It was very nice to meet many of you at open house. Thank you to all the families that provided snack! The year’s first PTO meeting is scheduled for September 25th beginning at 5 pm. School begins promptly at 8:45 am and ends at 3:45 pm. If you anticipate being late, please call the school. Please remember to meet your child on our class number at dismissal time to avoid congestion around the school doors. Please remind your child to say good-bye before leaving. I .will walk the students out beginning at 3:40 pm. Any students who remain at 3:45 pm will be escorted to room 306. Please return all forms that have been sent home: emergency contact, student information and lunch form. If you are interested in volunteering in the classroom please email me. I am looking for volunteers that can commit to a regular schedule. Please also consider volunteering in the lunchroom and during lunch recess. If you intend on volunteering, you need to fill out a volunteer packet prior to volunteering. I also need volunteers to sharpen pencils and a volunteer to wash classroom tables after school. If you cannot commit to a weekly volunteer time, you can also reach out about reading books to the class. Children are permitted to have “pop top” water bottles in the classroom. In Phonics, we will work on recognizing rhymes, building words using the alphabet chart, hearing sounds in sequence and saying words slowly to predict letter sequence. We will focus on the short sound of /i/. This week we will continue to read a collection of books about friendship and being unique. We will read the books “How to Lose All Your Friends”, “Recess Queen”, and “Enemy Pie”. We will continue to write narratives in Writing Workshop. We will work on telling the stories of our lives using illustrations and focusing on small moment rather than an entire day. In Math, we will learn all about tally marks, collecting data and writing number stories. We will also learn more about appropriate use of math tools. In Science, we will begin our unit on space systems, focusing on the sun, moon and stars. We will continue out unit on families. A huge thank you to all the families that completed the Friday letter. The students loved seeing what their families wrote to them. The family letter is a great way to connect home and school. The students especially loved that their family had Friday homework and they did not!
It’s almost a new school year around here! We school year-round, but most new stuff happens in the fall, especially with the classes I’m teaching now. So before we start things back up, we’re doing some review. The Engineer is doing better with reading, but practice practice practice is key! Plus the Princess is a brand new Kindergartener this year and needs to start doing more school stuff. Boy did this project take over my life! Here are the very basic, scattered instructions on how to make a DIY puppet theatre.
This course will extend your awareness of the impact of ICT upon society, industry and commerce and will consider its limitations. You will take a critical view at the use of information systems within organisations. You will complete two projects of your choice that will involve solving a real life problem. A minimum of 5 A-C GCSE subject passes, one to be in ICT, including a minimum of 2 grade Bs, one to be in English Language or a related subject. You will be required to successfully complete module examinations and two pieces of coursework. You could progress to a Foundation Degree in IT and e-commerce or a BA Hons degree in ICT or Business related degree at university. Following this you could enter employment as a systems analyst, help desk clerk, I.T. technician or teacher. You will need to purchase a course textbook to support your study of this subject and a removable storage media device.
He UN agency says Tramadol is evil is aware of nothing regarding the superb saving drug. The primary factor that an individual feels regarding the drugs is that it’s habit-forming, however you ought to apprehend that it doesn’t have the malicious intent to create you obsessed on it. The drug may be a dependable supply of comfort to several individuals littered with pain thanks to medical and non- medical issues. Here, Tramadol is that the constant however the patient may be a variable. The drug is taken by varied individuals and everybody reacts in a very totally different manner and should potential to not development or development sure aspect effects. The best thanks to ascertain if your body can reject the drug is underneath take to do} it under the doctor’s direction within the prescribed doses. If you discover it unsuitable then consult your doctor for an answer. However, it’s not the fault of the drugs if you have got to face any aspect effects. It’s merely that your body isn’t compatible with the ingredients or the mechanism of Tramadol. Therefore, it’ll be terribly wrong if the drug is termed ‘evil’ if the review is predicated on one personal expertise. Also, you have got to create positive that you simply have done the 2 most significant things before employing a new medicine: Give all the most important facts like allergies, anamnesis, and health issues to the doctor. Research the prescription. If your doctor is aware of your body, he will apprehend whether or not Tramadol is nice for you. If you bear the prescription on-line or scan the label, you’ll apprehend if it’s not sensible for you. However, although once these 2 things area unit done, you face aspect effects, it’d ensue to a replacement allergic reaction or incompatibility that even you didn’t comprehend earlier. Although, it’s the doctor’s duty to temporary you with the common aspect effects and therefore the tendency of addiction in some medication however to be doubly positive, you’ll be able to continuously check for details of your drug on-line, if you have got any doubt. There is Associate in nursing endless pile of data on any drug, online. You’ll be able to apprehend everything from the start until the top. Saving your body is in your hands fully. Tramadol has control the record for treating immeasurable individuals since decades; thus, it cannot be classified as a nasty drug. So, you ought to confirm that your body is compatible with it or not.
Heaney’s statement, about the act of writing, also resonates for me as a reader. We read to see ourselves – to illuminate our present and our past – to set the darkness echoing. In Edmonton we rarely, if ever, are given the opportunity to see ourselves and our city reflected in the pages of a book. There have been strides in adult literature, but until the publication of Rutherford the Time-Travelling Moose, there have been no picture books celebrating Edmonton for children. Rutherford the Time-Travelling Moose was initially conceived as a picture book about Edmonton’s history in the context of Rutherford House, the home of the first Premier of Alberta, Alexander Rutherford (1905-1910). The Friends of Rutherford House Society issued a call for story proposals and Thomas Wharton, an award-winning local author, won the bid along with illustrator Amanda Schutz, also a resident of Edmonton. Wharton was commissioned to “animate” the bones of the story, taking it beyond its original confines to the places in Edmonton the premier and his family would have known. As luck would have it, Rutherford is a time-travelling moose. Astride his back, Rutherford spirits the adventurous girl back to the ice-age and then travels forward through various eras, including a visit to a First Nations settlement along the banks of the North Saskatchewan River, fur traders at Fort Edmonton, an early 20th century legislature (where the Famous Five can be spotted in the foreground), the High Level Bridge with a streetcar running along the top (as its facsimile does to this day) and other recognizable Edmonton landmarks and historical touch points. Unless you’re from a major city like New York or London, like me you probably get excited when you see familiar people and place names in books, simply because it doesn’t happen that often. This alone makes Rutherford the Time-Travelling Moose essential reading for every child in Edmonton, but it’s particularly gratifying as an illustration junkie to see my city presented so beautifully. Schutz’s bold and colourful palette serve Edmonton well, and her humourous characterizations keep the mood light and fun. Indeed. Rutherford the Time-Travelling Moose leaves the reader, young and old, hungry for more Edmonton(or moose)-based stories. It’s time to set that darkness echoing. THOMAS WHARTON is the award-winning author of the young adult trilogy Perilous Realm and the Alberta-centric novel Icefields (a Canada Reads finalist). Wharton was born in Grande Prairie, Alberta and is currently an associate professor of writing and English at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. AMANDA SCHUTZ is an Edmonton-based illustrator and designer. Schutz is the creative director of the design firm Curio Studio and her work has appeared in many children’s books and publications. This Moose Belongs to Me by Oliver Jeffers is like the shreddie in a bag of Nuts ‘n Bolts: impossible to resist, and so spectacular in flavour it makes the pretzels and cheesy things pale in comparison. I know. Could this metaphor be more strained? I will confess that I’m experiencing difficulty coming up with adjectives for the singular brilliance of artists like Oliver Jeffers, Jon Klassen, Lisbeth Zwerger, and the other illustrators who populate this blog (and elsewhere.) While these artists are few, they are without a doubt masters of their respective mediums, and at the core of what is arguably a highpoint in the history of illustration. A low-point as well, as there are many more bad books than good, and e-readers threaten to erase or at least diminish the sensual and visual pleasure of a truly great picture book. At this moment, however, the privilege still exists, and I would strongly recommend that you get your hands on This Moose Belongs to Me.
People often ask were we send all of the donated shoes we receive. Well, the MORE Foundation takes these shoes to Ghana and Honduras and sells them at major metro areas to vendors who in turn create jobs and help improve the quality of life in these cities. The vast majority of Africans cannot afford new shoes . The proceeds from the sale of the shoes provides training and tools to the poorest rural farmers and supports MORE’s Agroforestry efforts. MORE’s Agroforestry efforts have the potential to create a huge number of jobs in the region. By reforesting 5% of the land area of Ghana (the size of Oregon) a million jobs would be created and the size of the economy would easily double from 40 billion to 80 billion a year. Three billion trees would have a value of half a trillion USD. Each farm we supply 1,000 trees to increases in value to over $100,000 USD in 10 years. One acre with 1,000 trees will be worth $100,000 USD. This is a 1,000% increase in income for the subsistence farmer. The used athletic shoes you collect provide 100% of the funding for this program. Every shoe your store collects pulls down one ton of carbon. You are the change that must happen. This year 360,000 trees will sequester over 150,000 tons of carbon within 10 years and another 200,000 across 20 years. We could easily reach one million tons annually with only one million pair of used athletic shoes. Every 100 pair of used athletic shoes creates another job and strengthens democracy. So keep on donating those shoes people!
Nearly nine in ten U.S. workers are optimistic about their financial future, according to a new report from Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Surveyed employees attributed their bright outlook to a variety of factors, including the improving economy and strong financial markets. However, the most frequently cited reasons for workers’ elevated financial optimism were more personal issues, such as living within their means, being in good health, and having a well-paying job. Confident employees, though, are also aware that their financial situation can change, and many surveyed workers admitted that they still have money-related concerns. For example, nearly two-thirds (64 percent) of respondents said that they are worried about running out of money in retirement. Other frequently cited concerns included having to delay retirement, becoming seriously ill and not being able to work, the challenge of paying for their kids’ education, job security, having to support other family members, becoming a financial burden to their family, and being able to cover their mortgage or rent payments. With so many issues on their minds, it should not be too surprising that employees will often spend time at work thinking about their personal financial matters. In fact, the surveyed employees, based on their responses, spend a median of two hours at work each week focused on their personal finances instead of their job responsibilities. That equates to roughly 100 hours, or two-and-a-half workweeks1, of lost productivity every year. More than half (53 percent) of the surveyed employees who said that they are stressed when it comes to their financial situation even admitted that the stress interferes with their ability to focus and be productive at work. Younger employees were found to spend significantly more time at work each week worrying about their personal finances (double that of Gen-X and 4x's that of Baby Boomers), and Millennials were twice as likely as Baby Boomers to say that financial stress interferes with their work. Beyond just feeling stressed, financial concerns can have a real impact on employees' physical well-being as well. Nearly six in ten workers, for instance, said that their financial worries have negatively affected their health. That means that financial stress in the workplace can not only hurt employers through lost productivity but also through potentially higher health insurance costs. Further, 56 percent of surveyed workers who reported experiencing an increase in their healthcare costs said that they are contributing less to their financial goals as a result. For roughly half of these respondents that means they are paying down less debt, and nearly two-thirds said that they are saving less for retirement as a result of higher healthcare outlays. Unsurprisingly, access to health insurance and a 401(k) plan were the employer-provided benefits that surveyed workers said they value the most. Employee respondents, though, also reported that they want employers to help with managing a range of financial matters. The top issue that workers said they need assistance with is saving for retirement, and 67 percent of employees admitted that their employer has already been influential in getting them to set money aside for retirement. However, many employees also stated that they would like their employer to bring in financial professionals to the workplace to provide both general education and education tailored to their age and finances, as well as access to the creation of a personalized financial strategy. Eighty-six percent of surveyed workers even said that they would participate in any kind of financial education program if provided by their employer. 1. Assuming a full-time workweek equals 40 hours.
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Hard to reach, but not so crowded. Wonderful nature! The lake is naturally cold, but in summer you can already swim. The idyllic Gaisalpsee invites you to enjoy the mountain world up here before you start the descent into the valley. Great hike: with Nebelhorn lift to Höfatsblick mountain station, then downhill on the 7 above the upper Geissalpsee to lower Geissalpsee. Very nice mountain lake and ideal for a rest. Also suitable for a stop is further down the Geissalpe, but takes a little longer from the lake. Passing Wallrafweg past the ski flying hill, we return to Oberstdorf. Very nice, long tour. Have fun! The lower Gaisalpsee is a high mountain lake at 1508 meters altitude in the Allgäu Alps, northeast below the Rubihorns (1957 m). About the Gaisalpbach drains the 3.5-acre lake to Iller. The lake is located on the trail from Reichenbach to Nebelhorn on the Gaisalpe, Lower and Upper Gaisalpsee, Gaisfußsattel, Gund and Gmund Edmund Probst House. A wonderful place to rest: In the sunshine it is warm, sheltered from the wind, overlooking Gaisalphorn and Rubihorn and on the descent the Alpengasthof Gaisalpe waits with a delicious Kaiserschmarrn ... .. From here you can climb up to the Rubihorn, Entschekopf and Nebelhorn. All very nice tours.
Extremely basic and easy to use Soldering Iron. Comes with EU plug and US adapter. For those who are looking for an affordable solution for just installs and tune-ups. We found this to be the ideal solder gun for most basic ebike applications. No need for an expensive soldering gun to do light ebike soldering.
The all-new 2016 Civic is set to make its Philippine debut sometime in April or May this year. We know because Honda Cars Philippines (HCPI) already began taking reservations last month (see link). But before that happens, we found this quick 60-second TVC from Honda Indonesia that gives us a good idea what it’ll look like when it hits local showrooms in a few week’s time. So what’s to look forward to with this all-new Civic? For starters, it now flaunts a sportier exterior. Highlighted by a meaner-looking front fascia, a coupe-like side profile, and a new rear end design, the overall look complements the Civic’s new weapon under the hood. Yup, for the first time the Civic now comes with a turbocharged 1.5L VTEC engine that unleashes 172 hp. This powerplant will be available in top-of-the-line variant called the Civic RS Turbo. As of the moment, HCPI has yet to reveal the car’s exact launch date. But it’s said that the 1.8E variant will be sold at P1.1-million while the 1.5 RS Turbo will be available at P1.3-million. For more info, specs, and full price list of the all-new 2016 Civic, visit the AutoDeal Car Guide. Hi, I would like to receive a financing quote for the Honda Civic, thank you.
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Erie Ambassador Joe Schember expects the lath to accommodated on Nov. 19. Now that bristles new associates of the Erie Metropolitan Transit Authority’s nine-member lath of admiral acquire been appointed, Erie Ambassador Joe Schember said he expects the console to get aback to business soon. He additionally hopes Erie Canton Lath will anon advice complete the lath by signing off on its four actual appointments. Schember said EMTA’s new lath should be on calendar to accommodated in backward November, now that it has a quorum. EMTA’s lath has not met back Aug. 27. EMTA’s aing accustomed affair is appointed for Nov. 19. The EMTA board’s appointed Sept. 24 and Oct. 22 affairs were canceled because of a abridgement of a quorum, said Jeremy Peterson, EMTA’s acting controlling director. At the EMTA board’s Aug. 27 meeting, controlling administrator Lynn Schantz accommodated and three lath associates — then-Chairman Gary Grack, Fred Rush and Chris Loader — absolved out of the meeting. The added lath associates believed the three accommodated and voted to acquire their resignations, according to EMTA’s solicitor, Jill Nagy. Schember and Dahlkemper again asked for the resignations of all the lath associates in an attack to dness disagreements and infighting which they say that had bedeviled the lath for years. On Sept. 25 nine new appointees were announced. The ambassador appoints bristles associates and the canton controlling four, with approval from Erie Burghal Lath and Erie Canton Council, respectively. However, Grack and Rush after told Burghal Lath associates and others that they did not abandon and capital to abide to serve in the advance posts. However, Burghal Lath accustomed Schember’s accessories anyway. Voting in favor of Schember’s picks were Burghal Lath Admiral Sonya Arrington and associates Liz Allen, Kathy Schaaf and Mel Witherspoon. Voting adjoin the accessories were Bob E. Merski, Casimir Kwitowski and Jim Winarski, council’s communication to EMTA. County Lath has yet to act on Dahlkemper’s appointments, with some associates ytic the canton executive’s ascendancy to accomplish the appointments. Erie Canton Councilwoman Carol Loll has asked that the accessories be placed on council’s Oct. 30 agenda, alike admitting she continues to seek added advice apropos the EMTA, she said. Councilman Fiore Leone had originally said that he believed it was council’s job to accomplish the accessories and not Dahlkemper’s. However, on Friday Leone said he will abutment the accessories if the lath associates whose districts are alfresco the burghal of Erie do. The county’s authoritative cipher requires that appointees to the EMTA lath appear from those four districts. Dahlkemper’s appointees represent all but one of them, Commune 7, which Loll represents. Loll has said that she is annoyed by the efforts Dahlkemper took to seek applicants from her district. Both Schember and Peterson said they achievement that bearings is bound soon, because all lath associates charge some akin of training about EMTA’s operations afore they activate administering business. Schember’s appointees are Gyan Ghising of Erie, buyer of My Way Bar & Grill, 2218 East Lake Road; Rick Griffith, admiral and buyer of Rick Griffith Properties, 2955 W. 17th St.; Jessica Molczan, an EMTA addition and advancement specialist at Voices for Independence, 1432 Wilkins Road; George Willis of Erie, a retired arch carnality admiral at Urban Engineers; and Ben Wilson of Millcreek Township, a workforce development casework administrator at the Greater Erie Community Action Committee, 18 W. Ninth St. City appointees do not acquire to alive in the burghal because EMTA involves the absolute county, according to Schember’s office. Dahlkemper’s appointees are Millcreek Township’s Tom Bly, buyer of Accudyn Products, 2400 Yoder Drive; Ashley Lawson of Greene Township, an ceremoniousness affairs coordinator at Gannon University; Dave Robinson of Union Township, arch controlling of the Union Burghal Family Abutment Center; and Lyn Twillie-Darby of Millcreek, a arch advocate at Erie Insurance. Staff biographer Matt Rink contributed to this report. Kevin Flowers can be accomplished at 870-1693 or by email. Follow him on Cheep at twitter.com/ETNflowers.
The Holmes 8' x 10' by Surya at Design Interiors in the Tampa, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Florida area. Product availability may vary. Contact us for the most current availability on this product. Browse other items in the Holmes collection from Design Interiors in the Tampa, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Florida area.
I received a sample of these in my goody bag at a dog rescue event. My two finicky pups love these treats! Can’t wait to try more Freshpet products!
