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{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The event was visited by Boutique @ hs - Ambassador Kyly Clarke, Australian actress Teresa Palmer and Michala Banas.", "zh": "Boutique @ hs - 大使吉莉·克拉克,澳大利亚女演员特瑞沙·帕默和米卡拉·巴纳斯参加了活动。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Boutique @ hs", "zh": "Boutique @ hs"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "这种中间宿主可以充当人类感染的人畜共患病源,并通过允许病毒短暂复制,然后将其传播给人类以扩大人类感染的规模,从而发挥放大宿主的作用。", "en": "this intermediate host can serve as the zoonotic source of human infection and play the role of an amplifying host by allowing the virus to replicate transiently and then transmitting it to humans to amplify the scale of human infection."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "中间宿主", "en": "intermediate host"}, {"zh": "感染", "en": "infection"}, {"zh": "病毒", "en": "virus"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "这证明了SGLT2抑制剂在未患糖尿病的患者中产生的心血管益处,因此支持之前提出的以下观点:此类治疗具有降糖之外的其他有益作用4-11.", "en": "this demonstration of the cardiovascular benefits of an SGLT2 inhibitor in patients without diabetes provides support for prior suggestions that such treatment has beneficial actions other than glucose lowering.4-11"}, "data_name": "NEJM", "hints": [{"zh": "SGLT2抑制剂", "en": "SGLT2 inhibitor"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "源自突变过程的DNA损伤通常使特定的DNA序列发生富集,因而在癌症基因组中产生独特的标签28,29.", "en": "DNA damage arising from mutational processes often enriches in particular DNA sequences, creating distinctive signatures in the cancer genome.28,29"}, "data_name": "NEJM", "hints": [{"zh": "癌症", "en": "cancer"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "His best positions in competition were tenth in 1960 and eighth in 1968.", "zh": "他在比赛中取得的最佳名次是 1960 年的第十名和 1968 年的第八名。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "competition", "zh": "比赛"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Decipium was the isolated name for a new chemical element proposed by Marc Delafontaine from the mineral samarskite.", "zh": "Decipium 为一种新化学元素的名称,该元素由马克·德拉方丹从铌钇矿中发现并命名。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Marc Delafontaine", "zh": "马克·德拉方丹"}, {"en": "chemical element", "zh": "化学元素"}, {"en": "mineral", "zh": "矿"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "世界卫生组织宣布COVID-19为大流行", "en": "world Health Organization declares COVID-19 pandemic"}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "大流行", "en": "pandemic"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "BI-RADS评分为3分,4分或5分被视为MRI检查结果阳性.", "en": "a BI-RADS score of 3, 4, or 5 was considered to be a positive result on MRI."}, "data_name": "NEJM", "hints": [{"zh": "BI-RADS", "en": "BI-RADS"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Massé was born in Holland, Michigan, grew up in Westchester County, New York, and lived during her youth in Europe.", "zh": "马斯出生在密歇根州的荷兰,在纽约州的威彻斯特县长大,并于青年时期在欧洲居住过。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Massé", "zh": "马斯"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "2020年1月29日左右,由HannekeSchuitemaker领导的Janssen制药公司宣布已开始研制疫苗。", "en": "around 29 January 2020, Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies, led by Hanneke Schuitemaker, announced that it had begun work on developing a vaccine."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "疫苗", "en": "vaccine"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "肺癌或肺部感染(如结核,放线菌病,脓胸或肺脓肿)可延伸至胸膜腔或胸壁.", "en": "cancer or infection (e.g., tuberculosis, actinomycosis, empyema, or lung abscess) in the lung can extend into the pleural space or chest wall."}, "data_name": "NEJM", "hints": [{"zh": "肺癌", "en": "cancer"}, {"zh": "肺部感染", "en": "infection"}, {"zh": "肺脓肿", "en": "lung abscess"}, {"zh": "脓胸", "en": "empyema"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "在飞机上,遵循与其他地方一样的卫生习惯:勤洗手,如果不便离开座位则使用酒精洗手液,避免触摸脸部。", "en": "on a plane, follow the same hygiene practices as anywhere else: wash hands frequently, or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if it\\'s not convenient to leave your seat, and avoid touching your face."