प्रविश्य तु महारण्यं दण्डकारण्यमात्मवान्।ददर्श रामो दुर्धर्षस्तापसाश्रममण्डलम्।।3.1.1।।
The invincible and selfpossessed Rama entered the great forest of Dandaka and saw there a multitude of hermitages of the ascetics.
कुशचीरपरिक्षिप्तं ब्राह्म्या लक्ष्म्या समावृतम्।यथा प्रदीप्तं दुर्दर्शं गगने सूर्यमण्डलम्।।3.1.2।।
They (the hermitages) were strewn all over with kusa grass and robes by bark with auspicious sacrificial materials around and hence dazzling like the orb of the sun in the sky difficult to gaze.
शरण्यं सर्वभूतानां सुसम्मृष्टाजिरं सदा।मृगैर्बहुभिराकीर्णं पक्षिसङ्घैस्समावृतम्।।3.1.3।।
The courtyards (of the hermitages) were cleanswept, sprinkled with water and decorated. They provided shelter to all kinds of creatures and were filled all over with flocks of birds and antelopes.
पूजितं च प्रनृत्तं च नित्यमप्सरसां गणैः।विशालैरग्निशरणैः स्रुग्भाण्डैरजिनैः कुशैः।।3.1.4।।समिद्भिस्तोयकलशैः फलमूलैश्च शोभितम्।आरण्यैश्च महावृक्षैः पुण्यैस्स्वादुफलैर्वृतम्।।3.1.5।।
The hermitages looked glorified with dances by celestial damsels. They were adorned with vast fire sanctuaries, ladles for sacrificial ceremonies, deerskins and kusa grass faggots for pots of water, roots and fruits. They looked delightful with huge sacred trees of the forest laden with sweet fruits.
बलिहोमार्चितं पुण्यं ब्रह्मघोषनिनादितम्।पुष्पैश्चान्यैः परिक्षिप्तं पद्मिन्या च सपद्मया।।3.1.6।।फलमूलाशनैर्दान्तैश्चीरकृष्णाजिनाम्बरैः।सूर्यवैश्वानराभैश्च पुराणैर्मुनिभिर्वुतम्।।3.1.7।।
The hermitages where various sacrificial offerings were made reverberated with Vedic chantings. Flowers were scattered all over. There was a lotuspond with lotuses. There were aged, selfrestrained sages glowing like the Sun or the fire, living on fruits and roots, clothed in bark and dark deerskin.
पुण्यैश्च नियताहारैः शोभितं परमर्षिभिः।तद्ब्रह्मभवनप्रख्यं ब्रह्मघोषनिनादितम्।।3.1.8।।
The hermitages echoing with the sounds of Vedic recitations and resembling the very abode of Brahma were adorned with great, holy sages living on regulated diet.
ब्रह्मविद्भिर्महाभागैर्ब्राह्मणैरुपशोभितम्।तद्दृष्ट्वा राघवः श्रीमांस्तापसाश्रममण्डलम्।।3.1.9।।अभ्यगच्छन्महातेजा विज्यं कृत्वा महद्धनुः।
The illustrious, effulgent Rama saw groups of hermitages adorned with venerable brahmins, with knowledge of the Supreme Spirit. On seeing them he loosened the string of his great bow and went forward.
दिव्यज्ञानोपपन्नास्ते रामं दृष्ट्वा महर्षयः।।3.1.10।।अभ्यगच्छन्स्तदा प्रीता वैदेहीं च यशस्विनीम्।
On seeing Rama with illustrious Sita, the great sages, richly endowed with divine knowledge, went forward to greet him.
ते तं सोममिवोद्यन्तं दृष्ट्वा वै धर्मचारिणम्।।3.1.11।।लक्ष्मणं चैव दृष्ट्वा तु वैदेहीं च यशस्विनीम्।मङ्गलानि प्रयुञ्जानाः प्रत्यगृह्णन्दृढव्रताः।।3.1.12।।
The sages, steadfast in their vows, saw Rama who was shining like the rising Moon, Lakshmana and the famed Sita went forward and received them with words of benediction.
रूपसंहननं लक्ष्मीं सौकुमार्यं सुवेषताम्।ददृशुर्विस्मिताकारा रामस्य वनवासिनः।।3.1.13।।
Those sages living in the forest were wonderstruck to see the handsome, graceful, delicate and welldressed Rama.
