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{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was the only male member of Boney M.?", "de": "Wer war der einzige männliche Mitglied von Boney M.?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "male member", "de": "männliche Mitglied"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What was the last Star Fox game released?", "de": "Welches war das letzte Star Fox Spiel, das veröffentlicht wurde?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "game", "de": "Spiel"}, {"en": "Star Fox", "de": "Star Fox"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was the singer of Thriller who had a huge ranch?", "de": "Wer war der Sänger von Thriller, der eine riesige Farm hatte?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Thriller", "de": "Thriller"}, {"en": "singer", "de": "Sänger"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Policies and procedures that are to be provided as part of an application for registration as a securitisation repository shall contain the following:", "de": "Die in einem Antrag auf Registrierung als Verbriefungsregister verlangten Angaben zu Strategien und Verfahren beinhalten Folgendes:"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Policies", "de": "Strategien"}, {"en": "procedures", "de": "Verfahren"}, {"en": "application", "de": "Antrag"}, {"en": "registration", "de": "Registrierung"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which Die Hard movie stars Samuel L. Jackson?", "de": "In welchem „Stirb Langsam“-Film spielte Samuel L. Jackson mit?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Die Hard movie", "de": "Stirb -Film"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Katz was born in 1947 in Sweden and moved to New York at the age of one.", "de": "Katz wurde 1947 in Schweden geboren und zog im Alter von einem Jahr nach New York."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Katz", "de": "Katz"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The airline was formed by Irelandia, which has also developed other five airlines, namely VivaColombia, Ryanair, Allegiant Air, VivaAerobus and Tigerair.", "de": "Die Fluggesellschaft wurde von Irelandia gegründet, die auch fünf weitere Fluggesellschaften gegründet hat, nämlich VivaColombia, Ryanair, Allegiant Air, VivaAerobus und Tigerair."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "VivaAerobus", "de": "VivaAerobus"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Even if there was a coincidence in time between the price increase and the sales decline, this is a direct consequence of the dumped imports from the country concerned.", "de": "Selbst wenn Preisanstieg und Umsatzrückgang zeitlich zusammenfielen, ist dies eine direkte Folge der gedumpten Einfuhren aus dem betroffenen Land."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "price increase", "de": "Preisanstieg"}, {"en": "dumped imports", "de": "gedumpten Einfuhren"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What Stephen King book was the shortest?", "de": "Welches Buch von Stephen King war das kürzeste, das geschrieben wurde?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Stephen King", "de": "Stephen King"}, {"en": "book", "de": "Buch"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Therefore, upon initiation, the Commission asked the 13 parties to reply to sampling questions and, subsequently, to reply to a couple of other questions destined to clarify their role and exact activities.", "de": "Daher forderte die Kommission die 13 Parteien bei der Einleitung zur Beantwortung von Fragen zu Stichproben und anschließend zur Beantwortung einiger anderer Fragen auf, die ihre Rolle und ihre genaue Geschäftstätigkeit klären sollten."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Commission", "de": "Kommission"}, {"en": "13 parties", "de": "13 Parteien"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "From what country does the Street Fighter practitioner of yoga come?", "de": "Aus welchem Land stammt der Street Figther, der die Techniken des Yoga beherrscht?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "yoga", "de": "Yoga"}, {"en": "country", "de": "Land"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was a U.S. president and a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?", "de": "Wer war US- Präsident und auch Chief Justice des Obersten Gerichtshofs?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "U.S. president", "de": "US- Präsident"}, {"en": "Chief Justice", "de": "Chief Justice"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The consonantal ejective is a type of uvular sound, used in some spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is", "de": "Der ejektive Konsonant ist ein uvularer Laut, der in einigen gesprochenen Sprachen verwendet wird. Das Symbol im Internationalen Phonetischen Alphabet für diesen Laut ist"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "consonantal ejective", "de": "ejektive Konsonant"}, {"en": "International Phonetic Alphabet", "de": "Internationalen Phonetischen Alphabet"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "You should start brushing your child's teeth and gums daily the moment their first teeth grows in.", "de": "Sie sollten anfangen, die Zähne und das Zahnfleisch Ihres Kindes ab dem ersten Zahnwachstum täglich zu putzen."}, "hints": [{"en": "gums", "de": "Zahnfleisch"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The balloon is inflated to widen your artery, a mesh tube known as a stent, may then be inserted into your coronary artery.", "de": "Der Ballon aufgebläht, um Ihre Arterien zu erweitern, eine Gitternetzröhre, als ein Stent bekannt, kann dann in Ihre Herzkranzgefäße eingefügt werden."}, "hints": [{"en": "artery", "de": "Arterie"}, {"en": "stent", "de": "Stent"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Medicines to control atrial fibrillation Medicines called anti-arrhythmics can control atrial fibrillation by:", "de": "Arzneimittel zur Behandlung von Vorhofflimmern Arzneimittel Antiarrhythmika genannt, können Vorhofflimmern durch das folgende kontrollieren:"}, "hints": [{"en": "atrial fibrillation", "de": "Vorhofflimmern"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How old was the 48th vice president when he was sworn into office?", "de": "Wie alt war der 48. Vizepräsident, als er im Amt vereidigt wurde?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "48th vice president", "de": "48. Vizepräsident"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Emma Townshend is represented by David Godwin at the DGA Associates.", "de": "Emma Townshend wird bei den DGA Associates von David Godwin vertreten."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Emma Townshend", "de": "Emma Townshend"}, {"en": "David Godwin", "de": "David Godwin"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was the quarterback of the team that won Super Bowl XLVIII?", "de": "Wer war der Quarterback der Mannschaft, die Super Bowl XLVIII gewonnen hat?