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How To Cook Pork Tenderloin
To cook pork tenderloin, put it in a roasting pan and cook it in the oven for 55 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit, turning it over halfway through. You can also sear the pork tenderloin on both sides in a skillet before putting it in the oven, which will reduce the cooking time to 15 minutes. If you want to grill pork tenderloin, start by preheating the grill to medium-high heat. Then, cook the tenderloin on the grill for 30-40 minutes over indirect heat, flipping it occasionally.
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How To Prevent Skin Peeling After Sunburn
To prevent your skin from peeling after a sunburn, stir 1-3 cups of oatmeal into your bath and soak for 15-30 minutes, since oatmeal has soothing and moisturizing properties. Alternatively, add ¾ of a cup of baking soda to your bath and soak for 15-20 minutes to help restore your skin’s pH balance. You can also try applying vinegar, whole milk, or mint leaves to your peeling skin, all of which can help stop peeling. No matter what you try, be sure to apply moisturizer after you bathe and throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated.
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How To Grill Sweet Potatoes
Before baking sweet potatoes on the grill, preheat the grill to medium. Then, wash the sweet potato and cut it in half lengthwise. Grease the cut side with butter, margarine or oil, and add any seasonings you prefer, like salt and pepper, or cinnamon and nutmeg. Tightly wrap the half in heavy duty aluminum foil and bake it on the grill for about 50 minutes. Once they’re cooked, uses tongs to move them onto a plate, and add your favorite garnish, like grated cheese, before serving.
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How To Find a Job Working from Home
To find a job working from home, browse and apply for jobs on reputable websites like Flex Jobs and Remote Working to avoid falling victim to scams. If you have good computer skills, you could focus on website design or technical support jobs. Alternatively, try applying for remote call center jobs if you have customer service skills. Additionally, if you're good with words, you could try finding remote work as a writer or translator for a news organization or private company.
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How To Lactate
If you want to start lactating, talk to your doctor 8 months before you want to nurse so they can prescribe you a regimen of hormones, like estrogen and progesterone, to mimic pregnancy in your body. Two months before you plan to nurse, you can stimulate milk production by using a breast pump 3 times a day for 5 minutes at a time. After you’ve pumped for 2 days, slowly increase your pumping frequency until you’re pumping for 10 minutes every 4 hours. Then, increase the frequency so you’re pumping every 2 to 3 hours for 15 to 20 minutes. You'll also need to pump at least once during the nighttime, so try setting an alarm to help you remember.
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How To Strip Cloth Diapers
Before you strip cloth diapers, wash and dry them like you normally would so they're clean. Then, fill a large tub or container with hot water, and add a commercial stripping agent to the water. You can also make your own by mixing equal parts washing soda, borax, and Calgon. Next, soak the diapers in the mixture for around 6 hours, stirring them around occasionally to help release the minerals in the fabric. Finally, remove the diapers, and rinse them in cold water before hanging them up to air dry.
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How To Use Rosewater
To use rosewater, try applying a mask of rosewater, honey, and coconut oil to your face and neck for 15-20 minutes once a week, which will keep your skin bright and hydrated. You can also mix rosewater and coconut oil, dip a cotton ball in it, and use it to remove your makeup. If your hair is feeling dry or brittle, try adding 2 teaspoons of rosewater to your shampoo or conditioner, which can help hydrate your locks. Also, apply rosewater to cuts or scars with a cotton ball to help them heal faster.
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How To Prepare a Stall for a Pregnant Mare
To prepare a stall for a pregnant mare, start by picking a quiet area of your barn since mares like to foal in private. Make sure the stall if free of any potential hazards, like raised nails, large splinters, and sharp edges. Next, clean and disinfect the stall by removing any old bedding and washing everything down with hot, soapy water. Once everything is dry, disinfect the stall with povidone iodine and pine oil. Then, make the stall comfortable by purchasing bedding that’s appropriate for the mare and the newborn foal, like dust-free straw or shredded paper.
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How To Clean a Hermit Crab Tank
Before you clean your hermit crab tank, remove the crabs and place them in a separate container with high walls. Take out any decorations, shells, toys, and hiding boxes, then scoop out the substrate. Wipe down the tank with a 3% bleach solution, then rinse out the tank thoroughly with clean water. Once the tank is clean, rinse off the toys and decorations with dechlorinated water, and boil the crabs’ food and water dishes to sanitize them.
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How To Make Your Own Tortillas
To make your own flour tortillas, start by mixing 4 cups of flour, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, and 1 teaspoon of salt in a large bowl. Then, add 1/2 cup of vegetable shortening and 1 cup of water and knead the dough with your hands until it’s smooth and only slightly sticky. After the dough has rested for 10 minutes, roll the dough into balls that are about the size of eggs. Next, roll out the dough balls into 6-inch circles and cook each one in a hot skillet for 30 seconds on each side.
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How To Use Acupressure for Back Pain
To use acupressure for back pain, locate the following areas on both sides of the spine: the paraspinal muscles just above your hip bones, the hip pressure points a few inches lateral to the tail bone and over the dimples above the butt muscles, and then the buttocks. For each region, press down and inwardly with your thumbs toward the muscles’ center, hold firmly for a couple of minutes, and then release gradually. Finally, apply ice wrapped in a thin towel to the thicker back and hip muscles for 15 minutes.
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How To Get Rid of a Thigh Cramp
To get rid of a thigh cramp, stretch your hamstring by lying flat on the ground and lifting the leg that’s cramping. Then, wrap a towel around the ball of your foot and gently pull on the ends of the fabric to stretch your leg back. If the cramp is on the front of your thigh, stand up and stretch the muscle by grabbing your foot and pulling it back towards your behind. Walk around between stretches to relax the muscle. If you get thigh cramps often, try to drink more water and get plenty of potassium in your diet to avoid them in the future.
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How To Become Root in Ubuntu
To run a command as root, type “sudo” before the command. Use “gksudo” if the command opens a program with a Graphical User Interface (GUI).
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How To Eat Sardines
To eat sardines on their own, sprinkle them with fresh herbs and bake for 6 minutes in a 500 degree F oven. Alternatively, season your sardines with ingredients like herbs, oil, or lemon juice, and cook them in your oven’s broiler for 2 to 3 minutes. If you want to add sardines to a meal, try them as a topping for homemade pizza. For a quick meal or snack, make a sardine sandwich on toasted bread, and use hummus as a sandwich spread.
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How To Paint a Boat
Before painting a boat, start by removing the boat from the water and cleaning the surface with a high-pressure hose. Then, sand the boat with 80-grit sandpaper and brush on a coat of primer to create a smooth, even surface. Afterwards, apply 1 coat of one step polyurethane paint, let it dry, then sand the surface with 300-grit sandpaper to remove any spots or paint bubbles. Finally, apply 2 to 3 more coats of paint, making sure to sand the boat after each coat has dried.
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How To Download Videos from Dailymotion
To download videos from Dailymotion, start by installing the Dailymotion app on your phone or tablet. Next, tap the Dailymotion icon to open the app, and search for the video you want to download. Then, select •••, which is in the bottom right corner of the video screen, and tap “Watch Offline.” Wait until the download is complete, then tap Library and “Watch Offline” to find your video.
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How To Tune a Bass Guitar
