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ellelovexx haaaaa i want mac amp cheese toooooo hahahaha hey i still got the one u left here i guess im making that today oo lol
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curse my yoghurt exploded in my bag on the way to work now everything smell like toffee
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darylsws kid are on holiday
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playing game at home my new bos didn t call me yet
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job interview in cardiff today wish me luck got about hour sleep
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hello guy first time posting here i hope everyone is doing alright at this time i just found out my friend ha committed suicide a year ago first let me give some background my friend is such a gentle loving soul and very devoted to his religion jehovah s witness he is not the most social person around bit awkward and also had plenty of issue in the past mentally due to a rough upbringing we were good friend he d always give me encouragement and just be there for me for anything i wa cut off from the religion due to myself realizing and developing my own belief i don t have a grudge towards the religion or anything like that despite being cut off and not being able to socialize with anyone from that religion cu it s the rule also i felt awkward and embarrassed that i am cut off therefore i did not have the courage to face my friend a year passed i m on a skiing trip with my brother i asked how my friend is doing since he sometimes still go to their church so i figured he d know something he told me he passed away a year so from suicide i am shocked from the news i can t seem to comprehend or accept the fact he seemed to be very devoted to his faith and committing suicide is one of the thing that are forbidden also i feel like trash for being a horrible friend and not even checking in on him at all or at least tried to due to my insecurity my mind ha been in shamble i don t know how to make amends i don t know if i can see the parent they d just be like so now you care where were you thr whole time etc etc i wa hoping to visit his grave but he wa cremated and ash were spread somewhere now all i can think of is his obit picture smiling but i can see there s so much hurt inside that broken smile
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the angel is going to miss the athlete this weekend
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trust is hard
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one triop down one to go
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site load rising again increased my capacity but it s going up still
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hi i wa wondering if anyone ha this happen to them i have have had depression for decade i have good day and bad day no period that last for week or month like i did when i first started having symptom 0 year ago thank god it is mostly occasional bad bout most often i just have a dull low depression that i can dell with using moving muscle using cognitive dispute today i had one of the rare event that i used to get often i wake up early have a cup or two of coffee yet i feel really exhausted i slept fine the night before i end up having breakfast but that exhausted feeling becomes overwhelming and i go back to bet by 9am the entire day consists of me sleeping having lucid bat shit crazy bizarre dream the dream are not nightmare in fact they are rather creative but the local and situation are like the came from somebody imagination in a distant galaxy they would make really interesting sci fi fantasy i also dream about being lonely i have no family few friend one thing i remember wa this gut wrenching sadness about a girl i dated over 0 year ago thought she wa the one but it fell apart after about 0 to hour i get up have something to eat i feel hung over an d it is like a storm passed through my brain spent it s energy and now calm ha returned i wa wondering if anyone else had had similar experience like this it would be concerning if it wa a frequent occurrence which it once wa in the early day of depression again that wa decade ago thanks in advance for any observation or comment peace
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gracedent it s her quot hair quot i can t deal with
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doesn t seem like i m contributing enough to the world for my life to be so precious that i need to still be here i don t know how to do this but i have considered hanging myself or starting my car in a garage for the carbon monoxide my financial issue will never end my disability is chronic and it doesn t seem like there is a point in fighting any of this anymore
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said he had fallen into a depression the two day curfew and all the explosion have got to me i had so many plan for this year and now they are gone
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can t belive it we re home so sleepy hr today in round rock tx http loopt u getn w
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why there is psychosis in profound depression whats the chemical explanation
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is missing her roo and totally ready to be over this stupid sickness arghhh
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still a bit sick but working on article today
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darn forgot that tonight s shoot wa postponed will be at a loose end now quot
