with nobody else. It was Clarke it was always her, she was the most important person to him in the entire world. The blonde was at her boyfriend's whims, and so there was little she could do but crave him. She ached to touch him to rake her nails along his skin and trail her fingers in his hair as Callen kissed along her sex and hen dared to tease her more. She had been wet long before he had pressed his body against hers, but seeing and feeling just how hard she had made her beloved by allowing him to tie her only aroused Clarke further. What was she supposed to do here other than give in and give the man what he wanted? His name escaped her sweet lips in a while as she let herself go thanks to Callen's touch."Please... I need you so much, baby," she said to him with a desperate look in her eyes. It was akin to his own dark and lust fueled, but also solely for him. No one else would ever see her look this way, nor would she want any one to. The smile was not something that Callen ever thought would leave his face now that he was reunited with Clarke. Since you asked nicely The male teased, leaning down for another kiss. This one was more chaste as he pulled away to start tugging down her panties, disposing of it beside their bodies. Not wanting to keep his Princess waiting for much longer, Callen decided to drop his own remaining clothing as well. Now that he was completely revealed, he decided to pull her bound hands to wrap around his girth, letting her have the opportunity to touch him, hoping that could add to the comfort. There s also something else I d like to do. He whispered softly, reaching for a white cloth from the bag. If you d allow me to, I d like for you to open your mouth so I can place this between your lips, wrap it around the back of your head. Gags are my favorite part, but I don t want you silent. I want you making as much noise as you can. I just think it would sound hot to hear your moans and words when they are muffled. Callen seemed to absolutely adore the thought of what he was about to do and Clarke didn't need to hear him say that it was his favorite thing to see the look in his eyes. Seeing the way it lit up his eyes to hold the fabric out made her eager to please. "I'd love to," she said in a soft, sweet voice, and she flashed her boyfriend a grin before she opened her mouth wide and even leaned in towards him so that he could place it around her head. Her heart was racing as she wondered where this all would lead.Clarke couldn't say that she had ever imagined being in this kind of scene, with her hands bound yet still on her boyfriend's cock waiting patiently for him to gag her, but at the same time she was more than happy to give it a shot. The thrill it was giving her also quickly had her knowing that she had made the right call. Even though it was undeniably kinky, Callen was being slow, gentle with his lover. Once Clarke complied, Callen placed the cloth in between her teeth before wrapping the remainder of the cloth behind the back of her head. The knot was gently tied at the base of her skull, keeping the cleave gag in place. It looks so good on you. He whispered, flashing her a playful wink.Now, it was time to begin. Callen started by slowly sliding one finger inside of Clarke, gently massaging her walls. He was eager to hear the noises that Clarke would make behind the gag once she was feeling the throes of pleasure. His free hand snaked around to grab her rear, digging his fingers into the flesh. Despite the gag that was in her mouth, Callen still intended to kiss her, planting his lips right over hers, even using his tongue as if there was no obstruction. Hopefully, she would get the point quickly the gag did not change much, really. He still wanted to kiss her, to listen to her. I love you so much. Callen whispered, pushing his finger a little bit deeper inside of the blonde. This had been the perfect mix of romantic and kinky. Clarke felt undeniably loved and in safe hands, but the tie at her wrists and the gag between her lips added a whole new level to sex that the pair had never experienced before. It was a rush trying something new always was, but somehow this was more intense than anything that they had ever done before. Her first instinct when Callen expressed his appreciation for her gagged lips was to smile. something hindered by the cloth that split them.It also seemed that Callen was ready for more, now. As soon as his finger dipped between her thighs and started to pulse in to her, the young blonde couldn't hold back a gasp. Even a simple finger was immensely pleasurable when it belong to him, and she knew that this was only the start. He grabbed her by her ass and in turn she made sure her legs were spread wide enough to accomodate his hips between them and then wrapped them around his waist.Being kissed through the gag was... unique. It had come unexpectedly, but Clarke was incapable of refusing a kiss not even one she would have to fight for. Following his lead, Clarke did everything she could to be able to kiss him in return, including allowing her tongue to push back against Callen's through the fabric that got in the way. This interaction proved that Clarke was a quick learner. While kissing, Callen realized just how into it Clarke was becoming. It pleased him greatly. While making out with the blonde, his finger continued massaging Clarke s walls, hoping to bring the female to a new level of heightened pleasure. The other hand continued to squeeze her firm ass, gripping the mounds of flesh simultaneously. After Callen decided she had been teased enough, both hands retracted from her beautiful body. Alright, Princess. Get ready for the ride of your life. It was a bold promise, but Callen was certain that it would enhance their sex lives for the better. Angling himself on top of the blonde, Callen felt the tip of his erection brush against Clarke s entrance, hoping to find that she was soaked. His hands both reached down to grab onto Clarke s once more, his eyes locked onto the girl s.Once Clarke had been given the chance to anticipate him, Callen slowly pushed forward. It started with only pushing a couple inches inside of her, slowly rotating his hips, gyrating against Clarke s crotch. Then, Callen pushed just a bit further, stopping every so often so he could create more friction by rubbing his girth against every inch of her pussy that he could. The pace was slow and gentle, giving Clarke ample time to adjust ach time he added more of his length inside of her, his eyes fixated on her face, watching for any cues that might tell him to slow down, just in case she got uncomfortable with this situation. Clarke whimpered as soon as she could feel Callen's cock press against her sex. She was wet and eager from the build up, and as soon as she felt his body against hers she knew that sheneededhim that moment. She was unable to reach down and guide him further between her thighs, but it seemed that she didn't need to. He started slow, but it was everything that she could have wanted. After over a year without him her body wasn't used to being handled like this any more, and her pussy was pleasantly tighter than usual around Callen's length. On top of that, she was just feeling so much more sensitive after time apart."Oh, I missed this," she tried to breathe through the cloth that split her lips. Those were words that didn't need to be said, though. Her body was doing plenty of talking for her from the way her walls soaked Callen's cock to the way she had started to urge her hips down further on to his own, it should be clear that she wanted and needed him just as much as he did her. Quickly, she needed more. Judging by the hints Clarke dropped, Callen inferred that she needed more of him. He was happy to oblige his girlfriend. With that in mind, the next thrust slowly pushed his entire cock inside of her, pushing until he felt himself fully inserted. The smile was growing each second, his lips still busy with kissing her. At times, he was focusing on her neck, throat, chin, cheeks, but most of the time he was kissing her over the gag. Callen was quite infatuated with the way it felt. It was much hotter than anything he ever depicted. Hopefully, it was something Clarke could enjoy, too.Since she was bound and gagged, it only meant his arousal was stronger than ever. This scene was literally his dream come true, so the pace of his thrusting easily increased to becoming faster with each movement of his hips. Clarke would still be allowed plenty of opportunities to get used to the sensation before it was increased, to hopefully avoid the pain altogether. It would have been easy to just go wild with Clarke, to get rough with her, but it was only their first time using bondage. Callen knew they would explore more in the future. Already, he was throbbing deep inside of the tight passage. Clarke I m so turned on right now. I know you can feel that I don t know how much longer I m going to last.
['Callen', 'Rodgers', 'Griffin']
The Two New Recruits- A Young Justice RP (MysteriousD & Roseangelkoi)
December 1st 2015Diego Vendrix took a deep breath and sighed in anticipation and giddyness. He was standing outside of the door waiting for Nightwing to come out. And there was a big reason for that.He was awaiting to hear whether he would be able to join the Justice Squad, the group of young heroes who would assist the Justice League in various operations and decisions.When Diego was a kid, he always wanted to be a superhero. Of course, as he grew older, he knew that he would never reach that possibility and he accepted it. However, everything changed during the past couple of months. During a meteor shower, Diego saw something land near him. They were strange pieces of technology. About two of them and they looked alike. One of them felt wonderful and lively and the other felt domineering and intense. However, both of them were still alive. He had kept them with him and was wondering what to do, until something had happened.The two pieces of technology were interacting and going haywire. He picked the friendly looking on and it began synching up to his smartwatch. He also felt pain when it was synching to the dangerous looking one. Something about... praising some God? However, Diego fought back. His spirit flared up in instinct and he... he didn't know what happened, but as the first box synched with his smartwach and him... he made that dangerous box bow down to him. It then fused with the friendly looking box before it fusing with his watch. He was home alone so no one heard him screaming at it seem to sink into his flesh and sync up with his DNA.He would later learn that it was a Mother Box and a Father Box, New Genesis and Apokolipian living supercomputers. They were extensively damaged, but the Mother Box's abilities to manipulate technology synched with his smart watch to try and fix itself, which caused the Father Box to react. It tried to control the Mother Box and Diego, but it was too damaged to connect to Apokolips and Darkseid and so when Diego's will overpowered it, he made it switch alliegances. The two boxes fused together to make what Diego dubbed a Parent Box and fused with his smartwatch. Eventually, it absorbed more tech and the Parent Box had permnantly attached itself to Diego's hand through the smartwatch and other pieces of technology, granting Diego the capabilites of the Mother and Father Boxes, such as searching for technology and fixing it, universal translator, tracking DNA sources, system interfacing and making boomtubes. He could also sync new pieces of tech to it. He has synched it some anti gravity tech so he could fly along with the remnants of a Genesian handgun to serve as offensive capabilities.To that end, he decided to apply to become a hero for the team. He spent the next bit of time training as best he could. He was not much of an athletic individual, but he did try to keep in shape. Apparently, it became easier to stay in shape thanks to the Parent Box able to monitor his health and help suppress his appetite and converting his body fat into more energy and so on. His outfit would consist of a helmet that synched with the Parentbox along with a jacket, cargo pants to carry some supplies and some good shoes. He decided to call himself... Sourcerer. A joke on the Boxes running on The Source.He was standing beside his fellow candidate and new friend. Serenity GarwinSerenity tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear out of habit as she waited to hear her fate with the Young Justice team. It had been a rough couple of years for her as her powers slowly started to develop. At first, Serenity didn't think much of it as she watched shadows shape shift around her into objects she imagined. She thought it was just her mind playing tricks on her. However, when her body started to disappear into a shadow, Serenity knew it wasn't fake and started to freak out. After sharing this information with her parents, they realized it was probably their fault. Both of Serenity's parents worked at Star labs as scientist. They had been working on containing small amounts of dark matter in the hopes of powering whole cities with the energy. Somehow, Serenity's body had become effected by the dark matter. Over the last year, she has worked very hard to understand and control her powers.Serenity had decided to become a superhero after seeing the Young Justice team rescue a group of citizens on an out of control subway train. She figured that if she had these powers, she wanted to help people. "I wonder how much longer they are going to take. I thought it would be a simple 'yes' or 'no'," Serenity said to Diego, who she had met a few weeks ago when this progress started. She just hoped that the Young Justice team would help her continue to control her powers. It seemed every day she felt a bit stronger and she was discovering new powers. * * * * * Zatanna listened to the group debate letting two more members onto the Young Justice team. The big issue was trusting some new teammates especially after what happened with the android Roy. However, it was always good to have new members especially since it had been a while since the Light had done anything. It was her fear that they were working out a big plan after the Young Justice team had foiled their last one."We should just let them on the team and give the a chance. Otherwise, where else do they have to go. It would be better to have them around here so we can help them with their powers instead of letting them out in public," Zatanna said adding her two cents into the conversation. "My guess is that they're also figuring out any of the details," Diego told Serenity. The two had become friends of a sort, especially since both of them would become newcomers for this. Diego was a young man of average height for a guy, being 5'9" though he appeared a bit shorter due to his stocky build and being somewhat chubby, though he has lost a fair bit of weight thanks to his Parent Box. Despite this, it was still noticeable though accroding to the League, it was because the Parent Box worked in converting his body fat into energy. It was a fair safe the Parent Box adapted in order to limit its usage of the Source and thus, remain invisible to New Genesis and Apokolips."Regarding your powers, have you heard of The Shade?" Diego asked Serenity. During his training, he would read up on various supercriminals and so on, and Serenity's powers reminded him of The Shade, a retired supervilalin that was reformed by The Flash and who's powers reminded him a bit of Serenity's. However, before they could further discuss this, the door opened for them to enter."Step in, you two," a voice said that Diego would identify as Nightwing.Diego stepped in after Serenity and ooked at Nightwing along with some of the others looking at them all. From what he heard, some of the members of the team had already moved to become members of the Justice League, including Zatanna. Diego lingered a bit on Zatanna before looking away with a blush. She was the one assigned to help with handling his powers and he instantly found her attractive and liked being around her. Her magic was utterly amazing and he'd talk to her during the brief periods of rest between training."Sorry to keep you waiting, but we were making sure everything checks out," Nightwing told them with a smile. He had a big brotherly if not dad like presence that Diego found reassuring. Heck, Diego himself spent a day with him helping him with an errand and even teased Nightwing a bit for how he referred to Serenity as cute."Welcome to the Team! We'll be starting official duties with a few couple of days, but for now, get some well earned rest and feel free to talk to the League for advice. Just don't bug them too much," Nightwing said with a smile on his face though he winked at Serenity.
['Nightwing', 'Vendrix']
The Princess and The Thief-Apparent (Innocent Anathema & SuperSaiyanMusashi)
A lovely summer sun bathed the beautiful kingdom in its gentle light that afternoon, from the castle's highest steeple to the lush green forests outside the bustling city. Up at the gates of the mighty stone castle, an odd, blue haired man in an equally odd white karate gi spoke with the guards at the entrance. "State your business," one burly officer commanded."Oh..I' on a trade route, yeah." Musashi stammered. "I' to talk with the King, Queen, or Chancellor about opening up trade with the country I'm from."And those swords?" the armored soldier interrogated."They're some of the wares I've come to show!" the samurai lied. "Some of the very best in existence!" he assured. That much was true at least,"Very well, but a sergeant shall accompany you!" the doorman consented, signalling for another officer to come."This way, sir," the sergeant instructed.Musashi followed the stern soldier inside the superstructure for several minutes, curiously looking for a way downstairs. Upon seeing a spiral stairwell, he shoved his accompanying officer aside and bolted for it as the sergeant shouted, "Uff, Hey!"The devious samurai used his air jump to quickly descend to a lower level. Looking around, he soon saw what he was after inside an ornate room behind locked doors: it was a golden scepter with many engraved runes, bearing a large beautiful blue sapphire on the top. He ran and smashed the doors down, showing an inhuman level of strength. He ran towards the center where the wand rested atop a small pillar, but was slowed down when a crossbow bolt flew out of the side of the room through a small slot and pierced his side as he winced, "Ahh!" Trying to fight the pain, he charged on and grabbed the magic rod, but as he did, an odd mist flowed out of the stand, causing him to cough and his vision to blur.Upstairs, a loud clatter of bells pervaded. Numerous guards reacted, marching into and around the impressive palace, covering any visible exits. Several went down into the treasure holds to meet the thieving swordsman.Adrenaline pumping hard, Musashi stepped out of the scepter's chamber, where he was met by several strong soldiers. He jumped up, where he was about to be met with a swinging halberd until he performed an air jump to avoid it. His double jump placed him behind the lead guard, who he grabbed by the shoulder pads and threw into the rest of the pack, causing them to lose their footing. Musashi jumped over the pile of downed troops and worked his way halfway up the stairs, where a sword wielder met him. Not wanting to injure the lawman, Musashi grabbed his slimmer sword but kept it in the sheathe. The 2 of them exchanged blocked blows briefly until Musashi landed a strike in the opposing man's side, which he followed up with an open palm strike to the chest, knocking him into the wall. He hurried his way toward the main parlor, where 2 more officers met him head on. He started to fend off their slashes while looking for the exit, but then took a hilt bump to the head, grunting "Oof!' when he took it. The sapphire tipped scepter dropped out of his left hand. As he attempted to grab it again, his vision started to blur. The sleepy samurai tried to slap himself awake, but the tranquilizer on the bolt he was previously pierced with plus the sleeping mist he breathed earlier finally caught up with him as he nodded off and plopped onto the carpeted floor.Stirring several hours later, the samurai found himself in a locked jail cell containing a mediocre bed. Not only was the scepter he sought no longer on him, but his 2 swords and belt pouch were missing as well. "Ah, damn!" he cursed. He also noticed that his legs were bound, limiting his ability to use his vast strength, though he could still walk slowly. JuniperTwinge! A drawing feeling blossomed inside her chest making it burn and delicate hands clutched together in front of it as she ducked her head trying to banish the feeling. That was before the warning bells sounded. A head of pale rose colored hair lifted as she cast her eyes toward the door. "The sceptre..," was whispered off her lips. She stood from her studies and set the book aside lifting her skirts to hurry from the room. Out the door, down the stairs taking them two at a time as she felt like the sceptre call for her once more bringing with it more pain. This time, it staggered her. It was a blessing that she'd reached the bottom of the stairs and when the pain hit, she was able to simply cling to the wall and try to catch her breath. "I'm coming. Subside already," she whispered as she caught her bottom lip between her teeth. This was the princess Juniper, youngest of three siblings with both a brother and a sister and she was also the sceptre's chosen bearer. Not that she wanted that burden but someone needed to do it. After a few moments passed, she had regained herself enough to start moving once more. Finally, the young woman made it down to the hallway just in time to see the guards hauling an unconscious man off. She looked curiously after the man and at all the commotion going on. "Your highness, this man tried to steal the Royal Sceptre," one of the guards explained to her and offered her the artifact. Her gaze turned critical on the artifact as she took it in hand feeling it through the bond that they shared. "It's fine but is anyone hurt?" She asked looking about. There were murmurs of agreement that all were fine, most sore but alive. "Good. See to the injured and rest. You've all done a fine job." That put her thoughts at ease and she set about returning the sceptre to its place. Her thoughts kept returning to the thief though. Why steal the sceptre? Other than it was a treasure made of gold and fine gems. Yet, everyone in the kingdom knew the power that it held and the reason why it was protected. How it was tied to the royal family. So, this thief must be an outsider. Yet... what was his motive? It was later that she had her way into the dungeons. She was almost to the cell, where the thief was being kept but the last guard was standing pretty stubbornly in her way. "I need to go in there and see him. You need to let me pass, Raul." Raul looked uncomfortable having to deny the princess anything. "It's not safe, your highness. I saw with my own eyes what this man was capable of. It was unreal." Juniper sighed. "Yet no one died. If he's as strong as you say, then there's no way that is from sheer luck. I'd wager the man wasn't out to hurt anyone. Just get what he was after. Regardless, I will not allow someone to suffer because of poison. You will let me by and I will, at least, give him the antidote. Stand guard and listen if you must." Raul heaved a sigh. "Fine but don't you breathe a word of this to your family or I'll be in for it! I am right here if you need me. No going in the cell either. No matter what he tells you!" "I'll stick up for you, Raul," Juniper said with a sweet smile that nearly got her everything that she wanted. The man grunted and unbarred the door before unlocking it to open for her. She slipped inside carrying a tray and a candle. That way she could see better since there was little more than the torches on the walls that cast dancing shadows over the walls. The second cell in this block was the only one locked and she stopped a few feet before it peering inside as she set the candle down on a nearby table along with the tray. "Would you mind if I joined you?" She asked as she stepped a bit closer to the cell bars, well out of reach, of course. It was foolish of her to come down here alone but she had to have her questions answered. She stood quietly watching him. The candlelight played over her form casting shadows over her body. She wasn't all that tall. Maybe 5' 4" and pretty average of build. Yet, she had a sweet, kittenish face with wide, warm brown eyes that were so light colored that they appeared golden. Her dress was an interesting concoction of a corset of dark blue that cradled her breasts together and lifted them. It showed off a bit of her midriff before a dark grey skirt claimed her hips. It was long in the back and short in the front showing off just a bit of thigh and some black boots that went to her knee. Her hair was pinned back from her face to tumble freely down her back and she had only a simple necklace of a silver chain with a oval locket on it. "I'm Princess Juniper Grace Jovana Rault and you would be called?" Musashi curiously looked up upon hearing debating voices outside the hall, followed by a few delicate footsteps. He kept his attention to the door as a pretty girl wearing a sexy blue and gray dress entered. He looked to her eyes, seeing golden irises like none he had ever known before, and blushed a little despite being behind bars. Upon hearing her request he answered, "Um..sure. I mean, what've I got to lose?"As she approached and introduced herself, Musashi looked back at her, impressed with her beauty, and feeling a kindness in her voice, yet at the same time concerned with his mission. He returned her introduction, "Oh wow, I never thought I'd meet a Princess in a place like this! It's an honor to meet you, my lady. I'm Musashi."The disarmed samurai breathed slowly before apologizing, "I am sorry about the mess I made. There's trouble brewing in this kingdom or the next. Someone really unsavory is making sinister plans, and now has an Oni helping them push those plans. Whoever chose the Oni must be onto me because I wasn't able to track it's location. I heard the Royal Sceptre might be able to reveal the Oni's location, as well as the one who it bonded with." JuniperThe princess regarded him curiously before nodding her head when he accepted her presence as if she expected that he'd do just that. Not that he had that much of a choice but the pink haired woman would rather stay only if welcomed. Hostility really wasn't her cup of tea. She introduced herself politely with a smile. It may not have been her wisest bet to tell a criminal that he was with one of the country's princesses. No telling what ideas a desperate man may get like taking her hostage or something. Yet, Juniper found that she wasn't that worried. Concerned for her safety but she didn't get the feeling that this man had bad intentions.When he gave his name, her gaze softened some. It was a name that she hadn't heard before yet, it had a pleasing sound to it. His apology and explanation made her blink as she went to fetch a cup of tea and a plate of food off the tray that she'd brought down here. "What is an oni?" She asked needing clarification since it was a new term but it didn't sound good. "Could you back away from the bars a moment? I brought you the antidote for the poison that you've sustained and while I feel like you may be a good person, I can't be reckless with my well being. I shouldn't even be down here but I couldn't let you suffer when I can do something about it. Especially since you didn't critically injury any of my people even though you look more than capable." She waited patiently for him to move before coming closer and pushing the plate and teacup through the little opening that was in the door. She stepped back after a moment. "The sceptre would not have helped you, I'm afraid. It responds to only one person of its choosing." Musashi looked at his beautiful visitor with a slight smile until poison was mentioned, making his eyes jump a bit as he thought, "So it was more than just tranquilizer, yikes!" He obeyed Juniper's request, sliding back, his legs still wrapped in a funny sack. Accepting the plate she slid in, the unarmed swordsman consumed the tea and food items upon it, hoping what the pretty girl said was true, that it would save him from the poison on the arrow. He then started to address her questions."Oni are malevolent spirits," Musashi started. "They seek out corrupt individuals, offering them amplified powers in hopes that the partner will use those powers to cause suffering, which they in turn, feed on," he shared. "My family's mission is to trap them and stop their spread. It's a responsibility that chose my father and aunt during an incident almost 30 years ago. They trained me and passed the mission onto me since then, and that's why I'm in this kingdom now," he explained. Then, pointing at his wristband, he added, "My wristband can track them, but I think the oni that's here knows I'm looking for it, because something's been scrambling my readings."Musashi smiled upon learning that Juniper realized his intentions not to harm the guards beyond what was needed. "When I was attempting my escape, I sought to immobilize or disarm the arresting officers without injuring them. That was part of my training to overcome opponents but not main, injure, or kill unless it can't be avoided. That's why I kept my swords in their sheaths."Musashi sighed, and almost laughed a little upon learning the staff would not have helped him. " always told me I was too impulsive. Guess he was right, huh?" Learning that the staff chooses its wielder, and that Juniper seemed to know this fact well, the prisoner asked, "Princess Juniper..are you the scepter's chosen wielder?" JuniperThe princess watched him with the food and drink as she sat at the small table. Neatly, she arranged her skirt and crossed her ankles as she listened to him. Oni sounded scary to her and she really didn't want to meet one. Yet, if he was telling the truth, he had to be here to track one. Here? In her home? That worried her to no end. Her home was mainly peaceful and they had their own issues to deal with. She had to admit that her heart was beating faster with nerves at the idea.She tilted her head to the side listening as he confirmed that he'd intentionally not seriously hurt anyone. Taking a breath, she nodded her head. "Thank you for that." She'd mentioned that the sceptre wouldn't help him since it was bonded to one person. His laugh made her smile a bit. It was a nice sound from him and brightened his face even if he was laughing at the irony. "I guess so," she agreed at his being impulsive. His next question caught her off guard. Those pretty golden eyes of hers widened a tad and she lifted her chin. "What makes you say that I'm the sceptre's chosen?" She asked. How could he have pegged her so easily? She hadn't quite thought that she'd been that obvious about it. She took a deep breath. "Can you prove that the oni is the reason that you were trying to steal the sceptre? It's not only valuable to our country but a part of my country in more ways than one. It's tied in spiritually and magically." Musashi couldn't help but blush a little and glance periodically when the pink haired princess moved her ankles, bringing attention to her sexy legs. Regaining focus, he looked back at her golden eyes and listened to her questions. "Well, I guess I don't know it for certain, but that only the one chosen can wield it is something I imagine few people other than the wielder would know." he theorized. "And you seem particularly interested in what happens to it," he added. "I mean, it's normal that a princess would care about national treasures, but still," he stammered.Musashi thought for a few moments about how to show her there was an Oni somewhere in the lands. He finally decided to make an offer that would require trusting her. He removed his wristband, then shuffled to the prison bars and offered it to her. "My wristband will warm up and give little squeezes to indicate the presence of an oni. Due to some kind of weird magic at work, it can only get a garbled reading right now," he explained. "Just give it a little tap and you'll feel it," he guided. "But maybe, if the true wielder of the scepter were to wear it and invoke the right magic, it can power through the haze and locate the person who partnered with the greater oni." he theorized. "If it points to a corrupt or tyrannical individual, then we'll know!" he offered. JuniperThose golden eyes of her narrowed thoughtfully. "You're clever to have deduced that, Musashi." She took a deep breath considering. "I am the sceptre's chosen one." She said with a little sigh. It wasn't something that she'd particularly wanted since it tied her down with a lot of responsibilities but it was what it was. That was something that she couldn't change.She was surprised when he offered her his wristband. It crossed her mind that it could be a trap but she was a bit more optimistic that he was trying to earn her trust. She stood and went closer before accepting the wristband from him. "Do you think that it'll work for me?" She asked thoughtfully before putting it on her wrist. The thing pulsed on her skin and warmed slightly just as he said. Her eyes widened at the feeling as she looked back to him in surprise. It was a moment before she felt the sceptre reach for her through their connection and her arm was drawn physically outward to her left. "That way?" Her eyes met his. "I believe you." She considered a moment before taking the band off and holding it out to him. "I will have to see if I can get you out of here." Musashi observed Princess Juniper's actions with the wristband and sceptre, telling her "I think so it is a family artifact, but dad, Aunt Kaede, and I aren't actually blood relatives." regarding her question, ultimately smiling with relief when it was revealed that the 2 items did in fact work together and allow them to overcome the magical distortion. He returned her gaze and smiled when she confided her belief in him and his armlet.His eyes lit up with hope upon hearing she would attempt to secure his release. "Yes, please, Princess!" he hoped. "Before you do, there's something else you should know about Oni," he advised. "They can mutate other people and animals depending on the relation," he explained. "If the original greater oni has people that work for him or her, they can be mutated into lesser oni, but if they have close relationships, like family members, confidants, or even longtime pets, they can generate additional greater oni!" he warned. JuniperJuniper was pretty surprised that the wristband had worked for her at all. He worried her with his talk of oni's being able to make more oni. This didn't sound good at all to her. If some creature like that was roaming around the countryside, what sort of havoc was it causing? Who was being hurt? The worry was pretty obvious in her eyes. "I can get you out without too much trouble but you'll need the sceptre to make your wristband work? Won't you?" She took a deep breath considering. "And the sceptre doesn't work without me. That means that I'll have to go with you." She shook her head lightly. "I'm no warrior, Musashi. I feel like I'll slow you down. I don't think just pointing you in the right direction of the oni will be enough, will it?" She ran a hand through her hair unsure. "To tell you the truth, I've never been off the palace grounds because of the sceptre." Just what was the world like out there? Keeping eye contact, Musashi nodded, understanding Juniper's concerns about the dangers involved. "I understand your concerns, but I need to be able to track the Oni. I'll make sure to protect you from anything hostile," he promised. He then a bit more about what Juniper might be capable of, prompting him to suggest, "Maybe you can help more than you realize. I don't know how long you've trained with the scepter or if you've discovered all the magic it can wield." Breathing out again, the swordsman lamented, "Well, all I know is that I stand a better chance of saving this kingdom with your help than without!"Finishing his current thoughts, he offered, "I'll wait for you to secure my release. Then we can start investigating together? Seeing as I know Oni and you know this kingdom." He kept his gaze upon her golden eyes, still awestruck with her beauty but focused on his mission at the same time. JuniperJuniper was hesitant to agree. "I don't know. My grandfather was the last chosen one for the sceptre and he died on the day that I was born. I don't know too much about it other than what I read from the old text. A lot of what I do with it is instinctual." There were a lot of things that the texts had said that the sceptre could do. Whether or not she could pull it off would be another story. She flashed him a smile even if it was a little shy and sad. "I'll be as quick as I can. I'm sorry that it's not better accommodations. Try to rest though. That antidote will need time to work fully on you." She nodded her head respectfully. "I will hopefully see you later." She gathered up skirt and the candle. Then she thought better of it. "I'll leave this down here. It's a bit too dark. I'll see that they send you down some more food as well." "Hmm..," Musashi pondered as Juniper revealed her limited knowledge of the legendary staff. "Well, I guess if I went with the wisdom I got from my father, the solution to discovering any unrealized talent is training!" he suggested. "I'm sure the old texts have something helpful to read as well."Still feeling a little funky from the poison, the samurai agreed, "I will." He then addressed the lovely lady, "And Princess Juniper," he paused for moment, hoping she would meet his eyes, "Thank you. I always respect people who listen." He saw her start to leave before briefly turning back and offering light and food. His eyes lit up a little at the promise of food, due to his love of all things edible. He looked into her golden eyes with a bright smile upon hearing the promise. When she finally took her leave, he watched as her pretty skirts bounced with her walk.He lied down into the makeshift bed and rested his eyes, in hopes that the food tray, or Princess Juniper would soon return. JuniperJuniper did have a lot to take care of now with having to find a way to spring Musashi from prison. and familiarize herself with the sceptre's properties once more. He thanked her and it brought a little smile to her face. "That is how one becomes wise is by listening." Those pretty eyes of hers held his for a moment. "Please feel better. I'll be in touch soon as soon as I can." With that, she swept up the stairs and thank goodness, Raul had a long night the day before. The bloke had fallen asleep at his post and not heard a word of what she and Musashi had been talking about. She woke him and assured him all was well before hurrying to the kitchens. She asked one of the chefs to bring some of tonight's dinner to their prisoner. He needed convincing but she assured him that it was all right. Her father would not be as easy to convince to release him. It took her the better part of an hour to convince him. He only agreed on the condition that Musashi would be escorted to the crossroads outside of the city. That way he could be on his way and be away from the capital. Juniper really couldn't ask for much more than that. Her only issue was going to be meeting up with him later and getting the sceptre. Hearing the sounds of ceramic on stone, Musashi peeked up to see an assistant chef accompanied by an officer who Musashi happened to have dueled with earlier. The cook explained, "Musashi, is it? Her royal highness Princess Juniper asked me to bring this to you."The voracious samurai's eyes lit up, "Oh thank you much, sir! And thank Princess Juniper too!"The accompanying officer looked curiously at the blue haired samurai. "You kept your swords in their scabbards when we clashed. I still think you're a common criminal..albeit with some uncommon talents..but I guess you're no killer, huh?"Musashi nooded, keeping a respectful eye contact. "Well, I'd love to show how this all came to be, but the short version..yeah, I don't kill unless there's no other way out of it."The curious soldier gave a "Hmm," before finishing, "You're a strange one, outsider. We'll be here to remove you from the city tomorrow morning.""Great, thanks, sir!" Musashi appreciated as the cook and guard took their leave.Since his only company at that point was other prisoners, Musashi just devoured the amazing dinner served to him. "Oh man! I hope I'm not locked out of here forever these chefs are amazing!" he opined.Feeling ever better as Juniper's antidote had continued to work harder, Musashi lay upon the flat bed and dozed off into his food coma. As the morning sun rose, a tapping on the metal bars awoke the sleeping samurai. This time 3 castle soldiers appeared, one was carrying Musashi's 2 swords Fusion and Lumina wrapped in thick peace bondings, along with his belt pouch. "Come on, stranger, time to leave town." ordered the leader.Musashi got up to comply as one of them removed his leg bindings but tied his hands up in chains. He calmly walked alongside the armed knights as the brought him upstairs, out of the main gates, through the capitol's main thoroughfare, and eventually to the field outside. When they finally arrived in the sun touched plain, the officer carrying Musashi's effects gently placed them on the grass. "You received a royal pardon, boy, so no more funny business, y'understand?" he sternly checked."No more, sir. Promise!" Musashi assured the officer."Good," he strong man agreed. "Just to make sure, we made it so that you'll need a good half hour to unbind those swords," he explained as he removed the chains but replaced them with a somewhat weak knot of ropes. "And that'll take you a couple minutes too we'll be long gone by then," he added."Fair enough," the white clad fencer agreed.As the troops returned to the city, Musashi began working on the knots that bound his wrists, all the while hoping he would see Princess Juniper again, and find a way to succeed on his mission. JuniperJuniper had watched from the window of her room as Musashi had been led away. A soft sigh left her. There was still so much to do but at least, he was safe for now. She could only hope that he would wait for her. If he did not, well, then, she could always return to the castle. It took the better part of the day as she went through her daily routine and took spare moments to pour over the ancient text about the sceptre. It was late in the evening when she'd crept from her room and made her way down to the stables. Thankfully, the stable lad was too busy rolling a maid in the hay to notice that she'd saddled her horse and led the creature out. She'd slipped out a side gate during the change of the guard and pulled a cloak over her head. Riding through the city at night was nerve wracking to say the least. She avoided people the best that she could and somehow, she made it out of the city and onto the travelling roads. Of course, she wasn't sure just how safe that would be for one young woman to be travelling alone, let alone the kingdom's youngest princess. The moon was just rising over the horizon and the sky was a velvety darkness cast over with stars. It was beautiful and caught her eye for a long moment as the wind lifted her cloak away from her face for a moment. It felt cool and welcome. Her pale white shirt and brown skirt weren't eye catching since