### Human: Who are the best golfers of all time? ### Assistant: Golf is a sport that has been around for hundreds of years. In modern golf (1900 - Present) there have been a few really great players. In the early half of the 20th century, Bobby Jones from Atlanta, GA was probably the best in the world. Then Ben Hogan from Texas came along and was another great player. From there, Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods are likely the best since. Winning major championships is really what defines greatness in golf. Major championships include: The Masters, The US Open, The British Open and the PGA Championship. Jack Nicklaus holds the record for most majors won.
### Human: Kingsway a 3 km stretch was built as a ceremonial boulevard by whom? ### Assistant: Edwin Lutyens & Herbert Baker
### Human: Why are plants green? ### Assistant: Green coloration comes from the reflection of light off of a plant's cells. The plants cells are full of photosynthesizing chemicals called chlorophyll which reflect a green color. Not all plants look green though, due to the ability to reflect other wavelengths of light. When plants lose chlorophyll they will tend to lose the green color. This is why plants lose their green color in the fall and turn into red, orange, and yellow.
### Human: How do I make a traditional Bolognese sauce? ### Assistant: Bolognese sauce, sometimes called Bolognese Ragu has many variations, so I will provide the most common method. Dice one brown onion and then sauté in 25g of butter and 4 tablespoons of olive oil. Once the onions start to colour add 35 grams of diced pancetta and let the fat render. Add a mix of 1 chopped carrot, 1 chopped celery stick and 1 diced clove of garlic, stirring for 3-4 minutes. Add 500g of ground beef, seasoning the beef with salt and pepper. Next evaporate 1 cup of red wine, making sure the mixture reduces. Then evaporate 3/4 of a cup of fresh milk, also reducing the mixture. Add 4 chopped and peeled fresh tomatoes, 1 bay leaf and 1/4 tsp of chopped fresh thyme leaves and then simmer the sauce on low to medium heat for 1 and a half to two hours. Season again before serving with pasta.
### Human: List some American candy bars that have chocolate and caramel. ### Assistant: Twix, Snickers, Rolo, Caramel M&Ms, Milky Way, Milk Duds
### Human: Name three national parks in California. ### Assistant: Three national parks in California are Yosemite, Sequoia, and Joshua Tree.
### Human: Why is the University of Waterloo the best school for software engineering? ### Assistant: The University of Waterloo boasts an impressive history of successful alumni in the software industry. One major reason for this success is its cooperative education program. It implements a system in which six four month internships are spread across a four year degree, combining experiential learning with theoretical education. Because of this, Waterloo's students, who are selected from the brightest in Canada, gain extensive exposure to the software engineering industry prior to graduation.
### Human: What is the mona lisa? ### Assistant: The Mona Lisa is one of the rarest and most valuable paintings in history. It was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in 1503. Appraisers also say the Mona Lisa is priceless, but if it was ever auctions that it would be worth more than a billion dollars. The Mona Lisa is currently on display at the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. You can pay for a tour of the Louvre Museum and at the end of the tour or walk through you get to see the Mona Lisa.
### Human: Who is the prime minister of India ### Assistant: The prime minister of India is Narendra Modi who has been in power since 2014. He belongs to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). He is the 14th prime minister of India.
### Human: On television what was Flipper ### Assistant: Dolphin
### Human: World Wrestling Championship 2022 was held in ### Assistant: Belgrade, Serbia
### Human: How do airplanes fly? ### Assistant: Planes fly because of two forces - thrust and lift. Thrust is generated by the engines and moves the plane forward. When the wind passes the wings, there is a pressure differential created by the shape of the wings such that there is lift
### Human: Who are the main songwriters for the Grateful Dead? ### Assistant: The main song writers for the Grateful Dead were Jerry Garcia, Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, Robert Hunter, and John Perry Barlow. Typically, Jerry Garcia and Robert Hunter worked on songs together, and Bob Weir and John Perry Barlow worked together. A lot of song credits are credited as Garcia/Hunter, or Weir/Barlow.
### Human: What day is Halloween? ### Assistant: Halloween is October 31st
### Human: What is standard guitar tuning? ### Assistant: E, B, G, D, A, E
### Human: What is C? ### Assistant: C is a general-purpose computer programming language. It was created in the 1970s by Dennis Ritchie, and remains very widely used and influential. By design, C's features cleanly reflect the capabilities of the targeted CPUs. It has found lasting use in operating systems, device drivers, protocol stacks, though decreasingly for application software. C is commonly used on computer architectures that range from the largest supercomputers to the smallest microcontrollers and embedded systems.
