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Anche questa guida dovrebbe insegnare la penetrazione in un sistema Win NT. Difatti mostra diversi strumenti che si possono usare per l'analisi di un sistema e cosa si può evitare per mantenere sicuro un sistema.
This document is an attempt by the Rhino9 team to document the methodology and techniques used in an attack on a NT based network. The intent of this document is to educate administrators and security professionals of both the mindset of an attacker and a large set of the current NT penetration techniques. This document attempts to follow in the footsteps of the classic text, "How To Improve The Security Of Your Site by Breaking Into It" by Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema.
Obviously, this text will not contain all known methods for NT network penetration. We have tried to put together a text that Administrators can use to learn basic penetration techniques to test the vulnerability of their own networks. If the concepts and techniques presented in this text are absorbed and understood, an Administrator should have a strong base knowledge of how penetrations occur and should be able to build upon that knowledge to further protect their network.
This file is not meant for people that are new to security or NT or networking technologies. The authors assume that people reading this document have a certain understanding of protocols, server technologies and network architectures.
The authors would like to continue expanding on this document and releasing updated versions of it. We call upon all those that wish to contribute techniques to send detailed information on your own penetration testing methods. We would like to release updates to this document to keep it a current and solid resource. Send your techniques or submissions to: neonsurge@hotmail.com. Valid and useful submissions will be incorporated in to the document with proper credit given to the author.
The text is being written in a procedural manner. We have approached it much like an intruder would actually approach a network penetration. Most of the techniques discussed in this text are rather easy to accomplish once one understands how and why something is being done.
The document is divided into 3 sections: NetBIOS, WebServer, and Miscellaneous, each of which explain different methods of information gathering and penetration techniques.
The initial step an intruder would take is to portscan the target machine or network. It's surprising how methodical an attack can become based on the open ports of a target machine. You should understand that it is the norm for an NT machine to display different open ports than a Unix machine. Intruders learn to view a portscan and tell wether it is an NT or Unix machine with fairly accurate results. Obviously there are some exceptions to this, but generally it can be done. Recently, several tools have been released to fingerprint a machine remotely, but this functionality has not been made available for NT.
When attacking an NT based network, NetBIOS tends to take the brunt of an attack. For this reason, NetBIOS will be the first serious topic of discussion in this paper.
The NBTSTAT command can be used to query network machines concerning NetBIOS information. It can also be useful for purging the NetBIOS cache and preloading the LMHOSTS file. This one command can be extremely useful when performing security audits. Interpretation the information can reveal more than one might think.
Switches -a Lists the remote computer's name table given its host name.
the last byte of the name converted into hex.
Associated The endpoint for a connection has been created and your computer has associated it with an IP address.
Connected This is a good state! It means you're connected to the remote resource.
Connecting Your session is trying to resolve the name-to-IP address mapping of the destination resource.
Disconnected Your computer requested a disconnect, and it is waiting for the remote computer to do so.
Idle The remote computer has been opened in the current session, but is currently not accepting connections.
Reconnecting If your connection failed on the first attempt, it will display this state as it tries to reconnect.
An intruder could use the table above and the output from an nbtstat against your machines to begin gathering information about them. With this information an intruder can tell, to an extent, what services are running on the target machine and sometimes what software packages have been installed. Traditionally, every service or major software package comes with it's share of vulnerabilities, so this type of information is certainly useful to an intruder.
The next logical step would be to glean possible usernames from the remote machine. A network login consists of two parts, a username and a password. Once an intruder has what he knows to be a valid list of usernames, he has half of several valid logins. Now, using the nbtstat command, the intruder can get the login name of anyone logged on locally at that machine. In the results from the nbtstat command, entries with the <03> identifier are usernames or computernames. Gleaning usernames can also be accomplished through a null IPC session and the SID tools (For more information about the SID tools, read appendix B).
At this point, the intruder knows what services are running on the remote machine, which major software packages have been installed (within limits), and has a list of valid usernames and groups for that machine. Although this may seem like a ton of information for an outsider to have about your network, the null IPC session has opened other venues for information gathering. The Rhino9 team has been able to retrieve the entire native security policy for the remote machine. Such things as account lockout, minimum password length, password age cycling, password uniqueness settings as well as every user, the groups they belong to and the individual domain restrictions for that user - all through a null IPC session. This information gathering ability will appear in Rhino9's soon to be released Leviathan tool. Some of the tools available now that can be used to gather more information via the IPC null session will be discussed below.
The release of the WindowsNT 4.0 Resource Kit made a new set of tools available to both administrator and intruder alike. Below is a description of some of the Resource Kit Utilities that the Rhino9 team has used in conjunction with the IPC$ null session to gather information. When reading these tool descriptions and the information they provide, keep in mind that the null session that is used does NOT provide the remote network with any real credentials.
In order to fully understand what is happening in the capture, lets discuss it. Before the actual attack took place, a mapping was put into the lmhosts file that reflected the Student4 machine and it's Domain activity status using the #PRE/#DOM tags (explained in more detail below.). The entry was then preloaded into the NetBIOS cache, and a null IPC session was established. As you can see, the command is issued against the Domain name. The tool will then query the Primary Domain Controller for that Domain.
Global: This command-line utility displays the members of global groups on remote servers or domains. As discussed above, this utility is used in conjunction with an Lmhosts/IPC mapping. Shown below is an actual capture of the global tool. In the example, the "Domain Users" is a standard, default global group present in a WindowsNT domain. For this example, we have used the tool to query Domain1 for a listing of all users in the "Domain Users" group.
Local: The Local tool works just as the Global tool does, except it queries the machine for the members of a local group instead of a global group. Below is an example of the Local tool querying a server for a list of its Administrators group.
The computer \\SPUPPY is a domain controller of DOMAIN4.
The computer \\SPUPPY is the PDC of DOMAIN4.
NetWatch: NetWatch is a tool that will give the person invoking the tool a list of the shares on a remote machine. Again, this tool works with an Lmhosts/IPC mapping. The bad thing about this tool is that the Rhino9 team was able to use the tool to retrieve a list of the hidden shares on the remote machine.
Other known penetration techniques that involve the IPC share include opening the registry of the remote machine, as well as a remote User Manager for Domains technique. The IPC null connection could allow an intruder to potentially gain access to your registry. Once the null IPC session has been established, the intruder would launch his local regedit utility and attempt the Connect Network Registry option. If this is succesful, the intruder would have read access to certain regsitry keys, and potentially read/write. Regardless, even read access to the registry is undesirable from a security standpoint.
An intruder could also attempt the IPC User Manager for Domains technique. This technique is relatively unknown and often times produces no results. We are covering it because it can produce results and it can be an effective intrusion technique. This technique involves a null IPC session and entries into the LMHOSTS file. The LMHOSTS file is (normally) a local file kept on windows based machines to map NetBIOS names to IP addresses. Used mostly in non-WINS environments, or on clients unable to use WINS, the LMHOSTS file can actually be used in many different ways by an intruder. Different uses for the LMHOSTS file will be discussed later in this text, for now we will discuss how the LMHOSTS file is used in this technique.
By examining the results of the nbtstat command, we are looking for the <03> identifier. If someone is logged on locally on the machine, you will see two <03> identifiers. Normally the first <03> listed is the netbios name of the machine and the second <03> identifier listed is the name of the locally logged on user. At this point the intruder would put the netbios name and ip address mapping of the machine into his local LMHOSTS file, ending the entry with the #PRE and #DOM tags. The #PRE tag denotes that the entry should be preloaded into the netbios cache. The #DOM tag denotes domain activity. At this point the intruder would issue a nbtstat -R command to preload the entry into his cache. Technically, this preloading would make the entry appear as if it had been resolved by some previous network function and allow the name to be resolved much quicker.
Next the intruder would establish a null IPC session. Once the null IPC session has been succesfully established, the intruder would launch his local copy of User Manager for Domains and use the Select Domain function in User Manager. The Domain of the remote machine will appear (or can manually be typed in) because it has been pre-loaded into the cache. If the security of the remote machine is lax, User Manager will display a list of all the users on the remote machine. If this is being done over a slow link (i.e. 28.8 modem) it will normally not work. On faster network connections however, this tends to produce results.
Now that the intruder has gathered information about your machine, the next step would be to actually attempt a penetration of that machine. The first penetration technique to be discussed will be the open file share attack. The intruder would couple the previously discussed net view command with a net use command to accomplish this attack.
Taking the net view from above, lets discuss the attack.
This attack will only work if the share is unpassworded or shared out to the everyone group (NOTE: The Everyone group means Everyone. If someone connects as a null user, they are now part of the everyone group.). If those parameters are in place, the attacker would be able to map a network drive to your machine and begin what could amount to a severe series of penetration attacks. Keep in mind that the intruder is not limited to mapping drives to the shares displayed by the net view command. An intruder that knows NT or has done his homework knows that NT has hidden administrative shares. By default, NT creates the IPC$ share and one hidden share for every drive on the machine (i.e. a machine that has C, D, and E drives would have corresponding hidden shares of C$, D$, and E$). There is also a hidden ADMIN$ share that maps directly to the installation path of NT itself (i.e. If you installed NT on C:\winnt, than ADMIN$ maps to that exact portion of that drive). One thing that the Rhino9 team has noticed about the majority of the NT security community is that they seem to be oblivious to the concept of penetrating one internal NT machine from another internal NT machine. The Rhino9 team, during our professional audits, has accomplished this task many times. Chances are, if the intruder is good and can gain access to one of your machines, he will worm his way into the rest of your network. For that reason, these share attacks can pose a serious threat.
At first, someone may not be able to see the dangers of someone having access to your hard drive. Access to the hard drive opens up new avenues for Information Gathering and Trojan/Virus planting. An attacker would normally look for something that could possibly contain a password or highly sensitive data that he could use to continue digging his way into your network. Some of the files that a intruder will look for and use are listed below, each with a brief description of what it is, and how it would be used.
Eudora.ini: This file is used to store configuration information for eudora e-mail software. An easily obtainable tool called eudpass.com will extract the individuals username and password information as well as all the information that the attacker needs to begin eavesdropping on the users mail. At this point, the intruder could configure his own e-mail software to read the targets mail. Again, some could have a hard time seeing the dangers in this, but remember that generally, people are creatures of habit. The chances that the user's e-mail password is the same password they use to log into the network at work are relatively high. Now all the attacker needs to do is keep snooping around on the users hard drive for a resume or some other work related document to point him in the direction of the persons place of business, allowing him to launch a somewhat strong initial strike against the network.
Tree.dat: This is the file that is used by the popular software CuteFTP to store the users ftp site/username/password combinations. Using a program called FireFTP, the attacker can easily crack the tree.dat file. So, as above, the user could keep gathering information about you and launch an attack against your place of business. Not to mention that if you have an ftp mapping in your tree.dat that maps directly to your place of business, his attack has now become much easier.
PWL: PWL's generally reside on Win95 machines. They are used to store operation specific passwords for the Windows95 end user. A tool called glide.exe will crack (with less than desirable efficiency) PWL files. There is also documentation available on how to manually crack the encryption of these PWL files using a calculator. Continuing the scenario, the attacker could keep gathering information about the user and formulate an attack.
PWD: PWD files exist on machines running FrontPage or Personal Webserver. These files include the plain text username and an encrypted password matching the credentials needed to administer the website. The encryption scheme used for these passwords is the standard DES scheme. Needless to say, many DES cracking utilities are available on the internet. John the Ripper by Solar Designer very efficiently cracks these passwords.
IDC Files: IDC (internet database connecter) files are normally used for back-end connectivity to databases from a webserver. Becuase this type of connection generally requires authentication, some IDC files contain username/password combinations, often times in clear text.
waruser.dat: This is one of the config files for WarFTP, the popular Win32 FTP server. This particular dat file could contain the administrative password for the FTP server itself. From what the authors have been able to find out, this only occurs in beta versions of WarFTP 1.70.
$winnt$.inf: During an unattended installation of WindowsNT, the setup process requires information files. As residue of this unattended installation process, a file called $winnt$.inf could exist in the %systemroot%\system32 directory. This file could contain the username and password combination of the account that was used during the installation. Because the account used in these types of installations normally require some strong permission sets on the network, this is not a trivial matter.
Sam._: Although people have known for a long time that the SAM database could present a problem if it fell into the wrong hands, many people forget about the sam._. Many would-be intruders have asked themselves how they could copy the SAM database if they could mount a drive across the net. Well, normally this is not possible, because the NT server you are connected to is running, and while it is running, it locks the SAM. However, if the administrator has created an emergency repair disk, a copy of the SAM should be located in the %systemroot%\repair\ directory. This file will be named sam._. This copy, by default is EVERYONE readable. By using a copy of the samdump utility, you can dump username/password combinations from the copied SAM.
Needless to say, the file contains information that an intruder could easily use to further compromise the integrity of your network.
Profile.tfm: Profile.tfm is a file that is created by the POP3 client software AcornMail. At the writing of this document, AcornMail began getting alot of attention from the internet community. Upon inspection of the software, we found that it's an efficient POP3 client, but the installation is not NTFS friendly. After the installation of the software, we began to check into the files that AcornMail created. We found that the Profile.tfm file held the username/password combination. At first, we decided the software was somewhat ok, because it did indeed store the password in an encrypted state. We then realized that the permissions on the profile.tfm file were set to Everyone/Full Control. This causes problems because anyone could obtain a copy of the file and plug this file into their own AcornMail installation. Then intruder coud log on with the stored information. Below is a capture in Network Monitor of just that.
00000000 00 01 70 4C 67 80 98 ED A1 00 01 01 08 00 45 00 ..pLg.........E.
00000020 DD 91 00 6E 04 44 F6 1E 84 D6 00 32 51 EB 50 18 ...n.D.....2Q.P.
00000040 72 64 20 72 65 71 75 69 72 65 64 20 66 6F 72 20 rd.required.for.
00000000 98 ED A1 00 01 01 00 01 70 4C 67 80 08 00 45 00 ........pLg...E.
00000020 C0 53 04 44 00 6E 00 32 51 EB F6 1E 84 F8 50 18 .S.D.n.2Q.....P.
00000040 37 33 0D 0A 63..
As you can see, the username/password is indeed passed in clear text. This is not a fault of AcornMail, but something that has been present in the POPvX. This 'data' file swapping/packet sniffing type of technique has been tested by the Rhino9 team on numerous software titles, so this attack is not limited to AcornMail.
Now that we have discussed the files an intruder may wish to acquire if he gains access to your hard drive, lets discuss Trojan planting. If there is one thing that can gain an attacker a ton of information, it is trojan planting. The open file share attack generally makes trojan planting extremely easy to do. One of the easiest and most informative trojans to use is the PWDUMP utility wrapped in a batch file. If prepared correctly, the batch file will execute minimized (also named something clever, such as viruscan.cmd), run the PWDUMP utility, delete the PWDUMP utility after it has run its course, and finally erase itself. This generally leaves little evidence and will create a nice text file of all of the username/password combinations on that machine.
Rules of the trick: The target must be an NT machine and the end user executing the trojan must be the administrator, so the attacker drops the batch file into the Administrators start-up folder and waits. The next time the Administrator logs in to the machine, the batch file executes and dumps the username/password combinations. Then the attacker connects back into the machine via file sharing and collects the results.
Another solid attack an intruder might try is to place a keylogger batch into the start-up folder. This can usually be done to any user, not just the administrator. This will glean all keystrokes issued by that user, minus initial logon credentials (due to the NT architecture, which stops all user mode processes during login). The attacker then connects back to the target machine at a later time and collects the recorded keystrokes.
One of the deadliest trojan attacks issued is a batch file that runs as Administrator and sets up a scheduled event using the AT command. Because the AT command can execute as System, it can create copies of the SAM database and the registry. Imagine the fun an attacker can have with that one.
How does one prevent such attacks? By not sharing items to the everyone group, and by enforcing strong password schemes in your environment. If an intruder comes across a server that prompts him for credentials at every turn, chances are the intruder will become frustrated and leave. Other, more persistant intruders, will continue on with a Brute Force Attack.
Undoubtedly the most common tool for Brute Force NetBIOS attacks is NAT. The NAT (NetBIOS Auditing Tool) tool will allow a user to automate network connection commands using a list of possible usernames and passwords. NAT will attempt to connect to the remote machine using every username and every password in the lists provided. This can be a lengthy process, but often times an attacker will use a shortened list of common passwords and call it quits. An accomplished intruder will construct his list of usernames by using the information gathering techniques discussed above. The password list the intruder will use will also be constructed from gleaned information. Starting with a bare bones list of passwords, and creating the rest based on the usernames. It comes as no surprise to security professionals to find passwords set to the username.
An attacker can specify an IP addresses to attack or he can specify an entire range of IP addresses. NAT will diligently work to accomplish the task, all the while generating a formatted report.
Below is an actual results file of a real NAT attack across the internet. Although permission was given for the Rhino9 team to perform this attack, the IP address has been changed to protect the test target.
If you look closely at the results, you can clearly see the CONNECTED message which informs the attacker that the tool found a valid Username/Password combination. At this point, the intruder would just manually re-connect to that machine using the newly found username/password combination and launch his attack.
This is the end of the remote penetration via NetBIOS section. Keep in mind that the techniques discussed above are neither static nor stand-alone. An intruder who has spent time learning how to penetrate NT based networks will become extremely creative and use not only the techniques above, but personal variations of those techniques.
Information gathering and remote penetration via a webserver is well known today due to the population explosion on the internet and the resulting dissemenation of information. When discussing remote penetration and information gathering on NT Webservers, we will focus on Internet Information Server, the webserver that comes bundled with NT4.
Some of the information to be discussed will be somewhat outdated. We have included it due to the fact that during professional audits, the Rhino9 Team has come across companies that are still running older versions of software titles in their production environments.
Lets begin by discussing information gathering techniques. We will discuss ways of getting information about the webserver under attack, as well as using the webserver to get information that could be used in other types of attacks.
First we will discuss how one would retrieve the webserver software package and version on the target machine. Someone that is new to the security community might wonder why one would want the webserver version of the target machine. Every different version and distribution of software has different vulnerabilities attached to them. For this reason, an intruder would want to know the webserver software and version in question.
The oldest technique used to acquire webserver software and version is to telnet to the target machine on the HTTP port. Once a telnet connection has been established, issuing a simple GET command would allow one to view the HTTP header information, which would include the webserver software and version being used.
One who is not prone to using telnet, or does not wish to parse through the header information can use a couple of available tools. The first, and probably most popular tool amongst non-accomplished intruders is Netcraft. An intruder can visit www.netcraft.com and use their query engine to retrieve the webserver information from the remote target. Netcraft can also be used retrieve all known webserver hostnames. For example, if we wanted to find all of the webservers that belong to the someserver.com domain, we could use Netcraft's engine to query *.someserver.com, and it would return a listing of all of the webserver hosts in that domain. Other tools that can be used to retrieve webserver version include 1nf0ze by su1d and Grinder by horizon of Rhino9 (URLs to all tools discussed in this text can be found at the end of this document).
Once the intruder has determined what webserver package he is up against, he can begin to formulate an attack plan. By using the techniques discussed below, the intruder could gain access to the server or gain information from the server to use in other attacks. Understand that this section is in no way a complete representation of all attacks, just the more common and well known ones.
The .bat and .cmd BUG is a well-known bug in Netscape server and described in the WWW security FAQ Q59. The implementation of this bug in Internet Information Server beats all scores.
3) IIS Web server maps .bat and .cmd extensions to cmd.exe.
1) IIS Web server allows a hacker to execute his "batch file"
single command can be executed.
COMMAND[N], nothing will be logged by IIS Web server.
If you are having trouble seeing exactly what is going on in this situation, an intruder could use the above attack sequence to create and execute files server side. This could have really drastic results depending on the skill level and intent of the attacker. Luckily, most production environments are no longer running versions of Internet Information Server old enough to still be affected by this flaw.
WindowsNT installations of Internet Information Server require some type of account to be used for authentication on the box for public visits. If this account was not present in some fashion, every visitor to the site would be required to present credentials. This would not be a very effective or efficient way to present a public website. On Internet Information Server, the account to be used is the IUSR_<computername> account. This account and its accompanying password are created during installation. By default, this account is a member of the everyone group, and by default the everyone group has read access to everything on an NT drive. This fact coupled with the above mentioned flaw's ability to break out of the webroot could lead to major security breaches.
When this flaw first appeared, many people in the community ignored it and gave it no serious thought. Soon after, a public release was made documenting the exact steps an intruder would take to obtain a copy of the repair SAM. The release including the above URL flaw as part of its overall attack.
When Microsoft released Internet Information Server 3.0, it brought active server page technology to the world. This release also opened the gates to a new stream of flaws that affected IIS and NT4.
Active server pages brought simple, dynamic webpages to the Microsoft world. Active Server Pages can be used in many different ways, such as database connectivity, indexing and searching documents, authentication, and simple graphics rotation for those annoying advertisement banners.
The concept of active server pages was actually pretty creative. The HTML code would include imbedded script code that would execute server side and produce dynamic content for the end user. With this new technology widely available, it was not long until the first flaw was released to the public. This first flaw, dubbed the 'dot flaw', would allow an intruder to actually view the script without the server executing it.
This attack would display the unexecuted code in the attackers web browser. Needless to say, the script code could contain sensitive information, such as a username/password combination to remotely connect to a database. This type of information, among other things, is not something that one would want an intruder getting their hands on.
Everyone involved in the security community has a feeling that these will not be the last script displaying methods to emerge in the near future. As these scripts become more and more commonplace, they will contain more and more sensitive information. These simple exploits could lead to an intruder easily gleaning sensitive information.
When it comes to gleaning information from IIS, perhaps one of the most popular and easiest of the attacks is the Index Server attack. Index Server is a small compact search engine module that was included with Internet Information Server version 3.0. This module gives webmasters the ability to provide visitors to their site with a searchable interface for searching the contents of the website. Although there are no inherent problems with Index Server itself, problems arise out of a lack of education on the part of the admin or webmaster. Index Server is not difficult to understand, setup and mantain, although its use of catalogs and scopes can lead to an admin misconfiguring the permissions and searchable content. This misconfiguration could lead to an intruder gaining access to information he would normally have a much more difficult time getting.
This would instruct Index Server to search through its catalog of indexed data for any files ending with that file extension. Keep in mind that this file extension is not limited to extensions that Index Server understands. If Index Server encounters a file type it does not understand, it will treat it as a binary and index the filename, extensions, date, and other attributes. This means that an intruder could search for anything, including *._, which could bring up the repair sam. The interesting thing about Index Server is that unlike other full blown internet search engines, Index Server will not display a file for which the requester does not have permission to access. In other words, if Index Server returns the fact that it found a file, then the file is accessable.
If the admin has somehow misconfigured the permissions on this interface, then an intruder could gain unauthorized access to the web server with administrative functions. If successful, the intruder would be presented with an HTML interface to an administrative tool. Because of the way IIS and NT handles permissions, it is possible for the intruder to gain access to the interface but not have the proper permissions to actually do anything with it. So if you are auditing your own network, be sure to attempt a minor change to ensure that there is a problem.
In late '97 and early '98 an enormous amount of webserver hacks were performed. A large number of those hacks had one thing in common: the webservers were running Microsoft Frontpage Extensions. Frontpage Extensions are little 'web bots', if you will, that allow the author or administrator of the website to perform complex or involved tasks with relative ease.
The problem with the Frontpage Extensions was that a default Frontpage installation was not secure, especially in the unix version. An alarming number of the servers supporting these extensions had been left unpassworded or enabled administrative rights to the Everyone group. Again, the everyone group means everyone, including anonymous connections.
We will dive into the first Frontpage attack with a discussion of an attack using the actual Frontpage client software.
If the server is unpassworded or if permission is granted to the everyone group, Frontpage will open the remote site for you, and allow you to alter it. The attack really is this simple. If the extensions are set up correctly, a username/password dialogue would appear. The intruder may attempt some basic combinations such as administrator/password, but chances are the intruder won't bother, and will move on.
An intruder could also use the same "open frontpage web" trick to get a complete user listing. This could be used in brute force attacks later. Documentation circulated explaining that to stop the gleaning of usernames this way, one should create a restriction group as FP_www.yourdomain.com:80. This new restriction group indeed works, unless the intruder uses the IP address of your server instead of the domain name.
Although the frontpage password file is encrypted, it is encrypted with standard DES, so any DES cracker can glean it after proper file doctoring. An intruder may also poke around the other _vti directories, as sometimes these can hold sensitive information. After the username is known and the password has been cracked, the intruder could then re-connect with his copy of Frontpage and provide it with the credentials, or the credentials could be used in other ways, such as mapping a network drive, provided the same username/password combination would work in that context.
The server will then be more than happy to execute the file for the visitor of the site.
It may seem as though there could be countless variants of the same attack type that could issue similar results. Sadly enough, that is a somewhat accurate statement. Many of these flaws are found by people playing with variants of previous flaws, but not all flaws affecting NT web services come from Internet Information Server.
There are other web server software packages that will run on NT, like the well known Apache web server. Of course, with these third party web server packages and seperately released scripts that run on these third party packages, new flaws are bound to show up.
Webcom Datakommunikation released a cgi script that would allow visitors of a website to sign a guestbook. The name of the cgi script is wguest.exe. By issuing the proper commands, this little cgi script allows an attacker to view any text file on your server.
Template.htm here is the file that will be displayed by wguest.exe after the user has entered his information. To exploit this an attacker views the source and saves the document to his desktop and edits this line by changing the path to whatever file he wants to view, eg.