वैदेहीं लक्ष्मणं रामं नेत्रैरनिमिषैरिव।आश्चर्यभूतान्ददृशुः सर्वे ते वनचारिणः।।3.1.14।।
All the foresters looked at the wonderful figures of Rama, Sita and Lakshmana with unblinking eyes.
अत्रैनं हि महाभागा स्सर्वभूतहिते रताः।अतिथिं पर्णशालायां राघवं संन्यवेशयन्।।3.1.15।।
Ever engaged in the welfare of all beings, the sages made Rama, their guest, sit in their leafy hut.
ततो रामस्य सत्कृत्य विधिना पावकोपमाः।आजह्रुस्ते महाभागाः सलिलं धर्मचारिणः।।3.1.16।।
The great sages comparable to the firegod and followers of righteousness honoured Rama according to tradition by offering water.
पुष्पं मूलं फलं सर्वमाश्रमं च महात्मनः।निवेदयित्वा धर्मज्ञास्ते ततः प्राञ्जलयोऽब्रुवन्।।3.1.17।।
The sages who were knowers of dharma saluted the noble Rama, offered fruits, roots and flowers available at the hermitage and with folded palms said thus:
धर्मपालो जनस्यास्य शरण्यस्त्वं महायशाः।पूजनीयश्च मान्यश्च राजा दण्डधरो गुरुः।।3.1.18।।
O king of great reputation, you are the refuge of the people, a protector of dharma, a chastiser of wrongdoers, a worshipful and respectable preceptor.
इन्द्रस्येह चतुर्भागः प्रजा रक्षति राघव।राजा तस्माद्वरान्भोगान्रम्यान् भुङक्तेलोकनमस्कृतः।।3.1.19।।
O Rama, in this world a king is considered the fourth part of Indra as he protects the people. Therefore, he is respected and he enjoys the choicest pleasures of life.
ते वयं भवता रक्ष्या भवद्विषयवासिनः।नगरस्थो वनस्थो वा त्वं नो राजा जनेश्वरः।।3.1.20।।
Since we are the residents of your territory we deserve to be protected by you. Whether you live in the city or in the forest, you are the lord of the people and our king.
न्यस्तदण्डा वयं राजञ्जितक्रोधा जितेन्द्रियाः।रक्षणीयास्त्वया शश्वदगर्भभूतास्तपोधनाः।।3.1.21।।
O king, we have conquered our anger and have controlled our senses. We ascetics have cast aside all our authority. We are like your children and need to be protected by you forever
एवमुक्त्वा फलैर्मूलैः पुष्पैर्वन्यैश्च राघवम्।अन्यैश्च विविधाहारैः सलक्ष्मणमपूजयन्।।3.1.22।।
Having said so, the ascetics offered with reverence fruits, roots, flowers and other forest products to Rama and Lakshmana.
तथान्ये तापसास्सिद्धा रामं वैश्वानरोपमाः।न्यायवृत्ता यथान्यायं तर्पयामासुरीश्वरम्।।3.1.23।।
The lawabiding ascetics, who were comparable to fire and who were accomplished in their penances, pleased lord Rama in a befitting manner.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे प्रथमस्सर्गः।। Thus ends the first sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.
[Viradha attacks Rama and Lakshmana -- carries away Sita.]कृतातिथ्योऽथ रामस्तु सूर्यस्योदयनं प्रति।आम्नत्ऱ्य स मुनीन्सर्वान्वनमेवान्वगाहत।।3.2.1।।
After receiving hospitality from the sages, Rama took of all of them at sunrise and entered deep into the forest.
नानामृगगणाकीर्णमृक्षशार्दूल सेवितम्।ध्वस्तवृक्षलतागुल्मं दुर्दर्शसलिलाशयम्।।3.2.2।।निष्कूजनानाशकुनिझिल्लिकागणनादितम्।लक्ष्मणानुगतो रामो वनमध्यं ददर्श ह।।3.2.3।।
With Lakshmana following, Rama went through the forest, filled with herds of animals and inhabited by bears and tigers. It was a place where trees, creepers and bushes were crushed (by frequent visits of demons). It was difficult to locate a water source. And it resounded with the chirping of various birds and insects (crickets).