To tune a bass guitar with a tuner, turn the tuner on and play the first string on your guitar. If the tuner lights up red, turn the corresponding tuning peg and try playing the string again. Keep doing this until the tuner lights up green and then repeat with the rest of the strings on your guitar. If you don't have a tuner, find another instrument that's in tune, like a keyboard or a different guitar. Then, play the notes on that instrument that correspond with the strings on your guitar. Adjust your guitar strings with the tuning pegs until the notes match the other instrument.
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How To Make Stickers
To make your own stickers, you’ll need paper ,packing tape, and double-sided tape. First, draw or print your design on regular printer paper. Make sure the height of your design is less than the width of your packing tape, usually 3 inches (8 cm). Cover the front of your design with packing tape to give it a glossy, sticker-like feel. Then, use a pair of scissors to cut the sticker out. Leave a little excess paper around your design for later. Next, pull out the roll of double-sided tape with the uncovered sticky side facing up. Place your sticker on the double-sided tape with the design facing away from the sticky side. Press down to flatten the design against the tape. Finally, cut around your design to remove the excess tape and paper. When you want to use your sticker, just peel the cover off of the double-sided tape and press the sticker down against a flat surface.
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How To Concentrate on Your Homework
To concentrate on your homework, start by settling into a quiet place and putting your phone away so it's not a distraction. Then, tackle your hardest or most time-consuming homework assignments first to get them out of the way. Try to finish each task before moving onto something else since jumping between assignments can disrupt your focus. Also, take 5-minute breaks every 30 minutes so your homework doesn't feel endless and you have something to look forward to.
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How To Cook a Spiral Ham
If you want to warm up a ready-to-eat spiral cooked ham, put in on an aluminum baking sheet and wrap it in aluminum foil. Then, put it in the oven at 250°F for 20 minutes per pound. About 30 minutes before the ham is done, remove it from the oven and score it by using a knife to thinly slice the surface in a diamond pattern. If it didn’t come with glaze, make your own with half mustard and half brown sugar. Brush the glaze onto the meat and cook it for another 30 minutes.
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How To Make Onion Gravy
To make onion gravy, first melt butter in a large saucepan. Then, add in thinly sliced onions and cook them for 5 to 8 minutes until they're light brown. Cover the pan and let the onions caramelize for 10 minutes, or until they're a deep brown color, before whisking in flour. Next, pour in red wine and the broth of your choice and let the gravy simmer for about 15 minutes. Before serving the gravy, stir in any additional seasonings you'd like.
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How To Make a Shrimp Aquarium
To make a shrimp aquarium, start by installing an aquarium filter and a tank heater inside a 10 gallon tank. Then, add an inch of shrimp-ready substrate to the bottom of the tank, and use pH test strips to check that your water has a pH between 6.0 and 7.5 before filling your tank. Next, add live plants, such as moss and fern, to provide food for your shrimp, as well as an LED tank light to help your plants thrive. Finally, let your tank run for at least 2 weeks to establish a bacteria base in the water and filters before adding your shrimp.
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How To Give a Cat Medicine
To give a cat medicine with food, start by getting some special treats, like wet cat food or Pill Pockets. If you can crush the medicine, mix the powder in with the food. However, if the medicine is a slow-release pill, place it in the center of a sticky treat and feed it to your cat. Alternatively, to give your cat medicine without food, wrap your cat in a towel with its head exposed, open its mouth, and put the pill or liquid toward the back of the tongue. Then, close your cat’s mouth, stroke its neck, and give it a dropper full of water.
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How To Kill Bed Bugs
The best way to kill bed bugs is to run your clothes and bedding through the dryer on high heat for 10-20 minutes. Wrap any infested furniture in plastic and place it in direct, hot sunlight for 24 hours. For stubborn infestations, use a bed-bug specific insecticide or spread diatomaceous earth around problem areas.
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How To Feel Better when You Have a Cold (for Girls)
You can feel better when you have a cold if you’re a girl by resting up at home to help your body heal before you return to school. To help you feel better quickly, try to stay hydrated by drinking water and hot tea with honey and lemon, which will soothe your throat. Additionally, try eating chicken soup, which eases nasal congestion and helps you stay hydrated. Another way to ease nasal congestion is to take a hot shower, since breathing in the hot steam will help rehydrate your nose and throat.
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How To Care for Your Nose Piercing
To care for your nose piercing, clean it twice a day for the first 3 months so it doesn't get infected. To clean your nose piercing, start by washing your hands with antibacterial soap so you don't spread germs with them. Then, microwave some saline solution for 10 seconds and wipe down your piercing with it. Don't worry if you notice some redness, swelling, or minor pain for the first few days. However, if you notice green or yellow discharge, or if you see a red, raised bump at your piercing site, you may have an infection and should seek medical attention.
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How To Teach Your Dog the Stop Barking Command
To teach your dog the "stop barking" command, start by teaching it how to “speak” so you can control when it's allowed to bark. Start by putting some treats in your pocket, telling your dog to “speak” while triggering the action with a knock or doorbell, and rewarding it when it barks. Once your dog is barking on command, place a treat in front of its nose while it's barking to get it to stop and sniff. Then, say “quiet” as soon as it stops barking, and give it the reward. When you feel confident that your dog understands "quiet," have someone ring the doorbell, give the command, and reward your dog when it stops barking.
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How To Remove Scars on Legs
To remove scars on your legs, exfoliate your legs regularly in the shower with a brush or scrub, which will help your scars fade faster. You can also try applying aloe vera gel or vitamin E oil to the scars on your legs since they both have skin-healing properties. If you're looking for something a little stronger, try using an over-the-counter scar-reducing cream on your scars 3-4 times a day until they fade.
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How To Create a Mood Board
Mood boards are a great way to establish a concept, help you narrow down an idea, and figure out what looks good with what. To create one, start by writing down 5 keywords that describe your idea or concept. if your mood board is about antique-themed weddings, for example, you might write lace, light blue, ivory, wood, and silver. Once you have your concept, gather images from magazines, newspapers, or print them off the internet and organize them by color, shape, material, texture, or mood. Then, glue or tape them onto a large cardboard canvas or pin them up on your wall. Try moving the images around, placing the largest, most important ones in the center and the others on the edges.
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How To Roast Squash Seeds
Before you roast your squash seeds, season them with oil and salt, then toss the seeds to make sure the seasoning covers all of them. To roast, cook the seeds in the oven on a baking tray at 300 °F for 20 minutes. If you'd prefer a sweeter taste, roast your seeds with no salt, then add brown sugar and cinnamon after they've cooled. Mix the seeds to distribute your sweet coating before roasting them for another 10 minutes.
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How To Become a Human Resources Manager
If you're interested in becoming a human resources manager, start early and take classes in high school that are specific to your goals, such as business, marketing, economics, and psychology. You'll also want to seek out leadership positions, such as the president of student council or the captain of a sports team, to give you experience in managing people. Finally, earn your bachelor's degree in business or finance and consider a minor in psychology since you'll need to work well with various personality types.