He then clicks on "Submit" and then wguest.exe will display this file. This was not tested with pwl files. However the attacker must know the exact path of the file he wishes to view.
The next small item in this section has to do with Netscape Enterprise Server. Some versions of the software react to the ?PageServices parameter by allowing users access to a directory listing. http://www.site.net/?PageServices is how this would be done.
Finally a word on FTP. FTP can be a secure thing. Tons of people will argue that platforms and version dependancy make it more secure, and for the most part this is true. Most seasoned security profressionals will tell you that version and platform do not amount to anything without an educated end admin. We are adding this quick note in here due to the number of servers Rhino9 has been able to penetrate based on FTP permissions. Some admins will not notice, or understand, the "Anonymous world writable" privs on their webserver. Rhino9 has questioned and worked its way into an entire network via one misconfigured FTP server.
It is not difficult to upload NetCat via anon-ftp-writable to a server, execute it via URL, and bind it to a port. From that point on, you have a remote 'shell' on the NT box. By connecting to that remote NetCat bind, keep in mind that all command line functions issued from that shell seem to be sent from THAT SHELL, with the NetCat binding running in the context of an internal user.
At this prompt, you could issue a seperate telnet command or take advantage of the WinGates SOCKS ability to establish other connections. While the developer of this software product was quick to release fixes and bulletins for this, the next release also had problems.
Or, the intruder would get a listing of the wingate machines hard drive. Keep in mind, that this is a default install and can easily be fixed by chaning the default install configuration.
Create a user xyz on your NT domain with an Exchange 5.0 server with POP3 service. Set xyz's password to a1234. Things work fine so far. Now change xyz's password to b5678. You will find that POP3 mail clients can log in using either password a1234 or b5678 for user xyz. Now change the password to something else. You will find that a POP3 client (or direct telnet to port 110) will allow you to log in as xyz using any of the three passwords. They all work. The Exchange 5.0 service POP3 connector caches passwords in a non-hashing mechanism so that all the passwords remain active. This does not affect the new web page interface to get your mail which uses a different authentication. Nor does it affect NT logons. In non-POP3 logins, the passwords are not cached (except NNTP and LDAP). As you can see, the caching problem can be very serious in certain environments.
On some mail systems, the intruder would be required to go through the HELO sequence first, but this is extremely trivial. Needless to say, this could lead to an intruder gathering a list of valid usernames to use in other attacks.
The authors of this document have three other documents planned for release in the near future, all of them part of the NT WarDoc series. We have an indepth Denial of Service paper in the works, Local Penetration Techniques paper, and a paper dealing with techniques one could use to gaurd against the topics of the other papers. We look forward to feedback from the community.
Net Accounts: This command shows current settings for password, logon limitations, and domain information. It also contains options for updating the User accounts database and modifying password and logon requirements.
Net Computer: This adds or deletes computers from a domains database.
Net Config Server or Net Config Workstation: Displays config info about the server service. When used without specifying Server or Workstation, the command displays a list of configurable services.
Net Continue: Reactivates an NT service that was suspended by a NET PAUSE command.
Net File: This command lists the open files on a server and has options for closing shared files and removing file locks.
Net Group: This displays information about group names and has options you can use to add or modify global groups on servers.
Net Helpmsg message#: Get help with a particular net error or function message.
Net Localgroup: Use this to list local groups on servers. You can also modify those groups.
Net Name: This command shows the names of computers and users to which messages are sent on the computer.
Net Pause: Use this command to suspend a certain NT service.
Net Print: Displays print jobs and shared queues.
Net Send: Use this command to send messages to other users, computers, or messaging names on the network.
Net Session: Shows information about current sessions. Also has commands for disconnecting certain sessions.
Net Share: Use this command to list information about all resources being shared on a computer. This command is also used to create network shares.
Net Statistics Server or Workstation: Shows the statistics log.
Net Stop: Stops NT services, cancelling any connections the service is using. Let it be known that stopping one service may stop other services.
Net Time: This command is used to display or set the time for a computer or domain.
Net Use: This displays a list of connected computers and has options for connecting to and disconnecting from shared resources.
Net User: This command will display a list of user accounts for the computer, and has options for creating a modifying those accounts.
Net View: This command displays a list of resources being shared on a computer. Including netware servers.
Now we know all the subauthorities for the current domain. Domain accounts only differ by the last number of the SID, called a RID.
Now it is possible to look up all the domain accounts from the very first one (RID = 1000 for the first account, 1001 for the second and so on, RIDs are never used again for the current installation).
Remember that the anonymous account is also part of the Everyone group. It also happens that the anonymous account is not audited by the logon/logoff feature.
Below is an example of what you can learn provided the netbios ports are open (the listing is fictional).
net use \\\ipc$ "" /user:""
/_vti_inf.html Ensures that frontpage server extensions are installed.
/_vti_pvt/service.pwd Contains the encrypted password files. Not used on IIS and WebSite servers.
/_vti_pvt/authors.pwd On Netscape servers only. Encrypted. Names and passwords of authors.
/_vti_log/author.log If author.log is there it will need to be cleaned to cover an intruders tracks.
ALERTER: Relies on NetBIOS over TCP/IP for network communication. This service allows a user to receive messages from other machines. These messages could be warnings or some type of pre-determined network information. I recommend disabling the Alerter service on machines due to its NetBIOS dependancy and the fact that it is hardly ever used.
CLIPBOOK SERVER: Relies on NetBIOS over TCP/IP for network communication. This server service allows the contents of the clipboard to be shared over a network. Few use it, and it should be disabled due to the ability of a remote intruder possible gleaning information from it.
COMPUTER BROWSER: The Computer Browser service allows one to view available network resources by browsing via Network Neighborhood. When active on a server, the server will register its name through a NetBIOS broadcast or directly to a WINS server. I recommend disabling this service.
DHCP CLIENT: This service should be set to automatic if the machine is a dhcp client, if not, disable it.
DIRECTORY REPLICATOR: This service allows NT systems to import and export directory contents. If you content replication is not needed, disable this service.
EVENT LOG: I recommend always using this service because it is the service responsible for logging activity on the server, including security activity.
LICENSE LOGGING SERVICE: Used to track use of licenses by different applications, it does not have any serious impact on the network and should be set to automatic (which is the default setting).
MESSENGER SERVICE: Relies on NetBIOS over TCP/IP for network communication. Similar to the Alerter service in both design and function. I recommend stopping this service to prevent username enumeration via NBTSTAT commands.
NET LOGON: This service is used by both Server and Workstation to provide for user authentication. TSERhis service is said to be required at all times and runs as the built in SYSTEM user.
NETWORK DDE and DDE DSDM: These service provide dynamic data exchange. DDE is used for such applications as Chat (thats important!), and other applications that may require this type of functionality. These services are considered to be a moderate risk due to their TCP connection accepting states.
NETWORK MONITOR AGENT: Network Monitor Agent is used to monitor, or sniff, the traffic passing through a network adapter card. If the SMS version of this software is in use, an administrator can remotely monitor traffic on other network adapter cards.
NT LM SECURITY SUPPORT PROVIDER: This service is present to help with backwards compatibility and authentication with older software packages.
PLUG AND PLAY: Used to configure PnP devices.
REMOTE PROCEDURE CALL LOCATOR AND SERVICES: RPC is a protocol that is used to encapsulate fucntion calls over a network. Its defualt configuration, automatic, is standard and should be left alone. This service is considered to pose a high security risk, but the dependancies existing on this service are too great to disable it.
ROUTING AND REMOTE ACCESS SERVICE: This is an add-on service that enhances the functionality of WindowsNT. If you are using a modem to dial-out of your NT system, this service should be set to automatic. If you are using its routing features, also set it to automatic.
SCHEDULE: This service allows an application to be executed at a pre-specified time and date. This can pose a serious security threat as this service can be used to start applications under the SYSTEM context.
SERVER: Used as the key to all server-sdie NetBIOS applications, this service is somewhat needed. Without this service, some of the administrative tools, such as Server Manager, could not be used. If remote administration or access to the machine is not needed, I highly recommend disabling this service. Contrary to popular belief, this service is NOT needed on a webserver.
SPOOLER: The spooler service is used to accept requests for print jobs from clients, and to allow the local system to spool jobs to a network printer. This service should be set to automatic.
TCP/IP NETBIOS HELPER: This service helps and enhances NBT and the Net Logon service. Because the Net Logon service should be set to automatic, so should this service.
TELEPHONY SERVICE: This service is used to manage telephony drivers and the properties for dialing. On a system that does not use any type of telephony or RAS devices should have this service disabled.
UPS: This service is used in serial communication with an Uninterruptible Power Supply.
WORKSTATION: This service allows for outbound NetBIOS connections. Because it is used in outbound connections only, it is normally not a security risk and should be set to automatic.
Although most security professionals are used to working with a HOSTS file, WindowsNT actually uses two text files to resolve hostnames to their adresses. WindowsNT still uses a HOSTS file, but it also uses an LMHOSTS file.
Much like a HOSTS file, an LMHOSTS is a flat, sequential text file that is used to resolve computer names (NetBIOS) to addresses. The LMHOSTS file also allows one to use keywords, which gives it greater functionality and flexibility than a HOSTS file.
The keywords that the LMHOSTS file uses are #PRE, #DOM:domain, #INCLUDE filename, #BEGIN_ALTERNATE, and #END_ALTERNATE. If something follows a hash mark that is not one of these keywords, it is treated as a remark.
#PRE: If this keyword follows an entry in an LMHOSTS file, it tells WindowsNT to pre-load that entry into the name cache. This allows the windows system to resolve the name much quicker.
#DOM: The #DOM tag entry causes WindowsNT to associate that entry with whatever domain you specify (i.e. #DOM:accounting). This helps NT resolve certain names more efficiently because it does not have to consult routing tables to find out which domain the entry belongs in.
#INCLUDE: This entry tells WindowsNT where to look for other LMHOSTS files that reside on other machines. When using this function, one should specify the UNC path to the other LMHOSTS file. The #BEGIN_ALTERNATE and #END_ALTERNATE are used in conjunction with the #INCLUDE tag and should appear before and after the #INCLUDE tag. | 2019-04-26T02:50:37 | http://www.intel-assembler.it/portale/5/THE-WINDOWS-NT-WARDOC/THE-WINDOWS-NT-WARDOC.asp |
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It seems Boris Vian wasn’t the only Frenchman keen on combining music and other senses. In 1922, Science and Invention featured an illustration of a scent organ inspired by perfumer and chemist Dr. Septimus Piesse’s theories about syncing scent and musical notes. When played, Piesse’s scent organ, like Vian’s pianocktail, would produce an odor (or a cocktail in Vian’s case) that corresponds to a given pattern tapped on the organ’s keys. Notorious jazzman Vian took it a step further, however, by simultaneously producing a cocktail representation of a musical tune.
We eagerly anticipate the appearance of his pianocktail in Michel Gondry’s film adaptation of Vian’s novel. Mood Indigo is slated for release in early spring 2013. | 2019-04-22T15:20:37 | https://olfactiveinstitute.com/2012/12/11/scented-song/ |
American Shifter's Neutral Safety Switch / Backup Switch Kit is designed to add a safety switch or a back up switch to your ride. It can operate one or the other but not both. Kit includes brackets, switch, and detailed instructions. | 2019-04-18T20:52:42 | https://www.johnnylawmotors.com/catalog/transmission-shifters/shifter-accessories/shifter-switches/ASCSWT2K/american-shifter-neutral-safety-switch-kit-backup-switch-kit |
According to IAU public relations, Dr. Mirzadeh presented an overview of the status of IAU and acknowledged the influential role of the university's pioneers and founders, such as Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani, in establishing IAU as the largest brick-and-mortar university in the world.
Mirzadeh noted that IAU takes in students in all academic fields and at all levels and currently holds a rank of 162 in the ESI database with regards to global science production. He mentioned that 68 thousand faculty members and professors are active in this university - which can be a tremendous asset for international universities interested in further cooperation. In addition to running 4 international branches, IAU has launched 3 international offices in Italy, Germany, Russia and Oman so far and plans are in order to develop its international activities.
In this meeting, Austrian ambassador Friedrich Stift stated that the Austrian government welcomes cooperation with IAU and running its office in Austria.
Stift made specific mention of medical and paramedical training cooperations, development of international relations, and scientific and technological collaboration between universities of both countries, and that the Austrian government shall support further endeavours in related fields. | 2019-04-22T22:26:24 | http://en.iscanews.ir/news/574200 |
Best match results for bathroom basin & sink suppliers in Panania + 30km.
Find the best tradesmen, home improvement and repair professionals or suppliers for your project on HomeImprovement2day. We have listings for all the trades and suppliers you need to help you whether you are renovating, building or just need something repaired or maintained in and around your home, including bathroom basin & sink suppliers in Panania (2213).
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The eradication of food waste is a goal arguably more important than any other for stakeholders in food supply chains, yet, not surprisingly, it is one rarely observed in the key performance indicators (KPIs) employed by supply chain professionals or by retail operators as they strive to measure the overall success of their efforts.
There is a social and environmental urgency to eliminate food waste from supply chains and operations - in the United States alone as much as 30 percent of food, valued at roughly $48 billion, is thrown away each year. Supply chain professionals can work toward success by raising awareness about this issue through quantification and tracking of food waste.
One of the enduring mantras of management is that you can’t manage what you can’t measure, and this is equally true for food waste. One early adopter of this approach is Tesco , who has introduced transparency into its food loss reporting.
During 2013/2014, over 62,000 tons of food were wasted in Tesco stores and distribution centres in the UK. While this amount represents less than one percent of food products sold during this period, Tesco continues to work toward decreasing this amount - an objective that makes commercial as well as social sense.
Drilling deeper, Tesco has developed food waste profiles for its 25 most frequently purchased perishable products, and set in place initiatives to reduce waste associated with them.
Regardless of whether your company deems food waste as a KPI, it certainly warrants being quantified, tracked, and managed, with an eye toward reducing its environmental impact and benefitting those in need. Attention to cold chain best practices, field and packing sheds and temperature maintenance are just a few of the ways fresh produce companies can make food waste reduction a priority.
To learn more on this topic, download 3 Ways to Eradicate Food Waste and Measure Success. | 2019-04-26T03:58:12 | http://blog.ifco.com/should-you-include-food-waste-reduction-in-your-kpis |
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Individuals who are considering business VoIP in Ethel, WV can easily compare the different providers and plans based on a number of criteria ranging from features, monthly pricing, and customer ratings. At VoipReview, we provide easy comparison tools to help people analyze different VoIP providers and find the one that best suits their needs.
Those in Ethel, WV who wish to take the next step and obtain a personalized quote are also in luck because we do all of the work for them. All that's needed is to fill in the above form, and we will instantly provide a list of top VoIP providers in Ethel, WV that meet their requirements.
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Remember that while we always make an effort to provide you with accurate and complete information, prices and included services may sometimes change. For this reason, it is always a good idea to read through the websites of the Ethel, WV residential VoIP providers we present, ensuring you get the most accurate information on what their plans include, prices, terms and limitations of promotional offers and any additional fees that could apply to you. | 2019-04-24T15:13:10 | https://www.voipreview.org/business-voip/west-virginia/ethel |
Quickly and easily switch 2 sets of mouse settings. this is ideal for laptop users that switch between using the touchpad & an external mouse, but want a different pointer speed/sensitivity for each device. Mouse Speed Switcher allows you to quickly and easily switch 2 sets of mouse settings. Mouse Speed Switcher can be used free of charge. However by registering your own copy you will receive a license key that will remove all reminder messages.
Mouse Speed Switcher can be used free of charge. .
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I moved to Innisfil from the Greater Toronto Area in 1983 with the purpose of raising our three children in a rural setting. Today, all three are happily married, very successful in their careers and I am the proud Nana of four beautiful grandsons, Aiden & Avery (Twins) and Nathaniel and a gorgeous granddaughter Teagan Rose. In 2010 God blessed us with "wee" Adam. He was born very tiny and missing his 21st chromosome. Adam doesn't talk per se, but when he communicates he speaks volumes. The doctors weren't giving anyone hope, but someone actually forgot to tell Adam that, because despite his limitations he is an active little boy. We call him our little miracle. To round off my sixth and lucky number seven grandchild in 2013 and on Valentines Day 2016 I was blessed with two more granddaughters Sofiya Grace and Amelia Rose. Life is busy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
When real estate isn't keeping me hopping, I like to spend my time with my dog, my kids and grandkids. I love golfing and hope to spend my retirement years travelling the world.
After living in this community, I would never consider moving back to the fast pace of the city.
- Easter Seals Celebrity Golf Tournament. 2006,2007, 2008, and 2010 to present.
- Big Brothers/Sisters Showcase of Homes 2006, 2007,2008,2009 and 2010-2013.
- Spin for Kids for Nantyr Shores Secondary School 2005, 2008.
- Full Moon Dragon Boat Relay for Children's Aid Society 2005 & 2006.
- Dragon Boat Festival for Barrie Public Library 2005, 2006 & 2007.
- Big Brothers/Sisters Bowl for Kids 2003 to 2013.
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- Volunteer "Elf" for Santa Claus letter writing campaign through Canada Post.
I am actively involved in the local business community and am a member and past director of the Alcona Business Association.
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Help Send a Kid to Camp. Easter Seal Canada. | 2019-04-22T00:56:39 | http://www.century21.ca/kim.mugford |
Ten days after the white nationalist-inspired Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, where my family resides, I snapped this selfie: "Me & Lee."
As if sensing the metaphorical moment, the Robert E. Lee statue appears to be hovering, casting its shadow on town, state, and country.
Among the "alt-right" crowd, it is hard for me to find any actual, comprehensive vision to heal—to mend the fissures and fractures of American society; to redeem the breadth and width of our social story.
There is—devastatingly—no love outside oneself, one's race, one's culture.
There is only misguided intellect masquerading and marauding as cultural grievance and the naked will to power.
There are only the recycled temptations of social Darwinism's ever-present end-game: competition, conflict, supremacy, exclusion.
Now, like many Americans, I continue to process August 12th and its aftermath.
On the night Donald Trump won America, CNN's Van Jones unleashed his now-famous "whitelash" comment—a visceral analysis of the U.S. election results.
Jones's three-sentence commentary channeled the larger forces of globalization and multiculturalism as much as it did race/racism in America's social history and ongoing story.
But, after Charlottesville, with many Americans appalled, anguished, angered, all of the above, you can forgive the lack of discussion on, say, the strengths and weaknesses of the global economic order.
Whitelash had indeed vociferously announced the above-ground presence of its militant faction—with the tacit support and seeming approval of the White Man in the White House.
...a direct consequence of long-simmering tensions in American race relations and our national unwillingness to state unequivocally that the Confederacy was the villain of the Civil War, enabling revisionist histories that cast it as the victim. For all our protestations that this is not the America we know, this brand of racism and white supremacism is in our country’s very DNA.
At the direction of the Charlottesville City Council, the Robert E. Lee statue in Emancipation Park was shrouded on August 23, intended to represent the city's mourning of Heather Heyer.
Notwithstanding the incessant volume emanating from the diatribes of a gazillion Facebook posts, this political hubbub and its immense social moment is not about preserving monuments.
The battle has never been about the statues themselves.
Put frankly, as Ed Kilgore writes, this is about "the fierce, century-long effort of the Southern ruling class to normalize white racism so long as [it doesn't] degenerate into extralegal violence."
To keep white racism normal.
Whatever color you are, one should not need an empathy gene to feel this cut against the soul.
A white nationalist demonstrator struck a defiant pose at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.
Leaving to the side the blatant co-opting of Nazi rhetoric and imagery for the sake of its own budding narrative, "alt-right" ideology has as its real white noise the heritage that stands in for hate.
Or, seen less dimly now: the hate that uses heritage—like a freaking tool.
In fact, I would venture a wager that most of the fellas gathering under the big-tent "alt-right" could care less about the Lost Cause of the Confederacy.
They are not concerned in the least with Southern identity.
For white nationalists and neo-Nazis, there is no cause greater than white.
No identity (Southern, American, Christian) matters more than white.
Be assured, they just want to use your Confederate love tonight. | 2019-04-21T10:32:11 | http://nathanfelmore.com/blog/2017/8/23/white-noise |
England failed to qualify for Euro 2008 after losing a sensational game against Croatia at Wembley.
Why do we waste valuable airtime on these pathetic no marks? Time to embrace a vastly superior sport as our national game.
Why isn't Rugby Union our national sport?
Was Jen born on the day the Origin of Species was released to the trade while Darwin shivered and swore in Ilkley?
I'd say it was feted.
Please to pass on b'day congrats.
She was indeed. And, if there's anything in that reincarnation nonsense (which there isn't, by the way), she might well have inherited the spirit of JFK.
I shall pass on your congrats. | 2019-04-24T14:31:21 | http://gruts.com/20071121/ |
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If you're considering Fences in Essex Junction, VT, you should be knowledgeable to make the most effective judgments. We ensure you know exactly what can be expected. We will take the unexpected situations from the equation by providing adequate and detailed information. You can start by talking about your job with our customer support reps when you call 800-341-4840. We will talk about your questions and concerns once you contact us and get you organized with a scheduled appointment. We consistently appear at the appointed time, all set to work with you.
If you find yourself organizing a job regarding Fences in Essex Junction, VT, there are lots of reasons to work with Fence Installation Guys. We've got the greatest customer satisfaction ratings, the best resources, and the most helpful and reliable cash saving practices. Our company has the expertise you need to fulfill your goals and objectives. Dial 800-341-4840 to reach Fence Installation Guys and discuss your expectations regarding Fences in Essex Junction. | 2019-04-22T10:48:27 | http://www.fenceinstallationguys.com/vt/fences-in-essex-junction/ |
I guess I have decided not to buy the car. I’m very sure I could get the loan since I started working but I don’t want to add another payment on to our bills each month until I get all of my doctor bills paid for. I don’t want to make us run low when we don’t have too. You know?
Anyway, Spunky has a vet visit today. His stupid allergies are acting up again since Spring is on its way. The grass makes his eyes water and he is starching himself to death. He has no fleas, so I know that can’t be it. This happen last year too. He gets a shot he feels better. One a month until allergy season is gone. The joys of having a pet. But you know, I wouldn’t trade him for anything.
Just an update since I am trying to get back into this whole blogging thing. I don’t really remember it being this hard. Hmm. | 2019-04-23T22:51:00 | http://project-42.com/2013/04/trying-to-2/ |
StreamCo CEO Mike Sneesby will happily shake the Netflix boss’s hand. Image: Alex Heber.
Netflix on Wednesday announced it would officially launch its Australian streaming service in March 2015.
StreamCo, the $100 million joint venture between Fairfax and Channel 9, has also been madly developing its own internet TV service called Stan.
There has been a lot of speculation around when Stan will be launched but the company’s CEO Mike Sneesby said it has deliberately not confirmed timings.
“We haven’t disclosed our launch date, very intentionally,” he told Business Insider. “There’s clearly a bunch of indicators that might indicate when our launch is going to be and that was speculated in relation to Better Call Saul.
“It’s important that we don’t confirm the date mostly because of that competitive situation.
“I think Netflix has given an indication that it’s March but again they haven’t themselves even fixed a date on that. They may launch earlier, they may launch later than that.
“We are indicatively pegged around a date with Better Call Saul coming to Australia but again we’ve got flexibility as well, and we want to have that flexibility.
Television as a medium and a business is changing rapidly. Only a few years ago there were just a couple of channels and Pay TV ran alongside that. Then digital TV launched and more free-to-air channels were available.
But with technology making content freely available on the internet, consumers are now demanding it be available when and where they want it.
These demands have sparked the internet streaming industry which is led by the likes of Netflix in the US – challenging incumbents in the market.
“This is a revolution and I think the change that’s happened in the last six months has been unbelievable,” StreamCo’s acquisition boss Les Sampson said.
StreamCo picked this trend and started building its own platform. They’ve got a product almost ready to launch into a hot market after being in existence for only just a year. This week Business Insider got to take a look how far the company has already come.
Here's the asbestos-ridden cottage on Channel Nine's Sydney campus where it all started in January this year.
You've got to start somewhere. StreamCo began developing Stan in this run-down cottage on Channel 9's Sydney campus.
Stan CEO Mike Sneesby took Business Insider on a tour of the company's very humble beginnings. To get in, you've got to scoot past the loo.
Every day the team would do a stand-up meeting in this tiny room.
It was freezing in winter. The heating didn't work and the team was making trips to Big W buying oil heaters. They accumulated so many the power kept tripping.
One day one of the tech guys leaned against a window pane and it fell out. There's also asbestos in the building.
There were no fancy kitchens or ping pong tables.
It was generally pretty basic.
But four weeks ago, team Stan relocated into the Channel 9 sales team's old office.
The new digs are much cleaner, brighter and warmer.
And also a little corporate. Stan is growing up.
There's also a MASSIVE TV the team uses to test its Breaking Bad content is working.
Disclosure: Fairfax Media owns Allure Media, publisher of Business Insider Australia. | 2019-04-18T15:09:02 | https://www.businessinsider.com.au/photos-streamcos-first-dank-and-cold-office-where-they-started-australias-new-streaming-tv-service-stan-2014-11 |
I’m not interested in Satuhn, I said Mahs.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger, Total Recall.
An interesting production from Louis Vuitton, take a look at one of the most in depth digital mapping of the red planet.
