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SCP-4863 is a perceptual phenomenon experienced by human subjects in a 0.
*** Item #: SCP-4863 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Foundation assets are to operate within global space agencies to prevent the development of manned missions into heliocentric orbits lower than that of Mercury. Description: SCP-4863 is a perceptual phenomenon experienced by human subjects in a 0.31 AU1 radius of the Sun. No forms of recording equipment, typical or paratechnological in nature, have been capable of observing the anomaly. Subjects describe it to be "a second Sun," following a heliocentric trajectory at an unclear distance from the solar system, completing an orbit once every 24 hours. The anomaly occupies an amount of space in the sky comparable to that of the Sun when viewed from the Earth's surface. Despite the aforementioned observational issues, subjects still perceive equipment in their vicinity as recording data on the anomaly. According to it, SCP-4863 possesses the spectra of an A-type white star, with a luminosity comparable to that of normal solar radiation. Details on distance are only described as "farther than us." No other information can be discerned; subjects state that the data is "too bright to see." Upon exiting the 0.31 AU radius, all perceptual phenomena cease. ADDENDUM I: On 12/06/2024, the Foundation Extrasolar Activities Division conducted an experiment using a ship recently outfitted with a Lang Distortion Drive.2 The ship, the Semiautonomous Exploration Vessel Messier-002, was positioned within the radii required to view SCP-4863 and was aimed at an angle towards the anomaly's direction. The ship then accelerated to superluminal velocities and exited the solar system. The Drive was disengaged after two hours of superluminal transit. The crew of Messier-002 reported themselves to be in orbit around a massive stellar object, hereafter designated as SCP-4863-A. SCP-4863-A is a supergiant A-type white star with a radius of 1,436 R☉.3 From an orbital perspective around the object, the solar system is seen to be in its own orbit around the star, located at a distance of 14.5 ly4 and completing a full rotation about its axis once every 24 hours. The time to complete a full orbit is estimated to be on the order of millions of years. No perceptual phenomena are known to affect the object. How SCP-4863-A exists is unclear. The star is among the largest known stars, and is vastly larger than any A-type star discovered to date. How it is capable of maintaining stability despite its structure being unsuited for such an existence is not explained by any developed models of stellar evolution, presuming the star developed through a natural or semi-natural process. The nature of the spatiotemporal mechanisms connecting it to the solar system is equally uncertain. Through a thorough astronomical study of the space surrounding SCP-4863-A, the anomaly is believed to be outside the bounds of the observable universe.5 The density of stars, galaxies, and larger cosmic structures is substantially lower and more diffuse, with little to no formation of superclusters or voids. Readings for anomalous particle emissions (tachyons, Ψ-waves, etc.) are lesser in magnitude as well. Until further studies can be conducted, it is presumed that SCP-4863-A is the single largest object in this region of the universe. Aside from the solar system, no other objects are in orbit around the star. ADDENDUM II: Researchers studying SCP-4863-A's surface behavior, distance of 6 ly, sent an alert to Divison outposts, reporting rapid emergence of anomalous phenomena. The phenomena was reported as visual in nature, witnessed when facing away from the star, and as holding an extremely high luminosity. Measurements identified it to be a Type-B blue white star. On further elaboration, the phenomenon was said to be "a third Sun." Footnotes 1. Astronomical units; 1 AU is approximate to the distance between the Earth and Sun (149.89 x 106 km). 2. An experimental mechanism used to accelerate vessels to faster-than-light speeds. Designs derived from [REDACTED BY DIVISION ORDERS]. 3. Solar radii, defined by the radius of the Sun. For comparison, SCP-4863-A is close to the size of Saturn's total orbit (1,940–2,169 R☉ or 9.195–9.957 AU). 4. Light-years. 5. As seen from Earth.
SCP-1100 is a highly dangerous complex organic substance that causes anomalous transformations in natural plant and animal life.
