rule 34 streisand effect peter principle pareto principle murphy's law poe's law this too shall pass parkinson's law conway's law betteridge's law of headlines goodhart's law it ain't over till the fat lady sings the road to hell is paved with good intentions law of triviality gresham's law matthew effect there ain't no such thing as a free lunch brandolini's law brooks's law sturgeon's law the enemy of my enemy is my friend on the internet, nobody knows you're a dog when life gives you lemons, make lemonade hofstadter's law red sky at morning the pen is mightier than the sword 1% rule ( internet culture) adage muphry's law bald–hairy festina lente sod's law the rich get richer and the poor get poorer rome wasn't built in a day cui bono law of averages monkey see, monkey do lions led by donkeys wirth's law there are no atheists in foxholes campbell's law the best defense is a good offense sagan standard law of holes thank god for mississippi a language is a dialect with an army and navy fools rush in where angels fear to tread solvitur ambulando finagle's law sutton's law the centipede's dilemma ninety–ninety rule information wants to be free niven's laws miller's law ostrich effect many a true word is spoken in jest adagia segal's law yhprum's law ginsberg's theorem bushnell's law hard cases make bad law moore's second law edholm's law leo beranek software peter principle inverse care law wiio's laws deutsch limit bell's law of computer classes bo le gérson's law no purchase, no pay engelbart's law joy's law (management) inverse benefit law laws of infernal dynamics grosch's law acton's dictum
Knowledge_Rules of thumb
comparison of portuguese and spanish list of germanic and latinate equivalents in english persian and urdu comparison of irish, manx and scottish gaelic the king and the god
Language_Language comparison
auditor list of accounting roles night auditor bookkeeper bank examiner accounting analyst
Business_Business occupations
list of intel manufacturing sites list of largest european manufacturing companies by revenue list of inflatable manufactured goods list of guitars manufactured by e s p list of automobiles manufactured in argentina
Industry_Industry-related lists
vitruvian man venn diagram voronoi diagram feynman diagram karnaugh map organizational chart phase diagram chart diagram hertzsprung– russell diagram sankey diagram circuit diagram euler diagram state diagram block diagram free body diagram petri net thematic map shear and moment diagram pedigree chart aircraft seat map swim lane jablonski diagram constellation diagram single-line diagram cladogram system context diagram lever rule nomogram cartogram spacetime diagram ternary plot penrose diagram associative entity wardley map binary decision diagram causal loop diagram flow diagram isothermal transformation diagram kinematic chain function block diagram penguin diagram planogram decision model and notation functional flow block diagram cathedral floorplan j curve butterfly diagram nassi– shneiderman diagram syntax diagram computer network diagram area chart n2 chart influence diagram alluvial diagram spin network jackson structured programming spider diagram helicopter height–velocity diagram specification and description language chord diagram thermodynamic diagrams surya majapahit galaxy color–magnitude diagram message sequence chart taylor diagram centroidal voronoi tessellation carroll diagram piper diagram kinematic diagram skew- t log- p diagram c m m n one-loop feynman diagram mathematical diagram depth chart consumption map grotrian diagram power diagram seating plan streamgraph cremona diagram weighted voronoi diagram and-inverter graph onion diagram funnel chart statistical charts and diagrams de finetti diagram spider mapping recursive transition network comparison diagram wavenumber–frequency diagram turbine map cluster diagram
Concepts_Conceptual modelling
chaebol import substitution industrialization industrial policy industrial policy resolution of 1956 disinvestment in india new trade theory export-oriented industrialization agreement on trade- related investment measures ministry of international trade and industry allied plans for german industry after world war i i national champions local purchasing private sector development good design award ( japan) industrial policy of japan late industrialisation
Economy_Economic policy
neuroevolution of augmenting topologies estimation of distribution algorithm gene expression programming d e a p (software) evolutionary robotics hyper n e a t mating pool convergence (evolutionary computing)
polyamory ménage à trois infidelity boyfriend intimate relationship girlfriend nice guy crime of passion online dating service public display of affection on-again, off-again relationship herbivore men cruising for sex hug casual dating friend zone human bonding white day haptic communication emotional affair obsessive love maternal bond blind date shidduch internet relationship proximity principle human sexuality neuroanatomy of intimacy paternal bond sanky-panky free union biblical courtship relationships for incarcerated individuals international school of temple arts primary and secondary (polyamory) shidduch crisis caring in intimate relationships national survey of sexual health and behavior sexual attraction
Ethics_Philosophy of love
symposium ( plato) the social contract the question concerning technology the technological society winners take all: the elite charade of changing the world oration on the dignity of man the philosophy of money intellectuals and society lysis (dialogue) the principle of hope seventh letter a new philosophy of society an essay on liberation
Ethics_Social philosophy
constructivist teaching methods principles of learning kolb's experiential learning concept learning constructionism (learning theory) exemplar theory generalization (learning) zaltman metaphor elicitation technique comprehension approach knowledge building conceptual change power law of practice behavioral cusp educational theory of apprenticeship algorithmic learning theory
Knowledge_Knowledge sharing
barbara bush (born 1981) betty ford glenn youngkin julie montagu, viscountess hinchingbrooke folorunso alakija lady edwina grosvenor ellen mac arthur douglas tompkins sarah jane brown chad varah gisele barreto fetterman amanda hearst karlheinz böhm sue ryder steve chalke mohammed indimi anja ringgren lovén scott harrison (charity founder) sanjay shah onjali q. raúf leonard pozner rebekah yeoh mary lou jepsen ivy cavendish- bentinck, duchess of portland ruth yeoh shade okoya bob fu susan burton douglas macmillan clementine von metternich- sandor alec reed hamzat lawal shirley nolan robert mark glover
Organizations_Organization founders
short story epic poetry novella libretto ebook manuscript flash fiction collaborative fiction drabble long poem list of science fiction universes short story cycle script (comics) scripted sequence conte cruel conte (literature)
voter suppression in the united states republican efforts to restrict voting following the 2020 presidential election disfranchisement crystal mason black suffrage in the united states 2004 united states election voting controversies the best democracy money can buy mississippi plan 2015 cash for vote scam 1981 new jersey gubernatorial election greg palast felony disenfranchisement in florida booth capturing 2011 canadian federal election voter suppression scandal ballot security task force operation eagle eye ( united states) 2002 new hampshire senate election phone jamming scandal interstate voter registration crosscheck program florida senate bill 90 (2021)
Politics_Political corruption
river mouth river source pink lake watersheds of north america phreatic zone hydraulic structure water level hard engineering hyetograph double mass analysis water research surface-water hydrology cline (hydrology) hydrometry hydraulic roughness brine spring potamology
Engineering_Engineering stubs
standard of living in israel standard of living standard of living in india legal aid standard of living in china living standards measure standard of living in japan standard of living in pakistan
Health_Quality of life
cemento cruz azul a s e a vanderlande dreamus kennametal konka group numaligarh refinery rollins, inc. hyundai steel doosan heavy industries & construction erdemir international steel group pandrol a g a a b omya i f f c o u a e clark material handling company kanto auto works silver stone technology lockheed shipbuilding and construction company william doxford & sons neenah foundry maschinenfabrik oerlikon roseburg forest products cubatabaco r m c group dongkuk steel beumer group nidec leroy- somer hitachi zosen inova aichi steel kardemir van dutch anest iwata isdemir casumina british iron & steel corporation ananda group saldanha steel pennsylvania steel company united envirotech aperam south america antea cement insituform deberny & peignot moldova steel works
Industry_Industry stubs
burning man 40th day after death black mass wicker man ritual of the calling of an engineer blood ritual couvade wish tree karnavedha smarthavicharam kuthu ratheeb katto turoń rampokan the mass of saint- sécaire
