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Speaker A: Welcome to the Huberman Lab podcast, where we discuss science and science based tools for everyday life. I'm Andrew Huberman and I'm a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine. Today, I have the pleasure of introducing Doctor Matthew Walker as our guest on the Huberman Lab podcast. Doctor Walker is a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. There, his laboratory studies sleep. They study why we sleep, what occurs during sleep, such as dreams, and why we dream learning during sleep, as well as the consequences of getting insufficient or poor quality sleep on waking states. Doctor Walker is also the author of the international bestselling book why we sleep. Our discussion today is an absolutely fascinating one for anyone that's interested in sleep learning or human performance of any kind. Doctor Walker teaches us how to get better at sleeping. He also discusses naps, whether or not we should or should not nap, whether or not we can compensate for lost sleep, and if so, how to best do that. We discuss behavioral protocols and interactions with light, temperature, supplementation, food, exercise, sex, all the variables that can impact this incredible state of mind and body that we call sleep. During my scientific career, I've read many papers about sleep and attended many seminars about sleep. Yet my discussion with Doctor Walker today revealed to me more about sleep, sleep science, and how to get better at sleeping than all of those papers and seminars combined. I'm also delighted to share that Doctor Walker has started a podcast. That podcast, entitled the Matt Walker Podcast, releases its first episode this month and is going to teach all about sleep and how to get better at sleeping. So be sure to check out the Matt Walker podcast on Apple, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts. Before we begin, I'd like to mention that this podcast is separate from my teaching and research roles at Stanford. It is, however, part of my desire and effort to bring zero cost to consumer information about science and science related tools to the general public. In keeping with that theme, I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast. Our first sponsor is Athletic Greens. Athletic Greens is an all in one vitamin mineral probiotic drink. I've been taking athletic greens since 2012, so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast. The reason I started taking athletic greens, and the reason I still take athletic greens once or twice a day, is that it helps me cover all of my basic nutritional needs. It makes up for any deficiencies that I might have. In addition, it has probiotics, which are vital for microbiome health. I've done a couple of episodes now on the so called gut microbiome and the ways in which the microbiome interacts with your immune system, with your brain to regulate mood, and essentially with every biological system relevant to health throughout your brain and body. With athletic greens, I get the vitamins I need, the minerals I need, and the probiotics to support my microbiome. If you'd like to try athletic greens, you can go to huberman and claim a special offer. They'll give you five free travel packs plus a year's supply of vitamin D three k too. There are a ton of data now showing that vitamin d three is essential for various aspects of our brain and body health. Even if we're getting a lot of sunshine, many of us are still deficient in vitamin d three and k two is also important because it regulates things like cardiovascular function, calcium in the body, and so on. Again, go to huberman to claim the special offer of the five free travel packs and the year supply of vitamin D three k two. Today's episode is also brought to us by element. Element is an electrolyte drink that has everything you need and nothing you don't. That means the exact ratios of electrolytes are an element, and those are sodium, magnesium, and potassium. But it has no sugar. I've talked many times before on this podcast about the key role of hydration and electrolytes for nerve cell function, neuron function, as well as the function of all the cells and all the tissues and organ systems of the body. If we have sodium, magnesium and potassium present in the proper ratios, all of those cells function properly and all our bodily systems can be optimized. If the electrolytes are not present and if hydration is low, we simply can't think as well as we would otherwise. Our mood is off, hormone systems go off. Our ability to get into physical action, to engage in endurance and strength and all sorts of other things is diminished. So with element, you can make sure that you're staying on top of your hydration and that you're getting the proper ratios of electrolytes. If you'd like to try element, you can go to drink element. That's huberman and you'll get a free element sample pack with your purchase. They're all delicious. So again, if you want to try element, you can go to huberman today's episode is also brought to us by waking up. Waking up is a meditation app that includes hundreds of meditation programs. Mindfulness trainings, yoga Nidra sessions, and NSDR non sleep deep rest protocols. I started using the waking up app a few years ago because even though I've been doing regular meditation since my teens and I started doing yoga Nidra about a decade ago, my dad mentioned to me that he had found an app, turned out to be the waking up app, which could teach you meditations of different durations, and that had a lot of different types of meditations to place the brain and body into different states and that he liked it very much. So I gave the waking up app a try and I too found it to be extremely useful because sometimes I only have a few minutes to meditate, other times I have longer to meditate. And indeed, I love the fact that I can explore different types of meditation to bring about different levels of understanding about consciousness, but also to place my brain and body into lots of different kinds of states, depending on which meditation I do. I also love that the waking up app has lots of different types of yoga Nidra sessions. For those of you who don't know, yoga Nidra is a process of lying very still, but keeping an active mind. It's very different than most meditations. And there's excellent scientific data to show that yoga Nidra and something similar to it called non sleep deep rest, or NSDR, can greatly restore levels of cognitive and physical energy, even with just a short ten minute session. If you'd like to try the waking up app, you can go to huberman and access a free 30 day trial. Again, that's huberman to access a free 30 day trial. And now my discussion with doctor Matt Walker. Great to finally meet you in person.
Speaker B: Wonderful to connect. I mean, it's been too long, but I suspect it would have been a shorter time before we'd met, lest the pandemic. Thank you.
