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Welcome to the Huberman Lab podcast, where we discuss science and science based tools for everyday life. I'm Andrew Huberman and I'm a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine. My guest today is Doctor Gary Steinberg. Doctor Gary Steinberg is a medical doctor, PhD, professor of neurosurgery, neurosciences and neurology at Stanford University School of Medicine. He is a world expert in what is called the cerebrovascular architecture of our brain, which is a scientific term explaining how blood flow to the brain supplies oxygen and critical nutrients to our neurons, our nerve cells, as well as playing a critical role in removing waste products from our brain in order for our brain to function normally. During today's discussion, he explains in very clear terms how blood flow to the brain occurs and how disruptions in blood flow in things like stroke and aneurysm impact brain functioning. We also discuss concussions and TBI, or traumatic brain injuries, which unfortunately are very common and what can be done to treat concussion and traumatic brain injury. Doctor Steinberg also shares with us recent findings from his laboratory and clinic revealing how stem cells can be used to recover function in the human brain and spinal cord after things like concussion, tbI, stroke and other disruptions to the cerebrovascular architecture. And he shares with us the science supported tools, that is, protocols that any of us can use to improve the health and functioning of our brains. So if you or somebody that you know has experienced concussion or traumatic brain injury, stroke, or aneurysm, today's discussion is sure to include vital information for you and for those fortunate enough to not have experienced those conditions. Today's discussion will also review the latest science and protocols for improving brain health. Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize that this podcast is separate from my teaching and research roles at Stanford. It is, however, part of my desire and effort to bring zero cost to consumer information about science and science related tools to the general public. In keeping with that theme, I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast. Our first sponsor is eight sleep. Eight sleep makes smart mattress covers with cooling, heating, and sleep tracking capacity I've spoken many times before on this podcast about the fact that sleep is the critical foundation for mental health, physical health, and performance. Now, one of the key things to getting the best possible night's sleep is to control the temperature of your sleeping environment. And that's because in order to fall and stay deeply asleep, your body temperature actually needs to drop by about one to three degrees. 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Snoring is associated with something called sleep apnea, and sleep apnea is known to disrupt brain health and body health in a number of ways. Put differently, being able to breathe clearly throughout the night is essential for not only feeling rested when you wake up, but also for brain health and body health. If you'd like to try an eight sleep mattress cover, you can go to Huberman to save $350 off their pod four ultra eight sleep currently ships to the USA, Canada, UK, select countries in the EU, and Australia. Again, that's Huberman today's episode is also brought to us by Roka. Roka makes eyeglasses and sunglasses that are of the absolute highest quality. Now, I've spent a lifetime working on the biology of the visual system, and I can tell you that your visual system has to contend with an enormous number of different challenges in order for you to be able to see clearly. 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Aeropress is like a french press, but a french press that always brews the perfect cup of coffee, meaning no bitterness and excellent taste. Aeropress achieves this because it uses a very short contact time between the hot water and the coffee. And that short contact time also means that you can brew an excellent cup of coffee very quickly. The whole thing takes only about three minutes. I started using an aeropress over ten years ago, and I learned about it from a guy named Alan Adler, who's a former Stanford engineer who's also an inventor. He developed things like the Aerobi Frisbee. In any event, I'm a big fan of adler inventions and when I heard he developed a coffee maker, the Aeropress, I tried it and I found that indeed it makes the best possible tasting cup of coffee. It's also extremely small and portable, so I started using it in the laboratory when I travel on the road and also at home. And I'm not alone in my love of the Aeropress coffee maker. With over 55,005 star reviews, Aeropress is the best reviewed coffee press in the world. If you'd like to try Aeropress, you can go to huberman to get 20% off. Aeropress currently ships in the USA, Canada and to over 60 other countries around the world. Again, that's Aeropress. I usually mention this at the end of episodes, but if you're learning from and or enjoying the Huberman Lab podcast, please click the subscribe button on YouTube. And if you listen to the podcast on Spotify or Apple, make sure you click the follow tab on Spotify and or Apple. And on both Spotify and Apple. You can also leave us up to a five star review. And now for my discussion with Doctor Gary Steinberg. Doctor Gary Steinberg, welcome.
Thank you Andrew. Pleasure to be here.
I have a lot of questions. I know people are interested in keeping their brains healthy, and sadly, things happen to the brain, sometimes as a consequence of aging, sometimes as a consequence of certain activities. Maybe you could just explain for us right off the bat what is a stroke? What is an aneurysm? What is a hemorrhage? Where do these terms overlap? How are they different? Obviously none of us want these things, and we will talk about ways to prevent them and your ways of treating them as well, of course. But just to start off, maybe we can just lay down the nomenclature?
