stringlengths 265
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
These are additional AOC services not specified in the COCR and therefore not addressed in the ITU Informational Paper ACP– WGF 19/IP01 as all other services
### Assistant:
CONDITION: addressed in the ITU Informational Paper ACP– WGF 19/IP01
KEYWORD: and therefore
NOT_RELEVANT: as all other services
CAUSE_1: These are additional AOC services
CAUSE_2: not specified in the COCR
EFFECT_1: not addressed in the ITU Informational Paper ACP– WGF 19/IP01
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Conversely, pilot on-the-loop systems often only have single-thread LOS data links and higher latencies because the pilot is not in real-time control of the takeoff or landing maneuvers
### Assistant:
NOT_RELEVANT: Conversely
VARIABLE: the pilot
CONDITION: landing maneuvers
AND: and
KEYWORD: because
NEGATION: is not
OR: or
CAUSE_1: the pilot is not in real-time control of the takeoff
CAUSE_2: landing maneuvers
EFFECT_1: pilot on-the-loop systems often only have single-thread LOS data links
EFFECT_2: higher latencies
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
However, the method for monitoring the voice traffic between the pilot and the VHF equipment, when it is carried by the aircraft flying a BLOS mission, is not specifically covered by current regulations
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: the voice traffic between the pilot and the VHF equipment
CONDITION: monitoring
NEGATION: is not
CAUSE_2: it is carried by the aircraft flying a BLOS mission
EFFECT_1: is not specifically covered by current regulations
CAUSE_1: monitoring the voice traffic between the pilot and the VHF equipment
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
As d earlier, voice communication is not currently considered for the manned aircraft applications and therefore was not the focus of prior FCSs
### Assistant:
NOT_RELEVANT: As d earlier
VARIABLE: voice communication
NEGATION: was not
CONDITION: the focus of prior FCSs
KEYWORD: and therefore
EFFECT_1: was not the focus of prior FCSs
CAUSE_1: voice communication is not currently considered for the manned aircraft applications
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Classes A, B, and, if the UAS is operated in accordance with instrument flight rules (IFR), Class C
### Assistant:
NOT_RELEVANT: Classes A, B, and
CONDITION: is operated in accordance with instrument flight rules (IFR)
EFFECT_1: Class C
CAUSE_1: the UAS is operated in accordance with instrument flight rules (IFR)
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Latency will be of the utmost importance when establishing a safety case for the operation of UAs, particularly in non-segregated airspace
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: a safety case for the operation of UAs
CONDITION: establishing
NOT_RELEVANT: particularly in non-segregated airspace
CAUSE_1: establishing a safety case for the operation of UAs
EFFECT_1: Latency will be of the utmost importance
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
UAS complies with ATC procedures and instructions while in ATC
### Assistant:
CONDITION: instructions
AND: and
KEYWORD: while
EFFECT_1: UAS complies with ATC procedures
EFFECT_2: instructions
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Specifically, further interference analysis and the development of a joint interference testing program have been postponed until corresponding European L-band activities resume
### Assistant:
NOT_RELEVANT: Specifically
VARIABLE: corresponding European L-band activities
AND: and
KEYWORD: until
CAUSE_1: corresponding European L-band activities resume
EFFECT_1: further interference analysis
EFFECT_2: the development of a joint interference testing program have been postponed
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Because of fewer VHF spectrum depletion concerns in the United States than in Europe for A/G communications, L–DACS development in the United States was determined to be a lower priority compared with the other future communications components, with L-band technology mainly considered to support far-term applications
### Assistant:
CONDITION: mainly considered to support far-term applications
VARIABLE: VHF spectrum depletion concerns
AND: with
KEYWORD: Because of
CAUSE_1: fewer VHF spectrum depletion concerns in the United States than in Europe for A/G communications
EFFECT_1: L–DACS development in the United States was determined to be a lower priority compared with the other future communications components
EFFECT_2: L-band technology mainly considered to support far-term applications
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Because system capacity and spectrum saturation in the VHF aeronautical communications band appears to be a more pressing issue in Europe, the need for an L-band system is more prevalent in that region
### Assistant:
KEYWORD: Because
VARIABLE: the need for an L-band system
AND: and
CONDITION: is more prevalent in that region
EFFECT_1: the need for an L-band system is more prevalent in that region
CAUSE_1: system capacity
CAUSE_2: spectrum saturation in the VHF aeronautical communications band appears to be a more pressing issue in Europe
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Several L-band technologies were identified as candidates to support future en route communication due to favorable propagation characteristics and because of spectrum congestion in the VHF band
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: spectrum congestion in the VHF band
CONDITION: favorable
KEYWORD: because of
AND: and
EFFECT_1: Several L-band technologies were identified as candidates to support future en route communication
CAUSE_1: favorable propagation characteristics
CAUSE_2: spectrum congestion in the VHF band
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
None of the considered technologies were fully recommended primarily due to concerns about the operational compatibility (spectrum interference) with existing systems in the L-band and/or because of lack of sufficient technical maturity
