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This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Physiology | 45258d3d-b974-44dd-a161-c3fccbdadd88 | [{'content': 'Which of the following is not true for myelinated nerve fibers: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Impulse through myelinated fibers is slower than non-myelinated fibers, B. Membrane currents are generated at nodes of Ranvier, C. Saltatory conduction of impulses is seen, D. Local anesthesia is effective only when the nerve is not covered by myelin sheath', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Physiology | b944ada9-d776-4c2a-9180-3ae5f393f72d | [{'content': "Which of the following is not true about glomerular capillaries') \nSelect and explain. \nA. The oncotic pressure of the fluid leaving the capillaries is less than that of fluid entering it, B. Glucose concentration in the capillaries is the same as that in glomerular filtrate, C. Constriction of afferent aeriole decreases the blood flow to the glomerulas, D. Hematocrit of the fluid leaving the capillaries is less than that of the fluid entering it", 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: Ans-a. The oncotic pressure of the fluid leaving the capillaries is less than that of fluid entering it Guyton I LpJ1 4-.;anong 23/e p653-6_)Glomerular oncotic pressure (due to plasma protein content) is higher than that of filtrate oncotic pressure in Bowman\'s capsule"Since glucose is freely filtered and the fluid in the Bowman\'s capsule is isotonic with plasma, the concentration of glucose in the filtrate is the same as in the capillaries', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Medicine | b64a9cd7-d076-4c55-8be1-f9c44fece6cc | [{'content': 'A 29 yrs old woman with a pregnancy of 17 week has a 10 years old boy with down syndrome. She does not want another down syndrome kid; best advice to her is \nSelect and explain. \nA. No test is required now as her age is below 35 years, B. Ultra sound at this point of time will definitely tell her that next baby will be down syndromic or not, C. Amniotic fluid samples plus chromosomal analysis will definitely tell her that next baby will be down syndromic or not, D. blood screening at this point of time will clear the exact picture', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: C \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Physiology | c6365cce-507c-40f6-90a2-46b867f47b6e | [{'content': 'Axonal transport is: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Antegrade, B. Retrograde, C. Antegrade and retrograde, D. None', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: C \nExplanation: Fast anterograde (400 mm/day) transport occurs by kinesin molecular motor and retrograde transport (200 mm/day) occurs by dynein molecular motor.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Biochemistry | 72c1c5e0-b64f-4eef-bf22-ecfb60c5c19c | [{'content': 'Low insulin to glucagon ratio is seen in all of these except: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Glycogen synthesis, B. Glycogen breakdown, C. Gluconeogenesis, D. Ketogenesis', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: Answer- A. Glycogen synthesisLow insulin to glucagon ratio implies a catabolic state, i.e. usage of body stores to form energy, typically seen in fasting state ancl diabetes mellitus. Hence, this state will promote glycogen breakdown, gluconeogenesis as well as ketone body formation, while at the same time inhibiting glycogen synthesis and storage.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Ophthalmology | 17360c6c-2c98-4fe2-aa85-487dcf4678df | [{'content': 'Concentration of tropicamide: \nSelect and explain. \nA. 0.01, B. 0.02, C. 0.03, D. 0.04', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: Answer- A. 0.01Tropicamide is the shoest acting mydriatic, concentration used is 0.5-l% drops (0.005-0.010).Tropicamide:Concentration used: 0.5-l% drops (0.005-0.010)Duration of action: Though effective for upto 3 hours, maximum effect appear 30 minutes after the last drop and lasts for only 10-15 minutesUsed in Adults.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Medicine | 62fa6f78-1964-4249-974b-6fcbbd7fc9ba | [{'content': 'Which of the following statements is true regarding H I N1 Influenza? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Pregnant woman with sore throat can be staed immediately on oseltamivir without diagnostic testing under category B, B. People on long-term steroids cannot receive Os-eltam ivir, C. Category B concerns with low risk cases, D. Category B patients have to undergo immediate testing', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: Ans: A. Pregnant woman with sore throat can be staed immediately on oseltamivir without diagnostic testing under category B(Ref. 804456402Categorisation.pcifi)Pregnant woman with sore throat can be staed immediately on oseltamivir without diagnostic testing under category B.Drug of choice - Oseltamivir (given for 10 days post-exposure). Priority groups (in order) for Influenza vaccinesPregnant womenHealthy young childrenAge >6 months with chronic medical conditionsHealthy adults 49-65 years15-49 years healthy young adultsHealthy adults > 65 years', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: AIIMS 2017, Subject name: Anatomy | ce49098b-cc48-4168-859e-936e3e0c7459 | [{'content': "Which of the following are not a branch of external carotid Aery in Kiesselbach's plexus. \nSelect and explain. \nA. Sphenopalatine aery, B. Anterior ethmoidal aery, C. Greater palatine aery, D. Septal branch of superior labial aery", 'role': 'user'}, {'content': "Answer: B \nExplanation: *Kiesselbach's plexus: Antero superior pa is supplied by ANTERIOR & POSTERIOR ETHMOIDAL AERIES which are branches of ophthalmic aery, branch of INTERNAL CAROTID AERY. Antero inferior pa is supplied by SUPERIOR LABIAL AERY - branch of facial aery, which is branch of EXTERNAL CAROTID AERY. Postero superior pa is supplied by SPHENO-PALATINE AERY - branch of MAXILLARY aery, which is branch of ECA. POSTERO INFERIOR pa is supplied by branches of GREATER PALATINE AERY - branch of ECA Antero inferior pa/vestibule of septum contain anastomosis b/w septal ramus of superior labial branch of facial aery & branches of sphenopalatine, greater palatine & anterior ethmoidal aeries. These form a large capillary network called KIESSELBACH'S PLEXUS If dryness persists, bleeding will occur Therefore, in given options, Anterior ethmoidal aery is a branch of ICA not ECA", 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: AIIMS 2017, Subject name: Medicine | 18d5c4a1-cb81-41a8-9bfc-b6f7dec431d2 | [{'content': 'Diagnosis of the following ECG- \nSelect and explain. \nA. Ventricular bigeminy, B. Electrical alternans, C. P pulmonale, D. Left ventricular failure', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: Option A- Broad QRS complex with normal sinus rhythm Digoxine toxicity Option B- P wave with fluctuating QRS complexes is seen. showing ELECTRICAL ALTERANS seen in large pericardial effusion in which hea is swinging. Option C- N Height in P wave: 2.5mm But in P-pulmonale: || by 1.5mm', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Pediatrics | de09d388-bd4e-42a9-ac6b-ee2d95f822e2 | [{'content': "A blue new born presents with cyanosis. The X–ray chest reveal oligaemic lung field and normal sized heart. Most likely diagnosis is – \nSelect and explain. \nA. Ebstein's anomaly, B. Pulmonary atresia, C. Transposition of great arteries, D. Tetralogy of fallot", 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: The findings in this newborn are\nCyanosis at birth\nOligaemic lung .fields\nNormal sized heart\nLets see each option one by one\nEbstein anomaly - It can be easily ruled out as there is marked cardiomegaly in it.\nTransposition of great vessels- There is cardiomegaly and plethoric lung fields see in it. So ruled out.\nNow the real confusion - between PA and TOF.\nTOF - in TOF there is oligaemic lung fields and normal sized heart but usually cyanosis is not present at birth.\n\xa0\nNelson states - \xa0"Often cyanosis is not present at birth. but with increasing hypertrophy of the right ventricular infimdibulum and patient growth, cyanosis occurs later in the 1st year of life. But some cases may present with cyanosis at birth."\n\na Pulmonary atresia -\n\nThe child is cyanotic at birth\nThere is pulmonary oligaemia\nBut the heart is of variable size (from small to enlarge)', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Pathology | 384a9281-2ee1-480b-a7d8-fd3ef49558e5 | [{'content': '27.