RED JOURNEY from MANEKI LAB on Vimeo. | 2019-04-22T16:09:36 | http://magedesign.com/blog/video/ |
I am glad to see this forum pop up. My late mother, Helen E Rafferty did extensive genealogy on our family lines, one of which was Bolles Here is a thumbnail sketch 1. Joseph 1608 2. Joseph 1654-1683 3. Joseph 1680? 4. Joseph 1712 -? 5.Lemuel 1755-1805 6. Erastus 1788-1859 7.David 1823-1850 8.Ellen Georgiana 1848-1935 9. Ernest Valentine McNally 1877-1945 10. Helen Elizabeth McNally Rafferty 1908-98. Ernest was my Maternal grandfather married to Anna Barbara Byer. They were involved with the silk mills in Pennsylvania and Belding, Mi where, after the closure of the Mills in 1932, became mayor of Belding, School Board and manager of the Belding Hotel. Ellen Georgiana came to live with them and died in a tragic kitchen fire. My mother was made a member of the D.A.R thru Lemuel's service.
though several family histories mentionsher, none that will stand up to standards of lineage societies. Marcy Crouch went on to marry Ichabod Pierce.
Does anyone have any documentation proving the relationship between Christiana Bolles and daughter Mary Crouch? I would be so grateful!
Hello, all! My name is Maureen and I am researching my family ancestry. Does anyone have any information on John Robinson Bolles (born 1762/1763 in New London, CT)? He married his cousin, Rebecca Bolles in 1788. I am looking for documentation to support these events. I am also in need of information/documentation on Rebecca Bolles. I believe she later remarried a George Lapham, and at some point moved to Michigan possibly to live with her son Frederick. Any help is greatly appreciated. I need the documentation for membership in DAR. My email is reanniec@gmail.com. Thank you.
Thanks so much for the updated Bolles /Frost info. Greatly appreciated!
1. Joseph Bolles from Scampton England) had Daughter.
    3. Joseph Bolles.
Does anyone know the connection between the Bolles family and the Salter, Frost, Hayes, and Shepley families of Maine? Thank you!
Bolles family in Woodford, Vermont. We were wondering if anyone has found a will or estate record for Phineas Bolles who died 20 Oct 1867 in Woodford, Vermont. We are trying to prove he had a daughter named Phila who married a Hicks/Hix and lived in Sunderland. So far no one has found any proof we can find that Phila Bolles is part of this family.
Print | Views: 12117 (Unique: 3442 ) / Subscribers: 6 | What's this? | 2019-04-21T20:19:42 | https://www.quicktopic.com/29/H/B6tGXkfbZPfq/p96.81 |
Is iPhone X Really The Future Of The Smartphone?
Should iPhone X even be called a telephone? It does of course support telephony and texting, but its main feature set is oriented to other things. It is also debatable whether it makes any rational sense at all to be walking around with a device in your pocket that sells for $1,000 up unless you travel with a retinue of personal bodyguards.
Then there’s the matter of overrkill. The iPhone X’s A11 Bionic six-core system-on-chip would have placed it in the supercomputer category back in the ’80s and ’90s. Apple says it’s the most powerful and smartest chip ever deployed in a smartphone, with two 25 percent faster performance cores and four efficiency cores that are 70 percent faster than the foregoing A10 Fusion SoC plus a new, second-generation performance controller that can harness all six cores simultaneously, delivering up to 70 percent greater performance for multi-threaded workloads, with battery life two hours longer than with iPhone 7. A11 Bionic also has an Apple-designed three-core GPU with a that it claims delivers up to 30 percent faster graphics performance than the previous generation of iPhone GPUs.
The trouble is, all this power will likely get used mostly for entertaining but trivial pursuits. iPhone X’s neural engine in A11 Bionic is purpose-built for machine learning, augmented reality apps and immersive 3D games — a dual-core chip that can perform up to 600 billion operations per second for real-time processing, designed for specific machine learning algorithms and also enables Face ID (which does have practical uses), Animoji and other features demanding large amounts of computing power.
To create Animoji, working with A11 Bionic, the TrueDepth camera captures and analyzes over 50 different facial expression muscle movements which it then animates in a dozen different Animoji templates, including a panda, a unicorn and a robot. Available as an iMessage app pre-installed on iPhone X, users can record and send Animoji messages with their voice that can smile, frown and more. Whatever floats your boat I guess.
Apple says iPhone X ‘s all-glass front and back, available in silver and space grey, feature the most durable glass ever used in a smartphone.
iPhone X’s 5.8-inch Super Retina water and dust resistant all-screen display display employs new OLED technology enabling it to precisely follow the curves of the design, all the way to the rounded corners. A seven-layer colour process allows for precise colour hues and opacity on the glass finish enhanced by a reflective optical layer.
Apple says the iPhone X display is the first OLED panel that rises to iPhone standards with true blacks, a million-to-one contrast ratio, and system-wide colour management in a smartphone, also supporting Dolby Vision, HDR, and HDR10, and the addition of True Tone dynamically adjusts the white balance of the display to match the surrounding light.
It is that latter by default, but the future of the smartphone I think not, at least not in any mass-market sense. It’s too expensive for starters, and the mainstream smartphone market is not interested in paying premium prices for “fluid new user experiences” on their mobile. None of Mr. Schiller’s list of marquee iPhone X features solves practical problems that any of us knew we had. Very few smartphone users have any practical reason to carry a supercomputer that can perform up to 600 billion operations per second in their pocket. The personal security issues discussed above also pertain.
A better choice for most of us will be iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus, a more evolutionary design featuring new Retina HD displays and powered by the A11 Bionic SoC. The iPhone 8s get upgraded cameras with Portrait mode and Portrait Lighting, support wireless charging, and augmented reality (AR) optimization unprecedented in a smartphone.
Space grey, silver and gold finishes on iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus are made using a similar process to the one used in in iPhone X, and introduce a water and dust resistant glass back design made with more of that most durable glass ever in a smartphone and a colour-matched aerospace-grade aluminum bezel. Their 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch Retina HD displays now support True Tone, and Apple says their redesigned stereo speakers are up to 25 percent louder and deliver deeper base.
iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus feature an improved 12-megapixel camera with a larger and faster sensor, a new colour filter, and new Apple-designed image signal processor that delivers advanced pixel processing, wide colour capture, faster autofocus in low light and better HDR photos, while a new quad LED True Tone Flash with Slow Sync results in more uniformly lit backgrounds and foregrounds.
Apple says each camera is individually calibrated, with new gyroscopes and accelerometers for accurate motion tracking and AR benefits from A11 Bionic, which handles world tracking, scene recognition and graphics at 60fps, while the image signal processor does real-time lighting estimation.
iPhone X will be available in silver and space gray in 64GB and 256GB models starting at $999, and iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus will be available in space gray, silver and an all-new gold finish in increased 64GB and 256GB capacity models starting at $699 (US) from http://apple.com and Apple Stores, and will also be available through Apple Authorized Resellers and carriers (prices may vary).
iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus are not cheap either, but if you can afford the price of ownership (or can live with monthly payments thhrough Apple’s new iPhone Upgrade Program), with them and iPhone X Apple has again raised the bar in smartphone state of the art. | 2019-04-20T00:41:52 | https://www.macprices.net/2017/09/20/is-iphone-x-really-the-future-of-the-smartphone-the-book-mystique/ |
Reply to post: Re: iMessage and the perceived green bubble of fail..
Re: iMessage and the perceived green bubble of fail..
Using WhatsApp means bending over for faecebook.
Who even knows about Telegram, seems like a shady outfit too. | 2019-04-19T23:36:06 | https://forums.theregister.co.uk/post/reply/3686721 |
StressFix formula contains 93% of active ingredients. Strengthens skin barrier, fights free radicals and blocks pollutants.
Shea Butter, Stearic Acid, Moringa Oleifera Seed Oil, Glycerin, Cetyl Alcohol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Cetearyl Olivate, Sorbitan Oleate, Glyceryl Stearate, Sorbitan Olivate, Glyceryl Caprylate, Cholesterol, Polyoxymethylene Melamine, Arginine, Caprylhydroxamic Acid, Decarboxy Carmosine HCL, Hydrolyzed Sodium Hyaluronate, Xanthan Gum, Yeast Extract, Butylene Glycol, Sunflower Seed Oil, Rosemary Leaf Extract, 1,2-Hexanediol, Caprylyl Glycol, Phenoxyethanol, Fragance (Parfum), Iron Oxides (CI 77499), Limonene, Benzyl Benzoate, Linalool. | 2019-04-18T18:31:31 | https://www.dermovia.com/products/dry-mask-stressfix-waterless-facial-mask |
The company provides uniform, food and facilities services to establishments like schools, prisons, and workplaces.
The company will begin to ditch single-use plastic straws, where possible, in September.
A pilot program with Apple and Aramark is running from July 20 to August 5 at Citizens Bank Park.
The NFL, PepsiCo, and Aramark team up in Minneapolis.
A closer look at the organization's methods offers a useful case study in the art of advocacy and negotiation. | 2019-04-22T21:57:08 | http://fortune.com/fortune500/aramark/ |
Greg is a 1992 University of Evansville (IN) graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy. Greg earned NATABOC certification as an Athletic Trainer in 1995. Greg subsequently completed a post-graduate Master of Health Science degree in Physical Therapy at the University of Indianapolis in 2001.
Greg has extensive continuing education in a wide variety of orthopedic, neurological, industrial and sports topics. Greg’s additional specialties include a Certification in Applied Functional Sciences, a WorkWell certification as a Functional Capacity Evaluation Provider, and certification as an Emergency Medical Responder.
Prior to opening this private practice, Greg has practiced in Crystal Lake since 1995. Originally from Southern Indiana, Greg and his family reside in Wonder Lake and are active in church and sports activities. Greg enjoys reading military history and is an avid sports fan. | 2019-04-26T16:36:30 | https://givensportspt.com/our-staff/greg/ |
Tablets by David Carnoy 7 days ago. Bose, Sony, Sennheiser and Jaybird Here’s a selection of the best headphone shopping values this holiday season. Software Operating System Support. Promote cracked software, or other illegal content. Laptops by Dan Ackerman Nov 26, The email address entered is already associated to an account.
Lift up the scanner. Add Your Answer Tips for a great answer: Printers by Rick Broida Oct 16, Tell us some more!
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Epson Stylus Office Equipment Login to post Please use English characters only. If the ink cartridge cover is not completely closed, the print head may have trouble moving back and forth. I have freestanding Series 8 dishwasher. Tablets by David Carnoy Dec 13, PC Connectivity Connection Availability. Printing Max Printing Resolution.
Sexually explicit or offensive language. Follow these steps to remove the packing materials: Laptops by Dan Ackerman Sep 25, The email address entered is already associated to an account. Also If the packing materials are not removed, the print head will be unable to move and the error code E may appear on the control panel display. Press down on the ink cartridge cover to make sure it is completely closed.
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Turn the Stylus CX back on. The max point reward for answering a question is I already changed the USB port and in everyone the result is the same. | 2019-04-22T08:01:08 | http://mlive.me/cx4100-scanner-90/ |
Not surprisingly, we are big fans of the music of Liz Harris. Mirroring, who released an album earlier this year, paired Harris with Tiny Vipers’ Jesy Fortino. Her work as Grouper has ranged from the ethereal to the jarringly surreal; 2011’s A I A (released on CD by Kranky this year) is probably the best overview of her work as a whole.
Kranky will be releasing the next Grouper album in February. It’s called The Man Who Died In His Boat, and — if the song “Vital” is any indication — will likely fall somewhat on the “accessible” side of Harris’s discography. Alternately: it’s haunting but not terrifying. | 2019-04-22T20:29:00 | http://vol1brooklyn.com/2012/12/28/hey-its-a-new-grouper-song/ |
DENVER, CO – 12-20-2018 (PRDistribution.com) — Kevin Teman, through his own personal struggles with finding a partner created the world’s first talking artificially intelligent matchmaker, which operates entirely by speaking with you (through an AI voice).
Paired with its recent world news break (AFP), AIMM announces its national expansion, starting in California. Kevin Teman’s approach at combining human matchmaking techniques with talking artificial intelligence has already begun changing the dating world and was hand picked by Robert Downey Jr’s team and featured in Robert’s new docu- series airing on YouTube Red in Summer 2019 (Age of AI).The series, considered to be YouTube Red’s flagship product, calls Kevin “a leader in AI”.“Most of us have suffered through dating apps and sites for many years Kevin Teman says, “maybe our entire single lives. Although many of us, if we’re smart, have withdrawn from dating apps entirely.”Teman says even the best dating apps have become disrespectful, ineffective and childish. “Wading through fake profiles, dealing with less-than-stellar company morals, profit schemes, using apps that feel like they were made for kids,” Teman says, “one is left feeling utterly disrespected by the process and the companies themselves”.“I have a strong dislike for the dating industry,” Kevin says, “Its standards are incredibly low, very little has been done to help the problems. Mostly each new app chimes in for another piece of your money. It absolutely needs to change.”“Self-respecting adults,” Kevin says, “long for solutions that are effective and feel grown up, straight-forward. Flirts, winks, roses and virtual gifts and other junk” Teman says “detract from real human connections and push us into a fake online world. This is not how online dating should have ever been.”In Kevin’s life struggle through dating apps and other services to meet his own life partner he eventually turned to a human matchmaking — that’s right, a real human person. Having learned of matchmaking through discussions with friends in dating companies, Kevin’s engagement in human matchmaking opened his eyes to a new world. “This world of effective matchmaking techniques, hand-holding, building people up to each other, getting them excited about each other,” Kevin said, “felt day-and- night compared to dating apps. How could two industries have such drastically different approaches to the same goal?” Something felt awry. Matchmaking services give these deep, wonderful introductions, facilitated the start of your relationship, held your hand, and were respectful, while dating apps seem to drop you in a complicated situation and leave you to your own devices.But matchmaking services cost enormous amounts of money in the 10s of thousands to experience yourself. This is where AIMM comes in, AIMM facilitates the start of a relationship for you using the same effective matchmaking techniques for very low cost – essentially the distributed cost of maintaining the AI.AIMM has amassed 1,000 users in Denver, Colorado through its grass-roots advertising primarily through radio and local events in Denver. But that hasn’t stopped national press from recognizing AIMM. With its recent world-news break through Associated France Press, L’ Express and endorsements from Robert’s documentary, AIMM is announcing its national expansion, starting in California.“AIMM started as a ‘grass-roots’ effort primarily headed by myself,” says Kevin, “and largely so that I could find someone for myself.” With some big names recently providing their support, AIMM’s team is expanding, AIMM foresees a speeding up of growth over the next year as it expands first to California and other states.“Human matchmaking opened the door to a new world for me. I want to give that back to everyone through AIMM so they can experience the same effective techniques I did,” says Teman.
For the original news story, please visit https://prdistribution.com/news/aimm-worlds-first-talking-ai-matchmaker-featured-in-robert-downey-jrs-upcoming-docu-series-on-artificial-intelligence.html. | 2019-04-23T04:07:21 | https://www.culthub.com/pr/aimm-worlds-first-talking-ai-matchmaker-featured-in-robert-downey-jrs-upcoming-docu-series-on-artificial-intelligence/196211 |
Your text is not the only front-end content in your website that can contribute to the SEO of your site. There are also images and videos that help you gain rank, establish relevance or access rank positions quickly.
This step will discuss several different ways that media can either help or hinder your ranking in search engines and how to leverage that as much as you can. It will differ quite a bit from one genre to the next, so just take these tips as generalities around Search Engine Optimising media in the ‘ideal world’.
You’ve probably noticed in Google search that you can filter for images and videos, well, that’s reflected in Google Search Console as separate search data.
Websites in some genres can gain significant volumes of traffic from those sources.
For every image you plan to upload and use in your website, name them with human-readable text names like ‘green t-shirt with Nike logo’ for example, or maybe: ‘man holding custom safety sign’.
Whatever description is most appropriate for your product, label it with just enough words to make it clear what the image is about. Imagine it like this: if you had to describe the content of an image as quickly as possible to a blind person, the description you’d come up with would probably be suitable as the image name.
For those of you who love to keep your images in some kind of naming order, you’ll probably hate this concept, but this is a best practice for SEO, especially if you have to deal with a lot of images, like in an eCommerce store.
Most digital images come out of the camera with some kind of ordered label, probably something like DSC0001 and have progressively higher numbers, like DSC0002, DSC0003 etc. Unfortunately, these are meaningless for SEO and this is partly why naming the file appropriately is necessary.
Think about where you plan to use the images before you upload.
If they only have to be small and cover less than ½ the width of a typical website, then it’s unlikely they need to have dimensions larger than 600px by 600px. The typical modern website has a width of about 1000px to 1400px, unless set to full screen.
The display size, and especially the capability to display for variable screen sizes from small to very large, is a factor for Google ranking. Screens and resolutions have gotten larger, so website have too.
Pre-size your images according to the maximum size you need to display them at. Not doing so might mean storing many megabytes (or even gigabytes) more of data in your site, and also making your images load very slowly when displaying on your site.
The latter may affect your SEO because it means Google will also have to wait to download what your page looks like. This may count against you when assessing ranking for your site.
Google monitors download speeds of websites and also check image size and bandwidth use, which you can get a report on using the Google PageSpeed Insights tool.
Aside from sizing, also consider aspect ratio. Images that have content that looks best in landscape format will not look good at all if you want to place them in a portrait sized space in your website. Check that the shape of your image matches the shape of the space you need to fit it into.
There are two main ways you can upload images into your website.
The first and probably least technically challenging way is to use the CMS (if your website has one) to upload images into a media folder of some sort. For WordPress websites, like this one, you can choose to upload images into a dated folder, or add them into a single generic folder.
Dated folders are usually divided by year, then month, for example 2015/1/ and then 2015/2/ etc., based on the month in which you uploaded it.
Generic folders might be called ‘media’ or ‘images’ and all your images and or media might upload to there.
For the latter, you can’t have two images or any other file of the same name in the same folder, which means every size images might have to have a size code appended to the image name, like ‘green-t-shirt-200×300.jpg’. This images would measure 200px by 300px. The size code may reduce a little of the SEO strength of a well-named image, but shouldn’t be too much of an issue, so don’t worry about it.
If you’ve used your CMS to upload images, something you should be aware of: The WordPress CMS (and this may be true for many different CMS types) might modify the name of your file. Especially if your file name contains characters that are not permitted by HTML conventions.
For example, the character ‘&’ is usually removed and replaced by ‘-‘. So are spaces. But only one dash is allowed at a time. So a file called ‘Green & Red T-shirt.jpg’ will become ‘green-red-t-shirt.jpg’.
The WordPress CMS will also re-sample your images and create new copies of each image at 2 or 3 different sizes, including the original size. The exact sizes depend on your CMS settings.
2. An FTP software on your computer.
Using FTP will allow you to upload images and videos that bypass the HTML naming convention changes noted above. It also allows you to create any new folders in your website to store your images just about anywhere.
Once you’ve named your images, you can add title and ALT tags, but these are often easier to add once you’ve imported or uploaded the images into your website. This is where SEO comes into play.
If you named your images as suggested above, then tagging them with ALT and Title tags will be a lot simpler, because all you need to do is copy the name of the file. If you don’t have time to tag all of your images, you at least have the file names optimised.
This is why naming files with their content is important, because in doing so, you usually use keywords that are relevant to your site. If not, then you should take the time to tag the images – you should do this anyway – but you can ‘get away’ with not doing it if you have hundreds of images and they are well named.
The ALT tag and Title tag can be different, and they are used for different purposes in the browser.
The Title tag is the tag that provides additional information to the content of the image when displayed in the browser. It may appear when the user hovers their mouse over the image.
The ALT tag is the information that appears in the browser in the place of the image when the image has not been loaded for some reason. There are many reasons why an image does not load, but the point here is that by setting an ALT you can still provide meaningful content to the user in its place.
Both the ALT tag and Title tags should contain a keyword relevant to the page in which they appear. If you need to use the same image elsewhere on a page with different keyword focus, then upload the image again so you can set a second ALT and Title for the new image placement.
Avoid overcrowding any tags with multiple keywords for the same reason that stuffing a page full of various keywords is not a good plan for SEO.
Browsers like Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari etc all support the same image types served across the internet.
This selection should be made before uploading your images to the website as most CMSs are unable to change an image type from one to another.
JPG images are best when you need to display photos. Especially when the photo has shading, lots of colour, lots of texture etc. JPG also supports variable compression – see below.
GIF images are best when your image has limited colours, like in logos. Often a logo will have just two or three colours. My logo for this site has just one colour. These image types only support limited colour variance, so check that your colour selections are appropriate before choosing to use GIF. This format can also support transparent pixels (transparent parts of the image where no colour is needed or where the background is supposed to show through – common for logos).
PNG images support a full colour range and also transparency. They offer some compression capability, but generally result in the largest files of the three possible formats. If no transparency is required, then JPG is the better choice.
Whenever possible, aim to use the image type and compression setting that allows you to display your images well but only just within the point where compression starts to make them lose quality. This is called ‘visual optimisation’. This is also the point where your image file will be the smallest possible without affecting your UX. Every image should be visually optimised.
This is also the point where your images will load into the user’s browser as quickly as possible without the compromise on quality. If you’re not sure if your images are optimised for best load speed, try the Page Speed Insights test provided by Google.
You will also see a site-wide effect in Google Search Console on page-load speeds (in the section about Crawl) if you have un-optimised images. Your site’s average download time in GSC should be around 2000ms or less.
The Page Speed Insights test will show you if your images need optimising. It’s probable that the data from GSC on Crawl download speeds will affect the SEO of your website, because the preference for Google is to provide their users with links to sites that have the best UX.
As with images, the shape and size of video should be limited to the shape and size it will display in your site.
If you plan to use YouTube or Vimeo to host your videos, you don’t have quite the same constraints as with images, but you should still consider how much data you really need to provide. If the video resolution is too high, then the user’s browser buffer may cause videos to ‘jitter’ as they play.
Videos are also tagged in the same manner as images although the terminology and parameters are a little different. Videos will allow the use of a title element – which is the title of the video.
If using YouTube, you have a 100 character limit and should write the title to include the main keywords relevant to both the video and the location in which you are going to place it (if adding it into a website).
Video descriptions are quite expansive and allow up to 5000 characters. This should contain a full description of the content of your video and should use keywords. They’re a top spot for adding SEO value into your video.
Tags can also be used and are essentially a range of keywords for which your video might be an appropriate piece of content should someone search for any keyword from the list.
Videos via YouTube also support the addition of transcripts, annotations and captions, each of which add to SEO value.
There is some tendency for Google to ‘prefer’ short videos of under 1min. Your goal might be to produce a video in the 30-90 seconds length range for best SEO, however the length is only one factor in addition to those noted above which me be offset by other well optimised features should your video be longer than a couple of minutes.
If you plan to host your own videos, ensure you are able to show whichever format is required by the browser. Not all operating systems and browsers universally support a single format. You will need to prepare your video in 3 commonly used formats and have them sampled appropriately for fastest streaming. | 2019-04-18T20:58:43 | https://rankpower.co.nz/do-it-yourself/media/ |
Keep knives and other frequently used tools and utensils conveniently within reach with this wall-mounted Magnetic Knife Holder. They can hold sharp knives, tools and utensils securely. And it also won't dull knives.
The Egg Skelter can hold up to 24 eggs (capacity varies based on the size of your eggs) and makes a perfect addition to any kitchen. Color is silver. Egg trough is 1.90" in width. - Holds up to 24 eggs (but maximum capacity varies based on your egg size).
With these simple and functional stainless steel S hooks. 12 X Flat S Hooks. Use them in the bathroom to hang washcloths, loofas, body brushes, toiletries, towels and robes. works great for hanging your kitchen tools,such as pans, pots, spatulas, coffee mugs, hand towels, potholder, spoons.
The S shape is suitable for hanging on existing objects without the need for screws and nails.
10 Hook Under-the-Shelf Mug Rack, Metal Cup Storage Holder & Drying Rack, Silver. Description: - Metal under-the-shelf coffee mug/tea cup rack with 10 hooks. - Installs easily without tools: slide rack over any shelf less than 1 inch thick and at least 12 inches deep. - Can also be used under desks, tables, shelves, and workbenches to hold keys, small tools, cords, or utensils. - Approximate Dimensions (in inches): 3 H × 7.3 W × 11 L; Distance Between Hooks - 2.5 inches.
Combines with other accessories in the GRUNDTAL series. Wipe clean with a soft cloth dampened with water and a mild dish detergent or soap, if necessary. Key features. Wipe dry with a clean cloth. - Can be used in high humidity areas.
This 6-Pc. Wall Mounted Coffee Mug Rack is an easy and convenient way to keep your kitchen clutter free. A fourth bar is used to hang the 2 included baskets which are ideal for storing your coffee and tea accessories.
Hanging Pot Holder Pan Hanger Cookware Hooks Rack Iron Kitchen Storage Organizer.
Hanging Pot Holder Pan Hanger Cookware Hook Rack Iron Kitchen Storage Organizer. Product Material: Stainless steel.
Start organizing your kitchen like a professional chef! No room for under cabinet or drawer storage?. Number one on the market, they combine well with all hanging kitchen tools and accessories and are compatible with most cookware racks.
Uses: Back door design can be placed on the cabinet hanging. Cabinet gadgets can also hang rags, brushes and more-. Product weight: about 50g.
Trending at $4.69eBay determines this price through a machine learned model of the product's sale prices within the last 90 days.
5PCS Stainless Steel S Shape Hooks Kitchen Hanger Rack Clothes Hanging Holders. 5 x S Hooks(stainless steel). Great For Hanging Plants Out Doors, In Hot Houses & Camping. Material: Stainless Steel. It is very powerful for hang many things.