### Assistant:
NEGATION: None of the
VARIABLE: sufficient technical maturity
CONDITION: lack of
KEYWORD: because of
AND: and
OR: or
EFFECT_1: None of the considered technologies were fully recommended
CAUSE_1: concerns about the operational compatibility (spectrum interference) with existing systems in the L-band
CAUSE_2: lack of sufficient technical maturity
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The L–DACS1 option represents the state of the art in the commercial developments employing modern modulation techniques and may lead to utilisation/adaptation of commercial products and standards
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: standards
NOT_RELEVANT: represents the state of the art in the commercial developments employing modern modulation techniques and
KEYWORD: may lead to
CONDITION: utilisation/adaptation of
AND: and
EFFECT_1: utilisation/adaptation of commercial products
EFFECT_2: standards
CAUSE_1: The L–DACS1 option
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The L-band system is proposed to be introduced during the second phase of FRS implementation
### Assistant:
EFFECT_1: The L-band system is proposed to be introduced
KEYWORD: during
CAUSE_1: the second phase of FRS implementation
VARIABLE: FRS implementation
CONDITION: the second phase of
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
However, transition issues need to be identified early in the system development process to assure they are properly addressed by the time of system deployment
### Assistant:
CONDITION: are properly addressed by the time of system deployment
CAUSE_1: transition issues need to be identified early in the system development process
KEYWORD: to assure
EFFECT_1: they are properly addressed by the time of system deployment
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
We have a plan; now it is time to begin the really difficult work of execution, which is much more difficult than planning because it requires commitment to action
### Assistant:
KEYWORD: because
CONDITION: requires commitment to action
VARIABLE: work of execution
CAUSE_1: it requires commitment to action
EFFECT_1: work of execution
NOT_RELEVANT: We have a plan; now it is time to begin the really difficult
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
A final selection of services chosen as applications for the new system will greatly influence transition time and process
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: A final selection of services
AND: and
CONDITION: chosen as applications for the new system
CAUSE_1: A final selection of services chosen as applications for the new system
EFFECT_1: will greatly influence transition time
EFFECT_2: process
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
When implemented, the system will provide a long-term capacity solution and will allow the introduction of new communications services
### Assistant:
CONDITION: will allow the introduction of new communications services
VARIABLE: the system
AND: and
CAUSE_1: implemented
EFFECT_1: the system will provide a long-term capacity solution
EFFECT_2: will allow the introduction of new communications services
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
A gradual transition to the new band and services will lead to mixed equipage aircraft cooperating for extensive periods of time
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: A gradual transition to the new band
AND: and
CAUSE_2: services
KEYWORD: will lead to
CONDITION: cooperating for extensive periods of time
VARIABLE: services
EFFECT_1: mixed equipage aircraft
EFFECT_2: cooperating for extensive periods of time
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
If an evolutionary process is chosen, some communications technologies could be made available for UAS operations quickly while others are being developed
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: some communications technologies
CONDITION: could be made available for UAS operations quickly while others are being developed
CAUSE_1: an evolutionary process is chosen
EFFECT_1: some communications technologies could be made available for UAS operations quickly while others are being developed
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
A/A communications is shown as being provided on L-band only
### Assistant:
CONDITION: is shown as being provided
CAUSE_1: L-band
EFFECT_1: A/A communications is shown as being provided
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
When selecting appropriate centre frequencies for the B–AMC system, all interferers with the power level below –100 dBm can be neglected
### Assistant:
CONDITION: can be neglected
VARIABLE: all interferers
CAUSE_1: selecting appropriate centre frequencies for the B–AMC system
EFFECT_1: can be neglected
CAUSE_2: the power level below –100 dBm
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
As the En-Route coverage is the most demanding case with respect to the usage of spectral resources, this case has been investigated in detail—TMA and airport planning have been delegated to the future work
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: this case
CONDITION: has been investigated in detail
NOT_RELEVANT: TMA and airport planning have been delegated to the future work
EFFECT_1: this case has been investigated in detail
CAUSE_1: the En-Route coverage is the most demanding case with respect to the usage of spectral resources
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Within the initial planning exercise, large 120 nm En-Route B–AMC cells have been considered, with ground B–AMC TX power of +38 dBm
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: ground B–AMC TX power
CAUSE_1: the initial planning exercise
CONDITION: of +38 dBm
AND: with
EFFECT_1: large 120 nm En-Route B–AMC cells have been considered
EFFECT_2: ground B–AMC TX power of +38 dBm
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
It is recommended that further evaluation on the impact of L–DACS transmissions on the incumbent L-band system receiving systems be performed when the L–DACS design has sufficiently matured
