Tale as Old as Time (Eve and Krad)
"Papa?" A young, brunette woman called, pushing against the tall, wooden doors to the castle. She held his hat in her hand, the other was fisted over her cloak clasp. This whole day hadn't gone as planned..."Goodbye, Papa! Good luck!" "Goodbye! And take care while I'm gone." She'd watched as he drove down the road and out of sight, then retreated indoors. An hours worth of dusting, twenty minutes to cut up vegetables, and five minutes to mix it into a stew and then she could settle in with her newest book, the one the book seller had given her yesterday. Not an hour later, there had been a knock on the door, and then he'd shown... wanting to engage her in talk of marriage and a family, dogs and a hearthfire. No, thank you. She deserved better than him... he didn't deserve her. That wasn't what she'd told him though, oh, no. And after she'd tossed his boots out after him, she leaned against the door, her hand over her eyes. How could she get rid of him? The minutes had ticked by, and finally she felt it would be safe to go outdoors, feed the animals. "Is he gone?" She asked the chickens, who merely looked at her inquisitively. "The nerve of him! He asked me to marry him!" And she'd ranted to the goats, the pig, the chickens, knowing they wouldn't pass judgement. Chores done, she wandered out to their back field to watch the sun set. That was when she'd heard the frantic whinny. "Phillippe! What... where's Papa? Oh, we have to find him. You've got to take me to him." And hurriedly, she unhitched him from the cart, and climbed up onto her horse's back. That was how she'd found herself at this spooky old castle in the woods, complete with creaky gate and gargoyles."Papa? Where are you? Hello?" Slowly, she paced through the halls. "Is someone here?"
Tale as Old as Time (Eve and Krad)
The beast was sitting in his parlor, staring into the fire an open book on his lap. The sound of her voice brought him out of his trance and he stood up quickly and turned, his cape swishing behind him. Carefully he went to the door and peeked out into the hall as she passed by.
Tale as Old as Time (Eve and Krad)
The servants were all abuzz as the rumor went around there was a girl in the castle."Hello? Wait! I'm looking for my father... I " She paused, looked around, brushed a stray strand of hair back from her face. "Well, that's funny. I was sure there was someone. I is anyone here?""Belle?" The sound of that voice had her running across the tower room."Papa!" Her hands reached out, found the one he held out to her. "Oh, your hands are like ice!" And his cough worried her. "I've got to get you out of here." She ignored all of his protests that she needed to leave, that she had to get out. "I'm not leaving you, Papa." And though she was worried, her strength came through in her voice.
Tale as Old as Time (Eve and Krad)
The beast saw her there, kneeling down infront of the bars. He aproached, the moonlinght casting a shadow over her as he neared silently, her father sputtering words, attempting to tell her to leave.
Tale as Old as Time (Eve and Krad)
She turned with a gasp as the shadow came over her. "Who... who are you? Please... I've come for my father. Can't you see he's terribly sick!" She was supporting herself with her hands, her eyes pleading with the shadow above her. She didn't know what she'd do, if whoever had put her father in this cell wouldn't release him. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if she just left him there.
Tale as Old as Time (Eve and Krad)
"Your... father is my prisioner now. Now leave or you will be too." He said a low growel escaping his throat as he spoke.
First Time Trainer (Mizzet and Linisedel)
A Tent to Themselves [FF4-Edge (bishhunterd)/Rydia (breeze)]
"I bet there's a safe haven right around " Edge's boisterous claim was cut short as two more basilisks sprung out from around the corner of the cavern walls. With a couple of well placed shruiken, the monsters lay dead, and for ONCE in the last two hours, Edge was actually right about finding a safe haven. Shimmers of blue white light bounced off the damp, dark walls of the cavern deep in the underworld. The outcroppings of rock and pieces of crystal glowed and reflected the light."Now, milady," Edge said playfully to his traveling companion Rydia, "let's camp here for a while to regain our strength. I know you've been putting your black magic through its paces." The ninja took the tent he'd received from Cecil before exploring the cavern away from the three Baronians, pitching it in the middle of the mystical field which warded away the monsters who hid in the darkness. After pitching the tent, he dusted his hands and turned to face the young lady."I know the tent seems a bit small, but I assure you it will be quite comfortable for just the two of us." Though he wore a fabric mask over his nose and mouth, anyone could see the silhouette of a grin on the young prince's face. His words had never failed to swoon the young women of his homeland of Eblan. Now his sights were set on Rydia, the mystical Summoner from the lost town of Mist. Edge was glad that Cecil had sent them on this mission together. In the initial rush of joining Cecil's party, he had not had time to properly introduce himself to this magical girl. He knew that by charming her with his words and being confident in his body and his strength, she too would eventually fall to his charms.Edge trained tirelessly to learn the secret arts that his mother and father, the queen and king, wanted him to master. The training showed as his bare arms had muscle clearly defined. He crossed his arms over his chest, drawing attention to his body, showing just how fit and strong he was. The lavender clothing he wore was the traditional garb of the commander of Eblan's army. It was very form fitting, further accentuating Edge's attractive features.With a courteous gesture, he allowed Rydia to enter their tent first as he went to start a fire for their camp.