L Size stainless Steel hooks. 3 pcs L Hooks. Material: stainless Steel. Can load-bearing maximum to about 20KG.
Product Description: Ideal for storing sponges Made of stainless steel, durable to use Specification: Material:Stainless Steel Size:5x5x3.4 cm 1.97x1.97x1.34 inch Weight:60g Color:As shown Package included: 1*Storage Rack Brand Homenhome MPN Does not apply Condition 100% Brand New Country/Region of Manufacture China Material Stainless Steel Size 5x5x3.4 cm 1.97x1.97x1.34 inch Weight 60g Package included 1*Storage Rack UPC 682365636485.
Ikea Grundtal 5 pc S Hook Hangers - 2.75"
IKEA 5X Grundtal Hooks. YOU ONLY GET ONE pgk NOT 4, I HAVE 4 pgks available! Every effort is made for accuracy.
5 out of 5 stars - Ikea Grundtal 5 pc S Hook Hangers - 2.75"
3 product ratings3 product ratings - Ikea Grundtal 5 pc S Hook Hangers - 2.75"
With these simple and functional stainless steel S hooks. Use them in the bathroom to hang washcloths, loofas, body brushes, toiletries, towels and robes. works great for hanging your kitchen tools,such as pans, pots, spatulas, coffee mugs, hand towels, potholder, spoons.
Each 'S' Hook Has A Sharp Pointed End Either Side. Long Size:15cm. We will try our best to reduce the risk of the custom duties.
This kitchen couter microwave oven rack is essentail for your daily life. Greatly enhance space saving,make your kitchen tidy and clean. Multi-functional, sturdy and durable. Eight hooks on the microwave oven shelf sides, perfect for hang the spoon, spatula, shovel or small kitchen appliances.
Kitchen Storage Rack Cupboard Hanging Hook Hanger Stainless Steel Organizer. Use them inside a cupboard to hang kitchen utensils, hang a towel in a bathroom or hang a necklace in a closet. Features: 5 Hooks, Drill Free, Space-saving.
Both can be cut to any size, using a hacksaw or pipecutter. Mirror polished finish.
Net design of the soap rack, easy for water drip and ventilation. The soap rack is Stainless Steel, sturdy and durable to use. The soap rack can be removable, and use repeatedly. 1 x Soap Rack with hooks.
Lot 3 IKEA Grundtal Round White Caddy’s w/ SS Hanger Rail System 401.167.44 NEW. Condition is New. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail.
3, Multipurpose: This wall hanger can holds spoon, towels, gloves, knife and fork, pan, pot, keys or other basically anything you want to have hung up in your kitchen, bathroom or other places. And there are 2 choice of installation.
IKEA GRUNDTAL 10 hooks 2 3/4" each. Combines with other accessories in the GRUNDTAL series. Wipe clean with a soft cloth dampened with water and a mild dish detergent or soap, if necessary. - Can be used in high humidity areas.
Dishwasher Safe / Mirror like Finish / Twinkling Grossy Surface / Match well with Silverware. Keep your kitchenwares organized and within reach with this handy, attractive, hygienic stainless steel kitchen ware holder.
Hook Length: 9cm. Color: Silver.
Can be hung on KUNGSFORS rail. May be combined with other products in the KUNGSFORS series. Stainless steel. Maximum load/hook: 9 lb. Maximum load/hook: 4 kg. Wipe clean using a damp cloth and a mild cleaner. | 2019-04-21T05:25:23 | https://www.ebay.com/b/Stainless-Steel-Hook-Racks-Holders/46283/bn_7782178 |
Just over two months after Riverdale was renewed for Season 3, the CW has given it an official premiere date.
After leaving fans in suspense with a shocking Season 2 finale, the buzzy teen drama will return Wednesday, October 10 at 8 p.m. Specifics surrounding the show's next chapter remain sparse, though series creator Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa has let a few details slip.
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, he said that Season 3, much like Riverdale's first two installments, will include a "high genre element."
"That's what the show is. It's not just about the Archie characters," he explained. "It's the Archie characters put into a specific genre, and we see how they relate and survive and adapt."
And while speaking with Deadline, he shared that it may dig into more of Riverdale's history, including why the town seems to be so plagued by crime.
"We’re going to examine different kinds of pulp and noir," he said. "So if it feels like Riverdale is a place where people are getting killed all the time, maybe we find out that that’s not a coincidence. Maybe in Season 3, that’s actually part of a bigger pattern and a bigger unspoken history."
Elsewhere, he teased the arrival of Jughead's mom and sister, Gladys and Jellybean Jones, and concluded that, for as much as Riverdale ramps up its twists, it will always stay centered around the relationships that have long driven the Archie franchise.
"We are going to have the gonzo, crazy, heightened story and plot twists and turns that people appreciate about Riverdale, sure," he continued. "But I’ll tell you we’re also really going to keep our eye on the prize, which is the friendships and the romances."
Mark your calendars, Riverdale fans! October is coming sooner than you think. | 2019-04-19T22:23:59 | http://popcrush.com/riverdale-season-3-premiere-date/ |
Shouldn't we draw the vertical line after we draw the middle horizontal line, the horizontal line below the line closing the rectangle ?
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Below is a list of all the valid IP Addresses in the range from 84.192.X.X to 84.223.X.X. If you would like to get more detailed information about a range, click on that range. Otherwise, you can type a specific IP Address in the box to the left to do a quick search. | 2019-04-23T11:59:39 | http://ipaddresser.com/reverse.php/84-6 |
The Academic Secretariat assists the Rector in implementing his policies, the decisions of the Senate and those of university committees.
The Senate Department – dealing with the academic committees of the Senate.
Academic Staff Department – appointments and promotions of academic staff, matters of academic administration.
Research Students Department – scholarships for advanced degrees, and the administrative affairs of research and post-doctoral students.
Foundations and Scholarships Department – handling internal and external scholarships and foundation grants.
Disciplinary committees for students and staff.
Drafting the university's academic rules and protocols and overseeing changes and updates. | 2019-04-18T22:40:33 | https://english.tau.ac.il/inter_academic |
Bradford packages more than just industrial parts. We also protect a multitude of products found in your home; from food products and liquids to cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Whether our partitions package the container (plastic or glass) or come in direct contact with the product we know that each product has its own unique protection and aesthetic requirements. We have the creativity and the materials to meet your needs. The brands you know and trust rely on us – you can, too! | 2019-04-23T00:44:45 | https://bradfordcompany.com/industry/consumer-products/ |
Come stay in our beautiful, historic home in Midtown! You'll have the entire 3rd floor to yourself, with your own private entrance, full kitchen, bathroom, and living room. We're meticulously clean, and we've thought of everything so you don't have to. | 2019-04-22T03:47:51 | https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/9236868 |
Blackrock posted on a forum discussion.
Forum Topic: Is Theresa May the Worst British Prime Minister of all time ?
Forum Topic: What will be your new favourite European country after Brexit? | 2019-04-23T08:30:09 | http://community.betfair.com/blackrock |
Additional standards for heating controls come into effect this year and installers need to be prepared for their introduction, says Colin Timmins.
The coming year should see some significant changes to the heating controls that are installed when replacing a boiler. While most installers recognise the benefits that controls will bring to their customers by ensuring the long term delivery of better comfort and low running costs, it is also realistic to recognise that many installations are carried out to cost pressure, which can often result in only the minimum standards being adopted.
It is therefore encouraging that the government has been reviewing the minimum standards that are currently in place under Part L of the Building Regulations and that moves are afoot to strengthen these requirements.
Following the publication of the Heat in Buildings consultation response last October, the UK government published amendments to the 2013 Domestic Building Services Compliance Guide that will come into force on the 6 April 2018.
One of the key changes is that the compliance guide now states that “when replacing a boiler, the boiler controls are considered to be a part of the boiler installation and should therefore meet the standards set out in the relevant sections of this document”.
This is a small but very significant change, as previously it stated that only the component being replaced (i.e. the new boiler) would have to comply with the guidance.
Installers will now have to ensure that the system meets minimum standards for boiler interlock, time and temperature control, as they would for a new system. This was generally accepted as a requirement by industry and building control in the current Building Regulations, but it is good that this is now more clearly stated.
Smart thermostat with automation and optimisation.
It is likely that the additional options above could lead to some head scratching, given that none of them are currently widely applied in UK homes.
Of course this is to be expected as government is trying to encourage new technologies, but BEAMA will be working to provide guidance to help installers select and install the right solutions and, importantly, to make sure that the use of these technologies leads to greater energy efficiency.
One piece of work currently underway is a cross-industry review of definitions to make sure there is sufficient clarity for specifiers, installers and market surveillance authorities, ready for when these requirements come into force.
BEAMA will of course be updating its practical guide for complying with these regulations by April.
One of the concerns that BEAMA had with the Heat in Buildings consultation response was that, while it highlighted the importance of thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs), it fell short of mandating these as a requirement (rather than just ‘good practice’ as currently) when boilers are replaced.
This could be about to change though, as just before Christmas there was agreement in Europe on the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive.
This agreement for the text included new requirements for individual room temperature controls, such as TRVs, to be installed in both new buildings and when boilers are replaced in existing properties. | 2019-04-26T10:56:53 | https://www.hvpmag.co.uk/Be-prepared-for-new-controls-standards/10814 |
Christmas sewing- lots of firsts!
Baby · Clothes · OMG!
Have you ever sewed something (or made something if you don’t sew) that had so many new parts to it that it was super intimidating? I totally just rewrote that sentence so I didn’t have to use the word “sewer”. I was listening to a podcast about sewing the other day and they were talking… Continue reading Christmas sewing- lots of firsts!
It’s no secret that I’m somewhat obsessed with Project Runway. Well, at least the three seasons that Netflix has deemed worthy of bestowing upon me. I may (or may not) check at the beginning of every month to see if the Netflix gods are smiling on me, giving me a new season to binge watch.… Continue reading Make it work!
I finally did a sew-a-long!
I had heard of people doing sew-a-longs before, but I had never done one. Well, okay, there was the summer sampler quilt thing I did last summer, but I was always a week or more behind, so I don’t know if that counts. Also, I never finished the quilt. So there’s that. This last week… Continue reading I finally did a sew-a-long! | 2019-04-26T08:40:18 | https://rosebudsquilts.wordpress.com/category/clothes/ |
The Imperial Junk, traditional sailboat built of wood with modern facilities and first class service, is perfect for exploring Halong Bay on Imperial Cruise.
12:30 – On arrival at pier, you will board your Imperial Cruise and you are warmly welcomed by professional and friendly crew. Check into cabin.
13:00 – Enjoy specially prepared lunch while cruising through most beautiful parts of the magical Bay with thousands of amazing limestone islands emerging from emerald water. Sailing with Imperial Cruise in very tranquil route, exploring the exotic beauty of the legendary Bay, a feeling in paradise will come to you. Imperial Cruise brings our valued customers to the most tranquil parts of the Bay where you can’t find any boat there, cruising zigzag through hundreds of islands.
16:00 - Kayaking for an hour or more through slide rock cliffs.
17:00 - Swimming time, this is great chance to relax in water, jumping, diving, take a back flip, somersault.
20:30 -The moment you choose your own way to relax after dinner, watching movies, listening to Vietnamese traditional music. Besides, board games, squid fishing available for entertainment during the night time.
12:00 – Lunch in the restaurant at the bungalow – Catba Sandy Beach.
17:00 - Back to your Imperial Classic Cruise to refresh and relax, making friends with new group. | 2019-04-21T10:58:45 | http://booknowhalong.com/imperial-classic-cruise |
"I provide innovative strategies to help clients reach their intellectual property goals."
Wes works with clients to protect, enforce, and leverage their intellectual property rights. By utilizing prosecution and litigation experience in both patent and trademark, Wes provides clients with forward-looking, efficient IP strategies to help develop and protect their business.
Prior to joining Brinks, Wes clerked with Brannon Sowers & Cracraft in Indianapolis, IN. He worked on patents directed to various technologies; including pharmaceuticals, automotive, social networking, mobile application, medical devices, and mechanical devices. Wes also worked on patent and trademark litigation.
Before practicing law, Wes worked as a data analyst for Delphi Automotive, conducting research and development on automobile safety systems and lane and traffic-sign recognition technologies. | 2019-04-19T18:46:15 | https://www.brinksgilson.com/biographies/wes-kirkwood |
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The UK government, like other governments, signed a human rights convention – in this case the European Convention of Human Rights – which meant that the people affected’s rights were protected under international law (which forms part of UK law). The convention was later incorporated directly into UK law in the form of a Parliamentary Act – the Human Rights Act.
Read more about the claimant’s human rights claims here.
Common law also forms part of UK law (alongside international law and parliamentary acts). Common law is formulated by Judges and cases. It often stems back many centuries and is not defined by statute (i.e. acts of parliament). These are principles that have been distilled by English courts through the ages into kind of “rights”. There are general principles that apply in common law (often replicated in Acts of Parliament now) such as fair trial, legality, property rights etc. They are a general set of legal principles applied by the courts.
Read more about the claimant’s common law claims here. | 2019-04-23T20:12:43 | https://policespiesoutoflives.org.uk/the-case-overview/legal-battles/two-different-kinds-of-law/ |
I’m not really a fragrance person, but this Jo Loves scent in Pomelo is beautiful! It’s my go-to scent and I love how fresh and fruity it smells. I absolutely adore all of the Jo Loves scents, but this is probably one of my favourites!
This mouth-watering, Grapefruit-infused citrus is instantly refreshing and quickly gaining cult status.
Each scent is carefully crafted by Jo before receiving a single red dot – her creative signature and seal of integrity. | 2019-04-22T16:00:31 | http://madeleineshaw.com/product/jo-loves-pomelo/ |
This World Health Day, Vegan Society Dietitian Heather Russell collaborates with charity Shine to explain what vegans need to know about this B vitamin.
Folate and folic acid are both forms of vitamin B9. Folate is the type that occurs naturally in foods and in the body, whereas folic acid is the version found fortified foods and supplements.
Data from the EPIC-Oxford study, which compares different dietary groups, showed that vegan participants had the highest levels of folate in their blood. However, being vegan is no guarantee that you’re getting enough folate! Make sure that your diet is rich in this nutrient by including good sources daily, such as leafy greens, beans, peas and lentils. Oranges, beetroot, quinoa, mango, asparagus, avocado, okra, parsnips, chia seeds and ground linseed (flaxseed) also contain useful amounts of folate.
The Vegan Society’s recommendations about vitamin B12 are designed to keep down the level of homocysteine in the bloodstream as well as ensuring that vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms are avoided. Elevated homocysteine has been linked to higher risks of heart and blood vessel disease and pregnancy complications. Research suggests that elevated homocysteine is a significant issue within the vegan community.
Homocysteine levels are affected by other nutrients, most notably folate/folic acid. Our VEG 1 supplement contains extra B vitamins, including folic acid, which ensure that the vitamin B12 can do its job.
It’s a good idea for women of childbearing age to use a folic acid supplement of 400 micrograms as nearly half of all pregnancies are unplanned and folic acid greatly reduces the risk of a baby developing birth defects like spina bifida. The oral contraceptive pill depletes folate levels in the body, increasing the need to take a precautionary folic acid supplement. Without supplementation, expectant mothers are also at risk of anaemia due to the increased folate needs of the developing baby. For maximum protection, folic acid should be taken eight weeks prior to conception and during the first trimester. According to Shine, only 31% of women take the right dose at the right time, with many more not starting until they’re already pregnant, when it’s too late.
It is safe to take 400 micrograms of folic acid in addition to the 200 micrograms found in VEG 1?
Is there such a thing as too much folate/folic acid?
There’s no upper limit for our intakes of folate found in foods like leafy greens, beans, peas and lentils. For adults, there is a daily upper limit of 1000 micrograms for the amount of folic acid obtained from fortified foods and supplementation. This also applies during pregnancy unless you’re receiving medical advice about high dose supplementation. High dose supplementation may be needed for those with a family history of birth defects or who have a high body mass index, have diabetes or take anti-epilepsy medication.
It’s good to be aware that the government is considering mandatory fortification of flour with folic acid, which has the potential to improve the folic acid status and health of our nation, including a reduction in the number of pregnancies affected by neural tube defects. This nutritional strategy is supported by Shine and our partner the British Dietetic Association. | 2019-04-19T04:51:13 | https://www.vegansociety.com/whats-new/blog/vegan-nutrition-spotlight-folate-folic-acid |
Today, we’re going to discuss value at the higher end of the market. Throughout Connecticut, we’re experiencing the same thing, especially on the local levels where homes priced in the upper echelon are at tremendous value.
For example, we have a listing on 15 Taunton Lane in Newtown, Connecticut that is priced just under $1 million. Eight years ago, the property sold for $1.3 million. The original builder bought it back, and has reconditioned the entire property before putting it on the market.
We’re seeing this kind of value across the market. We are not depreciating. If you’re looking to get into a beautiful, larger home, now might be your time. | 2019-04-20T00:30:14 | https://thearoundtownteam.com/home-value-in-connecticut/ |
Are you in need of great value Garden Hedge in Kings Cross Central London London N1C?
Looking for an efficient yet affordable Garden Hedge service for your outdoor area in St. Pancras Station, London, N1C?
Choose our Garden Hedge company in Kings Cross Central London London N1C and we will do all your gardening chores with ease. Our gardeners will provide you with a cost-effective Garden Hedge service of outstanding quality.
From one-off landscaping services to regular lawn mowing in Kings Cross Central London London N1C, we can offer you a wide variety of services. Contact our knowledgeable team over the phone or via email and we will give you a free no-obligation quote. It is easy to book our efficient Kings Cross Central London London N1C gardening services online – all you need to do is complete the form on our contact page. After you share your gardening requirements with our team and agree on the price for your job, our Garden Hedge gardeners will show up at your address in Kings Cross Central London London N1C to finish the task. | 2019-04-21T20:12:04 | http://www.excellentgardeners.co.uk/garden-hedge_kings-cross-central-london-n1c.html |
My local dealer just quoted me $100 for a shop manual and said they'd have to special order it.
Thanks a million for putting the link to the free PDF in the knowledge stickies.
If I can find a DIY brain cell somewhere, this forum is going to save me a fortune!
Welcome aboard! You're off to a good start. The knowledge base here is nothing short of great. Lots of gearheads, motorheads, professional engineers, mechanics, designers, racers hang out here. It's a great motorcycle and these folks are dedicated to making it the best that it can be.
I came aboard about 2 months ago....yes this forum is awesome.
It saved me a ton of money- so I try to post stuff I find deals on- to try to give back somewhat.
^ And goodby from the forum!
Dude... Don't be a douche. you're better than that.
Dude... Don't be a douche.
1. Absolutely no personal attacks. Personal attacks do not help make a point; they only hurt the community and deter users from helping to create a good forum. Derogatory comments about another member may be removed by any moderator. Repeated or severe personal attacks may lead to a temporary or permanent ban.
Last edited by Wolverine; 02-12-2012 at 11:05 AM.
I have found most of your posts to be helpful and informative.
Perhaps you shoud read those forum rules yourself and put them into action.
Oh for Chrissakes! Would you guys just ******* give it up already?! I'm getting a little bit annoyed at the childish comments people have been making lately. Grow up...Please.
ha ha......give em hell boss!
Said this before but....... lets just play nice guys. We r all here for the same specific reason to split the wind and enjoy our wonderful beasts of burdon. "Cant we all just get along"
Quick Reply: Thank you, thank you! $100 saved! | 2019-04-21T00:15:36 | https://www.superhawkforum.com/forums/forum-feedback-39/thank-you-thank-you-%24100-saved-27302/ |
An opportunity to visit the heart of the downstream industry in Bahrain. Gain an overview on the refining and petrochemical processes and see the various plant equipment such as reactors, columns, heat exchangers and much more.
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An interactive workshop by Roddy Herbert from Koru International on the neuroscience of controlling messages sent from your heart to your brain and vice versa using the Heart Rate Variability technique.
Panel Discussion - How did you make it?
An open discussion on career success and climbing the ladder. | 2019-04-23T20:08:00 | https://www.gdaconference.org/program?gda_sit_structure_sm=1540411200&id=18&scroll=1 |
A gruesome story from ten years ago…the faint-hearted might like to look away now.
I was opening a tin of corned beef, the sort with a key. I’d turned the key all around the can and was trying to pull the smaller section away – when it suddenly gave way.
Ouch! I said, thinking I’d given myself a little nick.
Then the blood started fountaining out of the end of my finger.
The Goblin Meat Pudding sounds like something Gollum would buy down at Crazy Saruman’s Convenience & Liquor Store. But behind the silly name lurks a meal fit for a king.
For the last two weeks every weekday lunchtime I’ve sat down to a couple of Goblin Meat Puddings, made by Simpsons Foods of Manchester. I’ve been eating these things since I was a kid and the gorgeous L recently ordered 20 (yes 20) of them in an online grocery order because she knows I like them.
This lunchtime I have eaten the last of them. So it’s goodbye to the tasty soft pastry for a while and I’ll have to eat something more healthy instead. But I just wanted to pay tribute to one of the finest foods available, and easy to cook too, taking just 90 seconds in the microwave.
I’ve not eaten one of these things for ages until L bought me some and the can has certainly changed and is more attractive. The problem with the old one was that it was a bit of a lottery whether you opened it at the right end. So you’d end up having to open up both and pushing the pudding out. Now with it’s handy grenade style packaging, pudding opening confusion is a thing of the past.
But all waffling and silliness aside, the Goblin Meat Pudding really is the lunch of champions, albeit slightly porkie champions.
I hated going to church as a kid. Not unusual that. Not only did I find it boring, I just didn’t believe – and realised this was odd for a pretty young kid going through the usual rites of passage such as first confession, communion and confirmation.
I think this lack of faith grew into a pretty militant and active atheism (as opposed to just not caring) precisely because every Sunday I would have to go to church with the family and at numerous times around Easter. I was bemused at Easter by Benediction, wondering if there was some correlation between the length of the service, the number of times we’d have to kneel and then stand up; and the number of alter-boys who fainted. | 2019-04-23T06:17:40 | http://grumpyrocker.com/category/self-indulgence/page/2/ |
Hestan Outdoor grills combine the ultimate in precision performance & innovative design to meet the needs of every griller, from the novice to the experienced grill master. The Hestan Outdoor grill series is made in the USA with heavy-gauge welded-body construction, commercial grade end caps, Zamak die cast knobs, burner indicators & bezels and accented throughout by Hestan Marquise panels and handles. The Hestan 36-Inch Freestanding Natural Gas Grill On Tower Cart features two heavy duty 321 grade stainless steel Trellis tubular style burners that provide up to 25,000 BTUs each and one high-performance variable ceramic infrared sear burner that provides up to 25,000 BTUs for a total of 75,000 BTUs of high performance cooking power. The hybrid burner configuration offers maximum cooking options. The ceramic infrared sear burner allows you to sear thick cuts of meat, sealing in precious juices. Grilling surface temperatures are evenly distributed by a radiant ceramic briquette tray system. The 14,000 BTU multipurpose ceramic infrared top burner with salamander placement makes is perfect for rotisserie, broiling or finishing and includes a concealed whisper-quiet chain-driven rotisserie motor system rated for up to 50-pounds, as well as a porcelain broiling pan, rotisserie spit and forks. The laser DiamondCut 5/16-inch stainless steel cooking grates and warming rack provide 653 sq. in. primary and 236 sq. in. secondary cooking area for a total of 889 square inches of evenly-heated grilling surface. The warming rack features three vertical positions, allowing it to be used as additional cooking area or concealed storage when not in use. This grill comes packed with many convenient features that add to your grilling experience, including the easy-open, spring-assist Horizon hood, designed to stay open at any desired height. Motion-activated Stadium halogen under-hood lighting illuminates the grilling area while the LED control panel lighting keeps your controls visible for nighttime grilling and entertaining. The symmetrical flip-to-clean radiant tray and stainless steel removable drip tray make cleanup simple, and a one-push automatic ignition system makes lighting your grill a breeze. The Hestan Double Door Tower Cart offers an abundance of storage and working space with two folding side shelves and two soft-close access doors with recessed Marquise-accented panels & commercial grade handles. The cart interior features a pullout propane tank tray that can easily be converted for trash & recycling bin storage. Commercial-grade casters allow for smooth cart movement and 360-degree maneuverability. This grill features durable, powder coated stainless steel panels in the Hestan signature Tin Roof color finish. | 2019-04-18T20:43:44 | https://www.bbqguys.com/hestan/36-inch-freestanding-natural-gas-grill-w-sear-burner-rotisserie-on-double-door-tower-cart-tin-roof-gmbr36-ng-bg |
Sects which are at best shadows of Churches wax and wane with the priestly powers they subconsciously or. Steam and.
Removes his cap when visiting the mess decks as token of respect.
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Please enjoy this nautical glossary of sailing terms. Treating old sails with oil or wax to. | 2019-04-26T04:15:25 | http://gp-zombie.tk/savo/wax-token-steam-turbine-206.php |
Refurbishment and modernization of the existing hospital along with the development of two new wards either side of the current building. The current building (6,240 m2) has a total surface of 5,240 m2. The total extension measured 18,350 m2, of which 7,240 m2 involved a three-storey underground parking area with 232 spaces. The remaining 11,110 m2 area was used for the construction of the hospital extensions. The landscaping of the surrounding area was also included in the project. Capacity: 48 beds, 17 operating theatres. | 2019-04-18T20:20:36 | https://aktor.gr/hospitals/arthro/agios_loukas_clinic-11604980/ |
Stardrome is the first web community where members, who take the name of Starlaners, can compare performance they achieved on real tracks throughout the world and for the various categories of motor sports.