### Assistant:
NOT_RELEVANT: It is recommended that
VARIABLE: the L–DACS design
CONDITION: has sufficiently matured
CAUSE_1: the L–DACS design has sufficiently matured
EFFECT_1: further evaluation on the impact of L–DACS transmissions on the incumbent L-band system receiving systems be performed
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Safety is enhanced by situation displays that depict airborne and surface traffic as well as aerodrome information
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: situation displays
CONDITION: aerodrome information
AND: as well as
CAUSE_1: depict airborne
CAUSE_2: surface traffic
CAUSE_3: aerodrome information
EFFECT_1: Safety is enhanced
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
As more sources of position data become available, more traffic is under some form of improved surveillance
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: more sources of position data become available
CONDITION: is under some form of improved surveillance
VARIABLE: more traffic
EFFECT_1: more traffic is under some form of improved surveillance
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Improved weather information integrated into DSSs and disseminated via data link reduces encounters with hazardous weather
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Improved weather information integrated into DSSs
CONDITION: reduces
CAUSE_2: disseminated via data link
VARIABLE: encounters with hazardous weather
AND: and
EFFECT_1: reduces encounters with hazardous weather
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The introduction of data-linked meteorological information improves overall situational awareness
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: The introduction of data-linked meteorological information
EFFECT_1: improves overall situational awareness
CONDITION: The introduction of
VARIABLE: data-linked meteorological information
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
SWIM provides access to weather and information via data link to flight crews, allowing them to develop near-real-time picture of the surrounding environment
### Assistant:
CONDITION: to develop near-real-time picture of the surrounding environment
AND: and
KEYWORD: allowing
EFFECT_1: them to develop near-real-time picture of the surrounding environment
CAUSE_1: SWIM provides access to weather
CAUSE_2: information via data link to flight crews
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Automatic exchange of information between aircraft and ground-based DSSs improves the accuracy and coordination of arrival profiles
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Automatic exchange of information between aircraft and ground-based DSSs
VARIABLE: coordination of arrival profiles
CONDITION: improves
AND: and
EFFECT_1: improves the accuracy
EFFECT_2: coordination of arrival profiles
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
When operationally advantageous and mutually agreed upon, flight deck separation is authorized by ATC
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: operationally advantageous
CAUSE_2: mutually agreed upon
AND: and
VARIABLE: flight deck separation
CONDITION: mutually agreed upon
EFFECT_1: flight deck separation is authorized by ATC
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The flight planning system accommodates all uses of the airspace as the flight profile evolves to include real time SUA operations scheduling information
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: the flight profile
CONDITION: evolves to include real time SUA operations scheduling information
CAUSE_1: the flight profile evolves to include real time SUA operations scheduling information
EFFECT_1: The flight planning system accommodates all uses of the airspace
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
When the profile is filed, it is automatically checked against various conditions and constraints
### Assistant:
CONDITION: constraints
CAUSE_1: the profile is filed
AND: and
EFFECT_1: it is automatically checked against various conditions
EFFECT_2: constraints
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
At the completion of the planning process, the user supplies the service provider with both the flight profile that best balances the NAS constraints and the user’s preferred flight profile
### Assistant:
CONDITION: the user’s preferred flight profile
VARIABLE: the user
AND: and
CAUSE_1: the completion of the planning process
EFFECT_1: the flight profile
CAUSE_2: best balances the NAS constraints
EFFECT_2: the user’s preferred flight profile
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
This information, including any subsequent changes, is available electronically to all service providers until the termination of the flight
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: the flight
AND: including
CONDITION: the termination of
EFFECT_1: This information
EFFECT_2: any subsequent changes, is available electronically to all service providers
CAUSE_1: the termination of the flight
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
As conditions change during the planning phase or during the flight, the user is notified, and he/she is able to interactively determine the impact of the changes on the flight and modify the flight profile as desired
### Assistant:
KEYWORD: during
CONDITION: modify the flight profile as desired
CAUSE_1: conditions change
OR: /
CAUSE_2: the planning phase
CAUSE_3: the flight
AND: and
EFFECT_1: the user is notified
EFFECT_2: he/she is able to interactively determine the impact of the changes on the flight
EFFECT_3: modify the flight profile as desired
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
For users equipped with data link, the capability exists to load a flight profile directly into the aircraft FMS
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: the capability
CONDITION: exists to load a flight profile directly into the aircraft FMS