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "酒精洗手液", "en": "alcohol-based hand sanitizer"}, {"zh": "触摸", "en": "touching"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "这些结果与中国以及意大利的发现一致,表明患者如有基础疾病和危险因素,包括但不限于糖尿病、高血压、COPD、冠状动脉疾病、脑血管病、慢性肾脏病和吸烟,则因COVID-19导致重症或死亡的风险可能更高。", "en": "these results are consistent with findings from China and Italy, which suggest that patients with underlying health conditions and risk factors, including, but not limited to, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, COPD, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, chronic renal disease, and smoking, might be at higher risk for severe disease or death from COVID-19."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "糖尿病", "en": "diabetes"}, {"zh": "肾脏病", "en": "renal disease"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Dakota City is a part of Metropolitan Statistical Area NE - Sioux City, IA -- SD.", "zh": "达科他市是内布拉斯加州至苏城、爱荷华州至南达科他州都市统计区域的一部分。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Metropolitan Statistical Area NE", "zh": "都市统计区域"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Blake has been married to Patricia Meyer since 1984 and together they have two sons: Ryan (born 1988) and Dale (born 1992).", "zh": "自 1984 年起,布莱克与帕特里夏·迈耶结婚,并共同育有两个儿子:瑞恩(1988 年出生)和戴尔(1992 年出生)。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Blake", "zh": "布莱克"}, {"en": "Patricia Meyer", "zh": "帕特里夏·迈耶"}, {"en": "Ryan", "zh": "瑞恩"}, {"en": "Dale", "zh": "戴尔"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "我们将试行一项计划,从已确诊病例以及在感染时已获得急性病毒学样本的患者中采集康复期血清学样本。", "en": "we will pilot a scheme for collecting convalescent serology from people with confirmed cases and who have had an acute virology sample at the time of their infection."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "确诊病例", "en": "confirmed cases"}, {"zh": "感染", "en": "infection"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "癌症所起源的体细胞克隆摆脱了控制健康细胞功能的固有约束,因此发生了不受控制的增殖,组织浸润,免疫逃避和局部组织微环境重塑1.", "en": "a cancer derives from a clone of somatic cells that has escaped from the built-in constraints governing healthy cellular function, leading to uncontrolled proliferation, tissue invasion, immune evasion, and the reshaping of the local tissue microenvironment.1"}, "data_name": "NEJM", "hints": [{"zh": "癌症", "en": "cancer"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "It is east of Chestnut Ridge, south of Nanuet, west of Blauvelt, New York, and north of Montvale and Old Tappan, New Jersey.", "zh": "它位于切斯特桥以东,纳纽埃特以南,纽约州劳维特以西,以及新泽西州蒙特威尔和旧塔潘以北。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Montvale", "zh": "蒙特威尔"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "尽管此类病毒一般不会通过空气传播,但美国国家科学院认定可能会通过生物气溶胶传播,病房外走廊上的空气收集器检测出病毒RNA阳性样本。", "en": "though the virus is not generally airborne, the National Academy of Science has suggested that bioaerosol transmission may be possible and air collectors positioned in the hallway outside of people\\'s rooms yielded samples positive for viral RNA."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "病毒", "en": "virus"}, {"zh": "传播", "en": "transmission"}, {"zh": "RNA", "en": "RNA"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "•对于采用维生素K拮抗剂或直接抗凝剂抗凝的患者,不要延迟内镜检查或内镜治疗的时间.", "en": "do not delay endoscopy or endoscopic therapy in patients receiving anticoagulation with vitamin K antagonists or direct-acting anticoagulants."}, "data_name": "NEJM", "hints": [{"zh": "直接抗凝剂", "en": "direct"}, {"zh": "维生素K拮抗剂", "en": "vitamin K antagonists"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "冠状病毒可引起感冒的主要症状,如发热和咽喉肿痛。", "en": "Coronaviruses can cause colds with major symptoms, such as fever, and a sore throat from swollen adenoids."