\tThe lateral spread of dental caries is facilitated mostly by the \nSelect and explain. \nA. Enamel spindles, B. Dentinoenamel junction, C. Enamel lamellae, D. Striae of Retzius', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Medicine | ae860b65-53a5-4547-b627-494174e15c3c | [{'content': "A second-year PG resident tells you to perform an ABG of a patient. All of the following are true about performing an ABG except: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Before performing the ABG, syringe should be loaded with 0.3 cc of heparin, B. Normal pH, HCO. and PCO, levels may not indicate absence of an acid-base imbalance, C. A different site should be tried i f modified Allen's test is negative, D. Radial aery is the preferred site", 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: Ans: A. Before performing the ABG, syringe should be loaded with 0.3 cc of heparin(Ref: Harrison 18/e p364; http:// emedicine.medscape.comlaiclell 902703-overview).Care should be taken when measuring blood gases to obtain the aerial blood sample without using excessive heparin.Heparin should be expelled from the syringe after loading as it may lead to false pCO2 readings.Precautions:Most syringes come pre-packaged & contain a small amount of heparin, to prevent coagulation.Other syringes may need to be heparinized, by drawing up a small amount of liquid heparin & squiing it out again to remove air bubbles.Once the sample is obtained, care is taken to eliminate visible gas bubbles, as these bubbles can dissolve into the sample & cause inaccurate results.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Physiology | 84d89a4f-db04-402d-88ab-ca39f6eee8bd | [{'content': 'Respiratory rhythm generation center is located at: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Dorsal respiratory group, B. Pre-Botzinger complex, C. Ventral respiratory neurons, D. Pneumotaxic center', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: Ans: B. Pre-Botzinger complexRef: Ganong 25Ie p656, 24Ie p658)Rhythmic respiration is initiated by a small group of synaptically coupled pacemaker cells in the pre-Botzinger complex (pre-BOTC) on either side of the medulla between the nucleus ambiguus and the lateral reticular nucleus.The main components of the respiratory control pattern generator responsible for automatic respiration are located in the medulla. Rhythmic respiration is initiated by a small group of synaptically coupled pacemaker cells in the pre-Botzinger complex (pre-BOTC) on either side of the medulla between the nucleus ambiguus and the lateral reticular nucleus.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Medicine | b1cc4ab0-a82c-437a-88c2-00953f3618ff | [{'content': 'Gait apraxia is seen in thromboembolic episode involving: \nSelect and explain. \nA. ACA, B. MCA, C. PCA, D. Posterior choroidal aery', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: Ans. a. ACA (Ref: Harrison 19/e p163, 18/e p193)Gait apraxia is seen in thromboembolic episode involving anterior cerebral aery.Frontal lobe is mainly supplied by anterior cerebral aery; its occlusion leads to gait apraxia', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | f184a533-98b4-43ad-b1f5-70edc6704d9e | [{'content': 'Heavy forces on periodontal ligament causes: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Hyalinization, B. Osteoclastic activity around tooth, C. Osteoblastic activity around tooth, D. Crest bone resorption', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Microbiology | 26160738-1887-4252-86d4-1719a5a80bd3 | [{'content': 'About N. gonorrhoea, all are true except \nSelect and explain. \nA. Most common cause of urethritis in male, B. All stains are highly susceptible to penicillin, C. Wide spread axoregnic stains cause disseminated gonococcal infection, D. Found exclusively in human beings', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Anaesthesia | 6ccd8adb-af24-4e58-82a1-9219dfa37057 | [{'content': 'A patient who was on ventilator and being ventilated for past few days, suddenly pulls out the endotracheal tube. What is the next step of management? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Assess the patient, give bag and mask ventilation and look for spontaneous breathing, B. Sta bag and mask ventilation and reintubate, C. Sedate and reintubate, D. Make him sit and do physiotherapy', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': "Answer: A \nExplanation: Ans. a. Assess the patient, give bag and mask ventilation and look for spontaneous breathingIn self-extubation, assess the patient, give bag and mask ventilation and look for spontaneous breathing.Unplanned ExtubationUnplanned extubation of mechanically ventilated patients is relatively commonSelf-extubation refers to the patient's action, who deliberately removes the endotracheal tube (MC type of unplanned extubation, typically occur at night)Accidental extubation is attributed either to personnel's inappropriate manipulation of the tube during patient care or to a non-purposeful patient's action, e.g. coughing (mostly occur in the morning) Risk Factors for Unplanned ExtubationPatient factorsStaff factorsMaleDeliriumLight sedationDifficulty in securing tube (e g. facial swelling, facial burns)Previous unplanned extubationJunior staffNurse-to-patient ratioInadequately secured endotracheal tubeand/or checks", 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | e38402c3-69bf-40a8-90c4-09277ca352eb | [{'content': 'In a\t6-month-old child, thick curd like white\tpatch\nappears on the buccal mucosa. On rubbing it leaves an\nerythematous patch. Most likely diagnosis is: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Tuberculosis, B. Lichen planus, C. Lupus erythematous, D. Candidiasis', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: D \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: AIIMS 2018, Subject name: Radiology | 9078aaca-bbfd-41cd-ad69-03057fca84ba | [{'content': 'Characteristic of venous blood flow of lower limb in duplex Doppler is? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Monophasic, B. Biphasic, C. Triphasic, D. Non phasic', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: * Doppler is based on frequency shift and color coding depends on the direction of blood flow* Direction of blood flow:- Flow towards the probe- Red- Flow away from probe- Blue Intensity of color depends on velocity of flow Doppler effect: change in frequency because of relative motion between moving source of sound and observer. Direction of flow Color doppler showing CCA bifurcation Spectral doppler: Cursor is placed into the area of blood vessel we want to trace and its velocity is measured.An angle has to be maintained to obtain a proper image- Ideal angle = 0o (practically not possible)- Optimal angle = 45o-60o (never 90o) Spectral doppler of aeries Low resistance High resistance Example:* Brain aeries* ICA* CCA* VA- Renal aeries| Monophasic with pattern pulsatility Example: - Extremity aeries* ECA | Triphasic pattern Normal Peripheral Aerial Waveform Triphasic waveform Initial high velocity forward flow component Early diastolic reverse flow component Late diastolic forward flow component Narrow systolic window * Venous doppler:- It is Monophasic- during free breathing variations in amplitude due to cardiac and respiratory phasicity- In breath hold- pressure changes of . Atrium are reflected back in the major veins', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | ac6be140-880b-40c6-9855-01f30c8dd7b2 | [{'content': 'The source of calcium ions of a calcific bridge in a\ntooth in which calcium hydroxide pulpotomy has been\nperformed is: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Blood vessel borne, B. Derided cells, C. Dentin, D. From the calcium hydroxide', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Biochemistry | 7111d7b2-7e80-4e23-b5d0-9f42595c6a80 | [{'content': '2, 3-BPG binds to sites of haemoglobin and the affinity for oxygen \nSelect and explain. \nA. 4, decreases, B. 1, decreases, C. 4, increases, D. 1, increases', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: Answer- B. 1, decreases2,3-BPG binds to 1 site of haemoglobin and decreases the affinity for oxygen.2, 3 Bisphosphoglycerate (2,3- BPG) or 2,3 Diphosphoglycerate 2,3- DPG)It is most abundant organic phosphate in RBC.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: AIIMS 2017, Subject name: Anaesthesia | 406b5b4f-9ad4-42c0-9669-12d038df4ac8 | [{'content': 'Highest concentration of oxygen is delivered through? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Nasal cannula, B. Venturi mask, C. Bag and mask, D. Mask with reservoir', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: C \nExplanation: Bag and mask-100% O2 Venturi mask- 60% O2 Nasal cannula - 40% O2 Mask with reservoir- 80-90% O2', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | 8d2e7fe2-3354-44c2-8cdf-55ff23caaebb | [{'content': 'Sharpest cusp is seen in \nSelect and explain. \nA. Upper Canine, B. Lower Canine, C. Upper Premolar, D. Lower premolar', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Gynaecology & Obstetrics | 7f0270fd-7d45-43ec-b77e-0038115bb845 | [{'content': 'A mother is Hbs Ag positive and anti Hbe Ag positive. Risk of transmission of Hep. B in child is: \nSelect and explain. \nA. 20%, B. 50%, C. 0%, D. 90%', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: Before answering these questions lets first discuss hepatitis in brief.