1 value
Ooh, let’s see it!
She’s not crazy is she?
So uh, how you doin’?
There he is!
There’s our star!
So, so, what’d ya think?
Almost as good as that play with the two naked girls on the see-saw.
I-I wasn’t in that.
Wow, I have the spirit of an old Indian women living in mine.
So then you know?
The mailman was downstairs, so I brought up your mail.
Oh, good. Thanks.
Now what is Fabutec?
Okay, all right don’t judge me to much.
Um, but I saw this info-mercial, and um, I swear to you I have never-ever bought anything on TV before, except for this mop.
But there was this stuff on leg waxing, it just, it looked so amazing....
Oh, it’s incredible! I so want to be a Waxine girl.
I know!!
God. Do think it really doesn’t hurt? ‘Cause how can they do that?
Hello! Organic substances recently discovered in the depths of the rain forest!
They have the best stuff in there.
Comin' through. Move, move.
Oh, 'scuse me. I was kinda using that machine.
Yeah, well, now you're kinda not.
But I saved it. I put my basket on top.
Oh, I'm sorry, is that your basket? It's really pretty. Unfortunately, I don't see suds.
No suds, no save. Ok?
What's goin' on?
Hi, uh, nothing. That horrible woman just took my machine.
Was your basket on top?
Yeah, but, there were no suds.
Well, you know, no suds, no save.
No suds? Excuse me, hold on a second. That's my friend's machine.
Hey, hey, hey, her stuff wasn't in it.
Hey, hey, hey, that's not the rule and you know it.
Cause it's good money! But that doesn't change the fact that this is an evil blood sucking corporate machine!
Well, I think this is a great place to work!
Ok, are they listening?
Watch it lady!
Hey-hey good lookin’!
All right, I’ll leave.
My bed’s so boring.
Ross do you realise this is the first time in my life I’m doing something I actually care about.
This is the first time in my life I’m doing something that I’m actually good at.
I mean.
if you don’t get that...
No, hey, I get that, okay, I get that big time.
And I’m happy for ya, but I’m tired of having a relationship with your answering machine!
Okay, I don’t know what to do anymore.
Well neither do I!
I’m sorry I’m late, did I miss anything?
Joey stuffing 15
15? Your personal best! (Ross takes an
Where were you?
Oh, on a date. Yeah, I met this girl on the train going to a museum upstate.
Oh, yeah! How did you meet her?
Oh, which museum?
No, answer his.
Okay, it was just me and her at the back of the train, and I sat near the door, so she’d have to pass by me if she wanted to switch cars.
She was totally at my mercy.
Were you so late because you were burring this woman?
No, I’m getting back down ‘cause she lives in Poughkeepsie.
She seems really great, but she’s like totally great, but she lives two and a half hours away.
How can she be great if she’s from Poughkeepsie? That joke would’ve killed in Albany.
Done! I did it! Heh, who’s stupid now?
No, there is no way! It can
Why is your family
He cannot play at our wedding!
I mean everyone will leave!
I mean come on, that is just noise!
It’s not even a song!
If you listen very carefully, I think its
Oh, I want to look too! . Yikes!
So do you think that these pictures—Are, are they trying to tell a story?
Oh, yeah, sure.
I mean, like in the case of this young woman, she has lost her clothes, so she rides naked on the horse, she’s crying out, ‘Where are they, where are they?’
Well, she’s not going to find them lying in the grass like that.
Oh, yeah. Aw, remember the days when you used to go out to the barn, lift up your shirt, and bend over?
You see, now, I would date this girl.
She’s cute, she’s outdoorsy, you know, and she knows how to build a fire.
I mean, that’s got to come in handy
Okay, I’ve got a question. If you had to pick one of us to date, who would it be?
I don’t know.
Me neither.
I don’t know. Me neither.
Look, I wanted to tell I’m-I’m sorry you lost.
Listen, I’ve got a secret for ya. I let him win.
Is that a secret or a lie.