Speaker A: Thank you. Yeah, I'm delighted that we're finally sitting down face to face. I've been tracking your work both in the Internet sphere, and I read your book and loved it. And also from the perspective of science, you actually came to Stanford a couple of years ago and gave a lecture for brain mind.
Speaker B: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker A: And there, of course, you talked about sleep and its utility and its challenges and how to conquer it, so to speak. Let's start off very basic. What is sleep?
Speaker B: Sleep is probably the single most effective thing you can do to reset your brain and body health. So that's a functional answer. In terms of what is sleep in terms of its benefits, sleep as a process, though, is an incredibly complex physiological ballet. And if you were to recognize or see what happens to your brain and your body at night during sleep, you would be blown away. And the paradox is that most of us, and I would think this too, you know, if I wasn't a sleep scientist, we go to bed, we lose consciousness for seven to 9 hours, and then we sort of wake up in the morning and we generally feel better. And in some Ways, that denies the physiological and biological beauty of sleep. So upstairs in your brain, when you're going through these different stages of sleep, the changes in brainwave activity are far more dramatic than those that we see when we're awake, and we can speak about deep sleep and what happens there. Rem sleep is a fascinating time, which is another stage of sleep, often called dream sleep, which is rapid eye movement sleep. That stage of sleep, some parts of your brain are up to 30% more active than when you're awake. So again, it's kind of violating this idea that our mind is dormant and our body is just simply quiescent and resting. So I would happy to just sort of double click on either one of those and also what changes in the body as well. But it is an intense evolutionary adaptive benefit and system. That said, though, I would almost push back against an evolved system. When we think about the question of sleep and what sleep is, our assumption has always been that we evolved to sleep. And I've actually questioned that, and I have no way to get in a time capsule and go back and prove this. But what if we started off sleeping and it was from sleep that wakefulness emerged? Why do we assume that it's the other way around? And I think there's probably some really good evidence that sleep may have been the proto state, that it was the basic fundamental living state. And when we became awake, as it were, we always had to return to sleep. In some ways, at that point, sleep was the price that we paid for wakefulness, and that's another way of describing what sleep is. But again, I think it sort of denies the active state of sleep. It's not a passive state of sleep either. And then finally you can say, what is sleep? Across different species, and in us, human beings and in all mammalian species and avian species as well, sleep is broadly separated into these two main types. And we've got non rapid eye movement sleep on the one hand, and then we've got rapid eye movement sleep on on the other. And we can speak about how they unfold across the night and their architecture, because it's not just intellectually interesting from the perspective of what sleep is. It's also practically impactful for our daily lives. And I'd love to sort of go down that route, too. But you navigate. You tell me I can.
Speaker A: Let's definitely go down that route. So you mentioned how active the brain is during certain phases of sleep. When I was coming up in science, REM sleep, rapid eye movement sleep, was referred to as paradoxical sleep. Is that still a good way to think about it? Paradoxical, because the brain is so active and yet we are essentially paralyzed? Correct.
Speaker B: Yeah, it really is a paradox. And where that came from was simply the brainwave recordings that if all I'm measuring about you is your brainwave activity, it's very difficult for me, sitting outside of the sleep laboratory room to figure out, are you awake or are you in REM sleep? Because those two patterns of brain activity are so close to one another, you can't discriminate between them. Yet the paradox is that when you are awake, I go in there and you're sort of sitting up, you're clearly conscious and awake, but yet when you go into REM sleep, you are completely paralyzed. And that's one of the. I think that's part of the paradox. But the paradox really just comes down to two dramatically different conscious states, yet brain activity is dramatically more similar than different. And the way I can figure out which of the two you are in is by measuring two other signals, the activity from your eyes and the activity from your muscles. So when we're awake, we will occasionally have these blinks and we'll have sort of saccads. But during REM sleep, you have these really bizarre horizontal shuttling eye movements that occur. And that's where the name comes from. Rapid eye movements.
Speaker A: Are they always horizontal?
Speaker B: Mostly they are horizontal. And that's one of the ways that we can differentiate them from other waking eye movement activity, because it's not always. It can be sometimes horizontal, but can also have diagonal and also vertical in that plane. But then the muscle activity is the real dead giveaway. Just before you enter REM sleep, your brainstem, which is where the dynamics of non REM and REM are essentially played out and then expressed upstairs in the cortex and downstairs in the body. When we go into REM sleep, and just a few seconds before that happens, the brain stem sends a signal all the way down the spinal cord, and it communicates with what are called the alpha motor neurons in the spinal cord, which control of voluntary skeletal muscles. And it's a signal of paralysis. And when you go into dream sleep, you are locked into a physical incarceration of your own body.
Speaker A: Amazing.
Speaker B: Why would mother nature do such a thing? And it's in some ways very simple. The brain paralyzes the body so that the mind can dream safely, because think about how quickly we would have all been popped out of the gene pool. You know, if I think I'm, you know, one of the best skydivers who can just simply fly. And I've had sometimes those dreams, too, you know, and I get up on my apartment window and I leap out, you're done, you're done, you know, so that's one of the sort of. That's part of the paradox of REM sleep. Both it's brain activity similarity despite the behavioral state being so different and this bizarre lockdown of the sort of brain, of the body itself. Now, of course, the involuntary muscles, thankfully, aren't paralyzed. So you keep breathing, your heart keeps beating.
