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You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | أبو بكر محمد بن الحسن بن عبد الله بن مذحج بن محمد بن عبد الله بن بشر الزبيدي الإشبيلي نزيل قرطبة؛ كان واحد عصره في علم النحو وحفظ اللغة، وكان أخبر أهل زمانه بالإعراب والمعاني والنوادر، إلى علم السير والأخبار، ولم يكن بالأندلس في فنه مثله في زمانه، | Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Madhij Ibn Muhammad Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Bishr al-Zubeidi, a native of Seville and a resident in Cordova, was the ablest grammarian and the most learned philologer of the age. He surpassed all his Spanish contemporaries by his knowledge of syntax, rhetoric, and curious anecdotes; besides which, he was well versed in biography and history. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وله كتب تدل على وفور علمه منها مختصر كتاب العين وكتابطبقات النحويين والغويين بالمشرق والأندلس من زمن أبي الأسود الدؤلي إلى زمن شيخه أبي عبد الله النحوي الرباحي ، وله كتاب الردة على ابن مسرة وأهل مقالته سماه هتك ستور الملحدين وكتابلحن العامة وكتاب الواضح في العربية وهو مفيد جدا، وكتاب الأبنية في النحو ليس لأحد مثله. | The works which he left us are a proof of his extensive learning, and, amongst them, we may notice his abridgment of the Ain, and his classified list (tabakat) of grammarians and philologers who flourished either in the East or in Spain, from the time of Abu al-Aswad al-Duwali to that of his own master, Abu Abd Allah al-Rbahi the grammarian. He composed also a refutation of the doctrines held by Ibn Masarra and his followers; this work he entitled: Hatk Sutur al-Mulhidin [the impious unmasked). His other works are: a treatise on the incorrect phraseology of the vulgar; the Wadih (plain treatise), a highly instructive work on grammar; and a treatise on the grammatical forms, which has never been surpassed. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | واختار الحكم المنتصر بالله صاحب الأندلس لتأديب ولده ولي عهده هشام المؤيد بالله، فكان الذي علمه الحساب والعربية ونفعه نفعا كثيرا، ونال أبو بكر الزبيدي منه دينا عريضة، وتولى قضاء إشبيلية وخطة الشرطة، وحصل نعمة ضخمة لبسها بنوه من بعده زمانا. | (The Omaiyide prince) al-Hakam al-Mustansir billah, lord of Spain, confided his son and publicly declared successor, Hisham al-Muayyad billah, to the tuition of al-Zubeidi; and the young prince not only learned arithmetic and grammar under this preceptor, but acquired a great stock of other information. To the favor of his pupil, al-Zubeidi was indebted for a large fortune, his appointment to the place of kadi at Seville and his nomination to the command of the police-guards (shurta). The ample wealth which he accumulated was long enjoyed by his descendants. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وكان يستعظم أدب المؤيد بالله أيام صباه ويصف رجاحته وحجاه، ويزعم أنه لم يجالس قط من أبناء العظماء من أهل بيته وغيره في مثل سنة أذكى منه ولا أحضر يقظة وألطف حسا وأرزن حلما، وذكر عنه حكايات عجيبة. | He used to extol in terms of the highest praise the abilities and intelligence of his pupil, al- Muayyad, declaring that, amongst all the youths of the imperial family and the sons of the grandees, he never conversed with a boy of his age who was more acute, more quick of comprehension, more sagacious, or more prudent. He related of him also a number of curious anecdotes. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وكان الزبيدي المذكور شاعرا كثير الشعر، فمن ذلك قوله في أبي مسلم ابن فهر:
أبا مسلم إن الفتى بجنانه… ومقولة لا بالمراكب واللبس
وليس ثياب المرء تغني قلامه… إذا كان مقصورا على قصر النفس
وليس يفيد العلم والحلم والحجا… أبا مسلم طول القعود على الكرسي | Al-Zubeidi composed a great quantity of poetry, and, in one of his pieces, directed against Abu Muslim Ibn Fihr, he says: Abu Muslim! a man must be judged from his intelligence and discourse, not from his equip-page and dress. A man’s clothing is not worth a straw, if he possesses a narrow mind. It is not long sittings in the professor’s chair, my good Abu Muslim! which can procure learning, wisdom, and intelligence. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وكان في صحبة الحكم المستنصر، وترك جاريته بإشبيلية فاشتاق إليها، فاستأذنه في العود إليها فلم يأذن له، فكتب إليها: | When employed in the service of al-Hakam al-Mustansir, he ardently longed to see a slave-girl whom he had left at Seville, and, being unable to obtain the permission of going to visit his beloved concubine, he wrote to her these lines: |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | ويحك يا سلم لا تراعي… لا بد للبين من زماع
لا تحسبني صبرت إلا… كصبر ميت على النزاع
ما خلق الله من عذاب… أشد من وقفة الوداع
ما بينها والحمام فرق… لولا المناجاة والنواعي
إن يفترق شملنا وشيكا… من بعد ما كان ذا اجتماع
فكل شمل إلى فراق… وكل شعب إلى انصداع
وكل قرب إلى بعاد… وكل وصل إلى انقطاع | Alas, my dear Salma! take it not to heart! separation must be endured with fortitude. Think not that I bear your absence with patience, unless it be with the patience of a man in the pangs of death. God hath not created a torture more excruciating than the moment of adieus. Death and separation appear to me the ‘same, except that the former is accompanied by the wailing of the funeral mourners. Promptly severed as we were, though once closely united, reflect that every meeting leads to a departure, that the boughs divide into branches, that proximity tends to remoteness, and union to separation. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وكان كثيرا ما ينشد:
الفقر في أوطاننا غربة… والمال في الغربة أوطان
والأرض شيء كلها واحد… والناس إخوان وجيران | He frequently recited the following lines: To be poor in one’s native country is like living in a foreign land; a foreign land with wealth is home; the earth is all the same; mankind are brothers and neighbors. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وكان قد قيد الأدب واللغة على أبي علي البغدادي المعروف بالقالي – المقدم ذكره – لما دخل الأندلس، وسمع من قاسم بن أصبغ وسعيد بن فحلون وأحمد ابن سعيد بن حزم. وأصله من جند حمص المدينة التي بالشام. | When Abu Ali al-Kali arrived in Spain, al-Zubeidi took notes at his literary and philological lectures; he studied also under Kasim Ibn Asbagh, Said Ibn Fahlun, and Ahmad Ibn Saied Ibn Hazm. His family belonged to the military division of Syria called the Jund, of Emessa. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وتوفي يوم الخميس مستهل جمادى الآخرة سنة تسع وسبعين وثلثمائة بإشبيلية، ودفن ذلك اليوم بعد صلاة الظهر، وصلى عليه ابنه أحمد، وعاش ثلاثا وستين سنة، رحمه الله تعالى. | He died at Seville on Thursday, the first of the latter Jumada, A. H. three hundred and seventy nine (the sixth of September, A. D. nine hundred and eighty nine). He was interred the same day, after the celebration of the afternoon prayer, and the funeral service was said over him by his son Ahmad. He lived to the age of sixty- three years. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | ومذحج: بفتح الميم وسكون الذال المعجمة وكسر الحاء المهملة وبعدها جيم، وهو في الأصل اسم أكمة حمراء باليمن، ولد عليها مالك بن أدد فسمي باسمها، ثم كثر ذلك في تسمية العرب حتى صاروا يسمون بها ويجعلون علما على المسمى، وقطعوا النظر عن تلك الأكمة. | Madhij, in its primitive acceptation, served to designate a red sand-hill in Yemen. Malik, the son of Odad, was born on it and received the name of Madhij for that reason. This word then got into such use among the Arabs as a proper name for men, that they ended by considering it as such and forgetting that it applied to this hill. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | والزبيدي: بضم الزاي وفتح الباء الموحدة وسكون الياء المثناة من تحتها وبعدها دال مهملة، هذه النسبة إلى زبيد، واسمه منبه بن صعب بن سعد العشيرة بن مذحج، وهو الذي سمي بالأكمة المذكورة، وزبيد قبيلة كبيرة باليمن خرج منها خلق كثير من الصحابة وغيرهم، رضي الله عنهم. | Zubeidi means descended from Zubeid; this was the surname of Munabbih, the son of Saab, the son of Saad al-Ashira, the son of Madhij, him who was called by the name of the hill. Zubeid is a large tribe established in Yemen, and has produced a great number of remarkable persons, some of them companions of Muhammad. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | القزاز | ABU ABD ALLAH AL-KAZZAZ |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | أبو عبد الله محمد بن جعفر التميمي النحوي المعروف بالقزاز القيرواني؛ كان الغالب عليه علم النحو واللغة والافتتان في التواليف ، فمن ذلك كتاب الجامع في اللغة، وهو من الكتب الكبار المختارة المشهورة. | The grammarian Abu Abd Allah Muhammad Ibn Jaafar al-Tamimi (member of the tribe of Tamim), surnamed al-Kazzaz, was a native of Kairawan. His principal occupation was the study of grammar and philology, and the composition of works on various subjects. One of his productions, the Kitab al-Jami (collector), treats of philology and is a work of great extent and high repute. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وذكر أبو القاسم ابن الصيرفي الكاتب المصري أن أبا عبد الله القزاز المذكور كان في خدمة العزيز ابن المعز العبيدي صاحب مصر وصنف له كتبا. | Abu al-Kasim Ibn al-Sirafi, the Egyptian katib, says that Abu Abd Allah al-Kazzaz was employed in the service of al-Aziz Ibn al-Muzz al-Obaidi, the sovereign of Egypt, and that be composed some works at the desire of that prince. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وقال غيره: كان العزيز بنه المعز العبيدي صاحب مصر قد تقدم إليه أن يؤلف كتابا يجمع فيه سائر الحروف التي ذكر النحويون أن الكلام كله اسم وفعل وحرف جاء لمعنى، وأن يقصد في تأليفه إلى ذكر الحرف الذي جاء لمعنى، وأن يجري ما ألفه من ذلك على حروف المعجم؛ | According to another statement, al-Aziz Ibn al-Muzz ordered him to compose and draw up in alphabetical order a work containing all the words of that third class which is indicated in the well-known grammatical definition: The parts of speech are: the noun, the verb, and the particle. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | قال ابن الجزارك وما علمت أن نحويا ألف شيئا من النحو على هذا التأليف، فسارع أبو عبد الله القزاز إلى ماأمره العزيز به، وجمع المفترق من الكتب النفيسة في هذا المعنى على أقصد سبيل وأقرب مأخذ وأوضح طريق، فبلغ جملة الكتاب ألف ورقة، ذكر ذلك كله الأمير المختار المعروف بالمسبحي في تاريخه الكبير. | And Ibn al-Jazzar observes that he does not know of any grammarian’s having composed a work on a similar plan. In pursuance to the prince’s commands, al-Kazzaz collected all the scattered information contained in the most esteemed treatises on this subject, and arranged it in a clear, simple, and easy order. He thus formed a volume of two thousand pages. The preceding indications are taken from the emir al-Mukhtar al-Musabbihi’s greater history. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وله كتاب التعريض ذكر فيه مادار بين الناس من المعاريض في كلامهم. | In a work called Kitab al-Tarid (book of allusions), he inserted the quibbles and allusions employed in common discourse. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وقال أبو علي الحسن بن رشيق في كتاب ”الأنموذج”: إن القزاز المذكور فضح المتقدمين وقطع ألسنة المتأخرين، وكان مهيبا عند الملوك والعلماء وخاصة الناس محبوبا عند العامة، قليل الخوض إلا في علم دين أو دنيا، يملك لسانه ملكا شديدا. | Abu Ali al-Hasan Ibn Rashik says in his Anmudaj: “Al-Kazzaz brought the ancient writers to shame and reduced the modern authors to silence; respected by the princes, the men of learning and the men of rank, he was beloved by the people. He rarely engaged in conversation unless to speak of the religious or the profane sciences; he had a great command of language and composed equally well in the natural and the artificial styles of poetry. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وكان له شعر مطبوع مصنوع ربما جاء به مفاكهة وممالحة من غير تحفز ولا تحفل، يبلغ بالرفق والدعة على الرحب والسعة أقصى ما يحاوله أهل القدرة على الشعر من توليد المعاني وتوكيد المباني، علما بتفاصيل الكلام وفواصل النظام، فمن ذلك قوله: | He sometimes pronounced his verses to enliven conversation, without seeming to care about them; and he attained with great ease, and in a gentle quiet way, the highest point to which persons having a talent for poetry can aspire; namely, novelty of thought and force of expression. Versed in all the forms of rhetoric, he was equally well skilled in the art of poetry. As specimens of the pieces to which we allude, we may here insert the following. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | أما ومحل حبك في فؤادي… وقدر مكانه فيه المكين
لو انبسطت لي الآمال حتى… تصير من عنانك في يميني
لصنتك في مكان سواد عيني… وخطت عليك من حذر جفوني
فأبلغ منك غايات الأماني… وآمن فيك آفات الظنون
فلي نفس تجرع كل يوم… عليك بهن كاسات المنون
إذا أمنت قلوب الناس خافت… عليك خفي الحاظ العيون
فكيف وأنت دنياي ولولا… عقاب الله فيك لقلت ديني | I swear by the place which thy beloved image holds in my heart, by the lasting sway of love over my bosom, that if my wish were granted to dispose of thy person at my will, I should treasure thee up in the pupil of my eye and shelter thee under the curtains of my eyelids! Then I should enjoy my utmost wishes, and fear no longer for thy character the danger of unjust suspicions; suspicions which daily force my soul to taste the goblet of death. When the hearts of other men are at peace, mine fears for thee the secret glances of the evil eye; why should I not fear for thee who art my world: nay, God’s vengeance alone prevents me saying: Who art my divinity! |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | ومن شعره أيضا:
أضمروا لي ودا ولا تظهروه… يهده منكم إلي الضمير
ما أبالي إذا بلغت رضاكم… في هواكم لأي حال أصير | Love me in secret and let thy thoughts alone inform me of my happiness. Sure of thy affection, I care not for the lot which may await me. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وله أيضا:
ألا من لركب فرق الدهر شملهم… فمن منجد نائي المحل متهم
كأن الردى خاف الردى في اجتماعهم… فقسمهم في الأرض كل مقسم | Who will console the travelers whom fortune has separated, and who now proceed, some to the far East and some to the distant West. Fate seemed to have dreaded meeting with its fate, had it kept them together; and it, therefore, dispersed them throughout the world. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وله أيضا:
ولنا من أبي الربيع ربيع… ترتعيه هوامل الآمال
أبدا يذكر العدات وينسى… ماله عندنا من الإفضال | In Abu Rabia we find a meadow (rabi) where our hopes may roam unrestrained; he always remembers his promises, and he forgets the favors he bestows. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وله أيضا:
