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Is the following review positive or negative? We had late reservations for the restaurant so we arrived a bit early to have cocktails and appetizers at the bar. I had a vodka martini (okay, two) with goat cheese stuffed olives - delicious - and my companion had a bourbon and coke. The cocktails were well-poured. We had the rock-shrimp appetizer - nice, light breading and the accompnaying dipping sauce was slightly sweet with a little kick. We were seated a little early and our server was perfectly lovely, offering helpful tips about the menu and wine pairings. To start, I had the oysters along with a lovely glass of prosecco, my partner had the scallops. The beau-soleil oysters were served with a mignonette and homemade hotsauce - a little sweet, a little briny, with a dash of the hot sauce - it was perfection. The scallops were a big hit - grits and jalapeno relish were lovely contrasting elements to the sweetness of the scallops and saltiness of the ham. I had the seafood tasting for dinner - the golden tilefish was light and lemony, the crabcake decadent and the salmon (which I was not particularly excited about) was just a big WOW - smoky, perfectly moist, I couldn't get enough of it! My companion had the pork chop and, given the speed with which the generous portion disappeared from his plate, loved it. We shared the frozen dark chocolate ganache - caramel fluff, coconut sorbet - sinful, divine. We left eleven full, slightly drunk and very happy. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Vi hade sena bokningar för restaurangen så vi kom lite tidigt för att ta cocktails och aptitretare i baren. Jag hade en vodka martini (okej, två) med getost fyllda oliver - läckra - och min följeslagare hade en bourbon och koks. Drinkarna var välfyllda. Vi hade rock-shrimp aptitretare - trevlig, lätt brödning och ackompanjemang doppsås var något söt med en liten kick. Vi satt lite tidigt och vår server var perfekt härlig och gav bra tips om menyn och vinpar. Till att börja med hade jag ostronen tillsammans med ett härligt glas prosecco, min partner hade musslorna. De beau-soleil ostronen serverades med en mignonette och hemlagad varmsauce - lite söt, lite brynig, med en skvätt av varm sås - det var perfektion. Kammusslorna var en stor hitgrynsgryta och jalapeno relish var härliga kontrasterande element till sötma hos kammusslorna och sälta skinkan. Jag hade skaldjursprovningen till middag - den gyllene kakelfisken var lätt och citronig, krabbkakan dekadent och laxen (som jag inte var särskilt upphetsad över) var bara en stor WOW - rökig, perfekt fuktig, jag kunde inte få nog av det! Min kamrat hade fläskkotletten och, med tanke på den hastighet med vilken den frikostiga portionen försvann från hans tallrik, älskade den. Vi delade den frusna mörka chokladen ganache - karamell fluff, kokossorbet - syndig, gudomlig. Vi lämnade elva fulla, lite berusade och mycket glada. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? We had late reservations for the restaurant so we came a little early to have cocktails and appetizers at the bar. I had a vodka martini (okay, two) with goat cheese filled olives - delicious - and my companion had a bourbon and coke. The drinks were well filled. We had rock-shrimp appetizers - nice, light breading and accompaniment dipping sauce was something cute with a little kick. We sat a little early and our server was perfectly lovely and gave good tips about the menu and wine pairs. At first I had the oysters along with a lovely glass of prosecco, my partner had the mussels. The beau-soleil oysters were served with a mignonette and homemade hot sauce - a little sweet, a little browy, with a dash of hot sauce - it was perfection. The scallops were a large hit pot and jalapeno relish was lovely contrasting elements to the sweetness of scallops and salty ham. I had the seafood tasting for dinner - the golden tile fish was light and lemony, the crab cake decadent and the salmon (which I wasn't very excited about) was just a big WOW - smoky, perfectly moist, I couldn't get enough of it! My companion had the pork chop and, given the speed at which the generous portion disappeared from his plate, loved it. We shared the frozen dark chocolate ganache - caramel fluff, coconut sorbet - sinful, divine. We left eleven drunk, a little drunk and very happy. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
I was very hungry during my lunch break and this was nearby so I wondered inside. I found myself ordering the a chicken sandwich. I asked the young lady how was chicken on the sandwich cut, she explained that it was chopped. When I was given my sandwich chopped was not the word. The chicken breast was chopped into big huge pieces which kept falling out of the sandwich. I believe it would have tasted better if they would chopped the mean up into bite size pieces if not shredded or a maybe even a chicken breast patty would have been better option. The sandwich ended up satisfying me for lunch. I would like to go back and try other menu items. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag var väldigt hungrig under lunchrasten och det här var i närheten så jag undrade inuti. Jag beställde en kycklingmacka. Jag frågade den unga damen hur det var med kyckling på smörgåsskuret, hon förklarade, att det var hackat. När jag fick min smörgås hackad var inte ordet. Kycklingbröstet var hackat i stora bitar som hela tiden föll ur smörgåsen. Jag tror att det hade smakat bättre om de hade hackat upp medelvärdet i bitstorlek bitar om inte strimlad eller en kanske även en kyckling bröst patty skulle ha varit bättre alternativ. Det slutade med att smörgåsen tillfredsställde mig till lunch. Jag skulle vilja gå tillbaka och prova andra menyalternativ. Är denna översyn positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I was very hungry during lunch break and this was nearby so I wondered inside. I ordered a chicken sandwich. I asked the young lady what it was like with chicken on the sandwich cut, she explained, that it was chopped. When I got my sandwich chopped, it wasn't the word. The chicken breast was chopped into large pieces that kept falling out of the sandwich. I think it would have tasted better if they had chopped up the average in bit size pieces if not shredded or a maybe even a chicken breast patty would have been better option. The sandwich ended up satisfying me for lunch. I would like to go back and try other menu items. Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? Hadn't been here in many many years. The atmosphere is wonderful and the food is plated so well. The service was okay for most of the meal, but failed between mains and dessert when the waiter just seemed to disappear. While the appetizers (a soup and a salad) were wonderful, the mains were too salty (ravioli) and well the beef tartare had so much mustard that we wondered if we should call it mustard tartare instead. We actually wondered if maybe the chef had a cold and wasn't tasting his food. Definitely not to our taste. Considering that we held this restaurant in such high esteem and how wonderfully balanced the salad was, we were shocked at how ill prepared the mains were. It's too bad, because the location is wonderful and romantic. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Hade inte varit här på många år. Atmosfären är underbar och maten är pläterad så bra. Serveringen var okej under större delen av måltiden, men misslyckades mellan huvud och dessert då servitören bara verkade försvinna. Medan aptitretarna (en soppa och en sallad) var underbara, var huvudrätterna för salta (ravioli) och väl hade nötkött tartaren så mycket senap att vi undrade om vi skulle kalla det senap tartare istället. Vi undrade faktiskt om kocken kanske var förkyld och inte smakade hans mat. Definitivt inte i vår smak. Med tanke på att vi höll denna restaurang i så hög aktning och hur underbart balanserad salladen var, blev vi chockade över hur illa tillagade huvudledningarna var. Det är synd, för platsen är underbar och romantisk. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? Hadn't been here for years. The atmosphere is wonderful and the food is plated so well. The serving was okay for most of the meal, but failed between head and dessert as the waiter just seemed to disappear. While the appetizers (a soup and a salad) were wonderful, the main dishes for salt (ravioli) and well had the beef tartar so much mustard that we wondered if we should call it mustard tartar instead. In fact, we wondered if the chef might have a cold and not taste his food. Definitely not in our taste. Given that we held this restaurant in such high regard and how wonderfully balanced the salad was, we were shocked at how badly prepared the main lines were. It's a shame, because the place is wonderful and romantic. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Absolutely disgusted by the rude hostess with long brown hair working last night. The 15 seconds of interaction with her was the worst 15 seconds of my life. This is how it went: I walked in alone as my friend was a few steps behind me outside. Hostess says "booth or table?". No "hi" or "welcome" whatsoever. I said "Booth. I have 2 but I'm just waiting for one other" and pointed to him right outside the window. Hostess rolls her eyes, throws down the menus, and walks to the table closest to her door to molest and kiss her boyfriend (who is drinking). My friend walks in 3 second later. We wait for a good 30 seconds while she continues to make out with her boyfriend, then she grabs the menus and walks to us to the booth. Unfortunately our booth was in direct view of the table where her boyfriend was sitting so we were forced to watch the show throughout our whole meal. Give that job to someone else who needs it. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Absolut äcklad av den oförskämda värdinnan med långt brunt hår som arbetade igår kväll. De 15 sekunderna av interaktion med henne var mitt livs värsta 15 sekunder. Så här gick det: Jag gick in ensam som min vän var några steg bakom mig utanför. Värdinnan säger "booth eller bord?". Inget "hej" eller "välkommen". Jag sa "Booth. Jag har 2 men jag väntar bara på en annan" och pekade på honom precis utanför fönstret. Värdinnan rullar med ögonen, kastar ner menyerna och går till bordet närmast sin dörr för att ofreda och kyssa sin pojkvän (som dricker). Min vän kommer in tre sekunder senare. Vi väntar i 30 sekunder medan hon fortsätter att hångla med sin pojkvän, sedan tar hon menyerna och går till oss till båset. Tyvärr var vårt bås i direkt utsikt över bordet där hennes pojkvän satt, så vi tvingades se showen under hela vår måltid. Ge jobbet till nån annan som behöver det. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? Absolutely disgusted by the rude hostess with long brown hair working last night. Those 15 seconds of interaction with her were the worst 15 seconds of my life. Here’s how it went: I walked in alone as my friend was a few steps behind me outside. The hostess says "booth or table?". No "hello" or "welcome." I said, "Booth. I've got 2 but I'm just waiting for another one" and pointed at him right outside the window. The hostess rolls with her eyes, throws down the menus and goes to the table closest to her door to molestation and kiss her boyfriend (who drinks). My friend comes in three seconds later. We wait 30 seconds while she continues making out with her boyfriend, then she takes the menus and goes to the booth. Unfortunately, our booth was in direct view of the table where her boyfriend sat, so we were forced to watch the show throughout our meal. Give the job to someone else who needs it. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an positive review?
There's no denying that this is an absolutely gorgeous building. Somehow, the modern additions of the huge glass windows on the top level (which, I presume, give it its name) don't take anything away from the charm and character of the old church building that forms the original shell of the building. My parents got a really good deal for a weekend stay here, when they came up to visit me once whilst I was at uni. They've never been fans of chain hotels, but wanted something that they knew was going to be good quality, and as annoying as it is they still rave about this place now. As you'd expect from a five star hotel, the service is impeccable from the moment you walk in the door until the minute you check out and the doorman opens the door of your cab for you. The d\u00e9cor was beautiful too, it was extremely tastefully done and done to a very high standard, although not in an ostentatious, in-your-face sort of way like a lot of other luxury city centre boutique hotels. In fact, the only thing I could criticise was the location. As well as being one of its best points, as it's so close to the city centre, it also means that you get all the boozehounds stumbling out of CC Blooms and Habana waking you up at 3am. Glasshouse, if you're reading this, get some triple glazing installed. Then you'd be perfect.
Vad skulle vara ett exempel på en positiv granskning?
What would be an example of a positive review?
Det går inte att förneka att det här är en helt underbar byggnad. På något sätt tar de moderna tilläggen av de stora glasfönstren på den översta nivån (som, antar jag, ge det dess namn) inte något ifrån charmen och karaktären av den gamla kyrkobyggnaden som utgör byggnadens ursprungliga skal. Mina föräldrar fick en bra affär för en helg vistelse här, när de kom upp för att besöka mig en gång medan jag var på uni. De har aldrig varit fans av kedjehotell, men ville ha något som de visste skulle vara bra kvalitet, och hur irriterande det än är så ravar de fortfarande om detta ställe nu. Som man förväntar sig av ett femstjärnigt hotell, är servicen oklanderlig från det ögonblick man går in genom dörren tills man checkar ut och dörrvakten öppnar dörren till sin taxi åt en. D\u00e9cor var vacker också, det var extremt smakfullt gjort och gjort till en mycket hög standard, men inte på ett uppseendeväckande, i-ditt ansikte typ av sätt som en hel del andra lyx city center boutique hotell. Det enda jag kunde kritisera var platsen. Förutom att vara en av dess bästa punkter, eftersom det är så nära stadens centrum, betyder det också att du får alla sprithundar snubbla ut från CC Blooms och Habana väcka dig klockan 3:00. Glashus, om du läser det här, få lite trippelglas installerat. Då skulle du vara perfekt.
There's no denying that this is a wonderful building. Somehow, the modern additions of the large glass windows at the top level (which, I suppose, give it its name) take nothing from the charm and character of the old church building which forms the original shell of the building. My parents got a good deal for a weekend stay here when they came up to visit me once while I was at uni. They have never been fans of chain hotels, but wanted something that they knew would be good quality, and however annoying it is they still rave about this place now. As expected by a five-star hotel, the service is impeccable from the moment you enter the door until you check out and the doorman opens the door to his taxi for you. D\u00e9cor was beautiful too, it was extremely tastefully made and made to a very high standard, but not in a startling, in-your-face kind of way as a lot of other luxury city center boutique hotel. The only thing I could criticize was the place. In addition to being one of its best points, as it is so close to the city center, it also means you get all the liquor dogs trip out from CC Blooms and Habana wake you up at 3:00 p.m. Glass house, if you read this, get some triple glass installed. Then you'd be perfect.
80% full at lunch time, elderly retirees with the occasional blue collar guy in for some diner food. Place is clean and very well put together. The food is abysmal. I went with a recommendation - Cuban sandwich. No swiss cheese, wasn't griddled, quite dry and entirely flavorless. The coleslaw was among the worst I've ever had. The homemade chips, which the waitress raved over, were cold. A simple heat lamp would make them warm, even if they weren't fresh from the fryer. I feel a tinge of remorse for leaving a bad review -- the staff was incredibly friendly. But I am sympathetic to the Soup Nazi -- you can treat me like crap if your product is truly delightful. Definitely would not return. Rivertowne is 2 minutes away and what it lacks in cleanliness it more than makes up for in every single dish being tasty, well seasoned and very fresh. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
80 % full vid lunchtid, äldre går i pension med den ibland blå kragen killen i för lite mat. Platsen är ren och mycket väl ihopsatt. Födan är urusel. Jag gick med på en rekommendation - kubansk smörgås. Ingen schweizisk ost, var inte rutig, ganska torr och helt smaklös. Koleslawen var bland de värsta jag någonsin haft. De hemmagjorda chipsen, som servitrisen rasade över, var kalla. En enkel värmelampa skulle göra dem varma, även om de inte var färska från fritösen. Jag känner en känsla av ånger för att lämna en dålig recension -- personalen var otroligt vänlig. Men jag sympatiserar med Soup Nazist -- du kan behandla mig som skit om din produkt verkligen är förtjusande. Definitivt inte skulle återvända. Rivertowne ligger 2 minuter bort och vad den saknar i renlighet det mer än kompenserar i varje enskild rätt är välsmakande, väl kryddad och mycket fräsch. Hur skulle denna granskning beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
80% drunk at lunchtime, older people retire with the sometimes blue collar guy in too little food. The place is clean and very well assembled. The food is terrible. I agreed to a recommendation - Cuban sandwich. No Swiss cheese, do not be plaid, rather dry and completely tasteless. The koleslaw was among the worst I've ever had. The homemade chips, which the waitress collapsed over, were cold. A simple heat lamp would make them warm, even if they were not fresh from the fryer. I feel a sense of regret for leaving a bad review -- the staff were incredibly friendly. But I sympathise with Soup Nazi -- you can treat me like shit if your product really is delightful. Definitely wouldn't return. Rivertowne is 2 minutes away and what it lacks in cleanliness it more than compensates in every single dish is tasty, well seasoned and very fresh. How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Food is great and the drinks are yummy too. Ordered egg salad sandwich on croissant and their iced coffee & Arnold Palmer. I would have given this place 5 stars except there are SO MANY FLIES in this place!!! I can see the flies crawling on all the pastries and that was a negative. Other than the flies, everything else was great :) OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Maten är bra och drinkarna är smaskiga också. Beställd äggsalladssmörgås på croissant och deras iskaffe & Arnold Palmer. Jag skulle ha gett denna plats 5 stjärnor förutom det finns så många FLies på denna plats!!!! Jag kan se flugorna krypa på alla bakverk och det var negativt. Annat än flugorna, allt annat var bra :) Alternativ: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? The food is good and the drinks are yummy too. Ordered egg salad sandwich on croissant and their ice coffee & Arnold Palmer. I would have given this place 5 stars besides there are so many Flies in this place!!! I can see the flies crawling on all the pastries and it was negative. Other than the flies, everything else was good :) Alternative: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? This was the worst most expensive dinner I have had. We went here because I had a $75 credit from a package deal so why not? Well, a couple mistakes, I order a glass of champagne, and get a bottle...including bottle price. second, my boyfriend and I both order pasta, (and really how hard is it to screw up pasta), but alas, it was so tasteless, luke warm, and chewy that we could not finish it. And 3rd, an appetizer to start the meal, prosciutto wrapped chicken, was so salty and I had nearly swallowed the salt shaker to make the saltiness go away. NEVER AGAIN. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vad är innebörden i följande genomgång? Det här var den dyraste middagen jag har ätit. Vi åkte hit för att jag hade 75 dollar i kredit från ett paketavtal. Ett par misstag, jag beställer ett glas champagne och köper en flaska... inklusive flaskpris. andra, min pojkvän och jag både beställa pasta, (och verkligen hur svårt är det att förstöra pasta), men ack, det var så smaklös, ljummet varmt, och sega att vi inte kunde avsluta det. Och 3:e, en aptitretare för att börja måltiden, prosciutto inslagen kyckling, var så salt och jag hade nästan svalt saltshakern för att få saltigheten att försvinna. Aldrig mer. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
What is the meaning of the following review? This was the most expensive dinner I've ever had. We came here because I had $75 credit from a package deal. A couple of mistakes, I'll order a glass of champagne and buy a bottle... including a bottle price. others, my boyfriend and I both order pasta, (and really how hard it is to destroy pasta), but alas, it was so tasteless, lukewarmly hot, and tough that we couldn't finish it. And the 3rd, an appetizer to begin the meal, prosciutto wrapped chicken, was so salty and I had almost swallowed the salt shaker to make the saltiness disappear. Never again. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
This cozy little breakfast and lunch spot is exactly what I needed this morning. Having recently returned back from a business trip in Palm Springs where the food and service at the local IHOP was sub-par at best, I set out this morning for a quality breakfast with good service. My server was outstanding and promptly welcomed me with a fresh pot of coffee. The menu offers an item for everyone, including those hungry for lunch. Without hesitation, I decided on the Mexi-Cali Burro (burrito) which promptly put me into a food-coma. Guacamole, saut\u00e9ed spinach, mushroom, onion, red bell pepper & green chilies in a tomato basil wrap topped w/melted cheeses, salsa, Pico de Gallo, black olives, sour cream & fresh cilantro. Served on a bed of black beans w/sides of Ancho Chili & Veracruz sauces. Yum-Yum!!!!! Highly recommend The Good Egg for a great breakfast with great service. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Denna mysiga lilla frukost och lunch plats är precis vad jag behövde i morse. Efter att nyligen ha återvänt från en affärsresa i Palm Springs där maten och servicen på den lokala IHOP var subpar som bäst, jag gav mig i morse ut för en kvalitetsfrukost med god service. Min server var enastående och välkomnade mig genast med en ny kanna kaffe. Menyn erbjuder ett alternativ för alla, inklusive de som är hungriga på lunch. Utan att tveka bestämde jag mig för Mexi-Cali Burro (burrito) som snabbt försatte mig i en matkoma. Guacamole, saut\u00e9ed spenat, svamp, lök, röd paprika & grön chili i en tomat basilika wrap toppade w / smälta ostar, salsa, Pico de Gallo, svarta oliver, gräddfil & färsk koriander. Serveras på en bädd av svarta bönor med sidorna av Ancho Chili & Veracruz såser. Yum-Yum!!!!! Rekommendera The Good Egg för en stor frukost med bra service. Fick denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
This cozy little breakfast and lunch place is just what I needed this morning. Having recently returned from a business trip in Palm Springs where the food and service at the local IHOP were subpar at its best, I set out this morning for a quality breakfast with good service. My server was outstanding and immediately welcomed me with a new pot of coffee. The menu offers an option for everyone, including those who are hungry for lunch. Without hesitation, I decided on Mexi-Cali Burro (burrito) who quickly put me in a food coma. Guacamole, saut\u00e9ed spinach, mushrooms, onions, red peppers & green chili in a tomato basil wrap topped w/melted cheeses, salsa, Pico de Gallo, black olives, sour cream & fresh coriander. Served on a bed of black beans with the sides of Ancho Chili & Veracruz sauces. Yum-Yum!!! Recommend The Good Egg for a large breakfast with good service. Did this review get positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Hubby and I have been long-time fans of Mon Ami Gabi. And we'll be forever grateful for that one New Year Eve when naive me and friends neglected to make reservations for dinner. We initially rejected MAG's $99 prix fixe deal but then went crawling back after calling place after place, demanding upwards of $1,000 PER PERSON. Mon Ami Gabi rewarded our patronage with front-row seats to the Bellagio fountain show under comfortable heaters (keep in mind this was winter time!) on the patio. The food was seriously plentiful and delicious. I will never forget the escargot - it was simply to die for. Our most recent visit was last month. Yes, our table was not in the ideal location (in the bar area) and we were seated next to a table of ignorant early 20's, probably having a first meal in a French restaurant (one guy told our waiter the French onion soup wasn't what he expected. Really? Because they do it real and delicious here.) Must haves: Baked cheese...downside - they don't give you nearly enough bread; scallop entree - you get FIVE large sea scallops (which is 2 more than most other places) which were perfectly seasoned and cooked and of course, their steak....I asked for the bearnaise sauce with my ribeye but in the end, hardly used any of it. My steak was perfectly cooked and the leftover half of it tasted just as good (though a bit cooler) later that night. Service was...interesting. Very attentive but maybe a little smarmy. Our waiter was French. How original...a French server (with a French name) in a French restaurant. Our table took bets on whether his accent was real or not. Surprisingly, everyone thought it was fake! None of us had the balls to really ask but it was entertaining and quite fun. He was a very nice gentleman and I would love to have him serve us again though I can't remember his name...Claude?? Mon Ami Gabi was our first love in Las Vegas and it will always remain dear in our hearts. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hubby och jag har länge gillat Mon Ami Gabi. Och vi kommer att vara evigt tacksamma för den där nyårsafton när naiva jag och vänner försummade att reservera för middag. Vi avvisade MAG: s $99 prix fixe affär men sedan gick krypa tillbaka efter att ha ringt plats efter plats, kräver upp till $1000 PER PERSON. Mon Ami Gabi belönade vårt beskydd med framsäten till Bellagio fontänshow under bekväma värmare (tänk på att detta var vintertid!) på altanen. Maten var mycket riklig och utsökt. Jag kommer aldrig att glömma escargot - det var helt enkelt att dö för. Vårt senaste besök var förra månaden. Ja, vårt bord var inte i det perfekta läget (i barområdet) och vi satt bredvid ett bord av okunniga tidiga 20-tal, förmodligen att ha en första måltid i en fransk restaurang (en kille berättade för vår servitör den franska lök soppa var inte vad han förväntade sig. Verkligen? Eftersom de gör det verkligt och läckert här.) Måste ha: Bakad ost ... nederst - de ger dig inte nästan tillräckligt med bröd; skålläppsenträd - du får FEM stora havsskal (vilket är 2 fler än de flesta andra platser) som var perfekt kryddade och kokta och naturligtvis, deras stek ....Jag bad om bearnaise sås med min ribeye men i slutändan, knappt använde något av det. Min stek var perfekt tillagad och den överblivna hälften smakade lika gott (dock lite svalare) senare samma kväll. Service var... intressant. Väldigt uppmärksam, men kanske lite smarrig. Vår kypare var fransman. Hur originell...en fransk server (med franskt namn) i en fransk restaurang. Vårt bord satsade på om hans accent var äkta eller inte. Förvånansvärt nog trodde alla att det var falskt! Ingen av oss hade modet att fråga men det var underhållande och ganska roligt. Han var en mycket trevlig gentleman och jag skulle gärna ha honom tjäna oss igen men jag kan inte komma ihåg hans namn ... Claude? Mon Ami Gabi var vår första kärlek i Las Vegas och den kommer alltid att förbli kär i våra hjärtan. Gavs denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Hubby and I have long enjoyed Mon Ami Gabi. And we will be forever grateful for that New Year's Eve when naive me and friends neglected to reserve for dinner. We rejected MAG's $99 prix fix deal but then went crawling back after calling location by location, requiring up to $1000 PER PERSON. Mon Ami Gabi rewarded our patronage with front seats for the Bellagio fountain show under comfortable heaters (remember this was winter time!) on the patio. The food was very abundant and delicious. I'll never forget escargot - it was simply to die for. Our last visit was last month. Yes, our table was not in the perfect location (in the bar area) and we sat next to a table of ignorant early 20s, probably having a first meal in a French restaurant (a guy told our waiter the French onion soup was not what he expected. Really? Because they make it real and delicious here.) Must have: Baked cheese ... bottom - they don't give you almost enough bread; bowl lip trees - you get FEM large seashells (which is 2 more than most other places) which were perfectly seasoned and cooked and of course, their steak ....I asked for bearnaise sauce with my ribeye but in the end, barely used any of it. My steak was perfectly cooked and the left half tasted just as good (but a little cooler) later that night. Service was... interesting. Very attentive, but perhaps a little smirky. Our waiter was French. How original...a French server (with French name) in a French restaurant. Our table bet on whether his accent was real or not. Surprisingly, everyone thought it was false! None of us had the courage to ask but it was entertaining and quite funny. He was a very nice gentleman and I'd love to have him serve us again but I can't remember his name... Claude? Mon Ami Gabi was our first love in Las Vegas and it will always remain in love with our hearts. Was this review given positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Happened upon here the other day - and now couldn't recommend it enough. We had two caf\u00e9 glac\u00e9s, which were amazing, and George took the time to make us two espressos free of charge, explaining the science and method behind making a quality espresso. Service was very friendly and professional, and the product was great as well. Win-win. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hände häromdan - och kunde inte rekommendera det nog. Vi hade två café\u00e9 glac\u00e9s, som var fantastiska, och George tog sig tid att göra oss två espressoer gratis, förklara vetenskapen och metoden bakom att göra en kvalitets espresso. Servicen var mycket vänlig och professionell, och produkten var bra också. Vinn-vinn. Är denna översyn positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Happened the other day - and could not recommend it enough. We had two café\u00e9 glac\u00e9s, which were amazing, and George took the time to make us two espressos free, explaining the science and method behind making a quality espresso. The service was very friendly and professional, and the product was good too. Win-win. Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
I went to @TheVigAZ Uptown, originally for just a couple beers, but I ended up having the crab and artichoke dip, with the spiced pita bread. OMG!!! The pita chips were delicious alone, but the crab and artichoke dip was amazing!! Had a couple hefeweizen's, as well. Love the space in the back; kind of an outdoor feel, but not really outside. The bocce ball pit is pretty cool. If I go back, I may try to get a game going. Prices are reasonable. I will be back. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag gick till @TheVigaz Uptown, ursprungligen för bara ett par öl, men jag slutade med att ha krabba och kronärtskocka dopp, med kryddade pitabröd. OMG!! Pitachipsen var utsökta ensamma, men krabban och kronärtskocka dip var fantastiskt!! Jag åt några Hefeweizens också. Älska utrymmet i ryggen; typ av en utomhus känsla, men inte riktigt utanför. Bollgropen är ganska cool. Om jag går tillbaka, kanske jag försöker få igång en match. Priserna är rimliga. Jag kommer tillbaka. Gavs denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I went to @TheVigaz Uptown, originally for just a couple of beers, but I ended up having crab and artichoke dip, with seasoned pita bread. OMG!! The pita chips were exquisitely lonely, but the crab and artichoke dip was amazing!! I ate some Hefeweizens, too. Love the space in the back; kind of an outdoor feeling, but not quite outside. The ball pit is pretty cool. If I go back, maybe I'll try to get a game started. The prices are reasonable. I'll be back. Was this review given positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Write a negative yelp review.
