stringlengths 4
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#include "vp9/encoder/vp9_encoder.h"
#include "vp9/encoder/vp9_alt_ref_aq.h"
struct ALT_REF_AQ {
int dummy;
struct ALT_REF_AQ *vp9_alt_ref_aq_create(void) {
return (struct ALT_REF_AQ *)vpx_malloc(sizeof(struct ALT_REF_AQ));
void vp9_alt_ref_aq_destroy(struct ALT_REF_AQ *const self) { vpx_free(self); }
void vp9_alt_ref_aq_upload_map(struct ALT_REF_AQ *const self,
const struct MATX_8U *segmentation_map) {
void vp9_alt_ref_aq_set_nsegments(struct ALT_REF_AQ *const self,
int nsegments) {
void vp9_alt_ref_aq_setup_mode(struct ALT_REF_AQ *const self,
struct VP9_COMP *const cpi) {
// set basic segmentation to the altref's one
void vp9_alt_ref_aq_setup_map(struct ALT_REF_AQ *const self,
struct VP9_COMP *const cpi) {
// restore cpi->aq_mode
void vp9_alt_ref_aq_unset_all(struct ALT_REF_AQ *const self,
struct VP9_COMP *const cpi) {
int vp9_alt_ref_aq_disable_if(const struct ALT_REF_AQ *self,
int segmentation_overhead, int bandwidth) {
return 0;
| {
"pile_set_name": "Github"
} |
Opossums have tails that are hairless and scaly at the end, allowing them to use their tails to hold on to things. This allows opossums to hang from branches, which is what they are most widely known for.
Opossums are nocturnal and solitary.
When they feel threatened, opossums let out a strong smell through their sweat glands to scare prey. They also act dead when under attack, keeping entirely still until their predator gives up and goes away.The smell that opossums release through their sweat glands also allow them to mark territory, communicate and, in females, attract males.
Opossums are marsupials.
Habitat:Found: along the Atlantic coast of Brazil to northeastern Argentina and southeastern Paraguay.
Lives: in Atlantic rain forests, secondary Atlantic rain forests and Araucaris highlands. They are also found in forests that have been fragmented by urban development and deforestation
Seasons: There are two discrete seasons: a warm rainy season from September to March and a cool dry season from April to August. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
"Rothbard's approach to monetary history does not focus on measurement but on motives."
In this volume, Murray Rothbard has given us a comprehensive history of money and banking in the United States, from colonial times to World War II, the first to explicitly use the interpretive framework of Austrian monetary theory. But even aside from the explicitly Austrian theoretical framework undergirding the historical narrative, this book does not "look" or "feel" like standard economic histories as they have been written during the past quarter of a century, under the influence of the positivistic "new economic history" or "cliometrics."
The focus of this latter approach to economic history, which today completely dominates this field of inquiry, is on the application of high-powered statistical methods to the analysis of quantitative economic data. What profoundly distinguishes Rothbard's approach from the prevailing approach is his insistence upon treating economic quantities and processes as unique and complex historical events. Thus, he employs the laws of economic theory in conjunction with other relevant disciplines to trace each event back to the nonquantifiable values and goals of the particular actors involved.
In Rothbard's view, economic laws can be relied upon in interpreting these nonrepeatable historical events because the validity of these laws — or, better yet, their truth — can be established with certainty by praxeology, a science based on the universal experience of human action that is logically anterior to the experience of particular historical episodes. It is in this sense that it can be said that economic theory is an a priori science.
In sharp contrast, the new economic historians view history as a laboratory in which economic theory is continually being tested. The economic quantities observed at different dates in history are treated like the homogeneous empirical data generated by a controlled and repeatable experiment. They are used as evidence in statistical tests of hypotheses regarding the causes of a class of events, such as inflations or financial crises, that are observed to recur in history. The hypothesis that best fits the evidence is then tentatively accepted as providing a valid causal explanation of the class of events in question, pending future testing against new evidence that is constantly emerging out of the unfolding historical process.
One of the pioneers of the new economic history, Douglass C. North, a Nobel Prize winner in economics, describes its method in the following terms:
It is impossible to analyze and explain the issues dealt with in economic history without developing initial hypotheses and testing them in the light of available evidence. The initial hypotheses come from the body of economic theory that has evolved in the past 200 years and is being continually tested and refined by empirical inquiry. The statistics provide the precise measurement and empirical evidence by which to test the theory. The limits of inquiry are dictated by the existence of appropriate theory and evidence…. The evidence is, ideally, statistical data that precisely define and measure the issues to be tested.
This endeavor of North and others to deliberately extend the positivist program to economic history immediately confronts two problems. First, as North emphasizes, this approach narrowly limits the kinds of questions that can be investigated in economic history. Those issues that do not readily lend themselves to formulation in quantitative terms or for which statistical data are not available tend to be downplayed or neglected altogether. Thus the new economic historians are more likely to seek answers to questions like, What was the net contribution of the railroad to the growth of real GNP in the United States? Or, what has been the effect of the creation of the Federal Reserve System on the stability of the price level and real output? They are much less likely to address in a meaningful way the questions of what motivated the huge government land grants for railroad rights of way or the passage of the Federal Reserve Act.
In general, the question of "Cui bono?" — or "Who benefits?" — from changes in policies and institutions receives very little attention in the cliometric literature, because the evidence that one needs to answer it, bearing as it does on human motives, is essentially subjective and devoid of a measurable or even quantifiable dimension. This is not to deny that new economic historians have sought to explain the ex post aggregate distribution of income that results from a given change in the institutional framework or in the policy regime. What their method precludes them from doing is identifying the ex ante purposes as well as ideas about the most efficacious means of accomplishing these purposes that motivated the specific individuals who lobbied for or initiated the change that effected a new income distribution. However, avoiding such questions leaves the quantitative data themselves ultimately unexplained. The reason is that the institutions that contribute to their formation, such as the railroads or the Fed, are always the complex resultants of the purposive actions of particular individuals or groups of individuals aimed at achieving definite goals by the use of specific means. So the new economic history is not history in the traditional sense of an attempt to "understand" the human motives underlying the emergence of economic institutions and processes.
The second and even more profound flaw in the new economic history is the relationship it posits between theory and history. For North, history is the source of the "empirical evidence" — that is, "ideally, statistical data" — against which the economic theory is tested. This means that the claim to validity of a particular theorem is always tentative and defeasible, resting as it does on its nonfalsification in previous empirical tests. However, this also means that economic history must be continually revised, because the very theory that is employed to identify the causal relations between historical events can always be falsified by new evidence coming to light in the ongoing historical process. In other words, what the new economic historians characterize as "the intimate relationship between measurement and theory" is in reality the vicious circle that ensnares all attempts to invoke positivist precepts in the interpretation of history. For if the theory used to interpret past events can always be invalidated by future events, then it is unclear whether theory is the explanans or the explanand in historical research.
Rothbard's approach to monetary history does not focus on measurement but on motives. Once the goals of the actors and their ideas about the appropriate means for achieving these goals have been established, economic theory, along with other sciences, is brought to bear to trace out the effects of these actions in producing the complex events and processes of history that are only partially and imperfectly captured in statistical data. This is not to say that Rothbard ignores the quantitative aspects of historical monetary processes. Indeed, his book abounds with money, price, and output data; but these data are always interpreted in terms of the motivations of those who have contributed to their formation. For Rothbard, a particular price datum is, no less than the Spanish-American War, a historical event, and its causes must be traced back to the subjective aims governing human plans and choices.
In flatly rejecting the positivist approach to economic history, Rothbard adopts the method of historical research first formulated by Ludwig von Mises. In developing this method, Mises correctly delineated, for the first time, the relationship between theory and history. It is Rothbard's great contribution in this volume — and his earlier America's Great Depression — to be the first to consistently apply it to economic history. It is worth summarizing this method here for several reasons. First, Mises's writings on the proper method of historical research have inexplicably been almost completely ignored up to the present, even by those who have adopted Mises's praxeological approach in economics. Second, familiarity with Mises's method of historical research illuminates the source and character of the remarkable distinctiveness of Rothbard's historical writings. In particular, it serves to correct the common but mistaken impression that Rothbard's historical writings, especially on the origin and development of the US monetary system, are grounded in nothing more substantial than an idiosyncratic "conspiracy theory of history." Third, it gives us an opportunity to elucidate the important elaboration of Mises's method that Rothbard contributed and that he deploys to great effect in explicating the topic of this volume. And finally, we find in Mises's method a definitive refutation of the positivist's claim that it is impossible to acquire real knowledge of subjective phenomena like human motives and that, therefore, economic history must deal exclusively with observable and measurable phenomena.
To begin with, Mises grounds his discussion of historical method on the insight that ideas are the primordial stuff of history. In his words,
History is the record of human action. Human action is the conscious effort of man to substitute more satisfactory conditions for less satisfactory ones. Ideas determine what are to be considered more and less satisfactory conditions and what means are to be resorted to to alter them. Thus ideas are the main theme of the study of history.
This is not to say that all history should be intellectual history, but that ideas are the ultimate cause of all social phenomena, including and especially economic phenomena. As Mises puts it,
The genuine history of mankind is the history of ideas. It is ideas that distinguish man from all other beings. Ideas engender social institutions, political changes, technological methods of production, and all that is called economic conditions.
Thus, for Mises, history
establishes the fact that men, inspired by definite ideas, made definite judgments of value, chose definite ends, and resorted to definite means in order to attain the ends chosen, and it deals furthermore with the outcome of their actions, the state of affairs the action brought about.
Ideas — specifically those embodying the purposes and values that direct action — are not only the point of contact between history and economics, but differing attitudes toward them are precisely what distinguish the methods of the two disciplines. Both economics and history deal with individual choices of ends and the judgments of value underlying them. On the one hand, economic theory as a branch of praxeology takes these value judgments and choices as given data and restricts itself to logically inferring from them the laws governing the valuing and pricing of the means or "goods." Therefore, economics does not inquire into the individual's motivations in valuing and choosing specific ends. Hence, contrary to the positivist method, the truth of economic theorems is substantiated apart from and without reference to specific and concrete historical experience. They are the conclusions of logically valid deduction from universal experience of the fact that humans adopt means that they believe to be appropriate in attaining ends that they judge to be valuable.
The subject of history, on the other hand, "is action and the judgments of value directing action toward definite ends." This means that for history, in contrast to economics, actions and value judgments are not ultimate "givens" but, in Mises's words, "are the starting point of a specific mode of reflection, of the specific understanding of the historical sciences of human action." Equipped with the method of "specific understanding," the historian, "when faced with a value judgment and the resulting action … may try to understand how they originated in the mind of the actor."
The difference between the methods of economics and history may be illustrated with the following example. The economist qua economist "explains" the Vietnam War–era inflation that began in the mid-1960s and culminated in the inflationary recession of 1973–1975 by identifying those actions of the Fed with respect to the money supply that initiated and sustained it. The historian, including the economic historian, however, must identify and then assign weights to all those factors that motivated the various members of the Fed's Board of Governors (or of the Federal Open Market Committee) to adopt this course of action. These factors include ideology; partisan politics; pressure exerted by the incumbent administration; the grasp of economic theory; the expressed and perceived desires of the Fed's constituencies, including commercial bankers and bond dealers; the informal power and influence of the Fed chairman within the structure of governance; and so on.
In short, the economic historian must supply the motives underlying the actions that are relevant to explaining the historical event. And for this task, his only suitable tool is understanding. Thus, as Mises puts it,
The scope of understanding is the mental grasp of phenomena which cannot be totally elucidated by logic, mathematics, praxeology, and the natural sciences to the extent that they cannot be cleared up by all these sciences.
To say that a full explanation of any historical event, including an economic one, requires that the method of specific understanding be applied is not to diminish the importance of pure economic theory in the study of history. Indeed, as Mises points out, economics
provides in its field a consummate interpretation of past events recorded and a consummate anticipation of the effects to be expected from future actions of a definite kind. Neither this interpretation nor this anticipation tells anything about the actual content and quality of the actual individuals' judgments of value. Both presuppose that the individuals are valuing and acting, but their theorems are independent of and unaffected by the particular characteristics of this valuing and acting.
For Mises, then, if the historian is to present a complete explanation of a particular event, he must bring to bear not only his "specific understanding" of the motives of action but the theorems of economic science as well as those of the other "aprioristic," or nonexperimental, sciences, such as logic and mathematics. He must also utilize knowledge yielded by the natural sciences, including the applied sciences of technology and therapeutics. Familiarity with the teachings of all these disciplines is required in order to correctly identify the causal relevance of a particular action to a historical event, to trace out its specific consequences, and to evaluate its success from the point of view of the actor's goals.
For example, without knowledge of the economic theorem that, ceteris paribus, changes in the supply of money cause inverse changes in its purchasing power, a historian of the price inflation of the Vietnam War-era probably would ignore the Fed and its motives altogether. Perhaps, he is under the influence of the erroneous Galbraithian doctrine of administered prices with its implication of cost-push inflation. In this case, he might concentrate exclusively and irrelevantly on the motives of union leaders in demanding large wage increases and on the objectives of the "technostructure" of large business firms in acceding to these demands and deciding what part of the cost increase to pass on to consumers. Thus, according to Mises,
If what these disciplines [i.e., the aprioristic and the natural sciences] teach is insufficient or if the historian chooses an erroneous theory out of several conflicting theories held by the specialists, his effort is misled and his performance is abortive.
But what exactly is the historical method of specific understanding, and how can it provide true knowledge of a wholly subjective and unobservable phenomenon like human motivation? First of all, as Mises emphasizes, the specific understanding of past events is
not a mental process exclusively resorted to by historians. It is applied by everybody in daily intercourse with all his fellows. It is a technique employed in all interhuman relations. It is practiced by children in the nursery and kindergarten, by businessmen in trade, by politicians and statesmen in affairs of state. All are eager to get information about other people's valuations and plans and to appraise them correctly.
The reason this technique is so ubiquitously employed by people in their daily affairs is because all action aims at rearranging future conditions so that they are more satisfactory from the actor's point of view. However, the future situation that actually emerges always depends partly on the purposes and choices of others besides the actor. In order to achieve his ends, then, the actor must anticipate not only changes affecting the future state of affairs caused by natural phenomena, but also the changes that result from the conduct of others who, like him, are contemporaneously planning and acting. Understanding the values and goals of others is thus an inescapable prerequisite for successful action.
Now, the method that provides the individual planning action with information about the values and goals of other actors is essentially the same method employed by the historian who seeks knowledge of the values and goals of actors in bygone epochs. Mises emphasizes the universal application of this method by referring to the actor and the historian as "the historian of the future" and "the historian of the past," respectively. Regardless of the purpose for which it is used, therefore, understanding
aims at establishing the facts that men attach a definite meaning to the state of their environment, that they value this state and, motivated by these judgments of value, resort to definite means in order to preserve or to attain a definite state of affairs different from that which would prevail if they abstained from any purposeful reaction. Understanding deals with judgments of value, with the choice of ends and of the means resorted to for the attainment of these ends, and with the valuation of the outcome of actions performed.
Furthermore, whether directed toward planning action or interpreting history, the exercise of specific understanding is not an arbitrary or haphazard enterprise peculiar to each individual historian or actor; it is the product of a discipline that Mises calls "thymology," which encompasses "knowledge of human valuations and volitions." Mises characterizes this discipline as follows:
Thymology is on the one hand an offshoot of introspection and on the other a precipitate of historical experience. It is what everybody learns from intercourse with his fellows. It is what a man knows about the way in which people value different conditions, about their wishes and desires and their plans to realize these wishes and desires. It is the knowledge of the social environment in which a man lives and acts or, with historians, of a foreign milieu about which he has learned by studying special sources.
Thus, Mises tells us, thymology can be classified as "a branch of history" since "[i]t derives its knowledge from historical experience." Consequently, the epistemic product of thymological experience is categorically different from the knowledge derived from experiments in the natural sciences. Experimental knowledge consists of "scientific facts" whose truth is independent of time. Thymological knowledge is confined to "historical facts," which are unique and nonrepeatable events. Accordingly, Mises concludes,
All that thymology can tell us is that in the past definite men or groups of men were valuing and acting in a definite way. Whether they will in the future value and act in the same way remains uncertain. All that can be asserted about their future conduct is speculative anticipation of the future based on specific understanding of the historical branches of the sciences of human action…. What thymology achieves is the elaboration of a catalogue of human traits. It can moreover establish the fact that certain traits appeared in the past as a rule in connection with certain other traits.
More concretely, all our anticipations about how family members, friends, acquaintances, and strangers will react in particular situations are based on our accumulated thymological experience. That a spouse will appreciate a specific type of jewelry for her birthday, that a friend will enthusiastically endorse our plan to see a Clint Eastwood movie, that a particular student will complain about his grade — all these expectations are based on our direct experience of their past modes of valuing and acting. Even our expectations of how strangers will react in definite situations or what course political, social, and economic events will take are based on thymology. For example, our reservoir of thymological experience provides us with the knowledge that men are jealous of their wives. Thus, it allows us to "understand" and forecast that if a man makes overt advances to a married woman in the presence of her husband, he will almost certainly be rebuffed and runs a considerable risk of being punched in the nose. Moreover, we may forecast with a high degree of certitude that both the Republican and the Democratic nominees will outpoll the Libertarian Party candidate in a forthcoming presidential election; that the price for commercial time during the televising of the Major League Soccer championship will not exceed the price for commercials during the broadcast of the Super Bowl next year; that the average price of a personal computer will be neither $1 million nor $10 in three months; and that the author of this paper will never be crowned king of England. All of these forecasts, and literally millions of others of a similar degree of certainty, are based on the specific understanding of the values and goals motivating millions of nameless actors.
As noted, the source of thymological experience is our interactions with and observations of other people. It is
acquired either directly from observing our fellow men and transacting business with them or indirectly from reading and from hearsay, as well as out of our special experience acquired in previous contacts with the individuals or groups concerned.
Such mundane experience is accessible to all who have reached the age of reason and forms the bedrock foundation for forecasting the future conduct of others whose actions will affect their plans. Furthermore, as Mises points out, the use of thymological knowledge in everyday affairs is straightforward:
Thymology tells no more than that man is driven by various innate instincts, various passions, and various ideas. The anticipating individual tries to set aside those factors that manifestly do not play any concrete role in the concrete case under consideration. Then he chooses among the remaining ones.
To aid in this task of narrowing down the goals and desires that are likely to motivate the behavior of particular individuals, we resort to the "thymological concept" of "human character." The concrete content of the "character" we attribute to a specific individual is based on our direct or indirect knowledge of his past behavior. In formulating our plans, "We assume that this character will not change if no special reasons interfere, and, going a step further, we even try to foretell how definite changes in conditions will affect his reactions." It is confidence in our spouse's "character," for example, that permits us to leave for work each morning secure in the knowledge that he or she will not suddenly disappear with the children and the family bank account. And our saving and investment plans involve an image of Alan Greenspan's character that is based on our direct or indirect knowledge of his past actions and utterances. In formulating our intertemporal consumption plans, we are thus led to completely discount or assign a very low likelihood to the possibility that he will either deliberately orchestrate a 10 percent deflation of the money supply or attempt to peg the short-run interest rate at zero percent in the foreseeable future.
Despite reliance on the tool of thymological experience, however, all human understanding of future events remains uncertain, to some degree, for these events are generally a complex resultant of various causal factors operating concurrently. All forecasts of the future, therefore, must involve not only an enumeration of the factors that operate in bringing about the anticipated result but also the weighting of the relative influence of each factor on the outcome. Of the two, the more difficult problem is that of apportioning the proper weights among the various operative factors. Even if the actor accurately and completely identifies all the causal factors involved, the likelihood of the forecast event being realized depends on the actor having solved the weighting problem. The uncertainty inherent in forecasting, therefore, stems mainly from the intricacy of assigning the correct weights to different actions and the intensity of their effects.
While thymology powerfully, but implicitly, shapes everyone's understanding of and planning for the future in every facet of life, the thymological method is used deliberately and rigorously by the historian who seeks a specific understanding of the motives underlying the value judgments and choices of the actors whom he judges to have been central to the specific event or epoch he is interested in explaining. Like future events and situations envisioned in the plans of actors, all historical events and the epochs they define are unique and complex outcomes codetermined by numerous human actions and reactions. This is the meaning of Mises's statement,
History is a sequence of changes. Every historical situation has its individuality, its own characteristics that distinguish it from any other situation. The stream of history never returns to a previously occupied point. History is not repetitious.
It is precisely because history does not repeat itself that thymological experience does not yield certain knowledge of the cause of historical events in the same way as experimentation in the natural sciences. Thus the historian, like the actor, must resort to specific understanding when enumerating the various motives and actions that bear a causal relation to the event in question and when assigning each action's contribution to the outcome a relative weight. In this task, "Understanding is in the realm of history the equivalent, as it were, of quantitative analysis and measurement." The historian uses specific understanding to try to gauge the causal "relevance" of each factor to the outcome. But such assessments of relevance do not take the form of objective measurements calculable by statistical techniques; they are expressed in the form of subjective "judgments of relevance" based on thymology. Successful entrepreneurs tend to be those who consistently formulate a superior understanding of the likelihood of future events based on thymology.
The weighting problem that confronts actors and historians may be illustrated with the following example. The Fed increases the money supply by 5 percent in response to a 20 percent plunge in the Dow Jones Industrial Average — or, perhaps now, the Nasdaq — that ignites fears of a recession and a concomitant increase in the demand for liquidity on the part of households and firms. At the same time, OPEC announces a 10 percent increase in its members' quotas and the US Congress increases the minimum wage by 10 percent. In order to answer the question of what the overall impact of these events will be on the purchasing power of money six months hence, specific understanding of individuals' preferences and expectations is required in order to weight and time the influence of each of these events on the relationship between the supply of and the demand for money. The ceteris-paribus laws of economic theory are strictly qualitative and only indicate the direction of the effect each of these events has on the purchasing power of money and that the change occurs during a sequential adjustment process so that some time must elapse before the full effect emerges. Thus the entrepreneur or economist must always supplement economic theory with an act of historical judgment or understanding when attempting to forecast any economic quantity. The economic historian, too, exercises understanding when making judgments of relevance about the factors responsible for the observed movements of the value of money during historical episodes of inflation or deflation.
Rothbard's contribution to Mises's method of historical research involves the creation of a guide that mitigates some of the uncertainty associated with formulating judgments of relevance about human motives. According to Rothbard, "It is part of the inescapable condition of the historian that he must make estimates and judgments about human motivation even though he cannot ground his judgments in absolute and apodictic certainty." But the task of assigning motives and weighting their relevance is rendered more difficult by the fact that, in many cases, historical actors, especially those seeking economic gain through the political process, are inclined to deliberately obscure the reasons for their conduct. Generally in these situations, Rothbard points out, "the actor himself tries his best to hide his economic motive and to trumpet his more abstract and ideological concerns."
Rothbard contends, however, that such attempts to obfuscate or conceal the pecuniary motive for an action by appeals to higher goals are easily discerned and exposed by the historian in those cases "where the causal chain of economic interest to action is simple and direct." Thus, for example, when the steel industry lobbies for higher tariffs or reduced quotas, no sane adult, and certainly no competent historian, believes that it is doing so out of its stated concern for the "public interest" or "national security." Despite its avowed motives, everyone clearly perceives that the primary motivation of the industry is economic, that is, to restrict foreign competition in order to increase profits. But a problem arises in those cases "when actions involve longer and more complex causal chains." Rothbard points to the Marshall Plan as an example of the latter. In this instance, the widely proclaimed motives of the architects of the plan were to prevent starvation in Western European nations and to strengthen their resistance to the allures of Communism. Not a word was spoken about the goal that was also at the root of the Marshall Plan: promoting and subsidizing US export industries. It was only through painstaking research that historians were later able to uncover and assess the relevance of the economic motive at work.
Given the propensity of those seeking and dispensing privileges and subsidies in the political arena to lie about their true motives, Rothbard formulates what he describes as "a theoretical guide which will indicate in advance whether or not a historical action will be predominantly for economic, or for ideological, motives." Now, it is true that Rothbard derives this guide from his overall worldview. The historian's worldview, however, should not be interpreted as a purely ideological construction or an unconscious reflection of his normative biases. In fact, every historian must be equipped with a worldview — an interrelated set of ideas about the causal relationships governing how the world works — in order to ascertain which facts are relevant in the explanation of a particular historical event. According to Rothbard, "Facts, of course, must be selected and ordered in accordance with judgments of importance, and such judgments are necessarily tied into the historian's basic world outlook."
Specifically, in Mises's approach to history, the worldview comprises the necessary preconceptions regarding causation with which the historian approaches the data and which are derived from his knowledge of both the aprioristic and natural sciences. According to Mises,
History is not an intellectual reproduction, but a condensed representation of the past in conceptual terms. The historian does not simply let the events speak for themselves. He arranges them from the aspect of the ideas underlying the formation of the general notions he uses in their presentation. He does not report facts as they happened, but only relevant facts. He does not approach the documents without presuppositions, but equipped with the whole apparatus of his age's scientific knowledge, that is, with all the teachings of contemporary logic, mathematics, praxeology, and natural science.
So, for example, the fact that heavy speculation against the German mark accompanied its sharp plunge on foreign-exchange markets is not significant for an Austrian-oriented economic historian seeking to explain the stratospheric rise in commodity prices that characterized the German hyperinflation of the early 1920s. This is because he approaches this event armed with the supply-and-demand theory of money and the purchasing-power–parity theory of the exchange rate. These "presuppositions" derived from praxeology lead him to avoid any attribution of causal significance to the actions of foreign-exchange speculators in accounting for the precipitous decline of the domestic purchasing power of the mark. Instead they direct his attention to the motives of the German Reichsbank in expanding the money supply. In the same manner, a modern historian investigating the cause and dissemination of bubonic plague in 14th-century Europe would presuppose that the blossoming of religious heresy during that period would have no significance for his investigation. Instead he would allow himself to be guided by the conclusions of modern medical science regarding the epidemiology of the disease.
The importance of Rothbard's theoretical guide is that it adds something completely new to the historian's arsenal of scientific preconceptions that aids him in making judgments of relevance when investigating the motives of those who promote or oppose specific political actions. The novelty and brilliance of this guide lies in the fact that it is neither a purely aprioristic law like an economic theorem nor an experimentally established "fact" of the natural sciences. Rather it is a sociological generalization grounded on a creative blend of thymological experience and economic theory. At the core of this generalization is the insight that the state throughout history has been essentially an organization of a segment of the population that forsakes peaceful economic activity to constitute itself as a ruling class. This class makes its living parasitically by establishing a permanent hegemonic or "political" relationship between itself and the productive members of the population. This political relationship permits the rulers to subsist on the tribute or taxes routinely and "legally" expropriated from the income and wealth of the producing class. The latter class is composed of the "subjects" or, in the case of democratic states, the "taxpayers," who earn their living through the peaceful "economic means" of production and voluntary exchange. In contrast, constituents of the ruling class may be thought of as "tax consumers" who earn their living through the coercive "political means" of taxation and the sale of monopoly privileges.
Rothbard argues that economic logic dictates that the king and his courtiers, or the democratic government and its special-interest groups, can never constitute more than a small minority of the country's population — that all states, regardless of their formal organization, must effectively involve oligarchic rule. The reasons for this are twofold. First, the fundamentally parasitic nature of the relationship between the rulers and the ruled by itself necessitates that the majority of the population engages in productive activity in order to be able to pay the tribute or taxes extracted by the ruling class while still sustaining its own existence. If the ruling class comprised the majority of the population, economic collapse and systemic breakdown would swiftly ensue as the productive class died out. The majoritarian ruling class itself then would either be forced into productive activity or dissolve into internecine warfare aimed at establishing a new and more stable — that is, oligarchic — relationship between rulers and producers.
The second reason why the ruling class tends to be an oligarchy is related to the law of comparative advantage. In a world where human abilities and skills vary widely, the division of labor and specialization pervades all sectors of the economy as well as society as a whole. Thus, not only is it the case that a relatively small segment of the populace possesses a comparative advantage in developing new software, selling mutual funds, or playing professional football; it is also the case that only a fraction of the population tends to excel at wielding coercive power. Moreover, the law of comparative advantage governs the structure of relationships within as well as between organizations, accounting for the hierarchical structure that we almost invariably observe within individual organizations. Whether we are considering a business enterprise, a chess club, or a criminal gang, an energetic and visionary elite invariably comes to the fore, either formally or informally, to lead and direct the relatively inert majority. This "Iron Law of Oligarchy," as this internal manifestation of the law of comparative advantage has been dubbed, operates to transform an initially majoritarian democratic government, or even a decentralized republican government, into a tightly centralized state controlled by a ruling elite.
The foregoing analysis leads Rothbard to conclude that the exercise of political power is inherently an oligarchic enterprise. The small minority that excels in wielding political power will tend to coalesce and devote an extraordinary amount of mental energy and other resources to establishing and maintaining a permanent and lucrative hegemonic bond over the productive majority. Accordingly, since politics is the main source of their income, the policies and actions of the members of this oligarchic ruling class will be driven primarily by economic motives. The exploited producing class, in contrast, will not expend nearly as many resources on politics, and their actions in the political arena will not be motivated by economic gain to the same degree, precisely because they are absorbed in earning their livelihoods in their own chosen areas of specialization on the market. As Rothbard explains,
the ruling class, being small and largely specialized, is motivated to think about its economic interests twenty-four hours a day. The steel manufacturers seeking a tariff, the bankers seeking taxes to repay their government bonds, the rulers seeking a strong state from which to obtain subsidies, the bureaucrats wishing to expand their empire, are all professionals in statism. They are constantly at work trying to preserve and expand their privileges.
The ruling class, however, confronts one serious and ongoing problem: how to persuade the productive majority — whose tribute or taxes it consumes — that its laws, regulations, and policies are beneficial; that is, that they coincide with "the public interest" or are designed to promote "the common good" or to optimize "social welfare." Given its minority status, failure to solve this problem exposes the political class to serious consequences. Even passive resistance by a substantial part of the producers, in the form of mass tax resistance, renders the income of the political class and, therefore, its continued existence extremely precarious. More ominously, attempts to suppress such resistance may cause it to spread and intensify and eventually boil over into an active revolution whose likely result is the forcible ousting of the minority exploiting class from its position of political power. Here is where the intellectuals come in. It is their task to convince the public to actively submit to state rule because it is beneficial to do so, or at least to passively endure the state's depredations because the alternative is anarchy and chaos. In return for fabricating an ideological cover for its exploitation of the masses of subjects or taxpayers, these "court intellectuals" are rewarded with the power, wealth, and prestige of a junior partnership in the ruling elite. Whereas in preindustrial times these apologists for state rule were associated with the clergy, in modern times — at least since the Progressive Era in the United States — they have been drawn increasingly from the academy.
Politicians, bureaucrats, and those whom they subsidize and privilege within the economy thus routinely trumpet lofty ideological motives for their actions in order to conceal from the exploited and plundered citizenry their true motive of economic gain. In today's world, these motives are expressed in the rhetoric of "social democracy" in Europe and that of modern — or welfare-state — liberalism in the United States. In the past, ruling oligarchies have appealed to the ideologies of royal absolutism, Marxism, Progressivism, Fascism, National Socialism, New Deal liberalism, and so on to camouflage their economic goals in advocating a continual aggrandizement of state power. In devising his theoretical guide, then, Rothbard seeks to provide historians with a means of piercing the shroud of ideological rhetoric and illuminating the true motives underlying the policies and actions of ruling elites throughout history. As Rothbard describes this guide, whenever the would-be or actual proprietors and beneficiaries of the state act,
when they form a State, or a centralizing Constitution, when they go to war or create a Marshall Plan or use and increase State power in any way, their primary motivation is economic: to increase their plunder at the expense of the subject and taxpayer. The ideology that they profess and that is formulated and spread through society by the Court Intellectuals is merely an elaborate rationalization for their venal economic interests. The ideology is the smoke screen for their loot, the fictitious clothes spun by the intellectuals to hide the naked plunder of the Emperor. The task of the historian, then, is to penetrate to the essence of the transaction, to strip the ideological garb from the Emperor State and to reveal the economic motive at the heart of the issue.
In characterizing the modern democratic State as essentially a means for coercively redistributing income from producers to politicians, bureaucrats, and special-interest groups, Rothbard opens himself up to the charge of espousing a conspiracy theory of economic history. But it is his emphasis on the almost-universal propensity of those who employ the political means for economic gain to conceal their true motives with ideological cant that makes him especially susceptible to this charge. Indeed, the Chicago School's theory of economic regulation and the public-choice theory of the Virginia School also portray politicians, bureaucrats, and industries regulated by the state as interested almost exclusively in maximizing their utility in the narrow sense, which in many, if not most, cases involves a maximization of pecuniary gain. However, economists of both schools are inured against the charge of conspiracy theory because in their applied work they generally eschew a systematic, thymological investigation of the actual motives of those individuals or groups whose actions they are analyzing. Instead, their positivist methodology inclines them to mechanically impute to real actors in concrete historical circumstances a narrowly conceived utility maximization.
James Buchanan, one of the founders of public-choice theory, writes, for instance, that economists pursuing this paradigm tend
to bring with them models of man that have been found useful within economic theory, models that have been used to develop empirically testable and empirically corroborated hypotheses. These models embody the presumption that persons seek to maximize their own utilities, and their own narrowly defined economic well-being is an important component of these utilities.
George Stigler, who pioneered the theory of economic regulation, argues, "There is, in fact, only one theory of human behavior, and that is the utility-maximizing theory." But for Stigler, unlike Rothbard or Mises, the exact arguments of the utility function of flesh-and-blood actors are not ascertained by the historical method of specific understanding but by the empirical method. Thus, Stigler argues,
The first purpose of the empirical studies [of regulatory policy] is to identify the purpose of the legislation! The announced goals of a policy are sometimes unrelated or perversely related to its actual effects and the truly intended effects should be deduced from the actual effects. This is not a tautology designed to gloss over a hard problem, but instead a hypothesis on the nature of political life…. If an economic policy has been adopted by many communities, or if it is persistently pursued by a society over a long span of time, it is fruitful to assume that the real effects were known and desired.
By thus discounting the effect of erroneous ideas about the appropriate means for achieving preferred goals on the choices made by historical actors, Stigler the positivist seeks to free himself from the task of delving into the murky and unmeasurable phenomenon of motives. Without doubt, if the historical outcome of a policy or action is always what was aimed at by an individual or organization — because, according to Stigler, "errors are not what men live by or on" — then there is no need to ever address the question of motive. For Stigler, then, there is no reason for the historian to try to subjectively understand the motive for an action because the actor's goal is objectively revealed by the observed result. Now, Stigler would probably agree that it is absurd to assume that Hitler was aiming at defeat in World War II by doggedly pursuing his disastrous policy on the Eastern front over an extended period of time. But this assumption only appears absurd to us in light of the thymological insight into Hitler's mind achieved by examining the records of his actions, policies, utterances, and writings, and those of his associates. This insight leads us to an understanding that cannot be reasonably doubted by anyone of normal intelligence: that Hitler was fervently seeking victory in the war.
Rothbard insists that the same method of specific understanding that allows the historian to grasp Hitler's objectives in directing the German military campaign against the Soviet Union also is appropriate when attempting to discern the motives of those who lobby for a tariff or for the creation of a central bank. Accordingly, the guide that Rothbard originates to direct the economic historian first to a search for evidence of an unspoken economic motive in such instances is only a guide. As such, it can never rule out in advance the possibility that an ideological or altruistic goal may serve as the dominant motivation in a specific case. If his research turns up no evidence of a hidden economic motive, then the historian must explore further for ideological or other noneconomic motives that may be operating. Thus, as Rothbard points out, his approach to economic history, whether it is labeled a "conspiracy theory of history" or not, "is really only praxeology applied to human history, in assuming that men have motives on which they act." This approach also respects what Mises has called "historical individuality" by assuming that "[t]he characteristics of individual men, their ideas and judgments of value as well as the actions guided by those ideas and judgments, cannot be traced back to something of which they would be the derivatives." In sharp contrast, the positivist methods of Stigler and Buchanan attempt to force participants in historical events into the Procrustean bed of homo economicus, who ever and unerringly seeks for his own economic gain.
We can more fully appreciate the significance of Rothbard's methodological innovation by briefly contrasting his explanation of the origins of the Federal Reserve System with the explanation given by Milton Friedman and Anna J. Schwartz in their influential work, A Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960. Since its publication in 1963, this book has served as the standard reference work for all subsequent research in US monetary history. While Friedman and Schwartz cannot exactly be classified as new economic historians, their book is written from a strongly positivist viewpoint and its methods are congenial to those pursuing research in this paradigm. For example, in the preface to the book, Friedman and Schwartz write that their aim is "to provide a prologue and a background for a statistical analysis of the secular and cyclical behavior of money in the United States, and to exclude any material not relevant to that purpose." In particular it is not their ambition to write "a full-scale economic and political history that would be required to record at all comprehensively the role of money in the United States in the past century." Thus, in effect, the behavior of the unmotivated money supply takes center stage in this tome of 808 pages including appendices. Indeed, the opening sentence of the book reads, "This book is about the stock of money in the United States."
Now Friedman and Schwartz certainly do not, and would not, deny that movements in the money supply are caused by the purposeful actions of motivated human beings. Rather, the positivist methodology they espouse constrains them to narrowly focus their historical narrative on the observable outcomes of these actions and never to formally address their motivation. For, according to the positivist philosophy of science, it is only observable and quantifiable phenomena that can be assigned the status of "cause" in a scientific investigation, while human motives are intensive qualities lacking a quantifiable dimension. So, if one is to write a monetary history that is scientific in the strictly positivist sense, the title must be construed quite literally as the chronicling of quantitative variations in a selected monetary aggregate and the measurable effects of these variations on other quantifiable economic variables, such as the price level and real output.
However, even Friedman and Schwartz's Monetary History must occasionally emerge from the bog of statistical analysis and address human motivation in order to explain the economic events, intellectual controversies, social conflicts, and political maneuverings that had an undeniable and fundamental impact on the institutional framework of the money supply. Due to the awkward fit of motives into the positivist framework, however, Friedman and Schwartz's forays into human history tend to be cursory and unilluminating, when not downright misleading. For example, their two chapters dealing with the crucial period from 1879 to 1914 in US monetary history comprise 100 pages, only 11 of which are devoted to discussing the political and social factors that culminated in the establishment of the Federal Reserve System. In these pages, Friedman and Schwartz suggest that the "money ‘issue'" that consumed American politics in the last three decades of the 19th century was precipitated by "the crime of 1873" and was almost exclusively driven by the silver interests in league with the inflationist and agrarian Populist Party. This movement, moreover, was partly expressive of the 1890s, a decade that, according to C. Vann Woodward as quoted by the authors, "had rather more than its share of zaniness and crankiness, and that these qualities were manifested in the higher and middling as well as lower orders of American society." In thus trivializing the "money issue," the authors completely ignore the calculated and covert drive by the Wall Street banks led by the Morgans and Rockefellers for a cartelization of the entire banking industry, with themselves and their political allies at the helm. This movement, which began in earnest in the 1890s, was also in part a reaction to the proposals of the silverite and agrarian inflationists and was aimed at reserving to the banks the gains forthcoming from monetary inflation.
Friedman and Schwartz thus portray the drive toward a central bank as completely unconnected with the money issue and as only getting under way in reaction to the panic of 1907 and the problem with the "inelasticity of the currency" that was then commonly construed as its cause. The result is that they characterize the Federal Reserve System as the product of a straightforward, disinterested, bipartisan effort to provide a practical solution to a purely technical problem afflicting the monetary system. Nowhere in their discussion of the genesis of the Federal Reserve System do Friedman and Schwartz raise the all-important question of precisely which groups benefitted from this "solution." Nor do they probe deeply into the motives of the proponents of the Federal Reserve Act. After a brief and superficial account of the events leading up to the enactment of the law, they hasten to return to the main task of their "monetary history" which, as Friedman expresses it in another work, is "to add to our tested knowledge."
For Friedman and Schwartz, then, the central aim of economic history is the testing of hypotheses suggested by empirical regularities observed in the historical data. Accordingly, Friedman and Schwartz describe their approach to economic history as "conjectural history — the tale of ‘what might have been.'" In their view, the primary task of the economic historian is to identify the observable set of circumstances that accounts for the emergence of the historical events under investigation by formulating and testing theoretical conjectures about the course of events that would have developed in the absence of these circumstances. This "counterfactual method," as the new economic historians refer to it, explains the historical events in question and, at the same time, adds to the "tested knowledge" of theoretical relationships to be utilized in future investigations in economic history.
Friedman and Schwartz exemplify this method in their treatment of the panic of 1907. During this episode, banks swiftly restricted cash payments to their depositors within weeks after the financial crisis struck, and there ensued no large-scale failure or even temporary closing of banks. Friedman and Schwartz formulate from this experience the theoretical conjecture that, when a financial crisis strikes, early restrictions on currency payments work to prevent a large-scale disruption of the banking system. They then test this conjecture by reference to the events of 1929–1933. In this case, although the financial crisis began with the crash of the stock market in October 1929, cash payments to bank depositors were not restricted until March 1933. From 1930 to 1933, there occurred a massive wave of bank failures. The theoretical conjecture, or "counterfactual statement," that a timely restriction of cash payments would have checked the spread of a financial crisis, is therefore empirically validated by this episode because, in the absence of a timely bank restriction, a wave of bank failures did, in fact, occur after 1929.
Granted, Friedman and Schwartz do recognize that these theoretical conjectures cannot be truly tested because "[t]here is no way to repeat the experiment precisely and so to test these conjectures in detail." Nonetheless, they maintain that "all analytical history, history that seeks to interpret and not simply record the past, is of this character, which is why history must be continuously rewritten in the light of new evidence as it unfolds." In other words, history must be revised repeatedly because the very theory that is employed to interpret it is itself subject to constant revision on the basis of "new evidence" that is continually coming to light in the ongoing historical process. As pointed out above, this is the vicious circle that characterizes all attempts to apply the positive method to the interpretation of history.
As if to preempt recognition of this vicious circle, Friedman and Schwartz take as the motto of their volume a famous quote from Alfred Marshall, which reads in part,
Experience … brings out the impossibility of learning anything from facts till they are examined and interpreted by reason; and teaches that the most reckless and treacherous of all theorists is he who professes to let facts and figures speak for themselves.
But clearly, reason teaches us that the observable — and, in some cases, countable, but never measurable — events of economic history ultimately are caused by the purposive actions of human beings whose goals and motives can never be directly observed. In rejecting the historical method of specific understanding, Friedman and Schwartz are led not by reason, but by a narrow positivist prepossession with using history as a laboratory, albeit imperfect, for formulating and testing theories that will allow prediction and control of future phenomena. Of the underlying intent of such a positivist approach to history, Mises wrote, "This discipline will abstract from historical experience laws which could render to social ‘engineering' the same services the laws of physics render to technological engineering."
Needless to say, for Rothbard, history can never serve even as an imperfect laboratory for testing theory, because of his agreement with Mises that "the subject matter of history … is value judgments and their projection into the reality of change." In seeking to explain the origins of the Federal Reserve System, therefore, Rothbard focuses on the question of who would reasonably have expected to benefit from and valued such a radical change in the monetary system. Here is where Rothbard's scientific worldview comes into play. As an Austrian monetary theorist, he recognizes that the limits on bank-credit inflation confronted by a fractional-reserve banking system based on gold are likely to be much less confining under a central bank than under the quasi-decentralized National Banking System put in place immediately prior to the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. The praxeological reasoning of Austrian monetary theory also leads to the conclusion that those who stand to reap the lion's share of the economic benefits from a bank-credit inflation tend to be the lenders and first recipients of the newly created notes and deposits, namely, commercial and investment bankers and their clients. Guided by the implications of this praxeological knowledge and of his thymological rule about the motives of those who lobby for state laws and regulations, Rothbard is led to scrutinize the goals and actions of the large Wall Street commercial and investment bankers, their industrial clientele, and their relatives and allies in the political arena.
Rothbard's analysis of the concrete evidence demonstrates that, beginning in the late 1890s, a full decade before the panic of 1907, this Wall Street banking axis and allied special interests began to surreptitiously orchestrate and finance an intellectual and political movement agitating for the imposition of a central bank. This movement included academic economists who covered up its narrow and venal economic interests by appealing to the allegedly universal economic benefits that would be forthcoming from a central bank operating as a benevolent and disinterested provider of an "elastic" currency and "lender of last resort." In fact, what the banking and business elites dearly desired was a central bank that would provide an elastic supply of paper reserves to supplement existing gold reserves. Banks' access to additional reserves would facilitate a larger and more lucrative bank-credit inflation and, more important, would provide the means to ward off or mitigate the recurrent financial crises that had brought past inflationary booms to an abrupt and disastrous end in bank failures and industrial depression.
Rothbard employs the approach to economic history exemplified in this treatment of the origins of the Fed consistently and dazzlingly throughout this volume to unravel the causes and consequences of events and institutions ranging over the course of US monetary history, from colonial times through the New Deal era. One of the important benefits of Rothbard's unique approach is that it naturally leads to an account of the development of the US monetary system in terms of a compelling narrative linking human motives and plans that oftentimes are hidden and devious to outcomes that sometimes are tragic. And one will learn much more about monetary history from reading this exciting story than from poring over reams of statistical analysis.
This essay originally appeared as the introduction to History of Money and Banking in the United States: The Colonial Era to World War II. | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} |
Norepinephrine and cerebral blood flow regulation in patients with arteriovenous malformations.
To test the hypothesis that the sympathetic nervous system plays a role in cerebral blood flow regulation in patients with arteriovenous malformations (AVM). Cortical interstitial norepinephrine was measured by means of microdialysis, regional cerebral blood flow was measured by a thermal diffusion technique, and regional oxygen saturation (SO2) was measured by microspectrophotometry in 12 patients harboring cerebral AVMs (AVM group) and in 15 patients with deep-seated nonvascular lesions (control group) before and after resection. Measurements were compared according to groups and times of measurements. All values are given as means +/- standard deviation. Cortical regional SO2 increased significantly (P < 0.05) in both groups after surgery (AVM group: presurgery 52.4 +/- 12.5% SO2, postsurgery 71.4 +/- 7.4% SO2; control group: presurgery 57.1 +/- 8.4% SO2, postsurgery 69.9 +/- 8.7% SO2), whereas regional cerebral blood flow increased only in the AVM group (AVM group: presurgery 18.9 +/- 6.6 ml/100 g/min, postsurgery 26.2 +/- 6.9 ml/100 g/min; control group: presurgery 20.1 +/- 7.6 ml/100 g/min, postsurgery 19.4 +/- 7.8 ml/100 g/min). Norepinephrine concentrations were significantly lower in the AVM group as compared with the control group before surgery. Although there was no significant difference between pre- and postsurgery conditions in the AVM group, the norepinephrine level of the control group was significantly lower after surgery (AVM group: presurgery 3.3 +/- 1.2 nmol/L, postsurgery 2.9 +/- 1.7 nmol/L; control group: presurgery 5.4 +/- 1.4 nmol/L, postsurgery 4.2 +/- 1.1 nmol/L). Chronically lowered perfusion pressure seems to induce the hypothesized adaptive down-regulation of sympathetic nervous system activity, yet protective up-regulation after a sudden elevation of cerebral perfusion pressure after AVM excision could not be shown in this study. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
Unemployment Falls to 9.0 Pct.
The unemployment rate dropped sharply last month to 9 percent, based on a government survey that found that more than a half-million people found work.
A separate survey of company payrolls showed a scant increase of 36,000 net jobs as snowstorms likely hampered hiring. That survey doesn't count the self-employed.
Harsh snowstorms last month cut into construction employment, which fell by 32,000, the most since May. Transportation and warehousing was also likely affected and fell by 38,000 — the most in a year.
"The thumbprints of the weather were all over this report," said Neil Dutta, an economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Hiring was suppressed last month and will likely rebound in February, he said.
In one bright spot, manufacturing added 49,000 jobs, the most since August 1998. And retailers added 28,000 jobs, the largest number in a year.
The unemployment rate has fallen by eight-tenths of a percentage point in the past two months. That's the steepest two-month drop in nearly 53 years.
But part of that drop has occurred as many of those out of work gave up on their job searches. When unemployed people stop looking for jobs, the government no longer counts them as unemployed.
The number of people unemployed fell by more than 600,000 in January to 13.9 million. That's still about double the total that were out of work before the recession began in December 2007.
In early trading on Wall Street, the Dow Jones industrial average rose 15 points, or 0.1 percent, to 12,075. The S&P 500 gained 2 to 1,309. The Nasdaq composite index added 5 to 2,759.
The January jobs report also includes the government's annual revisions to the employment data, which showed that fewer jobs were created in 2010 than previously thought. All told, about 950,000 net new jobs were added last year, down from a previous estimate of 1.1 million. The economy lost about 8 million jobs in 2008 and 2009.In the past three months, the economy generated an average of 83,000 net jobs per month. That's not enough to keep up with population growth.
Education and health care services, one of the few steady job generators through the downturn, added 13,000 jobs, the fewest in almost two years. Financial services lost 10,000 jobs.Source: The Associated Press. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
1. Introduction {#sec1-sensors-18-03497}
The world's seas are a valuable resource as well as a key element in its ecology, and are in need of protection as an important source of food, wealth and life. For this, systems and technologies are needed to monitor their status and guarantee their sustainable management. The successful management of marine resources involves monitoring the physical and chemical parameters related to water quality, such as salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, nitrates, density, and chlorophyll levels, among others. Other reasons for monitoring the seabed include, detecting and preserving artefacts of archaeological value, monitoring the status of marine flora and fauna, especially sensitive species in danger of extinction, and detecting and removing man-made contaminants and plastics. This last point is particularly important as over time plastic fragments into microplastics, which are toxic to both marine life and humans. According in \[[@B1-sensors-18-03497]\], in 2050 there will be more tons of plastic waste than fish in the oceans. The EU has declared war on plastic waste and is preparing a recycling strategy in \[[@B2-sensors-18-03497]\] to ensure that every piece of packaging on the continent is reusable or recyclable by 2030, with an investment of €350 M over the next few years.
Although oceanographic observatories can monitor large expanses of water continuously and efficiently, and are normally based on static buoys or wireless or wired underwater sensor networks, they can only take measurements at fixed points. When large areas have to be covered specific operations have to be planned and executed. The cost, in terms of time and money, of such operations is normally high and in proportion to the area monitored. The deployment of a large number of buoys is unfeasible due to their impact on the environment and their vulnerability to vandalism. To obtain trustworthy readings and avoid errors when extrapolating measurements to other areas it is fundamental to employ appropriate purpose-built monitoring systems.
Marine robots, like Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs), Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs), or Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs), do not suffer from the main limitations of buoys and are now available for a wide range of observation missions. However, they all have limited autonomy in terms of both time and the area they can cover. In addition, they must be transported to the observation area, deployed for a certain time and picked up when the mission is over, all of which involve extra costs.
The power issue is one of the fundamental challenges of increasing AUV mission times. Renewable energy sources must be used because fuel-based solutions will run out of fuel sooner or later. The current photovoltaic solar systems can generate around 1754 W/m^2^ in good weather conditions. With the limited ASVs recharging surface area, this energy is not enough to keep the thrusters and control systems in permanent operation on long missions and recharging operations must be as efficient as possible to minimise standby times. These operations can be difficult in bad weather conditions, may require more power to avoid drifting than what is effectively injected into the batteries, and may even result in a system shutdown.
From the detailed review of the state of the art in [Section 2](#sec2-sensors-18-03497){ref-type="sec"}, we conclude that no solution involving autonomous vehicles has yet been proposed that guarantees a permanent presence in the exploration area. Given the limitations of both types of existing solutions (buoys and autonomous marine vehicles) in this paper we propose a novel approach to explore shallow waters, which we call the BUSCAMOS Robotic Observatory (BUSCAMOS-RobObs). The system is a combination of autonomous vehicles and fixed buoys, whose complete power and navigation autonomy is achieved thanks to a fuzzy decision-making software architecture.
The proposed solution has an ASV's freedom of movement and can anchor itself to the seabed and become a "buoy", either for measuring purposes or recharging the batteries, thus ensuring the energy autonomy required for carrying out permanent operations. The vehicle thus avoids drifting and possible accidents in the "buoy mode", especially important near the coast, and resumes monitoring tasks when the required power levels are reached, all of its operations being managed by the vehicle's central control and decision-making system. The decision-making system calculates the route to the next area to be explored taking into account a number of parameters, including: vehicle position, the water's physical and chemical parameters, distance to the next exploration area, solar radiation, available energy, wind speed and direction, water currents, etc.
This article describes the hardware and software innovations included in BUSCAMOS-RobObs. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed solution, we include the crucial preliminary simulations of power and decision-making autonomy, together with descriptions of actual observation missions and their results in the Mar Menor (see Figure 6 in [Section 4](#sec4-sensors-18-03497){ref-type="sec"}) in southeast Spain. This article is organized as follows: [Section 2](#sec2-sensors-18-03497){ref-type="sec"} outlines the current state of the art and summarises the vehicle's technical specifications, which is described in greater detail in [Section 3](#sec3-sensors-18-03497){ref-type="sec"} (hardware and software, power generation and energy management). The design of the strategic decision-making layer and the application to the observation mission is outlined in [Section 4](#sec4-sensors-18-03497){ref-type="sec"}. [Section 5](#sec5-sensors-18-03497){ref-type="sec"} gives details of the tests and their results, while the main conclusions are shown in [Section 6](#sec6-sensors-18-03497){ref-type="sec"}.