أحين علمت أنك نور عيني… وأني لا أرى حتى أراكا
جعلت كغيب شخصك عن عياني… يغيب كل مخلوق سواكا | Since you know that you are the light of my eye, and that I see nothing if I see not you, why have you withdrawn from my sight? Then indeed every object but thyself is hidden from my view. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وذكر له مقاطيع مثيرة غير هذه، ثم قال: وشعر أبي عبد الله – يعني القزاز المذكور – أحسن مما ذكرت، لكني لم أتمكن من روايته، وقد شرطت في هذا الكتاب أن كل ماجئت به من الأشعار على غير جهة الاختيار. | After giving many other pieces by the same author, Ibn Rashik adds: “Some of the poems by Abu Abd Allah” meaning al-Kazzaz are yet finer than those I have quoted; but I could not recall them to memory, and besides, I made it a rule, in composing this book, not to confine my choice to any particular class of poems. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وكانت وفاته بالحضرة سنة اثنتي عشرة وأربعمائة، وقد قارب السبعين، رحمه الله تعالى؛ والمراد بالحضرة القيروان، فإنها كانت دار المملكة يوم ذاك. | He died at al-Hadra, A. H. four hundred and twelve (A. D. one thousand and twenty one or one thousand and twenty two), aged nearly seventy years.” By al-Hadra he means Kairawan, which was at that time the capital of the kingdom. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | والقزاز: بفتح القاف وزايين بينهما ألف والأولى منهما مشدودة، هذه النسبة إلى عمل القز وبيعه، وقد اشتهر به جماعة. | Kazzaz means a worker, or a dealer in silk (kazz}. A number of persons were known by this surname. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | المسبحي | THE EMIR AL-MUKHTAR AL-MUSABBIHI |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | بالأمير المختار عز الملك محمد بن أبي القاسم عبيد الله بن أحمد بن إسماعيل بن عبد العزيز، المعروف بالمسبحي الكاتب، الحراني الأصل المصري المولد، صاحب التاريخ المشور وغيره من المصنفات؛ كانت فيه فضائل ولديه معارف، ورزق حظوة في التصانيف، | The emir al-Mukhtar Izz al-Mulk [the chosen, the glory of the empire) Muhammad Ibn Abi al-Kasim Obaid Allah Ibn Ahmad Ibn Ismail Ibn Abd al-Aziz, generally known by the appellation of al-Musabbihi the katib, drew his origin from a family of Harran, but Egypt was the place of his birth. This highly accomplished and learned scholar was the author of a celebrated history [of Egypt) and other works, all of them attesting the eminent talents with which he was gifted. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وكان على زي الأجناد، واتصل بخدمة الحاكم بن العزيز العبيدي صاحب مصر ونال منه سعادة، وذكر في تاريخه أن أول تصرفه في خدمة الحاكم صاحب مصر كان في سنة ثمان وتسعين وثلثمائة، وذكر فيه أيضا: أنه تقلد القيس والبهنسا من أعمال الصعيد، ثم تولى ديوان الترتيب، وله مع الحاكم مجالس ومحاضرات حسبما يشهد بها تاريخه الكبير. | He always wore the military dress, and it was in the service of al-Hakim al-Obaidi, the son of al-Aziz, and the sovereign of Egypt, that he rose to fortune. He mentions in his history, that he entered into al-Hakim’s service in the year three hundred and ninety eight (A. D. one thousand and seven or one thousand and eight), and that, after holding the governments of al-Kais and al-Bahnasa, in the province of al-Saeed, he was appointed head of the Diwan al-Tartib. The interviews and conferences which he had with al-Hakim are attested by his greater history. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وجمع مقدار ثلاثين مصنفا، منها: التاريخ المذكور الذي قال في حقه” التاريخ الجليل قدره الذي يستغنى بمضمونه عن غيره من الكتب الواردة في معانيه، وهو أخبار مصر ومن حلها من الولاة والأمراء والأئمة والخلفاء، وما بها من العجائب والأبنية واختلاف أصناف الأطعمة، وذكر نيلها، وأحوال من حل بها إلى الوقت الذي كتبنا فيه تعليق هذه الترجمة، وأشعار الشعراء وأخبار المغنين وجالس القضاة والحكام والمعدلين والأدباء والمعتزلين وغيرهم” وهو ثلاثة عشر ألف ورقة. | He compiled about thirty works, and, in speaking of his history, he says: This valuable work, the contents of which render and other treatises on the same subject to unnecessary for the reader, offers him the history of Egypt, of its governors, emirs, imams, and caliphs, the description of its wonders, its edifices, its various productions which serve for food, a notice on the Nile, an history of the persons who settled in that country, brought down to the time in which the rough draught of this chapter was first made, the compositions of the poets, the biography of the muftis, and an account of the sittings held by the kadis, the magistrates (hakims), the muaddils, the literary men, the amatory poets, etc.” This work fills twenty-six thousand pages. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | ومن تصانيفه كتاب التلويح والتصريح في معاني الشعر وغيره وهو ألف ورقة، وهو ألف ورقة، وكتاب الراح والارتياح ألف وخمسمائة ورقة، وكتاب الغرق والشرق في ذكر من مات غرقا غرقا وشرقا مائتا ورقة، وكتاب الطعام والإدام ألف ورقة، وكتاب درك البغية في وصف الأديان والعبادات ثلاثة آلاف وخمسمائة ورقة، | Another of his works, containing two thousand pages, bears the title of al-Talwih wa al-Tasrih [indirect and direct indications), and treats of the ideas occurring in poetry, and the other species of composition. His Kitab al-Rah wa al-Irtiah [wine and cheerfulness) fills three thousand pages; his Kitab al-Ghark wa al-Shark [drowning and strangling), in which he mentions the persons who met with their death in either of these manners, four hundred pages; his Kitab al-Taam wa al-Idam [book of meats and sauces), two thousand pages; his Darak al-Bughia [the attainment of wishes), treating of religions and religious practices, seven thousand pages; |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وقصص الأنبياء عليهم السلام وأحوالهم ألف وخمسمائة ورقة، وكتاب المفاتحة والمناكحة في أصناف الجماع ألف ومائتا ورقة، وكتاب الأمثلة للدول المقبلة يتعلق بالنجوم والحساب خمسمائة ورقة، وكتاب القضايا الصائبة في معاني أحكام النجوم ثلاثة آلاف ورقة، وكتاب جونة الماشطة يتضمن غرائب الأخبار والأشعار والنوادر التي لم يتكرر مرورها على الأسماع، وهو مجموع مختلف غير مؤتلف، ألف وخمسمائة ورقة، | his Kisas al-Anbyaa (history of the prophets), three thousand pages; his Kitab al-Mufataha wa al-Munakaha, treating de varies congresses modes, two thousand four hundred pages; his Kitab al-Amthila lidDual al-Mukbila [book of emblems for the kingdoms which are to come), a work founded on the stars and calculations, five hundred pages; his Kadaya al-Saiba [Sabean judgments), on judicial astrology, three thousand pages; his Junat al-Mashita [comb-case of the female hair-dresser), containing curious relations, pieces of poetry, and anecdotes never before repeated, which miscellany fills one thousand and five hundred pages. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وكتاب الشجن والسكن في أخبار أهل الهوى وما يلقاه أربابه ألفان وخمسمائة ورقة، وكتاب السؤال والجواب ثلثمائة ورقة، وكتاب السؤال والجواب ثلثمائة ورقة، وكتاب مختار الأغاني ومعانيها وغير ذلك من الكتب. | his Kitab al-Shajan wa al-Sakan {sadness and alleviation), containing the history of true lovers and their sufferings, two thousand and five hundred pages; and his Kitab al-Suwal wa al-Jawab (book of questions and answers), three hundred pages. He composed also the Mukhtar al-Aghani wa Maaniha (selections from the Kitab al-Aghani with an explanation of its verses), and other works. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وله شعر حسن ، فمن ذلك أبيات رثى بها أم ولده، وهي:
