2 values
[ { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "Carlyn scowered at Livio's first response and then ignored his question with a hmph.\nSeems she misinterpretted what he had said. She thought he was implying her name *Wasn't* Regular. Not the Dragon's." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"...Did I say something wrong? I just meant your sister's name was normal. And it's not everyday that people say that they have a dragon, you know-\"\n\n*Livio seemed confused on why Carlyn suddenly seemed to get angry.*" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"Yeah, my name is perfectly fine too. Just 'cause Mary has a traditional name doesn't mean mine isn't normal. You're more than welcome to sleep on the couch, you know.\"*\n\nThe dragon question was aired yet again." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"You're absolutely right.\"\n\n*Livio put his arms around Carlyn and sort of just flopped down on her, though still walked with her.*\n\n\"If I said anything mean, I didn't mean it, ok?\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"Thought so.\"* Carlyn retorted, evening out his weight with her own. This close, he could feel it. Not only had she been keeping up with her training, she was stronger than she was before. Her muscular frame was hidden by dense and loose fitting clothes. It was only slightly jarring. \n\n*\"Buuuut yeah, I have a dragon. Her name is La'vera... Or maybe... He? Never checked before. Doesn't really like strangers but she'll tolerate them.\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Hey, you've been working!\"\n\n*Standing up on his own two feet, Livio would place his hand on her shoulders, partially feeling her muscular frame, partially trying to tickle her. Sure, it wasn't as built as he was, but Livio had been a professional soldier before this. Was it just him, or was she taller than Shaw?*\n\n\"Well, I hope he'll tolerate me. I don't wany any dragons angry at me.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"Hey- no poking.\"* She fussed, twitching away with a toothy grin, *\"He won't bite you but I will if you keep doing that.\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*Livio snickered a bit at Carlyn's reaction, responding with a headpat.*\n\n\"And what if I like it?\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"What if you...\"* Carlyn repeated, giving him a funny look and saying, *\"You're weird, if you do. Who wants to be bit?\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*Livio let out a laugh at Carlyn's reaction.*\n\n\"No, no I don't. But there's some weird people that you can meet out there that do. A little nibble, right there-\"\n\n*Livio would lightly punch Carlyn's neck, just enough so she could feel him.*" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"Well I'm ferocious and don't nibble, I bite. So don't poke me or else.\"* She threatened lightheartedly, giving him another fanged grin. Scary kemonomimi teeth.\n\nThey were finally coming up on the Kadho General Store. It hadn't changed much from the last time Livio was here, only, this time he was invited inside rather than a conversation from over the outdoor stall. Carlyn opened the door for him, since he was her guest." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*Livio gave her another headpat as she gave a fanged grin. He just saw it as cute.*\n\n*He gave a bow of thanks as Carlyn opened the door for him, as he stepped inside and gave a look around.*" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "They were immediately met by the voice of a man who swung his head from around a corner.\nImmediately, the man started talking at the girl in Runra. She had no idea if Livio understood the language and double-took.\n\nThe sir was another Kemono, much like herself, with a small frame and incredibly dark brown hair with white strands and a scruffy beard. Seemed like this was her father.\n**\"Carlyn, where the hell have you been all day?!\"** He fussed, and then looked at Livio, **\"And who's the boy?\"**\n\n**\"Does it matter? Shipment details should have arrived. I'm going to my room to work on the next long. He's spending the night with me.\"**\n\nBefore they really could get another word between each other, Carlyn took Livio's hand and hurried him along towards a hallway that broke off into a couple different rooms. It was the middlemost room that belonged to Carlyn, of which she damn near dragged him into and then shut the door with an annoyed sigh." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Eh? Uh, no speak Runran.\"\n\n*He recognized the language as Runran, but had no idea how to speak it. Maybe he should have Hara or Carlyn teach him some. He looked to a man who seemed to be Carlyn's father. He smiled and gave him a wave before being dragged along by the dog into her room.*\n\n\"Not fond of him?\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "The girl shook her head and said, *\"Nah, not that. I just kind of dissappeared on him for like... 5 hours. I was supposed to be back with the shipment details but I got a little...\"*\n\nShe looked at Livio. He was her scapegoat.\n\n*\"Tied up. And I've also never brought anyone home before, not since I was like thirteen or fourteen, so I'm sure that's a little concerning to him.\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Well, you did get the shipment details to him, right? The end result should be all that matters.\"\n\n*Livio looked back at Carlyn, not knowing what was going on in her head.*\n\n\"That's quite a long time. Fifteen sixteen is typically when that stuff's at it's peak, isn't it?\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"Yup. Sent it with the Captain.\"*\n\nCarlyn finally stepped around Livio and let him get a good look at her room. Frankly, it was exactly what you might expect from the dog.\nShe had a double bed on one side of the room and above her bed was a window that gave plenty of natural light. At the center of the back wall was a pretty freakin' huge desk, full of organized folders, papers, stamps, and at least three different mathematical tools. She had a huge map of the entirety of the local continents above the desk plastered over her wall. The corner across from where her bed was was dedicated to her adventuring stuff. A thick and heavy suit of plate steel armor stood on an armor stand and her spear that hung on a rack. She spent a lot of her free time etching designs into her spear and more recently the armor. Livio could see fairly fine designs that were, admittedly, not *Amazing*, but for an unskilled woman with a hobby? They looked cute.\n\nA sigh escaped her mouth. It was good to be home and not working.\nShe looked at Livio and added, *\"Not only that, I'm just too busy to bring boys home anymore.\"*\n\nShe lied about doing work. Her jacket was hung on a coat rack and underneath she wore a white tunic that really defined her musculature - especially her bare arms. She really *Hadn't* Slacked on her training, not even an inch. The everpresent war had really stirred a fire in her, though she waited far too late to get in on it.\n\nPlush toys and trinkets sat on every avaliable corner of her desk, bed, and shelves. She seemed to really like collecting things." } ]
[ { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*So this was what Carlyn was like. It seemed like she had a lot on her plate with the family business. And of course, the armor. He had never actually fought alongside her before; seems that she was a heavy armor user. He did want to see that one day; the small dog in armor barking at enemies.*\n\n*Of course, the arms were what immediately took his attention. He looked at the designs; they didn't seem professionally done, but they were still good.*\n\n\"Did you do these yourself?\"\n\n*He then looked over to the dog, who had now taken off her jacket to reveal a strong dog. Nice.*\n\n\"Well, you've gone out of your way to change that.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"I did. They're cute, right?\"*\n\nCarlyn walked up next to him as he looked over the armor and brushed her shoulder against his gently.\nMost of the designs were of little critters, clouds, or elaborate vines on flowers. They were certainly cute." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"They are. How long did it take?\"\n\n*As Carlyn brushed up against him, he placed his hand on her ears, rubbing them.*\n\n\"A cute design from a cuter artist.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "She blushed at the compliment, taking a step past him so he couldn't see her face. It had a long while since she received compliments like that, and if ever in this quantity. Her hand run down her spear as she spoke. \n\n*\"I work on and off on it,\"* Her hand moved off the spear and towards the armor. \"*A few years now. I started the spear in Upper Mentia and finished not long before I left. I started the armor when I got back home. It's been... Two years? Give or take, anyways. It'd be done by now if I weren't so busy.\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Aw, is someone blushing?\"\n\n*Livio could see her reflection in the polished armor, as well as his thermal vision confirming that she was warmer than normal.*\n\n\"Do you plan to get back to adventuring anytime soon? I imagine you want to get out there, seeing how much attention and detail you put into your gear.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "Carlyn grumbled back at him without really giving him a response to his first question, but quickly let it go with a sigh when his next one was asked.\n\n*\"I never intended to leave.\"* She said plainly. *\"I just wanted to keep everyone safe and realized I was a liability and starting to lose my sense of morale. Chalked it up to needing to go back home to work, but I knew I was just slowing everyone down. I came home to take those shackles off of them. Keeping them safe meant keeping myself out of harm.\"*\n\nHer hand raised along her spear with a face of somberness.\n*\"One day, when this war is over, I'll go back. I'm not sure I could ever see Sonja or Sivne, really. I pretty much abandoned them. Even if they took me back with open arms, I'm not sure how I'd feel about it, you know?\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"A liability? Are you worried that your friends would get hurt trying to protect you?\"\n\n*An arm wrapped around Carlyn's waist as Livio hoisted her up and sat her on the bed, and he sat next to her.*\n\n\"I don't know about them, but I'd want you fighting by my side. I'd think they would to. Gives the enemy someone else to worry about, you know? I'm sure you can handle yourself in melee. I sure can't.\"\n\n*He placed his hand over hers reassuringly.*\n\n\"I'm sure they'd be happy to see you again.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "Livio put everything she said into a much easier to swallow pill. Her ears flattened at her own disappointment, though that was cut short when she was quite literally picked up. A noise of nothing but surprise escaped her mouth until she was put on the bed and Livio took a seat next to her.\n\nHer surprise went back to sadness when he started talking again, though his words were certainly encouraging.\n*\"Thank you Livio. I just don't think it's time yet but... I do want to see them again.\"*" } ]
[ { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"This war will be over soon, but there's more opportunities to come. Sivne's basically a noble herself, and Sonja isn't that far behind.\"\n\n*Headpats were once again applied, but this time they seemed softer, more caring, like Livio was comforting a sad dog. Which he was.*\n\n\"I'll have you know there's almost nothing that would be a liability for those two. Even better if I'm around.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"Sonja, not surprising, but... Sivne?\"* \nIt was kind of surprising that they both were either nobles or soon-to be. Aaaand yet here she was. Still a merchant, without even a reputation beyond being the Cydonia shipgirl.\nBut Livio's hand patted down any depression that would've come with that. He was doing a remarkable job at comforting her.\n\nA soft punch was taken to his abdomen, and she said, *\"You're not a liability to anyone. Not even me.\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"I was surprised too. She's getting married too. To the Shaw guy. Not sure if you've seen him, tiny elf guy.\"\n\n*The weak punch only elicited a small chuckle from Livio.*\n\n\"I don't know if that's an insult or a compliment, but I'll take it. I guess it just comes with being at range huh?\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"Awh, what?! Shaaaw?! Are you kidding me, the god-damned twink?!\"*\n\nCarlyn stood up rather quickly with pretty theatrical dismay. She groaned and looked back at Livio and then made a second statement, *\"How did Sivne get married before me anywho? And specifically to* Shaw?! *Least I know who's the man in that relationship, sheesh!\"*\n\nTook a moment, but she's very obviously being dramatic. There's a smile on her face.\nShe's happy for them. \n\nMostly." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*A small chuckle turns to full on laughter as Carlyn called Shaw a twink, and proceeded to rant on how Sivne got married before she did.*\n\n\"Man, don't let them hear that! I was surprised too, when I heard she got married to a rat. I almost shot the guy because he tried to sneak up on us in his spirit animal.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"Hah! I almost stabbed him for the same reason! I was hunting and the jackass just stood there when I went to stab 'em! That's actually how we met him!\"* Carlyn retorted. Seems they both almost killed the guy. *\"Fun guy but jeez, is he helpless!\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*Livio scratched his head at Shaw being helpless. In terms of personality? He sensed no machismo whatsoever. However, his combat prowess was something else; he was probably on par with him as a marksman.*\n\n\"He's not bad at combat. Bow, gun, he's not bad with either. But how they make love I have no clue. The size difference is too much.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "Carlyn paused for just a moment to visualize... That.\nAnd just as quickly she pushed them off with, *\"Ew- Livio, gross! I didn't need that mental image, gosh! Errhgguh!\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*Livio can't help but fall backward on the bed, now almost howling in laughter.*\n\n\"What, you weren't curious? Don't get me wrong, it's not a pretty image. I'm sickened, but curious.\"\n\n*He eventually regains his composure.*\n\n\"Assuming they actually have. But that's none of my business to ask.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"Well I* Wasn't *Til you brought it up and now I think I'm anything but! Like, if Sivne's on top, then Shaw would die, and if Shaw was on top, I don't think anything would even happen! They're like... 3 feet difference in height!\"* \n\nShe paused after her short tyraid and said, *\"Okay, okay, no. Let's stop while we're ahead. Moving right our happy asses along.\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Ok, agreed. No more of Shaw and Sivne. So, what next? Surely you didn't bring me over to just complain. I hope.\"\n\n*Livio sat back up, resting his forearms on his knees.*" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean for it to be like that. I'm not usually so whiney, just a lot going on. I'm glad you're here though.\"* Carlyn replied, finally taking a seat back on the bed next to Livio, this time taking her turn to sprawl across it with her face and tail faced upwards and her head laid to the side. Felt good to just lay down." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*Livio looked at Carlyn as she sprawled across the bed, smiling as her tail faced up. He would stroke it gently, then another hand joined to pat her ears for extra pattage.*\n\n\"You're really soft you know that?\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"Lots of care and effort. Only one person who likes to pet me though and he's sitting right next to me, so in a way, you can say I do it for you.\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"I haven't seen you in so long though... Were you waiting for me?\"\n\n*More care and effort would go into the pats, ruffling her ears and hair. The tail would recieve long strokes along its fluffy length.*" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"Ppssshh, I wasn't waiting. I knew you'd come to see me, so I was patient. Less say waiting, more so... Anticipating.\"* \n\nCarlyn propped herself up on her elbowed as she spoke now, looking up at his face. \n\n*\"You're the only one who's come to see me in all this time. You're different from the others in that regard. I like it.\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*Was he truly the only one? He would have thought Sonja and Sivne were closer to her. They had fought together, after all. He definitely didn't think of himself as a good person, so to have Carlyn say he was the only one surprised him.*\n\n\"Sorry that I couldn't come sooner. I've been busy getting shot. ...Do you like belly rubs like actual dogs do?\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"U-Uhm. I don't know. That's a little embarrassing and a vulnerable position. So not right now.\"* *But maybe later* Is what she was implying. Funny." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Not right *Now*. Sure.\"\n\n*At this moment, a new goal materialized in Livio's mind; give Carlyn belly rubs. For now though he would settle for stroking her tail and rubbing her ears. She would find a pair of hands at her waist, picking her up and placing her on his lap. This allowed for easier access to her ears and tail.*\n\n\"You really did take good care of them.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "She gawked at being picked up. Carlyn had never been manhandled like this so much in her life, it was kind of strange. But Livio seemed to enjoy it, so she didn't comment.\n\n*\"Mnh, yeah.\"* She replied with an awkward nod, *\"They're a lot to keep up with. Try not to tangle it too badly, please.\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"I won't. I'll brush it out if need be.\"\n\n*Livio would continue playing with the dog like an actual dog, messing with her tail and head.*\n\n\"When do you plan to return to merc life?\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"I'll hold you to that.\"* She shot back with a smug stare. It'd be funny to see him try to maintain both a woman's hair and also a tail.\n\n*\"Anywho, I'm not sure. When the war comes to a close, probably. It'll be safer to travel again and so I'll hit the road once more.\"*" } ]
[ { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Don't worry, I keep my promises.\"\n\n*That was a lie, though he fully intended to brush her hair and tail if need be.*\n\n\"I'll be sure to help finish this war then. So you can get all comfy.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"I'll buy into that.\"* She said with a gentle sigh, *\"Both of those, actually. I'll believe you on both of those things.\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Seems like you finally had time to bring someone home. Plan to invite me back after this? Or do you want to go adventure out with me instead?\"" } ]
[ { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"You flirt, I did not... 'bring you home.' You're my guest and I invited you.\"* She replied with a pout over her shoulder, and then whipped her head around so that her hair smacked him in the face as he asked his next question.\n\nThere was no pondering about it. She answered almost immediately.\n*\"If you could stay here forever, I think I'd let you. But since you can't, I'll definitely have to open my door for you again someday soon. Either that, or go with you, but I can't leave yet. I've got responsibilities here first.\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"And what if I am a flirt? What are you going to do about it?\"\n\n*The words were paired with a ruffling headpat before he was met with a face full of hair. Some got in his mouth mid sentence, and he had the unfortunate experience of extracting Carlyn's hair out of his mouth before drying it with a handkerchief.*\n\n\"Is it because I'm a friend? One that came to visit? Or something else?\"\n\n\"As for those responsibilities... How long do you think you'll need?\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"You're way too readable, I feel like every romance novel I've ever read has had you in it.\"* She replied, but it wasn't exactly an insult. \n\nCarlyn leaned back gently and rested the back of her head in the cusp of his shoulder and neck, placing her cheek against his chin. \n\n*\"You're keen on getting me back, huh? Very antsy.\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"And you can read, can't you?\"\n\n*Livio wrapped an arm around Carlyn's waist as she leaned against him, pulling her in snug. He thought he was one who didn't make connections; clearly, he was wrong.*\n\n\"Nothing wrong with wanting someone adorable as you back.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"Of course I can read, goober.\"* \n\nShe grumbled in his ear at the comment and for just a moment broke free from his grasp. Carlyn stood up to turn herself around and... Basically clotheslined him into the bed. She flopped down next to him and stuck her arm out, taking him down with her. It was up to him to get comfortable.\n\nShe looked over at him to see how he reacted while saying back, *\"You're tremendously lucky I like you.\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*Livio was initially caught off guard, but eventually let himself be clotheslined onto the mattress, making a shallow Livo-shaped indentation in it. He looked over, giving her a smile before grabbing her arm, pulling her onto him, and rolling over so now he was on top. He gave her a sly grin as he fixed his hair confidently before fixing hers as well, brushing it out of her face.*\n\n\"I had a feeling you did from the start.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "She grinned and gave him a soft laugh as he flipped over. It felt nice to genuinely be close to someone, not just physically but emotionally too. But, well, she did have her own sly little comment to make as per usual. \n\n*\"Hard not to when you've always been obsessed with me.\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*She looked extra cute when she was laughing, but that iconic sly grin of hers was continuing to grow on him.*\n\n\"Always have a comment up your sleeve eh?\"\n\n*He used a hand to restrain both of hers, holding them above her head, while another was placed near her head to stabilize himself. He returned her sly grin with one of his own, waiting for her reaction.*\n\n\"Still got something to fire back like this?\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "Not a word was spoken back. A sheepish and bashful look was returned to Livio, but her mouth stayed shut. Her ear flicked once in response and a softer smiled formed on her face to replace that smugness. She hadn't even been in this position before. It was hard to find words for it, and so she just looked at him." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Seems like I finally shut you up huh?\"\n\n*Her hands were pulled further above her head, and another hand snaked under her back to pull her up. Livio made his move, taking advantage of the kemono's sudden shyness and pressed his lips into Carlyn's. He went quite light, as not to give her a sensory overload.*" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "It was still an overload for her, who had never been kissed before. But it sat well with her anyways, as her hand reached its way up and along his face.\n\nWhen she got a moment to speak after their brief engagement she asked in a still abashed, but equally smug tone, *\"How long have you been waiting for that?\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*With Carlyn accepting the kiss, Livio thought he had perhaps induced a silence in the dog. It only seemed to make her retaliate with words more though. Seems that he couldn't beat her in that department. So he would do so in another.*\n\n\"Only about a year. Now shut up.\"\n\n*He goes for another kiss, this time, much more passionate.*" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "Livio got his giggle of doom from the dog, who rested back and allowed him his kiss. Her hand moved from his cheek to the back of his head and pulled him down as she went to rest her head on the pillow. \n\nShe hasn't been waiting for this. In a strange twist of irony, she didn't know she wanted this until just now. But after so long in relative isolation, it was hard not to brew strong opinions about the ones you missed. Carlyn was happy it turned out this way. She was certain Livio was, too." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*Livio had been interested in Carlyn far sooner, but her disappearance meant that he didn't have the opportunity. Now, he seized it with fervor. His hand caressed her cheek, another wrapped around her. Now he could savor his prize; though, that wasn't the quite word, as Carlyn genuinely meant something to him.*\n\n*After a long period of kissing, Livio would break away so she could breath.*\n\n\"So, was I your first?\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"Oh please. You should already know you are. I've been a merchant since the day I could read. Never had time for anything like this.\"*\n\nShe sniffed just to clear her mind and said, *\"We'll set sail as soon as the war is over. I don't know where we'll go, but we'll go.\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Just wanted to confirm.\"\n\n*He finally let her go, rolling over next to her on the bed.*\n\n\"I'll go anywhere you go. I'm quite the traveler.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"So does that mean you'll stay here with me for a bit?\"* She asked sheepishly, looking over at him." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Hm? Of course.\"\n\n*He gave her a little boop on the nose, then scratched her ears again. Was it time now then? His hand went to her stomach, giving her belly rubs.*" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "Carlyn grumbled at the prospect as his hands moved to her tummy, and she brought her knees up to her chest. She kicked her sheets some to move them and then told Livio, *\"Move, space hog. I'm cold.\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*Livio would grab Carlyn and pull her into the covers before throwing them over the pair of them.*\n\n\"I'll take all your space.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "She made an estranged noise as she was grabbed and pulled in close, though no resistance was offered. Frankly Livio was warm enough, and the sheets were only adding to that. \n\nShe tucked her face in between his shoulder and neck, and mumbled in his ear, *\"I think I'm gonna go to sleep now. Long day of work and play. What say you?\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Has it gotten that late already?\"\n\n*Livio stroked Carlyn's hair and ears as she snuggled up behind him, holding her close.*\n\n\"You sure your parents will be fine with me sleeping with you?\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"Definitely not fine with it.\"* She replied, poking her head up and giving him a snarky grin. *\"Though they went through this same thing when they were our age. My mom was just a simple merchant and my father was one hell of a necromancer back in the day. So they'll definitely understand. The whole... Adventurous boy meets big town girl.\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Your dad's a necromancer?\"\n\n*Livio smiled as Carlyn poked her head out, and he gave her a quick kiss in response.*\n\n\"Well, it's not like we need their permission anyway.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"A pretty damned strong one, too. He's told me stories but thoe are best saved for another time. Right now I'm not thinking about him or his permission. Just you.\"*\n\nCarlyn once more settled back into his arms and let out a small, tired sigh. It was of pure relief and bliss." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Just me?\"\n\n*Livio rubbed her back as she settled into his arms, letting her just rest on top of him.*\n\n\"Hey, uh, how far do you want to go? With the two of us?\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"That's not a question for now, Livio. Do you really think I have the answer to something as broad as that?\"*\n\nOnce more she turned and looked at him.\n\n*\"I've never fallen in love before. I've never been kissed. I didn't even know this was how today was going to turn out. It just happened this way. I don't know if I'm just starved of romance and affection so I'm clinging to the first thing in front of me, or if I genuinely love you. But I know one thing, and that I've made you a promise. We'll sail. As friends, as... As lovers, as enemies. We're gonna sail, and whatever happens along the way will be the answer.\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Hm. You're right. That was a dumb question.\"\n\n*Livio laid back, looking up at the ceiling, then smiled, continuing to stroke her hair.*\n\n\"You'll find that it's a weird thing. Love, that is. Don't say enemies though, that just makes things awkward.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"I say it because it's true. We don't know what the future holds. And really, our past holds no weight on our actions either. We just have to live in the now.\"* Carlyn said, trailed with a gentle hum.\n\n*\"Laughing, crying, eating food. Adventuring, meeting new friends, and reinforcing old ones. Every day brings new opportunities. It's why people keep moving on. It's why I left my home in the first place. I wanted to take control of my own fate... Or, I guess it was already fated to be. But I think that's where I fit the best in life. Living day by day, with plans for a short future but never coming to any real conclusions. Whatever happens happens. Wherever we end up, on whatever side, I just hope I get to spend [Tomorrow with You.](<" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Have a little hope! Though, that being said, I definitely didn't think I would end up here.\"\n\n*He hadn't expected to live life as a mercenary when he was first drafted. He thought that the war would end soon, and he'd return home to his home town in Upper Mentia. It had been 6 years since he first thought that. Livio continued to listen to Carlyn's mini speech, thinking about what would happen in the future. That was the spirit. Whatever happens happens.*\n\n\"Sounds like you're madly in love, judging from that.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"Oh hush. We'll see how it goes, but for now, we'll run with that. I'm enjoying being with you now, and I don't see why I wouldn't be tomorrow or... A week or six months or even years from now.\"*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*Had any of his past relationships ever lasted more than a year? Well, with Carlyn moving along with him, it may actually be the first case.*\n\n\"I'm looking forward to it. Let's stick with tomorrow first though. What should we do?\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "*\"Sleep first, thinking later. Okay?\"*" } ]
[ { "author": "Shaori Otsuki", "message": "*Shaori watched the two men seem to get along, smiling slightly before ending up bursting out laughing when she saw Lucrum fall. It wasn't out of spite, but it was pretty funny. She put her hands on her stomach and tried to keep from laughing. Between a few sighs and laughter, she tried to say.* \"I'm sorry to be laughing! I can't handle it!\" *After a few moments trying to compose herself, she finally stopped laughing and got a little more serious, feeling bad for having laughed at someone who had just fallen.*\n\n\"Ah? Yes, I have seen many places like this.\" *Shaori responded with less joy than usual, perhaps the first time she was calm during the trip. Her tail, which hung to the side, swayed slightly, even after the horse stopped moving. Listening to the story that Lucrum had to tell about the place, the kitsune just remembered the past and how things can change. While she paid attention to him, her mind also traveled through ruins that she had already seen. Her past had not been sad or happy, in fact she herself did not know how to classify it.* \n\n\"Huh... About me...\" *Shaori leaned on the horse, running her fingers between its mane as she wondered what interesting things she could say.* \"I come from foreign kingdoms, so I don't know this region very well. I lived with my family in a small village, but I decided to venture out into the world to gain power.\" *She sighed for a moment, taking a look at the two before continuing to speak.* \"I think that you will find out about me very soon, without any effort.\" \n\n*It was true. Soon Terrel and Lucrum would see the woman's other face, literally.*\n\n\"How do you want to know if you can trust us. Helping you?\" *Shaori raised an eyebrow, now adjusting herself on top of the horse's saddle and correcting her posture.*" }, { "author": "Lucrum T. Khamiel", "message": "\"I already apologized for directions Terrel, What more do you want from me? Should I edit the the directions on your letters now?— Y'know you can't hide forever? __Eventually it all comes to light__. But I'll let you tell me on your own time... I'll be looking forward to it.\"\n\n*Lucrum looks at Terrel waving off his sarcasm, he chuckles. If he wasn't careful he may end up like him being so nonchalant. . .But under his facade, he knew what his drive was. The crown gave it all away. . . But he hoped he'd hang in there till the end for the profits. He decided to not pry at the man life. Terrel would open up on his own time. He looks to Shaori, still kinda embarrassed that he had nearly fallen. His horse proceeds to graze*\n\n\"Foreign lands? The pursuit of power and fortune. . . We can all agree we're here for that\"\n*He snaps his fingers, and raises the two pieces of paper. A letter and invitation.*\n\"I sure do hope to Shaori, Who knows? You may have a talent like Terrel! Who's nonchalant in everything he does. . . I kid, I kid, but I am intrigued nonetheless. I'm ready for anything you to decide to surprise me with.\"\n*He reads the letter in his head, his plans starting to form around the two. His face is concentrated, as he look to them both with urgency*\n\n\"Opportunities come unexpectedly, and the one you feel most unease with are often the most lucrative. . . This—this here is your calling. . .\"\n*He hands over the Invitation to Terrel and the Letter to Shaori. He exhaled slowly*\n\n\"If I haven't informed you; I am, Lucrum T. Khamiel. . . I come from a once great guild of merchants, why am I telling you this?— I'm glad you asked. They were once 'great' in helping average people like you two and I and my family. Become successful, Whether you were a mercenary, merchant, or someone who needed as way to prove yourself. To the lords & leaders that oppressed us and we're suffering injustice or inequality in poor conditions, eventually we had to disband—\"\n\n•••\n\n\"I was told this by my guardian Lupa sometime around my teen years the guild was disbanded . . . For __unknown reasons however. . .__— I was told there is still remnants of them, of the important members and well. . . It's necessary that I get to them, as they know the whereabouts of my Mother and Father.— That letter your holding Shaori— is from my Father. . . It was given to me before I left out to seek associates, it's dated a 6 months ago. Read it please.\"\n\n*He looks over to Terrel, his face held a sorta of pain look but sternness to it.*\n\n\"The Invitation is to a Wedding and Gala in the upcoming week; I was invited to take part, The person here was an important figure in the guild and they were nice enough to invite the Sons—and Daughter of one of the most well renowned members of that guild who had disappeared for several years. . . See the details. . .\"\n\n*He looks around the ruins and forest, hoping that they were truly alone out here. He expresses his concern to the two, his voice is serious.*\n\n\"This is where we learned to trust one another. . . As well as where I learn to trust you, and you trust me. . . I assure you if you help me with this you will be rewarded greatly. . . So I'll leave the details of what I need you two for when finish the delivery. . . But I need to know if you are ready for this?\"" }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "\"Yes, some updated directions would be nice right about now.\" *Terrel said with a smug grin from where he sat lax on his horse. He was messing around with Lucrum at this point, finding amusement in prodding at his meaningless mistakes. Lucrum believed that Terrel would open up eventually, but the Elf could only shrug off that thought. This wasn't some fairy tale where they were just going to 'share their feelings' and win the day with the 'power of friendship'. Two extreme case scenarios that came to his mind, but still the Elf rolled his eyes at his own ludicrous thoughts.\n\nHe turned to look over at Shaori as Lucrum began to address her and her past life. Another foreigner it seemed though it surprised him little that neither of them weren't from around here. They stuck out enough from the crowd with their brightly colored get up, intentional or not. Lucrum on the other hand, seemed like he knew this place and knew it well.\n\nTerrel listened to Lucrum once more as he began to explain why they were here, turning his head to focus on the Macen while his horse grazed with Lucrum's. The Macen began to introduce himself once again, stating his full name to which Terrel wondered if the man suffered from short turn memory. This would be one heck of a trip if he did, but Terrel waved off the thought as he was handed the invitation. \n\nHe looked it over quickly as Lucrum began his long monologue that Terrel figured he must have practiced over and over again by himself before waiting for this exact moment. Nevertheless, Terrel listened to him talk about the guild of merchants he had once come from, speaking about how they were oppressed by those empowered to which Terrel snorted at the thought of it. He wouldn't mind causing a bit of chaos among the lordships, just for the sake of them losing control of things for once, but it was clear with Lucrum's story that that wasn't what they were planning to do. Oh well, maybe on the way then.*\n\n*After that, Terrel's mind had began drifting off elsewhere, gazing out at the area that surrounded him while Lucrum sounded more muffled in the background. Only when Terrel had looked over to see the Macen staring at him in a mixture of pain and sternness, did the Elf finally refocus on the story that was being told. The smile he once carried had faded off to a more neutral look, causing him to look the most serious he has been since he had first arrived.\n\nOnce Lucrum has finished explaining everything, Terrel would follow his gaze back out to the forest and ruins, feeling as if the Macen was looking for something or rather seeing something that wasn't there, but he decided to shrug it off. Lucrum seemed concerned with something, and what that was exactly, Terrel didn't try to dwell on. There was most likely something out there to be wary of, so maybe it was best he kept on guard. When Lucrum had finally asked the question of whether or not they were ready, Terrel responded in a neutral, monotone voice:*\n\n\"Ready as I'll ever be...\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Narrator", "message": "A thundering bang came from Lucrum's feet. Before he knew it, an arrow was planted in the ground ahead of him. It was an attack- no, a warning perhaps. A few bushes around shook as multiple men revealed themselves from their hideouts. Three appeared, to be precise, yet how many more hid remained unanswered. Each of the bandits was covered in green robes, the color smoothly blending with the surroundings. Whether it was a sword or a bow, leather or linen, none of them seemed lacking in equipment - the group could probably conclude these were no mere goons. Each of them stared down the party, yet remained silent.\n\n*Step, step, step.*\nA boot slammed against a boulder of the ruins, a bit to the left from the thugs. If the group turned, they'd see quite the bizarre man. The winds carried his grey unkempt hair, the one protruding from his dusty wide-brim boon. He donned a cloak similar to the one the rest sported, yet his was patched up in various places. A falchion, flaunted proudly in his hand, reflected the thin rays of sunlight which broke their way through the tree crowns. An excited grin pointed out his greasy teeth and sweaty skin. The man spoke up, jerking his head left and right to exclaim his points further - his speech that of a vagrant.\n\n\"I see you're as attentive as your father, little boy! Sniffed us out 'fore we even made our debut. Let's see if you're as wise as he was, too.\" He reached the sword out and gestured at Lucrum's friends. \"All those are your buddies, aye? How about you keep them safe and sound by handing yourself over? I assure you, I don't come unprepared for such a saucy bounty!\" The leader tilted his head left and right, as if hinting that even more men hid in the trees about." }, { "author": "Lucrum T. Khamiel", "message": "*Lucrum caught off guard cursed under his breath as he wondered, How long did these men follow them? They had left Kadho hours ago and discussed quite a few things. Had they been listening to what they plotted? A sense of dread washed over him, knowing what he had exclaimed prior shouldn't come to light nor escape these wretched ruins, he follows the motion of the Leader head sway. . . As he stares at the first arrow implanted by his feet. . . He is able to make out an 'approximate' location of a single ranger hidden amongst the grove. . . Be wasn't able to tell the difference between the green brush and the camouflage of the archer itself. Which wasn't enough. . . He needed time— So Lucrum played on the Hunter's patience. . . Gambling their lives on his drawn out shenanigans. . .*\n\n\"If you know of my father, Thou shall know that the robbery of his kin will not go unpunished. . .—\"\n\n*It was the appropriate time to mention; Lucrum was armed with a Calvary Sword and a Mace. With a Gambeson that had Pauldrons. Lucrum slowly decided to dismount his horse. Whilst having raised his hands as the 4 horses were important to have alive. He did not wish to have them caught in the crossfire. He keeps his hands raised, As he steps on the arrow. Embedded in the ruins dirt. He turns to Terrel and Shaori as he raises his chin up to them. He raises an eyebrow to them both, He quickly turns back to answer before he scoffs jokingly*\n\n\"Tsk..—! These people have nothing to do with me, they just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. . . __Your quarrel is not with them. It is with me. . .__\"\n\n*He presses his foot down on the arrow as he grows antsy for an opening to strike; But is unable to make one yet. As he returns his view to the Leader and three visible bandits. He wonders what Terrel and Shaori might do, yet he knows within he must make the first move.*\n\n**\"Come forth, claim your reward...\"**\n*Lucrum drops his head slightly, as he awaits the response of the Men.*" }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*Terrel's grip tightened on his horse's reigns as the other men appeared from view. Ambush. Seeing the large group that surrounded them, part of Terrel questioned if Lucrum had the lead the two of them astray, though nothing of the two of them would require this many bandits. The Elf eyed them from beneath his mask, trying to make out just how many there were with how well they blended into the environment.\n\nHis attention was averted as one man stood apart from the rest of them, armed with a Flachion in one hand as he directed his words towards Lucrum. So that's who they were after. Terrel shifted his focus towards Lucrum as he dismounted and began walking towards the man with his hands raised. An act of surrender perhaps, but no he was simply buying them time, evident as he untruthfully stated that they had nothing to do with him.\n\nTerrel would have to go along with it. Beneath him, his horse gazed at the men distrustfully and the Elf could only imagine the amount of fear surging through his mount. He'll have to retain calm for the moment. His hands relaxed on the reigns of his horse as he lowered his arms into his red cloak. At his waist-side, he carried a sheath housing the short sword he kept himself armed with beneath the red cloak he wore. Along with it, he kept a crossbow strapped to him though seeing that they were surrounded with bandits armed with their own bows, they wouldn't have much time to react once the first strike was given. He grabbed at the crossbow from beneath his cloak, feeling along it as he was unable to see it directly. \n\nTerrel would look towards the main bandit with a rather bored expression or rather whichever expression could be perceived with his half hidden face.*\n\n\"Yeah, go ahead and take him.\" *The Pig Man offered, going along with Lucrum's story.* \"I hardly know him.\"\n\n*The Elf forced himself to relax back in the saddle of his horse with a look that seemed more as if their were inconveniencing them before he would glance over to Shaori to divert his attention away from Lucrum while one of his hands grabbed at one of the bolts to load the crossbow with.*" } ]
[ { "author": "brebmel", "message": "For several days Juna and a small caravan of pilgrims have traveled along the hard packed forest roads on their way to the promised lands in the south. Though it's unknown why she was traveling south she was persuaded to join the group when one of the faithful informed her of the \"Dangers of traveling alone\" In a country at perpetual \"War\" With its neighbors. It wouldn't be surprising if the ultra religiosity of the people around her grinds on her nerves, or doesn't, but they have managed to keep her from being robbed or killed by the bandits that roam these lands. \n\nThey are on track to be soon approaching a town located along a creek feeding into the Huime river. The trees here, are tall strong firs tightly packed making the surrounding forestry seem dark and foreboding - when the only foreboding thing would be the possible bandits that lurk within. She likely has enough time to chat with one or two people before they arrive within the village, which should allow her to easily leave this group if she so desires." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna had kept quiet during the duration of the trip, finding herself only really speaking whenever someone else spoke first. Walking beside her was her Jackal, Jace, who seemed to be more lax than usual the pilgrims. Perhaps the trip with them got him used to them enough. It wasn't long ago when Juna was first told of the place of Mentia from a somewhat broken Soldier she had met in the woods. \n\nThe idea of there being a war going on didn't surprise her too much with what she was already told prior to considering traveling here. She kept her gaze on the forest they traveled along. Only recently had she been ambushed in the forest she lived at, which had caused her to have to be more vigilant with her surroundings. At least she had Jace around to keep an eye on things as well while she kept an ear towards the pilgrims and the other to the forest.\n\nJuna wasn't very accustomed to traveling with a group, though she didn't mind the company too much. She was so used to it being just her and Jace that having others around felt more secure somewhat. Even if she shied away them, she decided it was best to stick with them at least until she had the chance to fully look around Mentia.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "Nothing seemingly happens as they travel further down the road. Soon the thick firs begin to thin out, stumps growing ever present until they open up into wide fields - many of which contain grazing livestock. Small buildings can be seen on the horizon, presumably the adobes of the people who work this land. Down the road a large collection of two story buildings can be seen, and beyond that a smallish manor set upon a hill with a simple wooden wall around it. As they encroach upon the main road of the village Juna can see from here the signs hanging from several of the buildings. These symbols represent a variety of businesses, and from the heavy scent of baked bread and the constant clanging of metal there has to be a blacksmith and a bakery in this town.\n\nBut that isn't the only thing present within this town, as a man drunkenly stumbles out of an establishment with a tankard as its symbol. Either a tavern or an inn, and even further down the road - towards what looks to be the center of the town, a plethora of stalls housing one or two people and their goods can be seen. Beyond that is what looks to be a stone - tall and imposing, its large steeple towering over all other buildings within the town. Not quite the small village that it was stated to be..." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*As they left the forests behind, Juna began to focus more on what was ahead of her. Seeing the town slowly growing in the distance, her tail would give a small wag of relief. It had been such a long time of traveling that the Canifor was actually glad to finally find a village despite her preference of the woods. At least now she could truly get some rest. Her Jackal would wander on ahead, making his way through the entrance of the town before his owner as he began to investigate the area.\n\nJuna had let him go on ahead, taking the time to gaze around the village in its entirety. She had to admit it was much bigger than she had expected, but surely that was a good thing, right?*\"Is this... The village we were looking for...?\"*She would ask one of the pilgrims in a quiet tone. Of course Juna didn't have much experience in this area, unsure of whether their travel trip was truly over or not, but she figured it was best to ask first before splitting off from the group to look around. Already the scent of bread had reached her nose, something unique to that of the meat she usually ate. It must have caught Jace's attention as well for it seemed that the Jackal was following his nose in the direction of where the scent was coming from.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "An older looking woman, covered head to toe in clothes scratches her chin and shrugs before saying \"God willing this is the village we're looking for, those city dwellers must really have a different definition of a \"Village\" If you ask me.\" With that answer, and general confirmation that this is indeed the village they are looking for Juna would have the greenlight to split off of the caravan as a whole. Jace, seeming to have the idea in his nose wanders off in the direction of the bread-bakery, turning a corner and disappearing within the town. It would not be hard to follow after since he just turned the corner, however if she wanted to leave him to his own devices she could explore the much closer inn/tavern to book a room or look for some local work - or just to have a drink and some food. Alternatively, a town of this size would have more then just one inn or tavern and she could surely find another if she wanted to. There's also the small market place, and the blacksmith - and then the manor over-looking the village as a whole." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*She gave a dip of her head to the woman.*\"Thank you... I...I think I'll go see what Jace is up to...\"*Juna said before eventually turning away from the her and following after Jace around the corner. With the smell of bread getting stronger it seemed like they would be heading in the same direction for the time being. She'd hustle along to catch up to the Jackal before focusing on the Bread-Bakery they were heading towards. It would be her first time trying bread in a long while, maybe it would be a nice treat to have before they headed off to the a nearby Inn for some rest.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "It's not hard to catch back up to the Jackal, in fact the most difficult thing was avoiding the chamber pot being emptied from the second story of a building. The person above, presuming individuals to not walk so close to the side of the roads yells down \"Sorry!\" Before pulling themselves back from the window and disappearing back inside their house. From this distance, the easiest thing to notice about the bakery is the massive clay chimney - alongside the fact that it's pretty open too, and that there are smaller furnaces as well. There's also a small single story building next to the cooking area, presumably the shop - a large gaggle of women are gathered around the ovens, presumably gossiping as their bread cooks. The smell is pleasant, though nothing too special - it's not like they're lords or ladies who can afford special and unique breads." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna made a quiet yip of surprise at the chamber pot, quickly trying to move out of the way of it with her heightened reflexes. She found herself suddenly speeding up some more to catch up with Jace so as to avoid anymore surprises from the sky. As she eventually caught up with the Jackal, Juna would allow him to lead her up to the shop. Seeing the woman standing about he would let out an attentive bark towards them before sniffing around the area some more for the food he sought. Juna would follow more slowly behind, seeing that the woman were talking amongst themselves. The Canifor didn't want to really interrupted their conversation, however, she figured it was best to ask if they were selling anything.*\"Excuse... Me... I was wondering if... If you were selling any bread...\"*She said, keeping her gaze slightly lowered so as not to have to gaze at them directly. It was something she was always bad at, especially in a village filled with all sorts of people with hidden intentions.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "Most of the women ignore her outright - they're busy *Gossiping* And that is oh-so-more important to them then dealing with some child. However, a much older woman - seemingly distant from the rest of the younger women takes an interest in the girl and approaches her and says \"You act as if you've never been to a communal bakery before! Yes, this place does have a shop - but it's for selling some of the fancier stuff this place bakes up. Usually for the rich folks who pass through, i'm sure the baker can find some sweet bread for you if you ask nicely!\" Someone yells at the old woman, presumably her name and then something about \"Bread being ready\" She smiles and states before leaving \"Welp, that's my cue, hope you get that sweet bread!\"" }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "\"Well... I don't think... I actually *Have*...\"*Juna said under her breath as the woman pointed out the way she was acting. She listened to the woman as she spoke of the shop they had for selling bread. Before Juna could really ask anymore questions, she found the woman walking away which caused the Canifor to simply dip her head.*\"Let's go Jace... We might find some bread around the shop...\"*Juna said, continuing along as she tried to find a place that may give out some 'sweet bread'. Juna never had any sweet bread before or frankly anything considerably sweet. She just ate meat for the most part and whatever vegetables and spices people tended to add to it, but sweet? It did at least make the Canifor curious. She wondered if it would be right for Jace to have some. He wasn't meant to take too many table scraps that weren't regular meat they could just hunt out in the woods, but maybe this could be a nice treat for him too. As the Jackal finally returned back to her side, she would continue on to head to the shop area.*" } ]
[ { "author": "brebmel", "message": "Stepping upon the hard dirt road that makes up many of the towns streets, she walks along the cobble stone sidewalk and enters the breadshop through the open door. Within the shop, the smell of cooked bread hangs in the air thick like molasses. Light streams in from the open door and through a large window, which has shutters upon it halfway closed. There's a large counter in front of her, and racks of bread lining the walls - what looks to be the finest bread is located on the other side of the counter. The counter is made of wood, and the rotund man leaning upon it looks middle aged and slightly bored. He perks up upon someone entering and puts on a false smile as he says \"Welcome to my bread shop! What can I get you today?\" There's a door behind the counter that's closed, and another that would likely lead out to the communal bakery area." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*As Juna made her way into the bakery, her senses would be flooded with the smell of bread. It was a nice scent, one that was new, rich, and refreshing compared to the smells she was more used to. Jace paced the room, investigating around the shop as he tried to find the source of the strong smell while Juna would make her way up to the counter at the greeting from the man behind it.*\"Thank you... I was... Just wondering if I could have some... Sweet bread...\"*Juna said in her normally quiet tone. Instead of focusing too long on the man, her eyes would travel to the rest of the shop, mostly falling upon the bread that lined the walls to which the sight alone was enough to cause her tail to give a calm wag. Oh how long has she had bread that seemed so fresh? She was not quite sure, but despite it, she couldn't help but feel the rekindled memories of such a treat.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "He pushes himself off the counter and walks over to one of the top-most racks nearby, pulling down a loaf of bread that seems especially golden compared to the other ones. Plopping it down onto the counter, even from here the smell is quite sweet. The man eyes the jackal and then states with a slight hint of fear in his tone \"We don't accept animals in this establishment... If you could get him out here I'll be willing to do business.\" The loaf is small, about the size of someones forearm - but it's likely far higher quality then anything else she's ever seen before. If she gets jackal out of the establishment she will discover that the loaf coasts roughly 25 silver, pricey for a piece of bread but clearly this is something special - and deserving of such a cost." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "\"O... Oh...\"*She said, gazing down at Jace. Her tail had went still for a bit as the man had asked her to remove the Jackal from the building. It was the first time she had found herself not being allowed to keep Jace in a building. Perhaps Mentia was simply different as such or maybe the man simply didn't like animals. Juna would give a click of her tongue to get Jace's attention and guide him over to her as she would take him back to the entrance way. As she would reach the door, Juna would allow for Jackal to eagerly run back outside only to realize that Juna wasn't following him which had caused him to return back to door with a look of confusion.*\"Just wait here for now Jace...\"*She whispered to him, giving a pat atop his head.*\"I'll be right back...\"*Closing the door, she could make out the sounds of Jace trying to scratch at it, letting out a series of barks to be let back in. Juna would turn her head away for now, making her way back to the counter as she would take notice of the price of the loaf. Though it seemed rather small for something to cost that much, maybe it tasted more of what it was worth. At least, Juna would hope so as she took the silver out and placed it on the counter. It was more than she made in a day hunting, but maybe a treat every now and then wasn't so bad. Especially since any other time she could simply catch her own food.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "The man snatches the silver up faster then an arrow and pushes the loaf of bread closer to Juna. Counting the coins in his hand he grins smugly and states \"Will that be all? We have *Plenty* Of other different kinds of bread here if you find any others interesting...\" He nods to one wall and continues \"The breads over there are some of the most expensive in the store. The finest grain was made with them, fit only for nobility but i'm willing to make an exception for a *Single* Gold coin.\" Quite expensive, but likely what the nobility of this region pay each day to obtain high quality breads. Though, one must wonder if high quality always translates into good taste - quite often the \"White\" Breads the nobles eat are little more then dead calories, with no nutrients or substance beyond their expensive quality. The baker looks on expectantly, almost hoping for Juna to decide to splurge a bit after how much she was willing to give now." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna would slowly grab the piece of bread, bringing it close to her before she finally picked it up and sniffed at it. As the baker began showering her with suggestions of what else she could buy from here with all the different and more expensive types of bread, she would give a shake of her head.*\"No... No thank you... This is enough...\"*Juna says. In reality, she simply wanted to get back to Jace and share some of the bread with him for being relatively good this whole trip. She didn't think it very fair to have to leave him outside after all of that. Besides, she didn't need the most expensive bread anyways. She was far from nobility and was humble enough just to enjoy a small sample of the bread they had. Even if it wasn't the best, Juna didn't need much of it. After all, she was capable of hunting for more food if she needed it.*\"Thanks... Thanks for the bread...\"*She would say before turning away and heading back to the door to head outside.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "He shrugs in response, returns to his former position, and let's out a content sigh. The door opens back up into the streets, clouds have begun to move across the sky and seemingly in response to the threat of rain there are far less people on the streets. The bread is still warm in her hands, as if it had just finished cooking recently. If she bites into it she'd find it tastes exceptionally sweet, clearly sweetened with honey with hints of cinnamon. It's very crumbly however, and it's likely some of it would fall to the ground - Jace would likely eat whatever falls to the ground. If she gives Jace the bread, unbeknownst to her, the overly sweetness of the bread would likely lead to quite the stomach ache later on for the beast. Regardless, it seems that if they stay outside for any longer eating bread that they will be taking an involuntary shower." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*As Juna was greeted with her Jackal once more, she would lower herself to the ground to give him a light pet on the head. Carefully she would break off a small piece of the bread, about half the size of the palm of her hand and would allow Jace to eat away at it.*\"You've been such a good boy Jace...\"*She whispers as she would eventually stand back up and take a bite of the bread herself. The sweetness of it was definitely more than she would expected, but still flavorful enough as it was. Gazing up at the sky, she would watch as the clouds began to cover it. Juna never cared much for the rain, though she would much prefer that the bread didn't get soggy from it.*\"Maybe... We should go inside somewhere...\"*She says to Jace while the Jackal had quickly finished his piece of bread and was sniffing at her for more.*\"Let's go Jace-\"*She would say, making her way down the road at a more quickened pace. It was too bad they couldn't have taken shelter in the bakery, though maybe there was a tavern they could sit in if the weather were to get too bad. Seeing his owner quickly moving on, Jace would follow after her, soon taking the lead once more along the much emptier streets.*" } ]