she needed to blend in. The cloak that she had on only went to mid back and was tan in color. Her horse was a rather ordinary bay. This had all been done to not draw attention to herself. Those golden eyes of hers scanned about the area of the crossroads. Had he waited or given up on her? She wondered how she'd find him if he had moved on? That was probably going to be near impossible if that was the case. "Musashi?" She called his name and looked about cautiously. "Musashi?" A lone rider appeared out of the shadows and rode toward her. She brightened up thinking that it was him. He'd waited! Her heart felt lighter at the idea. "You came!" She said happily and started toward him but the sight of dirty blonde hair stopped her short. "Who... who are you?" She asked trying not to let the worry show in her voice. "Thought you could use some company, girl. You look cold. I can warm you up." He leered at her and reached out to try to touch her face. Juniper pulled her horse back so that she was out of his reach. "No... no thank you. I'm perfectly fine." Her heart was thudding. She shouldn't have come since she really had no idea about the outside world. She moved her horse on down the road heading out across a field toward a forest. The man followed her with a laugh. "You're waiting for someone, girl? A lover perhaps?" His horse matched hers no matter how fast that she tried to ride away. "Seems he's deserted you. A pretty thing like you shouldn't be alone in the dark. Maybe you should look for a new lover." Juniper was actually starting to get frightened now. Her eyes darted about. If Musashi was really gone, then she needed to figure this thing out. Look at her options but fear was holding her back from thinking rationally. She did the one thing that she could think of. She called for him again. "Musashi!!!" Left to his own in the late afternoon, Musashi started working on removing the ropes around his wrists His short fingers seemed unable to reach the weak spot in the knot. For a moment, he tried to just snap them with his superstrength, but he was unable to move his arms sufficiently far to utilize that power. Looking around, he saw a signpost at a crossroads point. Walking up to it and locating a mildly sharp corner on it, he started sawing on the ropes by rubbing them against it. Hour laters, the rope had finally worn thin enough to remove easily. Musashi grunted, "Several minutes, huh?" quoting the escorting guards from earlier. All the while, the sun had started setting.He then turned his attention to his peace bonded swords. His first instinct was to try ripping them open, only to find that the fabric and bindings were quite stretchy and did not rip so easy. Growing a little, he started working on the knots, but found it rather difficult for his fingers to get a good grip on them. "They really wanted to slow me down here," he determined. Still, focused on freeing the swords, he headed over to the edge of a nearby forest with them. After looking around for awhile, he saw a fallen tree branch he was able to snap in half, creating a slightly sharper wooden edge. He used the edge to work on the ropes binding his swords until the stick broke, at which point he use the newly exposed broken wood to work on it. After much slow work, he managed to loosed the padded bag around Fusion, leaving only the scabbard covering it. He then stuffed the bonding into his belt pouch, which few people realized was bigger on the inside. Re affixing Fusion to his belt, he unsheathed the curved katana and quickly severed the ropes keeping Lumina's peace bonds in place. Again he stuffed the paddings into his belt pouch and then put Lumina back on his back before re sheathing Fusion.Satisfied with finally freeing himself and his weapons, Musashi looked up and realized that evening had arrived. Man, that took all day!" he observed. He didn't have long to think about it before the sound of voices caught his attention. One of them sounded familiar and sweet. "Juniper?" he wondered out loud. He started to walk towards their sound, but then he heard the gallops of horses soon followed by the female voice again, only this time it was louder and more urgent. Eyes narrowing with focus, he ran towards the sound of her shout. Drawing closer, he saw one rider chasing another. Thinking fast, he pulled out Lumina followed by a small scroll bearing a triangular yellow symbol.https: vi oHh8qgkjJ74 hqdefault.jpg"Lumina, Earth Scroll Power!" the samurai commanded. He then struck the ground with his heavy sword triggering a small earthquake between the 2 riders, hoping it would trip up the pursuing horse. Seeing the chasing figure's steed start to lose hoofing, Musashi ran over to where he fell. Standing several feet back from the ruffian, he intimidated, "Back off, stalker!" JuniperSuddenly, there was a rumble behind her that wasn't hoofbeats of either horse. Her mount bucked hard trying to unseat her but she held on. "Easy! Easy, girl." She tried to calm the mare down. The horse danced off the side of the road with wide, fearful eyes. She stroked the horse's neck soothing the beast somewhat as she looked back to see that the man chasing her had fared worse. His horse had bucked him off and ran off. The man was knocked onto his butt in the dirt. Served him right for being creepy.Those golden eyes of hers caught sight of Musashi and the relief that she felt was immediate. The biggest part being that she wasn't alone and well, she did feel as though she could trust him. That was just from her initial meeting with him. Naive as that may be to put her faith out there so soon but if all that he'd said was the truth, all of this was warranted.The man scrambled back from Musashi after only one look at him. "Oiy, I don't have any beef with you. That your girl, eh? My mistake, man." Like a coward, he got to his feet quickly and ran off after his horse. His cursing at the animal trailed behind him and certainly didn't sound inviting to even a horse to draw near him.After he'd gone, Juniper had jumped down from her horse and crossed the distance between them. The princess didn't hesitate at all before she threw herself into his arms like they were old friends. "You came! I'm so very thankful. I... I was scared... So very scared," she whispered fervently. There was a shiver holding onto her body that wouldn't quit. Her hands rested lightly on his upper arms as she buried her face against his chest. It was rather obvious that she was still rattled from the whole incident and what might of happened. "Thank you for saving me." It was probably at this moment that it was rather noticeable just how petite that she was. Poor, frightened little dove. Musashi stared down the creepy rider until he was well out of sight, at which point he put his swords away and turned around, to be quickly met by the comforting hug of his friend the princess. "Oh," he reacted before returning her hug, gently rubbing and patting her back. When she rested her head in his strong chest, he lightly stroked her long pink hair. "Sorry you ohad to deal with that weirdo," he sympathized. "Glad you're safe now," he appreciated. He noticed at this time that while her new outfit didn't have the eye catching beauty of her regal gown, it appeared practical for adventuring purposes, and the dark skirt was still attractive in its own way.He gave the frightened girl ample time to rest in his comforting embrace before starting to plan. "Earlier you got a fix on the Oni's direction, right?" he checked. "What lies out that way?" he asked. "Or perhaps this can be figured out with a little wisdom. Oni look for corrupt, tyrannical individuals to be their partners. Does that sound like anyone you've heard about?" he inquired.Finally, he took note of the late hour, "It's already night time. I probably shouldn't return to the castle or capitol city for awhile is there another town we could reach before too long? Or are we roughing it tonight?" The princess slowly calmed down until she realized the social faux pas that she'd made and backed away from him. "Oh, I'm so sorry for imposing, Musashi but thank you for what you did." She clasped her hands in front of her really unable to look up since she was blushing from embarrassment. She'd really been overly forward and out of line by doing that.Right, they needed a plan. She thought carefully for a moment. "The only person that I know in the direction that your wristband pointed is my uncle Marcus." She thought a moment. "He doesn't really care for my family. I think he's bitter that he didn't inherit the throne or the sceptre." She rubbed her upper arms lightly feeling chilled by the idea of one of her own possibly wishing harm on others. "I hope that he's not doing this though."She glanced about with a soft sigh. "We can't stay in the capital. I'm sure that they'll come looking for me soon enough. I'm just hoping that they don't put it together that I'm with you." She took a deep breath. "They'll be more riled up when I summon the sceptre too. I left it there for now." She ran a hand over her head and into her hair. "The next town is a good twenty minute ride. Probably a half hour since my horse would be carrying double. Do you want to try for it?" "Oh, no, it's no trouble at all!" Musashi assured the pretty girl. "I like hugs!" he shared, blushing a little bit himself."Uncle Marcus, huh?" he checked. "I guess it's never easy having the first suspect be a family member," the samurai sympathized. "Still, it sounds like we'll have to investigate him. Throne or no, he's still a prince, right? Probably has a few troops and weapons of his own?"Musashi looked at Juniper curiously when she mentioned her plans to summon the scepter. "Oh, you can summon it remotely?" he asked. "No need to run back and grab it?"The adoring swordsman blushed a little as the pretty princess tossed her long, healthy, pink hair. Refocusing he agreed, "Half hour ride is no trouble long as your steed can handle it."Following her to the mount, he climbed on behind her. His strong hands held aloft over her slender waist, he asked, "May I?" Juniper's face was still red as he mentioned that her throwing herself into his arms hadn't bothered him in the least. She nodded her head lightly. "I am glad that I didn't offend you and I do feel better." There was still the fact that she was of nobility, of marriageable age and unescorted with a man that the guards had caught as a thief. Her mother would roll over in her grave if she knew. That woman was always so prim and proper.The only person that she could think of in that direction that bore the country any ill will was her uncle and that was a dismaying though. Musashi's sympathy was helpful but that wouldn't be an easy thing to determine either. It's not like she just confront him over it. "We'll see, I guess. He is the Duke of Trenton and yes, he has his own keep and troops.""The sceptre is blood bonded to me." She lifted her chin a bit before shrugging. "It will answer my call. I just thought that it'd draw more attention if both myself and the sceptre disappeared at the same time." A thought occurred to her. "Actually, I may be able to leave a decoy now that I think about it." Juniper did know a lot about the sceptre and what it could do. She just hadn't used a lot of those functions. So lack of experience. Closing her eyes a moment, she gave an unspoken summons and explained to the thing that a forgery in its place would be wise. A moment passed and a glow came to her hand before the magical sceptre just appeared in her hand. "Huh, maybe I should've done that when you took it." She chuckled at the idea. "Of course, I wasn't thinking too straight with it calling me. It hurts," she glared at the thing before tying it to her belt.That was beside the point. They needed to get a move on and she nodded mounting the horse before he hopped up behind her. "We'll get there," she said determinedly and then noticed that he'd reached out to hold her waist but hadn't yet. She glanced over her shoulder. "Sure, you can hold on." Of course, now she was thinking about him needing to do that and now, she was blushing of all things. Great. She nudged the horse into a canter once he'd taken her waist and they set off across the field and into the forest. It was a nice evening and at least, the moon was full to help light the way. The woods were still a little spooky to her. Of course, she was coming to the edge of where she was familiar as well. "You ride? We can find a mount for you in town." She offered. The crafty samurai listened carefully to what the friendly princess had informed of regarding Duke Marcus. "We'll have to watch his staff carefully. If he is in fact who were looking for, he's probably already turned most of his soldiers and attendants into lesser oni." he theorized. "The good news is that we can save them," he shared in optimism. "It'll just be painful," he added as a caveat.Musashi watched as the powerful princess brought her sapphire scepter to her side. "Oh wow that's amazing!" he complimented. "I wonder how long untl anyone back at the castle notices," he thought out loud. "Is there anyone besides you who could tell it from a replica? Like someone who has studied it without being chosen as wielder, or if you had someone mentor you on how to use it?" he wondered. "For that matter: I'm guessing someone at the castle knows how to disarm and rearm the traps in the scepter's chamber?"With the pretty girl's permission now granted, Musashi held onto her waist, giving a sort of hug from behind as the mighty mare started to move.Bright moonlight slightly eased the darkness of the heavy forest as Juniper's steed worked its way along the path. The varied trees were tall and heavy, their numerous leaves allowing little light inside. Crickets, owls, and other nocturnal critters could be heard chatting with one another in their own secret language."I think I rode a horse once," Musashi recalled. "I'd need a quick lesson if I were to try again," he admitted. "I'm sure I'd learn real fast!" he confidently declared. Thinking back to her little chase as the journey to the next town carried on, the samurai shared and asked, "I can tell this isn't your first rodeo. You had a good riding teacher didn't you?"Soon, more moonlit meadows could be seen up ahead as the forest exit came into sight. Further off, the lights of the next town flickered. "We can save them?" She questioned. That was a bit uplifting to think of. If there really an evil like he'd told her, then saving even one life was enough. She just had to be brave and not give up. That was something that she could do certainly even if it made her a little nervous. She had to try.It was an easy thing for her to summon the scepter really. "The only person that knew about the sceptre beside me was my grandfather and he passed when I was born. I doubt anyone knows how to tell the difference between a fake and this. We'll see and the traps are reset with a key."As they rode through the moonlit woods, her thoughts wandered between making conversation with Musashi. "It's not too hard once you know the basics and act like a leader. Horses are natural followers." She had to admit that the way that he was holding onto her waist was making her feel a little more confident riding through this bit of unknown territory. "I've been riding since I was four." She glanced at him over her shoulder. "I can show you if you like."There were fireflies out in the grass and they caught her gaze. "Oh... they're so pretty." She watched them for a moment fondly before laughing to herself. "Never thought that I'd be out on adventure with you when I first saw you." She looked toward him once more. "You can call me Juniper or June if you like. Probably best to avoid titles while we're out here." Continuing the pleasant horse ride through the woods and subsequent meadow, Musashi happily answered Juniper's question about saving people from oni induced mutations, "Yes. "Killing", that is, inflicting mortal wounds upon a person or animal that's been turned into an oni will return them to normal and heal all wounds sustained during the mutation. That's why when faced with them, I don't hold back."Listening to her offer, Musashi agreed, "Yes, definitely show me! I love learning new things!" He smiled back at her when she looked back, again with a little blush, looking into her bright golden eyes as best he could given that they were on a horse. As a little family of flickering fireflies was seen, Musashi looked upon them as well, then focusing back to Juniper. "Yeah, funny how these things happen. I guess they have a way of choosing us," he offered."Juniper," he repeated, smiling over the fact that a princess had invited him to more familiar terms. Soon after, he observed, "Ah, we've arrived!" noticing the town come into view. Looking to Juniper he realized, "Much to do. At some point we'll need to rest up and see about that riding lesson. We could ask around to see if anyone has signs of odd activity, especially if it's connected to Duke Marcus. We also...!" Musashi's sentence was cut off by a funny feeling in his stomach and a little noise to go with it. "Hey June, how does dinner sound to you?" he asked. Despite the necessity, he felt like he was effectively asking the princess on a date. Juniper"Killing?" A shiver went through her at the idea. Could she do that? Juniper had never hurt anyone or anything before. Yet if it would save them ultimately, maybe, maybe she could do it. She bit her bottom lip lightly feeling uncertainty cloud her mind. They had some time though for her to think it through.Looking into his eyes, she spied that he was blushing. She wondered why before the fireflies had distracted her. She glanced toward him after the mention of adventuring. "You think that it's fate then? That you and I were destined to be on this journey?" That was an interesting thought. She really had to wonder if that was the case. "Maybe that means that the universe thought that we could work well together." That was an empowering thought.She smiled hearing her name off his tongue as she slowed the horse to pick through street of town. She listened to his ideas of what they needed to accomplish before she heard a rumble behind her. It surprised her. What... what was that? Was that Musashi's stomach? He asked about dinner and she outright laughed aloud. The sound was rather sweet. "I think that may be a good idea. You are a hungry one, aren't you?" She looked back him once more with a grin. Looking back on down the street, there was an inn down the street. "That might be a good idea." She pointed toward it. "Could find food and lodging there." She drew up the horse and hopped down holding the reins of the horse for him to get down. "Shall we?" Thinking about the question of fate, Musashi waxed, "Well, maybe maybe not. This family mission chose my father and aunt some time back, but I guess after that it became their choice. Sure it was thrown into their laps, but I guess they could have walked away from it, but they chose the thing that initially chose them." Refocusing on their current situation he added, "There could be destiny at work here, but I really do want to protect your world and any others touched by Oni. And I am glad to your help doing it!"The voracious samurai could hear his friend the pretty princess giggle a little as he grabbed his empty stomach. "Yeah," he admitted with an awkward smile. "I do love my food! My father assured me there was plenty, but sometimes I wonder if he had to teach extra lessons to make sure," he recalled.Dismounting, he agreed, "June, this looks great!" He caught a few scents of meats roasting, oven fresh breads, and many different produce items being prepared, showing an excited smile as he did. Finally, he extended his hand to Juniper, offering to hold hers for the walk inside.Reaching a table set for 2, the hungry samurai sat down across from his companion. Looking into her gorgeous golden eyes, he curiously asked, "Have any favorite dinners, Juniper?" He himself eyeing the menu and having trouble deciding what he wanted most. He then reached inside his belt pouch, producing a few silver coins. "Are these good to barter with?" JuniperMusashi's excitement over the prospect of food was rather adorable to her. Not that she'd say that aloud. It was just that she was so used to everyone walking around on eggshells around her. So his being so earnest was refreshing. It brought a sparkle to her eyes. As she brought her mount over to the stable and returned, she considered her companion. Watching him a moment as she approached, her initial feelings on his character seemed pretty on par and they seemed to get along just fine. He was excited by the smells and that feeling was infectious. Although when he held out his hand, she wasn't sure what he wanted. Was he trying to escort her inside? She was used to holding onto a gentleman's arm not holding his hand. Yet, perhaps this was the custom where he was from. So lightly, she put her hand in his feeling heat skip up her arm from the feeling. This felt more intimate and connected than what she'd known before. It wasn't long until a little blush had crossed her features as they walked in hand in hand. She sat down with him and ordered herself a cider before glancing over the menu. "A favorite dinner?" She glanced away then back to him. "You'll laugh but Shepherd's pie." A smile crossed her face. "That and blueberry pancakes. What about you?" Feeling the pretty girl's hand in his gave Musashi a warm, comforting sensation, briefly bringing his blush back as they proceeded to the table.Ordering some limeade for himself, he listened to her indentify the Shepherd's Pie as a favorite. "Very nice," he agreed. "Oh I like pancakes too! All sorts: blueberries, apples, multigrain, and more!" Finally, he instantly knew what to say about his own favorite dinner, "Oh no doubt: it's Chef Hanzou's Japanese steak." he identified. "Hanzou has a restaurant in town known for being the place where samurai and other warriors come after a hard day of sparring, training, or a fencing tournament. Bringing another swordsman there for dinner, especially a rival, is said to be a show of respect. Dad often invited his opponents in the annual fencing tournament there afterwards. And some of my best memories were days where he and I would train very hard, and at sunset he would tell me, 'Musashi, you really did great today: how about we celebrate with dinner at Chef Hanzou's?'"After reminiscing about his youth, Musashi brought his attention back to the present. "But for tonight, I think wild duck sounds good!" he shared, pointing it out on the menu. JuniperJuniper had to smile softly at his little story of good his childhood. "That's a good memory. I bet you can remember the taste too but somehow, I rather think that your company helps shape how a dinner tastes almost as much the one that prepares it." She lifted a hand to her face giggling lightly. "Most meals at home are rather boring. Everyone is preoccupied with their duties." He picked out what he wanted and she smiled before reviewing the menu herself. "Hmm I think chicken cordon bleu sounds good tonight." The waitress came over and took their orders and now they just had to wait amidst the other patrons. Her eyes lifted to catch his. "So what is a samurai? A type of knight? And that's what you are, right?" "Mmm..great company is always welcome at dinner time," Musashi agreed. "I guess at your castle people didn't pay much attention to you at dinner time? Well, Juniper, you've got mine undivided!" he assured."Ah, good choice I thought about that one but the duck just edged it out this time," he shared. After their dinner choices were locked in, Musashi returned his focus to Juniper and answered, "Yeah you could say that. Samurai are like other knights, but with specific types of weapons and field gear. Samurai also have a philosophy that's ingrained in the training, including a code of respect regardless of personal animosity, a promise to leave killing or injuring as a last resort, and to push even bitter rivals to become stronger, knowing that them presenting a challenge will in turn push us to become stronger ourselves."Expanding further, he added, "My fighting style is a combination of a few. While dad was a traditional samurai, Aunt Kaede was his kunoichi she focused heavily on speed, stealth, and mobility. She also had a 2 weapon fighting style that I took a liking to. Since she had a hand in my training as well, I took after her a little.""How about you, June? What kinds of things did you learn growing up?" he asked. Juniper"I'm glad to have your company, Musashi," she told him and honestly, she was since she felt like she could grow fond of him rather easily. She shrugged lightly. "I'm the youngest of my siblings. So, there's not too much political advantages to be made of my acquaintance and fear of the sceptre keeps the rest at bay. It's only natural, I suppose to fear what is not understood."His explanation for a samurai was interesting to say the least. "Sounds like some of the better knights that I know but a lot are also only concerned with themselves, their image and their own people. Building up your rival in order to better yourself is smart as long as they are not a threat to the well being of the innocent." She smiled a little at the mention of his family since she could see the fondness for them on his face quite easily. "They taught you a lot, huh?"His question after her made her blink lightly and she ran a hand over the back of her neck feeling a little self conscious. "I learned a lot of history and politics. How to ride, of course. I learned about archery and a bit about the sword. Most of what I know about the sceptre has been self taught." She twirled a lock of hair about one finger before looking toward him. "Not really typical princess training since I would've had more training to be a lady and lead a household but because of the sceptre, I can't quite leave the castle. So, that means that I can't be married off like my sister is." A little laugh left her. "Of course, I have left the castle now... imagine that." Learning about Juniper's family politics, Musashi sympathized, "Sorry people looked past you, but I think you have things offer that far more rewarding than any political advantage.""That they did!" he confirmed, regarding how much his family taught. "My superstrength started to show at a young age, and once my old man saw it, he was determined to see its fullest potential realized. Good thing too I've needed everything they showed me and more." he confided, recalling some of the previous dangers he had been in.Learning more Juniper peaked the curious samurai's interest, "Oh you shoot ? You didn't by any chance grab a bow on your way out earlier, did you? Could be helpful with what we're up against."Watching the pretty girl twirl her long pink hair gave Musashi a little blush. "Well..even if you didn't have as much instruction on being a 'proper lady' as your sister, I still think you're lovely both the way you are now and yesterday when you wore that beautiful dress," he complimented. Thinking about how she escaped her home despite parental wishes, the friendly swordsman added, "Hope your little outing doesn't cause too much trouble. If we make it through this I'd love to help you escape again."Soon the generous dinners arrived, their hypnotizing scents getting the hungry samurai very excited. Realizing that despite the covert operation he was still in royal company, Musashi started to eat his at a slow pace. He then looked up at Juniper, signalling towards his duck and asked, "Want to try a little bit of mine?" JuniperHis mention of her looking lovely made her pause and look at him a bit surprised. No one had mentioned that to her before. Huh, it was a sweet feeling that brought a smile to her face. She took a deep breath. "I hope that my leaving doesn't cause too much distress but I'm sure that it will. I did leave a note but it'll probably be best for us to move on as soon as we can. I'm sure that they'll come looking for me and more importantly, the sceptre.""I didn't grab a bow on the way out, no, but I'm sure that we could find one easily enough," she mentioned as the dinner arrived. Musashi's expression over the arrival of the food only made her laugh a little thinking that he really enjoyed food. She had a bit of her chicken before looking up at his asking if she would want him to share some of his food. "You want to trade?" She asked and got a piece of chicken on her fork holding it out to him not thinking a thing of it really. "Musashi, what did you mean by superstrength? Can you pick me up?" She asked curiously watching him. Listening to Juniper's concerns about search parties from her castle got Musashi thinking, to which he shared, "Hmm, knowing that, should we keep moving before too long? I mean, that riding lesson we discussed would be helpful if you think we have time, but do we?"He nodded in agreement suggesting, "That's good why don't we see about a bow in the morning."While savoring the amazing dish, the food crazed samurai confirmed "Sure," as he placed a small bite of the duck onto Juniper's small side plate and offered his up for a small cut of her chicken. Tasting the chicken he smiled, "Mmm..I might get that as my main next time!"The strong swordsman slyly smiled at the mention of his superstength. He asserted, "I don't like to brag, but picking you up would be like nothing. I once lifted and slammed a metal tank weighing several tons!" Finishing his dinner happily, Musashi looked back at Juniper and asked, "How about dessert?":Slam.gif Juniper"I'm not sure how fast that we'll be on foot versus riding. So the lesson may be time well spent." She took a deep breath. "We can always play it by ear in the morning and see about a bow then." There was something nagging her in the back of her mind. "I may be able to do something with the sceptre like a bow. I'll have to try it out." She recalled something about the sceptre being able to shift and accommodate the user's needs. Guess that she would have to try it and find out.She smiled watching his face as he got to try some of the chicken. "You really enjoy your food," she said with a little laugh before trying that bit of his duck that he'd shared. The taste on her tongue brought a smile to her face. "That does taste good too. You made a good choice."His response to his super strength made her blink once. "Several tons? You can really do that?" Now that was rather amazing to hear. She really would be nothing to pick up. A little laugh left her. "Why do I feel really small now?" She asked with a smile. "I am very tempted to ask you to show me but I feel like that may be a bit presumptious of me.""Dessert?" She was only about half way through her chicken. "Hah, if you like, sure. I thought that I saw custard pie. I'll have to admit that's my favorite." She giggled. "What's yours?" "Well, if we have to, I could always learn along the way," Musashi suggested regarding the horse training situation. "I definitely want the practice."Listening to Juniper discuss the capabilities of her staff some more, Musashi paid attention, quite fascinated. "Yeah, definitely try it! That could prove vital!" he suggested.As they traded foods, the samurai smiled warmly, happy that Juniper enjoyed his choice of dish just as he appreciated hers. "I sure do!" he confirmed despite how obvious his love of food was.The strong samurai nodded to confirm the extent of his strength. "Maybe tomorrow I could show you somewhere out of the way?" he offered. "I don't want to draw too much attention to us." he wished.Having been asked about dessert he shared, "Well, I've had many great sweets and things, but the favorite is probably what comes after Chef Hanzou's steak dinner. For dessert he makes mochis: they're balls of ice cream coated in soft, rice flour shells. They're served ice cold but still chew softly." Thinking about the present time he opined, "That custard pie sounds good though." He then asked, "Juniper, how about we share one? Go ahead and finish dinner, then we'll share a slice of the custard pie!" Juniper"I'm sure that if we found a good enough horse, then yes, you could learn along the way as long as your balance is pretty good." She nodded in agreement thinking that they'd have to ask around. Was this town big enough to have a livery or would they just have to barter with one of the locals for a horse that they had? She supposed that they would both see.She had stuff to think about now like actually using the sceptre instead of what she'd read on it. That would be interesting to say the least. It was something that she'd worry about later since they were eating and she did find his zeal for food quite fun. In fact, the only other person that she could think of as interested in food was perhaps her brother before he started being more serious about being heir.Juniper had to smile thought at his offer to show just how strong he was along the way. "As much as I want to see, you don't have to show me. I believe that you can." She said with a little nod of her head. She smiled over dessert. Who wasn't a fan of that? "I've never heard of mochis or ice cream but if you like it, they must be good." The waitress had come by, so she'd asked for a slice of the pie. She finished up her dinner easily enough and it was a moment or two before it came out. She glanced at Mushashi thinking about sharing the pie with him before giggling. "You're sweet to share your food," she commented before the pie came out and she waited a moment. "You can have the first bite." As the fine smelling pie came out, Musashi thanked, "Oh, okay, sure," as he took his first taste of it. Savoring it slowly, he motioned towards it with his hand to suggest that Juniper take her first. He took his pieces of the delicious custard pie slowly, making sure the pretty pink haired princess had ample time to take hers as well. When dessert was finally finished, he smiled back at her, looking into her eyes. He reached over the now empty table, revealing his palm, hoping she would hold hands for a moment. He soon advised, "Getting late here we should probably rest for the night." JuniperThe pie was good and it brought a smile to her face as the taste pleased her tongue. Her gaze kept finding his throughout the time that it took to eat the dessert. "I don't think I've ever shared food with someone before." A laugh left her and it was pure and untainted with worry. She even wrinkled up her nose cutely with the effort. "It was fun!" Those golden eyes sparkled with mirth as they met his. "Think it tastes better shared." That seemed to be the truth. Although, when he held out his hand to her palm facing up on the table, she wasn't quite sure what to do for the moment. Then as if it were the most natural thing in the world, she placed her hand in his wondering if that was what he wanted. It certainly brought a bit of color to her face as she recalled that some of the lords and knights had held her hand only to kiss the back of it in introduction. This seemed sweeter somehow. He brought up the point of the time and she nodded her head. "Yes, I think that would be a good idea. We'll need our rest for the journey tomorrow." A little shiver ran through her. She wasn't looking forward to confronting her uncle. "They should have rooms upstairs here. Shall we go?" Of course, thinking about that now, it brought up one very good point. "I know that it might not be appropriate but it might be safer if we shared a room." Her mother would rolling again in her grave knowing that her even suggested that. Yet, Juniper trusted Musashi and if someone had figured out who she was and had ill intentions, she was probably safer closer to him. "Oh, well, I'm delighted to share this pie with you, June!" Musashi shared, agreeing about how much fun it was. Then seeing and feeling her hand in his, the affectionate samurai curled his fingers around hers and gave a gentle squeeze to show affection as he blushed a little."Mmm," he nodded in agreement. He then took a few silver coins out of his belt pouch and checked, "This enough to cover the dinner?" After settling their dinner tab, Musashi once again offered to hold Juniper's hand as they looked into lodging, at which point the subject of sharing a room came up. Musashi stammered, "Yea..that would be..safer..I..should we look for a room with 2 beds in that case?" He started to think about how he might eventually like to be closer to her but at the present time did not want to push her too hard too soon. He attempted to recover with "I's only second day I've known you so..yeah!" though his awkward blush was still apparent. JuniperJuniper smiled sweetly at him feeling that blush darken on her face at his hand squeezing hers. June, huh? She had said that he could call her that and well, no one besides her siblings ever called her that. It was a bit of a freeing feeling. Like she could just be herself and not the sceptre bearer or princess. Well, he needed her as the bearer of the sceptre but it didn't feel formal at all. Like life at the castle had been stuffy. She'd really, really wanted to leave the grounds and now was her chance. She could see a bit of the world. The only sad part about it for her was the fact that she'd had to run away to accomplish it.She nodded her head lightly at his asking about paying for dinner and she fished in her satchel getting a silver coin out and holding it out to him to pay for her half of the meal. "Fair's fair, right?" She said with a little nod before they both had to think about a place to stay for the evening. Why did he seem so flustered over the idea of them sharing? Sure... it was presumptuous but she felt like it was necessary. "They make room with two beds? That'd work well. Here, I thought that I'd sleep on the floor with an extra blanket like I did when I was little." She shrugged her shoulders lightly and it was quite obvious that she'd been kept on a pedestal and unaware of why he'd be flustered like this. "We'll make it work out. Although, if it really bothers you, I don't mind getting my own room. I'd just feel safer near you." She admitted the latter quietly and looked down toward the floor unsure of herself for a moment. All manner of thoughts and feelings rushed into Musashi's being. Juniper was a princess to be sure, but she was a very real girl too, with emotions, motivations, and an apparent love for fun, especially in light of new discoveries. 'I really like her' he thought, 'And that's good because I'll be motivated to protect her and win this mission for her home, right?' 'But could that distract me from the mission?'"Oh no, it doesn't bother me at all!" Musashi assured the friendly princess. "And I would never take the only bed from you if such were the case!" he added. After obtaining the keys for a room, the samurai once again offered his hand to hold as they ascended the stairs to the guest rooms. Beyond the door that the key fit, a small but comfortable looking chamber unfolded, 2 modest sized beds contained therein. First, the fencer turned to Juniper and offered her a hug as he bade her, "Good night, Juniper!" Afterwards, he flopped onto one of the beds and began to doze off. JuniperThe pink haired girl smiled and took his hand walking with him up to where the rooms were kept. It felt rather nice holding his hand. So, she didn't mind at all. Perhaps, she should but it was a sweet sentiment that was hard to let go of when there didn't seem to be any harm in it. She looked about the room curiously and was a little surprised by the hug and yet, it was sweet. "Good night, Musashi," she said softly trying not to laugh as he claimed a bed for himself.She found herself curious as she walked over to the window and glanced up at the moon. Lightly, her hand touched the pane of glass imagining that she could touch the moon for the moment. She'd never seen the stars from this perspective before. It was so new to her. She took a deep breath and let it out slow considering before loosening the ties on her dress to make it more comfortable. Maybe she could do this. Hopefully, that hunch was right for all of their sakes. She wandered back and laid down before pulling the covers up. "Thanks for today, my friend," she said quietly before rolling on her side and closing her eyes to finally let sleep claim her. As the sun started to rise, the sleeping samurai began to stir. He stretched and yawned in his bed before slowly turning to the side. He started to think about everything Juniper and he would have to face that day: ride training, learning more about the royal scepter, carrying on to Duke Marcus's keep. He also thought about how they were quite possibly being sought out by Juniper's father. Then came the question of the wrist band's problems: was the greater oni onto him and actively seeking him out as well?Taking a moment to loosen up and appreciate the calm morning, Musashi looked at the rising sun out the window, then peeked over at Juniper hoping she would soon awake. JuniperThere was a smile on her face as she slept as if she were dreaming of something sweet. She had the covers drawn up to her chin and was sleeping quite soundly. A quiet giggle left her before she'd fallen quiet once more nuzzling the pillow lightly. A little yawn left her. Slowly, her eyes blinked open looking around and she appeared confused for a moment as to where she was. This wasn't her room. Then she saw Musashi across the way from her and it came back to her just what was going on. A soft smile crossed her face as she watched him a moment before saying something. "Good morning."Pushing herself up, she adjusted her clothes and fished a brush out of her bag to patiently work through the long lengths of her hair making it smooth once more. Patiently, she braided it into a long braid that she had over one shoulder out of the way for the most part. "Are you ready to start the day?" She asked softly as she stood up and stretched. "I hope that you slept all right." With a happy sigh, she made sure that sceptre was secure and put her satchel back over her shoulder. "Why don't you go find us some breakfast and I'll go see about getting us another horse?" Seeing the pretty girl awaken and hearing her greeting, Musashi returned it in kind, "Good Morning, June." After giving her a few moments to collect herself and climb out of bed, he greeted her with another affectionate hug. Stepping back he confirmed, "Yep Rested and feeling great!" He then agreed to her plan, "Sure, I can get us something good!"Parting ways briefly, Musashi stepped down the stairs, returning to the cafe in the tavern. While he inquired about breakfast, he spotted an armed soldier asking a lot of questions. Most of the patrons just shrugged, or answered, "Maybe..I wasn't really looking." After another passer by couldn't answer the odd man's question, he turned around, and his eyes flashed with orange light for a quick second. Musashi silently gasped as he saw it, then buried his face in a nearby newspaper as the stranger left. The concerned samurai then observed to himself, "It's started."After waiting through the cooking time, Musashi traded a few silver coins for a hot plate of food primarily featuring blueberry pancakes plentiful for 2, which he transferred to a hard plastic container he brought with him from other worlds he had visited. Walking outside, he located the suspicious investigator again, but breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing him go in the direction away from the local ranch. The samurai briskly stepped towards the horse ranch, keeping an eye out for Juniper. JuniperJuniper had slipped out with no trouble. It was amazing that no one stopped her or questioned her at the sight of her face. A little smirk crossed her face. That must be a perk of being stuck in the castle most of the time. Her face wasn't that well known not like her siblings or her parents since she didn't have to make public appearances. That just might be a good thing. To the villagers, she was just another young woman passing through. That was thankful.As she walked, she wondered about that good morning hug that she'd gotten from Musashi. He was a friendly sort, wasn't he? She'd have not pegged him for it when she first saw him fighting. It was rather nice to be treated in a familiar way like she wasn't made of glass or could break at any moment. Rather made her feel alive. She had just turned down another street when she spotted the livery stable. Walking inside, she was greeted by a stable hand and she waved jovially. "I'd like to collect my horse and see about a second mount please." She asked and he nodded showing her a few stalls of those that were for sale. The stable hand looked surprised at how she inspected the animals choosing one with kind eyes and a dark black coat. "This one. He's well behaved and minds well, right?" The man nodded. "I'll take him and tack for him please." Of course, Juniper knew her way around a horse. At least, that part of her education hadn't been lacking. She got out the appropriate coins to pay and walked out holding both horses' reins. When she spotted Musashi outside, she waved. "Over here." Spotting Juniper's wave, the jovial samurai smiled widely and ran over to her. "June!" he greeted. Seeing both her mare and the new horse in tow, he observed, "And you recruited an additional steed, excellent!" Adding to the news, the hungry samurai produced the container in which he kept the breakfast he procured as he shared, "As I recall you mentioned a love for blueberry pancakes, so I got us some! Along with some fixings!" He also revealed that kept a couple of clean forks in his curiously small pouch as well.Looking for a good spot to eat, chat, and start becoming acquainted with the new mount, Musashi then spoke somewhat quietly as he informed Juniper, "We'll have to watch ourselves. I saw someone in town looking for people. He had the eerie eye glow of someone who's been mutated into a lesser oni. If our idea about the Duke is accurate, that soldier could be from his keep, and looking for me." Juniper"Blueberry pancakes? You remembered!" A bright smile crossed her face bringing a sparkle to her eyes. She laughed happily as she walked beside him leading the horses and looking for a place to sit. "I think this horse will suit you fine. He's a bit bigger than mine and seems easy to get along with. You'll have to name him." She said with a nod. "And get acquainted with him."They found a spot under a tree on the edge of town and she was just spreading her skirt to sit down when she heard the news of what the samurai had seen. "An oni here?" She swallowed lightly as a bit of worry crossed her face. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly before snorting. "We make a good pair, you know. My father after me. The oni after you." She shook her head lightly. "So, a lesser oni has a glow to their eyes? Is that the only way to tell them apart from a regular human?" A little sigh left her. "I guess I was kinda hoping to enjoy this time with you a bit more before the danger caught up with us. Guess it was too much to ask." She shrugged lightly. "Just means that I have to get better with this thing." She tapped the sceptre as she let the horses graze nearby. "That I did!" Musashi verified. "I like them too!" he added. He then looked at the mighty dark stallion. "Hmm...I shall call you..Campbell! Yes, that was the name of a powerful centaur who I met in one of my travels. His tale was one of many in an epic conflict I've read and even help promote the books about. I will name my steed out of respect for Campbell the Cavalier!" he decided."I guess we both have reason to worry about pursuers," Musashi related. Helping her learn about the situation, he confirmed, "They do. Not all the time just a flash here or there when their emotions run high. Both lesser and greater oni show the eye glowing trait. Other ways to tell them from real people are with this wristband, or just by spotting mutations like bigger limbs, claws and horns, or in some rare cases: their faces become skeletal.""Well, I will admit the fear is there, but sharing it with you helps. Kinda makes it exciting too!" Musashi admitted. "That being said, yes, do learn about your scepter. It chose you after all." he added.Finishing his share of the breakfast, Musashi took a few steps toward Campbell. "So..what should I learn first?" he asked Juniper. Juniper"Hello, Campbell," she greeted the horse with a smile as she started in on her breakfast with a pleased smile. Oh the blueberries were ripe and juicy, just perfect. A little happy sigh left her. "A centaur. Aren't they half horse and half human?" She asked thoughtfully before getting a few more nibbles of her pancake.They had a lot going on with both being pursued and needing to look out for oni that could literally be anyone even someone that they knew. The latter notion made her shudder at the idea. The risks before them seemed great and yet, Musashi had a point. They were in this together. So, it couldn't be all that bad. She nodded her head lightly. "Together then. We'll find a way to make it through this."She was munching once more when she caught sight of him approaching his horse. Campbell kept grazing watching him lazily. "Mmmm talk to him like you would a friend. Tell him your name and tell him what you've decided to call him. Then let him smell your hand. I usually will lightly exhale over my horse's nose and let him sniff my breath to really get my scent. It's what they do with each other and seems to calm them." A smile broke over her face. "Oh yeah and pet him gently." "They are indeed," Musashi confirmed. "While many cultures would think of cavaliers as mounted men, I went to one world the terms Knight and Cavalier would always refer to armed centaurs," he explained.Musashi wore a friendly smile when Juniper shared his wish to face the immediate challenges together. He then offered both of his hands to her for a brief moment and a quick gentle squeeze.Looking to bond with his new teammate, Musashi greeted, "Hey buddy, what's going on? I'm your pal Musashi." He then gently stroked the strong stallion on his upper back. "I named you Campbell after a heroic cavalier, as you may become a hero in your own right." Finally, the swordsman offered Campbell a sniff of his hand while using the other to pet him slowly and gently a little more as he drew closer to his front side. JuniperThe princess smiled softly watching him with the horse happy that he seemed good with animals and that Campbell seemed all right with him as well. They looked as though they'd get along fine. "Looks like he likes you just fine. They're smart animals and can usually sense what we feel." She fished around in her satchel for a moment before finding something. "Here, catch." She tossed him a biscuit that she got from the castle before she'd left. "Feed it to him but make sure that you keep your hand flat with all your fingers together with the cookie in your palm. That way he can only pick up the treat and not mistake your fingers for one."She was thoughtful a moment watching him with the horse. "You've traveled a lot of places, haven't you?" Taking a little breath, she let it out as a bit of a laugh. "I envy you. I haven't been outside the capital before. So this is very new for me." She untied the sceptre from her waist and studied it curiously. From what she'd read, it was supposed to shift to its master's needs. Holding it in both hands, she concentrated on the simple form of a bow. Surprisingly, the thing moved reshaping in her hands to form exactly that: a bow. "Huh, will you look at that? That was a lot easier than I thought." She picked it up and drew the cord back getting a feel for it. To her surprise, an arrow of light formed across the bow when drawn and disappeared when she released the tension on the line. "That's handy..." She shook her head. "To think that I used to hate this thing." She sighed. "Rather, I blamed it for choosing me causing others to limit my life." Snatching the biscuit of the air, Musashi complied, holding his hand flat so the food item would stand out. He watched the brave steed happily consume the item as he smiled and asked Campbell, "Good, huh? I love my treats too!" After it was gone, he petted his new buddy a little more, then turned his attention to Juniper as she revealed her newest talents. He reacted, "Ah, nice!" upon seeing the bejeweled staff change its shape, and even generate an arrow out of energy."Nicely done, June!" he praised. "Don't even need a quiver!" he observed. Thinking about his travels he confirmed, "Yea I sure have. Oni seem to know no limits in terms of what worlds they'll end up in, but I guess experiencing new worlds, and making friends in them, is my reward for succeeding on a mission!" He felt sympathy for Juniper being confined to her family's castle, but also saw opportunity. "This could be your chance, June. We have to lay low for awhile, but you might just prove your strength to the entire kingdom soon!" he inspired. He then thought a bit about his own upbringing. "I guess your connection to the staff is kind of like my superstrength: it's a gift capable of great things, but it also seems to define who we are and how our parents raised us."Musashi then looked partially at Juniper and partially at Campbell. "Campbell seems a good partner thus far, but I understand we're just getting started and no one said this would be easy." he realized. "We'll do what we can in the limited time we have." he confidently determined. JuniperJuniper smiled a bit trying to stretch the bow once more. "I guess it's a good thing," she said eyeing the golden tool. "I'll see what I can do with it. Do you think that if I show that I'm capable enough of protecting myself, maybe I can be... for lack of a better phrase, let off my leash?" She certainly hoped so. Being out here was certainly more interesting and there was only so much that she could see in one place. She stretched the bow one more time, took aim and let the arrow fly. It hit a tree across the way a little bit below the center of a knot in the tree. "Not bad for it having been a while. Seems I'll have to work on getting a feel for it." She wondered what else that that the sceptre could do. Her gaze flicked up toward Musashi figuring that she had best help with this lesson. "Indeed." She stood thinking that she had to put the sceptre away so that she could help her friend. The bow must have sensed that for it changed once more to a simple necklace. She blinked surprised. "Well that's handy." She smiled softly and tried to put it on but the clasp proved more difficult to do than normal. So, she walked over to Musashi and held it out to him. "Would you mind putting this on for me?" She asked. "Then we can go over riding for you." Thinking about the leash analogy, Musashi theorized, "Hmm...I'd like to think so. Freedom to explore a little is important in personal growth. But as far if your father will..I guess that depends on who he is and how he thinks." Watching her arrow hit near the knot, the swordsman praised, "Nice shot, June!"Blushing a little at the princess's request, Musashi stepped over to her and took hold of the 2 sides of the scepter's necklace form. With Juniper's long pink hair worn to a single side, Musashi was able to line up the 2 connectors behind the pretty girl's neck. Feeling a little nervous, yet happy that Juniper would invite him to help her with an accessory, Musashi made the connection while his heart picked up its pace in response to the pleasant scent of her skin and hair.With the scepter secured and cleverly hidden in plain sight, Musashi returned to Campbell and asked his teacher, "Should I board now or wait until we get to the clearing?" JuniperJuniper was curious now as she thought about her father. She hadn't been allowed off the grounds much let alone the capital. She couldn't imagine that changing much even if she got better with the sceptre. The thought was dismaying yet, she had to try. If she didn't, then nothing would change and she'd regret not putting forth the effort. "I guess that there is only one way to find out." With that, she'd shot one of the arrows smiling a bit at where it'd hit for the mark. Of course, Musashi's praise only had her blushing and smiling a bit. "You think so?" she asked happily.She was grateful that he could help her with the necklace. Although there was something about the feeling of the cool metal against her collarbone and the brush of his fingertips against the nape of her neck that was making her blush. Or was that just his nearness. Wait... what? She closed her eyes considering the feeling and the way that her heart fluttered. What a strange feeling. Lightly, she placed her hands over the necklace feeling its place on her neck and how her heart beat against her chest. She glanced over her shoulder at him with a rather soft smile. "Thank you for your help."She walked over to his horse with him and stroked Campbell's face. "Why don't you get on here?" Lightly, she held onto the horse's bridle and stroked a hand over his neck soothingly. When he'd got on, she checked his saddle to be sure that it was adjusted properly for him. "You sit tall and relaxed. Lightly squeeze your legs to cue him to move forward. Remember your partners working together. Look where you want to go and use the reins to guide him where to go. Set your weight back in the saddle and pull back lightly on the reins to stop." She stepped back from the horse and walked a few paces in front of him. "Ask him to follow me." She backed away a few more steps allowing him to figure it out. "Sure thing," Musashi confirmed with a little blush, smiling back at Juniper after affixing her scepter necklace.Keeping up with his lesson, Musashi carefully boarded Campbell and thought took in Juniper's instructions one at a time. He sat up with his back straight, but eased the tension on his shoulders. He applied the slightest leg pressure, setting Campbell into a light walk. Moving the reigns, their direction changed towards Juniper's lead. At first they turned too far, prompting the student rider to change direction slightly back the other way. As he did, he unwitting applied a little more leg pressure, increasing the speed of the movement a little. "Ohh booyy!" he reacted. Seconds later he opined, "Hey this is kinda fun!" Juniper"Well now, aren't you a natural?" Juniper put her hands on her hips watching him before laughing just from the look of enjoyment on his face. "I guess that means that we can go and you can learn on the way." With a nod of her head, she went and checked her mare's girth before getting up in the saddle. Of course, she rode her mare side saddle since she was a lady, of course but that didn't matter much. She guided her horse over by the samurai's and glanced down to her curiously. "You know, I don't think I caught your name either, girl. You can be Daisy." With a nod of her head, she petted the mare's neck. "Oh look Daisy, isn't Campbell handsome?" The horse looked toward the stallion, flashed her ears back before snorting. "Oh, don't be like that. Give him a chance. You might be surprised." Another snort from the mare but she did sneak a sniff in of Campbell's neck before walking on calmly."We should probably stop for some supplies before we head out of town. What do you think?" She looked over toward Musashi curiously. "Maybe some rations and a blanket if we get stuck outside. Of course, I haven't really tried sleeping outside before." Musashi lightly smiled at the notion of learning along the way. "I could go for that," he agreed. "I can't promise never falling off, but I can promise that if I do I'll get right back on!" he offered, while continuing to give Campbell the requisite attention. "Daisy's a fine mare," Musashi shared to Campbell. "And I'm sure she'll come to appreciate you more, but we won't force the issue." Campbell seemed amenable to the advice, yet stoic and confident at the same time."Those would good things to have," he agreed. He started remembering how he had a wide variety of sleeping conditions in some of his past adventures. "Yea we could end up roughing it once or twice," he noticed. "I mean, I always prefer a room at an inn or a real home, but just sleeping under the stars is an interesting experience, and I could do it again, especially in good company!" he relayed with a little smile at the end.Taking a slow trot back into town, Musashi advised, "Remember: that suspicious character might still be in town we should shop discreetly and leave." Juniper The pink haired princess smiled to herself as her gaze followed Musashi for a moment. He was rather sweet and she appreciated that about him. He was tenacious as well. "I can't believe that this is your first time riding a horse," she commented with a bit of a grin. "You're doing rather well at it." Of course, animals always seemed to respond well to a good leader and gentle hand. As they moved back toward town, she thought about what he'd said. "I don't really want to run into that oni that was looking for you. Granted, I can shoot a bow now but still. I'd rather not run into trouble. That might be just wishful thinking though." A little shrug came to her shoulders. "We could split up to get the supplies faster." His notion of sleeping under the stars was a romantic one and the thought drifted through her head. Just what would that be like? It seemed a little cold perhaps but she was always cold. They turned down a side street and came up on the general store. She hopped down and tied Daisy to the hitching post there before looking up to Musashi. Then a casual glance was tossed around the area. Oni could look like anyone? How unnerving. A little shiver ran down her spine at the notion. They'd be hard to pick out as well. "Well.." Musashi blushed, "'s not the only time the last time was really short though and was a lot of years ago. With constant supervision too!" he humbly recalled.As the store approached, Musashi carefully took after Juniper's lead to dismount and tether Campbell to a safe post. He then agreed to her plan to split up and get supplies faster. "Okay I'll get some blankets and camping items if you can get some travel food," he suggested.Spotting an outdoor gear shop near the general store, Musashi headed towards it after promising Juniper he would return to the horses once finished with his errand.Walking into the impressive supply carrier, Musashi stopped for a moment, amazed at all of the different sporting goods present. After walking around examining the items for several minutes, he remembered his mission and brought 2 outdoor sleeping sets and small tent to the counter and traded several coins to the shopkeeper. While walking out, the samurai started cramming the items into his larger on the inside belt pouch, not paying much attention to where he was going. He was just outside the shop when he finally succeeded, at which point he looked up and traded stares with the same soldier who was searching for him earlier. He jumped and gasped, then ran for the general store, seeking out his friend the princess to urge her, "June, we have to get out of town now!" JuniperSo, they had a plan. That was a good start and Juniper wanted keep up her end of the task. Finding food that travelled well. All right, that couldn't be too difficult, right? She watched Musashi go off before she found the courage to head inside to begin her search. Apples, some jerky, coffee, tea, some biscuits. She found a pack with some dried out stew that might be good if they could cook it tonight.That's when a particular scent caught her nose. It smelled amazing and she wasn't quite sure what it was. She got up to the front of the store with her goods and saw these steaming buns set out on the counter. "What are those?" She asked and was surprised to hear what they were. She'd just finished paying for a few of them and the rest of the food when Musashi barged into the store looking panicked. Her face paled some in surprise. "Musashi?"Yet, she didn't have long to wait for what was going on. All that she needed to know was that they needed to move and he looked worried enough. So, she pushed most of the things into her satchel with a nod. "Let's go!" She waved to the clerk quickly thanking him as she rushed out the door with him not bothering to ask any questions on why the urgency had come up. It didn't matter at the moment. She trusted him and if this is what they needed to do. So be it. She swung up into her saddle easily enough and urged her mare on. "Are you all right?" She asked once they'd gotten a little bit away. With items purchased and his message of urgency delivered, Musashi ran back to the horses with June and mounted Campbell as fast as he could and started following after Juniper. Being new to riding, especially in an urgent situation, he applied a little too much leg pressure, causing Campbell to gallop faster and more turbulently. The samu rider accidentally bounced up a little, relieving the leg pressure and bringing Campbell to a bucking stop that threw Musashi backwards. The nimble fencer started to fly backwards but quickly used his air jump to hop back into the saddle and re take the reins. This time, he controlled the pressure more carefully. Finally catching up with Juniper he answered her question, "Yeah...I'm okay! I mean..everyone falls off once or twice early on, right?"Though slightly removed from the town, Musashi advised, "We need to stay hidden. We're lucky that scout was further away from his horse than we were to ours, but he'll be grabbing reinforcements." JuniperAnxiety was riding Juniper pretty hard as they rode out of town and she heard the scuffle of hooves behind her looking back just in time to see Musashi jump back onto Campbell. Worry crossed her face for a moment but he seemed all right. So, she didn't bring it up. When they were a bit away, she nodded her head guiding her horse off the main trail onto a game trail. "All right, I hope that we got out of there soon enough." "At least, we can still find where we are going with the sceptre even off the main trail." Thank goodness that they had that since she certainly wasn't a tracker or used to the woods. She glanced down heaving a sigh as she tried to get her heart to settle some from the bit of fear that had gotten her. "You're all right, right?" She asked finally. "Did you have to fight him or anything?" Following June and Daisy onto the game trail, Musashi eased up his pace, feeling relived that he was able to recover from his rookie mistake. "I think we lost them for now," he speculated. "I'm okay just a little beginner's growing pains there."He gently shook his head at the question, " soon as I knew he saw me I ran to you. I imagine he went for backup, thinking he could overwhelm us not a chance I was ready to take."Returning to the subject of tracking he suggested, "We can proceed to Duke Marcus's keep in the cover of the forest for awhile, maybe head to a clearing at sunset to rest up." Then, holding up his wristband he guessed, "I think if he touch the scepter and wristband together and focus, we'll get a feel for the right direction.The forest around the game trail looked lively. Birds up high were singing chirpy serenades, nipping at bugs and seeds, or resting upon their eggs, incubating the next generation. A few skittish squirrels ran up oak trees.Further up, an angry looking grey wolf stood in the middle of the path, showing its sharp fangs. Musashi dismounted and walked a few feet ahead. The wild preadator snarled for a moment, until suddenly its body disgustingly unzipped along the spine where 2 barbed appendages emerged.. Its head split in 2, a zarlac like 3rd mouth of extra teeth formed between the 2 heads, and its 4 paws expanded in size as the claws lengthened. Musashi immediately pulled his 2 swords out as he shouted a warning, "Look alive, June! That wolf's been mutated by an Oni!" JuniperHer heartbeat was slowing down but she was still on edge some as they rode through the woods. The animals in the trees gave Juniper a bit of comfort since they wouldn't be as lively and comfortable if they felt threatened, right? Those amber eyes of hers lifted to his face considering using the sceptre to look for the way to go. "That should be pretty easy, right?" Of course, that was just before they happened upon that wolf. She drew up Daisy watching the thing shift to some scary monstrosity. "Uh..," her eyes widened a tad. "That those reinforcements that you mentioned?" Fear prickled along her skin. She'd never really been in a dangerous situation. Well, except for that man that Musashi rescued her from. She thought fast and fought down the panic that tried to grip her. It sure looked like they needed to fight it rather than run. Reaching for the pendent around her neck, she had it shift to the bow and un slung it. Biting her bottom lip, she guided Daisy with her knees and drew back the bow letting an arrow of light fly for the beast's mouth right when it snapped its jaws open. Hearing Juniper reference the reinforcements, Musashi speculated, "It could be! They might have mutated wild animals to cover the game path!"The mutant wolf attempted to swat June's arrow away with his huge paw. Due to the magical nature of the arrow, the wolf's block slowed its path but the bolt still struck it the back, triggering a grunt from the beast. Using that as an opening, Musashi closed in and slashed out with Fusion, which the wolf oni met with a parry from its new "tail". He then slashed with Lumina, which the enemy met with hard gritted teeth to block. Its tail then split open in a shape like a flower of 3 petals, with a lit flame in the center. It then hurled that flame at the fencer, who blocked it high with his 2 swords, only to then shout a painful "Ahh!" as the beast bit him in the ankle. He attempted to swat it away with Fusion, only to see the spiky spine tail catch the katana. JuniperJune was frightened. There was no if's, and's or but's about it. Yet, she'd agreed to come on this mission not that there'd been much other choice. Musashi needed the sceptre and the sceptre needed her. So here she was. It was all she could do to keep herself in check but slowly, the fear started to turn to something else. A sharpness that she used to focus when she saw her friend having trouble with the beast. She drew the bow again taking aim and letting another arrow fly right for the wolf's side right behind the foreleg, where the heart should be. She loosed two more in the same spot for good measure just in case the first got knocked aside again. "Let go of him!" Glowing golden arrows flew. Seeing June's plan, Musashi let go of his swords and grabbed the beast's biting head, holding it in place. The oni wolf swatted one arrow with it's spine whip, and another with its huge forepaw, but left the 3rd unchecked. The final arrow sliced through the wolf's heart, driving it back and loosening its grip on the fencer's ankle and sword. Seeing it stunned Musashi grabbed both his sword, double jumped as high he could, and came crashing down upon the mutate's 2 heads. The mighty wolf flopped down, looking dead. Moments later, red violet smoke formed around its body, and a few glowing red and yellow orbs popped out. Musashi extended his right hand, willing the orbs into his wristband. Finally, the smoke cleared, and the wolf was there, looking normal again with all signs of oni mutation erased. It was alive and breathing too, but comatose."We saved him. He'll be konked out for a few hours but he'll live," Musashi explained, having defeated a few Oni mutates in the past. "Thanks for bailing me out of that tight spot, June that was good shooting!" he praised with gratitude. Finally, he returned to Campbell and advised, "We better watch for other forest critters that the Duke mutated." JuniperOh... one hit it's mark and Musashi was able to get free. Thank the stars. She was so very thankful as he was able to crush the beast's heads. Not that she wanted to see anything get hurt but it was them or him. So life or death situation, even she wouldn't just roll over and give up. Although, she had forgotten the fact that he'd mention that some oni could be saved when killed. She blinked lightly looking to him. "You think he'll be all right?" She questioned looking toward the downed wolf. She sure wouldn't have wanted to meet that monster by herself. At least, not without a lot more practice. A soft sigh left her as she slumped back in the saddle relaxing some. "I can't believe that I was able to help." A little smile touched her mouth. "Imagine that." He was right that they needed to be careful and she would be on her guard as he mounted up on Campbell. With a sigh, she put a hand to her chest trying to get the anxious flutter of her heart to calm down some as she nudged Daisy forward. "Come on, Musashi. Let's keep moving. I don't really want to advertise to any other nasty critters in the area where we are just yet." Checking over the wounded wolf, Musashi assured, "I think so. He'll wake up after a while, but at that point he'll be a lot more interested in rabbits and squirrels than anything to do with us."Back upon the horseback ride, the samurai smiled at Juniper, "Your help was great I think we're starting to becoming a team here!" He then added, "If we make it through this, and you wanted to grow as a monster hunter, I could introduce you to my aunt and she could provide you some of the same training she did for me."As they trotted along the forest path, the sun started to work its way down to the horizon. The daylight slowly diminished, and the sounds of singing warblers and blue jays started to give way to chirping crickets, flapping bat wings, and ominous owl hoots. JuniperIt was good that the wolf should be all right. That was one less thing that she had to worry about and she didn't feel as concerned about shooting at an actual living creature. She'd only done targets before. So, loosing an arrow at something alive was a whole different feeling. A soft smile touched her face at his compliment. She really hoped that she could be of help to him. It's why she came, after all. A small laugh left her. "I don't know about continuing on as a monster hunter. My father would probably never allow it. I had to sneak out to join you after all. Although, I do enjoy helping people. So, I'm not sure. It sure seems pretty hard to make it happen. Not impossible though." The forest seemed alive with the different animals as the sun began to set and the trail started to become harder to see. There sure didn't seem to be any town in sight yet. "I think we should perhaps find a place to stay tonight. Looks like we'll be roughing it. This should be interesting." Camping was certainly not something that June had ever done before or rather been allowed to do. The little path that they were on drew along a small creek and there was a clearing there. "Is this a good place?" She wondered. Musashi listened to the strong princess along the ride. "Well, I hope we're not one and done after this excursion, even if it's not for ninja training," he shared. "I bet you'd flip if I could show you some of my favorite otherworldly cities!" he speculated.Seeing the clearing, the samurai agreed, "Yea this is a good spot to rest." He dismounted and started to remove a tent and blankets from his little physics defying belt pouch. He even produced a small quantity of hay as he suggested, "Campbell and Daisy are gonna need their strength too. I should have a good bit of water stored in here as well." Finally, he started to gather a few modest sized rocks to arrange in a circle as he volunteered, "I'll grab some wood from a fallen tree branch," while heading back into the trees a short distance. JuniperThere was a soft smile on her face thinking fondly about spending time with Musashi and perhaps not having the threat of oni over their heads. "I would like to have you show me new places. Sounds like an adventure and I'm becoming a bit partial to them." She glanced down to his leg looking concerned. "How is your ankle doing? That wolf looked like he bit it pretty hard." The concern was pretty obvious in her voice. When they got to the clearing, she was fascinated with all that he pulled out of his bag. "That thing looks like it is bottomless. " she said with a grin. She saw to the horses and got some of the food out. That was when a bunch of fireflies caught her attention. They were flying over the water carrying reflections on light. "They're so pretty." "It does hurt some maybe we should wrap it up for safety?" Musashi commented on the condition of his ankle."It certainly is bigger on the inside!" he confirmed. "But it does have limits," he assured the pretty girl. "And I try to leave a little room in it in case I find something I want to bring home."Returning with some pieces of firewood he cut up from a fallen tree branch using Lumina, the samurai unloaded the kindling, then walked over to the gathering of fireflies. "They are," he agreed, looking at them and their reflections in the water. He then reached for Juniper's hand while continuing to watch the glowing bugs. JuniperThe rose haired girl was caught for a moment watching the small bugs flit and dance with one another over the water. "Who knew that such pretty things could be out here in the wild," she commented softly and was surprised to feel Musashi take her hand. Yet, she held his with a little blush and smile as she continued to watch the fireflies for a few more moments as she was reminded of the fact that even with such danger around them, there were still wonders as well. The world outside of the palace couldn't be all bad, could it? "I never even guessed." Looking down to their joined hands for a moment, she looked back toward him. "We should see to your ankle, Musashi. Come, sit down and I'll see what I can do about it." Leading him over to a fallen log, she had him sit down before she went to the saddles to get out the little first aid kit that she'd picked up. She came back and knelt down in front of him with a glance toward his face. "Let me see?" She asked softly and wasn't it interesting to see a princess of all people kneeling in the dirt like some commoner. "Yeah, nature and civilization each have their beauty, just for different reasons," Musashi agreed, still holding Juniper's hand with a slight blush. "The bugs in any forest are a mixed bag, but fireflies are harmless and pretty."The samurai let go of the princess's hand to sit beside her on the log bench before revealing the bite wound on his ankle. "Thanks for tending to it, June," he appreciated. "Yikes, I hope that beast wasn't carrying any diseases," he reacted. He then recalled, "Well, there do exist Oni who emit weird disease causing substances, but those types are pretty rare, and usually only happen when the greater oni's original partner had a morbid interest in Bio weapons." He finally mentioned, "I have a few powerful healing sprays in my pouch, but I think we need to save them for when it's really important." JuniperJuniper looked over the bite wound as it was revealed to her critically. There didn't appear to be too much damage since the bite was mostly superficial aside from the deep punctures of canine teeth. With a soft sigh, she stood shaking her head. "I hope that it wasn't carrying anything either but we'll be careful and clean it just in case." Listening to his mention of the Oni that purposely carried diseases, she shuddered at the idea as she got a little flask of whiskey from her saddlebag. She'd never drank the stuff but she knew many others that cared for it. The fact that it'd do well to sterilize. So that was good. She settled before him once more and put a towel over her lap before resting his foot on her thigh. Wetting a cloth, she dabbed away at the drying blood trying to be as careful as possible. "I'm going to try to flush anything out that I can. I'll try to be gentle." She said softly before squeezing water from the cloth onto the wound and trying to get it to bleed a bit more to hopefully push anything bad out. Then she applied some salve and wrapped it carefully. "There, right as rain." She said hopefully with a little smile as she looked up to him. "June, thanks!" Musashi appreciated, smiling back at her after she finished treating the wound. He stood up and walked around, soon revealing that he was satisfied with the treatment.Feeling safer about the wound, Musashi explained, "Well, unless your uncle has been experimenting with them, we probably don't need to worry about new diseases. Still, we'll have to watch for how this oni has empowered him. Was there anything he was particularly skilled at? That might give us an idea o f what to expect."The samurai started looking a little tired, blinking more frequently. He looked to Juniper and suggested, "Mmm..sleep time?" JuniperJune sighed softly as she put away the first aid materials. "I don't remember much of my uncle, honestly. He kept to himself a lot. I think out of bitterness." Her slender shoulders rolled into a shrug lightly as she got out those little meat pies that she'd bought just before the oni had showed up. She offered one to him quietly. "Here. You should eat something." A soft smile touched her face as she noticed him looking tired. "Do you think we can sleep at the same time or does one of us need to keep watch? You can sleep first if you think we should keep an eye out." Lamenting their lack of knowledge, Musashi conceded, "Guess we're going in blind, then. Hope that doesn't scare you too much." Seeing the little meat pie, Musashi got excited again, "Oh you know me, June, I never turn down food!" as he delved into the dinner offering. Finally, he thought about her suggestion and nodded, "Maybe we should We stopped one mutate but there could be others."Offering Juniper a hug before retreating into a tent he requested, "Give me a little tap as soon you need to rest or if there's any trouble?" Juniper"Nah, I'm not scared. I'm with you." Really, she wasn't scared, which was a bit surprising for her. Juniper smiled softly happy to see that he was enjoying the food that she'd picked up. With a nod, she sat down munching on her meat pie and watching the fire with a soft sigh. "I'll wake you when I need to. Get some sleep." Although, she was blushing from his hug. It was strange to her to be out in the woods like this but she wasn't alone, which was good. There wasn't much going on really, which she was thankful for. Although, it did start to rain, which meant that she had to duck under the tent to peer out. Sure didn't seem like anyone would want to be out in this, monster or not. She fiddled with the sceptre for a bit wondering what else it could do. She did manage to get it to shift into a sword, which made her smile in approval since getting it to change boosted her confidence with it. Soon though, she was yawning. So, she changed it back to a necklace and put it about her neck before waking Musashi with a gentle touch to his shoulder. "Mind taking a turn? I'm sleepy." Musashi smiled with confidence, happy to see that he helped the pretty princess feel safer. Though he knew this meant he would have to live up that challenge soon.Images of many events, past and potential, filled the sleepy samurai's mind. He recalled the time he and his father had to lure a metal monstrosity into a volcano to defeat it. He imagined what a concert starring a close friend and mentor of his might be like, and even remembered a dance off he had to compete in. The images soon dissipated, giving way to reality as he felt Juniper's touch and heard her whispers."Mmm..June?" he mumbled. Realizing what was happening he stirred, slowly sitting up before agreeing, "Oh..yea, I got ya. I'll keep a lookout for a little while." He crawled out of the tent and sought a spot under a nearby tree where the leafy limbs would hopefully keep some of the rain off. He spent some time thinking about a coupe of songs he had practiced before, trying to remember the notes and the correct finger movements as the hours passed and the sun started to peek out beyond the layers of trees. JuniperThe princess had smiled softly to the samurai before crawling into the warm spot in the blankets that he'd left. Of course, it smelled like his scent, which made her think of him as she drifted off to sleep. Her dreams were of him mostly that of when she'd first seen him with the sceptre, their meeting in the dungeon and how he'd saved her from that man when she'd met him outside of town. It felt like morning came too soon though but at least, they both got to sleep that night.When she got up and found that the rain had stopped, she fixed her clothes and sighed at the fact that the fire was out, wet and probably not coming back. She did have dry food though, which didn't need cooked. That she got out of her bag and offered to him: an apple and two more meat pies. "Seems the rain scared away any bad guys. Maybe they're allergic to it." She said with a little smile trying to be a little funny as she went about trying to pack up for the morning. As the rain subsided and the sun started to peek out, Musashi briefly read a few pages of a heavy, colorful graphic novel bearing the title, "Onimusha". Seeing Juniper emerge from the tent, he gently greeted her, "Good Morning, June," and offered a hug.Accepting the many breakfast items, Musashi started to munch away at them before listening to June mention the rain scaring foes away as he laughed, "I hope so!"With the tent no longer needed for the day, the samurai started to gather its components and return them to his little belt pouch. He then redirected his attention to Campbell, offering him some more hay before mounting and asking the pretty girl, "Ready for the big day, June?" Juniper"If it does scare them off, we need a rain spell. Do you think that's real somewhere in the world?" She asked curiously with a tilt of her head. That just put her hair, which was loose sliding over one shoulder. The morning light was playing on her hair as it found its way through the trees. Of course, she didn't know anything about that. She just helped pack up their gear as neatly as she could before sitting a moment to enjoy her breakfast. She glanced out over the water of the creek for a moment before smiling a bit to herself.Of course, it wasn't long until Daisy was saddled and she swung up onto the mare's back. She offered a smile toward the samurai. "Yeah, I'm ready. Are you?" She asked curiously before asking her horse to start off down the trail. Her gaze wandered over the trees as she took a deep breath. "It's kinda nice being out here. Relaxing. Well, aside from the oni, that is." A little laugh left her. "I could do without them. I'm sure that we'll see more of them. Don't you think so?" "Well, I don't think it will truly scare them all away, but that's not to say a rain spell wouldn't be useful," Musashi chimed in. "And I bet there is one!"The samurai looked at Juniper's pink hair as it moved and glistened in the sun, finding it, and her, very beautiful.Trotting down the trail, Musashi listened to June and agreed, "It is nice both nature and cities have their beauty, I could never have just one or the other I need both." He then nodded and confirmed, "Yea, we will definitely see more oni before the day is done."The forest path soon gave way to a clearing where a mighty stone castle could be seen in the distance. Several cavalry came riding along the central path, ignorant to Musashi and Juniper's presence. The brave samurai turned to the heroic princess and told both her and himself, "This is it. Don't get scared."
