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Is the following review positive or negative? Eww this 99 Ranch is the oldest-looking, smallest-feeling, and nastiest-smelling 99 Ranch I've ever been to. And I'm a southern Californian Asian - I've been to my share of 99 Ranches. First of all. THERE IS NO BAKERY. Where are the good people of Las Vegas supposed to get their cha shao baos and man tous?! I guess you could go to the bakery on the other side of the shopping center, but that defeats the purpose of one-stop shopping. When it gets crowded, you have to claw your way to reach the meat and fish stations. And good luck if you don't speak Spanish. You can move up to the front of the line si habla espanol, but a lot of the employees don't speak Chinese. And if you've heard your fob grandma try to bust her English, you can just imagine the screaming mess that is the fish station. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Denna 99 Ranch är den äldsta, minst kända, och mest stinkande 99 Ranch jag någonsin varit på. Och jag är en sydkalifornisk asiat - jag har varit på min andel av 99 rancher. För det första. Det finns ingen öl. Var ska de goda människorna i Las Vegas få sina cha shao baos och man tous?! Jag antar att du kan gå till bageriet på andra sidan shoppingcentret, men det är inte meningen med one-stop shopping. När det blir trångt måste man klo sig fram för att nå kött- och fiskstationerna. Lycka till om du inte talar spanska. Du kan flytta upp till fronten av linjen si habla espanol, men en hel del av de anställda talar inte kinesiska. Och om du har hört din fob mormor försöka sätta dit sin engelska, kan du bara föreställa dig den skrikande röran som är fiskstationen. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? This 99 Ranch is the oldest, least known, and most stinking 99 Ranch I've ever been to. And I'm a South Californian Asian - I've been on my share of 99 ranches. First of all. There's no beer. Where will the good people of Las Vegas get their cha shao baos and man tous?! I guess you can go to the bakery across the mall, but that's not the point of one-stop shopping. When it gets crowded, you have to claw your way forward to reach the meat and fish stations. Good luck if you don't speak Spanish. You can move up to the front of the line si habla espanol, but a lot of the employees do not speak Chinese. And if you've heard your fob grandmother trying to frame her English, you can only imagine the screaming mess that is the fish station. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? My boyfriend has been in the hospital the past few days, we were both tired of the food. I found 88 on Yelp and decided to give it a try. Glad I did! They delivered a great meal to the hospital. Their level of customer service was outstanding. Very helpful with providing information. They even accommodated the special dietary directions his nurse had provided. The meal provided by 88 delicious! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Min pojkvän har varit på sjukhuset de senaste dagarna, vi var båda trötta på maten. Jag hittade 88 på Yelp och bestämde mig för att försöka. Glad att jag gjorde det! De levererade en god måltid till sjukhuset. Deras kundservice var enastående. Mycket hjälpsam med att ge information. De inkvarterade till och med de speciella kostråd som hans sköterska hade gett. Den måltid som 88 delikata! ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? My boyfriend's been in the hospital the last few days, we were both tired of the food. I found 88 on Yelp and decided to try. Glad I did! They delivered a good meal to the hospital. Their customer service was outstanding. Very helpful in providing information. They even accommodated the special dietary advice given by his nurse. The meal that 88 delicious! ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
I wasn't really very impressed. Bajio isn't *bad* by any stretch, but it's certainly nothing to really rave about. The prices were a little steep for what you get and everything (keep in mind, this is mexican food) was oddly sweet for some reason...and that struck me oddly. Burritos and such, served in a very Chipotle-esque fashion, but for a few bucks more than Chipotle. I don't believe I'll be returning. Not because it was a negative experience, just exceptionally "meh". Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag var inte särskilt imponerad. Bajio är inte *dåligt* av någon sträckning, men det är verkligen inget att rava om. Priserna var lite branta för vad du får och allt (tänk på, detta är mexikansk mat) var märkligt sött av någon anledning ... och det slog mig konstigt. Burritos och dylikt, tjenade på ett mycket chipotle-esque sätt, men för några dollar mer än Chipotle. Jag tror inte att jag kommer tillbaka. Inte för att det var en negativ upplevelse, bara undantagsvis "meh". Är denna översyn positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I wasn't very impressed. Bajio is not *bad* of any stretch, but it is really nothing to rave about. The prices were a bit steep for what you get and everything (think about, this is Mexican food) was strangely sweet for some reason ... and it struck me strangely. Burritos and such, served in a very chipotle-esque way, but for a few dollars more than Chipotle. I don't think I'm coming back. Not that it was a negative experience, just exceptionally "meh". Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? Let it be known I am not a huge fan of super expensive, fancy schmancy food. Great food can be affordable, simple, and still taste amazing. Wolfgang proved all those points with my kick ass meal the other night. To start I had the crab cakes -- loads of crab, minimal breading, perfectly cooked, very tasty. They might have been a little over priced, but I am sure getting fresh crab to a desert isn't the easiest. But the highlight of the night was the gnocchi. Or dear baby Jesus that was some good stuff -- light pillows of goodness, amazing Bolognese sauce, heaven. Whatever you do, get that. The gnocchi is one of the best things I have eaten in a while. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Låt det bli känt att jag inte är ett stort fan av superdyr, tjusig schmancy mat. God mat kan vara prisvärd, enkel, och ändå smaka fantastiskt. Wolfgang bevisade alla dessa poäng med min kick ass måltid häromkvällen. Till att börja med hade jag krabbkakor -- massor av krabba, minimal brödning, perfekt tillagad, mycket välsmakande. De kanske var lite överpriserade, men jag är säker på att det inte är lätt att få ny krabba till en öken. Men kvällens höjdpunkt var gnocchi. Eller Jesusbarnet som var bra. Lätta kuddar av godhet, fantastisk Bolognesesås, himlen. Vad du än gör, ta det. Gnocchi är en av de bästa saker jag har ätit på ett tag. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? Let it be known that I'm not a big fan of super expensive, fancy schmancy food. Good food can be affordable, simple, and still taste fantastic. Wolfgang proved all these points with my kick ass meal the other night. At first I had crab cakes -- lots of crab, minimal breading, perfectly cooked, very tasty. They may have been a little overpriced, but I'm sure it's not easy to get a new crab to a desert. But tonight's highlight was gnocchi. Light pillows of goodness, fantastic Bolognesesås, heaven. Whatever you do, take it. Gnocchi is one of the best things I've had in a while. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Write a positive yelp review.
What a wonderful dinning experience! Everything from the hostess' and LR's outstanding service! Definitely coming back. A MUST the Seafood Tower and the Butter Cake.
Skriv en positiv yelp recension.
Write a positive yelp review.
Vilken underbar middagsupplevelse! Allt från värdinnans och LR:s enastående tjänst! Definitivt kommer tillbaka. EN MÖJLIGEN Sjömatstornet och Smörkakan.
What a wonderful dinner experience! Everything from the extraordinary service of the hostess and the LR! Definitely coming back. A MOVABLE Seafood Tower and Buttercake.
Generate a positive review for a place.
I really like this place. It is near my neighborhood and when it opened, the owner brought a few pizzas to our neighborhood organization meeting. That was really nice and of course good marketing. When I have friends and family in from out of town, I always take them there. We walk. Okay, I know the surrounding block is scary, but what do you expect right next to the I-17. One block east, and either north or south from there, you have nice neighborhoods. Like mine. ;-) And it's fun to be able to walk there. Last time I was there, a guy other than the original owner took our order. He claimed that he is the "new" owner. Not sure what to think, but I really liked the first guy because when he is in charge, everything is prepared perfectly!
Generera en positiv recension för en plats.
Generate a positive review for a place.
Jag gillar verkligen det här stället. Det ligger i närheten av mitt grannskap, och när det öppnades, tog ägaren med sig några pizzor till vårt kvartersorganisationsmöte. Det var riktigt trevligt och naturligtvis bra marknadsföring. När jag har vänner och familj från andra städer, tar jag dem alltid dit. Vi går. Jag vet att kvarteret är läskigt, men vad förväntar du dig precis bredvid I-17? Ett kvarter österut, och antingen norrut eller söderut därifrån, har du fina stadsdelar. Som min. ;-) Och det är roligt att kunna gå där. Förra gången jag var där, tog en annan kille än den ursprungliga ägaren vår beställning. Han hävdade att han är den "nya" ägaren. Jag vet inte vad jag ska tro, men jag gillade verkligen den första killen eftersom när han är ansvarig, är allt förberett perfekt!
I really like this place. It is near my neighborhood, and when it opened, the owner took some pizzas to our neighborhood organization meeting. It was really nice and of course good marketing. When I have friends and family from other cities, I always take them there. Let's go. I know this neighborhood is scary, but what do you expect right next to I-17? One block east, and either north or south from there, you have nice neighborhoods. Like mine. ;-) And it's fun to be able to walk there. Last time I was there, a different guy from the original owner took our order. He claimed to be the "new" owner. I don't know what to think, but I really liked the first guy because when he's in charge, everything is prepared perfectly!
Walking by and noticed their specials board on the sidewalk. Went in for the $2 bottled beer and chicken club with onion rings. Nicely prepared, nice presentation and great flavors. Giant TVs for your favorite sporting event , definitely a "will return" kind of place! How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
När de gick förbi och märkte sina specials styrelse på trottoaren. Gick in för $ 2 buteljerad öl och kyckling klubb med lök ringar. Snyggt förberedd, trevlig presentation och goda smaker. Jätte-TV för din favorit sportevenemang, definitivt en "kommer tillbaka" typ av plats! Hur skulle denna granskning beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
As they walked by and noticed their specials board on the sidewalk. Entered for $2 bottled beer and chicken club with onion rings. Nicely prepared, nice presentation and good taste. Giant TV for your favorite sports event, definitely a "coming back" kind of place! How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
I went for lunch yesterday without a reservation. We were early - most of the tables inside were empty. Nonetheless, we were given a horrible small table in the middle of the room. I requested a table against the wall but were told they were all reserved. No one sat in them for at least 45 minutes. We ordered the salad with the anchovy dressing. It was ok but you couldn't taste any anchovy. I could make a better salad at home in two minutes. And, our table was too small to have a breadbasket. We also split a pizza. We were informed for at least three minutes by our server that the restaurant no longer cuts pizzas because they get soggy in the middle but they bring us these wonderful pizza knives so that we can cut our own. When the pizza came, we cut it in half and split it, then out the big plate under our individual plates because, again, there was not enough room on the table for all the plates. The pizza was fine - actually delicious and not soggy. The tomato sauce is incredible. I don't know if I will go back, though. This restaurant definitely cannot handle a crowd and they are a little rude. I am not sure that the pizza is worth the substandard treatment by the hostesses and the servers. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag åt lunch igår utan att boka. Vi var tidiga - de flesta borden inuti var tomma. Trots det fick vi ett hemskt litet bord mitt i rummet. Jag begärde ett bord mot väggen men fick veta att de alla var reserverade. Ingen satt i dem i minst 45 minuter. Vi beställde salladen med ansjovisdressingen. Det var okej, men du kunde inte smaka ansjovis. Jag kan göra en bättre sallad hemma på två minuter. Och vårt bord var för litet för att ha en brödkorg. Vi delade också en pizza. Vi informerades i minst tre minuter av vår server om att restaurangen inte längre skär pizza eftersom de blir blöta i mitten men de ger oss dessa underbara pizzaknivar så att vi kan skära våra egna. När pizzan kom, skar vi den itu och delade den, sedan ut den stora tallriken under våra enskilda tallrikar eftersom det, återigen, inte fanns tillräckligt med plats på bordet för alla tallrikar. Pizzan var fin - faktiskt delikat och inte blöt. Tomatsåsen är otrolig. Jag vet inte om jag kommer tillbaka. Denna restaurang kan definitivt inte hantera en publik och de är lite oförskämd. Jag är inte säker på att pizzan är värd den undermåliga behandlingen av värdinnorna och servrarna. Gavs denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I had lunch last night without booking. We were early. Most of the tables inside were empty. Even so, we got a terrible little table in the middle of the room. I asked for a table against the wall but found out they were all reserved. No one was in them for at least 45 minutes. We ordered the salad with the anchovy dressing. It was okay, but you couldn't taste anchovies. I can make a better salad at home in two minutes. And our table was too small to have a basket of bread. We also shared a pizza. We were informed for at least three minutes by our server that the restaurant no longer cuts pizza because they get wet in the middle but they give us these wonderful pizza knives so that we can cut our own. When the pizza arrived, we cut it in half and handed it out, then the big plate under our individual plates because, again, there was not enough room on the table for all the plates. The pizza was nice - actually delicious and not wet. The tomato sauce is amazing. I don't know if I'm coming back. This restaurant definitely can't handle an audience and they're a bit rude. I'm not sure the pizza is worth the substandard treatment of the hostesses and servers. Was this review given positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an negative review?
DH and I were in Vegas for our annual trek and decided to snag some tix because Garrett himself was appearing. For some reason, I thought he would be funny. I have been to other comedy clubs in vegas, atlantic city, and pittsburgh and usually walk out tired from laughing so hard. this time - not at all. if you think Garrett making fun of stereotypes is humorous, maybe this is your kind of show. after the 15th gay joke about sex and why he could not accommodate that kind of sex physically (really how many times can you say "i can't ------, i got problems with the old dumper as it is" before it is not worth a laugh???) , he moved on to the asian women in the audience. then he moved on to the older folks and just decimated them before moving to the african-american in the audience who just happened to have a white date which gave him more jokes to make. there were no muslims in the audience so i think that part was just part of the regular routine. i don't know, i think i left the butt and boob and tiny penis and oral sex humor back in college - and really it was maybe only funny once or twice. i suggest checking him out on you tube if you are at all unsure about his style of humor before buying your tix - i wish we had..... oh - just as a side note - when garrett came out for the third time, i decided to escape to the ladies room to avoid his third monologue only to find a couple having sex in the ladies room - sigh - i can't decide if all that butt talk got them hot or they were bored as well..... next time, i will stick to the comedy up the street ;)
Vad skulle vara ett exempel på en negativ granskning?
What would be an example of a negative review?
DH och jag var i Vegas för vår årliga vandring och bestämde oss för att ta lite tix eftersom Garrett själv dök upp. Av någon anledning trodde jag att han skulle vara rolig. Jag har varit på andra komediklubbar i Vegas, Atlantic City och Pittsburgh och brukar gå ut trött från att skratta så hårt. Den här gången - inte alls. Om du tycker att Garrett driver med stereotyper är humoristiskt, kanske det här är din typ av show. efter det 15:e gayskämtet om sex och varför han inte kunde rymma den sortens sex fysiskt (verkligen hur många gånger kan man säga "jag kan inte ------, jag fick problem med den gamla dumpern som den är" innan det inte är värt ett skratt??? , gick han vidare till de asiska kvinnorna i publiken. Sen gick han vidare till de äldre och decimerade dem innan han flyttade till den afrikanska-amerikanska publiken som bara råkade ha en vit dejt vilket gav honom fler skämt att dra. Det fanns inga muslimer i publiken så jag tror att den delen bara var en del av den vanliga rutinen. Jag tror att jag lämnade rumpan och brösten och liten penis och oral sexhumor på college och det var kanske bara roligt en eller två gånger. Jag föreslår att du kollar upp honom på din tub om du är alls osäker på hans stil av humor innan du köper din tix - jag önskar att vi hade ..... oh - precis som en sidonot - när Garrett kom ut för tredje gången, jag bestämde mig för att fly till damerna rummet för att undvika hans tredje monolog bara för att hitta ett par som har sex i damerna rummet - suck - Jag kan inte bestämma om allt det där rumpsnacket fick dem heta eller de var uttråkade också .... nästa gång, jag kommer att hålla mig till komedin på gatan;)
DH and I were in Vegas for our annual hike and decided to take some tix because Garrett himself showed up. For some reason, I thought he'd be funny. I've been to other comedy clubs in Vegas, Atlantic City, and Pittsburgh and I usually go out tired of laughing so hard. This time, not at all. If you think Garrett's making fun of stereotypes is humorous, maybe this is your kind of show. after the 15th gay joke about sex and why he couldn't accommodate that kind of sex physically (really how many times can you say "I can't -----, I got into trouble with the old dumper as it is" before it's not worth a laugh??? , he went on to the Asian women in the audience. Then he moved on to the elderly and decimated them before moving to the African-American audience who just happened to have a white date which gave him more jokes to draw. There were no Muslims in the audience so I think that part was just part of the usual routine. I think I left my butt and my breasts and little penis and oral sex humor in college and maybe it was just fun once or twice. I suggest you check him out on your tube if you're at all unsure of his style of humor before you buy your tix - I wish we had ..... oh - just like a side note - when Garrett came out for the third time, I decided to escape to the ladies room to avoid his third monologue just to find a couple having sex in the ladies room - sigh - I can't decide if all that butt talk got them hot or they were bored too.... the next time, I'll stick to the comedy on the street;)
Lucky's is great if you're looking for this style of pizza. Authentic, great toppings (broccoli my favorite!) and the atmosphere is awesome. The family here is so warm, all of them really funny, always making me laugh when I go in there! Thank you for being the first great food experience I had upon moving to Surprise! What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Lucky's är bra om du letar efter den här pizzan. Autentisk, bra pålägg (broccoli min favorit!) och atmosfären är fantastisk. Familjen här är så varm, alla är jätteroliga, får mig alltid att skratta när jag går in där! Tack för att du är den första stora matupplevelsen jag hade när jag flyttade till Surprise! Vad är det för uppfattning i den här recensionen? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Lucky's is good if you're looking for this pizza. Authentic, good toppings (broccoli my favorite!) And the atmosphere is amazing. The family here is so hot, everybody's really funny, always makes me laugh when I go in there! Thank you for being the first big food experience I had when I moved to Surprise! What is the opinion in this review? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? No thanks. There is only one game in town in Florence, and it's called Jalape\u00f1os. No doubt about it. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Nej tack. Det finns bara ett spel i staden i Florens, och det kallas Jalape\u00f1os. Det är ingen tvekan om det. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? No, thank you. There is only one game in the city of Florence, and it is called Jalape\u00f1os. There's no doubt about it. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
This office is good for very basic stuff - very basic. I brought my pet in because something was not right and the doctor said it was just a reaction to something (and basically didn't know anything else to do). I don't know why I didn't get a second opinion. Two months later my pet died. I really liked this office at first, but after the lack of action and knowledge (or even suggesting they didn't know what to do to see someone else) I won't be returning. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Det här kontoret är bra för mycket grundläggande saker - mycket grundläggande. Jag tog in mitt husdjur eftersom något inte var rätt och läkaren sa att det bara var en reaktion på något (och i princip inte visste något annat att göra). Jag vet inte varför jag inte fick en andra åsikt. Två månader senare dog mitt husdjur. Jag gillade verkligen det här kontoret till en början, men efter bristen på handling och kunskap (eller ens antyda att de inte visste vad de skulle göra för att träffa någon annan) kommer jag inte att återvända. Är denna översyn positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
This office is good for very basic things - very basic. I brought in my pet because something was not right and the doctor said it was just a reaction to something (and basically didn't know anything else to do). I don't know why I didn't get a second opinion. Two months later, my pet died. I really liked this office at first, but after the lack of action and knowledge (or even hinting that they didn't know what to do to meet someone else) I won't return. Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Just a great local restaurant -- great food (with nice twists) and exceptionally service OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Bara en stor lokal restaurang -- god mat (med fina vändningar) och undantagsvis service alternativ: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? Just a large local restaurant -- good food (with fine turns) and exceptional service options: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? When my friend told us we had a free room at Caesars Palace, we were excited to finally stay here. We arrived at 3am, checked in and told us they were out of double beds. Single beds were the only thing available, they told us they will give us another room the next day with the double bed..... but for our trouble they will upgrade us to a deluxe room and will send us a roller-bed. Room was tiny and you just cannot compare with Venetian or Palazzo. BUT its understandable knowing the fact that Ceasars is an older hotel than the two. But i guess we were just spoiled by Palazzo with their awesome room.... It was 5am, roller-bed still haven't arrive. Called the front desk and they told us our ticket request is still in progress. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! We all fell asleep and woke up.......and guess what, roller-bed still not here!!! We went to the Palace Station and ate at the Oyster Bar..... Highly recommended to go and try it there, everything is so flavorful and yummy. Its our tradition to eat there everytime we are at vegas..... When we try to valet our car back at Ceasars, they told us since the lot is full and we r not a diamond or seven member, we had to go to the Colosseum valet to park our car.....whateva..... Went back to the room and called the front desk about our doublebed. Long story short, no doublebed room, no notes on our account about changing room.......if i want to talk to a manager, I had to come downstair and ask for them.... ARE YOU F*@&ing kidding me!!! What kind of service are they providing????? After I hung up on them, 2 minutes later......knock knock........rollerbed is here!!! After 15 f***ing hrs later. So bull@%*& We were ready to head home the next day, so we packed our bags and headed to the valet. When we walked out......our car was parked on the curb and it said valet was closed. We saw an employee and told them that was our car......they told us we parked at the wrong valet and there is a $20 fee for leaving the car overnite.... ARE YOU F*@&ing kidding me!!! Ceasars, we r not ever ever stayin at your place again, even if the room was free....It was a horrible experience. Your service to us was outrageous. So disappointing, I have no comment for you!! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? När min vän berättade att vi hade ett ledigt rum på Caesars Palace, var vi glada att äntligen stanna här. Vi kom klockan tre, checkade in och berättade att de hade slut på dubbelsängar. Enkelsängar var det enda tillgängliga, de berättade att de kommer att ge oss ett annat rum nästa dag med dubbelsängen..... men för våra problem de kommer att uppgradera oss till ett lyxrum och kommer att skicka oss en rullsäng. Rummet var litet och man kan inte jämföra med venetianska eller palazzo. MEN det är förståeligt att veta att Ceasars är ett äldre hotell än de två. Men jag antar att vi bara blev bortskämda av Palazzo med deras fantastiska rum... Klockan var fem, rullsängen har fortfarande inte kommit. De ringde receptionen och sa att biljettförfrågan fortfarande pågår. !!! Vi somnade alla och vaknade .......och gissa vad, rullsäng fortfarande inte här!!! Vi gick till Palace Station och åt på Oyster Bar..... Rekommenderas att gå och prova det där, allt är så smakfull och smaskig. Det är vår tradition att äta där varje gång vi är på Vegas..... När vi försöker betjänt vår bil tillbaka på Ceasars, de berättade för oss eftersom tomten är full och vi r inte en diamant eller sju medlem, var vi tvungna att gå till Colosseum betjänt för att parkera vår bil....vadeva.... Gick tillbaka till rummet och ringde receptionen om vår dubbelsäng. Lång historia kort, ingen dubbelsäng rum, inga anteckningar på vårt konto om omklädningsrum jag vill prata med en manager, jag var tvungen att komma ner och fråga efter dem .... ÄR DU F*@&ing skojar mig!!! Vilken typ av service tillhandahåller de???? Efter att jag lagt på, 2 minuter senare...knack knack.....rollerbed är här!!! Efter 15 f***** hrs senare. Så bull@%*& Vi var redo att åka hem nästa dag, så vi packade våra väskor och gick till betjänten. När vi gick ut stod vår bil parkerad på trottoarkanten och det stod att betjänten var stängd. Vi såg en anställd och berättade för dem att det var vår bil ... ... de berättade att vi parkerade vid fel betjänt och det finns en $ 20 avgift för att lämna bilen overnite .... ÄR DU F*@&ing skojar mig!!! Ceasars, vi r aldrig någonsin någonsin stanna hemma hos dig igen, även om rummet var gratis ....Det var en hemsk upplevelse. Din tjänst till oss var skandalös. Så besviken, jag har ingen kommentar till dig!! ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? When my friend told me that we had a free room at Caesars Palace, we were happy to finally stay here. We arrived at three o'clock, checked in and told them they were out of double beds. Single beds were the only thing available, they told us that they will give us another room the next day with the double bed.... but for our problems they will upgrade us to a luxury room and will send us a roll bed. The room was small and one cannot compare with Venetian or palazzo. BUT it is understandable to know that Ceasers is an older hotel than the two. But I guess we just got spoiled by Palazzo with their amazing rooms... It was five o'clock, the roll bed still hasn't arrived. They called reception and said the ticket request is still ongoing. !!! We all fell asleep and woke up.....and guess what, roll bed still not here!!! We went to Palace Station and ate at Oyster Bar.... Recommended to go and try that, everything is so tasteful and yummy. It's our tradition to eat there every time we're in Vegas.... When we try to valet our car back at Caesars, they told us because Santa is drunk and we are not a diamond or seven member, we had to go to the Colosseum valet to park our car....whateva.... Went back to the room and called reception about our double bed. Long story short, no double bed room, no notes on our account about dressing room.......if I want to talk to a manager, I had to come down and ask for them.... ARE YOU F*@&ing kidding me!!! What kind of service do they provide???? After I hang up, 2 minutes later...knock knock.....rollerbed is here!!! After 15 f***** hrs later. So bull@%*& We were ready to go home the next day, so we packed our bags and went to the valet. When we walked out, our car was parked on the curb and it said that the valet was closed. We saw an employee and told them it was our car ... ...they told us that we parked at the wrong valet and there is a $20 fee to leave the car overnite .... ARE YOU F*@&ing kidding me!!! Ceasers, we are never ever ever ever staying at your home again, even if the room was free....It was a terrible experience. Your service to us was scandalous. So disappointed, I have no comment on you!! ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Calicos is the spot to be at Westgate. The night life here is awesome. The ladies are everywhere. I definitely recommend trying this place out. You'll probably run into me here. Good drink specials and celebrity guests. Can't go wrong heading to Calicos. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Calicos är platsen för att vara vid Westgate. Nattlivet här är fantastiskt. Damerna är överallt. Jag rekommenderar att du provar det här stället. Du kommer nog att stöta på mig här. Goda drinkar och kändisgäster. Kan inte gå fel på väg till Calicos. Gavs denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Calicos is the place to be at Westgate. The nightlife here is amazing. The ladies are everywhere. I recommend you try this place. I think you're gonna run into me here. Good drinks and celebrity guests. Can't go wrong on the way to Calicos. Was this review given positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? I really thought this would be a great place to eat, but I was really disappointed ! Got there at 11:30 am place was super busy! Really wanted a beef burrito, went to order . No beef?! Really it's the beginning of your lunch rush and no beef ? Only 2 options chicken or pork. Went with the pork. The presentation was great it looks fresh . But the inside including the pork was cold! Bland flavor ! 2 people cost 24.00! Wish I'd gone to Del Taco! Won't go there again ! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vad är innebörden i följande genomgång? Jag trodde verkligen att det här skulle vara ett bra ställe att äta, men jag blev verkligen besviken! Kom dit kl. 11.30 var det superupptaget! Ville verkligen ha en oxburrito, gick på beställning. Inget kött?! Är det verkligen början på din lunchrush och ingen biff? Endast 2 alternativ kyckling eller fläsk. Gick med fläsket. Presentationen var bra att den ser fräsch ut. Men insidan inklusive fläsket var kallt! Blandig smak! 2 personer kostar 24.00! Jag önskar att jag hade åkt till Del Taco! Jag ska inte gå dit igen! ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
What is the meaning of the following review? I really thought this would be a good place to eat, but I was really disappointed! Get there at 11.30 a.m. was super busy! I really wanted an oxburrito, went on order. No meat?! Is this really the beginning of your lunch rush and no steak? Only 2 alternative chicken or pork. Went with the pork. The presentation was good that it looks fresh. But the inside, including the pork, was cold! Mixed taste! 2 people cost 24.00! I wish I'd gone to Del Taco! I'm not going back there! ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
I am totally a fan of Five Guys now. I read an article on yahoo today about how Zagat rated this the best burger chain in the nation. I have to say I agree they make an amazing burger. The patties are never frozen which is really nice and shows in the taste. The ingredients are fresh and the potato's are cut fresh with the skin on. They use peanut oil to cook the fries in which adds a nice flavor. I recommend getting the cajun fries they are really yummy. Overall this is a great spot for a burger totally not good for your waistline but when you want a burger and fries do you really care about that??? How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag är ett fan av Fem killar nu. Jag läste en artikel om hur Zagat rankade landets bästa hamburgerkedja. Jag måste säga att jag håller med om att de gör en fantastisk hamburgare. Pattierna är aldrig frysta vilket är riktigt trevligt och visar sig i smaken. Ingredienserna är färska och potatisen skärs färsk med huden på. De använder jordnötsolja för att tillaga pommes fritesen i vilket tillför en fin smak. Jag rekommenderar cajun pommes frites de är verkligen smaskiga. Sammantaget är detta en bra plats för en hamburgare helt inte bra för din midja men när du vill ha en hamburgare och pommes frites bryr du dig verkligen om det??? Hur skulle denna granskning beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I'm a fan of Five guys now. I read an article about Zagat ranking the best hamburger chain in the country. I have to say, I agree that they make an amazing hamburger. The patties are never frozen which is really nice and shows itself to the taste. The ingredients are fresh and the potatoes are cut fresh with the skin on. They use peanut oil to cook the fries in which adds a fine taste. I recommend cajun fries they're really yummy. Overall, this is a good place for a hamburger completely not good for your waist but when you want a hamburger and fries do you really care about it??? How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
After hiking a mile to it!! Closed till spring!' 0 stars. Don't say your hours and post your open when your not !!!! What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Efter vandring en mil till den!! Stängt till våren!» 0 stjärnor. Säg inte dina timmar och posta din öppna när din inte ! !!! Vad är det för uppfattning i den här recensionen? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
After hiking a mile to it!! Closed to spring!" 0 stars. Don't say your hours and post your open when yours isn't! !!! What is the opinion in this review? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Took my two boys and their two friends here on black Friday (11/29/13) because I didn't feel like getting into a fight at the mall over something you don't need anyway just because it is half off. It is 12 bucks for 18 holes of mini golf. 10 bucks if you're a local with proof of ID. They were nice enough to apply this to my kids as well so 50 bucks and some change for about an hour and a half of fun was well worth it. I love the fact that it is smoke free and indoors so on those hot summer days you have that nice AC to keep you cool. Obviously, if you don't already know, the theme of this place is based off of one of the most legendary rock bands in history. Regardless if you know the band or not, you gotta appreciate how the course is laid out with various props for your viewing pleasure while you either celebrate making a putt with the least amount of tries or going on a rant like Joe Pesci in those Snickers commercials. The course itself has been laid out in a manner that guides you to the next hole so there is no guessing. As for the attempts on making each hole, you get a maximum of 5. I know this because on the back of your score card it specifically says this (does anybody actually read it?). So a max of 90 would be your score if you really suck that bad. I wish I read that part because I had 16 attempts on that one hole that has the stupid volcano/swirl type thingy. Service here is excellent. They encourage you to have fun and take lots of pictures. They even give you pointers and give you rewards if you just happen to make a hole in one in their presence. Business hours are everyday 10 am to midnight. Even on holidays they are open but have limited hours so make sure you call first before heading out. The only thing that bothers me is that they allow alcohol here. The day I went, there were some guys ahead of us that were a bit buzzed. I can only imagine how much more worse it would of been if they were actually hammered and no, I don't believe anybody can actually golf better when they are drunk. So if you are in the area and wanna kill some time for whatever reason or want to take somebody here for that awkward first date, by all means, go for it. I guarantee it wont be so awkward once you have fun. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Tog mina två pojkar och deras två vänner hit på svarta fredagen (11/29/13) eftersom jag inte kände för att bråka på köpcentret om något du inte behöver ändå bara för att det är halverat. Det kostar 12 dollar för 18 hål med minigolf. Tio dollar om du är en lokal med bevis på ID. De var trevliga nog att applicera detta på mina barn också så 50 dollar och lite växel i ungefär en och en halv timme av kul var väl värt det. Jag älskar det faktum att det är rökfritt och inomhus så på de varma sommardagarna har du den fina AC:n för att hålla dig lugn. Uppenbarligen, om du inte redan vet, är temat för denna plats baserad på ett av de mest legendariska rockbanden i historien. Oavsett om du känner till bandet eller inte, måste du uppskatta hur kursen är utlagd med olika rekvisita för din tittar njutning medan du antingen fira att göra en putt med minst antal försök eller gå på en runt som Joe Pesci i dessa Snickers reklamfilmer. Själva kursen har lagts ut på ett sätt som leder dig till nästa hål så det finns ingen gissning. När det gäller försöken att göra varje hål, får du maximalt 5. Jag vet detta eftersom på baksidan av ditt poängkort det säger specifikt detta (är någon faktiskt läsa det?). Så max 90 skulle vara din poäng om du verkligen suger så dåligt. Jag önskar att jag läste den delen eftersom jag hade 16 försök på det där hålet som har den dumma vulkan / swirl typ sak. Servicen här är utmärkt. De uppmuntrar dig att ha kul och ta massor av bilder. De ger dig till och med tips och belöningar om du bara råkar göra ett hål i ett i deras närvaro. Affärstiderna är vardag kl. 10 till midnatt. Även på helgdagar de är öppna men har begränsade timmar så se till att du ringer först innan du ger dig ut. Det enda som stör mig är att de tillåter alkohol här. Dagen jag gick var det några killar framför oss som var lite surrade. Jag kan bara föreställa mig hur mycket värre det skulle vara om de faktiskt var hamrade och nej, jag tror inte att någon faktiskt kan golf bättre när de är berusade. Så om du är i området och vill döda någon tid av någon anledning eller vill ta någon här för den där pinsamma första dejten, för all del, kör hårt. Jag garanterar att det inte blir så pinsamt när du har roligt. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? Brought my two boys and their two friends here on black Friday (11/29/13) because I didn't feel like fighting at the mall about something you don't need anyway just because it's halved. It costs $12 for 18 holes with minigolf. Ten bucks if you're a local with proof of ID. They were nice enough to apply this to my kids too so 50 dollars and some change for about an hour and a half of fun was well worth it. I love the fact that it is smoke-free and indoors so on the hot summer days you have the nice AC to stay calm. Obviously, if you don't already know, the theme of this place is based on one of the most legendary rock bands in history. Whether you know the band or not, you need to appreciate how the course is laid out with different props for your viewing pleasure while either celebrating to make a putt with the least number of attempts or going on a round like Joe Pesci in these Snickers commercials. The course itself has been laid out in a way that leads you to the next hole so there is no guess. When it comes to trying to make each hole, you get a maximum of 5. I know this because on the back of your score card it specifically says this (is anyone actually reading it?). So 90 max would be your point if you really suck that bad. I wish I read that part because I had 16 tries on that hole that has the stupid volcano/swirl kind of thing. The service here is excellent. They encourage you to have fun and take lots of pictures. They even give you tips and rewards if you just happen to make a hole in one in their presence. Business hours are weekday at 10 am to midnight. Even on holidays they are open but have limited hours so make sure you call first before you go out. The only thing that bothers me is that they allow alcohol here. The day I left, there were some guys in front of us who were a little buzzed. I can only imagine how much worse it would be if they were actually hammered and no, I don't think anyone actually knows golf better when they're drunk. So if you're in the area and you want to kill some time for some reason or want to take someone here for that embarrassing first date, by all means, go for it. I guarantee it won't be so embarrassing when you're having fun. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Good: games are great if you like video and carnival type games Bad: Food was not good Recommendation: Eat somewhere else first and finish the night here! How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Bra: spel är bra om du gillar video och karneval typ spel dåliga: Mat var inte bra Rekommendation: Ät någon annanstans först och avsluta natten här! Hur skulle denna granskning beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Good: games are great if you like video and carnival type games bad: Food was not good Recommendation: Eat somewhere else first and finish the night here! How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? This is a great christian chuch in the northwest. Large campus with great services for adults, young adults, and of course kids. They have speakers on a regular basis which are national names, like Tim Tebow, as well as many great christian authors/pastors. The music is not TOO LOUD, the service is always uplifting and Pastor Odor is a great preacher. If you are looking for a great church in the Northwest, you have found a big church with a down home feel. Praise the Lord and Thank you Jesus for all you have done! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Detta är en stor kristen christisk chuch i nordväst. Stort campus med bra service för vuxna, unga vuxna, och naturligtvis barn. De har talare regelbundet som är nationella namn, som Tim Tebow, samt många stora kristna författare/pastorer. Musiken är inte TOO LOUD, gudstjänsten är alltid upplyftande och pastor Odor är en stor predikant. Letar man efter en stor kyrka i Nordväst har man hittat en stor kyrka med en dunhemskänsla. Lova Herren och tacka Jesus för allt du har gjort! ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? This is a great Christian christian chuch in the northwest. Large campus with good service for adults, young adults, and of course children. They have speakers regularly who are national names, such as Tim Tebow, as well as many great Christian writers/pastors. The music is not TOO LOUD, the service is always uplifting and Reverend Odor is a great preacher. If you are looking for a large church in the Northwest you have found a large church with a feeling of down home. Praise the Lord and thank Jesus for everything you've done! ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? This place brings back a bad taste in my mouth literally so to the point. Place is loud, can barley have a conversation,(which is okay if your wasted) The seating is very crowded, more than a few times all of us at our party bumped in tot he table behind us and like wise. The drinks ( mixed drinks were really weak) I tasted from friends drinks, and worst off the food was ridiculously salty. The pretzel that came our needed a glass of water per bit/ or dipped in the hotter mustard sauces to mask the saltiness. the food was also extremely salty, and this was for about 4 of the 8 guys that ate with us. many of us got the jager dish( that was way to salty) I threw up after a few bites of pretzel and two bites of the jager sausage plate from too much salt( I am sure its the salt since I didnt drink any alcohol the whole day) The only good that came out of going was the decor, and the fact you get to see some people get smacked so hard on their moneymakers they cry I cant belive we went here, and I will never go back. Ill stick in the hotel or eat across the street should a group of friend ever want to eat here again. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Det här stället ger mig en dålig smak. Platsen är hög, kan korn ha en konversation, (vilket är okej om din bortkastade) Sittplatsen är mycket trång, mer än några gånger oss alla på vår fest bultade i tot han bordet bakom oss och som klokt. Dryckerna (blanddryckerna var riktigt svaga) smakade jag av vänner dricker, och värst av maten var löjligt salt. Den kringla som kom vår behövde ett glas vatten per bit/ eller doppades i de hetare senapssåserna för att maskera sältan. maten var också extremt salt, och detta var för ungefär 4 av de 8 killarna som åt med oss. Många av oss fick jagarrätten (som var vägen till salt) Jag spydde upp efter några bitar kringla och två bitar av jagarkorvplattan från för mycket salt (Jag är säker på att det salt eftersom jag inte drack någon alkohol hela dagen) Det enda goda som kom ut av att gå var inredningen, och det faktum att du får se några människor få slag så hårt på sina penningsmeder de gråter Jag kan inte tro att vi gick hit, och jag kommer aldrig att gå tillbaka. Jag stannar på hotellet eller äter tvärs över gatan om en grupp vänner någonsin vill äta här igen. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? This place gives me a bad taste. The place is high, can barley have a conversation, (which is okay if your wasted) The seat is very tight, more than a few times all of us at our party pounded in the tot he table behind us and as wise. The drinks (the mixed drinks were really weak) I tasted of friends drinking, and the worst of the food was ridiculously salty. The pretzel that came spring needed a glass of water per piece/ or dipped in the hotter mustard sauces to mask the salt. the food was also extremely salty, and this was for about 4 of the 8 guys who ate with us. Many of us were given the right to hunt (which was the way to salt) I vomited up after a few pieces pretzel and two pieces of the destroyer sausage plate from too much salt (I'm sure it salt because I didn't drink any alcohol all day) The only good thing that came out of walking was the interior decoration, and the fact that you get to see a few people hit so hard on their moneysmiths they cry I can't believe we went here, and I'll never go back. I'll stay at the hotel or eat across the street if a group of friends ever want to eat here again. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Unexpected surprises in excellence won 5 stars and fans for life! We went for the bf's birthday as fans already of Bobby Flay and thought it would be good but are happy to say it was GREAT. To start we each got a margarita only because it is their specialty drink .... Yum. Wow! And for apps the fundito quest and duck pancake which were both truly fantastic and recommended by our server as favorites. The quest dip was hot and spicy and gooey ... Served on a little skillet, bubbling at the table, we smiled big. "CHEESE." For supper he got the rabbit and I got pork. From the cornbread at the table to my side in a cornhusk .... To the most tender pork I have ever had to the delightful rabbit, we could not have asked for more. A funny thing that did happen, just to show the service level, I thought I had found a hair in my meal. It wasn't touching anything, so I just asked to be replated. Well, they came back with a whole new meal and it was from the cornhusk .... Not a human. I kinds felt bad but honestly didn't know. What struck me was there wasn't a second thought to creating a new dish even at my request not to. They aim for excellence and surely got it. Love to Bobby Flay and Mesa Grill team. Thanks for making the boyfriend's birthday perfect. We will be back and send all of our Vegas friends. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Oväntade överraskningar i excellens vann 5 stjärnor och fans för livet! Vi gick för bf födelsedag som fans redan av Bobby Flay och trodde att det skulle vara bra men är glada att säga att det var bra. Till att börja med fick vi varsin margarita bara för att det är deras specialdryck .... Yum. Wow! Och för appar fundito quest och ank pannkaka som var både riktigt fantastiskt och rekommenderas av vår server som favoriter. Strävans dopp var varmt och kryddigt och krummigt... Serverade på en liten skillet, bubblande vid bordet, log vi stort. "Cheese." Till kvällsmaten fick han kaninen och jag fläsk. Från majsbrödet vid bordet till min sida i ett majshusk .... Till det möraste fläsk jag någonsin haft till den förtjusande kaninen, kunde vi inte ha bett om mer. En rolig sak som hände, bara för att visa servicenivån, Jag trodde att jag hade hittat ett hår i min måltid. Den rörde ingenting, så jag bad bara att få bli replaterad. De kom tillbaka med en helt ny måltid och det var från majshusken. Jag mådde dåligt, men visste inte. Det som slog mig var att det inte fanns en tanke på att skapa en ny maträtt även på min begäran att inte göra det. De siktar på förträfflighet och har det säkert. Jag älskar Bobby Flay och Mesa Grill-teamet. Tack för att du gjorde pojkvännen perfekt. Vi kommer tillbaka och skickar alla våra Vegas vänner. Vad är det för uppfattning i den här recensionen? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Unexpected surprises in excellence won 5 stars and fans for life! We went for bf birthday as fans already by Bobby Flay and thought it would be good but is happy to say it was good. At first we each got margarita just because it's their special drink.... Yum. Wow! And for apps fundito quest and duck pancake that was both really amazing and recommended by our server as favourites. The dip of the quest was warm and spicy and slumbery... Served on a small skillet, bubbling at the table, we smiled big. "Cheese." For supper, he got the rabbit and I got pork. From the cornbread at the table to my side in a mayhem .... To the tenderest pork I ever had to the delightful rabbit, we could not have asked for more. A funny thing that happened, just to show the service level, I thought I had found a hair in my meal. It didn't touch anything, so I just asked to be replated. They came back with a whole new meal and it was from the corn house. I felt bad, but I didn't know. What struck me was that there was no thought of creating a new dish even at my request not to. They aim for excellence and have it safely. I love Bobby Flay and the Mesa Grill team. Thank you for making your boyfriend perfect. We'll come back and send all our Vegas friends. What is the opinion in this review? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Lovely little restaurant with really, really good soup. I took my laptop in (have internet, will travel!) and worked on my book while the waiter took very good care of me. My soup was piping hot, absolutely full of all kinds of fun and wonderful seafood, and very tasty. He checked on me without being intrusive, brought me extra cilantro when I asked, and served me a ready-made Vietnamese iced coffee. I took my time writing and noshing, and never felt 'moved along' like so many other restaurants do when you set up shop. I'll be back to try other dishes! Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Härlig liten restaurang med riktigt bra soppa. Jag tog min laptop i (har internet, kommer att resa!) och arbetade på min bok medan servitören tog mycket väl hand om mig. Min soppa var het, helt full av alla typer av roliga och underbara skaldjur, och mycket välsmakande. Han tittade till mig utan att vara påträngande, gav mig extra koriander när jag frågade, och serverade mig en färdig vietnamesiskt iskaffe. Jag tog mig tid att skriva och nosa, och kände mig aldrig "flyttad" som så många andra restauranger gör när du sätter upp butik. Jag kommer tillbaka för att prova andra rätter! Är denna översyn positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Lovely little restaurant with really good soup. I took my laptop in (has internet, will travel!) and worked on my book while the waiter took very good care of me. My soup was hot, full of all kinds of fun and wonderful seafood, and very tasty. He checked on me without being intrusive, gave me extra coriander when I asked, and served me a finished Vietnamese ice coffee. I took the time to write and sniff, and never felt "moved" like so many other restaurants do when you set up shop. I'm coming back to try other dishes! Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an negative review?
I reviewed my bank statement online today and found out they had charged me twice for bad food. I strongly recommend that you skip this restaurant all together. Management is unresponsive to customer concerns.
Vad skulle vara ett exempel på en negativ granskning?
What would be an example of a negative review?
Jag gick igenom mitt kontoutdrag på nätet idag och fick reda på att de hade åtalat mig två gånger för dålig mat. Jag rekommenderar starkt att du hoppar över denna restaurang tillsammans. Ledningen reagerar inte på kundernas problem.
I went through my online account statement today and found out that they had charged me twice with poor food. I strongly recommend you skip this restaurant together. Management does not respond to customer problems.
Generate a negative review for a place.
Not the greatest Mexican food. Definitely overpriced for the quality of food served. I ordered the "enchiladas" and I didn't think they were very good. They seemed to be a bit tough when I tried to cut in half. I didn't really think you could screw up rice and can actually screw up rice and beans. I'm sure you can find cheaper and inexpensive Mexican food off of the strip.
Generera en negativ recension för en plats.
Generate a negative review for a location.
