{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "查阅近年来与脂肪抽吸术相关的研究文献,对传统及新兴脂肪抽吸术的原理、临床应用以及存在问题进行总结和梳理。", "en": "The literature related to liposuction in recent years was consulted, and the principle, indications as well as existing problems were reviewed."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "对其临床特点、治疗和转归及发生带状疱疹的危险因素进行回顾性分析。", "en": "The clinical characteristic, treatment outcome and related factor of herpes zoster were retrospective analyzed."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "通过使用纵向调解路径模型,我们测试了T2的适应不良和适应性应对策略是否在T1的家庭紧密性与在T3的总体健康、活力、睡眠充足、身体满意度、物质使用和自我伤害之间起调和作用。", "en": "With longitudinal mediation path models, we tested whether maladaptive and adaptive coping strategies at T2 functioned as mediators between family connectedness at T1 and overall health, vitality, sleep sufficiency, body satisfaction, substance use, and self-harm at T3."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本研究首先建立了获得临床医生认可的CHB临床检验诊断路径,其涵盖CHB疾病的诊断与鉴别诊断、治疗、药物选择及毒副作用预测、疗效监测、预后评估等全过程。", "en": "In this study,the CHB clinical laboratory diagnostic pathway was established and approved by clinicians, which covered the whole process of CHB disease diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment, drug selection, the toxicity and side effects prediction, effect monitoring, and prognosis evaluation."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "希望肝脏病学、临床药理学及方法学专家通力合作,采用新型临床试验设计、新型终点指标、新型数据管理和质控技术,共同促进乙型肝炎临床治愈新药研发进程。", "en": "It is hoped that the experts in hepatology, clinical pharmacology and methodology will work together to promote the research and development process of new drugs for clinical cure of hepatitis B by adopting new clinical trial design, new endpoint indicators, new data management and quality control technology."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我们采用多层次模型来研究家庭凝聚力和家庭冲突,他们与青少年生气,沮丧和焦虑情绪以及快乐,生活满意度以及生活中的意义和目的之间的相互关联。", "en": "We examined family cohesion and conflict in relation to adolescent angry, depressed, and anxious mood, as well as happiness, life satisfaction, and meaning and purpose in life in multilevel models."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "结果表明: 行人高度(1.5 m)空气中污染物有效扩散的临界风速值为1.0 m·s", "en": "The results showed that the critical wind speed value at pedestrian height (1.5 m) for the effective diffusion of pollutants was 1.0 m·s"}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本文研究医疗保健对管理李-佛美尼综合症风险和治疗过程中所起的作用,这些风险和治疗均由家长,青少年和成年孩子们来承担着。", "en": "We explored healthcare roles for managing LFS-related cancer risks and treatments that were assumed by parents, adolescents, and adult children."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "跟腱病的分类和名称未完全统一,概念模糊,病因尚未明确,治疗方案较多,但缺乏有效的循证医学研究。", "en": "The classification and name of Achilles tendinopathy are not completely unified, and the concept is vague, the cause of disease is not clear.There are many treatment plans, but there is no effective evidence-based medicine research."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "动脉粥样硬化斑块破裂是引发众多心血管疾病的主要原因,而生物力学因素在斑块破裂过程中有着重要的作用。", "en": "Atherosclerotic plaque rupture is the main cause of many cardiovascular diseases, and biomechanical factors play an important role in the process of plaque rupture."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "食管鳞状细胞癌是我国食管癌的主要病理类型,占全部新发病例的86.3%。", "en": "Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is the main pathological type of esophageal cancer, accounting for 86.3% of new cases."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "与非重症感染组相比,重症感染组总有效率较差(90.9% vs 63.6%,χ<sup>2</sup>=4.393,P<0.05). MDS患者第一疗程感染率高,最常见感染部位是肺部,病原菌以革兰阴性杆菌多见。", "en": "Compared with non-severe infection group, the total effective rate of severe infection group was lower (90.9% vs 63.6%, χ<sup>2</sup>=4.393, P<0.05).The infection rate of MDS patients is high in the first course of treatment, and the most common infection site is the lung.Gram-negative bacteria is the most common pathogen."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "尽管有几条准则提到应根据儿童的文化需求量身定制治疗方法, 但关于这一点如何实现的指导却很少。", "en": "While a few guidelines mentioned that treatment should be tailored to children's cultural needs, there was little guidance on how this could be done."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "2例患者诊断明确后均使用外源性胰岛素控制血糖。", "en": "Both patients were administered exogenous insulin to control blood glucose."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "感染部位前3位依次是肺部、 上呼吸道、胃肠道。", "en": "The top three infection sites were lung, upper respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal tract."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "现有的免疫功能定义如免疫过度、免疫抑制、免疫麻痹、免疫耐受均停留在描述性的概念,缺乏定量的诊断标准,结合临床表现及生物学指标将是未来最有效的量化方式。", "en": "The existing definitions of immune function, such as excessive immunity, immunosuppression, immune paralysis and immune tolerance, remain in descriptive concepts and lacks quantitative diagnostic criteria.Clinical manifestations combined with biological indicators will be the most effective quantitative method in the future."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "识别酒精依赖的风险基因和风险基因通路。", "en": "Identify risk genes and risk gene pathways for alcohol dependence."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "眼科培训课程时长的中位数为4年。", "en": "The median duration of ophthalmology training programmes was 4 years."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我们还研究每个配偶的依恋行为是否能够减缓这些影响。", "en": "We also examine whether each spouse's attachment behaviors can moderate these effects."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "在乌干达,每五个儿童中就有一个孩子存在这样或那样的心理健康问题,其中包括破坏性行为障碍(DBDs )。", "en": "In Uganda, one in five children presents mental health challenges, including disruptive behavior disorders (DBDs)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "基因检测提示该患者携带一新发RET基因p.M918T杂合突变。", "en": "Sequencing of RET gene revealed a de novo heterozygous p.M918T mutation in the patient."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "目前的治疗原则是根据盂唇撕裂程度决定手术方式,包括髋臼盂唇清理术、髋臼盂唇修复术、髋臼盂唇重建术以及髋臼盂唇加强术等。", "en": "The current principles of treatment are based on the specific circumstances of a torn labrum, including acetabular labrum debridement, acetabular labrum repair, acetabular labrum reconstruction, and acetabular labrum augmentation."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "初级卫生保健为实现全民健康覆盖 (UHC) 提供了一种经济有效的途径。", "en": "Primary health care offers a cost-effective route to achieving universal health coverage (UHC)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本文综述了与新辅助免疫治疗相关的重要研究和新近成果,旨在以这些研究的成果为基础,从获益人群、治疗周期和疗效预测三个方面全方位探讨该类治疗的流程及存在的问题。", "en": "This paper reviews the important studies and recent achievements related to neoadjuvant immunotherapy, aiming to comprehensively discuss the procedures and existing problems of this kind of therapy from three aspects of beneficiary groups, treatment cycle and efficacy prediction."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我们设计了一套系统文献综述的方案, MEDLINE、Ovid和Embase OVID并对发表于2019年8月1日至2000年之后的文献进行了检索。", "en": "We designed a systematic literature review protocol, searched MEDLINE Ovid and Embase OVID on 1 August 2019 and limited these searches to the year 2000 onwards."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "TAO 患者获随访 12~23 个月,平均 12.3 个月;治疗无效最终行截趾/肢。", "en": "The patients with TAO were followed up 12-23 months with an average of 12.3 months, and toe/limb amputation was performed after ineffective treatment."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "术后通过溃疡创面愈合情况、皮温、疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS)、ABI、CT 血管造影(CT angiography,CTA)检查等进行疗效评估。", "en": "After operation, the effectiveness was evaluated by ulcer wound healing, skin temperature, pain visual analogue scale (VAS) score, ABI, and CT angiography (CTA) examination."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "多因素分析显示,移植前复发是影响患者OS和PFS的独立不良预后因素. 克拉屈滨联合BuCy的强化预处理方案降低了高危AML移植后复发率,且其预处理相关毒性轻、安全性良好。", "en": "Multivariate analysis showed that pre-transplant relapse was the independent risk factor affecting OS and PFS of the patients.The intensified conditioning regimen of cladribine in combination with BuCy can reduce the relapse rate of high-risk AML transplantation, and its RRT is mild, exhibiting good safety."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "在传统酪氨酸激酶抑制剂的基础上,近年来以免疫检查点抑制剂为代表的新型药物在肾癌治疗领域取得了巨大成功。", "en": "New drugs, typified by the checkpoint inhibitors, have achieved great success in the treatment of renal cell carcinoma, on the basis of traditional tyrosine kinase inhibitor."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "该类手术创伤小、术后恢复快,并具有紧肤的优点;但设备价格较昂贵,存在皮肤灼伤的风险。", "en": "This type of surgery has the advantages of less trauma, fast postoperative recovery, and skin tightening.However, the equipment is more expensive, and has a risk of skin burns."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "猪粪和牛粪的易分解碳库占总碳库的比例分别为52%和26%,易分解碳库分解速率常数分别为0.00085和0.00074 ℃<sup>-1</sup>,且差异显著。", "en": "The proportion and decomposition rate constant of labile carbon pool of pig manure and cattle manure were significantly different, with values of 52% and 26%, and 0.00085 and 0.00074 ℃<sup>-1</sup>, respectively."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "文章对食管鳞状细胞癌的主要危险因素和有潜在筛查应用价值生物标志物的研究进展进行了总结,以期为食管鳞状细胞癌的病因探索和筛查技术完善提供科学依据。", "en": "In order to provide a scientific basis for exploring the pathogenesis of ESCC and improve screening technology, this paper summarizes the research status of various risk factors and potential biomarkers of ESCC."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "热敏灸因“简单易学、操作简单、疗效明确”的特点,成为适合在社区广泛普及的中医外治法适宜技术。", "en": "Heat-sensitive moxibustion is the appropriate technique of the external treatment in traditional Chinese medicine and it is widely used in community because of its 'easy learning, simple operation and clear curative effect'."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "参与研究的家庭有23个,采用半结构化的访谈。", "en": "Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 23 families."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "单因素分析显示,患者年龄、疾病分期、规范治疗、新药的使用、维持治疗、高钙血症、球蛋白、白蛋白和血红蛋白等因素与患者的总生存时间有关,年龄<65岁、ISS分期Ⅰ和Ⅱ期、规范治疗、使用新药、血钙正常或低于正常水平、球蛋白正常或低于正常水平以及白蛋白≥35 g/L或血红蛋白≥100 g/L的患者的总生存期明显延长(P<0.05)。", "en": "The univariate analysis showed that the overall survival time of the patients was influenced by age, disease stage, standard treatment, new drugs, maintenance treatment, hypercalcemia, globulin, albumin, and hemoglobin.The overall survival time of patients with age <65 years old, ISS stage I and II, standardized treatment, new drugs, normal or below normal blood calcium, normal or below normal globulin, albumin ≥35 g/L or hemoglobin ≥100 g/L was prolonged significantly (P<0.05)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "针灸具有疗效显著、安全性佳、费用低等优势,美国辅助生殖机构对针灸的应用度和认可度较高。", "en": "Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy had obvious effect, good safety and low cost, and the assisted reproductive institutions in the United States had a high degree of application and recognition to acupuncture and moxibustion therapy."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "术后定期随访,评估缩乳情况及并发症发生情况,采用乳腺癌患者报告结局量表(BREAST-Q)评价患者满意度及生活质量,并行乳腺专科彩超、胸腹部CT、全身骨扫描等检查,评估肿瘤局部复发或远处转移情况。", "en": "The patients were followed up regularly after operation to evaluate the breast reduction effect and complications; Breast cancer reporting outcome scale (BREAST-Q) was used to assess patients' satisfaction and quality of life; and ultrasound, chest and abdominal CT, whole-body bone scan were performed to assess local tumor recurrence or distant metastasis."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "这些结果对于以青少年和父母为工作对象的临床治疗师以及开发促进健康计划的相关人员具有重要意义。", "en": "These results have important implications for practitioners working with adolescents and parents, as well as for health promotion program developers."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "这些研究结果突出了家庭观点的重要性,临床心理学家可以通过帮助他们建立积极的父母依恋来促进青少年的PTG。", "en": "These findings highlight the importance of a family perspective and may help clinical psychologists to improve adolescents' PTG by helping them to build positive parental attachments."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本研究旨在验证以下假设,即父母对孩童应对能力的培养(SOC)与孩子的情绪调节能力之间的关系是长期的。", "en": "This study examined the hypothesis that parent socialization of coping (SOC) would have a longitudinal relation with child emotion regulation abilities."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本文旨在明确指标的内涵及可行的认识路线,供人群研究工作者参考。", "en": "The paper aims to clarify the connotation of the indexes and the feasible understanding route and provide some reference for the population researchers."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "患者主要临床症状为发热、咳嗽及胸闷; 其中12例患者低氧血症, 3例患者I型呼吸衰竭; 胸部CT以双肺弥漫性磨玻璃影为主要表现,部分患者合并少量胸腔积液; 发病时间主要分布在2-4个疗程, 症状出现距方案中利妥昔单抗输注时间在8-49 d; 25例患者治疗有效后日常生活无明显受限, 1例患者治疗无效死亡。", "en": "The main clinical symptoms of patients were fever, cough and chest tightness, among which 12 patients showed hypoxia and 3 patients showed respiratory failure type I.The mainly manifested chest CT was diffusive glass grinding in both lungs, and some patients were complicated with a small amount of pleural effusion.The onset chemotherapy time was mainly distributed in 2 to 4 courses, the time between the onset of symptoms and the infusion of rituximab was 8 to 49 days.25 patients shows no obvious limitation in daily life after effective treatment, and 1 patient died of ineffective treatment."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "当财政激励措施与法规和质量提升相结合,,并且社区参与度增强时,绩效便会有所改善。应该为初级卫生保健的决策制定提供充足的资源,并将政府在初级卫生保健方面的支出至少增加国内生产总值的 1%。", "en": "Performance improved when financial incentives were linked to regulation and quality improvement, and community involvement was strong.Policy-making should be supported by adequate resources for primary health-care implementation and government spending on primary health care should be increased by at least 1% of gross domestic product."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "动物模型是开展各类基础研究的有效工具,目前的动物模型均是根据粒细胞-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(GM-CSF)信号作用障碍和肺泡内环境稳态失衡这两个主要的发病机制而建立,应用研究集中在PAP的治疗策略上。", "en": "Animal model is an effective tool for basic research.Current PAP animal models are based on the main pathogenesis of granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulation factor (GM-CSF) signal disorder and environmental homeostasis imbalance in the alveoli.Application researches focus on the treatment strategies of PAP."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "该论文描述了一项源自美国的循证干预措施在乌干达的国情下如何尽可能优化并保持原有效度的调适过程。作为一项随机测试的部分内容,本文调查研究了乌干达的30所学校中表现出行为问题的青少年及其他们的照顾者。", "en": "This paper describes the adaptation process of an evidence-based intervention of U.S. origin to optimize fit to context with intervention fidelity, as part of a randomized trial conducted with youth that exhibit behavioral challenges and their caregivers in 30 schools in Uganda."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "术前乳头至乳房下皱襞距离为8~18 cm,平均12.2 cm。", "en": "The distance from nipple to inframammary fold was 8-18 cm (mean, 12.2 cm) before operation."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "15例患者均已行辅助放疗,其中1例(6.7%)患者在放疗后出现乳房皮肤颜色改变,所有患者均未出现严重放疗不良事件并发症。", "en": "All patients had undergone adjuvant radiotherapy, of which 1 (6.7%) showed mild skin color change after radiotherapy, but no radiotherapy-related complication occurred in all patients."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我们发现了几个与酒精依赖显著相关的可重复的全基因组风险基因和风险通路。", "en": "We identified several genome-wide replicable risk genes and risk pathways that were significantly associated with alcohol dependence."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "回顾分析 2014 年 2 月—2019 年 7 月采用胫骨横向骨搬移技术治疗的 59 例下肢慢性缺血性疾病患者临床资料。", "en": "A clinical data of 59 patients with chronic ischemic disease of lower extremities treated by TTT between February 2014 and July 2019 were analyzed retrospectively."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "随着研究的深入,对于肾癌发生发展机制、肿瘤生物学特征有了更多的了解。", "en": "With the development of research, we know more about the mechanism and biological characteristics of renal cell carcinoma."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "摘要: 角膜墨染术 (Corneal keratopigmentation KTP) 在治疗角膜混浊的患者有着悠久的历史。", "en": "Corneal keratopigmentation (KTP) has a long history of use in management of patients suffering from disfiguring corneal opacities."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "病原菌前3位依次为大肠埃希菌、表皮葡萄球菌和铜绿假单胞菌。", "en": "The top three pathogens were Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "大多数课程都进行了地区标准化。", "en": "Most curricula have been regionally standardised."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "认识到关系干预措施对关系发展的结果能造成差异,相关措施越来越多地针对此类人群使用。", "en": "In recognition of this disparity in relationship outcomes, relationship interventions have increasingly been targeted at this population."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "管理通常需要多学科的合作。", "en": "Management often requires a multidisciplinary approach."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "14 个国家中,私营部门基本上不受监管。", "en": "In 14 countries, the private sector was largely unregulated."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "回顾分析2019年1月—2021年3月采用倒T形切口三蒂法缩乳上提术治疗的15例中度以上乳房肥大和/或中重度乳房下垂的女性乳腺癌患者。", "en": "The clinical data of 15 breast cancer female patients with hypertrophy and/or moderate-to-severe breast ptosis treated by three-pedicle reduction mammaplasty with inverted T incision between January 2019 and March 2021 were retrospectively analysed."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "但遗憾的是,骨肌系统损伤方面的影像学研究还相对缺乏,大样本的研究更是几乎空白,且无论是影像学方法,还是研究人群都还不够全面。", "en": "Unfortunately, imaging studies on musculoskeletal system injury are relatively lacking, large sample studies are almost blank, and neither imaging methods nor study populations are comprehensive enough."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "组间两两比较,二线组、三线组恶心呕吐、1~2级贫血的发生率高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。", "en": "The incidence of nausea and vomiting and grade 1~2 anemia in the second-line group and the third-line group were higher than that of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05)."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "针灸疗法突破困境的重要途径有三:一是改变传统针灸科坐等患者上门的服务模式,推动针灸技术走出针灸科,向其他科室渗透;二是合理提升针灸技术收费价格;三是根据针灸技术的自身特点与优势,准确定位自身在健康服务中的作用,并在社区医疗机构推广。", "en": "There are three important approaches for breaking through the dilemma of acupuncture and moxibustion therapy.First, modifying the traditional service mode as waiting for patients in acupuncture-moxibustion department and promoting acupuncture and moxibustion technology to be adopted in other departments rather than limited only in acupuncture-moxibustion department.Second, increasing the charges of acupuncture and moxibustion technology rationally.Third, positioning accurately the role of acupuncture and moxibustion technology in health services based on its own characteristics and advantages and promoting it in community medical institutions."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "Logistic回归分析显示,治疗期间减量或停药、3~4级血液学不良反应是影响二、三线疗效的主要因素(OR=22.160,2.715,95%CI=2.795-93.027,1.882-48.834). 