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "发热", "en": "fever"}, {"zh": "咽喉肿痛", "en": "sore throat"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "由于关闭往往与禁止公共聚会等其他干预措施同时实施,因此很难衡量关闭学校的具体影响。1918-1919年流感在美国大流行期间,学校关闭和公共聚会禁令降低了总死亡率。", "en": "as closures tend to occur concurrently with other interventions such as public gathering bans, it can be difficult to measure the specific impact of school closures.During the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic in the United States, school closures and public gathering bans were associated with lower total mortality rates."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "流感", "en": "influenza"}, {"zh": "大流行", "en": "pandemic"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Lehman College was originally Hunter College's uptown campus.", "zh": "雷曼学院最初是亨特学院的上城校区。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Lehman College", "zh": "雷曼学院"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The BBC College of Journalism was opened in June 2005 as an E-Learning series with Kevin Marsh as Executive Editor, the first director of which was Vin Ray.", "zh": "BBC 新闻学院作为一项网络学习系列开办于 2005 年 6 月,凯文·马什时任执行主编,学院首任主任为温·雷。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Kevin Marsh", "zh": "凯文·马什"}, {"en": "E-Learning", "zh": "网络学习"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "研究发现,无遮挡咳嗽可能导致飞沫最远传播4.5米(15英尺)-8.2米(15-27英尺)。", "en": "studies have found that an uncovered coughing can lead to droplets travelling up to 4.5 metres (15 feet) to 8.2 metres (27 feet )."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "咳嗽", "en": "coughing"}, {"zh": "飞沫", "en": "droplets"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "请勿用手触摸眼鼻口部。", "en": "avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "触摸", "en": "touching"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "星期三,世界卫生组织(WHO)宣布,持续爆发的COVID-19(由冠状病毒SARS-CoV-2引发的疾病)为大流行。", "en": "on Wednesday, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the ongoing outbreak of COVID-19 — the disease caused by Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 — to be a pandemic."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "世界卫生组织", "en": "World Health Organization"}, {"zh": "WHO", "en": "WHO"}, {"zh": "持续爆发", "en": "ongoing outbreak"}, {"zh": "冠状病毒", "en": "Coronavirus"}, {"zh": "SARS-CoV-2", "en": "SARS-CoV-2"}, {"zh": "大流行", "en": "pandemic"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "2020年3月5日,位于圣路易斯的华盛顿大学宣布了其疫苗研发项目。", "en": "on 5 March 2020, Washington University in St. Louis announced its projects to develop a vaccine."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "疫苗", "en": "vaccine"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "据牛津大学循证医学中心估计,此次大流行整体的感染致死率介于0.1%到0.39%之间。", "en": "the University of Oxford\\'s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine estimates that the infection fatality rate for the pandemic as a whole is between 0.1 % and 0.39 %."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "大流行", "en": "infection"}, {"zh": "感染", "en": "fatality rate"}, {"zh": "致死率", "en": "pandemic"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "截至2020年4月17日,全球210个国家和地区报告的病例总数超过224万例,死亡人数超过153,000人。", "en": "as of 17 April 2020, more than 2.24 million cases have been reported across 210 countries and territories, resulting in more than 153,000 deaths."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "死亡人数", "en": "deaths"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "口罩紧缺意味着医疗人员也难以获得口罩,这将提高所有人的风险等级。", "en": "mask shortages mean that healthcare workers are having trouble getting a hold of masks, which puts everyone at risk."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "口罩", "en": "masks"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "在蝙蝠感染冠状病毒后,检测到无症状或仅有轻微症状,表明冠状病毒和蝙蝠之间相互适应。", "en": "asymptomatic or only mild symptoms were detected when bats were infected with CoVs, indicating the mutual adaptation between CoVs and bats."