Inte den bästa mexikanska maten. Definitivt överprissatt för kvaliteten på den mat som serveras. Jag beställde "enchiladas" och jag tyckte inte att de var så bra. De verkade vara lite tuffa när jag försökte skära itu. Jag trodde inte att man kunde förstöra ris och bönor... man kan faktiskt förstöra ris och bönor. Du kan säkert hitta billigare och billigare mexikansk mat från strippan.
Not the best Mexican food. Definitely overpriced for the quality of the food served. I ordered "enchiladas" and I didn't think they were that good. They seemed a little tough when I tried to cut in half. I didn't think you could destroy rice and beans... you can actually destroy rice and beans. I'm sure you can find cheaper and cheaper Mexican food from the stripper.
So I needed my sushi fix and decided to try this place out since its so close to my house, what a big mistake!!! Where do I start??? So we walk in and the place is dead! The only people in the place were two employees who looked real bored. So I ordered the Boba green tea which was OK (how can you mess that up) To be safe I ordered their Tempura Ca Roll ummm was pretty disappointed it was lacking on avocado and it was kinda flavorless thank god it had eel sauce that's the only reason I could finish this flavorless yuckalicious roll! My sister ordered the Shrimp Tempura Roll and was also disappointed. Not only was the food bad but so was the service! I was being stared at the entire time by the two lady employees which was very uncomfortable! They were looking at me as if I was gonna dine and dash!!! My server was more like security than a server the only thing missing was her security badge and baton!! I will NOT be returning I want my money back! Yucko Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Så jag behövde min sushifix och bestämde mig för att prova denna plats eftersom det så nära mitt hus, vilket stort misstag!!!! Var ska jag börja?? Så vi går in och stället är dött! De enda personerna på platsen var två anställda som såg riktigt uttråkad ut. Så jag beställde Boba grönt te som var OK (hur kan du förstöra det) För att vara säker beställde jag deras Tempura Ca Roll ummm var ganska besviken att det saknades på avokado och det var typ smaklös tack gode gud att det hade ålsås som är den enda anledningen till att jag kunde avsluta denna smaklösa yuckalicious roll! Min syster beställde Shrimp Tempura Roll och blev också besviken. Det var inte bara maten som var dålig, utan också gudstjänsten! Jag var stirrad på hela tiden av de två kvinnliga anställda vilket var mycket obekvämt! De tittade på mig som om jag skulle äta och rusa!!! Min server var mer som säkerhet än en server det enda som saknades var hennes säkerhetsbricka och batong!! Jag kommer INTE att återvända Jag vill ha tillbaka mina pengar! Yucko Var denna recension ges positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
So I needed my sushi fix and decided to try this place because it so close to my house, what a big mistake!!! Where do I start? So we go in and the place is dead! The only people on the site were two employees who looked really bored. So I ordered Boba green tea that was OK (how can you destroy it) To be sure, I ordered their Tempura Ca Roll ummm was pretty disappointed that it was missing on avocado and it was kind of tasteless thank God it had eel sauce that is the only reason I could finish this tasteless yuckalicious role! My sister ordered the Shrimp Tempura Roll and was also disappointed. It was not only the food that was bad, but also the service! I was stared at all the time by the two female employees which was very uncomfortable! They looked at me like I was going to eat and rush!!! My server was more like security than a server the only thing missing was her security badge and baton!! I won't return I want my money back! Yucko Where is this review given positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Total scam artist!! Don't ever trust them!!! Told me I had roots taking over my pipes and would need to jackhammer and dig up under the house. Several thousand $'s. Had another company come for a second look. ALL LIES!!! F-ing thief SAM made it all up. These people should be shut down!!! Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
En svindlare! Lita aldrig på dem!!! Han sa att jag hade rötter som tog över rören och behövde hugga och gräva upp under huset. Flera tusen dollar. Ett annat företag kom för en andra titt. ALLA LIER!!!! Tjuven SAM hittade på allt. Dessa människor bör stängas ner!!! Gavs denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
A swindler! Never trust them!!! He said I had roots that took over the pipes and needed to stab and dig up under the house. Thousands of dollars. Another company came for a second look. ALL LIES!!! The thief SAM made it all up. These people should be shut down!!! Was this review given positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? The Strawberry, AZ waffles are a favorite, and can be protein-enhanced by making it a "combo" with an egg and bacon, ham, or sausage. Bright colors and free wifi make this a cheery place to visit. Takeout, or counter service delivered to your table. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Jordgubbar, AZ-våfflor är en favorit, och kan proteinförstärkas genom att göra det till en "combo" med ett ägg och bacon, skinka eller korv. Ljusa färger och gratis wifi gör detta till en glad plats att besöka. Takeout, eller motservice levereras till ditt bord. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? Strawberries, AZ waffles are a favorite, and can be protein enhanced by making it a "combo" with an egg and bacon, ham or sausage. Bright colors and free wifi make this a happy place to visit. Takeout, or counter-service is delivered to your table. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an negative review?
We stayed away from Coco's for a couple of years, due to HORRIBLE service at the 7th St and McDowell, and bad service @ the Priest & Elliot one. We have started going back to them recently. We went to this one today for a late breakfast. The service was a bit slow, but not as bad as we have seen. The food was delicious! The coffeecake is wonderful. In general, we have learned to not expect great service at Coco's, but that the food will usually (mostly at least) make up for it.
Vad skulle vara ett exempel på en negativ granskning?
What would be an example of a negative review?
Vi höll oss borta från Coco's i ett par år, på grund av HORRIBLE service på 7: e St och McDowell, och dålig service @ Priest & Elliot en. Vi har börjat gå tillbaka till dem nyligen. Vi gick till den här idag för en sen frukost. Tjänsten gick lite långsamt, men inte så illa som vi har sett. Maten var utsökt! Kaffekakan är underbar. I allmänhet har vi lärt oss att inte förvänta oss någon stor tjänst hos Coco, utan att maten oftast (mestadels åtminstone) kommer att kompensera för det.
We stayed away from Coco's for a couple of years, due to HORRIBLE service at 7th St and McDowell, and poor service @ Priest & Elliot en. We've started going back to them recently. We went to this today for a late breakfast. The service went a little slow, but not as bad as we've seen. The food was delicious! The coffee cake is wonderful. In general, we have learned not to expect a great service with Coco, but that the food will usually (mostly at least) compensate for it.
Very condescending employees. I've also been given extremely bad information twice. Thankfully I knew better than to put acid in my pool when it's not running (employee insisted the pool shouldn't be running). I also questioned being told to put a cup of acid in my hot tub (I've never done more than 2 T). Thankfully I've had better luck at other locations. My mistake for going back for more torture. I'm now shocked to discover their ridiculous mark up on parts. They wanted $65 for a part for my pool cleaner. The same part is $24 on amazon, they refused to price match. And claimed amazon sold inferior parts. Got my part from amazon in 24 hours, brand name, Exact same thing. Leslie's should be ashamed of themselves. I am done with this place. I won't even go here for chemicals anymore. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Mycket nedlåtande anställda. Jag har också fått extremt dålig information två gånger. Tack och lov visste jag bättre än att sätta syra i min pool när det inte kör (medarbetare insisterade poolen borde inte vara igång). Jag ifrågasatte också att bli tillsagd att lägga en kopp syra i min jacuzzi (jag har aldrig gjort mer än 2 T). Tack och lov har jag haft bättre tur på andra platser. Mitt misstag att åka tillbaka för mer tortyr. Nu är jag chockad över att upptäcka deras löjliga markering på delar. De ville ha 65 dollar för en del till min poolstädare. Samma del är $24 på amazon, de vägrade att prismatcha. Och påstådd amazon sålde underlägsna delar. Jag fick min del av Amazon om 24 timmar, varumärke, exakt samma sak. Leslies borde skämmas. Jag är klar med det här stället. Jag tänker inte ens gå hit för kemikalier längre. Vad är det för uppfattning i den här recensionen? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Very condescending employees. I have also received extremely poor information twice. Thankfully, I knew better than to put acid in my pool when it's not running (workers insisted the pool shouldn't be running). I also questioned being told to put a cup of acid in my jacuzzi (I have never done more than 2 T). Thankfully, I've had better luck in other places. My mistake to go back for more torture. Now I'm shocked to discover their ridiculous mark on parts. They wanted $65 for some for my pool cleaner. The same part is $24 at the amazon, they refused to price match. And alleged Amazon sold inferior parts. I got my share of Amazon in 24 hours, brand name, exactly the same thing. Leslie's should be ashamed of herself. I'm done with this place. I'm not even gonna come here for chemicals anymore. What is the opinion in this review? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
There is nothing good to say about this store except that the food is kosher. There is no customer service. In fact, most employees are down right rude. They have the attitude that they are doing you a favor to sell you kosher food - whether it is bad or good, what you need or not, just take it and thank them. Avoid if at all possible. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Det finns inget gott att säga om denna butik förutom att maten är kosher. Det finns ingen kundservice. Faktum är att de flesta anställda är rätt oförskämda. De har attityden att de gör dig en tjänst för att sälja koshermat - vare sig det är dåligt eller bra, vad du behöver eller inte, bara ta den och tacka dem. Undvik om möjligt. Gavs denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
There is nothing good to say about this store except that the food is kosher. There's no customer service. In fact, most employees are rather rude. They have the attitude that they are doing you a favor to sell kosher food - whether it's bad or good, what you need or not, just take it and thank them. Avoid if possible. Was this review given positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? The food was not the greatest. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Maten var inte den bästa. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? The food wasn't the best. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? More like 2 1/2 stars for the price A few years back whenever I was in town I'd have at least one meal at Harper's in South Park. The place always feels extremely comfortable to me, it's like home away from home. The right amount of brick and wood, the right amount of bustle and noise, lively but not raucous. The service is the way I like it efficient but not obtrusive. The American comfort food was of good quality and well worth the price. Flash forward to now, the tasty grilled Portobello sandwich is gone. The smallish 11 oz prime rib is $20 and comes with only one side. Keep in mind that prime rib is ALWAYS very fatty, I trim about 1/3 rd of it. What was left was less than 1/2 pound. Worse is that I asked for the fried sweet potato and it's now the frozen, pre-seasoned fast food type where it used to be simply real potato. The prime rib was as rare as I asked but -as it's often the case- the chef had rubbed way too much salt on the slab before cooking it and there's no desalting it. Most people do like it prepared that way but what about those who don't or who have to cut their sodium intake? It's way too obvious that it's a franchise and management cuts way too many corners for the prices they charge. Physically it's still the same location but the food is like Orlando, FL. Then I think about the Texas Roadhouse. I hate that type of theme restaurants with peanuts, overly cheery (and overly young) servers ... but know what? For those same $20 I got a large 16 oz prime rib every bit as good or better as Harper's, a couple of decent sides ( the sweet potato was baked but it was a fresh potato) they threw free appetizers at me and we drank five buck Margaritas or Martinis. So the place is messy, full of kids and has no class but the economy is tough these days. For my money I'll get my beef (or smoked pork chops) there instead of Harper's. Wow, I would have never "thunk" this OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Mer som 2 1/2 stjärnor för priset För några år sedan när jag var i stan skulle jag äta minst en måltid på Harper's i South Park. Stället känns alltid väldigt bekvämt för mig, det är som hemma hemifrån. Rätt mängd tegel och trä, rätt mängd liv och buller, livligt men inte rasande. Tjänsten är som jag vill ha den effektiv men inte påträngande. Den amerikanska komfortmaten var av god kvalitet och väl värd priset. Blinka fram till nu, den välsmakande grillade Portobello-smörgåsen är borta. Den lilla 11 oz prime revben är $ 20 och kommer med endast en sida. Tänk på att prim revben är alltid mycket fett, jag trim ungefär 1/3 rd av det. Det som fanns kvar var mindre än 1/2 pund. Värre är att jag bad om den stekta sötpotatisen och det är nu den frusna, försålda snabbmatstypen där den förr helt enkelt var riktig potatis. Det bästa revbenet var så ovanligt som jag frågade men - som det ofta är - kocken hade gnuggat alldeles för mycket salt på plattan innan tillagningen och det finns ingen avsaltning. De flesta tycker om att det är förberett på det sättet, men hur är det med dem som inte gör det eller som måste skära ner på sitt natriumintag? Det är alldeles för uppenbart att det är en franchise och ledningen skär alldeles för många hörn för de priser de tar ut. Fysiskt är det fortfarande samma plats men maten är som Orlando, FL. Sen tänker jag på Texas Roadhouse. Jag hatar den typen av tema restauranger med jordnötter, alltför munter (och alltför unga) servrar ... men vet du vad? För de samma $ 20 fick jag en stor 16 oz prime revben varje bit lika bra eller bättre som Harpers, ett par anständiga sidor (sötpotatisen bakades men det var en färsk potatis) de kastade gratis aptitretare på mig och vi drack fem dollar Margaritas eller Martinis. Så stället är stökigt, fullt av barn och har ingen klass men ekonomin är tuff nuförtiden. För mina pengar får jag mitt nötkött (eller rökta fläskkotletter) där istället för Harpers. Wow, jag skulle aldrig ha "dunklat" detta alternativ: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? More like 2 1/2 stars for the award A few years ago when I was in town I would eat at least one meal at Harper's in South Park. The place always feels very comfortable to me, it's like home from home. The right amount of brick and wood, the right amount of life and noise, lively but not furious. The service is as I want it effective but not intrusive. The American comfort food was of good quality and well worth the price. Blink up to now, the tasty grilled Portobello sandwich is gone. The small 11 oz prime rib is $20 and comes with only one side. Keep in mind that prime ribs are always very fat, I trim about 1/3 rd of it. What was left was less than £1⁄2. Worse is that I asked for the fried sweet potatoes and it is now the frozen, sold fast food type where it used to be just real potatoes. The best rib was as unusual as I asked but - as it often is - the chef had rubbed far too much salt on the plate before cooking and there is no desalination. Most people like it that way, but what about those who do not or who have to cut down on their sodium intake? It is far too obvious that it is a franchise and the management cuts far too many corners for the prices they charge. Physically, it's still the same place, but the food is like Orlando, FL. Then I think about Texas Roadhouse. I hate that kind of themed restaurants with peanuts, too cheerful (and too young) servers...but you know what? For the same $20 I got a big 16 oz prime rib every bit as good or better as Harpers, a couple of decent sides (the sweet potatoes were baked but it was a fresh potato) they threw free appetizers at me and we drank five dollars Margaritas or Martinis. So the place is messy, full of kids and has no class but the economy is tough nowadays. For my money I get my beef (or smoked pork chops) there instead of Harpers. Wow, I would never have "dunked" this option: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? The kids had fun bouncing around, the staff was friendly. Pretty expensive though. Would have gone to Bouncy Town instead, as they had better/bigger inflatables, but sadly they appear to be closed. Also, beware that their cancellation policies are iron clad. Our birthday boy got quite sick the day of his party (had to go to Urgent Care) and we were unable to cancel unless we paid the full price, as it was within a week of the date. Sorry, not paying them hundreds of dollars to NOT have a party. The owner/manager wouldn't even waive the $25 rescheduling fee. Highly unlikely that we'll go there again. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Barnen hade kul att studsa runt, personalen var vänlig. Ganska dyrt. Skulle ha gått till Bouncy Town istället, eftersom de hade bättre/större uppblåsbara, men tyvärr verkar de vara stängda. Se också till att deras avbokningsregler är järnklädda. Vår födelsedag pojke blev ganska sjuk dagen för sin fest (var tvungen att gå till brådskande vård) och vi kunde inte avboka om vi inte betalade hela priset, som det var inom en vecka efter datumet. Tyvärr, inte betala dem hundratals dollar för att INTE ha en fest. Ägaren skulle inte ens avsäga sig 25 dollars ombokningsavgift. Det är högst osannolikt att vi åker dit igen. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? The kids had fun bouncing around, the staff were friendly. Pretty expensive. Would have gone to Bouncey Town instead, because they had better/greater inflatable, but unfortunately they seem to be closed. Also make sure their cancellation policy is ironclad. Our birthday boy became quite ill the day of his party (had to go to urgent care) and we could not cancel if we did not pay the full price, as it was within a week of the date. Unfortunately, don't pay them hundreds of dollars to NOT have a party. The owner wouldn't even give up $25 rerouting fee. It's highly unlikely that we'll go back there. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Your prices suck and your selection is not much better. Not hard to see why Amazon is eating your lunch. Good riddance were it not for relatives gifting giftcards I wouldn't even bother with you. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Dina priser suger och ditt urval är inte mycket bättre. Inte svårt att förstå varför Amazon äter din lunch. Skönt att slippa det om inte släktingarna gav mig presentkort. Är denna översyn positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Your prizes suck and your selection isn't much better. Not hard to understand why Amazon is eating your lunch. It's good to get rid of it unless my relatives gave me a gift card. Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
For a while now I was eagerly awaiting the opening of Butcher and the Rye as I have enjoy my trips to Meat and Potatoes for both food and drink. So on a Thursday night I headed over for a few drinks. Upon first entering, the place looks great - nice atmosphere, modern meets butcher shop in the woods - and then you come upon the wall of whiskey...holy smokes. So I walked over to the bar to grab a drink....and thats where it started to go south... Now I came to check out the whiskey and they do have a very impressive collection - in fact one of the best that I have come across. I enjoy the brown liquors in all forms and really enjoy those times when I run across something new, especially if it is something that I say "wow, I want to own a bottle of that", so when I run across a place I can dive head first into trying, I'm in heaven. I asked for whiskey menu and was handed an iPad - cool idea to convey info about the booze and a way they can keep it up to date with what they have - except that it seemed like not even half of bottles were on it. Ok - first week, I can excuse that a little but not totally - if you are a touting your collection, get your menu right before you open. My friends and I tried to ask about a few different items behind the bar and one of the responses we were given was "you'll have to ask (guy with the hat), he is the guy that knows the stuff the best" - really? 400 bottles and only one person is knowledgable enough to answer questions. Then came the sticker shock - their prices seem like they were set and they multiplied 2x. I have been to other places in this city (and others) that have a some of the same items and they were charging double for it. Now I realize that if you have a bottle of X and it is not something you will sell everyday so it will cost you a little more to keep it around, but when a 1 oz pour of that drink runs $15-25, it's putting a night of sampling in the $80-100 range for 4 oz of booze. I don't to sound cheap and I have my spent a fair share of money on good bottles over the years, but thats just it - I would rather take that $80-100 and go get myself a bottle - your atmosphere is not worth the mark up. So my overall though is that they have a collection and just that - the place does not come across as someplace that you go to try and find new whiskeys, just a place to get a drink while staring at their wall of booze. It reminds me of the guy who owns 40 classic cars, but doesn't care to drive them. I will say this, the staff was friendly and fairly attentive, so I don't want to sound like they were bad - they were good - same level I would expect in any place similar. Now after writing this I might sound like a pretentious ass about whiskey (because I fairly new to a lot of it) - and maybe I am - but when I try and go someplace that touts their whiskey collection, I expect be able to experience new things while having a good time and not going broke. For me, B&R isn't that place.... What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Ett tag väntade jag ivrigt på att Slaktaren och Rågen skulle öppnas, eftersom jag har njutit av mina resor till Kött och Potatis för både mat och dryck. Så en torsdag kväll gick jag över för att ta några drinkar. När du kommer in, ser platsen bra - trevlig atmosfär, moderna möter slaktarbutik i skogen - och sedan kommer du på väggen av whisky ... heliga rök. Så jag gick över till baren för att ta en drink .. och det var där det började gå söderut ... Nu kom jag för att kolla in whiskyn och de har en mycket imponerande samling - i själva verket en av de bästa som jag har stött på. Jag njuter av de bruna spriten i alla former och verkligen njuta av de gånger när jag springer över något nytt, särskilt om det är något som jag säger "wow, jag vill äga en flaska av det", så när jag springer över en plats kan jag dyka huvudet först i försök, jag är i himlen. Jag bad om whiskeymeny och fick en iPad - cool idé att förmedla information om spriten och ett sätt de kan hålla den uppdaterad med vad de har - förutom att det verkade som om inte ens hälften av flaskorna var på den. Ok - första veckan, kan jag ursäkta att lite men inte helt - om du är en touting din samling, få din meny precis innan du öppnar. Mina vänner och jag försökte fråga om några olika saker bakom baren och ett av svaren vi fick var "du måste fråga (kille med hatten), han är killen som vet det bästa" - verkligen? 400 flaskor och bara en person är kunnig nog att svara på frågor. Sedan kom klistermärket chock - deras priser verkar som om de var satta och de multiplicerade 2x. Jag har varit på andra platser i denna stad (och andra) som har en del av samma objekt och de tog dubbla avgifter för det. Nu inser jag att om du har en flaska X och det inte är något du kommer att sälja varje dag så det kommer att kosta dig lite mer att hålla det runt, men när en 1 oz häll av den drinken går $ 15-25, det är att sätta en natt av provtagning i $ 80-100 intervallet för 4 oz sprit. Jag vill inte låta billig och jag har spenderat en hel del pengar på bra flaskor genom åren, men det är bara det - jag skulle hellre ta de $ 80-100 och gå och skaffa mig en flaska - din atmosfär är inte värt märket upp. Så min overall dock är att de har en samling och bara det - platsen inte kommer över som någonstans att du går för att försöka hitta nya whisky, bara ett ställe att få en drink medan stirra på deras vägg av sprit. Det påminner mig om killen som äger 40 klassiska bilar, men inte bryr sig om att köra dem. Jag ska säga detta, personalen var vänlig och ganska uppmärksam, så jag vill inte låta som om de var dåliga - de var bra - samma nivå som jag skulle förvänta mig på något liknande ställe. Nu när jag har skrivit detta kanske jag låter som en pretentiös röv om whisky (eftersom jag ganska ny på en hel del av det) - och kanske jag är - men när jag försöker gå någonstans som tippar deras whiskeysamling, förväntar jag mig att kunna uppleva nya saker samtidigt som jag har en bra tid och inte går pank. För mig är inte B&R det stället.... Vad är känslan i denna recension? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