尼洛替尼二线与达沙替尼三线对一二线治疗失败的CML患者有较好的疗效。", "en": "Logistic regression analysis showed that dose reduction or withdrawal during the treatment period, and grade 3~4 hematological adverse reactions were the main factors affecting the second and third line curative effects (OR=22.160, 2.715, 95% CI=2.795-93.027, 1.882-48.834).The second-line nilotinib and the third-line dasatinib have a better effect on CML patients who have failed the first and second-line treatments."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "在确定双眼PH值后, 通过大量和持久的眼部冲洗以防止进一步损伤, 以及寻找和清除所有微粒物质是关键。", "en": "Prevention of further damage by profuse and prolonged eye wash, after ascertaining pH of both eyes, together with exploration and removal of all particulate matter, is the key."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "和高收入的伴侣相比,低收入伴侣之间的关系解体的比率要高得多,这种伴侣关系瓦解包括离婚和与同居的伴侣分手。", "en": "Compared to higher-income couples, low-income couples experience higher rates of relationship disruption, including divorce and breakup of cohabiting relationships."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "然而,经典线性回归分析是假设该数据 为正态分布的,但是很多研究所获得的数据并不符合 这种假设。", "en": "However, the classic linear regression analysis assumes that the data are normally distributed, an assumption that is not met by the data obtained in many studies."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "无1例患者再次入院或再次手术,也无患者因并发症延缓辅助治疗。", "en": "No patient was readmitted, received reoperation, or delayed to adjuvant therapy due to complications."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "G<sup>+</sup>菌对万古霉素、利奈唑胺、替考拉宁的敏感率分别为97.5%、100%和100%。", "en": "The susceptibility of G<sup>+</sup> bacteria to vancomycin, linezolid and teicoplanin was 97.5%, 100% and 100%, respectively."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "38例LCH患者中,出现多系统累及占44.7%,31.6%的患者具有危险器官(肝脏、肺、造血系统或脾脏)累及,最常见受累器官为骨骼(21/38,55.3%),最常见的临床症状为疼痛(19/38,50.0%)。", "en": "Among 38 patients, 44.7% (17/38) were involved in multiple systems, and 31.6% (12/38) were involved in high-risk organs (including liver, lung, hematopoietic system or spleen).The bone involvement was the most common (21/38, 55.3%), and the most common clinical symptom was pain (19/38, 50.0%)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "目前缺乏异烟肼治疗引起的药物不良反应处理指南,针对出现的异烟肼不良反应仅基于临床经验采取突然停药或降低异烟肼剂量,但这样的措施可导致结核分枝杆菌耐药性产生。", "en": "However, there is a lack of guidelines for the management of adverse drug reactions caused by isoniazid therapy, and the only measures taken to address adverse reactions to isoniazid are abrupt discontinuation of the drug or reduction in the dose of isoniazid based on clinical experience, but such measures could lead to the development of drug resistance in <i>Mycobacterium</i> tuberculosis."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "同时,多群组分析表明,在妊娠期间与父母同住的受试组中,与对方父母的冲突会引发婚内问题;而不与父母同住的受试组中,在怀孕后期到产后期,与对方父亲之间的关系冲突可能强化婚姻问题。", "en": "Meanwhile, the multigroup analyses suggested that conflicts with parents-in-law triggered marital distress during pregnancy in the coresidence group, whereas conflicts with fathers-in-law could intensify marital distress during late pregnancy to the postpartum period in the noncoresidence group."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本文阐述了KTP在美容和功能方面的临床应用, 并讨论了KTP的手术效果及其在实验和组织病理学研究中的特点。", "en": "In this paper we present an overview on clinical applications of KTP in both cosmetic and functional aspects and also, we discuss the outcomes of KTP and its characteristics in experimental and histopathological studies."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "基于煤矿区不同复垦年限土壤,研究有机肥的分解动态及其驱动因素,可为有机肥合理施用和矿区土壤培肥提供科学依据。", "en": "Understanding the decomposition dynamics and driving factors of manure in the soil subjected to different reclaimed years could provide theoretical basis to rational utilization of manure and soil fertility improvement in coal mining area."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "但是,聚焦于成人家庭成员的家庭和健康相关研究很多都只关注亲密关系,也就是婚姻关系。", "en": "However, much of the families and health research focused on adult family members has focused solely on intimate partnerships, usually the marital relationship."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "应用LogistiC回归分析影响二三线疗效的因素. 三组患者治疗3、6、12个月达完全血液学反应(CHR)、主要细胞遗传学反应(MCyR)、主要分子学反应(MMR)率比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。", "en": "LogistiC regression was used to analyze the factors affecting the second and third line curative effects.The three groups had statistically significant differences in the rates of achieving CHR, MCyR, and MMR at 3, 6, and 12 months of treatment (P<0.05)."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "接受ALL-2005方案与ALL-2009方案治疗的患者经诱导治疗后第5周达完全缓解比例比较无显著性差异(P>0.05)。", "en": "The complete remission rate at the 5th week after induction therapy was not significantly different between ALL-2005 and ALL-2009 regimen groups (P>0.05)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "由此本文建立人群分类资料基本指标——比、比例和率统一的识别路线。", "en": "Thus, we established a unified identification route about ratios, proportions, and rates, the basic indicators of categorical data in populations."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "这一系列的过程激活免疫系统,介导级联炎症反应,促进酒精性肝病从脂肪变性到炎症、纤维化的进展。", "en": "This series of processes activates the immune system, mediates a cascade of inflammation, and promotes the development of alcoholic liver disease from steatosis to inflammation and fibrosis."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "从20世纪70年代起,人类就开始使用化学治疗药物来治疗骨肉瘤。", "en": "Since 1970s, researchers had used chemotherapy drugs to treat osteosarcoma."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "此外,服务基本私有化的国家,社区很少参与初级卫生保健。", "en": "Moreover, community engagement in primary health care was weak in countries where services were largely privatized."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2(severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2,SARS-CoV-2)传染性极强,主要侵袭患者的肺,导致呼吸窘迫综合征甚至多器官衰竭。", "en": "Infectivity of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is extremely strong.The one major target of the virus is the lung, which leads to the deaths of respiratory distress syndrome and multiple organ failure."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "文章探讨了纵向数据分析中使用的不同数据集结构、缺失数据的分类和处理以及使用纵向数据建立多元回归模型时对个体内相关性校正的方法。", "en": "It discusses the different dataset structures used in the analysis of longitudinal data, the classification and management of missing data, and methods of adjusting for intra-individual correlation when developing multivariate regression models using longitudinal data."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "选择本院2013年1月至2018年9月收治的26例应用含利妥昔单抗化疗方案并出现急性肺损伤的DLBCL患者,对其临床特征、影像学表现、化疗疗程、治疗效果及预后进行分析。", "en": "Twenty-Six patients with DLBCL were treated with rituximab chemotherapy and developed to acute lung injury in Third Hospital of Peking University from January 2013 to September 2018 were selected.The clinical features, imaging findings, chemotherapy course, therapeutic effect and prognosis were analyzed."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "多因素分析显示,是否维持治疗、血钙≥2.6 mmol/L及血红蛋白<100 g/L是影响MM预后的独立危险因素。", "en": "The multivariate analysis showed that maintenance treatment, hypercalcemia (≥2.6 mmol/L), and hemoglobin (<100 g/L) were independent risk factors influencing the prognosis of MM patients."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本研究综述了22个研究。", "en": "Twenty-two studies were reviewed in this study."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "但SSA每一百万人中只有2.5名眼科医生。", "en": "There are only 2.5 ophthalmologists per million people in SSA."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "自然恢复林地真菌物种数量最高,Ace和Chao1指数分别为708.19±137.25、706.26±125.34;油松林地细菌多样性和物种数量都最高,Shannon、Simpson、Ace和Chao1指数分别为6.57±0.04、0.004±0.00、3439.81±41.67和3463.14±32.16。", "en": "The richness of fungi in naturally restored forest land was the highest, with Ace and Chao1 index of 708.19±137.25 and 706.26±125.34, respectively.The bacterial diversity and richness of species in <i>P.tabuliformis</i> forest land was the highest.The Shannon, Simpson, Ace and Chao1 indices were 6.57±0.04, 0.004±0.00, 3439.81±41.67, 3463.14±32.16, respectively."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "眼内压易被忽视, 但必须对其进行评估和管理。", "en": "Intraocular pressure is often forgotten and must be assessed and managed."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "合作是关键。", "en": "Partnership is key."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "分析利妥昔单抗联合CHOP/EPOCH方案治疗弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤(diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, DLBCL)患者的疗效,并探讨难治复发患者的高危因素. 对2012年12月-2018年12月东南大学附属中大医院血液科收治的72例初治DLBCL患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,分析DLBCL患者应用利妥昔单抗联合CHOP/EPOCH方案化疗的缓解率。", "en": "To analyze the efficacy of rituximab combined with CHOP/EPOCH regimen for treatment of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma(DLBCL) patients, and to explore the high risk factors of refractory and relapsed patients.The clinical data of 72 patients with de novo DLBCL from December 2012 to December 2018 in the Department of Hematology, Zhongda Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University were retrospectively analyzed.The remission rate of DLBCL patients treated by rituximab combined with CHOP/EPOCH was analyzed, and survival analysis was conducted to explore the risk factors influencing refractory recurrence."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "空气中污染物及病菌的浓度直接影响人类健康。", "en": "The concentration of pollutants and pathogens in the air directly affects human health."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "食管癌是我国常见恶性肿瘤之一,2015年食管癌发病率和死亡率分别为17.87/10万和13.68/10万,位列我国发病和死因顺位的第6位和第4位。", "en": "Esophageal cancer is the main malignant cancer in China.In 2015, the incidence and mortality of esophageal cancer were 17.87 per 100 000 and 13.68 per 100 000, respectively, ranking 6th and 4th in the incidence and death."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "下肢血栓闭塞性脉管炎(thromboangiitis obliteran,TAO)患者 4 例,病程 2.1~18.2 个月,平均 12.3 个月;临床分期均为三期。", "en": "There were 4 patients with thromboangiitis obliteran (TAO) with an average disease duration of 12.3 months (range, 2.1-18.2 months), and the clinical stages were all in the third stage."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "方法 大鼠腹腔麻醉致死后置于16 ℃环境中,提取死后14个时间点肝组织中的水溶性蛋白质,使用蛋白芯片获取相对分子质量在14 000~230 000的蛋白质表达谱数据,并利用主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)、偏最小二乘-判别分析(partial least squares-discriminant analysis,PLS-DA)、Fisher判别对数据进行分析。", "en": "Methods Rats were killed by abdominal anesthesia and placed at 16 ℃.Water-soluble proteins in liver tissues were extracted at 14 time points after death.The expression profile data of proteins with relative molecular weight of 14 000-230 000 were obtained using protein chip, and principal component analysis (PCA), partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) and Fisher discriminant were used to analyze the data."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "健康领袖的作用是代际间的,提供了必要的支持给家庭,特别是在复杂的医疗保健方面的决定。", "en": "The health leader role was intergenerational and provided the family necessary support in navigating complicated healthcare decisions."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "中性粒细胞缺乏时间>7 d的MDS患者重症感染风险高,疗效差。", "en": "MDS patients with neutrophil deficiency>7 days have a high risk of serious infection and poor efficacy."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "患者年龄31~58岁,中位年龄39岁。", "en": "The patients were aged 31-58 years, with a median age of 39 years."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "对于目前代表性不足的群体, 与其一同以及针对目前代表性不足的群体来促进研究和指南开发, 应该是我们领域的高度优先事项。", "en": "Promoting research and guideline development with, by, and for currently under-represented communities should be a high priority for our field."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "马拉松骨肌损伤的影像学研究还有待于进一步深入。", "en": "The imaging study of marathon-related musculoskeletal injuries remains to be further studied."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "在包括1409名欧裔美国人(European-American,EA)酒精依赖者和1518 名EA健康对照者的探索性样本人群中检测了近一百万个基因标志物。", "en": "Approximately one million genetic markers were tested in the discovery sample which included 1409 European-American (EA) alcohol dependent individuals and 1518 EA healthy comparison subjects."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "脂质池厚度和角度对斑块裂尖SIF的影响均低于4%,可以忽略不计。", "en": "The effect of the thickness and angle of lipid pool on the SIF at the crack tip in the plaque was less than 4%, which could be ignored."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "对于经历了积极变化的伴侣而言,项目模型的哪些方面起到了积极促进变化的作用尚不清楚。", "en": "For couples who experienced positive changes, it is not clear what aspects of program models contributed to change."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "无危险器官受累患者的预后显著优于有危险器官受累的患者,患者10年OS率分别为100%和60.6%(P=0.0007)。", "en": "The prognosis of patients without risk-organ involvement was better than that of patients with risk-organ involvement (10-year overall survival rate: 100% vs 60.6%) (P=0.0007)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "糖尿病肾病(diabetic kidney disease,DKD)是糖尿病严重的微血管并发症之一,也是进展为终末期肾病的主要原因,目前临床治疗手段有限。", "en": "Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is one of the serious microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus (DM), and it is also the leading cause for the end-stage kidney disease (ESKD), but the clinical treatment for it is limited at present."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "颈椎结核发病率逐年升高,且有着较高致残率。", "en": "The incidence of cervical tuberculosis has increased recently and has a high disability rate."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "然而,这些干预对低收入伴侣的关系的影响却非常有限。", "en": "However, these interventions have had limited impacts on the relationships of low-income couples."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "直接抗病毒药物(DAAs),是治疗慢性乙型肝炎的重要手段。", "en": "Direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) play a critical role for the therapy of chronical hepatitis B."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "对人工全膝关节置换术(total knee arthroplasty,TKA)及人工全髋关节置换术(total hip arthroplasty,THA)的围术期血液管理(perioperative blood managment,PBM)措施进行综述。", "en": "To review the perioperative blood management (PBM) of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and total hip arthroplasty (THA)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "使用父母方面报告的家庭功能数据的模型所产生的关联要少于使用青少年方面报告的数据的模型。本研究还有几个发现。", "en": "Models using parent reports of family functioning yielded fewer associations than models with adolescent reports; however, several findings remained."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "最后,本文还讨论了MEG-BCI存在的问题和未来发展趋势,期望本文为MEG-BCI创新研究提供更多有益思路。", "en": "Finally, this paper also discusses the existing problems and future development trends of MEG-BCI.It is hoped that this paper will provide more useful ideas for MEG-BCI innovation research."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "探讨三蒂法缩乳上提术治疗乳腺癌伴中度以上生理性乳房肥大和/或中重度乳房下垂患者的临床疗效。", "en": "To explore the application and effectiveness of three-pedicle reduction mammoplasty in breast cancer patients with moderate or greater breast hypertrophy and/or moderate-to-severe breast ptosis."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "空气负离子(NAI)是衡量一个地区空气清洁度的重要指标,对人体的心理健康和生理机能具有重要的调节作用。", "en": "Negative air ion (NAI) is an essential indicator for measuring air cleanliness of a given area, with vital role in regulating psychological and physiological functions of human body."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "医疗保健专业人员有必要确保在过渡为父母的过程中,代际关系是积极有利的。", "en": "Healthcare professionals need to ensure that intergenerational relationships are positive during the transition to parenthood."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "含克拉屈滨的强化预处理方案在异基因造血干细胞移植治疗 高危急性髓系白血病患者中的疗效和安全性分析. 探讨含克拉屈滨的强化预处理方案在治疗高危急性髓系白血病(AML)患者中的疗效、安全性及影响预后的危险因素. 回顾性分析2016年10月至2020年6月于南方医科大学珠江医院行异基因造血干细胞移植前接受克拉屈滨联合白消安及环磷酰胺(BuCy)强化预处理方案的28例高危AML患者临床资料,分析移植后累积总生存率(OS)、累积无进展生存率(PFS)、复发率、非复发死亡率(NRM)、预处理相关毒性反应(RRT)以及影响预后的危险因素. 移植后1年的预期累积OS和PFS分别为(78.8±8.6)%和(79.8±8.1)%,1年累积复发率和NRM分别为9.3%和22.0%。", "en": "To investigate the efficacy, safety and the risk factors affecting prognosis of high-risk acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients treated by cladribine-based intensified conditioning regimen.The clinical data of 28 patients with high-risk AML treated by cladribine in combination with busulfan plus cyclophosphamide (BuCy) intensified conditioning regimen before allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) in Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University from October 2016 to June 2020 were analyzed retrospectively.The overall survival (OS) rate, cumulative progression-free survival (PFS) rate, relapse rate, non-relapse mortality (NRM), regimen related toxicity (RRT) and risk factors affecting prognosis of the patients were analyzed.The 1-year OS and PFS of the patients after implantation was (78.8±8.6)% and (79.8±8.1)%, while the 1-year cumulative relapse rate and NRM of the patients was 9.3% and 22.0%, respectively."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "探究血型系统与病原微生物之间的作用及其分子机制可为人类相关疾病的治疗及疫苗研发提供科学依据。", "en": "By exploring the molecular mechanism between the blood group system and pathogenic microorganisms, it can provide a scientific basis for the treatment of human related diseases and the development of vaccines."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "第1类术式是通过物理切割分离脂肪,包括负压辅助吸脂术(suction-assisted liposuction,SAL)、动力辅助吸脂术(power-assisted liposuction,PAL)和水动力辅助吸脂术 (water-assisted liposuction,WAL)。", "en": "The first type relies on physical cutting to separate fat, including suction-assisted liposuction (SAL), power-assisted liposuction (PAL), and water-assisted liposuction (WAL)."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "全面阅读并总结近年国内外关于 TKA 及 THA 的 PBM 措施的进展,结合四川大学华西医院临床实践经验,从优化造血、减少失血和输血三方面深入评价并分析各种措施的优劣,为临床选择提供依据。", "en": "Recent researches on PBM for TKA and THA were comprehensively read and summarized.Then the advantages and disadvantages of various measures together with the clinical experience of West China Hospital of Sichuan University were evaluated from three aspects, including optimizing hematopoiesis, reducing blood loss and blood transfusion, which could provide a basis for clinical selection."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "研究过程涉及以下方面:初期组织校长和老师参加集会,介绍本研究的内容和干预措施的主要概念;在起始阶段组织乌干达团队对4Rs和2Ss相关内容进行了整体学习;邀请社区利益相关者积极参与并针对干预措施的内容和文化相关性提供更多的反馈;指导手册的最终修订版;收集儿童的绘画作品,以供编辑手册时使用。", "en": "The process involved: initial meetings with headteachers and teachers to introduce the study and the main concepts of the intervention; initial manual review focusing on 4Rs and 2Ss content by the Uganda team; engagement of community stakeholders for additional feedback on content and cultural relevance; final revision of the manual; and collection of children's drawings for the illustration of the manual."