autopsy images of ngatikaura ngati we rate dogs lumen (website) lenz v. universal music corp. operation clambake stardock systems, inc. v. reiche
Law_Legal disputes
open-source intelligence collaborative filtering user-generated content collective consciousness swarm intelligence group mind (science fiction) collective memory collective wisdom dot-voting open source center world brain collaborative intelligence external memory (psychology) out of control ( kelly book) collective representations social data analysis spiral optimization algorithm
Knowledge_Sociology of knowledge
witch trials in england witch trials in early modern scotland witch trials in france witch trials in sweden witch trials in the holy roman empire witch trials in poland witch trials in spain witch trials in the netherlands witch trials in russia witch trials in denmark witch trials in iceland witch trials in portugal witch trials in finland witch trials in norway witch trials in hungary
Politics_Politics by period
piplantri vegetarian ecofeminism if women counted greens equo the death of nature the wanderground
Ethics_Environmental philosophy
cheaper by the dozen frank bunker gilbreth therblig methods-time measurement predetermined motion time system
Industry_Industrial engineering
erdős number rankings of academic publishers bibliometrics c w t s leiden ranking altmetrics lotka's law
Science and technology_Science and technology studies
hatha yoga yoga (philosophy) hindu atheism shuddhadvaita pashupata shaivism brahma sampradaya three yogas narada bhakti sutra brahmavidya four yugas shiva advaita raseśvara
Philosophy_Philosophy by culture
toledot yeshu kuzari dialogue with trypho proselytization and counter-proselytization of jews against apion shem tob's hebrew gospel of matthew jews for judaism rabbinical translations of matthew
g a v i g i s a i d carter center global burden of disease study institute for health metrics and evaluation world medical association exit international joint united nations programme on h i v/ a i d s p a t h (global health organization) orbis international sex addicts anonymous pandemic severity assessment framework world professional association for transgender health institute of epidemiology, disease control and research f h i 360 médecins du monde nextstrain world directory of medical schools international commission on radiological protection amf a r international medical corps international sports sciences association sightsavers world federation of hemophilia unitaid jhpiego global polio eradication initiative john snow, inc c b m (charity) ehlers- danlos society international myeloma foundation physicians for human rights international diabetes federation ipas (organization) health in all policies consortium for the barcode of life international association of national public health institutes world physiotherapy global outbreak alert and response network world gastroenterology organisation international commission on radiation units and measurements international society for infectious diseases oasis charitable trust the leprosy mission foundation for innovative new diagnostics pathfinder international global alliance for improved nutrition medicines patent pool f d i world dental federation union for international cancer control stop t b partnership human genome organisation international liaison committee on resuscitation global initiative for asthma medical protection society global virus network international federation of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine international headache society world federation for mental health remote area medical feed my starving children center for victims of torture grassroot soccer international pharmaceutical federation world heart federation international cancer genome consortium grand challenges canada black cross nurses global health council global health security agenda pseudomyxoma survivor c m m b ( catholic medical mission board) m a p international grand challenges in global health international federation of blood donor organizations prince mahidol award
World_Global health
last judgment apollo 17 end time climate apocalypse winfried freudenberg last living survivors 1990 october revolution parade
prudhoe bay oil field mary river mine yamal l n g national petroleum reserve– alaska kola nuclear power plant natural resources of the arctic prudhoe bay oil spill west siberian petroleum basin vankor field kuparuk river oil field
Industry_Industry by continent
inverse trigonometric functions idempotence partial function unimodality composition of relations property (mathematics) representation (mathematics) relation (mathematics) alternating multilinear map ternary relation bidirectional transformation contour set exceptional isomorphism allegory (mathematics)
Mathematics_Mathematical concepts
ghost hunting bear hunting tiger hunting lion hunting varmint hunting alligator hunting rabbiting tiger poaching in india rhino poaching in assam turtling (hunting) dugong hunting in australia
Food and drink_Hunting
eve ( xena: warrior princess) you know they got a hell of a band the moor's account godric (novel) animation based on real people video games based on real people
Events_Works based on actual events
rump state pariah state revisionist state free state (polity) former unrecognized countries breakaway state status quo state
Politics_Political power
prince philip, duke of edinburgh jesus alexander the great diego maradona mother teresa ali haile selassie josé rizal dalai lama emperor of japan gilgamesh homer pharaoh wallace fard muhammad hephaestion apotheosis divine right of kings dido shango kumari (goddess) antiochus i v epiphanes mata amritanandamayi francisco macías nguema father divine list of people who have been considered deities ann lee king of nepal nirmala srivastava prince philip movement sapa inca taksin ahmose- nefertari naram- sin of akkad imperial cult songtsen gampo shailendra dynasty tenjin (kami) antiochus i i theos raj patel list of monarchs of nepal lugalbanda shulgi taher saifuddin sheikh adi ibn musafir goryō kubaba evander of pallantium amenhotep, son of hapu veleda tony quinn (businessman) pharnavaz i of iberia obodas i laodice i i i emotan anasuya devī mitsuo matayoshi birutė reigning emperor lou de palingboer juanita garcía peraza jehovah wanyonyi mahendradatta dhana kumari bajracharya
Religion_People associated with religion
rabona kick (association football) combination game revie plan false 9 creole football
Sports_Sports techniques
weapon of mass destruction list of nuclear close calls why the future doesn't need us doomsday scenarios 10 ways to end the world
World_Global issues
franz reichelt jim o' brien (reporter) andrew c. thornton i i tip tipping parachute murder death of stephen hilder tariq mehmood roger nelson (skydiver) patrick de gayardon jürgen möllemann léo valentin eli thompson (skydiver) adrian nicholas charles leroux ueli gegenschatz akira yamamoto robert cocking clem sohn
Sports_Deaths in sport
incel hippie furry fandom greaser (subculture) cryptozoology techno transracial (identity) simple living club kids subculture list of subcultures dark academia scene (subculture) stan twitter neckbeard (slang) big beautiful woman pachuco generation gap my little pony: friendship is magic fandom guido (slang) demoscene lowrider psychedelia military brat ( u. s. subculture) warez scene hacker culture sloane ranger cowpunk cannabis culture gorean subculture internet culture la sape maker culture leisure suit body hacking queen bee (sociology) seapunk narcoculture in mexico downshifting (lifestyle) hanfu movement history of modern western subcultures hi- riser scuttlers paninaro alternative culture nerdfighteria pastoral society western lifestyle perpetual traveler geek girl list of new romantics underground culture cyberdelic street people alternative model g0y malandragem tapori (word) mangas japanese subcultures musical subcultures the cultural creatives soulboy d i y culture fandom hippie movement super culture
Culture_Sociology of culture
3 d modeling computer-integrated manufacturing c a d/ c a m simcenter s t a r- c c m+ model-based definition history of numerical control canned cycle direct numerical control simcenter amesim computer-aided technologies multiaxis machining linux c n c digital read out temporal discretization 2.5 d (machining) s t e p- n c wolfram system modeler simulation x z88 f e m software c n c machine tool monitoring by a e sensors cutter location 3 d computer graphics
Industry_Industrial engineering
don juan the legend of sleepy hollow the haunted mansion the canterville ghost jamaica inn (novel) phantom manor the signal- man kwaidan: stories and studies of strange things the hound of death the collected ghost stories of m. r. james ghost stories of an antiquary the television ghost 13 alabama ghosts and jeffrey the romance of certain old clothes pigeons from hell true singapore ghost stories the moonlit road roald dahl's book of ghost stories wizard clip more ghost stories the trial for murder ghostly tales for ghastly kids brunckow's cabin a thin ghost and others peter rugg a warning to the curious and other ghost stories morris ranch, texas
Culture_Traditional stories