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How To Hang a Rug on a Wall
The easiest way to hang a rug on a wall is to purchase 4 tack strips, which are thin boards with sharp tacks sticking from them. Then, cut the tack strips to the length of each side of the rug, and coat them in a clear finish or with paint to prevent damage to the rug from the wood acid. Once the finish or paint has dried, attach the strips to the wall by hammering in the nails along the strip. Afterwards, hammer in 2 upholstery nails into each corner of the rug, and use a third nail to secure the midpoint between each corner.
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How To Stop Breast Feeding
To stop breast feeding, start by feeding your baby with your chosen substitute, such as breast milk in a bottle, during a daytime feeding. You could also try doing this feeding in another room to help your baby adjust to the new way of eating. After a few days, replace another feeding with a cup or bottle. Then, begin offering your baby a bottle before every feeding, even the ones you're not planning to replace, as this will get your baby used to eating in the new way.
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How To Crack Your Back
To crack your back, try doing a supine twist. First, lie down on the floor with one leg bent and one leg extended. Then, bring your bent knee over your extended leg and toward the floor. Keep your shoulders flat on the ground. Finally, switch legs and repeat. You can also try to track your back using the back of a short chair. First, sit in a chair with a backrest that comes up to the middle of your back. Then, place both of your hands on the back of your head, and slowly lean back in the chair until your back cracks. Move forward in your seat to crack higher up on your back, or move backward to crack lower on your back. However you crack your back, remember to be gentle and move slowly so you don’t hurt yourself. If you’re experiencing back pain, talk to your doctor before attempting to crack your back on your own.
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How To Win at Scrabble
To win at Scrabble, play as many words as you can on premium squares, like double letter or triple word scores, to boost your point count. Additionally, try adding an “S” to a high-scoring word already on the board to maximize your score. You can also look for opportunities to make compound words, like adding “air” to “ball,” to get the combined point total of both words. If you end up with hard to use tiles, such as “Q,” “J,” or “Z,” try forming high-scoring words, like “qat,” “jeu,” and “zee,” to maximize your chance of winning.
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How To Get an ISBN Number
To get an ISBN number, start by visiting the website for the International ISBN agency and clicking on the orange button labeled “Find an agency.” Next, select the national agency in which your company’s headquarters is located or your nation if you’re applying for yourself. Then, create an account with your national ISBN agency and fill out the application. In order to finish the application, you’ll need information such as the publisher’s name and address, the title of the publication, and the format of the publication. When you’re done with the application, pay the fee, and receive your ISBN by mail or email.
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How To Treat a Severe Sunburn
To treat a severe sunburn, start by gently washing the area with mild soap and cool, but not cold, water. After it is clean, apply a cold compress or a towel dipped in cold water to the area for 10-15 minutes several times a day. You can also apply some aloe vera gel to the burn to relieve the pain and help it heal faster. Make sure to stay out of the sun while your burn is healing and take over-the-counter pain reliever if it is very painful. If your burn has blisters or is not healing well, consult your doctor.
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How To Ask for a Job Interview
The best way to ask for an interview is to send an email to the potential employer expressing interest in the job and requesting a chance to interview. In your message, say that you are very excited about the opportunity to interview for the position. You might write, “I would love to meet with you to discuss how I can be an asset to your company.” Additionally, provide a two week window of time when you’re available, but don’t specify a particular time because the interviewer may be unavailable then.
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How To Survive an Avalanche
To survive an avalanche, start by trying to jump up the slope beyond the fracture line, or moving as far to the side as possible. If you’re unable to escape the path of the avalanche, try to grab on to a boulder or sturdy tree. Alternatively, work to stay toward the surface of the snow by kicking your feet and trashing your arms as if you’re swimming. In order to survive if you have been buried, dig a pocket around your face to breath into. Additionally, try to stick one arm straight up toward the snow’s surface to orient yourself and to hopefully be seen by rescuers.
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How To Build a Darkroom
To build a darkroom, find a room in your house with no windows or small windows that can be easily covered. Then, tape black fabric around any windows to cut out the light. Next, split your room into a dry side and a wet side, with the dry side being for your electrical equipment and the wet side for developing photos. When your room is ready, bring in a table and your equipment, including your enlarger, chemicals, and printing kit. Finally, set up your funnel, trays, and film clips on the wet side and reels, easel, and safe light on the dry side.
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How To Grill Bratwurst
To grill bratwurst, make sure to maintain a low heat and turn the brats often to keep them from burning. Heat up your grill so the temperature is between 300 and 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Brush the grill with a little vegetable oil to keep the brats from sticking. Once the grill is hot, lay the sausages vertically along the grate. Grill your brats for 15 to 20 minutes, turning them every 3 to 5 minutes to make sure they cook evenly. A perfectly cooked brat will turn dull reddish-brown when it’s done, but to make sure, you’ll want to use a meat thermometer. The temperature should be at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit.
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How To Get Sweat Stains out of Bras
To get sweat stains out of your bra, try using baking soda. First, mix it with water to make a paste. Then, rub it onto the stained areas of your bra. Leave it in the sun for a few hours to help the baking soda work. After the baking soda paste has dried, gently peel it off your bra. Machine wash your bra like normal to remove any leftover paste and to help it smell fresh. Alternatively, use regular dish detergent to get the stains out. However, this only works on white bras, as the detergent can discolor dyed bras. First, pour a small amount of detergent onto the stains and rub it in with your fingers or an old toothbrush. Once you’ve rubbed detergent in, wash your bra in cold water to remove the soap.
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How To Address a Letter to England
To address a letter to England, write the recipient's name and address on the bottom left of the envelope. Include their full name on the first line, their street address or post office box on the second line, their city and postcode on the third line, and "England" on the fourth line. Finally, write your return address on the back of the envelope.
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How To Make a Survival Kit
To make a survival kit for the wilderness, purchase a good knife that can be used to help build shelter, start a fire, hunt, cut food, clear paths, and cut string. Additionally, buy a portable water filter if you’ll be in areas with fresh streams and lakes to drink from. Alternatively, if you’ll be in more arid areas, then pack as much fresh water as possible. You'll want to have a fire starter, such as matches, refillable butane lighters, or a flint and scraper, too. Also, bring a compass or GPS device in case you get lost.
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How To Wear a Brooch
If it's your first time wearing a brooch, try pinning it to the breast of a blouse for a classic, elegant look. If you have a shirt with a stiff collar, use a brooch or 2 to dress it up. You can also pin your brooch to a dress to add a little sparkle. Alternatively, attach it to a sweater or sweater dress for a mix of style and comfort. For more formal occasions, affix your brooch to the lapel of a jacket or blazer to add a little personality.