CAUSE_1: users equipped with data link
EFFECT_1: the capability exists to load a flight profile directly into the aircraft FMS
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
SWIM information is available to all users and service providers until the termination of the flight
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: the flight
CONDITION: the termination of
AND: and
EFFECT_1: SWIM information is available to all users
EFFECT_2: service providers
CAUSE_1: the termination of the flight
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
On taxi out, the flight’s time-based trajectory is updated in SWIM, and projections are made based on prevailing traffic conditions
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: projections
CONDITION: are made based on prevailing traffic conditions
AND: and
CAUSE_1: taxi out
EFFECT_1: the flight’s time-based trajectory is updated in SWIM
EFFECT_2: projections are made based on prevailing traffic conditions
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Both the initial values and subsequent adjustments are incorporated into the surface management information system to ensure consistency and an integrated approach across systems
### Assistant:
AND: and
VARIABLE: consistency
CONDITION: an integrated approach across systems
CAUSE_1: the initial values
CAUSE_2: subsequent adjustments are incorporated into the surface management information system
EFFECT_1: to ensure consistency
EFFECT_2: an integrated approach across systems
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
As required navigation performance (RNP)/RNAV capabilities increase, the low-altitude airspace structure remains largely unchanged
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: the low-altitude airspace structure
CONDITION: remains largely unchanged
EFFECT_1: the low-altitude airspace structure remains largely unchanged
CAUSE_1: required navigation performance (RNP)/RNAV capabilities increase
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Widespread area navigation equipage and expanded surveillance coverage with new technology provide increased access to airports and airspace in all weather conditions
### Assistant:
KEYWORD: provide
CONDITION: expanded
VARIABLE: surveillance coverage with new technology
AND: and
EFFECT_1: increased access to airports
EFFECT_2: airspace in all weather conditions
CAUSE_1: Widespread area navigation equipage
CAUSE_2: expanded surveillance coverage with new technology
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Seamless communications and coordination, coupled with information accessible through SWIM, allow real-time reassignment of airspace between facilities to meet contingencies such as equipment outages
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Seamless communications
AND: coupled with
CAUSE_2: coordination
CAUSE_3: information accessible through SWIM
KEYWORD: allow
VARIABLE: information
CONDITION: accessible through SWIM
EFFECT_1: real-time reassignment of airspace between facilities to meet contingencies such as equipment outages
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Moving map displays enhance pilot familiarity with the airport, leading to better planning and increased safety
### Assistant:
CONDITION: increased
VARIABLE: safety
KEYWORD: leading to
AND: and
CAUSE_1: Moving map displays
EFFECT_1: enhance pilot familiarity with the airport
EFFECT_2: better planning
EFFECT_3: increased safety
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
This data sharing allows service providers to coordinate local operations with airline ramp and airport operators, thus improving overall airport operations
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: overall airport operations
CONDITION: improving
AND: and
EFFECT_1: improving overall airport operations
CAUSE_1: This data sharing allows service providers to coordinate local operations with airline ramp
CAUSE_2: airport operators
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The redundancy in the NAS is applied expeditiously to maintain flow and reduce operational impact
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: operational impact
AND: and
CAUSE_1: The redundancy in the NAS is applied expeditiously
EFFECT_1: to maintain flow
EFFECT_2: reduce operational impact
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
With the completion of the National Airspace Redesign, airspace is restructured to meet future traffic requirements
### Assistant:
CONDITION: to meet
VARIABLE: future traffic requirements
EFFECT_1: airspace is restructured
EFFECT_2: to meet future traffic requirements
CAUSE_1: the completion of the National Airspace Redesign
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Static restrictions due to fixed sector boundaries are reduced or eliminated
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: sector boundaries
KEYWORD: due to
CONDITION: eliminated
OR: or
CAUSE_1: fixed sector boundaries
EFFECT_1: are reduced
EFFECT_2: eliminated
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
If the transmitter has too high a duty cycle, this pulse-blanking method could unacceptably degrade receiver performance
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: this pulse-blanking method
CONDITION: could unacceptably degrade receiver performance
CAUSE_1: the transmitter has too high a duty cycle
EFFECT_1: this pulse-blanking method could unacceptably degrade receiver performance
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The architecture will not be usable if excessive burden (such as Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) and complexity) is needed for a single mission to realize the multi-mission benefits
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: excessive burden
NEGATION: will not
CONDITION: is needed for a single mission to realize the multi-mission benefits
EFFECT_1: The architecture will not be usable
NOT_RELEVANT: (such as Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) and complexity)
CAUSE_1: is needed for a single mission to realize the multi-mission benefits