For a while I waited eagerly for the Butcher and Rye to open, as I have enjoyed my travels to Meat and Potatoes for both food and drink. So one Thursday night I went over to have some drinks. When you come in, the place looks good - nice atmosphere, modern meets butcher shop in the woods - and then you come on the wall of whiskey ... sacred smoke. So I went over to the bar to have a drink... and that's where it started going south...Now I came to check out the whisky and they have a very impressive collection - in fact one of the best that I've encountered. I enjoy the brown liquor in all forms and really enjoy the times when I run over something new, especially if there's something that I say "wow, I want to own a bottle of it", so when I run over a place I can dive my head first in try, I'm in heaven. I asked for the whiskey menu and got an iPad - cool idea to convey information about the booze and a way they can keep it up to date with what they have - except it seemed that even half the bottles weren't on it. Okay - first week, I can excuse you to a little but not completely - if you are a touting your collection, get your menu just before you open. My friends and I tried to ask about a few different things behind the bar and one of the answers we got was "you have to ask (guy with the hat), he's the guy who knows the best" - really? 400 bottles and only one person is knowledgeable enough to answer questions. Then came the sticker shock - their prices seem like they were set and they multiplied 2x. I've been to other places in this city (and others) that have part of the same object and they charged double fees for it. Now I realize that if you have a bottle of X and it's not something you're going to sell every day so it's going to cost you a little more to keep it around, but when a 1 oz pour off that drink goes $15-25, it's putting a night of sampling in the $80-100 range for 4 oz of booze. I don't want to sound cheap and I've spent a lot of money on good bottles over the years, but that's just it - I'd rather take the $80-100 and go get me a bottle - your atmosphere isn't worth the mark up. So my overall, however, is that they have a collection and just that - the place doesn't come across as anywhere that you go to try to find new whiskey, just a place to get a drink while staring at their wall of liquor. Reminds me of the guy who owns 40 classic cars, but doesn't care about driving them. I'll say this, the staff were friendly and quite attentive, so I don't want to sound like they were bad - they were good - the same level I would expect in some similar place. Now that I've written this I might sound like a pretentious ass about whiskey (because I'm quite new to a lot of it) - and maybe I am - but when I try to go somewhere tipping their whiskey collection, I expect to be able to experience new things while I have a good time and not going broke. For me B&R is not that place... What is the feeling in this review? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? The Orpheum Theater is fantastic. In addition to the ornate decor, how great is it that the curtain actually rises when the movie starts?? They have a bar in the lobby, which is nice for relaxing before or after the movie. They have a nice mix of blockbuster-mega-hits, indie movies, and b-movies. This is an institution that I hope never goes under. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Orpheum-teatern är fantastisk. Förutom den utsmyckade inredningen, hur bra är det att ridån faktiskt stiger när filmen börjar?? De har en bar i lobbyn, vilket är trevligt att koppla av före eller efter filmen. De har en fin blandning av storfilmsfilm, indiefilm och b-film. Detta är en institution som jag hoppas aldrig går under. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? The Orpheum Theatre is amazing. In addition to the ornate interior, how good is it that the curtain actually rises when the film begins? They have a bar in the lobby, which is nice to relax before or after the film. They have a nice mix of big film, indie film and b-film. This is an institution that I hope will never end. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
I saw a Groupon for this pizza place while I was spending time in Chandler with my bff so decided to give it a try, $10 for two small cheese pizzas and we already had wine :) The first and consistent issue was the fact that the delivery driver could not "find" our location. Despite being given the address and exact turn by turn directions more than once. Our pizza finally arrived (90 minutes later) lukewarm. The taste was okay, better than a frozen pizza from the grocery (which was our first thought, at least that would have been hot....). I don't know that I would order from here again even being given another discount deal it was just edible and only that. The positive from all this was the delivery gal was super friendly and the mediocre small pizza was large enough for two realistically. Nothing more. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag såg en Groupon för denna pizza plats medan jag tillbringade tid i Chandler med min bff så bestämde sig för att ge det ett försök, $ 10 för två små ost pizzor och vi hade redan vin :) Den första och konsekventa frågan var det faktum att leveransföraren inte kunde "hitta" vår plats. Trots att de fått adressen och den exakta svängen genom sväng riktningar mer än en gång. Vår pizza kom till slut (90 minuter senare) ljum. Smaken var okej, bättre än en frusen pizza från mataffären (vilket var vår första tanke, åtminstone skulle det ha varit varmt....). Jag vet inte om jag skulle beställa härifrån igen även om jag fick en annan rabatt affär det var bara ätbart och bara det. Det positiva från allt detta var att leveranstjejen var supervänlig och den medelmåttiga lilla pizzan var stor nog för två realistiskt. Inget mer. Vad är det för uppfattning i den här recensionen? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I saw a Groupon for this pizza place while I was spending time in Chandler with my bff so decided to give it a try, $10 for two small cheese pizzas and we already had wine :) The first and consistent question was the fact that the delivery driver could not "find" our place. Despite receiving the address and the exact turn through turning directions more than once. Our pizza finally came (90 minutes later) lukewarm. The taste was okay, better than a frozen pizza from the grocery store (which was our first thought, at least it would have been hot...). I don't know if I'd order out of here again even if I got another discount deal it was just edible and just that. The positive thing about all this was that the delivery girl was super friendly and the average little pizza was big enough for two realistically. No more. What is the opinion in this review? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
This Walmart is hands down disgusting and not well managed. I was in this store the other day and while I was waiting in line to pay, I saw a FULL rack of ribs sitting on top of the soda fridge (which is right across from the cashier and was clearly visible to her.) Someone had apparently decided they didn't want them any more and left them there. I touched them to see if they were still good. Nope. Totally room temperature. They had obviously been sitting out for a long time, and were now completely spoiled. My question is, why didnt the cashier go put them back right when the customer dropped them, or call someone else to do it? Why let a perfectly good (and expensive) piece of meat go to waste when there are hundreds of families out there just scraping by enough to get a small dinner on the table each night. Makes me so angry. I've also seen several unattended spills in the store, people will leave the fridge doors open and no one will close them, all sorts of nasty things. And not to mention that the staff is rude!! Probably because Walmart treats their employees like crap and they hate their job! How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Denna Walmart är händerna nedkastade vidrigt och inte väl skött. Jag var i denna butik häromdagen och medan jag väntade i kön för att betala, såg jag en FULL hylla av revben sitter ovanpå sodakylskåpet (som är mittemot kassan och var tydligt synlig för henne.) Någon hade tydligen bestämt sig för att de inte ville ha dem längre och lämnade dem där. Jag rörde vid dem för att se om de fortfarande var bra. Nix. Helt rumstempererad. De hade uppenbarligen suttit ute länge, och var nu helt bortskämda. Min fråga är, varför gick inte kassören tillbaka med dem rätt när kunden tappade dem, eller ringa någon annan för att göra det? Varför låta en helt bra (och dyr) köttbit gå till spillo när det finns hundratals familjer där ute bara skrapa med tillräckligt för att få en liten middag på bordet varje kväll. Det gör mig så arg. Jag har också sett flera oövervakade spill i butiken, folk kommer att lämna kylskåpsdörrarna öppna och ingen kommer att stänga dem, alla möjliga otäcka saker. Och för att inte tala om att personalen är oförskämd!! Förmodligen för att Walmart behandlar sina anställda som skit och de hatar sitt jobb! Hur skulle denna granskning beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
This Walmart is hands thrown down disgusting and not well managed. I was in this store the other day and while waiting in line to pay, I saw a FULL shelf of ribs sitting on top of the soda fridge (which is opposite the cash register and was clearly visible to her.) Apparently, someone had decided that they didn't want them anymore and left them there. I touched them to see if they were still good. Nope. It's totally at room temperature. They had apparently been out for a long time, and were now completely spoiled. My question is, why didn't the cashier go back with them right when the customer dropped them, or call someone else to do so? Why let a completely good (and expensive) piece of meat go to waste when there are hundreds of families out there just scrape enough to get a small dinner on the table every night. It makes me so angry. I have also seen several unsupervised spills in the store, people will leave the refrigerator doors open and no one will close them, all sorts of nasty things. And not to mention that the staff is rude!! Probably because Walmart treats his employees like shit and they hate their job! How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Generate a negative review for a place.
We are Waffle House nuts and if there is one anywhere near where we travel, we go there. In the last year alone we have probably visited at least 12 different locations in half a dozen states. Having said that, I have to say that this was the worst that we have ever seen. We were there at 11 AM. Not that busy. No greeting. Got a booth right away. Sat there for over 5 min. Before we stoped a wait person to be waited on. Trash on main floor, and on kitchen floor, not cleaned up in 40 min we were there. No refill on drinks until we stoped someone. No pickup of dirty dishes on our table as they were emptied or on other tables after patrons left.
Generera en negativ recension för en plats.
Generate a negative review for a location.
Vi är Waffle House nötter och om det finns en någonstans nära där vi reser, vi går dit. Bara under det senaste året har vi förmodligen besökt minst 12 olika platser i ett halvt dussin stater. Med detta sagt måste jag säga att detta var det värsta vi någonsin har sett. Vi var där klockan elva. Inte så upptagen. Ingen hälsning. Jag har ett bås på en gång. Satt där i över 5 minuter. Innan vi stannade en väntande person att vänta på. Papperskorgen på huvudvåningen, och på köksgolvet, inte städade upp på 40 minuter var vi där. Inget påfyllning på drinkar tills vi stoppat någon. Ingen pickup av smutsiga diskar på vårt bord när de tömdes eller på andra bord efter att skyddspatroner lämnat.
We're Waffle House nuts and if there's one somewhere near where we travel, we go there. In the last year alone, we have probably visited at least 12 different locations in half a dozen states. Having said that, I have to say that this was the worst thing we have ever seen. We were there at 11 o'clock. Not so busy. No greeting. I've got a booth right now. Sit there for over 5 minutes. Before we stopped a waiting person to wait for. The trash can on the main floor, and on the kitchen floor, didn't clean up for 40 minutes, we were there. No refills on drinks until we stop someone. No pickup of dirty dishes on our table when emptied or on other tables after protective cartridges left.
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? hostess is nice, server was ehh... Managers way of greeting a table is in a rush and with no smile asking "How is everything" as he is rushing past your table.... OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Värdinnan är trevlig, server var ehh ... Chefer sätt att hälsa på ett bord är i en rus och utan att le frågar "Hur är allt" som han rusar förbi ditt bord .... Alternativ: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? The hostess is nice, server was ehh... Managers ways to greet a table are in a rush and without smiling ask "How is everything" as he rushes past your table.... Alternative: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Merritt is an Advocate for homeowners. After bad service from a Large HVAC service provider, Merritt helped me get on the right track. He got me the service I needed, and gave me enough information to help be get 100% of my money back from the problem provider. The Super Hero of HVAC? The Robinhood reference from another review works too! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Merritt är en Advocate för husägare. Efter dålig service från en stor VVS-leverantör hjälpte Merritt mig att komma på rätt spår. Han gav mig den service jag behövde, och gav mig tillräckligt med information för att hjälpa till att få tillbaka 100% av mina pengar från problemleverantören. HVAC:s superhjälte? Robinhood-referensen från en annan recension fungerar också! ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? Merritt is an Advocate for homeowners. After poor service from a large plumbing supplier, Merritt helped me get on track. He gave me the service I needed, and gave me enough information to help get back 100% of my money from the problem provider. HVAC's superhero? The Robinhood reference from another review also works! ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Generate a negative review for a place.
If you want retirement center atmosphere and cuisine look no further! Every menu item has some weird twist to it (ex. tuna fish panini... On cranberry bread) which really made it difficult to order as their menu was already very limited. I even had to special order my caeser salad to NOT have anchovies on it. The art/furniture all look as though it was collected from someone's attic or garage sale, but for what it's worth the service was fine.
Generera en negativ recension för en plats.
Generate a negative review for a location.
Om du vill pensionärscenter atmosfär och köket ser inte längre! Varje menyalternativ har någon konstig twist till det (f.d. tonfisk panini... På tranbärsbröd) vilket verkligen gjorde det svårt att beställa eftersom deras meny redan var mycket begränsad. Jag var till och med tvungen att specialbeställa min caesersallad för att INTE ha ansjovis på den. Konsten/möblerna ser ut som om den hämtats från någons vinds- eller garageförsäljning, men för vad det är värt var tjänsten bra.
If you want to retire center atmosphere and the kitchen can no longer see! Each menu item has some strange twist to it (ex- tuna panini... On cranberry bread) which really made it difficult to order because their menu was already very limited. I even had to order my caeser salad to NOT have anchovies on it. The art/furniture looks like it was taken from someone's wind or garage sales, but for what it's worth, the service was good.
Is the following review positive or negative? Decently priced sushi, however the quality is so-so. The restaurant is really dark, so I am not inclined to eat there. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Prisvärd sushi, men kvaliteten är så-så. Restaurangen är riktigt mörk, så jag är inte benägen att äta där. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? Affordable sushi, but the quality is so-so. The restaurant is really dark, so I'm not inclined to eat there. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Not impressed. Sales staff not very friendly. Won't be back. Sur La Table in Downtown Summerlin is much nicer and has a much larger selection of cooking items, with an beautifully appointed cooking school. If I need cooking gadgets, Sur La Table will be my go to retailer. Sorry Williams Sonoma. If you treat your customers poorly, we have choices within close proximity now. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Inte imponerad. Försäljningspersonalen är inte särskilt vänlig. Jag kommer inte tillbaka. Sur La Table i Downtown Summerlin är mycket trevligare och har ett mycket större utbud av matlagningsartiklar, med en vackert utsedd matlagningsskola. Om jag behöver matlagning, Sur La Table kommer att vara min gå till återförsäljare. Förlåt Williams Sonoma. Om du behandlar dina kunder dåligt, har vi val i närheten nu. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? Not impressed. The sales staff aren't very friendly. I'm not coming back. Sur La Table in Downtown Summerlin is much nicer and has a much larger range of cooking items, with a beautifully designated cooking school. If I need cooking, Sur La Table will be my go to retailers. Forgive Williams Sonoma. If you treat your customers badly, we have choices nearby now. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? BURGERS AND FROZEN CUSTARD - YES!! Lance, the owner, knows how to 'create' a great place. Really friendly, and "neighborhoody"! I've tried their standard beef burger (very high grade), turkey burger, and the most awesome of them all....veggie burgers! Great fries, and all...and top it off with good ol' southern style frozen custard -- and this place is a winner. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? BURGARE OCH FROZEN CUSTARD - ja! Lance, ägaren, vet hur man "skapar" ett bra ställe. Verkligen vänlig, och "grannskap"! Jag har provat deras standard nötkött hamburgare (mycket hög kvalitet), kalkon hamburgare, och den mest fantastiska av dem alla....veggie hamburgare! Fina pommes frites, och allt ... och toppa det med bra gammal "södra stil frusen vaniljsås -- och detta ställe är en vinnare. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? Yes! Lance, the owner, knows how to "create" a good place. Really friendly, and "neighbourhood"! I have tried their standard beef hamburger (very high quality), turkey hamburger, and the most amazing of them all....veggie burgers! Fine fries, and all... and top it with good old' southern style frozen custard -- and this place is a winner. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
i live in Scottsdale for about half of the month and recently decided that when its just me and my boyfriend go out with just us we will try a new place every time. we decided to do a lunch at The Orange Table, after finding it after a little trouble, we walked in with anticipation of a nice brunch/lunch. we walked up to the girl at the counter exception to be seating she handed us the menu and said the tables near the walls are clean. Before we ate already starting with a bad taste in our mouths. We looked over the menu and ordered our drinks(water & Soda) after about ten minutes ( still no drinks) we ordered a chicken sandwich and a chicken salad. Drinks finally came , we ate and left. the end. Service had zero personality and food lack any "yuuuum" factor. So many people have eaten there , I guess I expected to remember the flavors of the food, maybe there was just none there. The only thing positive was the Mojo Chai I had, unfortunately I had my food before my drink came. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag bor i Scottsdale i ungefär halva månaden och bestämde nyligen att när det bara jag och min pojkvän går ut med bara oss så ska vi prova ett nytt ställe varje gång. Vi bestämde oss för att göra en lunch på The Orange Table, efter att ha hittat den efter lite problem, gick vi in med förväntan på en fin brunch/lunch. Vi gick fram till flickan vid disken undantag för att sitta hon gav oss menyn och sade borden nära väggarna är rena. Innan vi redan åt upp en dålig smak i munnen. Vi tittade över menyn och beställde våra drinkar (vatten & Soda) efter cirka tio minuter (fortfarande inga drinkar) beställde vi en kycklingmacka och en kycklingsallad. Drinkar kom till slut, vi åt och gick. slutet. Service hade noll personlighet och mat saknar någon "yuuuum"-faktor. Så många människor har ätit där, jag antar att jag förväntade mig att komma ihåg smakerna av maten, kanske fanns det bara ingen där. Det enda positiva var den Mojo Chai jag hade, tyvärr hade jag min mat innan min drink kom. Hur skulle denna granskning beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I live in Scottsdale for about half a month and recently decided that when it's just me and my boyfriend going out with just us, we're gonna try a new place every time. We decided to make a lunch at The Orange Table, after finding it after some trouble, we went in with anticipation of a nice brunch/lunch. We went up to the girl at the counter except for sitting she gave us the menu and said the tables near the walls are clean. Before we already ate a bad taste in our mouths. We looked over the menu and ordered our drinks (water & soda) after about ten minutes (still no drinks) we ordered a chicken sandwich and a chicken salad. Drinks finally came, we ate and went. The end. Service had zero personality and food lacks any "yuuuum" factor. So many people have eaten there, I guess I expected to remember the flavors of the food, maybe there was just no one there. The only positive thing was the Mojo Chai I had, unfortunately I had my food before my drink came. How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
We stopped in at the Goodyear RR last night for a quick bite, second visit to this location and only the second time in a RR. The service was average, my wife's burger was good, intructions on toppings was ignored by the kitchen. My soup came out cold, two visits, two bowls of cold soup, by the time it was heated my wife was done with her dinner, this is something they need to work on. I will give them one more try before deleting them from my options for dinner, it is really a shame that all sport bar type restaurants are cut from the exact same mold, nothing new here or exciting, just noisey and pretty good food for a premium price. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vi stannade till på Goodyear RR igår kväll för en snabb bit, andra besöket på denna plats och bara andra gången i en RR. Tjänsten var medelmåttig, min frus burgare var god, intrång på pålägg ignorerades av köket. Min soppa kom ut kall, två besök, två skålar kall soppa, när den var uppvärmd var min fru klar med sin middag, detta är något de behöver arbeta på. Jag kommer att ge dem ett försök till innan du tar bort dem från mina alternativ för middag, det är verkligen synd att alla sportbar typ restauranger är skurna från exakt samma mögel, inget nytt här eller spännande, bara ljudlig och ganska bra mat för ett premiumpris. Hur skulle denna granskning beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
We stopped by Goodyear RR last night for a quick bit, the second visit to this place and only the second time in a RR. The service was mediocre, my wife's burger was good, trespassing on toppings was ignored by the kitchen. My soup came out cold, two visits, two bowls of cold soup, when it was heated my wife was finished with her dinner, this is something they need to work on. I'll give them another try before you remove them from my options for dinner, it's really a shame that all sports bar type restaurants are cut from exactly the same mold, nothing new here or exciting, just loud and pretty good food for a premium price. How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Went here a couple times: liked the homemade lemonade, chicken (the best fried chicken i've eaten in Az), catfish (never had eaten catfish this good anywhere), waffles (remind me of waffle house), corn bread, and mac n cheese. Didn't like the gizzards and gravy, but would go back to get the gizzards minus the gravy. Did I mention I am a fat fuck, oh yeah! How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Gick här ett par gånger: gillade hemlagad lemonad, kyckling (den bästa stekta kyckling jag ätit i Az), havskatt (aldrig hade ätit havskatt så här bra någonstans), våfflor (minns mig av våffelhus), majsbröd och mac n ost. Tyckte inte om gizzards och sås, men skulle gå tillbaka för att hämta gizzards minus såsen. Sa jag att jag är en fet jävel? Hur skulle denna granskning beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Went here a couple of times: liked homemade lemonade, chicken (the best fried chicken I had eaten in Az), catfish (never had eaten catfish this good anywhere), waffles (remembered by waffle houses), cornbread and mac n cheese. Didn't like gizzards and sauce, but would go back to get the gizzards minus the sauce. Did I tell you I'm a fat bastard? How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Generate a negative review for a place.
Had the Italian Veggie, Border of South omelette, and Mediterranean Wrap. Sorry, in conclusion, I won't be back. Food was OK, the South omelette was pretty good, but not something to wait for over 30 min after ordering and pay $10 each. I was so embarrassed taking my parents who were visiting me from a country over 6500 miles away. Place was packed but didn't have a long waiting line outside on a Sunday 8AM right before Memorial Day. The couple seated after us were half done with their meal when we asked what happened to our order, and not even a "thanks for waiting" or "sorry to keep you waiting" look? And no bag to put the box in for left overs when another table gets one? Not a kind of service I would go back for. Giving two stars simply for the one good omelette. If not, one star for this business.
Generera en negativ recension för en plats.
Generate a negative review for a location.
Hade den italienska Veggie, Border of South omelette, och Medelhavet Wrap. Jag är ledsen, men kommer inte tillbaka. Maten var okej, omeletten var ganska bra, men inte något att vänta i över 30 minuter efter beställning och betala $ 10 vardera. Jag kände mig så generad när jag tog med mina föräldrar som besökte mig från ett land som låg mer än 6 500 kilometer bort. Platsen var packad men hade inte en lång kö utanför på en söndag 8.M strax före Memorial Day. Paret som satt efter oss var till hälften klara med sin måltid när vi frågade vad som hände med vår beställning, och inte ens en "tack för att vänta" eller "ledsen att du fick vänta" titt? Och ingen väska att lägga lådan i för kvarlämnade över när ett annat bord får en? Jag skulle inte gå tillbaka till en tjänst. Ge två stjärnor för en bra omelett. Om inte, en stjärna för den här branschen.
Had the Italian Veggie, Border of South omelette, and Mediterranean Wrap. I'm sorry, but I'm not coming back. The food was okay, the omelet was pretty good, but not anything to wait for over 30 minutes after ordering and paying $10 each. I felt so embarrassed when I brought my parents who visited me from a country more than 2,500 miles away. The place was packed but did not have a long queue outside on a Sunday 8.M just before Memorial Day. The couple who sat behind us were half finished with their meal when we asked what happened to our order, and not even a "thank you for waiting" or "Sorry you had to wait" look? And no bag to put the box in for left over when another table gets one? I wouldn't go back to a favor. Give two stars for a good omelet. If not, a star for this business.