You only need to have a last-generation STARLANE GPS device to understand your errors, refine your driving techniques and, why not, see yourself projected into a global listing with your own friends and sportsmen from all over the world.
In Stardrome you can also leave comments on your own laps or others’ performance, thus becoming a real teaching tool for setting the vehicle or choosing the best components.
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Stage 2's Undisciplined Pursuit of More by the hybrid regime is hands down the most evident to peasants on this tiny island. The chapter that shocked me the most is Stage 2.
The chart shows a steep rising tide for Stage 2 but we already know SG is in decline. This type of growth is akin to cancerous growth.
While there are other factors that lead to a company's fall, Jim Collins research reveal it is undisciplined pursuit of more for the majority of fallen companies.
Key points by Jim Collins are in blue.
What is Undisciplined Pursuit of More (growth) according to Jim Collins?
Discontinuous leaps into arenas for which you have no burning passion.
Taking action inconsistent with your core values.
Investing heavily in new arenas where you cannot attain distinctive capability, better than your competitors.
Launching headlong into activities that do not fit with your economic or resource engine.
Neglecting core business while leaping after exciting new adventures.
Using organization primarily as a vehicle to increase own personal success- more $$$, more fame, more power at the expense of the organization's long term success.
Compromising on values or losing sight of core purpose in pursuit of growth & expansion.
Packard's law: No company can consistently grow revenues faster than its ability to get enough of the right people to implement that growth & still become a great company.
The hybrid regime's revenues are growing consistently such as via exorbitant World Cup subscription, regular public transport fare hikes with declining service, more & more road tolls etc.
However the hybrid regime is no longer a great political party as it no longer can get enough of the right people. It is scrapping the bottom of the barrel in terms of personnel when Kate Spade girl Tin Pei Ling are put up as an election candidate. And not forgetting the Yesmen aka military generals.
You break Packard's law & begin to fill key seats with the wrong people to compensate for the wrong people's inadequacies, you institute bureaucratic procedures; this, in turn, drives away the right people (because they chafe under the bureaucracy or cannot tolerate working with less competent people or both); this then invites more bureaucracy for having more of the wrong people, which then drives away more of the right people & a culture of bureaucratic mediocrity gradually replaces a culture of disciplined excellence. When bureaucratic rules erode an ethic of freedom & responsibility within a framework of core values & demanding standards, you've become infected with a disease of mediocrity.
An excellent explanation by Jim Collins. It clearly explains why better candidates are flocking to alternative political parties in the last general election. Look at the disease of mediocrity infecting the hybrid regime which spreads the disease down to the populace via their undisciplined pursuit of more.
If a great company consistently grows revenues faster than its ability to get enough of the right people to implement that growth, it will not simply stagnate; it will fall.
Remember the golden parachutes of the top management which we don't have. Rather than letting the top management bring us down with their misguided policies, i would say at least 50% of them needs to be voted out in the next election so as to have a buffer of 33% parliamentary seats in alternative parties hands.
Any exceptional enterprise depends first & foremost upon having self-managed & self motivated people-the #1 ingredient for a culture of discipline.
Self-motivated? No self-motivated person is joining the hybrid regime forcing it to resort to paying the world highest political salaries. And the type of people they attract?--> Yesmen.
Stage 2 overreaching tends to increase after a legendary leader steps away. Perhaps those who assume power next feel extra pressure to be bold, visionary & aggressive, to live up to the implicit expectations of their predecessors or the irrational expectations of Wall Street, which accentuates Stage 2. Or perhaps legendary leaders pick successors less capable in a subconscious (or maybe even conscious) strategy to increase their own status by comparison. But whatever the underlying dynamic, when companies engage in Stage 2 overreaching & bungle the transfer of power, they tend to hurtle downward toward Stage 3 & beyond.
Best leaders we've studied had a peculiar genius for seeing themselves as not all that important, recognizing the need to build an executive team & to craft a culture based on core values that do not depend upon a single heroic leader. But in cases of decline, we find a more pronounced role for the powerful individual, & not for the better.
I reckon Jim Collins would consider this the greatest failing of the old man. Is only 5 days away from National Day & people are wondering about the condition of the old man as he show up. According to Jim Collins definition of a great leader in his book 'Good to Great', the old man is considered a level 4 leader. He hasn't reach the pinnacle of Level 5 leader.
Working folks or those having been through national service might have experienced the 'Super On' new boss who wants to outshine his predecessor. The 'Super On' new boss then implement audacious new initiative/s. It might be good or it might be bad. How you know is bad? Well that is what Jim Collins set out to research on its warning signs.
While no leader can single-handedly build an enduring great company, the wrong leader vested with power can almost single-handedly being a company down.
Again Jim Collins do not believe in a lone heroic leader. Many peasants are brainwashed into thinking the old man is instrumental in building SG Inc up with heaps of credit due to him.
The more warning signs the higher likelihood of disease. It might be a normal fever but if there are other symptoms associated with malaria, then malaria is highly likely.
Success creates pressure for more growth, setting up a vicious cycle of expectations; this strains people; the culture & systems to breaking point; unable to deliver consistent tactical excellence, the institution frays at the edges.
Institutions fraying with the recent spate of corruption scandals in SG Inc's much vaulted civil service. Police caught totally unprepared with Little India Riots & the escape of a limping terrorist.
1) Do they ignite passion & fit with the company's core values?
2) Can the organization be the best in the world at these activities or in these arenas?
3) Will these activities help drive the organization's economic or resource engine.
The people joining the hybrid regime are not passionate about serving the country. Hybrid regime's core values have mutated beyond recognition. Its core value is now $$$ & more $$$.
Losing the right people and/or growing beyond the organization's ability to get enough people to execute on that growth with excellence.
Is cancerous growth we are now experiencing. Gone are the days of growth with excellence.
Organization responds to increasing costs by increasing prices & revenues rather than increasing discipline.
Seeing peasants as cows to be milked dry for lavish wasteful projects such as Bay Gardens & shopping mall at the airport.
System of bureaucratic rules subverts the ethic of freedom & responsibility that marks a culture of discipline; people increasingly think in terms of 'jobs' rather than responsibilities.
'This is outside of my jobscope hence it is not my business'. Little wonder we taxpayers $$$ go into feeding those overbloated bureaucracies with its multiple permanent secretaries, deputy directors etc.
The organization experiences leadership-transition difficulties, be they in the form of poor succession planning, failure to groom leaders from within. political turmoil, bad luck or an unwise selection of successors.
As explained earlier that old man is considered a level 4 leader.
People in power allocate more for themselves or their constituents - more $$$, more privileges, more fame, more of the spoils of success - seeking to capitalize as much as possible in the short term, rather than investing primarily in building for greatness decades into the future.
Check out the book "Collapse" by Jared Diamond too if you haven't done so. | 2019-04-24T18:35:52 | http://frugalintrovert.blogspot.com/2014/08/how-mighty-fallsingapore-stage-2.html |
Mahindra XUV500 price in Jajpur (Orissa) starts at ₹ 18.82 Lakhs and goes upto ₹ 22.98 Lakhs. Petrol XUV500 price in Jajpur (Orissa) starts at ₹ 18.82 Lakhs. Diesel XUV500 price in Jajpur (Orissa) starts at ₹ 15.17 Lakhs. | 2019-04-24T07:58:48 | https://www.carwale.com/mahindra-cars/xuv500/price-in-jajpurorissa/ |
Paul VALENSI is Professor of Nutrition, diabetologist and endocrinologist, Head of the departments of Endocrinology-Diabetology-Nutrition of Jean Verdier Hospital (Bondy), René Muret hospital (Sevran) and Avicenne hospital (Bobigny), Paris-Nord University, France, and co-Chair of the Centre Intégré Nord Francilien Obésité Adultes et Enfants (CINFO).
He served as Chairman of Neurodiab, Study Group of the EASD on diabetic neuropathy (2002-2005), as Chairman of the French Study Group on Heart and diabetes (2002-2005) and of the French section of the Diabetes Education Study Group (DESG) (1994-1997), and was co-organisator of the IDF meeting in Paris, august 2004.
He is currently President of the French Group on the prevention of type 2 diabetes, member of the Executive Committee of Diabetes and Cardiovascular disease EASD Study Group, member of the R3I international Consortium on the reduction of residual risk, and associate Editor to Diabetes Metabolism.
He is co-author of several French guidelines on silent myocardial ischemia, on the anti-aggregants, on peripheral and autonomic neuropathy in diabetes, on Care of the hyperglycaemic patient during acute coronary syndrome, and co-author of the European IMAGE guidelines on the prevention of type 2 diabetes, of the Toronto consensus on diabetic neuropathy (co-Chair) and of the ESC Guidelines on diabetes, pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases developed in collaboration with the EASD (2013).
He has given lectures to several international meetings (ADA, European Society of Cardiology, Neurodiab, Diabetes&Cardiovascular EASD study Group, Journées Européennes de la Société Française de Cardiologie, Société Francophone de Diabète...).
His main research topics are macro and microvascular complications of diabetes and obesity, neuropathic disorders in diabetes and obesity, and prevention of diabetes and its complications. He is author of 310 papers referenced in PubMed, about 40 chapters in scientific books including “Type 2 diabetes” (Ellipses 2004), “Le diabète. Une épidémie silencieuse” (Le bord de l’eau 2013), “Diabetes in cardiovascular disease” (Elsevier 2014), and Editor or co-editor of books : “Heart and diabetes” (Ed. Frison-Roche, 1999, 470 pages), “All in One. Diabetes and the Heart” (Merck Santé 2004). | 2019-04-24T00:42:49 | http://dcvd2018.com/prof-paul-valensi,-france.aspx |
President Abdel Fattah El Sisi attended on Sunday 29/07/2018 a session on the national project of the state information database at the 6th National Youth Conference, held at Cairo University.
The session was attended also by Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli, Assistant President for National and Strategic Projects Sherif Ismail, House Speaker Ali Abdel-Aal and Chairman of the Suez Canal Authority Mohab Mamish.
A host of ministers and senior state officials were also present. | 2019-04-20T11:33:45 | http://www.sis.gov.eg/Story/133524 |
On Friday evening, April 29th, 2016, Portland was invaded by “Star Wars” and other music of John Williams, including material from “Harry Potter," "Indiana Jones".
Until the very last minute there was an open seat beside mine. As the lights dimmed a young woman slipped into the open seat. I think her arrival made it a full house of 2,176 people.
Tremendous enthusiasm and loud shout-outs filled the place. If it has a memory the 1920s building must have relived its early decades as Oregon’s biggest movie theater.
Author W. R. vanHage, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License and the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL), version 1.2.
Musically, Williams’ scores drew on a fantastically wide variety of instruments. Some musicians (especially the cymbal player and the kettle drummer) worked far harder than required in classical concerts.
All ages audience. Bottom row: daughter Christina, wife Lucy and me. Upper row, granddaughter, her friend, grandson, his friend. Image by Christina.
Finally, during “Main Title,” not just one, but two, R2-D2s appeared in mini-sized stages on the back wall above the orchestra. More shouts from the patrons soared.
Mr. Kim, the Resident Conductor, proved to be a stand-up comedian, throwing off ad-lib humor throughout the concert. After “Main Title,” the audience, on its feet, demanded an encore. He bargained for one and we weren’t satisfied. He yielded and granted a second. People screamed, “More.” He appeared a bit confused and then folded his hands in a pillow pose, rested his head on the “pillow,” and dismissed the orchestra. Reluctantly, the audience left the hall for the ice cream parlors and frozen yogurt spots in the downtown around the Hall.
During one number I hauled out my phone but it wouldn’t yield a decent photo in the darkened hall. Worse, even though I had the flash turned off, it operated on its own. People seated in front of me turned around to see if something was wrong and I worried that an usher would take my phone away.
However, the young woman next to me—the one who arrived at the last minute to take the last open seat—grabbed my camera and filled a wonderful 22-second video on my behalf. No flash and lovely lighting. How did she do it?
The values topic? Classical values exuded from both music and the accompanying antics. The eternal conflict of good versus evil filled the evening. At one point, “Darth Vader” entered from the wings and stole the baton from conductor Paul Ghun Kim. Kim exited the stage and soon reappeared, costumed as Obi Kenobi. He exiled Darth Vader to the wings, and finished conducting “Yoda’s Theme.” Good prevailed. Hard to imagine a better way to present Good over Bad to a youthful audience.
Luke Skywalker? He was a no-show last night. Maybe next time. | 2019-04-26T09:42:48 | http://www.darrellreeck.com/2016/04/darth-vader-and-obi-knobe-at-symphony.html |
How To Adjust A Craftsman Belt Drive Garage Door Opener – Craftsman Kuta ran the garage door opener enables remote access to the garage door. The operator sends an electronic signal to the garage door to engage the engine to close or open the door. Unfortunately, the adjustment of the garage door opening mechanism required when the door opener does not respond and the garage door is stuck.
You can manually adjust your craftsman belt drive garage door opener regardless of your familiarity with troubleshooting garage doors. Find craftsmen Kuta ran the garage door’s edition rope, this red rope dangling from the garage door installation above you. Pull the rope down to disengage the garage door artisans Kuta drove motor control which allows manual corrections of the garage door. This will also place the release arm in a vertical orientation.
Find garages handle for adjust a craftsman belt drive garage door opener this will be near the bottom of the inside of the garage door. Hold the handle and slowly “walk” down the door manually, now that the door has been the motorized via the emergency release rope. Grasp craftsmen Kuta pushed the garage door emergency release rope and pull in about 45 degree angle. This will activate the motor on the garage door and set the release lever back into place. Attempt to use the door opener. It should be functioning properly.
Tags: adjust craftsman garage door opener, adjusting craftsman garage door opener, adjusting sears garage door opener, how to adjust craftsman garage door, craftsman garage door opener adjustment, craftsman garage door opener travel adjustment, garage door opener. | 2019-04-25T04:05:48 | https://www.classwidgets.com/how-to-adjust-a-craftsman-belt-drive-garage-door-opener/ |
Points2Shop Forums » Referral Talk » Easy way to get referrals ?
Referrals aren't easy to get, but once you get the hang of things, they do become easy depending on WHERE and HOW you get them.
It really depends, I've tried creating blogs to get referrals but it hasn't worked very well. I'd try making youtube videos, they honestly seem the best way.
Its actually really hard. those who work hard at earning them are able to alot of refs. Im starting now to put effort in making refs by making my own website. try doing that. Try promoting the website rather than making a site solely for p2s.
I use youtube. Thats all. So I have to do no hardwork to get those 70 refs a month.
Read the official points2shop referral guide.... I have over 11,000 referrals. | 2019-04-24T02:43:12 | https://www.points2shop.com/topic/26938/Easy-way-to-get-referrals-/3 |
All QX Products have been certified for sale and use around the globe. They products are compact, fully rack-mountable and contained in a metal enclosure. They are meant to mixed and matched for a fully customization system. With the purchase of a rack-mounting kit, the units also come with two DC power cables for power redundancy.
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Dealer - Forex - Limassol - Cyprus. On behalf of our client, a large Forex company, GRS are looking for a Dealer to work within their Dealing department.
Limassol Forex Brokers showcases Brokers based in Limassol, offering services, such as stocks, commodities and bonds trading via online trading platforms.
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The Fabulous Mary Stewart & Giveaway!
Do you remember Mary Stewart? An even more important question would be, of course, did you ever read a Mary Stewart novel?
Those of us who are of a certain age – I would say over thirty – probably did read her, since her books were among the most popular of the romance genre in the late 50’s and then the 60’s and 70’s. In fact, many critics would say she’s one of the creators of the modern romantic suspense novel, that unique form of storytelling that blends a thrilling mystery with a solid love story. I discovered Mary Stewart’s books in my teens, when my big sister handed me a whole pile of them to read. It was love at first sight and I tore through them. Along with Victoria Holt and Georgette Heyer, Mrs. Stewart’s books inspired in me a love for the romance genre that ultimately prompted me to pick up pen and begin writing romance novels myself.
And her books are beautifully written. One of Mrs. Stewart’s many strengths was her ability to incorporate setting into her books as a key element of story. Her settings are exotic and a reflection of her many travels around the world with her husband, Frederick Stewart. For instance, The Gabriel Hounds is set in Lebanon, This Rough Magic is set in Corfu, Greece, and the book I just finished, Madam Will You Talk? is set in the south of France. Her descriptions are so evocative and compelling that they blend seamlessly into the story, and enhance plot and character in a way that is unique to Mary Stewart novels.
But why am I talking about Mary Stewart today? Several weeks ago, I received an email from a woman who works in the marketing department of Hodder and Stoughton, the venerable English publisher who has published everyone from Winston Churchill to Stephen King. Recently, they decided to reissue the books of Mary Stewart, who began her career with H & S and remains with them to this day. Since I had written a few posts about Mary Stewart, the marketing person with H & S asked if I would be interested in reading the reissues and posting some reviews. As you can imagine I was eager to say yes, and thanks to the generosity of H & S I now have several of the beautiful reissues of classic Mary Stewart novels to give away. And the books are gorgeous, too, lovely trade paperbacks with really cool retro covers.
That’s the cover for Madam Will You Talk?, Mrs. Stewart’s first book, published in 1955. It was one of the few MS books I hadn’t yet read and I finished it last night. It blew me away with the quality of the writing, the intensity of the suspense, and the deeply realized character of the heroine, a young war widow who, while on vacation in Provence, stumbles upon a kidnapping and a murder plot. Madam also features two incredible car chases through the French countryside – the heroine learned to drive race cars from her husband – that were incredibly exciting and suspenseful. And how many car chases do you actually find in novels these days? MS totally pulls it off.
Anyway, I’m thrilled to have the opporunity to introduce a new generation of readers to Mary Stewart’s classic romantic supsense novels. Today, I’m giving away a copy of one of my very favorite MS books, This Rough Magic. It takes place on the island of Corfu and the heroine, a British actress fleeing her failed career on the London stage, stumbles into the middle of smuggling ring and lots of danger and adventure. Oh, and along the way she rescues a stranded dolphin and finds the man of her dreams. It’s an absolutely awesome book.
H & S also sent me several sets of beautiful postcards of these reissues, so I’ll also give away two copies of those to readers who comment. Just tell me who was the first romance author you ever read and you’ll have a chance to win the book or one of these great postcard sets. And if you have read Mary Stewart, tell me which book is your favorite! | 2019-04-20T14:49:42 | https://www.vanessakellyauthor.com/tag/madam-will-you-talk/ |
Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 1:09 pm Post subject: One book to rule them all.
As you may or may not have noticed, Mongoose is no longer carrying the Wayfarers print. They sold a short run, but determined that sales were not fast enough to justify a second run.
In some ways, it is an unfortunate development. However, we didn't set out with dreams of becoming a major RPG publisher, and in some regards I am happier to get things back in house.
With that in mind, I have begun on a new project.
It will be a hefty book, but should encompass all one needs to play Wayfarers at a price significantly less than what it would cost to acquire the same today.
I have some ideas on where we will go from there, but one thing at a time.
That being said, if anyone has feedback/suggestions, now would be the time.
YES! You can count me in.
The compiled works including errata would make me a happy camper. It can get tricky to get all cross-references to other books, pages, and tables right.
I would not go so far as to suggest another revision but it might be a good opportunity to introduce a few minor tweaks where you feel they would be warranted.
You have my full confidence on this. As it currently stands, the game is about as close to what I'm looking for in a D&D-like RPG as it is likely to get.
I sincerely believe that Wayfarers will be better served back in the hands of its creators. You have proven it in the past with the awesome gaming package that was the original edition.
I appreciate the confidence, and I will definitely take advantage of the offer, Meta. This won't go to print until no one here can find an error. I will likely make some tweaks, bit I also don't feel that the game needs much more than that.
Of course, any feedback you all have in that respect is valuable.
Alright, an extensive treatise on mules.
Huzzah!!! My money is yours!
Edit/Addendum: My absence from these forums has been due to enormous amounts of work we're putting into getting my wife's business going, raising kids, and keeping up with my studies so I can eventually get that PhD.
My hopes of creating a campaign setting for Wayfarers are nowhere near dead, but I haven't even had time to play any RPGs this year.
Glad to hear it's back in house!
Any kind of update on this? Timeframe, delivery method....Is it going to be a print on demand type of deal or you going to use a public backing (IE kickstarter) to garner enough cash to do print run?
Expect the fall/winter. My summer is very fragmented by work and travel so work has not been fast, but I tend to get it done in chunks.
I doubt we can get enough kickstarted for a print run, so it might be POD. That said, I really want a matte finish on this hardcover. I am going to work on that.
I'm still down for this!
An alphabetical index of monsters should definitely be a requirement!
Something going in Optional Rules. Not fully edited.
Thanks to Moth for much of the inspiration.
Always good to see more awesome stuff happening here!
Some folks in the Facebook D&D 5e are looking for a way to make characters without classes and I've pointed them this direction. | 2019-04-20T14:12:53 | http://yeoldegamingcompanye.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1278&highlight= |
After breakfasts go for Thimphu sightseeing covering – Memorial Chorten, Tashichho Dzong, Buddha Point (Kuensel Phodong),Changangkha Lhakhang (Monastery), Motithang Takin Preservation Centre, Drupthob Goemba / Zilukha Nunnery, National Library (Closed on Saturday , Sunday & National Holiday), Institute for Zorig Chusum (Traditional Art & Craft School-Closed on Saturday , Sunday, National Holiday & During Summer & Winter Vacations), Textiles Museum (Handicrafts Shops - Closed on Saturday, Sunday & National Holiday), Zangthopelri Lhakhang (Monastery), Afternoon drive to Wangdi (Wangdiphodrang) (1350Mts / 4430Fts, 70 Kms / 03 to 3½ Hrs). Wangdi is the last town on the highway before entering Central Bhutan. The drive is over Dochu La pass (3080Mts / 10102Fts) which is very scenic with fascinating view of mountains of Bhutan. Stopping briefly here to take in the view and admire the Chorten, Mani wall, and Prayer flags which decorate the highest point on the road. If skies are clear, the following peaks can be seen from this Pass (Left to Right): Mt. Masagang (7,158Mts / 23478Fts), Mt. Tsendagang (6,960Mts / 22829Fts), Mt. Terigang (7,060Mts / 23157Fts), Mt. Jejegangphugang (7,158Mts / 23478Fts), Mt. Kangphugang (7,170Mts / 23518Fts), Mt. Zongphugang (7,060Mts / 23157Fts), a table mountain that dominates the isolated region of Lunana - Finally Mt.Gangkar Puensum (7,497Mts / 24590Fts), the highest peak in Bhutan. On reaching Wangdi, Check in to the Hotel. Overnight at Hotel.
After breakfast transfer to Paro (2134Mts / 7000Fts, 135 Kms / 05 Hrs,) Enroute visit Punakha Dzong, If time permit visit the Suspension Bridge and then proceed to Chimi Lhakhang (Monastery). On arrival Paro, check in to the hotel Overnight at Hotel.
After breakfast go for Paro Sightseeing covering Drukgyel Dzong(Presently closed for tourist), Ta Dzong (National Museum-Closed on Saturday, Sunday & National Holiday), Rinpung Dzong, Kyichu Lhakhang (Monastery), Back to the hotel. Overnight at Hotel. OR PARO - FULL DAY HIKE TO TAKTSANG LHAKHANG (TIGER`S NEST) Refer to GENERAL POINTS ON BHUTAN OPERATION for Pink Permit Start the day early for a day hike to Taktsang Lhakhang (Tiger's Nest Monastery)(Tuesday Closed) - The hike which is all the way uphill takes about 2 /3 hours through pine forests. The monastery clings to a huge granite cliff 800 meters from the Paro valley. It is one of the most famous of Bhutan's monasteries, perched on the side of a cliff 900m above the Paro valley floor. It is said that Guru Rinpoche arrived here on the back of a tigress and meditated at this monastery and hence it is called ""Tiger's Nest"". This site has been recognized as a most sacred place and visited by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in 1646 and now visited by all Bhutanese at least once in their lifetime. On 19 April, 1998, a fire severely damaged the main structure of building but now this Bhutanese jewel has been restored to its original splendour. Afternoon at leisure for go for shopping in the market. Overnight at Hotel.
• GST (Government Service Tax as applicable) (as on date 01/07/2017 it is 05.00%) • Cost for supplementary service, optional Tours, Up-gradation Charges, Sightseeing entrance fees. • FOR hotel marked with * Mandatory Additional Surcharge on Normal Rate for Travelling only on 24th Dec & 31st Dec 2017 (Kindly check for the rates before quoting) • Cost for Airfare, Train fare, Insurance Premiums, Rafting Charges. • Cost for service provided on a personal request. • Cost for personal expenses such as laundry, bottled water, soft drinks, incidentals, porter charges, tips etc. • Cost for any other service not mentioned under the “Cost Includes” head. • Difference in cost arising due to extra usage of vehicle, other than scheduled & mentioned in the itinerary. • Difference in cost arising due to mishaps, political unrest, natural calamities like - landslides, road blockage, etc. In such case extra will have to be paid on the spot by the guest directly.