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Learn Mohiniyattam by Gopika Varma. Bharata natyam DVDs and other Classical Indian Dance video: Odissi, Kuchipudi, Mohiniattam, Kathak. Bharatanatyam VCDs at discounted prices. Bharathanatyam CD, Bharatnatyam DVD. Orissi. Learn Mohiniyattam by Gopika Varma. Smt. Gopika Varma, the renownwed Mohiniattam dancer came under the direct purview of Kalamandalam Smt. Kalyani Kuttyamma. She was fortunate to learn Abhinaya, which is the quintessence of Mohiniyattam from Sri Kalamandalam Krishnan Nair, doyen of the Kathakali stage. Gopika has performed exclusively at various art festivals, sabhas and temples, nation wide and internationally. Her Mohiniyattam is marked by extreme grace and fluidity of movements, transmitting radiance through expressions that at times sigh with nostalgia, purity and sanctity, while being blessed with geometrical precision and technical movements and expressions, her own personal worship of the Divine. Mohoniyattam is a classical dance form Kerala, India. It is one of the eight Indian classical dance forms recognized by the Sangeet Natak Akademi. It is considered a very graceful form of dance meant to be performed as solo recitals by women. The term Mohiniyattam comes from the words "Mohini" meaning a woman who enchants onlookers and "aattam" meaning graceful and sensuous body movements. The word "Mohiniyattam' literally means "dance of the enchantress". The essence of Mohiniyattam is in the emphasis on "Abinaya' through which the artist directly reaches out to the rasikas and transport them to a divine plane.
Discover the gorgeous scenic wonders of the Wanaka region and be blown away by the picture perfect mountains, restored villages and world famous Reflection Tree. Your knowledgable guide will show you the best photo opportunities, have a beer in Cardrona Hotel and enjoy free time to explore! You tour begins with pick up from your accommodation and the you'll drive to the charming Arrowtown. You'll walk among tiny restored cottages and become enchanted with the historic buildings of this town that was the site of the Gold Rush in 1860s. You'll also make your way to Wanaka; a gorgeous town that has made a name for itself as a trendy eco resort town. Historically, Wanaka was use by the Maori people as a pathway to greenstone sites and later by goldminers for accommodation; it is surrounded by majestic mountains and giant glaciers. It's also the home of the Reflection Tree - a natural wonder that makes for a perfect photo! After this, you'll have an hour to wander around Wanaka; have lunch at a cafe, browse the local shops and take in the scenic views. On the way back you'll be taken the Crown Range route, this is the highest sealed road of New Zealand and is usually covered with snow in winter and boasts some incredible viewing platforms. You will stretch your legs at these points and be able to get some spectacular photos. The last stop on the tour is the iconic Cardrona Hotel. One of New Zealand's oldest hotels and one of the most photographed buildings in the area, the Cardrona offers up a rustic, old-fashioned feel and so it should, it was built in 1863 at the height of the Gold Rush. You'll receive your complimentary beer or soft drink (you choose) to enjoy in the beer garden or before the fire, before the last little bit of your drive back to your hotel. There will be approx 10 per group. It is recommended to bring warm cloths and a rain coat, depending on the weather. This experience is located in Queenstown, New Zealand.
Four abstracts have been selected for the KENET Computer Science (CS) and Information Systems (IS) Mini-Grant. The Mini-Grant attracted 35 submissions from 16 public and private Universities when the call was announced on March 26, 2018. The grant amounts to Kshs. 1, 500, 000 (15,000 USD) for each winner and lasts for 12 months, starting August 1, 2018 to July 31, 2019. The area of focus for the grants were Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) and Big Data Analytics (BDA). Out of the 20 entries in BDA and 15 in DLTs, two mini-grants were awarded per research area of focus. The Mini-Grant is intended to promote early stage CS/IS research and development in current and emerging research areas, as well as strengthen the CS/IS Special Interest Groups (SIGs). Early stage research was the focal point of the Mini-Grant to enable researchers to undertake proof-of-concept work to support Research and Design (R&D) ideas and concepts. The winners worked in group led by the lead researcher while others had the option of submitting their individual research proposal. The winners represented five KENET member institutions; Africa Nazarene University, Murang’a University of Technology, Meru University of Science and Technology, University of Nairobi and Strathmore University. The winners were selected by a panel of CS/IS experts based on some criterions including; relevance potential for publication in refereed journals and/or conferences, stakeholder buy-in, student engagement and awareness of and strategies to address/comply with policy and regulatory requirements. At the end of their research project, the winners are expected to publish their work in reputable journals and grow a community of researchers. Hence, through this mini-grant, KENET hopes to not only support individual research teams, but to facilitate institutional collaboration and formation of communities of practice in the research areas of focus, leading to enhanced research capacity in member institutions.
I drew it and then went to dinner. Upon returning home, I started painting with exactly one hour to spare before the start of Breaking Bad - the only TV show I am currently watching. I literally ran back and forth from the painting to the TV during commercial breaks to wrap this one up. It is admittedly a bit rushed, which is a shame because I am fond of the composition. This one will get added to the pile of paintings that could be improved with a bit more time. Despite the rush, I am glad I got to take a break and paint tonight. I spent the entirety of the last 48 hours working on "school stuff" - be it college or middle school. September is a busy month - another reason why I should have finished this project in AUGUST.
Mormedi was present at the 5th Annual Meeting of Spanish Design Associations (ENAD), and participated actively in the group that prepared what will be the third edition of Transferencias.design in 2018. The ENAD meetings serve in part to take the pulse of design in Spain and see where there is a convergence not only of design associations, but also representatives from companies, educational centers and government institutions. These meetings review activity to-date and also include, in a very active and decentralized way, future initiatives to open new paths in the field of design. All this is brought to life through presentations, seminars and working sessions. One of these initiatives is Transferencias.design, a multidisciplinary meeting with participants from companies, institutions, professionals and teachers that discuss how they interact and how this specifically contributes to the development of new profiles of designers. As such, the first edition in 2016 dealt with the perception of these profiles, and secondly, in 2017, was about the experiences and problems large companies and entities were facing in the area of design. In addition to the aforementioned themes and working groups, ENAD participants agreed there were secondary tracks that would take shape during the year and working groups would be assigned to them as well. The findings and activities of all of these groups would be presented and discussed in the next meeting. We hope to see you there.
We consider the consumer decision journey at every stage of the funnel. With that in mind, we craft efficient and effective, channel-agnostic media strategies based on meaningful consumer insights that are derived from a strong strategic foundation and a data-driven mindset. Our transparency lets you see results. As an agency, being independent makes all the difference for our clients. We offer complete transparency so what you see is what you get, no hidden fees, no surprises, just the media strategy you approved at the start of the process. And because we’re not beholden to any holding company deals, 100% of your media dollars are spent connecting with your audience – and driving business results. We measure up because we measure more. With a top-notch, in-house analytics team on hand from the jump, we’re able to measure everything we do at every stage of the journey, so we can ensure that our KPIs align to your business goals. By grounding everything we do in strategy and data we’re constantly optimizing our media plans to drive performance. First we dig into the specifics of your brand to identify the challenges and metrics that will inform what success looks like. We transform the strategic platform and ideas into a meaningful and specific connections plan to be executed. We look at the most effective way to execute the plan, so we can maximize the impact of our working media dollars. We ensure that our strategies and tactics are delivering on the overarching KPIs and business goals. With low overall brand awareness and stagnating conversion rates, we developed a digital solution to fill the funnel in order to drive ongoing policy application starts for Jewelers Mutual. By reallocating 20% of the ad spend to upper funnel tactics (video and display) and dedicating the remaining budget to focus on driving overall conversion, we leveraged a programmatic approach to engage multiple funnel stages in a targeted way. As a result, after just one quarter we increased overall conversions by 30% and decreased our cost-per-acquisition by almost 32%. We developed a dense and layered media plan with an integrated channel mix to help our client stay on top in this highly competitive market. Because video, audio, display, native and rich-media were purchased programmatically, LC was able to ensure incremental reach as the campaign progressed. Video and audio elevated the brand. Select out-of-home buys penetrated key geographic territories. Social and rich-media units drove engagement and education, while digital was optimized continually to maximize campaign effectiveness as a whole. As a result, a Media Mix model study found the integrated approach drove a 9:1 ROI.
UWG Continuing Education offers both Instructor-Led Courses and Online Insurance Courses. This class is the designated 40HR class for individuals wishing to sell Property & Casualty insurance in the State of Georgia. Upon completion, students will sit for the State exam. Students will learn General Insurance Principles, PC Terms, Liability, Loss Valuation, Personal Lines, Commercial Lines, and the various Homeowner Policies. Please call ahead at 678-839-6614 for book ordering information. This class will allow students to prepare to sit for the state insurance exam to sell Life, Accident, and Sickness insurance in the State of Georgia. Students will learn about The Type of Policies, Underwriting, Taxes, Retirement, and other terms needed to pass the exam. The University of West Georgia has partnered with WebCE, the leading provider of online continuing education (CE) for insurance professionals nationwide, to deliver high quality CE courses to insurance agents and adjusters. University of West Georgia offers insurance continuing education in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia.
If you're looking for a family vacation that involves watching enormous quantities of water go off a cliff, you can't beat Niagara Falls. We went there recently with several other families, and our feeling of awe and wonderment can best be summed up by the words of my friend Libby Burger, who, when we first beheld the heart-stopping spectacle of millions of gallons of water per second hurtling over the precipice and thundering into the mist-enshrouded gorge below, said, "I have to tinkle." The falls have been casting this magical spell ever since they were discovered thousands of years ago by Native Americans, who gave them the name "Niagara," which means "Place Where There Will Eventually Be Museums Dedicated, for No Apparent Reason, to Frankenstein, John F. Kennedy, Harry Houdini and Elvis." And this has certainly proved to be true, as today the area around the falls features an extremely dense wad of tourist attractions. In addition to the museums (both wax and regular), there was a place where you could see tiny scale models of many world-famous buildings such as the Vatican; plus one of the world's largest floral clocks; plus, of course, miniature golf courses, houses of horror and countless stores selling souvenir plates, cups, clocks, knives, spoons, refrigerator magnets, thermometers, folding combs, toothbrushes, toenail clippers, hats, T-shirts, towels, boxer shorts and random slabs of wood, all imprinted with what appears to be the same blurred, heavily colorized picture, taken in about 1948, depicting some object that could be Niagara Falls, or could also be hamsters mating. Of course, the big tourism attraction is Niagara Falls, a geological formation caused by the Great Lakes being attracted toward gravity. Also limestone is involved. We learned these facts from a giant-screen movie that we paid to get into after the children became bored with looking at the actual falls, a process that took them perhaps four minutes. They are modern children. They have Nintendo. They have seen what appears to be a real dinosaur eat what appears to be a real lawyer in the movie "Jurassic Park." They are not about to be impressed by mere water. The movie featured a dramatic re-enactment of the ancient falls legend of "The Maid of the Mist." This was an Indian maiden whose father wanted her to marry a fat toothless old man who, in the movie, looks a lot like U.S. House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee Chairman and noted stamp collector Dan Rostenkowski wearing a bad wig. The maiden was so upset about this that she paddled a canoe over the Falls, thus becoming one with the Thunder God, the Mist God, the God of Canoe Repair, etc. At least that is the legend. Some of us were skeptical. As my friend Gene Weingarten put it: "I think she became one with the rocks." Since that time a number of people have gone over the falls in barrels, not always with positive health results. What would motivate people to take such a terrible risk? My theory is that they were tourists. They probably paid ADMISSION to get into the barrels. I bet that, even as they were going over the brink, they were videotaping the barrel interiors.
Course fees minus the deposit are refundable until 30 days prior to course date. After that your course fee is non refundable. We design our courses purposefully. To deliver a great course, we need to have an optimal number of participants. That means we need to have both a minimum and maximum number of people attending. In addition, we tend not to keep waiting lists. Once you register, we count you in. We want to know who you are and what your needs are so that we can fine-tune our courses to meet your needs. Without us having a firm understanding of who is coming and what they are committed to for their personal learning, you won’t get the value you came for. If our participants enroll and un-enroll, we can’t deliver on our promises to you. Moreover, as with any business operations, we have hard costs, and our venue requires payment thirty days out. This requires that we have a fixed idea of all of our numbers for the program. Thank you for your understanding. We love working with you and are committed to delivering the best possible product to you.
The time has come to add a canine companion to your family. The options are endless, but you can narrow them down substantially to getting a rescue dog. One reason to choose a rescue dog is this: they need a home. Even if they are in caring, “no kill” shelters, dogs do best in a home environment surrounded by love. Other reasons for getting a shelter dog include the fact that they are typically healthy, with vaccinations, spaying, and neutering, and they are far less expensive than a dog from a breeder or puppy mill. When choosing a rescue dog, it is important that you make sure to choose the right rescue dog. Dogs are living creatures, and you don’t want to have to send one back because you have a poor match. Before you go to the first shelter, assess your family situation. By assessing your situation, you can narrow your choices to find a dog with the lineage, temperament, energy level and age to fit in with your family. Am I home a lot, or will the dog be left alone for long periods of time? Do I have little children or am I planning to have children soon? What kind of flooring and furniture do I have and what type of dogs may fit best into my home? Do I have time to house train? Do I have other pets? Do I do a lot of entertaining? How often do I vacation? Do I have a budget for shots and veterinary appointments? Don’t just drop by the nearest shelter to choose a dog. Carefully decide which shelters you will visit. Ask your friends and family, and call the ones in your area. What is the shelter’s return policy? Will they allow me to take the dogs for a walk so that I can see how well we get along? Does the shelter provide medical and behavior information? It might be worth your while to take along a trainer or someone who is familiar with dogs. Tell them ahead of time what you’ve determined by following step #1 – what type of temperament, breed and energy level you are looking for. The trainer will be able to see things about your new dog that you might not notice. This could save you, your family, and the shelter dog a lot of stress and heartache. It’s easy to get caught up in the enthusiasm of getting a new dog or puppy and not taking steps to make sure you do what is best for yourself and for the dog. As much as it is important to fall in love with a dog immediately, a dog or puppy that is chosen hastily could end up being unpredictable, and that affection could go away just as quickly. What if, in the end, you determine adopting a rescue dog is not for you right now? There is no shame in changing your mind. You can always volunteer or donate to a shelter instead. Have you fostered or adopted a pet? What were your experiences? What advice would you give? Photo Credit: Photo of Adoptapoalooza in Union Park – September 2013. The entryway of your home says a lot of about you. It is the first glimpse you are giving of your home, and into your life. A cluttered entryway is not just disconcerting; it might be a hazard where someone can trip or fall. Whether your entryway is an open space, an alcove, or a closet, here are a few ideas for keeping it clean and organized. Don’t pack it full of stuff. Sure, it is convenient to have your coats, boots, hats, and scarves in one place, but unless you live alone, you will never be able to find the items you need on the way out the door. Put anything you don’t use every day in the appropriate place. As the seasons change, swap out your items putting away the ones you won’t need for the next few months. Keep items off the floor. Lifting items even a few inches off the floor makes he space seem bigger and cleaner. Consider using shoe racks where you can organize your most used shoes. Place items like umbrellas and sports gear in buckets or baskets, which can easily be pulled in and out of the entryway space as needed. Storage benches are a great way to create a comfortable seating place while hiding some of the doorway clutter. Use hooks and racks to organize coats, hats, handbags, book bags and other items towards the top of the space. Leave a couple of empty hooks for guests as well, so they won’t have to throw their jacket over a chair. Keep everyone’s stuff separate, especially if you have kids. If necessary, use labels or color so that each child knows where to place her or her “stuff.” Train them to put their items away every time they walk in the door, and your clutter problem will be eliminated. Cleaning the kitchen after a meal has got to be the least favorite chore. This is especially true if you have to do with burned on foods in your pots and pans. These tips will help you get your cookware clean in no time. Remember – you should not scrub pans that have a non-stick coating. Burned milk not only ruins your pots, but the terrible smell will stink up your home. You will want to clean that pot immediately by covering the bottom of the pot with salt, and covering with warm water for 15 minutes before cleaning it right of with a sponge. As for the smell, open a couple of windows and use the fan. Cleaning burns from a cast iron skillet is easier than it looks. Cast iron should be rinsed with hot water right after cooking before the food items dry onto the pan. For stubborn residue, use a little bit of salt and a paper towel to scrub at the stains, and rinse with hot water. Scorched food on a pot can be cooked away in most cases. Put a 50/50 mix of water and vinegar in the pot and cook it for about 10 minutes. You will notice the burned of food loosening from your pots. A good scrubbing with a bristle dish brush will help you get all of the remaining grime. A long soak is probably unnecessary. Baked in and greasy foods in your lasagna spare-rib roasting pans don’t need to be soaked for a week to get it clean. Just fill your pan with water to cover the burnt on spots and place a used dryer sheet in the water. In 30 minutes, your pan will come clean with very little effort. Give it an extra once over with dish soap and hot water to remove dryer sheet residue. Prevent food from burning in the first place. Never walk away from cooking food. Find a project to do in the kitchen if you are waiting for your water to boil or your sauces to simmer. Turn off the pot before your rice, pasta, or eggs are done cooking. The heat from the pan will finish them off nicely. Turn down the heat on sauces, allowing them to cook slowly. Try lining some of your baking dishes with aluminum foil. Also, consider investing in quality pots and pans.
Abstract: Background: Good nurses show concern for patients by caring for them effectively and attentively to foster their well-being. However, nurses cannot be taught didactically to be “good” or any trait that characterizes a good nurse. Nurses’ self-awareness of their role traits warrants further study. Objectives: This study aimed (a) to develop a strategy to elicit nurses’ self-exploration of the importance of good nurse traits and (b) to explore any discrepancies between such role traits perceived by nurses as ideally and actually important. Research design: For this mixed-method study, we used good nurse trait card play to trigger nurses’ reflections based on clinical practice. Nurse participants appraised the ideal and actual importance of each trait using a Q-sort grid. The gap between the perceived ideal and actual importance of each trait was examined quantitatively, while trait-related clinical experiences were analyzed qualitatively. Participants and research context: Participants were 35 in-service nurses (mean age = 31.6 years (range = 23–49 years); 10.1 years of nursing experience (range = 1.5–20 years)) recruited from a teaching hospital in Taiwan. Ethical considerations: The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the study site. Findings: Good nurse trait card play with a Q-sort grid served as an icebreaker to help nurse participants talk about their experiences as embodied in good quality nursing care. Nurses’ perceived role-trait discrepancies were divided into three categories: over-performed, least discrepant, and under-performed. The top over-performed trait was “obedience.” Discussion: Patients’ most valued traits (“patient,” “responsible,” “cautious,” and “considerate”) were perceived by participants as ideally important but were under-performed, perhaps due to experienced nurses’ loss of idealism. Conclusion: Good nurse trait card play with Q-sort grid elicited nurses’ self-dialogue and revealed evidence of the incongruity between nurses’ perceived ideal and actual importance of traits. The top over-performed trait, “obedience,” deserves more study. Shu-Yueh Chen is in the Department of Nursing, Hung Kuang University, Taichung City, Taiwan, R.O.C.