[ { "author": "brebmel", "message": "It wouldn't be hard to follow the sounds of merriment - and the smell of booze in the air. She'd find herself quickly in front of the establishment with the Tankard as its symbol. The oaken plank door is right in front of her, and two windows that utilize wooden shutters to close them. If she looks into the establishment through these windows she'd find a lively environment - made up of mostly Macen, but a few other peoples like elves can be seen, all drinking and eating. A song *Seems* To be coming from within... But the voices and merriment within seems to blot out any attempts to listen in. The door doesn't seem locked and she'd have no issues just walking on in if she wanted to. From the looks of it, other people seem to be having the same idea and are also making their way to the tavern - hopefully there will still be space inside..." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna would follow the sounds, soon finding the tavern that she sought.*\"Stay close Jace...\"*She whispered to him as the area became more crowded by the moment with all the people making their way to the Tavern as well. Of course Jace didn't exactly understand that much, however, he wasn't prone to running off in a place with so many people surrounding his owner. Anytime a person would get too close, Jace would let out a bark of warning while Juna slowly made herself to the door and opened it up to make her way inside. Her ears would lower atop her head, trying to muffle the amplified sounds as they would easily reach her at a much louder tempo. The Canifor would try her best to find somewhere more secluded within the crowded Tavern, knowing very well how impossible it may be. However, she was only interested in staying out of the rain for the time being while she observed the noticeably high population of Macen and Elves.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "People part around her like she's a victim of the plague. She gets plenty of strange looks, mostly because of her pet that she's brought into the establishment. So many elves in a land alien to elves is quite strange, but is soon explained by the performance ongoing. It seems some kind of elven troupe has entered the town, and that they're performing some kind of exotic elven thing. Extremely flexible dancers, beautiful vocalizations, etc. Probably a bit too loud and high pitched for her well tuned ears. Unfortunately for her, it does not seem like there is a single quiet place in this establishment - if she were to approach the tavern owner she'd at least be able to ask though. It does seem like this place has a basement and a second story, though the purpose of the second story is unknown." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna kept her head lowered as she walked past the several people passing glances at her. After looking around for a bit, it seemed as if she wasn't going to get much peace here, leaving her to having to keep her ears pressed against her skull at the expense of some of her hearing. It was good enough as it was without all the loud noises causing her to go deaf. From a distance, she would catch sight of the elven dancers putting on a performance, finding herself watching more curiously. It was the first time she's ever seen a performance going on at a Tavern and she couldn't help but stare for a while as they sung and dance, her Jackal soon letting out a high pitched howl of his own at all the sounds. Eventually Juna would break herself away from the brief trance, moving further along through the Tavern as she had eventually come to take notice of there possibly being a second story. Maybe this place had some rooms to stay in. It would be practically impossible to sleep with all this noise, but at least it could provide a place more private from the rest of the Tavern. She would head over to who she could only assume was the owner of the establishment or at the very least someone that could answer her question.*\"Hello... I was... I was... Wondering if this place had... Any rooms available...\"*She would ask them, her Jackal continuing to vocalize at her side.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "The mans smile promptly turns into a frown as if he had drunk spoiled milk and states \"Tell your mutt to shut it before he drives all the customers outside! And yes, we do have rooms for sale. Twenty five silver a night, and if that dog is sleeping with you it'll be an extra ten silver per night.\" He sneers at the animal as if it was the cause of all of his problems. But he isn't the only one, many of the patrons of this establishment regard the dog as if it were also the source of all their problems - and for now, it seems like it's the source of their issue of hearing the singing, even if that isn't quite true. The clouds outside begin to coalesce into a dark grey mass, and those unfortunate to be stuck outside would find the pitter patter of rain would follow soon after. The pitter patter begins to grow in intensity until the hard packed dirt streets outside turn to mud and the only thing safe to walk on is the cobblestone paved side walks." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna flinched a bit, turning her head down to gaze at her Jackal. It seemed as if a lot of places didn't seem to like animals here. Perhaps it was just a thing of Mentia.*\"Jace shhhh...\"*She would say. Of course that wouldn't get the Jackal to shut up completely, but at least he had started howling less frequently, pausing occasionally to look up at Juna before continuing on once more. As the man, told her how much the room would cost, she would take a moment to think about it. She had already spent a lot for the bread. Maybe she could simply wait out the rain in the main tavern for now. At least, it would seem to save money anyways.*\"Oh... Okay...\"*She would say before glancing back to the performance going on.*\"Thanks for... The info...\"*Juna would turn away, leading Jace further back through the crowd in hopes of leaving the sight of the Jackal-hating man. Juna thought Jace's voice was rather nice, though of course not everyone can learn to appreciate it. For now, Juna would at least search for an empty seat for herself to take in order to watch the performance. If not spending the night here, she could at least wait out the rain in this rather festive place for the time being. Finding himself having to hastily follow his owner, Jace would quiet up is solo, following after her with his tail wagging vigorously at the excitement in the air.*" } ]
[ { "author": "brebmel", "message": "Weaving her way through the crowd she manages to spot a singular table in the corner of the tavern that seems nominally empty. I say nominally because there is a single man, gruff in appearance and hairier then a rug. With exception of his head - which is completely bald and shines like a piece of metal recently rubbed down with oil. He spots the canifor girl and waves his hand, motioning for her to come over to him. He seems extremely serious - or perhaps it's just impossible to tell any real facial expressions when his face looks like a full head of hair. The dog still gets quite a few looks, and it's only a matter of time until one of the drunk patrons decides to act on their misgivings with the creature. Besides that, it doesn't seem like there's anywhere else to really sit and soon enough it looks like there won't even really be space to *Stand!*" }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*As Juna tried to move through the growing crowd she would eventually catch sight of the man waving to her. At first she would glance around, partially thinking that he was waving to someone else only to come to realize that he was gesturing for her to come over. Taking a deep breath, she would make her way over to the table, not immediately sitting down as she drew close.*\"It's... It's okay for me to sit here...?\"*She would ask. Not quite wanting to take the chair if it was meant for someone else and he was only gesturing her over to talk. Jace on the other hand wouldn't care in the slightest, quickly trying to make his way underneath the table to claim the area as his before anyone else could despite their not really being much competition for it. The Jackal would sit down, seemingly standing guard as Juna remained standing in waiting.*\"I'm... Sorry about him... It... Doesn't seem many like him here... But... We needed shelter from the rain...\"" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "He points to the wooden chair placed adjacent to his and says \"Sit.\" Direct and to the point. Once she sits he shifts in his chair to face her, his eyes being the only thing visible through his facial rug - a deep brown with an intensity like that of a roaring fire. He'll open up with \"You will get shelter. And gold if you are willing to work.\" To emphasize the goal part he takes out what looks to be a medium sized coin pouch and places it upon the table, the jingling of coins causing quite a few heads to turn their way. His eyes look directly at her, as if he is trying to peer into her very soul. It's quite intense really, and one would not be faulted for faltering in the face of such an intense gaze." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna sat down, not wanting to give him a chance to change his mind with all the space being taken up within the the Tavern.*\"Work?\"*She questioned. Juna wasn't quite sure what the man exactly meant by that, unless he was expecting her to go out and hunt in the rain.*\"What... Kind of work?\"*The Canifor would watch as the man placed the pouch of coins in front of her. There was no telling how much was in there, however, whatever the amount was it could make up for what she spent on the bread to which she would take a small bite of as she had yet to completely finish it. Eventually she would swallow it all down in a big gulp as the bread eventually vanished from sight with the Canifor eating what was left of it. As he stared at her intensely, she would avoid his gaze, deciding to focus more on her Jackal who was letting out a low growl at the people turning in their direction, clearly not liking the looks from them.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "His reply is brief and stuttered almost as if he doesn't have a full grasp of the language he's speaking \"Yes, work. You are hunter - I can tell, hunter good at scouting. Need scout for... Work.\" He motions for her to open up the coin pouch to confirm that it is indeed gold. If she does decide to open the coin pouch she'll find, from a guestimate - about fifteen golden coins or so. Before she can even respond or make any actions besides that he also takes out a rolled up piece of paper from a satchel placed upon his side, unraveling it so it lays flat on the table. A map of sorts, of this region at least - upon the map is something clearly marked, though what it means isn't exactly known. What is known, is that it seems to be leagues away from any kind of documented civilization." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Her ears would twitch to the side. Maybe it was her muffling her own hearing or the man's accent that made his sentences so fragmented, but at least she could understand that he wanted her to scout for something. As he gestured for her to check the bag, she would open it up ever so slightly to see the coins in it before closing it once more and looking back at the man.*\"You need me to scout... But... For what...?\"*She asked. When the man showed her the map, she could only look at it in confusion. Juna didn't know the place too well nor was she sure of what this was supposed to be a map of.*\"I'm... Not quite sure where this... Is... I'm a little new here...\"*She admits not sure how much that would hinder her ability to scout out an area. Juna was so used to the Salvania forests that it would be a simple walk in the park there, but here? She might as well be heading out into enemy lands.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "He nods promptly before responding \"You good in buildings yes?\" Seemingly implying some kind of building exploration, rather then an environmental one. He points to the area marked on the map and says \"If agree I take you to here, but not into. You disarm traps, take note of items, then get paid.\" Almost on cue he reaches out to grab the coins, plopping the coin pouch into his satchel and saying \"We leave when rain stop. You want drink? Will pay.\" He shifts in his seat to look out into the thick crowd, moving his head to the right and left as if looking for someone. It doesn't seem like he finds who he is looking for however, since he turns back to look at Juna to gauge her reaction, or to better hear her reply over the ever louder environment." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "\"Buildings...? I guess... I can be...\"*She says. Juna had never really fully scouted a building, especially with most of the buildings she's been to just being just the taverns and guilds she has visited. However, she knew how to scout just as well as any in a forest, surely a building wasn't so different, right? Just more enclosed. Look for traps and take note of items? It made Juna question why there were such things in this building he spoke of or more so why he needed it to be scouted out, but Juna figured she might as well repay the kind gesture of him allowing her a seat in a place like this. When he offered her a drink, she would hesitate for a moment. She was rather parched after eating the bread and Jace would most likely want something as well even if the man wasn't willing to pay for him.*\"Just... Some water would be nice...\"*She says quietly,*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "He nods, and as he stands up the true scale of his size is revealed. A towering and imposing man, around what one would measure as six feet in modern imperial measurements. His shoulders are half as wide as he is tall and if it weren't for the thick animal hides he was wearing it's likely his body would be just as rugged and imposing as his stature. Truly not someone one would dare mess with, that's for sure. A brutal looking axe is slung along his waist - which was hidden from view when he was seated. The crowd parts around him as if he was a mountain placed in the middle of a stream. He's not absent for too long, as he comes back holding two tankards. He places one - sloshing with water, on her side of the table and begins to down his. It seems if there's nothing more to ask him - or to discuss, that they may just have to sit back and enjoy the festivities until the rain clears up." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna stared up at the man as he stood up fully, a small bit intimidated by his stature and weapon he carried. She would remain silent, turning to watch as he walked past the crowd with ease only to come back with the water she had requested. With him placing it on her side of the table, she would slowly drink from it. Even at the slow rate, it wasn't long for it to be half empty with her needing to hydrate. She would eventually lower it to the floor to allow her Jackal to drink from it until he had his fill. It seemed the man had nothing else to say for the time being which she was fine with. Turning her head she would watch the dancers continue their performance for the time being as they waited out the rain.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "Time passes slowly when one is watching the clock, or so they say. Luckily for Juna, she is not watching the clock but rather the festivities ongoing within this establishment. It feels like only minutes have past, when in truth it's been several hours. Eventually the pitter patter of rain is replaced with the sound of birds chirping, and the clouds part to reveal a soon-to-be setting sun. Regardless, Juna's \"Employer\" Is a man of his word and returns to Juna after having left to check if the rain had stopped stating \"Rain stopped. We go now.\" He then turns around and heads towards the door, not checking to see if she was following him or not. If she's quick she can take advantage of the parting effect this man has on people and use it to advance quickly through the crowd." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*For a moment, it seemed like Juna hadn't heard him, the only acknowledgement of his words reaching her being the gentle flick of her ears. Eventually she would turn her head, seeing him walk off past the crowd.*\"Oh-\"*She said, quickly getting up from her seat and following after him. Seeing his owner on the move, Jace would get up from his place beneath the table and pace after her. It seemed Juna had been so distracted by the festivities that she hardly realized the time passing. However, that wasn't important now. It was time to get down to business. Moving past the crowd, Juna would hurry to catch up with him while her Jackal made sure not to allow a gap to develop between them as he followed.*" } ]
[ { "author": "brebmel", "message": "They exit through the open doorway into the muddy streets of the town. The gruff looking man takes out his map once more and looks up at the sky, before turning right and heading towards the exit of town towards the direction that Juna originally came from. If she follows him, he would guide the two of them out of town and far enough away that the only signs of civilization along the road would be the expansive fields. Going even further then that they would eventually re-enter the forestry that one flanked either side of the road during their travels. He suddenly turns off the road and heads into the forestry, weaving between trees and snapping branches that he cannot avoid with his sheer size. It would not be long until they come upon what looks to be a couple of sunken stone bricks in the earth beneath them. Several others nearby brought up out of the earth by the roots of the trees flanking them, he looks down and puts the map away. If she looks around she'd notice that the bricks though barely visible and in poor condition create some sort of path forwards. Without any words being exchanged the man walks forwards, stumbling occasionally over the rough road as he works his way further into the forest." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna would follow him, her leather boots squelching with each step she took along the muddy path. Her Jackal kept close to her, testing out each patch of mud with a paw in memory of a time where he had once gotten stuck in a large puddle of it. Juna kept her gaze on the back of the man, keeping a couple fox-lengths behind him as he lead her out of town and back the way she had originally entered. As they entered the forest, Juna's ears instantly rose up with a feeling of alertness. There was some extra sense of familiarity being in a forest over that of a town, but still they were out on a mission and with what the people had warned her of earlier, she decided it was best to keep aware while out in Mentia. With every branch he snapped, her ears would flick towards the noise, becoming more conscious of them over her Jackal who would be sniffing around the new scents of the area. Eventually coming upon the sunken bricks, Juna would begin to slow her pace, wondering if they were nearing the place she was supposed to be scoping out. The Canifor was about to open her mouth as he looked down at the map again, but seeing him continuing anyways, Juna would follow him once more in silence. Each time he stumbled about along the road, she would become overly alert, unaware of whether or not there were other things to be looking out for in the forest with all the noise he was making. Juna preferred to keep quiet in unknown areas, but it seems it would be quite impossible with the man tripping about. Still though, she didn't speak, not wanting to interrupt the man as he tried to find whatever it was they were looking for.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "The mans heavy fur boots clatter against the worn stone bricks of this long forgotten path. Several times they splash water pooled within sunken bits of the road, or kick loose rocks off the pathway. Snapped branches litter the path he clears through the thickening brush. Birds chirp in fright and surprise as he disrupts their daily routines and Juna would likely hear animals of all kinds - foxes, rabbits, mice, etc fleeing in surprise at the mans loud approach. Several hours of following this decrepit path eventually leads to a semi-clearing. Within this semi-clearing is a large single story structure about the size of a modern day family house. Stone bricks make up the foundation and what looks to be a large tree pokes out of the top of the structure. A doorway entering into a dark room sits at the end of the path. There are no windows from this side of the building, and English ivy runs up and down the oddly symmetric grey stone brick walls. The man nods to the structure and says \"You go. No come out unless cleared. Understand?\"" }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Nearing the structure, Juna would grow stiff at it. It was rather odd seeing this place in the middle of nowhere which only caused a more ominous feeling for Juna. She turned her gaze towards the man as he nodded towards the structure, meaning that this was the place she was meant to search. Why that was, Juna was still not quite sure. When he asked if she understood her task, she opened her mouth to respond only to shut it once more and nod instead. She gave a small hand gesture for Jace to come follow her as the two would make their way over to the doorway. Juna went still once more, eyeing the dark room as she tried to blink a bit to adjust to the gloom of it before eventually taking a step into the building with her Jackal close beside her.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "Each uncertain step guides her closer to the arch. Upon passing through the doorway she feels shivers arch down her spine as if something wasn't quite right here. Her eyes rapidly adjust to the low light conditions and she notices that this room - whatever it once was, is completely unrecognizable. Piles of junk - the smell of animal refuse, dry dead leaves, moss, and even mushrooms call this room home. There are two other door ways - one right next to her on the right and one in front of her. The one in front of her seems to lead into some kind of hallway meanwhile the one to her right leads into a room smaller then this one - with a large stone brick in the middle, what remains of a hearth, and more trash and dirt mounds. If she investigates the room to her right she'd notice that the hearth seems to have been made into a den for some creature long ago but sits abandoned, and besides that there would seem to be nothing else of note within the room. If she enters into the hallway the same signature piles of refuse would be present, but there would also be a musty smell hanging heavy in the air. There are two other entrances within the hallway - both seeming to lead into rather large looking bedroom sized rooms. One of the rooms is bathed in light from the mighty tree growing out of its floor and punching through the uniquely stone roof. If she enters the doorway leading out of the presumable kitchen she'd find herself in a room lined with stone shelves. Upon one shelf, would be a completely out of place wooden box - seemingly untouched by time, but definitely not something placed here recently..." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna would take note of the room, carefully scanning the ground for any sign of potential traps about within the growing bits of wilderness making their way into the room. Jace would sniff at the area, finding himself taking an interest into the ones that carried traces of other animals being here at some point as he would gradually make his way to the room at the right of the Canifor. Heading towards the Hearth, Jace would sniff at it a bit as he would take notice of some animal previously being here.*\"Stay close Jace...\"*She'd say quietly before turning to head down the hallway. Her Jackal would eventually snap his attention away from the hearth and follow after her. As she would see light coming from one of the rooms, she would head towards it to come to see it was the area where the tree had sprouted through.*\"This place has to have been abandoned for ages if this tree was able to grow this much...\"*She'd say, half to herself as she would try to explore the room further, Jace not being too far behind as he would enter after her.*" } ]
[ { "author": "brebmel", "message": "She looks upon the counter tops first - finding nothing but rubbish, and occasionally what may have once passed as a dish or a utensil. Eventually she goes on to explore in the nooks and crannies of the kitchen - the hearth contains a large collection of feathers and especially down feathers, and light streams in from the crumbling smoke stack. It becomes clear quickly that there is very little if anything that can be found within the kitchen, however the next room - much darker then this one, and one she has not yet explored, lays before her." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna would turn back to her Jackal as she came to discover nothing of interest, watching as he would eventually make his way back to her upon finishing exploring the rest of the kitchen. She would turn towards the next room, noticing the darkness of it to which she wondered if it didn't get much exposure to the light outside. Carefully, she would make her way towards the room and stop at the doorway as she tried to adjust to the darkness before advancing forward. Jace would follow at her heels, coming to move on ahead of her as he raced to get a good whiff of this room as well.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "The journey to the doorway is simple. Minus a few loose bricks in the floor, or a sunken one forcing her to change the way she walks. Upon passing through the threshold of the door her eyes begin to rapidly adjust to the low light conditions. It seems like a simple room - longer then it is wide. Two of the walls save for the entrance are devoid of anything - and one wall contains stone shelves built into the wall. The top most shelf, slightly above her - but still within reach, has some kind of wooden box upon it. Strange as it seems to be nominally intact and untouched - even though it seems to be coated in a thick layer of dust." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna would gradually make her way through the entrance, readjusting her footing so as not to accidentally trip on the way in. Jace would sniff around the outer area of the room while Juna inspected the only wall with objects on it. As her gaze would fall upon the shelf and soon the box that sat atop it, she would tilt her head a bit in curiosity. It was rather odd of it to be one of the few things in this room. Perhaps it was left behind by someone.*\"What's this...\"*She'd ask under her breath as she would rise up on her tip toes to grab the box off the shelf, soon blowing the excess dust off of it.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "Upon grabbing the box and pulling it off the shelf a loud clicking can be heard. This click is quickly followed with a grinding sound and a loud THUD as a large stone block slides down out of the doorway closing them into the room. Cast into complete darkness it would not be surprising if Juna or Jace panicked. They would be cast in this darkness and silence for a brief period of time until a faint \"Whirl\" Sound can be heard, as the wall opposite of this one begins to slide into the floor. The inky blackness is swept away as light pours in through cracks in the ceiling and walls of the room newly revealed. Upon glancing, it appears to be a stairwell that leads downwards into the earth. The scant light provided only illuminates twenty or so steps down..." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*A gasp would escape the Canifor at the sudden thud, her body growing stiff as her heart skipped a beat.*\"Jace-\"*She found herself calling to only for them to be plunged into complete darkness. Her fur stood on end, while nearby she could hear Jace shuffling around back to her. For a moment, she waited and waited and soon enough light would reach them once again. Juna gazed around the room, seeing that it had somehow managed to change in seconds.*\"What... Happened...\"*She whispered. Her eyes would travel to where they had originally came in only to see that their exit was long gone.*\"A trap...\"*She uttered. Looking in the other direction, she noticed the new doorway that had opened up for them, wondering if it was some sort of hidden passage to follow, though seeing as the light eventually came to an end in that direction, she could only imagine how hard it'll be to navigate without any other source of light. \n\nShe could feel Jace standing against her leg, gazing around the room with a look of suspicion at the sudden change to which she would find herself gazing at the box in her hands.*\"Maybe this was why...\"*Juna took a second to think about it before finally turning her gaze towards the stairwell. Well, they were already trapped in for now. Might as well see their way through it.*\"Let's go Jace...\"*She'd say, heading off to the stairwell as she would gradually try to make her way down with the impending gloom.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "Her foot steps echo off the stone walls. She takes her time with each step, eventually reaching the part where darkness meets light. Stepping into the darkness she'd probably thank whoever built this place for making the steps wide - since it makes it far easier to traverse them downward. As her eyes adjust to the darkness she notices that there are another dozen steps or so until her night vision complete dissipates. The walls are unnaturally smooth and devoid of the stone work seen above, and so are the steps. The only sign that this place was abandoned is the thick layer of dust and the stale air she's forced to breath in. If she doesn't have anything to create light she will have to stumble around in the dark as she makes her way down the steps..." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna's ears would flick at each sound she made, conscious of every step she'd take. She'd keep a hand on the wall as she went down, careful to not miss a step while she continued to try adjusting to the gloom to no avail. As the darkness grew, a quiet sigh would escape her. There was no way she'd be able to make it all the way to the end without any light. The Canifor would pause for a moment, shifting the box to one arm as she would reach for one of her arrows that she kept secured in her quiver. Juna would pull one away from the others, holding it out in front of her as she would allow her thumb to softly touch the tip of it. A red glow would begin to sprout from it as it gave off a warm aura from the heat it emanated. Using the small glow of the tip, she would try to get a better look at her surroundings, in hopes that she could at least make out where she was being led down to.*\n\n```Heated Shot: -5 Mana\n95/100 Remaining```" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "The glow of the arrow is just enough to allow for her low light vision to kick in. She manages to see the barest outline of steps - just six more before she reaches the bottom of the steps. Though the light provided to her by the arrow is extremely limited - a conservative guest would be six or so feet. If she turned around to look back up from where she came the light from the top of the stairs would appear like a small square of light! Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs she is presented with nothing but hallway and smooth walls for the six feet of vision created by the arrow-torch." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna would focus on what was ahead with the limited amount of light she had, progressing forward while she could partially make out the darkened fur of her Jackal walking just in front of her. She'd make her way down the last few steps before looking on ahead to see herself met with a hallway to which she would decidedly follow it with her few options.*\n\n```2.5 Mana Regen; 97.5 Mana remaining\n2 Turns till Light goes out```" } ]
[ { "author": "brebmel", "message": "The hallway, thankfully, turns out to be relatively short. She soon finds herself in front of a massive steel door - rusted along the edges and seams, seemingly held together by what looks to be... Studs? In reality it would be bolts and is indicative of what may be found beyond. In the middle of the door is a circular protrusion with a flat top and a slot in it, perfectly shaped for the key held on her person." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna came to a stop as she saw the large door in front of her. Slowly she would move the arrow around to get a better look at it, soon coming across the slot in the center.*\"Hm...\"*The Canifor would place the box on the ground briefly before grabbing the key she had and inserting it into the slot. She would try to turn it seeing if it would at least unlock the door. If not, she could only assume this was a dead end.*\n\n```+2.5 Mana Regen; 100/100 Mana Remaining\n1 Turn until light goes out```" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "The metal key slips cleanly into the lock. It's impossible to turn right, but after turning it left the key manages to turn and solicits a clicking sound. The grinding of gears and the screeching of steel can be heard as the door shudders, swinging inwards revealing a rather large room. Though she can't exactly see very far inside, the floor appears to be black and is coated in dust - the black material appears smooth but not like stone." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*With the door opening, Juna would walk inside and scan the dark room. Down below, her Jackal would sniff at the air, soon letting out a sneeze at the dust filling the area. As the light on her arrow would soon go out, she would relight it again before continuing onward through the dark room.*\"How can this whole place be under a house like that...\"*She whispered within the gloom, moving onwards with her Jackal following after her.*\n\n```Heated Shot: -5 Mana; 95/100 Remaining```" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "It wouldn't take long for the arrow to begin illuminating things of interest. As she walks straight in she notices after almost bumping into it a table. The table in front of her is rather large - big enough for a grown adult macen male to lay upon it with plenty of wiggle room. Upon the table is a plethora of tools - many alien to her. Alongside those tools are solid metal parts, which are badly rusted - even in their current state it's easy to see the markings in them. A thick layer of dust covers everything on the table and the table itself, and the air smells especially stale in here." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna quickly placed a hand on the table as she found herself nearly bumping into it. She would take a quick pause before glancing at the large table in front of her. Seeing the tools sitting upon it, Juna would curiously lean over the table and reach for the nearest one to get a better look at them. Jace meanwhile would be continuing to walk along the side of the table, his nose scrunching at the stale air of the room.*\n\n```97.5/100 Mana\n2 Turns Remaining```" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "She grabs some kind of strange metal device. It's the length of her fore arm and has a C shape at the end of a metal handle. The interior of the C, rather then being curved is split into three flat edges. It's quite hefty - and covered in rust. Another tool looks like a chisel but the tip is in the shape of an X. Beneath the table are several large containers, about four feet long and two feet tall. The table top is around four feet off the ground. As she explores the table she notices something glisten among all the metal - clearing the metal tools and debris out of the way she reveals what looks to be a lower human jaw... But it's made out of shinning steel. Slots for what looks like teeth are in it, and unlike all that surrounds it - it seems completely untouched by the ages. An indepth examination would reveal fancy shapes etched along the outer jaw - which seem to faintly glow..." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna would look at each tool with interest, wondering if it would be wrong of her to keep the things she finds in this place. Perhaps she could even sell them later, though worst case she could hand it over to the man that had hired her. For now, she would carefully place the tools in her bag before her gaze would eventually fall on the glowing jaw that sat underneath the pile. She stared at it in amazement before grabbing the metallic piece and looking it over as she ran a thumb along the outer edge of it. Eventually Jace would make his way back over to her, coming to sit down as he waited for her to finish.*\n\n```100/100 Mana\n1 Turn Remaining```" } ]
[ { "author": "brebmel", "message": "There's far too many tools for her to carry all of them - but she's able to take a good handful of these strangely designed tools. Probably enough to get twenty or so silver just from the raw material they would provide for blacksmiths, no telling what they would sell otherwise since they aren't like any she's ever seen before. The metal jaw seems to be devoid of dust too, and it's so perfectly symmetrical that it makes one wonder who could have made it? It hums audibly with energy and maintaining contact with it makes her hand buzz - like after being shocked. Regardless it seems like the top of the table has nothing of interest on it anymore, besides more tools she can't carry and enough dust to make a massive brick." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna stared at the jaw for a long while, almost forgetting what she was here for to which she would soon shake her head upon feeling the buzz and try to readjust her hold on it.*\"We should probably head back...\"*She said.*\"There doesn't seem to be much else here...\"*The Canifor would turn back around to head back to the way she had come. For a moment, the arrow would go out only for her to have to relight it again and continue forward. Her Jackal ran on ahead of her as she tried to navigate her way back to the door where she had originally left the box.*\n\n```Heated Shot; 95/100 Mana```" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "She turns around and passes through the large entrance door and back up the steps. It's a long walk, but an uneventful one. It would likely take a few turns to reach the top - meaning she's likely lost light around halfway up. No worries though, because nothing has changed upstairs either. The storage area's stone door is still closed off to her - and the cracks in the stone works ceiling don't look particularly weak even if they are cracked." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*As Juna would make her way back to the large door, she would pick up the box before continuing back up the stairs. Eventually her arrow light would go out, leaving her in temporary darkness while she decided to put the arrow back in the quiver for the time being. Soon enough the light from above would reach her to which she'd find herself locked in the storage room once more.*\"Right... Getting out... Hm...\"*Jace padded out from behind her, letting out a sneeze from all the dust that had collected around them. Juna meanwhile would scan the room for a bit, seeing that it didn't seem particularly penetrate by force. Turning her gaze towards the shelf she had originally taken the box from, she would slowly walk up to it and raise the box back up.*\"Maybe this will get it to work again...?\"*She thought aloud as she would place the box back up on the shelf and back away to wait patiently for something to happen.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "Placing the box back onto the shelf in roughly the same location causes a loud groaning sound to emit from the doorway leading to the stairway. The stone slab begins to rise up and out of the ground once more casting the room into complete darkness. Strangely, or not strangely at all, the door leading into the kitchen does not open. Not even after several minutes of waiting for it to do so - instead it stands eerily quiet." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna let out a quiet gasp of air as she was plunged into darkness once more, remembering that this had happened the first time. With the silence following, her ears would begin to twitch one way then another as she tried to hear for anything to indicate the other door was open. With minutes passing and nothing being heard, she would begin to feel her way around in hopes of at least finding a wall to guide her in the right general direction. Perhaps she simply couldn't see it right now. With each moment that passed without her finding the exit, she could feel herself becoming more and more tense. Her tail would begin to wag anxiously as she tried to find the exit in the dark.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "Being that she is directly in front of the shelves she comes into contact with them first. Swishing her hands about the cubbies only accomplishes in covering her arms in cob-webs. She feels something crawling up and along her arm - CREEPY! Though it quickly disappears, and doesn't seem to have done anything besides further test the nerve of Juna. It becomes quickly apparent as she walks around the walls of the room that all exits are completely sealed, it seems the only option is to see if the door to the stairwell will open once more..." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*A loud 'eep!' would escape her as her hand would hit the cobweb soon feeling as if something was crawling on her. She would quickly wave her arm about, trying to rid herself of whatever the creature was until the feeling had eventually passed. The Canifor let out a quiet sigh, moving her hand towards the shelf in front of her more slowly towards the shelf. She would raise her hand up higher, trying to recall where she originally placed it as she would try to carefully shift the box off the shelf.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "It doesn't take long to feel the wooden grain of the box. She grabs the box and lifts it off the shelf and back into her hands, causing a familiar clicking sound as the pressure plate rises up. Then a grinding and now a faint sound of gears can be heard as the door leading to the stairwell shudders open. If she travels downwards it would be much the same way up, and the large steel door would remain opened. There is much more to discover in this room evidently - and hopefully one of these discoveries will help her get out." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna's ears would angle themselves towards the noise of the gears, part of her figuring it was the same door as the one she had walked up the stairs from. Juna would try once more to feel around the room for any other exit and upon not discovering one, she would take a moments pause to try and calm herself. Somewhere nearby, there would be the clicking of claws on the ground as Jace rediscovered the stairwell and had began making his way back down it. Maybe there was still another exit down that way? She wondered it to herself for a moment. No, she hoped it. After all if not an exit down there, that would mean that she would be stuck here for who knows how long.*\"Stay close Jace...\"*She'd whisper, trying to focus on something besides the potential of being trapped here for eternity. She would grab her arrow to relight it once more and soon enough they began their trip back down the stairs.*" } ]
[ { "author": "brebmel", "message": "She turns left and begins walking along the wall. It doesn't take her more then six feet to come upon what looks to be a large shelf. This time it's stacked with large crates, seemingly full of a variety of different materials. One has mason jars full of this cyan goo which glows when the light from the arrow brushes past it. This glowing helps better illuminate the area - for the most part the shelves are just stacked with metal, which is strange since there doesn't seem to be a black smithery down here... Regardless nothing else is revealed from exploring the shelves besides what were likely top of the line alchemical ingredients back in the day - many of which seem to have degraded into uselessness. \n\nWalking further along the wall she loops back to the entrance area and begins to walk down the right half of the wall. This part of the wall is mostly barren save for what seems to be the only wooden door in the entire building. The door has a handle, which appears to have a key in it. The wood work is still in good condition, but she could probably break through it if she really put her mind to it. Likewise it's plausible the key she still has may work on this lock too, if it is indeed locked." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Upon seeing the jar with a cyan glow to it, she would decide to wait for her arrow to go out and put it away. Juna would stand up on her tip toes in an attempt to reach the jar and take it with her before continuing down with a new source of light.\n\nMoving on, she would come to notice the door and with a flare of excitement she'd head over towards it. The Canifor would try the handle first to see if it would open. If not, she would at least give the key a try first, turning it in the lock before trying to think of another solution. Her Jackal would come up beside her, soon sitting down at her feet in waiting.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "She manages to easily reach the jars grabbing one of them. It radiates warmth, pleasant warmth - not unlike a hearth with some roaring logs. The glow it produces casts a much larger area of effect then the makeshift arrow torch she was using prior. Turning the handle reveals that the door is indeed unlocked. Within is a smallish room. The room is occupied mostly with a strange device - a large bronze sphere connected through the center with a metal rod. At the top of the rod are two pipes sticking out the sides with the exhausts facing opposite sides. Beneath the sphere is what looks to be a fire pit. Next to the device is a rather large coal box full of black coals, on the wall next to the door is some kind of strange device with several switches and a large red button. Text beneath the button reads \"Start/stop\", and underneath the two largest switches is \"Light\" And \"Entrance.\"" }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna would hug the jar close to her, taking in the warmth it gave off while she progressed onward. Upon opening the door, Juna would slowly peek inside before fully walking in and exploring the room for any potential ways she could find to get out. Her gaze would turn to the wall with the strange device on it as she would find herself half-consciously reading what the text said.*\"Start... Stop... Light... Entrance... Hm...\"*Juna would reach forwards to grab the lever labeled 'light', deciding to pull down on it and see what it would do.*" } ]
[ { "author": "brebmel", "message": "The other lever flips down with some slight resistance. Nothing happens besides the reverberation of the switch clicking. Dust covers the palms of her hands and the room itself smells of coal and some kind of earthy mold tones. The coal box contains plenty of coal within it, and upon further inspection it appears as if the fire pit beneath the bronze orb (the orb is twice her size), seems to be lacking any coal - except for one or two chunks. A bronze pipe with some kind of strange mechanical device sticks out of the ground and seems to head towards the control box..." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*With the lever not doing anything of the sort, Juna began to lose what little hope she had of the room. Looking down at her hands, she would see the coal covering them to which she would try to rub away on her clothes before coming to sit down on the floor with sigh. Seeing her sit on the ground, her Jackal would pace over towards her and come to lay his head down on her lap before rolling over to expose his belly for her to rub. At first Juna merely looked at him but soon enough, she would offer him a light rub along his stomach.*\"I don't know what to do Jace...\"*She whispered, sniffing a bit only for her to sneeze against the dust that collected in the air. Jace of course wouldn't respond, closing his eyes rather peacefully despite the predicament they were in. Juna would gaze at the room a bit disappointed at it with how easy it seemed only for the place not to work. How did any of this work? Juna wasn't sure. She didn't understand the inner mechanisms of this place or any for that matter.\n\nThe Canifor would find herself leaning back against the walls as she would close her eyes to allow herself into darkness once more. The Canifor didn't want to stop here, but with every bit of hope it seemed to melt away just beyond her grasp.*\"I'm scared Jace...\"*She whispered as she moved her hand to rub it along his flank.*\"I think... This was the trap he wanted us to watch out for...\"*How idiotic of them to potentially walk right into it. She should have known better than to take the box from the shelf in a place meant to trap others and yet she did it anyways. For a moment she allowed some silence to ensue between them only for her to feel the Jackal licking at her hand which she would soon move away from him.*\"Don't do that Jace... It's covered in coal and... Dust...\"*Although the Jackal wouldn't care much of it, she'd rather not him get sick over the black stuff that stained her hands.*\n\n*Juna eventually got back up from her resting place. She at least still had a button left to try before they'd end up wandering aimlessly through the same rooms. As she walked over to it, her gaze would pass over what looked to be some sort of fire pit. Odd for one to be this far underground, though the earth did tend to get much colder beneath. It seemed to be rather low, however, that could be due to no one possibly being around for a while. With a box of coal being not too far away, she wondered if they were meant to help keep it going for a while. At least they'd have warmth over anything in addition to the jar. Juna would walk over to the box and pick up a piece of coal from it before carefully dropping it into the pit to see if the fire would build up anymore from it.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "When she sneezes the moisture forms black little drops as the coal dust quickly clings to the moisture. She crosses the room to the controls, her footsteps echoing off the stone walls. Placing the tip of her finger against the button and pushing it in elicits a clicking noise. That clicking noise emanates from the control box but soon travels down to the fire pit. From the pipe sparks seem to shoot and then a steady flame - which licks the few coals with the pit causing them to burst into flame. Not soon after comes a rush of fresh air as the whining of hinges from above can be heard. No light, but the fresh air itself is a relief. \nWhen she throws the fresh coals into the fire pit the flames build higher and higher until they begin to lick the bottom of the brass contraption. It isn't apparent at first, but as the heat builds a faint whistling can be heard as some strange white mist exists two pipes placed at the top of the sphere. The thing begins to slowly rotate around, picking up speed as time goes on and as the heat builds. Eventually the white mist fills the room - it smells sickeningly sweet, and when mixed with the smell of burning coal and the heat from the fire it makes the room unbearable to be in.\nWith both switches flipped, some kind of white floating orb ignites overhead momentarily blinding Juna as the room is bathed in a bluish white glow. From the other side of the door a loud groaning noise can be heard echoing down the hallway..." }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna took a step back as things began to shift and click around her, soon coming to feel the breeze generated within the room which merely served to cause her fur to prickle in uncertainty of what exactly was happening. As a sweet smell would fill the room, she'd place a hand over her overly sensitive nose to try to block out the strong scent only for it to be combined with the burning of coal and make the smell even more unpleasant. With the light flashing in a mixture of blue and white, Juna's eyes would snap shut against the blinding light, taking a long moment to recover to even know what was happening. Her ears flicked to the side at the loud groaning that followed. My this was quite a nightmare with her overly sensitive senses. She'd wait for it to pass before eventually squinting her eyes open against the light. Did it work, she wondered. Well there was definitely light, though what was the sound she had heard earlier? Her Jackal stood there partially stunned for a bit as he tried to adjust to the new lighting, soon turning to his owner expectantly.*\"Lets go Jace...\"*She'd say, grabbing the jar before heading off in the direction she remembered heading the noise coming from, Jace soon following behind.*" } ]
[ { "author": "brebmel", "message": "She walks past the doorway out into the workshop itself. Now fully illuminated she can see the full picture in better light. The desk/workshop is on the wall right of her, the large metal door is to the left, and the table is in the center. Despite the lights the glow of the jaw can still be seen - and on the far wall is the large rack of objects. The first rack seems to be dedicated to raw metal materials - bronze, brass, copper, tin, even some silver and gold can now be seen. All of it contained within dedicated metal crates with checkered openings on all four sides. The second shelf above that one, seems to have all the alchemical ingredients - much of which seems to have rotted away into dust. There's the glowing jars of course, which glow has been significantly diminished due to the light, alongside some interesting pear shaped potion bottles with each one containing uniformly colored liquids. Reds, blues, yellows, etc. On the top most shelf there seems to be... Skeleton parts. Bones, not made of metal - bleached white...\n\nIt would seem as if this would be a good time to grab whatever else she wants before she leaves. Afterall, who knows if she'll get another option to do something like this again?" }, { "author": "Juna Carse", "message": "*Juna blinked against the bright lighting of the newly seen room, coming to have to adjust to it as she brought herself out to see all that it contained. Of course there were the jars from before along with the tools she had originally found on the table, though most of her attention was on the door for the time being. At the very least she could see things now which helped to relieve her slightly as she gazed around the room, though part of her still worried about being thrown back into darkness once more. The Canifor would walk along the table as she headed toward the door, noticing other objects on the table that she hadn't originally noticed.*\"Should we...\"*She began, only to realize she was talking to a Jackal of all things who probably hadn't realized what's been going on since they got here. With the jar already in hand, Juna decide to give into a small bit of temptation as she would find herself reaching over to grab the silver and gold materials before eventually looking at the jaw from earlier. Part of her wondered if it held any particular significance with the rest of the stuff that covered the table. Nevertheless, she would pick up the jaw anyways before being on her way. Her arms were full enough as it was though at least her pack could be of use despite the egg she had already kept nestled in there. The Canifor would gradually head towards the stairs in hopes that maybe the room above would now work the way it had originally.*" }, { "author": "brebmel", "message": "Her hands and arms are indeed packed with goods. Each step is echos throughout the stairwell. And each step, the sounds of the workshop downstairs get farther and farther away. Eventually she reaches the top of the stairs - natural light pouring through the cracks in the ceiling, and is likely massively relieved when she notices the open door. When she leaves the building the man from before - with a face full of hair stands nearby. He eyes her up and down and asks \"Room clear? No trap?\" He frowns when he notices her loot pile grasped by her hands - the gold and silver taken by her amounts to around three gold and seventy eight silver. The jaw probably can't be sold - no one would buy it, besides... It looks important, so she should keep a hand on it. The jar with the glowing material likely can't be sold either - one would have to find the right buyer and she probably doesn't know anyone who buys \"Strange glowing goo.\"\n\n**{__RP CONCLUDED__}**" } ]