A Tent to Themselves [FF4-Edge (bishhunterd)/Rydia (breeze)]
"Oh, hey! What do you know! You actually found one." Rydia had lost hope and hour ago that they were actually going to find a magically protected area to take a rest. Her strength was dwindling. She had actually been thinking about asking Edge to carry her. She had good reasons behind it. For one, if they got hurt, she could heal them. That was reason enough for her strength to be preserved.The girl stood with her hands upon her hips as she watched Edge assemble the tent. Her green hair fell down into her matching green eyes as she tilted her head. While she would of loved to have gone with Cecil, Edge was probably the second best. She thought she was strong enough to take care of herself but really, Edge was a lot stronger then her and a good person to have around.At his comment about the size of the tent, Rydia only smirked at the sight of the grin hiding behind the fabric that covered the lower half of his face. "Right. I'm sure it will be just fine. If it does turn into a problem, however, you can just sleep outside of the tent. You would do that, wouldn't you? I'd give you a blanket, of course." She grinned back at him before stepping inside the tent, her boots being left right outside the opening.Sitting inside the tent, pulling off as much clothes as she could get away with, she had to wonder what to expect. She hadn't actually had time to just relax and be herself with Edge. And he certainly seemed to be the ladies man type. She sighed at the thought.
A Tent to Themselves [FF4-Edge (bishhunterd)/Rydia (breeze)]
Edge made his way to the tent's entrance, silently removing his boots and padding inside. "There we are," Edge said, softer but with the same cockiness he was infamous for. "We'll be so warm that we won't even need blankets!"Edge caught a glimpse of Rydia, removing her bulkier outer garments, leaving just enough on to remain decent. His eyes grew wide for just a moment before he regained his composure and pulled the mask from his face, confirming the grin he wore. "I must admit, I'd love to learn more about you, Rydia. We've just met and I'm sure there's a reason you're fighting alongside Cecil and the others."He sat cross legged on the ground of the tent and set his kunai to the side before removing the lightweight armor he wore. A see through, tight fitting black shirt made from fine silk was the only thing left on the ninja's upper body. He breathed a sigh of relief, thankful for the break in all the chaos and battling.
A Tent to Themselves [FF4-Edge (bishhunterd)/Rydia (breeze)]
"Mmm. I suppose it will be pretty warm given how little room there is." She was twirling a long strand of her hair around her index finger. She leaned back, laying down and sprawling out. She was suprised at how quickly she had become comfortable sleeping out in the wild, scary places. Though if she was alone, she guessed she wouldn't be so at ease.So he was curious about her past. She frowned, thinking of the tragic events that had happened in the not too distant past. She really didn't feel like talking about it. She'd skip a few things. Her mother, for one. "My village was burned to the ground by Cecil's king. He felt horrible that he had been a pawn...and so he took me with him. I want to avenge my people. That, and Cecil saved my life. I'm proud to fight at his side."She lay still then, her eyes closed. "Nothing much special about me, Mr. Edge." she mumbled.
A Tent to Themselves [FF4-Edge (bishhunterd)/Rydia (breeze)]
"I don't know about that. You're stronger than I thought if you've been through all that. And, might I add, you are VERY easy on the eyes. I'm surprised that you don't have to fight off suitors more than you fight off Goblins," Edge joked. He couldn't help but think that Rydia was the prettiest woman he'd ever seen."None of the girls in Eblan could hold a candle to you. Plus, you're intelligent and can match wits with me. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself."Edge grinned as he got a little more comfortable, laying on his side while he propped his head up on his arms. "And I truly mean that, milady."
A Tent to Themselves [FF4-Edge (bishhunterd)/Rydia (breeze)]
Rydia was blushing, then. She really couldn't help it. Her pale cheeks were now stained an adorable pink. She was still young, she hadn't really had time as far as men went. Now that she was travelling with Cecil and everyone, that was probably the farthest thing from her mind. To hear him say she was attractive, well. It made her giddy. She wasn't sure she liked it."Thank you, Mr. Edge." she mumbled. "But really, don't make me out to be so wonderful." she laughed quietly. She did know that she held a sort of escotic look. But still, she didn't pay too much attention to her appearance.She felt wrong not complimenting him back, so she did. "In Mist there were a lot of pretty people, and handsome men. But you, you're different. I didn't think men came like you. You're practically perfect." She smiled sheepishly toward him.