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? I had a business trip in Waterloo and my options were to fly into Toronto or this gem of an airport. I'm glad I flew into Waterloo instead. American Airlines now runs a twice-daily flight from Chicago ORD to YKF. It's on a small regional jet, but when you land you quickly realize that the regional jet is the largest plane that serves the airport. The Bearskin planes are propeller planes that serve other areas of Canada. Arriving is a breeze - you only need to compete with around 20 or so people to get through immigration. The officers were all very relaxed as they only need to work when this Chicago flight comes through. There's a few taxis waiting outside to whisk you off to your destination. Departing is also a breeze - no need to take off shoes or belts when going through their security check. Again, you're only competing with 20 or so people to get through security. I had a 6AM 'international' flight to Chicago and only had to arrive at 5am. You could never arrive that late if you were to fly out of a large airport. There's also free WiFi in the airport! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Jag hade en affärsresa i Waterloo och mina alternativ var att flyga till Toronto eller denna pärla av en flygplats. Jag är glad att jag flög in i Waterloo istället. American Airlines kör nu en flygning två gånger dagligen från Chicago ORD till YKF. Det är på ett litet regionalt jetplan, men när man landar inser man snabbt att det regionala jetplanet är det största planet som betjänar flygplatsen. Bearskinplanen är propellerplan som betjänar andra områden i Kanada. Att komma är en bris - du behöver bara konkurrera med omkring 20 personer för att komma igenom invandringen. Officerarna var alla väldigt avslappnade eftersom de bara behöver arbeta när Chicago-flyget kommer igenom. Det väntar några taxibilar utanför för att ta dig till din destination. Avgång är också en bris - ingen anledning att ta av sig skor eller bälten när de går igenom sin säkerhetskontroll. Återigen, du tävlar bara med 20 eller så människor för att komma igenom säkerheten. Jag hade ett "internationellt" plan på 6AM till Chicago och behövde bara komma fram klockan 05.00. Du skulle aldrig kunna komma så sent om du flög ut från en stor flygplats. Det finns också gratis WiFi på flygplatsen! ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? I had a business trip in Waterloo and my options were to fly to Toronto or this gem of an airport. I'm glad I flew into Waterloo instead. American Airlines is now operating a flight twice daily from Chicago ORD to YKF. It is on a small regional jet, but when you land, you quickly realize that the regional jet is the largest plane serving the airport. The Bearskin Plane is propeller planes serving other areas of Canada. Coming is a breeze - you only have to compete with about 20 people to get through immigration. The officers were all very relaxed because they just need to work when the Chicago flight gets through. There are some taxis waiting outside to take you to your destination. Departure is also a breeze - no need to take off shoes or belts when going through their security check. Again, you're just competing with 20 or so people to get through security. I had an "international" plane at 6AM to Chicago and only needed to arrive at 5:00 a.m. You could never be so late if you flew out of a big airport. There is also free WiFi at the airport! ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? My family and I decided to go into Macaroni Grill on a Thursday night about 6pm. I have 3 children, so this is a treat for us. We sat down and the hostess said she would be right back with crayons, which I had to go get myself after we realized they weren't coming. We ordered 2 appetizers, macaroni bites and bruscheta. The bites were good but the toast for the bruscheta came out noticeably burnt, something the chef or server should have noticed. The server took our order and we had to asked twice for the wine list. My 2 young children got their food first. It was fine. Then my husband and oldest got their food. My husband took one bite out of his pork shank cremini and the only thing hot was the sauce. He told the server it was cold so he took it back to the kitchen. About 10 minutes later we both received our meals. My meal was ok, not hot but warm and yes my husband's was still cold. He sent back the food and didn't reorder anything else because by this time my kids were almost done. The experience was not good. Food and service needs much improvement! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Min familj och jag bestämde oss för att gå in på Macaroni Grill en torsdag kväll omkring 18:00. Jag har tre barn, så det här är en överraskning för oss. Vi satte oss ner och värdinnan sa att hon skulle vara strax tillbaka med kritor, som jag var tvungen att gå och hämta själv efter att vi insett att de inte skulle komma. Vi beställde två aptitretare, makaroner och bryscheta. Bitarna var goda men rostat bröd för bryschetan kom ut märkbart bränt, något kocken eller servern borde ha märkt. Servern tog vår beställning och vi var tvungna att be två gånger om vinlistan. Mina två små barn fick sin mat först. Det var bra. Då fick min man och äldst sin mat. Min man tog en tugga ur sin fläskskaftskramin och det enda som var varmt var såsen. Han sa till servern att det var kallt så han tog med det tillbaka till köket. Omkring 10 minuter senare fick vi båda våra måltider. Min måltid var okej, inte varm men varm och ja min mans var fortfarande kall. Han skickade tillbaka maten och beställde inget annat för vid det här laget var mina barn nästan klara. Erfarenheten var inte bra. Mat och service behöver förbättras mycket! ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? My family and I decided to go into the Macaroni Grill on a Thursday night around 6:00 p.m. I have three kids, so this is a surprise for us. We sat down and the hostess said she'd be right back with crayons, which I had to go get myself after we realized they weren't coming. We ordered two appetizers, macaroni and brryscheta. The pieces were good but toasted bread for the brryschetan came out noticeably burned, something the chef or server should have noticed. The server took our order and we had to ask twice for the wine list. My two little kids got their food first. That's good. Then my husband and the oldest had their food. My husband took a bite out of his pork shank cramine and the only thing that was hot was the sauce. He told the server it was cold so he brought it back to the kitchen. About 10 minutes later, we both had our meals. My meal was okay, not hot but warm and yes my husband's was still cold. He sent the food back and ordered nothing else because by now my children were almost ready. The experience wasn't good. Food and service need to be improved a lot! ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Generate a negative review for a place.
Be careful at this place. You have been warned. They are thieves who have no shame in cheating, stealing and manipulating their patrons. I was drunk and collapsed in the mens bathroom. Security saw me in my state, instead of helping me out of the complex, they took me to a VIP booth, ordered me 2 coffees and 2 waters ($40 charge + tip). Next thing I know, I have 3 strippers all over me... massaging my back trying to help me.... so I thought. They stole my cash (thankfully they left $3 in there for a cab) and on 3 separate occasions tried to use my credit cards. Unfortunately, 1 of the transactions was processed - thankfully the bank did NOT honor the payment after I complained. This place is skanky and the staff are even worse.
Generera en negativ recension för en plats.
Generate a negative review for a location.
Var försiktig här. Du har blivit varnad. De är tjuvar som inte har någon skam i att fuska, stjäla och manipulera sina beskyddare. Jag var full och kollapsade i herrtoan. Säkerheten såg mig i min stat, istället för att hjälpa mig ut ur komplexet, tog de mig till ett VIP-bås, beställde mig 2 kaffe och 2 vatten ($ 40 avgift + tips). Plötsligt har jag tre strippor på mig och masserar ryggen för att hjälpa mig. De stal mina pengar (tack och lov lämnade de $ 3 där för en taxi) och vid 3 olika tillfällen försökte använda mina kreditkort. Tyvärr var 1 av transaktionerna behandlas - tack och lov banken inte hedra betalningen efter att jag klagade. Det här stället är sjaskigt och personalen är ännu värre.
Be careful here. You've been warned. They are thieves who have no shame in cheating, stealing, and manipulating their protectors. I was drunk and collapsed in the men's room. Security saw me in my state, instead of helping me out of the complex, they took me to a VIP booth, ordered me 2 coffees and 2 water ($40 fee + tips). Suddenly I have three strippers on me and massage my back to help me. They stole my money (thankfully they left $3 there for a taxi) and on 3 different occasions tried to use my credit cards. Unfortunately, 1 of the transactions was processed - thank God the bank did not honor the payment after I complained. This place is sleazy and the staff is even worse.
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? I have been a participant at several Livewire Karaoke events, vendor shows, fundraisers, etc. If you want your private party or event vamped up a notch in the "let's have fun" department...this is the way to do it!! Tina Reynolds with Livewire Karaoke brings the karaoke party to YOU. She has always been on time, if not early, to be fully prepared to start the party on time, to mix/mingle with participants and make everyone feel like they are the star on stage! There are NO bad singers with Tina as the KJ (Karaoke Jockey! I just learned that..!) She also has a darn good voice of her own to keep you entertained during the "lulls." With 18+ years of experience as a "Mobile KJ," Tina IS Livewire Karaoke! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Jag har varit deltagare på flera Livewire Karaoke-evenemang, försäljarshower, insamlingar, etc. Om du vill att din privata fest eller händelse vampas upp en skåra i "låt oss ha kul" avdelning ... detta är sättet att göra det!! Tina Reynolds med Livewire Karaoke ger karaokefesten till DIG. Hon har alltid varit i tid, om inte tidigt, för att vara helt beredd på att starta festen i tid, för att blanda/mingla med deltagarna och få alla att känna att de är stjärnan på scenen! Det finns INGA dåliga sångare med Tina som KJ (Karaoke Jockey! Jag har just lärt mig det..!) Hon har också en förbaskat bra röst för att underhålla dig under "lullorna". Med 18+ års erfarenhet som "Mobile KJ" är Tina Livewire Karaoke! ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? I've been a participant at several Livewire Karaoke events, sales shows, fundraisers, etc. If you want your private party or event to be vamped up a notch in the "let's have fun" section... this is the way to do it!! Tina Reynolds with Livewire Karaoke gives the karaoke party to YOU. She has always been on time, if not early, to be fully prepared to start the party on time, to mix/mingle with the participants and make everyone feel like they are the star on stage! There are NO bad singers with Tina as KJ (Karaoke Jockey! I just learned that..!) She also has a damn good voice to entertain you under the "lulls". With 18+ years of experience as "Mobile KJ", Tina Livewire is Karaoke! ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
The best place to go if you are trying out for the first time. The first visit is only $39 plus tip. If you like after first try, they will ask you to join their 6 month membership for $49 plus tip. They weren't so busy when I first started going there but now they had gotten busy so you need at least 2-3 days to book an appointment. The nice thing is they even open late 10pm. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Det bästa stället att gå om du försöker för första gången. Första besöket är bara $ 39 plus dricks. Om du vill efter första försöket, kommer de att be dig att gå med i deras 6 månaders medlemskap för $ 49 plus tips. De var inte så upptagna när jag först började åka dit men nu hade de fått fullt upp så du behöver minst 2-3 dagar för att boka en tid. Det fina är att de till och med öppnar sent. Gavs denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Best place to go if you try for the first time. The first visit is only $39 plus tips. If you want after the first try, they will ask you to join their 6 month membership for $49 plus tips. They weren't too busy when I first started going there but now they had got busy so you need at least 2-3 days to make an appointment. The nice thing is, they even open late. Was this review given positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
I have been having trouble with the LensCrafters in Fashion Square for about a week. All I get is runaround. I went into get new glasses with my insurance. After I picked out frames I sat down with a guy to tell them what I needed. I gave him the frames I chose and said that I wanted Polycarbonate lens. He mentioned I should have the anit-reflective coating and I said ok anyway He started figuring the price and said it was close to what I paid last time with the same glasses. What he did not mention that he included a service agreement for $29.99. I is my somewhat my fault since I did not read the complete receipt, I took for granted that since the price was close to last time it was the same. Anyway I called up and told them I did not want the service agreement and Kay said she would refund it. That was on Monday and should would refund my credit card for the amount. I waited 2 days and did not hear anything so I called again and was told the Sharon King would have to do the refund since she was the manager and I would be done and I would get a call back, I did not one. I called on Friday and was told that Devin would be doing the refund Friday and again nothing. This store is really bad for customer serivce. I would not recomend them for anything. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag har haft problem med LensCrafters på Fashion Square i en vecka. Allt jag får är att springa runt. Jag köpte nya glasögon med min försäkring. Efter att jag valt ut ramar satte jag mig ner med en kille för att berätta vad jag behövde. Jag gav honom de ramar jag valde och sa att jag ville ha Polykarbonat lins. Han sa att jag borde ha anit-reflexbeläggning och jag sa ok ändå Han började räkna ut priset och sa att det var nära vad jag betalade förra gången med samma glasögon. Vad han inte nämnde var att han inkluderade ett serviceavtal för 29,99 dollar. Jag är mitt något mitt fel eftersom jag inte läste hela kvittot, jag tog för givet att eftersom priset var nära förra gången det var samma. Jag ringde och sa att jag inte ville ha serviceavtalet och Kay sa att hon skulle betala tillbaka det. Det var i måndags och skulle betala tillbaka mitt kreditkort. Jag väntade 2 dagar och hörde ingenting så jag ringde igen och fick veta Sharon King skulle behöva göra återbetalning eftersom hon var chef och jag skulle vara klar och jag skulle få ett samtal tillbaka, jag gjorde inte en. Jag ringde på fredag och fick veta att Devin skulle göra återbetalningen fredag och igen ingenting. Den här butiken är verkligen dålig för kunden serivce. Jag skulle inte ge dem någon ny ersättning för någonting. Hur skulle denna granskning beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I've been having trouble with the LensCrafters in Fashion Square for a week. All I get is running around. I bought new glasses with my insurance. After I picked out frames, I sat down with a guy to tell me what I needed. I gave him the frames I chose and said I wanted Polycarbonate lens. He said I should have anit-reflective coating and I said ok anyway He started calculating the price and said it was close to what I paid last time with the same glasses. What he didn't mention was that he included a $29.99 service deal. I'm my fault because I didn't read the entire receipt, I took for granted that because the price was close last time it was the same. I called her and told her I didn't want the service agreement, and Kay said she'd pay it back. It was Monday and was going to pay my credit card back. I waited 2 days and heard nothing so I called again and found out Sharon King would have to make a refund because she was boss and I would be done and I would get a call back, I didn't make one. I called on Friday and was told that Devin would make the refund Friday and again nothing. This store is really bad for the customer serivce. I would not give them any new compensation for anything. How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Generate a positive review for a place.
Mom and pop joint located inside of mountains edge. I come here for the convenience but the food is good. Try their chicken fried steak with biscuits and gravy. If you bring in a coffee cup and leave it on their wall you'll always get free refills.
Generera en positiv recension för en plats.
Generate a positive review for a place.
Mamma och pop joint ligger inne i bergskanten. Jag kommer hit för bekvämlighetens skull, men maten är god. Prova deras kyckling stekt stek med kex och sås. Om du tar in en kaffekopp och lämnar den på väggen får du alltid gratis påfyllning.
Mom and pop joint are located inside the mountain edge. I come here for convenience, but the food is good. Try their chicken fried steak with biscuits and sauce. If you bring in a coffee cup and leave it on the wall, you always get free refills.
Is the following review positive or negative? I wish I didn't have to work so early in the morning, because I would be here weekly to enjoy their amazing Wine & Bruschetta $20 deal. When you come at another time, it's still a great patio, quick and easy valet parking, good service, good food, and good drinks. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Jag önskar att jag inte behövde jobba så tidigt på morgonen, eftersom jag skulle vara här varje vecka för att njuta av deras fantastiska Wine & Bruschetta $ 20 affär. När du kommer vid ett annat tillfälle, är det fortfarande en bra uteplats, snabb och enkel parkering, bra service, god mat och goda drycker. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? I wish I didn't have to work so early in the morning, because I would be here every week to enjoy their fantastic Wine & Bruschetta $20 deal. When you arrive at another time, it is still a good patio, quick and easy parking, good service, good food and good drinks. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
I would like to say that this was good, because the service was much friendlier than I ever experience at airport foodservice outlets, but the breakfast burrito this morning was a real letdown. The biggest issue was the temperature of the eggs and sausage (held on a steam table before building the burrito) were lukewarm, and so, when we got our food, the whole burrito was lukewarm and unappetizing. Again, though, I must say that the ladies behind the counter (one Filipina and one African American) were both all smiles and friendly, even though they were obviously stuck in the breakfast rush of a bunch of businessmen trying to make flights... Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag skulle vilja säga att detta var bra, eftersom tjänsten var mycket vänligare än jag någonsin upplevt på flygplatsens matservering, men frukostburrito denna morgon var en verklig besvikelse. Den största frågan var temperaturen på äggen och korven (som hölls på ett ångbord innan burriton byggdes) var ljum, och när vi fick vår mat var därför hela burrito ljummet och oaptitligt. Men återigen måste jag säga att damerna bakom disken (en filippina och en afroamerikan) var både leenden och vänliga, trots att de uppenbarligen var fast i frukostrushen hos ett gäng affärsmän som försökte göra flygningar... Är denna recension positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I would like to say that this was good, because the service was much more friendly than I ever experienced at the airport's food service, but breakfast burrito this morning was a real disappointment. The biggest question was the temperature of the eggs and sausages (held on a steam table before the burrito was built) was lukewarm, and so when we received our food, the whole burrito was lukewarm and unaptitable. But again I have to say that the ladies behind the counter (a Filipino and an African American) were both smiling and friendly, even though they were obviously stuck in the breakfast rush of a bunch of businessmen trying to make flights... Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? They are crooks & bamboozled me for a meal that I did not even enjoy! Beware of their pricing and I will never eat there again! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? De är skurkar & bambuzled mig för en måltid som jag inte ens njuta! Akta er för deras prissättning och jag kommer aldrig att äta där igen! ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? They are villains & bamboozled me for a meal that I do not even enjoy! Beware of their pricing and I will never eat there again! ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Do you still have some equity in your house? Are you in a happy marriage? Do your kids do well at school and eat their veggies? Is your paycheck ungarnished? If the answers are yes then your life is pretty good, all happiness and contentment. The antidote for your state of satisfaction is the hike to the summit of Frenchman Mountain. It's the far mountain on the eastern edge of the valley, two peaks and you can point it out, when bragging, to anyone from pretty well any place in Vegas. Situated on E. Lake Mead a couple of miles past Albertson's, it's easy to park and does not look too daunting as you park the car and look up the gravelly trail. OK, now is where the "fun" starts. There is a very steep single track road that is full of loose rocks and gravel. You will climb 1400 feet in a little over a mile to a false summit. You then drop down about 300 feet to the saddle between the two peaks and then the ascent to the summit, the true summit with the antenna , is another 700 feet of the most lung busting torturous trail that I have ever had the misfortune to hike. It's loose, steep, ugly, with very little vegetation BUT the satisfaction you will feel when you hit the summit and sign the register is enormous. The views are unparalleled, you can see Lake Mead, Lake Las Vegas and the entire city to the west. Amazeballs. The hike down is equally arduous and it takes extreme care not to slip/fall on the difficult and steep descent. I don't hike with poles but I believe that they would be a large help on Frenchman. There were many moments on the hike when I wished I were someplace else but after completing the hike they are now a distant memory. If Santa brings me poles I may try it again! Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Har du fortfarande lite eget kapital i ditt hus? Är du i ett lyckligt äktenskap? Går det bra för dina barn i skolan och äter deras grönsaker? Är din lönecheck osmyckad? Om svaren är ja så är ditt liv ganska bra, all lycka och förnöjsamhet. Motgiftet för ditt tillstånd av tillfredsställelse är vandringen till toppen av Frenchman Mountain. Det är det avlägsna berget på östra kanten av dalen, två toppar och man kan peka ut det, när man skryter, för vem som helst från ganska bra vilken plats som helst i Vegas. Beläget vid E. Lake Mead ett par mil förbi Albertsons, är det lätt att parkera och ser inte alltför skrämmande när du parkerar bilen och tittar upp grusig stig. Okej, nu börjar det roliga. Det finns en mycket brant enkelspårig väg som är full av lösa klippor och grus. Du kommer att klättra 150 meter på drygt en mil till en falsk topp. Man faller sedan ner cirka 300 fot till sadeln mellan de två topparna och sedan uppstigningen till toppen, den sanna toppen med antennen, är ytterligare 700 fot av den mest lungbystande torturous trail som jag någonsin haft oturen att vandra. Den är lös, brant, ful, med mycket lite växtlighet MEN tillfredsställelsen du kommer att känna när du träffar toppen och signerar registret är enorm. Utsikten är enastående, du kan se Lake Mead, Lake Las Vegas och hela staden i väster. Amazeballs. Vandringen ner är lika mödosam och det är extremt noga med att inte halka/falla på den svåra och branta nedfarten. Jag vandrar inte med stolpar men jag tror att de skulle vara till stor hjälp för fransmannen. Det var många stunder på vandringen när jag önskade att jag var någon annanstans men efter avslutad vandring är de nu ett avlägset minne. Om tomten ger mig stolpar kan jag försöka igen! Är denna översyn positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Do you still have some equity in your house? Are you in a happy marriage? Are your kids okay at school eating their vegetables? Is your paycheck unadorned? If the answers are yes, your life is quite good, all happiness and contentment. The antidote for your state of satisfaction is the hike to the top of Frenchman Mountain. It is the remote mountain on the eastern edge of the valley, two peaks and you can point it out, when boasting, for anyone from pretty good any place in Vegas. Located at E. Lake Mead a few miles past Albertsons, it is easy to park and does not look too scary when you park the car and look up gravelly path. All right, now the fun begins. There is a very steep single-track road that is full of loose rocks and gravel. You'll climb 1,000 feet in a mile to a fake peak. One then falls down about 300 feet to the saddle between the two peaks and then the ascent to the top, the true peak with the antenna, is another 700 feet of the most lung-swapping tortuous trail that I have ever had the misfortune to hike. It is loose, steep, ugly, with very little vegetation BUT the satisfaction you will feel when you hit the top and sign the register is enormous. The view is outstanding, you can see Lake Mead, Lake Las Vegas and the entire city to the west. Amazeballs. The walk down is equally arduous and it is extremely careful not to slip/fall on the difficult and steep descent. I don't walk with poles, but I think they would be very helpful to the Frenchman. There were many moments on the hike when I wished I was somewhere else but after the walk they are now a distant memory. If Santa gives me poles, I can try again! Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Generate a negative review for a place.
Great view, terrible club. Unless you pay for bottle service you MIGHT have a ok time, if you can get a table. Guest list is complete BS, drinks are overpriced, even a redbull is $10. There is no room to walk literally, let alone dance. All the females working are complete ass***** with no regard for anyone but their own tips. They will step on top of you to get a bottle to a table, meaning a tip for them. I would never recommend this place or EVER go back. Go to haze or anywhere but Hyde
Generera en negativ recension för en plats.
Generate a negative review for a location.
