MohammadOthman's picture
edd299b verified
license: cc-by-nc-sa-4.0
  - text-generation
  - en
  - Customer Support
  - Twitter Data
  - Conversational AI
  - Fine-tuning
  - 100K<n<1M

Customer Support on Twitter Dataset 945k

Dataset Description


This dataset provides a large corpus of real-world English conversations between consumers and customer support agents on Twitter, designed to drive innovation in Natural Language Processing (NLP) by providing data that better matches the actual language used in contemporary customer support interactions.


Initially, the data included complex threads of conversations involving multiple exchanges between customers and support agents. To transform this data into a more structured format suitable for training language models, the following steps were taken:

  • Conversation Extraction: Each conversation was distilled down from potentially lengthy threads to essential exchanges. This involved identifying the start and end of customer support interactions and ensuring each input (customer's query) was paired with an immediate response (support agent's reply).
  • Data Pairing: The extracted conversations were restructured into pairs of inputs and outputs, where each 'input' is a customer's request or question, and each 'output' is the corresponding response from a support agent.
  • Cleaning and Standardization: To enhance the quality of the dataset for NLP tasks, extensive cleaning and preprocessing were applied, which included:
    • Removing Noise: Unnecessary content such as URLs, HTML tags, and user mentions were removed.
    • Normalizing Text: Emojis were replaced with words, and emoticons were removed or replaced with their textual descriptions to maintain the emotional and contextual nuances without visual elements.
    • Expanding Abbreviations: Internet slangs and contractions were expanded to their full forms to standardize the text and make it more understandable and accessible for language processing models.

Preprocessing Details

  • Chat Slang Conversion: Common internet abbreviations and slang were expanded to their full words using a predefined dictionary to ensure clarity.
  • Contraction Expansion: Contractions were expanded to their full forms for consistency in language usage.
  • Emoji and Emoticon Replacement: Emojis and emoticons were replaced with corresponding text descriptions to preserve their emotional and contextual significance.
  • Cleaning End-of-Line Noise: Abbreviations at the end of responses, often irrelevant to the context, were removed to maintain the focus on the content relevant to customer support.

Use Cases

This dataset is suitable for various NLP applications, including:

  • Fine-Tuning Language Models: The structured format of input-output pairs makes this dataset ideal for fine-tuning language models on task-specific dialogue understanding and generation.
  • Automated Response Suggestion: Training models to predict customer support responses.
  • Analysis of Response Effectiveness: Evaluating how different response strategies affect customer satisfaction.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Examining how sentiment influences the interaction dynamics in customer support.
  • Topic Modeling: Identifying common themes or issues in customer inquiries to aid in strategic planning for support services.