A Tent to Themselves [FF4-Edge (bishhunterd)/Rydia (breeze)]
Edge did something he'd never done with any of the girls back home. He leaned forward and pushed a soft kiss to Rydia's forehead, smiling as he stared into the deep green eyes of the summoner. This time, it was different. It wasn't like the empty advances he'd made in the past. A strong feeling washed over the prince. He wanted to care for Rydia he wanted to protect her. Most of all, he wanted to make her smile like she just did."Thank you, Rydia," Edge purred. "I'm so very happy you feel that way."The temperature in the tent felt like it had climbed all by itself. In the back of his mind, Edge also wanted to show Rydia things that she couldn't learn from a spellbook or in the Feymarch. He tucked the thought away in the back of his mind, not wanting to scare Rydia before he had a chance to connect with her. Despite that, the thought grew little by little. To Rydia, however, Edge looked calm. The ninja once again thanked his training.
A Tent to Themselves [FF4-Edge (bishhunterd)/Rydia (breeze)]
He kissed her forehead and now her entire body was blushing. She felt absurd. People did that all the time. It was a gesture you gave to show affection, usually to someone younger. Rosa did it all the time. But this was different. The way he was looking at her was just...different. What could he have been thinking just then? Did he really like her?Instantly her mind fluttered away to things that they should of, and her blush deepened. For one, he wouldn't. He said she was beautiful, but would he really act? No, she didn't think he would. And if he did she'd probably make a complete idiot out of herself. She had no idea what to do. She did her best to calm herself down, shifting and wiggling nervously.A smile spread over her trembling lips and she nodded. "We should get some rest." she said quietly. "I mean, we'll have to wake up eventually and get on our way." Though really, she would of enjoyed just staying in the tent with him.
A Tent to Themselves [FF4-Edge (bishhunterd)/Rydia (breeze)]
"You're right. We have to continue on, and fight through the rest of this cavern until we meet back up with the others," Edge replied, but then put his strong, warm, masculine hand on her shoulder to try and calm her nerves a bit. He continued, "But I really like this. Just being able to sit and relax, even if it is only temporary."A hint of playfulness flashed through the ninja's dark eyes. "Who knows," he chuckled, "the others may be even more lost than we were. I have a feeling that we'll be at the meeting point well before them, so why not spend the time together?"Edge traced Rydia's bare shoulders with just one finger. "It's so nice and warm here. You can't blame me for wanting to stay a little while."
A Tent to Themselves [FF4-Edge (bishhunterd)/Rydia (breeze)]
He was making staying here sound even more tempting. Really, they were probably ahead of the others. They may of been lost a bit and unable to find a rest spot for a long time but because of that they had come farther then the others would of. Knowing that made her smile, feel a little more accomplished.Rydia's eyes darted down to Edge's hand as he touched her shoulder. Despite how warm it was it caused goosebumps to raise up all over her skin. She shivered lightly before trying to relax again, looking back up at him with a light blush."I don't blame you at all." she spoke quietly. "I'd love to stay here for awhile, too." She offered him a smile but was shying away from his touch rather then becoming acustom to it. She couldn't help it, she held an attraction for him and it made things, well, akward for her.
A Tent to Themselves [FF4-Edge (bishhunterd)/Rydia (breeze)]
Edge smiled faintly and moved his hand away from Rydia's shoulder. He could sense how timid she was. It was a bit unlike how she normally is quite opinionated and unafraid to say exactly how she felt. The prince thought that she was experiencing feelings she'd never dealt with before that would explain how quiet she's been ever since coming into the tent."It's okay, Rydia, dear," Edge cooed. "You know what? I'm going to tell you a secret that no one else knows. But you have to promise not to tell anyone, okay?"Edge's smile was a genuine one. He wanted to act on his desire to make her feel comfortable and happy. He gave Rydia a little bit of room so that perhaps she'd feel a bit calmer. "There isn't a soul who knows this secret. I want you to know it because it'll help you relax."
A Tent to Themselves [FF4-Edge (bishhunterd)/Rydia (breeze)]
It made her blush just know he knew how tense she was in this situation. She took a few deep breaths and calmed herself down instantly. She'd be fine. Smiling toward Edge she nodded quickly, leaning forward, expecting him to whisper said secret into her ear, even though they were all alone. Secrets and whispering went hand in hand, right?"Do I have to tell you a secret in return or are you giving me this one for free?" she questioned with a little smile. See, it wasn't that hard to control herself and calm down. She shifted comfortably on the tent floor, curling her toes and waiting eagerly for him to tell her what it was he was keeping from the rest of the world. It'd give them a connection, she thought. Something for just them, and she liked that.