*** Item #: SCP-1100 Object Class: Safe Euclid Keter Special Containment Procedures (Amended): (Revised ██/██/200█) A single sample of SCP-1100 is stored in a triple-redundant hermetically sealed container, which is to be stored in an evacuated, reinforced containment chamber at Site █. The container must be checked daily for deterioration. If necessary, the sample must be transferred to a new container via Procedure 1100-233/J to prevent any possible vaporization. All direct experimentation on SCP-1100 has been suspended pending further investigation. In the case of wild outbreaks of SCP-1100, mass deployment of defoliants and desiccants must be enacted within a 1-kilometer radius from all infected areas, and a 12-month quarantine established to monitor for additional outbreaks. The use of nuclear or chemical weapons to establish a public diversion may be authorized by at least three (3) Level 4 personnel. ARCHIVED: Special Containment Procedures (Amended) (Revised █/██/199█) Close Special Containment Procedures (Amended): (Revised █/██/199█) Samples of SCP-1100 have been moved to the High-Risk Secure Biohazardous Materials Storage at Bio-Containment Site 26 following the loss of Bio-Containment Site 33. Experimentation on SCP-1100 may only be performed with prior approval from at least two (2) Level 3 personnel, and must observe all Level 4 Biohazardous Materials handling guidelines. In the case of wild outbreaks of SCP-1100, mass deployment of defoliants and desiccants must be enacted within a 200-meter radius from all infected specimens, and a 6-month quarantine established to monitor for additional outbreaks. Close ARCHIVED: Special Containment Procedures Close Special Containment Procedures: Samples of SCP-1100 are kept within Secure Biohazardous Materials Storage at Bio-Containment Site 33. Experimentation on SCP-1100 may only be performed with prior approval from at least one (1) Level 3 personnel, and must observe all Level 3 Biohazardous Materials handling guidelines. In the case of wild outbreaks of SCP-1100, mass deployment of defoliants and desiccants must be enacted within a 50-meter radius from all infected specimens, and a 1-month quarantine established to monitor for additional outbreaks. Close Description (Amended): (Revised █/██/200█) SCP-1100 is a highly dangerous complex organic substance that causes anomalous transformations in natural plant and animal life. Despite being composed primarily of heavy proteins and [REDACTED], SCP-1100 will spontaneously vaporize into aerosol form, and can also be transmitted by direct contact with infected subjects, pollen, dander, and other excretions. Infected plant and animal subjects will transform over the course of 24 hours, which includes but is not limited to: Plants with bulbous sections or large fruit undergo exotic chemical transformations, and become filled with explosive or caustic substances that burst violently from the affected section when disturbed by humans. Plants with long tendrils or vines gain muscle-like internal structures that allow them to grasp and crush living human prey. Plants with thorns or needles harden to the point of being able to cause serious bodily injury and, in some cases, become coated in substances that are highly toxic to human physiology. Plants that are generally used as human food sources become hardened or otherwise change composition to be inedible, indigestible, or otherwise dangerous for human consumption. Animals normally considered docile prey animals become increasingly strong and aggressive and will attempt to harm human subjects with no regard for personal safety. Animals that are natural predators will prioritize human targets as prey, ignoring easier targets. Animals that are domesticated livestock undergo physiological changes that render their flesh impossible to digest, or even lethally poisonous when consumed by humans. Animals that are household pets become feral and hostile to human handlers, often times increasing in size and strength sufficient to cause bodily harm. SCP-1100 has become increasingly dangerous to contain, and its effects have increased in magnitude since its initial containment in 1989. No conclusive source has yet been determined for SCP-1100, nor is it known how or why it specifically targets human subjects. Current speculation points to a radical environmentalist group with access to Foundation-grade resources and technology. As such, worldwide Foundation assets have been directed to monitor radical environmentalist groups for possible evidence that may lead us to the discovery of SCP-1100's manufacturer. All experimentation on SCP-1100 has been halted due to the extreme danger and SCP-1100's continual adaptation. ARCHIVED: Description (Amended) (Revised █/██/199█) Close Description (Amended): (Revised █/██/199█) SCP-1100 is a complex organic substance that causes anomalous transformations in natural plant life. Despite being composed primarily of heavy proteins and [REDACTED], SCP-1100 is easily transmitted between plants via pollen, seeds, and other airborne elements, and can spontaneously vaporize into aerosol form. When affected by SCP-1100, plants will undergo a series