2. State of the Art {#sec2-sensors-18-03497}
This section describes the state of the art of existing technologies that led us to propose a dual approach (buoy-ASV) to a mobile robotic observatory. The two main types of solutions that already exist to carry out marine monitoring are analysed: static systems (sensor networks and buoys) and mobile systems based on autonomous vehicles. Given the aim of designing a vehicle capable of permanent presence in a marine environment, the present state of the art of the methods proposed to improve the energy autonomy of autonomous systems is given special attention.
2.1. Static Monitoring Solutions: Buoys and Sensor Networks {#sec2dot1-sensors-18-03497}
According to \[[@B3-sensors-18-03497]\], oceanographic observatories measure physical, chemical, and biological variables in coastal waters, perform real-time observations and supply information to help in decision-making on managing problems such as climate change, the human impact, coastal variability, natural disasters, or the condition of ecosystems. They normally consist of fixed buoys with different sensors to measure the parameters of interest. The present authors advocate using Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) as an innovative solution for the deployment of multiple buoys in coastal areas, as they are cost-effective and have low energy consumption (powered by solar panels), which allows a higher number of sensors to be deployed with different network topologies and protocols at a reasonable cost in shallow coastal waters.
The review of wireless sensor networks in marine environment monitoring described in \[[@B4-sensors-18-03497]\] makes interesting comparisons of the leading current marine wireless sensor networks and conclude that when a buoy-based system is used for long-term observation the sensors are susceptible to bio-fouling (microbial and algal films). Other problems highlighted in these articles include the need for flotation and mooring devices, possible vandalism, interference from maritime traffic, the movement of nodes by tides, waves, vessels, etc., and the fact that an anchor is required to fix them to the seabed. Energy systems for sensor nodes generally include batteries, capacitors, thermal engines, fuel cells and solar energy collectors. The photovoltaic system is the most frequently used energy system at present in \[[@B5-sensors-18-03497]\]. However, using batteries to store energy has many limitations, such as a restricted energy capacity, the low energy levels obtained from solar panels or excessive consumption in \[[@B6-sensors-18-03497]\]. When the buoys run out of energy they stop transmitting. Exhausted batteries made of toxic heavy metals are a highly contaminating waste. Rechargeable batteries with an energy capacity greater than the daily energy consumed by the system are a better option and enable the power system to supply energy at night and in bad weather conditions in \[[@B7-sensors-18-03497]\].
Most of the aforementioned papers provide little information on power systems in general, and the energy management algorithms, if they exist, are limited to considering battery voltage and intensity and maybe the power obtained from the solar panels. In most cases small panels (2.5 W/8 V) are installed with 3.7 V/5 Ah batteries, as in \[[@B4-sensors-18-03497]\]. Some authors monitored the energy consumption of their electronic and electrical equipment in \[[@B8-sensors-18-03497]\], but did not use the information to create an intelligent control system for the diverse power requirements.
It should be noted that all these systems have a serious limitation: a deployed buoy can only provide values from its fixed measuring point. A number of buoys will be needed to cover a wider area with costs rising in proportion to the area monitored, unfeasible due to the impact on maritime traffic, the environment, and tourism.
2.2. Autonomous Monitoring Solutions: Marine and Underwater Vehicles {#sec2dot2-sensors-18-03497}
Due to the intrinsic complexity of the marine environment, monitoring tasks in the open sea started with remotely operated vehicle (ROVs) and continued with the development of autonomous surface and underwater vehicles (ASVs and AUVs), which overcome the ROVs' main limitation: the need for a support vessel and a human controller. AUVs thus opened up new opportunities for sea monitoring and explorations as they could gather data autonomously for extended periods of time at a lower cost than ROVs.
To make the most of AUVs they must be able to carry out long missions, an important goal of research in autonomous systems in general, especially in marine robots (see for example the Special Issue on "Long-Term Autonomy in Marine Robotics" in \[[@B9-sensors-18-03497]\]). According to \[[@B10-sensors-18-03497]\], long-term autonomy can be defined as "the ability of a robot to operate robustly for an extended period of time (hours, days or even weeks), with reduced human supervision and in a real environment". Long-term autonomy can be considered from three points of view \[[@B11-sensors-18-03497]\], all related to the problems of operating robots over long periods of time: (i) changing state of the sea and the perishability of current knowledge; (ii) unforeseen hardware and software failures during extended operations; and (iii) unexpected changes in mission goals, or new constraints and priorities for the robot to execute, which can also cause conflicts.
Achieving any of the aforementioned levels of autonomy requires first of all achieving the maximum possible power autonomy. This section describes the main initiatives in the literature to develop marine observation tasks, with special emphasis on the energy management system used for long-term operations at sea.
Gliders are, perhaps, the best example of marine vehicles in terms of energy autonomy. They use hardly any energy to move and by moving their wings and modifying their buoyancy they can convert vertical immersion movements into a horizontal movement, thus obtaining a very low power consumption. Although they are not as fast as other AUVs, gliders have a greater time and distance range than propeller-powered vehicles. Their measurement missions can last for months and cover thousands of kilometres. The so-called Wave Gliders in \[[@B12-sensors-18-03497]\] use the force of the waves to advance and do not use any thrusters. They consist of two parts joined by a cable: a surfboard floating on the surface and a second part about 8 m under the water. This system also uses solar panels to power the on-board electronics.
In general, Glider-type solutions are not suitable for exhaustive explorations of the marine environment, as these vehicles are at the mercy of currents and waves. Since they require little power to operate they have less accuracy regarding the area to be monitored. A system described in \[[@B13-sensors-18-03497]\] proposes a solution to this problem: an optimal mission-planning algorithm for a fleet of gliders based on the sampling on-demand paradigm. In this strategy, the user quantitatively sets the requirements related to the uncertainty over an area of interest that needs to be achieved by means of measurements taken by observing assets. In general, the uncertainty can vary from one region to another in the study area, according to the scientific/operational requirements of the mission. For instance, some areas may be considered more important to explore than others.
The more precise solutions, which provide better control of the areas explored, require the use of thrusters, and thrusters require a complete energy management strategy to ensure long periods of AUV activity. The remainder of this section summarises some of the AUVs described in the literature in order of decreasing autonomy. For each vehicle, we describe, when possible, its purpose, sensors and on-board electronics, measured mission time, energy source/s available and their management, and whether the system software takes into account energy issues when planning the missions.
SAUV II in \[[@B14-sensors-18-03497]\] is an exclusively solar-powered AUV, relatively small in size, with a total solar panel surface of 1 m^2^. The vehicle has a lithium battery (32 V, 2 kWh) as its energy storage system, which stores energy in the daytime to execute the missions at night. SAUV was designed to carry out long-endurance missions, such as monitoring, surveillance, or station-keeping. The longest mission recorded lasted for 30 days with 8 h of continuous operations.
A catamaran for environmental exploration in Rhode Island is described in \[[@B15-sensors-18-03497]\]. Given its small size, it can venture close to the shore. It has a few sensors to capture the physical-chemical parameters of the water and carries a radar sensor, GPS, altimeter for detecting the seabed and is controlled by two CPU based on Linux and a Windows operating system. The energy system is composed of a 5.5 kW diesel generator, which accumulates the energy in 4 batteries 12 V, which provide the energy to 48 V electric motors. Navigation time is limited to about 21 days.
The USV described in \[[@B16-sensors-18-03497]\] was designed and built to perform extended missions for environmental research by using an efficient route planner with Voronoi diagrams and a Dijkstra search algorithm. However, this algorithm does not take into account the solar energy generated to plan the most efficient route. The vessel is equipped with a GPS, AIS transponder, radar reflectors, depth sounder and navigation lights. Maximum navigation time is 3 months, powered by 1200 W solar panels, a wind turbine system with a power output of 720 W, and a 2.5 kW diesel generator system to recharge the batteries.
The catamaran described in reference \[[@B17-sensors-18-03497]\] has two electric motors powered by a mere 300 Wp solar module. Maximum navigation time is about 24 h. The ASV is equipped with a set of navigation sensors that includes a GPS, compass, depth sensor, laser scanner, camera, optical methane detector (OMD), a YSI Sonde (measures temperature, conductivity, chlorophyll, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, incident radiation), wind sensor and a profiled sonar, and laser-based obstacle-avoidance sensor. A profiling arm allows measurements of up to 5.5 m while the vehicle is moving.
Another vehicle used for shallow water and bathymetric studies includes a purpose-built software with integrated navigation and data acquisition systems in \[[@B18-sensors-18-03497]\]. This autonomous vessel has a navigation time of only two to four hours. As sensors, it carries a GPS, surface and submerged camera for video acquisition, ultrasonic obstacle detection, temperature control system, single beam echo sounder, inertial platform, an OLinuXino microcomputer, with a Linux operating system.
The vehicle described in \[[@B12-sensors-18-03497]\] also has a reduced autonomy (up to eight hours) although it is equipped with high-density rechargeable batteries. It carries sensors such as GPS, special electrodes for measuring anomalies in the distribution of electrical resistance along a channel, and temperature and oxygen sensors. According to the authors, it can be used to detect and scare birds away from drinkable water basins and fish-breeding ponds. The control system is based on a Windows OS.
The present authors gained previous experience in developing autonomous marine vehicles. In \[[@B19-sensors-18-03497]\] we describe a multi-vehicle system based on an ASV-UUV combination for oil-spill monitoring, "BUSCAMOS-OIL". One of its outstanding features is the incorporation of new control strategies based on bio-inspired neural networks to give adaptability and robustness to the ASV and UUV. The two vehicles are connected by an umbilical cable, which allows them to share power and computing resources. With its two robots, the platform has the ability to monitor large tracts of sea both on the surface and in the water column. With its time-series measurements, the system draws precise maps of the oil plume, with information on spill location, size, extent, direction and speed. To ensure its power supply, the ASV contains six photovoltaic panels of 130 Wp each, which recharge two 28 V batteries. It also has a diesel generator when no solar energy is available. This platform has now been improved for carrying out the missions described here, which require greater autonomy. The diesel generator has been eliminated, two more solar panels have been added and the explorer submarine has been removed, thus reducing energy consumption, weight and water friction. The vessel now generates more solar energy, which allows permanent navigation and exploration missions.
Besides stand-alone AUVs and ASVs, there are also other approaches that employ fleets of AUVs/ASVs to monitor and explore the seas. Each vehicle individually manages its energy sources, but as a fleet of vehicles these solutions provide extended capabilities to carry out the aforementioned missions. A fleet of ASVs for assessing greenhouse gas emissions from underwater plants in inland reservoirs, rivers and marshes is described in \[[@B20-sensors-18-03497]\]. Each ASV has certain energy limitations: it uses two 40 W solar modules, stores its energy in 12 V, 20 Ah lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries. Although energy management algorithms are not specifically considered in this article, it uses a navigation algorithm in which all the ASVs communicate with each other. At the beginning of the mission they are sent to different locations to minimise power consumption and travelling time.
2.3. Dual System: ASV-Buoy {#sec2dot3-sensors-18-03497}
Taking into account the aforementioned problems, two options are therefore available for long-term missions: (i) deploying a large number of fixed marine observatories (buoys) over the area to be monitored (unfeasible due to the impact on maritime traffic, the environment, tourism and cost); or (ii) autonomous systems able to perform permanent monitoring missions with the minimum cost in temporary deployment of vehicles and teams and maximum observation time.
This article describes the solution we have devised for permanent monitoring of lakes or shallow coastal areas, such as the Mar Menor in southeastern Spain (for a description of which see [Section 4.1](#sec4dot1-sensors-18-03497){ref-type="sec"}). The system combines the main advantages of autonomous systems and buoys to overcome the above-described limitations and challenges. It can thus be described as a "dual solution robot-buoy": an autonomous solar-powered marine robotic observatory equipped for data collection during missions, navigation to inspection points, etc. that also has the ability to anchor and become a "buoy", for either taking measurements at a specific point or prioritizing energy recharge as required, thus avoiding being left to drift with the consequences that it entails (especially near the coast) and returning to monitoring work when the required energy levels are reached. This novel dual robot-buoy configuration ensures a permanent presence in the observation area, as described below. As far as we know, no other similar solutions have yet been proposed.
This robot could also use the Predictive Control Model (PCM) developed by the authors in \[[@B21-sensors-18-03497]\] to obtain optimal battery charging and power consumption, using an algorithm that inhibits fluctuations in the power output of the photovoltaic system due to temperature changes, cloud cover, irradiation, etc. The sinusoidal rotational vector method \[[@B22-sensors-18-03497]\] could also be used to estimate the vessel's attitude; this method was installed in a land vehicle to determine the difference between the vehicle's measured and expected attitude.
3. General Description of the Dual Observatory {#sec3-sensors-18-03497}
This section briefly describes the fundamental characteristics of the dual robotic observatory BUSCAMOS-RobObs. The following sub-sections will describe in greater detail its energy system, decision-support system, and the hardware and software architecture. The dual system can be defined as a dual autonomous oceanographic observatory, in which *dual* refers to its being either an autonomous vehicle or an oceanographic observatory, as required.
BUSCAMOS-RobObs is a mono-hull vessel built of polyester reinforced with fiberglass (see [Figure 1](#sensors-18-03497-f001){ref-type="fig"}). The hull is 5.10 m long and 1.97 m wide. The displacement of the vessel under normal operating conditions is approximately 1000 kg, with an average draft of 0.325 m. The vessel is steered by two independent outboard propellers anchored to the transom, where each thruster is powered in series by two 28 V serial connected lithium ion batteries. It is also equipped with a rudder control, which changes the thrust direction of the propellers by means of a linear motor.
The BUSCAMOS-RobObs ASV includes the following sensing devices: a SIMRAD broadband 3G radar, an aft camera (model PTZ AXIS P5534-E), a bow camera (model AXIS P1435-LE), a sidescan sonar (model Tritech SeaKing), an imaging sonar (model Tritech Micron Sonar) and a multi-parametric probe (model YSI 6600 V2). The side scan sonar generates the images of the seabed that are shown in [Section 5](#sec5-sensors-18-03497){ref-type="sec"} (Figure 15), while the imaging sonar and the 3G radar are used for underwater and surface obstacle avoidance. The multi-parametric probe, whose main characteristics are described in \[[@B23-sensors-18-03497]\], can measure, temperature, salinity, density, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll concentration and nitrates.
The vessel employs a photovoltaic system to produce energy and a set of batteries for the long-term operation of the system. Eight lightweight flexible photovoltaic panels cover an area of 4000 × 1355 mm on the ASV's deck, with a total installed photovoltaic power of 1040 Wp. As can be seen in [Figure 1](#sensors-18-03497-f001){ref-type="fig"}, the panels' position on the hull has little effect on the vessel's aerodynamics and manoeuvrability. [Section 3.2](#sec3dot2-sensors-18-03497){ref-type="sec"} gives further details of the electric system.
The BUSCAMOS-RobObs control hardware architecture is described in [Section 3.3](#sec3dot3-sensors-18-03497){ref-type="sec"}, including a detailed description of the main software architectural layers, their roles and responsibilities, while [Section 3.4](#sec3dot4-sensors-18-03497){ref-type="sec"} describes the ASV's on-board hardware and [Section 3.5](#sec3dot5-sensors-18-03497){ref-type="sec"} the central command, control, communication and computing station. The ASV hardware is composed of three main nodes, interconnected via CAN bus and Ethernet, and with the base station via WiFi, radio and GPRS. The modules are (see Figure 3) as follows:-*Operational Module*, responsible for the navigation, consisting of a National Instrument sbRIO 9606 main controller and two microcontroller-based electronic cards.-*Energy Sensing and Management Module*, consisting of an electronic card based on a micro-controller, which acquires information from the different sensors, checking their status periodically and managing energy. It also controls the anchor deployment and retrieval motor.-*Tactical and Strategic Module*, responsible for operating the decision-making algorithm and storage and management of the acquired data. This module is a single-board DFRobot Lattepanda computer based on the Intel Atom Cherry Trail.
The Energy Sensing and Management Module manages mode changes between autonomous vehicle, fixed oceanographic observatory, or prioritising battery recharging. As described above, one of the dual observatory's special characteristics is that during battery-charging the vessel is anchored to the seabed with minimum power consumption. When the batteries are fully charged the control system wakes up and starts the scanning process until the batteries return to minimum, when it deactivates the systems. The vehicle thus combines the advantages of buoys and ASVs, while it can also adopt the at-rest mode in bad weather or sea conditions.
3.1. Energy Management System {#sec3dot1-sensors-18-03497}
The photovoltaic system configuration is a typical standalone installation. The ASV uses a photovoltaic generator system with eight inboard flexible photovoltaic solar modules of 130 Wp each. With the propellers in power mode the vessel's systems consume around 1802 Wh. As the photovoltaic solar modules are laid horizontally on the deck, their performance is reduced and they provide around 1040 Wh, insufficient to drive the boat directly from the photovoltaic generator, so that an additional intermediate energy storage system is required. The system stores energy in four batteries 26 V of 104 Amps/unit, distributed in two in-series batteries for each torch propeller, giving 6 h of navigation autonomy, according to Equation (1):$$\text{Autonomy} = \frac{10816\ {Wh}}{1802\ {Wh}} = 6\ h$$
The battery bank provides stable current and voltage by eliminating transients and provides surge currents to the thrusters when required. Two solar charge controllers are placed between the PVs and the battery bank. These devices adjust the charge rates to the status of the battery bank, applying maximum power point tracker (MPPT) technology. This device boosts the PV lower voltage to charge higher voltage lithium batteries up to 54 V nominal. The characteristics of the photovoltaic system are shown in [Table 1](#sensors-18-03497-t001){ref-type="table"}.
3.2. Decision-Support System {#sec3dot2-sensors-18-03497}
The control strategy implemented in the ASV is structured into three software layers, as shown in [Figure 2](#sensors-18-03497-f002){ref-type="fig"}:
*Strategic Level*: is the high-level decision-making subsystem for selecting the best geographical area (the "box") for exploration, according to an analysis of the experimental physical and chemical parameters measured, time elapsed since the previous exploration, energy constraints, and the distance between the present position and the next targeted exploration area. This layer is described in more detail in the following section.
Tactical Level: is the intermediate decision-making system, which receives the next "box" to be explored from the layer above and designs a plan to reach and explore it. It comprises a fuzzy level subsystem to optimize route, speed, course and starting angle. This algorithm processes information from the vessel sensors and the status of the vehicle itself and its environment, such as the tag of the next box to be explored, power available in the batteries, and energy supplied in real time by the on-board photovoltaic system. The GPS coordinates of the next waypoint and thruster speed are sent to the operational level layer, which is the lowest level in the hierarchy.
*Operational Level*: is a low-level purely technical decision-making step focused on navigation control. The system controls the course, speed, angle, etc. and operates the obstacle avoidance sensors. The operational control level uses a fuzzy logic feedback control loop: the data supplied by the tactical level are read and compared with the reference signal, and any errors are used as a control parameter to correct the course.
These decision levels are implemented in a hardware architecture that maintains an equivalent hierarchical order, as described below.
3.3. Control Hardware Architecture {#sec3dot3-sensors-18-03497}
The control hardware architecture consists mainly of three modules, each with a series of electronic devices and cards for specific functions. All the modules are interconnected via a CANopen fieldbus and an Ethernet network (see [Figure 3](#sensors-18-03497-f003){ref-type="fig"}).
The Operational Module is primarily responsible for vehicle navigation: motor control, GPS acquisition, inertial unit heading acquisition, obstacle detection and safety. It consists of a National Instruments sbRIO 9606 main controller and two specifically designed electronic cards, Nodes 1 and 2 of the CANBUS fieldbus, based on a PIC 18f4685-E/PT microcontroller (8 bits and clock frequency of 25 MHz). Each node electronic system includes modules that guarantee the desired functionality (CAN-TTL transducer, serial communication transducer, precision AD converters, voltage regulators, protections, drivers for motor management, etc.).
The Energy Sensing and Management Module (i) acquires information from the multi-parametric probe and cyclically checks its status (operational, maintenance required, etc.); (ii) controls camera and sonar power and (iii) controls the anchor deployment motor, changes vehicle mode between autonomous vehicle, fixed oceanographic observatory, or prioritization of energy recharging. It consists of two custom-designed electronic cards, one of which is the third node of the CANopen fieldbus, and the other an expansion of the previous one, performing load management functions for the different connected devices. The third node has a hardware structure similar to the other two.
The Tactical and Strategic Module manages the decision-making algorithms and database. Its main element is a single-board DFRobot Lattepanda PC based on the Intel Atom Cherry Trail chip with 4 GB RAM and 64 GB internal memory. This module stores in a MySQL database the readings taken, which are used by the decision-making algorithms and in turn are arranged for synchronization and consultation with land-based communication stations.
Regarding the communications infrastructure, BUSCAMOS-RobObs uses CAN bus, Ethernet network, WiFi and radio link. The CANopen fieldbus communicates all three nodes with the sbRIO master controller, enabling reliable and robust process data exchange between the controller core and the distributed periphery at a sufficiently high speed (500 kbps). The Ethernet network interconnects the sbRIO with the CPU, receiving the instructions and navigation parameters according to the results generated in real time by the decision-making algorithm. The vehicle communicates with the land-based station through WiFi and radio. It is equipped with omnidirectional WiFi antennas and high gain radio. The WiFi network, with its higher bandwidth, is designed to exchange large volumes of data. The low-bandwidth and long-range radio network guarantees communications during missions. For security reasons both networks have redundancy in critical tasks such as receiving instructions from the base, positioning and managing alerts.
3.4. Software Architecture {#sec3dot4-sensors-18-03497}
The software module name is shown next to the name of the main code block algorithm implemented in each platform in [Figure 4](#sensors-18-03497-f004){ref-type="fig"}. The latter label is divided into two parts separated by a hyphen, where the first part indicates the hardware platform on which the software module is running (sbRIO, N1, N2, N3, CPU). The arrows indicate the direction of the data flow, and the label shows the type of communication or connection between the blocks. The layer to which each software element belongs is also displayed.
The hardware elements in the operational layer are basically micro-controllers and the sbRIO. The micro-controllers execute the functions shown in the figure periodically, triggered by time or event. For example, CAN readings every 10 ms, AD conversions every 5 ms, watchdog every 250 ms, RS232 acquisition every 250 ms. The algorithms/functions shown in the figure are the most important ones that each hardware element executes. In the case of software elements running on the CPU (belonging to the Strategic and Tactical layer) on the Windows 10 LTSB operating system, the software modules shown in the figure are programs running on this platform. This platform is powerful enough to run Fuzzy and real-time decision-making algorithms, as well as manage the MySQL database, make periodic communications checks and other lower-priority processes. A brief description of some of the software modules involved in the control is given in [Table 2](#sensors-18-03497-t002){ref-type="table"}.
3.5. Command, Control, Communication and Computation Station: IUNO {#sec3dot5-sensors-18-03497}
The "*Interface for Unmanned Drones*" (IUNO) is the base station control software, on which the human operators plan and send missions to the ASV. It was designed with the purpose of simplifying the management of unmanned vehicles by analysing the data collected by the vehicles and providing a fully automated vehicle management response to guarantee the success of the task. IUNO has a graphic user interface, showing the operator all the navigation information (vehicle location, power consumption and storage, historical tracks and programmed tracks, etc.). A screenshot of the IUNO software IUNO is shown in [Figure 5](#sensors-18-03497-f005){ref-type="fig"}.
IUNO has a wide range of functions, the most important being: multivehicle management, voice synthesizer, alarm event, geographical location and mission planner, fast navigation mode covering the planned geographical location given by coordinates (latitude and longitude), targets, and two navigation modes, manual and semiautomatic. The navigation modes are synchronized with the on-board sonar and GPS localizer and also incorporate OpenCPN nautical charts (.bsb, .kap, .map) to facilitate vehicle management. All the measured parameters are stored and sent to remote databases with a standard Keyhole Markup Language (KML) and Keyhole Markup Zip (KMZ) location marker, widely used for example in Google Earth. Being a command & control station, new missions can be launched by IUNO to any of the vehicles it is coordinating, while at the same time the human operator can cancel any of the missions assigned to any of the vehicles, whether it was previously assigned manually or automatically.
4. Design of Strategic Decision-Making Layer and Application to the Observation Mission in the Mar Menor {#sec4-sensors-18-03497}
This section describes the design of the upper strategic decision-making layer, shown in [Figure 2](#sensors-18-03497-f002){ref-type="fig"}. At this level, a fuzzy algorithm processes the information from the vehicle's sensors, its status and the environment to select the next exploration zone. For this, it has an up-to-date grid map of the entire exploration area, with a record of the status of each box, which depends on the time expired since the last exploration and the latest levels of physical and chemical parameters observed or recorded by other means. Among other parameters, the fuzzy system takes into account the vehicle's power status to determine whether it has enough power to reach the next exploration box and when it will arrive, or whether it must anchor to recharge the batteries. To clarify this process, we added to the explanation of the algorithm an example of the exploration area, the Mar Menor, where all the tests and simulations were carried out. We will begin by describing this inland's sea's unique characteristics and the classification of the exploration zones.
4.1. Classification of Exploration Areas in the Mar Menor {#sec4dot1-sensors-18-03497}
The Mar Menor, in the southeast of Spain (see [Figure 6](#sensors-18-03497-f006){ref-type="fig"}), is a unique and a valuable resource. Its uniqueness is due to its geographical characteristics (Europe's largest salt lake, with an area of 180 km^2^), with a unique ecosystem in need of conservation. The Mar Menor is a valuable economic resource for the Region of Murcia for the tourism its attracts, for its beaches and good climate in \[[@B24-sensors-18-03497]\] (mean maximum temperature 26 °C, mean minimum temperature 14 °C, 127 days of temperatures above 30°, and 3100 h of sun). This abundant supply of sunlight is an essential resource as an alternative energy source for the robotic mobile observatory.
Due to its unique characteristics, the Mar Menor has attracted the attention of numerous scientific researchers, such as biologists, environmental scientists, oceanographers, etc., especially since 2016, when the rising levels of chemical and biological contamination caused detectable changes in the composition and chemical balance of its waters. Algae proliferated due to the intense levels of human activities, discolouring the waters and affecting the ecosystem, since the clouded waters impeded the penetration of sunlight and this affected its flora and fauna. Tourism was also affected, since its beaches lost all of their previous 19 EU Blue Flags between 2016 and 2018. Blue Flags \[[@B25-sensors-18-03497]\], awarded by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), certify that a beach, marina, or sustainable touristic boat operation meets the Foundation's environmental, educational, safety, and accessibility criteria.
The first step in effectively exploring the Mar Menor was to define a grid map, dividing the entire area into 180 1 km × 1 km boxes, using the National Topographic Map:Hoja 955 Torre-Pacheco, Hoja 956 San Javier and Hoja 978 Llano del Beal 1:50.000 scale (see [Figure 6](#sensors-18-03497-f006){ref-type="fig"}). The boxes were geo-referenced by GPS or UTM geographical coordinates stored in the on-board database. Data from previous exploration missions (historical archive) was also kept, including all the parameters measured by the on-board sensors or other information sources, like buoys or manual data collection. These parameters included environmental, physical, chemical and biological information (nitrate and phosphate contamination), turbidity, acidity, water density, oxygen, suspended particles, etc. All the parameter sets were tagged with their geographical location, date and time of acquisition.
4.2. Classification Strategy of Areas of Interest {#sec4dot2-sensors-18-03497}
The mission's strategic planning software layer used the information stored on the map to classify the state of each box. To do this, it has a fuzzy algorithm that whose input is the average stored values of the temperature, salinity, turbidity, oxygen, chlorophyll and nitrates variables in each one. On the basis of this information, the boxes were classified with the specific colour of a fuzzy state. To carry out the simulations, the values of environmental, physical, chemical and biological parameters of the 182 boxes were taken from a previous manual data collection in some representative areas and extrapolated to the other boxes, as shown in [Figure 7](#sensors-18-03497-f007){ref-type="fig"}.
The anomalous values of box 31 were manually added for simulation purposes only. The graph shows the values obtained from the 182 boxes, normalised and fitted to a scale from 0 to 1. The values are entered in the Fuzzy Sensor system to obtain the status of each box, as described below. The value for each sensor in each box is calculated as the mean of all the readings in that box (1 km^2^, in total the vessel travels 11 km) to avoid that a single measurement defines its value. [Figure 8](#sensors-18-03497-f008){ref-type="fig"}a depicts the fuzzy membership functions for the input sensor values (in this case, for nitrates values), and for the output value ([Figure 8](#sensors-18-03497-f008){ref-type="fig"}b). This output value defines the state of the grid, and therefore the colour of the area on the map. In total, 64 knowledge rules have been implemented in the fuzzy system, which in a summarized way follow the behaviour shown below:-If the value of any of the inputs is EL or EH, then the output is VeryBad.-If there are no EL or EH values but there is at least one VL or VH value, then the output is Bad.-If there are no EL, EH, VL or VH values but there is at least one L or H value, then the output is Normal.-If there are no EL, EH, VL, VH, L or H values but there is at least one LL or LH value, then the output is Good.-If all input values are N, then the output is VeryGood.
Thus, for a specific experiment, each of the boxes on the map were coloured as shown in [Figure 9](#sensors-18-03497-f009){ref-type="fig"}: Very Good (green), Good (light green), Normal (yellow), Bad (orange) and Very Bad (red). A critical zone in a Very Bad state can be seen in Box 31, at the mouth of the Albujón river, where runoffs of agricultural nitrates reach the sea. Several Bad and Normal areas can also be seen, while the remainder is classified as Very Good.
4.3. Decisions Required to Navigate to the Area of Interest for Buoy-ASV Dual Operations {#sec4dot3-sensors-18-03497}
The decision on which box to explore is made by taking into account three fundamental parameters: its degree of interest (related to the state of the physical-chemical variables), the distance of the ASV to other squares, and the time expired since the last exploration. Equation (2) gives the rules used for the selection:$$\text{BoxInterest} = \frac{\left( {\text{ObservationInterest} + \text{UpdateInterest}} \right)}{\text{Distance}}$$ where:$$\text{ObservationInterest} = \left\{ \begin{matrix}
{24\left( \text{two\ years} \right)~\text{if\ box\ State\ is\ Very\ Bad}} \\
{12~\left( {{one}\ {year}} \right)~\text{if\ box\ State\ is\ Bad}} \\
{0~\text{otherwise}} \\
\end{matrix} \right.\text{and\ UpdateInterest} = \text{time\ in\ months\ since\ last\ measurement}$$
The system calculates BoxInterest values for the whole map and selects the one with the highest value. Thus, from its initial starting point, the ASV will sail to and explore the indicated area of interest. Should its battery load fall below 20%, the vehicle will stop, drop its anchor and go into stand-by until the solar panels have recharged the batteries to 75%, after which it will wake up and continue the exploration. Should it receive an alert from an area, the State value of that area will become a priority (red) and the vessel will proceed to that area following the procedure outlined above.
During the journey to and exploration of the different zones, the values in the database are constantly updated with information on the 6 physical-chemical parameters and their date of capture.
4.4. Simulations to Validate the Navigation Process and Fuzzy Zone Classification Algorithm {#sec4dot4-sensors-18-03497}
This section describes an operational simulation performed on Simulink using the fuzzy classification algorithm and navigation strategy described above. A navigation step from Box 145 to Box 31 is simulated on the Mar Menor grid map, as seen in [Figure 10](#sensors-18-03497-f010){ref-type="fig"}.
The simulation sequence was as follows: while in Box 145 BUSCAMOS-RobObs receives an alert from Box 31, where a high nitrates reading has been detected in the fuzzy map output shown in [Figure 10](#sensors-18-03497-f010){ref-type="fig"}. New *BoxInterest* values are then computed for the boxes ([Figure 11](#sensors-18-03497-f011){ref-type="fig"}b shows only the first 90 boxes). These values are calculated from the three parameters shown in [Figure 11](#sensors-18-03497-f011){ref-type="fig"}a and Equation (2): the first scope shows the values obtained to establish the colour intensities on the map in [Figure 9](#sensors-18-03497-f009){ref-type="fig"}; the second scope shows the values of the distance from the ASV's current position to the other boxes; while the third shows the time that has passed since each box was explored. [Figure 12](#sensors-18-03497-f012){ref-type="fig"} gives the rule set that generates the fuzzy output from the input values. As can be seen, a total of 10 rules were defined to model the box selection procedure.
4.5. Energy Management Simulations {#sec4dot5-sensors-18-03497}
As the ASV must travel by means of the energy captured by its solar modules, we must know the coordinates of the target box, the time of year, hours of solar radiation received, the power of the vessel's photovoltaic generator, the generator's efficiency, and any losses in the system.
The energy management system is described in [Section 3.1](#sec3dot1-sensors-18-03497){ref-type="sec"}. The energy balance between the generating system (maximum 1040 Wp), battery storage and energy consumption is shown in [Figure 13](#sensors-18-03497-f013){ref-type="fig"} and [Figure 14](#sensors-18-03497-f014){ref-type="fig"}. The photovoltaic energy generated in any month is clearly not enough to cover the power demand, since there are losses in the wiring and electrical systems and batteries, due to temperature changes and the efficiency of the electronic equipment, horizontal panels, etc. The simulation results after considering all these factors are shown in [Figure 13](#sensors-18-03497-f013){ref-type="fig"}, which shows that the power required to supply the system all year round would be 623.8 kWh. Since the system had to be completely autonomous and we only had the battery storage to fall back on, the vehicle was designed as a dual system.
The environmental data (irradiation, daily average temperature) are provided by METEONORM V6.1.0.23, which is a complete database; the data were obtained for San Javier, Murcia, Spain (lat. 37.8 N, long. 0.8 W). The results of the simulations are shown in [Table 3](#sensors-18-03497-t003){ref-type="table"} and [Table 4](#sensors-18-03497-t004){ref-type="table"}.
Since the fully charged batteries can operate for 6 h, the daily exploration of each box was divided into time bands (see [Table 4](#sensors-18-03497-t004){ref-type="table"}), one in the morning, another at noon and the last one in the late afternoon. When recharging batteries and at night, the vehicle remains anchored to the seabed, in stand-by mode.
This sampling strategy was operated through different levels of interconnected fuzzy control techniques to achieve a robust strategic control system and effectively increase the autonomy of the proposed robotic observatory.
5. Experimental Tests and Results {#sec5-sensors-18-03497}
This section describes in detail a 10-day mission to test the vessel's power system, autonomy and long-term operations. The test began on 20 July 2018 at 8:00 in the morning. Prior to starting the experiment, the different systems were checked as follows: battery power, photovoltaic recharge, manual test of propellers, rudder and anchor deployment, control system auto-diagnosis module by means of the IUNO remote monitoring system, verification of sensors and devices (GPS, multiparameter probe, scanning sonar, etc.), and communications between the vessel and base station.
The vessel was launched with fully charged batteries in Box 102, near the *Los Nietos* Yacht Club (see [Figure 6](#sensors-18-03497-f006){ref-type="fig"}). The database for the decision making algorithms was loaded with previously acquired data from the exploration boxes. The status colours of the boxes and the mission results can be seen in [Figure 16](#sensors-18-03497-f016){ref-type="fig"}. The first box inspected was N° 102, (UTM coordinates: X: 696,000, Y: 4,170,000). The exploration route followed parallel lines separated by 100 m over the entire length of the grid. During the tour, sonar images, videos of the seabed and water parameters were recorded (see [Figure 15](#sensors-18-03497-f015){ref-type="fig"}). The inspection of Box 102 ended at 11:00 a.m., with a power consumption of 2.5 kWh. The values obtained by the multiparameter probe are shown in [Table 5](#sensors-18-03497-t005){ref-type="table"}. These data were stored in the database together with the corresponding timestamp, which can influence the decision on the next box to visit.
Having only updated data of a few nearby areas (green boxes around 102 in [Figure 16](#sensors-18-03497-f016){ref-type="fig"}), the criterion of greatest weight in the decision making was the proximity of contiguous zones. We thus proceeded to inspect in the same way and with the same type of sampling Boxes 123 (UTM coordinates: X: 697,000, Y: 4,170,000) and 145 (UTM coordinates: X: 698,000; Y: 4,170,000), see red flags in [Figure 16](#sensors-18-03497-f016){ref-type="fig"}). Box 123 was completed at 16:00 h, with an energy consumption of 3.8 kWh. The increased power consumption was mostly due to changing course and a strong wind.
Having completed 52% of the inspection of Box 145 at 19:00, a nitrates alert in Box 31 was simulated from the IUNO system in the base station. This susceptible area is at the mouth of a river and should in fact be permanently monitored by a fixed buoy, as it is a known critical dumping area. Before this event, the vessel was on its way to Box 31, as the decision-making algorithms had selected this for monitoring next. After travelling 4 km and consuming 4.7 kWh, the vessel stopped as the battery charge was below 20%. The algorithms decided that the best strategy was to switch to recharge-only mode and anchor overnight at 1.85 km from Box 31.
The vessel remained anchored to recharge above 75% (8917 Wh) until 3:00 p.m. on 23 July and then continued to Box 31, using 1.0 kWh. The exploration of Box 31 began at 16.00 h and ended at 20:00 h, after which it began to explore Box 32, where at 9:00 p.m. it dropped anchor for an overnight stay (see [Figure 16](#sensors-18-03497-f016){ref-type="fig"}).
At 7:00 a.m. on July 24, the exploration of Box 32 resumed but stopped again at 11:00 a.m., when another simulated alert was received from Box 5 (UTM coordinates: X: 690,000; Y: 4,176,000). The ASV the travelled 1 km to that box until the batteries reached 20% and entered recharge mode at UTM coordinates X: 691,284; Y: 4,174,708, where it stayed until 26 July, when the charge rose above 75%. It then went 1.83 km to Box 5, and began an inspection but dropped anchor at 21:00 h. At 7:00 a.m. on 27 July, the ASV resumed the exploration of Box 5, which ended at 8:00 a.m., when it received another alert from Box 69, proceeding to that box. After 2 km the battery level again fell below 20%, when it again entered recharge mode at UTM coordinates: X: 692,000; Y: 4,177,000. It remained here until two days later, 29 July, with the batteries over 75% and went to Box 69, beginning the exploration at 16:00 h, ending at 9:00 p.m. and going into standby. At 7:00 a.m. on 30 July it began exploring Box 89 until the end of the test at 12:00 h, having been working autonomously for 10 days. In [Figure 16](#sensors-18-03497-f016){ref-type="fig"} shows the course followed. The target boxes are marked with red flags.
The final result of the energy balance can be seen in the graph in [Figure 17](#sensors-18-03497-f017){ref-type="fig"}, which in addition to the ASV consumption (orange curve, in W) shows the power generated by the photovoltaic system (blue curve, in W), the energy stored in the batteries (green curve, in Wh), the times when the ASV sets sail, and when the anchor is dropped to recharge overnight. Note that though the units are different, the scale is the same for the curves. The white anchor symbol represents a stop to recharge batteries, a black anchor means an overnight stop, and the propeller shows the time when the boat gets under way. The horizontal dashed lines represent the minimum battery charge to anchor the vessel (in red, 20%), and the minimum charge to get under way (in green, 75%).
6. Conclusions and Future Works {#sec6-sensors-18-03497}
This article has described the novel BUSCAMOS-RobObs dual robot-buoy mobile observatory, which was specifically designed to maintain a permanent presence in shallow waters, by combining the main advantages of autonomous vehicles and buoys to overcome their limitations and challenges. Although many solutions have been proposed in the literature for monitoring marine environments, as far as we know none of them satisfies the power requirements for long-term explorations.
Since an autonomous power system is fundamental in achieving a permanent presence, the article gives an in-depth analysis of the system's unique power management system, including its design (1040 Wp photovoltaic generator, 8 solar panels and 10,740 Wh batteries), a simulation of its seasonal performance (summer battery recharging is 50% faster than winter). Actual data on BUSCAMOS-RobObs energy consumption and energy management was used in an experimental 10-day mission in July 2018 in Europe's largest inland sea, the Mar Menor, with 186 Km^2^ in the southeast of Spain.
BUSCAMOS-RobObs is a dual system because it combines the advantages of ASV mobility with the stability of a fixed buoy. As an autonomous vehicle it can travel to selected points to measure water quality and scan the seabed. When acting as a buoy it can anchor over a point either to take continuous measurements or recharge its batteries. The ability to recharge batteries when anchored to the seabed not only means faster recharging, since the position control systems are on standby, but also ensures that the vehicle will not drift due to currents or winds. This ability is what gives the system an enormous autonomy to carry out long-term missions.
As we concluded from the review of the state-of-the-art, BUSCAMOS-RobObs provides a novel solution and achieves a permanent autonomous presence in lakes or shallow coastal waters. This improves the autonomy in monitoring water quality parameters and avoids the problems associated with the deployment of a large number of fixed marine observatories (buoys), which influence and impact maritime traffic, the environment, tourism and the cost involved.
Another notable contribution, in line with the objective of minimising the vehicle's energy consumption, is that its fuzzy mission management system takes into account the status of the vehicle's batteries and the distance to alternative exploration areas to select the next mission zone. Also described was the fuzzy system that uses the measurements of the vehicle's sensors to characterise the water quality and possible contamination to generate a colour map of the status of the area, as described in [Section 5](#sec5-sensors-18-03497){ref-type="sec"}. This map is updated as new measures are taken, and is also considered when determining the next area to explore.
The viability of the approach was demonstrated by a real 10-day monitoring mission carried out in the Mar Menor, and by several simulations of the vehicle's performance and power consumption. The results of both the simulations and the experimental mission were found to be satisfactory, reaching the objectives of maintaining a permanent monitoring presence for a period of 10 days and travelling 92.28 Kms without human intervention. The data collected were monitored and stored remotely in the IUNO system. The energy management system also performed well, being able to navigate for the entire period, anchoring each night and selecting the 4 stops for recharging (see [Figure 17](#sensors-18-03497-f017){ref-type="fig"}).
No limitations were observed in the operation, apart from the one derived from the scope of BUSCAMOS-RobObs application. Since the anchoring depth limit is 8 m, it cannot operate in deeper waters, which is why we specify that it is a solution for permanent monitoring of shallow waters. It is also necessary to take into account the prevailing weather conditions (especially wind), wave heights and tides in the area, which may hamper operations even with recharged batteries. Still, it is a solution that can be applied to permanently monitor a multitude of lagoons and coastal seas around the world.
Given the large area to be covered in monitoring the Mar Menor (186 Km^2^) and the speed of the vessel, we estimate that it would take up to 1 year to complete a full autonomous exploration. In the future, deploying more vehicles could reduce this time. The number of vehicles depends on the maximum allowed age for the data gathered and the available budget. For example, we estimate that 3 vehicles could cover the whole area in 3--4 months. However, it should be noted that this is a monitoring vehicle and is not equipped to intervene, and therefore it is acceptable that it takes a while for the vessel to reach a box in which an alarm has raised. Should a spill happen, other means must be deployed to deal with it.
Regarding future work, we are currently planning to: (i) perform longer monitoring missions to improve the efficiency of the solar capture of the photovoltaic system and improve the capacity of the batteries; (ii) carry out missions in autumn and spring with fewer hours of daylight and more cloud cover in less favourable areas; (iii) manage recharge periods by means of new algorithms so as to start the vehicle's activity with lower power levels; (iv) introduce new sources of renewable energy, such as wind turbines, and (v) automate post-processing of data using big data techniques.
The authors would like to thank the Spanish Navy for ceding a Pluto Unmanned Underwater Vehicle and by projects TIN2014-55024-P from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and P11-TIC-8001 from Junta de Andalucía (including FEDER funds), "Research Programme for Groups of Scientific Excellence at Region of Murcia" of the Seneca Foundation (Agency for Science and Technology of the Region of Murcia---19895/GERM/15).
I.G.-R. has done this research as part of his Ph.D. work under the supervision of F.J.O. and A.G.-G. J.C.M.-M. has done this research as part of his Ph.D. work under the supervision of A.G.-G. F.J.O. and D.A. supervised the development of software architecture of the system. All authors were involved in discussions over the past year that shaped the article in its final version.
This work was partially supported by the BUSCAMOS Project under the program DN8644 COINCIDENTE of the Spanish Defense Ministry.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
![(**a**,**b**) BUSCAMOS-RobObs pictures and (**c**) general scheme.](sensors-18-03497-g001){#sensors-18-03497-f001}
![Hierarchical structure of the control system, showing the three levels of control: strategic, tactical and operational.](sensors-18-03497-g002){#sensors-18-03497-f002}
![BUSCAMOS-RobObs hardware components and communication networks.](sensors-18-03497-g003){#sensors-18-03497-f003}
![BUSCAMOS-RobObs software architecture.](sensors-18-03497-g004){#sensors-18-03497-f004}
![Graphical User Interface of IUNO software, showing exploration routes within a 1 km × 1 km box given by the four geographical coordinates (UTM) P1 (30T 690 4180), P2 (30T 690 4179), P7 (30T 691 4180) and P8 (30T 691 4179).](sensors-18-03497-g005){#sensors-18-03497-f005}
![View of the Mar Menor divided into 182 boxes for exploration purposes and their GPS coordinates.](sensors-18-03497-g006){#sensors-18-03497-f006}
![Normalized sensor values used for the simulation.](sensors-18-03497-g007){#sensors-18-03497-f007}
![(**a**) Membership functions for each of the six sensors (shown for nitrates), where EL: extremely low, VL: very low, L: low, SL: slightly low, N: normal, SH: slightly high, H: high, VH: very high, EH: extremely high; (**b**) Output membership function for classifying the boxes according to sensor values.](sensors-18-03497-g008){#sensors-18-03497-f008}
![Colours of the state of each zone or box in the Mar Menor. The box number explored in the simulation is included.](sensors-18-03497-g009){#sensors-18-03497-f009}
![Map zone selected for the simulation with starting point at Box 145 and finishing point at Box 31.](sensors-18-03497-g010){#sensors-18-03497-f010}
![Graphics obtained from the Simulink model of the "Strategic level" control system. (**a**) Input values of sensors, distance and time; (**b**) Output value (box 31 selected).](sensors-18-03497-g011){#sensors-18-03497-f011}
![Fuzzy rules for the simulated case.](sensors-18-03497-g012){#sensors-18-03497-f012}
![Results of PVSYST simulations: energy generation (**a**) and performance ratio (PR); (**b**) for each month of the year.](sensors-18-03497-g013){#sensors-18-03497-f013}
![Energy losses of the PV system, balance between final photovoltaic energy generation and total demand, showing the requirement for a back-up generating system. (Performed with PVSYST V5.05).](sensors-18-03497-g014){#sensors-18-03497-f014}
![Sonar image of the actual route of the vehicle in Box 102 superimposed on the route setpoint trace. Representation in HMI of IUNO.](sensors-18-03497-g015){#sensors-18-03497-f015}
![Box colour scheme. Boxes with a number and colour are the ones explored and therefore have updated data. The coloured squares without numbers are previously collected values. Uncoloured boxes are those for which no data are available and require monitoring. The values in red (alarms) simulate possible spills or contamination.](sensors-18-03497-g016){#sensors-18-03497-f016}
![Energy generation and consumption during the 10-day autonomous navigation experiment. 'Y' axis has the same scale for all the curves, but the units are different: Watt for orange and blue curves, Watt-hour for green curve.](sensors-18-03497-g017){#sensors-18-03497-f017}
sensors-18-03497-t001_Table 1
Parameters describing the PV modules and batteries.
PV Modules: Enecom Italia, HF130 Batteries: Lithium-Manganese, Torqeedo, Power 26--104
---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- -----------------------------------
Solar power 130 (Wp) Voltage 25.9 (V)
V~oc~ 20.01 (V) Nominal load 104 (Ah)
V~mpp~ 16.86 (V) Total units 4 batteries (2 series/2 parallel)
I~sc~ 8.61 (A) **Total energy stored** **10,740 kWh**
I~mpp~ 8.10 (A)
Total units 8 modules (4 series/2 parallel)
**Total power** **1040 Wp**
sensors-18-03497-t002_Table 2
Description of software modules.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\-**N1_GPSUI**: obtains and validates GPS position and course of the inertial unit-**N2_ObstacleDetector**: detects obstacles and sends alerts to sbRIO-**N3_LoadsEnergyMngr**: manages expendable loads and energy modes (buoy, recharge, ASV)-**N3_SensorAdq**: acquires and supervises the multi-parametric probe and sonars-**N3_AnchorMngr**: manages the anchor depending on the active energetic mode \-**CPU_DB**: manages the connection with the MySQL database and the data stored on it (geo-referenced navigation and sensor data), which is then used by the decision-making algorithms-**CPU_CommSupervisor**: manages communication link with the base station-**CPU_CameraMngr**: manages the on-board cameras
\-**sbRIO_IUNOFuzzyMainController**: set of software implementing the previously described operational level through the following functions: ○**sbRIO_FuzzyHeadingPropellers**: implements fuzzy algorithms to correct the ASV's heading and speed, as well as an auto-adaptable K factor for PIDs**sbRIO_MissionTracker**: supervises the route of the mission. Together with the former, they both constitute the fuzzy navigation controller**sbRIO_ASVEnergyMngr**: energy management controller**sbRIO_ObstEvas**: generates a new path when an obstacle is detected by node N2.**sbRIO_IncidentMngr**: sends incidents to the base station (errors and alerts), depending on their severity. Manages self-restoration of some solvable incidents**sbRIO_CmdMngr**: manages the connection and interface with the base station, sending and receiving commands
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sensors-18-03497-t003_Table 3
Summary of the results of the simulation obtained with PVSYS.
Annual Recharges Energy for Recharging Annual Power Requirements Useful Solar Power Energy Gap Performance Ratio (PR)
------------------ ----------------------- --------------------------- -------------------- ------------ ------------------------
143 10.816 kWh 1558 kWh 934 kWh/year 624 kWh 51.8%
sensors-18-03497-t004_Table 4
Box exploration time bands, stoppages and recharging periods in different seasons of the year.
Season Daily Exploration Periods Recharging Periods Night Anchorage Periods
-------- --------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
Summer 07:00--08:00\ 08:00--12:00\ 21:00--07:00
12:00--14:00\ 14:00--18:00\
18:00--20:00 20:00--21:00
Spring 08:00--09:00\ 09:00--12:00\ 19:00--08:00
12:00--14:00 14:00--19:00
Autumn 07:30--09:30\ 09:30--12:00\ 19:30--07:30
12:00--14:00 14:00--19:30
Winter 08:30--09:30\ 09:30--12:00\ 17:00--08:30
12:00--14:00 14:00--17:00
sensors-18-03497-t005_Table 5
Average parameter values in Box 102.
Data Average Value
------------- ------------------
Temperature 21.75 °C
Salinity 42.25 P.S.U
Density 0.12 mg/L
Oxygen 6.84 mg/L
Chlorophyll 2.28 µg/L
Nitrates 0.98 mg N-NO3-/L
| {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Central"
} |
[Final declaration of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology concerning the participation of psychiatrists in executions].
To begin with, this author has reviewed papers addressing the issue around the participation of psychiatrists in legal executions. The questions of reasoning for the exclusion of the mentally incompetent from execution, what exactly constitutes "competency to be executed," and whether to assess a criminal's competency for execution or to offer treatment to death row inmates who have been found incompetent are under debate. Then, making known the temporary declaration of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology, the author has told that it should insist in the final declaration as follows: First, the secretiveness with which the Ministry of Justice and the correctional facilities in Japan handle the death penalty cases should be abolished. Second, in the present situation of the medical care in Japanese penal facilities, the employed psychiatrists should not be involved in the examination or the treatment of the death row inmates. Third, nevertheless the psychiatrist should not examine whether the inmate is competent to be executed in principle, this indifference may bring on the execution of the incompetent in present situation of Japan. Forth, it is not permitted ethically to offer the medical treatment to restore the inmate's competency. Fifth, because the Japanese death penalty confronts the false charges, if the capital punishment case requesting for retrial or preparing it reveal mentally abnormal and the condition is so severe that the inmate cannot assist legal counsel appropriately, the inmate should be transferred to hospital to be provided treatment. And finally the inmate whose competency is doubted should automatically be commuted to life imprisonment. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
We learn how to apply the concepts of The Pragmatic Programmer to teams while Michael uses his advertisement voice, Joe has a list, and Allen doesn’t want anyone up in his Wheaties.
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Water bottles. Gotta stay hydrated. And then run to the bathroom inbetween talks.
Coffee cups. Coding requires coffee.
Hats, because everyone has a bad hair day every now and then.
Socks. Everyone loves super cute socks. Except Florida man.
Bags, because they cost the most.
Pens/notebooks, in case I need to write something down super quick! vote
A big thank you to those that took a moment out of their busy lives to leave us a review: iTunes: SimplyManuel, Eric Shin Is Strong, WwHG10 Stitcher: AwesomeWithLawson, Glen Moyes, SimplyManuel, codesfrcoffee, RedPeril, TGibson, Lecherouscthulhu
Come see us at Atlanta Code Camp 2019. Allen will be giving his Real Time Data with Kafka Streams talk, And Joe will be giving his What’s this crazy JAMstack? talk.
Joe was a guest on episode 10 of the Backend Bear.
Building Pragmatic Teams
The methods learned so far from this book can be applied to teams in addition to the individual.
By working on a “pragmatic team”, the advantages of practicing the methods of the book are multiplied many times over.
However, these methods are only a starting point. Pragmatic teams will evolve, adapt, and refine these practices to best fit their environment.
No Broken Windows
Everyone on the team should care about quality.
Pragmatic teams can not accept broken windows.
Quality needs to come from every team member.