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "team", "de": "Mannschaft"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which player threw more touchdowns in 2020, Tom Brady or Aaron Rodgers?", "de": "Welcher Spieler hat 2020 mehr Touchdowns geworfen, Tom Brady oder Aaron Rodgers?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Tom Brady", "de": "Tom Brady"}, {"en": "touchdowns", "de": "Touchdowns"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "If your GP thinks you have atrial fibrillation after assessing your symptoms, you will be asked to have an electrocardiogram (ECG) and referred to a heart specialist, known as a cardiologist.", "de": "Wenn Ihr Arzt glaubt, Sie haben Vorhofflimmern, nachdem er Ihre Symptome beurteilte, werden Sie gebeten, einen Elektrokardiogramm zu machen (EKG) und werden zu einem Herz-Spezialisten abgeschickt, zu einem Kardiologen."}, "hints": [{"en": "atrial fibrillation", "de": "Vorhofflimmern"}, {"en": "electrocardiogram", "de": "Elektrokardiogramm"}, {"en": "cardiologist", "de": "Kardiologe"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "There was no evidence of a difference in live birth rates between medium dose (150 to 180 g) weekly FSH and daily FSH.", "de": "Es ergaben sich keine Hinweise auf einen Unterschied in der Lebendgeburtenrate zwischen der mittleren Dosis (150 bis 180 g) des wöchentlichen FSH und täglichen FSH."}, "hints": [{"en": "FSH", "de": "FSH"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Find out more information about what happens during a coronary angioplasty.", "de": "Weitere Informationen darüber, was während einer Koronarangioplastie passiert."}, "hints": [{"en": "coronary angioplasty", "de": "Koronarangioplastie"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "It's unclear why taking a number of medications increases our risk of falling.", "de": "Es ist unklar, warum sich die Absturzgefahr erhöht, wenn wir viele Arzneimittel nehmen."}, "hints": [{"en": "risk of falling", "de": "Absturzgefahr"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Examples of A2 receptors include:", "de": "Beispiele für A2-Rezeptoren sind:"}, "hints": [{"en": "receptors", "de": "Rezeptor"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many albums have the Rites of Spring released?", "de": "Wie viele Alben hat The Rites of Spring veröffentlicht?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Rites of Spring", "de": "Rites of Spring"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Preparatory action — New Euro-Mediterranean strategy for youth employment promotion", "de": "Vorbereitende Maßnahme — Neue Strategie Europa-Mittelmeer zur Förderung von Arbeitsplätzen für Jugendliche"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Euro-Mediterranean", "de": "Europa-Mittelmeer"}, {"en": "Euro-Mediterranean", "de": "Europa-Mittelmeer"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Therefore, the older you are, the more likely it is that your arteries will have narrowed, increasing your risk of developing angina.", "de": "Darum je älter Sie sind, desto wahrscheinlicher ist es, dass Ihre Arterien enger werden, und Ihr Risiko der Entwicklung von Angina pectoris erhöht sich."}, "hints": [{"en": "angina", "de": "Angina"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many votes are required to end a filibuster in the Senate?", "de": "Wie viele Stimmen sind erforderlich, um eine Verschleppungstaktik im Senat zu beenden?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "votes", "de": "Stimmen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many James Bond movies has Daniel Craig done?", "de": "In wie vielen „James-Bond“-Filmen hat Daniel Craig mitgespielt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Daniel Craig", "de": "Daniel Craig"}, {"en": "movies", "de": "-Filmen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "You can calculate your BMI on the British Heart Foundation website.", "de": "Berechnen Sie Ihren BMI auf der Website von British Heart Foundation."}, "hints": [{"en": "BMI", "de": "BMI"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Although not an established municipality, the Village of Friendship Heights was incorporated as a Special Tax District in 1914.", "de": "Obwohl das Village of Friendship Heights keine etablierte Gemeinde war, wurde es 1914 als Special Tax District gegründet."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Village of Friendship Heights", "de": "Village of Friendship Heights"}, {"en": "Special Tax District", "de": "Special Tax District"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The event was attended by Boutique @ hs Ambassador, Teresa Palmer Michala Banas and the Australian actress Kyly Clarke.", "de": "Bei dem Event waren Boutique @ hs Ambassador, Teresa Palmer, Michala Banas und der australischen Schauspielerin Kyly Clarke dabei."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Boutique @ hs", "de": "Boutique @ hs"}, {"en": "Teresa Palmer", "de": "Teresa Palmer"}, {"en": "Michala Banas", "de": "Michala Banas"}, {"en": "Australian", "de": "australischen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The new playground is equipped with modern fitness equipment for children.", "de": "Der neue Spielplatz ist mit modernen Fitnessgeräten für Kinder ausgestattet."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "fitness equipment", "de": "Fitnessgeräten"}, {"en": "playground", "de": "Spielplatz"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Slough High School was a selective girls' school in Berkshire, now Slough, Buckinghamshire.", "de": "Die Slough High School war eine selektive Mädchenschule in Berkshire, dem heutigen Slough, in Buckinghamshire."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Slough High School", "de": "Slough High School"}, {"en": "Slough", "de": "Slough"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The amount of cash inflows reported in row 390 that is collateralised by tradable assets in accordance with Articles 7, 8 and 11 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/61", "de": "Der Teil der unter 390 ausgewiesenen Mittelzuflüsse, der durch handelbare Aktiva besichert ist, die den Artikeln 7, 8 und 11 der Delegierten Verordnung (EU) 2015/61 entsprechen."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/61", "de": "Delegierten Verordnung (EU) 2015/61"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Has Mount Fuji erupted before 1707?", "de": "Ist der Berg Fuji vor 1707 ausgebrochen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Mount Fuji", "de": "Berg Fuji"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Analgesic plus caffeine increased the number of people who had a good level of pain relief by 5% to 10% compared with analgesic alone (high quality evidence).", "de": "Analgetikum plus Koffein erhöhte die Anzahl der Menschen, die eine gute Schmerzlinderung hatten, um 5% zu 10% im Vergleich zu Analgetikum allein (hohe Qualität der Evidenz)."}, "hints": [{"en": "caffeine", "de": "Koffein"}, {"en": "pain relief", "de": "Schmerzlinderung"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many kids does the lead actress of Pretty Woman have?", "de": "Wie viele Kinder hat die Hauptdarstellerin von „Pretty Woman“?