\nMaternal infection: The acute infection is manifested by flu like illness as malaise, anorexia, nausea and vomiting. In majority, it remains asymptomatic. Jaundice is rare and fever is uncommon.\nClinical course (HBV): Nearly 90–95% of patients clear the infection and have full recovery. 1% develop fulminant hepatitis resulting massive hepatic necrosis. 10-15% become chronic and 10% of these chronic cases suffer from chronic active hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.\nDiagnosis is confirmed by serological detection of HBsAg, HBeAg (denote high infectivity) and antibody to hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) and HBV DNA titer (107–1011).\nScreening: All pregnant women should be screened for HBV infection at first antenatal visit and it should be repeated during the third trimester for ‘high risk’ groups (intravenous drug abusers, sexual promiscuity, hemophilics, patients on hemodialysis or having multiple sex partners).\nHepatitis C (HCV):\nIt is recognized as the major cause of non-A, non-B hepatitis worldwide and is the leading cause of transfusion associated hepatitis. Transmission is mainly blood borne and to a lesser extent by faecal-oral route. It is responsible for chronic active hepatitis and hepatic failure.\nPerinatal transmission (10–40%) is high when coinfected with HIV and HBV.\nDetection is by antibody to HCV by EIA, which develops usually late in the infection.\nConfirmation is done by recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA-3).\nChronic carrier state is present. Breastfeeding is not contraindicated.\nHepatitis D (HDV):\nIt is seen in patients infected with HBV either as a co-infection or super infection. Perinatal transmission is known.\nHepatitis E (HEV): Hepatitis E is the most important cause of non-A, non-B hepatitis in developing countries like India. Chronic carrier state is present. Perinatal transmission is uncommon.\nMaternal mortality is very high (15–20%).', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | 8b9a0e04-4281-418a-aa94-7414a325732f | [{'content': 'In a patient with competent lips together at rest, the lip\nline is opposite the tips of the upper incisors. The lip line is then described as \nSelect and explain. \nA. Average, B. High, C. Incomplete, D. Low', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: D \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: AIIMS 2019, Subject name: Pharmacology | a3da135a-a6a2-4e1c-8823-8ab0913f5668 | [{'content': 'A patient presented to emergency with overdose some drug. There were increased salivation and increased bronchial secretions. On examination, blood pressure was 88/60 mmHg. RBC esterase level is 50. What should be the treatment of this person? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Neostigmine, B. Atropine, C. Flumazenil, D. Physostigmine', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: Low esterase levels are suggestive of overdose of some drug which acts by inhibiting acetyl choline esterase like organophosphate poisoning. Inhibition of choline esterase results In increased amount of Ach at synapse, so poisoning or overdose results in cholinergic symptoms like salivation, lacrimation, urination, emesis, increased bronchial secretions, reduction in blood pressure.So treatment Of choice is Atropine. Atropine -It is highly effective in counter-acting the muscarinic symptoms, but higher doses are required to antagonize the central effects. It does not reverse peripheral muscular paralysis which is a nicotinic action. All cases of anti-ChE (carbamate or organophosphate) poisoning must be promptly given atropine2 mg i.v. repeated every 10 min till dryness of mouth or other signs of atropinization appear (upto 200 mg has been administered in a day). Continued treatment with maintenance doses may be required for 1-2 weeks. Neostigmine and physostigmine worsens the signs and symptoms as these also act by inhibiting choline esterase. Physostigmine and flumazenil are respectively used for Atropine and benzodiazepines poisoning.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | 7751b7ed-6aa4-4b9a-a03c-bb991a2936db | [{'content': 'The current bar clasp design used is: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Mesio-occlusal rest, B. Disto-occlusal rest, C. Mesial or distal depending on the situation, D. Choice of the dentist', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | 159339f1-1545-47f6-9aad-47c1282458b4 | [{'content': 'All of the following are true regarding Class-II inlay gingival margins preparation except? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Removal of week enamel rods, B. Increased metal burnishability, C. Lap sliding fit of metal margin, D. Margins of restoration in self-cleansable area', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: D \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | b6149b01-79a9-4d07-8cbc-828452b3906e | [{'content': 'Breakdown of periodontal fibres in periodontitis is due to bacterial enzyme: (OR) Which of the following bacterial products have been implicated in initiation of inflammatory periodontal disease? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Collagenase, B. Hyaluronidase, C. Coagulase, D. None of the above', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Social & Preventive Medicine | f0f91922-12fd-4213-871c-19e47532a6d6 | [{'content': "In a study, two groups of newborns are checked for their weights based on whether their mothers received food supplements or not. The appropriate test which can be used for comparing the data is: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Chi square test, B. Paired T-test, C. Student's T-test, D. Fischer exact test", 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: C \nExplanation: Ans: C. Student\'s T-test(Ref Park 22/e p795; Biostatistics by Mahajan 7/e p134)Here, comparing a parametric quantitative variable (weight) in two unrelated group of people.Hence, "Student\'s t-test" used.Student t-test:Used when outcome variable is normally distributed in population (for quantitative data).Ex: BP, blood glucose.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: AIIMS 2017, Subject name: Biochemistry | 3624dceb-9318-4aa7-add1-b4c2fbac3065 | [{'content': 'Which vitamin is required for glycogen Phosphorylase? \nSelect and explain. \nA. PLP, B. TPP, C. Riboflavin, D. Lipoic acid', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: Glycogen phosphorylase is the rate limiting enzyme of glycogenolysis. And it requires PLP. The active form of vitamin B6 is the coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) PLP can be synthesized from the three compounds pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine. This PLP for this enzyme Glycogen phosphorylase is not required as co-enzyme, but it act as a phosphate donor. Enzyme glycogen phosphorylase will cut glycogen a (1-4) bond apa and the glucose released are transferred in Glucose-1-phosphate and that phosphate is taken from PLP.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | 7b81cd07-3765-4f50-8b28-a88576f4223e | [{'content': "A child's behaviour is traced to have dental difficulties\nfrom\this\tmother.\tThe\tmost\tsatisfactory\tmethod\tof\nhandling the situation is to: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Introduce another child as a good example, B. Modify his fear by familiarization, C. Use small amounts of barbiturates, D. Use firmness", 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Anatomy | e845e625-845e-4d02-ab3f-e00f2284d62e | [{'content': 'Which of the following is the only complete cailage ring in the respiratory tree? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Cricoid cailage, B. Thyroid cailage, C. Cunieform cailage, D. Epiglottis', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: Answer- A (Cricoid cailage)(Ref: BDC 5/e Vol lII/p238)Complete cailage ring is seen in Cricoid cailage.Cricoid cailage is shaped like a ring. It encircles the larynx below the thyroid cailage. It is thicker and stronger than the thyroid cailage.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: AIIMS 2019, Subject name: Anaesthesia | fb79561d-8beb-4a31-aaa5-9350e20b0caa | [{'content': 'Steps of intubation - arrange in sequence:- a. Head extension and flexion of neck b. Introduction of laryngoscope c. Inflation of cuff d. Check breath sounds with stethoscope e. fixation of the tube to prevent dislodgement \nSelect and explain. \nA. ABCDE, B. DBCEA, C. ACBED, D. CBAED', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: For intubation: 1st step: Morning sniffing position: extension of atlanto-occipital joint and flexion of neck. 2nd step: Introduction of laryngoscope 3rd step: Push the tongue away, visualize the epiglottis, aryepiglottic fold, hinge the tip of laryngoscope with aryepiglottic fold and lift the laryngoscope to visualize the glottic opening. 