ecclesiastes book of job sirach book of tobit book of proverbs book of wisdom hávamál nizami ganjavi wisdom literature as a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly mirrors for princes sanai apophthegmata patrum the book of mysteries exemplum gnomic poetry sage writing adages triads of ireland nijū kun teaching stories vitae patrum
kristina m. johnson dava newman henry t. yang herbert kroemer john d. anderson robert seamans john burland john s. mac donald petr beckmann john argyris simon ostrach clark blanchard millikan richard felder
Engineering_Engineering education
genshin impact grand theft auto the last of us part i i cyberpunk 2077 dream ( you tuber) call of duty: modern warfare (2019 video game) star citizen resident evil 5 riot games pokémon sword and shield far cry 5 p. t. (video game) kyle larson mass effect: andromeda metal gear solid v: the phantom pain no man's sky flappy bird bio shock infinite mass effect 3 fallout 76 assassin's creed unity pog champ yandere simulator pokémon go middle-earth: shadow of mordor final fantasy x i v (2010 video game) kingdom come: deliverance star wars battlefront i i (2017 video game) billy mitchell (gamer) metal gear solid 2: sons of liberty list of controversial video games day z (video game) diablo immortal tom clancy's ghost recon wildlands silent hills corrupted blood incident a r m a 3 swatting the order: 1886 hot coffee (mod) mafia (series) fez (video game) call of duty: modern warfare remastered duke nukem forever devotion (video game) cheating in online games denuvo epic games store controversies surrounding mortal kombat medal of honor (2010 video game) jacksonville landing shooting video game controversies aliens: colonial marines atari video game burial g2 a 2017 wichita swatting blitzchung controversy criticism of electronic arts counter- strike match fixing scandal raiden ( metal gear) k d n d n b a 2 k20 godus cooking mama: cookstar controversies surrounding grand theft auto v 38 studios violence and video games the king of kong talking angela driver 3 silicon knights tracer ( overwatch) baldur's gate: siege of dragonspear review bomb manhunt (video game series) call of juarez: the cartel todd rogers (gamer) curiosity: what's inside the cube? season pass (video games) caller's bane video game clone caveira ( rainbow six siege) praey for the gods controversies surrounding call of duty: modern warfare 2 limbo of the lost digital homicide studios j f k reloaded u. s. army esports always-on d r m controversies surrounding grand theft auto i v 1993 congressional hearings on video games controversies surrounding mass effect 3 bleem! infestation: survivor stories game of war: fire age other o s battlecruiser 3000 a d counter- strike coaching bug scandal left behind: eternal forces heartbeat (video game) e s r b re-rating of the elder scrolls i v: oblivion dungeon keeper (2014 video game) j. b. harold murder club formula 1 97 chuchel super monaco g p police quest: open season obscenity controversies in video games phantom entertainment day one: garry's incident death of brandon crisp sony computer entertainment america, inc. v. hotz falador massacre freedom! (video game) spacebase d f-9 chameleon (video game console) power player super joy i i i order of war playing history 2 - slave trade 2014 israel– gaza conflict in video games g t f o (film) controversy over the use of manchester cathedral in resistance: fall of man p- o- x mystere incident dance dance revolution solo video games involved in plagiarism controversies n t d e c islamic fun
Mass media_Mass media and entertainment controversies
seven days to the river rhine plan z united states color-coded war plans defence scheme no. 1 imperial german plans for the invasion of the united states kantokuen list of adolf hitler's directives french war planning 1920–1940 exercise armageddon defence scheme no. 2 plan dog memo o p l a n 5027 operation isabella plan west r a m plan o p l a n 5029 führer directive no. 30 lossberg study
Military_Military planning
xinjiang internment camps stolen generations gujarati people muhajir people spread of islam cornelius the centurion hellenization turkification cultural assimilation of native americans languages of the roman empire anglicisation hebraization of surnames sanskritisation social integration jewish assimilation islamization hebraization of palestinian place names civilizing mission honorary whites romanization (cultural) blanqueamiento peter bryce anglicisation of names proselyte sinicization of tibet magyarization forced assimilation arabs in turkey rajputisation indianisation americanization (immigration) islamization and turkification of xinjiang japanization musta'arabi jews islamization of albania civil servant- family pair up helena of adiabene persecution of yazidis kurdification italianization more irish than the irish themselves native schools sōshi-kaimei persianization strike hard campaign against violent terrorism norwegianization thaification cricket test celtic language decline in england japanification hispanicization gaelicisation africanization americanized surnames leitkultur romanianization de- sinicization malayisation titus flavius clemens (consul) hegewald (colony) sinicization of the manchus albanisation kinder der landstrasse legislation on chinese indonesians hanukkah bush araucanization of patagonia javanisation umvolkung romanization of anatolia finnicization celticisation izates i i lithuanization elcor, minnesota last known speakers of a language bosniakisation pangat albanisation of names intermingling
2022 f i f a world cup controversies list of 2014 f i f a world cup controversies list of 2010 f i f a world cup controversies list of 2018 f i f a world cup controversies list of 2006 f i f a world cup controversies sports controversies navad
ferdinand porsche harald quandt carl benz gottlieb daimler stefan quandt herbert quandt günther quandt willy messerschmitt robert bosch wilhelm maybach ferdinand von zeppelin werner von siemens alfried krupp von bohlen und halbach carl bosch nicolaus otto fritz thyssen august horch gustav krupp von bohlen und halbach karl rapp carl von linde adam opel johanna quandt alfred krupp hugo stinnes friedrich alfred krupp reinhold würth carl wilhelm siemens august thyssen friedrich engelhorn friedrich krupp friedrich karl henkel carl miele emil rathenau carl duisberg carl krauch siegfried bettmann august borsig helmut mylius paul mendelssohn bartholdy hermann schmitz berthold beitz albert vögler guido henckel von donnersmarck eugen langen paul wolfskehl carl friedrich von siemens carl f. w. borgward ernst von siemens hermann von siemens carl heinrich von siemens sophie opel philipp rosenthal georg von schnitzler
animated series anime series long gone gulch animated series villains recorded by arizal elpidio valdés animated film series animated television series animated web series
impeachment in the united states impeachment process against richard nixon rod blagojevich corruption charges efforts to impeach barack obama nixon v. united states efforts to impeach george w. bush impeachment of the supreme court of appeals of west virginia list of efforts to impeach vice presidents of the united states the case for impeachment
ertuğrul kshatriya ghazi (warrior) warrior monk military career of ali braves ( native americans) amazons ( greek mythology) pendekar 16th- and 17th-century warrior types
Society_Social divisions
global positioning system isuzu world geodetic system g p s signals n m e a 0183 list of garmin products telematics geotagging differential g p s geo-fence e c e f g p s exchange format real-time kinematic positioning g p s block i i i garmin forerunner n m e a 2000 list of g p s satellites error analysis for the global positioning system automotive navigation system vehicle tracking system g p s satellite blocks carpenter v. united states receiver autonomous integrity monitoring transit (satellite) clock drift point of interest assisted g n s s united states v. jones defense advanced g p s receiver time to first fix g p s-aided g e o augmented navigation garmin fenix ligado networks european geostationary navigation overlay service g p s week number rollover location-based game selective availability anti-spoofing module g p s block i i i f wikiloc furuno g p s animal tracking radio occultation star fire (navigation system) networked transport of r t c m via internet protocol local-area augmentation system gpsd g p s drawing comparison of free off-line satellite navigation software geohashing g p s block i i f japan radio company si r f navigation data standard precision lightweight g p s receiver m s a t joint precision airdrop system g p s for the visually impaired earthscope joint precision approach and landing system ozi explorer next nav wayfinder si r fstar i i i ituran navit satellite navigation software omni s t a r telogis lexus link
Geography_Geographical technology
songwriter troubadour bard griot lead vocalist music education guitarist singer-songwriter women in music pianist road crew concertmaster drummer music publisher music journalism bell-ringer kapellmeister preceptor sideman bandleader backup band keyboardist music supervisor organist women in latin music tour manager répétiteur road manager choirboy heavy metal guitar tour promoter bandmaster guitar tech bandurist tour accountant azmari rack jobber harpsichordist page-turner popular music pedagogy hymnwriter
