[ { "from": "human", "value": "\"I wasn't tired of my own kind.. I just thought it'd be best if i just stayed away from others\" *So he wouldn't be tempted to drink blood was left unsaid but still, it's for the best and he knew it who would want a monster for a neighbor anyway? A monster that didn't have any qualms with murdering people if it meant his secret won't be spread to the public..*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"And why's that?\"*She questioned with mild annoyance. Thinking this and thinking that. She was starting to think that Elves think too much for their own good at this point. Now an elf thinks they are better off away from their kind. How selfish of them.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*He thought about it for a while ever since her arrival that, maybe he should reveal his secret to this fox lady, it's not like she has anyone to blab to this about and he could always just kill her in her sleep if she tried anything... And it might release some tension.. Keyword might, so why not take a leap of faith for once* \"Can you promise me something before i answer your question?\" *He asks staring at her with a blank stare* \"It's better for both of us if you don't tell anyone about the things I'm going to tell you.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*The fox looked at him in exasperation. She didn't get the point of all this build up just for him to answer the question. What kind of secret could he possibly care this much about? The fox gave a shrug of her shoulders.*\"Who am I going to tell? Your birds? The other nonexistent foxes in the forest? The elves that drove off said foxes? There's not exactly a plethora of those I can talk to out here.\"" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "No, no.. I am simply ashamed of walking in villages so... Casually.. I suppose that I am not used to..\n***-Inichi would have been looking at the ground, being not really used to being inside of villages, and walking around casually, she simply felt shame, she was also confused about where would they get food and anything to drink, as most of the buildings were on the trees, she noticed somewhat of stairs going up to all the connections on the trees, pointing there, she would have spoken up once again, to inform Alexi-**\nLook, Alexi." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Don't be ashamed, we are only passing through, so I doubt they mind\"\n*Alex continued casually walking on down the path and through the small village, his target was the capital of south Solaria, Wakame if he wasn't mistaken. It may be a bit of a long walk there, but it wasn't anything for he or Inch to fret about. He knew that he was doing after all. When Inch has pointed something out and told him to look, Alex did though he wasn't too sure on what he was supposed to be looking at*\n\"Hm?\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "The stairs... They lead to theese buildings on the trees, right..?\n***-Inichi has been once again confused as why Alexi did not notice the stairs, even tough, she decided to answer him, giving the answer she thought about checkingnthe place, tough since she did not want to push anything, she has decided to not speak much of going anywhere-**\nSo.. Where do we go next?" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"My best guess is that we just follow this path, it should lead us to Wakame\"\n*Alex sounded just as calm as ever, he had not a reason to fret after all. They may have been short on supplies, but they had nature's bounty all around them, they could easily forage for food or hunt or anything like that if their little trip got dire. He did wonder how long it would take for them to arrive at their destination though, maybe it would take a day or even two. He wasn't sure, but Alex once again didn't care for he had all the time in the world*\n\"I can't say I know how long it will take though\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*-Inichi has been a bit dissapointed that she had no chance to walk and check out the buildings, tough she did not express it, due to being a polite person, continuing, they had supposedly walked out of the village, maybe so, tough after so, Inichi would have started getting hungry, as her stomach would seem to make a low sound, turning her head to Alexi. \nShe would try to see if he noticed her being hungry, even so she spoke herself-\nAlexi... Uh... I'm hungry.." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"I have some salted jerky if you want some, it should hold you over for a bit\"\n*Alexis aid this as he pulled off his pack, retrieving the pouch of meat that he had been eating earlier. He had also pulled out his canteen just in case that was needed as well. He then held the two items out to Inch and waited for her to grab them, he didn't want her starving after all*\n\"Eat as much as you want, you'll need the energy\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "***-Inichi has been quite glad about Alexi offering her the jerky, afterwards as she saw him pull out the canteen, She did want that too, firstly, she has taken the salted jerky, eating it, she has ate it up rather quick, a short moment after she finished the jerky, Inichi has taken the canteen, drinking some water to swallow better, giving Alexi back the canteen, she sighed with relief, a bit unsure, she would smile slightly towards him-**\nThank you for the food Alexi.." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"It's not a problem Inch\"\n*Alex saw not a single problem with Inch finishing off the food, she was hungry after all. What he did know was that they would soon need to restock eventually, which was also not a problem because Alex knew that he still had a decent bit of money saved up. All in all, Alex was decently well off for his line of work, he just needed to get to Wakame to start a map anew*" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "After returning from Jellendi, Sirdan spent some time to relax, and decided to invite the bnuuy of the group - Yuuka, whom he has never talked to despite quite possibly picking her up randomly to join the mercenary group. \n\nSirdan invited her to a mid-range restaurants with promise of food and drinks, he would be waiting outside the restaurant, wearing a set of casual shirt and pants, with a sword held on his belt." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "After being invited out unexpectedly, Yuma had just come as she was normally, though only her sheathed sword was at her hip, since carrying a gun around was probably a bad idea.\n\nOnce she arrived, Yuma bowed to greet the Silurian. \"Good afternoon, Iran. Sorry for the wait. Is this the restaurant?\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Sirdan would nod, speaking back to her in Silnarian. \n\n\"Indeed! Come sit down, I hope you enjoy Mentian food. If not, we can pick another place to eat at next time.\" \n\nHe would present a seat for her, and then pulled up the menu,\"I'm inviting you since we haven't talked much since you joined our party. I'd like to know more about you and how you ended up here and proficient with a gun. And maybe I can tell you more about myself too.\" \n\n\"We can starts by ordering some soup dumplings.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "It was a good thing that she spoke Silurian. If servanthood had done her any good, it was teaching her the language.\n\n\"Mention food? I'm sure it's good if you invited me to have it.\" \n\nShe followed Iran and took a seat as he presented the chair, but looked up curiously as he explained the purpose of their meeting. \"Oh, is that so? I suppose that I haven't talked much about it...\" \n\nAt the suggestion of dumplings, she gave a nod. \n\n\"I think that works. Um... What do you want to know about first, then?\" Aside from being open to the idea of sharing some details, the bunny seemed a little defensive with her tone. After all, she hadn't expected this, but more importantly, they barely talked up to that point, so she wondered how much she should be saying about everything." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Sirdan would be speaking back in Silnarian - his Silnarian is formal, a little bit stiff and full of Adoric words, a sign he's a somewhat fluent speaker of Adoric Silnarian but not the other dialects. \n\nThen he would order some food - it was delicious soup dupmplings served with ham, alongside delicious beef strongonaff and some pan-fried sausages. It was a very hearty meal. \n\n\"Hmm. I'd like to know how'd you end up as a mercenary in Kadho, and learning how to use an Arquebus. Arquebus was a relatively recent weapon after all - I've practised with bow, lance and magic all my life. So I'm curious.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Of course, her Silurian wasn't *Quite* As good, but she was still fluent, and spoke very politely rather than formally like he did. \n\nSince he had ordered the dumplings, she was content to not add any other food to their table for now, instead just asking for an ale to drink.\n\n\"Eh, we're starting there? Mmm... Well... Because of some circumstances, I had ended up in, I was in Upper Media for some time, but I needed new work and wanted to separate myself from my past, so I went as far away as possible... When I was going toward Solaria, I met a man who sold it to me. Before then, I was using a yard, a pike, to fight and make a little money, so... It was nice to have something with a little more range. I never really... Had too much time to practice with it, and that would have been expensive, but it didn't take long to get used to... And it's quite simple to use, despite how it seems. A-Ah, right. I never really knew where I was going too well, so I ended up following whatever work I could until I ended up in Radio... Not mercenary work, but, doing whatever I could.\"\n\nHer response was a little sheepish, perhaps dodging a few things, but she believed her answer was extensive enough to fully answer his question." }, { "from": "human", "value": "The two would be served with delicious, thirst-quenching barley ale, with a slight tone of sweetness. Sirdan would start drinking some of them. \n\nThe dumplings would be served first, filled with a delicious filling of pork flavored with parsley and garlic, served in a light broth. \n\n\"Hmm...\" Sirdan tried to understand her backstory - well, she was in Upper Mentia for some reason, and then... Something... And then a gun was acquired. Sirdan's brows furrowed a bit, trying to comprehend her story. After a minute, his expressions softened. \n\n\"Ah. I suppose there's part about yourself you don't want to say anything about yet. That's fine. Perhaps after another battle or two we can open up our hearts to each other.\" *Sirdan nodded,*\"You're good with the Arquebus. Have you considered learning any otherthing to go with it? Perhaps fighting in close range?\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Yuma continued to speak as the food and drinks were served, though she quieted down or paused temporarily if she thought the servers could hear.\n\nOnce done, she began to nurse an ale while listening to what Iran had to say. Soon enough, she gave a thankful nod to him deciding not to dwell too deep, before putting down her cup and answering his next question.\n\n\"Well... I considered learning the sword, so I had one custom-made, and I considered learning the pike too, but... I'm not trained in either of them, so I haven't had the confidence to use them at all.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Sirdan started eating some of the dumplings, expecting Yuuka to do the same. The bunny must be starved for energy - he thought. \n\nSirdan held his hands together, taking in what Yuuka have said,\"Perhaps you could consider learning telekinesis - I can teach you the basics and you can develop it into a combat technique. It would enable you to be more versatile... And if not, carry an extra arquebus. Or shoot from behind cover.\" \n\nThen he waited for a moment,\"By the way, do you know Mentian well?\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Yuma took a moment before taking one of the dumplings and eating it herself. At least she wasn't mimicking Iran, since she only did so after she had finished speaking, and she soon enough went for a second. \n\nOnce she finished chewing them up, though, she gave Iran a curious head tilt. \"Telekinesis? Isn't that a magic, though? If you could teach me, though, I would be very grateful... B-But, I don't know any Mention. Is that required somehow?\"\n\nThe question had come out of nowhere, so she wondered if there were some ritualistic chants needed." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Sirdan looked upon Yuuka with a bit of admiration, as if watching a baby speak for the first time as she ate the dumpling. He seemed genuinely happy. \n\n\"It is. I can teach you about Telekinesis. You can learn it to a minor degree easily without training and specializing in Arcane magic like I did.\" Sirdan then lifted a spoon without touching it,\"It can come in quite handy. At the most basic level you can expect to manipulate two objects remotely, like this.\" He started spinning the fork and spoon briefly, before one of the waiter looked at the spinning utensils and started blinking. Sirdan stopped. \n\n\"No, not really, but I've learned Mentian for trade and job purpose. I can start teaching you about it - and you will have plenty of chances to converse in Mentian anyhow... We can start with Army Mentian - a very simple vocabulary set used for war.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"I see...\" She stopped altogether to listen to Iran explain, giving a few understanding nods along the way, and even was in awe at how he made the utensils move. \"That's amazing... I-I really would appreciate it if you would teach me, somehow...\"\n\nThey picked up another dumpling, and quickly it disappeared into her mouth, but as he now offered to teach Mention, she gave an ecstatic nod.\n\n\"C-Could you?! It's great if you don't need Mention for telekinesis, but... I-I'm sure it'd be great to know as well. What do you want in return?\"\n\n*How much did tutoring cost here, anyway?*" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "*Terrel would brush his ways past the overgrown woodland, making his way through the forest in him heading towards the Mentian countries. Only recently had he completed his previous travels, though now he found himself winding right back where he started it. It would be wrong to say that this place didn't carry some memory in it, but it was but a faint thought that sat in the back of his mind with every branch that threatened to get in his way. With his starkness, it seemed every tree was out for him, but it was as easy a simple push out of the way.\n\nTerrel was in no rush. He had months of walking still ahead of him, and with the lack of companionship for the time being, he didn't have a reason to speed up his progress. For the first time in a long while, he found himself moving at his own pace. He'd keep his gaze ahead, half conscious of any potential dangers that a forest this large may carry. He didn't travel unprepared, far from it even. With the large sword he carried on top of his full plated armor, he would almost seem like a threat outside of the pig mask and red cloak he wore. It was a strange contradiction, but the Elf favored it in his attire.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*He didn't know how long he's been running for, but he knows for a fact that his legs are exhausted from the strain of running through the forest terrain after stealing his latest prize. Nylon didn't mean to get caught during his heist, but it wasn't his fault he got a little too distracted on the way outside the exit, which ended with the owner spotting him and also spotting the small gem in his hand belonging to said owner, it ended with him running quickly out the window and straight towards the forest. You'd think after years of running from every possible threat he'd be used to it by now but nope! Slowing down he leaned against a tree for support as he caught his breath, before he heard heavy footsteps and a single glimpse of a person that he quickly hid in the nearby bush trying to get a glimpse of the mysterious figure while also keeping hidden so he wouldn't be on the receiving end of a sword.\n\nPeeking bit Nylon spots an elf with a pig mask and red cloaked attire, he thought it was a bit weird but then again he would be a hypocrite for saying such since he's technically wearing a raccoon cloak and tail, but that's not the thing he should be focusing on but instead the large sword the mysterious elf carried alongside him which ok was very intimidating, but he's not going to cave in from just a sword- as quickly as his pride came in flourish also came the loud snap of a twig he accidentally stepped on alarming him* \"Oh no-\" *He quickly shuts his mouth with his hands and looks towards the elf with the pig mask watching for his reaction and maybe Nylon is pissing his pants bit, but nobody has to know that.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*Terrel would come to a slow stop at the sound of a twig snapping unlike his own, pausing for a moment as if he were listening out for something. He'd have assumed it to be some random forest animal if not for the quiet words that soon followed the noise. It seemed he wasn't alone out in the forest. Turning his gaze in the direction the sound had come from, he'd squint slightly, not making out who it was with all the forestry that surrounded them, but knowing enough to have a general direction. Were they some bandit? Another traveler? A forest dweller? It could have been all for he had encountered each of them before. The sudden silence afterwards didn't seem to help his case, but the Elf didn't see them as much as a threat.*\n\n\"Come on out.\"*He'd say in his naturally low tone of voice.*\"I'm not a huntsman.\"*The term could have applied whether the person was just a wild animal or not.*\"Unless you want to make it a chase, but I can guarantee no one wants to try their chances racing a hog.\"*He'd bring his arms into his cloak, his mild attempt at appearing more passive in him waiting for a response. The Elf didn't really plan on chasing the person away, simply letting them feel under threat enough to run if they so choose to. And if they chose to fight? Well the Elf had his hand near his hilt if it ever came down to it.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Sweating bullets by the second Nylon reflected on those words the mysterious elf had said, He's definitely not going to win a foot race against this guy. And he's definitely not going to win a fight with him either not with that large of a sword the elf is wielding, though he never had any conflict on his adventures through the years there were some close calls ending in a few bruises and large cuts, but this? He's definitely going to get sliced in half and in this situation, and it'll end in him on the ground blood pooling everywhere, and he's not ready to die yet-.* \n\n*So after some reconsideration he raises himself and away from his hiding spot and for good measures with a dagger towards his opponent. His brows furrowed, eyes looking towards the mask and slightly flickering towards the swords, sweating nervously* \"Are you sure your not going to slice me in half with that thing?\" *He gestures to the sword.*\n\n\"I wouldn't fancy myself getting sliced in the middle of a forest by someone I barely knew you know?\" *Though voice slightly shaky he manages to put up a brave facade, he can definitely take this guy if he needed-totally! Definitely. He gives a strained smile waiting for a reaction.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*Terrel would eye the newcomer, his gaze traveling to the person's get up before eventually falling upon the dagger he pointed out towards him. He'd let out a huff of amusement as he'd look down at Xylon. Maybe he wasn't anything more than a Forest Dweller. A strange one at best in him wearing a raccoon tail atop his outfit. Terrel supposed he couldn't be the one to talk though. In him asking if he was planning on attacking him, Terrel would allow a light grin to form at the corner of his mouth.*\n\n\"That depends. You're not planning on giving me a paper-cut with that dagger are you?\"*He'd say with a chuckle.*\"I won't unsheathe my weapon unless you put up a fight, but I'm guessing that's not what you're here for, is it?\"*Terrel supposed there was the chance of there always being a paid assassin about, but who'd want to send one after him anyways? Besides, the raccoon person looked like hardly more than a kid and if that's who they were paying, it seemed he had a bit to catch up on.*\n\n\"What are you doing out in the forest by yourself, kid?\"*He'd ask him.*\"It takes more than a dagger and a small bout of courage to survive half the things this place throws your way.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*He scoffs a bit, really? A kid joke? Man this guy needs to learn to throw better insults, but he won't poke a sleeping bear even if it meant he gets a shiny reward in return, he slowly lowered the dagger though still keeping it in his hand in case he'll need to fight.* \n\n\"First off I'm not a kid old man, and secondly I came here to hide bit why is none of your business, and for your information this dagger has served me well over the years by killing or severely injuring those who has crossed my path!\" *He says with a small puff of his chest* \"Now it's my turn, what's your name, and what are *You* Doing here alone in the forest? You got a body to bury or something?\"\n\n*He eyes him suspiciously, this guy is definitely not going to be easy to beat down but with a few one-liners and random zipping around him maybe he'll get the chance to swiftly knock him off his feet... Though for now he'll play the long game.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*He'd look the person up and down, saying casually:*\"Could have fooled me.\"*The Elf didn't care much for the old man comment, knowing very well that in Elven years neither of them came close to the title. Maybe it was his boisterousness or overconfidence that caused Terrel to find amusement in the man's bragging. At least he had his hobbies down packed even if his feistiness left him confessing more than a person of his 'profession' would have thought to be logical. So he was some kind of murderer on the loose? Or at least a wannabe one. Terrel couldn't see this person killing much more than the local rat infestation.\n\nIn being asked if he was out here having a body to burry, he'd look at Xylon, saying:*\"I might be considering it.\"*With a light stretch, followed by a scratch to the back of his head, he'd hold a gloved hand out towards the raccoon person in greeting.*\"Name's Terrel. At least formerly. I can also be referred to as hog, pigman, swine, you can probably guess the rest.\"\n\n*Drawing his hand back to his cloak, he'd say:*\"Since it seems like we're doing a whole introduction to each other, what's your name kid? And what parents do I have to send for about their missing child?\"*Weak insult or not, Terrel found amusement in jabbing at him with the Raccoon's over confidence.