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i m and i ve wished i wa dead for the last two year of my life i pushed away all of my friend who could understand what i m going through i m failing all my class because all of my motivation and hope is drained i don t feel like i can tell anyone what i m really going through i had all the making of a perfect childhood i wa smart i had friend and i had a good family with enough money to live in a nice suburban neighborhood i threw all of it away because suddenly i didn t feel wanted any longer i don t know what to do anymore the thing ive used to cope are slowly being taken away in the hope my grade will rise i ve become emotionally numb to everything around me i don t think i ll ever find love because of how quiet and secluded i ve become i ve stopped trying to make thing better in my life i just needed to get some of this out so thanks
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after year of constantly feeling dead inside i m starting to wondering if i ve actually died at some point and i just never realized it like in m night shyamalan s the sixth sense
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too cold and tired to write good twitter everyone wa obeying the cop tonight total dissappointment we were so close
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i know these question are probably annoying and kind of outdated now since most people i know are fully vaccinated but i just need the extra reassurance that i ll be alright i have my first dose and it wa fine pfizer but i m so freaking nervous about the second one it s so funny how my anxiety work around this i have health anxiety and worry about getting sick a lot so it s like get vaccinated but i m scared of the side effect lmao how were your preferably positive experience with your second vaccine
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hi i never went to counselor or therapist i don t know how to find decent counselor and what would be the cost hr cost what ever per session cost i stay in u colorado centennial this is for anxiety issue i know i can google and find but a i don t have any experience i am unable to judge the price etc i am looking for low price and good counselor thanks
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foot is out of commission ouch running this morning did not help not smart
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my macbook just froze luckily i wa able to take a screen shot of my paper and retyped the end of it i submitted my paper min late
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i recently broke up with my boyfriend of year and it s because of something awful i did but i don t know what to do anymore because i ve lost all my friend and everyone close to me found out about me and now i have no one i don t know what to do and i can t take it anymore
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supamagg that happened to me saturday night along with my glittery green lighter
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devastated that the spiegeltent won t be coming to edinburgh festival this year http tinyurl com djh pr
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i don t know how i am getting back to miami it s like no one care
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appletv ha died dreading diagnosis
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cant eat drink or breath properly thanks to the bad throat infection
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inamupwa ndati how do i get out of my depression and go live my life agh
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accidentally listened to the new sugababes album playing four girl aloud hit sequentially to purge the memory
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depression fr
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two day ago i made a comment to my sil i had forgotten some thing that had happened that week and what i said came across a completely insensitive and thoughtless i have since apologised and they have accepted my apology but there hasn t been minute in the following day where i haven t thought about what i said and what a mistake it wa i feel sick i can barely sleep and the panic attack are every min where i can t breathe and just feel like i m drowning i have doubled my dose of sertraline because i simply can not let go of what i ve said this in turn ha increased the side effect of the sertraline anxiety suck i just want to turn my brain off
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need some help want to buy a macbook pro but still inlove with my old powerbook
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not able to sleep
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i wan na be in a punk rock band again
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seasonal depression please exit stage left the sun made it come back http t co jdote rjd
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solanaplays k sol that s crazy i went on depression for month for sol
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can t sleep and brother is at home with girlfriend and baby so i can t sleep in his room any more
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my dad life 000 mile away from me a well a the rest of my family he s an alcoholic kind of emotional abusive and kicked me out when i wa after my mom died he said some pretty horrible thing to me when he did that but i ve blocked them out so i don t remember really he doesn t really reach out very much due to being blackout drunk off and on a lot but when he doe i get so anxious to answer his call that i don t do it and i just text him instead or don t answer i m worried it make him sad and drink more my sister ha said in the past he resents that i left them back home and moved on with my life i already feel guilty about leaving them my younger sibling so that hurt to hear it s not just my dad though i don t keep up with my grandparent anymore i m worried they re going to die they re kind of old and i m going to regret not talking to them more often mostly my grandma i regret not spending more time with my mom i have multiple younger sibling one of which is underage and ha autism i feel guilty that i don t call them brother and sister and worry that they resent me for leaving and i don t understand why it s so hard for me to just pick up the phone once a week and call these people the only person i talk to often is my sister what is wrong with me why is it so hard scary anxious for me to talk to them yet i feel so guilty by not doing so it s very tiring i know i need to go to therapy but i don t have insurance and can t really afford it also i don t keep in touch with friend which make me sad since my only friend is my partner really i am very family oriented and i love spending time with my sibling when i visit