The problem is even greater for those people who have weakened immune systems as toxic mold can be poisonous. Our company employs the most effective approach of mold testing in Kingwood, WV. You can count on our mold testing team in Kingwood, WV to deliver on-call services any day of the week. You might take comfort in knowing that your health is our most important concern. We have invested our funds and experience in the most advanced testing and remediation equipment to identify and remove toxic mold effectively and precisely from your residential or business structures. Our team works not only to kill the mold, but we also identify the source and use the most appropriate precautionary measures to avoid reinfestation of mold spores. This is done by conducting a thorough mold testing in Kingwood, WV. We also look for ventilation or leak issues in the attic that might be adding to the moisture problems. When we find a mold growth condition, we will offer you the most cost-effective mold remediation solutions. If you have any questions or would like a price quote for mold testing in Kingwood, WV, give us a call at 888-548-5870 today. With our equipped and qualified technicians, you will be surely impressed with the way they handle your potential mold problem. They will provide you with the proper knowledge, eagerness, and expertise necessary for mold testing in Kingwood, WV. In fact, each of our employees undergoes strict training to ensure that every customer is pleased with the quality and service that we deliver. All our employees are guided by the principle that we expect nothing less than 100% customer satisfaction on every job. For over than two decades, our company has earned a reputation for integrity, ethics, honesty, and top quality customer service. This has led us to rise above our competitors, making us one of the leading mold testing companies in Kingwood, WV. We have a long list of satisfied clients, and they include homeowners, general contractors, property management companies, hospitals, attorneys, real estate developers, realtors, insurance companies, public and private schools and universities. We have a group of mold testing employees and associates in Kingwood, WV. This only means that we have the resources, expertise, manpower and equipment to assist you with any of your mold testing needs and complete the job immediately and efficiently. If you’re seeking for fast and immediate results, we can lead you to the right direction. Let us assist you with your mold testing needs in Kingwood, WV and request a free quote via 888-548-5870.
The Hamilton County Unit 10 School District provides resources and education to more than 1,200 students. The Unit 10 office is located at 117 North Washington Street, McLeansboro, IL 62859. For more information on each of the schools within the district, click the links below.
The sun is starting to show it's face again, and for the first time this year I didn't need my coat with me today. As summer approaches, I am starting to get excited about getting our tent out of storage and heading into the countryside to spend the evening wrapped in blankets around a little camp fire. Always at this time of year I begin to look ahead to the summer and dream about the sunshine, the smell of freshly cut grass, or that delicious fresh scent right after a summer rain storm. And who can resist perfectly ripe avocados mashed on toast with fresh tomatoes? It's one of my favourite snacks when it's warm, that or just impatiently spooning the avocado straight into my mouth. Hurry up summer! Can't you tell I'm desperate?!?! Margate Gen-Do!! i.e. My Sister's Hen Do in Margate! © FABSICKLE. All rights reserved.
Synopsis: An affluent urban professional from West Amman and a young Black village farmer by the Dead Sea. Both share history and roots. Both find themselves unwilling participants in another cycle of history that pits the prosperity of one against the survival of another.
Former classmates at Sarah Lawrence College, Amy and Devi have been discussing films and feminism together for decades, frequently over craft cocktails while wearing berets. With this blog we endeavor to share our ideas (which do not always agree) and become more actively participatory in public feminist discourse. We hope this effort grows in time to include more diverse voices and opinions as we join our feminist peers in the fight to move Beyond the Bechdel. We welcome you to join us! New posts every Tuesday and Thursday. A former ballerina, published fiction author and sometimes film instructor at the University of Notre Dame, I’m a proud alumnus of the American Film Institute’s Directing Workshop for Women. When I’m not writing and directing films, I chase monkeys around the world with my anthropologist partner. For more info about me (and my work), click HERE. My posts will take a pseudo academic approach to film and feminism, exploring a series of related topics much like I conduct my college courses, drawing from history, sociology, anthropology, psychology, gender studies and film theory. Amy has worked as a criminal defense attorney in the Bronx and as a prosecutor of members of the service for the NYPD. As a card-carrying member of the Resistance, she provides pro bono legal work for immigrants. To change the world one film review at a time. I will explore how perceived race and gender issues impact film and the Hollywood film system.
Welcome to the home page of the FP7 funded project SEMEP. SEMEP, the Search for ElectroMagnetic Earthquake Precursors, was an EU FP7 funded project in response to the FP7-SPACE-2010-1 call for collaborative projects between the EU and Russia. The project began on December 1st, 2010 and ran for two years, until November 30th, 2012. The search for earthquake related phenomena using satellite observations has an evident advantage. The availability of planet wide observations enable the possibility of performing global surveys of the ionosphere, looking for possible electromagnetic perturbation effects that arise due to seismic activity. This information could help to pinpoint regions of strong seismic activity, determine their extent, and provide indicators and inputs for the short term forecast of the occurrance of an earthquake. However, ground based measurements are also necessary when investigating their relationship between ionospheric perturbations and seismic and volcanic activity because this is the only way to connect the physical processes in the crust with the signals recorded by the satellite. Such phenomena are of great interest because they have been observed to begin several days before the main shock. As a consequence they could be used, in conjunction with other precursory effects, to provide short-term forecasts for the occurrance of large earthquakes. Last modified: January 12 2013 17:32:23.
We all aren’t born to marry, eventually we grow up until one day our family decides to hitch us up or by god’s fatthese a fall in love and we want to judicially stamp it as the marriage. Everything looks planned and set but like any big project, with time everything starts to change. Few years down the life, when we talk with our friends, we laugh at this institution called marriage and even ponder why we marry; isn’t?? Laughing, sharing and venting our frustrations; these all are fine and natural but ever have you found yourself in a situation when there is nobody around you to act as a guide or someone you thought as a guide but the person proved to be a complete fatal for your marriage? Well today I’m going to tell you two such stories; read carefully and please bear with my amateur writing. Sudha loved Ramesh but her parents forcibly married her to Jagjit. She cried and tried to persuade her mother who once was her best friend and guide but suddenly it felt as if she had no self-identity than a torchbearer of their family’s pride. She only prepared her to accept her fate and settle down in the life chosen by them. Like any small town girl she did took her first step but she never knew that she was straightaway slipping into the darkest world. Jagjit was sadastic and the night-horrors she used to suffer were beyond imagination. The night it first happened, she called her mother the very next day. For her, mother was the best guide and seeker but the mother didn’t even bothered to listen her. For her everything she said felt like an excuse to dishonor their reputation and an excuse to rekindle her lost romance. Her mother shut her up, and her sufferings followed few more years until one day when she just knocked out infront of her 5 year old daughter. That day she realised that she really needs to do something for her life or else one day her daughter might have to face the similar consequences. She called her mother and said in loud words that either they come and take her or she will run away with her daughter. But before her parents could come; she was brutally assaulted by none other than her own husband and then she finally got the chance to came up but like a living dead! Had she been listened before, her life wouldn’t have turned into a complete catastrophe! Now there is another story of Shishir and Seema, both successfully settled in their professional lives and were enjoying the best moments with their two year old son. They were both ambitious and there is nothing wrong being ambitious but then Seema didn’t wanted to send their son to the daycare. She was adamant that either of their parents should come and take care of the kid while they are at work. Shishsir’s parents were quite aged and he never liked this idea to sustain in the longer run but Seems always had her mother to support her so he couldn’t argue more. Though her mother’s presence was giving their child the best possible care and supervision but they both were slowly missing out the fun in their lives. Staying in a small apartment, they faced difficulty in talking, sitting with each other and have a couple time because her mother was always around and used to pretend how sacrificing she was for them. And to woo her mother for this immense support she began ignoring her husband and unknowingly sidelining him as well. For Seema her mother was her best friend, savior and a true guide. If he ever gathered any courage to talk, her mother would alway nterrupt and take it as an insult and dominating against her daughter. So with time it became husband versus mother-in-law, the real conversation between the husband and wife never happened. Things turned ugly day by day until one day when the guy lost it all! After one such big fight Seema’s mother sat next to her and asked why she is living with such a man who don’t value her and why she needs to live with a man like him? She said if I’m there with you, you don’t need a man to take care of your child for the namesake so better leave him, given she had already began earning more than him! And within minutes Seema took her decision afterall her mother was her true well wisher and guide! Things could have been better if they would have approached a relationship coach rather than someone who in the disguise of a trusted relationship ruined their lives . Here I’m not saying that those who love us don’t care about us but this is also a brutal truth that often these people replace care with their pride, fear and judgemental behaviour and end up digging an open well for us rather saving us out. So if seeking advice, we must always have that one person in our life who can show us the best possible solution without any biased or preconceived notions. This blog is part of #a2zblogchatter challenge hosted by Blogchatter and seventh in the series.
The College of Agriculture Extension reports (1913-1972; 126 cubic feet) documents the annual reports of the ninety-two Indiana counties' extension work; some include agricultural agent work, home demonstration work and beginning in the 1960s, cooperative extension work. There is a rich collection of photographs from some counties during the earliest years and beyond. Some reports feature a “farm family of the year” among the documentation. Types of materials include: bulletins, correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, programs and reports. Purdue University played a major role in the development of Indiana agriculture. In the 1880s the university started interesting experimental work in agriculture. Valuable information on crop rotation, soil fertility, care of livestock, fruit production and marketing, and other numerous farm related topics were generated from the ongoing research. In 1889, the late Professor W.C. Latta became a key figure in the enactment of the Farmer’s Institute Act, which legally recognized the work the university had been doing in holding farm schools and ‘moveable’ schools throughout the state. Some of the activities at the time included Boys’ Corn Clubs, the first county agents were appointed in 1906, along with the appointment of the first home demonstration agents in 1910. This work in turn led to the Clore Act in 1911, which authorized expansion of extension work, under the direction of the Department of Agriculture Extension. On May 8, 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Smith-Lever Act which provided for co-operative relations between state and nation to aid in agricultural education. Extension Service became the educational arm of the United States Department of Agriculture. Forty-two states had extension work in some form in 1914 and 929 counties already employed 1,350 extension workers. By mid-June 1918 nationally 2,435 counties had agriculture agents, 1,715 counties had home demonstration agents and 4-H membership soared to a half million members. Laws affecting extension have helped direct programs during World War 1, the depression, World War II and post-war efforts. In 1940 about 55,000 Indiana boys and girls between ten and twenty years of age were enrolled in these groups, which led to great improvements in farm life. More than 2,000,000 persons attended in one year the lectures and demonstrations that the county agents, home demonstration agents and specialists from Purdue conducted. In the 1960s and 1970s additional programs were added, and the Agricultural Extension Service was changed to the Cooperative Extension Service, and agent titles were changed to County Extension Agent. In the 1980s and 1990s, the “farm crisis” redirected extension; Indiana combined 10 areas into 5 districts, positions were downsized in 1987, with a strong emphasis on accountability and collaboration with organizations with similar goals. Extension continues to take the university to the people and the demonstration method is still relevant. The use of new technology has changed information and communication dissemination, and organizational stress and resource redirection is common. The Cooperative Extension Service continues to be proactive, responsive and collaborative, and it is committed to the growth and development of people through life-long learning. The goals are still to empower customers, develop volunteers, build collaborative partnerships, increase the capacity to secure resources, utilize appropriate technologies and communication networks and create a climate for staff to realize their potential. Source: Retrieved July 11, 2011 from: http://www.ag.purdue.edu/counties/dubois/Documents/4-H%20Adult%20Leaders/CooperativeExtensionServiceHistory.pdf Writer’s Program (Ind.) (1941). Indiana: a guide to the Hoosier state. New York, Oxford University Press. *Please note that it is best to search by county. The reports were processed at two different times, due to the fact that some were located at a later date. Some older reports may be interspersed with the more recent years. For the most part, the reports are arranged alphabetically by Indiana county and then chronologically. College of Agriculture, Janet Bechman and Margaret Titus. Method of Acquisition Transfer of records received from Margaret Titus on October 22, 2010. Whenever possible, original order of the materials has been retained. All materials have been housed in acid-free boxes. 09099999: Date range for collection updated 1/11/13; final updates to finding aid completed 5/19/16. Collection identifier updated from UA 14.13.01 to UA 59 as of January 25, 2017. College of Agriculture Extension reports. Purdue University Archives and Special Collections. https://archives.lib.purdue.edu/repositories/2/resources/506 Accessed April 26, 2019.
Written by Dominik Joe Pantůček on January 31, 2019. It has been quite some time since we have discussed some interesting programming stuff we are doing here at Trustica. And – as you may have guessed – we have encountered quite a few things that needed to be done and apparently no-one has done them before. Read on to see how you can style UI elements in Racket. Racket is a powerful Scheme-derived language that includes a plethora of utility libraries out of box. One of these libraries – it is better to say: collections – allows you to quickly develop a cross-platform UI applications. It has been a few years now since we started using it for most of our back-end and support GUI software. Firstly we get a reference to the font structure using a global font list object and secondly we tell the button widget to use it. Trouble is the button widget ignores the font we pass it. As you can see, it passes on everything as is to the underlying button% class but in case of text label, it is pre-rendered onto a bitmap canvas. This is actually just a sample code from StackOverflow extended to allow not only color change but also customizing the font. And as you can see in Picture 1 below, the result looks pretty neat! Once again we have proved that Racket is extremely flexible tool – even if you want to do relatively simple things. One can only guess why there are not more people programming in this Scheme-based language. Hope you share our excitement about the tools we use and stay tuned for more information about Cryptoucan™ soon!
Daniel J. Hansen, a partner at the Zadroga Act Claim law firm of Turley, Hansen & Partners was quoted last week in Metro NY on the new 9 11 Victim Compensation Fund draft rules released by Special Master Sheila Birnbaum. Like his partner Troy Rosasco, Hansen was disappointed that the new rules only permit compensation for “physical harm”, not for psychological injuries. 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Special Master, Sheila Birnbaum, at a “Town Hall” meeting tomorrow night, 6/29 from 6:00pm to 8:30pm at the United Federation of Teachers office located at 50 Broadway in lower Manhattan. Zadroga Act 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Special Master Sheila Birnbaum has released updated draft regulations regarding Zadroga claims procedures. new rules limit compensation to those claims involving “physical harm”. new rules significantly expand the geographic boundaries for claimants the decisions of Dr. John Howard , Director of the World Trade Center Health Program, on which illnesses will be covered, including certain cancers, will guide the Special Master. new rules permit the “amendment” of prior Victim Compensation Fund claims made under the original Fund, which closed in December 2003 The Special Master will have to “pro-rate” or reduce the initial awards, which may upset some claimants. The British Broadcast Corporation (BBC), a worldwide leader in television news reporting, visited our side of the pond last week to interview Turley Hansen Partner Troy Rosasco at our office in The Woolworth Building in lower Manhattan for a documentary commemorating the 10th Anniversary of 9/11. Troy Rosasco answered questions about the new Zadroga 9/11 Act and re-opening of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund. After leaving our office, they were off to interview Congressman Jerrold Nadler, Co-Sponsor of the Zadroga Act in the US House of Representatives.
Tswelo Kodisang is the Chief HR Officer for Tiger Brands where he is responsible for organizing and managing agendas, HR strategy and systems, and performance. He is a commercially driven international HR leader who operates as a business partner and trusted advisor. Results-driven, Tswelo has worked across Africa, the Middle East, Turkey, Israel, and England. For him, the road to success is through hard work, dedication, and the desire to continually improve at what you do.
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You can explore life, the universe and everything in it. Some exhibits are millions of years old, others less than a decade. This famous museum in the heart of Scotland's capital city is actually two buildings. The collections in the landmark Museum of Scotland building tell you the story of Scotland its land, its people and culture. The Royal Museum building, with its magnificent glass ceiling, houses international collections covering nature to art, culture to science. Located at Edinburgh Castle, explore over 400 years of the Scottish military experience. Uncover stories of courage and determination, victory and defeat, heroics and heartbreak. The Museum of Childhood opened in 1955 and is a favourite with adults and children alike. It was the first museum in the world to specialise in the history of childhood. The Museum of Edinburgh is home to important collections relating to the history of Edinburgh, from prehistoric times to the present day. One of the museum's great treasures is the National Covenant, signed by Scotland's presbyterian leadership in 1638, while the collections of Scottish pottery and items relating to Field Marshal Earl Haig are of national importance. East Fortune played an important role as an airfield during two World Wars. Now the National Museum of Flight hangars are packed with aircraft that reveal how flight developed from the Wright brothers to Concorde.
Door Staywell 775 brown version with manual opening and a removable lockable flap. Interconnecting doors allow your cat or dog comfortable and free passage back and forth. Suitable for small, medium and large dogs up to 45 kg weight. Pet door for small, medium dogs and big dogs Staywell 775 from the manufacturer PetSafe with manual opening. Interconnecting doors allow your cat or dog comfortable and free passage back and forth. Brown design, suitable for dogs up to 45 kg, to maximum width of 29 cm chest, weather resistant. The door is closed by a plug-FLAP, which is inside the door. Suitable for installation in: wood, PVC, metal, glass and brick. We recommend mainly for dogs up to max. Caution with double and tempered glass, we recommend consulting a specialist. User manual for all doors in the package. Pet door dimensions: height 45,6 cm, width 38,6 cm. Size FLAP: height 35,6 cm, width 30,5 cm. the possibility of installation in wood, PVC, glass and bricks.