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*At the mention of the word \"Parents\" His overconfident and boisterous facade dropped instantly like a rock that has been dropped from a high cliff, and he dropped the dagger by accident, he instantly picked it back up trying to hold himself together whilst trying to look as normal as possible and not seem like he just shattered for a second before replying* \"Well nice to meet you Mr. Terra pretty large array of nicknames ya got there, the names Nylon and I don't think you would be sending me off with a missing children poster tapped to my face anytime soon.\"\n\n*Hopefully he wouldn't notice the misstep, he didn't need pity from a stranger! He's been working just fine on his own and managing well for himself, if you could call stealing something worth being proud of, but he didn't care about that.*" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "\"Alright let's just say I *Might* Have lied to you abit during our time together, well not \"A bit\" I lied about almost everything to you during this time\" *He starts, hands fidgeting slightly* \"Like me being just any ol' elf out in the woods, in actuality I'm a monster parading as a normal elf and living in relative isolation so I wouldn't be tempted to hurt or kill the people I love, I thought it was a solid plan! I wouldn't have to accidentally hurt anyone but haha! Nope! That backfired quick- and now there's at least 20 dead bodies buried near this property because they found out my secret and decided to freak out about it!\" *He laughs exasperatedly looking just a little crazy... Just a little* \"I was so scared of having this horrid secret be revealed that I killed them without thinking! That horrid secret is that I got bit by a vampire and now I got turned into one which hey in hindsight i shouldn't have even gone to that part of town that night but nooo i thought If i took a shortcut it would've saved me so much time—\" *He rambled on before stopping briefly to take a breath* \"And now.. You know my secret\" *He speaks again eyes staring unblinkingly at the fox, definitely not thinking of beating her over the head with a shovel again then drag her body to be buried just like the rest... Or maybe he's just paranoid... Ok that's a stretch he's always paranoid.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*The fox stared at him, slowly blinking one eye at a time. She hardly understood what half of that meant, figuring it to be some bad translation in this Elf or non Elf's tongue. The fox had no clue what he meant about vampires or being some monster scared of hurting loved ones. It was a wonder of how this guy even had loved ones to begin with.*\"You're crazy...\"*She said bluntly to him before going back to resting her head on her paws. The fox could hardly believe this elf was so paranoid about this secret that he supposedly killed people for it. No wonder he smelled like death when she showed up.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Nooo ya think so? I thought I wasn't being obvious enough\" *He replied sarcastically to her response, ok he's starting to think he probably should've killed her when they met but sadly he didn't act on those urges, it helps slightly that she definitely has no one to tell this to and even if she did nobody would believe her! And he feels slightly relieved at letting out such a secret maybe he should do this more often with the farm animals instead of bottling it up for so long.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Well at least your open to admitting it.\"*She said casually.*\"I hardly know what all this vampire monster stuff means, but it just sounds like some kind of nursery tale they warn pups of so we wouldn't wander off of something. I think you've been hanging out in the wild for too long.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"That's what i thought, until I actually got bit and had to live with it ever since\" *He replied back just a pinch annoyed* \"I mean you don't exactly see elves with elongated teeth and the constant thirst for blood just running around now do ya?\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*She squinted at him for a moment then eventually shrugged.*\"I don't know... You guys all seem the same to me.\"*The fox took a moment to stretch before coming to rest her head on her paw.*\"Are you sure you're not overreacting a bit?\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Nope, I wished everynight that this was all just some terrible dream I keep forgetting to wake up from\" *He responded with a deadpan expression before contemplating her last sentence* \"Definitely not overreacting, a little paranoid yes but overreacting is a stretch.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Little is an understatement...\"*She uttered under her breath.*\"Well if there's some way to become this vampire thing... Isn't there some way to stop being one...? Sounds like some kind of sickness going around... Surely you have some herb people that know cures.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Yes an understatement i know\" *He rolled his eyes before replying again* \"No none that i know of, then again i haven't gotten out of here in a long time so i might be mistaken...\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*She snorted.*\"Then why don't you go out and find one? It's like you're just waiting to die out here. At least us foxes know to go to the herbal ones to treat our sicknesses. They wouldn't ever abandon someone that's ill.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"I might have hoped for that option but it hasn't happened yet, and i would prefer the previous option rather than burden others because of my inability to see danger.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"By the gods I knew you were crazy... I didn't think you were stupid too...\"*She said with a roll of her eyes.*\"Did you even bother trying to find one or did you just come out here to sulk for who knows how long?\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"I tried to find one- for like afew years! Then when i found no trace of a cure i just accepted my fate!\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*She swiped at his face with her paw.*\"Wrong. You just gave up.\"*The fox said back to him.*\"Here I am thinking that elves were all big and powerful with their fancy tools and complex thinking. But it seems like they shut down the moment the going gets tough. You think surviving out here is so easy? We don't have all those big camps and easy herbs, and sitting duck food like you guys have. Heck leaf bare would be here soon and that's the last thing any of us look forward too, but we troop on regardless. You on the other hand somehow managed to become so scared of yourself and your kind that you dug yourself into a hole to die in. Probably in the literal sense since you smell like just that.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Hey it's all just me stop clumping me with the rest of them\" *He says exasperatedly* \"I understand that you might have prejudice against elves for good reasons but come on! I don't talk to you as if you're just like every fox person I've come across and assume you work just like the rest\" *He huffs* \"And yes i know how hard it is to live out here it's not like I've been here for only a few days, it took a long time and more than afew stolen items i managed to find when i don't have the money.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"I doubt you've even seen another fox person.\"*She said with a huff.*\"There are not common around here as you think, so consider me different in that regard. It's the only way we'd be able to communicate, not that I get anything out of it. Honestly clumping you with the other elves should be seen as a complement. The stuff you tell me only make your perceived sanity go downhill in my eyes. I'd kick you out of here for the better of both worlds if I could, but unfortunately your people have driven all mines away, so what could I do.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Yeah from the way you're saying it clumping me with the same people that had to physical drive your people out of this forest sounds like a *Real* Compliment\" *He replied sarcastically once more* \"I mean instead of kicking me out you could just live here instead of going back to the unforgiving forest, it's safe from predators, there's lots of food, there's always a warm place to sleep and you won't have to worry about a single thing because everything would just be there already\" *He shrugs.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Oh yeah? And how can you expect me to trust you if you can't even trust yourself?\"*She jabbed back, tilting her head in question of him.*\"This place makes a fine nest for when the weather gets bad, but the moment green leaf returns, I'm out of here.\"*The fox pouted slightly.*\"None deserve to live this luxuriously. It's hardly living at all.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Well you wouldn't have to trust me i don't expect you to either after this anyway, and i haven't had weather problems that could gets bad enough to unleash something catastrophic, also what the heck is green leaf???\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"You clearly haven't been out here long enough if you haven't seen the worst of the weather.\"*She said with a light tut. At the question of green leaf, she took a moment to think over the mistranslation.*\"You know when it starts getting warm again after all the snow goes away and the plants start to grow back.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Ohh you meant spring, alright then\" *He shrugs again* \"Though my invitation still stands you can come over when you please i won't really care either way\" *He replied getting up from his seating position standing up.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Elf words...\"*She muttered at his correction. With him saying that she could come and go whenever she wanted and soon getting up right after, she turned her head away from him.*\"Maybe I will.\"*She said in return. The fox eventually returned to her fox form and walked away from the now-cold sunning spot. She stared out into the forest for a short while before turning away and going into the den she had made for herself. It was small so for a while her tail remained sticking out from it before she burrowed deeper into the wooden shelter and curled herself up into a ball to rest.*" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "Hmm..\n***-Inichi has been wondering why was Alexi not making a map of this region yet, with only in mind that Alexi possibly had such a good memory to remember the places perfectly after seeing them, not wanting to ask him, Inichi focused on the path they were going, continuing on the path she wondered when they would arrive to the required place Alexi was leading to, looking at the sky, then at the trees, out of boredroom so and so, she continued walking-**" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Alex didn't have a stellar memory, he had one good enough for his line of work, but he definitely couldn't remember all of his experiences. He also had a hard time remembering places that he had never been to... Due to obvious reasons of course. Alex hadn't ever been to south Solaria, making this place extremely unknown to him. He also had another map that he needed to finish before he moved on to making on of this region, so he decided on waiting a bit to do that. He also continued to follow this path, taking in all the sights as he did so*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Are we... Getting anywhere.. Or um, are you unsure where to go too?\n***-Inochi has been unsure of the route, only beliwvong on the path that has been taking them somewhere as they kept walking, continuing the path by said route, about theese continuing minutes she was watching alot of surroindings, as less or more time has been passing she didnt seem to know if they were close to leaving the forest -**" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Don't be so quick to doubt this path Inch, not every place is super close together... It just may take some time to get there.\"\n*Alex guesses that it could be a minimum of a day that they would be walking, he had been on paths like this many times before and the fact that it was worn down so much from use reinforced the fact that it was the right one to Wakame. He had no problem with walking it as he had done similar things many times before, he knew his stuff after all. He did know that the end of the forest was coming up though as the amount of light hitting them started to steadily increasing right up until they hit the edge of the forest and entered a set of treeless plains. This was definitely a good sign for Alex so he continued walking on, slowly but surely getting lost in his own thoughts*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Oh... Uh..\n***-Inichi has been continuing to walk, for some time now, being rather negative about the forest, tough it was unusual, she was not usually wanting to go somewhere, rather, she usually preffered to stay at one place, making her a bit unpatient at such situation, as they walked onto the plain lands, she felt a bit reliefed, looking around, she saw as it was pretty bright, which was a bit enthusiastic for her, thinking about the brightnes, for some reason as she was not really seeing bright days due to her staying in forests many times-**" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Anyway, how are you holding up?\"\n*Alex wanted to make sure that Inch was doing okay, he didn't want her feeling ill or anything like that now that they were traveling and all. He also didn't want her to be hungry or thirsty or anything of that sort as well, those kinds of things were just problems that he would rather not want to deal with, but he would if needed.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Oh, uh... I'm pretty good today.. I also am not hungry nor thirsty, I feel nice.. And, how are you?..\n***-Inichi has been rather better than usual as she was rested well, ate and drunk as well as she has not been alone for anytime, either way, she was cuorious about how Alexi was doing, she has been cuorious herself, asking him right after she answered, which she would not have asked much people due to not trusting others-**" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"I'm doing pretty good, nothing much to really complain about here\"\n*Alex was also doing quite well, seeing as he had satisfied all his needs a bit earlier. He had also noticed that his wound was started to heal up a bit so that was also a good sign. For now though it seemed like they were just one merry party, which drew a chuckle from him as he hadn't been in a well off partnership in quite a bit*\n\"I got to say, this is the first time I've traveled with someone else in quite a long time\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "I see.. That's nice, where were we going to again..?\n***-Inichi, at the current moment has put her hand in the bag, she had taken out a knife, simply inspecting it, holding the handle with her left and the blade with her right, she was simply looking at it, afterwards she has turned to Alexi, she has held the knife with her left hand, while her right arm was up at level of height near the knife -**\nAlexi, also... Uh, while Ive met before two people.. They taught me some hand techniques, also I have learnt an ability then, so uh.. Could you look?\n**-After that, Inichis right arm has turned black, with the veins quite much seeming to be glowing blue, due to that, the mattern of her arm apperance looked like same as her colors of the horns, making the arm quite spiky too then-**\n[Mana - 20]\nWhat do you think?.." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Alex watched as Inch's arm turned black with spikes forming all over it, he had no clue what it meant, but he had to admit that it was a fairly intimidating to watch. He wished that he had abilities like hers, but he wasn't as fortunate nor as lucky... He only had one, and he couldn't use it at the moment because he had eyes on himself. That didn't matter though, he gave a smile to Inch as she showed off her ability. He had to give some positive support after all*\n\"It's a nice ability! What exactly does it do though?\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Oh... Uh... Right!.. I will explain right away..\n\nMy ability lets me change my skin to a material same as my horns.. Meaning my arm is bassicaly another horn.. But I can move my arm, hand, fingers.. Also due to my pale demon heritage, I have horns that are immune to electricity, meaning if I use this.. I can have good defense, also as immunity to electricity, like as well somewhat of an armor.. Uh.. If I use my nails, it is like... Uh.. Spikes I suppose, and I guess that it makes me good for fightning.. Tough I dont make much use of it... You know.. I am still sure Id loose.." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Alex listened as Inch explained her ability to him, it was an interesting ability that boosted her defense and all which was neat... But he couldn't say that he liked the lack of optimism that she had near the end of her explanation, she could definitely win a fight with this ability solely by playing defensive, he just guessed that she would need to be taught how to fight defensively... Something Alex couldn't do too well.*\n\"I'm sure that you can master use of the ability, you just need to learn how to use it right\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Everyone around is very strong.. Even if I have more natural strength than you maube.. You definetly have the knowledge and expirience.. Unlike me, I am unexpirienced and weak compared to most of people I meet.. I am not brave at all anyway.. I am horribly scared of getting hurt.. Which is my downfall..\n***-Inichi has been lookong at her arm, being a bit unsure of it, having worried expression as she talked, Inichi was not optimistic at all about her winning a foght, with her not being a brave person, she may have had some usefull abilities, Inichi did not appriciate them-**" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Everyone is scared of getting hurt, but the way you use that fear is what matters. If you use that fear to avoid fighting, you may not win a fight when it really comes down to it. Now, if you use that fear to try and avoid attacks within battle, then you will be near untouchable\"\n*Alex was taking a bit of a risk giving advice like this, but he felt that it was sound enough to try and encourage Inch in focusing and reinforcing her abilities a bit more, he did believe that she had the abilities to be strong if she truly wanted to be*" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "*Outrunning a few hogs was something tiresome especially when you have a heavy sack on your back for all of it, he's been running for a while looking back to see if the hogs were still chasing him before he accidentally bumped into someone resulting in them both toppling to the ground* \n\n\"Uhh sorry!\" *He yelps, getting up and brushing his knees of the dirt lending looking back for a second before stretching out a hand to the stranger.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*The last thing a dwarf expects when moving through a forest is for someone to bump into them. Then again, wasn't that always the case, even in the city? They really ought to learn better what with how so many people always seemed to be suitor focused on the tall.*\n\n\"It's fine, really, AHK.\" *M'racing rubbed her head, still sore with a little bump on her forehead as she turned her chin up and looked at the hog chaser.* \"Ain't usual to come across other people in the forest, right?\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Yeah you could say that, I'm just here temporarily had to outrun a few hogs on the way\"\n*He looks around searching for them to see if they were near and he needed a getaway though there was none, he sighed a sigh of relief and then looked at the stranger.*\n\n\"How about you? I don't see alot of people in here\" *He asks her hands now on his hips eyeing the stranger, he hasn't seen much people here accept his future travel buddy so it was nice to talk again.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"I could never imagine runnin' after 'em. If anything, I'd be riding on 'em to actually pick up some speed, haha.\" *The dwarf chuckled a little, standing herself up and rubbing the dust off her dress.*\n\n\"Hmm? Oh, no, you don't, I suppose. I'm a traveler, ya see?\" *Pinching the edges of her skirt, M'Rey chuckled quietly and spun on the spot, showing off her boots.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Uh more like the other way around it was hard outrunning them, but your a traveler? Seemed like i keep bumping into them\" *He chuckles abit, he admired the boots as he watched her spin* \"My name's Xylon traveler of somewhere!\" *He said bowing for extra theatrics before standing again.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Traveler of somewhere, huh?* \"I'm M'racing, from Praia. Makin' a trip to Albania! Ain't never nothin' better than meeting new people.\" *That was the entire purpose of her trip, after all! Enliven things a little, spice up the days of the people she met, and in return, take a story or two to share with the world.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Your all the way from Prasia?? That's so far!\" *His curiosity shot through the roof his toes bouncing abit as he looked at the M'ra with excitement*\n\n\"So you must have so many stories!!\" *He pipes up at her, he liked stories as a kid that his mother used to tell him stories of great heroes on adventures to great lands before her passing, but that's not now.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Was... Was he excited? For her stories?! AAAAA, no, finally someone with taste! It threw M'Rey's energetic mind into passion mode right away, for when else would she have a chance to share her stories?* \n\n\"You betcha! Made my way out the Caverns and visited all the lands nearby! You got a story you want to hear, you ask me!\"" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "*As the weather drew colder and colder still, snow began layering its way around the forest. By this time, very few critters roamed which left an off aura of quiet in the forest for a moment. That was until a loud yelp had suddenly split the air. A fox was racing across the forest floor, trying to hobble away as the sound of barking erupted in her ears. 'Since when did Elves have wolves?!' Her mind was racing. She had only been attempting to pick off a quick snack before the Elves had caught her and sent out their beasts to get her. While the initial tussle left her in a rather horrid state, the sleek fox was quick and clever as well. She darted back and forth between the trees, aiming to lose her pursers as the house she had been staying at these past months grew in the distance. \n\nBy now, the barking was growing distant, but her adrenaline urged her to keep going as she ran up to to the house and clumsily hopped into the window as she had once done when she first arrived. The fox didn't stop running, until she had found herself security beneath a chair in the house and waited while quietly panting. It wasn't until the barking had completely gone quiet, did she finally move out of her hiding spot. She shook off the initial shock, finally taking a moment to look at her surroundings.