[ { "author": "Doram Virmar", "message": "*After a long time traveling Marcus and Doram finally came to Upper mentia to see to help locals or even help the army so they see a bar Doram thinks \"Oh there must be some locals there to take quests from\" Marcus thinks \"A bar i am thirsty for some beer\" But they both thought to enter the bar they start walking towards the bar as but a bit far away there is a bandit group heading towards the bar two as Marcus and Doram enter the bar they see*" }, { "author": "bisharpthegamer", "message": "*Marcus pays them no mind and takes a seat at the bar, immediately ordering a drink*" }, { "author": "Sarah Korva", "message": "*Already in the bar was a woman dressed in ragged black armor. Light pauldrons and bracers covered her arms, and greaves on her legs. Cuisses covered her thighs and a low cuirass adorned her chest. What was most interesting, however, was her wide brimmed metallic hat.*\n\n*In her hand was a large glass of red alcohol, sweetened with berries. Her eyes darted around, aware of everything around her.*" }, { "author": "bisharpthegamer", "message": "*Marcus gets some food to chew on, yet he notices it is rock hard and the barkeep forgot to give him a knife for cutting. He then observes the strange individual with the somewhat strange hat. It humors him, he calls out* \"Hey! You mind if you cut this with that hat!\" *He chuckles at his own joke, even if no one else finds it funny*" }, { "author": "Doram Virmar", "message": "*\"Marus you did not even have more then 3 beers this morning and yet you still make unfunny jokes\" Doram takes a sip of his beer while looking for people who need help he does not notice any one \"Dam this place has no one who needs our help\" Doram wants to leave but sees that Marcus is ordering a beer with his mouth full making it half audible*" }, { "author": "bisharpthegamer", "message": "\"You think we are looking for people who want help? We are looking for people who will pay us money\"\n\n*He takes down the entire mug of beer in one gulp*\n\n*He orders another*\n\n\"Plus, I have an extremely high alcohol tolerance\"" }, { "author": "Sarah Korva", "message": "\"The fuck? This hasn't isn't cutting tool, dumbass!\"\n\n*She noticed that there was a small Midorite next to the large man who had called at her. Interesting.*" }, { "author": "bisharpthegamer", "message": "\"I jest, I jest. Though pardon me by asking what the hell you are wearing, it frankly looks like a mix between a clown and a soldier if there ever was one\"\n\n\"Also, where did you even get that hat? I have need of a fruit bowl\"" }, { "author": "Sarah Korva", "message": "\"Oh, you're just asking for a beating, aren't you? You obviously haven't seen a Runran hat. And you *Certainly* Haven't faced the might of the Black Sky!\"" }, { "author": "bisharpthegamer", "message": "\"Hey, I am here for a drink, not a fight. Plus, from the looks of it we would just break our hands against the others armor anyways\"\n\n\"Also, the black sky? Is that not just the night?\"\n\n*He chuckles a bit more*" }, { "author": "Doram Virmar", "message": "*\"Hey there seems to be no one who is willing to pay us let's just go and not start a fight with that man i think\" Doram says this loud enough for Sarah to hear.*" }, { "author": "Sarah Korva", "message": "\"I don't even need to get close to you to beat the shit out of you! And obviously you haven't heard about clan names.\"\n\n\"And I'm not a man you little green bird shit!\"" }, { "author": "bisharpthegamer", "message": "*Marcus lets out a lot of laughter at the this comment*\n\n*He shakes his head still chuckling*\n\n\"Salt shaker, thats a good one\"" }, { "author": "Doram Virmar", "message": "\"Well Marcus this GUY is being annoying and no one is here so drink up and let's go\"\n\n\"Ahhh so i am a bird shit you oversized salt shaker\"" }, { "author": "bisharpthegamer", "message": "*Marcus notices a few people in the corner*\n\n\"Wait a damn second\"\n\n*He chucks his mug at the people and hits one in the head with a full tankard*\n\n\"Did not like that one fucker did you?\"\n\n\"That will fucking teach you for conning me a few years ago\"" }, { "author": "Doram Virmar", "message": "*Doram slaps him self in the face and says \"Who did you anger this time\"*" }, { "author": "bisharpthegamer", "message": "\"These bastards gave me a bad contract a while back\"\n\n*Marcus gets ready to brawl with them*" }, { "author": "Doram Virmar", "message": "*\"Hey oversized salt shaker are you with them\" Points towards the men in the corner*" }, { "author": "Sarah Korva", "message": "\"Pfft. Those losers? I don't even know who they are. And who are you calling salt shaker, goblin?\"\n\n*Seeing that Marcus was getting ready to brawl, Sarah downs the rest of her alcohol, and seems to be grabbing something from behind her back.*" } ]
[ { "author": "manman98", "message": "Yeag i will do it later this day" }, { "author": "Doram Virmar", "message": "*Doram is not very supprised as this is normal Marcus behavior but he says 'Well that esculated quickly' As he finishes his beer getting ready to help Marcus fight those men while keeping an eye on salt shaker*" }, { "author": "bisharpthegamer", "message": "*Marcus is still brawling the men*" } ]
[ { "author": "Sarah Korva", "message": "*Restaurants were a place of all kinds of people to hang out. Eat food, drink beverages, maybe even flirt with the waiters or waitresses; everyone had a good time at these kind of places. Some people, however, were more dangerous than others.*\n\n*Sarah Korva, a bandit leader of the Black Sky. While not so high ranking that people knew her name, her darkened armor, black cape, and eyepatch surely gave her a menacing look. Her relatively friendly demeanor though helped lighten things up. The woman at a single table, a large metal disc of a hat lay on the chair leg. On the table, a dish of Kotlet Schabowy, a crispy pork fried cutlet with buttery mashed potatoes and crunchy sauerkraut. Next to it was a large slice of creamy cheesecake, and for the beverage, a glass of vodka. Delicious.*\n\n*In the restaurant, people can be silently whispering about the woman, making comments about her dark clothing and ominous presence. She would confront them after her meal, though her eye is constantly darting back and forth, being wary.*" }, { "author": "Mattheld", "message": "*Out and beyond from the door comes Mattheld bursting through the front door, his armor somewhat bloodied from a previous scuttle. Not just his own demeanor matched that of the Blackened-Armored Warrior, but his armor, made of Chain and the like, shows a fierce foe for any man. Although not showing himself above anyone within his vicinity, he is very calm, amicable, and, surprisingly, extremely transparent: his words are the truth, and his body language conveys that of a honorable fighter.\n\nUpon noticing the chit-chatter and whispering amongst the crowd in the restaurant, he sees a woman dressed on black armor. He sees a woman of valor, but not just of any valor, but of evil valor. A waiter attempts to get Mattheld a table, but he declines in the most noble manner he could as he walks towards the woman, ensuring his armor keeps him well-suited for anything and all that may come his way.\n\nAs he arrives upon her table, he slams the table with his left hand with enough force to startle her, and he takes a breath of fresh air.*\n\n\"Who might you be, madam? Causing such an uproar within this establishment is quite the scene, isn't it? By all means I mean no harm, no fowl, but I will say this: if you ever, and I mean ***Ever***, kill an innocent person or get in the way of my coin, your head will be mine.\"\n\n*He grabs a bag from his pocket, and plops it on the table. He opens the seal of the bag, a small, thin rope as he drops the compartments.*" }, { "author": "Sarah Korva", "message": "*As Mattheld slams his hand on the table, Sarah is mid-bite of her food. Being startled, the woman accidentally shoved the piece of pork into her throat, almost choking on it before swallowing it whole. Quickly, she scans to make sure her food hasn't flown off the table, especially her cheesecake.*\n\n*Looking up, the warrior can see an almost wolfish expression. Intelligent and cunning, yet capable of extreme violence. But it wouldn't be smart to fight. She liked this restaurant; it was one of the few who had her hometown comfort foods, and she didn't want to be banned from it.*\n\n\"And who are you? Be lucky you didn't spill my vodka, or ruin my cheesecake. Can't waste food, you know?\"\n\n*\"If you ever, and I mean ever, kill an innocent person...\"*\n\n*Uh oh. So he was one of those guys. She most definitely had killed innocents in the past. Some of her successful raids needed to call for violence; some with sling bullets, some with lances, though she tried to recruit instead of murder.*\n\n\"Bold of you to assume you can kill me. I'm Sarah. Nice to meet you.\"\n\n*Her fork and knife is set on the table as she extends her right hand, though her eye quickly darts to look at the rope before looking back at the man's standing in front of her.*" }, { "author": "Mattheld", "message": "*The Mercenary extends his arm in accordance with hers, giving it a firm shake and grip. Mattheld then grabs the bag and puts it back in his pocket: the items that were once in the bag were small trinkets of lesser quality, not necessarily heirlooms, but of decent worth. He takes his hand away and sits across from her, waiting on a waiter to address him.*\n\n\"Well, I am well-known for my fighting technique. It is more traditional than most, but it is still effective. I am a Mercenary hailing from Kadhok: my father was once one as well, Harold was his name, but I doubt you've heard of him ever since long ago. His grandfather was most notable for his presence at Ulnoor Gulf and countless other battles. What might be your backstory be, Sarah?\"" }, { "author": "Sarah Korva", "message": "*Well this was annoying at the least, and terrible at most. If she were arrested, she would surely be hanged. Or worse, impaled and burned. Internally, she shuddered at the thought.*\n\n*Her mind focused on every little thing he did. His hand grip was pretty strong, but she knew hers was stronger. Good. Unfortunately, she wouldn't be faster; unlike those warriors in heavy armor, his seemed to be much lighter. Hopefully his bark would be worse than his bite.*\n\n*Phew, a merc. Not a soldier. The name Harold flew into one ear and out the other as Sarah continued to eat her food, looking directly at Mattheld the entire time. Though she wondered what a 'traditional' fighting style was like.*\n\n*Shit. Backstory.*\n\n\"Well, it may not appear it, but I actually used to be a seamstress. I'm experimenting with different colors and outfits at the moment. Suits pretty well for a vagabond, eh?\"\n\n\"But regardless, I'm also a mercenary for hire. A bit more obscure though.\"\n\n*The bandit was visibly hesitant to share details. After all, it wasn't everyday that someone interrupted lunch and suddenly started talking about backstory.*" }, { "author": "Mattheld", "message": "*Mattheld became more and more cautious towards her as he sought out the truth from her. Deep down, he had a gut feeling that something, just something, might be off about her. But that wasn't the matter at this moment as he wanted to dance his blade alongside someone rather than being the lone wolf he truly is in an attempt to create a bond with someone just like his and his father's, of which he is still devastated from losing his father a year ago, the reason for his sudden departure.\n\nHe takes a look at the trinkets that are on the table, and offers her a deal.*\n\n\"Listen, I don't know if that is true, nor do I have a way of ensuring that it is, but I have these trinkets for you. Take 'em, and I will say this... I lost a great friend a year ago, one that I danced my blade around with, so I was wondering if I could get a new start.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Sarah Korva", "message": "\"Soldiers? You didn't kill them, did you?\"\n\n*Sarah raises an eyebrow at Mattheld's remark. Was he not as lawful as he seemed? Obviously he wasn't part of a town or city guard. Whether or not he was as law abiding as he seemed was irrelevant. This was opportunity.*\n\n\"Get into combat? Pssh. Unless they're on horses, they're not catching me. I always travel by mount. And if they get close, they'll get a faceful of lead or steel for sure.\"\n\n*Sarah extends her hand once more, grinning wryly.*\n\n\"Well, you got me on this one. Waiter! Another cheesecake please!\"" }, { "author": "Mattheld", "message": "\"Sarah, look at me really quick... My family was attacked by what we thought were bandits, but it ***So happened*** To be that a Summoner spawned bandits and thugs to raid not just my house, but my whole village. Just by her alone, the whole town was in chaos by daybreak... *All because my Father had crossed paths with her.* Listen to me... This Summoner isn't just ***Any*** *Old* Summoner... She's deadly, and you'll see what I mean when we get to the Salvanian Capital.\"\n\n*As soon as the Waiter arrives with her cheesecake, the Mercenary orders a grilled steak with lettuce and an Ale as he casually slips Sarah a few coins.*\n\n\"Here, for your meal. Don't worry, I got a few guys with me that can back us up if need be, so don't be *Too* Cautious!\"\n\n*Mattheld smirks and winks with his right eye, tilting his head to the right.*" }, { "author": "Sarah Korva", "message": "\"Summoner? I guess we'll have to stay far to avoid contact. You'll definitely need me for this. Melee is dangerous against groups.\"\n\n*Sarah pushes back the coins Mattheld attempts to give her, shaking her head. 'This is why I always stay on the move. Staying in one place makes you vulnerable to raiders. Like me.'*\n\n\"I don't accept charity. Anything I get, I got by my own hand.\"\n\n*The bandit then raised her eyebrow, at the mention of a group, though rolled her eyes as the mercenary winked at her.*\n\n\"Oh, whatever. I can work well in groups. The more the better. Are they mounted?\"" }, { "author": "Mattheld", "message": "\"Well, I appreciate your integrity and grit, so I'll hand you that.\"\n\n*Mattheld takes back the coins that he attempted to give the mysterious lady, however, he shows her a picture of the Summoner's face, of which the picture itself is a bounty post worth 1,000 Silver coins.*\n\n\"Not as I know, however, the Summoner *Can* Spawn heavy footsoldiers, so be aware of that in the near future. There is one thing I should mention, though: even though I am a mercenary, I don't necessarily have any expectations for you. Just be aware of your surroundings, report anything suspicious, and ensure that the party is well-maintained, not that you would be a pack mule of any kind. Oh, where are my manners, I forgot to tell you why we are going to the Salvanian Capital: Word has it that the Bounty Hunter Melody is in Salvanian lands, although her whereabouts are unknown. My goal is to find her to aid me, now us, to end this Summoner's rampage because if we don't, who knows what will be in-store for us. If you so wish, I'd like to get to know you a bit more because the more we know about each other, the better we can fight. It's called Team Chemistry for a reason.\"\n\n*As he finishes his sentence, the waiter comes by with Sarah's cheesecake and the man's grilled steak with lettuce and an Ale, Mattheld giving thanks for his meal before digging right into it, with manners, of course. Once he is at least halfway done with his meal, the bounty post is placed on the table by his hand, facing Sarah's direction while giving a somewhat good detail of the figure-in-question herself, of course the Summoner could just be a bandit leader in-disguise, but Mattheld was certain that he saw magic before his eyes when she summoned those figures.*\n\n\"As you can see, this lady is the Summoner: she is obviously quite dangerous, however, she seems to be mostly around bandits and thugs more than professional footsoldiers. I can say that with almost great certainty, however, that I saw her perform summoning m\n\nAgic when she raided our village, raising and creating summons out of nowhere, but then the summons were a mix of between bandits and thugs to even a hedge knight. That's where I come in: if all else fails, and the hedge knight comes bowling towards us, I will do my best to stave off the hedge knight with my mount and lance. However, we should refrain from using tactics before we meet this Melody person so that we can get a better assessment of our situation.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Yakaiyo Kiriyami", "message": "*Mentia. A place of turmoil now that war had broken out. No one paid attention to others anymore; it was commonplace to see struggles, sickness, and death. Among those was a red-eyed treton, resting against an alley wall in the shade away from the cloudy sky. Dark, ragged clothing and her messy hair made her seem like nothing more than a homeless woman, perhaps someone who was struggling due to the war. She appeared to be resting, stagnant, like a piece of trash tossed out on the street.*\n\n*In her mind though, was a storm of emotions taking over her. Guilt, hate, anger, mourning, melancholy, all creating a horrible mix in her head. She didn't know what or how to feel with her current situation. Everything had happened all at once, so quickly...*\n\n*With certain footsteps though, she opened one eye slightly, keeping her senses aware to see around her.*" }, { "author": "Horace Caranaro \"Manwhore \"", "message": "*Mentia. Yes to others, a place of destruction and sadness. Where young men go to die in hopes of glory and wealth. Where the common wealth lay in gutters and among the trash, raided or taxed to hell.*\n\n*A terrible place, if you weren't on the right side. The side Horace seemed to stand on. He'd already made his fair chair of profit at the cost of a grievous wound. His arm strung up in bandages, laid to rest against his chest. A coat hung over his shoulders to offer some comfort and protection. Though it was worth it, as along with this profit, the elf learned of some information as well. A familiar person was seen around the area, though information was scarce and potentially false. Even then, Horace made the trip.*\n\n*Stumbling across the streets, and happening onto the Trenton as he had many times before. Although, this time it saddened him more than usual. He had left her with someone he thought trustworthy.*\n\n*Looking upon the woman that seemed no different than the rubbish around her. The elf simply smiles, speaking in a lowered tone.*\n\n\"Hey Aka... Good to see you again.\"" }, { "author": "Yakaiyo Kiriyami", "message": "*Seeing the familiar face and long, blond hair, both of Yakaiyo's eyes open, tired, with dark spots under her eyes. Somehow, he was here. Someone she could trust.*\n\n\"Horace. Nice seeing you here. What brings you to Mentia?\"\n\n*Tears began forming in the corners of her eyes as she sees her friend once again. As she fully awakened, she relaxed, letting herself lay back against the cobblestone wall. She had no will to stand. All she wanted to do... Well, she didn't know what she wanted anymore.*\n\n\"And what happened to your arm?\"" }, { "author": "Horace Caranaro \"Manwhore \"", "message": "\"Business mostly... And I heard you might be around, so I had to check.\"\n\n*The elf steps over to the woman, clearing a spot beside her with his foot before gently lowering himself down. Grunting lightly as he settles up against the wall, looking back to the Trenton. He glances down to his affliction, nearly chuckling.*\n\n\"I uh... I got into a bit of a tussle with some boarder patrol. A centaur nearly carved my arm off, but the doc said I'd recover. I'm durable.\"\n\n*He looks to the woman again, giving her a smile in hopes she wouldn't worry. Noticing the drops at the sides of her eyes, he reaches to his shirt's pocket. Rummaging around before finding a handkerchief, offering it to the woman.*\n\"Here.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Yakaiyo Kiriyami", "message": "\"Thanks for dropping by. Really.\"\n\n*Yakaiyo takes a good look at the arm, though doesn't move a single muscle of her own. It's as if she didn't have a care in the world anymore.*\n\n\"I suppose our lives have always been like this. Escaping by the skin of our teeth, getting hurt, but living to see another day.\"\n\n*The treton graciously accepts the handkerchief, roughly wiping the corners of her eyes as if to scrub away the tears.*\n\n\"You know, you've always been one to avoid major injury. I've never seen you hurt this badly.\"\n\n*However many times Yakaiyo dabs the cloth on her eyes though, the tears never stop forming. Eventually, she gave up, the cloth damp and twin rivers streaming down her grime-covered face.*" }, { "author": "Horace Caranaro \"Manwhore \"", "message": "*The elf chuckles to himself, nodding faintly at the statement.*\n\n\"That's a good summary... You should be a writter.\"\n*He'd half joke, watching as the fish attempted to wipe away her sadness.*\n\n\"Well... Let's just say I wasn't prepared for war. But things'll get better before they get any worse. I hope...\"\n*The elf glances up to the sky, wincing lightly as his arm seemed to ache. He shifts lightly, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a handful of items. A box of matches, a box of cigarettes, and a small vile of something red like blood.*\n\n\"Time for medicine it seems...\"" }, { "author": "Yakaiyo Kiriyami", "message": "\"Oh, I could never be a writer. I was never good with stories.\"\n\n*The treton watches Horace pull out various items before eventually pulling out what seemed like a health potion, tilting her head.*\n\n\"How bad is it? To use health potions as medicine is like using an army to take out a single person. ...Which I suppose is happening at the moment. You should be more careful, you know.\"\n\n*Ironic. The mad woman suggesting that Horace be careful. The fish had sustained numerous amounts of injuries over her years in exile, many of them life threatening. Although, as a vampire, she had recovered quickly; Horace didn't have that luxury, or the curse that came with it.*" }, { "author": "Horace Caranaro \"Manwhore \"", "message": "\"I'm sure you could manage much better than most.\"\n*An encouraging thought, that maybe Aka could find something else to spend her time on. Though, now that he thought about it, he didn't know much about the Trenton. Her hobbies, her dreams and aspirations... Though, after all she's been through, what could possibly remain.*\n\n\"Well, I have no function in my arm at all at the moment... There was a shortage of healing potions, so the doctor could only whip up something to deal with he pain. It won't fix it, just numb it for awhile. And that coming from you? Have the tables turned that badly?\"\n\n*He chuckled once more, taking the potion in hand. Fumbling with it for a moment before tearing the cork out with his teeth. Downing the strange drink after, coughing slightly as it went down.*\n\"Bleh-... Now for the better medicine.\"\n\n*He smiled as he looked down at his lap, taking the box of cigarettes and fumbling one out. Taking it in his jaw before glancing down at the matches.*\n\"Right... Aka, give me a hand with the light won't ya?\"" }, { "author": "Yakaiyo Kiriyami", "message": "\"Ah... I wish I could help, but my knowledge has dwindled. I've completely forgotten everything about making potions. Be careful, large injuries take time to heal.\"\n\n*The vampire leans back in disappointment as she hears the numbing, rather than healing potion. She had heard of people becoming addicted to them to null constant, chronic pain. The effects were not pretty.*\n\n\"Well... We did have a small search party come for Celaena and me. They're all gone, and I escaped to here. She went elsewhere.\"\n\n*Yakaiyo reaches for the matchbox, opening it and quickly striking a match before lighting the cigarette with it. As the smoke reached her, the treton coughed, not used to the heavy smoke.*\n\n\"You know those are terrible for you, right?\"" }, { "author": "Horace Caranaro \"Manwhore \"", "message": "\"She split huh... Sorry to hear about that.\"\n*He speaks in a muffled tone, balancing the lit cigarette in this mouth. Taking a puff before removing the joint, smoke trailing from his mouth.*\n\n\"Yeah I know... But what have I got to lose. My life?\"\n*He chuckled, as if it hadn't any worth to him.*\n\n\"I'd of thought happier times were in store for you after leaving Silnari... I guess I should of known better.\"\n*He sighs, taking another drag of his 'medicine'.*\n\n\"Aka... Why not come with me for once? I've got a place to sleep, a place to eat, a place to work... I can keep an eye on you, keep you safe and in... Somewhat okay company.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Yakaiyo Kiriyami", "message": "\"Oh! Sorry, I forgot about that for a second.\"\n\n*The treton readjusts herself to relieve the pressure off of Horace's arm. Right now, she was just glad to be in someone's company again, especially after having the hole in her heart carved out again.*\n\n\"I know, but... I just remember back when I was married. I was happy. *We* Were happy. That's all I want back again, really. Is it too much to ask?\"\n\n*For a brief moment, the Fricharii can sense the absolute hate radiating from the treton, before dying back down into nothingness. She moves away, wiping her now dried up tears along with the grime on her face, revealing a semblance of her former beauty.*" }, { "author": "Horace Caranaro \"Manwhore \"", "message": "\"Y-you're fine...\"\n\n*An easy breath is huffed as his arm is left alone. The elf glancing back at the woman as she questions him. Sighing lightly before he moves to take a last puff. Flicking the cigarette away, the embers dying as they hit the cold dirt.*\n\n\"Not at all. Build happiness all you like, it won't last of you aren't strong enough. My father taught me that, as his empire was torn out from under his feet. It always made we wonder about true strength...\"\n\n*The elf shakes his head as he realizes he was rambling. Looking to the Trenton, his eyes widening as he notices the diamond in the rough before him. It was easy to forget, wasn't it.*\n\n\"Why don't we get out of the dirt Aka? A warm bath, fresh change of clothes, and a hot meal might do something for you. I can't cook as well with my arm like this, but I'm sure I can make something.\" \n\n*The elf smiles back.*" }, { "author": "Yakaiyo Kiriyami", "message": "\"It's a shame then, really. How much we must fight in order to keep peace. I wonder what would have happened long ago if I had fought. Or maybe just ran. Escaped. Maybe that would have been enough.\"\n\n*The treton blinks, then smiles warmly, attempting to liven up the atmosphere in the dead air.*\n\n\"I guess I've been in the down for so long I've forgotten what it's like to feel good again. Besides that night with you once. Everything else has been... Mediocre, at best. Even with... Celaena around.\"\n\n*Her mind temporarily drifted to the other Steppe elf, with her soft silver hair, before mentally throwing the image out of her head. She left her. She didn't matter anymore.*\n\n\"So, where to, Horace?\"" }, { "author": "Horace Caranaro \"Manwhore \"", "message": "\"Well, I'm based back in Salvainia, so it'll be a good few days till we get home. I've got a place at an Inn for now... How would you feel about visiting a bath house while I check the market?\"\n\n*The elf had something of a thought out plan. Placing his arm against the wall as he attempts to pull himself up to stand. Glancing down at the woman and offering her a hand.*" }, { "author": "Yakaiyo Kiriyami", "message": "\"Ah, a bathhouse. I've... Never been to one, if I'll be honest. Hakaze and I had a private bath in our home. How does it work?\"\n\n*Yakaiyo takes the elf's offered hand, standing up somewhat slouched, then stretches herself backwards before straightening her posture.*\n\n\"I can handle being on the move a bit. Where's it located?\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Yakaiyo Kiriyami", "message": "*As the treton entered the lobby, she noticed Horace staring a split second longer than normal. In response, she tilts her head to the side, acting confused, though she knows what he's thinking about.*\n\n\"Hm?\"\n\n*The smile on Yakaiyo's face widens as the elf offers a proper cooked meal, courtesy of himself.*\n\n\"That's so nice of you! What'll you be making?\"" }, { "author": "Horace Caranaro \"Manwhore \"", "message": "\"It's nothing really. My first thought was to make some Chicken Parmesan, a personal favorite. Although I figured you might enjoy some ramen better?\"\n\n*The elf lifts the sack, as if the ingredients were within.*\n\n\"Would that be fine?\"\n*He motions to the exit, that they might be on their way so he can get started.*" }, { "author": "com.co", "message": "What I assumed would be comfort food" } ]
[ { "author": "Yakaiyo Kiriyami", "message": "\"You like inns, huh? Last time, we visited one as well.\"\n\n*Always wary, the vampire looked around, paranoid about who was around them. She doubted anyone would be a Silnarian spy, but her experiences had taught her that she was never truly safe. Yakaiyo followed the elf up the stairs, looking around before opening the door, and prepared a nearby shelf in front of the door in order to barricade it after Horace had came back inside.*\n\n\"How safe is it here?\"" }, { "author": "Horace Caranaro \"Manwhore \"", "message": "\"Sorta, yeah. Relatively safe *And* Affordable...\"\n*He smirks lightly, leading the way up to a room. Finding Yakaiyo in front of him and opening the door. He tilted a head at the movements she makes with the shelf curious as to what she was doing.*\n\n\"Uh... As safe as you can get in a war zone. I have a couple of my men out front keeping watch, so go ahead and make yourself comfy. I'll be back with the meal in a bit.\"\n\n*One last smile as the elf turns to exit the room. Aka now left alone with herself in this new place. It seemed one of the classier, more expensive rooms. Quality blankets and sheets along with extra fluffy pillows. Velvet blinds on the windows, the rest of the room very clean. The bed was a queen sized, presumably big enough for the both of them. It was quiet, and calm, only the warmth of the sunlight and candles to comfort the Trenton in the moment.*" }, { "author": "Yakaiyo Kiriyami", "message": "\"So pretty safe then. Nothing like being hunted.\"\n\n*As Horace left the room, Yakaiyo took notice of the room around her. High quality, and fancy. A different theme to what she was used to, but it was comforting nonetheless. A place to relax, rest, and think once more. However, thinking was the last thing the treton wanted to do; it was painful, with memories of the past, along with a heart aching with hope.*\n\n*...Did Horace say a couple of __his__ men?*\n\n*Regardless, Yakaiyo wanted to at least help a little bit. She took place near the door, her ear near the wall to be able to listen outside. Her eyes closed, and she began to rest, but heard every single footstep and morsel of sound outside. Once she heard Horace's footsteps, and knew it was him outside the door, she stood up to attention and opened the door for him.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Horace Caranaro \"Manwhore \"", "message": "*The elf stares as Yakaiyo annihilates her, eyes wide in surprise at the speed and fury in which she devoured her food. Snapping out of the shock as she speaks, his expression breaking into a burst of laughter.*\n\n\"No no, it's alright. I take it as a compliment, so if you want keep going.\"\n\n*The elf then takes his own seat at the table for two. Glancing down at his bowl and picking up his set of chopsticks. It was a little awkward in his grasp, though whether that was due to his injury or inexperience wasn't known. He takes a large portion of noodles, slurping them up in one foul swoop before tasting his garnishes. Setting his utensils down as he lifts the bowl itself, drinking the deliciously hot broth.*\n\"Ah~ Nothing like a hot soup to warm the body...\"\n\n*He glances up from his meal to the Trenton, pausing for a moment.*\n\"Not much. Most of this I got from the market while you were in the bath... And I suppose it wasn't, but cooking up a good treat for a friend of mine is worth it.\"\n\n*He smiled lightly, then reaching over to take a pot sticker of few. Glaring suspiciously at the bowl of rice after finishing, wondering how in the hell people ate rice with chopsticks.*" }, { "author": "Yakaiyo Kiriyami", "message": "\"Well, if it's a compliment, I guess I'll continue.\"\n\n*Yakaiyo continues on to the chicken along with the beef, and picks up a bowl of rice along the way. Though, Horace can see a smile form upon him calling her a friend. His mental question would soon be answered, as Yakaiyo effortlessly chows down on the chicken and rice, the soft, succulent, tender meat being consumed at rates faster than a swarm of locusts could eradicate a field of wheat.*\n\n*Mid way through eating, the treton stops and looks at Horace looking at the bowl of rice.*\n\n\"What's wrong?\"" }, { "author": "Horace Caranaro \"Manwhore \"", "message": "*An instinctive head tilt is delt as he observes Aka's ability. Still not exactly sure about how she did it, eventually chocking it up to witchcraft or simple skill.*\n\n\"I uh... Can't really eat the rice. Abit of an oversight on my end.\"\n\n*The elf breaths a nervous chuckle, attempting to turn his attention away. Yet his sights had seemingly been set on the pork fried rice.*\n\"I'll get a spoon, hold on.\"\n\n*He says with a sigh, standing from the table.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Yakaiyo Kiriyami", "message": "\"I suppose so.\"\n\n*Yakaiyo graciously accepted the towel, drying her face and hair, before dabbing the towel onto her wet clothes. She would deal with it later; perhaps hanging it to let it dry.\n\n\"Any... Sake? Or sochu? Or maybe plum wine; that's a favorite of mine I haven't had recently.\"\n\n*Then, Yakaiyo recalled Horace's earlier statement.*\n\n\"You said bed. Were there two beds in the room? Or only one?\"" }, { "author": "com.co", "message": "How is this always the consistent plot twist lmao" }, { "author": "Horace Caranaro \"Manwhore \"", "message": "\"Hm. Abit exotic and expensive for the region, but they might have something.\"\n*Horace saunters over to the wine cabinet, which was more of a alcohol closet with the variety it held. Carefully, Horace scans the box, drawing his finger from bottle to bottle before finding one.*\n\"We're in luck. Looks like they just had a new shipment of Sake. Remind me to buy some Plum Wine when we get home.\"\n\n*The elf fetches the bottle, an obvious culture swap from the rest of the clear glass bottles. He then swaps to the cupboards, passing through till he finds a few fine china for the occasion. Two sake cups, old, paint fading, and threatening to be chipped.*\n\"Not as good as I'd hoped. Let's get to the room shall we?\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Yakaiyo Kiriyami", "message": "\"Don't downplay it!\"\n\n*Taking the sake from the elf, Yakaiyo pours the alcohol into each of the cups, handing one to Horace.*\n\n\"It's rice wine, so it has a different flavor. Not made from the typical barley. Like white wine, sort of. Just like how I'm not used to whiskey. Red wine I enjoy though. Anyway... Here's a cheer to another day.\"\n\n*Yakaiyo clinks her cup against the elf's, soon downing the sake in one gulp.*" }, { "author": "Horace Caranaro \"Manwhore \"", "message": "\"That's all it is innit?\"\n*The elf questioned with a smirk, taking the cup in hand. He glances at the liquid, attempting to remember it's taste.*\n\n\"Cheers then.\"\n*The elf raises his cup, a soft clink before Horace follows suit. He coughs slightly upon drinking the alcohol, the difference in taste certainly striking.*\n\"Agh-... Right. Sake...\"" }, { "author": "Yakaiyo Kiriyami", "message": "\"Hmph.\"\n\n*Yakaiyo scowls and smiles at the same time, clearly wanting to slap Horace across the face; lightly, of course. Her hand only moves towards the sake though, as she pours herself another glass.*\n\n\"I guess you'll have to get used to it more if you hang around me. Should we see who can drink more?\"\n\n*Yakaiyo offers the gourd of sake, ready to pour another cup for Horace.*" }, { "author": "Horace Caranaro \"Manwhore \"", "message": "\"An acquired taste huh...? Well, it's not exactly to my tastes, but im not one for dropping out on a challange like that.\"\n*The elf nods, graciously accepting the woman's offer of drink. Soon after taking and downing it, attempting not to taste the drink.*\n\n\"Bleh-... I'll get used to this soon, right?\"" }, { "author": "Yakaiyo Kiriyami", "message": "\"We'll try red wine next time.\"\n\n*Yakaiyo downs her drink once more, before once again pouring another drink.*\n\n\"Hopefully. The more you drink, the more you'll get used to it.\"\n\n*The treton pours Horace's glass to the full once again.*\n\n\"So that's two. How many do you think you can go?\"" }, { "author": "Horace Caranaro \"Manwhore \"", "message": "\"Hm... These are pretty tiny cups compared to the usual mug. Then again, shots are just as potent... I'll say around 10? That's probably good.\"\n*Horace mumbles as Aka pours him another drink, downing it just as he had the last. Sticking his tongue out in displeased fashion before shaking it off for the next.*" }, { "author": "Yakaiyo Kiriyami", "message": "*A small chuckle can be heard as Horace sticks his tongue out, Yakaiyo downing it once more.*\n\n\"Only 10? I can do... Maybe 13?\"\n\n*The cups are poured once more, then again, then again. In the end, Horace could only muster half the amount he had initially thought, while Yakaiyo continued to down the alcohol, going for 16 before finally stopping.*\n\n\"Ah, sweet 16.\"\n\n*Despite the alcohol though, Yakaiyo wasn't incredibly rowdy. She was instead more solemn, in a dreamlike state.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Horace Caranaro \"Manwhore \"", "message": "*Horace was slumped over in his chair, head hanging limply as he relaxed. He could only handle a few drinks, which was frankly fortunate since it saved the elf from the taste.*\n\n*And as for his mental state... Well, he wasn't useless, but he was certainly lacking in any common sense. Though to some, that was his natural state.*\n\n*Horace then climbs out of his chair. Hazily approaching the red velvet sheets of the Inn bed, plopping face first into the warm comfort. Upon which, a muffled scream is heard, as the elf himself had forgotten about his arm.*" }, { "author": "Yakaiyo Kiriyami", "message": "\"Are you ok?\"\n\n*Horace was evidently not ok, as he began screaming while face down. He probably lacked coordination due to the alcohol. Unfortunately, Yakaiyo did as well.*\n\n*The treton stumbled over to the elf, pulling him over his normal arm, relieving the pressure off his wound.*\n\n\"Is that better?\"" }, { "author": "Horace Caranaro \"Manwhore \"", "message": "\"Yes...\"\n*The elf calls in a more relieved voice, his expression matching.*\n\"I fuckin hate guards... Always stabbing and cuttin me... What did I ever do to them?\"\n\n*The elf drunkenly whines, complaining about the reasoning for the notch in his arm.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Yakaiyo Kiriyami", "message": "\"Some will target people like us for no reason. They make us what we are.\"\n\n*Yakaiyo's voice is soothing as she begins to stroke the elf's hair.*\n\n\"Surely you have the funds to heal it, right?\"" }, { "author": "Horace Caranaro \"Manwhore \"", "message": "*Horace simply groans in response, wanting to bury his face once more. His head gently leaning into her hand, acceptant of the pats.*\n\"Yea... But there ain't many doktors here... Was waiting to find you to go back to Salvainia... \"\n*He slurred gently.*" }, { "author": "Yakaiyo Kiriyami", "message": "\"We'll head there soon enough then. For now though, just lay back and rest. You've done enough.\"\n\n*Yakaiyo's own eyes began to close, though she pulled the elf closer to her to better support him, making sure he was laying on his non-injured side.*\n\n\"It's getting late, you know?\"" }, { "author": "Horace Caranaro \"Manwhore \"", "message": "\"Yeah..\" \n*The elf snuggles up against the Trenton, getting comfy as best be could while injured.*\n\"You're warm, aka...\"\n\n*A comment without much meaning, just simple observation.*" }, { "author": "Yakaiyo Kiriyami", "message": "\"Warm? That just means you're cold.\"\n\n*The treton was indeed warm though, smiling as she feels Horace snuggle against her like a cat. Yakaiyo then gently pulled the blankets over the two.*\n\n\"How long do you want to stay here for?\"\n\n*The vampire then moved from Horace's head to his shoulder, rubbing it.*" }, { "author": "Horace Caranaro \"Manwhore \"", "message": "\"Maybe...\"\n*The elf questions, inching ever closer. If he was cold, it was only reasonable to move closer to the warmth.*\n\n\"Well... Not too long... But...\"\n*He look up to Aka, pausing.*\n\"Don't you have things to finish here? Before we can go home...\"" } ]
[ { "author": "officialcirno", "message": "On the north-eastern outskirts of Upper Mentia, a dark figure stumbled out of the forest. She was small and looked worse for wear. There was dark spots all over her clothes, and the edges of her mouth were rimmed with a crimson red. Without seeing her eyes, it was clear that she was suffering from some form of malnutrition, dehydration, or both. This would be the fate of the Reptillian Solis, who had finally made her way through the thick forests and found some form of civilization, but without a change in her personality in the process. \n\n\"Pl-please... Anyone.\" She gasped, her voice raspy and her lips cracked and bloodied. Solis had taken a few more steps before being brought down from exhaustion. Now on her hands and knees, she scanned the area, looking for something or someone to help satiate her needs. She wouldn't let herself die here though, after everything she went through. Doing her best to push herself back up, she continued to walk more inland, clutching her dagger in case anything catches her eye." }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "*Melody carefully picked her way through the forest, her progress finally giving her a little more faith in her travels. Despite straying a bit off course, she was sure she was getting close to North Mentia now. If only winter hadn't managed to arrive before she could get there. Now the thoughts of traveling back south with a herd of centaurs seemed an even more daunting task. She was going to hold out to hope though, even more towards the trip not being for nothing. \n\nShe continued down the path she was on, making sure to stay on course. That was, until her heard a seemingly faint voice. The centuar looked off from the road ahead, gazing out into by the forests and wondering if she had just imagined it.*\"...Hello?\"*She called back to them. Though she couldn't really see anything with the reptilian blending in so well to the dark forest, Melody was a lot easier to spot. Of course, she mostly just looked like any other deer in the forest with her centaur half, but someone of her frame was a lot harder to miss.*" }, { "author": "officialcirno", "message": "There was a voice that, although faint, Solis heard through the other noise. This was it, a time to strike and a time to survive. Unsheathing her dagger she used her long thermal sensing to find where this voice was, only to be met by what she thought was a deer. At first, she thought she was hallucinating, but as she kept on stalking her prey, she found that the \"Deer\" She saw was actually a centaur. While she saw the top part of her still as taboo, that bottom part must be good to eat. Solis thought of how to filet the meat, and how tasty she would taste. Well, that would have been the case, but upon further inspection, she found a nasty surprise hilt that poked out of her side. At her state, she couldn't even fight off a predator animal, much less a self-aware entity. Sliding her dagger back in her hilt in defeat, she raised her arms and screamed with all her effort. \n\n\"Hello!\" If the black sleeves weren't enough to signal Solis there, her hood has two linen-sewed eyes that lay on top of her hood, and should be visible to anyone. She limply swung her arms with no energy remaining, and she slowly began walking towards the centaur, hoping that she could provide some sort of sustenance, whether she had food or she had to ambush her at close-range. She wasn't going to tap out now." }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "*Melody swung her head around, appearing startled for a short moment as her gaze finally fell upon the lizardfolk.*\"Oh-. Hey, didn't see you there-.\"*She said, turning fully to face the woman. Her tone carried a friendliness to it. She figured it best to appear that way out here. With all the warfare it was easy to be mistaken for an enemy.*\"Are you okay miss...?\"*Melody asked as the woman began approaching her. There was an edge of caution to the deer, knowing full well she shouldn't be too trusting to people she came across with how close she was getting to the warzone.*\"You sound a bit distressed. Is there... Something I can help you with...?\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Bjor", "message": "Her useful directions resulted in a couple affirming nods from Bjor, as he tossed a final piece of dried meat into his mouth. While his teeth made short work of the unlucky morsel, he tied up the bag and returned it to his bag. Since he didn't want to rely solely on any game he came across, he had to ration his provisions accordingly.\n\n\"The distance is not a worry of mine. I am more concerned about what awaits me at this library. The study of books and scriptures is hardly a specialty of mine.\"\n\nThe bovine released a brief, hearty chuckle as he jokingly mentioned one of his faults. In a twist of irony, he was suddenly struck with an idea, as evidenced by his posture stiffening slightly, and his eyelids flitting open.\n\n\"Say, did you speak with anyone who worked at the library? I may need aid in locating the right information, and perhaps mentioning a name might help a big Brayer like myself get assistance quicker.\"" }, { "author": "Melody Vander", "message": "*A light frown crossed her face as she gave a shake of her head.*\"Afraid not. My trip there was pretty brief. I was just hoping to find any other potential books, but left soon after without much say.\"*With the Brayer mentioning the distance not being any trouble, she decided to continue.*\"I received most of my books from this Library in Middle Mentia. If you're hoping to find a lot information, that place may be the one you're looking for. It's much larger than the last one I went to anyways. Though from the sounds of it, may come at an extra expense if you're hoping to take some books with you.\"" }, { "author": "joscros", "message": "*A light frown crossed her face as she gave a shake of her head.*\"Afraid not. My trip there was pretty brief. I was just hoping to find any other potential books, but left soon after without much say.\"*With the Brayer mentioning the distance not being any trouble, she decided to continue.*\"I received most of my books from this Library in Middle Mentia. If you're hoping to find a lot information, that place may be the one you're looking for. It's much larger than the last one I went to anyways. Though from the sounds of it, may come at an extra expense if you're hoping to take some books with you. The librarian there may be more helpful to you, however, they seemed pretty knowledgeable when I needed assistance.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Astrid Cyril Pulcherrima", "message": "```Agan Road, XX Kilometres West from Tonwu, Upper Mentia. 1458 hours. 9°C, 81% H, 13 km/h NE. Rain, ~2mm per hour.```\n\n*As some rushed to the nearest point of shelter, a certain runaway noble carefully navigated the muddied road that connected different civilisations and eventually reached Middle Mentia, her new Area of Operations. The Ekremi had been surveying the geography of the area and the political situation, and decided to return to Middle Mentia where she would probably be more needed if things kept going the way they were. The unrest in Upper Mentia seemed to mainly be one between two different Clades rather than a social issue, and although she would love to help out all revolutions against unjust rulers, she could only be in one place at a time.*\n\n*Covered with a cloak that only revealed a small portion of her face, the Ekremi had mostly avoided getting fully soaked but the humidity trapped within the cloak was starting to get uncomfortable. She should not walk for much longer without a break, but getting to the forest furthest west where she could conceal herself as she rested was wiser than stopping in a plain with no shelter from the rain. Her endurance could still carry her further, but the moisture was making a compelling case for stopping.*\n\n*Astrid distracted herself from thinking about the condensation by focusing on the road ahead instead of the unchanging mud, that's when she spotted a trio of what appeared to be young adventurers at a first glance, but upon focusing at the scene it seemed more like a duo of bandits attacking a lone adventurer. At first she decided to not give it much thought, closing her eyes thinking the tussle would be over before she could get close enough to do anything about it, but when she opened her eyes perhaps a minute later, she was perhaps four dozen metres from the situation.*\n\n*By now she had decided to intervene, walking towards the bandits as she pulled a dagger by the blade from a drop leg sheath.*" }, { "author": "Aimar Dietrich", "message": "\"C'mon, you'd be better without 'em don'tcha think? Lighten your burden, make the travel a bit easier! We'll even watch out for ya on your way through these lands!\" *The voice was rough, uneducated, and would sound almost friendly, were the person it originated from not holding a club. Clothed in worn, poorly-kept leather armor, he stood a nearly half a foot above the subject of his intimidation, flanked a second, slightly smaller individual who held a pitchfork—younger, not speaking, but pointing the fork of the farm tool toward the man opposite him.* \n\n*This one was about the same age as smaller one, shorter in height, but held himself differently. He was tense, preparing to spring into action, by the looks of things—whether through flight or combat. Shorter than Astrid, even, he was rather slim, but the exposed areas of his tattood arms betrayed a chorded musculature that showed he was certainly not helpless despite this, helped by the bow slung over his shoulder, and the sword on his back, not to mention the armour he wore. It seemed to be made of various pieces of a fuller armour—plate, perhaps?—worn to protect certain vital areas, the rest of his body covered in thick cloth or cured leathers. Despite the seeming readiness at which he was to initiate combat, he didn't seem to be reaching for his sword, shrugging the bow off his shoulder, or doing the hand signs for a spell. Instead, he glared up at his accoster, stating,* \"I'm fine with them on, as am I with keeping my gold. I don't deal with highwaymen.\" *His accent was odd, a mixture of Mentian with definite Hasaapian elements.*\n\n*The larger one stepped toward this man as he said what he did, a smirk across his face, bouncing the club head of his club in his free hand as he glowers down at him. The one with the pitchfork gave him a quick, almost worried glance before turning his focus back onto the armored man.* \"And who said anythin' about 'ighwaymen? We're just two individuals *Very* Concerned\n\nFor the safety of those who walk our roads! Ain't that right, Pelus?\" *The larger man slaps the back of the smaller one—Pelus, presumably—and Pelus quickly nods.* \"See! Well, now that it's settled we ain't 'ighwaymen, I think it's time you properly *Paid* For the services of our protection, no?*\n\n*The two bandits, their backs turned away from her, didn't see Astrid as she approached. But the tattooed man did, his glance shifting from that of the man with the club to Astrid. The look he gave her wasn't a long one, nor one of entreatment, but it did say that he was aware of what she was preparing to do, the luck punctuated by an extremely quick and sharp nod. A grunt escapes the larger man as both of the highwaymen glance behind them at whatever—or __whoever__—he was looking at.* \n\n*The man with the bow takes this moment where they've both dropped their guard to strike, dropping into a lower stance, combat-ready stance, bringing his right foot back. As he does so, he lowers his back, reaching up with his right hand to grab his sword by the hilt. As the sword is pulled free from it's sheathe, he continues the motion forward, aided by the positioning of his back, continuing it into an explosive horizontal cut aimed directly at the man's arm. It cuts through the wrist, just barely not enough to sever it, but more than enough to have the man drop his club, the hand hanging from his arm by a strip of flesh. The man with the sword allows the the momentum to continue as he withdraws his body from the highwaymen by leaning backward, entering into an ox stance—the tip of his now more visible sword pointing toward the two of them, its slim, curved edge pointed up at the sky. He gives another glance toward Astrid, waiting for her to act—or, possibly, for her not to.*" }, { "author": "Astrid Cyril Pulcherrima", "message": "*As soon as she noticed the men turning towards her, the hooded figure quickly launched the dagger towards the head of the smallest bandit, Astrid did not care about the background of neither the man or the boy, but she categorised the younger one as a more dangerous threat because he had a longer weapon, imbuing the dagger with a necrotic spell whispered while she walked with weapon in hand, if the young one didn't die upon impact, he'd slowly lose all strength and perhaps even start decomposing if he had low magical resistance.*\n\n*As for the older bandit that no longer had a functioning hand, the Ekremi leaped towards him as she pulled a sword from a sheath at the back of her waist, revealing a black sword with some red and gold accents and what seemed to be a coat of arms at the crossguard. Astrid aimed the sword straight for the lungs of her target, the tip of the blade easily going through the practically unprotected bandit as the sword with a broadening blade caused serious internal damage. With her body practically centimetres from the bandit, she leaned into his ear and whispered another necrotic spell as she slowly rotated the blade inside the bandit so that the tip was aiming at the ground in a 45 degree angle. Waiting briefly for the magic to kick in, she used the back of her right heel to sweep the bandit's left leg, pulling upwards as he fell to the ground, swiftly and cleanly removing the blade with a reverse grip from her right hand.*\n** **\n\n*She approached the dying kid with the knife embedded in his skull, although he was unmoving, he was still breathing although unconscious from the impact. Astrid knelt by his side and whispered some words in his ear no one but she and the kid could hear, no spell was activated this time. Astrid seemed to show some heavily contrasting mercy and gently inserted her sword into the young's chest to end the slow death she herself had caused. With the sword soaking with blood, she dragged her index and middle finger through his face to close his eyelids before removing the dagger that landed on the right side of his skull. The white-haired assassin now pulled the blade from his torso just as gently as she thrusted it in, standing back up after the entire blade left the subject.*\n\n*She threw the dagger into a pothole on the road, the object of crime disappearing beneath the muddied waters. Turning towards the Macen as she wiped the blood off the sword with her grey cloak, her face was briefly exposed, showing a few strands of silvery hair and a pair of red eyes accompanying an imposing stare and an expression unbothered by the atrocity she had committed.*\n\n\"Are you uninjured?\"\n\n*Astrid expected to leave without any more fanfare, simply asking a question out of courtesy after a life-threatening situation, although the Anti-Monarchist seemed to be unfazed by the whole situation. She began walking in the direction she was originally going without waiting for an answer, her light steps seldom leaving footprints on the softened earth as she resumed her travel towards the forest in hopes of resting there until morning. Leaving the scene of a murder behind as the corpses of the victims rapidly decomposed from the humidity and the necrotic magic.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Aimar Dietrich", "message": "*He maintains his stance, shifting his focus toward the highwaymen with the pitchfork, preparing for a thrust, but Astrid gets to him first. The brutalness of the cranial stab sends Aimar stepping back slightly—a stumble, likely caused by fear, turned into a solid backstep as he caught himself. As the kid's body falls to the muddy ground like a sack of flour, he shifts his attention back to the man whose hand has been severed, only to see Astrid lunge forward, plunging her sword deeply into the man's back, the blade piercing through the front wall of his chest, staining the leather of his tunic crimson.*\n\n*Aimar drops his stance, lowering into a fool's guard just as she whispers into the man's ear, watching as she pulls the blade free from his chest. He maintains cautious—though not overtly threatening—toward the assassin, keeping his gaze locked on her as she walks over to the kid, leaning down and whispering to him, much like he had the other bandit. He doesn't seem to react much as her blade is inserted and removed from his chest—the dagger in his skull was already undoubtedly fatal, the blade in the heart was a kill of mercy, a necessity he was familiar with. Many an elk he'd hunted had been rendered paralyzed, but still alive, due to a poorly loosed arrow that had severed its spinal chord. At that point, you had little choice but to end its life, lest it suffer.*\n\n*What he was not prepared for, however, was for the bodies to begin to spontaneously decompose. He stumbled backward, this time barely catching himself, abandoning his stance as he watched the corpses turn grey and bloat, eyes wide as dinner plates, a gasp of fear escaping his lips. He'd seen decomposition before in partially eaten carcasses, but... None so quick. Magic was involved, undoubtedly. He barely seemed to register her question to him, affording her merely a momentary glance upward at her, before his gaze returned back to the corpses.*\n\n\"What- what did you do to the-\" *He asks the\n\nQuestion without looking at her, eyes still locked on the bodies, only for him to retch as the corpses reach active decay. He covers his mouth with his left hand, the knuckles on his right white with how strong he was gripping the hilt of his sword, his eyes growing wider than they were, somehow. He quickly rushes into the shrubbery adjacent to the road, emptying the contents of his stomach onto the grass by a tree.*\n\n*It takes him a moment to regain his bearings as he wiped his mouth with the back of his left arm with his forearm. Once they're regained, he straightens back up, still panting slightly from the sudden vomiting, seeing the other woman walking away. He steps forward, entering into a plow stance and pointing the tip of his sword toward her, no longer bothering with attempting not to seem threatening toward her, as he speaks once again.*\n\n\"What did you do to them?\" *As he asks this, it is somewhat obvious that he is doing his best to maintain his composure. Though his voice has more conviction than it did previously, there is a slight waver in his voice as steals a glance at the bodies while he asks the question, the the corpses now deep into advanced decay.*" }, { "author": "Astrid Cyril Pulcherrima", "message": "*The criminal stopped her step to look back at Aimar with the same expression she had before, perhaps with a note of confusion as she witnessed the Macen have a very... Strong, perhaps excessive, reaction to her magic. It definitely wasn't the most pleasant sight, but Astrid didn't think it warranted a reaction as intense as his. Her confusion was overtaken by a hint of amusement as his body reacts to the situation, but that was later succeeded by a slight disappointment as Aimar aimed his blade at the person that had perhaps saved his life.*\n\n*Her recently-cleaned sword was now getting hit by the rainfall as she lifted with her right hand the black blade parallel to the ground, aimed towards her fellow Ekremi. Astrid didn't quite understand why he was hostile towards her, but adventurers have a weird sense of justice and perhaps he just wanted to punish her for her brutality in pursuit of efficiency. His question was heard loud and clear, but remained unanswered as they both got soaked by the rain, staring into the eyes of Aimar with the same cold glance from before, this time she was going to stay defensive and wait for any possible reaction as the answer to his question was delayed for a few, very long seconds.*\n\n\"It is necrotic magic. It won't be great if the highway patrol or local militias find their freshly killed bodies and begin searching for a culprit. When they get found tomorrow after the rain passes, it will simply be catalogued as an incident, and other bandits will steal all the valuables that could make them recognisable. I simply would not like to have justice after me for such an insignificant loss of life.\"\n** **\n\n*The whole phrase was said in a borderline monotonous voice, and the phrase itself was something only someone with a seriously distorted morality compass could utter, but Astrid almost treated it like an everyday happening one just has to learn to deal with. The Lathian talked as if it was a professional field and she was simply stating the facts of why doing what she did was the best, ignoring the human factor behind all of this. Her apathy was perhaps more disgusting than the blooshed itself.*\n\n*Not breaking visual contact or lowering her weapon, Astrid began walking backwards, away from Aimar and back into her original journey that was being needlessly extended by something that was done in, what must have been, less than a minute. Something that she would probably never ever think of again either, but the saved apparently had a bone to pick with his saviour.*" }, { "author": "Aimar Dietrich", "message": "*He remains at guard as he listens to her speak. Necrotic magic... That would explain it. A type he had heard of, but had never seen in action. Until now, that is. The corpses had already become mostly bone by the time she finishes speaking, Aimar's eyes narrowing.