A Tent to Themselves [FF4-Edge (bishhunterd)/Rydia (breeze)]
Edge leaned in, closing the distance between them slowly. That same confident smile stayed on his face as his lips came so very close to Rydia's ears. He allowed his hand to gently touch Rydia's hair, which sent the temperature in the tent up a few notches. The ninja's hand moved to cup Rydia's face as he confessed his one secret to her."Even with as much as I flirt and womanize, I've never actually been in bed with a woman," Edge whispered softly.A small blush tinted his own high cheekbones as he pulled away a bit to smile at the girl who'd suddenly stolen his heart. The hand cupping Rydia's face withdrew with a few longing touches. He could feel a slight bit of trepidation having confessed his secret. He secretly hoped that Rydia wouldn't burst into laughter or ridicule him for the rest of the journey. If that were to happen, he'd have earned every time that Kain called him a fool."It's always fun to tease," Edge grinned, "but I feel like I shouldn't tease with you. You deserve more than that, Rydia," he said. He hadn't thought about the words they simply spilled out, almost of their own volition. It's as if his sharp mind had dulled just a bit to let his heart do the speaking instead.
A Tent to Themselves [FF4-Edge (bishhunterd)/Rydia (breeze)]
His hand in her hair, then on her face made her shiver again. Of course, it was a natural reaction to the touch and it wasn't a negative one, either. She felt like the normal her would of pulled away and plainly stated that he shouldn't touch a lady like that without asking, even if it was just a kind gesture. But right now, she didn't feel nearly as confident as she always did. She felt vulnderable beside Edge, but in the best possible way.The secret, well, it wasn't something she had been expecting but given that it was Edge she should have. Her cheeks colored a little more and she simply looked back up at him, trying to collect some words and then speak them. She was surprised by his little confession...but at the same time, and for a reason completely unknown to her, she was very, very happy."That's good." she finally said in a tiny voice. "I mean, you're only suppose to go to bed with the person you care about most...and you flirt with everyone." She laughed softly before offering him a smile. Should she say she was a virgin, too? No, she could of guessed he already knew that. She just let there be a moment of silence, and it was more comfortable then she thought possible.
A Tent to Themselves [FF4-Edge (bishhunterd)/Rydia (breeze)]
Edge's fears melted away with the summoner's smile. He returned it with his own, enjoying the amiable silence for a moment. Edge was pleasantly surprised at Rydia's reaction, and decided to press his luck a bit."I have another secret to tell you," Edge said, as he raised a finger in the air. "But, after this one you have to share one of your own. Is that agreeable?"Edge could feel his heart beating a bit faster. He hoped that Rydia would agree, mainly because he wanted to tell her his next secret as soon as he could. If the summoner hesitated, Edge worried that he might just blurt it out loud enough to attract attention to the cozy tent. He stared at the tent floor for just a second, gathering his patience so that he wouldn't startle Rydia out of her current mood.
A Tent to Themselves [FF4-Edge (bishhunterd)/Rydia (breeze)]
Rydia continued to smile at him, waiting for the silence to be broken though honestly she would of been just fine if it wasn't. She could of happily fallen to sleep looking into his eyes, his happy smile. But he did eventually speak again, catching her interest yet again.Another secret. But this one was clearly more important then the last because this time he did want her to tell him one of her own in exchange. Laying there she tried to think of something to tell him. It depended on what he was about to tell her, of course. Maybe she could relate them somehow."Alright." she said, leaning in again, eagerness and excitment clearly there. "Tell me first, and then I'll tell you a secret, too."
A Tent to Themselves [FF4-Edge (bishhunterd)/Rydia (breeze)]
Edge leaned in again, a bit more playful this time, and whispered, "The person I care about most is you, Rydia..."He grinned and gently kissed her ear as he withdrew, letting her take in what he'd said. It was pretty deep, but Edge knew it to be true. He hoped that Rydia would at least accept it, and he dreamed that she felt the same way too. Despite his calm demeanor, Edge was quite nervous. He wouldn't let Rydia onto that fact, however. It had never been this way with anyone else.He leaned back and stretched out, relaxing his body, pleading with whatever Eidolon was listening to help Rydia understand what he meant by his second confession.