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "然而, 通过广泛的审查策略, 我们有可能获得SSA眼科培训宝贵而详细的全貌。", "en": "However, through a broad scoping review strategy it has been possible to obtain a valuable and detailed view of ophthalmology training in SSA."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "脂肪抽吸术能有效改善局部脂肪堆积,但仍存在一定局限性。", "en": "Liposuction can effectively reduce local fat accumulation, but it still has limitations."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "二线组患者治疗3、6、12个月后达MCyR率分别为87.95%、93.98%、93.98%,三线组分别为80.33%、88.52%、86.89%,均高于对照组的67.57%、64.86%、48.65%。", "en": "The rates of reaching MCyR at 3, 6, and 12 months after treatment in the second-line group were 87.95%, 93.98% and 93.98%, respectively, while those in the third-line group were 80.33%, 88.52% and 86.89%, which were higher than those of the control group of 67.57%, 64.86% and 48.65%."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "目前用于 TKA 及 THA 的 PBM 方式较多,其中优化造血主要包括围术期应用铁剂及促红细胞生成素;减少失血措施包括使用止血带、术中进行控制性降压及围术期应用抗纤溶药物;自体输血主要包括预存自体输血、血液稀释法自体输血以及术中自体血液回输;而异体输血则为治疗贫血的最终手段。", "en": "There are many PBM methods in TKA and THA, among which the optimization of hematopoiesis mainly includes the application of perioperative iron and erythropoietin.Measures to reduce bleeding include the use of tourniquet, intraoperative controlled hypotension, and perioperative antifibrinolytic agents.Autologous blood transfusion includes preoperative autologous blood donation, hemodilution and cell salvage.Allogeneic blood transfusion is the ultimate treatment for anemia."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "此外,家庭成员间的紧密联系预示了面对压力挫折时的调适不良情况的降低,这反过来又预示了积极的健康结果水平更高和不良的健康结果偏少。", "en": "Furthermore, family connectedness predicted lower maladaptive coping, which, in turn, predicted higher levels of positive health outcomes and fewer negative health outcomes."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "眼压受到的影响不一, 可能会降低或升高, 或从一开始的眼压情况迅速转变为另一种。", "en": "Eye pressure is variably affected and can be low or high or start as one and rapidly change to the other."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "而且, 在产生和评估国际证据基础的各个阶段, 似乎仍然有强烈的西方白人眼光。现有指南还意味着在指南开发过程中未咨询18岁以下的青年。", "en": "Moreover, there still appears to be a strong white Western lens across all stages of producing and evaluating the international evidence base.The available documentation also suggested that no young people under the age of 18 had been consulted in the guideline development processes."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "共检出病原菌90株,其中革兰阴性杆菌占33.3%(30/90),革兰阳性球菌占23.3%(21/90),真菌占23.3%(21/90),病毒占20.0%(18/90)。", "en": "A total of 90 strains of pathogenic bacteria were detected, of which 33.4% (30/90) were gram-negative bacilli, 23.3% (21/90) were gram-positive cocci, 23.3% (21/90) were fungi, and 20.0% (18/90) were viruses."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "更具体地说,父母的积极培养孩子应对策略方面的建议预测了孩子情绪调节方面的适应性,而父母缺乏对孩童应对能力的培养则预测了孩子在情绪调节方面的不良调适能力。", "en": "More specifically, parental engagement coping suggestions predicted child's adaptive emotion regulation, whereas parental disengagement coping suggestions predicted child's maladaptive emotion regulation."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "此研究的数据来自1774名10至17岁的新西兰青少年,他们一年一次完成3次自我报告问卷调查。", "en": "Data were obtained from 1,774 New Zealand adolescents aged 10-17 years, who completed a self-report survey three times at one-year intervals."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本文研究的是收入,社会支持,家庭功能三者之间的关系,也研究社会支持对家庭功能结果的调和作用。研究对象为参加关系教育的856对低收入伴侣,来自多种族。", "en": "We examined the relationship between income, social support, and family functioning for low-income, ethnically diverse couples (N = 856) who attended RE, as well as the mediating effects of social support on family functioning outcomes."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "结果表明,裂纹的存在会引发局部应力集中进而增大斑块破裂风险。", "en": "The results show that the existence of crack can lead to local stress concentration, which increases the risk of plaque rupture."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本文描述了原有干预措施和调整后的干预方案在内容方面以及实施方法上的异同。", "en": "This paper describes both similarities and differences between the original and adapted intervention content and methods of delivery."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "51例患者中,男29例,女22例,随访至2019年12月,死亡21例,存活30例。", "en": "Fifty-one patients included 29 males and 22 females.Followed up to December 2019, 21 cases died and 30 cases survived."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "成人朗格汉斯组织细胞增多症患者的临床实验特征以及影响预后的因素分析. 观察分析成人朗格汉斯组织细胞增生症(LCH)患者的临床实验特征及预后因素. 回顾性分析2010年1月至2019年8月就诊于本院且经组织病理学确诊的成人LCH患者38例的临床特征和实验室检查特征,并对患者的临床预后进行深入分析. 38例LCH患者中位年龄为41(21-65岁)岁,男女比约为2∶1。", "en": "To observe the clinical and laboratory characteristics of adult Langerhans cell histiocytosis(LCH) patients and to analyze the influencing factors of its prognosis.The clinical and laboratory charac-teristics of 38 adult LCH patients treated in our hospital from January 2010 to August 2019 were retrospective analyzed, and the clinical prognosis of the patients was analyzed.The median age of 38 patients was 41 (21-65) years old, and the ratio of male and female was about 2∶1."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "迄今为止,少有文献阐述MEG-BCI涉及的关键技术问题,为此本文聚焦MEG-BCI关键技术,详述了实用MEG-BCI系统中涉及的信号采集技术、MEG-BCI实验范式设计、MEG信号分析和解码关键技术、MEG-BCI神经反馈技术及其智能化方法。", "en": "So far, few documents have elaborated the key technical issues involved in MEG-BCI.Therefore, this paper focuses on the key technologies of MEG-BCI, and details the signal acquisition technology involved in the practical MEG-BCI system, the design of the MEG-BCI experimental paradigm, the MEG signal analysis and decoding key technology, MEG-BCI neurofeedback technology and its intelligent method."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "线性回归模型被广泛应用于精神卫生和卫生服 务相关研究。", "en": "Linear regression models are widely used in mental health and related health services research."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "家庭成员间的紧密联系对青少年的幸福有着重要的影响,有助于他们的身体、心理和社会健康。", "en": "Family connectedness has important implications for adolescents' well-being, contributing to their physical, psychological, and social health."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本研究综述了针对非主流的边缘化男性群体所采取的相关临床措施,包括筛查、培训和可能采用的治疗性干预方法。", "en": "Clinical implications relevant to marginalized men are reviewed, including screening, training, and potential therapeutic interventions."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "肺泡蛋白沉积症(PAP)是一种呼吸系统罕见病,研究进展缓慢。", "en": "Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is a rare respiratory disease, but this disease has slow research progress."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "现有的培训机构面临着合适的选择、能力和资金方面的挑战。", "en": "There are challenges in appropriate selection, capacity, and funding of available training institutions."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "现代培训方法提供了很多机会。", "en": "There are opportunities provided by modern training approaches."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本项研究结果强调了家长的SOC的重要性,因为它有可能提高5至12岁儿童的情绪调节能力。", "en": "Results highlight the importance of parent SOC as potentially contributing to emotion regulation abilities of 5- to 12-year-olds."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "在此基础上,借助实时气象数据,对城市广场空间不同时段进行了风场模拟及空气质量评价。", "en": "With real-time meteorological data, wind field simulation and air quality evaluation were carried out for different periods of urban square space."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "植被光合过程中光电效应是NAI产生的重要来源和影响因素,但光电效应极其微弱而难以直接监测,而植物电信号是间接反映光电效应的重要指标,以往研究多侧重在不同森林群落中NAI的时空变化特征及其与气象因素的关系,目前关于NAI与植物电信号的研究较少。", "en": "The photoelectric effect is an important source and influencing factor for the generation of NAI during photosynthesis, but the photoelectric effect is extremely weak and difficult to monitor.Plant electrical signal is an important indicator that indirectly reflects photoelectric effect.Previous studies mostly focused on the spatiotemporal variation of NAI in different forest communities and its relationship with meteorological factors.At present, there is little research on NAI and plant electrical signal."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "【中文题目:非小细胞肺癌新辅助免疫治疗的研究进展、获益人群、治疗周期和疗效预测】 【中文摘要:免疫检查点抑制剂(immune checkpoint inhibitors, ICIs)的出现极大程度上改变了非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell lung cancer, NSCLC)患者的治疗前景,术前新辅助免疫治疗方案作为一种有效、安全的治疗方案逐渐受到重视。", "en": "The emergence of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) has dramatically changed the therapeutic outlook for patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).Preoperative neoadjuvant immunotherapy has been paid more and more attention as an effective and safe treatment."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "两组组内手术前后HKA比较,差异均有统计学意义( <i>P</i><0.05);手术前后LDTA比较,差异均无统计学意义( <i>P</i>>0.05)。", "en": "The difference in HKA between pre- and post-operation in the two groups was significant ( <i>P</i><0.05); while the difference in LDTA was not significant ( <i>P</i>>0.05)."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "进一步分析发现,除多系统受累与危险器官受累为不良预后因素外,初诊时外周血单核细胞增多以及铁蛋白升高与较差的预后显著相关. 多系统受累与危险器官受累、初诊时外周血单核细胞增多以及铁蛋白升高是成人LCH患者重要的预后不良因素。", "en": "Further analysis showed that in addition to multiple-system involvement and risk-organ involvement, the increase of peripheral blood monocyte cells and the increase of ferritin protein were also associated with poorer prognosis of the patients.The multiple system involve-ment and risk-organ involvement, the increasing of monocyte cells and the increasing of ferritin protein were the independent risk factors of adult LCH patients."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "PTSD 症状和复杂性创伤症状的严重程度综合在一起解释了 13% 到 40% 的 IPV 结果,而且每种结果都与某些类型的自报 的IPV 受害和暴力实施频率和严重程度有独特的关联性。", "en": "PTSD symptoms and complex trauma symptom severity together explained between 13% and 40% of IPV outcomes, and each was uniquely associated with certain types of self-reported IPV victimization and perpetration frequency and severity."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "结合针灸针材料特性、新兴连接技术与注塑工艺,并经过力学测试,研制一种通过靠近即可与针灸针连接、外型规则、制作工艺简单的新型电针仪磁力接头。", "en": "Combined with the material characteristics of acupuncture needle, new connection technology and injection moulding technology, and through mechanical test, a new type of magnetic joint for electroacupuncture instrument, with regular appearance and simple manufacturing process, is developed, which can be connected with acupuncture needle in close range."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "临床实践指南, 如关注于创伤性应激治疗的指南, 可以在提升包容性和公平性方面发挥重要作用。", "en": "Clinical practice guidelines, such as those focusing on traumatic stress treatment, can play an important role in promoting inclusion and equity."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本文简述了系统发育研究的目的和系统发育树的构建方法,阐述了距离法、最大简约法、最大似然法、贝叶斯法等常用系统发育重建方法的优缺点和适用范围,并重点回顾了系统动力学和系统地理学方法在国内外研究中的应用及主要流行病学参数的估计方法,通过综述也发现,病毒基因组数据建立的带有时间和地点注释的系统发育树越来越多地用于传染病疫情暴发调查和常规监测。", "en": "In this study, we described the aim of phylogeny and the process of the phylogenetic construction method.We elaborated the advantages and disadvantages and scope of application of tree-building methods including distance-based, maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and bayesian methods.We have reviewed the application and the estimation methods of major epidemiological parameters of phylodynamics and phylogeography in domestic and foreign studies.We concluded that the time- and location-scaled phylogenetic trees are increasingly used for outbreak investigation and routine surveillance of infectious diseases."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "抗肿瘤治疗、年龄、激素水平变化等因素导致的乳腺癌患者心血管、骨健康、心理健康等问题,已成为乳腺癌患者管理的新难题,其不仅影响患者的生活质量,甚至转化为疾病复发和死亡风险。", "en": "Health issues on cardiovascular system, bone density, blood lipid and psychology caused by anti-cancer treatment, senescence or changes in hormone levels have become new challenges in the management of patients with breast cancer, not only affecting the life quality, but also impacting disease recurrence and death."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "p.Gly276Glu蛋白质模型分析显示,Glu侧链延长,分子量变大,这将增加它与周围氨基酸之间的空间位阻,影响FⅤ蛋白的正常局部折叠,最终导致蛋白质活性和含量降低。", "en": "p.Gly276Glu protein model analysis showed that, the Glu side chain was prolonged and the molecular weight became larger, which would increase the steric hindrance between it and the surrounding amino acids, affect the normal local folding of the FⅤ protein, and eventually lead to the decrease of protein activity and content."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "三组的皮疹、眼睑水肿、腹泻、血小板减少、白细胞减少和中性粒细胞减少发生率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。", "en": "There was no significant difference in the incidence of rash, eyelid edema, diarrhea, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia and neutropenia in the three groups (P>0.05)."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "解决该问题的方法之一是采用不要求数据 为正态分布的半参数模型。", "en": "One method of dealing with this problem is to use semi-parametric models, which do not require that the data be normally distributed."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "结果表明,不管男性和女性,某一方本人的依恋行为减轻了父母和朋友的不同意对他们自我报告的关系质量的影响。", "en": "Results indicated that one's own attachment behaviors moderate the effects of their own parents' and friends' disapproval on their self-reported relationship quality for both men and women."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "但是社会支持并不是家庭功能变化的重要调节因素。", "en": "However, social support was not a significant mediator of change in family functioning."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "测量个性化定位组术前胫骨冠状位近、远端解剖轴形成的侧弓角(tibial bowing angle,TBA)并对胫骨轴线分型,分析个性化定位点位置分布规律。", "en": "The preoperative tibial bowing angle (TBA) formed by the proximal and distal tibial coronal anatomical axes in the personalized positioning group was measured and the tibia axis was classified, and the distribution of personalized positioning point was analyzed."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "ASO 患者 14 例,病程 1.5~23.4 个月,平均 10.8 个月;Fontaine Ⅳ期、Rutherford Ⅲ~Ⅳ期。", "en": "There were 14 patients with ASO (Fontaine stage Ⅳ and Rutherford stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ) with an average disease duration of 10.8 months (range, 1.5-23.4 months)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "含利妥昔单抗化疗方案治疗弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤致急性肺损伤患者26例临床分析. 通过总结分析弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤(DLBCL)患者应用含利妥昔单抗化疗方案后出现急性肺损伤的临床特点、治疗及预后,提高对该病的认识并指导临床治疗。", "en": "To summarize and analyze the clinical characteristics, treatment and prognosis of acute lung injury in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) after chemotherapy with rituximab chemotherapy, so as to improve the understanding of the disease and guide the clinical treatment."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本研究丰富了我们对于和父亲同住这个因素对婚姻关系的作用的认知,并能指导基于特定文化的多维度干预方式的未来发展。", "en": "This study enriches our understanding of the effect of patrilineal coresidence and can guide the future development of interventions based on culturally specific multidimensional approaches."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "三组患者主要非血液不良反应中恶心呕吐发生率、血液学不良反应中1~2级贫血发生率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。", "en": "The incidence of nausea and vomiting among the three main non-hematological adverse reactions, and the incidence of grade 1~2 anemia among the hematological adverse reactions were statistically significant (P<0.05)."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "李-佛美尼综合症是一种遗传性的疾病,大概一生中有90%的患癌几率,它要求家庭成员终身接受综合性癌症筛查。", "en": "Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS) is a hereditary disorder that confers an approximately 90% lifetime risk of cancer and requires comprehensive lifetime cancer screening."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本文采用虚拟和实际数据来阐述这个非常有用的处理 离散值的回归方法,并与采用经典回归模型和半参数 回归模型所得出的结果进行比较。", "en": "This paper uses simulated and real data to illustrate this useful regression approach for dealing with outliers and compares it to the results generated using classical regression models and semi-parametric regression models."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "较高的 ACE 分数预测了几乎所有类型的自报 的较高IPV 犯罪率和较高的受害比例。", "en": "Higher ACE scores predicted increased rates for nearly all types of self-reported IPV perpetration and victimization."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "ROC曲线结果表明,CTGF表达水平对于MM骨病的诊断有显著的价值(P<0.001)。", "en": "ROC curve result showed that CTGF expression level shows a significant diagnostic value for MM bone disease (P<0.001)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "免疫检查点抑制剂相关糖尿病是一种并不少见,但可以危及生命的内分泌系统不良反应,需要医生提高警惕。", "en": "Diabetes mellitus associated with ICIs is an uncommon but potentially life-threatening endocrine system adverse event, which requires doctors to be vigilant."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "探讨并分析多发性骨髓瘤(MM)患者在硼替佐米化疗期间发生带状疱疹的危险因素。", "en": "To explore and analyze the risk factors of herpes zoster in patients with multiple myeloma (MM) during the chemotherapy with bortezomib."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "家庭成员描述了健康领袖的作用在家庭内如何实现的,还有孩子的成熟,某家庭成员的去世等因素,这些因素都决定了谁承担了什么角色,这些角色在一段时间范围内如何发生变化。", "en": "Family members described how the role of health leader was implemented in their family, as well as factors such as maturation of a child or death of a member that determined who assumed particular roles and how these roles shifted over time."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "马拉松运动导致的骨肌系统损伤十分常见,骨肌损伤的影像学研究可以为马拉松运动员的健康保障提供科学的数据支撑。", "en": "Marathon-related musculoskeletal injuries are very common.The imaging research of musculoskeletal injuries may provide scientific support for the health protection of marathon athletes."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "低收入伴侣的关系教育(RE)干预的结果有好也有坏。", "en": "Results are mixed for relationship education (RE) interventions with low-income couples."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "由于尚无16号外显子FⅤ的X射线3D结构文件,本研究无法对p.Ser1781Arg突变蛋白进行空间结构分析. 在本研究中鉴定的新型复合杂合突变(p.Gly276Glu和p.Ser1781Arg)是该家系FⅤ水平下降的主要原因,其中p.Ser1781Arg国内外鲜见报道。", "en": "This paper can not provide analysis of the spatial structure of p.Ser1781Arg mutant protein because of the lack of X ray 3 D structure file of FⅤ exon 16.The new compound heterozygous mutations (p.Gly276Glu and p.Ser1781Arg) identified in this study are the main reasons for the decrease in the FⅤ level of the family, among which p.Ser1781Arg is rarely reported at home and abroad."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "基于以上原因,本研究调查了IPV的发生频率和严重程度(心理、身体、伤害)与ACES、PTSD、创伤症状学(与PTSD区别开来),还有觉知的自我效能之间的相互关联。样本来自67个有色人种的男子,他们大多数属于低收入,正在参与虐妻行为干预计划。", "en": "Therefore, the relationships between IPV frequency and severity (psychological, physical, injury) and ACEs, PTSD, trauma symptomology (separate from PTSD), and mindfulness self-efficacy were examined in a sample of 67 predominantly low-income men of color in a batterer intervention program."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "初级卫生保健体系的支持对于在截止 2030 年的十年中实现 UHC 至关重要。", "en": "Support from primary health-care systems is critical for progress towards UHC in the decade to 2030."