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Rationale: Managing the complexity of the design through a common architecture and reducing the amount of interdependence on other systems will enhance reliability
### Assistant:
CONDITION: will enhance
VARIABLE: reliability
AND: and
EFFECT_1: will enhance reliability
CAUSE_1: Managing the complexity of the design through a common architecture
CAUSE_2: reducing the amount of interdependence on other systems
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Leveraging their software and hardware development and products to the extent reasonable may reduce NASA’s costs and risks
### Assistant:
CONDITION: may reduce
AND: and
EFFECT_1: may reduce NASA’s costs
EFFECT_2: risks
CAUSE_1: Leveraging their software
CAUSE_2: hardware development
CAUSE_3: products to the extent reasonable
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Deviating from current practices would increase design cost and schedule and decrease reliability
### Assistant:
CAUSE_1: Deviating from current practices
VARIABLE: reliability
CONDITION: Deviating from current practices
AND: and
EFFECT_1: would increase design cost
EFFECT_2: schedule
EFFECT_3: decrease reliability
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
An implementation may not require all aspects of the architecture; therefore, all requirements may not apply to each STRS-compliant software defined radio
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: all requirements
NEGATION: may not
CONDITION: apply to each STRS-compliant software defined radio
KEYWORD: therefore
EFFECT_1: all requirements may not apply to each STRS-compliant software defined radio
CAUSE_1: An implementation may not require all aspects of the architecture
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
By having a single radio be capable of running more than one waveform, this can reduce the number of radios for a mission
### Assistant:
KEYWORD: this can
VARIABLE: the number of radios for a mission
EFFECT_1: reduce the number of radios for a mission
CAUSE_1: a single radio be capable of running more than one waveform
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The radio could also be used for simultaneous GPS reception, thus eliminating the need for a separate receiver
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: the need for a separate receiver
CONDITION: eliminating
EFFECT_1: eliminating the need for a separate receiver
CAUSE_1: The radio could also be used for simultaneous GPS reception
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Future NASA missions will probably need significantly larger science data transfers from space, requiring even higher frequency bands to be implemented
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: even higher frequency bands
CONDITION: to be implemented
KEYWORD: requiring
EFFECT_1: even higher frequency bands to be implemented
CAUSE_1: Future NASA missions will probably need significantly larger science data transfers from space
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Multiple simultaneous channels can also allow for increased throughput or redundancy
### Assistant:
CONDITION: increased
VARIABLE: redundancy
KEYWORD: can also allow for
OR: or
CAUSE_1: Multiple simultaneous channels
EFFECT_1: increased throughput
EFFECT_2: redundancy
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The pilot may deviate only in response required for collision avoidance
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: response
CONDITION: required for collision avoidance
KEYWORD: only in
EFFECT_1: The pilot may deviate
CAUSE_1: response required for collision avoidance
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Norden #2 hosts the guidance, navigation, and control software; hence it is also referred to as the Flight Managemenmight Control host computer
### Assistant:
CONDITION: is also referred to as the Flight Managemenmight Control host computer
AND: and
KEYWORD: hence
CAUSE_1: Norden #2 hosts the guidance
CAUSE_2: navigation
CAUSE_3: control software
EFFECT_1: it is also referred to as the Flight Managemenmight Control host computer
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Neither the original (i.e., essential) TSRV FCS requirements nor the evolution of the baseline software are well documented, thus the “essence” of the system was backed out of the existing implementation
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: the “essence” of the system
NOT_RELEVANT: (i.e., essential)
CONDITION: was backed out of the existing implementation
CAUSE_1: TSRV FCS requirements
CAUSE_2: nor the evolution of the baseline software are well documented
EFFECT_1: the “essence” of the system was backed out of the existing implementation
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
In the analysis stage, the specification of the system should not be influenced by past design solutions -- “We’ve always done it that way” -- or by current technology constraints such as processor speeds or memory limitations
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: the specification of the system
NEGATION: should not
CONDITION: by current technology constraints
NOT_RELEVANT: such as processor speeds or memory limitations
OR: or
CAUSE_1: the analysis stage
EFFECT_1: the specification of the system should not be influenced by past design solutions
EFFECT_2: by current technology constraints
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
In the case of the TSRV FCS, the systems analysis process started from a specification of the system “as built”
### Assistant:
KEYWORD: In the case of
VARIABLE: the systems analysis process
CONDITION: started from a specification of the system “as built”
EFFECT_1: the systems analysis process started from a specification of the system “as built”
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
When several attributes form the primary id, each attribute is separated by a plus sign ("+"), and should appear on a line of its own; the last attribute may be followed by a period (".")