Fin utsikt, hemsk klubb. Om du inte betalar för flaskservice har du MÅTT en ok tid, om du kan få ett bord. Gästlistan är komplett BS, drinkar är överpriserade, även en redbull är $ 10. Det finns inget utrymme att gå bokstavligt, än mindre dansa. Alla honor som arbetar är helt röv***** utan hänsyn till någon annan än sina egna tips. De kommer att kliva på toppen av dig för att få en flaska till ett bord, vilket innebär ett tips för dem. Jag skulle aldrig rekommendera det här stället eller aldrig gå tillbaka. Gå till dis eller någon annanstans än Hyde
Nice view, horrible club. If you do not pay for bottle service, you have DIMENSIONS a ok time, if you can get a table. The guest list is complete BS, drinks are overpriced, even a redbull is $10. There's no room to go literally, let alone dance. All females working are completely ass***** without regard to anyone other than their own tips. They will step on top of you to get a bottle to a table, which means a tip for them. I would never recommend this place or never go back. Go to haze or somewhere other than Hyde
Is the following review positive or negative? Loved this place. I had my doubts because of a prior experience. Years ago I went to Farelli's Cinema Supper Club in Scottsdale and it wasn't great. Bad food, seating wasn't ideal and just not a good experience overall. But wow. As soon as I walked into the newly remodeled AMC 14 I was impressed. A full bar where the concession stand use to be and nice tables and seating filled the lobby. The vibe was much more adult and cool right from the start. My friend pre-purchased tickets for six of us. We had our own row and when I sat down in the super comfy recliner I was in heaven! Great menu selection and the drinks were good. Got a cosmo and it was very good. Not the best I've ever had but really good. I honestly didn't expect the drinks to be drinkable. Not at a movie theater but I was pleasantly surprised. I got a Swiss mushroom cheeseburger and it was delicious. A few nice touches really made this an extra nice experience: while we waited for our drinks and food, we all got a cup of chocolate covered popcorn and when we left the theater, an employee was holding a tray of mint chocolate Ghiradelli squares. Nice touch. We had a few issues with the credit cards being charged properly and the bills mixed up but the management fixed things right away and gave re-admit passes without question. Nice service. This may not be for everyone if you just want your run of the mill popcorn, soda and movie but it's a fun treat to go here. I highly recommend it and will go back for sure! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Jag älskade det här stället. Jag hade mina tvivel på grund av en tidigare erfarenhet. För flera år sen gick jag på Farellis filmkvällsklubb i Scottsdale och det var inte så bra. Dålig mat, sittplatser var inte idealiska och bara inte en bra upplevelse totalt. Men wow. Så snart jag kom in i den nyrenoverade AMC 14 blev jag imponerad. En full bar där koncessionsståndet används för att vara och trevliga bord och sittplatser fyllde lobbyn. Vibbarna var mycket mer vuxna och svala redan från början. Min vän har köpt biljetter till sex av oss. Vi hade en egen rad och när jag satte mig i den superbekväma vilstolen var jag i himlen! Bra menyval och drinkarna var bra. Jag fick en kosmo och det var väldigt bra. Inte det bästa jag någonsin haft men riktigt bra. Jag förväntade mig inte att drinkarna skulle vara drickbara. Inte på en bio, men jag blev glatt överraskad. Jag köpte en schweizisk ostburgare och den var utsökt. Några fina inslag gjorde verkligen detta till en extra trevlig upplevelse: medan vi väntade på våra drycker och mat, fick vi alla en kopp choklad täckt popcorn och när vi lämnade teatern, en anställd höll en bricka med mintchoklad Ghiradelli torg. Snyggt jobbat. Vi hade ett par problem med att kreditkorten debiterades ordentligt och räkningarna blandades ihop men ledningen fixade saker och ting direkt och gav åter tillstånd utan tvekan. Trevlig service. Det här kanske inte är för alla om du bara vill ha din runda av kvarnen popcorn, läsk och film men det är en rolig fest att gå här. Jag rekommenderar det starkt och kommer att gå tillbaka för säker! ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? I loved this place. I had my doubts because of a previous experience. Years ago, I went to the Farelli Film Night Club in Scottsdale and it wasn't that good. Poor food, seating was not ideal and just not a good experience overall. But wow. As soon as I entered the newly renovated AMC 14, I was impressed. A full bar where the concession stand is used to be and nice tables and seating filled the lobby. The vibes were much more grown up and cool from the beginning. My friend bought tickets for sex from us. We had our own line and when I sat in the super comfortable resting chair I was in heaven! Good menu selection and the drinks were good. I got a cosmo and it was very good. Not the best I've ever had but really good. I didn't expect the drinks to be drinkable. Not at a movie, but I was pleasantly surprised. I bought a Swiss cheeseburger and it was delicious. Some fine elements really made this an extra pleasant experience: while we were waiting for our drinks and food, we all got a cup of chocolate covered popcorn and when we left the theatre, an employee held a tray with mint chocolate Ghiradelli square. Nice work. We had a couple of problems with the credit cards being properly charged and the bills being mixed up but management fixed things right away and gave permission again without a doubt. Nice service. This may not be for everyone if you just want your round of mill popcorn, soda and film but it's a fun party to go here. I strongly recommend it and will go back for sure! ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Write a positive yelp review.
Typical Texas Roadhouse except this one is ALWAYS jam packed on the weekend. Call ahead or don't bother.
Skriv en positiv yelp recension.
Write a positive yelp review.
Typiskt Texas Roadhouse förutom att det här är alltid sylt packat på helgen. Ring före eller bry dig inte.
Typical Texas Roadhouse except this is always jam packed on the weekend. Call before or don't bother.
Generate a negative review for a place.
Not here. Just an Italian Bakery
Generera en negativ recension för en plats.
Generate a negative review for a location.
Inte här. Bara ett italienskt bageri
Not here. Just an Italian bakery
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? IAdorable little shop, FANTASTIC staff! I worked with Stephanie who was ultra patient with my indecisiveness and helped me find the most gorgeous dress. She was never pushy or sales-oriented; it was great to feel like my opinion mattered more than the price of the dress. My favorite part though? I never got the "chubby bride side-eye". Love the dress, love the shop, love the ladies! I'm sending my bridesmaids in for their dresses soon. (: OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? En underbar liten butik, fantastisk personal! Jag arbetade med Stephanie som var extremt tålmodig med min obeslutsamhet och hjälpte mig att hitta den vackraste klänningen. Hon var aldrig påträngande eller försäljningsinriktad; det var härligt att känna att min åsikt betydde mer än priset på klänningen. Men min favoritdel? Jag fick aldrig den "knubbiga brudens sida-öga". Älskar klänningen, älskar butiken, älskar damerna! Jag skickar in mina brudtärnor för att hämta deras klänningar snart. (: ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? A wonderful little shop, fantastic staff! I worked with Stephanie who was extremely patient with my indecision and helped me find the most beautiful dress. She was never intrusive or sales-oriented; it was great to feel that my opinion meant more than the price of the dress. But my favorite part? I never got the side-eye of the chubby chick. Love the dress, love the store, love the ladies! I'll send my bridesmaids in to pick up their dresses soon. (: ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? The entrance with the awesome waterfall and great looking patio had me excited for something special! It was busy and bustling so I expected a possible stellar dining experience, I mean with a full house on a Thursday evening, it's gotta be good. It happened to be 114 outside which might explain why all three of my beers were cool... not cold. I had the snapper tacos. Fish in Arizona is always sort of a gamble, but I have had better tacos made from fish sticks. The spice was interesting but not compelling. I didn't get to choose my tortilla preference, that's okay... but the overall dish was strangely out of place and lacking any sort of excitement or originality. Service was good, friendly and attentive. So this in no way is a negative for the staff... unless you are the head chef. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Entrén med det fantastiska vattenfallet och den snygga uteplatsen gjorde mig upphetsad för något speciellt! Det var fullt och livligt så jag förväntade mig en möjlig stjärnmatupplevelse, jag menar med fullt hus en torsdagskväll, det måste vara bra. Det råkade vara 114 utanför vilket kan förklara varför alla mina tre öl var coola... inte kalla. Jag hade snapper tacos. Fisk i Arizona är alltid en chansning, men jag har haft bättre tacos gjorda av fiskpinnar. Kryddan var intressant men inte övertygande. Jag fick inte välja min tortillapreferens, det är okej... men den allmänna rätten var konstigt nog opassande och saknade någon form av spänning eller originalitet. Tjänsten var god, vänlig och uppmärksam. Så det här är inget negativt för personalen... om du inte är chefskocken. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? The entrance with the fantastic waterfall and the beautiful patio made me excited for something special! It was full and lively so I expected a possible star food experience, I mean by full house on a Thursday night, it must be good. It happened to be 114 outside which could explain why all three of my beers were cool... not cold. I had snapper tacos. Fish in Arizona is always a gamble, but I've had better tacos made of fish sticks. The spice was interesting but not convincing. I didn't get to choose my tortilla preference, that's okay... but the general law was strangely inappropriate and lacked any kind of tension or originality. The service was good, kind, and attentive. So this isn't bad for the staff unless you're the chief chef. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Really, really outstanding sushi restaurant. I've eaten here twice and will stop by every time I'm in Vegas. Both times I sat at the bar and had the $120 omakase menu and was blown away and also absolutely stuffed (though both times we ended up getting several extra pieces at the end). You can probably get away with the $80 menu and order more of your nigiri favorites at the end which are extremely well priced for their quality. The sushi is flown in fresh from around the world and is incredible (my favorites are the KAMASHITA fatty tuna and the incredible UNI), the service is excellent and not at all pretentious (both the waitress and the very friendly sushi chefs), the decor is elegant while inviting and the price is right. Highly recommended. On par with high-end omakase meals I've had in Tokyo where I paid 3x the cost. What is the sentiment of this review? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Verkligen, riktigt enastående sushi restaurang. Jag har ätit här två gånger och kommer förbi varje gång jag är i Vegas. Båda gångerna satt jag i baren och hade $ 120 omakase menyn och blåstes bort och också helt fyllda (även om båda gångerna vi slutade få flera extra bitar i slutet). Du kan förmodligen komma undan med $ 80 menyn och beställa fler av dina nigiri favoriter i slutet som är extremt bra prissatta för deras kvalitet. Sushin är influgen frisk från hela världen och är otrolig (mina favoriter är KAMASHITA fet tonfisk och den otroliga UNI), tjänsten är utmärkt och inte alls pretentiös (både servitrisen och de mycket vänliga sushi kockar), inredningen är elegant medan inbjudande och priset är rätt. Rekommenderas starkt. På samma sätt som omakasemåltider jag ätit i Tokyo där jag betalade 3x kostnaden. Vad är det för uppfattning i den här recensionen? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Really, really outstanding sushi restaurant. I've eaten here twice and come by every time I'm in Vegas. Both times I sat in the bar and had the $120 unmakase menu and was blown away and also completely filled (although both times we stopped getting several extra pieces at the end). You can probably get away with the $80 menu and order more of your nigiri favorites at the end that are extremely well priced for their quality. Sushin is fresh from all over the world and is incredible (my favorites are KAMASHITA fat tuna and the incredible UNI), the service is excellent and not at all pretentious (both the waitress and the very friendly sushi chefs), the decor is elegant while inviting and the price is right. Highly recommended. The same way I ate unshakable meals in Tokyo where I paid 3x the cost. What is the opinion in this review? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? This Hanger Pediatrics is top notch for Cranial Banding! Chris is knowledgeable, professional, and truly cares about the well being of your child. This is the second go around using Hanger for cranial bands and once again we couldn't be in better hands. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vad är innebörden i följande genomgång? Den här Hanger Pediatrics är toppen för Cranial Banding! Chris är kunnig, professionell och bryr sig verkligen om ditt barns välbefinnande. Detta är den andra gå runt med Hanger för kraniella band och återigen kunde vi inte vara i bättre händer. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
What is the meaning of the following review? This Hanger Pediatrics is great for Cranial Banding! Chris is knowledgeable, professional and really cares about your child's well-being. This is the second go around with Hanger for cranial bands and again we couldn't be in better hands. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Wicked terrible is what i think. The service was horrible, the pulled pork sandwich came out with that raw taste, and it wasn't clean. There were table staying dirty for longer than we were even there. Management was no help to their staff at all. All that said, our waitress was really nice, but I would not go there again. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Det är vad jag tror. Servicen var hemsk, den utdragna fläsksmörgåsen kom ut med den där råa smaken, och den var inte ren. Det fanns bord som höll sig smutsiga längre än vi var där. Ledningen var inte alls till någon hjälp för personalen. Allt som sade, vår servitris var riktigt trevlig, men jag skulle inte gå dit igen. Hur skulle denna granskning beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
That's what I think. The service was terrible, the extended pork sandwich came out with that raw taste, and it wasn't clean. There were tables that stayed dirty longer than we were there. Management was of no help to the staff at all. Everything that said, our waitress was really nice, but I wouldn't go there again. How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an negative review?
Located inside Caesars Palace, Hyakumi has teppan tables (large, flat cooking surfaces so the chefs can prepare your food right in front of you; basically Benihana). We opted for the teppan table. They have regular tables as well that feature hot dishes and sushi. Unlike Benihana, Hyakumi has a wide variety of teppan tables (for groups both small and large). The decor is touristy Japanese--like something you would see at Disney World. It is a little on the pricey side (though in Las Vegas, there are a lot of places much more expensive), but they do have specials where you do get a lot of food for your money. The special I got came with soup (meh), fried rice (not bad but kind of bland), and stir fried vegetables (the worst part of the meal; all you could really taste was the bean sprouts). The main entree was filet mignon and lobster. The quality of the meat and the lobster was actually quite good. The problem was that it was just kind of on the bland side. The chef also didn't get a good color on the meat. It was kind of gray--boiled instead of seared. Maybe the teppan surface was not hot enough. For dessert, the flavor of the coffee ice cream was too strong. Hyakumi has choices other than teppan--maybe those are better. But for teppan, it is a little below average for the price you pay. You may be better off with Benihana (while they use significantly lower quality ingredients, it does taste better).
Vad skulle vara ett exempel på en negativ granskning?
What would be an example of a negative review?
Hyakumi ligger inne i Caesars Palace och har teppanbord (stora, plana matlagningsytor så att kockarna kan laga din mat mitt framför dig; i princip Benihana). Vi valde teppanbordet. De har också vanliga bord med varma rätter och sushi. Till skillnad från Benihana har Hyakumi en stor variation av teppanbord (för grupper både små och stora). Dekoren är turistig japansk - som något du skulle se på Disney World. Det är lite på den dyra sidan (även om i Las Vegas, det finns en hel del platser mycket dyrare), men de har specialiteter där du får en hel del mat för dina pengar. Den speciella jag fick kom med soppa (meh), stekt ris (inte dåligt men typ av bland), och rör stekta grönsaker (den värsta delen av måltiden; allt du verkligen kunde smaka var böngroddarna). Huvudförrätten var filet mignon och hummer. Kvaliteten på köttet och hummern var faktiskt ganska bra. Problemet var att det bara var på den intetsägande sidan. Kocken fick heller ingen bra färg på köttet. Det var lite grått - kokt i stället för bränt. Teppanytan kanske inte var tillräckligt varm. Till dessert var smaken på kaffeglassen för stark. Hyakumi har andra val än teppan - kanske de är bättre. Men för teppan är det lite under genomsnittet för det pris man betalar. Du kan vara bättre med Benihana (medan de använder betydligt lägre kvalitet ingredienser, det smakar bättre).
Hyakumi is located inside Caesars Palace and has tapan tables (large, flat cooking surfaces so that chefs can cook your food right in front of you; basically Benihana). We chose the tapan table. They also have regular tables with hot dishes and sushi. Unlike Benihana, Hyakumi has a large variety of teppan tables (for groups both small and large). The decor is touristy Japanese - like something you'd see at Disney World. It is a bit on the expensive side (although in Las Vegas, there are a lot of places much more expensive), but they have specialties where you get a lot of food for your money. The special I got came with soup (meh), fried rice (not bad but kind of mixed), and touches fried vegetables (the worst part of the meal; all you could really taste was the bean sprouts). The main course was the filet mignon and lobster. The quality of the meat and lobster was actually quite good. The problem was that it was only on the bland side. The chef also did not get a good color on the meat. It was a little gray - boiled instead of burned. Maybe the Tappan surface wasn't hot enough. For dessert, the taste of the coffee ice cream was too strong. Hyakumi has other choices than the tappa - maybe they're better. But for the tap, it's a little below average for the price you pay. You can be better with Benihana (while they use significantly lower quality ingredients, it tastes better).
The evening of my filling I received a call personally from Dr. Yu just to check that everything was ok. Now THAT is customer service! Everyone at Dr. Yu's office is fantastic. I've had several dentists in the past and Dr. Yu is the best by far. Dentistry really is an art... you can settle for some 'other guy' because he's close to your office or really cheap but you're only doing yourself a disservice. Stop wasting time reading reviews and just book your appointment with Dr. Yu; you'll be glad you did. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Kvällen då jag fylldes fick jag ett samtal personligen från Dr. Yu bara för att kontrollera att allt var ok. Nu är det kundservice! Alla på dr Yus kontor är fantastiska. Jag har haft flera tandläkare tidigare och dr Yu är den överlägset bästa. Tandvård är verkligen en konst... du kan nöja dig med någon "annan kille" eftersom han är nära ditt kontor eller riktigt billigt men du gör bara dig själv en otjänst. Sluta slösa tid på att läsa recensioner och boka tid hos dr Yu. Du blir glad att du gjorde det. Hur skulle denna granskning beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
The night I was filled I got a call personally from Dr. Yu just to make sure everything was okay. Now it’s customer service! Everyone in Dr. Yu's office is amazing. I've had several dentists before and Dr. Yu is by far the best. Dental care is really an art... you can settle for some "other guy" because he's near your office or really cheap but you're just doing yourself a disservice. Stop wasting your time reading reviews and make an appointment with Dr. Yu. You’ll be glad you did. How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Write a negative yelp review.
Went here with my parents. Very small and cramped. Your sitting shoulder to shoulder with people you don't even know. Service was slow. Everyone was nice.. but slow. The waitresses chatted a lot with their own friends instead of taking care of their customers. My mom's food was delicious but my dad was very unhappy. He specifically asked for certain things not to be on his burger and they did it anyway. I think this was partially on the waitresses since they don't write anything down you say. Also, asked for our check and it took them ten minutes to get it to us and no the waitress gave it to us with no pen. Took her a while to come back with a pen since she was socializing. Just overall not happy with the experience.
Skriv en negativ yelp recension.
Write a negative yelp review.
Jag åkte hit med mina föräldrar. Mycket liten och trång. Du sitter med folk du inte ens känner. Servicen gick långsamt. Alla var snälla, men långsamma. Servitriserna chattade mycket med sina egna vänner istället för att ta hand om sina kunder. Mammas mat var utsökt, men pappa var väldigt olycklig. Han bad uttryckligen om att vissa saker inte skulle vara med på hans hamburgare och de gjorde det ändå. Jag tror att det var delvis på servitriserna eftersom de inte skriver ner något du säger. Dessutom, bad om vår check och det tog dem tio minuter att få den till oss och ingen servitris gav den till oss utan penna. Det tog henne ett tag att komma tillbaka med en penna sedan hon umgicks. Överlag inte nöjd med upplevelsen.
I came here with my parents. Very small and tight. You're sitting with people you don't even know. Service was slow. Everyone was nice, but slow. The waiters chatted a lot with their own friends instead of taking care of their customers. My mom's food was delicious, but my dad was very unhappy. He specifically asked that certain things should not be on his hamburgers and they did it anyway. I think it was partly on the waitresses because they're not writing down anything you're saying. Besides, asked for our check and it took them ten minutes to get it to us and no waitress gave it to us without a pen. It took her a while to come back with a pen since she was hanging out. Overall not satisfied with the experience.
What is the sentiment of the following review? I had always wanted to stay here at the Hilton and we finally did. I really wanted to LOVE this place with its Vegas History and all. Ugh.....we have been to much nicer places and will most likely never return. Where should I start. Our room was very dated. The cracked tile in the cramped bathroom looked like it was original and should be replaced. The beds were so lumpy and only doubles , not queens. We slept horribly all weekend. Water pressure was sooooo weak. The towels felt like sandpaper when you dried off. This place needs an overhaul and this should be done immediately. With all the competition in Vegas for rooms.....they need to step it up. On the one and only plus side.....The coffee shop had a pretty good breakfast. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vad är innebörden i följande genomgång? Jag hade alltid velat bo här på Hilton och det gjorde vi till slut. Jag ville verkligen älska det här stället med dess Vegas historia och allt. Vi har varit på mycket trevligare ställen och kommer troligen aldrig tillbaka. Var ska jag börja? Vårt rum var väldigt daterat. Den spruckna kakel i det trånga badrummet såg ut som om den var ursprunglig och borde bytas ut. Sängarna var så knöliga och bara dubbel, inte drottningar. Vi sov fruktansvärt hela helgen. Vattentrycket var så svagt. Handdukarna kändes som sandpapper när du torkade av. Denna plats behöver en översyn och detta bör göras omedelbart. Med all konkurrens i Vegas om rum måste de öka. På den enda plussidan.....Kaffebutiken hade en ganska god frukost. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
What is the meaning of the following review? I'd always wanted to live here at Hilton, and we finally did. I really wanted to love this place with its Vegas history and everything. We've been in much nicer places and probably never come back. Where do I start? Our room was very dated. The cracked tile in the narrow bathroom looked like it was original and should be replaced. The beds were so lumpy and just double, not queens. We slept terribly all weekend. The water pressure was so weak. The towels felt like sandpaper when you wiped off. This place needs a review and this should be done immediately. With all the competition in Vegas for rooms, they must increase. On the only plus side.....The coffee shop had a pretty good breakfast. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? DO NOT BOOK THIS COMPANY. So today's my wedding day and we had booked this company well over a week ago and had confirmed some changes 24hrs before the date. Supervisors confirmed changes and assured we would have out limo. I'm now outside the church, still waiting on my limo. We had booked them for 2 o'clock and had not arrived still and it's almost 3. We call to find out what's going on and apparently our limos were cancelled because their "supervisor" booked us for 2 different dates. We try to get this corrected and they say we still most pay full price and they yell at my wife like it was our fault??? Where's your customer service?? Why should I have to pay you full price for YOUR mistake!! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? BOKA INTE DET HÄR FÖRETAGET. Så idag är min bröllopsdag och vi hade bokat detta företag långt över en vecka sedan och hade bekräftat några förändringar 24 timmar före datumet. Tillsynsmyndigheterna bekräftade förändringar och försäkrade att vi skulle ha en limousine. Jag är nu utanför kyrkan och väntar på min limousin. Vi hade bokat dem för 2 klockan och hade inte kommit ännu och det är nästan 3. Vi ringer för att ta reda på vad som pågår och tydligen blev våra limousiner inställda eftersom deras "tillsyningsman" bokade oss för två olika datum. Vi försöker få detta korrigerat och de säger att vi fortfarande mest betalar fullt pris och de skriker på min fru som om det var vårt fel?? Var är er kundservice? Varför skulle jag behöva betala dig fullt pris för ditt misstag!! ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? DO NOT BOOK THIS BUSINESS. So today is my wedding day and we had booked this company well over a week ago and had confirmed some changes 24 hours before the date. The regulators confirmed changes and assured us that we would have a limousine. I'm now outside the church waiting for my limousine. We had booked them for 2 o'clock and had not arrived yet and it is almost 3. We call to find out what's going on and apparently our limousines were canceled because their "supervisor" booked us for two different dates. We're trying to get this corrected and they're saying we're still paying the most full price and they're yelling at my wife like it was our fault?? Where's your customer service? Why should I have to pay you full price for your mistake!! ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Dont mind the wait...its worth it. Patty melt did not disappoint! The fries can make you angry because they are "shoestring" style and you cant get enough of them in your face at one time! We will be back to try the frozen custards in the near future. How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Bry dig inte om väntan... det är värt det. Patty smälte gjorde inte besviken! Pommes frites kan göra dig arg eftersom de är "skostring" stil och du kan inte få nog av dem i ansiktet på en gång! Vi kommer tillbaka för att prova de frusna vaniljsåsarna inom en snar framtid. Hur skulle denna granskning beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Don't worry about the wait... it's worth it. Patty's melted didn't disappoint! French fries can make you angry because they're "shoestring" style and you can't get enough of them in your face at once! We'll come back to try the frozen custards in the near future. How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Generate a negative review for a place.
Price: way, over the top, overpriced. Just not worth it. You're better off spending your money at Yard House where you'll spend $12+ on food that actually could be considered right for the price. It's streetfood that's trying hard to be more fancy but fails at it terribly. Just not worth it for the price they are selling their food for. On top of it, for the price they are charging, they should at least be able to afford actual plates not plastic plates and at least be able to buy some vegetables and some meat for their oh so hungry and super malnourished dishes. The sesame noodles, for around $12, had little sesame, little to nothing vegetables and eggs, and for a few bucks more... they can add little strips of chicken. And then... $7.95 for four shrimp dumplings which you can affordably get somewhere else for as low as $3.00. Same taste. Same size. A lot more cheaper. The star is really just for the workers there who seem nice; some not as attentive, however, like our waiter.