ألا في سبيل الله قلب تقطعا… وفادحة لم تبق للعين مدمعا
أصبرا وقد حل الثرى من أوده… فلله هم ما أشد وأوجعا
فيا ليتني للموت قدمت قبلها… وإلا فليت الموت أذهبنا معا | We possess some good poetry of his composition, and in one of his pieces, which is an elegy on the death of his concubine, he says:
O let me take the path which leads to God! my heart is broken, and affliction has exhausted my tears. Can I bear my loss with patience, now that my love sojourns in the tomb? O, how great, how poignant are my sorrows! O that I had died before her, or that death had taken us off together! |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وكان المسبحي المذكور قد استزار أبا محمد عبيد الله بن أبي الجوع الأديب الوراق الكاتب المشهور، فزاره؛ فعمل المسبحي هذه الأبيات وأنشده إياها على البديهة: | The celebrated philologer, scribe, and book copyist, Abu Muhammad Obaid Allah Ibn Abi al-Jau, having accepted an invitation from al-Musabbihi, and gone to visit him, was addressed by his host in these extempore lines. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | حللت فأحلت قلبي السرورا… وكاد لفرحته أن يطيرا
وأمطر علمك سحب السماء… ولولاك ما كان يوما مطيرا
تضوع نشرك لما وردت… وعاد الظلام ضياء منيرا | By lodging with me you have lodged joy in my heart, and it is ready to fly from excess of felicity. Thy science has showered (down on ns, copious as) the rains of heaven; were it not for thee, no rain had fallen to-day. Your arrival has spread around a reviving perfume, and the darkness has been changed into light. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وكان ابن أبي الجوع المذكور شاعرا أديبا حلوا مقبولا له أشعار كثيرة في المراسلات والمعاتبات والأهاجي، وكان نسخة في غاية الجودة، وكان ينسخ كل خمسين ورقة بدينار، وخطه موجود بأيدي الناس ومرغوب فيه، | This Ibn Abi al-Jau was a poet, an accomplished scholar, a pleasing companion and universally agreeable. He composed a great quantity of epistolary, expostulatory, and satirical pieces. He copied books at the rate of fifty leaves (or one hundred pages) for a dinar (about ten shillings), and his writing was so extremely beautiful, that the specimens of it still in the hands of the public are in the highest request. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وكانت وفاة ابن أبي الجوع سنة خمس وتسعين وثلثمائة. وكانت ولادة المسبحي المذكور يوم الأحد عاشر رجب سنة ست وستيم وثلثمائة، كذا ذكره في تاريخه الكبير. وتوفي في شهر ربيع الآخر سنة عشرين وأربعمائة. | He died A. H. three hundred and ninety five (A. D. one thousand and forty five). Al-Musabbihi was born, as he himself informs us in his greater history, on Sunday the tenth of Rajab, A. H. three hundred and sixty six (the fourth of March, A. D. nine hundred and seventy seven). He died in the month of the latter Rabi, A. H. four hundred and twenty (April-May, A. D. one thousand and twenty nine). |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وتوفي والده ضحوة نهار الاثنين تاسع شعبان سنة أربعمائة، وعمره ثلاث وتسعون سنة، وصلي عليه في جامع مصر ودفن في داره، رحمهم الله تعالى أجمعين. | His father died on Monday morning, the ninth of Shaaban, A. H. four hundred (the twenty eighth of March, A. D. one thousand and ten), at the age of ninety-three years, and the funeral prayer was said over him in the great mosque of Old Cairo. He was interred in the (court of the) house where he resided. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | ولما توفي الوالد رثاه ولده المسبحي المذكور بهذه الأبيات:
خطب يقل له البكاء وينطوي… عنه العزاء ويظهر المكتوم
خطب يميت من الصدور قلوبها… أسفا ويقعد تارة ويقيم
يا دهر قد أنشبت في مخالبا… بالأسودين لوقعهن كلوم
يا دهر قدألبستني حلل الأسى… مذ حل شخص في التراب كريم | Al-Musabbihi lamented his death in the following lines: To deplore this misfortune, (our) tears are not sufficiently abundant; it repels resignation, and betrays the feelings we suppressed. A misfortune which slays our hearts within our bosoms, which casts us into restless affliction. O fate, thou hast struck thy talons into my heart and covered it with wounds. O fate! thou hast clothed me in a robe of sadness, since a person so dear to us has been laid in the tomb. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | لو كنت تقبل فدية لفديت من… رضت عظامي فيه وهو رميم
يا من يلوم إذا رآني جازعا… من طارق الحدثان، فيم تلوم
بأبي فجعت فأي ثكل مثله… ثكل الأبوة في الشباب أليم
قد كنت أجزع أن يلم به الردى… أو يعتريه من الزمان هموم | Had thou accepted a ransom, I should have redeemed him for whose sake my bones are broken {with grief) whilst his are moldering into dust. O thou who sees me overcome by an event so unexpected, and blames my weakness, why dost thou blame me? I have lost my father! no orphanage is more painful than the loss of parents in our youth. I used to grieve when death seemed to approach him, or when worldly cares took him by surprise. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | ورثاه جماعة من شعراء عصره ذكرهم ولده في تاريخه وذكر مراثيهم. | A number of other poets, whose names are mentioned in the greater history, composed elegies on his father’s death. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | قال السمعاني في كتاب الأنساب: هذه النسبة إلى الجد، وعرف بها المسبحي صاحب تاريخ المغاربة ومصر، يعني الأمير المذكور. | Al-Samaani says, in his Ansab: “Al-Musabbihi means descended from an ancestor whose name was Musabbihi. This surname was borne by the author of the History of the Moroccans {the Fatimites) and of Egypt.” The writer means the emir of whom we have been just speaking. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | ابن حمدون صاحب التذكرة | IBN HAMDUN THE KATIB |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | أبو المعالي محمد بن أبي سعد الحسن بن محمد بن علي بن حمدون الكاتب الملقب كافي الكفاة بهاء الدين البغدادي؛ كان فاضلا ذا معرفة تامة بالأدب والكتابة، من بيت مشهور بالرياسة والفضل هو وأبوه وأخواه أبو نصر وأبو المظفر، | Abu al-Maali Muhammad Ibn Abi Saad al-Hasan Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Hamdun the katib surnamed Kafi al-Kufat [the most serviceable of assistants) Bahaa al-Din (splendor of religion), was a native of Baghdad, highly distinguished for his talents and consummate abilities as a literary man and a katib. He came of a family noted for producing men of influence and merit, as not only he, but his father and his brothers, Abu Nasr and Abu al-Muzaffar, occupied eminent posts in the service of the state. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وسمع أبو المعالي المذكور من أبي القاسم إسماعيل بن الفضل الجرجاني وغيره، وصنف كتاب التذكرة وهو من أحسن المجاميع، يشتمل على التاريخ والأدب والنوادر والأشعار، لم يجمع أحد من المتأخرين مثله، وهو مشهور بأيدي الناس كثير الوجود، وهو من الكتب الممتعة. | Having pursued his studies under Abu al-Kasim Ismail Ibn al-Fadl al-Jurjani and other masters, Abu al-Maali composed his Tazkira (remembrancer), an excellent compilation of historical notices, pieces of literature, anecdotes, and poems. Nothing like it has ever been produced by later writers, and, being a most useful work, it still retains its reputation and continues in the hands of the public. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | ذكر العماد الأصبهاني الكاتب في كتاب الخريدة فقال: كان عارض العسكر المقتفوي، ثم صار صاحب ديوان الزمام المستنجدي، وهو كلف باقتناء الحمد وابتناء المجد، وفيه فضل ونبل وله على أهل الأدب ظل، وألف كتابا سماه التذكرة وجمع فيه الغث والسمين والمعرفة والنكرة، | Imad al-Din al-Ispahani mentions him in the Kharida, and says: “He was army inspector under al-Muktafi (liamr illah), and intendant of the palace under al-Mustanjid. “Ardent for praise and eager for renown, he spread the shade of his protection over literary men and, gifted with talents and genius, he composed a work entitled the Tazkira, wherein he combined gaiety with seriousness, frivolity with knowledge. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | فوقف افمام المستنجد على حكايات ذكرها نقلا من التواريخ توهم في الدولة غضاضة، ويعتقد للتعرض بالقدح فيها عراضة، فأخذ من دست منصبه وحبس، ولم يزل في نصبه إلى أن رمس، وذلك في أوائل سنة اثنتين وستين وخمسمائة، | But the caliphal-Mustanjid having remarked in it some anecdotes, extracted, according to the author’s account, from historical works, but which seemed allusions to the fallen state of the empire, he imagined that Abu al-Maali’s object was to vilify the government, and he, therefore, took him from his seat of office and cast him into prison, where he remained in suffering till he died. This occurred at the beginning of the year five hundred and sixty two (November, A. D. one thousand one hundred and sixty six). |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وأنشدني لنفسه لغزا في مروحة الخيش:
ومرسلة معقودة دون قصدها… مقيدة تجري حبيس طليقها
يمر خفيف الريح وهي مقيمة… وتسري وقد سدت عليها طريقها
لها من سليمان النبي وراثة… وقد عزيت نحو النبيط عروقها
إذا صدق النوء السماكي أمحلت… وتمطر والجوزاء ذاك حريقها
تحيتها إحدى الطبائع انها… لذلك كانت كل روح صديقها | He once recited to me the following piece of his composition, containing an enigmatical description of the linen fan: Fast and loose, it cannot touch what it tries to reach; though tied up, it moves swiftly, and though a prisoner, it is free. Fixed in its place, it drives before it the gentle breeze; though its path be closed up, it moves on in its nocturnal journey. It received from Solomon an inheritance. It remains dry when the star Simak exerts its (cooling) influence (over the weather), but it sheds its moisture when the ardors of Orion return. Its salutation consists in one of the (four) elements, and for that reason every soul is its friend. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وأورد له أيضا:
وحاشا معاليك أن تستزاد… وحاشا نوالك أن يقتضى
ولكنما أستزيد الحظوظ… وإن أمرتني النهى بالرضا | Imad al-Din gives also the following passages as his: May your glory never require augmentation! May thy gifts never require pressing to be granted! But yet I desire increase of fortune, though reason bids me to remain contented. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وأورد له أيضا:
يا خفيف الرأس والعقل معا… وثقيل الروح أيضا والبدن
تدعي أنك مثلي طيب… طيب أنت ولكن بلبن | Little of head and of wit heavy in breath and in body! you pretend to smell sweet like me; sweet you smell, but it is of perfumes. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | انتهى كلام العماد. وقال غيره: إنه سمع الحديث كثيرا وروى عن الإمام المستنجد قول أبي حفص الشطرنجي في جارية حولاء: | Another writer says that he learned by heart a great quantity of Traditions. Ibn Hamdun relates that he heard the imam (caliph) al-Mustanjid repeat the following verses, composed by Abu Hafs al-Shatranji on a girl who had a cast in her eyes. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | حمدت إلهي إذبليت بحبها… على حول يغني عن النظر الشزر
نظرت إليها والرقيب يخالني… نظرت إليه فاسترحت من العذر | When tormented with love, I praised God for the obliquity of vision which rendered sidelong glances unnecessary; I looked at her, and the spy who watched me thought that I looked at him; I thus felt secure from treachery. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وهذا من المعاني النادرة العجيبة | This is certainly a novel and striking idea. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وكانت ولادة ابن حمدون المذكور في رجب سنة خمس وتسعين وأربعمائة وتوفي يوم الثلاثاء حادي عشر ذي القعدة سنة اثنتين وستين وخمسمائة، ودفن يوم الأربعاء بمقابر قريش ببغداد، وكان موته في الحبس. | Ibn Hamdun was horn in the month of Rajab, A. H. four hundred and ninety five (April-May, A. D. one thousand one hundred and two), and he died on Tuesday, the eleventh of Zu al-Kaada, A. H. five hundred and sixty two (the twenty ninth of August, A- D. one thousand one hundred and sixty seven). He was interred the next day, in the Quraish cemetery, at Baghdad. He died in prison. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وأخوه أبو نصر محمد بن الحسن الملقب غرس الدولة كان من العمال، وممن يعتقد في أهل الخير والصلاح ويرغب في صحبتهم، ولد في صفر سنة ثمان وثمانين وأربعمائة، وتوفي في ذي الحجة سنة خمس وأربعين وخمسمائة ببغداد، ودفن بمقابر قريش. | His brother, Abu Nasr Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan, surnamed Ghars al-Dawlat (plant of the empire), an officer of the civil administration (aamil), was looked upon as one of those virtuous and holy men whose society is much to be desired. He was born in the month of Safar, A. H. four hundred and eighty eight (Feb.-March, A. D. one thousand and ninety five), and he died at Baghdad in the month of Zi al-Hijja, A. H. five hundred and forty five (March-April, A. D. one thousand one hundred and fifty one). He was interred in the Quraish cemetery. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وكان والدهما من شيوخ الكتاب والعارفين بقواعد التصرف والحساب وله تصنيف في معرفة الأعمال، وعمر طويلا، وتوفي يوم السبت عاشر جمادى الأولى سنة ست وأربعين وخمسمائة ، رحمهم الله تعالى أجمعين. | Their father was a katib of high rank, a skillful administrator, and a good accountant. He composed a work on the nature of the different posts in the civil service (fi maarifat al-Aamal), and lived to an advanced age. He died on Saturday, the tenth of the first Jumada, A. H. five hundred and forty six (the twenty fifth of August, A. D. one thousand one hundred and fifty one). |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | ابن قريعة | IBN KURAIA |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | القاضي لأبو بكر محمد بن عبد الرحمن، المعروف بابن قريعة البغدادي؛ كان قاضي السندية وغيرها من أعمال بغداد، ولاه أبو السائب عتبة بن عبيد الله القاضي، وكان من إحدى عجائب الدنيا في سرعة البديهة بالجواب عن جميع ما يسأل عنه في أفصح لفظ وأملح سجع، | The kadi Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Rahman, a native of Baghdad and generally known by the surname of Ibn Kuraia, filled the functions of his office in al-Sindiya and other places in the province of Baghdad, by the appointment of the kadi Abu al-Saieb Otba Ibn Obaid Allah. Ibn Kuraia was one of the wonders of the world for the promptitude with which he replied to every question submitted to his opinion; and his answers were expressed in the purest style and in the most beautiful rhythmical prose. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وكان مختصا بحضرة الوزير أبي محمد المهلبي – المقدم ذكره – منقطعا إليه، وله مسائل وأجوبة مدونة في كتاب مشهور بأيدي الناس، وكان رؤساء ذلك العصر وفضلاؤه يداعبونه ويكتبون إليه المسائل الغريبة المضحكة، فيكتب الجواب من غير توقف ولا تلبث مطابقا لما سألوه، | Having been received into the intimacy of Abu Muhammad al-Muhallabi, he attached himself exclusively to that vizir. There exists, in the hands of the public, a well-known work containing a collection of questions proposed to Ibn Kuraia and the answers which he returned. The men of rank and the literary characters of that age took great pleasure in jesting with him and consulting him, by writing, on odd and laughable questions, to which he immediately replied by written answers in the same style. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وكان الوزير المذكور يغري به جماعة يضعون له من الأسئلة الهزلية على معان شتى من النوادر الطنزية ليجيب عنها بتلك الأجوبة، فمن ذلك ما كتب إليه العباس بن المعلى الكاتب: مايقول القاضي، وفقه الله تعالى، في يهودي زنى بنصرانية فولدت ولدا جسمه للبشر ووجهه للبقر، وقد قبض عليهما، | The vizir of whom we have just spoken encouraged some persons to invent a number of ridiculous questions on a variety of burlesque subjects, in order to obtain his answers, and the katib Abu al-Abbas Ibn al-Mualla wrote to him as follows: “What does the kadi, may God direct him! say of a Jew who committed fornication with a Christian, and she brought forth a child with a human body and the head of an ox? They are now both under arrest. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | فما يرى القاضي فيهما فكتب جوابه بديها: هذا من أعدل الشهود على الملاعين اليهود، بأنهم أشربوا حب العجل في صدورهم حتى خرج من أيورهم، وأرى أن يناط برأس اليهودي رأس العجل، ويصلب على عنق النصرانية الساق مع الرجل، ويسحبا على الأرض، وينادى عليهما ظلمات بعضها فوق بعض، والسلام. | What does the kadi opine respecting them?” On this paper he immediately inscribed an answer in these terms: “ This evidence none can refuse it bears hard upon the accursed Jews and proves that they drank down the love of the calf into their hearts so that it now comes out from their lower parts I opine that on the Jew’s neck the calf’s head you should tie and on the Christian’s shoulder fix the leg and the thigh and that they should be dragged on the ground whilst the words: Darkness upon darkness are proclaimed around. Receive my salutation.” |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | ولما قدم الصاحب بن عباد – المقدم ذكره – إلى بغداد حضر مجلس الوزير المهلبي المقدم ذكره أيضا، وكان في المجلس القاضي أبو بكر المذكور، فرأى من ظرفه وسرعة أجوبته مع لطافتها ما عظم منه تعجبه، وكتب الصاحب إلى أبي الفضل ابن العميد كتابا يقول فيه: | When the Sahib Ibn Abbad visited Baghdad, he went to the vizir al-Muhallabi’s levees, and was there so greatly struck with the kadi Ibn Kuraia’s wit and delicate repartees, that, in a letter addressed by him to Abu al-Fadl Ibn al-Amid, he said: |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وكان في المجلس شيخ خفيف الروح يعرف بالقاضي ابن قريعة، جاراني في مسائل خستها تمنع من ذكرها، إلا أني استظرفت من كلامه، | “And there was at the levee a facetious shaikh, called the kadi Ibn Kuraia, with whom I discussed some questions too indelicate to be mentioned here; and I must say that I found his conversation singularly witty.” |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وقد سأله كهل يتطلب بحضرة الوزير أبي محمد عن حد القفا، فقال: ما اشتمل عليه جربانك، ومازحك فيه إخوانك، وأدبك فيه سلطانك، وباسطك فيه غلمانك، فهذه حدود أربعة. | An elderly man who smelt strongly of perfumes having asked him, in the presence of the vizir Abu Muhammad, the definition of the term kafa, he replied: “It is that part which is surrounded by thy skirts (jurubban); which draws on thee the railleries of thy friends; the part on which thy sultan corrects thee, and in which thy familiarities of thy boys. There are four definitions of it.” |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | قلت: وجربان الثوب: بضم الجيم والراء وتشديد الباء الموحدة وبعدها ألف ثم نون، وهي العريضة التي فوق القب، وهي التي تستر القفا، والجربان لفظ فارسي معرب. | The jurubban of a coat is the broad piece of stuff which covers the of coccyges and hides the kafa. It is a Persian word Arabicized. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وجميع مسائله على هذا الأسلوب، ولولا خوف الإطالة لذكرت جملة منها، وقد سرد أبو بكر محمد بن شرف القيرواني الشاعر المشهور في كتابه الذي سماه ”أبكار الأفكار” عدة مسائل وجواباتها من هذه المسائل. | All the questions proposed to him were of this sort, and I should mention some more of them here, did I not wish to avoid prolixity; but a good number of them, with the answers, have been inserted by the celebrated poet Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Sharaf al-Kairawani, in his work entitled Abkar al-Afkar (original thoughts). |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وتوفي القاضي أبو بكر المذكور يوم السبت لعشر بقين من جمادى الآخرة، سنة سبع وستين وثلثمائة ببغداد، وعمره خمس وستون سنة، رحمه الله تعالى. | The kadi Abu Bakr Ibn Kuraia died at Baghdad on Saturday, the nineteenth of the latter Jumada, A. H. three hundred and sixty seven (the first of February, A. D. nine hundred and seventy eight), aged sixty-five years. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وقريعة: بضم القاف وفتح الراء وسكون الياء المثناة من تحتها وبعدها عين مهملة، وهولقب جده، كذا حكاه السمعاني. | Kuraia was the surname of one of his ancestors, according to al-Samaani. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | والسندية: بكسر السين المهملة وسكون النون وكسر الدال المهملة وتشديد الياء المثناة وبعدها هاء ساكنة، وهي قرية على نهر عيس بين بغداد والأنبار، وينسب إليها ليحصل الفرق بين هذه النسبة والنسبة إلى بلاد السند المجاور لبلاد الهند. | Al-Sindiya is the name of a village situated on the (canal called) Nahr Isa, between Baghdad and al-Anbar. To indicate that a person is a native of this place, they say Sindawani (not Sindi), lest he should be taken for a native of Sind, the country which lies on the borders of India. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | الوهراني | IBN MUHRIZ AL-WAHRANI |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | أبو عبد الله محمد بن محرز بن محمد الوهراني الملقب ركن الدين، وقيل جمال الدين؛ أحد الفضلاء الظرفاء، | Abu Abd Allah Muhammad Ibn Muhriz Ibn Muhammad al-Wahrani, surnamed Rukn al-Din [column of religion) some say, Jamal al-Din (beauty of religion) was a man of wit and talent. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | قدم من بلاده إلى الديار المصرية في أيام السلطان صلاح الدين، رحمه الله تعالى، وفنه الذي يمت به صناعة الإنشاء، فلما دخل البلاد ورأى بها القاضي الفاضل وعماد الدين الأصبهاني الكاتب وتلك الحلبة علم من نفسه أنه ليس من طبقتهم ولا تتفق سلعته مع وجودهم، | He left his country and came to Egypt in the reign of the sultan Salah al-Din, but, as the art to which he applied was the drawing up of official papers, and as he found there al-Kadi al-Fadil, the katib Imad al-Din al-Ispahani, and other distinguished individuals of the same class, he felt his inferiority, and perceived that his abilities, eminent as they were, could not be employed with profit to himself. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | فعدل عن طريق الجد وسلك طريق الهزل، وعمل المنامات والرسائل المشهورة به والمنسوبة إليه، وهي كثيرة الوجود بأيدي الناس، وفيها دلالة على خفة روحه ورقة حاشيته وكمال ظرفه، ولو لم يكن له فيها إلا المنام الكبير لكفاه، فإنه أتى فيه بكل حلاوته، ولولا طوله لذكرته، | He, therefore, abandoned the grave style of writing, and, having taken to light compositions, he wrote the collection of visions and epistles which bears his name. This work, copies of which are very common, is a proof of the buoyant humor, acute mind, and accomplished with possessed by the author. The Great Vision alone would suffice for his reputation; it abounds in Charming ideas, but its length precludes its insertion here. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | ثم إن الوهراني المذكور تنقل في البلاد وأقام بدمشق زمانا، وتولى الخطابة بداريا، وهي قرية على باب دمشق في الغوطة. | He afterwards visited different countries, and, having resided for some time at Damascus, he was nominated preacher (Khatib) at Daraiya, a village situated in the Ghuta and at the gates of the city. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وتوفي في سنة خمس وسبعين وخمسمائة بداريا، رحمه الله تعالى، ودفن على باب تربة الشيخ أبي سليمان الداراني. نقلت من خط القاضي الفاضل: وردت الأخبار من دمشق في سابع عشر رجب بوفاة الوهراني. | He died at Daraiya, A. H. five hundred and seventy five (A. D. one thousand one hundred and seventy nine or one thousand one hundred and eighty), and was interred at the entrance of the funeral chapel erected over the grave of the shaikh Abu Suleiman al-Darani. I found in the hand-writing of al-Kadi al-Fadil that, on the seventeenth of the month of Rajab, the news of al-Wahrani’s death came (to Egypt) from Damascus. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | والوهراني: بفتح الواو وسكون الهاء وفتح الراء وبعد الألف نون، هذه النسبة إلى وهران، وهي مدينة كبيرة في أرض القيروان، بينهما وبين تلمسان مسافة يومين، وهي على ساحل البحر الشامي، وذكر الرشاطي أنها أسست في سنة تسعين ومائتين على يدي محمد بن أبي عون ومحمد بن عبدوس وجماعة، وخرج منها جماعة من العلماء وغيرهم. | Wahrani means native of Wahran (Oran), a large city in the land of Kairawan. It is situated on the Syrian Sea (the Mediterranean), at the distance of two days’ journey from Tilimsan. Al-Rushati says that it was founded, A. H. two hundred and ninety (A. D. nine hundred and three), by Muhammad Ibn Abi Aun, Muhammad Ibn Abdus, and a band of adventurers from Spain. It has produced many distinguished men, some of them remarkable for learning. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | فخر الدين ابن تيمية الحراني | IBN TAIMIYA AL-HARRANI |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | أبو عبد الله محمد بن أبي القاسم الخضر بن محمد بن الخضر بن علي بن عبد الله، المعروف بابن تيمية الحراني الملقب، فخر الدين الخطيب الواعظ الفقيه الحنبلي؛ كان فاضلا، تفرد في بلده بالعلم، وكان المشار إليه في الدين، | Abu Abd Allah Muhammad Ibn Abi al-Kasim al-Khidr Ibn Muhammad Ibn al-Khidr Ibn Ali Ibn Abd Allah, generally known by the appellation of Ibn Taimiya al-Harrani and surnamed Fakhr al-Din (glory of religion), was an eminent preacher and a jurisconsult of the Hanbalite sect. He held the first place in his native town by his learning, and was highly distinguished for his piety. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | لقي جماعة من العلماء وقدم بغداد وتفقه بها على أبي الفتح ابن المني، وسمع الحديث بها من شهدة بنت الإبري وابن المقرب وابن البطي وغيرهم ، وصنف في مذهب الإمام أحمد بن حنبل رضي الله عنه، مختصرا أحسن فيه، وله ديوان خطب مشهور وهو في غاية الجودة، | Having cultivated the sciences under some men of great erudition, he proceeded to Baghdad, where he studied jurisprudence under Abu al-Fath Ibn al-Manni, and learned Traditions from Shuhda Bint al-Ibari, Ibn al-Mukrab, Ibn al-Batti, and others. He composed a very good compendium of the doctrines professed by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, and an excellent collection of khutbahs (sermons), which is a work of high repute. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وله تفسير القرآن الكريم، وله نظم حسن، وكانت إليه الخطابة بحران، ولأهله من بعده، ولم يزل أمره جاريا على سداد وصلاح حال. | He left also a commentary on the Quran, and some good poetry. He occupied the post of preacher (khataba) at Harran, and this office was afterwards filled by other members of his family. His life was one uniform course of rectitude and virtue. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | ومولده في أواخر شعبان سنة اثنتين وأربعين وخمسمائة، بمدينة حران. وتوفي بها في حادي عشر صفر، سنة إحدى وعشرين وستمائة، رحمه الله تعالى. | He was born at Harran towards the end of the month of Shaaban, A. H. five hundred and forty two (January, A. D. one thousand one hundred and forty eight), and he died in that city on the eleventh of Safar, A. H. six hundred and twenty one (the fourth of March, A. D. one thousand two hundred and twenty four). |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | قال أبو المظفر سبط ابن الجوزي في حقه: كان ضنينا بحران، متى نبغ فيها أحد لايزال وراءه حتى يخرجه منها ويبعده عنها، ومات في خامس صفر من السنة المذكورة، وهذا خلاف ما ذكرته أولا، قال: وسمعته في جامع حران يوم الجمعة بعد الصلاة ينشد: | Abu al-Muzaffar Sibt Ibn al-Jauzi says: “He incurred general odium in Harran, and, when any person of that place commenced to display abilities, he never ceased persecuting him till he drove him out of the city. He died on the fifth of Safar, A. H. six hundred and twenty one.” This date differs from ours. He then adds: “I heard“ him, one Friday, on the conclusion of the public prayer, recite the following verses in the great mosque of Harran. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | أحبابنا قد نذرت مقلتي… لا تلتقي بالنوم أو نلتقي
رفقا بقلب مغرم واعطفوا… على سقام الجسد المغرق
كم تمطلوني بليالي اللقا… قد ذهب العمر ولم نلتق | My beloved friends! I have warned my eyes that they and sleep are never to meet unless we meet again. Spare a heart tortured with love, and pity an enfeebled body worn away. “How often have you adjourned the night of our promised meeting! life has passed away, and yet we do not meet.” |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | ذكره أبو يوسف محاسن بن سلامة بن خليفة الحراني في تاريخ حران وأثنى عليه، ثم قال: توفي يوم الخميس بعدالعصر عاشر صفر سنة اثنتين وعشرين وستمائة. | Abu Yusuf Mahasin Ibn Salama Ibn Calipha al-Harrani mentions Ibn Taimiya with commendation in his History of Harran, and says that he died on Thursday, the tenth of Safar, A. H. six hundred and twenty two (the twenty first of February, A. D. one thousand two hundred and twenty five), soon after the hour of the Asr prayer. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وذكره أبو البركات ابن المستوفي فيتاريخ إربل فقال: ورد إربل حاجا في سنة أربع وستمائة، وذكر فضله، وقال: كان يدرس التفسير في كل يوم، وهو حسن القصص حلو الكلام مليح الشمائل، وله القبول التام عند الخاص والعام، وكان أبوه أحد الأبدال والزهاد، | Abu al-Barakat Ibn al-Mustaufi speaks of him in his History of Arbela, and states that he arrived in that city in the year six hundred and four, with the design of making the pilgrimage to Mecca. He then extols his merit and adds: ‘He gave lessons every day on the interpretation of the Quran; he related anecdotes with great elegance; his discourse had a peculiar charm, and this, joined to an agreeable disposition, rendered his company most acceptable to people of all ranks. His father was one of the abdals and holy ascetics. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وتفقه بحران وببغداد، وكان حاذقا في المناظرات صنف مختصرات في الفقه، وخطبا سلك فيها مسلك ابن نباتة، وكان بارعا في تفسير القرآن وجميع العلوم له فيها يد بيضاء، وسمع من مشايخ الحديث ببغداد | He [the son) acquired hie knowledge of jurisprudence at Harran and at Baghdad; in controversy he displayed singular acuteness. He composed some compendious treatises on jurisprudence, and left a collection of sermons in the style of Ibn Nubata’s. As an expounder of the Quran he stood preeminent, and in all the sciences his abilities were highly conspicuous. He learned Traditions from the first masters at Baghdad. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وأنشد له:
