III.2.K of the Inventory Form and the Submission Information section;
• Pedestrian Station Grade Crossing (Station, Ped.): Complete Header, plus Parts I and II of the Inventory Form (with the exception of I.20) and Submission Information section;
• Grade-separated Crossing (highway-rail, pathway and pedestrian station): Complete Header, plus Part I of the Inventory Form (with the exception of I.20) and the Submission Information section.
Q 9. Where do I send hardcopies of completed Inventory Forms?
Please see FRA’s webpage for correct mailing address for hard copy Crossing Inventory Submissions.
Q 10. If I only need to submit a few Inventory Forms, can I scan them electronically and then submit them to the Crossing Inventory?
Scanning a document for transmittal to the Crossing Inventory is considered a paper submission. This type of transmission does NOT constitute an electronic submission; therefore, Class I railroads may not use this form of submission.
Non-Class I railroads may transmit scanned documents to:
RsisRXIUpdates@dot.gov. This address goes to FRA’s data processing contractor who will process the submittals in accordance with their workload.
Q 11. Can I update crossing records online?
Yes, FRA will provide a new secure web page to allow users to find and update data for highway-rail and pathway crossings that have already been entered into the Crossing Inventory.
Q 12. Will use of the GX32 software count as an electronic submission?
No, the GX32 software will be replaced with a secure web-based application that will provide the state/railroad user with similar functionality. This will allow the crossing data to be current and updates will be made instantaneously (with business rules in place to ensure that only allowable data elements can be changed). The new system will allow for more accurate record keeping and timely submissions. Use of this new web-based application will constitute electronic submission.
Q 13. What if there is no change in the data that currently exists in the Crossing Inventory?
Even if the railroad has verified that there is no change in the existing data in the Crossing Inventory, the railroad must submit an update to the Crossing Inventory, electronically or by using Form FRA F 6180.71 at least once every 3 years. In this instance, the Header on the Inventory Form will need to be completed. With respect to item C, “Reason for Update”, in the Header, the box for “Date Change Only” should be checked, in order to signify that the current data in the Crossing Inventory is correct.
Q 14. Do we have to update crossings that have been closed or are gradeseparated?
A crossing that has been reported to the Crossing Inventory as closed does not require further updating unless it is reopened. A grade-separated crossing that has been reported to the Crossing Inventory does not require further updating unless it is physically removed in which case it should be reported as closed.
Q 15. Do we have to use the paper Form FRA F 6180.71 for updating?
No, Class I railroads must submit updates to the Crossing Inventory electronically. All other railroads, urban rapid transit operators and the States are encouraged to submit updates to the Crossing Inventory electronically, but may submit hard copy updates.
Q 16. How long will it take for Inventory updates to appear on FRA’s Web site?
Electronic submissions will be updated to the inventory immediately following a successful submission (i.e., all required data is provided and passes all validation rules). It generally takes between 1 to 3 months before updates will appear on the Web site for hardcopy submissions. This is an estimate as the timeline is dependent upon the number of hardcopy submissions received and the amount of time to conduct manual data entry.
Q 17. What is the best way to get started updating records for a State or Railroad that has thousands of crossings?
For States and Railroads with a large number of crossings, the best way to get started updating the Crossing Inventory is to first determine which crossings have been entered into the Crossing Inventory. This can be accomplished by verification of the Inventory number in both the Crossing Inventory and the respective State or Railroad File. Compare only the Inventory Numbers, and then resolve the status of those that don’t match (Open or Closed, or non-existent in either file). Next, carry the comparison further by verifying Public versus Private crossing type, and then State or Operating Railroad. Once there is agreement with regards to the existing number of crossings, Open or Closed status, Public or Private crossing type, and in which State or on which Operating Railroad, then the balance of the information can be checked, verified, and updated.
Q 18. How do I get the most current Crossing Inventory data for our State or Railroad?
The most current Crossing Inventory data is available for download from FRA’s Safetydata Web site.
Q 19. We are planning to develop our own database software for our own crossing inventory file. Are there consultants that have done this before that we can contact, and is there anything specific that we should know or do before we get started?
There are several States and Railroads who have hired consulting firms to develop electronic databases for their crossing inventory records and for managing their crossing improvement program and contracts. You will need to contact the individual States or Railroads to determine which firms have performed in a satisfactory manner. However, if you decide to contract with a firm directly, you should instruct them to develop their data file structure to be compatible with the FRA data file so that data can be directly transferred to FRA without conversion. The consultant should use the Electronic Submission Instructions when developing the software. The Electronic Submission Instructions can be found on the Grade Crossing Inventory System (GCIS) secure site.
