1 value
Calf of the buffalo, 396-401, 425, 433. pelage of, 396-398. capture of a, 532. Calf Creek, Montana, 535, 536.
Canadian Pacific Railway, 504.
Canadian Pacific Railway, 504.
Captivity, list of buffaloes in, 458-464.
Captivity, list of buffaloes in, 458-464.
Carey, Hon.
Carey, Hon.
Joseph M., 522. Carolina, North, 376, 379.
Joseph M., 522. Carolina, North, 376, 379.
South, 379.
South, 379.
Castañeda, description of American bison by, 374. Catlin, George, on buffalo calves, 398. on buffalo hunting, 472, 481.
Castañeda, description of American bison by, 374. Catlin, George, on buffalo calves, 398. on buffalo hunting, 472, 481.
on extermination of the buffalo, 488.
on extermination of the buffalo, 488.
on habits of the buffalo, 419, 423, 434. stopped by herd, 392. Cattle-growers, value of bison to, 451-458. Cattle, Western range, 452.
on habits of the buffalo, 419, 423, 434. stopped by herd, 392. Cattle-growers, value of bison to, 451-458. Cattle, Western range, 452.
Central Park menagerie, New York, 463. Change of form in American bison, 377, 394, 409. Character of the American bison, 393.
Central Park menagerie, New York, 463. Change of form in American bison, 377, 394, 409. Character of the American bison, 393.
Chase of the buffalo, on horseback, 470-478.
Chase of the buffalo, on horseback, 470-478.
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, courtesies extended by, 530.
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, courtesies extended by, 530.
"Chips," buffalo, 451. Christy, Mr. Miller, on the buffalo, 523. Cochran, Lieut.
"Chips," buffalo, 451. Christy, Mr. Miller, on the buffalo, 523. Cochran, Lieut.
Col. M. A., 534, 545. Cody, Hon.
Col. M. A., 534, 545. Cody, Hon.
W. F., 460, 477. Cole, the Hon.
W. F., 460, 477. Cole, the Hon.
Mr., of California, 514.
Mr., of California, 514.
Color of the American bison, 396, 403.
Color of the American bison, 396, 403.
Colorado, 488, 523.
Colorado, 488, 523.
Completeness of the bison's extermination, 521-525.
Completeness of the bison's extermination, 521-525.
Conger, the Hon.
Conger, the Hon.
Mr., 516, 517, 519. Congress, National Zoological Park established by, 528.
Mr., 516, 517, 519. Congress, National Zoological Park established by, 528.
Congressional legislation to protect the bison, 513-521. Cory, Mr. C. B., 523.
Congressional legislation to protect the bison, 513-521. Cory, Mr. C. B., 523.
Coronado, penetration of buffalo range by, 374, 383.
Coronado, penetration of buffalo range by, 374, 383.
Cortez, American bison first seen by, 373.
Cortez, American bison first seen by, 373.
Courage, instinct of, in the bison, 432.
Courage, instinct of, in the bison, 432.
Cow, the adult buffalo, 406, 436. young buffalo, 406.
Cow, the adult buffalo, 406, 436. young buffalo, 406.
Cox, Hon. S. S., 515, 516. Cree Indians, 478, 489, 504, 505, 527.
Cox, Hon. S. S., 515, 516. Cree Indians, 478, 489, 504, 505, 527.
Cross-breeding between the buffalo and domestic cattle, 451-458. D. Dakota, 389, 489, 490, 512. Davis, Mr. J. N., 512. Davis, Mr. Theo. R., 483. Davis, Mr. W. W., records of Coronado's march, by, 383. Dawes, Hon.
Cross-breeding between the buffalo and domestic cattle, 451-458. D. Dakota, 389, 489, 490, 512. Davis, Mr. J. N., 512. Davis, Mr. Theo. R., 483. Davis, Mr. W. W., records of Coronado's march, by, 383. Dawes, Hon.
Henry L., 517.