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "肾也是病毒攻击的主要器官之一,病毒通过血管紧张素转换酶2(ACE2)直接损伤肾小管,并引起细胞因子风暴导致肾损伤,增加患者的死亡风险。", "en": "The kidney is also one of the main organs attacked by viruses, which directly damage the renal tubules through angiotensin converting enzyme-2 and cause cytokine storm, resulting in kidney damage and increasing the risk of death in the patients."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本文根据国内外研究进展和作者临床经验,就脑肠菌群轴在慢性便秘的临床意义进行阐述。", "en": "Based on the global research progress and our clinical experience, this article expounds the clinical significance of the brain-gut microbiota axis in chronic constipation."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "牙外伤、牙髓的慢性炎症、活髓切断术和牙再植术等多种因素均可诱导牙根内吸收的发生。", "en": "Various factors including trauma, chronic inflammation of the pulp, pulpotomy and tooth transplantation have been proposed for the occurrence of internal root resorption."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我们国家, 地区和全球专业协会在 (继续) 促进这一领域的对话和行动方面处于优势地位。", "en": "Our national, regional and global professional associations are in an excellent position to (continue to) stimulate conversation and action in this domain."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "该发现支持的结论是伴侣双方的依恋行为有缓冲作用,即对来自社会网络成员的不同意对伴侣关系结果的负面影响方面能发挥作用。", "en": "The findings provide evidence that attachment behaviors of both partners play a role in buffering the negative effects of the social network disapproval on relationship outcomes."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "脑肠菌群轴在功能性胃肠疾病中的作用逐渐受到关注,根据罗马便秘Ⅳ诊断标准,将功能性胃肠疾病归类于脑肠功能互动异常,该概念的提出对功能性胃肠疾病诊疗模式的改变具有重要意义。", "en": "The role of the brain-gut microbiota axis in functional gastrointestinal diseases has been gradually recognized.According to the ROME IV diagnostic criteria, functional gastrointestinal diseases are classified as diseases caused by abnormal brain-gut interaction.This concept is of great significance to the change of diagnosis and treatment paradigm of functional gastrointestinal diseases."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "他们通常会表达集体性的共同责任,帮助亲戚理解LFS症和实施合适的癌症风险管理。", "en": "They often expressed collective responsibility for helping relatives understand LFS and implement appropriate cancer risk management."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我们的研究结果提供了健康医疗供给方的看法,主要是关于LFS病人和他们的亲戚如何作出特殊的医疗决策和发挥照料者的角色,这些都深受LFS遗传性特性的影响,和这些角色如何随着时间而发生变化。", "en": "Our findings provide insight into healthcare providers regarding how LFS patients and their relatives develop unique medical decision-making and caring roles influenced by the hereditary nature of LFS, and how these roles change over time."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "中国作为一个马拉松运动参与人员众多的国家,应该加强相关的影像学研究,为马拉松运动爱好者及专业运动员提供更多的健康保障。", "en": "As a country with a large number of marathon participants, China should strengthen relevant imaging studies to provide more health protection for marathon enthusiasts and professional athletes."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "其中术前应用促红细胞生成素联合铁剂进行血液动员,术中控制性降压减少失血,再结合多模式氨甲环酸的应用可以取得满意效果。", "en": "The application of erythropoietin combined with iron therapy for blood mobilization before surgery together with intraoperative controlled hypotension for bleeding control and the multiple use of tranexamic acid can achieve satisfactory clinical results."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "土壤水分是重要的水文参数,也是水循环、气候变化等研究的基本要素。", "en": "Soil moisture is an important hydrological parameter and a basic element for research in water cycle and climate change."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "慢性便秘是最为常见的功能性胃肠疾病之一,其发病机制与肠道菌群失衡、肠神经系统及脑神经递质异常密切相关,且互为因果,恶性循环。", "en": "Chronic constipation is the most common functional gastrointestinal disease.The pathogenesis of chronic constipation is closely related to the imbalance of intestinal flora, the abnormality of enteric nervous system and neurotransmitter in brain."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "故进一步明确宿主<i>NAT2</i>基因型及其表型多态性、血浆异烟肼浓度和不良反应的相关性有助于提高疗效和将不良反应减少到最低程度。", "en": "Therefore, further clarification of the correlation between the host <i>NAT2</i> genotype and its phenotypic polymorphisms, plasma isoniazid concentration and adverse effects can help to improve the efficacy and minimize the adverse effects."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "狼疮抗凝物是发生静脉血栓栓塞症的危险因素之一,在静脉血栓栓塞症患者中检测狼疮抗凝物,对治疗方案抉择和疗效预后判断等方面具有重要意义。", "en": "Lupus anticoagulant is one of the risk factors for venous thromboembolism, and the detection of lupus anticoagulant in patients with venous thromboembolism is important for the choice of treatment options and prognosis of treatment."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "结果表明在未来开发设计的干预措施应该着眼于低收入伴侣的需求,那些治疗低收入伴侣的医师也都要有准备去处理更高水平的关系紧张程度,导致他们生活环境紧张的多重因素,而这些是平日治疗更富足的伴侣时不常见的。", "en": "Results suggest that future interventions designed to target low-income couples, as well as practitioners working with low-income couples, should be prepared to handle higher levels of relationship distress and contextual stressors than they may typically see in more affluent couples."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "2例患者均为老年女性,1例在使用程序性死亡受体-配体1(programmed cell death-Ligand 1, PD-L1)单抗7个月后出现血糖增高,1例在使用PD-1单抗6周后出现糖尿病酮症酸中毒。", "en": "Two patients were both elderly women, case 1 had increased blood glucose after 7 months of using Durvalumab, and cases 2 had diabetic ketoacidosis after 6 weeks of using Pembrolizumab."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "骨肉瘤是最常见的骨恶性肿瘤。", "en": "Osteosarcoma is the most common malignant tumors of bone."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "DBDs 可以持续到成年期,带来诸多不良后果。", "en": "DBDs can persist through adulthood and result in negative outcomes."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "与初诊组相比,缓解组二甲基硫醚、甲苯和十二烷明显减少,乙醇、正己烷和苯甲醛明显增加(P<0.05),而复发组的VOC与缓解组正好相反. 二甲基硫醚、甲苯、十二烷、乙醇、苯甲醛和正己烷可作为APL诊断和病情评估的生物标记物。", "en": "Compared with the newly-diagnosed group, dimethylsulfide, toluene, and dodecane of the remission group significantly decreased, while ethanol, n-hexanal, and benzaldehyde significantly increased (P<0.05), which was just opposite from the relapse group.Dimethyl sulfide, toluene, dodecane, ethanol, n-hexanal, and benzaldehyde can be used as biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis assessment of APL patients."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "脑磁图(MEG)测量神经元电活动产生的磁场,具有非接触式测量、时空分辨率高和准备方便等独特优势,是一种新的BCI驱动信号,基于脑磁图的脑机交互(MEG-BCI)研究具有重要脑科学意义和潜在应用价值。", "en": "Magnetoencephalogram (MEG) measures the magnetic field generated by the electrical activity of neurons.It has the unique advantages of non-contact measurement, high temporal and spatial resolution, and convenient preparation.It is a new BCI driving signal.MEG-BCI research has important brain science significance and potential application value."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "回顾性分析济南市第二妇幼保健院2008年1月-2015年12月收治119例10-18岁新诊断ALL患者的临床资料, 包括基线临床特征、诱导治疗缓解效果、远期疗效、复发及死亡情况, 并对临床预后影响因素进行单因素和多因素评价。", "en": "The clinical data including baseline clinical characteristics, induction chemotherapy effect, long-term clinical efficacy, recurrence rate and mortality of induction therapy of 119 newly diagnosed ALL patients aged between 10-18 years old from January 2008 to December 2015 were analyzed retrospectively, and the influencing factors of clinical prognosis were evaluated by univariate and multivariate analysis."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "为了促进包容性和公平性, 我们建议了未来国家指南制定工作的五个要素。", "en": "To contribute to inclusion and equity, we suggest five elements for future national guideline development endeavours."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "术后出院时患者对手术结局满意度评分为(84.7±11.4)分。", "en": "At discharge after operation, the patient's satisfaction with the outcome of the operation was scored 84.7±11.4."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本研究的结果表明,家庭成员的紧密联系对青少年健康有积极影响,它是通过增加使用适应性应对策略,减少使用应对压力挫折时的不良调适策略,或两者兼而有之。", "en": "Results showed that the positive effect of family connectedness on adolescents' health occurred through increased use of adaptive coping strategies, decreased use of maladaptive coping strategies, or both."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "11例经过4疗程化疗的患者治疗后FF值升高,骨髓瘤细胞百分比、β2-微球蛋白浓度、M蛋白降低,治疗前后的差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。", "en": "After treatment, FF value increased, while myeloma cell percentage, β2-microglobulin concentration and M protein decreased in 11 patients who completed 4 cycles of chemotherapy, and the differences before and after treatment were statistically significant (P<0.05)."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "通过建立B、C组各时间点的Fisher判别模型缩小推断死亡时间窗口,B组中训练集及测试集的预测准确率均为100.0%,训练集的内部交叉验证准确率为100.0%;C组中训练集及测试集的预测准确率分别为95.2%、78.6%,训练集的内部交叉验证准确率为88.1%。", "en": "The Fisher discriminant model at each time point of group B and C was established to narrow the time window of postmortem interval estimation.The prediction accuracy of the training set and test set were all 100.0%, and the internal cross-validation accuracy of the training set was 100.0% in group B.The prediction accuracy of the training set and test set were respectively 95.2% and 78.6% in group C, and the internal cross-validation of the training set was 88.1%."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我们报道2例免疫检查点抑制剂相关糖尿病病例。", "en": "We report 2 cases of diabetes mellitus associated with ICIs."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "在斑块生物力学的研究中,基于疲劳断裂破坏理论的研究相对较少,而且大部分相关研究主要关注的是裂纹从萌生直至斑块破裂的整个疲劳扩展过程,而对疲劳扩展过程中某一时刻下裂纹对斑块破裂的影响的研究较少。", "en": "In the study of plaque biomechanics, there are relatively few studies based on fatigue fracture failure theory, and most of them mainly focus on the whole fatigue propagation process from crack initiation to plaque rupture, while there are few studies on the influence of crack on plaque rupture at a certain time in the process of fatigue propagation."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "通过对美国疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)统计报告中提及的美国456家生育诊所官方网站进行调查,结果显示美国456家生殖诊所中有111家推荐和使用针灸疗法,占24.3%。", "en": "According to the survey on the 456 websites of assisted reproductive clinic in the United States mentioned in the report of U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 111 clinics among 456 assisted reproductive clinics recommend and used acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, accounting for 24.3%."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "在对14项明确提及儿童的国际创伤治疗指导文件综述的基础上, 我们对这些指南可以变得更具包容性和公平性的两个领域进行了反思; a) 儿童文化背景的体现, b) 儿童表达其声音的机会。", "en": "Based on a review of 14 international trauma treatment guidance documents that explicitly mentioned children, we reflect on two areas in which these guidelines can become more inclusive and equitable; a) representation of children's cultural background and b) children's opportunity to have their voice heard."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "2015 年 1 月—2018 年 12 月收治 63 例 Kümmell 病患者,其中 28 例采用 Vesselplasty 治疗(Vesselplasty 组),35 例采用 PKP 治疗(PKP 组)。", "en": "Between January 2015 and December 2018, 63 patients with Kümmell disease were treated.Among them, 28 cases were treated with Vesselplasty (Vesselplasty group) and 35 cases were treated with PKP (PKP group)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "比较各组患者治疗3、6、24个月的血液学、细胞遗传学和分子学反应。", "en": "The hematological, genetic and molecular responses of each group were compared for 3, 6, and 24 months of treatment."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "细胞焦亡作为一种新型的细胞死亡方式广泛参与呼吸系统的疾病,如肺纤维化、急性肺损伤/呼吸窘迫综合征、支气管发育不良、慢性阻塞性肺疾病和哮喘等。", "en": "As a new type of cell death, it is widely involved in respiratory diseases, such as pulmonary fibrosis, acute lung injury, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本文聚焦区组随机、分层随机、整群随机、样本量分配、分配隐藏和盲法等随机化过程的关键环节,阐述了两阶段患者偏好随机法应用于热敏灸社区实效性随机对照试验的优缺点和技术细节,有利于提高研究的证据质量、可重复性和不同研究间的方法学同质性。", "en": "Focusing on the key links of randomization, e.g. block randomization, stratified randomization, cluster randomization, sample size allocation, allocation concealment and blinding, the paper elaborates the advantages, disadvantages and technical details of two-stage randomization with consideration of patient preference in pragmatic randomized controlled trials of heat-sensitive moxibustion in community.It facilitates improving the quality of evidence, reproducibility and methodological homogeneity among different trials."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "两个交叉-时滞模型表明,在怀孕中期至后期,婚内问题和与对方父母的冲突之间存在着双向关系。", "en": "The two cross-lagged models revealed the presence of a bidirectional relationship between marital distress and conflicts with parents-in-law during the mid- to late pregnancy stages."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "术后1、3、6个月乳头满意度评分分别为(15.6±2.2)、(18.5±1.4)、(19.3±0.7)分。", "en": "Nipple satisfaction scores at 1, 3, and 6 months after operation were 15.6±2.2, 18.5±1.4, 19.3±0.7, respectively."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本研究是一项长期性研究,考察了青少年认识的家庭成员间的紧密联系的过程,该过程预测了随着时间的推移,青少年有较多的积极健康行为和较少的消极健康行为。", "en": "The present longitudinal study examined the process by which family connectedness, as perceived by adolescents, predicted greater positive and fewer negative health behaviors in adolescents over time."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "使用二元调整量表和斯特赖克调整清单量表来评估婚姻关系以及与对方父母的冲突关系。", "en": "The Dyadic Adjustment Scale and Stryker Adjustment Checklist were used to assess marital relationships and conflicts with parents-in-law."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "进一步对该方法的灵敏度、特异性与线性范围等分析性能进行验证,结果显示同一反应体系中katG315的响应范围为1.0 pmol/L至0.1 nmol/L,rpoB531和rpsL43的响应范围为1.0 pmol/L至50.0 pmol/L和1.0 pmol/L至20.0 pmol/L,且该方法具有较好的特异度与灵敏度,在混合靶标中可精确识别单碱基突变,最低检出限低至1.0 pmol/L;在模拟血清样本的回收实验中,回收率可达95.0%~105.2%。", "en": "The sensitivity, specificity and linear range of this method were further verified.The results showed that the response range of katG315 in the same reaction system ranged from 1.0 pmol/L to 0.1 nmol/L.The response range of rpoB531 and rpsL43 ranged from 1.0 pmol/L to 50.0 pmol/L and 1.0 pmol/L to 20.0 pmol/L, and the method had good specificity and sensitivity, and could accurately identify single base mutations in mixed targets, with the minimum detection limit as low as 1.0 pmol/L.The recoveries of simulated serum samples were 95.0%-105.2%."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "超重肥胖已成为世界各国儿童青少年面临的重大公共卫生问题之一。", "en": "Overweight/obesity has become one of the major public health problems among children and adolescents all over the world."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "造血干细胞移植后血流感染的临床分析. 分析造血干细胞移植(HSCT)患者血流感染的临床特征. 回顾性分析2013年1月至2020年6月在我科行HSCT的910例患者的临床特征、发生血流感染的病原菌分布及药敏情况. 910例患者中,111例在移植后100 d内确诊血流感染,98例的血流感染发生在粒细胞缺乏(粒缺)期。", "en": "To analyze the clinical characteristics of bloodstream infection (BSI) in patients treated by hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT).The clinical characteristics, distribution of pathogenic bacteria causing BSI and drug sensitivity of 910 patients treated by HSCT in our department from January 2013 to June 2020 were retrospectively analyzed.Among 910 HSCT patients, 111 patients were diagnosed as BSI within 100 days after transplantation, and 98 patients showed BSI during the period of agranulocytosis."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "因此,建立有效通风的定量判定指标,并利用此指标对特定区域空气质量进行实时评价,引导居民选择健康的室外活动场所成为迫切需要解决的问题。", "en": "It is therefore critically needed to establish a quantitative determination index for effective ventilation, which can be used for real-time evaluation of air quality in specific areas, so as to guide residents to choose healthy outdoor activity places."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "这些研究发现揭示了代际冲突的交叉时滞关联性。", "en": "These findings shed light on cross-lagged associations with intergenerational conflicts."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "单系统受累患者10年总生存(OS)率为100%,显著优于多系统受累患者(70.1%)(P=0.0078)。", "en": "The 10-year overall survival rate of patients with single-system involvement was 100%, which was significantly higher than that of patients with multiple-system involvement (70.1%) (P=0.0078)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "STAT3抑制剂可以促进耐药白血病细胞凋亡并增加其对NK细胞的杀伤敏感性。", "en": "STAT3 inhibitors can promote the apoptosis of leukemia cells and increase their sensitivity to NK cells."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "青少年报告的凝聚力和冲突与六个青春期结果之间有特殊的家庭内部的关联。", "en": "Adolescent-reported cohesion and conflict had unique within-family associations with all six adolescent outcomes."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "中位随访时间为53个月,共5例患者死亡。", "en": "The median follow-up time was 53 months, and a total of 5 patients were died."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "还需要制定提升公平的融资方案,加强初级卫生保健管理的问责。", "en": "Devising equity-enhancing financing schemes and improving the accountability of primary health-care management is also needed."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "但是,传统研究方法侧重于家庭和家庭之间在凝聚力和冲突方面的差异,通常会忽略某个具体家庭内部的日常变异性,而后者可能会提供重要的新信息。", "en": "However, traditional approaches focusing on between-family differences in cohesion and conflict may overlook daily intrafamily variability that might provide important new information."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "目前临床常用的肾癌预后判断方法是以临床指标为主的预后预测模型。", "en": "Currently, the most used prognosis evaluation methods are clinical factors based prognostic prediction models."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "总结跟腱病的分类、诊断和临床治疗方案的研究进展。", "en": "To explore the classification, diagnosis, and clinical treatment of Achilles tendinopathy."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "2018年,长征沿线共有100个革命老区可作为生态补偿优先级地区,这与国家正在实施的国家重点生态功能区政策具有高度一致性。", "en": "In 2018, totally 100 old revolutionary base areas along the route of Long March were designated as the priority areas for ecological compensation, consistent with the national key eco-function zone policy."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "具体而言,创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)主导了该领域所研究的创伤症状的范围,限制了研究者对创伤的其他表现形式的理解,尤其是男子的创伤。", "en": "Specifically, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) dominates the field's scope of trauma symptoms under study, limiting understanding of other manifestations of trauma especially among men."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "猪粪的腐殖化系数(46.3%)显著低于牛粪(71.7%);猪粪在复垦30年的土壤中的腐殖化系数(44.5%)显著低于复垦1年和10年的土壤(47.2%);而牛粪在3种复垦年限土壤中的腐殖化系数无显著差异。", "en": "The humification coefficient of pig manure (average 46.3%) was lower than that of cattle manure (average 71.7%).The humification coefficient of pig manure was significantly lower in the 30-year reclaimed soil (44.5%) compared to the 1-year and 10-year reclaimed soil (average 47.2%).There was no significant difference in the humification coefficient of cattle manure among the three reclaimed soils."