After breakfast go for Paro Sightseeing covering Drukgyel Dzong(Presently closed for tourist),Ta Dzong (National Museum-Closed on Saturday, Sunday & National Holiday), Rinpung Dzong, Kyichu Lhakhang (Monastery), Back to the hotel. Overnight at Hotel. OR PARO - FULL DAY HIKE TO TAKTSANG LHAKHANG (TIGER`S NEST) Refer to GENERAL POINTS ON BHUTAN OPERATION for Pink Permit Start the day early for a day hike to Taktsang Lhakhang (Tiger's Nest Monastery)(Tuesday Closed) - The hike which is all the way uphill takes about 2 /3 hours through pine forests. The monastery clings to a huge granite cliff 800 meters from the Paro valley. It is one of the most famous of Bhutan's monasteries, perched on the side of a cliff 900m above the Paro valley floor. It is said that Guru Rinpoche arrived here on the back of a tigress and meditated at this monastery and hence it is called ""Tiger's Nest"". This site has been recognized as a most sacred place and visited by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in 1646 and now visited by all Bhutanese at least once in their lifetime. On 19 April, 1998, a fire severely damaged the main structure of building but now this Bhutanese jewel has been restored to its original splendour. Afternoon at leisure for go for shopping in the market. Overnight at Hotel. | 2019-04-25T18:20:55 | http://travelurze.com/pk/bhutan.html |
During a construction or a demolition, it is impossible to avoid littering the entire site with debris. Building materials such as insulation, electrical wiring, roofing and shingle will be lying all over the place. Wastes originating from site preparation such as dredging materials, tree stumps and rubble will still be at the site.
Construction waste may include harmful or hazardous materials like asbestos and lead. Most of the construction waste is made of brick fragments, concrete and damaged wood. Some of these materials may not have been used during the construction for various reasons.
Construction waste management can be a costly process, however, it saves a lot of time and is done with efficiency to meet the standards of the client. With proper waste management though, contractors and site owners are destined to experience substantial benefits. Managing the waste from your construction project will benefit your business in a number of ways. Builders waste removal from Vonvil Junk.
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With the implementation of great construction waste management alongside effective minimization of policies, you can transform your entire company into an efficient service provider. You will be in a position to utilize natural resources without compromising cost, quality or construction programs.
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When using a hardware wallet for the first time, it will generate a 256-bit seed. The seed will be used to calculate 24 words that you must keep safely for future use.
These wallets will require you to set up a PIN which consists of between 4-8 digits. It gives a provision for a paraphrase to the portfolio. A secondary PIN maximizes its security login details.
These devices also have a security grid cards installed in them which allows you to verify any transactions going on through the wallet. We ensure prompt responses to the verification process.
The hardware wallet has a unique feature that helps in processing the transactions. If you are in London, you can purchase the “Ledger Nano S,” “Trezor,” or “Keepkey” which have two buttons which you equally have to press to confirm any payment.
Unlike other wallets, when you carry out a transaction and the verification process is complete, it is saved both on the network and computer where you can easily refer to it, and when you lose your device, you will be able to recover the transaction.
The use of Pi Wallets in London has helped many secure their Bitcoin. Since it comes as a fully installed gadget, you don’t need any internet connection. It equally comes with a backup card that allows you to keep your transactions safely. The Armory feature found in Pi-Wallets creates the leverage of receiving addresses and will enable you to confirm your activities without revealing your private keys.
It is necessary to use a system that will save you costs for professional training, internet connection and more and can give you a longer and popular service with maximized security. Securing your Bitcoin in London using hardware will not disappoint concerning your identification and the safety of your coins. Don’t look any further as Bitcoin hardware wallet will sort your problem today.
How rubbish collection in London is performed by Vonvil Junk team. Hire us for best and most affordable waste collection in London. We have over a decade of experience in the industry and we can professionally clean the waste from your location in London. | 2019-04-21T10:22:30 | http://www.harzbiker.co.uk/author/admin/page/2/ |
The Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ) says solar panels have been installed in 12 schools as part of a project to cut electricity costs to the Government.
The schools include Ardenne High, Clarendon College, Glenmuir High, Hampton School for Girls, and Munro College.
The PCJ says it anticipates that the systems should be fully operational later this month.
The state-run agency says three more schools and select government offices are to be outfitted with solar panels under phase two of the project.
The institutions are the Kingston High School, Rose Hill Primary and St Hugh’s High School, and the main offices of the Scientific Research Council, the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management and the PCJ.
The PCJ says all 18 systems are expected to generate 344,000 kilowatt hours of energy per year.
It says after all the systems are operationalised the government expects to save an estimated $16 million annually on electricity bills. | 2019-04-22T05:02:06 | https://insightjamaica.com/solar-panels-installed-in-12-schools-to-cut-govts-electricity-bill/ |
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Read frequently asked questions and related answers pertaining to North Star Asset Management. | 2019-04-24T23:12:02 | https://www.northstarinvestments.com/ |
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Enjoy all the luxuries of the number one Union City Party Bus and Limo Bus provider at exceptional rates! We also offer amazing Union City Prom Party Bus packages, along with wedding limousine service, night club limo bus tours, concert packages, corporate transportation and quinceanera party bus. You can even make your way on our limo buses from Union City to Napa Valley Wineries for a wine tour. Our drivers and staff are seasoned veterans when it comes to party bus wine tours in the Napa Valley and Sonoma area.
If you’re looking for a Union City Party Bus Company that holds is clients as number, and has been voted the best party bus tour company on City Search – then Think Escape SF Party Bus is for you! Give us a call at (800) 823-7249 for more details. | 2019-04-22T14:03:25 | https://www.thinkescape.com/union-city-limo-bus-party-bus-in-union-city/ |
A server that receives requests.
A GraphQL schema that's attached to the server.
A client-side mechanism for communicating with a GraphQL schema, via a server.
In Pup, all three of these are provided for you, ready to use out-of-the-box. In order to start customizing Pup for your application, it's important to understand what "schema" refers to in GraphQL as that is where you will define what data is available in your application and how to access it.
All of the available Types of data in your application.
All of the Queries that can be performed in your application.
All of the Mutations that can be performed in your application.
All of the Subscriptions that can be used in your application.
In addition to these core conventions, your GraphQL schema can also be used to define "helper" types of data like Fragments and Enums.
Your schema is best thought of as the "registration" mechanism that defines all of the possible ways to consume data in your application. When a request is made to your GraphQL server, it's passed to your schema and then your schema decides how to respond or resolve that request.
When we think about the traditional CRUD (create, read, update, delete) pattern for an application, your queries handle the "R" or "read" part and your mutations handle the "CUD" or "create, update, delete" part.
When a query request is made from the client of our application, it's done so by specifying a query field which maps to a resolver. A resolver is a function that—like the name implies—resolves the request (i.e., it returns the requested data).
When a mutation request is made from the client of our application, it's done so by specifying a mutation field which maps to a resolver. Again, just like with queries, a mutation resolver is a function that resolves the request (i.e., mutates or changes the data).
Whenever a resolver function—query or mutation—returns some data, it's passed or filtered through a Type before being returned to the client/request.
How a request flows in GraphQL.
Here, in our Document type we've omitted the revisions field visible on our example document in our database. Assuming we performed a query request from the client requesting a document with the _id of 123, when it's returned, even though revisions is defined on that document, it will be "scrubbed" by our GraphQL Type because it's not defined as a field supported by the Document data type.
Here, our query is asking for a document with the _id 123 and specifies that when that document is returned, it should only include the _id and title fields. This is unique to GraphQL, even though our Document type defines three possible fields that can be returned, from the client, we can request only the specific fields we need for our UI.
Schema sees a query for the document field defined under the type Query block (expecting it to return some data matching a required _id argument as a String that itself matches the Document type).
Schema locates the matching resolver function with the same name under the resolvers.Query object and calls the corresponding function.
Data is passed through the type for validation/filtering.
Data is returned to client.
Types are the essential building block of your schema. Types define the shape of the data that's coming in and out of your schema. Though the type keyword is most common, there are several other types of...types like input and enum.
In your schema, there are three "root" types type Query, type Mutation, and type Subscription along with your custom types. These three root types can be seen in the example above and are responsible for defining the query, mutation, and subscription fields that can be accessed from the client along with their expected return values.
The idea here is that when you define a field (e.g., documents: [Document]), you're telling GraphQL "I want users to be able to type in a query that looks like this and call to a resolver function with the same name:"
That resolver function, then, is defined in the resolvers.Query object on your schema.
An example of a basic type is displayed on the right. This represents the Document type in Pup. Types are simple. They define the fields that a piece of data can have and the scalar types those fields are expected to contain.
Notice that types can be combined. In our example Document type, the comments field is saying that it expects an array of the Comment type to be returned for that field. What's neat about this is that this can be defined as a nested query, meaning, we don't have store the comments on the document itself. Instead, we can retrieve the comments for the document separately and combine them with the document before sending a response back to the server.
inputs define the shape of input data or arguments passed to queries and mutations. Instead of specifying argument fields individually when defining a query or mutation, you can pass them as an object, defining its type as an input.
enums are pre-defined lists of values that are allowed by a given field on a type.
Example UserInput type taken from /api/Users/types.js.
key: String # What is the key value you'll access this setting with?
label: String # The user-facing label for the setting.
Notice that the AllowedSettingType enum is used to specify the type of data expected by the type field on the UserSetting type. This means only a value of 'boolean', 'string', or 'number' can be passed for this field's value. Example taken from /api/UserSettings/types.js.
A type for the data being returned needs to be added to the typeDefs object.
A field needs to be defined on the root Query type.
A resolver function needs to be defined on the resolvers.Query object.
We covered types above, but need to discuss defining a field on the root Query type along with a resolver function. On the right, we can see the schema from Pup displayed, simplified to show the code for querying a list of documents.
The example here is purposefully simplified to remove imports so that you can see how things wire together. Keep in mind that in Pup, parts of the schema like types and resolvers are stored in their own files and imported into /startup/server/api.js.
Here, we've defined all three parts outlined above. Pay close attention to the structure and where things are being placed.
The important thing to note here is the connection between the documents nested inside of type Query and the documents nested inside of resolvers.Query. The former defines that field as something we can query against and the resolver function is how we resolve that query.
Though it may seem like we're doing work twice here, one part is typing our query and one part is actually handling it. It is a bit more work than some data systems, but it gives us 100% clarity over what is and isn't happening.
parent the parent query, if one exists.
args any arguments passed to the query.
context a miscellaneous context object. In Pup, this contains a context.user property containing the logged in user if one exists.
Here, in response to our documents resolver function, we're saying "if there's a user with an _id, find all of the documents owned by that user and .fetch() them as an array. If there's not a user, return an empty array."
It's important to note that "the GraphQL part" stops once we're inside of our function. At that point, we can run whatever code we'd like to resolve the query—that's up to us. Here, we're using the Documents collection that's built-in to Pup and uses Meteor's MongoDB implementation.
Just the same, we could make an API call to a third-party service here and GraphQL could care less. It's only concern is that the data returned matches the type specified for the field on the type Query. In this case, an array of objects resembling the Document type.
We've purposefully ignored something here. On our Document type, we include a comments property set equal to an array of the Comment type defined just above it. Here, we're telling GraphQL that when documents are returned to us, an array of comments might be included.
To cut to the chase: we do not nest comments directly on documents in the database. Instead, we rely on GraphQL's ability to perform nested queries to do that work for us. Think of this as a sort of database join (if you're familiar with SQL).
The "magic" at play here takes place down in our resolvers object. At this point, we've told GraphQL to expect a possible comments array, but we haven't defined how to return or resolve those comments.
If we look close, our resolvers object has a Document property in addition to the Query property. On that Document property, we've defined a function called comments. Just like we see a few lines up, this is a resolver function. The difference is that here, we're telling GraphQL how to resolve a query for the comments field on the Document type.
This may seem confusing, but consider this: Query is a type defined in our schema and so is Document. On the resolvers object in our schema, then, we're telling GraphQL how to resolve for those types. Query is a type and so is Document. The functions we define within them resolve the fields we've defined on them.
Focusing back on our comments resolver function under Document, we can see that the first argument parent is actually being utilized here. In this context, because comments is being resolved as a field on a document, we expect parent to represent the document being returned.
Because we're querying for documents (plural), for each document returned, this comments resolver function will fire, passing the current document as the parent.
That's it! Now, we have a queryable field added to our schema, complete with a nested field.
This example has been adapted from /startup/server/api.js.
As we mentioned earlier, mutations are the CUD or "create, update, delete" part of GraphQL. While there's technically no limit on what code you can call with a mutation (at their core, mutations are known as RPCs or remote procedure calls which are just a means for invoking code on the server from a client), traditionally they're used for these purposes.
Like we saw above with queries, a similar process is followed for mutations. In order to fully implement a mutation, we need to have 3-4 things: a type of data being returned from the mutation, a field on the root Mutation type, and a resolver function for the mutation. Optionally, if your mutation accepts arguments, you may also need to define an input type.
Again, on the right, we've defined a simplified example of the schema in Pup. This time, we're focusing on the addDocument mutation.
This should look familiar. In fact, mutations are nearly identical in terms of the "parts" involved. The big difference here is the way we've defined our field on our root Mutation: addDocument(title: String, body: String): Document.
Notice that we define a mutation with a set of parentheses after its name which contains a set of arguments. Here, we expect title and body to be passed as String values from the client. Notice, too, that instead of expecting an array of documents to be returned from our resolver, we expect a single document.
This needs some clarification. Even though our intent with a mutation is to mutate or change some data, it's still good practice to return some value back to the client once that mutation is finished. The why of this depends on your product, but primarily, it's helpful for updating the client side cache with the new or changed data resulting from the mutation.
If we look at our resolvers.Mutation resolver function, we can see a similar idea being implemented to our query resolver function. Inside, we write the code—again, whatever we'd like—to resolve our mutation. In this case, our intent is to add a new document, so we call to the Documents.insert() method to create a new document in our MongoDB collection. Notice, too, that we put our .insert() call into a variable and expect back the _id of the new document.
This is important. Remember, we want to return our new document from our mutation, so at the bottom of our resolver function, we retrieve that new document using documentId and then return it from our Mutation's resolver function.
That's it! We've added a mutation to our schema and are ready to add new documents.
Subscriptions are a different beast compared to queries and mutations, but they needn't be confusing. In the simple terms, subscriptions are a way for a client to "subscribe" to some event on the server and when that even occurs, a message is published back to that client.
In GraphQL, a subscription is exactly this: a means for us to communicate something happening in our schema back to clients who've subscribed to that particular "something happening."
In Pup, an example is implemented using subscriptions to tell clients when a new comment is added to a document they're viewing. Because GraphQL is a pull system and not push, by default if a user is viewing a document and a comment is posted, they'd need to refresh to see the new comment. With subscriptions, we can enable the missing push functionality and send new comments to connected clients as they're created.
To illustrate this, we're going to use the same technique as above, but juxtapose a mutation along with a subscription. We want to do this because subscriptions are typically used in relation to data being mutated or changed in the app.
If we start by looking at our addComment mutation's resolver function, if we look close we can spot a call to context.pubsub.publish() immediately after Comments.insert(). This is where our subscriptions start to take shape.
Here, we take in the pubsub connection—provided for you on the context object by Pup and PupQL—and call the .publish() method, passing two things: the name of the event that's occurring and a payload of data to send along with the event. This is the pub or "publish" part of pubsub.
When this is called, we're sending a message over the pubsub connection. Pay close attention to the name we're using here commentAdded. This is the name of the event that we need to tell our subscription to listen for.
To define our subscription, next, down in the resolvers.Subscription block, we add a property commentAdded (this pairs with the name we used in our pubsub.publish() call and assign it a call to a function withFilter() imported from the apollo-server package. The idea here is that when a comment is added, we only want to notify clients who are subscribed to changes for a specific document.
As the first argument to withFilter() we pass a function which returns a call to context.pubsub.asyncIterator() passing the name of the event we want to listen for. Here, the .asyncIterator() part is listening for events being published with the name commentAdded. When it sees an event matching that name, it returns that event's payload from this function (again, the argument passed as the first function to withFilter().
This is where withFilter() actually comes into play. The first function is saying "hey! we saw an event with the name commentAdded" while the second function is saying "easy on the gas, nerd, let's make sure that's something we care about." The second function then takes in the payload which is the data published via the pubsub.publish() call above and compares it to the variables it's received from the client (more on this in the Using Subscriptions docs).
If the documentId on the comment being added matches the documentId passed from the client (i.e., the one the user is currently subscribing to new comments on) then the filter returns true and lets the event pass through to the client.
Boom! Notice that this is super granular. We're not just willy nilly opening up a WebSocket and pushing data all over the place. We're only sending what's asked for. This means that we can take advantage of real-time data without bogging down clients. S-C-O-R-E. | 2019-04-24T05:50:42 | https://cleverbeagle.com/pup/v2/graphql/defining-a-schema |
Jazz and Pizza with Morphology Take some cool jazz from 1950s California, mix it with latin and calypso beats, add some proper rustic Italian Pizza, then host it all in an intimate studio theatre with great sightlines. It’s Jazz and Pizza night at the Red Rose Chain. Perfect for a night out with friends or a fun alternative date night! Tickets £8 (pizza sold separately).
With highly acclaimed albums, a host of top festivals in the UK and overseas, and numerous international tours under her belt, Clare Free is a force to be reckoned with. She plays her uniquely cool brand of bluesy based music solo tonight.
The Blue Dahlia trio performs live at historic St. Peter's!
The Blue Dahlia trio opens for Eyal Lovett Quartet at the Stoke-by-Nayland Resort! Brief Bio: "Chanson from a cabaret on Mars"! An international project, based in NYC and Paris, led by chanteuse/uke player from NYC, Dahlia Dumont. Edgy, smartly lyrically-fueled, jazz-infused tunes in English and French with classic chanson and Caribbean influences, with lyrics in French and in English. A joyous and groovy experience, then warm and nostalgic; an organic sound with an electric energy.
With highly acclaimed albums, a host of top Blues Festivals in the UK and overseas, and numerous international tours under her belt, Clare Free is a force to be reckoned with. She plays her uniquely cool brand of bluesy based music solo tonight.
With highly acclaimed albums, a host of top festivals in the UK and overseas, and numerous international tours under her belt, Clare Free is a force to be reckoned with. She plays her uniquely cool brand of bluesy based modern rock n roll solo tonight.
With highly acclaimed albums, a host of top Blues Festivals in the UK and overseas, and numerous international tours under her belt, Clare Free is a force to be reckoned with. She plays her uniquely cool brand of bluesy based music solo today.
With highly acclaimed albums, a host of top festivals in the UK and overseas, and numerous international tours under her belt, Clare Free is a force to be reckoned with. She plays her uniquely cool brand of bluesy based modern rock n roll solo today.
Back again for another Sunday afternoon of music.
With highly acclaimed albums, a host of top festivals in the UK and overseas, and numerous international tours under her belt, Clare Free is a force to be reckoned with. She plays her uniquely cool brand of bluesy based music solo this afternoon. | 2019-04-23T08:35:21 | https://www.grapevinelive.co.uk/organiser/organised-by-performer/ |
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If you have a New Year's shindig in the works or need a rush delivery for Aunt Gladys, here are some great options that don't just sparkle, they help women excel.
Investor, speaker and writer dedicated to educating women who want to fund women-owned companies and navigate the world of entrepreneurship.
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When I entertain this season, I'm ordering from Wine for the World. The company pairs undiscovered winemakers from developing countries, with Food & Wine Magazine Winemakers of the Year, and the result is a fantastic selection of red and whites.
I've been a fan of Wine for the World since it rocked out its Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign in 2013, exceeding its fundraising goal and appearing on the startup scene in 2014.
"We're at a really exciting time as a company," says founder Mika Bulmash. "We're in the market with outstanding wines, connecting with enthusiastic consumers who love our story, building great partnerships and scouting for new talent as we expand into new markets and grow our team."
And who doesn't like handy gift sets? Wine For the World has 2 and 3 bottle sets ready to go for the holidays. You can also buy in bulk and stock up for your holiday party. With wines running under $25, it's a deal that gets you sophisticated hostess cred.
I like the idea of cooking and I like the idea of giving, but when I try to put them together, its not pretty.
Neighbors give me pitying looks when I present them cookies that are both lopsided and maybe extra crispy. Does anyone really like fruit cake? No. Does anyone want to see me try to bake a fruit cake? Definitely not.
So how about I skip the whole mess and order goodies like pink peppermint marshmallows and holiday macarons from a New Orleans sweet boutique, oui? Oui!
Sucre caught my attention when I discovered they support the young men and women who graduate from Venture for America, a group that trains ridiculously smart college graduates to enter early-stage companies across the country.
Elizabeth Nicholas is a Venture For America fellow and after receiving her training, Sucre offered her the position of Digital Retail Manager. "Everyday I get to see powerful women excel in various roles, from sales and business development to culinary innovation to graphic design and e-commerce."
She says the co-owners, restauranteur Joel Dondis and executive chef Tariq Hanna, are supportive and challenging leaders. "They expect you to continually build and improve upon your initial idea and then waste no time in implementing it."
When the time comes for Elizabeth to start her own company, she will be ready. "What I've most benefited from is the exposure to so many different industries: the restaurant industry, the world of wholesale and national expansion, haute confectionary cuisine, e-commerce, accounting, etc. We even have an in-house sommelier (female, of course!)."
As an investor, I support Venture for America's work and have had the pleasure of connecting with their hard working corps of fellows. I don't mind sending a little love New Orleans way as a thank you for training people like Elizabeth who I will no doubt see in investor boardrooms sooner rather than later.
Maybe you want to be that person who arrives at the door bearing gifts that are kind to the hostesses's waist line. Good thought, but how do you avoid predictability and re-gifting?
It would be so handy if someone could create an algorithm around a product's buzz, sales, user reviews and editor's picks, and then compile it into easy gift guides. Oh wait! That's a thing. It's called Rank & Style, and it was created by three women.
"Lists make everything better," says founder Sarika Doshi, "especially around the holidays."
At least a dozen gift guides can be found on the site, including Deluxe Beauty Delights, For the Preppy Girl and Tech Cases & Accessories.
"We believe it's the thought that counts, not our personal opinions." Doshi explains. "Our gift guides do all the homework for you by objectively ranking the best gifts to give and get in every category, for every personality type. [We] take into account hundreds of inputs from trusted sources."
Rank & Style isn't just making gift giving easy. Want to make algebra glamorous to young girls? Start a company that uses metrics behind pretty things to maximize the value behind the customer's dollar. It's brains and beauty at every level.
Stay safe and warm this season, and in all your party hopping, may the holidays bring you fine wine, tasty treats and sparkly boxes from these fabulous women. | 2019-04-19T14:33:05 | https://www.huffpost.com/entry/last-minute-party-plannin_n_6357304 |
A powerful storm system — including three tornadoes — swept through North Georgia late Monday, sending trees into roads, damaging homes and businesses, knocking out power to thousands and leaving behind a path of incredible devastation in one south Fulton County neighborhood.
More than 174 severe weather reports of large hail, damaging wind and tornadoes came in Monday, according to Channel 2 Action News. The National Weather Service confirmed three tornadoes — one in south Fulton County and two in Haralson County — touched down late Monday evening.
An EF-2 tornado, which has potential winds between 111 and 135 mph, touched down between Fairburn and Campbellton, according to the NWS. The storm damaged 50 homes with winds reaching 120 mph.
In Cobb County, a tree crashed into a home on Glenroy Place. Lightning caused two house fires in Gwinnett County. And in Clayton County, a fire damaged an eight-unit apartment in the 7200 block of Tara Boulevard.
Food, shelter and other essentials were provided for 17 people affected by the apartment fire, American Red Cross of Georgia spokeswoman Sherry Nicholson said.
But the most severe damage was reported in south Fulton, which saw “unbelievable” destruction, according to state Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens.
A tornado tore through the Jumpers Trail neighborhood off Campbellton Fairburn Road in Fairburn, blowing off the side of Thomas Correa’s daughter’s bedroom. Correa’s daughter is a student at Kennesaw State University and was not home at the time.
While there were no reports of injuries, the storm ripped roofs off houses, knocked homes off their foundations and damaged cars.
Hudgens said he was amazed no one was injured. He was on the scene to help residents connect with their insurance agents and the commissioner’s office.
To protect the family, he dragged a mattress into a bathroom, where everyone hid to avoid the storm’s path.
Ashli Andrews said she tracked the weather all day and lined a bathtub with a blanket in preparation for a possible tornado.
After about 11 p.m., Andrews made use of that planning, ushering her 2-year-old daughter, mother and sister inside the bathroom.
The storm shifted her home off its foundation in what sounded like a roar, Andrews said. Parts of the second-floor ceiling caved in and water damage was reported.
In Haralson County, officials received multiple reports of downed trees and power outages as winds intensified about 10 p.m. Monday.
Fire Chief Brian Walker said trees fell on about 25 homes, including five at a trailer park on Riverside Lane.
One home caught fire when a family lit a candle for light. Damage was minor and no one was injured, Walker said.
In another incident, a woman and her father were taken to a local hospital after a tree crashed into their Tallapoosa Street home in Buchanan. Although the daughter has been released from the hospital, the father is still there, Walker said. His injuries are critical.
It was also a close call for “American Idol” hopeful Andrew Weaver, whose home was caught in Monday’s storm. Weaver made it to Hollywood in the March 12 episode, so he was home watching other contestants try their luck.
Once Burns announced that Haralson County was under a tornado warning, Weaver’s family took cover. They were safe, but their neighbors’ home was struck by lightning.
Haralson County and Bremen City district officials canceled school and activities Tuesday.
Earlier, more than 3,000 Georgia Power customers in Fulton and Haralson counties and 13,000 Georgia EMC customers were without power. By 9 p.m., those numbers were down to 10 and zero, respectively.
Traffic lights were out and roads in parts of Atlanta were blocked early Tuesday, including Northside Drive at Peachtree Battle Avenue, Defoors Ferry Road at Bohler Road and Hollowell Parkway at Hollywood Road.