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hell i can t pull myself out of this i d rather just cease existing i don t deserve happiness i don t deserve comfort i don t deserve to live the only thing i actually deserve is death
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meganxnightmare i think so too i always get it
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lately it s been so hard whenever i m by myself driving i just wish i could let go let go of everything and just die i ve cried for so many day now i m tired i m exhausted i feel miserable hopeless i know my life isn t so hard i know there are better thing to look at i try i really do try everyday my heart hurt and i don t know why i feel so much sadness but whyy i wish i knew i wish i didn t always feel this way i catch myself laying down on my bed just staring off thinking of nothing i m trying my best everyday to at least not cry i want to get better i want to feel happy i want to look forward i have a date tomorrow with my boyfriend i ll start with that i miss him so much i m always hopeful and hope i don t drag him down he s so kind to me and ha always seen the best of me word can t describe how much he mean to me i m sorry for venting but it feel strangely nice thank you
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blooming great change of weather now i have a cold just my luck don t seem to be having much luck lately life suck at the mo
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i m year old and i ve been depressed since sophomore in high school during those year i ve tried my best to keeping myself together not showing my true emotion try to make friend make people laugh etc and of course i still go through battle within myself but i ve been the victor so far recently it s been incredibly difficult i ve been contemplating suicide more often than usual now i am not saying that i m going to go through with it because it would absolutely destroy my family especially my mom they love me and i m lucky to have friend that care about me a well however i can t help but notice that my life is a complete and utter joke i ve made no accomplishment really nothing of value that i ve made a a year old person and it s getting to me i m not an intelligent person i have no ambition i have no drive and i have no goal in life compared myself to everyone else i m a loser i m a loser and i know it for a fact and i feel like my friend and family even my peer at work know it a well i m a joke now it ha been a struggle to keep my emotion and thought under control people start to notice a change in my demeanor when i talk to them noticing how i m not acting a my usual self my true emotion is starting to show itself and unending thought of suicide ha gone rampant i believe i am losing myself day by day and i m trying my damnedest to keep up appearance and not letting people worry about me of course i can t afford to go to therapy session or get my hand on prescribed medication so i m only left with limited resource hell i just got denied health insurance without a clue a to why honestly i m not sure what i m expecting by posting here i just appreciate anyone that took the time of their day to read my run of the mill sob story and perhaps giving their two cent thanks
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ohhh not very well and i ve lost my voice
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tw suicide and self harm so about month ago i had a failed suicide attempt which resulted in my week stay at the psych ward at the time i wa enrolled a a full time student in my senior year when i came back from my hospital stay i found that my school had little to no accommodation so i fell incredibly behind on my work this led to me failing my first class ever prior to this my gpa wa above a and threw my projected graduation date off since then i started a new semester and i again find myself in danger of failing another class required for graduation i feel like my depression make it impossible to succeed in my class every day i have suicidal thought and i ve been cutting myself more than usual i don t know what my next move should be add another semester i still have class left after i fail the one i m currently in i feel like i just want to drop out or else i might legitimately kill myself before i graduate
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my depression is taking a turn for the worst the thought about offing myself are starting to become more frequent again there s barely anything going on in my life yet my anxiety feel so overwhelming that one would think i live a busy life i feel so hollow all the time and i don t like it it s starting to get to the point where i can t even do anything because my depressive thought just intrude on every part of my day that it s preventing me to actually be productive i have essay to write for my uni class but all i do is stare at my laptop because i can t even cry i attend my lecture and join class discussion because everyone say that engaging in those thing will increase the likelihood i ll pas but i barely remember what s going on at all or what i m saying how do i function to live at least until the semester is over
