Businesses make and sell consumer products; manufacture equipment and vehicles; support the national defense; grow and produce food; provide health care; generate and deliver energy; and offer financial, communications, and other services that underpin economic growth.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from Russian to the English language using the given reference word translations.
Бизнес производит и продает потребительские товары, изготавливает оборудование и транспортные средства, поддерживает национальную оборону, выращивает и продает продукты питания, обеспечивает охрану здоровья; генерирует и поставляет энергию, а также предлагает финансовые, коммуникационные и другие услуги, лежащие в основе экономического роста.
В городе Исуми 94-летний мужчина был найден мертвым во вторник после падения с крыши при попытке починить плитку. Колориметр измеряет только красный, зеленый и синий цвета света, в то время как спектрофотометр может измерять интенсивность любой длины волны видимого света.
Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
In the city of Isumi, a 94-year-old man was confirmed dead on Tuesday after falling from his roof while attempting to repair tiles. A colorimeter measures only red, green, and blue colors of light, while a spectrophotometer can measure the intensity of any wavelength of visible light.
Up to 300 votes were dubious or the result of personation, where a person votes while posing as someone else.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences.
До 300 голосов вызывали сомнения или были результатом персонации, когда человек голосует, представляясь кем-то другим.
Переехав из Ндолы в расположенный неподалеку город Луаншья, я познакомился с соверующей по имени Джанетт, и в сентябре 1934 года мы поженились. В настоящее время известно, что у большинства видов вирусов есть общие предки, и хотя гипотеза « первичности вирусов » еще не получила полного признания, нет никаких сомнений в том, что тысячи видов современных вирусов развились из менее многочисленных древних.
In the context of Russian, what do the upcoming sentences signify?
After moving from Ndola to the nearby city of Luanshya, I met Jeanette, a fellow believer, and we were married in September 1934. Most species of viruses are now known to have common ancestors, and although the "virus first" hypothesis has yet to gain full acceptance, there is little doubt that the thousands of species of modern viruses have evolved from less numerous ancient ones.
"A state which threatens its citizens with punishment, just because they greet members of their own people in their own language, is not conceivable in any European country except White Russia and Turkey ”, says a joint statement of the two human rights organisations. Herborn Castle (German: Schloss Herborn) is situated right above the city of Herborn, which is located in the Lahn-Dill district in the state of Hesse, Germany.
In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply?
"Ein Staat, der seinen Bürgern mit Strafe droht, nur weil sie Angehörige ihres eigenen Volkes in ihrer eigenen Sprache begrüßen, ist in keinem Land Europas vorstellbar außer in Weißrussland und in der Türkei", heißt es in einer gemeinsamen Erklärung der beiden Menschenrechtsorganisationen. Das Schloss Herborn liegt oberhalb der Stadt Herborn im Lahn-Dill-Kreis und entstand aus der ehemaligen „Burg Herborn“. Es steht unter Denkmalschutz.
Публичная казнь состоялась в небольшом городе Джасим на юге Сирии в провинции Даръа, которую часто называют центром « умеренных » повстанцев.
Could you supply the Russian translation for the upcoming sentences?
The public execution took place in the small city of Jasim, in Syria ’ s southern Daraa province — which is often described as a hub for “moderate ” rebels.
However, new trends in physical education in schools demand the healthy upbringing of youth and the promotion of healthy lifestyle, therefore today it is inevitable to deal with this aspect, as well. Oxidation number (also called oxidation state) is a measure of the degree of oxidation of an atom in a substance (see: Rules for assigning oxidation numbers).
Translate the following sentences from German to English.
Neue Trends im Sportunterricht an Schulen erfordern jedoch eine gesunde Erziehung der Jugend und die Förderung eines gesunden Lebensstils. Daher ist es heutzutage unumgänglich, auch mit diesem Aspekt umzugehen. Die Oxidationszahl (oder Oxidationsstufe) ist die Maßangabe der Oxidationsstufe von einem Atom in einem Molekül (siehe: Die Regeln für die Bestimmung von Oxidationszahlen).
Climate change, the finite nature of fossil fuels and major natural resources as well as a steep increase in demands for energy are still the most crucial challenges for society and the private sector in general. By the end of 1990, the citizens in six states – Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Armenia, Georgia and Moldova – had voted to leave the Soviet Union.
Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences.
Der Klimawandel, die Endlichkeit fossiler Brennstoffe und wichtiger natürlicher Ressourcen sowie ein starker Anstieg des Energiebedarfs stellen noch immer die größten Herausforderungen für Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft dar. Bis Ende 1990 hatten die Bürger in sechs Staaten - Lettland, Litauen, Estland, Armenien, Georgien und Moldawien - für den Austritt aus der Sowjetunion gestimmt.