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "感染", "en": "asymptomatic"}, {"zh": "无症状", "en": "symptoms"}, {"zh": "症状", "en": "infected"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "针对访问控制中委托在安全性和功能性上的不足,通过对比分析RBAC委托模型的特点,结合安全审计概念提出了具有安全审计功能的RBAC委托模型,并给出了形式化的定义和描述.该模型定义了委托的限制条件和传递约束来体现委托的特性,利用审计记录集合实现了委托、撤销和会话授权的过程,通过审计监控和规则事件响应完善了安全审计功能,使委托授权具有自主性和可变性的特点.在管理信息系统的应用和实践表明,该模型是一种安全易管理的委托授权机制,能适应多种委托策略.", "en": "Considering the security and functionality deficiencies of delegation in access control, this paper proposes an RAC delegation model with security audit function and gives its formal definition and description based on the contrastive analysis of RAC delegation model's features and the concept of security audit, This model defines the restrictions and transmission constraints for delegation, which reflects the traits of delegation, implements the process of delegation, revocation and session authorization by applying audit record sets, and improves the security audit function by audit monitoring and rule event response to make the delegation authorization have its autonomy and variability. The application and practice in management information system implies that this model is a secure and easily manageable delegation authorization mechanism, which can suit multiple delegation strategy."}, "data_name": "Perseus", "hints": [{"zh": "访问控制", "en": "access control"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The Audi V8 competed during its presence in the DTM with much smaller and roughly smaller Mercedes 190, BMW M3 and slightly lighter Opel Omega 3000.", "zh": "当奥迪 V8 亮相 DTM 赛事,它需要与更为轻巧和稍显轻巧的梅赛德斯 190、宝马 M3 和稍轻的欧宝 Omega 3000 同场竞争。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Audi V8", "zh": "奥迪 V8"}, {"en": "BMW M3", "zh": "宝马 M3"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Immigrated from England to Milford, Connecticut in 1653, Elizabeth Prudden married", "zh": "伊丽莎白·普鲁登于 1653 年从英格兰移民至康涅狄格州米尔福德,嫁给"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Elizabeth Prudden", "zh": "伊丽莎白·普鲁登"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "COVID-19感染和严重并发症风险最高的是老年人、免疫力低下者或患有心血管疾病、糖尿病、高血压、慢性呼吸道疾病和癌症等基础性疾病的人群。", "en": "those most at risk of COVID-19 infection and serious complications are the elderly and those with weakened immune systems or underlying health conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "感染", "en": "infection"}, {"zh": "糖尿病", "en": "diabetes"}, {"zh": "慢性呼吸道疾病", "en": "chronic respiratory disease"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "收到的所有样本正在进行流感和COVID-19检测。", "en": "all samples received are being tested for influenza and COVID-19."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "流感", "en": "influenza"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "2014年5月,美国记录了仅有的两例(均存活)。2015年5月,一名去过中东的男子前往首尔地区的四家医院看病,由此MERS-CoV在韩国爆发。", "en": "the only U.S. cases (both survived) were recorded in May 2014.In May 2015, an outbreak of MERS-CoV occurred in the Republic of Korea, when a man who had traveled to the Middle East, visited four hospitals in the Seoul area to treat his illness."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "爆发", "en": "outbreak"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "《新英格兰医学杂志》上的报告表明,在大多数医疗环境下,仍存在洗手未达到可接受水平的情况,大量医护人员在触摸病人前常常忘记洗手,从而导致微生物传播。", "en": "the New England Journal of Medicine reports that a lack of hand-washing remains at unacceptable levels in most medical environments, with large numbers of doctors and nurses routinely forgetting to wash their hands before touching patients, thus transmitting microorganisms."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "洗手", "en": "hand-washing"}, {"zh": "触摸", "en": "touching"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "由于存在通过粪便感染的风险,不建议COVID-19的疑似或确诊病例使用分娩池。", "en": "the use of birthing pools is not recommended for suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 due to the risk of infection via faeces."