South Fulton Parkway was closed at Winstar Lane as crews worked to clear trees, according to the Georgia Department of Transportation.
Downed trees and power lines also affected MARTA bus routes Tuesday, according to the agency.
— Staff writer Raisa Habersham contributed to this article.
MORE: If your neighbor's tree falls in your yard, who pays for cleanup?
» Download the WSB-TV weather app for weather alerts on-the-go. | 2019-04-23T08:58:54 | https://www.ajc.com/weather/storms-possible-tornado-ravage-metro-atlanta-neighborhoods/MYL13I9QjkyJFZ1ofhBSNO/ |
We make money not art has a stimulating brief overview of the Yokohama Triennale of Contemporary Art (what is it with pretentious names today?) currently going down in, well, Yokohama.
Flat-panel reseller Eizo has just reopened its Tokyo showroom over by Hibiya Station grandly known as Eizo Galleria Tokyo.
Those lovely people at SPOnG have been boasting of their superior fitness again, this time with a view to prodding us in the direction of the local gymnasium.
Folk who really dig their home theater will already be HDMI-ed to their eyeballs, we’re sure, but for those big spenders who want to push that high-def goodness a little further, may we suggest splashing up to $2k on Ophit’s new HDMI booster?
If you’re sick of the fuss about Apple’s newest iPod (and no, we don’t feel that compelling urge to cover them here at DWT), then Korean firm i-BEAD’s latest DAP, the i-BEAD700, may soothe you somewhat.
The much-hyped Touch! Generations range of educational/slightly-more-thoughtful-than-point-and-frag games on the Nintendo DS has apparently had the knock-on effect of encouraging folk to open their wallets for more good stuff.
PSP Updates has been quick off the mark in pointing out that Sony has quietly released the 2.50 firmware update via the handheld’s Network Update function.
Looks like the Koreans just beat everyone else to the punch when it comes to wireless iPod nano headphones c’mon: you know you want ‘em. Asiana IDT has been demonstrating the abilities of its new SH-N10s to our intrepid reporter in Seoul, who confirms that said cans have magical powers, including the ability to control the nano directly.
Quick heads up on a really useful little publication laboring under the clumsy moniker of Akibatica.
Just a quickie to point out that any PSP (non-homebrew) lovers with firmware version 2.0 installed can get themselves some, er, street cred courtesy of Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson and Paramount Pictures’ promo for the new Jim Sheridan movie Get Rich or Die Tryin’.
Where does Sega come from?
Lest it slip your mind, and because it gives us an excuse to run that photo, here’s a brief reminder that Sega’s follow up to Feel the Magic, called Where do Babies Come From? (or Akachan wa doko kara kuru no? in Japanese), hits the shelves of Japan next Thursday to titillate all Nintendo DS owners.
To mark yesterday’s Health and Sports Day public holiday, Takara subsidiary A.G. held the 12th Annual All Japan Paper Airplane Championships, also known as the 2005 Japan Cup.
If ever proof were needed that the world is a crazy, mixed-up place, the fact that Toyota and Hitachi have hopped into bed together may just be it.
Ceramicist yosoh brings us this elegant comment on how many of us tend to spend our mealtimes in front of computers, focusing more on bytes than bites (sorry, but we all know which is more important, right?). | 2019-04-24T17:59:47 | http://www.digitalworldtokyo.com/index.php/P2480/ |
In Finnish, Pikku Joulua means “Little Christmas”. Held the first Thursday in December every year, all are welcome to join the Finland, MN community for this potluck of traditional Finish foods (bring your favorite dish to share), fun, and a few Christmas “traditions”.
Following the candlelit evening meal you may be entertained with live musicians, “Star Boys”, Christmas caroling, live reindeer, and of course Jouler Pukki (our own Finnish Santa) who has even brought his goat “Pukki” and gifts for the children.
In Finland, Europe, the tradition was to visit the cemetery, where they lit illuminaries. To reflect this tradition we have had illuminaries lining our walkway and on the tables.
Everyone is welcome, come join us for a traditional Finish Christmas with social hour from 5:00-6:00pm, dinner 6:00-7:00pm and entertainment from 7:00-8:00pm. Bring the kids and a dish to share. | 2019-04-20T19:06:28 | https://www.northshorevisitor.com/events/2018-12-06/ |
Superior piece woven in macrame with greater proportion of the weave on the front with tubes intertwined within the weave of the armhole contour.
The weave is gathered up in a thick cordon so the strips are not left hanging. It has an anchor type clasp on the back.
OROPENDALO products are handmade by Colombian artisans. In case your product is not in stock the production of your piece will begin once your purchase is done. The production and delivery time varies according to the piece. Production time: 12 days. | 2019-04-25T03:50:52 | https://www.edwardandlizzy.com/products/top-busarda-crop |
Perfect for containing and preventing spillage!
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Please contact us and we will do everything in our power to help.. | 2019-04-25T00:08:17 | https://www.washroomaccessories.com.au/ |
Helping the planet with style, these tees are made from 50% Recycled Plastic Bottles and 50% Organic Cotton. They are very soft and durable. You won't believe these were from Recycled Plastic. | 2019-04-22T22:47:51 | https://www.bigbluedive.com/products/its-and-ocean-thing-t-shirt-mens |
Thank you so much for the reply. I went through your blog and all the questions. Yet I have a few more questions and I think only you can answer them.
1. How did you get your first order for designer merchandise? I am very much interested in starting my own online store business and selling designer merchandise and accessories but I don't know how to start and whom to approach. I make Illustrations but I don't know how to earn a living out of it.
2. How do you collaborate with big brands like Lenovo, Tinder, etc. I have no idea about how to approach well known companies. Do they get in touch with you or you contact them?
3. Do you manufacture the cute illustrated products or do you get them printed? Whom to contact and how to collaborate with manufacturers of products?
4. Where do you store all your products before shipping? What is the process when you get an order? For example, you get an order for a designer bag then is it ready to be shipped before hand or you get your artwork printed on the bag later? Can you please guide on how to approach manufacturers and collaborate with them?
Your inputs will be of great help as I am very much interested in designer merchandise.
Thank you so much for your guidance and help. You are an inspiration.
Thank you soooo much for your mail!
1) I think I was a bit lucky on that front. I had a few people ask for merchandise before I even considered it. But I took a risk, thanks to the help of a friend, of making a few products for a flea market event (the Sunday Soul Sante) and we ended up selling out and having people mail with queries for months after. That was when I realised there was a need; though it was a long time later that I started the online store, stopped and started again!
When it comes to merchandise, I think the thing to realise is that it’s an entire different ballgame. Handling the manufacturing, stocking, logistics and then sales is a full time job (depending on how profitable you want it to be). But getting your products manufactured is as simple as going to the nearest/ biggest print shop around and getting your work printed on the merchandise that’s easily available to be customised. This could include t-shirts, mugs, badges, prints etc. Basically things you can make small quantities without worrying that you’ll be stuck with a whole lot of stock. I would say look at it as a testing project first and then go guns banging after doing the math of the business. It’s a little less risky and grey-hair-starting.
2) I think I’ve been lucky enough to be contacted by every client who I’ve ever worked with. It’s also because I’m rather public with my work (though I rarely actually showcase client work). I would recommend getting a portfolio of your work online first, because when you approach a potential client, you want to show them your capabilities. Then, go ahead and approach them! We live in such a beautiful age wherein most people are just an email away! And that too, an email address that can be scouted with just a bit of research! Mail and mail some more. Showcase your work. Also pitch some ideas! The sky is the limit!
3) Yes, we manufacture each product. We work with manufacturers (sometimes two and even three on a single product). I started off, as I mentioned, at the local print shop. That worked for a while, and then I took a break because running a product business meant that I had to be doing it full time. Which also meant that if I was single-handedly doing the packaging and shipping, I had to be in town almost all the time, which is not possible with my schedule. It wasn’t until I met Saurabh, my current partner, that we started the online store on full swing.
Finding manufacturers is a task in itself, and to be honest, I don’t have a knack for it, nor do I enjoy it. Figuring out cost prices along with follow ups for timelines and MOQs (minimum order quantities) is something that can take more time than I have to offer. So my partner handles that side of the business while I do what I love, i.e., the drawing bit!
Back to my beginnings, I think the local print shop should do just fine initially and if it’s something you want to pursue after the first few lots, then I would suggest getting someone to help with the business side of things, including finding manufacturers (this is sometimes asking current manufacturers and just plain ol’ google searches!).
4) When I started, I only stocked smaller products under my bed in boxes. Also under my housemates bed. It was a mess. Every time there was an order, I’d had to pull them out, pack them and call the courier guy who would send it across. It took a LOT of time in my day even if the number of orders weren’t too many. At this point, we have a little office with a store room for all our products. I still recommend going through the hassle of the home storage before investing in a storage room because the number of orders will dictate if the business is worth growing and investing your time and money. Almost every order is pre-manufactured, which means we have stock of products. But we do have a few products (like our custom stamps) that we manufacture on demand. That’s only something we’ve been able to do with a team and process in place, because it takes longer and also involves working with a manufacturer every time an order comes in. Custom orders tend to be a lot more expensive (depending on the product) because you manufacture single units, which means it’s a lot more effort from the manufacturers side and a lot of time from yours too! So unless it’s a high value product, like say a bag as opposed to a badge, I wouldn’t think it would be worth getting into.
A shirt I mocked when I was in university. I used to draw more skulls back then haha!
Lastly, you should also start mocking your illustrations onto products. I did this from my university days, which was when I knew I would love to see my work on merchandise. Mocking is still something we do because I cannot get everything I envision manufactured, so I mock it instead!
Hope this helps! All the best and don’t be afraid to take a risk!
You have no idea what have you done here. | 2019-04-25T18:36:30 | http://blog.aliciasouza.com/2017/05/ask-alicia-making-stuff.html |
A (physics) teacher education programme is typically focused on the development of requisite dispositions, knowledge, and skills needed for effective teaching. However, even if these are developed, the professional demands on a teacher's time are so great out of, and so complex during class time that if every decision requires multiple considerations and deliberations with oneself, the productive decisions might not materialise. I will argue that the link between intentional decision making and actual teaching practice are teachers' habits. I will provide a theoretical framework for the determinative role that habits of mind, habits of practice, and habits of maintenance can play in physics teacher formation and professional growth. The indispensable context for habits formation is apprenticeship in a community that shares a common vision for effective teaching. To illustrate the framework I have developed together with Eugenia Etkina (Rutgers University) and Stamatis Vokos (California Polytechnic State University), I will provide some concrete examples of the habits of physicists and habits of physics teachers that a pre-service teacher training programme should aim to develop in prospective physics teachers. | 2019-04-24T08:16:40 | http://www.edu.uu.se/kalendarium/kalendariumdetaljsida/?eventId=42784 |
MANCHESTER, N.H. – Junior Ken Morrisino (E. Longmeadow, Mass.) and freshman Shaine Carpenter (Florham Park, N.J.) each collected two hits and combined to drive in five runs, but the Saint Anselm College baseball team closed out its season with a 15-9 loss to third-ranked Franklin Pierce University on Tuesday evening at Sullivan Park.
MANCHESTER, N.H. – Senior Dave Kent (N. Falmouth, Mass.) was dominant on the mound in game one and classmates Mike Hayden (Cranston, R.I.) and Joe Morin (Salem, N.H.) put together great days at the plate as the Saint Anselm College baseball team earned a Senior Day sweep of Bentley University on Saturday afternoon at Sullivan Park. Saint Anselm posted a 7-2 victory in game one and then held on for an 8-7 win in game two.
MANCHESTER, N.H. – Senior Mike Hayden (Cranston, R.I.) tied the game with an RBI double in the third inning, but Bentley University plated a pair in the seventh to beat the Saint Anselm College baseball team, 5-3, Friday afternoon at Sullivan Park.
COLCHESTER, Vt. – What a difference two weeks makes – sort of.
MANCHESTER, N.H. – Senior Mike Hayden (Cranston, R.I.) drove in three runs, but the Saint Anselm College baseball team fell to 20th-ranked Southern New Hampshire University, 10-5, Tuesday evening at Penmen Field.
EASTON, Mass. – Sophomore Joseph Levasseur (Rowley, Mass.) submitted a quality start, but the Saint Anselm College baseball team closed out its three-game weekend set at Stonehill College with a 5-0 loss Sunday afternoon at Lou Gorman Field.
EASTON, Mass. – Senior Tom Hudon (Merrimack, N.H.) did not allow an earned run over 8.0 innings, but was the tough-luck loser on the backend of a doubleheader Saturday as the Saint Anselm College baseball team was swept by Stonehill College at Lou Gorman Field. Stonehill posted a 12-1 victory in game one before eking out a 2-0 win in the second game.
MANCHESTER, N.H. – Junior Ken Morrisino (E. Longmeadow, Mass.) and freshman John Marculitis (Shrewsbury, Mass.) each drove in a run, but the Saint Anselm College baseball team only mustered three hits as Cole Warren tossed five no-hit innings to lead Southern New Hampshire University to a 14-3 victory Thursday evening at Penmen Field.
WORCESTER, Mass. – Sophomore Nick Bragole (Newburyport, Mass.) and freshman John Marculitis (Shrewsbury, Mass.) each knocked in two runs and sophomore Joseph Levasseur (Rowley, Mass.) allowed just two earned runs in 7.2 innings as the Saint Anselm College baseball team posted an 8-5 victory against Assumption College on Wednesday afternoon at Rocheleau Field.
RINDGE, N.H. – Senior Mike Hayden (Cranston, R.I.) went 3-for-5 and knocked in a pair of runs, but it was not nearly enough as the Saint Anselm College baseball team was handed a 17-4 drubbing by third-ranked Franklin Pierce University on Tuesday evening at Pappas Field.
MANCHESTER, N.H. – Senior Dave Kent (N. Falmouth, Mass.) turned in a complete-game quality start in game one and junior Ken Morrisino (E. Longmeadow, Mass.) hit a big three-run homer and made a trio of stellar defensive plays in game two as the Saint Anselm College baseball team swept a pair of cross-divisional games from Adelphi University on Sunday afternoon at Sullivan Park. The Hawks earned a 5-3 win in game one and rallied for a 4-3 victory in the second contest.
MANCHESTER, N.H. – Junior Tom Hudon (Merrimack, N.H.) kept the game tied into the fourth inning and allowed three runs over 5.2 frames, but the Saint Anselm College baseball team was held off by Southern New Hampshire University in a 4-1 defeat Saturday night at Penmen Field.
MANCHESTER, N.H. – The winter that just won’t quit. Mother Nature, which has wreaked havoc on athletic schedules this spring after dumping record snow during the winter, had one final (we hope) trick up her sleeve Wednesday.
MANCHESTER, N.H. – The Saint Anselm College baseball team's game against Saint Michael's College, originally scheduled for Wednesday, April 8 (3:30 p.m.) at home and then moved to Southern New Hampshire University's Penmen Field at 7 p.m., will now return home to Sullivan Park and be played at its original time of 3:30 p.m.
HAVERHILL, Mass. – Junior Ken Morrisino (Longmeadow, Mass.) tied game two in the bottom of the ninth with an RBI single and then scored on a wild pitch to win it, while classmate Tom Hudon (Merrimack, N.H.) allowed just one unearned run over nine innings, as the Saint Anselm College baseball team walked off with a 2-1 victory to earn a Monday matinee split with Merrimack College at Trinity Stadium. Saint Anselm also rallied to tie game one with two runs in the ninth, but fell, 7-3, in 10 innings.
HAVERHILL, Mass. – Sophomore Jon McQuarrie (Salem, N.H.) went 3-for-4 and drove in a run and freshman Shaine Carpenter (Florham Park, N.J.) recorded a pair of RBI, but the Saint Anselm College baseball team dropped Saturday evening’s 8-3 decision against Merrimack College at Trinity Stadium.
NORTHBOROUGH, Mass. – Sophomore Jon McQuarrie (Salem, N.H.) and junior Ken Morrisino (E. Longmeadow, Mass.) each knocked in two runs and junior Tom Hudon (Merrimack, N.H.) recorded his second straight victory in game one as the Saint Anselm College baseball team halved a Thursday doubleheader with Assumption College at the New England Baseball Complex. Saint Anselm took the first game, 10-4, before falling in game two, 12-4.
RINDGE, N.H. – Freshman Max Wadington (Burlington, Conn.) and senior Mike Hayden (Cranston, R.I.) each drove in a run, but the Saint Anselm College baseball team dropped an 8-2 decision to fifth-ranked Franklin Pierce University on Tuesday afternoon at Pappas Field.
DANBURY, Conn. – Junior Tom Hudon (Merrimack, N.H.) of the Saint Anselm College baseball team was named the Eastern College Athletic Conference (ECAC) Pitcher of the Week for the period ending March 29, the conference office announced Tuesday evening.
MANSFIELD, Mass. – Junior Tom Hudon (Merrimack, N.H.) of the Saint Anselm College baseball team was named the Northeast-10 Pitcher of the Week for the period ending March 29, the league office announced Monday.
RINDGE, N.H. – Junior Tom Hudon (Merrimack, N.H.) came out on the better end of a fantastic pitcher’s duel Wednesday night as he hurled a complete-game shutout and struck out a career-high 12 batters to lead the Saint Anselm College baseball team to a 1-0 victory against Saint Michael’s College at Franklin Pierce University’s Pappas Field.
MANCHESTER, N.H. – The Saint Anselm College baseball team’s contest against Saint Michael’s College, originally scheduled to be played at home Wednesday, March 25 (3:30 p.m.) and then moved to Franklin Pierce University’s Pappas Field on Monday, March 23 (3 p.m.) before being postponed, has a “new” make-up date.
HAVERHILL, Mass. – Junior Ken Morrisino (E. Longmeadow, Mass.) came through with a two-out, two-run single to left to finish off a three-run ninth that powered the Saint Anselm College baseball team to a 5-4 come-from-behind victory against American International College on a frigid Sunday afternoon at Trinity Stadium. | 2019-04-19T11:28:03 | https://www.saintanselmhawks.com/sports/bsb/2014-15/news |
The Lincoln perpetual plaque features a 12 plate design and headplate. The plaque itself measures 9" x 12" with individual plates that measure 7/8" x 2 3/4". All plates are laser engravable. | 2019-04-19T03:08:22 | https://www.artisticawards.com/perpetualplaques/lincoln |
Ward, Michael, "Advantages and Limitations of Different Resolution Force Fields to Study Membrane Active Peptides" (2017). Master's Theses. 1107. | 2019-04-21T14:23:14 | https://opencommons.uconn.edu/gs_theses/1107/ |
Had the previous version of this case (different looking camera hole, pull tab didn't snap back automatically) for over a year and I was IN LOVE. I never changed my case ever. After a while I decided it was time to get a new one since it had gotten pretty dirty over the year. So I got the new version of it and after a few months (got it Mid December) I'm a bit disappointed. First off, the rim of the case seems to be completely impossible to clean and my case looks like it could be a year old already! (See photos) Another thing is that whenever I take the case off, I notice new markings in the back of my phone - as if tiny rocks wedged themselves between the case and phone. BUT. there's no trace of anything in the case except for a few flat markings that look like pencil marks (see photo). I have no clue what it could be but it's really annoying since the marks are really visible on the phone (see photos). Anyways. Overall the case does its job, holds 3 cards, can squeeze 4 depending on the thickness of the cards.
I dropped my phone from 4 feet off the ground it landed on the back flat on the ground and the front screen shattered really bad. The case will protect the phone really well if it lands on the edges!!! Review by Linh D. | 2019-04-23T02:54:48 | http://waynesmithcampaign.com/kqlpbqm_222057.html |
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Best Quality Blogs That Accept Guest Posts.
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You might also like this "Tips and tricks to improve Alexa rank of blog".
I'm making list of blogs on the basis of their categories which accepts guest posts on a perticular niche or topic like blogging, seo, designing etc and also giving a direct like of that blog submit guest post page.
Shoutmeloud.com , Submit guest post now directly.
Now you have got a list of high quality blogs that accept guest posts.
We also accept guest posts! | 2019-04-19T03:16:49 | http://www.letstrick.com/2016/03/quality-blogs-accept-guest-post.html |
Excel VBA 24-Hour Trainer, 2nd Edition is the quick-start guide to getting more out of Excel, using Visual Basic for Applications. This unique book/video package has been updated with fifteen new advanced video lessons, providing a total of eleven hours of video training and 45 total lessons to teach you the basics and beyond. This self-paced tutorial explains Excel VBA from the ground up, demonstrating with each advancing lesson how you can increase your productivity. Clear, concise, step-by-step instructions are combined with illustrations, code examples, and downloadable workbooks to give you a practical, in-depth learning experience and results that apply to real-world scenarios.
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If you're ready to get more out of this incredibly functional program, Excel VBA 24-Hour Trainer, 2nd Edition provides the expert instruction and fast, hands-on learning you need. | 2019-04-24T18:05:57 | http://www.wrox.com/WileyCDA/WroxTitle/Excel-VBA-24-Hour-Trainer-2nd-Edition.productCd-1118991400.html |
The public shows “considerable lack of knowledge” about the risk associated with different types of tobacco products, researchers say. What people can benefit from is knowing the varying levels of risk associated with different tobacco products, according to public health researchers, who found that a large number of people aren’t aware of the differences.
A researcher is working to make everyday objects easier to maintain so they last longer and don’t end up in a landfill. His first such creation is an easy-to-clean hairbrush.
Physicists have used an X-ray free-electron laser — one of two in the world — to induce two X-ray photons to simultaneously collide with an atom, converting them into a single, higher-energy photon.
Research into 430,000-year-old fossils collected in northern Spain found that the evolution of the human body’s size and shape has gone through four main stages.
Men with relatively unaggressive prostate tumors and whose disease is carefully monitored by urologists are unlikely to develop metastatic prostate cancer or die of their cancers, according to results of a study that analyzed survival statistics up to 15 years.
Researchers from CSIRO and Imperial College London have assessed how widespread the threat of plastic is for the world’s seabirds, including albatrosses, shearwaters and penguins, and found the majority of seabird species have plastic in their gut. | 2019-04-20T20:51:20 | http://beerreviewed.com/2015/08/ |
Note: If you’re one of the 2 remaining human beings who don’t know that Spock died at the end of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, I make no apologies for revealing the ending, as you shouldn’t be watching the sequel first anyway.
Picking up where part II left off, the crew of the Starship Enterprise has left the body of Spock on the regenerative planet Genesis, and returned home in their battle-scarred ship. On Earth, Spock’s father informs Admiral Kirk (William Shatner) that as a Vulcan, Spock transferred his soul into the mind of a crew-member prior to putting himself into the situation that could kill him. They soon find Spock put his soul inside the ship’s Dr. McCoy (Deforest Kelley).
Kirk, McCoy, and the rest of the command crew defy orders and hijack the Enterprise in a bid to retrive Spock’s body and transfer his soul back into it.
Christopher Lloyd managed a level of sadistic villainy equal to that of Khan, if not necessarily as intellectual. There is a good deal of pathos in the story of Spock’s resurrection, which addresses themes on the nature of mortality, and whether the life of one man is worth risking the lives of others.
By themselves, either of the film’s chief stories might have made for an interesting episode of the series. However, there is a drastic contrast between the Klingon subplot and the story of saving Spock. While it is admirable that they tried to merge the commercial and artier aspects of the series, the two just didn’t fit very well together. What is ultimately left over is a series of passionless space battles and a two hour long bromance.
There is a distinctly dark feel to Star Trek III. This hateful tone is a direct contrast with the rest of the Trek series, which has always aspired to be hopeful. The film seems like it was supposed to end on a positive note, but they make it clear that the efforts of Kirk and the crew to bring Spock back resulted in the deaths of multiple people, and the destruction of the Enterprise ship itself. Indeed, the depressing mood this creates feels like it crippled the momentum of the series, and it would take a sequel merging into near parody to compensate.
A movie stuck between wanting to tell a new story, and tie up the loose ends of the prior film.
Take a Drink: for each stage of life soulless Spock goes through before they get him off the Genesis Planet.
That pic you posted with the caption “Hello computer” is from Star Trek IV. | 2019-04-22T06:27:15 | https://movieboozer.com/movie/star-trek-iii-search-spock-1984 |
A Beautiful Vintage County map of Derbyshire. A reproduction of the hand drawn map by the 17th Century cartographer John Speed. Set within a decorative border and surrounded by intricate illustrations including a plan of Derby. | 2019-04-26T14:51:55 | https://www.lovemapson.com/collections/map-canvas-prints/products/map-canvas-vintage-county-map-derbyshire |
With spirituality placed at the centre of the person, the Canadian Model of Occupational Performance has been a source of debate on the definition of spirituality and the centrality of the concept (CAOT, 2002). This research used a qualitative research approach, the grounded theory method of Glaser and Strauss (1967) and Strauss (1987), to explore the process by which meaning is given to occupation by community-dwelling older individuals with loss of physical autonomy. The concept of spirituality from their perspective was also explored. Eight study participants, selected for their level of loss of autonomy as well as the absence of cognitive deficits, were recruited from the three publicly-funded community support service providers in the Eastern Townships of Quebec. Data, in the form of verbatim, were gathered using in-depth, one-on-one, semi-directed interviews. This study also proposes a definition of spirituality that reflects belief in a higher power and the close cultural link between spirituality and religion, as seen from the perspective of community-dwelling older adults with loss of autonomy."--Résumé abrégé par UMI. | 2019-04-25T00:00:56 | https://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/2346 |
When you talk about justice you should talk about Haiti first starting with Jean Claude Duvalier instead of going faraway places such as Egypt, Tunisia, Liberia but with my superior intelligence i decode your thought processes I think that you mean Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Sierra Leone who are far away from the Haitian realities.