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "结果 根据蛋白质表达谱的变化和PLS-DA结果将死亡时间分为A组(0 d)、B组(1~9 d)、C组(12~30 d)。", "en": "Results According to the changes of protein expression profile, the postmortem interval was divided into group A (0 d), group B (1-9 d), group C (12-30 d) according to the result of PLS-DA."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "严重的工作意外伤害还涉及其他身体部位的损伤, 可能与吸入或吞入化学物质有关。", "en": "Major workplace accidents involve other parts of the body and can be associated with inhalation or ingestion of the chemical."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "参与者被要求在起始阶段和12个月时填写在线问卷,以供收集有关人口统计学信息,育儿行为和儿童情绪调节能力方面的数据。", "en": "Data on demographic information, parenting behaviors, and child emotion regulation abilities were collected via online questionnaires at baseline and 12 months."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "DKD发病机制复杂,足细胞损伤是DKD的核心事件,而氧化应激与DKD足细胞损伤密切相关。在DKD中氧化应激可通过多种途径介导足细胞凋亡和裂孔隔膜损伤。", "en": "Many studies have shown that podocyte injury is the core event of DKD, and oxidative stress is closely related to podocyte injury in DKD.Oxidative stress mediates podocyte apoptosis and slit diaphragm damage in DKD through various pathways."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "跟腱病的诊断和治疗复杂,需依据跟腱解剖学和病因学特点,进一步明确其分类和定义,以更有效指导临床治疗,方便经验交流与学习。", "en": "According to the characteristics of Achilles tendon anatomy and etiology, the classification and definition of Achilles tendinopathy need to be further studied in order to guide clinical treatment more effectively and facilitate experience exchange and learning."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "研究得出在凝聚力和冲突方面,每天都表现出有意义的变化。", "en": "Both cohesion and conflict exhibited meaningful daily variation."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "设计良好、执行规范、分析正确、解读恰当的临床试验,是决定乙型肝炎临床治愈新药能否研发成功的关键。", "en": "Clinical trials that are well-designed, standardized, analyzed, and interpreted are the key to the success of the research and development of a clinical cure for hepatitis B."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "面向低收入伴侣的关系干预措施要想有效且能对其需求有针对性回应,就需要描述类的数据,这些数据能反映这些伴侣自己如何看待他们关系出现的问题,以及和高收入的伴侣使用的代表性的干预措施比起来,他们如何评估他们自己的需要。", "en": "Developing interventions that are effective and responsive to the needs of low-income couples requires descriptive data on the challenges those couples perceive in their own relationships and an assessment of how their needs compare to the more affluent couples typically served by relationship interventions."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "眼科医生的培训是一项复杂而又多方面的任务。", "en": "Training of ophthalmologists is a complex and multi-faceted task."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本研究样本包括858对已婚夫妇,我们在SEM框架内使用行为者-伴侣相互依存模型来探究来自父母和朋友方面的不同意对自己和伴侣的婚姻关系质量的影响。", "en": "Using an actor-partner interdependence model in an SEM framework, we research the effects of disapproval from parents and friends for one's relationship on marital relationship quality for self and partner in a sample of 858 married couples."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "细胞迁移是指细胞朝着特定的化学浓度梯度发生定向迁移运动,其在胚胎发育、伤口愈合、肿瘤转移中发挥着至关重要的作用。", "en": "Cell migration is defined as the directional movement of cells toward a specific chemical concentration gradient, which plays a crucial role in embryo development, wound healing and tumor metastasis."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "最后,大多数研究的对象还尚未关注到有色人种,尽管一些种族/少数民族群体对IPV的接触率比较高。", "en": "Finally, most research has not focused on men of color, despite some racial/ethnic minority groups disproportionate rates of IPV exposure."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤应用含利妥昔单抗化疗方案后出现急性肺损伤早期无典型临床症状, 早期发现及早期激素治疗对取得良好治疗效果至关重要。", "en": "There are no typical clinical symptoms in the early stage of acute lung injury after rituximab chemotherapy in DLBCL.Early detection and early hormone therapy are very important to achieve good therapeutic effect."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "脑机交互(BCI)是一种变革性的人机交互,旨在绕过外周神经和肌肉系统直接把脑神经的感知觉、表象或思维活动转化为动作,以进一步改善或提高人类的生活质量。", "en": "Brain-computer interaction (BCI) is a transformative human-computer interaction, which aims to bypass the peripheral nerve and muscle system and directly convert the perception, imagery or thinking activities of cranial nerves into actions for further improving the quality of human life."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "家庭成员通过陪同一起去就医来给与支持以及信息搜集的方式来实现他们的健康作用。", "en": "Members demonstrated their health role by attending others' medical appointments for support or information gathering."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "测序技术的快速发展导致病原体基因数据急剧增加,将这些数据与系统发育分析方法相结合,可用于阐述病原体的起源和进化、流行过程中的时空分布、参数变化以及抗原、毒力、耐药性等表型特征变化规律、病原体传播趋势预测等。", "en": "The rapid development of sequencing technology brings the explosive growth of pathogen genetic data.The combination of genomic data and phylogenetic method is being used to elaborate the origin and evolution of pathogens, the time and space distribution and parameter changes in the prevalence process, and how phenotypes like antigen, virulence, and resistance change over time.This method is also being used to predict pathogen transmission trends."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "纵向性的结构方程模型(SEM)分析的结果表明,在基线测量的父母SOC预测了孩子12个月后测量到的在情绪调节方面的适应和调适不良的结果。", "en": "Results from longitudinal structural equation modeling (SEM) analyses suggested that parent SOC, measured at baseline, predicted child adaptive and maladaptive emotion regulation, measured 12 months later."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "与结构及功能相关的最终结果取决于致伤物、暴露时间、治疗手段及其干预的速度。", "en": "Final outcome related to structure and function is determined by the injurious agent, duration of exposure, nature of treatment and the rapidity with which it is instituted."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "所以在该地区对眼科医生的培训至关重要。", "en": "Training of ophthalmologists is critical."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "近年来,针对HBV生命周期的直接抗病毒药物及针对机体抗病毒应答的免疫调节药物进入研发活跃期。", "en": "In recent years, direct antiviral drugs for HBV life cycle and immunomodulatory drugs for antiviral response have entered an active stage of research and development."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "检索国内外与跟腱病相关的研究文献,主要对其分类及名称、影像学诊断和临床治疗方案等方面的研究成果进行总结。", "en": "The literature about Achilles tendinopathy at home and abroad was reviewed.The research results of classification and terms, imaging diagnosis, and clinical treatment of Achilles tendinopathy were summarized."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "二线组患者治疗3、6、12个月达MMR率分别为19.28%、33.72%、60.24%,三线组分别为11.48%、26.23%、49.18%,均高于对照组的0.00%、2.70%、0.00%;二线组治疗12个月达MMR率高于三线组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。", "en": "The rates of achieving MMR at 3, 6, and 12 months of treatment in the second-line group were 19.28%, 33.72% and 60.24%, respectively, and those in the third-line group were 11.48%, 26.23% and 49.18%, which were higher than those of the control group of 0.00%, 2.70% and 0.00%; The rate of reaching MMR within 12 months of treatment in the second-line group was higher than that of the third-line group, and the differences was statistically significant (P<0.05)."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "研究结果将为宁南山区植被恢复措施及生态系统功能稳定性的维持提供理论支持。", "en": "Our results could provide the theoretical foundation for vegetation restoration measures and the maintenance of ecosystem function stability in southern Ningxia."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "当前研究手段大多通量低,难以综合考虑不同浓度梯度条件对细胞迁移行为的影响。", "en": "However, current research methods showed low flux and are only suitable for single-factor assessment, and it was difficult to comprehensively consider the effects of other parameters such as different concentration gradients on cell migration behavior."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "伴随乳腺癌患者随诊随访期的延长,患者面临的肿瘤及相关其他健康问题也逐渐增加,需要制定更为精准而长远的随诊随访计划,关注更广泛的健康风险。", "en": "Accompanied by prolonged follow-up period, patients are facing increasing cancer and other related health issues, which calls for a more accurate and long-term follow-up plan and focus on broader health risks."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "土壤水分与降水和温度均具有较好的响应关系,随着土壤深度的增加相关性逐渐减弱,且土壤水分对降水的响应比对气温的响应更显著。", "en": "Soil moisture was closely correlated with precipitation and temperature, but the correlation got weaker gradually with the increase of soil depth.Soil moisture was more sensitive to precipitation than to temperature."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "为了提高下肢外骨骼机器人及其穿戴者行走的流畅性和人机相互协调性,本文提出了一种基于惯性传感器信号的下肢外骨骼穿戴者行走步速识别方法。", "en": "In order to improve the motion fluency and coordination of lower extremity exoskeleton robots and wearers, a pace recognition method of exoskeleton wearer is proposed base on inertial sensors."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "试验结果表明,本文提出的方法能够有效识别下肢外骨骼穿戴者的步速意图,七种步速模式识别率可达到92.14%。", "en": "The experimental results showed that the pace intention of the lower extremity exoskeleton wearer could be effectively identified by the method proposed in this article.And the recognition rate of the seven pace patterns could reach 92.14%."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "长征沿线革命老区普遍存在生态保护与社会经济发展的矛盾,生态补偿是解决这一矛盾的重要措施。", "en": "The conflict between ecological protection and socio-economic development in the old revolutionary base areas along the route of Long March can be addressed by ecological compensation."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "研究结果支持在成人健康方面的研究中较少得到代表的家庭成员,而不仅仅是亲密伴侣。", "en": "Findings support an underrepresentation of family members, other than the intimate partner, in research on adult health."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我们采用基因富集 (gene-set-rich) 分析方法对酒精依赖进行了基于通路的全基因组关联分析 (GWAS)。", "en": "We conducted a pathway-based genome-wide association study (GWAS) of alcohol dependence using a gene-set-rich analytic approach."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "达MMR组与非MMR组Sokal积分、服药依从性、血液学不良反应比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。", "en": "There were statistically significant differences in Sokal score, medication compliance, and hematological adverse reactions between the MMR group and the non-MMR group (P<0.05)."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "但是在乌干达这样的大多数非洲国家,相关的干预措施仍属罕见。", "en": "Yet, most African countries, such as Uganda, lack such interventions."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "初诊骨髓增生异常综合征患者感染的临床特征 及其与疗效的关系. 探讨骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS)患者感染的特点、重症感染的危险因素及其与疗效的关系. 回顾性分析2016年1月至2020年6月本院血液科病房收治的92例院内感染的初诊MDS患者临床资料. 92例初诊MDS患者共完成306个疗程,以第一疗程感染率最高(84.8%,78/92),后逐渐下降。", "en": "To explore the characteristics of infection in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), risk factors of serious infection, and their correlation with curative effect.The clinical data of 92 newly diagnosed MDS patients with nosocomial infection from January 2016 to June 2020 in our hospital were retrospectively analyzed.A total of 306 courses of treatment were completed in 92 newly diagnosed MDS patients.The infection rate was the highest in the first course of treatment (84.8%, 78/92), and then decreased gradually."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "其中,糖尿病足(diabetic foot,DF)患者 41 例,Wagner 3~4 级、Texas 2~3 级、B~D 期病变;病程 0.7~2.4 年,平均 1.5 年;合并下肢动脉硬化闭塞症(arteriosclerosis obliteran,ASO)5 例。", "en": "Among them, there were 41 patients with diabetic foot (DF), including Wagner grade 3-4, Texas grade 2-3, and stage B-D lesions; the disease duration ranged from 0.7 to 2.4 years, with an average of 1.5 years, and 5 cases complicated with arteriosclerosis obliteran (ASO)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "斑块裂尖SIF与血压呈线性正相关,而与纤维帽厚度和脂质池刚度呈负相关。", "en": "The SIF at the crack tip in the plaque was positively correlated with blood pressure, but negatively correlated with fibrous cap thickness and lipid pool stiffness."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "总而言之,这项研究提供了令人信服的证据,表明家庭生活每天都会表现出有意义的差异性,而且每日的差异都会对青少年的幸福感具有重要的影响。", "en": "In sum, this study provides compelling evidence that families exhibit meaningful variability from day to day and that daily variation has important implications for adolescent well-being."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "它主要关注移民后应激源的影响 (包括庇护过程的时长和停留时间, 居住状态和社会融合) 以及它们对创伤后压力障碍, 焦虑和抑郁的影响。", "en": "It focuses on the effects of post-settlement stressors (including length of asylum process and duration of stay, residency status and social integration) and their impact upon post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "另外,很少有研究关注基于ACE框架的可能性保护因素,例如临床人群的觉知行为。", "en": "Also, few studies examine potential protective factors grounded in the ACE framework, such as mindfulness, among clinical populations."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "补偿策略上,一是立足于长征沿线革命老区特有资源,建立多元化、市场化以及综合的生态补偿机制,拓宽生态补偿资金来源;二是继续优化长征沿线革命老区生态补偿的空间选择方式,提高区域生态补偿机制效率。", "en": "As for the compensation strategy, it is necessary to put in place a diversified, market-oriented and comprehensive ecological compensation mechanism to increase the sources of ecological compensation funds at first.Then, efforts should be continued to optimize the spatial selection of ecological compensation in the old revolutionary base areas along the route of Long March and to improve the efficiency of regional ecological compensation mechanism."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本研究为含裂纹斑块的破裂风险评估提供了一定的理论依据。", "en": "This study provides a theoretical basis for the risk assessment of plaque rupture with cracks."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我们发现:(I) 尽管非传染性疾病负担日益沉重,但许多中低收入国家仍缺乏预防服务资金;(ii) 社区卫生工作者通常资源配备不足,无法获得良好的支持,并且缺乏相应培训;(iii) 在所研究的一半国家中,医疗自费超出卫生支出总额的 40%,不利于实现公平;(iv) 公共和私人体系分散、资金不足、腐败以及非正式员工参与不足,阻碍了健康保险计划的实施。", "en": "We found that: (i) despite the growing burden of noncommunicable disease, many low- and middle-income countries lacked funds for preventive services; (ii) community health workers were often under-resourced, poorly supported and lacked training; (iii) out-of-pocket expenditure exceeded 40% of total health expenditure in half the countries studied, which affected equity; and (iv) health insurance schemes were hampered by the fragmentation of public and private systems, underfunding, corruption and poor engagement of informal workers."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "随访期间无1例患者出现局部复发、远处转移及乳腺癌相关死亡。", "en": "During the follow-up, patient had no local recurrence, distant metastasis, or breast cancer related death."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "病程10 d~9个月,中位病程3.4个月。", "en": "The disease duration ranged from 10 days to 9 months (median, 3.4 months)."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "查阅近年国内外髋关节镜治疗髋臼盂唇损伤的手术方式和临床结果相关文献,进行分析和总结。", "en": "The literature about the surgical methods and clinical results of hip arthroscopy in the treatment of acetabular labrum injury was reviewed and analyzed."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本研究旨在探索(1)过渡为家长期间,夫妻婚姻关系和与对方父母的冲突两者之间的双向关联性,以及(2)和父亲同住对上述关系的调适影响作用。", "en": "The objectives of this study were to explore (1) the bidirectional associations between marital relationships and conflicts with in-laws during the transition to parenthood and (2) the moderation of patrilineal coresidence on the aforementioned relationships."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "结论 蛋白芯片检测技术可以快捷简便地获取大鼠死后不同时间点肝组织相对分子质量在14 000~230 000的水溶性蛋白质表达谱,建立PLS-DA及Fisher判别模型对死亡时间进行分类预测判断,有望为死亡时间推断提供新的思路和方法。", "en": "Conclusion Protein chip detection technology can quickly and easily obtain the expression profile of water-soluble proteins of rat liver tissue with a relative molecular weight of 14 000-230 000 at different time points after death.PLS-DA and Fisher discriminant models are established to classify and predict the postmortem interval, in order to provide new ideas and methods for postmortem interval estimation."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "基于数学上“率”的一般含义,结合指标计算元素的单位,提出了“时点状态累积数的变化量”即通常认为的“(观察期)事件发生数”或“绝对率”,并建立了相对率和比例。", "en": "Considering the general meaning of 'rate' in mathematics and the units of the elements in indexes, this paper puts forward the concept of 'the change of cumulative number of states in point time', which is equal to the commonly acknowledged concept 'number of incident event within observation period' or 'absolute rate', and further constructs relative rate and proportion."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "2019冠状病毒病(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)目前已在世界范围内暴发流行,是世界性的重大公共卫生问题。", "en": "Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is now a major public health problem worldwide."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "精神卫生问题的发生、发展及对其管理都需要相对较长的时间,所以相当一部分精神病学研究—— 特别是能够明确回答有关生物、心理和社会因素复杂的相互作用的研究——要求对患者及其生活环境进行跨时长久的多种评估。", "en": "The onset, course, and management of mental health problems typically occur over relatively long periods of time, so a substantial proportion of psychiatric research - particularly the research that can provide clear answers about the complex interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors - requires multiple assessments of individuals and the environments in which they live over time."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "BREAST-Q评分中,术后3、6个月的乳房满意度及生活质量评分显著优于术前及术后1个月( <i>P</i><0.05);术后1个月与术前比较差异均无统计学意义( <i>P</i>>0.05)。", "en": "In the BREAST-Q score, breast satisfaction and quality of life scores at 3 and 6 months after operation were significantly better than those before operation and at 1 month after operation ( <i>P</i><0.05); no significant difference was found between at 1 month after operation and before operation ( <i>P</i>>0.05)."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "新生儿乙型肝炎疫苗的普种极大地降低了我国人群乙型肝炎表面抗原(HBsAg)阳性率,基于干扰素和/或核苷(酸)类似物的抗病毒治疗,可有效抑制HBV复制、改善肝脏炎症坏死和肝纤维化,从而减少肝硬化和肝细胞癌的发生。", "en": "The universalization of neonatal hepatitis B vaccine has greatly reduced the HBsAg positive load rate of the Chinese population.Antiviral therapy based on interferon and / or nucleos(t)ide analogues had effectively inhibited HBV replication, improved liver inflammation, liver fibrosis, and reduced the incidence of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本研究旨在阐明父母依恋对青少年创伤后生长(PTG)的影响机制。", "en": "This study aimed to elucidate the mechanism underlying the effect of parental attachment on post-traumatic growth (PTG) among adolescents."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "92例MDS患者中重症感染率为22.8%(21/92)。", "en": "The serious infection rate among 92 patients with MDS was 22.8% (21/92)."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "研究结果还强调了让社区利益相关者参与调适修改过程的重要性。", "en": "The findings also highlight the importance of involving community stakeholders in the adaptation process."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本文就纵向数据分析的话题做了介绍。", "en": "This paper provides an introduction to the topic of longitudinal data analysis."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本系统综述考查了欧洲寻求庇护者和难民人群移民后变量对其心理健康的影响。", "en": "The present systematic review examined post-migration variables impacting upon mental health outcomes among asylum-seeking and refugee populations in Europe."