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How To Buy an Engagement Ring
To buy an engagement ring, find out your significant other's ring size and what kind of ring styles they like. It also helps to pay attention to their other jewelry to figure out if they prefer silver or gold. Next, check out a lot of different vendors to explore your options and compare pricing. You want to get the perfect ring, so don't go with the first one you find! Once you find the setting and stone you want, confirm that the ring comes with a diamond certificate that contains information on the stone’s cut, carats, and clarity.
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How To Use Dog Pheromone Products
To use dog pheromone products, read the label before buying it to make sure it contains dog appeasing pheromone, since many companies market products as pheromones that don’t include them. You should also make sure your dog has a behavioral issue that pheromones can effectively treat, like anxiety or aggression. Before applying pheromones to your dog or its environment, speak to your vet to make sure they don’t have any medical concerns. If you want to give your dog pheromones for short periods of time, opt for a spray, which usually needs to be sprayed around the room every 4 hours. For a longer term option, purchase a diffuser or collar containing pheromones, which can last up to a month.
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How To Eat a Banana
To eat a banana, first find one that’s ripe so it’s sweet and easy to digest. If it’s still green, it’s not ripe enough yet. When it turns yellow, the banana is ripe enough to eat. It will be sweetest when there are a few light brown spots on the peel. To peel the banana, snap back the stalk at the top of the fruit, then pull it downwards. Pull the rest of the skin off in similar strips. You can also peel the banana from the blossom end which is the flat, brown stub at the end of the banana. Pinch just behind the blossom end to break it apart, then peel the skin off the banana. Eat the fruit whole or cut it into pieces. For a healthy breakfast, add banana pieces to a smoothie, cereal, yogurt, or oatmeal. For something sweeter, dip whole or sliced bananas in melted chocolate.
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How To Sing Into a Microphone
To sing into a microphone, hold it at a 45 degree angle with the head of the microphone about 1-4 inches away from your mouth. If you don’t have a microphone at home, practice how to hold one by using a hairbrush or water bottle, and keep your head steady as you sing to avoid changes in tone. Alternatively, if you have to move your head, make sure you move the microphone as well. You should also sing at your natural volume so the microphone picks up a steady level of sound throughout the song.
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How To Make a Studio
To make a recording studio, start by clearing out the room you'll be using, including everything on the walls, so nothing interferes with the sound waves and acoustics. Then, get some acoustic treatment materials, like foam panels, bass traps, and diffusers, and install them evenly across the lengths of your walls. Next, set up a desk for all of your sound equipment. Finally, put your instruments and microphones in a designated section of the room for the recording space.
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How To Get a Counseling License
To get a counseling license, start by figuring out what type of counseling you want to do based on where you want to work, such as in a school, hospital, or social work facility. Then, get a bachelor’s degree in counseling or psychology, followed by a master’s degree in counseling. While you’re in school, pursue activities that will give you some experience in the field, like research projects or internships. Once you finish your master’s degree, be prepared to take an exam and complete the required practice hours to get your license.
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How To Make Chicken Cutlets
To make chicken cutlets, rinse off the chicken with water, pat it dry, and slice the breasts horizontally so that they're 1/4 inch thick. Next, combine the bread crumbs, Parmesan cheese, parsley, salt, and pepper in a bowl. Then, in a separate bowl, use a fork or whisk to beat together the egg and milk. Finally, spread flour onto a plate. Dredge each cutlet in flour, then the egg mixture, and then the bread crumb mixture before roasting or frying the chicken.
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How To Treat Pneumonia
To treat pneumonia, it's important that you visit your doctor so they can determine how serious your case is. If you have a mild case of pneumonia, your doctor will likely prescribe you antibiotics and suggest extra rest and sleep until you recover. If you have a moderate case of pneumonia, you may be admitted to a hospital where you'll receive antibiotics through an IV until you're feeling better. For more serious cases, you may need to spend time in an intensive care unit and take additional medications to counter any potential complications.
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How To Peel an Orange
To peel an orange with your hands, choose an orange that’s bright, firm, and heavy. Puncture the skin near the top of the orange with your thumbnail and work your thumb under the peel. Gently tear off as big a section of skin as you can and continue until it’s all off. To peel with a knife, insert the pointed tip into the skin at the top of the orange and slice off the peel by rotating the orange around the knife. To peel with a spoon, make a 1 inch cut on the side of the orange, slicing through the skin but not the fruit. Insert a spoon and work off the peel.
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How To Paint Metal
To paint metal, first put on a dust mask and some thick gloves. If you can, take your metal surface outside. Otherwise, put a drop cloth underneath it. Then, scrub the metal with coarse sandpaper to remove any rust or old paint. If you item is rusty, apply a rust converter and scrub the metal with a wire brush if the rust won't come off with just the sandpaper. Wipe the metal with a damp cloth to get any dust or debris off of the surface, then let it air dry. Next, fill a paint tray with metal primer, and use a brush or roller to apply an even coat to the metal surface. Wait at least 24 hours for the primer to dry. Now, fill a clean paint tray with an oil-based paint designed for metal. Apply the paint using a brush or roller, starting with the exterior edges to paint the trim before working your way to the easier, flatter sections. Finally, wait at least 12 hours to let the paint dry before handling the metal. For textured metals, use a spray primer instead of liquid primer. Hold the can 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) away from your sanded metal and coat the entire surface. Wait 24 hours for the primer to dry before spray painting the metal with your top coat.
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How To Grow Mint
To grow mint, plant a small seedling or rooted sprig in fertile soil where it can receive morning sun and partial afternoon shade. If you're planting multiple seedlings, plant them 6 inches apart to give them plenty of growing space! Water your mint frequently so the soil stays damp and pinch off the plant's flower buds as they appear to extend your harvesting season!
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How To Make Detox Water
To make detox water, you’ll need fruits, vegetables, and herbs of your choice. For example, you can make lemon, cucumber, and mint water, or you can try mixing strawberry, lemon, and plain water. Once you have your ingredients, rinse and dry them to get rid of any bacteria. Then, cut any ingredients that need cutting, like lemon and cucumber, into small chunks or slices to release their flavors. Once you’ve cut your ingredients, fill a jug with water and add your fruits, vegetables, and herbs. To finish your detox water, give it a stir and store it in the refrigerator for 12 hours before you serve it to infuse all of the flavors.
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How To Act at a Girl's House
If you’re unsure how to act at a girl’s house, just go with the flow and let her suggest things to do or talk about. If you’re staying to eat, offer to help laying the table or washing dishes after dinner. Although you might be intimate with the girl, don’t assume that she wants to do anything physical, just because she invited you over. If in doubt, let her lead the way. If her family are around while you’re there, avoid physical contact with her to avoid any awkwardness. You might be nervous about what they’ll think of you, but try to relax and be yourself so they can see the person you really are. You can also ask the girl about her family ahead of time so you know what to expect.
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How To Find Out if Someone Has Been Arrested