Дважды (в 1368 и в 1370 годах) московская рать вторгалась под Тверь и дважды после этого Ольгерд безуспешно осаждал Москву, в которой в 1367 году был отстроен новый белокаменный Кремль [5]. В целях содействия развитию схем коллективного инвестирования, при одновременном обеспечении защиты прав и законных интересов держателей паев и акций инвестиционных фондов, следует совершенствовать законодательство, регулирующее деятельность инвестиционных фондов.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in Russian? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Twice (in 1368 and in 1370) the Moscow army invaded Tver and twice after that Algirdas unsuccessfully besieged Moscow, in which in 1367 a new white-stone Kremlin was rebuilt [4]. In order to assist the development of collective investment schemes, while protecting the rights and legitimate interests of holders of shares of investment funds, it is necessary to improve legislation regulating the activities of investment funds.
It further calls on the State party to ensure that the Convention, its Optional Protocol, the Committee's general recommendations and related domestic legislation are made an integral part of legal education and the training of judicial officers, including judges, lawyers and prosecutors, so as to firmly establish in the country a legal culture supportive of women's equality and non-discrimination.
In English, what do the given sentences convey?
Am Anfang hast du nur deine bloßen Hände zur Verfügung, die es dir erlauben, Bäume umzureißen, aus denen du Holz gewinnen kannst. Aus dem Holz kannst du Bretter und Stöcke fertigen, die es dir erlauben, eine Werkbank zu bauen, wodurch du wiederum in der Lage bist, Werkzeuge sowie andere Dinge anzufertigen. Für seine Dissertation 1835 / 36 hatte er intensiv das Nervensystem der Barbe untersucht und reihte sich damit in die immer größer werdende Schar der Naturwissenschaftler ein, die sich für die Nerven als Ausgangspunkt einer Erklärung des menschlichen Verhaltens interessierten.
It would be helpful if you could provide the German translation of the ensuing sentences, and must use the given word translations.
You start with only your hands, which allow you to cut down trees, from which you can obtain wood.With wood you can create planks and sticks, which allow you to create a workbench, which in turn allows you to craft tools and other objects. He had intensively studied the nervous system of the barbel for his dissertation in 1835 / 36 and thus joined the ranks of an ever growing number of scientists who showed an interest in the nerves as the starting point for an explanation of human behaviour.
Reise von Alcácer do Sal (Portugal) nach Bulqiza (Albanien) mit dem Zug (2463 km): Fahrplan und Information zur Zugverbindung. Tanger Tanger, attraktiv an der Mittelmeerküste gelegen mit Blick auf das südliche Spanien, war bis 1956 eine „Internationale Stadt“, die zu keinem Land gehörte, sondern von Franzosen, Spaniern, Briten und Italienern verwaltet wurde.
Kindly furnish the German translation of the subsequent sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Travel from Alcácer do Sal (Portugal) to Bulqizë (Albania) by train (2463 km): schedule and information to the train connection. Tangier Tangier, an attractive location on the Mediterranean coast with views of southern Spain, until 1956 was an "international city" that belonged to no country, but was managed by the French, the Spanish, the British and the Italians.
Der französische Autohersteller Renault erörtert eine mögliche Modernisierung der dritten Produktlinie im Autowerk AVTOVAZ in Togliatti. Darüber berichtete der Leiter der russischen Niederlassung von Renault, Bruno Ancelin, Journalisten in Genf. Er erklärte, dass es sich dabei um die Linie handele, auf der der Lada Samara produziertt wird und erinnerte daran, dass so eine Zusammenarbeit bereits im Rahmen der Linie B0 erfolgt.
Turn the following sentences from their English version to the German version, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
French carmaker Renault is in talks over possible upgrades for the third production line at the AVTOVAZ automotive plant in Tolyatti, Managing Director of Renault Russia Bruno Ancelin told journalists in Geneva. He further specified that he was talking about the Lada Samara assembly line, and reminded the media that a similar cooperative project is already ongoing at Assembly Line B0.
Партнеры проекта – Информационное бюро Совета министров Северных Стран, Комитет по культуре Санкт-Петербурга, Институт культурных программ, Ассоциации « Фестивали Финляндии » и Pikene pa broen (Норвегия).
Kindly submit the Russian interpretation for the next sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Project partners are the Information Office of the Nordic Council of Ministers, St. Petersburg Committee for Culture, Institute for Cultural Programs, “Finland Festivals ” Association, and“ Pikene pa broen ” (Norway).