I don't own a Costco membership. I'm mooching off my cousin who has an extra card and looks like me. Let's start with the positives. I like that Costco carries some pretty cool items like paper shredders (yes..flashback to Modern Family Season 1). We bought a great shredder here and might I say we have prevented identity theft thus far :) Costco has a great price on their organic spinach boxes, their wine and alcohol selection and pricing is decent and they have some items I use like Boursin cheese, Fage yogurt etc at decent prices. Oh, most of all their environmentally friendly Kirkland detergent is really the bomb, That's really the reason I keep my cousin's Costco card in my wallet. Now from my gripes: I get seriously irritated when I see severely obese people buying industrial sized packages of full fat cheese, trays of butter croissants and bulk bags of chocolates. I don't think anyone needs that much food unless they are feeding a very unhealthy school. Costcos are full of such irresponsible behavior. But I guess it's a personal choice on what you consume but hey, I'm paying part of their medical bills with my hefty taxes! Before I digress too much...back to the issue at hand... This Costco is ridiculously busy at all times of the day and the lines are crazy. So for someone like me who's buying detergent, it's about a 45 minute process to find parking, walk to the detergent aisle and check out. Generally, I can't get behind the idea of Costco because I would never purchase 4 watermelons at a go or a gallon tub of potato salad. Buying what I need from Trader Joe's/Sunflower is plenty for me and it affords me variety in my daily meals since I don't have to (let's say)use up a giant bag of dumplings. Yes, I patronize Costco once every 6 months or so but I don't think I'll ever be getting a membership or crying my eyes out if they happen to disappear.
Skriv en negativ yelp recension.
Write a negative yelp review.
Jag äger inget Costco-medlemskap. Jag smetar av min kusin som har ett extra kort och ser ut som jag. Låt oss börja med det positiva. Jag gillar att Costco bär med sig ganska coola saker som pappersförstörare (ja..flashback till Modern Family Season 1). Vi köpte en stor splitter här och jag kan säga att vi har förhindrat identitetsstöld hittills :) Costco har ett bra pris på deras ekologiska spenat lådor, deras vin och alkohol urval och prissättning är anständigt och de har några objekt jag använder som Boursin ost, Fage yoghurt etc till anständiga priser. Mest av allt deras miljövänliga Kirkland tvättmedel är verkligen bomben, det är därför jag har min kusins Costco kort i plånboken. Nu från mina grepp: Jag blir allvarligt irriterad när jag ser kraftigt feta människor köpa industristorlekar paket av helfet ost, brickor av smör croissanter och bulkpåsar av choklad. Jag tror inte att någon behöver så mycket mat om de inte matar en väldigt ohälsosam skola. Costcos är fulla av sådant oansvarigt beteende. Men jag antar att det är ett personligt val om vad du konsumerar men jag betalar en del av deras sjukvårdsräkningar med mina rejäla skatter! Innan jag avviker för mycket...tillbaka till det aktuella problemet... Denna Costco är löjligt upptagen hela tiden på dagen och linjerna är galna. Så för någon som jag som köper tvättmedel, är det ungefär 45 minuter process för att hitta parkering, gå till tvättmedel gången och kolla in. Generellt kan jag inte komma bakom idén om Costco eftersom jag aldrig skulle köpa 4 vattenmeloner på en gång eller en gallon tub potatissallad. Att köpa det jag behöver från Trader Joe's/Sunflower är gott för mig och det ger mig variation i mina dagliga måltider eftersom jag inte behöver (låt oss säga)använda en jättelik påse dumplings. Ja, jag nedvärderar Costco en gång var sjätte månad eller så men jag tror inte att jag någonsin kommer att få ett medlemskap eller gråta mina ögon ut om de råkar försvinna.
I don't own any Costco membership. I'm smearing my cousin who has an extra card and looks like me. Let us start with the positive. I like Costco carrying pretty cool stuff like paper shredders (yes..flashback to Modern Family Season 1). We bought a large shrapnel here and I can say that we have prevented identity theft so far :) Costco has a good price on their organic spinach boxes, their wine and alcohol selection and pricing are decent and they have some items I use like Boursin cheese, Fage yogurt etc at decent prices. Most of all their environmentally friendly Kirkland detergent is really the bomb, that's why I have my cousin's Costco card in my wallet. Now from my grips: I get seriously annoyed when I see heavily fat people buying industrial sizes packages of whole-fat cheese, trays of butter croissants and bulk bags of chocolate. I don't think anyone needs that much food unless they feed a very unhealthy school. Costcos are full of such irresponsible behavior. But I guess it's a personal choice about what you consume but I pay some of their medical bills with my hefty taxes! Before I deviate too much... back to the current problem... This Costco is ridiculously busy all the time of day and the lines are crazy. So for someone like me who buys detergents, it's about 45 minutes process to find parking, go to the detergent aisle and check out. Generally, I cannot get behind the idea of Costco because I would never buy 4 watermelons at once or a gallon tube potato salad. Buying what I need from Trader Joe's/Sunflower is good for me and it gives me variety in my daily meals because I don't need (let's say) to use a giant bag of dumplings. Yeah, I devalue Costco once every six months or so but I don't think I'll ever get a membership or cry my eyes out if they happen to disappear.
Is the following review positive or negative? Disappointing. Service not too bad but the "signature" cheeseburger was the disappointment. It wasn't bad, just wasn't good. No taste to it. The waitress wasn't overly concerned, just the usual "Sorry". Not a terrible experience but not a place worth returning to. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Besvikande. Service inte så dåligt men "signaturen" ostburgaren var besvikelsen. Det var inte dåligt, men inte bra. Ingen smak. Servitrisen var inte alltför orolig, bara det vanliga "Förlåt". Inte en hemsk upplevelse men inte en plats värd att återvända till. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? Disappointing. Service not so bad but the "signature" cheeseburger was the disappointment. That wasn't bad, but not good. No taste. The waitress wasn't too worried, just the usual "Sorry". Not a terrible experience, but not a place worth returning to. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Generate a negative review for a place.
You'd think for $7 you'd get a detectable level of tequila in your margarita. And you'd think for $8 you'd at least get some rice or beans with your tacos. I think Austin has spoiled me, but we spent a lot of money for not very much in the end.
Generera en negativ recension för en plats.
Generate a negative review for a location.
Man skulle tro att för sju dollar skulle man få en detekterbar nivå av tequila i sin margarita. Och man skulle tro att man för åtta dollar åtminstone skulle få lite ris eller bönor med sina tacos. Jag tror att Austin har skämd bort mig, men vi spenderade mycket pengar för inte mycket till slut.
You'd think for seven dollars you'd get a detectable level of tequila in your margarita. And you'd think for eight dollars you'd at least get some rice or beans with your tacos. I think Austin has spoiled me, but we spent a lot of money for not much in the end.
Generate a positive review for a place.
We had dinner at the restaurant first and then went upstairs to lounge. What a view!!! We loved this place! We went to dance (80's night) but nobody but us and another couple were dancing.. big bummer.. so we went elsewhere.. I would have given a 5 star rating otherwise. BTW the steaks are cooked perfect so... when you order a rare steak it's coming out rare! Make sure you're not too full and that you want to share a "Witch Doctor" drink they looked awesome! People were raving about it!
Generera en positiv recension för en plats.
Generate a positive review for a place.
Vi åt middag på restaurangen först och gick sedan upp till loungen. Vilken utsikt!! Vi älskade det här stället! Vi gick till dans (80-talets kväll) men ingen annan än vi och ett annat par dansade.. stor sorg.. så vi gick någon annanstans.. Jag skulle ha gett ett femstjärnigt betyg annars. BTW stekarna är kokta perfekt så... när du beställer en sällsynt stek det kommer ut sällsynt! Se till att du inte är för full och att du vill dela en "Witch Doctor" drink de såg fantastisk! Folk tjatade om det!
We had dinner at the restaurant first and then went up to the lounge. What a view!! We loved this place! We went to dance ('80s night) but nobody but us and another couple danced.. great grief.. so we went somewhere else.. I should've given a five-star grade if I didn't. The BTW steaks are cooked perfectly so... when you order a rare steak it comes out rare! Make sure you're not too drunk and you want to share a "Witch Doctor" drink they looked amazing! People were nags about it!
I'm so surprised to see how many bad reviews about this hotel and I'm not sure if it has to do with being a local or not. I moved here from LA in January, so as a local now, I find this hotel beautiful and exciting! Whether or not being a local has anything to do with it, doesn't matter. It's beautiful and trendy and very modern. The outside is as gorgeous as the inside and their LED everything makes it very eye-catching. We are eating a Umami and the burgers are so incredibly good, just like in LA. We haven't had one since we moved and have been looking forward to this since the announcement that it would be here. Just come in and see it for yourself! I know this hotel will work out it's kinks (like every new place) and it will be the hottest thing on the strip. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag är så förvånad över hur många dåliga recensioner om detta hotell och jag är inte säker på om det har att göra med att vara en lokal eller inte. Jag flyttade hit från LA i januari, så som lokal nu, tycker jag att detta hotell är vackert och spännande! Det spelar ingen roll om det är en lokalperson eller inte. Det är vackert och trendigt och mycket modernt. Utsidan är lika vacker som insidan och deras LED allt gör det mycket iögonfallande. Vi äter en Umami och burgare är så otroligt bra, precis som i LA. Vi har inte haft någon sen vi flyttade och har sett fram emot det här sen tillkännagivandet att det skulle vara här. Kom bara in och se det själv! Jag vet att detta hotell kommer att lösa det är knytningar (som varje nytt ställe) och det kommer att vara det hetaste på remsan. Vad är det för uppfattning i den här recensionen? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I'm so surprised how many bad reviews about this hotel and I'm not sure whether it has to do with being a local or not. I moved here from LA in January, as local now, I find this hotel beautiful and exciting! It doesn't matter if it's a local person or not. It is beautiful and trendy and very modern. The outside is as beautiful as the inside and their LED everything makes it very conspicuous. We eat an Umami and burgers are so incredibly good, just like in LA. We haven't had one since we moved and have been looking forward to this since the announcement that it would be here. Just come in and see for yourself! I know that this hotel will solve it is tyings (like every new place) and it will be the hottest thing on the strip. What is the opinion in this review? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
On 01/02 - I took my 6 yr old grandson on his birthday to have a celebratory lunch. I specifically inform the waitress there just that. First, after receiving our order [I had soup and salad and he had a pepperoni pizza], we never saw the waitress again until we were done - so to speak. I say that because the pizza was so undercooked, he could not eat it. So he had my soup. The waitress finally came back and asked if we wanted the pizza boxed up. I informed her the pizza was undercooked and to let the cook know. No apologies, no nothing from her. She then asked if the birthday boy would like a birthday dessert. Of course, what little boy wouldn't? So she brings over a menu for him to choose his dessert. In the meantime, I noted on the table if you bought a $50 gift card, you would get a free $10 bonus card. I informed my waitress that I wanted a $50 gift card. After they brought my grandson his candle-lit dessert and sang happy birthday to him, I received my gift card, but not the bonus. After inquiring about it, they stated that promotion was no longer running, even though the promotion advertisement was still on the table, and it did not state a date to when the promotion ended. After speaking with the manager, he "graciously" gave me a $10 gift card. I say graciously, because he certainly had an attitude about it. But the kick to all of this, not only was I charged for an uncooked pizza my 6 year old grandchild could not eat, I was charged for his birthday dessert? Who does that? Who charges a birthday dessert for a 6 year old child? Needless to say, we will never go back to that location. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Den 01/02 - Jag tog min 6 år gamla sonson på hans födelsedag för att ha en festlig lunch. Jag informerar servitrisen om det. Först, efter att ha fått vår beställning [jag åt soppa och sallad och han hade en pepperonipizza], såg vi aldrig servitrisen igen förrän vi var färdiga - så att säga. Jag säger det eftersom pizzan var så underkokt, att han inte kunde äta den. Så han åt min soppa. Servitrisen kom till slut tillbaka och frågade om vi ville ha pizzan inpackad. Jag sa att pizzan var underkokt och att kocken skulle veta. Inga ursäkter, inget från henne. Hon frågade då om födelsedagspojken ville ha en födelsedagsefterrätt. Självklart, vilken liten pojke skulle inte det? Så hon tar över en meny för honom att välja hans efterrätt. Under tiden noterade jag att om du köpte ett presentkort för 50 dollar skulle du få ett gratis bonuskort för 10 dollar. Jag sa till servitrisen att jag ville ha ett presentkort på 50 dollar. Efter att de hade med sig min sonsons ljusbelysta efterrätt och sjöng grattis på födelsedagen fick jag mitt presentkort, men inte bonusen. Efter att ha frågat om det uppgav de att kampanjen inte längre pågick, trots att kampanjannonsen fortfarande låg på bordet, och det uppgavs inte något datum till när kampanjen avslutades. Efter att ha pratat med chefen gav han mig ett presentkort på 10 dollar. Jag säger vänligt, eftersom han verkligen hade en inställning till det. Men kicken till allt detta, inte bara var jag tog betalt för en okokt pizza mitt sex år gamla barnbarn inte kunde äta, jag var debiterad för hans födelsedag dessert? Vem gör det? Vem tar betalt för en födelsedagsefterrätt för ett sexårigt barn? Vi kommer aldrig att återvända till den platsen. Är denna översyn positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
The 01/02 - I took my 6 year old grandson on his birthday to have a festive lunch. I'll let the waitress know. First, after getting our order [I ate soup and salad and he had a pepperoni pizza], we never saw the waitress again until we were finished - so to speak. I'm telling you because the pizza was so undercooked, he couldn't eat it. So he ate my soup. The waitress finally came back and asked if we wanted the pizza packed. I said the pizza was undercooked and the chef would know. No excuses, nothing from her. She then asked if the birthday boy wanted a birthday dessert. Of course, what little boy wouldn't? So she takes over a menu for him to choose his dessert. In the meantime, I noted that if you bought a $50 gift card, you'd get a $10 free bonus card. I told the waitress I wanted a $50 gift card. After they brought my grandson's light-lit dessert and sang congratulations on my birthday, I received my gift card, but not the bonus. After asking if it, they stated that the campaign was no longer ongoing, despite the campaign advertisement still being on the table, and there was no date to when the campaign ended. After talking to the boss, he gave me a $10 gift card. I say kindly, because he really had an attitude to it. But the kick to all this, not only where I charged for an uncooked pizza my six-year-old grandson couldn't eat, I was charged for his birthday dessert? Who's doing it? Who's charging for a birthday dessert for a six-year-old child? We will never return to that place. Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Generate a positive review for a place.
For a fast food chain restaurant, this location does it right. Fast, friendly service, they always get my order right, and its filling food at a super economical price.
Generera en positiv recension för en plats.
Generate a positive review for a place.
För en snabbmatsrestaurang gör denna plats rätt. Snabb, vänlig service, de får alltid min beställning rätt, och dess fyllning mat till ett superekonomiskt pris.
For a fast food restaurant, this place makes it right. Fast, friendly service, they always get my order right, and its filling food at a super economical price.
Generate a negative review for a place.
We have always loved this place! This has always been our go to place when here for the National Final's Rodeo. We have always recommended this restaurant to all our friends coming to Vegas! We have always made our reservations for Tuesday night because it's 2 for 1...but we were very disappointed tonight. Apparently only locals are encouraged to come on Tuesdays because you have to be a local to get 2 for 1 on Tuesday. I really don't understand this concept and never heard of any restaurant having this policy. Our bill was $270 for 7 people and of course we were expecting it to be half of that. I spoke to the manager after we received the bill and she explained this was their new policy. She did deduct $20. I'm still very disappointed that a business wants to serve locals differently than anyone who walks through their doors.
Generera en negativ recension för en plats.
Generate a negative review for a location.
Vi har alltid älskat det här stället! Det här har alltid varit vår plats när vi är här för finalens Rodeo. Vi har alltid rekommenderat denna restaurang till alla våra vänner som kommer till Vegas! Vi har alltid gjort våra bokningar för tisdag kväll eftersom det är 2 för 1 ... men vi var mycket besvikna ikväll. Tydligen uppmuntras bara lokalbefolkningen att komma på tisdagar eftersom man måste vara en lokal för att få 2 för 1 på tisdag. Jag förstår verkligen inte detta koncept och aldrig hört talas om någon restaurang som har denna policy. Vår räkning var 270 dollar för sju personer och vi förväntade oss naturligtvis att det skulle vara hälften av det. Jag pratade med chefen efter att vi fick räkningen och hon förklarade att det här var deras nya policy. Hon drog av 20 dollar. Jag är fortfarande väldigt besviken över att ett företag vill tjäna lokalbefolkningen annorlunda än någon som går in genom deras dörrar.
We've always loved this place! This has always been our place when we're here for the Rodeo of the Finals. We have always recommended this restaurant to all our friends coming to Vegas! We've always made our reservations for Tuesday night because it's 2 for 1... but we were very disappointed tonight. Apparently, only locals are encouraged to come on Tuesdays because you have to be a local to get 2 for 1 on Tuesday. I really don't understand this concept and never heard of any restaurant that has this policy. Our bill was $270 for seven people and we naturally expected it to be half of it. I talked to the boss after we got the bill and she explained that this was their new policy. She deducted $20. I am still very disappointed that a company wants to serve the local people differently than someone who enters through their doors.