Boiled Frogs
It is easy for an individual to overlook the overall big picture environment while in the heat of a project’s development. It’s even easier for teams. Team members can easily assume that someone else is addressing a bug, or that some environmental change was OK’d. Keep in mind, environment changes don’t necessarily have to mean hardware or configuration. It could mean, bringing in a new technology for example.
Everyone should be on the lookout for changes to the environment. The authors suggest appointing a chief water tester to monitor scope creep, timelines, and environments … anything that wasn’t originally agreed upon.
Keep metrics on new requirements.
Pragmatic teams shouldn’t reject new feature requests outright. Instead, be aware when and that they occur. Otherwise, you might be the one boiling.
Pragmatic teams need to communicate clearly to the everyone else as one voice.
The worst teams are those that bad tempered or difficult to get information from. Their meetings have no structure. No one wants to talk. Their documentation is awful. No two documents have the same format and each use different terminology, i.e. no ubiquitous language.
Great teams have a personality. You look forward to meeting with them because they are organized. Their presentations are well-prepared. Their documentation is consistent. Current. Accurate. Concise. All members of the team use the same ubiquitous language and speak with one voice. Externally. Internally, they have lively debates, where strong opinions are expressed. Good developers are passionate developers.
The simple marketing trick to communicate as one: generate a brand. Create a team name and logo. When communicating with others, use the name/logo. It builds an identity for your team to build on. As well as something memorable for others to associate your work with.
Don’t Repeat Yourself
Duplication is wasted effort.
This duplicated effort can create maintenance headaches.
Good communication between teams can help reduce duplication.
A project librarian can coordinate documentation and repositories. Other’s can go to the librarian when they’re looking for something. And the librarian can spot duplication when they’ve been given something new.
However, if the project is too big for one librarian, appoint a few people as the primary contacts for various functional areas of the project.
And don’t forget the value of online user groups, mailing lists, forums, wikis, etc. for archiving questions/answers, and discussions.
Traditional teams are organized such that individuals are assigned roles based on their job function. The Rational Unified Process: An Introduction (Amazon) identifies 27 different roles within a project!
Roles have an implicit hierarchy: the closer the role is to the user, the more senior the role.
Some development environments have strict divisions of responsibility. You might not be able to talk to the testers or the chief architect, for example. To make matters worse, some organizations might have different sub-teams report to different management chains.
Don’t fall victim to thinking that the various tasks for a project can happen in isolation, because they can’t.
Analysis, design, coding, testing – These are all different perspectives of the same problem.
Developers that are two or three levels removed from the user will likely not be aware of how their code is used and therefore not able to make informed decisions while developing it.
Tip 60
Organize Around Functionality, Not Job Functions.
Team Division
The authors prefer to split teams up by functionality.
Each (small) team should be responsible for a small aspect of the overall system.
And each team is responsible to each other.
Commitments change with each project and so do the people per team.
Splitting the teams up by functionality doesn’t need to translate to use cases though. The DB can count as a team. The help subsystem can count as a team.
Look for largely self-contained groups of people. This is similar to how we’d break up code into modules. Use the same techniques, such as by contract, decoupling, and orthogonality. By doing so, we help isolate the entire team from changes outside it.
When done properly, this can reduce interactions, reduce time scales, increase quality, and reduce bugs.
Developers will be more committed.
Teams will feel more ownership because they know they alone are responsible for their part.
But this approach will only work with responsible developers and strong project management.
Two heads
Each project has two heads: one technical and other other administrative.
The technical head is responsible for the development style, assigns responsibilities, and arbitrates discussions. All that while always keeping an eye on the big picture, removing unnecessary commonality among teams to maintain high orthogonality.
This person is the lead architect.
The administrative head is the project manager. They schedule necessary resources, monitor and report on progress to the stakeholders, and might also act as the PR representative when communicating outside of the teams.
Additional Resources for Larger Teams
Librarian – Indexes and stores code and documentation.
A tool builder – Someone that provides the tools, environments, and support.
The best way to ensure consistency and accuracy is to automate everything that can be automated. That bash script, makefile, etc. isn’t going to change itself. Typically. And it can be versioned.
Automation is an essential element of a Pragmatic Team.
Appoint one or more people as the tool builders to build and deploy tools that automate the project’s boring parts.
Know When to Stop Adding Paint
Pragmatic teams give each member the opportunity to shine.
They provide team members with enough structure to support them and ensure the project delivers against those requirements.
And then resist the urge to add more paint.
Resources We Like
The Pragmatic Programmer by Andrew Hunt, David Thomas (Amazon)
The Pragmatic Bookshelf (pragprog.com)
lagniappe (Wikipedia)
Spotify engineering culture (part 1) (labs.spotify.com)
Tip of the Week
Git tips: Undo your last commit: git reset HEAD~ (Stack Overflow) Undo all of your current changes and reset the environment back to the last commit: git reset --hard HEAD Remove all untracked files: git clean -f Remove untracked directories, too: git clean -f -d
Joe’s reasons to use Kotlin (in no particular order): Reason #147 – Using natural language test function names with backticks (discuss.kotlinlang.org) Reason #136 – Higher-Order Functions and Lambdas (kotlinlang.org) Reason #17 – fold, reduce, Map
Overview of Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) (docs.microsoft.com) | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} |
#Fri Feb 19 20:28:11 CET 2010
resourceFilterGoals=process-resources resources\:testResources
| {
"pile_set_name": "Github"
} |
Cillessen: I want to play in the league, in the Champions League and in everything Valencia Ready to be a starting goalkeeper
Valencia will head into the 2019/20 season with a new goalkeeper and Jasper Cillessen is ready to return to life as a first-choice stopper.
Having spent most of his Barcelona career as deputy to Marc-Andre ter Stegen, the Dutchman has found regular football hard to come by and is relishing the chance to play every week.
"I'm motivated, I want to play for Valencia," Cillessen explained in a press conference.
"I want to play league matches, Champions League matches, everything.
"I've been at Barcelona for a few years, but I was desperate to play.
"This is a club with a great history."
At 30 years old, the former Ajax stopper couldn't afford to spend any more time on the Blaugrana bench, hence his haste to move.
"Now I'm 30 years old, after three years on the bench I want to play," he intimated.
"I'm also ready to play for the Netherlands again.
"I spoke with the coach, I'm here to play, that's my motivation." | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} |
Ultrastructural alterations of the lymphocytes from a patient with Reye's syndrome.
The ultrastructural alterations of the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of a patient with Reye's syndrome are reported. The involved cells were lymphocytes which showed marked nuclear changes such as irregular or highly convoluted nuclei, multilobulated nuclei, presence of scanty chromatin, and large nucleoli. Changes of the cytoplasmic organelles involved the mitochondria and dense bodies with well defined surrounding membrane appeared. The possibility that these findings indicate a viral etiology of the disease is discussed. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
Remember then-presidential candidate Barack Obama’s “Yes We Can” video from the 2008 campaign? Well, Iran’s president has his own version too, albeit five years late.
The video was made by supporters of newly elected Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who has billed himself as a moderate reformer. But is Rouhani really willing to change Iran?
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Correspondent Golnaz Esfandiari (@GEsfandiari) and freelance journalist Ali Gharib (@AliGharib) discussed the video on AMERICA with Jorge Ramos. | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} |
A complex problem arises in connection with enhanced video: where a trigger comes through while an enhancement is already being displayed, how should that trigger (and its associated enhancement) be handled?
This problem could arise, for instance, where a show is enhanced, and an embedded ad is also enhanced; a show is enhanced in two places, and a viewer is still in the first enhancement when the second trigger arrives; two ads are enhanced, and a viewer is still in the first ad's enhancements when the second trigger arrives.
Conventionally, when one encodes triggers, client systems—for instance set-top boxes manufactured under license from WEBTV Networks, or Liberate Technologies—provide no effective control of overlapping enhancements. Some conventional client systems completely ignore the second trigger; this is undesirable for the sponsor of the second trigger as well as the programmer who sold that trigger spot. In other conventional client systems, if the new trigger does not contain the same URL as the currently displayed screen (which is not necessarily the URL in the old trigger), the new trigger pops up and the viewer has 10 seconds to choose the new trigger over the old enhancement. While this approach may better accommodate sponsors, it is inflexibly disruptive to the viewers. Still further, it also has problems where copies of the same trigger can disrupt subsequent screens of the first trigger's enhancements.
It would be desirable for a solution to exist which allowed for flexible control of overlapping enhancements. Still further it would be desirable for such a solution to be able to flexibly allow for overlapping enhancement control to be varied based on broadcast context. For instance, it would be desirable for a solution to exist for different broadcasters to specify how overlapping enhancements would be handled, and a similar pair of overlapping enhancements handled in accordance with the broadcasters' specifications. | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} |
If formula show diffrent result
I need formula to show me different result
"if" O18>O16
But it is not working.
Thanks in advance.
So you want IF O18>O16 THEN O19 ElSE IF O16 > A27 then O17+A27 ELSE "" ?
| {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} |
Comparative effect of cyclosporin A and G on weight gain of primates during the pubertal growth period.
A double-blind study with six cynomolgus monkeys (mean age, 2.0 years) was carried out. All animals received immunosuppression therapy with 16 mg/kg/day of cyclosporin A or G (Norvaline cyclosporine), given intramuscularly in two divided daily dosages. All animals received a small dosage of steroids (0.1 mg/kg/day). After 14 months the dosage of cyclosporin G was increased to 20 mg/kg/day. During the first study year, weight velocity was normal in the cyclosporin G group and impeded in the group receiving cyclosporin A. During the second year of the study, the weight velocity was impeded in both groups. The weight gain was significantly less in the cyclosporin A group than in the group receiving cyclosporin G (p = 0.001). The results suggested that cyclosporine impeded weight gain in primates during the pubertal period. The effect was dosage-related and was less with cyclosporin G than with cyclosporin A. The mechanism is unclear, but the possible effect on the growth hormone merits further studies. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
Active lifestyles are mobile lifestyles, and water remains an essential part of life, so portable and safe liquid vessels are a part of modern life. Renewable and reusable water vessels offer and environmentally friendly alternative to the ubiquitous disposable plastic bottle. While convenient when introduced, the plastic bottle is now recognized as wasteful. Simple water can now be transformed into sports drinks and energy supplements by the introduction of concentrated additives. Another problem with conventional plastic bottles is the health risk posed by the various chemical ingredients used in creating the bottles. Some of the chemical components can pass into the contained liquids by a leaching process, placing the health of the consumer at risk. This can be particularly troublesome to the health conscious consumer.
A glass bottle is refillable, reusable and can be cleaned as needed. Glass vessels are not prone to contaminating the contents by leaching. Glass containers, which are predominantly silicon-dioxide structures, are stable and relatively free from contamination of their contents. However, glass bottles can be slippery to hold and are prone to breakage if dropped.
Users of (reusable) glass bottles can find themselves with dry lips. Lip glosses and lip balms are conventional remedies for dry lips. However, water bottle use can remove lip gloss. Women who use the bottle can find themselves needing more lip gloss or another cosmetic to maintain their appearance. Examples of cosmetics are base creams, eye shadow, eye liners, blushes and the like. Moreover compounds, such as lip glosses, balms, etc. can be consumed relatively quickly and replacement of such compounds in a cost effective and efficient manner is highly desirable. | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} |
Super secure Quantum cryptography has hole
Quantum cryptography, which was being touted as totally secure against attacks on sensitive data traffic, has a flaw.
According to Swedish boffins, there is a bug in the way the system is set up, although it can be fixed, as Jan-Aake Larsson, an Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics at the Linkoeping University in southern Sweden told AFP.
Quantum cryptography was based on the idea that quantum mechanical objects cannot be measured upon without being disturbed and setting off alarm bells that the transmitted data has been manipulated. The technology is pricey and limited to short-range transmissions and is still in the testing stage.
But Larsson said he and his student Joergen Cederloef found that to send the key over the quantum channel, you must simultaneously send additional data over the traditional Internet channel, and then verify that the classical data has not been changed through an authentication process, he explained.
While the data was secure, a gap appears because this is a combined system, which complicates things so much that the usual security system in some cases does not work. The way around this is to use a handshake between legitimate users. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Very cool. Question: If you were to give him the right number of limbs, would you consider that to be ten in total or count the "human" arms as extras and make it twelve, like centaurs get six limbs? | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} |
Letter to the Committee Chairman
This is a belated clarification regarding myself in your letter to our Chairman Austin Mitchell MP of March 17. For I am not one of Austin’s constituents, but the organiser of a Forum that has been meeting in both Houses since 1998, as you will see on our archive site www.monies.cc. Thus it will become clear to you that my opinion is not a personal one, but that I promote the concerns of many.
In fact, our analysis is so significant that a human rights lawyer advised us to “go for Parliamentary scrutiny via the Treasury Select Committee”. Hence I’ve attended numerous Committee meetings and gave you a copy of Creating a World without Poverty by Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus.
The Committee has indeed received a number of our petitions, and we wonder when a democratic process might take them into account. However, the Committee not only set its own agenda, but also decides whom to invite for evidence. As a consequence, you are practising what my late husband would have called a “mutual adoration society”: you never invite anybody who has become a victim of the system, nor do you invite anybody who points out solutions to the systemic failures. Instead you invite those who are paid to “do the right thing”, but the reality is the exact opposite, also predicted by my husband who used to work for the Greater London Council.
For example: instead of tackling root causes, a “Ministry of Justice” has the job of supervising companies that make their living out of recovering monies from the injustice of banks having overcharged their customers. I speak from personal experience, should you require “evidence”.
More recently, you participated in a forum of the British Academy where the conclusion was that the crisis was “principally a failure of the collective imagination of many bright people to understand the risks to the system as a whole”. What a way to wash the eyes of HM the Queen!
If the system of financial and political institutions was interested in solving the crisis that it created, then I wonder
why don’t you recommend to your fellow participants at the British Academy the examples of the predictability of the crisis as cited by Dr. Thomas Palley, who obtained his economic degrees in Oxford and Yale?
My mum, who saved me from the bombings of Dresden, needs my care and attention now. Hence I cannot continue to come and admire your Chairmanship. But the web continues to allow us to communicate. So I thought I’d let you know how awareness of “the system” is growing and how there is room to save face, if only there was the political will. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
[Immortalization of human fibroblasts using tsA mutant of SV40 and pSV3neo plasmid].
Clones of immortalized human fibroblasts with an extended life span in culture and a capability of subloning were obtained after the infection with a temperature sensitive mutant (tsA 239) of SV40 virus and pSV3neo plasmid. As compared with the parental cells, the obtained clones exhibited increased plating efficiency, decreased doubling time, and serum dependence. We did not obtained the colony formation during cultivation of immortalized cells in semiliquid agar. This means that our cells were not completely malignant. The PCR (polymerase chain reaction)-analysis has revealed the presence of viral DNA at early passages (25th passage) after the infection by tsA SV40, and its absence after a prolonged cultivation (46th passage). PCR-analysis of the clones obtained after pSV3neo transfection has revealed the presence of gene A sequences either at early (9-15), or later (62) passages. The expression of the gene A product in cells of these clones was revealed only early passages (11 and 35). Possible mechanisms of immortal phenotype origin in human diploid cells after the action of ts-mutant and other constructions of SV40 are discussed. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
Up to the immediate present 100-105 exam cram(1-13)
Question No : 1 – (Topic 1)
Refer to the exhibit.
Mary is sending an instant message to Robert. The message will be broken into a series of packets that will traverse all network devices. What addresses will populate these packets as they are forwarded from Router1 to Router2?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
E. Option E
100-105 exam Answer: B
The Source and Destination IP address is not going to change. Host 1 IP address will stay as being the source IP and the Host 2 IP address will stay the destination IP address. Those two are not going to change. For the MAC address it is going to change each time it goes from one hope to another. (Except switches… they don’t change anything) Frame leaving HOST 1 is going to have a source MAC of Host 1 and a destination MAC of Router 1. Router 1 is going to strip that info off and then will make the source MAC address of Router1’s exiting interface, and making Router2’s interface as the destination MAC address.
Then the same will happen… Router2 is going to change the source/destination info to the
Question No : 2 – (Topic 1)
A workstation has just resolved a browser URL to the IP address of a server. What protocol will the workstation now use to determine the destination MAC address to be placed into frames directed toward the server?
E. ARP100-105 dumps Answer: E
The RARP protocol is used to translate hardware interface addresses to protocol addresses. The RARP message format is very similar to the ARP format. When the booting computer sends the broadcast ARP request, it places its own hardware address in both the sending and receiving fields in the encapsulated ARP data packet. The RARP server will fill in the correct sending and receiving IP addresses in its response to the message. This way the booting computer will know its IP address when it gets the message from the RARP server
Question No : 3 – (Topic 1)
Which protocol uses a connection-oriented service to deliver files between end systems?
Answer: C
TCP is an example of a connection-oriented protocol. It requires a logical connection to be established between the two processes before data is exchanged. The connection must be maintained during the entire time that communication is taking place, then released afterwards. The process is much like a telephone call, where a virtual circuit is established-
-the caller must know the person’s telephone number and the phone must be answered– before the message can be delivered.
TCP/IP is also a connection-oriented transport with orderly release. With orderly release, any data remaining in the buffer is sent before the connection is terminated. The release is accomplished in a three-way handshake between client and server processes. The connection-oriented protocols in the OSI protocol suite, on the other hand, do not support orderly release. Applications perform any handshake necessary for ensuring orderly release. Examples of services that use connection-oriented transport services are telnet, rlogin, and ftp.
Question No : 4 – (Topic 1)Refer to the exhibit.
If the hubs in the graphic were replaced by switches, what would be virtually eliminated?
A. broadcast domains
B. repeater domains
C. Ethernet collisions
D. signal amplification
E. Ethernet broadcasts
Answer: C
Modern wired networks use a network switch to eliminate collisions. By connecting each device directly to a port on the switch, either each port on a switch becomes its own collision domain (in the case of half duplex links) or the possibility of collisions is eliminated entirely in the case of full duplex links.
Question No : 5 – (Topic 1)
Refer to the exhibit.
Host A is sending a packet to Host B for the first time. What destination MAC address will Host A use in the ARP request?
C. 00-17-94-61-18-b0
D. 00-19-d3-2d-c3-b2
E. ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff
100-105 pdf Answer: E
For the initial communication, Host A will send a broadcast ARP (all F’s) to determine the correct address to use to reach the destination. ARP sends an Ethernet frame called an ARP request to every host on the shared link-layer legmen. The Ethernet header includes the source host MAC address and a destination address of all Fs representing a broadcast frame. The ARP request contains the sender’s MAC and IP address and the target (destination) IP address. The target’s MAC address is
set to all 0s. ARP Request
Question No : 7 – (Topic 1)Refer to the exhibit.
SwitchA receives the frame with the addressing shown. According to the command output also shown in the exhibit, how will SwitchA handle this frame?
A. It will drop the frame.
B. It will forward the frame out port Fa0/6 only.
C. It will flood the frame out all ports.
D. It will flood the frame out all ports except Fa0/3.
100-105 pdf Answer: B
Switches keep the learned MAC addresses in a table, so that when a frame comes in with a destination MAC address that the switch has already learned, it will forward it to that port only. If a frame comes in with a destination MAC that is not already in the MAC address table, then the frame will be flooded to all ports except for the one that it came in on. In this case, Switch A already knows that 00b0.d0da.cb56 resides on port fa0/6, so it will forward the from out that port.
Question No : 8 – (Topic 1)
Which statements accurately describe CDP? (Choose three.)
A. CDP is an IEEE standard protocol.
B. CDP is a Cisco proprietary protocol.
C. CDP is a datalink layer protocol.
D. CDP is a network layer protocol.
E. CDP can discover directly connected neighboring Cisco devices.
F. CDP can discover Cisco devices that are not directly connected.
Answer: B,C,E
CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) is a proprietary protocol designed by Cisco to help administrators collect information about both locally attached and remote devices. By using CDP, you can gather hardware and protocol information about neighbor devices containing useful info for troubleshooting and documenting the network.
Question No : 9 – (Topic 1)
Refer to the exhibit.
A network device needs to be installed in the place of the icon labeled Network Device to accommodate a leased line attachment to the Internet. Which network device and interface configuration meets the minimum requirements for this installation?
A. a router with two Ethernet interfaces
B. a switch with two Ethernet interfaces
C. a router with one Ethernet and one serial interface
D. a switch with one Ethernet and one serial interface
E. a router with one Ethernet and one modem interface
Answer: C
Only a router can terminate a leased line attachment access circuit, and only a router can connect two different IP networks. Here, we will need a router with two interfaces, one serial connection for the line attachment and one Ethernet interface to connect to the switch on the LAN.
Question No : 10 – (Topic 1)
What must occur before a workstation can exchange HTTP packets with a web server?
A. A UDP connection must be established between the workstation and its default gateway.
B. A UDP connection must be established between the workstation and the web server.
C. A TCP connection must be established between the workstation and its default gateway.
D. A TCP connection must be established between the workstation and the web server.
E. An ICMP connection must be established between the workstation and its default gateway.
F. An ICMP connection must be established between the workstation and the web server.
100-105 vce Answer: D
HTTP uses TCP port 80, and a TCP port 80 connection must be established for HTTP communication to occur.
Question No : 11 – (Topic 1)
Refer to the exhibit.
HostX is transferring a file to the FTP server. Point A represents the frame as it goes toward the Toronto router. What will the Layer 2 destination address be at this point?
A. abcd.1123.0045
C. aabb.5555.2222
E. abcd.2246.0035
Answer: E
For packets destined to a host on another IP network, the destination MAC address will be the LAN interface of the router. Since the FTP server lies on a different network, the host will know to send the frame to its default gateway, which is Toronto.
Question No : 12 – (Topic 1)
Refer to the exhibit.
A network has been planned as shown. Which three statements accurately describe the areas and devices in the network plan? (Choose three.)
A. Network Device A is a switch.
B. Network Device B is a switch.
C. Network Device A is a hub.
D. Network Device B is a hub.
E. Area 1 contains a Layer 2 device.
F. Area 2 contains a Layer 2 device.
100-105 exam Answer: A,D,E
Switches use a separate collision domain for each port, so device A must be a switch. Hubs, however, place all ports in the same collision domain so device B is a hub. Switches reside in layer 2 while hubs are layer 1 devices.
Question No : 13 – (Topic 1)
Which layer of the TCP/IP stack combines the OSI model physical and data link layers?
A. Internet layer
B. transport layer
C. application layer
D. network access layer
Answer: D
The Internet Protocol Suite, TCP/IP, is a suite of protocols used for communication over the internet. The TCP/ IP model was created after the OSI 7 layer model for two major reasons. First, the foundation of the Internet was built using the TCP/IP suite and through the spread of the World Wide Web and Internet, TCP/IP has been preferred. Second, a project researched by the Department of Defense (DOD) consisted of creating the TCP/IP protocols. The DOD’s goal was to bring international standards which could not be met by the OSI model. Since the DOD was the largest software consumer and they preferred the TCP/IP suite, most vendors used this model rather than the OSI. Below is a side by side comparison of the TCP/IP and OSI models.
100-105, Cisco Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 (ICND1 v3.0) exam is consists of different types of multiple choice questions and answers. In the pass4itsure 100-105 dumps exam resources, It will be the hot test associated with Cisco 100-105 practice exam qualification and you will cover every field and category in Cisco Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 (ICND1 v3.0) helping to ready you for your successful CCENT, CCNA Routing & Switching, CCDA, CCNA Security, CCNA Wireless Certification.
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"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Pacific Rim 2 penned, awaiting green light and plotline
The original Pacific Rim was released this summer – it was met with mixed reviews by critics, but more than a little bit of a positive response from those key to the success of a potential series: the fans. This week it’s been revealed by the director of Pacific Rim, Guillermo del Toro, that he’s been flattered by reports of hardcore fans seeing the film in theaters several times. It would appear that the film has struck such gold – be it underground or straight through mainstream ticket sales – that a second film is being written right this minute.
Confirmed by del Toro in an interview with IGN, there’s not just a remote possibility of a follow-up film to the original Pacific Rim, there’s literally a second film script in the works. Suggesting that at least a few of the original crew were already hard at work, del Toro made clear that the “green lighting” of the film was not finalized yet – and that deciding on the film moving forward was “above [his] pay grade.”
So what’s possible for a second film? Could it simply be a follow-up in time – additional Kaiju fighting down Hong Kong way? There’s always that – we’d certainly not object to an array of monsters vs Jager films, no matter how clashing such a series would be with the likes of Godzilla – another monster film series getting a clean re-boot sooner than later.
But Pacific Rim, it being an original film (not a reboot) in and of itself, creates an interesting universe the likes of which we’re invited to return to time and again. There’s always the possibility that this film could cover the many, many years of Kaiju action that occurred in quick flashes in the first Pacific Rim film. Perhaps a film simply titled: The Breach. The first monsters arriving to the point at which the Jaegers begin construction.
No matter what, we’re going to go ahead and demand that Charlie Day continue to be involved. There’s nothing like a good ol’ Charlie character to keep the film light in the face of the possibility of getting too serious about massive monsters fighting robots in the sea. It’d be an absolute travesty if Charlie Kelly never saw another Kaiju brain, that’s for certain.
UPDATE: It would also appear that, according to Day himself, del Toro considered having his character “Newt” turn from good to evil for the sequel. Of course we don’t want to reveal the key piece of information that’d speak to Newt’s need to switch his allegiance, so we wont. Instead you can find that spoiler out at SciFi Now, the source of the quote, if you like.
Long story short – it’s likely that Charlie Day will continue to play the part of a good guy in the second film – if and when he’s a part of it. He “resonated” well with the audience in the first Pacific Rim film – well done. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Full hookup back-in site on first come choose your site. Options to pay are at a kiosk at the park or at the NPS visitor center at Furnace Creek. Numerous bathrooms around the campground; the two closest to our site both were dirty. Campground has paved roads and sites. sites also had picnic tables and fire rings. Being Death Valley, very dry conditions for the ground, although there is some vegetation. Use caution if walking about with pets, also with food goods, as we saw several coyotes less than 200 feet from our site. We camped at Furnace Creek (NPS Campground) in a Truck Camper.
This was our first visit to the park in 6 years, and we were very happy with the upgrades. However, there are some specifics that you need to be aware of if you come to the park after April 16th. That starts the "off season" and reservations are no longer accepted. All sites are on a first come, first serve basis, both full hook up and dry camping. The kiosk at the entry station only accepts credit cards, no cash. And the machine will only let you pay for one day at a time. So if you stay multiple days you must get a fresh tag from the machine every day. Also since there are no reservations in the off season, if you see a site you like when you drive in and verify that it is empty, claim it right away. Then go to the kiosk and get your tag. If you wait someone else may by in the site by the time you finish looking around. I will stay here again. We camped at Furnace Creek (NPS Campground) in a Motorhome.
We had one of the full hookup, pull through sites. It does have 50 amp service. The sites are all paved as are the roads. Spaces vary in size, but the pull throughs were very long and level. Good spacing between sites. It is Death Valley so no shade and rock/sand between sites. My only complaint would be the narrow roads. I think it could be a tight squeeze for bigger rigs getting into the back in sites. You can walk to the visitor center and to the town. Very nicely maintained park. Great value. We camped at Furnace Creek (NPS Campground) in a Fifth Wheel.
This campground was completely updated with stimulus money several years ago. Nice paved sites with tables and fire pits. We reserved a pull through, full hook up site and the senior price was very reasonable. Be aware, the full service pull through sites are sandwiched between tent sites and dry RV sites so noise can be an issue. We like it better across the street at Sunset where all of us old folks are in bed by nine! Beware, the NPS reservations system is difficult to use and frustrating if you need to make a change of date. We camped at Furnace Creek (NPS Campground) in a Fifth Wheel.
We really enjoyed staying at this very nice NPS campground. The sites are roomy and long with concrete/asphalt pads, fire pits and tables. Many have shade. The view from our site was beautiful although not all sites have one. We were lucky to get a site with full hookups; make your reservations early as there are only a few full- hookup sites. No WiFi except at the Visitor Center which is just a short walk from the Campground. We camped at Furnace Creek (NPS Campground) in a Travel Trailer.
Dry camped. Spacious back in spot, paved. Table and fire ring. Very busy in March, recommend reservations. Roomy dump station close to sites. Will stay again. We camped at Furnace Creek (NPS Campground) in a Motorhome.
Nice campground with some paved sites with electricity and some in the gravel with dry camping only. Improved sites are more $$. Excellent rest rooms and stainless dish washing station. A few sites where you can get under trees for some shade in hot weather. Make sure to have plenty of provisions. Store about a mile away has very limited choice and Very high prices. Restaurant is also expensive and the staff is very slow and seems to have an attitude. Used Access pass so it was free park entry and $8/night for the campsite. We camped at Furnace Creek (NPS Campground) in a Motorhome.
This is our second time at this campground. Last year there was no power, but this year there was. No more generator! Huge space, at least 30-40 ft. wide, and reasonably level. Water pressure was adequate. My only complaint would be about the number of fires. You can't leave any windows open or the rig stinks of campfire smoke. We camped at Furnace Creek (NPS Campground) in a Fifth Wheel.
Rate is for a dry camp site, paved, back in. Reservation fee comes on top. This campground is pretty busy, compared to others in Death Valley. No privacy or shade. Be aware of sudden windstorms. We experienced one while staying and saw several awnings being ripped off the rig. Best thing about the campground is its central location in Death Valley. Potable water at the washrooms. We saw some people using their phone, but had no reception on our Verizon MiFi. There is pay as you use WiFi at the general store, but we did not try. When coming back to DV we would rather try the dry camp across the street or go to Stovepipe Wells instead. We camped at Furnace Creek (NPS Campground) in a Fifth Wheel.
Although the host claims the restrooms are nearby, it is a 4-block walk from the camping sites to the restrooms. The rusty-looking water runs red when you first turn it on. There is no shade, and the sites are very crowded and un-level. But since it's the only place around, campers can't be choosy. We camped at Furnace Creek (NPS Campground) in a Motorhome.
The rate reflects a 50% discount with a Senior Pass. This campground is a little nicer than Stovepipe Wells or Sunset Campground (across the street) since it has more separation between sites and a few trees for a very little bit of shade in some sites. There is a dump station and fresh drinking water. There is also a restroom with flush toilets but there are no showers. Each site has a picnic table. The campground is open year around. It is the only Death Valley campground to accept reservations, and reservations are essential during high season. Satellite is not a problem in most sites since there are few trees. We were surprised that our Verizon phone worked; there is a cell tower at Furnace Creek. However, our Verizon data card did not work. Furnace creek is the main headquarters area for the park. The Visitor Center is a short walk away and there are restaurants and a small (very expensive) store. There is also a gas station with very expensive gasoline and propane. Since we love Death Valley, we would definitely stay here again. We camped at Furnace Creek (NPS Campground) in a Motorhome.
We looked at the resort with the same name, first. What they had available was in the employee housing area. With a total length of 60' maneuvering around their roads was not worth risking damaging our rig. This Furnace Creek NPS Campground was much nicer then that resort or Stovepipe Wells. It was great not having to run our generator and having water & sewer hook-ups. The campground was very easy getting in and parking. We will definitely return. We camped at Furnace Creek (NPS Campground) in a Fifth Wheel.
This is a typical NPS campground, the restrooms where clean, the park was well kept and the spaces where large. The dirt is very fine, it was hard to keep out of the motorhome. The electric is in but they are waiting from Washington DC to tell them how much to charge, in the summer that would be essential. We would stay here again. We camped at Furnace Creek (NPS Campground) in a Motorhome.
Stayed 4 nights and it was great. This is a true find. Many spaces now have water and sewer as ours did. Electricity is installed but not turned on yet at many sites. The ranger said that power will be on sometime after the first of the year. Price is with senior discount card. We camped at Furnace Creek (NPS Campground) in a Motorhome.
The rate was half price Access card. We came here after two nights at another RV park just up the road. It was quiet, and the stars at night were something to see. The sites were roomy with some small trees. We camped at Furnace Creek (NPS Campground) in a Motorhome. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Geoffrey Patterson
Geoffrey Patterson (born 1954) is an American sound engineer. He has been nominated for two Academy Awards in the category Best Sound Mixing. He has worked on more than 60 films since 1985.
Selected filmography
Leprechaun (1993)
Twister (1996)
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
External links
Category:1954 births
Category:Living people
Category:American audio engineers
Category:People from Detroit | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} |
[Cloning, heterologous expression and characterization of a thermostable esterase from Bacillus sp. HJ14 for diethyl-phthalate degradation].
A thermostable esterase EstZ1 from Bacillus sp. HJ14 able to degrade diethyl-phthalate (DEP) was heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) and characterized. Full-length EstZ1 was obtained based on specific amplification and genome sequencing, and amino acid sequence of EstZ1 was analyzed. EstZ1 was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) using the pEASY-E2 expression system. EstZ1 was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity by Ni2+-NTA metal chelating affinity chromatography, and the enzyme was characterized. The degradation products from DEP were detected by high-pressure liquid chromatography and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. The 903 bp full-length EstZ1 encoded 300 amino acid residues (EstZ1:33.84 kDa). EstZ1 showed the highest identity of 98% with hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL)-like family in NCBI databases. The optimal temperature and pH was 50℃ and 9.0, respectively, with p-NP butyrate as the best substrate. Meanwhile, it was stable between 40 and 70℃, pH 7.0 to 9.5. Most of metal ions, chemical agents had little impact. DEP could partially be degraded by EstZ1 to its corresponding monoalkyl and alcohol. Our findings may serve as reference for phthalate esters degradation. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
* Copyright (c) 2010-2020 SAP and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
* Contributors:
* SAP - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.dirigible.bpm.flowable.dto;
import java.util.Date;
import org.flowable.engine.common.impl.db.SuspensionState;
public class ExecutionData {
protected String id;
protected int revision;
protected boolean isInserted;
protected boolean isUpdated;
protected boolean isDeleted;
protected String tenantId = "";
protected String name;
protected String description;
protected String localizedName;
protected String localizedDescription;
protected Date lockTime;
protected boolean isActive = true;
protected boolean isScope = true;
protected boolean isConcurrent;
protected boolean isEnded;
protected boolean isEventScope;
protected boolean isMultiInstanceRoot;
protected boolean isCountEnabled;
protected String eventName;
protected String deleteReason;
protected int suspensionState = SuspensionState.ACTIVE.getStateCode();
protected String startActivityId;
protected String startUserId;
protected Date startTime;
protected int eventSubscriptionCount;
protected int taskCount;
protected int jobCount;
protected int timerJobCount;
protected int suspendedJobCount;
protected int deadLetterJobCount;
protected int variableCount;
protected int identityLinkCount;
protected String processDefinitionId;
protected String processDefinitionKey;
protected String processDefinitionName;
protected Integer processDefinitionVersion;
protected String deploymentId;
protected String activityId;
protected String activityName;
protected String processInstanceId;
protected String businessKey;
protected String parentId;
protected String superExecutionId;
protected String rootProcessInstanceId;
protected boolean forcedUpdate;
protected String callbackId;
protected String callbackType;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
public int getRevision() {
return revision;
public void setRevision(int revision) {
this.revision = revision;
public boolean isInserted() {
return isInserted;
public void setInserted(boolean isInserted) {
this.isInserted = isInserted;
public boolean isUpdated() {
return isUpdated;
public void setUpdated(boolean isUpdated) {
this.isUpdated = isUpdated;
public boolean isDeleted() {
return isDeleted;
public void setDeleted(boolean isDeleted) {
this.isDeleted = isDeleted;
public String getTenantId() {
return tenantId;
public void setTenantId(String tenantId) {
this.tenantId = tenantId;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
public String getLocalizedName() {
return localizedName;
public void setLocalizedName(String localizedName) {
this.localizedName = localizedName;
public String getLocalizedDescription() {
return localizedDescription;
public void setLocalizedDescription(String localizedDescription) {
this.localizedDescription = localizedDescription;
public Date getLockTime() {
return lockTime;
public void setLockTime(Date lockTime) {
this.lockTime = lockTime;
public boolean isActive() {
return isActive;
public void setActive(boolean isActive) {
this.isActive = isActive;
public boolean isScope() {
return isScope;
public void setScope(boolean isScope) {
this.isScope = isScope;
public boolean isConcurrent() {
return isConcurrent;
public void setConcurrent(boolean isConcurrent) {
this.isConcurrent = isConcurrent;
public boolean isEnded() {
return isEnded;
public void setEnded(boolean isEnded) {
this.isEnded = isEnded;
public boolean isEventScope() {
return isEventScope;
public void setEventScope(boolean isEventScope) {
this.isEventScope = isEventScope;
public boolean isMultiInstanceRoot() {
return isMultiInstanceRoot;
public void setMultiInstanceRoot(boolean isMultiInstanceRoot) {
this.isMultiInstanceRoot = isMultiInstanceRoot;
public boolean isCountEnabled() {
return isCountEnabled;
public void setCountEnabled(boolean isCountEnabled) {
this.isCountEnabled = isCountEnabled;
public String getEventName() {
return eventName;
public void setEventName(String eventName) {
this.eventName = eventName;
public String getDeleteReason() {
return deleteReason;
public void setDeleteReason(String deleteReason) {
this.deleteReason = deleteReason;
public int getSuspensionState() {
return suspensionState;
public void setSuspensionState(int suspensionState) {
this.suspensionState = suspensionState;
public String getStartActivityId() {
return startActivityId;
public void setStartActivityId(String startActivityId) {
this.startActivityId = startActivityId;
public String getStartUserId() {
return startUserId;
public void setStartUserId(String startUserId) {
this.startUserId = startUserId;
public Date getStartTime() {
return startTime;
public void setStartTime(Date startTime) {
this.startTime = startTime;
public int getEventSubscriptionCount() {
return eventSubscriptionCount;
public void setEventSubscriptionCount(int eventSubscriptionCount) {
this.eventSubscriptionCount = eventSubscriptionCount;
public int getTaskCount() {
return taskCount;
public void setTaskCount(int taskCount) {
this.taskCount = taskCount;
public int getJobCount() {
return jobCount;
public void setJobCount(int jobCount) {
this.jobCount = jobCount;
public int getTimerJobCount() {
return timerJobCount;
public void setTimerJobCount(int timerJobCount) {
this.timerJobCount = timerJobCount;
public int getSuspendedJobCount() {
return suspendedJobCount;
public void setSuspendedJobCount(int suspendedJobCount) {
this.suspendedJobCount = suspendedJobCount;
public int getDeadLetterJobCount() {
return deadLetterJobCount;
public void setDeadLetterJobCount(int deadLetterJobCount) {
this.deadLetterJobCount = deadLetterJobCount;
public int getVariableCount() {
return variableCount;
public void setVariableCount(int variableCount) {
this.variableCount = variableCount;
public int getIdentityLinkCount() {
return identityLinkCount;
public void setIdentityLinkCount(int identityLinkCount) {
this.identityLinkCount = identityLinkCount;
public String getProcessDefinitionId() {
return processDefinitionId;
public void setProcessDefinitionId(String processDefinitionId) {
this.processDefinitionId = processDefinitionId;
public String getProcessDefinitionKey() {
return processDefinitionKey;
public void setProcessDefinitionKey(String processDefinitionKey) {
this.processDefinitionKey = processDefinitionKey;
public String getProcessDefinitionName() {
return processDefinitionName;
public void setProcessDefinitionName(String processDefinitionName) {
this.processDefinitionName = processDefinitionName;
public Integer getProcessDefinitionVersion() {
return processDefinitionVersion;
public void setProcessDefinitionVersion(Integer processDefinitionVersion) {
this.processDefinitionVersion = processDefinitionVersion;
public String getDeploymentId() {
return deploymentId;
public void setDeploymentId(String deploymentId) {
this.deploymentId = deploymentId;
public String getActivityId() {
return activityId;
public void setActivityId(String activityId) {
this.activityId = activityId;
public String getActivityName() {
return activityName;
public void setActivityName(String activityName) {
this.activityName = activityName;
public String getProcessInstanceId() {
return processInstanceId;
public void setProcessInstanceId(String processInstanceId) {
this.processInstanceId = processInstanceId;
public String getBusinessKey() {
return businessKey;
public void setBusinessKey(String businessKey) {
this.businessKey = businessKey;
public String getParentId() {
return parentId;
public void setParentId(String parentId) {
this.parentId = parentId;
public String getSuperExecutionId() {
return superExecutionId;
public void setSuperExecutionId(String superExecutionId) {
this.superExecutionId = superExecutionId;
public String getRootProcessInstanceId() {
return rootProcessInstanceId;
public void setRootProcessInstanceId(String rootProcessInstanceId) {
this.rootProcessInstanceId = rootProcessInstanceId;
public boolean isForcedUpdate() {
return forcedUpdate;
public void setForcedUpdate(boolean forcedUpdate) {
this.forcedUpdate = forcedUpdate;
public String getCallbackId() {
return callbackId;
public void setCallbackId(String callbackId) {
this.callbackId = callbackId;
public String getCallbackType() {
return callbackType;
public void setCallbackType(String callbackType) {
this.callbackType = callbackType;
| {
"pile_set_name": "Github"
} |
Evaluation of decellularized xenogenic porcine auricular cartilage as a novel biocompatible filler.
Fillers are products that fill the space in soft tissues of the human body and actively used in the various medical fields. Unfortunately, most of the cost-effective commercially available fillers are synthetic and have limitations in terms of their biocompatibility. Here, we evaluated the possible application of decellularized xenogenic cartilage as a long-lasting material for soft tissue augmentation and compared it with two commercially available fillers Artesense (polymethylmethacrylate microspheres) and Radiesse (calcium hydroxyapatite [CaHa]). To do so, porcine auricular cartilage was harvested, followed by freezing and grinding of the tissue into flakes. Then, we used 1% Triton X-100 to decellularize the flakes. We then, respectively, injected 0.1 cc of each material (decellularized xenogenic cartilage, Radiesse, and Artesense) into the subcutaneous layer at three different sites per subject in 12 Sprague-Dawley rats, and evaluated the inflammatory cell infiltration and foreign body reactions of each. Our data indicate that the infiltration of giant cells in the injection area was significantly lower in the decellularized xenogenic cartilage injection group than that in the Radiesse and Artesense injection groups. Further, we observed some neutrophil infiltration in the xenogenic cartilage and Artesense injection groups at 1 month, but these levels were much lower at 3 months (comparable to the Radiesse injection group). Thus, decellularized xenogenic cartilage may have a distinct advantage in terms of biocompatibility compared with other commercial injectable long-lasting fillers, making it one of the most feasible, natural, and cost effective materials in the market. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 106B: 2708-2715, 2018. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
Continued benefit of coronary stenting versus balloon angioplasty: five-year clinical follow-up of Benestent-I trial.
This study sought to establish whether the early favorable results in the Benestent-I randomized trial comparing elective Palmaz-Schatz stent implantation with balloon angioplasty in 516 patients with stable angina pectoris are maintained at 5 years. The size of the required sample was based on a 40% reduction in clinical events in the stent group. Seven months and one-year follow-up in this trial showed a decreased incidence of restenosis and clinical events in patients randomized to stent implantation. Data at five years were collected by outpatient visit, via telephone and via the referring cardiologist. Three patients in the stent group and one in the percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) group were lost to follow-up at five years. Major clinical events, anginal status and use of cardiac medication were recorded according to the intention to treat principle. No significant differences were found in anginal status and use of cardiac medication between the two groups. In the PTCA group, 27.3% of patients underwent target lesion revascularization (TLR) versus 17.2% of patients in the stent group (p = 0.008). No significant differences in mortality (5.9% vs. 3.1%), cerebrovascular accident (0.8% vs. 1.2%), myocardial infarction (9.4% vs. 6.3%) or coronary bypass surgery (11.7% vs. 9.8%) were found between the stent and PTCA groups, respectively. At five years, the event-free survival rate (59.8% vs. 65.6%; p = 0.20) between the stent and PTCA groups no longer achieved statistical significance. The original 10% absolute difference in TLR in favor of the stent group has remained unchanged at five years, emphasizing the long-term stability of the stented target site. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
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Lew wins Senate confirmation to be U.S. Treasury secretary
Lew follows Timothy Geithner, who left last month
Former White House Chief of Staff Jacob J. Lew won Senate confirmation to become U.S. Treasury secretary, a job that will immediately thrust him into fights with Congress over the country’s debt limit, spending cuts and a threatened government shutdown.
Lew, 57, was approved on a 71-26 vote to succeed Timothy F. Geithner, who left last month. Lew gained the support of 20 Republicans, even as some party members criticized him over a bonus payment he received while an executive at Citigroup Inc. during the financial crisis. His margin compares with the 60-34 vote in favor of Geithner’s confirmation four years ago, the closest for a Treasury secretary in the post-World War II era.
Lew’s confirmation comes two days before the scheduled start of $85 billion in automatic spending cuts for this year. His first month in office will see the March 27 expiration of a funding measure, known as the continuing resolution, threatening a partial government shutdown. Less than two months later, a temporary suspension of the country’s debt limit will expire, which may force him to resort to extraordinary measures to avoid breaching the ceiling.
“The U.S. economy is riding on how well he handles the job,” said Ed Mills, an analyst at FBR Capital Markets & Co. in Arlington, Virginia. “Lew faces a budget crisis, from day one he faces the sequester, a new continuing resolution for government funding, the return of the debt limit and an agenda that includes corporate tax reform and entitlement reform.”
As Treasury secretary, Lew will oversee a staff of more than 100,000 and his looping signature will appear on the nation’s currency.
Obama Statement
“As my chief of staff, Jack was by my side as we confronted our nation’s toughest challenges,” President Barack Obama said in a statement released by the White House after the Senate confirmation. “I will continue to rely on his advice and sound judgment as we work to create good, middle-class jobs, provide more people with the skills those jobs require, and ensure every hardworking American can earn a decent living.”
Testifying before the Senate Finance Committee on Feb. 13, Lew emphasized his ability to work across party lines and spoke in favor of revamping the corporate tax system to lower rates and eliminate loopholes. He supported “sensible reforms to Medicare that will help the program stay sound in the future.”
O’Neill Adviser
Lew was an adviser to House Speaker Tip O’Neill during the 1983 Social Security overhaul, President Bill Clinton’s deputy budget chief during the tax-and-spending standoffs of the mid- 1990s, and Obama’s budget director during the 2011 debt-ceiling talks. Obama called Lew a “master of policy” in tapping him last month to succeed Geithner.
During Lew’s tenure as Clinton’s budget chief in 1998-2001, the U.S. ran a surplus for three consecutive years.
The federal government will post an $845 billion deficit this year, the first time in five years the shortfall has dipped below $1 trillion, the Congressional Budget Office said on Feb. 5.
The deficit will begin climbing again in subsequent years as baby boomers swell the ranks of Medicare and Social Security. The government will rack up at least an additional $7 trillion in deficits over the next decade, which will push the publicly held debt up almost to $20 trillion by 2023, the CBO said.
Federal spending reductions due to start in March could lower gross domestic product by 0.6 percent and cost 750,000 jobs by the end of 2013, according to the CBO. The U.S. economy unexpectedly shrank in the fourth quarter, logging the worst performance since the second quarter of 2009, when the world’s largest economy was still in a recession, according to Commerce Department figures.
Economy’s Strength
For all the concern in Washington about the cuts, investors are signaling that the economy is strong enough to weather any reductions in spending, with home sales, consumer confidence and employment all rebounding. Economists at FTN Financial said in a report last week that while being characterized as a recession risk, sequestration cuts are less than a third the size of the tax increases on Jan. 1.
The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index has climbed 6.3 percent this year, better than the 5 percent gain for the MSCI All Country World Index. Yields on 10-year Treasuries have dropped nine basis points since Jan. 31, and were at 1.90 percent at 5 p.m. New York time. The U.S. Dollar Index, which tracks the currency against six of America’s biggest trading partners, is near a five-month high.
Citigroup Career
Lew worked as an executive at Citigroup from 2006 until 2009 when he joined the Obama administration at the State Department. Republican critics, led by Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa, criticized Lew for perks he received while at Citigroup and in an earlier position at New York University.
Grassley questioned Lew’s personal involvement in a fund in the Cayman Islands and a $940,000 bonus that Lew received in January 2009 as Citigroup was receiving federal bailout funds. Lew said he didn’t know the fund, offered to him as a Citigroup employee, had a Cayman Islands address and that he was paid in the same manner as other private-sector employees in similar jobs. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
(h) = -3*h**2 + 4*h + 35. Let d(c) = -7*g(c) + 4*o(c). List the prime factors of d(a).
3, 13
Let j = -13120 - -19407. List the prime factors of j.
Let m(t) = 6*t**3 - 4*t**2 - 4*t - 115. Let j(o) = -7*o**3 + 5*o**2 + 5*o + 115. Let x(s) = -5*j(s) - 6*m(s). List the prime factors of x(0).
5, 23
Suppose 18*m - 37*m = -29317. List the prime factors of m.
Let i be ((-5)/10)/((-3)/(-96)). Let c be -2*3*i/(-12). Let a(j) = -j**3 - 9*j**2 - 9*j + 2. List the prime factors of a(c).
2, 5
Let w = 33 + -29. Suppose 0*n + 3*n + 4*b + 5 = 0, -2*n + w*b + 30 = 0. Suppose n*h = 46 + 159. List the prime factors of h.
Let s be 6 + -4*(-2)/(-4). Let g(q) = -8*q - 4. Let k be g(s). What are the prime factors of (-1 + 6)*k/(-10)?
2, 3
Suppose 5*f = 6*f + 5*q - 7, 2*f = -3*q + 14. Suppose -25 = z - 3*z - 5*y, 5*y = 25. Suppose z = 3*k - f - 14. List the prime factors of k.
Let u(a) = -8*a + 34. Let s be u(10). Let y = s - -81. What are the prime factors of y?
5, 7
Suppose -55 + 786 = m. What are the prime factors of m?
17, 43
Let j(x) = -x**2 - 2*x - 10. Let b be j(-5). Let y = 39 + b. List the prime factors of y.
2, 7
Suppose -28 = -3*a - 4. Let m = 10 - a. Suppose -2*c + 48 = m*c. What are the prime factors of c?
2, 3
Let i(y) = -5*y**2 + 3*y + 2. Suppose -3*p - 4*z = -p - 6, -3*z = -3*p - 9. Let g be i(p). Let f = g + 45. List the prime factors of f.
3, 13
Suppose 7*o - 5*o = -8. List the prime factors of 8*(-14)/(3 + o).
2, 7
Suppose 2*p + 8 = -0*p. Let t = -23 - -21. What are the prime factors of (0 - p/(-1))*t?
Suppose 5*z = -5*g + 10, 0 = 4*z - g - 6 - 7. Suppose -p + 9 = z. What are the prime factors of 80/6*(9 - p)?
2, 5
Let p(s) = -11*s. Let m be 12/8 + 2/4. Let c be m*5/((-40)/12). What are the prime factors of p(c)?
3, 11
What are the prime factors of (17*(-3)/6)/((-2)/20)?
5, 17
List the prime factors of (22332/8)/((-3)/(-4)).
2, 1861
Let a(k) = 6*k**3 - k**2 + 1. Let f be a(1). Suppose g = -2*q + f, -3*q = -2*q - 5. Let h(m) = 2*m**2 + 3*m - 2. What are the prime factors of h(g)?
2, 3
Let t = -8 + 6. Let a be (-3)/t*(-3 - -15). Let f = 12 + a. What are the prime factors of f?
2, 3, 5
Suppose 1 = 5*q - 19. Suppose -9*x + q*x = -550. List the prime factors of x.
2, 5, 11
Let h(t) be the second derivative of 17*t**3/6 + 3*t**2/2 + 6*t. What are the prime factors of h(4)?
What are the prime factors of 469 - (11 + 30/(-5))?
2, 29
Let x be (-66)/(-15) + 2/(-5). Suppose -2*r = z + 386, -x*r + 262 = 4*z + 1030. What are the prime factors of r/(-6) + 4/6?
3, 11
Suppose -6*p = -4*p - 3*g, 0 = 3*p + 2*g - 13. Suppose -2*n = 2*n - 20. Suppose 92 = 3*q + n*d, p*q - 84 = -d + 4*d. List the prime factors of q.
Suppose 19*d - 10145 = -2*a + 18*d, -2*a + 5*d + 10175 = 0. List the prime factors of a.
5, 7, 29
Let j be 5/((-20)/(-8)) - 6. Let q be j + 3 + 69*1. Let v = q + -47. List the prime factors of v.
3, 7
Let j(z) = -z**3 - 14*z**2 - 2*z - 16. Let l be j(-14). Suppose l*c - 57 = 9*c. What are the prime factors of c?
Suppose -2*s + 65 = -0*n - 3*n, 2*n - 210 = -5*s. Suppose -5*h + s = -4*m, 2*m + 0*m + 22 = 3*h. What are the prime factors of (3/(-9))/(h/(-36))?
Let g(q) = -69*q - 231. What are the prime factors of g(-8)?
3, 107
Let i(d) = -d**3 - 24*d**2 - 56*d + 27. What are the prime factors of i(-27)?
2, 3, 23
Suppose -9768 = -2*y - 2*y. Suppose -y = -9*m + 6. List the prime factors of m.
2, 17
Suppose y = -z + 3*z - 6654, z = 2*y + 3327. List the prime factors of z.
3, 1109
Suppose 2*p + 2300 = 3*n, 958 - 2482 = -2*n - p. List the prime factors of n.
2, 191
List the prime factors of (4/(-30) - (-968779)/255) + 1.
2, 5, 19
What are the prime factors of (-6)/15*54275/(-26)?