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "感染", "en": "confirmed cases"}, {"zh": "确诊病例", "en": "infection"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Clovis Kalyebara was born in ``Kabarole District '', Kichwamba Sub County, in Harugongo Village, Western Uganda.", "zh": "Clovis Kalyebara 出生于乌干达西部“卡巴罗莱区” Kichwamba 次级县 Harugongo 村。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Clovis Kalyebara", "zh": "ClovisKalyebara"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Hardwick appeared in ``Coronation Street ''in 1997 as Naomi Russell and in 1998 as Sheila Dixon.", "zh": "哈德威克 1997 年出演“加冕街”,饰演娜奥美·拉塞尔,1998 年再度出演,饰演希拉·迪克森。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Hardwick", "zh": "哈德威克"}, {"en": "Naomi Russell", "zh": "娜奥美·拉塞尔"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Oakham Ales is an English brewery now based in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, but first established in Oakham, Rutland.", "zh": "Oakham Ales 是一家英国啤酒厂,总部现位于剑桥郡彼得伯勒,但创立地点最初位于拉特兰奥克姆。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Oakham Ales", "zh": "OakhamAles"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The Audi V8 competed during its presence in the DTM with much smaller and roughly smaller Mercedes 190, BMW M3 and slightly lighter Opel Omega 3000.", "zh": "在德国房车大师赛亮相期间,奥迪 V8 与更为小巧的梅赛德斯 190、宝马 M3 以及稍显轻便的欧宝 Omega 3000 展开了竞争。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Audi V8", "zh": "奥迪V8"}, {"en": "BMW M3", "zh": "宝马M3"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "这导致一些发起人探索样本制备方案,其涉及将样本加热到98°C(208°F)达到5分钟,以释放RNA基因组进行进一步检测。阿拉伯联合酋长国在3月31日宣布,现在已对其更多人口进行了新冠病毒检测,检测人数多于任何其他国家,并且正在扩大检测水平,以让大量民众接受检测。", "en": "this has led some authors to explore sample preparation protocols that involve heating samples at 98 ° C (208 ° F) for 5 minutes to release RNA genomes for further testing.On 31 March it was announced United Arab Emirates was now testing more of its population for Coronavirus per head than any other country, and was on track to scale up the level of testing to reach the bulk of the population."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "RNA", "en": "RNA"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "A Peri whose power is in her hair appears in Elizabeth Ann Scarborough ’ s novel ``The Harem of Aman Akbar ''from 1984.", "zh": "阿·佩里(力量在她的头发里)出现在 1984 年的伊丽莎白·安·斯卡伯勒的小说《哈曼·阿克巴的后宫》。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Elizabeth Ann Scarborough", "zh": "伊丽莎白·安·斯卡伯勒"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "在收到不规则脉搏通知的参与者中,34%在后续ECG监测贴的图中出现心房颤动,84%的不规则脉搏通知与心房颤动一致.", "en": "among participants who received notification of an irregular pulse, 34% had atrial fibrillation on subsequent ECG patch readings and 84% of notifications were concordant with atrial fibrillation."}, "data_name": "NEJM", "hints": [{"zh": "心房颤动", "en": "atrial fibrillation"}, {"zh": "ECG", "en": "ECG"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Jürgen Melzer won the title after defeating Michał Przysiężny 6 -- 4, 6 -- 3 in the final.", "zh": "于尔根·梅尔泽在决赛中以 6 -- 4、6 -- 3 的比分击败米哈乌·柏兹西兹尼后获得冠军。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Jürgen Melzer", "zh": "于尔根·梅尔泽"}, {"en": "Michał Przysiężny", "zh": "米哈乌·柏兹西兹尼"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "3月25日,该研究所所长宣布,他们已完成了疫苗的合成工作并开始疫苗测试。", "en": "on 25 March the head of the research institute announced that they had finalized the synthesis of the vaccine and were beginning the tests."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "疫苗", "en": "vaccine"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "除了新建医院外,中国还将武汉其他14个场所,如会议中心和体育场,改造成方舱医院。1月26日,政府采取了进一步措施来遏制COVID-19爆发,包括向出行人员发放健康申报表和延长春节假期。", "en": "in addition to newly constructed hospitals, China also converted 14 other facilities in Wuhan, such as convention centers and stadiums, into temporary hospitals.On 26 January, the government instituted further measures to contain the COVID-19 outbreak, including issuing health declarations for travellers and extending the Spring Festival holiday."