*\"Hey Elf, think we may need to up the defenses on this place a bit.\"*She called out, half expecting him to be around as she turned back into humanoid form and tried to lick at her wounds.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Like a fence?\" *He replied coming into the room as the fox came barreling in through the open window which he promptly shuts to keep the cold air out* \"I'll try making more fences around here, you'll probably need to bandage that wound if you don't want to get infected\" *He said walking over to the fox and crouching down trying to look at the state of the wound.*" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "After a long day of helping her parents out back home, Lumi began to pack her bag so she could set out into the forest once again.\n\nShe grabbed a few snacks, jars for anything she wanted to bring back home, her harp, and her new little friend, her chinchilla. She still hasn't decided on a name for the little guy so she just called him Chinny as a temporary name. \n\nAfter awhile of walking into the forest she stopped at this tall tree. She glanced at Chinny and back at the tree. \n\n\"We climb.\" \n\nLumi began to levitate to give her boost and then started to climb from there. Once she made it to the top she stood quietly on one of the branches. She looked around at her surroundings. She put her stuff down and sat down. \n\nShe let out a loud scream followed up by sigh and leaned back so she was hanging by the tree with her legs. \n\n\n\"I wonder what I should do now..\" She mumbled." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "~~Wait, you have a chinchilla XD~~\n\nALADI, or as her friends called her, DRI, also had a long day, but for entirely different reasons. It was the middle of the week and by this time she was feeling the pull of the weekend. In her clutches was a minute sackcloth that was capable of housing only the smallest of objects—and not too many. To DRI, this was a most holy object; anyone who thought to 'relieve' her of it would face the fierce wrath of her claws and some vile words that would make the Macon sailors blush.\n\nPerched in her tree, the contents of her sack had diminished over some time—it was the perk of her work from earlier in the day, and she was *Famished*. Her senses tickled so she turned her body at a practiced angle that was aided by both muscle memory and curiosity. Licking her lips and pulling them back over her teeth, she realized that she knew that scent. It was her friend Lump, but there was something else there too, someone else. Without effort, she climbed higher and used the canopy as cover for her mischief.\n\nTrying to not a make sound, she glided through the trees where possible and crawled into her position for the surprise. Although it was the fairy that surprised her with her scream. Trying not to laugh, DRI latched a hand over her grin and waited a moment. The FAE and what seemed like a rodent of some sort were now hanging upside down by the tree branch.\n\n\"Long day, Lump?\" The wood elf's smile was wry, and her voice dripped with sarcasm. \"You'll feel better after a mushroom,\" She said. In her hand, DRI waved her small sack, tempting the other girl to a little recreation.\n\n```Perks engaged: Hunter's Nose (200% Smell), Listener (200% Hearing), Silent (200% Harder to Hear)```" }, { "from": "human", "value": "~~Yes xD~~\n\nAfter awhile passed, Lumi decided that she would spend her time coming up with a name for her chinchilla. \n\n\"Hm.. Chinny is a bit weird.. How about.. Acorn?\" \n\n\"No.\" Understanding Lumi, the chinchilla denied immediately.\n\n\"You're right.\" She replied. \n\nShe kept going down a list of names which were all rejected. She couldn't decide on one nor did he like any of them either. Lumi gave up for awhile and started to reminisce the day they met.\n\n*That day was literally the day before this one. Lumi did her daily stroll like always. Hanging from trees, dancing and singing while wandering all around the forest. When it was time to head back she noticed something happening not to far from her. She saw a bird preying on a chinchilla. Normally she wouldn't interrupt animals while they're hunting but she felt something when she laid eyes on that chinchilla.*\n\n*Is this love? She thought to herself. It must be. A beautiful creature right before my eyes, completely clueless about that starved bird behind him. Though I shouldn't interrupt the cycle of life, I must save him! Yes, perfect! I will save him and then he shall be mine! Today is the day I shall become a hero!* \n\n*Without hesitation she immediately ran towards the chinchilla and snatched him up before the bird could get a chance and ran home. When she arrived she looked at the little creature and said \"I love you\" And gave him something to eat. Though the little creature was confused and slightly frightened he couldn't deny the food that was placed before him.*\n\nStartled by the wood elf's sudden appearance, Lumi snapped back into reality and let out a loud scream. \n\n\"Ahhh!\"\n\nShe sat up and looked to see who it was. She recognized the elf immediately. \n\n\"Hi Dri!\" She said with a smile, pretending she didn't just let out an awful scream." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"*Two* Screams,\" She said with a wry smile. \"You'd think I bit you or something.\" It sounded like a joke, and it half was. Only, ALADI did bite—both for fun and for survival.\n\nThe redhead climbed her way down to the lower branch where the fairy and her friend resided, making sure to give the animal an obvious once over with her sea foam colored irises. \"Hello there,\" She said kindly. She and her kin had the ability to speak with the forest animals, or *Any* Animal, really, so this was common practice. Hoping her voice would calm the animal, the elf softened her facial features. ALADI was partial to butterflies and things that *Moved*. Young things, like her. At only forty-four, she was the other girl's senior by four years, which to her was basically nothing.\n\n\"Did I catch you in thought, Lump?\" Unsure whether her long-time friend would partake, she found a comfortable seat where her legs could swing back and forth with the energy of a child forced to play inside because of poor weather." } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "*Alexander, you once more find yourself in possession of a strange letter. It was the exact same type of letter you had received prior, requesting for your service in escorting a group a small group of herb gathers by early morning at Ethera Woods within the Silnaria borders. To say the least, it would be a long trek to get there, but you manage to make it in time.*\n\n*As you approach the outskirts of the woods, the first thing you would notice was that there were very few trees in sight. Perhaps to your dismay, instead of trees, there were rather plenty of large mushrooms exceeding more than 20 ft in height of various colors and shapes. Along the ground there would be an abundance of mushrooms as well. It would be easy to tell that this wasn't your average woods and frankly calling it woods seemed to be misnomer given the distinct lack of it.*\n\n*That being said, it was still still rather dark outside with only the feint outline of the sun providing streaks of light and such you didn't hear much wildlife except for perhaps the chirping of birds. However from the corner of your eye you suddenly notice a black squirrel staring at you. Now that by itself wouldn't be very odd, however its eyes possessed an odd amount of intelligence that you didn't see in mundane wild animals. It would then suddenly start to hop on over toward you, and perhaps to the surprise of Alexander, it would slowly transform into tall slender robed man with his face fully covered by a hood, revealing no facial features. The figure would clear his throat as he looked down on you.*\n\n\"Pleased you could make it Sir Alexander. I am an employee of the boss sent to inform you about your current escort job after hearing your wonderful work with the last one. As you can see, these woods primarily consist of mushrooms. The herb gathers gathered today are hired to collect Psilocybin. However we've received reports of violent plant life in the area. Can I trust you to handle their protection?\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Yes, you may trust in me, I will protect them the best I can. Also, what kind of violent plant life are we talking about?\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"I hope the information doesn't deter you, but there has been reports of a parasitic fungi that leeches onto to the nearby trees, causing them to turn violent. However, if it was only the trees it would be easy enough to avoid given that Ethera woods primarily consists of shrooms. Thus the real issue is that there is seemingly a mutant strain that has started to infect the nearby large fungi of these woods as well, which is the primary concern. There are also the issue of the mycelium that grows beneath the surface to gain sentience and attempt to grab unsuspecting travelers and choke them out before fully enveloping and decomposing their bodies. So overall, this trek is likely to be dangerous. If it is any motivation however, if you could collect a sample of the mycelium and fungi, you will be rewarded an additional 4 gold in addition to the 6 gold being paid for your escort. Do you have any further questions?\" *The robed figure would ask*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Not at all for now.\"" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "*He hummed a reply and went back to what he was doing before the fox came, the land around the house seemed lonelier than usual, the animals are dwindling and the house also are missing afew objects.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*The fox went back to trying to clean her wound, gagged from all the blood, and eventually decided to simply wander the house to find some place comfortable. Sometimes, she could hear distant barking, and it would cause her to freeze in place before the sound died down and allowed her to walk about once more. This time, she found herself following the Elf around, idly watching whatever it was he was doing.*\"What do you be doing around here anyway? I hardly ever see you leave the den... And when you do, you never really do much outside of it.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Mostly wake up, eat, check the animals, sell them if I'm short on money, check on the garden, eat again, then sleep, it isn't much by your standards but it's nice i suppose\" *He replied* \"Though i do plan on leaving this place eventually, contrary to what I've said before, i think you're right about me uh living in fear and my own self pity and not trying to be better! Though i think that's mostly my thoughts jumbling together late last night\" *He muttered that last part to himself before continuing on* \"Point is! I think.. Moving away from here and try to meet more people would be healthier than staying here for forever slowly wasting away into dust!\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Her ears flicked in turn.*\"So you're finally going back with your kind?\"*The fox said, occasionally returning to clean her wound for a bit between comments.*\"Finally coming to your senses I see.\"*She paused for a moment, looking back up at the Sinai before tilting her head back a bit.*\"Where are you planning on going? It's not to those other elves in the forest, is it? They got wolves now, you better not tell them where I'm hiding!\"*She suddenly yipped at him as thoughts of the wolves finding her suddenly came to mind at the Elf's betrayal. For a brief moment, she even seemed scared.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Oh no I'm not gonna tell them you're here, I'll be too busy running probably but consider my lips sealed\" *He gestures to make get his point across, he feels slightly bad for the injured fox but he knows he won't tell a soul about her* \"As for going back with my kind, probably i don't exactly know where I'll be going but i do have enough supplies to last me a good long while till i find somewhere safe\" *He shrugs* \"And... Wait there's other elves around here? With wolves—\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Yes! Well at least they sort of look like wolves, but a bit smaller and dumber looking. But they're definitely just as vicious as them!\"*She said with a lack of any real certainty of what kind of canine was just chasing her down.*\"Why would elves even have wolves!\"*She spat.*\"Trying to have them do their bidding because they can't protect their own prey? You guys waste so much time guarding your food before even killing it!\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*He shakes his head as a a feeling of familiarity at that description popped into his mind* \"Well it just makes sense to us, like if you have two animals they can make more animals and if you take care of them enough you can eat them everyday without having to hunt because they make more of themselves.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*She stared at him for a long while as if to process what he just said before eventually speaking once more.*\"You guys are sick.\"*She hissed at him. The fox made her way back to the living room and hesitantly climbed up on the chair before laying down with a tired sigh.*\"Weird timing, deciding to travel in the middle of leaf bare don't you think?\"" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "\"You... Are...?\"*She questioned him almost skeptically. The fox seemed to ponder over it for a moment, not expecting the Elf to suddenly depart so soon nor even attempt to simply go to the other Elves in the forest.*\"Are taking your chickens with you?\"*She eventually decided to ask.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"I don't think they'll live for long during the journey\" *He admitted* \"So no I wouldn't, you can eat as much of them as you want if that's what you're thinking.\"" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "\"Henrietta! Where are you?\" *A voice rang through the woods as the vampire walks through the terrain in search of his prized chicken Henrietta, he didn't know how she got out of her pen but then again she was abit crafty even for a chicken with no arms nor fingers.* \"Look I'm sorry okay? I'll even let you sleep in my bed!\" *He says desperately but no clucks in sight, not even the sound of small scampering.*\n\n\"Please be okay..\" *He mutters anxiously, these woods are dangerous for such a small chicken and he's not about to loose her to some wild foxes out here.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*It seems that wild foxes weren't the only animals Wilhelmina was going to have to worry about. Through the haze of the fading day, a Sinai lumbered across the large forest. However, he was not without company. The mass of several furry bodies could be seen surrounding his feet, causing him to have to be careful where he stepped less he wanted to accidentally trip over one of his many wolves. Not all of them were with him, but a good eye could count about ten, maybe eleven of the youthful creatures.*\"Ollie, stop wandering off...\"*He'd say to one wolf pup in mild exasperation. \n\nIt was clear he must have been traveling for a while like this, keeping a bunch of young wolves in check was easier said than done. At least he had help though. Amongst the group a much larger Wolf would walk over to the troublesome pup, picking him up by his scruff to deliver it to the Sinai.*\"Thanks Floor.\"*He'd say in a tone that would suggest he's had to say it a lot as he would take the small wolf pup in his arms before he'd resume walking. The group continued on after him, small paw steps slowing as the exhaustion of walking all day was beginning to set in. Maybe Terrell wasn't the only one growing tired amongst the group.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*After a few minutes of yelling out the chicken's name he went through a patch of trees and saw an elf with what looks like a pig mask accompanied with many wolves, his eyes widened and breath hitched, he hasn't had any visitors in a while and he's not about to have one pop up on him today, then he felt eyes on him he looked towards the bushes and see a curious wolf looking at him and he couldn't do anything but freeze in his place because if he runs that wolf will surely alert the elf and he doesn't have the time to deal with that.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Terrell would continue on, seemingly not noticing the other Sinai at first as he tried to think of a place to settle for the night. After all, the forest wasn't always the safest place for young pups. His presence didn't go completely unnoticed, however. Floor's ears would swivel back, causing him to come to a stop as he sniffed at the air. Terrell would glance back towards him, noticing the Wolf had stopped moving to investigate something which was enough for the Sinai to make himself more aware of his surroundings while the Wolf pups would try to huddle up against his legs, some dozing a bit. He wasn't sure what it was Floor found, maybe an animal, another person, some kind of threat. However, he didn't hesitate to load his crossbow as he was completely fine with shooting all three. Floor's head would burst out the same bushes Ollie had once trailed off to, letting out a sudden bark as he'd spot Wilhelmina. It seemed more out of surprise than actual malice, but it was enough to get everyone's attention as all the pups would suddenly look over towards where Floor was.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*Well shit- he can't avoid confrontation now! So with a heavy sigh he revealed himself to the other Silnari* \"H-hi uhm y-you can put down the crossbow I'm not a threat\" *He put his hands up in some sort of surrender whilst repeating 'Don't shoot, don't shoot-' over and over again.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Terrell would narrow his eyes beneath the hidden cover of the mask, finger off the trigger yet the crossbow remaining aimed towards the individual.*\"I should just shoot you anyway for the sake of not believing in a random person in the forest.\"*It would have taken closer inspection to actually tell Wilhelmina was a Latvian, but it wasn't so hard to notice that he was just another Sinai.*\"How many elves are out in this forest...\"*He'd say in exasperation, this being the third one he's found out here. Terrell would shake his head slightly, refocusing on Wilhelmina.*\"What are you doing, straying this close to a wolf pack anyway?\"*He'd ask, not yet lowering the crossbow, though holding it in surprising casualness as if he wasn't worried of the bolt accidentally shooting out of it with one wrong move.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Well i didn't really think I'd believe i was going to meet another Silnari with a whole wolf pack and yet here we are\" *He says gesturing to Terrel and his whole horde of wolves* \"Look okay don't shoot- i was just trying to find my chicken before i found you by accident!\" *Speaking of chickens Henrietta is gonna be in so much trouble when she gets home.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"You were trying to find... A chicken...?\"*He'd say in a dubious tone, gradually lowering his crossbow back down. With the initial situation diffused, Floor would take a brief moment to sniff at Wilhelmina before gradually returning to his owner.*\"What, do you have a farm out here too?\"*A chuckle would escape him. Of course, he couldn't be one to talk growing up on a farm himself, but it was still a funny thought of someone having a farm in the middle of this large forest.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Uh yeah exactly that\" *He quipped, he'll be honest it is a weird idea to have a farm in the middle of a large forest but hey he's gotta make a living somehow right?* \"I mean i could just take you there if you'd like after i find my chicken, you seem exhausted\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Terrell was about to open his mouth to deny that thought, though gazing down at the half sleep pups, his shoulders would slump a bit.*\"They need it more than me. I suppose I can't expect them to travel much further than they have already.\"*He'd say in light yet disappointed tone. The Elf would remove the bolt from his crossbow, putting it away alongside the weapon itself.*\"Not that I can say I'm too fond of waiting on a wild goose chase. Do you even have an idea of where the chicken is?\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Well i had a few ideas but she seems to be farther than befo-\" *Suddenly he heard rustling in a nearby bush, he took a step back abit before a small white chicken popped out bounding to his feet.* \n\n\"So you *Did* Hear my deal afterall-\" *He quickly scooped her up from her place on the forest floor* \"Where have you been you crafty little chicken? And how did you escape this time??\" *The chicken gave a few clucks of reply seemingly confident in its escape despite being a chicken.*\n\n\"...How did you even convince- you know what I'm not even gonna ask, and no that deal was a lie you're not getting the bed\" *The chicken then pecks at his arms in some sort of anger and clucks loudly and rapidly* \"You can peck as hard as you can Henrietta but you're still not getting the bed, not after last time\" *He deadpanned at Henrietta's attempt to peck him to death presumably.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Seeing the exchange between the two, Terrell would idly glance down towards his wolves who would in turn look back up at him.*\"Maybe we should escape while we still can.\"*He'd utter under his breath before looking back to the two of them. It wasn't the first time he's seen someone with a pet chicken though last time was a lot less chaotic. Did people really lose their chickens that often? Terrell went lost in the thought for a while only refocusing on him as he'd notice the pups taking new interest in this farm animal. Which perhaps wasn't a good thing in the chicken's case, but what's the worst that small puppies can do?*\"Well that was fast. So... Are we heading to this farm now?\"*He'd ask him, realizing that at some point he may have to start carrying the wolves if they were forced to stay up any longer.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Oh yes- sorry i forgot you're still here, yeah the farm is just over yonder\" *He said pointing to a pathway of sorts through the forest* \"It won't take long to get there cmon\" *He began walking towards the path with Henrietta in tow still pecking furiously at his arms and sleeves.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"That's a surprise.\"*He'd say with a hint of sarcasm towards what the man had said. With him heading off along the path, Terrell would grab his whistle and blow into it to get the dozing wolves' attention.*\"Just a little further.