A Tent to Themselves [FF4-Edge (bishhunterd)/Rydia (breeze)]
Wow.Okay, this was a little more shocking then his first confession. No, a lot more shocking. She'd frozen up at his words, eyes filled with confusion for a moment before completly blank and she drew back into herself and tried to figure out what exactly she was suppose to make of this. Lots of things were swimming through her brain, things she could say, things she wanted to ask. But she was unsure. About everything. But then, she loved risks. She took them all the time. If she just believed him, then...Blinking a few times she turned her gaze back to his, a smile spreading across quivering lips. "I...I don't really know what to say to that, Edge." She admitted with a weak laugh before glancing away again, only to look right back. "Except that...that you have touched me more then anyone else since my mother died. We have a connection...and I think I care about you just as much as you care about me. That's my secret."She hoped he wasn't just joking, because she was being as serious as ever, her brilliant green eyes filled with emotion. Emotion for him.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas wanted to die, absolutely wanted to just roll over and die. It was the end of yet another perfect summer with his best friends and now it was time for school. The end of summer meant no more beach, no more sleeping in until one in the afternoon, which was one of Roxas's favorite things to do. The end of the summer also meant that Roxas was royally fucked, he didn't finish his assignment for the summer and that mean instant death, according to Seifer. You see, Seifer had done nothing but beat him up all summer and then sit on him as he told him how much he was going to hate Professor Axel. This certain Professor had quite the reputation around school as being a hard ass and demanding way too much of his students. Roxas certainly didn't believe this, seeing as Seifer said that they had to write ten essays in class in an hour and a half period, which was entirely impossible to do. So the boy just assumed that Seifer was trying to make him even more stressed, like he always attempted to do and usually succeeded at.The blonde slugged his way through the halls of his school though, absolutely dreading his first period with the infamous Professor Axel. He couldn't believe that he hadn't completed his summer assignment, seeing as he planned to do it the last week of summer, but instead spent it at the beach with his friends while they swam and worked on their tans, which Roxas was rather proud of. Even though he didn't look like a pale fish any longer, thanks to the beach, he was mentally kicking himself in the groin each step he took to his fateful first period, where his newly tanned ass was most likely going to get burned by Professor Axel.Roxas took one of the few available seats left in the classroom once he arrived, the ones closest to Professor Axel's desk, of course. His fingers tapped his desk in and his foot tapped the floor nervously as he awaited for the professor to arrive and for Armageddon to begin.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Before Professor Axel had entered the classroom, Roxas listened to the many whispers around him. Many of them were talking about rumors about the professor, such as hearing that he had actually set a student's paper on fire because he forgot to put his name on it. This made Roxas grow a bit hotter and he loosened his tie a small amount, which was part of the school uniform. If that one kid only forgot to write his name on the paper, what in the hell would Axel do to a student who forgot to do the assignment all together? The boy let out a heavy sigh, butterflies in his stomach as the whole class awaited awaited their demise."Good morning, professor." The class answered in unison as Axel addressed them. Roxas' brow raised as the professor made his rather lame joke, although he was half tempted to run out the door and switch into another English class. The boy thought that anyone who made bad jokes couldn't be that bad of a teacher and that maybe everything he heard about Axel were just rumors! Yes, that had to be it. Immediately, Roxas felt a bit of relief as he relaxed and placed a small smile on his face.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas immediately felt the nervousness come back and the butterflies flutter in his stomach once more as Axel said that most of the rumors everyone had heard were probably true. The boy mentally kicked himself in the ass for not taking the chance the professor had given him to run. He grew even more nervous as Axel asked if they had all finished their summer assignments and all of the kids except Roxas, of course, passed them forward to the professor. The boy felt the want to die return, being the only one stupid enough not to finish the summer assignment.He slowly raised his hand as Axel had requested. "I I didn't finish the assignment...sir." He said sheepishly, awaiting his punishment.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas' mouth dropped once he heard that whoever hadn't turned in the first assignment failed the first test, was this man insane? He was just going to fail Roxas on his very first test just because he was too busy during the summer? Oh, he must be insane. The boy was going to protest to protect his grade, but once he saw Axel's frightening look, he bit his tongue and looked away from his professor and down towards his desk. "My name is, um, Roxas, sir." He said softly, almost a whisper. The boy was scared now, what was Axel going to do to him? The blond only figured it would be something highly unpleasant.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas was a bit shocked by just how mean Axel was. Seifer had said some pretty nasty things, but really had not prepared him for the demon in front of him. The man, while attractive, had the personality of Satan. "Yes sir." The boy replied as he looked up to the man, intent on staring at him. His mouth dropped once he heard the assignment that they had to do however. This man truly was insane, he expected a ten page report by tomorrow? That would take all night!The blond stood up and looked at his other classmates who only offered their apologetic faces as he walked into Axel's office and took a seat in an empty chair across from his desk, waiting for sweet death to come.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas somehow got even more nervous now that he was in Axel's rather small, claustrophobic office. There were no windows in his office, which was strange and only one door as the exit. The blond bit his lip and tapped his feet together in anticipation and couldn't help but gasp slightly as he heard the door close behind Axel. The boy looked behind him to the red head and looked apologetically at him. "I I'm sorry for not completing my assignment sir, but are you really going me? Can't I do extra credit or something?" The boy prayed to God, Buddha and Shiva that there was some sort of makeup assignment he could do.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
To Roxas, it seemed as though Axel was actually trying to creep him out and it was working. Why wouldn't the man just sit down in his desk so he could actually see him instead of making his mind wonder as to why the hell he wouldn't sit down and to what exactly he was doing behind him? And how hard did Axel expect him to work? It couldn't get much tougher than a ten page essay by tomorrow, could it? It didn't matter though, Roxas needed that grade and he needed it bad. "Well, sir, I'd work as hard as you want me to to get the grade."
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
The second Axel's fingers touched the boy's neck, he went stiff as a dead man. What the fuck did his professor think he was doing? Did he think Roxas was some little schoolboy slut that he could touch? Hell no, Roxas didn't sleep around with his teachers. If the boy were as stiff as a dead man before, he didn't know how stiff he was now that Axel was molesting his lips with his own. His eyes went wide and his hands moved up to push Axel back a bit, so he could speak. "P Professor what the hell are you doing!?"