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "武汉", "en": "Wuhan"}, {"zh": "COVID-19", "en": "COVID-19"}, {"zh": "爆发", "en": "outbreak"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "In 2004, Olivia Loe took the rowing, and Jessica Loe followed her in 2006.", "zh": "2004 年,奥利维亚·洛参加了划艇运动,随后杰西卡·洛也在 2006 年追随了她的脚步。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Olivia Loe", "zh": "奥利维亚·洛"}, {"en": "Jessica Loe", "zh": "杰西卡·洛"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "z传统的Web服务推荐模型仅仅考虑到Web服务层的质量特性,如QoS,随着Web服务的普及,服务交易的广泛使用,如何组合Web服务来完成一个操作流程满足用户的需求是一个新的挑战.提出了一个新的基于上下文的组合服务推荐模型,该模型不仅考虑到服务层和业务层的质量特征,而且进一步考虑了服务的上下文信息,包括用户兴趣、喜好等等,能够更好地对Web服务进行推荐.", "en": "Transactional Web service recommendation model only considers the quality character of Web service level, such as Los. With the wide use of Web services, how to compose Web services to complete an operation flow to meet the user's needs is a new challenge. A new context-based composition Web service recommendation model is proposed. The model not only takes into account the level of service quality and operational characteristics but also the context of Web service, such as user's interest, preference and so on, which make the recommendation model works well."}, "data_name": "Perseus", "hints": [{"zh": "QoS", "en": "Los"}, {"zh": "服务层", "en": "service"}, {"zh": "业务层", "en": "operational"}, {"zh": "Web服务", "en": "Web service"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "由于尚无用于区分早发性和晚发性呼吸机相关性肺炎的公认截点16,因此我们特意将住院7日而非5日作为截点,从而更好地评估2日抗生素治疗的潜在益处,并且对呼吸机相关性肺炎病例做出最好的微生物学记录.", "en": "because there is no universally accepted cutoff value to differentiate early from late ventilator-associated pneumonia, 16 we purposely used 7 rather than 5 days of hospitalization to better assess the potential benefit of a 2-day antibiotic treatment and to best document microbiologically the cases of ventilator-associated pneumonia."}, "data_name": "NEJM", "hints": [{"zh": "呼吸机相关性肺炎", "en": "ventilator-associated pneumonia"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "The Hollinwood Branch Canal was a canal near Hollinwood, in Oldham, England.", "zh": "霍林伍德支渠是英国奥尔德姆的霍林伍德附近的一条水渠。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Hollinwood", "zh": "霍林伍德"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "英国皇家全科医师学会(RCGP)研究及监测中心(RSC)是一个具有全国代表性人群的全科诊所(GP)网络,它每周一次提供匿名化数据用于传染性疾病监测。", "en": "the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) Research and Surveillance Centre (RSC) is a network of general practices (GPs) with a nationally representative population that provides pseudonymized data for weekly surveillance of infectious diseases."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "传染性", "en": "infectious"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "病毒载体(I期开发者和候选疫苗:CanSinoBiologics,5型腺病毒载体)", "en": "viral vector (Phase I developer and vaccine candidate: CanSino Biologics, adenovirus type 5 vector )"}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "疫苗", "en": "vaccine"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "所有4种引起轻微症状的社区获得性HCoV都已很好地适应了人类。", "en": "all four community-acquired HCoVs causing mild symptoms have been well adapted to humans."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "症状", "en": "symptoms"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "国际专家共识小组于2010年发布上一版指南以来,我们已有了新的数据,新的内镜技术,并且抗血小板药和抗凝剂的应用越来越多,而且发布了多份其他指南.", "en": "since the previous guideline from this international expert consensus group was published in 2010, there are new data available, new endoscopic technologies, increasing use of antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents, and multiple other published guidelines."