Raccoon Escape (Yummyfuta x Ver)
Jill Valentine's attempt to escape from Raccoon City would have come too late. By the time she'd made her preparations the city had already been sealed off and overrun. The RCPD's last stand had failed and the dead now ran rampant across the city, though the zombies were the least of the problems she was facing. Creatures that hadn't been at the mansion were now roaming the city as well, preying on the survivors wherever they might be hiding. Although Jill had managed to evade most of the creatures so far, and any zombies that had gotten in her way had been taken out easily thanks to her STARS training and experience with the Spencer mansion, every escape route she tried seemed to be more dangerous than the last, more overrun with creatures she had never seen before and had no way to overcome. More and more she was being driven back deeper into the city, through side streets and back alleys to avoid the dangers lurking in the streets, but finally her luck seemed like it might have been running out. A small horde of zombies had managed to spot Jill, driving her to run blindly into an alleyway, only to find it was a seeming dead end with no escape. With the horde approaching, their pained moans echoing in the alley, only drawing the attention of more zombies, it almost seemed like Jill would need to resign herself to the inevitable, perhaps even turn her gun on herself to avoid a fate worse than death. But at the last moment was when she saw it. The discreet tell tale signs in the wall, not unlike the hidden doors of the Spencer Mansion. This alley wasn't a dead end after all! This might have been it, her escape!And indeed it was. The fake wall had moved aside easily, and the metal door behind had been left slightly open, allowing Jill easy entrance. Sure she didn't know what was inside but it couldn't be worse than the certain death outside. The door had shut and sealed behind her easily, more than strong enough to hold back the zombies until they lost interest.As she explored Jill would soon discover that she was in a hidden Umbrella laboratory, their emblem all over the equipment. It seemed all of the personnel had long since evacuated though, probably getting out of the city at the first sign of trouble, and whatever they were working on at least seemed unrelated to the T Virus, so there weren't monstrous creatures to escape. As she searched for an exit though Jill could come across it, the central research lab and what seemed to be another survivor.The woman was suspended in a tank full of liquid, eyes closed as if she were in some kind of suspended animation. At the base of the tube was a control panel, filled with readouts that seemingly indicated she was still alive. On one of the panels was a control marked "Emergency release", contained behind a clear covering box, and for perhaps the first time in Jill's recent life the box wasn't locked with some overly elaborate mechanism, just a simple flick switch to open it. Jill let out a soft, mildly relieved breath as she entered the strange lab, only to find that there didn't seem to be any creatures around. Of course, knowing her luck, she knew she couldn't relaxtoo much she wasn't afforded that luxury. Especially not in Raccoon City, where anything could happen. Clutching her gun tightly, taking a mental note of how much ammunition she still had on her, the brunette peered curiously at the inanimate woman, a swarm of curious thoughts in her head as she wondered who this woman was or what she was doing here. A test subject for Umbrella? There wasn't anyone else here, and it wouldn't be beyond Jill's imagination to say that the scientists who worked here likely jumped town and left her to die. In which case... Jill had to set her free!Looking over the lab to see what she could interact with, Jill went ahead and wasted no time in flipping the Emergency Release switch. Indeed, she was glad that she didn't have to jump through so many hoops to get it to work. Nothing like having to restore the power, some complex mechanism, getting a key or ID card, or anything. Of course, she didn't even really think about just how convenient that was... As soon as Jill hit the emergency release an alarm sounded through the room, several lights flashing. For a moment it may have seemed that hidden doors were about to open, monsters about to swarm into the room as some kind of trap were sprung, but after a tense few moments....nothing. The alarm quietened, then there was a soft rumbling sound from the tank before the fluid began to drain away slowly. The girl descended to the bottom of the tube, still being held up by the small piece of equipment attached to her wrists, breasts, crotch and ankles. Once the fluid had drained away completely a new computer screen lit up, lines of text flashing by quickly until it suddenly simply read "ERROR" in large red text.With a gasp the girl suddenly seemed to come too, taking a deep breath, before coughing up some of the liquid she had been suspended in. With a hissing noise the devices attached to her suddenly disconnected, leaving the girl entirely naked and causing her to drop to her knees. With one final hiss the tube finally opened up, the glass the girl had been leaning against suddenly gone and leaving her to tumble out, rolling off the console and being sprawled on the ground, coughing a few more times before managing to get one more gasp of air, her breathing starting to return to normal."H huh....?" Her eyes opened slowly, glancing around until she spotted Jill "Who...?" She sat up carefully, then squealed as she realised she was naked, quickly trying to cover up with her arms. "Wh what's going on?! Why am I naked?! Where am I?! Wh what happened to the hospital?! The doctor gave me an injection and then...then I was here!" Jill furrowed her brow in concern as the error message popped up on the screen, her head jerking around in mild alarm, still wary of any monsters conveniently waiting for her or something else to go wrong. As the device subsequently deactivated and opened up harmlessly, Jill let out a soft gasp and moved to help the mysterious girl remain as she is, trying to make sure she didn't get hurt. After all, who knew how long she might have been stuck in that machine? For all she knew, she could be missing her basic motor functions, so this girl needed to be treated with care."It's okay, you're safe now," Jill said in a calm manner, hoping to assuage the girl's concerns. Certainly, this must have been a frightening situation for her, but now wasn't the time to explain everything to her... though, perhaps she was owed at leastsome sort of explanation. Helping the girl to her feet, Jill looked carefully at her, trying to not ogle her body. "Dunno how to break it to you... but whatever doctor gave you an injection probably wasn't a real doctor. You were kidnapped by the Umbrella Corporation, probably to be tested on. It's just lucky I found you when I did. You're in Raccoon City, and I'm guessing you're a long way from home," she said plainly, doing her best to help the mysterious girl walk out."We have to get out of here though. Long story short, whole place has gone to shit. What's your name, dear? I'm a member of S.T.A.R.S., my name's Jill." Safe now? There had been a point when she wasn't safe? The girl closed her eyes again as she tried to gather her thoughts, and take in what this stranger was telling her. "Kidnapped...? By the Umbrella Corporation? But....but they're a medical company aren't they? They were the ones doing the tests at the hospital....they were helping me...." She slowly opened her eyes "Raccoon City...? I've never been there before...." She shivered slightly, clinging to her naked body, the lab was rather cold, not to mention her body was still soaking wet from the liquid she'd been suspended in whilst in the tank, just making her even colder. As the girl glanced around she spotted a lab coat hanging from the wall, nodding softly towards it "Um...could you...get me that coat please...? Until I find some clothes?"The girl looked up to Jill slowly, wondering just what she meant by the whole place had gone to shit. Come to think of it, where were all the doctors? Jill certainly didn't look like she worked in this place. " name's Katherine. I...nice to meet you I suppose, even if the circumstances are a bit....strange" "Sorry, honey, but the Umbrella Corporation isnot what you think it is. Still, we don't have time for that right now. I'll explain everything later, I promise," Jill said, looking around the place to give the girl something to wear, before being pointed toward the lab coat. With a courteous nod, she took the lab coat and handed it to the girl, letting out a soft breath."Yeah, wish it could have been a better time, but it's not something we can do anything for. Now c'mon," Jill said, gesturing to the exit, before beginning to wrap her arm around Katherine's shoulder, "Here, I'll help you walk. You feeling okay?" Katherine took the lab coat and tugged it on, fastening it up as best she could, though it was clearly a coat made for a male and not made for someone with a full bust. Katherine could only fasten a few of the buttons, meaning her cleavage and the bottom of her breasts was still rather on display, though that was the only way to leave enough leeway for the lower buttons to be fastened to cover up Katherine's crotch."Thank you Jill" She smiled slightly, standing up slowly with Jill's help, still feeling a little unsteady on her feet. "I feel....a little weird, kinda warm, but I guess I'm still a little woozy after what happened" She took a few deep breaths to try and steady herself. Katherine wished she had a little more time to get to grips with all this, but the way Jill was talking she got the feeling they couldn't really hang around here for too long. "Ok, ok I'm ready as I'll ever be to get going"Katherine had no idea of the layout of the lab unfortunately, and as the pair left the main lab they would soon find that there was something of a maze of corridors stretching beneath the streets of Raccoon City, though fortunately the corridors were empty. Many of the doors they came across would be locked up, though as they continued to explore the pair would finally find a door that would open, leading them into a large room with screens covering the walls on all sides, another door on the wall at the far end."Well, this place is getting just a little creepy now..." Katherine looked around slightly nervously as they made their way through the room, though as they got to the middle the door they came in through would close behind them. Before they could start thinking about the trap they seemed to have fallen into though the screens would all suddenly come to life. Rather than being filled with the face of some Umbrella mastermind as Jill might have been prepared for though, the screens were displaying something very different, every screen was playing what could only be described as hardcore pornography, the sounds of moaning and screams of pleasure filling the room."Nnngh..." Katherine panted slightly as she glanced around, her body starting to grow hot, arousal suddenly flooding through her body, much stronger and faster than she'd ever felt before. "Ooooh...J Jill....I...I feel so hot...." She panted again, hardened nipples rapidly becoming visible through the lab coat. Not only that but Katherine's crotch had suddenly become so wet that her juices were already running down her legs and starting to pool on the floor. More than that she was beginning to feel an intense tightness in her crotch. "F fuuuuck!" Katherine dropped to her knees, tugging the lab coat open so forcefully that some of the buttons popped off, one of her hands diving down to her hairless pussy, fingers plunging inside of her. "I...I can't stop it! Oh god....oh god I can't help it! S sorry Jill but....oh turned on...." Katherine was more aroused than any human was ever meant to be, it seemed the Umbrella scientists had done something to her after all.... "The whole place is like this. You get used to it... or, I guess youshouldn't," Jill said as she initially walked with Katherine through the corridors, lamenting how her life had become ever since joining S.T.A.R.S. and all that. When the trap was sprung and the bizarre images of hardcore pornography were plastered all over the screens in the room, Jill froze for a good second, unable to comprehend why stuff like this would suddenly be playing in the room, but whatever the case, it certainly seemed to have a potent effect on Katherine.Trying to ignore the loud moans in the air, Jill rushed to Katherine's side and cupped her face, trying to get her attention and look the girl in the eyes. "Katherine, look at me! You have to focus! I don't know what's going on with you but you've got to fight it!" She said, growing worried as her body seemed to involuntarily grow aroused at the pornography. Jill moved her firm hands to Katherine's shoulders and shook her slightly. Jill couldn't let Katherine succumb to whatever sick game Umbrella was trying to pull here! When Jill grabbed her Katherine looked up at the other woman....she was suddenly God how had she not noticed before how amazingly gorgeous Jill was? Katherine couldn't help licking her lips, eyes clouded with a haze of lust. Her mind was still in there somewhere, but her brain was flooded with enhanced hormones, more powerful than any human was ever meant to experience. "Nnngh....Jill..." Katherine leaned forward, taking advantage of Jill's proximity to grab the other woman by the back of the head and kiss her, Katherine thrusting her tongue into Jill's mouth, the other hand moving around to Jill's firm backside, squeezing it through her skirt."Oh god, I need you Jill....I...nnngh!!" Katherine suddenly released her grip on the other woman, hunching over and clutching at her crotch as she felt a sudden tightness. "OOOOH!" She howled in pleasure as she clutched herself, almost like she was trying to physically hold something back, keep something inside of her. It was no good though, whatever had been put into Katherine's body was working better than any Umbrella scientist had ever dreamed of. With a cry Katherine suddenly sat bolt upright, hands clenched into fists at her side as her pussy squirted with juices everywhere, soaking Jill's lower half. At the same time, something erupted from her crotch, the unmistakable sight of a gigantic cock bursting from Katherine's body, the tip dripping with pre cum, the shaft lubed with juices from her pussy, all of it aching for attention."Jill..." Katherine's voice seemed to have returned to normal, for the moment at least. "H help me....please..." "Mmph?!" Jill gasped with wide eyes as a kiss was suddenly stolen from her, and from another woman with that! She tried to resist, but Katherine's grasp was bizarrely too powerful. By the time she did manage to pull away, it was only because Katherine had willingly let go of her, only to convulse further. Jill was helpless, not knowing what to do. Even with the gun in her hand, she didn't want to do it. There had to be another way!She gasped as Katherine squirted pussy juice all over her, prompting the woman to jolt back, startled. Jill's eyes widened in horror as Katherine began transforming right there, starting with a new, gigantic cock from between her legs. Her first thought was wondering what kind of serum this had to be was Katherine turning into a some sort of new strand of Tyrant? But then such thoughts were overwritten by her second train of thought... as Jill took notice of just how big that cock was. And considering how horny Katherine felt in that moment, it didn't take a genius to figure out what she wanted to do.Even with the musky scent of the cock permeating the air and threatening to overwhelm Jill's senses, she kept her gun aimed at Katherine, but hesitated to open fire, still not wishing to harm this innocent woman. "I... I... can't just...!"
I've Put My Trust In You (Orion/Randomname98766789)
Payton Weatherby had simply planned to return to Los Angeles for the summer. After finishing her second year of college she had just returned to the city of angels a couple weeks back. She had found a job working at a little diner that was going to get her through the summer and hopefully in to the next college year. She did well enough that she found herself with scholarships, but anything extra always helped. As she had found out during her first year in university, being the "starving college student" was not fun. Two months shy of twenty it finally seemed like her life was on track.That changed, though. Payton hadn't been blind to the sickness that was spreading, but she had not been prepared for what that turned in to. She was at her friend Sara's in a cozy LA suburb when she saw the news about riots down town, and word had spread that cops were shooting unarmed people for days now. The next morning she had tried to go back home only to find military occupancy had begun. Fences were put up and the area was declared a quarantine zone. She was yet to even see what they were being quarantined from.She had been there two days when an old face brought her back to high school, and back to that fateful night early in her first year of college. Payton didn't look anything like she did before these days eighteen had spared her another half inch growth spurt which put her at a whole five feet five inches tall, and in her early days of college she had chopped her once long blonde hair short . Now it was grown out again with the one side shaved down and the length down to her breasts. She had stopped feeling self conscious about her glasses and switched back to wearing them after wearing contacts since she was thirteen.He looked just the same, though. A little less fluffy than he had in high school, a little more tired but very much Nick Clark. She hadn't been blind to the fact that she was in his neighborhood, but she had been hoping that he wouldn't be there. Instead he stood with just a few people between them, and it seemed like he hadn't even noticed that she was there yet. Maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't even recognize her. For now she put her focus on waiting in the queue to get some supplies from the soldiers who maintained the safezone, and she hoped that she would go unnoticed. Prior to the outbreak, Nick Clark struggled with an addiction to drugs, and was in and out of rehab many times. He had a difficult relationship with his father, who he believed had changed and become distant and was no longer fulfilling his duties as a father. During this time, Nick was often living somewhere in Los Angeles abandoned churches and junkie dens, though often not at home with his own family. About the only thing going right for him involved high school, strangely enough. No, he did not do well in classes, but he was close friends with a special girl named Payton. They were practically inseparable, beginning a relationship in their senior year that extended into college. At this time, Nick started to spiral downwards quickly, disappearing often. Payton broke it off, but Nick promised her that he was changed, sober. When college started, their relationship did, too . Their relationship was hanging on by a thread for most of the time since Nick was hiding his drugs from the female. One fateful night, Nick changed everything with his actions. He never forgot about that night even if he could not remember it.Nick took one pill, then another, shot up, then took another pill, and the cycle continued. It just felt like he needed more. There was never enough to satiate him. Well, Nick ended up doing too much. He overdosed, needing medical assistance. Poor Payton was forced to perform first aid and CPR on him, calling 9 1 1. Obviously, Nick lived, but his life was never the same. Finally, Payton seemed done with him for good. Nick could not blame her.Back in another rehab facility, Nick started his first serious relationship since Payton. Since that time, he had been somewhat sexually active. Nick did not exactly have any girl he wanted, but many times at these junkie hangouts, everyone was looking for a fun time, so intimacy in a physical manner was swapped. Everything was going well until the tragedy of this outbreak struck. Nick thought seeing his girlfriend literally eating someone else s flesh was just a side effect, but it was real.Nick was alone again . The dark haired male was now in the quarantine zone with his family. There was a ration supply handout today at one of the military s trucks, so Nick was sent by Madison to pick up their food. Along the way, the male wearing a light brown t shirt and tan colored sweatpants found a familiar face. She looked different, but not too different. That was a face he never forgot. The moment felt tense, so Nick shoved his hands into his pockets, trying to keep his head trained down. It did not help that Payton was in the line, right ahead of him. Was it even possible to avoid conversation at this point? Should he at least say something to her? Nick was nervous as hell, he never felt like this. Once upon a time, Nick had been the best part of her life. They had met as barely more than children at fourteen when they had shared a few freshman level classes, and from there they had become nearly inseparable. For a long time Payton was a regular around the Clark household, and then in their senior year her presence only grew. The pair had finally acted on the feelings that they shared, and they had spent the better part of the school year together. She had known from the start that he was in to drugs, but she had thought it was no worse than weed and alcohol. Those were things she was even happy to indulge in with him. Even if that was the case and he had genuinely only been smoking and occasionally drinking at the start, over the next eight months he had spiraled and he had been so good at keeping that from her that she didn't know until it was too late.Shortly after graduation she left him for the first time, only to come across him again several months later in college. He had been clean and sober and he looked like the boy she remembered. Payton had been all too willing to trust him again, and those tentative first interactions had reminded her of the boy she had fallen in love with. Quickly they had fallen back in to their norm, but she hadn't discovered that he was using behind her back until about a month later when he overdosed. Things quickly ended after that. The lying, the hurt, and the fear that one day he was going to kill himself and she would have to be the one to find him had all gotten to her. While many people used college as a chance to experiment Payton never did, and to this day Nick was still the only person who had ever been inside of her.Time didn't move fast enough. It seemed that as soon as she had noticed him, it slowed nearly to a still. Payton couldn't miss how close he was to her, and when she subtly glanced in his direction she caught sight of him looking at her. It didn't seem like he had noticed that she caught him looking, but half a second later he was eying the ground with an intense interest. She wanted to be mad and she wanted to run away, but what would either of those things do. Instead, she pursed her lips and put her hands in to the pockets of her jeans as she moved back a few steps. "Long time no see, huh?" She asked. Payton was obviously tense but at least she was trying to at least be amicable, right? By now she didn't havetoomany hard feelings left over, but there still were some. Things were just so much easier when drugs coursed through his veins. Getting high meant all the worries faded away, Nick became numb to everyone, everything. That was exactly how he wished he felt right now. If he was high, then this interaction would not have been bothersome. Sadly, Nick was sober in all forms, meaning he was forced to feel. His heart started beating quicker when the familiar voice called out to him. Absently, Nick dragged his shoe against the road and tried to think of what he should say. Apologize? Ask how she has been doing? There was no easy answer. Yeah, it has Nick responded in a voice, barely above whispering levels. In moments of clarity, he realized that Payton was probably the best thing that ever happened to him. Nick liked to believe that nothing beat getting high or drunk, but, in reality, was anything ever better than Payton? He liked to think that was a lie. It made the pain much duller. Nick knew it sounded dumb how could he possibly feel hurt when their breakup was his fault? Even if it did not make sense, controlling feelings was a skill he had not yet mastered.Sometimes, Nick tried the blame game. He was ill with an addiction, but she left him. How dare she? That only lasted a short period of time. Even when he was high, Nick understood that made zero fucking sense. They were coping mechanisms. Now, after a few months, it was much easier. Nick did not think about her all the time. She just seemed to fade away with other memories, replacing more recent memories with new friends and new drugs. It was all ruined by this damn apocalypse. How unlucky did they have to be, to coincidentally end up in the same quarantine zone.Thankfully, the zone expanded for six blocks. It was not like they were right beside each other. Interactions like this were unavoidable, though. So how have you been? It seemed like a general question that could not have been a bad thing to say. After all, what did you say to someone that you were just trying to be friendly, amicable with? Ask how they were doing simple enough, but Nick was so damn nervous that it felt like the entire fate of the world rested upon his words, somehow. Finally, Nick forced himself to look at her, to face the music. He could not just bury himself each time he saw her, if this was going to become a regular thing. There was no telling how long this quarantine lasted. How had she been? Broken hearted at first, and then even more so as two weeks passed after his overdose and she had stared a pregnancy test dead in the eye and found out he had made a mother of her. Even more broken hearted when she made the call to end the life they had made together knowing full well she had pictured having his babies one day only half a year before she sat in that doctor's office. For a long time she had felt nothing but grief and betrayal at his hands, even long after she had cut him out.Time may not have healed all wounds but at least the scar started to fade, right? Payton had thought so at least. Nick never really left her mind. She had always wondered what he was doing or if he was still alive, if maybe finding out he was going to be a daddy might have set him straight... and then laughing at herself for even considering the idea. He had probably known full well he could have knocked her up but was just too high to care about consequence something she hadn't known the few time she had let him slip inside of her during their brief reunion.It was hard not to be a little bitter. Once upon a time Payton had seen herself one day married to this boy and yet time after time he had never chosen her. She was trying to be pleasant though. Mature. "I've been alright," she decided to say as her heart pattered fast in her chest. He looked at her finally and she felt... Torn. Time may have past and wrongs may have done, but one look and the boy she had loved was still in there somewhere. "School, work... This. What about you?" She ran her tongue along her teeth in hesitation before speaking again. "Are you clean now, or still going around " that sentence nearly got accusatory and bitter very fast, so she cut herself off. Why was it so difficult for Nick to look at Payton right now? Their time spent in a relationship felt like a past life. Nick could gaze into her eyes for hours without ever stopping. Now? Just seeing an inch of her face made him queasy. Nick already knew what she was thinking. He barely remembered anything she told him when she cut it off since he was so high, but it would not take a rocket scientist to understand how she felt. For the first week after it was over, Nick tried to get clean, to show Payton that he was not going to treat his life as a joke anymore. That lasted for a short time, before falling right back into his old habits.It seemed like the conversation was remaining casual. She gave a brief answer about how she was doing, nothing too in depth. Then, she cordially asked about him. Nick prepared to respond, but did not get the chance. She brought up sobriety, asking if he was clean or still using. Damn. That was pretty straightforward on her part, but Nick could not blame her. How did he answer. Yeah believe it or not, I m clean. Was it a lie? Nope. Was it the truth? Sort of. Nick was not clean by choice. All of the hotspots were sealed off in the quarantine zone. His usual dealer was dead. Nick really had no access to drugs, which made this past week feel like total hell as he went through withdrawal.Even so, it was not really a lie, but Nick felt guilty about telling her this, even when he knew that, if he had access to drugs, he would be high right now. Thankfully, he was telling the truth about the sobriety, in a way, so his actions, his eyes, and his words did not sound slurred nor seem like he was on drugs just ignore the part about waking up in his usual junkie den to find his girlfriend turned into one of those things. So, yeah I m doing better now. Should she believe him? His eyes didn't look glazed over and he didn't have the slow, slurred speech of someone who was hopped up but that didn't mean much. He could have just gotten so used to being high that it didn't affecr him any more, and it wasn't like she had been good at noticing in the first place. If she had been then she could have saved herself from a whole lot of pain.More than anything Payton just feltawkward.A strange mixture of hard feelings and lingering adoration flooded her system and she didn't know how to handle that. She wanted to trust him though even after everything her instinct was to trust him. She had a feeling that was because he had told her what she wanted to hear that he was clean and well."That's good." Tense, short sentences were all that she could muster. As luck had it her name was then called, and she had an out. With a small wave and a smaller smile, Payton was able to grab some supplies and then walk the block back to her friend's place. She was left wondering how living in this area was going to be with him around... especially considering that a mere few glances had made her miss the days when she was naive enough to have true faith in Nick. Awkward was an accurate way of describing how Nick felt right now. It was the best way to describe how he felt. It would have been a lie if he said that he never thought about what he would say to Payton if he saw her again. Even so, actually being face to face with her was much, much different from thinking about it. Thankfully, he was saved by the call for the next person in line, drawing Payton s attention to the soldiers handing out boxes of rations.A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he shakily returned the gestures of the smile and wave. Soon enough, it was his turn to collect a box for his family, so he did, making no move to talk to Payton again. They both went separate directions to go home, so that was the end of the story. Nick figured that was the last he would see of her again, unless it was just unavoidable. So, the next few days passed, Nick still not doing the greatest because of his withdrawal.By this time, he was certain he searched almost every empty house on the street, but everyone cleared out any medication they had. There was nothing for him. So, Nick was lounging on the couch one day, Madison sitting across from him, just listening to the radio, hoping to find out about any changes that were happening in the world around them, but getting mostly static. This was right before Nick was about to get an unexpected visitor. Over the next couple days Payton found herself conflicted. At first it was easy enough to say that she absolutely hated Nick and everything that he had put her though. Sara, the friend whose house she was staying at, seemed to agree that keeping a healthy distance was the right call. This girl hadn't entered her life until after Nick had been forced out of it, so it was an objective, outside point of view. It wasn't that simple, though. Whether she had been hurt or not, Payton had still given Nick absolutely everything there was to have before him she had never even been kissed, and by the time they were done she had carried a child within her. Throughout all of it, until that very last day, she had genuinely seen herself trying to find a way to make things work with him so that they could spend the rest of their lives together. Perhaps that had been teenage foolishness and naivete.By day three she had somehow talked herself in to taking a trip over to the Clark's house, which is how she found her way through the streets. Her long blonde hair was tied back in to a pony tail and her outfit was casual black leggings paired with a loose, flowing beige top and some plain black running shoes. She was tired of being mad at Nick. She didn't quite trust him, she wasn't that dumb, but... maybe it was possible that they could at least talk. She would be lying if she tried to say that she had ever stopped missing him, and that feeling had grown amplified.After clearing the two blocks between their residences, she stood outside for a moment. Hopefully no one had seen her pass the window because she needed a few seconds to work up the courage to knock. When she was as ready as she would ever be, Payton did just that. Sobriety never lasted for Nick. Even after meeting Payton within the quarantine zone, the young man slipped back into his old habits. Two days ago, Nick caught wind about one of his elderly neighbors being hooked up to a morphine drip. The elderly man lived alone, a quarantine zone doctor checking in once each day. Nick was desperate even if it meant taking away from someone like that, he didn t care. Nick needed a fix. He felt super guilty, not just because he was stealing this man s medicine, but because of what he had told his ex girlfriend.Of course, he should not have cared. They were not going to interact again, unless it was standing in line for rations, right? She clearly wanted nothing to do with him. On the other hand, Nick could have taken this proximity as an opportunity to try for a second chance, if she allowed. However, Nick fucked that up by getting high again. At least it took away from his own pain the withdrawal symptoms stopped and the morphine felt absolutely wonderful. Just lying on the ground underneath the bed Nick felt at peace again. It helped him forget about the shit around him, which was the entire point.Back in the present time, Nick thought about that man, thought about going back over there today for another fix. However, he did not make the move yet, instead, opting to lounge lazily around the living room. That stopped when there was a knock at the door. Nick approached it and opened it, not even looking to see who it was at first. When he did, all the blood drained from his face. Oh hey there Nick whispered softly, seeing Payton standing right at his door. This was totally unexpected. As soon as she saw his face, Payton wondered if this had been a bad idea. She wasn't sure what to do or say or think but now Nick was right there, and she was sure that she couldn't pass this off as an accident."Hey." It seemed that neither of them knew what to say. Nick had just as much of an idea why she showed up as Payton herself did right then none at all. Her hands slipped in to her pocket as she wondered what to say. I miss you so much it hurts? I'm here because for some reason I want to try to be your friend? Hey isn't this nostalgic me at your house. None of that seemed right. "Can... I come in?" She settled with something simple and at least a little bit of her wanted him to turn her away. Yeah, of course. Nick responded quickly After all, who would seem so eager about allowing his ex into his house? Nick did. Shamelessly, there was nothing he could do about it. Turning her away was not something he even considered. At the moment, everyone was out doing their own business. Nick didn t think he was home alone, but at least it wasn t crowded, considering the new family Travis had brought here. Care to take a seat on the couch? Can I get you anything to drink or eat? Nick asked, his hands fiddling together nervously. There were thousands of things he felt nervous about, but none more than recalling the lie he told her. Well, it was not technically a lie when he said it, but things had changed since then. Either way, Nick just stood by the door, trying to figure out if he was going to take a seat now, or fetch something from the kitchen. The couch, of course. It was less intimate than Nick's bedroom, somewhere she had been many times before, but also more public. Payton couldn't shake the feeling that she had eyes on her as she walked in to the house, and knowing that she would be somewhere that she could be seen and overheard didn't help that feeling. That was alsowithoutknowing that there were extra people here. She had met Travis and Chris before but only in passing, and the others were utter strangers."I wouldn't mind some water," she said to be cordial. She wasn't particularly thirsty, but a glass of water would still be something to keep her hands busy. She settled on to the couch and looked around. Though the place had aged in the couple years since she had last been here it was still very much the same. "I just... I missed you, I guess. I wanted to stop in." While fetching a glass of water, Nick felt his hands become shaky. Why was he like this? Nick should have felt indifferent. She broke up with him, he needed to move on. It was much easier said than done, that was for certain. Upon returning to the living room, his eyes locked with Payton s for a brief second. He placed the water down onto the coffee table, directly in front of where she sat. Nick too his own seat on the next cushion down, his hands gripping the seat, trying to think of something to say. When Payton said that she missed him, Nick could feel his heart flutter. I missed you, too Payton I missed you a lot. Nick didn t mean to sound desperate, but he realized that was exactly how he conveyed himself. Moving on from her was not easy, he could barely do it but once he finally managed to slightly move on with his life, here she was again. I hope everything s gone well for you since we last saw each other. I know this thing around us now isn t good, but I hope, other than that, you ve been okay. It seemed like neither had ever really moved on. There may have been some closure and a for sure end to their time together, but it wasn't like Payton had walked away because they had stopped loving each other. That had never been the case. In fact, how deeply she loved him had been part of why she couldn't watch him hurt himself like that. Each time it had broke her a little bit, too."Yeah, I've been alright," she said and then sipped at the glass she was handed. Nick was on the couch right next to her and even just his presence made her heart face. "Still in school and everything, finished year two now... If things don't get better I have a feeling it will have been my last year, too. What about you? Have you been alright?" All she had asked before if he was sober now which didn't really say much at all. He could have been sober or a year and she wouldn't know the difference. It was good that she was still in school, doing well for herself. Nick always knew she would make something out of her life, probably leaving him in the dust in that category. That smile on his face that was beginning to grow faded when she asked about how he had been doing. Did he really want to admit to her that he reached the lowest lows of his life? Obviously, it was bad when she left him, but he spiraled more out of control once the one decent thing in his life was gone. It was ugly. I uh I ve been surviving. That was about as real as Nick could be with her. Things haven t been easy I ve been doing my best to stay out of trouble, to stay clean, but it s been tough these last few years. Nick admitted with a shrug of his shoulders. Even then, that was a stretch of the truth, because, if he was being genuine, he probably would have talked about spending more time in a junkie den or rehab facility at home, but he did not want to hamper his chances with at least getting her back as a friend, if nothing else. Payton couldn't expect Nick to be up front with her she wasn't either. If she was being honest she would have told him about the baby, the abortion that followed, and how he had ruined her ability to want love and sex from people. He was still her only, and it wasn't because she hadn't had options over the last year and a half. On the surface she was doing good, though. She had good things to tell him at least.He said that he had trouble staying sober. That alone didn't surprise her, but the fact that he admitted to it was more than he had offered to her last time. "You said that you're clean now, yeah? That's definitely something... And maybe this time could be the last time you have to clean up. How long's it been?" How did he attack the issue? If Nick lied, then he was screwed. If Payton stayed around him for a while, then she could probably figure it out. If he told the truth, well, how would that look? It was a tough position, but what did he fuck up with the first time? She did mention how she hated him not being honest, so that was something to point out. Ah, fuck it. Why was he worried? What would it change? It was not like she was in his life anyways.Maybe, she d just leave, move on, and he d forget about her . Two days Nick admitted quietly, eyes trained on the ground, his hands gripping the couch as he made the admission. I was clean when I saw you but it didn t last long. Nick admitted with a frown, unable to even look at her right now. Two days well that felt like a kick in the face. The first thing that Payton thought was that seeing her had driven him to find a way to get high again. She had seen him three days ago after all, so it would have been the next day that he found a way to use. What were the chances that the two weren't related or was she simply so self absorbed that she couldn't picture another reason for why Nick was the way he was? At least he had been honest with her, though. Payton believed him now more than she would have if he had tried to say he'd been sober for a while, even if he actually had been. This was more truth than he had offered ninety percent of the time."Well shit," she managed to say. Nick didn't seem too proud of himself, and Payton had to fight the urge to squeeze his thigh or rub his shoulder something small to sayit's okay. She wasn't ignorant of the fact that addiction was a disease, and it came with relapses. She just hated watching him kill himself slowly. Payton still couldn't fight the feeling that she had driven him back to drugs, though."