#include "hello.hpp" namespace standalone { Napi::Value hello(Napi::CallbackInfo const& info) { Napi::Env env = info.Env(); return Napi::String::New(env, "hello world"); } } // namespace standalone
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
#pragma once #include <napi.h> namespace object_sync { /** * HelloObject class * This is in a header file so we can access it across other .cpp files if necessary * Also, this class adheres to the rule of Zero because we define no custom destructor or copy constructor */ class HelloObject : public Napi::ObjectWrap<HelloObject> { public: // initializers static Napi::Object Init(Napi::Env env, Napi::Object exports); explicit HelloObject(Napi::CallbackInfo const& info); Napi::Value hello(Napi::CallbackInfo const& info); private: static Napi::FunctionReference constructor; std::string name_ = ""; }; } // namespace object_sync
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
#include "hello.hpp" #include <memory> // If this was not defined within a namespace, it would be in the global scope. // Namespaces are used because C++ has no notion of scoped modules, so all of // the code you write in any file could conflict with other code. // Namespaces are generally a great idea in C++ because it helps scale and // clearly organize your application. namespace object_sync { Napi::FunctionReference HelloObject::constructor; // NOLINT // Triggered from Javascript world when calling "new HelloObject(name)" HelloObject::HelloObject(Napi::CallbackInfo const& info) : Napi::ObjectWrap<HelloObject>(info) { Napi::Env env = info.Env(); std::size_t length = info.Length(); if (length != 1 || !info[0].IsString()) { Napi::TypeError::New(env, "String expected").ThrowAsJavaScriptException(); return; } name_ = info[0].As<Napi::String>(); // ^^ uses std::string() operator to convert to UTF-8 encoded string // alternatively Utf8Value() method can be used e.g // name_ = info[0].As<Napi::String>().Utf8Value(); if (name_.empty()) { Napi::TypeError::New(env, "arg must be a non-empty string").ThrowAsJavaScriptException(); } } Napi::Value HelloObject::hello(Napi::CallbackInfo const& info) { Napi::Env env = info.Env(); return Napi::String::New(env, name_); } Napi::Object HelloObject::Init(Napi::Env env, Napi::Object exports) { Napi::Function func = DefineClass(env, "HelloObject", {InstanceMethod("helloMethod", &HelloObject::hello)}); // Create a peristent reference to the class constructor. This will allow // a function called on a class prototype and a function // called on instance of a class to be distinguished from each other. constructor = Napi::Persistent(func); // Call the SuppressDestruct() method on the static data prevent the calling // to this destructor to reset the reference when the environment is no longer // available. constructor.SuppressDestruct(); exports.Set("HelloObject", func); return exports; } } // namespace object_sync
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
#include "hello_async.hpp" #include "../cpu_intensive_task.hpp" #include "../module_utils.hpp" #include <exception> #include <map> #include <memory> #include <stdexcept> #include <utility> // If this was not defined within a namespace, it would be in the global scope. namespace object_async { /* struct AsyncHelloWorker : Napi::AsyncWorker { using Base = Napi::AsyncWorker; // ctor AsyncHelloWorker(bool louder, bool buffer, std::string name, Napi::Function const& cb) : Base(cb), louder_(louder), buffer_(buffer), name_(std::move(name)) {} // The Execute() function is getting called when the worker starts to run. // - You only have access to member variables stored in this worker. // - You do not have access to Javascript v8 objects here. void Execute() override { try { result_ = detail::do_expensive_work(name_, louder_); } catch (std::exception const& e) { SetError(e.what()); } } // The OnOK() is getting called when Execute() successfully // completed. // - In case Execute() invoked SetErrorMessage("") this function is not // getting called. // - You have access to Javascript v8 objects again // - You have to translate from C++ member variables to Javascript v8 objects // - Finally, you call the user's callback with your results void OnOK() override { if (!Callback().IsEmpty()) { if (buffer_) { char * data = result_->data(); std::size_t size = result_->size(); auto buffer = Napi::Buffer<char>::New(Env(), data, size, [](Napi::Env, char*, gsl::owner<std::vector<char>*> v) { delete v; }, result_.release()); Callback().Call({Env().Null(), buffer}); } else { Callback().Call({Env().Null(), Napi::String::New(Env(), result_->data(), result_->size())}); } } } std::unique_ptr<std::vector<char>> result_ = nullptr; bool const louder_; bool const buffer_; std::string const name_; }; */ // This V2 worker is overriding `GetResult` to return the arguments // passed to the Callback invoked by the default OnOK() implementation. // Above is alternative implementation with OnOK() method calling // Callback with appropriate args. Both implementations use default OnError(). struct AsyncHelloWorker_v2 : Napi::AsyncWorker { using Base = Napi::AsyncWorker; // ctor AsyncHelloWorker_v2(bool louder, bool buffer, std::string name, Napi::Function const& cb) : Base(cb), louder_(louder), buffer_(buffer), name_(std::move(name)) {} // The Execute() function is getting called when the worker starts to run. // - You only have access to member variables stored in this worker. // - You do not have access to Javascript v8 objects here. void Execute() override { try { result_ = detail::do_expensive_work(name_, louder_); } catch (std::exception const& e) { SetError(e.what()); } } std::vector<napi_value> GetResult(Napi::Env env) override { if (result_) { if (buffer_) { char* data = result_->data(); std::size_t size = result_->size(); auto buffer = Napi::Buffer<char>::New( env, data, size, [](Napi::Env /*unused*/, char* /*unused*/, gsl::owner<std::vector<char>*> v) { delete v; }, result_.release()); return {env.Null(), buffer}; } return {env.Null(), Napi::String::New(env, result_->data(), result_->size())}; } return Base::GetResult(env); // returns an empty vector (default) } std::unique_ptr<std::vector<char>> result_ = nullptr; bool const louder_; bool const buffer_; std::string const name_; }; Napi::FunctionReference HelloObjectAsync::constructor; // NOLINT HelloObjectAsync::HelloObjectAsync(Napi::CallbackInfo const& info) : Napi::ObjectWrap<HelloObjectAsync>(info) { Napi::Env env = info.Env(); std::size_t length = info.Length(); if (length != 1 || !info[0].IsString()) { Napi::TypeError::New(env, "String expected").ThrowAsJavaScriptException(); return; } name_ = info[0].As<Napi::String>(); // ^^ uses std::string() operator to convert to UTF-8 encoded string // alternatively Utf8Value() method can be used e.g // name_ = info[0].As<Napi::String>().Utf8Value(); if (name_.empty()) { Napi::TypeError::New(env, "arg must be a non-empty string").ThrowAsJavaScriptException(); } } Napi::Value HelloObjectAsync::helloAsync(Napi::CallbackInfo const& info) { bool louder = false; bool buffer = false; Napi::Env env = info.Env(); if (!(info.Length() == 2 && info[1].IsFunction())) { Napi::TypeError::New(env, "second arg 'callback' must be a function").ThrowAsJavaScriptException(); return env.Null(); } Napi::Function callback = info[1].As<Napi::Function>(); // Check first argument, should be an 'options' object if (!info[0].IsObject()) { return utils::CallbackError(env, "first arg 'options' must be an object", callback); } Napi::Object options = info[0].As<Napi::Object>(); // Check options object for the "louder" property, which should be a boolean // value if (options.Has(Napi::String::New(env, "louder"))) { Napi::Value louder_val = options.Get(Napi::String::New(env, "louder")); if (!louder_val.IsBoolean()) { return utils::CallbackError(env, "option 'louder' must be a boolean", callback); } louder = louder_val.As<Napi::Boolean>().Value(); } // Check options object for the "buffer" property, which should be a boolean // value if (options.Has(Napi::String::New(env, "buffer"))) { Napi::Value buffer_val = options.Get(Napi::String::New(env, "buffer")); if (!buffer_val.IsBoolean()) { return utils::CallbackError(env, "option 'buffer' must be a boolean", callback); } buffer = buffer_val.As<Napi::Boolean>().Value(); } auto* worker = new AsyncHelloWorker_v2{louder, buffer, name_, callback}; // NOLINT worker->Queue(); return info.Env().Undefined(); // NOLINT } Napi::Object HelloObjectAsync::Init(Napi::Env env, Napi::Object exports) { Napi::Function func = DefineClass(env, "HelloObjectAsync", {InstanceMethod("helloAsync", &HelloObjectAsync::helloAsync)}); // Create a peristent reference to the class constructor. This will allow // a function called on a class prototype and a function // called on instance of a class to be distinguished from each other. constructor = Napi::Persistent(func); // Call the SuppressDestruct() method on the static data prevent the calling // to this destructor to reset the reference when the environment is no longer // available. constructor.SuppressDestruct(); exports.Set("HelloObjectAsync", func); return exports; } } // namespace object_async
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
#pragma once #include <napi.h> namespace object_async { /** * HelloObject class * This is in a header file so we can access it across other .cpp files if * necessary * Also, this class adheres to the rule of Zero because we define no custom * destructor or copy constructor */ class HelloObjectAsync : public Napi::ObjectWrap<HelloObjectAsync> { public: // initializer static Napi::Object Init(Napi::Env env, Napi::Object exports); explicit HelloObjectAsync(Napi::CallbackInfo const& info); Napi::Value helloAsync(Napi::CallbackInfo const& info); private: // member variable // specific to each instance of the class static Napi::FunctionReference constructor; std::string name_ = ""; }; } // namespace object_async
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
#pragma once #include <napi.h> namespace standalone_promise { // hello, custom sync method // method's logic lives in hello_promise.cpp Napi::Value helloPromise(Napi::CallbackInfo const& info); } // namespace standalone_promise
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
#include "hello_promise.hpp" #include <iostream> #include <utility> namespace standalone_promise { // async worker that handles the Deferred methods struct PromiseWorker : Napi::AsyncWorker { // constructor / ctor PromiseWorker(Napi::Env const& env, std::string phrase, int multiply) : Napi::AsyncWorker(env), phrase_(std::move(phrase)), multiply_(multiply), deferred_(Napi::Promise::Deferred::New(env)) {} // The Execute() function is getting called when the worker starts to run. // - You only have access to member variables stored in this worker. // - You do not have access to Javascript v8 objects here. void Execute() override { for (int i = 0; i < multiply_; ++i) { output_ += phrase_; } } // The OnOK() is getting called when Execute() successfully // completed. // - In case Execute() invoked SetErrorMessage("") this function is not // getting called. // - You have access to Javascript v8 objects again // - You have to translate from C++ member variables to Javascript v8 objects // - Finally, you call the user's callback with your results void OnOK() final { deferred_.Resolve(Napi::String::New(Env(), output_)); } // If anything in the PromiseWorker.Execute method throws an error // it will be caught here and rejected. void OnError(Napi::Error const& error) override { deferred_.Reject(error.Value()); } Napi::Promise GetPromise() const { return deferred_.Promise(); } const std::string phrase_; const int multiply_; Napi::Promise::Deferred deferred_; std::string output_ = ""; }; // entry point Napi::Value helloPromise(Napi::CallbackInfo const& info) { Napi::Env env = info.Env(); // default params std::string phrase = "hello"; int multiply = 1; // validate inputs // - if params is defined, validate contents // - - params is an object // - - params.multiply is int and greater than zero // - - params.phrase is string // - otherwise skip and use defaults if (!info[0].IsUndefined()) { if (!info[0].IsObject()) { throw Napi::Error::New(env, "options must be an object"); } Napi::Object options = info[0].As<Napi::Object>(); // phrase must be a string if (options.Has(Napi::String::New(env, "phrase"))) { Napi::Value phrase_val = options.Get(Napi::String::New(env, "phrase")); if (!phrase_val.IsString()) { throw Napi::Error::New(env, "options.phrase must be a string"); } phrase = phrase_val.As<Napi::String>(); } // multiply must be int > 1 if (options.Has(Napi::String::New(env, "multiply"))) { Napi::Value multiply_val = options.Get(Napi::String::New(env, "multiply")); if (!multiply_val.IsNumber()) { throw Napi::Error::New(env, "options.multiply must be a number"); } multiply = multiply_val.As<Napi::Number>().Int32Value(); if (multiply < 1) { throw Napi::Error::New(env, "options.multiply must be 1 or greater"); } } } // initialize Napi::AsyncWorker // This comes with a GetPromise that returns the necessary // Napi::Promise::Deferred class that we send the user auto* worker = new PromiseWorker{env, phrase, multiply}; auto promise = worker->GetPromise(); // begin asynchronous work by queueing it. // https://github.com/nodejs/node-addon-api/blob/main/doc/async_worker.md#queue worker->Queue(); // return the deferred promise to the user. Let the // async worker resolve/reject accordingly return promise; } } // namespace standalone_promise
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu set -o pipefail CONTAINER=build/binding.xcodeproj OUTPUT="${CONTAINER}/xcshareddata/xcschemes/${SCHEME_NAME}.xcscheme" # Required ENV vars: # - SCHEME_TYPE: type of the scheme # - SCHEME_NAME: name of the scheme # Optional ENV vars: # - NODE_ARGUMENT (defaults to "") # - BUILDABLE_NAME (defaults ot SCHEME_NAME) # - BLUEPRINT_NAME (defaults ot SCHEME_NAME) # Try to reuse the existing Blueprint ID if the scheme already exists. if [ -f "${OUTPUT}" ]; then BLUEPRINT_ID=$(sed -n "s/[ \t]*BlueprintIdentifier *= *\"\([A-Z0-9]\{24\}\)\"/\\1/p" "${OUTPUT}" | head -1) fi NODE_ARGUMENT=${NODE_ARGUMENT:-} BLUEPRINT_ID=${BLUEPRINT_ID:-$(hexdump -n 12 -v -e '/1 "%02X"' /dev/urandom)} BUILDABLE_NAME=${BUILDABLE_NAME:-${SCHEME_NAME}} BLUEPRINT_NAME=${BLUEPRINT_NAME:-${SCHEME_NAME}} mkdir -p "${CONTAINER}/xcshareddata/xcschemes" sed "\ s#{{BLUEPRINT_ID}}#${BLUEPRINT_ID}#;\ s#{{BLUEPRINT_NAME}}#${BLUEPRINT_NAME}#;\ s#{{BUILDABLE_NAME}}#${BUILDABLE_NAME}#;\ s#{{CONTAINER}}#${CONTAINER}#;\ s#{{WORKING_DIRECTORY}}#$(pwd)#;\ s#{{NODE_PATH}}#$(dirname `which node`)#;\ s#{{NODE_ARGUMENT}}#${NODE_ARGUMENT}#" \ scripts/${SCHEME_TYPE}.xcscheme > "${OUTPUT}"
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Scheme LastUpgradeVersion = "0730" version = "1.3"> <BuildAction parallelizeBuildables = "YES" buildImplicitDependencies = "YES"> <BuildActionEntries> <BuildActionEntry buildForTesting = "YES" buildForRunning = "YES" buildForProfiling = "YES" buildForArchiving = "YES" buildForAnalyzing = "YES"> <BuildableReference BuildableIdentifier = "primary" BlueprintIdentifier = "{{BLUEPRINT_ID}}" BuildableName = "{{BUILDABLE_NAME}}" BlueprintName = "{{BLUEPRINT_NAME}}" ReferencedContainer = "container:{{CONTAINER}}"> </BuildableReference> </BuildActionEntry> </BuildActionEntries> </BuildAction> <TestAction buildConfiguration = "Debug" selectedDebuggerIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Debugger.LLDB" selectedLauncherIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Launcher.LLDB" shouldUseLaunchSchemeArgsEnv = "YES"> <Testables> </Testables> <AdditionalOptions> </AdditionalOptions> </TestAction> <LaunchAction buildConfiguration = "Debug" selectedDebuggerIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Debugger.LLDB" selectedLauncherIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Launcher.LLDB" launchStyle = "0" useCustomWorkingDirectory = "NO" ignoresPersistentStateOnLaunch = "NO" debugDocumentVersioning = "YES" debugServiceExtension = "internal" allowLocationSimulation = "YES"> <MacroExpansion> <BuildableReference BuildableIdentifier = "primary" BlueprintIdentifier = "{{BLUEPRINT_ID}}" BuildableName = "{{BUILDABLE_NAME}}" BlueprintName = "{{BLUEPRINT_NAME}}" ReferencedContainer = "container:{{CONTAINER}}"> </BuildableReference> </MacroExpansion> <AdditionalOptions> </AdditionalOptions> </LaunchAction> <ProfileAction buildConfiguration = "Release" shouldUseLaunchSchemeArgsEnv = "YES" savedToolIdentifier = "" useCustomWorkingDirectory = "NO" debugDocumentVersioning = "YES"> <MacroExpansion> <BuildableReference BuildableIdentifier = "primary" BlueprintIdentifier = "{{BLUEPRINT_ID}}" BuildableName = "{{BUILDABLE_NAME}}" BlueprintName = "{{BLUEPRINT_NAME}}" ReferencedContainer = "container:{{CONTAINER}}"> </BuildableReference> </MacroExpansion> </ProfileAction> <AnalyzeAction buildConfiguration = "Debug"> </AnalyzeAction> <ArchiveAction buildConfiguration = "Release" revealArchiveInOrganizer = "YES"> </ArchiveAction> </Scheme>
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import json import os import re # Script to generate compile_commands.json based on Makefile output # Works by accepting Makefile output from stdin, parsing it, and # turning into json records. These are then printed to stdout. # More details on the compile_commands format at: # https://clang.llvm.org/docs/JSONCompilationDatabase.html # # Note: make must be run in verbose mode, e.g. V=1 make or VERBOSE=1 make # # Usage with node-cpp-skel: # # make | ./scripts/generate_compile_commands.py > build/compile_commands.json # These work for node-cpp-skel to detect the files being compiled # They may need to be modified if you adapt this to another tool matcher = re.compile('^(.*) (.+cpp)\n') build_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"build") TOKEN_DENOTING_COMPILED_FILE='NODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME' def generate(): compile_commands = [] for line in sys.stdin.readlines(): if TOKEN_DENOTING_COMPILED_FILE in line: match = matcher.match(line) if match: compile_commands.append({ "directory": build_dir, "command": line.strip(), "file": os.path.normpath(os.path.join(build_dir,match.group(2))) }) print(json.dumps(compile_commands,indent=4)) if __name__ == '__main__': generate()
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu set -o pipefail export COMMIT_MESSAGE=$(git log --format=%B --no-merges -n 1 | tr -d '\n') # `is_pr_merge` is designed to detect if a gitsha represents a normal # push commit (to any branch) or whether it represents travis attempting # to merge between the origin and the upstream branch. # For more details see: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/pull-requests function is_pr_merge() { # Get the commit message via git log # This should always be the exactly the text the developer provided local COMMIT_LOG=${COMMIT_MESSAGE} # Get the commit message via git show # If the gitsha represents a merge then this will # look something like "Merge e3b1981 into 615d2a3" # Otherwise it will be the same as the "git log" output export COMMIT_SHOW=$(git show -s --format=%B | tr -d '\n') if [[ "${COMMIT_LOG}" != "${COMMIT_SHOW}" ]]; then echo true fi } # Detect if this commit represents a tag. This is useful # to detect if we are on a travis job that is running due to # "git tags --push". In this case we don't want to publish even # if [publish binary] is present since that should refer only to the # previously job that ran for that commit and not the tag made function is_tag_commit() { export COMMIT_MATCHES_KNOWN_TAG=$(git describe --exact-match $(git rev-parse HEAD) 2> /dev/null) if [[ ${COMMIT_MATCHES_KNOWN_TAG} ]]; then echo true fi } # `publish` is used to publish binaries to s3 via commit messages if: # - the commit message includes [publish binary] # - the commit message includes [republish binary] # - the commit is not a pr_merge (checked with `is_pr_merge` function) function publish() { echo "dumping binary meta..." ./node_modules/.bin/node-pre-gyp reveal --loglevel=error $@ echo "determining publishing status..." if [[ $(is_pr_merge) ]]; then echo "Skipping publishing because this is a PR merge commit" elif [[ $(is_tag_commit) ]]; then echo "Skipping publishing because this is a tag" else echo "Commit message was: '${COMMIT_MESSAGE}'" if [[ ${COMMIT_MESSAGE} =~ "[publish binary]" ]]; then echo "Publishing" ./node_modules/.bin/node-pre-gyp package publish $@ elif [[ ${COMMIT_MESSAGE} =~ "[republish binary]" ]]; then echo "Re-Publishing" ./node_modules/.bin/node-pre-gyp package unpublish publish $@ else echo "Skipping publishing since we did not detect either [publish binary] or [republish binary] in commit message" fi fi } function usage() { >&2 echo "Usage" >&2 echo "" >&2 echo "$ ./scripts/publish.sh <args>" >&2 echo "" >&2 echo "All args are forwarded to node-pre-gyp like --debug" >&2 echo "" exit 1 } # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/192249/how-do-i-parse-command-line-arguments-in-bash for i in "$@" do case $i in -h | --help) usage shift ;; *) ;; esac done publish $@
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu # First create new repo on GitHub and copy the SSH repo url # Then run "./scripts/liftoff.sh" from within your local node-cpp-skel root directory # and it will create your new local project repo side by side with node-cpp-skel directory echo "What is the name of your new project? " read name echo "What is the remote repo url for your new project? " read url mkdir ../$name cp -R ../node-cpp-skel/. ../$name/ cd ../$name/ rm -rf .git git init git checkout -b node-cpp-skel-port git add . git commit -m "Port from node-cpp-skel" git remote add origin $url git push -u origin node-cpp-skel-port # Perhaps useful for fresh start, also check out https://github.com/mapbox/node-cpp-skel#add-custom-code # cp /dev/null CHANGELOG.md # cp /dev/null README.md