5, 167
Let k = 379 - 576. Let y = 437 + k. List the prime factors of y.
2, 3, 5
Suppose -2*v = -0 + 2. Let h be v/(-4) - 28/(-16). Suppose -4*g + 2*g = 5*z - 150, -3*g - 79 = -h*z. List the prime factors of z.
Let j = -101 + 159. Let p = 328 - j. List the prime factors of p.
2, 3, 5
Let d(l) = 62*l**3 - 4*l**2 + 9*l - 18. List the prime factors of d(3).
3, 61
Let u(o) = -14*o - 19. Suppose 11*v = -67 - 10. List the prime factors of u(v).
Let w be (-6 - -8 - 3)/(2/(-4)). Suppose -133 = -w*g + 115. What are the prime factors of g?
2, 31
Let a(h) = -7*h - 8. Let m be a(-3). What are the prime factors of (m/26)/((-2)/(-188))?
Suppose -3*p - 130 + 148 = 0. Suppose 0 = 3*y - 2*x - 1 - 15, x = 4*y - 23. Let r = y + p. List the prime factors of r.
2, 3
What are the prime factors of ((-450)/60)/(3/(-422))?
5, 211
Let c = -2176 - -3094. What are the prime factors of c?
2, 3, 17
Suppose 288 = f - 4*b, -b = 4*b - 20. List the prime factors of 4/(-3) + f/3.
2, 5
Let n(z) = -2 + 11*z - 7*z**3 + 10*z - 4*z**3 - 20*z. What are the prime factors of n(-2)?
2, 3, 7
Suppose 0 = 5*m + h - 292, -m = -5*h + 4*h - 62. Let r = m + -11. List the prime factors of r.
2, 3
Suppose -x + 127 = 2*c, c + c + 2*x - 126 = 0. Let i be (12/10)/(2/(-10)). What are the prime factors of 12/(-8)*c/i?
Suppose -8 = 3*f - 7*f. Suppose -3*v + 6 = -v, -4*v = -f*o + 118. Suppose -o = -4*z + 87. List the prime factors of z.
2, 19
Suppose -7*x - 266 = -77. List the prime factors of (0 - 41/(-3)) + (-9)/x.
2, 7
Let x(c) = -c**2 - 11*c - 8. Let s be 6/(-8)*(-360)/(-10). Let m be 18/s - (-28)/(-3). List the prime factors of x(m).
List the prime factors of ((-7)/49)/((-7)/21511).
Let t = 296 + 317. List the prime factors of t.
List the prime factors of 1*6 - (-6 - -3)/(-1).
Let k(i) = -i**3 + 23*i**2 - 12*i + 10. List the prime factors of k(8).
2, 19, 23
Let f = -10 - -9. Let w(c) = 40*c**2 - c. Let l be w(f). Suppose 0 = 3*t + 3*j - 45, -3*t = 3*j - 2*j - l. List the prime factors of t.
Let y = -4235 - -6067. What are the prime factors of y?
2, 229
Suppose -t = -5*q - 3*t + 7450, 2*q - 5*t - 2951 = 0. What are the prime factors of q?
2, 3, 31
Let g(s) = -s**3 + 2*s**2 + 2*s + 3. Let k be g(3). What are the prime factors of 11 - 4/16*k?
Let z(l) = l**3 - l**2. Let h be z(1). Suppose h = -f + 6. What are the prime factors of ((f*29)/(-3))/(-2)?
Suppose -3*y - 3842 = -2*z, 0 = 2*z + 2*y - 0*y - 3862. What are the prime factors of z?
41, 47
Suppose 4*o + 3 = 5*o + l, 4*l + 4 = 0. Suppose 0 = r - o*r + 108. Suppose 2*j - r = 2. List the prime factors of j.
Let n = -22 + 21. List the prime factors of (7 - 1) + n + -1.
Suppose p = -0*p + 4*n - 314, 5*p = -3*n - 1639. List the prime factors of p/(-6) - (-3)/(-9).
2, 3
Suppose 0 = 18*n + 13*n - 18569. What are the prime factors of n?
Suppose 162*a - 160*a = 944. List the prime factors of a.
2, 59
Let d(s) = 2*s**3 - 13*s**2 + 7*s - 8. Let w be d(6). What are the prime factors of (w + 2 - 1)/((-2)/538)?
Let j(o) = o**2 - 9*o + 9. Let s be j(8). List the prime factors of 50 - ((-4)/s + 5).
Let q(f) = 6*f + 3. Let o be q(-4). Suppose 17*s = 16*s + 2. List the prime factors of (o/9)/(s/(-12)).
2, 7
Let n(z) = -9*z + 8. Let o be n(-7). Let k = o + -8. Suppose k = 5*s + 13. What are the prime factors of s?
2, 5
Suppose -21*q + 16*q = -3*y + 2969, q = y - 993. What are the prime factors of y?
2, 499
Let z(j) = 194*j - 252. List the prime factors of z(7).
2, 7, 79
Let h(x) = -3*x + 5. Let c = 35 + -31. Suppose c*g + 0*g = a - 44, 3*g + 5*a + 33 = 0. List the prime factors of h(g).
2, 19
Suppose 0 = -19*n + 24*n + 155. What are the prime factors of (-1 + -3 + 6)*n/(-2)?
Let o = 1103 - 331. List the prime factors of o.
2, 193
Let n = 105 + 261. List the prime factors of n.
2, 3, 61
Suppose -4*g + 24 = -2*l, -l - 2*l + 5*g - 31 = 0. What are the prime factors of 8/((l*(-2)/52)/1)?
2, 13
Let d(l) = 131*l**2 + 2*l + 29. List the prime factors of d(4).
3, 79
Let h(j) = j**3 - 19*j**2 - 6*j + 40. What are the prime factors of h(21)?
2, 199
Suppose 4*z - 3*o + 17 = 268, o = 5*z - 311. List the prime factors of z.
2, 31
Let w = 30 + -30. Suppose -4*q = -3*q - 5. Suppose w = -r + q + 9. What are the prime factors of r?
2, 7
Let q(d) = 3*d**2 + 14 - 2*d**2 + 15. Let v = -192 + 192. What are the prime factors of q(v)?
Let n(t) = -t**3 - 3*t - 6. Let b be n(-5). Let k = 251 - b. List the prime factors of k.
3, 13
Let i(o) = 43*o - 202. List the prime factors of i(25).
3, 97
What are the prime factors of ((-11856)/91)/((-2)/21)?
2, 3, 19
Le | {
"pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics"
} |
What's an alternative to GWL_USERDATA for storing an object pointer?
In the Windows applications I work on, we have a custom framework that sits directly above Win32 (don't ask). When we create a window, our normal practice is to put this in the window's user data area via SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA, this), which allows us to have an MFC-like callback or a tightly integrated WndProc, depending. The problem is that this will not work on Win64, since LONG is only 32-bits wide. What's a better solution to this problem that works on both 32- and 64-bit systems?
SetWindowLongPtr was created to replace SetWindowLong in these instances. It's LONG_PTR parameter allows you to store a pointer for 32-bit or 64-bit compilations.
LONG_PTR SetWindowLongPtr(
HWND hWnd,
int nIndex,
LONG_PTR dwNewLong
Remember that the constants have changed too, so usage now looks like:
SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA, this);
Also don't forget that now to retrieve the pointer, you must use GetWindowLongPtr:
LONG_PTR GetWindowLongPtr(
HWND hWnd,
int nIndex
And usage would look like (again, with changed constants):
LONG_PTR lpUserData = GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
MyObject* pMyObject = (MyObject*)lpUserData;
The other alternative is SetProp/RemoveProp (When you are subclassing a window that already uses GWLP_USERDATA)
Another good alternative is ATL style thunking of the WNDPROC, for more info on that, see
| {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} |
Algolia: How to implement customized Featured Products in a results page?
I want to feature (move to top of results) certain products on only certain search result pages. With only a single search performed. A Custom Ranking Attribute would boost a product's ranking for all pages, instead of certain pages.
A somewhat working solution is to add an attribute like "featuredin":"[searchterm]", and move "featuredin" to top of Searchable Attributes. However, products with similar searchterm could be featured on the wrong page.
There are products with "featuredin":"iphone", and products with "featuredin":"iphone accessories". Since searching 'iphone' in attribute 'featuredin' will also get hits on products with "featuredin":"iphone accessories", I'm getting iphone accessories featured on iphone search results.
This solution could work if there's a way to force 'true' exact match for an attribute. But I couldn't find something like that.
There is actually a nice way to implement that behavior using "optional" facet filters (a soon to be released advanced feature - as of 2016/11/15).
An "Optional Facet Filter" is a facet filter that doesn't need to match to retrieve a result but that will - by default - make sure the hits that have the facet value are retrieved first (thanks to the filters criterion of Algolia's tie-breaking ranking formula).
This is exactly what you want: on every single page where you want some results sharing a featuredin value to be retrieved first; just query the Algolia index with the featuredin:"a value" optional facet filter.
make sure your featuredin attribute is part of your attributesForFacet index setting
at query time, query the index with index.search('', { optionalFacetFilters: ["featuredin:iphone accessories"])
You can read more on this (beta) documentation page.
| {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} |
All Over Albany
The city of Albany made officially announced Monday morning that police chief Brendan Cox will be leaving in January to take a job with a national organization focused on diverting low-level offenders suffering from drug addiction or mental illness from jail. (The Albany Police Department was one of the first departments to participate in this program, called LEAD.)
Mayor Kathy Sheehan said current deputy chief Robert Sears will take over as interim chief, and the city will start a national search for Cox's replacement.
Here's what a handful of elected and community leaders in the city say they'll be looking for in the next chief...
Mayor Kathy Sheehan
Kathy Sheehan on priorities for the police chief search during Monday's press conference:
[Setting priorities] will be done in cooperation with those who have been working with the police department very closely. We have community members who volunteered hundreds of hours of their time -- whether it's on ACPAC or through collaborating with the police department on a lot of the outreach that has happened throughout the community -- so I want to get their input.
I certainly have as priorities continuing the implementation of the 21st Century Policing strategies and LEAD, Those are things that are critically important to this department. And the level of neighborhood engagement and how we do that in the city of Albany is critically important. So those are things that we will be looking at as we think about the search.
Sheehan said the search is still in the early stages, and the department has a good command staff in place.
We asked each of the next group of people: "What attributes, or skills, or ideas are you looking for in the next police chief?" The audio clips include their full answers, with excerpts in the text...
"I want the same command staff that we have here. I'm scared of a national search ... I know where we've been. I know where we are. And it's the future that I'm trying to look out for. And we can't go backwards. And if we go out of this city we don't know what we're going to get. And with the new president-elect, we don't even know if [the federal program] 21st Century Policing is going to remain intact -- because he's the one for getting them outta here, and beating them in the head, and dragging them... and we don't want to go back to that."
Green pointed to a set of goals developed during the 2010 search for a police chief: "On top of that list was a police chief who can provide leadership in the area of community policing. Because the community still feels very strongly that we have to have an equal partnership to move the city forward. So, I think that's a major characteristic. Also I think the people in the community wanted to make sure the department was transparent and open. And I think Chief Cox has done a lot to make that happen, but that has to continue. We wanted someone who understood the history of policing and why it was necessary to change it. Because we came out of an era when there was a force that was abusive and controlling. And we're going to keep our eyes on those kinds of issues."
Robinson said first and foremost it's important to focus on not repeating what happened to Dontay Ivy, the man suffering from mental illness who died after being stopped -- and chased -- by Albany police on the street in Arbor Hill in 2015: "Just because a person may live in a drug-infested area does not make them a drug dealer. So for out police force to say they can stop and detain and harass, and possibly arrest, somebody just from the neighborhood where they live... We have to make sure that our officers do not have that outlook. Community policing I'm firm on. I believe that our officers need to actually live in the communities where they serve."
"I certainly want someone who has an understanding of the implicit biases that we all carry. I think the implicit bias training that the police department has started to carry out really takes our community policing philosophy even further than it had previously been."
"This community policing, definitely. The LEAD program, we want to see continued. Just the way this department is a great department with a great vision, and we want to continue this vision going forward. We have taken, I believe, some great steps forward in trying to diversify the department more. And as the chief said, we're trying to reach another generation."
Georgette Steffens - Downtown Albany BID
"I think a lot of what Chief Cox has already implemented -- that idea of partnership -- is critical. ... I think the ability to communicate, to continue that transparency, and working together, that's where we've seen the most success. Chief Cox joined our board maybe a year or two ago, and that was really an added benefit for our stakeholders. The communication channels are a lot quicker and more open."
Anthony Capece - Central Ave BID
"For me, it's the continuation of the neighborhood engagement unit and the value of community policing. There is no doubt in my mind that neighborhood policing is part of economic development. If you have that connection to the businesses, you immediately identify when there's a problem. And when you identify problems, they're solved much quicker."
On policing and listening
Talk to people involved with city government or community groups around Albany, and there's a good chance they'll have praise for Brendan Cox and his work with the police department. He is, based on our observation, respected by a wide variety of people around the city.
Why the praise? This answer from Monday's press conference -- about taking a step back and thinking about why people feel the way they do about the police, about the historical context in which policing happens, and about how to listen -- gives some indication.
I don't think a chief that stays for one year can be considered "good"... I don't think a chief that chooses to live in Loudonville is "good"......we need somebody dedicated to the officers, all the citizens, AND the city of Albany itself....someone more concerned with IMPROVING the city and less concerned about their pension and where there precious children will attend school....PS shout out to Albany PD....always available, always accessible, always polite, and there almost instantly when you call them....that's just MY experience with them over the past 15 years....
The Albany PD is far and away far ahead of any other police agency in the state in bringing true community policing to its public. Not only should we be looking for a successor to Chief Cox who will ensure continuity and further progress, but the city should consider working with me to get the state to establish a new program with a mission of promoting and supporting the advancement of community policing throughout the state. Holding Albany up as a model is the way to go.
Say Something!
We'd really like you to take part in the conversation here at All Over Albany. But we do have a few rules here. Don't worry, they're easy. The first: be kind. The second: treat everyone else with the same respect you'd like to see in return. Cool? Great, post away. Comments are moderated so it might take a little while for your comment to show up. Thanks for being patient.
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What's All Over Albany?
All Over Albany is for interested and interesting people in New York's Capital Region. In other words, it's for you. It's kind of like having a smart, savvy friend who can help you find out what's up. Oh, and our friends call us AOA. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Ultrastructural findings in the oral mucosa of betel chewers.
Eighteen biopsies of the oral mucosa of northern Thai hilltribe betel chewers were studied histologically and by transmission and scanning electron microscopy (TEM, SEM). Clinically, varying stages of epithelial atrophy and one case of submucous fibrosis were observed. Histologically, epithelial atrophy with marked reduction of the rete pegs, hyperortho- and/or parakeratosis, and subepithelial edema and inflammatory changes were the prominent findings. On the ultrastructural level, cytoplasmic projections of the basal cells into the subepithelial stroma were seen. The basal membrane frequently revealed gaps; the interepithelial space was widened and unusual microvilli were observed on cell surfaces (SEM). Intercellularly, cristalloid material of unknown origin was also seen. The subepithelial connective tissue was characterized by dense bundles of collagen fibres adjacent to which masses of amorphous material were located. While some of the ultrastructural findings in the epithelium of betel chewers are indicative of early dysplastic changes, the nature of the juxta-epithelial stromal alterations is still unknown. Current hypotheses regarding the etiology of oral submucous fibrosis are briefly discussed. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
Calgary police say the number of commercial trucks that fail roadside inspections has nearly doubled in the past couple of years.
Police are in the midst of conducting an inter-agency three-day vehicle inspection at locations around the city.
Const. Chris Moriarity, who oversees these inspections, says the numbers are concerning.
"Oh, absolutely there's danger, I mean if the cargo's insecure, if the trucks are not fit to be on the road, if they get involved in a large crash, it could be catastrophic," he said.
In the past couple of years, Moriarity says the number of vehicles that fail has doubled from about 30 to 60 per cent, as drivers scramble to make money in a worsening recession.
"If they don't have the money to put into the truck, that's the last thing they're going to put money into is the repairs, because the only way they make money is if they have that truck on the road."
Calgary police operate weekly commercial vehicle inspections through the year, with more thorough ones conducted in the fall and spring. | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} |
Bhawanipore F.C.
Bhawanipore Club is an Indian football club from Bhowanipore, Kolkata, West Bengal. The club has been established in 1910. It has been accepted into the I-League 2nd Division, the 2nd tier of football in India.
Bhawanipore Football Club was founded in 1910 in Bhowanipore, Kolkata. In January 2012 they were officially certified by the All India Football Federation to participate in the I-League 2nd Division, the second tier of football in India. After playing 6 games during the season Bhawanipore ended in 6th place out of 7 in Group C and thus failed to move to the Final half.
Bhawanipore Football Club currently plays at the 20,000 seater Kalyani Stadium in Kalyani.
A club recognised Bhowanipore fan club by the name West Bengal Palace, has been in support since 2019. The Kalyani Stadium Main Stadium has seen an average attendance of 40,000. The players and the coach have often acknowledged the fans' support in the success and called them The 12th Man.
Kit manufacturers and shirt sponsors
South Kolkata Derby
Current squad
Current technical staff
Tms. = Number of teams
Pos. = Position in league
Attendance/G = Average league attendance
Head coach's record
updated on 20 January 2020
I-League 2nd Division
(1):Runner-Up 2014-15
(1):3Ed Prize 2013-14
Bordoloi Trophy
(1):Winners 2013
External links
Club logo
Category:Football clubs in India
Category:Association football clubs established in 1910
Category:1910 establishments in India | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} |
The struggling, rebuilding Astros fell to 10-30 on Tuesday, defeated 6-2 by the Tigers at Comerica Park.
It was the Astros’ sixth consecutive loss and 12th in 14 games. The club is 0-6 this season against Detroit and has lost 10 series in 13 matchups.
The Astros’ record through 40 games is the worst in franchise history, “besting” teams that in 1967 and 1975 began 13-27. The last MLB club to start a year 10-30 was the 2006 Royals, who finished 62-100.
Asked about his squad’s upside-down record, first-year manager Bo Porter said his young team should be motivated simply by being in the major leagues.
“This here is an opportunity to play the game that you all love. … It’s like I explained to the guys: ‘You should be honored to be here and respect the game to the point where you’re motivated to play every day,’ ” Porter said.
The Astros took a 2-0 second-inning lead following a J.D. Martinez RBI double down the left-field line and a Jimmy Paredes sacrifice fly. The club recorded just two more hits and didn’t score again.
The Tigers (22-15) didn’t touch Astros starting righthander Lucas Harrell until the fifth inning. But Harrell (3-4, 5.11 ERA) walked off the mound having given up seven hits, five runs and three walks in five-plus innings.
The Astros’ No. 2 starter said he thought he threw solid pitches overall and credited a Tigers offense that racked up five runs and six hits in the fifth and sixth frames combined. Harrell wasn’t pleased with the Astros’ shift-heavy defense, though, which has been criticized by several starters this season.
“We’re trying to do stuff with our defense right now, and it really worked against me,” Harrell said.
Elmore relishes 2nd shot at bigs
Jake Elmore woke up Tuesday planning to play for Class AAA Oklahoma City in an 11:05 a.m. game against Salt Lake City.
A phone call from RedHawks manager Tony DeFrancesco changed that. Soon, Elmore was flying to Detroit to fill in for All-Star Jose Altuve at second base.
At about1:45 p.m., Elmore arrived at Comerica Park via taxi. He found his name in the starting lineup, prepared to hit second off Tigers righthanded starter Doug Fister and reminded himself that staying in the big leagues is more important than simply returning.
“The jitters aren’t quite as bad as the first time. That first time on the plane ride, my palms were soaking wet,” said Elmore, who hit .300 with 15 RBIs this season at OKC and made his MLB debut in 2012 with Arizona. “You dream about it your whole life. Now that you’ve been here, you want to just work hard and try and stay. That’s the difference. As opposed to being wide-eyed, now you’re working towards something.”
With Altuve dealing with the death of his grandmother in Venezuela and out until Saturday, Elmore is expected to play second at least three games.
“We’re going to give these at-bats to Elmore,” Astros manager Bo Porter said. “He’s played well in Triple-A, and it’s an opportunity for us to get a chance to see him.”
Back has Norris ‘day-to-day’
Astros No. 1 starter Bud Norris is scheduled to pitch Sunday at Pittsburgh. But the righthander said Tuesday the lower half of his back was “locked up” and acknowledged being “definitely day-to-day” after suffering lower back spasms during a loss Monday to the Tigers.
“Hopefully the prognosis gets better each and every day,” manager Bo Porter said.
Odds and ends
Righthander Jordan Lyles will start Friday against the Pirates. Lefty Erik Bedard, who will receive extra rest, will take the mound Saturday. … The Astros again started J.D. Martinez, Robbie Grossman and Jimmy Paredes in the outfield. … The highest batting average in the Astros’ starting lineup Tuesday against Detroit belonged to shortstop Marwin Gonzalez (.269).
Photo: Duane Burleson / Getty Images
Image 1of/37
Image 1 of 37
May 15: Astros 7, Tigers 5
Brandon Barnes goes up against the wall to catch a fly ball hit by Miguel Cabrera for the final out.
May 15: Astros 7, Tigers 5
Brandon Barnes goes up against the wall to catch a fly ball hit by Miguel Cabrera for the final out.
Photo: Duane Burleson / Getty Images
Image 2 of 37
Brandon Barnes leads the team during their postgame handshakes after defeating Detroit in the series finale.
Brandon Barnes leads the team during their postgame handshakes after defeating Detroit in the series finale. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Kailyn Lowry shocked her fans on Sunday by going through extensive plastic surgery with Dr. Michael Salzhauer,popularly known as Dr. Miami. Dr. Miami is popular for snapchatting his surgeries and what he has to show of Teen Mom 2's Kailyn Lowry will leave you in utter disbelief! Here are a few of her shocking pictures. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Tag: update
Public Enterprises minister Pravin Gordhan says that Eskom has come up with a detailed winter plan that includes several possible scenarios.
Gordhan said the first scenario was if no load shedding was implemented.
“In this instance, we will ensure that unplanned outages or breakdowns are kept to less than 9500MW and that planned outages are within this range of 3000MW to 5000MW, so that we have some flexibility.
“In scenario 2, if outplanned outages go beyond 9500MW, a maximum of 26 days of Stage 1 load shedding (will take place) throughout this whole five month period,” he said.
There was also the expectation that the coal plants, Medupi and Kusile would soon be able to contribute in a more significant way, hopefully by the end of April.
The media was also told that power plants generally performed better during the cooler conditions in winter.
Gordhan along with Eskom board chairman Jabu Mabuza was briefing the media on the state of SA’s electricity supply.
This follows a previous briefing about two weeks ago.
At the time the country was in the midst of Stage 4 load shedding, which lasted for several days.
The power supply was so constrained that Eskom also implemented Stage 2 load shedding during the night.
Gordhan could not say then when load shedding would come to an end, but said they would know more within 10-14 days after the technical review team had had the opportunity to access the power plants.
Eskom has previously blamed ageing power plants and insufficient maintenance, among other things, for the spate of load shedding.
Last week, Microsoft started distributing the Windows 10 October 2018 Update, version 1809, to Windows users who manually checked for updates. The company has now halted that rollout after many reports that installing the update is causing serious data loss: specifically, deleting the Documents, and perhaps Pictures, folders. Microsoft is also advising anyone who has downloaded the update but not yet installed it to not install it at all.
The exact circumstances causing data loss aren’t clear; the handful of reports on Microsoft’s forums and Reddit don’t have any obvious commonalities, and people report seeing only one affected system among many when upgraded. There will need to be some amount of investigation before a fix can be developed.
This will be too late for anyone that’s suffered data loss; although file recovery/undelete tools might be able to salvage the deleted files, the only reliable way of recovering them is to restore from a backup.
A data-loss bug is bad. Data-loss bugs are the worst kind of bug that Microsoft could ship; for rarely backed-up home users, at least, they’re worse even than a security flaw—who needs hackers and malware to destroy your data when the operating system does it for you? This bug is sure to raise new doubts about Microsoft’s testing, pace of delivering updates, and dependence on the Insider Program to find and report such problems.
Making this worse is that the bug does appear to have been reported. Numerous reports in Feedback Hub, Microsoft’s bug-reporting tool for Windows 10, complain of data deletion after installing preview releases. None of the bug reports appears to have many upvotes, and the reports generally lack in detail. So just as with the more recent reports, they make it hard to pin down the root cause. But it’s obvious that, at the very least, something was going wrong and that it was important enough that it should have been investigated and addressed.
Compounding this issue is that Microsoft’s rollout of version 1809 was already unusual. For reasons unknown, Microsoft didn’t release this update to the Release Preview ring, so the most realistic installation scenario—someone going from version 1803 to 1809—didn’t receive much testing anyway. And all this is against the longer-term concern that Microsoft laid off many dedicated testers without really replacing the testing that those testers were doing.
Microsoft issues a fix
Microsoft has fixed a bug in its latest Windows 10 October 2018 update that deleted files en masse for some users.
The software giant was forced to pull the update over the weekend due to the data deletion issues.
Now, the update is back online, but Microsoft says it is only releasing it to members of the Windows Insider program before making it available to the general public. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Natural and synthetic derivatives of vitamin A (retinoids), are active in cancer therapy and chemoprevention. Mechanisms involved in these clinical effects and why retinoid resistance occurs need to be better understood. This is the objective of this revised NIH R01-CA87546 competing renewal application that examines comprehensively, use of classical and non-classical retinoids as tools to uncover chemopreventive mechanisms. Work from the prior finding cycle revealed that all- trans-retinoic acid (RA) prevented tobacco-carcinogenic transformation of human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cells through novel mechanisms. These involved proteasomal degradation of cyclin D1 and transcriptional repression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) that each repressed cyclin D1. The resulting G1 arrest permitted repair of carcinogenic damage to DNA and thereby conferred chemoprevention. Cyclin D1 was a molecular target for both pathways. Notably, these pathways were each deregulated in RA-resistant HBE cells that we derived and found to exhibit retinoic acid receptor-beta (RARbeta) silencing, as often occurs in lung carcinogenesis. A novel RARbeta isoform was also discovered that could account for clinical retinoid resistance. Notably, retinoid X receptor (RXR) agonists (rexinoids) by-passed this RARbeta3 block and activated similar down-stream pathways as classical retinoids to repress cyclin D1. The specific aims will: (1) comprehensively explore using cultured HBE and lung cancer cells that are sensitive or resistant to all-trans-retinoic acid (RA) whether transcriptional or post-transcriptional chemopreventive mechanisms engaged by classical or non-classical retinoids confer D-type cyclin repression. Function of the novel RARbeta isoform will be studied. Whether cooperation with demethylation agents restores RARbeta expression and retinoid response and whether repressing D-type cyclins by siRNA targeting or EGFR inhibition enhances retinoid or rexinoid response will be learned. (2) Studies that target for chemoprevention D-type cyclins in carcinogen-induced and transgenic mouse models will be conducted. (3) Findings will be translated to the clinic using unique tissues harvested from proof of principle trials that target D-type cyclins. These trials are yielding exciting preliminary findings that validate D-type cyclins as chemopreventive targets. Unique pre-clinical and clinical models and resources are available. Successful achievement of these aims will improve understanding how classical or non-classical retinoids exert chemopreventive effects. These findings would translate this work from the bench to the bedside to advance a mechanism-based approach to cancer chemoprevention. [unreadable] [unreadable] | {
"pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter"
} |
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// do something with Electron process Webpack cfg
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// https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-packager/blob/master/docs/api.md#options
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Hi Jeff...I have an intro letter, and the presentation that we typically give on our first visit. Do you think one of those might be appropriate, or shall I put together something in between the two?
-----Original Message-----
From: Dasovich, Jeff
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 3:51 PM
To: Scheuer, Janelle
Subject: Meeting w/Marcie Edwards, Anaheim General Manager
I just talked to Marcie. She's interested, but wants some more info to examine before setting up a meeting. Aren't there some press articles about the sort of muni partnerships you want to pursue with SMUD and Anaheim? Do we have anything else that I can email to her to wet her whistle for the meeting? Will get back to you very soon about meeting with Schori at SMUD.
Jeff | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Feb. 20, 2011 -- An average adult can touch as many as 30 objects within a minute, including germ-harboring, high-traffic surfaces such as light switches, doorknobs, phone receivers, and remote controls. At home, you do all that you can to keep the germs at bay. But what happens when you step out the door to go to dinner, do some grocery shopping, or visit the doctor's office? Know where germs are most likely to lurk, as you'll find out here.
Restaurant menus
Have you ever seen anyone wash off a menu? Probably not. A recent study in the Journal of Medical Virology reported that cold and flu viruses can survive for 18 hours on hard surfaces. If it's a popular restaurant, hundreds of people could be handling the menus--and passing their germs on to you. Never let a menu touch your plate or silverware, and wash your hands after you place your order.
Lemon wedges
According to a 2007 study in the Journal of Environmental Health, nearly 70% of the lemon wedges perched on the rims of restaurant glasses contain disease-causing microbes. When the researchers ordered drinks at 21 different restaurants, they found 25 different microorganisms lingering on the 76 lemons that they secured, including E. coli and other fecal bacteria. Tell your server that you'd prefer your beverage sans fruit. Why risk it?
Condiment dispensers
It's the rare eatery that regularly bleaches its condiment containers. And the reality is that many people don't wash their hands before eating, says Kelly Reynolds, PhD. So while you may be diligent, the guy who poured the ketchup before you may not have been, which means his germs are now on your fries. Squirt hand sanitizer on the outside of the condiment bottle or use a disinfectant wipe before you grab it. Holding the bottle with a napkin won't help; napkins are porous, so microorganisms can pass right through, Reynolds says.
Restroom door handles
Don't think you can escape the restroom without touching the door handle? Palm a spare paper towel after you wash up and use it to grasp the handle. Yes, other patrons may think you're a germ-phobe--but you'll never see them again, and you're the one who won't get sick.
Soap dispensers
Grocery carts
More from Prevention:
Surprising Places Allergies Lurk
12 Health Lessons Straight From The Lab
10 Worst Germ Hot Spot
Airplane bathrooms
Doctor's office
1. Take your own books and magazines (and kid's toys, if you have your children or grandchildren with you).
2. Also pack your own tissues and hand sanitizers, which should be at least 60% alcohol content.
3. In the waiting room, leave at least two chairs between you and the other patients to reduce your chances of picking up their bugs. Germ droplets from coughing and sneezing can travel about 3 feet before falling to the floor.
More from Prevention:
Surprising Places Allergies Lurk
12 Health Lessons Straight From The Lab
10 Worst Germ Hot Spot | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} |
This blog is to share information I have gathered while transitioning from R14 to ABS 2007 to R-MEP 2012 and any other noteworthy nerd type information.
Friday, September 26, 2008
2007 Warning of Opening an R14 Dwg Pop-up
Hello bloggers!
With the help of some knowledgeable people on AUGI.com (thank you Lions60 & rkmcswain!!) I believe I have a solid working version of this pop-up that we've been needing.
Here's what it does: When opening a dwg (be it read-only or a full on open) this pop-up will appear if the dwg is any version below 2007). The pop-up will state what version the dwg is and ask if you really want to open. If you press cancel it closes that dwg out, but all other dwgs that you have open in that session are unaffected. If you press open, it will go ahead and let you open the dwg as you had chosen (either full on or read-only depending upon what you picked in the beginning). If you try to click on the "x" button to close out of the dialog box it will not work. The user is forced to either choose cancel or open. The cancel button is set as the default choice, so if the user just hits the enter key it will be selecting cancel and close the dwg out.
I have also have it showing an image on the dialog box (just for fun). That's a whole different post on how to do that....I had never made a slide before so that was a learning experience all on its own.
If you decide for some reason that you would like to use this code (LSP and/or DCL), or any portion of it please make sure you credit me for it.
Thank you!
Here is the DCL File:
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This program is designed to be used with the acaddoc.lsp file.// They are to be stored locally on the users' machine under the product's support file area.// I.E.: C:Program Files_Autodesk Building Systems 2007_Support// This program uses the slide image "WarnImage.sld" that is stored here: F:HBEDT2K7_Setup// It was created to pop-up a warning when a dwg of a lower version is opened in a 2007 product.// The user will get a choice to cancel out of the open, or go ahead with the open.// Currently this pop-up will appear if the file is opened full out or read-only.// It will not affect any dwgs that are already open in that session of Acad (ADT or ABS).// Please do not use-alter-modify this file without contacting Abbie Meador first.// Created by Abbie Meador.// Last modified on 09-26-08 by Abbie Meador./////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
: paragraph { //Begins a paragraph of text : text { key = "mytile"; } //Calls the tile created in the LSP to print out in a text line : text_part { label = "Verify this file is Read-only before clicking 'Open' (Check the header)."; } : text_part { label = "If you ignore this warning and end up saving this as a 2007 dwg,"; } : text_part { label = "YOU WILL REPAIR THIS FILE ON YOUR OWN TIME!!"; } } //End paragraph of text } //End of row
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; This program is designed to be used with the warnr14.dcl file.;; They are to be stored locally on the users' machine under the product's support file area.;; I.E.: C:Program Files_Autodesk Building Systems 2007_Support;; This program uses the slide image "WarnImage.sld" that is stored here: F:HBEDT2K7_Setup;; It was created to pop-up a warning when a dwg of a lower version is opened in a 2007 product.;; The user will get a choice to cancel out of the open, or go ahead with the open.;; Currently this pop-up will appear if the file is opened full out or read-only.;; It will not affect any dwgs that are already open in that session of Acad (ADT or ABS).;; Please do not use-alter-modify this file without contacting Abbie Meador first.;; Created by Abbie Meador.;; Last modified on 09-26-08 by Abbie Meador.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(action_tile "accept" "(unload_dialog)") ;;Closes dialog and leaves dwg open if Open button from DCL is clicked (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog)") ;;Closes dialog and dwg if Cancel button from DCL is clicked
(set_tile "mytile" (strcat "YOU JUST OPENED AN " acadv " DWG IN 2007.")) ;;Creates tile to be used on DCL that shows version variable info | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Posted on September 11, 2011 in Articles
The President ordered from Costco for the Osama Bin Laden watch party. Turkey pita sandwiches, cold shrimp, potato chips. The White House’s comfort food of choice to witness the end of the world’s most wanted man.
“Now entering Pakistan,” CIA director Leon Panetta narrated over the big screen. Joe Biden kneaded rosary beads. Hillary Clinton covered her face in shock. But President Obama looked on. Stone-faced.
Geronimo. The code name for Osama Bin Laden.
EKIA. Enemy Killed In Action. Osama Bin Laden had been shot in the head.
A hushed silence. “We got him,” President Obama said finally, quietly. A pause. Then the backslapping, the high-fiving all around. “We got him.”
With that Obama grabbed a sandwich to go and marched upstairs to tell the nation.
Osama Bin Laden was irrelevant by 2011. Al Qaeda, decimated by Drone attacks from above, infighting from within, and reviled across most of the Muslim world. But the visceral joy was still there. That sneering, bearded mug of barbarity was shot in the head. By an American bullet.
The mystique died next. Turns out, Osama Bin Laden was not a hardened ascetic denouncing the West from a snow-capped mountain pass. Instead, he reclined on the third floor of a million dollar compound forty miles from Pakistan’s capital. He was a vainglorious media junkie who dyed his beard for his next video. He spent his time looking at a) himself on TV and b) porn.
Osama Bin Laden was protected not by legions of hardened Mujahideen fighters but two well-to-do Pakistanis and their children. A private family that kept to itself with no phone-lines. They burned their trash indoors lest anyone riffle through the refuse.
He spent his final days listening to the pitter patter of children’s feet. Buffalo crowning a yard over. And that cloudless night the incoming roar of four U.S. helicopters and then gunfire. He was shot once in the head, once in the back, before his body was unceremoniously dumped somewhere in the Indian Ocean.
A decade after September 11, Osama Bin Laden was not the savior of the Muslim world but its scourge. His name sneered, not chanted. A decade later, Osama Bin Laden was no longer the bearded totem of resistance to American imperialism. He was the crutch of Hosni Mubarak, Muammar Gaddafi and the region’s other loathed strongman who argued they alone could safeguard against him.
A decade after 911, America rebuilt the World Trade Center taller than ever. It is the façade of Arab strongmen that tumbled. The rusted rebar and rubble expose depraved men clinging to fists full of petro-dollars. Their towering walls of brick and mortar no match for the pixellated Facebook walls of ones and zeroes. Social media did not topple Mubarack. The audacity of Tahrir Square did. But social media helped the rage go viral. Skyping, tweeting its way from Tunis to Hama. They were felled by students, lawyers, and bloggers who knew simply there must be another way.
In the end, Osama Bin Laden felled two skyscrapers in New York but no governments. He is survived by three wives, a moribund al Qaeda network, and an Arab world freer in spite—not because—of his cruelty.
You know where you where when you first heard the news.
Blackberry-faced New Yorkers peered up from their smart-phones and asked strangers simply, “Did you hear?” Mets and Phillies fans cast aside their divisional rivalry and chanted “U-S-A! U-S-A!” NBC pulled away from Donald Trump’s “Celebrity Apprentice”.
Ten years after 911, we have not had our The Naked and the Dead. Or our Apocalypse Now, though The Hurt Locker comes the closest. The pain is still too visceral. The timing, still too soon.
Instead, Hollywood churns out a lineup of souped-up but ultimately forgettable war flicks. Jarhead, The Green Zone, The Kingdom, Body of Lies, etc.—box office disappointments rich in sparkling CGI explosions but light in historicity. Again and again, they depict testosterone junkies defusing IEDs, battling terrorists and themselves. Troops enduring ephemeral moments of action in between months of endless wait.
We placate ourselves with 23 minute episodes of mindless voyeurism. Guys fantasize living like Vince. Girls keep up with the Kardashians. Vicarious living remains our flash-bulbed escape of choice from years of interminable war and unemployment.
Satire became our coping mechanism of choice. The Onion and Comedy Central spoofed every hue of the color-coded alarm system. Only fake news could make sense of the jangled last decade of ours. When Walter Cronkite passed away in 2009, Time Magazine polled who was this generation’s equivalent. Answer: Jon Stewart (44%) throttling the Big 3’s real newscasters Brian Williams (29%), Charlie Gibson (19%), and Katie Couric (7%).
Trey Parker and Matt Stone skewered bombastic American jingoism with puppets and a rock ’em sock ’em soundtrack to match:
President George W. Bush didn’t feel like eating. He was in a booth in a Dallas restaurant when the Secret Service agent whispered in his ear. He felt no joy. His steak lost its flavor.
He thought back to that impromptu U-S-A rally on the Ground Zero rubble. He remembered his crackling fastball right down the pike at Yankee Stadium. Most of all, he remembered that Oval Office speech to the nation.
His Texan twang became the voice of certainty to a superpower that saw red. He ordered the world to pick sides with a “You’re either with us or against us” Manichaeism. And the world did not pick terrorism, but the world did not pick President Bush either. The War on Terror polarized into us vs. them, black vs. white absolutes.
But what followed was a slippery slope decent into the murky underworld of secret CIA prisons and the grayish nether reaches of legality and morality. Water-boarding, suspending habeas corpus, Abu Ghraib, torture—the lasting buzz words of the War on Terror smacked more of a Medieval Inquisition than that of the world’s lone super power in the early 21st century.
Everything Iraq was supposed to be—an Islamic threat to regional stability, hell-bent on nuclear power—Iran was. The CIA learned Saddam Hussein fabricated his WMD bluster out of fear towards Iran. But Bush was chastened. His political capital spent. He listened to Condoleezza. He fired Rummy and talked Israel down from a bombing run. And the centrifuges in Nawaz kept on spinning…
And the WMDs finally did go off in New York City. But they were the ones Warren Buffett warned us about. They were the ones concocted, not in bunkers outside Baghdad, but in AIG and Citi boardrooms throughout midtown Manhattan. Built not out of yellow cake but of the mortgages on yellow houses, unbridled derivatives, and money our homes weren’t worth.
Now President Bush resigns himself to a lifetime of swatting away knowing-what-you-know-now hypotheticals. Of warding off regret. And clinging to that Churchillian argument: I kept us safe.
President Bush had enough. He pushed his plate aside, settled up, and went home to reflect. Alone. | {
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Manchester United are relaxed about potentially entering the season without a technical director despite it being almost a year since the search to fill the role began.
Ed Woodward, the club’s executive vice-chairman, is understood to be content at how Ole Gunnar Solskjær and the manager’s assistant, Mike Phelan, have dovetailed with the recruitment department and the board regarding transfers this summer.
Swansea City’s Daniel James and Crystal Palace’s Aaron Wan-Bissaka have been bought – for a combined £60m – and a renewed bid for Harry Maguire closer to Leicester City’s £75m-plus valuation could be forthcoming as the final two weeks of the window near.
Paul Pogba, who had expressed a desire to depart, is expected to stay and there is a firm hope that David de Gea will finally agree a new six-year contract that may make him United’s highest-paid player, placing him beyond the £390,000-a-week basic wage paid to Alexis Sánchez.
Romelu Lukaku is set to leave should Internazionale markedly raise their €60m bid for the striker, with United wanting at least the £75m paid to Everton for him in summer 2017 given the inflated market. Should the Belgian be sold it would help finance any deal for Maguire.
All of this means that the need for a technical director is no longer at the top of the club’s priorities. United’s opening Premier League match is the visit of Chelsea on 11 August, exactly a year since the Observer revealed that United wanted their first director of football in the club’s history. The job description has since changed to someone who would work alongside the manager and recruitment department rather than take an overarching position.
Rio Ferdinand, who had been considered for the role, is no longer thought to be a serious contender.
Nicky Butt’s promotion from head of academy to the newly created role of head of first-team development will entail him having a focus on developing and coaching players making the transition from the youth set-up to the senior side but he will have no input on transfers. | {
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Speculation has long swirled about exactly what is on top of the president’s head – the answer may be less than meets the eye
This article is more than 2 years old
This article is more than 2 years old
As Donald Trump wages war with Democrats over a budget deal, a video has emerged highlighting another battle – the fight the president’s hair is waging to stay attached to his head.
Footage, widely shared on Wednesday, showed Trump’s hair being dramatically swept about in a blustery wind, revealing what appeared to be a large hairless patch at the rear of his head and adding to longstanding speculation about the exact nature of Trump’s mane.
The film was captured as Trump boarded Air Force One. As Trump clambers up the stairs to the aircraft he appears to be struck from behind by a forceful gust. The wind cleaves his hair in two, revealing what appears to be a bare scalp.
Dr Alan Bauman, CEO and founder of Bauman Medical, a hair restoration clinic, said Trump had probably undergone some sort of hair procedure, although Bauman added that the video could have been doctored.
“In my professional opinion I do believe he has had some previous hair transplantation to the frontal part of his hairline,” Bauman said.
“He probably also has access to potent prescription topical medication like Formula 82M Minoxidil, which would be used twice daily, or a laser therapy cap, which could easily be hidden underneath a baseball hat.”
A laser therapy cap is a device that subjects the scalp to laser beams in an attempt to promote hair growth.
Bauman said he had met Trump personally and believed the president’s hair “is firmly growing from his scalp and is not a hairpiece”.
“He does, however, use quite a bit of hairspray to maintain his preferred style,” Bauman said.
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for information.
Trump doctor reveals secret to US president's hair Read more
Trump’s hair has long been the subject of speculation and ridicule. The Michael Wolff book Fire and Fury reported that Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump is among the hair’s critics.
Ivanka “often described the mechanics behind it to friends”, Wolff wrote.
“An absolutely clean pate – a contained island after scalp reduction surgery – surrounded by a furry circle of hair around the sides and front, from which all ends are drawn up to meet in the center then swept back and secured by a stiffening spray.”
Trump has occasionally addressed the issue himself. At a campaign rally in August 2015, shortly after Trump had denounced Mexican people seeking immigration to the US as “rapists”, he promised to put the issue of his hair to bed.
“If it rains, I’ll take off my hat, and I’ll prove once and for all that it’s mine,” Trump told a crowd in Alabama.
A month earlier the then candidate had promised to change his signature hairstyle if elected.
“I would probably comb my hair back. Why? Because this thing is too hard to comb,” Trump said at an event in Winterset, Iowa. “I wouldn’t have time, because if I were in the White House, I’d be working my ass off.”
The promises are among a number of campaign pledges that are yet to be fulfilled.
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Unless otherwise indicated herein, the description provided in this section is not itself prior art to the claims and is not admitted to be prior art by inclusion in this section.
A typical wireless communication system includes a plurality of cell sites, each configured to provide one or more respective wireless coverage areas such as a cell or cell sectors in which to serve wireless communication devices (WCD) such as cell phones or wirelessly equipped computers. In practice, each cell site may include a respective antenna configuration, as well as respective supporting cell site equipment, which may be coupled in turn with network infrastructure such as routers, switches, gateways, and the like.
With this arrangement, when the supporting cell site equipment receives from the network infrastructure data that is to be transmitted in a wireless coverage area, or the supporting cell site equipment itself generates such data for transmission, the supporting equipment may convert the data into a form suitable for transmission by the antenna configuration, and the antenna configuration may then output the data over the air in the wireless coverage area. For instance, the supporting equipment may encode the data and modulate the encoded data on a radio frequency (RF) carrier, the supporting equipment may then pass the modulated carrier to the antenna configuration for RF transmission, and the antenna configuration may then wirelessly output the modulated carrier.
Likewise, when the antenna configuration wirelessly receives from within such a coverage area a modulated RF carrier representing data, the antenna configuration may pass that modulated RF carrier to the supporting cell site equipment, and the supporting equipment may then process that communication to uncover the underlying data. For instance, the supporting equipment may demodulate the RF carrier to uncover encoded data and may then decode the encoded data to uncover the underlying data. The supporting equipment may then handle the data locally or pass the data along to the network infrastructure for handling, as appropriate. | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} |
White Mountain School
The White Mountain School, often called White Mountain or WMS, is a co-educational, independent boarding school located in Bethlehem, New Hampshire, USA. Established in 1886 as St. Mary's School in Concord, New Hampshire, the school moved to its current location in 1936, situated just north of the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
The White Mountain School was founded in 1886 as an all-girls Episcopal high school called St. Mary's School in Concord, New Hampshire. In 1935, Dorothy McLane, the school's headmistress, moved the school north into the White Mountains region, to the estate of Ernest Poole in Sugar Hill, New Hampshire; the school was then renamed St. Mary's-in-the-Mountains. One year later in 1936, the school bought the Seven Springs Estate, in Bethlehem, New Hampshire, from Eman and Mary Payne Beck and relocated there for the last time. Over the next 25 years, the Bethlehem campus expanded with the purchase of new dormitories and the construction of new classroom wings. On January 3, 1964, the school's Main Building burned down. The following year, a new Main Building was constructed in its place. Six years later, in 1970, the school began accepting a small number of male day students, and in 1972 the school became co-educational and changed its name to The White Mountain School.
The White Mountain School curriculum is structured in a traditional liberal arts model. Each discipline offers a range of courses from introductory-level, Honors, Advanced Placement, to student-designed independent studies. Year-long courses are worth one credit; semester courses are worth ½ credit. To graduate, students must earn 19 academic credits, including a minimum of 4 credits in English, 2 ½ credits in history, 3 credits in mathematics, 3 credits in science, 2 credits in world language, 1 credit in the arts, ½ credit in philosophy and religious studies and ½ credit in sustainability studies. (The White Mountain School was the first high school in the US to add Sustainability Studies as an academic department.) In addition, students must complete two Field Courses per year and a LASR Project.
The White Mountain School Field Course is a week-long, academic exploration of a specific topic that occurs within an appropriate geographic setting. They occur in October and March for five days in length. Recent courses have included Poverty, Homelessness and Hunger (Portland, Maine), Adirondack Art and Adventure (New York), Island Culture and Ecology (Acadia National Park, Maine), Avalanche Forecasting (Wyoming & Idaho), A Walk in Thoreau's Shoes (Massachusetts), Gender & Politics: Women's Rights in the US (Washington, DC), Desert Ecology of the Southwest (Tucson, Arizona), Community Service Odyssesy (Dominican Republic), Writing for Performance: Exploration of Performing Arts (New Hampshire), Buddhism (The Vermont Zen Center, Shelburne, Vermont), Green Living in the Urban World: Sustainability & Service (Montreal), Carving Up Equations to Carve the Slopes: The Math of Ski and Snowboard Design (Vermont & New Hampshire).
"LASR" in the White Mountain School LASR Project stands for the general categories that students can pursue: Leadership, Arts, Service and Research. Students choose from several approaches to completing the project, including (but not limited to) the following courses: Research Seminar, Art Portfolio, Independent Study, Senior Project, and Field Course Leadership.
Faculty and advisors
Every student has a faculty advisor who communicates with parents throughout the year and they serve as a primary liaison between student, family, and teacher. 67% of the faculty hold advanced degrees as well as a variety of additional certifications.
College matriculation
Recent WMS graduates have attended colleges and universities that include American University, Boston University, Colby College, Connecticut College, Davidson College, Drexel University, Duke University, Mount Holyoke College, New York University, Tufts University, the University of Michigan, the University of New Hampshire, and Wesleyan University.
Student body
The White Mountain School enrolls 123 students from around the country and the world, 49% male and 51% female. 76% of the student population boards and 24% are day students from surrounding towns.
The school's campus is located between the towns of Bethlehem and Littleton, New Hampshire on a hilltop providing views of the White Mountains. The McLane Academic Center houses the classroom wing, multimedia center and learning labs. The school library offers more than 7,000 volumes, an online catalog, several online databases, and an inter-library loan system with Dartmouth College and the University of New Hampshire. The Fred Steele Science Center is equipped with SMART Board interactive technology and state-of-the-art labs which allow for a wide range of independent projects. The new Catherine Houghton Arts Center houses dance, visual arts, and music studios. The school partners with Creative Edge Dance Studio to offer academic courses as well as technique and performance-based classes for students of all dance styles and levels. Students have access to these spaces and the practice studios and recording lab outside of class.
The indoor Beverly S. Buder climbing wall is located inside an indoor sports center outfitted with Nautilus equipment, free weights and aerobic equipment. The campus also has two athletic fields, an extensive trail system, and a school farm, including a student-built post and beam shed; a chicken coop with hens; an organic vegetable and fruit garden; and composting bins. The student center is located in McLane.
Boarding students live in one of four dorms with their peers, faculty members and faculty families. Each dorm has common space with couches, a TV and a microwave. The dining hall serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and is available for drinks and light snacks all day.
On weekends, faculty offer a range of activities for students. Activities include outdoor outings such as moonlight hikes, ski trips or mountain bike riding; shopping trips to outlet centers, Burlington, or the local towns; art excursions to movies, plays, and art exhibits; campus sponsored cultural events, cookie baking in faculty kitchens and games.
Arts and athletics
Students participate in afternoon activities each season of the year and can choose from a variety of recreational and interscholastic sports.
Farm and Forest
Mountain Biking
Rock Climbing
Boys Soccer
Girls Soccer
Sport Climbing
Backcountry Ski and Snowboard
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Community Service
Digital Art and Design
Freestyle Skiing
Ice Climbing
Nordic Skiing
Recreational Ski and Snowboard
Snowboard Team
Sport Climbing
Farm and Forest
Hiking and Fitness
Boys Lacrosse
Girls Lacrosse
Rock Climbing
Sport Climbing
Whitewater Kayaking
The White Mountain School's rock climbing program was the first high school program to earn accreditation from the American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA). The sport climbing program partners with USA Climbing to provide multiple opportunities for competition. Students who choose to pursue outdoor sports learn the technical aspects of climbing and explore topics as minimum-impact travel, first aid, navigation, orienteering, trip planning, and natural history.
Extracurricular opportunities
Extracurricular opportunities vary from year to year, depending upon the interests of the student body. Current clubs include a cappella, art club, astronomy club, chess club, Citizenship Committee, diversity club, electronics club, National Honor Society, photography club, robotics club, Social Committee, Spectrum Alliance, step club, Student Council, sustainability club and frisbee club. The yearbook, “The Pendulum,” is designed and produced by students, as well as "Ink and Paper," the student-published literary and arts magazine. Students interested in the performing arts perform in a cappella, dance and theater productions, and informal coffee houses. With a focus on international song and dance, the school brings professional performers and artists to campus for community dinners.
Students have opportunities to participate in community service at local events on the weekend as well as through trips within the U.S. and abroad e.g. Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. In addition, community service is offered as a winter sports option. All students, teachers and administrators participate in on-campus service through the Work Jobs Program. Duties include kitchen crew, recycling, or helping in the library. In addition to their campus jobs, all boarding students have rotating job assignments in their dormitories.
Costs and financial aid
Tuition, room and board for 2016-2017 is $57,900. Day student tuition is $29,000. Learning Center tutorials and the ESL Program have additional fees. 40% of students receive financial aid, with an average award of $40,000. Eligibility is based on need as established by School and Student Services (SSS) by National Association of Independent Schools.
Notable alumni
Rosalie Colie '41, first woman department chair at Brown University, Professor of Comparative Literature, Guggenheim Fellow in 1958 and 1966
Lucile Wheeler '52, Olympic skier, first North American to win a world title in the downhill event
Audrey Thomas '53, novelist and short story writer, three time recipient of the Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize
Ellen Waterston '64, author and founder of Writing Ranch
Bret Arsenault '80, Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Microsoft Corporation
Caroline Cheng '81, artist and director of the Pottery Workshop
Will Gadd '85, renowned ice climber and paraglider pilot
Parker Croft '05, film actor and screenwriter, known for Falling Overnight and Once Upon a Time (TV series)
External links
The White Mountain School
Category:Educational institutions established in 1886
Category:Preparatory schools in New Hampshire
Category:Private high schools in New Hampshire
Category:Schools in Grafton County, New Hampshire
Category:Boarding schools in New Hampshire
Category:Bethlehem, New Hampshire | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} |
This invention relates to a drum type washing machine including a rotating tub inclined rearwardly downward.