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "在明确针刺可调节神经、血管这一共识的基础上,论述二者功能交互的生理学意义;提出了神经血管耦联与针刺研究的适配性,认为神经血管耦联参与了针刺信号外周传入、中枢整合和调节靶器官3个环节。", "en": "On the basis of the consensus that acupuncture can regulate functional activities of nerves and blood vessels, we, in the present paper, discussed the physiological significance of the functional interactions between the two, and put forward a suitability between neurovascular coupling and acupuncture research, and held that the neurovascular coupling may be involved in 3 key links of the peripheral afferent process of acupuncture signals, central integration and regulation of target organs."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "血钙≥2.6 mmol/L、血红蛋白<100 g/L及不进行规律维持治疗的患者预后不良。", "en": "Patients with blood calcium ≥2.6 mmol/L, hemoglobin <100 g/L, and who do not undergo regular maintenance therapy show a poor prognosis."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "接头与针灸针依靠磁力安全牢固连接,缩短操作时间,提高工作效率,有效解决目前鳄鱼夹接头存在的问题。", "en": "This joint is connected safely and firmly with acupuncture needle by magnetic force, which shortens the operation time, improves the working efficiency, and effectively solves the problems existing in the crocodile clip connector."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "那些可以适应家庭角色动态变化的供给方可以较好地实现亲戚的社会心理和医疗的需要,主要是通过尽力理解承受LFS影响的家庭系统的功能,促进家庭成员们彼此的支持。", "en": "Providers who are attuned to family role dynamics may be better able to meet relatives' psychosocial and medical needs by understanding how living with LFS influences the family system's functioning and facilitating members' support for each other."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "在这种情况下,一些研究者在 删减这些极端值后再进行分析,但是,删减数据的事 先法则(ad-hoc rules)是基于主观标准的,所以不同 的调整方法就会产生不同的结果。", "en": "In this situation, some researchers trim the extreme values prior to conducting the analysis, but the ad-hoc rules used for data trimming are based on subjective criteria so different methods of adjustment can yield different results."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "早期临床试验(包括首次人体试验)关注于受试者的选择、研究设计、给药剂量和方式的选择、剂量爬坡、不良事件/反应(耐受性评价)的监测、观察和报告程序,以及受试者继续给药和停止给药的标准。", "en": "The focus of early stage clinical trials (including the first human trial) is the selection of subjects, study design, dose selection, administration method, dose escalation, monitoring, observation and reporting procedures for adverse events/reactions (tolerability evaluation), and criteria for subjects to continue and discontinue administration."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "家庭的组成有2-5个家庭成员,每个家庭的较年轻一代人年龄跨度7-40岁。", "en": "Family groupings were comprised of 2-5 members, with the younger generation in each family ranging in age from 7 to 40 years."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "然而,多药耐药作为影响化学治疗药物疗效的主要不良反应之一,在不同程度上降低了骨肉瘤患者的生存率。", "en": "However, multidrug resistance is a major adverse reaction that affects the efficacy of chemotherapy drugs, leading to the reduced survival rate of osteosarcoma patients."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "术后患者罩杯大小为A罩杯3例,B罩杯6例,C罩杯4例,D罩杯1例,DD罩杯1例,与术前比较差异有统计学意义( <i>Z</i>=3.420, <i>P</i>=0.001)。", "en": "Postoperative cup sizes were A cup in 3 cases, B cup in 6, C cup in 4, D cup in 1, and DD cup in 1, which showing significant difference when compared with preoperative cup sizes ( <i>Z</i>=3.420, <i>P</i>=0.001)."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "汶川地震发生9年半后,在872名中国青少年使用自我报告问卷进行了评估。", "en": "Nine and a half years after the Wenchuan earthquake, 872 adolescents in China were assessed using self-reported questionnaires."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本研究采用雷诺平均Navier-Stokes(RANS)方法建立了基于计算流体力学(CFD)技术的城市空气污染模拟系统,研究了风速、污染物浓度和污染物扩散效率之间的关系。", "en": "In this study, Reynolds average Navier-Stokes (RANS) method was used to establish urban air pollution simulation system by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technology.The correlations among wind speed, pollutant concentration, and pollutant diffusion efficiency were analyzed."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "长期摄入大量乙醇导致肠源性内毒素血症,活性氧、高浓度的三磷酸腺苷及尿酸激活焦亡系统,进而通过切割Gasdermin-D打孔机制导致肝细胞死亡,同时伴有白细胞介素-1β、白细胞介素-18等炎性因子的释放。", "en": "Long-term intake of large amounts of ethanol leads to enterogenous endotoxemia.Reactive oxygen species, high concentrations of adenosine triphosphate and uric acid activate the pyroptosis system, which then cleaves the pore formation mechanism of gasdermin-D, leading to the death of liver cells, accompanied by the release of interleukin-1β, interleukin-18, and other inflammatory factors."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "脂肪抽吸术根据脂肪分离原理主要分为两大类。", "en": "Liposuction can be divided into two categories according to the principles of fat separation."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "而II~III期临床试验则更关注最佳剂量、疗效、安全性指标,验证新药在更大受试者人群范围内所选择剂量的疗效和安全性。", "en": "On the other hand, Phase II-III clinical trials prioritize the optimal dose, efficacy and safety indicators to verify the efficacy and safety of new drugs in a wider range of subjects."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "现行的儿童青少年超重肥胖筛查标准不统一,逐条评价或自行编写程序容易出错且效率较低。", "en": "The current screening standards for overweight and obesity in children and adolescents are not unified.It is easy to make mistakes and inefficient to evaluate item by item or develop self-written packages."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "在纳入研究的全部41例患者中,FF值与β2-微球蛋白浓度之间存在显著负相关(r=-0.57),与血清碱性磷酸酶存在显著正相关(r=0.31)。", "en": "In all 41 patients included in the study, there was a significant negative correlation between FF value and β2-microglobulin concentration (r=-0.57), and a significant positive correlation between FF value and serum alkaline phosphatase (r=0.31)."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "研究相互关系时使用的是交叉时滞平面分析,确定这些关系是否随着生活情境的不同而呈现出不同的模式时使用的是多群组分析。", "en": "Cross-lagged panel analysis was applied to examine reciprocal relationships, and multigroup analyses were employed to determine whether these relationships exhibited different patterns in accordance with the individuals' living arrangements."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "然而,许多精神病学的研究人员使用不正确的统计方法来分析这一类型的纵向数据,这一问题会导致分析结果中出现无法识别的偏倚而由此得出不正确的结论。", "en": "However, many psychiatric researchers use incorrect statistical methods to analyze this type of longitudinal data, a problem that can result in unrecognized bias in analytic results and, thus, incorrect conclusions."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "尽管可能并不总是循证的, 但该地区的专业细化仍被推动着。", "en": "There is a drive, although perhaps not always evidence-based, for sub-specialisation in the region."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "结果表明: 2018年,长征沿线革命老区生态系统提供总服务价值量为25937.4亿元,森林服务价值占比最高(58.8%),其次是草地和水域。", "en": "The results showed that the total value of ecosystem services in the old revolutionary base areas along the route of Long March amounted to 2593.74 billion yuan in 2018.Forest services took the highest proportion (58.8%), followed by grassland and waters."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "随着工业的发展,肌肉骨骼疾患问题日渐凸显,下背痛是主要问题之一,美国和德国已将其纳入职业病范畴。", "en": "With the development of industry, musculoskeletal disorders have become increasingly prominent, and low back pain is one of the major problems.The United States and Germany have already included it in the category of occupational diseases."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "使用免疫检查点抑制剂的患者需要进行血糖监测,如果出现血糖异常应及时请内分泌专科医生协助诊治。", "en": "The patients who use ICIs need to monitor blood glucose.If they have hyperglycemia, endocrinologists should be asked to assist in diagnosis and treatment."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "系统方法研究家庭和健康应该把握住复杂的网络 ,在这个网络里家庭成员都交织在一起,这个网络包括了多重家庭关系和更大的保健系统。", "en": "A systemic approach to researching families and health should capture the complex network within which family members are embedded, including multiple family relationships and larger systems of health care."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "现有的PAP动物模型均不能完全反映人PAP疾病发展,需进一步开发和改进,为临床实践提供依据。", "en": "The existing PAP animal models cannot fully reflect to the development of human PAP, which should be further developed and improved to provide the basis for clinical practice."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本文结合已有文献,对下背痛负荷的评价方法进行综述,以期从职业因素层面为制定下背痛的预防策略提供参考。", "en": "In this paper, combined with the existing literature, the evaluation methods of the load of low back pain were reviewed, in order to provide reference for the development of prevention strategies of low back pain from the perspective of occupational factors."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "但是,人们对于这些作用的潜在机制知之甚少。", "en": "However, little is known about the mechanisms underlying these effects."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "从一个人的社会网络对某关系的认可程度已可以预测这种关系的结局。", "en": "The degree of approval for a relationship from one's social network has been shown to predict relationship outcomes."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "不同深度土壤水分随季节变化明显,夏季各层土壤水分达到最高,墒情适宜,春季土壤水分处于低值。", "en": "Soil moisture at different depths changed significantly with the seasons.In summer, soil moisture of each layer reached the highest and soil entropy of each layer was suitable, while it reached a low point in spring."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "两组间术前LDTA、HKA及手术前后差值比较,差异均无统计学意义( <i>P</i>>0.05);术后TCA比较,差异有统计学意义( <i>P</i><0.05)。", "en": "There was no significant difference in preoperative LDTA and HKA and the difference between pre- and post-operation between groups ( <i>P</i>>0.05).But there was significant difference in postoperative TCA between groups ( <i>P</i><0.05)."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "MM患者带状疱疹发生率高, 治疗前淋巴细胞减少、环磷酰胺的使用、未给予预防性抗病毒治疗是发生带状疱疹重要的危险因素, 临床医生需引起重视。", "en": "The incidence of herpes zoster is high in the multiple myeloma patients treated with bortezomib.Lymphocytopenia occurred before treatment, the application of cyclophosphamide, and the absence of prophylactic antiviral therapy are the important risk factors for herpes zoster, for which the clinicians should attach great importance."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "I/II级RRT发生率为39.3%,28例患者均未发生III/IV级RRT。", "en": "The incidence of I/II grade RRT was 39.3%.NO III/IV grade RRT were found in 28 patients."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我们尤其是着力弄清楚适应性的和调适性不良的应对策略是否调和了家庭紧密性与青少年方面自我报告的健康状况之间的联系。", "en": "In particular, we sought to determine whether adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies mediated the link between family connectedness and adolescents' self-reported health status."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本文针对这个问题建立了二维含裂纹的斑块模型,基于断裂力学理论并结合有限元数值模拟方法研究了斑块中裂纹尖端的应力强度因子(SIF)及相关影响因素,通过SIF来衡量裂纹对斑块破裂的影响程度。", "en": "In this paper, a two-dimensional plaque model with crack was established.Based on the theory of fracture mechanics and combined with the finite element numerical simulation method, the stress intensity factor (SIF) and related influencing factors at the crack tip in the plaque were studied.The SIF was used to measure the influence of crack on plaque rupture."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "其他治疗原则包括对眼部的全面评估、控制炎症、促进愈合以及后遗症和并发症的预防及管理。", "en": "Other management principles include a complete and thorough assessment, control of inflammation, facilitation of healing and prevention and management of sequelae and complications."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "一些国家权力下放,促使其初级保健分散。", "en": "In some countries, decentralization led to the fragmentation of primary health care."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "近年来肾癌发病率逐年升高。", "en": "The prevalence of renal cell carcinoma is increasing in recent years."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "结果表明,安全感,公正信念和认知重评中介了父母依恋与PTG之间的关联。", "en": "The results indicated that feelings of safety, justice beliefs, and cognitive reappraisal mediated the association between parental attachment and PTG."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本文对2019年9月河北省某密封材料厂发生的一起职业性慢性苯中毒事件进行调查,并对工人的临床资料进行分析,探讨职业性慢性苯中毒的原因,总结诊治特点及治疗转归。", "en": "This article investigated an occupational chronic benzene poisoning incident that occurred in a sealing material factory in Hebei Province in September 2019, analyzed the clinical data of workers, to explore the causes of occupational chronic benzene poisoning, and summarize the diagnosis and treatment characteristics and treatment outcome."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "但是,半参数模型对离散 数据相当敏感,因此在处理包含离散值的数据时产生 的估计值是不可靠的。", "en": "But semi-parametric models are quite sensitive to outlying observations, so the generated estimates are unreliable when study data includes outliers."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "超过一半的样本(51.5%)报告曾经经历过四次或四次以上 ACEs ,有31.1%的被研究对象 满足疑似 PTSD 病人诊断标准。", "en": "More than half of the sample (51.5%) reported exposure to four or more ACEs, and 31.1% met the clinical cutoff for a probable PTSD diagnosis."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "目的 利用2100生物分析仪结合蛋白芯片获取死后大鼠肝组织蛋白质表达谱,推测其与死亡时间的关系。", "en": "Objective To obtain the protein expression profile of rat liver tissue after death by the 2100 bioanalyzer combined with protein chip, and infer the relationship between protein expression profile and postmortem interval."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "但这都需要配套的政策引导。", "en": "All of these solutions require the guidance of supporting policies."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "因此,在慢性便秘的诊疗中,脑肠菌群轴的整合理念应该得到足够的重视,国内外对于脑肠菌群轴的临床应用较为局限,这可能是慢性便秘虽然发病率高,但临床疗效欠佳的因素之一。", "en": "Therefore, in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic constipation, enough attention should be paid to the concept of integration of brain-gut microflora axis, but the clinical application of brain-gut microflora axis is still limited.This may be one of the factors for high incidence but poor treatment efficacy of chronic constipation."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "通过分析主题内容确定了加强初级保健体系的备选方案。", "en": "Options for strengthening primary health-care systems were identified by thematic content analysis."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "酸损伤会导致组织快速凝固, 阻止渗透并使损伤局限。", "en": "Acid injuries cause rapid coagulation of tissue, which impedes penetration and limits damage."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "目前尚无相关文献对狼疮抗凝物检测在静脉血栓栓塞症中的应用进展进行分析总结,为加深对此类患者的认识,更好地帮助临床医生对此类患者进行合理的诊治和管理,现就有关流行病学、检测注意事项及检测结果在静脉血栓栓塞症中的价值和相关治疗进行综述。", "en": "There was no relevant literature to analyze and summarize the application progress of lupus anticoagulant detection in venous thromboembolism.In order to deepen the understanding of such patients, and help clinicians to conduct reasonable diagnosis, treatment and management of these patients, we reviewed the relevant epidemiology, test precautions, and the value of test results in venous thromboembolism and related treatments."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "观察组β2-微球蛋白浓度、M蛋白均显著高于对照组,而血清碱性磷酸酶及FF均低于对照组(P<0.05)。", "en": "In the observation group, β2-microglobulin concentration and M protein were significantly higher than those in the control group, while serum alkaline phosphatase and FF were lower (P<0.05)."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本文的研究对象是359名已婚母亲,采用了三波前瞻性长期性研究设计。", "en": "A three-wave prospective longitudinal design was adopted for 359 married mothers."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)的发现为慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)的诊断、预防和治疗提供了科学基础。", "en": "The discovery of hepatitis B virus (HBV) has provided a scientific basis for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of chronic hepatitis B (CHB)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "2种生物信息学软件的预测结果相同,PROVEAN(得分-6.214和-12.79)表明,该复合杂合突变是一种有害突变;MutationTaster(得分0.976和0.999)提示,这些突变可能引起相应疾病。", "en": "The two bioinformatics software predicted the same results, PROVEAN (score -6.214 and -12.79) indicated that the compound heterozygous mutation was a harmful mutation; MutationTaster (score 0.976 and 0.999) suggested that these mutations might cause corresponding disease."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本文综述细胞焦亡的发生机制以及在不同呼吸系统疾病中的作用,以期为呼吸系统疾病的治疗提供新思路。", "en": "This article reviews the mechanism of pyroptosis and its role in different respiratory diseases, in order to provide new ideas for the treatment of respiratory diseases."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "经Fisher判别,模型的训练集及测试集的预测准确率均为100.0%,训练集的内部交叉验证准确率为100.0%。", "en": "The prediction accuracy of the training set and test set of the model were all 100.0%, and the internal cross-validation of the training set was 100.0% according to Fisher discriminant."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "因此确定影响下背痛的职业因素,对工人的负荷水平进行评估,具有重要意义。", "en": "Therefore, it is extremely important to determine the occupational factors affecting low back pain and evaluate the load level of workers."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "3~4级血液学不良反应、减量或停药是影响二、三线治疗疗效的危险因素。", "en": "Grade 3~4 hematological adverse reactions, dose reduction or withdrawal are risk factors that affect the efficacy of second and third-line treatments."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "此外,大多数研究只侧重于男性在身体方面的 IPV 犯罪行为,很少聚焦于诸如其他类型的 IPV行为、暴力严重程度或男性受迫害等研究方向。", "en": "Furthermore, most research focuses exclusively on men's physical IPV perpetration and rarely focuses on other types of IPV, severity of violence, or men's victimization."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "化学性眼损伤 (Chemical eye injury, CEI) 是严重威胁视力和生命的急症, 通常发生在家里或工作场所, 前者一般较轻, 而后者较重, 并且双眼受累。", "en": "Chemical eye injury (CEI) is an acute emergency which can threaten sight and life.These commonly occur at home or the workplace with the former being generally mild and the latter more severe and bilateral."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "接受ALL-2005方案和ALL-2009方案治疗的患者随访累积无事件生存率和总生存率、总复发率、髓外复发率、复发时间及存活率比较均无显著性差异(P>0.05);髓外复发组存活率显著高于骨髓复发组(P<0.05);晚期复发组存活率显著高于早期复发组(P<0.05)。", "en": "The cumulative event-free survival rate and overall survival rate were not significantly different between ALL-2005 and ALL-2009 regimen groups (P>0.05).The total recurrence rate, extramedullary recurrence rate, recurrence time and survival rate were not significantly different between ALL-2005 and ALL-2009 regimen groups (P>0.05).The survival rate of extramedullary recurrence group was significantly higher than bone marrow recurrence group (P<0.05).The survival rate in late term recurrence group was significantly higher than in early term recurrence group (P<0.05)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "相比于虚拟现实、增强现实及三维可视化技术,混合现实技术在手术前评估及制定手术方案、术中实时精准导航及三维虚拟教学中具有独特优势,是实施精准肝胆外科手术的新一代辅助工具。", "en": "Compared with virtual reality, augmented reality and three-dimensional visualization technology, mixed reality technology has unique advantages in preoperative evaluation and formulation of surgical plan, real-time accurate navigation during operation and three-dimensional virtual teaching.And it is a new generation of auxiliary tool for precision hepatobiliary surgery."