Sure. So a stroke is like a heart attack of the brain. It involves disruption of blood flow to the brain, either in the form of a blocked vessel or, less likely, a hemorrhage. About 87% of strokes are due to a clot, either forming in the brain artery itself or forming closer to the heart, in the heart or in the carotid artery, and dislodging and blocking blood flow to the brain. About 13% are caused by a hemorrhage bursting of a blood vessel, and that results in lack of oxygen and glucose being delivered to the brain cells, and that ultimately causes death of tissue and disruption of bodily functions. Neurologic function. That's what a stroke is.
How do we know if we have clots residing in our body that could be dislodged? I know that some people, when they fly, wear compression socks. I know that some people have genetic mutations that affect clotting. I'll raise my hand here and I'll do a disclosure. I did some genetic testing. I am a heterozygote for factor five leiden, which is a clotting factor. Heterozygote, folks, means I have one mutant copy. So, fortunately, I don't suffer from excessive bleeding or clotting. But there are lifestyle factors that can exacerbate an existing mutation like that. People who are homozygous mutants for factor five lied and, of course, at much greater risk for clotting and bleeding. So I just disclosed a lot. Maybe you could comment on some of the clotting factors and lifestyle factors that impact clotting. But how would somebody know if. If they've got a clot that could potentially go to their brain?
Sure. Well, you might not know. In many cases, you don't know, and that's the problem. You can have a predisposition, as you say, due to certain genes that are mutated or represented that predispose to clots. And those clots can occur on the arterial side or the venous side. The arterial side is what generally causes a stroke, an ischemic stroke. On the venous side, you can sometimes have problems. When you talk about flying, not moving your legs, developing clots in your legs, wearing compression boots, that's on the venous side. And that can cause something like a deep vein thrombosis, which is not good because it can travel to the lung and cause a pulmonary embolus that generally on the venous side does not go to the brain.
Oh, good. In my case, that feels fortunate.
Exactly. You can develop some venous problems in the brain, which can cause a venous type stroke. That's much less common. And the way that causes a stroke is not lack of blood flow being delivered to the brain, but by having a clot in an important vein, the blood can't get out of the brain. It backs up and causes swelling or edema, but that's much less common. Generally, we talk about strokes as being arterial in nature and either blockage of a blood vessel or bursting of a vessel.
What are some things that impact clotting or excessive bleeding? My understanding is these factor five Leiden mutations are one example. The other is, let's say somebody takes, say, a blood thinning agent, like baby aspirin, or I told, and I'll have to check this. I'm sure people will say in the YouTube comments that if you take lots and lots of, say, fish oil or things like that, you can become more of a bleeder. Some are, people out there are hemophiliacs. And then my understanding is also that certain forms of oral contraception for women can increase the rates of bleeding. So tell me if I'm wrong about any of those. And if any of those things predispose people to more stroke or hemorrhage?
Sure. So different kinds of drugs thin the blood, and they can predispose you to having a larger hemorrhage than you would if something bursts or if you fall and have some traumatic injury to your brain or anywhere in the body. In general, they don't cause a hemorrhage because they're fairly safe. But if there's, as I say, some interruption to the body, like a bruise, it would be a much worse type of bleed. So aspirin is a type of antiplatelet agent that thins the blood. There are many types of antiplatelet agents. They're very, very useful for treating people who have a predisposition to develop clots because they thin the blood. Anticoagulants are another type. They're called, they're known as coumadin, warfarin, eliquis. There's lots of new agents, and they're often taken orally or can be given intravenously. Heparin is another one. Again, they thin the blood. So they would put someone at somewhat increased risk for hemorrhage. Then, as far as oral contraceptives, if you go back to the 1970s when the oral contraceptives were first generation, were coming out, it turns out, and they were heavily estrogen dominated rather than progesterone. They did, and they still, to some extent, increased the risk of developing clots so women back in the seventies who took oral contraceptives and smoked had a very, very high incidence of developing clots and ischemic strokes and clots elsewhere in the body. The newer generations are much safer in terms of developing clots. But for my patients, many of whom have had strokes or at risk for stroke, we recommend that the women do not take oral contraceptives, that they use some other form. IUD, for instance, may have a little bit of progesterone, which is released locally, but it doesn't cause a large increase in estrogens or progesterone systemically. So we still believe that the oral contraceptives increase the risk somewhat, not the way it did for first generation. And then there are other modifiable factors besides the genetic ones. So smoking is a very high risk factor for developing clots, which can lead to strokes, heart attacks, peripheral vascular disease. High lipids is another. So when people have high bad cholesterol, ldl, it's recommended that if they can't reduce it with diet, that they take a statin. The statins are very, very effective in lowering the bad cholesterol, preventing strokes and heart attack. Interestingly, the statins have also been shown to be highly beneficial for the blood vessel integrity, even if you don't have high ldl.
So they have other beneficial properties. So, again, for my patients, I often recommend they take a statin, even if they don't have high cholesterol.
And then hypertension is another risk factor for developing clots and arterial disease.