of transformations related to its natural physical attributes over approximately 48 hours: Plants with bulbous sections or large fruit undergo exotic chemical transformations, and become filled with explosive or caustic substances that burst violently from the affected section when disturbed by humans. Plants with long tendrils or vines gain muscle-like internal structures that allow them to grasp and crush living human prey. Plants with thorns or needles harden to the point of being able to cause serious bodily injury and, in some cases, become coated in substances that are highly toxic to human physiology. Plants that are generally used as human food sources become hardened or otherwise change composition to be inedible, indigestible, or otherwise dangerous for human consumption. SCP-1100 has become increasingly dangerous to contain, and its effects have increased in magnitude since its initial containment in 1989. No conclusive source has yet been determined for SCP-1100, nor is it known how or why it specifically targets human subjects. Current speculation points to a radical environmentalist group with access to Foundation-grade resources and technology. As such, worldwide Foundation assets have been directed to monitor radical environmentalist groups for possible evidence that may lead us to the discovery of SCP-1100's manufacturer. Additional funding for the SCP-1100 study and research has been approved by O5 Command. Addendum 1100-17: Incident Report: Loss of Bio-Containment Site 26 On █/██/200█, [REDACTED BY O5 COMMAND] casualties reached 96% of site personnel by 0647 hours. At 0648, BCS-26's on-site nuclear warhead was detonated, stopping the infection but resulting in a total loss of BCS-26 and all site personnel. Close ARCHIVED: Description Close Description: SCP-1100 is a complex organic substance that causes anomalous transformations in natural plant life. Despite being composed primarily of heavy proteins and [REDACTED], SCP-1100 is easily transmitted between plants via pollen, seeds, and other airborne elements, and over the course of 72 hours causes plants to become increasingly dangerous to human life. The effects of SCP-1100 include, but are not limited to: Alterations to the appearance of edible plants that renders them repulsive to human observers. The growth of hardened thorns and toughened structures in edible plants, rendering them inedible or indigestible to humans. The internal manufacture of substances that cause nausea, pain, or severe internal injury to humans. SCP-1100 was first encountered following the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, contaminating plants near human settlements near the affected region. It is currently unknown how SCP-1100 is able to specifically target humans with these adaptations, nor is it known what organization is responsible for the manufacture of SCP-1100. Research and additional funding have been allocated to investigate the source of SCP-1100. Addendum 1100-08: Incident Report: Loss of Bio-Containment Site 33 During routine experimentation, a large amount of SCP-1100 spontaneously vaporized and infected the entire plant crop grown at Bio-Containment Site 33. The subsequent incident resulted in the complete loss of BCS-33, and casualties among 70% of site personnel before the breach was contained. BCS-33 has been decommissioned, and all remaining samples of SCP-1100 have been moved to Bio-Containment Site 26. Close CLASSIFIED LEVEL 4 BY ORDER OF O5 COMMAND - EYES ONLY Addendum 1100-023: Incident Log Addendum Re: Loss of Bio-Containment Site 26 From fragments of damaged surveillance video recovered from the remains of Bio-Containment Site 26, it has been determined that the incident resulting in the total loss of BCS-26 was instigated by Drs. ██████ and █████. The video evidence shows that on █/██/200█ at 0631L, Dr. █████ disarmed and shot the armed guard posted at SCP-1100 containment, after which Dr. ██████ proceeded to breach containment and removed the sample. Access logs recovered from BCS-26's environmental systems then reported a breach in the primary service hub at 0637L, at which point SCP-1100 was presumably introduced into the entire site's air and water supply. Investigation has turned up evidence of environmentalist organization membership for both Dr. ██████ and Dr. █████. All personnel at Site █ are being screened immediately as well. Addendum 1100-024: Diary Entry recovered from the home of Dr. ██████ █/█/200█ Got a chance to talk with █████ again today. He agrees with me now that there is no other explanation that fits. When you have eliminated all impossibilities then whatever is left has to be the truth, no matter how insane it is. SCP-1100 isn't an engineered substance. It's not some bunch of hippies getting their sick revenge on civilization. It's a planetary immune response. It's Gaia, Mother Earth, fighting back against us. The more we try to fight it, the worse it gets. She wants us all dead, wants us gone because of what we've done to Her. And there's nothing we can do to stop it. The only thing we can do is to take responsibility for our sins and accept our punishment. Tomorrow, we're initiating the plan.