}, "data_name": "NEJM", "hints": [{"zh": "抗血小板药", "en": "antiplatelet"}, {"zh": "国际专家共识小组", "en": "international expert consensus group"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "大部分新候选药物(NCE)在开发过程中均会遭遇失败,有的因为具有不可接受的毒性,有的因为完全无法证明对目标疾病有疗效,这些情况在II-III期临床试验中均会显现出来。", "en": "most novel drug candidates (NCEs) fail during drug development, either because they have unacceptable toxicity or because they simply do not prove efficacy on the targeted disease, as shown in Phase II-III clinical trials."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "临床试验", "en": "clinical trials"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "体外研究表明,当丝氨酸水平较低时,在SPTLC1或SPTLC2无突变的情况下,脱氧鞘脂也会积聚18.", "en": "in vitro studies have shown that deoxysphingolipids can also accumulate in the absence of mutations in SPTLC1 or SPTLC2 when levels of serine are low.18"}, "data_name": "NEJM", "hints": [{"zh": "SPTLC1", "en": "SPTLC1"}, {"zh": "SPTLC2", "en": "SPTLC2"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Robbins was born in Coventry on 21 September 1933, with his twin David, the eighth and ninth children of twelve by Charles and Jessamine Robbins.", "zh": "罗宾斯于 1993 年 9 月 21 日出生于考文垂,他的父母查尔斯·罗宾斯和杰西敏·罗宾斯共生育了 12 个孩子,罗宾斯和他的双胞胎兄弟大卫·罗宾斯分别排名第八和第九。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Robbins", "zh": "罗宾斯"}, {"en": "Charles", "zh": "查尔斯·罗宾斯"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "2020年3月,以色列政府批准安全机构追踪疑似冠状病毒携带者的手机数据。", "en": "in March 2020, the Israeli government enabled security agencies to track mobile phone data of people supposed to have Coronavirus."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "冠状病毒", "en": "Coronavirus"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "In November 1989, Delaney was a member of the New York Stock Exchange and became Senior Managing Director at Henderson Brothers, Inc. and Bear Wagner.", "zh": "1989 年 11 月,德莱尼成为纽约证券交易所的成员,并成为 Henderson Brothers , Inc. 和 Bear Wagner 的高级常务董事。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "New York Stock Exchange", "zh": "纽约证券交易所"}, {"en": "Delaney", "zh": "德莱尼"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "2019年底在中国中部出现的SARS-CoV-2再次让CoV成为了人们关注的焦点,令人惊讶的是,与它的姊妹病毒SARS-CoV相比,它的传染力强,但致病性低。", "en": "the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in central China at the end of 2019 has thrusted CoVs into the spotlight again and surprised us with its high transmissibility but reduced pathogenicity compared to its sister SARS-CoV."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "SARS-CoV", "en": "SARS-CoV"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "In November 1989, Delaney became a member of the New York Stock Exchange and was senior managing director with Henderson Brothers, Inc. and Bear Wagner.", "zh": "1989 年 11 月,德莱尼成为纽约证券交易所的一员,并且担任 Henderson Brothers , Inc. 和 Bear Wagner 的高级董事总经理。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "New York Stock Exchange", "zh": "纽约证券交易所"}, {"en": "Delaney", "zh": "德莱尼"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "如果当地社区出现了大量传染,除了实施保持社交距离策略之外,还可以考虑延长学校假期。", "en": "when there is substantial transmission in the local community, in addition to social distancing strategies, extended school dismissals may be considered."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "传染", "en": "transmission"}, {"zh": "社交距离", "en": "social distancing"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "为防止疾病传播,在以下情形中也应采用正确的方式洗手:处理切口或伤口前后;打喷嚏、咳嗽或擦鼻涕后;触摸动物粪便或处理动物后;以及碰触垃圾后。", "en": "other occasions when correct handwashing technique should be practiced in order to prevent the transmission of disease include before and after treating a cut or wound; after sneezing, coughing, or blowing your nose; after touching animal waste or handling animals; and after touching garbage."