FIG. 17 illustrates one of conventional drum type washing machines. The illustrated washing machine comprises an outer cabinet 201 and a water tub 202 elastically supported by a plurality of suspension mechanisms 203 in the cabinet. A rotating tub 204 is rotatably mounted in the water tub 202. A bearing housing 206 is mounted on the rear of the water tub 202. The rotating tub 204 has a rotational shaft 205 supported on a bearing 207 housed in the bearing housing 206.
An electric motor 209 is provided below the water tub 202. A driven pulley 208 is mounted on the rotational shaft 205 of the rotating tub 204. A driving pulley 210 is mounted on a rotational shaft 209a of the motor 209. A transmission belt 212 extends between the pulleys 208 and 210. The driven pulley 208, the driving pulley 210 and the transmission belt 212 constitute a belt transmission mechanism 211. In this construction, torque developed by the motor 209 is transmitted via the belt transmission mechanism 211 to the rotating tub 204, whereby the rotating tub is rotated.
Household drum type washing machines are usually installed on a floor. A user bends his or her knees to put and take laundry into and out of the rotating tub. The prior art has proposed a drum type washing machine with a rotating tub inclined rearwardly downward so that the interior of the rotating tub can easily be viewed when laundry is put into and taken out of the rotating tub. However, the following problems result from this construction. That is, laundry moves to a deep interior of the rotating tub when it is rotated. As a result, an amount of vibration or oscillation produced during rotation of the rotating tub is increased.
The belt transmission mechanism particularly tends to produce vibration for the reason that the driving pulley slips during high-speed rotation or for other reasons. Accordingly, when the rotating tub is inclined rearwardly downward, the vibration produced by the rotating tub is further increased. Further, the water tub swings upon vibration of the rotating tub. To prevent collision of the water tub against the outer cabinet, a sufficient distance needs to be ensured between the water tub and the cabinet. For this purpose, the size of the cabinet needs to be increased when a large amount of vibration is produced from the rotating tub.
Therefore, an object of the present invention is to provide a drum type washing machine which includes a rotating tub inclined rearwardly downward for improvement in the easiness of access to the rotating tub and can yet reduce an amount of vibration.
The present invention provides a drum type washing machine comprising an outer cabinet including a front further including a front panel having a laundry access opening and a door provided on the front panel to close and open the access opening, the front of the cabinet being inclined at an angle relative to a vertical axis, a water tub provided in the cabinet, a rotating tub provided in the water tub so as to be inclined rearwardly downward so that the inclination angle of the front of the cabinet is smaller than an inclination angle of a front of the rotating tub relative to the vertical axis and an electric motor provided on a rear wall of the water tub for directly driving the rotating tub.
According to the above-described construction, the efficiency in the access to the rotating tub or in putting or taking laundry into and out of the rotating tub can be improved since the rotating tub is inclined rearwardly downward can be restrained. Further, the inclination of the front of the rotating tub can be set so that the laundry is readily put into and taken out of the rotating tub, and the inclination of the front of the cabinet can be set so that an increase in the size of the cabinet is prevented. Additionally, the door can be prevented from being inadvertently closed in the open state. Further, since the rotating tub is directly driven by the motor, an increase in the amount of vibration or noise produced during rotation of the rotating tub due to the provision of the rotating tub inclined rearwardly downward.
The motor is preferably of an outer rotor type. An outer rotor type motor has a smaller axial dimension and develops a higher torque than an inner rotor type motor. Accordingly, an increase in a back-and-forth dimension of the outer cabinet can be limited when the outer rotor type motor is provided on the rear wall of the water tub.
The rotating tub preferably has an axis of rotation inclined in an angular range between 10 and 20 degrees relative to a horizontal axis. Consequently, since the interior of the rotating tub can be viewed widely from the front area to the deep interior, the efficiency in the access to the rotating tub can further be improved.
The outer cabinet preferably has an access opening formed in a front wall thereof. The drum type washing machine further comprises a door for closing and opening the access opening of the cabinet, a door-opening operation detecting element detecting an operation for opening the door and a control element stopping the motor by means of electric braking, the control element stopping the motor when a detecting operation has been carried out by the door-opening operation detecting element. The motor is braked on the basis of any door-opening operation effected by another previously performed operation. Consequently, since the rotating tub is stopped in a short time from the time of an actual opening of the door, the safety can be improved. Particularly when the rotating tub is directly driven by the motor, the motor can be stopped in a shorter time by the electrical braking than by the mechanical braking. This further improves the safety.
The outer cabinet preferably has an access opening formed in a front wall thereof. The drum type washing machine further comprises an operation control element controlling a washing operation, and a switch indicative of execution of the washing operation. The operation control element prohibits the washing operation until the switch is operated when the door has been opened after start of the washing operation. When the door is opened after start of the washing operation, it is not restarted until the switch is operated and execution of the washing operation is instructed. Consequently, an inadvertent rotation of the rotating tub can be prevented and accordingly, the safety can be improved.
The invention also provides a drum type washing machine comprising an outer cabinet, a water tub provided in the cabinet so as to be inclined rearwardly downward, the water tub having a rear wall, a rotating tub provided in the water tub so as to be inclined rearwardly downward, an electric motor provided on the rear wall of the water tub for directly driving the rotating tub, and a dryer provided for drying laundry in the rotating tub and including a blower disposed at a back of the upper rear wall of the water tub in the cabinet. In this construction, the water tub is inclined rearwardly downward and the blower is disposed at the back of an upper rear wall of the water tub in the cabinet. When the water tub is inclined rearwardly downward as well as the rotating tub, a dead space results from the construction at the back of the upper rear wall of the water tub in the cabinet. Since the blower is disposed at the back of the upper rear wall of the water tub, the dead space can effectively be used.
The water tub is preferably inclined rearwardly downward. In this construction, the drum type washing machine further comprises a drain pump for draining the water tub, the drain pump being disposed below a front lower portion of the water tub in the cabinet. When the water tub is inclined rearwardly downward as well as the rotating tub, a dead space results from the construction at the back of the lower rear wall of the water tub in the cabinet. Since the drain pump is disposed at the back of the lower rear wall of the water tub, the dead space can effectively be used.
The front panel of the cabinet has a smaller inclination than the front of the rotating tub relative to a vertical axis. Consequently, the outer cabinet can be prevented from an increase in the back-and-forth dimension thereof.
The front of the rotating tub has an inclination ranging between 5 and 20 degrees and the front of the cabinet has an inclination set so as to be smaller than an inclination of the rotating tub by or above 2 degrees and so as to range between 3 and 15 degrees. Consequently, the outer cabinet can be prevented from an increase in the back-and-forth dimension thereof with an efficiency in the work for putting and taking the laundry into and taking out of the rotating tub.
The front panel of the cabinet preferably includes a portion located lower than the access opening and formed into a vertical face. Consequently, an increase in the back-and-forth dimension of the lower portion of the outer cabinet can particularly be prevented.
The invention further provides a drum type washing machine comprising an outer cabinet having a front including a front panel having a laundry access opening and a door provided on the front panel to close and open the access opening, the front of the cabinet being inclined at an angle relative to a vertical axis, a water tub provided in the cabinet, a rotating tub provided in the water tub so as to be inclined rearwardly downward so that the inclination angle of the front of the cabinet is smaller than an inclination angle of a front of the rotating tub relative to the vertical axis, and an electric motor driving the rotating tub. Since no special parts are required for the air supply port, the construction of the washing machine can be simplified.
The drum type washing machine preferably further comprises bellows connecting laundry access opening and an opening of the water tub and a dryer for drying laundry in the rotating tub, the dryer including a hot air generator for generating hot air. In this construction, the water tub is inclined rearwardly downward and the bellows have an air supply port through which the hot air is supplied from the hot air generator into the rotating tub. Consequently, since no special parts are required for the air supply port, the construction of the washing machine can be simplified. | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} |
Search stewwebb.com
Search for:
Contributions are much appreciated
The below picture of the attempted murder of Stew Webb October 25, 2010 by two of Hillary Clinton's Assassins. There were two more crashed and attempt one year later.
Contributions are much appreciated Thank You.-- Stew Webb
Stew Webb Maine Corps Boot Camp Picture Platoon 2103 (1971)
Stew Webb served in the United States Marine Corps and was Honorable Discharge.
Thank You France Happy Birthday July 14
Mireille Mathieu singing La Marseillaise
Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection aka Organized Crime
Those Who Control the USA & Israel
Stew Webb served in the United States Marine Corps and was Honorable Discharge. Stew was a General Contractor-Home Builder until 3 car crashes in one year and is now disabled. Stew turned Federal Whistleblower-Activist of 31 years and has been a guest on over 3,000 Radio and TV Programs since September 18, 1991 and now has his own Radio and TV Network http://www.stewwebbradionetwork.com Stew was responsible for the Congressional Investigations and hearings that lead to the Appointment of Independent Prosecutor Arlin Adams in the 1989 HUD Hearings, the Silverado Savings and Loan Hearings, the Denver International Airport Frauds hearings, the MDC Holdings, Inc. (MDC-NYSE) Illegal Political Campaign Money Laundering Colorado’s biggest case aka Keating 5 hearings and the information provided that lead to the 2008 Illegal Bank Bailout.
Stew was held as a Political Prisoner from 1992-1993 to silence his exposure by Leonard Millman his former in law with illegal charges of threatening harassing telephone calls charges which were dismissed with prejudice. Leonard Millman, George HW Bush, George W Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Larry Mizel, Phil Winn, Norman Brownstein, John McCain and Mitt Romney to name a few are all partners in what is known as the Bush-Millman-Clinton Organized Crime Syndicate. Leonard Millman (Deceased 2004) was member of the "Illuminati Council of 13".
Stew Webb Whistle blower Grand Jury Demand against Hillary Clinton
The Denver Illuminati Zionist Organized Crime Chart
Leonard Millman and George HW Bush Narcotics Money Laundering and Illegal Weapon Sales and wire transfers. (Note the Amounts)
Millman-Bush-Illuminati Human Sacrifice
Stew Webb's ex-witch-doctor: Kerre Millman Denver’s Illuminati Princess Manipulator Liar Attempted Murderer of her own Daughter and Stew's Daughter Amanda Webb August 10 1984.
(L) Kerre Millman (Center) Elaine R. Millman 5th Degree Witch Stew Webb's ex-not-mother-in-law, (R) Attorney Allen Karsh Drug Smuggler from Mexico into Colorado, Illuminati 12 Leonard Millmand Mob Attorney, Elaine Millman's Brother, controls 50 Billion Millman Estate. One on Millman 3 Mafia Attorneys should be Jailed. All Stolen from US government, and Narcotics Money Laundering and Wall Street Investors (Pension Funds).
Make Offer
Contact Ken Webb 816 478-3267
Take America back from Organized Crime
A revolution is coming — a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough — But a revolution which is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its character; we cannot alter its inevitability. - Robert Kennedy, Senate Floor, May 9, 1966
Bruce Campbell
Prayer Works
Hebrews Versus Jews - The Truth You Don't Know!
Filth Watch-Fake Media Stooges, FBI Trolls, Pulpit Goons and more.
Filth Watch-Media, FBI Trolls, Religion
Jocelyn Gunderson, FBI Troll Ted Gunderson's ex-wife tells all
If you do not hear the Stew Webb Radio playing now on this site then your browser may have the problem above.
The State of Israel known as “Big Satan” has unleashed a Malware known as: "Incredibar" Remove MyStart by IncrediBar (Uninstall Guide) Click on the picture above to fix your browser.
Hillary Clinton above Barking Like A Female Dog now Spot Dog wants to have hot sex with Hildabeast and HikdaDikes Lesbo Lover Huma Abedine we told the Spot dog his private part will fall off because HildaBeast is a Walking STD
Hillary Clinton Child Rapist
Hillary's America The Movie
Fair Use Notice
§ 107. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use40 Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phone records or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include — (1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; (2) the nature of the copyrighted work; (3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and (4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Wordpress Uploaded Images Show Broken Link
I can upload images via the WP Photo Seller Plugin, but all the links to the images show as broken. Anyone know what I can change to get them to show? I checked the folder permissions and they seem to be fine.
Here is a link:
Turns out the permissions on the server were off. A quick chmod solved the problem.
| {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} |
How do I overload the << operator to print a class member?
Here is the class
class graph {
graph() {}; // constructor
graph(int size);
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, graph g);
int size;
bool** grph;
This is how I generate the graph:
graph::graph(int size) {
grph = new bool*[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
grph[i] = new bool[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
for (int j = i; j < size; ++j) {
if (i == j)
grph[i][j] = false;
else {
cout << prob() << endl;//marker
grph[i][j] = grph[j][i] = (prob() < 0.19);
cout << grph[i][j] << endl;//marker
cout << "Graph created" << endl;//marker
The constructor and the prob() function work just fine. I have tested them using the markers.
This is where I believe the problem exists. This is the code for the overloaded operator <<
ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, graph g) {
for (int i = 0; i < g.size; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < g.size; ++j)
out << g.grph[i][j] << "\t";
out << endl;
return out;
Here is how this is called.
graph g(5);
cout << g << endl;
Now, the program compiles just fine. But, while execution, the graph is not being printed. I haven been able to print the graph the same way without overloading the operator, but by having the for loops run inside the main or by using a class member function.
Can anyone help me out? I am using Visual Studio 2015.
The loops are never entered, because
i < g.size
is always false, because g.size is 0! You are never actually setting the member variable size to the size entered by the user, so it defaults to 0.
You'll have to set it, i.e.
this->size = size; //Sets member variable 'size' to 'size' from the function arguments
Also, you didn't specify a copy constructor, so the implicit one will be used. But the implicit one just copies the values, and so the pointer grph will point in 2 objects to the same data. You're leaking memory, that's why it doesn't matter (technically), but you should implement a proper destructor and copy/move constructor.
But because operator<< should only be printing, consider passing by const& instead of by value!
| {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} |
Application of precipitation methods for the production of water-insoluble drug nanocrystals: production techniques and stability of nanocrystals.
This review focuses on using precipitation (bottom-up) method to produce water-insoluble drug nanocrystals, and the stability issues of nanocrystals. The precipitation techniques for production of ultra-fine particles have been widely researched for last few decades. In these techniques, precipitation of solute is achieved by addition of a non-solvent for solute called anti-solvent to decrease the solvent power for the solute dissolved in a solution. The anti-solvent can be water, organic solvents or supercritical fluids. In this paper, efforts have been made to review the precipitation techniques involving the anti-solvent precipitation by simple mixing, impinging jet mixing, multi-inlet vortex mixing, the using of high-gravity, ultrasonic waves and supercritical fluids. The key to the success of yielding stable nanocrystals in these techniques is to control the nucleation kinetics and particle growth through mixing during precipitation based on crystallization theories. The stability issues of the nanocrystals, such as sedimentation, Ostwald ripening, agglomeration and cementing of crystals, change of crystalline state, and the approaches to stabilizing nanocrystals are also discussed in detail. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
Kuatun keelback
The Kuatun keelback (Hebius craspedogaster) is a species of snake of the family Colubridae.
Geographic range
The snake is found in China and Vietnam.
Category:Reptiles described in 1899
Category:Reptiles of China
Category:Reptiles of Vietnam
Category:Snakes of China
Category:Snakes of Vietnam
Category:Snakes of Asia | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} |
Missing Person (novel)
Missing Person (French: Rue des Boutiques Obscures) is the sixth novel by French writer Patrick Modiano, published on 5 September 1978. In the same year it was awarded the Prix Goncourt. The English translation by Daniel Weissbort was published in 1980. Rue des Boutiques Obscures (literally 'the Street of dark shops') is the name of a street in Rome (La Via delle Botteghe Oscure) where one of the characters lived, and where Modiano himself lived for some time.
On 9 October 2014, Patrick Modiano was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Plot summary
Guy Roland is an amnesiac detective who lost his memory ten years before the beginning of the story, which opens in 1965. When his employer, Hutte, retires and closes the detective agency where he has worked for eight years, Roland embarks on a search for his own identity. His investigations uncover clues to a life that seems to stop during the Second World War. It seems that he is Jimmy Pedro Stern, a Greek Jew from Salonica, who was living in Paris under an assumed name, Pedro McEvoy, and working for the legation of the Dominican Republic. He and several friends (Denise Coudreuse, a French model who shares his life; Freddie Howard Luz, a British citizen originally from Mauritius; Gay Orlov, an American dancer of Russian origin; and André Wildmer, an English former jockey, all of whom are enemy nationals) went to Megève to escape a Paris that had become dangerous for them during the German occupation. Denise and Pedro attempted to flee to Switzerland, and paid a smuggler who abandoned them in the mountains, separating them and leaving them lost in the snow.
Having partially recovered his memory, Guy Roland goes to look for Freddie, who went to live in Polynesia after the war. When he arrives in Bora Bora, he learns that Freddie has disappeared, either lost at sea or by choice. At the end of the novel he is about to follow the last clue that remains to his past: an address in the Via della Botteghe Obscure in Rome, where Jimmy Pedro Stern is recorded as having lived in the 1930s.
Guy Roland - The story's protagonist. He lost his memory during the war. He works as a private detective and tries to recover his past throughout the novel.
Constantin van Hutte - The head of the detective agency who gives Guy his new identity. He retires to Nice early in the story.
Paul Sonachidtze - Guy's starting point on his journey.
Jean Heurteur - A restaurateur and friend of Sonachidze's.
Mr. Styoppa de Dzhagorev - A Russian immigrant.
Gay Orlov - Another Russian immigrant. Died of a drug overdose.
Waldo Blunt - The pianist husband of Gay Orlov.
Claude Howard de Luz - Cousin of Freddie Howard de Luz.
Freddie (Alfred Jean) Howard de Luz - friend of Pedro. A confidant of John Gilbert. Second husband of Gay Orlov.
Robert - Groundskeeper of the Howard de Luz estate.
Denise Coudreuse - French model and the protagonist's girlfriend during the war.
Rue des boutiques obscures, « Blanche » collection, Gallimard, 1978, ()
Rue des boutiques obscures, « Folio » collection, Gallimard (nº 1358), 1982, ()
Missing Person, translated by Daniel Weissbort, Jonathan Cape, 1980 (); David R. Godine, 2004 ()
Rue des boutiques obscures, « Folio » collection, Gallimard, 2014, ()
Category:1978 French novels
Category:French crime novels
Category:Detective novels
Category:Novels set in Paris
Category:Prix Goncourt winning works | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} |
From Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern, edited by Charles Dudley Warner, 1896
In 1692 the small Puritan village of Salem, Massachusetts, was plagued by a sudden and brief cloud of witchcraft accusations. After young girls Betty Parris and Abigail Williams exhibited severe convulsions and other strange symptoms, village doctor William Griggs diagnosed them as having been bewitched. Soon after, other townspeople began showing similar symptoms. That’s when the accusations started flying. The town quickly decided that they were going to search for, and execute, all the witches of Salem. By the end of the trials in May 1693, 19 people had been hanged, one had been crushed by stones, and four had died in prison—all accused of being witches. Three hundred years later, we’re still asking: Did witches really haunt the town of Salem? Or was another devil at work?
In 1976 Dr. Linnda Caporael of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute found evidence that supported the latter hypothesis. Caporael proposed that perhaps the brief and intense illnesses suffered by so many of the townspeople were not bewitchment but rather ergotism, a disease commonly contracted by rye. Later, other historians agreed: ergotism was not only an interesting theory but also had some footing. Could all of the crazy happenings in Salem really be explained by some rotted rye?
Surprisingly, a lot of them can. With the exception of a few events (which are typically attributed to groupthink and the power of suggestion), the behavior exhibited in 1692 fits the bill of rye-induced ergotism. Ergotism forms in rye after a severe winter and a damp spring—conditions that Caporael and other historians claim were present in 1691 and therefore affected the rye harvested for consumption in 1692. After the rye plant contracts ergot, the fungus grows and replaces shoots on the grain with sclerotia. Ergot sclerotia are purple-black growths that contain lysergic acid and ergotamine. Since medical knowledge was sparse, the presence of darker shoots on rye was probably thought to be the product of overexposure to the sun, so it was most likely eaten despite being poisonous.
Once contracted from rye bread, ergotism (also called St. Anthony’s fire) causes severe convulsions, muscle spasms, delusions, the sensation of crawling under the skin, and, in extreme cases, gangrene of the extremities. Severe hallucinations can also be a symptom, as lysergic acid is the substance from which the drug LSD is synthesized. These symptoms were the same as those shown by the accused in Salem: mostly young girls whose immune systems had not fully developed, leaving them susceptible to diseases such as ergotism. The village doctor, being religious and, so the theory goes, unaware of ergotism as a disease, attributed the strange symptoms to a known evil: witchcraft. He claimed that the girls had fallen victim to the evils of witchcraft, and the girls went along with it. The rest of the townsfolk fell victim to suggestibility, and thus the trials commenced, with accusations of witchcraft being targeted at the outcasts of society by those who were afflicted. According to this theory, the abrupt end of the witch trials in May 1693 happened, quite simply, because Salem ran out of ergot-contaminated grain.
There is, however, still much debate over whether or not this theory should be accepted. Many social psychologists insist that the actions of the girls can be attributed to social and political unrest and that ergotism doesn’t factor into certain social aspects that could explain what really happened. Such aspects include Reverend Parris’s possible ulterior motives and the immense amount of stress put on the population during 1692 due to a smallpox outbreak and a quickly expanding population. Unfortunately, we will probably never know exactly what happened in Salem during the witch trials. All sides of the argument agree, however, that there was probably nothing supernatural at work. According to some people, the real evil might have been on the supper table. | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} |
How do I move a computer from one account to another?https://help.logmein.com/articles/en_US/FAQ/How-can-I-move-my-computer-from-one-account-to-another-en1
Sun Jun 07 09:22:47 GMT 2020Sun Jun 07 09:22:47 GMT 2020How do I move a computer from one account to another?https://help.logmein.com/articles/en_US/FAQ/How-can-I-move-my-computer-from-one-account-to-another-en1
How-can-I-move-my-computer-from-one-account-to-another-en1Wed Feb 18 11:38:06 GMT 2015 | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Application of Multiplex Biomarker Approaches to Accelerate Drug Discovery and Development.
Multiplex biomarker tests are becoming an essential part of the drug development process. This chapter explores the role of biomarker-based tests as effective tools in improving preclinical research and clinical development, and the challenges that this presents. The potential of incorporating biomarkers in the clinical pipeline to improve decision making, accelerate drug development, improve translation, and reduce development costs is discussed. This chapter also discusses the latest biomarker technologies in use to make this possible and details the next steps that must undertaken to keep driving this process forwards. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
Why do the following program leaks memory?
I tried to write my first GTK+-program. Compilation went fine but valgrind says that there are memory leaks. I'm unable to find those so could anyone say what am I doing wrong? Or is it possible at all to write graphical Linux programs without memory leaks?
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
GtkWidget* window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(window), "Hello World");
gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(window), 60);
GtkWidget* label = gtk_label_new("Hello, world!");
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), label);
g_signal_connect(window, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(gtk_main_quit), NULL);
return 0;
gcc -Wall gtkhello.c -o gtkhello $(pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0)
valgrind -v ./gtkhello
==9395== HEAP SUMMARY:
==9395== in use at exit: 538,930 bytes in 6,547 blocks
==9395== total heap usage: 21,434 allocs, 14,887 frees, 2,964,543 bytes allocated
==9395== Searching for pointers to 6,547 not-freed blocks
==9395== Checked 949,656 bytes
==9395== LEAK SUMMARY:
==9395== definitely lost: 4,480 bytes in 30 blocks
==9395== indirectly lost: 5,160 bytes in 256 blocks
==9395== possibly lost: 180,879 bytes in 1,716 blocks
==9395== still reachable: 348,411 bytes in 4,545 blocks
==9395== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==9395== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==9395== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
==9395== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
You're not doing anything wrong. GTK widgets use reference counting, but in your programme all the references are taken care of, so you're not (manually) leaking anything.
So why does Valgrind claim you are?
Firstly, GLib has its own "slab" memory allocator, called GSlice, which is generally faster than system malloc for small allocations. Unfortunately, it confuses Valgrind, but if you set the environment variable G_SLICE=always-malloc, GSlice is effectively turned off.
Secondly, you can set the G_DEBUG=gc-friendly, which is supposed to help Valgrind produce more accurate results (although it my experience it generally doesn't make any difference).
Both of these environment variables are listed in the GLib documentation.
Unfortunately, even if you do both of these things, Valgrind will still report that your app leaks memory. The reason for this is that GTK (and its underlying libraries) allocate some "static" memory at start-up that doesn't get freed until the programme quits. This isn't really a problem, because typically the programme ends as soon as gtk_main() returns, and then the OS frees any remaining resources, so you're not really leaking anything. Valgrind thinks you are though, and for this reason it would be nice to have a gtk_deinit() function, but sadly there isn't one.
The best you can do instead is to teach Valgrind to ignore these things, via a suppressions file. The Valgrind page on the Gnome Wiki has details on all this and more.
| {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} |
// CivOne
// To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with
// CivOne has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights
// to CivOne.
// You should have received a copy of the CC0 legalcode along with this
// work. If not, see <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
using CivOne.Enums;
using CivOne.Graphics;
using CivOne.IO;
namespace CivOne.Screens
internal class GameOver : BaseScreen
private readonly Picture _background;
private readonly string[] _textLines;
private int _currentLine = 0;
private int _lineTick = 0;
protected override bool HasUpdate(uint gameTick)
if (gameTick % 10 != 0) return false;
if (_lineTick % 6 != 0) return false;
if (_textLines.Length <= _currentLine)
return true;
.DrawText(_textLines[_currentLine], 5, 15, 159, 7, TextAlign.Center)
.DrawText(_textLines[_currentLine], 5, 13, 159, 9, TextAlign.Center)
.DrawText(_textLines[_currentLine], 5, 14, 159, 8, TextAlign.Center);
return true;
public GameOver()
_background = Resources["ARCH"];
Palette = _background.Palette;
// Load text and replace strings
_textLines = TextFile.Instance.GetGameText("KING/ARCH");
for (int i = 0; i < _textLines.Length; i++)
_textLines[i] = _textLines[i].Replace("$RPLC1", Human.LatestAdvance).Replace("$US", Human.LeaderName.ToUpper()).Replace("^", "");
} | {
"pile_set_name": "Github"
} |
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. (See <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html>.)
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// "liveMedia"
// Copyright (c) 1996-2014 Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
// A parser for an Ogg file.
// Implementation
#include "OggFileParser.hh"
#include "OggDemuxedTrack.hh"
#include <GroupsockHelper.hh> // for "gettimeofday()
PacketSizeTable::PacketSizeTable(unsigned number_page_segments)
: numCompletedPackets(0), totSizes(0), nextPacketNumToDeliver(0),
lastPacketIsIncomplete(False) {
size = new unsigned[number_page_segments];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < number_page_segments; ++i) size[i] = 0;
PacketSizeTable::~PacketSizeTable() {
delete[] size;
OggFileParser::OggFileParser(OggFile& ourFile, FramedSource* inputSource,
FramedSource::onCloseFunc* onEndFunc, void* onEndClientData,
OggDemux* ourDemux)
: StreamParser(inputSource, onEndFunc, onEndClientData, continueParsing, this),
fOurFile(ourFile), fInputSource(inputSource),
fOnEndFunc(onEndFunc), fOnEndClientData(onEndClientData),
fOurDemux(ourDemux), fNumUnfulfilledTracks(0),
fPacketSizeTable(NULL), fCurrentTrackNumber(0), fSavedPacket(NULL) {
if (ourDemux == NULL) {
// Initialization
fCurrentParseState = PARSING_START_OF_FILE;
} else {
// In this case, parsing (of page data) doesn't start until a client starts reading from a track.
OggFileParser::~OggFileParser() {
delete[] fSavedPacket;
delete fPacketSizeTable;
void OggFileParser::continueParsing(void* clientData, unsigned char* ptr, unsigned size, struct timeval presentationTime) {
void OggFileParser::continueParsing() {
if (fInputSource != NULL) {
if (fInputSource->isCurrentlyAwaitingData()) return;
// Our input source is currently being read. Wait until that read completes
if (!parse()) {
// We didn't complete the parsing, because we had to read more data from the source,
// or because we're waiting for another read from downstream.
// Once that happens, we'll get called again.
// We successfully parsed the file. Call our 'done' function now:
if (fOnEndFunc != NULL) (*fOnEndFunc)(fOnEndClientData);
Boolean OggFileParser::parse() {
try {
while (1) {
switch (fCurrentParseState) {
if (parseStartOfFile()) return True;
if (deliverPacketWithinPage()) return False;
} catch (int /*e*/) {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "OggFileParser::parse() EXCEPTION (This is normal behavior - *not* an error)\n");
return False; // the parsing got interrupted
Boolean OggFileParser::parseStartOfFile() {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "parsing start of file\n");
// Read and parse each 'page', until we see the first non-BOS page, or until we have
// collected all required headers for Vorbis, Theora, or Opus track(s) (if any).
u_int8_t header_type_flag;
do {
header_type_flag = parseInitialPage();
} while ((header_type_flag&0x02) != 0 || needHeaders());
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "Finished parsing start of file\n");
return True;
static u_int32_t byteSwap(u_int32_t x) {
return (x<<24)|((x<<8)&0x00FF0000)|((x>>8)&0x0000FF00)|(x>>24);
u_int8_t OggFileParser::parseInitialPage() {
u_int8_t header_type_flag;
u_int32_t bitstream_serial_number;
parseStartOfPage(header_type_flag, bitstream_serial_number);
// If this is a BOS page, examine the first 8 bytes of the first 'packet', to see whether
// the track data type is one that we know how to stream:
OggTrack* track;
if ((header_type_flag&0x02) != 0) { // BOS
char const* mimeType = NULL; // if unknown
if (fPacketSizeTable != NULL && fPacketSizeTable->size[0] >= 8) { // sanity check
char buf[8];
testBytes((u_int8_t*)buf, 8);
if (strncmp(&buf[1], "vorbis", 6) == 0) {
mimeType = "audio/VORBIS";
} else if (strncmp(buf, "OpusHead", 8) == 0) {
mimeType = "audio/OPUS";
} else if (strncmp(&buf[1], "theora", 6) == 0) {
mimeType = "video/THEORA";
// Add a new track descriptor for this track:
track = new OggTrack;
track->trackNumber = bitstream_serial_number;
track->mimeType = mimeType;
} else { // not a BOS page
// Because this is not a BOS page, the specified track should already have been seen:
track = fOurFile.lookup(bitstream_serial_number);
if (track != NULL) { // sanity check
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "This track's MIME type: %s\n",
track->mimeType == NULL ? "(unknown)" : track->mimeType);
if (track->mimeType != NULL &&
(strcmp(track->mimeType, "audio/VORBIS") == 0 ||
strcmp(track->mimeType, "video/THEORA") == 0 ||
strcmp(track->mimeType, "audio/OPUS") == 0)) {
// Special-case handling of Vorbis, Theora, or Opus tracks:
// Make a copy of each packet, until we get the three special headers that we need:
Boolean isVorbis = strcmp(track->mimeType, "audio/VORBIS") == 0;
Boolean isTheora = strcmp(track->mimeType, "video/THEORA") == 0;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < fPacketSizeTable->numCompletedPackets && track->weNeedHeaders(); ++j) {
unsigned const packetSize = fPacketSizeTable->size[j];
if (packetSize == 0) continue; // sanity check
delete[] fSavedPacket/*if any*/; fSavedPacket = new u_int8_t[packetSize];
getBytes(fSavedPacket, packetSize);
fPacketSizeTable->totSizes -= packetSize;
// The start of the packet tells us whether its a header that we know about:
Boolean headerIsKnown = False;
unsigned index = 0;
if (isVorbis) {
u_int8_t const firstByte = fSavedPacket[0];
headerIsKnown = firstByte == 1 || firstByte == 3 || firstByte == 5;
index = (firstByte-1)/2; // 1, 3, or 5 => 0, 1, or 2
} else if (isTheora) {
u_int8_t const firstByte = fSavedPacket[0];
headerIsKnown = firstByte == 0x80 || firstByte == 0x81 || firstByte == 0x82;
index = firstByte &~0x80; // 0x80, 0x81, or 0x82 => 0, 1, or 2
} else { // Opus
if (strncmp((char const*)fSavedPacket, "OpusHead", 8) == 0) {
headerIsKnown = True;
index = 0; // "identification" header
} else if (strncmp((char const*)fSavedPacket, "OpusTags", 8) == 0) {
headerIsKnown = True;
index = 1; // "comment" header
if (headerIsKnown) {
#ifdef DEBUG
char const* headerName[3] = { "identification", "comment", "setup" };
fprintf(stderr, "Saved %d-byte %s \"%s\" header\n", packetSize, track->mimeType,
// This is a header, but first check it for validity:
if (!validateHeader(track, fSavedPacket, packetSize)) continue;
// Save this header (deleting any old header of the same type that we'd saved before)
delete[] track->vtoHdrs.header[index];
track->vtoHdrs.header[index] = fSavedPacket;
fSavedPacket = NULL;
track->vtoHdrs.headerSize[index] = packetSize;
if (!track->weNeedHeaders()) {
// We now have all of the needed Vorbis, Theora, or Opus headers for this track:
// Note: The above code won't work if a required header is fragmented over
// more than one 'page'. We assume that that won't ever happen...
// Skip over any remaining packet data bytes:
if (fPacketSizeTable->totSizes > 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "Skipping %d remaining packet data bytes\n", fPacketSizeTable->totSizes);
return header_type_flag;
// A simple bit vector class for reading bits in little-endian order.
// (We can't use our usual "BitVector" class, because that's big-endian.)
class LEBitVector {
LEBitVector(u_int8_t const* p, unsigned numBytes)
: fPtr(p), fEnd(&p[numBytes]), fNumBitsRemainingInCurrentByte(8) {
u_int32_t getBits(unsigned numBits/*<=32*/) {
if (noMoreBits()) {
return 0;
} else if (numBits == fNumBitsRemainingInCurrentByte) {
u_int32_t result = (*fPtr++)>>(8-fNumBitsRemainingInCurrentByte);
fNumBitsRemainingInCurrentByte = 8;
return result;
} else if (numBits < fNumBitsRemainingInCurrentByte) {
u_int8_t mask = 0xFF>>(8-numBits);
u_int32_t result = ((*fPtr)>>(8-fNumBitsRemainingInCurrentByte)) & mask;
fNumBitsRemainingInCurrentByte -= numBits;
return result;
} else { // numBits > fNumBitsRemainingInCurrentByte
// Do two recursive calls to get the result:
unsigned nbr = fNumBitsRemainingInCurrentByte;
u_int32_t firstBits = getBits(nbr);
u_int32_t nextBits = getBits(numBits - nbr);
return (nextBits<<nbr) | firstBits;
void skipBits(unsigned numBits) {
while (numBits > 32) {
numBits -= 32;
unsigned numBitsRemaining() { return (fEnd-fPtr-1)*8 + fNumBitsRemainingInCurrentByte; }
Boolean noMoreBits() const { return fPtr >= fEnd; }
u_int8_t const* fPtr;
u_int8_t const* fEnd;
unsigned fNumBitsRemainingInCurrentByte; // 1..8
static unsigned ilog(int n) {
if (n < 0) return 0;
unsigned x = (unsigned)n;
unsigned result = 0;
while (x > 0) {
x >>= 1;
return result;
static unsigned lookup1_values(unsigned codebook_entries, unsigned codebook_dimensions) {
// "the greatest integer value for which [return_value] to the power of [codebook_dimensions]
// is less than or equal to [codebook_entries]"
unsigned return_value = 0;
unsigned powerValue;
do {
// Compute powerValue = return_value ** codebook_dimensions
if (return_value == 1) powerValue = 1; // optimization
else {
powerValue = 1;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < codebook_dimensions; ++i) {
powerValue *= return_value;
} while (powerValue <= codebook_entries);
return_value -= 1;
return return_value;
static Boolean parseVorbisSetup_codebook(LEBitVector& bv) {
if (bv.noMoreBits()) return False;
unsigned sync = bv.getBits(24);
if (sync != 0x564342) return False;
unsigned codebook_dimensions = bv.getBits(16);
unsigned codebook_entries = bv.getBits(24);
unsigned ordered = bv.getBits(1);
fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\tcodebook_dimensions: %d; codebook_entries: %d, ordered: %d\n",
codebook_dimensions, codebook_entries, ordered);
unsigned codewordLength;
if (!ordered) {
unsigned sparse = bv.getBits(1);
fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t!ordered: sparse %d\n", sparse);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < codebook_entries; ++i) {
if (sparse) {
unsigned flag = bv.getBits(1);
if (flag) {
codewordLength = bv.getBits(5) + 1;
} else {
codewordLength = 0;
} else {
codewordLength = bv.getBits(5) + 1;
fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t\tcodeword length[%d]:\t%d\n", i, codewordLength);
} else { // ordered
fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\tordered:\n");
unsigned current_entry = 0;
unsigned current_length = bv.getBits(5) + 1;
do {
unsigned number = bv.getBits(ilog(codebook_entries - current_entry));
fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t\tcodeword length[%d..%d]:\t%d\n",
current_entry, current_entry + number - 1, current_length);
current_entry += number;
if (current_entry > codebook_entries) {
fprintf(stderr, "Vorbis codebook parsing error: current_entry %d > codebook_entries %d!\n", current_entry, codebook_entries);
return False;
} while (current_entry < codebook_entries);
unsigned codebook_lookup_type = bv.getBits(4);
fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\tcodebook_lookup_type: %d\n", codebook_lookup_type);
if (codebook_lookup_type > 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Vorbis codebook parsing error: codebook_lookup_type %d!\n", codebook_lookup_type);
return False;
} else if (codebook_lookup_type > 0) { // 1 or 2
bv.skipBits(32+32); // "codebook_minimum_value" and "codebook_delta_value"
unsigned codebook_value_bits = bv.getBits(4) + 1;
bv.skipBits(1); // "codebook_lookup_p"
unsigned codebook_lookup_values;
if (codebook_lookup_type == 1) {
codebook_lookup_values = lookup1_values(codebook_entries, codebook_dimensions);
} else { // 2
codebook_lookup_values = codebook_entries*codebook_dimensions;
bv.skipBits(codebook_lookup_values*codebook_value_bits); // "codebook_multiplicands"
return True;
static Boolean parseVorbisSetup_codebooks(LEBitVector& bv) {
if (bv.noMoreBits()) return False;
unsigned vorbis_codebook_count = bv.getBits(8) + 1;
fprintf(stderr, "\tCodebooks: vorbis_codebook_count: %d\n", vorbis_codebook_count);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < vorbis_codebook_count; ++i) {
fprintf(stderr, "\t\tCodebook %d:\n", i);
if (!parseVorbisSetup_codebook(bv)) return False;
return True;
static Boolean parseVorbisSetup_timeDomainTransforms(LEBitVector& bv) {
if (bv.noMoreBits()) return False;
unsigned vorbis_time_count = bv.getBits(6) + 1;
fprintf(stderr, "\tTime domain transforms: vorbis_time_count: %d\n", vorbis_time_count);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < vorbis_time_count; ++i) {
unsigned val = bv.getBits(16);
if (val != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Vorbis Time domain transforms, read non-zero value %d\n", val);
return False;
return True;
static Boolean parseVorbisSetup_floors(LEBitVector& bv) {
if (bv.noMoreBits()) return False;
unsigned vorbis_floor_count = bv.getBits(6) + 1;
fprintf(stderr, "\tFloors: vorbis_floor_count: %d\n", vorbis_floor_count);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < vorbis_floor_count; ++i) {
unsigned floorType = bv.getBits(16);
if (floorType == 0) {
unsigned floor0_number_of_books = bv.getBits(4) + 1;
} else if (floorType == 1) {
unsigned floor1_partitions = bv.getBits(5);
unsigned* floor1_partition_class_list = new unsigned[floor1_partitions];
unsigned maximum_class = 0, j;
for (j = 0; j < floor1_partitions; ++j) {
floor1_partition_class_list[j] = bv.getBits(4);
if (floor1_partition_class_list[j] > maximum_class) maximum_class = floor1_partition_class_list[j];
unsigned* floor1_class_dimensions = new unsigned[maximum_class + 1];
for (j = 0; j <= maximum_class; ++j) {
floor1_class_dimensions[j] = bv.getBits(3) + 1;
unsigned floor1_class_subclasses = bv.getBits(2);
if (floor1_class_subclasses != 0) {
bv.skipBits(8); // "floor1_class_masterbooks[j]"
unsigned twoExp_floor1_class_subclasses = 1 << floor1_class_subclasses;
bv.skipBits(twoExp_floor1_class_subclasses*8); // "floor1_subclass_books[j][*]"
bv.skipBits(2); // "floor1_multiplier"
unsigned rangebits = bv.getBits(4);
for (j = 0; j < floor1_partitions; ++j) {
unsigned current_class_number = floor1_partition_class_list[j];
bv.skipBits(floor1_class_dimensions[current_class_number] * rangebits);
delete[] floor1_partition_class_list;
delete[] floor1_class_dimensions;
} else { // floorType > 1
fprintf(stderr, "Vorbis Floors, read bad floor type %d\n", floorType);
return False;
return True;
static Boolean parseVorbisSetup_residues(LEBitVector& bv) {
if (bv.noMoreBits()) return False;
unsigned vorbis_residue_count = bv.getBits(6) + 1;
fprintf(stderr, "\tResidues: vorbis_residue_count: %d\n", vorbis_residue_count);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < vorbis_residue_count; ++i) {
unsigned vorbis_residue_type = bv.getBits(16);
if (vorbis_residue_type > 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Vorbis Residues, read bad vorbis_residue_type: %d\n", vorbis_residue_type);
return False;
} else {
bv.skipBits(24+24+24); // "residue_begin", "residue_end", "residue_partition_size"
unsigned residue_classifications = bv.getBits(6) + 1;
bv.skipBits(8); // "residue_classbook"
u_int8_t* residue_cascade = new u_int8_t[residue_classifications];
unsigned j;
for (j = 0; j < residue_classifications; ++j) {
u_int8_t high_bits = 0;
u_int8_t low_bits = bv.getBits(3);
unsigned bitflag = bv.getBits(1);
if (bitflag) {
high_bits = bv.getBits(5);
residue_cascade[j] = (high_bits<<3) | low_bits;
for (j = 0; j < residue_classifications; ++j) {
u_int8_t const cascade = residue_cascade[j];
u_int8_t mask = 0x80;
while (mask != 0) {
if ((cascade&mask) != 0) bv.skipBits(8); // "residue_books[j][*]"
mask >>= 1;
delete[] residue_cascade;
return True;
static Boolean parseVorbisSetup_mappings(LEBitVector& bv, unsigned audio_channels) {
if (bv.noMoreBits()) return False;
unsigned vorbis_mapping_count = bv.getBits(6) + 1;
fprintf(stderr, "\tMappings: vorbis_mapping_count: %d\n", vorbis_mapping_count);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < vorbis_mapping_count; ++i) {
unsigned vorbis_mapping_type = bv.getBits(16);
if (vorbis_mapping_type != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Vorbis Mappings, read bad vorbis_mapping_type: %d\n", vorbis_mapping_type);
return False;
unsigned vorbis_mapping_submaps = 1;
if (bv.getBits(1)) vorbis_mapping_submaps = bv.getBits(4) + 1;
if (bv.getBits(1)) { // "square polar channel mapping is in use"
unsigned vorbis_mapping_coupling_steps = bv.getBits(8) + 1;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < vorbis_mapping_coupling_steps; ++j) {
unsigned ilog_audio_channels_minus_1 = ilog(audio_channels - 1);
bv.skipBits(2*ilog_audio_channels_minus_1); // "vorbis_mapping_magnitude", "vorbis_mapping_angle"
unsigned reserved = bv.getBits(2);
if (reserved != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Vorbis Mappings, read bad 'reserved' field\n");
return False;
if (vorbis_mapping_submaps > 1) {
for (unsigned j = 0; j < audio_channels; ++j) {
unsigned vorbis_mapping_mux = bv.getBits(4);
fprintf(stderr, "\t\t\t\tvorbis_mapping_mux[%d]: %d\n", j, vorbis_mapping_mux);
if (vorbis_mapping_mux >= vorbis_mapping_submaps) {
fprintf(stderr, "Vorbis Mappings, read bad \"vorbis_mapping_mux\" %d (>= \"vorbis_mapping_submaps\" %d)\n", vorbis_mapping_mux, vorbis_mapping_submaps);
return False;
bv.skipBits(vorbis_mapping_submaps*(8+8+8)); // "the floor and residue numbers"
return True;
static Boolean parseVorbisSetup_modes(LEBitVector& bv, OggTrack* track) {
if (bv.noMoreBits()) return False;
unsigned vorbis_mode_count = bv.getBits(6) + 1;
unsigned ilog_vorbis_mode_count_minus_1 = ilog(vorbis_mode_count - 1);
fprintf(stderr, "\tModes: vorbis_mode_count: %d (ilog(%d-1):%d)\n",
vorbis_mode_count, vorbis_mode_count, ilog_vorbis_mode_count_minus_1);
track->vtoHdrs.vorbis_mode_count = vorbis_mode_count;
track->vtoHdrs.ilog_vorbis_mode_count_minus_1 = ilog_vorbis_mode_count_minus_1;
track->vtoHdrs.vorbis_mode_blockflag = new u_int8_t[vorbis_mode_count];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < vorbis_mode_count; ++i) {
track->vtoHdrs.vorbis_mode_blockflag[i] = (u_int8_t)bv.getBits(1);
fprintf(stderr, "\t\tMode %d: vorbis_mode_blockflag: %d\n", i, track->vtoHdrs.vorbis_mode_blockflag[i]);
bv.skipBits(16+16+8); // "vorbis_mode_windowtype", "vorbis_mode_transformtype", "vorbis_mode_mapping"
return True;
static Boolean parseVorbisSetupHeader(OggTrack* track, u_int8_t const* p, unsigned headerSize) {
LEBitVector bv(p, headerSize);
do {
if (!parseVorbisSetup_codebooks(bv)) break;
if (!parseVorbisSetup_timeDomainTransforms(bv)) break;
if (!parseVorbisSetup_floors(bv)) break;
if (!parseVorbisSetup_residues(bv)) break;
if (!parseVorbisSetup_mappings(bv, track->numChannels)) break;
if (!parseVorbisSetup_modes(bv, track)) break;
unsigned framingFlag = bv.getBits(1);
if (framingFlag == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Vorbis \"setup\" header did not end with a 'framing flag'!\n");
return True;
} while (0);
// An error occurred:
return False;
#ifdef DEBUG
#define CHECK_PTR if (p >= pEnd) return False
#define printComment(p, len) do { for (unsigned k = 0; k < len; ++k) { CHECK_PTR; fprintf(stderr, "%c", *p++); } } while (0)
static Boolean validateCommentHeader(u_int8_t const *p, unsigned headerSize,
unsigned isOpus = 0) {
if (headerSize < 15+isOpus) { // need 7+isOpus + 4(vendor_length) + 4(user_comment_list_length)
fprintf(stderr, "\"comment\" header is too short (%d bytes)\n", headerSize);
return False;
#ifdef DEBUG
u_int8_t const* pEnd = &p[headerSize];
p += 7+isOpus;
u_int32_t vendor_length = (p[3]<<24)|(p[2]<<16)|(p[1]<<8)|p[0]; p += 4;
fprintf(stderr, "\tvendor_string:");
printComment(p, vendor_length);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
u_int32_t user_comment_list_length = (p[3]<<24)|(p[2]<<16)|(p[1]<<8)|p[0]; p += 4;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < user_comment_list_length; ++i) {
CHECK_PTR; u_int32_t length = (p[3]<<24)|(p[2]<<16)|(p[1]<<8)|p[0]; p += 4;
fprintf(stderr, "\tuser_comment[%d]:", i);
printComment(p, length);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
return True;
static unsigned blocksizeFromExponent(unsigned exponent) {
unsigned result = 1;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < exponent; ++i) result = 2*result;
return result;
Boolean OggFileParser::validateHeader(OggTrack* track, u_int8_t const* p, unsigned headerSize) {
// Assert: headerSize >= 7 (because we've already checked "<packet_type>XXXXXX" or "OpusXXXX")
if (strcmp(track->mimeType, "audio/VORBIS") == 0) {
u_int8_t const firstByte = p[0];
if (firstByte == 1) { // "identification" header
if (headerSize < 30) {
fprintf(stderr, "Vorbis \"identification\" header is too short (%d bytes)\n", headerSize);
return False;
} else if ((p[29]&0x1) != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Vorbis \"identification\" header: 'framing_flag' is not set\n");
return False;
p += 7;
u_int32_t vorbis_version = (p[3]<<24)|(p[2]<<16)|(p[1]<<8)|p[0]; p += 4;
if (vorbis_version != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Vorbis \"identification\" header has a bad 'vorbis_version': 0x%08x\n", vorbis_version);
return False;
u_int8_t audio_channels = *p++;
if (audio_channels == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Vorbis \"identification\" header: 'audio_channels' is 0!\n");
return False;
track->numChannels = audio_channels;
u_int32_t audio_sample_rate = (p[3]<<24)|(p[2]<<16)|(p[1]<<8)|p[0]; p += 4;
if (audio_sample_rate == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Vorbis \"identification\" header: 'audio_sample_rate' is 0!\n");
return False;
track->samplingFrequency = audio_sample_rate;
p += 4; // skip over 'bitrate_maximum'
u_int32_t bitrate_nominal = (p[3]<<24)|(p[2]<<16)|(p[1]<<8)|p[0]; p += 4;
if (bitrate_nominal > 0) track->estBitrate = (bitrate_nominal+500)/1000; // round
p += 4; // skip over 'bitrate_maximum'
// Note the two 'block sizes' (samples per packet), and their durations in microseconds:
u_int8_t blocksizeBits = *p++;
unsigned& blocksize_0 = track->vtoHdrs.blocksize[0]; // alias
unsigned& blocksize_1 = track->vtoHdrs.blocksize[1]; // alias
blocksize_0 = blocksizeFromExponent(blocksizeBits&0x0F);
blocksize_1 = blocksizeFromExponent(blocksizeBits>>4);
double uSecsPerSample = 1000000.0/(track->samplingFrequency*2);
// Why the "2"? I don't know, but it seems to be necessary
track->vtoHdrs.uSecsPerPacket[0] = (unsigned)(uSecsPerSample*blocksize_0);
track->vtoHdrs.uSecsPerPacket[1] = (unsigned)(uSecsPerSample*blocksize_1);
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "\t%u Hz, %u-channel, %u kbps (est), block sizes: %u,%u (%u,%u us)\n",
track->samplingFrequency, track->numChannels, track->estBitrate,
blocksize_0, blocksize_1,
track->vtoHdrs.uSecsPerPacket[0], track->vtoHdrs.uSecsPerPacket[1]);
// To be valid, "blocksize_0" must be <= "blocksize_1", and both must be in [64,8192]:
if (!(blocksize_0 <= blocksize_1 && blocksize_0 >= 64 && blocksize_1 <= 8192)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid Vorbis \"blocksize_0\" (%d) and/or \"blocksize_1\" (%d)!\n",
blocksize_0, blocksize_1);
return False;
} else if (firstByte == 3) { // "comment" header
if (!validateCommentHeader(p, headerSize)) return False;
} else if (firstByte == 5) { // "setup" header
// Parse the "setup" header to get the values that we want:
// "vorbis_mode_count", and "vorbis_mode_blockflag" for each mode. Unfortunately these come
// near the end of the header, so we have to parse lots of other crap first.
p += 7;
if (!parseVorbisSetupHeader(track, p, headerSize)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse Vorbis \"setup\" header!\n");
return False;
} else if (strcmp(track->mimeType, "video/THEORA") == 0) {
u_int8_t const firstByte = p[0];
if (firstByte == 0x80) { // "identification" header
if (headerSize < 42) {
fprintf(stderr, "Theora \"identification\" header is too short (%d bytes)\n", headerSize);
return False;
} else if ((p[41]&0x7) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Theora \"identification\" header: 'res' bits are non-zero\n");
return False;
track->vtoHdrs.KFGSHIFT = ((p[40]&3)<<3) | (p[41]>>5);
u_int32_t FRN = (p[22]<<24) | (p[23]<<16) | (p[24]<<8) | p[25]; // Frame rate numerator
u_int32_t FRD = (p[26]<<24) | (p[27]<<16) | (p[28]<<8) | p[29]; // Frame rate numerator
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "\tKFGSHIFT %d, Frame rate numerator %d, Frame rate denominator %d\n", track->vtoHdrs.KFGSHIFT, FRN, FRD);
if (FRN == 0 || FRD == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Theora \"identification\" header: Bad FRN and/or FRD values: %d, %d\n", FRN, FRD);
return False;
track->vtoHdrs.uSecsPerFrame = (unsigned)((1000000.0*FRD)/FRN);
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "\t\t=> %u microseconds per frame\n", track->vtoHdrs.uSecsPerFrame);
} else if (firstByte == 0x81) { // "comment" header
if (!validateCommentHeader(p, headerSize)) return False;
} else if (firstByte == 0x82) { // "setup" header
// We don't care about the contents of the Theora "setup" header; just assume it's valid
} else { // Opus audio
if (strncmp((char const*)p, "OpusHead", 8) == 0) { // "identification" header
// Just check the size, and the 'major' number of the version byte:
if (headerSize < 19 || (p[8]&0xF0) != 0) return False;
} else { // comment header
if (!validateCommentHeader(p, headerSize, 1/*isOpus*/)) return False;
return True;
void OggFileParser::parseAndDeliverPages() {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "parsing and delivering data\n");
while (parseAndDeliverPage()) {}
Boolean OggFileParser::parseAndDeliverPage() {
u_int8_t header_type_flag;
u_int32_t bitstream_serial_number;
parseStartOfPage(header_type_flag, bitstream_serial_number);
OggDemuxedTrack* demuxedTrack = fOurDemux->lookupDemuxedTrack(bitstream_serial_number);
if (demuxedTrack == NULL) { // this track is not being read
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "\tIgnoring page from unread track; skipping %d remaining packet data bytes\n",
return True;
} else if (fPacketSizeTable->totSizes == 0) {
// This page is empty (has no packets). Skip it and continue
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "\t[track: %s] Skipping empty page\n", demuxedTrack->MIMEtype());
return True;
// Start delivering packets next:
demuxedTrack->fCurrentPageIsContinuation = (header_type_flag&0x01) != 0;
fCurrentTrackNumber = bitstream_serial_number;
return False;
Boolean OggFileParser::deliverPacketWithinPage() {
OggDemuxedTrack* demuxedTrack = fOurDemux->lookupDemuxedTrack(fCurrentTrackNumber);
if (demuxedTrack == NULL) return False; // should not happen
unsigned packetNum = fPacketSizeTable->nextPacketNumToDeliver;
unsigned packetSize = fPacketSizeTable->size[packetNum];
if (!demuxedTrack->isCurrentlyAwaitingData()) {
// Someone has been reading this stream, but isn't right now.