Speaker A: Is this why men have erections during REM sleep and women have vaginal lubrication during sleep?
Speaker B: That's one of the reasons. Part of the other reason, though, there is because of the autonomic activity. So there is a part of our nervous system called the autonomic nervous system, and it controls many of the automatic behaviors, and some of those are aspects of our reproductive facilities during REM sleep. What we later discovered is that you go through these bizarre, what we call autonomic storms, which sounds dramatic, but it actually is when you measure them, that you'll go through periods where your heart rate decelerates and drops and your blood pressure goes down. And then utterly randomly, your heart rate accelerates dramatically. And what we call the fight or flight branch of the autonomic nervous system, or the sympathetic nervous system, badly named because it's anything but sympathetic. It's very aggravating that all of a sudden fires up and then it shuts down again, and it's not in any regular way. And it's when you get those autonomic storms, you get very activated from a physiological perspective, that you can have these erections and you have vaginal discharge, et.
Speaker A: Cetera, but you're totally paralyzed.
Speaker B: But you are still paralyzed. There are only two voluntary muscle groups that are spurred from the paralysis bizarre. One, your extra ocular muscles, because if they were paralyzed, you wouldn't be able to have rapid eye movements. And the other that we later discovered was the inner ear muscle. And we've got no good understanding as to why those two muscle groups are spurred from the paralysis. It may have something to do with cranial nerve, but I don't think it's that. I think it's perhaps something more sensory related. Some people have argued that the reason the eyeballs are spurred from the paralysis is because if your eyeballs are left for long periods of time, inactive, you may get things such as oxygen, sort of issues in the aqueous or vitreous humor. And so the eyeballs have to keep.
Speaker A: Drainage of the anterior eye are made to require movement.
Speaker B: Exactly.
Speaker A: People with glaucoma have deficits in drainage through the anterior chamber. But there I'm speculating. I'm also speculating when I ask this. I would imagine that there are states in waking that also resemble slow wave sleep. Or rather that there are states that slow wave sleep also resembles waking states. You've beautifully illustrated how REM sleep can mimic some of the more active brain states that we achieve in waking. What sort of waking state that I might have experienced or experienced on a daily basis might look similar to slow wave sleep non REM sleep, if any.
Speaker B: It's a genius way of thinking about it. Turn to the tables. I love it. We almost never see anything like the true ultra slow waves of deep non REM sleep. So we spoke about these two stages, non rem and Rem. Non REM is further subdivided into four separate stages, stages one through four increasing in their depth of sleep. So stages three and four, that's what we typically call deep non REM sleep. Stages one and two lines.
Speaker A: So maybe take me through the arc of a night just so that.
Speaker B: Yeah, yeah.
Speaker A: So I put my head down. Well, for you. What time do you normally go to sleep?
Speaker B: So I'm usually sort of around about a 10:30 p.m. guy. And usually I'll naturally wake up sort of a little bit before seven, sometimes before 645 or seven. I have an alarm set for 07:04.
Speaker A: A.M. you heard it here, folks. Matt Walker does use an alarm clock.
Speaker B: I really, really, I'm usually.
Speaker A: He doesn't recommend it, but he does use it.
Speaker B: Yeah, usually you're human after all. Oh, I am so, so human. And I've had my sleep issues, and I'd love to speak about that, too, but it's only just in the event that. Cause I like to keep regularity too. You've got to keep those two things in balance and 07:04 just because. Why not be idiosyncratic? I don't know why we always set things on these hard numbers.
Speaker A: So you go to sleep around 1030. So using you as an example, because I imagine a number of people go to sleep at different times. But 1030 is about when I go to sleep. Eleven is for me. So you go to sleep at 1030. So for that first, let's say 3 hours of sleep. What does the architecture of that sleep look like as compared to the last 3 hours of your sleep before morning?
Speaker B: Yeah. So I should note that that sort of 1030 to seven, that's just based on my chronotype and my preferential, it's different for different people. I'm not suggesting that that's the perfect sweet spot for humanity's sleep, it's just my.
Speaker A: But I imagine most people probably go to sleep somewhere between ten and pm and midnight.
Speaker B: And most probably like nine and midnight.
Speaker A: 05:00 a.m. and 07:00 a.m. or 530 and 730.
Speaker B: Yeah, at least in, if you look at sort of first world nations, that's a typical sleep profile. So when I first fall asleep, I'll go into the light stages of non REM sleep, stages one and two of non, remember, and then I'll start to descend down into the deeper stages of non REM sleep. So after about maybe 20 minutes, I'm starting to head down into stage three non REM and then into stage four non REM sleep. And as I'm starting to fall asleep, as I've cast off from the, usually with me murky waters of wakefulness and I'm in the shallows of sleep stages one and two, my heart rate starts to drop a little bit and then my brainwave pattern activity starts to slow down. Normally when I'm awake it's going up and down, maybe 2030, 40, 50 times a second. As I'm going into light non REM sleep, it will slow down to maybe 1520 and then really starts to slow down, down to about sort of ten or eight cycles per second, eight cycle waves per second. Then as I'm starting to move into stages three and four non REM sleep, several remarkable things happen. All of a sudden my heart rate really does start to drop. Oh, and I'll come back to temperature, I'm going to write temperature down because I always forget these things. Now I'm sadly in the foothills of middle age. So as I'm starting to go into those deeper stages of non REm sleep, all of a sudden hundreds of thousands of cells in my cortex all decide to fire together and then they all go silent together. And it's this remarkable physiological coordination of the likes that we just don't see during any other brain state.
