ComMT / zh-en /valid.zh-en.domain_it.json
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{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Change Between Forecast Types in <ph>Salesforce Classic</ph>", "zh": "在 <ph>Salesforce Classic</ph> 的预测类型中进行切换"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "If you already have version 1 installed on your mobile device, download the update from the App Store or Google Play. The update preserves the connected accounts you already have in the app. These accounts are code-only accounts that generate verification codes but don’t receive push notifications or allow location-based automated verifications. Code-only accounts appear on your Connected Accounts list without a <b>&gt;</b> at the far right of the account name row, and there’s no account detail page. The verification codes in these code-only accounts are valid until you connect the new version 2 functionality to your Salesforce account via your personal settings. After you connect the new version, your account gives you full Salesforce Authenticator version 2 functionality: push notifications, location-based automated verifications, and verification codes.", "zh": "如果您的移动设备已安装了 1 版本,请通过 App Store 或 Google Play 下载更新。更新会保留应用程序中已有的连接帐户。这些帐户是仅代码帐户,会产生验证代码,但不会接收推送通知,也不能实现基于位置的自动验证。仅代码帐户会显示在“连接帐户”列表中,其中没有行远端右侧 <b>&gt;</b>,即表示没有帐户详细信息页面。这些仅代码帐户中的验证代码有效,直至通过个人设置将全新版本 2 功能连接到 Salesforce 帐户。连接新版本后,您的帐户为您提供完整的 Salesforce Authenticator 版本 2 功能:推送通知、基于位置的自动验证和验证代码。"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "When you select a user from a record, you must ultimately select a field that contains a user’s ID—for example, <parmname>Owner ID</parmname> or <parmname>User ID</parmname>.", "zh": "当您从记录中选择用户时,您必须最终选择一个包含用户 ID 的字段,例如<parmname>所有人 ID</parmname> 或<parmname>用户 ID</parmname>。"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Metadata API", "zh": "元数据 API"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Documents: maximum size of document to upload", "zh": "文件:待上载文档的最大大小"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Submit Customizable Forecasts in Batches", "zh": "批量提交可自定义预测"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "From the management settings for the object that you want to edit, go to Page Layouts.", "zh": "从要编辑的对象的管理设置中,转到“页面布局”。"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Community Workspaces", "zh": "社区工作区"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Add global actions to an app page to enhance its functionality. Global actions allow a user to do things from your app page, such as add call details, create and update records, send email, and create a task. When a user visits a Lightning page in the Salesforce mobile app, the page’s actions appear in its action bar. In Lightning Experience, actions appear in the highlights panel at the top of the page.", "zh": "将全局操作添加到应用程序页面,以增强功能。全局操作允许用户从应用程序页面进行操作,例如记录呼叫详细信息、创建和更新记录、发送电子邮件并创建任务。用户访问 Salesforce 移动应用程序中的 Lightning 页面时,页面的操作会显示在其操作栏中。在 Lightning Experience 中,操作会显示在页面顶部的高亮显示面板中。"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Use a formula like this one in a validation rule to display the following error message when the total number of hours entered for each work day is greater than 40: “Your total hours cannot exceed 40.” This example requires five custom fields on your custom object, one for each day of work.", "zh": "使用如上验证规则中的公式,可以在为各个工作日输入的工作时间总和大于 40 时显示下面的错误消息:“总工作时间不能超过 40 个小时”。本示例要求自定义对象上有五个自定义字段,每个工作日一个。"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Enable Replication", "zh": "启用复制"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The <parmname>From</parmname> picklist is added by default in the Send Email action in new orgs created in Winter ’17 or later. If you create a Send Email action after Winter ’17, then the <parmname>From</parmname> picklist is added to the email layout by default.", "zh": "<parmname>发件人</parmname>选项列表会默认添加到在 Winter ’17 或更高版本中创建新组织的“发送电子邮件”操作。如果您在 Winter ’17 后创建“发送电子邮件”操作,然后<parmname>发件人</parmname>选项列表会默认添加到电子邮件布局。"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "<parmname>None (Search Only)</parmname>: Salesforce does not automatically synchronize any records for this data set.", "zh": "<parmname>无(仅限搜索)</parmname>:Salesforce 不为此数据集自动同步任何记录。"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "To resolve Insufficient Privileges errors, you typically determine if misconfigured permission sets, profiles, or sharing settings are causing the errors. Another option is to review your organization’s validation rules.", "zh": "要解决权限不足错误,您通常需要决定配置错误的权限集、简档、或共享设置是否会导致错误。另一个选项是检查贵组织的验证规则。"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The fields for opportunities contain a wide variety of information to help you track your pending and potential sales. <ph>Depending on your page layout and field-level security settings, some fields may not be visible or editable.</ph>", "zh": "业务机会的字段包含多种信息,帮助您跟踪待处理和潜在的销售。<ph>根据您的页面布局和字段级安全设置,可能有些字段不可见或无法编辑。</ph>"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The ID of the community in which the user clicked the recommendation. The value for your internal Salesforce org is the empty key, <codeph>\"000000000000000000\"</codeph>.", "zh": "用户在其中单击建议的社区 ID。适用于内部 Salesforce 组织的值是空密钥 <codeph>\"000000000000000000\"</codeph>。"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "For each object, create one post template that works for all approval processes. Mark that post template the default for the object.", "zh": "为每一个对象创建一个可以应用于所有批准过程的帖子模板。将该帖子模板标记为对象的默认模板。"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "To assign record types:", "zh": "要分配记录类型:"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Make sure that the variable contains only one ID.", "zh": "确保变量只包含一个 ID。"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Per-user authentication", "zh": "每个用户身份验证"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Support for rich text area fields varies by the version of the Salesforce app and the type of device.", "zh": "不同版本 Salesforce 应用程序及设备类型对富文本区域字段的支持情况有所不同。"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "On a day that you choose: Click in the week or month view", "zh": "您选择的一天:单击周视图或月视图"}, "data_name": "localization-xml-mt", "task_type": "domain_it"}