*\n\n\"And so you defiled their corpses, denied them a proper cremation?\" *His gaze remains on her now that her sword is pointed at him, his voice now more stable. Why was she so worried about their deaths being investigated? It wouldn't be too hard for the two of them to explain what happen, say the killings were in self defense against what were likely outlaws.* \"They may have been highwaymen, but the bodies of even such as them do not deserve that disrespect—especially when it is for a reason such as yours.\"\n\n*He doesn't pursue as she begins to walk backward, but neither does he lower his sword.* \"Fine, then. Go, if that is what you wish. I thank you for your aid in disposing of those bandits, but not the means in which you did so.\" *Quite the opposite of thankful, in fact. Though he is rather disgusted at what she did, to do something like attacking her would be beyond foolish. Not only did she help him, she was clearly a capable fighter, one he wasn't entirely sure he could come to blows with her and come out on top—and the thought of his body ending up like those of the bandits nearly sent a shiver up his spine.* \"I will say this, however, before you leave: despite my not wishing it, should we ever cross blades I would have no qualms with ridding the world of such magic as yours.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Astrid Cyril Pulcherrima", "message": "\"Ha! And what would a cremation do? Fire won't make them come back.\"\n\n*Astrid's disdain for religion came to light as Aimar confronted her over the lack of a \"Proper\" Death process, she couldn't quite wrap her head around how people actually believed something like that could change anything, but religious followers were rather stubborn. And stubborn was a good word for the Macen, he was really getting on her nerves with him saying he'd happily kill her if need be, and she'd give him a fight if that's what he wished for. Some might argue he was brave to stand up against someone as ruthless as Astrid, but for the Silnari, it was simply dumb and cocky.*\n\n\"Alright then Mr. Righteous, show me how you will absolve the world of all evil and spread your clemency to the unjust.\"\n\n*Using words she had heard from other religious people mockingly, she stored her old sword back into its sheath and in its stead, revealed her main combat weapon, a single-edged bladed polearm akin to a sovnya. Made mainly out of a black steel with blue lines going down the blade, the lines were cosmetic with daylight, but in low light conditions they could fool someone of where the limits of the blade really are. Astrid rotated her torso and aimed the tip of the blade in an angle to the ground with the edge upwards, adopting a defensive stance with her body behind the polearm. Still covered with her cloak and looking through some thin hairstrands, her stare finally shifted into one of provocation, almost daring Aimar to strike first.*" }, { "author": "Aimar Dietrich", "message": "*His brows furrows slightly as he hears this. What was she on about? For someone as willing to use such distasteful magic as her, it's no surprise to him she doesn't care too much about traditions like cremating the dead, but she said it with such vitriol it almost confused him. He'd angered her, that much was plain, but for someone who used such magic, had she not expected such strong reactions from people already?*\n\n*His grip tightened on his blade as she sheathed her sword and pulled out her glaive, pointing it at him. It seemed like the time of them crossing blades would be sooner than he expected, something he notes with a small amount of regret. He shouldn't have said the last part, especially not to one as violent as her. He could leave, now; he could turn into a bird, fly off, maybe, or simply try surrendering and begging for forgiveness—though he doubts the latter would do any good. And with regards to the former... His father hadn't raised him to be a coward. He would only flee should the fight be completely unwinnable.*\n\n\"...I don't wish to fight you, still. But if you leave me no choice in the matter, I *Will* Defend myself.\" *He says a few subvocal words, before using his left hand to bump the pommel of his messer. As soon as he does so, his blade ignites in flame, starting from the bottom of its length and travelling up it in less than a half of a second. Despite Astrid expecting for him to attack first, he doesn't, remaining where he is, watching her closely through the flames of his blade as it points directly to her. He's waiting on her to strike first.*" }, { "author": "Astrid Cyril Pulcherrima", "message": "*Trusting her reflexes and speed, Astrid leaped forwards with remarkable speed, but perhaps clumsily or unluckily, the muddied ground prevented her from getting a proper launch and she was much slower in the air than she had expected, clearly telegraphing her attack to Aimar who promptly evaded the weak attack. She backstepped into her initial position after an embarrassingly terrible first strike, surely that'd be bad for initial impressions.*" }, { "author": "Aimar Dietrich", "message": "*He manages to knock the glaive aside with his sword, extending his left hand, palm upward, fingers splayed, their tips pointing upward. As he raises that hand, a mottled mass of spiked roots and vines spring from the road, latching onto her calves and holding her in place. And with that, he retreats—he doesn't flee, instead repositioning, as he turns back around to face her.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Astrid Cyril Pulcherrima", "message": "*Quickly realised what was about to happen, Astrid flexed her legs preparing to jump, but the muddied grounds below her could not provide any firm ground for a quick jump, and the vines caught her anyways. The cloak protects her clothes and critical areas, but the thorny plants still managed to give her a few stingy cuts, but more urgent than injuries is the fact she cannot move. Held in place by a myriad of magical roots and stems, she struggles for freedom as her brain thinks of what she can do, that's when she notices something interesting.*\n\n*Although the plants prevent any movement of her legs, her left arm can move freely without touching any vines, and her right arm has some limited movement as well. Spinning the Sovnya and stabbing it into the ground, she grabs a dagger from the drop leg sheath and uses the played card again, throwing the knife with incredible speed towards Aimar, like the time it was used to kill the young boy, it was imbued with the same necrotic spell from before, although at this distance and against an armoured opponent. It wouldn't immediately kill him, but if the Macen didn't see the approaching knife, he was about to get a very unpleasant surprise.*" }, { "author": "Aimar Dietrich", "message": "*Aimar goes to parry the blade, but misjudges the speed at which it was thrown, attempting to deflect it too early. It hits him in the left shoulder, causing him to wince, but ignore it. Leaving it in was the best course of action for now, to prevent excess bleeding, and it didn't seem to hit so deep he cant maneuver.*\n\n*He sheathes his sword and unslings his bow from his shoulder, reaching out his left arm once again, this time holding a closed fist. As he goes to quickly open it, a severe, sharp, numbing pain, shoots through his arm, causing it to twitch last minute, throwing his aim off. A burst of noxious, yellow-green looking gas explodes just behind Astrid, just outside of where she's stuck. *\n\n*Aimar looks down at the dagger, ripping it out, looking at the now necrotic flesh around the wound, a dark ichor oozing from the wound, too black and too thick to be blood—at least, not healthy blood. He throws the blade to the ground before turning his view back to Astrid.*" }, { "author": "Astrid Cyril Pulcherrima", "message": "*Slowly getting more angry at the vines containing her, the Ekremi senses the magical plants momentarily become weaker as Aimar struggles with the necrotic magic, and uses that brief window to break free from her green cage. Picking her weapon back from the ground as she notices what might be described as chemical warfare in another world, she is of course glad he missed that attack, but she had to be more cautious approaching a ranged opponent.*\n\n*Struggling on the wet ground with her numb legs from the trap, she moves slowly towards the forest, she casts another offensive spell, this time one that produces a miasma that accelerates organic decomposition. A nice fold against a plant based opponent, although it seems she wasn't too accurate with her attack, and Aimar was already moving from his position.*\n\n*Astrid stumbles and eventually crashes into a tree as she begins paying close attention to what information her ears can give. As she slowly rotates her ankle to get rid of the numbness, the white-haired girl breathes in slowly with her eyes closed to regain focus and composure for the next phase. This whole situation was clearly a very big miscommunication and should have never happened in the first place, but it was too late to be diplomatic although she firmly believed Aimar was mostly at fault for trying to be picky over who his saviour was.*\n\n*As the angel she was, the now-recovered Astrid stood up and removed the hood of her cloak, she needed to fully absorb all her senses and the concealment was getting in the way of her peripheral view. With Sovnya in hand the Ekremi began closing the distance while using the abundant trees as cover from the incoming arrows.*" }, { "author": "Aimar Dietrich", "message": "*In one swift motion, Aimar grabs a few arrows in his right hand at once, knocking a single one while he keeps the other two in reserve, point facing downward. The knocked arrow is held against the right edge of his bow, kept still by his extended thumb as he draws the arrow back, aiming at the other warrior. \n\nHe looses his arrow, aiming at Astrid's neck—only for her to duck behind a tree at the last second. Quickly, he flicks one of his reserve arrows up, to replace the loosed one, drawing back the bow, this time aiming lower, just as he saw the hint of her foot begin to exit the tree's cover. This time, his shot is true, the arrow piercing her calf just above the ankle, sinking deeply into her muscle, causing her to stumble. \n\nHaving slowed her down, Aimar takes this opportunity to again retreat, this time more confident in his attacks, drawing two more arrows to replace his lost ones as he prepares to duck behind a tree himself.*" }, { "author": "Astrid Cyril Pulcherrima", "message": "*With the gashes from the roots and now an arrow impaled on her foot, the adrenaline is not keeping up with the physical demands she requires from her body, the pain was starting to get to her and she needed a way to regain some force. Using a tree as cover and something to lean on, she realised trees were indeed alive, so with her Sovnya she created a sizeable gash in the tree cortex to touch the log directly, and reciting another spell, Astrid began absorbing part of the life force of the tree, with leafs and branches rapidly drying out and falling from the tree as they could no longer support their own weight.*\n\n*Refreshed from what was only a partial extraction of life force, Astrid was back to her usual speed and had seemingly forgotten about the pain, rapidly leaping from the tree she had dried part of into another one, and then another one, carefully choosing when and where to jump to minimise chances of getting hit, but during a longer leap she made use of the extra air time to launch another dagger imbued with necrotic damage. This third dagger would only cause a superficial scratch to Aimar, and made its way past him into an unlucky tree branch.*\n\n*Getting into the woods was perhaps a bad idea, because Astrid had many ways of closing the distance, and even the reflexes of an experienced archer could struggle when pushed to a strictly reactionary position like the one Aimar found himself in.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Aimar Dietrich", "message": "*Aimar lines up his shot with Astrid just as she ducks behind the tree, having to wait until she exits to loose an arrow. He steels himself to do so... Until he see's the tree begin to rot. The sight of it withering, blackening, buckling under its own weight is enough for him to lose his composure, the drawn arrow being loosed by accident, thunking harmlessly into the dead wood of the tree.\n\nHe prepares another arrow, but not fast enough to loose upon astrid as soon as she left the tree's cover. He pulls back just as she launches off the tree and into another, the arrow being loosed early and flying harmlessly a few inches past her head.\n\nHe goes to draw another as the dagger hits him in the upper right arm. A scratch, barely enough for him to register—but he certainly notices the magic. His arm starts to go numb just as he starts to knock the arrow, unable to get a good grip on the drawstring. He looks down at his arm, his eyes growing wide as he notices a growing blackness running down his arm and up his shoulder. \n\nThe arrow falls from his arm, Aimar barely even able to raise it anymore, and he begins to stagger backwards—and then turns around, breaking into a full on sprint. He can't win this, not with an arm like this. He grasps his bow with his left hand, starting to feel that one grow numb, too, as the magic from his shoulder wound starts going down it.* \n\n\"Shit, shit, no no no no no.\"" }, { "author": "Astrid Cyril Pulcherrima", "message": "*No longer someone fighting against a comparable opponent, Astrid is now akin to a predator hunting fleeing prey, and the hunter was indeed faster. She stalked Aimar through the forest, closing the distance but not quite at striking point yet, perhaps it was on purpose to mess with his psychology, or the arrow hit was limiting her mobility, but she had the clear upper hand over the Macen, with only her mercy dictating how far she'd go.*\n\n*Deciding enough was enough, she leaped with more strength than previously to have enough momentum to catch her opponent, she moved her Sovnya in the air for two diagonal slices upwards and then downwards. Landing the strikes on his back thigh and through his back and also slightly cutting the arm. The back and arm damage was very shallow, but the cut on Aimar's left thigh was almost bone-deep, convincingly removing his movement capacity. But Astrid was still in the air, so she used the last bit of speed she carried to kick the Macen from behind as she striked the ground with her polearm, the drier ground stopping the blade pretty quickly, Astrid landing after a rather unconventional way of braking.*\n\n*The injured Aimar, who had fallen face first into the ground, would be welcomed by the tip of a blade once he turned his face, the wielder of the weapon could finally be identified now that there was no hood hiding the Ekremi's face. Astrid was trying to control her breathing, and had a few drops of sweat and rain on her face, her long alpine hair trying to hide inside her cloak, with some pointy ears and a few black and blue hair ornaments breaking the white hegemony. Her cloak had been stained by mud and some bloodstains, mainly from the sharp vines. Her right leg, partially obscured by the cloak, was covered in red from the arrow that was still drawing blood, but horrifyingly, she seemed unfazed by the impaled projectile.*\n\n\"...I Win...\"\n\n** **\n\n*Between ragged breathings, the victor uttered just two words as her face finally changed to a very slight smile, her pulse had yet to steady, but she didn't look too tired. Beneath the cloak, she moved her hand in a certain way to disable all of her active magic. Her mana reserves almost depleted from the three hostiles she fought; two of them were probably just skeletons now, and the other could be relieved the rotting would not continue to have its meal on his flesh.*" }, { "author": "Aimar Dietrich", "message": "*His mad dash through the forest was a surprisingly nimble one, despite the wounds he was suffering from. He threaded through tree and under branch, his speed unhindered by any rocks or branches that could hard him footing. He only occasionally glanced backward, spurred further and faster forward with every glance of the Silnari woman.*\n\n*Still, his escape was all for naught. The glaive slices through the leather parts of his armour as she dashes forward, the angle of the cut spattering blood on a nearby tree. He lets out a cry of pain as the second cut hits deeper, cutting the muscle on the back of his deeply. He falls forward mid-stride, unable to bring the left leg forward to continue running.*\n\n*The leg wound bleeds profusely, blood pouring from the wound—an artery likely severed—and pooling onto the forest floor, being absorbed by the loose soil and moss. He groans in pain, unable to use his arms to push himself back up, and turns his head to the side only to see the tip of a glaive mere inches from his face. His gaze travels up the length of the polearm, before it falls onto Astrid herself.*\n\n\"F-finish it, then. Don't... Don't leave me here to- to rot.\" *The words come in in ragged breaths—both from the effort of running so fast, the intense pain, and the ample amount of blood he is quickly losing. He closes his eyes, waiting to feel the bite of the glaive again, only to feel something he didn't expect: the numbness leave from his arms, feeling returning. He opens his eyes, looking forward at the arms outstretched in front of him, the skin having returned back to a healthy colour, a cursory clenching of his fingers revealing that he could still move them.*\n\n\"What?...\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Ryker Dusken", "message": "*After assisting in the Siuian endeavor for a training, Ryker decided to make a final trip up to Upper Mentia to see what could be done about their ongoing invader issue before he'd go back to his own personal mission. He was on his way towards Lynndum, currently traveling with only his small metallic drake companion as company for the time being. The mechanical creature was flying just above him and keeping watch of the area in the event of any ambushes.*" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*If the drake were vigilant enough, perhaps it would notice what seemed like a small speck on the horizon. A speck that seemed to be moving along the road towards Ryker. A speck that grew bigger as time went on, revealing itself to be a wagon driven in a reckless speed by a figure.*\n\n*It isn't long before the wagon decends upon Ryker, although it manages to pull over before it runs him straight over. On the driver's seat, a hooded figure of great size sat.*\n\n\"City will be under attack. Go back home if you want to live.\" \n*Seemed like a warning on the understanding Ryker was a civilian.*" }, { "author": "Ryker Dusken", "message": "*His drake had let out a metallic shriek from overhead to get the Oni's attention. Upon noticing, the growing spec approaching, he swiftly moved out the way and summoned his staff defensively as if he expected to be jumped by whatever maniac was riding around so recklessly. As the dust finally cleared a bit, and Ryker got a better look of who was driving, he let out a quiet scoff and brushed himself off a bit.*\"I assure you, I am fully aware of the state the city is in and fully intend to go there for that exact reason.\"*He finally said once he had a chance to respond. He eyed the large rider warily, his staff still resting in hands.*\"And I fully intend to walk away from it after the fact as well.\"*His drake proceeded to land on his shoulder and hissed at the driver.*" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*The wolf silently stared at Ryker for a moment before laughing to himself. He flips his hood, revealing his beastkin lineage, as well as a smile.*\n\"Confident aren't we? Better than cowardice I suppose. I'm also to Lynndunn, need a ride?\" \n\n*He motions to his carriage, although the passenger seat seemed cramped due to his size.*\n\"Should be quicker than on foot. Carriage is about an hours way out, assuming we have no hiccups.\"" }, { "author": "Ryker Dusken", "message": "*He narrowed his eyes in slight suspicion of the Beastkin. Ryker was partially sure it was his kind leading the assault on the city to begin with. He hesitated for a while longer, knowing full well the only reason he didn't use his drake was the risk of being shot out of the sky with how close they are, but he doubted the beastkin would do anything without knowing what the Oni was here for completely.*\"I suppose...\"*He said slowly. With a but of air magic, he had floated up onto the seat, seeming particularly uncomfortable being this close, but he seemed to create some space between them regardless.*" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*The wolf held his smile, waiting for Rykers response. He took note of the magical abilities his new companion seemed to have, and made what space he could for the man.*\n\n\"Good company. I'm Grey. And you?\" \n*Before he waits for a response, the wolf spurs his horses. A jolt of movement and the carriage was off, trotting along the trail at an admittedly faster speed.*\n\"What's the occasion?\"" }, { "author": "Ryker Dusken", "message": "*Ryker held fast to his seat as the horses took off, never really used to these animals. At that point, his Drake had decided to nope out of there and flew back off overhead to return to just keeping an eye on things.*\"Ryker.\"*He said at first, waiting until he could adjust to the new speed.*\"Dusken.\"*Ryker sat more upright before continuing.*\"Currently, I'm heading this way for Mercenary work. It appears to be quite abundant in the area. How about you?\"" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "\"Much of the same, Mr Dusken. War breeds death and misery, as well as coin and opportunity.\"\n*The carriage settles at an even pace, and the sounds of objects sliding around in the back of the carriage come to a halt. \n\"Though my chance to seize opportunity might be stopped.\" \n\n*He reached a hand up to his maw, rubbing it tiredly.*\n\"It's the beastkin who are invading. They might not take kindly to a beastly defender.\"" }, { "author": "Ryker Dusken", "message": "*So he was considering fighting in defense of the city? It was strange that Ryker considered it a possibility, even stranger that it may be true if the wolf had yet to decide fully.*\"Is there a reason you are possibly considering doing such?\"*He decided to ask the beastkin. If Ryker was going to be defending the city, he'd rather know who look out for if there was a chance of any enemies getting within the walls.*" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "\"Morals and compassion. As well as the coin I'll make along the way.\" \n*The beastkin glances towards the side lines as if looking for any would be ambushes. Granted the metallic dragon thing seemed to have that on lock.*\n\n\"The rebellion has good intentions, but its call to violence is dangerous. The death of the emperor could lead to even greater conflict, wiping both sides out. My brother's cry 'death or freedom'. I disagree.\"" }, { "author": "Ryker Dusken", "message": "*The Oni could see that he supposed. Though war was quite lacking in the two anyways. He wasn't exactly sure what the beastin's goals were, likely fighting for their freedom of some sort with all the slaves he had been freeing with the other group. Although now, it seems the Beastkins may well be the aggressors in this situation. It was quite interesting to watch the oppressed change into the very thing they were fighting against.*\"I hold no connection to the people of Mentia.\"*He admits.*\"Though I'd rather spend the time assuring the city won't fall from the amount of assaults focusing on it. I cannot say I'll fully understand your kind or why they are fighting or... Frankly what they are fighting at this point... This place is quite foreign to me. But you seem to be a worthy ally if you do so decide to stick to this side for whatever means that may be.\"" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "\"Quite. They have gotten out of hand, if you would. In their hurry for freedom, they've become tools for expansion.\"\n\n*The wolf adjusted his hold on the whips.*\n\"They may even attempt to turn the tides, enslaving their masters. Preaching freedom while taking away others...\"" }, { "author": "Ryker Dusken", "message": "\"Likely. Their spirits appear quite vengeful. But what are you to do if they fail their endeavors? Surely little would change and they will likely return to their beastkin enslavement or whatever was happening prior to this large revolt. Possibly punishing those that were apart of the revolt or even vaguely related to it. I'd imagine you'd want to help your kind out of their situation if that became the case?\"" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "\"...\" \n*The wolf seemed to remain silent, as if not even he had the answer. Surely he could not leave his own kind to return to their enslavement. But he could not tell the man beside him that, else he wouldn't make it passed the first gate.*\n\n\"I have no allegiance to the beastkin, nor to the Mentian. In the end, those who pay more will likely win no matter their moral high ground. But when the time comes, I suppose I will defend those who are defenseless, beast or man.\"\n*The wolf sighed. A vague answer that gave him no trust or suspicion. At the very least, he must keep an eye on this Ryker fellow once they reach the city.*" }, { "author": "Ryker Dusken", "message": "*Ryker eyed him for a while, then looked back off towards the city they were heading towards.*\"Regardless of outcome, I doubt they will fully be able to dispose of those acting against the higher order. I am sure whenever this war ends, there may well still be people out there assisting those enslaved as I very much assume this is where the original conflict lies.\"*It was probably the best Ryker was ever going to give of reassurance. Once he finished up in upper Mentia, he would have no reason to return to this place unless his search guided him back here somehow, but so far, after several months of looking, that was heavily unlikely.*" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "\"I would hope so. Although my hopes lend more towards an outlawing of slavery itself. Legislation could fix this all, if the beastkins could put down their grudge and the mentians their pride.\"\n\n*Rather abruptly, a deep growl would come from the wolf. Seemingly his stomach crying for help, causing the wolf to look slightly embarrassed.*\n\"My apologies. I've been riding since morning without breakfast. Could you hold the reigns while I get something from the back?\"\n\n*He offered the Oni the leather reigns on the still running horses.*" }, { "author": "Ryker Dusken", "message": "*He raised an eyebrow in surprise. He'd hardly expect most Onis to take a legislative approach to the war let alone a beastkin. Fortunately, Ryker didn't have the chance to respond as the wolf excused himself and offered the reigns. The Oni looked to them skeptically, knowing full well he likely wouldn't be able to keep the horses under control if anything happened, but to anyone's hope, nothing should.*\"I suppose I can for the time being.\"*He said as he took the reins awkwardly.*" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "\"Thank you Mr Dusken. I won't be long.\" \n*Even more awkwardly, Grey moves to hop from the driver's seat into the wagon. His huge size causing the carriage to shift uncomfortably before settling. After about 30 minutes, the beast returns seemingly with a full stomach.*\n\"Much appreciated! And we're almost there as well.\" \n\n*He points forward as the gates of the city seemed to be fast approaching. They'd be there within another 10 minutes or so by the look of it.*\n\"Tell me Mr Dusken, have you ever gone through City Importation while at war? It's quite a process.\"" }, { "author": "Ryker Dusken", "message": "\"Can't say I have. Most of my time has been spent in camps for the jobs I've been doing it private estates away from the city.\"*Ryker answered, glad to be rid of the reigns. As they got closer to the city, he had his drake return back to sit on top of the cart in case someone in the city got trigger happy.*" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "\"I would warn you, but every city handles it differently. At the least, expect to have your weapons removed and interrogation to begin until they realize you're an ally mercenary.\"\n\n*The walls seem to get bigger as they walk. A troop of guards sit outside the wall, regulating the traffic. Grey moves to slow the carriage, and approaches the checkpoint.*\n\"Let's play nice and try not to cause a mess.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*With his last mission completed and some slaves freed Shaw decided to travel about for a couple days whilst he and his comrades had some free time. Having checked a map he recently obtained he saw the city of Lynndum... He knew forces were gathering there and a siege would ensue but wether the city holds or not is unclear.*\n\n*With that in mind the SIlnari enters the city, walking through the gatehouse with curious and wide eyes as he looks about at the destruction. Was a clear mentian victory as the colours of the empire are still flying but his brow furrows in thought. There were still questions he had so he'd glance about for a warrior, anyone he'd think would reasonably been present for the battle a day prior.*" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*If there were a warrior type it would certainly be Grey. A seven foot wolf tall wall of a beastkin, although to which side he resided was questionable. He walked around freely, but as a beastkin it was certainly odd. The wolf himself seemed rather hungover, perhaps recovering from a celebratory night of drinking.*\n\n*He's dressed in a simple tunic, pants, and hosts a sword on his belt. Noticably, he has no shoes, with stray pieces of hay in his fur as if he'd slept in a barn that night.*" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*Shaw himself was dressed in a cheap looking gambeson and shearcoat. A merc clearly based on the war bow and other smaller weapons he has on his person... Like the large Arquebus he has. Minor details minor details smoile. He glances and spots Grey and... A bfuddled look comes to the lad as he thought he saw the Mentian flag just a minute ago but here walks a beastkin... Maybe on the side of Sola maybe not he's not sure, he'll ask. Its times like this he's very glad he's a Silnari and not a Macen. Makes his cultural allegiances a tad deceptive.*\n\n*The man the myth the lad approached Grey and coughed in his hand politely to get the doggos attention.* \"Ahem... Who won?\" *Yes, that was the question he was being asked.*" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*Grey rubbed his head tiredly. Blinking as he seems to hear a voice whisper to him. He looks around, wondering if he might of gone crazy. That is until he looks down and finds... An elf?*\n\"Uh? Upper Mentia? Why do you ask-\" \n\n*He looks down at the elf, resting his hand on his swords sheath casually.*\n\"Do I know you?\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*He lets out a small sigh of relief and mutters the word good a couple times.* \"Hmpf ᵍᵒᵒᵈ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ....And no\" *He shakes his head as theres certainly no way he's seen or been seen by this beastkin, he'd met plenty but he'd remember a 7ft carnifor.* \"Shaw, well m-met... Checking the city... Learning what I can\"" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "\"I... See. Greetings. I've only been here a day or so now, been exploring myself. Wouldn't mind the company.\" \n*He offered his freehand to the elf with a half smile, glancing around to make sure no one was standing.*\n\"Grey.\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*He looked down at the hand momentarily confused and cofuzzled before he remembered basic manners and shook the hand and continued nodding.* \"A pleasure... How'd you come to fight... Well for M-mentia?\" *He was a tad confused at the alleigance of the lad before him, he understood more than a few beastkin were loyal to Mentia and more than a few macens were loyal to Kadrush but he found there was always a story to it.*" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "\"Swords for hire follow the coin. That, and this rebellion business had caught my interest.\"\n*He admits, giving Shaw a firm handshake that seemed to encompass his entire hand. He lets go soon enough though.*\n\n\"Are you some sort of daredevil sight seer? I figure I would have seen you on the battlefield if you're a mercenary or a soldier. And if you're not from here...\"\n*Wait, was this guy a spy or something? He couldn't be that hopeless lost could he?*" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*He nodded at the mercenary comment as he more than understood that having done missions for coin himself. The lad put his hands on his hips and tapped his left foot on the group as he hummed in thought on how to answer the beastkins own questions.* \n\n\"Came from-m Aberardtir to see whats h-...Happened\" *He nodded at that and smiled. That seemed accurate enough of a statement for what he was doing here.*" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "\"Aberardtir?\" \n*Grey paused in minor thought. He's heard of the city before, but what direction was it in? Towards or away from the capital... Well it must of been towards, if it were safe.*\n\n\"A messenger then. Have you spoken to Rickter? He could give you the full report.\" \n*Shaw was safe. For now.*" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*He shook his head, no clue who this Rickter is.* \"Huh... Wheres Rickter?\" *He muttered curiously whilst he looked about, he's not sure which way he'd go for something so official.* \"...M-mostly wondering whats next... Did the rienforcem-ments arrive?\" *He heard the Middle Mentians were sending men, their help would surely but crucial.*" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "\"Somewhere... I can't keep track of everyone in the castle. We could look together if you'd like.\" \n*He glanced around once more before returning his gaze to Shaw.*\n\n\"Reinforcements? No, not yet. They're due to arrive soon I believe.\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*The lad frowned, seemingly not pleased with the news of the reinforcements taking their time but would nod at the proposal of looking for this Richter fellow.* \"L-lead the way please\" *Shaw nodded towards the castle, thinking thatd probably be the way to go, and itd certainly be an interesting trip he thought to see whats happening in the empires main foot hold in the frontlines of the war.*" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "\"Right, follow me then.\" \n*The wolf leads on rather cluelessly, allowing Shaw a free pass into the heart of the operation. He searched for Richter with some difficulty, the captain of the castle was a hard man to find.*\n\n\"Damn that man. Where is he?\" \n*Grey huffed to himself.*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*As Grey was leading Shaw around, they would end up being stalked by an experienced hunter. Without a single sound, the white haired mercenary crept up on the two, and pointed an Arbalest at Shaw's torso.*\n\n\"What do you think you're doing here, Mr. Rat?\"\n\n*Was his name Shaw? He forgot. He only knew that he was Sivne's man and that he was with them freeing slaves or something. What was he doing in Lynndunn?*" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*Just a slow step behind Grey is taken as the smol Silnari tried to put the Beastkin between himself and the Arbalest. He stuck his tongue out at Livio in quite literally the same fashion he did in when the Macen spotted through his transformation magics previously.* \"Finding Richter\"" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*The wolf blinked. Suddenly a crossbow was being pointed at him by Livio. Had he gone mad? No wait; his aim wasn't on him, it was on-*\n\n*He looked to his side at Shaw, who seemed to be hiding behind him. He looked utterly baffled.*\n\"What-?\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "\"Doesnt like m-mice\" *Shaw pursed his lips and shook his head, not to sure how else to say it... Hmm perhaps the threats he made as a mouse were interpreted as rude... Likely. That or the very likely reality of Livio wondering what he was doing in a Mentian controlled city after just meeting up with a company comprised of mostly Beastkin who'd worked with Sola... That might be it he thought... Maybe.* \n\n\"Lower the weapon?\" *He asked hopefully, not exactly liking the idea of fighting here of all places.*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Mice? How about someone who's currently employed by Krasta Sola? You know, the guy who wants to destroy Upper Mentia? And no. Not until I have a good explanation for why you're here.\"\n\n*Livio kept the Arbalest pointed, though this time at Grey's feet, for some reason.*" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*The wolf blinked again. Working for Krasta Sola? Why did that name sound familiar... At any case he should try to deescalate the situation.*\n\"Hold on Livio- You must be mistaken. This is a messenger, from Arberardtir. We're looking for Richter to get a full report.\" \n\n*It is perhaps now that any of Livio's respect for Grey would suddenly tank. The revelation that this wolf is indeed incredibly stupid.*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"That's because you haven't seen him before. I have. In another mercenary group, working for Krasta Sola. I know, because I was in said group. I left for here. Now, from this distance, richocheting the bolt could send it into your groin. Now, I don't want to do that. So tell me, what are you *Really* Here for? Information?\"\n\n*Livio couldn't believe how dumb the wolf really was; beastkin weren't known for intelligence huh? His golden eyes were focused and trained, and his expression held no smidge of his usual playful self.*" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "\"Hmm... Not a m-messenger... And dont work for Sola\" *Shaw shook his head at that.* \"Just m-myself\" *Shaw shrugged, about the best way he could describe it he thought but a part of him knew more words were likely needed to be said... Ugh he really wished he dragged along one of his more talkative companions that'd of made this easier.* \n\n*And he'd nod his head at that last part.* \"Wanting to see this place mhm\"" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*Grey seemed less- No, more confused? He didn't know, apparently Shaw wasn't who he said he was or-*\n\n*This was a bad situation to be in. For now, maybe he should just retrieve Shaw. Reaching back, Grey picks up Shaw by the scruff of his shirt. Picking him clean off the floor and bringing him in sight of Livio.*\n\"Don't shoot him, I've got him... So- Wait. Can we go over this one more time?\"\n\n*He looks at Shaw.*\n\"You're not a messenger. But you're also not a spy. What the hell are you then and why are you here.\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Huh? Did you not just join Krasta Sola's group? I doubt you're here for the damn sightseeing; there's a siege here, and Aberardtir is about 200 kilometers away!\"\n\n*Livio's aim was still on the Silnari, but his finger was off the trigger. For now.*" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*He hummed in thought as he sure as hell didnt wish to talk about his entire life story and there was about a year and a half worth of context needed to explain his absolutely silly loyalties in this war.* \"Im M-mentian. Seeing if we're winning\" *He'd then look to Livio and shook his head.* \"Joined Sivne n Sonja... S'different\"" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "\"I-... Okay, we definitely need to report this, right Livio?\" \n\n*He stares at Shaw. He didn't know who \"Sivine\" And \"Sonja\" Were, but it sounds like they were in Sola's crew.*\n\n\"At least put him in the brig-\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"You're Mentian? What are you doing with Sonja then? I do know you're Sivne's husband, so I'll spare you that.\"\n\n*Livio looked to Grey, all while not moving his aim.*\n\n\"If he doesn't give me a good explanation I'll shoot his kneecaps. Now, I need to know why you're here, and why you're going along with them.\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*A joke was half formed before it died and that failed as wah he misinterpreted a word for a moment. Its at this point however he curses his being a Silnari as it makes his culture deceptive as not many of his kind can say they're Mentian born and raised.* \n\n\"M-middle Mentian... Freeing slaves, not fighting their war\"" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*Oh? That was interesting... The wolf doesn't speak, but seems a little more interested in Shaw's story.*\n\"How many slaves?\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"...So what do you think of Krasta Sola?\"\n\n*Now this was interesting; it reminded him of Sonja, except he was apparently Mentian. At first, he didn't believe him... But then where else would he be from? The rat seemed to be a terrible liar.*\n\n\"....Oh yeah, what was your name again?\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*Shaw just shrugged.* \"Never m-met em... Shaw, w-...Shaw mhm\" *He almost slipped there but he doubted what he was gonna say was true in any terms with the crossbow pointed at him. But name given he just crosses his arms and waits for it to be hopefully put down. He's rarely been shot at and he likes it that way shockingly.*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Shaw. So. You haven't met Krasta Sola. So your only thing is rescuing slaves? What happens if Krasta wants you to fight Upper Mentia for real?\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "\"Im-mplying he commands me in the first place. S'wrong\" *Having shaken his head at that he just thinks a moment and mutters his next response.* \"Id not fight\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*Livio seemed to relax a little bit. The arbalest was lowered ever so slightly, and could see that Livio was not as tense as before.*\n\n\"...What if he attacked Middle Mentia?\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Shaw", "message": "\"If... Id fight him\" *He tapped the shaft of his own bow and then gestured to his quiver. He doubted Kadrush would ever get to his homeland but it was always a possibility he supposed.*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*Livio blinked. Fight Krasta Sola? Well, he wasn't lying when he said that they hadn't met before. He shot the arbalest into the ground, recovering his bolt, then holstered it back onto his shoulder.*\n\n\"Fight Krasta Sola eh? I've considered it myself, but I would never do it alone. Listen. Krasta wants the downfall of both Mentias. Right now they're fighting the beastkin, no offense Grey, and Upper Mentia is dealing with the Kadrushian invasion. Should Upper Mentia fall, what do you think will happen to Middle Mentia? Do you think they'll stop out of mercy? I have a proposition. Go finish whatever you need to do with Sivne and Sonja, then come back and fight the Kadrushians with us. If you'd like, you can help now. Another archer would be appreciated.\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "\"I'd like but no\" *He shook his head.* \"And I know he's m-my enemy. S'why Im checking here... Gotta finish with Sivne n Sonja\" *He debated the offer for a second before he once mroe shook his head.* \"Later perhaps\" *That thought did cause him to nod, the thought of having folks to fight with already organised if and when he deemed it necessary for himself to fight the invaders.*\n\n*With that message finally put across he gave a thumbs up.* \"So whats h-happened?\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Well, that's a shame. At least you're not an enemy. Sivne and Sonja are trustworthy people.\"\n\n\"Well, so far, we're holding them off. That's about it. Lynndunn won't fall in this war, not while we can help.\"\n\n*Livio returned his thumbs up, then turned to Grey.*\n\n\"You can let him go now.\"" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*The wolf nodded, gently setting Shaw on his feet. A Dusts the elf off, and then steps over to Livio's side of the hallway.*\n\n\"You two have history... You might want to leave before someone less friendly finds you here...\" \n*He glanced at Livio, interested in what exactly has happened. Although from the sounds of it he wouldn't be meeting 'Sivine' or 'Sonja', not on the battle field anyway.*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"I wouldn't call it history. We've met exactly once. Though we both know the same people.\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*Once he's finally set down he brushes himself down a bit and shakes his clothes to try get comfortable in them again and so that they're resting on his body the right way. Just a lil elf jig for a second before he finally stands back upright properly and with a minor pout of annoyance on his face.* \"Only o-once mhm... Im owed a drink... Horrible hos-spitality\"" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*The wolf raises an eyebrow at Shaw, than looks back down at Livio questioningly.*\n\"Should we? It won't turn out great for any of us if someone catches that guy.\" \n\n*Grey seemed to pause in thought. Perhaps they should get Shaw a disguise? Earmuffs to hide his elven lineage maybe.*\n\n \"Anyone who was paying attention to us wouldn't recognize him and start asking questions.\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*Shaw just harrumphs and flicks the wolfs arm before muttering.* \"Say Im a friend...\" *He then shrugged not thinking too much of the situation, seemingly not that worried about his presence in the city.* \"Now show me a g-good time ~~Jack~~\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"I trust him. Now Shaw, don't make me regret my words, ok? I don't want to have to neuter you.\"\n\n*Livio's gaze was friendly, but it was clear that he meant every single word.*\n\n\"As for what he's to do here... I don't want him meeting Richter. Unless you plan to strike a deal with him or something, I dunno. What else are you planning on doing?\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "\"You w-wouldnt have enough steel\" UHe smirked at the comment and just crossed his arms as he thought about the question.* \"Eh... As I said... See if winning... And try a Mentian curry\" *He was getting oh so tired of beastkin cuisine.*" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "\"Hm...\" \n*Grey simply nodded then. He supposed they could return to the mess hall after all. His ears perk gently at the question of curry, and he looks down at Shaw.*\n\"Sounds delicious. I'm in.\" \n\n*He smiles warmly, seemingly easily bought over with the idea of a good meal.*" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "\"Onwards then!\" *He triumphantly pointed the way to the castle... And then looked to the other two as he's got no clue where he's going and will probably need directions.*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Unfortunately for me, I have to go shoot Kadrushians right now.\"\n\n*Livio morphed his arbalest into a heavy war bow, and set off to do just that.*\n\n\"Come by if you want to do some target practice. If not, well, I dunno.\"" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*The wolf waved off Livio and turned to Shaw.*\n\"Let's get lunch.\" \n\n*His tail wagged with a determination, batting anyone who brushed against it into the wall.*" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*He'd smile and decide to join Livio later for shooting the Kadrushians. He had a few arrows he was willing to loose for that fun, though that could wait. For now though, lunch.*\n\n*He'd waddle onto the mess hall and resist patting the doggos tail to avoid getting smushed into a wall. Hmm he'll pat it later, for now food.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*After some time spent with Sola's army, Sivne would be relaxing on her own in the city of Aberardtir. It was fairly early in the morning and she'd managed to slip her usual friends. She was sat near the lakeside on a bunch of crates, looking out across the small fishing harbour and the boats out in the lake. She looked pensive, her mind elsewhere.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Kibaru saw Sivne, staring at the nothingness while she pondered. His predatory and prankster like instincts taking over him, he decides to sneak up on the giant warlord lady. Maybe not the best of plans, but he was ready enough to take a hit for his little prank* *Sneaking up on her slowly before lightly jabbing his fingers into her side with a \"Boo!\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Oh noo—\" *She blinked. It seemed she expected it, or at least heard him coming. But she seemed confused. She turned to look at him.* \"Oh— Mmh. Kiba. Wasn't expecting you.\" *Seems like she was expecting someone else to try and sneak up on her and poke her. Just someone else entirely did it.* \"Heard you were nearby.\"" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Kibaru pouted a bit. Unpleased with her reaction...* \"How'd you both expect me and not expect me\" *He then sighed with his little prank being unsuccessful* \"Must be getting rusty. Anyway. What's up Sivne?\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mmh- Was expecting someone else to do that. They normally do..\" *She shrugged, reaching over and giving the wolf boy a quick headpat, ruffling his ears.*\n\"Just watching the ships go by, remembering that i've only been on one once. Watching the fishermen haul the fish around port. Mmh.. People-watching.\" *She mused.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Hmmm... That so\" *Kibaru's tails wagged slightly with the headpats.* \"Though you were sorting out some things in your head. You seemed deep in though\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"A bit of both. Planning, thinking..\" *She looked back out to the lake, tapping her knuckles against a box.* \"Come on, sit.\" *She said, slapping the top of a nearby crate.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Bossy as per usual\" *He said in a joking manner before hopping on* \"What's up?\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"The war, thinking about what we're doing here. Mmh.. At first it was to make some money and fuck over the Imperials, now it's something bigger. Now i'm working for a rival.\" *She pursed her lips.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"A rival? You mean Sola?\" *Kibaru frowned slightly. Tails tapping the crate from his idle position* \"Why is it you see him as a rival?\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"He's conquering land, I know what this is. One day it's Mentia and the next he's marching north. He's either going to be a long-term rival, or get in my way.\" *She was still deadset on conquest, it seems.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"I don't know about that. I think after his marriage he'd be have a little more responsibilities. Being the son in law of a king means he can't just act on his own anymore... Besides that, I see him more as an ally in conquering the north... The question is, why don't you?\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mm. He's too ambitious to work with. My land borders Kadrush, I may need to fight Kadrush. He's either useless to me or an enemy.\"" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Pfffft. Wow. That's quite an aggressive stance. But I doubt they'd lay siege to you. Maybe if you have slaves they might. If anything, I'm sure the council would rather have you as an ally... Though... Maybe you don't want to fall under their rule... Or have the land you have your eye on taken from under your nose... Or am I wrong?\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mmhm, you're wrong. I don't expect an outsider to understand.\" *She shook her head. And even then.. He's a lost cause. The Imperials are fully mobilising to fight us here, and they're willing to give up half of Mentia to do it.\"" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"An outsider... Ouch.\" *Said jokingly punching her arm* \"I'm in the same boat as you... If not worse. Sento doesn't fall under any allegiance and both north and South are potential enemies to me. Either might decide to just attack Sento\" *He looked at her seriously* \"Me not understanding you is more of us just being different.\" *He then turned his gaze to the people* \"I don't just fight for sento here. In a way I'm happy to work under Kadrush and the liberation army. They fight for something I believe in. Freedom. The whole reason I build Sento so far in the isolated frontier was to be free. And anyone that threatens the freedom of me and my people are enemies.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mmh.. Got your priorities all wrong then.\" *She took out a small flask, letting her words hang on that as she took a long sip.* \"My lot are here to free slaves, so that's what we're doing. None of my lot care about Sola or this war, its a cover to do the things they want to do. Don't hitch your fortunes to *Kadrush* And Sola. Mmh.. But you did build Sento in a shit place, only a matter of time until someone gobbles you up.\"" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Hmmm... Nope. I can't see that ever happening. Even if I draw my last breath, Sento WILL fight on without me. And I'm sure i can depend on you to be there when the time comes\" *He said with a smile* \"Besides that. What exactly do you mean. You treat me as if I'm some fool who doesn't know anything but the illusion. Yet you refuse to elaborate on it. What exactly is it sola and Kahdrush want?\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"You're too—Mmh.. Idealistic. You buy into this idea that Kadrush and Sola are doing this out of some.. Altruistic desire to free slaves.\" *She was pulling out the big words.* \"They do the same as the Siuians do. Lofty claims about liberation and freeing slaves, but it's just a justification for war. War can never just be for the sake of war in the eyes of non-beastkin, there has to be some reason. They abuse your foreign naivety.\"" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Huh. That so. Maybe they are driving me like some idealistic fool. Maybe they tell me to charge is head first with the promise of coin. But their \"Justification\" For war is exactly why I joined them and not someone else. In the end they want war and money. In doing so they free people. Not a bad trade off I reckon.\" *Kibaru's smile soon faded as a slight grin appeared on his face* \"And me- I'm the fool that charges head first into battle. What better pawn could there be?\" *He said before scoffing* \"An idealistic fool that is easy to controlled\" *His grin then suddenly shifted back to his innocent smile* \"Oh well.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"You're a **Lord** For fucks sake, not some pawn. If you like being played like a fiddle you should hand over the town to someone who can rule. What've you done since working for him, hm? Are you liberating slaves every other day, or is he using you as a bludgeon to bash the Imperials over the head with? **Think** Kibaru, when was the last time you meaningfully worked towards your goal of freeing slaves?\" *She snapped, a little uncharacteristically.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Why indeed do I not just hand over Sento\" *He said with a slight laugh* \"To fool ones enemies, one must fool ones allies, huh\" *He said smirking at Sivne again* \"Let them use me. Let them think they can control and leash me.\" *His grin darkened more as he looked at the horizon* \"Hah\" *He smiled normally once again* \"When last did I work towards liberty? I never stopped\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"You're letting them use you for no gain you idiot, answer the question.\" *She looked like she was on the verge of exploding on him, like he'd gone full circle. He wasn't just feigning to be an idiot to fool people. He was an idiot feigning to be an idiot to himself to make himself seem smart.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Hmmm. You know little of who I am or my reasons. Yet you judge me as an idiot. A fool incapable of understanding what's happening. Yet when I act the fool you think I am, you get angry.\" *He says dropping the facade and looking a little annoyed himself* \"Instead of just telling me what you think, you go one in the most roundabout way of telling me while insulting me. Acting as if I'm just some idealistic outsider and a naive fool. It pisses me off.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Then answer the question. You tell me how many slaves you've rescued and plantations you've raided since you started working for him. I can tell you how many I've saved, seventy. And that was by ignoring his orders and us lot doing it ourselves.\" *She frowned, he was just getting angry but still not addressing the elephant in the room.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Who knows. I never bothered counting. Maybe I should've. Clearly its some competition no one told me about\" *He said looking at her with a frown* \"I didn't just free slaves that could easily be inslaved again. I joined a kingdom that stands for liberty. And expanding its reaches as far as I can go, is allot more meaningful than freeing a handful of slaves and not being able to guarantee their freedom. If Khadrush falls all those people. All the lands they've taken, will just be replaced with more and more slavers and slaves.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"I'll ask ***Again***, how many times, working for Sola, have you gone out to go and liberate people?\" *She crossed her arms.* \"You're just being used to go kill his enemies. I don't blame you for wanting best for the enslaved, but my lot don't have any illusion as to who they're fighting for. Go talk to Sonja or Shaw, they know what I mean, they know why we're here.\"" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"You know what. You are perfectly right\" *His annoyance vanished and he simply shrugged* \"I guess I should just kill him. Off the head of every noble in khadrush. That would certainly help achieve my goals and you wouldn't need to worry about khadrush, huh\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"This pouty child act doesn't suit you, Kibaru. I know you've possibly only attacked a single plantation or slave caravan since you got in Mentia. Probably on your own accord. Mmh.. Why can't you accept that you're just being used like a tool for his own ambitions? That you just fell for some slogan or something. If you want to free some slaves, go do it, don't let him boss you around.\"" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"...\" *Kibaru stared at Sivne almost dumbfounded before shaking his head* \"I already admitted they were using me, didn't I? And it doesn't bother me. As long as he doesn't go against his word of freedom, I don't mind... I mean after all. I'm using him just as much. It's how it works\" *He said before looking up at the sky* \"In this world people always want to use others. There's a difference between being ignorant to it and accepting it\" *He answered* \"Why's it bother you so much?\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"So how *Are* You using him? You can't just say 'i'm using him' as though you're some master puppeteer, mmh? It bothers me because **You're a fucking Lord.**\"\n*She said with a frown, his servile peasant mindset was definately grating her.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"I'm no mastermind. Nor a puppeteer. That's not my style. I'm using him as a stepping stone towards the future I want.\" *With her mentioning him a lord, he looked at his hands and became in deep though for a moment* \"I wish the title helped. But it's only a burden. A massive load of responsibility. I don't always know what to do. Or if what I'm doing is right. I don't know if Sola and Khadrush will ever see us as allies. But I know for a fact Anushken doesn't. And never will. And by helping our here, I can insure Khadrush will survive to help me destroy them.\" *He then looked at her.* \"You of all people should know the uncertainty and weight having a domain brings. But I don't have the luxury of paying taxes to a warlord for protection... I alone have to stand and endure for my nation. For my dream. I am the one that will doom them or ensure its survival.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Your nation? You're a town out in the middle of nowhere with a few farming hamlets scattered around. Do you really think these people are going to march across Anushken just to save your town? What if it's not Anushken, and it's just a tribe coming to raid you, mmh? What good will they be?\"" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"I don't expect them to save me. But Anushken will go down. As it stands. Whether it's a loose tribe attacking me or some other threat. Doesn't change that I view Anushken as my enemy. And I will use Khadrush to destroy them.