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu set -o pipefail # http://clang.llvm.org/docs/UsersManual.html#profiling-with-instrumentation # https://www.bignerdranch.com/blog/weve-got-you-covered/ make clean export CXXFLAGS="-fprofile-instr-generate -fcoverage-mapping" export LDFLAGS="-fprofile-instr-generate" make debug rm -f *profraw rm -f *gcov rm -f *profdata LLVM_PROFILE_FILE="code-%p.profraw" npm test CXX_MODULE=$(./node_modules/.bin/node-pre-gyp reveal module --silent) export PATH=$(pwd)/mason_packages/.link/bin/:${PATH} llvm-profdata merge -output=code.profdata code-*.profraw llvm-cov report ${CXX_MODULE} -instr-profile=code.profdata -use-color llvm-cov show ${CXX_MODULE} -instr-profile=code.profdata src/*.cpp -filename-equivalence -use-color llvm-cov show ${CXX_MODULE} -instr-profile=code.profdata src/*.cpp -filename-equivalence -use-color --format html > /tmp/coverage.html echo "open /tmp/coverage.html for HTML version of this report"
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu set -o pipefail : ' Runs clang-format on the code in src/ Return `1` if there are files to be formatted, and automatically formats them. Returns `0` if everything looks properly formatted. ' PATH_TO_FORMAT_SCRIPT="$(pwd)/mason_packages/.link/bin/clang-format" # Run clang-format on all cpp and hpp files in the /src directory find src/ -type f -name '*.hpp' -o -name '*.cpp' \ | xargs -I{} ${PATH_TO_FORMAT_SCRIPT} -i -style=file {} # Print list of modified files dirty=$(git ls-files --modified src/) if [[ $dirty ]]; then echo "The following files have been modified:" echo $dirty git diff exit 1 else exit 0 fi
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu set -o pipefail # https://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-tidy/ : ' Runs clang-tidy on the code in src/ Return `1` if there are files automatically fixed by clang-tidy. Returns `0` if no fixes by clang-tidy. TODO: should also return non-zero if clang-tidy emits warnings or errors about things it cannot automatically fix. However I cannot figure out how to get this working yet as it seems that clang-tidy always returns 0 even on errors. ' PATH_TO_CLANG_TIDY_SCRIPT="$(pwd)/mason_packages/.link/share/run-clang-tidy.py" # make sure that run-clang-tidy.py can find the right clang-tidy export PATH=$(pwd)/mason_packages/.link/bin:${PATH} # build the compile_commands.json file if it does not exist if [[ ! -f build/compile_commands.json ]]; then # We need to clean otherwise when we make the project # will will not see all the compile commands make clean # Create the build directory to put the compile_commands in # We do this first to ensure it is there to start writing to # immediately (make make not create it right away) mkdir -p build # Run make, pipe the output to the generate_compile_commands.py # and drop them in a place that clang-tidy will automatically find them RESULT=0 make | tee /tmp/make-node-cpp-skel-build-output.txt || RESULT=$? if [[ ${RESULT} != 0 ]]; then echo "Build failed, could not generate compile commands for clang-tidy, aborting!" exit ${RESULT} else cat /tmp/make-node-cpp-skel-build-output.txt | scripts/generate_compile_commands.py > build/compile_commands.json fi fi # change into the build directory so that clang-tidy can find the files # at the right paths (since this is where the actual build happens) cd build ${PATH_TO_CLANG_TIDY_SCRIPT} -fix cd ../ # Print list of modified files dirty=$(git ls-files --modified src/) if [[ $dirty ]]; then echo "The following files have been modified:" echo $dirty git diff exit 1 else exit 0 fi
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Scheme LastUpgradeVersion = "0730" version = "1.3"> <BuildAction parallelizeBuildables = "YES" buildImplicitDependencies = "YES"> <BuildActionEntries> <BuildActionEntry buildForTesting = "YES" buildForRunning = "YES" buildForProfiling = "YES" buildForArchiving = "YES" buildForAnalyzing = "YES"> <BuildableReference BuildableIdentifier = "primary" BlueprintIdentifier = "{{BLUEPRINT_ID}}" BuildableName = "{{BUILDABLE_NAME}}" BlueprintName = "{{BLUEPRINT_NAME}}" ReferencedContainer = "container:{{CONTAINER}}"> </BuildableReference> </BuildActionEntry> </BuildActionEntries> </BuildAction> <TestAction buildConfiguration = "Debug" selectedDebuggerIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Debugger.LLDB" selectedLauncherIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Launcher.LLDB" shouldUseLaunchSchemeArgsEnv = "YES"> <Testables> </Testables> <AdditionalOptions> </AdditionalOptions> </TestAction> <LaunchAction buildConfiguration = "Debug" selectedDebuggerIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Debugger.LLDB" selectedLauncherIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Launcher.LLDB" launchStyle = "0" useCustomWorkingDirectory = "YES" customWorkingDirectory = "{{WORKING_DIRECTORY}}" ignoresPersistentStateOnLaunch = "NO" debugDocumentVersioning = "YES" debugServiceExtension = "internal" allowLocationSimulation = "YES"> <PathRunnable runnableDebuggingMode = "0" FilePath = "{{NODE_PATH}}/node"> </PathRunnable> <MacroExpansion> <BuildableReference BuildableIdentifier = "primary" BlueprintIdentifier = "{{BLUEPRINT_ID}}" BuildableName = "{{BUILDABLE_NAME}}" BlueprintName = "{{BLUEPRINT_NAME}}" ReferencedContainer = "container:{{CONTAINER}}"> </BuildableReference> </MacroExpansion> <CommandLineArguments> <CommandLineArgument argument = "{{NODE_ARGUMENT}}" isEnabled = "YES"> </CommandLineArgument> </CommandLineArguments> <EnvironmentVariables> <EnvironmentVariable key = "PATH" value = "{{NODE_PATH}}:$PATH" isEnabled = "YES"> </EnvironmentVariable> </EnvironmentVariables> <AdditionalOptions> </AdditionalOptions> </LaunchAction> <ProfileAction buildConfiguration = "Release" shouldUseLaunchSchemeArgsEnv = "YES" savedToolIdentifier = "" useCustomWorkingDirectory = "NO" debugDocumentVersioning = "YES"> <MacroExpansion> <BuildableReference BuildableIdentifier = "primary" BlueprintIdentifier = "{{BLUEPRINT_ID}}" BuildableName = "{{BUILDABLE_NAME}}" BlueprintName = "{{BLUEPRINT_NAME}}" ReferencedContainer = "container:{{CONTAINER}}"> </BuildableReference> </MacroExpansion> </ProfileAction> <AnalyzeAction buildConfiguration = "Debug"> </AnalyzeAction> <ArchiveAction buildConfiguration = "Release" revealArchiveInOrganizer = "YES"> </ArchiveAction> </Scheme>
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu set -o pipefail : ' Rebuilds the code with the sanitizers and runs the tests ' # See https://github.com/mapbox/node-cpp-skel/blob/master/docs/extended-tour.md#configuration-files make clean # https://github.com/google/sanitizers/wiki/AddressSanitizerAsDso SHARED_LIB_EXT=.so if [[ $(uname -s) == 'Darwin' ]]; then SHARED_LIB_EXT=.dylib fi export MASON_LLVM_RT_PRELOAD=$(pwd)/$(ls mason_packages/.link/lib/clang/*/lib/*/libclang_rt.asan*${SHARED_LIB_EXT}) SUPPRESSION_FILE="/tmp/leak_suppressions.txt" echo "leak:__strdup" > ${SUPPRESSION_FILE} echo "leak:v8::internal" >> ${SUPPRESSION_FILE} echo "leak:node::CreateEnvironment" >> ${SUPPRESSION_FILE} echo "leak:node::Start" >> ${SUPPRESSION_FILE} echo "leak:node::Init" >> ${SUPPRESSION_FILE} # Suppress leak related to https://github.com/libuv/libuv/pull/2480 echo "leak:uv__set_process_title_platform_init" >> ${SUPPRESSION_FILE} export ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH=$(pwd)/mason_packages/.link/bin/llvm-symbolizer export MSAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH=$(pwd)/mason_packages/.link/bin/llvm-symbolizer export UBSAN_OPTIONS=print_stacktrace=1 export LSAN_OPTIONS=suppressions=${SUPPRESSION_FILE} export ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=1:symbolize=1:abort_on_error=1:detect_container_overflow=1:check_initialization_order=1:detect_stack_use_after_return=1 export MASON_SANITIZE="-fsanitize=address,undefined,integer,leak -fno-sanitize=vptr,function" export MASON_SANITIZE_CXXFLAGS="${MASON_SANITIZE} -fno-sanitize=vptr,function -fsanitize-address-use-after-scope -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-common" export MASON_SANITIZE_LDFLAGS="${MASON_SANITIZE}" # Note: to build without stopping on errors remove the -fno-sanitize-recover=all flag # You might want to do this if there are multiple errors and you want to see them all before fixing export CXXFLAGS="${MASON_SANITIZE_CXXFLAGS} ${CXXFLAGS:-} -fno-sanitize-recover=all" export LDFLAGS="${MASON_SANITIZE_LDFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS:-}" make debug export ASAN_OPTIONS=fast_unwind_on_malloc=0:${ASAN_OPTIONS} if [[ $(uname -s) == 'Darwin' ]]; then # NOTE: we must call node directly here rather than `npm test` # because OS X blocks `DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES` being inherited by sub shells # If this is not done right we'll see # ==18464==ERROR: Interceptors are not working. This may be because AddressSanitizer is loaded too late (e.g. via dlopen). # # See https://github.com/mapbox/node-cpp-skel/issues/122 DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=${MASON_LLVM_RT_PRELOAD} \ node node_modules/.bin/$(node -e "console.log(require('./package.json').scripts.test)") test/*test.js else LD_PRELOAD=${MASON_LLVM_RT_PRELOAD} \ npm test fi
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
"use strict"; var argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)); if (!argv.iterations || !argv.concurrency) { console.error('Please provide desired iterations, concurrency'); console.error('Example: \n\tnode bench/hello_async.bench.js --iterations 50 --concurrency 10'); console.error('Optional args: \n\t--mem (reports memory stats)'); process.exit(1); } // This env var sets the libuv threadpool size. // This value is locked in once a function interacts with the threadpool // Therefore we need to set this value either in the shell or at the very // top of a JS file (like we do here) process.env.UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE = argv.concurrency; var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var bytes = require('bytes'); var assert = require('assert') var d3_queue = require('d3-queue'); var module = require('../lib/index.js'); var queue = d3_queue.queue(); var track_mem = argv.mem ? true : false; var runs = 0; var memstats = { max_rss:0, max_heap:0, max_heap_total:0 }; function run(cb) { module.helloAsync({ louder: false }, function(err, result) { if (err) { return cb(err); } ++runs; if (track_mem && runs % 1000) { var mem = process.memoryUsage(); if (mem.rss > memstats.max_rss) memstats.max_rss = mem.rss; if (mem.heapTotal > memstats.max_heap_total) memstats.max_heap_total = mem.heapTotal; if (mem.heapUsed > memstats.max_heap) memstats.max_heap = mem.heapUsed; } return cb(); }); } // Start monitoring time before async work begins within the defer iterator below. // AsyncWorkers will kick off actual work before the defer iterator is finished, // and we want to make sure we capture the time of the work of that initial cycle. var time = +(new Date()); for (var i = 0; i < argv.iterations; i++) { queue.defer(run); } queue.awaitAll(function(error) { if (error) throw error; if (runs != argv.iterations) { throw new Error('Error: did not run as expected'); } // check rate time = +(new Date()) - time; if (time == 0) { console.log('Warning: ms timer not high enough resolution to reliably track rate. Try more iterations'); } else { // number of milliseconds per iteration var rate = runs/(time/1000); console.log('Benchmark speed: ' + rate.toFixed(0) + ' runs/s (runs:' + runs + ' ms:' + time + ' )'); if (track_mem) { console.log('Benchmark peak mem (max_rss, max_heap, max_heap_total): ', bytes(memstats.max_rss), bytes(memstats.max_heap), bytes(memstats.max_heap_total)); } else { console.log('Note: pass --mem to track memory usage'); } } console.log('Benchmark iterations:',argv.iterations,'concurrency:',argv.concurrency) // There may be instances when you want to assert some performance metric //assert.equal(rate > 1000, true, 'speed not at least 1000/second ( rate was ' + rate + ' runs/s )'); });
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
"use strict"; var argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)); if (!argv.iterations || !argv.concurrency) { console.error('Please provide desired iterations, concurrency'); console.error('Example: \n\tnode bench/hello_object_async.bench.js --iterations 50 --concurrency 10'); console.error('Optional args: \n\t--mem (reports memory stats)'); process.exit(1); } // This env var sets the libuv threadpool size. // This value is locked in once a function interacts with the threadpool // Therefore we need to set this value either in the shell or at the very // top of a JS file (like we do here) process.env.UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE = argv.concurrency; var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var bytes = require('bytes'); var assert = require('assert') var d3_queue = require('d3-queue'); var queue = d3_queue.queue(); var module = require('../lib/index.js'); var H = new module.HelloObjectAsync('park bench'); var track_mem = argv.mem ? true : false; var runs = 0; var memstats = { max_rss:0, max_heap:0, max_heap_total:0 }; function run(cb) { H.helloAsync({ louder: false }, function(err, result) { if (err) { return cb(err); } ++runs; if (track_mem && runs % 1000) { var mem = process.memoryUsage(); if (mem.rss > memstats.max_rss) memstats.max_rss = mem.rss; if (mem.heapTotal > memstats.max_heap_total) memstats.max_heap_total = mem.heapTotal; if (mem.heapUsed > memstats.max_heap) memstats.max_heap = mem.heapUsed; } return cb(); }); } // Start monitoring time before async work begins within the defer iterator below. // AsyncWorkers will kick off actual work before the defer iterator is finished, // and we want to make sure we capture the time of the work of that initial cycle. var time = +(new Date()); for (var i = 0; i < argv.iterations; i++) { queue.defer(run); } queue.awaitAll(function(error) { if (error) throw error; if (runs != argv.iterations) { throw new Error("Error: did not run as expected"); } // check rate time = +(new Date()) - time; if (time == 0) { console.log("Warning: ms timer not high enough resolution to reliably track rate. Try more iterations"); } else { // number of milliseconds per iteration var rate = runs/(time/1000); console.log('Benchmark speed: ' + rate.toFixed(0) + ' runs/s (runs:' + runs + ' ms:' + time + ' )'); if (track_mem) { console.log('Benchmark peak mem (max_rss, max_heap, max_heap_total): ', bytes(memstats.max_rss), bytes(memstats.max_heap), bytes(memstats.max_heap_total)); } else { console.log('Note: pass --mem to track memory usage'); } } console.log('Benchmark iterations:',argv.iterations,'concurrency:',argv.concurrency); // There may be instances when you want to assert some performance metric //assert.equal(rate > 1000, true, 'speed not at least 1000/second ( rate was ' + rate + ' runs/s )'); });
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
"use strict"; const { hello, helloAsync, helloPromise, HelloObject, HelloObjectAsync } = require('./binding/module.node'); module.exports = { /** * This is a synchronous standalone function that logs a string. * @name hello * @returns {string} * @example * const { hello } = require('@mapbox/node-cpp-skel'); * const check = hello(); * console.log(check); // => "hello world" */ hello, /** * This is an asynchronous standalone function that logs a string. * @name helloAsync * @param {Object} args - different ways to alter the string * @param {boolean} args.louder - adds exclamation points to the string * @param {boolean} args.buffer - returns value as a node buffer rather than a string * @param {Function} callback - from whence the hello comes, returns a string * @returns {string} * @example * const { helloAsync } = require('@mapbox/node-cpp-skel'); * helloAsync({ louder: true }, function(err, result) { * if (err) throw err; * console.log(result); // => "...threads are busy async bees...hello * world!!!!" * }); */ helloAsync, /** * This is a function that returns a promise. It multiplies a string N times. * @name helloPromise * @param {Object} [options] - different ways to alter the string * @param {string} [options.phrase=hello] - the string to multiply * @param {Number} [options.multiply=1] - duplicate the string this number of times * @returns {Promise} * @example * const { helloPromise } = require('@mapbox/node-cpp-skel'); * const result = await helloAsync({ phrase: 'Howdy', multiply: 3 }); * console.log(result); // HowdyHowdyHowdy */ helloPromise, /** * Synchronous class, called HelloObject * @class HelloObject * @example * const { HelloObject } = require('@mapbox/node-cpp-skel'); * const Obj = new HelloObject('greg'); */ /** * Say hello * * @name hello * @memberof HelloObject * @returns {String} * @example * const x = Obj.hello(); * console.log(x); // => '...initialized an object...hello greg' */ HelloObject, /** * Asynchronous class, called HelloObjectAsync * @class HelloObjectAsync * @example * const { HelloObjectAsync } = require('@mapbox/node-cpp-skel'); * const Obj = new module.HelloObjectAsync('greg'); */ /** * Say hello while doing expensive work in threads * * @name helloAsync * @memberof HelloObjectAsync * @param {Object} args - different ways to alter the string * @param {boolean} args.louder - adds exclamation points to the string * @param {buffer} args.buffer - returns object as a node buffer rather then string * @param {Function} callback - from whence the hello comes, returns a string * @returns {String} * @example * const { HelloObjectAsync } = require('@mapbox/node-cpp-skel'); * const Obj = new HelloObjectAsync('greg'); * Obj.helloAsync({ louder: true }, function(err, result) { * if (err) throw err; * console.log(result); // => '...threads are busy async bees...hello greg!!!' * }); */ HelloObjectAsync };
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
var test = require('tape'); var module = require('../lib/index.js'); test('success: prints expected string via custom constructor', function(t) { var H = new module.HelloObjectAsync('carol'); H.helloAsync({ louder: false }, function(err, result) { if (err) throw err; t.equal(result, '...threads are busy async bees...hello carol'); t.end(); }); }); test('success: prints loud busy world', function(t) { var H = new module.HelloObjectAsync('world'); H.helloAsync({ louder: true }, function(err, result) { if (err) throw err; t.equal(result, '...threads are busy async bees...hello world!!!!'); t.end(); }); }); test('success: return buffer busy world', function(t) { var H = new module.HelloObjectAsync('world'); H.helloAsync({ buffer: true }, function(err, result) { if (err) throw err; t.equal(result.length, 44); t.equal(typeof(result), 'object'); t.equal(result.toString(), '...threads are busy async bees...hello world'); t.end(); }); }); test('error: throws when passing empty string', function(t) { try { var H = new module.HelloObjectAsync(''); } catch(err) { t.ok(err, 'expected error'); t.equal(err.message, 'arg must be a non-empty string', 'expected error message') t.end(); } }); test('error: throws when missing "new"', function(t) { try { var H = module.HelloObjectAsync('world'); } catch(err) { t.ok(err, 'expected error'); t.equal(err.message, 'Class constructors cannot be invoked without \'new\'', 'expected error message') t.end(); } }); test('error: handles non-string arg within constructor', function(t) { try { var H = new module.HelloObjectAsync(24); } catch(err) { console.log(err.message); t.equal(err.message, 'String expected', 'expected error message'); t.end(); } }); test('error: handles invalid louder value', function(t) { var H = new module.HelloObjectAsync('world'); H.helloAsync({ louder: 'oops' }, function(err, result) { t.ok(err, 'expected error'); t.ok(err.message.indexOf('option \'louder\' must be a boolean') > -1, 'expected error message'); t.end(); }); }); test('error: handles invalid buffer value', function(t) { var H = new module.HelloObjectAsync('world'); H.helloAsync({ buffer: 'oops' }, function(err, result) { t.ok(err, 'expected error'); t.ok(err.message.indexOf('option \'buffer\' must be a boolean') > -1, 'expected error message'); t.end(); }); }); test('error: handles invalid options value', function(t) { var H = new module.HelloObjectAsync('world'); H.helloAsync('oops', function(err, result) { t.ok(err, 'expected error'); t.ok(err.message.indexOf('first arg \'options\' must be an object') > -1, 'expected error message'); t.end(); }); }); test('error: handles missing callback', function(t) { var H = new module.HelloObjectAsync('world'); try { H.helloAsync({ louder: false}, {}); } catch (err) { t.ok(err, 'expected error'); t.ok(err.message.indexOf('second arg \'callback\' must be a function') > -1, 'expected error message'); t.end(); } }); test('error: handles missing arg', function(t) { try { var H = new module.HelloObjectAsync(); } catch (err) { t.ok(err, 'expected error'); t.equal(err.message, 'String expected', 'expected error message'); t.end(); } });
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