सीतया सह काकुत्स्थस्तस्मिनघोरमृगायुते।ददर्श गिरिशृङ्गाभं पुरुषादं महास्वनम्।।3.2.4।।
While Rama along with Sita was wandering in the forest infested with dreadful animals, he saw a roaring cannibal resembling the peak of a mountain.
गम्भीराक्षं महावक्त्रं विकटं विषमोदरम्।बीभत्सं विषमं दीर्घं विकृतं घोरदर्शनम्।।3.2.5।।
He was of dreadful appearance with deep eyes, a huge face and a big belly. He looked tall, ugly and frightening.
वसानं चर्म वैयाघ्रं वसार्द्रं रुधिरोक्षितम्।त्रासनं सर्वभूतानां व्यादितास्यमिवान्तकम्।।3.2.6।।
Wearing a tigerskin, he resembled the god of death. With a wide, open mouth, wet with marrow and drenched with blood, he struck terror into all beings.
त्रीन्सिम्हान्श्चतुरो व्याघ्रान्द्वौ वृकौ पृषतान्दश।सविषाणं वसादिग्धं गजस्य च शिरो महत्।अवसज्यायसे शूले विनदन्तं महास्वनम्।।3.2.7।।
Roaring loudly, he carried an iron spit in which were pierced three lions, four tigers, two wolves, ten deer and the huge head of an elephant with its tusks smeared with the fat of flesh.
स रामं लक्ष्मणं चैव सीतां दृष्ट्वा च मैथिलीम्।अभ्यधावत्सुसङ्कृद्धः प्रजाः काल इवान्तकः।।3.2.8।।
Looking extremely furious, he ran towards Rama, Lakshmana and Sita like the god of death rushes towards the (dying) people.
स कृत्वा भैरवं नादं चालयन्निव मेदिनीम्।अङ्केनादाय वैदेहीमपक्रम्य ततोऽब्रवीत्।।3.2.9।।
Making a dreadful sound, as if shaking the earth, he took Sita on his lap, stepped aside and said:
युवां जटाचीरधरौ सभार्यौ क्षीणजीवितौ।प्रविष्टौ दण्डकारण्यं शरचापासिधारिणौ।।3.2.10।।
You both clad in bark and wearing matted hair, holding bows, arrows and swords have entered into the Dandaka forest with your wife. Your life has been cut short indeed৷৷
कथं तापसयोर्वां च वासः प्रमदया सह।अधर्मचारिणौ पापौ कौ युवां मुनिदूषकौ।।3.2.11।।
How is it that you both, dressed in the robes of ascetics, live with a woman? Leading an unrighteous and sinful life, who are you who have brought disgrace to the ascetic discipline ?
अहं वनमिदं दुर्गं विराधो नाम राक्षसः।चरामि सायुधो नित्यमृषिमांसानि भक्षयन्।।3.2.12।।
I am a demon named Viradha. I move in this dense forest with my weapons eating the flesh of the sages.
इयं नारी वरारोहा मम भार्या भविष्यति।युवयोः पापयोश्चाहं पास्यामि रुधिरं मृधे।।3.2.13।।
This woman of fine hips shall be my wife. You sinners I shall drink the blood of both of you in the fight.
तस्यैवं ब्रुवतो दुष्टं विराधस्य दुरात्मनः।श्रुत्वा सगर्वितं वाक्यं सम्भ्रान्ता जनकात्मजा।।3.2.14।।
Sita, daughter of Janaka was bewildered out of fear when she heard the cruel and boastful words of that wicked Viradha.
सीता प्रवेपतोद्वेगात् प्रावाते कदली यथा।।3.2.15।।तां दृष्ट्वा राघवः सीतां विराधाङ्कगतां शुभाम्।अब्रवील्लक्ष्मणं वाक्यं मुखेन परिशुष्यता।।3.2.16।।
Seeing the auspicious Sita in the lap of Viradha shaken out of anxiety, like a plantain tree in a strong wind, Rama with his throat parched said to Lakshmana:
पश्य सौम्य नरेन्द्रस्य जनकस्यात्मसम्भवाम्।मम भार्यां शुभाचारां विराधाङ्के प्रवेशिताम्।।3.2.17।।अत्यन्तसुखसंमव़ृद्धां राजपुत्रीं यशस्विनीम्।
Gentle Lakshmana, see the illustrious daughter ofJanaka, a lady of good conduct, brought up in utmost comfort caught in the lap of Viradha
यदभिप्रेतमस्मासु प्रियं वरवृतं च यत्।।3.2.18।।कैकेय्यास्तु सुसंवृत्तं क्षिप्रमद्यैव लक्ष्मण।
O Lakshmana whatever Kaikeyi desired through her boons has now come true so soon.