سلام عليكم مضى ما مضى… فراقي لكم لم يكن عن رضا
سلوا الليل عني مذ غبتم… أجفني بالنوم هل أغمضا
أأحباب قلبي وحق الذي… بمر الفراق علينا قضى
لئن عاد عيد اجتماعي بكم… وعوفيت من كارث أمرضا | Ibn al-Mustaufi then cites the following piece as the production of Ibn Taimiya: Receive my salutations and let the past be forgotten; my departure from you was much against my will. Ask the night if sleep has ever closed my eyelids since I left you. Friends beloved of my heart. I swear by Him who decreed our separation, that if the joyful day of our meeting return and the woes which afflict me be healed. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | لألتقين مطاياكم… بخدي وأفرشه في الفضا
ولو كان حبوا على جبهتي… ولو لفح الوجه جمر الغضى
فأحيا وأنشد من فرحتي… سلام عليكم مضى ما مضى | I shall go forth to meet the camels which bear you hither, and lay my face as a carpet in their path; even should I apply my forehead to the ground even should the (heat, ardent as) brands of ghada wood, scorch my cheeks! Then I should receive new life then warble in joy, I should exclaim: Receive my salutations the past is now forgotten! |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وتيماء: بفتح التاء المثناة من فوقها وسكون الياء المثناة من تحتها وفتح الميم وبعدها همزة ممدودة، وهي بليدة في بادية تبوك إذا خرج الإنسان من خيبر إلها تكون على منتصف طريق الشام، وتيمية منسوبة إلى هذه البليدة، وكان ينبغي أن تكون تيماوية، لأن النسبة إلى تيماء تيماوي، لكنه هكذا قال واشتهر كما قال. | Taimaa is the name of a village in the desert of Tabuk, half-way between Khaybar and Syria. Taimiya means a female belonging to Taimaa; but the more correct expression (in this case) is Taimiya, because the masculine form of the relative adjective derived from Taimaa is Taimawi. The statement furnished by Ibn Taimiya himself has however been generally adopted. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | أبو منصور العتابي | AL-ATTABI THE GRAMMARIAN |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | أبو منصور محمد بن علي بن إبراهيم بن زبرج، النحوي المعروف بالعتابي؛ كانت له معرفة بالنحو واللغة وفنون الأدب، وله الخط المليح الصحيح الذي يتنافس فيه أهل العلم، وقرأ الأدب على الشريف أبي السعادات هبة الله بن الشجري – الآتي ذكره إن شاء الله تعالى – وعلى أبي المنصور موهوب بن الجواليقي وغيرهما | Abu Mansur Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Zibirj the grammarian, sur- named al-Attabi, possessed a good knowledge of grammar, philology, and belles letters. His writing was so beautiful and correct, that specimens of it are much sought after by literary men. He studied general literature under Abu al-Saadat Hibat Allah Ibn al-Shajari (a sharif whose life we shall give), Abu Mansur Mawhub Ibn al-Jawaliki, and others. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وسمع الحديث من مشايخ وقته، وكتب الكثير، وكل كتاب يوجد بخطه فهو مرغوب فيه. وكانت ولادته في شهر ربيع الأول سنة أربع وثمانين وأربعمائة. وتوفي ليلة الثلاثاء الخامس والعشرين من جمادى الأولى سنة ست وخمسين وخمسمائة، رحمه الله تعالى. | He learned Traditions from the first masters of that age, and wrote a great deal. Volumes in his handwriting are highly valued. His birth took place in the month of the first Rabi, A. H. four hundred and eighty four (April-May, A. D. one thousand and ninety one), and his death occurred on the eve of Tuesday, the twenty fifth of the first Jumada, A. H. five hundred and fifty three. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | والعتابي: بفتح العين المهملة وتشديد التاء المثناة من فوقها وبعد الألف باء موحدة، هذه النسبة إلى العتابيين، وهي إحدى محال بغداد في الجانب الغربي منها، وكان أبو منصور المذكور قد تركها وسكن في الجانب الشرقي. | Attabibelonging to al-Attabiyin, a place an Baghdad so called;, and situated on the west side of the river. Abu Mansur resided there, but he afterwards removed to the east side. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وأما أبو عمرو كلثوم بن عمرو بن أيوب العتابي الشاعر المشهور فهو منسوب إلى عتاب بن سعد بن زهير بن جشم، وكان شاعرا بليغا مجيدا، مدح هارون الرشيد وغيره، وهو من اهل قنسرين المدينة القديمة التي بالشام مجاورة حلب، | The surname of al-Attabi was also borne by a celebrated poet called Abu Amr Kulthum Ibn Amr Ibn Ayyub, but he derived it from the circumstance of his being descended from Attab Ibn Saad Ibn Zuhair Ibn Jusham. Kulthum was an eloquent and able poet, who celebrated the praises of Harun al-Rashid and other great men. Me belonged to Kinnisrin, an ancient city of Syria, near Aleppo. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | وكان ينبغي ذكره في هذا الكتاب، وإنما أخللت به لأني لم أظفر له بوفاة، ومبنى هذا الكتاب على من عرفت وفاته. | I should have mentioned him in this work, but, as it was designed to contain notices on those persons only the dates of whose decease were known, and as I was unable to ascertain the year of his death, I felt constrained to omit him. |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | المسعودي شارح المقامات | AL-MASUDI Al-BANBAHI |
You are a bilingual language expert proficient in both English and Arabic. Your task is to accurately and fluently translate text from English to Arabic while preserving the original meaning, tone, and context. Ensure your translations are culturally appropriate and grammatically correct. If the input contains technical terms, idiomatic expressions, or specific jargon, provide the most suitable Arabic equivalent. Avoid transliteration unless necessary for clarity or when explicitly requested. | أبو سعيد – ويقال أبو عبد الله – محمد بن أبي السعادات عبد الرحمن بن محمد بن مسعود بن أحمد بن الحسين بن محمد المسعودي، الملقب تاج الدين، الخراساني المروروذي البندهي الفقيه الشافعي الصوفي؛ ان أديبا فاضلا اعتنى بالمقامات الحريرية فشرحها وأطال شرحها، واستوعب فيه مالم يستوعبه غيره، | Abu Saied some say Abu Abd Allah Muhammad Ibn Abi al-Saadat Abd al-Rahman Ibn Muhammad Ibn Masud Ibn Ahmad Ibn al-Husain Ibn Muhammad al-Masudi, surnamed Taj al-Din [Grown of religion) al-Bandahi, was a native of Marwarruz in Khorasan a doctor of the Shafiite sect, and a Sufi. He displayed great talents as philologer, and composed on al-Hariri’s Makamas the fullest and most complete commentary ever written on that work. |
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