// We can't deliver this frame until he asks for it, so punt for now.
// The next time he asks for a frame, he'll get it.
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "\t[track: %s] Deferring delivery of packet %d (%d bytes%s)\n",
demuxedTrack->MIMEtype(), packetNum, packetSize,
packetNum == fPacketSizeTable->numCompletedPackets ? " (incomplete)" : "");
return True;
// Deliver the next packet:
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "\t[track: %s] Delivering packet %d (%d bytes%s)\n", demuxedTrack->MIMEtype(),
packetNum, packetSize,
packetNum == fPacketSizeTable->numCompletedPackets ? " (incomplete)" : "");
unsigned numBytesDelivered
= packetSize < demuxedTrack->maxSize() ? packetSize : demuxedTrack->maxSize();
getBytes(demuxedTrack->to(), numBytesDelivered);
u_int8_t firstByte = numBytesDelivered > 0 ? demuxedTrack->to()[0] : 0x00;
u_int8_t secondByte = numBytesDelivered > 1 ? demuxedTrack->to()[1] : 0x00;
demuxedTrack->to() += numBytesDelivered;
if (demuxedTrack->fCurrentPageIsContinuation) { // the previous page's read was incomplete
demuxedTrack->frameSize() += numBytesDelivered;
} else {
// This is the first delivery for this "doGetNextFrame()" call.
demuxedTrack->frameSize() = numBytesDelivered;
if (packetSize > demuxedTrack->maxSize()) {
demuxedTrack->numTruncatedBytes() += packetSize - demuxedTrack->maxSize();
demuxedTrack->maxSize() -= numBytesDelivered;
// Figure out the duration and presentation time of this frame.
unsigned durationInMicroseconds;
OggTrack* track = fOurFile.lookup(demuxedTrack->fOurTrackNumber);
if (strcmp(track->mimeType, "audio/VORBIS") == 0) {
if ((firstByte&0x01) != 0) { // This is a header packet
durationInMicroseconds = 0;
} else { // This is a data packet.
// Parse the first byte to figure out its duration.
// Extract the next "track->vtoHdrs.ilog_vorbis_mode_count_minus_1" bits of the first byte:
u_int8_t const mask = 0xFE<<(track->vtoHdrs.ilog_vorbis_mode_count_minus_1);
u_int8_t const modeNumber = (firstByte&~mask)>>1;
if (modeNumber >= track->vtoHdrs.vorbis_mode_count) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Bad mode number %d (>= vorbis_mode_count %d) in Vorbis packet!\n",
modeNumber, track->vtoHdrs.vorbis_mode_count);
durationInMicroseconds = 0;
} else {
unsigned blockNumber = track->vtoHdrs.vorbis_mode_blockflag[modeNumber];
durationInMicroseconds = track->vtoHdrs.uSecsPerPacket[blockNumber];
} else if (strcmp(track->mimeType, "video/THEORA") == 0) {
if ((firstByte&0x80) != 0) { // This is a header packet
durationInMicroseconds = 0;
} else { // This is a data packet.
durationInMicroseconds = track->vtoHdrs.uSecsPerFrame;
} else { // "audio/OPUS"
if (firstByte == 0x4F/*'O'*/ && secondByte == 0x70/*'p*/) { // This is a header packet
durationInMicroseconds = 0;
} else { // This is a data packet.
// Parse the first byte to figure out the duration of each frame, and then (if necessary)
// parse the second byte to figure out how many frames are in this packet:
u_int8_t config = firstByte >> 3;
u_int8_t c = firstByte & 0x03;
unsigned const configDuration[32] = { // in microseconds
10000, 20000, 40000, 60000, // config 0..3
10000, 20000, 40000, 60000, // config 4..7
10000, 20000, 40000, 60000, // config 8..11
10000, 20000, // config 12..13
10000, 20000, // config 14..15
2500, 5000, 10000, 20000, // config 16..19
2500, 5000, 10000, 20000, // config 20..23
2500, 5000, 10000, 20000, // config 24..27
2500, 5000, 10000, 20000 // config 28..31
unsigned const numFramesInPacket = c == 0 ? 1 : c == 3 ? (secondByte&0x3F) : 2;
durationInMicroseconds = numFramesInPacket*configDuration[config];
if (demuxedTrack->nextPresentationTime().tv_sec == 0 && demuxedTrack->nextPresentationTime().tv_usec == 0) {
// This is the first delivery. Initialize "demuxedTrack->nextPresentationTime()":
gettimeofday(&demuxedTrack->nextPresentationTime(), NULL);
demuxedTrack->presentationTime() = demuxedTrack->nextPresentationTime();
demuxedTrack->durationInMicroseconds() = durationInMicroseconds;
demuxedTrack->nextPresentationTime().tv_usec += durationInMicroseconds;
while (demuxedTrack->nextPresentationTime().tv_usec >= 1000000) {
demuxedTrack->nextPresentationTime().tv_usec -= 1000000;
// And check whether there's a next packet in this page:
if (packetNum == fPacketSizeTable->numCompletedPackets) {
// This delivery was for an incomplete packet, at the end of the page.
// Return without completing delivery:
return False;
if (packetNum < fPacketSizeTable->numCompletedPackets-1
|| fPacketSizeTable->lastPacketIsIncomplete) {
// There is at least one more packet (possibly incomplete) left in this packet.
// Deliver it next:
} else {
// Start parsing a new page next:
FramedSource::afterGetting(demuxedTrack); // completes delivery
return True;
void OggFileParser::parseStartOfPage(u_int8_t& header_type_flag,
u_int32_t& bitstream_serial_number) {
// First, make sure we start with the 'capture_pattern': 0x4F676753 ('OggS'):
while (test4Bytes() != 0x4F676753) {
saveParserState(); // ensures forward progress through the file
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "\nSaw Ogg page header:\n");
u_int8_t stream_structure_version = get1Byte();
if (stream_structure_version != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Saw page with unknown Ogg file version number: 0x%02x\n", stream_structure_version);
header_type_flag = get1Byte();
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "\theader_type_flag: 0x%02x (", header_type_flag);
if (header_type_flag&0x01) fprintf(stderr, "continuation ");
if (header_type_flag&0x02) fprintf(stderr, "bos ");
if (header_type_flag&0x04) fprintf(stderr, "eos ");
fprintf(stderr, ")\n");
u_int32_t granule_position1 = byteSwap(get4Bytes());
u_int32_t granule_position2 = byteSwap(get4Bytes());
bitstream_serial_number = byteSwap(get4Bytes());
u_int32_t page_sequence_number = byteSwap(get4Bytes());
u_int32_t CRC_checksum = byteSwap(get4Bytes());
u_int8_t number_page_segments = get1Byte();
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "\tgranule_position 0x%08x%08x, bitstream_serial_number 0x%08x, page_sequence_number 0x%08x, CRC_checksum 0x%08x, number_page_segments %d\n", granule_position2, granule_position1, bitstream_serial_number, page_sequence_number, CRC_checksum, number_page_segments);
// Dummy statements to prevent 'unused variable' compiler warnings:
#define DUMMY_STATEMENT(x) do {x = x;} while (0)
// Look at the "segment_table" to count the sizes of the packets in this page:
delete fPacketSizeTable/*if any*/; fPacketSizeTable = new PacketSizeTable(number_page_segments);
u_int8_t lacing_value = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "\tsegment_table\n");
for (unsigned i = 0; i < number_page_segments; ++i) {
lacing_value = get1Byte();
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "\t\t%d:\t%d", i, lacing_value);
fPacketSizeTable->totSizes += lacing_value;
fPacketSizeTable->size[fPacketSizeTable->numCompletedPackets] += lacing_value;
if (lacing_value < 255) {
// This completes a packet:
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, " (->%d)", fPacketSizeTable->size[fPacketSizeTable->numCompletedPackets]);
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fPacketSizeTable->lastPacketIsIncomplete = lacing_value == 255;
| {
"pile_set_name": "Github"
} |
I was/he is/she is ‘In The Zone’.
We’ve all heard the term – used most often in an athletic context – but what exactly is ‘The Zone’? And how does one get there- and stay there? All three questions are addressed in this second installment of Disc Golf in a Vacuum.
If you haven’t read Part 1 of Disc Golf in a Vacuum yet, it recounts how I discovered (or maybe re-discovered is more accurate) the primal essence of what is most compelling about disc golf: controlling the path of a flying disc. More importantly it explains why that realization also enlightened me to the fact that true enjoyment and contentment playing disc golf can and does exist in a ‘vacuum’ totally void of things like score, player rating and luck.
For some, that alone is enough reason to embrace Disc Golf in a Vacuum. But others – myself included – enjoy competing against others and the course, and have a genetically coded need to measure performance and results. To this group I’m happy to say that playing Disc Golf in a Vacuum most likely will also generate better scores in addition to a better experience. That, friends, is what is know as having your cake and eating it too. Or maybe in disc golf terms, having your collectible first run night shift Destroyer and throwing it too. And that brings us back to being In The Zone.
First of all, I think everyone understands that being in the zone is a good thing. Someone who is in the zone while playing disc golf is throwing all her shots exactly as intended, and nailing all her putts. She is playing at the absolute peak of her abilities, and intensely focusing on each shot seemingly without any conscious effort.
When I did a Google search using the phrase ‘definition of being in the zone’ the most relevant result was a Wikipedia entry for a psychological term called flow. The concept was originally proposed by Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, who said “Flow is completely focused motivation. It is a single-minded immersion and represents perhaps the ultimate experience in harnessing the emotions in the service of performing and learning.” Sounds like being in the zone to me. Japanese martial artists are said to sometimes achieve ‘mushin’, translated in English as “no mind”, which sounds like much the same thing.
Reading descriptions of both flow and mushin made me realize that those terms as well as ‘in the zone’ are all pretty accurate (and similar) descriptions of what I experienced during that round described in Part 1 of this series. There was the pure joy in what I was doing, the lack of anxiety connected to expectation or results, and most relevant to Part 2, heightened performance (despite the lack of emphasis on score). So – no big surprise – what I termed Disc Golf in a Vacuum is nothing new. But it was good to see that there is agreement on the best ways to get In The Zone and stay there as much as possible.
Getting In the Zone
Achieving the state of flow/In The Zone is desirous for many reasons (again, see Part 1), but right now we’re focusing on only one; improved performance. However, there is a paradoxical relationship at play that mades this a hard concept to grasp. Optimal performance levels are attained when one is In The Zone, but to get in The Zone one cannot be focusing on or even thinking about performance as it is typically measured.
That is the reason Csíkszentmihályi chose the term flow and it’s why the word vacuum seemed most apt to me. It represents the state of total immersion in the moment, which in disc golf means thinking of nothing but the upcoming shot. Reduced to that throw and only that throw, all value in terms of scoring is stripped away and what is left is the simple desire to make the disc do exactly what you want it to do. And the focus can’t even be on the hoped-for flight, because that is also a form of measuring performance. Instead, conscious thought must be reduced to what needs to be done to achieve the desired outcome. Thoughts of the outcome itself – and this is really the key – can’t possibly exist In the Zone.
Ideally we can get to the point where we have no conscious thoughts in this state at all (“no mind”, and in the Japanese mushin), but that is easier said than done. It’s practically impossible while playing a game as social as golf. However, I’ve discovered a few tactics that at least give me a better shot, and get me back on track when my mind wanders in the wrong direction.
The most specific of these is to not keep track of score- or at least remain as much as possible in ignorance of the current total score during a round. It was hard for me at first, but whenever that thought came up I’d just try to think about something else. Now I’m at a point where towards the end of a round I won’t have any idea of my exact score- even though I use UDisc to record all my scores. I’ll enter the score for the hole but not look at the total (which thankfully in UDisc is in a smaller font).
By the end of the round I’ll usually have an idea of how I’m doing within a couple strokes, but not knowing the exact total makes a big difference in keeping my mind on just the shot at hand. I think more than anything else it provides a specific framework (objective: be uncertain of total score by the end of the round) for the more important goal of not thinking about score during the round. And even before using UDisc, I never had trouble recounting my score on each hole after the round. By focusing intently on each shot, every one was clearly imprinted on my memory. That hasn’t always been the case.
Another exercise that was difficult for me at first but came to be fairly natural (most of the time) is controlling emotional reactions to the results of throws. At first this meant not letting any kind of emotion show outwardly, regardless of whether I was seething inside over a bad shot or bad luck, or pumped up about something good. Even though I wanted badly to let it out, I’d just take deep breathes until it passed, and remind myself that the next shot was all that mattered now. After awhile, I noticed that the ‘zen-like’ non-reaction became natural, and my thoughts would be more reflective, detached and inquisitive (as in, ‘hmmm, what just happened there, and why?’) rather than reactionary and emotional.
Finally, I just keep reminding myself that when it’s my turn to throw any thoughts other than those required to properly execute the shot need to be expelled. If I’m lining up a putt and start thinking of how much I need this birdie, or standing on the tee and focusing on the tree I sometimes hit – and am able to recognize those thoughts as the impediments to proper execution that they are – I will step back and use a visualization technique to remove that thought and get back on the proper track. The key of course is realizing the presence and harmfulness of that wrong thought before taking the shot, and doing something about it. Seems like we always recognize those after the shot, right? Nabbing and removing them beforehand takes practice, but stick with it and it’ll become more natural. My favorite visualization technique for removing those rogue thoughts, but the way, is a squeegee that wipes the slate clean, enabling me to start fresh.
Ideally I’m in that state of flow or mushin where my disc golf game is on autopilot and I’m not conscious of any thoughts. But in reality Disc Golf in a Vacuum is more of an objective- a place to steer back towards when I get off track. Being In the Zone for any prolonged period of time is pretty rare. But I see it as a target, with The Zone being the bullseye. Most of the time the best I can do is make sure I stay close to the center of the target by using the tactics listed above. At the end of the round, I gauge my performance more on how well I played Disc Golf in a Vacuum than how I scored- but there is usually a close correlation between the two. | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} |
Getting Down With The Trumpets – Serbian Style
Sometimes you hear about something so unique, so left-field, and so totally up your street, that your whole brain does a double take. Does ‘insert niche topic here’ really exist?
Cue my overland adventure to Serbia and to one of the world’s most famous trumpet festivals.
Yes, a trumpet festival.
Yes, it was glorious.
Loving The Brass
I had learnt about this free (that’s right!) festival from an Australian guy I had met when backpacking in the remote parts of Romania. My ears had instantly pricked up because one of my quintessential loves are big old brass sections. I was easily swayed and I vowed to be reunited with my Australian friend and to get my skank on to some big brass bad boys.
A month or so later I made the arduous journey across Romania, hitchhiking some of the way and into the realms of nationalistic Serbia. One of my all time favourite high and low points of hitchhiking occurred on the border. I had been waiting for hours and my moral was drastically low, yet another car drove past me and in my frustration I put my hands into the air and asked for God’s help. Suddenly I saw the car’s brake lights come on, the car reversed towards me and I was pulled into a crowded Serbian family car, none of whom spoke English and I was on my way to Belgrade! Maybe there is a God?
The Mayhem
Once into Belgrade, it was a matter of finding the local bus station and figuring out how exactly to make the trip to trumpet land. Luckily it wasn’t just me who had the thought of heading to see the horns and so a couple of other travellers and I set off to find the bus station and the transport that would take me to my heaven on earth.
We made it to Guca in one piece and looked for a place to pitch our tents and were informed that we could pitch in the middle of a sparse field for free of charge. What is it with Europe and these awesome cheap festivals?
Over the next few days, more and more people arrived and I was reunited with my friend from Australia. What I really can’t put into words is the amount of horn sections that occupy every nook and cranny of the town. I was in a restaurant and there was not one, not two, but THREE brass bands going around to each table playing. It was a sight to behold and pretty intense on the old eardrums.
And so the dancing, drinking and mingling carried on over the weekend. I met locals who had dreamed of visiting English castles, I met locals who offered me the ‘face of the lamb’ as a symbol of friendship (it is literally the face of the lamb which you eat…I politely declined) and I met locals who blamed me and my stupid country for bombing his city and had the scars to show for it. It was all very Serbian and I absolutely loved it.
And so my trip to Guca did not disappoint and it was everything you could have wished for from a slightly random European festival. However, the story did not end there and it was at this point where my next adventure swiftly began.
Remember that site called Couchsurfing? It was all the rage nearly ten years ago and this festival was no exception. A Couchsurfing meet-up had been organised for any travellers wishing to meet and just hang out. That meeting started off all very innocently but ended with me undertaking one of my finest acts of spontaneity. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
How to restrict the drag and drop area in a canvas
I have a canvas,lets say of dimensions 500x600.I have some controls inside that canvas.User can rearrange the controls by drag and drop.But I want to restrict the drag and drop within that canvas.
For example:There is a button in the canvas.User can drag and drop the button anywhere inside the canvas.But if the user tries to drag the button out of the canvas boundaries,it should stick in the canvas boundary.
How to achieve this?
The signature for startDrag() is public function startDrag(lockCenter:Boolean = false, bounds:Rectangle = null):void
The second parameter allows you to pass a Rectangle to act as bounds for your DisplayObject. It won't be dragged outside of this
| {
"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
} |
Police are continuing to investigate an arson attack that damaged an Invercargill shopping complex.
Detective Ant King, of Invercargill CIB, released still images from a CCTV camera taken about the time the fire was started, in the hope it may lead to a break in the case.
CCTV footage from the Rosedale Food Centre in Salford St shows a person walking from the northern end of the shopping complex.
It shows a person in a hoodie walking along the pavement in front of the shops near the dairy before moving an advertising sign.
The time on the video is 3.35am on Wednesday. Fire crews and police responded to the blaze about 4am.
Mr King said the person caught on the CCTV was "a person of interest who could possibly help with the investigation".
Police want to identify the person outside the Rosedale Food Centre in Salford St about the time of the fire, he said.
The fire damaged the rear wall and roof area of the Rosedale Chinese Takeaways and caused significant smoke damage to the adjoining shops, including 4 Ever After Bridal that was filled with wedding gowns.
Owner Sarah Barker-McBurney could not be contacted yesterday but a post on her business Facebook page says "it had been an extremely stressful time".
She wrote that her brides were her current priority and asked customers to please bear with her.
"Thank u to all brides, past brides and friends and family for ur kind words and offers of help and support. Thankfully the least- damaged area of the shop is where we store our gowns and alter them," she wrote.
"All brides who have gowns in the shop and have weddings pending, we are treating and successfully salvaging gowns without any signs of damage or smoke or the smell of it. This is a timely process and is being done on order of wedding date priority and I will be in contact with u each individually soon. My stock gowns are a complete right off and I will be moving to temporary premises soon and will let you all know."
Mr King said police were also still investigating a second suspicious fire involving a four- wheel-drive vehicle in Albert St near Queens Drive about the same time as the shops were set alight.
The white Range Rover was extensively damaged and appeared to have been unlocked before the fire, Mr King said. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Nuclear medicine
Nuclear medicine is a medical specialty involving the application of radioactive substances in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Nuclear medicine imaging, in a sense, is "radiology done inside out" or "endoradiology" because it records radiation emitting from within the body rather than radiation that is generated by external sources like X-rays. In addition, nuclear medicine scans differ from radiology as the emphasis is not on imaging anatomy but the function and for such reason, it is called a physiological imaging modality. Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET) scans are the two most common imaging modalities in nuclear medicine.
Diagnostic medical imaging
In nuclear medicine imaging, radiopharmaceuticals are taken internally, for example, intravenously or orally. Then, external detectors (gamma cameras) capture and form images from the radiation emitted by the radiopharmaceuticals. This process is unlike a diagnostic X-ray, where external radiation is passed through the body to form an image.
There are several techniques of diagnostic nuclear medicine.
2D: Scintigraphy ("scint") is the use of internal radionuclides to create two-dimensional images.
3D: SPECT is a 3D tomographic technique that uses gamma camera data from many projections and can be reconstructed in different planes. Positron emission tomography (PET) uses coincidence detection to image functional processes.
Nuclear medicine tests differ from most other imaging modalities in that diagnostic tests primarily show the physiological function of the system being investigated as opposed to traditional anatomical imaging such as CT or MRI. Nuclear medicine imaging studies are generally more organ-, tissue- or disease-specific (e.g.: lungs scan, heart scan, bone scan, brain scan, tumor, infection, Parkinson etc.) than those in conventional radiology imaging, which focus on a particular section of the body (e.g.: chest X-ray, abdomen/pelvis CT scan, head CT scan, etc.). In addition, there are nuclear medicine studies that allow imaging of the whole body based on certain cellular receptors or functions. Examples are whole body PET scans or PET/CT scans, gallium scans, indium white blood cell scans, MIBG and octreotide scans.
While the ability of nuclear metabolism to image disease processes from differences in metabolism is unsurpassed, it is not unique. Certain techniques such as fMRI image tissues (particularly cerebral tissues) by blood flow and thus show metabolism. Also, contrast-enhancement techniques in both CT and MRI show regions of tissue that are handling pharmaceuticals differently, due to an inflammatory process.
Diagnostic tests in nuclear medicine exploit the way that the body handles substances differently when there is disease or pathology present. The radionuclide introduced into the body is often chemically bound to a complex that acts characteristically within the body; this is commonly known as a tracer. In the presence of disease, a tracer will often be distributed around the body and/or processed differently. For example, the ligand methylene-diphosphonate (MDP) can be preferentially taken up by bone. By chemically attaching technetium-99m to MDP, radioactivity can be transported and attached to bone via the hydroxyapatite for imaging. Any increased physiological function, such as due to a fracture in the bone, will usually mean increased concentration of the tracer. This often results in the appearance of a "hot spot", which is a focal increase in radio accumulation or a general increase in radio accumulation throughout the physiological system. Some disease processes result in the exclusion of a tracer, resulting in the appearance of a "cold spot". Many tracer complexes have been developed to image or treat many different organs, glands, and physiological processes.
Hybrid scanning techniques
In some centers, the nuclear medicine scans can be superimposed, using software or hybrid cameras, on images from modalities such as CT or MRI to highlight the part of the body in which the radiopharmaceutical is concentrated. This practice is often referred to as image fusion or co-registration, for example SPECT/CT and PET/CT. The fusion imaging technique in nuclear medicine provides information about the anatomy and function, which would otherwise be unavailable or would require a more invasive procedure or surgery.
Practical concerns in nuclear imaging
Although the risks of low-level radiation exposures are not well understood, a cautious approach has been universally adopted that all human radiation exposures should be kept As Low As Reasonably Practicable, "ALARP". (Originally, this was known as "As Low As Reasonably Achievable" (ALARA), but this has changed in modern draftings of the legislation to add more emphasis on the "Reasonably" and less on the "Achievable".)
Working with the ALARP principle, before a patient is exposed for a nuclear medicine examination, the benefit of the examination must be identified. This needs to take into account the particular circumstances of the patient in question, where appropriate. For instance, if a patient is unlikely to be able to tolerate a sufficient amount of the procedure to achieve a diagnosis, then it would be inappropriate to proceed with injecting the patient with the radioactive tracer.
When the benefit does justify the procedure, then the radiation exposure (the amount of radiation given to the patient) should also be kept as low as reasonably practicable. This means that the images produced in nuclear medicine should never be better than required for confident diagnosis. Giving larger radiation exposures can reduce the noise in an image and make it more photographically appealing, but if the clinical question can be answered without this level of detail, then this is inappropriate.
As a result, the radiation dose from nuclear medicine imaging varies greatly depending on the type of study. The effective radiation dose can be lower than or comparable to or can far exceed the general day-to-day environmental annual background radiation dose. Likewise, it can also be less than, in the range of, or higher than the radiation dose from an abdomen/pelvis CT scan.
Some nuclear medicine procedures require special patient preparation before the study to obtain the most accurate result. Pre-imaging preparations may include dietary preparation or the withholding of certain medications. Patients are encouraged to consult with the nuclear medicine department prior to a scan.
The end result of the nuclear medicine imaging process is a "dataset" comprising one or more images. In multi-image datasets the array of images may represent a time sequence (i.e. cine or movie) often called a "dynamic" dataset, a cardiac gated time sequence, or a spatial sequence where the gamma-camera is moved relative to the patient. SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography) is the process by which images acquired from a rotating gamma-camera are reconstructed to produce an image of a "slice" through the patient at a particular position. A collection of parallel slices form a slice-stack, a three-dimensional representation of the distribution of radionuclide in the patient.
The nuclear medicine computer may require millions of lines of source code to provide quantitative analysis packages for each of the specific imaging techniques available in nuclear medicine.
Time sequences can be further analysed using kinetic models such as multi-compartment models or a Patlak plot.
Interventional nuclear medicine
Radionuclide therapy can be used to treat conditions such as hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer, and blood disorders.
In nuclear medicine therapy, the radiation treatment dose is administered internally (e.g. intravenous or oral routes) rather than from an external radiation source.
The radiopharmaceuticals used in nuclear medicine therapy emit ionizing radiation that travels only a short distance, thereby minimizing unwanted side effects and damage to noninvolved organs or nearby structures. Most nuclear medicine therapies can be performed as outpatient procedures since there are few side effects from the treatment and the radiation exposure to the general public can be kept within a safe limit.
Common nuclear medicine (unsealed source) therapies
In some centers the nuclear medicine department may also use implanted capsules of isotopes (brachytherapy) to treat cancer.
Commonly used radiation sources (radionuclides) for brachytherapy
The history of nuclear medicine contains contributions from scientists across different disciplines in physics, chemistry, engineering, and medicine. The multidisciplinary nature of nuclear medicine makes it difficult for medical historians to determine the birthdate of nuclear medicine. This can probably be best placed between the discovery of artificial radioactivity in 1934 and the production of radionuclides by Oak Ridge National Laboratory for medicine related use, in 1946.
The origins of this medical idea date back as far as the mid-1920s in Freiburg, Germany, when George de Hevesy made experiments with radionuclides administered to rats, thus displaying metabolic pathways of these substances and establishing the tracer principle. Possibly, the genesis of this medical field took place in 1936, when John Lawrence, known as "the father of nuclear medicine", took a leave of absence from his faculty position at Yale Medical School, to visit his brother Ernest Lawrence at his new radiation laboratory (now known as the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) in Berkeley, California. Later on, John Lawrence made the first application in patients of an artificial radionuclide when he used phosphorus-32 to treat leukemia.
Many historians consider the discovery of artificially produced radionuclides by Frédéric Joliot-Curie and Irène Joliot-Curie in 1934 as the most significant milestone in nuclear medicine. In February 1934, they reported the first artificial production of radioactive material in the journal Nature, after discovering radioactivity in aluminum foil that was irradiated with a polonium preparation. Their work built upon earlier discoveries by Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen for X-ray, Henri Becquerel for radioactive uranium salts, and Marie Curie (mother of Irène Curie) for radioactive thorium, polonium and coining the term "radioactivity." Taro Takemi studied the application of nuclear physics to medicine in the 1930s. The history of nuclear medicine will not be complete without mentioning these early pioneers.
Nuclear medicine gained public recognition as a potential specialty when on May 11,1946 an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) by Massachusetts General Hospital's Dr. Saul Hertz and Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Dr.Arthur Roberts, described the successful use of treating Graves' Disease with radioactive iodine (RAI) was published. Additionally, Sam Seidlin. brought further development in the field describing a successful treatment of a patient with thyroid cancer metastases using radioiodine (I-131). These articles are considered by many historians as the most important articles ever published in nuclear medicine. Although the earliest use of I-131 was devoted to therapy of thyroid cancer, its use was later expanded to include imaging of the thyroid gland, quantification of the thyroid function, and therapy for hyperthyroidism. Among the many radionuclides that were discovered for medical-use, none were as important as the discovery and development of Technetium-99m. It was first discovered in 1937 by C. Perrier and E. Segre as an artificial element to fill space number 43 in the Periodic Table. The development of a generator system to produce Technetium-99m in the 1960s became a practical method for medical use. Today, Technetium-99m is the most utilized element in nuclear medicine and is employed in a wide variety of nuclear medicine imaging studies.
Widespread clinical use of nuclear medicine began in the early 1950s, as knowledge expanded about radionuclides, detection of radioactivity, and using certain radionuclides to trace biochemical processes. Pioneering works by Benedict Cassen in developing the first rectilinear scanner and Hal O. Anger's scintillation camera (Anger camera) broadened the young discipline of nuclear medicine into a full-fledged medical imaging specialty.
By the early 1960s, in southern Scandinavia, Niels A. Lassen, David H. Ingvar, and Erik Skinhøj developed techniques that provided the first blood flow maps of the brain, which initially involved xenon-133 inhalation; an intra-arterial equivalent was developed soon after, enabling measurement of the local distribution of cerebral activity for patients with neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia. Later versions would have 254 scintillators so a two-dimensional image could be produced on a color monitor. It allowed them to construct images reflecting brain activation from speaking, reading, visual or auditory perception and voluntary movement. The technique was also used to investigate, e.g., imagined sequential movements, mental calculation and mental spatial navigation.
By the 1970s most organs of the body could be visualized using nuclear medicine procedures. In 1971, American Medical Association officially recognized nuclear medicine as a medical specialty. In 1972, the American Board of Nuclear Medicine was established, and in 1974, the American Osteopathic Board of Nuclear Medicine was established, cementing nuclear medicine as a stand-alone medical specialty.
In the 1980s, radiopharmaceuticals were designed for use in diagnosis of heart disease. The development of single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), around the same time, led to three-dimensional reconstruction of the heart and establishment of the field of nuclear cardiology.
More recent developments in nuclear medicine include the invention of the first positron emission tomography scanner (PET). The concept of emission and transmission tomography, later developed into single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), was introduced by David E. Kuhl and Roy Edwards in the late 1950s. Their work led to the design and construction of several tomographic instruments at the University of Pennsylvania. Tomographic imaging techniques were further developed at the Washington University School of Medicine. These innovations led to fusion imaging with SPECT and CT by Bruce Hasegawa from University of California San Francisco (UCSF), and the first PET/CT prototype by D. W. Townsend from University of Pittsburgh in 1998.
PET and PET/CT imaging experienced slower growth in its early years owing to the cost of the modality and the requirement for an on-site or nearby cyclotron. However, an administrative decision to approve medical reimbursement of limited PET and PET/CT applications in oncology has led to phenomenal growth and widespread acceptance over the last few years, which also was facilitated by establishing 18F-labelled tracers for standard procedures, allowing work at non-cyclotron-equipped sites. PET/CT imaging is now an integral part of oncology for diagnosis, staging and treatment monitoring. A fully integrated MRI/PET scanner is on the market from early 2011.
Sources of radionuclides
99mTc is normally supplied to hospitals through a radionuclide generator containing the parent radionuclide molybdenum-99. 99Mo is typically obtained as a fission product of 235U in nuclear reactors, however global supply shortages have lead to the exploration of other methods of production. About a third of the world's supply, and most of Europe's supply, of medical isotopes is produced at the Petten nuclear reactor in the Netherlands. Another third of the world's supply, and most of North America's supply, was produced at the Chalk River Laboratories in Chalk River, Ontario, Canada until its permanent shutdown in 2018.
The most commonly used radioisotope in PET 18F, is not produced in any nuclear reactor, but rather in a circular accelerator called a cyclotron. The cyclotron is used to accelerate protons to bombard the stable heavy isotope of oxygen 18O. The 18O constitutes about 0.20% of ordinary oxygen (mostly O-16), from which it is extracted. The F-18 is then typically used to make FDG.
A typical nuclear medicine study involves administration of a radionuclide into the body by intravenous injection in liquid or aggregate form, ingestion while combined with food, inhalation as a gas or aerosol, or rarely, injection of a radionuclide that has undergone micro-encapsulation. Some studies require the labeling of a patient's own blood cells with a radionuclide (leukocyte scintigraphy and red blood cell scintigraphy). Most diagnostic radionuclides emit gamma rays either directly from their decay or indirectly through electron-positron annihilation, while the cell-damaging properties of beta particles are used in therapeutic applications. Refined radionuclides for use in nuclear medicine are derived from fission or fusion processes in nuclear reactors, which produce radionuclides with longer half-lives, or cyclotrons, which produce radionuclides with shorter half-lives, or take advantage of natural decay processes in dedicated generators, i.e. molybdenum/technetium or strontium/rubidium.
The most commonly used intravenous radionuclides are Technetium-99m (technetium-99m), Iodine-123 and 131, Thallium-201, Gallium-67, Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose, and Indium-111 Labeled Leukocytes. The most commonly used gaseous/aerosol radionuclides are xenon-133, krypton-81m, (aerosolised) technetium-99m.
Radiation dose
A patient undergoing a nuclear medicine procedure will receive a radiation dose. Under present international guidelines it is assumed that any radiation dose, however small, presents a risk. The radiation dose delivered to a patient in a nuclear medicine investigation, though unproven, is generally accepted to present a very small risk of inducing cancer. In this respect it is similar to the risk from X-ray investigations except that the dose is delivered internally rather than from an external source such as an X-ray machine, and dosage amounts are typically significantly higher than those of X-rays.
The radiation dose from a nuclear medicine investigation is expressed as an effective dose with units of sieverts (usually given in millisieverts, mSv). The effective dose resulting from an investigation is influenced by the amount of radioactivity administered in megabecquerels (MBq), the physical properties of the radiopharmaceutical used, its distribution in the body and its rate of clearance from the body.
Effective doses can range from 6 μSv (0.006 mSv) for a 3 MBq chromium-51 EDTA measurement of glomerular filtration rate to 37 mSv (37,000 μSv) for a 150 MBq thallium-201 non-specific tumour imaging procedure. The common bone scan with 600 MBq of technetium-99m-MDP has an effective dose of approximately 3.5 mSv (3,500 μSv) (1).
Formerly, units of measurement were the curie (Ci), being 3.7E10 Bq, and also 1.0 grams of Radium (Ra-226); the rad (radiation absorbed dose), now replaced by the gray; and the rem (Röntgen equivalent man), now replaced with the sievert. The rad and rem are essentially equivalent for almost all nuclear medicine procedures, and only alpha radiation will produce a higher Rem or Sv value, due to its much higher Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE). Alpha emitters are nowadays rarely used in nuclear medicine, but were used extensively before the advent of nuclear reactor and accelerator produced radionuclides. The concepts involved in radiation exposure to humans are covered by the field of Health Physics; the development and practice of safe and effective nuclear medicinal techniques is a key focus of Medical Physics.
See also
Human subject research
List of Nuclear Medicine Societies
Nuclear medicine physician
Further reading
External links
Solving the Medical Isotope Crisis Hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, First Session, September 9, 2009
Category:Medicinal radiochemistry | {
"pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)"
} |
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John Smith,$^{1\ast}$ Jane Doe,$^{1}$ Joe Scientist$^{2}$\
- 'scibib.bib'
title: 'A simple [*Science*]{} Template'
This document presents a number of hints about how to set up your [*Science*]{} paper in LaTeX . We provide a template file, `scifile.tex`, that you can use to set up the LaTeX source for your article. An example of the style is the special `{sciabstract}` environment used to set up the abstract you see here.
Introduction {#introduction .unnumbered}
In this file, we present some tips and sample mark-up to assure your LaTeX file of the smoothest possible journey from review manuscript to published [*Science*]{} paper. We focus here particularly on issues related to style files, citation, and math, tables, and figures, as those tend to be the biggest sticking points. Please use the source file for this document, `scifile.tex`, as a template for your manuscript, cutting and pasting your content into the file at the appropriate places.
[*Science*]{}’s publication workflow relies on Microsoft Word. To translate LaTeX files into Word, we use an intermediate MS-DOS routine [@tth] that converts the TeX source into HTML. The routine is generally robust, but it works best if the source document is clean LaTeX without a significant freight of local macros or `.sty` files. Use of the source file `scifile.tex` as a template, and calling [*only*]{} the `.sty` and `.bst` files specifically mentioned here, will generate a manuscript that should be eminently reviewable, and yet will allow your paper to proceed quickly into our production flow upon acceptance [@use2e].
Formatting Citations {#formatting-citations .unnumbered}
Citations can be handled in one of three ways. The most straightforward (albeit labor-intensive) would be to hardwire your citations into your LaTeX source, as you would if you were using an ordinary word processor. Thus, your code might look something like this:
> However, this record of the solar nebula may have been
> partly erased by the complex history of the meteorite
> parent bodies, which includes collision-induced shock,
> thermal metamorphism, and aqueous alteration
> ({\it 1, 2, 5--7\/}).
Compiled, the last two lines of the code above, of course, would give notecalls in [*Science*]{} style:
> …thermal metamorphism, and aqueous alteration ([*1, 2, 5–7*]{}).
Under the same logic, the author could set up his or her reference list as a simple enumeration,
> {\bf References and Notes}
> \begin{enumerate}
> \item G. Gamow, {\it The Constitution of Atomic Nuclei
> and Radioactivity\/} (Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 1931).
> \item W. Heisenberg and W. Pauli, {\it Zeitschr.\ f.\
> Physik\/} {\bf 56}, 1 (1929).
> \end{enumerate}
> [**References and Notes**]{}
> 1. G. Gamow, [*The Constitution of Atomic Nuclei and Radioactivity*]{} (Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 1931).
> 2. W. Heisenberg and W. Pauli, [*Zeitschr. f. Physik*]{} [**56**]{}, 1 (1929).
That’s not a solution that’s likely to appeal to everyone, however — especially not to users of BTeX [@inclme]. If you are a BTeX user, we suggest that you use the `Science.bst` bibliography style file and the `scicite.sty` package, both of which are downloadable from our author help site. [**While you can use BTeX to generate the reference list, please don’t submit your .bib and .bbl files; instead, paste the generated .bbl file into the .tex file, creating `{thebibliography}` environment.**]{} You can also generate your reference lists directly by using `{thebibliography}` at the end of your source document; here again, you may find the `scicite.sty` file useful.
Whatever you use, be very careful about how you set up your in-text reference calls and notecalls. In particular, observe the following requirements:
1. Please follow the style for references outlined at our author help site and embodied in recent issues of [*Science*]{}. Each citation number should refer to a single reference; please do not concatenate several references under a single number.
2. The reference numbering continues from the main text to the Supplementary Materials (e.g. this main text has references 1-3; the numbering of references in the Supplementary Materials should start with 4).
3. Please cite your references and notes in text [*only*]{} using the standard LaTeX `\cite` command, not another command driven by outside macros.
4. Please separate multiple citations within a single `\cite` command using commas only; there should be [*no space*]{} between reference keynames. That is, if you are citing two papers whose bibliography keys are `keyname1` and `keyname2`, the in-text cite should read `\cite{keyname1,keyname2}`, [*not*]{} `\cite{keyname1, keyname2}`.
Failure to follow these guidelines could lead to the omission of the references in an accepted paper when the source file is translated to Word via HTML.
Handling Math, Tables, and Figures {#handling-math-tables-and-figures .unnumbered}
Following are a few things to keep in mind in coding equations, tables, and figures for submission to [*Science*]{}.
#### In-line math. {#in-line-math. .unnumbered}
The utility that we use for converting from LaTeX to HTML handles in-line math relatively well. It is best to avoid using built-up fractions in in-line equations, and going for the more boring “slash” presentation whenever possible — that is, for `$a/b$` (which comes out as $a/b$) rather than `$\frac{a}{b}$` (which compiles as $\frac{a}{b}$). Please do not code arrays or matrices as in-line math; display them instead. And please keep your coding as TeX-y as possible — avoid using specialized math macro packages like `amstex.sty`.
#### Tables. {#tables. .unnumbered}
The HTML converter that we use seems to handle reasonably well simple tables generated using the LaTeX`{tabular}` environment. For very complicated tables, you may want to consider generating them in a word processing program and including them as a separate file.
#### Figures. {#figures. .unnumbered}
Figure callouts within the text should not be in the form of LaTeX references, but should simply be typed in — that is, `(Fig. 1)` rather than `\ref{fig1}`. For the figures themselves, treatment can differ depending on whether the manuscript is an initial submission or a final revision for acceptance and publication. For an initial submission and review copy, you can use the LaTeX `{figure}` environment and the `\includegraphics` command to include your PostScript figures at the end of the compiled file. For the final revision, however, the `{figure}` environment should [*not*]{} be used; instead, the figure captions themselves should be typed in as regular text at the end of the source file (an example is included here), and the figures should be uploaded separately according to the Art Department’s instructions.
What to Send In {#what-to-send-in .unnumbered}
What you should send to [*Science*]{} will depend on the stage your manuscript is in:
- [**Important:**]{} If you’re sending in the initial submission of your manuscript (that is, the copy for evaluation and peer review), please send in [*only*]{} a PDF version of the compiled file (including figures). Please do not send in the TeX source, `.sty`, `.bbl`, or other associated files with your initial submission. (For more information, please see the instructions at our Web submission site.)
- When the time comes for you to send in your revised final manuscript (i.e., after peer review), we require that you include source files and generated files in your upload. [**The .tex file should include the reference list as an itemized list (see “Formatting citations” for the various options). The bibliography should not be in a separate file.**]{} Thus, if the name of your main source document is `ltxfile.tex`, you need to include:
- `ltxfile.tex`.
- `ltxfile.aux`, the auxilliary file generated by the compilation.
- A PDF file generated from `ltxfile.tex`.
Acknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered}
Include acknowledgments of funding, any patents pending, where raw data for the paper are deposited, etc.
Supplementary materials {#supplementary-materials .unnumbered}
Materials and Methods\
Supplementary Text\
Figs. S1 to S3\
Tables S1 to S4\
References *(4-10)*
[**Fig. 1.**]{} Please do not use figure environments to set up your figures in the final (post-peer-review) draft, do not include graphics in your source code, and do not cite figures in the text using LaTeX`\ref` commands. Instead, simply refer to the figure numbers in the text per [*Science*]{} style, and include the list of captions at the end of the document, coded as ordinary paragraphs as shown in the `scifile.tex` template file. Your actual figure files should be submitted separately.
| {
"pile_set_name": "ArXiv"
} |
Lipid peroxidation induced in vivo by hyperhomocysteinaemia in pigs.
Much attention has been focused recently on the relationship between homocysteinaemia and the development of premature atherosclerosis. Hyperhomocysteinaemia constitutes as strong a risk factor for the development of the disease as either hypercholesterolaemia or smoking. Although the mechanism involved is unclear homocysteine exhibits prooxidative activity in vitro. This finding suggests that it may be involved in the oxidative modification of low density lipoprotein (LDL). In the current study hyperhomocysteinaemia was induced in eight domestic pigs by intermittent exposure to nitrous oxide for 4 weeks. At necropsy, cardiac tissue was removed and malondialdehyde (MDA) and the unsaturated fatty acid content were measured and compared with values obtained from air-breathing control animals. Nitrous oxide treated animals had significantly higher tissue concentrations of MDA than the controls. There was also a reduction in the contribution of linoleic and linolenic acids to the total fatty acid content of heart. The hyperhomocysteinaemic animals also had a significantly higher iron concentration in the heart than controls. Hyperhomocysteinaemia was associated with elevations in tissue iron stores and increased in vivo lipid peroxidation. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
Former USC coach Lane Kiffin is visiting Alabama this week to evaluate the Crimson Tide's offense, a source told ESPN on Monday.
Kiffin is a guest of Alabama coach Nick Saban, the source said, and will be in Tuscaloosa "to share ideas and exchange ideas and [for] professional development," the source said.
Kiffin was fired by USC athletic director Pat Haden on Sept. 29 at the team's private airport terminal in Los Angeles after returning from a 62-41 loss to Arizona State. His overall record in four years with the Trojans was 28-15.