Entertainment_Entertainment occupations
tuned mass damper lists of unsolved problems outline of engineering p d f/ e superconducting nanowire single-photon detector oilfield scale inhibition engineering disciplines industrial equipment metal assisted chemical etching
Science and technology_Technology
area denial weapon marston mat sapping roman military engineering list of combat engineering corps obstacles to troop movement terrestrial reconnaissance engineer reconnaissance
Military_Military forces by type
b b c world service deutsche welle al jazeera r t ( t v network) voice of america euronews france 24 china global television network people's television network radio free asia al jazeera english radio free europe/ radio liberty all india radio sputnik (news agency) b b c world news american forces network list of world news channels c g t n ( t v channel) t r t world t v5 monde c n n international radio france internationale list of shortwave radio broadcasters press t v e w t n i24 news alhurra radio luxembourg the filipino channel c n c world g m a news t v n h k world- japan radio ceylon china radio international telesur belsat t v t v r i radio canada international family radio radio y televisión martí voice of korea radio moscow al- manar vatican radio sri lanka broadcasting corporation radio farda al- alam news network 3sat rai italia africanews al iraqiya kapatid channel radio havana cuba g m a pinoy t v radio monte carlo al jadeed k b s world voice of russia list of international broadcasters r t l ( french radio) radio taiwan international a b c australia ( southeast asian t v channel) germany calling trans world radio radio australia b v n radio republik indonesia bangladesh betar kol yisrael r t r- planeta t v e internacional radio poland voice of nigeria w r n broadcast radio netherlands worldwide r t p internacional radio berlin international democratic voice of burma current time t v e r t world g m a life t v t v p polonia radio veritas public radio of armenia israel radio international swissinfo radio sawa magyar rádió radio romania international voice of turkey israeli network future t v n b c sky world news mediaset italia i r i b world service european radio for belarus radyo pilipinas worldwide p t v global r t é ireland radio belgrade national broadcasting network ( lebanon) k b s world radio cubavision international radio prague telefe internacional voice of indonesia r t p áfrica t v ri voice of greece duna world r t l radio united nations radio radio exterior t r t avaz s i c internacional ti vi5 monde r n z international t v chile radio luxembourg ( d r m) radio ukraine international t v5 monde style kazakh t v nile t v international middle east television al forat
World_International broadcasting
list of cities by murder rate life imprisonment list of major perpetrators of the holocaust list of most-wanted nazi war criminals list of professional sportspeople convicted of crimes list of formerly unidentified decedents list of confidence tricks list of suspected perpetrators of crimes identified with g e dmatch list of cases of police brutality list of attacks related to secondary schools list of people indicted in the international criminal court list of air rage incidents list of films about the rwandan genocide list of people indicted in the international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia list of attacks related to primary schools homicide in world cities list of unsuccessful attacks related to schools list of crime writers list of attacks related to post-secondary schools list of countries that regulate the immigration of felons list of people indicted in the international criminal tribunal for rwanda list of crimes involving a silicone mask lists of victims of crimes
Law_Law-related lists
ayn rand bertrand russell thomas aquinas avicenna karl popper maimonides averroes john henry newman martha nussbaum alfred north whitehead albertus magnus al- kindi alasdair mac intyre duns scotus philippa foot georges sorel j. l. austin a. j. ayer g. e. moore mortimer j. adler gilbert ryle franz brentano anthony kenny p. f. strawson r. m. hare reginald garrigou- lagrange robert c. solomon timothy williamson richard wollheim rosalind hursthouse david kaplan (philosopher) bernard bosanquet (philosopher) samuel alexander anthony quinton f. c. s. schiller david wiggins richard sorabji abu'l- barakāt al- baghdādī richard mc keon myles burnyeat john corcoran (logician) friedrich adolf trendelenburg r. b. braithwaite raymond duncan (dancer) félix ravaisson- mollien callippus yahya ibn adi abu bishr matta ibn yunus cesare cremonini (philosopher) joachim ritter martin hollis (philosopher)
corporate title president (corporate title) founder c e o account manager merchant systems analyst chief information officer businessperson non-executive director organizational founder switchboard operator sports agent customer service representative nursing management spokesperson information broker chief human resources officer entrepreneur in residence chief innovation officer managing director independent director business consultant female entrepreneurs business executive music executive business manager chief brand officer bursar comprador tax assessment enrolled agent press secretary appraiser director of communications real estate entrepreneur chief privacy officer privatier chief economist project controller buyer chief analytics officer chief happiness officer management occupations chief solutions officer chumak digital strategy manager auto transport broker energy broker odds compiler siviløkonom civilekonom
Economy_Economic occupations
history of the camera history of the telephone history of rail transport history of radio history of timekeeping devices solenoid valve history of the battery history of the telescope history of the internal combustion engine history of submarines aeolipile jacquard machine history of rockets history of the transistor history of radar history of the steam engine history of the motorcycle maritime history history of electromagnetic theory history of nanotechnology history of aluminium history of wind power timeline of motor vehicle brands history of the roller coaster history of hearing aids history of multitrack recording history of perpetual motion machines history of materials science history of polymerase chain reaction line shaft technology-critical element history of the diesel car history of chromatography 50 things that made the modern economy jackshaft chronology of bladed weapons technological races industrial revolution in scotland frog battery timeline of electromagnetism and classical optics frog galvanoscope wild west tech drexler– smalley debate on molecular nanotechnology environmental revolution technological momentum growth of wind power in the united states war and peace in the global village history of artificial life what engineers know and how they know it
Science and technology_History of science and technology
magic word open sesame xyzzy (computing) hocus-pocus please barbarous name ephesia grammata i p s o s apage
Language_Language and mysticism
blacklist (employment) hamoodur rahman commission report hutchinson letters affair murder in samarkand wuhan files
Society_Social institutions
t e d (conference) pan- african congress passion conferences st. petersburg international economic forum f i f a congress u e f a congress passion (worship band) singapore fin tech festival geneva summit for human rights and democracy sibos (conference) tomorrow's india global summit global entrepreneurship summit world summit of nobel peace laureates eastern economic forum world water forum libre planet world religions conference international conference on the holocaust and genocide world population conferences international conference on hollywoodism
World_International organizations
sovereign wealth fund cost–benefit analysis public finance public expenditure sinking fund farm (revenue leasing) value capture national institute of public finance and policy first report on the public credit static analysis flypaper effect pandemic emergency financing facility marginal cost of public funds consolidated third
Government_Public sector