### Human: What is a merchant bank? ### Assistant: A merchant bank is historically a bank dealing in commercial loans and investment. In modern British usage it is the same as an investment bank. Merchant banks were the first modern banks and evolved from medieval merchants who traded in commodities, particularly cloth merchants. Historically, merchant banks' purpose was to facilitate and/or finance production and trade of commodities, hence the name "merchant". Few banks today restrict their activities to such a narrow scope. In modern usage in the United States, the term additionally has taken on a more narrow meaning, and refers to a financial institution providing capital to companies in the form of share ownership instead of loans. A merchant bank also provides advice on corporate matters to the firms in which they invest.
### Human: What is the nickname for Spokane, Washington? ### Assistant: Spokane's official nickname is "Hooptown USA" which it received from hosting Hoopfest which is the world's largest basketball tournament. Spokane is also known as the "Lilac City."
### Human: What are the top 3 GDP countries in 2022? ### Assistant: They are the United States ($20.89 trillion), China ($14.72 trillion), and Japan ($5.06 trillion).
### Human: What is Power BI? ### Assistant: Power BI is a dashboard reporting tool that enables users and customers to interact with data using interactive and custom visualizations, custom calculations, and queries. You can build data models in Power BI, and you can run Power BI in direct query or import mode. Direct Query queries the data directly from the system of record it connects to and import mode makes a copy of that data locally in Power BI. Depending on the size of the dataset this can affect performance.
### Human: What are some ways to tenderize beef? ### Assistant: There are several techniques used to tenderize beef. These include the following: 1. Pounding the beef with a mallet 2. Seasoning the beef with salt and allowing it to rest for a while 3. A good approach for tenderizing beef for stir frying beef to cut it into thin strips and coating it with cornstarch
### Human: Who invented the first car? ### Assistant: Karl Benz invented the first car in 1896 AD. It was a petrol-powered engine designed to travel slowly. Made entirely by hand, the number of cars on roads did not surge as the supply was limited. However, the first popular car was the Model T, built-in 1908 by Ford in the USA. Ford sold over 15 million units of Model T worldwide.
### Human: What is Mexico? ### Assistant: Mexico is a country on the North American continent.
### Human: how many times did India won the cricket world cup ### Assistant: Indian cricket team won world cup 2 times. In addition to winning the 1983 Cricket World Cup, Indian team also won the Cricket World Cup on home soil in 2011.
### Human: In World Athletic Championship Eugene, Oregon, Neeraj Chopra won the Silver medal by throwing how many meters ### Assistant: 88.13m
### Human: What are teeth? ### Assistant: Teeth are a part of your digestive system. They are used to mash and grind food to allow your digestive system to be able to process it into nutrients and energy for the body. Most humans have 32 teeth, and enamel is the protective outer layer of the teeth. Teeth attach the the mandible bone and are very strong. If you eat a lot of sugar the enamel on the teeth will break down causing cavities that have to be fixed and repaired at the dentist.
### Human: What is the scientific name for a jaguar? ### Assistant: Panthera onca
### Human: Which state in the US has the highest GDP? ### Assistant: California - The three U.S. states with the highest GDPs were California ($3.36 Trillion), Texas ($2.1 Trillion), and New York ($2.0 Trillion).
### Human: What is digestion? ### Assistant: Digestion is the break down of food after it has been eaten. It converts large food molecules into water soluble molecules. These smaller water soluble molecules can then be absorbed by blood plasma and used as energy within the human body's cells. The nutrients are also used for growth and tissue repair.
### Human: What was Hurricane Ian? ### Assistant: Hurricane Ian was a powerful Atlantic hurricane which was the third-costliest weather disaster on record, and the deadliest hurricane to strike the state of Florida since the 1935 Labor Day hurricane. Ian caused widespread damage across western Cuba and the southeast United States, especially the states of Florida, South Carolina, and North Carolina. It was the ninth named storm, fourth hurricane, and second major hurricane of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season. Ian was the strongest hurricane to hit the state since Hurricane Michael in 2018, the most recent major hurricane to strike the west coast of Florida since Hurricane Irma in 2017, the first Category 5 hurricane in the Atlantic since Hurricane Lorenzo of 2019, and the strongest Category 4 hurricane to hit the region since Hurricane Charley in 2004, which made a near identical landfall.