When you say that smoking dramatically increases the risk of stroke, is that because of nicotine per se? Is it the vasoconstriction and blood pressure elevation that comes from nicotine itself? Or is there something about smoking, maybe even vaping? I don't know that the contaminants, the other chemicals in cigarettes or vape chemicals, that increases the stroke risk, or is it nicotine itself?
It's not just nicotine. Nicotine is one of the factors, but it's the other products that are produced by smoking that can have an effect.
So, given that so many fewer, at least Americans, and I think worldwide, people are smoking less, are we seeing less stroke?
Yes. The incidence of stroke is actually decreasing. It may be in part due to decreased smoking, but it also is in part due to other modifiable factors. So hypertension is much better treated now than it used to be. People take better care of themselves in terms of other lifestyle factors, so people exercise more. There's a lower incidence in some subgroups of obesity, those are the risk factors also for developing strokes as well as heart attack.
What is the relationship between heart health and brain health as it relates to stroke? I would imagine that anything that's good for our heart is probably good for our brain, given the enormous amounts of blood and glucose that the brain requires to function normally.
Yeah, it's a good point. In general, the things that are good for the heart are good for the brain. There are differences between the heart and the brain, but they both depend very much on blood flow. The brain's unique, though, because the brain represents only 2% of the body weight, yet it. It draws 15% of the total blood flow. And remarkably, it consumes 20% of the body's oxygen. So the brain. I still think the brain is the most important organ. Not the heart, not the kidneys. But I'm biased, of course.
Yeah. You've spent some time in the landscape of the brain. Yeah. It's clear that of all the tissues in the body, if you had to pick one tissue to remove one cubic millimeter of that tissue, that your brain, and probably the neural retina would be your least favorite choice, just given the deficits that can result.
Right. And, of course, the brain also is what makes us human.
Right. Speaking of which, if we take a little departure into neurosurgery itself, your specialty of all the years of. Of doing brain surgery, can you recall maybe one of the most incredible moments or days that allowed for some insight into how the brain works by virtue of, let's say, stimulating a given brain area or removing a given brain area or something of that sort? I ask this because so very few of us will ever have the opportunity to do what you do. And if I were here talking to an astronaut, and by the way, I consider neurosurgeons, the astronauts of neuroscience. If I were sitting here with an astronaut, I'd say, tell me something interesting about being in space that I wouldn't know from looking at pictures or videos of it. What is an example of maybe one of the more profound insight stimulating moments from doing brain surgery?
Yeah. I mean, every patient is different, so I'm always learning, and that's why I still enjoy it, that it's a challenge. And you have to think quickly. It's nothing simply mechanical. But, for instance, a couple weeks ago, I had a patient who had a vascular malformation, which was located, we thought, right, in her speech area. So in order to operate safely, first we did a, what's called a functional mister scan before surgery. And that gives us some idea of where the speech area is, we can map it out on an mister scan. And the way it's mapped out is we have the patient awake, talk to us when they do the scan. And because there's a coupling between blood flow and the neuronal activity, when the speech area, the language area, is stimulated by talking, there's increased blood flow to that area. And we can see that on an mister scan. That's how the Mister scan works. So we had some idea that this was very close, if not in the speech area. But the most accurate way of determining that is to operate on the patient with her awake. So we took, what we did was we sedate the patient. We don't put a tube down and induce general anesthesia. We numb up the scalp. We take off a piece of bone after cutting the scalp open, the membrane covering the brain called the dura, and then we allow the patient to wake up more from the sedation. And then what I did on this particular patient was to use a tiny stimulator, a little probe, and I can stimulate areas of her cortex with her awake and see if the stimulation impairs her ability to speak or understand language. And quite surprisingly, there was no activity in the corridor that I chose. Sometimes when we see an area that is involved with speech that's eloquent, we have to choose a different pathway to get to the underlying vascular problem. And so that's what we did in this case. And she talked to us the entire case. She told us about her daughter, who was very involved in debate and all of her successes while we were operating, while I was taking out this vascular malformation under 20 magnification with very special instruments, I use a laser now which has a diameter of the fiber optic cable. The laser tip is 0.5 mm. So that, I think, is the gentlest way. Other times I've been surprised about brain function is operating deep in the brain is a part of the brain called the brainstem, which you know well. It's a small area that connects the thalamus. Those are the signals coming from the cortex, go through the thalamus to get down to the face, arm and leg to move the muscles. And all the sensory information which comes from the arms and legs and face goes through the brainstem up to the thalamus and then to the cortex. In this area, although it's very small, are contained very closely packed fiber tracks and nuclei. Those are the cell bodies, very important neurons. And when I trained back in the eighties, we never operated in that area because we couldn't do it safely. With developments in computer technology and imaging and anesthesia, we can now find safe corridors to get into the brain stem. And sometimes we stimulate for other pathways, not language, but other pathways. And I'm continually amazed. This last week, I took out two vascular malformations, and they're not big. I mean, they measure between 8, but they can wreak havoc in the brainstem because it's such high priced real estate. And these had bled, but I found a safe corridor to go through. I took it out, and I'm amazed that you hardly set the patient's back in some cases, because in the past, we would have clobbered the patients doing that.