We purchased a used van with less than 60,000 miles on it from this dealership, paying cash. When after less than a year of driving it the engine died, inspite of regular oil changes and maintenance. I called the dealership hoping they would be willing to either assist us in repairing the vehicle or more likely offer us a decent deal on another van. I did not demand they replace or repair the vehicle at any point. However, from the moment we spoke to them they were so unhelpful as to be hostile. I was told I was being unreasonable when I had yet to ask them to do anything at all. I was asked which salesperson I worked with, and finding out that he was no longer employed at this dealership (gone on to other ventures, I believe was the exact phrase), was told there was no one else who could help me. It was not until I said I would be reporting my experience online that he was willing to do anything at all to help us. I asked specifically if they would help us get into another vehicle and was told the only vans available were 2 new Hondas. I then asked him to look for another van that would be suitable for a family and he said he would (and as this dealership is affiliated with several other dealerships in the area, I believe Cochran Motors but am not sure about that), which a simple online search would turn up other vehicles, and would call me back by that evening. There has been no return phone call. My experience with this dealership is they do not fully inspect used cars they sell and once their commission is in their pocket they couldn't care less about their customers. You should be aware of this if you purchase a vehicle from them. We will not be going back. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vi köpte en begagnad skåpbil med mindre än 60000 miles på den från denna återförsäljare, betala kontant. När motorn dog efter mindre än ett års körning, trots regelbundna oljebyten och underhåll. Jag ringde återförsäljaren och hoppades att de antingen skulle hjälpa oss reparera fordonet eller erbjuda oss en anständig affär på en annan skåpbil. Jag krävde inte att de skulle byta ut eller reparera fordonet när som helst. Men från det ögonblick vi talade med dem var de så ohjälpsamma att de var fientliga. Jag blev tillsagd att jag var oresonlig när jag ännu inte hade bett dem göra något alls. Jag blev tillfrågad vilken säljare jag arbetade med, och att få reda på att han inte längre var anställd på denna återförsäljare (borta till andra företag, tror jag var den exakta frasen), fick veta att det inte fanns någon annan som kunde hjälpa mig. Det var inte förrän jag sa att jag skulle rapportera min erfarenhet på nätet som han var villig att göra något alls för att hjälpa oss. Jag frågade specifikt om de skulle hjälpa oss att komma in i ett annat fordon och fick veta att de enda skåpbilar som fanns tillgängliga var 2 nya Hondor. Jag bad honom då att leta efter en annan skåpbil som skulle passa en familj och han sade att han skulle (och eftersom denna återförsäljare är ansluten till flera andra återförsäljare i området, jag tror Cochran Motors men är inte säker på det), som en enkel online sökning skulle dyka upp andra fordon, och skulle ringa tillbaka till den kvällen. Det har inte ringts tillbaka. Min erfarenhet med denna återförsäljare är att de inte helt inspektera begagnade bilar de säljer och när deras provision är i fickan de inte kunde bry sig mindre om sina kunder. Du bör vara medveten om detta om du köper ett fordon av dem. Vi kommer inte att åka tillbaka. Är denna översyn positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
We bought a used van with less than 60,000 miles on it from this dealership, paying cash. When the engine died after less than a year of driving, despite regular oil changes and maintenance. I called the dealer and hoped they would either help us repair the vehicle or offer us a decent deal on another van. I didn't require them to replace or repair the vehicle at any time. But from the moment we spoke to them, they were so unhelpful that they were hostile. I was told that I was unreasonable when I had not yet asked them to do anything. I was asked which seller I worked with, and finding out that he was no longer employed at this dealer (away to other companies, I think was the exact phrase), was told that there was no one else who could help me. It wasn't until I said I would report my experience online that he was willing to do anything to help us. I specifically asked if they would help us get into another vehicle and learned that the only vans available were 2 new Hondas. I then asked him to look for another van that would fit a family and he said he would (and because this dealership is connected to several other retailers in the area, I think Cochran Motors but is not sure about it), as a simple online search would turn up other vehicles, and would call back to that night. It hasn't been called back. My experience with this dealer is that they did not fully inspect used cars they sell and when their commission is in the pocket they could not care less about their customers. You should be aware of this if you buy a vehicle from them. We're not going back. Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? Bessie is the BEST! I love this place. I'm always happy with my results!!!!!!!! My hair always turns out exactly how I want it, cut and color. The people are friendly, I am always able to get an appointment even at the last minute. I can't rave enough about this place. But instead of reading my review any longer, pick up the phone and make an appointment with Bessie! She's one of the best in the business:) OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vad är innebörden i följande genomgång? Bessie är bäst! Jag älskar det här stället. Jag är alltid nöjd med mina resultat!!!!!! Mitt hår visar sig alltid precis som jag vill ha det, klippt och färgat. Människorna är vänliga, jag kan alltid få en tid redan i sista minuten. Jag kan inte prata tillräckligt om det här stället. Men istället för att läsa min recension längre, ta telefonen och boka en tid med Bessie! Hon är en av de bästa i branschen:) Alternativ: - negativ - positiv
What is the meaning of the following review? Bessie's the best! I love this place. I'm always happy with my results!!!!!! My hair always turns out just the way I want it, cut and dyed. The people are friendly, I can always have an appointment at the last minute. I can't talk enough about this place. But instead of reading my review any longer, take the phone and book an appointment with Bessie! She is one of the best in the industry:) Options: - negative - positive
I have eaten here many times since they first opened and they have been fantastic! Except for a brief period when the wait staff turned over the service has been very good to excellent. The food is excellent as well! The lunch special can't be beat as you get soup or salad plus an entr\u00e9e for as little as $6! A bonus is that they offer brown rice for no additional charge. They also have sushi specials for lunch and dinner (buy 1 get one 1/2 price) on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Their sushi is non-traditional but outstanding! I took a friend from Japan there and he thought the sushi was exceptional. I have been eating Chinese food since I was three years old and I have traveled fairly extensively in Asia. Overall I consider this to be one of the best Chinese/Fusion restaurants in Charlotte! Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag har ätit här många gånger sedan de öppnade och de har varit fantastiska! Med undantag för en kort period då servitutspersonalen lämnat över tjänsten har varit mycket bra till utmärkt. Maten är också utmärkt! Lunch special kan inte slås som du får soppa eller sallad plus en entr\u00e9e för så lite som $ 6! En bonus är att de erbjuder brunt ris utan extra kostnad. De har också sushispecials till lunch och middag (köp 1 får en 1/2 pris) på tisdagar, torsdagar och söndagar. Deras sushi är icke-traditionell men enastående! Jag tog med en vän från Japan dit och han tyckte sushi var exceptionellt. Jag har ätit kinamat sedan jag var tre år gammal och jag har rest ganska mycket i Asien. Sammantaget anser jag att detta är en av de bästa Chinese / Fusion restauranger i Charlotte! Gavs denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I've eaten here many times since they opened and they've been amazing! With the exception of a short period of service leave, the service has been very good to excellent. The food is excellent too! Lunch special can't be beaten like you get soup or salad plus an entr\u00e9e for as little as $6! A bonus is that they offer brown rice at no extra cost. They also have sushi specials for lunch and dinner (buy 1 gets a 1/2 price) on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Their sushi is non-traditional but outstanding! I brought a friend from Japan there and he thought sushi was exceptional. I have been eating Chinese food since I was three years old and I have travelled quite a lot in Asia. Overall, I think this is one of the best Chinese / Fusion restaurants in Charlotte! Was this review given positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Write a negative yelp review.
Maybe it's the broken wrist doing the reviewing but this place has way too many unattended children to be deemed safe.
Skriv en negativ yelp recension.
Write a negative yelp review.
Det kanske är den brutna handleden som gör granskningen men det här stället har alldeles för många obevakade barn för att kunna anses säkra.
It may be the broken wrist that does the examination, but this place has far too many unattended children to be considered safe.
This resort is to die for, the best customer service ever! Their people really care. Our family stayed here as a staycation for the 4th of July, our first time here. The resort grounds are beautiful, the pools are fantastic and a very relaxing atmosphere. We booked a 2 night stay and after the first night I had made mention to the guest hospitality coordinator that our room didn't quite meet our needs but we were enjoying our stay. He immediately said that he would see if there was a room available that might suit us better and he would have our room changed. He was able to change our room to a room that fit our needs much better and we greatly appreciated it. Steve Smigosky, the guest hospitality coordinator, was very gracious and wanted to make sure that our stay at the Marriott was enjoyable. He made some restaurant suggestions and even helped with dinner reservations. We will definitely stay here again and be telling our friends what great customer service we had and how fantastic the resort is. Can't wait to come back and stay again. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Denna resort är att dö för, den bästa kundservicen någonsin! Deras folk bryr sig verkligen. Vår familj stannade här för 4 juli, vår första gång här. Anläggningen grunderna är vackra, poolerna är fantastiska och en mycket avkopplande atmosfär. Vi bokade en 2 natts vistelse och efter den första natten hade jag nämnt för gästgästernas koordinator att vårt rum inte riktigt uppfyllde våra behov men vi njöt av vår vistelse. Han sade genast att han skulle se om det fanns ett rum som kunde passa oss bättre och han skulle få vårt rum förändrat. Han kunde ändra vårt rum till ett rum som passade våra behov mycket bättre och vi uppskattade det mycket. Steve Smigosky, gästgästsamordnaren, var mycket älskvärd och ville se till att vår vistelse på Marriott var trevlig. Han kom med några restaurangförslag och hjälpte till och med till med middagsbokningar. Vi kommer definitivt att stanna här igen och berätta för våra vänner vilken bra kundservice vi hade och hur fantastisk resorten är. Jag längtar efter att få komma tillbaka och stanna igen. Gavs denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
This resort is to die for, the best customer service ever! Their people really care. Our family stayed here for July 4, our first time here. The facility basics are beautiful, the pools are fantastic and a very relaxing atmosphere. We booked a 2 night stay and after the first night I had mentioned to the guest coordinator that our room did not really meet our needs but we enjoyed our stay. He immediately said that he would see if there was a room that could suit us better and he would have our room changed. He could change our room into a room that suited our needs much better and we greatly appreciated it. Steve Smigosky, the guest coordinator, was very gracious and wanted to make sure our stay at Marriott was pleasant. He made some restaurant suggestions and even helped with dinner reservations. We will definitely stay here again and tell our friends what a great customer service we had and how fantastic the resort is. I can't wait to come back and stay again. Was this review given positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
I've been coming to this location for years. I went to Israel in the summer of 2006 and when I came back to the states I refused to eat hummus because I didn't want to replace the memory of the amazing, authentic hummus I ate in Israel with some crappy hummus that you get in the grocery store. I didn't have hummus for over a year until I discovered Pita Jungle. their hummus (all 3 kinds) is the most authentic that I've found outside of Israel and New York. 2 months ago I brought my roommate who professed to hate hummus to pita jungle. By the end of dinner she was stealing all my hummus. Since the beginning of my interactions with pita jungle there is one thing that I have eaten the most frequently. The Fruit Fantasia (a plate of fruit and cheese) and the hummus starter. I'm going to let you in on a little secret: apples and hummus are delicious together. For the more adventurous people reading this try dipping the banana and the cheeses in to the hummus as well. YUMMMMM! The only reason why I give it a 4 is because they give less fruit and cheese than they used to. It used to be the best deal going because I could make 2 meals out of the platter for something like $8. Now it's $10 for the Fruit fantasia and I only get 1.5 meals out of it. Still worth it though. Bonus points: They have many healthy options for those people who are trying to watch what they eat. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag har kommit hit i åratal. Jag åkte till Israel sommaren 2006 och när jag kom tillbaka till staterna vägrade jag att äta hummus eftersom jag inte ville ersätta minnet av den fantastiska, autentiska hummus jag åt i Israel med någon skitig hummus som man får i mataffären. Jag hade inte hummus på över ett år förrän jag upptäckte Pita Djungel. deras hummus (alla 3 sorter) är det mest autentiska som jag har hittat utanför Israel och New York. För två månader sen tog jag med min rumskamrat som påstod sig hata hummus till pita djungel. Vid middagens slut stal hon hela min hummus. Sedan början av min interaktion med pita djungel finns det en sak som jag har ätit oftast. Fruktfantasien (en tallrik frukt och ost) och hummusstartaren. Jag ska berätta en liten hemlighet: äpplen och hummus är utsökta tillsammans. För de mer äventyrliga människor som läser detta försök doppa bananen och ostarna i hummus också. YUMMMMM! Enda anledningen till att jag ger den en fyra är för att de ger mindre frukt och ost än de brukade. Det var den bästa affären för jag kunde göra två måltider av fatet för ungefär 8 dollar. Nu är det 10 dollar för Fruit-fantasin och jag får bara 1,5 måltider av det. Men det är ändå värt det. Bonuspoäng: De har många hälsosamma alternativ för de människor som försöker titta på vad de äter. Är denna översyn positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I've been coming here for years. I went to Israel in the summer of 2006 and when I came back to the states I refused to eat hummus because I didn't want to replace the memory of the amazing, authentic hummus I ate in Israel with some dirty hummus that you get at the grocery store. I didn't have hummus for over a year until I discovered Pita Jungle. their hummus (all 3 varieties) is the most authentic that I have found outside Israel and New York. Two months ago, I brought my roommate who claimed to hate hummus to pita jungle. At dinner's end, she stole my whole hummus. Since the beginning of my interaction with pita jungle there is one thing that I have eaten most often. The fruit fantasy (a plate of fruit and cheese) and the hummus starter. I'll tell you a little secret: apples and hummus are delicious together. For the more adventurous people reading this attempt, dip the banana and cheeses in the hummus as well. YUMMMMM! The only reason I give it a four is because they give less fruit and cheese than they used to. It was the best deal because I could make two meals out of the barrel for about $8. Now it's $10 for the Fruit fantasy and I only get 1.5 meals of it. But it's still worth it. Bonus points: They have many healthy options for the people who try to look at what they eat. Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Generate a positive review for a place.
I loved the amount of food you get here! It tasted great and I got super full! Pretty average Korean food with nothing blowing me away, but I'd definitely go back!
Generera en positiv recension för en plats.
Generate a positive review for a place.
Jag älskade den mängd mat du får här! Det smakade jättebra och jag blev superfull! Ganska vanlig koreansk mat utan att något blåser bort mig, men jag skulle definitivt gå tillbaka!
I loved the amount of food you get here! It tasted great and I got super drunk! Quite ordinary Korean food without anything blowing me away, but I would definitely go back!
Generate a positive review for a place.
Went here for restaurant week with my folks and it was really great. They were not too over the top like Ruth Chris! From the moment I sat down i had excellent service and great food. The caesar salad was great, my 3 crab cakes were very very good. As they were filled with lots of crab! (they should be that way) My family also ordered sides as additions to our meal. We got mashed potatoes and saut\u00e9ed spinach. They were decent sized for 4 people to share off of. Lastly, for dessert I got raspberry sorbet which was great and refreshing. Overall, I really loved this place and would go there again. Next time I will try the steak and see if it tops Ruth Chris. ;)
Generera en positiv recension för en plats.
Generate a positive review for a place.
Gick hit för restaurangveckan med mina föräldrar och det var riktigt bra. De var inte för översta som Ruth Chris! Från det ögonblick jag satte mig hade jag utmärkt service och god mat. Kaesarsalladen var bra, mina 3 krabbkakor var väldigt goda. Som de var fyllda med massor av krabba! Min familj beställde också sidor som tillägg till vår måltid. Vi har potatismos och saut\u00e9 spenat. De var anständiga storlek för 4 personer att dela av. Till dessert fick jag hallonsorbet som var fantastiskt och uppfriskande. Totalt sett älskade jag verkligen det här stället och skulle åka dit igen. Nästa gång ska jag prova biffen och se om den toppar Ruth Chris. ;)
Came here for the restaurant week with my parents and it was really good. They weren't too top like Ruth Chris! From the moment I sat down I had excellent service and good food. The Kaesar salad was good, my 3 crab cakes were very good. As they were filled with lots of crabs! My family also ordered pages in addition to our meal. We have mashed potatoes and saut\u00e9 spinach. They were decent size for 4 people to share. For dessert I got raspberry sorbet that was amazing and refreshing. Overall, I really loved this place and I was going back there. Next time, I'll try the steak and see if it tops Ruth Chris. ;)
Waverly's Steak House is very unassuming from the casino. It has a single double door at the casino and it looks like it would be small & lowbrow. Waverly's is nothing of the sort. When you walk in you can see it stretch to the side and back. There are trees on the outside that mask the size from the outside. The decor is very upscale. If you come in in jeans they treat you as well as if you came in in your tux and fine dress. Waverly's is a fine upscale restaurant. Visit the link below to get a look at the menu. I decided to go with the Rib Eye on this visit. I started it off with a Caesar Salad which was delicious. I was surprised by it's size. Much larger than I would have thought. There was just the right amount of dressing & cheese, and the croutons were crunchy and had a lot of flavor to them. My steak was prepared just as I had ordered it. Medium rare all the way through. That taste was wonderful. Some times I have ordered steak and had to add some salt to give it some flavor. That was not the case with this Rib Eye. It was tender, juicy, and full of flavor the way a good steak should be. I choose a Potatoes Au Gratin as my side dish. The potatoes were about an eight of an inch cubed. I am not used to potatoes being served that way. Especially an Au Gratin. I tell you though, this was one of the best Potatoes Au Gratin I have ever tasted. The cheese in the potatoes let you know it was there, but did not mask the taste of the perfectly cooked potato. The seasonings were just right. I did not have to add any extra seasonings. I do have to say, if the order were doubled, it still would not have been enough. And the order that came was not small. My wife had the lamb and a side of mashed potatoes. My steak was so much I did not taste the lamb. I had a few bites of the mashed potatoes though. The potatoes were so fluffy and light. Whenever I have had potatoes that fluffy in the past, they were also watery. These were not like that at all. They were so light, fluffy and tasty they seemed as if they could just float away. My wife tells me me lamb was very tasty and cooked to a perfect medium rare. This evening my wife and I choose just to have water to drink. So, no info about the wines they have. Sorry. The service was pretty good. It started off excellent, but at some point they might have gotten overwhelmed. There was a period of over ten minutes that no one came by our table to give me a refill on my water. I had to stop eating my steak while I waited. I needed a drink. A bus person finally walked by the table and I flagged him down. He did promptly get me a refill on my water. He was also very apologetic. That is what has saved them from a very low service score. I do have to add, that a lot of people came in at that time and all the servers were very busy seating and arranging tables. Maybe that is what happened this time. When I got back to my steak, luckily it was still warm and wonderful. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Waverly's Steak House är väldigt anspråkslös från kasinot. Det har en enda dubbel dörr på kasinot och det ser ut som det skulle vara liten & lågbrow. Waverly's är inget sånt. När man går in kan man se den sträcka sig åt sidan och bakåt. Det finns träd på utsidan som maskerar storleken utifrån. Dekoren är mycket exklusiv. Om du kommer in i jeans behandlar de dig lika bra som om du kom in i din smoking och fina klänning. Waverly's är en fin exklusiv restaurang. Besök länken nedan för att få en titt på menyn. Jag bestämde mig för att följa med Rib Eye på det här besöket. Jag började med en Caesar Sallad som var utsökt. Jag blev förvånad över storleken. Mycket större än jag hade trott. Det var precis rätt mängd dressing & ost, och krutonger var knapriga och hade en hel del smak till dem. Min stek var lagad precis som jag hade beställt den. Medelsvårt hela vägen igenom. Den smaken var underbar. Vissa gånger har jag beställt biff och var tvungen att tillsätta lite salt för att ge den lite smak. Så var inte fallet med detta Rib Eye. Det var mört, saftigt och smakfullt som en god biff borde vara. Jag väljer en Potatoes Au Gratin som min sidorätt. Potatisen var ungefär en åttatums kubisk. Jag är inte van vid att potatis serveras på det sättet. Speciellt en Au Gratin. Men det här var en av de bästa potatisar Au Gratin jag någonsin smakat. Osten i potatisen lät man veta att den fanns där, men maskerade inte smaken av den perfekt kokta potatisen. Smaksättningarna var helt rätt. Jag behövde inte lägga till några extra kryddningar. Jag måste säga att om ordern fördubblades, skulle det ändå inte ha varit tillräckligt. Och ordern som kom var inte liten. Min fru hade lammet och en sida potatismos. Min biff var så mycket att jag inte smakade lammet. Men jag åt några bitar av potatismoset. Potatisen var så fluffig och lätt. Varje gång jag har haft potatis som fluffigt förr var de också vattniga. De här var inte alls sådana. De var så lätta, fluffiga och välsmakande att de verkade som om de bara kunde sväva iväg. Min fru säger att lamm var mycket välsmakande och tillagade till ett perfekt medium sällsynt. I kväll väljer min fru och jag att dricka vatten. Så, ingen info om vinerna de har. Förlåt. Servicen var ganska bra. Det började utmärkt, men någon gång kan de ha blivit överväldigade. Det var en period på över tio minuter som ingen kom förbi vårt bord för att ge mig en påfyllning på mitt vatten. Jag var tvungen att sluta äta min stek medan jag väntade. Jag behövde en drink. En bussperson gick till slut förbi bordet och jag flaggade ner honom. Han gav mig genast en påfyllning på vattnet. Han var också mycket ursäktande. Det är det som har räddat dem från en mycket låg tjänstepoäng. Jag måste tillägga, att många människor kom in på den tiden och alla servrar var mycket upptagna med att sitta och arrangera bord. Det kanske är vad som hände den här gången. När jag kom tillbaka till min stek, var det lyckligtvis fortfarande varmt och underbart. Gavs denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Waverly's Steak House is very modest from the casino. It has a single double door at the casino and it looks like it would be small & lowbrow. Waverly's is nothing like that. When you enter, you can see it stretching to the side and backwards. There are trees on the outside that mask the size from the outside. The decor is very exclusive. If you get into jeans, they'll treat you as well as if you came into your tuxedo and fancy dress. Waverly's is a nice exclusive restaurant. Visit the link below to get a look at the menu. I decided to accompany Rib Eye on this visit. I started with a Caesar Salad that was delicious. I was surprised at the size. Much bigger than I thought. It was just the right amount of dressing & cheese, and croutons were crunchy and had a lot of taste to them. My steak was cooked just like I ordered it. Medium hard all the way through. That taste was wonderful. Some times I have ordered steak and had to add some salt to give it some taste. This was not the case with Rib Eye. It was tender, juicy and tasteful that a good steak should be. I choose a Potatoes Au Gratin as my sideline. The potatoes were about an eight-inch cubic. I'm not used to potatoes being served that way. Especially an Au Gratin. But this was one of the best potatoes Au Gratin I've ever tasted. The cheese in the potatoes was told that it was there, but did not mask the taste of the perfectly cooked potatoes. The flavors were quite right. I didn't have to add any extra spice. I have to say that if the order doubled, it would still not have been enough. And the order that came was not small. My wife had the lamb and a side of mashed potatoes. My steak was so much, I didn't taste the lamb. But I ate a few pieces of mashed potatoes. The potatoes were so fluffy and light. Every time I've had potatoes that were fluffy before, they were watery too. These weren't at all like that. They were so light, fluffy and tasty that they seemed like they could just float away. My wife says lambs were very tasty and cooked to a perfect medium rare. Tonight my wife and I choose to drink water. So, no info on the wines they have. I'm sorry. The service was pretty good. It started out fine, but at some point they may have been overwhelmed. It was a period of over ten minutes that no one came by our table to give me a refill on my water. I had to stop eating my steak while I was waiting. I needed a drink. A bus person finally walked past the table and I flagged him down. He immediately gave me a refill on the water. He was also very apologizing. That is what has saved them from a very low service score. I must add, that many people came into that time and all the servers were very busy sitting and arranging tables. Maybe that's what happened this time. Fortunately, when I returned to my steak, it was still warm and wonderful. Was this review given positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Meh. I'm always skeptical of sushi places I don't normally go to so I guess I didn't give them a fair chance today. I ordered garlic tuna and salmon nigiri and a roll that had mozzarella cheese melted on it. I know cheese and fish is a big no no but I've been duped by odd flavors before and loved then so I gave it a try. Not good. Nigiri was sliced so damn thick, I had to take two bites and it was not fresh tasting to me which instantly turned me off. Rice had no flavor but the sauces were good. I tried mochi for desert and they both had a fishy taste to them. Done. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Meh. Jag är alltid skeptisk till sushiställen som jag inte brukar gå till så jag gav dem inte en rättvis chans idag. Jag beställde vitlöks tonfisk och lax nigiri och en rulle som smälte mozzarellaost på den. Jag vet att ost och fisk är ett stort nej men jag har blivit duperad av udda smaker förut och älskade då så jag gav det ett försök. Inte bra. Nigiri var skivad så jävla tjock, jag var tvungen att ta två bett och det var inte färskprovning för mig som omedelbart stängde av mig. Ris hade ingen smak men såsen var god. Jag provade mochi för öken och de hade båda en fiskig smak för dem. Klart. Vad är det för uppfattning i den här recensionen? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Meh. I'm always skeptical of sushi places I don't usually go to so I didn't give them a fair chance today. I ordered garlic tuna and salmon nigiri and a roll that melted mozzarella cheese on it. I know cheese and fish are a big no but I've been duped by odd flavors before and made love then so I gave it a try. Not good. Nigiri was sliced so fucking thick, I had to take two bites and it wasn't fresh tasting for me that immediately shut me off. Rice had no taste, but the sauce was good. I tried mochi for desert and they both had a fishy taste for them. Clear. What is the opinion in this review? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
