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CNCF Raw Data for LLM Training


This dataset, named cncf-raw-data-for-llm-training, consists of markdown (MD) and PDF content extracted from various project repositories within the CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) landscape. The data was collected by fetching MD and PDF files from different CNCF project repositories and converting them into JSON format. This dataset is intended as raw data for training large language models (LLMs).

The dataset includes the following two columns:

  1. Tag: A JSON object that categorizes the file. For example:

      "category": "Runtime",
      "file_name": "log-attach-design.md",
      "project_name": "rkt",
      "subcategory": "Container Runtime"
    • Category: A broad classification representing the main functional area of the project.
    • File Name: The name of the file as it appears in the original repository.
    • Project Name: The name of the specific project to which the file belongs.
    • Subcategory: A more specific classification within the main category.
  2. Content: The actual content of the file (MD or PDF) in Jason format.


This dataset is available under the MIT license.