... Is that my fault? Did me being here...?" She didn't finish the sentence, but the ending was implied. No No Not at all. Nick responded, mostly genuine. It certainly did not help him, but it was not the sole reason Nick got high again. After all, even before seeing her three days ago, Nick had been desperately seeking anything to make him high again. However, after seeing Payton, that search became ten times as intense. It drove him to even seek out an elderly patient that was being given morphine. That was possibly one of the lowest lows he had stooped to before, but he was not about to tell her what he did to get high, especially not since she didn t ask for specifics. It s just everything, really. Whatever this is I don t know. I just wanted to forget about all the panicking going on. Nick admitted, opening up a bit. The truth is I haven t been doing well. Rehab centers until I get kicked out, just hanging out around people that use it hasn t been good. Why did he say all of this? Nick was not even sure. He just felt like he needed to be real with her, because even the half truth he spoke to her before was making him feel immense guilt, so he wanted to clear his mind of that. I know that isn t what you hoped to hear, but I make a habit out of disappointing people, so it is what it is Nick was right, this wasn't what she wanted to hear. Payton hated hearing what he was telling her, she hated everything that had to do with his addiction. In that moment she was reminded of how many times she had sat in front of him and asked him the same question. The difference now was that in the past he had always at least tried to lie to her, even during the times when she could see through his facade. For once, as bad as what Nick was saying was, he wasn't lying to her and Payton could tell by his demeanor. She had to give him credit for that much, right?"I mean... it's not," she admitted as she shrugged her shoulders and offered the boy behind her the slightest smile with a turn of her head. Half a second later her gaze was back on the water, though. "It feels like you're being honest with me, though. In the scheme of things.... I'd rather be disappointed to hear that you haven't been okay than disappointed about being lied to again. The fact that you're at least giving me that much " she shrugged again " means you have to have grown somewhere along the way, even if you haven't been able to kick that habit. That's something, yeah?" Even though she only offered Nick the smallest of smiles, it still comforted him. Hell, it was much better than the looks he received in the past after she found out that he was using. Maybe telling the truth did make some sort of difference. Hearing her rationalization did make Nick feel much better, but it did little to ease his demeanor. Nick felt like, at any second, she was going to walk out again. It was not like Nick could blame her if she did. She did not sign up for this there was nothing he could say that made this any better on her. He felt like such a shitty person. Yeah, I d like to think so. But I don t think nothing s ever gonna change. I m me. I ruin everything around me. There was the guilt again he ruined their relationship, which was something he never let go. Plus, he had this negative view of himself, which was showing now. He did not mean to feel so self loathing, but it did not help that he just kept his feelings to himself and got lost in drugs after they broke up. Nick did not talk to anyone about how it made him feel, just bottling those horrible feelings up inside as he just tried to forget. They were likely to come out now since Payton was so easy to talk to. How was being around Nick still so natural to Payton even after so long? Even after all that had happened? It was, though. Yes the atmosphere was tense and they both had trouble with it, him because there was no good news to give and her because he had lost her trust, but as Payton sat beside the only person she had ever loved all she wanted to do was hold on to him. Nick being hard on himself was nothing new it predated even their relationship. She had a feeling that hadn't help his descent in to addiction either."Or maybe it's just self fulfilling prophecy." It didn't take much for her to lean over and run her fingers through the hair at the base of his neck, and even curl her fingers around the locks for a moment before she pulled away. It was a soft touch and meant to be reassuring, but Payton didn't know ho he would take it. After all, she hadn't been the only one hurt here. Justified or not, she had still left him alone in a hospital bed. "I know you, Nick. You're not a bad person you've just made some bad decisions." That touch oh man, that touch. Nick had never felt anything like it before, nor had he felt anything like it since the breakup. He felt like he was at home again, like his life had some stability. Smiling sadly at her comment, Nick shrugged his shoulders. Thank you for saying that. It means a lot coming from you, but I don t know my sister hates me, my Mom has given up on me. It feels like I m nothing but a burden to anyone, just like I was to you. Nick felt pulled towards her, like he wanted to reach out, touch her because it felt so right. Yet, Nick restrained himself, though he did finally apologize to her. I didn t get a chance to say this yet, and I was too afraid to reach out after you left, but I m so sorry about what I put you through. I know it doesn t change anything, but I feel like it ll help me to tell you. Sorry was not enough, sometimes, like now. Despite it not changing anything, Nick had been thinking about this for a long time. Finally, he was given the chance to speak directly to the female. Maybe that stirred the pot more than it did any good, but at least Nick could get that off his chest. "Thank you." An apology was actually a really big thing to Payton. It wasn't the first he had ever given her about drugs, that would have been in the weeks before his father died after his arrest when she found out that he had been using heroin behind everyone's backs, but for some reason it sounded so much more genuine this time around. She had spent so long wanting to be able to believe in him that there was a still a little part of her whose hopes were raised. As good as that felt, it was still a dangerous game that they played. Payton found herself wanting to put faith in Nick again and alone scared her how long before she was falling back down that rabbit hole? Or was it already too late to avoid that?She should leave, though. Her glass of water was empty and when she looked at him all she could see was the beautiful boy she had fallen in love back when they were seventeen and nothing had come between them yet that was dangerous. "Look... It's been really good seeing you. I... really have missed you, Nick. I probably shouldn't stick around too long, though. Sara's going to wonder what I'm up to and if she finds out I'm at my ex's place I probably won't hear the end of it. Maybe we'll see each other around sometime." Words pleading with Payton to stick around nearly left Nick s lips, but the boy thought better of it. Biting his tongue, he cracked a half smile in response to her prompt about leaving. Yeah maybe we will. Nick answered in reference to possibly seeing each other around. After all, they were sealed within the neighborhood for an undetermined length of time. If they did not run into each other occasionally, it would have been a huge surprise. Escorting Payton to the door, Nick quietly bid his ex girlfriend a goodbye. When she left the house, his eyes watched her from the front window until she disappeared into the distance. For whatever reason, Nick felt disappointed with the situation. Despite accomplishing the first, small step in making amends, the interaction felt tense. The poor guy expected a fairytale like reunion one day with Payton, but he should have known better.The rest of the day seemed to drag. Nick lazily lounged around the house, waiting for whatever happened next. Eventually, the sun set over Los Angeles. Nick found himself lying in his bed, shirtless, a pair of pajama pants on with his underwear underneath. It was warm in the house, so he lay on top of the sheets, arms folded underneath the back of his head, gazing up at the ceiling, lost in thought as time ticked by. There were times that Nick had felt inevitable to her like when she was fourteen and they had just met, destined to be best friends. Again at seventeen when they had shared their first kiss and she realized she stood a chance of having him as her own. Three months later in that dumb treehouse that her parents had made her and her older siblings when they had been small, as she let Nick become the first person to slip inside of her, swearing it was okay because "he was going to be the boy she married one day". The last time nine months after that when he showed up at the same college party she had, like he had known that she would be there and that she was still desperately in love with him.Now. Payton couldn't ignore the fact that even through everything that happened, in that moment she walked away and once again Nick had an inevitability to him. Why else would she have found herself stuck here of all places? Maybe it was dumb but she definitely believed in fate. She also believed, correctly, that there was a zero percent chance that she had actually ever been over that boy. After returning to her current makeshift home, her friend wasn't too supportive either. They'd already met by the time that Payton and Nick had started to see each other in college, so there was no denying how terribly that had gone. Somehow, being told that she shouldn't do something just made the blonde want to do it more.She didn't know what took her over as night settled in. Others fell to sleep, she eyed one of her last cigarettes. She may have never been in to hard drugs like Nick had, but Payton had her vices as well. At first her intentions were innocent she strolled as she smoked, intent on avoiding prying eyes who would love to get her in shit for being out after curfew. She hadn't even realized that her feet had lead her to the house she had stepped in to earlier that day. For a moment all she could do was flick her gaze between the cigarette in her hand and the darkened house. There were no signs of life this time around.How many times had she been here in similar situations? After they had been banned from keeping his door closed they had gotten sneaky. She would come round long after everyone had fallen asleep, or him to her place. They didn't always fuck but they did most of the time more than anything they had just liked being able to have privacy. Looking at Nick's house, the situation so different yet so much the same as the many times she'd stood here before, she felt bittersweet. More than anything, she wanted this to still be her norm. It was a dangerous game to be playing.She couldn't fight it, though. She pinched her cigarette dead, the tip so hot her fingertips burnt and she flapped her wrist a couple times in hope of negating the sting. She tossed it on to the clean, unsullied suburban roads and then treaded forward until she could hop the gate. Around back, she still knew where Nick's window would be. The curtains may have been down, but she crossed her arms on the sill regardless and then raised one at the elbow to rap against the glass. Perceiving the fact Nick and Payton both happened to be stuck here in the apocalypse could be viewed with a variety of beliefs. Fate was one option, but Nick chose a grimmer option. Nick believed he was being punished the girl that he loved the most was being dangled in front of him like he could just reach out and touch her. Yet, he knew that this was the closest he would ever be with the girl again. In his heart, Nick truly wanted Payton. Despite trying to move on, there was no denying that she crept in his mind often. Nick often debated whether he would ever get over her, or if he had found the only person that could make him feel complete.Yet, here she was literally within an arm s reach of him earlier in the day. In the past, they would have been all over each other. Today? It was so much different than ever before. It broke Nick s heart. Perhaps the universe was punishing him for being an addict, for putting his family and friends through a world of shit they did not deserve. Nick believed this was all a product of his actions. That thought weighed heavily on his mind while he tried to sleep. It was no surprise that rest did not come easy.Lost in thought, the sound of the tapping against the window made Nick jump up from his bed. It scared the piss out of him. What the fuck was going on here? With everything happening in the world, Nick halfway wanted to ignore it. The curiosity was too strong, though. Nick drew the curtains back and his heart dropped when he saw a familiar sight . He quickly unlatched the window anyways, pulling it open for her to crawl into his room like old times, to see if she was real. Payton... what are you doing here? It s way after curfew! Why would she even want to be back around him in the first place? The questions were building, his heart was pounding, and his knees felt weak.
['Weatherby', 'Payton']
Lives on Cemetery Lane (Shani x Braiddan)
This would be an idyllic neighborhood. White picket fences and flower boxes, a perfect slice of suburbia. At least it would be if it weren't for the house on 0001 cemetery lane. A Gothic mansion that sat beside a graveyard and a swamp. The family inside a group of eccentrics. The multi billionaire, who made odd investments that would not be advised by any analyst, but he always seemed to come out on top. The matriarch of the family, she always dressed like she was at a funeral and can be seen cutting the buds off roses and saving the stems. It seemed every member of the family had a taste for the macabre, yet were perfectly functioning members of society. Despite being harmless, their eccentric tastes seemed to disturb the rest of the neighborhood.Antony Borgia was one of the few undisturbed by the Addams es. He in fact found them refreshing compared to the rest of family or neighbors. The rest of the neighborhood was so monotonous and predictable. The dark haired young man of course always felt out of place with the rest of the world. They all just seemed like indistinct drab blobs with muffled voices. Their language was all cadence and no words. This real world seemed so damn artificial. A blurry world, but the mansion on 0001 Cemetery Lane, ironically the only source of vibrancy around him. Its inhabitants seemed the only ones that spoke real words.Antony lived off inheritance and various odd jobs. His most profitable time of year was around October. When he would hand craft Halloween decorations. At first a childhood hobby to try and grab the attention of the Addams family, now a secondary source of income. Other than that, he was mostly a shut in. The only time he came out was to fulfill a basic need, or to get funding to fulfill a basic need. It was a typical day at the Addams household nothing to exciting. Mama was off chasing the mail man, Wednesday and Puglsey were in school, Morticia was in her garden cutting the rose buds off her thorns, Gomez was playing with his trains, lurch and thing we're playing the harpsichord, and Uncle Fester....where was Uncle Fester? It was so quiet when suddenly there was a loud explosion! Found him playing with Dynamite. As mentioned a normal uneventful day at the Addams house. They viewed their way of life as fun and normal, for them. Never hurting anybody unless the person wanted to be. Yet the neighbor didn't think too highly of them, unless Gomez was funding one of many charities.On this particular day an unmarked hearse pulled up to the Addams mansion. Morticia saw the gothic car finding g it refreshing from all the neighbors they must have a guest...or perhaps family...or Fester ordered something in the catalog...the possibilities were endless. Pulling on a chord Morticia rang for Lurch to go and help them."You rang...Mrs. Addams?" The eight foot zombie Butler chimed."Yes Lurch, it appears we have company could you help them?" Morticia smiled asking politely."Yes...Mrs. Addams..." He groaned moving to the hearse to help who ever was inside. Not seeing a driver lurch was a bit confused going around back to open the trunk seeing a full cherry red coffin with black onyx marbling looking to be made of stone. They don't make them like they used too. Looking back to Mrs. Addams he groaned, not knowing who it was, and that he would need help. Morticia blew a whistle to call the Addams clan in the house to come out and help. Everyone taking a poll and lifting the heaviest coffin they have ever lifted up and into the house, like a reversed funeral.Lurch turned to see the hearse drive off, groaning he shut the door behind them. Once safely inside the dim Mansion. The placed the coffin down."Who do you think it is?" Asked Mama."You don't suppose it's Catastrophia?" Chimed Fester."No it couldn't be no disasters followed." Mama retorted"Perhaps it's Uncle Nick Nak?" Morticia stated excitedly."No querida, remember? Uncle Nick Nak is upstairs in the closet." Gomez shrugged putting his cigar in his mouth."Let's blow it up!" Fester cheered.Morticia looked over at him "Not yet Feater, let's knock first." Reaching a hand down she knocked on the stone casket. Everyone put their ears to the stone waiting for a response. Morticia leaned in and knocked again. After a few moments the coffin door opened, swinging open, rising up was a beauty like no other.Morticia smiled upon seeing the beings face. "Merishka!? What brings you all the way here from Transylvania? Gomez, you remember my other sister Merishka?"Merishka looked around a bit groggy at first not realizing where she was seeing as it was daylight hours she was exhausted. Smiling as soon as she's heard Morticia's voice. "Morticia!! I didn't think I would be here so soon!" She stepped out of the coffin hugging her sibling. "I'm on holiday and came for a visit!" The woman said, looking a lot like her sister Morticia very pale skin, hour Glass figure, soft features the only difference was her hair was crimson with tighter curls, emerald green eyes, her black dress was tight a low cut in a similar style to her sisters.With a flick of her hand the coffin moved to the room she would be staying in. As she greeted the family catching up on life...well theirs anyway. Antony tended to his lawn, he would just let the weeds grow and the brambles take hold,but neighborhood ordinances and such. He did manage to get the last laugh in that by placing purple basil and black pansies in his flower box. Gardening wasn't much of a hobby of his, but he did like how those darkened flowers popped in contrast to the white house. He of course happened to be outside when he saw the mysterious hearse head towards the Addams' residence. Of course, he was too far to see what emerged from it. And he dared not trespass. That behemoth butler of theirs certainly deterred him from any thoughts of such a thing. He sighed and placed his mower back in the shed.Even as he went back inside, the curiosity ate at him. Who or what arrived in that hearse? And how could he find out. Sure, sometimes he sat out on the roof of his house and drank wine under the light of a full moon. Maybe that combined with the telescope that collected dust since his childhood could at least let him sneak a peek at any such developments over in that area. Sure, he could offer to do some type of odd job for the strange neighbors. But once more what could he do that the giant butler couldn't? He sighed and wandered into his kitchen, to fetch his bottle of Pinot Noir. Looked like a rooftop wine tasting was in the works tonight The strange mysterious family caught up on the last several centuries. Seeing as Merishka wasn't fully alive and the others preserved themselves well.Her and Morticia spoke about what it was last keep to grow up together, drinking spider silk tea. How Merishka was jealous of Morticia and Gomez's relationship, thankful though that he didn't end up with their polar opposite sister Ophelia. Little Miss sunshine.Only to be their to greet the children when they emerged from school. Running to play with Uncle Fester and his Dynamite. Then to take a jog through the swamp.After showering she helped mama in the kitchen cooking kept trying to run away.As the family sat for dinner talking, enjoying their time together Merishka fitting right in with her family. Morticia smiled, "Mishka, Gomez and I decided to throw a party in your honor to commemorate your visit. We'll invite the whole clan!" She beamed excited. Gomez setting his fork and knife down, "We'll Even invite the neighbors over! I'm sure they'll be dying to meet you!" He stated granted most of the neighbors avoided or ignored them. Merishka was dumbfounded not sure what to say "You don't have to go through all that trouble for me...but I'm really excited that you are!""Great! It's settled Wednesday Pugsley and Lurch will go out after dinner to deliver the invitations." Gomez smiled holding Morticia's hand.Once dinner had ended they sent the children off with Lurch to hand deliver invitations to the party that coming weekend.Merishka went up to rest on the roof with a light refecter, planning on laying out and moon bathing. Wearing a black and white striped bikini laying in a chair balanceing on the roof holding the reflector hoping to get a moon burn. It helped give her that deathly glow...well besides being dead.The Children and Lurch were walking Antony's house knocking upon the door, Pugsley holding out the invitations while Wednesday would speak for the group.
['Addams', 'Borgia']
Sexy Jutsu
Neji could see that Hinata had built her own cage waiting for the fool Naruto to notice her his cousin could not see that. As one who had lived his life in a cage it was too easy to see she would never be happy. Hinata could no more express her feelings for Naruto then he could see hers. Dear Hinata I need to teach you a new lesson meet me at the forsaken shrine outside of town Neji. With his luck she would ignore the note to hunt down Naruto.He packed a bag with some very un ninja items one way or another he would get her to give up that Naruto. He had a dozen plans if he had to he would become Naruto to show her it could never work. Who was she kidding anyways every time Naruto showed her ant attention she passed out. Cousin you are a grade A fool as quick as the wind her was gone leaving behind only the note. If she came he would do anything to get her to leave Naruto anything. Hinata had found the note. She read it over carefully and she became very curious. Neji never wanted to teach her things before, why did he want to now? She was a bit wary, but then she decided, what was the worst thing he could do anyway, they were family.She made her way over to the shrine quickly and looked around when she arrived. She wondered where he was. he was he one that wanted her hear right? She sighed and ran a hand through her long black hair, her white eyes looking about. There was no point in making her stop seeing Naruto she could always get help. "Hinata i need to talk to you about Naruto" everyone but that boy seemed to know that she liked him. it would have been funny if not for the fact that he respected bot Naruto and his cousin. "You need to tell him or choose another person" he demanded the Naruto disguise in back up. he wanted Hinata to choose for her self but he could not afford her to make the wrong choice. they would never be happy together Naruto was a 24 7 ninja. Hinata stared at him. She was confused. Why would he say such horrible things to her. Hinata looked at Neji and said "It is none of your business Neji who I decide to like" she said a light blush on her face. he placed his hands on her shoulder a dangerous thing to do with any ninja even a relative. "it is you are my family, even if i don't like you" he lied "i still have to take care of you" he could see he had hurt her good it would save pain later Hinata frowned and she pulled away from him, somewhat roughly and said "I don't need you protection" she said frowning. there was no talking to her when she was like this he had to use his trump card "Naruto why don't you come out" he had never mastered clone jutsu to the degree naruto had but he could manage at least one. Hinata's white eyes widened when he saw Naruto. She was confused, why was Neji doing this to her. "If you won't listen to me maybe you will listen to him" the switch had already been made he only had to throw his voice. she would never believe Naruto did not like her but would she believe the opposite. "Hinata are yo OK" he asked in his normal love and heart warming matter as he wrapped his arms around her Hinata felt his arms wrap around her. Her usual deep dark blush came over her face and she said "Naruto, I don't understand..." "Neiji told me everything" he held onto he in the form of Naruto he was sure that he could trick he convince her to expose her feelings. what then accept as Naruto or reject either way she would be free of him. Hinata looked down, her face going deep red. "He did...." she said feeling embarrassed. great at this rate she would run off and he would be stuck like this for hours "he did" slowly he lifted her chin kissing her lightly on the lip Hinata felt his hand lift her chin up and his lips meet hers. She was in shock, she could not believe it was happening. Slowly her eyes closed and her hands wrapped around his body. For most his life he had been enslaved by the main family why was he trying so hard to help Hinata now. his lips on her felt good, a genius ninja he had never taken the time with girls maybe that had been bad idea. "Is it true" he asked if he had been the real Naruto he would have done something stupid by now. "cause if it is that makes you my girlfriend" yep have to keep up the act. "won't sakura be mad" Hinata blushed lightly as he said she was now his girlfriend. She did wonder if sakura would be upset with her. Even though she tried not to show it, hinata knew she liked naruto as well. "well since you are we should go on a date" he took her had in his this was all falling apart she was not playing her part right. he did not blush that was not him and he could not make himself do it, but he would be in major trouble if Hinata found out it was actually her cousin and not Naruto Kun Hinata smiled a little and said "Umm, alright" she said looking at him. It was a wonder she had not fainted yet. As always he had to play Naruto that meant the bumbling idiot "you want to go to the raman shop" he asked still holding her hand Hinata smiled and said "Okay" a blush still marring her face. Neji found it a pain to play the bumbling fool "Two spicy raman my treat" no way he was going to make hinata play anyways he had Naruto's wallet idiot ninja indeed Hinata smiled and said "Thank you Naruto" a smile on her face. Neji was not having fun but Hinata seemed to "you have some" he leaned forward licking some spicy of the side of her lip. Hinata went a bright red and looked down embarrassed. Hinat why do you keep doing that" taking her hand "were boyfriend girlfriend now" Hinata looked at him and said "I know....I'm just...shy" Neji rolled his eyes inside of Naruto that was an understatment "if we were alone woudl that help" Hinata looked at him and she nodded and said "I think so..." Neiji was quickly running out of room but it should not take to much can we go to you re place he asks knowing the real naruto might be at his, and that he could not go to Nejis place. Hinata blushed and said "Alright". She smiled a little and got up from her seat. It was funny he had never been to his cousins house "is you're room in here" he asked pushing past her gently. Hinata nodded and said "Yeah", a smile on her face. His throat felt a little sore "well are you going to come in" he asked offering his hand Hinata blushed and nodded and said "yeah" and stepped into the room. He then sat on the bed great now he was trying to bed his own cousin "room for one more" he offered. Hinata blushed lightly and sat down next to him. placing his hand on her head he began to kiss hinata softly "you know i have liked you, a while" Leila looked at him and said "You have...". She looked down for a moment, blushing and looked back at him and said "I have to". Naji almost lost control of the form but Hinata seemed so happy "yes i have" he kissed her lenaing her back on her bed. "Hinata i need you" Hinata looked at him and said "Naruto...I don't know..."
['Neji', 'Naruto', 'Hinata']
My Hero (Balto a new tail)
Balto was the big hero he was looking forward to having puppies when his owner moved back to the states. His owner quickly found him a new home though what that had in store for him he could never imagine. The house was big the owner must have had some money to build it. He did not know anything about them how old they would be or what they would look like. Slowly he emerged from the cage sniffing around the house he could smell meat roasting. arf arf he barked knowing humans would never know what he was saying. the big dog watched the roasting big with hungry eyes. "Oh! He's here." The young woman came up behind the dog, almost silent as she moved. She looked young for someone who owned such a big house. And honestly, she lived there alone besides a few servants. Young Ki was an adult now, free to live on her own in her parents mansion. She'd been in foster care most of her life, parents dieing in a fire. Her only friend in the world happened to be her dog, Fido. And she and fido ended up building a rather unnatural relationship...Ki smiled, lifting a hand to brush her blonde bangs out of her eyes as she looked down. "Smaller then I remember." She said with a little giggle, reaching down and petting him ontop of the head, moving into the kitchen to fetch him some pork he really seemed interested in. The little blonde was a tad under dressed, wearing her apron with nothing beneath it but her panties. She had always been an odd girl, and it was her house... Balto cocked his head to the side the human girl was on the small side no telling her age from that fact alone. she was also almost nude, but she had meat and that made her his best friend in the entire world. He plodded along behind her wondering why she was almost naked and how she managed to cook so well. "woof" he said placing his paws on the table as he looked over at the meet that was being cut.he watched her with her apron, other then her lack of cloths she acted like almost any other human. he smiled licking his lips with his big doggy tongue he could almost taste that meat in his mouth. he would have to tell his friends about this place any human who could cook that good could not be at all bad. "woof" he barked again jumping up into the chair he was so excited it was almost sexual. Ki giggled at him, watching him get so excited. She cut up plenty of pork, just for him, walking over to wear he sat, eagerly waiting. But she held the plate out of his reach, delicate little hand coming down between his ears. "Soft, she cooed, a blush creeping over her cheeks. She almost looked guilty then because it was quite clear she was aroused. Far enough along to the point even her nipples were hard under the cute little white apron of hers. Exhaling sharply she put the plate down in front of him, trying to contol herself. Balto was very confused but even more hungry grabbing a piece he almost swallowed it. "woof" man this was good but why were her nipple pert. was she cold in that case he could help her out. he moved to lick her face getting some meat sauce all over it. she tasted like salt why was she sweating if she was cold. he was confused the girl had a fire but then wore so little clothing he was puzzled. but to hungry to stop she he ate another and another piece if only he could talk to her. "Ah! Balto!" His tongue was warm on her face and his breath smelt like meat but it only made her blush harder, sucking in a deep breath as she pushed him away with one hand. "Bad boy." She scowled, her tone soft like before. She couldn't help herself. Looking down at him, thinking about how sweet he was, how he'd never leave her. All the other things he could help her with... She rubbed her thighs together. How embarressing! she was already wet and he had only just gotten here! balto finished up the plate of meet wondering why the woman kept looking at him and moving her legs. she must be hungry maybe she had wanted his meat, what ever the case it was all gone now and none was left for her. "woof" he barked wondering what games she wanted to play he knew them all by heart. there was roll over, sit, play dead and fetch he knew that humans liked those silly games. "woof" he barked wondering what kind of human had adopted him, at least they cooked well. Ki smiled down at him, patting him on the head again. "Good boy." She purred when he was finished. She took the plate and put it away leaving the food out knowing someone else would put it away for her. "Come on Balto boy, lets go take a bath." She tried to get that shy sound out of her voice as she left the kitchen, expecting him to follow. Down the hallway and into her bedroom then her bathroom. A nice big tub. She looked back at him, smiling. "Hope you like baths." She started filling the tub. Like all dogs he loved the water and began to lap it up as it came out of the facet he was very thirsty. he jumped into the tub it was so large he could swim around when the tube was fool not that he would try. "woof" was she going to bath with him that was not what humans did, then again most had far smaller tubs. he looked up at her it was not like she could wear much less without taking off her skin. he sat down on his hind legs waiting for the water to envelope his cold body. Ki smiled at his canine antics. She untied her apron, setting it aside on the ground in front of the sink, followed ever so slowly by her panties. It was strange how shy she acted in front of him. He was a dog, not even interested... But she wanted him to be. Bad. She was ashamed of it but it was what she craved. Completely naked now, attempting to hide the dampness between her legs, she slipped in the tub and sat beside Balto, blushing like a school girl crushing hard. The water rose fast and she turned off the faucet, facing her dog companion. "Like that Balto?" she purred, scratching him between the ears. A dog can not hide his feeling the way that a human can his tail slapped into the water like a paddle. "woof" he barked licking her face never had a human climbed into a tube with him before. the had fallen in and been pulled in but always in cloths. "bark" she was not hairy like a dog but she had nipples and a cut. she also before she got in smelled of arousal it was confusing humans were not food or sex. they were the masters and a dog was not to think of them like another animal or dog. "umm" He whimpered a little confused. "Oh, what's wrong Balto?" Ki questioned, getting on her hands and knees in front of him, lifting her hand to rub his ears again. As she shook her little cream colored bum from side to side, on her hands and knees like that she was acting more like a dog then a human. With her lower half out of the water like that she was sure he could smell her, and it made her blush. Soft green eyes drifted down his chest, fur covered. So soft and cute. She tried not to look any farther down, only blushing harder. "Good...Good boy, Balto. You're a good boy." he watched her shake her ass around for the longest moment before lashing out his long hot rough tongue over her sex. She tasted like any bitch in heat you make the ass a little more narrow and a lot more harry. Not being one to let a wet pussy lay he continued to lick working his tongue into her wet and warm sex. Already his pink cock was pushing out of the sheath filling it up as he lapped at the human sex. He was sure she would stop him what human in there right mind wanted to be mounted by a dog. He was careful not to bite her his wet nose striking her sex and ass now and then as he licked. He was a little more curious then she expected. When his tongue came into contact with her womanhood she gasped sharply, tensing up. He kept on doing it, licking her and making her even more wet then she already was. Ki moaned, squeezing her eyes shut, making no attempt to move away. She felt a little pang of shame but she let it go. She liked this, she wanted this. She didn't think it was wrong. "G good boy, B Balto...g g good boy." A little moan escaped her as she looked back, his cock peeking out of it's sheath. Embarressed by the sound she lower her front half so her mouth was in the water, her sounds silenced and replaced by bubbles. He stopped only for a moment trying to get her ready a bitch needed to be good and wet for a cock. once joined the knot would slip in and hold the bitch to him so he could fill her with his seed was a human any different. From the copious amounts of fluid he could tell they enjoyed being as licked as much as a bitch might. He watched her head slide beneath the water but like any animal he was focused. his cock slipped fully out of the sheath the ball sized knot and long cock that would be fed deep into the bitches cunt. he was breathing harder eager to get the bitch ready to be mounted. She was shaking a little, moaning beneath the water, eyes still squeezed shut. When he stopped she lifted her head to look back at him, panting she was so excited. Her pussy was dripping wet so he was certainly doing a good job. Seeing his cock she let out a little whimper. Big, hot. She was sure it was stretch her tight little cunt a lot. It would hurt, but feel so good. Whimpering again she wiggled her hips a little, moaning quietly back to him. He was not bound in those boots humans used for snow so when he placed his feet on her back he slipped. It took him some timed to get onto her small slippery back a bitch would have been far more easy. His cock began to hammer at her back side searching for the moist treasure that he had been lubricating. It was hard enough to stay on her much less aim his cock between her legs so he hit everything. he was not concerned about what hole her hit but aiming for the lower of them he was a dog after all. not knowing or caring that there was no way he could inseminate this female. Keeping her round little bum in the air, Ki whimper as Balto tried and failed to keep his paws on her back. The bath tub probably wasn't the best place to do this, she was all wet and slick. She thought momentarily about getting out but he managed to get his paws up. Once he was stuck inside of her it would be fine. Whimpering and moaning, she attempted to arch her hips up, lets spread as wide as they could in that position to held him reach his goal. The young woman seemed dieing to feel him. After ages Balto not only speared the girl but got the hole he was aiming for and felt her spread for him. The tip of the head stretched her more then she should be stretched his cock pushing it her as he thrust. She would be tender to say the least as the bead split her making the rest of the cock slide in. He could feel the abused sex of the human wrap around his cock trying to push him out and pull him in at the same time. his paws slid up her back as he thrust into her using his feet to push. "Ahh!" She couldn't help but yell out when he finally managed to push inside of her. Balling her hands into fists she grit her teeth together, her heart beating wildly in her chest, her sex throbbing as he pushed. He was really big. Too big even, her poor little cunt having to stretch even more then she first assumed to let him in all the way. The throbbing pain came with a wave of bliss, the stretching feeling good just as much as it hurt. "Uh ooohh! B B Balto! G Good boy!" He felt himself reach the end of her cunt he still had cock but he had enough in to begin pushing in and out. the stimulation felt good even if she was not a proper bitch she felt very good wrapped around him. the feeling was like being deep inside of a meet pie and was heaven even her strange skin was good. he could see that despite the pain she was enjoying herself the sounds while alien were familiar. he began to hammer into her trying to lock the knot in her so he could fill her with his doggy sperm.