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "lead actress", "de": "Hauptdarstellerin"}, {"en": "Pretty Woman", "de": "Pretty Woman"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Did Here Comes the Sun come out before 1970?", "de": "Erschien Here Comes the Sun vor 1970?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Here Comes the Sun", "de": "Here Comes the Sun"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "They have separate compartments for the days of the week or times of day, helping you to take your medication on the right day at the right time.", "de": "Sie haben getrennte Fächer für die Tage der Woche oder die Tageszeit und helfen Ihnen Ihre Medikamente am richtigen Tag und zur richtigen Zeit einzunehmen."}, "hints": [{"en": "times of day", "de": "Tageszeit"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Relaxation techniques can calm your mind, and reduce the muscle tension anxiety can cause.", "de": "Entspannungstechniken können Ihren Geist beruhigen und die Muskelspannung, die Angst auslösen kann, verringern."}, "hints": [{"en": "muscle tension", "de": "Muskelspannung"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which United States president granted the most presidential pardons?", "de": "Welcher US-Präsident hat die meisten Begnadigungen ausgesprochen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "United States president", "de": "US Präsident"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was involved in The Civil War?", "de": "Wer war am Bürgerkrieg beteiligt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "involved", "de": "beteiligt"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In 1835, Campbell married John Owen, with seven children: Mary, Frances Owen, Fanny, William, Joseph, Margaret, and Lemuel.", "de": "1835 heiratete Campbell John Owen mit sieben Kindern: Mary, Frances Owen, Fanny, William, Joseph, Margaret und Lemuel."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Campbell", "de": "Campbell"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "After the illegal annexation of Crimea, Russian National Commercial Bank (RNCB) became fully owned by the so-called 'Republic of Crimea'.", "de": "Nach der rechtswidrigen Annexion der Krim ging die Russische Nationale Handelsbank (RNCB) vollständig in das Eigentum der sogenannten „Republik Krim“ über."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Russian National Commercial Bank", "de": "Russische Nationale Handelsbank"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The New Ways to Work Foundation was founded in 1972 and is a non-profit organization funded by the San Francisco Bay Area.", "de": "Die New Ways to Work Foundation wurde 1972 gegründet und ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation die von der San Francisco Bay Area finanziert wird."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "The New Ways to Work Foundation", "de": "Die New Ways to Work Foundation"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "the gross carrying amount of the repo shall be reported as a source of encumbrance in AE-SOU; r050; c010;", "de": "Der Bruttobuchwert des Repo wird in AE-SOU; r050; c010 als Belastungsquelle eingetragen;"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "encumbrance", "de": "Belastungsquelle"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "As we get older our appetites often decrease.", "de": "Mit dem zunehmenden Alter lässt unser Appetit oft nach."}, "hints": [{"en": "appetites", "de": "Appetit"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Drinking too much alcohol can make you unsteady on your feet, leading to an increased risk of falls.", "de": "Bei einem übermäßigen Alkoholkonsum können Sie unsicher auf den Beinen sein, was zu einer erhöhten Gefahr von Stürzen führt."}, "hints": [{"en": "unsteady", "de": "unsicher"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The Axouchoi were a prominent family of Turkish origin, which was closely associated with the Komnenian dynasty and provided a number of distinguished generals.", "de": "Die Axouchoi waren eine berühmte Familie türkischer Herkunft, die eng mit der Khomeini-Dynastie verbunden war und viele ausgezeichnete Generäle hervorgebracht hat."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Axouchoi", "de": "Axouchoi"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "There is no evidence yet that any of these substances are safe or efficacious for long-term use.", "de": "Es gibt noch keine Evidenz dafür, dass irgendeine dieser Substanzen sicher oder wirksam für die langzeitige Verwendung sind."}, "hints": [{"en": "efficacious", "de": "wirksam"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Polyoxymethylene with acetyl endcaps, containing polydimethylsiloxane and fibers of a copolymer of terephthalic acid and 1,4-phenyldiamine", "de": "Polyoxymethylen mit Acetylendkappen, Polydimethylsiloxan und Fasern eines Copolymers aus Terephthalsäure und 1,4-Phenylendiamin enthaltend"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "fibers", "de": "Fasern"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "a basic course in programming should be provided in this context at Member State level,", "de": "In diesem Rahmen sollte auf der Ebene der Mitgliedstaaten ein Grundkurs im Programmieren angeboten werden."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "programming", "de": "Programmieren"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "If we have an alternating Turing machine, we use the resource ATIME.", "de": "Bei einer alternierenden Turingmaschine verwenden wir die Ressource ATIME."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "resource", "de": "Ressource"}, {"en": "Turing", "de": "Turingmaschine"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Tissue factor-activated assay EXTEM clot amplitude (CA) was the focus of the accuracy measurements in blood samples taken near to the point of admission.", "de": "Durch den Gewebefaktor aktivierte Analyse EXTEM Gerinnselamplitude (CA) war der Schwerpunkt der Genauigkeitsmessungen in Blutproben, die in der Nähe der Aufnahmestelle genommen wurden."}, "hints": [{"en": "assay", "de": "Analyse"}, {"en": "blood samples", "de": "Blutprobe"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "While such level was indeed obtained by one of the sampled companies in the 2014–2016 period, it would reflect only the most successful company with the most sophisticated product mix and thus higher investment needs.", "de": "Ein solches Niveau wurde zwar von einem der in die Stichprobe einbezogenen Unternehmen im Zeitraum 2014-2016 erreicht, dies würde aber nur das erfolgreichste Unternehmen mit dem differenziertesten Produktmix und damit einem höheren Investitionsbedarf widerspiegeln."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "companies", "de": "Unternehmen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which Detroit Tiger's pitcher represented his team in the 2021 All-Star game?", "de": "Welcher Werfer der Detroit Tigers vertrat sein Team beim All-Star-Spiel 2021?