He went 7-6 in one season at Tennessee before leaving the SEC school for USC. | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} |
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<div class="title">/Users/fmalpartida/development/ardWorkspace/LiquidCrystal_I2C/LiquiCrystal_I2C/LiquidCrystal_SR3W.cpp</div> </div>
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<a href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html">Go to the documentation of this file.</a><div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment"><a name="l00001"></a>00001 <span class="comment">// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------</span>
<a name="l00002"></a>00002 <span class="comment">// Created by Francisco Malpartida on 7.3.2012.</span>
<a name="l00003"></a>00003 <span class="comment">// Copyright 2011 - Under creative commons license 3.0:</span>
<a name="l00004"></a>00004 <span class="comment">// Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA</span>
<a name="l00005"></a>00005 <span class="comment">//</span>
<a name="l00006"></a>00006 <span class="comment">// This software is furnished "as is", without technical support, and with no </span>
<a name="l00007"></a>00007 <span class="comment">// warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for any purpose.</span>
<a name="l00008"></a>00008 <span class="comment">//</span>
<a name="l00009"></a>00009 <span class="comment">// Thread Safe: No</span>
<a name="l00010"></a>00010 <span class="comment">// Extendable: Yes</span>
<a name="l00011"></a>00011 <span class="comment">//</span>
<a name="l00012"></a>00012 <span class="comment">// @file LiquidCrystal_SRG.h</span>
<a name="l00013"></a>00013 <span class="comment">// This file implements a basic liquid crystal library that comes as standard</span>
<a name="l00014"></a>00014 <span class="comment">// in the Arduino SDK but using a generic SHIFT REGISTER extension board.</span>
<a name="l00015"></a>00015 <span class="comment">// </span>
<a name="l00016"></a>00016 <span class="comment">// @brief </span>
<a name="l00017"></a>00017 <span class="comment">// This is a basic implementation of the LiquidCrystal library of the</span>
<a name="l00018"></a>00018 <span class="comment">// Arduino SDK. The original library has been reworked in such a way that </span>
<a name="l00019"></a>00019 <span class="comment">// this class implements the all methods to command an LCD based</span>
<a name="l00020"></a>00020 <span class="comment">// on the Hitachi HD44780 and compatible chipsets using a 3 wire latching</span>
<a name="l00021"></a>00021 <span class="comment">// shift register. While it has been tested with a 74HC595N shift register</span>
<a name="l00022"></a>00022 <span class="comment">// it should also work with other latching shift registers such as the MC14094</span>
<a name="l00023"></a>00023 <span class="comment">// and the HEF4094</span>
<a name="l00024"></a>00024 <span class="comment">//</span>
<a name="l00025"></a>00025 <span class="comment">// This particular driver has been created as generic as possible to enable</span>
<a name="l00026"></a>00026 <span class="comment">// users to configure and connect their LCDs using just 3 digital IOs from the</span>
<a name="l00027"></a>00027 <span class="comment">// AVR or Arduino, and connect the LCD to the outputs of the shiftregister</span>
<a name="l00028"></a>00028 <span class="comment">// in any configuration. The library is configured by passing the IO pins</span>
<a name="l00029"></a>00029 <span class="comment">// that control the strobe, data and clock of the shift register and a map</span>
<a name="l00030"></a>00030 <span class="comment">// of how the shiftregister is connected to the LCD.</span>
<a name="l00031"></a>00031 <span class="comment">// </span>
<a name="l00032"></a>00032 <span class="comment">//</span>
<a name="l00033"></a>00033 <span class="comment">// +--------------------------------------------+</span>
<a name="l00034"></a>00034 <span class="comment">// | MCU |</span>
<a name="l00035"></a>00035 <span class="comment">// | IO1 IO2 IO3 |</span>
<a name="l00036"></a>00036 <span class="comment">// +----+-------------+-------------+-----------+</span>
<a name="l00037"></a>00037 <span class="comment">// | | |</span>
<a name="l00038"></a>00038 <span class="comment">// | | |</span>
<a name="l00039"></a>00039 <span class="comment">// +----+-------------+-------------+-----------+</span>
<a name="l00040"></a>00040 <span class="comment">// | Strobe Data Clock |</span>
<a name="l00041"></a>00041 <span class="comment">// | 8-bit shift/latch register | 74HC595N</span>
<a name="l00042"></a>00042 <span class="comment">// | Qa0 Qb1 Qc2 Qd3 Qe4 Qf5 Qg6 Qh7 |</span>
<a name="l00043"></a>00043 <span class="comment">// +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+</span>
<a name="l00044"></a>00044 <span class="comment">// | | | | | | | </span>
<a name="l00045"></a>00045 <span class="comment">// |11 |12 |13 |14 |6 |5 |4 (LCD pins)</span>
<a name="l00046"></a>00046 <span class="comment">// +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+</span>
<a name="l00047"></a>00047 <span class="comment">// | DB4 DB5 DB6 DB7 E Rw RS |</span>
<a name="l00048"></a>00048 <span class="comment">// | LCD Module |</span>
<a name="l00049"></a>00049 <span class="comment">//</span>
<a name="l00050"></a>00050 <span class="comment">// NOTE: Rw is not used by the driver so it can be connected to GND.</span>
<a name="l00051"></a>00051 <span class="comment">//</span>
<a name="l00052"></a>00052 <span class="comment">// The functionality provided by this class and its base class is identical</span>
<a name="l00053"></a>00053 <span class="comment">// to the original functionality of the Arduino LiquidCrystal library.</span>
<a name="l00054"></a>00054 <span class="comment">//</span>
<a name="l00055"></a>00055 <span class="comment">//</span>
<a name="l00056"></a>00056 <span class="comment">// History</span>
<a name="l00057"></a>00057 <span class="comment">// 2012.03.29 bperrybap - fixed constructors not properly using Rs</span>
<a name="l00058"></a>00058 <span class="comment">// Fixed incorrect use of 5x10 for default font </span>
<a name="l00059"></a>00059 <span class="comment">// - now matches original LQ library.</span>
<a name="l00060"></a>00060 <span class="comment">// moved delay to send() so it is per cmd/write vs shiftout()</span>
<a name="l00061"></a>00061 <span class="comment">// NOTE: delay is on hairy edge of working when FAST_MODE is on.</span>
<a name="l00062"></a>00062 <span class="comment">// because of waitUsec().</span>
<a name="l00063"></a>00063 <span class="comment">// There is margin at 16Mhz AVR but might fail on 20Mhz AVRs.</span>
<a name="l00064"></a>00064 <span class="comment">// </span>
<a name="l00065"></a>00065 <span class="comment">// @author F. Malpartida - fmalpartida@gmail.com</span>
<a name="l00066"></a>00066 <span class="comment">// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------</span>
<a name="l00067"></a>00067 <span class="comment">// flags for backlight control</span>
<a name="l00068"></a>00068 <span class="preprocessor">#include <stdio.h></span>
<a name="l00069"></a>00069 <span class="preprocessor">#include <string.h></span>
<a name="l00070"></a>00070 <span class="preprocessor">#include <inttypes.h></span>
<a name="l00071"></a>00071
<a name="l00072"></a>00072 <span class="preprocessor">#if (ARDUINO < 100)</span>
<a name="l00073"></a>00073 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#include <WProgram.h></span>
<a name="l00074"></a>00074 <span class="preprocessor">#else</span>
<a name="l00075"></a>00075 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#include <Arduino.h></span>
<a name="l00076"></a>00076 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span>
<a name="l00077"></a>00077 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#include "<a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8h.html">LiquidCrystal_SR3W.h</a>"</span>
<a name="l00078"></a>00078
<a name="l00079"></a>00079 <span class="preprocessor">#include "<a class="code" href="_fast_i_o_8h.html">FastIO.h</a>"</span>
<a name="l00080"></a>00080
<a name="l00086"></a><a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#a65fa786d6e31fe8b1aa51784a9736581">00086</a> <span class="preprocessor">#define LCD_NOBACKLIGHT 0x00</span>
<a name="l00087"></a>00087 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
<a name="l00093"></a><a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#ac059d24dfe9c1e1f7c07cb7869a1833b">00093</a> <span class="preprocessor">#define LCD_BACKLIGHT 0xFF</span>
<a name="l00094"></a>00094 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
<a name="l00095"></a>00095
<a name="l00096"></a>00096 <span class="comment">// Default library configuration parameters used by class constructor with</span>
<a name="l00097"></a>00097 <span class="comment">// only the I2C address field.</span>
<a name="l00098"></a>00098 <span class="comment">// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------</span>
<a name="l00104"></a><a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#a22e6626f2c98ed902f8ded47f6438c05">00104</a> <span class="comment"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define EN 4 // Enable bit</span>
<a name="l00105"></a>00105 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
<a name="l00111"></a><a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#afc4ded33ac0ca43defcce639e965748a">00111</a> <span class="preprocessor">#define RW 5 // Read/Write bit</span>
<a name="l00112"></a>00112 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
<a name="l00118"></a><a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#af8903d8eea3868940c60af887473b152">00118</a> <span class="preprocessor">#define RS 6 // Register select bit</span>
<a name="l00119"></a>00119 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
<a name="l00126"></a><a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#a3d9bb178282c3cb69740c94ba1e48fed">00126</a> <span class="preprocessor">#define D4 0</span>
<a name="l00127"></a><a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#a2ddd4183d444d6d128cbdbd6269e4e0c">00127</a> <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define D5 1</span>
<a name="l00128"></a><a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#a79a18a7f5ccf7a7ca31f302bd62527a6">00128</a> <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define D6 2</span>
<a name="l00129"></a><a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#a2ba78f059a7ebebc95e7beef690e88d6">00129</a> <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define D7 3</span>
<a name="l00130"></a>00130 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
<a name="l00131"></a>00131
<a name="l00132"></a>00132
<a name="l00133"></a><a class="code" href="class_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w.html#ae1396bcd5e9c5b7ed13182c166de776b">00133</a> <a class="code" href="class_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w.html#ae1396bcd5e9c5b7ed13182c166de776b">LiquidCrystal_SR3W::LiquidCrystal_SR3W</a>(uint8_t data, uint8_t clk, uint8_t strobe)
<a name="l00134"></a>00134 {
<a name="l00135"></a>00135 init( data, clk, strobe, <a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#af8903d8eea3868940c60af887473b152">RS</a>, <a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#afc4ded33ac0ca43defcce639e965748a">RW</a>, <a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#a22e6626f2c98ed902f8ded47f6438c05">EN</a>, <a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#a3d9bb178282c3cb69740c94ba1e48fed">D4</a>, <a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#a2ddd4183d444d6d128cbdbd6269e4e0c">D5</a>, <a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#a79a18a7f5ccf7a7ca31f302bd62527a6">D6</a>, <a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#a2ba78f059a7ebebc95e7beef690e88d6">D7</a> );
<a name="l00136"></a>00136 }
<a name="l00137"></a>00137
<a name="l00138"></a><a class="code" href="class_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w.html#a7b2f382b76bc9d88adb8d681e824b4de">00138</a> <a class="code" href="class_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w.html#ae1396bcd5e9c5b7ed13182c166de776b">LiquidCrystal_SR3W::LiquidCrystal_SR3W</a>(uint8_t data, uint8_t clk, uint8_t strobe,
<a name="l00139"></a>00139 uint8_t backlighPin, <a class="code" href="_l_c_d_8h.html#aeeef728bf4726268aa5e99391a1502bc">t_backlighPol</a> pol)
<a name="l00140"></a>00140 {
<a name="l00141"></a>00141 init( data, clk, strobe, <a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#af8903d8eea3868940c60af887473b152">RS</a>, <a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#afc4ded33ac0ca43defcce639e965748a">RW</a>, <a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#a22e6626f2c98ed902f8ded47f6438c05">EN</a>, <a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#a3d9bb178282c3cb69740c94ba1e48fed">D4</a>, <a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#a2ddd4183d444d6d128cbdbd6269e4e0c">D5</a>, <a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#a79a18a7f5ccf7a7ca31f302bd62527a6">D6</a>, <a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#a2ba78f059a7ebebc95e7beef690e88d6">D7</a> );
<a name="l00142"></a>00142 <a class="code" href="class_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w.html#a894d0ea8ea61c1d15acd8a26d417e477">setBacklightPin</a>(backlighPin, pol);
<a name="l00143"></a>00143 }
<a name="l00144"></a>00144
<a name="l00145"></a><a class="code" href="class_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w.html#a4fab8ff2f21bba3efd133cd8c87fffc0">00145</a> <a class="code" href="class_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w.html#ae1396bcd5e9c5b7ed13182c166de776b">LiquidCrystal_SR3W::LiquidCrystal_SR3W</a>(uint8_t data, uint8_t clk, uint8_t strobe,
<a name="l00146"></a>00146 uint8_t En, uint8_t Rw, uint8_t Rs,
<a name="l00147"></a>00147 uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7 )
<a name="l00148"></a>00148 {
<a name="l00149"></a>00149 init( data, clk, strobe, Rs, Rw, En, d4, d5, d6, d7 );
<a name="l00150"></a>00150 }
<a name="l00151"></a>00151
<a name="l00152"></a><a class="code" href="class_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w.html#a24f051747dfeda48f7b207c3358c8015">00152</a> <a class="code" href="class_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w.html#ae1396bcd5e9c5b7ed13182c166de776b">LiquidCrystal_SR3W::LiquidCrystal_SR3W</a>(uint8_t data, uint8_t clk, uint8_t strobe,
<a name="l00153"></a>00153 uint8_t En, uint8_t Rw, uint8_t Rs,
<a name="l00154"></a>00154 uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7,
<a name="l00155"></a>00155 uint8_t backlighPin, <a class="code" href="_l_c_d_8h.html#aeeef728bf4726268aa5e99391a1502bc">t_backlighPol</a> pol)
<a name="l00156"></a>00156 {
<a name="l00157"></a>00157 init( data, clk, strobe, Rs, Rw, En, d4, d5, d6, d7 );
<a name="l00158"></a>00158 <a class="code" href="class_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w.html#a894d0ea8ea61c1d15acd8a26d417e477">setBacklightPin</a>(backlighPin, pol);
<a name="l00159"></a>00159 }
<a name="l00160"></a>00160
<a name="l00161"></a>00161
<a name="l00162"></a><a class="code" href="class_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w.html#ade34af5b7fe795482f1848c2176d6e56">00162</a> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="class_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w.html#ade34af5b7fe795482f1848c2176d6e56">LiquidCrystal_SR3W::send</a>(uint8_t value, uint8_t mode)
<a name="l00163"></a>00163 {
<a name="l00164"></a>00164
<a name="l00165"></a>00165 <span class="keywordflow">if</span> ( mode != <a class="code" href="_l_c_d_8h.html#aa1e30e32b6c2cf8d90a9281328472dbe">FOUR_BITS</a> )
<a name="l00166"></a>00166 {
<a name="l00167"></a>00167 write4bits( (value >> 4), mode ); <span class="comment">// upper nibble</span>
<a name="l00168"></a>00168 }
<a name="l00169"></a>00169 write4bits( (value & 0x0F), mode); <span class="comment">// lower nibble</span>
<a name="l00170"></a>00170
<a name="l00171"></a>00171
<a name="l00172"></a>00172 <span class="preprocessor">#if (F_CPU <= 16000000)</span>
<a name="l00173"></a>00173 <span class="preprocessor"></span> <span class="comment">// No need to use the delay routines on AVR since the time taken to write</span>
<a name="l00174"></a>00174 <span class="comment">// on AVR with SR pin mapping even with fio is longer than LCD command execution.</span>
<a name="l00175"></a>00175 <a class="code" href="_l_c_d_8h.html#a6eac41e4be58d7736ac0c19de225c0dc">waitUsec</a>(37); <span class="comment">//goes away on AVRs</span>
<a name="l00176"></a>00176 <span class="preprocessor">#else</span>
<a name="l00177"></a>00177 <span class="preprocessor"></span> delayMicroseconds ( 37 ); <span class="comment">// commands & data writes need > 37us to complete</span>
<a name="l00178"></a>00178 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span>
<a name="l00179"></a>00179 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
<a name="l00180"></a>00180 }
<a name="l00181"></a>00181
<a name="l00182"></a>00182
<a name="l00183"></a><a class="code" href="class_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w.html#a894d0ea8ea61c1d15acd8a26d417e477">00183</a> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="class_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w.html#a894d0ea8ea61c1d15acd8a26d417e477">LiquidCrystal_SR3W::setBacklightPin</a> ( uint8_t value, <a class="code" href="_l_c_d_8h.html#aeeef728bf4726268aa5e99391a1502bc">t_backlighPol</a> pol = <a class="code" href="_l_c_d_8h.html#aeeef728bf4726268aa5e99391a1502bca03d440bbbfb042afc85347f994b44fb5">POSITIVE</a> )
<a name="l00184"></a>00184 {
<a name="l00185"></a>00185 _backlightPinMask = ( 1 << value );
<a name="l00186"></a>00186 _backlightStsMask = <a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#a65fa786d6e31fe8b1aa51784a9736581">LCD_NOBACKLIGHT</a>;
<a name="l00187"></a>00187 <a class="code" href="class_l_c_d.html#a990338759d2abe10b0fb1743b7789566">_polarity</a> = pol;
<a name="l00188"></a>00188 <a class="code" href="class_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w.html#a6d0fc7907ef9fd87c408a21b9bd49295">setBacklight</a> (<a class="code" href="_l_c_d_8h.html#a0f50ae3b4bdb42dd5ad74b2c604a7515">BACKLIGHT_OFF</a>); <span class="comment">// Set backlight to off as initial setup</span>
<a name="l00189"></a>00189 }
<a name="l00190"></a>00190
<a name="l00191"></a><a class="code" href="class_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w.html#a6d0fc7907ef9fd87c408a21b9bd49295">00191</a> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="class_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w.html#a6d0fc7907ef9fd87c408a21b9bd49295">LiquidCrystal_SR3W::setBacklight</a> ( uint8_t value )
<a name="l00192"></a>00192 {
<a name="l00193"></a>00193 <span class="comment">// Check if backlight is available</span>
<a name="l00194"></a>00194 <span class="comment">// ----------------------------------------------------</span>
<a name="l00195"></a>00195 <span class="keywordflow">if</span> ( _backlightPinMask != 0x0 )
<a name="l00196"></a>00196 {
<a name="l00197"></a>00197 <span class="comment">// Check for polarity to configure mask accordingly</span>
<a name="l00198"></a>00198 <span class="comment">// ----------------------------------------------------------</span>
<a name="l00199"></a>00199 <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (((<a class="code" href="class_l_c_d.html#a990338759d2abe10b0fb1743b7789566">_polarity</a> == <a class="code" href="_l_c_d_8h.html#aeeef728bf4726268aa5e99391a1502bca03d440bbbfb042afc85347f994b44fb5">POSITIVE</a>) && (value > 0)) ||
<a name="l00200"></a>00200 ((<a class="code" href="class_l_c_d.html#a990338759d2abe10b0fb1743b7789566">_polarity</a> == <a class="code" href="_l_c_d_8h.html#aeeef728bf4726268aa5e99391a1502bca62d66a51fa7574c652597716f7709865">NEGATIVE</a> ) && ( value == 0 )))
<a name="l00201"></a>00201 {
<a name="l00202"></a>00202 _backlightStsMask = _backlightPinMask & <a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#ac059d24dfe9c1e1f7c07cb7869a1833b">LCD_BACKLIGHT</a>;
<a name="l00203"></a>00203 }
<a name="l00204"></a>00204 <span class="keywordflow">else</span>
<a name="l00205"></a>00205 {
<a name="l00206"></a>00206 _backlightStsMask = _backlightPinMask & <a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#a65fa786d6e31fe8b1aa51784a9736581">LCD_NOBACKLIGHT</a>;
<a name="l00207"></a>00207 }
<a name="l00208"></a>00208 loadSR( _backlightStsMask );
<a name="l00209"></a>00209 }
<a name="l00210"></a>00210 }
<a name="l00211"></a>00211
<a name="l00212"></a>00212
<a name="l00213"></a>00213 <span class="comment">// PRIVATE METHODS</span>
<a name="l00214"></a>00214 <span class="comment">// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------</span>
<a name="l00215"></a>00215
<a name="l00216"></a>00216 <span class="keywordtype">int</span> LiquidCrystal_SR3W::init(uint8_t data, uint8_t clk, uint8_t strobe,
<a name="l00217"></a>00217 uint8_t Rs, uint8_t Rw, uint8_t En,
<a name="l00218"></a>00218 uint8_t d4, uint8_t d5, uint8_t d6, uint8_t d7)
<a name="l00219"></a>00219 {
<a name="l00220"></a>00220 _data = <a class="code" href="_fast_i_o_8cpp.html#a07a19dfbdca1afaca5d666bdaa3be7d5">fio_pinToBit</a>(data);
<a name="l00221"></a>00221 _clk = <a class="code" href="_fast_i_o_8cpp.html#a07a19dfbdca1afaca5d666bdaa3be7d5">fio_pinToBit</a>(clk);
<a name="l00222"></a>00222 _strobe = <a class="code" href="_fast_i_o_8cpp.html#a07a19dfbdca1afaca5d666bdaa3be7d5">fio_pinToBit</a>(strobe);
<a name="l00223"></a>00223 _data_reg = <a class="code" href="_fast_i_o_8cpp.html#a04210cc785c3b4a11c86f794949c327f">fio_pinToOutputRegister</a>(data);
<a name="l00224"></a>00224 _clk_reg = <a class="code" href="_fast_i_o_8cpp.html#a04210cc785c3b4a11c86f794949c327f">fio_pinToOutputRegister</a>(clk);
<a name="l00225"></a>00225 _strobe_reg = <a class="code" href="_fast_i_o_8cpp.html#a04210cc785c3b4a11c86f794949c327f">fio_pinToOutputRegister</a>(strobe);
<a name="l00226"></a>00226
<a name="l00227"></a>00227 <span class="comment">// LCD pin mapping</span>
<a name="l00228"></a>00228 _backlightPinMask = 0;
<a name="l00229"></a>00229 _backlightStsMask = <a class="code" href="_liquid_crystal___s_r3_w_8cpp.html#a65fa786d6e31fe8b1aa51784a9736581">LCD_NOBACKLIGHT</a>;
<a name="l00230"></a>00230 <a class="code" href="class_l_c_d.html#a990338759d2abe10b0fb1743b7789566">_polarity</a> = <a class="code" href="_l_c_d_8h.html#aeeef728bf4726268aa5e99391a1502bca03d440bbbfb042afc85347f994b44fb5">POSITIVE</a>;
<a name="l00231"></a>00231
<a name="l00232"></a>00232 _En = ( 1 << En );
<a name="l00233"></a>00233 _Rw = ( 1 << Rw );
<a name="l00234"></a>00234 _Rs = ( 1 << Rs );
<a name="l00235"></a>00235
<a name="l00236"></a>00236 <span class="comment">// Initialise pin mapping</span>
<a name="l00237"></a>00237 _data_pins[0] = ( 1 << d4 );
<a name="l00238"></a>00238 _data_pins[1] = ( 1 << d5 );
<a name="l00239"></a>00239 _data_pins[2] = ( 1 << d6 );
<a name="l00240"></a>00240 _data_pins[3] = ( 1 << d7 );
<a name="l00241"></a>00241
<a name="l00242"></a>00242 <a class="code" href="class_l_c_d.html#aef093ba3f8e1016267b40ac235a0fa0f">_displayfunction</a> = <a class="code" href="_l_c_d_8h.html#ab8c35d355d2372090c7a347e961c9224">LCD_4BITMODE</a> | <a class="code" href="_l_c_d_8h.html#a8c85cf88d8af66a47c42249d81c94641">LCD_1LINE</a> | <a class="code" href="_l_c_d_8h.html#a9ef57e724c1b846dae0f531aff6fb464">LCD_5x8DOTS</a>;
<a name="l00243"></a>00243
<a name="l00244"></a>00244 <span class="keywordflow">return</span> (1);
<a name="l00245"></a>00245 }
<a name="l00246"></a>00246
<a name="l00247"></a>00247 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> LiquidCrystal_SR3W::write4bits(uint8_t value, uint8_t mode)
<a name="l00248"></a>00248 {
<a name="l00249"></a>00249 uint8_t pinMapValue = 0;
<a name="l00250"></a>00250
<a name="l00251"></a>00251 <span class="comment">// Map the value to LCD pin mapping</span>
<a name="l00252"></a>00252 <span class="comment">// --------------------------------</span>
<a name="l00253"></a>00253 <span class="keywordflow">for</span> ( uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
<a name="l00254"></a>00254 {
<a name="l00255"></a>00255 <span class="keywordflow">if</span> ( ( value & 0x1 ) == 1 )
<a name="l00256"></a>00256 {
<a name="l00257"></a>00257 pinMapValue |= _data_pins[i];
<a name="l00258"></a>00258 }
<a name="l00259"></a>00259 value = ( value >> 1 );
<a name="l00260"></a>00260 }
<a name="l00261"></a>00261
<a name="l00262"></a>00262 <span class="comment">// Is it a command or data</span>
<a name="l00263"></a>00263 <span class="comment">// -----------------------</span>
<a name="l00264"></a>00264 mode = ( mode == <a class="code" href="_l_c_d_8h.html#aad9ae913bdfab20dd94ad04ee2d5b045">DATA</a> ) ? _Rs : 0;
<a name="l00265"></a>00265
<a name="l00266"></a>00266 pinMapValue |= mode | _backlightStsMask;
<a name="l00267"></a>00267 loadSR ( pinMapValue | _En ); <span class="comment">// Send with enable high</span>
<a name="l00268"></a>00268 loadSR ( pinMapValue); <span class="comment">// Send with enable low</span>
<a name="l00269"></a>00269 }
<a name="l00270"></a>00270
<a name="l00271"></a>00271
<a name="l00272"></a>00272 <span class="keywordtype">void</span> LiquidCrystal_SR3W::loadSR(uint8_t value)
<a name="l00273"></a>00273 {
<a name="l00274"></a>00274 <span class="comment">// Load the shift register with information</span>
<a name="l00275"></a>00275 <a class="code" href="_fast_i_o_8cpp.html#a56c72b9f00680662229895ab22aaa743">fio_shiftOut</a>(_data_reg, _data, _clk_reg, _clk, value, MSBFIRST);
<a name="l00276"></a>00276
<a name="l00277"></a>00277 <span class="comment">// Strobe the data into the latch</span>
<a name="l00278"></a>00278 <a class="code" href="_fast_i_o_8h.html#a04971fe5fabe4129736708c494e08e6d">ATOMIC_BLOCK</a>(<a class="code" href="_fast_i_o_8h.html#a362c18b15a09703e42e1c246c47420ef">ATOMIC_RESTORESTATE</a>)
<a name="l00279"></a>00279 {
<a name="l00280"></a>00280 <a class="code" href="_fast_i_o_8h.html#a89e1c62276052100c62b6c82a2e95622">fio_digitalWrite_HIGH</a>(_strobe_reg, _strobe);
<a name="l00281"></a>00281 <a class="code" href="_fast_i_o_8h.html#accae9687fdfc5f3492fb6344d62eb190">fio_digitalWrite_SWITCHTO</a>(_strobe_reg, _strobe, LOW);
<a name="l00282"></a>00282 }
<a name="l00283"></a>00283 }
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Before First Curse
At some point, Mulan serves in the army of the Emperor of her native land, and proves herself in battle. For several months in her home empire, Mulan tries to track down a beast called the Yaoguai. After finally reaching the creature's den, Mulan sees a woman, Belle, trying to lure it out. When the Yaoguai comes out to attack, Mulan fires an arrow to force it away. Belle is grateful for her help, though Mulan berates her for scaring the beast and ruining her chance of killing the Yaoguai and saving her village. She storms off into the woods; snapping at Belle that the best way to help is to stay out of her way. Later, when Belle is accosted in a village by her former travelling companions, Mulan attacks and drives them away, but receives a wound to her leg. When Belle inquires as to why Mulan saved her, she asks for assistance in following the beast, and then allowing herself to kill it. As they go after the Yaoguai, Mulan discovers her leg injury is worse than she thought, and encourages Belle to defeat the Yaoguai. At first, Belle is unsure and hesitant, but gains more confidence when Mulan hands over her sword. Belle defeats the Yaoguai by restoring him to his human self, Prince Phillip. She introduces him to Mulan, and the two eventually become travelling companions. ("The Outsider")
When Emma breaks the curse in Storybrooke, time resumes, and Mulan and Prince Phillip continue their search for Aurora. They reach a crumbling palace where Aurora remains under the influence of the Sleeping Curse. Prince Phillip awakens her with true love's kiss. However, the happy reunion is cut short when a Wraith enters into the Enchanted Forest and attacks them. Prince Phillip is unwittingly marked by the Wraith's medallion, but keeps this information to himself. Once they start setting up camp for the night, he disappears and never returns. Mulan realizes what happened earlier and sets out to go after him. Before she can, Aurora accuses her of being in love with Prince Phillip. Mulan staunchly denies it; claiming that though they fought many battles together, she has no romantic feelings for him. They reach Prince Phillip just in time to witness his demise as the Wraith sucks out his soul and leaves the medallion behind. In mourning, the two women lay Prince Phillip's body on the palace bier. Mulan hands Aurora the bagged medallion for safe-keeping. As they prepare to leave, a sound startles them. Under a pile of rubble, they find two women, Emma and Mary Margaret, unconscious underneath it. Mulan blames the strangers as the culprits in Prince Phillip's death. ("Broken")
Mulan and Aurora ride away from the palace while forcing the women to follow along with their hands tied. They reach a Safe Haven where many survivors inhabit the area. Mary Margaret attempts to escape by kicking Aurora, giving Emma a head start, but Mulan throws a weapon to bring her down. Then, Emma and an unconscious Mary Margaret are thrown into a holding pit. ("We Are Both")
The leader of the Safe Haven, Lancelot, wishes to speak with Emma and Mary Margaret. He recognizes Mary Margaret as Snow White and they have a warm reunion. Since Lancelot trusts them, Mulan lets down her guard, though Aurora still holds animosity towards the two women for Prince Phillip's death. She warns the princess not to confuse vengeance with justice. By Lancelot's request, Mulan accompanies Emma and Mary Margaret for their journey to an abandoned castle, which may have a portal for them to return home. After giving them weapons, they travel through the woods until nightfall approaches. While Mary Margaret is gathering materials for building a fire, Aurora—who has been secretly following the trio—attacks her out of revenge. Mulan intervenes; telling Mary Margaret to stay out of the conflict and let her speak to Aurora. Emma reacts by firing her gun in the air, which startles both Mulan and Aurora. The noise attracts ogres, so they split up until Mary Margaret takes the creature down with an arrow to the eye. When they arrive at the castle, Mulan and Aurora keep watch at the gate while Emma and Mary Margaret go inside. By chance, Cora, disguised as Lancelot, ambushes the pair inside the castle. As a battle ensues, Mulan and Aurora hear the commotion and rush to help. During the commotion, the magic wardrobe Emma and Mary Margaret planned to use for returning home is burned to ash. Stunned at Cora's trickery, Mulan is shocked that she fell for the disguise of a shape shifter all this time and is unsure what to tell the survivors at the Safe Haven. Mary Margaret suggests she should tell them the truth; that Lancelot died a heroic death. With Lancelot dead, Mulan elects Mary Margaret as the new leader to guide the survivors. Though appreciative of the title, Mary Margaret wishes to return to her own home in Storybrooke with Emma. Mulan and Aurora agree to aide them in their quest. ("Lady of the Lake")
On the way back to camp, Mulan is perplexed on how to detail to the Safe Haven residents the manner of Lancelot's death. Upon arrival, Mulan is horrified to see all the people have had their hearts ripped out. Aurora discovers a lone survivor beneath some bodies and they speak to him in order to learn how he managed to live. He talks about hiding under some of the corpses to avoid Cora, who tore out everyone's hearts, but Mulan is not buying his story. With Emma's help, Mulan ties the man to a tree to allow the approaching ogres to eat him. Finally, the man confesses to his true identity, Captain Hook. He admits to being on the same side as Cora, but asks to team up with them instead. After Emma cuts him free, Mulan holds a sword to his back as Hook leads them to the location of a beanstalk. He states the item they need to return home; a enchanted compass is at the top, but they need to get past a giant. ("The Doctor")
At the base of the beanstalk, Mulan insists she should be the one to climb the beanstalk as most experienced warrior of out of all of them. Emma overrules her, and speaks to Mulan privately before making the journey up the beanstalk. She asks about the strength of her sword, and Mulan states it is the strongest sword in the land. Emma requests to be given a time limit of ten hours to get back down from the beanstalk, and if she has not returned, Mulan must cut down the beanstalk and ensure Mary Margaret goes home safely. Mulan agrees, and provides Emma with poppy dust to knock the giant out. After Emma and Hook set off, Mulan draws a line in the ground and punches a stick in the sand as a way to keep track of time. When it reaches ten hours and there is no sign of Emma, Mulan deals out a heavy blow to the stalk with her sword while Mary Margaret attempts to stop her. Mulan strongly insists it is Emma's wish she cut down the beanstalk. As the two women fight, Emma jumps down from the beanstalk in time with the compass in hand. ("Tallahassee")
Aurora, suffering through a side effect of the Sleeping Curse, experiences a dream in which she meets Emma's son Henry in the Netherworld. In an ambush, Cora uses the hearts of the Safe Haven victims and commands them to rise and attack. As the undead approach, Mulan and Aurora flee in one direction while Mary Margaret and Emma are left behind to face the creatures. Mulan becomes distracted after she is tackled to the ground by one undead while two others grab Aurora and kidnap her. Mulan takes off the head of the undead and regroups with Emma and Mary Margaret only to realize Cora now has Aurora. Without her, they have no way of accessing the Netherworld, so Mary Margaret asks to be put into a deep sleep to reach Henry. As they head to a nearby poppy field, a raven with a message from Cora arrives. Cora demands the compass by sundown, or risk Aurora's life. Mulan tries to take the compass by force, but Emma and Mary Margaret convince her to allow them until sundown to contact Henry and come up with a plan. She reluctantly agrees. In the field, Mulan cuts a poppy flower and crushes it into dust. Once the powder is blown in Mary Margaret, she falls asleep and travels to the Netherworld. While she is out, Mulan is not able to wait any longer and pilfers the compass to deliver it to Cora. On the way there, the two women catch up to her. Mary Margaret tackles Mulan to the ground and savagely threatens to finish her with an arrow. Mulan stubbornly refuses to hand over the compass, so Mary Margaret moves in for the kill when Aurora arrives to break up the altercation. From Mary Margaret's previous communication with David in the Netherworld, they learn the key to defeating Cora is some squid ink located in Rumplestiltskin's old cell, and continue on their expedition. ("Into the Deep")
As they arrive and venture into the underground jail beneath the ruins of the palace, Mulan uses her torch to search the cell for any sign of the squid ink. After Aurora finds a note written by Rumplestiltskin with Emma's name scribbled on it, Mulan discovers an empty small glass vial with no ink inside. Suddenly, Aurora entraps them in the cell, to which Cora parades in with Hook to reveal she is in possession of the girl's heart. After the two leave to make their way to Storybrooke, Mulan apologizes to Aurora for allowing Cora to get her heart. While stuck with no way out, Mary Margaret recalls seeing Cora use magic in a certain manner and realizes the squid ink is on the parchment with Emma's name. She demonstrates its power by blowing the ink dust onto the cell handle bars, which melt away. Aurora insists Cora still has too much power over her and asks to be left behind. Reluctantly, Mulan ties her to the remnants of the jail cell and hurries off with Emma and Mary Margaret to Lake Nostos. Just as Cora and Hook prepare to jump into the portal, Mulan, Emma and Mary Margaret do their best to fight their way through. With her sword blade, Mulan deflects Cora's incoming magic. Though she moves to attack, Cora vanishes into a puff of smoke. Aurora's heart nearly falls into the portal, but Hook makes a grab and tosses it back to Mulan. While Emma prepares to battle Hook, Mary Margaret directs Mulan to go and give Aurora her heart. Before she leaves, Mulan hands her sword to Mary Margaret for magic deflection. After returning to the cell, she inserts the heart into Aurora's chest. Aurora shares information on the whereabouts of Prince Phillip's soul, which she was told by Cora, and that he can possibly be revived. They set off to find a way to bring him back. ("Queen of Hearts")
As a young and skilled warrior in swordsmanship, Mulan somehow finds herself in DunBroch under the services of King Fergus. While donning a soldier's armor and helmet, she is challenged into a duel by Fergus' feisty daughter Merida, who she quickly disarms and knocks flat on her back. Mulan offers to teach swordplay to Merida, and from then on, they have regular lessons together. On another day, going by Fergus' orders to keep his daughter away from the upcoming southern invasion, she deliberately brings Merida to a different location to practice dueling, when suddenly a horn blares, signaling the start of the battle with the southerners. Merida rushes to the skirmish in time to see a mystery knight approaching to attack her father, and she attempts to stop the soldier with an arrow, but the shaft pierces the knight's cloak instead. After Merida witnesses the knight cut down her father, Mulan leads her away from the battlefield. ("The Bear King")
Using unknown means, Mulan and Aurora manage to retrieve and restore Phillip's soul. By the beach's shoreline, the trio come across an unconscious man. They take him back to the palace and tend to his injuries as Mulan keeps a close watch on the stranger. Upon awakening, she asks who he is, to which the man responds with his name, Neal. Her companions, Aurora and Prince Phillip, rush over to inspect the stranger. Neal is stunned to learn that he is in the Enchanted Forest. This causes Aurora to think he's a native of this land, but Mulan points out his clothes are foreign and similar to Emma and Mary Margaret's. At the mention of Emma's name, Neal tries to explain that he needs to save her from harm. When he brings up Henry, Aurora recognizes him as the boy's father and promises to help find his son in the Netherworld. While she does that, Mulan and Neal engage in light conversation. She learns he thought of the Enchanted Forest while falling into the portal, which brought him home. Aurora's attempt fails, so Neal decides to go to his father's old castle to look for something that might help reach his loved ones. Mulan accompanies him for the journey. Curiously, she asks why Emma never mentioned him before. Neal confesses he broke Emma's heart by letting her go to fulfill the breaking of the Dark Curse, and after it was finished with, fear of rejection kept himself from coming back to her. Mulan remarks that his belief in love wasn't strong enough to overcome rejection, which Neal says is the greatest regret of his life. Inside the castle, they meet a man named Robin Hood who has claimed the building as his own. Robin Hood allows them access upon learning that Neal is Rumplestiltskin's son Baelfire as he has an owed debt to the Dark One. From a brief search, Neal opens a hidden door with his father's old cane and tries to activate a crystal ball, which doesn't work. Mulan suggests to think about how he feels about Emma, and that will guide him to see her. Neal follows her instructions, and the crystal ball shows him an image of Emma in Neverland. ("And Straight On 'Til Morning", "The Heart of the Truest Believer")
Panicking over finding another pathway to Neverland, Neal searches all over the castle for something that could be of use, but to no avail. Just then, three of Robin Hood's allies from their group the Merry Men enter into the castle. From beneath the leading man, Little John, a four-year old boy, Roland, crawls out and runs into Robin's arms. Neal finds out the child is Robin Hood's son, to which he suddenly comes up with the idea of how to traverse worlds. He suggests using Robin's son, Roland, to use a summoning incantation to call the Shadow from Neverland, so Mulan helps to prepare the room for the operation. At nightfall, as everyone assumes their positions, Roland summons the Shadow, who attempts to kidnap the boy, but Mulan severs one of the Shadow's arms. This moment gives Neal time to grab onto the Shadow as it flies back to Neverland. Later, Robin offers Mulan a chance to join the Merry Men. She declines, stating that she has to talk to someone first before it's too late. Robin suspects it's someone she loves, though she mysteriously smiles, saying that only time will tell. Returning to the palace, Mulan prepares to confess her feelings for Aurora, but before she can, Aurora shares news of her pregnancy. Momentarily shocked at the news, Mulan recovers from her stupor to congratulate her, before announcing her plans to join the Merry Men. She turns away, walking off in sadness, as an equally disheartened Aurora watches her go. By nightfall, Mulan meets up with Robin at his camp, where she accepts a place with the Merry Men. ("Quite a Common Fairy")
Before Third Curse
Following her bout of unrequited love, Mulan becomes callous and cold, caring only about working for her employer to collect money debts from customers, even if they have been cheated out of deals. Although unclear, it appears she is no longer with the Merry Men by this point, though it's not known if she actually quit the group. During one such debt collection, in which Mulan forces the patrons to pay up by threatening to maim them, Merida finds her in the aftermath, shocked to see her old friend has changed so much. Because Mulan's main motivation is money, Merida pays her in order to secure her help in finding a magic helm that belonged to King Fergus. At the old battlefield where the southern invasion took place, they find the same arrow Merida shot at the knight who killed Fergus, which has a piece of the knight's cloak on it. Before they can use the cloak piece to track down the knight, King Arthur and Zelena steal Merida's bow to locate the helm. Discouraged at Zelena's implication that her father resorted to a magic helm to win against the southerners, Merida gives up the mission and returns home, while Mulan continues on her own to the old witch's hut, hoping to pinpoint the knight's identity. She is attacked by a guarding wolf inside the hut, but soon, she realizes the animal is a human in disguise. Knocking over a nearby cauldron, the smoke from the brew pours out, reverting the wolf to a human named Ruby. As the pair travel together, Mulan learns Ruby knows of her from Emma and Mary Margaret, as she once lived in the other world. When Ruby mentions Aurora and Phillip starting new lives there with their baby, Mulan becomes tense at the mention of Aurora, but she covers up her hurt with concern, saying she knows what it's like to start over in a new place. With Ruby's help, they discover the knight is Arthur. While Merida stops Arthur from taking the real helm, as the one he stole from Fergus was non-magical, Mulan faces off with Zelena, with Ruby knocking out the witch with a sleeping potion. After Arthur and Zelena retreat, Mulan admits she is still not over her lost love, to which Ruby encourages her to join her in finding other werewolves and help her as a way to heal from her own past. ("The Bear King")
After Third Curse
Continuing the search for werewolves, Mulan and Ruby head to Oz. In the woods, Mulan asks about Oz, with Ruby admitting she only knows the movie version of Oz, which involved a lot of singing. Like many previous searches, Ruby tries to sniff out any wolves, but she finds no one. Upon hearing a growl from an unknown creature, the women prepare to a fight, only to see a dog, whom Ruby recognizes as Toto. She moves to pet him, but then, Dorothy stops her, questioning which of them is a witch, since Toto only barks at witches. Ruby admits she's part wolf, and she tries to pet Toto to prove she is harmless, but Toto runs off. After Ruby confirms Toto went northwest, the trio head there. On the way, they see a cylone that Dorothy realizes is the Wicked Witch's return.Wanting to get back to her daughter, Zelena demands the silver slippers from Dorothy, and for her refusal, she holds Toto hostage, giving Dorothy until sundown tomorrow to honor the deal. To regain Toto, Mulan makes a concoction to put Zelena to sleep, but she needs poppies to complete the brew. Ruby joins Dorothy for the journey to the poppy field, and when they return, Mulan notices Ruby is in wolf form. Dorothy mentions running into some trouble with Zelena's flying monkeys, but she escaped with Ruby's help. With the collected poppy flower, Mulan finishes the sleeping powder and gives it to Dorothy. Dorothy then retires for the night, saying she needs rest, while Ruby suspects Dorothy is uncomfortable after seeing her in wolf form. By the campfire, Ruby confides in Mulan about falling hard for Dorothy. She is afraid of rejection, but Mulan encourages her not to hold back, reminding her not to make the same mistake she once did. Ruby goes to Dorothy, but finds her missing. ("Ruby Slippers")
After Zelena leaves Oz, with the slippers' help, Ruby follows her with a tracking spell, in hopes of learning what happened to Dorothy. Eventually, Mulan and the munchkins find Dorothy under a sleeping curse, and they keep watch over her, as they wait for Ruby's return. When Ruby comes back with Snow, she gives true love's kiss to Dorothy, awakening her from the curse. Dorothy admits she loves her, and after Ruby promises to always come back for her, the couple kiss, as Mulan, Snow and the munchkins look on happily. ("Ruby Slippers")
Character Notes
Mulan is the first character on the show to be derived from a legend rather than a traditional fairy tale, modern fairy tale or myth.
Production Notes
The casting call described her as, "Female, Asian. Early to mid 20s. A warrior first and foremost, she could hold her own against a swordsman or even a king. She is trained in weaponry, tracking and riding, but has a spirituality that enhances her tactical and strategic abilities.[1]
Fairytales and Folklore
Mulan wears armor, with her face and hair covered, in her first appearance in "Broken", and Aurora mistakes her for a man. This alludes to the original tale of Mulan where she pretended to be a man to take her father's place in the army. | {
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} |
5min Extreme
5min Media is the leading syndication platform for broadband instructional, knowledge, and lifestyle videos. Our library includes about 200,000 videos across 21 categories and 220 subcategories, which are professionally produced and brand-safe. 5min Media features content from some of the world’s largest media companies as well as the most innovative independent producers. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Inheritance - Return extended class from parent class
I want to make a super class for database access called DataModel. I have also a SQLiteOpenHelper with generic methods. My problem is to convert the type of result on parent class. I will explain with generic code. Supose an all() method in parent class:
public class DataModel {
public static ArrayList<DataModel> all(){
ArrayList<DataModel> datos = new ArrayList<DataModel>();
Map<String, String> columns = DataModel.getColumns();
Map<String, Object> columnData = LocalStorageServices.DatabaseService().getAllMatchesFromTable(DataModel.getTableName(), columns);
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : columnData.entrySet()) {
DataModel auxM = new DataModel(columns);
return datos;
I have else an extended class:
public class User extends DataModel {
protected String table = "testing";
What I need to achieve? To get a list of children instances in order to have the data and the concrete methods of the child. I mean, I would like to call ArrayList<User> appUsers = User.all(); but I cant because DataModel.all() returns a DataModel ArrayList (currently I would have to do ArrayList<DataModel> appUsers = User.all();).
The problem here is converting the typo for the children without knowing anything about the concrete child. Tomorrow I could create a new Entry class, Post class, or whatever model I want to create.
You can make it generic e.g.
public class DataModel<T> {
public ArrayList<T> all(){
// do generic stuff
return datos;
Does it have to be static? If yes, then you need to use
public static <T> ArrayList<T> all() { ... }
This way your User class looks like this
public class User extends DataModel<User> {...}
and you can now use
ArrayList<User> appUsers = User.all();
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Sunday, May 12, 2013
Application Integration - Business & IT Drivers
Design Patterns are finding increased use for its apparent benefits, i.e. when there is a solution for a common recognized problem, why reinvent the solution again, instead use the solution design that is expected to address the problem. However it is not a one size fits all, as there are a combination of factors that may influence the choice of the design and architecture. Enterprise Application Integration is a complex undertaking and it requires a thorough understanding of the applications being integrated and the various Business and IT drivers that necessitate the integration.
There are numerous approaches, methods and tools to design and implement Application Integration and it is always a challenge in choosing the right combination of design, tools and methods to accomplish the business need. Selecting the right design requires good knowledge of the problem on hand and the other related attributes that drives the solution. In this blog, let us try to identify various business and IT drivers that the architects need to understand well before making a choice of the design, method, tool or approach.
It is also worth understanding that these drivers should be considered collectively. While a particular tool or design might seem to solve the specific need, it might require certain other needs to be compromised. Thus it is a mix of art and science that the Architects need to apply.
Business Drivers:
Business Process Efficiency - The level of efficiency that the business wants achieve through the application integration is a basic need that should be considered. Being a basic need there is a tendency amongst the Architects to neglect to have this documented and thus leaving a chance failure in this area. Knowing this will also be useful in validating the design through the implementation phases.
Latency of Business Events - Certain business events are time sensitive and need to be propagated to the target systems within a time interval. Achieving a low latency integration may require tooling the components at much a lower layer of the computing hardware.
Information / Data Flow direction - Whether the data or information should flow in one way or should it be a request / response combination has an influence on the choice of design.
Routing / Distribution - The information or data flow might be just a broadcast or in some cases, there have to be a response for each request. Similarly, the target applications may be one or many, which could be dynamic based on certain data combinations. These routing and brokering rules have to be identified to orchestrate the data flow appropriately.
Level of Automation - End to end automation might require changes to the source and / or target applications. Alternatively, it might be a best choice to leave this to be semi automatic, so that the existing systems and related process may remain unchanged. An example of this could be participation of a legacy system which is likely to be sunset in the near term, in which case changes to the legacy system is not preferred.
Inter-Process Dependencies - Dependencies between processes would determine whether to use serial or parallel processing. It is important to identify and understand this need, so that processes which can be processed in parallel can be identified and designed accordingly, so as to achieve efficiency.
IT Drivers:
Budget / TCO - Any enterprise Initiative would be budget driven and the Return on Investment must be established to get the consent of the project governance body (or Steering Committee). The Choice of tools, design and the approach should be made considering the allocated budget and aiming to achieve a lower TCO (Total Cost of Ownership).
Technology and Skills - It is also important that the design and architecture considers the technology in use in the organization and the availability of skilled resources to build and as well as maintain the integration implementation. Application Integration solutions require a continuous maintenance as either of the source or target systems or even the business processes are likely to undergo changes.
Legacy Investment - All enterprises will have investments in legacy systems as the technology obsolescence is happening faster than planned. It would be prudent for enterprises to explore opportunities to get returns out of such legacy investments where possible. The Architects shall consider this aspect while designing integration solutions and thus facilitate planned sunset of Legacy systems over a period.
Application Layers - Integration can be achieved at various layers, viz. Data Layer, Application Layer, UI Layer, etc. The choice of the integration layer depends on various business drivers and an appropriate choice need to be made to achieve desired efficiency, latency and other needs.
Application Complexity - An enterprise is likely to have a portfolio of applications within and outside to integrate with. The complexity of the applications would have a direct influence on the design and architecture of the integration solution as well. A thorough study and evaluation of the applications is a must to come up with a good integration solution.
As you know the above is not an exhaustive list and there are various other business and IT Drivers that need consideration. In addition, the quality attributes like security, availability, performance, maintainablity, extendability etc that need consideration in choosing a right design and architecture for the application integration solution. I would be writing another blog on Quality of Service (QoS) considerations for Application Integration solutions. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Extra Grain Chute
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"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
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Grails 3 change default service scope
In grails 3, the default service scope is Singleton, the documents show it's easy to override this by defining
static scope='request'
in the service class. Is it possible to change the default service scope for an application similar to the way it is done for controllers in application.groovy?
The specific issue is a Service class in a plugin is calling application services (which are designed around request scope). This was working in grails 2, but with the upgrade to grails 3 it no longer does.
Is it possible to change the default scope for an application similar
to the way it is done for controllers in application.groovy?
There is no direct support for that, no. You could write a bean definition post processor that could impose that change.
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"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
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Intramolecular Schmidt Reaction of Vinyl Azides with Cyclic Ketones.
Cyclic ketones tethered with a vinyl azide group undergo a Schmidt-hydrolysis sequence to give secondary lactams bearing a ketone side chain. Secondary lactams are obtained in a regioselective manner that is not possible in a conventional Schimdt reaction. In addition to the well-documented C-2 nucleophilicity, the N nucleophilicity of vinyl azide disclosed in this work opens a new direction for reaction invention involving vinyl azides. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
Focal cortical dysfunction and blood-brain barrier disruption in patients with Postconcussion syndrome.
Postconcussion syndrome (PCS) refers to symptoms and signs commonly occurring after mild head injury. The pathogenesis of PCS is unknown. The authors quantitatively analyzed EEG recordings, localized brain sources for abnormal activity, and correlated it with imaging studies. Data from 17 patients with neurologic symptomatology consistent with ICD-10 criteria for PCS was analyzed. Normalized quantitative EEG (QEEG) revealed significantly higher power in the delta band and lower power in the alpha band compared with matched controls. The generators for the abnormal rhythms were focally localized in neocortical regions. Brain computerized tomography and/or MRI did not reveal focal abnormality at the time of diagnosis. Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) after 99mTc-ethylcysteinate dimer administration showed a focal reduction in perfusion in 85% (n = 11) of the patients, and abnormal blood-brain barrier (BBB) after 99mTc-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid administration in 73% (n = 8). In 75% of these patients, low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography analysis showed that the generators for abnormal rhythms were closely related to the anatomic location of the BBB lesion. These data point to focal cortical dysfunction in conjunction with BBB disruption and hypoperfusion as a possible mechanism of pathogenesis in at least some PCS patients, and offer QEEG and SPECT as important tools in evaluating these patients. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
ART 2294 Photography Portfolio Development
1.0 Credit Hour
One-on-one instruction regarding the student's final graduating photography portfolio. Instructor will meet with the student during final term of study to help the student compose his or her final graduating portfolio. Student may repeat course up to three times to achieve a passing grade. Failure to satisfactorily complete this course will make the student ineligible for the Photographic Technology Short-Term Certificate.
Restricted to Majors AND The student must complete 28 semester hours of coursework prior to enrolling in ART 2294. Course should be completed during the final terms of study.
Summer Term 2015 Schedule
Booklist for ART 2294
(* indicates prerequisite)
(updated hourly)
B Term
Independent Study Student
Section B00
*Term designations represent when courses are typically offered. They are included for planning purposes only and subject to change. Refer to the current schedule for actual course offerings. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Neutron detectors are used in a variety of applications, such as particle physics experiments, instrumentation at nuclear reactors, radiation safety, cosmic ray detection, and border security. Accurate detection of neutrons and their corresponding kinetic energy can be difficult since neutrons have no charge. This makes it difficult to direct neutrons toward a detector to facilitate detection. Neutrons also do not ionize atoms directly, so gaseous ionization detectors are usually ineffective. Additionally, there is typically a relatively high level of background noise. The main component of background noise in neutron detection is high-energy photons. It can be difficult to determine in certain types of detectors whether neutrons or photons are being detected. Both register similar signals after interacting in the detector.
Homogenous capture-gated neutron spectrometers have been utilized for several years. Homogeneous detectors are composed of a single, uniform mixture of appropriate chemicals that include a hydrogenous scintillator and a high-capture-cross-section component that provides the neutron-capture signal. A typical capture material consists of boron enriched in the B-10 isotope.
Heterogeneous capture-gated neutron spectrometers offer several advantages over the homogeneous class of spectrometers. However, heterogeneous detectors are typically composed of relatively expensive materials. A typical heterogeneous detector contains two or more separate materials placed in intimate contact with each other, forming a single, optically transparent body. Characteristic capturing materials may include Li-6, B-10, or both types of nuclei. For example, current detectors can include thick sheets of plastic scintillator interspersed with relatively thin sheets of lithium-glass scintillator, with the lithium enriched in the Li-6 isotope. This type of heterogeneous detector requires an efficient scintillator that incorporates the capturing nuclei, since the capture byproducts of the Li-6 or B-10 isotopes are heavy, short-range charged particles such as tritons and alpha particles that do not escape the capturing scintillator. This type of scintillator can be quite expensive, thereby increasing the overall cost of the detector.
The above factors have limited the use of neutron detectors to small, niche markets. A relatively small, inexpensive neutron detector can create new markets for neutron detectors in medicine, nuclear science, and homeland security.
Reference will now be made to the exemplary embodiments illustrated, and specific language will be used herein to describe the same. It will nevertheless be understood that no limitation of the scope of the invention is thereby intended. | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} |
I’m sure that you, like me, are saddened every time someone in your team has resigned, (apart from the one or two rare exceptions when I have actually danced a celebratory jig around my desk, but that’s for another article!).
Mostly, my natural reaction has always been a human one I suppose. “Why would they do that?” or, “What’s wrong with them?” or even, “The fool must be leaving for money!”
But as the years rolled by I have become much wiser.
Lack of Leadership
Experience tells me that people don’t change jobs solely for money, and they almost never resign on a whim or in a fit of anger. People joined your company because they believed it was right for them, and they desperately want it to be right.
However, something, at some point, makes it wrong and if you are able to uncover their real reasons for leaving, and you should, you will find that it’s not ‘the company’ they blame. It’s not the location, or the team, or the database or the air-conditioning…
…it’s the leadership!
Of course they very rarely use that word. They may not mention management at all.
Instead they talk about “morale,” or say “communication is poor”, and, when they express frustration at the lack of clarity for their career progression, they are telling you that it’s the leaders they are leaving. After all, leaders are responsible for morale, communication and career path.
Discover the Real Reasons
And don’t be fooled by the results of your employee engagement survey – they rarely get to the heart of the matter. A ‘company’ is just a legal entity and a ‘business’ is simply a building containing a collection of desks and computers. No one resigns because of that.
It’s the decisions, the motivation, the atmosphere, the ethos, the support, the training, the vision, the inspiration and the direction set by the leadership that your employees will follow…or leave!
Take the time to have an honest look at your business or department without further delay. If you’re losing too many people, (or have high absenteeism), you need to discover the real reasons why.
If you’re not sure how to get to the root cause then ask. My colleagues and I are happy to offer our free advice, and it could transform your performance and results in 2016.
Boxchange offers a fully integrated business change solution that fits almost every conceivable change challenge your business may, or is currently facing. We focus on delivering value, return on investment & ensure effective knowledge transfer throughout. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Total intracranial and lateral ventricle volumes measurement in Alzheimer's disease: A methodological study.
Measuring of brain and its compartments' sizes from magnetic resonance (MR) images is an effective way to assess disease progression in neurodegenerative disorders, particularly Alzheimer's disease (AD). The objective of this study was to compare total intracranial volume (TIV) and lateral ventricle volume (LVV) in patients with Alzheimer's disease with those in elderly control subjects, and to compare an automated method (automatic lateral ventricle delineation [ALVIN]) and a manual method (ImageJ). MRI of the brain was performed on 20 patients with Alzheimer's disease and 18 control subjects. The TIV was calculated by a manual method and the LVV was calculated by using two methods: an automated and manual method. We found a significant increase in LVVs in Alzheimer's disease patients compared to control subjects, but no difference in TIV between the two groups. A perfect agreement, with 0.989 (0.973-0.996) intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and 0.978 (0.946-0.991) concordance correlation coefficient (CCC), was observed between the manual and automatic lateral ventricle measurements in Alzheimer patients. The results revealed that LVV measure has predictive performance in AD. We demonstrated that ALVIN and ImageJ are both effective in determining lateral ventricular volume, providing an objective tool for quantitative assessment of AD. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
The trend in mobile wireless devices has been to provide faster access, improved processors, more memory, brighter and higher resolution screens, additional connectivity with Wi-Fi, GPS, 3G and 4G world access—all with longer battery life in thinner more sleek packages. Compound this with the desire of mobile operators to expand their available band allocations, and what results is a difficult industrial design arena, where suppliers are vying for physical space within the confines of a smartphone or similar device to accommodate necessary components. One such component is the antenna—essentially a transducer that converts time varying electrical current to radiated energy, and often considered a last minute addition to the physical structure. | {
"pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds"
} |
Pointer with java and string variable
I gave a value (as variable) to a String variable.
The problem is that when I change this value, it doesn't change the other variable :
Code :
String test = "hello";
String myname = test;
test = "how are you ?";
The output of myname is "hello"
I want that the output be "how are you?" the new value of test; how to do it without give the value again like :
myname = test;
I don't want to give the value again because I my code I got a lots of variables that got the test variable as value, I want to do the shortest way.
First you are assigning the value "hello" (at some place in memory) to test:
test --------------> "hello"
Then, you are setting myname to the same location in memory.
test --------------> "hello"
myname ----------/
Then, you are assigning the value "how are you?" at a new location in memory to test:
-> "hello"
myname ----------/
test --------------> "how are you?"
It's all about the pointers.
I have no idea what the rest of your code looks like, but if you want to be able to update a single String and have the rest of the references to that String update at the same time, then you need to use a StringBuilder (or StringBuffer if you need synchronization) instead:
StringBuilder test = new StringBuilder("hello");
StringBuilder myname = test;
StringBuilder foo = test;
StringBuilder bar = test;
test.replace(0, test.length(), "how are you?");
Assert.assertEquals("how are you?", test.toString());
Assert.assertEquals("how are you?", myname.toString());
Assert.assertEquals("how are you?", foo.toString());
Assert.assertEquals("how are you?", bar.toString());
Got it from there?
It sounds like you need to learn about the difference between a reference variable and the object that a variable refers to. Let's look at what your code does:
String test = "hello";
This assigns the reference variable test to refer to a constant String object with the value "hello".
String myname = test;
Now the reference myname refers to the same String object as test does.
test = "how are you ?";
Now test refers to a new String object with the value of "how are you ?". Note that this does not change myname, as you have seen.
The problem is that String is immutable so "how are you ?" is a new object. Thus myname still refers to the old object "hello".
Solution 1: Don't use two references. Why not just use test throughout your code if there's only one object?
Solution 2: Have the two references point to the same object, but use a mutable object. e.g. use StringBuilder or StringBuffer instead of String.
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"pile_set_name": "StackExchange"
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Somalia congratulates Trump on election victory
H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia congratulates President Elect Donald J Trump for being elected as the 45th president of the United States of America, and wishes the US president-elect, every success in leading his nation forward.
“On behalf of the Federal Republic of Somalia and the Somali people, I would like to offer my congratulations to Donald J Trump on his victory in the US presidential election. Somalia appreciates and values the excellent partnership between Somalia and the United States that is vital for our mutual security and common goals particularly in the Horn of Africa region.” asserted President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.
“Somalia is a willing partner ready to enhance our existing cooperation between our two states in order to move forward the aim of safeguarding the peace, stability and prosperity of both Somalia and the wider Horn of Africa region.” expressed the President of the FGS, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.