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: the last attribute
CONDITION: may be followed by a period
CAUSE_1: several attributes form the primary id
AND: and
EFFECT_1: each attribute is separated by a plus sign
EFFECT_2: should appear on a line of its own
EFFECT_3: the last attribute may be followed by a period
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Common domains are created whenever two or more attributes share a common domain of values, due to an essential similarity (not a coincidence)
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: similarity
CONDITION: essential
KEYWORD: due to
OR: or
CAUSE_3: an essential similarity
NOT_RELEVANT: (not a coincidence)
EFFECT_1: Common domains are created
CAUSE_1: two
CAUSE_2: more attributes share a common domain of values
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
For example, the reader immediately knows that the attribute “wfp-l-Flight-- Plan-Name-RO1 A” is a referential attribute, because it has the ‘R’ tag “ROl A”
### Assistant:
NOT_RELEVANT: For example
CONDITION: has the ‘R’ tag “ROl A”
KEYWORD: because
CAUSE_1: it has the ‘R’ tag “ROl A”
EFFECT_1: the reader immediately knows that the attribute “wfp-l-Flight-- Plan-Name-RO1 A” is a referential attribute
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The description for an ADCEP may be omitted where obvious from the name
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: The description for an ADCEP
CONDITION: obvious from the name
KEYWORD: where
EFFECT_1: The description for an ADCEP may be omitted
CAUSE_1: obvious from the name
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Teamwork checks referenced ADCEPs when validating a nonprimitive definition
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: a nonprimitive definition
CONDITION: validating
CAUSE_1: validating a nonprimitive definition
EFFECT_1: Teamwork checks referenced ADCEPs
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
When two or more ADCEPs are referenced, this indicates that the ADCEP is actually composed of two or more meaningful parts, each with its own domain
### Assistant:
OR: or
CONDITION: each with its own domain
NOT_RELEVANT: this indicates that
CAUSE_1: two
CAUSE_2: more ADCEPs are referenced
EFFECT_1: the ADCEP is actually composed of two
EFFECT_2: more meaningful parts
EFFECT_3: each with its own domain
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
An attribute in a supertype which names the subtype object class is called a subtype indication, and its domain of valid values is, by definition, the object ids of the subtype object classes
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: its domain of valid values
KEYWORD: which
CONDITION: the object ids of the subtype object classes
AND: and
NOT_RELEVANT: by definition
CAUSE_1: names the subtype object class
EFFECT_1: is called a subtype indication
EFFECT_2: the object ids of the subtype object classes
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Transition labels have been augmented in several ways in order to simplify otherwise busy STDs
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: otherwise busy STDs
CONDITION: to simplify
KEYWORD: in order
EFFECT_1: to simplify otherwise busy STDs
CAUSE_1: Transition labels have been augmented in several ways
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The event name carries the usual meaning: when an object of the class is in the source state, and the named event occurs, then the transition will be taken (unless the transition’s guard is false -- see below)
### Assistant:
NOT_RELEVANT: (unless the transition’s guard is false -- see below)
VARIABLE: the transition
CONDITION: will be taken
CAUSE_1: an object of the class is in the source state
AND: and
CAUSE_2: the named event occurs
EFFECT_1: the transition will be taken
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The boolean expression becoming true while the object is in the source state is treated as an event in the usual sense
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: the object
CONDITION: is treated as an event in the usual sense
KEYWORD: while
CAUSE_1: The boolean expression becoming true
CAUSE_2: the object is in the source state
EFFECT_1: is treated as an event in the usual sense
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
When one of the events occurs, or when one of the boolean expressions evaluates to true, it is said that an event in the event block has occurred
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: an event in the event block
CONDITION: has occurred
CAUSE_1: one of the events occurs
OR: or
NOT_RELEVANT: it is said that
EFFECT_1: an event in the event block has occurred
CAUSE_2: one of the boolean expressions evaluates to true
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
If the guard evaluates to false, then the transition is not taken: the event in the event block is ignored
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: the event block
CONDITION: is ignored
NEGATION: is not
CAUSE_1: the guard evaluates to false
EFFECT_1: the transition is not taken
EFFECT_2: is ignored
CAUSE_2: the event block
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Other than this, no special conventions were adopted for Process Model diagrams
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: Process Model diagrams
CONDITION: were adopted
EFFECT_1: no special conventions were adopted