Комитет настоятельно призывает государство-участник продолжать и активизировать свои усилия для решения проблем торговли людьми и сексуальной эксплуатации в коммерческих целях и просит государство-участник представить в своем следующем периодическом докладе подробную информацию о достигнутых результатах и встретившихся трудностях в осуществлении второго Национального плана действий по борьбе с торговлей женщинами, который должен быть принят в июне 2005 года.
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in Russian?
The Committee urges the State party to continue and strengthen its efforts to address the problems of trafficking in persons and commercial sexual exploitation, and requests the State party to provide in its next periodic report detailed information on progress achieved and difficulties encountered in the implementation of the second National Plan of Action to combat trafficking in women, which is due to be adopted in June 2005.
2. Commends the United Nations Civilian Police Mission in Haiti for its successful training and mentoring assistance to the Haitian National Police, as well as the efforts of the International Civilian Mission in Haiti in monitoring human rights and promoting democratic reform and assisting the Haitian authorities in the area of institution-building;
Turn the following sentences from their Russian version to the English version.
2. воздает должное Миссии гражданской полиции Организации Объединенных Наций в Гаити за ее успешную деятельность по подготовке кадров и деятельность в качестве наставника гаитянской национальной полиции, а также усилиям Международной гражданской миссии в Гаити за деятельность по наблюдению за осуществлением прав человека и содействие демократическим реформам и оказание гаитянским властям помощи в области организационного строительства;
Um immer die neuesten Informationen zu Hatoful Boyfriend und der bevorstehenden Fortsetzung Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star zu erhalten, die später in diesem Jahr ebenfalls auf PS4 und PS Vita erscheinen wird, folge @ DevolverDigital und @ Mediatonic auf Twitter!
Kindly furnish the German translation of the subsequent sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Keep tracking on all the news around Hatoful Boyfriend and the upcoming sequel Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star, also due to arrive on PS4 and PS Vita later this year, by following @ DevolverDigital and @ Mediatonic on Twitter!
This was in part because of MicroLead, the UNCDF $26 million flagship global microfinance programme that has significantly boosted the value of the savings portfolio of target financial service providers. Foetal death: Death prior to the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy; death is signalled by the fact that, after such separation, the foetus does not breathe or show any sign of life, such as a heartbeat, pulsation of the umbilical cord or effective movement of voluntary muscles.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from Chinese to English language.
其中一部分功劳应属于小额引导基金,即资发基金数额为2600万美元的旗舰性全球小额金融方案,该方案大大提升了目标金融服务提供者的储蓄组合价值。 死胎:指发生在完全出生前的死亡,或指将受精体从母体内取出,与孕期长短无关;这种死亡的特点是在这样的分离后,胚胎不呼吸也不表现任何生命特征,如心跳、脐带脉搏,或随意肌的真正活动。
Things have clearly moved on from Copenhagen, when the priority was to reach agreement between those countries that have been chiefly responsible for global warming. However, primarily due to military reasons, in 1127, the dynasty was forced to relocate south of the Yangzi River, with the Jurchen Jin dynasty (1115 – 1234) assuming control in the North.
When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry using the given reference word translations?
现在与哥本哈根时期相比已经取得了显著的进步,当时的重点是在对全球变暖负主要责任的国家之间达成协议。 但主要由于军事原因,1127年,宋朝被迫重新立国于江南,而女真族建立的金朝(1115年—1234年)控制了北方。
Crafts produced in the Omaheke Region are marketed by the Omaheke San Trust, an organisation that provides a livelihood to hundreds of marginalised Bushman families living in the region.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from German to English, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Das in der Region Omaheke produzierte Handwerk wird vom Omaheke San Trust vermarktet, einer Organisation, die Hunderten von marginalisierten Buschmann-Familien, die in der Region leben, eine Existenzgrundlage bietet.
Однако в субботу Министр иностранных дел Северной Кореи Ли Ён Хо осудил санкции США за отсутствие прогресса с того времени.
Turn the following sentences from their English version to the Russian version.
But on Saturday, North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho blamed US sanctions for the lack of progress since then.
Cocaine seizures by authorities in the United States along the border with Mexico followed a generally decreasing trend between the last quarter of 2005 and the second quarter of 2008, suggesting that the amount of cocaine reaching the United States through the border with Mexico was on the decline.
Please offer the English rendition for the following statements.