\"*He'd say to them, knowing the wolves wouldn't understand. He'd continue walking, the wolves at his feet being forced to begrudgingly follow lest they wanted to get left out here on their lonesome. Not all had the energy to fight against that thought, however, one pup falling behind only to be picked up by Floor on his way after the pack. Terrell would occasionally look back, counting in his head to make sure none of them were picked off while he wasn't looking. Seems like they were all still there.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*They arrive at a two story house with a barn extension next to it and some open pens out in the yard, there was a chicken coup nearby aswell brimming with clucking chickens.*\n\n\"Now don't try to escape again you hear me?\" *He put her down in the fenced off coup and walked on over to Terrel* \"Uhm i don't really know where you can put the wolves but they're welcome inside the house... As long as they don't track dirt in\" *He grimaces.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Floor would place the wolf pup down, soon wandering over to the chicken coop and sniffing at the clucking animals curiously.*\"Dirt?\"*Terrell would question. After walking through the forest all day, it was hard for them not to. It was strange that dirt was the thing he was concerned about living out in the woods, though seeing as he was going to give them shelter for the night, he supposed he could be truthful towards him at least.*\"No promises.\"*He'd say casually.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*He nods and opens the door to reveal a hallway leading to a large living room, with a arm chair and two ottomans next to a fire place and a window behind it with some carpeting on the floor, up on top of the mantel seems to be a family portrait of two adults and a child but their faces were blown or burnt off by something, there is a staircase to the far left and to the stair's right was a door.*\n\n\"You can go ahead and make yourself comfortable, do you want me to make you anything? Maybe tea or the sort\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*He'd head inside, the wolf pups practically clinging close to his legs so as not to have to continue forwards on their own.*\"Anything is fine.\"*He'd say, more focused on picking up each of the pups so he didn't trip on them. Making his way to the living room, Terrell would carefully place each of the wolves down so that they could form their own sleep pile on the floor while Floor would remain at his side. Only then would Terrell finally get a good look around. His gaze would eventually fall upon the portrait, eyeing it for a moment.*\"Well that's ominous.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Tea it is then, oh and that portrait came with the house, haven't had the time to sell or throw it out\" *He says, it wasn't a lie either he didn't really know why the painting seemed blasted off though from the marks and dried blood on the floor covered by carpet and alot of burn marks on the wallpaper before he replaced it he theorized something must've gone down in this house and left no survivors, he quickly departed to the kitchen to make drinks leaving Terrel in the living room for a while.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Riiggghhttt...\"*He'd say, glancing at the stains of blood that marked the surrounding area.*\"I'm sure that definitely won't come back up again later...\"*Terrell would take a seat in one of the chairs, patting his lap to allow Floor to hop up and rest atop of it. He'd gently pat the wolf before leaning back in the chair with a tired sigh. They still had quite a while to go before leaving this forest.*\"I'm guessing you must not have been staying here long.\"*Terrell would say back to Wilhelmina, just loud enough for him to be heard from the living room.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"I've been staying for a while yeah it's been quiet and I've had visitors here and there, oh wait i haven't even asked your name yet!\" *He puts down the tea tray unto a wooden table in the middle of the armchair and ottomans* \"I'm Wilhelmina nice to meet you\" *He outstretched his hand towards Terrel, it took a while to get used to the new name but eventually he was comfortable with the name.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Terrell.\"*He'd say, shaking the man's hand before drawing it away to pick up a cup of tea.*\"Got to say you're probably the third Elf I've found in these forests. There is a party here that I'm missing or has every Sinai collectively decided to seclude themselves out here?\"*He'd question taking a sip of the tea.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Well i would say the forests here do make a good isolation getaway but sadly there's no party around so you didn't miss much\" *He took the seat opposite of Terrel as he enjoyed the tea provided and fiddled with the cuffs of his sleeve it seems to be a habit as of late whenever he feels nervous or simply when he doesn't have anything for his hands to do.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Shame. I thought I might have gotten lucky here.\"*He'd say simply, not really explaining what he meant by that.*\"So what are you isolating yourself for?\"*The Sinai would have originally guessed for murder or something seeing the state some of the stuff in the house was in, but for now, he decided to assume it not to be as bad as he thinks.*" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "*As he saw the person turned to the squirrel and disappear into the trees, he look at the pathway to the way of the wagon,\"Lets go then.\" He thought to himself. \n\nHe would turn to the pathway and proceed to walk to the pathway to the wagon. Alexander never fought plant life before, but that is not going to stop him*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*As Alexander walked down the path he would come across the wagon like mentioned. There 2 male maces hanging about the wagon, seemingly have a good time laughing about. In their hands would be various shrooms and their eyes were clearly disoriented. However, they would notice you approach and turn to you and smile goofy.*\n\n\"Hey there buddy ol' pal! You the one coming to protect us from while we get some shrooms? I got some on hand if you want!\" *And he would offer you a shroom*\n\n*The other would look at you also disoriented but visibly more upset.*\n\n\"Bro, you look scary with that mask, take if off. You're ruining my vibe. None of us are sick. Well whatever, you ready to go? I'm ready to go. We're all ready to go!\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*As he arrived to the wagon, he would look at the shroom that the man is offering, he is somewhat curious of the shroom as its his first time to see this shroom. \"Sure.\" I would calmly take the shroom that the man offered. As he took it, he inspect the shroom, but while he was doing it, he turned to the man that said something about his mask, he give thoughts about it, why not take off my mask other than shield my identity. He would look at him and gave a nod. He would take off his plague mask, revealing his face. He would unslung his bag and put the mask in his bag and slung his bag on his back. With the crossbow on his hands he would speak calmly.*\n\n\"I am ready to go.\"\n\n*As he wait his response, he would look around, using his Hawkeye (lv.1) and Thermal vison (lv.1) ability.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Turning on your senses, you would get a sharper view of the surrounding forest. However, plants didn't really have a significant thermal signature, but your thermal vision would at least reveal the few animals hiding in their burrows and whatnot. The group would then start to move down the path into the woods with towering shrooms. It was a very unusual sight, but seeing how this was elf territory, one could suspect that the denser MANA allowed for the growth of such unusual plants. On the trek the male Macon will be visibly more pleased to see that you have removed your mask and turn to you to start some small talk.*\n\n\"You're looking good pal! Pal? I don't like pal. What' your name? I'm Jorge!\"\n\n*The other Macon would laugh*\n\n\"No you're not! I'm Jorge, you're Tyson!\"\n\n*'Tyson' would then laugh*\n\n\"Oh yeah! Well close enough! Anyway I see one of them patches up ahead! Going to have to get off soon. Feel like we got distracted though... Oh yeah, I don't want to keep calling pal, pal. We're all buds here right! And you silly goose, you don't just hold onto the shroom, you bite into it! It's edible!\"\n\n*They would look at you expectantly for both your name and for you to eat the shroom*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*After looking at the animals with his thermal vision, he turned off his thermal vision but kept the hawkeye ability active. Alexander would look at the 2 men, he is surprised that they are more sociable, he is fine with it either way. He would answer his question*\n\n\"My name is Alexander.\"\n\n*After he said his name, he would take half a bite of the shroom, casually chew on the half shroom in his mouth wondering the taste. As the group start to move, he would follow the group, having his crossbow and half the shroom on his hand. He would wait to finish the shroom in his mouth and would eat the other half of the shroom, chewing on it as he go along the path the group goes.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*They would smile and give you a thumbs up*\n\n\"Nice to meet you Alex! Enjoy the treat! We'll just be collecting them shrooms now!\"\n\n*With that Tyson and Jorge would hop off their cart and head toward a nearby patch of shrooms and start pulling them out. During this time Alexander would enjoy the flavor of the shroom and find that it hand a tingling sensation to it. However, that tingly sensation would start to quickly spread, and he would start to feel light-headed as his vision got blurry and disoriented. It was like there was a purple haze over everything in front of him, and he would start to feel pretty giddy. He would hear the laughter of children but looking around he would see none. He would just see the friendly shrooms waving hi to him while enjoying a nice cup of tea.*\n\n\"What a beautiful day it is, right Alex?\" *A red mushroom would ask*\n\n*Looking around the red mushroom was right. It was a pretty beautiful day. The air was fresh, and the sun had now risen high enough to brighten up the sky. The birds were more lively singing their heavenly tunes and the animals would be getting up to head off to work. You felt so alive, you felt amazing! Who knew the world was this great!*" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "*What was left of the fox's tail appeared to fluff up in indignation. She looked as if she were going to open her mouth to argue feeling such a way, but eventually she simply lowered her head and just tried to rest. The fox was in too much pain to bother.*\"You wouldn't... Happen to have any more of those chicken birds but uh... Inside the den would you?\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"I think so, let me check\" *He then went to the kitchen and looked around for the chicken, eventually finding few raw chicken meat he had lying around still fresh somehow, he took them and handed them to the fox*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*The fox nommed on piece of chicken, seemingly content with it. As she was soon left with nothing but bone, she decided to gnaw on it for a while.*\"You know what Elf...\"*She eventually said with a tired sigh.*\"Maybe you aren't so bad after all...\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*He chuckled at the comment before replying* \"You're not half bad yourself.\"" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "\"Oh I'm not\" *He lets out a fake laugh* \"I was practically homeless at some point and one of my relatives said they could help me out with my situation so now i live here but not by choice anyway\" *He had been doing this song and dance before but it still doesn't stop his stomach from twisting in an odd way, he doesn't like lying but if it means the visitors won't get suspicious and won't alert anyone it'll just have to do for now.*\n\n\"What about you? Why are you walking around here with a horde of wolves?\" *He asks curiously.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Was your relative's solution to move you as far away from them as possible?\"*Terrell would jest, bringing up the cup of tea to sip from it before answering the man's question.*\"Just traveling through.\"*He'd say casually as if the horde of wolves wasn't particularly out of ordinary. His gaze would pass over to them as the young pups remained curled up amongst one another.*\"Would have chosen a faster method, but surprisingly enough people start asking a lot of questions when a bunch of wolves are involved. I just happen to have a lot of them.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*He hummed a reply, he reminds himself that this meeting won't be long and he just needs to ignore the twisting feeling in his gut till the other leaves and he could relax and go on with his normal routine, 'doesn't mean I'd enjoy much of it anyway' he thinks but it was nice having someone to talk to that's not just the barn animals, he keeps messing with the cuffs of his sleeves as his mind wanders.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*As he'd place down a now empty cup, Terrell would gently stand up and walk over to the pile wolves as he'd place Floor down so that the wolf could continue to sleep next to them.*\"You fine with them sleeping here or will I need to move them to the coop?\"*He'd ask him.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*It took him a minute to process the question that the other asked him* \"Oh I'm fine with them sleeping here it's fine\" *He wave his hands dismissively, if their fur sticks to the carpet and furniture he might have to clean abit.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*He'd pat the wolves softly, casually moving back over towards the chair.*\"Guess I can rest here unless you have a room readily available for guests.\"*The Sinai would say to him.*\"But I can understand if not. Wouldn't expect many visitors out here in the middle of nowhere. Wouldn't have really expected anyone out here, but looks I get a new surprise every time I visit.\"" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "*The workers seemed to be having a great time as you were looking at them. They were laughing so hard that tears were dripping from their eyes as nearby friendly roots tickle and tug away at them. Oh those mycelium roots, they are so silly! Oh look, not it seems the roots are trying to bury them in the dirt! That looks like fun doesn't it? The herb gathers seem to be calling out your name desperately between their laughter. Looks like they want you to join them in the fun!*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*As he heard his name being called, he would approach the men and saw the roots. At first, he is suspicious, but he doesn't wanna show no threat, so he slung his crossbow and just in case, he slowly placed his right hand on the handle of his Katina. Taking a look around as he gets closer to the 2 men. He did remember being warned of the roots of drowning men in the dirt or something like that, and he always takes precautions.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*As you approach the men you would you would see their faces turning pale. The mycelium roots seemed to be tickling their necks a bit too tight, preventing them from speaking anymore. But that's fine, right? The mycelium roots would turn to you and smile. The roots would come toward you and attempt to grab hold of your arms and legs. It seemed they were welcoming you in to join the tickling!*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*As he realize them being pale, he would be cautious and would quickly put on his plague mask and placed his hood up, and he immediately went for his throwing dagger on his right hand, he notices the roots getting closer to him and would immediately start shaking his feet, and would quickly rush to Tyson pulling on the root on his neck and start to cut the root on the neck of Tyson, though making sure he didn't accidentally make a cut on Tyson's neck. \"I knew this is freaking going to happen, why am I this stupid.\" He thought to himself, focusing on cutting the root.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*Thankfully Alex seemed to be faster than the roots so they couldn't grab and tickle him. The roots didn't seem to thick either, and thus you are able to easily cut the roots around Tyson's neck. Tyson would take a deep breath and look at you with gratefulness.*\n\n\"Oy, thanks Alex. Don't know why you didn't come earlier when we called for you. Were you a bit dazed? Well nevermind that, help Jorge! He's choking also!\"\n\n*Jorge would be desperately struggling against the roots but having his arm and legs tied up he could look at you desperately as the root around his neck gets tighter*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*As he saw Jorge being choked and desperately struggling, he immediately went to him and start to cut the roots on his neck first, making sure he didn't accidentally cut Jorge's neck. As he's done cutting the root, he proceeds to cut the roots that are wrapped around Jorge's arms and legs with his throwing dagger. As he does, he looked behind him, seeing Tyson and make sure no roots is trying to attack him. He is being to focused to even have other thoughts on his mind other than cut the roots and save the workers.*" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "*Jorge would be freed from the roots and he would rush over to Tyson's side. They would be breathing heavily but otherwise look unharmed. They would at you and smile and offer a thumbs up*\n\n\"Thanks Alex! Really saved us there. We got the shrooms we need so let- watch out!\" \n\n*From behind you would catch a glimpse of something coming at you at terrifying speed. But that wasn't the only concern you had. The roots would be quickly moving toward you feet, trying to grab hold and 'tickle' you*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*As he saw a glimpse of a figure charging at Alex as fast speed, he dropped his throwing dagger and would draw out his Katina using both of his hands and would thrust the front tip of the Katina at the figure that is coming at terrifying speed, but he didn't notice the roots, fortunately the plague doctor outfit thick cloth would prevent outer roots to tickle him, he wouldn't feel **Most** Of the tickle, but the roots can go in his boots, but it will take time. As he hit the figure with his blade, he would yell*\n\n\"Grab my throwing dagger if the roots try to attack you again! I am busy with this thing!\"" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "*Terrel had let out a tired yawn, finding himself awakening to the bright rays of light that fell across his face in early morning. Summer always seemed to make nights feel so much shorter for some reason, but he supposed this was the time for him to get up. He brought himself to sit upright in the chair, rubbing at his tired face as Floof had suddenly hopped of his lap upon him moving. The wolf was more quick and alert compared to the Silnari, but he wasn't the only one it seemed. Looking off towards where the pile of puppies was, now remained completely empty in the pack having wandered off to who knows where around the house. Terrel let out a tired sigh, this not being the first time the wolves had done that. Why was it so hard to keep a group of wolves together? Even herding farm animals seemed much easier than this.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Hey you're finally awake\" *He said coming from the doorway to the outside, adorning in a straw sunhat along with a basket with a cloth unto of it he seemed to have just come back from doing more chores though then again when you're living in a forest in complete isolation from anyone your schedule is probably one solid block of nothing interesting.*\n\n\"Are you hungry right now? I can make something with eggs if you'd like or meat or vegetables.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Anything but meat is fine.\"*He answered, partially waving Wilhelmina off before he could finally bring himself to stand up and look around a bit.*\"Have you seen any of the wolves?\"*He doubted they went too far. Terrel would probably just have to send Floof after them before they left later.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Uh well, they kinda patrolled around the area for bit don't know why though\"\n\n*It was a lie, they almost caught him at around the early mornings having breakfast and stayed in the barn for a while they're definitely suspicious of him, he feels the same sickening twist in his gut, but he reminds himself it's for the safety of his guest if they don't know what he was.*\n\n\"Don't know if they're in the barn or not haven't checked yet though I'm sure they haven't gone far here.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*Terrel lowered his hand to give Floof a light pat on his back.*\"Go find Floof.\"*He said to the wolf. After a short pause, Floof began sniffing around the area, soon heading off to the front door in his search.*\"Going to have to feed all of them before we set off again. That is, if they haven't already helped themselves to your chicken.\"*Of course that was simply a joke, but the reality behind it could speak otherwise. Terrel didn't doubt a pack of wolf pups could probably take over a good portion of the barn.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Well I am missing few chickens, it's fine though anyway I'll make ya breakfast real quick you can do whatever while you wait\" *He walked of to the kitchen avoiding sunspots through the windows and dropping off the basket and pulled out a cookbook trying to find a meal with meat he could make for the other elf.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*Terrel gave a brief nod, soon deciding to head off upstairs so that could grab the bag he left in the bedroom there. After retrieving it, he soon made his way back down the flights and dropped the bag off in the chair before going through it to make sure he still had everything in it. Most things he just carried on him, but he liked to keep a few spare items in his bag for convenience and lack of extra pocket space.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*He eventually came back with a large steak on a platter plus utensils and a cup of water* \"Here uhm I'll help with the wolf searching if they wandered deeper in the woods.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*He glanced over towards Wilhelmina as he walked in with the food and drink.*\"You plan on using that steak for bait?\"*Terrel asked. If they really did wander out in the forest, Terrel supposed Wilhelmina knew around this place better than him outside of the route Terrel normally took through the forest.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Maybe, I couldn't think of anything for you to eat so I just went with this, though we could just use one of the chickens as bait instead since they ate half of them\" *He says putting down the food on the table avoiding the sunlight as much as possible.