\" *He frowned at her slightly* \"With or without your help. They will be toppled. And I'll keep them down until a ruler fit can take over. Whether that is The king of Khadrush, Sola, or you. It matters not to me as long as they are better\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"You do have some strange dreams. Stick to short term goals, mmh? Something achievable. No one is going to attack Anushken because you happened to sell your sword in a foreign war. I'm not under some illusion that helping them is going to be of any help to me in the long-term.\"" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"And what would you recommend I do, hmm?\" *Kibaru shook his head. Didn't seem like he was expecting an answer to that question* \"Sit and wait? Wait for them to attack? Wait for them to burn sento to the ground and enslave my people?\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"...Go swear alliegance to your Southern neighbour. Keep your city, your lands and everything around it, all you have to do is swear your loyalty now before they come knocking.\"" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"And hows that any different from swearing my loyalty to Khadho. Or to Anushken.\" *He said looking back at her* \"I'd rather swear loyalty to Khadrush. Neither other option I agree with. Their ideals, practices and laws. If I wanted to be ruled by them, I'd have built in their territory. I'm not spineless as to just pledge my city to another simply to stay alive. Sento will be a nation on it's own. A place of freedom and mixed cultures.\" *His eyes went from shimmering at the thought to frowning at her* \"Though you'll just say I'm idealistic again and simply write me off as a fool, so forget it\" *He said before hopping of the crate he was sitting on*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mmh. By all means, continue to be idealistic and prideful. And when five thousand centaur warriors show up on your doorstep, you'll remember today.\" *She watched him as he got up from the crate, her arms still crossed.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"I won't.\" *He answered bluntly* \"I'll slaughter everyone that intends to harm my people.\" *He said with a cold voice as he looked at the water* \"And when I make my dream nation. You are more than welcome to come visit. I don't even care if you apologize for being wrong. But nothing will stop me. Not now. Not ever.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Then I hope you've got some strong walls.\" *She just shook her head. Sivne was a prideful person, but somehow Kiba managed to out-pride her.* \"Good luck.\"" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Uhuh.\" *It was less pride for Kibaru and more conviction. Conviction to realize his dream.*\n\n*Kibaru turned around and started to head back*\n \"And whatever happens. Know that all you need to do if you ever need help. Is just ask.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*A simple \"Mmh\" Came from the Brayer as Kiba began walking off, she didn't say anything, just watching him leave for a while before looking back out to the lake.*" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*It wasnt even ten minutes later that a certain Silnari decided to go and hang out with his favourite brayer. Shaw snuck up behind the cow with two mugs in hand, one with a cool ale, the other a more light cider suited for his tastes. Holding them both firmly to not cause any spillage as he sneaks up behind and yells.* \"Boo!\" *She was right to expect someone wanted to sneak up on her, just now the one she expected actually came by.*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She did actually jump, her mind being so completely elsewhere that she was actually caught offguard. She turned around, seeing who it was and she relaxed. She ruffled his hair and pulled him in against her body.*\n\"There you are. What've you brought me?\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*He chuckled heartily at having made her jump, not the result he expected but oh well he'll take this w while he can. He leaned into the hug before giving her a peck on the cheek and holding up her mug.* \"Refreshments~\" *He said with a smile as he got comfortable and sat down beside her.* \"Lil respite in this h-hell hole\" *And with that he raised his own mug up for a cheers.*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She hugged back and took her mug, taking a sip of it before setting it down next to her. She smiled a little as he sat on the crate.* \"Mmh.. I needed a drink.\" *She mused. As he raised his mug she picked hers back up and tapped his mug before taking another sip.* \"So what's new?\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*He smiled and leaned his head against her shoulder as he mused over the question.* \"Hmm... Almost got shot... Lynndum seems f-fine\" *So thats where the goober had been these last couple days.* \"Snuck in to see how it was\" *He muttered the statement with a small smile of pride, rather glad he was able to get into a besieged city.*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Shot? What were you doing over there?\" *She raised a brow, giving him a curious look.* \"Did you.. Find anything useful? Why bother spying on them? Mmh.. Did someone pay you to spy on them?\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "\"To see how it is\" *He blinked and just shrugged. He really didnt get why people weren't believing he was just curious.* \"No pay\" *A quick shake of the head before he just looked to the horizon in thought.* \"...They're doing well, so far at l-least... Hoping the reinforcements go to lynndum\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She sipped her ale some more.* \"Mm.. They might. Or the army is marching here. We'll see I guess.\" *She kept sipping her drink.* \"Still don't know what side your on. You flip-flop from fighting the empire to wanting the empire to win so often I haven't got a clue.\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*He shrugged and took his mug of cider in both hands and sipped it slowly.* \"...Im on my side\" *He opened his mouth momentarily before just sighing and relaxing against her as explaining things was as always difficult.* \"I wish to see M-mentia prevail, thats... W-what I hope for\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"But you'll work with rebels to undermine the emperor and help us attack Imperial forces to free slaves.\" *She stated with a raised brow, continuing to sip.* \"Why?\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "\"Mhm... Rebels was... B-before the invasion. M-making things better...\" *Though in hindsight itd of been better to quell the rebels... He thought about the elite cavalry unit he took out. Hindsight 20/20 afterall.*\n\n*Though as he pondered his second answer he gave her shoulder a light rub as he looked up at her with a smile.* \"Helping you n Sonja... S'not like we're k-killing the emperor here\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Still killing Mentians, weakening the empire as there's an invasion going on. Mmh.. You don't have a problem with that?\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "\"A bit... Empire will prevail... Freeing slaves is m-minimal damage. I refuse to do anymore then that...\" *He glanced towards the walls of the city, he was bound to speak on the matter eventually.* \"Once we've... Freed folks I'll fight for Mentia\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Could end up fighting on opposite sides if we do that.\" *Sivne said, downing more of her ale.* \"Mmh.. Could always go south, fight against the Siuians. That'd be a good fight.\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*He pouted at the thought of fighting on opposite sides to her but it was a reality he half expected given the current situation.* \"M-maybe\" *Wether he meant maybe we will or maybe I'll move wasnt clear, he wasnt sure himself really.* \"Id hate fighting you\" *Then a dry chuckle as if it were a funny thought instead of sad.* \"Itd suck for m-me... You'd suggest south?\" *He asked half curious, he knew war well but he knew Sivne had a world more of understanding then he did when it came to the battlefield.*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She'd ruffle his hair and pat his back as he spoke.* \"Well why not, mmh? Mentia's burning down there, lot of money to be made. Can defend your little empire and make some money out of it. Just got to get the other two on board.\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*It was an okayish alternative to fighting against her but he couldnt help but raise a suspicious brow at her suggestion as he didnt understand the exclusion of herself from getting folks on board.* \"Without Sonja, why fight here?\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"...Mmh? What do you mean?\" *She didn't seem to understand, she reached a hand up and scratched the base of a horn.*" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "\"Why f-fight for Sola?\" *He tilted his head in equal lack of understanding. Lad almost thought she'd be happy to go against Kadrush given her earlier words.*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Because Sonja wanted an excuse to free slaves and get paid for it. Now it's gotten out of hand and the Imperials are mobilising.\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "\"Whats wrong with that?\" *He knew freeing slaves was an equal goal but he was lost on the issue with imperials mobilising.*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"I don't like Sola all that much, and this is a sinking ship. Once they come in full force, we're all dead.\" *She huffed, sipping more ale.*" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*He hummed in frustration as now he was just more and more confused.* \"So, why not change sides?\" *He sipped his cider and tried to consider the situation, he was at least partially glad she shared his expectation that the empire would prevail in this side of the conflict.*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mmmhm. That's what I'm saying. We go south, fight in South Mentia against the Siuians. Good, clean fun, mmh?\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "\"Ah\" *Now he got what she was saying to an extent.* \"Id like that... Once the army comes we leave\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"..Which might be very soon. I think they're only a few days away.\" *She pursed her lips.* \"We could talk to the others about it..\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "\"Days or weeks\" *Shaw nodded though, within the month he was expecting Aberardtir to be under imperial control.* \"Soon... You've done good at least\" *He then nodded, they wanted to free slaves and thats been accomplished to a large extent for sure... Shaw was half certain Sivne and Sonja's efforts are probably what sparked Sola's invasion.*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mmmh.. Still. Shall we talk to them about it? Might be worth getting out early.\" *She drank more ale.*" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "*He nodded in agreement.* \"Tomorrow\" *Was best they get that sorted sooner rather then later. He knew he would be able to get out of a besieged city via subterfuge and stealth. Two giant beastkin however might have a hard time doing so.* \"...It'll be warmer south\" *He smiled at the thought, hed never gone that far south before, much warmer he's sure.*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mmh.. Nice climate. Just a shame I can't pickup and move Iskar. I'm stuck to it, in a way. Ah well. It'll be fine.\" *She smirked a little and pet his head.* \"Tomorrow then.\"" }, { "author": "Shaw", "message": "\"Iskar's fine... But a warm trip'd be nice\" *He smiled, quite glad with the current plan, he was getting a little tired of the north honestly. Only so long could he stand all this strife in the same place.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*In the days after Galschens death and the defenders of Aberardtir being forced to sit through agonising peace talks, the war in Mentia seemed to be calming down, for once. Sivne sat in a tavern to the south of the city. The guards weren't doing anything about her for some reason or another.\n\nThe 7'8ft tall beast of war was sat at the bar, beer in one hand and the other flicking through a book.*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*Livio had heard about a certain rumor. Apparently, Galschen was cut down by the rebel beastkin Sola had sent out. Of course, such a weak coverup was easily seen through given the right context. Aulay just happened to take over the siege, and Galschen just happened to die. Very convenient indeed.*\n\n*He walked into the bar with his classic white cloak, and he found what he was looking for; the 7'8 brayer, a wall of muscle and steel, one that was a force of nature on her own, Sivne. He made a beeline towards her, and she would be aware that he had something to say. As for what, it was difficult to make out.*\n\n\"Interesting seeing you here.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*The giant heard footsteps behind her and seemed to recognise it as someone moving with intent. She glanced over her shoulder and spotted Livio, downing some of her beer before turning more to actually look at him.*\n\"Mmmhmm. War in the north is over, so i've heard. Wonder how that happened.\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*Livio ordered a beer from a nearby waitress, then sat down opposite to her.*\n\n\"Basically. This whole thing hinges on Krasta Sola surrendering or dying. Speaking of such, seems like you've gone in a different direction huh? Is Sona still with you?\"\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Aulay paid better, gave Sonja an offer she couldn't refuse. Mmh, she's not far away. So.. Had fun working for that old man while he was still alive?\" *She said, sipping her beer.*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Eh, I never met him. Worked under Richter, if you've heard of him. I figured you were working with Aulay once he contacted us though. Once he mentioned emancipating slaves, I had a feeling Sonja was on board.\"\n\n*Livio took a sip of his beer, his expression warming up.*\n\n\"So, how was he? The old man?\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She shrugged her shoulders.*\n\"Mmh.. Old, wounds hadn't healed properly.. Tough though, nearly killed Kibaru and Ildi. Still brought him down and finished the job.\" *She said grimly, definitely having landed the killing blow.*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Ooh, Ildi went down? She's a pretty tough one too. Who's Kibaru? Haven't heard his name before. Well, if anything the bear must be relieved. What are you gonna do now that this war's coming to an end?\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"We'll go south, see this war through to the end and then.. Mmh, back to Iskar. I'll stay for a while back home, me and Shaw are finally going to get married. Then i'm taking a trip somewhere far away.. Mmh. Thinking Runra. And you?\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Best of luck with Mr. Mouse then! Maybe I'll head out south as well... Or not. I haven't decided yet.\"\n\n*Livio took another sip of his beer.*\n\n\"There's someone I haven't seen in years.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mmh.. Figured i'd see this war through to the end. It's where I've made most of my coin.\" *She continued sipping her beer.*\n\n\"So what did Aulay offer you?\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Figures. Can't imagine you doing anything else.\"\n\n*The mercenary leaned back as the Brayer asked him about Aulay.*\n\n\"He wanted me to stop an envoy from the capital. I'm not interested in a change of heads though. As long as Upper Mentia is stable, I'm fine.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mm. I meant how much did he offer you, payment.\" *She asked, finishing her beer.*\n\"He didnt just give us gold, offered up land too.\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Well, he didn't say. He did offer up land. Honestly though, it seems like such a hassle to maintan. I like moving around myself. He didn't specify an amount for that, but I guess I ended up working for him anyway? Just protecting some cannons from rebels, made 10k. I imagine you made a hefty sum from offing the old man though.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mmh.. He gave you land and you turned it down? Bit stupid to turn that down, could've hired some steward.. Mmh, he did. Sonja's got her own parcel of land out of it.\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Eh, in hindsight, maybe a bit. I didn't think he would actually pull it off. Plus, I'm not good with that kind of stuff, you know? I tend to blow it all on other stuff.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Tch. I suppose that gets you to where I am now.\"\n\n\"I'm with Ryker, who you know. Hara, an okamimi from Runra, Grey, a canifor, and Astarte, a Naga. I suspect that this group won't last long though. They're not very invested. Hey, is a spot in your group still open? Now that Sola is no longer fighting and all. Whatever happened to working with him anyway?\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"..Mmh? I said he was a sinking ship and we should leave. Why, want to come back to us?\" *She asked with a smirk, taking her new beer and having a sip.* \"I suppose you could run with us again.\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Heh, nice. Something was off about him. Hm, maybe? You saw for yourself, I'm willing to switch employers for my own interests.\"\n\n*Livio finished his first beer and moved on to another.*\n\n\"What's on the table?\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"He was a rival, that was enough for me. Mmh.. He was too ambitious.\" *She shrugged a little.* \"Going south. Working for Aulay now, at least Sonja is. Going to go liberate a little village from the Siuians, Teichmueller.\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Hm, the Siuians. Not familiar with them. Oh well. You guys wouldn't mind if I joined you, right? Another archer won't hurt. Though, I may try that arquebus once again.\"\n\n*Hold on, she said rival. Could she really rival Sola in terms of political prowess?*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Sure, by all means, bring a gun... Mmh, say, I first met you in Teichmueller too, if you recall.\" *She smirked a bit.* \"But come along, we're heading there soon.\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Was that where I met you guys? You, Sonja, Carlyn, and Ildi. Oh yeah, just took out some mushroom guys or something right? Count me in.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "*Typically Victor would not be this far from home. Usually he would be practicing his wax working, relaxing with some tea and recording his thoughts at home. But a patient needed a house call, and their home was all the way over in Gachuni.*\n\n*So here Victor was, two beasts of burden pulling his cart as he holds the reins, humming a soft tune to himself he could vaguely recall his mother humming to himself and his sister. The horses plod on, heedless of the cart, ever onward towards their destination. He sighs, looking at the sky and silently measuring how much sunlight he has left.*" }, { "author": "Circine Katale", "message": "*The centaur, in his travels, had began to stray from East Mentia, becoming curious of the two other independent nations - making his way through the winding paths, cutting down any beasts he came across. A pure white wolf pelt lay across his back, in good enough condition to sell, and working as a mild deterrent for other beasts. He would notice the wagon and canter forward to meet its rider, raising a hand in greeting.*\n\"A fine evening, wouldn't you say?\"" }, { "author": "Calico", "message": "*A figure burst from the treeline into the road at full sprint. The first thing to catch the eye was a bright red cloak. The next, bone white hair.*\n\n\"You may want to take cover!\" \n\n*The woman advised, right as an arrow whistled between her and the centaur. The stranger wasted no time using Victor's cart as cover while they drew a rather plain, but clearly well used scimitar. With any luck the two other travellers might deal some damage before getting fletched with arrows and Calico could help herself to the spoils when she could double back...*" }, { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "*He pauses seeing the centaur, not wholly used to seeing them but he had in the past worked on a few. He raised a hand in greeting, then frowned as a figure burst on through.* \"Well it **Was**.\" *As an arrow hits the cart. The horses reared back and Victor climbs off the horses in one smooth motion, exhaling as he grips his doctor's bag and leaning against the horse for cover, straightening his tie.*" }, { "author": "Circine Katale", "message": "\"By my father's hooves-\"\n*He managed to curse, before rearing up to avoid the hail of arrows - drawing his longsword and training his eyes on the direction of the projectiles.*\n\"What exactly have you led over to us, stranger?\"\n*He asked of Calico, his voice harsh as the strain of combat began to set in.*" }, { "author": "Calico", "message": "*For her part, Calico seemed rather calm, checking the leather loops on her belt that held small silver cylinders and taking a tactile inventory. She really didn't want to waste any ammunition, but she also really didn't like getting shot with arrows.*\n\n\"Bandits, maybe a dozen or less. A little much to handle by myself, so I went to find more favorable ground. Congratulations, you count as favorable.\"\n\n*She cracked a wide grin that creased the scars on what might otherwise have been a pretty face and tossed a wink to the centaur before darting out from the wagon and into the underbrush leaving them, it would seem, to deal with the bandits.*" }, { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "*He looks at the woman, not smiling, then at the centaur before speaking semi-conversationally,* \"If I were to be honest, I would vote to take care of the bandits, or tell them where she's going if she's so keen on leaving strangers out to dry. But I'm also annoyed, so opinions?\"\n\n*He reaches into his bag to remove a dagger, looking resigned to this whole situation.*" }, { "author": "Circine Katale", "message": "\"I'll be honest, sir, I just don't want to be shot at. If these are bandits, they will be after your cargo whether the young woman flees or not. I'm not one to flee from a fight, so... I would vote the former.\"\n*He gave his piece, flourishing his blade and holding it to his shoulder defensively, watching the treeline for the glint of arrowheads.*" }, { "author": "khaoznoctum", "message": "*In the time since the stranger left, the arrow fire seemed to slow and wane, until a pair of bandits rushed from treeline, barely armored and armed with what was probably salvage from the constant skirmishing near the border. From the treeline there came the ring of steel on steel.*\n\n*Calico had been able to circle around and catch them unaware, focused on the prize pinned down in the road. Three had gone down quietly before the last managed a shout. From there it was a frantic melee in a thicket of laurel. Calico sidestepped the first thrust an punched the crossguard into the man's face leaving him spitting blood from a shattered nose but still able to advance and catch her elbow. So she let go with her left and jabbed a thumb in his eye, buying the space to drive her blade down into the hollow of his neck by pulling on the crossguard to overcome his resistance with her whole body weight.*\n\n*The bandit sank down, gurgling blood from his lacerated throat as the light dimmed in his eyes. Calico ducked behind him down into the laurel while she searched for the next target. No point in standing around to be shot at, that's what those two travellers were already doing such a splendid job of. Far be it from Calico to steal their spotlight.*" }, { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "\"Well, good to know who I won't be treating anytime soon...\" *In apparent reference to the woman. Then the doctor removed his glasses, placing them in his shirt pocket for safe keeping, and ducked quickly from the horse when it took a shot from the bandit. It left the horse lame, but instead of dying, it.. Simply vanished.*\n\n*Victor took advantage of that opportunity to vanish himself into the brush, his natural abilities making him quieter and harder to track. Even his scent was nigh impossible to find.*\n\n*Calico may stumble across a body discarded nearby, but not from her blade.*" }, { "author": "Circine Katale", "message": "*The centaur barrelled towards the remaining bandit, the chaotic din of the fight causing the poor soul to frantically raise his blade to defend himself. Circine drew a downwards slash across the bandit's sword, knocking it away from the force of his charge - a swift kick to the chest knocking the bandit himself to the ground.*" }, { "author": "Calico", "message": "*Five down by her count, seeing the centaur take out one in the road. The rest were already running, realizing the numerical advantage was quickly vanishing. No need to risk any farther action then. Calico only preferred to swing her sword when there was a clear financial incentive.*\n\n*Taking the scarf from the man she had impaled, she wiped the blood from her sword as she stepped out of the trees. That lopsided grin still on her face.*\n\n\"That went better than I was expecting. Neither of you are dead.\"\n\n*She said it matter-of-factly. This flamboyantly dressed woman wasn't even trying to deny using them as archer bait. Now that there was time to look, one could spot a strange device holstered at her hip and other oddities. She had more scars than it seemed likely anyone should have survived, most noticably a very large spell scar that showed under the banded leather vest that left her midriff exposed. As if she wanted to display the wound.*" }, { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "*The man walked back, pace calm though annoyed as he pauses to check his other horse. No worse for wear. Exhaling he removes a circle from his hip pocket, using it to summon the second horse again, and picking up the harness, carefully placing it back on the creature.*\n\n\"What's your name?\"\n\n*He asks it in the same matter-of-factly tone she's used, though when he looks to the centaur he nods*. \"And thank you for the help, sir.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Circine Katale", "message": "*Circine flicked his sword to rid it of the flecks of steel, sheathing it slowly and narrowing his eyes at Calico.*\n\"Not a problem. What *Is* A problem is this one using us as living shields. If either of us had died, I could've had you for manslaughter!\"\n*He snapped at her, his front legs rearing up slightly as his anger bubbled.*" }, { "author": "Calico", "message": "*The woman shook her head tsk tsk'ing. She had stopped well out of easy swinging distance of either of them, just in case. Some people could be quite ungrateful when saved from bandit ambush.*\n\n\"Living shields? You undervalue your shining contribution in keeping the enemy engaged to enable a flanking maneuver. And besides, if I hadn't hit their ambush first and helpfully warned you, their first shot may have found your throat. But my grace and humility is matched only by my good looks so I'll not ask for any thanks.\"\n\n*She turned to the summoner, mildly interested in the horse summoning and the contents of his cart.*\n\n\"Most folks call me Calico. Just don't believe any unfortunate Salvanian rumors associated with the name, it was all taken vastly out of context.\"\n\n*She offered a gloved hand for him to shake, which gave a better look at the sleeve tattoos on her arms, stylized clouds in a distinct Siui art style.*" }, { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "*After hooking the horse back up to the harness, Victor shoulders his work bag and... Walks right past Calico to the centaur, nodding.* \"Still, thank you for the assistance. While I could afford to lose the cart, and horses obviously, it would have been quite annoying to deal with walking all the way back home.\"\n\nThen he paused as if perhaps having just noticed Calico again, taking in her looks briefly. \"Well then, Calico. I will be sure to remember you, if you should ever wind up at my clinic.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Circine Katale", "message": "*The centaur grimaced at Calico, her flippant attitude igniting an anger within him reserved for bandits and other unsavouries. He snorted loudly, giving a low whinny through his nose and replying curtly*\n\"If it weren't customary for my people to give our names when greeted, I would simply ignore you, Calico. I am Circine, son of Haracene.\"\n*He returned his attention to Victor, smiling gently as he attempted to shake off the unpleasant feeling.*\n\"Yes, I can imagine so. If it had come to that, I would have offered to help. Being a centaur has its great benefits, especially for transporting.\"" }, { "author": "Calico", "message": "*Her offered hand became a rude gesture at his back when Victor left her hanging. She crossed her arms and blew her bangs up out of her face.*\n\n\"By the sun, I should have just kept on going if this is the thanks I get for killing most of them for you.\"\n\n*She didn't actually sound that upset about it though. At this point Calico was more comfortable when people didn't get too friendly.*\n\n\"I was going to offer a hand with the inevitable next ambush, but I get the impression you don't like me much.\"\n\n*She shrugged and glanced down the road. It was true that she did know for certain there were more bandits in the area. Since she had worked with them from time to time. This last batch had been intruding on Kurz turf and tried to cash in on the price on Calico's head.*" }, { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "*The 'doctor' perhaps nodded to Circine, the cursory examination brief of the centaur as he says,* \"Well thank you, though I'd rather not treat someone willing to offer assistance as a mere beast of burden. Still, it wouldn't be the first time bandits or others would have tried to lay waste to my cart. Part of why I decided to employ summons.\"\n\n*Turning back to the cart and pulling himself back up to doublecheck his belongings, exhaling. *\"Nothing damaged.\"\n\nThen directed at Calico, \"You seem greatly deluded by the idea that you've helped us, but truly, you seemed to direct the bandits to us. While I am aware of the groups that roam up and down these roads, that one was quite definitely following you.\" *With a dismissive tone in his voice. *\"Additionally, I feel you should be thanking us for providing distraction you so **Apparently** Needed.\"" }, { "author": "Circine Katale", "message": "\"While I am very much unhappy with you, madam, if you require escort I am more than willing to walk back to town with you. I *Do* Have my own errands that need running, so we should be moving along...\"\n*Deciding to be as diplomatic as his rising emotions would allow, Circine trotted over to one of the summoned horses, stroking its snout gently as he glanced between the two.*" } ]
[ { "author": "khaoznoctum", "message": "*Calico shrugged off their displeasure with her typical cavalier attitude. The sellsword took the lead, walking ahead down the road.* \"I did thank you, I acknowledged your splendid job of misdirecting the enemy.\"\n\n*She hummed a marching tune and seemed dangerously close to singing, which was a torment neither of the others likely wanted to endure.*" }, { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "*He looks to the centaur, brows lightly raised,* \"Are you certain you would want to escort the hooligan? Given her demeanor and apparent lack of tact or self preservation, I would assume her to be only too willing to use you as a meat shield again.\"\n\n*No minced words there really, neither did the man seem bothered to acknowledge Calico again.*" }, { "author": "Circine Katale", "message": "\"I'm not entirely certain myself, my sir. But what I *Am* Certain of is we are heading towards town. If the madam decides to head in the same direction, then I shall join her in any conflicts along that road. Beyond that?\"\n*The centaur stamped his hooves as he began a slow trot down the road, waving to Victor to keep up.*\n\"I shall have no part in an outlaw's escapades, no sir.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "*The man sighs and picks up the reigns. Unlike Circine, he seems to have **Zero** Issues with leaving the woman.* \"You do as you will then. I'm heading back home, and if you wish to come along with or without the woman, that is within your rights. As for myself, I don't wish to lose daylight nor want her in my cart.\" *A pause, then nod.* \"Good day if you accompany her.\" *And he gets his cart moving along the road, unconcerned with the woman's warnings of bandits. He was aware enough from passing through time after time.*" }, { "author": "Circine Katale", "message": "*The centaur paused a moment, weighing up his options. Either he accompanied the trader, a competent but still vulnerable traveller, heading for the same destination, or a woman that had led a bandit party into their midst to use them as walls, of whomst he knew not her destination. With another rearing up of his front legs, he had made his decision swiftly.*\n\"Right then, I shall accompany you, Victor. Good day, madam. If you wish to follow, I have no qualms - but I will not stay any longer, wasting the day.\"" }, { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "*Bag settled against his hip rather than inside the cart, lest the female decide to get into the cart. And maybe take his bag. Looking at the centaur he nods as he decides to accompany him.* \"I'll be heading to East Mentia, assuming there's enough time to get there. I didn't expect to be making a house call today.\" *A slight frown.* \"Or dealing with bandits to be perfectly honest.\"" }, { "author": "Circine Katale", "message": "\"That would make two of us, sir... Lead the way.\"\n*Circine replied with a wave of his hand, regarding Calico once more as he waited for a response - but expected the woman to simply slip away.*" }, { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "The man didn't hesitate as the cart rolled onward. He did however mutter, \"I will throw her, bodily, into a creek if she climbs into my cart. ...Or let her catch a pox given that's just as likely.\"\n\nAnd, honestly? It was. He'd carried bodies in the cart before and while he did clean it, it did not stop him from ill wishes. \"..You're in East Mentia? Not seen you before, though I keep to my clinic.\"" }, { "author": "Circine Katale", "message": "*He chuckled gently at his remarks, shaking his head as he kept up with the cart.*\n\"I suppose we'll see how this turns out, hm?- Ah, I'm not from the region. I hail from the Khanate, one of the steppe tribes. I'm just exploring right now.\"" }, { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "\"Khanate. Not been there.\" *He says softly, musing.* \"Mostly Mentia, for a time Salvainia, but I like where I am now more. There's a lot less competition here compared to the busy city.\"\n*He paused, thinking,* \"Though I did do most of my learning in the city.\"" }, { "author": "Circine Katale", "message": "\"Ah, an educated man? Studied in an academy, then?\"\n*The centaur's ears perked up at the mention of formal education - the most he had experienced of such learning was from dusty old books from travelling merchants.*" }, { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "\"For a time, yes. Not everyone is capable of feats of magic, and those who cannot practice medicine quite differently than those who can. It was part of the draw,\" Victor says, and **For once** That vague irritation in his voice brought on by Calico lets up. He genuinely enjoyed learning.\n\n\"While my Father had been a physician he didn't have much drive for physical learning. Just tended to use magic and call it good. I wanted to know a bit more,\" He admits with a shrug. \"I learned how to make stitches and medicines, and quite a bit about various races and their anatomies. I was there for some years until I felt there wasn't much else to learn.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "Urging the horse onward, Victor resisted the light smirk he felt as he continued onward. \n\"Well, this way then. And it's fine, I only need my work bag from the wagon before getting inside. It was just a decent place to sleep if I didn't manage to get home before dark.\"\nThey headed down the path to the clinic, a building which did indeed have large, sliding barn doors rather than the typical Macen swinging doors so differently sized and shaped patrons could make their way through. He let the steeds stop over a patch of dead grass, then released them as they vanished.\nClimbing down, he sighs and walks to the front door to unlock and let the two of them inside. Above the door, several devilish faces are etched inside to leer down at them." }, { "author": "Circine Katale", "message": "*Circine marveled at the accommodations, noting how spacious the interior was. The good doctor had mentioned his clinic was accessible to all sorts, but to this extent...*\n\"By my father's hooves- What are these?\"\n*He flinched a little at the sight of the etchings, the flickering flames from the lights only making them that much more unnerving.*" }, { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "Pulling the door open, he motioned Circine in first, then paused as he looked up. This time he did smirk. \n\"An old method of preventing unwanted entry. The locks are quite new, but before then I had to rely on these to warn off intruders. Granted, I've not had many try and get away with it.\" \nHe heads in, unbothered by the etchings which must by now just be commonplace. Inside it was simple, though large with a high ceiling and walls. The decor was... A bit odd however. It looked like anatomical models, and closer inspection would reveal them to be made of wax." }, { "author": "Circine Katale", "message": "\"Peculiar indeed... But, if they work then I will not comment further.\"\n*He replied, beaming contentedly as he nodded to Victor. The centaur was quickly drawn to the models, the dull sheen and sharp, fragrant smell signalling their composition.*\n\"So detailed... Did you make these yourself?\"" }, { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "Closing the door, Victor locks it securely behind him and slips the key into his pocket. Removing his coat, he sets it on a nearby hook and then pauses as the centaur examines one of the models.\n\"Yes. I enjoy being able to study in my free time, but keeping cadavers around for such a thing is off putting. So, I made my own models. If I ever have a student, it will make teaching them much easier as well.\"\nThe model stares at Circine with blank eyes, one half of it's face exposing muscle and veins beneath. Victor walks over, looking at it.\n\"Not that everyone is exactly the same underneath, but they're usually close enough to it.\"" }, { "author": "Circine Katale", "message": "\"We're all skin, bones and blood in the end.\"\n*He commented softly, examining the model a moment longer, his eyes staring back into its blankly, before turning back to Victor.*\n\"I imagine you have many patients that come to see you?\"" }, { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "\"Oh, skin, bones, ligaments. Most of us are the same, despite race. Only a few *Truly* Vary, the ah...\" He pauses, removing a handkerchief and using it to remove a bit of accumulated dust on the shoulder of a model. \"The Qua vary greatly, and Uzhi lack the same organs altogether but become very resilient for it. I've not had the opportunity to examine a Zareth yet, but someday I hope for the opportunity.\"\nHe puts the handkerchief away. \n\"As for patients, I tend to have all sorts, both living and dead. Having some knowledge of how the body works means I tend to work as a mortician as well when someone passes.\"" }, { "author": "Circine Katale", "message": "*Circine listened with fascination as Victor described the various races' differences and similarities, his interest piqued at the prospect of a dual role.*\n\"You handle the dead as well? I can't imagine that's light on your heart...\"" }, { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "Turning to glance at a torso with the skin tones of a Mogash and the ribs, then organs exposed on one side, he pauses.\n\"Well, it doesn't really bother me that much,\" He says with a light shrug. \"I suppose once death has set in, the body is just that; A body. It's empty. It isn't hurting and it won't be disturbed by what I'm doing to it. Most of my work is to comfort the living, but the dead? They don't mind much anymore.\"\nWell, he thought that was a way to put it at least. He shrugs.\n\"As I said, my knowledge of bodies means I'm the one that can treat them. Make them look alive for a viewing, or keep them intact for them to stay up with them in their homes until burial.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Circine Katale", "message": "\"I see... In our culture, the body becomes a sacred thing after death. Whatever state they were in when the soul departed from it, it shall stay that way. It's why you see very few centaur... What do they call it, taxidermy? Perhaps not, but you get my point...\"\n*The centaur shivered gently at the prospect of being stuffed and displayed after death, fairly certain that was not the sort of viewing Victor was referring to. He trotted over to another, his eyes softening as he recognised the more juvenile expression upon the clay.*" }, { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "\"Well, it's probably a cultural difference then.\" He pauses, looking at a full body work of an elf woman with facial scarring. \"To many Macen at least, they want to remember those that died as they were. They don't want to remember them as they were when disease took them, or when they died violently. Especially if they're going to sit up at home with them.\"\nHe clasped one hand behind his back, examining the model; It was a favorite of his.\n\"So, they bring them to me. I wash them, groom them, and make sure that they're actually dead before working on them. I try and make them look as though they're asleep with makeup, lotions and whatever else I may need. I try to keep their wounds closed, and try to slow down their decay so they can keep up with them for however long they need until they're buried.\"" }, { "author": "Circine Katale", "message": "\"A lot of hard work... I'm sure it soothes their grieving.\"\n*He replied with a light smile, settling on the floor out of the way of the workspace, watching the light blankly.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "Lighting a candle to combat the growing darkness outside, he looks at Circine.\n\"Well, is there anything you'll be needing for your stay then? I'm afraid outside of occasionally helping or healing centaur, I don't have them in my clinic often.\"" }, { "author": "Circine Katale", "message": "\"Just a blanket, maybe something to eat... If the horses eat it, I can too - but something warm would be nice... I can pay, of course.\"\n*Circine hadn't been a guest before, so had no idea what the etiquette was, fidgeting slightly as he watched Victor.*" }, { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "Briefly nodding he pauses at the notion of paying, but shakes his head. \n\"To my understanding, the host typically doesn't take payment. But I'll keep that in mind, the food of course.\" \nLeaving briefly he returns with a blanket and a candle, handing over both. \n\"Well, get rest and I'll see what I can do for the morning.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Circine Katale", "message": "\"Thank you, Victor. You are a kind man.\"\n*He replied warmly, taking the items graciously and settling to sleep - opting to keep his upper torso straight in a pseudo-meditation.*" }, { "author": "Victor Shelley", "message": "He smiled, letting the centaur become comfortable and avoiding letting his eyes shift to the back legs on him. \n\"Sleep well. I'll see you in the morning, I suppose.\"\nAnd with that he takes his leave, using his own candle to light the way. He had to clean up, he had to ensure that his study was straightened and take stock of his inventory. And of course, see if there was anything left for messages for him though he doubted it with such a short amount of time. \nNo rest for the wicked, sadly." }, { "author": "retro109", "message": "`The next morning...`" }, { "author": "Circine Katale", "message": "*Just after the break of dawn, the centaur stirred once more, grumbling softly as he awoke. A split-second of confusion, the clay outlines making him wonder if he was in a crowd, but soon he came back to his senses. Pulling the blanket off his shoulders as the sun warmed him, he bundled it up and rose to his feet, stretching with a groan.*" } ]
[ { "author": "neolathotep", "message": "*Trupec sits upright cleaning the the sleep out of his eyes, blissfully lost in his imagination of what could be in the future*" }, { "author": "Ser Elias Bluedove", "message": "*The Mentian countryside was always far too hot for Elias' liking. Despite an abundance of trees for cover, the sun still beat down hard this day, forcing the knight to find cover as much as possible on her journeys. She wiped her brow with a spare cloth, settled at the base of a large oak standing alone upon one of the rolling hills.*\n\"A terrible beast is hiding *Here?* I'd sooner find a fox stealing food than any sort of monster...\"\n*She complained aloud, muttering something bitter in Irtutian.*" }, { "author": ".anthonymt", "message": "This new and foreign land held many wonders to Breti, why the sky was so blue compared to the mog filled lands he had grown up in or why the birds chirped so loudly. But most of all he wondered why the tall trees sway with compassion and a certain heart warming trait." }, { "author": "neolathotep", "message": "*Trupec stood up walked to his sleeping mule shaking him violently to get his attention* \"Mule wake up this fine day waits for no man or you neither we have to start exploring\"" }, { "author": "Ser Elias Bluedove", "message": "\"Right! Time to... Find this beast...\"\n*She'd yawn after a few minutes of rest, whistling for her draft horse - who was sat peacefully in the meadow a few yards away. He broke out of his bliss and whinnyed as he cantered over, bowing his head in deference. Elias gave him a small pat on the nose as she hoisted herself up, urging him down the hill and towards the darker part of the forest.*" }, { "author": ".anthonymt", "message": "As Breti leans on a tall tree, he notices a knight on a horse riding into the forest and calls out, \"Hey, you look like you know your way around here. I am looking for something to do is there anything around here?\"" }, { "author": "neolathotep", "message": "*Trupec hears a voice coming from a close forest then starts walking in its direction* \"What is that about\"" }, { "author": "Ser Elias Bluedove", "message": "*Urging her horse to a stop, Elias eyed the stranger suspiciously for a moment, calling out from a few yards away.*\n\"I'm not out here to play games with strangers. Anyway, it's not safe here right now, I suggest you make your way home...\"" }, { "author": "neolathotep", "message": "*Trupec upon looking up notices a horse in the direction he was moving he starts to accelerate his pace and dust off his withered armor a unsatisfied snort can be heard from Mule attempting to stay close to Trupec* \"Hey are you a local\" *Trupec shouts with a friendly smile*" }, { "author": ".anthonymt", "message": "\"Haha, I don't think I can when there is danger around,\" Breti exclaims. \"Anyway, what's your name?\"" }, { "author": "Ser Elias Bluedove", "message": "\"Oh joy, another one...\"\n*She muttered under her breath, examining the pair as they drew closer. The first was on foot, which made it more likely he was setting up an ambush... The second was on a mule. Not exactly a pursuit animal... She let this thought roll around in her mind for a few moments, dropping the tract for now and addressing the newcomer.*\n\"No, not in the slightest. You heard anything about a beast? As for you, I don't give names to strangers. What is your business in these woods, the pair of you?\"" }, { "author": ".anthonymt", "message": "Breti thinks about what the lady asked him and says, \"I am alone, and do not know who the person on the mule is, but my name is Bretislav and most call me Breti for short. I am from Lymia. See, now I am no stranger. And I have not seen a beast in these woods since I have been here. Which is only a day.\" Breti wonders if this will suffice." }, { "author": "neolathotep", "message": "\"Greetings friends how are you doing this fine summer day say non of you might have coin for the needy I have not seen travelers for weeks and rather worried about the future\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Ser Elias Bluedove", "message": "\"A stranger named is still a stranger... There's been reports of attacks on travelers through these woods, to the point that a bounty has been placed. I'm here to find out what it is. Now...\"\n*She'd dismount, calming her steed as she led him out the way of the path, drawing her longsword and resting it on her shoulder.*\n\"Either the pair of you clear off before you get hurt, or help me find this thing. Those who do not work, will not eat.\"\n*She directed the last part of her retort to the gentleman on the mule - asking for alms in the middle of a forest was beyond suspicious.*" }, { "author": "neolathotep", "message": "\"Ahh but see this is my work and how i eat it is my trade so to speak, but your call to adventure intrigues me I shall assist you in your quest as a favor if you will accept it\" *Trupec says with a smile*" }, { "author": ".anthonymt", "message": "Breti hears that he can get stronger so he says, \"An adventure you say, now that is what I like to hear. To get stronger is my only goal, and as well get some money on the way. So, I will join you for this time.\" Breti is in rejoice in his head. Thinking he can finally get some training in." }, { "author": "Ser Elias Bluedove", "message": "\"Where do find these people... Fine, with me. What weapons have you? If any...?\"\n*She'd ask tentatively, resting her free hand on her bastard sword as she flexed her shoulders to make sure her heater shield was on her back.*" } ]
[ { "author": ".anthonymt", "message": "\"Well, I only have a Longsword, a Greatsword, and a dream.\"" }, { "author": "neolathotep", "message": "\"I have a big stick and a sling ow i also have Mule he is stubborn but i think he has a good heart\" *Trupec says while gesturing to Mule*" }, { "author": "Ser Elias Bluedove", "message": "\"Both a greatsword and a longsword? Nevermind, it's your encumbrance that's at risk... You, leave the mule. He'll only get hurt. Now, come.\"\n*Elias barked, scanning around the forest ahead and heading inside tentatively, motioning to the pair to follow.*" }, { "author": "neolathotep", "message": "\"Mule just follows me, if i knew how to make him stop he would not be here\" *Trupec says while taking his sling and great club off of Mule*" }, { "author": ".anthonymt", "message": "\"My swords are all I have, so I try to make use of them,\" Breti exclaims with deep passion and hopefulness.\n\nBreti begins to follow the lady into the woods." } ]
[ { "author": "Ser Elias Bluedove", "message": "*The trio would venture deeper, soon finding a clearing under the heavy canopy. The knight took a moment to scan their surroundings - nothing stirred yet... She'd perch herself on a nearby felled tree, looking into the darkness intently.*\n\"Can't see anything yet... Any luck, you two?\"" }, { "author": "neolathotep", "message": "\"I dont know what we are looking for\" *Trupec says while squinting at the darkness*" }, { "author": ".anthonymt", "message": "\"Yea, what are we looking for? Is it a monster, bandits, or something flying?\" Breti wonders as he says it and thinks that he might get some action in." } ]
[ { "author": "Ser Elias Bluedove", "message": "\"The only bonding that's happening today is the ones to our wounds, unless you're careful. Now-\"\n*A sudden pause, as the thicket rustled audibly. From it, a shape would stalk out - the familiar form of a direwolf. It let out a low, monotonous growl as it glared at the trio, it's powerful muscles tensing at the sight.*" }, { "author": "neolathotep", "message": "\"Ah a animal lover\" *Trupec takes out his sling prepared to launch a rock into the beast*" }, { "author": ".anthonymt", "message": "\"Haha its a puppy,\" Breti exclaims this but in his head he is scared to all ends but, no one can know that.\n\nBreti waits as the direwolf gets pelted by a rock and looks disappointed." } ]
[ { "author": "Ashnard", "message": "A new moon loomed over the sky tonight, devoid of stars and ashen clouds closed in from the northeast, heralding a storm. Dusk had long set in, and the cold evening breeze called for beasts and men alike to seek shelter. Critters chirped and owls hooted uneasily, weighted by the tense and humid air. \n\nBut not all beasts echoed the unease, or heeded nature's warnings. One of them crossed the plains near the mountainside with a light gait on his paws, barely disturbing the blades of grass underneath. He hummed an old folk song as he ventured south, brief words mixed with guttural snarls in the distinct tongue of the Hasaapian tribes. Every step he took synced with a lyric, distancing himself from the encroaching storm\n\nThe lone travelled concealed much of his identity beneath a black cloak. What could be seen was the distinct shape of a canine muzzle extending from his hood, a dried scar running deep across its bridge and spiked protrusions on the sides of his jaw resembling black fangs. At a glance, nobody would doubt he was a lone canifor, specifically of the more bestial variety found in the untamed Anushkenian wilds west of Silnaria: quick of temper and quicker of claw, yet stolid when unprovoked. \n\nBut then one could also take note of the horns atop his forehead, piercing through his hood like jagged spearheads, more fiendish than bestial. For one familiar with silnari gossip, it would be these horns that made it dreadfully clear who- or *What* The beast was. And if those rumours were true, one would be wise to avoid his ire. \n\n||" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "*From that area, amidst the gentle glow of the moonlit night, the remarkable claws of Tossou peaks can be clearly seen. Peering high above the clouds of Western Prasia, its silent visage has kept the soul of this land for time unmeasured and tells of it in words unspoken. The root of minerals and rivers which flow from the deepest reaches of its abode had existed since the far past. Indeed, before even the distant time when the first pioneers had set upon their presence in this continent.*\n \n*A lone figure is staring at their own reflection on top of a river's surface. Cascade of water can be heard not far from there. Its current carved rocks and soil onto the ravine which they are in at the moment. The water itself originated from an unseen source beneath the mountain. It was a place recounted in numbers of old tales. Mythical creatures far more ancient than any kingdom lingers there, never to recognize the ray of sunlight.*\n_ _\n\n_ _\n*The clear water and illumination radiated by the moon captured the image of the figure's appearance perfectly. Sweeping golden strands of hairs from their face, they– or she, blinked on top of the water's surface. The girl on the other side is an ordinary young macen, if not quite more charming than average. Fixing the scholarly beret on top of her hat, she smiled at her own reflection. Occasionally, she would make a pose with her long, wooden staff, like a child in front of a mirror. It is not until the thunderous roar of the distant lightning had pulled her attention back towards her surroundings, that she finally looked away.*\n \n*\"I think there is still some time..\" She thought inside her mind while gauging the distance of the storm. It was done by counting the interval between flash of lightning and its following loud exclamation.*\n \n*Carefully, she puts away all of the refilled water containers inside her backpack. Then, she began to walk, following along the river. Steep ground like this would be the best place to camp in a storm. Away from treelines, yet not too far away into the flat soil. She was also thinking about seeking a location where flooding would be unlikely to happen. Though, she was distracted by a faint, yet distinctive noise which entered her ear. A quite gravelly voice, following a pattern which are undoubtedly fixed pitches. It is...*\n \n*\"A song?\" She muttered quietly.*\n\n_ _\n*The girl turned her head in the voice's direction. Towards North-East, the view of the path that she has taken before sliding down into the ravine is entirely visible. Beyond that, faraway in the distance, she can also see half of the rocky peaks. Thick, black clouds of encroaching storms encircling the other half of the mountains. These regions are sparsely populated and travelled through. Even the hardy lora of the west often would choose to evade this path. Thus, she certainly doesn't expect anyone to be this close in proximity with her trek.*\n \n*Meeting a stranger in a wilderness like this can often lead into various grim circumstances. Her eyes darted to the side momentarily. Unfortunately, there seems to be nowhere for her to hide and watch whoever it is, to discern whether they are friendly or not. And hence, the figure finally came into view, appearing like a ghost from the ridgeline not far above her.*\n \n*\"That's..!!\" Her wariness had increased exponentially.*\n\n_ _\n*Their nefarious appearance is exactly as mentioned in the rumours, one that she heard when visiting Ulnoor not too long ago. **\"As the sun is set, beware. Your eyes would be drawn towards their jagged horns, which is not that of a beast, but something far more sinister.\"** Her boots scraped against the pebbles and the rocks underneath her. Rotating her whole body abruptly, she faced towards the figure's direction. She looked at the figure with sharp and cautious eyes, attempting to perceive what is obscured behind the veil of their hood. There is no point in walking away quietly, as she is quite sure that they've seen her anyway. *\n \n\"....\" \n \n*She didn't say anything, but her nerves are cranked to their maximum. If the figure is indeed, the renowned \"Revenant\", and the rumours surrounding them were not a simple hogwash, then she will know of it soon. However, for one, the girl is not one to trust rumours blindly, nor that she is a person that is keen to get into conflict.*" }, { "author": "Ashnard", "message": "For a few moments, the notion of that beast being no more than a ghost may not have seemed as far-fetched. His form blurred into the night, as though his fur and cloak melded into the darkness; unclear to where one ended and another began. Perhaps his presence was indeed a mere apparition, a trick of the light, a wayward spirit playing japes to the skittish and feeble-minded wanderers passing by. Or perhaps this is what one *Wanted* To believe upon seeing his malignant visage. If they believed that hard enough, maybe they could even convince themselves that he was not real. \n\nThat hope was quashed soon, however, when the beast paused on his trail. First, he seemed to sniff the air around him. Then, his ear bristled upwards between gaps in his hood, long and pointed. Last, he slowly turned his head in the girl's direction and crossed eyes with her- not looking quite at her, but seemingly *Through* Her. There was no innocence in those eyes. Two mismatched irises stared back at her; one a molten red, the other a pallid grey, both baring pupils narrow like serpentine slits and encased in sclera black as tar. A demon, if not a chimeric abomination, someone ignorant might assume. But for anyone who knew better, the revenant's cause of such daunting appearance was a simpler one: vampirism." } ]