Die Strände des Lake Michigan sind einige der wenigen, an denen man das National – Gestein des Staates Michigan findet, das Petoskey – Gestein. Dies ist ein wichtiger Beitrag zum Gelingen der Energiewende, denn grünes Methan kann im Gegensatz zu grünem Wasserstoff vielfältiger eingesetzt werden: Es kann verschiedenen Marktsektoren, wie dem Strom- und Wärmemarkt, der Industrie sowie der Mobilität zur Verfügung gestellt werden.
Kindly furnish the German translation of the subsequent sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
The beaches of Lake Michigan is one of few where you can find the Michigan state stone Petoskey stone. This constitutes an important contribution to the success of the energy transition, because green methane in contrast to green hydrogen can be used in a wider variety of ways. It can be made available to a variety of markets, such as the manufacturing sector, the electricity, and heating market as well as the mobility sector.
The Coliseum and Roman Forum are easily reached by bus or metro or on foot, down the popular shopping street of Via Nazionale. Enjoy traditional cuisine, and relax in the hotel ’ s health club and spa. That used to be my sister's room and then it was a nursery, then it was Vanessa's room, and now it is my office.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
До Колизея и Римского форума легко добраться на автобусе или метро, а также можно дойти пешком по популярной торговой улице Виа-Национале. В отеле гости могут отведать блюда традиционной кухни и отдохнуть в оздоровительном клубе и спа-центре. Это была комната моей сестры, потом детская, потом это была комната Ванессы, а теперь там мой кабинет.
It would be helpful if you could provide the Chinese translation of the ensuing sentences using the given reference word translations.
Thailand is going through the throes of an incredible class conflict right now between the rich and the poor, and neither side seems to want to back down.
Da es der erste Blogeintrag für das Jahr 2014 ist, noch ein Prosit auf das Neue Jahr, selbstverständlich mit einem Champagnerglas von Vetrerie di Empoli; -)
Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the German format, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
As this one is my first blog entry for 2014, I would like to raise a toast to the New Year, of course with a champagne glass from Vetrerie di Empoli; -)
Идеальным местом для пеших и велосипедных туристических походов по шумавской природе являются окрестности крупнейшего чешского водохранилища Липно. Представитель Areva Жак-Эммануэль Солнье (Jacques-Emmanuel Saulnier) сказал, что группа в настоящее время ведет переговоры примерно по двадцати проектам в таких странах, как Великобритания, США, Индия, Китай и Чехия.
How should the following sentences be comprehended in Russian?
An ideal place for hiking and cycling trips into the Šumava landscape is the area around Lipno, which is the largest reservoir in the Czech Republic. Areva spokesman Jacques-Emmanuel Saulnier said the group is currently negotiating some twenty projects in countries including the United Kingdom, the United States, India, China and the Czech Republic.
反恐战争永远不会结束,因为恐怖分子无影无形,永远不会消失。 17.联合国/阿塞拜疆/美利坚合众国/欧洲空间局全球导航卫星系统应用问题讲习班于2009年5月11日至15日在巴库举行,由通信与信息技术部代表阿塞拜疆政府主办。
Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the Chinese format.
The war on terror need never end; because the terrorists are invisible, they will never disappear. The United Nations / Azerbaijan / United States of America / European Space Agency Workshop on Applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems was held in Baku from 11 to 15 May 2009. The Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies hosted the Workshop on behalf of the Government of Azerbaijan.
Several US companies, including Amazon, Oracle, Seagate and Uber – as well as South Korea ’ s Samsung and SK Hynix, and Toshiba, Mitsubishi, and Sony from Japan – have either scaled down their China operations or decided to leave altogether. The fact that we live in the outskirts of the galaxy was discovered a long time ago towards the end of the First World War by a man named Harlow Shapley who was mapping the position of these clusters of stars.
Change the given sentences from Russian to English format.
Несколько американских компаний, включая Amazon, Oracle, Seagate и Uber, а также южнокорейские Samsung и SK Hynix и японские Toshiba, Mitsubishi и Sony, либо сокращают масштабы своих операций в Китае, либо решили вообще покинуть эту страну. Тот факт, что мы живем на окраине галактики, был открыт еще давно, ближе к концу Первой мировой войны, человеком по имени Харлоу Шепли, который составлял карту этих звездных скоплений.
“If the authorities want to draw the military into the political conflict, I ’ m convinced soldiers will be on the side of the people, ” opposition lawmaker Serhiy Kaplin said Jan. 31.
Please share the English version of the given sentences.
« Если власти хотят привлечь военных в политический конфликт, я убежден, солдаты будут на стороне народа », - сказал оппозиционный депутат Сергей Каплин 31 января.