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"It's quite literally the one thing I said I wouldn't-\"*He stopped himself, simply shaking his head instead.*\"Let's just go see where Floof ran off to. Surely couldn't have gotten too far. The pups can hardly travel long before getting exhausted.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"I'm so sorry I must've misheard you.\" *He apologizes, he felt stupid maybe his head was too far off in the clouds, and now he's feeling nothing but pure shame as he nods when Terrell suggests that they go and see where Floor ran off to.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*Terrel turned away from the other Silnari, heading out the front door to be welcomed by the forested area around them. Up ahead Floof seemed to be wrestling with one of the pups, too distracted by the playfulness of them to do any more than find one.*\"Well that's one down anyways... Nine more to go... You know your way around here well enough right...?\"*He asked him.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Uh yes, yes I do\" *He knew this part of the woods well enough to not get lost, finding wolves here wouldn't be as hard... Right??* \"Let's find some wolves then\" *He started going south towards a particular spot he dubbed \"Duck rock\" Which is literally a small clearing with many stones that look like ducks.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Floof... Opie... Let's go.\"*He said, calling their names to get the two wolves' attention. The two eventually scrambled off of one another to return to Terrel. He glanced over towards Wilhelmina, following after him as he lead him to a new spot out in the forest.*\"Watch these two for me, would you?\"*Terrel said to him before walking around to investigate the area.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Of course\" *He says standing still in the shade as Terrell began searching, the young pup yips at his feet looking suspiciously at him* \"Shh- I'll give ya some jerky if you don't tell anything to Terrell alright?\" *He hisses lowly at Pie as he keeps an eye at the other who's probably out of earshot by now.*" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "*Opie hopped up on their hind legs, planting their forepaws on Wilhelmina's leg as they sniffed at him eagerly. Floof simply laid down in waiting, ears raising to the sound of someone blowing into a whistle. A trio of wolf pups had suddenly ran out from the underbrush. A coupled went to tackle into Floof playfully while Terrel had reappeared in time to pick up the third, much slower pup to carry them over to the group.*\"Got anywhere else they can be?\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Uh there's a river if you go left then make a right, they could be there\" *He says pointing to the direction of the river, slowly sliding a small bit of jerky to Pie to keep quiet.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*Opie grabbed the piece of jerky from him, soon finding themselves wrestling with the other pups for it. Terrel placed down the wolf pup he held, giving a nod to the Silnari while he walked off towards the river.*\"If you don't see anything else around here. It's probably a safe bet to assume some are still hanging around the barn.\"*He pointed out.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Well I don't see any others besides the ones we already found so we should check the river before we check the barn\" *He says walking to the direction of the riverside whistling idly, hoping the other Sinai didn't see him passing the jerky to the pup.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*Terrel blew into his whistle, waiting for a few moments in silence as he neared the river. Soon enough a muddied pup would waddle their way over to him. Terrel gave a quiet sigh, picking the wolf up by the scruff of his neck and returning back to place him by the others.*\"Just this one it seems.\"*He said, seemingly not taking notice in the treats Wilhelmina had been handing to his pups.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Back to the barn then\" *He says moving around and started walking back to the barn he whistles as they walked back, when they finally got back one pup is seen trying to murk a chicken inside the fenced off chicken coup.* \n\n\"Hey hey-you already ate a lot of them last night-\" *He exclaims rushing to divide the two animals.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*Terrel followed after Wilhelmina, watching as he suddenly rushed off to stop an impending murder scene. He quickly grabbed his whistle, blowing into it.*\"Chase, get away from the chicken!\"*He said to the pup. The young grey wolf glanced up from what he was doing, letting to chicken go while staring back at the two with his tongue hanging from his jaws. He seemed pretty content with himself all things considered to the exasperation of the Elf.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Ah fiddle sticks-\" *He scooped up the very much terrified chicken checking for any injuries* \"Don't worry Leland the wolf won't get ya, not again at least\" *He says to the chicken stroking it's body to calm it down, the spooked chicken's beady eyes looked at the wolf beneath it with fear and it's feathers standing to no end.*" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "*As he saw the 2 workers are doing fine, he would look at the ground to see any roots and he would immediately look forwards and stand firm with his katana ready, seemingly ready for a attack. If he had time, he would use his Fleet Foot ability to increase his movement speed, he had the feeling that that impact will be stronger and hope to evade the attack, if he manage to evade he would take another swing on the trunk, but the prevent to have his katana blade bent, he would make sure his katana wouldn't get stuck.*\n\n``` **Mana: 105/120** ```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Alexander would avoid the attack just in time with his Fleet of Foot, but would have to unfortunately leave his Katina inside the shroom as it was stuck in there. Running forward he could grab hold of it again and push it deeper, making it 3/4 of the way through, but now the Katina was going to be almost impossible to pull out now given how tightly wedged it was between the mushroom's flesh. Not only that, as he cut the half-way point of the shroom's trunk with his Katina, he would notice a cloud of spores being released into the air. Perhaps Alex didn't have to worry too much about it thanks to his mask, but the spores seemed to be heading toward Tyson and Jorge as, and they were too distracted by the roots to notice the spores coming their way*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*As he tried to pull his katana off the flesh, he start to think theres no hope of getting his katana off,\nIf he can't get it out, why not continue cutting in the inside. As he hold his katana he would try to cut the trunk his katana like a saw, might not be more effective than swinging the katana but what choice he has. As he notice the clouds of spores, he doesn't concern thanks to his mask but he remembered something. Tyson and Jorge don't. He would turn his head to them and yell* \n\n\"Look out for the cloud spores!\"\n\n*He would look forwards to focus on the mushroom. Thoughts start to flood his mind. Who knows what are the effects of those cloud spores. His best hope is to kill the monster and get out of here.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Tyson and Jorge would look up just in time to see the spores coming at them*\n\n\"Well holy molly?! What in the Arcane Gates is that?!\" *Jorge would yell*\n\n\"Don't think it matter if we know what it is, I think we got to get away from it!\" *Tyson would shout out while grabbing Jorge and drag him away from the spores just in time*\n\n\"Thanks for the heads-up bud!\" *And they would both give you a thumbs up*\n\n*As for Alex's sawing method, as he had said, it wasn't an effective method as a Katina wasn't meant for side to side cutting and clearly didn't have the proper grip for that either, but at least some progress would be made. He would be 7/8ths of the way there, but seeing how he had to stay in one place to saw the trunk, the roots on the ground would be able to wrap around his feet and with a strong tug, pull his feet in an attempt to trip him*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*He knows that his sawing method doesn't work because katanas aren't made for it. But atleast, he tried. As he turned and would notice the same roots, he is more annoyed than scared\n\n \"God these things are annoying.\" \n\nHe would pull out 2 throwing knife from his pockets, 1 for each hand and as he grabbed on the root that is wrapped on his feet we would start to cut it as he is already enough with these roots. If he is able to be free, he could use the throwing daggers on his hand to cut the last bits of the trunk. Hoping he can finally kill this thing.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*The roots would tear apart rather easily with Alex's cutting knife as they weren't particularly strong, just annoying. However, they would release some spores as you cut into them. Of course having your mask would render them ineffective so it was simply another annoying nuisance. From there using your knives to hack away at the last remain bits of the flesh of the shroom you would finally make it all the way through. The roots on the ground would suddenly stop moving as well as the tall shroom itself. It seems like you had finally slain it. Looking back you would see Jorge and Tyson breathing heavily and covered with sweat, but otherwise uninjured. They would look to you and grin*\n\n\"You finally dealt with that thing? Are we good to head back?\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*He would take a look at the monster's corpse, finally slain. He would pocketed his throwing knives as he grab his katana with both hands and removed the katana off the flesh. He would turn, facing Jorge and Tyson*\n\n\"Yeah, lets go right now.\"\n\n*He would holster his katana as he walked to the wagon. Having his crossbow out and pulled the string.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Tyson and Jorge would nod and pat Alex on the back*\n\n\"Man you sure saved us pal! Thanks for everything! Without you who knows what would happen to us! As thanks, you can have some of these shroom if you want, we don't mind if we get less pay. You deserve the treat!\"\n\n*They would each pull out one of the shrooms they were gathering today and hand it to you as they head back to the wagon*" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "\"Well we certainly can make a guess\" *He says putting the chicken back inside the chicken coop the chicken has calmed down somewhat then he goes over to the barn to check for the other 4 wolves.*\n\n\"Hopefully they didn't *Just* Snack on the chickens..\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Terrell followed after him, the pups now keeping much closer to them with Floor rounding them up together. Within the barn, the remaining wolf pups seemed to be lounging about, a few coated with feathers on them while the others dozed peacefully as if not disturbed by the others coming in.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*He taps some of them on their nose to wake them up before sharply pulling his hand away just in case they bite* \"Well that's all of them right? Unless there are others hiding somewhere, if there aren't you can go on and leave now\" *He says though abit happy sounding, he does try to suppress the giddy feeling of not having to worry about being cautious around guests long enough until the guest actually leaves the area, he just has to waits a few more minutes.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Yeah that's the rest of them.\"*He said. The pups each glanced up towards Wilhelmina, letting out a tired yawn as he tried to tap them awake. A couple of them rolled over to trail after him curiously while the remaining few took notice of the other pups and ran over to join them.*\"You're not too pressed about losing a few chickens right?\"*Terrell asked, unsure of how to take Wilhelmina's seemingly more happy mood despite some livestock going missing.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Not too much but as i said i can always make more of them\" *He laughs, he's not really peeved at that anymore it happened afew times before though none of them have been Henrietta.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Right. Right.\"*He said, looking at what remained of the barn. Terrell supposed wolves were about as big of a pest as coyotes at times with farm animals. He could understand that at least.*\"Guess we didn't need the steak after all.\"*Terrell glanced down at the pups, half of them most likely full from chickens they ate. He reached for a small pouch at his side, deciding to give some jerky to Floor for his good behavior.*" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "*Alex would kindly take 2 of the shrooms and would put them in his backpack for safe keeping. As they went back to the wagon, he would follow and stood behind the wagon, waiting for it to move.\"Quite a long day.\" He thought to himself. He would calmly look around and would focus his view on the wagon and his crossbow.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Tyson and Jorge would grin as you take and shake their head laughing* \n\n\"Ah you are so silly. Don't you remember, you are supposed to eat them? Like this!\" *Tyson would say while biting into a shroom. Shortly after his eyes would dilate, and he would fall over backwards into the wagon laughing hysterically*\n\n\"Oh boy, I got a good one! He! How about your Jorge!\"\n\n*Jorge grin and then bite into his and like Tyson his eyes would dilate, but he wouldn't fall over backwards. Instead, he would shake his head side to side and have a large smile on his face*\n\n\"Not as good as yours, but still alright. Well guess we head back now!\"\n\n*With that Jorge would get the wagon moving back to the starting location. Along the way Alex wound notice more shrooms trying to head toward you all, but given how slow they were you didn't have to worry about them reaching you.*\n\n*Eventually you all return to the starting camp and there you would see the robed man waiting for you all. Jorge and Tyson would get off and hand them their baskets filled with shrooms*\n\n\"We did, good eh? So we get our gold right?\" *Tyson would say eagerly*\n\n*The robed figure would nod and them hand each of them a pouch of gold*\n\n\"Would have been better if you had not consumed the produce. Rather envious at how lax you all can be, but a job is a job, and you've done your part...\" *The robed figure would mutter before turning to you Alex*\n\n\"Thank you for keeping them safe. The boss will be pleased to know you proved yourself capable once more. Here is your pay as promised, and per standard procedure, are you willing to work with the boss in the future for similar jobs?\" \n\n*Tyson and Jorge would be seen already leaving, satisfied with their pay, leaving only you and the robed figure alone. The robed figure would hand you a pouch while asking for your future cooperation. Looking inside the pouch would be 6 gold as promised.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"I am willing to work for in the future.\"\n\n*He would calmly take the pouch of gold, he would give a nod. As he does, he would pocket the pouch of gold and he would walk to the road, possibly going to New Salvania. He remembered the shrooms in hid backpack. But, he thinks to eat them sooner or later.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*The robed figure would nod*\n\n\"The boss will be pleased to hear that. Till next time then...\"\n\n*The robed figure would then pocket the shrooms he had been given and just like he had entered, he would transform into a black squirrel and disappear into the nearby bushes*\n\n__**Quest Compete**__\n1.2 PP rewarded \n2 Psilocybin mushrooms\n6 gold" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "\"Yeah, well it's time for you to go!\" *He says abit too enthusiastically though he looked like he's sweating bullets* \"Wouldn't want to keep you from doing what you were doing before!\" *He lightly pushed Terrel to presumably the direction he went through before stumbling upon Wilhelmina in the first place whilst smiling slightly in a nervous manner, it's almost lunch hour and he can't have Terrel around for it.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Terrell stood rather stiff while Wilhelmina pushed against him to get the Sinai to move.*\"But I haven't grabbed my bag yet.\"*He said to Wilhelmina. Was the chicken thing actually upsetting so bad that he was trying to get rid of him now? Or was he just overstaying his welcome? He seemed pretty nervous, but about what? Terrell wasn't too sure, he was getting mixed messages from this one.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Oh right- well go on then!\" *He urges, he internally panicked whilst trying to seem as normal as possible (Spoiler alert he was unsuccessful in this).*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Terrell slowly looked between the house and Latvian with a masked look of confusion.*\"Are you okay? You seem very nervous for no reason.\"*It was definitely not the chickens. At least he thought so anyway. The sudden shift hardly made any sense to him though.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Me- nervous? Pfft what are you talking about-\" *He exclaims, he could almost hear the ticking of the clock counting down.* \"I'm just dandy! You don't need to worry about me..\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Riiiggghhhttt...\"*He said dubiously.*\"Then in that case, I guess it wouldn't matter if I took my time grabbing my bag, huh?\"*Seemed like time wasn't on his side whatever that may be, but the shaking it off only seemed to fuel Terrell's curiosity more.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*His mind races as he tries to stop or at least subside the urge to drink* \"What?! Uh i mean yeah it's fine- take your time\" *He's definitely gonna have to barricade himself in his room again, hopefully he remembered where he put the hammer and nails.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Uh huh...\"*He said.*\"I'll be back in a bit.\"*Terrell turned away, blowing into the whistle to call the other wolves to follow him. The group of young pups soon huddled up into together, following after the tall Sinai as he headed back to the house.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*When he knew the other was out of earshot he might've almost kicked one of the fences in frustration, but it's fine he'll just wait in the barn until they go away and that's exactly what he did- he quickly and swiftly went in the barn, closed the doors thoroughly and just sitting in one of the corners near the cow pens inside.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*It would be some time before the Sinai returned, keeping his word at taking a while to make sure everything was in his bag before he grabbed it and returned to where he had left Wilhelmina. By then it seemed like the man was gone. How strange. Guess he didn't want to be around for whenever Terrell got back.*\"I guess you had to leave, huh?\"*Terrell said aloud to what he'd assume to be no one in particular.*\"Well thanks for letting me stay here. I'll get out of your hair.\"*He took one last look around briefly as if for a sign that the man had heard him only to eventually collect his pups and walk off into the forest.*" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "Separate Thread Start" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "There were days when the weight wasn't all that heavy. The days of her childhood, from before she discovered her magical tendencies, still darting around the fields chasing after the younger ones — the weight hadn't existed then. It had silently slipped into her life when she'd moved out of the old house, living by herself in seminary, growing with every passing year. It'd more than tripled overnight on her return, ever accumulating, and it was only during the nights that she got blackout drunk that it got much lighter. Of course, those occasions had been fleeting in comparison.\n\nThat morning proved more burdensome than most.\n\n\"Oh, dear. This won't do at all.\"\n\nWearing a rare look of vexation, Sol stared at the article lying on the desk. It was a plain looking drawstring pouch about the size of her fist, and right now it was so full that it could not possibly accommodate a coin more.\n\n\"Ahhh, and to think I've just made a large purchase recently... What should I do? It's too early in the day to hit up any taverns...\"\n\nIt was thirty minutes later before the priestess could be spotted strolling along one of the busier streets around, inspecting every single piece of ware intently before moving on to the next stall.\n\nShe had yet to find something that was a) easy to carry around, b) expensive enough and c) had at least *Some* Practical value for herself." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Elsewhere in the streets, a titanic figure was idly strolling, with a relaxed expression upon his face, as he peeked a look at the various stalls. While usually he would only be on the streets to put his hand to the heart of the city's rumours and concerns, even a tirelessly working man like him needed a breather from time to time.\n\nSo here he was, lazily window-shopping instead of doing anything of actual merit- not that the concept of a glass shop-front was even a thing yet.\n\nHis height came in quite handy here, allowing him to take a peek at the various stalls without needing to push through the crowds for a the closer look, and also causing the tides of people in the streets to pre-emptively give him the right of way to avoid being bowled over by accident. The person that could win against an old titan in a match of strength was an exceptional one, after all- not that he would be rude enough to deliberately push into someone's way himself, barring exceptional circumstance.\n\nAnyhow, his figure was quite obvious in the crowd for anyway that looked up, sticking out like a tree amongst a sea of shrubs. Currently he was standing in front of a stall selling curios and trinkets of sort with a considering look." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Indeed, when one towered above the crowd in a display of height, they were bound to stand out. Just as the beacon from a lighthouse was wont to draw the attention of the creatures lurking beneath the surface. And for some of the more inquisitive creatures, making their way through the waves as they approached.\n\nThe priestess did not push. There was no need for her to do so, having made her unhurried way over. The little pockets of space between mingling bodies were sufficient for her to slip through, and slip through she did, step by step, until—\n\n\"Find anything good?\"\n\nStanding to his right, she casually leaned to take a closer look at one of the hanging pieces." }, { "from": "human", "value": "The stone- a simple stone, was the platonic emanation of immutability of the nature world. Not lion's claw, nor bear's paw could leave nary a mark upon it's skin. And whence their descendants have passed, the stone stands alone, unfettered.