4th step: Introduce ETT and inflate the cuff 5th check for bilateral breath sound FIXATION of the ETT.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Pediatrics | 67add9f9-94b5-40b2-904d-fb4965fb8309 | [{'content': 'In Erythroblastosis fetalis not involved is – \nSelect and explain. \nA. Anti C, B. Anti D, C. Anti E, D. Anti Lewis', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: D \nExplanation: Erythroblastosis fetalis is caused by the transplacental passage of maternal antibody active against paternal RBC antigens of the infant and is characterized by an increased rate of RBC destruction.\nAlthough more than 60 different RBC antigens are capable of eliciting an antibody response, significant disease is associated primarily D antigen of Rh group and with A 0 incompatibility.\nOther rare antigens involved are -\n\n\nC or E antigen of Rh group\nRBC antigens - Cw, Cx, Cu, K (kell), M, Duffy, S, P, MNS, Xg, Lutheran, Diego and Kidd.\n\n\nAnti-Lewis antibodies do not cause disease.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Microbiology | 6bfe528d-3481-47e2-bc3d-d38c56b5f0cc | [{'content': 'A dentist suffered from Hepatitis B infection 3 months back. His laboratory tests are normal, but he is not allowed by the medical board to do surgical practice. He is: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Inactive carrier, B. Healthy carrier, C. Convalescent carrier, D. Paradoxical carrier', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: C \nExplanation: Convalescent carrier is the host who continues to harbor the microorganism even after recovering from the clinical disease caused by the same pathogen.\nKey Points\xa0\nHBsAg:\n\nThe antigen appears in blood during incubation period and is detectable in most patients during the prodrome and acute phase of the disease.\nPersistent presence of HBsAg in blood for at least 6 months indicates the carrier state and also indicates the risk of chronic hepatitis and hepatic carcinoma. It is not detectable in the serum during convalescent stage. The presence of HBsAg alone does not necessarily indicate the replication of complete virion, and the patients may not have symptoms of liver damage.\xa0\n\nParija SC. Textbook of Microbiology & Immunology. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2014. Page:74,553', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Pediatrics | 26a782ca-42b0-441b-a24f-3a368f66727c | [{'content': 'A pediatrician in a district hospital with specialization neonatal care unit calls an ophthalmologist for consultation for which of the following? \nSelect and explain. \nA. A newborn with respiratory distress, B. A baby born at 28 weeks of gestation, C. Newborn with jaundice, D. A newborn with bih weight 2300 grams', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: Answer- B. A baby born at 28 weeks of gestationPremature baby needs to be screenedfor Retinopathy of prematurity.All babies weighing <1500 gm or having a gestational period <32 weeks should be screened with indirect ophthalmoscopybetween 32-36 weeks postconception.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Pediatrics | 641f160f-eef0-4b8c-9cb8-3241d2d63173 | [{'content': 'In a child with active liver failure, the most important prognosis factor for death is – \nSelect and explain. \nA. Increasing transaminases, B. Increasing bilirubin, C. Increasing prothrombin time, D. Gram (–)ve sepsis', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: D \nExplanation: Prognosis of hepatic failure in children \n\nChildren with hepatic failure have somewhat better prognosis.\nThe prognosis varies considerably with -\n\ni) Cause of liver failure\nii) Stage of hepatic encephalopathy\n\nPoor prognostic factors for mortality\n\n\nIf cause of liver failure is\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0—>\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 Wilson disease, idiopathic\nStage IV coma —> Most common cause of death is brain stem herniation\nAge < I year\nSepsis\nSevere hemorrhage\nRenal failure\n, Need for dialysis before transplantation\n\nFor option b & c -\n"Pretransplant serum bilirubin concentration and the INR (prothrombin time) of coagulation are not predictive\xa0of post transplant survival".', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Gynaecology & Obstetrics | 3a13e9bb-48ab-46c1-9d50-e1612840d922 | [{'content': 'A patient went into shock immediately after normal delivery, likely cause: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Amniotic fluid embolism, B. PPH, C. Uterine inversion, D. Eclampsia', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: C \nExplanation: Friends this is one of those questions where we can derive the answer by excluding other options as very little information has been provided to us.\nSudden post partum collapse – may be seen in all the four cases viz – amniotic fluid embolism, PPH, uterine inversion and eclampsia.\nBut in case of PPH antecedent H/O excessive blood loss, in eclampsia – H/O antecedent convulsions and in amniotic fluid embolism – H/O abrupt onset of respiratory distress before collapse should be present, which is not given in the question so these options are being excluded.\nThe clinical picture of acute inversion occurring in the third stage of labour is characterised by shock and haemorrhage, the shock being out of proportion to the bleeding.\nSince this a problem which occurs due to mismanaged third stage of labour, patient doesnot have any complain in the antenatal period or during labour.\nUterine inversion – “It should be suspected whenever a woman has unexplained postpartum collapse.”\nTextbook of Obs, Sheila Balakrishnan, p 489', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: ENT | 9bad2095-2dd9-4485-946a-4ef51d16e8a4 | [{'content': 'A patient presented with flat topped violaceous papules, thinning of nails and onycholysis. What is the microscopic finding observed in this patient? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Prominent necrotic cell, B. Suprabasal split, C. Basal cell degeneration, D. Acantholysis', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: C \nExplanation: Ans. c. Basal degeneration', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Medicine | 86da0aa9-4ee5-4d2d-909b-e40e20b97d1c | [{'content': 'Which of the following is not. true regarding myelopathy? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Sensory loss of facial area, B. Brisk jaw jerk, C. Brisk pectoral jerk, D. Urgency and incontinence of micturition', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': "Answer: B \nExplanation: Ans. b. Brisk jaw jerk(Ref: De Jongs Neurological examination/ p194, 201, 474.'Jaw jerk is exaggerated in supranuclear lesions that are above the mid pons.", 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Social & Preventive Medicine | ddb3f2a6-295a-4d4b-8478-5c15049b62a8 | [{'content': 'Which of the following committees has recommended a 3-year bachelor degree in medical education for rural health service? \nSelect and explain. \nA. High level expe group of universal health program for india, B. Central bureau of health investigation, C. Srivastava committee, D. Sundar committee', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': "Answer: A \nExplanation: Answer- A. High level expe group of universal health program for indiaConcept of 3 years bachelor para-medical course for rural health service was proposed by Ministry of health and family welfare and received backing of Planning Commission of India's High level expe group of universal health program.", 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Pediatrics | 7697c864-514c-4a73-8ce4-ea6cf0d0b651 | [{'content': 'Sequential arrangement of fetal scans - \nSelect and explain. \nA. Growth scan, B. Triple marker, C. Anomalous Scan and NT scan, D. All', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': "Answer: D \nExplanation: Ans: D. AllThe NT scan must be done between 11 and 14 weeks pregnant, because this is when the base of baby's neck is still transparent. (The last day for scan is 13 weeks and 6 days pregnant.)Triple marker test is performed in pregnant women at the end of first trimester and the beginning of the second trimester.The anomaly scan, also sometimes called the anatomy scan, 20 week ultrasound, or level 2 ultrasound, is a pregnancy ultrasound performed between 18-22 weeksA growth scan is an ultrasound scan that determines whether your baby's growth is normal. Doctors typically recommend it for women during the third trimester of pregnancy; one of the reasons it is also a fetal growth scan between 28 weeks and 32 weeks of pregnancy.", 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Surgery | 9a3940ff-8c7a-492c-86d4-259c47cef675 | [{'content': "Which one of the following is a muscle splitting incision? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Kocher's incision, B. Rutherford-Morrison incision, C. Pfannenstiel incision, D. Lanz incision", 'role': 'user'}, {'content': "Answer: D \nExplanation: Ans: D. Lanz incisionLanz incision:An oblique (transverse skin crease), muscle splitting incision used for an appendectomy.A modification of McBurney's (Grid Iron) incision.Advantages:Considered cosmetically better.Exposure is better.The extension is easier.Measurements:Incision, appropriate in length to size & obesity of patient - Approximately 2 cm below umbilicus centered on the midclavicular-mid inguinal line.It can be extended medially - With retraction or suitable division of rectus abdominis muscle.", 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | 98ae0eca-84e2-4b3c-95e3-2920fafef1e8 | [{'content': 'Multiple canals in mandibular premolars are seen in? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Africas, B. Caucians, C. Not Recalled, D. Not Recalled', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | 5ce754b8-b358-4270-9bd1-8828700a19b1 | [{'content': 'Which of the following blade angle is appropriate for scaling and root planing \nSelect and explain. \nA. A, B. B, C. C, D. D', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: Blade angulation.\n(A) 0 degrees: correct angulation for blade insertion.\n(B) 45 to 90 degrees: correct angulation for scaling and root planing.\n(C) less than 45 degrees: incorrect angulation for scaling and root planing.\n(d) More than 90 degrees: incorrect angulation for scaling and root planing, but correct angulation for gingival curettage.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Anatomy | 849b1909-c988-4d0b-8eaf-a716707cbe97 | [{'content': 'Which pa of brachial plexus do not give branches \nSelect and explain. \nA. Root, B. Division, C. Cord, D. Trunk', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: Answer: B. DivisionDivision does not give branches', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Pathology | 07d58883-b752-4898-ab70-a1df892ef7bd | [{'content': 'If the Rb gene phosphorylation is defective, which of the following will happen? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Cell cycle will stop at GI phase, B. Cell cycle will stop at G2 phase, C. The cell cycle will progress and the cell will divide, D. There will be no effect on cell cycle as for Rb gene phosphorylation is not needed', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: Answer- A. Cell cycle will stop at GI phaseRb is a tumor suppressor gene. It normally arrests cell division at G1-S phase. Phosphorylation of Rb gene allows the cell to divide, hence inhibition of phosphorylation (which is the constitutive scenario for Rb gene) arrests the cell in GI phase.RB (Retinoblastoma) geneLocated on chromosome on 13q14Tumor suppressive pocket protein that binds E2F transcription factors in hypophophorylated stateKey negative regulator of G1/S cell cycle transition . Tumors associated: Retinoblastoma, osteosarcoma, Glioblastoma, small cell carcinoma of lung, CA breast & CA bladderSequence: Go- G1- S- G2 - M', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | 66b9ec80-bfe0-485a-89ae-42e666aab572 | [{'content': "Cumulative index is: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Russet's periodontal index, B. Ramjford's periodontal index, C. PMA (Massler and Schlour), D. Gingival index (Loe and Silness)", 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: C \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Anatomy | 0e46082c-1abc-4330-a12d-6948554559a2 | [{'content': 'The cells which will proliferate from top to bottom of villi are: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Chief cells, B. Goblet cells, C. Paneth cells, D. Parietal cells', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: C \nExplanation: Paneth cells or zymogen cells are found only in the deeper parts of the intestinal crypts.\n\xa0They contain prominent eosinophilic secretory granules.\n\xa0They also contain high amount of zinc.\n\xa0They are known to produce lysozyme, defensins and TNF alpha that destroy bacteria.\n\xa0They exceptionally migrate towards the base of the crypts of Lieberkuhn instead of going toward the villi', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Ophthalmology | 360f90ec-189e-464a-a60d-ed9d9bda46ef | [{'content': 'What is the usual weight of rabbit used in ophthalmological experiments? \nSelect and explain. \nA. 0.5-1 kg, B. 1.5-2.5 kg, C. 5-7 kg, D. 10-12 kg', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: Ans: B. 1.5-2.5 kg(Ref: Animal Models in Eve Research/ p188).The usual weight of rabbit used in ophthalmological experiments is between 1.5-2.5 Kg. Laboratory Animals:Laboratory AnimalsAnimalWeightRat180-200 gmGuinea Pig400-600 gmMouse20-25 gmRabbit1.5-2.5 KgdegHamster80-90 gm', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Medicine | ee55a9bc-62bb-4952-957a-1902ff5b4376 | [{'content': 'In plasmodium vivax malaria, relapse is caused by:September 2012 \nSelect and explain. \nA. Sporozoite, B. Schizont, C. Hypnozoite, D. Gamteocyte', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': "Answer: C \nExplanation: Ans: C i.e. HypnoziteMalariaIn malaria, size of RBC is increased in: VivaxInfective agent of malaria is: SporozoiteFalciparum malariaGametocytes are seen in peripheral blood smearParasitemia is highestMost virulent plasmodium speciesExo-erythrocytic stage is absentMultiple infections of RBC'sSplenic rupture is common", 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Anatomy | 06cab4ad-fb49-4daa-92db-5ee3529af02f | [{'content': 'Retraction of mandible is achieved by: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Lateral pterygoid, B. Temporalis, C. Medial pterygoid, D. Masseter', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: AIIMS 2017, Subject name: Medicine | 783df438-362f-4ab5-a8b3-11ea2bfb2af7 | [{'content': 'How is modified shock index represented as? \nSelect and explain. \nA. HR/MAP, B. MAP/HR, C. HR/SBP, D. HR/DBP', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: HR normal: 60-100 MAP normal: 95', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: AIIMS 2019, Subject name: Pediatrics | fe85c6e7-2064-4045-b348-57a9eb2bc6b4 | [{'content': 'A 3 week neonate with ambiguous genitalia presented with Na+ 127 meq/L, K+ 7.2 meq/L wit BP 52/24 mm Hg and he was managed with IV fluids. What is the next step of management? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Spironolactone, B. Hydrocoisone administration, C. Broad spectrum antibiotics, D. Calcium gluconate', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: Karyotype 46 XX Physical appearance - male pattern Precocious pubey at 2-4 yrs. of age. Uterus, cervix and fallopian tubes are present (bcz 44 XX) - Mullerian duct development is normal. Metabolic problems: Hyponatremia - aldosterone deficiency Hyperkalemia Hypotension Diagnosis: 1) USG Normal 2) Barr body present 3) Biochemistry - 17 hydroxyprogesterone || > 800 ngm/dl. Management: DOC - Dexamethasone - to pregnant women and fetus both having CAH. Hydrocoisone - pregnant women alone having CAH but fetus is normal. Neonate with CAH. Labioscrotal folds may be separated to folds may be fused at the midline, giving an appearance of a scrotum Labioscrotal folds with increased pigmentation suggest the possibility of increased coicotropin levels as pa of adrenogenital syndrome', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Pathology | 87f6392c-b727-4e7d-be12-189db181fd2b | [{'content': 'Base pairs in DNA \nSelect and explain. \nA. 1.5 billion, B. 46 billions, C. 3.2 billion, D. 100 billion', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: C \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | c2b29a6c-e501-4532-97ad-62934778db2a | [{'content': 'Which of the following is a solid solution? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Amalgam, B. Cobalt-chromium, C. Silver-palladium, D. Gallium-silver', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: C \nExplanation: The structure of noble alloys can consist of solid solutions, in which the elements are completely soluble in one another at all temperatures and compositions.\nThe majority of noble metal casting alloys for dental restorations are based on solid solutions. An important example is the palladium-silver (Pd-Ag) alloy system. Silver forms a series of solid solutions with palladium and gold, and is therefore common in gold- and palladium-based dental alloys.