Henry L., 517.
Decoying and driving buffaloes, 483. De Solis, description of bison, by, 373. Destruction of the southern herd, 492-502.
Decoying and driving buffaloes, 483. De Solis, description of bison, by, 373. Destruction of the southern herd, 492-502.
northern herd, 502-513.
northern herd, 502-513.
Discovery of the American bison: in captivity, by Cortez, 373.
Discovery of the American bison: in captivity, by Cortez, 373.
eastern North America, by Argoll, 375.
eastern North America, by Argoll, 375.
Illinois, by Father Hennepin, 375. Texas, by Cabeza de Vaca, 373.
Illinois, by Father Hennepin, 375. Texas, by Cabeza de Vaca, 373.
Coronado, 373, 383.
Coronado, 373, 383.
District of Columbia, 375, 378. Distribution of the American bison, 376-383, 402, 503, 508. geographical center of, 388. Division of the great buffalo range, 492.
District of Columbia, 375, 378. Distribution of the American bison, 376-383, 402, 503, 508. geographical center of, 388. Division of the great buffalo range, 492.
Dodge, Col. R. I., observations on the buffalo, by, 389, 392, 400-409, 424, 433, 471, 474, 493, 495, 498. Domestication of the American bison, 379, 452-458, 528.
Dodge, Col. R. I., observations on the buffalo, by, 389, 392, 400-409, 424, 433, 471, 474, 493, 495, 498. Domestication of the American bison, 379, 452-458, 528.
Dry Creek, Big, 512, 530, 534. Little, 532, 533, 535.
Dry Creek, Big, 512, 530, 534. Little, 532, 533, 535.
Mr. F., buffaloes owned by, 462. E. Eldridge, the Hon.
Mr. F., buffaloes owned by, 462. E. Eldridge, the Hon.
Mr., 516. Estimate of buffaloes, 391, 504, 509. Expedition for bison sent by the Smithsonian, 522, 529-546.
Mr., 516. Estimate of buffaloes, 391, 504, 509. Expedition for bison sent by the Smithsonian, 522, 529-546.
Expeditions of the Red River half-breeds, 436, 437, 474. Extermination of the American bison: cause of the, 454.
Expeditions of the Red River half-breeds, 436, 437, 474. Extermination of the American bison: cause of the, 454.
completeness of the, 521-525. effects of the, 525-527. methods employed in the, 465, 470, 478, 480, 483, 484.
completeness of the, 521-525. effects of the, 525-527. methods employed in the, 465, 470, 478, 480, 483, 484.
north of Union Pacific Railway, 502-513. progress of the, 484. share of the Indians in the, 478.
north of Union Pacific Railway, 502-513. progress of the, 484. share of the Indians in the, 478.
south of the Union Pacific Railway, 498-502.
south of the Union Pacific Railway, 498-502.
west of the Rocky Mountains, 486. Extermination of American quadrupeds, 487, 491, 502.
west of the Rocky Mountains, 486. Extermination of American quadrupeds, 487, 491, 502.
F. Fear, instinct of, in the bison, 432.
F. Fear, instinct of, in the bison, 432.
, Mr. C. S., favors extended by, 545. _
, Mr. C. S., favors extended by, 545. _
Festuca scabrella_, 429. "Field," the London, quotation from, 523.
Festuca scabrella_, 429. "Field," the London, quotation from, 523.
Fleet, Henry, mention of bison on the Potomac, by, 378.
Fleet, Henry, mention of bison on the Potomac, by, 378.
Food of the bison, 426-434. "Forest and Stream," quotations from, 411, 511. Forney, Mr. A. H., 531. Fort Keogh, buffaloes near, 509.
Food of the bison, 426-434. "Forest and Stream," quotations from, 411, 511. Forney, Mr. A. H., 531. Fort Keogh, buffaloes near, 509.
Fort, the Hon.
Fort, the Hon.
Mr., of Illinois, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519.