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Convenience Store Woman, the English-language debut of Japanese writer Murata, is brilliant, witty, and sweet in ways that recall Amélie and Shopgirl. Keiko, a Tokyo woman in her 30s, finds her calling as a checkout girl at a national convenience store chain called Smile Mart: Quirky Keiko, who has never fit in, can finally pretend to be a normal person. Her story of conforming for convenience (literally) is one that women all over the world know all too well, as is her family’s pressure to get married and settle down, but Murata’s sparkly writing and knack for odd, beautiful details are totally her own. Before she’d even published in the U.S., New Zealand novelist Young had been lauded here—winning the prestigious Windham-Campbell Prize for nonfiction in 2017. Like a Lena Dunham from Down Under, Young’s writing explores fragility and resilience with a visceral, bodily focus. Her essays are both grounded in particulars—there are ruminations on Katherine Mansfield, arm hair, and the oppression of attempting to work in the same space as someone else—and universal. Arceneaux is a hysterically funny, vulnerable writer whose memoir is a triumph of self-exploration, tinged with but not overburdened by his reckoning with our current political moment. His story of growing up black and gay in Houston, in his very Catholic family, is more than a little heartbreaking at times, though knowing that Arceneaux has come through the other side as a successful author with such a strong sense of self makes it ultimately uplifting. He navigates with crucial nuance his many worlds as they’ve hemmed him in, made him stronger, and brought him to new places. The result is a piece of personal and cultural storytelling that is as fun as it is illuminating. Amid the raft of motherhood memoirs out this summer, it’s refreshing to read a book unapologetically dedicated to the fulfillment of single life. Like a more zoomed-in chapter from Rebecca Traister’s All the Single Ladies, MacNicol’s offering is a personable, entertaining reflection on the author’s 40th year. Though she is known for her exacting, emotional, and poignant writing on things like career burnout and parental illness, as well as founding the women’s networking organization The List, this memoir allows MacNicol a broader and looser canvas. When Davis left her urban, magazine-editing life, she wanted to do something more fundamental. Rather than tell people what to eat, where to travel, and how to lead their best lives, she wanted to, well, learn how to carve a pig. The quest took her to a slaughterhouse in Gascony, France, where, under the tutelage of some no-nonsense meat-revering brothers, she learned the art and labor of butchery. Back in the U.S., she founded the Portland Meat Collective, a school that would extend the lessons she had absorbed and bring the experience of eating and cooking meat away from mass production and into people’s hands and homes. Davis writes with the precision and pacing of a former editor, but one who has gained experience that extends well beyond Manhattan skyscrapers. A dense, powerful novel, Citkowitz’s The Shades tells the story of married couple Catherine and Michael Hall and their lives following their daughter’s death. This is only Citkowitz’s second book—her debut, Ether, was published in 2010—but it reads like the work of a writer with a much lengthier pedigree. In fact, Citkowitz possesses literary bona fides that are not immediately apparent, having worked as a screenwriter and coming from bookish stock: Her mother was Anglo-Irish novelist Lady Caroline Blackwood and her stepfather was poet Robert Lowell. This debut novel from Colombian writer Contreras—original, politically daring, and passionately written—is the coming-of-age female empowerment story we need in 2018, infusing a genre that feels largely tapped out with much-needed life. The author creates a lush but very harsh world—Pablo Escobar’s Bogota of the 1990s—that could feel familiar (see: Narcos) if not for her heroines, who make the story new again. Two young women, one wealthy and one not, try to survive in increasingly unstable times, and what unfolds is an intimate story that also feels global, showing how women in particular are caught up in violence and resource exploitation. Dangarembga’s first novel, Nervous Conditions, published when she was in her 20s, has since become part of the national canon of Zimbabwe, called by Doris Lessing “the novel we have all been waiting for.” (It also recently ranked on the BBC’s The 100 Stories That Shaped the World.) Set in what was then called Rhodesia, before the country ended white rule, that first book follows her protagonist, Tambudzai Sigauke, as she embarks upon her education. Dangarembga has returned to that central character in her latest book, opening with her living in a squalid youth hostel in Harare, confronting the limits of her hoped-for future. When Jeanne McCulloch’s mother insisted that her father go off alcohol cold turkey before her daughter’s wedding, it sent Mr. McCulloch into a coma. But the show—or wedding—must go on, at least according to Jeanne’s high-drama mother, and so while her father lay in Southampton Hospital, Jeanne walked down the aisle and into her short-lived marriage. Set mostly over the course of the wedding weekend in 1983, the memoir expands to tell a bigger story about society in the late 20th century. Partly a breezy scene piece, partly a meditation on the familial forces that make us who we are, All Happy Families is a distinct and evocative work. Is seaweed the new kale? The market for edible seaweed, according to Shetterly’s Seaweed Chronicles, is about $5 billion per year. (Some think the longevity of the Japanese people can be traced to their consumption of the algae.) This book is no diet manifesto, however; instead it’s a lovely, first-person consideration of the diaphanous organisms—and an evaluation of their environmental history and promise: A carbon-absorbing environmental superhero, macro-algae biofuel may fuel your VWs and Hondas in the future, to boot. New England native Nicole Hennessy is devoted to her Buddhist practice and a particularly demanding guru. But after several years as the Master’s most dedicated pupil—and sometimes sexual partner—she finds herself needing to sever the connection and move on with her life. A belated coming-of-age novel with a quest at its core, The Devoted is an assured and promising debut. Riffing off of Virginia Woolf’s desire for “a room of one’s own,” renowned literary biographer Tomalin’s memoir recounts how she ironically found herself in bringing other, mostly dead people back to life in her work. The writer is a master craftswoman, and it’s a thrill to see her prose and capacity for moving storytelling turned on her own life. Delving into the more difficult parts of her past—her husband, a journalist, was killed in Israel in 1973, leaving her on her own with their four children—Tomalin also re-creates a few raucous London literary scenes (particularly in the ’70s and ’80s) and discusses falling in love again in her 50s. If it leads you to read some of her biographies (Jane Austen is a favorite), you’ll be better off.
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A rare snow and ice storm is hitting the southeastern U.S. this morning, paralyzing travelers and stranding school buses. States of emergency have been declared in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi. Many residents across the region are inexperienced driving in the snow, and many cities don't have big fleets of salt trucks or snowplows. Many don't even own a snow shovel and stores have been quickly selling out. The few inches of snow and slick roads have caused massive gridlock and hundreds of accidents. As of last night, Georgia officials were reporting nearly 1,000 crashes, causing more than 100 injuries and one fatality. Schools closed early on Tuesday as the snow began to fall and there were several reports of stranded school buses in Georgia. Thousands of other students in Alabama and Georgia spent the night in their schools as wind chills dropped into the single digits. In the report above, WAGA-TV reporter Buck Lanford brought us the latest on America's Newsroom. You can read more details on the storm at FoxNews.com. In the segment below, Martha MacCallum spoke by phone with Montgomery, Alabama Mayor Todd Strange, who explained that his city does not have snowplows and salting equipment. Overall though, the city has not experienced any major problems. Strange said city and local government workers were sent home well in advance. In a press conference moments ago, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal gave an update on the children who were stranded at their schools. Students are being escorted back to their homes by police and buses.
Justine Cowan has been a writer, in various capacities, for 25 years. Her first screnplay "A Grunt's Tale" was awarded Honorable Mention in the 77th Annual Writer's Digest Writing Competition(out of 17,000 entries). "A Grunt's Tale" was also recognized as a top winner in the SkyFest I 2008 Script Competition. Justine's other completed screenplays include "The Octopus Charmer"(which was also recognized as a top winner in the SkyFest I 2008 Script Competition, "Flashdrive", and "Janie Loves Bollywood". Justine's other completed screenplays include "The Octopus Charmer"(which was also recognized as a top winner in the SkyFest I 2008 Script Competition, "Flashdrive", and "Janie Loves Bollywood". She is currently working on a drama about baseball.
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How many Amazon Alexa Echoes were sold over the 2017 holidays? Amazon sold "millions" more Amazon devices than a year ago over the holidays. Echo Dot was the top-selling product on Amazon across all categories. Echo Spot and Echo Buttons also sold out. Looking for an indicator that Amazon's Alexa is a beloved product? This holiday season, shoppers asked Alexa to order ... more Alexa devices. The company said on Tuesday that it sold "tens of millions" of devices powered by its smart voice assistant. While there are scores of purchases that can be made using Alexa, the top purchases made through "voice shopping" were the Echo Dot and Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote, the company said. Amazon's Alexa app also topped the App Store charts for Apple's iPhone, presumably as people set up their new devices. The small, inexpensive Echo Dot was the top-selling product on Amazon across all categories, and the newer Echo Spot and Echo Buttons also sold out. Alexa also seems to be a big driver of the Fire TV category. Twice as many Fire TV Sticks (the less-sophisticated version) were purchased this year — but usage of Alexa on the higher-end Fire TV devices was 889 percent year over year in the U.S. Alexa's breakout holiday seems to come hand-in-hand with a surge in smart-home interest in general: Smart plugs, smart light bulbs, and robot vacuums were also top sellers. "The more that Amazon can not just get its Echo devices out there, but get its Alexa technology embedded in a variety of things, including cars, that'll be the long-term win," RBC analyst Mark Mahaney told CNBC's "Squawk Alley" on Tuesday.
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Please fix this, I used it often and was really grateful you had it up for us to use. help!!!!!!!! i’m struggling with a blocker called x-keeper and i want to play Runescape which it blocks it! can anyone help me? yall Should Unblock Facebook !! http://www.webmasterview.com is a pretty good site so far. Nothing works so far.. exept i can log on facebook but not acces anyone elses pages or my own for that matter, needd some proxys :}. how come some times it does not work? If system load increases due to high usage, proxy will doze off temporarily. any one no how to get onto chatroulette. i have to plug my phone into my laptop to get internet and i cant seem to get passed the content control page. i am able to get on youtube and facebok and stuff but cant get on chatroulette, does any one know of any where i can get passed it? May 27, 2010 at 6:36 pm Gee. They have blocked all the https: and almost every proxy, anyone? myspace wont come up right now, but im sure it will here soon. im praying to god it does cuz i need to change my status! i need a proxy! its very urgent! im very bored at school…and i am not able to get on anything! please help me…most of the proxies have been blocked by our district. Hey, my school has blocked all sites that’re labled as Proxies. The only one I can use is Meebo which only allows you to chat. Do you guys know of any other sites that are not labeled as proxies??? there is no way to get to any of these sits. i bet teachers look on here and c and then they know to block them. cz iv tried so many different ones. and none of them work. all denide! my school has blocked facebook and now i cant get into anything. can anyone tell me how to unblock facebook on my school computers? Where did the proxy go? If you could get this site to work that would fantastic! Right now I can get to the login part but can’t get past login. After login there is a sever selection and then it loads a flash page. Thanks much, btw other sites listed as proxies will be blocked so I can’t use those. If you r School dont allow Youtube. Then do this http://video.google.ca/?hl=en&tab=wv then search your video.. it will say youtube tho but its on google they cant do nothing google is a safe server any questions email me with your name and what your emailing about.. help ive tried everything! get me on facebook! DUDE NONE of these work! i am not joking my school blocked EVERYTHING! anyone know how to unblock myspace from school ???? dude, my school filter detects proxies and all that. i can go to the login but it wont load after that whats up !?? how can you get around blocked websites when the sites to unblock it are blocked? i can only get onto bebo and facebooks log in pages and it wont load after that why is this?? Alright. I still haven’t figured out a way to get onto sites like myspace, and facebook. but I have figured out a way to get on Msn, AIM, and yahoo. remember to include the S after http. hey i need hlep getting all the proxys to be unblocked to get around fliter…. can some1 help me this filter does detect outside sourses and anonomous websites!!! can some1 please help me!!!! i need to game!…. the fliters name is… smart filter and i cant get on anything fun!!! please help me! (distress)!!!! this would be awesome if you could get into ur facebook page…whiich i can’t do. do u know any websites that allows u to do so??? if you realy have probs with getting to blocked websites try http://www.flyproxy.com also http://www.vvd1.net it’ll really work! enjoy!
If you have honeycomb shades, such as Duettes by Hunter Douglas, in some of your windows, try to catch a malfunction before it becomes a major problem. Sometimes one or more of the cords in the pull-tassel will come undone. Stop using that shade until the cords are put back in place. You could call the shop where you bought the shade to ask how to open the plastic tassel and put back the cords where they belong. However, you might also be able to do it right then and there. Hold the tassel in your left hand. Pull the heavier, single cord and the small cap out of the tassel. Inside you will find the smaller cords held together by a clip. Reinstall the cords that came loose and reassemble the tassel. If you do not put the loose cords back where they belong and you keep operating the shade, those loose cords will eventually retract back into the headrail and you will have a major repair on your hands. If you still have the original pleated shades from the 1970s or 1980s such as Verosol, Veroline or Veropaque, they are probably in a dark color such as bronze. Broken cords can be replaced if the folds in the fabric still stack correctly (they should not pop out of line) and if the fabric itself is still strong. But you may have to settle for white cords. With each passing year, it is harder to find darker color cords. In most cases, the white cord is not objectionable. Most window-covering shops can replace cords without sending the shade back to the manufacturer. Rule-of-thumb: The simpler the control mechanism, the easier the repair. Some spring-loaded controls can only be fixed by the manufacturer. By the way, do not try to replace the cords in those pleated shades on your own. The overlapping panels in older shades will disengage and you will spend hours trying to get the shade reassembled. Trust the pros.
Here’s our range of yummy ClearSpot Tofu products. To keep our tofu at its best it should be refrigerated below 5C and is suitable for home freezing. It's just simply plain tofu and nothing more. Naturally smoked over beechwood chipping in our smoking kiln with just a pinch of sea salt. Our own little creation! These little patties are made with both our original and smoked tofu, blended with crispy seaweed. New Organic Oriental Tofu, 100% organic soya beans infused with a blend of sweet chilli and aromatic spices. It's perfect for adding a little extra flavour to any meal occasion. Try it in stir-fry, soup, and salad. New Organic Mexican Tofu, 100% organic soya beans infused with a blend of smoky paprika and aromatic spices. It's perfect for adding a little extra flavour to any meal occasion. Try it in fajitas, tacos, and chilli.
The trafficking of Africans by Europeans began in the 1500s. From the time Africans were enslaved in their motherland, to the time of their arrival in the New World, they sought ways to rebel, to fight back and escape. ‘That calculations had been made, with all possible exactness, to determine which was … the more saving method of managing slaves: whether, to appoint them moderate work, plenty of provision, and such treatment as might enable them to protract their lives to old age? Or, by rigorously straining their strength to the utmost, with little relaxation, hard fare, and hard usage, to wear them out before they became useless and unable to do service, and then, to buy new ones, to fill up their places?
Our seas and coasts are an asset with rich and varied resources, living and non-living, which support livelihoods, provide a sense of place and identity and define cultures. Degradation of coral reef ecosystems, overfishing, increased resource extraction - the need for improved stewardship of coastal and marine resources is increasingly evident around the globe. But what does marine and coastal stewardship mean and how can we apply stewardship in these environments?
Compassion and competition are two words that we don’t typically use in the same sentence. Compassion is the kingdom way; competition is the American way. As Americans, we celebrate winning at all costs. For us bigger is better. This is not God’s way. He calls us to sacrifice, service, and surrender. God rejoices in the laying down of one’s life. We often find ourselves trying to live in both of these realities. Yet, the longer we walk with Christ the more we feel the tension between the two. The spirit of competition has worked itself into the place it should never exist: The Church. Now, don’t misunderstand me, I love a great ball game. Organized competition in sports and other arenas of life are fun, but when the same mindset spills over into the church it’s detrimental to the work of the kingdom. Think about it, competition puts us at odds with other people. It’s the process of trying to outshine another person. How can we genuinely serve others if we are constantly trying to surpass them? The kingdom-life is a call to compassion, not competition. Compassion is a word that usually evokes positive feelings. We all like to consider ourselves compassionate people. However, compassion is not as natural of a phenomenon as we might think. The word “compassion” suggests: suffering with another, becoming weak, laying down one’s life. In fact, the bible teaches us to present ourselves as “living sacrifices.” The problem with living sacrifices is that they have the tendency to crawl off the altar, stand up, and start competing again. There are two powerful narratives at work in our lives simultaneously. The first is the American narrative: a story of power, wealth, and prestige. The American story is one of competition: bigger, better, faster, and stronger. Americans don’t like limits. We like graphs in which all lines move up. This narrative tells us that limits are bad and boundaries are to be crossed. The American way is up. The other narrative at work is called the Gospel. This is the way of Jesus embodied by his life, teaching, death, and resurrection. This narrative requires downward mobility. In Christ we don’t compete for a place in the kingdom; instead, God has chosen to be God-with-us. Jesus came down in an act of divine compassion. In turn, God calls us to reflect Christ in how we live and interact with one another. Subsequently, through us, the kingdom crashes into the world. The way of Jesus is down. Jesus taught that the only way to find your life is to lose it. He said the first must be last… If you try and keep your life, you will actually end up losing everything. This teaching is woven throughout the Gospels. In fact, if you attempt to remove it, you would end up removing a large portion of what Jesus taught. See for yourself: Blessed are the poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, the merciful, and the persecuted (Matt. 5:3-10). Don’t store up treasures on earth (Matt. 6:19-21). The one who seeks to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it (Matt. 16:25). The last will be first and the first will be last (Matt. 20:16). If you want to be great, you have to become a servant (Matt. 20:26). The greatest among you will be the servant; the humble will be exalted and the exalted will be humbled (Matt. 23:11-12). Anyone who wants to be Jesus’ disciple must deny themselves, take up their cross daily, and follow him (Luke 9:23). If you cling to your life, you’ll lose it; if you let your life go, you’ll find it (Luke 17:33). We could go on, but I think you get the picture. The Jesus narrative and the American narrative are worlds apart. The American story teaches us that life is about success. Our worth is connected to being bigger and better. Life is a competition and the one who dies with the most toys wins. If we are going to follow Jesus, we have to switch narratives because his story is one of compassion, humility, vulnerability, and servanthood. The kingdom invites us to pour out our lives in certain assurance that life will never run out. The Christian life obligates itself to intentionally move downward. It’s counterintuitive; it’s not natural. Nonetheless, it’s the way of Christ and it is good. The kingdom narrative calls us to devote ourselves to a lifestyle of compassion as we learn to embody the good news of a better way. This is the tale of two tales: American and Kingdom. We’re born into one; we choose the other.
My husband likes pudding but has to watch his sugar intake, being a diabetic. So he enjoys the 12 cup Snack Pack Pudding Cups that are sugar free. There are vanilla and chocolate cups included in this snack pack, but my husband prefers the taste of the chocolate (as do I, because I sometimes will eat a cup). The chocolate pudding cups have 70 calories a cup with 3.5 fat grams, 0 cholesterol, 15 grams of total carbohydrate, 0 grams of sugars and 9 grams of sugar alcohol. These pudding cups are made with real nonfat milk, and for being sugar free, the chocolate really doesn't taste bad at all. I happen to enjoy the chocolate flavor more than the vanilla when I have one, because the vanilla flavor is really not the best. My husband and I have checked Walmart to see if we can find a 12 pack of sugar free pudding that is all chocolate in flavor, but unfortunately, we haven't been able to find anything in the 12 pack size that is sugar free except the vanilla and chocolate combined. The pudding is sweetened with Splenda, and each cup is 3.5 ounces. If you are looking for a sugar free chocolate snack which really does taste OK, you might want to try these pudding cups. You can also get the chocolate (or vanilla, if you prefer) in sizes smaller than a 12 pack. Mallo Cups For Gooey Deliciousness!!