var test = require('tape'); var module = require('../lib/index.js'); test('success: prints expected string', function(t) { var H = new module.HelloObject('carol'); var check = H.helloMethod(); t.equal(check, 'carol', 'returned expected string'); t.end(); }); test('error: throws when passing empty string', function(t) { try { var H = new module.HelloObject(''); } catch(err) { t.ok(err, 'expected error'); t.equal(err.message, 'arg must be a non-empty string', 'expected error message'); t.end(); } }); test('error: throws when missing "new"', function(t) { try { var H = module.HelloObject(); } catch(err) { t.ok(err); t.equal(err.message, 'Class constructors cannot be invoked without \'new\'', 'expected error message'); t.end(); } }); test('error: handles non-string arg within constructor', function(t) { try { var H = new module.HelloObject(24); } catch(err) { t.ok(err, 'expected error'); t.ok(err.message, 'A string was expected', 'expected error message'); t.end(); } }); test('error: handles missing arg', function(t) { try { var H = new module.HelloObject(); } catch (err) { t.ok(err, 'expected error'); t.ok(err.message, 'must provide string arg', 'expected error message'); t.end(); } });
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
var test = require('tape'); var module = require('../lib/index.js'); test('prints world', function(t) { var check = module.hello(); t.equal(check, 'hello world', 'returned world'); t.end(); });
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
var test = require('tape'); var module = require('../lib/index.js'); test('success: prints loud busy world', function(t) { module.helloAsync({ louder: true }, function(err, result) { if (err) throw err; t.equal(result, '...threads are busy async bees...hello world!!!!'); t.end(); }); }); test('success: prints regular busy world', function(t) { module.helloAsync({ louder: false }, function(err, result) { if (err) throw err; t.equal(result, '...threads are busy async bees...hello world'); t.end(); }); }); test('success: buffer regular busy world', function(t) { module.helloAsync({ buffer: true }, function(err, result) { if (err) throw err; t.equal(result.length, 44); t.equal(typeof(result), 'object'); t.equal(result.toString(), '...threads are busy async bees...hello world'); t.end(); }); }); test('error: handles invalid louder value', function(t) { module.helloAsync({ louder: 'oops' }, function(err, result) { t.ok(err, 'expected error'); t.ok(err.message.indexOf('option \'louder\' must be a boolean') > -1, 'expected error message'); t.end(); }); }); test('error: handles invalid buffer value', function(t) { module.helloAsync({ buffer: 'oops' }, function(err, result) { t.ok(err, 'expected error'); t.ok(err.message.indexOf('option \'buffer\' must be a boolean') > -1, 'expected error message'); t.end(); }); }); test('error: handles invalid options value', function(t) { module.helloAsync('oops', function(err, result) { t.ok(err, 'expected error'); t.ok(err.message.indexOf('first arg \'options\' must be an object') > -1, 'expected error message'); t.end(); }); }); test('error: handles missing callback', function(t) { try { module.helloAsync({ louder: 'oops' }, {}); } catch (err) { t.ok(err, 'expected error'); t.ok(err.message.indexOf('second arg \'callback\' must be a function') > -1, 'expected error message'); t.end(); } });
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
'use strict'; const test = require('tape'); const { helloPromise } = require('../lib/index.js'); test('success: no options object', async (assert) => { const result = await helloPromise(); assert.equal(result, 'hello'); assert.end(); }); test('success: empty options object', async (assert) => { const result = await helloPromise({}); assert.equal(result, 'hello'); assert.end(); }); test('success: options.phrase', async (assert) => { const result = await helloPromise({ phrase: 'Waka' }); assert.equal(result, 'Waka'); assert.end(); }); test('success: options.multiply', async (assert) => { const result = await helloPromise({ multiply: 4 }); assert.equal(result, 'hellohellohellohello'); assert.end(); }); test('success: options.phrase and options.multiply', async (assert) => { const result = await helloPromise({ phrase: 'Waka', multiply: 5 }); assert.equal(result, 'WakaWakaWakaWakaWaka'); assert.end(); }); test('error: invalid options type', async (assert) => { try { await helloPromise('not an object'); assert.fail(); } catch (err) { assert.ok(err); assert.equal(err.message, 'options must be an object'); } assert.end(); }); test('error: invalid options.phrase', async (assert) => { try { await helloPromise({ phrase: 10 }); assert.fail(); } catch (err) { assert.ok(err); assert.equal(err.message, 'options.phrase must be a string'); } assert.end(); }); test('error: invalid options.multiply', async (assert) => { try { await helloPromise({ multiply: 'not a number' }); assert.fail(); } catch (err) { assert.ok(err); assert.equal(err.message, 'options.multiply must be a number'); } assert.end(); });
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
var cf = require('@mapbox/cloudfriend'); var package_json = require('../package.json') module.exports = { AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09', Description: 'user for publishing to s3://mapbox-node-binary/' + package_json.name, Resources: { User: { Type: 'AWS::IAM::User', Properties: { Policies: [ { PolicyName: 'list', PolicyDocument: { Statement: [ { Action: ['s3:ListBucket'], Effect: 'Allow', Resource: 'arn:aws:s3:::mapbox-node-binary', Condition : { StringLike : { "s3:prefix": [ package_json.name + "/*"] } } } ] } }, { PolicyName: 'publish', PolicyDocument: { Statement: [ { Action: ['s3:DeleteObject', 's3:GetObject', 's3:GetObjectAcl', 's3:PutObject', 's3:PutObjectAcl'], Effect: 'Allow', Resource: 'arn:aws:s3:::mapbox-node-binary/' + package_json.name + '/*' } ] } } ] } }, AccessKey: { Type: 'AWS::IAM::AccessKey', Properties: { UserName: cf.ref('User') } } }, Outputs: { AccessKeyId: { Value: cf.ref('AccessKey') }, SecretAccessKey: { Value: cf.getAtt('AccessKey', 'SecretAccessKey') } } };
{ "repo_name": "mapbox/node-cpp-skel", "stars": "70", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "ci.template.js", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
= Olical's dotfiles This is a collection of configuration for things such as https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/[Kitty] and https://neovim.io/[Neovim] Arch's `pacman` package manager manager and stow for linking the configuration into the right places. This is designed to be run within Arch Linux, I use `archinstall` to set everything up since it's minimal and comes with KDE pre-configured. == Usage Clone this repo somewhere neat, such as `~/repos/Olical/dotfiles`, `cd` into the directory and execute `script/bootstrap.sh`. This will install all essential packages (as well as a few non-essential but useful ones) and then switch the terminal and shell over to kitty and fish respectively. Your mileage may vary wildly, this is built for me and may break your entire machine. Be careful, read the code and just take the lines and files you're interested in if you can. == License Consider dotfiles unlicensed (https://unlicense.org/), do what you want with anything you want. Feel free to link back if you want, it could help others in the future but I don't mind otherwise. == Questions? Feel free to open issues if you're interested in something or tweet me https://twitter.com/OliverCaldwell[@OliverCaldwell].
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means. In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this software under copyright law. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. For more information, please refer to <http://unlicense.org/>
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
#!/usr/bin/env bash set -xe yay -S --needed \ kitty fzf cowsay entr fish httpie htop npm nodejs-lts-hydrogen \ asciinema ripgrep clojure lazygit tree bitwarden-cli \ babashka lua xclip ttf-fira-code ttf-dejavu-emojiless \ noto-fonts-emoji gnome-keyring topgrade neovim leiningen \ difftastic direnv ttf-firacode-nerd luarocks fennel \ fd sd spectacle rsync bat jq yq
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
#!/usr/bin/env bash set -xe if ! command -v yay &> /dev/null then sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel && git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git && cd yay && makepkg -si && cd .. && rm -rf ./yay fi yay -S --needed stow git if [ ! -d "~/.config/nvim" ]; then git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/AstroNvim/AstroNvim ~/.config/nvim fi stow --target=$HOME stowed ./script/install-packages.sh chsh -s `which fish`
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
;; The deps.edn file describes the information needed to build a classpath. ;; ;; When using the `clojure` or `clj` script, there are several deps.edn files ;; that are combined: ;; - install-level ;; - user level (this file) ;; - project level (current directory when invoked) ;; ;; For all attributes other than :paths, these config files are merged left to right. ;; Only the last :paths is kept and others are dropped. { ;; Paths ;; Directories in the current project to include in the classpath ;; :paths ["src"] ;; External dependencies ;; :deps { ;; org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.10.1"} ;; } ;; Aliases ;; resolve-deps aliases (-R) affect dependency resolution, options: ;; :extra-deps - specifies extra deps to add to :deps ;; :override-deps - specifies a coordinate to use instead of that in :deps ;; :default-deps - specifies a coordinate to use for a lib if one isn't found ;; make-classpath aliases (-C) affect the classpath generation, options: ;; :extra-paths - vector of additional paths to add to the classpath ;; :classpath-overrides - map of lib to path that overrides the result of resolving deps ;; :aliases { ;; :deps {:extra-deps {org.clojure/tools.deps.alpha {:mvn/version "0.8.661"}}} ;; :test {:extra-paths ["test"]} ;; } ;; Provider attributes ;; :mvn/repos { ;; "central" {:url "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/"} ;; "clojars" {:url "https://repo.clojars.org/"} ;; } }
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
{:lib io.github.clojure/tools.tools :coord {:git/tag "v0.3.1" :git/sha "859a6156802eaa49f2488ae087421091018586f7"}}
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
set -gx NPM_DIR "$HOME/.npm-data" set -gx NODE_PATH "$NPM_DIR/lib/node_modules:$NODE_PATH" set -gx PATH ~/bin $NPM_DIR/bin $HOME/.local/bin $PATH mkdir -p ~/bin $NPM_DIR/bin set -gx fish_greeting "" test -d ~/.linuxbrew && eval (~/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv) test -d /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew && eval (/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv) if type -q nvim set -gx EDITOR nvim set -gx VISUAL nvim set -gx MANPAGER "nvim +Man!" alias vimdiff="nvim -d" end if type -q direnv direnv hook fish | source end set -gx FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND "rg --files --hidden --follow -g \"!.git/\" 2> /dev/null" set -gx FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND # Other git aliases are in git config alias g="git" alias gg="g a .; and g c -a" alias lg="lazygit" alias n="nvim" # Start an SSH agent if required, if not, connect to it. initialise_ssh_agent # Local config. if [ -f ~/.config.fish ] source ~/.config.fish end
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
set SESSION_FILE ~/.bws-session function bws if test -e $SESSION_FILE set -x BW_SESSION (cat $SESSION_FILE) end if ! bw status | grep unlocked > /dev/null set -x BW_SESSION (bw unlock --raw) if test $status -ne 0 echo "bw unlock failed" return $status else echo $BW_SESSION > $SESSION_FILE end end bw $argv end
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
function sync # Early sudo because it's needed later. sudo echo "Updating everything!" topgrade --disable git_repos containers vim cd ~/repos/Olical/dotfiles git pull cd - nvim +AstroUpdatePackages +qa end
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
function fcd if set -q argv[1] set searchdir $argv[1] else set searchdir $HOME end set -l destdir (find $searchdir \( ! -regex '.*/\..*' \) ! -name __pycache__ -type d | fzf) if test -z "$destdir" return 1 end cd $destdir end
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
function is_status_okay [ $status = 0 ] end
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
function branched for dir in $argv pushd $dir set -l branches (g b) if [ "$branches" != '* master' ] basename $dir g b end popd end end
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
function is_git_ahead set -l revs (git rev-list origin/(git_branch)..HEAD 2> /dev/null) [ "$revs" != "" ] end
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
function fish_user_key_bindings fish_vi_key_bindings if command -s fzf-share >/dev/null source (fzf-share)/key-bindings.fish end if type -q fzf_key_bindings fzf_key_bindings end bind -M insert -m default jk backward-char force-repaint end
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
# A lambda (λ) prompt. # Green and red depending on exit status. # Underlined if git status is dirty. # Uppercase (Λ) if ahead of the remote. function fish_prompt if is_status_okay set_color green else set_color red end if is_git_dirty set_color --underline end if is_git_ahead echo -n 'Λ' else echo -n 'λ' end set_color normal set jobs (job_count) if test $jobs -gt 0 set_color magenta echo -n " %$jobs" end set_color normal echo -n ' ' end
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
setenv SSH_ENV $HOME/.ssh/environment function initialise_ssh_agent if [ -n "$SSH_AGENT_PID" ] ps -ef | grep $SSH_AGENT_PID | grep ssh-agent > /dev/null if [ $status -eq 0 ] test_identities end else if [ -f $SSH_ENV ] . $SSH_ENV > /dev/null end ps -ef | grep $SSH_AGENT_PID | grep -v grep | grep ssh-agent > /dev/null if [ $status -eq 0 ] test_identities else start_agent end end end function add_keys find ~/.ssh -type f -regex ".*\(id_rsa\|.*\.pem\)" | xargs ssh-add end function start_agent ssh-agent -c | sed 's/^echo/#echo/' > $SSH_ENV chmod 600 $SSH_ENV . $SSH_ENV > /dev/null add_keys end function test_identities ssh-add -l | grep "The agent has no identities" > /dev/null if [ $status -eq 0 ] add_keys if [ $status -eq 2 ] start_agent end end end
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
function is_git git symbolic-ref HEAD &> /dev/null end
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
function job_count jobs | tail -n +1 | wc -l end
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
function fish_mode_prompt --description 'Displays the current mode' if test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" switch $fish_bind_mode case default set_color red echo 🅽 case insert set_color green echo 🅸 case replace_one set_color green echo 🆁 case visual set_color brmagenta echo 🆅 end set_color normal printf " " end end
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
function fish_right_prompt if is_git set_color yellow echo -n (git_branch) set_color normal echo -n ' ' end set_color blue echo -n (basename (pwd | sed "s#$HOME#\~#")) set_color normal end
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
function gs cowsay -f ghostbusters 'gs is ghostscript, not git status!' end
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
function is_git_dirty is_git; and [ (git status | tail -n1) != "nothing to commit, working tree clean" ] end
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
function git_branch if is_git echo (git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null) end end
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
-- [nfnl] Compiled from util.fnl by https://github.com/Olical/nfnl, do not edit. local fun = require("user.vendor.fun") local user = require("user") local function autoload(name) local res = {["aniseed/autoload-enabled?"] = true, ["aniseed/autoload-module"] = false} local function ensure() if res["aniseed/autoload-module"] then return res["aniseed/autoload-module"] else local m = require(name) do end (res)["aniseed/autoload-module"] = m return m end end local function _2_(_t, ...) return ensure()(...) end local function _3_(_t, k) return ensure()[k] end local function _4_(_t, k, v) ensure()[k] = v return nil end return setmetatable(res, {__call = _2_, __index = _3_, __newindex = _4_}) end local function last(xs) return fun.nth(fun.length(xs), xs) end local function reverse(xs) local len = fun.length(xs) local function _5_(n) return fun.nth((len - n), xs) end return fun.take(fun.length(xs), fun.tabulate(_5_)) end local function dev_3f(plugin_name) return (1 == vim.fn.isdirectory((vim.fn.expand(user.lazy.dev.path) .. "/" .. plugin_name))) end local function tx(...) local args = {...} local len = fun.length(args) if ("table" == type(last(args))) then local function _6_(acc, n, v) acc[n] = v return acc end return fun.reduce(_6_, last(args), fun.zip(fun.range(1, len), fun.take((len - 1), args))) else return args end end return {autoload = autoload, ["dev?"] = dev_3f, tx = tx, last = last, reverse = reverse}
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
{:g {:mapleader " " :maplocalleader "," :autoformat_enabled true :cmp_enabled true :autopairs_enabled true :diagnostics_mode 3 ;; Visibility of diagnostics (0=off, 1=only show in status line, 2=virtual text off, 3=all on) :icons_enabled true :ui_notifications_enabled true :resession_enabled true ;; https://neovide.dev/configuration.html :neovide_hide_mouse_when_typing true :neovide_cursor_animation_length 0.05 :neovide_cursor_trail_size 0.5} :opt {:signcolumn :auto :exrc true :number false :relativenumber false :spell true :wrap true :sessionoptions "blank,curdir,folds,help,tabpages,winsize" :clipboard "unnamedplus" :list true :listchars "tab:▷ ,trail:·,extends:◣,precedes:◢,nbsp:○" :shortmess "atOIc" :cmdheight 1 :guifont "FiraCode Nerd Font:h10"}}
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
-- [nfnl] Compiled from mappings.fnl by https://github.com/Olical/nfnl, do not edit. local uu = require("user.util") return {n = {["<leader>bt"] = uu.tx(":%s/\\s\\+$//e<cr>", {desc = "Delete trailing whitespace"}), ["<leader>bn"] = uu.tx(":tabnew<cr>", {desc = "Create a new tab"})}, t = {["<S-Esc>"] = uu.tx("<c-\\><c-n>", {desc = "Enter Normal mode"})}}
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
{:colorscheme :astrodark :diagnostics {:underline true :virtual_text true} :lazy {:defaults {:lazy false} :dev {:path "~/repos/Olical"} :performance {:rtp {:disabled_plugins ["tohtml" "netrwPlugin"]}}} :lsp {:formatting {:disabled {} :format_on_save {:enabled true :ignore_filetypes {}} :timeout_ms 1000} :servers {}} :polish (fn []) :updater {:auto_quit false :branch :nightly :channel :stable :commit nil :pin_plugins nil :remote :origin :remotes {} :show_changelog true :skip_prompts false :version :latest}}
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
-- [nfnl] Compiled from init.fnl by https://github.com/Olical/nfnl, do not edit. local function _1_() end return {colorscheme = "astrodark", diagnostics = {underline = true, virtual_text = true}, lazy = {defaults = {lazy = false}, dev = {path = "~/repos/Olical"}, performance = {rtp = {disabled_plugins = {"tohtml", "netrwPlugin"}}}}, lsp = {formatting = {disabled = {}, format_on_save = {enabled = true, ignore_filetypes = {}}, timeout_ms = 1000}, servers = {}}, polish = _1_, updater = {branch = "nightly", channel = "stable", commit = nil, pin_plugins = nil, remote = "origin", remotes = {}, show_changelog = true, version = "latest", skip_prompts = false, auto_quit = false}}
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
(local uu (require :user.util)) {:n {"<leader>bt" (uu.tx ":%s/\\s\\+$//e<cr>" {:desc "Delete trailing whitespace"}) "<leader>bn" (uu.tx ":tabnew<cr>" {:desc "Create a new tab"})} :t {"<S-Esc>" (uu.tx "<c-\\><c-n>" {:desc "Enter Normal mode"})}}
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
(local fun (require :user.vendor.fun)) (local user (require :user)) (fn autoload [name] "Like autoload from Vim Script! A replacement for require that will load the module when you first use it. Use it in Aniseed module macros with: (module foo {autoload {foo x.y.foo}}) It's a drop in replacement for require that should speed up your Neovim startup dramatically. Only works with table modules, if the module you're requiring is a function etc you need to use the normal require. Copied from https://github.com/Olical/aniseed" (let [res {:aniseed/autoload-enabled? true :aniseed/autoload-module false}] (fn ensure [] (if (. res :aniseed/autoload-module) (. res :aniseed/autoload-module) (let [m (require name)] (tset res :aniseed/autoload-module m) m))) (setmetatable res {:__call (fn [_t ...] ((ensure) ...)) :__index (fn [_t k] (. (ensure) k)) :__newindex (fn [_t k v] (tset (ensure) k v))}))) (fn last [xs] (fun.nth (fun.length xs) xs)) (fn reverse [xs] (let [len (fun.length xs)] (fun.take (fun.length xs) (fun.tabulate (fn [n] (fun.nth (- len n) xs)))))) (fn dev? [plugin-name] "Do we have a repo cloned at the expected location? If so we can tell lazy to load that rather than install it from GitHub." (= 1 (vim.fn.isdirectory (.. (vim.fn.expand user.lazy.dev.path) "/" plugin-name)))) (fn tx [...] "Slightly nicer syntax for things like defining dependencies. Anything that relies on the {1 :foo :bar true} syntax can use this." (let [args [...] len (fun.length args)] (if (= :table (type (last args))) (fun.reduce (fn [acc n v] (tset acc n v) acc) (last args) (fun.zip (fun.range 1 len) (fun.take (- len 1) args))) args))) {: autoload : dev? : tx : last : reverse}