If you want to know if someone has been arrested, try contacting the local police station. Make sure you have the person’s full legal name, then call the police’s non-emergency number. When someone answers, ask the desk officer if the person has been arrested. If they don’t know, try contacting local jails, since it’s likely an officer would have brought the person there following an arrest. Alternatively, try searching through online arrest records. Visit your local city or county’s police department website. Next, locate the arrest records section and enter the personal information of the person you’re looking for. If you find the person’s information, contact the location where it says they’re being held to find out more about the arrest.
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How To Light a Pilot Light
To light a pilot light, first turn the gas control valve to off and wait 5 to 10 minutes until all the gas fumes are gone. Once you’ve made sure there’s no gas coming out, hold a lit barbecue lighter or long match next to the pilot light tube inside your furnace while turning the gas control knob to pilot. Then, press the reset switch button or lever and light the tube. After the tube lights, keep holding the switch for 1 minute. Repeat this process 1 to 2 more times if the pilot doesn’t stay lit. Otherwise, call a heating technician for assistance.
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How To Make a Girl Think You're Cute
Understanding what a girl likes can be hard, and it can be even harder to impress her! However, if you look and act your best, you'll stand a better chance of winning her over. One way to seem cute is to be a little shy! The next time you’re around your crush, make eye contact then look away quickly. Or, hide behind your hair when you talk to them. Not only will this make you seem cute, but it will give you an air of mystery that makes things more exciting. Additionally, don’t forget to smile, since a charming smile goes a long way. Besides acting cute, you can try out a new, cute haircut! If you have a favorite celebrity or athlete, consider getting a hair cut similar to theirs. Just bring a photo in when you go to the hairdresser for reference.
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How To Prevent Fainting
When you feel yourself starting to get faint, boost your blood salt and sugar levels by snacking on some pretzels or crackers and drinking a little juice. If you feel overheated, try to stave off fainting by taking off some layers or splashing cool water on your face. You can also drink some water, which will both cool you down and hydrate you. Additionally, you may find it helpful to lie down, breathe deeply, and relax until you feel a little better. Finally, do your best to avoid things that might trigger fainting spells, such as alcohol, certain medications, or phobias.
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How To Get Rid of a Tickly Cough
A simple way to get rid of a tickly cough at home is to swallow a spoonful of honey, which has antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help if your cough is caused by a virus or bacteria. Also, try adding lemon to your drinks, because in addition to antiviral and antibacterial properties, lemons contain a lot of vitamin C. For a sore or irritated throat, gargle warm salt water. By gargling a mixture of 6 ounces of warm water and 1 teaspoon of salt, you can reduce the swelling in your throat and lessen your cough.
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How To Eat Pistachios
To eat pistachios, look for the nuts that already have a crack in their shells, since you can easily pry their shells off with your fingers. To open an uncracked pistachio, place it on a hard surface and tap it lightly with a hammer or heavy object until it cracks, then pry it open. Once you get the shell off you can pop the nut in your mouth before discarding the shell in a separate bowl!
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How To Wash Duvets
If you need to wash a duvet, first remove the duvet cover if you have one, and wash it separately according to the care tag. To clean a duvet that is especially dirty, pre-soak it for about an hour in your bathtub or a large container filled with warm water. When you wash your duvet, use a small amount of a gentle detergent and run the rinse cycle twice. You may need to take your duvet to the laundromat to wash it, since your personal washing machine may not be large enough to handle a duvet.
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How To Convince Someone to Give You Something
If you need to convince someone to give you something, explain to them why you need it and act confident when you talk to them. For example, if you need to borrow gas money from your sister, honestly tell her that you overspent this month, but that you're working on improving your budgeting skills. This way, you’ll appear trustworthy, which will encourage her to help you out. Be polite with your request by using language like “May I please” and “Thank you,” which will make the other person more likely to respond positively.
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How To Make Pork Rinds
If you want to make pork rinds, start by purchasing pork skin from a butcher's shop or international meat market. Next, remove any fat from the skin and cut the skin into bite-sized pieces. Once you've finished cutting the pork, place the pieces skin side down on a baking tray. Then, bake the skin at 250 degrees F. After 3 hours, remove the pork from the oven and heat some lard or peanut oil in a pan until it bubbles. Finally, fry the skins in batches for about 1 minute or until they're puffy.
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How To Work Out Water Tank Capacity
To work out water tank capacity for a horizontal cylinder tank, measure the radius of the bottom of the cylinder and find the area of the circle. Next, multiply the area by the tank's length to determine the tank's total volume. To determine fill height, identify a circular sector and triangular segment, find the area for both, and subtract the segment's area from the sector's area. Then, multiply that answer by the cylinder height to calculate the filled volume!
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How To Get Wax off Carpets
To get wax off carpets using an iron, scrape off as much of the wax as possible using a butter knife as your iron is heating up. Make sure the iron is on the lowest setting possible and that the steam function is turned off. Then, place a paper towel over the wax and iron on top of the paper towel, moving the iron in small, slow circles to melt the wax. Once the wax absorbs into the paper towel, discard of it and check the area for stains from dyes in the wax. To remove a remaining dye stain, blot the area with a paper towel dipped in rubbing alcohol.
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How To Get Rid of Pantry Moths
To get rid of pantry moths, start by taking everything out of your pantry and throwing away any food that contains eggs, larvae, or adult moths. Then, vacuum out your pantry using a hose attachment. When you're done vacuuming, scrub the inside of your pantry with soap and hot water. You should also scrub any plastic containers that were inside the pantry. Once everything is clean, dry off your pantry with a dish towel and refill it.
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How To Raise Gardenias in Pots
You can easily raise gardenias in pots by making sure they have a large enough container, the right soil, and the proper amount of water and sunlight. When you’re choosing a pot or container, pick one that is at least 4 inches taller than the container your gardenia came in so it has more room to grow. Fill the pot with a soil that drains well such as one that includes peat moss or sand to help with drainage. Place your gardenias in a location that gets at least 6 hours of sunlight each day, but is out of direct sunlight, such as a windowsill or near a shady tree in your yard. Water your gardenias about once or twice a week, when the soil is dry below the surface.
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How To Outline a Novel
There are several different methods you can use to outline your novel. If you’d like to create a narrative outline, start by determining your novel’s opening scene. Next, come up with an inciting incident, or something that happens to set your main character on a specific path. From there, determine the main conflict, which is an intense issue that the character has to address or deal with. Whatever the character does after being introduced to the main conflict is the rising action, which leads to the climax of the novel. Finish the novel with a resolution that tells how the character deals with the climax.
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How To Decorate a Mason Jar