It's very small and crowded but there food is amazing and the staff is super friendly! How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Det är mycket litet och trångt men det är fantastisk mat och personalen är super vänlig! Hur skulle denna granskning beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
It is very small and crowded but it is fantastic food and the staff is super friendly! How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
I really hope this place stays open. It is not far from our home and the kids love mini golf so it is a win-win for me! Super nice owner, very down to earth. We went and were the only people playing until a birthday party showed up. Then, the parents just let their kids run around like crazy people, running across the holes we were playing and just being loud. So, I would suggest you call ahead and see if there are any parties booked that day. It really was a turn off, but I can't blame the owner for parents who would rather chit chat than watch their kids. We will be back! Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag hoppas verkligen att det här stället håller öppet. Det är inte långt från vårt hem och barnen älskar minigolf så det är en win-win för mig! Super trevlig ägare, mycket jordnära. Vi var de enda som spelade tills en födelsedagsfest dök upp. Sen lät föräldrarna sina barn springa omkring som galningar, springa över hålen vi lekte och bara vara högljudda. Så jag föreslår att du ringer och ser om det finns några fester bokade den dagen. Det var verkligen en avstängning, men jag kan inte klandra ägaren för föräldrar som hellre småpratar än att passa sina barn. Vi kommer tillbaka! Är denna översyn positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I really hope this place stays open. It's not far from our home and the kids love minigolf so it's a win-win for me! Super nice owner, very down to earth. We were the only ones who played until a birthday party showed up. Then the parents let their kids run around like crazy, run over the holes we played, and just be loud. So I suggest you call and see if there are any parties booked that day. It was really a suspension, but I can't blame the owner for parents who would rather chat than look after their children. We'll be back! Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
WHY have I never been here before?!?!? I've definitely been missing out! Since this was my first time I don't know what it was like before the fire but I had so much fun strolling through the fruit and veggie stands while drinking fresh OJ and munching on scrumptious apple fritters, veal sandwiches, fish on bun, amongst other goodies. I love to cook as much as I love to eat so this was heaven to me! I've been to the st. Lawrence market in Toronto and like it but don't enjoy paying a premium for my food. Everything here was fresh and either the same price as the grocery store or even less expensive. If I had lived around here I'd definitely be here every weekend! We have family in Guelph so I guess we will be visiting more often! It does get really busy though and the parking lot is a bit of a zoo. My loot: - giant zucchini for 75 cents! - 3 pints of super sweet raspberries for $10 - cucumber 50 cents - fresh basil and dill - $1/bunch - big bag of baby portobellos $6 - green and yellow beans - $4/pail - fresh corn - $3/6 - bucket of blueberries $5 - pail of apricots $5 - pepperettes - $5/bag - 6 pecan butter tarts $5 - pail of baby potatoes $3 - strawberries and blackberries $1/package - red kale $2.5/bunch - broccoli $1.5/bunch I would have bought meats but stupid me forgot to bring a cooler. Must remember for next time because there WILL be a next time! Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
VARFÖR har jag aldrig varit här förr?!?? Jag har definitivt gått miste om det! Eftersom detta var min första gång vet jag inte hur det var innan branden men jag hade så mycket kul att promenera genom frukt och vegetariska stångar medan jag drack färsk OJ och mumsade på smaskiga äppelfrisyrer, kalvsmörgåsar, fisk på bulle, bland annat godsaker. Jag älskar att laga mat så mycket jag älskar att äta så det här var himlen för mig! Jag har varit på Saint Lawrence-marknaden i Toronto och gillar det men gillar inte att betala en premie för min mat. Allt här var färskt och antingen samma pris som mataffären eller ännu billigare. Om jag hade bott här hade jag definitivt varit här varje helg! Vi har familj i Guelph så jag antar att vi kommer att besöka oftare! Det blir riktigt upptagen dock och parkeringen är lite av en djurpark. Mitt byte: - jätte zucchini för 75 cent! - 3 pints super söta hallon för $ 10 - gurka 50 cent - färsk basilika och dill - $1 / bunch - stor påse baby portobellos $ 6 - gröna och gula bönor - $ 4 / pail - färsk majs - $ 3 / 6 - hink med blåbär $ 5 - hink aprikoser $ 5 - paprikaetter - $ 5 - påse - 6 pecan smör syrsor $ 5 - pak baby potatis $ 3 - jordgubbar och björnbär $ 1 paket - röd grönkål $ 2,5 / bunch - broccoli $ 1,5 / bunch Jag skulle ha köpt kött men dum jag glömde att ta med en svalare. Måste komma ihåg för nästa gång, för det blir en nästa gång! Gavs denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
WHY have I never been here before?!?? I've definitely missed it! Since this was my first time I don't know what it was like before the fire but I had so much fun walking through fruit and vegetarian rods while drinking fresh OJ and munching on yummy apple friezes, calf sandwiches, fish on buns, among other goodies. I love cooking so much I love eating so this was heaven for me! I've been to the St. Lawrence market in Toronto and I like it but I don't like paying a premium for my food. Everything here was fresh and either the same price as the grocery store or even cheaper. If I had lived here, I would definitely have been here every weekend! We have family in Guelph so I guess we'll visit more often! It gets really busy though and the parking lot is a bit of a zoo. My trade: - giant zucchini for 75 cents! - 3 pints super sweet raspberries for $10 - cucumber 50 cent - fresh basil and dill - $1/bunch - large bag baby portobellos $6 - green and yellow beans - $4 / pail - fresh corn - $3 / 6 - bucket with blueberries $5 - bucket apricots $5 - peppers - $5 - bag - 6 pecan butter crickets $5 - pak baby potatoes $3 - strawberries and blackberries $1 package - red kale $2.5 / bunch - broccoli $1.5 / bunch I would have bought meat but stupid I forgot to bring a cooler. Gotta remember for next time, 'cause there'll be one next time! Was this review given positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Write a negative yelp review.
"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." I think that's how the saying goes... and I usually stick to this saying but since I'm a yelper, I have to be honest about my experience at Jacqueline's Cafe. I admit, I read the reviews prior, many of them not so positive, but I was still optimistic that I would like Jacqueline's. It's in a convenient location in the Hilton Village shopping center and it looks bright, colorful, and fun from the outside. There's also a ton of option on the menu. So I dragged Lindsey F with me to lunch earlier this week. We were greeted and seated in a timely manner... and our server was sweet. We ordered ice water with lemon and a hummus appetizer to start. The water tasted like it wasn't filtered and the hummus had a tang to it that wasn't a good tang. (I think I've tasted hummus with a tang when it's sat too long in my refrigerator in the past). I will say the pita that came with it was warm and tasty though. We each ordered salads, and they were huge portions. They looked good but a few bites in and we both agreed that they looked much better than they tasted. The egg, chicken, and avocado that came in my Cobb Salad tasted processed, and the dressing was really thick. Needless to say, I barely made a dent in it. So there you have it, my honest review of Jacqueline's Cafe. The two star rating says it all: "Meh. I've experienced better." Sorry Jacqueline's - I wish you luck but I will probably not be back for another mediocre meal.
Skriv en negativ yelp recension.
Write a negative yelp review.
"Om du inte har något snällt att säga, säg ingenting alls." Jag brukar hålla mig till det här men eftersom jag är yelper måste jag vara ärlig om min erfarenhet på Jacquelines kafé. Jag medger, jag läste recensionerna tidigare, många av dem inte så positiva, men jag var fortfarande optimistisk att jag skulle vilja Jacqueline s. Det är i ett bekvämt läge i Hilton Village köpcentrum och det ser ljust, färgstarkt och roligt från utsidan. Det finns också massor av alternativ på menyn. Så jag släpade Lindsey F med mig på lunch tidigare i veckan. Vi hälsades och satt oss i tid... och vår server var söt. Vi beställde isvatten med citron och en hummusförrätt för att starta. Vattnet smakade som om det inte var filtrerat och hummusen hade en tang till den som inte var en bra tang. (Jag tror att jag har smakat hummus med en tang när den suttit för länge i mitt kylskåp förr i tiden). Jag ska säga att pita som kom med den var varm och smakrik dock. Vi beställde varsin sallad, och det var stora portioner. De såg bra ut men några bitar in och vi båda överens om att de såg mycket bättre ut än de smakade. Ägget, kycklingen och avokadon som kom i min Cobb Sallad smakade bearbetade, och dressingen var riktigt tjock. Jag har knappt gjort en buckla i den. Så där har du det, min ärliga recension av Jacqueline's Cafe. De två stjärnbetygen säger allt: "Meh. Jag har upplevt bättre." Förlåt Jacqueline's - jag önskar dig lycka till men jag kommer nog inte tillbaka för ännu en medelmåttig måltid.
"If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all." I usually stick to this, but since I'm a yelper, I have to be honest about my experience at Jacqueline's cafe. I admit, I read the reviews earlier, many of them not so positive, but I was still optimistic that I would like Jacqueline's. It is in a convenient location in the Hilton Village shopping mall and it looks bright, colourful and fun from the outside. There are also lots of options on the menu. So I dragged Lindsey F with me for lunch earlier this week. We were greeted and seated on time... and our server was cute. We ordered ice water with lemon and a hummus starter to start. The water tasted like it wasn't filtered and the hummus had a tang to it that wasn't a good tang. (I think I've tasted hummus with a tang when it sat too long in my refrigerator in the past). I'll say that pita who brought it was warm and tasty though. We each ordered a salad, and it was large portions. They looked good but a few pieces in and we both agreed that they looked much better than they tasted. The egg, chicken and avocado that came in my Cobb Salad tasted processed, and the dressing was really thick. I've barely made a dent in it. So there you have it, my honest review of Jacqueline's Cafe. The two star ratings say it all: "Meh. I have experienced better." I'm sorry, Jacqueline's. I wish you luck, but I don't think I'm coming back for another average meal.
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? wandered in here for a much needed morning-after breakfast. none of our group made it through half of what was on their plates. service was ok, but stick to tots and finger foods. i'm guessing this place survives off of its cheap drinks and patio location right on the strip. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Jag kom hit för en välbehövlig morgon efter frukost. Ingen i vår grupp klarade sig igenom hälften av vad som stod på deras tallrikar. service var ok, men hålla sig till tots och finger mat. Jag gissar att det här stället överlever av sina billiga drinkar och uteplatser precis på remsan. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? I came here for a much needed morning after breakfast. No one in our group made it through half of what was on their plates. service was ok, but stick to the tots and finger food. I'm guessing this place survives by its cheap drinks and patios right on the strip. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
I have lived here for a year and a half and have only had a handful of issues. The size of the apartments are nice, the landscape is beautiful, and the people are generally friendly. I love the office staff! What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag har bott här i ett och ett halvt år och har bara haft en handfull problem. Storleken på lägenheterna är trevligt, landskapet är vackert, och människorna är i allmänhet vänliga. Jag älskar kontorspersonalen! Vad är det för uppfattning i den här recensionen? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I've lived here for a year and a half and I've only had a handful of problems. The size of the apartments is nice, the landscape is beautiful, and the people are generally friendly. I love the office staff! What is the opinion in this review? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Write a positive yelp review.
Tons of choices, many tasty options. Do NOT get the largest one. I ate it for three days and I'm a 200lb. male. Some employees don't speak English well, so brush up on your Spanish restaurant phrases before you go in.
Skriv en positiv yelp recension.
Write a positive yelp review.
Massor av val, många läckra alternativ. Få INTE den största. Jag åt den i tre dagar och är 200 pund. Hane. Vissa anställda talar inte engelska så bra, så borsta upp dina spanska restaurangfraser innan du går in.
Lots of choices, lots of delicious options. Don't get the biggest one. I ate it for three days and I'm 200 pounds. Male. Some employees don't speak English very well, so brush up your Spanish restaurant phrases before entering.
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? No wait for a Wednesday night which was nice and the food came out quickly. Fish and chips were crispy on the outside and still cold on the inside. Sandwich was ok, but nothing very impressive and definitely not worth the $9.99 price tag. We sent back the Fish and Chips and it took a pretty long time to get the replacement meal we requested. Not planning on returning ever again. Service was quick, except for the replacement meal taking forever. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Vänta inte på en onsdagskväll som var trevlig och maten kom ut snabbt. Fisk och chips var krispiga på utsidan och fortfarande kalla på insidan. Sandwich var ok, men inget mycket imponerande och definitivt inte värt $ 9,99 prislappen. Vi skickade tillbaka fisk och chips och det tog ganska lång tid att få den ersättning måltiden vi begärde. Jag tänker inte återvända igen. Servicen gick snabbt, förutom att ersättningsmåltiden tog evigheter. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? Don't wait for a Wednesday night that was nice and the food came out quickly. Fish and chips were crispy on the outside and still cold on the inside. Sandwich was ok, but nothing very impressive and definitely not worth the $9.99 price tag. We sent back fish and chips and it took quite a long time to get the replacement meal we requested. I'm not going back again. Service was fast, except the replacement meal took forever. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? Had valentines dinner at Modern Steak with my girlfriend. We had a blast, and loved the "modern" decor. Drinks were interesting and very good. Steak was great and cooked exactly how we ordered them (special order). Service was very good. If you are looking for a fun/unique steakhouse in Scottsdale, without being overly expensive, I'd highly recommend this place. 4.5 stars. Only reason that I didn't give em 5 stars is because I went to Mastros a few days later and that's truly an exceptional 5 star experience. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vad är innebörden i följande genomgång? Jag åt Valentines middag på Modern Steak med min flickvän. Vi hade kul och älskade den "moderna" inredningen. Drinkarna var intressanta och mycket goda. Steak var stor och lagade exakt hur vi beställde dem (specialbeställning). Servicen var mycket bra. Om du letar efter en rolig / unik stekstuga i Scottsdale, utan att vara alltför dyrt, skulle jag starkt rekommendera detta ställe. 4,5 stjärnor. Enda anledningen till att jag inte gav dem 5 stjärnor är för att jag gick till Mastros några dagar senare och det är verkligen en exceptionell femstjärnig upplevelse. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
What is the meaning of the following review? I had Valentine's dinner at Modern Steak with my girlfriend. We had fun and loved the "modern" decor. The drinks were interesting and very good. Steak was large and fixed exactly how we ordered them (special order). The service was very good. If you are looking for a fun/unique steakhouse in Scottsdale, without being too expensive, I would highly recommend this place. 4.5 stars. The only reason I didn't give them 5 stars is because I went to Mastro's a few days later and it's really an exceptional five-star experience. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? The steak & lobster dinner was awesome! I also had a bite of the bacon wrapped scallops, excellent. Great service with a fine dinning atmosphere. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Biff & hummer middagen var fantastisk! Jag åt också en bit bacon inlindade skålpungmusslor, utmärkt. Bra service med en fin dinning atmosfär. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? The steak & lobster dinner was fantastic! I also ate a piece of bacon wrapped in scallops, excellent. Good service with a fine dining atmosphere. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Write a negative yelp review.
My wife and I went to this store to try to rectify a problem with her cell phone. We have been AT&T customers for over eight years, so they have gotten their share of cash out of us. We got nothing but a runaround at this store. They were willing to lose our business and have us sign up with another carrier because my wife was two weeks short of her upgrade date. After calling customer service they told us to go to another store, and they would see to it that we got proper treatment. We were treated like valued customers at the other store. At this one we were treated like errant children. I will not be talked down to by people I am paying to provide a service for me, and I will never set foot in this store again.
Skriv en negativ yelp recension.
Write a negative yelp review.
Min fru och jag gick till en affär för att försöka rätta till ett problem med hennes mobiltelefon. Vi har varit AT&T-kunder i över åtta år, så de har fått ut sin andel av pengarna av oss. Vi har inget annat än en runround i den här butiken. De var villiga att förlora vår verksamhet och låta oss registrera oss med en annan hangarfartyg eftersom min fru var två veckor från hennes uppgradering datum. Efter att ha ringt kundtjänst sa de åt oss att gå till en annan butik, och de skulle se till att vi fick rätt behandling. Vi behandlades som värderade kunder i den andra butiken. På den här blev vi behandlade som felande barn. Jag kommer inte att bli nedtalad av folk som jag betalar för att tillhandahålla en tjänst åt mig, och jag kommer aldrig att sätta min fot i denna butik igen.
My wife and I went to a store to try to fix a problem with her cell phone. We've been AT&T customers for over eight years, so they've been getting their share of the money out of us. We have nothing but a runaround in this store. They were willing to lose our business and let us register with another carrier because my wife was two weeks from her upgrade date. After calling customer service, they told us to go to another store, and they would make sure we got the right treatment. We were treated as valued customers in the other store. On this one, we were treated like erring children. I will not be spoken down by people I pay to provide a service for me, and I will never set foot in this store again.
I don't really understand all the haters here- I thought the food was good, at a decent price! We had the pork dumpling, hot and sour soup, and soy flavored noodle dish (can't remember what it was exactly called, but it came with bean sprouts and beef). Everything was really good! The dumplings came out steaming hot, the soup was well seasoned, and the noodles were just delicious! I would go back. But no fortune cookie? Sad. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag förstår inte riktigt alla hatare här- jag tyckte maten var bra, till ett anständigt pris! Vi hade fläsk dumpling, varm och sur soppa, och soja smaksatt nudel rätt (kan inte komma ihåg vad det hette exakt, men det kom med böngroddar och nötkött). Allt var riktigt bra! Dumplingarna kom ut ångande heta, soppan var väl kryddad, och nudlarna var bara utsökta! Jag skulle gå tillbaka. Men ingen lyckokaka? Sorgligt. Hur skulle denna granskning beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I don't quite understand all the haters here-- I thought the food was good, at a decent price! We had pork dumpling, hot and sour soup, and soy flavored noodle right (can't remember what it was called exactly, but it came with bean sprouts and beef). Everything was really good! The dumplings came out steaming hot, the soup was well seasoned, and the noodles were just delicious! I'd go back. But no fortune cookie? Sad. How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
I don't live here and came with family. I have been here several years ago but didn't remember the food. I am eating a healthier diet and the fam assumed this Mexican was like our normal place. Not so. We eat at a local place and have Baja style tacos for $2.50 ea and an amazing shrimp ceviche tostada for $3.50. We can feed a family of 4 for about the same price as ONE entree here. My a la carte taco was in a fried shell. I have never had that before and I eat Mexican at least once a week. Also $5.50 ea! Robbery. Anyways, I wouldn't go back. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag bor inte här och kom med familjen. Jag har varit här för flera år sedan men kom inte ihåg maten. Jag äter en hälsosammare kost och familjen antog att den här mexikanen var som vår normala plats. Inte så. Vi äter på en lokal plats och har Baja stil tacos för $ 2,50 ea och en fantastisk räkceviche tostada för $ 3,50. Vi kan mata en familj på 4 för ungefär samma pris som EN träd här. Min a la carte taco var i ett stekt skal. Det har jag aldrig haft förut och jag äter mexikansk åtminstone en gång i veckan. Och $5,50 ea! Rån. Hur som helst, jag skulle inte gå tillbaka. Gavs denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I don't live here and come with the family. I've been here years ago, but don't remember the food. I eat a healthier diet and the family assumed that this Mexican was like our normal place. Not like that. We eat at a local location and have Baja style tacos for $2.50 ea and a fantastic shrimp ceviche tostada for $3.50. We can feed a family of 4 for about the same price as a tree here. My a la carte taco was in a fried shell. I've never had that before and I eat Mexican at least once a week. And $5.50 ea! Robbery. Anyway, I wouldn't go back. Was this review given positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
I LOVE this place. I have never had a meal here I did not like. They bring fresh bread and oil to your table, which is hard not to fill up on before your meal comes. But save room. The lunch portions are huge and I'm not a big eater so I usually have two meals out of it. My favorite is the Salsiccie Alla Vodka, but everything I have tried on the menu I have loved. Recent remodel has helped open up the place. Service used to be pretty slow for a lunch hour, but the last time I was there the service was fantastic. Hands down the best Italian restaurant in this area. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag älskar det här stället. Jag har aldrig ätit en måltid här jag inte gillade. De föra färskt bröd och olja till ditt bord, vilket är svårt att inte fylla på innan din måltid kommer. Men spara plats. Lunch portionerna är enorma och jag är ingen storätare så jag brukar äta två måltider ur det. Min favorit är Salsiccie Alla Vodka, men allt jag provat på menyn har jag älskat. Den senaste renoveringen har hjälpt till att öppna upp platsen. Servicen brukade vara ganska långsam under en lunchtimme, men förra gången jag var där var servicen fantastisk. Ner med händerna på den bästa italienska restaurangen i området. Gavs denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I love this place. I've never had a meal here I didn't like. They bring fresh bread and oil to your table, which is hard not to replenish before your meal comes. But save space. Lunch portions are huge and I'm not a big eater so I usually eat two meals out of it. My favorite is Salsiccie Alla Vodka, but everything I've tried on the menu I've loved. The latest renovation has helped open up the site. The service used to be quite slow for a lunch hour, but the last time I was there the service was fantastic. Hands down at the best Italian restaurant in the area. Was this review given positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? This place is just awful. Dirty and membership required (which is such a pain). It's difficult to find what you're looking for also. The set up is just odd. We scrolled back and forth between the aisles trying to find marshmallows. They're almost always in the baking section. Not here. Over near paper towels and toilet paper. It's a zoo. Go somewhere else! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Det här stället är hemskt. Smutsigt och medlemskap krävs (vilket är en sådan smärta). Det är svårt att hitta det man letar efter också. Uppställningen är bara udda. Vi rullade fram och tillbaka mellan gångarna och försökte hitta marshmallows. De är nästan alltid i bakningen. Inte här. Över nära pappershanddukar och toalettpapper. Det är en djurpark. Gå någon annanstans! ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? This place is horrible. Dirty and membership is required (which is such a pain). It's hard to find what you're looking for, too. The lineup is just odd. We rolled back and forth between the aisles and tried to find marshmallows. They're almost always in the baking. Not here. Over near paper towels and toilet paper. It's a zoo. Go somewhere else! ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Generate a negative review for a place.