\n\nIt was a simplification, but as rocks among nature, so titans amongst man. Living, towering, walking stones who lived long and lasted long. \n\nBut nothing short of gold was truly perfect matter, and all could be brought low by the forces of the world. If to stone, rivers, then to Myhan...\n\nHe first blinked in awareness. Then a tingle rolled down his spine in realisation. His back shivered in denial...\n\nAnd finally, in acceptance, he sighed and answered the comparatively dimunitive priest whose presence was enough to cow him, without turning \"...Not really. I suppose finding you here is surprising though. In fact, I must admit that you are the last person I expected to see here. \"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Sol considered the response she'd been given, all the while not moving in the slightest, her posture held at the very moment she'd neared to inspect the trinket. Then, as if satisfied, she straightened her back and turned her head in Mahan's direction.\n\n\"Oh? And why is that so, pray tell?\"\n\nThe priestess smiles.\n\nHer pale irises were absent, hidden behind shut eyelids, but something about her expression suggested that she was looking right at him. She would hold that face for a few more seconds before breaking into a light chuckle, eyes opened once more in amusement.\n\n\"I suppose it's not every day that you see clergy shopping in their priestly wear.\" Another quiet chuckle. \"Though you certainly have just given me a good idea.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Myhan shrugged, slightly unnerved by the way she stalled and move on a dime, and the way it felt her gaze was boring into his flesh even when behind her eyelids.\n\nNot to mention that damn smile. That damn smile, followed by that chuckle.\n\n\"It is quite unconventional, though in honesty I don't know much about what you like to do in your free time in the first place.\" The titan admitted honestly, before a forboding tingle ran up his spine again with her last line.\n\n\"And now I turn the question back to you- what idea, pray tell?\" He asked with a false calm." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"That does indeed check out. And seeing as we're likely to continue working together for the foreseeable future, it could be beneficial to know a little more about each other, beyond the basics.\"\n\n*Future.* The priestess laughed quietly into her sleeve, evidently enjoying herself.\n\n\"Why, shopping for clothing of course. Though I am unfamiliar with local fashion, so I could really use the assistance of an impartial observer.\"\n\nShe didn't follow up with any question, but with how intently she was staring, there probably wasn't a need to." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Myhan angled slightly away from the line of fire of Sol's incandescent gaze, avoiding meeting her burning pyrite pupils with his own head on.\n\nHe wasn't really enjoying this nearly as much as the Priestess did, but she wasn't wrong... Besides, he didn't have much of an excuse to take his leave in a manner befitting of a Kadhoki Baron, and...\n\n*This could be a good time to get a better grasp of the character of this woman.* He grudgingly admitted. *Picking out clothes is not the worst activity to get stuck with that woman on, anyhow. What could go wrong?*\n\n\"Well..\" He mused, pretending to scrutinise the trinkets to play off him turning away from her. \"I am certainly no fashionista... But I suppose I can give my humble opinions.\" He decided. \"Just be sure to take it with a pinchful of salt.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"That's already plenty.\" She nodded with a smile. \"Much more reliable than shop assistants, according to whom nearly every article of clothing on the shelves would look good on the customers somehow.\"\n\nThe priestess heaved a small sigh, hesitating somewhat whilst holding a rather crudely carved reddish trinket. After a few moments, she ended up putting it back.\n\n\"I was told that there was a shop specializing in luxurious clothes somewhere on this street, though I have yet to find it.\" The little traces of wistfulness faded away, making way for the usual smile that never reached the eyes. \"Would you happen to know of its location, Sir Mahan?\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Myhan did chuckle at that. \"Well, either everything looks good on you with the right angle and attitude, or they aren't running a shop at all.\"\n\nMyhan traces her gaze, eyeing the shoddy street trinket until she places it back.\n\n\"Luxurious clothes?\" Myhan raises an eyebrow, before scrutinizing her attire from toe to head. It was of decent quality for clerical clothes, but not much else, really. \"Now I can confidently say you don't look nor act the type, and I do mean that with sincere praise.\"\n\nIndeed, Sol had her eccentricities, but she was certainly not one to live extravagently. In fact the most she spent was on providing accommodations to the men, which he could not really fault her for despite any amount of paranoia.\n \nThe baron seems to muse for a bit before shaking his head. \"Well, far be it for me to cast stones, lest I make myself a hypocrite. Nothing wrong with a bit of finery- the quality of fabric and work does make a substantial difference in comfort than anything, especially when you also need one skilled enough to cater for larger races even in places where they are a minority. Though...\"\n\nThe titan frowned. \"If you were to ask me, I admit, I haven't had the need to commission clothes around here so far- I've gotten used to making a few sets last as long as they can without replacement- commissioning new clothes is a pain, I'm sure you figure. So I cannot speak to the quality nor exact location of the shop. Still, I think I've passed it before. If you don't mind a bit of meandering, Miss Sol, I should be able to lead you to the rough whereabouts of your destination in a short jiffy.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"My, my. I'll end up with a swelled ego if you flatter me so, you know.\" Yet the laughter that followed was wholly gentle, if somewhat short-lived; the teasing note quickly slipped back in. \"Alas, I am not yet mature enough to escape the feeling of wanting to behave like a young girl every so often, so to speak.\"\n\nShe nodded easily to the prospect of looking around until they found the place.\n\n\"That's more than fine. In the first place, I am the one imposing on you, so for that...\"\n\nShe dipped her head slightly, lifting both sides of her robes in a curtsy, albeit somewhat stiffly.\n\n\"I'll be in your care, Sir Mahan~☆\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Myhan had taken many, many hits over the centuries. Swords versus skin, spears versus tendons, hammers against ribcage. Just recently, near singlehandedly holding back a number of the finest warriors in Ramul Ta along had nearly led him to his demise, had he not managed to land the final hit on Adelmar, but even then, in the face of certain death and losing it all. He had stood firm for the sake of the men and women that stood behind him.\n\nRight now, watching Sol curtsy towards him, he wonder if it was too late to get struck down by their hammers.\n\nSuppressing the urge to develop spotaneous internal bleeding. Bowing with the form of a perfect gentleman, he stated as seriously as he could. \"It would be my honour, miss Sol.\"\n\n...Okay, damnit. That *Was* Pretty funny. The corner of his lips curled up involuntarily. Shit.\n\nHe had to admit, it had been ages since he had acted like a young, vigorous gentleman and it did make him feel younger. Unfortunately, that also meant admitting that he shared Sol's sentiment of acting young once in a while, and another infinitesimal part of his soul shrivelled up like Adelmar's face.\n\nCoughing slightly to himself to take his mind off things, he turned towards the rough direction of where they needed to go. \"Right, I shall be leading the way then- just stick close to me.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "And stick close to Mahan Sol did - almost uncomfortably so, in fact, that it seemed as though the notion of 'personal space' didn't exist to her at all; the fact that she always made sure to stay muumuus out of that distance, however, should have more than indicated that she knew exactly what she was doing and didn't really care otherwise. They'd gone a little ways in before the priestess, whether out of genuine curiosity or simply finding a way to pass the time, spoke up.\n\n\"From what I've heard, you and sir Iran seem to go back pretty far. And Albania seems to have it out for both of you quite a bit—what's the story behind that? Another situation like the recent siege? If you don't mind me asking, that is.\"\n\nPutting aside the fact that she'd already gone ahead and done so, that is." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Almost uncomfortably? \n\nMyhan *Was* Discomforted, make no mistake. Despite the fact that the priestess was merely half his height (though she would indeed be considered tall among the locals), her breath bore down his back like that of a towering Fire Dragon. And he knew first hand what that felt like.\n\nAnd thus, the gigantic veteran could only silently endure the proximity of her presence, which drained any energy he may have mustered to make small talk with the priestess. Was she a Sanguinist? \n\nFortunately, she seemed content with the companionable silence. Well, until she wasn't.\n\nMyhan blinked and turned as he registered the question... Which was actually a fairly reasonable one to make about one's co-workers really, especially considering the situation.\n\n\"Hmm...\" Myhan mulled over what to say, before slowly opening his mouth. \"Well, for a start- how much do you know about the Kadho Crisis?\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Hmm, the name does ring a bell.\" Lightly biting her lips, Sol tried to recall the happenings from quite a while ago.\n\n\"... I believe there was word that the previous chancellor was assassinated? By... Orders of the Albanian emperor?\" The rare uncertainty tinted her words - even though the news had reached Solaria, the priestess had a passing interest on the matter at most and had not paid as much attention. \"I heard it ultimately ended in a war which Radio won. That's about how much I know.\"\n\nOf course, now that she recalled as much, the priestess had put two and two together for a possible four, but given that there was a high likelihood that her conversation partner had been quite involved in the matter, she might as well wait for him to either confirm or deny her internal conjectures. So she simply just shrugged and waited." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"You have the broad strokes of it.\" Myhan acknowledged. \n\n\"To answer both questions, Sirdan and I were captains of mercenary parties that sought to unravel the conspiracy embroiling at the time, which indeed so happened to be by Salvainia's hand- and they had a lot of plans and even contingencies in place, which we had a part in dismantling and thwarting at every turn. We even partook in the war at the very end from the very front. To say that Salvainia has it out for us would be a slight understatement, really.\"\n\nMyhan laughed with good mirth, slightly downplaying the fact that the republic likely would not have survived were it not for them and tactfully omitting his past as a Salvainian courtier.\n\n\"Anyhow, while Sirdan and I didn't work together directly, we often exchanged information in coffee houses between tasks and hit it off quite well. After the fact, we assisted the Margrave in his bid for chancellorship, which he won summarily. Then, for our merit in service of the republic and aiding his ascension to the Chancellorship, he rewarded us with fiefdoms that so happened to be a stone's throw away from each other, and the rest is history. As all good neighbours do, I scratch his back, and he scratches mine. Simple as that.\" Myhan ended fondly." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Was.\"\n\nThat was it. A very undignified expression of surprise, slipping out from the usual dignified demeanor. She had guessed as much regarding their involvement, but the extent of it was just... Small wonder the relationship went quite poorly, really. Nonetheless, Sol didn't have any particular burning love for Albania, and so her curiosity about the topic remained just that - curiosity.\n\n\"Both of you are interesting indeed - managing a fiefdom sounds like too much work, what with all the administrative matters and whatnot. Is that why your hair got so white?\" She lightly teased at the end." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Myhan couldn't help but snort slightly at Sol's utterly underwhelming response, and proceeding teasing, shaking his head.\n\n\"Well, it hasn't gone any whiter than it already was, so hard to tell. Might be losing a bit of hair from it, however. On the contrary, how about your hair, hmm?\" The titan japed back, any trepidition temporarily set aside." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"My hair?\" The priestess tilted her head, evidently having forgotten that her own crown was about as pale as they came until she was reminded.\n\n\"Ah! Oh, my... Now that you mention it, I think I'm the only one in my family that's like this. I wonder why...\" She clasped a handful of her own hair, staring at it with newfound interest." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Myhan blinked again. \n\n\"...Have you never thought about it?\" The titan asked in a deadpan tone of clear disbelief." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"No, not really. It's not as if having white hair would make crops grow faster.\" The priestess toyed with her strands, recollecting decades-old memories to ensure that she was correct. \"My siblings were all blonde, as were my parents... Hmm.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Myhan put a finger to his chin.\n\nThere were a number of explanations for that available. The most likely one was that it was simply a natural, rare permutation of the blonde hair of her parents that was. He had heard of cases of albinism, and while this was not quite the same it would be close enough. Or perhaps it was a rarer trait in her family line and she just happened to be the only one to manifest it this generation.\n\nThere were more outlandish theories like being touched by a spirit, being adopted or being born out of wedlock... But those ranged from silly to downright rude to even suggest.\n\nInstead, he settled for starting simple. \"Hmm... Has your family said anything about it before, then?\"\n\nThe prospect of Sol having a family, and even siblings was an interesting one, alright, considering her nature. But he supposed even people as strange as her were still born of flesh and bone, in the end." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Not particularly...\" It had been nearly twenty years, and with her innate indifference a lot of memories from her childhood had been forgotten, lost to the passage of time. Leaving Anushka at the age of fifteen, her first run in with magic at the age of twelve...\n\n*Why do you insist on helping me to dry my hair every time?* A ten-year-old Sol had questioned her eight-year-old sister.\n\n*Because big sister's hair is a treasure! Papa said so!* Had been the reply. At least, she felt that it had been something like that. But Sol had no memory of her father ever telling her such a thing, so it'd been put aside and forgotten after a while.\n\n\"Mm, it doesn't really matter, I guess.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Seeing her almost indifferent response, Myhan realised that it was probably a fool's errand to piece together any clues regarding the strange pigmentation of her hair as is.\n\nHe sighed, any enthusiasm for figuring out a small mystery stymied. \"Well, I suppose that's true then.\" \n\nAnd with that, he pressed the topic no more. The air became quite a bit awkward thereafter with fuel to keep the conversation going." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "The priestess was not perturbed by the lack of conversation. The earlier discussion about her hair had set off a chain of other thoughts, and other than the attention needed to follow Mahan, she had her fingers on her chin, brooding over a few other things. Of course, given that she voiced out none of it, it would be basically impossible for another to try and follow her train of thought.\n\n\"MMM...\" Without really meaning to, she was musing aloud. \"Perhaps I should get married soon...\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Myhan paused again, turning back with an even more incredulous look for a brief second before quickly remembering to square it away with a neutral expression, pretending that he hadn't heard clearly what she had said and definitely did not lose his composture. No siree.\n\n\"Sorry, did you say something? I didn't seem to catch that just now.\" Myhan *Asked calmly*." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Distracted as she was, the look of incredulity went undetected by the priestess, who only paid more attention after she was addressed.\n\n\"What? Oh, I was just thinking aloud, nothing to worry about.\" Sol shrugged, not seeming very bothered about whether her thoughts had been heard or not. \"Apparently, there's this fashion called gothic Lolita that's been popular lately. I wonder if it'll suit me.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "For his sanity, Myhan decided not to pry deeper than he'd already heard. Coughing, Myhan simply followed along with whatever newfangled topic Sol was going upon.\n\n\"I'm no fashionista, and everything that's been going on I've been quite out of touch with the latest trends.\" The old titan admitted. \"What is that all about, anyway?\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"I'm not quite sure myself. Apparently, it's mostly darker colors with lots of frills and ribbons. Perhaps the store assistants would be able to direct us to such pieces.\" That was also a piece of information she learned from a conversation in passing, and as to be expected of Sol, she had nodded at the time and promptly forgotten it after.\n\n\"Apparently, there's even a unique style of laughter associated with it... Oh oho.\" Perhaps she would have had more success by using more than the usual conversational tone." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Myhan cringed as Sol soullessly attempted to emulate said laughter. The flatness of it was akin to nails on a blackboard to him- he did not know how it was intended to be, but was it clearly missing a key component to it's character in a way that made it plain uncanny and even close to being downright disturbing, like watching a zombie suddenly shamble down the streets of a bustling town.\n\n\"...I can't say I know what all that is about, but I'm certain that's not... All there is to it.\" Myhan diplomatically mustered." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Of that I have no doubt. It's a mysterious topic, this Lolita thing.\" Sol nodded seriously, the thought of Mahan referring to something else never once crossing her mind.\n\n\"If I am to wear the garb properly, then I will have to seek out a master of such as well, lest my bearings do not give the clothing the dignity it is owed.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Myhan opened his mouth, seemingly about to speak, only to slowly close it without another word.\n\nHe rubbed his eyes. \"...I can respect that.\" He acquiesced towards her misunderstanding.\n\nHopefully they would be there soon, he wasn't sure if he could handle her attention any longer..." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "As it turned out, the 'luxury clothes shop' that Sol remembered being in the area had long since closed down. Fortunately, another boutique had opened in the same location, else the two of them might have had to continue walking. It wasn't busy hours yet, so the clerk sitting behind the counter raised her head to the sound of the door opening. Then she raised her brows at the sight of the titan walking in.\n\n\"May I help you—\" Surprise flashed across her face when the priestess too walked into view, but to the credit of the clerk, it was quickly replaced by a professional smile. \"Welcome! What sort of clothing would you happen to be looking for, miss?\"\n\n\"Mm, I'm looking for an 'oh oho' dress.\"\n\nIn the brief silence that followed, one might even see the '???' appearing over the clerk's head as she made eye contact with Mahan." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Myhan nearly knocked his head against the ceiling when he heard the utter confoundment Sol had somehow uttered despite all odds.\n\n*...Now you're just taking the piss out of me, aren't you? Didn't you just tell me the name? There's no way one can forget this quickly, surely...*\n\nMyhan briefly commiserated in silence with the clerk in shared confusion as they locked gazes, before Myhan eventually pinched his nose and sighed. \"She's not so familiar with the name...\" The titan covered for her slip up because he was a decent man like that, even though by all accounts it made no sense. \"What the name of that new trend... Gothic... Lolita, I think?\" Myhan muttered, the name only barely sliding into his cramped brainmeats, that were already full to the brim with centuries of knowledge." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"That's *New*?... I mean, of course you are! May I ask what sort of look you are going for, miss?\"\n\n\"Mm, I'm not really sure about what it looks like... Could you show me any piece in black?\"\n\n\"Sure, give me a moment.\"\n\nManaging to regain her smile quickly, the clerk gestured for Sol to wait before turning and heading towards the back of the shop. As she did so, Sol glanced towards Mahan and made a discreet V sign with her fingers — expression unchanging.\n\n\"Please, take a look!\"\n\nWhat the clerk held out did indeed fulfil Sol's sole (he) request, but between the orange and the ribbons, it couldn't be any gaudier if it tried." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Myhan resisted the urge to slap his forehead at Sol's show of victory, opting for a simple, controlled nod of the head, in acknowledgement of her apparent 'win.'\n\n*Actually, why are you even celebrating in the first place?*\n\nRegardless, when the clerk returned with something to present, Myhan thought it was decent from a general perspective, if a little gaudy... Well, that was it.\n\n He had no idea what 'gothic lolita fashion' looked like beyond Sol's half-baked verbal description, afterall. If it were as akin to that trend as a whale to fish, he wouldn't know.\n\nSo, the only thing he could do here is to nod sagely and pass the task of judgement to a certain troublesome priestess.\n\n\"So, what do you think?\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"So it's this type of look...\"\n\nThe priestess carefully received the dress, giving it a careful 360 to avoid overlooking anything. The number of ribbons were a little too over the top, but she didn't find herself disliking the whole concept that it represented.