On December 4, 2013, due to a Freedom of Information Act suit by the investigations editor of Wired magazine, several documents related to the case were released by the Secret Service, including a video of Swartz entering the MIT network closet.
Please offer the English rendition for the following statements, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Ernst Boris Chain (ein Berliner Chemiker, der vor den Nazis nach England geflohen war), Howard Florey (ein australischer Pathologe) und ihren Kollegen in Oxford gelang es aber 1940, eine reine Form von Penicillin systematisch herzustellen und deren Eigenschaften genauer zu untersuchen.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the German translation for these sentences, and must use the given word translations.
However, in 1940 Ernst Boris Chain (a Berlin chemist who had fled to England to escape the Nazis), Howard Florey (an Australian pathologist) and their colleagues in Oxford succeeded in systematically producing a pure form of penicillin and investigating its qualities more closely.
The Freedom Party, whose first leader was a former SS officer and whose current leader was a onetime neo-Nazi youth activist, has been in government before; it teamed with the People's Party for five years starting in 2000. If you find yourself in the North of the country in the city of Puerto Plata, be sure to visit the Costa del Ambar (translated from Spanish “Amber coast ”).
I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences using the given reference word translations.
« Партия свободы », первым лидером которой был бывший офицер СС и чей нынешний лидер был неонацистским молодежным активистом, ранее уже находилась в правительстве; она объединялась с Народной партией в течение пяти лет, начиная с 2000 года. Если окажетесь на севере страны в городе Пуэрто-Плата, обязательно посетите Коста-дель-Амбар (в переводе с испанского « Янтарный берег »).
The comprehensive scholarly commentary is written both in English and Hebrew and contains articles by prominent international experts on Jewish Studies, codicology, the history of Jewish art and book restoration. Three important architects (Josef Hild, Miklós Ybl, Josef Kauser) were involved in its construction between 1851 and 1905; two artistic periods, Classicism and Neo-Renaissance, define its style.
kodikologie means codicology Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Der ausführliche wissenschaftliche Kommentarband, der sowohl in englischer als auch hebräischer Sprache verfasst ist, enthält Beiträge der bedeutendsten internationalen Experten der Judaistik, Kodikologie, Jüdischen Kunstgeschichte und Buchrestauration. Drei bedeutende Architekten (Josef Hild, Miklós Ybl, Josef Kauser) waren am Bau zwischen 1851 und 1905 beteiligt; zwei Kunstepochen – Klassizismus und Neorenaissance – waren stilbestimmend.
Swiss clinics specializing in the diagnosis, treatment, and care of cancer patients are the leading European medical institutions in the field of oncology and haematology. The Special Rapporteur sent an urgent appeal to the Government of Burundi in relation to the information received that Léonidas Hatungimana, Djamali Nsabimana, Ismail Hussein, Haruna Hamadi, Bosco Nyandwi, Saïdi Nzanzurwimo and Pierre Nkurunziza were given death sentences in February 1998 by the Court of Appeal of Bujumbura.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Клиники Швейцарии, специализирующися на диагностике, лечении и уходу за онкологическими больными, относятся к ведущим европейским медицинским учреждениям в области онкологии и гематологии. Специальный докладчик направила правительству Бурунди призыв к незамедлительным действиям в связи с полученной информацией, согласно которой в феврале 1998 года апелляционный суд Бужумбуры приговорил к смертной казни Леонидаса Хатунжиману, Джамали Нсабиману, Исмаила Хуссейна, Харуна Хамади, Боско Ньяндви, Саиди Нзанзурвимо и Пьера Нкурунзизу.
为支持这一倡议,世界银行决定编制一套软件,以便许多国家可以以标准方式开展此项研究。 这些可怜的同性恋学生们筋疲力尽,性受挫,每隔一段时间都要迫切找一种方式来放松和解压。
Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Chinese.
To support this initiative, the World Bank has decided to prepare a software package so that such studies could be carried out by several countries in a standard manner. These poor gay students are exhausted, sexually frustrated and desperately need to find a way to relax and cut loose every once in a while.
Vor ein paar Tagen sprach ich mit einer Gruppe von indischen Intellektuellen in Delhi, und nachher erhielt ich diesen berührenden Brief von Come Carpentier, einem im Ausland lebenden französischen Schriftsteller, der in der indischen Hauptstadt lebt. So hat beispielsweise die Business Unit Inorganic Pigments mit der Errichtung eines neuen Werks für Eisenoxidrot-Pigmente an der chinesischen Ostküste begonnen. Hiermit baut sie ihr weltweites Produktionsnetzwerk für anorganische Pigmente aus.