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas was about to smack Axel across the face, but thought that might only upset him and that wouldn't exactly be good in this certain situation. "But that's blackmail, Professor! It's illegal. I could tell someone and then you'd be like...arrested and you'd be fired and you'd never be hired anyone again and...and stuff like that." The blond couldn't fully form complete thoughts or sentences still, seeing as his brand new professor had just kissed him and well, that would shock anyone.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Crap. Axel was right, anyone he told would probably believe the teacher more than they would the student. It looked as though little Roxas was stuck. The boy couldn't help but laugh out loud as Axel went off about how attractive he was. It was true, the man was devilishly handsome and pretty much anyone would be happy to be kissed by him, but still. "Narcissistic, much?" Roxas questioned, covering his mouth a bit to hide his laughter. It was true, though, he did enjoy the kiss a bit, even though he was pretty much in shock while it happened. Roxas considered what he would have to do to Axel though, he would most likely have to have sex with him to get the A he wanted for the test and he wasn't exactly sure if he wanted to go that far, considering, well, it was illegal."So...Professor Axel, if I...have, with you." He cleared his throat a bit, a light blush forming across his cheeks as he looked into his Professor's emerald eyes. "I'll get an A?"
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas couldn't believe that he was actually having this conversation with his Professor, or at all even. Was he really going to do this? Was he really going to have sex with his teacher for a grade? Well, the answer was yes, yes he was. His parents would kill him if they found out he didn't do the summer assignment, seeing as he promised them that he had and he couldn't afford to fail a test, especially on the first day of school. So now really the only question was if he could handle the pressure, as Axel had questioned. Well, Roxas wasn't entirely sure if he could, but he sure as hell was going to try."Yes, I think I can." The blond said as he grabbed his Professor's hand and moved it up his leg more until he was actually touching his groin. He kind of wanted to kill himself for doing that. He took Axel's face in his hands and sat up a bit more, pulling the man's handsome face closer so that they were kissing again. This time, Roxas wasn't shocked as he moved his lips slightly against his Professor's.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas let out a slight moan into the kiss as Axel squeezed him, the boy wrapped his arms around the redhead's neck and stood up so that it wasn't such a strain for the both of them. His tongue met Axel's and he rubbed it against the man's gently. Strangely, Roxas didn't find this to feel dirty or wrong as he thought he would, well, he found it slightly wrong because of course it was his Professor, but it mostly just felt good. He began to run his hands down Axel's chest, letting them lay on his pecs as his nervous fingers played with a button on his shirt, undoing it slowly.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Axel quickly gained control of their kissing, as expected, the man was much more experienced. He quickly took the man's tie off and continued to work on his buttoned shirt, exposing half of his chest now as he continued to unbutton each and every one that shielded Axel's muscled body from his sight. The blond's aqua eyes stared into the redhead's as he was asked if he could take the heat, to which Roxas smiled. "I think so, Professor. I'm doing just fine so far." He kissed the man's lips again, but started to move his mouth lower, his chin, then his neck, kissing further and further down as he unbuttoned the last pesky button on Axel's shirt, exposing him fully.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas quickly got his Axel's shirt to the ground shortly after his own had fell. The boy wasn't as muscled as Axel, but thanks to the summer and especially the last week when he was supposed to be doing his assignment, but was out tanning, his skin was a golden bronze. Now, though the blond wasn't as muscular as his teacher, he wasn't exactly puny, his abdomen was slim, but still hard and his pecs had a slight hint of muscle to them, but not much. Roxas placed himself on top of Axel as he was pulled down to the floor, straddling his groin with his own. "Thanks, Professor." Roxas smiled as he continued to press his virgin lips to the man's muscled chest, licking his pale skin and nipples every so often.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas's back also arched, but it was because the redhead's hand was getting closer and closer to his lovely ass. The boy's hand crept closer towards Axel's crotch, his light fingers trailing down the man's tight abdomen until he reached his own pants. The boy looked into his Professor's lust filled eyes as he undid the man's button and unzipped his zipper. He pressed a kiss to his right nipple before he started to kiss downward, across his abs and bellybutton until he came to the lining of his underwear. "Well, this is it." He whispered, his voice shaky.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Axel would get his greedy hands on Roxas's meaty ass soon enough. The boy himself was already hard just from kissing and licking at his Professor and wanted to feel Axel inside of him, feel his hands on his hips as he thrust into him with force, plowing his ass with hunger and his cum inside of him when he was done. "I don't plan on stopping, sir." He said with a slight smile as he gripped his fingers on the insides of the man's underwear and pulled his pants and underwear down with one tug, freeing his throbbing erection.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas looked into Axel's eyes once more before he finally went down further, his lips now touching the redhead's leaking tip, his precum soaking on his lips. The boy's tongue darted out for a moment, touching Axel's slit and licking the tasty precum off of hips virgin lips. It didn't taste bad at all, much to Roxas's surprise. So the boy put his own hand around the man's throbbing erection and opened his mouth a bit, engulfing his thick cock head, his tongue sliding up and down the slit.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