united kingdom singapore japan new zealand england sri lanka scotland malta greenland wales cyprus puerto rico mauritius northern ireland seychelles jamaica isle of man bahrain jersey faroe islands brunei fiji papua new guinea guam samoa falkland islands the bahamas aruba barbados trinidad and tobago curaçao bermuda saint vincent and the grenadines grenada american samoa vanuatu saint lucia cayman islands dominica pitcairn islands kiribati montserrat tonga nauru réunion saint kitts and nevis tuvalu guadeloupe french polynesia antigua and barbuda martinique comoros solomon islands northern mariana islands cook islands federated states of micronesia saint pierre and miquelon anguilla sint maarten norfolk island niue irish free state åland islands saint barthélemy saint helena, ascension and tristan da cunha majapahit list of island countries bailiwick of guernsey hawaiian kingdom tokelau kingdom of ireland srivijaya kingdom of sicily ryukyu kingdom thalassocracy republic of formosa island country collectivity of saint martin republic of hawaii west indies federation kingdom of cyprus republic of ezo kingdom of iceland archipelagic state list of sovereign states and dependent territories in oceania cretan state corsican republic portuguese são tomé and príncipe mataram sultanate small island developing states tuʻi tonga empire riau- lingga sultanate effects of climate change on island nations anglo- corsican kingdom list of sovereign states and dependent territories in the indian ocean kingdom of majorca colony of vancouver island islands of refreshment duchy of the archipelago tamna kingdom of corsica (1736) republic of the north solomons tafea province franceville, new hebrides countries in the caribbean gozitan nation list of island countries by population density usan
scurvy chronic wasting disease zoonosis giardiasis filariasis fasciola hepatica coccidia trichinella spiralis fusarium copper deficiency poultry disease fasciolosis echinococcus multilocularis head pressing fauces (throat) epizootic fasciola gigantica sensory loss baylisascaris epilepsy in animals bladder stone (animal) myopia in animals surra tyzzer's disease impaction (animals) wildlife disease leucosis imposex biliary fever pyrrolizidine alkaloidosis sylvatic
Health_Animal health
radar mass spectrometry wheatstone bridge oscilloscope multimeter sensor anemometer pitot tube energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy measuring instrument p h meter magnetometer chronograph calorimeter tachometer load cell list of electrical and electronic measuring equipment voltmeter dynamometer speedometer coordinate-measuring machine e-meter geiger– müller tube seismometer full body scanner instrumentation s q u i d flight instruments refractometer aviation transponder interrogation modes sound level meter pulse- doppler radar stevenson screen universal testing machine electroscope potentiometer (measuring instrument) salt spray test pedometer optical spectrometer radar speed gun v u meter network analyzer (electrical) plethysmograph planimeter soil moisture sensor electrodermal activity pyranometer current clamp gauge (instrument) airspeed indicator diptych stroboscope l c r meter instrumentation and control engineering electrical conductivity meter bolometer data logger rheometer chip log radar altimeter potometer megohmmeter millimeter wave scanner alidade level staff radiosonde tachograph electron capture detector automated analyser thermal conductivity detector stalagmometric method penning trap tablet hardness testing nephelometer phoropter kibble balance monochord electrometer laser doppler vibrometer actigraphy stadiametric rangefinding acoustic location quadrupole ion trap dot planimeter kelvin bridge variometer photoionization detector faraday cup autocollimator maxwell bridge test probe instrument error lysimeter position sensor evaporative light scattering detector i s f e t nilometer vibrating-sample magnetometer osmometer langmuir probe graduation (instrument) electron multiplier plane table time-to-digital converter force gauge balancing machine dilatometer reflection high-energy electron diffraction actinometer mass flow controller integrating a d c s w r meter densitometer fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance diffractometer laser beam profiler lensmeter taximeter true r m s converter truck scale pyrheliometer analyser capacitive displacement sensor capacitance meter gouy balance backstaff sight glass c h n analyzer hegman gauge penetrometer deadweight tester air pollution sensor trip computer farinograph infrared gas analyzer water detector cascade impactor hypsometer battery indicator machmeter logic probe tribometer electrostatic voltmeter foucault knife-edge test direct analysis in real time formazine impedance cardiography salinometer optical attenuator eudiometer microwave imaging auxanometer distributed temperature sensing creep-testing machine electrochemical gas sensor proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry differential refractometer marine sandglass constant fraction discriminator q meter oscillating u-tube explosimeter slotted line akan goldweights pensky– martens closed-cup test freezing point depression osmometer grounding resistance tester langendorff heart sector mass spectrometer vector signal analyzer gradiometer disdrometer plasma diagnostics cyanometer sky quality meter b o d bottle voltameter s e r f butyrometer signal analyzer q e m s c a n hubometer cover meter chemical field-effect transistor microwave power meter class of accuracy in electrical measurements radio-frequency sweep annubar scanning s q u i d microscopy thin-film thickness monitor torque tester capacitance probe davis quadrant electrostatic fieldmeter karatmeter cinetheodolite magnetic tweezers air track quantum compass transparency meter beta attenuation monitoring heliometer shock detector aerometer medipix kelvin– varley divider peak meter white light scanner membrane osmometer laser surface velocimeter oil content meter murray loop bridge cheugugi string potentiometer absorption wavemeter photoplethysmograph virtual sensing magnetic level gauge microprobe d p cell saccharimeter stretch sensor air core gauge anderson's bridge t d s meter clap-o-meter watercut meter frequency domain sensor dial (measurement) ampere balance pocket comparator pit sword vibrating wire meteorological instrumentation and equipment sextant (astronomy) daly detector hedonometer disappearing-filament pyrometer filar micrometer corrosion monitoring
Engineering_Engineering equipment
donetsk heligoland special economic zone free economic zone duty-free shop kish island nandigram violence akon city, senegal batam offshore financial centre free-trade zone the line, saudi arabia tata nano singur controversy king abdullah economic city list of free economic zones free-trade area list of special economic zones sri city list of free-trade zones qeshm island international financial services centre african economic community jeddah economic city zone for employment and economic development ( honduras) philippine economic zone authority free ports in the united kingdom samnaun rason special economic zone maku, iran list of special economic zones in the philippines african free trade zone colón free trade zone próspera adityapur bayan lepas free industrial zone binhai ajman free zone eastern economic corridor dubai south shannon free zone e l j communications center cavite economic zone china– belarus industrial park foreign direct investment in iran list of free zones of turkey urban enterprise zone qualifying industrial zone jazan economic city dubai airport freezone l a d o l aurora pacific economic zone and freeport free economic zone of manaus freeport area of bataan karum (trade post) khalifa industrial zone port klang free zone bonded logistics park tanjung lesung aqaba special economic zone authority jamaican free zones agri export zone special economic zones of cambodia
Policy_Commercial policy
learning management system alice (software) sakai (software) driving simulator h5 p swift playgrounds planetarium software microsoft classroom itslearning flowgorithm a c d/ chem sketch first class kno knewton open- sankoré shaad paperpile reference software micro worlds s i t s: vision shaala darpan cram.com training management system uber student kojo (learning environment) chungdahm learning agent cubes tarski's world study software firefly learning e xe learning
Education_Educational materials
valedictorian emeritus don (honorific) salutatorian matriculation academic year alumnus seminar graduate assistant privatdozent michaelmas term round table (discussion) exhibition (scholarship) academic personnel academic tenure in north america research statement academic audit propaedeutics academic titles academic senate trinity term accreditation mill academic probation prospectus (university) sister college intellectual inbreeding lent term status quaestionis summer term honours ( spain) university council porters' lodge victory lap (academia)
Education_Education terminology
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics math 55 multiplication table wolfram alpha mathematics education s t e a m fields new math a p calculus business mathematics statistics education how to solve it ethnomathematics precalculus numberphile worksheet further mathematics symbolab clock angle problem mathematical anxiety singapore math numeracy elementary arithmetic word problem (mathematics education) freshman's dream mathematical problem pre-algebra data literacy a p statistics van hiele model a mathematician's lament bachelor of mathematics part i i i of the mathematical tripos the number devil finite mathematics saxon math innumeracy (book) number sentence pattern blocks mathnasium basic skills tape diagram master of mathematics transformation geometry new math (song) national council of teachers of mathematics math wars conrad wolfram grid method multiplication moore method integrated mathematics principles and standards for school mathematics reform mathematics national museum of mathematics toy problem critical mathematics pedagogy saint petersburg lyceum 239 algebra tile school mathematics study group number bond multiplication and repeated addition mathematica: a world of numbers... and beyond pre-math skills standard algorithms open formula chunking (division) birla industrial & technological museum mathematical methods in the physical sciences handedness and mathematical ability conceptual question math circle s t e m pipeline santa cruz high school algebra project school of one exercise (mathematics) skip counting multiple representations (mathematics education) lénárt sphere math for america hampshire college summer studies in mathematics concept image and concept definition maker education wolfram demonstrations project