Generera en negativ recension för en plats.
Generate a negative review for a location.
Pris: sätt, över toppen, överprissatt. Men det är inte värt det. Det är bättre att spendera dina pengar på Yard House där du lägger 12 dollar över på mat som faktiskt kan anses vara rätt för priset. Det är streetfood som försöker vara mer snofsig men misslyckas med det fruktansvärt. Men det är inte värt det för priset de säljer sin mat för. På toppen av det, för det pris de tar betalt, bör de åtminstone ha råd med faktiska tallrikar inte plastplattor och åtminstone kunna köpa några grönsaker och lite kött för sina åh så hungriga och super undernärda rätter. Sesamnudlarna, för runt 12 dollar, hade lite sesam, lite till ingenting grönsaker och ägg, och för några dollar mer... kan de lägga till små strimlor av kyckling. Och sen... $ 7,95 för fyra räkor dumplings som du har råd att få någon annanstans för så lågt som $ 3,00. Samma smak. Samma storlek. Mycket billigare. Stjärnan är egentligen bara för arbetarna där som verkar trevliga; vissa inte lika uppmärksamma, dock, som vår servitör.
Price: way, over the top, overpriced. But it's not worth it. It's better to spend your money at Yard House where you put $12 over on food that can actually be considered right for the price. It's street food that tries to be more fancy but fails to do it terribly. But it's not worth it for the price they sell their food for. On top of that, for the price they charge, they should at least be able to afford actual plates not plastic plates and at least be able to buy some vegetables and some meat for their oh so hungry and super malnourished dishes. The Sesame Nuds, for around $12, had a little sesame, a little to nothing vegetables and eggs, and for a few dollars more... they can add little shreds of chicken. And then... $7.95 for four shrimp dumplings that you can afford to get somewhere else for as low as $3.00. Same taste. Same size. Much cheaper. The star is really only for the workers there who seem nice; some not as attentive, however, as our waiter.
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? "What can I do to get you to stay? This is MY restaurant and I'd like to make you happy" You have to give kudos to a GM who approaches two unhappy, snarky women with a warm smile and a conciliatory approach. A GM who makes you feel like they WANT you to stay (as opposed to the assistant manager who stood there shrugging his shoulders at us.) Af GM who solves the problem and so we can move onto a really nice dinner. Our bumpy start did not belie the rest of the evening. First up, the food: We started with the Burretta ala Panna, which is essentially a totally dressed-up-befitting-of-Scottsdale in FAB-U-LOUS! We also had the scallops which were perfectly cooked, a lot of places just don't do it right - they do. Yay! Then for dinner we split the Proscuitto and Basil Wrapped Borzino. I have to say, I normally SKIP the fish entrees in Scottsdale (because I am spoiled rotten when it comes to fish) but THIS..THIS my desert dwellers is worth coming out of your shells for.. Interesting dish, great textures and perfectly seasoned. Memorable. It made me look up the chef..THAT'S how good it was. I figure we'll be hearing from him again. Our side of sauteed spinach was perfect and not dripping in goop, and our desert of green tea creme brulee with a totally tasty macaroon was creamy, yummy goodness. We didn't graze the cocktail menu, though I wish I would have. We DID have a couple of wines by the glass. I will say, I wish those offerings were a little more extensive, but we did find a nicely balanced Paso Robles Syrah that was new to me (and I am a Paso fanatic). I suspect there are other under-rated finds on the wine list. I love that, don't you? Finding some new wine to adore? The service was genteel and warm. My only comment about the service is that our server was new and he could have used some training on the menu. He'll be one of the best when he's been there a bit longer - go see him, he's adorable: Les. The atmosphere is Scottsdale-lush. We sat outside on our particular evening, but the restaurant's interior is GORGEOUS. I hate to bring this up because its plain bizarre, but the bathrooms are lovely. I mean, really, gold leaf wall paper? Doesn't feel like a recession in there. Honestly,despite all the raves, the most impressive thing about this restaurant was that they turned it around. We were ready to leave and we ended up staying because they made it clear that they wanted us to..and I am glad we stayed, we would have missed out on a great night. I'm sure I'll be back. It was worth coming over the entire Pacific just for that Borzino! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? "Vad kan jag göra för att få dig att stanna? Detta är MIN restaurang och JAG skulle vilja göra er glada" Du måste ge beröm till en stormästare som närmar sig två olyckliga, snarkande kvinnor med ett varmt leende och en försonlig inställning. En stormästare som får dig att känna att de vill att du ska stanna (i motsats till den biträdande chefen som stod där och ryckte på axlarna på oss.) Af GM som löser problemet och så kunna vi gå in på en riktigt trevlig middag. Vår guppiga start beslog inte resten av kvällen. Först och främst maten: Vi började med Burretta ala Panna, som i huvudsak är en helt uppklädd-passande-av-Scottsdalebruschetta... som i FAB-U-LOUS! Vi hade också de musslor som var perfekt tillagade, många ställen gör det bara inte rätt - det gör de. Yay! Sen delar vi på Proscuitto och Basil Wrapped Borzino. Jag måste säga, Jag brukar SKIP fisken entrees i Scottsdale (eftersom jag är bortskämd ruttna när det gäller fisk) men This..THIS min ökenbor är värt att komma ut ur dina skal för.. Intressant maträtt, bra texturer och perfekt kryddad. Minnesvärt. Det fick mig att slå upp kocken.. THAT var så bra. Jag tror att vi hör av honom igen. Vår sida av sauteed spenat var perfekt och inte droppande i goop, och vår öken av grönt te creme brulee med en helt välsmakande makaroon var krämig, smaskig godhet. Vi betade inte cocktailmenyn, men jag önskar att jag hade gjort det. Vi hade ett par viner vid glaset. Jag ska säga, jag önskar att dessa erbjudanden var lite mer omfattande, men vi hittade en fint balanserad Paso Robles Syrah som var ny för mig (och jag är en Paso fanatiker). Jag misstänker att det finns andra underskattade fynd på vinlistan. Jag älskar det, eller hur? Hitta lite nytt vin att beundra? Gudstjänsten var herrlig och varm. Min enda kommentar om tjänsten är att vår server var ny och han kunde ha behövt lite träning på menyn. Han blir en av de bästa när han varit där lite längre - gå och träffa honom, han är bedårande: Les. Atmosfären är Scottsdale-lush. Vi satt ute på vår speciella kväll, men restaurangens inredning är GORGEOUS. Jag vill inte ta upp det här eftersom det är bisarrt, men badrummen är underbara. Jag menar, verkligen, guld blad väggpapper? Det känns inte som en lågkonjunktur. Trots alla raveställen var det mest imponerande med restaurangen att de vände. Vi var redo att ge oss av och det slutade med att vi stannade eftersom de klargjorde att de ville att vi skulle göra det.. och jag är glad att vi stannade, vi skulle ha missat en stor natt. Jag är säker på att jag kommer tillbaka. Det var värt att komma över hela Stilla havet bara för den där Borzino! ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? "What can I do to make you stay? This is MY restaurant and I would like to make you happy" You must give praise to a grandmaster approaching two unhappy, snoring women with a warm smile and a conciliatory attitude. A grandmaster who makes you feel like they want you to stay (as opposed to the assistant boss standing there shrugging his shoulders on us.) Af GM that solves the problem and so we can go into a really nice dinner. Our bumpy start didn't last the rest of the evening. First of all, the food: We started with Burretta ala Panna, which is essentially a completely dressed-up-fitting-of-Scottsdalebruschetta... as in FAB-U-LOUS! We also had the clams that were perfectly cooked, many places just don't make it right - they do. Yay! Then we split Proscuitto and Basil Wrapped Borzino. I have to say, I usually SKIP fish entrees in Scottsdale (because I'm spoiled rotten when it comes to fish) but This..THIS my deserters are worth coming out of your shells for.. Interesting dish, good textures and perfectly seasoned. Memorable. It made me look up the chef.. THAT was so good. I think we'll hear from him again. Our side of sauteed spinach was perfect and not dripping in goop, and our desert of green tea cream brulee with a completely tasty macaroon was creamy, yummy goodness. We didn't graze the cocktail menu, but I wish I had. We had a couple of wines by the glass. I'll say, I wish these offers were a little more extensive, but we found a nicely balanced Paso Robles Syrah that was new to me (and I'm a Paso fanatic). I suspect there are other underestimated finds on the wine list. I love it, don't I? Find some new wine to admire? The service was lordly and warm. My only comment about the service is that our server was new and he could have needed some training on the menu. He'll be one of the best when he's been there a little longer - go see him, he's adorable: Les. The atmosphere is Scottsdale-lush. We sat out on our special evening, but the restaurant's decor is GORGEOUS. I don't want to bring this up because it's bizarre, but the bathrooms are wonderful. I mean, really, gold leaves wall paper? It doesn't feel like a recession. Despite all the raves, the most impressive thing about the restaurant was that they turned around. We were ready to leave and we ended up staying because they made it clear that they wanted us to do it... and I'm glad we stayed, we would have missed a big night. I'm sure I'll be back. It was worth coming all over the Pacific just for that Borzino! ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Hmmm lets see where do I start, Hookah palace has the best hip hop you will find in Las Vegas it is the type of Hip hop that makes you shake your ass all night long until 3am. The crowd is very different not the classiest but they are all party goers.. It is in a very bad part of the city but I still go because the music is great. The bouncers are not the nicest but eh It must be a common thing in Las Vegas. My last experience there the bartender was too drunk to serve me anything and it was such a disappointment because I was sooo thirsty. The plus side is one of the promoters there named Eddie has a pretty cool guest list if you get on it he will let you in for free and no wait in line before a certain time of course. The lady in the restroom that sells stuff is pretty cool too! I have a love hate relationship with this joint!.....obviously! Oh yea and their drinks are tiny, weak and expensive. One last thing... you might require a bullet proof vest or just have your fist ready to go at all times ! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Hmmm låt oss se var jag börjar, Hookah palats har den bästa hip hop du kommer att hitta i Las Vegas det är den typ av Hip hop som får dig att skaka din röv hela natten lång till 03:00. Publiken är mycket olika inte den mest klassade men de är alla festbesökare.. Det är i en mycket dålig del av staden men jag går fortfarande eftersom musiken är bra. Studsarna är inte de trevligaste men eh Det måste vara en vanlig sak i Las Vegas. Min sista erfarenhet där bartendern var för full för att servera mig något och det var en sådan besvikelse eftersom jag var så törstig. Plussidan är en av promotors där som heter Eddie har en ganska cool gästlista om du får på det han kommer att släppa in dig gratis och ingen vänta i kön innan en viss tid naturligtvis. Damen på toaletten som säljer grejer är också ganska cool! Jag har ett kärlekshat förhållande till denna joint!....uppenbart! Ja, och deras drycker är små, svaga och dyra. En sista sak... du kan behöva en skottsäker väst eller bara ha din knytnäve redo att gå hela tiden! ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? Hmmm let's see where I start, Hookah palace has the best hip hop you'll find in Las Vegas it's the kind of Hip hop that makes you shake your ass all night long to 3:00 a.m. The audience is very different not the most rated but they are all party visitors.. It's in a very bad part of the city but I'm still walking because the music is good. The bouncers aren't the nicest but uh It must be a regular thing in Las Vegas. My last experience where the bartender was too drunk to serve me anything and it was such a disappointment because I was so thirsty. The Plus page is one of promoters where named Eddie has a pretty cool guest list if you get on what he will let you in for free and no one waits in line before a certain time of course. The lady in the bathroom who sells stuff is also pretty cool! I have a love hate relationship with this joint!..obviously! Yes, and their drinks are small, weak, and expensive. One last thing... you may need a bulletproof vest or just have your fist ready to go all the time! ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
My 4 star rating is solely for the food. My hubster and I have always been curious about this place as we live right up the street and since the little one was spending the night at the in laws, we decided to pop in. It wasn't busy but then again it was a Thursday around 6pm. My husband ordered the jalapeno burger that came with thick crinkle cut fries and I had the chicken fingers. I only ordered them because I couldn't figure out what I wanted and I didn't want to hold up the waitress any longer so I was expecting your typical dive chicken fingers...fried with a nasty after taste and thin. I was wrong! Hands down these are the best chicken fingers I have had EVER eaten in Las Vegas (Cane's comes in a close second). Juicy, thick and hand breaded and they give you a shiyet load of them! It came with home made potato chips however I am not a potato chip fan period, so my the hubster ate them and I ate his fries (which were awesome). He also had a few of my chicken fingers and after we were done eating he said "i feel like we've had fingers like that before." We figured out that the fingers here are closely similar to the fingers at Cane's, another fave place of ours! My hubster also raved about the jalapeno burger saying it was juicy and great tasting. Is this review positive or negative? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Mitt betyg är bara för maten. Min hubster och jag har alltid varit nyfikna på det här stället när vi bor längs gatan och eftersom den lilla tillbringade natten hos svärföräldrarna, bestämde vi oss för att titta in. Det var inte fullt, men det var en torsdag runt sex. Min man beställde jalapenoburgaren som kom med tjocka crinkleskurna pommes frites och jag hade kycklingfingrarna. Jag beställde dem bara för att jag inte kunde lista ut vad jag ville och jag ville inte hålla upp servitrisen längre så jag väntade mig dina typiska dyk kyckling fingrar ... friterade med en otäck eftersmak och tunna. Jag hade fel! Händerna ner dessa är de bästa kycklingfingrarna jag någonsin ätit i Las Vegas (Cane's kommer på en nära sekund). Juicy, tjock och handbröd och de ger dig en shiyet last av dem! Det kom med hemgjorda chips men jag är inte en potatis chip fan period, så min hubster åt dem och jag åt hans pommes frites (som var häftigt). Han hade också några av mina kycklingfingrar och efter att vi hade ätit klart sa han "det känns som om vi har haft fingrar så där förut." Vi kom på att fingrarna här liknar fingrarna på Cane's, en annan favoritplats! Min hubster berättade också om jalapenoburgaren och sa att den var saftig och bra. Är denna översyn positiv eller negativ? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
My grade is just for the food. My hubster and I have always been curious about this place when we live along the street and since the little one spent the night with the in-laws, we decided to stop by. It wasn't full, but it was a Thursday around six. My husband ordered the jalapeno burger that came with thick crinkle-cut fries and I had the chicken fingers. I ordered them just because I couldn't figure out what I wanted and I didn't want to hold up the waitress anymore so I was expecting your typical diving chicken fingers... deep fried with a nasty aftertaste and barrel. I was wrong! Hands down these are the best chicken fingers I've ever eaten in Las Vegas (Cane's coming in a close second). Juicy, fat and handbread and they give you a shyet load of them! It came with homemade chips but I'm not a potato chip fan period, so my hubster ate them and I ate his fries (which was awesome). He also had some of my chicken fingers and after we finished eating he said "I feel like we've had fingers like that before." We found out that fingers here are similar to fingers at Cane's, another favorite place! My hubster also told me about the jalapeno burger and said it was juicy and good. Is this review positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? This review is for the grooming section of this petsmart... As a surprise my boyfriend took our dog to petsmart for a haircut while I was at work. When we picked him up he had a giant cut on the side of his neck. I used to be able to trim him in between haircuts to save a few bucks but now he's so scared of the clippers that he won't even let me go near his left side. Needless to say, we will not be returning to the grooming section and we don't recommend it. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vad är innebörden i följande genomgång? Den här recensionen är för den här djursmarta delen... som en överraskning min pojkvän tog vår hund till petsmart för en frisyr medan jag var på jobbet. När vi plockade upp honom fick han ett jättelikt skärsår på halsen. Jag brukade kunna trimma honom mellan klippningarna för att spara några dollar men nu är han så rädd för klipparna att han inte ens låter mig gå nära hans vänstra sida. Vi kommer inte att återvända till grooming delen och vi rekommenderar det inte. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
What is the meaning of the following review? This review is for this animal-smart part... as a surprise my boyfriend took our dog to petsmart for a haircut while I was at work. When we picked him up, he got a huge cut on his neck. I used to be able to trim him between haircuts to save a few dollars but now he's so afraid of the clippers that he won't even let me go near his left side. We will not return to the grooming part and we do not recommend it. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
I can not believe they would let someone pump gas while smoking a cigarette at the pump. This morning whiled I was getting gas a Red Vette was being fueled with the driver smoking at the pump he was using to fill his car. The fact the gasoline vapors are heavier than air lessens the chance of an explosion, does that make it acceptable to smoke while pumping gas? With all the safety features in place can there still be a catastrophic failure? What kind of damage would be caused if these tanks were to explode? Do we really want to find out? As this Red Corvette was at the pump closest to the buildings and the driver making no attempt to hide his smoking there its no good reason for this not to have been caught. If you would like, I have the license plate number of the car. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag kan inte tro att de skulle låta någon pumpa gas medan de röker en cigarett vid pumpen. I morse när jag fick bensin fick jag en Red Vette att bli tankad med föraren som rökte vid pumpen han använde för att fylla sin bil. Det faktum att bensinångorna är tyngre än luften minskar risken för en explosion, gör det att det är acceptabelt att röka när man pumpar gas? Med alla säkerhetsdetaljer på plats kan det fortfarande bli ett katastrofalt misslyckande? Vad skulle skadas om stridsvagnarna exploderade? Vill vi verkligen veta det? Då denne Röde Corvette var vid pumpen närmast byggnaderna och kusken icke gjorde något försök att dölja sin rökning där, har dess ingen god anledning till att detta icke blivit ertappat. Jag har bilens registreringsnummer. Gavs denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I can't believe they'd let someone pump gas while they smoke a cigarette at the pump. This morning, when I got gas, I got a Red Vette to be refuelled with the driver who smoked at the pump he used to fill his car. The fact that petrol vapors are heavier than air reduces the risk of an explosion, does it make it acceptable to smoke when pumping gas? With all the security details in place, could there still be a catastrophic failure? What would be harmed if the tanks exploded? Do we really want to know? When this Red Corvette was at the pump nearest the buildings and the driver made no attempt to hide his smoking there, its no good reason for not being caught. I got the car registration number. Was this review given positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an positive review?
Great place for drinks and fun! They have a nice patio out back and seating outfront, large on the inside. They have *excellent* drink specials and a good amount of TVs to watch the games. They have pool, corn hole, skee ball, basketball and a few other games, also have a checkers bar so you can sit drink and play. Their food is decent, I usually stick to burgers/wings.
Vad skulle vara ett exempel på en positiv granskning?
What would be an example of a positive review?
Bra ställe för drinkar och kul! De har en fin uteplats ute på baksidan och sittplatser utanför, stor på insidan. De har *utmärkt* dryckesspecialer och en god mängd TV för att titta på spelen. De har pool, corn hole, skee boll, basket och några andra spel, har också en pjäs bar så att du kan sitta dricka och spela. Deras mat är hygglig, jag brukar hålla mig till hamburgare/vingar.
Good place for drinks and fun! They have a nice patio out in the back and seating outside, large on the inside. They have *excellent* drinking specials and a good amount of TV to watch the games. They have pool, corn hole, skee ball, basketball and some other games, also have a play bar so you can sit drinking and play. Their food is decent, I usually stick to hamburgers/wings.