Mr., of Illinois, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519.
G. Gaur, or Indian bison, 393.
G. Gaur, or Indian bison, 393.
Geographical distribution of the bison, 376-388, 492. Georgia, 379. Gibson, Col. Geo.
Geographical distribution of the bison, 376-388, 492. Georgia, 379. Gibson, Col. Geo.
M., 544, 545.
M., 544, 545.
Godwin, Mr. Harry P., 546.
Godwin, Mr. Harry P., 546.
Goode, Prof. G. Brown, 379.
Goode, Prof. G. Brown, 379.
Goodnight, Mr. Charles, buffaloes owned by, 460.
Goodnight, Mr. Charles, buffaloes owned by, 460.
Great Slave Lake, 384, 408. Group of buffaloes in the National Museum.
Great Slave Lake, 384, 408. Group of buffaloes in the National Museum.
546-548. H. Habits of the bison, 415-426.
546-548. H. Habits of the bison, 415-426.
Hair of the buffalo, uses of the, 449.
Hair of the buffalo, uses of the, 449.
Half-breeds of the Northwest Territories, 436, 474, 488, 504.
Half-breeds of the Northwest Territories, 436, 474, 488, 504.
Hannaford, Mr. J. M., letter from, 507. "Harper's Magazine," quotation from, 483. Harris, Capt. Moses, 521.
Hannaford, Mr. J. M., letter from, 507. "Harper's Magazine," quotation from, 483. Harris, Capt. Moses, 521.
Harris, Mr. Robert, courtesies extended by, 530. Haskins, Mr. Edward, train-master, 544.
Harris, Mr. Robert, courtesies extended by, 530. Haskins, Mr. Edward, train-master, 544.
Hawley, Hon.
Hawley, Hon.
J. R., 517. Hazen, General W. B., on buffalo slaughter, 514, 516.
J. R., 517. Hazen, General W. B., on buffalo slaughter, 514, 516.
Hedley, Mr. George H., with expedition for bison 531. Hennepin, Father, bison seen in Illinois by, 388. Herds, list of captive bison, 458-464.
Hedley, Mr. George H., with expedition for bison 531. Hennepin, Father, bison seen in Illinois by, 388. Herds, list of captive bison, 458-464.
Hides, buffalo, 445, 505, 506, 507. High Divide, 535, 536, 538, 542. Hind, Prof. H. Y., 407, 476, 478.
Hides, buffalo, 445, 505, 506, 507. High Divide, 535, 536, 538, 542. Hind, Prof. H. Y., 407, 476, 478.
Holman, Hon.
Holman, Hon.
W. S., 516.
W. S., 516.
Hornaday, W. T., group of bison by, 546-548.
Hornaday, W. T., group of bison by, 546-548.
Horns of the American bison, 405, 407.
Horns of the American bison, 405, 407.
Huguenot settlers, domestication of bison by, 379, 451. Hunting the buffalo, method of decoying and driving, 483. horseback, 470. impounding, 478. on snow shoes, 484.
Huguenot settlers, domestication of bison by, 379, 451. Hunting the buffalo, method of decoying and driving, 483. horseback, 470. impounding, 478. on snow shoes, 484.
"still-hunt," 465. "surround," 480.
"still-hunt," 465. "surround," 480.
Hunting on the Musselshell River, 539.
Hunting on the Musselshell River, 539.
Hybrid, the buffalo-domestic, 454-457. I. Idaho, 383. Illinois, 385-388.
Hybrid, the buffalo-domestic, 454-457. I. Idaho, 383. Illinois, 385-388.
Impounding buffaloes, 478. Indiana, 385. Indians: responsibility of, for buffalo slaughter, 506.
Impounding buffaloes, 478. Indiana, 385. Indians: responsibility of, for buffalo slaughter, 506.
robes marketed by northern, 505. share of the, in buffalo destruction, 478, 480, 483, 484, 489, 490, 500, 505, 506, 512. starving for lack of the buffalo, 526. who subsisted on the buffalo, 526.
robes marketed by northern, 505. share of the, in buffalo destruction, 478, 480, 483, 484, 489, 490, 500, 505, 506, 512. starving for lack of the buffalo, 526. who subsisted on the buffalo, 526.
J. Jones, Mr. C. J., breeding of buffaloes, by, 452, 454, 456. buffaloes captured by, 458, 523. buffalo herd owned by, 458.
J. Jones, Mr. C. J., breeding of buffaloes, by, 452, 454, 456. buffaloes captured by, 458, 523. buffalo herd owned by, 458.
K. Kansas, 391, 424, 496, 501.
K. Kansas, 391, 424, 496, 501.
Kasson, Hon.
Kasson, Hon.
J. A., 517.
J. A., 517.
Kenaston, Prof. C. A., 505. Kentucky, 388, 420.
Kenaston, Prof. C. A., 505. Kentucky, 388, 420.
Keogh, Fort, 509, 531.
Keogh, Fort, 509, 531.
_Koeleria cristata_, 429. L. Lewis and Clark, buffaloes seen by, 389, 483. Lincoln Park, Chicago, buffaloes in, 462.
_Koeleria cristata_, 429. L. Lewis and Clark, buffaloes seen by, 389, 483. Lincoln Park, Chicago, buffaloes in, 462.
Loco weed not eaten by the buffalo, 429. Louisiana, 380.
Loco weed not eaten by the buffalo, 429. Louisiana, 380.
M. Macoun, Prof. John, 524, 526.
M. Macoun, Prof. John, 524, 526.
"Manitoba and the great Northwest," 524, 526. Maryland, 378.
"Manitoba and the great Northwest," 524, 526. Maryland, 378.
McCormick, Hon. R. C., 514, 516, 518. McGillycuddy, Dr. V. T., buffaloes owned by, 462. McNaney, Mr. James, 421, 424, 467, 534, 537, 538, 540, 542. Meat of the buffalo, 446, 448.
McCormick, Hon. R. C., 514, 516, 518. McGillycuddy, Dr. V. T., buffaloes owned by, 462. McNaney, Mr. James, 421, 424, 467, 534, 537, 538, 540, 542. Meat of the buffalo, 446, 448.
Mental capacity of the American bison, 429-434. Merrill, Dr. J. C., 530, 545. Mexico, 381.
Mental capacity of the American bison, 429-434. Merrill, Dr. J. C., 530, 545. Mexico, 381.
Migrating habits of the buffalo, 389, 420, 424-425. Miles City, Montana, 531, 534, 541.
Migrating habits of the buffalo, 389, 420, 424-425. Miles City, Montana, 531, 534, 541.
Miller, Mr. Roswell, courtesies extended by, 530. Minnesota, 385. Mississippi, 380.
Miller, Mr. Roswell, courtesies extended by, 530. Minnesota, 385. Mississippi, 380.
Monograph on "The American Bison," 387. Montana, 421, 508, 509, 510, 511.
Monograph on "The American Bison," 387. Montana, 421, 508, 509, 510, 511.
"Mountain buffalo," 407-412. Mounted skins of buffaloes, 396, 412, 546-548. Museum, National, 395, 527, 546.
"Mountain buffalo," 407-412. Mounted skins of buffaloes, 396, 412, 546-548. Museum, National, 395, 527, 546.
Musselshell River, 535, 539.
Musselshell River, 535, 539.
N. National Museum, live buffaloes at the, 395, 463, 527. mounted buffaloes in the, 396, 397, 401, 402, 405, 406, 407, 546-548.
N. National Museum, live buffaloes at the, 395, 463, 527. mounted buffaloes in the, 396, 397, 401, 402, 405, 406, 407, 546-548.
Nelson, Mr. E. W., 385.
Nelson, Mr. E. W., 385.
New Mexico, 383.
New Mexico, 383.
New York, 385.