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
# AstroNvim User Configuration A user configuration template for [AstroNvim](https://github.com/AstroNvim/AstroNvim).
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
-- [nfnl] Compiled from plugins/autopairs.fnl by https://github.com/Olical/nfnl, do not edit. local uu = require("user.util") local fun = require("user.vendor.fun") local lisps = {"scheme", "lisp", "clojure", "fennel"} local function _1_() local autopairs = require("nvim-autopairs") do end (fun.head(autopairs.get_rules("'")))["not_filetypes"] = lisps fun.head(autopairs.get_rules("`"))["not_filetypes"] = lisps return nil end return uu.tx("windwp/nvim-autopairs", {init = _1_})
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
-- [nfnl] Compiled from plugins/sexp.fnl by https://github.com/Olical/nfnl, do not edit. local uu = require("user.util") local function _1_() vim.g.sexp_filetypes = "clojure,scheme,lisp,timl,fennel,janet" return nil end return {uu.tx("guns/vim-sexp", {init = _1_}), uu.tx("tpope/vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people")}
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
(local uu (require :user.util)) (uu.tx :NMAC427/guess-indent.nvim {:opts {:filetype_exclude [:clojure :fennel]}})
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
(local uu (require :user.util)) (uu.tx :rcarriga/nvim-notify {:opts {:render :compact :stages :static}})
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
[:AstroNvim/astrocommunity {:import :astrocommunity.pack.rust} {:import :astrocommunity.pack.lua} {:import :astrocommunity.pack.markdown} {:import :astrocommunity.pack.docker} {:import :astrocommunity.pack.bash} {:import :astrocommunity.pack.go} {:import :astrocommunity.pack.html-css} {:import :astrocommunity.pack.json} {:import :astrocommunity.pack.yaml} {:import :astrocommunity.pack.julia} {:import :astrocommunity.pack.python} {:import :astrocommunity.pack.terraform} {:import :astrocommunity.pack.typescript-all-in-one}]
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
-- [nfnl] Compiled from plugins/neotree.fnl by https://github.com/Olical/nfnl, do not edit. local uu = require("user.util") return uu.tx("nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim", {opts = {filesystem = {filtered_items = {hide_by_pattern = {"/home/*/.config/nvim/lua/user/**.lua"}}, cwd_target = {current = "none"}}}})
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
-- [nfnl] Compiled from plugins/user.fnl by https://github.com/Olical/nfnl, do not edit. local uu = require("user.util") local function _1_() return (require("leap")).add_default_mappings() end return {uu.tx("Olical/aniseed", {dev = uu["dev?"]("aniseed")}), uu.tx("Olical/nfnl", {ft = {"fennel"}, config = true, dev = uu["dev?"]("nfnl")}), uu.tx("Olical/nfnl-plugin-example", {dev = uu["dev?"]("nfnl-plugin-example")}), uu.tx("nvim-lua/plenary.nvim"), uu.tx("PeterRincker/vim-argumentative"), uu.tx("bakpakin/fennel.vim"), uu.tx("dag/vim-fish"), uu.tx("ggandor/leap.nvim", {config = _1_}), uu.tx("ggandor/flit.nvim", {config = true}), uu.tx("habamax/vim-asciidoctor"), uu.tx("hylang/vim-hy"), uu.tx("andymass/vim-matchup"), uu.tx("janet-lang/janet.vim"), uu.tx("lambdalisue/suda.vim"), uu.tx("radenling/vim-dispatch-neovim"), uu.tx("tpope/vim-abolish"), uu.tx("tpope/vim-commentary"), uu.tx("tpope/vim-dadbod"), uu.tx("tpope/vim-dispatch"), uu.tx("tpope/vim-eunuch"), uu.tx("tpope/vim-fugitive"), uu.tx("tpope/vim-repeat"), uu.tx("tpope/vim-surround"), uu.tx("tpope/vim-unimpaired"), uu.tx("tpope/vim-vinegar"), uu.tx("wlangstroth/vim-racket")}
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
(local utils (require :astronvim.utils)) (local uu (require :user.util)) [(uu.tx :clojure-vim/vim-jack-in {:ft :clojure :cmd :Clj :lazy true}) (uu.tx :williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim {:opts (fn [_ opts] (set opts.ensure_installed (utils.list_insert_unique opts.ensure_installed :clojure_lsp)))}) (uu.tx :nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter {:opts (fn [_ opts] (set opts.ensure_installed (utils.list_insert_unique opts.ensure_installed :clojure)))}) (uu.tx :Olical/conjure {:dev (uu.dev? :conjure) :init (fn [] (set vim.g.conjure#eval#result_register "*") (set vim.g.conjure#log#botright true) (set vim.g.conjure#mapping#doc_word "gk") (vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd :BufNewFile {:callback (fn [] (vim.diagnostic.disable 0)) :desc "Conjure Log disable LSP diagnostics" :group (vim.api.nvim_create_augroup :conjure_log_disable_lsp {:clear true}) :pattern [:conjure-log-*]}) (vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd :FileType {:callback (fn [] (set vim.bo.commentstring ";; %s")) :desc "Lisp style line comment" :group (vim.api.nvim_create_augroup :comment_config {:clear true}) :pattern [:clojure]}))}) (uu.tx :Olical/AnsiEsc {:dev (uu.dev? :AnsiEsc)}) (uu.tx :PaterJason/cmp-conjure)]
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
-- [nfnl] Compiled from plugins/clojure.fnl by https://github.com/Olical/nfnl, do not edit. local utils = require("astronvim.utils") local uu = require("user.util") local function _1_(_, opts) opts.ensure_installed = utils.list_insert_unique(opts.ensure_installed, "clojure_lsp") return nil end local function _2_(_, opts) opts.ensure_installed = utils.list_insert_unique(opts.ensure_installed, "clojure") return nil end local function _3_() vim.g["conjure#eval#result_register"] = "*" vim.g["conjure#log#botright"] = true vim.g["conjure#mapping#doc_word"] = "gk" local function _4_() return vim.diagnostic.disable(0) end vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufNewFile", {callback = _4_, desc = "Conjure Log disable LSP diagnostics", group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("conjure_log_disable_lsp", {clear = true}), pattern = {"conjure-log-*"}}) local function _5_() vim.bo.commentstring = ";; %s" return nil end return vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {callback = _5_, desc = "Lisp style line comment", group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("comment_config", {clear = true}), pattern = {"clojure"}}) end return {uu.tx("clojure-vim/vim-jack-in", {ft = "clojure", cmd = "Clj", lazy = true}), uu.tx("williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim", {opts = _1_}), uu.tx("nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter", {opts = _2_}), uu.tx("Olical/conjure", {dev = uu["dev?"]("conjure"), init = _3_}), uu.tx("Olical/AnsiEsc", {dev = uu["dev?"]("AnsiEsc")}), uu.tx("PaterJason/cmp-conjure")}
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
-- [nfnl] Compiled from plugins/undotree.fnl by https://github.com/Olical/nfnl, do not edit. local uu = require("user.util") return uu.tx("mbbill/undotree", {keys = {uu.tx("<leader>z", ":UndotreeShow<cr>:UndotreeFocus<cr>", {desc = "Open Undotree"})}})
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
-- [nfnl] Compiled from plugins/mason.fnl by https://github.com/Olical/nfnl, do not edit. local uu = require("user.util") local utils = uu.autoload("astronvim.utils") local lspconfig = uu.autoload("lspconfig") local function _1_(_, opts) opts.ensure_installed = utils.list_insert_unique(opts.ensure_installed, {"fennel_language_server"}) local function _2_() return lspconfig.lua_ls.setup({settings = {Lua = {diagnostics = {globals = {"vim"}}}}}) end opts.handlers.lua_ls = _2_ local function _3_() return lspconfig.fennel_language_server.setup({filetypes = {"fennel"}, root_dir = lspconfig.util.root_pattern("fnl", "lua"), single_file_support = true, settings = {fennel = {diagnostics = {globals = {"vim", "jit", "comment"}}, workspace = {library = vim.api.nvim_list_runtime_paths()}}}}) end opts.handlers.fennel_language_server = _3_ return opts end local function _4_(_, opts) opts.ensure_installed = utils.list_insert_unique(opts.ensure_installed, {}) return opts end local function _5_(_, opts) opts.ensure_installed = utils.list_insert_unique(opts.ensure_installed, {}) return opts end return {uu.tx("williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim", {opts = _1_}), uu.tx("jay-babu/mason-null-ls.nvim", {opts = _4_}), uu.tx("jay-babu/mason-nvim-dap.nvim", {opts = _5_})}
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
(local uu (require :user.util)) (uu.tx :mbbill/undotree {:keys [(uu.tx "<leader>z" ":UndotreeShow<cr>:UndotreeFocus<cr>" {:desc "Open Undotree"})]})
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
(local uu (require :user.util)) (local fun (require :user.vendor.fun)) (local lisps [:scheme :lisp :clojure :fennel]) (uu.tx :windwp/nvim-autopairs {:init (fn [] (local autopairs (require :nvim-autopairs)) (tset (fun.head (autopairs.get_rules "'")) :not_filetypes lisps) (tset (fun.head (autopairs.get_rules "`")) :not_filetypes lisps))})
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
-- [nfnl] Compiled from plugins/notify.fnl by https://github.com/Olical/nfnl, do not edit. local uu = require("user.util") return uu.tx("rcarriga/nvim-notify", {opts = {render = "compact", stages = "static"}})
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
-- [nfnl] Compiled from plugins/treesitter.fnl by https://github.com/Olical/nfnl, do not edit. local uu = require("user.util") local function _1_(_, opts) opts.ensure_installed = (require("astronvim.utils")).list_insert_unique(opts.ensure_installed, {"clojure", "fennel"}) return nil end return uu.tx("nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter", {opts = _1_})
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
(local uu (require :user.util)) (uu.tx :nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim {:opts {:filesystem {:filtered_items {:hide_by_pattern ["/home/*/.config/nvim/lua/user/**.lua"]} ;; Don't change the CWD if I open netrw style windows. :cwd_target {:current :none}}}})
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
(local uu (require :user.util)) [(uu.tx :guns/vim-sexp {:init (fn [] (set vim.g.sexp_filetypes "clojure,scheme,lisp,timl,fennel,janet"))}) (uu.tx :tpope/vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people)]
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
(local uu (require :user.util)) [ (uu.tx :Olical/aniseed {:dev (uu.dev? :aniseed)}) (uu.tx :Olical/nfnl {:ft ["fennel"] :config true :dev (uu.dev? :nfnl)}) (uu.tx :Olical/nfnl-plugin-example {:dev (uu.dev? :nfnl-plugin-example)}) (uu.tx :nvim-lua/plenary.nvim) (uu.tx :PeterRincker/vim-argumentative) (uu.tx :bakpakin/fennel.vim) (uu.tx :dag/vim-fish) (uu.tx :ggandor/leap.nvim {:config (fn [] ((. (require :leap) :add_default_mappings)))}) (uu.tx :ggandor/flit.nvim {:config true}) (uu.tx :habamax/vim-asciidoctor) (uu.tx :hylang/vim-hy) (uu.tx :andymass/vim-matchup) (uu.tx :janet-lang/janet.vim) (uu.tx :lambdalisue/suda.vim) (uu.tx :radenling/vim-dispatch-neovim) (uu.tx :tpope/vim-abolish) (uu.tx :tpope/vim-commentary) (uu.tx :tpope/vim-dadbod) (uu.tx :tpope/vim-dispatch) (uu.tx :tpope/vim-eunuch) (uu.tx :tpope/vim-fugitive) (uu.tx :tpope/vim-repeat) (uu.tx :tpope/vim-surround) (uu.tx :tpope/vim-unimpaired) (uu.tx :tpope/vim-vinegar) (uu.tx :wlangstroth/vim-racket) ]
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
(local uu (require :user.util)) (uu.tx :nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter {:opts (fn [_ opts] (set opts.ensure_installed ((. (require :astronvim.utils) :list_insert_unique) opts.ensure_installed [:clojure :fennel])))})
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
(local uu (require :user.util)) (uu.tx :jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim {:opts (fn [_ config] (set config.sources {}) config)})
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
-- [nfnl] Compiled from plugins/guess-indent.fnl by https://github.com/Olical/nfnl, do not edit. local uu = require("user.util") return uu.tx("NMAC427/guess-indent.nvim", {opts = {filetype_exclude = {"clojure", "fennel"}}})
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
(local uu (require :user.util)) [(uu.tx :goolord/alpha-nvim {:opts (fn [_ opts] (set opts.section.header.val [" █████ ███████ ████████ ██████ ██████" "██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██" "███████ ███████ ██ ██████ ██ ██" "██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██" "██ ██ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██████" " " " ███  ██ ██  ██ ██ ███  ███" " ████  ██ ██  ██ ██ ████  ████" " ██ ██  ██ ██  ██ ██ ██ ████ ██" " ██  ██ ██  ██  ██  ██ ██  ██  ██" " ██   ████   ████   ██ ██      ██"]) opts)})]
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
-- [nfnl] Compiled from plugins/null-ls.fnl by https://github.com/Olical/nfnl, do not edit. local uu = require("user.util") local function _1_(_, config) config.sources = {} return config end return uu.tx("jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim", {opts = _1_})
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
(local uu (require :user.util)) (local utils (uu.autoload :astronvim.utils)) (local lspconfig (uu.autoload :lspconfig)) [(uu.tx :williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim {:opts (fn [_ opts] (set opts.ensure_installed (utils.list_insert_unique opts.ensure_installed [:fennel_language_server])) (set opts.handlers.lua_ls (fn [] (lspconfig.lua_ls.setup {:settings {:Lua {:diagnostics {:globals [:vim]}}}}))) (set opts.handlers.fennel_language_server (fn [] (lspconfig.fennel_language_server.setup {:filetypes [:fennel] :root_dir (lspconfig.util.root_pattern :fnl :lua) :single_file_support true :settings {:fennel {:diagnostics {:globals [:vim :jit :comment]} :workspace {:library (vim.api.nvim_list_runtime_paths)}}}}))) opts)}) (uu.tx :jay-babu/mason-null-ls.nvim {:opts (fn [_ opts] (set opts.ensure_installed (utils.list_insert_unique opts.ensure_installed [])) opts)}) (uu.tx :jay-babu/mason-nvim-dap.nvim {:opts (fn [_ opts] (set opts.ensure_installed (utils.list_insert_unique opts.ensure_installed [])) opts)})]
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
--- --- Lua Fun - a high-performance functional programming library for LuaJIT --- --- Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Roman Tsisyk <roman@tsisyk.com> --- --- Distributed under the MIT/X11 License. See COPYING.md for more details. --- local exports = {} local methods = {} -- compatibility with Lua 5.1/5.2 local unpack = rawget(table, "unpack") or unpack -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tools -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local return_if_not_empty = function(state_x, ...) if state_x == nil then return nil end return ... end local call_if_not_empty = function(fun, state_x, ...) if state_x == nil then return nil end return state_x, fun(...) end local function deepcopy(orig) -- used by cycle() local orig_type = type(orig) local copy if orig_type == 'table' then copy = {} for orig_key, orig_value in next, orig, nil do copy[deepcopy(orig_key)] = deepcopy(orig_value) end else copy = orig end return copy end local iterator_mt = { -- usually called by for-in loop __call = function(self, param, state) return self.gen(param, state) end; __tostring = function(self) return '<generator>' end; -- add all exported methods __index = methods; } local wrap = function(gen, param, state) return setmetatable({ gen = gen, param = param, state = state }, iterator_mt), param, state end exports.wrap = wrap local unwrap = function(self) return self.gen, self.param, self.state end methods.unwrap = unwrap -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Basic Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local nil_gen = function(_param, _state) return nil end local string_gen = function(param, state) local state = state + 1 if state > #param then return nil end local r = string.sub(param, state, state) return state, r end local ipairs_gen = ipairs({}) -- get the generating function from ipairs local pairs_gen = pairs({ a = 0 }) -- get the generating function from pairs local map_gen = function(tab, key) local value local key, value = pairs_gen(tab, key) return key, key, value end local rawiter = function(obj, param, state) assert(obj ~= nil, "invalid iterator") if type(obj) == "table" then local mt = getmetatable(obj); if mt ~= nil then if mt == iterator_mt then return obj.gen, obj.param, obj.state elseif mt.__ipairs ~= nil then return mt.__ipairs(obj) elseif mt.__pairs ~= nil then return mt.__pairs(obj) end end if #obj > 0 then -- array return ipairs(obj) else -- hash return map_gen, obj, nil end elseif (type(obj) == "function") then return obj, param, state elseif (type(obj) == "string") then if #obj == 0 then return nil_gen, nil, nil end return string_gen, obj, 0 end error(string.format('object %s of type "%s" is not iterable', obj, type(obj))) end local iter = function(obj, param, state) return wrap(rawiter(obj, param, state)) end exports.iter = iter local method0 = function(fun) return function(self) return fun(self.gen, self.param, self.state) end end local method1 = function(fun) return function(self, arg1) return fun(arg1, self.gen, self.param, self.state) end end local method2 = function(fun) return function(self, arg1, arg2) return fun(arg1, arg2, self.gen, self.param, self.state) end end local export0 = function(fun) return function(gen, param, state) return fun(rawiter(gen, param, state)) end end local export1 = function(fun) return function(arg1, gen, param, state) return fun(arg1, rawiter(gen, param, state)) end end local export2 = function(fun) return function(arg1, arg2, gen, param, state) return fun(arg1, arg2, rawiter(gen, param, state)) end end local each = function(fun, gen, param, state) repeat state = call_if_not_empty(fun, gen(param, state)) until state == nil end methods.each = method1(each) exports.each = export1(each) methods.for_each = methods.each exports.for_each = exports.each methods.foreach = methods.each exports.foreach = exports.each -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generators -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local range_gen = function(param, state) local stop, step = param[1], param[2] local state = state + step if state > stop then return nil end return state, state end local range_rev_gen = function(param, state) local stop, step = param[1], param[2] local state = state + step if state < stop then return nil end return state, state end local range = function(start, stop, step) if step == nil then if stop == nil then if start == 0 then return nil_gen, nil, nil end stop = start start = stop > 0 and 1 or -1 end step = start <= stop and 1 or -1 end assert(type(start) == "number", "start must be a number") assert(type(stop) == "number", "stop must be a number") assert(type(step) == "number", "step must be a number") assert(step ~= 0, "step must not be zero") if (step > 0) then return wrap(range_gen, {stop, step}, start - step) elseif (step < 0) then return wrap(range_rev_gen, {stop, step}, start - step) end end exports.range = range local duplicate_table_gen = function(param_x, state_x) return state_x + 1, unpack(param_x) end local duplicate_fun_gen = function(param_x, state_x) return state_x + 1, param_x(state_x) end local duplicate_gen = function(param_x, state_x) return state_x + 1, param_x end local duplicate = function(...) if select('#', ...) <= 1 then return wrap(duplicate_gen, select(1, ...), 0) else return wrap(duplicate_table_gen, {...