### Human: Frank Sinatra changed the lyrics of "The Lady is a Tramp" to "The Lady is a" what? ### Assistant: "Champ".
### Human: What do redshifts tell astronomers? ### Assistant: Edwin Hubble discovered in the 1920s that the spectral lines of light reaching us from the universe's most distant galaxies were redshifting to areas of the electromagnetic spectrum with lower energy intensity. This allows us to confirm that the various objects in the universe are moving away from us and from one another. The faster a galaxy moves away from the observer, the further it is from the observer. This phenomenon is interpreted as proof of the universe's expansion and the Big Bang.
### Human: In which book would you find the manservant Pas Partout ### Assistant: Around the world in 80 days
### Human: What is Tableau? ### Assistant: Tableau software is a company based in America. They offer visualization and dashboarding software that connects to a company's data in their systems of records. They have a strong presence in the Business Intelligence community as a leader in the visualization space, and they were found in 2003. Now SalesForce owns Tableau as of 2019 and they paid around 16 billion dollars to acquire Tableau.
### Human: which is the silicon valley of India. ### Assistant: Bangalore City in the state of Karnataka is very well known as the Information technology capital or silicon valley of India due to the presence of most of the tech giants and the start-up ecosystem. There is a lot of talent pool in the region which is also helping its booming ecosystems. In recent days, cities like Chennai, Pune, Hyderabad, and Noida are also helping many firms establish their centers.
### Human: Who directed the Game of Thrones season three episode titled "Kissed by Fire"? ### Assistant: Alex Graves directed "Kissed by Fire." He also directed the season three episode "And Now His Watch Is Ended."
### Human: Which Baseball team won the 2016 World Series? ### Assistant: The Chicago Cubs won the World Series of Baseball in 2016.
### Human: What are the best types of pets for a family with kids? ### Assistant: The most common family pets are dogs and cats. They are great with kids and very social by nature, they love interacting with their owners and easy to take care for. There are records of dogs being domesticated around 20,000 years ago while cats showing up around 10,000 years ago. Even though those are the two most common family pets, you will find many families have other animal classes like birds, reptiles, rodents, among other more exotic variations.
### Human: In the series A Song of Ice and Fire, who is the founder of House Martell? ### Assistant: Morgan Martell
### Human: What is a dwarf planet ? ### Assistant: In August 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) defined a dwarf planet as a celestial body that : - orbits the Sun, - has enough mass to assume a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, - has not "cleared the neighbourhood" around its orbit, - is not a satellite.
### Human: In the series A Song of Ice and Fire, who is the founder of House Thenn? ### Assistant: Sigorn, son of Styr
### Human: In France if you were served le miel what would you eat ### Assistant: Honey
### Human: What are some of the most popular tourist attractions to visit in Sydney? ### Assistant: Sydney has many famous landmarks and attractions, with the most famous being the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House, situated on the foreshore of Sydney harbour. These two landmarks are the iconic images of Sydney and are often viewed from public ferries, either a ferry taken to visit Manly Beach or to Watsons bay. Visitors to Sydney also often visit the historical Rocks district to see the oldest surviving buildings in the city and learn about the town's early history. The view from the top of the Sydney Tower is also popular, with views out to the Pacific Ocean over the famous Bondi Beach. Also located on Sydney harbour is the Taronga Park Zoo, with animals both domestic and imported and a spectacular view over the harbour. Further out of town it is common to visit the Blue Mountains, with the Three Sisters rock formation at Katoomba being particularly popular.
### Human: What is the meaning of life and how do I have a fulfilling one? ### Assistant: The meaning of life is to live a long and fulfilling one. A good life may comprise of having many friends, meaningful relationships, a family, kids, and being a constructive member of society through hard work and positive interactions. It is always best to leave a positive impression on those you meet or who you come into contact with during your daily routine. You will want to focus and put positive intention in all of your actions so that you leave a good impression on all those who come into contact with you. Don't forget that part of life is enjoying experiences and having fun too. Find hobbies you enjoy, and do them often. We say this is important because it will lead to never ending happiness. As you age you will get wiser, and it will also be important to impart wisdom on those individuals who are younger than you who still need to experience life in order to gain the same wisdom.