The Nosh is ok. Bagels are mediocre, nothing special. The older lady who works behind the counter should stay at home. She's short worded, unwelcoming, and flat out rude to customers. If you want a real bagel with friendly service there is a much better place up the street on Elliot. However, if you want an Einstein's copy with Darth Vader behind the counter, come to The Nosh.
Generera en negativ recension för en plats.
Generate a negative review for a location.
Bagelerna är medelmåttiga, inget speciellt. Den äldre damen som arbetar bakom disken ska stanna hemma. Hon är kortordig, opassande och ohövlig mot kunderna. Om du vill ha en riktig bagel med vänlig service finns det en mycket bättre plats upp på gatan på Elliot. Vill man dock ha en Einsteins kopia med Darth Vader bakom disken, kom till The Nosh.
The bagels are mediocre, nothing special. The older lady who works behind the counter is supposed to stay home. She's short-word, inappropriate and rude to the customers. If you want a real bagel with friendly service, there is a much better place up the street on Elliot. However, if you want an Einstein's copy with Darth Vader behind the counter, come to The Nosh.
What would be an example of an negative review?
My least favorite sushi experience in a long time . . .I've had better from the grocery store in those plastic boxes. Took an employee on their recommendation. I guess it's quite different at happy hour and the evening. Very nice surroundings down to the fish swimming in the floor. That day it must have been a "two-fer" Sushi and attitude all for the price of the sushi. Rachel T. sums it up well!
Vad skulle vara ett exempel på en negativ granskning?
What would be an example of a negative review?
Min minst favorit sushi erfarenhet på länge. . Jag har haft bättre från affären i plastlådorna. Tog en anställd på deras rekommendation. Jag antar att det är helt annorlunda vid happy hour och kväll. Mycket fina omgivningar ner till fisken som simmar i golvet. Den dagen måste det ha varit en "två-fer" Sushi och attityd allt till priset av sushi. Rachel T. sammanfattar det bra!
My least favorite sushi experience in a long time. . . . I've had better from the store in the plastic boxes. Took an employee on their recommendation. I guess it's completely different at happy hour and night. Very nice surroundings down to the fish swimming in the floor. That day it must have been a "two-fer" Sushi and attitude all at the price of sushi. Rachel T. sums it up well!
Fishers in the City let us down the last time we had a family dinner there. So this time we took our mother (she's 78 you know) to the original and vastly superior Fishers Bistro, down at The Shore in Leith, to celebrate her birthday. We began with a cocktail or two sitting outside Malmasion (depuis 1994), enjoying the sights (upmarket hen weekenders), the sounds (ditto) and the smells (sea, champagne, perfume and a soup\u00e7on of sewerage). Then it was a short stroll to Fishers Bistro, where the smells significantly improved. Our meal: The oysters were reported as exemplorary and came with a little bottle of Tabasco, a side dish of chopped onion and paprika. There was a striking dish of mussels and clams and an almost delicious dish of swordfish strips with pickled ginger, bean sprouts and sesame. The latter came wrapped in a bog-standard wheat tortilla, without which the plate would have been near perfect. Then followed whole plaice, pan-fried cod and queenie scallops - all of which were superb, if the grunting noises were anything to go by. I can personally vouch for the plaice, cooked perfectly with a small topping of goats cheese, just enough to compliment, not swamp the delicacy of the fish. A substantial side dish of mange tout, gratin dauphinoise and carrots accompanied the lot in a retro yet surprisingly appropriate manner. Puddings! We all had one. Which either means the portions are of a reasonable size or we are greedy pigs. Stalwarts such as sticky toffee pudding, chocolate mud pie and pecan pie all came served with ice cream or cream. We didn't have coffee and by then they needed the table back for the second sitting; a harsh intrusion of commercial reality into our well-fed heaven. The wine list was reasonable in as much as as I only perused the white ones. We enjoyed a very decent Pouilly Fume at \u00a322.50 (two actually), rejected the two Cloudy Bay options at \u00a332 and could have settled for several other perfectly good New and Old World whites between \u00a315 - \u00a330. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Fishers i stan svek oss förra gången vi åt familjemiddag där. Så den här gången tog vi vår mor (hon är 78 år) till den ursprungliga och enormt överlägsna Fishers Bistro, nere på The Shore i Leith, för att fira hennes födelsedag. Vi började med en cocktail eller två som satt utanför Malmasion (depuis 1994), njuta av sevärdheter (upmarket höns weekenders), ljud (dito) och dofter (hav, champagne, parfym och en soppa \u00e7on av avlopp). Då var det en kort promenad till Fishers Bistro, där dofterna förbättrades betydligt. Vår måltid: Ostronen rapporterades som exemplorära och kom med en liten flaska Tabasco, en sidorätt av hackad lök och paprika. Det fanns en påfallande rätt av musslor och musslor och en nästan läcker rätt av svärdfiskremsor med inlagd ingefära, böngroddar och sesam. Den senare kom inlindad i en myrstandardvetetortilla, utan vilken tallriken skulle ha varit nära perfekt. Sedan följde hela rödspättan, pannbränd torsk och queeniemusslor - som alla var superb, om de grymtande ljuden var något att gå igenom. Jag kan personligen gå i god för rödspättan, som tillagas perfekt med en liten pålägg av getost, bara tillräckligt för att ge komplimanger, inte träska fiskens delikatess. En rejäl sidorätt av mange tout, gratin dauphinoise och morötter åtföljde partiet på ett retro men ändå förvånansvärt lämpligt sätt. Puddings! Vi hade alla en. Vilket antingen betyder att portionerna är av en rimlig storlek eller så är vi giriga grisar. Stalwarts som klibbig kolapudding, chokladgyttjepaj och pecanpaj kom alla serverade med glass eller grädde. Vi drack inte kaffe och då behövde de bordet tillbaka för det andra sittandet; ett hårt intrång av den kommersiella verkligheten i vår välnärda himmel. Vinlistan var rimlig i så stor utsträckning som jag bara läste igenom de vita. Vi njöt av en mycket anständig Pouilly Fume på \u00a322.50 (två faktiskt), förkastade de två Cloudy Bay alternativ på \u00a332 och kunde ha nöjatt sig med flera andra helt bra New och Old World vita mellan \u00a315 - \u00a330. Hur skulle denna granskning beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Fishers in town let us down the last time we had family dinner there. So this time we took our mother (she is 78) to the original and enormously superior Fishers Bistro, down at The Shore in Leith, to celebrate her birthday. We started with a cocktail or two sitting outside Malmasion (depuis 1994), enjoying sights (upmarket chicken weekends), sounds (dito) and scents (sea, champagne, perfume and a soup \u00e7on of drain). At the time it was a short walk to Fishers Bistro, where the scents improved significantly. Our meal: The oysters were reported as examples and came with a small bottle of Tabasco, a side dish of chopped onions and peppers. There was a striking dish of mussels and mussels and an almost delicious dish of swordfish strips with pickled ginger, bean sprouts and sesame. The latter came wrapped in an ant standard wheat ortilla, without which the plate would have been near perfect. Then followed the whole plaice, boiler-burned cod and queenie mussels - all of which were superb, if the grunting sounds were something to go through. I personally can vouch for the plaice, which is cooked perfectly with a small topping of goat cheese, just enough to compliment, not the delicacy of swamp fish. A hefty sideline of mange tout, gratin dauphinoise and carrots accompanied the party in a retro yet surprisingly appropriate manner. Puddings! We all had one. Which either means the portions are of a reasonable size or we're greedy pigs. Stalwarts like sticky caramel pudding, chocolate mud pie and pecan pie all came served with ice cream or cream. We didn't drink coffee and then they needed the table back for the second sitting; a hard intrusion of the commercial reality into our well-nourished sky. The wine list was reasonable to the extent that I only read through the whites. We enjoyed a very decent Pouilly Fume on \u00a322.50 (two actually), rejected the two Cloudy Bay options on \u00a332 and could have contented itself with several others completely good New and Old World white between \u00a315 - \u00a330. How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? I thought this place was delicious! We had a ton of appetizers, which honestly I can't remember specifically but it was good. As for the meat - I had ribeye wagyu, kobe, and bone in. All were great but wagyu was hands down my favorite. as for sides, we had mac n cheese and potatoes. both great. bring your wallet! This place isn't cheap, but so worth it. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vad är innebörden i följande genomgång? Jag tyckte det här stället var utsökt! Vi hade massor av aptitretare, vilket jag inte minns specifikt men det var bra. När det gäller köttet - jag hade ribeye wagyu, kobe, och ben i. Alla var bra, men Wagyu var min favorit. som för sidor, vi hade mac n ost och potatis. Båda bra. Ta med plånboken! Det här stället är inte billigt, men värt det. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
What is the meaning of the following review? I thought this place was delicious! We had lots of appetizers, which I don't remember specifically but it was good. As for the meat - I had ribeye wagyu, kobe, and bones in. Everyone was good, but Wagyu was my favorite. As for sides, we had mac n cheese and potatoes. Both good. Bring your wallet! This place isn't cheap, but it's worth it. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? The food was sub par. Kind of greasy for Thai which is generally clean, fresh and balanced. The flavor was on the bland side and the price was a bit higher than other places of a similar style. It wasn't awful but I left without the feeling of needing to return again. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Maten var sub par. Lite flottig för thailändska som i allmänhet är ren, fräsch och balanserad. Smaken var på den intetsägande sidan och priset var lite högre än andra platser av liknande stil. Det var inte hemskt, men jag åkte utan att behöva återvända. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? The food was sub-pair. A bit greasy for Thai who is generally clean, fresh and balanced. The taste was on the bland side and the price was a little higher than other places of similar style. It wasn't terrible, but I left without having to go back. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Great place to have a relaxing lunch / dinner outside in the middle of the hot summer or cool fall - the food is good and the prices are reasonable. I'm a big fan of the steak salad, although the fact that it has fries in it really does weird me out. It is most likely just as fattening as a burger, but it sure does taste good and gets me craving it to come back! They also have a great wine selection that is worth checking out. In a pinch (or during snowpocolypse) they will also sell bottles to-go, but they do have to de-cork it for you before you leave, which is midly annoying, but better than nothing. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Bra ställe att ha en avkopplande lunch / middag utomhus mitt i den varma sommaren eller svala hösten - maten är bra och priserna är rimliga. Jag är ett stort fan av biffsalladen, även om det faktum att den har pommes frites i den verkligen känns konstigt. Det är förmodligen precis lika gödning som en hamburgare, men det smakar verkligen bra och får mig att längta efter att komma tillbaka! De har också ett bra vinutbud som är värt att kolla in. I en nypa (eller under snöpokolyps) kommer de också att sälja flaskor till-gå, men de måste ta av-korken för dig innan du lämnar, vilket är midt irriterande, men bättre än ingenting. Är denna översyn positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Good place to have a relaxing lunch / dinner outdoors in the middle of the hot summer or cool autumn - the food is good and the prices are reasonable. I'm a big fan of the steak salad, although the fact that it has fries in it really feels weird. It is probably just as fattening as a hamburger, but it tastes really good and makes me yearn to come back! They also have a good selection of wines worth checking out. In a pinch (or during snowpocolypse) they will also sell bottles to-go, but they have to take off-the-cork for you before you leave, which is mid annoying, but better than nothing. Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an positive review?
Lou is larger than life whose crepes equal the creperie in paris. Dickens would approve
Vad skulle vara ett exempel på en positiv granskning?
What would be an example of a positive review?
Lou är större än livet vars crêpes är lika crêperie i Paris. Dickens skulle godkänna det.
Lou is bigger than life whose crêpes are as crêperie in Paris. Dickens would approve of it.
Generate a negative review for a place.
Seems like this place is deteriorating by the day..Been going here for almost 8 yrs. and it does not flare like it did back then. It was always great for 50% on Friday and Saturday. But just recently changing it to 30% off on the same days does not attract to me seems like a bad business advertisement. Plus the workers seems like they do not care anymore neither does the boss it seems. . If you want cheap go here, but I wouldn't recommend it to my friends or colleagues.
Generera en negativ recension för en plats.
Generate a negative review for a location.
Verkar som det här stället försämras för varje dag.. Varit på väg hit för nästan 8 år. och den flammar inte som den gjorde då. Det var alltid bra för 50% på fredag och lördag. Men att nyligen ändra det till 30 procent samma dag lockar inte till mig verkar vara en dålig affärsannons. Dessutom verkar arbetarna inte bry sig längre, inte heller chefen. . Om du vill ha billigt, men jag skulle inte rekommendera det till mina vänner eller kollegor.
Looks like this place is getting worse every day... been on its way here for almost 8 years. And it does not burn like it did then. It was always good for 50% on Friday and Saturday. But changing it recently to 30% on the same day doesn't attract me seems like a bad business ad. Besides, the workers don't seem to care anymore, nor does the boss. . . . If you want cheap, but I wouldn't recommend it to my friends or colleagues.
Is the following review positive or negative? The fish was too thin and batter was cooked past crunchy, took alot longer than normal to get... should have just asked for my money back. As for the place being clean, they must have read the bad reviews on here, it was in good order... I did notice that most of the staff were basically wondering around doing nothing. All the TVs meant nothing to me as I don't care for sports of ORBit, why did I come to this place... OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Fisken var för tunn och smeten lagades förbi knaprig, tog mycket längre tid än normalt att få... borde bara ha bett om mina pengar tillbaka. När det gäller platsen är ren, de måste ha läst de dåliga recensionerna på här, det var i god ordning ... Jag märkte att de flesta i personalen i princip undrade över att inte göra någonting. Alla tv-apparater betydde ingenting för mig eftersom jag inte bryr mig om sport av OrBit, varför kom jag till denna plats ... Alternativ: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? The fish was too thin and the batter was fixed past crunchy, took much longer than normal to get... should have just asked for my money back. As for the place is clean, they must have read the bad reviews on here, it was in good order... I noticed that most of the staff were basically wondering about doing nothing. All TV sets meant nothing to me because I don't care about sports by OrBit, why did I come to this place... Alternative: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? Clean nice I stay here because its cheap thats all OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vad är innebörden i följande genomgång? Ren trevlig Jag stannar här eftersom det är billigt att alla alternativ: - negativ - positiv
What is the meaning of the following review? Purely nice I stay here because it's cheap to all options: - negative - positive
Write a negative yelp review.
My husband & I saw Phantom of the Opera at the Venetian on Dec 9, 2010. We had great expectations & were very disappointed at the acoustics in the theatre. We could understand less than 10% of the soprano's words & maybe 30% of the baritones & tenors. The orchestra was either "blaring" or too quiet. The set is spectacular & of course the musical theme is wonderful - but the inability to hear the lyrics was just unacceptable for a show like this. We sat in the front of the orchestra section so the problem was not with our seats.
Skriv en negativ yelp recension.
Write a negative yelp review.
Min man & jag såg Fantomen på Operan på Venetian den 9 dec 2010. Vi hade stora förväntningar och var mycket besvikna på akustiken på teatern. Vi kunde förstå mindre än 10% av sopranens ord & kanske 30% av barytonerna & tenorerna. Orkestern var antingen "blaring" eller för tyst. Uppsättningen är spektakulär & naturligtvis är det musikaliska temat underbart - men oförmågan att höra texterna var bara oacceptabelt för en show som denna. Vi satt framför orkestersektionen så problemet var inte med våra platser.
My husband & I saw the Phantom at the Opera on the Venetian on Dec 9, 2010. We had great expectations and were very disappointed with the acoustics of the theatre. We could understand less than 10% of the soprano's words & maybe 30% of the baritons & tenors. The orchestra was either "blazing" or too quiet. The set is spectacular & of course the musical theme is wonderful - but the inability to hear the lyrics was just unacceptable for a show like this. We sat in front of the orchestra section so the problem wasn't with our seats.
Did order out rack of ribs and a BBQ pork sandwich for 30 dollars. Ribs were fine but the sandwich was not put together in separate containers which would have been ok but there was not enough meat for even half a sandwich, the bun was stale and it came with onion rings which were cold and could not be eaten. Take my advice and stay as far away from this place. Being from Memphis I can be a little snobbish but this was junk. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag beställde revben och en grillmacka för 30 dollar. Ribs var bra men smörgåsen sattes inte ihop i separata behållare som skulle ha varit ok men det fanns inte tillräckligt med kött för ens en halv smörgås, bullen var gammal och det kom med lökringar som var kalla och inte kunde ätas. Håll dig borta från det här stället. Att vara från Memphis kan vara lite snobbigt men det här var skräp. Är denna översyn positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I ordered ribs and a $30 grill sandwich. Ribs was good but the sandwich was not put together in separate containers that would have been ok but there was not enough meat for even half a sandwich, the bun was old and it came with onion rings that were cold and could not be eaten. Stay away from this place. Being from Memphis can be a little snobby, but this was junk. Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? Needed a quick mani/pedi. This place is close to where I work. Yes, that's the best thing I could say about it. It was close. Not very clean. Not a lot of friendly banter. Couple of women there talking about taking half a "vike" and getting into a fight. Not my crowd. Will have to figure out a better, cleaner place to go to next time...shouldn't be too hard to do since that would be just about anywhere else. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Jag behövde en snabb mani/pedi. Det här stället ligger nära mitt jobb. Ja, det var det bästa jag kunde säga om det. Det var nära. Inte särskilt ren. Inte mycket vänskapligt skämt. Ett par kvinnor där som pratar om att ta en halv "vike" och hamna i slagsmål. Inte min publik. Vi måste komma på en bättre, renare plats att gå till nästa gång. Det borde inte vara så svårt att göra, eftersom det skulle vara någon annanstans. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? I needed a quick mania/pedi. This place is close to my job. Yeah, that's the best I could say about it. That was close. Not very clean. Not much friendly joke. A couple of women there talking about taking half a fold and getting into a fight. Not my audience. We need to find a better, cleaner place to go next time; it should not be so difficult to do, because it would be elsewhere. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Generate a negative review for a place.
My girlfriend and I recently had an late dinner here and it was terrible. We had to wait in line for 20 minutes with 2 people ahead of us. The service is really slow and the staff was not friendly. We had the chicken wings and the Greek salad, both were not that good. We did not even eat a quarter of the food. I expected more from a place inside the Bellagio.
Generera en negativ recension för en plats.
Generate a negative review for a location.
Min flickvän och jag åt nyligen en sen middag här och det var hemskt. Vi fick vänta i 20 minuter med två personer framför oss. Tjänsten är riktigt långsam och personalen var inte vänlig. Vi hade kycklingvingarna och den grekiska salladen, båda var inte så bra. Vi åt inte ens en fjärdedel av maten. Jag förväntade mig mer från en plats inne i Bellagio.
My girlfriend and I recently had a late dinner here and it was awful. We had to wait 20 minutes with two people in front of us. The service is really slow and the staff were not friendly. We had the chicken wings and the Greek salad, both were not so good. We didn't even eat a quarter of the food. I expected more from a place inside Bellagio.