Amazing. Yeah, it's remarkable to me how much can be done now with imaging, so visualizing the brain and being able to target a specific location. And you mentioned fiber optic cables. I've also heard of things like the gamma knife and lasers. So how much of neurosurgery nowadays is actually burrowing down through the brain to a given location to stimulate or remove tissue versus using these laser or fiber optic approaches to triangulate and get to something without having to basically drill down through the brain.
Right. Neurosurgery is becoming much less invasive, and this is something that I really tried to push when I was chair of the department for 25 years at Stanford. So minimally invasive techniques include operating through the vessels. I don't do this myself, but my colleagues, some of whom are neurosurgeons, some are interventional radiologists, they can go through the groin, in the femoral artery, or through the radial artery. They can thread a catheter backwards into the brain. From the groin, they can go up into the aorta, then up into the carotid artery. From there, they can go up into the brain arteries, the middle cerebral artery, and they can treat some of the hemorrhagic problems like aneurysms, by deploying thrombogenic coils there, or new devices, they can pull clots out. If there's an acute stroke from a clot in an artery in the brain, it's really quite impressive. Then we and others have developed techniques to use focus radiation on the brain, and that's called radiosurgery. So examples of that are gamma knife. Cyberknife was invented at Stanford by one of my colleagues, actually, and this uses beams of radiation. Gamma knife uses a cobalt source, multiple sources of cobalt. The cyberknife uses x rays. When I started, I was very involved with using cyclotron generated heavy particles like helium and proton and they can be focused. And the advantage of this is you don't have to open the skull. You focus it on a very small area, and you can eliminate vascular malformations called arteriovenous malformations. Tumors. You can even use it for some pain conditions like trigeminal neuralgia. It's not risk free because even though radiation doesn't require opening the skull, it still is a form of energy that's damaging. That's how it works. It causes for the avms, it gradually clots off the blood vessels. But it's much easier and much safer than some of the invasive techniques that we use. We operate now through tiny openings, even when we do open surgery. When I trained, we used to shave the whole head. We would open a huge area of the skull. Now we operate through tiny, very small areas. When I take out vascular malformations in the brainstem, for instance, I sometimes operate through openings in the side of the brainstem that are two to 3 mm.
Another form of noninvasive treatment that neurosurgeons use is called focused ultrasound. Again, you don't have to open the skull. It focuses sound waves on areas of the brain. We're using that to treat essential tremor or Parkinson's disease. It's starting to be used for treating tumors. So these are all advances that were not present when I trained. Another way of treating minimally invasive, although it still requires a hole in the head, is to put in an electrode and stimulate the brain. So that was first used for treating Parkinson's disease. Very effective for medically intractable Parkinson's. It's used to treat chronic pain. Recently, it was shown to be beneficial for epilepsy. In fact, the two major trials, prospective randomized trials that were done were led by physicians, neurologists, at Stanford, and showed the benefit of stimulation of the brain to treat a very difficult epilepsy. So this, I think, is going to be the future, is more and more minimally invasive. In fact, we're using some of these techniques to even treat psychiatric disorders like depression, obsessive compulsive behavior.
Incredible. I should have asked this earlier, but TIA's transient ischemic attacks. I think most people assume or know that the symptoms of stroke include sudden weakness, maybe hemiparalysis of the face, confusion, slurring of the words. Of course, these symptoms can be the consequence of other things as well. What are some of the symptoms of transient ischemic attacks? And is there anything that people can take for transient ischemic attacks? And I, of course, would love for you to inform us what a transient ischemic attack is.
Right. So a transient ischemic attack, or TIa, is a reversible stroke. It results in a temporary loss of function, such as inability to move, partial paralysis or complete paralysis. But then it resolves inability to speak, visual problems, double vision, blurred vision, loss of vision. It can cause slurred speech or difficulty understanding language imbalance, problems walking, even cognitive problems. So it can vary depending on what part of the brain it affects. In the past, it was defined as a neurologic deficit due to lack of blood flow that lasted less than 24 hours. But now that we have such sophisticated imaging, like Mister scan, some of these patients who have what would have been considered a TIA before lasting minutes or up to 24 hours on mister scan, have been shown to have a little stroke. So now the definition is a little different. If you do an mister scan and it shows a new abnormality, a new stroke, then it's called a stroke rather than a tia. So there's a little overlap there, but it's a temporary loss of neurologic function due to lack of blood flow or in some cases, a hemorrhage.
My understanding is that people can also have strokes in their spinal cord because spinal cord tissue is, after all, central nervous system tissue. I think most people don't realize this, but the tail end of the brain, the brainstem, as we were talking about before, essentially extends down the spinal column, sort of like a long tail, down to the base of the pelvis, really. So we call it the spinal cord, but it's all brain. It's contiguous with the brain. So how often do you observe spinal strokes, and what are some of the symptoms of spinal stroke?