}, 0) end end exports.duplicate = duplicate exports.replicate = duplicate exports.xrepeat = duplicate local tabulate = function(fun) assert(type(fun) == "function") return wrap(duplicate_fun_gen, fun, 0) end exports.tabulate = tabulate local zeros = function() return wrap(duplicate_gen, 0, 0) end exports.zeros = zeros local ones = function() return wrap(duplicate_gen, 1, 0) end exports.ones = ones local rands_gen = function(param_x, _state_x) return 0, math.random(param_x[1], param_x[2]) end local rands_nil_gen = function(_param_x, _state_x) return 0, math.random() end local rands = function(n, m) if n == nil and m == nil then return wrap(rands_nil_gen, 0, 0) end assert(type(n) == "number", "invalid first arg to rands") if m == nil then m = n n = 0 else assert(type(m) == "number", "invalid second arg to rands") end assert(n < m, "empty interval") return wrap(rands_gen, {n, m - 1}, 0) end exports.rands = rands -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Slicing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local nth = function(n, gen_x, param_x, state_x) assert(n > 0, "invalid first argument to nth") -- An optimization for arrays and strings if gen_x == ipairs_gen then return param_x[n] elseif gen_x == string_gen then if n <= #param_x then return string.sub(param_x, n, n) else return nil end end for i=1,n-1,1 do state_x = gen_x(param_x, state_x) if state_x == nil then return nil end end return return_if_not_empty(gen_x(param_x, state_x)) end methods.nth = method1(nth) exports.nth = export1(nth) local head_call = function(state, ...) if state == nil then error("head: iterator is empty") end return ... end local head = function(gen, param, state) return head_call(gen(param, state)) end methods.head = method0(head) exports.head = export0(head) exports.car = exports.head methods.car = methods.head local tail = function(gen, param, state) state = gen(param, state) if state == nil then return wrap(nil_gen, nil, nil) end return wrap(gen, param, state) end methods.tail = method0(tail) exports.tail = export0(tail) exports.cdr = exports.tail methods.cdr = methods.tail local take_n_gen_x = function(i, state_x, ...) if state_x == nil then return nil end return {i, state_x}, ... end local take_n_gen = function(param, state) local n, gen_x, param_x = param[1], param[2], param[3] local i, state_x = state[1], state[2] if i >= n then return nil end return take_n_gen_x(i + 1, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) end local take_n = function(n, gen, param, state) assert(n >= 0, "invalid first argument to take_n") return wrap(take_n_gen, {n, gen, param}, {0, state}) end methods.take_n = method1(take_n) exports.take_n = export1(take_n) local take_while_gen_x = function(fun, state_x, ...) if state_x == nil or not fun(...) then return nil end return state_x, ... end local take_while_gen = function(param, state_x) local fun, gen_x, param_x = param[1], param[2], param[3] return take_while_gen_x(fun, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) end local take_while = function(fun, gen, param, state) assert(type(fun) == "function", "invalid first argument to take_while") return wrap(take_while_gen, {fun, gen, param}, state) end methods.take_while = method1(take_while) exports.take_while = export1(take_while) local take = function(n_or_fun, gen, param, state) if type(n_or_fun) == "number" then return take_n(n_or_fun, gen, param, state) else return take_while(n_or_fun, gen, param, state) end end methods.take = method1(take) exports.take = export1(take) local drop_n = function(n, gen, param, state) assert(n >= 0, "invalid first argument to drop_n") local i for i=1,n,1 do state = gen(param, state) if state == nil then return wrap(nil_gen, nil, nil) end end return wrap(gen, param, state) end methods.drop_n = method1(drop_n) exports.drop_n = export1(drop_n) local drop_while_x = function(fun, state_x, ...) if state_x == nil or not fun(...) then return state_x, false end return state_x, true, ... end local drop_while = function(fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x) assert(type(fun) == "function", "invalid first argument to drop_while") local cont, state_x_prev repeat state_x_prev = deepcopy(state_x) state_x, cont = drop_while_x(fun, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) until not cont if state_x == nil then return wrap(nil_gen, nil, nil) end return wrap(gen_x, param_x, state_x_prev) end methods.drop_while = method1(drop_while) exports.drop_while = export1(drop_while) local drop = function(n_or_fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x) if type(n_or_fun) == "number" then return drop_n(n_or_fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x) else return drop_while(n_or_fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x) end end methods.drop = method1(drop) exports.drop = export1(drop) local split = function(n_or_fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x) return take(n_or_fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x), drop(n_or_fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x) end methods.split = method1(split) exports.split = export1(split) methods.split_at = methods.split exports.split_at = exports.split methods.span = methods.split exports.span = exports.split -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Indexing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local index = function(x, gen, param, state) local i = 1 for _k, r in gen, param, state do if r == x then return i end i = i + 1 end return nil end methods.index = method1(index) exports.index = export1(index) methods.index_of = methods.index exports.index_of = exports.index methods.elem_index = methods.index exports.elem_index = exports.index local indexes_gen = function(param, state) local x, gen_x, param_x = param[1], param[2], param[3] local i, state_x = state[1], state[2] local r while true do state_x, r = gen_x(param_x, state_x) if state_x == nil then return nil end i = i + 1 if r == x then return {i, state_x}, i end end end local indexes = function(x, gen, param, state) return wrap(indexes_gen, {x, gen, param}, {0, state}) end methods.indexes = method1(indexes) exports.indexes = export1(indexes) methods.elem_indexes = methods.indexes exports.elem_indexes = exports.indexes methods.indices = methods.indexes exports.indices = exports.indexes methods.elem_indices = methods.indexes exports.elem_indices = exports.indexes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filtering -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local filter1_gen = function(fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x, a) while true do if state_x == nil or fun(a) then break; end state_x, a = gen_x(param_x, state_x) end return state_x, a end -- call each other local filterm_gen local filterm_gen_shrink = function(fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x) return filterm_gen(fun, gen_x, param_x, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) end filterm_gen = function(fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x, ...) if state_x == nil then return nil end if fun(...) then return state_x, ... end return filterm_gen_shrink(fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x) end local filter_detect = function(fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x, ...) if select('#', ...) < 2 then return filter1_gen(fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x, ...) else return filterm_gen(fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x, ...) end end local filter_gen = function(param, state_x) local fun, gen_x, param_x = param[1], param[2], param[3] return filter_detect(fun, gen_x, param_x, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) end local filter = function(fun, gen, param, state) return wrap(filter_gen, {fun, gen, param}, state) end methods.filter = method1(filter) exports.filter = export1(filter) methods.remove_if = methods.filter exports.remove_if = exports.filter local grep = function(fun_or_regexp, gen, param, state) local fun = fun_or_regexp if type(fun_or_regexp) == "string" then fun = function(x) return string.find(x, fun_or_regexp) ~= nil end end return filter(fun, gen, param, state) end methods.grep = method1(grep) exports.grep = export1(grep) local partition = function(fun, gen, param, state) local neg_fun = function(...) return not fun(...) end return filter(fun, gen, param, state), filter(neg_fun, gen, param, state) end methods.partition = method1(partition) exports.partition = export1(partition) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reducing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local foldl_call = function(fun, start, state, ...) if state == nil then return nil, start end return state, fun(start, ...) end local foldl = function(fun, start, gen_x, param_x, state_x) while true do state_x, start = foldl_call(fun, start, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) if state_x == nil then break; end end return start end methods.foldl = method2(foldl) exports.foldl = export2(foldl) methods.reduce = methods.foldl exports.reduce = exports.foldl local length = function(gen, param, state) if gen == ipairs_gen or gen == string_gen then return #param end local len = 0 repeat state = gen(param, state) len = len + 1 until state == nil return len - 1 end methods.length = method0(length) exports.length = export0(length) local is_null = function(gen, param, state) return gen(param, deepcopy(state)) == nil end methods.is_null = method0(is_null) exports.is_null = export0(is_null) local is_prefix_of = function(iter_x, iter_y) local gen_x, param_x, state_x = iter(iter_x) local gen_y, param_y, state_y = iter(iter_y) local r_x, r_y for i=1,10,1 do state_x, r_x = gen_x(param_x, state_x) state_y, r_y = gen_y(param_y, state_y) if state_x == nil then return true end if state_y == nil or r_x ~= r_y then return false end end end methods.is_prefix_of = is_prefix_of exports.is_prefix_of = is_prefix_of local all = function(fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x) local r repeat state_x, r = call_if_not_empty(fun, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) until state_x == nil or not r return state_x == nil end methods.all = method1(all) exports.all = export1(all) methods.every = methods.all exports.every = exports.all local any = function(fun, gen_x, param_x, state_x) local r repeat state_x, r = call_if_not_empty(fun, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) until state_x == nil or r return not not r end methods.any = method1(any) exports.any = export1(any) methods.some = methods.any exports.some = exports.any local sum = function(gen, param, state) local s = 0 local r = 0 repeat s = s + r state, r = gen(param, state) until state == nil return s end methods.sum = method0(sum) exports.sum = export0(sum) local product = function(gen, param, state) local p = 1 local r = 1 repeat p = p * r state, r = gen(param, state) until state == nil return p end methods.product = method0(product) exports.product = export0(product) local min_cmp = function(m, n) if n < m then return n else return m end end local max_cmp = function(m, n) if n > m then return n else return m end end local min = function(gen, param, state) local state, m = gen(param, state) if state == nil then error("min: iterator is empty") end local cmp if type(m) == "number" then -- An optimization: use math.min for numbers cmp = math.min else cmp = min_cmp end for _, r in gen, param, state do m = cmp(m, r) end return m end methods.min = method0(min) exports.min = export0(min) methods.minimum = methods.min exports.minimum = exports.min local min_by = function(cmp, gen_x, param_x, state_x) local state_x, m = gen_x(param_x, state_x) if state_x == nil then error("min: iterator is empty") end for _, r in gen_x, param_x, state_x do m = cmp(m, r) end return m end methods.min_by = method1(min_by) exports.min_by = export1(min_by) methods.minimum_by = methods.min_by exports.minimum_by = exports.min_by local max = function(gen_x, param_x, state_x) local state_x, m = gen_x(param_x, state_x) if state_x == nil then error("max: iterator is empty") end local cmp if type(m) == "number" then -- An optimization: use math.max for numbers cmp = math.max else cmp = max_cmp end for _, r in gen_x, param_x, state_x do m = cmp(m, r) end return m end methods.max = method0(max) exports.max = export0(max) methods.maximum = methods.max exports.maximum = exports.max local max_by = function(cmp, gen_x, param_x, state_x) local state_x, m = gen_x(param_x, state_x) if state_x == nil then error("max: iterator is empty") end for _, r in gen_x, param_x, state_x do m = cmp(m, r) end return m end methods.max_by = method1(max_by) exports.max_by = export1(max_by) methods.maximum_by = methods.max_by exports.maximum_by = exports.max_by local totable = function(gen_x, param_x, state_x) local tab, key, val = {} while true do state_x, val = gen_x(param_x, state_x) if state_x == nil then break end table.insert(tab, val) end return tab end methods.totable = method0(totable) exports.totable = export0(totable) local tomap = function(gen_x, param_x, state_x) local tab, key, val = {} while true do state_x, key, val = gen_x(param_x, state_x) if state_x == nil then break end tab[key] = val end return tab end methods.tomap = method0(tomap) exports.tomap = export0(tomap) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Transformations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local map_gen = function(param, state) local gen_x, param_x, fun = param[1], param[2], param[3] return call_if_not_empty(fun, gen_x(param_x, state)) end local map = function(fun, gen, param, state) return wrap(map_gen, {gen, param, fun}, state) end methods.map = method1(map) exports.map = export1(map) local enumerate_gen_call = function(state, i, state_x, ...) if state_x == nil then return nil end return {i + 1, state_x}, i, ... end local enumerate_gen = function(param, state) local gen_x, param_x = param[1], param[2] local i, state_x = state[1], state[2] return enumerate_gen_call(state, i, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) end local enumerate = function(gen, param, state) return wrap(enumerate_gen, {gen, param}, {1, state}) end methods.enumerate = method0(enumerate) exports.enumerate = export0(enumerate) local intersperse_call = function(i, state_x, ...) if state_x == nil then return nil end return {i + 1, state_x}, ... end local intersperse_gen = function(param, state) local x, gen_x, param_x = param[1], param[2], param[3] local i, state_x = state[1], state[2] if i % 2 == 1 then return {i + 1, state_x}, x else return intersperse_call(i, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) end end -- TODO: interperse must not add x to the tail local intersperse = function(x, gen, param, state) return wrap(intersperse_gen, {x, gen, param}, {0, state}) end methods.intersperse = method1(intersperse) exports.intersperse = export1(intersperse) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Compositions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function zip_gen_r(param, state, state_new, ...) if #state_new == #param / 2 then return state_new, ... end local i = #state_new + 1 local gen_x, param_x = param[2 * i - 1], param[2 * i] local state_x, r = gen_x(param_x, state[i]) if state_x == nil then return nil end table.insert(state_new, state_x) return zip_gen_r(param, state, state_new, r, ...) end local zip_gen = function(param, state) return zip_gen_r(param, state, {}) end -- A special hack for zip/chain to skip last two state, if a wrapped iterator -- has been passed local numargs = function(...) local n = select('#', ...) if n >= 3 then -- Fix last argument local it = select(n - 2, ...) if type(it) == 'table' and getmetatable(it) == iterator_mt and it.param == select(n - 1, ...) and it.state == select(n, ...) then return n - 2 end end return n end local zip = function(...) local n = numargs(...) if n == 0 then return wrap(nil_gen, nil, nil) end local param = { [2 * n] = 0 } local state = { [n] = 0 } local i, gen_x, param_x, state_x for i=1,n,1 do local it = select(n - i + 1, ...) gen_x, param_x, state_x = rawiter(it) param[2 * i - 1] = gen_x param[2 * i] = param_x state[i] = state_x end return wrap(zip_gen, param, state) end methods.zip = zip exports.zip = zip local cycle_gen_call = function(param, state_x, ...) if state_x == nil then local gen_x, param_x, state_x0 = param[1], param[2], param[3] return gen_x(param_x, deepcopy(state_x0)) end return state_x, ... end local cycle_gen = function(param, state_x) local gen_x, param_x, state_x0 = param[1], param[2], param[3] return cycle_gen_call(param, gen_x(param_x, state_x)) end local cycle = function(gen, param, state) return wrap(cycle_gen, {gen, param, state}, deepcopy(state)) end methods.cycle = method0(cycle) exports.cycle = export0(cycle) -- call each other local chain_gen_r1 local chain_gen_r2 = function(param, state, state_x, ...) if state_x == nil then local i = state[1] i = i + 1 if param[3 * i - 1] == nil then return nil end local state_x = param[3 * i] return chain_gen_r1(param, {i, state_x}) end return {state[1], state_x}, ... end chain_gen_r1 = function(param, state) local i, state_x = state[1], state[2] local gen_x, param_x = param[3 * i - 2], param[3 * i - 1] return chain_gen_r2(param, state, gen_x(param_x, state[2])) end local chain = function(...) local n = numargs(...) if n == 0 then return wrap(nil_gen, nil, nil) end local param = { [3 * n] = 0 } local i, gen_x, param_x, state_x for i=1,n,1 do local elem = select(i, ...) gen_x, param_x, state_x = iter(elem) param[3 * i - 2] = gen_x param[3 * i - 1] = param_x param[3 * i] = state_x end return wrap(chain_gen_r1, param, {1, param[3]}) end methods.chain = chain exports.chain = chain -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Operators -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local operator = { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Comparison operators ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- lt = function(a, b) return a < b end, le = function(a, b) return a <= b end, eq = function(a, b) return a == b end, ne = function(a, b) return a ~= b end, ge = function(a, b) return a >= b end, gt = function(a, b) return a > b end, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Arithmetic operators ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- add = function(a, b) return a + b end, div = function(a, b) return a / b end, floordiv = function(a, b) return math.floor(a/b) end, intdiv = function(a, b) local q = a / b if a >= 0 then return math.floor(q) else return math.ceil(q) end end, mod = function(a, b) return a % b end, mul = function(a, b) return a * b end, neq = function(a) return -a end, unm = function(a) return -a end, -- an alias pow = function(a, b) return a ^ b end, sub = function(a, b) return a - b end, truediv = function(a, b) return a / b end, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- String operators ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- concat = function(a, b) return a..b end, len = function(a) return #a end, length = function(a) return #a end, -- an alias ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Logical operators ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- land = function(a, b) return a and b end, lor = function(a, b) return a or b end, lnot = function(a) return not a end, truth = function(a) return not not a end, } exports.operator = operator methods.operator = operator exports.op = operator methods.op = operator -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- module definitions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- a special syntax sugar to export all functions to the global table setmetatable(exports, { __call = function(t, override) for k, v in pairs(t) do if rawget(_G, k) ~= nil then local msg = 'function ' .. k .. ' already exists in global scope.' if override then rawset(_G, k, v) print('WARNING: ' .. msg .. ' Overwritten.') else print('NOTICE: ' .. msg .. ' Skipped.') end else rawset(_G, k, v) end end end, }) return exports
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
{;; this table overrides highlights in all themes ;; :Normal {:bg "#000000"} :MatchParen {:standout true :bold true}}
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
-- [nfnl] Compiled from highlights/duskfox.fnl by https://github.com/Olical/nfnl, do not edit. return {Normal = {bg = "#000000"}}
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
-- [nfnl] Compiled from highlights/init.fnl by https://github.com/Olical/nfnl, do not edit. return {MatchParen = {standout = true, bold = true}}
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
;; a table of overrides/changes to the duskfox theme {:Normal {:bg "#000000"}}