Is the following review positive or negative? One of the best steaks that I have had. I was inspired to visit here based on a show that was on the Travel Channel showing some of the things to do while visiting Las Vegas. I was not disappointed! The ambiance was fantastic! Very classy looking and intimately lit. They have tasteful pictures of pinup up models illuminated perfectly all around and it is very red in the restaurant. Someone proposed across from us and I think it was a great setting to do so! I had oysters, the bone in NY Strip, and the chocolate cake with a double shot of espresso. Others in my party had the filet mignon and the boneless NY strip steak. We shared the goose fat potatoes, warm garlic bread with gorgonzola fondue, black truffle creamed spinach, garlic herb french fries, and mac & cheese. It was a bit pricey but being a great steak house right on the strip it's what we expected to pay. I will definitely be returning for a steak here when I go back to Las Vegas! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? En av de bästa biffarna jag har ätit. Jag blev inspirerad att besöka här baserat på en show som var på Travel Channel som visar några av de saker att göra när du besöker Las Vegas. Jag blev inte besviken! Stämningen var fantastisk! Mycket elegant utseende och intimt upplyst. De har smakfulla bilder av pinup up modeller upplysta perfekt runt om och det är mycket rött i restaurangen. Någon föreslog mitt emot oss och jag tycker att det var en bra miljö att göra det! Jag åt ostron, benet i NY Strip och chokladkakan med en dubbel espresso. Andra på min fest hade filet mignon och den benfria NY-steken. Vi delade gåsfet potatis, varmt vitlöksbröd med gorgonzola fondue, svart tryffel gräddad spenat, vitlök ört pommes frites, och mac & ost. Det var lite dyrt, men att vara ett bra stekhus precis på strippan är vad vi förväntade oss att betala. Jag kommer definitivt att återvända för en stek här när jag åker tillbaka till Las Vegas! ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? One of the best steaks I've ever had. I was inspired to visit here based on a show that was on the Travel Channel that shows some of the things to do when you visit Las Vegas. I wasn't disappointed! The atmosphere was amazing! Very elegant look and intimately illuminated. They have tasteful pictures of pinup up models illuminated perfectly around and there is a lot of red in the restaurant. Someone suggested opposite us and I think it was a good environment to do it! I ate oysters, my leg in the NY Strip, and the chocolate cake with a double espresso. Others at my party had the filet mignon and the boneless NY steak. We shared goose-fat potatoes, hot garlic bread with gorgonzola fondue, black truffle baked spinach, garlic herb fries, and mac & cheese. It was a bit expensive, but being a good steakhouse right on the stripper is what we expected to pay. I will definitely return for a steak here when I go back to Las Vegas! ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
YUM YUM YUM. They always have a huge line going on but its worth every second. I don't know what is so magical about them but they are addicting. I use to work at PBR Rockbar and the only good thing about that place was being able to walk right across to earl of sandwich on my lunch break! What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
YUM YUM YUM. De har alltid en stor rad på gång men dess värde varje sekund. Jag vet inte vad som är så magiskt med dem men de är beroendeframkallande. Jag brukade jobba på PBR Rockbar och det enda bra med det stället var att kunna gå rakt över till earl av smörgås på min lunchrast! Vad är det för uppfattning i den här recensionen? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
YUM YUM YUM. They always have a large row going on but its value every second. I don't know what's so magical about them, but they're addictive. I used to work at PBR Rockbar and the only good thing about that place was being able to walk straight over to the Earl of Sandwich on my lunch break! What is the opinion in this review? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Only open a couple of weeks but not a good experience. Waited over an hour to receive our food. Waitress was nice but had way too many tables. Food was just ok. I normally do not write reviews but felt like I should share. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Bara öppna ett par veckor men inte en bra upplevelse. Väntade över en timme på att få vår mat. Servitrisen var trevlig men hade alldeles för många bord. Maten var bara okej. Jag brukar inte skriva recensioner men kände att jag borde dela med mig. Gavs denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Just open a couple of weeks but not a good experience. Waited over an hour to get our food. The waitress was nice but had far too many tables. The food was just fine. I don't usually write reviews but I felt I should share. Was this review given positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Oh be still my heart! Quiessence is amazing and offers a one of a kind dining experiences. We went last night to celebrate our anniversary and were treated as though we were the only couple in the entire place (which there must have been half a dozen other couples there for similar celebrations). We opted to have the farmers feast (I had the wine pairing) and the wonderfulness began. 6 Courses: Each amazing for its own reason. They were nicely timed so that we could enjoy each course, each wine, and eachother. But not so spaced out that we started to wonder if they forgot about us. So as we sat outside on the patio staring out onto the farm's scenery - like we were in our own little world where decadent plates of food would magically arrive at the perfect time. 1st Course - Salami, cheese and bread - what is a better way to start 2nd - fresh and clean salads (mine was citrus - his warm beet with goat chees) 3rd - pasta (his included rabbit meatballs, mine was similar to gnocchi but went by a different name - this was my favorite) 4th- fish (cod and rock fish . . . flakey sweet buttery - but light) 5 - meat (venison - lamb . . . perfectly cooked perfectly seasoned) 6th dessert - (one was a ved velvet whoopie pie the other was a carrot style cake) Each course showed up without us placing a single order - just what the chef sent out - and each was wonderful. Thank you Quiessence for making this a special evening!!! Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Var stilla mitt hjärta! Quiessence är fantastiskt och erbjuder en en av en vänlig matupplevelser. Vi gick igår kväll för att fira vår bröllopsdag och behandlades som om vi var det enda paret på hela platsen (som det måste ha varit ett halvt dussin andra par där för liknande fester). Vi valde att ha bönderna fest (jag hade vin parning) och det underbara började. 6 Kurser: Var och en fantastisk av sin egen anledning. De var fint timade så att vi kunde njuta av varje rätt, varje vin, och varandra. Men inte så stor att vi började undra om de hade glömt bort oss. Så när vi satt ute på uteplatsen och stirrade ut på gårdens landskap - som om vi var i vår egen lilla värld där dekadenta tallrikar med mat magiskt skulle komma fram i den perfekta tiden. 1:a kursen - Salami, ost och bröd - vad är ett bättre sätt att starta 2:a - färska och rena sallader (mina var citrus - hans varma bete med getostar) 3:e - pasta (hans inkluderade kaninköttbullar, min liknade gnocchi men gick under ett annat namn - detta var min favorit) 4:e- fisk (torsk och klippfisk. . . Flinga söt smörig - men lätt) 5 - kött (kött - lamm . . . perfekt tillagad perfekt kryddad) 6: e dessert - (en var en ved sammet whoopie paj den andra var en morot stil tårta) Varje kurs dök upp utan att vi placera en enda beställning - precis vad kocken skickade ut - och var och en var underbar. Tack Quiessence för att göra detta till en speciell kväll!!! Är denna översyn positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Don't move my heart! Quiessence is fantastic and offers one of a friendly food experiences. We went last night to celebrate our wedding day and were treated as if we were the only couple on the whole site (as there must have been half a dozen other couples there for similar parties). We chose to have the farmers party (I had wine mating) and the wonderful thing started. 6 Courses: Each amazing for his own reason. They were nicely timed so we could enjoy every dish, every wine, and each other. But not so big that we started to wonder if they'd forgotten about us. So when we sat out on the patio staring out at the landscape of the farm - as if we were in our own little world where decadent plates of food would magically arrive in the perfect time. 1st course - Salami, cheese and bread - what's a better way to start 2nd - fresh and clean salads (my was citrus - his warm bait with goats) 3rd - pasta (his included rabbit meat buns, mine was similar to gnocchi but went under another name - this was my favorite) 4th fish (cod and rock fish. . . . . . . Fling sweet buttery - but light) 5 - meat (meat - lamb . . . . . . . perfectly cooked perfectly seasoned) 6th dessert - (one was a wood velvet whoopie pie the other was a carrot style cake) Each course appeared without us placing a single order - exactly what the chef sent out - and each one was wonderful. Thank you Quiessence for making this a special night!!! Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Tacos are the bread and butter of a mexican joint - how do you mess that up? This rating is for the food and service, not the drinks. I went on a Wednesday night, and the service was friendly, but pretty slow. So if you're looking to grab a quick bite, I wouldn't advise stopping by here. Their veggie-friendly choice, the Tacos De Camote is blasphemous to the taco gods. The presentation is nice, but you can't judge a book by its cover. The taco shell is a cold flour tortilla, filled with soggy sweet potato chunks, chickpeas, and covered by a bed of iceberg lettuce. Lastly, it is topped with some weird ranch, thousand island-ish dressing that was just not good. There is no saving the Tacos De Camote, they just need to scrap it and come up with a new option. The chips are meh as well. If I were to go back, it would most likely be for a tequila flight or a margarita during happy hour with multiple orders of the Elotes (grilled corn with lime aioli and sea salt) which were phenomenal. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Tacos är brödet och smöret från en mexikansk joint - hur sabbar man det? Detta betyg är för mat och service, inte drycker. Jag gick en onsdagskväll, och gudstjänsten var vänlig, men ganska långsam. Så om du vill ta en snabb tugga, skulle jag inte råda dig att titta förbi här. Deras vegetariska val, Tacos De Camote är hädiskt för tacogudarna. Presentationen är trevlig, men man kan inte döma en bok efter dess omslag. Tacoskalet är en kall mjöltortilla, fylld med blöta sötpotatisbitar, kikärter och täckt av en bädd av isbergssallad. Slutligen är det toppat med någon konstig ranch, tusen ö-aktiga dressing som bara inte var bra. Det finns ingen räddning Tacos De Camote, de behöver bara skrota den och komma med ett nytt alternativ. Chipsen är också meh. Om jag skulle gå tillbaka, skulle det sannolikt vara för en tequila flygning eller en margarita under happy hour med flera beställningar av Elotes (grillad majs med lime aioli och havssalt) som var fenomenala. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? Tacos are the bread and butter of a Mexican joint - how do you fuck it up? This rating is for food and service, not drinks. I went on a Wednesday evening, and the service was friendly, but rather slow. So if you want to take a quick bite, I wouldn't advise you to stop by here. Their vegetarian choice, Tacos De Camote is blasphemous to the Taco gods. The presentation is nice, but you can't judge a book by its cover. The taco shell is a cold flour tortilla, filled with wet sweet potato pieces, chickpeas and covered with a bed of iceberg salad. Finally, it's topped with some weird ranch, a thousand island-like dressing that just wasn't good. There's no rescue Tacos De Camote, they just need to scrap it and come up with a new option. The chips are also meh. If I were to go back, it would likely be for a tequila flight or a margarita during happy hour with several orders of Elotes (grilled corn with lime aioli and sea salt) that were phenomenal. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an positive review?
I can't really comment on how this location was before the remodel but I can compare it to the 200+ DDs I've been in during my life...and for one outside of the Northeast it does a pretty good job. And god knows its better than Starbucks. I've never experienced an extended wait or a line and I've always had my order delivered to me in a timely fashion. The don't toast the English muffin on the breakfast sandwich automatically, as has been my experience everywhere else, so make sure to request it. It makes all the difference in the world. The donuts themselves are not nearly as large as they should be. (The largest ones I've ever seen are the ones at the DD on the corner of Mass Ave and Haviland St...they are seriously the size of bread plates) the glazed donuts should have more glaze but they will make do if you are craving something sweet. They also offer something here called long johns? I've never seen those, or heard of them before, but they look like long rectangular Boston cremes. My main reason for stopping in here is to get tea and hot chocolate, which never disappoint. Unlike the DD near where we used to live in N. Scottsdale this one serves hot chocolate the proper way- out of a machine baby. Since this location is on my way to campus at the moment I will definitely continue to stop there. Once the light rail is up and I'm taking that in I'll switch over to the Mill Ave location.
Vad skulle vara ett exempel på en positiv granskning?
What would be an example of a positive review?
Jag kan inte riktigt kommentera hur den här platsen var innan ombyggnaden men jag kan jämföra den med de 200+ DD som jag har varit i under mitt liv ... och för en utanför nordost gör det ett ganska bra jobb. Och Gud vet dess bättre än Starbucks. Jag har aldrig upplevt en förlängd väntan eller en rad och jag har alltid fått min beställning levererad till mig i rättan tid. De skålar inte engelska muffinsen på frukostmackan automatiskt, som jag har varit med om överallt annars, så se till att be om det. Det gör all skillnad i världen. Donuterna är inte alls så stora som de borde vara. (De största jag någonsin sett är de vid DD på hörnet av Mass Ave och Haviland St ... de är på allvar storleken på bröd tallrikar) de glaserade munkar bör ha mer glasyr men de kommer att göra om du är sugen på något sött. De erbjuder också något här som kallas långkalsonger? Jag har aldrig sett dem, eller hört talas om dem förut, men de ser ut som långa rektangulära Boston cremes. Min främsta anledning till att stanna här är att köpa te och varm choklad, som aldrig gör mig besviken. Till skillnad från DD nära där vi brukade bo i N. Scottsdale serverar denna varm choklad rätt väg ut ur en maskin baby. Eftersom den här platsen är på väg till campus just nu kommer jag definitivt att fortsätta att stanna där. När rälsen är uppe och jag tar den där i byter jag till Mill Ave-platsen.
I can't really comment on how this place was before the reconstruction but I can compare it to the 200+ DD that I've been in during my life... and for one outside the northeast it does a pretty good job. And God knows its better than Starbucks. I have never experienced an extended waiting or a row and I have always had my order delivered to me at the right time. They don't drink the English muffins at the breakfast sandwich automatically, as I've been through everywhere else, so make sure to ask for it. It makes all the difference in the world. Donuts aren't as big as they should be. (The biggest I've ever seen are those at DD on the corner of Mass Ave and Haviland St...they are seriously the size of bread plates) the glazed monks should have more frosting but they will make if you're craving something sweet. They also offer something here called long underwear? I've never seen them, or heard of them before, but they look like long rectangular Boston cremes. My main reason for staying here is to buy tea and hot chocolate, which never disappoints me. Unlike DD near where we used to live in N. Scottsdale, this hot chocolate serves the right way out of a machine baby. Since this place is on its way to campus right now, I will definitely continue to stay there. When the rails are up and I'll take that one in, I'll switch to the Mill Ave site.
Yes! Right down to the saltrd caramel latte. Yes! Had the trio with lobster bisque, lentil soup and an grown up grilled cheese. I would like to say it took me about 15 mins to pick. It was rough. So many good choice. My friend had the chicken and waffles and loved it. I LOVE Charlotte for this place alone. I need to return and try everything else. I can say my only con was the service. I guess I'm just used to more personable servers in the South which I love. Thats all. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Ja, ja! Ända ner till salta karamelllatten. Ja, ja! Hade trion med hummerbisk, linssoppa och en uppvuxen grillad ost. Jag vill säga att det tog mig 15 minuter att välja. Det var tufft. Så många bra val. Min vän åt kyckling och våfflor och älskade det. Jag älskar Charlotte bara för det här stället. Jag måste återvända och prova allt annat. Jag kan säga att min enda bluff var tjänsten. Jag är väl van vid mer personliga servrar i Södern som jag älskar. Det var allt. Hur skulle denna granskning beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Yes, yes! All the way down to the salty caramel latte. Yes, yes! Had the trio with lobster bee, lentil soup and a grown-up grilled cheese. I want to say that it took me 15 minutes to choose. That was tough. So many good choices. My friend ate chicken and waffles and loved it. I love Charlotte just for this place. I have to go back and try everything else. I can tell you my only hoax was the favor. I guess I'm used to more personal servers in the South that I love. That's it. How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Generate a positive review for a place.
BE CAREFUL! It is SO easy to fill up on the chips and salsa. Start with their delicious guacamole and be sure to add the pomegranate and pumpkin seeds for $1. Typically carne asada is the way to go, but it's definitely further down the list here. Not because it's bad, but because there are others that are simply incredible. If you like fish Tacos, try the grilled or fried Mahi Mahi, it's very tasty and full of flavor. The beef options are plentiful with lengua, ground, and steak. Then their are a few veggie options, which I haven't tried, and finally... The coup de grace, the pork. First is the pork Verde, which is pretty much sauce less and has (get this) pork rinds. It's very tasty. Lastly, their pork al pastor is to die for. Pineapple, some delicious sauce, perfectly prepared pork and more. Literally the perfect taco. On top of the food, this joint has the BEST brews in Vegas. I'm a snob about this stuff, and believe me, the selection is INCREDIBLE. Anyway, if you're on Yelp, you clearly will try this place out before got believe me. Do it. You won't be disappointed.
Generera en positiv recension för en plats.
Generate a positive review for a place.
Var försiktig! Det är så lätt att fylla upp på chips och salsa. Börja med deras läckra guacamole och se till att lägga granatäpple och pumpa frön för $ 1. Typiskt Carne asada är vägen att gå, men det är definitivt längre ner på listan här. Inte för att det är dåligt, utan för att det finns andra som är helt enkelt otroliga. Om du gillar fisk Tacos, prova grillad eller stekt Mahi Mahi, det är mycket välsmakande och full av smak. Det finns gott om kötträtter med lengua, malda och biff. Då är deras några vegetariska alternativ, som jag inte har försökt, och slutligen... Kuppen de gracile, fläsket. Först är fläskköttet Verde, som är ganska mycket sås mindre och har (få denna) fläskskal. Det är väldigt gott. Slutligen, deras fläsk al pastor är att dö för. Ananas, lite god sås, perfekt tillagad fläskkött med mera. Bokstavligen den perfekta tacon. Ovanpå maten har denna joint de bästa brygderna i Vegas. Jag är en snobb om det här, och tro mig, valet är omöjligt. Hur som helst, om du är på Yelp, kommer du helt klart att prova det här stället innan du fick tro mig. Gör det. Du kommer inte att bli besviken.
Be careful! It's so easy to fill up on chips and salsa. Start with their delicious guacamole and make sure to add pomegranate and pumpkin seeds for $1. Typically Carne asada is the way to go, but it is definitely further down the list here. Not because it's bad, but because there are others who are simply incredible. If you like fish Tacos, try grilled or fried Mahi Mahi, it is very tasty and full of taste. There are plenty of meat dishes with lengua, ground and beef. Then their some vegetarian options, which I haven't tried, and finally... The coup de gracile, the pork. First, the pork is Verde, which is quite a lot sauce smaller and has (get this) pork shell. It's very good. Finally, their pork al pastor is to die for. Pineapple, some good sauce, perfectly cooked pork and more. Literally the perfect tacon. On top of the food, this joint has the best brews in Vegas. I'm a snob about this, and believe me, the choice is impossible. Anyway, if you're at Yelp, you're definitely gonna try this place before you got to believe me. Do it. You won't be disappointed.
Is the following review positive or negative? If you have ever been to The Patterson House in Nashville, you will definitely be disappointed with this place. Drinks were way overpriced and tasted worse than drinks I have had at a college bar. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Om du någonsin varit i Patterson House i Nashville, kommer du definitivt att bli besviken på det här stället. Drycker var mycket dyra och smakade värre än drinkar jag har druckit på en collegebar. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? If you've ever been to Patterson House in Nashville, you'll definitely be disappointed in this place. Drinks were very expensive and tasted worse than drinks I've had at a college bar. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Slowest Starbucks ever. I still cannot fathom why an ice coffee literally takes 15 minutes to order and receive every single time. They never mix my order up but they always do apologize for the unreasonable wait. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Slowaste Starbucks någonsin. Jag kan fortfarande inte förstå varför en iskaffe bokstavligen tar 15 minuter att beställa och ta emot varje gång. De blandar aldrig ihop min beställning men de ber alltid om ursäkt för den orimliga väntan. Gavs denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Slowest Starbucks ever. I still can't understand why an ice coffee literally takes 15 minutes to order and receive each time. They never confuse my order, but they always apologize for the unreasonable wait. Was this review given positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Of course a great restaurant to enjoy all kinds of sea food dishes. The presentation they have for the available fish is awesome and helpful in choosing your selection. However, the grilled salmon dinner dish is to die for. Perfectly crispy layer covering a butter like interior which literarily melts in your mouth. Possibly best salmon dish I've ever had. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Naturligtvis en bra restaurang för att njuta av alla typer av havsrätter. Presentationen de har för den tillgängliga fisken är fantastisk och hjälpsamma i att välja ditt val. Den grillade laxmaträtten är dock att dö för. Perfekt krispigt lager som täcker ett smör som inre som bokstavligen smälter i munnen. Kanske den bästa laxrätt jag någonsin ätit. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? Of course, a great restaurant to enjoy all kinds of sea dishes. The presentation they have for the available fish is fantastic and helpful in choosing your choice. However, the grilled salmon dish is to die for. Perfect crispy layer that covers a butter that inside that literally melts in the mouth. Maybe the best salmon dish I've ever had. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
On my second trip to the P.U.B., I was sadly disappointed to learn that my beloved Fr\u00fcli strawberry beer had been taken off the menu! We actually almost left, because that was kind of the only reason we went back, but the waitress brought me a sample of a raspberry beer and I decided to stay. (The raspberry was good, but it's no Fr\u00fcli.) This time, I had something from the carvery section of the menu, and I would definitely make that decision again. I had roasted turkey breast with challah and two sauces: blue cheese fondue and truffle mayo. I ate every last drop of the latter, it was so fantastic; the blue cheese was delicious, as well. I sat at the table, drinking my fruity beer and happily making my own cheesey, truffley, turkeylicious sandwiches. It was awesome. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Under min andra resa till P.U.B. blev jag sorgligt besviken över att få veta att min älskade Fr\u00fcli jordgubbsöl hade tagits bort från menyn! Vi gick nästan, för det var den enda anledningen till att vi åkte tillbaka, men servitrisen tog med ett smakprov av en hallonöl och jag bestämde mig för att stanna. (Hallon var bra, men det är ingen Fr\u00fcli.) Den här gången hade jag något från karvery delen av menyn, och jag skulle definitivt ta det beslutet igen. Jag hade rostat kalkonbröst med challah och två såser: blå ostfondue och tryffelmajon. Jag åt varje sista droppe av den senare, den var så fantastisk; den blå osten var utsökt, också. Jag satt vid bordet, drack mitt fruktiga öl och gjorde gärna mina egna ostiga, tryffellika, kalkonlika smörgåsar. Det var häftigt. Hur skulle denna granskning beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
On my second trip to P.U.B., I was sadally disappointed to learn that my beloved Fr\u00fcli strawberry beer had been removed from the menu! We almost left, because that was the only reason we went back, but the waitress brought a sample of a raspberry beer and I decided to stay. (Hallon was good, but it's not a Fr\u00fcli.) This time I had something from the carvery part of the menu, and I would definitely make that decision again. I had roasted turkey breasts with challah and two sauces: blue cheese fondue and truffle mayonnaise. I ate every last drop of the latter, it was so amazing; the blue cheese was delicious, too. I sat at the table, drank my fruity beer and gladly made my own cheesey, truffle-like, turkey-like sandwiches. That was awesome. How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Write a positive yelp review.
We went to Monta Noodle House for Japanese Ramen. It's in Vegas Chinatown area, behind the Jack In the Box, in the Seoul Plaza. They have good hours something like 11:30a-10p everyday. I got: Tonkotsu ramen $6.95 - it's a small bowl, 2 pcs fatty pork, small amount of noodles, some green onions, & the broth, no egg that's extra, no seaweed - that's extra. Still liked it. B. got Miso Ramen $7.25 w/ extra bamboo shoots .50 + nori .75 Our total 15.45 + $1.25 tax = $16.70 before tip. Charged it. Quick & fast dinner before our flight home.
Skriv en positiv yelp recension.
Write a positive yelp review.
Vi åkte till Monta Noodle House för japanska Ramen. Det är i Vegas Chinatown området, bakom Jack In the Box, på Seoul Plaza. De har bra timmar ungefär 11:30a-10p varje dag. Jag fick: Tonkotsu ramen $6,95 - det är en liten skål, 2 st fett fläsk, liten mängd nudlar, några gröna lök, & buljong, inget ägg som är extra, ingen tång - det är extra. Jag gillade det fortfarande. B. fick Miso Ramen $ 7,25 w/ extra bambu skott .50 + nori .75 Vår totala 15,45 + $ 1,25 skatt = $ 16,70 före dricks. Laddade den. Snabb & snabb middag innan vårt flyg hem.
We went to Monta Noodle House for the Japanese Ramen. It's in the Vegas Chinatown area, behind Jack In the Box, at Seoul Plaza. They have good hours about 11:30a-10p every day. I got: Tonkotsu frame $6.95 - it's a small bowl, 2 pieces fat pork, small amount noodles, some green onions, & broth, no egg that is extra, no seaweed - it's extra. I still liked it. B. received Miso Ramen $7.25 w/ extra bamboo shot .50 + nori .75 Our total 15.45 + $1.25 tax = $16.70 before tipping. Loaded it. Quick & quick dinner before our flight home.