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Detroit Tiger's", "de": "Detroit Tigers"}, {"en": "pitcher", "de": "Werfer"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "An upper made of leather or breathable natural or synthetic materials with seam-free linings.", "de": "Oberteil aus Leder oder atmungsaktiven natürlichen oder synthetischen Materialien mit nahtlosem Futter."}, "hints": [{"en": "breathable", "de": "atmungsaktiv"}, {"en": "linings", "de": "Futter"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "A normal thyroid gland function (euthyroidism) was not achieved by any participant who was treated with radioiodine compared with 64 of 68 participants (94%) after methimazole treatment.", "de": "Eine normale Schilddrüsenfunktion (Euthyreose) wurde von keinem der Teilnehmer erreicht, die mit Radiojod behandelt wurden, was mit 64 von 68 Teilnehmern (94%) nach der Thiamazolbehandlung verglichen wurde."}, "hints": [{"en": "radioiodine", "de": "Radiojod"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who's at risk of arterial thrombosis?", "de": "Wem droht ein Risiko einer arteriellen Thrombose?"}, "hints": [{"en": "arterial", "de": "arteriell"}, {"en": "thrombosis", "de": "Thrombose"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "ECJ Judgment, para. 37, General Court Judgment, para. 72.", "de": "EuGH-Urteil, Rn. 37, Urteil des Gerichts, Rn. 72."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "ECJ", "de": "EuGH"}, {"en": "General Court", "de": "Gerichts"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This Decision shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.", "de": "Dieser Beschluss wird im Amtsblatt der Europäischen Union veröffentlicht."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Decision", "de": "Beschluss"}, {"en": "Official Journal", "de": "Amtsblatt"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When was Roblox created?", "de": "Wann wurde Roblux entwickelt?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Roblox", "de": "Roblux"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Therefore, including universal Hib conjugate vaccination in low-income countries may improve the survival of children with sickle cell disease.", "de": "Schließt man die universelle Hib-Konjugat-Impfung in einkommensschwachen Ländern ein, kann daher die Überlebensrate der Kinder mit Sichelzellenanämie verbessert werden."}, "hints": [{"en": "universal Hib conjugate", "de": "universell"}, {"en": "sickle cell disease", "de": "Sichelzellenanämie"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "His best positions in the competition were in tenth in 1960 and 1968 in eighth place.", "de": "Seine besten Positionierungen im Wettbewerb waren der 10. Platz im Jahr 1960 und der 8. Platz im Jahr 1968."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "competition", "de": "Wettbewerb"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "You start taking Zyban before stopping, and it works by reducing your cravings for a cigarette and by reducing the reward effect you feel if you do have a cigarette.", "de": "Sie beginnen vor dem Rauchstopp mit der Einnahme von Zyban. Die Wirkung vermindert Ihr Verlangen nach einer Zigarette und den Belohnungseffekt, den Sie verspüren, wenn Sie eine Zigarette rauchen."}, "hints": [{"en": "cravings", "de": "Verlangen"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Losing weight is of course about eating natural and healthy food, but a big part of being successful in your weight lose attempts is learning how to control your portion sizes.", "de": "Beim Abnehmen geht es natürlich um den Verzehr von natürlichen und gesunden Lebensmitteln, aber ein großer Teil des Erfolgs bei Ihrem Gewichtsverlust besteht darin, zu lernen, wie Sie Ihre Portionsgrößen kontrollieren können."}, "hints": [{"en": "portion sizes", "de": "Portionsgröße"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Health and food safety", "de": "Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Health and food safety", "de": "Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Does Assassins Creed have a game available on Nintendo DS?", "de": "Ist ein \"Assassin's Creed\"-Spiel für den Nintendo DS erhältlich?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Assassins Creed", "de": "Assassin s Creed"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The loyalists had camped on the west side of the Catawba River, while the army of General Charles Cornwalli camped on the east side.", "de": "Die Loyalisten kampierten auf der Westseite des Catawba River, während die Armee von General Charles Cornwalli auf der Ostseite kampierte."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "General Charles Cornwalli", "de": "General Charles Cornwalli"}, {"en": "loyalists", "de": "Loyalisten"}, {"en": "army", "de": "Armee"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The stent pushes against your artery walls, squashing fatty deposits against the artery wall so that blood can flow through it more freely.", "de": "Der Stent zieht die Arterienwände voneinander, zerquetscht die Fettablagerungen gegen die Arterienwand, so dass Blut leichter durchströmen kann."}, "hints": [{"en": "stent", "de": "Stent"}, {"en": "fatty deposits", "de": "Fettablagerung"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "If your children do not like team sports, there are plenty of other fun activities for them to try, such as hiking, swimming, dance and kickboxing.", "de": "Wenn Ihre Kinder keinen Mannschaftssport mögen, sie können viele andere Aktivitäten versuchen, wie Wandern, Schwimmen, Tanzen und Kickboxen."}, "hints": [{"en": "team sports", "de": "Mannschaftssport"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who did The Weekend sing Starboy with?", "de": "Mit wem hat The Weeknd den Song Starboy gesungen?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "The Weekend", "de": "The Weeknd"}, {"en": "Starboy", "de": "Starboy"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In relation to movements, details of the circumstances in which those species are considered to be vectors of the listed diseases are set out in Annex XXX to this Regulation.", "de": "In Bezug auf Verbringungen sind die genauen Umstände, unter denen diese Arten als Vektoren für die gelisteten Seuchen gelten, in Anhang XXX der vorliegenden Verordnung aufgeführt."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "circumstances", "de": "Umstände"}, {"en": "species", "de": "Arten"}, {"en": "diseases", "de": "Seuchen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "work clothing and footwear for personnel must be kept at the confined aquaculture establishment and cleaned and disinfected regularly;", "de": "Arbeitskleidung und -schuhe für das Personal müssen in dem geschlossenen Aquakulturbetrieb verbleiben und sind regelmäßig zu reinigen und zu desinfizieren."