Speaker A: That's really interesting. Having recorded from the brains of animals and a little bit from humans, I don't think I've ever seen the entire cortex, or even entire regions of cortex light up like that.
Speaker B: Yeah, it's stunning. It's almost like this beautiful sort of mantra chant or this sort of, you know, it's a slow inhale and then a meditative exhale. Inhale, exhale. And these waves are just enormous in their size.
Speaker A: And the body is capable of movement at this time. There is no paralysis.
Speaker B: There is no paralysis, but for the most part, muscle tone has also dropped significantly.
Speaker A: Interesting.
Speaker B: At that point. And then you will, or I will then stay there for about another 20 or 30 minutes. So now I'm maybe 60 or 70 minutes into my first sleep cycle, and then I'll start to rise back up, back up into stage two, non rem sleep. And then after about 80 or so minutes, I'll pop up and I'll have a short rem sleep period, and then back down I go again down into non rem. Up into rem. And you do that reliably? Repeatedly. And I will be doing that. And I do do that every 90 minutes. At least. That's the average for most adults. It's different in different species. What changes to your question is the ratio of non rem to rem within that 90 minutes cycle as you move across the night. And what I mean by this is, in the first half of the night, the majority of those 90 minutes cycles are comprised of lots of deep non REM sleep. That's when I get my stage three and four of deep non REM sleep once I push through to the second half of the night. Now, that seesaw balance changes. And instead, the majority of those 90 minutes cycles are comprised either of this lighter form of non REM sleep, stage two non REM sleep, and much more and increasingly more rapid eye movement sleep. And the implication that I was sort of speaking about pragmatically is, let's say that I have to, and I usually never do early morning flights or red eyes, just because I'm a mess if that happens, I'm not suggesting other people shouldn't.
Speaker A: I'm suggesting people not do that. Every time I've taken a red eye or I've done that, two or three days later, I get some sort of general feeling of malaise. My brain doesn't work as well. I think red eyes should be abolished for the pilots, too, and we can think about those. And for the emergency room. I mean, long shifts have been shown to lead to physician induced errors that lead to lot of fatalities. I mean, there are a lot of reasons why staying up too long or being up at the wrong times if you're not adapted to is just terrible.
Speaker B: The data in all of those cases, you know, and particularly physicians, too, there was some recent data looking at suicidality and the rates of suicide in training, physicians are, you know, far, far above the norm, and I don't suspect that, you know, their schedules are helping them. I suspect that sleep is a missing part of that explanatory equation.
Speaker A: I teach medical students, and they're phenomenal, but, yeah, they're under extremely challenged conditions.
Speaker B: We shouldn't put them under.
Speaker A: No, it's not optimizing performance. I have one.
Speaker B: Sorry, Iris.
Speaker A: No, no, no. This is important. It's an important digression. I have one question, which is you're saying that across the night, a greater percentage of these 90 minutes cycles are going to be occupied by REM sleep as you progress through the night. I'm aware that based on work that you've done and from your public education efforts and others, that we have so called circadian forces, and we have other forces that are driving when we sleep and when we want to sleep, et cetera. Without going into the details of those, I have a simple question. The experiment is the following. Let's say, God forbid, you are prevented from going to sleep at your normal time, and you stay up for the 4 hours or 5 hours that normally you would be in predominantly slow wave sleep. Let's say you finally get to lie down at 03:00 a.m. a, time when normally your sleep would be occupied mostly by rapid eye movement sleep. Will you experience a greater percentage of rapid eye movement sleep because of these so called circadian forces? Meaning that's what's appropriate for that time? Or will your system need to start at the beginning of the race that we're, as I'm referring to it, that we're calling sleep? Yeah, if that's not clear to anybody. Basically, what I'm asking is, if you are forced to skip the slow wave sleep part of the night, will your system leap into rapid eye movement sleep, or does it have to start at the beginning and get slow wave sleep first? In other words, does one sleep state drive the entry to the next sleep state?
Speaker B: Great question. So there is some degree of reciprocity between the sleep states. I should note that when we drive one of those up, we often, but not always, see a change in the other. There are some pharmacologies that have shown an independence to that, and we've also played around with things like temperature, and sometimes you can nudge one and not seem to upset or perturb the other. But to your, I think, lovely point, the answer is it's a mix, but it's mostly the latter, meaning you will mostly go into your rem sleep phases and be significantly deficient in your deep sleep. So just because I start my sleep cycle at 03:00 a.m. rather than at 10:30 p.m. it doesn't mean that my brain just says, well, I've got a program and I'm just going to run the program. And the way the program runs is that we always start with a first couple of hours of deep sleep. So we're just going to begin act number one, scene one. It doesn't do that. Now I will get some deep sleep to begin with. And part of that is just because of how sleep works. Based on how long I've been awake, longer I'm awake, there is a significantly greater pressure for deep sleep. But we actually use exactly what you just described as an experimental technique to selectively deprive people of one of those stages of sleep or the other. So we will do first half of the night deprivation and then let you sleep the second half. So that means that you will be mostly deep sleep deprived and you will still get mostly all of your m sleep. And then we switch it. So you only get your 1st 4 hours, which means you will mostly get deep non rem sleep, but you will get almost no rem sleep. So in both of those groups, they both had 4 hours of sleep. So the difference between them in terms of an experimental outcome is not the sleep time because they both slept for the same amount. It's the contribution of those different stages. Now, we actually have more elegant methods for sort of selectively going in there and scooping out different stages of sleep. But that's the way we used to do it old school was just using this timing difference.