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i have decided to just end my life i ve been dealing with the pain for too long weirdly enough i m not extremely upset but rather calm i m excited that i ll soon be able to die i don t even care about my life anymore and tbh it s great that i feel numb to it all i m not even cry about it i just want the pain to go away and now i ll be able to get rid of the pain i ve just been dealing with anxiety and depression i m ready to go heck it ll be cool to die on my birthday haha
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im still in school and i get bullied i dont have friend and i get beatun up almost every day and i get sick a lot like fainting alot and im just sick of it so here i am asking for help so will someone please just help me
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been a long course she got sick over a decade ago and wa showing sign before 0 when i wa little idk why but i thought it wa my sole responsibility to protect her from harm my folk didn t get on well but there wasn t any violence between them but we the sole make son i had seen controlled violence against me trust me it wa hershey s kiss compared to what my old man got but i suppose it set that fear well now after a damn near decade of helplessness not being able to accomplish the purpose i gave myself i m not sure what to do with myself i ve been a bad son i ve been a bad brother i ve been a damn good uncle and that where i try to make up but every aspect of my being is tied up in his maladaptive relationship not the abject relationship with my mother but the consequence of her getting sick and the turmoil it caused the family never the le to myself a i watched the only person i trusted fade away idk i don t know if i could have done more i wa 9 when she got diagnosed and i just pushed it away externally but internally i bought a camera talked with her into the deep of the night but i couldn t help it wa what it wa i couldn t make right and when it all went to hell i went to hell and couldn t handle it tried to od twice after i knew the thing wa up and she wa no longer there there were glimmer but they were prob more in my mind than in truth well that sucked it wa awful i d imagine what we should know about this illness is it literally contorts the mind to it s own end deep depression take away your soul and breath it s true hell but thank god i wa lucky icu wasn t bad cause i don t remember trying to gain my muscle mass back after my kidney went all to shit sucked straight up took another year of therapy and just reintegrating with life to resemble stable and after that i had the pure delight of the best year since i wa a kid depression never go away but when life shine it shine it so damn hard to see that a a possibility when you are in the void but i swear to what ever god it doe exist it s a hard road but no harder of a road than you have seen before when you are in the void it is living a a shadow inside of a shadow it s being a observer and not a participant and seeing life for it brutal nature without being able to taste it fruit is utterly awful but for those who can t smell the fruit it s there i swear on my life my utterly maladjusted fucked up terribly prob gon na die of some impact of my attempted od s dipshit life that fruit is worth it i m at the end of an era and i m frankly worried i m gon na relapse i in fact know i will and i m going to want to die again after the sum of all my fear a a child being realized i can t imagine any different but i know know better i m setting up appointment with folk once i bury my mom i pretty sure in some sense i will die but i know it s worth the fight to not truly die it would be a waste my small dumbass experience a a kid when my folk were healthy basically said this kid need therapy
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i have nothing to offer anybody that they can t and don t get from a dozen other better people i m ashamed to even exist in front of others let alone pretend that i m a real interesting in any way attractive person i m tired of pretending though i m tired of feeling like knowing that nobody care and for good reason other people are just unconcerned with me all of them always i m going to be alone until i kill myself nothing help nothing will help i m just a reject which make so much of life off limit to me and it s part that feel extremely important
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burning the bridge of people i m supposed to consider friend but when wa the last time i could call them that suddenly my life took a sudden stop and i needed to rest well now i m recovered and everyone ha left me behind so what do i do i try reaching out but get pushed aside for other more important people in their life hurt when one of them wa your ex partner who still want to be your friend but can t put in any effort worth making it a lasting friendship best friend know i m socially inept and while i m extroverted i can t really meet new people on my own so do they help me by introducing me to their dozen of freiends they have despite being introverted no apparently you just want to keep me to yourself despite me literally begging for your help on multiple occasion i hate this the only keeping me around is my cat and it s not love anymore i just don t want to leave him alone in the apartment with my rotting corpse that will only be found because i didn t come into work
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my peace quiet amp stress freeness is bout to come to an end
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i m going insane every single day i don t know wtf is going on or who i am anymore i don t even feel like i belong here i just want to free my soul and rest in peace
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lenesha but im not feeling well mommy