['Balto', 'Fido']
Hyrule's Downfall
The wave of twilight swarmed over Hyrule castle. Its guards stood in front of both Princess Zelda and the true ruler of the twilight Princess Midna. The guards had fought the shadow beasts until they were right at the large doors to the room. The guards took a quick look at the princesses before drawing their swords as the doors were flung open and a large black wave swarmed in. "Heh he he...How touching you really think these people will protect you Midna." He laughed and quickly grabbed a guard who rushed him and lifted the man up by the throat. "So easily these human's life is erased, wouldn't you agree midna?" He laughed and looked at the two girls. "It will be much easier for you to just give up now." He watched both Princess Zelda and Princess Midna with his stone cold gaze. first wondering how Midna was able to escape from her holdings he had set up. No matter she would be punished for it later. Zelda stood at Midna's side, her blue eyes glancing up into the other woman's for a moment. Midna's red gaze didn't move from the darkness in front of them. Gritting her teeth, she lifted her arm out in front of Zelda, taking a step forward. Her friend had given up a lot for her before and she was going to do everything she could to protect her now! She knew she shouldn't of let those humans help. No good humans."Shut up." Her words were like ice. She could feel Zelda's soft hands on her arm, squeezing tight. The two woman were in deep. Zelda's caring gaze moved to the fallen soilders, her heart acheing for them. Why did this have to happen again? People were getting hurt in her world and she was helpless to stop it."I really suggest you clear out of here before the same thing happens you your lame butt as it did last time." Minda smirked. It was bad, but Link would come. He always came, both she and Zelda knew it. He'd come in time like always to save the day. The man watched Midna and just shook his head. "So you were protecting them, from me..HA you really think your power is that strong?" He just shook his head and looked at the guard. "a simple flick of the wrist and he is dead. Now you know we have taken the castle and there is nothing you can do about it. Now you can save them from suffering and surrender or not and let them suffer." A few of the shadow beasts walked in and looked up to their master before looking back to Midna and to Zelda. "You see my pets are so very hungry and I bet a human would be so very good for them." He laughed and tapped his foot against the ground. "Too long you waited too long." He flicked his wrist snapping the poor guard's neck "you don't have to worry, he never felt a thing." He tossed the guard to the beasts who quickly ripped him apart. "as for these other humans..they will suffer some before they die, Go my beasts, eat have fun." Zelda broke first. Midna knew she should of done something about that stupid princess! Ever heard of caring too much? Zelda dropped her rapier, shoving Midna's arm out of the way and stepping forward, bowing her head. "Please, we surrender! Do not harm anymore innocent people!" Midna stood behind her now, fists clenched, her eyes watching the enemy. Really, there was nothing else they could do but surrender until Link came to save them. She looked at Zelda for a moment with sympathetic eyes before glaring back up at "Yeah, surrender." She grunted, mumbling a little 'for now' under her breath.She was doing this for Zelda. Zelda and her pathetic humans. The man looked at The two princess and laughed. "Good, so very good." He smiled and cracked his knuckles, The shadow beasts dissapeared as he watched the two. "You have learned well Midna, not to oppose my power. Now the two of you, Kneel before me and beg forgiveness from your master." Zant was different somehow. much darker power then when he first faced the pair years ago. He somehow had regained most of his power that he had last and again brought the twilight back. "You will learn well to obey my orders when I give them or else you will learn that you will be punished." They were both high born ladies, both rulers. Getting down on their knees, bowing, how could anyone do that?! At least Midna didn't see why anyone would. Well, yeah, there was that whole part about protecting the people but she would rather be struck down where she stood then actually bow. At first, she thought Zelda was right there with her. The blonde was gritting her teeth but suddenly her knees bent and she was on the ground. "For Hyrule." Her voice was calm, collected. Midna watched in shock. A princess on her knees in front of some power hungry pathetic hog! Looking up at Zant Midna's eyes narrowed dramatically."Then punish me. You could never dish out much anyways, so I'm not afraid." Zant laughed and walked over to the throne and sat down in it. He looked over at the two girls and shook his head. "And I know you think your "Hero of time" Will help you, but you are sadly mistaken. He wont be able to beat me." He looked at Midna and shook his head. "Your family were fools to deny me my rightful place." He watched as the shadow beasts moved throughout the castle. "Take those two to the dungeon and make sure they are tied good and snug and if you want play with them." Back in Ordon Village Link was seeing the sky turn to black and animals hiding in fear. "this cant be good." "Ha! You were singing the same tune last time and you got your butt handed to you." Midna hissed. She believed in Link, so did Zelda. He would come for them and save everyone. He always did and both of the women depended on it happening again. But so much could happen to him, and last time she had always been around to help, to guide him in the right direction. Midna bit her lip hard, wondering if he could pull it off alone. At Zant's words Zelda stood, moving closer to Midna with eyes that shone obvious fear. Midna's lips parted with a little surprised gasp. Play with him? No, that bastard wasn't actually going to let them... The two women clung together as the beasts approached, Zelda trying to keep herself composed while Midna snarled like a beast. The shadow beasts nodded and plodded over to Midna and Zelda before dragging them off. The large shield like mask covered their faces as they dragged the two girls down to the dungeon. Another Twilli like Midna stood ready,waiting for them. "So what has the master's animals brought?" He watched as the beasts had the girls tied together and even one of the beasts holding the chain to their makeshift collars. He nodded and looked at Midna and crossed his arms over his chest. "Princess Midna of the Twilight." He lightly bowed out of a slight form of respect. even though he was an enemy he still showed some respect to her. Midna attempted to stay in front of Zelda at all times, feeling so owed the woman her life. Zelda on the other hand did not think herself to be needing the protection. Once the two were tied, Zelda cast her gaze down before closing her eyes and doing well to block out everything around her. She just had to wait. As long as it took, she would wait. Link would come. Midna looked at the fellow Twilight dweller that spoke to her, looking about ready to snap his neck. "Traitor." She said with venom in her voice. "You're pathetic, serving someone who is going to make everyone suffer. You better watch out, as soon as Zant doesn't need you, you're dead." The twilli looked at Midna and just shook his head. he unchained the two from each other. one of the Shadow beasts jumped Zelda and pinned her down as the Man was tying up Midna just right. The Shadow beast just kept Zelda pinned down. its tail moving from side to side before hooking the edge of her tattered dress and starting to pull at it. The twilli looked at Midna before finishing the ties and even gagging her. "That should hold you in nicely." Meanwhile Link knew something was going on so as soon as he was able to he got onto Epona and started to ride off to Castle town. "Zelda!" Midna gasped, attempting to break away to help the other woman but she was too weak. It was a feeling she hated with a passion. Looking at the scum in front of her tieing her up she started shouting all sorts of curses at him, only to be gagged a moment later. She shot fire at him through her eyes before looking over at Zelda, groaning as she watched. Zelda stared up at the big creature with terror in her eyes, squirming best she could beneath it, her face pale. She'd been planning to block everything out but it wasn't working at the moment. Gasping sharply as she watched the fabric of her dress rip she struggled harder, not sure what she could say to make it stop. The beast growled and lifted its tail making a high slit that ran up the dress all along her side to the top of her thighs as the man held Midna and laughed running his hands down her sides. The man looked at Midna and grinned,tugging the rope that ran in between Midna's legs as he watched the Beast Torment Zelda. "Its best you just give in.." He laughed and looked at Midna. "You have no idea how much i've fantasized about having you Princess Midna." He laughed watching Midna as he moved a hand doown along her chest and started to grope her through her dress. The beast grunted and pinned Zelda, she could feel its member against her legs.
['Zelda', 'Midna']
Beyond: Two Souls: Two Lovers (CutePhoenix andJack Stalker)
""muttered Jodie Holmes to herself as she lay on her bed, arm draped over her eyes as she lay in bed, brooding over yet another night of being stuck in this damn lab with nothing to fucking do and zero possibility of being let out for even a few minutes. God forbid she be let out to visit what few friends she had but no, the department heads always refused. No one seemed to understand or even care how tough it was for her. Well, except for one man, Dr. John Carver. Every one at the lab treated her nicely for the most part, but he was special. He took the time to truly get to know her and listen to her troubles. He even told her stories about all the amazing places he'd been to around the world, which she especially enjoyed.Suddenly, she sprung up, sitting straight up on the edge of her bed. It had suddenly dawned on her that it was Friday. That meant that Dr. John would be on night observation. It was her favorite time as they would always stay up till very late talking about all manner of things. Tonight had extra meaning as she had a little surprise for him. Looking up at the clock on her wall, she saw that it was only 10 minutes until he would arriving, prompting to stand up from her bed and hurry to her desk in the next room."Shit......where is......where is it......" she said to herself as she searched through the books and papers on her desk, eventually finding the "surprise" with an excited "HA!". It was a pencil drawing of Mount Rushmore, done in exceptional detail. The last time they had talked, he had told her of visiting there years ago and how he had lost all his pictures of the trip in a fire. She wanted to help him out somehow and had decided this was the best thing she could do.Taking a moment to look over her work and hope Dr. John liked it, she took a few steps from her desk and held the picture behind her back as she faced the door, knowing he'd be coming through any second now. She tried to keep a straight face but couldn't help but smile as she thought of giving him her little gift.This wasn't a new occurrence. She found herself smiling and feeling all gitty anytime she thought of him. It wasn't hard for even her to realize she had a huge crush on him. But, she had no intention of telling him or anyone for fear that it may cause him to not wish to spend time with her anymore. Another night alone on Jodie watch, another night spent ejaculating onto the wall in the store cupboard or coming hard against the edge of the sink in the bathroom. John had been watching the cock teasing little slut for months now, as she flounced about in outfits that would get any normal girl raped to rags five seconds after walking into a bar by herself. Instead all he had to show for her constant cock teasing were blue balls and a fat engorged cock that always seemed to be hard. Of course that was until he stumbled across a chink in her armour and began to befriend her. Sure, he new it was dangerous, he had overheard certain comments, seen certain emails and even witnessed the sick and depraved camera footage which their 'all mighty' leader, Nathan Dawkins, viewed each night.The man wanted to fuck Jodie, just as badly as the rest of them, there was something about her, something hypnotic, magnetic, something which made anyone who spent too long in her presence want to fuck her brains out. Perhaps it was a side effect of her paranormal based telekinesis, or whatever she wanted to call it? All John knew was that he wanted to fuck her more than his own daughter, and that he was gong to achieve that goal no matter what. Her tight boyish young body was all he could think about, that and her lips searing his and her moans filling his mouth with her breath when he finally fucked her.She had to be feeling something too, her hormones as they were, her isolation, her young body needing the touch of a man, a man's cock driving into her between her thighs and laying claim to her tight young cunny. If she was going to be fucked, then he was the one who needed to do it, to be there for her. He was the one who should be there to spread her legs and sink into her tight nubile flesh. She must be thinking about it by now, craving it, yearning for a good fucking, surely? All young girls wanted to cut loose their inner whore, didn't they?Finally it was time to pay Jodie another visit. He set up the camera loop, which would make it look like no one was in there with her, then he smoothed down his tie and straightened his belt, before stepping up to the door to her room. Opening it he moved inside and gave her a smile, moving forwards to offer her the usual hug before listening to whatever she had to say. As usual she was wearing an outfit designed to make men hard, he wondered if she even knew how hot she looked? "Jodie, it's so good to see you again. What's that you're trying to hide behind your back?" he asked. He carried a small box with him under one arm, a gift of his own he intended for her. All he could think about was how long she had been legal and how long she had been cooped up in this place, the frustration must be overwhelming by now, drilling away at her sanity, the changes in her body driving her surely towards lust and desire fro human contact, any contact.He stared at her from behind his glasses, his eyes fucking her from head to toe before focusing on her face. "You're looking as beautiful as ever tonight Jodie. However, I have something different planned for this evening, but please, you first." he told her. She looked so innocent right now, so naive, yet he could imagine the way her body responded when he came for his visits. He could see the eager look in her eyes, feel the heat and electricity in the room, sense the shift in her stance., as well as the stiffening of his cock when he was this close to her.
['John', 'Carver', 'Holmes', 'Jodie']
Neverland Nightmare
Neverland had not fallen apart even after the defeat of peter pan the sea had not swaloed the island. The day had started like any other his best man Smee had dressed him in his finest the Revenge was all decked out. Peter had attacked right on time with a sweet something in toe. The lost boys had been winning until one of his men stabbed peter in the back the dagger slipping between his ribs. Peter had fallen to the deck as Hook swung his sword cleaving his head from his shoulders.It was unreal he had finally one he had the body tied to the bow of his ship. He even sailed back and fourth across the bay before feeding peter to the gator. But now he had a problem the sweet something Wendy was in his cabin sobbing like a lost child. He did not know what to do with her the lost boys did not want her to happy to play with the savages. They had left Wendy in her night on his ship Peters blood on her. Wendy what shall I do with you he moved from one end to the other there was no part in the plan on what to do with a teenage girl one only 13 or 14 she was useless. He had plenty of wenches in the harbor that could do what she could ten times over. He moved stabbing the wall with his hook as he looked over the shaking Wendy. Tell me little sweet what should I do with you Wendy's shoulders couldn't stop shaking as she sobbed and cried for the death of her beloved Peter Pan, the memory burning eternall in her mind as she helplessly watched Hook chop his head right off. Right after that, she was abandoned by the lost boys, including her very own little bothers, upon the deck of Hook's pirate ship. Distraught, abandoned and alone, Wendy was having a truly terrible day.Gripping at her nightgown, still stained with Peter's blood, Wendy said nothing to Hook, staring down at her lap as tears silently rolled down her pale cheeks. She slowly looked up at Hook with her ocean blue eyes, wondering what he'd do with her "My princess you need not worry i would not hurt you" he had dresses brought in and a meal begun he would seduce her it would be his next great adventure. no doubt she was still a maiden or she would not have arrived in neverland. "Now change into something more fitting a princes" a hot tub was full or warm water and bubble. he left to go behind a lace curtain that could see almost anything or even everything. She stayed still at first as she was presented with a hot bubble bath and clean clothes, hesitant of doing anything. Then again, there was nothing else she could do in her state. In her mournful state, she didn't seem aware of Hook's presence behind the thin lace curtain as she slowly slipped off her nightgown, letting it fall to her feet. She stood there for a moment, naked except for a pair of white panties as she let down her golden brown curls down from her updo. Finally stepping out of her panties. She stood there in her flawles, creamy skin, holding her small budding breasts as she gntly sank into the hot tub letting out a deep sigh. Hook watched her entranced by her young form she was so thin almost a wisp of a girl and so fragile like a feather. He did not speak instead he removed his coat placing it on a chair taking off his makeup. He was old enough to be her father but like many in Neverland he had not aged a day keeping his good looks. "Over there" he pointed the food was the best in Neverland he knew she would love it. Slowly he entered with a tray of pastries and wine she was to young but no one would complain. "Hello Wendy is there anything you desire" he could take her if he had to but a fight only made sex into forced masturbation. He wanted the girl to come to his bed willingly only in that way would he truly defeat pan. Wendy gasped, turning to look back at him, turning bright red as she tried to cover up her naked body, even if she was in the tub and covered in bubbles.Frowning at him, she shook her head, her cheeks scarlet with both embarassement and anger, "No, Thank you" She replied firmly, as she gazed over at the pastries, then the wine, "And I'm far too young to drink wine, Captain" She added as a matter of factly, lifting up her head a bit. Wendy has always been a bit of a snooty child. It would take a lot more to impress or persuade her, "I am, however, a lady. So If you please, would you mind giving me some privacy?" He had the men place the dress on a chair he was not used to real women every one in never land was an savage or a whore. He had enough of both of them to know the difference between the two of them. "As you wish but can you join me on the deck for a dance" He smiled getting one good look of the bathing beauty. he headed up to the deck the men had been given a gold eight each and a rum ration. he waited for Wendy willing to go and get her if he had to even if she was kicking and screaming. "smee take the night of as well" he flicked an eight to him as he waited for her. After a long bath that finally relaxed her nerves, Wendy slipped on the only dress laid out for her, frowning at the amount of cleavage provied with the low square neckline. She let her hair soft curls down onto her shoulders. Taking one look at herself in the mirror, she looked as miserable as she felt, her eyes still red. She sighed, and cleared up her throat, befoe turning around and heading out to the deck to meet Hook. She grudgingly accepted his offer, as much as she'd hate to. However, this is pretty much where she's stuck at the moment so she'll have to play along, "Captain.." She nodded in greeting, her eyes slightly narrowed in suspicion. Hook was in his best uniform his hair was as black as in his youth his mouth was formed into a shocked o. "I have seen many Maidens but non as fair as thee" he offered his hand taking her into his arms. she was so small and frail, but far better manured then that little boy pan and his lost boys. He placed his other hand on the small of her back before he slowly began to spin taking the small girl with him. "what does pan have that i don't i have men, wealth, looks" he held her gently as they danced over the wooden gun deck. Music played in the back ground candles lighting the large gun deck.http: images peter p ... dy 280.JPG She seemed more disgusted than flattered by his compliment, reluctantly taking his hands before he took her into his arms. She remained silent, staring at her feet, wishing this would be over with as she danced with him. At his question, she looked up at him and answered, "He has plenty. He has a heart that you obviously lack" She replied, a smirk upon her lips, "That's worth much more" Hook loved to tell stories some were true others came from his head. "I was once a dashing officer with a beautiful fiance" He smiled brushing some hair out of her face he could see that Peters death had really broken her up. He continued to dance seeing if she was listening to his story he had begun to weave. His hand on her soft back her warm body so close to his it was like heaven being next to her. "But i left to fight in the war, then my ship was pulled into this strange world" he looked into her eyes was it the truth or like almost everything in Neverland just another story. Wendy was unsure whether to believe his little story or not, but decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Finally looking up at him, she slightly raised an eyebrow, "That's awful.." She whispered softly, before she raised an eyebrow, "But...why did you become enemies with Peter, then? He could helped you go home..back to your fiance.." She asked curiously, a slight frown upon her lips as she grew skeptical A gentle dip before her answered her question "That was long before i met peter, you see i needed provisions" he had met tiger lilies father and his wife at the time well he was smitten so much that he and fir lilies mother. "Well i got into a spat with the chief and well peter had to help his friend" so the war had begun. he only found out later that he had a daughter and by then they were mortal enemies. he smiled feeling the girls body close to him brought back such painful and pleasant memories. Wendy was silent, before looking up at him once again, her eyes softening "I see....Makes this whole animosity seem...silly, really. No violence was really necessary....Nor death.." She muttered the last part before she narrowed her eyes, her grip on him tightening, more of hate than need or anything. Peter wass dead because of this man..and she was dancing with him?! "I'd like that drink now, please.." He let go of her only after a few minutes the entire evening was the last joke of a long series of unfunny jokes. Yes it is we both tried over time but are men are not always, obedient what self respecting man ends up in immortal combat with a child not yet old enough to shave. Or seducing a girl that still plays with dolls its not the sort of life any one would have planned. Its a very good wine the women make it yes there were women in a pirate town. There were also savage women and former slaves depending on the pirates taste. "Oh?" She never knew of any pirate women here. When it comes to the stories of Peter Pan, she was far more interested in Peter and the lost boys, the mermaids or the red indians. Suddenly, she was finding them a lot more intrigueing now, no longer the two dimensional villains she once thought them to be. For the first time since she's been to Neverland, Wendy looked up at Hook and gave him a small, soft smile Reaching for the wine he instead poured her a cup of tea unlike peter he had grown up in high class society. "Yes, in fact two women became loves of a great pirate, in fact they were twice the pirate he was" slowly he sat down seeing what a good cup of tea and a little food could do to ones disposition. "In fact one of the most famous pirates was a school teacher from the colonies elected by the crew that seized his ships" most people only saw a pirate at the end of a musket pirates like any person came in all size and shapes. He smiled at her looking at her hand he took it into his she looked so small and afraid. She blinked in surprise when he gave her cup of tea instead, raising an eebrow slightly but accepting it as she took a sip of her tea. She listened quietly as he talked more about pirates and such, seeming fascinated now. As he held her hand in his, she blushed a bit, looking up at him "We are no monsters most have families its a job its no who we are" he was a painter for one able to copy the masters if only unable to make his own great works of art. Slowly he leaned forwards placing his hand under her jaw. "Mrs Wendy may i have a kiss" he asked in the softest tone he could manage. The game had grown so tiring with the local woman who were far to easy to catch through money or wine. She blushed a bright shade of red as he placed his hand under haw and leaned forward, gulping abt, her heart beating fat within her chest. Peter has never asked to kiss her, always avoiding her lips, and was far too immature for that sort of thing. As a girl, she really did want romance from a man. Yes...a man. Not a little boy who simply refuses to grow up! She nodded shyly as she slowly closed her eyes, clearly nervous and inexperienced He placed his lips to hers doing nothing more his finger stroking her cheek as he kissed her for several seconds. He pulled back kissing her again and again small kissed that young lovers may give each other. "You need a man" he spoke kissing her every few seconds the taste of her young lips on his. "you need a man to show you what a beautiful woman you truly are" he kissed he one last time puling back. Wendy seemed to melt with each kiss Captain Hook gave her. Who ever knew that an old man like him could kiss like that? Her pale cheeks now a dark red, her eyes slightly hazy, she looked at him slightly dazed as she nodded. No one has ever made her feel like an older a young a woman. And she really, really liked it His hand slid gently from her lower back to her ass cupping the small but round cheeks in his hands. he kissed over her lips and down her neck pressing his lips gently to her skin before kissing back up. his other hand gently untying the strings of the top of her dress he wa snot sure she was ready but he was. Wendy jumped a bit as he cpped her ass, throwing her head back and groaning softly as he kissed down her neck, shivering a bit. As he started to untie the strings of her dress, her eyes widened as she froze, feeling the dress start to slip off her fragile body, "Nngh..." She whimpered softly slowly he watched her paled whit skin come into view inch by inch the dress fell further form her small body. his hand moved to her chin taking her lower lip in a deep and passion filled kiss of his his tongue tasted her lip. he saw the top of her chest nothing to write home about but firm and more then a child's. he watched it slip further revealing small perky nipples as he continued to kiss her delicious lips. the dress had been designed not to need a bra not that she had been wearing one when he found her. A soft moan escaped her as he kissed her passionatly, leaning into the kiss, even shyly rubbing her tongue against his after a bit of reluctance. As the dress slipped down her body, she tensed up a bit as the cold ocean wind brushed up against her half naked pale body, her small, pink nipples almost instantly stiffening. Wendy's cheeks were a bright shade of red by now, and her skin seemed to get hotter by the second Slowly he placed Wendy onto the table taking in the vision of her young body with his eyes as gently he spread her legs. he did not speak instead he kissed down the front of her chest gently taking a nipple into his mouth. slowly he began to rub her back as he gently sucked on her nipple he could feel Wendy arching her back. slowly he moved closer placing his hips between her legs as he dropped his pants. Wendy blushed furiously as he looked down at her half naked body, a soft whimper escaping her as he spread her legs and slipped in between them. She watched him nerv usly as he kissed down her chest, before letting out a sharp gasp as he took her sensitive nipple into his mouth, automatically arching her back. Trembling, she bit on her lowerlip as she whimpered, "C Captain..." Placing his hand around her back he kissed over her body as he slipped her panties down her slim small legs. "Yes Wendy" his finger slid over her stomach gently penetrating her sex as he rubbed her clit with his thumb. he continued to suck on her nipple before moving to the next leaving it into the cold air. "so tasty" he slid his finger deeper into her sex feeling it grip him tightly she was a virgin no doubt. "Aa aahhhnn!!" She arched her back and cried out as he penetrated her never been touched before pussy, shivering as his thumb rubbed her sensitive clit, "T This isn't r r ri Aahhn!!.. R Right..." She whimpered, groaning as he switched to the other nipple, the first one stiff and covered in his warm saliva. She let out anther gasp as he shoved his finger deeper inside of her, "Nnghh..!" He pulled her tight her slip and clit running over his long shaft as he took her mouth to keep her silent no need to wake the crew. He thrust his hips sliding it over her young slit his mouth on hers as her hands cupped her small chest. he was really enjoying himself normally he would have been fucking the woman hard by now. but he was enjoying the challenge of changing her form innocent girl into cock loving nymph. he smiled as he gently squeezed her chest puling her tongue into his mouth. "hmm so nice by sweet flower" Feeling her clit against his shaft, her eyes widened, squirming beneath him a bit. She opened her mouth to protest but he muffled her with his lips. Whimpering and groaning, her legs spread a bit more as he rubbed his shaft against her slick wet slit. Groaning, her tongue shyly rubbed against his as he took it into his mouth, groaning and unconcsciously arching her body up against his, wanting more He stroked his shaft over her sex before sliding the head into her sex feeling it grip around his cock hard and hot. "You know i just love the way you play so sweet and innocent" he was sure she was not playing. he held onto her ass kissing down her neck as he fucked her with just the head of his cock. he wanted her to get used to the pain before he thrust into her breaking her hymen and making her a woman. he could feel her protest then accept what he was doing to her young body. "Aahhn!!" She gasped sharply, hugging him tight to her as he slipped the head into her sex, groaning. She blinked at him in confusion, "P Play...?" She whimpered, gasping as he fucked her with the head of his cock, whimpering through the pain her eyes tearing up a she held him closer He held onto her his cock pressing a little harder as he tried to get in deeper but waiting for her to press back. "Let it come the pain will fade" he had no idea how much it would hurt even a stab would would hurt less. he held onto her kissing her lips small and bigger kisses letting her adjust to the invasion. She was being very adult about it showing already that she was a lot more grown up then pan had been. Wendy nodded a bt, her whimpers of pain muffled by their passionate kisses as he pressed a little harder, her grip tightening on him, "Mmmnn..!" She whimpered, hugging him tightly He began to thrust a little harder it had been a long time since he had a virgin and he wanted to enjoy it. "mm" he loved the position it gave him a lot of control over her. "Aahhhh!!" She cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure, her legs wrapping around his waist to hold him close as he thrusted harder inside of her, burrying her faace onto his shoulders, tears rolling down her cheeks He began to thrust a little faster into her feeling her thrust back against him the pain would fade in time and the pleasure would begin. "just relax" he told her feeling her small body shake under his to the first feelings of pleasure. He smiled feeling he legs wrap around him defeating pan and fucking Wendy all in the same day. he smiled kissing over her young body it was turning out to be a red letter day. Her eyes still tearful, Wendy nodded as she tried to relax, groaning as he thrustd faster inside of her. She l out a gasp of pleasure as the pain resided, and more pleasure began flooding every inch ofher body with each thrust her took, "Aahhhnn....!" He held her close feeling her shake a little bit in his arms it was adorable how pure and innocent she really was. "yes just like that enjoy it" he continued to thrust into her young body sure that he would cum soon. But he wanted her to cum first that way she would be easier to move in and fill with his seed. Wendy arched her back as she whimpered. She never felt leasure like this before. It felt simply amazing to have him inside of her. Her face bright red, she couldn't help but lean in to kiss him passionatly, slowly releasing the passion within her and letting go of her childish innocence, groaning as she bucked her hips up to gethim even deeper inside of her so close to her climax already He could feel her small body shaking around him as he came close to filling her with his seed perhaps making a little Wendy. He kissed her back his finger sliding over her lithe form smashed into his powerful body. "so sexy" she teased warping her legs around him as his body delved even deeper into hers. He woudl enjoy filling Wendy body with cum he smiled bet Pete never got to do anything. Arching her back, she screamed as she orgasmed for the very first time in her young life, cumming hard all over his cock as she trembled in her form while she came, her eyes rolling back a bit He held her to his chest shooting great jets of cum into her small body before laying her back on the cool table. "Have you enjoyed neverland so far" he asked kissing her lips then the nape of her trembling neck. "Neverland has enjoyed you Wendy" She trembled, panting heavily as she laid back on the table, her eyes closed. She could feel his seed deep inside of her as he kissed her lips and her neck, shivering softly as she groaned and gently nodded He slid out of her young body and slowly began to wiped the spunk of her as he kissed over her naked skin. "I am going to make you feel even better" he licked and kissed over her naked flesh to her violated flower. "hm looks so tasty i may just try it" he smiled licking up her now cleaned slit. She panted sofly as she laid naked on his table, not even watching him as he wiped the spunk off her and kissed down her body. Once she felt his tongue against her sensitive slit, she let out a sharp gasp, looking down at him in surprise, her legs still spread out for him, "A Ah..!! N No don't...t that's so embarassing..!" She blushed furiously, clearly embarassed that he was looking right at, and even tasting, her mjost private area. He smiled making sure her legs were spread wide he used his finger to open her flower to his invading tongue. His eyes locked on her as he took her clit between his teeth "how can you be so shy after what we did" he asks the sex had been good her first but she had responded in all the right ways. slowly he slipped a finger inside as he continued to lick and play with her young inexperienced sex. "A Aahhnn!" She gasped, trembling and biting down on her lip to keep her from moaning as he spread her pussy lips and invaded her with his tongue, whimpering as he suckled on her clit. She gulped and moaned in pleasure while he licked and fingered her at the same time, "O Oooh c captain..." Sometimes it was good to be the bad guy, when you one and got the girl you could do all the nasty thing to her. "Just like that Wendy" he continued to lap at her sex placing his hands around her ass. He was sure that he could get her to cum many more times that night before he had to put her to sleep. She panted heavily, loving how his hot slippery tongue felt against her pussy, moaning in pleasure. She held his head to her as she groaned, "D Don't stop...p please..." he continued feeling her finger move through his head as he ate out Wendy once a normal girl now sex slave to a wicked captain. he had no plans to stop his mouth full of the best meat in all of Neverland. "O Oh g g od...I'm going to...ANH!!" She screamed as she came a second tme, cumming all over his mouth and panting heavily, her body still shaking with the pleasure she has recieved He took her into his arms carrying her to his bed he still had much to teach this Wendy before she could become his wife. "sleep well Wendy" he brushed her hair away kissing her had before laying her down and covering up her nude body. With pan out of the way he could raid the savages any time he wanted. Wnedy groaned, clinging to him as he caried her off to his bed. As she laid on the bed, she groaned and slowly drifted off to deep slumber, a small smile upon her soft pink lips Hook went over the maps of the island his eyes drifting to the girl Peter had died to bring him. "such a sweet girl" he penned a few things before falling asleep in a big chair a smile on his own face "so good" Wendy slept peacefully on his bed, tears rolliing down her cheeks slowly as she dreamt of Peter and all that was lost In the morning he made breakfast for the two of them waiting for Wendy to get up oh how she would need a bath. "Wake up Wendy" he only hopped that she would not be too shocked by her ordeal. As Wendy slowly awoke, she truly believed this was all some sort of dream. A strange, erotic dream that would never happen...That is, until she noticed Hook once again her yes widening. It all came back to her. Peter's death, the lost boys abandonment, Hook's hospitality and a night of passion she experienced much earlier than expected. Her face red, she held the sheets up to hide her naked body blushing at Hook before looking away "I have eggs, ham and biscuits" the tray sat at her feet slowly he walked over to his own a larger dish. Sitting down he began to eat his food at least the girl was not screaming, a fresh set of cloths sat at her feet. he smiled as he made the plans having the men set it all up in advance for there date. "I hope you don't mind i made plans to show you the island" most of his men would be setting up the pick nick boat rid to the island or invading the savage village.http: image ball ... wnRed1.jpg She looked down at her tray before looking up at him. Nodding slowly, she changed into the dress, trying to hide behind the sheets so he wouldn't see her while she changed. After slipping into the gown, she slowly nibble on her food, looking down at her feet "Wendy it was cut to start but you must stop doing that" st the moment he felt far more like a proud father then a lover. she was adorable but he woudl like her to act more like the women she had become then the child she had been. "you know you look radiant in that" he offered as he sliced of a piece of ripe Mellon. He offered her the piece between his two fingers wanting to kill the paternal feelings. She blushed as he scolded her just like a father would, scowling a bit. As he comlimented how she looked, she blushed and looked back up at him, brushing her hair behid her ear as she smiled shyly, "Thank you.." She whispered. Looking at the piece of melon he offered her, she leaned forward and took it between her lips to pick it up, her tongue softly slipping between his fingers as she ate the bit of melon, her cheeks pink Hook was a bit less formal then he normally was a ruffled shirt pants and no weapons but a small dagger and musket. "You should enjoy it that was blood melon, don't let the name fool you its like every red berry and just enough Mellon" he had to admit that she had a very pleasant mouth kissing her had already proved that. His eyes ate up her maturing body it was far better then the meal. "You will enjoy such sites, the singing sirens, the fire flowers" there were so many wonders the battles got in the way. "Oh..Well, its delicious.." She nodded with a smile, brushing down her dress as she looked back at him, nodding, "That sounds good" She nodded again. She couldnt help but wonder...How log was he going to entertain her until he grows bored of her and dump her to the ticking crocodile, or worse, turn me into a new toy for his crew. She shivered at the thought but remained quiet The trip to the boat was short the crew watching them as they left saying things better that she did not hear. "You better stay close" he warned her looking around he began to paddle towards the island. he could see she was afraid of something and he did not know what to say to make her feel better. "something on you're mind" he asked.ooc any ideas where you want the thread to go Wendy nervously looked around at the crew, and fortunatly didn't seem to hear what they were saying. Looking out at the island an drowning in her own thoughts, she blinked in surprise as he spoke to her, looking back at him, "Oh! oh I'm sorry...i guess i was daydreaming, that's all.." She murmurred, nervously holding her hand The first sight was a waterfall going up it was water rushing up a vertical wall of rock and moss. "that's OK i do sometimes