Change the given sentences from English to German format, and must use the given word translations.
A few days ago, I spoke to a group of Indian intellectuals in Delhi, and afterwards I received this touching letter from Come Carpentier, a French expat writer living in the Indian capital. For instance, the Inorganic Pigments business unit started constructing a new facility for iron oxide red pigments on the east coast of China, marking an expansion of its global production network for inorganic pigments.
Weil sich die Provisorische Regierung noch nicht durch die Unterstützung der Konterrevolution im Hinterland und an der Front kompromittiert und diskreditiert hatte.
When translated to German, what message do these sentences carry? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Because the Provisional Government had not yet disgraced and discredited itself by supporting counterrevolution in the rear and at the front.
Neubiberg, April 30, 2013 – The Thermal Interface Material (TIM) developed by Infineon Technologies AG for the reduction of contact resistance between the metal surface of power semiconductors and the heat sink has been launched successfully.
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences?
Neubiberg, 30. April 2013 – Das von der Infineon Technologies AG entwickelte Thermal Interface Material (TIM) zur Verringerung des Kontaktwiderstands zwischen der Metallfläche des Leistungshalbleiters und dem Kühlkörper wurde erfolgreich am Markt eingeführt.
On 18 September 2017, the IRZ together the Chamber of Notaries of the Republic of Belarus and the German Federal Chamber of Notaries organised a conference in Minsk on “The role of the notary in preventive justice, particularly in company law ”. Although the film critic Roger Ebert once praised him as the most original and versatile scriptwriter in Britain, Cottrell Boyce himself wants to write primarily for children and tries to concentrate on that, despite all his other activities.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? The given word translations should be used.
Am 18. September 2017 organisierte die IRZ gemeinsam mit der Notarkammer der Republik Belarus und der Bundesnotarkammer in Minsk eine Konferenz zum Thema „Der Notar als Organ der vorsorgenden Rechtspflege, insbesondere im Gesellschaftsrecht“. Obwohl der Filmkritiker Roger Ebert ihn einmal als originellsten und vielseitigsten Drehbuchautor Großbritanniens lobte, will Cottrell Boyce selbst vor allem für Kinder schreiben und versucht sich trotz seiner zahlreichen anderen Tätigkeiten darauf zu konzentrieren.
Conquer the Ladis-Fiss-Serfaus sunny plateau and its surrounding landscape on 200 kilometres of marked bicycling and mountain biking trails with up to 1,000 metres difference in altitude or on complex single tracks. The serenity of Phewa Lake and the magnificence of the Fishtail Peak rising behind it create an ambience of peace and tranquillity.
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Erobern Sie das Sonnenplateau Ladis-Fiss-Serfaus und die umliegende Landschaft auf 200 Kilometern beschilderter Fahrrad- und Mountainbike-Strecken mit bis zu 1.000 Metern Höhenunterschied oder auf kniffligen Singletrails. Die Gelassenheit des Phewa-Sees und die Pracht des dahinter aufsteigenden Fishtail-Gipfels schaffen ein Ambiente des Friedens und der Ruhe.
Одним из матчей ближайшего вторника будет поединок между сборными Венгрии и Греции, который пройдёт на стадионе « Гроупама Арена » в Будапеште.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in Russian?
One of the matches next Tuesday will be a duel between the national teams of Hungary and Greece, which will be held at the stadium "Groupama Arena" in Budapest.
At the foundation of the “new atheism ” is the belief that there is no God, no eternal and infinite Source of all that exists. Natalia Tena portrayed the lovable and unique character Nymphadora Tonks in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the Half-Blood Prince and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 and Part 2.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from Russian to English language, and must use the given word translations.
В основе « нового атеизма » лежит убеждение в том, что Бога нет, что нет вечного и безграничного Источника всего, что существует. Наталья Тена изобразила привлекательного и уникального персонажа Нимфадору Тонкс в фильме « Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса, Принц-полукровка и Дары смерти » - часть 1 и часть 2.
However, if you go to Meissen or Dresden or in the smaller towns in the area, you will find a vast cultural, historic, architectural, and not least culinary offer.
Transform the upcoming sentences from German language to English language.
Wenn man allerdings nach Meißen oder Dresden oder in die kleineren Orte der Umgebung fährt, findet man ein riesiges kulturelles, historisches, architektonisches und nicht zuletzt kulinarisches Angebot.
Kindly submit the Chinese interpretation for the next sentences.
"I especially love early summer, when everything is fresh and green; autumn when the forests are full of colour and the aurora borealis starts to shine in the northern night sky; and midwinter when the scenery is covered with a blanket of pure white snow."