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theekween heart break witnessing trauma anxiety depression loss of a loved one thelmasherbs
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kimboinlimbo no chance of that coming back when it d be 0 min faster than the javelin though
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damn it down
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i wa one of them it still haunt me and i m unsure if i ll ever let go of having to endure month without support with a newborn and a year old whilst suffering post natal depression i m still feeling the effect nearly two year later pregnantscrewed butnotmaternity
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any one el see the slightest double not like seeing it bad but in a mild way like hard to focus on looking at thing like ur finger for example if u have doe it ever go away i got it from being derealized for a year n a half im not extremely derealized any more but it s slightly their but if u have experienced this what did u do to help it im gon na start going to therapy to find the root to my issue soon how did u guy benefit from therapy i m exited i m just constantly questioning every thing n feeling scared i just wish i could feel normal again i m constantly anxious i hate being in car and just being any where in general
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i never really noticed or i guess wa aware of my depression until a few year ago when i really started losing motivation and interest in my hobby i am a full time university student who work job and right now this depression ha taken a peak i live alone in a bedroom apartment with my dog my living situation is shit but it s not shit my apartment management renovating the entire building so i have drilling throughout the day which suck cause i work night and midnight so when i do need to sleep i can t i want to move out but i can t because i m literally paying cheaper than a bachelor s apartment anywhere else then there s school i don t even know why i m in school at this point i had a plan and dream for myself in high school and honestly my parent ruined that for me when i took my year off and chose to stay home just so i could move out they really made sure to make me feel like shit which just made me feel like shit throughout the four year of me being in university i m supposed to be graduating in spring and i wa stupid enough to go home during the reading week which created a huge confrontation between my mother and i which my dad got involved soon after and it went downhill from there i ended up leaving early and honestly after coming back from my parent house it s like my depression went on a downward spiral i used to have a little motivation to at least do the basic thing to help myself but i literally can t bring myself to do anything schoolwork is a drag and make me hate everyone one job i work at is completely great but i have had so many bad experience with being used by employer and fake employee that i m so pessimistic when i get there and i completely separate myself from other employee my second job is even worse because while i don t want to communicate in my first job my second job no one speaks english like literally the entire store is all people from another country it s kind of ridiculous because training is non existent i literally would be standing around if it wasn t for me having past experience working in the same kind of field the employee turnover is ridiculous and the supervisor when they can communicate to me only complain about how they are only working there so because of their visa but once they are full citizen they leave the hour go by so long and working in complete silence frustrating to the point where i had to start wearing earphone while i work and listen to music anyways after typing all of this i know i won t read it over so sorry for any mistake or thing that aren t clear i think honestly i m just too pessimistic and making excuse for myself but this feeling i have in me and the way everything in life is just so upsetting the breakdown and all the fucking cry like i m so over it and i just want to either be content or at least have some kind of method to get through all of this i m so exhausted and i feel like i keep getting the short end of the stick every time
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depression fucking suck man
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i have this constant thought hanging over my head that at all time somehow i m not using my time wisely regardless of what it is if i m taking a relaxing bath to calm my nerve i think about how i could be doing something even more fun or exciting and this task is not worth the time i m spending on it i often have morning where i find myself unable to fall back asleep even if i m awake way earlier than i need to be for work plan that day lamenting how i am or am not using that time to my best advantage it make it so hard to enjoy my day off or the time i don t spend occupied with something sometimes my day off are stressful the most at the very end when i reflect back on all the thing i didn t do but should have done even if that s total nonsense to a clearer headed me there s nothing i have to do on a day off i m sitting here right this second looking at the clock over and over thinking i wasted the last 0 minute watching youtube video when i could ve been playing video game but when i play video game instead i feel bad about not having watched a movie or new tv show instead it s so maddening ha anyone found a way to manage this constant sense of impatience
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can anyone help me out with this it s been year since i have these thought flying inside my head and i genuinely don t know how i am still alive sometimes when i m driving i think about crashing my car other time i think about having an overdose or jumping off a cliff i don t know what s wrong with me i don t really have any reason to be sad or anything the trauma i dealt with i overcame them so i don t know what s happening these intrusive thought hunt me i don t know why i am not depressed nor do i feel down sad and i really mean this i don t know where this all come from please be kind