Speaker A: And who suffers more? Those that lack the early phase or those that lack the later phase of the night sleep? In other words, if I have to sleep only 4 hours, for whatever reason, am I better off getting the early part of the night's sleep or the second half of the night's sleep?
Speaker B: Depends on what the outcome measure is.
Speaker A: So that gets right to the differences between slow wave sleep. And remember, I was probably misinformed by my understanding, a very crude understanding, I should say, before I very much doubt.
Speaker B: No contra with someone like you, which.
Speaker A: Is that very nice of you. But the first part of the night, the slow wave sleep, is restorative to the musculature, to motor learning, and that the dream content tends to be less emotional, the second half of the night being more emotional dreams and sort of the unpairing of the emotional load of our previous day and other experiences. So, in other words, if I were to deprive myself. Deprive myself, excuse me, of REM, I would be hyper emotional, maybe not as settled with the kind of experiences of my life. Whereas if I had to have myself of slow wave sleep, I would feel a more physical malaise. Is that correct or is that far too simple? And if it is too simple, please tell me where I'm wrong.
Speaker B: No, I think much of that is correct, and it's sort of that. Plus I. So, for example, during deep non REM sleep, that's where we get this. It's almost a form of natural blood pressure medication. And so when I take that away from you the next day, we're usually going to see autonomic dysfunction. We're usually going to see abnormalities in heart rate blood pressure. We also know that during deep non REM sleep, that there is a certain control of specific hormones. For example, we know that the insulin regulation of sort of metabolism, meaning how will you look from a regulated blood sugar perspective, versus dysregulated, pre diabetic look of profile? That's where deep sleep seems to matter. If we selectively deprive you of that, we see growth hormone is different, actually. So that's a beautiful demonstration where growth hormone seems to be more REM sleep dependent. And that's why we can come onto the effects of alcohol. And there's some really impressive, frightening data on alcohol and its disruption of sleep. But then we also know testosterone, peak levels of testosterone happen during REM sleep.
Speaker A: So the second half of the night.
Speaker B: Which is the second half of the night. So it really just means that your profile of mental and physical dysfunction will be different under both of those conditions. Which one would you prefer? I would prefer neither of them. And it really depends on what you're trying to optimize for. So it's just so complicated. Sleep is just so pluripotent, it's so physiologically systemic, that it's almost impossible not to undergo one of those two things, just deep sleep deprivation or just REM sleep deprivation, and not show a profile that you would have really prefer to avoid. And that's the reason from an evolutionary standpoint that we have preserved those stages of sleep. I mean, sleep is just so idiotic from an evolutionary perspective.
Speaker A: Or maybe waking is idiotic, or waking is, you know. Well, yeah, based on your previous idea.
Speaker B: Who have you been talking to? I think that comment is very specific to me. Yeah, I am normally always an idiot when waking. I think this idea that sleep is so profoundly detrimental to us, if you were to take it at face value, you're not finding a mate, you're not reproducing, you're not foraging for food, you're not caring for your young, and worst of all, you're vulnerable to predation. On any one of those grounds, sleep probably should have been selected against, but it wasn't. Sleep has fought its way through heroically, every step along the evolutionary path, and therefore every sleep stage has also survived. As best we can tell, what that means is that those are non negotiable. If Mother Nature had found a way to even just sort of thin slice some of that sleep from us, there would have been vast, I'm sure, evolutionary benefits. It looks as though she hasn't, and I'm usually in favor of her wisdom after 3.6 million years.
Speaker A: So, yeah, it's incredible. I want to introduce another gedanken experiment, another thought experiment. So in this arc of the night, slow wave sleep predominates early in the night. And then REM sleep, there's a scenario that many people, including myself, experience on a regular basis, which is they go to sleep sleeping just fine. Three, 4 hours into it. They wake up. They wake up for whatever reason. Maybe there was a noise, maybe the temperature isn't right. We will certainly talk about sleep hygiene, etcetera. They get up, they go to the restroom, they might flip on the lights, they might not. They'll get back in bed. Hopefully they're not picking up their phone and starting to browse and wake up the brain through various mechanisms, light and cognitive stimulation, etcetera, they go back to sleep. Let's say after about 1015 minutes, they're able to fall back asleep and then they sleep till their more typical wake time.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: How detrimental is that wake up episode or event in terms of longevity, learning, et cetera? I would love to sleep the entire night through every night, but most nights I don't. And yet I feel pretty good throughout the day, some days better than others. So if you were to kind of evaluate that waking episode and compare it to sleeping the whole night through, what are your, what are your thoughts on that?