as well" every now and then he could see his men looking at Wendy steal the captains woman and you steel his ship. "take my hand" he offered stepping out of the boat. it was strange what would he do when the war was over. Wendy watched the waterfall in awe. Of course, she'd seen it before wth Peter, but it still tok her breath away each time. She was far too absorbed by the sight to hear anything the pirate crew were saying. Looking at Hook as he stepped out of the boat, she took his hand and slowly stepped out as well Long the side where a hundred steps carved from stone each led further up the side of the cliff until one reached the top. "The view of the bay if one of the best in neverland" he painted his ship many times. In fact a painting stood in the home of almost every pirate of importance in Neverland pirate harbor. "be careful Wendy i would not like to see you hurt" Following him up the hundred steps up to the cliff, she gasped at the sight of the bay, a sight she never seen before. She stood there silently, her han squeezing his as she looked out at the bay, the wind running through her hair and blowing her dress back. He had a lot more things he wanted to try with Wendy, oral annal there was so much more fun to be had. "Be careful its a long way down" The top was a flat rock some points sticking out to form dagger like teeth. He could see she was coming around to his point of vein he would make a pirate out of her yet "My love what are you thinking about" he asked looking back. "Nothing.." She muttered softly as he helped her down the steps, looking back up at that cliff before looking back at him, "Taking me somewhere else now?" she asked curiously, a small smile upon her lips Where to have some more sex, he thought looking over his map someplace private. "The reflecting pools of peal" white water that was always the perfect temperature with smooth bath like floors and well what more did it need "this looks good" he took he hand it was only a mile or so away from the falls. She nodded softly and held his hand as he led the way off to the reflecting pools of peal, her otheer hand holding up her gown so she wouldnt trip over it The pools stretched out for a 100 yards each no bigger then a large bed and separated by a rocky crown. "I know i should have bather first" he took of his shirt showing of a body kept fit by fighting ans swimming. There were also scars over his body from the many battles with pan the lost boys and the savages. "I won't turn away this time" he watched her waiting to see what she would do since there coupling. She was still very shy but like a flower she was blooming into a young developed woman. She stared out at the field of pools, fascinated as she looked around. The waters looked soo tempting to swim in. She really wanted to take a dip in the cool water. at the sight of him taking off his shirt, she blushed, looking down at her feet as she looked at her, waiting for her. Gulping slowly, she reached behind her to slowly unzip her dress and slip it down her body, slipping off her stalkings and shoes after that, sitting there with nothing but her panties The pools were heated below hot air released by volcanic vents or something no one had dug them up to check "You look like an elf" not that he had seen any the only Faye on the island was tinkerbell and she was tiny. Her shoulders were nearly as slip as her waist and her breast were tight perky and high."You will have the time of you're life" his underpants were already tenting at the site of her body. she owed him a favor after the attention his skilled mouth had paid her tasty nether regions. He would wait to asked chances were she had never even tried it before. "Wendy did you enjoy when i explored you're sex with my mouth" his hand sliding up her leg and over her panties. She blushed as he called her an elf, not sure if it was a compliment or an insult. watching as his pants tented while he looked at her. Blinking slowly at his question, she blushed and nodded, "Y Yes..." She whispered, shivering as he slid his hand up her leg and over her panties, groaning softly He smiled "well have you ever sucked on a candy" maybe if he explained it well enough they could 69 in the pools. he could imagine her lips wrapped around his cock taking t into her young mouth "Maybe you would even enjoyed it" He asked withe a smile he could see that she was a little shy about her young body. Not that she had much to be shy about her body was even more then on track to be a great beauty. She blinked slowly and smiled, nodding, "Oh yes. I love sucking candy!" She smiled, tilting her head to the side, curious why he'd ask her that. She walked up to him slowly, a shy smile upon her lips She pulled down her boxers he could see that she was interested more then a little only that shyness remained there. "Don't be afraid it wont bite" she looked so cute he small face and big bright eyes. "just try it it has a creamy center" he felt like half a dirty old man and half the luckiest man in the world. he watched her move close to his cock she did not lick her lips but she never had tasted cock before. She blinked when he pulled his boxers down, realizing what he meant by 'sucking candy'. Blushing furiously, she hesitated at first but remembered that she did owe him after he licked her the previous night. She shivered with the pleasure of the memory as she slowlly knewly infront of hi, leaning forward towards his cock. Looking up at him, she shyly licked the very tip of his cock. He watched the small girl Wendy kneel in front of him and begin to lick the head of his cock he used his finger tip to guide her. The small mouth and tongue was erotic but may be a small problem latter with his size. "That is very good but don't worry you wont hurt it" he told her watching her obey his command. The pools were a good place for this warm as well as private he could truly enjoy himself. She groaned softly, licking and kissing along his cock, tasting every inch of his shaft. Looking up at him, she slowly leaned down to lick and suckle on his balls with her small mouth, happy that she's able to make him feel good He was more then a little shocked the way she dove into the job mouth first "god that feels good" he moaned placing his hands on her head. he did not force her to go deeper or faster or do anything bu simply let her move. "you are very good did anyone teach you" he asked with a growing grin. "Mmmh...I just really love sucking candy..." She replied playfully with a small smile as she licked up his length, taking the head back in her mouth, suckling more and rolling her tongue around the tip, groaning onto his member It was cute watching her play with his cock as if it was some kind of top or piece of candy "You know i love the way you play with it" he watched her take more and more of the cock into her little mouth. he could see the cheeks bulge out feeling her tongue slide over the thick shaft of his cock. "you are great" he was sweating and pulling a little at her hair. She moaned onto his cock, licking and suckling harder, her tongue rubbing up against the tip. She groaned as he pulled at her hair, looking up at him with darker eyes as she suckled more and more on his member He pulled a little harder on her long hair a little aroused by the power he was gaining over the young girl and her sexuality. "Just like that" He moaned as he felt her deep throat his cock she was a natural cock sucker. "very good Wendy" She groaned, sucking harder on his cock and licking it up playfully. She groaned as she slipped his cock down her throat surprisingly easily. She leaned back and licked up his cock, moaning. He began to cum filling her throat with his hot thick seed he could see she had some trouble with trying to swallow it all. "just keep going" he wanted her to both clean him off and get him hard to fuck her in the tight ass. She gagged on his cum as he came dwn her throat, groaning as she was forced to swallow, her eyes tearing up a bit.. Once she swallowed his load, she licked the cum off his cock, cleaning him up and moaning softly he had her bend over the side of the pool he could see that she was a bit confused with what would happen to her next. "I want you're ass, i know it could hurt but i want to try it" he placed his hand on her mouth sliding it over then into her mouth. "can i try you're ass Wendy" he asked in a sweet and slow tone. She blinked as he bent her over the side of the pool, looking back at him and blushing furiously, wincing a bit before he even touched her ass, groaning softly as he placed his hand on her mouth then into it, groaning before she shyly nodded, his sweet, slow tone making her melt He placed his cock at the entrance to her ass while his fingers played with her mouth letting her suck on his digits. "This will hurt a lot to start" he warned her pushing the head of his cock into her virgin ass. "how is that" he asked Wendy violating the last of her orifices in only two full day that he had known her. She whimpered a bit as she suckled on his fingers while his cock teased the entrance of her ass, shivering a bit before she nodded. As he pushed the head into her as, her grip on the edge of the pool tightened while she winced in pain, trying her best not to make a sound of protest, muffling her groans of pain by sucking and rubbing her tongue against his fingers He forced his cock deep into her body enjoying the way her young body wrapped around his cock holding him inside. "You know i bet you will come to love this" he pulled out of her then thrust again into her tight ass. he loved the feeling of her cute mouth wrapped around his fingers like a second cock. he woudl ask smee to join only he did not want to share the sweet girl with any other person. Her eyes teared up as she tried o endure the pain in her as as he shoved in and out of her, groaning as she spread her legs a bit further apart.Her whimpers of pain were muffled as she kept on sucking hiss fingers, groaning onto them. He could tell that he ass was not taking it as well as he would like pulling out he lubed up using some coconut oil. "this should feel better" he slid back in as she spread her legs she was still insanely tight down there. "i hope it feels better" he mumbled as he fucked her ass. She groaned as he pullled out, looking back at him him as he lubed up while she rubed her sore ass. As he slid back inside her, she let out a loud groan, nodding a bit, trying to relax, "A A little..yeah..." She nodded, smiling back at him, trying to get through the pain after only a few more moments he came in her tight as filling it again with his cum as he had her young cunt. "Ok no more anal, well maybe once a month" he kissed her on the lips tasting himself in her mouth. "I take it you like being fucked in any place but that" he asked tracing her finger over the center of her back and chest. Wendy tensed up a bit as he came inside her ass, groaning sotly before loking back at him, softly kissing him back. She blushed a bit at his question, shrugging a bit, "well...M maybe i can grow to like it...."She replied softly, smiling up at him she was a good girl she had taken everything he had to give and taken it without fighting or screaming. "i love you Wendy" he told her kissing her on her head he lay next to her in the milky white pool. "you know i think i may marry you" wondering if she still wanted to be rescued. Wendy smiled as she laid beside him, sighing softly, but remained quiet for a few moments. Looking back at him and nodded softly, "I....I deeply care for you, captain...I do...I love you b but...I'm a bit too young to get's too soon..." She replied softly, a smal frown upon her lips He pulled out a ring "an engagement as long as you need" before she could speak he slipped the ring onto her finger. He smiled thinking he needed to protect her from all the crew who would rape her to death. "Is that a yes" he asked at her silence. She opened her mouth to say something just as he slipped a ring onto her finger. She looked down at it, then back up at him, smiling warmly, before gently kissing his lips He laughed it was nice to see her at a loss for words that did not turn into moans it made him feel good. "don't worry we can wait we have all the time in the world" No one aged in never land not the last boys or the savages with a few exceptions. "So i guess you should start planning" he place her body between his legs the wedding night would not be a surprise but it would not be bad either. As e placed hetween his legs, she nuzzles up to him, holding him close and drifting off to sleep slowly, her head resting on his shoulder. She smiled, gently kisssing the side of his neck he placed his hands on her "You want to try the first kind next maybe be on top this time" he offered her eager for another good fuck. Wendy grinned, as she opened her eyes and nodded. She lifted herself slightly from between his legs, turning around to face him and wrap her arms around his neck as she slowly lowered herself back down, slipping his cock inside of her pussy this time, "Nngh..." He placed his arms under her as he slid his cock into her still young cut which was more then a little red. "I hope you are sure about this" he rocked his hips sliding in and out of Wendie's young used cunt. He could feel her push back against him if only he could some how get all of his cock into her little cunt like he could her ass. She moaned out loudly as he slitd his cock in and out of her, trembling and clingitng to him tightly, pressing her young body up against his as she threw her head back and moaned out in delight, "A Aahh!" His hands lid over her small back the site of her moaning on his body would have been enough to push him over the edge the first time. Unlike many men he wanted to make her feel as good as she was making him. "good girl" he held her by the waist making sure that they were in sync meeting there thrusts at the same moment. Smiling down a him, Wendy began picking up he pace. Slipping his entire length deep inside of her with each thrust, she rode him a little faster, archng her back and letting out loud moans as she leaned back a bit. He smiled she was already in love with his cock after a good fuck or two it was an amazing transformation. "yeah ride that cock" he yelled feeling a little dirty for fucking such a young, and formerly innocent girl. "yeah" he smacked her ass a little enjoying the speed at which she went from angel to slut. "Aahh..! Y Yeah..!" She cried out with delight, her small budding breasts bouncing with her as she rode his cock, forgetting all about her innocense and childhood while gasping wih delight as he smacked her ass. She no longer though of herself as a little girl. Now, she was a woman. A slutty one, at that He smiled moving to her chest to suckle her breast as his hand moved to her clit rubbing the small organ. "Hmm you like that Wendy" he teased biting he nipple a little harder and pulling it back. He then slapped her ass a few more times letting go off her tits to watch them gentle bounce up and down. She panted heavily and held his head to her breast as he suckled on her breast, throwing her head back and groaning, "I...Oh god, I love it..!!" She moaned out in delight, gasping sharply as he bit her nipple and pulled it back like that, trembling as she groaned, "Aahhnn!! Oh god I'm gonna cum!!" She screamed, riding him even faster and harder now His fingers dug deeply into her back as he bit down hard on her nipple enough to elicit a scream that was a mix of pain and pleasure. "Cum" he ordered her knowing the little girl had become his in any way he chose. He could fuck her any time of the day and she would come to him willingly at once. He trust into her body feeling her do her best to thrust her small body back onto his engorged and stiff cock. She screamed out in both pain and pleasure, clinging tightly to his body as she came hard, covering his cock with her juices as she trembled and cpanted heavily, panting heavily while her hips kept on riding his cock even when was cumming, "AAhhnn...." he lifted her lips kissing her again he would not cum so soon he had tasted her velvet glove and was more experienced with such a small space. "you make me feel like a young charming man"he smiled kissing her over her body. How long he had been able as a young man of experience perhaps they would someday be entwined for hours. Wendy kissed him back passionaly, grinning at him before letting out a gasp as he kissed over her body, her hips sill riding his cock, "Mm..P please....I want you to fill me with your seed...I..I want your cum all over me..." She purred, moaning He laughed how could he do both if he filled her then he would not have any cum to cover her with he was not a machine. "You would look great in cum" he pulled out nhaving her sit on his lap as he came all over her finger rubbing her clit. "Wendy tell me you will stay here forever" he smiled forever young. The only problem was if her body did not grow would she still want to marry him in a few years. She groaned as he came all over her, trembling while his finger rubbed her clit. Shivering a bit, she purred as she nuzzled him, holding him close to her, "I will...I want to be here forever..I can never go back home anyways" She smiled, leaning up and kisssing him He kissed her back if he went back with her anyways he would end up in jail he smiled kids were unheard of in never land. People unable to age did not have periods and thus did not have kids so much the better. "You know i think i could build you a castle" he smiled kissing over her young body feeling her back with her hands. "So what color would you like it" he teased soaking up te sight of her young cum soaked body. She chuckled, purring as he kissed over her body, smiling down at him, "MMm....I don't know...I don't want a castle.." She shrugged, sighing as she slowly closed her eyes, scooping some of his cum off her small breast with her finger and licking it off slowly He laughed she was no normal young girl most of them would have found fucking a man old enough to be her father to be sick and wrong. "well what do you want" he asked kissing her small mouth even with the new taste. He ran his finger freely over her naked body that lay exposed before him. "You are a vision Wendy" he smiled kissing her neck. "I wanna be with you..." She whispered, kissing him again and groaned as he ran his finger over her naked body, shivering, "Mmm..but I'm not even fully grown..I don't want have nice big breasts..." She pouted cutely He laughed holding her chest he could see that she was serious about what she was saying to her. "You don't need them, you are perfect the way you are" if he had aged he would be an old man by now and peter would have been a father or more. She blushed and smiled brightly,, leaning in to kiss him passionatly once again while he held her chest, "Oh Captain..." She moaned He smiled what should they do before the next fuck one could only fuck so often in one day before on had to stop. "Wendy you are perfect, and will stay that way forever and ever" Wendy smiled, purring softly as she sighed. She stayed quiet for a few moments before looking up a him, "I have a question.." He played with her sexy lips he did not want to leave they had the rest of the day before they had to get back to the ship. "and what is that" he asked the girl who had stolen his heart he had an erection already. He smiled thinking about all the days she would have with him of all the sex he could give to her. "You're called Captain Hook..I assume the hook is for the hook in your hand, of course...So...What's your real name...?" She asked sofly, wrapping her arms around his neck, "I don't wanna call you 'Captain' or 'Hook' all the time" "Alistair, Alistair Ashbey" it was not a common name but his family had been anything but normal his parents his real parents had been poor. His adoptive parents had renamed him though he had long forgotten his first name. "He allowed the pixie dust to fade his hooked hand was not a thing he liked to show off. "You want a piercing" he teased pressing the hook lightly to one nipple. "but you can call me James Hook, or just james" "James it is" She smiled warmly, nuzzling his neck softly and sighing before looking up to the sky while enjoying his body's warmth "Wendy will they miss you" he was sure her little brothers had been sent home unless they were staying with the boys or the savages. "woudl you like me to look for you're brothers' he asked with a smile. "They're lost boys now..." She sighed, looking back a him, "All I can ask of you is not to harm the lost boys...please..." She smiled, sitting up and cuddling up to him He had no problem with them without peter he could do as he pleased. "i promise me men will stay away from there tree forts" where ever those were he laughed that was the trouble how to avoid a hidden enemy. "Thank you" She smiled, before slowly getting off his lap, sighing as she stared to get dressed He began to dress as well there were the whistling caves to visit they could do that today or the next or any other. "You want to continue the tour" he asked taking her arm and guiding her towards the cave a low whistling could be hear. "Mmhmm..." She smiled, hugging his arm as he guided her towards the cave, shivering at the sound of the low whistling within the cave, hugging his arm a bit tighter A rope ran along one side next to the wall slicing through stones and old iron from when the cave was an active mine. "I once fought the lost boys here after chasing them into the caves" the haunting sound could be mistaken for a moan or a bird at times "the winds come in from all four directions" he told her placing his hand on hers. "It's creepy..." She whispered, holding him a bit closer asshe looked around, just as a moaning sound came from within the the cave He exited the cave on the other end was a bowl shaped field of flower no one went there but his possible daughter tiger lilly. "You know i am sorry you had to come here i mean Neverland i am sure you will be missed" he helped her up onto a fallen log then sat next to her looking over the small valley. She shook her head, smiling at him, "I'm not...I like it here in Neverland.." She chuckled as she sat beside him on the fallen log, resting her head on his shoulder as she looked over the valley The sun was setting slowly it would be a few more hours before the night came he wondered what the lost boys were doing. "well that was a nice day what would you like to do now" he asked her as he sat there watching the sun set. She shrugged her shoulders, sighing as she sared onto the sunset, "Don't know...anything, really.." She smiled at him softly, giving his hand a soft squeeze He could have fallen asleep there and then when it got too dark they could go back to the ship or sleep under the star "just let me know when you think of something" She nodded quietly, curling up against him while she stared out to the sky while the night fell. She blinked in surprise as she saw a ball of twinkling light flying through the air, her eyes widening a bit, "Tinkerbell...?" She whispered softly under her breath, raising an eyebrow The small fairy was not despondent but mad at hook he could have shot the fairy had he brought his gun along. "Listen tink i know that you are mad but it had to happen it is how the place works" the small fairy made a cut over hie cheek with her dagger. He covered his eye and spit some wine dosing the small fairies wings slowly she crash landed on the ground. Wendy gasped as Tinkerbell attacked hook with her dagger, before he spat some wine. She hurried up to her feet, picking up the tiny fairy in her hands gently, before looking back at Hook, her eyes filled with worry, "Are you okay? Let me see your eye.." She asked in concern, starting to panic, before ooking down at the unconscious blonde fairy, "Poor Tink..." She muttered softly. Tinkerbell and Wendy never got along very well, but she knew that the fairy truely loved Peter Pan with all of her teeny, tiny heart. She must be heartbroken.. He was not happy to see the future miss hook with his enemy he knew this would not end well at all. "Ok i know a way to bring Peter back" Tiger Lilly had died once and he had found a way to bring her back. He looked at the fairy who was still trying to get hook with he small dagger gentle he plucked it form her hands. "You keep that up and i may fuck you" he teased the fairy wondering if even pan would be small enough for that job. The fairy was making that infernal sound. "no need to thank me" he teased. "Bring Peter back...?" Wendy was shocked. She didn't hear anything about this before, "You can..bring him back..?" She know what to think or feel about that. Should she be happy? Should she be mad? Should she even care? She gulped, no longer aware of tinkerbell as the fairy tried beating Hook's hand with her tiny fists. Her rolled his eyes this was a land where people never aged bringing back the dead was child's play. "yes the trouble is someone has to die to bring him back" it was a straight up trade one life for another. He looked at Wendy who seemed confused tink was still mad not believing him or maybe unwilling to do the dead. "Not me maybe a democratic volunteer" "Oh.." She whispered sofly, looking at the angry Tink before looking back up at him. She remained quiet, not sure if she even wanted Peter to come back to life. She bit her lowerlip and spoke, "Who would it be then...?" He walked around trying to act as if he was thinking about it there were so many people he would be happy to use What about tiger lily I know you were friends he asked licking his lips wondering if she would accept. Her eyes betrayed fear but for what surely she wanted pan to com back one way or another. It could not be that you wished him ill he asked. He smiled wondering after all they had done what the boy wonder would think. Would he be shocke3d angry or sad to see her now.
['Smee', 'Pan']
Heavens Gate (Anjeru and Me)
The universe isnt full of mystery. Some can be explained, some cannot. Among those that cannot be explained, is a place known universally, as heavens gate. Many found this place, and some are even allowed entry. Inside of the victorian styled mansion, a man named Fate resides. When asked who he is, he would always say that he is simply a man who knows how to enjoy life.Within the walls of the mansion, people would meet people from places they never even heard off. They seemed like they come from different worlds, and some even claims that the people inside are all from different time periods. However, it is here that they are all united with a special person. Fate would give them a room, and send someone from another world to meet them. It normally ends in romance, sex, or violence, whatever the case, there is always a reaction, a chemistry. It was like Fate can see these things in advance, and is merely playing as a cosmic matchmaker.When Ffamran mied Bunansa, more widely known as Balthier, the sky pirate, first found Heavens Gate, he was skeptic. He was looking for treasure, but instead found the mansion on a deserted island. When he met the owner, Fate convinced him that he will show him a great treasure, a woman who would give him the time of his life, and all he had to do was wait in a room."Quite the place i must say.." He said to no one in particular, sitting on the bed in his large bedroom, admiring the decor. Rikku had ended up seperated from Paine and Yuna after the Celsuis had dropped them off at this island in response to a sphere supposedly being located here. The young Al Bhed had no idea where her cousin and companion had went, her com wasn't working either. She peered up at the enterance to this mansion, not sure what to do.Intrigued and curious, the blonde stepped inside the building. A man named Fate greeted her not far inside but before he could say anything, she did. "Have you seen any spheres around here?" she asked, only for the man to shake his head."I can give you even better treasure than a sphere," the man replied, a smirk tinting his lips."Really! Do you promise?" Rikku jumped up excitedly, always happy at the prospect of treasure. The man motioned for him to follow and so she did. He took her to a door and turned to face her. "Wait inside," was all he said before disappearing. Rikku tilted her head and blinked, but shrugged her tan shoulders and stepped into the room, shutting the door behind her.Then she blinked again, seeing the oddly dressed man sitting on the bed. "Who are you?" she asked, a brow raised. "This isn't treasure!" she huffed, placing her hands on her hips in a pout. Balthier turned around, looking at the girl who just came in. She was young, perhaps as old as Vaan, or Penelo. Was she the woman who would give him the time of his life? She was certainly an attractive little thing. The former judge walked closer, scanning the girl from head to toe. She had very peculiar eyes, ones he is seemingly attracted to. When he stood next to her, their height difference became apparent."Treasure?..You seem abit young to be a treasure hunter arent you girl?"Upon closer inspection, her skin tone told him she was from a hot climate. Of course, the clothing pretty much told him that anyways. "I am Balthier, a sky pirate. May i know your name?". Balthier wasted no time, getting to know her. Afterall, he know what he wants out of this encounter. He took a glass of wine, and poured it for himself, but when he went to pour some for her, he stopped. "How..old are you?" He asked her. He wanted to do this right, he wont get an underaged girl drunk, even if it is a girl he's trying to bang. "I guess," Rikku said with a slight shrug, the braids from her unique hair style swaying from the action. For a good chunk of her life, she'd been hunting after treasure. It was just something the Al Bhed did and were well known for.Green eyes with distinctive swirls of the Al Bhed watching the tall andveryhandsome man move about the room. Granted, she was short, but her body was still very devolped and not particularly clothed in much, still dressed as her Thief job class. His name sounded strange to her, almost foriegn. Was he even from Spira? He was clothed in material that was familiar, but the style...she had never seen it before, but she almost wanted to lick her lips because this man was most definitely the best looking she had ever come across. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all. There were some instances where bodily pleasure could be as good as treasure."Huh? Oh, my name is Rikku." She told him, having been rather distracted by his accent and the way his body moved, and then added a moment later when he asked, "I just recently turned 18." She had been 15 when Tidus had come to Spira, when she had joined her cousin Yuna in her fight against Sin. When they, her, Yuna, and Paine, had formed the GullWings to raid Spira for the valuable dress spheres, she had been 17. So they'd been doing their treasure hunting for little over a year now."Would you mind if I sit?" Rikku asked him, her hand batting at some blonde strands of hair that had fallen into her eyes. Her other hand was still resting upon a curvy hip, on top of the tan material of her short skirt. Balthier looked around, and saw two chairs in the room. Whatever mischief he was planning, the young man didnt show, his poker face remained perfect throughout his charade. When he got to one of the chairs, he lifted it up slightly, and slammed it to the ground, breaking it into small wooden fragments. Balthier dusted off his hands as if he just did something that made complete sense."Well, as you can see. I would love to offer you a seat, but theres only one chair in the room, so perhaps my lady should sit on my lap?"He sat and leaned back on the one remaining wooden chair after pulling it to the middle of the room. He had seen women dress provocatively, but never to the point of wearing clothings that didnt cover anything. Even Fran wore more than this girl, and thats saying alot. Of course he wasnt complaining, as her body was curved in all the right places."In fact, if you do so, you just might find the treasure you've been wanting so much." He shamelessly continued. Balthier is nothing if not confident. He has that swagger that tells everyone around him 'im the leading male character', and it had driven many women crazy, with either lust, or annoyance. Rikku's blonde brow quirked as she observed the sky pirate's action and she found an amused smile breaking out across her lips. "Oh? What kind of treasure do you have for me?" she questioned as she dropped her gloved hand from her hip to move closer, the ends of her sunset hued scarf swaying with her movements.She came to stand directly in front of Balthier, green eyes sliding across the length of his body, before deciding to go ahead and play his game. It's not like an oppurtunity such as this one would present itself again anytime soon. Sitting on his lap, though not straddling, her arm clothed in that odd peach colored bow sleeve laid itself across his shoulders. Fingertips traced the side of his neck.Sitting like this gave the sky pirate a very nice view of the young woman's cleavage not small, but not large either, probably in the range of a nice, full handful that the yellow bikini top gave her. Matching yellow straps of the underwear could be seen peeking out from the skirt, resting on her curved hips. She crossed her long, smooth legs, her free hand pulling the scarf from her before dropping it onto the floor."What kind of treasure can you offer a Sphere Hunter like me?" He grinned subtly, eyes grazing her body slightly before locking into those captivating exotic green orbs. "How about i give you hints?" He said in a low voice. He took of the many coloured rings on his fingers and dropped each one of them down on top of her discarded scarf."The shape is not that of a sphere, its more of a ..shaft"His hands moved so swiftly to her bandana and removed it without a sound, that Balthier may as well be a thief also. He certainly stole alot of attention wherever he went. His gentle hands went about the duty of making her hair go down, letting the flowing blond locks fall upon her bare backs."Its a treasure many women, as well as a few men, have chased, but very few ever obtained."His hands transitioned from the back of her neck, to her sides, brushing ever so slowly, before finding a comfortable spot on her hips. Rikku's long blonde hair spilled free and tumbled down her back, save the beaded braids. She wasn't used to people looking at her free hair but she found his eyes roaming her strangely erotic. Her green eyes looked into his own as she smiled slowly. "I must be very lucky, then."His very soft touches on her body were making her heat up in the best possible way. She peeled the gloves off of her hands and dropped them into the small pile forming beside the chair. Next were her arms sleeves and she slipped off her shoes, now she was just sitting in the main parts of her clothes."I can see how you could be a treasure," she said with a small smirk of a smile. She had the urge to lick her lips again, but did not. "So how is it I'm lucky enough to receive such a treasure?" "Oh i'd like to think you didnt find the treasure.." His voice lowered to a sensual whisper. One that holds back a fiery passion behind those calm cool eyes. The man seemed to have plans, all his movements were perfectly calculated, all had a goal, a bigger picture in the grand schemes of things. Taking both her hands and placing them on his lips for a light kiss, the man proceeded to place the two soft hands on a growing bulge in his pants."I'd like to think..The treasure found you.."His lips grazed hers like a cloud would a mountaintop. Just barely. Leaving her hungry for more, as he pulled back just before anything else could happen. He didnt forget about her hands of course, he pressed them harder down on the tent in his pants, the silky fabric feeling nice on his shaft. Then he let go of her hand, his own hands unbuttoning the shirt he's wearing. Rikku's eyes glazed with pleasure at the light brush of his lips, but it last only a second and then he pulled back. It made her tingle hotly and she wanted more. Her hands felt the bulge and this time, she gave into the urge to lick her lips, her tongue sliding across her plump lips."You make it sound like I'm a treasure," she murmured somewhat distracted by each inch of skin slowly being revealed to her as he unbuttoned his shirt. One hand lightly tightened its grasp upon to the already impressive shaft through his silk.Her teeth nibbled upon her lower lip and she shuffled her legs, uncrossing them as the heat between her thighs was becoming a little uncomfortable. Never had she felt passion build so quickly as it was seeming to do with him. The sky pirate had to be the most delicious man she'd ever laid eyes on. When he finished unbuttoning his shirt, she helped slide it off and moved both hands up to smooth them over his skin, admiring it. "You are..a very wonderfull one at that." Came his swift ensuring reply. Balthier is starting to understand what Fate had meant, he certainly was going to enjoy this girl alot.Once more he grazed her lips, this time enjoying a prolonged soft Kiss that grew hotter by the seconds, distracting her from his wandering hand that made quick work of her bikini top, making the pile of discarded clothing next to them grow bigger and bigger. Once she was topless, Balthier rubbed his chest on her nipples, pulling away from her lips, leaving his own lips dangle tantalizingly close to her neck as he tortured her body, not allowing her to get the intensity she craves."We have all night my dear..I'll be your leading man..Over and over.." A quick lick to her neck cuts his words mid sentence. "And over..Now if you'd be so kind..please take out that treasure of mine.." She smiled at his ensuring response and leaned into the kiss, only half realizing he was discarding of her bikini top. Such simple caresses from this man was making her burn. Her tan nipples pebbled against his chest as his sking brushed them. A breath fell from her lips at the contact.Rikku shivered as he spoke, the words making her core ache. His breath was hot against her neck and she had to bite her lip to stifle a soft moan that trembled in her throat, threatening to slip free at the smallest, simplest touch from Balthier. Dear god, that man, Fate, had been right. This man was a much better treasure than any sphere.Her tan, small hands did as he commanded and slid down his chest to work on the bindings of his pants. When the opening parted, her hand dipped in to bring his hardening cock to the forefront, fingers hot and soft to the touch. She nipped playfully at his lip, her eyes darkening to a deep green as pleasure hotly coarsed through her veins, slow and molten, like lava. He stole her breath once more with a burning kiss.The chair was shaking around due to the intensity of their little session, and Balthier knew that if he doesnt want them to fall awkwardly, he should move the scene to the second scene. Of course the spotlight will be on him, but that doesnt mean his leading lady wont get some fun as well. Afterall, a dialogue is far more fun than a monologue.The bed is very large, clearly designed for an enjoyable sexual experience. Balthier placed the girl center stage, where the good action always takes place. He slid his pants down, and knelt in front of her, allowing the girl to admire his erect spear like shaft. It was a good size, but his lean physique makes it look huge. "Do you like what you see?" He asked as he slid of her pants, throwing it back to the pile."Now..Shall we heat things up.." Like a serpent, swift and silent he slid between her legs, spreading them and licking the inner thigh. His tongue slowly moved up to the main prize, but enjoying each inch of the journey. When he reached her womanhood, the man quickly flicked his tongue at it, testing her reaction before giving a long lick along the lips of her entrance. "Oh I do like what I see...very much," Rikku said when he knelt over her, the forest eyes mixed with hypnotizing swirls traveling hotly over his revealed body. He was quick to pull her skirt and undergarment from her body and a shiver swept through her body at his next words and again when his tongue and mouth paid their attentions to her sensitive thighs.When Balthier reached her womanhood, the scent of her was both musky and addicting as her arousal was just as evident as his. She was glistening hotly. When his tongue flicked experimently against her, Rikku gasped sharply, body jerking a slight. Before she could recover, he lapped at her with a long stroke, she gave a soft cry.Her hands gripped the exquisite covers beneath them as her hips involuntarily lifted towards his mouth and tongue. Already she was burning for him and the only thing that seemed to be happening in response was she was growing hotter beneath him, for him. Balthier thrusted his tongue deeper and deeper into her, exploring, experimenting, trying to find her sensitive spots and commiting them to memory. He would sometimes build her momentum, only to stop once it nearly reaches the climax, leaving her dangling at the gates of heaven while he teased her softly with taunting kisses to her thighs. He was snakelike in his smoothness, licking his lips to savour her remaining taste.He looked up to her face with that always calm expression of his, telling her without words that this is just the start. Suddenly, without warning he assaulted her once more, this time sucking on her clitoris as a single finger entered her cunt and probed the areas that drew the best reaction from the previous attack. His tongue and fingers would trade places over the next half an hour, continuously stimulating the blonde girl, yet stopping whenever she's about to find her climax. It was clear that the young thief and sphere hunter was enjoying herself, her body writhing under his lips and tongue. She burned ever brighter, threatening to go out like a supernova, intense and ever so hot. Yet, pulled back just before she could reach the pinnacle. Her fingers clenched in the covers and she so lovingly expressed her pleasure in melodolic moans and