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:ft=conf:foldmethod=marker #: Fonts {{{ #: kitty has very powerful font management. You can configure #: individual font faces and even specify special fonts for particular #: characters. font_family Fira Code Nerd Font bold_font auto italic_font auto bold_italic_font auto #: You can specify different fonts for the bold/italic/bold-italic #: variants. To get a full list of supported fonts use the `kitty #: list-fonts` command. By default they are derived automatically, by #: the OSes font system. Setting them manually is useful for font #: families that have many weight variants like Book, Medium, Thick, #: etc. For example:: #: font_family Operator Mono Book #: bold_font Operator Mono Medium #: italic_font Operator Mono Book Italic #: bold_italic_font Operator Mono Medium Italic font_size 10.0 #: Font size (in pts) # adjust_line_height 0 # adjust_column_width 0 #: Change the size of each character cell kitty renders. You can use #: either numbers, which are interpreted as pixels or percentages #: (number followed by %), which are interpreted as percentages of the #: unmodified values. You can use negative pixels or percentages less #: than 100% to reduce sizes (but this might cause rendering #: artifacts). # symbol_map U+E0A0-U+E0A2,U+E0B0-U+E0B3 PowerlineSymbols #: Map the specified unicode codepoints to a particular font. Useful #: if you need special rendering for some symbols, such as for #: Powerline. Avoids the need for patched fonts. Each unicode code #: point is specified in the form U+<code point in hexadecimal>. You #: can specify multiple code points, separated by commas and ranges #: separated by hyphens. symbol_map itself can be specified multiple #: times. Syntax is:: #: symbol_map codepoints Font Family Name # disable_ligatures never #: Choose how you want to handle multi-character ligatures. The #: default is to always render them. You can tell kitty to not render #: them when the cursor is over them by using cursor to make editing #: easier, or have kitty never render them at all by using always, if #: you don't like them. The ligature strategy can be set per-window #: either using the kitty remote control facility or by defining #: shortcuts for it in kitty.conf, for example:: #: map alt+1 disable_ligatures_in active always #: map alt+2 disable_ligatures_in all never #: map alt+3 disable_ligatures_in tab cursor # box_drawing_scale 0.001, 1, 1.5, 2 #: Change the sizes of the lines used for the box drawing unicode #: characters These values are in pts. They will be scaled by the #: monitor DPI to arrive at a pixel value. There must be four values #: corresponding to thin, normal, thick, and very thick lines. #: }}} #: Cursor customization {{{ # cursor #cccccc #: Default cursor color # cursor_text_color #111111 #: Choose the color of text under the cursor. If you want it rendered #: with the background color of the cell underneath instead, use the #: special keyword: background # cursor_shape block #: The cursor shape can be one of (block, beam, underline) # cursor_blink_interval -1 #: The interval (in seconds) at which to blink the cursor. Set to zero #: to disable blinking. Negative values mean use system default. Note #: that numbers smaller than repaint_delay will be limited to #: repaint_delay. # cursor_stop_blinking_after 15.0 #: Stop blinking cursor after the specified number of seconds of #: keyboard inactivity. Set to zero to never stop blinking. #: }}} #: Scrollback {{{ # scrollback_lines 2000 #: Number of lines of history to keep in memory for scrolling back. #: Memory is allocated on demand. Negative numbers are (effectively) #: infinite scrollback. Note that using very large scrollback is not #: recommended as it can slow down resizing of the terminal and also #: use large amounts of RAM. # scrollback_pager less --chop-long-lines --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS +INPUT_LINE_NUMBER #: Program with which to view scrollback in a new window. The #: scrollback buffer is passed as STDIN to this program. If you change #: it, make sure the program you use can handle ANSI escape sequences #: for colors and text formatting. INPUT_LINE_NUMBER in the command #: line above will be replaced by an integer representing which line #: should be at the top of the screen. # scrollback_pager_history_size 0 #: Separate scrollback history size, used only for browsing the #: scrollback buffer (in MB). This separate buffer is not available #: for interactive scrolling but will be piped to the pager program #: when viewing scrollback buffer in a separate window. The current #: implementation stores one character in 4 bytes, so approximatively #: 2500 lines per megabyte at 100 chars per line. A value of zero or #: less disables this feature. The maximum allowed size is 4GB. # wheel_scroll_multiplier 5.0 #: Modify the amount scrolled by the mouse wheel. Note this is only #: used for low precision scrolling devices, not for high precision #: scrolling on platforms such as macOS and Wayland. Use negative #: numbers to change scroll direction. # touch_scroll_multiplier 1.0 #: Modify the amount scrolled by a touchpad. Note this is only used #: for high precision scrolling devices on platforms such as macOS and #: Wayland. Use negative numbers to change scroll direction. #: }}} #: Mouse {{{ # mouse_hide_wait 3.0 #: Hide mouse cursor after the specified number of seconds of the #: mouse not being used. Set to zero to disable mouse cursor hiding. #: Set to a negative value to hide the mouse cursor immediately when #: typing text. # url_color #0087bd # url_style curly #: The color and style for highlighting URLs on mouse-over. url_style #: can be one of: none, single, double, curly open_url_modifiers kitty_mod open_url_with firefox #: The modifier keys to press when clicking with the mouse on URLs to #: open the URL # open_url_with default #: The program with which to open URLs that are clicked on. The #: special value default means to use the operating system's default #: URL handler. # copy_on_select no #: Copy to clipboard or a private buffer on select. With this set to #: clipboard, simply selecting text with the mouse will cause the text #: to be copied to clipboard. Useful on platforms such as macOS that #: do not have the concept of primary selections. You can instead #: specify a name such as a1 to copy to a private kitty buffer #: instead. Map a shortcut with the paste_from_buffer action to paste #: from this private buffer. For example:: #: map cmd+shift+v paste_from_buffer a1 #: Note that copying to the clipboard is a security risk, as all #: programs, including websites open in your browser can read the #: contents of the system clipboard. # strip_trailing_spaces never #: Remove spaces at the end of lines when copying to clipboard. A #: value of smart will do it when using normal selections, but not #: rectangle selections. always will always do it. # rectangle_select_modifiers ctrl+alt #: The modifiers to use rectangular selection (i.e. to select text in #: a rectangular block with the mouse) # select_by_word_characters :@-./_~?&=%+# #: Characters considered part of a word when double clicking. In #: addition to these characters any character that is marked as an #: alpha-numeric character in the unicode database will be matched. # click_interval -1.0 #: The interval between successive clicks to detect double/triple #: clicks (in seconds). Negative numbers will use the system default #: instead, if available, or fallback to 0.5. # focus_follows_mouse no #: Set the active window to the window under the mouse when moving the #: mouse around #: }}} #: Performance tuning {{{ # repaint_delay 10 #: Delay (in milliseconds) between screen updates. Decreasing it, #: increases frames-per-second (FPS) at the cost of more CPU usage. #: The default value yields ~100 FPS which is more than sufficient for #: most uses. Note that to actually achieve 100 FPS you have to either #: set sync_to_monitor to no or use a monitor with a high refresh #: rate. # input_delay 3 #: Delay (in milliseconds) before input from the program running in #: the terminal is processed. Note that decreasing it will increase #: responsiveness, but also increase CPU usage and might cause flicker #: in full screen programs that redraw the entire screen on each loop, #: because kitty is so fast that partial screen updates will be drawn. # sync_to_monitor yes #: Sync screen updates to the refresh rate of the monitor. This #: prevents tearing (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_tearing) #: when scrolling. However, it limits the rendering speed to the #: refresh rate of your monitor. With a very high speed mouse/high #: keyboard repeat rate, you may notice some slight input latency. If #: so, set this to no. #: }}} #: Terminal bell {{{ # enable_audio_bell yes #: Enable/disable the audio bell. Useful in environments that require #: silence. # visual_bell_duration 0.0 #: Visual bell duration. Flash the screen when a bell occurs for the #: specified number of seconds. Set to zero to disable. # window_alert_on_bell yes #: Request window attention on bell. Makes the dock icon bounce on #: macOS or the taskbar flash on linux. # bell_on_tab yes #: Show a bell symbol on the tab if a bell occurs in one of the #: windows in the tab and the window is not the currently focused #: window # command_on_bell none #: Program to run when a bell occurs. #: }}} #: Window layout {{{ # remember_window_size yes # initial_window_width 640 # initial_window_height 400 #: If enabled, the window size will be remembered so that new #: instances of kitty will have the same size as the previous #: instance. If disabled, the window will initially have size #: configured by initial_window_width/height, in pixels. You can use a #: suffix of "c" on the width/height values to have them interpreted #: as number of cells instead of pixels. # enabled_layouts * #: The enabled window layouts. A comma separated list of layout names. #: The special value all means all layouts. The first listed layout #: will be used as the startup layout. For a list of available #: layouts, see the #: https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/index.html#layouts. # window_resize_step_cells 2 # window_resize_step_lines 2 #: The step size (in units of cell width/cell height) to use when #: resizing windows. The cells value is used for horizontal resizing #: and the lines value for vertical resizing. # window_border_width 1.0 #: The width (in pts) of window borders. Will be rounded to the #: nearest number of pixels based on screen resolution. Note that #: borders are displayed only when more than one window is visible. #: They are meant to separate multiple windows. # draw_minimal_borders yes #: Draw only the minimum borders needed. This means that only the #: minimum needed borders for inactive windows are drawn. That is only #: the borders that separate the inactive window from a neighbor. Note #: that setting a non-zero window margin overrides this and causes all #: borders to be drawn. # window_margin_width 0.0 #: The window margin (in pts) (blank area outside the border) # single_window_margin_width -1000.0 #: The window margin (in pts) to use when only a single window is #: visible. Negative values will cause the value of #: window_margin_width to be used instead. # window_padding_width 0.0 #: The window padding (in pts) (blank area between the text and the #: window border) # placement_strategy center #: When the window size is not an exact multiple of the cell size, the #: cell area of the terminal window will have some extra padding on #: the sides. You can control how that padding is distributed with #: this option. Using a value of center means the cell area will be #: placed centrally. A value of top-left means the padding will be on #: only the bottom and right edges. # active_border_color #00ff00 #: The color for the border of the active window. Set this to none to #: not draw borders around the active window. # inactive_border_color #cccccc #: The color for the border of inactive windows # bell_border_color #ff5a00 #: The color for the border of inactive windows in which a bell has #: occurred # inactive_text_alpha 1.0 #: Fade the text in inactive windows by the specified amount (a number #: between zero and one, with zero being fully faded). # hide_window_decorations no #: Hide the window decorations (title-bar and window borders). Whether #: this works and exactly what effect it has depends on the window #: manager/operating system. # resize_debounce_time 0.1 #: The time (in seconds) to wait before redrawing the screen when a #: resize event is received. On platforms such as macOS, where the #: operating system sends events corresponding to the start and end of #: a resize, this number is ignored. # resize_draw_strategy static #: Choose how kitty draws a window while a resize is in progress. A #: value of static means draw the current window contents, mostly #: unchanged. A value of scale means draw the current window contents #: scaled. A value of blank means draw a blank window. A value of size #: means show the window size in cells. #: }}} #: Tab bar {{{ # tab_bar_edge bottom #: Which edge to show the tab bar on, top or bottom # tab_bar_margin_width 0.0 #: The margin to the left and right of the tab bar (in pts) # tab_bar_style fade #: The tab bar style, can be one of: fade, separator or hidden. In the #: fade style, each tab's edges fade into the background color, in the #: separator style, tabs are separated by a configurable separator. # tab_bar_min_tabs 2 #: The minimum number of tabs that must exist before the tab bar is #: shown # tab_switch_strategy previous #: The algorithm to use when switching to a tab when the current tab #: is closed. The default of previous will switch to the last used #: tab. A value of left will switch to the tab to the left of the #: closed tab. A value of last will switch to the right-most tab. # tab_fade 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 #: Control how each tab fades into the background when using fade for #: the tab_bar_style. Each number is an alpha (between zero and one) #: that controls how much the corresponding cell fades into the #: background, with zero being no fade and one being full fade. You #: can change the number of cells used by adding/removing entries to #: this list. # tab_separator " ┇" #: The separator between tabs in the tab bar when using separator as #: the tab_bar_style. # tab_title_template {title} #: A template to render the tab title. The default just renders the #: title. If you wish to include the tab-index as well, use something #: like: {index}: {title}. Useful if you have shortcuts mapped for #: goto_tab N. # active_tab_foreground #000 # active_tab_background #eee # active_tab_font_style bold-italic # inactive_tab_foreground #444 # inactive_tab_background #999 # inactive_tab_font_style normal #: Tab bar colors and styles #: }}} #: Color scheme {{{ # foreground #dddddd # background #000000 #: The foreground and background colors # background_opacity 1.0 #: The opacity of the background. A number between 0 and 1, where 1 is #: opaque and 0 is fully transparent. This will only work if #: supported by the OS (for instance, when using a compositor under #: X11). Note that it only sets the default background color's #: opacity. This is so that things like the status bar in vim, #: powerline prompts, etc. still look good. But it means that if you #: use a color theme with a background color in your editor, it will #: not be rendered as transparent. Instead you should change the #: default background color in your kitty config and not use a #: background color in the editor color scheme. Or use the escape #: codes to set the terminals default colors in a shell script to #: launch your editor. Be aware that using a value less than 1.0 is a #: (possibly significant) performance hit. If you want to dynamically #: change transparency of windows set dynamic_background_opacity to #: yes (this is off by default as it has a performance cost) # dynamic_background_opacity no #: Allow changing of the background_opacity dynamically, using either #: keyboard shortcuts (increase_background_opacity and #: decrease_background_opacity) or the remote control facility. # dim_opacity 0.75 #: How much to dim text that has the DIM/FAINT attribute set. One #: means no dimming and zero means fully dimmed (i.e. invisible). # selection_foreground #000000 #: The foreground for text selected with the mouse. A value of none #: means to leave the color unchanged. # selection_background #fffacd #: The background for text selected with the mouse. #: The 16 terminal colors. There are 8 basic colors, each color has a #: dull and bright version. You can also set the remaining colors from #: the 256 color table as color16 to color255. # color0 #000000 # color8 #767676 #: black # color1 #cc0403 # color9 #f2201f #: red # color2 #19cb00 # color10 #23fd00 #: green # color3 #cecb00 # color11 #fffd00 #: yellow # color4 #0d73cc # color12 #1a8fff #: blue # color5 #cb1ed1 # color13 #fd28ff #: magenta # color6 #0dcdcd # color14 #14ffff #: cyan # color7 #dddddd # color15 #ffffff #: white #: }}} #: Advanced {{{ # shell . #: The shell program to execute. The default value of . means to use #: whatever shell is set as the default shell for the current user. #: Note that on macOS if you change this, you might need to add #: --login to ensure that the shell starts in interactive mode and #: reads its startup rc files. # editor . #: The console editor to use when editing the kitty config file or #: similar tasks. A value of . means to use the environment variable #: EDITOR. Note that this environment variable has to be set not just #: in your shell startup scripts but system-wide, otherwise kitty will #: not see it. # close_on_child_death no #: Close the window when the child process (shell) exits. If no (the #: default), the terminal will remain open when the child exits as #: long as there are still processes outputting to the terminal (for #: example disowned or backgrounded processes). If yes, the window #: will close as soon as the child process exits. Note that setting it #: to yes means that any background processes still using the terminal #: can fail silently because their stdout/stderr/stdin no longer work. allow_remote_control yes #: Allow other programs to control kitty. If you turn this on other #: programs can control all aspects of kitty, including sending text #: to kitty windows, opening new windows, closing windows, reading the #: content of windows, etc. Note that this even works over ssh #: connections. # env #: Specify environment variables to set in all child processes. Note #: that environment variables are expanded recursively, so if you #: use:: #: env MYVAR1=a #: env MYVAR2=${MYVAR1}/${HOME}/b #: The value of MYVAR2 will be a/<path to home directory>/b. # update_check_interval 0.0 #: Periodically check if an update to kitty is available. If an update #: is found a system notification is displayed informing you of the #: available update. The default is to check every 24 hrs, set to zero #: to disable. # startup_session none #: Path to a session file to use for all kitty instances. Can be #: overridden by using the kitty --session command line option for #: individual instances. See #: https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/index.html#sessions in the kitty #: documentation for details. Note that relative paths are interpreted #: with respect to the kitty config directory. Environment variables #: in the path are expanded. clipboard_control write-clipboard write-primary read-clipboard read-primary #: Allow programs running in kitty to read and write from the #: clipboard. You can control exactly which actions are allowed. The #: set of possible actions is: write-clipboard read-clipboard write- #: primary read-primary. You can additionally specify no-append to #: disable kitty's protocol extension for clipboard concatenation. The #: default is to allow writing to the clipboard and primary selection #: with concatenation enabled. Note that enabling the read #: functionality is a security risk as it means that any program, even #: one running on a remote server via SSH can read your clipboard. term xterm-256color #: The value of the TERM environment variable to set. Changing this #: can break many terminal programs, only change it if you know what #: you are doing, not because you read some advice on Stack Overflow #: to change it. The TERM variable is used by various programs to get #: information about the capabilities and behavior of the terminal. If #: you change it, depending on what programs you run, and how #: different the terminal you are changing it to is, various things #: from key-presses, to colors, to various advanced features may not #: work. #: }}} #: OS specific tweaks {{{ # macos_titlebar_color system #: Change the color of the kitty window's titlebar on macOS. A value #: of system means to use the default system color, a value of #: background means to use the background color of the currently #: active window and finally you can use an arbitrary color, such as #: #12af59 or red. WARNING: This option works by using a hack, as #: there is no proper Cocoa API for it. It sets the background color #: of the entire window and makes the titlebar transparent. As such it #: is incompatible with background_opacity. If you want to use both, #: you are probably better off just hiding the titlebar with #: hide_window_decorations. # macos_option_as_alt no #: Use the option key as an alt key. With this set to no, kitty will #: use the macOS native Option+Key = unicode character behavior. This #: will break any Alt+key keyboard shortcuts in your terminal #: programs, but you can use the macOS unicode input technique. You #: can use the values: left, right, or both to use only the left, #: right or both Option keys as Alt, instead. # macos_hide_from_tasks no #: Hide the kitty window from running tasks (Option+Tab) on macOS. # macos_quit_when_last_window_closed no #: Have kitty quit when all the top-level windows are closed. By #: default, kitty will stay running, even with no open windows, as is #: the expected behavior on macOS. # macos_window_resizable yes #: Disable this if you want kitty top-level (OS) windows to not be #: resizable on macOS. # macos_thicken_font 0 #: Draw an extra border around the font with the given width, to #: increase legibility at small font sizes. For example, a value of #: 0.75 will result in rendering that looks similar to sub-pixel #: antialiasing at common font sizes. # macos_traditional_fullscreen no #: Use the traditional full-screen transition, that is faster, but #: less pretty. # macos_show_window_title_in_menubar yes #: Show the title of the currently active window in the macOS menu- #: bar, making use of otherwise wasted space. # macos_custom_beam_cursor no #: Enable/disable custom mouse cursor for macOS that is easier to see #: on both light and dark backgrounds. WARNING: this might make your #: mouse cursor invisible on dual GPU machines. # linux_display_server auto #: Choose between Wayland and X11 backends. By default, an appropriate #: backend based on the system state is chosen automatically. Set it #: to x11 or wayland to force the choice. #: }}} #: Keyboard shortcuts {{{ #: For a list of key names, see: GLFW keys #: <https://www.glfw.org/docs/latest/group__keys.html>. The name to #: use is the part after the GLFW_KEY_ prefix. For a list of modifier #: names, see: GLFW mods #: <https://www.glfw.org/docs/latest/group__mods.html> #: On Linux you can also