Speaker B: So I think if you're waking up sort of frequently, as you're describing, I would probably get your estate in order because my guess is within the next year, you're gonna be, you're gonna be done for. No, I'm kidding you. Absolutely kidding you. It is perfectly natural and normal, particularly as we progress with age. You know, children tend to have typically more continuous sleep. Now, it's not that they aren't waking up for brief periods of time, they are, and in fact, we all do. When we come out the other end of our sleep cycle, at the end of our REM sleep period of the 90 minutes cycle, almost everybody wakes up and we make a postural movement, we turn over. And because we've been paralyzed for so long, and the body will also like.
Speaker A: To shift, do we ever look around? We ever open our eyes position?
Speaker B: Sometimes people will open their eyes, but usually it's only for a brief period of time, and they usually never commit those awakenings to memory. Right, your situation, and it's my situation as well. I usually, now, at this stage of life, I don't sleep through the night. I'll usually have a bathroom break, then I'll come back. That's perfectly normal. We tend to forget that in sleep science, we think of sleep efficiency. So of the total amount of time that you're in bed, how much of that percent time is spent asleep? And we usually look to numbers that are above 85% or more as a healthy sleep efficiency. So if you were to think about me going to bed and I spend, you know, let's say, eight and a quarter, eight and a half hours of time in bed, with a normal healthy sleep efficiency, I still may be only sleeping a total of seven and a half hours, or seven and three quarter hours. Meaning that I'm going to be awake in total, not in one long boutan, but I'm going to be awake for upwards of 30 minutes, net some time. Sometimes that can be after a ten minute dalliance after having gone to the bathroom, and I'm just gradually drifting back off again. Other times it will just be for a couple of minutes, and most of those you don't commit. So I think we need to stop. We don't need to get too worried about periods of time awake just because we're not sleeping throughout the night. I would love to do that too. And I remember when I, that used to happen, and it still happens occasionally.
Speaker A: Feels great when it does happen. It's a lovely thing, but surprise, right?
Speaker B: It is not now a surprise, the whole night. Yeah, it is a surprise, but for the most part, I think we can be more relaxed about that. Where we have to be a bit more attentive, though, is if you are spending long periods of time not being able to get back to sleep. And usually we define that by saying, if it's been 2025 minutes, normally that's a time when we would really say, okay, let's explore this. What's going on? Let's see what's happening. The other thing is, if it's happening very frequently, so even if you're not awake for 25 minutes stretches, but you're finding yourself waking up and being consciously aware that you've woken up for maybe six, seven or eight times throughout the night, and your sleep is very what we call fragmented. The great science of sleep in the past five or ten years has. Has been, yes, quantity is important, but quality is just as important. And you can't have one without the other in terms of a good, beneficial next day outcome. You can't just get 4 hours of sleep, but brilliant quality of sleep and be unimpaired, nor can you get 8 hours of sleep, but have very poor quality of sleep and be unimpaired the next day. So that's why I just sort of want to asterisk this idea of, let's not get too worried about waking up and having some time awake. That's perfectly normal and natural. But if it's happening very frequently throughout the night, all those periods of time or long stretches of time, upwards of 25 minutes, then let's look into it.
Speaker A: Well, I can assure you, just helped a lot of people feel better about this waking up episode that I and many other people experience.
Speaker B: I hope so, because I. Because I think it's really important that we, you know, I think I've been desperately guilty of perhaps, you know, early on being too puritanical about, you know, sleep. And I've retrospected and I've tried to explore why this was the case. You know, it was almost sleep, or else, dot, dot, dot. And at the time when I was starting to write the book, which was back in 2016, sleep was still a neglected stepsister in the health conversation of today. And I could certainly change, and it's changing, and not because of my efforts.
Speaker A: But because of all of my colleagues, I would say, well, it's great that you give attribution to other people involved, and of course, it's a big field, but I think done a great service by cueing people to the importance of this state, not just for avoiding troublesome outcomes, but also for optimizing their waking state. It's really, you know, I view sleep as this period that feels good, but we're not aware of how it feels when we're in it, necessarily. It has tremendous benefits when you're doing it well, so to speak. And it has tremendous deficits when we're not. And I think. I think it was an important thing for you to do to cue people to this issue, and I would say mission accomplished, that people are aware of the need for sleep. I think that knowing that waking up in the middle of the night is normal, provided it's not too frequent, is great, and will also help people who may have been overly concerned about that. I do want to use this as an opportunity to raise something about the so called Uberman schedule, not to be confused with the Huberman schedule. Fortunately, no one has confused those yet. Some years ago, there was a discussion about the so called Uberman schedule, meaning the Superman schedule. So that's Huberman without an h, which I have nothing to do with. If you read your nietzsche, this will have a subtext. But regardless, the Uberman schedule, as I understand, is one in which the person elects to sleep in 90 minutes. Bouts spread throughout the day and night in an attempt to get more productivity and or reduce their overall sleep need. There was a paper published recently that explored whether or not this is good or bad for us. Maybe you just give us the take home message on that.