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "华北地区不同深度土壤水分空间分布均呈东南高、西北低的特征。", "en": "The spatial distribution of soil moisture at different depths was characterized by high in the southeast and low in the northwest."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "最后,采用不同浓度(0、0.2、0.5、1.0 μmol·L <sup>−1</sup>)与糖尿病及其并发症密切相关的晚期糖基化终末产物(AGEs)孵育中性粒细胞,研究了其在100 nmol·L <sup>−1</sup>趋化因子fMLP浓度梯度环境中的迁移行为。", "en": "Finally, neutrophils were incubated with advanced glycation end products (AGEs, 0, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0 μmol·L <sup>-1</sup>), which were closely related to diabetes mellitus and its complications.The migration behavior of incubated neutrophils was studied in the 100 nmol·L <sup>-1</sup> of chemokine (N-formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenyl-alanine) concentration gradient."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "基于当前中国乳腺癌患者的治疗及随诊随访现状,根据文献及指南,结合跨学科专家诊疗建议,在2019版《乳腺癌随访及伴随疾病全方位管理指南》基础上进行更新,修订2022版《中国乳腺癌随诊随访与健康管理指南》,包括随诊随访路径图、随诊随访管理、全方位健康管理以及患者报告结局四大部分,旨在规范乳腺癌患者的长期随诊随访,指导临床医师积极开展乳腺癌患者全方位跨学科健康管理,从而进一步提高中国乳腺癌患者预后与生活质量。", "en": "Based on the current landscape of treatment and follow-up of breast cancer patients in China, the experts committee updated the 'Comprehensive Management Guideline for Breast Cancer Follow-up and Concomitant Diseases (2019 edition)' and revised it as 'Guidelines for breast cancer follow-up and health management in China (2022 edition)' according to the latest literature and guidelines and medical advice from interdisciplinary experts.This new guideline is composed of four parts: path diagram, follow-up management, comprehensive healthcare management, and patient reported outcome.It aims to standardize the long-term follow-up of breast cancer patients, guide clinicians to actively provide comprehensive interdisciplinary healthcare management, and further improve the prognosis and life quality of breast cancer patients in China."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "MM患者CTGF水平异常高表达与骨髓瘤溶骨性病变的程度相关,能反映MM疾病的进展。", "en": "The abnormally high expression of CTGF level in MM patients is related to the degree of myelomas osteolytic lesions and can reflect the progress of MM."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "单因素分析显示, 年龄≥65岁、治疗前淋巴细胞减少、治疗前中性粒细胞减少、ECOG评分≥2、使用环磷酰胺、未给予预防性抗病毒治疗与带状疱疹发生相关(P<0.05)。", "en": "Single-factor analysis showed that age≥65 years, lymphocytopenia occurred before treatment, neutropenia occurred before treatment, ECOG score≥2, application of cyclophosphamide, absence of preventive antiviral therapy were associated with the genesis of herpes zoster (P<0.05)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "两组患者性别、年龄、病程、骨密度 T 值、骨折节段及术前疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS)、Oswestry 功能障碍指数(ODI)、伤椎前缘高度、后凸 Cobb 角等一般资料比较,差异均无统计学意义( 两组患者均获随访,随访时间 12~36 个月,平均 24.2 个月。Vesselplasty 组手术时间、术中透视时间、骨水泥注射量、骨水泥弥散面积率均明显小于 PKP 组( Vesselplasty 和 PKP 治疗 Kümmell 病疗效相似,均能有效缓解患者疼痛症状,改善生活质量,部分恢复伤椎高度,矫正椎体后凸。但前者具有手术时间短、术中透视时间少、骨水泥渗漏少等优势。", "en": "There was no significant difference in gender, age, disease duration, bone mineral density (T value), fracture distribution, and preoperative pain visual analogue scale (VAS) score, Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), anterior height of injured vertebrae, and kyphosis Cobb angle between the two groups ( All patients of the two groups were followed up 12-36 months, with an average of 24.2 months. The operation time, intraoperative fluoroscopy time, bone cement injection volume, and diffusion area ratio of bone cement were significantly lower in the Vesselplasty group than in the PKP group ( Vesselplasty and PKP have similar effectiveness in the treatment of Kümmell disease. They can effectively relieve the pain symptoms, improve the quality of life, partially restore the height of injured vertebrae, and correct kyphosis. But the Vesselplasty has the advantages of shorter operation time, less intraoperative fluoroscopy time, and less bone cement leakage."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "随着ELISA、流式细胞术、定量PCR及各种组学技术的发展,免疫功能评估的手段逐步完善。", "en": "With the development of ELISA, flow cytometry, quantitative PCR and various omics techniques, the means of immune function evaluation are gradually improved."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "样本来自256位父母,其孩子年龄在5至12岁之间(儿童平均年龄= 8.36,SD = 2.03,男性54.7%;父母平均年龄= 34.49,SD = 6.20,女性59%)。", "en": "Participants included a sample of 256 parents of 5- to 12-year-old children (child M age = 8.36, SD = 2.03, 54.7% male; parent M age = 34.49, SD = 6.20, 59% female)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "由于KTP手术技术的更新与改进以及其并发症的低发生率, 因此通常被考虑用于治疗性或功能性适应症的患者。", "en": "Due to progresses and modifications in KTP surgical techniques and its low rate of complications, it is taken into consideration to be used in selected groups of patients for therapeutic or functional indications."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "撒哈拉以南非洲地区的总人口占全球的12%, 其中430万人失明, 1500多万人视力受损。", "en": "Sub-Saharan Africa is home to 12% of the global population, and 4.3 million are blind and over 15 million are visually impaired."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "刺激性物质——如酒精可造成表层上皮剥脱。", "en": "Irritants such as alcohols, cause superficial epithelial denudation."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "早期排查COVID-19患者肾损伤危险因素,检测肾损伤指标,对存在肾损伤的患者及时进行支持治疗及肾脏替代治疗,可降低病死率。", "en": "Early investigation of risk factors for kidney injury, detection of kidney injury indicators, timely supporting treatment and renal replacement therapy for the existence of kidney injury patients are useful for reducing the mortality rate of COVID-19 patients."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本文就人工智能在口腔医疗、科研、教学中的应用及研究作一介绍,并对人工智能在口腔医学领域的发展进行展望。", "en": "This paper introduces the application and progress of AI in stomatology clinic, research and teaching field, analyzes the existing and possible problems, and prospects the development of AI in the field of stomatology."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "比例有3种类型:时点(或率型)构成比例、时期发生比例及由前二者综合而成的时期构成比例。", "en": "Proportions can be classified into three types: time-point (or rate-type) constitutional proportion, time-period incidence proportion and their synthesis, time-period constitutional proportion."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "许多学习成果需要课程、时间、师资、支持和适当的评估。", "en": "Numerous learning outcomes demand curriculum, time, faculty, support, and appropriate assessment."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "设备改良和脂肪移植是脂肪抽吸术未来发展的重要方向。", "en": "Equipment improvement and fat transplantation are important directions for liposuction's future development."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "术后6个月放疗不良事件评分为(6.5±0.8)分。", "en": "The score of adverse events of radiotherapy at 6 months after operation was 6.5±0.8."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "血清碱性磷酸酶联合FF值预测骨质破坏的价值高于二者单独应用. Dixon的不同影像学表现能够反应疾病的严重程度,FF值与临床检查结果及R-ISS分期之间存在相关性,且治疗前后有显著差异,血清碱性磷酸酶联合FF值预测骨质破坏优于两项指标单独应用。", "en": "The value of serum alkaline phosphatase combined with FF value in predicting bone destruction is higher than that of FF value or serum alkaline phosphatase alone.Dixon's different imaging manifestations can reflect the severity of the disease.FF value is correlated with clinical examination results and R-ISS staging, and there is a significant difference before and after treatment.Serum alkaline phosphatase combined with FF value is better than two indicators alone in predicting bone destruction."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "4)微生物优势菌群与土壤理化性质的冗余分析(RDA)表明,土壤容重(BD)、碳氮比(C/N)、pH是影响真菌优势菌群的主要因子,BD、氮磷比(N/P)、全磷(TP)、全碳(TC)是影响细菌优势菌群的主要因子。", "en": "4) The RDA ordination of the dominant microbial flora and soil physical-chemical properties showed that soil bulk density (BD), carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N), and pH were the major factors affecting the dominant fungal flora.BD, nitrogen to phosphorus ratio (N/P), total phosphorus (TP), and total carbon (TC) were the main factors affecting the dominant bacterial flora."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "混合现实是将虚拟的数字世界与现实世界融合在一起的全新三维呈现技术,在肝胆外科领域已经得到了初步应用。", "en": "Mixed reality is a new three-dimensional presentation technology that combines the virtual digital world with the real world, which has been initially applied in the field of hepatobiliary surgery."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "第2类术式是通过能量破坏分离脂肪,包括超声辅助吸脂术、激光辅助吸脂术和射频辅助吸脂术。", "en": "The second type relies on energy destruction to separate fat, including ultrasound-assisted liposuction, laser-assisted liposuction, and radiofrequency-assisted liposuction."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "临床意义进行了讨论。", "en": "Clinical implications are discussed."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "结果表明有六大主题,其包括:家庭关系质量,家庭结构,健康和保健方面的行为因素,心理身体调节因素,看护情况,和老年人健康。", "en": "Results highlight six themes, which include family relationship quality, family composition, behavioral factors in health and health care, psychophysiological mediators, caregiving, and aging health."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "119例患者随访5年累积无事件生存率和总生存率分别为(63.41±3.65)%和(68.95±4.01)%、7年分别为(61.86±3.72)%和(67.22±3.59)%。", "en": "The cumulative event-free survival rate and overall survival rate of 119 cases after 5-year follow-up were (63.41±3.65)% and (68.95±4.01)% respectively, and after 7-year follow-up were (61.86±3.72)% and (67.22±3.59)% respectively."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本研究以中国学龄儿童青少年超重与肥胖筛查标准为例,详细介绍了国际和中国共四种评价儿童青少年超重肥胖的方法和步骤,结合具体案例详细介绍其应用方法,同时编制SPSS和SAS程序包和解释具体应用步骤,以便使用者能够正确、快捷地进行儿童青少年超重肥胖筛查,进行不同地区同类研究的横向比较。", "en": "Taking the'Screening standards for overweight and obesity in Chinese school-age children and adolescents'as an example, this study introduced four methods and procedures for evaluating overweight and obesity among children and adolescents from the world and China and described their application methods in combination with specific cases.At the same time, the SPSS and SAS packages were compiled and the specific application steps were explained, so that users could correctly and quickly screen overweight and obesity among children and adolescents, and conduct horizontal comparisons of similar studies across different regions."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "在污染源不变的情况下,有效通风决定了空气质量的优劣。", "en": "When the pollution source remains unchanged, effective ventilation determines air quality."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "SAL及PAL手术操作简单、价格偏低,但吸脂效果主要依赖术者经验手法,可能出现外观不平整、血肿、瘀斑等并发症;WAL省时省力,但性价比较低。", "en": "SAL and PAL are simple to operate and low in price, but the effect of liposuction mainly depends on the experience of the surgeon, and complications such as uneven appearance, hematoma, and ecchymosis may occur.WAL saves time and effort, but has lower cost performance."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "近年来,随着对乳腺癌筛查的重视与规范化诊疗技术的提升,中国乳腺癌患者治愈率显著提高,患者生存时间显著延长。", "en": "In recent years, with the emphasis on breast cancer screening and the improvement of standardized diagnosis and treatment, cure rate and survival time of breast cancer patients have been significantly improved in China."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "浅析针灸疗法在美国辅助生殖领域的应用现状,并探讨其存在的问题及今后的发展方向。", "en": "The application status of acupuncture and moxibustion therapy for assisted reproductive field in the United States was analyzed, and the existing problems and future development directions were discussed."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "MM患者的CTGF水平与骨损害的病灶数呈正相关(r=0.52),≥3处骨损害患者骨髓CTGF水平显著高于<3处骨损害患者和无骨损害患者 (P=0.014,P=0.002)。", "en": "The CTGF level in MM patients was positively correlated with the number of bone lesions (P<0.001, r=0.52).CTGF levels in patients with ≥3 bone lesions were significantly higher than those with <3 bone lesions and without bone lesions (P=0.014, P=0.002)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "植物电信号的频域参数(边缘频率、重心频率、功率谱熵和功率谱峰值)与NAI呈显著相关,其中边缘频率(<i>E</i>)与NAI的相关系数最高,二者的关系为<i>NAI=</i>30.981<i>E</i>+168.814(<i>R</i><sup>2</sup>=0.54),均方误差为52.203。", "en": "The frequency-domain parameters (edge frequency, gravity frequency, power spectrum entropy and power spectrum peak) of plant electrical signals were significantly correlated with NAI.The correlation coefficient between edge frequency (<i>E</i>) and NAI was the highest, the relationship between them was <i>NAI</i>=30.981<i>E</i>+168.814 (<i>R</i><sup>2</sup>=0.54), and the mean square error was 52.203."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "回顾分析2020年1月—2021年6月接受初次TKA且符合选择标准的170例(210膝)患者临床资料。", "en": "A clinical data of 170 patients (210 knees) who underwent primary TKA between January 2020 and June 2021 and met the selection criteria was retrospectively analyzed."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "在发达国家的高度贫困社区,针对DBDs的有效干预措施已经得到开发和测试。", "en": "Effective interventions for DBDs have been developed and tested in high-poverty communities in developed countries."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "血型作为人体一种稳定的遗传标志物,在人群中呈多态性系统表达。", "en": "As a stable genetic marker of human, blood group is expressed in a polymorphic system in the population."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "选取2019年3月-2020年4月在本院接受治疗的MM患者54例,同时选取28例健康志愿者作为对照组,收集受试者骨髓后分离骨髓上清,采用双抗体夹心酶标免疫分析法(ELISA)检测骨髓上清液中CTGF蛋白表达水平,分析其与临床相关指标之间的关系. MM患者的CTGF水平显著高于健康对照组 (P<0.001);男性患者CTGF水平明显高于女性患者(P=0.007);有骨病组的MM患者CTGF水平明显高于无骨病组的患者和对照组(P=0.007,P=0.001)。", "en": "Fifity-four MM patients treated in our hospital from March 2019 to April 2020 were enrolled, and 28 healthy volunteers were selected as the control group.The plasma in bone marrow of the patients was collected, and the ELISA was used to detect the level of CTGF in bone marrow plasma and the relationship between its and clinical characteristics were statistically analyzed.The CTGF level of MM patients was significantly higher than those in the healthy control group (P<0.001); the CTGF level in male patients was higher than that in female patients (P=0.007); the CTGF level in MM patients with osteolytic lesions was significantly higher than patients without osteolytic lesions and controls (P=0.007, P=0.001)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "研究结果表明,紧密的家庭关系预示着适应性应对能力的水平偏高,而适应性应对能力则预示着健康指标会提高,但疾病指标却没有下降。", "en": "Findings revealed that family connectedness predicted greater levels of adaptive coping, which, in turn, predicted better health indicators but not decreases in ill-health indicators."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "实效性随机对照试验是真实世界研究中的主要干预性研究方法,可为热敏灸社区管理效果评价提供高级别证据。", "en": "Pragmatic randomized controlled trial is a main intervention design in the real world study, which provides a high-level evidence for the effectiveness assessment of heat-sensitive moxibustion in community management."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我们还检索了Google Scholar和其他眼科机构的网站, 以获取更多信息。", "en": "We also searched Google Scholar and websites of ophthalmic institutions for additional information."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "我们利用半扎根的研究方法分析了 20 个中低收入国家的初级卫生保健体系。", "en": "We analysed the primary health-care systems in 20 low- and middle-income countries using a semi-grounded approach."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "在一半以上的眼科培训计划中, 国内的、省内的和国际间的合作是眼科培训的关键特征。", "en": "National, regional and international collaborations are a key feature to ophthalmology training in more than half of ophthalmology training programmes."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "人类白细胞抗原(human leukocyte antigen, HLA)基因型等因素可能解释了某些个体出现免疫检查点抑制剂相关糖尿病的危险原因。", "en": "HLA genotypes and other factors may explain the risk factors of diabetes associated with ICIs in some individuals."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "综述各种脂肪抽吸术式的特点及存在问题,为临床选择合适的术式提供参考,为吸脂设备的改良和研发提供思路。", "en": "To review the characteristics and deficiencies of various liposuction methods to provide reference for choosing more suitable liposuction in clinic and ideas for the improvement and development of liposuction equipment."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本文针对牙根内吸收的病因和致病机制进行阐述,以期为牙根内吸收的早期阻断治疗提供参考。", "en": "The present paper reviews the etiology and pathogenesis of internal root resorption and provides guidance for the early intervention in the clinical practice."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "2)油松林地土壤真菌多样性最高,Shannon指数和 Simpson 指数分别为3.72±0.37、0.07±0.04。", "en": "2) The diversity of soil fungi in <i>P.tabuliformis</i> forest was the highest, with Shannon index, and Simpson index being 3.72±0.37 and 0.07±0.04, respectively."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本研究旨在构建基于核酸滚环扩增(RCA)的简便快速、超灵敏的光学生物传感技术,并将其运用于结核杆菌耐药相关基因的多重检测。", "en": "The aim of this study was to construct a simple, rapid and ultra-sensitive optical biosensing technique based on rolling circle amplification (RCA), and to apply it to multiple detection of drug-resistant genes of mycobacterium tuberculosis."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "此接头由内层的磁体接头与外层的接头保护套构成,应用新兴导电胶连接简化装置制作工艺,其优势是依靠磁力与针灸针连接、闲置时便于存放且易于切换成工作状态、紧急情况下可迅速断开连接。", "en": "This joint is composed of the inner magnet joint and the outer joint protective sleeve.The new conductive adhesive is used to simplify the manufacturing process.Its advantages include connection with acupuncture needle by magnetic force, being convenient to store when idle and easy to switch to the working state, and quick disconnection in case of emergency."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本研究的参与者来自家中有两个照料者的家庭的照顾者共151名(女性占95.3%),以及他们的青春期孩子(女性占61.5%),我们使用的数据来自他们持续21天的每日记录中的数据,用以测试家庭功能的每日变化是否与青少年的幸福感的每日变化相关,以及青少年的幸福感是否取决于家庭功能的平均水平。", "en": "We used data from a 21-day daily diary protocol in a sample of 151 caregivers (95.3% female) and their adolescent child (61.5% female) in two-caregiver families to test whether daily changes in family functioning are associated with daily changes in adolescent well-being and whether adolescent well-being depends on average levels of family functioning."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "结果表明低收入伴侣寻求关系干预时,关系经历着更高水平的痛苦(较低的关系满意度、主要关系问题更严重、关系稳定性也较差),整个生活境况也出现更高水平的紧张程度 (更多孩子在家生活、更不可能有全职的工作、健康状态堪忧)。", "en": "Results indicate that low-income individuals seeking a relationship intervention had higher levels of relationship distress (lower relationship satisfaction, more intense primary relationship problems, and less relationship stability), and had greater levels of contextual stress (more children living at home, less likely to be employed full-time, and lower levels of perceived health)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "2例(13.3%)出现术区蜂窝织炎,1例(6.7%)发生轻度脂肪液化,2例(13.3%)术后出现乳头感觉减退但在术后3个月有所恢复;无患者出现脂肪坏死、乳头乳晕复合体或皮瓣坏死等并发症。", "en": "Postoperatively, 2 cases (13.3%) had wound-site cellulitis, 1 (6.7%) had mild fat liquefaction, 2 (13.3%) had nipple and areola hypoesthesia but recovered after 3 months.No complication such as fat necrosis, papillary areola complex, or flap necrosis occurred."