To decorate a Mason jar, try spray painting it with metallic paint and turning it into a vase. You could use chalkboard paint instead if you want to write on the jar. Alternatively, try turning your Mason jar into a mosaic by gluing broken tiles, pieces of mirror, or even seashells onto the outside of it. After you glue all the pieces on, simply spread some grout over them, let it sit for 30 minutes, and wipe away the excess. For an easier DIY project, try wrapping some fabric, ribbon, or burlap around the jar. You can secure it by tying a bow, or you can use hot glue for a neater finish.
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How To Put a Bracelet on by Yourself
If you’re having trouble putting on a bracelet by yourself, try using tape. Rest your wrist on a table with your palm facing down, and wrap the bracelet around your wrist. Then, place a piece of invisible tape over the bracelet so it sticks to your skin, but do not cover the clasp. The tape should hold the bracelet in place long enough for you to secure the clasp.
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How To Prepare for an Endoscopy
To prepare for an endoscopy, follow your doctor's advice, which may include stopping some medications, since they may interfere with the results. Don't eat solids or drink fluids during the 8 hours before your endoscopy to avoid blocking your digestive tract. Additionally, arrange for someone to help you afterwards, since your reaction times and judgement will be impaired by the sedative you need to take. Before you go to the procedure, go to the bathroom, since you'll feel more comfortable on an empty bladder.
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How To Clean a Wooden Chair
To clean a wooden chair, start by choosing an oil-based or wood-specific cleaner and try to avoid all-purpose cleaning products, which are too harsh. Next, dust the surface lightly with a dry cloth to get rid of large debris. Then, apply the wood cleaner to a lint-free cloth before swiping the wood using long, even strokes. Try to work with the wood grain to avoid splinters! Finally, let the cleaner sit on the surface for 10-20 minutes and wipe away the excess with the lint-free cloth.
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How To Evict a Tenant in Florida
It’s possible for a landlord to evict a tenant in Florida if they don’t pay rent or if they violate either the law or the lease agreement terms. First, you’ll need to deliver a notice of eviction that’s been pre-approved by the Florida Supreme Court to the tenant. You can find example letters that are approved by the Florida Supreme Court on the Florida Bar website. Once you have an approved notice of eviction, you’ll need to serve it to the tenant on the property. You can either securely post the notice on the door of the premises or you can send the notice to the tenant using certified mail. After the notice has been served, you’ll need to file all of the eviction documents at the county clerk’s office. In most Florida counties, the filing fee is $185.
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How To Tutor Mathematics
To tutor math, start by asking your student to work through a problem. If they run into difficulties, correct their mistakes and steer them in the right direction. However, help them by talking through what concepts to apply, rather than by solving the problem for them. Once they reach the correct solution, have them work through the problem again to make sure they understand it. Try to encourage your student to ask questions throughout the process, and provide positive feedback and encouragement to give them more confidence moving forward.
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How To Get Medical Marijuana
To get medical marijuana, start by making sure it's offered in the state where you live, then find out which medical conditions automatically qualify you to receive medical marijuana. If your health issue isn't on the list, make an appointment with your doctor so you can talk about your condition and, if it's deemed medically necessary, your doctor will write you a prescription. Then, take your prescription and state-issued photo ID to the public health department to register for your medical ID card.
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How To Buy a Ripe Papaya
To buy a ripe papaya, look for fruits with yellow or orange-red skins and avoid the green papayas, since those aren't ripe yet. Next, press the outside of each papaya gently with your fingertips to check for hardness. If the fruit is ripe, your fingers should sink slightly into it. Lastly, smell the base to make sure there's a faint, sweet scent near the stem. Avoid unripe papayas with no smell, as well as papayas with an unpleasant or strong smell, since those are probably overripe!
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How To Check Available License Plates
To check if a license plate is available in your state, start by visiting your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles website. If you want to find out if a particular phrase is available for your plate, look for a link that says something like check vanity plates or check personal plates. Then, type your desired phrase into the search box. Alternatively, if you just want to find out which plate styles are on offer, look for a link on the site about themed plates. Once you’ve found the design of plate you’d like, order it online if your state’s DMV website lets you do this. If it doesn’t, complete an application form and take it to your local DMV office.
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How To Make a Guy Crazy About You
To attract the attention of a guy and make him fall for you, start off by flaunting some charm. You can add little things to your interactions that’ll grab his attention, like making and holding eye contact, dressing up around him, or wearing a signature scent. Once you’ve caught his attention, turn up the charm by showing him who you are. Confidently tell him about your interests and invite him to participate in your favorite activities. For example, if you paint you could invite take him to a painting class or art museum. Or if you play a sport, invite him to watch a game. Remember to stay true to yourself. You want him to go crazy for you, not a made-up version of you. Don't pretend to be interested in things you're not interested in, dress in ways that you don't like, or engage in activities you don't enjoy for the sake of a guy.
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How To Keep Cats Off Furniture
To keep cats off of furniture, try placing some aluminum foil or double-sided tape on the furniture, which cats don't like to step on. You can also try setting a baking sheet on the edge of the furniture so when your cat jumps up it falls down and makes a loud noise. There are also commercial cat repellents you can spray your furniture with that will make it unappealing to your cat. Make sure your cat has plenty of space to play and some scratching posts so it's less tempted to climb on your furniture.
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How To Hold in a Fart
To hold in a fart, clench your butt-cheeks so there isn't enough space between them for a fart to escape. If that doesn't work, try changing positions by standing up or lying down, if you were previously sitting. You can also use one of the most time-tested strategies for holding in farts by leaning slightly forward in a chair with your weight on your toes. For the best results, place both of your hands on the armrests and lift your butt off the seat as you lean forward. However, keep in mind that holding in farts can cause bloating and cramps, so holding them should only be used as a short-term strategy. When you need to release a fart, you can make it as quiet as possible by releasing it as slowly as you can.
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How To Get Cat Urine Out of a Mattress
To get cat urine out of your mattress, start by blotting the urine with paper towels to absorb as much of it as possible. When you're done with that, pour 1/2 a cup of vinegar and 1/2 a cup of water onto the stain and let it sit for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, blot the stain with paper towels to absorb any leftover solution. Once your mattress air dries, the urine should be gone!
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How To Make Pumpkin Bread
To make pumpkin bread, start by whisking together flour, salt, cinnamon, baking soda, nutmeg, cloves, and ginger. In a separate bowl, beat together butter and sugar, then add eggs, one at a time. Next, add pumpkin puree, followed by the flour mixture. Finally, pour the batter into a greased loaf pan and bake it in the oven for 60-75 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. When the bread is done, you should be able to stick a toothpick or knife in the center, and have it come out clean.
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How To Write Meaningful Lyrics