### Human: What is Ford ### Assistant: Ford is an American auto manufacturer that is based in Detroit, Michigan. Ford is one of the most popular car brands in the United States and has been since it's inception. It's most popular vehicle is the F150 truck
### Human: What should I check when planning a trip? ### Assistant: In addition to the usual items like air tickets, accommodation, sightseeing spots, visa requirements, travel restrictions, ... you should also check some of these depending on where you’re heading: - Monsoon season if for example traveling to Southeast Asia. It tends to rain more during this season which may impact the activities you can do or the road conditions. Keep in mind that the monsoon season varies across countries and even across regions of the same country. - Major holidays: Including public holidays, festivals, school holidays. These impact the opening hours and the crowd at sightseeing spots. Check the major holidays in neighbouring countries as well. For example, long holidays in Australia may affect the crowd in Bali, Indonesia as a popular travel destination, or the Golden week in Japan means that a lot of locals would travel around Japan. - Major events: Including popular festivals and major sport events. You are either interested in some of these events so you may want to plan your trip to attend those or you may want to avoid them as finding accommodation and air tickets can be more difficult and more expensive. For example, it is more difficult to travel to Melbourne during the Australian Open. - Natural phenomena: Such as the cyclone season in Fiji or the jellyfish season in Cairns, Australia.
### Human: When was the first episode of Big Brother on CBS? ### Assistant: The first episode of Big Brother aired on CBS in July 2000.
### Human: What is a Tide? ### Assistant: Tides are the rise and fall of sea levels caused by the combined effects of the gravitational forces exerted by the Moon.
### Human: Who are the last 10 Masters Champions? ### Assistant: 2022 — Scottie Scheffler 2021 — Hideki Matsuyama 2020 — Dustin Johnson 2019 — Tiger Woods 2018 — Patrick Reed 2017 — Sergio Garcia 2016 — Danny Willett 2015 — Jordan Spieth 2014 — Bubba Watson 2013 — Adam Scott
### Human: How many soccer teams are in the English Premier League? ### Assistant: The English Premier League consists of 20 teams.
### Human: In what city was the first season of MTV's The Real World filmed? ### Assistant: The first season of MTV's The Real World was filmed in New York.
### Human: How can I improve my table tennis skills? ### Assistant: To improve your table tennis skills, first you need to play more to build muscle memory. You can also watch videos online to learn specific techniques. And you can also consider taking some personal training courses. All of the above will help you improve your table tennis skills.
### Human: What is a noun? ### Assistant: A noun is a naming word. It generally refers to the name of a specific object, person, place or idea.
### Human: What is an Edgeworth box in Economics? ### Assistant: An Edgeworth box in Economics, is a graphical representation of a market with just two commodities, X and Y, and two consumers. The dimensions of the box are the total quantities Ωx and Ωy of the two goods.
### Human: Who won the Golden Shoe Award for the season 2018-2019? ### Assistant: Lionel Messi won this award for the 6th time.
### Human: What is the first evidence of a boomerang? ### Assistant: Earliest evidence of the boomerang in Australia was about 20,000 years ago.
### Human: What is the best-selling book of all time? ### Assistant: According to Guinness World Records as of 1995, the Bible is the best-selling book of all time with an estimated 5 billion copies sold and distributed.
### Human: Give me a list of the Adventure motorbikes that I can buy on my LAMS (Learner Approved Motorcycle Scheme) restriction, living in Australia ### Assistant: This is not a comprehensive list but you can use this as a starting point: Kawasaki Versys-X 300 Kawazaki KLR650 Honda CRF300 Rally BMW G 310 GS KTM 390 Adventure Honda CB500XA Yamaha XT250 Yamaha WR250R Suzuki V-Strom 650XT Royal Enfield Himalayan Suzuki DRZ400/DR650
### Human: I do not trust you ### Assistant: Oopss..i am trying my best to understand more details and trying to be more accurate day by day but I do understand that it may take some time to build trust with a machine learning model like myself. I can tell you that I do not have personal biases or agendas, and my response here is purely based on the information and context provided to me. I would love to see the statement to changing to "I trust you" :)
### Human: What nationality was Morse inventor of the famous code ### Assistant: American
### Human: Where did Father's Day originate? ### Assistant: Father's Day was founded in Spokane, Washington.
### Human: List the ten episode titles from the fourth season of "Game of Thrones" in broadcast order. ### Assistant: Two Swords, The Lion and the Rose, Breaker of Chains, Oathkeeper, First of His Name, The Laws of Gods and Men, Mockingbird, The Mountain and the Viper, The Watchers on the Wall, The Children
### Human: Who wrote Gone with the Wind ### Assistant: Margaret Mitchell
### Human: How many continents are there on Earth? ### Assistant: There are 7 continents - Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.