use XKB key names to bind keys that are not #: supported by GLFW. See XKB keys #: <https://github.com/xkbcommon/libxkbcommon/blob/master/xkbcommon/xkbcommon- #: keysyms.h> for a list of key names. The name to use is the part #: after the XKB_KEY_ prefix. Note that you should only use an XKB key #: name for keys that are not present in the list of GLFW keys. #: Finally, you can use raw system key codes to map keys. To see the #: system key code for a key, start kitty with the kitty --debug- #: keyboard option. Then kitty will output some debug text for every #: key event. In that text look for ``native_code`` the value of that #: becomes the key name in the shortcut. For example: #: .. code-block:: none #: on_key_input: glfw key: 65 native_code: 0x61 action: PRESS mods: 0x0 text: 'a' #: Here, the key name for the A key is 0x61 and you can use it with:: #: map ctrl+0x61 something #: to map ctrl+a to something. #: You can use the special action no_op to unmap a keyboard shortcut #: that is assigned in the default configuration. #: You can combine multiple actions to be triggered by a single #: shortcut, using the syntax below:: #: map key combine <separator> action1 <separator> action2 <separator> action3 ... #: For example:: #: map kitty_mod+e combine : new_window : next_layout #: this will create a new window and switch to the next available #: layout #: You can use multi-key shortcuts using the syntax shown below:: #: map key1>key2>key3 action #: For example:: #: map ctrl+f>2 set_font_size 20 # kitty_mod ctrl+shift #: The value of kitty_mod is used as the modifier for all default #: shortcuts, you can change it in your kitty.conf to change the #: modifiers for all the default shortcuts. # clear_all_shortcuts no #: You can have kitty remove all shortcut definition seen up to this #: point. Useful, for instance, to remove the default shortcuts. #: Clipboard {{{ # map kitty_mod+c copy_to_clipboard #: There is also a copy_or_interrupt action that can be optionally #: mapped to Ctrl+c. It will copy only if there is a selection and #: send an interrupt otherwise. # map kitty_mod+v paste_from_clipboard # map kitty_mod+s paste_from_selection # map shift+insert paste_from_selection # map kitty_mod+o pass_selection_to_program #: You can also pass the contents of the current selection to any #: program using pass_selection_to_program. By default, the system's #: open program is used, but you can specify your own, the selection #: will be passed as a command line argument to the program, for #: example:: #: map kitty_mod+o pass_selection_to_program firefox #: You can pass the current selection to a terminal program running in #: a new kitty window, by using the @selection placeholder:: #: map kitty_mod+y new_window less @selection #: }}} #: Scrolling {{{ # map kitty_mod+up scroll_line_up # map kitty_mod+k scroll_line_up # map kitty_mod+down scroll_line_down # map kitty_mod+j scroll_line_down # map kitty_mod+page_up scroll_page_up # map kitty_mod+page_down scroll_page_down # map kitty_mod+home scroll_home # map kitty_mod+end scroll_end # map kitty_mod+h show_scrollback #: You can pipe the contents of the current screen + history buffer as #: STDIN to an arbitrary program using the ``pipe`` function. For #: example, the following opens the scrollback buffer in less in an #: overlay window:: #: map f1 pipe @ansi overlay less +G -R #: For more details on piping screen and buffer contents to external #: programs, see pipe. #: }}} #: Window management {{{ # map kitty_mod+enter new_window #: You can open a new window running an arbitrary program, for #: example:: #: map kitty_mod+y new_window mutt #: You can open a new window with the current working directory set to #: the working directory of the current window using:: #: map ctrl+alt+enter new_window_with_cwd #: You can open a new window that is allowed to control kitty via the #: kitty remote control facility by prefixing the command line with @. #: Any programs running in that window will be allowed to control #: kitty. For example:: #: map ctrl+enter new_window @ some_program # map kitty_mod+n new_os_window # map kitty_mod+w close_window # map kitty_mod+] next_window # map kitty_mod+[ previous_window # map kitty_mod+f move_window_forward # map kitty_mod+b move_window_backward # map kitty_mod+` move_window_to_top # map kitty_mod+r start_resizing_window # map kitty_mod+1 first_window # map kitty_mod+2 second_window # map kitty_mod+3 third_window # map kitty_mod+4 fourth_window # map kitty_mod+5 fifth_window # map kitty_mod+6 sixth_window # map kitty_mod+7 seventh_window # map kitty_mod+8 eighth_window # map kitty_mod+9 ninth_window # map kitty_mod+0 tenth_window #: }}} #: Tab management {{{ # map kitty_mod+right next_tab # map kitty_mod+left previous_tab # map kitty_mod+t new_tab # map kitty_mod+q close_tab # map kitty_mod+. move_tab_forward # map kitty_mod+, move_tab_backward # map kitty_mod+alt+t set_tab_title #: You can also create shortcuts to go to specific tabs, with 1 being #: the first tab, 2 the second tab and -1 being the previously active #: tab:: #: map ctrl+alt+1 goto_tab 1 #: map ctrl+alt+2 goto_tab 2 #: Just as with new_window above, you can also pass the name of #: arbitrary commands to run when using new_tab and use #: new_tab_with_cwd. Finally, if you want the new tab to open next to #: the current tab rather than at the end of the tabs list, use:: #: map ctrl+t new_tab !neighbor [optional cmd to run] #: }}} #: Layout management {{{ # map kitty_mod+l next_layout #: You can also create shortcuts to switch to specific layouts:: #: map ctrl+alt+t goto_layout tall #: map ctrl+alt+s goto_layout stack #: Similarly, to switch back to the previous layout:: #: map ctrl+alt+p last_used_layout #: }}} #: Font sizes {{{ #: You can change the font size for all top-level kitty OS windows at #: a time or only the current one. # map kitty_mod+equal change_font_size all +2.0 # map kitty_mod+minus change_font_size all -2.0 # map kitty_mod+backspace change_font_size all 0 #: To setup shortcuts for specific font sizes:: #: map kitty_mod+f6 change_font_size all 10.0 #: To setup shortcuts to change only the current OS window's font #: size:: #: map kitty_mod+f6 change_font_size current 10.0 #: }}} #: Select and act on visible text {{{ #: Use the hints kitten to select text and either pass it to an #: external program or insert it into the terminal or copy it to the #: clipboard. # map kitty_mod+e kitten hints #: Open a currently visible URL using the keyboard. The program used #: to open the URL is specified in open_url_with. # map kitty_mod+p>f kitten hints --type path --program - #: Select a path/filename and insert it into the terminal. Useful, for #: instance to run git commands on a filename output from a previous #: git command. # map kitty_mod+p>shift+f kitten hints --type path #: Select a path/filename and open it with the default open program. # map kitty_mod+p>l kitten hints --type line --program - #: Select a line of text and insert it into the terminal. Use for the #: output of things like: ls -1 # map kitty_mod+p>w kitten hints --type word --program - #: Select words and insert into terminal. # map kitty_mod+p>h kitten hints --type hash --program - #: Select something that looks like a hash and insert it into the #: terminal. Useful with git, which uses sha1 hashes to identify #: commits #: The hints kitten has many more modes of operation that you can map #: to different shortcuts. For a full description see kittens/hints. #: }}} #: Miscellaneous {{{ # map kitty_mod+f11 toggle_fullscreen # map kitty_mod+f10 toggle_maximized # map kitty_mod+u kitten unicode_input # map kitty_mod+f2 edit_config_file # map kitty_mod+escape kitty_shell window #: Open the kitty shell in a new window/tab/overlay/os_window to #: control kitty using commands. # map kitty_mod+a>m set_background_opacity +0.1 # map kitty_mod+a>l set_background_opacity -0.1 # map kitty_mod+a>1 set_background_opacity 1 # map kitty_mod+a>d set_background_opacity default # map kitty_mod+delete clear_terminal reset active #: You can create shortcuts to clear/reset the terminal. For example:: #: # Reset the terminal #: map kitty_mod+f9 clear_terminal reset active #: # Clear the terminal screen by erasing all contents #: map kitty_mod+f10 clear_terminal clear active #: # Clear the terminal scrollback by erasing it #: map kitty_mod+f11 clear_terminal scrollback active #: # Scroll the contents of the screen into the scrollback #: map kitty_mod+f12 clear_terminal scroll active #: If you want to operate on all windows instead of just the current #: one, use all instead of :italic`active`. #: It is also possible to remap Ctrl+L to both scroll the current #: screen contents into the scrollback buffer and clear the screen, #: instead of just clearing the screen:: #: map ctrl+l combine : clear_terminal scroll active : send_text normal,application \x0c #: You can tell kitty to send arbitrary (UTF-8) encoded text to the #: client program when pressing specified shortcut keys. For example:: #: map ctrl+alt+a send_text all Special text #: This will send "Special text" when you press the ctrl+alt+a key #: combination. The text to be sent is a python string literal so you #: can use escapes like \x1b to send control codes or \u21fb to send #: unicode characters (or you can just input the unicode characters #: directly as UTF-8 text). The first argument to send_text is the #: keyboard modes in which to activate the shortcut. The possible #: values are normal or application or kitty or a comma separated #: combination of them. The special keyword all means all modes. The #: modes normal and application refer to the DECCKM cursor key mode #: for terminals, and kitty refers to the special kitty extended #: keyboard protocol. #: Another example, that outputs a word and then moves the cursor to #: the start of the line (same as pressing the Home key):: #: map ctrl+alt+a send_text normal Word\x1b[H #: map ctrl+alt+a send_text application Word\x1bOH #: }}} # }}} ### srcery_kitty.conf ### https://github.com/srcery-colors/srcery-terminal/ ## Special Colors foreground #FCE8C3 background #1C1B19 cursor #FBB829 selection_foreground #1C1B19 selection_background #FCE8C3 ## Main Colors # Black color0 #1C1B19 color8 #2D2C29 # Red color1 #EF2F27 color9 #F75341 # Green color2 #519F50 color10 #98BC37 # Yellow color3 #FBB829 color11 #FED06E # Blue color4 #2C78BF color12 #68A8E4 # Magenta color5 #E02C6D color13 #FF5C8F # Cyan color6 #0AAEB3 color14 #53FDE9 # White color7 #918175 color15 #FCE8C3
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-qt default-cache-ttl 10800
{ "repo_name": "Olical/dotfiles", "stars": "485", "repo_language": "Lua", "file_name": "gpg-agent.conf", "mime_type": "text/plain" }
[![ubuntu-build](https://github.com/wesley-a-leung/Resources/actions/workflows/ubuntu-build.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/wesley-a-leung/Resources/actions/workflows/ubuntu-build.yml) [![windows-build](https://github.com/wesley-a-leung/Resources/actions/workflows/windows-build.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/wesley-a-leung/Resources/actions/workflows/windows-build.yml) # Resources Data Structures, Algorithms, Utility Classes - C++ Resources compile with g++-10 in C++11, C++14, C++17, and C++20 on Ubuntu and Windows - Java Resources compile in Java 8, Java 11 - Kotlin Resources compile in Kotlin 1.5 ### Licensing - most files are covered under [`LICENSE.txt`](https://github.com/wesley-a-leung/Resources/blob/main/LICENSE.txt) (Creative Commons Zero 1.0), with certain files being covered under a different license, which are listed below, and stated at the top of those files with the license files also being provided in their folders ##### Apache License 2.0 - [`Content/C++/string/SAISSuffixArray.h`](https://github.com/wesley-a-leung/Resources/blob/main/Content/C++/string/SAISSuffixArray.h) [LICENSE](https://github.com/wesley-a-leung/Resources/blob/main/Content/C++/string/LICENSE.SAISSuffixArray.txt) ##### GNU General Public License 3.0 - [`Content/C++/graph/other/MaximumClique.h`](https://github.com/wesley-a-leung/Resources/blob/main/Content/C++/graph/other/MaximumClique.h) [LICENSE](https://github.com/wesley-a-leung/Resources/blob/main/Content/C++/graph/other/LICENSE.MaximumClique.txt) ### Style Guidelines - 79 character line limit unless the line contains the string `http` - 2 spaces for indentation - very compressed coding style to reduce wasted space in PDF, with multiple statements on a single line - `if`, `else`, `for`, `while`, etc ... statements should either be immediately followed by a single statement and a newline, a block wrapped in curly braces followed by a newline, a curly brace and a newline, or only a newline - short functions and blocks can be squeezed onto a single line wrapped in curly braces - all lines should end in `\n` - important variables and constants should be completely capitalized, classes and filename should be upper camel case, other variables and functions should be lower camel case, unless it is to match C++ STL conventions - otherwise mostly adheres to [Google's Style Guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html) - templates should either be a standalone function, or a struct/class - functions and classes should have generic types if possible - classes should have constant parameters passed as template parameters if possible, variable parameters should be passed in the constructor - classes and functions should have a quick summary, specify conventions used, descriptions of template parameters, constructor arguments, member functions and fields, mention the constant factor (roughly) relative to its advertised time complexity, time complexity and memory complexity, and specify where it was tested - constant factors (very small, small, moderate, large, very large) roughly differ by factors of 10 - if template parameters are non-trivial, those should be described as well, possibly with an example provided - `std::vector` is preferred over fixed-sized arrays and `std::string`, use `std::vector::reserve` if possible - the new operator should be avoided and memory should be allocated on the stack, or `std::unique_ptr` should be used
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
name: windows-build on: [push, pull_request] jobs: compile-cpp: runs-on: windows-latest strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: cpp-version: [c++11, c++14] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Check version run: | g++ --version - name: Replace pragma once run: C:\msys64\usr\bin\find "Content/" -name "*.h" -printf "%p " | C:\msys64\usr\bin\xargs python3 Scripts/ReplacePragmas.py - name: Compile run: C:\msys64\usr\bin\find "Content/" -name "*.h" -printf "%p " | C:\msys64\usr\bin\xargs Scripts/Compile.sh "g++ -std=${{ matrix.cpp-version }} -Wall -Wextra -pedantic-errors -Werror -fsyntax-only" fuzz-tests-cpp: runs-on: windows-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Check version run: | g++ --version - name: Replace pragma once run: C:\msys64\usr\bin\find "Content/" -name "*.h" -printf "%p " | C:\msys64\usr\bin\xargs python3 Scripts/ReplacePragmas.py - name: Run fuzz tests run: C:\msys64\usr\bin\find "Tests/" -name "*FuzzTest.cpp" -printf "%p " | C:\msys64\usr\bin\xargs Scripts/RunCppTests.sh "g++ -std=c++11 -O2 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic-errors -Werror -Wl,--stack,1000000000" stress-tests-cpp: runs-on: windows-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Check version run: | g++ --version - name: Replace pragma once run: C:\msys64\usr\bin\find "Content/" -name "*.h" -printf "%p " | C:\msys64\usr\bin\xargs python3 Scripts/ReplacePragmas.py - name: Run stress tests run: C:\msys64\usr\bin\find "Tests/" -name "*StressTest.cpp" -printf "%p " | C:\msys64\usr\bin\xargs Scripts/RunCppTests.sh "g++ -std=c++11 -O2 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic-errors -Werror -Wl,--stack,1000000000"
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
name: ubuntu-build on: [push, pull_request] jobs: check-lines: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Check lines run: find "Content/" \( -iname \*.h -o -iname \*.java -o -iname \*.kt \) -exec python3 Scripts/CheckLines.py {} + compile-cpp: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: cpp-version: [c++11, c++14, c++17, c++20] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Check version run: | g++-10 --version - name: Replace pragma once run: find "Content/C++/" -name "*.h" -exec python3 Scripts/ReplacePragmas.py {} + - name: Compile run: find "Content/C++/" -name "*.h" -exec Scripts/Compile.sh "g++-10 -std=${{ matrix.cpp-version }} -Wall -Wextra -pedantic-errors -Werror -fsyntax-only" {} + compile-java: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: java-version: ['8', '11'] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/setup-java@v1 with: java-version: ${{ matrix.java-version }} - name: Check version run: javac -version - name: Compile run: find "Content/Java/" -name "*.java" -exec Scripts/Compile.sh javac {} + compile-kotlin: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Install dependencies run: | sudo snap install --classic kotlin kotlinc -version - name: Compile run: find "Content/Kotlin/" -name "*.kt" -exec Scripts/Compile.sh kotlinc {} + fuzz-tests-cpp: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Check version run: | g++-10 --version - name: Replace pragma once run: find "Content/C++/" -name "*.h" -exec python3 Scripts/ReplacePragmas.py {} + - name: Run fuzz tests run: find "Tests/C++/" -name "*FuzzTest.cpp" -exec Scripts/RunCppTests.sh "g++-10 -std=c++11 -O2 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic-errors" {} + stress-tests-cpp: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Check version run: | g++-10 --version - name: Replace pragma once run: find "Content/C++/" -name "*.h" -exec python3 Scripts/ReplacePragmas.py {} + - name: Run stress tests run: find "Tests/C++/" -name "*StressTest.cpp" -exec Scripts/RunCppTests.sh "g++-10 -std=c++11 -O2 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic-errors" {} +