Speaker B: Yeah. So these Uberman like schedules, and there's lots of different forms of that. They tried to essentially pie chart the 24 hours period into short bouts of sleep with some shorter or. No, well, slightly longer periods of wakefulness, then short bouts of sleep, then wakefulness. You know, your. I sort of made it. I think it's almost like you're sleeping like a baby, you know, because that's the way that baby sleeps in 90 minutes, will sleep, that they will have, you know, these brief naps, then they're awake, then they're asleep, then they're awake. And to the chagrin of parents across the night, it's basically the same. They're awake, they're asleep, they're awake, they're asleep. And that's more the schedule that these types of protocols have suggested. And there was a really great comprehensive review that found not only that they weren't necessarily helpful, but they were actually really quite detrimental. And on almost every performance metric, whether it be task performance, whether it be physiological outcome measures, whether it even be the quality of the sleep that they were having when they were trying to get it all of those were in a downward direction. And it's not surprising if you look at the way that your physiology is programmed, if you look at the way your circadian rhythm is programmed, none of that screams to us that we should be sleeping in that way.
Speaker A: Well, I'm chuckling because we always hear, sleep like a baby. This is how babies sleep. And I would say, don't sleep like a baby, sleep like an adult. Get your solid 8 hours.
Speaker B: It's Billy Crystal's line, who is a longstanding suffering insomniac. He says, I sleep like a baby. I'm awake every 20 minutes. And I think this is another one of those demonstrations that when you fight biology, you normally lose. And the way you know you've lost is disease, sickness and impairment. And I think if you sleep in accordance with the natural biological edict that we've all been given, life tends to be both of a higher quality and a longer duration.
Speaker A: Yeah, I agree along those lines. As a vision scientist, I've been very excited by the work on these non image forming cells in the eye, the so called melanopsin cells, that inform the brain about circadian time of day. And I'm a big proponent of people getting some sunlight, ideally sunlight, but other forms of bright light into their eyes early in the day and when they want to be awake, essentially during the phase of their 24 hours circadian cycle, when temperature is rising and then starting to get less light in their eyes as our temperature is going down later in the day and in the evening. Are there any adjustments to that general theme that you'd like to add, or is it in any way?
Speaker B: No, I think that's exactly what we recommend right now, which is try to get at least 30 to 40 minutes of exposure to some kind of natural daylight. Now, there may be parts of the.
Speaker A: World where you're from, a rather cloudy part of the world.
Speaker B: I am from Liverpool, England, and the northwest of England is not known for its beach resorts and fine weather. I remember I went back home for a trip when I'd first been out in California, and I thought, why is the sky so low? It's just constantly out. We joke that in the UK we usually have nine months of bad weather and then three months of winter, and then that's your entire year in terms of a climate. But to come to your point, you're exactly right. Try to get that daylight. Now, it can be working next to a window and you're getting that natural sunlight. But that natural sunlight is, even on a cloudy day in England, is usually far more potent than anything that you'll get from indoor lighting. Despite you thinking sort of from a perception wise, maybe they're much closer than I would think.
Speaker A: Yeah, I've been. Sorry to interrupt. I've been a big proponent of. There's an app called Light Meter which will. It's a free app, I have nothing to do with it. That will allow you to get a pretty decent measurement of the amount of light energy coming toward you. And if you hold it up to a cloudy morning where you don't think it's very bright out, kind of a dismal day, you'll notice that there'll be 1000, 2000, even 5000 lux. Lux just being a measure of brightness, of course. And then you can point the same light meter toward an indoor light that seems very bright and very intense, and it'll say 500 looks. And you realize that the intensity as we gauge it perceptually is not really what the system is receiving. So outdoor light is key. How do you get this natural stimulation, or I should just say light stimulation early in the day? What is your typical. What does Matt Walker do to get this light stimulation?
Speaker B: I am no poster child, but usually, if I'm working out, I usually work out most days. And I shopped around and I found a gym that has huge amounts of window exposure facing to the east. This is going to sound so ridiculous. You know, Matt Walker chooses a gym on the basis of the solar input so he can, you know, there are.
Speaker A: A lot of criteria for selecting gyms. This one is actually grounded in physiology and biology and so.
Speaker B: And selfishness about my own sleep.
Speaker A: That's great. So you get your exercise and your light stimulation.
Speaker B: That's right. Yep.
Speaker A: Yep. And so you're stacking cues for wakefulness early in the day.
Speaker B: Exactly. So both exercise and daylight are wonderful cues for circadian rhythm alignment and also circadian rhythm reset each day. And so I will use both exercise. I mean, I'm neither a strong morning type or a strong evening type. And my preference to exercise is probably sometime in the middle of the day, probably somewhere around 01:00 p.m. sorry, not 01:00 a.m. i, but I'm usually working out probably around the sort of seven, sort of 45, 08:00 a.m. time. That's usually when I'll start my workout. And there I start with cardio, spin, bike, facing a window. And luckily for the most part, here in California, there's usually sunlight coming through. But it doesn't matter to me because just as you said, even when it's a cloudy day that looks coming through of light, the intensity is splendid. So I would prefer to favor my exercise just because for efficiency, too, I want to get also working on the day. I'll try to match my exercise more with my circadian light exposure than I would probably if I'm going to. Do I really want to crush a workout or do I want to just, you know, make sure it's a good workout? I would prefer to work out at a different time, but I like that because of the daylight. And we can speak about exercise timing at some point because there's a lot of discussion around that when is the right time to exercise during sleep. And we can sort of bust some myths there, too. So I think you're spot on with the suggestion, get some morning daylight. Try to get that exposure usually at least 30 to 40 minutes. There was some great work recently coming out in the occupational health domain where they moved workers from offices that were just facing walls and, you know, didn't have any exposure to natural daylight. And then they did a time period during that study where they actually were in front of a window and working, and they measured their sleep and their sleep time, and their sleep efficiency increased quite dramatically. I'm forgetting the numbers now, but I think the increase in total sleep time is well over 30 minutes. And the improvement in sleep efficiency was five to 10%. And if you're batting an 80% sleep efficiency average, we're a bit concerned about that. But add 10% to that now you're in a great echelon of healthy sleepers, and all you did was just spend some time working in front of windows.