Yeah, it's much less common than a stroke involving the brain, probably because there's less tissue involved. The spinal cord is supplied by an anterior spinal artery. That's an artery on this side and by two.
So for those listening. Sorry. It would be on the stomach side.
Of the body, and it's supplied by two arteries, posterior spinal, on the backside. So if there's an interruption to blood flow in any of those arteries, it can cause death of tissue in the spinal cord, and that would result in a neurologic deficit, depending on where it is. So if it occurred on the stomach side, that whole artery, which supplies the two thirds of the spinal cord on the stomach side, and it involved both sides of the spinal cord, it would cause paralysis of both legs, and a partial sensory deficit would cause loss of pain and temperature, because that's where those pathways are if the problem was on the backside of the cord, it would cause a problem, potentially with a light touch sensation in the legs if it was below the cervical region, and problems with what's called proprioception. That's the ability to recognize where your position of your joints is. So it depends on where it is. Some of the vascular problems I deal with actually do involve the spinal cord, and you can develop other problems there. For instance, you can have a direct connection between an abnormal artery and a vein in the spinal cord, which doesn't cause a typical stroke by blocking blood flow, but it causes more of that venous problem we discussed where there's so much blood going directly from the artery to the vein, bypassing the capillaries, that the veins become engorged, the blood can't get out of the spinal cord, and the spinal cord becomes congested. And patients can present with problems walking or sensory problems. If the spinal cord is involved in the cervical region up high, then the arms can be involved as well.
I see, I should have asked this earlier, but is there any relationship between alcohol intake and the propensity for stroke or hemorrhage or any of these other things?
Yeah, that's a good question. There is. The people who indulge or overindulge are at risk for developing stroke problems. So it's another contributory factor which can promote problems with the blood vessels clots, but also hemorrhage, so it can make the blood vessels more fragile. Another factor I see commonly in patients who develop aneurysms. Those are blisters on the blood vessels in the brain, and they're like little balloons, and as they enlarge, they rupture just like a balloon can burst. Some of the patients I see are not just smokers, but indulge in other drugs. So cocaine, methamphetamines markedly increase the risk of developing these aneurysms or developing hemorrhage, bursting of a blood vessel.
And is that because those drugs tend to increase blood pressure during their use?
It's because they damage the vessels and they also cause hypertension? Yes, it's both factors. So when I operate on these patients and looking at the vessels, they are rad, they're ragged, they're very thin, they're not normal vessels. They lack structural integrity. So it contributes to the development of poor vessel integrity. And drugs like cocaine and methamphetamine can jack the blood pressure up. And that could cause a hemorrhage in these problematic vessels. Yes.
So it sounds like the message is clear. Avoid cocaine use, avoid methamphetamine use, and avoid excessive alcohol intake if you want to avoid stroke.
Right. And throw smoking in there, too.
It's interesting because for a lot of years, there was so much discussion about red wine being good for heart health. Now it's debated. The moment I say that, people will send a bunch of studies that say yes. My stance on the more recent data is that if you had to pick, you'd drink less or not drink as opposed to drink. But I'm curious what your take is.
Well, you know, this is interesting, and I'm always quite amazed at the way people change their behavior based on one study that comes out, even if it's a good study. So, yes, it used to be considered beneficial if you drank red wine. And then for a while, studies showed any wine was beneficial in moderation. And that used to be two drinks a day for men, one drink a day for women. And then the latest studies, which have been surfacing this year, suggest no alcohol is good. But next year may be that. But we're back to, oh, wine is the best thing you can do in moderation for your brain and heart health.
Yeah, it's tricky. My read of the data, and here, I mean the data across multiple, certainly not every study, but multiple studies, is that zero to two drinks per week seems to be the range that everyone agrees is safe, at least for non alcoholic adults. And then once you get out past two drinks per week is when it gets into the gray zone, where some people say it's good, some people say it's neutral, some people say it's bad, but that once you get up past four or five servings of alcohol per week, it's pretty clear to me it's not a good situation.
Well, that was the prevailing theory until this year. And I don't know if you've kept up, but in the past few months, there have been several articles published saying, no alcohol is good. But then you have to balance that against the fact that alcohol, for many people, tends to relieve stress. If you're relieving stress, maybe it counteracts any adverse effects. So, complicated issue. But my theory is moderation is the key to life and happiness. Also, we know, promotes longevity.
Absolutely. I agree with you. I'm not heavy handed about the alcohol thing. I always just say, do as you wish, but know what you're doing. And I think many people who heard our podcast episode about alcohol, who stopped drinking alcohol or who elected to drink less, did, so I'm told, because they really didn't enjoy it. That much to begin with. So it more or less gave them permission to drink less. Not that they needed it, but they took it anyway. I think it's a really interesting area. As you mentioned, it probably lowers stress. It probably also disrupts patterns of sleep in the gut microbiome, so you can't escape. In biology, there's always some modulatory influence on something else.