coo's.Each time he ceased his expert assualt upon her burning and sopping center, she wanted to scream. Each time gave a long groan and half pleasured sob. By the half hour mark, she was huffing, her body hypersensitive and tingling in every single nerve ending she had. She didn't think she could take much more, a sheen of passionate perspitation making her skin gleam." the gods, please...I can't..." she moaned out the words, not even entirely sure if they were coherant enough. The man smiled and paused a long time before he actually entered her. But he only did so halfway, moving back and forth, rubbing her insides in long slow teasing motion, but never once filling her fully and all the way. He wanted the girl to beg, to bring her to the limits of her sanity." dear..your cunt truly is exquisite.." He groanedWith his cock stretching her wide, he focused on the sensitive spots he found near her entrance, rubbing them in an increasing rythm. Sometimes he would tease that he will go deep, only to pull back out after an inch or two. The couple is about to reach the one hour mark and it seemed that Balthier is nowhere near done with his torture."Beg for it..tell me what it is you truly want me to do.." The way the suave man was working the young woman was going to drive her crazy. He always made it seem like he was going to fill her with his magnicifent rod, but never did, only stretching her small hole a couple of inches in, only ever seeming, at most, to put himself half in. He went on like this for another half hour and Rikku was getting to the point where she was going to wrap her legs around his waist and pull him into her.She didn't however. Rikku's pussy would clamp down on his cock each time he moved it into her, trying desperately to hold him in her. Her head rolled as she moaned, panting again, her ability to coherently think long gone.He wanted her to beg it seemed and at this point, she was more than happy to oblige if it would get him to fuck her. At this point, that was the only thing she could think of, the only thing she could feel, the only thing she wanted. And she wanted it more than anything, as was apparent by the way her cunt clung to him and bathed him hotly in her arousal."Please, Balthier..." Rikku moaned out, clutching the sheets tightly, her legs even trembling now. "I want your treasure inside of me, deep inside, hard...please..." her head rolled and she opened her lust filled eyes to plead with him. "I want it to make me cum, again and again...fuck me, please." Balthier brushed a strand of hair from her face and placed his lips on hers gently, hips penetrating her as deep as he can, filling her waiting cunt with his precious treasure. He did it slowly, as his shaft pressed onto her walls, creating intense friction that seemed to last forever before his hips pressed against hers. He was still devouring her, letting his cock stay burried deep for awhile, enjoying her tightness as he conquered her with a hungry kiss."Now..Will the lady dance with me?" He asked smoothly, making his hips move in a circular pattern, going clockwise but sometimes changing directions to keep her on her toes, changing his rythm and speed everytime she got used to it. Balthiers fingers werent idle either, they tortured her clitoris, rubbing gently when he's thrusting roughly, and roughly when he's fucking her slow, always giving a contrasting treatment."Tell me what you want love..i'll do anything you ask me to do." Rikku's lips and tongue eagerly returned his hungry and devouring kiss. Soft moans spilling into the union of their lips. Hips squirming a bit at his slow torture, trying to get him to move faster within her, but seemed content on taking his time with her.Her brow raised in question, unsure of exactly what it was he meant until he started thrusting into her with a circular motion of his hips. It caused her to moan out loud again, her hands clutching at his shoulders. Each time she figured she had his rhythm down, he changed it and caught her off gaurd. His fingers assualted her sensitive button and caused her to cry out, arching as he moved in and out of her hot and tight core."I can't...think straight..." she admitted on a moan, not able to think of anything other than what he already doing.She shuddered beneath the former judge as she suddenly fell of the cliff, rippling around him as she clenched tightly, having one orgasm thus far, though she doubted he would stop there, not that she wanted him to stop. Quite the opposite, really, she didn't want him to ever stop. His dance is an escalating waltz, after a short break in which Balthier allowed the girl a few seconds to catch her breath, he started again. With a mere change in the angle of his penetration, and the positioning of her body and legs, he made their session into a whole new game. One with a different sensation and apeal, for he is truly a master of the intricate secrets of a womans body. That is indeed why Fran, despite her size difference, was completely addicted to the man."You're clamping down on my feels incredible dear.." He whispered.His rythm is now more steady, pounding her moderately hard, always in perfect control of his own self, where any other man would ravage the girl without restraint. Some says that sex is pain mixed with pleasure, but right now, there was no pain, only pure, unadulterated pleasure that overflows from the man." dear..try using your vaginal muscles..if you please." Really, Rikku was becoming addicted to the man. He knew every spot to hit inside of her body and he did it so well. She did her best to move her hips against his own, nodding faintly to his request, trying to clench her core. It responded as she'd hoped and her vagina clamped down on his cock as he moved within her. A second later, she loosened the grip and tried again as he thrusted into her.Rikku moaned, quite enjoying the whole encounter. She knew she was not going to forget this man, or this encounter, as she writhed across the bedspread beneath him. Her back arched and breasts were thrusted up as she gave into the pleasure he was giving her. Dancing with him toe to toe, never taking the lead and letting him whirl them about with pleasure."Mmm, oh's so good.."She moaned again and took her hands to caress her own breasts, thin fingers tweaking her already sensitive and peaked nipples. Wanting to pleasure him as he was pleasuring her, working her muscles in her vagina to help caress his shaft upon every thrust. He knew its time to show the girl the ultimate grand finale. His hips moved in quick short straight thrusts, hitting one single sensitive spot. He consistently hits the same spot inside her, piling up pleasure, building up the eventual end, over, and over, and over. It is indeed a boring chore for most men, ensuring he moves in exactly the same motion for a long period of time, but Balthier is willing to endure boredom if it means an earth shattering orgasm.Her lewd hand movements overjoyed the young man. Nothing tells him that a girl is enjoying themselves, more than the sight of them acting like a slut, and loving it. He felt himself straining, nearing the end himself, but a consumate profesional, Balthier would NEVER cum before finishing the task at hand."Love...when you cum...scream my name for me..." He whispered calmly. Rikku managed to nod her head to his words, still grasping at her breasts as the man expertly worked her like a tool he had considerable knowledge over. He was hitting her in that one spot that caused her pleasure to build undeniably, over and over, and over. Each hit made her vocalize her enjoyment.Her spine arched and she let out a long moan, feeling the coil pull tighter and tighter within her, each hit almost causing it to snap, bit not quite yet. By the end, she was almost weeping with the intensity of the need he'd built inside of her and she desperately reached for it, her orgasm hitting her harder than anything she had ever experienced in her life."Balthier!!" she screamed his name, just like he asked of her, as her pussy clamped down on him and her juices coated him as she cummed, her hips arching up into his own. Her climax triggered his own suppressed one. He groaned and sealed their encounter with a hungry loving kiss, savouring their slowly dying spasms. His sweat started to drop off his lean body onto hers, sending warm tingling sensations as the afterglow seeped in."You look tired love, did i wear you out?" He asked with a hint of sincere concern in his voice. He pulled out of her slowly, letting her cunt enjoy some last bit of frictions. He then lied next to her, pulling the blanket over their tired form, holding her gently in a comfortable position.He closed his eyes and exhaled. Maybe they will do it again tommorow Fate sensed the girls Climax and smirked. One more satisfied guest. But he knows that another one is coming soon. Straightening his suit, the demigod walked towards the door to greet his newest guest. The kiss that sealed their encounter was one worth remembering. And when he lifted his head and asked her something, she softly nodded her head. The young sphere hunter made a small noise as he pulled from her. Already she missed the feel of his 'treasure' inside of her, but she simply rolled into his embrace as he pulled the blanket over their naked bodies. Rikku dozed, completely and wonderfully sated. Hearing rumors of man with a large mass of crystal on his way to Ostrheinsburg, Cassandra reasoned he carried the Holy Stone Raphael had spoken of. She was following him, hoping he would destroy Soul Edge, which really, had been her mission from the start. That's what the warrior had been up to for awhile now and how she'd come to this odd place. Granted, she had seen odd places before but something about this one was too tempting to pass by.Yet, she stood at the front enterance for awhile, debating. If anything, she could find someone inside and see if they had seen this man she was looking for and if they had heard of the Holy Stone. She couldn't be too distracted, if she hoped to truly destroy Soul Edge once and for all.Pushing her blonde hair over her shoulder, the woman's lithe legs carried her forth to the door, the thigh high white boots clicking somewhat upon the surface beneath her feet. She opened the door, forest like eyes scanning the inside of the structure before she decided to head all of the way in. Her gaurd up, she held her sword steady before she spotted a suited, semingly harmless man not too far in. The scantily clad warrior lowered her sword and cautiously walked up to him, her round hips swaying as she moved and her considerable bust bouncing a bit. The milky white cleavage open really to anyone's wandering gaze."Excuse me? I'm in need of some information," she said. Fate kept his calm demeanor, although in all actuality, he was wondering if maybe he should just keep this one for himself. Afterall, its been some time since he last had sex with one of his visitors. Of course the last time he slept with a mortal, the experience proved almost too much, and the poor girl almost went insane from the extreme pleasure. This newest girl is a warrior, and so should have better endurance, but alas, he decided against it."Welcome ms Alexandra, to my humble mansion. Please walk with me" He said with a flourish.Fate walked through a long gallery, filled with many precious artworks, some seemingly coming from different eras, or worlds, as the depict things that cant be found in ancient Greece, Europe, or even earth. "Now miss, your effort to destroy soul edge is indeed heroic, but someone as young and...attractive as you, should have more fun, am i correct?"He stopped in front of a door, ornately designed, and carved from unearthly wood. "Inside this room is your 'fun', and dont worry...take as long as you want, time is of no significance here, your targets wont go anywhere." Taki hunts demons, thats her mission in life. But right now, she isnt doing her job very well, but at least she's doingsomethingwell enough."Woo...Oh yeah..thats it lady, move that body!" Came the cocky voice of the young boy who is mounting her from behind for the last 3 hours. When the owner of the mansion told her theres a devil in the room, she didnt think it was going to end up like this. All around the couple, two more girls, Talim and Amy are lying helpless with a satisfied smile on their faces. Cassandra eyed the man strangely, then warily as he spoke to her for the first time. How was it he knew her name? She didn't get long to think on it though, as Fate was already walking away from her. Her thigh highs moved with her legs as she walked behind this odd man if man was what you could call him through a gallery with pictures that were, to say the least, astounding. Almost, otherworldly."What?" her lashes fell in a blink as he spoke again, her brows crunching together above her forest hues.How the devil does he know who I am? There's no way news of my trailing could have moved so fast...right?She seemed to mull on that as they stopped and he gestured to a, almost regal looking, door.Her attention didn't stay on it long, as his last sentence to her made her look back to him, almost in surprise. Right when she was about to inquire as to what the hell was going on here, the man simply gave her smile and proceeded on his way. Her narrowed eyes watched him go, almost wanting to follow, but she found that she couldn't move from the spot in front of the door. She was too curious."Well...suppose there's no harm in looking..." she mumbled to herself.Her hand grasped the handle and she opened the door, moving in as she idly kicked it shut with her foot. What she saw surprised her, so much so, she actually lost grip of her sword and it tumbled to the floor. Her eyes widened and she found herself watching Taki being fucked on her hands and knees by a young man with white hair. As strange as the sight should have been, she couldn't help the rush of arousal that began to pulse through her.She swallowed, eyes drifting to find Talim and Amy drained and content where they lay nearby. Speechless, she turned her eyes back to Taki and the man, having to situate her stance a tad because of the dampness now beginning to make itself known between her pale and luscious thighs, due to sight and sounds presented to her."Ah..." " next playmate has arrived...sit tight girl..i'll fuck you in a bit.." Growled the white haired man. He seems young, perhaps a year or two under Cassandra, but his body was all man. Tightly formed abdominal muscles, looking like its carved out of rock adorns his body under muscular chest and shoulders. Beads of sweat falling in between the canyons of the muscles.Then, as if showing off, he started pounding Taki with reckless abadon, all the while looking straight at Cassandras eyes. The girl is beautifull, he thought, very much so, her lythe yet busty build, her smooth skin, and her perfect face. She is pretty much Dante's dream girl."Im thinking of you as i fuck this slut right now.." He told Cassandra, licking his lips. Any other women would be heavily insulted at those words, but Taki is too far gone, her hands reaching out forward towards something that isnt there. "Heres what im going to do to you!" Dante yelled with a grin, manhandling Taki and pushing her upper body down against the bed, violating her rapidly. The kunoichi can do nothing but cum, and cum, and cum, eventually passing out."Now...Your turn.." Said Dante. As he slowly pulled his cock out of Taki, it became apparent that his size is quite inhuman, as it took quite a while for him to fully pull out. His hard demon cock standing defiantly, pointed at Cassandra. Cassandra just simply stared back at the white haired demon as he ruthlessly fucked the kunoichi Taki in which she had known for awhile. She couldn't say anything, couldn't even think as he pounded her. A fresh wave of arousal pulsed through her as he said he was thinking of her, that this was what he was going to do toher. Dear god, what had she gotten herself into? The smart thing to do would be to turn and run, to leave before something happened, before she ended up ravished like her unconscious comrades.And then, he was done. Taki had passed out and now that monsterous demon cock was pointing directly at her. It was her turn, he'd said. And yet, she made no move to place her person closer to the devil. She stayed utterly still, as if she were cornered prey and, in a way, she was. Sometime ago, she had dropped her sword and shield and she had forgotten about them, just staring at him, silent, watchful, debating.She swallowed, her chest heaving, her milky clevage threatening to spill over but never doing so, held back by the ribbons and blue clothe of her almost regal looking top. Cassandra was almost scared, but her warrior spirit wouldn't let her be. Her warrior spirit was almost skeptical.How could a man younger than her, do to her what he'd done to the others?is what her warrior spirit wanted to say."Who are you?" she finally managed to ask, tilting her head down a bit to look at him more carefully, her blonde tail sifting a bit behind her shoulders. Her question was met with the thrusting of two fingers against her clothed cunt. Dante was yet to be satisfied, even after fucking three lovely ladies, of which one was quite the sexual vixen herself! "Dante is the name, you'll be screaming it quite soon.." He informed his latest victim. He didnt waste any time with small talks, a kiss landed right on her neck, biting and licking relentlessly as his forcefull fingers dug into the wet fabric."Now...You're mine girl.." He whispered, throwing Cassandra to the middle of the unconscious girls. Dante pounced on her from behind, ripping her underwear apart. The following sex can best be described as 'total domination' as the demon showed the girl no mercy whatsoever, ravaging her cunt roughly. The night seemingly went on forever, as Dante knew that even after this girl is done, Fate will bring her another girl. Meanwhile, on the other side of the mansion, in a room imaginatively called 'The Orgy Suite', three men who have been in the mansion for awhile is now waiting for three girls. Each of them had fucked at least one of the girls once, and in the case of Balthier, All three."So, i get Quistis first!" Reno quickly said before anyone can claim the cockhungry blonde. "I think we'll let the ladies decide, its common courtesy" Balthier said with a chuckle. The room is quite large, with many sofa's and a central large circular bed that can easily fit five or six couples. Along the side of the room, there are many 'tools' such as chains on the walls, even a hot tub."Fine, but im telling you, if you leave it to them, none of you will get Tifa, she'll be all over me all night!" Reno grinned. "We'll see.." Vincent added calmly as he took off his shirt, leaving his dark trousers on.
['Balthier', 'Bunansa', 'Bhed', 'Rikku', 'Ffamran', 'Yuna']
..::Fᴇᴀʀ ᴛʜᴇ Wɪʟᴅ::.. [Sᴀʙᴇʀ & Iʀᴏɴɪᴄ]
Nidaleewas only a young girl travelling with her treasure seeking parents when they lost their way through the dense, rainy Kumungu Jungle. The jungle was unforgiving, and she watched her parents suffer their agonizing final days as they fell victim to a mysterious and vicious disease. After their death, Nidalee was left vulnerable to the jungle around her. As improbable as it was for a child to survive in the inhospitable jungle by herself, she did just that. Her youthful innocence and fortunate naivete caused her to appeal to the beasts of the place and she was taken in by a family of cougars and raised as one of their own. She grew and somehow absorbed the raw magic of the dense wilds, evolving beyond both her human physiology and her feline affectation. "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" The dark skies were soon flooding with morning dawn, swirls of orange radiating from the rising sun as it bathes its essence against the jungles leaves. Nidalee stirred awake, the light spilling into her cave as she nestled in with her feline pack. Soft murmurs of purrs vibrated against her ear drums, making her groan as she retaliated against consciousness. They were so soft, the purring acting like a lullaby, albeit the grumbling in her stomach caused her to finally lift up from the rocky ground. A long yawn accompanied with tiresome stretches helped her to awaken. The others weren't too keen on following her so she would set foot out into the jungle by herself.Gripping the base of her weapon of choice, a hand crafted spear, she would search the terrain for a meal to share. It wouldn't of been a problem searching for food in the real world, Nidalee harvesting the riches her family was searching for in her den. Back home she would've been rich, considered a millionaire, but no one tried to search for her, let alone know where to even look for her. She was 22 now and no other humans had inhibited in these lands besides her.In the distance stood a wild deer, grazing on the dewy grass as its jaw moved from side to side. Her feline instincts kicked in as she crouched down, shoulders elevating to get into a better position to attack when it was time. It pivoted around, its back now facing her. Her heart raced, adrenaline spiking as she heaved upwards. Aiming the tip of her spear towards the neck of the doe she would chuck it fiercely, hitting the target as she hypothesized, her prey falling down to the ground almost silently. She drug her prize back to the cave and showed it off to her feline companions. The wilds of this land were untamed, and he knew the risk entering them. The tropical and lush forest of Kumungu was virtually uncharted, but rumors of riches were abound about the steamy, tepid jungles. For Gabriel, this was reason enough to turn his exploratory and hunting skills to these near forbidden lands, and to find out the veracity of such claims. It had been a few days since he began to enter the dense jungle, a blade in hand to help cut down the thick forestry and vegetation around him. Last night was the first time he had set up a more entrenched base , and it was only recently that he had felt that it was safe to begin mapping and charting his exploration.With the sounds of wildlife all around him, he took pause to take them in for the briefest of moments. New and unusual birds crowing in the treetops, the occasional whooping of some strange animal or primate in the distance probably nothing of an immediate threat, but thewary explorerkept a safe distance away from those sounds, his blade at the ready for more than just hewing away the vegetation. Every so often, he left a notch on a tree or branch, ensuring that he d have a good way to return back to his erstwhile home. However, over time he began to take notice of something footprints. Not an animal or a beast, but of a human s. Hrm? Kneeling down to examine some of the more fresh footprints, a finger pressing in against the upturned soil. These were.. these were definitely recent, and with a spatter of blood not far from them, it was a curiosity he couldn t help but indulge in. Were there natives in the woods? Would they be friendly, or would they be a threat he d have to evade and outmaneuver? Perhaps it was even unwise to head further in without at least brooking peace with them? Following the tracks and what looked to be something heavy getting dragged, the red haired man began to move a little more freely, his violet eyes keeping an eye on the trail, curious to find the source! The pack heartily ate the recent kill together, blood coating their maws as their jaws tugged and tore as the still hot flesh. Nidalee was one to eat the meat surrounding the bones, not for going into the abdomen for the... juicy parts. After the meal she would wipe away the blood on her lips with the back of her hand. It was be time to go to the lake soon to wash up and gather a drink of water.In the corner of her hues, a figure paced across the terrain. It wasn't another feline companion, no, something that stood upright, just like Nidalee. Some of the other cougars near her perked their head up too, wanting to investigate before Nidalee placed out a hand. They looked confused until she murmured a unique noise that they would understand. They sat back down, allowing Nidalee to rise to her feet to stealthy check the beast that prowled these lands.Her heart raced in a way it never had before... but what for? Was it her gut instinct on what it was that strolled around her lands? She walked closer into the forest, eyes scanning to see where the figure was going, not getting a clear view of it yet. The fact that there was only one set of footprints didn t bother him, but the trail of blood and the fact that said footprints were dragging something heavy behind them did make him even more curious. If he had to guess it was a hunt or some sort of prey, though he shuddered to think that the thing being dragged could have been another human. But rather, as the lightly armored redhead continued to make his way through the jungle, he briefly crouched, examining some broken branches and the immediate surroundings. The fact that human footprints were clearly visible in the nearby mud proved that he was tracking someone human. Well then.. Trailing off, he had little idea of what to do at first, but as some thoughts began to rush through his head, he began to rise, continuing the path the tracks took. It led him closer to the cave she and her kin called home, but he stayed some distance away once he saw it looming in the distance, and instead thought to leave something behind, a sort of gift . Reaching into his supply satchel, he pulled out a days worth of rations, mostly the stuff he d consider good . Dried peaches, apricots, some beef, and a fresh waterskin. He had more back at his tent, and while it cut his potential expedition for the day down somewhat, the thought of giving a gift and potentially establishing friendly relations off the bat made it more than a worthy trade in his eyes. Leaving it all wrapped in a bundle of cloth, he hoped the gift would be properly received as he rose, briefly scanning the jungle one last time before turning to leave. Just the mere thought that another human lived in this near forbidden jungle made his heart race, and he had no idea that he had been tracked the entire time... Just then, rising, she could see what it was. Someone just like her, but somehow different? His scent would trail into her nose, sensing testosterone in the air, different than her estrogen one. He was tall, and something about him made her not worry as much, but her alert was still rocket high. Standing taller so she would appear bigger she would hiss in his direction, causing him to perhaps look at where the sound was coming from. You there. What brings you here to my lands? She inquired, eyes narrowing as she scanned his form. Her heart continued to race, unknowing what to do with this man that was also a human.... all of her life she only remembered her human parents but not anyone else. She was young, but the English language still stuck with her. She was the predator in these forests and she would come to not fear those in it. Closing in the space she would approach him, leaving around 5 feet of a distance. Upon hearing a hiss, he worried for a moment that he had let one of the many predatory beasts of the wilds sneak up on him, and instantly his back was against a tree, blade soon being drawn as he looked around and assumed a defensive posture. But rather than spotting a great cat or a wild animal, he spotted A woman? It must have been the one he had been tracking, there couldn t be any other peson around, could there?Immediately, he began to lower his guard somewhat, more so when she spoke his tongue. You... It was a shock, but he knew just because they shared a common language, did not make them friends. I am here to map and explore these regions. I do not come in hostility or any foul intent. I Left you a gift. he spoke, nodding to the package that was on the ground as she approached. My name is Gabriel, and I am an explorer. Please, I mean no harm. Slowly, he began to sheathe his blade, looking to her and hoping she d take the gesture honestly. Her hues trailed his form, inspecting the man who stood in front of her. It still was strange to see another human after not seeing one for a very long time. She listened while closing the gap between them, sniffing the air as his aroma spread against the breeze, her nostrils engulfing the sent. "I understand, but you do realize this is a home of cougars?" She questioned as her voice grew deeper, almost threatening.The gift that he had mention made her eyes glance down at it, quick to kneel and scurry through the offering. Fruits that she had not seen in the jungle. Her cougar relatives more than likely couldn't eat this but she could. Not wanting to eat in front of him she would take the basket and hold onto it tightly. "Thank you for your kind offering, but what did you come here for? There was a reason." She wasn't stupid and waited for the truth instead of some sugar coated lies. I realize this is a dangerous place for me. I am not afraid to defend myself if need be. it wasn t meant to be a threat or anything but a simple statement. With her deepening voice he remained calm, and he only broke his gaze to her as he gave a smile and noticed she took the basket of fruits and other goods he had left for her. You are welcome. I will be honest in my presence here, however. He spoke after a moment. I m looking merely to map and explore the area, and to chart the wilds. I am not seeking to let this knowledge be misused or abused. I apologize, I imagine my presence here must be rather worrying, and I understand that you d probably prefer I wasn t here. But I am not here to harm you or whoever you are with. His hands gestured a bit, looking around the woods. So please, do not mistake my intentions here for something sinister. It s just curiosity, and I do hope we can at least reach a peaceful accord. Nidalee's hues looked at the weapon he wielded, then back to his face, as if telling him he was lying that he wouldn't hurt anyone yet the bladed object would bring said damage. After all, he did need it for defense if another wild creature, that wasn't her pride, would come up to him. Shaking her head, struggling to find a reliable response, she would clear her throat before biting the inside of her cheek thoughtfully. "These terrains are dangerous, and if I will be honest myself I am curious about you and would like to accompany you for a while, just to make sure you're true to your words... And for the simple fact that I haven't met another person such as myself in such a long time..." You would like to accompany me? For a moment, he almost sounded excited by the prospect. Quickly clearing his throat, the red headed man took a moment to calm down and breathe. Yes, I would like that. I have many questions about the area, and if you have any questions yourself, I am happy to answer them. Smiling, he took a few steps closer to her, though he kept an amiable distance at the same time. I appreciate the offer of trust as well. I imagine my presence here must lead to a few problems but I truly mean no harm to you or your people. Ah may I ask your name though? He asked after a moment, not sure it it was the right thing to do, but hopeful that he could learn what to call her. "I have a lot of questions too, but I will ask them once I deem them fitting. Ask away." She responded before her ears quirked upwards to his inquire to her name. "Nidalee. And yours is Gabriel." More so saying that so she could remember his name. "Alright, so where are you headed?" She asked before kneeling down to pick up the basket and draping it over his arms, looking to him. "I know this place well, so if you need any suggestions just ask and I'll help you." "You know my language. Were you taught it by someone else who's been here before? Or how did you learn it?" Repeating her name in his head, he did so softly, finding himself liking it. "Well, I was going to head a bit further into the jungle, northward today i've heard tales about a set of ancient ruins in the area and I hope to find them. but beyond that I had no general plan until I found your tracks, or I presume they were yours." he then added, smiling. "Do you live with a tribe of people?" "My parents, before they passed from a viscous illness in the forest, taught me this language. After they passed they had some books and I would read them. That is how I learned to communicate, though I am sorry if I am a bit rusty." She gave him a slight grin before hearing his next inquire. "I live with a pack of cougars." Nonchalantly she said, unaware this his reaction might not be the best. "There is a beautiful waterfall nearby with clean and fresh water and fruit nearby, I can show you?" A pack of cougars? The animals accepted her as one of their own? It raised anumberof questions to him, but for now rather than ask her incessantly about it, he instead gave a nod. "A waterfall? that would be a great landmark." While part of him admittedly was still a bit worried about her leading him into a trap, he felt that if she truly wished to do such, it would have happened before he even knew it. "Lead the way, Nidalee." he spoke her name, his tone far more amiable and polite as he began to walk alongside her. Nidalee would nod in his direction before leading the way, making her own small talk. "So, how did you get here? On a boat too or is technology more advance since I left civilization?" She asked, kicking at rocks along the way to their destination. Behind a brush of palm trees there would be the waterfall she proclaimed existed, the crystal clear waters effortlessly streaming downwards to create a foamy end, the rest of the water clear and smooth, small ripples from the shock of the waterfall. Laughing softly, he shook his head. "While i'm sure we're a bit more advanced than what you remember, we haven't progressed that far. I traveled here via ship to the coast where there's a village of sorts, and then spent a few days traveling out here. The jungle is seen as a dangerous place and few wish to travel in it due to rumors of man eating monsters and deadly diseases." As they arrived at the waterfall, he gave out a quiet gasp and sought to remember the path to get here. "This is beautiful..." he trailed off, looking at the water as he took a few steps close, small waves lapping against his boots before long. "You must be a very lucky woman to have this sort of beauty to yourself. There's very little back where I came from that compares to something like this." "I wouldn't say that there are monster's but there are diseases." She explained to him to clear up any stories that have been said about her home island. "I come here to relax, it's peaceful and soothing. Puts me right to sleep." She grinned before sitting on a nearby rock, dangling her feet over it as her toes touched the water. "I wouldn't say I am lucky. I lost a lot... maybe when you go back I could accompany you? I'll miss my cougar family, sure, but they know I am not one of them." Perhaps it was foolish of him to say she was lucky. "You're right." he spoke after a moment. "I'm sure you've lost much, I do not mean to sound inconsiderate." he spoke as he moved to sit close to her. "Do you swim?" he asked as well, thinking upon her question. "I wouldn't mind you accompanying me at all. A companion on the journey back home would be pleasant!" Slowly kicking his boots off, his now bare feet graced the water as well, the cool liquid feeling immediately refreshing. "Though I do not plan to leave for another month or two, I have hopesto find these ruins and find out what may lie within them as well. Even then, I am sure there would be no issues if you came back with me." "No offense taken." Nidalee reassured him before giving him an apologetic smile, not meaning to turn the tables to make it a negative conversation. "Of course I know how to swim silly, how would I be able to catch those fish in there if I couldn't?" She laughed it off, nudging him with her elbow coyly. "You really mean it? Are there other people here with you?" She wondered if maybe they had a different motive than he did and hoped he would reassure her that they wouldn't harm her home. "I do not mind waiting that long, not like I haven't been in here for a long time anyways." She joked before standing up on the rock, giving him a look before grinning cheekily. "Okay... one... two... three!"SPLASH! Jumping into the frigid water she would make a shivering sound. "It's cold but the sun helps keep you warm after a while!" "There are people in the village, but I am here alone." he then added, feeling it was best to be honest. he knew it was dangerous in the wilds alone but he'd been doing this for most of his adult life, so he felt confident in his own skills. slowly rising to his feet, he didn't like the idea of trudging back to camp in a completely soaked outfit so as he rose his hadns moved for the hem of his shirt, beginning to lift it up and off of him before letting it drop down towards the rock beneath him. Quickly seeking to take off his belt and pants as well, bothw ere soon left to the side as well, leaving him in just a pair of boxers. A toned and athletically built young man, he had a good amount of more subtle musculature to him, with tanned skin and a handful of old scars on his upper right arm and shoulder. Seeming to not mind showing off a bit of skin, he soon jumped in just after she did, feeling the immediate rush of chilly water against his now mostly naked body. Rising back toward the surface, a hand moved through his red hair to swipe it free from his face. 'Ah! It's way colder than I thought it'd be..." he spoke, still mustering a smile as he swam clsoer to her. Already he felt well, less alone out in the wilds, given he was usually a solitary person. There was something about him taking his clothes off that she didn t quite understand. It sent a shiver down her spine, one that wasn t from the cold waters her body was delved into. She mustered a smile, shielding herself as he jumped in and splashed her when he cannonballed in. How did you get your scars? Innocently she asked, staring at the randomized shapes and patterns of parched skin. Swimming a little closer to her, his body shivered for a moment as he felt the cool water against him. My scars? he spoke after a moment, swiping some of his dark red locks bangs away from his face. Well... As his hand briefly ran against the faded marks against his arm, he smiled. Not everyone and every animal is as friendly in the wilds as you are. I ve been in a few fights and while i ve usually walked away from them the winner, sometimes a beast gets a good bite in, or a strike from my opponent is a near miss instead of a near hit. He spoke, motioning for her hand. If she gave it to him, his hand held hers for a moment to guide it against some of the indentations from the scars. I think that one was when a wolf bit into my arm and dragged me to the ground. Not a particularly fond memory. he spoke, offering a smile. but I was able to get it off me before it did any real damage. "I'm sorry to hear that I brought you some unpleasant memories back into your mind." She would murmur, looking down at her reflection in the water as she felt guilty, but knew he didn't mind. He probably liked talking to someone that wasn't... the same. "Either way, they tell a story of how you won and lived. You're a very strong... what do they call you? Men? Man? Well, you're that." Nidalee grinned before giving him a lighthearted splash, giggling at her deeds. "If you're too cold already we can go, if you want I can let you meet my family. They listen to me so you won't get hurt." "Some of them are unpleasant, but many of them are part of a happier story so I don't mind." he spoke, smiling a little as he saw her looking down to her reflection. "Don't worry, don't worry." Feeling her splashing him afterwards, he laughed, quickly ducking under the water as he sought to swim around her, only rising up behind her when he felt for sure that he could place a hand against her shoulder and surprise her. "I don't mind being cold just a bit. But when you're ready, We can meet your family." While it was unusual to hear that she considered animals her family, he'd trust her on them being safe for now. The cougars would be wiser than Nidalee, dictating anything s personality before try even got to know them. They utilized their stance, how they acted in front of them, and the way they would represent themselves. Would her family approve of this man, a specie they ve hated? I m not going to lie, it may seem scary, but if they don t like you they will hiss until you leave. They won t attack unless extremely provoked. Nodalee grinned once she felt her shoulder be touched by him. I m ready, let s get up and get dry! Nidalee glasses onto the nearby rock and heaved upwards, her skin slippery and wet from the water. "If you trust the cougars... your family." He spoke after a moment, shaking his head, smiling after a moment before wading back toward the shore and his clothing. 'Then I trust you about them as well." She's had multiple times where she could have hurt him or taken him down easily enough, so for now there seemed to be no reason to not trust her and she seemed honest enough. With droplets of water running down his toned back as he left the water, he sought too dry himself off the best he could, soon getting dressed once more before running a hand through his damp hair. "Lead the way?" "Okay, you sure?" She asked before taking him by his wrist and leading the way indeed. It would take a good 10 minutes before they arrived at the caved area, a group of six cougars sitting inside, resting, while one was on the look out for danger, noticing Nidalee coming but with someone else. He hissed, raring his back up in an attempt to make himself look bigger before Nidalee made a throaty sound. Taking her head she would nuzzle it up against the underjaw of her new friend, showing he was a friend. The cougar made an unhappy sound but turned its back on them, allow her to grant him access. "So, these are my family members. Kota, who just argued with me, Ajax, Sammy, Elly, Bella, and Dakota."