Он добавил, что "их, однако, не следует просить брать на себя обязательства, которые выходят за рамки их стадии разработки, ответственности и возможностей".
Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form.
He added that "they should not, however, be asked to take on obligations that go beyond their development stage, responsibility and capabilities."
In June 1791, Sheikh Mansur was captured at the Turkish fortress of Anapa on the Black Sea when it came under siege. From July 2007 to March 2008 participants from Bangladesh, Cameroon, Mauritania, Nigeria and Peru had taken part in the programme, and the Nippon Foundation had granted further funding so that the programme would continue in the biennium 2008-2009.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
1791年6月,谢赫曼苏尔在黑海沿岸阿纳帕的土耳其堡垒中被俘获。 自2007年7月至2008年3月,来自孟加拉国、喀麦隆、毛里塔尼亚、尼日利亚和秘鲁的学员参加了该方案,日本财团提供了进一步资助,以便能够在2008-2009两年期继续开办这一方案。
Obviously, this was a tactic to confuse the origins of our real history and hide the identity of significant people, Jesus and Archangel Michael being some of the most cloned images used by the imposter forces to manipulate the human race.
How should the following sentences be comprehended in English?
Очевидно, это была тактика, чтобы запутать истоки нашей реальной истории и скрыть личности значительных людей, так Иисус и архангел Михаил были одними из самых клонированных образов, используемых силами самозванцев для манипулирования человеческой расой.
We therefore investigated the diversity of microclimates in alpine habitats used by the Alpine Rock Ptarmigan in summer, and we examined whether Alpine Rock Ptarmigan select places with a microclimate that facilitates heat dissipation during summer days.
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences?
Wir untersuchten die Vielfalt der Mikroklimas in den alpinen Habitaten des Alpenschneehuhns im Sommer und prüften, ob das Alpenschneehuhn an Sommertagen Plätze aufsucht, die eine gute Wärmeableitung ermöglichen.
The Industrial Revolution has greatly promoted the development of the city, thanks to the appearance of electrical equipment that made the cutting and polishing of stones much easier. Prepare to be amazed as he hooks up the Mimosa pudica, a plant whose leaves close when touched, and the Venus flytrap to an EKG to show us how plants use electrical signals to convey information, prompt movement and even count.
抛光 means polishing Switch the specified sentences from their Chinese form to English form, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
工业革命大大促进了城市的发展,这得益于电器设备的出现,使得石头的切割和抛光变得更加容易。 他将含羞草(一种叶片被碰触后可以收缩的植物)和捕蝇草连接到记录仪,向我们展示了植物是如何通过电信号来传递信息,快速移动甚至计数,准备好大吃一惊吧!
Dioramas, panoramas and illusionistic painting: The diorama and the panorama are predecessors of cinematography and were popular entertainment media of the 19th century and even today are to be found in a multitude of fascinating illusionistic applications: in zoos, natural history museums, botanical gardens, palm and desert houses, shopping malls, theme parks and last but not least in theater and film productions.
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences.
Diorama, Panorama und Illusionsmalerei: Das Diorama und das Panorama als Vorläufer der Kinematographie und als beliebte Unterhaltungsmedien des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts finden auch heute noch vielfältige und faszinierende illusionistische Anwendungen: in Zoos, naturhistorischen Museen, botanischen Gärten, Palmen- und Wüstenhäusern, Shopping Malls, Vergnügungsparks und nicht zuletzt in der Theater- und Filmproduktion.
Im Frühjahr 1847 – nachdem viele Heilige den Winter an einem Ort verbracht hatten, den sie Winter Quarters nannten – schlossen sich etwa 520 Männer, begleitet von 35 Frauen und 42 Kindern, dem Mormonenbataillon an und folgten so dem Aufruf, im amerikanischen Militär zu dienen.
Kindly submit the German interpretation for the next sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
In the spring of 1847, after many Saints had spent the winter in a place they called Winter Quarters, about 520 men, accompanied by 35 women and 42 children, joined the Mormon Battalion to answer a call to serve in the United States military.
Im Gegenteil, Alkohol ist ein Gift, das viele Krankheiten noch verschlimmert, wie z.B. Krankheiten an der Leber oder Bauchspeicheldrüse, Herz-Kreislauf-Krankheiten, Krankheiten an Magen, Speiseröhre und Darm, Krebs, hormonelle Störungen oder Störungen des Immunsystems. Heute umfasst die Sammlung der Stiftung Fundació Joan Miró ca. 8.300 Objekte. Darunter befinden sich fast die gesamten graphischen Kunstwerke von Joan Miró sowie etwa 300 Gemälde, Skulpturen, textile Arbeiten und Keramiken anderer Künstler.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to German using the given reference word translations.