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Yeah, it's a great question. And there's a lot of interesting concussion now. I got very involved in this back in the nineties cause I was the 49 ers neurosurgeon for a decade, from 1990 to 2000.
How are they doing in that point? I remember the dynasty of the Eighties. The nineties are good.
Oh, they were in super goal contention. In fact, I took care of Steve young.
Yeah, he's a local guy.
Yeah, Steve's a great guy and a really smart guy. In fact, he has a law degree from Brigham Young. Steve was quarterback then, and they were in Super bowl contention, and Steve had had some concussions. And I actually sent him back to play when he recovered. So you can examine someone and get a decent idea of how theyre recovering from a concussion. Steve, unfortunately, had a bad concussion at one point, and he ended up retiring, which was the smartest thing, I think, for him in the end. And hes become very involved with studying concussions and trying to figure out better ways to diagnose them, prevent the sequela for football players, including changes in equipment and in tackling and that kind of thing. But concussion is, we've learned a lot since the 1990s. At that time, concussion was not known, even repeated concussion, to cause CTE, chronic traumatic encephalopathy in football players. CTE, which became a hot topic, was known only in boxers. So I became very well informed at the time about concussions, and there was surprisingly little known. Soccer players had a high incidence of concussion at that time. It wasn't known if there were long term sequelae, and usually there are not long term sequela as long as you don't get repeated concussions. So now what we generally recommend, if someone has a concussion, we usually get an mister scan if it's severe. Mister scans usually don't show anything. They would show a contusion if there's any bruising of the brain, but they don't show the molecular abnormalities that occur with a concussion. So the best way to figure out how severe it is and when a person has recovered is to do more sophisticated neurologic testing. Eye tracking is a very sensitive way to detect problems with the brain after a concussion because you won't track as well. And in fact, many sports, football, hockey, are incorporating preseason eye tracking testing.
I see. To get a baseline?
To get a baseline, of course, some of the players will game the system because they still don't want to be taken out. So they may try to perform not as well as they could on their eye tracking. Yeah, on their.
I see. They throw the test.
They throw the test. So their baseline is, I mean, you know, I don't think that's very common, but that's a way you can game the system. But as long as it's performed well, that's a very good way of detecting subtle problems with the brain. You're a vision scientist, so you understand how important all the circuits are in terms of. And the visual system is unique because it tests the brain from the retina all the way back to the occipital lobe. So it's the whole longitudinal axis of the brain that's being tested.
Yeah. I'm always struck by when I see these newsreel highlights of a player goes down, they stay down and then they're helped up and everyone cheers and then they might hobble off, take a few moments, and then how are they gauging the decision to put the person back in? And the reason it's perplexing to me how they would determine that is that you and I both know that the neurons, the nerve cells in the brain of very likely could be injured, maybe even on their way to death after a head injury, but that the actual dying off of the tissue could take several minutes, hours, maybe even days. So putting someone back in to get hit more seems really risky, but at the same time, that's their profession, that's their choice. And so you don't necessarily want to make the decision to take someone out of a game or a job or have them stop driving if they don't actually need to stop. So it's a tricky thing.
It is tricky, and I think we have better methods of. Even if you're talking about sports, on the sideline of doing testing, there are neurosurgeons there now who are part of the process. As far as recovering in general, it's good to not stress the brain, but total absence of sensory information, sensory deprivation for long periods is not a good idea.
Just staying home in the dark with sunglasses on, also not a good idea.
Exactly. So you want to make sure the brain still has input, but you don't want to overstress it when you're recovering from a concussion.
Sounds like doing all the things to keep blood pressure relatively low, ldl cholesterol relatively low. So interesting what you said earlier, that statins might be vasculoprotective even in the absence of high cholesterol.
Yeah, there's a lot of good evidence for that. In fact, some studies have suggested that taking statins reduces the risk of cognitive decline, including conditions like Alzheimer's.
Interesting. I know that statins are a bit of a controversial topic among listeners because some people report, I think I have this right, that statins can give them a kind of a brain fog if they take the wrong one or excessive amount. Yeah, I'm not challenging what you're saying.
No, no, no. It's.
I just hear the shout in the comments section and I'm just, I don't take a statin, but my cholesterol is in check. But I'm hearing more and more about some of these benefits of statins.
Yeah, yeah. And the information is still emerging for a traumatic brain injury in general, not a good idea to take an aspirin as opposed to a stroke or a.
TIA, where you would want to take an aspirin.
Right. Because if you have injuries, say you have a contusion to the brain and there's some traumatic damage, taking a blood thinner might cause that to worsen or cause a hemorrhage.
What about caffeine? Is there any evidence that caffeine can increase stroke or ischemia? I like coffee and I like yerba mate tea, so I'd be reluctant to give it up, but I consume it in moderation. Is there any direct relationship there?
I don't know any relationship unless you're taking so much that your blood pressure is sky high.
My blood pressure tends to be lots.
