, they are often called
where art , poetry , and surrealism are blended
, squatting is
Acquiring space enables
that not all anarchists share
that is
As anarchism is
that embodies
; disagreement over questions of values , ideology , and tactics is
Its diversity has led
which has created
The compatibility of capitalism , nationalism , and religion with anarchism is widely disputed
anarchism enjoys
Anarchists may be motivated
Phenomena such as civilisation , technology ( e.g. within anarcho - primitivism ) , and the democratic process may be sharply criticised
As gender and sexuality carry
, many anarchists address
Sexuality was not often discussed
the few that did felt
that did
that an anarchist society would lead
sexuality naturally developing
Sexual violence was
who opposed
they would benefit
A historical current that arose and flourished during 1890 and 1920 within anarchism was
that arose
, this current survives
love advocates were
which they saw
men imposing
largely because marriage law greatly favoured
The notion of free love was
that limited
Those free love movements contributed
where large groups of travelers , anarchists and other activists slept
Free love had
; however , some anarchists struggled
that arose
Anarchist feminists were
Anarchist and non - anarchist feminists differed
, anarchism intermingled
, anarchists and feminists were advocating
some feminist thinkers suggesting
, sexual identity and compulsory heterosexuality became
Some anarchists distanced
that it leaned
that was dropping
The interest of anarchists in education stretches
Anarchists consider
proper education , one which sets the foundations of the future autonomy of the individual and the society , to be
which sets
Anarchist writers such as William Godwin ( Political Justice ) and Max Stirner ( " The False Principle of Our Education " ) attacked
the ruling class replicate
anarchist and free thinker Francisco Ferrer established
which was dictated
Ferrer 's approach was
Ferrer aimed
The school closed
Ferrer was later arrested
Nonetheless , his ideas formed
anarchist Leo Tolstoy , who published the essay Education and Culture , also established
who published
its founding principle being
for education to be
it had
, A. S. Neill founded
what became
Anarchist education is based
child 's right to develop freely and without manipulation ought
that rationality would lead
what constitutes
Ferrer believed
that moral indoctrination was
that equality , liberty and social justice were not
century and contemporary anarchist writers ( Paul Goodman , Herbert Read , and Colin Ward ) intensified
that focuses
Contemporary anarchists such as Ward claim
that state education serves
While few anarchist education institutions have survived
, major tenets of anarchist schools , among them respect for child autonomy and relying on reasoning rather than indoctrination as a teaching method , have spread
Judith Suissa names
which is
Objection to the state and its institutions is
Anarchists consider
it to be
people being
, major decisions are taken
Authority ultimately rests
whether that power is
as it still has
Another anarchist argument against states is
that the people constituting a government , even the most altruistic among officials , will unavoidably seek
Anarchists consider
the idea that the state is the collective will of the people to be
that the state is
that the ruling class is
Specific anarchist attitudes towards the state vary
Robert Paul Wolff believed
that the tension between authority and autonomy would mean