To start write meaningful lyrics, choose a subject that means a lot to you so that it’s easy to speak from the heart. Then, brainstorm about the topic, writing down words and phrases that come to mind when you think of the subject. Once you have a list, narrow it down to a few words or phrases to make them the focal point of the song, and make connections between the words that you choose. From there, you can begin forming the rest of the song!
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How To Choose a Mortgage Lender
To choose a mortgage lender, try asking your friends, bank, or a real estate professional if they have any recommendations for reputable mortgage lenders. Once you've found a few mortgage lenders you might be interested in, ask them what their interest rates are for the mortgage you're interested in. Then, compare the rates to see which lender offers a better rate for what you're looking for. Before you decide on a lender, read online reviews about them and confirm that they're licensed.
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How To Grow Dracaena Marginata
Dracaena Marginata, also knows as the Madagascar Dragon Tree, is an exotic indoor plant that you can easily take care of at home. Make sure your plant gets plenty of indirect sunlight, and keep it somewhere warm and humid. Water your plant once a week or whenever the top of the soil is dry. You'll also want to periodically wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove any spider mites, mealy bugs, or other pests that could feed on the leaves. Once the plant is fully grown, you may notice that some of the leaves near the bottom of the cane have turned brown or are dried out. Pluck the old leave by hand to help the plant shed its old foliage in preparation for new growth.
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How To Become an Occupational Therapist
To become an occupational therapist, you'll need to enjoy working with people and helping others who are suffering from injuries or illnesses. Also, do well in school and plan on eventually getting your master's degree since you'll need it to practice in an entry-level position. Once you complete your program and pass the exam, you'll be able to work as an occupational therapist through a government agency, a non-profit, a hospital, or your own private practice.
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How To Juice a Lime
To juice a lime by hand, cut the lime into slices, then squeeze the slices over a small bowl. If the lime has seeds, hold one hand cupped underneath the lime with your fingers slightly spread so the juice can run out but the seeds will not get into the bowl. If you have a citrus juicer, cut the lime in half, press a lime piece into the juicer, and squeeze until no more lime juice comes out. The limes may be easier to squeeze if you microwave them for 15 seconds before juicing them.
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How To Clean Coins
If you need to clean coins, start by holding them under warm running water for 1-2 minutes. Next, dip the coins in a solution of dish soap and water, then softly rub the coin with your thumb and index finger to dislodge any dirt. If the coins are particularly dirty, you can soak them in the soapy water for a few minutes, then brush them with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Dry each coin with a towel and store them in a dry place. If your coins are collectible, cleaning may reduce their coins’ value, so check with a professional before you clean them.
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How To Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs
It can be hard to know if you’re pregnant during the first few weeks, but there are some early signs you can watch for. A common early sign of pregnancy is a lack of overall energy, even when you haven’t changed your routine or sleep schedule. You may also notice that you have an aversion to certain foods or drinks or that you don’t like the smell of things you previously enjoyed. Pregnancy hormones can trigger changes in mood early on, so notice if you get angry or frustrated more quickly or if you find yourself crying more easily. Another early sign of pregnancy is mild uterine cramping or tender breasts, though these, like many other signs, can also be experienced just before your period. If you suspect you’re pregnant, pick up a home pregnancy test and take it in the morning when your hormone levels are at their highest. If you get a positive, make an appointment with your doctor to confirm your pregnancy.
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How To Identify a Water Spider
To identify a water spider, look for a spider with a brown and velvety-looking body that's 10-15 millimeters in length. Also, look for a large bubble connected to the spider's abdomen, which is what water spiders use to breathe underwater. Keep in mind that water spiders are only found in Europe, Siberia, and Asia, and they're most commonly found in freshwater environments like lakes and ponds.
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How To Make Clear Slime
To make clear slime, start by mixing 1/2 teaspoon (4 grams) of borax with 1 cup (240 milliliters) of hot water. Then, in a separate bowl, add 1/2 a cup (120 milliliters) of clear glue. Next, stir 2 tablespoons (30 milliliters) of room temperature water into the glue. Now, add 3 teaspoons (15 milliliters) of the borax solution to the glue mixture, and stir everything thoroughly. Finally, knead the slime together with your hands. If you want to make the slime less sticky, you can add a bit more borax solution. Alternatively, if you want to make the slime softer, try adding a little more glue!
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How To Make Someone Stop Liking You
It can be awkward to be around someone who has a crush on you if you don’t like them in that way, but you can try to make them stop liking you by being direct and maintaining boundaries. Be confident in your decision that you don’t want a relationship with this person so you don’t send mixed signals. You’ll also want to set appropriate boundaries, like not touching or flirting with the person, unfollowing them on social media, avoiding spending one-on-one time with them, and saying “no” to any plans they try to make with you. If they don’t respect your boundaries or can’t seem to take the hint, have an in-person talk. Be clear and firm that you’re not interested. Even though your aim is to get them to stop liking you, still be nice by understanding their feelings and perspective.
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How To Make a New Bar of Soap from Used Bars of Soap
If you want to make a new bar of soap out of the remnants of old bars of soap, grate or cut the old soap into small pieces and place the pieces into the top part of a double boiler. Pour water into the bottom of the double boiler, then add a little water, tea, or milk into the soap. Slowly heat the soap on medium-high until it’s melted, stirring every 5 minutes or so, for 1-2 hours. When the soap is melted, scoop it into a mold. Tap the mold on your table or counter several times to release any air bubbles, then allow the soap to dry for 1-2 days.
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How To Care for American Shorthair Cats
To care for an American Shorthair cat, feed it 2 to 3 meals per day so it doesn’t get hungry. You should also change its water and clean its food bowl every day to avoid bacteria building up. Remember to brush your cat’s coat thoroughly once a week, which will help keep it smooth and avoid excessive shedding. Since American Shorthairs are a sociable breed of cat, set aside time to play with your cat by throwing toy mice or dangling a feather. If your cat is young, take it to the vet for its vaccinations, and ensure you return for a check-up at least once a year.
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How To Care for a Jack Russell
To care for your Jack Russell, exercise it for 30 to 45 minutes each day to help manage its high energy levels. Additionally, provide it with toys to play with, because Jack Russells can become destructive if they're not mentally stimulated. Make sure to feed your dog a high quality dog food twice a day. You should also brush your Jack Russell at least once a week to remove any loose hairs, and brush its teeth 3 times a week to keep them clean.
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How To Treat Tongue Burn Blisters
If you have a burn blister on your tongue, drink some cold water or milk to cool off the area as well as remove any food or liquid that is still hot in your mouth. After drinking your water or milk, suck on an ice cube for 5 to 10 minutes to keep your mouth cold and prevent further burning. Once your mouth is cool, disinfect the burn by mixing ½ teaspoon of salt with warm water and rinsing your mouth with the solution. While the burn heals, continue to rinse with salt water once or twice a day. You’ll also want to avoid popping any blisters, which can slow the healing process and lead to infection.
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Dataset Card for WikiHowQA