Of benefits, evidently, to caffeine. In terms of health.
I agree with you there. I have a question about something that many people are starting to do now, which is to get exploratory MRI. I actually did one of these. I wasn't gifted one. I just decided to bite the bullet and pay for it is a whole body scan that put me in the tube, did an MRI. I get everything from tip to toe, and I learned a few things. I learned that I have, like, a slight, I think it's l three or l four disc bulge. That explained a little bit of, like, pseudo sciatica, and I've been able to work around that and keep that strong. I learned that, fortunately for me, I only have one white spot on the brain. I was told that you could have one per decade. I'm nearing 50, so I feel very lucky there, especially given that I've hit my head a few times, skateboarding and doing martial arts and things like that. But. So I feel lucky. But I also know people that go in for these scans and get the report that they have a growth of some sort, or they have multiple white spots, as they're called, on the brain, which is kind of damage to tissue, to neural tissue. What is your thought on these exploratory preventative scans? Do you think they're useful? Do you feel like they cause undue concern? This is a new thing, people going out and getting their brain scanned.
Yeah. And people are getting total body scans. So I think there are benefits and risks involved. So the benefit is that you might pick up something that should be treated, like an early cancer or a large aneurysm in the brain, which would have a higher chance to bleed. But many times, and I see patients all the time who are referred for a tiny aneurysm blister on a blood vessel in the brain that was found, incidentally, on a total body scan. And these aneurysms, which can be one or 2 mm, sometimes we don't even consider those as real aneurysms. They don't need to be treated in most cases. And so it's a little controversial because people can be worried about them even if they're reassured. Other examples are you find something in the brain or elsewhere in the body, not sure what it is, and then in order to determine what it is, patients start having more invasive biopsies and tests, which can lead to what we call iatrogenic injuries. That's iatrogenic is caused by the physicians. So I think you have to be very thoughtful when you interpret the results of these total body or even brain scans. And I would recommend talking with a specialist about it if you're concerned. But people wonder. We were discussing it earlier today, actually, with one of your colleagues. And what if you're found to have a 1.75 millimeter aneurysm, if it's really even an aneurysm, should you change your lifestyle? And for something like that, I would recommend, no, you should forget about it, get a follow up scan. But you may very well live and die with this little blister that is of no consequence. So, as I say, I think you have to be careful about how you interpret and how you act on these findings.
Maybe we can talk about lifestyle factors, because I think anyone listening to this is going to think, I don't want a stroke. I don't want transient ischemic attack. I don't want hemorrhage, I don't want any of this stuff. And we already discussed a little bit about how what's good for your heart generally is good for the brain. But I think most people strive to eat well, meaning not excessively, also not under eat, to hopefully eat a lot of unprocessed or minimally processed foods, and to avoid smoking, perhaps avoid alcohol in excess, avoid hard drugs, get exercise. And so I think people generally try and do all these things, get good sleep, etcetera. But at some level, I think everyone also wants to know, when are they in their safest kind of shape for avoiding a stroke. Is there sort of a blood pressure cutoff where we could say, okay, if you keep your blood pressure resting, blood pressure below blank, you're doing pretty well, and if your cholesterol is below blank, you're doing pretty well. And then you just, while keeping moderation in mind, try and live a life that reduces the probability of getting a stroke or some other blood related neural attack.
Well, I think it has to be individualized to some extent. And over time, the standards and the guidelines have changed. It used to be if your systolic blood pressure, that's the upper number, was under 100, 3130 or under, that was considered normal and would not lead to problems. Now, the guidelines suggest that 120 or lower is better in large, you know, studies. But as an example, when my blood pressure gets under 120, I feel lightheaded. In fact, I had an event about 15 years ago when I was overdoing it.
Like, I shouldn't have been overdoing exercise or overdoing everything.
I was in my.
I was a Stanford faculty member that does something. That was a joke, that among Stanford.
I was 56, and I operated all day in two operating rooms. I got done early, it was in the spring, and I took a run up to the dish, and then I took a red eye to Houston for a meeting, and I emailed on the flight, got an hour or two asleep, went to the meeting, I was fine. It was a stroke meeting with a bunch of scientists, neurologists and scientists. There were about 120 people, there were two neurosurgeons there, plus me, and drank some coffee. At noon I went for a run because I like running. And at that day in Houston, it was 90 degrees and 85% humidity, and got back, had a glass of tea, went back to the meeting, had some more coffee, and then as the afternoon session opened up, I start to feel lightheaded. And next thing I know, I'm looking up at the chandelier and they're shouting, stroke, cardiac arrest, seizure, and they're starting to pump on my chest. So they rush me to the hospital where I had a simultaneous workup for cardiac arrest and stroke. And after, I'll make the story short, after, after a hundred thousand dollar workup, it was determined I had a faint because I was overdoing it. So since then, now I try to get seven to 8 hours sleep a night.
That's clearly the bedrock of health.