This is the worse shopping experience I've ever had. I was in the market for a new computer so I decided to stop into Best Buy, after waiting around for a very long time a sales person finally asked me if I needed help. I showed him the computer I wanted to buy and was informed it was out of stock, he then showed me a "great computer" which was actually very bad compared to the others the only thing great about it was how greatly overpriced it was. It was their most expensive computer on the floor. I told him the specs I was looking for and my budget and was informed he'd get someone with more knowledge to help me. Well, I sat there for 20 minuets and nobody ever came over. I decided to go to fry's and had the best experience. I highly recommend avoiding Best Buy and going straight to Fry's, they price match so your price will always be better and their staff is way more knowledgeable and helpful. I hope this Best Buy closes. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Det här är den värsta shoppingupplevelsen jag nånsin haft. Jag var på marknaden för en ny dator så jag bestämde mig för att stanna till i Best Buy, efter att ha väntat mycket länge frågade en säljare mig till slut om jag behövde hjälp. Jag visade honom datorn jag ville köpa och fick veta att den var slut på lager, han visade mig sedan en "stor dator" som faktiskt var mycket dålig jämfört med de andra det enda bra med det var hur mycket dyrt det var. Det var deras dyraste dator på golvet. Jag berättade vilka specifikationer jag letade efter och min budget och fick veta att han skulle få någon med mer kunskap att hjälpa mig. Jag satt där i 20 minuter och ingen kom hit. Jag bestämde mig för att gå till Frites och hade den bästa upplevelsen. Jag rekommenderar starkt att undvika Best Buy och gå direkt till Frys, de prismatch så ditt pris kommer alltid att vara bättre och deras personal är mycket mer kunnig och hjälpsam. Jag hoppas att Best Buy stänger. Är denna översyn positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
This is the worst shopping experience I've ever had. I was at the market for a new computer so I decided to stop by Best Buy, after waiting a very long time a salesman finally asked me if I needed help. I showed him the computer I wanted to buy and found out that it was out of stock, he then showed me a "big computer" which was actually very bad compared to the others the only good thing about it was how much expensive it was. It was their most expensive computer on the floor. I told him what specifications I was looking for and my budget and learned that he would get someone with more knowledge to help me. I sat there for 20 minutes and nobody came here. I decided to go to Frites and had the best experience. I strongly recommend avoiding Best Buy and going directly to Frys, the prize match so your price will always be better and their staff is much more knowledgeable and helpful. I hope Best Buy closes. Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? Terrible Place!!! Don't take your cats here...all they want is your money. My cat got out and was attacked by a neighborhood cat and I could tell he wasn't doing so hot. So I brought him to All About Cats and they didn't even check his wound...they wanted to do some kind of EXPENSIVE surgery on his bladder (he's only 3 years old and only eats the BEST organic grain food money can buy)...I decided on taking him to VCA Animal clinic... and they helped me treat his INFECTION!!! He had a FEVER and had a huge PUSS filled wound on his butt...they had to do an inexpensive surgery to clean it out, and they gave me everything i needed to continue to clean it. The doctor there even gave me LESS EXPENSIVE options if I couldn't afford surgery!!! The doctors at VCA Animal clinic actually cared about my cat, and weren't trying to charge me an ARM AND A LEG to treat my cat for some CRAZY ASSUMPTION!!! ALWAYS GET A SECOND OPINION!!! THEY WILL RIP YOU OFF IF THEY CAN!!! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vad är innebörden i följande genomgång? Hemskt ställe!!! Ta inte med katterna hit. De vill bara ha dina pengar. Min katt kom ut och blev attackerad av en grannkatt och jag såg att han inte var så het. Så jag tog honom till All About Cats och de inte ens kontrollera hans sår ... de ville göra någon form av EXPENSIV kirurgi på hans blåsa (han är bara 3 år gammal och bara äter de bästa ekologiska spannmål pengar kan köpa) ... Jag bestämde mig för att ta honom till VCA Animal klinik ... och de hjälpte mig att behandla hans INFECTION!!!! Han hade en Fever och hade ett stort PUSS-fyllt sår på var tvungna att göra en billig operation för att rensa ut det, och de gav mig allt jag behövde för att fortsätta att rengöra det. Läkaren där gav mig till och med MINDRE EXPENSIVA alternativ om jag inte hade råd med operation!!!! Läkarna på VCA Djurkliniken brydde sig faktiskt om min katt, och försökte inte ta betalt för en ARM och ett leg för att behandla min katt för någon galen försvagning!!!! Alltid få en andra åsikt!!! De kommer att röta dig om de kan!!! ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
What is the meaning of the following review? Terrible place!!! They just want your money. My cat came out and was attacked by a neighbor cat and I saw that he wasn't so hot. So I took him to All About Cats and they didn't even control his wounds...they wanted to do some kind of EXPENSIVE surgery on his bladder (he's only 3 years old and only eats the best organic grain money can buy)...I decided to take him to the VCA Animal Clinic...and they helped me treat his INFECTION!!! He had a Fever and had a big PUSS-filled wound on his butt...they had to do a cheap operation to clear it out, and they gave me everything I needed to keep cleaning it. The doctor there even gave me LESS EXPENSIVE options if I couldn't afford surgery!!! The doctors at VCA Animal Clinic actually cared about my cat, and did not try to charge for an ARM and an ID to treat my cat for some crazy weakening!!! Always get a second opinion!!! They'll rot you if they can!!! ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Write a positive yelp review.
Simply marvelous spot. This is a must for all FLW fans or fans of architecture or fans of art or fans of nature or..... Always led by a tour guide because the school of Arch is fully operating and students are all about. The 90 minute tour may seem like an investment of time, but its well worth it and flies by. Loved it
Skriv en positiv yelp recension.
Write a positive yelp review.
Helt enkelt en underbar plats. Detta är ett måste för alla FLW fans eller fans av arkitektur eller fans av konst eller fans av naturen eller..... Leds alltid av en guide eftersom skolan Arch är fullt fungerande och eleverna handlar om. Den 90 minuter långa turen kan verka som en investering i tiden, men dess väl värt det och flyger förbi. Jag älskade det.
Simply a wonderful place. This is a must for all FLW fans or fans of architecture or fans of art or fans of nature or.... Always led by a guide because the school Arch is fully functional and the students are all about. The 90-minute tour may seem like an investment in time, but its well worth it and flies by. I loved it.
Great food and very friendly service. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
God mat och mycket vänlig service. Är denna översyn positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Good food and very friendly service. Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? Extremely disappointed with the new game 7 apparently the owners wanted a more family themed bar/restaurant which I can understand for pregame and change to menu looks good although I did not get any food. The fun ways of the old beer girls outside with a big crowd of fun is over no drink specials except for Sunday day games supposedly and drinks after the game forget about it since they close at 11 lame but they're loss in revenue, went to Coaches Corner right across the street from game 7 for after game fun and great drink specials. Bring back Sliders I always went there before and after games will not return. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Extremt besviken på det nya spelet 7 tydligen ägarna ville ha en mer familj tema bar / restaurang som jag kan förstå för förspel och ändra till menyn ser bra även om jag inte fick någon mat. De roliga sätten att de gamla öl flickor utanför med en stor skara av kul är över ingen drink specials förutom söndag dag spel antas och drinkar efter spelet glömma bort det eftersom de stänger på 11 lama men de är förlust i intäkter, gick till Coaches Corner rakt över gatan från spel 7 för efter spel kul och bra dryck specials. Ta tillbaka Sliders Jag gick alltid dit innan och efter spel kommer inte tillbaka. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? Extremely disappointed by the new game 7 apparently the owners wanted a more family theme bar/restaurant that I can understand for foreplay and change to the menu looks great even if I did not get any food. The fun ways to the old beer girls outside with a great crowd of fun are over no drink specials except Sunday day games adopted and drinks after the game forget about it because they close at 11 llama but they are loss in revenue, went to Coaches Corner right across the street from game 7 for after game fun and good drink specials. Bring back Sliders I always went there before and after games don't come back. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Last summer, my fiance started experiencing moderate to severe back pain. Upon the recommendation of my cousins, we called and were able to make a same-day appointment at American Chiropractic Center. When we arrived, we were greeted very warmly at the front desk by Susan. In fact, we were greeted very warmly by everyone we met, from the X-Ray technician to Dr, Amoia, the man who would end up treating Bryan on each subsequent visit. We have been really impressed with the service and level of care we have received on the many visits we have paid to this office. We have never had to wait more than five minutes for a scheduled appointment, everyone remembers our names, and when Bryan had to cancel an appointment upon the advice of the doctor he saw at urgent care one weekend, Dr. Amoia via a call from Susan called to check on him and find out what was going on. It is clear that every doctor, technician, and therapist we have seen take great pride in what they do and truly care about the well-being of their patients. Thank you, Drs. Amoia and Genet and everyone at American Chiropractic for the wonderful work you do and treatment you provide! How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Förra sommaren fick min fästman måttliga till svåra ryggsmärtor. På rekommendation av mina kusiner, ringde vi och kunde göra en samma dag möte på American Chiropractic Center. När vi kom fram, hälsades vi mycket varmt vid receptionen av Susan. Faktum är att vi hälsades mycket varmt av alla vi träffade, från X-Ray tekniker till Dr, Amoia, mannen som skulle sluta behandla Bryan vid varje efterföljande besök. Vi har verkligen blivit imponerade av den service och omsorg vi har fått under de många besök vi har gjort på detta kontor. Vi har aldrig behövt vänta mer än fem minuter på ett schemalagt möte, alla kommer ihåg våra namn, och när Bryan var tvungen att avboka en tid på inrådan av läkaren han såg på akut vård en helg, Dr. Amoia via ett samtal från Susan ringde för att kontrollera honom och ta reda på vad som pågick. Det är tydligt att varje läkare, tekniker och terapeut vi har sett är mycket stolta över vad de gör och verkligen bryr sig om sina patienters välbefinnande. Tack, dr. Amoia och Genet och alla på American Chiropractic för det underbara arbete du gör och behandling du ger! Hur skulle denna granskning beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Last summer my fiancé had moderate to severe back pain. On the recommendation of my cousins, we called and were able to make a same day meeting at the American Chiropractic Center. When we arrived, we were greeted very warmly at the reception by Susan. In fact, we were greeted very warmly by everyone we met, from X-Ray technician to Dr., Amoia, the man who would stop treating Bryan on each subsequent visit. We have been truly impressed by the service and care we have received during the many visits we have made to this office. We have never had to wait more than five minutes for a scheduled meeting, everyone remembers our names, and when Bryan had to cancel an appointment on the advice of the doctor he saw on emergency care one weekend, Dr. Amoia via a call from Susan called to check him and find out what was going on. It is clear that every doctor, technician, and therapist we have seen is very proud of what they do and really care about the well-being of their patients. Thank you, Dr. Amoia and Genet and everyone at American Chiropractic for the wonderful work you do and treatment you give! How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
If you are from out of town, do not come here. The fact that a suggestion by a male clerk who initially said my insurance was a no go in his office then suggested that I call my insurance to make sure I will be covered left a bad taste in my mouth . I went to this place because of their 4+ rating on yelp. I left the office without being checked out. I know for a fact that my insurance should have been accepted because I call my provider after I left. I believe that's why they have insurance specialist working for them. Or do they?FYI if you are going to talk about someone's insurance statues. Make sure other people don't hear the conversations u are having with the patient or the other clerks comments about a patients insurance status. Very unprofessional . What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Om du är bortrest, kom inte hit. Det faktum att ett förslag från en manlig kontorist som inledningsvis sade att min försäkring var en no go på hans kontor då föreslog att jag ringer min försäkring för att se till att jag kommer att täckas lämnas en dålig smak i munnen. Jag gick till det här stället på grund av deras 4+ betyg på yelp. Jag lämnade kontoret utan att bli utcheckad. Jag vet att min försäkring borde ha accepterats eftersom jag ringer min leverantör efter att jag gått. Jag tror att det är därför de har försäkringsspecialister som jobbar för dem. Eller gör de det?Fast om du ska prata om någons försäkringsstatyer. Se till att andra människor inte hör de samtal u har med patienten eller de andra kontoristerna kommentarer om en patient försäkring status. Väldigt oprofessionellt. Vad är det för uppfattning i den här recensionen? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
If you're away, don't come here. The fact that a proposal from a male clerk who initially said that my insurance was a no go in his office then suggested that I call my insurance to make sure I will be covered left a bad taste in his mouth. I went to this place because of their 4+ grade on yelp. I left the office without being checked out. I know my insurance policy should have been accepted because I'll call my supplier after I leave. I think that's why they have insurance specialists working for them. Or do they?But if you're going to talk about someone's insurance statues. Make sure other people don't hear the conversations u have with the patient or the other clerks commenting on a patient insurance status. Very unprofessional. What is the opinion in this review? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
I've been to RdTR on 4 separate occasions... each with the hope that the previous visits were just bad nights. What can I say. We live within a mile of the place and will never go back. Dishes have always been prepared with a lack of focus and flavor that should define this cuisine. I had their braised pork which was so dry, I would swear they used loin instead of shoulder. On a separeate occasion, we brought out of town friends and they pointed out how interesting their 'smoked' refried beans were. I tasted them and commented that there was no such thing. Their beans were burnt. Fish tacos - just ok. Burritos - go elsewhere for 1/2 the price. Rellenos - not really rellenos. If you want real Mexican food, look elsewhere. If you want to eat at a really charismatic place, wait for 45 minutes for a table and leave feeling like Garcias would have been more authentic, then this is your place. UPDATE: After moving away from Arizona and coming back to visit family, I relented and tried this place again. I really want to like you Tia Rosa, but sadly, no change. What is it? Why? This is a Mexican food place in ARIZONA and it should be the bomb. But its not and I don't think ever will be. I can't really tell why but it feels like there is a lack of soul. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag har varit på RdTR vid fyra olika tillfällen... var och en med förhoppningen att de tidigare besöken bara var dåliga nätter. Vad kan jag säga? Vi bor inom en kilometer från platsen och kommer aldrig att återvända. Rätter har alltid tillagas med en brist på fokus och smak som bör definiera detta kök. Jag hade deras bräserade fläsk som var så torrt att jag skulle svära på att de använde höft istället för axlar. Vid ett separat tillfälle tog vi med oss vänner från staden och de påpekade hur intressanta deras 'rökta' refräschade bönor var. Jag smakade på dem och kommenterade att det inte fanns något sådant. Deras bönor brändes. Fish tacos - bara ok. Burritos - gå någon annanstans för 1/2 priset. Rellenos - inte riktigt rellenos. Om du vill ha riktig mexikansk mat, titta någon annanstans. Om du vill äta på en riktigt karismatisk plats, vänta i 45 minuter på ett bord och lämna känslan av att Garcias skulle ha varit mer autentisk, då är detta din plats. Efter att ha flyttat från Arizona och kommit tillbaka för att hälsa på familjen, gav jag upp och försökte igen. Jag vill verkligen gilla dig Tia Rosa, men tyvärr, ingen förändring. Vad är det? Varför? Det här är ett mexikanskt matställe i ARIZONA och det borde vara bomben. Men det är inte det och jag tror aldrig att det kommer att bli. Jag vet inte varför, men det känns som om det saknas själ. Vad är det för uppfattning i den här recensionen? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I've been to RdTR on four different occasions... each with the hope that the previous visits were just bad nights. What can I say? We live within a mile of the site and will never return. Dishes have always been cooked with a lack of focus and taste that should define this kitchen. I had their braised pork that was so dry that I would swear they used their hips instead of their shoulders. On a separate occasion we brought friends from the city and they pointed out how interesting their 'smoked' refresh beans were. I tasted them and commented that there was no such thing. Their beans were burned. Fish tacos - just ok. Burritos - go somewhere else for the 1/2 price. Sellenos - not really rellenos. If you want real Mexican food, look somewhere else. If you want to eat in a really charismatic place, wait 45 minutes on a table and leave the feeling that Garcias would have been more authentic, then this is your place. After moving from Arizona and coming back to visit the family, I gave up and tried again. I really want to like you Tia Rosa, but unfortunately, no change. What is it? Why? This is a Mexican diner in ARIZONA and it should be the bomb. But it's not that and I don't think it's ever gonna be. I don't know why, but I feel like there's no soul. What is the opinion in this review? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Write a negative yelp review.
This place rips people off beyond comprehension. My Dad (86yrs old) was having some issues with his Braun electric shaver. It was getting pretty warm and concerned my overly cautious, very naive Dad. So he took a trip to 'Shav Tronics' in Scottsdale off 71st Pl. When he came home with his repaired shaver, I queried him about what work they had done and how much he paid. Repairs cost just shy of $60. They replaced the razor, the shave guard and battery (which I don't believe one bit) amongst some other "unknown things" according to my Dad. He was told, "We can fix it right away for you!" after he informed them of the symptoms. The con artist took the device in the back to work on it while my Dad waited and returned within a few minuets. $60, REALLY??? for a few cheap chinese manufactured parts worth at best HALF the price. With that being said, I started to research before I flew off the handle with this place. He could have bought a BRAND NEW - same model shaver for $35.... yes, THIRTY-FIVE US-DOLLARS. I DO NOT APPRECIATE my elderly father being taken advantage of and RIPPED OFF when he should have been advised to just buy a new one. Is business really that slow you have to practice in such a way? Seriously. I will make sure he never returns to your shabby operation over there or in Tempe, nor will anyone I know and everyone who reads this amongst other places I intend on posting a review. Having been a store manager of a privately owned store in the past, I am disgusted with how you conduct business. Shame on you. I hate to say it and root for the bad guy here, but I hope Wal-Mart sells lot of cheap razors and shaving devices and products that you go out of business.
Skriv en negativ yelp recension.
Write a negative yelp review.
Det här stället sliter folk i stycken. Min pappa (86 år gammal) hade lite problem med sin Braun elektriska rakapparat. Det började bli ganska varmt och oroade min alltför försiktiga, mycket naiva pappa. Så han gjorde en resa till ''Shav Troniks'' i Scottsdale af 71:a Pl. När han kom hem med sin reparerade rakapparat, frågade jag honom om vilket arbete de hade utfört och hur mycket han betalade. Reparationer kostar bara 60 dollar. De ersatte rakhyveln, rakvakten och batteriet (som jag inte tror ett dugg) bland några andra "okända saker" enligt min pappa. Han fick höra: "Vi kan fixa det direkt åt dig!" efter att han informerat dem om symptomen. Bedragaren tog apparaten i ryggen för att arbeta på den medan min pappa väntade och återvände inom några minuter. 60 dollar, verkligen? för några billiga kinesiska tillverkade delar som i bästa fall HALF priset. Med det sagt, började jag forska innan jag flög iväg med det här stället. Han kunde ha köpt en ny modell för 35 dollar. Jag uppskattar inte att min äldre far utnyttjades och RIPPED OFF när han borde ha blivit tillrådd att bara köpa en ny. Är affärerna verkligen så långsamma att man måste öva på ett sådant sätt? Allvarligt. Jag kommer att se till att han aldrig återvänder till din sjabbiga operation där borta eller i Tempe, och inte heller kommer någon jag känner och alla som läser detta bland andra platser jag har för avsikt att publicera en recension. Efter att tidigare ha varit butikschef i en privatägd butik, är jag äcklad över hur ni sköter affärerna. Skäms på dig. Jag hatar att säga det och heja på skurken här, men jag hoppas att Wal-Mart säljer många billiga rakapparater och rakapparater och produkter som du går i konkurs.
This place is tearing people apart. My father (86 years old) had some problems with his Braun electric razor. It was getting quite hot and worried my too cautious, very naive father. So he made a trip to 'Shav Troniks' in Scottsdale of 71st Pl. When he came home with his repaired razor, I asked him what work they had done and how much he paid. Repairs cost only $60. They replaced the razor, the razor guard and the battery (which I don't think a bit) among some other "unknown things" according to my dad. He was told, "We can fix it right for you!" after informing them of the symptoms. The scammer took the device by the back to work on it while my father waited and returned within minutes. 60 bucks, really? for some cheap Chinese manufactured parts as at best HALF price. That being said, I started researching before I flew off with this place. He could have bought a new model for $35. I do not appreciate that my older father was exploited and RIPPED OFF when he should have been advised to buy only one. Are business really slow enough to practice in such a way? Seriously. I will make sure he never returns to your shabby operation over there or in Tempe, nor will anyone I know and anyone who reads this among other places I intend to publish a review. Having previously been a store manager in a privately owned store, I'm disgusted at how you run the business. Shame on you. I hate to say that and cheer on the bad guy here, but I hope Wal-Mart sells many cheap shavers and shavers and products like you go bankrupt.
Not bad for a burger place. It's fresh but takes a little more time and the yam fries are topped with brown sugar...a little overkill. Lucky for the four of us there was a free drink and fries promo which saved us $16! U had the inferno burger which wasn't hot at all, the BBQ burger was good and the ahi tuna salad sounded pretty good but we had a burger craving and this did the job. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Inte illa för ett hamburgerställe. Det är färskt men tar lite mer tid och yam pommes frites är toppade med brunt socker ... lite overkill. Tur för oss fyra att det fanns en gratis drink och pommes frites promo som sparade oss $ 16! U hade infernoburgaren som inte alls var varm, BBQ-burgaren var bra och tonfisksalladen lät ganska bra men vi hade ett hamburgersug och detta gjorde jobbet. Är denna översyn positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Not bad for a hamburger place. It's fresh but takes a little more time and yam fries are topped with brown sugar...a little overkill. Lucky for the four of us there was a free drink and fries promo that saved us $16! U had the inferno burger that wasn't hot at all, the BBQ burger was good and the tuna salad sounded pretty good but we had a hamburger craving and this did the job. Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
This place is a true gem. The food is always fresh and LOCAL. The service is top-notch. I usually sit at the bar and watch a game, and the bartender Brian is great to chat with about the game, or recommend a wine to go with my meal. Highly recommend! Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Det här stället är en riktig pärla. Maten är alltid färsk och LOCAL. Servicen är toppen. Jag brukar sitta i baren och titta på en match, och bartendern Brian är bra att prata med om spelet, eller rekommendera ett vin att gå med min måltid. Rekommenderas varmt! Är denna översyn positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
This place is a real gem. The food is always fresh and LOCAL. Service's great. I usually sit in the bar watching a game, and bartender Brian is good to talk to about the game, or recommend a wine to go with my meal. Highly recommended! Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
If you want horrible service, mediocre food, served in a dirty environment, this is the place for you. One of our constant challenges was to get our waitresses' attention from her friends sitting at the bar. It didn't help that the manager was doing the same thing. It was a challenge to get menus, get an order placed, get silverware and get our bill. I have never been to place so disinterested in serving customers. To add insult to injury, the food was pretty lousy, and our order was wrong. The wings I ordered came with celery that was brown and beginning to rot. The manager seemed completely uninterested in this issue. Luckily he could go back to the bar and talk to his friends... Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Om du vill ha hemsk service, medioker mat, serveras i en smutsig miljö, är detta platsen för dig. En av våra ständiga utmaningar var att få våra servitrisers uppmärksamhet från sina vänner som satt i baren. Det hjälpte inte att chefen gjorde samma sak. Det var en utmaning att få menyer, få en beställning, få silverbestick och få vår räkning. Jag har aldrig varit på plats så ointresserad av att betjäna kunder. Maten var usel, och vår order var fel. Vingarna jag beställde kom med selleri som var brun och började ruttna. Föreståndaren verkade helt ointresserad av denna fråga. Som tur är kunde han gå tillbaka till baren och prata med sina vänner... är denna recension positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
If you want terrible service, mediocre food, served in a dirty environment, this is the place for you. One of our constant challenges was to get the attention of our waitresses from their friends sitting at the bar. It didn't help that the boss did the same thing. It was a challenge to get menus, get an order, get silverware and get our bill. I've never been on site so uninterested in serving customers. The food was terrible, and our orders were wrong. The wings I ordered came with celery that was brown and started rotting. The manager seemed completely uninterested in this issue. Fortunately, he could go back to the bar and talk to his friends... is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? I ordered the foot long "only in Las Vegas" Strip steak served on a garlic butter french roll with bacon, cheese and three over easy eggs. Yes, it was a heart attack on a plate but because of the name of the meal and the combination meat, cheese bread combination. The sandwich it self was just ok, not super delicious as I was hoping but still good. I think the presentation is what made me order this heart clogging meal. it was served with sweet potato fries. I was not able to finish this sandwich as it was too damn big! Easily could fee three people. My wife had the chicken pot pie. Now that dish was delicious. Blows Marie Callendars and Claim Jumper pot pies out of the water hands down. What I like about this pot pie is that there is a crust through out the pie where as most place only put a crust over the pie and chicken and gravy is place directly into the bowl. Not here. There is a thick and flaky crust under there and goes really well with the chicken. If found chunks of chicken, peas, carrots and potatoes and was very tastey. I kinda wish I had ordered the pot pie. I guess this place is famous for their frozen hot chocolate. It was pretty good and worth trying once. I OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Jag beställde foten lång "endast i Las Vegas" Strip biff serveras på en vitlök smör fransk rulle med bacon, ost och tre över enkla ägg. Ja, det var en hjärtattack på en tallrik men på grund av namnet på måltiden och kombinationen kött, ost bröd kombination. Smörgåsen det själv var bara ok, inte super läcker som jag hoppades men ändå bra. Jag tror att presentationen fick mig att beställa denna hjärtstoppande måltid. Det serverades med sötpotatis. Jag kunde inte äta upp den här smörgåsen eftersom den var för stor! Lätt att betala tre personer. Min fru åt kycklingpaj. Den där rätten var utsökt. Blåser Marie Callendars och Claim Jumper pottpajer ur vattnet händerna ner. Vad jag gillar med denna grytpaj är att det finns en skorpa genom pajen där som mest bara lägga en skorpa över pajen och kyckling och sås placeras direkt i skålen. Inte här. Det finns en tjock och flagnande skorpa där under och passar riktigt bra ihop med kycklingen. Om man hittade bitar av kyckling, ärtor, morötter och potatis och var mycket smaklig. Jag önskar att jag hade beställt pajen. Jag antar att det här stället är känt för sin frusna varm choklad. Det var rätt bra och värt att försöka en gång. I ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? I ordered the foot long "only in Las Vegas" Strip steak served on a garlic butter French roll with bacon, cheese and three over simple eggs. Yes, it was a heart attack on a plate but because of the name of the meal and the combination of meat, cheese bread combination. The sandwich itself was just ok, not super delicious as I hoped but still good. I think the presentation made me order this heart-stopping meal. It was served with sweet potatoes. I couldn't eat this sandwich because it was too big! Easy to pay three people. My wife ate chicken pie. That dish was delicious. Blows Marie Callendars and Claim Jumper pot pies out of the water hands down. What I like about this pot pie is that there is a crust through the pie there that mostly just put a crust over the pie and chicken and sauce placed directly in the bowl. Not here. There is a thick and flaky crust under there and fits really well with the chicken. If you found pieces of chicken, peas, carrots and potatoes and were very tasty. I wish I had ordered the pie. I guess this place is famous for its frozen hot chocolate. It was pretty good and worth trying once. In ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
The food was okay, nothing special. The roast beef sandwich was very light on roast beef. The macaroni and cheese was delicious but the portion was very small. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Maten var okej, inget speciellt. Rostbiffssmörgåsen var väldigt lätt på rostbiff. Makaroner och ost var utsökta men portionen var mycket liten. Är denna översyn positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
The food was okay, nothing special. The roast beef sandwich was very easy on roast beef. Macaroni and cheese were delicious but the portion was very small. Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? The hair cut is good, the gal that cut my hair had zero personality. Overall the shop was dirty and I would not probably go back! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vad är innebörden i följande genomgång? Hårklippningen är bra, tjejen som klippte mitt hår hade ingen personlighet. Totalt sett var butiken smutsig och jag skulle nog inte gå tillbaka! ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
What is the meaning of the following review? The haircut is good, the girl who cut my hair had no personality. Overall, the store was dirty and I probably wouldn't go back! ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an positive review?