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i just want someone or the love of my life who wa out there somewhere to come and heal me and pick me up and give me everything i needed in life and validate all the issue i ever had faced in this lifetime i can t be asked to put my mental health first or any of that shit anymore i can t carry myself
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tayswift i wa up at am btw congrats on winning album of the year you deserve it i can t not shed a tear to white horse
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due to a bunch of reason i wa never close to my mother side of the family there were some cousin and great uncle i saw a lot briefly a a kid one recently chatted with mother through facebook and mentioned how he loved coming to our house back in those day he actually got married a few year ago but i didn t went i feel like depression social anxiety and being a closeted trans person denied me all the relationship normal people have it doesn t help that my mother had her reason to not make an effort to be close to some of those relative but i keep thinking that they became stranger to me even my great grandfather who i must have seen him once before he passed after my mother distanced ourselves from the rest of the family i keep thinking that all of it could be different i didn t had to be so lonely and even if some of them are terrible people i could still be close to the good one like the cousin who chatted with my mother if so weren t like this another cousin is getting married next month my great uncle came to our house to bring the invitation and want me to come a well i keep thinking what the hell am i even going to say to all these people i haven t seen since i wa a kid it wa normal to be a shy child and not to speak to them but now at they will think i have development issue and what would i talk about with them after graduating college year ago i did nothing with my life i just wasted my youth by hiding at home i don t think most of them give a shit about me but i bet at least some would be curious what i have been up to oh i got to sleep at am and wake up at noon everyday after which i proceed to do nothing but waste away in front of a computer screen i m so depressed and i m so fixated on this fear of time passing that i literally do nothing but that what about you i guess i would do what my parent do and just lie and say i do freelance work my father already told me how embarrassed he is when people ask him what i m doing and that s the lie he us i have a cousin almost my age in the other side of the family which i also dread about the idea of meeting him again we were close during summer a child but i remember our last summer together when we were a i started to develop depression and it wa really awkward it wa like we became stranger and would barely speak i would feel so ashamed to see him now he is normal he ha friend he doe what he want he s independent he s talkative he s normal he s everything i am not i just want to be fucking normal i wish i could restart my life but this time without depression social anxiety and being trans i feel like i won t survive this year but i wish i could have lived a little before i go
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m my head wa so fucked up last night i wa in physical pain i live alone parent dead no family no s o i wa just lying in my bed sober and dark thought i can t explain the pain other than it felt like gravity wa working x hard i wanted to go to the liquor store and drown myself in alcohol but somehow i resisted the urge until they closed somehow i wa able to fall asleep for a couple hour now it s morning i guess i survived another night for now
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i don t eat junk drink only water and tea don t eat dairy and even tried stopping with gluten not taking any med
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i barely function and can t do basic thing due to how bad my anxiety is can get i berate and criticize myself for being such a pathetic worthless piece of shit i m almost live with my parent and have accomplished nothing i never passed the high school ged i have some minor learning difficulty but too embarrassed to get help i suffer from depression but i don t feel comfortable seeing a therapist and where i live there are few health care resource i don t own a driver license because being in and near car cause me to have panic attack i m terrified of being in a car accident or causing one so i have to avoid it and there isn t public transport near me but even if there wa i can t handle being around a crowd or in a small group in a limited space i m just a fucking wreck and feel so awkward and abnormal compared to most of the world i have no friend irl only a few online friend and haven t been completely honest with them and sometimes lie so they don t see how fucking pathetic i am i m ashamed of my existence and wish i wa never born i m just a burden the people around me don t understand and get frustrated with me i don t want to be this way but whenever i go out an inch from my comfort zone i have an anxiety attack
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for context the last year of my life ha been filled with bad mistake regret fear anxiety attack and existential crisis that have left me feeling numb and indifferent to people i believe i ve become emotionally unattached and this ha created a fear in me that i may have lost the ability to fall in love or never wa able to from the first place am i overthinking this or is there more to my struggle
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morning i m baggered been the gym then off to work later
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i don t have much of anyone that i can call a true friend and it can be very lonely at time i m looking to meet some people that i d be able to talk with about whatever
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shankiaustine depression
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my girlfriend left me and is probably in love with my best friend my best friend stopped giving a shit about me and flirted with her they cuddled when they were here he wouldn t even check in on me my dad is having a baby my great grandma is dying my health is getting more and more fucked over and turn out i might have a bleeding disorder my abusive ex is spreading more shit about me and trying to ruin my life nothing is ok i don t think i m going to be okay everything is falling apart i haven t felt this suicidal in a long time i want to fucking die i can t do this
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christieeee aww i m so sorry dearyy
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school at least last day
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misswyn i bet you are i remember easter a a kid wa so excited you ll have a great day
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on monday i woke up and had a temp of 9 degree celsius 0 fahrenheit so went to the hospital after waiting there for hour i got diagnosed with a rare genetic heart problem called brugada syndrome and gastroenteritis been a fucking shit week lol i m just venting just because i ve got a problem with my heart doesn t mean you do and i m not trying to create any doubt in your mind just need to get it off my chest lol
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hidalgo colle une d pression limoges imaginez paris http t co srdl dukc
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i m about to be living in nyc and have never done anything worth wilde with my life and im sure im doomed to become one of those in the way people who don t do anything in their life which i feared most of my life nothing i seem to attempt to accomplish work out no matter how hard i work or how right i do it i gave so much time to job organization to further my career path only to used a free labor studying only to use up all my forgiveness credit and flunk out i ve been wanting to end it all for a while every time i sleep i see the bk bridge the spot i picked out year ago to end it i feel like i rather be gone than keep living with fact that i m a grown man that s not worth anything hell my mom ha told me that i haven t done anything for her to be proud me and i won t let my partner destroy herself trying to help me i wanted to be an engineer for nasa when i wa younger but here i am today the world shitist it guy that hasn t been able to find a secure job in the past year i ve been desperate for work for a while today i wa given a work assignment from my contract company only to be told i don t exist in the company so i can t work
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and i didnt end up seeing it bumma some ppl are being a pain
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gon na start seeing my depression like a symbiote
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amber benson my hubby for some reason think it s more important he ha a good spot for red carpet for the trek movie premiere sod
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my night went to the bar felt up a marred woman went home hard and alone
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so whether it is my phone or a phone from some youtube video it doe not matter whenever i hear a phone ring that ha that weird vibration sound or when alarm clock vibrates it really get me feeling uneasy to the point that it bother me very very much do any of you know what it may be
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i feel like wanting to die why do i not have friend i feel soo empty lonely i mean i do have a lot of people i talk to on a daily basis but for some reason i feel the need to always have someone almost all the time with me like if i stay alone for hour i feel lonely it is weird i just wish to be happy i don t want to kill myself
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sometimes i feel like living and dreaming but most of the time i just want to sleep and never wake up i can t decide if i should die or live nothing is joyful anymore nothing make me happy and i don t love anyone rnough to live for them just in case what s a painless and quick way to go
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gosh it t 9 9 am and i am soooo tired quot yawn quot i want to go back to sleep but i can t
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icedcoffee they end up back a read only and still the error persists i cant add anything to the library now so cant update my
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of course the baby is screaming in the crib the night before my first day back at work so i let him cry it out boooo
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ad not yet appeared google adsense team said it may delay hr on http womenissues info
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where ha the morning gone
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khensu i always feel like that too have an amazing day though xx
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yinkapost he went into depression i think
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i ve heard people say it s mood swing i ve heard some say it s emotional play i ve heard people say it is what it is yet in all of this no understanding depression is a mental health disorder often misinterpreted and overlooked by many
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