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "work clothing", "de": "Arbeitskleidung"}, {"en": "personnel", "de": "Personal"}, {"en": "aquaculture establishment", "de": "Aquakulturbetrieb"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Fear of falling - Falls anxiety | NHS inform", "de": "Sturzangst - Furcht vorm Stürzen | NHS inform"}, "hints": [{"en": "NHS", "de": "NHS"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "in the case of the TRI for single-pilot aeroplanes:", "de": "sofern es sich um einen TRI für Flugzeuge mit einem Piloten handelt —"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "TRI", "de": "TRI"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The gate was built during the reign of Az-Zahir Ghazi and was planned by his son Mohammed as Bab al-Qanat (the Aqueduct Gate).", "de": "Das Tor wurde während der Regierungszeit von Az-Zahir Ghazi gebaut und von seinem Sohn Mohammed als Bab al-Qanat geplant (das Aquädukt-Tor)."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Az-Zahir Ghazi", "de": "Az-Zahir Ghazi"}, {"en": "Mohammed", "de": "Mohammed"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "However, they are not usually prescribed unless you are already taking other medication and your blood pressure is still high.", "de": "Sie werden jedoch in der Regel nicht verschrieben, es sei denn, Sie nehmen bereits andere Arzneimittel und Ihr Blutdruck ist nach wie vor hoch."}, "hints": [{"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "She is praised by Richard Gibson and the court painter Peter Lely and is considered as successful as Joan Carlile.", "de": "Sie wird von Richard Gibson und dem Hofmaler Peter Lely gerühmt und gilt als ebenso erfolgreich wie Joan Carlile."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Richard Gibson", "de": "Richard Gibson"}, {"en": "Peter Lely", "de": "Peter Lely"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In 2009, Genevieve McDonagh took on a dramatic role as Coolidge.", "de": "2009 spielte Genevieve McDonagh die Theaterrolle der „Coolidge“."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Genevieve McDonagh", "de": "Genevieve McDonagh"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Sahib Khan was born in the Tiwana family of Shahpur, son of Ahmad Yar Khan.", "de": "Sahib Khan wurde als Sohn von Ahmad Yar Khan der Tiwana-Familie von Shahpur geboren."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Sahib Khan", "de": "Sahib Khan"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Causes & risk factors - About falls | NHS inform", "de": "Ursachen & Risikofaktoren - Über Stürze | NHS inform"}, "hints": [{"en": "risk factors", "de": "Risikofaktoren"}, {"en": "NHS", "de": "NHS"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Symptoms of unstable angina might also not respond to treatment with glycerine trinitrate (GTN).", "de": "Es kann passieren, dass die Symptome einer instabilen Angina pectoris nicht auf die Behandlung mit Glycerin Glyceroltrinitrat (GTN) reagieren."}, "hints": [{"en": "angina", "de": "Angina"}, {"en": "GTN", "de": "GTN"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Three days Jesus spent in the belly of the fish, Jonas will spend three days in the grave.", "de": "Drei Tage verbrachte Jesus im Bauch des Fisches, Jonas wird drei Tage im Grab verbringen."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Jesus", "de": "Jesus"}, {"en": "Jonas", "de": "Jonas"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who was the original drummer for the Who?", "de": "Wer war der ursprüngliche Schlagzeuger von The Who?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Who", "de": "Wer"}, {"en": "drummer", "de": "Schlagzeuger"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "State whether the issue of airworthiness review certificates is authorised or not", "de": "Angabe, ob die Ausstellung von Bescheinigungen über die Prüfung der Lufttüchtigkeit genehmigt ist oder nicht."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "airworthiness review certificates", "de": "Bescheinigungen Lufttüchtigkeit"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Sometimes, the liver damage can be so severe that the liver is not able to carry out the normal functions, resulting in liver failure.", "de": "Manchmal kann die Leberschädigung so schwerwiegend sein, dass die Leber ist nicht in der Lage ist, die normalen Funktionen durchzuführen, was zu einem Leberversagen führt."}, "hints": [{"en": "liver failure", "de": "Leberversagen"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Which actor starred in Gran Torino and directed it?", "de": "Welcher Schauspieler spielte in „Gran Torino“ mit und führte Regie?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "actor", "de": "Schauspieler"}, {"en": "Gran Torino", "de": "Gran Torino"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Moderate aerobic activity will increase your heart rate and make you breathe faster than normal and feel warmer.", "de": "Moderate aerobe Aktivität erhöht Ihre Herzfrequenz, Ihre Atmung ist beschleunigt und in Ihnen wird warm."}, "hints": [{"en": "heart rate", "de": "Herzfrequenz"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "What is the tallest building in the capital city in Mexico?", "de": "Was ist das höchste Gebäude in der Hauptstadt von Mexiko?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "tallest building", "de": "höchste Gebäude"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This updated review assessed the effects of antithrombin in people recovering from critical illness.", "de": "Diese aktualisierte Überprüfung beurteilt die Auswirkungen von Antithrombin bei Menschen, die sich von schweren Erkrankungen erholen."}, "hints": [{"en": "antithrombin", "de": "Antithrombin"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Side effects caused by alpha blockers were few and comparable to placebo or no treatment, though this evidence was limited.", "de": "Es gab nur wenige durch Alphablocker verursachte Nebenwirkungen und waren vergleichbar mit Placebo oder mit keiner Behandlung, auch wenn diese Hinweise begrenzt waren."}, "hints": [{"en": "placebo", "de": "Placebo"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Malcolm Fraser, who had defeated Whitlam in a landslide at the federal election in December 1975, offered Egerton the knighthood for serving the trade union movement.", "de": "Malcolm Fraser, der im Dezember 1975 bei den Federal Elections einen deutlichen Wahlsieg gegen Whitlam einfuhr, erhob Egerton für seine Dienste am Trade Union Movement in den Ritterstand."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Whitlam", "de": "Whitlam"}, {"en": "Egerton", "de": "Egerton"}, {"en": "federal election", "de": "Federal Elections"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1011/2014 of 22 September 2014 laying down detailed rules for implementing Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the models for submission of certain information to the Commission and the detailed rules concerning the exchanges of information between beneficiaries and managing authorities, certifying authorities, audit authorities and intermediate bodies (OJ L 286, 30.9.2014, p. 1).", "de": "Durchführungsverordnung (EU) Nr. 1011/2014 der Kommission vom 22. September 2014 mit detaillierten Regelungen für die Durchführung der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1303/2013 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates im Hinblick auf die Muster für die Übermittlung bestimmter Informationen an die Kommission und detaillierten Regelungen für den Informationsaustausch zwischen Begünstigten und Verwaltungsbehörden, Bescheinigungsbehörden, Prüfbehörden und zwischengeschalteten Stellen (ABl. L 286 vom 30.9.2014, S. 1)."