Mathematics_Mathematical science occupations
dravidian folk religion donyi- polo sarna sthal tai folk religion ahom religion bathouism sunda wiwitan miao folk religion kaharingan mun (religion) momolianism marapu
Religion_Ethnic religion
lil phat shooting of david byrne mirza dilshad beg mekong river massacre tim lopes (journalist) jamim shah brett kebble murder of karel van noppen vigário geral massacre marian cozma gothenburg pub shooting assassination of róbert remiáš helmin wiels
Organizations_Deaths by organization
om nom stories films with live action and animation the david s. pumpkins halloween special television series with live action and animation happy birthday, garfield
Mass media_Mass media by genre
gender binary fight-or-flight response simulacra and simulation wave–particle duality one-drop rule left-hand path and right-hand path senpai and kōhai idealization and devaluation honne and tatemae opposite (semantics) love–hate relationship subject (philosophy) enantiodromia dual consciousness you are either with us, or against us evolutionary economics bodymind love and hate (psychoanalysis) divided consciousness separation of mechanism and policy change and continuity sexual polarity open–closed political spectrum love it or leave it ousterhout's dichotomy table of opposites part–whole theory
Concepts_Conceptual distinctions
disputation of paris judaism and violence judaism and warfare johann andreas eisenmenger criticism of conservative judaism riccoldo da monte di croce
Religion_Criticism of religion
workbook economics (textbook) primer (textbook) of pandas and people digital textbook environmental principles and policies qaida (book) goodman & gilman's the pharmacological basis of therapeutics the major religions wiki to learn
Education_Educational materials
central powers shell shock western front ( world war i) zimmermann telegram christmas truce stab-in-the-back myth trench foot united states in world war i aftermath of world war i occupied enemy territory administration remembrance poppy shot heard round the world the war to end war timeline of world war i big four ( world war i) list of world war i films young bosnia canadian national vimy memorial genocides in history ( world war i through world war i i) propaganda in world war i economic history of world war i menin gate blockade of germany şehzade ömer faruk berlin– baghdad railway diplomatic history of world war i willy– nicky correspondence k bullet powder keg of europe ghadar mutiny home front during world war i red clydeside american expeditionary force, north russia latvian riflemen silk letter movement world war i memorials beaumont- hamel newfoundland memorial live and let live ( world war i) comparative officer ranks of world war i war industries board declarations of war during world war i the harlem hellfighters tehcir law world war i and religion united states navy operations during world war i military history of south africa during world war i red cross parcel lists of world war i topics purple poppy outline of world war i great war souain corporals affair world war i cryptography winterberg tunnel supreme war council attaque à outrance bibliography of the russian revolution and civil war judenzählung passage of the grande honnelle role of geography in world war i princess mary christmas gift box şehzade mehmed burhaneddin armistice between russia and the central powers british unmanned aerial vehicles of world war i league to enforce peace maffia the neutral ally sacred union music of world war i german disarmament great phenol plot monchy-le- preux ( newfoundland) memorial friends' ambulance unit german occupation of estonia during world war i saint julien memorial annie larsen affair committee on alleged german outrages military equipment of world war i last voices of world war 1 woodchopping platoon of the orne political objections to the baháʼí faith european war office diligent work- frugal study movement logistics in world war i scuttling of s m s cormoran wiring party world war i by country lists of abbreviations used on commonwealth world war i medals inter- allied games hellfire corner
World_World Wars
adam smith prize morgan prize advanced placement awards the undergraduate awards hong kong outstanding students awards national pacemaker awards
Education_Education awards
new atheism cult of reason dechristianization of france during the french revolution marxist– leninist atheism islam and the future of tolerance
mount rushmore devils tower muir woods national monument montezuma castle national monument garden of the gods sleeping bear dunes national lakeshore pictured rocks national lakeshore little bighorn battlefield national monument battle of stones river anza- borrego desert state park dinosaur provincial park dinosaur valley state park cherry springs state park head- smashed- in buffalo jump devils postpile national monument providence canyon state park puerto princesa subterranean river national park hovenweep national monument hanging rock state park effigy mounds national monument sunset crater independence rock ( wyoming) kinzua bridge state park starved rock state park scotts bluff national monument aztec ruins national monument fort bridger florida caverns state park jewel cave national monument shiloh national military park trona pinnacles casa grande ruins national monument rainbow bridge national monument blue eye, albania fort necessity national battlefield cloudland canyon state park theodore roosevelt island willow river state park tuzigoot national monument steamtown national historic site timpanogos cave national monument gettysburg national military park bear butte el morro national monument french creek state park codorus state park henry cowell redwoods state park calvert cliffs state park fort phil kearny julia pfeiffer burns state park westmoreland state park morrow mountain state park ohiopyle state park hickory run state park natural bridges state beach blue spring state park petroglyph national monument swallow falls state park worlds end state park hillsborough river state park grave creek mound petroglyphs provincial park đavolja varoš navajo national monument organ pipes national park cass scenic railroad state park jenolan caves walnut canyon national monument promised land state park canaan valley curt gowdy state park rock cut state park liard river hot springs provincial park wye oak fort harrison state park elk neck state park fort bowie mount augustus national park cook forest state park hammocks beach state park wyalusing state park jockey's ridge state park illinois beach state park pipe spring national monument bandiagara escarpment devil's den state park fayette historic state park samuel p. taylor state park sterling state park agate fossil beds national monument first landing state park falls of the ohio state park año nuevo state park fort donelson national battlefield garrapata state park pfeiffer big sur state park arabia mountain blackwater falls state park eno river state park russell cave national monument claytor lake state park mount mitchell state park wilson's creek national battlefield hawks nest state park fort washington park black moshannon state park giant city state park moraine state park limekiln state park cave-in- rock state park port crescent state park gorges state park lincoln state park cowans gap state park holland state park amnicon falls state park stones river national battlefield south pass city, wyoming prince gallitzin state park shannon falls provincial park sleepy hollow state park maybury state park fort union trading post national historic site devil's millhopper geological state park warriors' path state park laurel hill state park pere marquette state park prince william forest park topanga state park cowpens national battlefield tumacácori national historical park hagerman fossil beds national monument bear creek lake state park saratoga national historical park washington monument state park hennepin canal parkway state park blackwater river state park portola redwoods state park palms book state park sanilac petroglyphs historic state park henbury meteorites conservation reserve andrew molera state park klondike gold rush national historical park matthiessen state park sinks canyon state park fairfax stone historical monument state park saugatuck dunes state park mississippi palisades state park kamyana mohyla satsurblia cave prometheus cave natural monument