I know you have Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity because Micky Candy Baby's cracks burned the cells of your brains but I have the necessary skills to keep you in focus.
Jean Claude Duvalier has severe learning disabilities according to his teachers at St Louis de Gonzague, College Bird, and his Classmates, associates, friends and his informal teachers.
Jean Claude passion was fast cars, women and music.
He tried to learn music without success because of his learning disabilities.
While he was at the national palace, he purchased several expensive cars at the tax payer expense.
He used to close the schools whenever it was the anniversary of his Jaguar, Cadillac, Mercedes Benz, Bentley, Ferrari and his red Corvair.
When he left Haiti, he carried over 800,000,000 cash in his suit case plus one billion he spread among his friend in Haiti to manage for him. One of his associate, Luckner Cambrone boasted that he is rich for the next 10 generations because he used to sell Haitian blood and cadavers to American medical schools-and selling Haitians as slaves to the Dominican Republic refers to Haiti Observateur for more zin. Little is known on how much monies his sisters stole from the Haitian treasure and how much they generously gave to the military men there while they were sampling or trying their koks. We know Michelle Bennet was doing the same thing and sometime they had the same men-refers to Haiti Observateur.
So if you want to start justice start with the Duvalier regime and his 38,000 miliciens that committed atrocities that was never seen in the entire Caribbean region.
When you finish to judge the macoutes start with the corps of leopards.
I am sure you will not contemplate doing such action because your family members used to committed atrocities in the above organizations you will rather play the game of reconciliation when he come to the Duvalier.
The Duvalier atrocities has been resonated and recorded throughout the world.
I am asking all the people that live in Haiti and around the world to submit their stories to commandante 12 at yahoo.
in Aristide and Preval committed no known crimes.
Please leave Aristide and Preval alone or we will get you for the crimes you committed during the Duvalier era. | 2019-04-22T22:58:28 | http://www.prevalhaiti.com/messages/28289 |
Carrie Sheffield is National Editor for Accuracy in Media.
3/26/2019 - Smollett Walks Free – Will Media Ask the Real Questions Now?
12/3/2018 - NPR Story Forced to Issue Correction After Publishing False Information on Trump Jr.
7/25/2018 - Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Destroyed Again — Will Media Hold the Culprit Accountable? | 2019-04-22T10:44:26 | https://www.aim.org/carrie-sheffield/ |
New South Wales special commissioner Peter Garling has prescribed a "one-off injection" to remedy a system bogged down by, among other things, paper and technical inadequacies.
New South Wales special commissioner Peter Garling has prescribed an aggressive A$704 million (US$461 million) investment strategy to cure NSW Health's sick information technology systems, in a landmark review published late yesterday.
"What currently exists is a largely paper-based system with significant variation from clinician to clinician, ward to ward and hospital to hospital," Garling said in his comprehensive three-volume report on NSW's health system released yesterday.
"Whilst much of the work undertaken in NSW public hospitals is "high tech", its record-keeping system is a relic of the pre-computer age," he said. NSW Health's IT operations are in general led by departmental chief information officer Mike Rillstone, although each area's health service also has its own CIO.
The commissioner has recommended a "one-off injection" of A$704 million (US$461 million) to remedy a system that had been bogged down not just by paper, inconsistent documentation and illegible handwriting, but also substandard hardware, incompatible software and inadequate broadband connectivity.
"In my view, insufficient funds are allocated to information technology to get it up to the standard needed in an acceptable time frame," Garling said.
"Far more aggressive targets are necessary and must be set than those currently in place," he said.
The proposed four-year investment strategy, on top of the A$315.5 million (US$206 million) already planned, which he hopes will be rolled out by 2016, includes amongst other things an additional A$144 million (US$94 million) for a statewide rollout of an e-health record system; A$155 million (US$101 million) to boost network connectivity; A$85 million (US$55 million) on an automated rostering system; and A$112 million (US$73 million) on a medication management system.
Garling highlighted the cost of poor technology to patients' health. Following the analysis of one patient's brain injury, it was found that staff failed to monitor the patient's sodium levels. Garling said this was likely avoidable if the hospital had consistent documentation practices.
"The entry of the sodium results in the notes was not immediately obvious," Garling noted.
Dr McGlynn, who was interviewed by Garling for the inquiry, had said that the most commonly reported incidents at his hospital were prescription mistakes, because staff often failed to relate the patient's weight and age to the dosage.
NSW Health's configuration of the CERNER electronic medical record system, currently being implemented, also came under fire. NSW Health said it could not afford to include a "to do" list within the system and said that automated warnings to flag a patient's changed status during treatment wasn't necessary.
"In my view, medical alerts can play an important role in ensuring that optimal patient care is delivered," Garling said, however added that they should not be overused.
The National E-Health Transition Authority's (NEHTA) submission to the inquiry for clinicians highlighted that paper-based clinical reporting systems were not suited to current acute health care procedures, which often required a patient to move between several specialist facilities for treatment. NEHTA is the nation's peak e-health body.
Echoing a view by some clinicians, Garling brushed aside privacy concerns associated with implementing a state-wide electronic record system and has recommended one that can be "readily accessed by all health professionals". He noted that banks had overcome privacy obstacles similar to those faced in health care.
"Many privacy concerns are raised in the health sector which prove, on closer examination, to be based on unnecessary fears. Unwarranted privacy concerns may become an obstacle to much-needed reform," he said. | 2019-04-18T14:45:27 | https://www.zdnet.com/article/nsw-health-it-gets-us460m-injection/ |
How does winning the lottery change your life?
The best part of winning a lottery jackpot is being able to take care of loved ones.
That’s according to two lucky West Yorkshire couples who scooped a combined £7.9m.
The Huddersfield Examiner grilled them years after their big money wins and asked how it had changed their lives.
Graham and Amanda Nield and Michael and Susan Crossland all agreed the extra cash made their marriages better and brought their families closer together.
Unlike some big winners, they didn’t turn to lives of self-seeking luxury, private jets and flash cars. Although both cheeky couples admit they still do the lottery in the hope lightning will strike twice in the same place!
The Neilds bagged £6,676,215 on the National Lottery four years ago.
Lottery winners, Graham and Amanda Nield.
The Wakefield couple, who worked together in a textiles factory, had been together for 10 years, but had never gotten married. Five minutes after winning, Graham popped the question to Amanda and a month later, they tied the knot.
Insisting they aren’t materialistic, they said Amanda didn’t even get an engagement ring, although she did get several new rings in the following years.
They bought themselves a purpose-built bunglow with living quarters for Amanda’s parents, as well as a house and a car for each of their five children.
Amanda said: “[My dad] had Alzheimer’s for 11 years. I kept him at home and looked after him, kept his dignity and he died peacefully and that’s what I wanted.
And the Crosslands bagged £1,218,618 nearly 10 years ago.
The Mirfield couple bought a house for £170,000 for Susan’s three siblings, all of whom have profound learning difficulties, and her mum.
But sadly, her mum died six months after moving in and her dad had already passed away too. So they sold it and bought a five-storey, seven-bedroom purpose-built house and moved Susan’s brother and two sisters in with them instead.
Lottery winners, Michael and Susan Crossland.
Now, the couple are able to care for them full-time without the help of carers.
The National Lottery changes the lives of winners like the Nields and Crosslands, as well as communities across the UK. On average, players raise over £30m for National Lottery-funded projects every week.
In Kirklees, National Lottery funding has helped support over 1,000 projects totalling more than £76m.
How much did you win and when?
Graham: £6.6m on 17 August 2013.
Lotto winners Graham Nield and Amanda Vickers.
What were your numbers and did they have any significance?
Graham: Can’t remember the numbers off the top of my head and no, they were just random numbers that I picked.
Amanda: Run around room with me nightie over my head.
Graham: The first thing I bought was a new car - a Nissan.
What is the most expensive thing you’ve bought?
Amanda: Our house. We couldn’t tell you [how much it cost]. We had it built right from scratch.
Graham: We didn’t add it up as such. We were in a position where you didn’t even bother, you just had it built sort of thing.
Lottery winners, Graham and Amanda Nield (left) with fellow winners, Susan and Michael Crossland.
Amanda: We’re simple people. We still live the simple way. We don’t go out buying extravagant [things].
Graham: I’m still known as the tight one.
Amanda: If I pick up a dear loaf of bread in the supermarket, I get told to put it back and get a cheaper one. He’s always been the same, I wouldn’t change him.
How long was it before you gave up work?
Amanda: I gave a months’ notice and he gave three months’ notice.
How many requests for money have you had?
Graham: Nobody’s really come out and asked for it. We’ve given to people and things and charities. Nobody’s bothered us like that.
Amanda: I donate to a charity every month. There’s a few - sometimes a few a month or I give one big donation.
How much have you given away?
Amanda: We’ve got 5 children between us and we bought them a house and a car each.
Graham: For the better. Financially-wise, you don’t have to worry. You don’t have to get up and go to work.
Amanda: The big impact it had on my life is I was able to care for my dad 24 hours a day. He had Alzheimer’s, I lost him last year.
He had Alzheimer’s for 11 years. It was nice to be able to keep him at home, kept him at home and looked after him, kept his dignity and he died peacefully and that’s what I wanted.
As he got worse, I ended up hiring a carer. I wouldn’t have been able to afford that or pack my job in.
That’s the big impact and I will always be grateful to the lottery for that.
Graham: More time together, do things that you wanna do when you wanna do, you’re not restricted.
Has it made your marriage better?
Amanda: We won in August and got married in September. We had been together 10 years that week he asked me.
Lotto winners, Graham Nield & Amanda Vickers on their wedding day. Saturday 28th Sept 2013. ©Victor de Jesus.
Apparently, he had been planning on asking me [to marry him] for a while and he didn’t have the guts to ask me. It just came out when we found out we won and I was all giddy. He just came straight out with it and asked me about 5 minutes [after we won].
We just had a simple registration office and then a just party at night. We didn’t want a big thing.
Do you still do the lottery?
Graham: Most definitely - every week without fail.
Amanda: Both of us - I do it online and he goes and buys his tickets.
Susan: The numbers were 6, 9, 13, 18, 29 and 30 and they were all birthdays.
Susan: We didn’t actually check it until the morning after because he had done a long shift and work and he was fast asleep.
We checked it the morning after when we used to have Ceefax on TV. It was half past 6 in the morning and we checked it like we always checked it. He used to say ‘I’ll call the numbers out and you count on your fingers’.
When he said every number, I was like, ‘no, don’t be stupid’. He said ‘honestly’ and he gave me the ticket and then I checked them, threw it up in the air, ran outside in my pyjamas at half 6 in the morning, screamed in the middle of the road and ran back in the house.
Mirfield Lottery winners Susan and Michael Crossland join hunt for mystery winner - Kingsgate Centre, Huddersfield.
Susan: Bought my mum a house for £170k. She was 68. It was quite sad because she died six months after she moved in.
There’s a bit of a story that goes into it. My brother and sisters have all got learning difficulties - my sister’s got brain damage. So we bought them the house so that they could all be together and my mum died six months later. So now they all live with us.
The numbers that we had that won the lottery were my dad’s old numbers. When he died, we did them and on the anniversary of my dad’s death, we won the lottery on his numbers.
A bit heaven sent really. It still gives me goosebumps.
We part-exchnaged that [house]. We had a big seven bedroom house built so my brother and sisters could live with us.
Susan: The house that we’re in now. The builder had just started building it and we dropped on it really. We said if you build it how we need it inside because my sister’s in a wheelchair we’ll buy it so that’s what we did.
Michael: It was about 2 years after I finished milking cows. I don’t drive so Susan used to take me to work at 2am and she got a bit fed up of that. So I actually went to go work at another farm which had better hours three days a week. I more or less packed it in about a year ago.
Susan: We gave our kids a bit of money each, we’ve bought things for them, taken them on holidays, taken our family on holidays. We do a lot of fundraising for different stuff, we did a lot more at the beginning but we still do do stuff.
Susan: We haven’t got a mortgage. Knowing that the house we’ve got is ours and that all our family is together in one house, that’s the nicest thing for us. But it hasn’t changed us as people.
Both: We’re still the same.
Susan: We’re still the same in happiness, the more happiness it’s brought us is not having to worry about bills and paying the mortage. And we’ve got a lot more time together - although I don’t know whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing. We’re as happy as we ever were before but we’re more happy because we don’t have the worry either. Once you take the worry away, obviously it’s bound to make you more happy.
Michael: No - she still annoys me, she’s still the boss.
Susan and Michael Crossland who won the National Lottery in 2008 have helped organiser Christmas lunch for volunteers.
Susan: We’re just the same as we were before, but obviously Michael doesn’t have to go out to work now so we spend more of the day together. We’re like best friends. We’ve always been big kids and best friends but we see more of each other so we do more things together which is nicer.
Michael: The worst thing is - like you said - because you spend a lot of time together, obviously when I went to work, you’d come home and you always had a tale to tell each other. I think it’s that that you miss out on sometimes.
Susan: Yeah. Still do the birthdays, same numbers.
And now we’ve won the lottery and we’ve got a bit more money, we do the EuroMillions as well - stretched it a bit further.
Plus, it’s nice to know that yeah, you do the lottery for yourself to win money, but it’s nice to know that the money that you put on the lottery also goes to good causes as well. | 2019-04-23T16:08:07 | https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/how-winning-lottery-change-your-13844322 |
> the external module is infrequently updated.
best and which one we can built out-of-tree.
> * rt2500 - had hardware for this, but it's bust now.
now, but I will maybe use it as a server soon.
> * rt2x00-* - will be in 2.6.22 from wireless-git?
out of date afaik, but the author suggested to me to use it anyway.
Maybe we can pull the code directly from the -git tree.
actively use the first one right now. | 2019-04-23T02:24:58 | https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-dev-public/2007-June/000650.html |
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My late teacher Tiantong [Master Rujing] said, “Breath enters and reaches the tanden, and yet there is no place from which it comes. (息入り来たりて、丹田に至る。雖然、従り来る処無し) Therefore it is neither long nor short. Breath emerges from the tanden, and yet there is nowhere it goes. Therefore it is neither short nor long.” (所以に、長からず、短かからず。息、丹田を出で去く。雖然、去き得る処無し。所以に、短かからず、長からず。) My late teacher said it like that. Suppose someone were to ask Eihei, “Master, how do you regulate your breath?” I would simply say to him: Although it is not the great vehicle, it differs from the lesser vehicle. Although it is not the lesser vehicle, it differs from the great vehicle. Suppose that person inquired again, “Ultimately, what is it?” I would say to him: Exhale and inhale are neither long nor short.
the eaves" without seeking enlightenment, without trying to to get rid of illusions, without aversion to the rising of thoughts, and yet without fondly continuing thoughts. If you do not continue thoughts, thoughts cannot arise by themselves. Like an empty space, like a mass of fire, letting your breathing flow naturally out and in, sit decisively without getting involved in anything at all.
At various times in the history of Soto Zen in later centuries, some have sort to introduce artifical practices to manipulate the breath in various way, probably due to the influence of various esoteric (Tendai/Shingon) Buddhist practices, Rinzai/Obaku Zen contacts or Daoist/Nativist beliefs, and Chinese traditional medicine concepts which were introduced into Japanese Soto in later centuries, an age when the Teachings of the early founders in Japan were neglected if not forgotten. Such special techniques of the age of “Kirigami” (secret esoteric practices introduced into late medieval Soto from such outside influences) represent the infiltration of “gaining mind” into Shikantaza Zazen Practice, turning it into a form of meditation aimed at realizing special states and mystical sensations and interpretations. These ideas carried over into later centuries as well, even into the modern day, resulting in even some modern teachers who confuse these later infiltrations of ideas and practices with original Soto Practice. One example is the rather eccentric, yet brilliant, 19th Century Soto Zen priest Hara Tanzan, who was also a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine, and an advocate of a rather unusual theory of bodily systems (“He claimed both bodily illness and mental suffering were the product of a kind of mucus called Dana which he thought was running up from the hipbone through the spinal column up to the brain. According to his theory, if this flow of mucus were to be shut up by the power of Zen, brain would be cleared away and complete health would be gained.” https://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110007154619) It is true that he recommended various special breathing practices as part of his quaint theory of “Dana” mucus.
These days, sometimes modern students come seeking advise on breathing in Shikantaza and the Soto tradition, and are denied all the history. Unfortunately, sometimes the advice given them is based on limited information which confuses various esoteric, Rinzai Zen, Chinese medicine and other mystical “Kirigami” interpretations with traditional Soto ways as advocated by Dogen and the early founders. (At the other extreme, they are often presented nothing more than following or counting the breath to become centered or as a relaxation technique, not true Shikantaza). That is a shame, and anyone who fails to present the complete picture, and wider information to the student, may be merely introducing their own narrow biases favoring their own teachers and traditions, and guilty of intentional manipulation themselves. It denies the student the right to all relevant information.
Last edited by jundocohen on Tue Apr 03, 2018 5:39 am, edited 11 times in total.
I agree and think that is should be stressed more often, that Silent Illumination and Shikantaza are the fruit or the realization of the practice, i.e. the actual awakening or insight into our true nature, and not a method of practice.
Jundo wrote: (I would simply add one final note: In this Shikantaza Practice, we sit radically with "what is," dropping all resistance to how we would change and manipulate life to be "as we think it should be." By doing so, we realize the peace of the dropping of all division and friction with life conditions, thus the dropping of desire, anger, divided thinking in ignorance. Thus, in those cases where the body does not allow ... for example, for someone with pulmonary issues such as asthma or lung cancer ... one then sits Zazen just breathing as one can breathe, all "should be's" dropped. Then, even one's huffing and wheezing from high up in the chest, if that is all one can muster, is beyond deep or shallow, good or bad, and from the heart of the universe's own breath).
Thanks Jundo, yes too much manipulation on the breath or posture and all "should be's" etc can result in seperating life from practise.
... I am sorry Jundo, but your posts have all the hallmarks of someone describing a state, not a method (IMO).
I apologize. This is just due to my poor abilities to explain. Let me try again.
In Shikantaza, on just sits, putting aside all judgments such as good vs. bad (besides trust in the goodness of sitting), and thoughts of some other place in need of going or act to do (besides sitting), or concerns about before and after (this moment which is just this time of sitting is the only time of concern). One just sits in which the sitting itself is all good, and there is not one other place in need of going, not one other act in need of doing in the whole universe besides the sacred act of sitting. One puts aside judgments of fullness or lack, past and future, and simply trusts as an act of faith in one's heart that sitting itself is the fullness which never lacks, and has no before or after to the time of sitting. There is not goal apart from sitting, there is no prize or place to go beside here and now. There is nothing to achieve, because simply sitting is the one thing to achieve that is needed in the whole world just then. There is only sitting.
As one sits with such trust and conviction, let thoughts come and go ... of good and bad, things to do or places to see ... but simply do not grab on. Let them come but seek not to be tangled in them. Have a mind like the mirror, in which things appear and nothing is judged or rejected, nor particularly thought about. The mirror contains whatever appears before it. A clarity will manifest. Clarity will manifest, but it is neither something we seek or long for. Let all things be just as they are ... sickness and health, youth and old age, birth and death ... as just things which appear and disappear in the mirror. All is just "as it is," nothing to reject, run toward or away. This is the wonder of Just Sitting that Ejo and Keizan describe.
Why do we do this? Because we human beings do not know how to be fulfilled fully in just the doing of one thing, thus the source of Dukkha as we run around chasing this and that, filled with feelings of lack and things left undone.
Assume a balanced and stable posture as best one can, then forget about it. (If the body's physical condition is not cooperating, assume the most comfortable position on can ... and just accept one's discomfort as best one can, as just one more thing appearing in the equanimity of the mirror).
As to breathing, let breathing just be breathing in the manner Okumura Roshi describes in my post above.
Yes, this is a "method." But, because it is a method without a goal (besides the goal of sitting, which is a goal totally fulfilled just by sitting which is the one thing to do in the whole universe in that time of sitting) and there is no place to go and nothing lacking, we call it the ""method of no method" or a "non-method method."
I hope that is a bit easier to understand. Those are very specific steps and practices to realize just this, just sitting as the one thing which needs to be done in the time of sitting. Is something still unclear?
As to counting or following breaths, I also have very new people follow the breath until they develop some modicum of ability to not be tangled in thoughts, and to let the mind settle and judgments drop away. I also say that anyone can have days of disturbance and distraction when they may need to follow the breath for awhile to settle down a bit. However, as soon as one has, I encourage them to try to transition to "open spacious awareness." I just find that open awareness makes it easier to take this off the cushion, bringing the equanimity and "no place to go, nothing to do" off the cushion into this busy life of places to go and problems to solve and things to do.
Following the breath and being pleased when one attains feelings of peace, concentration and calm is nice, but is not really Shikantaza. Why? Because one seems to have a goal, and to be pleased, by attaining peace, concentration and calm. It may be a little hard to fathom, but the true Big P Peace of Shikantaza transcends small human peace or disturbance, concentration or distraction, calm or chaos. Those are just passing thoughts and emotions themselves, more objects in the mirror. In fact, we are the mirror, whole and at Peace, which encounters within peace or disturbance, concentration or distraction, calm or chaos with equanimity. We do not try to attain the goal of peace, concentration and calm, nor flee from disturbance, distraction and chaos. As strange as it sounds, such total acceptance and equanimity leads to Big P Peace. This is what separates Shikantaza from most ordinary types of meditation which seek to induce peace and be rid of disturbance, concentration without distraction, and feelings of calm instead of worry etc. The real Freedom comes in being the mirror, not running toward or away from any of that. If one uses the breath to bring about such peace, concentration and calm, one is not really breathing in a goalless way.
If you have pain as you describe, and you need to focus on the breath to deal with the pain ... just do that. That is also just what is. Bring the mirror mind to the pain as much as you can, but also accept one's gripes and complaints about the pain as well (because, when seen correctly, the gripes and complaints themselves are also just two more things in the mirror not to reject).
I hope that is a bit easier to understand now. I am sorry for being a poor explainer of the "method-non-method" which is Shikantaza. If there is something unclear above, just ask and I will do my best to do better.
Those are very specific steps and practices to realize just this, just sitting as the one thing which needs to be done in the time of sitting.
It is interesting after our recent discussions in the Forum of Shikantaza as without stages and aims.
You draw no nearer, progress no farther.
Is mountains and rivers away.
So, in our Practice, we walk forward and walk forward in daily life, avoiding the traps of excess desire, anger and divided thinking in ignorance ... all while knowing that there is just here with nothing lacking and no other place one can ever go. The Zafu is the unmoving staircase of the stepless step. You cannot step off this step, nor go up or down, even as we get up to walk through this life of many ups and downs. Thus we speak of the "method of no method."
To practice with an aim or destination in mind is a fruitless pursuit.
seek to not eat 4 a month.
d delirium ull experience will make u reconsider.
seek to not breath 4 10 minutes.
from between our mothers legs.
who is the teacher that told u so..
Actually, to practice with koans is also a "goallessness" and "non-attaining" practice. To practice with an aim or destination in mind is a fruitless pursuit.
Perhaps for you, and as your way of Koan Practice. That is lovely.
However, would you tell me how expressions such as "whether we go by the ladder or in one jump, everything depends on one's determination to reach the top. Unfortunately, the human will is so weak that unless it is forced to make desperate efforts it is often too lazy to use all its strength and courage to reach the peak" represent a "goalless" and "non-attaining" practice.? Thank you for helping me understand.
In any case, the topic here is breath and Zazen in the Soto way. What Mr. Sekida describes, no matter its value as a method, is not that.
Last edited by jundocohen on Fri Apr 06, 2018 3:19 pm, edited 6 times in total.
ok, got your non seeking message.
However, just a reminder that this section of the forum is the Soto section and the topic here is specifically breathing and zazen in Soto. No imperialism here!
Being that this is a Soto thread, I will trouble you no more, except to suggest that there is no difference, other than sectarian, between the two practices. Whether koans or shikantaza, just practice and see what happens.
I must say, I am an inveterate subscriber to the Keith-ian view and reality, there. (gee, now where is that old emoticon of a person prostrating, such as we used to have on the board at ZFI? Dang... ).
Of course, lineages and their traditions are to be respected and encouraged, because they are the (only) vessels of skilful-means, and the avenues of Salvation, carrying true Wisdom and true Compassion and Dharma into the Present, and into the Future. Without them, there is only "mush" ("moosh"). Just look at "New-Age" stuff: "mush", I call it. And still-born.
Oh, but thanks for being here too, Jundo!
Last edited by desert_woodworker on Fri Apr 06, 2018 7:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Yeah, a snip from Kodera's (1980) book (the book based on his PhD dissertation at my Alma Mater) about Zen Master Dogen's formative years in China.
p.s. Hmm-m. "Age of Uncertainty"... . A bit like ours, now? Thus, are Rinzai methods soon to be preferred by the masses over Soto method(s)?, for "good reason"?
I've been enjoying a copy of the Schlutter as well for a few months.
The Kodera is a fine book, and I can recommend it.
This thread seems to have come to its natural end. We are well off topic, breathing in zazen in Soto, into new territory. Unless someone has something to add on point, shall we start new threads rather than stuff too much up into this?
why, please, cao, highly interesting topic,thread, y y y would u think of closing it??? | 2019-04-20T00:29:11 | https://zen1.space/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=271&sid=a5cce03e766d7a740feb9f443e4ea451 |
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