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "beneficiaries", "de": "bestimmter"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Has there ever been a Jewish U.S. president?", "de": "Hatten die Vereinigten Staaten jemals einen jüdischen Präsidenten?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "U.S.", "de": "Vereinigten Staaten"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In adults x-rays can identify dental decay, impacted teeth, jawbone damage, cysts, tumours and abscesses.", "de": "Bei Erwachsenen können durch Röntgen Karies, beeinträchtigte Zähne, Kieferknochenschäden, Zysten, Tumore und Abszesse erkannt werden."}, "hints": [{"en": "cysts", "de": "Zysten"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The species was first formally described by the botanist Stephan Endlicher in 1846 as part of the work ``Irideae Plantae Preissianae ''by Johann Georg Christian Lehmann.", "de": "Die Spezies wurde erstmals 1846 vom Botaniker Stephan Endlicher formell beschrieben, im Zuge des Werks „Irideae Plantae Preissianae“ von Johann Georg Christian Lehmann."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Stephan Endlicher", "de": "Stephan Endlicher"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In order to enhance electronic cross-border transmission of documents through the decentralised IT system, such documents should not be denied legal effect and should not be considered inadmissible as evidence in the proceedings solely on the grounds that they are in electronic form.", "de": "Damit die elektronische grenzüberschreitende Übermittlung von Schriftstücken über das dezentrale IT-System häufiger genutzt wird, sollte solchen Schriftstücken die Rechtswirkung und die Zulässigkeit als Beweismittel in Gerichtsverfahren nicht allein deshalb abgesprochen werden, weil sie in elektronischer Form vorliegen."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "electronic cross-border transmission", "de": "elektronische grenzüberschreitende Übermittlung"}, {"en": "documents", "de": "Schriftstücken"}, {"en": "legal effect", "de": "Rechtswirkung"}, {"en": "evidence", "de": "Beweismittel"}, {"en": "proceedings", "de": "Gerichtsverfahren"}, {"en": "decentralised", "de": "dezentrale"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The only way to find out whether you have high blood pressure is to have your blood pressure checked regularly.", "de": "Der einzige Weg herauszufinden, ob Sie einen Bluthochdruck haben, ist es Ihren Blutdruck regelmäßig zu messen."}, "hints": [{"en": "high blood pressure", "de": "Bluthochdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "A certain number of these amendments fall within the scope of the Treaty, and therefore regulatory action at the level of the Union is necessary in order to implement them, in particular with a view to ensuring their uniform application in all Member States.", "de": "Da einige dieser Änderungen in den Geltungsbereich des Vertrags fallen, ist für ihre Umsetzung eine Regelung auf Unionsebene erforderlich, insbesondere um ihre einheitliche Anwendung in allen Mitgliedstaaten zu gewährleisten."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "regulatory action", "de": "Regelung"}, {"en": "uniform application", "de": "einheitliche Anwendung"}, {"en": "Union", "de": "Unionsebene"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Sedation clinics are used only for nervous and anxious patients to allow dentists to carry out necessary work without putting a fearful patient through too much stress.", "de": "Zahnarztpraxen mit möglicher Vollnarkose stehen ausschließlich unruhigen und ängstlichen Patienten zur Verfügung, um es Zahnärzten zu ermöglichen, die notwendigen Arbeiten auszuführen, ohne dass ein ängstlicher Patient zu viel Stress ausgesetzt wird."}, "hints": [{"en": "dentists", "de": "Zahnarzt"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Vitrification in comparison to slow freezing for egg cryopreservation in women undergoing assisted reproduction", "de": "Verglasung im Vergleich zum langsamen Tiefgefrieren für Kryokonservierung von Eizellen bei Frauen, die sich einer assistierten Reproduktion unterziehen"}, "hints": [{"en": "cryopreservation", "de": "Kryokonservierung"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The guarantee would, for various reasons, probably not obtain such approval, and therefore the Chief City Executive was advised to promptly inform Nordea that the Municipality could not be party to the loan agreement.", "de": "Da die Bürgschaft aus verschiedenen Gründen wahrscheinlich nicht genehmigt würde, wurde dem Bürgermeister empfohlen, Nordea unverzüglich davon in Kenntnis zu setzen, dass die Gemeinde nicht Vertragspartei des Darlehensvertrags sein könne."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Nordea", "de": "Nordea"}, {"en": "Municipality", "de": "Gemeinde"}, {"en": "Chief City Executive", "de": "Bürgermeister"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "It cannot be used with nicotine replacement therapy or Zyban (bupropion), and cannot be used by under-18s, or by pregnant or breastfeeding women.", "de": "Dieses Arzneimittel kann nicht zusammen mit einer Nikotinersatztherapie oder Zyban (Bupropion) angewendet werden und kann nicht von unter 18-jährigen, schwangeren oder stillenden Frauen eingenommen werden."}, "hints": [{"en": "nicotine replacement therapy", "de": "Nikotinersatztherapie"}, {"en": "bupropion", "de": "Bupropion"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "kg/patient/day", "de": "kg/Patient/Tag"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "kg/patient/day", "de": "kg / Patient Tag"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Major suppliers shall make publicly available either their interconnection agreements or their reference interconnection offers where appropriate.", "de": "Die Hauptanbieter machen entweder ihre Zusammenschaltungsvereinbarungen oder gegebenenfalls ihre Standardzusammenschaltungsangebote öffentlich bekannt."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "interconnection agreements", "de": "Zusammenschaltungsvereinbarungen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "They are also known to act preventatively in reducing the risk of heart attacks and stroke in people who have coronary heart disease.", "de": "Sie sind auch bekannt, dass sie vorsorglich zur Verringerung des Risikos vom Herzinfarkt und Schlaganfall funktionieren, bei Patienten, die koronare Herzkrankheit haben."