Tom Ford, the genius who can turn his hand on anything and make it stylish. Say it films, fashion or what we are focusing on, cologne. There’s a bunch of names I can say who has left a mark on the fragrance industry. Christian Dior and Saint Laurent are some best ones. But a very few have the ability to put such impact in so less time like this director, designer and now, one of the most renowned men in the universe. His wardrobe is full of the collections that he edited with grace. All of these are categorical and lavishing that would make any men’s personality glow up. Today, as I mentioned already, we about discuss some of the most successful cologne inventions by this genius fashionable statement maker. I’ll include ten best Tom Ford colognes that has taken the world of men fashion by storm. Don’t worry if you are not so quick to pick a right cologne that matches your aura. I’ll keep my thoughts written below to help you out. There would be a simple to follow guide that should make you choose the right Tom Ford cologne for your persona. Let’s jump into the world of fragrance! Let me review one by one some of the best smelling tom ford colognes the market has got for you. Please make sure to understand what goes well with your lifestyle and choose depending on that fact. I would be including some valuable information later after these reviews to make you meet your perfect scent. Not every fragrance is going to suit you even if each of them is really good. That’s why you need to know some rules to tell what matches your aura the best. For now, let’s have a trip to ten fascinating and lavishing smell pieces from Tom ford that are the definition of a perfectly smelling man. The Tom Ford noir extreme is an excellent choice of fragrance that any men would love to have in his closet. It comes from the latest noir extreme series that has become one hype lineup of Tom Ford for its brilliance. The noir extreme eau de parfum comes in a 3.4-ounce bottle. That’s a good amount of size for both who use it regularly or decides to go for occasional usage. The fragrance is fantastic and perfect for both men and women. This unisex cologne comes with a few versatile smells that go with any mood and any aura which makes it a perfect pick. But most men would love to wear it during the evening since the smell is somewhat sensual and perfect for dates and night outs. It’s going to be the cherry on top for a perfectly dressed up men. The smell lasts for two to three hours which is a good thing. However, people who want to pick a smell for a long time smelling would be slightly disappointed. But the major nice thing is that the smell still does not completely fades up. Instead, it lingers with a sweet and light scent. A great smell for night out and dates. Last for a good time period. Unique warm but the spicy smell. The 1.7 Oz spray fragrance from Tom Ford suits any skin type and most men would prefer the unique flavors this smell includes within. It’s one of the best and last longing fragrances that you can have for a mind-blowing attraction. It’s a perfect fit for occasions where you are expecting to make one of the best memories. Like a pure blend of fragrance, this cologne suits any mood and atmosphere perfectly to make an everlasting impression on other people. The main ingredients for this designer fragrance are lemon, sweet orange, and gingers. The combination also includes a bit of peppercorn to add variety. There pipe tobacco and patchouli as well to make the smell seem like a serious person’s characteristic. A very masculine smell that goes with any situation. A flawless choice for bug occasions and anniversaries. Comes with a very nice combination of ingredients. The size won’t be enough if you are a regular user. This 100ml EDT Spray from Tom Ford is a big bottle you can buy for a classy and luxurious looking statement that will go a long way. It’s one of the most popular choices for men beauty and personal care product. It comes from the signature line up that’s known to be budget friendly as well as masculine in scent. The fragrance isn’t too overpowering that seems obvious for attention. The combination of pure essences such as mandarin oranges, orange blossoms, lemon leaves, violets, ginger, cedar, and grapefruit give sit a distinct smell that radiates with class. To the direct smelling sense, the fragrance seems something like woody and citrus. It’s extremely appealing and perfect for a dinner look. It’s one of those colognes that you can use as your regular go-to smell and feel comfortable with any occasion or situation. A cologne enthusiast must have this fantastic fragrance. It’s a great choice for a complimenting get up that’s also going to be a bit nostalgic for any men. The price is affordable for most men. It comes with nice packaging. The essence is really good for the skin. It is suitable for any get to gather or occasion. The smell does not last for a whole day. The Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille comes in a handy 50 ML size that goes well with men who need a smell for occasional usages. It’s the appropriate mixture of essences that is suitable for your special days and best memories. This is one of the finest choices that would satisfy most men’s taste. It comes with a very nice and classy fragrance that any fashion conscious men would love to have in their collection. It’s a great pick that gives you the best masculine scent which goes for any mood or any environment. The compliments would be flooded on you and the whole thing would bring a great joy on your face certainly. If you are looking for a gift to impress your boss or the men in your life then definitely it’s pro-choice. Most men who associate with great power sense has a soft feel for the fragrance it holds. However, if you are a light smell lover than this might not be a so great choice for you. It’s also not suitable for regular use since the cost is quite high. But for huge deals and parties, it’s going to be the perfect scent you can wear. The best fragrance ever from tom ford according to many users. It’s long lasting and spreads well. The amazing combination of spiced vanilla with a bit of cedar. The Tom Ford grey vetiver cologne is a 3.4-ounce fragrance spray goes well with any men from any taste of smell. It’s a very simple but sophisticated smell that keeps you down to earth for the looks. But also it gives you strong stunning presence in a group of people. Tom ford grey vetiver is a designer men fragrance that’s perfect for your regular casual usages. It’s one great pick for everyday look and office purposes. It’s important to have a good impression when on a meeting or simply a big presentation. The smell is light and does not distract people but instead gives a very subtle cozy feel. Moreover, the cologne is very long lasting. The manufacturing is smart that keeps in consideration the fact that this cologne is made for regular usages. So when you wear it for the whole day, it does not simply vanish in a few hours. This grey vetiver cologne also contains some of the most high-quality ingredients within. The fragrance gets muskier with time which I absolutely love. It’s a textbook choice for warm weather and fresh looks. The ingredients are well balanced. Gives a subtle but impressive feel. It’s a perfect pick for summertime and warm weathers. The size is good enough for regular usage. The Tom Ford Noir cologne is a 3.4 Ounce perfume spray edition that comes with the ever attracting vanilla flavor. The spray perfume gives you a refreshing and soothing smell that is one of a rare cologne that you can own. The fragrance is a new made cologne from the hyped and popular Noir series. This is one of my favorite cologne that emphasizes every note equally. The fragrance would seem somewhat peppery in a good way. It gives you the feel of nature and keeps you simple but stunning in any gathering. The flavor instantly changes into light vanilla that’s one of the most favorite bases of the essence of most fragrance enthusiast. This essence goes well with casual, showy and any kind of outlooks which is the most fascinating thing about it. Also, the clean fragrances last for a very good amount of time. Never was it overbearing but enough strength to leave a mark. A simple but gorgeous smell to wear. The fragrance is very suitable for most occasions. The smell is long lasting for whole day use. Gives your outlook fresh and clean look. The Tom Ford Grey Vetiver is a small 1.7-Ounce cologne that you can have for any season looks. The down to earth fragrance is woody and nice to smell. It’s one of the best combinations that includes freshness and masculinity. The fragrance has a very nice lasting effect. It goes pretty well for the whole day usages. Never did I feel that it loses the smell. Even during the very last moment, you’ll get a nice smell. The genuine product come with a very affordable price. At least comparing to other colognes from Tom Ford, this one is quite inexpensive. It’s one of those smell that you would like to have as your signature one. If you have thoughts of giving a men gift, this should be a good idea. The smell is overall, a bit mature, fresh and totally distinctive that’s sure to catch people’s attention. It comes with a very attractive smell. Reasonable as a designer cologne. Perfect for any occasional usage. Goes well with any season outfit. It is one of the best gift material. Mid age men might not like the feel. The Tom Ford Tuscan Leather Cologne for Men comes in a very convenient size of 1.7 Ounce. This excellent quality luxurious cologne would give you the feel of being rich. The cologne comes from the very rare and unique, tom fords own private blends and uses, the private blend series. This is a very popular and rare cologne that you can own. The price is the only factor you would want to worry about. Since we all know by now that private blend series are quite expensive. So that’s the only hinge. However, if you can afford this beautiful smelling fragrance then there’s no doubt you are ought to enjoy one of the best smells in the world. It comes in very nice packaging. Since the price is a bit high you won’t be using it every day. So the amount in one bottle is quite enough to last for a good period. A luxurious feel to glow up presence. An elegant tom ford collection smell to get. The smell is exotic and beautiful. It’s suitable for big events and huge matters in your life. A rich leather feels with a nice sweet aroma. The Tom Ford oud wood cologne is a 3.4-ounce perfume cologne that comes with the fragrance of woods. It’s a perfect fit for men who love the fresh, manly and earthy smells. Tom ford oud wood is also from the very rare and unique private blend collection that is quite pricey. But if you focus on the smell and quality the price seems nothing. It’s wonderful! The kind that gives you an instant approval from people of class. If you want to impress your boss or simply win over a man’s heart, this could be your ticket. Gift it to them. Spend this amount of money and get a smell that’s actually one of a kind in the fragrance industry. Good news is this cologne is not only limited for men. It’s actually a unisex perfume that both genders can equally enjoy. So if you are going to buy it for yourself than congrats, your spouse is also going to love you for that. Excellent quality of fragrance with good ingredients. It comes with an earthy and woody smell that is very charming. Gives you a sense of confidence when in big gatherings. The packaging is good enough to last a long period. The price is a bit too much. Not appropriate for regular usages. The Tom Ford eau de cologne Toilette is one of the rare combinations from the designer that comes with budget and quality. So if you are short on budget but want to enjoy a branded good, here’s one for you. First of all, there’s no tester. It’s one of the colognes that also come with skin maintaining benefits. It’s not harmful nor allergenic to any skin type and most people would find it suitable for their conditions. The price does not affect the quality. I mean it’s not like those cheap axes that also smells cheap. The fragrance speaks for a well-known, classy man. It’s that charming! It comes with lighter notes and a nice black bottle packaging. The fragrance goes well with regular life and office looks. Even when you go for a dinner date, this smell is going to make your women go crazy and head over heels for you. Really budget friendly for any men. Goes well with most occasions. A perfect cologne for regular usage. Quite long lasting for the whole day. Comes in a nice amount to go a long way. Not for men who looms for strong smells. There are some rules you should follow to pick the right cologne that suits you. All Tom Ford scents smell amazing and there’s no doubt to the fact. But not everything suits everyone. So you should be able to find a thing that goes well with your lifestyle and persona. A man would have an impression on other people based on his smell. Don’t make the first impression go in vain by choosing something that does not speak about your preference. Here are a few things that should help you out. This is a fact you absolutely cannot ignore. It’s even proved scientifically. Men would get the best use of a cologne that matches his own body scent. You should be looking for something that feels just like your natural odor. You know pretty well yourself. Only you can decide if a cologne has a scent that goes well with you. Focus on the extracts of a particular one, which you like. Don’t just get a bottle just because it sounds luxurious. You need something that balances your whole personality and yet don’t feel like overdo. There are some people who are going to judge the scent you pick only because you love challenging smells. Tom Ford is a man who has a huge collection that only breathes in edgy and stand-out-from-the-rest pieces. So if you are going to pick one from his collection, be sure to be confident about your choice. Only when a lot of people have the same negative reaction to your smell extract preference, then consider choosing a different type. 3. Focus On Your Preferred Ingredients. Not every cologne would smell nor feel the same. So you should have some preference and check out extracts that you like better than others. A few love to go with woody, earthy smells. While some men would prefer fruity smell more attractive. Also, there is a vast fan base for tropical ocean extracted cologne. Remember one thing! You’ll be the one who is going to smell your cologne the most. So be sure you like it. I’m not saying that a Tom Ford cologne will sell you junk in a pretty bottle. But the fact is, you just cannot buy a cologne based on what the bottle looks like. I have seen so many men who decide that cologne is good enough to suit them only because the bottle looks fancy. A fancy looking bottle might have a really nice smell, especially if it’s from Tom Ford. But what if, the really beautiful smell for others does not go well with what you find attractive? This is a very common scenario and trust me, it would happen to you if you don’t avoid judging a smell based on bottles and packaging. First and foremost, make sure the smell goes with you. Be sure it prices something that you afford. Go for all the basics and check them out one by one. Finally, if you have a few models on your mind that suit right, then choose whatever bottle or packaging you prefer. Remember, a flashy bottle won’t make it great, the smell should speak for you. There are so many fake models of Tom Ford colognes. You should be extra cautious you don’t get into those sources. There are huge customer complaints about just being deceived by a fake cologne because they were too thrilled with the cheap discounts to notice the bug. When you decide to pick such a lavishing brand cologne, it makes no sense to look for cheap prices. They are going to cost somewhat pricey. But if you consider the quality then you will find that the price is actually affordable. The end line is you should not run after discounted price but double check the source you are getting it from. I would suggest you visit Amazon to get genuine Tom Ford colognes. The most fascinating part about this source is that you’ll get a refund if there’s a problem. That’s what I call a safe purchase! Colognes come in different bottle size. But most would range from 1 to 3.4 oz. If you are a person who likes to use the same fragrance for a long period of time then go for big sizes. However, choose a small package if the case is not what I just said. Another factor is if you are buying for the first time and have no idea how the cologne would smell on you, go for mini sizes. This way you’ll be kind of safe with your money. The smaller bottles would also go well with men who wear fragrances occasionally. Most colognes would come with the three-part life cycle plan. Imagine a pyramid that evaporates. The top of the pyramid slowly gets invisible once you reach the very base. The sections individually would hold some scents or notes that blend together to match what you smell. Most fragrances would come with three dissimilar types of notes. These are known to be top, medium and base notes. The top note is basically a smell that is light. These type of scent would hit your smelling sense right after you apply it. Most of the time this category lasts from fifteen to two hours. The very common and popular top notes are powdery, fruity, marines, floral, citrus and spices. Then comes the medium note. It is also known as the heart note. This sections would show you the exact and main element of the smell. It develops right after the top note clears. Most of the medium notes last from three to five hours once you spray. Medium notes are basically built with top notes. This section includes fragrances such as grass, stone, jasmine, cloves, and some fruity scents. Then the final note is known as base notes. It’s the last one to develop a fragrance. These are basically bold in scents that become more noticeable later in a day. The base note is the foundation of your fragrance. This determines how the fragrance would last on you. Most of them usually last from five to ten hours. The base note includes moss, vetiver, tar, leather, tobacco, sandalwood, vanilla and musk fragrances. To figure out the Best Tom Ford cologne for your needs, I want to focus on two types of buyers reading it out. You may be someone who is fanatic of luxurious fragrance or just a casual buyer. I’ll be considering the fact that the readers come from different pocket depths. So to make it easy, I want to split the whole thing into a few specified sections. The first one is a collection of premium private blends which is of course expensive. The next one is a better accessible signature series of cologne. There would be three more mini sections as well after these two prominent collections. This is tom ford’s very own experimental and lavishing collection. It got launched in 2007 and the designer has shared his thoughts on it. He says the collection is full of genuine fragrances. It’s totally different and out of focus from the mainstream fragrance creations. Fashion enthusiast and renowned critics have called the collections challenging, thought-provoking and a slightly edgier. Most of them would give you the starting feel of extracts such as tobacco, leather, gardenia, black violet, and amber. The private blends are restricted to wilder experiments. But to the wider market, the most successful colognes come from the signature series. These are specially presented and honed for the general public. Of course, this series combines with some of the most affordable Tom Ford colognes. But that does not mean all of them are cheap. You would still find some models such as grey vetiver and extreme to be quite expensive. The higher priced counterparts are demanding because they smell like bliss. If I had to describe the Noir collection form Tom Ford I’ll say “A Perfect Blend for Evening-Suitable Temptation.” There are four colognes in this series that are each very different but charming. More like distant cousins with the same surname. The four colognes come with different feels. One gives you the connection with a warm and powdery feel. One gives you a light citrusy punch. Others two include smoky and woody to earthy, rose and spicy fragrances. The last one falls under the private blend collection though. Who does not like the classic? They are evergreen and forever favorite of any fashionista. Tom Ford is a fan of classic and vintage fragrances. His love was shown on the Portofino line up. Here he includes some of the simple colognes with outstanding feel. It’s more like the first love of any fragrance fanatic. The series holds colognes made from aromatic herbs, citrus fruits, and other light smells. These are the best Tom Ford cologne for summertime use. These gives you a fresh but manly aura. There’s a very little number of odor lovers who don’t crave for that pure earthy smell. Oud is a lineup that combines wood and earthy feels in the blends. It’s one of the massive expanded successful series from Tom Ford. Men have a soft spot for woody smells. Because this gives them a bold and manly feel. This series is such a hype now that it’s one of the very rare ford colognes to come up with separate ancillaries. It includes beard oil, shower gel, and body lotions. The fragrances come with floral, spicier and smoky wood and salty marine flavors. These fragrances work best in any season no matter what occasion. Every man would love to have one of these two complete their perfume cabinets. No matter what collection you get interested in, there’s no denying that Tom Ford is the epitome of good taste in fragrance. The perfect construction and polishing make it a flawless thing for any fashion conscious men. A fragrance or cologne won’t last forever. There are elements such as heat fluctuation that happens rapidly and effects on the expiry. These are often found on bathroom spaces. They tend to cause the molecules of a particular cologne to break apart. The same goes for sunlight. So you can’t store them in the window still storage or anywhere near the sun. If you want to expand the life of your bottle then find a dark, dry and cool place to store them. The most perfect and suitable spot is your closet. He is one of the most prominent American fashion designers. Tom Ford has always created a wow factor in whatever he makes. The style and grace he has in his creation are unmatchable and same goes for the cologne series he launched time to time. Smell is one of the most powerful sense that human has. So putting an impression with a good scent on the other people you are meeting in regular life is really important. Say it for professional or personal reason. Your women would love the feel when you smell good and you’ll have an impact on your work and friend squad as well. So wear a fragrance and express yourself with grace and style. Any cologne from these ten Tom Ford cologne would be a fantastic choice. There’s no way I can announce a winner since I’m head over heels for these designer fragrances. Just make sure what you wear goes with your impression and makes you memorable. Good Luck!
If you must hike only ONE SECTION of the PCT, then this one stretch, LE CONTE to LAKE TAHOE, is by far the best for high altitude, granite, peaks, passes, total alpine lake bliss, with incredible mountain scenery. When you must limit your big adventure trek, due to time constraints, this portion is some of the most beautiful high elevation terrain in the whole darn nation. Seriously. Better than a movie! Services like grocery, laundromats, hotels, restaurants, post office, available in SLT (South Lake Tahoe). Postal, food & lodging can be had in numerous locations along certain high country routes – like Vermillion Resort @ Lake Edison. The PCT guide books give good descriptions of these handy trailheads with services, in way more detail.
Delicious smores on a a bright blue sock with yellow heels, toes and cuff. Size 12-24 Months Fits Shoe Size 3-7. Size 2-4 Years fits Shoe Size 6-11. Size 4-7 Years fits Shoe Size 10-1 (Youth). Size 7-10 Years fits Shoe Size 12-5 (Youth).
PasturePro rope clips are recommended for horse fencing and will work for up to 1/4" rope or coated wire. Available in black and white. The combination of PasturePro rope clips and line posts creates a much safer alternative over traditional t-posts. Available in black. PasturePro rope clips are made to withstand the elements and are attached with two small stainless steel screws.
Unidentified workers stripping the old roof off the Wanakena Presbyterian Church. The renovation was funded by church and community donations totaling about $35,000. 2004. Wanakena, NY. Photo courtesy of Allen Ditch.