### Human: What are some common descriptive statistics? ### Assistant: mean, median, range, count, sum, percentage, percentiles, standard deviation, variance
### Human: What fruit is wine produced from? ### Assistant: Wine is made from grapes
### Human: What are the words of House Karstark? ### Assistant: "The Sun of Winter"
### Human: What is the movie "Everything Everywhere All at Once" about? ### Assistant: The movie is about an immigrant Chinese family who runs a laundromat and gets involved into a multi-verse quest to prevent a creature from destroying the universe. The family consists of Evelyn Wang, Waymond Wang and their daughter Joy. In the beginning of the movie their laundromat business is getting audited by the IRS, Waymond is trying to serve Evelyn divorce papers, and Joy is trying to get accepted for her lesbian relationship. In that difficult time for the family, Evelyn Wang discovers that she was chosen to fight against that great evil destroying the universe, and she should do that by connecting with versions of herself from parallel universes. It is an action packed comedy-drama adventure of Emily fulfilling the mission of saving the universe, and in conclusion deciding not to leave her current life for another version of it.
### Human: What was the first full-length animated movie that Disney released? ### Assistant: "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" was the first full-length animated Disney movie, released in 1937.
### Human: How is it that some high net-worth individuals are able to avoid paying taxes completely? ### Assistant: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) taxes regular income and investment income differently. For one type of common investment income i.e long term capital gains, the tax rates are 0%, 15% and 20% based on the annual income of the individual. The income used for calculating the above rates doesn't include income from the long term capital gains itself. For example, if an individual makes less than $41,675 for the year 2022 through regular income, his or her capital gains tax rate would be 0% even if the long term capital gains itself is more than a million dollars. Assuming many of these high net-worth individuals don't have any regular income and all their income is through long term capital gains, they end up paying no taxes at all.
### Human: What does a 9 carat gold mean ### Assistant: Pure gold with no additives is knows as 24 carat gold. An item marked as 9 carat gold contains 9/24th (or 37.5 percent) of pure gold and the rest are additives, typically a mix of silver, copper, zinc, etc.
### Human: What is the First Amendment of the US constitution? ### Assistant: The First Amendment protects freedom of speech and religion.
### Human: Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, and which prizes did she win? ### Assistant: Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize. She won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911.
### Human: Which President of the US was less of a hawk than people supposed? ### Assistant: Ronald Regan. Although he was considered an arch conservative and ardent neoliberal, he took a liberal approach to arms control. It was Regan who drove for a reduction in strategic arms with Mikhail Gorbachev on a walk by Lake Geneva when he asked if the US was attacked by Aliens "would you help us?". Gorbachev replied "No doubt about it" and they two found a starting point to a long arms reduction discussion between the two powers and Regan took the initiative to make an offer of deep cuts in arms levels in Reykjavik less than a year later.
### Human: What are the three teams in the mobile game Pokemon Go? ### Assistant: Pokemon Go players select a team once they reach level 5. They are part of this team throughout the game. The teams are represented by a color and a theme. Options are Yellow (Instinct), Blue (Mystic) or Red (Valor). Players in Pokemon Go are referred to as Trainers, and the Trainers from opposing teams battle for control of Gyms.
### Human: Name a few famous Dutch artists, and the respective movements for which they are known. ### Assistant: 1. Rembrandt - Baroque, or the Dutch Golden Age. Known for his masterful use of light and shadow, and his expressive portraits. 2. Vermeer - Baroque, or the Dutch Golden Age. Known for the interplay of colors and light, and his depictions of ordinary domestic scenes. 3. Van Gogh - Post-Impression. Known for his vibrant and bold colors, and emotional portraits of daily life. 4. Mondrian - De Stijl. A pioneer of the De Stijl movement, which is known for its strict use of geometry and colors, he is well known for his abstract grid paintings.