\nRef: Phillip’s 12th edition page 79. Craig’s 14th edition page 182,184', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Anaesthesia | 1bf69f9a-987c-48fc-9356-d62d2148c3a6 | [{'content': 'Tracheal secretions should be suctioned for: \nSelect and explain. \nA. 10-15 seconds, B. 60 seconds, C. 30 seconds, D. 3 minutes', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: Ans. a. 10-15 seconds(Ref Current DiMMOCIC and Treatment Critical Care 3/e p255)Tracheal secretions should he suctioned limiting the time to less than 10-15 seconds. The patient should be preoxygenated with 100% oxygen for at least a minute, and the total suction time should be limited to no more than 10-15 seconds on each attempt.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: ENT | 1482f619-ffc5-4773-b48e-995421bcab06 | [{'content': 'A patient presents with carcinoma of the larynx involving the left false cords, left arytenoid and the left aryepiglottic folds with bilateral mobile true cords. Treatment of choice is - \nSelect and explain. \nA. Vertical hemilaryngectomy, B. Horizontal partial hemilaryngectomy, C. Total laryngectomy, D. Radiotherapy followed by chemotherapy', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: In the Patient\n\nInvolvement of unilateral false cord, aryepiglottic folds and arytenoids with mobile cord suggest supraglottic cancer in T2 stage (morem than one subsites of supraglottis are involved).\nFor T2 stage radiotherpy is best. But it is not given in options. Hence we will go for voice conserving surgery-vertical hemilaryngectomy.\nVertical hemilaryngectomy means excision of one half of larynx, one half of supraglottis, glottis and subglottis.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Biochemistry | 0e7917ea-310b-4477-9897-f4901f728448 | [{'content': 'Which of the following lipoproteins does not move towards charged end in electrophoresis? \nSelect and explain. \nA. VLDL, B. LDL, C. HDL, D. Chylomicrons', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: D \nExplanation: Based on electrophoretic separation from cathode\xa0to anode, the order of lipoprotein in an electrophoretogram is\xa0\n\nChylomicron\nLDL (β Lipoprotein)\nVLDL (Pre\xa0β Lipoprotein)\nIDL (Broad\xa0β Lipoprotein)\nHDL (α Lipoprotein)', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Surgery | eaf9a948-8b99-4522-a75d-7649ecd0e3f7 | [{'content': 'A 60 years old male presented with fever, chills and dysuria. Patient was hospitalized in emergency for 5 days. PSA level was 7.4. Next best step in this patient: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Repeat PSA, B. TURP, C. TRUS guided biopsy, D. Antibiotics and admit', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: D \nExplanation: Answer- D. Antibiotics and admitTreatment for acute bacterial prostatitis:MC used antibiotics are: TMP-SMX and Ciprofloxacin (Both are having better concentration in prostatic tissue)Around 4-6 weeks of antibiotic therapy is used to ave chronic bacterial prostatitis.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: AIIMS 2018, Subject name: Physiology | 133b6b41-ac32-4d94-b0c8-9004aa2214f4 | [{'content': 'Name the structure marked with arrow \nSelect and explain. \nA. Mitochondria, B. Golgi bodies, C. Secretory vesicles, D. Rough Endoplasmic reticulum', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: C \nExplanation: The structure marked with arrow- Secretory vesicles.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Pharmacology | a570d3c3-865a-41b6-8e21-dccbf7feec4c | [{'content': 'A patient from,nqh-eastern states was diagnosed to have infection with P. falciparum malaria. What is the most appropriate drug for this patient? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Aemether plus lumefantrine, B. Sulfadoxine plus pyrimethamine, C. Chloroquine, D. Mefloquine', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: Ans: A. Aemether plus lumefantrineRef: <a href=" Combination Therapy (ACT) should be given to all the confirmed P. falciparum cases.</li>The ACT recommended in the National Program all over India except noheastern states is aesunate (AS) daily for3 days and Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) on Day 0.Noheastern states presently recommended ACT in national drug policy is fixed dose combination of Aemether-lumefaritrine.Hence, the clear-cut answer of this question is Aemether plus lumefantrine.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Biochemistry | 7627eb54-4499-45d0-ba1f-1c8dbc6f2342 | [{'content': 'Iron is present in all, EXCEPT \nSelect and explain. \nA. Myoglobin, B. Cytochrome, C. Catalase, D. Pyruvate kinase', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: D \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Pathology | 57eb90ac-1025-4763-b6c0-ff5581ef2126 | [{'content': "The most common bone tumor that occurs in children is: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Osteosarcoma, B. Ewing's sarcoma, C. Metastatic carcinoma, D. Multiple myeloma", 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Surgery | 890982b8-3906-44be-aff1-437a7c6c373d | [{'content': 'In a couple for treatment of infeility from the last four years, female paner is normal. Male paner has 0.8 ml semen volume per ejaculate on two repeated samples and absent fructose, with no sperms on examination under microscope. What is the next line of management? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Per-rectal examination to check ejaculatory duct obstruction, B. Give antioxidants, C. Testicular biopsy, D. Transrectal ultrasound to detect duct obstruction', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: D \nExplanation: Answer- D. Transrectal ultrasound to detect duct obstructionAbsent fructose with no sperms in ejaculate is suggestive of obstruction of vas deferens with seminal vesicle agenesis or obstruction. Next line of management in this patient would be transrectal ultrasound to detect duct obstruction.Transrectal Ultrasound-High-frequency (5-7) mHz transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) offers superb imaging of the prostate, seminal vesicles, and ejaculatory ducts.Due to both accuracy and convenience, TRUS has replaced surgical vasography in the diagnosis of obstructive lesions that cause infeility.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | 069b7516-54c4-4e5d-acf7-a7c92fdd2a01 | [{'content': 'The zygomatic bone does not articulate with: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Frontal bone, B. Maxillary bone, C. Nasal bone, D. Temporal bone', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: C \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Gynaecology & Obstetrics | e872c1fb-0521-4b18-bfbb-b60544b78a99 | [{'content': "Which of the following statements is true regarding medical aboion? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Ultrasound should be done in all cases, B. If the patient has an IUCD in-situ, it doesn't need to be removed, C. Can only be done up to 72 days, D. Only a person ceified under MTP act can perform medical termination of pregnancy", 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: D \nExplanation: Ans: D. Only a person ceified under MTP act can perform medical termination of pregnancy(Ref Shaw 16/e 28(, 15/e p244-245, William) 24/e p568).MTP can be performed up to 20 weeks according to MTP act.Ultrasound is not needed in all cases.Only ceified person for MTP act can perform medical termination of pregnancy.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Physiology | 21af7233-ae6a-423c-ae71-9148212a37c3 | [{'content': 'Calcium ions triggers muscle contraction by binding to: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Actin, B. Myosin, C. Troponin, D. Tropomyosin', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: C \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: AIIMS 2018, Subject name: Microbiology | 1e94a9ca-55e4-4e9a-bf7b-cb2dc4ba2ab5 | [{'content': 'SD plasma destroys lipid enveloped virus. On SD plasma transfusion, which of the following infection is the likely possibility? \nSelect and explain. \nA. HIV, B. HAV, C. HBV, D. HCV', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: Since SD plasma destroys lipid enveloped viruses the viruses which are not enveloped are most likely to cause infection. The impoant non enveloped viruses are viruses belonging to family PICORNAVIRIDAE, REOVIRIDAE, ASTROVIRIDAE and CALCIVIRIDAE and one of the impoant member of PICORNAVIRIDAE is hepatitis a virus which is a non enveloped RNA virus.