whitefish dunes state park guilford courthouse national military park nez perce national historical park petrie island frances slocum state park marsh creek state park ferne clyffe state park pilot mountain state park râpa roșie babcock state park santa rosa and san jacinto mountains national monument spring mill state park oil creek state park corrieshalloch gorge archbald pothole state park fisherman's island state park gathland state park fort fetterman mt. pisgah state park deep creek lake state park hyner view state park venta rapid nockamixon state park elk knob state park salt springs state park yellow creek state park birds hill provincial park mayon volcano natural park st. clement's island state park piccaninnie ponds conservation park hot springs state park weir farm national historical park big pocono state park alexandra bridge provincial park wildcat mountain state park little manatee river state park baliceaux keystone state park ( pennsylvania) beartown state park pettigrew state park mount tamalpais state park glen roy grand haven state park crowders mountain state park caledonia state park ralph stover state park coquihalla canyon provincial park muskegon state park mount inayawan range natural park raccoon creek state park white clay creek state park pike island harrisville state park coronado national memorial jones lake state park new germany state park swatara state park south mountains state park big bay state park tygart lake state park warren woods state park butano state park mima mounds natural area preserve burt lake state park mc cormick's creek state park fort wilkins historic state park big hill springs provincial park mac millan provincial park cueva del milodón natural monument mc connells mill state park lake louisa state park ciudad encantada south higgins lake state park cliffs of the neuse state park grand mere state park dismal swamp state park colonel denning state park greenbrier state park tyler state park ( pennsylvania) mounts banahaw– san cristobal protected landscape r. b. winter state park petoskey state park yucca house national monument delaware canal state park pymatuning state park ( pennsylvania) hallett cove conservation park hills creek state park boysen reservoir beaudry provincial park raven rock state park kettle creek state park knockan crag miguasha national park shawnee state park ( pennsylvania) hammersley wild area carvers creek state park timpoong and hibok- hibok natural monument kooser state park tawas point state park canaan valley resort state park memorial lake state park prickett's fort state park young state park hontoon island state park yagul susquehanna state park ( maryland) stonewall jackson lake state park hutovo blato anstey hill recreation park borenore caves ole bull state park lowden state park colton point state park lost river state park blidinje nature park bessang pass natural monument blue knob state park morialta conservation park charlestown state park leonard harrison state park fort fred steele state historic site fort ord dunes state park mayo river state park cave of pëllumbas fort washington state park mariinsky park hoffmaster state park guernsey state park occoneechee mountain state natural area greenwood furnace state park shabbona lake state park lake james state park abercrombie caves vaseux lake tu- endie- wei state park la portada big shoals state park cathedral state park tobyhanna state park legend rock tuscarora state park poe paddy state park little buffalo state park pocomoke river state park ludington state park orchard beach state park kankakee river state park laurel ridge state park okatse canyon natural monument alerce costero national park
Nature_Natural monuments
history of electrical engineering history of the tesla coil timeline of the u k electricity supply industry american genius shock and awe: the story of electricity international system of electrical and magnetic units international exposition of electricity the beginning and end of the universe
Engineering_History of engineering
urban area urban planning suburb zoning shanty town street light one-plus-five sustainable city sector model multiple nuclei model city beautiful movement urbanism urban sociology list of cities claimed to be built on seven hills 15 minute city regional planning urban planner land banking planned unit development rational planning model transportation planning street hierarchy the image of the city conservation easement defensible space theory urban economics medina quarter microapartment transborder agglomeration parklet urban geography ideal city participatory planning community land trust asset-based community development street furniture compact city adaptive reuse ravi riverfront urban development project urban structure urban morphology space syntax new towns movement urban hierarchy medium-density housing isochrone map oglethorpe plan urban studies secondary suite athens charter informal housing urban resilience urban growth boundary planning permission marchetti's constant urban planning education urban theory metropolitan planning organization transferable development rights privately owned public space american urban history green development solidere form-based code garden square residential cluster development localization and urbanization economies community-driven development advocacy planning centuriation city engine community development planning cathedral close urban planning in ancient egypt secondary city city mayors foundation city- data the sixteen principles of urban design unitary urbanism neighborhood planning list of metropolitan planning organizations in the united states capital improvement plan urban bias first friday (public event) bryum argenteum communal garden city-building games jane's walk principles of intelligent urbanism vacancy chain environmental gentrification technical aspects of urban planning cycling advocacy budapest's palace district urban informatics cities by type growth management strelka institute plan zuid the origins of the urban crisis ideal town day–evening–night noise level institute for transportation and development policy urban consolidation los angeles school urban reforestation planning cultures slab city student quarter transit village pocket neighborhood metropolitan area projects plan
Society_Social sciences
department of science and technology ( philippines) department of information and communications technology department of science and technology ( india) ministry of earth sciences department for business, innovation and skills innovation, science and economic development canada ministry of industry and information technology federal ministry of science and technology ministry of science and technology ( pakistan) ministry of research and technology/ national research and innovation agency ( indonesia) ministry of education, culture, research and technology ( indonesia) ministry of science and i c t ministry of science and technology ( china) ministry of education and science ( russia) ministry of science, technology and space ministry of higher education, science, research and innovation ministry of science, i c t and future planning ministry of industry and technology ( turkey) ministry of education and research ( norway) ministry of technology and research ministry of science and technology ( bangladesh) ministry of environment, science, technology and innovation ( ghana) ministry of communication, science and technology ministry of higher education and scientific research ( u a e) department of further and higher education, research, innovation and science ministry of education, science and technological development ( serbia)
Science and technology_Technology
chianti occitania friuli po valley romagna padania julian march costa smeralda gargano valtellina maremma chianti (region) catepanate of italy milan metropolitan area karst plateau alban hills old latium monte argentario sorrento peninsula occitan valleys franciacorta versilia tuscia sabina (region) insubria roman castles carnia val di noto longobardia irpinia garfagnana lunigiana daunians emilia (region) brianza county of gorizia roman umbria gallura cadore bovesia abruzzi e molise march of ancona oltrepò pavese slavia friulana montefeltro valsesia latium adiectum marsica polesine tavoliere delle puglie terra di lavoro chiantishire ciampate del diavolo vulture (region) casentino val demone triangolo lariano terre matildiche
Geography_Geographical regions
match fixing muhammad ali boxing reform act reserve clause gracie (film) john hendrie ( scottish footballer) a f l tribunal amateur sports act of 1978 meca- medina ruling international sporting code sports law in the united states declaration of sports football spectators act 1989 california state athletic commission maurice watkins (solicitor) baseball law
Health_Health law
linguistic determinism semiotic theory of charles sanders peirce functional linguistics government and binding theory picture theory of language theory of descriptions schneider's dynamic model dramatism decreolization cartesian linguistics integrationism
Philosophy_Philosophical theories
astronomy contents/ natural and physical sciences outline of physical science comparison of chemistry and physics chemistry physics