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../../../Content/C++/graph/representations/StaticGraph.h" #include "../../../../Content/C++/graph/search/TransitiveClosureFloydWarshall.h" #include "../../../../Content/C++/graph/search/TransitiveClosureSCC.h" using namespace std; void test1() { mt19937_64 rng(0); constexpr const int V = 5e3, E = 2e4; vector<bitset<V>> matrix(V); for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int v, w; if (i < 1500) { v = rng() % V; w = rng() % V; } else { int c = rng() % 1000; v = rng() % (V / 1000) + (V / 1000) * c; w = rng() % (V / 1000) + (V / 1000) * c; } matrix[v][w] = 1; } const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); TransitiveClosureFloydWarshall<V> tc(move(matrix)); const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 1 (Floyd Warshall Random) Passed" << endl; cout << " V: " << V << endl; cout << " E: " << E << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; long long checkSum = 0; int Q = 1e7; for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) { int v = rng() % V, w = rng() % V; checkSum = 31 * checkSum + tc.reachable(v, w); } cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } void test2() { mt19937_64 rng(0); constexpr const int V = 5e3, E = 2e4; vector<bitset<V>> matrix(V); for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int v = rng() % V; int w = rng() % V; if (v > w) swap(v, w); matrix[v][w] = 1; } const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); TransitiveClosureFloydWarshall<V> tc(move(matrix)); const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 2 (Floyd Warshall Lines) Passed" << endl; cout << " V: " << V << endl; cout << " E: " << E << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; long long checkSum = 0; int Q = 1e7; for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) { int v = rng() % V, w = rng() % V; checkSum = 31 * checkSum + tc.reachable(v, w); } cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } void test3() { mt19937_64 rng(0); constexpr const int V = 5e3, E = 2e5; vector<bitset<V>> matrix(V); for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int v, w; if (i < 1500) { v = rng() % V; w = rng() % V; } else { int c = rng() % 1000; v = rng() % (V / 1000) + (V / 1000) * c; w = rng() % (V / 1000) + (V / 1000) * c; } matrix[v][w] = 1; } const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); TransitiveClosureFloydWarshall<V> tc(move(matrix)); const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 3 (Floyd Warshall Random) Passed" << endl; cout << " V: " << V << endl; cout << " E: " << E << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; long long checkSum = 0; int Q = 1e7; for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) { int v = rng() % V, w = rng() % V; checkSum = 31 * checkSum + tc.reachable(v, w); } cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } void test4() { mt19937_64 rng(0); constexpr const int V = 5e3, E = 2e5; vector<bitset<V>> matrix(V); for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int v = rng() % V; int w = rng() % V; if (v > w) swap(v, w); matrix[v][w] = 1; } const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); TransitiveClosureFloydWarshall<V> tc(move(matrix)); const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 4 (Floyd Warshall Lines) Passed" << endl; cout << " V: " << V << endl; cout << " E: " << E << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; long long checkSum = 0; int Q = 1e7; for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) { int v = rng() % V, w = rng() % V; checkSum = 31 * checkSum + tc.reachable(v, w); } cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } void test5() { mt19937_64 rng(0); constexpr const int V = 5e3, E = 2e4; StaticGraph G(V); G.reserveDiEdges(E); for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int v, w; if (i < 1500) { v = rng() % V; w = rng() % V; } else { int c = rng() % 1000; v = rng() % (V / 1000) + (V / 1000) * c; w = rng() % (V / 1000) + (V / 1000) * c; } G.addDiEdge(v, w); } G.build(); const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); TransitiveClosureSCC<V> tc(G); const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 5 (SCC Random) Passed" << endl; cout << " V: " << V << endl; cout << " E: " << E << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; long long checkSum = 0; int Q = 1e7; for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) { int v = rng() % V, w = rng() % V; checkSum = 31 * checkSum + tc.reachable(v, w); } cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } void test6() { mt19937_64 rng(0); constexpr const int V = 5e3, E = 2e4; StaticGraph G(V); G.reserveDiEdges(E); for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int v = rng() % V; int w = rng() % V; if (v > w) swap(v, w); G.addDiEdge(v, w); } G.build(); const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); TransitiveClosureSCC<V> tc(G); const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 6 (SCC Lines) Passed" << endl; cout << " V: " << V << endl; cout << " E: " << E << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; long long checkSum = 0; int Q = 1e7; for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) { int v = rng() % V, w = rng() % V; checkSum = 31 * checkSum + tc.reachable(v, w); } cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } void test7() { mt19937_64 rng(0); constexpr const int V = 5e3, E = 2e5; StaticGraph G(V); G.reserveDiEdges(E); for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int v, w; if (i < 1500) { v = rng() % V; w = rng() % V; } else { int c = rng() % 1000; v = rng() % (V / 1000) + (V / 1000) * c; w = rng() % (V / 1000) + (V / 1000) * c; } G.addDiEdge(v, w); } G.build(); const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); TransitiveClosureSCC<V> tc(G); const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 7 (SCC Random) Passed" << endl; cout << " V: " << V << endl; cout << " E: " << E << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; long long checkSum = 0; int Q = 1e7; for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) { int v = rng() % V, w = rng() % V; checkSum = 31 * checkSum + tc.reachable(v, w); } cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } void test8() { mt19937_64 rng(0); constexpr const int V = 5e3, E = 2e5; StaticGraph G(V); G.reserveDiEdges(E); for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int v = rng() % V; int w = rng() % V; if (v > w) swap(v, w); G.addDiEdge(v, w); } G.build(); const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); TransitiveClosureSCC<V> tc(G); const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 8 (SCC Lines) Passed" << endl; cout << " V: " << V << endl; cout << " E: " << E << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; long long checkSum = 0; int Q = 1e7; for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) { int v = rng() % V, w = rng() % V; checkSum = 31 * checkSum + tc.reachable(v, w); } cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } void test9() { mt19937_64 rng(0); constexpr const int V = 5e4, E = 2e5; StaticGraph G(V); G.reserveDiEdges(E); for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int v, w; if (i < 1500) { v = rng() % V; w = rng() % V; } else { int c = rng() % 1000; v = rng() % (V / 1000) + (V / 1000) * c; w = rng() % (V / 1000) + (V / 1000) * c; } G.addDiEdge(v, w); } G.build(); const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); TransitiveClosureSCC<V> tc(G); const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 9 (SCC Random) Passed" << endl; cout << " V: " << V << endl; cout << " E: " << E << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; long long checkSum = 0; int Q = 1e7; for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) { int v = rng() % V, w = rng() % V; checkSum = 31 * checkSum + tc.reachable(v, w); } cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } void test10() { mt19937_64 rng(0); constexpr const int V = 5e4, E = 2e5; StaticGraph G(V); G.reserveDiEdges(E); for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int v = rng() % V; int w = rng() % V; if (v > w) swap(v, w); G.addDiEdge(v, w); } G.build(); const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); TransitiveClosureSCC<V> tc(G); const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 10 (SCC Lines) Passed" << endl; cout << " V: " << V << endl; cout << " E: " << E << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; long long checkSum = 0; int Q = 1e7; for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) { int v = rng() % V, w = rng() % V; checkSum = 31 * checkSum + tc.reachable(v, w); } cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } int main() { test1(); test2(); test3(); test4(); test5(); test6(); test7(); test8(); test9(); test10(); cout << "Test Passed" << endl; return 0; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../../../Content/C++/graph/cycles/Cycle.h" #include "../../../../Content/C++/graph/representations/StaticGraph.h" using namespace std; void test1() { mt19937_64 rng(0); int V = 2e6, E = 4e6; StaticGraph G(V); G.reserveDiEdges(E * 2); for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int v = rng() % V, w = rng() % V; G.addBiEdge(v, w); } G.build(); const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); Cycle cycle(G); const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 1 Passed" << endl; cout << " V: " << V << endl; cout << " E: " << E << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; long long checkSum = 0; for (int v : cycle.cycle) checkSum = 31 * checkSum + v; cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } void test2() { mt19937_64 rng(0); int V = 4e6, E = 4e6; StaticGraph G(V); G.reserveDiEdges(E * 2); for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int v = i, w = (i + 1) % V; G.addBiEdge(v, w); } G.build(); const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); Cycle cycle(G); const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 2 Passed" << endl; cout << " V: " << V << endl; cout << " E: " << E << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; long long checkSum = 0; for (int v : cycle.cycle) checkSum = 31 * checkSum + v; cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } int main() { test1(); test2(); cout << "Test Passed" << endl; return 0; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../../../Content/C++/graph/cycles/Triangles.h" using namespace std; void test1() { mt19937_64 rng(0); int V = 2e5, E = 1e6; vector<pair<int, int>> edges; set<pair<int, int>> S; vector<long long> X(V), Y(E); for (auto &&x : X) x = rng() % int(1e6) + 1; for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int a, b; do { a = rng() % V; b = rng() % V; } while (a == b || S.count(make_pair(a, b)) || S.count(make_pair(b, a))); S.emplace(a, b); edges.emplace_back(a, b); Y[i] = rng() % (int(1e6)) + 1; } const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); long long vertSum = 0, edgeSum = 0, cnt = 0; triangles(V, edges, [&] (int a, int b, int c, int i, int j, int k) { cnt++; vertSum += X[a] * X[b] * X[c]; edgeSum += Y[i] * Y[j] * Y[k]; }); const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 1 (Random) Passed" << endl; cout << " V: " << V << endl; cout << " E: " << E << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; long long checkSum = cnt; checkSum = 31 * checkSum + vertSum; checkSum = 31 * checkSum + edgeSum; cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } void test2() { mt19937_64 rng(0); int V = 2e5, E = 1e6; vector<pair<int, int>> edges; set<pair<int, int>> S; vector<long long> X(V), Y(E); for (auto &&x : X) x = rng() % int(1e6) + 1; int sqrtE = sqrt(E); for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int a, b; do { if (i < sqrtE * (sqrtE - 1) / 2) { a = rng() % sqrtE; b = rng() % sqrtE; } else { a = rng() % V; b = rng() % V; } } while (a == b || S.count(make_pair(a, b)) || S.count(make_pair(b, a))); S.emplace(a, b); edges.emplace_back(a, b); Y[i] = rng() % (int(1e6)) + 1; } const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); long long vertSum = 0, edgeSum = 0, cnt = 0; triangles(V, edges, [&] (int a, int b, int c, int i, int j, int k) { cnt++; vertSum += X[a] * X[b] * X[c]; edgeSum += Y[i] * Y[j] * Y[k]; }); const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 2 (Small Dense Cluster) Passed" << endl; cout << " V: " << V << endl; cout << " E: " << E << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; long long checkSum = cnt; checkSum = 31 * checkSum + vertSum; checkSum = 31 * checkSum + edgeSum; cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } int main() { test1(); test2(); cout << "Test Passed" << endl; return 0; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../../../Content/C++/graph/cycles/DirectedCycle.h" #include "../../../../Content/C++/graph/representations/StaticGraph.h" using namespace std; void test1() { mt19937_64 rng(0); int V = 2e6, E = 4e6; StaticGraph G(V); G.reserveDiEdges(E); for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int v = rng() % V, w = rng() % V; G.addDiEdge(v, w); } G.build(); const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); DirectedCycle cycle(G); const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 1 Passed" << endl; cout << " V: " << V << endl; cout << " E: " << E << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; long long checkSum = 0; for (int v : cycle.cycle) checkSum = 31 * checkSum + v; cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } void test2() { mt19937_64 rng(0); int V = 4e6, E = 4e6; StaticGraph G(V); G.reserveDiEdges(E); for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int v = i, w = (i + 1) % V; G.addDiEdge(v, w); } G.build(); const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); DirectedCycle cycle(G); const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 2 Passed" << endl; cout << " V: " << V << endl; cout << " E: " << E << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; long long checkSum = 0; for (int v : cycle.cycle) checkSum = 31 * checkSum + v; cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } int main() { test1(); test2(); cout << "Test Passed" << endl; return 0; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../../../Content/C++/graph/cycles/FourCycles.h" using namespace std; void test1() { const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); mt19937_64 rng(0); const int TESTCASES = 1e4; long long checkSum = 0; for (int ti = 0; ti < TESTCASES; ti++) { int V = rng() % 9, E = rng() % (V * (V - 1) / 2 + 1); vector<pair<int, int>> edges; set<pair<int, int>> S; vector<long long> X(V), Y(E); for (auto &&x : X) x = rng() % int(1e6) + 1; for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int a, b; do { a = rng() % V; b = rng() % V; } while (a == b || S.count(make_pair(a, b)) || S.count(make_pair(b, a))); S.emplace(a, b); edges.emplace_back(a, b); Y[i] = rng() % (int(1e6)) + 1; } long long cnt0 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < j; k++) { for (int m = 0; m < k; m++) { unordered_map<int, int> umap; umap[edges[i].first]++; umap[edges[i].second]++; umap[edges[j].first]++; umap[edges[j].second]++; umap[edges[k].first]++; umap[edges[k].second]++; umap[edges[m].first]++; umap[edges[m].second]++; int cntTwo = 0; for (auto &&p : umap) cntTwo += p.second == 2; cnt0 += cntTwo == 4; } } } } long long cnt1 = fourCycles(V, edges); assert(cnt0 == cnt1); checkSum = 31 * cnt0; } const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 1 Passed" << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } int main() { test1(); cout << "Test Passed" << endl; return 0; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../../../Content/C++/graph/cycles/FourCycles.h" using namespace std; void test1() { mt19937_64 rng(0); int V = 2e5, E = 1e6; vector<pair<int, int>> edges; set<pair<int, int>> S; vector<long long> X(V), Y(E); for (auto &&x : X) x = rng() % int(1e6) + 1; for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int a, b; do { a = rng() % V; b = rng() % V; } while (a == b || S.count(make_pair(a, b)) || S.count(make_pair(b, a))); S.emplace(a, b); edges.emplace_back(a, b); Y[i] = rng() % (int(1e6)) + 1; } const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); long long checkSum = fourCycles(V, edges); const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 1 (Random) Passed" << endl; cout << " V: " << V << endl; cout << " E: " << E << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } void test2() { mt19937_64 rng(0); int V = 2e5, E = 1e6; vector<pair<int, int>> edges; set<pair<int, int>> S; vector<long long> X(V), Y(E); for (auto &&x : X) x = rng() % int(1e6) + 1; int sqrtE = sqrt(E); for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int a, b; do { if (i < sqrtE * (sqrtE - 1) / 2) { a = rng() % sqrtE; b = rng() % sqrtE; } else { a = rng() % V; b = rng() % V; } } while (a == b || S.count(make_pair(a, b)) || S.count(make_pair(b, a))); S.emplace(a, b); edges.emplace_back(a, b); Y[i] = rng() % (int(1e6)) + 1; } const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); long long checkSum = fourCycles(V, edges); const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 2 (Small Dense Cluster) Passed" << endl; cout << " V: " << V << endl; cout << " E: " << E << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } int main() { test1(); test2(); cout << "Test Passed" << endl; return 0; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../../../Content/C++/graph/cycles/EulerianWalk.h" using namespace std; void test1() { mt19937_64 rng(0); int V = 2e5, E = 1e6; vector<pair<int, int>> edges; edges.reserve(E); edges.emplace_back(rng() % V, rng() % V); for (int i = 1; i < E - 1; i++) edges.emplace_back(edges.back().second, rng() % V); edges.emplace_back(edges.back().second, edges[0].first); const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); vector<int> walk = eulerianWalk(V, edges, true, true); const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 1 Passed" << endl; cout << " V: " << V << endl; cout << " E: " << E << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; long long checkSum = 0; for (int v : walk) checkSum = 31 * checkSum + v; cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } int main() { test1(); cout << "Test Passed" << endl; return 0; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../../../Content/C++/graph/cycles/Triangles.h" using namespace std; void test1() { const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); mt19937_64 rng(0); const int TESTCASES = 1e4; long long checkSum = 0; for (int ti = 0; ti < TESTCASES; ti++) { int V = rng() % 9, E = rng() % (V * (V - 1) / 2 + 1); vector<pair<int, int>> edges; set<pair<int, int>> S; vector<long long> X(V), Y(E); for (auto &&x : X) x = rng() % int(1e6) + 1; for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int a, b; do { a = rng() % V; b = rng() % V; } while (a == b || S.count(make_pair(a, b)) || S.count(make_pair(b, a))); S.emplace(a, b); edges.emplace_back(a, b); Y[i] = rng() % (int(1e6)) + 1; } long long cnt0 = 0, vertSum0 = 0, edgeSum0 = 0, cnt1 = 0, vertSum1 = 0, edgeSum1 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < j; k++) { unordered_set<int> uset; uset.insert(edges[i].first); uset.insert(edges[i].second); uset.insert(edges[j].first); uset.insert(edges[j].second); uset.insert(edges[k].first); uset.insert(edges[k].second); if (int(uset.size()) == 3) { cnt0++; long long prod = 1; for (int a : uset) prod *= X[a]; vertSum0 += prod; edgeSum0 += Y[i] * Y[j] * Y[k]; } } } } triangles(V, edges, [&] (int a, int b, int c, int i, int j, int k) { cnt1++; vertSum1 += X[a] * X[b] * X[c]; edgeSum1 += Y[i] * Y[j] * Y[k]; }); assert(cnt0 == cnt1); assert(vertSum0 == vertSum1); assert(edgeSum0 == edgeSum1); checkSum = 31 * checkSum + vertSum0; checkSum = 31 * checkSum + edgeSum0; } const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 1 Passed" << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } int main() { test1(); cout << "Test Passed" << endl; return 0; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #include "../../../../Content/C++/graph/queries/WaveletMatrixTreeAggregation.h" #include "../../../../Content/C++/graph/queries/WaveletMatrixHeavyLightDecomposition.h" #include "../../../../Content/C++/graph/representations/StaticGraph.h" #include "../../../../Content/C++/datastructures/trees/fenwicktrees/BitFenwickTree.h" using namespace std; struct R1 { using Data = int; using Lazy = int; static Data qdef() { return 0; } static Data merge(const Data &l, const Data &r) { return l + r; } static Data invData(const Data &v) { return -v; } BitFenwickTree FT; R1(const vector<Data> &A) : FT(A.size()) { for (int i = 0; i < int(A.size()); i++) FT.set(i, A[i]); FT.build(); } void update(int i, const Lazy &val) { FT.update(i, val); } Data query(int r) { return FT.query(r); } }; struct R2 { using Data = int; using Lazy = int; static Data qdef() { return 0; } static Data merge(const Data &l, const Data &r) { return l + r; } BitFenwickTree FT; R2(const vector<Data> &A) : FT(A.size()) { for (int i = 0; i < int(A.size()); i++) FT.set(i, A[i]); FT.build(); } void update(int i, const Lazy &val) { FT.update(i, val); } Data query(int l, int r) { return FT.query(l, r); } }; void test1() { mt19937_64 rng(0); constexpr const int V = 2e5, Q = 2e5, MAXA = 1e9; vector<int> A(V, 0); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) A[v] = rng() % MAXA; vector<int> X(V, 0); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) X[v] = rng() % 2; StaticGraph G(V); for (int v = 1; v < V; v++) G.addBiEdge(rng() % v, v); G.build(); const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); WaveletMatrixTreeAggregation<int, R1, false> wm(G, A, X); vector<int> ans; ans.reserve(Q); for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) { int t = rng() % 3; if (t == 0) { int v = rng() % V; wm.update(v, X[v] ^= 1); } else if (t == 1) { int v = rng() % V, w = rng() % V; int a = rng() % MAXA, b = rng() % MAXA; if (a > b) swap(a, b); ans.push_back(wm.query(v, w, a, b)); } else { int v = rng() % V, w = rng() % V; int k = rng() % ((wm.query(v, v, MAXA) + 1) * 2); vector<int> C; sort(C.begin(), C.end()); pair<bool, int *> p = wm.bsearch(v, w, [&] (int agg) { return agg >= k; }); ans.push_back(p.first ? *p.second : INT_MAX); } } const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 1 (Euler Tour) Passed" << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; cout << " V: " << V << endl; cout << " Q: " << Q << endl; long long checkSum = 0; for (auto &&a : ans) checkSum = 31 * checkSum + a; cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } void test2() { mt19937_64 rng(0); constexpr const int V = 2e5, Q = 2e5, MAXA = 1e9; vector<int> A(V, 0); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) A[v] = rng() % MAXA; vector<int> X(V, 0); for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) X[v] = rng() % 2; StaticGraph G(V); for (int v = 1; v < V; v++) G.addBiEdge(rng() % v, v); G.build(); const auto start_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); WaveletMatrixHLD<int, R2, false> wm(G, A, X); vector<int> ans; ans.reserve(Q); for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) { int t = rng() % 3; if (t == 0) { int v = rng() % V; wm.update(v, X[v] ^= 1); } else if (t == 1) { int v = rng() % V, w = rng() % V; int a = rng() % MAXA, b = rng() % MAXA; if (a > b) swap(a, b); ans.push_back(wm.query(v, w, a, b)); } else { int v = rng() % V, w = rng() % V; int k = rng() % ((wm.query(v, v, MAXA) + 1) * 2); vector<int> C; sort(C.begin(), C.end()); pair<bool, int *> p = wm.bsearch(v, w, [&] (int agg) { return agg >= k; }); ans.push_back(p.first ? *p.second : INT_MAX); } } const auto end_time = chrono::system_clock::now(); double sec = ((end_time - start_time).count() / double(chrono::system_clock::period::den)); cout << "Subtest 2 (HLD) Passed" << endl; cout << " Time: " << fixed << setprecision(3) << sec << "s" << endl; cout << " V: " << V << endl; cout << " Q: " << Q << endl; long long checkSum = 0; for (auto &&a : ans) checkSum = 31 * checkSum + a; cout << " Checksum: " << checkSum << endl; } int main() { test1(); test2(); cout << "Test Passed" << endl; return 0; }
{ "repo_name": "wesley-a-leung/Resources", "stars": "34", "repo_language": "C++", "file_name": "SkewHeapIncremental.h", "mime_type": "text/x-c++" }