Believe it or not, it’s been nearly four and a half years since Apple released the original MacBook Air. At the time, it was revolutionary in terms of its size and weight, but it also was slow, had little storage, had only a single USB port for expansion, and was very expensive—it started at $1799, and if you wanted solid-state storage, the price increased dramatically (by $999!). As Jason Snell wrote at the time, “laptop design has always been about compromise,” and the original Air required some painful compromises. But that Air also gave us a glimpse at the future of Mac laptops: incredibly thin, blissfully light, and surprisingly sturdy, with reliable, fast, flash storage—attributes that have made their way into Apple’s Pro laptop line with the new MacBook Pro with Retina display ( ). It’s safe to say that before long, all of Apple’s laptops will be direct descendants of the Air. The Air itself has also evolved: The second iteration gained some speed, better video capabilities, and more storage. The third generation got faster and cheaper. In 2010, Apple gave the Air its biggest update by adding a second USB port, improving performance, standardizing on flash storage, lowering prices, and—in the biggest move of all—releasing a road-warrior-dream 11-inch model priced at just $999. The company turbocharged the Air last year by upgrading to Intel Core i5 and i7 processors and adding a Thunderbolt port. In a few short years, the Air has gone from an expensive technology demonstration to a successful product firmly established as the heart of Apple’s laptop line. This year’s models improve the appeal of the Air by increasing performance, enhancing expansion capabilities, and lowering prices. In fact, the new models might just be making the MacBook Pro line a little nervous. Through the Air’s now-six iterations, the laptop’s external design has remained essentially the same. Both the 11-inch and 13-inch Airs are thin wedges of unibody aluminum—just under 0.7 inch thick in the back and just over 0.1 inch thick in the front—though obviously with different footprints: The 13-inch model is 12.8 inches wide and 8.9 inches deep, while the 11-inch Air is just 11.8 inches wide and 7.6 inches deep. The 13-inch Air weighs just under 3 pounds, with the 11-inch version weighing in at just under 2.4 pounds. Flip open the screen, and you reveal a full-size, backlit keyboard—even on the 11-inch model—that uses the same low-profile, flat keys as Apple’s current desktop keyboards. (The differences? The Air’s F-key row uses half-height keys compared to the desktop keyboards, and its bottom row of keys is ever-so-slightly shorter.) There’s also the large, Multi-Touch trackpad that’s ideal for using gestures in OS—it remains the best trackpad I’ve used on any laptop—and an LED-backlit, widescreen, glossy display surrounded by an aluminum bezel. Inside the case is a multi-cell, custom-fit—yes, and still non-user-replaceable—battery system that gives the Air line excellent battery life, despite its slim profile. The 11-inch Air has a claimed battery life of up to 5 hours, with the 13-inch Air boasting up to 7 hours. Apple’s battery estimates are based on “wirelessly browsing 25 popular websites with display brightness set to 50 percent.” We test using tasks designed to drain the battery more quickly, but our results show roughly four hours of battery life for the 11-inch Air (slightly better than the 2011 model’s battery life), and around five hours of use for the 13-inch Air (about the same as its predecessor). There is one change to the Air’s enclosure, though: The built-in camera is now, in Apple’s parlance, a 720p FaceTime HD camera. In other words, the camera can record video at 1280 by 720 resolution. In my testing, the new camera still produces grainy images and video with less-than-optimal color accuracy, but it’s noticeably better than the camera on my 2010 MacBook Air. The 2012 Air ships with OS X 10.7 (Lion)—including Lion Recovery—and iLife (iPhoto, iMovie, and GarageBand). Anyone who buys a 2012 Air is eligible for a free upgrade to OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion). The big changes this year are on the sides and the inside. Like the 2011 Air, the new model sports a Thunderbolt port for both high-speed peripherals and connecting external displays. (Fans of FireWire, take note: Apple has also announced a Thunderbolt to FireWire 800 adapter, although we’re still awaiting its debut.) But the Air’s two USB ports, one on each side, are now USB 3 versions, making the Air line the first—along with the Retina MacBook Pro—to support the new USB standard. Each USB 3 port gets its own bus, is capable of up to 5 Gbps of throughput, and is backward-compatible with USB 2.0 peripherals. We’re currently testing USB 3 performance and hope to have benchmark results soon, but USB 3 opens up the Air to a big market of inexpensive, decent-performance storage devices. SD Card Reader: The right side of the 13-inch MacBook Air (left) has a SD Card slot, which is not found on the 11-inch model. You’ll also find, on the left-hand edge, Apple’s MagSafe 2 power connector. The new connector is apparently electrically identical to the original MagSafe, but flatter and wider. This means the new Airs, along with the Retina MacBook Pro, ship with a new MagSafe 2 AC-power adapter. Apple sells the $10 MagSafe to MagSafe 2 Converter, a tiny adapter that lets you use older MagSafe power bricks with the new Airs and Retina MacBook Pro, but you can’t use the new MagSafe 2 power bricks with your older MagSafe-equipped laptops. Oddly, the design of the new MagSafe 2 plug forces the cable to protrude directly out—at a 90-degree angle—from the plug. The original MagSafe plug had a similar design, but after many people had problems with the cable fraying where it entered the plug, in 2010 Apple switched to a lower-profile, L-shaped plug that didn’t fray as easily and was more difficult to accidentally knock loose. We’ll see how this new (old) design holds up over time. The right side of the 13-inch Air continues to host an SD card reader. On both sizes, the left side sports a tiny microphone along with a 1/8-inch (3.5mm) headphone jack that also supports headphones with an Apple-style inline remote/microphone module. The Air continues to support 802.11a/b/g/n wireless networking and Bluetooth 4.0. Some of the new Air models’ biggest changes are found on the inside. For starters, the 2012 Airs use Intel’s third-generation Core processors (also known as Ivy Bridge) for better performance, making Apple one of the first vendors to adopt these chips in their non-workhorse lines. Specifically, the 11-inch Air uses a 1.7GHz dual-core Core i5 processor with 3MB of shared level–3 cache, while the 13-inch Air uses a 1.8GHz version; a 2.0GHz i7 processor with 4MB level–3 cache is available as a built-to-order option. Like the previous Core i5 and i7 processors (known as Sandy Bridge), Ivy Bridge CPUs include hyper-threading and Turbo Boost. Hyper-threading lets the CPU’s two cores be utilized by the OS as four. When only one core is needed for a task, Turbo Boost lets the chip shut down one of the two cores and bump up the clock speed of the other. Turbo Boost can reach 2.6GHz on the 1.7GHz i5 and 2.8GHz on the 1.8GHz i5. Turbo Boost on the 2.0GHz i7 CPU can reach 3.2GHz. How We Tested: In Handbrake 0.9.5, we encoded a single chapter (to H.264 using the application's Normal settings) from a DVD that was previously ripped to the hard drive. We installed Parallels 6 and ran WorldBench 6’s Multitask test. In Cinebench, we recorded how long it took to render a scene with multiprocessors. How We Tested: We ran Mathematica 8’s Evaluate Notebook Test. Last year’s Airs offered big performance gains over their predecessors thanks to the switch from Core 2 Duo to Core i5 processors. While this year’s Airs don’t offer as big of a jump, our benchmarks show that the new Airs are roughly 15 to 21 percent faster in processor-intensive tasks (namely, our Cinebench CPU and MathematicaMark8 tests) than their immediate predecessors, and that’s the case for both the 13-inch and 11-inch models. When it came to graphics performance, the 2011 Air was in some ways a step back compared to the 2010 model. Though both versions used an integrated graphics processor (GPU), the 2010 model’s Nvidia GeForce 320M performed significantly better than the 2011 Air’s Intel HD Graphics 3000 in our traditional benchmark tests, such as Cinebench’s OpenGL test and a Call of Duty demo. However, when we used apps that had been specifically optimized for Intel graphics, such as Valve’s Portal 2, the 2011 Air’s GPU slightly bested its predecessor’s. For 2012, the Air line has been upgraded to an Intel HD Graphics 4000 GPU. While still an integrated GPU, Apple claims the 4000 is up to 60 percent faster on graphics-intensive tasks than last year’s 3000. In our testing the 2012 Airs were indeed around 60 percent faster in our Cinebench OpenGL test, though only 20 to 25 percent faster in our Portal test. So while Apple’s claims may not hold up across the board, it’s clear that the 2012 Airs gain significant graphics improvements and comfortably best all previous generations in this area. How We Tested: In Cinebench, we ran that application’s OpenGL frames-per-second test. Using Steam and Steam for Mac, we created a self-running demo for Portal and recorded the frames-per-second rating. There’s one additional graphics-related feature that Apple isn’t advertising: Once you update your 2012 MacBook Air with the MacBook Air (Mid 2012) Software Update 1.0, you can connect two external Thunderbolt displays for a total (including the built-in display) of three displays. This is similar to the four-display capability of the Retina MacBook Pro. When it comes to RAM, all four MacBook Airs, including the $999 entry-level model, now ship with a minimum of 4GB, and you can upgrade any 2012 Air, at the time of purchase, to a whopping-for-an-Air 8GB. These days, 2GB just isn’t enough for anything but the most-basic usage, and since you can’t upgrade the Air’s RAM later, you’re stuck with what you initially buy. As someone who’s been using a 2010 MacBook Air with 2GB of RAM for a year and a half, I can tell you from personal experience: This is a welcome change. Memory is also a bit faster this year, jumping from 1333MHz to 1600MHz.
I have my own opinion about draft dodgers, but I didn’t have to walk in their shoes, so it’s not my place to say one way or another. The fact is, we are all human beings and all in need of the same courtesies, unconditional love that we want for ourselves. DNA test produces surprise and new family ties. I was reading the paper this morning, [what else to do on an early morning at a hotel], and as I thumbed through the sports page, here was the “>continued from 1c” part to the title above. I went back to the page, 1c, and began to read why there would be a DNA test results in the sports section. I was surprised to read the unfolding story that began in 1947. Earlier really, as far as life stories go. If a certain young man had not chosen a career in baseball, none of this story would even exist. I don’t want to give away the story with it’s twists and turns, and surprises of its own, please read it for yourself. It’s about adoption and not having the desire to find birth parents, because the adoptive parents were exactly that, parents. It’s about a doctor stating, You need to find out your family medical history. It’s about a life that began, but ended before it could be born. It’s about lives connecting that didn’t even know each other existed. It’s about …an epic love letter. It’s about more than all of this. And, it’s not the three you might assume. Thanks much for following my blog – I’ll give yours a shout out soon.
Austin Air is another company that makes a serious product. All Austin Air Purifiers are manufactured in the USA - an acknowledged sign of good build quality. The Austin Air Healthmate Air Purifier hsa a 360-degree intake, contains over 60 square feet of "true medical grade HEPA" filter and includes 15 pounds of activated carbon. The company claims its 4-stage filtering system removes dust, hair, dander, mold, chemicals, gases, odors, bacteria and viruses from the air. And Austin Air backs their product with a 5 year warranty - which includes the filter parts! Austin Air Healthmate air purifiers use a 4-stage filtration process:Stage 1 is a large particle pre-filter - this removes the most easily visible such as hair and dust; Stage 2 is a medium particle pre-filter - this removes small to medium size particles such as pollen and mold; Stage 3 features 15 pounds of activated carbon / zeolite blend - this filters chemicals, gases and odors such as sulfuric acid and ammonia; finally stage 4 is 60 square feet of true medical grade HEPA - this filters bacteria, viruses and utrafine particles. The Austin Air Healthmate JR weighs 18 lbs and is 16" high x 11" x "11. The Healthmate Jr. moves 200 cubic feet of air per minute. It is certified to remove 99.97% of particles over the size of 0.3 microns and 95% of particles over 0.1 microns. According to product reviewers (consumers), the Healthmate Jr. dramatically decreases dust in the home living environment and facilitates easier breathing. Another reviewer noted an "amazing" difference; another still said that the difference in air quality in a 440 square foot room was noticeable within an hour. The Austin units have three settings, the lowest of which is said by most to be very close to inaudible in ordinary use. Austin Air was specified by FEMA and The Red Cross to address air purification after the tragic events of 9/11/01 in New York. Austins products do not use electrostatic / ionic air purification methods and thus they state that their air purifiers produce no ozone. Austin Air's Hega Series is aimed at allergy sufferers and they claim it is the only unit on the marget to feature HEGA filtering - High Efficiency Gas Absorption. Austin Air also makes products designated for pet owners - and additionally, an intriguing air purifier product designed for babies' nurseries! In addition to cleaning the air, this machine emits a soothing "white noise" sound which apparently mimics sounds heard in the womb. White noise is a special combination of all frequencies and sounds a bit like a waterfall. White noise is widely belived to help infants sleep better and according to Austin's web site, this has now been clinically proven. Austin Air has the largest air cleaner manufacturing facility in the world, makes everything in-house, and their products are chosen by leading doctors. Austin air purifiers are guaranteed for 5 years. Austin appear to us to be a good, solid, honest American company and one worth supporting!
I live in the Land of Potholes. Is there any downside to keeping an extra 5 lbs PSI in my tires to try to avoid damaging the tires and rims from rough roads? Thanks.
Training Regime He trains twice a day. When and where did you begin this sport? He began skating at primary school in 1998. Reason for choosing this sport It was the only sport that he could take up in his village in Poland. "I loved competition and races."
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Built by CNI, a strategic partner for ICC in Brazil, the ICC/CNI International Arbitration Hearing Center will facilitate the conduct of dispute resolution proceedings involving parties from Brazil and the wider Latin America region. The Hearing Center was officially inaugurated on the occasion of the 7th ICC Brazilian Arbitration Day by ICC Court President Alexis Mourre, Chair of ICC Brazil Daniel Feffer and CNI President Robson Andrade. According to recently released ICC Arbitration statistics from the International Court of Arbitration, Brazil ranked seventh (of 140 countries) in global listing of new cases filed with the ICC Court in 2017. Nine cases are currently being managed by the ICC Court’s newly established case management team in Sao Paulo. CNI President, Robson Braga de Andrade, said that the Centre would strengthen ties between Brazilian industry and ICC, and illustrated CNI’s commitment to improving the business environment of the country. The inauguration of the Hearing Centre and ICC Brazil Arbitration Day took place as part of a number of ICC activities taking place in Sao Paulo this week. Now in its seventh year, Brazil Arbitration Day brought together close to 300 hundred practitioners to discuss issues and recent developments related to the current international arbitration landscape. On 14 March, ICC held a training explaining the roles and tasks of a tribunal secretary and the benefits they can bring to proceedings. The week concludes on 16 March with a special training for State Entities.
Your Party is Sure to Be a Hit! Your party is guaranteed to be a hit if you put “Nick’s Music By The Bay” in charge of the music. For many years now, I have been encouraging people to have fun and to dance. I always find the right sound for weddings, birthday parties or any event you have. My repertoire ranges includes country, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s to Old & New. I mostly DJ around the Bay Area, however, I will be happy to go wherever your special event needs me to go. If your party requires music videos, I can easily cover that too with an extensive collection of over 100,000 videos covering all types of music and periods from the 50’s thru the present, from disco to country and everything in between. I am not just a DJ, I also am an experienced line dance instructor. I have contacts who can help you organize your entire event, no matter how large or small. I will be happy to meet with you to discuss your special plans so contact me at 925.388.6509. Playing the best music for your party. It’s all about music. Copyright© All right reserved. 2014 Nick's Music By The Bay.
Fundraising Efforts throughout the year enhance your child's experience here at UDCNS! Pretzels sales are two Fridays a month. The Pre- K classes take responsibility for these sales. The kids stand at the table in the entranceway. They collect the money and count the change with smiles on their faces! The money collected is used for extras throughout the year for the kids! Plus it's a learning experience for the Pre- k children. Scholastic Books has given us an amazing opportunity to encourage our children to read. There are two ways UDCNS participates in this wonderful program. We host two book fairs throughout the year. Secondly, you will see packets on the table each month with the books available. If you order using our number MG2LQ, UDCNS will receive credit! We get books for our school library and our teachers! KID STUFF HAS NEW COUPONS THIS YEAR!! We are very excited to offer this book to our families! UDCNS receives 50% of each book sold! It is such a simple way to earn money for our school. Giant A Plus Rewards is another easy way to earn money for out school. number 26532. Signing up is easy. The number becomes associated with your bonus card that you use to shop each time. A letter will be sent out with set-up instructions.
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President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed a bill that finalizes the seven-state drought contingency plan. Legislation put forth by a powerful Tucson Democratic congressman that would make the Secretary of the Interior carry out the agreements made by the seven Colorado River states is expected to be voted on this afternoon. A bill that could have derailed a seven-state Drought Contingency Plan that lawmakers passed last month was put on ice at the request of its sponsor, House Speaker Rusty Bowers, after a lengthy and contentious committee hearing. Nearly three-in-four Arizona voters believe climate change is a serious problem, including a strong majority of Republicans, according to a new statewide poll of environmental issues. Clayton Honyumptewa says the Powamuya ceremony will be observed this weekend as usual on parts of the Hopi reservation, but the planting that traditionally follows the ceremony might not come until May. Gosar called the Green New Deal plan a “socialist fairy tale” at a U.S. House hearing on climate change Tuesday morning. Rep. Raúl Grijalva is on board with young House Democrats pushing for a “Green New Deal” to combat climate change.
If you are here, I am deeply sorry for your loss. Whether you had to make the decision to release a pregnancy or a release occurred naturally, I am here to help guide you through the process. This is a delicate time. One that requires rest, love, gentleness and care. If you are currently experiencing or have experienced a pregnancy loss in the past there are ways to help your body, mind, and spirit recover. There is a natural grieving that takes place on all levels of your being. Postpartum : This stage begins immediately after pregnancy release whether you had a baby or not, this stage lasts about 6 weeks. Your body is going through many changes as you transition back to a non-pregnant state. Your hormone levels are dropping, your uterus is shrinking, your breasts may be still swollen and tender, you may still be experiencing morning sickness. This can also be a scary and unpredictable time. There is peace that comes with knowing your options and dealing with any circumstances that may arise. The key to recovery is giving yourself the nourishment you need in all the ways. Womb stewardship the art of learning how to care deeply for ourselves and honour the seasons of our lives that are joyful as well as painful. The process of welcoming healing is messy, beautiful, life changing and can result in loving yourself exactly where you are. It is my honour to hold space for your process. This is but a chapter of your life. ever changing always evolving. These practices can be called upon anytime there is death in your life. If you have ever experienced pregnancy loss and feel there are lingering parts of yourself that need closure & healing there are ways to bring yourself back to balance, joy and vitality. Time in not linear, healing takes place when you are ready.
Leatha was born on January 7, 1939 and passed away on Thursday, January 24, 2019. Leatha was a resident of Portland, Indiana at the time of passing. Survivors include: 1 daughter: Karen Smith - Portland, Indiana 2 brothers: Samuel Anderson - Enfield, Connecticut Donnie Anderson - Ansonia, Ohio A memorial service will be held at a later date at Williamson-Spencer and Penrod Funeral Home in Portland. The beautiful and interactive Eternal Tribute tells Leatha's life story the way it deserves to be told in words, pictures and video.