या न तुष्यति राज्येन पुत्रार्थे दीर्घदर्शिनी।।3.2.19।।ययाहं सर्वभूतानां प्रियः प्रस्थापितो वनम्।अद्येदानीं सकामा सा या माता मध्यमा मम।।3.2.20।।
Kaikeyi, my middle mother is farsighted indeed Not content with the kingdom alone see sent me, beloved of all beings, away to the forest. Let her cherished desire be fulfilled.
परस्पर्शात्तु वैदेह्याः न दुःखतरमस्तिमे।पितुर्विनाशात्सौमित्रे स्वराज्यहरणात्तथा।।3.2.21।।
O Lakshmana nothing is more sorrowful to me than the touch of Vaidehi by another. It is more painful to me than the death of my father or loss of my kingdom.
इति ब्रुवति काकुत्स्थे बाष्पशोकपरिप्लुते।अब्रवील्लक्ष्मणः क्रुद्धो रुद्धो नाग इव श्वसन्।।3.2.22।।
As Rama was thus full of tears of sorrow, Lakshmana sighed heavily in anger like a hissing serpant in confinement. And said:
अनाथ इव भूतानां नाथस्त्वं वासवोपमः।मया प्रेष्येण काकुत्स्थ किमर्थं परितप्यसे।।3.2.23।।
O Rama, you are, like Indra, lord of all beings. What makes you feel sad like an orphan when I am at your service like a servant?
शरेण निहतस्याद्य मया क्रुद्धेन रक्षसः।विराधस्य गतासोर्हि मही पास्यति शोणितम्।।3.2.24।।
The earth will drink the blood of Viradha with his life gone, slain by my angry arrow.
राज्यकामे मम क्रोधो भरते यो बभूव ह।तं विराधे प्रमोक्ष्यामि वज्री वज्रमिवाचले।।3.2.25।।
Like Indra who hits the mountain with his thunderbolt, I shall release on Viradha the anger I felt against Bharata for his passion for the kingdom.
मम भुजबलवेगवेगितः पततु शरोऽस्य महान्महोरसि।व्यपनयतु तनोश्च जीवितं पततु ततस्समहीं विघूर्णितः।।3.2.26।।
Spurred by the speed of my strong arms, my arrow will fall on his broad chest and separate his life from his body. Then his body reeling round and round will fall on the ground.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे द्वितीयस्सर्गः।।Thus ends the second sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.
[The story of Viradha ]इत्युक्त्वा लक्ष्मणश्श्रीमान्विराधे प्रहसन्निव।कोभवान्वनमभ्येत्य चरिष्यसि यथासुखम्।।3.3.1।।
Graceful Lakshmana asked Viradha with a smile, Who are you wandering in the forest at will ?.
अथोवाच पुनर्वाक्यं विराधः पूरयन्वनम्।पृच्छतो मम हि ब्रूतं कौ युवां क्व गमिष्यथः।।3.3.2.।।
Then Viradha with his voice filling the forest said, Instead of asking about me you both should speak out who you are and where you are going
तमुवाच ततो रामो राक्षसं ज्वलिताननम्।पृच्छन्तं सुमहातेजा इक्ष्वाकुकुलमात्मनः।।3.3.3।।
Questioned by the demon, who bore a burning countenance, the highly effulgent Rama introduced his Ikshvaku family:
क्षत्रियौ वृत्तसम्पन्नौ विद्धि नौ वनगोचरौ।त्वां तु वेदितुमिच्छावः कस्त्वं चरसि दण्डकान्।।3.3.4।।
Know us to be both kshatriyas, endowed with a good lineage and yet moving in the forest. We both wish to know, who you are and why you are going about in Dandaka forest?
तमुवाच विराधस्तु रामं सत्यपराक्रमम्।हन्त वक्ष्यामि ते राजन्निबोध मम राघव।।3.3.5।।
Then Viradha said to Rama whose truth was his strength, I will tell you who I am. O, listen:
पुत्रः किल जयस्याहं माता मम शतह्रदा।विराध इति मामाहुः पृथिव्यां सर्वराक्षसाः।।3.3.6।।
I am indeed son to Jaya. My mother is Satahrada. Verily all the demons on this earth call me Viradha.