### Human: What is Ethiopia known for from agriculture perspective? ### Assistant: Ethiopia is well known for its exports of coffee, sesame seeds, gold, cut flowers, and zinc(World bank data). In terms of geography and climate, Ethiopia is slightly less than twice the size of Texas and has a tropical monsoon climate with wide topographic-induced variation (World factbook). The country is located on a high plateau with a central mountain range that is divided by the Great Rift Valley. The typical family size in Ethiopia is five members, and the type of dwelling they live in depends on whether they are in a rural or urban area. In Ethiopia, many families live in traditional thatched-roof houses made of mud or wattle and daub, while urban dwellings are more likely to be made of brick or concrete. However, they may still be relatively small and basic, with limited amenities, and many families in urban areas live in overcrowded and informal settlements that lack basic infrastructure and services. (International Labour Organization)
### Human: What are the main cat personality types? ### Assistant: Similar to humans, all cats have their unique quirks that make them special, but research has shown that they fall into 5 main personality types: 1 - The human cat likes to be around people, is a social butterfly. They prefer activities that they can do with their human overlords as opposed to being independent. 2 - The hunter cat, like its wild ancestors, likes to hunt for food, prey. They like to roam and explore and have a desire to be outdoors. 3 - The cat's cat likes to cuddle with other cats. This type of personality typically comes from cats who are raised with other cats. 4 - The cantankerous cat likes to be left alone. They tend to be grumpy when their habits are disrupted. In short, they have sensitive needs. 5 - The inquisitive cat is always curious and getting into mischief. They like to flex their investigate skills by looking in boxes, exploring new areas, and playing with puzzles. These cats enjoy meeting new friends and don't necessarily like to be left alone. Overall, your cat's personality type will depend on a mix of factors including their upbringing, development, and genetics.
### Human: Art Garfunkel initially declined to sing one of Simon & Garfunkel's biggest hits solo. Which song is it? ### Assistant: "Bridge Over Troubled Water"
### Human: What group is known for introducing wine growing to California? ### Assistant: Spanish Jesuit missionaries established California's wine-making history in 1680 when they planted Mediterranean vines so that they could grow grapes to make wine for religious services.
### Human: What is dry ice? ### Assistant: Dry Ice is frozen carbon dioxide that turns into a gas when defrosts.
### Human: What is alexa? ### Assistant: Alexa is a virtual assistant technology that people can purchase for use in their homes. It was created by Amazon back in 2013, and it responds like a human to human questions. It can order items from Amazon, and can also be used for home automation. Many widgets created can connect to the Alexa to extend the functionality of what Alexa can do. Alexa has fun entertainment features like story telling, singing, and telling jokes.
### Human: What country is the newest member of NATO? ### Assistant: Finland became the 31st member on April 4, 2023
### Human: What is the difference between Columbia and Colombia. ### Assistant: Colombia is a country located in South America. Columbia can refer to a university or a clothing company. Columbia University is an Ivy League University in New York City. Columbia Sportsware is an American clothing company.
### Human: What is Oktoberfest ### Assistant: The Oktoberfest is the world's largest Volksfest, featuring a beer festival and a travelling carnival. It is held annually in Munich, Bavaria. It is a 16- to 18-day folk festival running from mid- or late-September to around the first Sunday in October, with more than six million international and national visitors attending the event. Locally, it is called d’Wiesn, after the colloquial name for the fairgrounds, Theresienwiese. The Oktoberfest is an important part of Bavarian culture, having been held since the year 1810. Other cities across the world also hold Oktoberfest celebrations that are modeled after the original Munich event. During the event, large quantities of Oktoberfest Beer are consumed. For example, during the 16-day festival in 2014, 7.7 million litres (2,000,000 US gal) were served, making it the year where the most beer was consumed at the Oktoberfest. Visitors also enjoy numerous attractions, such as amusement rides, sidestalls, and games. There is also a wide variety of traditional foods available. The Munich Oktoberfest originally took place in the 16-day period leading up to the first Sunday in October. In 1994, this longstanding schedule was modified in response to German reunification. As a result, if the first Sunday in October falls on the 1st or the 2nd, then the festival would run until 3 October (German Unity Day). Thus, the festival now runs for 17 days when the first Sunday is 2 October and 18 days when it is 1 October. In 2010, the festival lasted until the first Monday in October (4 October), to mark the event's bicentennial.