Nature_Natural sciences
islamic eschatology war in heaven technological singularity ghost dance jesus, king of the jews immanentize the eschaton five suns world to come list of eschatological topics three suns (eschatology)
judicial review judicial review in the united states judicial review in english law judicial review in india constitutional review judicial review in canada judicial review in bangladesh judicial review in south africa judicial review in hong kong
Law_Constitutional law
physical object rūpa human body astronomical objects realia (library science)
timeline of glaciation lunar geologic timescale timeline of paleontology geologic timeline of western north america timeline of geology
History_Geological history of Earth
azad hind provisional government of the french republic second continental congress zimbabwe rhodesia people's republic of korea interim government of india flensburg government first hellenic republic transitional military council ( chad) confederate ireland transitional islamic state of afghanistan 2019 sudanese coup d'état national salvation junta provisional government of national unity autonomous republic of northern epirus provisional government of hawaii national salvation front ( romania) provisional government of the republic of poland government of the grand national assembly junta of national reconstruction reformed government of the republic of china provisional government of the republic of china (1937–1940) provisional government of western thrace bonn agreement ( afghanistan) provisional government of national union and national salvation of cambodia provisional government of india iraqi interim government interim government of somalia provisional government of mexico provisional national government of the southwestern caucasus directorate of ukraine transitional government of national unity transitional federal government of somalia provisional government of lithuania provisional government of israel provisional polish revolutionary committee primera junta provisional congress of the confederate states jewish national council tungus republic government of national defense afghan interim administration political committee of national liberation provisional government of albania pentarchy of 1933 occupation of western armenia iraqi transitional government high transitional authority provisional government of national defence transitional government of the democratic republic of the congo consultation ( texas) provisional government of the irish republic bessarabian soviet socialist republic provisional legislative council alash orda articles of favourable treatment of the great qing emperor after his abdication transitional national government of somalia provisional regional government of the urals afghan transitional administration one hundred days government
Politics_Political history
abraham lincoln john wilkes booth andrew johnson robert todd lincoln mary todd lincoln william h. seward boston corbett lew wallace winfield scott hancock samuel mudd edwin stanton francis tumblety henry rathbone samuel j. seymour clara harris ward hill lamon lucy lambert hale john bingham david hunter james w. pumphrey frederick aiken john frederick parker frederick w. seward laura keene edmund spangler reverdy johnson peter doyle (transit worker) louis j. weichmann john m. lloyd joseph holt charles leale john t. ford anderson ruffin abbott william h. crook james william boyd joseph hazelton lafayette c. baker john f. hartranft harry hawk james wormley thomas ewing jr. everton conger joseph barnes albert freeman africanus king thomas maley harris august kautz albion p. howe albert g. riddle charles sabin taft edward p. doherty james r. tanner
Events_People associated with events
the spaghetti incident? spaghettification spaghetti code spaghetti junction gravelly hill interchange spaghettieis cable management spaghetti strap spaghetti plot spaghetti sort spaghetti bowl ( las vegas) parent pointer tree eupolymnia crasscornis
Food and drink_Metaphors referring to food and drink
supergirl ( t v series) designated survivor ( t v series) the west wing scandal ( t v series) madam secretary ( t v series) the oval ( t v series) cory in the house charlie and the great glass elevator political animals (miniseries) sharknado 3: oh hell no! abraham lincoln, vampire hunter (novel) too close to home ( t v series) harvey birdman: attorney general commander in chief ( t v series) 1600 penn n b a 2 k13 that's my bush! n b a 2 k12 madden n f l 12 n b a 2 k11 where my country gone? the first family ( t v series) marlon bundo's a day in the life of the vice president freddy vs. jason vs. ash: the nightmare warriors a ladder to heaven madden n f l 11 the secret diary of desmond pfeiffer cory in the house (video game) films set in the white house hail to the chief ( t v series) nancy ( t v series) dave (musical) the boy who knew everything
Government_Government in fiction
grey school of wizardry magic castle marvin's marvelous mechanical museum society of american magicians international brotherhood of magicians american museum of magic magic (company) fédération internationale des sociétés magiques martinka
Entertainment_Entertainment organizations
topographic prominence oasis antipodes list of mountains by elevation meteorology permafrost subtropics land degradation altitude tributary land topographic isolation terrain confluence climatology paleoclimatology portage limnology pedology shore hydrography list of locations with a subtropical climate aspect (geography) strahler number physical oceanography physical geography of assam edaphology thermal equator polje coastal geography raised-relief map hypsometry hachure map clime periglaciation flying river reach (geography) catena (soil) yazoo stream bodies of water landforms physiographic province riffle-pool sequence talik mount oread barranca de oblatos urban climatology extreme points of earth paleolimnology snow science wind of 120 days grassland degradation throughflow
Geography_Branches of geography
n a t o warsaw pact treaty on the non- proliferation of nuclear weapons antarctic treaty system southeast asia treaty organization treaty on open skies outer space treaty constitution of japan paris peace accords article 9 of the japanese constitution strategic arms limitation talks treaty of san francisco intermediate- range nuclear forces treaty helsinki accords a n z u s five power defence arrangements sino- british joint declaration biological weapons convention vienna convention on diplomatic relations baghdad pact s t a r t i mutual defense treaty ( united states– philippines) anti- ballistic missile treaty partial nuclear test ban treaty inter- american treaty of reciprocal assistance reykjavík summit sino- american mutual defense treaty moon treaty treaty of mutual cooperation and security between the united states and japan indo- soviet treaty of friendship and cooperation austrian state treaty stalin note sino- pakistan agreement security treaty between the united states and japan vienna convention on consular relations environmental modification convention treaty on conventional armed forces in europe imperial household law sino- soviet treaty of friendship, alliance and mutual assistance shanghai communiqué nuclear umbrella treaty establishing the european defence community soviet– japanese joint declaration of 1956 treaty of taipei four power agreement on berlin 1958 u s– u k mutual defence agreement sino- north korean mutual aid and cooperation friendship treaty treaty of tlatelolco convention for the conservation of antarctic marine living resources mutual defense treaty ( united states– south korea) basic treaty, 1972 simonstown agreement joint declaration on the question of macau joint communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations alvor agreement protection of diplomats convention u. s.– japan alliance addis ababa agreement (1972) agreed measures for the conservation of antarctic fauna and flora treaty of moscow (1970) seabed arms control treaty non- nuclear aggression agreement agreement on the prevention of nuclear war nkomati accord list of parties to the partial nuclear test ban treaty threshold test ban treaty anglo- malayan defence agreement u. s.– soviet incidents at sea agreement tripartite accord (1988) sino- indonesian dual nationality treaty
Policy_Cold War policies
self-similarity i (pronoun) self-reference effect self-perpetuation self-referential encoding indirect self-reference self-referential paradoxes
linguistic determinism semiotic theory of charles sanders peirce functional linguistics government and binding theory picture theory of language theory of descriptions schneider's dynamic model dramatism decreolization cartesian linguistics integrationism
Philosophy_Philosophical theories
politeness theory cohesion (linguistics) foucauldian discourse analysis context (language use) contrastive analysis ethnography of communication contextualization (sociolinguistics) discursive psychology ruth wodak interactional sociolinguistics recontextualisation so (word) appraisal (discourse analysis) stance (linguistics) macrostructure (linguistics)