तपसा चाभिसम्प्राप्ता ब्रह्मणो हि प्रसादजा।शस्त्रेणावध्यता लोकेऽच्छेद्याभेद्यत्वमेव च।।3.3.7।।
By the grace of Lord Brahma I was bestowed with this prowess through my penance. In this world none can kill me with a weapon nor split nor cut me to pieces.
उत्सृज्य प्रमदामेनामनपेक्षौ यथागतम्।त्वरमाणौ पलायेथां न वां जीवितमाददे।। 3.3.8।।
Therefore, leave this lady and run away to the place you came from. I will not take away your life .
तं रामः प्रत्युवाचेदं कोपसंरक्तलोचनः।राक्षसं विकृताकारं विराधं पापचेतसम्।।3.3.9।।
With eyes reddened with anger Rama replied to the sinful, deformed Viradha:
क्षुद्र धिक्त्वां तु हीनार्थं मृत्युमन्वेषसे ध्रुवम्।रणे प्राप्स्यसे सन्तिष्ठ न मे जीवन् गमिष्यासि।।3.3.10।।
O vile, mean creature surely you are seeking death. Wait, you will meet it in the fight.
ततः सज्यं धनुः कृत्वा रामस्सुनिशिताञ्छरान्।सुशीघ्रमभिसन्धाय राक्षसं निजघान ह।।3.3.11।।
Then Rama strung his bow immediately, shot the sharp arrows at Viradha and hit him verily.
धनुषा ज्यागुणवता सप्त बाणान्मुमोच ह।रुक्मपुङ्खान्महावेगान्सुपर्णानिलतुल्यगान्।।3.3.12।।
From his bow strung tight, Rama shot seven swift, goldenfeathered arrows comparable to Garuda and the Windgod in speed.
ते शरीरं विराधस्य भित्त्वाबर्हिणवाससः।निपेतुश्शोणितादिग्धा धरण्यां पावकोपमाः।।3.3.13।।
The arrows tied with peacockfeathers, looking like fire, pierced the body of Viradha which, drenched in blood, fell on the ground.
स विद्धो न्यस्य वैदेहीं शूलमुद्यम्य राक्षसः।अभ्यद्रवत्सुसङ्कृद्धस्तदा रामं सलक्ष्मणम्।।3.3.14।।
Hit by Rama and Lakshmana, the enraged demon left Vaidehi, lifted a sharp spear and ran towards them.
स विनद्य महानादं शूलं शक्रध्वजोपमम्।प्रगृह्याशोभत तदा व्यात्तानन इवान्तकः।।3.3.15।।
The demon who produced a great noise with his wide open mouth resembled the god of death. He lifted a sharp spike that looked like Indra's banner.
अथ तौ भ्रातरौ दीप्तं शरवर्षं ववर्षतुः।विराधे राक्षसे तस्मिन् कालान्तकयमोपमे।।3.3.16।।
And then both the brothers showered bright arrows on the demon Viradha who looked like Yama, the god of death.
स प्रहस्य महारौद्रः स्थित्वाजृम्भत राक्षसः।जृम्भमाणस्य ते बाणाः कायान्निष्पेतुराशुगाः।।3.3.17।।
The demon who was extremely frightening stood there, laughing and yawning. As he yawned, all the swiftlyflying arrows fell out of his body.
स्पर्शात्तु वरदानेन प्राणान्सम्रोध्य राक्षसः।विराधः शूलमुद्यम्य राघवावभ्यधावत।।3.3.18।।
By virtue of a boon Viradha, the demon, controlled the vital breath of his body by a mere touch and, raising the spike, ran towards the two Raghava princes.
तच्छूलं वज्रसङ्काशं गगने ज्वलनोपमम्।द्वाभ्यां शराभ्यां चिच्छेद रामः शस्त्रभृतांवरः।।3.3.19।।
With two arrows, Rama, the best among wielders of weapons, broke down the spike in the sky burning like fire, and resembling the thunderbolt of Indra.
तद्रामविशिखच्छिन्नं शूलं तस्यकराद्भुवि।पपाताशनिना छिन्नं मेरोरिव शिलातलम्।।3.3.20।।
The spike, broken down by Rama's arrow, fell like a slab of mount Meru splintered by Indra's thunder.