WikiHowQA is a unique collection of 'how-to' content from WikiHow, transformed into a rich dataset featuring 11,746 human-authored answers and 74,527 supporting documents. Designed for researchers, it presents a unique opportunity to tackle the challenges of creating comprehensive answers from multiple documents, and grounding those answers in the real-world context provided by the supporting documents.

Dataset Structure

Data Fields

  • article_id: An integer identifier for the article corresponding to article_id from WikHow API.
  • question: The non-factoid instructional question.
  • answer: The human-written answer to the question corresponding human-written answer article summary from WikiHow website.
  • related_document_urls_wayback_snapshots: A list of URLs to web archive snapshots of related documents corresponding references from WikiHow article.
  • split: The split of the dataset that the instance belongs to ('train', 'validation', or 'test').
  • cluster: An integer identifier for the cluster that the instance belongs to.

Data Instances

An example instance from the WikiHowQA dataset:

  'article_id': 1353800,
  'question': 'How To Cook Pork Tenderloin',
  'answer': 'To cook pork tenderloin, put it in a roasting pan and cook it in the oven for 55 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit, turning it over halfway through. You can also sear the pork tenderloin on both sides in a skillet before putting it in the oven, which will reduce the cooking time to 15 minutes. If you want to grill pork tenderloin, start by preheating the grill to medium-high heat. Then, cook the tenderloin on the grill for 30-40 minutes over indirect heat, flipping it occasionally.',
  'related_document_urls_wayback_snapshots': ['', '', ...],
  'split': 'train',
  'cluster': 2635

Dataset Statistics

  • Number of human-authored answers: 11,746
  • Number of supporting documents: 74,527
  • Average number of documents per question: 6.3
  • Average number of sentences per answer: 3.9

Dataset Information

The WikiHowQA dataset is divided into two parts: the QA part and the Document Content part. The QA part of the dataset contains questions, answers, and only links to web archive snapshots of related HTML pages and can be downloaded here. The Document Content part contains parsed HTML content and is accessible by request and signing a Data Transfer Agreement with RMIT University.

Each dataset instance includes a question, a set of related documents, and a human-authored answer. The questions are non-factoid, requiring comprehensive, multi-sentence answers. The related documents provide the necessary information to generate an answer.

Dataset Usage

The dataset is designed for researchers and presents a unique opportunity to tackle the challenges of creating comprehensive answers from multiple documents, and grounding those answers in the real-world context provided by the supporting documents.

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

The WikiHowQA dataset was curated by researchers at RMIT University.

Licensing Information

The QA dataset part is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. The Dataset Content part containing parsed HTML content is accessible by request and signing a Data Transfer Agreement with RMIT University, which allows using the dataset freely for research purposes. The form to download and sign is available on the dataset website by the link [].

Citation Information

Please cite the following paper if you use this dataset:

      title={WikiHowQA: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Multi-Document Non-Factoid Question Answering}, 
      author={Bolotova, Valeriia and Blinov, Vladislav and Filippova, Sofya and Scholer, Falk and Sanderson, Mark},
      booktitle="Proceedings of the 61th Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics",

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of the Dataset

The WikiHowQA dataset is a rich resource for researchers interested in question answering, information retrieval, and natural language understanding tasks. It can help in developing models that provide comprehensive answers to how-to questions, which can be beneficial in various applications such as customer support, tutoring systems, and personal assistants. However, as with any dataset, the potential for misuse or unintended consequences exists. For example, a model trained on this dataset might be used to generate misleading or incorrect answers if not properly validated.

Discussion of Biases

The WikiHowQA dataset is derived from WikiHow, a community-driven platform. While WikiHow has guidelines to ensure the quality and neutrality of its content, biases could still be present due to the demographic and ideological characteristics of its contributors. Users of the dataset should be aware of this potential bias.

Other Known Limitations

The dataset only contains 'how-to' questions and their answers. Therefore, it may not be suitable for tasks that require understanding of other types of questions (e.g., why, what, when, who, etc.). Additionally, while the dataset contains a large number of instances, there may still be topics or types of questions that are underrepresented.

Data Loading

There are two primary ways to load the QA dataset part:

  1. Directly from the file (if you have the .jsonl file locally, you can load the dataset using the following Python code):
import json

dataset = []
with open('wikiHowNFQA.jsonl') as f:
    for l in f:

This will result in a list of dictionaries, each representing a single instance in the dataset.

  1. From the Hugging Face Datasets Hub:

If the dataset is hosted on the Hugging Face Datasets Hub, you can load it directly using the datasets library:

from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset('wikiHowNFQA')

This will return a DatasetDict object, which is a dictionary-like object that maps split names (e.g., 'train', 'validation', 'test') to Dataset objects. You can access a specific split like so: dataset['train'].

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