On the contrary, alcohol is a poison that aggravates many diseases, such as diseases of the liver or pancreas, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the stomach, esophagus and intestine, cancer, hormonal disorders or disorders of the immune system. Currently, the collection by the Fundació Joan Miró foundation boasts to have about 8,300 art objects, which includes almost all of Joan Miró ’ s graphical artwork, as well as 300 paintings, sculptures, textile art pieces, and ceramic pieces from other artists.
Daher knien wir als Jünger zu den Füßen Jesu von Nazareth und sagen zu ihm zusammen mit Petrus: „Du bist Christus, der Sohn des lebendigen Gottes“ und mit Thomas: „Mein Herr und mein Gott“. Die militärischen Angriffe, denen 1,8 Millionen Menschen schutzlos ausgesetzt waren, hinterlassen tiefe Wunden und schwere Traumata mit unvorhersehbaren Langzeitfolgen.
Please make available the German translation for the listed sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
We therefore kneel as disciples at the feet of Jesus of Nazareth and say to him with Peter, ‘ You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God, ’ and with Thomas, ‘ My Lord and my God. ’ The military strikes, to which 1.8 million defenceless people were subjected, have left deep scars and severe traumas with unpredictable long-term consequences.
For this process the cell goes through the steps of the cell cycle and development which involves cell growth, DNA replication, cell division, regeneration, specialization, and cell death. Usually, people can tell when someone is lying and fake; insincere people are not well-liked.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from Chinese to English language, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
对于该过程,细胞经历细胞周期和发育的步骤,其涉及细胞生长,DNA复制,细胞分裂,再生,专门化和细胞死亡。 通常来说,人们能辨别一个人是否在撒谎,不诚实的人是不会被别人喜欢的。
To confirm the diagnosis and rule out other diseases, such as certain hereditary metabolic disorders, doctors do blood tests and often remove a piece of liver tissue using a small needle (liver biopsy). If the racks are not designed to accommodate the increased diameter correctly, it could cause the label to crinkle, come off, or stick to the rack.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from German to English, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Um die Diagnose zu bestätigen und andere Erkrankungen wie erbliche Stoffwechselstörungen auszuschließen, werden Bluttests durchgeführt und oft mit einer kleinen Nadel ein Stück Lebergewebe entnommen (Leberbiopsie). Wenn die Ständer nicht richtig auf den größeren Umfang angepasst sind, kann das Etikett zerknittern, abfallen oder am Ständer kleben bleiben.
But, just as Japan ’ s post-war economic model became the template for the Asian economic miracles of recent decades, the reforms currently being implemented by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (“Abenomics ”) may offer Asian economies a path back to strong growth. We call on the Federal Government and political parties to ensure that everyone can determine their own family planning and sexual lives without discrimination, and that they will be supported in the protection of these rights, regardless of their background, sexual and gender orientation, socio-economic circumstances and health situation.
Turn the following sentences from their German version to the English version.
Aber ebenso wie Japans Wirtschaftsmodell der Nachkriegszeit als Vorlage für die asiatischen Wirtschaftswunder der letzten Jahrzehnte diente, könnten die derzeit von Premierminister Shinzo Abe umgesetzten Reformen („Abenomics“) den asiatischen Ökonomien die Rückkehr zu starkem Wachstum ermöglichen. Wir rufen die Bundesregierung und die Parteien auf, dafür zu sorgen, dass alle Menschen diskriminierungsfrei über ihre Familienplanung und ihr Sexualleben entscheiden können und bei der Wahrnehmung ihrer Rechte unterstützt werden – unabhängig von ihrer Herkunft, sexueller und geschlechtlicher Orientierung oder der sozialen, ökonomischen und gesundheitlichen Situation.
He also promised that his government would “punish war crimes and aggression, ” in connection with which a special law would be passed, and a lawsuit would be sent against Serbia on charges of“ genocide ” demanding “compensation for military damage. ” Water off the coast of the island is much cleaner than in Pattaya, so many tourists prefer to go swim-ming in Ko Lan.
When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry?
Он также пообещал, что его правительство будет « наказывать за военные преступления и агрессию », в связи с чем будет принят особый закон, а против Сербии будет направлен иск по обвинению в « геноциде » с требованием о « возмещении военного ущерба ». Вода у берегов острова гораздо чище, чем в Паттайе, поэтому многие туристы предпочитают ездить купаться на Ко Лан.