“The people of Somalia wish the President-Elect and the people of America every success in their endeavors in the years to come. We are grateful to the government and the people of the United States for the invaluable support they have given to Somalia.” Concluded the President of Federal Republic of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
Greg Mankiw's Blog
Random Observations for Students of Economics
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
An Enlightening Example
Chapter 1 of my favorite textbook talks about how policies can have unintended consequences because of their effects on incentives. One example I use is Sam Peltzman's famous study of seatbelt laws. Here, from The Economist, is another example:
SOLID-STATE lighting, the latest idea to brighten up the world while saving the planet, promises illumination for a fraction of the energy used by incandescent or fluorescent bulbs. A win all round, then: lower electricity bills and...less climate-changing carbon dioxide belching from power stations.
Well, no. Not if history is any guide. Solid-state lamps, which use souped-up versions of the light-emitting diodes that shine from the faces of digital clocks and flash irritatingly on the front panels of audio and video equipment, will indeed make lighting better. But precedent suggests that this will serve merely to increase the demand for light. The consequence may not be just more light for the same amount of energy, but an actual increase in energy consumption.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Reinhardt on Efficiency
I know that Uwe has used my Principles of Micro textbook in his introductory class. So his commentary on "modern textbooks" is, at least to some extent, directed at me. (In particular, I suspect he has chapters 7, 8, and 9 in mind.) Uwe also provides some useful links to handouts he gives to his class.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Latest from Merle Hazard
Monday, August 23, 2010
Krugman reestimates the Mankiw rule
This scatterplot is from Paul Krugman. x is the core inflation rate minus the unemployment rate. y is the federal funds rate. It uses data from 1988 to 2008.
This graph is motivated by a version of the Taylor rule I once proposed. Paul uses a different sample than I did, so he gets slightly different parameter values. Nonetheless, I think Paul and I agree that this equation provides a reasonable first approximation to what the Fed will and should do in response to macroeconomic conditions.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Notes from the Sixth Row
Last week, my friend Phill Swagel attended an event to hear about the future of policy toward housing finance. He sends along the following. (By the way, here is Phill's own proposal for GSE reform.)
Notes from the Sixth Row: The Treasury-HUD GSE Conference
Phillip Swagel
I took away four main points from Tuesday's Treasury-HUD GSE conference:
Hints of reform. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said that the administration supported fundamental GSE reform but with still a government guarantee for housing finance in some form. The GSE portfolios, however, would disappear. None of this is a surprise, but it was still novel—especially in contrast with past policy efforts such as stimulus and healthcare, where the administration allowed the Congress to take the lead on policy formation.
Industry participants love government guarantees. Conference participants from industries involved with the financing and construction of homes assert that no American will ever buy a home again if the government does not provide a full credit guarantee against the financial market consequences of people defaulting on their mortgages. And that guarantee needs a fair (that is, low) price. Bill Gross made some news in calling for full nationalization of housing finance and complete guarantees on mortgage capital. He prefaced this by saying that he was speaking on behalf of public policy and not his firm. Mr. Gross is smart and was exceedingly public-minded during the financial crisis (even, yes, while profiting from some astute investment calls). There is no doubt that he means well. But it’s scary to think about what he might suggest when he speaks for his book of business instead of the public interest.
Blowback from the left. The administration is scared of its own shadow with respect to flak from the left—the White House staffer’s introductory remarks were an awkward ode to inclusion and conference guidelines such as time limits went out the window when advocates of affordable housing subsidies were speaking (As a note, I very much support these subsidies and think that an important element of GSE reform is to make the subsidies more effective. But this still does not mean that the people making that point should have had carte blanche to long-talk while avoiding answering direct questions.) Amidst the long-talking, it turns out that there is good reason for the administration’s trembling. To the limited extent that advocates of affordable/low-income housing participated in the conference, they vehemently opposed scaling back any form of government support, including reducing the activities of the portfolios. It was impossible to tell what the affordable advocates were for other than “more.” The administration’s GSE reform plan could come down on stone tablets from Mt. Sinai – and still be attacked by the advocate community as "not enough." GSE reform thus represents yet another conflict brewing between the administration and its frenemies in the “professional” left. And yet the President's political tactics of late center on demonizing the moderate/responsible Republicans (“privatizers”) with whom he might form a centrist coalition to actually move forward with a housing finance overhaul. GSE reform could be a long ways off—until we have a President who seeks to lead in a bipartisan fashion.
Settle in; this is going to be a long process. Yesterday's conference was a show of attention to the issue but not more. And next on the agenda are several regional conferences—perhaps the hotel and travel spending is a form of stimulus (or better—it’s time for Congress to shut off Treasury’s unlimited authority to spend money through the Office of Financial Stability). The wheels of GSE reform are turning, but the vehicle is moving forward at a crawl.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
CBO's Latest Projection
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Amazon Bestsellers
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
What I Learned on My Summer Vacation
As is typical for me during this time of year, I have been on a field trip to study the economy of Nantucket. The chart below shows what I learned: This idyllic island has not escaped the rise and fall in housing prices that the rest of the nation has experienced.
We're number one!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Favorite Family Game
A tip for parents. My favorite family game: Quiddler. It is fun for all ages (as long as your kids have started to read), it doesn't go on forever (like Monopoly), and it is a bit educational (bring a dictionary along).
Thursday, August 12, 2010
A Challenge to Extreme Keynesians
The key insight of Keynesian economics is that the problem during recessions is inadequate aggregate demand. Taken to the extreme, which some Keynesians do, it says that aggregate demand is the only thing you need to worry about during downturns. Changes in aggregate supply (due to, say, high marginal tax rates or adverse incentives associated unemployment insurance) don't matter, they argue, because employment is being constrained by the low level of aggregate demand.
University of Chicago economist Casey Mulligan offers a challenge to that view. Casey points out that there is a regular surge in teenage employment during the summer months because more teenagers are available to work (that is, the supply of their labor has increased). That is no surprise: It is normal supply and demand in action. But if aggregate demand were the main constraint on employment, this increase in supply should not translate into higher employment during deep recessions such as this one. But it does!
Most economists, Keynesians and otherwise, ignore this summer change in employment because we focus on seasonally adjusted data. But as Casey points out, the raw unadjusted data may have something important to teach us.
Casey might want us to take this as evidence against the entire Keynesian worldview. I would not go quite that far, but it surely provides a challenge to extreme Keynesianism. I am reminded of a response I once gave to a reporter who asked whether I was a supply-sider or a Keynesian. "I am neither a supply-side economist nor a demand-side economist," I said. "I am a supply-and-demand economist."
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Where does the Laffer curve bend?
The White House Policy Process
Chapter 2 of my favorite textbook describes how economists play a role in the making of public policy. If students want a more detailed description of the White House policy process, a good place to look is this recent post by Keith Hennessey.
Saturday, August 07, 2010
A Wise Passage
Politicians are in charge of the modern economy in much the same way as a sailor is in charge of a small boat in a storm. The consequences of their losing control completely may be catastrophic (as civil war and hyperinflation in parts of the former Soviet empire have recently reminded us), but even while they keep afloat, their influence over the course of events is tiny in comparison with that of the storm around them. We who are their passengers may focus our hopes and fears upon them, and express profound gratitude toward them if we reach harbor safely, but that is chiefly because it seems pointless to thank the storm. (p. 25)
How is Medicare doing?
Administration officials can always be counted on to praise President Obama's health care law. But Rick Foster, the chief actuary of Medicare, offers an unvarnished assessment of how the new law affects 47 million Medicare recipients, as well as the federal deficit.
"There is a strong likelihood that the cost projections in the new trustees report under current law understate the actual future cost that Medicare will face. A strong likelihood," he says. "I've gone so far as to say that I don't think it's a reasonable projection of what will really happen." Rick Foster made a rare public appearance at the American Enterprise Institute Friday to discuss the latest projections of Medicare which are required by law.
The single greatest uncertainty in the projections are the cuts to Medicare that the administration is counting on to pay for new benefits.The Obama plan assumes health care can accomplish the same kinds of increased efficiency, or productivity improvements, usually seen on production lines -- like manufacturing cars. But few analysts believe that is possible. Joe Antos, a scholar at AEI, says, "they're productivity improvements if productivity happens. If productivity doesn't happen, they're still cuts."
And Foster adds that, "every single expert we talked [to] has told us they did not think these productivity adjustments were viable. They thought they just would not work."
Friday, August 06, 2010
On Congressman Paul Ryan
Christy Romer Steps Down
From my own experience in that job, I know she must be experiencing mixed emotions. On the one hand, it is an exhilarating experience to be a member of a White House team, a part of history, and the leader of a staff of smart, hard-working economists at the CEA. On the other hand, in jobs like this, one loses a great deal of autonomy. People who choose academia as a career often do so because they enjoy the personal and intellectual freedom it offers. Having spent two years without it, I appreciate that freedom all the more. I bet Christy will feel the same, after she recovers from Beltway decompression.
Thursday, August 05, 2010
President Obama's Pro-Union Stance
Are the Democratic-controlled Congress and President Obama very much pro union? Unquestionably. Do the economic effects of unions on the welfare of workers as a whole justify that union bias? No. Has their pro-union orientation seriously retarded the recovery from the recession? Probably....The real threat to a robust recovery on the labor side has come from employer and entrepreneurial fears that once the economic environment improves, a Democratic Congress and administration will pass pro-union and other pro-worker legislation that will raise the cost of doing business and cut profits. In this way the obvious pro-union-pro-worker bias of the present government has contributed to a slower recovery, especially in labor markets.
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Rogoff on the Current Policy Challenge
About Me
I am the Robert M. Beren Professor of Economics at Harvard University, where I teach introductory economics (ec 10). I use this blog to keep in touch with my current and former students. Teachers and students at other schools, as well as others interested in economic issues, are welcome to use this resource. | {
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Constitutively wilted 1, a member of the rice YUCCA gene family, is required for maintaining water homeostasis and an appropriate root to shoot ratio.
Increasing its root to shoot ratio is a plant strategy for restoring water homeostasis in response to the long-term imposition of mild water stress. In addition to its important role in diverse fundamental processes, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is involved in root growth and development. Recent extensive characterizations of the YUCCA gene family in Arabidopsis and rice have elucidated that member's function in a tryptophan-dependent IAA biosynthetic pathway. Through forward- and reverse-genetics screening, we have isolated Tos17 and T-DNA insertional rice mutants in a CONSTITUTIVELY WILTED1 (COW1) gene, which encodes a new member of the YUCCA protein family. Homozygous plants with either a Tos17 or T-DNA-inserted allele of OsCOW1 exhibit phenotypes of rolled leaves, reduced leaf widths, and lower root to shoot ratios. These phenotypes are evident in seedlings as early as 7-10 d after germination, and remain until maturity. When oscow1 seedlings are grown under low-intensity light and high relative humidity, the rolled-leaf phenotype is greatly alleviated. For comparison, in such conditions, the transpiration rate for WT leaves decreases approx. 5- to 10-fold, implying that this mutant trait results from wilting rather than being a morphogenic defect. Furthermore, a lower turgor potential and transpiration rate in their mature leaves indicates that oscow1 plants are water-deficient, due to insufficient water uptake that possibly stems from that diminished root to shoot ratio. Thus, our observations suggest that OsCOW1-mediated IAA biosynthesis plays an important role in maintaining root to shoot ratios and, in turn, affects water homeostasis in rice. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
Movie and park lovers can bring a blanket and a picnic basket to watch current and classic flicks for free during the Movies in the Parks series. View Full Caption Chicago Park District
EDISON PARK — The hit animated flick "The Lego Movie" will light up the night sky in Edison Park this weekend as part of the Chicago Park District's Movies in the Parks series.
Starring the voices of Chris Pratt, Will Ferrell, Elizabeth Banks, Will Arnett, Nick Offerman, Alison Brie, Charlie Day, Liam Neeson and Morgan Freeman, "The Lego Movie" tells the story of an ordinary Lego mini figure named Emmet destined to save the Lego universe from the tyrannical Lord Business who plans to use the Kragle to glue everything in place.
Movie and park lovers can bring a blanket and a picnic basket to watch current and classic flicks for free.
The schedule for the next month is:
"The Lego Movie" at 8 p.m. Friday at Olympia Park, 6566 N. Avondale Ave.
"Monsters University" at 8 p.m. Wednesday at Portage Park, 4100 N. Long Ave.
"To Kill a Mockingbird" at 8 p.m. June 27 at Wilson Park, 4630 N. Milwaukee Ave.
"Despicable Me" at 9 p.m. June 28 at Oriole Park, 5430 N. Olcott Ave.
"Frozen" at 8 p.m. July 9 at Portage Park, 4100 N. Long Ave.
"Free Birds" at 8:30 p.m. July 10 at Wildwood Park, 6950 N. Hiawatha Ave.
"Frozen" at 8:30 p.m. July 11 at Jefferson Park, 4822 N. Long Ave.
"Ghostbusters" at 8:30 p.m. July 11 at Dunham Park, 4638 N. Melvina Ave.
"The Smurfs 2" at 8:30 p.m. July 18 at Brooks Park, 7100 N. Harlem Ave.
For information or to check for weather-related cancelations call 312-742-1134.
For more neighborhood news, listen to DNAinfo Radio here: | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} |
Deposition of fenoterol from pressurized metered dose inhalers containing hydrofluoroalkanes.
The imaging technique of gamma scintigraphy has been used to quantify the total amount of drug deposited in the lungs and the pattern of regional lung deposition, for formulations of Berodual (Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH) delivered from pressurized metered dose inhalers formulated with chlorofluorocarbons, and with hydrofluoroalkane-134a or -227. Data were expressed as the mass of fenoterol deposited in the lungs from the Berodual formulations. All the formulations tested gave a whole lung deposition less than 20% of the metered (exvalve) dose. The mass of fenoterol deposited in the lungs for a solution formulation containing hydrofluoroalkane-134a was inversely proportional to the actuator nozzle diameter. The data suggest that the total and regional lung deposition of hydrofluoroalkane-based pressurized aerosol formulations is highly product-specific and that changes in bioavailability can be brought about by varying both the constituents of the formulation and the design of the actuator. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
Oculus is on fire with its latest hardware offerings, and the Rift S may be the company’s most impressive VR headset yet.
Although, it’s hard to call this a traditional review, due to the fact that the Rift S is the default Oculus Rift system from here on out. The older models have been discontinued, so anyone buying a new headset from this week forward will get the Rift S instead of the existing consumer model. That’s a smart play that should help limit customer confusion, but the real question is: If you already have VR headset, should you upgrade into the Rift S?
The short is yes, I think upgrading is a wise decision for most players. The longer answer can be read below.
What Oculus has improved
The biggest change in the Rift S is the loss of the external sensors; I only need to connect the headset to my PC through a single DisplayPort and USB 3.0 connection, touch the controller to the floor, and trace my play area to get everything calibrated. The original Rift used two desk- or wall-mounted sensors for a sitting or standing experience, or three sensors for a true 360 degree, room-scale environment.
Putting that all together, including the nearly mandatory use of USB extension cables and hubs, was always one of the worst aspects of the original system, and it only got worse when someone bumped into one of the sensors, which could send your virtual world spinning a gut-churning manner.
But those weaknesses are all gone thanks to the inside-out tracking, which uses sensors mounted on the headset to track your environment, and the two included Touch controllers. This new approach makes the headset much easier to set up, tracking is just as strong as the original, and moving the system from room to room or even from PC to PC is a snap. Everything about getting into VR is made simpler now that I don’t have to fuss around with sensor placement or cable management outside of the single tether. This shift is nearly enough to justify the new hardware on its own.
Related The Oculus Rift review
It may not even be a shift that feels all that important at first, but the more I use the Rift S and the more I take it other places to show to friends and family, the more the lack of sensors feels like sweet, sweet relief.
The rest of the design upgrades and adjustments are a bit more subtle. The headset is easier to put on and take off due to the large, PlayStation VR-like knob on the back of the strap, and the built-in headphones of the previous system have been replaced with an open-ear design that lets you play without blocking out ambient sounds. A jack allows you to use your own headphones if you’d like, but I’ve found that nearly everyone prefers the standard arrangement so they can hear, and speak with, those around them as they play. It helps keep you from feeling completely isolated.
The original headset offered a dual-screen design that gave the player an effective resolution of 1080 by 1200 per eye, and the Rift S uses a single display that runs at 2560 by 1440 total so, while it’s hard to give a true apples-to-apples comparison, the new display looks noticeably crisper.
The drop to a 80 hertz refresh rate from the original’s 90 hertz was, to me at least, unnoticeable. It’s a detail I never would have suspected without going over every detail on the fact sheets of both headsets. The change in approach to the display does mean that there’s no longer a physical control for adjusting inter-pupillary distance and that adjustment is now handled by the software, but again I didn’t notice any drop in quality due to this shift.
The downside is that all of these things feel like iterative steps when compared to the original Oculus Rift, even if the new tracking solution is a really large iterative step. But there’s nothing here to make the Rift S feel like a truly next-generation product compared to existing VR headsets on the market, and the tether feels even more restrictive now that I’ve grown accustomed to the self-contained — and rather amazing — Oculus Quest.
And the external design is so bland and unremarkable — especially in contrast to the impressive technology that drives the Rift S — that it feels like a missed opportunity. There’s nothing wrong with how it looks or feels, but there’s nothing about it that jumps out and suggests you’re using cutting edge technology, either. The PSVR remains the gold standard when it comes to eye-catching, if slightly retro-futuristic, design.
Having read that back to myself, however, I realize just how spoiled I’ve become when it comes to affordable virtual reality technology. The optics on the Rift S lead to fewer “god rays,” the shining, tracer-like patterns of light that can slide across the lenses during moments of high contrast, and the updated display makes text easier to read and colors seem much more vibrant. The ability to peer at your real world surroundings using the pass-through camera is also welcome, and I strongly suggest using the option in settings that makes this possible at any point by pumping the Oculus button on either controller twice in rapid succession.
Combine those improvements with the significantly reduced complexity in setup and use and you have a headset that’s a very easy sell at $399, even though current Rift hardware will likely be sold for much less on the secondary market once the Rift S is released. It’s worth paying more for a platform that performs this much better, and removes so many annoyances when it comes to actually playing games in VR.
I’m looking forward to spending time with the Valve Index at some point in the future, but if the Oculus Quest and now the Rift S have taught me anything, it’s that achieving the highest levels of visual fidelity is much less important than removing barriers to play and increasing ease of use. And there’s no friction in moving from a previous version of the Rift to the Rift S; all your existing games and software will continue to work on the new hardware.
The Rift S offers a sharper and more immediately impressive image than the Quest due to the added power of an external gaming PC, but I prefer the freedom and flexibility offered by the Quest if I want to play a quick game for fun or to fit a surprisingly effective workout into a busy day. Oculus is aggressively moving toward making setup and play both quicker and easier than the competition, and the results speak for themselves. | {
"pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2"
} |
[Mechanism and protective effect of glossy ganoderma decoction on the activities of RNA polymerase in hepatocyte of rabbits with Amanita mushroom poisoning].
To investigate the mechanism of glossy ganoderma decoction in Amanita mushroom poisoning. Twenty male New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into 4 groups, including a normal control, a model poison group, and 2 treatment groups (different doses of glossy ganoderma decoction). The activities of hepatocyte RNA polymerase were measured by ultraviolet spectrophotometry and liver function were measured. The activities of hepatocyte RNA polymerase of the model group significantly decreased, and those of the 2 treatment groups were significantly higher than those of the model group. There was a dose-dependent manner between the 2 treatment groups ( all Ps<0.01), and the differences of liver function test including total bilirubin (TBIL), direct bilirubin (DB), total bile acid (TBA), and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) in the 4 groups were significant (P<0.01). Glossy ganoderma decoction may protect the liver from Amanita mushroom poisoning. Its mechanism may be related to the increase of the activities of hepatocyte RNA polymerase. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |
No confirmation on being QC just that it is 4B00 and no invoice or any other info to dealer. Will NOT show up on window sticker either. My dealer has received my painted engine cover but no other info at all. | {
"pile_set_name": "Pile-CC"
} |
ISO/IEC 9995
ISO/IEC 9995 Information technology — Keyboard layouts for text and office systems is an ISO standard series defining layout principles for computer keyboards. It does not define specific layouts but provides the base for national and industry standards which define such layouts.
The project of this standard was adopted at ISO in Berlin in 1985 under the proposition of Dr Yves Neuville. The ISO/IEC 9995 standard series dates to 1994 and has undergone several updates over the years.
The ISO/IEC 9995 standard series currently (as of September 2015) consists of the following parts:
ISO/IEC 9995-1:2009 General principles governing keyboard layouts
ISO/IEC 9995-2:2009 Alphanumeric section with Amendment 1 (2012) Numeric keypad emulation
ISO/IEC 9995-3:2010 Complementary layouts of the alphanumeric zone of the alphanumeric section
ISO/IEC 9995-4:2009 Numeric section
ISO/IEC 9995-5:2009 Editing and function section
ISO/IEC 9995-7:2009 Symbols used to represent functions with Amendment 1 (2012)
ISO/IEC 9995-8:2009 Allocation of letters to the keys of a numeric keypad
ISO/IEC 9995-9:2016 Multilingual-usage, multiscript keyboard group layouts
ISO/IEC 9995-10:2013 Conventional symbols and methods to represent graphic characters not uniquely recognizable by their glyph on keyboards and in documentation
ISO/IEC 9995-11:2015 Functionality of dead keys and repertoires of characters entered by dead keys
(ISO 9995-6:2006 Function section was withdrawn 2009-10-08.)
ISO/IEC 9995-1
ISO/IEC 9995-1 provides a fundamental description of keyboards suitable for text and office systems, and defines several terms which are used throughout the ISO/IEC 9995 standard series.
Physical division and reference grid
The figure shows the division of a keyboard into sections, which are subdivided into zones.
alphanumeric section
alphanumeric zone (indicated by green coloring)
function zones (indicated by blue coloring)
numeric section
numeric zone (indicated by darker red coloring)
function zone (indicated by lighter red coloring)
editing and function section (in fact covering all parts of the keyboard which do not belong to the alphanumeric or numeric section)
cursor key zone (indicated by darker grey coloring)
editing function zone (indicated by lighter grey coloring)
The presence of a numeric section is not required by the standard. Also, the standard does not prevent a numeric section to be placed left of the alphanumeric section.
By means of the reference grid, each key can be identified by a unique combination of a letter (indicating the row) and a sequence of two digits (indicating the column). E.g., the key containing the digit one on several layouts is identified as “Key E01”. The labeling rules do allow for function keys to be arranged other than above of the alphanumeric section, or to be arranged in more than one row (thus, e.g. an AT keyboard is compliant to the standard):
Columns containing editing or function keys are to be numbered from 60 on when placed beyond a right numeric section, or from 80 downwards when placed left of the alphanumeric section.
Rows above of the alphanumeric section are to be labeled from K on, and rows below the space key are to be labeled from Z downwards.
The grid may be angled (as shown in the figure within the alphanumeric section), or squared (thus, keyboards where the alphanumeric keys are ordered in pure vertical columns are compliant to the standard).
The standard does not constrain the numbers of rows and columns in the alphanumeric section.
Levels and groups
The selection of level and group during the input of a character (e.g. by means of a shift key, an AltGr key, or a group selection key or key sequence) is specified in ISO/IEC 9995-2.
Levels (“unshifted” “shifted”, “AltGr”)
The characters which can be input by the keys in the alphanumeric section usually are organized in levels. For two-cased scripts like Latin, the basic level (“Level 1”) contains lower-case letters, while the “Level 2” contains capital letters (therefore, these levels are usually called “unshifted” and “shifted”). For characters which are not letters (like punctuation marks), no rules are given regarding their distribution among the levels. While digits are commonly in Level 1, there are exceptions (e.g. the French keyboard layout).
The standard allows for a third level (but not for more than three levels). Usually (but not mandatory by the standard), characters in such a level are selected by the means of an AltGr key.
If the organization into three levels is not sufficient to accommodate all characters to be contained in a specific layout, then “groups” may be defined which then constitute a higher hierarchical unit than levels. Thus, each such group usually is subdivided into (up to three) levels. Common examples are layouts allowing the input of characters of different scripts, like e.g. the Japanese keyboard layout (where the kana constitute the second group). Other examples are recent standardizations which allow the input of considerably more characters than their preceding editions (to overcome the historic limits of mechanical typewriters), like the Canadian Québec layout or the recently (2012) standardized German T2 layout.
“Group selectors” are defined in ISO/IEC 9995-2. On the US-International layout, the group selector for the second group is the AltGr key; on some others the simultaneously pressed Shift and AltGr keys. (At some time in the past, the two groups were sometimes called third level and fourth level contrary to the terminology defined in ISO/IEC 9995.)
Depictions on the keytops
According to ISO/IEC 9995-1, the level is indicated by the row where the character is depicted on the keytop:
Level 2 (“shifted”) above of Level 1 (“unshifted”)
Level 3 (“AltGr”) below Level 1 (“unshifted”).
The group is indicated by the column on the keytop:
The first or “primary group” at the left keytop border
The second or “secondary group” at the right keytop border
Additional groups (if existing) in between.
When letters on a case pair are associated with a key, only the capital character need to be shown on the keytop for the primary group, while the lowercase character only is shown for the secondary group.
Thus, on the depicted key of the German T2 layout, in the primary group are the characters “#” in Level 1 (unshifted), “'” in Level 2 (shifted), and “®” in Level 3 (accessed by the AltGr key). In the secondary group, there is the lowercase letter “ə” in Level 1 (unshifted) and its capital counterpart “Ə” in Level 2 (shifted).
For layouts containing only one group, characters in Level 3 may be depicted in the lower right corner of a keytop, to allow larger depictions for ergonomic reasons. For instance, on the depicted key of the German T1 layout, the “\” is in Level 3 (of the only defined group), to be accessed by the AltGr key.
Special issues
ISO/IEC 9995-2
ISO/IEC 9995-2 specifies requirements for the keys contained in the alphanumeric section (see the description of ISO/IEC 9995-1 above).
The alphanumeric zone (being a part of the alphanumeric section) has to contain 47 or more keys used to input characters, including the Space bar which has to be placed in the lowest row (row A according to the reference grid specified in ISO/IEC 9995-1). Also, there must be:
at least 12 keys in row E (the upmost row) in positions E00 to E15, containing all keys to input the decimal digits,
at least 12 keys in row D in positions D01 to D15,
at least 11 keys in row C in positions C01 to C15,
at least 10 keys in row B in positions B00 to B11.
The space bar has to expand at least over the positions A03 to A07. This implies that Japanese keyboards containing muhenkan, henkan, and the Katakana/Hiragana switch keys (the first one left, the other two right of the space bar) are not compliant to the standard if taken literally. This, however, is considered neglectable as the space bar has less importance in Japanese writing than in Latin or similar ones, as Japanese words usually are not separated by spaces.
Layouts which are designed for the Latin script must contain at least the 26 basic letters A…Z and a…z, the decimal digits 0…9, and the following characters contained in ISO 646: ! " % & ' * ( ) + , - . / : ; < = > ? _ and space.
Alphanumeric section of a keyboard, showing several details specified in ISO/IEC 9995-2:2009 (including the possibilities of numeric keypad emulation specified in amendment 1 of 2012)
The keys shown grey in the figure, all being function keys, constitute the left and right function zones, while all other keys constitute the alphanumeric zone. The reference grid position of any function key may vary according to the specifications listed below. Especially, on a keyboard with considerably more than 47 keys in the alphanumeric zone, the right function keys will get higher column numbers.
The symbols shown for the function keys are specified in ISO/IEC 9995-7. Letterings which are commonly used instead of the symbols are shown in their English version in parentheses.
The harmonized 48 graphic key keyboard arrangement
Keyboards which comply to this narrower specification contain all the keys shown in white in the figure above, the key at C12 shown in yellow, and one of the two keys at E13 and B00 shown in red. The standard does not require this; it only says that keyboards complying to this narrower specification can be called such.
A key at E00 is not required, but when it is present on the keyboard, the positions E13 and B00 (shown in red) may have no key (e. g. the US layout with the Backspace or Delete key at E14 enlarged to E13 and the left Shift key at B99 enlarged to B00); but most international layouts having a key at E00 also have at least one key on E13 (with a narrow Backspace or Delete key on row E at E14, but a left Shift key at B99 enlarged to B00) or B00 (with a narrow left Shift key at B99, but a Backspace or Delete key at E14 enlarged to E13). Key at E00 may also be used to allocate a function key (notably the Escape key on compact keyboards), in which case a key will generally be present at E13 (on compact US layout), or B00, or both (on compact international layouts). Finally the key at E00 may also be used to place the digit 0 at start of the row instead of the more common location at E10, in which case there two positions E13 and B00 may be used to enlarge both the Backspace or Delete key at E14 to E13 and the left Shift Key at B99 to B00).
In fact, several layouts (e. g. the US layout), to allow a wider return key, have a key at D13 (shown in green) instead of C12 (shown in yellow). Thus, while they cannot be called “harmonized 48 graphic key keyboards” according to the standard, they still comply to the standard itself. ISO/IEC 9995-3:2010, in referring to the basic layout within its specific scope, does take a possible substitution of C12 by D13 into account.
Function keys
A tabulation key shall be present, occupying position D00 (i. e., the key may be wider, spanning over additional positions like D99 left of D00).
A key providing one of the functions Capitals lock (usually called “Caps Lock”), Level 2 lock (i. e. “Shift lock”), or Generalized lock shall be present, occupying the position C00. (The function “Generalized lock” is not specified in the ISO/IEC 9995 series). The specific way the Caps Lock or Shift Lock works (i. e. swapping the lock state by hitting the key, as it is usually implemented) is not specified in the ISO/IEC 9995 series. Thus, solutions avoiding the status dependency as well as the problem of inadvertent hitting (e.g., the lock key pressed together with Shift turns Shift lock on, together with AltGr turns Caps Lock on, pressed alone switches off any lock status but has no effect when no lock status is activated) would not prevent compliance to the standard.
A Return key has to be present, right of the character input keys in row C. It is recommended that it expands to row D (thus spanning over position D13 when located on position C13 as shown in the figure), as it e. g. does on the German layout.
A key providing one of the functions Backspace or Backward erase shall be present in row A or (as it is more common) Row E, right of the character input keys.
If at least one Alternate key (commonly called “Alt key”) is present, it is to be positioned left of the space bar (or, if a function key specific to the writing system supported by the keyboard layout is there, left of that key).
If at least one Control key (commonly abbreviated “Ctrl”) is present, it has to be placed leftmost in row A (as it is more common), or row B.
If a Function key (commonly abbreviated “Fn”) is present, it is to be positioned left the space bar and left of an “Alternate” key, if such one is present. (It is allowed but explicitly not recommended to place the “Function” key left of the “Control” key.)
Level and group selection
To select the Level 2 (commonly called “shifted”, see the subsection “Levels and Groups” of the section “ISO/IEC 9995-1” above), two keys shall be present in row B (commonly called Shift keys). The left one shall occupy position B99, while the right one shall be located right of the character input keys of that row. The exact function of these keys (commonly pressing them together with the affected character input key) is not specified in the standard. Thus, solutions where the shift key is pressed, then released before the character input key is pressed, are compliant with the standard.
To select the Level 3 (if this is present on a layout), at least one Level 3 select key (frequently marked AltGr) shall be present. On keyboards compliant to the “harmonized 48 graphic key keyboard arrangement” (see above), such keys shall be placed in row A or row B. Like for the shift keys, the exact function of these keys (commonly pressing them together with the affected character input key) is not specified in the standard.
For layouts containing more than one group, several mechanisms for group selection are specified. A dedicated Group selection key (marked by according to ISO/IEC 9995-7), if present, shall be positioned adjacent to a “Level 3 select” (AltGr) key. For layouts containing a “Group 2” as specified in ISO/IEC 9995-3, this key shall work as a “latch” (i. e., when it is pressed and then released, the actuation of the next character input key causes the selection of a character of Group 2. After this, the status is reverted, thus subsequent character input key actuations refer to the basic group unless the “group selection” key is actuated again). If no dedicated “Group selection” key is present, its function is obtained by pressing the “Level 2 select” and “Level 3 select” (i. e. “Shift” and “AltGr”) key simultaneously and releasing them before actuating the selected character input key.
Allocation guidelines for layouts containing the Latin alphabet
An informative annex “Allocation guidelines” provides a basic pattern for arrangements of Latin letters, which in fact specifies a foundation for the kinds of keyboard layouts known as QWERTY, QWERTZ, or AZERTY. As this annex is not normative, it does not prevent other arrangements like the Dvorak keyboard or the Turkish F-keyboard being compliant to the ISO/IEC 9995 standard series.
The figure shows letters in black where a unique position is given, while the letters shown in red may alternatively occupy any of the positions where they are shown. Digits may be allocated on Level 0 (unshifted) or Level 1 (shifted). An asterisk indicates “any other character”.
Numeric keypad emulation
The amendment 1 of ISO/IEC 9995-2:2009, which was published in 2012, specifies two ways of the emulation of a numeric keypad within the alphanumeric section of a keyboard. One way, with mappings to keys in the left half of the alphanumeric section (shown green in the diagram above), emulates a numeric keypad with the digits 1,2,3 in the upper row. The other way, with mappings to keys in the right half (shown blue in the diagram above), emulates one with the digits 7,8,9 in the upper row. The affected keys of any emulation, if in effect, are to be pressed simultaneously with the Function key (which has to be present outside of the alphanumeric section) to provide the effect of the according key of a numeric keypad.
ISO/IEC 9995-3
Common secondary group
ISO/IEC 9995-3:2010 defines a common secondary layout (“common secondary group”) for the alphanumeric keyboard. These are engraved on the right part of the keytops; the standard defines their position independent of the characters of the primary layout. Thus, e. g. the Yen symbol “¥” occupies the shifted position on the 6th letter key of the second row, whether this is the Y key on a QWERTY keyboard (like the US layout) or the Z key on a QWERTZ keyboard (like the German layout).
Diacritical marks and peculiar characters
The diacritical marks contained in the common secondary group act as dead keys, i.e. they are to be entered before the base characters they apply to. This mechanism is also to be used for sequences of more than one diacritical marks, to write languages like Vietnamese and Navajo.
Moreover, ISO/IEC 9995-3:2010 defines a list of “Peculiar Characters which can be entered as combinations using diacritical marks”.
This list specifies combinations of a diacritical mark and a second key. E.g., symbols like the not-equal sign “≠” (Unicode U+2160) can be entered this way. Especially, letters with a horizontal stroke (like Serbo-Croatian Đ/đ, Maltese Ħ/ħ, or Comanche Ʉ/ʉ) are entered this way using the "horizontal stroke accent" located on the K key.
Outdated common secondary group
The standard additionally defines an “outdated common secondary group” for compatibility purposes only. This resembles the “common secondary group” defined in the earlier edition of the standard, ISO/IEC 9995-3:2002.
The outdated ISO/IEC 9995-3:2002 applied to the US keyboard layout
Complementary Latin group layout
For cases where no national keyboard layout is available, or to be used as an additional group on layouts designed for other scripts than Latin, the standard specifies a “Complementary Latin group layout”. It is based on the “harmonized 48 graphic key keyboard arrangement” as defined in ISO/IEC 9995-2 (see description above). The assignment shown with red background shall occur once at one of the indicated positions.
The Complementary Latin group layout according to ISO/IEC 9995-3:2010
ISO/IEC 9995-4
ISO/IEC 9995-4 specifies the layout of the numeric section of a keyboard, if such one exists. It is subdivided into the function zone (shown with grey background in the left figure) and the numeric zone (shown with white background). The leftmost key in the lowest row may span to the left, occupying the position shown with yellow background.
The decimal digits 1…9 may be arranged in an “1-2-3 layout” (shown in green, named according to the keys in the D row), or in a ”7-8-9 layout” (shown in blue).
On a keyboard used for telematic functions, the symbols “” and “#” represent the initiator and the terminator. On a keyboard used for office purposes, the key denoted by “#” shall show the decimal separator (usually a dot or a comma, dependent on the user language). On such keyboards, the key position marked by the asterisk may be an extension of the “0” key, or a “double zero” key. Accordingly, if the yellow key position is used, it may be also an extension of the “0” key, a “double zero” key, or a “triple zero” key.
The keys in the function zone may be associated to the arithmetic function they denote, or to the arithmetic characters, dependent of the software which is used. If an additional tabulator key or another special key is used, it shall be located at the position C54 (according to the reference grid specified in ISO/IEC 9995-1), thus occupying the lower half of the place shown for the “=” key.
Numeric sections on usual keyboards for personal computers do not comply to the standard, as they usually have a Num lock key in the upper left corner where the standard requires the “+” key, and therefore also show a different arrangement of the other arithmetic keys (usually lacking an “=” key; see the second picture). By this, the standard in its present form (ISO/IEC 9995-4:2009) can be considered outdated.
ISO/IEC 9995-5
ISO/IEC 9995-5 specifies the layout of the editing and function section of a keyboard. In fact, it specifies only two items:
The Escape key has to be at the position K00 according to the reference grid specified in ISO/IEC 9995-1, or to the left of it (i. e., it has to be positioned near the left border of the first row above of the alphanumeric section).
The four cursor keys (up, down, left, and right) in the cursor key zone (as specified in ISO/IEC 9995-1) have to be arranged in a “cross layout” or an “inverted T layout” (see figure). The recommended placement is such that the “cursor down” key is placed on row A (i. e., in the same row as the space bar).
ISO/IEC 9995-7
ISO/IEC 9995-7 specifies several keyboard symbols used to represent functions. There is a publicly available listing in a proposal to encode these symbols as Unicode characters (which is still pending, as of March 2017). The figure shown above in the ISO/IEC 9995-2 section shows several examples. They are used extensively e. g. in the keyboard standard of the Province of Quebec, Canada.
ISO/IEC 9995-8
ISO/IEC 9995-8:2009 defines an assignment identical to E.161 of the 26 letters A–Z to the number keys of a numeric keypad. The space character is not assigned.
ISO/IEC 9995-10
ISO/IEC 9995-10 specifies several symbols to enable the unique identification of characters on keytops which otherwise can easily be misidentified (as em vs. en dashes). Also, it specifies a way to present diacritical marks, especially on dead keys. There is a publicly available listing of these symbols in a proposal to encode them as Unicode characters (which is still pending, as of March 2017).
External links
Neuville (Y), Le clavier bureautique et informatique, Cedic/Nathan 1985 (origin of the ISO/IEC 9995 standard)
"Normalisation internationale des claviers : Documents du JTC1/SC35/GT1 au 1er mars 2001" (drafts of earlier editions of the parts of the ISO/IEC 9995 standard on Quebec.com)
"Norme Internationale ISO/CEI 9995-1 Première édition 1994-08-15" (draft of an earlier edition of ISO/IEC 9995-1)
Category:Computer keyboards
Category:Keyboard layouts
#09995 | {
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/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
========= |
\\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
\\ / O peration | Website: https://openfoam.org
\\ / A nd | Version: dev
\\/ M anipulation |
version 2.0;
format ascii;
class volVectorField;
object U;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
dimensions [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
internalField uniform (2.9 0 0);
type fixedValue;
value uniform (2.61933 -0.50632 0);
type fixedValue;
value uniform (2.9 0 0);
type zeroGradient;
type symmetryPlane;
type empty;
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credit card news
By: Ashley Dull
Posted: May 3, 2017
Our finance experts and industry insiders blog the latest news, studies, current events, and other interesting tidbits from inside the credit card industry.
In a Nutshell: With so many credit card rewards programs to choose from, it can be hard to narrow down the options. When it comes to hotel rewards, though, there is no real competition — the greatest rewards cards are all now part of Marriott International. With the recent acquisition of the Starwood Hotels & Resorts, the Marriott International family has grown to include more than 5,700 total properties across the globe. The merger brought on a host of new benefits for loyalty customers, including account-linking and point transfers across brands. Now, their latest union allows holders of any of their rewards cards to earn points across all Marriott Rewards, Starwood Preferred Guest, and Ritz-Carlton brands. Marriott International’s smooth and speedy merger has helped three already amazing rewards programs easily skyrocket to the head of the market, giving them our vote for the Best Hotel Rewards Programs.
Other than purchase security, credit card rewards are, in my opinion, the best reason to have a credit card. It’s essentially like walking around with a discount coupon on everything, and whether you prefer to earn cash back, air miles, or free hotel stays, there’s a rewards program for you.
Unfortunately, the niche nature of some rewards can be both a blessing and a curse. You have to pick the places you want the best rewards from and those options can get pretty narrow, which can make redeeming your rewards for the things you actually want quite difficult. You may have racked up thousands of airline miles, but if the airline you’re loyal to doesn’t fly to your destination of choice — neither do you.
The best way to ensure you can always use your rewards where and when you want is to find the program that offers you the most choices, both for earning and redeeming your rewards. When it comes to hotel rewards, the best programs by far are offered by Marriott International, whose recent acquisition of Starwood Hotels & Resorts has given them the most diverse selection of hotels in the marketplace.
“The marriage of these two leading hotel companies means Marriott will deliver an unparalleled guest experience with more hotels in more global destinations, an unrivaled range of comprehensive accommodations to suit every traveler, and the industry’s best loyalty programs,” said Arne Sorenson, President and Chief Executive Officer of Marriott International.
That’s no empty boast. Marriott International now includes the familiar Marriott brand hotels, as well as Starwood’s premium Sheraton properties and the iconic Ritz-Carlton luxury hotels, among dozens of other popular lifestyle brands, for a total of an impressive 5,700 properties, across 30 brands, in more than 110 countries around the world.
You Can Now Earn and Redeem Points at 5,700 Properties Across the Globe
Customers of all of the properties now owned by Marriott saw a wide array of new perks as soon as the merger was finalized. Now, just a few weeks later, they’ll become the first to experience an unprecedented level of rewards freedom as the company’s three major credit card rewards programs — Marriott Rewards®, Starwood Preferred Guest (SPG)®, and Ritz-Carlton Rewards® — allow users to earn cross-brand rewards.
“We are giving loyalty Card Members more flexibility to earn points, no matter where they stay with us. By making our credit cards even more powerful and attractive for them, they’ll earn points more quickly and enjoy travel even sooner,” said Thom Kozik, Vice President of Loyalty at Marriott.
Marriott International now includes over 5,700 properties in more than 110 countries.
Under the new program, customers who hold any of the three co-branded credit cards can earn loyalty points for staying at any of the Marriott International properties across the globe.
“Now there’s even more incentive for members to explore our immense portfolio of more than 5,700 hotels while taking advantage of unprecedented earning power,” added David Flueck, the Senior Vice President of Starwood Preferred Guest.
The Ritz-Carlton Rewards Credit Card from JPMorgan: Earn five The Ritz-Carlton Rewards points per dollar spent at participating SPG properties
Starwood Preferred Guest (SPG®) Credit Card by American Express: Earn two Starpoints for every dollar spent at a participating Marriott International property
“This earning opportunity […] shows our ongoing commitment to our members,” said Thom, “so they can truly experience the portfolio and get the most out of each program.”
In addition to the brand new co-branded credit card earning opportunity, members of all three loyalty programs have already seen a variety of cross-portfolio benefits. “This groundbreaking credit card earning opportunity is just the latest benefit offered to loyalty members of all three programs.”
Marriott International offers unprecedented flexibility to both credit card holders and loyalty members, including the ability to link loyalty accounts.
Previously introduced benefits include the ability to link rewards accounts, as well as receive instant Elite status matching across programs, and the opportunity to transfer already-earned rewards points between portfolios.
While we all tend to be a little skeptical about change, especially when it affects our finances, in this case, everybody wins. Regardless of the brand on your credit card, if you’re a member of the Marriott International family, this is nothing but good news.
Keep the Features & Benefits You Already Know and Love
Not only do you get all of these new benefits, you’ll continue to see the same rewards you’ve already been using to make the most of your spending. “The rich rewards that existing Card Members already know and love just got even better as we continue to build bridges to connect our tremendous programs,” said David.
To feel the full award-winning effect of the Marriott International experience, pair your new credit card points flexibility with the company’s killer branded loyalty programs. Every dollar you spend at an eligible property will net you credit card rewards and loyalty points, not to mention a host of additional benefits.
Starwood Preferred Guest® Credit Card by American Express
Starwood’s Preferred Guest programs have their own remarkable perks, both for SPG Card holders and loyalty members, such as free in-room wifi when booking through Starwood, no foreign transaction fees, and restaurant discounts.
With your SPG Credit Card, you can earn two points for every dollar spent at eligible properties — which are now the over 5,700 properties that are part of Marriott International. You can stack those with the two points per dollar you earn as an SPG loyalty member to really boost your earning rate.
Factor in that Members who link their accounts will be able to transfer points at a three-to-one ratio (three Marriott Rewards points = one SPG Starpoint) between the programs, and it’s an even greater incentive.
As with the Marriott Premier card, SPG Card holders will be able to earn Elite status much quicker, unlocking benefits not only at SPG properties, but Marriott Rewards properties as well with their new status-matching program. SPG Card holders will earn Elite credit for five nights and two stays each year.
The Ritz-Carlton Rewards® Credit Card from JPMorgan
To many, “Ritz-Carlton” is synonymous with “luxury hotel,” and with good reason; they are. And the best way to experience the Ritz-Carlton is by pairing a Ritz-Carlton Rewards Credit Card with the Ritz-Carlton Rewards loyalty program.
Your credit card will net you five points per dollar on eligible stays at any Marriott International property, two points on airline tickets, and one point on everything else you buy. In addition, you’ll be upgraded to the Ritz-Carlton Club level for up to seven nights across three stays every year, and can qualify to receive a $100 hotel credit and $300 travel credit each year.
Being a member of the loyalty program will get you an additional 10 points or two miles per dollar per stay at any The Ritz-Carlton worldwide, making it even easier to earn free nights in luxury. You can also choose to earn airline miles through more than 30 qualifying airline programs.
A Whole New World of Hotel Rewards
In our modern world, cash is no longer king; it’s all about the plastic credit cards — and the credit card rewards. For the best hotel rewards program, with the best options, we’re voting for Marriott International and its three amazing loyalty programs and benefits.
While already great, the addition of Starwood has easily made Marriott International the company to beat. And, to hear it from them, they’re only going to get better from here.
“This is just the beginning,” said David. “Even more exciting announcements [are] coming in the future from our iconic loyalty programs.”
Editorial Note: Opinions expressed here are the author's alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, airline or hotel chain, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities.
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About the Author
Ashley Dull
Ashley is the Finance Vertical Manager at Digital Brands, Inc., where she oversees content published on CardRates.com and BadCredit.org. Ashley works closely with experts and industry leaders in every sector of finance to develop authoritative guides, news, and advice articles with regards to audience interest. Connect with Ashley on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Editorial Note: This content is not provided or commissioned by the credit card issuer. Opinions expressed here are the author's alone, not those of the credit card issuer, and have not been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed by the credit card issuer. Every reasonable effort has been made to maintain accurate information, however all credit card information is presented without warranty. After you click on an offer you will be directed to the credit card issuer's web site where you can review the terms and conditions for your offer.
Advertiser Disclosure: CardRates.com is a free online resource that offers valuable content and comparison services to users. To keep this resource 100% free, we receive compensation for many of the offers listed on the site. Along with key review factors, this compensation may impact how and where products appear across the site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). CardRates.com does not include the entire universe of available offers. Editorial opinions expressed on the site are strictly our own, and are not provided, endorsed, or approved by advertisers. | {
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Effect of interacting conditions of water activity, temperature and incubation time on Fusarium thapsinum and Fusarium andiyazi growth and toxin production on sorghum grains.
This study examined the effect of interacting conditions of water activity (aW, 0.995, 0.98 and 0.95) and temperature (15, 25 and 30 °C) on growth rate of two Fusarium thapsinum and one F. andiyazi strains isolated from sorghum in Argentina. In addition, the effect of interacting conditions (aW × temperature × incubation time (7, 14, 21 and 28 days)) on mycotoxin production (moniliformin (MON), fusaric acid (FA) and fusarin C (FUS C)) on a sorghum grain substrate was evaluated. Statistical analysis showed that aW and temperature significantly affected growth of both species, mainly the aW. Incubation time significantly influenced mycotoxin production by both species as well, mostly for FA. Maximum growth rates of the F. thapsinum strains were obtained at the highest aW (0.995) and 25 °C and growth rate decreased as aW and temperature were reduced. The same growth profile was observed for F. andiyazi RCFA09 (maximum growth rates at 0.995-25 °C). Mycotoxin production by both species was detected at the highest aW levels whereas at 0.95 aW only low amounts of MON were produced by F. thapsinum. Maximum MON and FUS C production by both F. thapsinum strains was observed at 0.995 aW and 25-30 °C after 28 days of incubation. Also, F. thapsinum strains showed maximum FA production at the highest aW and temperature but after 14 days; after this incubation time toxin levels significantly decreased. The responses to aW and temperature of F. andiyazi were similar to that of F. thapsinum strains in relation to FA and FUS C production. Maximum levels of FA were detected at the highest aW after 14 days of incubation at 25-30 °C. Fusarin C was produced at all assayed temperatures but maximum levels were detected at 30 °C and 0.995 aW after 28 days of incubation. Two-dimensional profiles on the interactions of aW by temperature were developed from these data to identify conditions that indicate a significant risk from MON, FA and FUS C accumulation on sorghum grains. The results of this study suggest that sorghum grains could be colonized by these species and toxin production can occur, especially during development stages under field conditions at high water activity of grains or during grain storage if the drying process is slow or deficient. To our knowledge, this study described for the first time FUS C production by F. thapsinum and F. andiyazi under interacting conditions of aW, temperature and incubation time on sorghum grains. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
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A former president of the Ulster Farmers’ Union and strong anti-Brexit campaigner may run for a seat in the Seanad, following an approach from Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, it has emerged.
Ian Marshall, a farmer and former president of the Ulster Farmers’ Union, currently works in Queen’s University Belfast in the Institute for Global Food Security.
Currently, the Seanad has two vacancies. One has been left by the resignation of Labour senator Denis Landy last year, and the other following the resignation of former Sinn Féin senator Trevor Ó Clochartaigh.
He has been a dairy farmer for the past 30 years. Mr Varadkar approached Mr Marshall about taking the seat left vacant following Mr Ó Clochartaigh’s resignation, it is believed.
However, the Taoiseach does not have the numbers of his own to guarantee Mr Marshall’s election and would be dependent upon support from Fianna Fáil and others.
Speaking to The Irish Times, Mr Marshall said he was “privileged and honoured” to have been considered by the Taoiseach.
“[I] am honoured to have even been considered. It’s obviously subject to support from TDs and Senators but I will be more than happy to try and contribute to the function of the Seanad,” he said.
“It’s hugely important as agriculture and food is the backbone of the Irish economy. With Brexit looming, it has led to uncertainty in the industry, so careful management and co-ordination are needed to prepare for it,” he added.
“I am a strong Remainer and I believe the UK and Ireland are best served by remaining in the EU. I don’t think people realised exactly what Brexit would entail, so I hope the UK gets a chance to go back to the electorate and to the ballot box based on what they know now.”
Mr Marshall said he was not affiliated with any political party and would be an Independent if got a Seanad seat.
“I was born into a unionist, Protestant family but I am not affiliated with any political party. I have been involved in agri-politics for the last 25 years but it has been non-partisan.”
“I feel frustrated sometimes by the type of politics we have in Northern Ireland where it is divided between green and orange,” he said.
“I’d like to think I would bring a fairly objective opinion about what I think needs to happen for the agrifood industry and the country and economy. You look at Dublin and see how forward-thinking and cosmopolitan it is and I want that to be extended to the rest of the island.”
A spokesman for the Taoiseach confirmed Mr Marshall was considering standing as an Independent.
“Given his background as an Ulster farmer at this time of Brexit, if he receives a nomination then Fine Gael would be interested in supporting him as an independent voice in the Seanad,” the spokesman added. | {
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Prognostic value of TROP2 expression in patients with gallbladder cancer.
Altered expression of TROP2 is observed in various types of human cancers. However, the clinical significance and pathological role of TROP2 in gallbladder cancer (GBC) remains unclear. The main objective of this investigation was to clarify the relationships between TROP2 expression and the clinicopathological features of patients with GBC. Immunohistochemistry was performed to investigate the expression of TROP2 and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) indicator proteins in 93 patients with GBC. Immunohistochemistry showed that the protein expression level of TROP2 was significantly higher in GBC tissues than in adjacent noncancerous tissues. In addition, immunohistochemistry analysis showed that TROP2 expression was significantly correlated with histologic grade (P=0.038), tumor stage (P=0.015), and lymph node metastasis (P=0.007). Furthermore, high TROP2 expression was significantly associated with a loss of the epithelial marker E-cadherin (P=0.013) and acquisition of expression of the mesenchymal marker vimentin (P=0.031). Kaplan-Meier analysis and Cox proportional hazards regression models were used to investigate the correlation between TROP2 expression and prognosis of GBC patients. Kaplan-Meier analysis indicated that patients with high TROP2 expression had poor overall survival (P<0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that high TROP2 expression was an independent predictor of overall survival. In conclusion, our data suggest for the first time that the increased expression of TROP2 in GBC is associated significantly with aggressive progression and poor prognosis. In conclusion, this study confirmed that TROP2 might be involved in regulating the EMT and malignant progression in GBC. It also provided the first evidence that TROP2 expression in GBC was an independent prognostic factor of patients, which might be a potential diagnostic and therapeutic target of GBC. | {
"pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts"
} |