\n\n\"I like the style, but the orange is a bit loud for my tastes. Perhaps... Ah, I know. Pray lend me your ears for a moment, good lady.\"\n\nThe clerk gave Mahan a somewhat pensive glance before doing as Sol requested, who proceeded to lean in. What followed was about thirty seconds of whispering and a lot of nodding in reply, following which the clerk took the dress and went back to the racks.\n\n\"I'll be borrowing their changing room.\" The priestess turned back to Mahan, a tiny satisfied smile on her face. \"I'll have to trouble you about your opinion once I'm done, sir Mahan.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*Oh gods, what dastardly plan is Sol concocting this time?*\n\nMyhan internally balked in dismay upon witnessing the furtive display between the two- before remembering that they were going clothes shopping.\n\n*Oh, right. Sorry, force of habit.*\n\nMyhan cleared his throat to clear away his inner intrusions before opening his mouth.\n\n\"Once again, I must reiterate that I'm no fashionista, nor even an amateur judge of fashion...\" \n\nWell, it wasn't entirely true- he had spent enough time in courtly settings to learn some of it by osmosis, but nothing more than that. \n\n\"...But I'll do my best to be a fair judge.\" The old titan allowed." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"That's already plenty.\" The priestess nodded, then ducked into a changing room nearby. Shortly after, the clerk who was carrying a bundle of clothing knocked on that door and also entered. There was a small gap under the door, out of which conversation carried.\n\n\"This is a lot heavier than it looks.\"\n\"Perhaps I could fetch a lighter dress?\"\n\"No, no, this will do. What's this piece for?\"\n\"Ah, you wrap it like this...\"\n\nAfter about ten minutes had passed, the door opened again and Sol stepped out.\n\n\"How does it look?\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*...Why does it have a goddamn blindfold?*\n\nWas what Myhan nearly said, before catching himself.\n\nCoughing slightly, he took a moment to align his state of mind with what a refined courtier and gentleman would say, even if half the time he didn't entirely get what he was saying. \n\nThe appearance of being effortlessly erudite and trendy was a useful image in higher society, after all, despite the reality of things.\n\nIn short, bullshitting convincingly was a useful skill if one wanted to further themselves.\n\nMyhan hummed in consideration as he gave a casual seeming once over.\n\n\"The general geometry of the outfit itself is sleek and carries elegance, while its design carries some quite bold and unconventional elements. I quite enjoy how the red string motif strikes a vivid contrast with the darker tones, and the faint wavelike floral patterns on the lighter hued hems of the dress are a subtlely brilliant touch. Oh and the... Blindfold!\"\n\nLingering on the last word for emphasis and definitely not because the old titan was coming up short on how to extract meaning from a blindfold, he timely continued before the pregnant pause dragged out for too long.\n\n\"More importantly, you wear it with a fair amount of grace, and dare I say- Sprezzatura, which is the finishing stroke of the brush that completes this fine ensemble.\n\nIn short I think you wear it quite wonderfully, miss Sol, though I must profess my professional inadequecy in putting the full scope of things into word.\"\n\nAfter somehow putting together the most verbose of paragraphs without nary a breath in between, Myhan put a fist to his mouth and coughed a few times, as if it were just a natural, unexplained tic of the body.\n\nUnseen behind his fist was how his mouth slightly grimaced with embarrassment from the excessive flattery it had just expoused.\n\n*Bah, why was I trying this hard? Must be force of habit...*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Uh huh, uh huh.\" The priestess grinned throughout every second of it, leaving it undisputed as to exactly how much she took stock in those words - that was to say, not a lot. She turned to the clerk. \"I'll be buying this. How much does it cost?\"\n\n\"That'll be ten gold although, miss. Shall I wrap it up for you?\"\n\nSol aimed a teasing smile at the titan.\n\n\"No, I'll wear these as is. Could you wrap up my old clothing instead?\"\n\"Sure, just a moment.\"\n\"Mm.\"\n\nThe priestess watched the clerk scoot off into the changing area briefly.\n\n\"... Thank you. I appreciated that.\"\n\nThe words, their speaker having walked away, dissipated quietly into the air." } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "Deep in the Ombu forests, the serenity of the evening could not keep the village quiet. A path enveloped in arches led to a large redwood tree. Its trunk was hollow and a gate-like shape allowed one to enter. A spiral of wooden steps merged with its walls and reached their end atop the bark. The inside of it was dimly lit by lanterns that emitted majestic colors, visibly unnatural in essence. Once one reached the top, they'd be met with a pleasant surprise. Wooden bridges connected all the trees, where huts and stalls illuminated various warm colors. Children ran along the paths, adults chatted quietly in different groups and circles. Every now and then a dark or high elf passed by, yet the majority were wood and fae elves. The crowns of the trees were carefully nurtured in the form of walls around the village, keeping it hidden while also stopping the turbulent currents from spreading inside. Instead, a calm breeze tickled the warm weather onto the skin of folk around while crickets serenaded relaxing chirps.\n\nNear the center of the town, where all bridges connected in a wide round podium, flaps of wings clapped loudly.\n\"No, no! I already give you all enough, this is for the people!\" An elf grumbled while swinging his hands to and fro with hopes of getting rid of the swallows that swarmed about. His tone was soft albeit grumpy. He didn't seem old at all, yet elves were known for their young appearance either way. A relatively short merchant, he manned a stall that offered fruits in various color and shapes, all lined up in baskets on a wooden platform. Some glowed, some pulsated - they were exclusive harvests that no other nation in Ramul Ta could offer. The trader crossed his hands, sighing irritatedly." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "A white mop of hair ambled through the lively bridges crisscrossing the cavernous hallow of the great redwood tree. Hovering a mere inch above the thick, mossy ground, the mop swayed and swung below a pair of spiny, thorn-like articles in which a contrasting black crow sat between. It was a figure of strange eminence, where the shroud of white meshed with the briefest of glances painted an image of gangling, flowing limbs. Those curt enough to stare openly, usually the children, saw plainly the girl underneath, but the keen and the curiously aimless saw a more ominous undertone to the blatant, glaringly white stranger, for the arches of the village flocked with crows while she passed beneath, and perched among their houses as she passed. Be it misfortune for the newcomer or for the bystanders within was a conclusion for the eye of the beholder. \n\nIn the center of the town, the crowd split before the intruder in white. Even the crickets quieted at her approach, though a less superstitious eye would see the new onslaught of birds was merely eating up the competition. Catching sight of the glowing, colorful shapes, the figure inched over, apparently deterred by the many probing eyes, and stood to the side of the elf's stall. Reaching out the white curtain, a little hand holding a little coin slid a single silver atop the counter.\n\"A fruit?\" Pale blue eyes peered out from the split in the swath of white hair." }, { "from": "human", "value": "It did not come as a surprise to Caw, most probably, that she received some stares. While it was mainly children who did so, the courage of some adults defeated their manners as well. As the silence deafened the playful chants of those around, the elf arched a brow in a confused fashion. His eyes darted towards the protruding hand offering coin. If Caw looked inside, she'd see a figure that loomed over the stall and its offered beverages. He creased his forehead at her request and turned. Oddly, his stature dropped a few heads lower once he circled around. He neared the outlandish woman in a delicate stroll. He was... Much shorter in comparison. A proudly hoisted chest flaunted the thin silk robe that enveloped him, one which's green blended with the forest flawlessly. Golden elements stemmed from it in the shape of his collar, resembling a laurel wreath. Despite the grouchy expression on his face, the merchant was well groomed and properly maintained, exuding a sweet peach aroma. The tiny man who stood about four feet tall grasped the curtain before he drew it aside.\n\nBy doing so he revealed the rich assortment of fruits at his disposal. The trader crushed his hand into a fist and coughed into it. After that he placed both hands on his hips and inspected the lady.\n\n*\"Welcome to the Glowing Peach!\"* He exclaimed somewhat eloquently. *\"I am Erric. Erric Springdale.\"* The elf pressed an open palm against his chest before bowing courteously. *\"The family of Springdale is widely known for our wonderful fruit yields! Thus, it would dishonor me to simply give you a... **'fruit'**, madam. Would you please describe to me what your preference is? Who are you buying this for? Would you like the taste to melt in your mouth with a robust aftertaste? Or do you prefer the intense, piquant options? Anything you'd like, we have it here in plenty!\"* He sprung his hand out towards the display and finished the hasty array of questions. His hazel eyes followed her lips intently in preparation for her answer." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Watching as the elf displayed his wares with a flourish of impeccable manner and sparkling charisma, the girl gaped at the array with sparkling eyes, her coin left forlorn on the table as she pointed excitedly towards the brightest fruits in the bunch.\n\"Shiny! For me.\" She replied with an eager smile. Jostled by her excitement, the crow atop her head squawked with a beat of ebony wings. While she bounced in place, a jump and a skip in her step, the murder of crows that had nestled throughout the wood elves' home cried out in kind, their echos carried down the whole length of the redwood, the rustle of wings a foreboding facsimile of the familiar rustling of leaves." } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "*Terrel didn't seem bothered by her quiet words, simply laying there and listening in silence to make it hard to tell when he was sleeping and when he wasn't. Being asked why he chose a pig mask, Terrel thought about it for moment. It wasn't like he had this large reasoning for it. It was simply a mask he had on him, but he guessed anyone who walks around wearing a mask of a farm animal all the time must have a good reason behind it.*\"It's just what I am now.\"*He'd eventually answer.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"I don't think you're a pig.\" *Manon said, rolling onto her side so she could face him. The mask indeed prevented Manon from knowing if he was awake or not. She didn't care though, she finally started to feel tired after her eventful day today. One moment she was looking at the pink haired Terrell and the next moment he was gone as slumber overtook her. For once, she didn't have her recurring nightmare, It was always the night she was attacked by the vampire near her home. Maybe something about being with friends helped sooth her mind.*" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "*Amongst the tree tops, a pair of eyes followed the Lathian through the forest in waiting of the right opportunity. The woman had been watching him for quite some time now with absolutely zero clue of what he was trying to bury, but caring little of it. She crawled along the branches and followed him at the sound of the whistle. Only once she had found a more sturdy branch, did she ready herself for him to approach the right position. Then in a sudden swift movement she launched herself out of the tree down towards Wilhelmina. In a bright flash of orange the woman attempted to tackle him, letting out a loud shriek in the process. Or perhaps it was more of a war cry, who knew really.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Terrified he swung his shovel at whatever it is making a ruckus and hits them in the face screaming as he does so.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*A small thud resounded from the object as it connected with the woman. She got knocked back a few feet, instantly collapsing and falling limp as she hit the ground after getting hit in the head with the shovel. The woman looked to be fox-like, about a couple feet smaller than the Elf. She laid there in a daze, mouth partially open upon her life having just flashed before her eyes.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Oh no, oh no, Ohio—\" *He scrambled to the knocked fox like person, he thought of smacking them her again with his shovel briefly, but he quickly dismisses those thoughts; he didn't exactly want to be burying more bodies at the moment it would just be more suspicious so instead he tried to shake the woman from her daze* \"I'm so sorry— you just caught me off guard, are you okay??\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*The fox laid unmoving for a while as he shook her. It wasn't long, however, before her eyes suddenly shot open. A gasp escaped her and, turning her head towards the Silnari, she quickly raked her claws across his face and hopped back up to her feet.*\"You may have thought you got the better of me Elf! But you're dead wrong!\"*She yowled, in a slightly higher pitch tone, pointing towards him. It was clear that she was still dazed from the shovel, however, as she wasn't pointing directly at him, but to the side slightly.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*He hisses at the pain and held his face in pain, ok he probably deserved that but really? In the face? At least she narrowly missed his eyes* \"I was just trying to help you get back on your feet! I didn't mean for you to get hit by my shovel promise!\" *He exclaims.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Nice try, but I know how your kind is!\"*She spat, shaking her head to and fro to get rid of the dizziness.*\"You lot are always walking around with weapons like that, thinking you can get rid of people like me! But too bad! It'll take more than one of you to keep me down!\"*Her green eyes narrowed at him and she soon scrunched up your nose.*\"You've been walking around for a while and you stink like the dead. What have you been up to, huh?\"*She interrogated, walking around him as if trying to find something.*\"Been trying to get rid of pests like me?\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*He looked at her in slight confusion* \"I don't know what you mean but I was just burying my dead pets because she died this morning\" *He said lying through his teeth his expression still confused, he has his slip ups, but now he's pickup a few tricks in deception though he has close called its still useful in situations like this* \"Besides I don't think I've even your uhm people around in these woods anyway.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*She paused in her investigation for a moment and placed her hands on her hips.*\"And why do you think that is?\"*The woman questioned.*\"Isn't it enough I have to climb to your level to communicate? Honestly it's a wonder of why you all live out here. This place shouldn't be for elves.\"*She let out a huff, one ear flicking irritably as she watched him.*\"What kind of 'pets' anyways?\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"My cat Strafing\" *He replied stiffly looking saddened at the mention of the name* \"And why I live here is nothing of concern what are *You* Doing clawing innocent people's faces if I may ask?\" *He counters.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"Why are you hitting innocent people in the head with a shovel!\"*She snapped back at him, rubbing at her head.*\"And why you live here is my concern! This was my home first, not yours!\"*It was questionable how much truth there was to it. The fox hardly looked older than a kid, though her size probably wasn't helping her.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"You caught me off guard! That kind of reaction would be expected when you live near wolves and other things that might kill you in the dark!\" *He reasons.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*She scoffed.*\"Wolves aren't nearly as viscous. I was just going easy on you.\"*The woman crossed her fox-like paws only to wince and rub at her head idly.*\"Don't you elves have those large dens you stay in? You shouldn't be out in the forests to begin with.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"If you're referring to my house then yes I do have one\" *He's starting to slightly regret the decision to be nice to this fox girl, but he's also not going to leave without at least this* \"If you want a place to recover from a shovel to the face you can stay at my home for a while, if you're still going to be stubborn and all then that's fine, I'll be going now\" *And with that he turned and walked away towards the shed to dispose of said shovel.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*The woman didn't follow him at first, simply watching him walk off as he took the shovel and went. Eventually the sound of footsteps was able to be heard behind him as the fox followed slowly after him.*\"Does this house have food in it?\"*She asked skeptically.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Of course it has food, I have a farm full of animals too if you don't like vegetables\" *He shrugs at the question, he expected the fox to eventually follow him, but he didn't expect that question at all but there's a first for everything.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*The fox noticeably perked up at his words. Lifting her snout up to the air, she took in a big whiff of it. Almost instantly she began salivating at the scent of something good being close by.*\"Race you there!\"*She suddenly said. The woman suddenly darted off past him and in a flash of light she had been reduced to a regular fox form. The animal ran off into the forest ahead, attracted by the scent of food, or rather, prey.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*After recovering from the shock he races towards the house abandoning his shovel along the way, he chases after the girl turned actual fox until the path cleared, and a house was visible.*\n\n*The house looks much better than before first being some of the bloodstains have been repainted over and everything seemed to be more or less replaced and refined, the farm from the east side of the home was slightly bigger than before with many farm animals, finally from the west side of the house a garden patch of vegetables have been growing nicely, one thing remained from the previous home which was a small garden of white roses previously wild and overgrown now snipped to size and looks more taken care of positioned in the backyard.*\n\n*When he arrives he looks towards his surroundings in the chance he sees the familiar fox near a chicken pen or other.*" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "*Nesy was a mutant, not any other mutant who was wandering around in a forest like this. The ombu forest was quite interesting and had many characteristics of plants he had never seen before which made him interested in seeing new things. Nevertheless, he started to head on the path towards somewhere, he didn't know what but... He would love to map this area honestly.*\n\n\"....What a lovely day.\" *He thought to himself, scratching the back of his head while he would seemingly walk through the woods. The overhanging branches blocked out most of the sunrays while some pierced through the coverage of the forest. When he was on the road, he seemingly looked on the both directions. \"...Strange, I wonder if there is someone there.\" He asked himself, while he was reminded this forest was quite vibrant then he had anticipated*\n\n*The ground was soft with a layer of leafs along with sticks and branches covering as far as the eye could have seen. Now, it was only the time to see what was going on here.* \"....Hmmm...\" *The forest kept reminding him of other adventures, as if they came up and disappeared into his memory banks as always. Into his brain basically.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*It had taken about a day of travelling for our little Amu to get his way over to the OMB Forest. Why this forest specifically, my dear friends, was due to its more abundant growth of moss and other such herbs. Having magic to heal wounds was good for the kemonomimi, but recently he had been having to turn away those poor enough to receive illnesses that he could not treat. This disturbed him to the point of where he knew he had to go get some ingredients for his mortar and pestle!*\n\n\"The alchemist said that it'd be a long journey, but my feet hurt after all that walking... Even after spending the night in at that kind village, too.\" *He sighed to himself, his tails having been brushing against each other as Amu walked alone. It was at this time that he could spot some strange looking man. At least he thought it was a man. In the distance! Maybe they could help him and make sure he was in the right area?*\n\n*And so, without thinking about the possibility that he could just get straight up mugged by bandits, the kemonomimi neo begun waving at Nest... His small passives to stealth disappearing as he wished to be seen*\n\n\"Hello! Whoever you are! Do you live around here! I need some directions!\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*Nesy's heterochromic eyes would settle onto this dude. He seemed to be a... Demi-human in some sort of way but he didn't care about apperence or race in general.* \"...Well man! I don't know where I've gone but it appears to be an elven forest... I guess? Because I don't know what the name of this place is.\" *He started to chuckle a little bit.* \"...Well, I am sorry! I can't help you here. Except... The closest tavern.\"\n\n*Nesy gave an apolegegtic look towards the man who was walking towards him. However, he did wave back towards him which means Nesy was very friendly... Perhaps unlike those who meet the Kemonomimi neko. Nevertheless, he had never heard of those creatures in his life.*\n\n\"...Besides, my name is Nesy Celvius. I am an adventurer anyway... So I guesss... I am here to just look around before heading back to the Tavern and such. Well, honestly where I'll be looking for quests to do.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Damn. That was unlucky. This person didn't really know the area either, so Amu was going to have to scavenge around for herbs on his own. He guessed it wasn't that bad, but some disappointment still showed on his face from a rather obvious pout. Even though this man was the barer of bad news, Amu still approached him and stood from about ten feet away to have a conversation... Might as well, right?