I can't say enough about this bank and this branch. No ATM fees ever. Extended Saturday hours and open on SUNDAY! Everyone knows your name. David - one of the personal bankers is amazing. Helpful, personable and even made opening an account for my kids an educational and fun experience. Truly a community bank with a personal focus.
Vad skulle vara ett exempel på en positiv granskning?
What would be an example of a positive review?
Jag kan inte säga tillräckligt om banken och filialen. Inga bankomatavgifter någonsin. Utökad lördagstid och öppen söndag! Alla vet vad du heter. David - en av de personliga bankirerna är fantastisk. Hjälpsamma, personliga och även öppna ett konto för mina barn en pedagogisk och rolig upplevelse. Verkligen en kommunbank med personligt fokus.
I can't say enough about the bank and the branch. No ATM fees ever. Extended Saturday time and open Sunday! Everybody knows your name. David - one of the personal bankers is amazing. Helpful, personal and even open an account for my children an educational and fun experience. Really a municipal bank with a personal focus.
Went to dinner here tonight and It was a very pleasant experience. We purchased the group on for $11 and our meal was $21.30. Food was delicious and service was very friendly. Our server checked on us in a timely manner and refilled our water and drinks. Very nice little restaurant and close to my house. Definitely will be returning here Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Gick på middag här ikväll och det var en mycket trevlig upplevelse. Vi köpte gruppen för 11 dollar och vår måltid var 21.30 dollar. Maten var utsökt och servicen mycket vänlig. Vår server kontrollerade oss i rätt tid och fyllde på vårt vatten och dryck. Mycket trevlig liten restaurang och nära till mitt hus. Definitivt kommer att återvända hit Fick denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I went to dinner here tonight and it was a very nice experience. We bought the group for $11 and our meal was $21.30. The food was delicious and the service was very friendly. Our server checked us at the right time and replenished our water and drink. Very nice little restaurant and close to my house. Definitely will return here Did this review get positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Coming from NYC I was ready for what this place had to offer. I ordered the whole chicken, tapsilog breakfast, Pancit bihon, beef soup, stir fry beef, milkfish breakfast, garlic rice, fried calamari. Out of all these dishes the calamari sucked, they should just stop serving it. Everything else was really good, especially the tapsilog. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Från NYC var jag redo för det här stället. Jag beställde hela kycklingen, tapsilog frukost, Pancit bihon, köttsoppa, stekt kött, mjölkfisk frukost, vitlök ris, stekt calamari. Av alla dessa rätter som kalamarierna sög, borde de sluta servera den. Allt annat var riktigt bra, speciellt tapsilogen. Gavs denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
From NYC, I was ready for this place. I ordered the whole chicken, tapsilog breakfast, Pancit bihon, meat soup, fried meat, milk fish breakfast, garlic rice, fried calamari. Of all these dishes that the Kalamaris sucked, they should stop serving it. Everything else was really good, especially the tapsilogen. Was this review given positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
In a nutshell, DO IT! I've been to plenty of buffets in Vegas and I was really surprised with the great quality and the vast variety of food of the Bacchanal Buffet. Make sure you recon the buffet areas first and prioritize the locations that have the food that you want. Don't forget to hit the high value targets (seafood, sashimi, crab legs, steak, prime rib, desserts, etc.). I was surprised that when I went back for seconds, the kitchen had swapped some of the menu items for other great looking food, so it was hard to keep track of all the different stations that I wanted to go to. My group ate heartily and we all agreed this is one of the best buffets to go to while in Vegas. We didn't even have to battle the other patrons for the monster Alaskan crab legs or for the other expensive seafood items. Even with a graduated price scale that correlates to time of day and day of the week, the most expensive time slot (weekend dinners) is well worth the price and experience. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
I ett nötskal, gör det! Jag har varit på gott om bufféer i Vegas och blev verkligen förvånad över den stora kvaliteten och det stora utbudet av mat i Bacchanal Buffet. Se till att du spanar på bufféområdena först och prioriterar de platser som har den mat du vill ha. Glöm inte att träffa de högt värde mål (havsmat, sashimi, krabbben, stek, prime revben, desserter, etc.). Jag blev förvånad över att när jag gick tillbaka i sekunder, köket hade bytt några av menyalternativen mot andra snygga mat, så det var svårt att hålla reda på alla de olika stationer som jag ville gå till. Min grupp åt hjärtligt och vi var alla överens om att detta är en av de bästa bufféerna att gå till medan vi var i Vegas. Vi behövde inte ens slåss mot de andra beskyddarna för monstret Alaskas krabbben eller för de andra dyra skaldjursföremålen. Även med en graderad prisskala som korrelerar till tid på dygnet och dag i veckan, är den dyraste tid slot (weekend middagar) väl värt priset och upplevelsen. Hur skulle denna granskning beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
In a nutshell, do it! I have been on plenty of buffets in Vegas and was really surprised by the great quality and the wide range of food in Bacchanal Buffet. Make sure you check the buffet areas first and prioritise the places that have the food you want. Do not forget to hit the high value goals (sea food, sashimi, crabbone, steak, prime ribs, desserts, etc.). I was surprised that when I went back in seconds, the kitchen had traded some of the menu options for other stylish food, so it was hard to keep track of all the different stations that I wanted to go to. My group had a hearty meal and we all agreed that this is one of the best buffets to go to while we were in Vegas. We didn't even have to fight against the other protectors of the Alaskan crab bones or for the other expensive seafood items. Even with a graduated price scale that correlates to time of day and day of the week, the most expensive time slot (weekend dinners) is well worth the price and experience. How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an negative review?
Two nights ago I had the worst pizza I have ever tasted from anywhere. I was excited that Jets was advertising a N.Y. style pizza. I had tried Dominos version and it was decent but decided to give Jets a shot. Huge mistake, took pizza almost an hour to get to me, it was cold, way too salty and whoever cooked it had obviously never been inside a NYC pizzeria. It wasn't close. Had one slice, fed the rest to the dog and ordered Dominos.
Vad skulle vara ett exempel på en negativ granskning?
What would be an example of a negative review?
För två kvällar sedan hade jag den värsta pizza jag någonsin smakat från någonstans. Jag var glad över att Jets gjorde reklam för en nyårspizza. Jag hade provat Dominos version och det var anständigt men bestämde mig för att ge Jets en chans. Ett stort misstag, tog pizza nästan en timme att komma åt mig, det var kallt, alldeles för salt och den som lagade den hade uppenbarligen aldrig varit inne i en NYC pizzeria. Det var inte nära. Hade en skiva, matade hunden med resten och beställde Dominos.
Two nights ago, I had the worst pizza I've ever tasted from anywhere. I was glad the Jets were advertising a New Year's pizza. I had tried Domino's version and it was decent but decided to give the Jets a chance. A big mistake, pizza took almost an hour to get to me, it was cold, way too salty and whoever cooked it had obviously never been inside a NYC pizzeria. That wasn't close. Had a record, fed the dog the rest and ordered Domino's.
A miserable front office. Ridiculous wait times, even when showing up early for a scheduled appointment. It's been like that for years. They're oblivious to thier own problems and must not give a rat's butt. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Ett eländigt kontor. Löjliga väntetider, även när du dyker upp tidigt för ett schemalagt möte. Det har varit så i åratal. De är omedvetna om sina egna problem och får inte bry sig om en råttas rumpa. Hur skulle denna granskning beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
A miserable office. Ridiculous waiting times, even when you show up early for a scheduled meeting. It's been like that for years. They are unaware of their own problems and must not care about a rat's butt. How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? The husband and I went to Tanzy for the Breakfast Club UYE, and it was lovely! The restaurant is beautiful, very large and decorated nicely. The service was great, attentive, accommodating of our large party and of the husband and I's special requests... it was nice. The husband and I both had the brunch prix fixe, which is a decent deal at 22$ for a mimosa, a side/dessert and an entree. The boca mimosas were delicious.... a mimosa with passion fruit and blood orange juices.... this was a fabulous drink, order it, love it. The husband had the waffle with bacon (and it was a large side of bacon) and he thought it was just ok. I had the eggs benedict and subbed bacon for the ham and it was delicious. The eggs were perfectly cooked, the hollandaise was chipotle flavored (or something) and had wonderful spice, and the bacon was crispy and well seasoned (it had red pepper flake and other seasonings on it). The benedict came with breakfast potatoes (and that didn't count as the side), and they were good... crispy and cooked with peppers and onions... liked that. For my side/dessert I got the red velvet bread pudding and ended up getting it to go (I was so full and had somewhere to be).... even the next day, this was a yummy dessert... maybe not my favorite dessert ever, but good. I would consider coming here again for brunch... but they don't open until 11, which is WAY too late (for me). Maybe lunch? Yes. Anyway, if you're a late riser, check this out! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Maken och jag åkte till Tanzy för frukostklubben UYE, och det var underbart! Restaurangen är vacker, mycket stor och inredd fint. Gudstjänsten var stor, uppmärksam, tillmötesgående av vår stora fest och av maken och jag speciella önskemål ... det var trevligt. Både maken och jag hade brunch prixfixen, vilket är en anständig affär på 22 dollar för en mimosa, en sida/dessert och en förrätt. Boca mimosas var utsökt.... en mimosa med passionsfrukt och blodapelsinjuicer.... detta var en fantastisk drink, beställa den, älska den. Maken hade våfflan med bacon (och det var en stor sida av bacon) och han tyckte att det var bara ok. Jag åt äggen och la bacon till skinkan och det var gott. Äggen var perfekt tillagade, hollandaisen var chipotle smaksatt (eller något) och hade underbar krydda, och baconet var krispigt och väl kryddat (det hade rödpepparflage och andra kryddningar på sig). Benediktet kom med frukostpotatis (och det räknades inte som sidan), och de var goda... krispiga och kokta med paprika och lök... gillade det. Till min sida/efterrätt fick jag den röda sammetsbrödspuddingen och fick den att gå (jag var så mätt och hade någonstans att vara).... även nästa dag var detta en smaskig dessert... kanske inte min favorit dessert någonsin, men bra. Jag skulle överväga att komma hit igen för brunch... men de öppnar inte förrän 11, vilket är VÄG för sent (för mig). Kanske lunch? Ja, det är jag. Hur som helst, om du är en sen uppgång, kolla in detta! ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? The husband and I went to Tanzy for the breakfast club UYE, and it was wonderful! The restaurant is beautiful, very large and decorated nicely. The service was great, attentive, accommodating of our great feast and of the husband and I special was nice. Both the husband and I had the brunch prix fixes, which is a decent deal of $22 for a mimosa, a side/dessert and an appetizer. Boca mimosas was delicious... a mimosa with passion fruit and blood orange juices... this was a fantastic drink, order it, love it. The husband had the waffle with bacon (and it was a big side of bacon) and he thought it was just ok. I ate the eggs and I put bacon for the ham and it was good. The eggs were perfectly cooked, the hollandais was chipotle flavored (or something) and had wonderful spice, and the bacon was crispy and well seasoned (it had red pepperflage and other seasonings on it). The Benedict came with breakfast potatoes (and it wasn't counted as the side), and they were good... crispy and cooked with peppers and onions... liked it. To my side / dessert I got the red velvet bread pudding and made it go (I was so full and had somewhere to be).... Even the next day this was a yummy dessert... maybe not my favorite dessert ever, but good. I would consider coming here again for brunch... but they won't open until 11, which is WAY too late (for me). Maybe lunch? Yes, I am. Anyway, if you're a late rise, check this out! ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Write a positive yelp review.
It's been a few years since I'd last visited Carolina Creamery. I took the wife tonight for a little dessert and it hasn't changed a bit. Still freakin AWESOME! Just a small little place in the heart of Mint Hill. I got the Mint Oreo and my wife splurged w/ a homemade waffle cone and scoop of black cherry and a scoop of butter pecan. I had to help finish that off. They have good portion sizes. The service is friendly too. No indoor seating but they do have a 4 or 5 picnic tables outside to relax and enjoy the treats. I'll look forward to visiting again during the summer.
Skriv en positiv yelp recension.
Write a positive yelp review.
Det är några år sen jag senast besökte Carolina Creamery. Jag tog frun ikväll för en liten efterrätt och den har inte förändrats ett dugg. Fortfarande jävla AWESOME! Bara ett litet ställe i hjärtat av Mint Hill. Jag har myntverket Oreo och min fru spruckna med en hemlagad våffelstrut och scoop med svart körsbär och en skopa smör pecan. Jag var tvungen att hjälpa till att avsluta det. De har bra portionsstorlekar. Tjänsten är också vänlig. Inga sittplatser inomhus men de har en 4 eller 5 picknickbord utanför för att koppla av och njuta av godsaker. Jag ser fram emot att besöka dig igen under sommaren.
It's been a few years since I last visited Carolina Creamery. I took the wife tonight for a little dessert and it hasn't changed a bit. Still fucking AWESOME! Just a little place in the heart of Mint Hill. I have the mint Oreo and my wife cracked with a homemade waffle cone and scoop with black cherry and a scoop of butter pecan. I had to help finish it. They have good portion sizes. The service is also friendly. No indoor seating but they have a 4 or 5 picnic table outside to relax and enjoy treats. I look forward to visiting you again during the summer.
I was sent for training on Olive Avenue and this sushi bar was right across the street.. The food was okay... I've had better and I've had worse... The prices were pretty good... The server, though, was not. I went with 2 of my other coworkers and one of my coworkers asked for eel sauce; the serve thought it was within her right to question the request and THEN snub her nose and make the snide remark "Well your the one eating it".... on top of that... definitely not a fan about the automatic gratuity... a tip is privilege and something that has to be earned... its not an entitlement... So... 1 point off for the lousy service, 1 point off for that snide comment, and 1 point off for their gratuity.... will I go there again? The prices were decent, food was okay, and the quantity was a lot; but no, I doubt I will ever go there again... I don't eat sushi that much anyways and there are a lot of other places in the area where I can spend my hour lunch break-- that is if I have training there ever again. Will definitely not go out of my way for this place. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag skulle träna på Olive Avenue och sushibaren låg tvärs över gatan. Maten var okej... Jag har haft det bättre och jag har haft värre... Priserna var ganska bra... Servern var dock inte det. Jag gick med 2 av mina andra arbetskamrater och en av mina arbetskamrater bad om ålsås; serven tyckte att det var inom hennes rätt att ifrågasätta begäran och THAN nyp hennes näsa och göra den snidliga anmärkningen "Nåväl din som äter den".... ovanpå det... definitivt inte ett fan om den automatiska gratulationen... ett tips är privilegium och något som måste förtjänas... dess inte en rättighet... Så... 1 poäng bort för den usla servicen, 1 poäng bort för den där nide kommentaren, och 1 poäng bort för deras gratulation .... kommer jag att gå dit igen? Priserna var anständiga, maten var okej, och kvantiteten var mycket; men nej, jag tvivlar på att jag någonsin kommer att gå dit igen... Jag äter inte sushi så mycket i alla fall och det finns många andra ställen i området där jag kan tillbringa min timme lunchpaus--det vill säga om jag har träning där någonsin igen. Jag kommer definitivt inte att göra mig ur vägen för det här stället. Är denna översyn positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I was supposed to work out on Olive Avenue and the sushi bar was across the street. The food was okay. I've been better off and I've had worse... The prices were pretty good... However, the server was not. I joined 2 of my other workmates and one of my workmates asked for eel sauce; the serve thought it was within her right to question the request and Than pinched her nose and make the sniveling remark "Well yours that eats it".... on top of that... definitely not a fan of the automatic congratulations... a tip is privilege and something that must be earned...its not a right... So... 1 point away for the lousy service, 1 point away for that nide comment, and 1 point away for their congratulations.... will I go there again? The prices were decent, the food was okay, and the quantity was much; but no, I doubt I'll ever go there again... I don't eat sushi so much anyway and there are many other places in the area where I can spend my hour lunch break--that is, if I have training there ever again. I'm definitely not gonna get out of the way of this place. Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? I have eaten there multiple times since they first opened. I actually was one of the first customers, and I have taken several friends there.. The food is very good and they have a quite extensive menu of choices . I have not been to the buffet yet, but I will try it soon. I don't eat out very often period because of being poor, but this is a place I would recommend for flavorful as well as healthy food. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Jag har ätit där flera gånger sedan de öppnade. Jag var faktiskt en av de första kunderna, och jag har tagit flera vänner där.. Maten är mycket god och de har en ganska omfattande meny med val. Jag har inte varit på buffén än, men jag ska försöka snart. Jag äter inte ute särskilt ofta period på grund av att vara fattig, men detta är ett ställe jag skulle rekommendera för smakrik såväl som hälsosam mat. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? I've eaten there several times since they opened. I was actually one of the first customers, and I've taken several friends there.. The food is very good and they have a fairly comprehensive menu of choices. I haven't been to the buffet yet, but I'll try soon. I don't eat out very often period due to being poor, but this is a place I would recommend for tasty as well as healthy food. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Worst hot dog place..dogs were tasteless, service was a joke. Place is a dump. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Värsta korvstället..hundar var smaklösa, service var ett skämt. Stället är en soptipp. Gavs denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Worst hot dog place..dogs were tasteless, service was a joke. This place is a dump. Was this review given positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Generate a negative review for a place.
DO NOT GO HERE! They are understaffed, incompetent, and slow. It was like getting waited on by 1st job people. The place smells like bleach. It's tacky too hot. They play pop music and it's supposed to be an Italian place. Not one person there ever smiled and I was treated like a body in a chair not a person wanting to enjoy a meal. Very very slow service and no authenticity in the meals. I suggest eating out of a seafood dumpster if you plan on going here.
Generera en negativ recension för en plats.
Generate a negative review for a location.
Gå inte hit! De är underbemannade, inkompetenta och långsamma. Det var som att bli uppvaktad av första jobbet. Stället luktar blekmedel. Det är smaklöst för varmt. De spelar popmusik och det ska vara ett italienskt ställe. Inte en enda person där log och jag behandlades som en kropp i en stol, inte en person som ville njuta av en måltid. Mycket långsam service och ingen äkthet i måltiderna. Jag föreslår att du äter ur en fiskcontainer om du planerar att åka hit.
Don't come here! They are understaffed, incompetent and slow. It was like being courted by the first job. This place smells like bleach. It's tasteless too hot. They play pop music and it's supposed to be an Italian place. Not a single person there smiled and I was treated like a body in a chair, not a person who wanted to enjoy a meal. Very slow service and no authenticity in meals. I suggest you eat out of a fish container if you plan to come here.
Let me start off by saying that the head chef is a fam friend of ours. So perhaps my review is a bit biased haha. But Honestly the food here is amazing, as is the service. The filet is mouth watering. Seasoned perfectly. As is the prime rib for 2. HUGE PORTION! The kobe burger is also very tasty! I've also Love the Lobster Mac and Cheese as well. A must order is the gnocchi! melts in your mouth. We always start every meal with the seafood platter.. great appetizer! Generous portions of seafood. They also have a great selection of desserts. We always order a few different kinds. The creme brulee is perhaps the best I've ever had. the top is torched to perfecton. Also the smores presentation alone is worth ordering.LOVE THIS PLACE! & Visit frequently! What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Låt mig börja med att säga att kocken är en vän till oss. Min recension kanske är lite partisk. Men ärligt talat är maten här fantastisk, liksom servicen. Filén vattnar munnen. Smakade perfekt. Och det bästa revbenet för 2. Huge portion! Kobeburgaren är också mycket välsmakande! Jag har också älskat hummern Mac och Cheese. En måste beställa är gnocchi! smälter i munnen. Vi börjar alltid varje måltid med skaldjur fat.. stor aptitretare! Generösa delar av skaldjur. De har också ett stort urval av desserter. Vi beställer alltid några olika sorter. Cremebrule är kanske det bästa jag någonsin ätit. Toppen är tänd till perfecton. Också smores presentation ensam är värt att beställa.LOVE This PLACE! & Besök ofta! Vad är det för uppfattning i den här recensionen? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Let me start by saying that the chef is a friend of ours. Maybe my review is a little biased. But honestly, the food here is amazing, as is the service. The fillet waters your mouth. Tasted perfect. And the best rib for 2. Huge portion! The Kobeburger is also very tasty! I've also loved lobster Mac and Cheese. One must order is gnocchi! melts in your mouth. We always start every meal with seafood barrels.. big appetizers! Generous parts of shellfish. They also have a large selection of desserts. We always order a few different varieties. Maybe Cremebrule is the best thing I've ever eaten. The top's turned on for the perfecton. Also smores presentation alone is worth ordering.LOVE This PLACE! & Visit frequently! What is the opinion in this review? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive