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Sentence 1: Green cards \.aré becoming ‘more ’:.. difficult ~.to obtain. Sentence’ 2: Green ‘card.-is - ‘now difficultto receive. | 00
[Sentence 1: Christopher Hitchens called him a "Bin Ladenist" jand Cathy Young editorialized in The Boston Globe that he blames the viens of terrorism when he puts out a novel like Snowbal’s Chance, a biting send-up of George Orwell's JAnimal Farm which he was inspired to write ofier the lerrorist attacks on September Il. "The clear references lo Join the opocalyplic ending can only bring Orwell's name Into disrepute in the US," wrole William Hamilton, the British literary executor of the Orwell estate. That process had lalready begun: it was revealed Orwell gave the Brilish Foreign Office a list of people he suspected of bein Hcrypto-Communists and fellow travelers," labeling some of hem as Jews and homosexvals. "I really wanted to explode that book," Reed told The New York Times. "| wanted to completely undermine i." Kentence 2: Cathy Young is the author of "Snowboll's Chance". | 11
Sentence 1: UNSCOM employs about 120 persons in Iraq, including 40 inspectors. Sentence 2: Wilson uses some 120 persons in Iraq, 40 of whom are inspectors. | 11
Sentence 4: Mayor. Michael ' Blgomberg seemed ambivalent to the changé*saying."| would like to see it Stay. the Freedom Tower, but it's their. building, and: they don't need. me dumping on’ it. if they ‘could ‘rent the whole.thing by changing the name, F- guess, they're going to do that, and they probably, from a. responsible’ point of view, should. From a patriotic paint of view,.is it going-to, make any dijference?" Sentence 2° The Freedom Tower. belongs’ to Michael Bloomberg | 11
Sentence i: . Geithner critictzed the report's Findings ‘on the World Bank, tncluding-a commission recommendation that the Bank stop lending to emerging market. economies, concentrate its resources on the poorest countries and: shift the ITs concessional assistance from.loans to grants. Sentence 2: The World Bank is cntozed for activities | 11
Sentence 1: She was finally found at 1 next day by PC David Lloyd George. Something had caught his eye in the undergrowth - her blue school coat or the deep red of the gloves that she had been wearing - and he stepped off the forestry track. Muriel Drinkwater was lying on her back, one arm outstretched by her side, the other slightly raised but with the gloved hand limp. Her eyes were open, but there was no doubt that she was dead. She was just a few weeks short of her 45th birthday. The constable blew sharply on his whistle. The year was 1946, when murder was _—_ supposedly _ less commonplace than now. The killing of Muriel Drinkwater was to make headlines for months and would vex Detective Chief Inspector | 00
Sentence 1 Officials daimed they were backed by influential members of the Santa Cruz business community of Croatian descent. The security vice-minister, Marcos Farfan, said that police have surveillance photographs of Mr Dwyer at various public events attended by Mr Morales, including @ peasant rally near Santa Cruz and a visit to naval installations on Lake Titicaca. Mr Farfan said that Mr Dwyer Mr Morales and other officials as part of the preparations for the "assassination plot”. He — added that police experts are analysing contents reportedly found in computers taken from the roomsin which the men were killed. aca has nav installation. | 00
Sentence 1: With Washington hinting it might soften its tough stance to break the deadlock, top US negotiator, Christopher Hill, said the two sides needed to review the situation. Sentence 2: Christopher Hill works for the US. | 00
Sentence 1: On 21 July, the Macdonough patrolled the waters off Guam to protect the assault craft from enemy submarines, continuing that role until departing for Hawaii ‘on 10 August. After a day at Pearl Harbor, she departed for the Admiralty Islands. Sentence 2: The Hacdonough left Hawaii on 10 August. | 11
st the $10,000 Sentence 2: white & Britannia Aware a | 11
Sentence I: Live At Leeds (1970) is The Who's first live album, and indeed is their only live album that was released while the band was still recording and performing regularly. Sentence 2: Live At Leeds was recorded by The Who. | 00
‘pert lea sore conten ad emo Sel Art yen wt ey 88 te can Eating ra a ‘bases b Thessmne! Rite Hasina aed Peay. Oe ters cy of Rose ow ‘Ohi onset perme | 11
Sentence 1: Family members and friends told Fax News that the couple had been fighting over several things, including Luong's girlfriend, on Sunday evening and Monday morning. Luong later drove off with his four children, whom he reported missing to the police and claimed he had left them with his girlfriend who lives in a hotel. Police however became suspicious due to "holes in his story” ‘and he later changed his story. The Associated Press say that the ‘authorities believe that Dauphin Island Bridge is where Luong threw the four children, of which he was the biological father of three, into thewater Sentence 2 Luong threw his children off a bridge in Louisiana, | 11
‘Sentence 1: The end result says that 61.6% of the Dutch people vote (against) the European Constitution, while 384% voted (for) the Constitution. ‘Sentence 2: The Dutch people approve the European Constitution. | 11
Senterice 1:"I've. always’ said-he's the closest twill ever come.to meeting Gaidhi, he's-simply unmoved by any obstacle’ or. ary: argument"said Bill ‘Clapp, an heir. to'the Weyerhaeuser. fortune and founder of, Global’ Partnerships; a Seattle microfitiance group. that':has partnered ‘with Grameen jin’ Central ‘America. ‘Sentence: 2: Bilt. Clapp is the founder afte Global Partnerships: | 00
Sentence 1: Sirhan: Sirhan, a] Jordanian immigrant, was. convicted of murdering Kennedy and is “serving” a° life: term: at. Soledad Prison, Sentence’2: Sirhan, Sirhan killed Kennedy. . | 00
Muslim fundamentalists such as the Islamic Resistance Movement, also known as s, and the smaller Islamic Jihad are determined. to torpedo the peace process. slamic Resistance Movement is | 00
Senteuce I: Mercedes Benz ‘USA, (MBUSA), headquartered in. Montvale;;New Jetsey, is responsible. for the,sales; marketing 2nd service of all Mercedes Bene and:Maybach products in the United States~ : Seriterice 2; MBUSA Is, ‘basedin New Yersey- | 00
“Sermane'1:/Abu Musa 'al- Hinds wal arrested iolidweriga- Op Off from’ Pakistara-itelbgence who clammed: that hes was - cen dec crestor Osatra tan Len Sertericé 2The posstilty.of ap attack began weh-the aries Of Rheem Noor Khan, | 11
~~ bed 104 ite within the CA ane Pt © pieceset the reer 0M oppratis wehcnng con : ‘Seek ninptate ei ert ce erg | 00
Sentence 1: Public health and animal health offcials from the Depariments of Healh and Community Services and Forest Resources and Agrifoods today corfirmed a rabies case involving a red fox in western Newfoundland. Sentence 2: A case of rabies was corfirmed. | 00
Sentence t The Osaka World Trade Center isthe tallest building in Western Japan. Sentence 2 The Osaka Word Trade Certer is the tallest building in Japan. | 11
Sentence 1: A wooden steadier of 293 ft sank on 10/13/1902, 13.5 miles North by Northwest of Fairport Harbor, Ohio. The lives of ten of the 19 persons on board were lost in the wreck. Sentence 2: 100 or more people lost thei ves in a ferry sinking. : | 11
Sentence 1: Gamma ray bursts are some of the most powerful objects observed in the Universe and are thought to signal the birth of black holes. Swift is designed to detect the bursts and automatically re-orient itself to gather images and data of the phenomenon Sentence 2: Gamma rays are forms of electromagnetic radiation. | 11
Sentence 1: The 500,000 eligible, Muslim voters are likely to reward Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's Social Democrats (SPD) in the September 18 parliamentary election, for its anti-Iraq war position and pro-Muslim policies. Sentence 2: Gerhard Schroeder belongs to the Social Democrats. | 00
Sentence 1: The New-York based company sald, TUES that Prafts totaled a record $946 milion, or 7 cents a ave, the MittarycMarch period, up from $796 milion, or 67 cents a shares & year earlier. Sentence 2: Net income grew to $369 milion, or 83 cents pet ‘share, in the January-March period from $291 million, or 65 cents per share, a year ago. | 11
Sentence 1: Only 16 women were elected to the 223-member parliament in 1995, and only 2| women hold ministerial posts. Sentence 2: Women are poorly represented in parliament. | 00
Sentence 1: The Catering AC formulates pay and condtions proposals of workers In the Industry which, It approved by the Labour Court, legally binds ‘employers to pay certan wage rates and provide condtions of ~=—s employment. However,the QSFA now contends that the JLC has no right to make such a legaly bindng provision, as Section 15 of the ConstRution states that the sole and excusive power to make laws |s vested in the Otreachtas, and no other authority has power to make laws for the State. It also argued that the existence ‘of the minmum wage and 25 other pieces of legisation protecting employees’ rights means that there is no need for ACs. The chairman of tthe QSFA, John Grace, warmed that the situation would lead to Job losses and closures. Sentence 2: John Grace works for QSFA. | 00
monumentat lighthouse built around 260'8C and standing 330 fthigh, IR the entrance to-Alexandria harbour for centuries, but-archeologi have never been able to. taentty positively any remai | 00
Sentence 1: A prosecutor had urged a state judge to sentence Former Tyco International’ CEO, Dennis Kozlowski, to the maximum 15 to 30 years in prison for stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from the company. Sentence 2: Ex-Tyco CEO, Dennis Kozlowski, received 8-1/3 to 25 years in prison, Monday, for his part in stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from the manufacturing conglomerate. | 11
Sentence 1: The pet passport is a pink! A4 sheet which contains the microchip number and certification] that the dog has a rabies vaccination, and needs to be signed by a veterinary surgeon who has LVI status. The passport is not to be confused with the much smaller} purple folder routinely issued by] vets which records the complete vaccination history of the pet. | 11
Sentence 1: Earlier this year, Kai-Uwe Ricke, chief executive of Deutsche Telekom, floated the possibility that T-Mobile USA might be sold. Sentence 2: Deutsche Telekom sold T-Mobile USA. | 11
‘Sefilencé i Marlin was tafen fo New Orleans Ochsner Foundation Hosa, wee: ire, limy: Resor. said fie--was treated For dehydration. Senience2: liny:Resor is enipled “at Ocisner Foundation Hospital 5.” | 00
Sentence 1: The 60,000 customers, less than 10% of Telecom's subscribers, who subscribed to Go Large, which boasts full speeds and no data cap, since December 8, 2006 till late February, 2007 will receive up to NZ$160 in credit. Telecom has temporarily stopped either new or existing customers from signing up to the new plan, and will also ask existing customers in the next couple of weeks if they wish to change plans, stay on the same plan with a changed traffic management policy, or later 7 New veda Ah ae bh raarheeeid | 11
Sentence I: Amine Stellafane's rhost ardent piirtisans is. David: He, Levy; cé-discoverer with, Dr.:-Eugeng Shoemaker of'a comét.ndmed:far the. two that. broke ‘apart. in1994-as jt.was-drawn toward Japiter, creating fireworks visible from Eurth - Senitence 2: The Shoemiaker-Levy comet was itiscoveyéd by Shoemaker, his wife, Carolyn; ani an ‘ast/orioner David H:Levy: | 11
Sentence 1: On Friday evening, a car bomb exploded outside a Shiite mosque in Iskandariyah, 30 miles south of the capital, killing seven people and wounding 10, doctors said on condition of anonymity. Sentence 2: The car bomb at the mosque in Iskandariyah exploded. | 00
‘rapidly. 1 Sentence 2: Michel Camdessus is managing director of IMF. an z 7 | 00
Sentence 1: Morcou, 72, reccived o Golden Beor coward for lifetime ochicvement ot the Berlin Pilm Pestivel Pridoy SSS Sentence 2: The Golden Palm hos been oewarded ot the Connes film Pestival, | 11
the PvdA failed, first over tax issues, then over the issue of abortion. Sentence 2 Three parties form a Dutch coalition government. | 11
Sentence ; Bo The: new werk: vent: an! eitra ‘stop, suggeiting’ “that the connections.’ that”. the stern = :eok'~ fon. to’ help bridge «the deinaged' spinal covd: are * “keg.” to ecaverys Gantirice 2° The expetiment, reported Mendag: iat: “the first. bei show’ that stem “eek ‘offen’: tantalizing “hope for wind cond’ injury: | 11
Settitence’: b-The 84:year-old pope: was: wheéled ° to. a hospital.. window,’. aid. blessed the crowd by making the sign‘of the cross ‘iti clear gesturés,-a8'a Vaticait photographér snapped pictures. Sentence 2: The’ pope made the sign'of. thie cross: | 00
Seateace E Female mosquitoes become infected with the malaria parasite when they draw blood trom humans with malaria. The insects can then pass this on to other humans they bite, but do not get sick themselves. Seateace 2 Female mosquitoes spread malaria. | 00
Sentence” 1: Xingwana called on established farmers to form partnerships with. new landowners and to transfer skills to new farmers, to ensure productive use of transferred lands. One Criticism of the programme is that some of the transferred farms have fallen in roduction due to the inexperience and ick of capital among the new owners. The government has rejected comparisons of the programme with that initiated in Zimbabwe under President Robert Mugabe. Sentence 2 Robert Mugabe was bom in Zimbabwe. | 11
‘Sentence 1: New Delhi: More than 100 Nobel prize winners, two US congressmen, and leading labour organizations have expressed concern over threats against the life of Kailash Satyarthi, India’s. leading opponent of child labour. Sentence 2: Kailash Satyarthi, India's leading opponent of child labour. | 00
Sentence 1: Greenspan's stance has underpinned predictions the Fed will raise rates steadily this year. Sentence 2: The position of Greenspan has propped up the predictions that the Fed will gradually elevate the east interest rates year. | 11
[Sentence 1: ECB spokeswamas, Schacter, declined to | jcommcat On a rtpert ie htaly’s ka mewespaper that thc ECB cowaci wil Giscess Me." Fazie’s role ia: the takeover [fight at its Sept. 1S mecting |Semttace 2: The ECB caencit meets on Sept. 15. | 00
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