6. Highway Type & No. R R
7. Do Other Railroads Operate a Separate Track R R
8. Do Other Railroads Operate over Your Track R R
9. Railroad Division or Region R R
10. Railroad Subdivision or District R R
11. Branch or Line Name R R
12. RR Milepost R R
13. Line Segment O O
14. Nearest RR Timetable Station O O
15. Parent RR R R
16. Crossing Owner R R
For guidance on reporting new and previously unreported crossings, please refer to the Introduction and Appendix A to this Guide.
Entities subject to FRA’s final rule on National Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory
Reporting Requirements should refer to the rule published in the Federal Register, as well as the additional information provided in this Guide. Should any portion of this table conflict with the final rule, the language of the final rule shall govern.
O – Optional; R – Required; C – Conditionally Required; LLLLLL – Not Applicable (see Guide for instructions)
Box Field Update Provided by State Update Provided by Railroad or Transit
Public Private Public Private
17. Crossing Type R R
18. Crossing Purpose R R
19. Crossing Position R R
20. Public Access R
21. Type of Train Service R R
22. Average Passenger Train Count Per Day R R
23. Type of Land Use R R
24. Is There an Adjacent Crossing with a Separate Number? R R
25. Quiet Zone
26. HSR Corridor ID R R
27. Latitude in decimal degrees R R
28. Longitude in decimal degrees R R
29. Lat/Long Source R R
30.A. Railroad Use O O
30.B. Railroad Use O O
30.C. Railroad Use O O
30.D. Railroad Use O O
31.A. State Use O O
31.B. State Use O O
31.C. State Use O O
31.D. State Use O O
32.A. Narrative (Railroad Use) O O
32.B. Narrative (State Use) O O
33. Emergency Notification Telephone No. R R
34. Railroad Contact (Telephone No.) R R
35. State Contact (Telephone No.) R
Part II: Railroad Information
1.A. Total Day Thru Trains (6AM to 6PM) R R
1.B. Total Night Thru Trains (6AM to 6PM) R R
1.C. Total Switching Trains R R
1.D. Total Transit Trains R R
1.E. Check If Less Than One Movement Per Day C C
2 Year of Train Count Data R R
3.A Maximum Timetable Speed (mph) R R
3.B Typical Speed Range Over Crossing (mph) R R
4. Type and Count of Tracks R R
5. Train Detection (Main Track Only) R R
6. Is Track Signaled? R R
7.A. Event Recorder C C
7.B. Remote Health Monitoring C C
Part III: Highway or Pathway Traffic Control Device Information
1 Are There Signs or Signals? R
Box Field Update Provided by State Update Provided by Railroad or Transit
Public Private Public Private
2.A. Crossbuck Assemblies R
2.B. STOP Signs (R1‐1) R
2.C. YIELD Signs (R1‐2) R
2.D. Advance Warning Signs R
2.E. Low Ground Clearance Sign (W10‐5) R
2.F. Pavement Markings R
2.G. Channelization Devices / Medians R
2.H. EXEMPT Sign (R15‐3) R
2.I. ENS Sign Displayed (I‐13) R
2.J. Other MUTCD Signs R
2.K. Private Crossing Signs (if Private) R
2.L. LED Enhanced Signs R
3.A. Gate Arms R
3.B. Gate Configuration R
3.C. Cantilevered (or Bridged) Flashing Light Structures R
3.D. Mast Mounted Flashing Lights R
3.E. Total Count of Flashing Light Pairs R
3.F. Original Installation Date of Current Active Warning Devices R
3.G. Wayside Horn R
3.H. Highway Traffic Signals Controlling Crossing R
3.I. Bells R
3.J. Non‐Train Active Warning R
3.K. Other Flashing Lights or Warning Devices R
4.A. Does nearby Highway Intersection Have
Traffic Signals? R
4.B. Highway Traffic Signal Interconnection R
4.C. Highway Traffic Signal Preemption C
5. Highway Traffic Pre‐Signals R
6. Highway Monitoring Devices R
Part IV: Physical Characteristics
1. Traffic Lanes Crossing Railroad R
2. Is Roadway/Pathway Paved? R
3. Does Track Run Down a Street? R
4. Is Crossing Illuminated? R