In their presentation posted at InfoQ systems and data architects Ben Stopford, Farzad Pezeshkpour and Mark Atwell show how RBS leveraged new technologies in their architectures while facing difficult challenges such as regulation, competition and tighter budgets. They also need to cope with stringent technical challenges including efficiency and scalability. In high frequency trading an unavailable system causes significant costs, even if the unavailability only lasts for a second. As Stopford explains, a full garbage collection might lead to such a break which is why full GC needs to be avoided under all circumstances. More technical details about pauses in the CMS (Concurrent Mark Sweep) garbage collection being used can be found in Alexey Ragozin's blog. Farzad Pezeshkpour talked about handling business risk in the financial domain. He talked about using multi-step Monte Carlo simulations, which require large amounts of storage and computations, to handle business risk - all those interested in the mathematical foundation may read an article on how to apply such simulations to credit risk. But how can IT handle the issue of storage volumes and efficient computations? A standard Grid architecture with application servers connected to directors and brokers which themselves are connected to the grid computers was the base for further investigation. Such an environment must deal with terabytes of storage and requirements such as speed, robustness, scalability, interoperability with Linux and Windows servers, as well as the need for an adequate support infrastructure. Among the possible options are databases, storage appliances, and distributed filesystems. The software engineers decided for using the hadoop HDFS distributed file system. In their architecture approach they collocated grid engines and HDFS nodes using 10 GB Ethernet for inter-node communication, after experimenting with various architecture alternatives. As Pezeshkpour mentioned, there'll be further optimizations in the future with the innovations addressing all aspects, "methodologies, architecture & engineering." The copying of data lies at the root of many of the bank’s problems. By supplying a single real-time view that all systems can interface with we remove the need for reconciliation and promote the concept of truly shared services. Two factors make this difficult to solve: Throughput and low latency. The base element of RBS's ODC approach is the Java-based in-memory data grid solution Oracle Coherence database. RBS needed to add joins to recompose different slices of data and handle object versioning. Stopford and his team introduced various patterns to add these joins while avoiding performance and memory penalties. They implemented replication to increase performance while at the same time applying the Connected Replication Pattern that only replicates used data. This strategy reduces replication necessities to one-tenth and depends on tracking data usage. ODC consists of two tiers, an in-memory database tier on top and a sharded in-memory database below. Both tiers together enable RBS to meet their desired quality attributes. Mark Atwell presented an approach for data virtualization that prevents the YAS (Yet Another System) syndrome by introducing a strategic DAL (Data Access Layer) instead. The RBS architects created a uniform layer that offers a unified database view. On top of this layer virtual transformations take place that adapt the data in accordance with what the accessing applications expect. As Atwell explains, the approach reveals benefits such as improvements in distributed joins & query optimizations. But there are also some liabilities such as "Pesky physics still get in the way!" but also the necessity to create adapters for some "unusual" data sources. As the RBS show cases illustrate, software engineering for large systems is not only about technology but also about how to leverage the right technologies efficiently and effectively within an appropriate architecture. I'm wondering how an Erlang based system might have done here. Since GC happens per process in Erlang, is it possible that it can also be used to solve this problem? Sure, it's a decent idea. Certainly a large number of firms stick with C/C++ for this very reason. However when the rest of the stack is Java the one language thing has many benefits and the GC problems are obviously solvable. It'd be interesting to know if dispatching work to multiple consumers (or conflating to one) done in the Manhattan processor would be easier to solve in Erlang. I don't know enough to answer that one I'm afraid.
The various type of benefits offered to the employee under employee welfare scheme are within the industrial establishment,these are known as intra-mural and the benefits outside the industrial establishment are known as extra mural. These welfare services include canteen,rest and recreational facilities, sanitary and medical facilities. Social security is related to the high ideals of the social security and human dignity. According to the ILO, Social security is the protection provided by the society to its members through a series of public measures against the social and economic distress that otherwise would be caused by the stoppage or substantial reduction of earnings resulting from sickness,maternity,employment injury,old age and health. The continuous and minimum wage or salary gives a sense of security to the employees. The payment of wages act,1936, The minimum wages Act,1948, the payment of bonus Act 1965, provide income security to the employees. It includes the provisions for the payment to the workers for the days not worked. The compensation benefits are paid to the employees either according to workmen compensation act,1948 or under contractual obligation. According to the act, the compensation is paid to the employees in case of injuries,accidents or otherwise to the worker during the course of his job performance. Under contractual obligation,an employer is liable to pay equivalent to three months wages or salaries. Most of the large organizations provide health services over and above the legal requirements to their employees free of cost by setting up clinics,hospitals,dispensaries etc. This entry was posted in Human Resource Management and tagged Employee Welfare, Fringe Benefits, Health benefits, Retirement benefits, Types of Fringe Benefits.
Premier Prints Dimensions Printed Cotton Drapery Fabric in Felix Natural. This printed fabric is perfect for window treatments, decorative pillows, handbags, light duty upholstery applications and almost any craft project. This fabric has a soft workable feel yet is stable and durable.
[ZD][Psycho] started an hub for PtokaX and LUA Discussions. It's not many there at the moment, hope we can change that. --/ Sticky time - Typhoon? Re: Unofficial PtokaX/LUA Discussions Hub. I'd second Madman on that one.
For the last two years, Aaron Wolf has been studying crowdfunding for free software – specifically, sustained funding rather than one-time donations. His conclusion is that a new model of funding is needed, which he plans to implement with Snowdrift.coop, a new project that should launch in early 2015. A music teacher by trade, Wolf became interested in free software because of his growing disillusion with Apple. “I remember feeling outraged when I learned that Apple’s iOS terms effectively censor GNU General Public License software,” he says. “Volunteers worked to provide valuable free resources to the world, and then Apple could just block users’ access in order to compel people to get only proprietary apps and see ads or pay.” By 2012, he had discovered GNU/Linux, “and the welcoming community far surpassed my limitations.” Feeling a need to repay the benefits he received from free software, he was soon writing documentation for the KXStudio music system and providing non-technical help for the task manager Task Coach. At the same time, Wolf started to focus on the economics of free software. He proposed some of his developing ideas to Task Coach, but “the developers weren’t sure how to implement them.” Instead, they urged him to spend his time developing his ideas. His friend David Thomas also encouraged him, offering to help build the necessary infrastructure. Although initially reluctant, Wolf allowed himself to be convinced. He now devotes much of his time to the project. The project takes its name from its structure, a cooperative, and its mission, to solve what Wolf calls the Snowdrift dilemma, a variation of the Prisoner’s dilemma. The Snowdrift dilemma compares the funding of free software to clearing a road of snow by volunteer effort. The blocked road is analogous to the problems that free software often faces, such as less polished interfaces or a developer-centric approach. Clearing the road can be done three ways: If no one helps, the road remains blocked, and nobody wins – the problems remain. If you get others to do the work without you, you get a clear road at no cost to you and they get a clear road at heavy cost that may disincline them to contribute again. By contrast, if everyone helps everyone gets a clear road at modest cost; the problem is solved, and everyone is reasonably likely to contribute another time. Snowdrift.coop is designed as a way around this dilemma. Instead of making a one-time donation, donors become patrons on the site. Each donor makes the pledge: “I’ll chip in a sustaining share based on how many others are with me in supporting this project – I’ll do more if more people will help.” In this way, Wolf theorizes, individual contributions make a difference, and ongoing contributions remain relevant. The project is organized as a cooperative, with three types of members: those who work on the site, the teams for projects asking for funding, and the general community of patrons. Each category of member will be represented on the board, and decisions will be by consensus. This model is based on an extensive study of other funding models, including a review of more than 700 crowdfunding and donation sites. According to Wolf, the problem with most crowdfunding sites is that they are good for one-off campaigns but can be costly and do not provide a sustainable solution. Moreover, they are mostly proprietary in their governance. Asked about the current state of the project, Wolf replies: “Two years after initializing, we have a functioning test site; a first full draft of bylaws, many wiki pages of writings covering background research, explanations, and project plans, and a community of volunteers and supporters enthusiastic about making this happen.” In addition, the site is available for users to test with imaginary money. Moreover, the project is still in the process of ensuring that its proposed handling of funds and its co-op structure are legally valid. Attracting members, finalizing user account settings, translations and other site tweaks remain to be done, and a launch fundraiser is also scheduled for the near future. Most of all, the Snowdrift dilemma remains to be proved relevant to funding – to say nothing of the project’s solutions to it. However, with its patron pledge and cooperative structure, Snowdrift.coop might just be different enough to succeed. For anyone looking to fund or donate to free software, it’s definitely a site to keep an eye on.
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Buy some art and help someone in need—that’s the mutually beneficial idea driving ArtLifting, a startup that recently raised $1.1 million and provides a platform for homeless and disabled artists to sell their art. Liz Powers, who started Artlifting, has found paintings through art therapy sessions in homeless shelters, “including about 20 in the Boston area,” The Boston Globe reports. Powers says her business gives homeless and disabled artists the opportunity to earn cash and gain some confidence. ArtLifting’s main website sells posters and case covers that start at $35 USD, but the website also has some original paintings ranging from a few hundred dollars to over five thousand. Fifty-five per cent of that money goes to the artist. So far, Airlifting is representing 50 people, and five “have received housing and are no longer homeless,” according to TechCrunch. Stephanie Wright, who curates the works, told the Harvard Crimson that “in deciding which pieces of art to accept onto the ArtLifting platform, I rigorously evaluate each piece based on my perception of its technical intricacy and saleability.” Art stands out not just for its aesthetic also but also the concept and the artist’s story. This is what makes the art unique—their stories of struggle are much like fingerprints. Ten artists of the Boston-based startup were also selected to display their art at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. ArtLifting says it is staying for-profit so they don’t have to be tied to gaining grant money. With the $1.1 million seed, of which Tom’s Shoes’ creator was a backer, ArtLifting will expand to reach more potential artists.
1 The parable of Franz Kafka, used by Hannah Arendt in the preface to Between Past and Future: Eight Exercises in Political Thought, Hannah Arendt (Penguin Books, 1996), 7 2 Václav Havel (address to Joint Session of U.S. Congress, Washington, D.C., February 1990), 43. Arendt describes the loss of meaning of the traditional key words of politics: justice, reason, responsibility, virtue, glory. Through a series of eight exercises, she shows how we can redistill once more the vital essence of these concepts.
When a juvenile is charged with robbery, it is scary for the individual charged and his or her parents. How will the charges affect the child's future? Will there be a lasting criminal record? As you look for answers to these questions, it is important to understand your legal rights and to seek the help of an experienced juvenile defense lawyer. At Groshek Law in Minneapolis, Minnesota, defense attorney Christa Groshek is experienced in both the adult and juvenile justice systems. She understands the unique needs of minors and how to protect their rights in juvenile court, including defending against attempts by prosecutors to seek extended juvenile jurisdiction (EJJ) or adult certification. Robbery, especially armed robbery, is a serious charge that can result in severe penalties. Prosecutors can pursue EJJ or adult certification, which can result in adult charges and prison time. Christa Groshek has experience filing the necessary motions in these cases to protect your child against being charged as an adult. She understands the resources and programs available to teens who have been charged with a crime, and she will work with the state and the judge to develop a program that is best suited to the needs of the minor. Ultimately, our goal at Groshek Law PA is to do what it takes to give our clients the best chance for a successful future. To discuss your juvenile robbery case with a skilled criminal defense lawyer, contact Groshek Law today by calling 612-424-5829 or you may send us an email.
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We help companies maximize their online presence with a customized strategy to digital advertising and marketing. By connecting your business with a devoted strategist, we deliver seamless digital advertising and marketing strategies for companies that wish to be validated by present customers and discovered by new ones. Jon-Mikel Bailey – Before co-founding Wood Street in 2002, Jon labored in gross sales, marketing and enterprise growth for know-how and marketing companies. A in style speaker, he offers seminars on advertising Online Jobs, internet advertising, branding and web design to chambers of commerce, commerce associations and faculties. He has a BFA in Photography from Frostburg State University and still shoots images for Wood Street clients. Chris Ducker is famed as the author of the bestseller Virtual Freedom”. A serial speaker and entrepreneur, Chris is initially from the United Kingdom but lived for 14 years within the Philippines. There he has based quite a few businesses, akin to a digital assistant recruitment hub, a co-working area, and an outsourced call heart facility. Ducker is a popular podcaster and he maintains his own business blog. There is an added benefit to creating common blog content material: organic search results. We’ve saved this for last as a result of it’s the most labor intensive and it takes the longest to realize. You’ll have more capability, confidence, and hopefully more new sufferers, in the event you get some fast wins with other methods first. There is, however, great benefit to having the highest Small Business Administration spot for natural search. If you’ve achieved any research on search engine optimisation strategy in the last few years, it’s essential to notice that things have modified not too long ago as Google’s machine has gotten smarter. I really feel for girls who do not have the support and steerage to realize the form of success, that I know, is completely inside their attain. You most certainly should discover it at MBK middle. It is a big mall with many choices. As well as different purchasing centers nearby. Without a correct funnel and thoroughly driving down individuals into the funnel, sales are just not going to happen because it used to. While it can be intimidating to journey to China and attend the honest, it is well price your time. If you propose on going, then try my itinerary! In example, for those who stay on Sukhumvit 21 (Asoke area) there’s pier you may take a boat to bore which will drop you in the midst of market and some minutes walk to Bobe Tower. We guarantee increase in ROI and buyer acquisition for our clients with help of our proven methodologies. Internet advertising, often known as Online Marketing, Web-Marketing, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) entails advertising and marketing each services and products on the internet. Adobe’s UI is credited for changing into more intuitive,” although the report nonetheless cited it as being a bit daunting.” That tool additionally hit prime scores in such areas as knowledge ingestion, knowledge repository, information analytics and reporting. One of the core practices of website positioning, ensuring your splendid clients can find you, all comes all the way Internet Marketing down to realizing the fitting keywords and how one can use them. Welcome to OMG search engine optimisation Melbourne; an offshoot of Online Marketing Gurus – one of Australia’s main website positioning agencies. My personal favorite was when a client needed me to receives a commission commission off profit,” which might be roughly x quantity. Commissions need to be on gross, profit is simply too easy to control on paper. Raso and Homayunfard say beginning their company wasn’t the troublesome part; it was differentiating their providing from the masses that proved challenging. Not positive I’d go that far  Although, I’m getting some good traction. Always nice to get positive suggestions. Keep up the nice work! On a median day greater than four thousand people from greater than 100 different international locations be a part of SFI Marketing Group which means one enrollment every 20 seconds. And that is just from ONE day! AdMarula was based by Daniel Gross and Daniel Bernholc, a Swedish duo with backgrounds in system improvement and financing of early-stage tech companies. Amongst his earlier roles, Bernholc was formerly the CTO at TradeDoubler, one in all Europe’s largest and most profitable efficiency advertising networks, whereas Daniel Gross has gained intensive expertise in working with tech start-ups across Europe, the US and Israel. Ok, now we’re speaking severely. Frank is considered one of many high web advertising gurus on the planet. Kern shares some data on his blog but appears that his magic lies into his subscription-based mostly marketing program that is killing. I’m so thrilled I can still do this for you immediately, and make it really easy so that you can get began proper now with Ignite one hundred% risk free! According to findings in a January 2001 Forrester report, Online Advertising Eclipsed,” 83 percent of spending by 2003 shall be pure price-per-motion offers or a hybrid of CPM and efficiency. This shall be up from sixty two percent in 2000. The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) estimated models for Internet promoting hybrid deals accounted for 46% of spending, CPMs or impression-based deals were at 44% and performance-primarily based deals were at 10% (Q2 2000). Their 1984-fashion administration has resulted in sycophantic staff – yes males with restricted transferable abilities. To the bemusement of the creator, one of many newer developments sees the search engine marketing/PPC staff moved away from tasks requiring tender skills. The second part of changing a prospect into Financial Consultant a customer is Persuasion. Leads grow to be heat via advertising and marketing automation and lead nurturing… however generally they are sitting on the fence about shopping for your product. They should be persuaded to buy your product. What to say about Pat Flynn. He’s story is among the greatest within the industry. He is what all of us dream about. Integrating trending subjects into your technique is a great way to advertise your marketing as they have high search volumes and nice conversions rates. You’ll be giving your customers precisely what they are excited about as it’s happening, permitting you to turn out to be the go-to” source for the information they crave. With over 20 million accounts in the UK and over one hundred forty million worldwide and a spread of inexpensive products to suit your business wants, contact them today to get arrange with one of the international leaders in Online Payments. We additionally conduct employees coaching on ICT to get them acquainted with the operation and effective use of IT tools and other pc accessories to achieve optimal result. This is without doubt one of the very best fashionable advertising and marketing books at explaining how search, social and content material all work collectively and why they go collectively like peanut butter, jelly and bread in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. New updates on Smart Traveller have upgraded warnings for Turkey with news Anzac Day commemorations might be a goal of terror attacks. Product categories include CPU coolers, perform panels, M/B sockets, graphic playing cards, sound cards, displays and gaming gear. Waisberg is the go-to supply for marketers and website owners trying to perceive buyer behavior and what it takes to convert website visitors into loyal website consumers. Among his high suggestions: how retailers can combine Marketing Consultant offline transactions into Google Analytics to realize extra perception into customer behavior. As an added bonus, Waisberg can also be the Analytics Advocate for Google, which suggests his data comes straight from the supply. Chiropractors have had to change along with the health and wellness trade as new technologies and analysis can be found, so that they have an easier time adapting to a endless provide of recent advertising tactics, consumer behaviors, and business fashions. The greatest marketing is comprehensive; gaining synergy from cellular, social, search engine marketing, and web site alerts, and working collectively to market your chiropractic follow. Training of associates is among the key success components to a performance based mostly promoting campaign,” says Declan Dunn, author of Winning at the Affiliate Game. Make your companions profitable and you instantly benefit. If you are ordering products to be manufactured overseas, anticipate to put a pretty big minimum order. Every producer could have their own MOQs(minimal order amount) but don’t be embarrassed to ask earlier than ordering. My recommendation in the event you determine to travel all the way to Asia is to attend each the Global Sources show and the Canton Fair throughout the same journey. Canton is barely a 2 hour practice ride away and it costs $30. But digital advertising ‘gurus’ shouldn’t be followed blindly, as a real guru could be. They would not have the infallibility of spiritual leaders, for a lot of superb causes, and generally I get the impression that thought leaders, or gurus, have that position just because they are saying they do, and in a self-perpetuating situation, are created thus by the following and sharing of their teachings by others. We see a chunk by a ‘guru’, so we wish to share it to show we’re in the know and follow the lead of this particular person, and so they retain their place of authority because of all those beautiful hyperlinks and shares and mentions. Want to get the best advertising insights? Many of them come from the consultants and companies that work with clients across a vast vary of industries to assist set up their shoppers model and enhance the visibility of their purchasers on-line presence. In this submit, I’m going to share some of the most helpful advertising company blogs that you would be able to comply with to get advice about what is working now in advertising and advertising. Some ask whether or not a blog counts as social media. I can