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "传播", "en": "transmission"}, {"zh": "打喷嚏", "en": "sneezing"}, {"zh": "咳嗽", "en": "coughing"}, {"zh": "触摸", "en": "touching"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "措施包括暂时重启边境管制,限制国内出行,关闭或限制餐馆和其他场所提供服务,禁止大型公共活动,最严重时还会禁止居民离家外出,除非绝对必要。", "en": "these include the temporary reintroduction of some border controls, restrictions on travel within the country, closing or limiting service at restaurants and other establishments, banning large public events, and in the most severe cases prohibiting people from leaving the house except for essential reasons."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "限制", "en": "restrictions"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Dharmendra Yadav of RJD defeated Poonam Devi representing JDU in 2000.", "zh": "全国人民党的德尔门德拉·亚达夫于 2000 年击败了人民党联合派代表普那姆·德维。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Dharmendra Yadav", "zh": "德尔门德拉·亚达夫"}, {"en": "Poonam Devi", "zh": "普那姆·德维"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "蝙蝠CoV-HKU4和MERS-CoV利用相同的宿主受体二肽基肽酶4(DPP4)侵入病毒。", "en": "bat CoV-HKU4 and MERS-CoV utilize the same host receptor, dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4 ), for virus entry."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "病毒", "en": "virus"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "来自意大利的部分数据显示,大流行期间的实际死亡人数是官方统计的COVID死亡人数的4-5倍。", "en": "partial data from Italy found that the number of excess deaths during the pandemic exceeded the official COVID death tally by a factor of 4-5x."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "死亡人数", "en": "deaths"}, {"zh": "COVID", "en": "COVID"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "显然,蝙蝠为基因片段的种间交换和种间传播提供了丰富的病毒种类库。", "en": "it is obvious that bats provide a rich pool of virus species for interspecies exchange of genetic fragments and interspecies transmission."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "传播", "en": "virus"}, {"zh": "病毒", "en": "transmission"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "您的发热达到多少度?", "en": "how high is your fever?"}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "发热", "en": "fever"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "zh", "tgt_lang": "en", "translation": {"zh": "非手术组2例死亡是由心跳呼吸骤停引起,手术组1例死亡是由肺栓塞(术后,化疗前)引起.", "en": "two deaths in the no-surgery group were due to cardiopulmonary arrest, and one death in the surgery group was due to a pulmonary embolus (postoperative, prechemotherapy)."}, "data_name": "NEJM", "hints": [{"zh": "心跳呼吸骤停", "en": "cardiopulmonary arrest"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "用普通家用清洁剂清洁多人接触过的物体和表面,如门把手、电话和电视遥控器。", "en": "clean objects and surfaces that a lot of people touch, such as doorknobs, phones, and television remotes with regular household cleaner."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "接触", "en": "surfaces"}, {"zh": "表面", "en": "touch"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "Achille Deveria drew Adèle Dumilâtre with Jean Coralli.", "zh": "阿西尔·德维利亚曾与让·科拉利一同描绘阿黛尔·杜米拉特雷。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "Achille Deveria", "zh": "阿西尔·德维利亚"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "McCarthy was born in San Francisco, California, but at the age of four he moved to Auckland with his family.", "zh": "麦卡锡出生在加利福尼亚州的旧金山,但在四岁时随家人搬到了奥克兰。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "McCarthy", "zh": "麦卡锡"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"en": "John Byron married Mary Byron, daughter of Sir Lucas of Newstead, Nottinghamshire.", "zh": "约翰·拜伦与玛丽·拜伦结婚,后者是诺丁汉郡纽斯特德卢卡斯爵士的女儿。"}, "data_name": "PAWS-X", "hints": [{"en": "John Byron", "zh": "约翰·拜伦"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}
{"src_lang": "en", "tgt_lang": "zh", "translation": {"zh": "在医疗领域,洗手的主要目的是清除手上可能伤害人体或导致疾病的病原体(细菌、病毒或可引发疾病的其他微生物)及化学物质。", "en": "the main medical purpose of washing hands is to cleanse the hands of pathogens (bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms that can cause disease) and chemicals which can cause harm or diseases."}, "data_name": "wmt21_terminology", "hints": [{"zh": "洗手", "en": "washing hands"}, {"zh": "病原体", "en": "pathogens"}], "task_type": "term_con_trans"}