SCP-3377 is a hypothesised class-IV reality bending entity or collection of entities.
*** Item #: SCP-3377 Object Class: Thaumiel Special Containment Procedures: Protocol Bacchus1 is to be carried out at each Foundation containment and administrative site, unless specified otherwise by Site Command2. Provisional Site-386 has been set up in the Loire region of France in order to produce wine for the enactment of Protocol Bacchus. No further containment is necessary. Description: SCP-3377 is a hypothesised class-IV reality bending entity or collection of entities. Whilst no direct contact has yet been made with SCP-3377, evidence suggests the presence of an extremely powerful being (or beings) present on an adjacent reality to baseline, capable of interacting with baseline reality providing specific conditions are met. SCP-3377 appears benevolent, seemingly reducing the likelihood of anomalous damage occurring in an area where the conditions of Protocol Bacchus are met. SCP-3377 has also been known to leave "gifts" in exchange for wine when under the conditions of Protocol Bacchus. Such gifts are generally of a similar nature, being highly valuable and related in some degree to grapes or wine. An example of such, recovered at Site-17, is a living grapevine seemingly made of solid gold (item retained at Site-17 for further study). Efforts to establish communication with SCP-3377 are ongoing. SCP-3377 was first discovered when routine examinations of patterns of anomalous events revealed statistically significant low cases of events in central France, particularly in the Loire Valley region. After investigative agents were dispatched it was found that these areas were centered around vineyards, leading to the research and development of Protocol Bacchus. Addendum 1 - Protocol Bacchus: Protocol Bacchus was first developed in 1978 by Researcher Turei after the discovery of an inhibitory effect on anomalous activity around French vineyards, particularly those of the Loire Valley. Whilst the first iteration of Protocol Bacchus was very simple, over time it has become more complex, and thus more effective. Currently, Protocol Bacchus is on its 17th iteration, and is due to be reviewed on 28/06/2019. Protocol Bacchus consists of the following steps: All Foundation sites are to contain a wine cellar comprised of stone, kept underground where possible. Wine cellars must contain at least 200 bottles of wine with a combined value of at least $8000 USD. At least 50% of the wine in each cellar must come from France, with 20% of the total wine obtained from the Loire Valley. Wine cellar humidity must be maintained at approximately 75%, with a temperature of approximately 13°C, and a light intensity of less than 120 lx. At least once a month, one bottle of wine in each cellar must be removed and consumed by two members of Foundation staff alongside a meal of rare steak in a Bearnaise sauce, with freshly-fried potato. The bottle should then be replaced within 4 days. Footnotes 1. See Addendum 1 2. For a full list of such sites, see attached document 3377/exclusions/1a
SCP-182 is a Caucasian male, of average build, roughly 45 years of age, and has suffered heavy abdominal and cranial scarring at an unspecified point in the past (by subject's own admission, shortly before he was admitted into the care of the Foundation in 19██).
*** Item #: SCP-182 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-182 is to be kept in a small environmentally-sealed structure on an otherwise-uninhabited island situated 10km off the coast of Greenland. A team of five (5) guards are to be assigned to guard the subject at all times. Guards are to be examined for psychological damage once per month; guards who show any signs of damage are to be recalled from their post and are required to undertake a full course of psychiatric therapy prior to returning to duty. No single individual is to spend more than six (6) months at a stretch on 182 guard duty, and are required to spend a minimum of three (3) months on a different assignment before returning. Personnel are entitled to refuse this assignment if they have already spent a total of eight (8) months or more on the island. SCP-182 has requested to be kept under heavy sedation for 20 hours per day. Following Incident 182-7, this privilege has been revoked. Description: SCP-182 is a Caucasian male, of average build, roughly 45 years of age, and has suffered heavy abdominal and cranial scarring at an unspecified point in the past (by subject's own admission, shortly before he was admitted into the care of the Foundation in 19██). SCP-182 is both deaf and mute, compensating for these disabilities with natural abilities. SCP-182 has displayed the ability to passively enter the minds of other animals, including humans, and to perceive sight and sound through their senses, in effect 'riding' as a passenger in their minds. This has no consistent effect on personnel, and some guards have rotated on