Speaker A: That's great. And probably folks might want to consider spending a little less time with sunglasses, provided they can do that safely, you know, driving, et cetera. You're not alone with your exercise behavior and facing east. So the one and only Tim Ferriss told me recently that his morning routine nowadays consists of jumping rope while facing east to get the sunlight stimulation of the eyes. And as Matt and I both know, it has to be of the eyes. Right. These portals are the only way to convey to the rest of the brain and body about the time of day and wakefulness. Along the lines of wakefulness, I have a number of questions about caffeine, the dreaded and beloved caffeine. I love caffeine, but I like it in relatively restricted periods of time. So I'm a big fan of waking up. And even though I wake up very groggy, allowing my natural wakefulness signals to take hold, meaning I wake up very slowly, but I don't drink caffeine right away. I sort of delay caffeine by a little while, usually 90 minutes to 2 hours.
Speaker B: Okay.
Speaker A: And that idea came to me on the basis of my understanding of how caffeine and the adenosine receptor interact. I have a feeling you're gonna pronounce adenosine differently than I do.
Speaker B: No, no, no, I'll go with adenosine.
Speaker A: I'll try to go with your skeletal instead of skeletal and synapse and synapse schedule and schedule. There we go. But to make it really simple for folks, how does caffeine work to make us feel more alert? And does the timing in which we ingest caffeine play an important role in whether or not it works for us or against us? So maybe we just start with, how does caffeine work? Why is it that when I drink mate or coffee, which are my preferred sources of caffeine, do I feel a mental and physical lift?
Speaker B: Yeah. So I'm going to suggest, counter to what most people would think, drink coffee.
Speaker A: Or mate is mate. Okay. Also.
Speaker B: Yeah, yeah.
Speaker A: Or whatever form you enjoy, we'll come.
Speaker B: On to sort of why I suggest that. But when it comes to coffee, I would say the dose and the timing makes the poison. So let's start with how caffeine works. Caffeine is in a class of drugs that we call a psychoactive stimulants. So it works through a variety of mechanisms. One is a dopamine mechanism. Dopamine we often think of as a reward chemical. But dopamine is also very much an alerting neurochemical as well. And caffeine has some role, it seems, to play in increasing dopamine. But its principal mode of action, we believe, in terms of making me more alert and keeping me awake throughout the day is on the effects of adenosine. And to explain what adenosine is. From the moment that you and I woke up this morning, this chemical adenosine has been building up in our brain. And the longer that we're awake, the more of that adenosine accumulates.
Speaker A: Is it, may I ask, is it accumulating in neurons, in glia, or in the blood vessels? Where. And is it also accumulating in my body? Where is this adenosine coming from? And where is it accumulating?
Speaker B: Yeah. So the adenosine here that we're talking about that is creating the sleep pressure, is a central brain phenomenon, and it comes from the neurons themselves. Combusting energy and as they're combusting energy, one of the offshoots of that is this chemical adenosine. And so as we're awake throughout the day and our brain is metabolically very active, it's accumulating and building up this adenosine. Now, the. The more adenosine that we have, the sleepier that we will feel. So it really is like a sleep pressure, is what we call it. Now. It's not a mechanical pressure, don't worry, your head's not going to explode. It's a chemical pressure, and it's this weight of sleepiness that we feel gradually growing as we get into the eternity evening.
Speaker A: May I just interrupt you again to just ask, do we know what the circuit mechanism is for that? I mean, not to go too far down the rabbit hole, but for the aficionados and for myself, we have brain mechanisms like locus coeruleus, that release things, our brain areas, locuserulus just being a brain area, of course, that release things that proactively create wakefulness. So are those neurons shutting down as a consequence of having too much adenosine, or are there areas of the brain that promote sleepiness that are activated because these. You can imagine both things working in parallel. One or the other would accomplish the same endpoint.
Speaker B: Yeah, and it's both. And so there are two main receptors for adenosine, the a one receptor and the a two receptor, and they have different modes of activating brain cells or inactivating or decreasing the likelihood of firing. And adenosine works in this beautiful, elegant way where it will inhibit and shut down the wake promoting areas of the brain whilst also increasing and dialing up the volume on sleep, activating sleep promoting.
Speaker A: It's always a push pull. I mean, and we could have a larger discussion at some point about that. Everything, seeing dark edges, seeing light edges, our ability to smell or to sense pressure on the. Everything's a pushback.
Speaker B: Oh, it's great. Yeah. Yep.
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