The boy smiled slightly as he heard his name from his teacher's mouth, was he really in that much pleasure? Roxas's tongue continued to gently lap at the man's tip, greedily gathering all of the delicious precum Axel had to offer. Looking down upon the rest of Axel's cock, it looked rather large from this point of view, of course anything would look big when it was this close, but still, how was he supposed to fit all of this inside of him? Hopefully Axel had some sort of genius plan. Roxas pushed himself further down the male's length, taking about four inches inside of his mouth as he sucked, one hand grasping at the rest of the shaft and stroking as his other cupped Axel's balls, massaging them gently.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas wanted to thank Axel for the warning, but the large cock in his mouth sort of prevented him from doing so. The blond went down even further, taking about two thirds of the male's length into his mouth, his tongue licking and caressing him until he went back up the redhead's length, keeping only the tip in his moist mouth. The boy ran his tongue over and over the slit of Axel's length, his tongue swirling round and round his glorious length, eager to taste his cum.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
As Axel made sounds of pleasure, Roxas stroked the male even faster and fiercer, his tongue dancing around his cock head. The boy took his mouth off of the male's length for only a second to whisper, "I want your cum, Professor." Before he engulfed the tip again, licking and sucking as best he could, stroking him wildly as his other hand squeezed and massaged his heavy balls. Roxas truly did want the man to climax, Axel had made him incredibly horny and he wanted to be fucked by him and he wanted to be fucked by him soon.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
It was true, only a few minutes before Roxas would rather die than kiss Axel and now he was even giving him head. What could he say though? Axel had gotten him hot and horny, maybe the man wasn't so narcissistic after all? Roxas kept his lips around the redhead's erupting tip as his cum flood into his mouth, the boy continued to lick and suck, swallowing most of the man's tasty juice. He lifted his mouth off of Axel's length, a slight smile on his face, proud that he'd caused his Professor to climax. "Axel..." He sighed, licking the bit of cum off of his lips. "You enjoyed it, right?" Of course he had enjoyed it, he just flooded the boys' mouth, but Roxas of course was a bit modest of his work and needed assurance as to how he did.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas felt shivers slide down his spine as his Professor said he was going to make him squirm and writhe, the blond was more than happy to comply with nearly any wish Axel at the moment, as long as it involved the man plowing into his firm, meaty little ass. The boy unbuttoned his khaki pants and removed them swiftly, along with his underwear, now fully nude in front of his teacher. Roxas, while certainly not as big as Axel, wasn't small either, he was about six inches, a bit above average. The boy bent down and kissed the redhead on the lips once more. "I can't wait to have you inside me." The boy whispered to his teacher. Where the hell had Roxas acquired all of this sexual confidence? He had no damn clue.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
The boy couldn't help but feel a bit self concious as the redhead observed his body, sizing him up almost. He hoped he didn't look too bad to Axel, he was tan and slim, which most males seemed to like. Roxas bucked a bit into Axel's manhood with his own, this being the first time he had felt such pleasure he was a bit sensitive. The blond's hand went down and captured both of their cocks in one of his hands, stroking them in unison, moans soon flowing from his soon to be nonvirgin mouth.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Was Axel psychic? How did he know that he was feeling a bit self conscious about his body? Ah well, it didn't matter, as soon as he called him perfect Roxas was like putty in his hands. The blond kissed him back with passion, licking the male's bottom lip as they pulled apart, squeezing their cocks together once more before he did as he was told, a shock going through his body as he heard Axel practically moan his name, he wanted this and he wanted it now. The boy turned around slowly and got on all fours, presenting his lovely ass to Axel, reching behind him a bit to spread himself apart, exposing that virgin hole.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
While Roxas probably should have been stretched out and prepared for his first fuck, he didn't really care at this point. He wanted Axel's throbbing cock in him and he wanted it now. He watched as Axel lubed himself up, how the man was already hard again was amazing to Roxas and made him smirk a bit, knowing that it was his doing. The boy pushed his ass back against Axel, showing that yes, he was ready and yes, he wanted him inside of him, now."I'm ready, Professor."