तौ खड्गौ क्षिप्रमुद्यम्य कृष्णसर्पोपमौशुभौ।तूर्णमापेततुस्तस्य तदा प्रहरतां बलात्।।3.3.21।।
Then both Rama and Lakshmana quickly raised their swords which looked like black serpents and at once fell upon the demon who was going to strike with great force.
स वध्यमानः सुभृशं भुजाभ्यां परिरभ्यतौ।अप्रकम्प्यौ नरव्याघ्रौ रौद्रः प्रस्थातुमैच्छत।।3.3.22।।
Struck down, the angry demon tightly caught hold of both of them under his arms and wanted to set out, carrying Rama and Lakshmana, the two unshakeable tigers among men.
तस्याभिप्रायमाज्ञाय रामो लक्ष्मणमब्रवीत्।वहत्वयमलं तावत्पथाऽनेन तु राक्षसः।।3.3.23।।
Rama understood the intention of the demon and said to Lakshmana, Let him go his way, no need to stop him.
यथा चेच्छति सौमित्रे तथा वहतु राक्षसः।अयमेव हि नः पन्था येन याति निशाचरः।।3.3.24।।
O Lakshmana, let the nightstalker go the way he wishes. That is, in fact, our path.
स तु स्वबलवीर्येण समुत्क्षिप्य निशाचरः।बालाविव स्कन्धगतौ चकारातिबलोद्धतः।।3.3.25।।
Puffed up with his own great strength, Viradha lifted them and placed them on his shoulders as though they were two children.
तावारोप्य ततः स्कन्धं राघवौ रजनीचरः।विराधो विनदन्घोरं जगामाभिमुखो वनम्।।3.3.26।।
Then the nightstalker proceeded towards the forest, carrying both the scions of the Raghu race on his shouldersroaring.
वनं महामेघनिभं प्रविष्टो द्रुमैर्महद्भिर्विविधैरुपेतम्।नानाविधैः पक्षिकुलैर्विचित्रं शिवायुतं व्यालमृगैर्विकीर्णम्।।3.3.27।।
Viradha entered the forest which appeared like a huge cloud. Overgrown with different types of large trees, it abounded in wonderful birds, jackals and other wild animals.इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे तृतीयस्सर्गः।। Thus ends the third sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.
[Rama and Lakshmana kill Viradha -- Viradha narrates his story and ascends to heaven.]ह्रियमाणौ तु तौ दृष्ट्वा वैदेही रामलक्ष्मणौ।उच्चैस्स्वरेण चुक्रोश प्रगृह्य सुमहाजाभुजौ।।3.4.1।।
Seeing those two mightyarmed Rama and Lakshmana being carried away by Viradha, Sita started crying loudly:
एष दाशरथी रामः सत्यवान् शीलवान् शुचिः।रक्षसा रौद्ररूपेण ह्रियते सहलक्ष्मणः।।3.4.2।।
मामृका भक्षयिष्यन्ति शार्दूलाद्वीपिनस्तथा।मां हरोत्सृज काकुत्स्थौ नमस्ते राक्षसोत्तम।।3.4.3।।
The wild bears, tigers and panthers will eat me up here. O best among demons, pray take me and leave both the Kakutsthas.
तस्यास्तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा वैदेह्या रामलक्ष्मणौ।वेगं प्रचक्रतुर्वीरौ वधे तस्य दुरात्मनः।।3.4.4।।
On hearing those words of Sita, both the heroes, Rama and Lakshmana hastened to kill the wicked Viradha.
तस्य रौद्रस्य सौमित्रिः सव्यं बाहुं बभञ्ज ह।रामस्तु दक्षिणं बाहुं तरसा तस्य रक्षसः।।3.4.5।।
Lakshmana quickly broke the left and Rama the right shoulder of that dreadful demon.
स भग्नबाहुस्सविग्नो निपपाताशु राक्षसः।धरण्यां मेघसङ्काशो वज्रभिन्न इवाचलः।।3.4.6।।
With both shoulders broken, the demon, looking like a cloud (huge and dark) fell at once on the ground like a mountain split by a thunderbolt.