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | 4b40c558-d6be-4683-ac70-b43beafccae3 | [{'content': 'According to the intelligence quotient classification, a score of 90-110 is: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Low average., B. Average, C. Superior, D. Mentally retarded.', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: AIIMS 2018, Subject name: Biochemistry | d1d16eda-c34e-4492-bee4-1b8c4246daf3 | [{'content': 'Due to which of the following enzyme deficiency, vitamin C cannot be synthesised in humans? \nSelect and explain. \nA. L-Glucuronic acid oxidase, B. L-Gulonic acid reductase, C. L-Gulonolactone oxidase, D. L-Gulonolactone reductase', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: C \nExplanation: L-Gulonolactone oxidase produces Vitamin C Uronic acid pathway, but only in plants & most animals. Humans cannot make vitamin C due to absence of L-Gulonolactone oxidase enzyme.(See fig) Uronic acid pathway- glucose is conveed to glucuronic acid, pentoses and, in some animals, to ascorbic acid (not in man). ADDITIONAL EDGE: Uronic Acid Pathway synthesize Glucuronic Acid, Pentoses and Vit C Uses of Glucuronic acid: Incorporated into proteoglycans (Glucuronate used) Acts as a conjugating agent (Phase II conjugation reactions like bilirubin conjugation)', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Medicine | 732401b0-673b-4842-baed-ddd00626c561 | [{'content': 'In a patient of heart disease antibiotic prophylaxis for dental extraction is: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Amoxicillin., B. Imipenem., C. Gentamicin., D. Erythromycin.', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | 87d8663f-e0cd-4766-87b7-5312dfc4cd62 | [{'content': 'Which of the following type of failure may occur, if the coefficient of thermal expansion of ceramic is much lower than that of metal? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Cohesive failure of ceramic, B. Adhesive failure of metal ceramic bond, C. Cohesive failure of metal, D. Cohesive failure of metal ceramic bond', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: A thermal contraction mismatch that results from a higher coefficient of contraction of porcelain (αP is\xa0greater than αM) will introduce residual tangential and hoop tensile stresses. The additive effect of tangential tensile stress induced in the porcelain by the intraoral force can exceed the tensile strength\xa0of the porcelain and causes crack propagation in the porcelain veneer. When the contraction coefficient of the porcelain is much lower than that of the metal (αP much lower than αM), porcelain cracking or metal-ceramic bond failure can occur near the metal-porcelain interface. This incompatibility failure is likely caused by the development of radial tensile stresses that exceed the tensile strength of porcelain.\nContraction coefficient of the porcelain - αP\xa0\xa0\nContraction coefficient of the metal - αM\n\xa0\nPhillip’s 12th edition page 423', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | 685afed9-5dfa-4383-9001-50148cf6cb99 | [{'content': 'Anti monsoon curve seen in : \nSelect and explain. \nA. Premolar, B. Molar, C. Anterior, D. All of the above.', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: D \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Pediatrics | bbd0ab20-0dce-48f8-ba8f-288d205feb3c | [{'content': 'A 10 years old child has lytic lesions in upper femur, the differential diagnosis can be all except : \nSelect and explain. \nA. Plasmacytoma, B. Browns tumour, C. Metastasis, D. Histiocytosis', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: Plasmocytoma can be easily ruled out.\nIt is a localized form of multiple myeloma which usually occurs in 5th to 7th decade.\nMetastasis, histiocytosis and brown tumor can cause lytic bone lesions in childhood.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | 4a36bb7a-a19f-4aba-82b3-6cd35fc3cbc0 | [{'content': 'During periradicular surgery bone is removed with? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Round burr, B. Double inverted cone burr, C. Fissure burr, D. Taper Burr', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | 4f5f8f0f-7956-4d71-b7ad-d29b76eda55f | [{'content': 'The primary function of the dental pulp is: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Nutritive, B. Production of dentin, C. Production of enamel, D. Vascular supply to the teeth', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Gynaecology & Obstetrics | f1f7b5b5-1446-4c3b-b863-6f933689cb95 | [{'content': 'Which of the following increases callus formation: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Rigid immobilization, B. Movement at fracture site, C. Compression plating, D. Intraosseous nailing', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: Ans: B. Movement at fracture site (Ref Apley 9/e p689)Micro movements at fracture site encourages vascular proliferation -Increases callus formation.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Pediatrics | e621e03f-d935-427f-a7a7-14f6f9a0efab | [{'content': 'Child of Vasanthi was weaned from breast milk on the 5th day and was given sugarcane juice the child developed hypoglycemia and hepatomegaly biochemical examination showed hypophosphatemia and enzyme deficiencies–reducing substances in urine. The child is probably suffering from which of the following enzyme deficiencies – \nSelect and explain. \nA. Fructokinase, B. Aldolase B, C. Glucose 6 Phosphatase, D. Beta galactosidase', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': "Answer: B \nExplanation: HEREDITARY FRUCTOSE INTOLERANCE \n\nSymptoms of hypoglycemia, hepatomegaly develping after injection of excessive fructose intake (sugar cane juice contains the major dietary source of fructose-Sucrose suggest the diagnosis of hereditary fructose intolerance.\nClinical disorders related to fructose metabolism can result from excessive fructose consumption that exceed's the body's ability to efficiently convert the sugar into metabolic intermediates.\nIn normal persons fructose is metabolized in the following way", 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Physiology | 60e4c703-caf9-4e1c-a6d8-fcbaeae819d4 | [{'content': 'Skeletal muscles \nSelect and explain. \nA. Contracts when calcium is taken up by sarcoplasmic reticulum, B. Contracts when actin and myosin filaments shorten, C. Contraction is initiated by calcium binding to troponin, D. Contraction is initiated by calcium binding to tropomyosin', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: C \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Biochemistry | 90481eeb-fa12-4a3d-8348-dd3f1758167c | [{'content': 'Which of the following is most effective for gluconeogenesis in starvation? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Acetyl Co-A stimulation of pyruvate carboxylase, B. Fructose-1, 6-biphosphate stimulation of phosphofructokinase-1, C. Citrate stimulation of acetyl carboxylase, D. Fructose-2, 6-biphosphate stimulation of phosphofructokinase-2', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: Ans: A(Ref: Harper 30/c 1)1880)Acetyl Co-A stimulation of pyruvate carboxylase is most effective for gluconeogenesis.In Gluconeogenesis, pyruvate carboxylase catalyzes oxaloacetate synthesis from pyruvate.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: AIIMS 2017, Subject name: Biochemistry | d2398cd6-b205-4fb3-a4c4-9e575662b0bf | [{'content': 'Which is not involved in iron metabolism? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Transthyretin, B. Ceruloplasmin, C. Hepcidin, D. Ferropoin', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: Transferrin is used for transpoing iron throughout the body BUT Transthyretin (Option a) - transpos Thyroxine & Retinol binding protein. So, it is NOT involved in iron metabolism WITH RESPECT TO OTHER OPTIONS: (Option b) Ceruloplasmin is a Cu containing enzyme also having Ferroxidase activity. Ferroxidase conves Fe +2 to Fe +3 (i.e. Ferrous to ferric). Ferric form of iron is required for transpo by transferrin in plasma. (Option c) Hepcidin regulates iron transpo in circulation. (Option d) Ferritin & Haemosiderin are proteins for iron storage. Haemosiderin has higher iron content than Ferritin.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Gynaecology & Obstetrics | aa32b0f3-dd63-455c-8de0-9fd429edfd20 | [{'content': 'A 14 year girl presented with absent thelarche.On examination uterus was present. Investigations showed high FSH. karyotype is XY.What is the probable diagnosis? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Gonadal dysgenesis, B. Kallman syndrome, C. Androgen insensitivity syndrome, D. Adrenal hyperplasia', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: Ans. A. Gonadal dysgenesisRef: Clinical Gynecologic Endocrinoktgt Infeility, 8" ed.Gonadal dysgenesis (Swyer Syndrome):Uncommon form of gonadal dysgenesis, characterized by a 46,XY karyotype.