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "轻度中毒及中度中毒患者经过治疗均已痊愈;重度中毒患者恢复较慢,随访1年白细胞计数仍在2.0×10(9)~3.0×10(9)/L。", "en": "Both mild and moderate poisoning patients had recovered after treatment.Severely poisoned patients had recovered more slowly, and the white blood cell count was still 2.0×10(9)-3.0×10(9)/L during the 1-year follow-up."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "研究结果显示参与者报告的社会支持和家庭功能之间的关系表现在:(a) 社会支持和和男性、女性的基线家庭功能都有相关性; (b) 男性基线社会支持受女性基线家庭功能影响; (c) 男性和女性的社会支持变化分数对他们自身的家庭功能变化分数有积极影响。", "en": "Results demonstrated relationships between participants' reported social support and family functioning such that (a) social support was associated with baseline family functioning for both men and women; (b) men's baseline social support was influenced by women's baseline family functioning; and (c) men's and women's social support change score had a positive influence on their own family functioning change score."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "在11个英语国家, 11个法语国家和2个葡萄牙语的SSA国家中, 有56个针对眼科医生的培训机构。", "en": "There are 56 training institutions for ophthalmologists in eleven Anglophone, eleven Francophone, and two Lusophone SSA countries."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "与K562/-细胞相比,K562/STAT3细胞促凋亡基因BAX mRNA的表达水平明显下降(P=0.005),且多柔比星引起的K562/STAT3细胞凋亡明显减少(P=0.002);用STAT3抑制剂(SH-4-54)处理K562/STAT3细胞后,促凋亡基因BAX mRNA的表达水平明显升高(P=0.017),同时细胞凋亡也明显增加(P=0.005)。", "en": "In K562/STAT3 cells, the expression of pro-apoptotic BAX (P=0.005) was significantly lower, and the number of apoptotic cells (P=0.002) induced by adriamycin was significantly decreased as compared with those in K562/- cells.After K562/STAT3 cells were treated by STAT3 inhibitor (SH-4-54), the expression of BAX mRNA (P=0.017) was significantly higher and the number of apoptotic cells (P=0.005) was significantly increased."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "因此,除了落实规范化治疗外,患者科学规范的随诊随访、伴随疾病的全方位管理、跨学科协作、全面康复也是乳腺癌治疗的关键环节,这对于提高患者的治疗效果,提升患者健康水平和生活质量均有重大意义。", "en": "Therefore, in addition to standardized treatment, scientific and standardized follow-up, comprehensive management of patients' concomitant diseases, interdisciplinary cooperation and holistic rehabilitation are also vital links to treatment.This could improve the therapeutic efficacy of anti-cancer treatment and the quality of life of patients."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "探讨影响多发性骨髓瘤(MM)患者总生存期的非遗传学相关因素。", "en": "To explore the non-genetic factors of overall survival in patients with multiple myeloma (MM)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "Notch信号通路在骨肉瘤细胞增殖中起重要作用,同时通过减少细胞内药物累积、调控上皮-间质转化、导致微RNA失调和细胞凋亡基因的表达紊乱、调节肿瘤干细胞等方面影响肿瘤的耐药性。", "en": "The Notch signaling pathway plays an important role in osteosarcoma proliferation, which affects tumor resistance by reducing intracellular drug accumulation, regulating epithelial-mesenchymal transition, dysregulating microRNA, disrupting the expression of apoptosis genes, and regulating tumor stem cells."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "保守分析结果表明,Gly276和Ser1781在同源物种中高度保守。", "en": "The results of conservative analysis indicated that p.Gly276 and p.Ser1781 were highly conserved in homologous species."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "此外,将681名非裔美国人 (African-American, AA) 病例和508名AA健康受试者作为重测样本。", "en": "An additional 681 African-American (AA) cases and 508 AA healthy subjects served as the replication sample."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "植物电信号与NAI之间存在显著的相关关系,能够表征NAI的变化规律,对进一步了解森林植被对NAI的作用机理及贡献潜力提供科学依据。", "en": "There was a significant correlation between plant electrical signals and NAI, which could characterize the change rule of NAI, and provide scientific evidence for further understanding the contribution potential and production mechanism of forest to NAI."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本文共纳入49篇参考文献, 并采用叙述的方式对结果进行分析。", "en": "We include a total of 49 references in this review and used a narrative approach to synthesise the results."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "ASO 患者获随访 13~25 个月,平均 16.8 个月;溃疡创面愈合时间 6.2~9.7 周,平均 7.4 周;其中 12 例血管重建者术后 CTA 检查显示膝下胫前动脉分支再通;胫骨截骨均愈合,愈合时间 4.5~14.4 周,平均 10.2 周。", "en": "The patients with ASO were followed up 13-25 months (mean, 16.8 months); the ulcer wounds healed with a healing time of 6.2-9.7 weeks (mean, 7.4 weeks).CTA examination showed that the branches of inferior anterior tibial artery were opened in 12 patients after revascularization; all tibial osteotomy healed, and the healing time was 4.5-14.4 weeks (mean, 10.2 weeks)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "术前患者罩杯大小为D罩杯3例、DD罩杯1例、E罩杯2例、EE罩杯2例、F罩杯2例、FF罩杯1例、≥G罩杯4例。", "en": "The preoperative cup sizes of patients were D cup in 3 cases, DD cup in 1 case, E cup in 2 cases, EE cup in 2 cases, F cup in 2 cases, FF cup in 1 case, and ≥G cup in 4 cases."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "在22项研究中的9项中, 庇护过程的时长和停留时间被发现是最常被提及的心理健康困难因素。", "en": "Length of asylum process and duration of stay was found to be the most frequently cited factor for mental health difficulties in 9 out of 22 studies."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "过渡到为人父母的时期是新任父母们面临的最紧张的调适期之一,无论是与个体自我的关系还是与他者的关系。", "en": "The transition to parenthood is one of the most stressful intra- and interpersonal adjustment periods for new parents."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "DF 患者获随访 8~16 个月,平均 12.2 个月;溃疡创面均愈合,愈合时间 5.1~9.2 周,平均 6.8 周;5 例行血管重建者术后 CTA 观察膝下胫前动脉分支血管再通;胫骨截骨均愈合,愈合时间 5~14 周,平均 8.3 周。", "en": "The patients with DF were followed up 8-16 months (mean, 12.2 months); the ulcer wounds healed with a healing time of 5.1-9.2 weeks (mean, 6.8 weeks); CTA examination showed that the branches of inferior anterior tibial artery were opened in 5 patients after revascularization; and the tibial osteotomy healed for 5-14 weeks (mean, 8.3 weeks)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "现有的SSA地区眼科医疗和外科培训已发表的科学数据很少, 特别是法语和葡萄牙语国家。", "en": "Available published scientific data on ophthalmic medical and surgical training in SSA is sparse, especially for Francophone and Lusophone countries."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本文对混合现实技术在肝胆外科领域中的应用及研究进展进行阐述,探讨其应用潜力和目前的局限性。", "en": "This paper describes the application and research progress of mixed reality technology in the field of hepatobiliary surgery, and discusses its application potential and current limitations."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "在髋关节镜开展的早期,对撕裂的盂唇进行清理是主要治疗方案。", "en": "In the early stages of hip arthroscopy, the removal of the torn labrum is the primary treatment option."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "但生态补偿资金分配产生了较明显的偏差,重点优先级地区没有得到相应补偿。", "en": "However, there were deviations in the allocation of ecological compensation funds, with some priority areas receiving no compensation."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "接着将支持向量机(SVM)与隐马尔科夫模型(HMM)结合作为分类模型,对该模型进行训练和步速识别。", "en": "Then the support vector machine (SVM) and hidden Markov model (HMM) were combined as a classification model, which was trained and tested for pace recognition."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "总体而言,不同恢复模式间真菌丰度差异性高于细菌丰度,表明真菌群落组成及其多样性对于不同树种和土壤环境变化较细菌群落更为敏感。", "en": "In general, the difference of composition and diversity in the fungal community of different restoration models was higher than that of the bacterial community, indicating that the fungal communities were more sensitive to the changes of tree species and soil environment than bacterial communities."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "细胞焦亡是一种依赖半胱氨酸天冬氨酸蛋白酶(Caspase-1/4/5/11)的程序性死亡方式,主要特征是炎症小体激活,细胞膜破裂,形成孔洞,细胞内容物释放。", "en": "Pyroptosis is a programmed death mode dependent on Caspase-1/4/5/11, which is caused by activation of inflammasome, accompanied by cell membrane rupture, pore formation and cell content release."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "在20名就诊工人中,根据GBZ 68-2013《职业性苯中毒的诊断》,共确诊职业性慢性苯中毒12例,诊断为职业性慢性轻度苯中毒2例、中度苯中毒7例、重度苯中毒3例。", "en": "According to GBZ 68-2013 'Diagnosis of Occupational Benzene Poisoning', a total of 12 cases of occupational chronic benzene poisoning were diagnosed among the 20 workers, including 2 cases of occupational chronic mild benzene poisoning, 7 cases of moderate benzene poisoning, and 3 cases of severe benzene poisoning."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "口腔医学专业人员需要认知、学习和掌握人工智能技术,紧跟医疗新时代的步伐并在医疗实践中开展应用。", "en": "It is very important for stomatology professionals to recognize, learn and master AI, to keep pace with the pace of the new era of medical treatment and to apply it in medical practice."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "严重的化学损伤会影响整个眼前节结构, 造成虹膜、瞳孔及晶状体异常。", "en": "Severe chemical insult can affect all anterior segment structures causing iris, pupil and lens abnormalities."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "多因素分析显示,中性粒细胞缺乏时间>7 d(OR=10.875,95%CI:2.747-43.051,P=0.001)是MDS患者重症感染的独立危险因素。", "en": "Multivariate analysis showed that neutrophil deficiency>7 days (OR=10.875, 95%CI: 2.747-43.051, P=0.001) was an independent risk factor for serious infection in MDS patients."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "慢性乙型肝炎治疗过程中持续存在的低病毒血症(LLV)会进一步促进耐药突变、肝纤维化进展甚至是肝细胞癌发生,严重影响患者预后。", "en": "Persistent low-level viremia during chronic hepatitis B therapy can promote drug-resistant mutations, liver fibrosis progression and even hepatocellular carcinoma occurrence, which further seriously affect the prognosis of patients."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "用pcDNA3.1-STAT3质粒转染K562细胞,建立耐药白血病细胞株K562/STAT3细胞。", "en": "Drug-resistance leukemia cell line was established by transfecting pcDNA3.1-STAT3 into K562 cells (K562/STAT3)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "多因素logistic回归分析显示, 治疗前淋巴细胞减少、环磷酰胺的使用、未给予预防性抗病毒治疗是发生带状疱疹独立的危险因素(P<0.05)。", "en": "Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that lymphocytopenia occurred before treatment, the application of cyclophosphamide and the absence of preventive antiviral therapy were the independent risk factors for herpes zoster (P<0.05)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "组间两两比较,二线组治疗3、6、12个月达CHR率分别为100.00%、97.59%、95.18%,高于三线组的90.16%、86.89%、83.61%和对照组的83.78%、75.68%、72.97%;三线组患者治疗6、12个月达CHR率高于对照组。", "en": "Compared the two groups, the CHR rates of the second-line group at 3, 6, and 12 months of treatment were 100.00%, 97.59%, and 95.18%, respectively; higher than the third-line group's 90.16%, 86.89%, 83.61% and the control group's 83.78%, 75.68% and 72.97%; the CHR rate of the third-line group was higher than that of the control group at 6 and 12 months of treatment."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "与K562/-细胞相比,K562/STAT3细胞NKG2D配体(MICA和ULBP1)mRNA的表达水平明显下降(P<0.0001),MICA和ULBP1蛋白的表达水平亦明显下降(MICA:P=0.001,ULBP1:P=0.022);用STAT3抑制剂(SH-4-54)处理K562/STAT3细胞后,MICA mRNA和蛋白表达水平升高(mRNA:P=0.001,蛋白:P=0.002),但ULBP1 mRNA和蛋白无明显改变(mRNA:P=0.137,蛋白:P=0.1905)。", "en": "The MICA and ULBP1 mRNA expression in K562/STAT3 cells was significantly lower than that in K562/- cells, and also for MICA and ULBP1 protein (MICA and ULPB1 mRNA: P<0.0001, MICA protein: P=0.001, ULPB1 protein: P=0.022).After K562/STAT3 cells were treated with STAT3 inhibitor (SH-4-54), the expression of MICA mRNA and protein was increased (mRNA: P=0.001, protein: P=0.002), but ULBP1 mRNA and protein showed no significantly change (mRNA: P=0.137, protein: P=0.1905)."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "TKA 及 THA 围术期应根据患者身体及经济情况,个性化选择单一或多种血液管理措施以减少失血及异体输血需求,加速患者术后康复。", "en": "In the perioperative period of TKA and THA, single or multiple use of different blood management measures should be considered carefully according to the physical and economic conditions of patients individually, so as to reduce the blood loss and allogeneic blood transfusion optimally, and finally accelerate the recovery of patients."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "大肠埃希菌、肺炎克雷伯菌和铜绿假单胞菌对碳青霉烯类药物耐药率分别为14.3%、7.7%和66.7%。", "en": "The drug-resistance rates of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae to carbapenems was 14.3% and 7.7%, respectively, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was 66.7%."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本文对家庭和成人健康相关文献进行系统性研究,72篇筛选出的文章依次按照主题进行解码,找到这个领域内的主要核心主题。", "en": "We conducted a systematic review of the families and adult health literature, retaining 72 articles which were subsequently thematically coded to highlight main foci of this area of research."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "本研究的样本来自网上招募的5,000个个体,他们在网上寻求关系干预,他们也比较低收入伴侣和较高收入伴侣这两类人群的关系状况和生活状况。", "en": "The current study sampled over 5,000 individuals at the time they were seeking an online relationship intervention and compared the relationship functioning and life circumstances reported by low-income individuals to that of higher-income individuals."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "信号通路中风险基因的构成可能可以解释酒精依赖风险基因协同的神经生物学作用。", "en": "The organization of risk genes within signaling pathways may provide clues about the converging neurobiological effects of risk genes for alcohol dependence."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "需要引入定量药理学知识来分析药物的体内暴露量与药效、不良反应的关系,以及纳入探索性指标:乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)RNA、HBV核心相关抗原(HBcrAg)等,来分析新药作用机制和靶点及其抗肝细胞内HBV共价闭合环状DNA的药效。", "en": "Therefore, quantitative pharmacology knowledge is required to analyze the relationship between in vivo drug exposure, efficacy and adverse reactions, and the inclusion of exploratory indicators such as HBV RNA, hepatitis B virus core-related antigen (HBcrAg), etc., to analyze the mechanism and target of innovative drugs and the efficacy of cccDNA in anti-hepatocytes."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "综上,本研究构建的恒温扩增型多重检测方法可快速实现3种耐药突变位点的单管多重检测,该技术成本低廉、简便快速、不依赖大型设备,为病原体耐药基因检测提供了一种新的分析方法。", "en": "In conclusion, the constant temperature amplification multiple detection method constructed in this study can quickly realize the single-tube multiple detection of three drug resistance mutation sites.This technology is low-cost, simple and rapid, and does not rely on large equipment, providing a new analysis method for pathogen drug resistance gene detection."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "比例和率的含义多重而交叉,这模糊了其概念的准确性。", "en": "Proportion and rate have multiple and overlapping meanings, which blur their concepts."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "多种免疫治疗药物的相关研究仍在进行中,而个体化免疫治疗的成功将依赖于准确的免疫功能评估。", "en": "A variety of research concentrating on immunotherapeutic drugs is still in progress, and the success of individualized immunotherapy will depend on accurate immune function evaluation."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "等级回归为处理包 括离散值的非正态分布数据提供了更为客观的方法。", "en": "Rank regression provides a more objective approach to dealing with non-normal data that includes outliers."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "今后应将中国传统针灸的优势与国际现代辅助生殖技术相结合,开展多中心大样本的临床随机对照试验以及针灸辅助生殖效应机制的基础实验研究。", "en": "In the future, the advantages of Chinese traditional acupuncture and moxibustion should combine with international modern assisted reproductive technology, and multi-center and large-sample clinical randomized controlled trials and basic experimental research on the mechanism of acupuncture and moxibustion for assisted reproduction should be carried out."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "引起血药浓度波动的因素包括异烟肼吸收(如药物-药物、药物-食物相互作用,胃肠疾病,糖尿病或结核病等疾病状态)和肝酶代谢的异常等。", "en": "Factors that can cause fluctuations in blood concentration include INH absorption (<i>i.e.</i> drug-drug or drug-food interactions and other diseases such as gastrointestinal problems, diabetes or TB) and abnormal metabolization by the liver."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "家庭层面的冲突和家庭的凝聚力是公认的衡量青少年心理健康的指标。", "en": "Family-level conflict and cohesion are well-established predictors of adolescent mental health."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "为实现世界卫生组织提出的\"2030年消除病毒性肝炎作为重大公共卫生威胁\"的目标,慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)治疗药物的研发领域近年正处于快速发展阶段。", "en": "The research and development of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) therapeutic drugs has been undergoing rapid development in recent years in order to achieve the World Health Organization's goal of eliminating viral hepatitis as a major public health threat by 2030."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "合并BCR-ABL 10-18岁新诊断ALL患者采用ALL-2009方案治疗后较ALL-2005方案的生存率略有提高, 更适用于合并BCR-ABL", "en": "The survival rate of patients with BCR-ABL The survival rate of newly diagnosed ALL patients aged between 10-18 years old treated with ALL-2009 regimen was slightly higher than that of ALL-2005 regimen, it is more suitable for the ALL patients with BCR-ABL"}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "研究认为男子童年时期的不良经历(ACEs)和精神创伤症状与其IPV犯罪行为(亲密伴侣暴力)和被虐待经历是有关联的,但是针对暴力实施干预措施时起到阻碍作用的几个重要方面尚未得到深入研究。", "en": "Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and trauma symptoms have been linked with intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetration and victimization among men, yet the field lacks depth in several key areas hampering progress toward violence intervention."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "碱烧伤导致组织皂化反应并且渗透组织的程度深。", "en": "Alkali injuries cause damage by saponification of tissue and deeper penetration as a consequence."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "根据国内外有关文献,并结合作者早期临床研究的实践经验,简要介绍CHB创新性药物临床试验设计中应关注的临床问题。", "en": "This paper refers to the relevant domestic and foreign literature, combined with the author's practical experience in early clinical research, and then briefly introduces the clinical issues that should be paid attention to in the design of clinical trials of CHB innovative drugs."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "还有一些研究表明,依恋行为可以缓冲各种因素(例如抑郁)对人际关系的负面影响。", "en": "Additional research has shown that attachment can buffer the negative effects of various factors (e.g., depression) on relationships."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "然而在许多中低收入国家,初级卫生保健体系非常薄弱,常常无法提供全面的以人为本的综合保健。", "en": "However, primary health-care systems are weak in many low- and middle-income countries and often fail to provide comprehensive, people-centred, integrated care."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "分离出的121株病原菌中,革兰氏阴性(G<sup>-</sup>)菌 76株(62.8%),革兰氏阳性(G<sup>+</sup>)菌 40株(33.1%),真菌5株(4.1%)。", "en": "Among 121 pathogenic bacteria isolated, 76 Gram-negative (G<sup>-</sup>) bacteria (62.8%), 40 Gram-positive (G<sup>+</sup>) bacteria (33.0%), and 5 fungi (4.1%) were detected out."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "使用草根理论方法,我们针对访谈文稿进行了开放式和集中式解码。", "en": "Using grounded theory methods, we conducted open and focused coding of interview transcript content."}, "data_name": "wmt21_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "结果表明: 猪粪的分解速率显著高于牛粪。", "en": "The results showed that the decomposition rates of pig manure were significantly higher than cattle manure."}, "data_name": "wmt22_biomedical", "task_type": "domain_medical"} |