*\n\n\"Ah, okay. I'm rather new to this area, because I needed to grab some ingredients for potions. You mentioned you were an adventurer, yes? Sometimes I do similar work to you, but most of the time I work as a trauma healer in the capital city... But don't mind all that. You spoke about a tavern, yes? Can I get directions to it when I'm done gathering all the herbs I need?\"\n\n*Amu's cat ears had perked up, as he listened in for the answer from Nest... While picking up the ambience of the area. It would seem that the strange cat creature had similar eyes to the mutant, his being cyan on his left and amber on his right. Aside from some normal dark hair, another peculiar trait was the twin tails sprouting from his backside. The two things would brush up against each other constantly, until entwining with one another and shifting from side to side as if it was just one large limb.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\"...Yeah, the Tavern is like over there... Well, it may be far away but there are other locations as well!\" *Those were the locations he knew well. He had also been in to which he explained there was a tavern where they could accept adventurers from all over the world.*\n\n\"...Yeah, there are pretty much other taverns I don't know but those three are the ones I know really well.\" *Nesy explained, scratching the back of his head again while he would look towards the other dude. His eyes seemed similar to his but Nesy had partial-heterochromic eyes but the other one had full heterochromia perhaps.*\n\n*He seemed to be a kind dude with... Bright ideals it seems along with an attitude of a friendly dude. Nevertheless, there was nothing else to be explained here besides he was kind enough to give locations.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*After listening to Nest explain where nearby taverns were, and how he could find some extra work, Amu nodded politely and half smiled. This guy seemed okay, off of the little time he has spent with him. He didn't want to keep him here too long however, and Amu also still had to collect the herbs and return to his home so he could begin creating those medicines and potions.*\n\n\"Thank you for the information! I won't keep you here any longer if you don't feel like hanging about... Mostly because I need to get a move on as well, with finding those herbs. My name is Amu by the way, it was nice meeting you here! Maybe when I have the time we could do a quest together, since you seem to be very into those sorts of things.\"\n\n*Amu then let out a full smile, his tails having untwisted themselves and returned to the nature of brushing against each other. His ears relaxed, having gotten used to the presence of Nest... This wasn't someone to be too worried about, at least from first impressions. He was actually quite helpful! Would be nice to meet again, when Amu didn't have something to do first.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*Nesy's eyes perked up to the mention of quests to which he absoloutly insisted he could come with if they were to find him.* \"...Absoloutly! You can come with me indeed if we cross paths or... Yeah, pretty much there.\" *Nesy nodded towards him with a smile on his face. When he eventually started to just talk all casually, because he was relaxed as well.*\n\n\"...You are welcome besides, it's my obligation to help people nowdays. Anyway, if there are nothing else to be said. I will basically continue walking before, I'll basically find a tavern or turn back to the tavern I headed from. So, good luck to you and uh... I hope you'll complete your objective I hope.\"\n\n*He nodded towards Amsu, with a small half-smile on his face as well. He seemed to be able to get along with everyone he meet. Which, was a natural talaent it seemed? He didn't know.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Yep! I will see you another day... Hopefully! Back to tackling nature and it's bounties! Have a nice day!\"\n\n***Seeing the mutant smile and gaining some encouragement to complete his mission, Amu was filled with determination.*** *~~ his feet still hurt, though.~~*\n\n*Little Amu then waved goodbye, heading off towards the closest tavern that Nest had described. It was better to get a room rented out now and just fall into a bed, than to get tired from all the herb picking and have to go through the process of interacting with staff... Today would be a productive day!*" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "*The salty breeze of the misty waters crashed up again imposing stone docks. With a cliff face like drop running it's way along the edges. With stone staircases cut into the large stone blocks leading down to smaller wooden peers with various ships tied to the posts. Ships as large as first rate 4 decked galleons moored in specialised bays, all the was to small sloops and schooners that rocked on the light waves that treaded this far. The wind was moderate breeze blowing southeast. There was countless small venders talking amount eachother trying to sell various goods. Ranging from fancy rugs to dried salted fish fresh from the ocean. There was a small girl who was resting on the edge of the stone wall, starring into the deep blue waters not so far. This was a deep water port and Issotha knew this... The safety of the city was a nice comfort. She kicked her legs back and forth, she had 6 tails all fluffed up and curled around her waistline. She wore some very expensive fur coat with clean red silk. Issotha wore a fur hat with a large feather tucked in the side with a flower slightly dried clipped next to her ear. She sat there humming to herself. Quietly nibbling on some bread and a half eaten portion of dried fish. She held a docking permission form on a leather belt. A ship owner, she seemed undisturbed on her small ledge. The sun was mid day, perhaps a little past noon, the cloud cover cast a deep shadow in the ocean. Issotha finished munching on her food and took a small silk cloth and wiped her mouth, she placed what remained next to her and simply starred out into the deep blue sea.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "**\"And what the hell is THAT supposed to mean, *Elf?*\"**\n\nA deep, morbid growl resonated across the port, breaking through its bustling midday rhythm. Several idle prattle between crowds promptly ceased, turning to regard its source; a tall, dark-furred canine beast kin. He's tall and lean frame was covered in an inconspicuous raven cloak, only exposing his angular facial features and digitigrade lower legs. His glare was focused upon a middle-aged wood elf captain that he was arguing with, currently standing his ground in front of a formidable galley. \n\n**\"Exactly what you heard. No filthy *Mutts* On *My* Ship. I don't care about your coin or your destination,\"** The even captain retorted, which prompted a snarl from the beast, so scornful it felt like searing the surrounding air. More and more curious stares were roused towards the argument and for a moment the canine gestured as if to procure something under his cloak. However, the fearful eyes of a wood elf child peaking behind the captain at the galley's entrance caused him to stay his hand, lips pulling back to bare his fangs briefly before turning to leave with a 'tech', cloak waving behind him.\n\nDisgruntled, the canine padded his way to escape further prying eyes towards the more humble side of the port, where some of the smaller ships were docked. Soon, the crowd would lose interest and go back into minding their own businesses. Arguments that echoed across the entire port weren't a rare circumstance, after all. His brisk steps halted a small distance from the ledge Scotia had seated herself, pulling a flask of strong-smelling amber ale from his hip, uncorking it with his teeth and spitting the top out before taking a vigorous chug. \n\n*\"Damned knife-eared pricks. There goes another chance to set sail today...\"* He muttered in frustration, all the while trying to drown it in liquor." }, { "from": "human", "value": "*Issothawould hear the distance arguments. She had fairly good eye sight, since she was still fairly young at the age of 180 years old. Watching the small argument break out she sighed. It was time to get back to the ship. It wasn't very impressive, a small schooner. It had only 2 slanted masts. However the small bodied ship had some impressive rigging and sails. Probably a very fast ship in the right winds. The hull was a black pain with a dull gloss running across the span of the ship. It was one large white glossy stripe running across the ship with small slits for bows and crossbows to shoot from. There was some gold and silver lining bearing the stern by the captains quarters.*\n\n*Issotha trotted over, the ship was poorly crewed and had some weathering. She gave the ship a quick inspection from the safety of the peer. Before running back up in a gleeful jog. Running up the stairs almost falling due to her small hight she began to make her way around street level. However she struggled to navigate due to her short hight. Standing only 1.6 meters tall or no more then 5 feet and 3 inches she was quite small. However she was definitely beautiful, still this did not stop her from trying to get to the foreman's house to requisition some paperwork for her upcoming trip to Gachtuni. A port city to the east.*\n\n*As Issotha trotted her way she would glance over trying to see between the crowds. As she got closer she heard him gruntled \"Damned knife-eared picks. Voguer languages she might add. Suddenly there was a smack, as she blindly ran right into what felt like a impassable wall of fur. It was the man that argued with the elf not so long ago. She stumbled back in concern and a bit of fear. She was quite small and frail.*\n\"I'm so sorry sir, I didn't mean to.\"\n*She said in a soften yet shaken voice. She seemed closed and definitely energetic. But tried to remain calm as she glanced up at the towering being.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Even while indulging in his alcohol addiction-one of the far too many vices he possessed-the canine's attention was no less focused. His gaze regarded most of what the docks had to offer, from boats to trading stall to people. And while his keen sense of smell was preoccupied with salted sea air, fish and several brands of liquor, some smelling far more pleasant than others, his hearing peaked upon anything of interest the idle conversations among crowds had to offer.\n\nOf course, the talk in most people's mouths had been the same over the past month. The fall of Mistook keep, one of Floor's oldest and most formidable forts, as well as rumors of the black beast that orchestrated it all. News of the fort crumbling down in an arcane blast had spread like wildfire across the Sinai empire, and if prejudice towards beast folk was insufferable before, now it is outright paranoid. Upstanding elves feared that their own beast kin slaves would murder them in their sleep inspired by this event. And regardless of the consequences in disposition that might have wrought, the jackal was never more satisfied with his handiwork.\n\nHis train of thought came to an abrupt halt when the mistune girl bumped into his back. Luckily for him though, she was petite in frame and light enough to not throw him off balance; but startle him all the same. His ears perked up immediately, coarse fur on his head standing on end as he turned with an irritated grunt. For a brief moment, the glare in his mismatched eyes was nothing short of mortifying. His left eye was a seething scarlet, iris intense as a summer flame, while his right eye was a pallid silvery-Grey, lacking a pupil with a vertical scar across either side of it, cold as death.\n\n.\n\n\n\nHe stood an entire foot over her, enough so that he had to arch his muzzle down to regard the girl. His expression all but immediately softened upon seeing her so shaken. \"Watch your step next time,\" He snarled lightly, though his tone lacked the morbid aggressiveness from the previous argument. The distinct scent of booze in his breath might have played a part in it.\n\nHe didn't fail to take notice of the girl's rather elegant and exotic clothing though. Expensive outfits were far from rare in the city, especially among the ever-haughty elves, but not as fitting on the docks, on a small and seemingly defenseless ornate. \"What's a mistune doing in this hell-hole anyway?\" The canine asked with a drawl. \"You a tourist or somethin'? Trust me, the elves greatly oversell the beauty of their lands, *Almost* As much as they do for themselves.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*At first Issotha was scared shitless, her pale blue eyes dilated slightly. She was definitely in a sense of fear. As she was a tiny twig compared to the canine. She took a small step back so she could more easily look at him. Issotha was curious on why such a creature was here. They were normally enslaved in these parts. She didn't believe it was moral. If she could push reforms she would but her days of power ended over a century ago after her mother's death who was a influential figure at her time. Still she lost a lot ever since she committed \"Treason\". Like minded left a stain on her trust to her country. Issotha took note of the strange clothing he wore. He was clearly an interloper to this city. Perhaps from the far eastern lands that's she used to visit before well.. It happened.. For a brief second she drifted from reality before the chatter of the surrounding people snapped her to reality.*\n\n*As the man talked Issotha listen, this place was far from a hell hole. Well at least in her times it wasn't. It had been in decline for a long time now. Maybe she was blinded by the luxuries provided off the backs of the poor.*\n\"I- I am not a tourist!\"\n*She said in a underlying tone, clearly a bit snappy at the statement. Perhaps she was a bit on edge.*\n\"Trust me the sane sights get boring after a century or two. Even the so called Elven beauty isn't so beautiful. These clothes did cost my a fortune, twenty or so gold if you ask me.\"\n*She seemed less afraid now and more just down in general. Perhaps she was just in a down right poor mood. She removed her hat and placed it on her side holding it with one hand. Her ears twitched briefly as she listened in on the many sounds that filled the air.*\n\"What are you doing here 'eastener'. Seems like you have you're reasons to hate my homeland.\"\n\n*She said curiously, Issotha was definitely on the closed doors end. She wasn't trying to be rude. Perhaps she just held a deep grudge against the outside world. Maybe some traumatic event forced her mind into this closed like state. No matter, her clearly distracted mind was one overstatement to this. She tried to put on a faint smile as she spoke but to no avail.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Didn't think you for a native,\" The beast kin admitted in an almost apologetic tone. \"Too fuzzy and petite compared to the pole-proportioned bastards that think they own the world.\" \n\nHe eased his posture with a shrug, briefly averting his gaze to survey the surroundings once more, like ensuring no further onlookers. For one reason or another, the canine seemed overly cautious and alert with so many elves around. He shifted uncomfortably before leaning back against a nearby cobblestone wall, covered by the shade where his raven black cloak reflected no light. \n\n\"I reckon 'southerner' would be a more accurate assessment,\" He corrected in the same heavily accented drawl, his voice a deep, gruff growl one might expect from a sentient canine. His expression had split between one of mild bemusement a subtle, predatory grin, his intense mismatched eyes judging the mistune's every word as if measuring her value. \n\n\"Though I've been around these parts long enough to despise them. And frankly, I'd be impressed if you gave me a single reason to *Not* Hate the self-righteous bastards that call themselves 'high' elves and treat my kin worse than feral animals.\" His composure faltered at that, the disdain obvious in his words. Though as quickly as the spiteful glare in his eyes flickered, it went away, fixing the position of his cloak with a light sigh. \"I've got some business in Pinnacle to attend soon, but as you show, no captain will take me there. Can't even tell if they fear me or the scrawny pirates more. Hmph,\" He grumbled in frustration. \"Cowardly bastards, all of them. They won't even accept my coin and my word to defend their ship from assailants. And I can handle myself in a fight better than their entire crew combined.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*She grabbed a small box near by. A wooden box that seemed to have been used recently. She grabbed a silk cloth and unfolded it. Covering the box for her to sit on without ruining her coat.* \"I would take you, but I don't like the open water\" *She said in a dull voice. It clearly bothered her. Something about the sea got to her. Something deep inside. That tore a hole that choked on crushing waves of the sea.*\n\"I have to go to the foreman's house to get some paper work for a transaction. Then load a few things, after that I can take you south and you can hit a ride north. I owe a ship, well it's barely a ship really.\" *She said as her tail swayed side to side. In a sense of lightened moods. She quickly glanced down and fixed her fur coat which had begun to slip down. Pulling it up with a gentle pull. In the corner cover by her coat was a fine rapier, a long thin blade wrapped in a fine cloth with the name Aravalur engraved in the hilt. She seemed uncomfortable with a long blade constantly poking her rear, sitting down must be a bother for her* \"So why exactly are you heading to Pinnacelia, that's north of where I'm heading. A bit of a stones through into deep water...\" *She paused on the deep water, quickly snapping back to reality she glanced back at him. She was curious but she definitely felt the need to learn more. She stood up and fixed her bottoms, then wrapped her fine cloth up into a nice folded napkin and placed it in a sleeve.* \"We can talk while we walk. If that's ok with you.\" *She said as she motioned to start walking. The foreman's house wasn't so far, maybe a kilometre or two walk. Still shouldn't take more then twenty or so minutes to get there, and they would be back within the hour. Issotha stood a few feet, she waited for him to get his stuff ready. She was a small figure. Easy enough to lose in a small crowd. She could easily be a ticket out. How ever she seemed reluctant to travel there for some reason. Still maybe she could be convinced.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Her words *Did* Get a budging reaction out of him, one between amusement and surprise. \"A woman captain, and a mistune at that, in a sordid port like this, amongst elves... Fate must be playing a very crude game at me,\" The beast kin muttered, carving a vague smile at the corners of his muzzle. \"I can offer the coin and fighting strength you need for a trip like that, as I've mentioned. And I *Am* A man of my word.\" \n\nThe sheathed rapier on the mistune's hip did not elude his notice and neither did her signs of obvious fear, however brief that might have been. Devil's always the details after all, for anyone that keeps their eyes open to *Truly* Sees. \"As I said, I've got some business to settle there. Been a gladiator in one of their arenas before, and earned enough favor to get what I need. Most folk there is my kin that barely escaped slavery or worse. Some resorted to more illicit activities, but if they're faulty enough to try and board us... Well, they knew the risks,\" He stated matter-of-factly, confident and unfettered in tone.\n\nHe nodded at the girl's request to walk together, his arms crossed behind his back, padding his way through the crowd. He weaved between people with precise, meticulous steps, like a predator stalking prey. His footpads made naught but a single noise, even when treading upon weathered wooden planks. His gaze rarely needed to meet the mistune's by now. Even if she did get lost in the crowd somehow due to her small frame, he had her scent. And his sense of it was keen enough to discern it for miles with little effort, as befitting of any member of his species.\n\n\"Any particular reason you wouldn't sail all the way there?\" He asked, even if his voice implied he already knew the answer." } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "*He walks closer to the Fox* \"I have leftover meat in the house- don't try and eat them please—\" *He pleads looking a little exhausted, he hasn't had to run at that speed in a while but that's not important as trying to keep this stranger from murdering his farm animals.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Don't try to eat them? But there's so many-! How many birds are even in there-?\"*She said sniffing at the air.*\"Do you elves usually capture your food before you eat them? Maybe you guys aren't so dumb after all-.\"*The fox seemed enraptured by all the animals sitting in front of her. She was hardly listening to the tired Elf.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*A bit irritated the elf sighs before a light bulb went off in his head, he hasn't attempted to crowd control the chickens in a while mostly because of situations that was out of his control so the chicken pen is almost too crowded* \"How about this, if you promise to not eat all of my farm animals you can eat a half of the chickens.\"" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*Her tail began wagging instantly at the idea.*\"Half of them?\"*She asked.*\"That'll last me for moons!\"*The fox didn't seem to hesitate to take the deal. She morphed back into her animal form and dug under the fence before launching herself at the animals. Feathers went flying everywhere as she did, but the fox was too hungry to care.*" }, { "from": "human", "value": "*He briefly looks away as the carnage in front of him unfolded the sound of distress clucking mixed with screaming irked him but it's for the best he thought, it was his idea afterall that's until he feels a light pecking on his shoes, he looks down and sees Henrietta furiously pecking on him probably a sign he should pick her up before she tears a hole or two in said shoe and with that he picked her up and covered her eyes.*" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "*The fox had quickly torn through a couple of the chickens, completely ignoring the chaos that arose from it as she proceeded to eat the ones she managed to catch. It was but a trap, however, as upon consuming the two chickens, she made herself too full to be bothered with chasing the rest of them. She let out a huff of air, causing some feathers to fly up as she made her escape from the chaotic coop and returned to her humanoid form.*\"I'll return for the others later.\"*She said with a slight pout.*\"Those get to live another day for now.\"*The woman stretched a bit, appearing a lot more docile now that she had eaten. Although that hardly lasted before the questions came. Her gaze fell upon the chicken he held, and she tilted her head at it.*\"Is that bird for food later?\"*She asked.*" } ]

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