}, "hints": [{"en": "heart attacks", "de": "Herzinfarkt"}, {"en": "coronary", "de": "Herzinfarkt"}, {"en": "heart disease", "de": "Herzkrankheit"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "high blood pressure (hypertension)", "de": "Bluthochdruck (Hypertonie)"}, "hints": [{"en": "hypertension", "de": "Bluthochdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "It is a celebrated pilgrimage centre located 78 kilometres from Belgaum and 37 kilometres from Dharwad.", "de": "Es handelt sich um ein berühmtes Pilgerzentrum, das 78 Kilometer von Belgaum und 37 Kilometer von Dharwad entfernt liegt."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "pilgrimage centre", "de": "Pilgerzentrum"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "dark green vegetables - such as kale, spinach and broccoli", "de": "Dunkelgrünes Gemüse wie Kohl, Spinat und Brokkoli"}, "hints": [{"en": "kale", "de": "Kohl"}, {"en": "spinach", "de": "Spinat"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Article 83", "de": "Artikel 83"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Article 83", "de": "Artikel 83"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The advance instalment of each entity or group shall be calculated in proportion to the individual annual contributions calculated for such entity or group in the immediately preceding financial year.", "de": "Der Betrag der Vorauszahlung jedes Unternehmens oder jeder Gruppe wird im Verhältnis zu den einzelnen jährlichen Beiträgen berechnet, die für dieses Unternehmen oder diese Gruppe im unmittelbar vorangegangenen Geschäftsjahr berechnet wurden."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "annual contributions", "de": "jährlichen Beiträgen"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In SK: Membership in relevant chamber is obligatory; membership in relevant foreign institutions may be recognised.", "de": "SK: Die Mitgliedschaft in einer entsprechenden Kammer ist obligatorisch; die Mitgliedschaft in einer entsprechenden ausländischen Einrichtung kann anerkannt werden."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "chamber", "de": "Kammer"}, {"en": "foreign institutions", "de": "ausländischen Einrichtung"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In 2018, Farrell was appointed by Pope Francis as a new bishop of Ossory.", "de": "2018 wurde Farrell von Papst Franziskus zum neuen Bischof von Ossory ernannt."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Farrell", "de": "Farrell"}, {"en": "Pope Francis", "de": "Papst Franziskus"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The Agency may need to protect confidential information concerning a staff member who has contacted Agency’s confidential counsellors in the context of a harassment procedure.", "de": "Unter Umständen muss die Agentur vertrauliche Informationen schützen, die einen Mitarbeiter betreffen, der sich im Zusammenhang mit einem Verfahren wegen Mobbing oder sexueller Belästigung an Vertrauenspersonen der Agentur gewandt hat."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Agency", "de": "Agentur"}, {"en": "confidential information", "de": "vertrauliche Informationen"}, {"en": "context", "de": "Zusammenhang"}, {"en": "staff member", "de": "Mitarbeiter"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Thromboelastography (TEG) and rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM) for traumainduced coagulopathy in adult trauma patients with bleeding", "de": "Thromboelastographie (TEG) und rotatorische Thromboelastometrie (ROTEM) für traumainduzierte Koagulopathie bei erwachsenen Traumapatienten mit Blutungen"}, "hints": [{"en": "TEG", "de": "TEG"}, {"en": "thromboelastometry", "de": "Thromboelastometrie"}, {"en": "coagulopathy", "de": "Koagulopathie"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Common side effects associated with SASP include nausea, indigestion, headache, vomiting and abdominal pain.", "de": "Häufige Nebenwirkungen im Zusammenhang mit SASP sind Übelkeit, Verdauungsstörungen, Kopfschmerzen, Erbrechen und Bauchschmerzen."}, "hints": [{"en": "side effects", "de": "Nebenwirkungen"}, {"en": "nausea", "de": "Übelkeit"}, {"en": "indigestion", "de": "Verdauungsstörung"}, {"en": "abdominal pain", "de": "Bauchschmerz"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "check how you get around inside and outside your home and, if required, provide the right walking aid for you", "de": "überprüfen, wie Sie sich innerhalb und außerhalb Ihres Hauses bewegen und, falls erforderlich, Ihnen die richtige Gehhilfe gewähren"}, "hints": [{"en": "walking aid", "de": "Gehhilfe"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Currently, there is lack of evidence comparing the combination of IRI and fluoropyrimidine with IRI alone.", "de": "Zurzeit mangelt es an Nachweisen für den Vergleich der Kombination von IRI und Fluorpyrimidin mit einem alleinigen IRI."}, "hints": [{"en": "IRI", "de": "IRI"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Twelve studies compared rhGH with placebo and one study compared rhGH with oxandrolone.", "de": "12 Studien haben rhGH mit Placebo und eine Studie hat rhGH mit Oxandrolon verglichen."}, "hints": [{"en": "placebo", "de": "Placebo"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Following the acquisition of the remainder of E-Plus on 14 March, Simyo belongs to the Dutch telecommunications group KPN.", "de": "Nach der Übernahme des Restbestands von E-Plus am 14. März gehörte Simyo zur holländischen Telekommunikationsgruppe KPN."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "E-Plus", "de": "E-Plus"}, {"en": "Simyo", "de": "Simyo"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Ask your local sports centre for more information.", "de": "Fragen Sie in Ihrem örtlichen Sportzentrum für weitere Informationen."}, "hints": [{"en": "sports centre", "de": "Sportzentrum"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The studies used different dosages of weekly FSH ranging from 60 to 240 g.", "de": "Die Studien verwendeten verschiedene Dosierungen der wöchentlichen FSH-Dosis von 60 bis 240 g."}, "hints": [{"en": "dosages", "de": "Dosierungen"}, {"en": "FSH", "de": "FSH"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "When did Joe Biden win his first term of president?", "de": "Wann gewann Joe Biden die Wahl für seine erste Amtszeit als Präsident?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "Joe Biden", "de": "Joe Biden"}, {"en": "first term", "de": "erste Amtszeit"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "In vitro studies with piracetam have shown that it hinders the bonding of sickle haemoglobin and the bunching together of platelets.", "de": "In-vitro-Studien mit Piracetam haben gezeigt, dass es die Bindung von Sichel-Hämoglobin und das Bündeln von Blutplättchen verhindert."