### Human: Who regulates companies in Australia? ### Assistant: The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) regulates financial services and consumer credit, and authorised financial markets operating in Australia.
### Human: How many James Bond movies did Daniel Craig star in? ### Assistant: Daniel Craig starred in 5 James Bond movies
### Human: Which F1 drivers race for Red Bull Racing in the 2023 season? ### Assistant: Max Verstappen and Sergio Perez
### Human: Who won the 1988 Superbowl ### Assistant: Washington Redskins
### Human: What happens when you meditate? ### Assistant: The art of meditation has a long prolonged positive effect on human behaviour and thinking. The mind is equated to a jumping monkey that doesn't remain quiet. The restlessness that it builds can lead to health issues and sometimes uncontrollable behaviour. In general, meditation is to calm the mind and becoming the spectator or observer of the thoughts that rise in your consciousness. Now, let's break it down further ... It first starts with understanding of the 'self' which can be equated to mind in loose terms. Experiences happen to you in your waking state and the mind first starts labelling things. Negative experiences are profoundly deep rooted then positive ones. All these experiences gradually defines how you react to situations that shapes your individual personality. Do you know that there is a spectator within your mind more like a dual personality? it is the subject - object thing. The spectator within you is the observer of things and is often neutral. Idea of meditation is to remain a spectator for long periods of time and let fewer and fewer thoughts arise into your conscious state. At the end it leaves you a with a sense of accomplishment because as a spectator you're waiting and this deliberate attempt makes the thought (referred as devil) disappear.
### Human: What is the Oakland Ski Club? ### Assistant: The Oakland Ski Club (aka OSC) is a private membership club in Soda Springs, CA. Prospective members apply and require sponsorship from existing members and Board approval in order to be considered for membership. Members may reserve rooms at the OSC’s lodge, which are popular in the winter when a caretaker prepares meals. The lodge is located within walking distance of Sugar Bowl and Royal Gorge and a short drive from Palisades and Northstar resorts.
### Human: What form of government is the United Kingdom? ### Assistant: The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy
### Human: What is the standard loft of a pitching wedge in golf? ### Assistant: While technology has continued to impact golf club manufacturing, decreasing the standard loft of all clubs, today's standard pitching wedges have a range of 45-48 degrees of loft.
### Human: What is Targetted Allele-Specific CRISPR/Cas9 Activation (TASCA)? ### Assistant: The CRISPR/Cas9 system is a gene editing technology that allows for precise modification of the DNA sequence of a genome. Targetted Allele-Specific CRISPR/Cas9 Activation (TASCA) enables researchers to selectively activate a specific gene within a genome by targeting specific sequences of DNA and inducing the expression of the desired gene. TASCA can be used in a variety of applications, such as gene therapy, drug discovery, and basic research on gene function. It offers a powerful tool for studying the role of specific genes in cellular processes and disease states.
### Human: What is a lepton? ### Assistant: A lepton is an elementary particle that interacts via the weak force and has a half-integer spin. Examples of leptons include the electron, muon and tau particles and their corresponding neutrinos - the electron neutrino, the muon neutron and the tau neutrino.
### Human: Who developed calculus and when was it discovered? ### Assistant: Calculus was discovered in the late 17th century by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz. Calculus is also required curriculum in most colleges and high schools if you study mathematics or physics. Calculus deals with two main concepts - integration and differentiation. These concepts and formulas in calculus help us understand rates of changes, and areas with respect to time.
### Human: Who was the president of China before Xi? ### Assistant: It's Jingtao Hu. He was the president of China from 2003 to 2013.
### Human: What is the origin of the western numeral system? ### Assistant: The western numeral system that we use today, and that is represented by the numbers 0 through 10, is also called European digits, Arabic numerals, or Hindu-Arabic numerals. The reason that it is linked to the Middle East is that in the 10th century, Arabic speakers introduced the system into Europe. However these numbers can be further traced back to their Indian origins.
### Human: Where was the first ever India and USA armed forces Tri-Services Exercise Tiger Triumph help? ### Assistant: The first ever India and USA armed forces Tri-Services Exercise Tiger Triumph was held in Kikinada Coast, India
### Human: How long is a professional football field. ### Assistant: A professional football field is 100 yards long.