Yearn v. Be filled with longing, compassion, or tenderness.  yearning n. & adj. [old english]
Yeast n. Greyish-yellow fungus obtained esp. From fermenting malt liquors and used as a fermenting agent, to raise bread, etc. [old english]
Yeasty adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 of, like, or tasting of yeast; frothy. 2 in a ferment. 3 working like yeast. 4 (of talk etc.) Light and superficial.
Yell —n. Loud sharp cry; shout. —v. Cry, shout. [old english]
Yellow —adj. 1 of the colour of buttercups, lemons, egg-yolks, etc. 2 having a yellow skin or complexion. 3 colloq. Cowardly. —n. 1 yellow colour or pigment. 2 yellow clothes or material. —v. Turn yellow.  yellowish adj. Yellowness n. Yellowy adj. [old english: related to *gold]
Yellow-belly n. Colloq. Coward.
Yellow card n. Card shown by the referee to a football-player being cautioned.
Yellow fever n. Tropical virus disease with fever and jaundice.
Yellow flag n. Flag displayed by a ship in quarantine.
Yellowhammer n. Bunting of which the male has a yellow head, neck, and breast.
Yellow pages n.pl. Propr. Telephone directory on yellow paper, listing and classifying business subscribers.
Yellow pepper n. Ripe yellow fruit of the capsicum plant.
Yellow spot n. Point of acutest vision in the retina.
Yellow streak n. Colloq. Trait of cowardice.
Yelp —n. Sharp shrill cry as of a dog in pain or excitement. —v. Utter a yelp. [old english]
Yen1 n. (pl. Same) chief monetary unit of japan. [japanese from chinese]
Yen2 colloq. —n. Longing or yearning. —v. (-nn-) feel a longing. [chinese]
Yeoman n. 1 esp. Hist. Man holding and cultivating a small landed estate. 2 member of the yeomanry force.  yeomanly adj. [from earlier yoman, yeman, etc., probably = young man]
Yeoman of the guard n. Member of the sovereign's bodyguard.
Yeomanry n. (pl. -ies) 1 body or class of yeomen. 2 hist. Volunteer cavalry force raised from the yeoman class.
Yeoman warder n. (correct term for) a “beefeater” at the tower of london.
Yep adv. & n. (also yup) us colloq. = *yes.
Yes —adv. 1 indicating that the answer to the question is affirmative, the statement etc. Made is correct, the request or command will be complied with, or the person summoned or addressed is present. 2 (yes?) A indeed? Is that so? B what do you want? —n. 1 utterance of the word yes. 2 affirmation or assent. 3 ‘yes’ vote.  say yes grant a request, confirm a statement. [old english, = yea let it be]
Yes-man n. Colloq. Weakly acquiescent person.
Yesterday —adv. 1 on the day before today. 2 in the recent past. —n. 1 the day before today. 2 the recent past. [old english]
Yesteryear n. Archaic or rhet. 1 last year. 2 the recent past. [old english yester- that is last past, *year]
Yet —adv. 1 as late as, or until, now or then (there is yet time; your best work yet). 2 (with neg. Or interrog.) So soon as, or by, now or then (it is not time yet; have you finished yet?). 3 again; in addition (more and yet more). 4 in the remaining time available (i will do it yet). 5 (foll. By compar.) Even (a yet more difficult task). 6 nevertheless; and or but in spite of that. —conj. But at the same time; but nevertheless. [old english]
Yeti n. = *abominable snowman. [tibetan]
Yew n. 1 dark-leaved evergreen tree bearing berry-like cones. 2 its wood. [old english]
Y-fronts n. Propr. Men's or boys' briefs with a y-shaped seam at the front.
Yha abbr. Youth hostels association.
Yid n. Slang offens. Jew. [back-formation from *yiddish]
Yiddish —n. Language used by jews in or from europe, orig. A german dialect with words from hebrew etc. —adj. Of this language. [german jüdisch jewish]
Yield —v. 1 produce or return as a fruit, profit, or result. 2 give up; surrender, concede. 3 a (often foll. By to) surrender; submit; defer to. B (as yielding adj.) Compliant; submissive; soft and pliable. 4 (foll. By to) give right of way to (other traffic). 5 (foll.
Yin n. (in chinese philosophy) the passive female principle of the universe (cf. *yang).
Yippee int. Expressing delight or excitement. [natural exclamation]
Ymca abbr. Young men's christian association.
Yob n. Slang lout, hooligan.  yobbish adj. [back slang for *boy]
Yobbo n. (pl. -s) slang = *yob.
Yodel —v. (-ll-; us -l-) sing with melodious inarticulate sounds and frequent changes between falsetto and normal voice in the manner of swiss mountain-dwellers. —n. Yodelling cry.  yodeller n. [german]
Yoga n. 1 hindu system of meditation and asceticism designed to effect reunion with the universal spirit. 2 system of physical exercises and breathing control used in yoga. [sanskrit, = union]
Yoghurt n. (also yogurt) semi-solid sourish food made from milk fermented by added bacteria. [turkish]
Yogi n. (pl. -s) devotee of yoga. [hindustani: related to *yoga]
Yoicks int. Cry used by fox-hunters to urge on the hounds. [origin unknown]
Yoke —n. 1 wooden crosspiece fastened over the necks of two oxen etc. And attached to the plough or wagon to be pulled. 2 (pl. Same or -s) pair (of oxen etc.). 3 object like a yoke in form or function, e.g. A wooden shoulder-piece for carrying a pair of pails, the top section of a garment from which the rest hangs. 4 sway, dominion, or servitude. 5 bond of union, esp. Of marriage. —v. (-king) 1 put a yoke on. 2 couple or unite (a pair). 3 (foll. By to) link (one thing) to (another). 4 match or work together. [old english]
Yokel n. Rustic; country bumpkin. [perhaps dial.]
Yolk n. Yellow inner part of an egg. [old english: related to *yellow]
Yom kippur n. Most solemn religious fast day of the jewish year, day of atonement. [hebrew]
Yon adj. & adv. Literary & dial. Yonder. [old english]
Yonder —adv. Over there; at some distance in that direction; in the place indicated. —adj. Situated yonder.
Yonks n.pl. Slang a long time (yonks ago). [origin unknown]