}, "hints": [{"en": "piracetam", "de": "Piracetam"}, {"en": "sickle", "de": "Sichel"}, {"en": "haemoglobin", "de": "Hämoglobin"}, {"en": "platelets", "de": "Blutplättchen"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "appointing a member, proposed by the Kingdom of Denmark, of the European Economic and Social Committee", "de": "zur Ernennung eines vom Königreich Dänemark vorgeschlagenen Mitglieds des Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschusses"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "European Economic and Social Committee", "de": "Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschusses"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Annex II to the EEA Agreement should therefore be amended accordingly,", "de": "Anhang II des EWR-Abkommens sollte daher entsprechend geändert werden —"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "EEA", "de": "EWR"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Charlie was born in 1979 to Simon and Megan Pace, and lived in Manchester, England.", "de": "Charlie wurde 1979 als Kind von Simon und Megan Pace geboren, und lebte in Manchester, England."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Charlie", "de": "Charlie"}, {"en": "Simon", "de": "Simon"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Who is the hero of the 10th Final Fantasy game?", "de": "Wer ist der Held des 10. \"Final Fantasy\"-Spiels?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "hero", "de": "Held"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Where was the last emperor of the Qing dynasty when he died?", "de": "Wo befand sich der letzte Kaiser der Qing-Dynastie, als er starb?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "last emperor of the Qing dynasty", "de": "letzte Kaiser der Qing Dynastie"}, {"en": "Qing dynasty", "de": "Qing Dynastie"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The Union shall support possible transfers from both headings 02.10 and 04.10 for product 1.", "de": "Die Union befürwortet für Ware 1 eine mögliche Umtarifierung aus den beiden Positionen 02.10 und 04.10."}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Union", "de": "Union"}, {"en": "headings", "de": "Positionen"}, {"en": "product", "de": "Ware"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "a family history of high blood pressure - the condition seems to run in families", "de": "eine Familienanamnese des hohen Blutdrucks - die Erkrankung scheint erblich zu sein"}, "hints": [{"en": "family history", "de": "Familienanamnese"}, {"en": "blood pressure", "de": "Blutdruck"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "``Stopped ''Light refers in the context of an EIT medium to the`` quantum'' transmission of photons to the coherent system and back.", "de": "Das Lichtsignal „Gestoppt“ bezieht sich im Kontext eines EIT-Mediums auf die Quantenübertragung von Photonen zum kohärenten System und zurück."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "EIT", "de": "EIT"}, {"en": "photons", "de": "Photonen"}, {"en": "coherent system", "de": "kohärenten System"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "ADHD is characterized by inattention (being easily distracted, unable to focus on one task), impulsivity (fidgety; constantly moving), and hyperactivity (impatient; acts without thinking).", "de": "ADHS ist zu charakterisieren durch Unaufmerksamkeit (leicht ablenkbar, unfähig, sich auf eine Aufgabe zu konzentrieren), Impulsivität (zappelig, ständig in Bewegung) und Hyperaktivität (ungeduldig, ohne nachzudenken)."}, "hints": [{"en": "inattention", "de": "Unaufmerksamkeit"}, {"en": "impulsivity", "de": "Impulsivität"}, {"en": "fidgety", "de": "zappelig"}, {"en": "hyperactivity", "de": "Hyperaktivität"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Conclusion on the situation of the Union industry", "de": "Schlussfolgerung zur Lage des Wirtschaftszweigs der Union"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Union", "de": "Union"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "How many studio albums have been released by Kendrick Lamar?", "de": "Wie viele Studio-Alben hat Kendrick Lamar veröffentlicht?"}, "data_name": "MINTAKA", "hints": [{"en": "studio albums", "de": "Studio Alben"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "disclosure: IFRS 9 7.2.34 a", "de": "Angaben: IFRS 9 7.2.34 a"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "IFRS 9", "de": "IFRS 9"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Gokal Pur is a North East census in the Indian state of Delhi", "de": "Gokal Pur ist eine Zensusstadt im Nordosten des indischen Bundesstaates Delhi."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Indian", "de": "indischen"}, {"en": "Delhi", "de": "Delhi"}, {"en": "census", "de": "Zensusstadt"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "The degree of distinction between Protestant and Catholic tendencies within the Anglican tradition is routinely a matter of debate both within specific Anglican churches and throughout the Anglican Communion.", "de": "Wie stark sich protestantische und katholische Tendenzen innerhalb der anglikanischen Tradition unterscheiden, wird sowohl innerhalb bestimmter anglikanischer Kirchen als auch in der ganzen anglikanischen Glaubensgemeinschaft regelmäßig diskutiert."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Anglican churches", "de": "anglikanischer Kirchen"}, {"en": "debate", "de": "diskutiert"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Huyghe was born in Paris in 1962 and lives and works in Chile and New York.", "de": "Huyghe wurde 1962 in Paris geboren und lebt und arbeitet in Chile und New York."}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Huyghe", "de": "Huyghe"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "Additional information You can find out more about diagnosing high blood pressure by calling the Heart Helpline on 0300 330 3311 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday).", "de": "Weitere Informationen Mehr über die Diagnostizierung des Bluthochdrucks erfahren Sie, indem Sie die Heart Helpline auf 0300 330 3311 anrufen (9 bis 17 Uhr, Montag bis Freitag)."}, "hints": [{"en": "diagnosing", "de": "Diagnostizierung"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "CONSIDERING that, in compliance with the obligation of Member States to bring their legal orders in conformity with Union law, they must draw the necessary consequences from Union law as interpreted in the judgment of the CJEU in Case C-284/16 Achmea (Achmea judgment),", "de": "IN DER ERWÄGUNG, dass die Mitgliedstaaten entsprechend ihrer Verpflichtung, ihre Rechtsordnung mit dem Unionsrecht in Einklang zu bringen, die notwendigen Konsequenzen aus dem Unionsrecht in der Auslegung des EuGH in der Rechtssache C-284/16 Achmea (Achmea-Urteil) ziehen müssen,"}, "data_name": "DGT-TM", "hints": [{"en": "Member States", "de": "Mitgliedstaaten"}, {"en": "CJEU", "de": "EuGH"}, {"en": "legal orders", "de": "Rechtsordnung"}, {"en": "Union law", "de": "Unionsrecht"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "de", "translation": {"en": "This change in protein metabolism correlates with poor wound healing of the burn and donor sites.", "de": "Diese Veränderung des Proteinstoffwechsels korreliert mit mangelhafter Wundheilung der Verbrennungen und Entnahmestellen."}, "hints": [{"en": "wound healing", "de": "Wundheilung"}], "data_name": "health_term", "task_type": "term_con_trans"}