मुष्टिभिर्जानुभिः पद्भिः सूदयन्तौ तु राक्षसम्।उद्यम्योद्यम्य चाप्येनं स्थण्डिले निष्पिपेषतुः।।3.4.7।।
Striking the demon with fists, knees and feet, both of them smit him on the bare ground and pulverized him.
स विद्धो बहुभिर्बाणैः खङ्गाभ्यां च परिक्षतः।निष्पिष्टो बहुधा भूमौ न ममार स राक्षसः।।3.4.8।।
Although pierced by arrows, and wounded by the two swords, and pulverized on the ground, the demon did not die.
तं प्रेक्ष्य रामः सुभृशमवध्यमचलोपमम्।भयेष्वभयदश्श्रीमानिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।।3.4.9।।
Seeing the mountainlike Viradha not dying though seriously wounded, illustrious Rama, guaranter of safety from fear said to Lakshmana:
तपसा पुरुषव्याघ्र राक्षसोऽयं न शक्यते।शस्त्रेण युधि निर्जेतुं राक्षसं निखनावहे।।3.4.10।।
O Lakshmana, best among men, this demon by virtue of his penance cannot be killed with any weapon in war. Therefore, let us bury him.
कुञ्जरस्येव रौद्रस्य राक्षसस्यास्य लक्ष्मण।वनेऽस्मिन् सुमहच्छ्वभ्रं खन्यतां रौद्रवर्चसः।।3.4.11।।
Dig a deep pit to bury this demon, dreadful like an elephant and emitting a fearful glow.
इत्युक्त्वा लक्ष्मणं रामः प्रदरः खन्यतामिति।तस्थौ विराधमाक्रम्य कण्ठे पादेन वीर्यवान्।।3.4.12।।
Courageous Rama standing there put his foot firmly on the neck of Viradha and said to Lakshmana,' Dig up a crevice'.
तच्छ्रुत्वा राघवेणोक्तं राक्षसः प्रश्रितं वचः।इदं प्रोवाच काकुत्थ्सं विराधः पुरुषर्षभम्।।3.4.13।।
When the demon Viradha heard Rama saying so, he said these humble words to the scion of the Kakutsthas and the best of men :
हतोऽस्मि पुरुषव्याघ्र शक्रतुल्यबलेन वै।मया तु पूर्वं त्वं मोहान्न ज्ञातः पुरुषर्षभ।।3.4.14।।
You have killed me, O Rama, a tiger among men. You are equal to Indra in prowess. O best of men, out of delusion I could not recognise you earlier.
कौसल्यासुप्रजा राम तातस्त्वं विदितो मया।वैदेही च महाभागा लक्ष्मणश्च महायशाः।।3.4.15।।
O dear Rama, I know now you are the blessed son of Kausalya, Sita is a noble lady and a glorious soul.
अभिशापादहं घोरां प्रविष्टो राक्षसीं तनुम्।तुम्बुरुर्नाम गन्धर्वः शप्तो वैश्रवणेन ह।।3.4.16।।
I am Tumburu by name, a celestial singer of the gandharva clan. Cursed by Kubera, I got this dreadful body of a demon.
प्रसाद्यमानश्च मया सोऽब्रवीन्मां महायशाः।यदा दाशरथी रामस्त्वां वधिष्यति संयुगे।तदा प्रकृतिमापन्नो भवान्स्वर्गं गमिष्यति।।3.4.17।।
When I appealed to him, that lord of great fame (Kubera) said that I would get back my original form and ascend to heaven when Rama, son of Dasaratha, would kill me in a duel.
अनुपस्थीयमानो मां स क्रुद्धो व्याजहार ह।इति वैश्रवणो राजा रम्भासक्तमुवाच ह।।3.4.18।।
When king Kubera saw me absent (from duty) as I was infatuated with Rambha, he got angry and cursed me.
तव प्रसादान्मुक्तोऽहमिहशापात्सुदारुणात्।भुवनं स्वं गमिष्यामि स्वस्ति वोऽस्तु परन्तप।।3.4.19।।
O scorcher of enemies by your grace I am rid of the curse. Delivered from my dreadful form, I will now go to my world. May both of you fare well.
इतो वसति धर्मात्मा शरभङ्गः प्रतापवान्।।3.4.20।।अध्यर्धयोजने तात महर्षिस्सूर्यसन्निभः।तं क्षिप्रमधिगच्छ त्वं स ते श्रेयोऽभिधास्यति।।3.4.21।।
O dear, there lives Sarabhanga, a righteous sage, comparable to the Sun, at a distance of one and a half yojanas from here. Go to him at once. He will bless you with your wellbeing.