Q 20. Where can I find information regarding the Format and Description of the Crossing Inventory Data Fields for electronic submissions?
Information regarding the Format and Description of the Crossing Inventory data fields can be found in the Electronic Submission Instructions. The Electronic Submission Instructions can be found on the GCIS secure site.
Q 21. How do I get crossing inventory data and information for my locale?
Crossing records can be accessed from FRA’s Safetydata Web site.
Q 22. Who is responsible for reporting a closed crossing in the Inventory and how is it done?
The primary operating railroad must report the closure of a highway-rail or pathway crossing to the Crossing Inventory, but the State may also report the closure of a public crossing.
Reporting a closed a crossing in the Crossing Inventory is a very simple process. A closed crossing can be reported by completing the Header information and checking “closed” in section C, “Reason for Update”, in the Header of the Inventory Form. The date of the closure, if known, may be shown in Part I.30 or Part I.31, as appropriate.
A crossing that is closed remains in the Crossing Inventory forever. The Inventory number remains with that location forever, and the number cannot be reused at a different location. However, a crossing that has been closed can be reopened in the Crossing Inventory at any time in the future by simply updating the inventory record.
Q 23. How do I report a crossing that has previously been closed and is now reopened?
Complete all of the data fields in the Header and check the “Re-Open” box in Item C of the Header of the Inventory Form. The reporting agency should coordinate with the other agency to update all of the data fields on the Inventory Form that have been assigned to the State and railroad for updating by Appendix B to the Inventory Guide.
Finally, if a hardcopy Inventory Form update will be submitted to the Crossing Inventory, the Submission Information section of the Inventory Form will also need to be completed.
Q 24. How do I report the sale of a highway-rail or pathway crossing to the Crossing Inventory?
First, complete all of the data fields in the Header of the Inventory Form. If the sale of the highway-rail or pathway crossing will result in a new primary operating railroad, check the “Change in Primary Operating RR” box in Item C of the Header of the Inventory Form. However, if the sale of the Highway-Rail or Pathway Crossing will not result in a new primary operating railroad, check “Change in Data” box in item C of the Header of the Inventory Form. In addition, if the sale of the crossing will result in a change to any of the following data fields, update the changed field:
• Item 1 in Part I of the Inventory Form (“Primary Operating Railroad”)
• Item 15 in Part I of the Inventory Form (“Parent RR”)
• Item 16 in Part I of the Inventory Form (“Crossing Owner”)
Finally, if a hard-copy Inventory Form update will be submitted to the Crossing Inventory, complete the Submission Information section of the Inventory Form as well.
Q 25. Who needs to provide Latitude / Longitude data and in what format?
For new or previously unreported crossings, the primary operating railroad is required to obtain and provide this information when submitting the initial Inventory Form to the Crossing Inventory. By design, data cannot be added to the Crossing Inventory without all applicable information being provided for a new or previously unreported crossing.
States are expected to provide updates for latitude and longitude data for public highway-rail crossings, including those that are grade-separated, and all public pathway crossings. Railroads are to provide updates for latitude and longitude data for private highway-rail crossings, including those that are grade-separated, and all private pathway crossings.
The FRA Office of Safety uses the WGS-84 (World Geodetic System 1984) datum standard. The Crossing Inventory requires Latitude and Longitude to be submitted in “Degrees.Digital Degrees” (DDD) format. The coordinates are to be measured at the center of the crossing. The measurement values are to be entered in decimal (DDD) format as (nn.nnnnnnn) for Latitude and as (nnn.nnnnnnn) for Longitude. The values need to be taken to at least five (5) decimal places, but seven (7) decimal places are preferred. Please refer to the previous Inventory Guide discussion of Part I, Fields 27 and 28 on the Inventory Form, for additional information which includes conversion instructions from the
“Degrees.Minutes.Seconds” (DMS) format.
Q 26. How do you determine whether separate Inventory numbers should be assigned to crossings that are located in close proximity to each other?
For purposes of the Crossing Inventory, a highway-rail crossing consists of those railroad tracks that lie between a pair of warning devices. Therefore, each crossing with its own pair of warning devices must have an Inventory number assigned.
Q 27. Is a pathway ever considered to be a part of a highway-rail crossing?