say our blog is intimately tied to our social network activity and we continue to obtain feedback on posts. So sure, a weblog could be very much a part of social media. Content is the Kingdom in spite of everything and weblog content material makes up much of what folks share on the social net. Companies like ours and our purchasers are additionally leveraging social networks to source content, so it is a dynamic cycle of creation and collaboration. This is what enables a really small team of entrepreneurs to scale high quality content material in a approach that is meaningful to customers. If you’re excited by getting began with this revolutionary, new” advertising method, check out the record beneath. From coaching guides that provides Dental Insurance you with the step-by-step actions needed to launch a content advertising marketing campaign to the precise tools used in these processes, you may find the entire sources wanted to start out improving your website results as we speak! Adam Proehl, Managing Partner of Minneapolis based NordicClick Interactive , is a seasoned on-line advertising and marketing government who has a passion for helping clients use online channels to grow their business. As a practical marketer, his skill to get at the coronary heart of the core business issues, establish measurable targets, and map the suitable on-line tactics to additional those aims Carrier Information has served his purchasers nicely. He presents continuously at industry events, together with Search Engine Strategies and Online Marketing Summit. In his class, Building the Ultimate Dashboard , Adam explains tips on how to give attention to the proper metrics, and create an actionable dashboard. David Lewis is an early pioneer in Internet advertising, advertising automation, and CRM methods with over 22 years expertise advertising and promoting know-how options by way of direct gross sales channels, online, and distribution channels. In 2007, he founded DemandGen International, Inc a global consulting firm serving to companies deploy and utilize advertising automation and CRM programs. DemandGen has become the trusted advisor to the world’s main advertising and gross sales groups combining superior service, business process, and expertise expertise. True specialists in online marketing. web optimization Missing Money, content material writing, social media and extra, TopRank Online Marketing has you covered. We provide SEO for the rising corporations within the state of North Carolina. As North Carolina search engine marketing agency, we work with corporations in the following areas: Raleigh web optimization, Charlotte SEO, for the cities in North Carolina. From as little as US$ninety six a day you’ll be able to have fully licensed English talking Thai tour guide at your facet to elucidate, translate and assist you to perceive what you’re seeing and hearing during your stay. There continues to be more to write about selecting a advertising technique and studying from different individuals’s expertise, and I hope I’ll cowl more about it in the future, however for now I’d like to go away you with a number of suggestions to help you make this article actionable and not simply philosophical. You can attain the market from the BTS- get off at the Saphan Taksin station. You’ll need to cross the river, nevertheless it’s easy with the Phraya Express Boat. Afterward, you’ll be able to take another ferry across to Klong San Pier. Onsite optimization is a crucial component of web optimization Basically, this pertains to how effectively Google ranks your web site without external link constructing. In most circumstances, performance based mostly search engine optimisation packages will only require very basic onsite optimization and rely solely on these external hyperlinks. So the worth of your precise website from an onsite optimization perspective doesn’t increase. Set measurable targets for the weblog in response to the business goals you’re trying to succeed in. Based on the type of weblog and your objectives, seek to understand your viewers and create an editorial schedule that feeds both Finance Calculator your communication needs and the interests of your readers. Ask others in your group for assist in making posts and socialize with different blogs in your area of interest. Use analytics to observe efficiency, make adjustments and measure outcomes. Video is a strong device that enables you to talk to a large audience about your organization and products. When discerning prospects Business Ideas want more than product descriptions, video is the reply to your advertising challenges. Ian Cleary is called the founding father of award-winning advertising tech weblog, RazorSocial. He has greater than 15 years’ value of experience within the tech trade and has made reducing-edge tech products obtainable to numerous industries through the years. Not solely does Ian speak on the most influential social media conferences throughout the world, leading online publications like Huffington Post, , and VentureBeat all submit his works. The easy reality is that most firms should not correctly registered online, and this improper registration lowers their ranking in search results. Not at Simply Chiropractic. We have hired former Google search specialists to guantee that each franchise location shouldn’t be solely properly registered, but also optimized. We have also created an internet site format and content material in your location that’s optimized to correctly reply search queries. Additionally, we offer a blogging again-link that generates credibility on your location in the online community. After finishing my degree in Information programs at Kingston University, I began working as a Technical support analyst at Sellerdeck and I now work as a Technical Support Coordinator. My position includes, offering 2nd line assist on the eCommerce software program and coordinating the assist Online Business Opportunities division which incorporates monitoring service as well as assist. Working at Sellerdeck allows me to increase my expertise, I am learning one thing new day-after-day! Mike Hamilton: We have been monitoring a variety of changes with Google+ and Google My Business. It looks as if Google has finally given up on Google+ and conceded to Facebook. With that battle misplaced it looks like Google is seeking to win the warfare in relation to Directory and Review Listings”. We have seen the addition of posting to your small business listing, the ability to add an appointment link and shortly to come if not already here…Instant Chat along with a Q&A sections. When I joined SFI/Tripleclicks in 2013, I couldn’t assist however start blood surging up – I found an automatic money-making program! I called my buddies and kin to ask for them join Carrier Information. After nearly 3 years, my enthusiasm was disappeared steadily. Here I provde the fact of SFI and Tripleclicks with you thru my private experiences. Using his webcast, e-commerce, e mail advertising and competitive pricing, he grew the Wine Library into a 60 million greenback business by 2005, 6 years after assuming control. In 2009 Gary and his brother AJ founded VaynerMedia. Using the techniques he pioneered with his household’s business, VaynerMedia provides social media and technique to Fortune 500 companies like GE Anheuser-Busch and PepsiCo. By 2016, VaynerMedia had grown to 600 workers and grossed one hundred million in revenue. Carpet Care Marketing Gurus employs Google Analytics Certified marketers ready to bring the power of exhausting information to your carpet cleaning business. Prior to digital advertising and marketing, companies could not monitor their promoting finances past the examine they wrote to their advert agency. With the wonderful efficiency information gathered by Google Analytics, Carpet Care Marketing Gurus will track and report on each dollar of your advertising price range. Return on funding is not a question, it is a statistic. Though Neil Patel is a very achieved digital marketer, I turn to him most for his unimaginable SEO strategies. He provides an enormous quantity of free training on and the QuickSprout blog , as well as the occasional paid course. What’s nice about Neil Patel’s search engine marketing content is that he uses solely above-board ways that can be utilized to construct a sustainable business. From Organic search engine optimization and Social Media Marketing to guide technology services like PPC and Reputation Management, we offer a multitude of digital advertising options which are designed from the ground as much as deliver outcomes Marketing, be it rankings, net visitors, or revenue. Utilizing a white-hat method to search engine marketing, we specialize in remodeling an peculiar website into a rare money site.
Tallers Domènech, an official distributor of Cat® lift trucks and warehouse equipment, is celebrating 50 years in the industry by supporting a strong local company in its efforts to return from bankruptcy. Gay Sutton explains. The past half dozen years have been a minefield for businesses of all types, and the oil and gas sector has been particularly badly hit. Fluctuating exchange rates, falling raw material prices, a paucity of investment funding and shrinking customer orders have all added to the difficulties. And the problems have not only hit those with small profit margins, or those who have been living on the edge. This story shows how even the successful and respected can go under. However, the tale has a silver lining, illustrating how help can come from an unexpected quarter, offering a supportive and ongoing relationship and a great deal of hope for the future. The company that ran into difficulties was Spain’s Ros Roca Indox CryoEnergy, which had a market-leading product range and a strong customer and supplier base. On the surface things had been looking very rosy indeed. Employing 220 staff across three sites in Catalonia, the company held a leading position in the Spanish oil and gas market, supplying cryogenic tanks for the transportation, distribution and storage of fuels and liquefied gases. Its customer base embraced all of the major Spanish energy companies operating both nationally and internationally, including Gas Natural, Endesa and Repson. In spite of this success, however, CryoEnergy went into liquidation in 2015. Its difficulties had two root causes. Highly successful in Spain while times were good, the company had made the decision to expand into South America and had invested heavily in supplying to a variety of projects. Its experience and knowledge of South America was, however, very limited. Having borrowed significantly for this expansion, the changing global economic climate then took its toll. Sales on the global energy markets dropped away as the price of raw materials slumped. With mounting debts, shrinking profits and global uncertainty over the future of its international projects, the company was unable to service its debts and filed for bankruptcy. Believing in the quality of its products, four former employees of Ros Roca Indox CryoEnergy brought together a package of €4 million in capital to purchase the company, one of its manufacturing sites and a range of assets. Then, with ten staff from CryoEnergy, they began operating under the new name Indox Energy Systems LS. “We started operating the new company on 11th January 2016, with economic and financial support from a group of Catalan entrepreneurs, and also with the support of the former works council,” said Purchasing Manager Lluis Monturiol. "Our company philosophy revolves around the belief that we have a duty to our customers." "We are very grateful that, when they learnt about our situation, Tallers Domènech offered their assistance with servicing our Cat lift trucks which we inherited in the purchase of assets from the former company." Indox is still a very new company. It has made a commitment to focus on the manufacturing of its best-known products and has learned from the tragedy of the previous management, intending to avoid accumulating excessive structural debts either now or in the future. It has made an explicit commitment to create jobs for the staff of the former company. Looking to the future, if growth follows the business plan it will ultimately make a significant contribution to the regional jobs market and the national economy. The challenge now is to re-establish relationships with its client base. Previous customers are already interested and supportive of the plan, while some 95% of the previous company’s suppliers are offering favourable terms. A family business, Tallers Domènech is celebrating its 50th Anniversary in 2016.
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1. What conditions make me eligible to obtain medical marijuana? 2. What is the first step to obtaining medical marijuana? First, speak with your treating physician to determine if medical marijuana is appropriate for your condition. If your treating physician would like to register with the program, additional information can be found on the Department of Health's website Under: "Practitioner Education for the Medical Marijuana Program" Yes. If the applicant for a registry identification card is under the age of eighteen (18) or a person who is otherwise incapable of consenting to medical treatment, the application must be submitted by an appropriate person over twenty-one (21) years of age. The applicant must designate at least one, and up to two, caregivers who must be among the following: (i) a parent or legal guardian of the certified patient; (ii) a person designated by a parent or legal guardian; or (iii) an appropriate person approved by the Department upon a sufficient showing that no parent or legal guardian is available or appropriate. A patient who is registered with the program must first designate you as a caregiver during the patient registration process. Upon approval of the patient's registration, the caregiver(s) may register. The patient will have access to instructions for caregiver registration. To register with the Department as a designated caregiver, you must be a resident of New York State and have a valid NYS Driver's License or New York State Non-Driver ID card. Once the application to register has been submitted successfully and approved, please allow approximately three business days to receive your Patient or Caregiver Registry ID Card. Once you have received your registry ID card you may visit a registered organization's dispensing facility to obtain medical marijuana products. Dispensing facility locations can be found on the Dept. of Health Website by clicking: "Registered Organizations" 1. Where can I find basic information about each Registered Organization?
The NHS will be able to offer children a new cancer therapy labelled the “most exciting treatment advance for decades”. CAR-T is for aggressive leukaemia and can be used when other drugs have failed. It typically costs hundreds of thousands of pounds per patient. Hospitals could start giving it to a small number of children within weeks. The first three NHS hospitals to apply to use the CAR-T (which stands for “chimeric antigen receptor T-cell”) therapy are in London, Manchester and Newcastle. The funding will come from the Cancer Drugs Fund, which aims to fast-track access to the most promising new cancer treatments.
Behind The Scenes with a Deafened Rock Star. | Deafened But Not Silent. This entry was posted in Coping with Hearing Loss, FM system, Hearing Loss and FM, Hearing loss and music, music and tagged assistive listening devices, bass, beat, cochlear implants, coping with hearing loss, deafened, FM systems, hard of hearing, hearing aids, hearing impaired, hearing loss, listening, music, musical instruments, Phonak, rhythm by Peter Stelmacovich. Bookmark the permalink. This is an awesome account!!! I am glad the gig went well, but sad I couldn’t be there :-(. Keep posting future gigs!! WOW – so interesting to read about all of your trials and tribulations – glad it all turned out so well in the end. Keep posting when you are playing next – may get down to see you yet! Excellent write up Peter! I couldn’t even tell as you guys rockin’ out! Thanks for the invite we had a great time!
Situated in Saint-Nazaire, this residence is in the same area as Hippodrome de Pornichet-La Baule, Daniel Jouvance Thalassotherapie Centre, and Maritime Museum. Area attractions also include The Sea Serpent and Eglise des Pins. Boat enthusiasts and WWII experts find a great deal to explore in this harbour town. The city's shipbuilding legacy is on display at the Escal'Atlantic exhibition, where visitors embark on a simulated voyage aboard a life-size reconstruction of a great ocean liner. For more traditional holiday fare, Saint-Nazaire also features a number of quiet beaches along the coast. The hotel complements this historic town by providing comfortable accommodation and modern services. The friendly staff offers tour and ticket assistance for those who wish to further explore the area.
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Jennifer Flay is the New Zealand-born gallerist who transformed a dying Paris art fair into one of the best in the world. When she became director of FIAC fee-yack (Foire International d'Art Contemporain) - broadly translated as international contemporary arts fair - in 2003, it was its thirtieth birthday and there were headlines about whether its commemorations were a "birthday or funeral". When Jennifer Flay took over, she was still recovering from a car accident that almost killed her... it had left her in a coma with a broken neck, head injuries and many months of recovery. She'd lost her home, the contemporary art gallery she had set up - and in her journey to repair her life, she picked up the FIAC, determined that it too, would thrive. And it has. It's now one the world's most important international art fairs with 182 participating galleries at 2015's festival. For her efforts in putting Paris back at centre stage on the contemporary art scene, Jennifer was awarded France's highest decoration in October 2015. the Legion d'honneur.
All through high school, I wrote essays and papers. I wrote them in a lot of my classes – history, biology, health, art, and, of course English. In most of those classes, I got very average grades on these pieces. In English, I sometimes got lower than average grades. My English teachers would use a lot of red ink to point my egregious errors of sentence structure, awkward composition, agreement mistakes, etc., and I pretty much ignored them. Never was I asked to rewrite an essay or paper that was poorly written or included some types of plagiarism which was also often pointed out. Editing and rewriting were just not in my experience. College quickly changed all of that. The first thing that hit me between the eyes in college was that I would be writing a lot of essays and papers – in almost every class, actually. When I submitted the same quality that was my “trademark” in high school, I didn’t receive average to just below average grades. I received “F’s.” There were no errors pointed out, only terse phrases at the top – phrases like “Proofread your work!” or “Edit before you submit!” That pretty much did it. I decided that every time I wrote a paper, I would have to review it, find the errors, and rewrite my paper before turning it in. I had the best of intentions from that point forward. I began to work very hard to edit and rewrite my essay and paper assignments. I also put them all through a plagiarism checker, because some of my high school teachers had found some of this. A big issue was that I was not citing sources correctly. But my grades still didn’t improve that much even after I fixed that problem. What I came to realize was that I had structural errors, grammatical errors and usage error that I was not catching. In short, I didn’t have a clue about how to really review, edit and rewrite a rough draft to make it suitable for submission. I had lots of work to do. Reading the entire piece of writing without any concern for grammar or punctuation, but for the confirmation of a good thesis statement and a logical flow of the ideas I wanted to present. The second reading was one I read out loud. This was a pretty good activity, because I was able to find sentence fragments and run-ons and even see where maybe some commas should be placed. Another piece of advice I got from reading some of the articles about reviewing and editing my writing was this whole thing about transitions between paragraphs. This was something I never had much instruction on in high school, and it was really an important feature for college level writing. I needed some more professional help so began to look at a rewriting tool another student recommended. Everyone has academic strengths and weaknesses. And getting help is nothing to be ashamed about. When students know that they have issues, and they get help, especially with editing college papers and essays, they can then study how that editing process works; they can see their errors and how they have been corrected by a professional. These become learning experiences. With every essay or paper I send over for editing, I get back a corrected copy, with simple explanations about why the changes were made – each time I learn something that I will be able to use the next time I write. The other nice thing about this professional editing service is that they check my writing for plagiarism. And they have provided explanations about how to avoid it. They also educated me about self-plagiarism, something that college students don’t even think about, but I will in the future. Most students understand plagiarism and the disastrous consequences if they do it. With the sophisticated software out there today, any plagiarism can be discovered. Sometimes we plagiarize and don’t even realize it. I was famous for taking notes, using an author’s exact words and then not giving credit where I should have. Now I run a plagiarism scan on everything I write. And if I send it over to my writing service for editing, they do this too. Self-plagiarism occurs when a student (or anyone for that matter) writes a piece and it is published somewhere online. And that student likes the piece so much, he decides to turn it in as an essay assignment to a professor. If a plagiarism scan is run, it will pop up. Why? Because it’s out there – in a blog, in the e-version of the student newspaper, in some forum, etc. This is especially important for grad students who may be contributing to online publications in order to enhance their resumes and CV’s. In these cases, it is far better to be up front and ask permission, before you have to ask for forgiveness. Academic writing is formal. The rules of proper English must be followed, especially for essays and papers. But a lot of college coursework will require a more casual style. Brevity of words is important. Say what you have to say as succinctly as possible. Sentences are short and simple. Use action/strong verbs as opposed to weak ones. If you take a course that requires this kind of writing, you will discover that your academic writing will improve too. College is not the place to turn in your first draft and hope for the best. Expectations are high, and you will be expected to write well, no matter what the course. If you are not practiced in editing, get the help you need, learn from that help, and over time, you will be able to do this yourself. Having a passion for writing, Lauren started with editing her friends’ essays – a skill that evolved into a profession and a life style. Being comfortable around any topic is her boon, but she happen to specialize the most in self-improvement, motivation, coaching and any type of writing.
Ventura, California.........Both nights of the 77th running of the "Turkey Night Grand Prix" from Ventura Raceway will be LIVE on http://www.SpeedShiftTV.com/. "Turkey Night" from the seaside oval begins Wednesday, Nov. 22 with a full program featuring the USAC West Coast and VRA Sprint Cars, plus an open practice for midgets. The following night, Thanksgiving Thursday, Nov. 23, will once again include the sprint cars as well as the prestigious, 98-lap midget race. At press time, a hefty field of 52 drivers have entered for the famed midget race, which includes heavy hitters such as past "Turkey Night" winners Dave Darland (2007 & 2013), Kyle Larson (2012 & 2016), Christopher Bell (2014) and Tanner Thorson (2015), plus 2017 USAC National Midget winners Justin Grant, Brady Bacon, Tyler Courtney, Michael Pickens, series point leader Spencer Bayston and Chad Boat as well diverse racing standouts Brad Sweet and Chase Briscoe among many others. The Sprint Car field is stacked as well with two handfuls of drivers preparing for double-duty by competing in both divisions. Those drivers are eligible for the Automotive Racing Products' $50,000 bonus that goes to the driver who can win both the midget and sprint feature on Thursday night. Cars are set to hit the track around 3:30pm Pacific at Ventura Raceway both nights. As always, you can watch every USAC race, including "Turkey Night," on demand, a day following the event, at http://www.Loudpedal.TV/.
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