CAUSE_1: Process Model diagrams
NOT_RELEVANT: Other than this
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
If the object class has a Behavior or Process Model, su zh is indicated
### Assistant:
CONDITION: is indicated
OR: or
EFFECT_1: su zh is indicated
CAUSE_1: the object class has a Behavior
CAUSE_2: Process Model
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The Altitude-Hold-Mode-Controller, when engaged, generates steering commands so as to capam and hold a pilot-selected altitude
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: a pilot-selected altitude
CAUSE_1: The Altitude-Hold-Mode-Controller
AND: and
EFFECT_1: generates steering commands
EFFECT_2: to capam
EFFECT_3: hold a pilot-selected altitude
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
This is the pilot-indicated altitude which shall be captured and held when the Altitude-Hold-Mode-ConController is engaged
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: the Altitude-Hold-Mode-ConController
CONDITION: is engaged
AND: and
EFFECT_1: shall be captured
EFFECT_2: held
CAUSE_1: the Altitude-Hold-Mode-ConController is engaged
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
When fewer than four dimensions are specified, the remaining dimensions are unconstrained and are determined by the pilot or system “on the fly” during flight
### Assistant:
CONDITION: system “on the fly”
VARIABLE: flight
AND: and
OR: or
KEYWORD: during
CAUSE_1: fewer than four dimensions are specified
CAUSE_2: flight
EFFECT_1: the remaining dimensions are unconstrained
EFFECT_2: are determined by the pilot
EFFECT_3: system “on the fly”
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The Manual-Electric-Mode_Controller, while engaged, provides mdimentaxy transformation of the AFD control inputs; the aimaft is essentially being flown manually
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: The Manual-Electric-Mode_Controller
KEYWORD: while
CONDITION: provides mdimentaxy transformation of the AFD control inputs
NOT_RELEVANT: the aimaft is essentially being flown manually
CAUSE_1: The Manual-Electric-Mode_Controller
EFFECT_1: provides mdimentaxy transformation of the AFD control inputs
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
This is the instantaneous longitudinal acceleration of the aircraft, where forward acceleration is positive
### Assistant:
KEYWORD: where
VARIABLE: acceleration of the aircraft
CONDITION: instantaneous longitudinal
CAUSE_1: forward acceleration is positive
EFFECT_1: the instantaneous longitudinal acceleration of the aircraft
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
This is the instantaneous lateral acceleration of the aircraft, where acceleration towards the right wing is positive
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: acceleration towards the right wing
CONDITION: is positive
KEYWORD: where
CAUSE_1: acceleration towards the right wing is positive
EFFECT_1: the instantaneous lateral acceleration of the aircraft
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
This is the instantaneous "vertical" acceleration of the aircraft, where the vertical axis completes the right-hand coordinate system of the aircraft
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: the vertical axis
CONDITION: completes the right-hand coordinate system of the aircraft
EFFECT_1: the instantaneous "vertical" acceleration of the aircraft
KEYWORD: where
CAUSE_1: the vertical axis completes the right-hand coordinate system of the aircraft
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
If the Waypoint is &fined by the pilot via reference to existing Waypoint(s) (e+, SPO/30/30 or SPO/180/EAT/270), then the pilot-entered reference shall be used as the name
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: the pilot-entered reference
CONDITION: shall be used as the name
NOT_RELEVANT: (e+, SPO/30/30 or SPO/180/EAT/270)
EFFECT_1: the pilot-entered reference shall be used as the name
CAUSE_1: the Waypoint is &fined by the pilot via reference to existing Waypoint(s)
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Likewise, if the Waypoint is defined by the pilot via latitude and longitude coordinates, then these coordinates shall be used as the name
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: these coordinates
CONDITION: shall be used as the name
AND: and
EFFECT_1: these coordinates shall be used as the name
CAUSE_1: the Waypoint is defined by the pilot via latitude
CAUSE_2: longitude coordinates
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
In order to maximize the scope of analysis on this project, the development of OCCDs was given a low priority, and only an example OCCD was generated
### Assistant:
CONDITION: was generated
VARIABLE: an example OCCD
EFFECT_1: to maximize the scope of analysis on this project
CAUSE_1: the development of OCCDs was given a low priority
AND: and
CAUSE_2: an example OCCD was generated
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Individuals who require a precise mathematical definition of thermal remote sensing properties, such as directional and hemispherical radiometric temperatures, or directional and hemispherical emissivities, are referred to [RD-2]
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: Individuals
CONDITION: are referred to [RD-2]
NOT_RELEVANT: such as directional and hemispherical radiometric temperatures
OR: or
AND: and
EFFECT_1: are referred to [RD-2]