So I increased. I used to get three to 5 hours sleep a night. Now I get seven to nine if I can do it, cut back on coffee, on caffeine, and I don't push myself to exercise like I used to. If I'm feeling a little fatigued, I'm on an antihypertensive agent. But I actually don't take it every day because for me it's better to have a pressure 125 to 135. And it's true for some of my patients. If you've got some disease in your arteries, you may not want to have such a low blood pressure. So I would individualize it. But in general, you want to take care of your body like I've learned. And probably, maybe you've learned over time.
I'm learning. I mean, this is very interesting. I tend to have low blood pressure. It sort of runs in my family to have low blood pressure. I can definitely relate to the hard driving ambition phenotype. I think it's worth people hearing this because it's characteristic of a lot of people in high intensity professions. And I made the joke about Stanford faculty, but it's true. I think that if you're ambitious, you tend to overdo a bit more. That's something I'm certainly working on, and I've run a very busy life. And learning to slow down, prioritize sleep, prioritize meditation, non sleep, deep rest is something I've benefited from a lot. Journaling things of that sort that really just kind of slow the pace. I think that in the landscape of health optimization, we can often put ourselves into modes of excess in the other direction, meaning doing so much to try and avoid issues with health that we end up creating issues with health. But, yeah, certainly reducing caffeine intake and prioritizing sleep are key. So I appreciate that you shared that story. So if somebody has naturally low blood pressure and starts to feel a bit, let's just say, kind of sleepy or woozy in the afternoon, would you recommend that they obviously not take a pressure lowering drug, but that they add a bit of salt to their diet, that they feel free to exercise less? I'm a little bit confused. I also love to run and do resistance.
Well, I would recommend they take their blood pressure. So you want to try to correlate any symptoms you're having with vital signs that you modify. So take your blood pressure if you're feeling faint, if it's low, one thing you can do easily is to hydrate. That was something else. I used to not drink much. I don't want to have to pee in the operating room.
I can imagine that'd be pretty uncomfortable. I don't want to be the patient that you're operating on when you have to go use the bathroom.
Yeah. So now and then I'll reveal that I had a kidney stone, which is common among surgeons. This was a decade ago, and since then, I hydrate all the time. So I hydrate to the point that my urine is crystal clear all the.
Time, and that helps with some of the brain clarity. So, interesting. I've done a little bit of work with people in the special operations community, and I think people hear about them and they think, oh, you know, what's the magic potion that they're taking? What are they doing? And they do a number of very interesting things, but one of them is they really emphasize hydration. They just like hydration water. Sometimes water with electrolytes if they're working in hot conditions. Hydration, hydration, hydration.
I'm skeptical. And I used to dehydrate. I felt better dehydrated and fit. But as I've matured, I think it's very, very important for your blood pressure, for your general health, and for your kidneys.
Yeah, you mentioned sleep. Is there a relationship between sleep deprivation and stroke risk?
That's a great question. There's, interestingly, strokes occur more commonly during sleep. It's not known why. One theory is that it's related to circadian rhythms. I don't know if there's a relationship between sleep deprivation and stroke.
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Ended up with a dissection of her artery.
Right. And something had happened, and she had essentially a stroke. And so I share both these stories to make very clear that I have nothing against chiropractors. But I think, like any health practitioners, they come in a range of talents. And this was really, like, for me, an alarm. And I decided at that point, I would never allow a chiropractor to adjust my neck. I said, okay, you can make adjustments to my back. You can give me suggestions about exercises to do. But how common are these? You said it's a hemi dissection.
It's a dissection of an artery, either the vertebral artery in the back or the carotid artery up closer in the front.
So no cutting. When you say dissection, they're basically making an adjustment.
Yeah, well, what happens is, and I agree with. We're on the same page, I recommend patients, if they're gonna have chiropractory, not to have manipulation of their neck. Cause that's what occurs. It's not common, but I see it. We see it. What happens is the artery is damaged. The manipulation of moving the bone in the soft tissues causes a tear in the wall of the artery. And what occurs, interestingly, is that the blood that's usually in the space, the lumen, the middle of the artery, gets into the wall and causes a false lumen, a false passage. And that blood in the wall pushes part of the wall into the main artery, obstructing flow, and sometimes causing a clot to form that can be dislodged and go up to the brain.
Yikes. And there's no way to know whether or not this is going to happen.
No. That's why I recommend not having neck manipulation by a chiropractor, even if it's rare. It's so devastating when it occurs that, personally, I would avoid that.
Yes. I tell the chiropractor, stay away from anything above the shoulders, please. And then the back work has been beneficial. Again, these exercises, perhaps the most beneficial thing about it, as long as we're there. I realize it's a bit of a niche condition, but what about hanging upside down? I had one of these inversion tables. I really enjoyed that thing. But then once I looked at my camera phone while I was hanging upside down and it looked like I was going to blow a gasket from all the vasculature in my forehead. Is it bad to hang upside down?
No evidence that it's bad.
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