[ { "author": "Ashnard", "message": "\"You can come out, girl,\" The black beast spoke, his tone implying a demand more so than a request. His voice was deep and harsh as gravel that resonated with a throaty snarl, yet not blatantly hostile. \"I have no cause to harm you, as you have no cause to make an enemy out of me.\"\n\nThe Revenant reached with one armoured hand upwards and lowered his hood, further confirming his identity and revealing a long mane of braided charcoal fur. He ran a pair of fingers through his hair and lightly shook his head to spread it under his shoulders in a surprisingly tidy fashion. Then, he finally shut his eyes for a brief second in focus. \n\"You are afraid. Even now, your deeper instincts are screaming out at you to choose between fight or flight.\" \n\nHe took a single step forward, as though to test that theory. \n\"I do not sense any malice or contempt from you, however,\" The beast admitted. Canifor- especially wild ones- were known for their keen empathy, able to easily read the emotional state and intent of those around them, not unlike their less developed kin. Despite his uncanny appearance, the Revenant still seemed to hold onto his canifor nature... For the most part. \n\"You either have no grievances against me either, or you are very good at hiding them...\" He shot a cautious glance at the girl's hands, lightly tilting his head to the left. \n\"So, girl, what will it be?\"" }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "*It's an uncomfortable sensation, if one may describe. As her gaze met with those acute, yet ghastly sets of crimson and grey, it is as though the innermost psyche of her being is being laid bare. She furrowed her eyebrows on the notion. Not simply for the reason that the piercing stare which accompanies his infernal visage is so acute. No, one could tread even deeper than what appeared as it is. Quite dissimilar than untrained assumptions masked by his outer silhouette, she noticed another facet of this 'revenant.' It should be a familiar concept for anyone, who similarly pursues the path to be of service for their deities.*\n \n\"I see.. The revenant is a vampire.\"\n \n*Her voice is soft and befitting of her age, not remotely louder than what it needed to be. As the revenant had expected, there is not a speck nor hint of maliciousness behind her voice. Instead, one who is perceptive would note that it's dyed with streaks of warm kindness and pure empathy, if not ever so slightly also concerned. She blinked a few times as the revenant revealed what beneath his hood. Not features of vile abomination nor a mountain ghost which was disclosed, but a person, just like her. Someone who hailed from a different race, a canifor. While he certainly carries a few.. Idiosyncratic traits, nonetheless, he looks surprisingly normal for the most part.*\n\n_ _\n*It is not beyond her recognition that there are traces of certain mannerism on him. Her eyes and ears picked up from the way the revenant– he acted and spoke. It eliminates the one aspect that is widely associated with him from passing rumours; savagery. These telltale features suggest that he is, in contrast, should be quite educated in the way to behave in a civilised fashion. The young girl fixed her posture. Still standing upright, but some tension had escaped from her shoulder. She lowered her hands, along with the one which holds her casting staff into neutral position.*\n \n\"So, girl, what will it be?\"\n \n\"No, I don't have any grievances. Yet, you did scare me for a second there, appearing out of nowhere like that. Would that be enough cause to make a grievance?\"\n \n*Her eyebrows are still slightly furrowed as she said that. She looked up, straight towards him from below the ravine. As a sign to tell him that she is not feeling intimidated anymore, she puts one of her hands on her hips with a snobbish attitude. Her scholarly blue cape fluttered behind her, pushed by the passing wind from the mountain. It carries a strong scent of rain.*\n_ _\n\n_ _\n\"It's not 'girl'. My name is Akasha. And I suppose, your name is also not 'revenant' either.\" *She exclaimed.*\n \n\"I would hope that the rumours surrounding you are not wholly true.. Otherwise, it would be an actual cause of grievance against me, if you were to attack innocents simply for the sake of carnage.\"" }, { "author": "Ashnard", "message": "\"The Revenant has been called many things,\" He answered, a dark smirk flickering on his lips. \"Some say he's a fiend from the infernal plains, murdering for sport. Others claim he's a vengeful spirit brought back from beyond the veil and bound into a grafted monstrosity...\" The canifor deadpanned, staring at her dead in the eye for a few seconds as though to check if she believed any of it. Finally, he let a dry snort and cracked a smile. \"You are less ignorant in that regard than people over twice your years.\"\n\nA tail flicked under his cloak... Or rather, the semblance of one. It looked more like a curved blade, jagged in its edges hollowed in its centre with occult crimson patterns carved across the rest of its surface. It balanced on segments of blackened carapace, giving it an impression of a scorpion's sting more so than anything remotely canine. Perhaps there *Was* A merit to some of these uncanny rumours, after all...\n\n\"Then you should be thanking me instead of holding a grievance against me. Fear of my presence keeps aware and alive; not everyone I've met was given that privilege,\" The black beast pointed out as he took note of her attire. Quite endearing, really, yet she was not lacking for moxie.\n \n\"Akasha,\" The beast echoed, his accented Silnarian carrying a hint of Lymian dialect, \"A scholar *And* A cleric, one can assume from your attire, setting off on her own at this young an age. You are a brazen one, I admit.\" Another sly smile flashed at the corners of his muzzle, followed by a thespian bow accompanied by a clenched fist at his chest. \"If calling me *Revenant* Feels too morbid for your taste, you may call me Ash instead,\" He offered, alluding to the black and ashen colours of his fur. \n\nThe hound's countenance darkened with Akasha's last query, and he let a weary sigh. \"There is a beast in every man that stirs at the scent of carnage; those who claim to not relish in it are simply fooling themselves. I reckon I should consider myself rather f\n\nOrtunate in that regard: I *Am* That beast, and I always look the part. Perhaps 'innocents' have been felled by my hand before; perhaps not all the lives I ended deserved to be cut short. But that is not for me to decide. I am neither judge nor jury, merely an executioner.\"\n\nHe straightened his posture, and stood his ground, showing no hostile intent. \"All I *Can* Claim for certain is that I do not kill without cause... And that I do not intend to answer for my crimes just yet. Whatever gods will pass judgement on me to the other side can wait a while longer. People *Far* Worse than me must meet them first.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "knotknotty", "message": "What a terrible day for a performance, Vithay was through with the stunt his brother pulled today. Done with it and didn't want to hear another word breath from his brothers lips about the matter. If only he could have some space, a little time apart that's all! Yet he found himself as he ever was permanently affixed to his brothers hip slinking through the rain with his hand over his head. Till he felt a rough jab from his sibling cram into his mesh covered rib cage. To say the least they were both drastically unprepared for what the weather had in store for them.\n\nVithays expression drastically contrasted the right twins cocky smirk. \"*Hey* Mister sunshine, how's the weather over there huh? Still raining on that parade trying to draag me down?\" Vishal playfully threw himself against his brother, pretending that he was weighed down by his twins mood. Vithay let out a huff as his eyes did a summersault, doing his best to ignore his brothers antics. He forced their shared tail to tread forward sluggishly pulling themselves past the local tavern. Vithay was struggling to keep his attention away from his brother who had thrown himself onto his shoulders." }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*The Elf would make his way up to the door of the tavern, just about moving his hand to open it up only to here the sound of chatter coming by with the noise created from Vishal. He'd look over, eyeing the pair of twins slithering by with a quizzical expression. What on earth? It was needless to say it was the first time the Elf had seen a Naga in person, let alone a pair that shared the same tail. That was enough to drive his curiosity, leaving him to forget about rain that occasionally tried to remind him of its presence.\n\n From what he could hear of the one sided conversation, it was clear one seemed to be bothering the other. That much information easy to perceive with Vithays more annoyed expression. Sibling quarrels. One thing most can relate to, though being stuck with the other might have added a new layer to that. With them slithering on by, the Elf would speak up against the impending wind.*\"Planning on fighting against the rain all night?\"*He'd say to the pair.*\"Or each other rather.\"" }, { "author": "knotknotty", "message": "Vishal wasn't sure what was getting on his nerves more between his brother's frigid shoulder or the belting rain making his clothes weigh down against his shoulders. Vishal sure wasn't making it easy for his brother by throwing his weight against his siblings shoulders. Before he could drag it on longer, a rope pulled Vishal from Vithays' shoulders. Vishals' blue eyes swam through the sparse streets till he spied a curious individual looking right back at him. Vishals' eyebrow piqued he wasn't partial toward strangers, usually he would treat them with far more suspicion under normal circumstances. \n\n\"*Hmmm* Y'know that's a tough one... Really depends on if mister grumps here thinks he can let it go.\" Vishal rose his eyebrows at his brother, before throwing his shoulders up. \"I mean... If he doesn't sure looks like I'm short on choices.\" Vishal forced them to turn, Vithays' shoulders locked up hearing his brothers' remark. \n\nVithay grumbled \"Oh shucks brother just let it go?\" He put a finger up to his chin tapping as he thought it over. \"Well there might be a chance... Afterall it was a neat trick until *Oh* I don't know...\" Vithays' features went into a hard line his eyes hitting into Vishals dead on. \"It nearly sliced my head off. Try to talk next time, before you decide going off the script is a *Marvelous* Idea. Won't you, brother?\" \n\n\"Hmmm...\" Vishal pretended he considered his brothers suggestion at all. Barely giving it a second of thought, before coming to his conclusion. He motioned for his brother to come a bit closer to him, not giving Vithay much choice by roping him in with his free arm. \"I don't think someone we don't know needs\n\nTo be dragged down into this. Last thing I want is to see your head flying off... Anyway everything was under control. So how about...\" Vishal swiftly lifted his free hand and gave his brother a flick on the nose. One that made the left twin nearly jump backward. \"Stop suckin on that lemon huh? Hey boar, you wouldn't happen to have any ideas how to fix that, huh?\" Vishal returned his gaze to the stranger." } ]
[ { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*Terrel would watch the two of them go back and forth, his gaze flitting between them idly as he'd soon come to remove his hand from the door and instead lean against the wall idly in him figuring this would be a while.*\"Oh no... Go on.\"*The Elf would say with Vishal saying that they shouldn't drag him in on this. With his monotone voice it sounded rather sarcastic coming from him, though a noticeable look of amusement could be seen of what remained uncovered of his face.*\"This was just starting to get interesting.\"*Of course he wasn't actually curious in watching the debate all night, especially not with the rain still attempting to pester him for the time being.\n\nHe'd shift his gaze towards Vishal as he'd ask him the question. This one was probably the more troublesome one with what he could understand from their conversation. Some sort of trick that went wrong that nearly resulted in potential death of the other. It left him wondering what would happen if he did get killed in the process. Would Vishal be forced to walk with a corpse of his own mistake the whole time or be brutally given freedom from his brother? Both images seemed graphic in their own sense but it appeared the troublesome one could care less.*\"You asking for help in this argument or help getting out of the rain?\"*He'd question back, seemingly not taking apart what exactly he needed help fixing.\n\nIt seemed that his single question of the two was keeping him out here longer than he was hoping, his hair become darkened under the weight of rain that collected in it. He'd turn to push open the door to the tavern, much warmer air passing by him in comparison to the colder rain.*\"The latter can be fixed relatively easily. The former is between the both of you.\"*He'd say to them.*" }, { "author": "knotknotty", "message": "Their hair hung like wet mops over their foreheads at this point, dawdling out in the rain much too preoccupied with bickering between each other. While listeining to a stranger hearing one thing from him and seeing another.\n\n\"My, my seems like someone at least finds this amusing...\" Vithay droned out, hiding his head away from the stranger. He let out a slow breath. \"We don't even have a name; let alone I don't think I've seen you before. So really sorry about this mess... I just didn't want him to worm out so easily again.\" Vithay apologized to the man, his cheeks burning a slight red. \"He loves to show off all the time throwing out these fool-\" Vishal threw his hand against his brothers mouth, stealing the stage from his brother. The right twin gave the stranger a sharp toothed smile just radiating confidence. \"Proof plans, too bad you weren't there missed out on some real razzle dazzle! I'd show you, but its too bad somebodies so jealous... Or scared easily we wouldn't be lingering here getting drenched.\" Vishals' gaze slowly fell into his brothers, Vithays' shoulders slumped upset his brother was still insisting this wasn't some spark of the moment thing.\n\n Vithay did something that garnered a disgusted look from his brother making his hand fly free from his mouth. \"Oh brother, brother do you mean as fool proof as when you meant to blow that flail to shards? I think your plan fell apart more than it did...\" Vithay cocked an eyebrow at his brother.\n\nVishal couldn't help but chuckle at that memory. \"Uh that well that was... Something I still blame that wild... Wild...\" Vishal paused as Vithay tried to help his brother. \"Wild Wind something.\" Vishal shrugged at his brother. \"Or whatever I called em. Just swooping out of nowhere stealing the stage to 'rescue us'... Their fault not mine.\" \n\nThat really wasn't the point Vithay was trying to get his brother to see. \"My, my it really was their fault wasn't it? I'm sure it would have ended splendidly without them brother.\" Vitahys' voice dripped with sarcasm. Vishal knew his brother wasn't always like this and it made him consider he did mess up big time. Still he was too headstrong to just admit he was wrong. \"Y'know an apology isn't much if we get right back into it, this fella heres right... Getting out of the rain and going on in how about it?\" A genuine smile grew on the right twins features. \"Could be a lil fun, anyway I'm fairly curious about the whole...\" Vishal glanced toward the mask the strange man wore. \"So what do you think huh, I say we take that open door. Tavern food here won't make you want to wretch to boot. Trust me this could be a good time.\" Vishal sort of directed his conversation between them. \n\n'Trust you?' Vithay glowered at his brothers poor choice of words. He'd sooner take a chance with the stranger right now. \"Finne\" Vithay sighed from his throat, he gave his brother a soft eyed look. \"Please, please don't tear apart your promise this time...\" Vishal simply gave his brother a reassuring squeeze, before following the stranger out of the cold the comforting scents of the tavern reeling them in." }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "\"It's Terrel.\"*He'd say, a clear base in his tone in giving them a name at seeing them taking their time coming up with whether or not they wanted to head inside. Terrel would look between the two of them, his grin slowly fading from his face as time would pass while the two continued to squabble amongst themselves. It was hard to decipher what it was that went on between them in only having bits and pieces of the story being argued between the two, but at some point, his once interested mind soon found itself being distracted by the gentle droplets of rain falling upon him. He'd glance up towards the darkened sky, rainwater streaming down his face as their words became rather distant to him before he'd turn his head to face the two of them.\n\nAt some point, he would allow the two to continue their conversation, giving a light shrug as he'd say amongst their own words.*\"I'll just look for a table for three.\"*It seemed the twins must hardly get anywhere. Whether that was because they were linked at the hips or simply couldn't get along, Terrel's guess would have been both. It would be wrong to say he didn't have his own arguments amongst allies, but in his experience, he learned that things went much faster if he just went ahead on getting things done.*\n\n*The Elf would turn away from them to head inside, barely waiting long enough for the two to slither after him before he'd let the door shut behind him, and with it, the cold rain. By now his hair was dripping with rain water but with a quick shake of his head, some of it would find itself being flung about to the annoyance of some of the other patrons. He'd give a quick scan of the Tavern, soon gesturing to the two after finding a booth for them to sit as he'd head over to take a seat there. He'd wait until he could get comfortable before he'd look back over to the pair of twins.*\"So should I formerly ask for names or will I find myself caught in a tangent of what went on upon receiving them?\"*The Elf would ask, some of his humor returning upon ridding himself from the rain. He'd begin to wring out his hair, resting against the seat while he'd watch the two.*" }, { "author": "knotknotty", "message": "Squabbles came and went some worse than others, after everything was settled Vithay was left feeling his efforts were futile. Without another word they begun to slither into the taverns' warm embrace. Following Terrel deeper into the tavern, they kept to themselves minding the patrons so their tail wouldn't whip someone. \n\nSettling in at the table the weary stranger had found for them to gather. Neither of them used the chairs provided instead the twins coiled down onto their tail. Vishal rested his elbows against the table, wringing his long sideburns like a towel as Vithay leaned his shoulder against his brother. Mimicking his brothers' movements worn out from a day of arguing too defeated to continue bickering. \n\nVishal let out a short snort from his nostrils, leaning himself forward as a snakish smile grew across his lips. \"Story time then? A'right so where do we start oh right probably... The day we were born.\" Vithay couldn't keep a straight face stifling a laugh from his throat. \"I love a good fable, but I fear I know the ending... Brother.\" Vithays' threw on his best pout. \"My, my it would be a shame if our names slipped off of my tongue.\" The left twin played along making Vishal gasp. \"You wouldn't!\" \n\n\"I'm Vithay and the stage hog next to me is Vishal.\" Vithay told Terrel, promptly putting a hand to his mouth as though it were a slip of the tongue. Vishals hand threw against his heart as though he'd been stabbed. Promptly\n\nSlumping over, Vithay couldn't hold back his laughter seeing his brothers dramatic stunt. He tried to stifle himself, glancing back at their guest. \"My poor brother... He just couldn't take it, curses if it weren't for my big fat mouth. He'd still be with us.\" He couldn't keep a straight face, despite his best efforts. \"Oh I can't hold it in... I must know I could just jump out of my scales. Why the curious mask Terrel?\" Vithays' eyes sparkled with curiosity, he seemed to have it in his mind there was some grand history toward the Boars' head adorned on Terrels' head." } ]
[ { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*The Elf would briefly scan the contents of the Tavern, watching the other people as they'd occasionally glance over to the odd group while the twins decided that now would be the best time to tell their life's story. Not what the Elf had in mind, but it seemed like nothing was going to stop the pair from giving him anything other than a simple straight answer.*\"Right... Vishal and Vithay.\"*He'd say, not really gesturing to either one to suggest he was able to tell them apart. The Elf could see himself forgetting who was who eventually, but asking them again was just going to lead him down another speech amongst the animated group. With his hair wrung out as much as it could be, he'd sit up more and would relax an arm over top the seat he rested in while he gazed at the pair.*\n\n\"You know you two remind me of someone. He over-exaggerates things too...*And talks just as much*...\"*He'd say the last part more under his breath in recalling his Macen ally who talked too much for his own good. It left moments of the Elf not listening to him at times with his short attention span causing him to focus on something more of interest, but the squire was still an alright person to hang out with despite it. Not that the Elf could talk. Even he would act a little over the top in pretending to be something he wasn't mostly out of the joke of it. It probably wasn't the best comparison, but a comparison nonetheless. It was like him, but doubled. This was bound to be a long night.\n\nHe'd glance over at Vithay in being asked about the mask. It was a question he was asked often, though never one he gave the real answer towards.*\"It's a look.\"*He'd say simply, erasing all ability to turn it into a long story with the Elf not being the best at telling them. People were bound to assume their own beliefs of the reason behind it, making it all the more fun for him to shut down the idea with a much simpler response.*" }, { "author": "knotknotty", "message": "Who in their right mind would just dump their life story on a stranger? That was never their intention, in fact that was the last thing either of them would ever want to do. Instead it was a poor attempt at trying to tease Terrel and his erstwhile comment about their names leading to a tangent. Even if it was a joke it seemed to divulge into a tangent regardless.\n\nSeeing the difference between the two was easier than Terrel made it out to be. Vithay the one who 'ruined' the story wore a short sleeved crop top with fishnet in its center and kept his hair in a tidy ponytail. On the other hand Vishal the one next to him wore a open decorative jacket with nothing underneath, his hair was loose free from any restraint. A few details were similar, both had their long sideburns bound and they wore a cloth necklace with a silver clasp in its center.\n\nVishal started to drag himself up from the table, a look of bemusement across his features. Finding something Terrel said amusing. \"Wow, really? Forget my brother needing to loosen up, did you really take that whole act seriously?\" A confident smile broke against his features thinking he did a great job if it did. \"Man I must have nailed it!\" Neglecting to give any credit to his brother for helping. Vithay seemed accustomed toward his right halfs behavior, accepting he wouldn't get credit in the little stunt. \"Thank goodness we're not throwing on a show right now, your ego would sooner burst... Than finish the script.\" Vithay playfully jested, garnering a elbow jab from his brother. \n\n\"Oh...\" Vithays' shoulders slumped, but he pressed a little still holding out hope there was more to the story. \"I don't mean to pry, but I can't help imagine what it could be... More than just a look.\" Vithay begun to chew over what it could be, as his brother kept wringing out his long sideburns. Vishal left Vithay to work this one out on his own. \"Oh, oh I know... Maybe it was a uh... Parting\n\nGift?\" Neither of them seemed to mind the patrons passing looks; it must be something they had grown used to. So long as nobody stared to long it wouldn't be a problem." }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*Terrel would wave over one of the waiters as they'd walk by, soon asking for a few glasses of cider while Vishal joked about. He'd turn his focus back on him once the waiter left, offering a smirk in return to the Naga's jests.*\"A couple of performers aren't you?\"*He'd question them. It wouldn't have been his first guess if not for the mention of performing and stunts brought up earlier, but it at least explained one brother's attitude. The dynamic worked more hand in hand over anything.*\"I've had my fair share of them, won the audience over, but hardly made them laugh. I would have assumed you guys to be comedians, but definitely will need more work if that's what you're going for.\"*He'd let out a chuckle, finding his own words more amusing than their act. \n\nHe'd focus more on Vithay, noticing some disappointment in his tone with the Elf's answer regarding the mask. Terrel was used to people being interested in its purpose, but he hardly found reason to explain it.*\"You can consider that.\"\n\n*He'd say as if to confirm his thoughts.*\"A parting gift to myself anyways.\"*That much was true anyways. If the mask has been a parting gift from anyone else, he would have been given it upon the moment he decided to leave home. However, that wasn't the case, he had simply taken it with him. A simple disguise turned into part of his fit in time of being away from home.*\n\n\"I'm sure it's not any story you probably haven't heard before. Plenty of people wear masks, whether through acting, hiding something, or just because. My case happens to be the third option.\"*He'd say, partially dismissing the ideas. As time would pass, the drinks would soon return, the Elf gesturing to it in offer of the two to take a glass each. He'd grab his own, soon taking a sip from it.*" } ]
[ { "author": "knotknotty", "message": "\"Pshh this story is old news...\" Vishal leaned forward against the table staring at Terrel intently. Vishals' brother anxiously rapped the table with his fingers, looking away from them. \"Brother must you? Can we just... Forget about it. Ahem, much like I don't know, how a certain someone got out of hand today?\" He reminded his brother of his incident today, the one he had let slip under the radar for a while now. Vishals' lids closed. \"Hey brother c'mon stop being such a wimp would ya? This is something you shouldn't be afraid to scream loud and proud... Aint like its some embarrassing secret.\" Vishal casually disclosed with his brother. \n\nVithay bit his lip hard glancing toward his brotherl. \"Not embarrassing to you at least! I just... I can't believe I was so naive not to think you two were up to something.\" Vishal snickered, as his eyes met Terrel. \"Aint easy keeping secrets with well, being stuck together... But I managed with a little help. Lets just say the performance I pulled off was right under his nose.\" Vithay knew what was coming next his posture tightened, anticipating the inevitable to come crawling from Vishals' lips.\n\n\"Like you two were gushing over, what I pulled was an unexpected bit of flair or well performance.\" He leaned closer to Terrel, as he threw his hands outward trying to exaggerate how grand it was. \"What I did today, was small talk compared to that act... It was unlike anything we've ever done.\" He paused.\n\n\"Threw on an act where we'd be ambushed start some commotion. Took a little convincing for the crowd this wasn't just an act. Helped that my brother hadn't put together what I had been planning with our aunt.\" Vishal paused placing an arm around his brothers back. \"Things got a little messy toward the end though, bet you can't figure out why.\"\n\nVishal figured if Terrel had experience as he claimed, the man would be able to guess just what went wrong. Leaving his poor brother in suspense, Vithay would have to wait to see how things would pan out.\n\n Terrels' brief revelation that he hadn't lived here long left both of them with some degree of surprise. Their attention would be fixed on Terrel, all the while Vithay tried to get another drop from his glass not wasting even the slightest bit. Their fellow entertainer kept the details sparse, leaving much to the imagination of where he reaped said rewards. Leaving the twins to believe his means of income were from the acts he would put on for people to enjoy. \n\n\"Ought to be something *Much* More thrilling out there than this dump.\" Vishal stated plainly. \"Blows my mind anyone would want to come here... More than they have to. But... Like you said well sort of like you said, place could use an entertainer to brighten things up a bit.\" Vishal winked. \"Getting coins just a nice bonus at the end of the day.\" \n\n\"No, no I think its not all about coin. Its that wonderful feeling you get when you brighten their day. It warms my heart, why nearly makes me burst seeing what cheer we can bring.\" Vithay enforced the idea it was much more about bringing cheer rather than coin. Vishal snorted at his brothers corny speech. \"Why it nearly makes my heart burst.\" Mocked the right twin, before shaking his brother playfully. \"C'mon you just love the attention, I'm honest with myself and hell yes I bask in it.\" Vithay gave his brother a disgusted look." }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "\"I'm willing to agree with that bet.\"*He'd say.*\"Considering the information I have to work with is you did some stunt of pretending to be ambushed that nearly got your brother killed, involved your aunt, and ended up getting messy towards the end.\"*He'd say, summarizing the main points of their conversation. Terrel wondered if he'd argue with his brother this much over a story that was never told in full. He supposed he'd never know. It seemed they were playing more of a teased guessing game than giving a full explanation.\n\nThough it wouldn't give him as much credibility in being a performer, he wasn't going to try so hard in passing something off that they'd end up figuring out later. Besides with the impending night, the Elf grew tired of the repeated jabs between the two to attempt to understand their squabbles and give evidence of him being the same as them.*\n\n\"I think the coin is a giant plus.\"*He'd say more casually.*\"But I suppose the thrill and entertainment is fine too.\"*He'd wave off the idea of seeing smiling faces. Most faces like such were hiding ill intent, something the Elf was uncannily good at seeing through. Plus, it wasn't the job for him, he had taken the warrior route, and thus small jokes and gigs were only ever for his self entertainment anyways. Fighting was more of his thing, but he doubt these twins carried much experience in either.\n\nThe Elf would let out a quiet yawn, looking to Vithay.*\"Hey don't worry about it too much. You can always get your brother back when he least expects it.\"*Terrel would say, a light smirk forming across his face in helping to create the sibling war. It probably wouldn't end too well considering they were stuck together though the Elf doubted he'd see them again after this encounter.*" }, { "author": "knotknotty", "message": "Vishal turned to stare at his other half, Vithay hesitated a moment before meeting his brother's gaze. It was a brief silent conversation betwixt the brothers, Vithay tightened his shoulders letting his gaze slip aside. Knowing in both of their minds their erstwhile bickering somehow twisted Terrel severely off course. Even though they mentioned this incident they were discussing was 'old news'. Without a word it was settled between them what Vishal would answer. \n\n\"Ding, ding that's the answer someone shower him with a prize...\" Vishal lied through his teeth for Vithays' sake, even if he felt it was something Vithay should feel proud of his erstwhile actions. Vishal slipped a smirk against his features, he still wished to speak the truth. \"Funny, y'know I swear I never said it had anything to do with... My brother nearly losing his head today. Er well, that's a little bit of an exaggeration.\" Vishal smiled wide as he pulled his brother in close, enough to make his left twin grunt with surprise. \"Not so tight, or it'll pop right off!\" Vithay let out a short giggle bounce from his throat. Vishals' smile widened messing his brothers hair up with his free hand. \"See he's a bit dramatic, just a little squeeze and in a snap he's already afraid of losing his head!\" \n\nVishal teased his other half as Vithay struggled to free himself, till he slipped out of his brothers grasp. Still bearing a smile on his features enjoying Vishals' antics. Left with his hair in disarray from his brothers' attack, he tried to recompose himself as Terrel kept their conversation alive. \n\n\"Gotta side with my brother on that one, the thrills great... Still I can't help but wonder what sort of thrills an adventurer finds out in the world.\" Vishal admitted. \"Speaking of thrills you better Vithay, listen to that man. Scare the scales right off me!\" Bellowed the right twin looking at Vithay, his confidence showed he wasn't afraid of a little healthy competition. If anything it'd be nice change of\n\nPace. Vithays' eyebrow crooked. \"My, my you really are a gluten for punishment Vishal.\" Vithay sparked a smile to his lips, staring at his brother eye to eye as he said. \"You're on brother. One day, maybe today... Maybe the next sun it might just come.\" That was just what Vishal wanted to hear." }, { "author": "Terrel Bales", "message": "*Terrel would shrug off the idea of him even coming close to guessing what they were talking about. If he was that good he might as well go into the entertainment business. Instead, he decided to focus more on what they said last, some words actually crossing his mind in pertaining to him.*\"I can make a few guesses.\"*He'd say towards the wonder of adventure.*\"I plan on traveling over towards the Beastkin lands soon enough. Supposedly out of character knowing their history with Silnari, but honestly I find Beastkins a lot more reasonable at times.\"\n\n*The much was true at least. Although there were times where he'd see them for their stereotype, he couldn't help but admit that they were a lot more bearable.*\"Who knows what I'd find to do there? Probably a good enough ways away from this nation at war anyways.\"\n\n*He'd grab his glass, soon sipping the rest of the cider that filled it before setting it down and considering that much enough for the night.*\"Got a lot of traveling to do come next day anyhow, taking it on the road and all.\"*He'd continue, moving the glass away before placing down some money on the table for the drinks.*\"Probably should get some rest for the night before leaving soon. But if your stunts are as big as you claim they are, I doubt this'll be the last we meet.\"*That much was a lie, people came and went often for the Elf to which there were many talented people he hadn't seen again for a while. Only fate could tell at that point and Terrel hardly believed in such.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Narrator (Glockcry)", "message": "**'Drinks on the house!'**An uproar broadcasted from the direction of the bar keeper, raising a mug of ale in joy, as the room lifted its spirits. Shouting, yelling, drinking, and dancing as the night faded away in the ambience of heavy liquor.\n The lone Akasha found herself on a stool adjacent to the window. From outside of the solitary bar were the lush out lands of vast green planes and oval hills. Covered in the shroud of darkness as the moon gazed at the glistening surface with its white haze. The ambience of the tavern was much more quaint and quiet, old folks who had watched many before them pass and leave a thousand times over; locals from nearby farms who had settled and taken over the farms of their predecessors. This part of the Mentia kingdom was faraway from the capital, from the politics and the violence. It was a peaceful residence in which a drink at night was shared by all ages, big, and small. Through it all the atmosphere was encapsulated by the light melodies of a lone piano man. The same tunes he would play every night, taking requests for free and refusing tips.\n**SCREAM!**\n The wholesome mood was shattered by a blood curdling screams. Disturbed, many patrons found themselves falling over and shocked as they each got onto their toes and rendered whatever alertness they could. This is perhaps best illustrated by one man frantically turning whilst simultaneously drawing his sword, only to then loose his grip to the blade having it smash trough and exit the building, afterward then coming to a complete rotation only to have his now freed hand clasp onto the handle of another mug. The piano man collected his hat and rushed outside, the man then called the room outside; each scrambling like a swarm of bees coming out of one hive. The piano man held the panicked woman as she pointed to the distance over a rolling hull.\n\nThey all looked and stood awestruck as in the distance a raging torrent burned and pillaged. The night was still young, but the sun had come out through the inferno of a distant fire over the horizon.\n *'What was that..'*\n *'Should we help-'*\n *'That thing's burning up.'*\n This moment was *Hers to decide*. Everyone around her was flabbergasted and frozen, the unruly hardy men too drunk to stand and the tendered women gasping in shock. Perhaps there were people there, no it didn't matter if she knew; *Someone had to go*. Some had to be the hero to rescue the damsel in distress from the raging dragon that kept her in a tower. *This moment called to her*, and was ready to be received by a daring adventurer or a fearsome warrior. The piano man then collapsed, laying into his knees as he came to the realisation it had been from his homestead's direction. Suddenly tears swelled from his face as he caught them in his hands.\n **'Oh please, no- Please don't be home my daughter!'** That was the final string, a pleading call from a desperate father who was helpless to save their stranded kin." }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "*The swirling noises collectively roared by every patron of that tavern can be likened to fumes of smoke. It finds its way across the premise, rising upwards, filling and thickening the air. The rambunctious spectacle displayed on almost all around its cramped quarters. However, the lone maiden kept her sight straight. Her eyes glinted courtesy of the peeking beam of moonlight. Its warm radiance seeps through the window, reflecting her cold greyish-blue visage. Her gaze is fixed upon a gold coin, held between her slender fingers.*\n \n*A noticeable berth extends between the table she occupies and the other patrons. The festive mood is shared amidst drunkards and old farmers. Neighbouring farm rivals, disliked cynical old crones, all animosity and feud seems to be forgotten momentarily by the grace of flowing alcohol and laughter. And yet, they abstain from staring — let alone approach Akasha's proximity. Such treatment would normally be unwarranted, even being an armed outsider she is. Nevertheless, the very cause of those avoiding gaze and hushed tone is not lost to her.*\n \n*\"Drink on the house...\" She whispered inside her thoughts, fingers closing in, concealing the coin inside her hand. \"I wonder what's the occasion.\" She continues her musing. Her eyes trailed to the side, glancing at the uproar, demanding her attention. It comes in contact with one of the patrons, who promptly avoids her gaze. She exhaled sharply. It's not as if she was expecting a different reaction. Her sight dropped below, towards the uniform which she sports. Of course. Simple farmers and common folks from the countryside would be wary. Questions and apprehension bubbles in their mind, when faced with the symbol of the Church Order.*\n \n\"?\"\n\n_ _\n*Her attention shifted instantly as the tune of the piano was broken by that hair-raising scream. She remains seated, however, observing the windows as the crowds unfurl into a chaotic mess as they rush outside. Until a glint of fiery, wrathful orange began to taint the surface of that glass window. Akasha put the coin inside her pocket and stood up, walking to the door. She strides behind the last remnants of curious people. She halted her steps away from the rest of the crowds. Pondering, assessing, watching the inferno wreaked havoc in the horizon, akin to cruel sunrise. Be as good natured as she may, she is not a fool who would charge into the unknown without attempting to think rationally first; what has happened?*\n \n-my daughter!\n \n*Yet, such a cry of desperation is all needed. Akasha lifts her right hand to her chest, moving in a gesture she has done countless times before, the sign of the cross. She closed her eyes as her lips shaped the words of a prayer.*\n \n\"May the Lord guide my path.\"\n \n*She reopened her eyes. At the same time, her left hand performs an unfamiliar gesture to the common eyes – a magical inscription formed on thin air, glowing in a warm golden hue. **\"Augere.\"** Her mouth whispers an incantation. The magical formula disappeared, as she lowered her body and tensed her leg. In the next moment, Akasha springed forward, sending debris of cracked earth behind. The gathered crowd watched in awe as the tailwind from the motion hit their face.*\n\n*She rapidly gains speed as she dashed straight to the distant fire, as swift as galloping warhorse. Nearing the site of the disaster, she began to slow her pace down. While her shoulder is tense, her visage remained calm and collected as she carefully scanned along the scene. Her priority is decidedly to find and save whoever might be trapped within the barrier of the flame.*" }, { "author": "Hynes", "message": ". After an uneventful sprint through open countryside, and even having to fence hop through farm plots, Akasha would arrive seemingly a dollar short and a day late. She found herself a horrifying scene of an isolated house set asunder. Gone were the white washed walls which had melted like candle wax, collapsed was the roof which at one point must have been finely constructed with overlapping tiles. The entire rotten structure was now in the midst of collapsing. The perpetrators on the other hand, were as clear as pocket thieves caught in broad daylight. Ten armed individuals draped in leather studded armour and each with a torch in one hand with their appropriate armament in the other. They held crossbows, long spears, short spears, maces and swords. They were clearly no ordinary bandits, and were not beast folk on the path of war. The only question that remained: *Why, what was the goal of these raiders in burning down this homestead, in the middle between nowhere and a destination?*. \n *'Did we get it?'* One of them said, *'I swear, I hit it in the head-'*\n *'No that was mine!'*, the other beside him howled.\n **'Shut Up!''** Beckoned the senior amongst them, 'If it was this easy she would've been dead by now.'\n\n. *She?* By logic of elimination the only suspect in mind would have to be the damsel in distress. Yet, that only begs more confusion considering the later statement. A town girl could not have been difficult to kill, yet why bring ten armed mercenaries. The burning crisp embers dancing like a kindred wildfire, seldom can their beauty be found in destruction that didn't allude to the atrocities. Black smoke seeped into the air to become all but invisible in the darkness, yet its choking intensity swept the area just as harshly as it would in broad daylight. Floorboards buckled and ceilings loosened as piece by piece the home was being devoured by smog.\n *'Aren't vampires weak to flames? Surely **Even she would be dead by now** . . . Trust me I can smell her corpse*'-\n **GURGH!** \n The man gurgled, revealing to the others beside him a sudden thrown blade which found his neck, *But it could only have been from that burning house*.\n As the man collapsed, losing life, the other men reacted automatically, assembling in a staggered formation to block themselves from the angles of the burning doorway. Apart from the reflections this death called up in each of them about transfers and possible changes at 'work' that might result from it, the very fact of the death of a close acquaintance called up in all those who hear of it, as always, *A feeling of joy that it was 'he' who was dead and not 'I'*. 'You see, he's dead, and I'm not,' each of them thought or felt. Of course, this was the conscious aspect of it all. What was yet to be expressed was the involuntary twitch felt on the back of each of their spines. The survival instinct called 'Run, get out of here as far away as you can,' although these were trained mercenaries, professionals whose line of work had apparently seen death as so mundane if not simply part of the job. All this is to say, that these people meant business, and the death of a comrade was not something to hinder nor worry them." }, { "author": "Akasha Isolet", "message": "*The moment her eyes are set upon the armed men, Akasha reflexively ducked. She approached a stack of hay nearby quietly, blending her presence with the night behind the cast shadow of the roaring fire. Making sure that men are within her earshot, she concentrated to sharpen her hearing while peeking at the scene from behind the hay. Depressing crackling of the house as it was licked by the flame echoes in the night. She needs to quickly decide the next course of action – lest, if there are still any people alive inside the house, they would soon be beyond saving.*\n \n*\"Vampire?\" She repeated in her mind, as one of the men mentioned it.*\n \n*Akasha bits her lips. As expected, these men definitely differ from the common banditry. Aside from the fact that they are both well equipped and armed, they also seem to possess an unconventional objective. She finds her hand is hovering on the top of her sword's hilt. Whatever it is their origin, the situation alone suggests that they are not the type to conform with any kind of law nor justice – setting ablaze an innocent folk home without regard. It's within her interest to quickly subdue them and save whoever is inside. Yet, facing ten armed men in a direct confrontation by herself is too risky.*\n \n\"!?\"\n \n*Her breathing tensed, as suddenly one of them drops to the ground, blood pooling beneath him. Unless her mind plays tricks on her, she momentarily caught a glint of metal flying from that house before it happened. \"Is this the one they are hunting?\" She thought, unable to think of any other viable explanation. However, the unexpected event had presented upon her a window of opening. The men seem to be trained, as they are able to swiftly react, devising a formation against whatever lurking behind the fire. But it left them behind unguarded and open. Their nerves are entirely focused on intercepting threats in front of them.*\n\n_ _\n***Nine***\n \n*Akasha whispered an incantation. A brown magical circle appeared in front of her tracing finger of her left hand. While her right hand is tracing a distinctively different circle, shining in golden light.*\n \n***Crack***\n \n*Without needing a cue, she springed forward from her hiding spot. Her left hand executed the first spell. The men are not wary of the danger lurking behind them – realising it too late, as their feet suddenly sunken into the ground. It has turned into a mulch of muddied earth, hampering their movement. Akasha continued to close their distance from one side. A blinding golden light enveloped them, as promptly, the second spell was cast. It blasted four men with a strong burst of searing radiant magic.*\n \n***Slash***\n \n*Before the men who are fortunate enough to stand outside the range of her second spell can shake off the sudden bright light, one of them has their view of the world soon turned upside down. His head dropped to the ground with a thud. His blood dyed the honorary knight's sword crimson, warm drops splattered across her cheek. It is quite unfortunate, but she cannot afford the time to make sure that all of them are alive. Such softness in the midst of a battle against experienced men like these would only cost her life. She doesn't require all of them to be alive for questioning anyway.*\n \n\"May the Lord have mercy on your soul.\" *She mutters a prayer.*\n \n***Four***\n \n*The girl doesn't halt her advance, swiftly continuing to aim at the remaining undamaged men. While she is confident that her speed should be far superior than theirs, even with the fact that they would be considerably slowed down by the muddied earth beneath their feet, she still eyes them with caution. 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.' She hoped that whoever launched the first offensive earlier – this 'vampire' would aid her. If not, the very least she can do is to stay clear out of her way.*" }, { "author": "Hynes", "message": ". A whispering darkness seethed from the burning ashes. By now, the smothering flames had been harbouring a sleeping beast. Like a monster in its cave, it had been provoked by a thrown rock at its feet. Step by step, the demoness calmly marched, wading through a sea of fire and cinder, her armour blackened by the charred visceral remains of what was, and now what is gone.\n Akasha found herself having to momentarily withdraw her assault, finding a fury of lightning propelling herself backward, as the men of war recuperated their formation. Despite the success of her initial blitz, the sheer overwhelming number advantage of her enemies dawned on her nevertheless. The men she had struck remained dazzled by her magic, but the senior with a stern voice had swiftly reacted to her incursion, aiming a loaded crossbolt toward her. It was clear this was more so to intimidate her to not strike further, not wanting to risk missing or hitting her armour giving her the chance to retaliate. \n *'Shit! Fall back we're taking too many casualties,'* The senior of them barked. \n It was by this point that the boogeyman had come out of the closet. The black figure was shaped to that of a knight, but was clearly not one of noble hierarchy. Encased in a blanket of flames, it forced a wheeze from the floorboards with its weight, stepping out of the doorway to face Akasha, then the group. The black knight stood with a smirk of malevolence. Its armour was that of midnight, foreign and fully plated. It was juxtaposed to that of Akasha's own set, as if morphed and perverted. A black scorched cape followed it wherever it went, hung to her left arm in a half cloak, resting down its back. Its face was moulded like that of a human skull, fitted in a metal jaw, with two winged protrusions like horns. It was a *Black Demon*, a figure perhaps far beyond what the estranged knight was expecting; this was certainly not a damsel in distress.\n\n*'Focus your flames on the vampire, keep the other at bay with bolts.'* The man lastly ordered, collecting his men to arrange themselves in a position away from both Akasha and the black knight with the initial stunned men now retreating back to form a line.\n Despite the slaughter that had recently befell these bounty hunters, up to this point they had remained coordinated, cohesive, in control. The expression left by the demon had left one of the thugs to quiver, losing his grip before tripping on his shoe. Before the dominos fell, the senior amongst them quickly pulled him by the sleeve and scolded him in the eye, the demon still eyeing them in the background.\n *'Don't you see, she's right there, **The beast that murdered your kin boy!** This is your chance to avenge your parents, you told me this was the reason you came, so get off your ass and do your job!'* The man lectured before slowly having the group withdraw step by step away from both combatants.\n The mysterious knight batted its attention from the group and toward Akasha, holding a strange serpentine spear a head above her height in her right, flanked by a titanic tower shield which could cover her entire body on her left. Dragging the shield against the wooden terrace, the figure slowly eyed Akasha with a faceless glare. The skulled helmet held an empty expression, the slits on her visor too narrow and miniscule as to formulate any form of humanity from within inside. *Was this being even alive?*. Invasively, a feminine pitch then met its way outside to confront her.\n `'Do you know the difference between life and Death?'`" } ]
[ { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "Sonja was used to sleeping outdoors, but tents were not something she was accustomed to using. More typically, she slept in a bed of green grass, under a quilt of bright stars. However, the Ursinoid certainly understood the value of having a portable shelter, especially during temperamental weather. The flat area Sivne had singled out seemed suitable for just such an encampment. She gave her fellow Beastkin a small nod of approval, before stepping off the road after her.\n\nThough not having much in terms of belongings, beyond what could fit a simple sack or hang from her belt, Sonja was not content to sit by while others did work. After setting the few things she did have to the side, she went over to help Sivne set up her tent. Though admittedly, what help the brawny bear woman could provide was limited by the extent of instructions provided to her. The only tents she had ever made were makeshift ones—no where near as fancy as the fancy canvas and rope contraptions they had here." }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "Carlyn was making herself quite at home on the grass, stomach to the floor and her chin rested on her arms while she watched the two of them attempt to set up a tent. She was smart enough not to even offer her help — she would just get in the way, and she knew that. Initially, she had planned to give her aid to the building of the tent, but as soon as she saw the multitude of items and, moreover, Sonja struggling to provide help, she decided against it.\n\n So for now, she *Was* Contempt to lay there and watch, her tail wagging to a slow rhythm in her mind. Occasionally, that song would slip out in a quiet and brief hum of a few notes. It was difficult to pinpoint any melody, and perhaps it was one of her own. If they asked her to help, she most definitely would, but for the moment she didn't want to be a bother." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*Luckily Sivne didn't get annoyed and directed Sonja in how to help. The tent was quite easy to put up and would be quickly finished. The tent itself looked like it could probably fit two normal sized people, but probably only one Sivne and maybe one other if they didn't mind squeezing in. She grunted out.* \"..Mmh. You have tents don't you? Been camping before?\" *She looked between the two of them, her hands on her hips.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "The instructions from Sivne came as a relief to Sonja. Despite a few hiccups along the way, soon the work was done and the tent was constructed. With this task accomplished, she staked out a flat spot of grass next to her bag, where she would presumably be sleeping, and sat down with her legs crossed. The brawny bear woman cast a glance towards Carlyn with her icy blue eyes, perhaps only now consciously noticing that they chosen to sit things out, but this realization didn't seem to bother her.\n\nAt the question, Sonja turned her gaze back to Sivne and paused a moment. What counted as camping? Did you need a tent for that? Or did it merely consist of constructing a campsite? One of her bear ears twitched. After a few moments of silent pondering, the Beastkin hunter shrugged, and slowly spoke up in a low tone. \"Camping, sure. Not usually in a tent.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mm. Buy one with the bounty money after then.\" *She suggested as she scraped out some ground with her hoof for a campfire. She grabbed some rocks and set them up in a circle so she could start work on getting the kindling. She snapped off some wood and sat outside her tent, scraping off the wood for some tinder.* \"First time?\" *She idly asked.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "The idea of purchasing a tent didn't particularly appeal to Sonja. But she supposed it would be practical. She nodded slowly in response to the suggestion, internally wondering how much something of this nature might cost. Her thoughts were interrupted by the question. The Beastkin woman paused a moment, then tilted her head to the side, gazing quizzically at Sivne with her icy blue eyes. \"First time?\" She repeated, as if uncertainly what her companion was referring to." } ]
[ { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"On the job, travelling for several days to go and kill something.\" *She clarified as she kept cutting up some kindling.* \"Mm. Job should be simple enough anyway, probably some villagers got spooked by regular old wildlife, low risk.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"For me, it is. I've spent most of my life doing merchantry or simple adventures, but I've never... Killed anything as big as that frog before. And never anything for money. I've been looking for a sweet and simple job like this for awhile now, and this finally seems to be it.\" Carlyn replied, pushing herself up into a sit. The dog's own body structure seemed to convay that — without her leather armor, it was easy to see her body build. She wasn't muscular, nor was she particularly stout. Her structure was rather average — *Fit* — but not at all hardened by the battlefield. She had probably lived a comfortable life up until this point, doing not much more than training with her spear than actually putting it to use." }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "Sonja paused a moment as Carlyn chimed in to answer too. This gave her a moment to ponder. It seemed like perhaps Sivne was wondering whether they were new to being a mercenary. But strictly speaking, she wasn't a stranger to the actions described. Eventually, Sonja shrugged non-committedly before speaking up in a low tone.\n\n\"No. I used to be a hunter.\" She stated flatly.\n\nThe brawny Macenized Ursinoid looked the part. She had an athletic build and stood at around 6'7\" (~200cm). Her appearance was rather rugged, giving the impression she probably hadn't been living anywhere comfortable or luxurious for the duration of her meager existence. It was certainly a contrast to Carlyn." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She arranged the kindling inside the fire pit. She got up and brought some branches over and pile them up. She sparked the fire up and sat back, letting the fire grow.*\n\n*Sivne looked just how you'd imagine a 7'3ft brayer woman looked like. Curious, though, that she's definately been around enough macens for macenization to have started, yet looked like a full brayer with no macen influence.*\n\n\"The dog, the bear and the bull.\" *Sivne mused, rubbing her hands together over the fire.* \"And a merchant, a hunter and a mercenary. Mmh. Been in stranger groups.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"I would have a hard time believing that, but I don't particularly *Doubt* It.\"\n\nCarlyn had thought about it herself; the group definitely wasn't the most normal set of warriors on Mentia. For one, they were all animal-folk of some kind coincidentally. But furthermore, their professions were definitely not at all aligned — especially her's. A merchant and a hunter made sense out here, but a merchant... That was odd. But still, she held her own and made herself useful. That was certain." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She seemed to think for a moment before asking with a grunt.* \"Mm. So what kind of merchant were you?\" *She asks out of curiosity.* \"Helped a merchant friend or two.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"I worked for my parents selling general wares and weapons. I was often the one working the counter for the past few years. My mother figured I would do better at talking to people due to my cute looks and silver tongue. She's way more practised than I am but... Well... She's getting old.\" Carlyn replied.\n\nShe was obviously speaking light-heartedly about her mother getting old, bit was quite possible. The dog, herself, was probably 20 or so, potentially a bit older. Her mother was likely getting towards being 40 or 50." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She listened along and gave a nod.* \"Mmmmh.. Never really sat down and spoke to a merchant before, mostly just keep it formal. I think all the merchants back home hate me though. Bah.\" *She thumbed the side of her nose, stretching her arms forward with a huff.*" } ]
[ { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"Most of our lives aren't too terribly interesting. We wake up, we eat breakfast, and then, we sell stuff. Only reason why I started journeying was because I got incredibly bored of that life, and surprisingly my parents understood. I think they wish they could have done what I'm doing when they were still my age. But, I also think they are happy with their lives now. They aren't struggling, they enjoy good meals, they've raised one fine daughter, and are raising another.\"\n\nCarlyn let herself lay back down, throwing her arms forward and letting her chest hit the ground with a soft grunt from her mouth.\n\"I've already had more fun out here than I've had in quite awhile back at home, though there was one guy who I met named Livio who was interesting. Had a lot of inquiries about my life and Kadho, but I didn't mind answering. Talking is fun.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "Sonja mostly stayed quiet and listened as the others talked. She hadn't really traveled with a group like this for mercenary work before, and didn't really have anything to add there. The Beastkin was somewhat curious about the life of a merchant. Though, after hearing what Carlyn had to say about it, she quickly decided it was rather boring—the same conclusion her canine companion had evidently reached." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She nodded and listened to Carlyn as she spoke, letting out a quiet hum as she considered something.*\"Mmmhm.. You two plan on doing merc work more often? Could put together a company.\" *She suggested, itching the base of her horns.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "At the suggestion, the Ursinoid woman paused. She wasn't really sure what that would actually entail. But she tended to associated organize business with exploitation. After a moment or two, she spoke up for clarification. \"A Company? How would that work?\" The Ursinoid wondered, glancing to Sivne with her icy blue eyes." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Travel together and take contracts. Used to run with a merc band in the federation. We get equal pay and make sure we're all equipped right.\" *She clarified with a nod.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"That doesn't sound so bad...\" Sonja replied with a cautious nod, casting an idle glance towards their companion to hear what she thought of such an idea. It was a good idea for the future, at the very least." }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"Sounds like a lot of fun, actually. I've already enjoyed my time with you two thus far, so I don't see why not.\" Carlyn replied, although was far less cautious with the thought of it all. She was eager to travel with people, as was expected from a dog. Carlyn likes people. She likes company. Her entire battle prowess excels within groups." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She continued to feed the fire, nodding after the two of them seemed to agree.* \"Mmh. If you both want in, should talk about about the details. The name, *Ethics*, that stuff.\" *She tucked her knife away and stretched her arms above her head.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*The Ursinoid nodded slowly. It all sounded good to her. They seemed to work well together.* \"I'm in.\" *She said simply, not entirely sure where to go from there.*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Good. Anything that comes to mind that you refuse to do?\" *She asked with a curious gaze. There wasn't much that Sivne wouldn't do, personally, but she knew making a group was give and take.*" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"I don't want to... Kill people, if I can help it. Monsters, sure, but.. *People*. With lives and families, jobs and friends. If I can help it, I don't want to kill anybody. I'd rather just talk it out, and if that doesn't work, take them by force.\" Carlyn said. She was likely the only one who *Had* Any sort of problems with killing people. Sivne had no problem, as stated before, and Sonja was a mercenary who probably had before. But this merchant? Never. And she didn't want to." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mmh. You want to be a merc, got to accept it. You get paid to kill someone, you go and do it. Can't save everyone's life, and in a battle you have to chop a few heads so your friends make it out alive. We can avoid taking contracts like that, if you want.\" *She shrugged a little.*" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"Preferably, thank you.\" She replied with a relieved sigh.\n\"In the chance that we... Do have to kill someone, I'm not going to do it unless I absolutely have to.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mm.. You'll get over it. Anyway, I'm bad at naming things. Got any suggestions?\" *She asked, looking to the two of them.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*Sonja simply shrugged at the ask of whether there was anything she didn't want to do. The brawny Beastkin woman wasn't exactly picky. But it seemed they had already moved on to names.* \"...Do we *Need* A name?\" *It didn't seem like a major necessity to her.*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She shrugged.* \"Not really. Mmmm. The group i ran with had a name at least. We don't need one.\" *She shrugged. She reached over for her greatsword and whetstone, dousing the stone and began sharpening her blade.*" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"I'm sure we can come up with something cute or cool eventually. It takes time to come up with things like that, y'know?\"\n\nShe hadn't really thought about a company name. The idea had never crossed her mind, and while she was adamant about going forward with it, a name had slipped her mind. Then again, ``Those Without Names`` was rather cool in its own regard. Made them seem mysterious or something of that ilk." } ]
[ { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She let out a yawn and streched her arms.* \"Mmh, it'll come natually i guess.\" *She took out a flask and took a swig of it.* \"Think it's time to hit the hay.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*Sonja seemed to be infected by Sivne's yawn and was soon yawning herself. She nodded in agreement with the comment from them.* \"Well, I'm not particularly picky... We can always decide later.\" *The Ursinoid reminded them.* \"For now... I'm content to get some rest.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"I'll keep watch for a few hours.\" Carlyn said, sitting back up in the grass and letting her eyes wander towards the forest line. She hadn't known of the risk — if there even was any — of Mentian forests. Not only was she not from a *Forest*, but she had never been camping before. At least, not in settings where someone needs to keep watch. She figured she would offer because she wasn't tired." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mmh. Shifts is a good idea. You take first shift, wake Sonja up for second shift and i'll take third.\" *She said before shuffling back into her tent.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*Sonja nodded in agreement, then found a spot in the grass to get some rest.*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mmh. Night.\" *Sivne said before shuffling back into her tent properly and laid down, closing her eyes to get some rest. She let out a quiet yawn before falling asleep quickly.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*After finding a healer for Sonja and leaving the cave Sivne would head straight for their temporary accomodation. She found their room and picked out a bed, silently dropping onto it with a grunt. She began to remove her armour and glance to the other two.*" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "Carlyn had taken the room across from Sivne, taking her armaments and leaning them against the wall. Her shortspear and boarspear were definitely intimidating outside of the Kemonomimi's hands — it's hard to believe that such a cheery and cute woman would wield such a weapon so fiercely and effectively, but alas, that is the world we live in.\n\nHer armor was off next. She had been wearing some pretty ordinary clothes for a merchant underneath. Finally free from the grips of her armor, she gave a stretch and a yawn, cracking her back and neck." }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "Thankfully, the mangled leg Sonja had been afflicted by earlier was quickly healed up—all for the *Paltry* Sum of 250 silver. Weeks earlier, the Beastkin woman would have gawked at such an amount. But this whole mercenary thing seemed to be paying off. She could spare that much for something so critical to her well-being. Though the brawny half-bear lady still seemed rather under the weather and thoroughly exhausted, her leg was functional. She was able to walk and accompany the rest of her group to their accommodations. Upon reaching the room, Sonja discarded her armor and unceremoniously fell upon the remaining bed. Rest at last." }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "Carlyn drifted towards Sivne's room, sticking her head in the doorway and looking towards her companion.\n\"Do you mind if I come in?\" She asked. There wasn't any particular reason as to why she wanted to come in, other than she rather being around people than being alone in her room." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She was halfway through taking off her armour by that point, thankfully clothed underneath.* \"Mmmhm. Come in.\" *She kept her door open so Sonja would hear them talking.* \"Tough fight.\" *She said, her equipment haphazardly dumped on the bed.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "The rather worn Sonja was not exactly eager to converse and more keen on resting than anything else. But she was still learning about the trade and figured lending an ear could be useful. Slowly, she rose from her bed and gravitated towards Carlyn and Sivne, likely lingering in or just outside the doorway. The clothes she wore now weren't rags per se, but still plain an of a rather low quality." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She glanced over to Sonja and motioned with her head for her to come in. She shuffled up on the bed incase either of them wanted to sit, tossing her backpack on tbe floor.*" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"Aye.\" Carlyn replied with a gentle sigh, taking a seat on the floor against the wall. She, herself, still didn't feel particularly great after such a fight. Only, she was fortunate to not have been gravely wounded like Sonja had been. The pain of burns rung true, but she counted her blessing nonetheless. \n\n\"At least we all made it out alive, and made some valuable allies in the process.\" Carlyn said optimistically, giving a glance to the doorway, \"And we know now one of us speaks amongst them. It's odd, not knowing a language. Sonja is gonna have to teach it to me some time or another.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "Sonja reluctantly slipped into the room behind Carlyn at the motions from Sivne. She too, however, sat herself on the floor up against the wall—probably across from Carlyn. All things considered, the battle had concluded in their favor, if only barely. That was good. She nodded in agreement.\n\n\"It's... A Magic thing.\" The Beastkin women remarked with a soft chuckle. She would have certainly been clueless if not for that. The bear women wasn't fluent in mushroom, after all. Sonja had had a good instructor. \"An ally with knowledge of the caves may prove indispensable.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"I mean, I can probably learn magic. If you can, I don't see why I can't. Kemonomimis are known for their... Magical stuff, I think. I don't know, none of my family were ever magicians. We sell stuff, not practice magic.\" Carlyn suggested, giving a sly smile towards Sonja. She's going to talk her into it rather she likes it or not. Carlyn is... Very good at convincing people to do things." }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*She raised an eyebrow, not having expected Carlyn to double down. But ultimately, Sonja shrugged noncommittally.* \"You may possess the capacity, but I'm no mage...\" *One of her bear ears twitched idly.* \"To learn it properly, I suspect you would need a more adept magic user.\" *That wasn't to say she didn't mind trying. But if that ever came to pass, she didn't want to pretend it would go smoothly.*" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"I see. I think you'd be a good teacher, but that's probably why you're the teacher and not me. You *Know* If you can be a teacher, and if you say you can't then... Well. Y'know.\"\n\nShe rubbed the back of her head and gave a small shrug. The thought mulled over with her, but honestly, she would likely try to pursue it later on." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*A quiet rumble came from Sivne as she listened to the two talk about magic. She personally felt disdain for most mages, but most of her criticisms she had didn't apply to either of them. She finally finnished removing her hoof armour and set it aside before stretching her arms with a loud grunt.* \"Better to focus on hand to hand combat.\" *She seemed pretty good after that fight compared to the others, owing to her considerable durability and natural racial resistance to pain.* \"You both did good. Mmh. We just need to make sure we do better next time. Need to think things through about how we fight as a team.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*The Beastkin woman shrugged. She didn't really agree with Carlyn. But somehow, Sonja suspected that wouldn't be enough to discourage their determined companion.* \"I don't really understand how it works. I just had a good teacher.\" *She explained with a small sigh.*\n\n*Her icy gaze shifted back to Sivne as the larger of them spoke up. Focusing on combat didn't seem like a bad thing. Though she hadn't the slightest ideas where to start. Team tactics? Sonja mused for a moment, then nodded.* \"Sure.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"We get bottled up in tight spaces, and i'm no use in a chase with all this gear. I can storm a room and charge a line. Mmh.. Got to think about how we handle big groups and chokepoints.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"I want to be more of a help.\" Carlyn contributed. The way she presented it seemed off, though, considering she *Was* A good help most of the time. It took her a few moments of silence to finally grasp what she wanted to say.\n\n\"I want to protect you two. And not in a... Hero and damsel sort of way. As fellow soldiers. Compatriots. To take up my shield and spear and prevent enemies from harming you, while you two work your way in and deal as much damage to our enemies as possible.\"\n\nShe looked a bit disgruntled, staring at the floor and tucking her knees to her chest, and stating, \"Seeing you get so heavily injured was something I could've prevented. I should've gone to help when I had the chance, but I was bold and tried to continue my assault.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"No, chasing their mage was the priority. Only you could catch them in a chase and if left unchecked would've killed us all.\" *She said, trying to ease any guilt Carlyn had.* \"In the future when we're dealing with a split number of enemies and no priority like that, it's best if you two stick together. I've got armour, a big shield and thick skin, mmh. I can survive for a while against a lot of enemies.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"Doesn't change the fact that I still feel really bad about it, but... Thank you, Sivne. It helps a lot knowing there was something that I *Did* Do that changed the course of battle. I dunno, I guess I just... Kind of feel helpless sometimes compared to you two. You're both trained in your craft, and I'm... Well, a merchant. But I'm gonna do my best to keep up with you two.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"We needed your assistance. You are a valuable member of the team.\" *Sonja reiterated with a small nod. She wasn't the greatest with tactics and strategy, but even she knew that Carlyn had helped dispatch a number of enemies. Given how close the battle had been, without her aid... Well, everyone had made it out in the end, that was what mattered.*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"You're still learning.\" *She grunted and shuffled back onto her bed, putting her feet up and sitting up against the wall.* \"I was born for this kind of work, it comes natural. Still, need to figure out what we do in that kind of situation. Think you both should buy a bow or a javelin.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"I've got my knifes for throwing if I ever need to use ranged, but... Honestly, I think having a javelin would be nice. I already have a short spear, too, if I ever need to throw something big. I've never really considered it though, I'm pretty quick on my feet and can rush down opponents when needed.\" Carlyn replied, letting her knees fall away from her chest and back towards the ground. She had relaxed quite a bit with the knowing that her companions had faith in her. It made her feel a little less like a fish out of water." }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*Sonja didn't much like the thought of fighting from the back. But that was certainly better than not fighting at all. She nodded at the suggestion, contemplating what sort of weapon would be appropriate for her. Perhaps a Javelin? The Beastkin woman would need to investigate that further.* \"Right... I only have melee weapons at the moment. I can try to find something with more range.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mmh. Just something to throw in. It beats not doing anything at all. I'd get some, but i'm more suited to charging head on.\" *She stretched her arms behind her head with a groan.* \"We did fine though, lot of enemies back there.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*After finishing the business with the shroommen, Sivne went back to the room and dropped into bed, immidiately undoing her armour and tossing it onto the usual pile.* \"Mkf. I don't like charity.\"" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "Ildi followed Sivne and presumably the others up until they were entering rooms, at that point realizing she ought to buy her own room. \"Well, it's not necessarily charity. There will be loot, I presume... I'll need to get a room for the night, but I'll also have a drink. Would any of you like to join me?\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"We have a house we've been staying at, if you want to stay there with us. Also, Ildi, do you speak Hasaapian? That's the tongue we usually speak, especially when we're in town.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Just stay in one of our rooms.\" *Sivne said with a grunt, stretching as she got out of her armour. She scratched the back of her neck.* \"I'll go for a drink in a bit.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*The Beastkin woman arrived back at their inn, and soon found her way back to her room. There, she quickly took off her own armor and set aside the crossbow.* \"Hmm... We'll need to get some supplies at some point.\" *She idly commented.*" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "\"Oh, share a room? I'd be very glad to save some money, so yes, if any of you are willing... No, I don't speak Hasaapian though. Merely Common and Menti.\" \n\nIldi was quite ready to drink, and rested her lance down in Sivne's room for now." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"You can share with me if you want, I don't care. Or cuddle Sonja at night, she'd like that.\" *Sivne said with a grin as she looked at Sonja. She stood up and pat herself down, grabbing a bar of soap from her backpack.* \"I'm going to clean up then join you for drinks. Mmh..\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*Sonja looked like she had been about to say something else when Sivne make their playful remark. The brawny bear woman shot her comrade a icy glare, though didn't protest or object. Her eventual reply was one of indifference.* \"...Double up with whomever you like. Money saved on rooms means more supplies for the future.\"" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "\"I see... I think my best chance of getting sleep might be with you, Sivne, but it seems as if it would be cramped between the two of us. Either way, I'll be in the tavern, and we can sort this later, no?\" Ildi went towards the door, looking between the two before heading down to the inn." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*Sivne shrugged, it didn't bother her anyway, though wasn't entirely sure why she'd sleep better with her in perticular. As they went for the inn Sivne went off to the river to go and clean herself off, joining them later.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "It seemed things were settled then. Sonja went about more properly stowing her weapons, notably leaning off the blades used by the mushroom people, before eventually venturing down to perhaps get a drink with the others.*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*Sivne would eventually head into the inn, grab a beer and move to sit down at the table she's practically claimed for the group.*" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "By the time the two were down, Ildi had already gotten herself two mugs, one of which was empty. The other was in her hand, and she sipped as she watched them come down and gave a small wave." }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "The bear woman gave Ildi a nod in return and, after acquiring a beer of her own, went to sit at the table Sivne had claimed for them. She motioned for Ildi to follow, figuring there was no point in anyone sitting alone. They were a team now, after all." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She was sat down on the sturdiest chair in the room and took a big swig right away, wiping her mouth with her sleeve after.* \"Mmh. That frog seemed dumber than normal. Can't wait to kill goblins again.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "Sonja nodded in agreement as she took a far swig of her own drink. \"It... Appeared oblivious to the fact we were attacking it...\" The Ursinoid shook her head. Perhaps it had brain damage or something. \"At any rate, it seems spiders are next.\"" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "Ildi walked over to the two and sat down, sipping away at her beer as if without stopping. \"The frog... That was embarrassing. I'll do better with the spiders, though.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"You're new. Mmh. You just need training. I wasn't watching you to see how skilled you are, what I care about is your willingness to fight.\" *She drank more beer.* \"Gear needs an upgrade.. Mmpfh. Do you even have any potions?\" *She asked with a grunt.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "At the remarks from Sivne, she nodded in agreement. Frankly, Sonja wasn't sure she would have been able to take the giant frog down solo either. \"We should definitely pick some but before we venture against those spiders... The Mushroom men want us to clear out an entire nest alongside them.\"" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "\"I'll continue to fight, of course. This is a living, after all.\" She put down her mug, and then doing some accounting in her head, she shook her head. \"No, I have no potions, so I'll have to get some too. I can cast healing magic, so that shouldn't be too urgent, but what else...\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Melee training first thing tomorrow morning. I'll show you how to parry and counter attack properly.\" *She stated, and wasn't going to take no for an answer.* \"I don't know whats special about these spiders, luckily dumb insects won't try to pick my shield up and run off.\"" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "\"Training, mmm... Where did you two learn to fight? And any magic, if you know it.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"Melee will be important, especially in the close quarters of a tunnel.\" Sonja idly remarked. \"...I was trained how to hunt and fight by my tribe. I don't use magic—bar that little trick I used to communicate with the Shroomen.\" She explained with a small nod." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She let out a grunt.* \"Are you asking for a location or for war stories? Bah. I'm from the federation, used to run with a warband from my tribe. We lived on the border, mostly fought off local raids, did some light banditry, trafficked slaves, mmh, the usual. Was a freelance mercenary before I met Sonja and Carlyn.\"" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "\"I see, so both of you just from experience. Now you're a group. That works well. I once had a sparring teacher but was taught magic as a child. There was a point where I... Couldn't, so I started adventuring.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"We all start somewhere.\" *Sivne was a little surprised that her casually stating her part in the slave trade was glossed over, funny that.* \"I can't help you with magic, but I can whip you into shape for hand to hand combat. Mmh. You'll get there.\"" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "\"Hand to hand seems quite intimidating. You do mean with a weapon, yes?\" She tilted her head at Sivne, as there was no way someone of her posture could reach Sivne's level." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"You don't need to know how to wrestle. But mmhm, with a weapon.\" *She nodded.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "Sonja seemed to go quiet. She took another drink from her mug of beer, pondering over the information she had obtained. \"...You ought to have some recourse if an enemy gets too close for your liking.\"" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "\"Regardless, Sivne, thank you.\" Ildi looked to Sonja, giving a shrug. \"True as that may be, a small knife is still sharp enough for me to have confidence in it.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She nodded and raised her mug, taking a swig.* \"Need a good hammer too, something to break skulls open.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "The Beastkin nodded and shrugged at Ildi's comment. She understood where they were coming from. But even so. \"It doesn't hurt to get a little extra practice. Could mean the difference between life and death if it comes to that.\"" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "\"What could you want in someone else's skull? Their brain?\" She finished off the remainder of her drink, waving the bartender for a refill. \"I suppose your right. Although, anyone would be above me in fists.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Crack it open, drink from it.\" *She finished off her drink and called over one for herself.* \"Mmh.. So, Silnarian, where are you from?\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "Sonja continued so sip her beer idly, somewhat amused at the rapid rate at which the new gal seemed to consuming drink. \"...And do you have a name?\" Sonja added, now realizing she didn't know if." }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "Somewhere in the meantime, Carlyn had head back to the house. She was practicing, as per usual, but strangely it wasn't her flute. She was reviewing some new defensive ordinations she'd been working on. It was ways to protect herself, sure, but more importantly her allies. Frontrunner fighters who battled on the foreground of any situation, charging headlong into combat with a will to protect and the nerve to die trying. The ``Vanguard``, who'd so bravely risk life and limb to protect their allies - provided an enemy could even break one's defense enough to do such a thing. It inspired her, like a dog protecting its master, to perfect such techniques with ruthless studying and practice. \n\nShe hadn't accompanied her party because she wasn't fond of drinking, despite being a Brewer. It wasn't the taste, or even the buzz. Like most people, she was quite fond of both. It was the after-effects the following morning that she disdained. Thus, she avoided drinking when she could." }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "\"Ah... That's an acquired taste.\" Ildi had nothing else to say, she felt, that wouldn't offend Sivne. She was ready for the slave trade, not for brain drinking. \"Where I'm from?\" She hesitated for a moment, before responding: \"Iluot. And my apologies, I thought I introduced myself earlier. I'm Ildilnytra. And what was your name?\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mmh. Was a joke.\" *She said in reference to the drinking from skulls part.* \"I'm Sivne, that's Sonja and Carlyn was the other one. What's an Iluot anyway?\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"...Good to meet you, Ildilnytra.\" She replied with a nod. It was hard not to grin a bit too—The Silnarian seemed to have taken Sivne's remark a little too seriously." }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "\"Ah, a joke. I'm sorry that I took you seriously, then.\" Ildi took a sip of her now full cup, her voice getting quieter as time went on. \"Iluot? It's only a town. I'm glad to have met you as well, Sonja, if leaving Iluot has brought me anything. Do the two of you - and three, say Carlyn, make a living just on adventuring?\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"I'm a merc, professional. Sonja's newer on the job but good at handling a weapon. Carlyn's a pain in the ass, moralist, too useful to have around for me to consider eating her though.\" *It was hard to tell with the usually dry and monotone way if speaking if Sivne actually thought she was a pain in the ass or not.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"...I'm a hunter.\" *Sonja clarified succinctly. She didn't have much to add at the moment, but seemed to appreciate the endorsement of her combat skills. Though Sonja could do more than just kill things. Probably.*" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "\"Moralist, hm...\" Ildi's brain now skipped right over the possibility that Sivne wasn't joking. \"I advertise as a traveling doctor, although this is what I truly do most of the time.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mmmh. Been a merc for long?\" *She took another swig of beer when it was brought over, leaning back in her chair with an audible creak.*" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "\"Not as long as you, obviously. For most of it though, I heal people.\" Ildi slouched, drinking away as she got comfortable in her chair, but seemingly not so much as Sivne." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mm. So, you use that little flame spitter of yours in a fight, should get other weapons too.\" *She commented on what she saw earlier.*" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "\"I see. A sword, then? Though, that's pretty close to the enemy, and I'm sure there's more skilled persons out there, even if I already know the bare minimum.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "Eventually, Sonja finished her drink and was beginning to feel somewhat tired. After bidding the others farewell, she headed back upstairs to their rooms to get some rest. But en route, she noticed Carlyn had left their door ajar! Remembering that they hadn't come down to drink with them, Sonja decided to investigate. She gave the door a brisk knock, choosing not to peak inside until she heard a reply from Carlyn." }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "Somewhere in the meantime, Carlyn has completely worn herself out with studying, training, and likely musical practice. For a moment after Sonja's knock, it seemed like there wouldn't be an answer, though in due time the Dog finally called back, \"Come in! I'm here.\"\n\nHer room was kind of a studious mess. Books at her desk, small piles of silver and forms here and there. Seems that after all this time, she was still managing her parent's business. It was likely state taxes that she was handling, and the money she had wasn't her own. It was probably sent from their shop all the way in Kadho, and her task was simply to sort it out into piles for the taxing - as well as any mathematics that came inbetween. Another one of her plethora of talents was shown; maths.\n\nEven beyond that, there were a few books of war. Guides of how to do certain things. Such and such that would prepare her for further battling.\nAnd even *Further* Beyond that was music books that hadn't even been opened tonight. Carlyn had already worn herself out with business and training. The Dog herself was laying on her bed, although she had sat up when Sonja came in, giving her a (tired) smile and a wave.\n\n\"How've you been? Did you have fun with Sivne and the new girl?\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "At the prompting from Carlyn, Sonja slowly pushed open the door and stepped inside. She was immediately confronted with all the studious mess that was strewn about. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing—It was just a stark contrast to Sonja's room. Clearly, Carlyn had been working and studying hard for... Something. But before the brawny Beastkin woman could remark on it, Carlyn beat her to the punch. Sonja blinked, then nodded slowly, turning her ice blue gaze towards the other adventurer. \n\n\"...It was alright, I suppose. The new girl, Ildilnytra, seems to drink even more than Sivne.\"\n\nThe comment brought the hint of a smile to her otherwise serious expression. She wouldn't have guessed such a prim and proper Silnarian mage would be so found of drinking. But looks could be deceiving, Sonja supposed.\n\n\"What have you been up to here? Studying hard?\"\n\nShe raised a quizzical eyebrow, motioning towards the books." }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"A bit of studying.\"\n\nThe response seemed almost comedic - obviously, it was less so studying and more so working. The Dog looked towards her desk and mumbled something under her breath, before saying more audibly, \"I've been working from afar. I'm still a merchant, after all. I'm still bound to my job regardless of where I am. And beyond that, I *Was* Studying on combat techniques. I want to try and learn how to defend you guys, as well as myself.\"\n\nCarlyn stood up and gave a bit of a dramatic stretch, letting out a long and droning groan.\n\n\"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I wish I could have come, but I had to do my taxing and imports. Figured I might as well studying combat and music while I was here, since it'd be a bit awkward if I just... Showed up at the bar after leaving home unannounced.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "As Carlyn talked about what she had been working on, Sonja nodded slowly and took it all in. She did seem somewhat amused with the initial response. It was certainly more studying than Sonja would have ever considered \"A bit.\" But perhaps Carlyn spent a lot of time studying when she was back at home? Sonja didn't question it.\n\n\"Keeping on top of your commitments is important.\" Sonja reaffirmed with a solemn nod. \"I'm sure your studying will pay off. I should probably practice with my new crossbow more too...\"\n\nAfter a brief pause, Sonja continued.\n\n\"What makes you think the people back home would notice if you went a bar with some friends?\"\n\nWhile part of her understood the hesitation, she also found it hard to comprehend how anyone would know to look for Carlyn here, seeing how she had lead unannounced. But perhaps there was more at play here than Sonja realized." }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"Some sort of... Guilty intuition, I guess. I just feel bad, spending all my time with you guys instead of taking care of my responsibilities. I've been letting this work pile up for a few weeks now - they send me taxing and sales from Kadho every week. It's not much, and should only take me two hours per delivery, but I haven't stayed on top of it due to being worn out from questing and practicing. My parents were always really strict about me staying on top of the business - they wanted me to take over for them when they're too old to work. I still intend to, but they're not too old yet, so I've got a few years to do what I *Really* Want to do.\"\n\nCarlyn, as she spoke, averted her eyes a bit towards to work on the desk and then towards the floor. She definitely seemed to be upset about having put it off so long. Her time was well-spent questing and adventuring, talking and drinking, but her responsibilities of work had been severely curbed. \n\n\"I'll go out with you lot next time, but I just... Had to get this done tonight. Took me about 4 hours of going as fast as possible. I'm not even sure all of my math was correct.\"\nA sort of chuckling sigh was given, and she looked back up to Sonja with this small grin.\n\n\"It's too much fun, being with you three. It makes it hard for me to focus on the stuff I *Don't* Want to do.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "The large Beastkin Ursinoid remained silent while Carlyn explained what had been bothering her about all the work. Sonja wouldn't have pretend to understand how to run a business. But she did know that the burden of unfinished responsibilities could weigh greatly on one's conscious. That seemed to be exactly what was happening here with Carlyn. Well, more or less. Hearing Carlyn agree to hang out with them next time, Sonja nodded slowly and spoke up.\n\n\"Your commitment to fulfilling such responsibilities, even while away from home, is certainly admirable.\" The brawny bear lady commented. \"If you are ever overwhelmed with things like this in the future, I would be happy to lend my assistance.\" She insisted with a brief nod. \"We are a team, we work together. No one should feel left out... I look forward to your company in the future.\" Of course, what aid Sonja could actually provide on complicated topics such as math and finance was probably dubious at best. But it was the thought that counts, right?\n\n\"Besides the business work stuff... Are there other things you don't want to do that we distract you from?\" Sonja wondered cautiously, glancing about the room." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Always good to have more options in a fight.\" She gave a nod to Sonja when she got up and left. Sivne looked to be in thought for a moment, staring at empty space infront of her.*" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"Thank you, Sonja. I'll remember that. For now, though, there's really not much you can help with unless you want to try learning the flute. It'd be... Definitely fun to watch you try to play an instrument.\"\n\nCarlyn look a look over at her relatively small flute case sat on top of her books. She had been playing at least since she joined up with her party, probably for not much longer. She wasn't the best by any means, but she was the most skilled of the four." }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "Ildilnytra offered a nod, finishing off her fizzy drink before putting it down, and idly twiddling her thumbs. \"So... How much would you like for the training? Coin, that is.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"You're with us now, i'm not making you pay me for it. Don't start giving me ideas though.\" *She smirked a little and set her tankard down, having enough to drink.*" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "\"Understood. Thank you very much, Sivne...\" Ildi gave her head a small bow, leaning back into her chair and thinking now. She had been unaware prior that she had joined the merry gang of folk but wasn't opposed to it in the slightest. \"So, tomorrow... What business did you have to clear up in 'town', if you don't mind?\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Buy equipment for this run in the caves. I don't like doing work for free, so i'm certainly not dying for free. We need to get you kitted up anyway.\"" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "\"Kitted up? With what, exactly?\" She titled her head, before looking herself up and down. \"Aside from something for close range, I would think I'm all set.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"Thank you, Sonja. I'll remember that. For now, though, there's really not much you can help with unless you want to try learning the flute. It'd be... Definitely fun to watch you try to play an instrument.\" Carlyn look a look over at her relatively small flute case sat on top of her books. She had been playing at least since she joined up with her party, probably for not much longer. She wasn't the best by any means, but she was the most skilled of the four.\n\nAt the rather strange request, Sonja raised an inquisitive eyebrow and glanced towards the instrument case. She wasn't familiar with such things in the slightest. And moreover, the brawny bear lady struggled to see how this would be of assistance to her companion. It didn't occur to her that fun might be the primary objective.\n\n\"Play the flute...?\" Sonja repeated skeptically, glancing back to Carlyn. \"...Are you sure this would help the situation?\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Potions, you could do with a small shield, all that stuff.\" *She tapped the table and stood up with a stretch.* \"Mmh, i'm going to head back fo the room. We're sharing then, mmh?\"" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "\"Mmmm... I suppose so.\" Ildi looked around, before stumbling onto her feet and preparing to follow. \"Thank you for sharing, Sivne.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She gave a nod and went to trot back to the house.* \"It's fine.\" *She said as she walked off with her in tow.*" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "Ildi went along quietly behind Sivne, giving a yawn when pausing at the door." } ]
[ { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"Well... It wouldn't, really. Actually, not at all. The idea of you playing a flute is funny though, since it's such a small and delicate instrument and you're anything *But* That. I guess seeing Sivne play it would be even funnier.\"\n\nCarlyn thought for a moment, trying to picture the idea of Sivne with the tiny instrument in her hands. It simply did not compute with her - in fact, she doubted the giant bull could even play it at all. Her hands were probably *Way* Too big.\n\n\"Anyhow, it's... Not that big of a deal. For now, I think it's in both of our interests to relax a bit. We've had a lot to do in the past few weeks. A lot of fighting, a lot of... Winning. We just got a new member, and we've still got to sort of who's going to sleep when she gets back with Sivne.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"I suppose...\" Sonja blinked, glancing back to the flute, then back to Carlyn again. Part of her was tempted to try this, as it seemed like some sort of challenge now. But another part of her didn't appreciate being a source of amusement. She had had quite enough of that in Upper Mentia, not fond memories. But Sonja didn't dwell on it.\n\n\"Relaxing... Yes. We need to gather our strength so we can battle those spiders, and beat them too.\" The brawny Beastkin remarked with a nod. Their team had done a lot so far, and there was still a ways to go by the sound of things!\n\n\"...It sounded like Ildilnytra planned to sleep with Sivne.\" Sonja commented, having over heard some of their past conversation. \"Though, Sivne didn't seem the particularly thrilled by it.\" The Ursinoid shrugged, before remarking with a small chuckle, \"It's save even more coin if we all slept in one room.\" Of course, that seemed unlikely to please anyone but their wallets." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*Sivne would come trotting into the house with Ildi in tow, trotting up the stairs and humming, heading into her room and leaving the door opening.* \"Mmh, evening.\" *As she passed by Sonja and Carlyn's room.*" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "Ildi followed in after Sivne, giving a wide wave to Carlyn and Sonja before she entered the room. \"I feel as if I could sleep for years...\"" } ]
[ { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "Celebration! Big victory! Wanwanwan!\n\nCarlyn had introduced her arse to a chair, and was taking out her excitement on the damn flute. It's probably the hardest she's ever played - she really needs to get a new instrument to go ham on. The flute can only go so hard, and yet somehow Carlyn makes it go even harder than it should. \n\nAfter a quick burst of playing, she let out this resounding laugh followed by a rough, \"FfFFUCK YEAH!\"\n\nLanguage like that was not particularly expected from the dog, but she's hype as fuck. This was the first really *Major* Victory she had ever had in her otherwise mundane life." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"I'm still mad they broke my shield.\" *She grumbled.* \"I like that shield, brought it with me all these years. I'd sacrifice any one of you for another run out with that shitty old board.\" *She said as a joke, mostly. She grumbled and dropped down into a seat.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*It was somewhat amusing to see the contrast between the jubilant Carlyn and rather glum Sivne. But Sonja did not remark on it.* \"...Hey, I think you're getting better.\" *She remarked to Carlyn with a small chuckle at their intense flute playing. The bear lady promptly plopped into a seat near Sivne.* \"With all the silver we gained... I'm sure a worthy substitute will be within your grasp.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"It's not the same, I liked that shield.\" *She grumbled.* \"There's a lot we could buy now, though.\"" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "Ildi stepped away from her lamp she placed on the ground, taking a seat next to the others and stretching. \"True. We did a good job today, I think. About your shield, though, couldn't you try and get it repaired?\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"We could buy a whole damn castle!\"\n. . .\n\"Okay, maybe not that much, but still! There's so much we can do now! We've got so much money! We don't have to stay in this cramped place anymore, if we don't want! Although it's free housing so why not but, ah, I just... I can't find the words.\"\n\nCarlyn stood up and set her flute on the chair behind her.\nEars are straight forward, tail is blitzing, and the look on her face suggests nothing but pure joy." }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"It's in splinters.\" *She grumbled again.* \"Our contract's running out, might want to think about getting a renewal or moving on from this town, assuming you all are still interested in us being in a group.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*Sonja nodded in agreement with the assertions from Carlyn, trying and failing to hide a small grin. The Beastkin lady had never expected to amass such wealth in so short a time. Evidently, this mercenary thing was quite lucrative.*\n\n\"...Maybe you could find a blacksmith to make a new shield with pieces of your old one?\" *Sonja suggested to Sivne.* \"We've got enough silver that someone is bound to take up the challenge.\"\n\n\"And we've yet to assist the Shroommen with their exploratory efforts.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"Sivne. It's okay. The shield saved your life, and that was it's purpose.\"\n\nCarlyn had walked up to give Sivne a pat on the head, but uh... She can't even reasonably pat her on the shoulder.\n\n\"The next one will serve the same purpose, and potentially do it way better, and I need to buy some armor cause this old piece of junk isn't cutting it anymore. We're getting stronger, and smarter, and wealthier. We're progressing in life. I can't - I just... I never saw myself being here.\n\nA-And don't even for a *Second* Suggest we are going apart from each other. Hell no! *Fuck* No! I decree it! If any of you leave us, I will personally hunt you down and make you come back. We're a team. We're better together than we are apart.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She let out a groan and leaned back, going quiet for a moment.* \"Mmh... Damn, I was good back there, barely got through to me.\" *A soft smile came to her face as it finally set in how good of a fight that was.* \"I had fun, fun with you lot.\" *She admitted, in an unusually warm tone.*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*The mercenary had seen the party walking to the house, recognizing not one, but two people there. He had met Carlyn before in the city. He had met Sonja in the forest. But what he didn't know was that the two were working together, along with two other unknowns. Livio decided to walk up to the door, knocking on it.*" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "Ringa ringa, Carlyn pauses and looked towards the stairway down.\n\n\"I'll get that. Must be the payment. Give me a sec.\"\n\nCarlyn went to the door and opened it without second thought, having expected it to be some sort of representative coming with their money." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Carlyn!\"\n\n*It was not, indeed, a representative for the money. It was instead wandering mercenary Livio Glace, dressed in white and brown. The only weapon on him was his knife that he had bought from the dog kemonomimi. Said mercenary also reached over to Carlyn, giving her some headpats.*\n\n\"I haven't seen you in a while! Is that Sonja too? You guys work together?\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "Slight disappointment was immediately subsided with great happiness, and the dog looked at the man who was (for once) *Not* Well over a foot and a half taller than her or more.\n\nCarlyn give this huge grin and didn't speak, although she did hug the man and let him inside. Then, she welcomed him in and said, \"Yeah. We've got a company, and everything! Come, I'll introduce you to the other two. I didn't know you knew Sonja.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*Sivne overheard the talking from downstairs and remained seated, leaning back against the wall. She didn't take off her armour just yet, not entirely sure who Carlyn was inviting into the house, she put a leg upon the bed and relaxed, her sword next to her.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*Sonja had be quietly following the conversation, lost in her own thoughts, when suddenly she heard the knocking. Whomst? The brawny bear lady glanced into the hallway as Carlyn let in someone she apparently knew. But then, Sonja realized she recognized the voice. And they recognized her too? Wait, it was the snow man! Well... Errr, Livio. Right. She gave the figure a nod, motioning them over.*" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"It's a friend of mine! I mean, our's, Sonja. Sivne, Idli, this is Livio. Livio - Sivne and Ildi. We've got quite a varied band here, y'know.\"\n\nA band consisting of an almost 8 foot tall bull, an almost 7 foot tall bear, an almost 6 foot tall elf, and a barely 5'4 dog.\n\nCrazy." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*Accepting the hug, Livio slowly stepped inside the house. He was completely unarmored and only minimally armed; carrying around an arbalest all the time was not fun. He waved to the bear, then to the other two. One seemed to be a Brayer, and the other an elf. Both female. Interesting.*\n\n\"Hi there! I'm Livio.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*As he came inside Sivne decided to stand up to great him. The brayer was an absolute beast physically, 7'8ft tall, without even a hint of macenization and arms the size of most people's heads. She probably looked like Sonja's bigger sister, just a bull.* \"Mmh, you know Carlyn and Sonja?\" *She asked with a bit of a grunt, crossing her arms.*" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "Ildi watched as the man approached, a normal human, it seemed. As Livio waved, she now returned with a small bow of her head, still seated.\n\n\"I'm Ildilnytra. It's a pleasure to meet you. I recently met the others, presuming you know all three of them?\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"I do indeed! I met Carlyn in the city when she convinced me to buy a knife. And Sonja in the forest. I almost shot her, but fortunately we were able to talk it out.\"\n\n*Holy fuck the brayer was tall. A little less than a foot taller than he was.*\n\n*Livio bows to Ildilnytra. He was going to have trouble pronouncing her name.*\n\n\"Nice to meet you as well, uh, may I call you Ildi? I know Sonja and Carlyn, but not...\"\n\n*The man gestured to the massive brayer in front of him.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*Sonja nodded slowly, observing the introductions unfolding. It seemed Carlyn had had a considerably less tense encounter with Livio. In any case, the bear lady was content to remain quiet for now, rather exhausted from their battle. Sure, she hadn't actually been taking blows. But wrenching back the mechanism of her Arbalest near nonstop was tiring. Speaking of which, she had an Arbalest, a new addition to her gear since she had met Livio.*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Sivne.\" *She grunted out her name. Her eyes seemed to be sizing him up, appraising him, unsure what to make of him just yet, giving him a look that'd be all too familiar to the other three.* \"Your voice, you sound like a local, never met a mentian with white hair that wasn't old.\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"You could say that.\"\n\n*Sivne. A much easier name to say and remember.*\n\n\"Well, it was always this way. No, it didn't turn white from stress.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"What brings you here then? Mmh, you live here?\" *She glances to her other companions who seem to have fallen quiet, then looks back to Livio, still curious to figure him out.*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Here? No, not really. I just wander about. I just saw Carlyn and Sonja walking with you guys; I didn't know you worked together.\"\n\n*Strolling by Sonja, he takes the opportunity to give her some headpats as well, before taking a seat on a nearby couch.*\n\n\"Seems like a party here.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mmhmn, we're a small merc band. I'm the group's battlemaster.\" *She goes to sit back down on her bed, noting the headpat and not commenting on it.* \"Us four live in here until our contract runs out.\"" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "\"I would be the mage. Although, I'm supposed to be a lancer for the most part.\" She saw that Carlyn and Livio were close, which is nice. \"I've been staying with Sivne, as I got a contract a bit late.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*Sonja didn't seem particularly amused by the sudden headpats. Sure, maybe privately it wasn't so bad, here she was in public with her coworkers! But despite wearing an expression that seemed to scream \"Watch out I bite,\" She did not elevate her objections beyond an icy glare.*\n\n\"...I'm our ranger, now.\" *She stated flatly, motioning over to an Arbalest of her own.*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*Livio was very amused by Sonja's glare. It seems that the people seemed to be multipurpose.*\n\n\"Ah, a ranged weapon. And taking after mine, in fact! Well balanced group, I like it.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"I'm the heavy hitter, if that wasn't obvious. We just killed a massive spider queen with some kind of brain melting screech, think it didn't like me.\" *Figuring he wasn't going to start a fight she decided to take off her plate armour.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*Sonja nodded slowly and managed a small smile at the comment from Livio.* \"It has... Come in handy. I didn't realize they made such heavy ranged weapons. Those spiders didn't stand a chance.\"" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "\"The spiders weren't exactly strong, no. Although, Sivne was quite fairly upset when one of them broke her shield, even if I don't exactly understand the emotional connection... Oh, and yes, Ildi works, I suppose?\" Ildi had decided to be perfectly friendly, wiping down the blade of her lance with a damp cloth." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Spiders? I remember those. Nasty if they get close. Shield? Did Sivne use a pavise?\"\n\n*Livio remembered his days of using a pavise. While he technically could still use one, he didn't like carrying them. At all.*\n\n\"Though I haven't heard of one that melts brains.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mmhm, carried that shield with me all the way from my home tribe all the way here, only for some stupid bug to break it. I'd kill to have it back.\" *She grumbled.* \"I still have my sword and hammer at least.\" *She paused for a moment.* \"Think it was a queen, it was a big one.\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"An old treasure from home huh? Wish I had one of those.\"\n\n*That was one thing Livio regretted in his life; not having a remembrance from home.*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"You're not too far from home. Mmh, at least you can go home.\" *She said with a hum, thinking for a moment. She finished taking off her armour and laid back on the bed, putting her feet up and her hands behind her head.*" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "Ildi silently nodded, thinking about her own home for a moment. She didn't say anything related to her own, though, simply taking off her lighter armor and setting it aside. \"This line of work certainly requires a disconnection from your family, doesn't it?\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*Sonja nodded slowly in agreement with Sivne. Being able to go home would have been nice.* \"Not necessarily...\" *The Beastkin remarked at Ildilnyatra's comment, glancing towards Carlyn.* \"...I seem to recall Carlyn has been helping manage her family business from afar?\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Home, huh? They must be worried with her going out away all the time. And well... No, I can't go home.\"\n\n*The atmosphere was somber for a moment, which Livio attempted to break.*\n\n\"So, what's up on the table next?\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"We're still deciding what to do next. Our contract's are up, so we're either going to have them renewed or move on. I doubt they'll keep us on the books though, this place is safe now.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"Bob... We might help Bob and the other mushroom people, meantime. They wanted our help exploring some of the caves.\" *She explained.* \"Perhaps we could even renegotiate our next contract to overlap with that...\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"It's an option. I don't want to work for free though.\" *She grumbled a little, shifting around and trying to relax more in bed.*" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "\"I still have to go and get some potions and such, but I can just do that in my free time.\" She got up and sat next to Sivne, although at the foot of the bed as not to disturb the giant woman. \"Livio, where are you staying?\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Just various inns and such, or camping out in the forest if I want. I'm a wanderer; no real permanent place. \"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"I used to do that, until I ended up with these lot.\" *She said, still laying down, mostly staring at the cieling.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"Same here. Camping is a cheap way to travel.\" *She added with a small nod.* \"But it is nice to stay somewhere with beds.\"" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "\"I mostly just stay at inns, yea. I suppose I'll have to camp if money runs out, though.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "For convenience sake, Carlyn is kind of vibing with the flute right now. \n\nAs close as *Heavy metal flute playing* Gets to vibing." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Maybe that'll change if I ever stay with you guys. Who knows, I could be a secondary ranger.\"\n\n*Livio wasn't entirely sure how this party liked to operate though. For all he knows, he could outclass them by far, or they could choose to throw caution to the wind and charge in recklessly.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"Don't see why an extra ranger would be bad.\" *Sonja commented cautiously, glancing around to the others. It seemed like Livio knew his stuff, from what she had seen. Though not knowing him particularly well, having extra allies could come in handy. She looked idly towards Carlyn, who seemed to have broken out her flute once more.* \"...Though, it might make doubling up on our rooms a little more challenging, if it comes down to it.\" *Funny that Sonja was worried about room fees when they just finished that massive contract. But that was just the way she was, it seemed.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"For all we know we'll be moving out and have to camp for a while. It wouldn't make a difference.\" *As Livio was starting to suggest he stick around with the group, Sivne sat up, shufflimg her back up against the wall.* \"If you plan on sticking around, mmh.. Just remember, in a fight, what I say goes.\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Team leader huh? I guess I'll have to be dealing with authority once again.\"\n\n\"As for the camp, that's not a worry. I'm fine with either.\"\n\n*Livio did not like following orders exactly. Through his experience, the commands of officers were not exactly the best; placing him in compromising situations. While he knew of strength in numbers, he also knew the power of surprise. Unfortunately, it didn't seem like this party was too keen on it.*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Don't worry. I just make sure we're all on the right track. I call out important things, make sure if we're tunnel fighting that we stay in formation. I'm not going to tell you how to do your job.\" *She said with a grunt, clarifying how she used her authority. Quite light-handed, considering she seems like the type to do the opposite.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*Sonja nodded slowly, following the conversation. Sivne's leadership style was pleasantly hands-off. No micromanaging there.* \"She's done a good job of it too.\" *The Ursinoid added with a serious nod, endorsing the skills of her Beastkin comrade.*" } ]
[ { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "Okay.\n\nAfter a hot minute, Carlyn finally came back out of her room. She had changed clothes and brushed her hair out - didn't look so much like a battlefield mess anymore. A nice, blue trench over a white shirt and black pants. \n\n\"Sorry! I'm back, I just... Wanted to change out of that nasty gambeson. I heard everything though the door - just to clarify, I'm the team's Vanguard and... I guess manager? I manage the contracts and speaking to other third parties when I can. Except for the Shroomans, since I can't talk to them at all.\n\nAnyways, Sivne has treated us well as nothing short of a battlemaster. She makes all of the tactical decisions, which is helpful since I'm not... Exactly well versed in that.\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Ah, you're back!\"\n\n*Livio recalled Carlyn using a spear and buckler; he wasn't sure how that translated to being a __Vanguard__ of all things. Languages he did know about her.*\n\n\"Well rounded, I see. Well, if you need anyone for stealth, I'm the one to do it.\"\n\n*He saluted Sivne, nodding as well.*\n\n\"Well then commander... Nice meeting you all.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Only times we've needed to scout ahead is in the dark. Hope you eat your carrots.\" *She joked, a little dryly. She itched the base of her horns.* \"Mmh. Nice meeting you too, I suppose. Never thought i'd work with a Mentian.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"He's a nice fellow, trust me. I met him back at home and showed him about. Also, we're in Mentia, so don't be too terribly surprised.\"\n\nCarlyn stretched and did a few on-the-spot squats. She's really antsy, probably still a little boiled over from the excitement of their victory. She's calmed down marginally and isn't playing the flute like she gets paid by the note anymore." }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*Sonja nodded to Carlyn as she returned. She should probably follow suit at some point. For the moment, the Ursinoid was still clad in her gear from their recent adventure.* \"Well, glad to see you've been doing well, Livio. Good luck with your travels.\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Ah, carrots are a bit difficult to come by. Though I've been called eagle-eyed a couple of times.\"\n\n*In reality though, his eyes would be much more like a cat or owl. Anyone who looked close enough could tell that his eyesight was not restricted by sunlight.*\n\n\"How about working with a hunter?\"\n\n*Livio looked over to Carlyn, who was now doing squats, seemingly still hyper.*\n\n\"Carlyn, you good?\"\n\n*He then nodded to Sonja.*\n\n\"I might go with you guys for a little bit. Get in on the action a little, even if it's not anytime soon.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Sounds good to me.\" *Sivne looked pretty relaxed in her spot, letting the others talk for a moment. She did look at Carlyn doing squats with some confusion but didn't vocalise it.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"...I don't think anyone would object to extra support.\" *Sonja stated with a simple nod. It would be nice to have some extra company around. She wasn't quite sure what carrots had to do with seeing in the dark, or why Carlyn had started squatting, but the Ursinoid was content not to question it, at least for now.*" } ]
[ { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"Ah- yeah I'm fine, just still... A little worked up from earlier today. It's really exciting is all. Let me sit down and that might help with the fidgeting.\"\n\nLikewise, Carlyn found herself a seat. She was content to just... Sit down and chill out for a moment. Still, by body language alone, it's easy to tell she is *Very* Happy.\n\n\"I would love to have you, too. It's always nice to have another helping hand in the party.\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*Sivne seemed to contemplate something silently, putting her hands together and resting her chin on them, staring off into space.*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*Livio let out a laugh as Carlyn found herself a seat, seemingly hyper on happiness.*\n\n\"Glad to be of service. Speaking of which, I should probably grab my stuff sometime soon. Maybe later.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*Sonja nodded slowly.* \"...We could help if you'd like.\" *She offered, figuring they didn't have much else to do at the moment.*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"I'm heading to the market soon, have some things to buy.\" *She said with a grunt, shuffling out of bed and to her feet, stretching her arms behind her.*" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "\"Ah, I might go with you then, Sivne. Although, I'll probably just split with you when we reach.\" Ildi stood up as well, brushing the hair out of her face as she set down her lance." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Ah, no need to help me. It's just my weapon and some supplies. Not much.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"I see...\" *Sonja nodded slowly, glancing towards the others. Shopping was an idea. But it wasn't exactly something the whole gang needed to go out and do, right? There was no harm in just staying put to relax after their battle.*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"I'll be back in a bit.\" *Sivne said with a nod before trotting out to head to market. She'd be back later!*" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"I... Also need to go to the store, too. There's some things I want to pick up, like some new armor and... Some... Other stuff for my spear.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*The Ursinoid nodded wordlessly. She didn't have a reason to head out at the moment. Instead, she began to shed her armor. It was pretty clean and wouldn't need to be washed. But that didn't mean Sonja enjoyed wandering around in it all day.*" }, { "author": "Ildilnytra", "message": "Ildi headed out, almost instantly splitting off from Sivne though since she wanted to look around for herself." } ]
[ { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"So... What do you plan on doing now?\"\n\n*It was just Sonja and Livio in the house now, with the former taking off her armor. Livio didn't exactly want to get his supplies at the moment; they were a decent bit away. Just like last time; except this time on much more friendly terms, and in a warm house.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*Sonja managed to finished getting her Kuyak armor off, making sure to set it neatly to one side somewhere safe. Then she heard the question from Livio. She paused a moment, turned her brown eyes towards him, then tilted her head to the side slightly. Sonja was rather surprised he had stuck around, as opposed to heading off to shop with the others. One of her fuzzy bear ears twitched idly as she spoke up.*\n\n\"Well... I was going to forage for materials to make new crossbow bolts... It's cheaper than buying new ones.\" *The Ursinoid explained slowly in her usual low tone. It might have seemed odd to try and save on something so cheap after such a profitable expedition, but Sonja didn't feel the need to defend her stance. At the end of the day, it was satisfying to be able to rely on your own craftsmanship.*\n\n*There was a few moments of silence before Sonja ventured to say anything else.* \"...Market shopping not to your liking?\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*Armor. Not something he enjoyed wearing during the war, and especially during \"Hunting\" Missions. The metal got in the way, restricting his movement. Though he supposed it was crucial for someone not relying on pure stealth; he couldn't imagine such a large person like Sonja being able to be stealthy. As she tilted her head and one of her ears twitched, Livio really did see a bear, perhaps one that had just finished hunting.*\n\n\"Using stone tips for bolts? I know wood, string and feathers can be easily found in the woods, but the metal heads are best, especially against armor.\"\n\n*Livio preferred buying his bolts, as he was used to standard grade. What he also did however was summon them using magic. A few tricks from an Artificer was all he needed to have a near unlimited supply of ammo with only a few seconds; he then didn't need to carry his supplies with him.*\n\n\"I tend not to. I make my own, but it's not like the typical version.\"\n\n*Livio held out his hand, forming a regular arbalest in his grasp. With it came 50 large bolts, premade and ready to be used.*\n\n\"A little bit of magic goes a long way.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "Sonja paused at the observation, then nodded slowly. \"Metal... Would be best.\" She concluded in agreement. \"But recently we've been fighting spiders and other cave creatures...\" The brawny Ursinoid shrugged and glance back to her arbalest, which was resting against the wall near her armor. \"Armor is less of a concern. It seems wasteful to use the fancy metal ones on them.\" Back at her tribe, they had *Only* Used stone-tipped arrows. They didn't mine on their own and traders were hard to come by in the wilderness.\n\nHearing that Livio made arrows too, the Beastkin lady raised an eyebrow. \"...You can make them too?\" She questioned with a small but not undetectable dose of skepticism. It all seemed to make a little more sense as Livio mentioned the magic stuff. \"Ahhh, I see...\" Sonja chuckled softly to herself. \"I suppose... That is markedly more convenient.\" It didn't beat the satisfaction of crafting something yourself from scratch, though. Or at least, so she imagined.\n\n\"So then... Ammunition is effectively limitless for you...?\" *Sonja slowly concluded, eyeing the arrows that Livio had produced with caution.* \"It doesn't tire out out to make a bunch of arrows?\" *The bit of magic she knew, conversing with animals, was rather taxing on her if used for extended periods. But perhaps that was a result of her lacking magical aptitude more than anything else.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Armor is armor, natural or not. You'd be surprised on how thick the hides of some beasts are. Or shells.\"\n\n*Livio could appreciate the use of stone weaponry; he had always admired those who created their own weapons. But modern inventions were simply too good to pass up, unless it directly contradicted one's method of fighting.*\n\n\"Well, yes. But not in the craftsmanship way, as you could see. I never truly got down the task; I attempted a couple times during scouting missions, but could never get it right. It was the making of the bolt heads that got me. Magic is truly convenient, in more ways than one.\"\n\n\"Not limitless in an actual sense, just in a practical sense. I'm not going to need 50 bolts for a single mission. Hell, most times I don't go over 15. Most. Some beasts are tougher. Takes concentration, but I haven't really tried it doing it as many times as I could. Often I have other spells to cast as well, just in case.\"\n\n*Livio dispersed the weapons and ammo, not needing it at the moment. It was also good for target practice, having a vast amount of ammunition.*\n\n\"Of course, the darter has it's own, smaller ammunition.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"...If I hit them enough times, they tend to break either way.\" Sonja remarked about the natural armor. She had meant hit with her crossbow, but seeing how large she was, one could easily imagine punches would probably do the trick too.\n\n\"Bolts are bolts, Magic or otherwise.\" She concluded, hearing about how Livio had come to rely on the magic over physical craftsmanship. In the end, the net result was the same. More arrows.\n\n\"Impressive... It may be good to find your limit though, just to be certain of it. Never know what might go wrong.\" Sonja advised. Though, seeing how he didn't usually go over 15 bolts, she certainly understood if something like that wasn't a major priority.\n\nThe Ursinoid paused for a moment, hesitating. It seemed like a rather silly suggestion, having heard Livio discuss the practicalities of his magic. \"If you wanted... I could help you perfect your bolt crafting skills? Maybe it would help your magic?\" Sonja shrugged. She wouldn't pretend to know how all of that worked." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Fair. Some enemies you only get one chance though. And staying in one place for long periods of time firing is one way to get spotted after a while; eventually you gotta move.\"\n\n*Livio nodded. Bolts were indeed bolt, and the crossbow itself was often more important.*\n\n\"I prefer to use the darter for emergencies. Causes people to bleed a lot more and makes everything messy; but it's more effective with a higher rate of fire, despite its close range.\"\n\n*The mercenary raised an eyebrow, sitting up at the mention of bolt making.*\n\n\"I'd be open to that. Magic or not, it'd be nice to know. Who knows; maybe I spend all my magic on something else.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"Good point...\" Sonja nodded slowly in agreement. Though, in the tight quarters of the cave, with the wall of Carlyn, Svine, and Bob out front, an enemy knowing her location hadn't been much of a problem yet. It might, however, prove more relevant if facing down some of those Upper Mentian noblemen. They were usually armed pretty well. With the exception of the last one. She'd gotten lucky there. Surely the rest of her targets would be on their guard now.\n\n\"Ah... The tiny glowy thingy you almost shot me with?\" She nodded slowly, and managed a soft chuckle, her brown eyes turning towards the devise in question. High rate of fire and prolonged damage was certainly handy. However Sonja knew she didn't have the Mana capabilities for something of that nature. \"It seems... Useful.\" The buff bear lady reluctantly admitted, though she had a preference for the heavy arbalest thing. Frankly, it looked like a normal sized crossbow in her hands.\n\nSonja paused a moment, as if it hadn't occurred to her that Livio could use his magic for other things. But she quickly realized that only made sense. She nodded in agreement, a small smile spreading across her pink lips. It had been quite awhile since Sonja had last taught someone to do something like this. \"...Good. We'll need to start with gathering up some resources: wood, stone, and feathers. Shall we begin?\"\n\nWith that, the larger woman lumbered towards the door, as if ready to get started right there and then. Of course, if Livio wasn't feeling up for it right now, she could probably be deterred. Sonja hadn't exactly asked whether this was something the ex-soldier wished to accomplished now or later." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Yeah, that thing.\"\n\n*While Livio did use mana to charge his weapon, he knew of others that used their own physical energy in order to do so. Ah, the wonders of magitech; allowing even non-mages to utilize the power of the arcane. Alas, Sonja probably didn't know that.*\n\n\"Sure. Seems like a fun thing to do.\"\n\n*Livio got up right away. It wasn't like he had anything better to do. In fact, he had always wanted to be able to make his own bolts. The mercenary followed Sonja to the door, lax and willing. He almost didn't seem like a soldier in the moment.*\n\n\"String too, I presume?\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "With Livio on board, there was no going back now. She paused at the suggestion, then nodded. \"...Yes, I suppose that would work nicely.\" Were was certainly more than one way to fasten an arrowhead to a bolt. But if Livio was most familiar with string, then it was string they would use. \"What we can't forage, I'm sure we could purchase or barter for.\" It wasn't as if they were going to magically stumble across a string tree.\n\n\"Let's start with the easy things first.\" Sonja suggested, before heading out of the room, presumably with Livio in tow. The large Ursinoid lady made her way downstairs, out of the tavern, and outside. There she took a pause to make sure Livio made it out in one piece. \"...Wood first.\" The Beastkin stated to her companion, before heading off down a road that led out of town. There was a grove to trees up ahead, within sight of the village.\n\n\"...Back in my tribe, we had craftsmen who helped carved things like arrow and spearheads. It certainly sped the process up. While they were carving the arrowheads, everyone else would gather up the other components. When everyone finally regrouped, there was enough supplies to sit down and make dozens of arrows at once.\" *She explained as they wandered along, the trees growing ever nearer.* \"It was more efficient that way... But that doesn't mean we can't handle it all between the two of us.\"" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Well, I've made some from wood fiber or vines before. Could use those.\"\n\n*Livio straightened his cloak, following the large woman outside. The size difference was massive, Livio couldn't help but realize. The mercenary followed the towering Ursinoid into the grove.*\n\n\"I see. So one of us gets wood, feathers and string and the other stone?\"\n\n*Livio knew how to get nearly all the materials; except for stones. What kinds of stone should he pick out? Feathers might also be difficult to find; unless he could find a flock of birds.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "Sonja nodded slowly at the suggestions, coming to a stop at the edge of the grove. Livio seemed to know how to collect the wood and even make some string from it, so she was content to leave these tasks to him. \"Exactly. There are many things to collect, we need to be efficient.\" The large bear lady briefly explained in her usual down-to-business tone.\n\n\"I'll handle the stone... You get the string and wood.\" She paused a moment, then added, \"We'll both keep an eye out for feathers.\" That would be dependent on snagging some birds, so mutual cooperation with that would be handy.\n\nAfter a quick glance around, Sonja looked back down to Livio. \"Meet back here after we gather enough for... Maybe 20 bolts?\" It shouldn't be too hard to fine enough for that many and it would be enough to replenish her missing arrows while providing some spares for Livio too. If he dared to use them in real combat." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"String and wood... Got it.\"\n\n*Holding out his hand, Livio summoned an axe, similar to the one he wielded when they had first met. In the other was a series of darts, in case he saw any birds. 20 bolts. So about 15-20 feet of twine, and 20 decently thick branches. He could do that.*\n\n\"We'll be back here in no time.\"\n\n*The mercenary soon wandered into the forest, and despite his white cloak, nearly disappeared into the treeline. Only the sound of wood being hacked into could be heard.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"Good.\"\n\n*Sonja nodded and then lumbered off to go find some feathers and stone. She wasn't sure where to find rocks, but a single large bird would probably have all the feathers they would need. And so the bear began her hunt. It probably wouldn't be quite as obviously how Sonja was achieving these goals, aside from perhaps the occasional panicked squaks of a particular unlucky bird.*\n\n*Ultimately, Sonja settled on using bone. That would probably work just as well as atone. It required her to take down another larger animal, but no problem there. She used her claws to hack pieces bone into approximately the right shape that they needed. This was probably the most time consuming part. Sonja made good time, though.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*Livio was initially stunned at the sight. Sonja was absolutely covered in blood; probably from butchering the large bird, but it was surprising nonetheless. It seemed like she had gotten the materials; but the Ursinoid did seem quite intimidating.*\n\n\"Bone? Haven't heard of that, but let's give it a shot.\"\n\n*Livio held out his hand, clenched around a bundle of sticks tied together with some twine. They had been carved and shaved to the proper shape, and the twine was thin enough to use for bolt heads.*\n\n\"Got everything. Need any sort of crafting bench or does the ground work fine?\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"Sometimes you have to improvise to survive.\" The bear woman replied with a slow nod.\n\n\"This looks good.\" Sonja commented flatly as she surveyed the things Livio had gathered. Everything he had gathered looked suitable. Between the two of them, they had gathered all of the necessary materials needed for crafting crossbow bolts. All that was left was to actually sit down and make them.\n\n\"A bench...\" The brawny Ursinoid shrugged. \"It would be easier with a flat workspace. Maybe a table. We're not in a rush, so... Let's make them back at the inn.\" She turned back towards town, apparently oblivious to just how scary she looked right now, or simply not caring. Perhaps it would be better for her to wash off in a river or something before they headed back." }, { "author": "brickzombie", "message": "~~Oops I forgot it does that~~" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"I suppose so.\"\n\n*Back to the inn? Guess it made sense. It would be a lot easier to work on this with a table. Though it was surprising that Sonja considered it; realistically, they wouldn't have a table. But as training, it wasn't bad.*\n\n\"You're going to walk back into town without washing off? You look like you just killed someone in the woods. I can bring back the materials while you wash off.\"\n\n*Livio slung his backpack off, stuffing the bundle of sticks inside. It could easily fit the bones and feathers.*\n\n\"Best for people not to think they have a killer bear nearby, you know? Even if you're a big softie.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "Sonja blinked. The remark about being big softie earned a glare that really rounded out her present appearance. Had Livio not known better, it probably looked like she was about to up her kill count. Clearly Sonja objected to the characterization, but she did not waste any breath to try and clarify it.\n\n\"...Fine.\" The large Ursinoid reluctantly conceded, handing over the feathers and bone tips to her companion, taking care not to let any of them fall to the ground. \"I'll wash. Find a table. We meet at the inn.\" Was all she had to say.\n\nWith that, Sonja turned away and headed towards a nearby river that ran past the town. Now that the feathers were safely in Livio's hands, she could wash off without damaging them." } ]
[ { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*Of course, retreating out of sight was not what Livio did. In fact, it was against his own values to be able to scout out the enemy and not launch an attack on them. Well, he wouldn't attack Sonja. Just stick around a bit. He found her easily; it wasn't every day that a massive woman was washing in the river.*\n\n*Livio cast the Shrubbery spell, hiding himself completely with nearby brush while still able to see the Ursinoid. He had noticed a large scar on the back of her left shoulder. A symbol of sorts. Was Sonja a former slave? Perhaps that was why she hated nobles so much, and it would explain her reluctance to bring up the past too much.*\n\n*On another note, it had taken a decent bit to find the beastkin herself (walking back and setting up did not take long). It seemed that Sonja was taking her time washing up. To be fair, blood did take a while to wash out from clothing; but she should have finished washing herself up already. Livio decided to simply wait until the Ursinoid was finished.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "If Sonja had noticed Livio, she didn't make it known. The large Ursinoid continued about her business without a care in the world, seemingly oblivious to the presence of any onlookers. She made sure her hands were clean, then scooped some water up to wash off her face. A brief glance at her reflection in the water confirmed that a bit more work needed to be done. The Beastkin lady repeated the process a few times.\n\nOnce satisfied that all the blood had been washed from her body, Sonja waded out of the stream towards the rock where her clothes were drying. It would quickly become apparent to Livio that not only did the Ursinoid have a pair of fuzzy bear ears, but a cute bear tail too, attached right where one would have expected. Usually her clothes covered it up, however there were no such restrictions at present.\n\nThe brawny Macenized Beastkin woman, still rather wet from river bathing, decided to lie down in a patch of warm sunlight grass next to the same rock her clothes were drying atop. For now, Sonja rested on her back, enjoying the sun. She closed her eyes and let the natural warmth do its work. Perhaps it was little surprise given her strength and size, but the bear lady had a rather toned chest and was fairly well endowed." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*She sure was taking a long time. What happened to a quick wash? Heading back now would be a waste of time; he wouldn't know how much longer the beastkin would take.*\n\n*As Sonja waded out of the river though, Livio came to a realization that for some reason he had not been thinking of before. When people bathed, they took off their clothes. All of them. The mercenary could see Sonja's bare form entirely; it's not like she was trying to hide anything. He also took note of her cute little tail, near the base of her spine. Of course, this was nothing compared to her __other__ features.*\n\n*And now she decided to lie down in a patch of grass. Great. This was going to take forever. Should he just wait it out? If so, that would mean Sonja could get back before he did. Maybe he could leave, but that would mean that he would end up waiting for who knows how long.*\n\n*It would be best to take a course of action. Livio could see when the clothes had dried (it had taken quite a while). With the bear unaware, Livio casually walked up to the Ursinoid and the stone, picked up the bundle of clothes, took off his cloak and draped it off Sonja, bent down and poked her in the face gently.*\n\n\"Hey. Time to wake up.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "Sonja hadn't intended to sleep or anything, just rest until her clothes were dry. But given that she did end up snoozing, it was no surprise that Livio noticed the clothes had dried first. Thankfully for his cloak, Sonja dried off just as fast. She promptly stirred at the poke.\n\n\"...Hnnng?\" The Ursinoid yawned and stretched. She had some pretty scary pointy bear-like teeth. Finally, her big brown eyes flickered open. Seeing Livio somewhere above her, she didn't seem particularly disturbed and motioned towards the empty rock. \"...Clothes drying.\" An effort to explain her tardiness?\n\nBut as Sonja turned her gaze towards that point, she realized her clothes were gone. It wasn't immediately obvious that Livio had already collected them. \"...?!\" The bear lady blinked, then quickly sat up with a start. The cloak atop her was sent tumbling away, though Sonja managed to catch a corner before it could escape. The cloak was eventually pulled back into place once more, but not before a fair deal of wrestling with it. There was hardly a point to hiding now.\n\n\"...Well, this is inconvenient.\" Sonja huffed, more concerned about where her clothes had ended up rather than anyone seeing her without them. It wasn't as if she'd been afforded such levels of privacy as a slave. Nevertheless, she couldn't help the fact her cheeks were a tad bit rosy." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*The art of war. To hide one's own embarrassment, one should embarrass another. Or something like that. Though it wasn't exactly optimal, he would not be the one caught peeking; rather, Sonja would be the one being caught sleeping on the riverbank.*\n\n*He noted that the bear's reactions were quite slow. Her yawn reminded him of an actual bear, despite her being in a much more macenized form. Obviously, Sonja was gesturing to where her clothes were, but Livio was holding them.*\n\n\"I have them here.\"\n\n*Livio only looked in amusement as Sonja struggled to grab the cloak to cover herself. He held out the bundle of clothes to the Ursinoid, reaching for said cloak. It was obvious he could see her rosy cheeks; Sonja looked quite cute in this state, rather than just the terrifying hunter she typically was.*\n\n\"The weather's nice, but I didn't want to wait.\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"...\" Sonja shot a glare towards Livio as he declared himself to be the thief! Well, not really. It was clear he had intended to be helpful, but that didn't spare him the glare. After all, that had given her somewhat of scare. Silently, Sonja traded the cloak to Livio in exchange for her ball of now dry and considerably less blood-soaked clothing. There was nothing to stop her from getting changed so they could head off.\n\n\"Fair enough.\" Was all she had to say in response to the explanation. It seemed reasonable enough.\n\n\"...I'll be along once I'm changed.\" Sonja added, before waving Livio away towards the trees. It seemed she did at least prefer some privacy while changing. Or rather, redressing." }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "*As Sonja gave him back his cloak (which has fortunately not been thrown into the river), Livio accidentally caught one more peek at the Ursinoid's body (emphasis on the accident) though it wasn't clear. A quick little headpat and a small ear ruffle, and Livio turns around, fixing his cloak back around his shoulders, and stepping off into the woods.*\n\n\"Meet you back at the inn then.\"\n\n*Livio began jogging off, the white cloak billowing behind him like a fox's tail.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "The Ursinoid didn't seem to notice the accidental glance, not that it would have particularly upset her. She silently reveled in the quick pat and ear ruffle. With a nod of acknoledgement, Sonja glanced back to watch as Livio disappeared into the woods. After giving him time for a head start, she began to redress. Her outfit wasn't particularly complicated, so soon this task was accomplished. Without further delay, Sonja began to retrace her steps back towards town. Unless Livio happened to intercept her enroute, the Ursinoid soon found herself before the inn at which they were staying. She promptly headed inside in search of Livio." } ]
[ { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Of course. Finding things is part of what I do, after all.\"\n\n*Livio brought out two small woodcarving knives, setting one down on each of the table.*\n\n\"How do you shape the bone? Just whittle away at it?\"\n\n*Livio was relatively familiar with the other parts of it. Feathers in particular, he knew. Shaping was another thing. It was always the heads he had struggled with though. To be honest, he hadn't made his own bolts since he was in the army; a long time. Perhaps it was time for some more practice.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"...Something like that. Large claws help.\" *Sonja nodded in agreement.* \"It's the most time consuming part. In a rush, you might be able to find arrow tips of the right shape at a market. Still cheaper than buying full arrows.\"\n\n*The Ursinoid reached for one of the knives and became to slowly cut notches and grooves into the first bolt shaft, then showed it to Livio as an example.*\n\n\"This is what we want all the wood to look like.\"\n\n*With that she reached for a few more pieces of wood and started to bring them up to speed too, cutting and carving away as needed.*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Buy them at a market? Interesting...\"\n\n*Livio had never thought about buying only bolt heads; only entire bolts outfitted with fletching. That would be more economical, not wasting money on time spent carving and sticking the feathers on. The white-cloaked man watched Sonja's movement closely as she cut the grooves into the wooden stick, and he followed to the measure. The bolts were compared soon afterward, Livio making sure it was accurate.*\n\n*The mercenary nodded. He got to work, carving out the notches and grooves, wood shavings and chips now littering the table. Those would make for good fire starters. With both of them working on the shafts, they were done soon.*\n\n\"Which part next?\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "*Sonja watched closely as Livio did his best to match her movements. He seemed to get the hang of it pretty well. She nodded silently in approval after glancing over some of his work. Together, they seemed to be making quick work of wood! But there was more to bolt making that wood carving, as Sonja well knew.*\n\n\"Feathers are last. It's easy to damage them if you are handling the bolt to string on an arrowhead.\" *The bear lady explained with a slow nod.* \"So then... Tips next.\"\n\n*Not wasting a moment longer, she reached for one of the crudely carved arrow points and fitted it into a slit carved at one end of the arrow. Next was the string, which was used to fasten it securely into position. Sonja made her movements slow, so as to ensure that Livio was able to get the hang of it.*\n\n\"...Something like this. Make sure the bone is secure enough not to wiggle.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Feathers... Alright.\"\n\n*The bonehead tips seemed to be secure enough. However, Livio wasn't the best at fitting the feathers in. Initially, he splintered the sharp points, and then had to take his knife, reshape them, and attempt to stick them back in. Eventually though, he got through, though still had about 3 left by the time Sonja was done.*\n\n\"Blasted fletching...\"" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"...This is the worst part.\" *Sonja voiced in agreement. She didn't seem to have as much difficultly though, as evidenced by her steady pace working through the bolts. Noticing that Livio seemed to be struggling, she reached over to lend a hand.* \n\n\"If you do it like this, it'll be easier...\" *The Ursinoid demonstrated her technique for the mercenary, using one of the spare knives.* \"The trick is to be gentle and cautious. It is more efficient to take your time than to rework mistakes.\" *Sonja explained. Though, given her rather brawny appearance, the instructions to be gentle would have doubtlessly proved amusing.*" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Bloody fucking...\"\n\n*Livio looked to Sonja's technique. It was similar to how he hunted, taking time and slowing down. Not that he was slow in any measure, but it had certainly taken time for him to slow down. He looked at the technique once more, and this time, the feather was inserted much more smoothly.*\n\n\"Oh. There we go!\"\n\n*Livio held up the finished bolt. It was battle ready, with sharp splintered bone and even fletching.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "As Livio finally seemed to get a hold of the technique, Sonja nodded in approval. \"...Good job.\" She remarked with a small nod and ever so slight smile. \"You'll be making your own bolts for free in no time.\" Of course, Livio could already technically do that with his magical abilities. But that didn't seem to have deterred Sonja from her compliment.\n\nAfter a few more goes at it, they would have used up all their materials and made a fair number of arrows.\n\n\"There we go... Thank you for your help, Livio.\" Sonja stated. \"I'm going to get some rest for now. Busy day of questing tomorrow, I suspect...\" They were here to quest after all. \"Perhaps you'd be able to join us?\"" } ]
[ { "author": "warlordsuntzu", "message": "Do I sense another date?" }, { "author": "Livio Glace, 'White Death'", "message": "\"Oh, like target practice? I'd love to do that, maybe after your quest tomorrow? I'll have Talvisota found by then.\"\n\n*Livio bundled up some of the bolts, splitting them evenly between the two. He didn't quite want to use these... They were something he had made, and that Sonja had helped him with. While using them would certainly be their purpose, something made him want to just keep them around, for backup at best.*" }, { "author": "Sonja Karjalainen", "message": "\"It's a plan, then... See you around.\" *Sonja gave Livio a small nod and rose to her feet to depart. But she didn't do so before collecting her share of the bolts. Then she had disappeared off to her room to get ready or something.*" } ]
[ { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*A late evening sunset blesses the land of Mentia once more. It's houses and buildings begining to light their torches and lanterns for the coming night.*\n\n*Among said buildings sat a tavern, as average as one could hope for in a war torn country as this. It's walls having seen better days, but holding strong none the less.*\n\n*Inside is the usual late night crowd of folk. Old men, bellowing brutes, and scheming youngsters. Among them, a wolf, stood up on his hign legs. An odd sight, if you didn't know what a beastkin was. He was stood at one end of the room, carefully inspecting a board with various papers stamped to it. A job board, for the adventuring folk to make cash.*" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "Carlyn had been sitting around, playing her flute like a beast. She's getting decently good at playing extremely quickly with these vicious melodies on such an instrument. The Dog already had assignments for herself lined up for months to come, so for now, in her spare time she is entertaining the bar with her music.\n\nHer and her party had been regailed as heroes in the village where they had been staying. Of men, and shrooms, and even robots. Likewise, her image was known to the villagers and her music had been heard before." }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*Noisy... It was hard to even think. More so considering the man's dog ears that sit a top his head.*\n\n*He was a traveler, and hadn't been in town long. Not long enough to learn of it's heros anyways.*\n\n*For now, the dog gives up on his search for a job. He approaches, aiming to get a closer look at the woman. Now actively listening to the musical notes she combined and threw into the crowd. For now, he'd stand and wait, his presence apparent yet politfully patient.*" }, { "author": "com.co", "message": "Oh I just realized it's Grey's birth" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "Carlyn caught eye of Grey, giving a quick transition into an even quick finale. It was really impressive the way she played. In fact, she likely couldn't play slower and softer songs even if she wanted to. It's a bit funny. \n\nThe gold eyed dog kemono looked towards Grey and studied him for a moment. Sure doesn't look like a villager. Too big and... Well, you think she'd recognize someone like this giant dog fellow in a village like this.\n\n\"Not from here. Are you an adventurer?\" She asked after a moment of starting at him. She definitely seemed... *Interested* By the appearance. Her tail sways back and forth with curiosity. So weird. Kind of cute, though." }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*Grey's ears perked as she seemed to of spoken to him. The furred man crossing his arms with a nod.*\n\"Sword for hire.\"\n\n*He then points to the kemono.*\n\"Impressive ability. Abit fast for old ears though.\"\n*His wolf ears seemed to twitch as if on command. Perhaps hard to see due to his raised height though. He extends a hand to the woman then, his hand quite big as well.*\n\"Grey. You?\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"I see.\"\nCarlyn thought for a moment about the last sellswords in the village. She brutalized them completely with her party. Truthfully she hated doing it, and tried to dispell those thoughts. Unfortunately, though, they did have a job economy to upkeep. \n\nRegardless, his hand was shaken and she gave a sweet smile to him. \n\n\"My name's Carlyn, of Kadho. I'm a Sellspear from Kadho but I wound up here in pursuit of work. I... Wouldn't recommend trying to find jobs here, though. I heard the last ones who tried to get work here were almost turned inside out by a rivaling band.\"\n\n\"The job market is fierce here because of some things that make it pay greatly.\"" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*The wolf seemed to give Carlyns advice some thought. It made sense, considering the state of things here. Greed will get the best of any man.*\n\"Well met, Carlyn.\"\n\n*The admittance of which gave Grey a feeling of guilt. It was the business of sellswords to kill for profit after all.*\n\"Dangerous times then... Great riches to be made. Thanks.\"\n\n*He nodded in appreciation for her words.*\n\"Will keep an eye out for them.\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "Mfw I passed out.\n\n\"Right. I should mention ahead of time that I... Uh... Might be part of that rivaling band?\"\n\nCarlyn gave a sort of nervous grin at Grey, and added, \"Though slaughtering rivals isn't my idea. I do it because that's what the other two decide on, and it nets me more money. I would rather not hurt anyone at all if I could help it.\"" } ]
[ { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "\"You...\"\n*The wolf goes silent as he stares. She... Was commiting crimes... And was admitting it.*\n\n\"Still participated... Accessory to murder...\"\n*The wolf seemed in disbelief at her admittance. He began to think about turning her in to the guardsmen.*\n\n*Then again, he didn't know the town, and this could very well be normal behavior. For now, he'd keep his sword in it's sheath.*\n\n\"Remorse is good though...\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"We didn't kill them, and besides, the guards *Watched*. We ran them off, that's all. With a little bit of... Violent convincing, I guess.\"\n\nShe left out the part that it literally happened right where they were sitting.\nThough, she did give him a sort of regretful look. She definitely doesn't look proud of it.\n\n\"I'm glad you agree, though. I don't like to hurt people unless I absolutely have to.\"" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*So it was probably normal for the town. Or at least, there were circumstances for the guards to stand by. Glad he didn't overreact.*\n\n\"Mm... I see...\"\n*Grey wondered about the truth in that statement. Then again, he himself was the same way. Or at least, that's what his masters taught him.*\n\n\"Won't scold you.\"\n*A little strange, perhaps a change in conversation.*\n\"So... Where do you come from? Mentioned kadho?\"" } ]
[ { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "The dog perked up a bit at the change in conversation, looking back over and giving a nod.\n\n\"Aye. My parents are from Kadho. They're merchants there with the Merchant's Guild. I worked for them for my whole life up until a few months ago.\"" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "*New on the job but she's bludgeoning competition like she's been at it for decades...*\n\n\"Mm... Why so far from home?\"\n*The wolf asked, before beckoning over a waitress of the tavern. He order a mug of... Water. Then looking to Carlyn.*\n\"Want anything?\"" }, { "author": "lordalatreon", "message": "\"I'm okay! Thank you though.\"\n\nShe already had a... H... A healing potion. Right. Okay. Kind of a weirdo. It was about half empty already. At least she's really cute.\n\n\"It's good for me to get out and explore a little bit. I was getting bored and restless with the merchants life. I figured going out and doing stuff would be for the best. Plus, I wanted to get stronger to protect my family.\"" }, { "author": "Grey the Hound", "message": "\"Mm... Honorable thought.\"\n*Though thought was the only honorable part about it. She did already beat the crap out of some poor fools.*\n\n*Grey then eyes her drink, wondering what it even was. A crimson red contained in a strange bottle. The thought of someone drinking pots as a normal drink had never occured to him. He points to the drink as the waitress leaves for his drink.*\n\n\"What's that?\"" } ]
[ { "author": "pluto4608", "message": "Siv:*Sivne would be trotting through the streets of the south mentian capital, heading for the tavern. The brayer lady was unreasonably massive, standing at 8'4ft tall. She had a large sword on her hip but was currently out of armour. She seemed fully beastial and appeared to be suspicious of the locals, remaining alert and would be looking out for any potential threats..*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Kibaru was more dressed than he usually was during the warmer seasons. Having a thick snow white coat with fur lining the ends. Not yet open, thus revealing his bare chest with the occasional scar. His Black pants was longer, reaching to his ankles with their ends seemingly torn, but it seemed mostly to be a fashion choice. His feet was in Brown boots. Also with fur lining, but that would be a little harder to see as it was covered by his loose pants.*\n\n*The most notable feature was the his tails swirling behind him. Hard to tell the exact number, but it was between 5 or 6 tails. Bright blue tails having a nice glossy coat. His ears having the same bright blue colour. His hair being a darker colour seeming to have a blue hue to it. A traditional Runran mask on hi head and finally a scar on his cheek. It was clear Kibaru was a well experienced warrior*\n\n*Roaming the streets, he Kept an ear open, listening to things flying from one person to another. Was quite easy with his wolf like ears. But he would soon come to a stop at the hulking Brayer that towered over his 6'2 stature* \"Woah. Don't see much of your kind\" *He said quietly to himself*" }, { "author": "pluto4608", "message": "*Sivne was wearing a pretty traditional clothing with brayers, a thick woolen tunic and some baggy burlap trousers with a belt. She looked poor, if not for the well made sword at her belt. She turned to look down at the fellow foreigner in town, letting out a quiet grunt as her eyes quickly flicked over him.* \"Mmh. Not like we Brayers live far from here. We border Mentia, just not this one mentian kingdom.\" *She came to a stop and crossed her arms.* \"Saw one of your kind not long ago, came with a white wyvern all the way down from Runra just to die for some stupid war.\"" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"A... White Wyvern... Can't say that rings any bells.\" *Kibaru said with a shrug* \"I've met a few beaskin, But... I can't recall actually bothering to talk to one much... The last fellow I remembered unfortunately lost his head\" *Kibaru said before walking around the Brayer, giving looks up and down* \"Man I can only imagine how warm a coat like this must be... Both in winter and summer. And hard to keep clean when out in the wilds\"" }, { "author": "pluto4608", "message": "*She narrowed her eyes.* \"Might be hard for some hairless little man to keep clean, lucky for me I've lived all my life keeping myself clean. Mmh. I don't worry about the weather much, unless it's raining, then I get irritated.\" *Her eyes tracked him as he circled around her. Her muscles were predictably quite massive, she could probably launch someone his size into orbit.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Kiabru wasn't lacking in muscles either, but they weren't as massive, Just allot more clearer. Especially with him not having hair covering them. He didn't look like much, but his strength was nothing to scoff at either.* \"I can Imagine. Must be quite the nuisance having that weight from the water.\" *His tails seemed to be quite well groomed, unlike his long messy hair* \"Oh, where oh ever is my manners\" *Once back in front, Kibaru gave a bow to the Brayer casting her shadow onto him* \"Okami. Pleasure to meat you\"" }, { "author": "pluto4608", "message": "*She wasn't sure what to make of him yet, and still seemed to be on her guard. Considering how she walked through town it was pretty clear this was how she normally was. She kept her arms crossed and continued to watch.* \"Mmmhm. Sivne. I run a little merc company around here, never settled on a name. So what's brought someone as flamboyant as you down here?\" *She asked bluntly, grunting afterwards.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Kibaru raised his head again before speaking* \"Business. Whether it's selling my meats and furs, or my blade. It's best to have both as an income. Hunter, cook, merchant and Mercenary. At your service... If you can afford me services that is\" *Kibaru was recently got back from his journey to Runra and wanted to see what's new in Mentia mostly* \"And you? Recruiting or something?\"" }, { "author": "pluto4608", "message": "*She shook her head.* \"Not recruiting, no. I run a small band, people I know and trust, only bring people on by someone vouching for them.\" *She itched the base of one of her horns, letting out an irritated grunt as she smacked the side of it.* \"I just sell my sword, got steady work here.\"" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"I think there's more work to be had with the Beaskin Warlords A good thing you're in the south, but I doutb many Mentians here are taking kindly to beastkin these days with what's been happening at the north with the war and what not\" *Kibaru said with a shrug. His ears then twitched as he tilted his head with her grunting* \"You know... I might have some work for you in Salvania though\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"People here don't get a choice, we're on the city's payroll until our contract's up. If they don't like me and my people here they can complain all they want.\" *The offer of work did tempt her though.* \"What's the job?\"" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Well I run a little business of my own, you see. It's an eatery. We make foods, sell imported ingredients and what now. Some of those ingredients are a little harder to get as they tend to make ingredients of most people the come by. And I do seem to have been getting problems with Pirates recently with my ship coming back a little better than it had left.\" *Kibaru explained casually stating him owning a business and a ship. He did have quite deep pockets after all. Though he wouldn't complain having more money*" } ]
[ { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mmh. Need someone to run protection on a ship? We can do that, if the price is right. Got to be good money though, government here pays well.\" *She gave a nod, interested at least.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Pretty sure A private owned business pays more than the government whom I'm betting barely even knows you. But I would say I'm mostly offering a one time thing. As it's less protection I'm offering and more hitman, if you catch my drift. But I guess I'm up for hiring a more permanent employment. Just don't expect the pay to be that great compared to a once of deal\" *Kibaru said looked at a stall before grabbing a coin and quickly going in to buy a kabab. Returning he would offer one to her*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She'd raise a brow and as he walked off for a moment, but once she smelled food and was offered she was more than happy to take kebab and chew a big chunk of it in one go, nomming on it.* \"Mm. Good food. Mmmh.. Anyway, we can discuss the price of a one time thing later mmh? Best to have our bookkeeper with us.\" *She definately liked the idea of a one off, get rich sort of agreement.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Well then. When ya willing to introduce me to the book keep. I would like to get things settled as soon a possible. The sooner I can get those darned pirates to stop, the better\" *Kibaru was quite exhausted from having to deal with ship faring fights to begin with* \"Mmm, I would also like to test out your skills, But I guess that's more for my own entertainment than business\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Mmh. Not a fan of play fighting, no use getting all fired up just to yield at first blood.\" *She shook her head and continued to consume her kebab.* \"I prefer different kinds of contests. Lifting heavy shit and throwing it, drinking contests, mostly anything I can easily beat the locals at.\" *She said with a small grin.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"I'm all up for a challenge, Even if the challenge might lead to some blood shed. But it's not really fun fighting someone that's unwilling to fight.\" *Kibaru would've thought she might but up to his challenge, but it seemed she was a little more cautious. He had thought about not making his battle prowess so obvious, but that leads to lesser individuals trying to take advantage of him. Better to find someone with the guts to take him on then challenging someone he knew he could beat however* \"I might not beat you at drinking, but I'm sure I can be more of a challenge in an arm wrestle\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Arm wrestles fine. Mmh. I just don't like getting in the mood to kill someone only for the fight to end.\" *She gave a nod, finishing off her kebab and tossing the stick aside.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Kibaru would go grab the stick with a sigh and a shake of his head* \"Is this how everyone acts with food. The least you can do is throw it away in a proper place\" *Kibaru then came back regarding her previous statement* \"Combat isn't all about killing you know. But I guess some people fight in order to kill, but I mostly do if for the fun of it. But I guess the thought of arm wrestling does sound just as exiting... You up for it though?\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She raised a brow as he went to pick up the stick. She didn't really get why he bothered, growing up in a herd didn't lend itself to cleaning up litter. She itched the base of her horns qgain and nodded.* \"Mmh. Arm wrestling, sure. Inside the tavern then? Could do with a beer.\"" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"And I could do with a little more to eat. This was merely to keep my stomach from growling at me\" *Kibaru said as he would follow the Brayer to a tavern. He was now getting more hungry just thinking about what he wanted to order*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She headed inside and took her usual seat, waving over one of the workers and ordering herself a beer, glancing over to him to see what he ordered.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Kibaru would order a huge plate of dumpling and once they were finished, he would sit down with her and start chowing down. After a few bites, he moved the plate closer to her as a gesture for her to eat some two. This was quite a large plate and even though he could easily finish this and then some, he wanted to get to their wrestling match sooner than later* \"Eat up. Free of charge\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She took a swig of her beer and looked at his food.* \"Mmh? Thanks.\" *She went to chow down into his meal once offered, washing it down with beer. She was eating pretty quickly!*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Kibaru had ordered some ale before to help him swallow the dumplings better, he seemed to be eating a little bit slower than the usual folk. Right now he was more intrested to see whether the Brayer would eat more than half of the offered food. Soon enough he would finish though and give his stomach a pat* \"There we go. Now I'm pretty much ready. So we doing this here then?\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She wouldn't eat more than half, she wasn't /that/ greedy with food. She still ate quite a hearty proportion though, downing her beer.* \"Mmh. Guess we are.\" *She shifted her chair to be across from him and rested her elbow on the table, ready to arm wrestle.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Kibaru grasp her hand , ready to take her on, it was little hard with her having longer arms, but he managed. Though it seemed she wasn't exaggerating, her strength was quite powerful, enough to overwhelm him as the back of his hand hit the table* \"Wow, It seems you do poses enough to be a good mercenary for the task then\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*Her arms were the size of most people's heads, so it wasn't too much of a surprise that she was pretty strong. During the arm wrestle she developped a grin. She let out a grunt as she won, giving an approving nod. She reached over and gave his bicep a little squeeze.* \"Mmh, stronger than you look.\" *She remarked with an approving nod.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "*Squeezing his biceps would feel like squeezing pure iron with flesh covering it. It seemed his muscle were more dense than the usual. Probably why he was stronger than he looked. But this interaction left him a little speechless as he didn't expect the sudden squeeze* \"Ummm, thanks I guess. Though I would say you have the strength to back up that size. But I will challenge you to a rematch Some day\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*Her grin persisted as she went to lean back. She seemed to enjoy leaving him speechless after the fact.* \"Sure, one day.\" *She went to call over another beer.* \"So, where are you from exactly?\"" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Salvania. Place of my birth and place I was raised in. Having family roots here and there. And you're native to mentia?\" *Kibaru asked not quite sure and not one to judge either as his appearance might not say he's from Salvania.*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Me? Mentian? Bah. No, i'm here strictly for work, plenty of money to be made with the war going on.\" *She drank her beer when it came over.* \"I'm from the federation.\"" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Oh that so. Well would you be willing to move to Salvania if work there is more profitable?\" *Kibaru asked as he tilted his head, finished his Ale and laid back*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"I'd have to talk to the others, but if the work is steady and the pay is good, I'd be willing.\" *She gave a nod, taking another sip of beer. She still leaned forward against the table.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Maybe if you're able to keep up, you might just be able to join our little rag tag team or mercenaries. That is as long as you don't try to burry us under a burning building that is\" *Kibaru said before he shivered from the thought* \"Not so fun times*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"Not looking to join another group. Oddly specific though.\" *She smirked a little and finished off her beer.* \"So, mmh. Tell me about Salvania? I don't know too much about it.\"" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"It's actually great there. Honestly, much better than a war stricken country like this. The capital is nice and clean with many high end restaurants about. The wildlife is just perfect for cooking\" *Kibaru said with a smile as his tails wagged ever so gently besides him* \"Honestly, I would say it's worth the visit there\"" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"I don't travel for the fun of it, just for work.\" *She let out a quiet grunt, drumming her fingertips on the table.* \"I'll speak to the others, if they're onboard we can meet again and discuss the price mmh?\"" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Sure. Where will I find you then?\" *Kiabru asked before another plate of food arived at their table. A large chicken with allot of side dishes. He immediately started digging into the food he had been waiting for*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "\"We'll be in town for a while, still on our contract.\" *She glanced to the food, but didn't say anything, just itching the base of her horns again.* \"I've got a room upstairs.\" *She said with a nod.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Well hopefully I can meet you again, but no worries, I am a resourceful guy. I've tracked down my prey many times before\" *Kibaru said before offering her a drumstick*" }, { "author": "Sivne", "message": "*She'd eagerly accept the drumstick and chowed down on it with an appreciative sound.* \"Mmmh. Tastes good.\" *She remarked.* \"Who's to say I won't be the one tracking you down?\" *She said with a smirk.*" }, { "author": "b.r.i.t.z", "message": "\"Yeah, good luck with that. You'll find spotting me easier than finding out where I am. Unless of course you come to Salvania instead. Then I should be easy to find. Just ask around in the capital\" *Kibaru said with a smile as she accepted the meat. He then leaned in closer to her as she ate* \"Mmm... You don't much seem to have Oxen teeth... Though those maulers are quite thick from what I can see. Always interesting seeing beaskin up close\"" } ]