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How about Mama Lisettie's?
Enh. Sure!
I wonder how long that milk has been setting out.
Oh, no-no, this place is totally healthy!
That—this milk is mine.
I bought this today, 'cause I was thirsty for milk, y'know.
Okay, let's go!
Hey, buddy! Are you familiar with Section 11-B of the Health Code that requires all refuse material out the
But then I'd have to go all the way around the dry cleaner place.
Oh, so you're saying you'd choose convenience over health?!
Okay, stop!
Larry, okay, can't you just be Larry and not Larry the health inspector guy?
Y'know I mean it was really exciting at first but now it's like, okay, so where are we gonna eat ever?
Well, I suppose I could give him a warning.
Thank you.
Now, if after dinner you still really need to bust someone, I know a hot dog vendor who picks his nose.
No! No! Phoebe, come on! I don’t want to switch! Please come on! I can throw wet paper towels here!
No but at Monica’s you can eat cookies over the sink!
I know. I’m sorry.
All right fine! This looks like so much fun.
God, what a mess.
Tell us what happened, Brown Bird Ross.
Well, I lost.
Some little girl loaned her uniform to her nineteen year old sister, who went down to the U.S.S.
Nimitz, and sold over 2,000 boxes.
Hey! How’d the interview go?
Oh, I blew it. I wouldn’t of even hired me.
Oh, come here sweetie, listen, you’re gonna go on like a thousand interviews before you get a job.
That’s not how that was supposed to come out.
This is the worst Christmas ever.
Y'know what Rach, maybe you should just, y'know stay here at the coffee house.
I can’t!
It’s too late!
Terry already hired that girl over there.
Look at her, she’s even got waitress experience.
Last night she was teaching everybody how to make napkin.... swans.
That word was swans.
What do we got there?
A piece of something: boxer shorts, greeting cards, and what looks like a half-charred picture—Wow, that guy's hairier than the Chief!
You know, it's a really funny story how this happened.
It's all right.
It's all right.
You don't have to explain.
This isn't the first boyfriend bonfire that we've seen get out of control.
You're our third call tonight.
Oh, sure, Valentine's is our busiest night of the year.
I'm so sorry, you guys. I didn't mean to bring you down.
No, you were right. I don't have a plan.
Thank God. Food.
Do you have a plan?
I don't even have a 'pl'.
No, no, that's not what we ordered... We ordered a fat-free crust with extra cheese.
Wait! Did you say 'G.Stephanopoulos?'
Wait, was this a-a small mediterranean guy with curiously intelligent good looks?
Was he wearing a stunning blue suit?
And-and a power tie?
Oh God.
Are you nuts?! We've got George Stephanopoulos' pizza!
Uh, Pheebs? Who's George Snuffalopagus?
Big Bird's friend.
I see pizza!
Oh, I wanna see! Lemme see! Lemme see!
Hello? Who are we spying on?
Hey, y'know what a really good rainy day game is?
I mean naked game. Strip poker, we should totally play strip poker.
No, no!
What are you crazy?!
Come on! When you go away, you-you have to play, it’s like a law!
Allll done!
Aww, thank you.
Okay, who’s next?!
No-o-o! No way!
Come on, please?! I’m boredddd! You let me do it once before.
Yeah well, if ah, if that’s the rule this weekend... No!
It’s beautiful! It’s like the first bathroom floor there ever was. Whoa! Are you going in there for?
What, like a number?
Hi! Bye!
Okay, I’m done with my choices, these are final.
Well, it’s about time.
Ooh, very official.
Oh, yeah, well y'know Chandler printed it up on his computer.
And who laminated it?
That would be me.
All right let me see. Uma Thurman, Winona Ryder, Elizabeth Hurely, Michelle Pfieffer, and Dorothy Hammel?
Hey, it’s my list.
Okay honey, you do realize she only spins like that on ice.
Okay, Phoebe, this Dr. Oberman. He has no strong feelings about Fonzie or any of the
Hi! And you're going into what grade?
Umm, I'm actually a first year resident, but I get that a lot, you see, I-I graduated early
Uh-huh, me too. Ross, maybe I should've specified that I'd be needing a grown up doctor.
Oh no, I'm fully qualified to