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | 5878356e-0dc4-4d11-81fe-765d78c6b593 | [{'content': 'Reciprocal arm taper in \nSelect and explain. \nA. 1 dimension, B. 2 dimension, C. 3 dimension, D. Not tapered', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | 4710c6bb-67b6-47ab-85e1-7cac22bd35cf | [{'content': 'Bluegrass appliance is used to treat: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Thumb sucking., B. Tongue thrusting., C. Both, D. Mouth breathing.', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: C \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | 92693be1-566d-490a-9ecb-bb5124769c74 | [{'content': 'On a primary 2nd molar caries occur most commonly on \nSelect and explain. \nA. Occlusal pit and fissures, B. Proximal caries below contact point, C. Buccal surface, D. Promixal caries above contact point', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Anatomy | 0449cf80-87b3-4345-8c80-f007398c4fab | [{'content': "Waldeyer's lymphatic chain is formed by all except \nSelect and explain. \nA. Palatine tonsils, B. Pharyngeal tonsils, C. Tubal and lingual tonsils, D. Post auricular nodes", 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: D \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Pathology | 0c897b21-e2f5-4b70-ac40-edc59745a66c | [{'content': "Polydactyly, craniosynostosis, Late closure of fontanelles is a feature of: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Apert's syndrome, B. Crouton's syndrome, C. Pierre robin syndrome, D. Down' syndrome", 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Surgery | 4f95b3a2-a4bd-4bbd-978c-4a560a17d67d | [{'content': 'Physiological changes seen in laparoscopy include all except: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Increased ICP, B. Decreased FRC, C. Increased CVP, D. Increased pH', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: D \nExplanation: Ans: D. Increased pH(Ref Bailey 27/e p87, 26/e p94,. http://www.laparoscopyhospitaLcom/physiological-changes!laparasconyhtm1)Metabolic acidosis (decrease pH) from CO, absorption is the primary derangement with laparoscopy.Laparoscopy:In laparoscopic surgeries, rigid endoscope introduced through a sleeve into peritoneal cavity.Needle used for pneumoperitoneum: Veress needle.Most commonly used gas: CO2.Physiological Effects of LaparoscopyCardiovascularIncreased intra-abdominal pressure a | CVP, | PCWP, | SVR & | MAP a | Preload &| afterload a decreasing cardiac output.PulmonaryCephalad shift of diaphragm decreases FRC, chest wall compliance and tidal volume increasing the work of breathing.RenalIncreased IAP decreases renal flow, decreasing GFR & reduced urine output.Raised pCO2 leads to RAAS stimulation. No long-term change in GFR/UO.GastrointestinalDecreased perfusion to intestines and stomach (as a result of increase IAP) decreases pHDecreased poal and hepatic flow leads to elevation of LFTs.Peripheral vascularIncidence of DVT, PE is generally lower post-laparoscopic procedures probably secondary to improved prophylaxisRisk is increased with longer procedures and reverse Trendelenberg position.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: AIIMS 2017, Subject name: Anaesthesia | 820b79a8-3eef-494b-a007-995db6b5258c | [{'content': 'Which of the following nerve fibre types is least susceptible to LA blockade? \nSelect and explain. \nA. A beta, B. A alpha, C. B fibers, D. C fibers', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: Sensitivity of Local anesthetic To nerve fibers B > A 8 = C > Ag > Ab > Aa', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Gynaecology & Obstetrics | 740f528e-5192-44dc-89a3-4e2a1249e3c6 | [{'content': 'A child born with multiple congenital defect including cleft palate, neural tube defect, atrial septal defect and microcephaly which of the following drug is used by mother during pregnancy: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Erythromycin, B. Isotretinoin, C. Ibuprofen, D. Metronidazole', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: Friends, Remember CNS anomaly (NTD) + CVS anomaly + facial defects are seen with the use of isotretinoin.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | 729e5ae9-94b3-4aa0-be92-c64186ec1875 | [{'content': 'Incorporation of peripheral seal in an impression is necessary to obtain; \nSelect and explain. \nA. Stability, B. Functionally moulded periphery, C. Harmonious occlusion, D. Posterior palatal seal', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Pathology | e726a65e-0874-481f-b20e-717b951a7b73 | [{'content': 'Increase in height of mandible with increase in interdental spaces in elderly man \nSelect and explain. \nA. Hyperpituitarism, B. Hyperthyroidism, C. Hypopituitarism, D. Hyperparathyroidism', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Pharmacology | 0190a0f3-416a-4d56-a172-7738b023fd28 | [{'content': 'A patient has seasonal allergic rhinitis and is on terfenadine. He develops cardiac arrhythmias after a course of antibiotics. Which of the following antibiotic could have been given: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Ampicillin, B. Tetracycline, C. Erythromycin, D. Co-trimoxazole', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: C \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Dental | f719334e-ac98-46bf-8b44-89f71994e233 | [{'content': 'Modulus of elasticity means: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Rigidity or stiffness of the material, B. Ability to be stretched with permanent deformation, C. Ductility of a material, D. Malleability of the metal', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: A \nExplanation: ELASTIC MODULUS (YOUNG’S MODULUS OR MODULUS OF ELASTICITY)\nThe word stiffness should come to mind upon reading one of these three terms in the dental literature. Elastic modulus describes the relative stiffness or rigidity of a material, which is measured by the slope of the elastic region of the stress-strain graph.\nReference: PHILLIPS’ SCIENCE OF DENTAL MATERIALS, 12th ed page no 53', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Pathology | 94e49b87-631d-4d93-bdf8-e8e71ae04654 | [{'content': 'Vwf factor is produced by: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Platelets, B. Endothelial cells, C. Neutrophils, D. Monocytes', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: Ans: B. Endothelial cellsVon willebrand factor (vWF)* This is the larger component.* It is produced by endothelial cells (main source) and megakaryocytes.It has two major functions ?* Helps in platelets adhesion by interacting with platelet membrane glycoprotein ib-IX.* Stabilizes factor VIllc.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Forensic Medicine | cfa28a58-dd1f-4852-b34f-d150a9fd9011 | [{'content': 'Which of the following statement is false statement about snake-bites? \nSelect and explain. \nA. Anti-venom is not effective in humpnosed pit viper bite, B. Cobra venom is neurotoxic, C. Atropine premedication should be used before administering Neostigmine, D. Neostigmine has a role in krait bite.', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': "Answer: D \nExplanation: Ans: D. Neostigmine has a role in krait bite.(Ref: Parikh 6/e p9.47: Harrison 19/e p2736; Snake Bite: Indian Guidelines and Protocol p 425)Role of neostigmine in snake-bite:An anticholinesterase.Paicularly effective in postsynaptic neurotoxins (cobra).Not useful against presynaptic neurotoxin (common krait & Russell's viper).Polyvalent Anti-snake venom - Ineffective against humpnosed pit viper (Hypnale).", 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Surgery | 262da3d5-8115-448d-9e82-625fca2aac59 | [{'content': 'A prosthetic appliance given to cover the palatal defect in patients with cleft palate is called \nSelect and explain. \nA. Artificial velum, B. Obturator, C. Removable prosthetic appliance, D. None of the above', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: B \nExplanation: None', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
This is a real-world medical entrance exam question, please give the true answer based on the question and selection. Topic name: None, Subject name: Microbiology | f2ed694c-991d-40e5-a191-25c076168ea6 | [{'content': 'Biofilm forming bacteria causes antimicrobial resist-ance by all of the following except: \nSelect and explain. \nA. Mechanical barrier, B. Increased excretion of antibiotics, C. Altered metabolism, D. Adherence', 'role': 'user'}, {'content': 'Answer: D \nExplanation: Ans. d. AdherenceBiofilm in the bacteria leads antimicrobial resistance by acting as mechanical barrier, increased excretion of antibiotics and altered metabolism inside the biofilms.Growth in biofilms leads to altered microbial metabolism, production of extra cellular virulence factors, and decreased susceptibility to biocides, antimicrobial agents, and host defense molecules and cells. P aeruginosa growing on the bronchial mucosa during chronic infection, staphylococci and other pathogens growing on implanted medical devices, and dental pathogens growing on tooth surfaces to form plaque are several examples of microbial biofilm growth associated with human disease.', 'role': 'assistant'}] |
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