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas, being the innocent virgin that he is, or was, didn't exactly know to prepare himself for such an intrusion in his ass such as Axel's large cock and it hurt quite a bit as he pushed himself in deeper and deeper. The boy grit his teeth together and pushed his fingers into Axel's floor, although that didn't do much, seeing as they was nothing to grip onto. He let out a gasp of relief as he felt Axel's balls rest again his meaty ass, knowing that he was fully inside of him so he wouldn't have to take anymore of his large shaft. The boy was tense and that made his walls enclose even closer around Axel, squeezing him quite roughly.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas nodded and attempted to relax himself. This is what he wanted, he wanted Axel inside of him and he wanted to feel the pleasure from it, not this pain. He let out a sigh as he closed his eyes and though about pretty much absolutely anything other than the immense pain in his ass, he thought instead about the beach and the warmth from that. As Roxas's mind was distracted, his body became less tense, his stiff muscles relaxing a bit, his walls letting go of their grip on Axel's shaft.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
"Professor!" The boy shouted quite loudly as Axel's tip slammed into his prostate, causing the boy to moan loudly, pushing his ass up against Axel's hips. He was breathing heavy a bit as the redhead stroked him. "D Do that again, please." Roxas begged, moving his ass a bit. "I wanna feel that again, sir."
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
As Axel slowed his muscles, Roxas's brow raised in confusion and when he began talking about not thrusting into the boy, he got a bit angry. "What do you mean, Professor?" Roxas looked behind him, glaring daggers at the man. Axel wanted nothing more than to fuck Roxas and now he was sitting there, mulling over the idea as to whether to continue or not after he was already inside him? Oh, that pissed Roxas off quite a bit.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Axel was correct, Roxas was caught off guard and was rather pleasantly surprised as the redhead slammed into him again, making the boy moan loudly. This was probably what Axel wanted all along, to see the boy moan and squirm underneath him. "Axel..." He groaned, thrusting his ass back into the male. "You're such an ass." He laughed slightly. "Now just fuck me, please."
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
"Nngh." Roxas groaned as Axel squeezed his throbbing erection as he pumped into him. "You sure as hell seemed like you had no problem earlier." He squeezed his muscles tightly around Axel's cock, his moist, warm walls hugging him tightly as he spoke. The boy wrapped his own hand around Axel's and began to pump with him, his ass moving back upon the male's dick.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
"God, Axel!" The boy shouted as his prostate was plowed into by the man's fuck pole repeatedly. Roxas felt like he was on Cloud 9 each time Axel thrust into his sensitive spot, his walls relaxing a bit each time he did so. The boy continued to stroke his own erection as Axel continued to thrust into him. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me." The blond repeated as moans and groans sprang from his mouth.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas thought he was just oging to keel over and die from what he was feeling, it was simply just too good, Axel was clearly an expert at what he did. The boy pumped his shaft faster and harder than before, his moans becoming more fierce and gutteral. "Axel! I I'm gonna cum." He announced through deep breaths and gasps. And cum he did, his white cum shot out quickly, just after he finished his sentence, it coated both of the boy's hands as his walls tightened around Axel again, his whole body going stiff with pleasure.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas was spent, fully exhausted from his first good fucking and boy was Axel good. The boy slumped onto the ground, moving so that he was laying next to his Professor, his chest rising up and down with each deep breath he took. He raised his cum covered hand to Axel, showing the results of his fucking. He moved the hand to his mouth and licked it off, deciding that he didn't taste too bad. He looked into Axel's eyes and leaned up to kiss his cheek. "That was wonderful."
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
"Me too. Sorry if I was a little loud, I was a virgin." Roxas said a bit sheepishly, not wanting Axel to judge him or anything. The boy turned around so that he was on his stomach and rested his head in his arms, one of his legs draping over the other. He blushed once he saw Axel taste his seed and smiled at him slightly. "I guess I don't taste bad, eh?" He questioned. "So, do I get an A, Profess oh." The blond stopped once he felt something rather strange seeping out of him. He turned around and spread his cheeks, noticing Axel's white cum dripping out of his ass. "Good job, Professor, you came a bit too much." He laughed.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas laughed at Axel's remark. "Just how many students have you bedded, sir?" The boy hoped it wasn't as a number as he was expecting, he didn't want to just be another fling to Axel, especially not since he'd taken his virginity. Plus, he wasn't going to lie, he had a hell of a lot of fun with his Professor and he was a lot less terrifying after he had cum. The boy rested his head on the male's arm, looking up at him with his aqua eyes.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Roxas couldn't help but smile once he heard Axel say that he wanted him to be something more than just a fling. He moved his head closer to Axel's chest as they lay there and he softly kissed it. "Really, Professor? How come?" He questioned, although he wasn't opposed to becoming more than just a fuckbuddy to Axel at all. "You sure you just don't want me to forget my homework more often?" He smiled slightly, pressing his hands up against the man's chest.
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
Summertime Is Over, Roxas. (blindedbythelight ~ liynn)
"Well, that I can do, Professor." He kissed the man's lips softly, the slight taste of cum lingering on both of their lips, before he stood up and grabbed his clothes, beginning to put his shirt on. "I think I better go though, Professor. I don't know when lunch gets out and my friends will be wondering where I am and Seifer will be wondering if I survived your class." Roxas laughed slightly. "What do you think I should tell him?" He questioned, doing up the buttons of his dress shirt.