Everything that's been said about the chicken and waffles is pretty much on point. I go here for breakfast and in addition to the chicken and waffles, I have had the breakfast fries (chili cheese fries topped with an egg and green onions) which were awesome. I have had the sweet tea, and though it wasn't as sweet as I had expected it was still good. Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Allt som har sagts om kycklingen och våfflorna är på sin spets. Jag går hit för frukost och förutom kyckling och våfflor, har jag haft frukost pommes frites (chili ost pommes toppade med ett ägg och grön lök) som var häftigt. Jag har druckit det söta teet, och fast det inte var så sött som jag hade väntat mig var det fortfarande gott. Gavs denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Everything that has been said about the chicken and waffles is on top. I come here for breakfast and besides chicken and waffles, I have had breakfast fries (chili cheese fries topped with an egg and green onions) which was awesome. I've had the sweet tea, and although it wasn't as sweet as I expected, it was still good. Was this review given positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
What is the sentiment of the following review? I've ate here 3 times. Once in 2011 and twice March 2013. I liked it. Food I thought was great/delicious: prime rib and mashed potatoes! Mini square cheesecakes with a raspberry sauce. Mimosas! Food I thought was just "good": This last time I tried the omelet station, it was good, but not great. Same with the potatoes and biscuits and gravy. Service: 2 of 3 were good waitresses, one was just grouchy. But the other two more than made up for it. Value: It's a tad expensive, but we tried another buffet about the same price (on the strip) and Le Village was definitely tastier and better quality. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vad är innebörden i följande genomgång? Jag har ätit här tre gånger. En gång 2011 och två gånger mars 2013. Jag gillade det. Mat jag tyckte var bra/delikat: primt revben och potatismos! Mini fyrkantiga cheesecakes med en hallonsås. Mimosas! Maten jag tyckte var bara "bra": Den här sista gången jag provade omelettstationen var bra, men inte bra. Samma sak med potatis, kex och sås. Service: 2 av 3 var bra servitriser, en var bara grinig. Men de andra två mer än kompenserade det. Värde: Det är lite dyrt, men vi provade en buffé till om samma pris (på strippen) och Le Village var definitivt godare och bättre kvalitet. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
What is the meaning of the following review? I've eaten here three times. Once in 2011 and twice in March 2013. I liked it. Food I thought was good/delicate: prime rib and mashed potatoes! Mini square cheesecakes with a raspberry sauce. Mimosas! The food I thought was just "good": This last time I tried the omelet station was good, but not good. Same thing with potatoes, crackers and sauce. Service: 2 out of 3 were good waitresses, one was just cranky. But the other two more than compensated for it. Value: It's a bit expensive, but we tried a buffet at about the same price (on the strip) and Le Village was definitely better and better quality. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Terrible. We had an hour to eat, it was 7am, there were only 3 other tables. The lines elsewhere were 80 deep. Drinks took 15 minutes, but according to the waitress it was the bartenders job to pour your diet coke and she was busy with bartender-y things. I ordered the ham and cheese omelette plate, my daughter, the pancake stack and my husband the burrito. We ordered at 7:02, says our ticket. At 7:39 we were literally standing to leave, our flight to San Diego was 7:55am.... The food finally comes. The pancake stack is one pancake and an apology and the promise if a to go box for the rest. We were really hungry. The omelette was compelled flat and rubbery and not even cooked thru. The home fries were icy cold. They were oblivious to the fact that people had flights..... And every one of the other tables had problems as well. Really terrible even for a quick airport joint. And it the place is NASCAR themed. Fast? Speed? How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Fruktansvärt. Vi hade en timme på oss att äta, klockan var 07.00, det fanns bara 3 andra bord. Linjerna på andra ställen var 80 djupa. Drinkarna tog en kvart, men enligt servitrisen var det bartenderns jobb att hälla upp din kostkoks och hon var upptagen med bartendersaker. Jag beställde omelettplattan med skinka och ost, min dotter, pannkakan och min man burriton. Vi beställde kl. 19.02, säger vår biljett. Klockan 19.39 stod vi bokstavligen redo att ge oss av, vårt flyg till San Diego var 07.55.... Maten kommer till slut. Pannkakan stacken är en pannkaka och en ursäkt och löftet om en att gå box för resten. Vi var jättehungriga. Omeletten nödgades platt och gummiaktig och icke ens tillagad thru. Friserna var iskalla. De var omedvetna om att folk hade flyg... och alla andra bord hade också problem. Riktigt hemskt även för en snabb flygplats joint. Och det stället är NASCAR tema. Snabbt? - Fart? Hur skulle denna granskning beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Terrible. We had an hour to eat, it was 7:00 a.m., there were only 3 other tables. The lines elsewhere were 80 deep. The drinks took 15 minutes, but according to the waitress, it was the bartender's job to pour your dietary coke and she was busy with bartender stuff. I ordered the omelet plate with ham and cheese, my daughter, the pancake and my husband the burrito. We ordered at 19.02, says our ticket. At 7:39 p.m. we were literally ready to leave, our flight to San Diego was 7:55 a.m.... The food's finally coming. The pancake stack is a pancake and an apology and the promise of one to go box for the rest. We were starving. The omelette was required flat and rubbery and not even cooked thru. The friezes were ice cold. They were unaware that people had flights... and all the other tables had problems, too. Really terrible even for a fast airport joint. And that place is NASCAR theme. Quick? - Speed? How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Is the following review positive or negative? Not beating up Mr. Flay because he is a celebrity chef, and I am definitely going to try another Flay restaurant in the future because I simply cannot believe that this is representative of how he would want our experience to go. (Yes, I know he is not back there cooking it himself...) (Sure wished he was) Anyways, the pricey burger was not cooked to temp, I think due to error by the server even though he repeated back to us "Medium Well"...which somehow when it came out turned into medium rare...which was not even "medium" was like red-raw-dripping cold meat. Total turn-off. Not the kitchens fault if the server biffed the order...but Once we sent it back and it came back out, it was cooked correctly, but honestly, still was not a burger to write home about. Massively over seasoned with mostly salt from what I could tell. Fries were also way over seasoned to the point where I really did not want finish them. Soooo, I have to think this was just a bad visit? I am encouraged by the other reviews, but at least for me, the Mesa Grill was not memorable good, but rather memorable bad. We had one other burger experience during our two-day trip to LV, and we kept comparing Holsteins at the Cosmopolitan to the Mesa Grill and it was like night and day. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Är följande granskning positiv eller negativ? Jag ska definitivt prova en annan Flay restaurang i framtiden för jag kan inte tro att det är representativt för hur han vill att vår erfarenhet ska gå. (Ja, jag vet att han inte är tillbaka där matlagning det själv ...) (Visst önskade han att han var) Hur som helst, den dyra hamburgaren var inte kokta till temp, jag tror på grund av fel av servern även om han upprepade tillbaka till oss "Medium Well" ... som på något sätt när det kom ut blev medelsvår ... vilket inte ens "medel" ... det var som röd-rå-drickande kallt kött. Total avstängning. Inte köket fel om servern biffade ordern ... men när vi skickade tillbaka den och den kom tillbaka ut, var det tillagad korrekt, men ärligt talat, fortfarande var inte en hamburgare att skriva hem om. Massivt överansträngd med mestadels salt från vad jag kunde se. Fries var också långt över kryddad till den punkt där jag verkligen inte ville avsluta dem. Soooo, jag måste tro att det här var ett dåligt besök? Jag uppmuntras av de andra recensionerna, men åtminstone för mig, Mesa Grill var inte minnesvärd bra, men ganska minnesvärd dåligt. Vi hade en annan burgare erfarenhet under vår två dagars resa till LV, och vi fortsatte att jämföra Holsteins på Cosmopolitan med Mesa Grill och det var som natt och dag. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
Is the following review positive or negative? I'm definitely gonna try another Flay restaurant in the future because I can't believe it's representative of how he wants our experience to go. (Yes, I know he's not back there cooking it himself ...) (Sure he wished he was) Anyway, the expensive hamburger wasn't cooked to temperature, I think due to the error of the server although he repeated back to us "Medium Well" ... which somehow when it came out became medium difficult ... which even "medium" ... it was like red-raw-drinking cold meat. Total suspension. Not the kitchen wrong if the server beefed the order... but when we sent it back and it came back out, it was cooked correctly, but honestly, still wasn't a hamburger to write home about. Massively overworked with mostly salt from what I could see. Fries was also way over seasoned to the point where I really didn't want to finish them. Soooo, I must think this was a bad visit? I am encouraged by the other reviews, but at least for me, Mesa Grill was not memorable good, but rather memorable bad. We had another burger experience during our two-day trip to LV, and we continued to compare Holsteins at Cosmopolitan with Mesa Grill and it was like night and day. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Generate a positive review for a place.
It's conveniently located by the casino level close to the main lobby of the hotel - very contemporary and modern style/design. Perfect for grabbing quick small bites. Definitely has "delish" options in their menu. Don't eat there and not try their Sangria - so good. Had an amazing dinner there and service was pretty good too. I will definitely recommend this. One of the best tapas style restaurant on the strip.
Generera en positiv recension för en plats.
Generate a positive review for a place.
Det är bekvämt beläget vid kasinonivån nära hotellets huvudlobby - mycket modern och modern stil/design. Perfekt för att fånga snabba småbitar. Definitivt har "dum" alternativ i sin meny. Ät inte där och prova inte deras Sangria - så bra. Hade en fantastisk middag där och service var ganska bra också. Jag kommer definitivt att rekommendera detta. En av de bästa tapas stil restaurang på remsan.
It is conveniently located at the casino level near the hotel's main lobby - very modern and modern style/design. Perfect for catching fast bits. Definitely has "dumb" options in its menu. Don't eat there and don't try their Sangria - so good. Had a fantastic dinner there and service was pretty good too. I will definitely recommend this. One of the best tapas style restaurant on the strip.
This restaurant is not open until 1am on Friday as shown here. The manager said the kitchen closes at 12, so if you are looking for a late night place to eat, go elsewhere. I told the employees at the front about it being advertised on the web site as being open until 1am and they said "We have a web site?" Stupid is as stupid does!!! Was this review given positively or negatively? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Denna restaurang är inte öppen förrän 01:00 på fredag som visas här. Chefen sa att köket stänger klockan 12, så om du letar efter en sen kväll plats att äta, gå någon annanstans. Jag berättade för de anställda på framsidan om att det annonseras på webbplatsen som att vara öppen till 01 och de sa "Vi har en webbplats?" Dumt är som dumt gör!!! Gavs denna recension positivt eller negativt? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
This restaurant is not open until 01:00 on Friday as shown here. The boss said the kitchen closes at 12, so if you're looking for a late night place to eat, go somewhere else. I told the employees on the front page that it is advertised on the site as being open to 01 and they said "We have a website?" Stupid is like stupid do!!! Was this review given positive or negative? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
What would be an example of an positive review?
Well at Keegan's you get a mixed bag. If all the stars align this place is great for a quick dinner out. However it can go bad quickly. I have been here many many times and over all if you come on off hours the happy hour is great and so is the food. When they are busy all hell breaks loose. Food take forever, service almost comes to a halt and it just seems to come unglued. I will say give it a try just hope it's not one of those nights LOL.
Vad skulle vara ett exempel på en positiv granskning?
What would be an example of a positive review?
På Keegan's får du en blandad påse. Om alla stjärnor justerar det här stället är bra för en snabb middag ut. Men det kan gå illa snabbt. Jag har varit här många gånger och över allt om du kommer på off timmar den lyckliga timmen är bra och det är maten också. När de är upptagna bryter helvetet lös. Maten tar evigheter, servicen stannar nästan och den verkar vara olimmad. Jag säger att du ska försöka bara hoppas att det inte är en sån där kväll LOL.
At Keegan's, you get a mixed bag. If all the stars adjust this place is good for a quick dinner out. But it could get bad fast. I've been here many times and above all if you come on off hours the happy hour is good and so is the food. When they're busy, hell breaks loose. The food takes forever, the service almost stops and it seems to be unglued. I'm saying you're just gonna try and hope it's not one of those nights LOL.
What is the sentiment of the following review? Those with the review that said they liked this place...have you been to Soup Plantation? Souper Salad...not so good! Soup Plantation - we absolutely love it! I would not go back to Souper Salad, unless someone begged me too. The broccoli cheese soup tasted like nacho cheese - yuck! Honestly, everything was just awful. I wished I had paid more for a nice salad at a nice restaurant. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vad är innebörden i följande genomgång? De med recensionen som sa att de gillade det här stället... Har du varit på Soup Plantation? Souper Salad... Inte så bra! Soppa Plantation - vi älskar det absolut! Jag skulle inte gå tillbaka till Souper Salad, om inte någon bad mig också. Broccoliostsoppan smakade som nachoost - yuck! Ärligt talat, allt var hemskt. Jag önskar att jag hade betalat mer för en fin sallad på en trevlig restaurang. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
What is the meaning of the following review? Those people with the review who said they liked this place... have you been to Soup Plantation? Souper Salad... not so good! Soup Plantation - we absolutely love it! I wouldn't go back to Souper Salad, unless someone asked me too. Broccoliost soup tasted like nachoost - yuck! Honestly, everything was awful. I wish I'd paid more for a nice salad in a nice restaurant. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Well after seeing a packed parking lot night after night and hearing some good reviews from people we finally checked it out. Unfortunately we left very disappointed. Long story short, service SUCKED, we sat at a table and it took forever to get anything and they forgot things we ordered, the food was mediocre at best and the drinks were weak/watered down. I definitely wouldn't go back. Seems like a place that maybe caters to their regulars and doesn't give a crap about anyone else. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Tja efter att ha sett en fullsatt parkeringsplats natt efter natt och hört några bra recensioner från människor kollade vi äntligen ut det. Tyvärr lämnade vi oss mycket besvikna. Lång historia kort, service SUCKED, vi satt vid ett bord och det tog evigheter att få något och de glömde saker vi beställde, maten var medelmåttig i bästa fall och drinkarna var svaga/vattningsnedsatta. Jag skulle definitivt inte gå tillbaka. Verkar som ett ställe som kanske passar sina stamgäster och inte bryr sig ett skit om någon annan. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? Well after seeing a crowded parking lot night after night and hearing some good reviews from people we finally checked it out. Unfortunately, we left ourselves very disappointed. Long story short, service SUCKED, we sat at a table and it took forever to get something and they forgot things we ordered, the food was average at best and the drinks were weak/watering reduced. I definitely wouldn't go back. Looks like a place that might fit its regulars and doesn't give a shit about anyone else. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Generate a negative review for a place.
As soon as we got to the shopping center (as it seems most of the clubs are located in AZ) i felt a sharp pang of hesitation as i observed a mixture of cowboys/gangsters/old people/ & 'bros' in line. Seeing this hesitation my cousin assures me that there are 4 'rooms:' Hip-hop, country, 80's, & karaoke....WTF?!? Inside was the size of an AIRPORT TERMINAL-lots & lots of miles to cover while intoxicated! They even took debit card as cover charge, no dress code, had cocktail waitresses serving all types of shots from the likes of liquid cocaine's to liquid marijuana's & liquid (body parts here), cages, mechanical bulls, karaoke, & CHEAP liquor. So, 'hip-hop' room featured some of the worst top-40 music that played radio as far back as 5 years ago it seems. The patrons of the club made the cages a sight to be seen: BIG chick dancing with an invisible pole, old guy sandwiched with 3 younger girls in another.... The dance floor is filled with older people (men & women alike who's grandchildren would cry upon seeing their dirty dancing,) Phoenix "thugs," & the scattered bro's all around. Naturally, if the music would've been good, it would've been easier to dance so instead we opt for a 'top-off' at the bar first. There was a no-tab policy & therefore had to swipe per-drink instead. Since ALL drinks were less than $4-being from California it was practically an open bar.... Was in the 80's room & saw the best moves from the people who were probably teens in the era. How i love seeing people living the olden days..the layout in the room was quite nostalgic like...stopped in this room for a fill-up at the bar while watching my Cousins friend freak dance to an 80's song with a Gothic Lolita chick HAHA.... Then passed through the karaoke room-had a tall stage of course featuring the person with the most liquid courage while on the way to the country room...this was the biggest room in this 'airport terminal'- had pool tables on one side, mechanical bull in the center across from the large dosy-doe dance floor. Not much to say...just wanted to ride the bull.... Not my kind of vibe-seems like people from Reno would enjoy it here...OUCH ;P ..... Lets add the 2 stars for the reasonable prices which makes you think in that little corner of your mind that being a cheap drunk in the midst of this madness isn't bad after all-2 shots for $5? Because the truth is-getting drunk off of less than $25 is truly, truly unbeatable.
Generera en negativ recension för en plats.
Generate a negative review for a location.
Så snart vi kom till köpcentret (som det verkar de flesta klubbarna ligger i AZ) kände jag en skarp ångest av tvekan som jag observerade en blandning av cowboys/gangsters/gamla människor/ & 'bros' i linje. Att se denna tvekan min kusin försäkrar mig att det finns 4 "rum:" Hip-hop, land, 80-talet, & karaoke....WTF?!?? Inuti var storleken på en flyghamn TERMINAL-lotter & massor av miles att täcka medan berusad! De tog till och med betalkort som täckningsavgift, ingen klädkod, hade cocktailservitriser som serverade alla typer av skott från liknande flytande kokain till flytande marijuanas & vätska (kroppsdelar här), burar, mekaniska tjurar, karaoke, & CHEAP sprit. Hiphop-rummet innehöll en del av den sämsta topp-40-musiken som spelade radio så långt tillbaka som för 5 år sedan. Klubbens beskyddare gjorde burarna till en syn att beskåda: BIG chick dansar med en osynlig stolpe, gammal kille smörgåsad med 3 yngre tjejer i en annan.... Dansgolvet är fyllt av äldre människor (män och kvinnor i lika mån som barnbarnen skulle gråta när de såg sin smutsiga dans,) Phoenix "thugs," & den utspridda bro's runt. Naturligtvis, om musiken hade varit bra, hade det varit lättare att dansa så istället väljer vi en "topp-off" i baren först. Det fanns en no-tab policy & därför fick svepa per-dricka istället. Eftersom ALLA drycker var mindre än $4-vara från Kalifornien var det praktiskt taget en öppen bar.... Var i 80-talets rum och såg de bästa dragen från de människor som förmodligen var tonåringar i eran. Hur jag älskar att se människor som lever de gamla dagarna .. layouten i rummet var ganska nostalgisk som ... stannade i detta rum för en påfyllning i baren medan du tittar på min kusiner vän freak dans till en 80-talssång med en gotisk Lolita brud HAHA .... Sedan passerade karaoke rum - hade en lång scen naturligtvis med personen med den mest flytande mod medan på väg till country room ... detta var det största rummet i denna 'flygplats terminal' - hade biljardbord på ena sidan, mekanisk tjur i centrum mittemot den stora dosy-doe dansgolvet. Inte mycket att säga ... bara ville rida tjuren ... Inte min typ av vibe-ser som människor från Reno skulle njuta av det här ... OUCH ;P ..... Låt oss lägga till 2 stjärnor för rimliga priser som får dig att tro i den lilla hörnet av ditt sinne att vara en billig berusad mitt i denna galenskap är inte dåligt trots allt-2 skott för $ 5? Sanningen är att bli full på mindre än 25 dollar är verkligen oslagbart.
As soon as we got to the mall (as it seems most clubs are located in AZ), I felt a sharp anxiety of hesitation as I observed a mix of cowboys/gangsters/old people/ & 'bros' in line. To see this hesitation my cousin assures me that there are 4 "rooms:" Hip-hop, land, 80s, & karaoke....WTF?!? Inside was the size of an airport TERMINAL-lotter & lots of miles to cover while drunk! They even took debit cards as a cover fee, no dress code, had cocktail waitresses serving all kinds of shots from similar liquid cocaine to liquid marijuana & liquid (body parts here), cages, mechanical bulls, karaoke, & CHEAP liquor. The Hiphop room featured some of the worst top-40 music that played radio as far back as 5 years ago. The club's patrons made the cages a sight to behold: BIG chick dances with an invisible pole, old guy sandwiched with 3 younger girls in another.... The dance floor is filled with older people (men and women to the extent that grandchildren would cry when they saw their dirty dance,") Phoenix "thugs," & the scattered bridge's around. Of course, if the music had been good, it would have been easier to dance so instead we choose a "top-off" in the bar first. There was a no-tab policy & therefore had to sweep per-drink instead. Since ALL beverages were less than $4 apiece from California, it was practically an open bar.... Was in the 80s room and saw the best features of the people who were probably teenagers in the era. How I love to see people living the old days.. the layout of the room was quite nostalgic as ... stayed in this room for a refill in the bar while you watch my cousins friend freak dance to an 80's song with a Gothic Lolita bride HAHA .... Then passed karaoke room - had a long scene of course with the person with the most fluid courage while heading to the country room ... this was the largest room in this 'airport terminal' - had billiard tables on one side, mechanical bull in the center opposite the large dosy-doe dance floor. Not much to say...just wanted to ride the bull...Not my kind of vibe-sser that people from Reno would enjoy this...OUCH ;P..... Let's add 2 stars for reasonable prices that make you believe in the small corner of your mind to be a cheap drunk amid this madness isn't bad after all-2 shots for $5? The truth is getting drunk in less than $25 is really unbeatable.
Write a negative yelp review.
I'm from Chicago (area) and a German family so we've been to our share of German places. I love rouladen and order it very often. The one thing that stood out about this dish was the thick, salty, obviously packaged gravy. It ruined the whole plate. You can see the high gloss of the gravy in the picture. The owner came around and he is German, he should be making this from scratch. Shortcuts are going to make the dish (and the visit) not worth it. This may be the best German place in this area, but not the best I've experienced. On the flip side, it is nice to see something different in an area full of chain restaurants.
Skriv en negativ yelp recension.
Write a negative yelp review.
Jag är från Chicago (område) och en tysk familj så vi har varit på vår andel tyska platser. Jag älskar rouladen och beställer den väldigt ofta. Det enda som stod ut med denna rätt var den tjocka, salta, uppenbarligen förpackade såsen. Det förstörde hela tallriken. Man kan se den höga glansen av såsen på bilden. Ägaren kom hit och han är tysk, han borde göra det här från grunden. Genvägar kommer att göra rätten (och besöket) inte värt det. Det här kanske är det bästa tyska stället i området, men inte det bästa jag har upplevt. På baksidan är det skönt att se något annorlunda i ett område fullt av kedjerestauranger.
I'm from Chicago (area) and a German family so we've been to our share of German places. I love the routing and order it very often. The only thing that put up with this dish was the thick, salty, apparently packed sauce. It ruined the whole plate. You can see the high gloss of the sauce in the picture. The owner came here and he's German, he should do this from scratch. Shortcuts will make the right (and the visit) not worth it. This may be the best German place in the area, but not the best I've ever experienced. On the back it is nice to see something different in an area full of chain restaurants.
What would be an example of an positive review?
Yum. Just plain yummy. Love the old 50's atmosphere. White shirt and ties, reminds me of an old dime store restaurant . Crispy fries, great burger. Toasted bun, just plain good.
Vad skulle vara ett exempel på en positiv granskning?
What would be an example of a positive review?
Mums. Bara smaskens. Jag älskar 50-talsstämningen. Vit skjorta och slipsar, påminner om en gammal dime store restaurang. Krispiga pommes frites, fin burgare. Smaksatt bulle, helt enkelt.
Yummy. Just yummy. I love the 50's atmosphere. White shirt and ties, reminiscent of an old dime store restaurant. Crispy fries, nice burger. Tasted bun, simply.
What is the sentiment of the following review? Food was just ok. Beef noodle soup was very oily and chunks of fat in it. Shrimp dish over crispy noodles was pretty good. The servers here REALLY need some training though. Food was brought out and we were on our own.....nobody to check if it was ok....offer more drinks...nothing. However as soon as we had finished eating - the bill was dropped on the table. (forget about offering us dessert or coffee) - basically 'please pay your bill and leave'. They didn't even bother to clear our meal dishes away until we left. I wanted to take some of the leftovers home and we were handed a plastic container and struggled to get the soup into it without dumping it all over the table. They weren't busy so some help would have been nice. Strange place. For those prices I expect more. OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Vad är innebörden i följande genomgång? Maten var bara okej. Nötköttssoppa var mycket fet och fettbitar i den. Räkor över krispiga nudlar var ganska bra. Servrarna här behöver dock verkligen lite träning. Maten togs fram och vi var ensamma.....ingen som kunde kolla om det var okej.....bjuda fler drinkar...ingenting. Men så snart vi hade ätit färdigt - lades räkningen på bordet. (Glöm att erbjuda oss dessert eller kaffe) - i princip 'var snäll och betala din räkning och gå'. De brydde sig inte ens om att rensa bort våra maträtter förrän vi åkte. Jag ville ta med mig lite av resterna hem och vi fick en plastbehållare och kämpade för att få in soppan i den utan att dumpa den över hela bordet. De var inte upptagna så lite hjälp hade varit trevligt. Konstigt ställe. För dessa priser förväntar jag mig mer. ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
What is the meaning of the following review? The food was just fine. Beef soup was very fat and pieces of fat in it. Shrimps over crispy noodles were pretty good. However, the servers here really need some training. The food was brought out and we were alone... nobody who could check if it was okay... offer more drinks... nothing. But as soon as we finished eating, the bill was placed on the table. (Forget offering us dessert or coffee) - basically 'please pay your bill and go'. They didn't even bother to clear our dishes until we left. I wanted to take some of the leftovers home and we got a plastic container and struggled to get the soup into it without dumping it all over the table. They weren't too busy, so little help would have been nice. Strange place. For these prices, I expect more. ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
How might one describe the sentiment of this review? Quality, strong coffees. Hot day?, try an iced toddy! OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Hur skulle man kunna beskriva den här recensionen? Kvalitet, starka kaffe. Varm dag?, prova en ispad toddy! ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
How could you describe this review? Quality, strong coffee. Hot day?, try an ice-pad toddy! ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
I love this salon and the service too! Jane does an amazing job and goes above and beyond to make you happy How would this review be described in terms of sentiment? OPTIONS: - negative - positive
Jag älskar salongen och servicen också! Jane gör ett fantastiskt jobb och går utöver och utöver för att göra dig lycklig Hur skulle denna recension beskrivas i fråga om känslor? ALTERNATIV: - negativ - positiv
I love the salon and the service too! Jane does a fantastic job and goes beyond and beyond to make you happy How would this review be described in terms of emotions? ALTERNATIVE: - negative - positive
Write a negative yelp review.
Eh! Overrated! We aren't dry aged type of meat eaters. It always tastes rotten to me... Sides are OK. Nothing to rave or return for here.
Skriv en negativ yelp recension.
Write a negative yelp review.
Eh! Överskattad! Vi är inte torrlagrade. Det smakar alltid ruttet för mig... sidor är okej. Inget att rava eller återvända för här.
Uh! Overrated! We're not dry. It always tastes rotten to me... pages are okay. Nothing to rave or return for here.