CAUSE_1: require a precise mathematical definition of thermal remote sensing properties
CAUSE_2: directional
CAUSE_3: hemispherical emissivities
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
To address these themes a number of task-orientated groups are being considered
### Assistant:
CONDITION: are being considered
VARIABLE: a number of task-orientated groups
CAUSE_1: a number of task-orientated groups are being considered
EFFECT_1: To address these themes
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
However, it must be stated that since the ILSTE-WG operates on a “best efforts” basis for most members the review of deliverables is entirely on the goodwill of international colleagues, and the maintenance and growth of the community takes priority
### Assistant:
NOT_RELEVANT: it must be stated that
KEYWORD: since
VARIABLE: growth of the community
CONDITION: takes priority
CAUSE_1: the ILSTE-WG operates on a “best efforts” basis for most members
EFFECT_1: the review of deliverables is entirely on the goodwill of international colleagues
AND: and
EFFECT_2: the maintenance
EFFECT_3: growth of the community takes priority
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Where questions did not permit different levels to be specified then requirements were considered to be at the threshold level
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: requirements
NEGATION: did not
CONDITION: were considered to be at the threshold level
CAUSE_1: questions did not permit different levels to be specified
EFFECT_1: requirements were considered to be at the threshold level
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Finally, if this type of requirement could not be issued, a decision could be made to construct a ‘soft’ requirement
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: a decision
NEGATION: could not
CONDITION: could be made to construct a ‘soft’ requirement
CAUSE_1: this type of requirement could not be issued
EFFECT_1: a decision could be made to construct a ‘soft’ requirement
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Once a requirement was identified then it was first checked against the outcomes of the first user consultation meeting (UCM#1) for agreement, differences or contradictions
### Assistant:
CONDITION: contradictions
CAUSE_1: a requirement was identified
OR: or
EFFECT_1: it was first checked against the outcomes of the first user consultation meeting (UCM#1) for agreement
EFFECT_2: differences
EFFECT_3: contradictions
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Where a contradiction occurred, the outcomes from both UCM#1 and the current survey were weighed to construct the final requirement, which was justified in the comments section of the requirements table along with a description of the discrepancy
### Assistant:
KEYWORD: which
VARIABLE: the current survey
CONDITION: with a description of the discrepancy
CAUSE_1: a contradiction occurred
AND: along
EFFECT_1: the outcomes from both UCM#1
EFFECT_2: the current survey were weighed to construct the final requirement
CAUSE_2: was justified in the comments section of the requirements table
CAUSE_3: with a description of the discrepancy
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
Where the information was provided, the same process was reiterated with breakthrough level specifications
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: the same process
CONDITION: was reiterated with breakthrough level specifications
CAUSE_1: the information was provided
EFFECT_1: the same process was reiterated with breakthrough level specifications
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
In each sub-section where the implementation of a requirement is described then this is clearly indicated to provide additional traceability
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: additional traceability
CONDITION: to provide
EFFECT_1: this is clearly indicated
EFFECT_2: to provide additional traceability
CAUSE_1: In each sub-section
CAUSE_2: the implementation of a requirement is described
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
For single-sensor datasets which explicitly exploit surface emissivity in their retrieval, such as MODIS, this will be provided as mandatory information
### Assistant:
KEYWORD: which
CONDITION: will be provided as mandatory information
EFFECT_1: this will be provided as mandatory information
CAUSE_1: explicitly exploit surface emissivity in their retrieval
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
These temporary user workspaces will be created when users place bulk orders for data via the Data Portal, with files deleted after a period of two weeks
### Assistant:
CONDITION: deleted after a period of two weeks
EFFECT_1: These temporary user workspaces will be created
CAUSE_1: users place bulk orders for data via the Data Portal
AND: with
CAUSE_2: files deleted after a period of two weeks
### END
### Instruction:
Extract the cause and effect entities from the following sentence:
The GlobTemperature User List is being maintained as new users are both identified externally and through registration via the GlobTemperature Website
### Assistant:
VARIABLE: new users
CONDITION: through registration via the GlobTemperature Website
AND: and
CAUSE_1: identified externally
EFFECT_1: The GlobTemperature User List is being maintained
CAUSE_2: through registration via the GlobTemperature Website
### END