अवटे चापि मां राम प्रक्षिप्य कुशली व्रज।रक्षसां गतसत्त्वानामेष धर्मस्ससनातनः।अवटे ये निधीयन्ते तेषां लोकास्सनातनाः।।3.4.22।।
Bury me in the pit, O Rama, and proceed happily. This is a great tradition for the dead demons. Those who are buried in the pit attain heaven.
एवमुक्त्वा तु काकुत्थ्सं विराधश्शरपीडितः।बभूव स्वर्गसम्प्राप्तो न्यस्तदेहो महाबलः।।3.4.23।।
Having said so to Rama, the mighty Viradha, hit by the arrows left his body and attained heaven.
तच्छ्रुत्वा राघवो वाक्यं लक्ष्मणं व्यादिदेश ह।कुञ्जरस्येव रौद्रस्य राक्षसस्यास्य लक्ष्मण।।3.4.24।।वनेऽस्मिन् सुमहच्छ्वभ्रं खन्यतां रौदकर्मणः।इत्युक्त्वा लक्ष्मणं रामः प्रदरः खन्यतामिति।तस्थौ विराधमाक्रम्य कण्ठे पादेन वीर्यवान्।।3.4.25।।
When Rama heard those words, he said, O Lakshmana dig for this elephantlike demon of dreadful acts, a big pit. Having said so the mighty Rama stood firmly stamping the neck of Viradha with his foot.
ततः खनित्रमादाय लक्ष्मणश्श्वभ्रमुत्तमम्।अखनत्पार्श्वतस्तस्य विराधस्य महात्मनः।।3.4.26।।
Then Lakshmana fetched a spade and dug a sufficiently big pit by the side of the great soul Viradha.
तं मुक्तकण्ठंनिक्षिप्य शङ्कुकर्णं महास्वनम्।विराधं प्राक्षिपच्छ्वभ्रे नदन्तं भैरवस्वनम्।।3.4.27।।
Rama took his foot off Viradha's neck and dropped his body with pointed ears into the pit while Viradha was groaning fearfully৷৷
तमाहवे दारुणमाशुविक्रमौ स्थिरावुभौ संयति रामलक्ष्मणौ।मुदान्वितौ चिक्षिपतुर्भयावहं नदन्तमुत्क्षिप्य बिले तु राक्षसम्।।3.4.28।।
Rama and Lakshmana, stable and firm, brave and quick, together lifted the body of Viradha who was fierce in battle and roaring and forcibly threw it into the pit with joy.
अवध्यतां प्रेक्ष्य महासुरस्य तौ शितेन शस्त्रेण तदा नरर्षभौ।समर्थ्य चात्यर्थविशारदावुभौ बिले विराधस्य वधं प्रचक्रतुः।।3.4.29।।
The two princes, bulls among men, who were adept in archery saw that the great demon could not be killed by any other means. They reflected over the issue and undertook the task of killing him with sharp weapons and buried him in a pit.
स्वयं विराधेन हि मृत्युरात्मनः प्रसह्य रामेण यथार्थमीप्सितः।निवेदितः काननचारिणा स्वयं न मे वधः शस्त्रकृतो भवेदिति।।3.4.30।।
Rama deliberately wanted to kill Viradha with weapons. Viradha the forestranger himself revealed that it was not possible to kill him with weapons and asked Rama to bury him in a pit.
तदेव रामेण निशम्य भाषितं कृता मतिस्तस्य बिलप्रवेशने।बिलं च रामेणातिबलेन रक्षसा प्रवेश्यमानेन वनं विनादितम्।।3.4.31।।
While Rama, who had made up his mind after hearing him, was putting the mighty demon in the pit, the forest rang with his roar.
प्रहृष्टरूपाविव रामलक्ष्मणौ विराधमुर्व्या प्रदरे निहत्य तौ।ननन्दतुर्वीतभयौ महावने शिलाभिरन्तर्दधतुश्च राक्षसम्।।3.4.32।।
Rama and Lakshmana were happy to consign Viradha's body to the pit after killing him. They filled the pit with rocks in the great forest without fear. exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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