and off on a regular basis for the past ██ years without detrimental effects. However, prolonged exposure to SCP-182's passive 'sensory borrowing' results in vivid visual and auditory hallucinations in 97% of humans and 100% of nonhuman test subjects. The effects in question vary widely in severity, but continued exposure after the onset will inevitably result in mental collapse, with said mental breakdown being hastened by proximity to SCP-182. SCP-182 has displayed the ability to consciously force hallucinations upon his guards when under duress, and as such it is advisable that subjects known to agitate SCP-182 be avoided (including mention of SCP-076-2, SCP-682, and SCP-182's own past prior to acquisition by the Foundation). Termination of affected personnel is recommended if they cannot distinguish between the hallucinations and reality, as all subjects allowed to reach such a point have invariably broken down, with brain death or permanent catatonia being the only possible outcomes. SCP-182 cannot control this ability with any appreciable degree of skill, and automatically sees and hears the perceptions of any living animals within ten (10) meters. Subject can 'focus' on specific directions outside of that range, but cannot 'ride' the senses of beings further away from it than thirty (30) meters. SCP-182 additionally manifests the ability to project its thoughts into the mind of any individual whose senses it 'rides.' This mental 'speech' is the only known source of information about the subject, and has been described by guards as akin to being spoken to by a small human between their ears. SCP-182 exhibits no memetic or telepathic hazard stemming from this 'speech,' though subjects report that his 'voice' is always a component in their hallucinations. Addendum 182-1: SCP-182 claims that the incident that resulted in the loss of its speech and hearing also manifested its telepathic talents. It is not presently clear whether this was a deliberate goal of the 'torture' subject was subjected to or whether the apparently life-or-death situation caused previously suppressed powers to manifest. Questioning in this vein is to be discouraged, as SCP-182 has become agitated in the past and has successfully attempted to accelerate the rate of mental breakdown in his handlers, resulting in ██ casualties during the first questioning. Addendum 182-2: It has been suggested that SCP-182 be used as a “translator” with other SCPs who appear capable of thought, but not of communication. Given the side-effects of proximity to SCP-182, this request has been denied. Incident Report 182-7 Audio report recovered from guard house, voice identified as Agent █████, recorded ██/█/19██ "Yeah… So, we got the letter this morning from O5 saying the sedation was approved. Dr. ███████ went out to tell one-eighty-two, guy seemed pretty happy, clappin' his hands and everything. Like a little kid. Shot him up, he was out like a light. Slept a few hours, then Dr. ███████ went in to check on him, make sure he was still breathing. Don't want a casualty, yeah? Anyway, I'm in the other house, we'd got up a good game of twenty-one, when I hear Doc screamin' his lungs out. Something about spiders, or…wha?" (Following this, the tape records seven gunshots; audio analysis indicates they were fired at a point above and to the left of the microphone.) "God damn it… We thought Doc had finally cracked, he'd been seeing little things out of the corner of his eye for a few days, we figured one-eighty-two had got to him. We drew straws to see who'd have to go get his body, [Agent J████████ ██████] drew the short straw. Guy was fresh out here, just been assigned last week. Dammit, I should have gone instead. J███'s screams started a few minutes later. Everyone got up at this point, we started walkin' out there, snow everywhere, should've transferred out of here befo- agh!" (Another eight gunshots are heard, followed by repeated clicking. Subsequent sounds determined to be the replacement of an empty magazine.) "Ugh… These things… We got to the house where one-eighty-two was, he was lying on the bed, looked dead to the world. Thirty, maybe thirty-five feet away J███ and Doc were sitting on the floor, drooling. Well, Doc was. J███ was dead. Blood oozing out of his mouth, looked like he bit his own tongue off. All three of us knew what'd happened. I started to see… things. I ran, I don't know about the other guys. I'm holed up in the building, gonna wait for the boat to arrive. Hope I can hold off long enough…" (Audio recording continued for seventeen minutes, intermittent screams and gunshots can be heard, as well as a door opening twice.) "I've seen what happens to those guys that go too far. I'm not ending up like that. I'm not going to see those things. Bye." (A gunshot is heard, tape records two hours of silence. The bodies of Agents █████ and ████ were found inside the door, shot by Agent █████. Agent █████ was found next to the recorder, a bullet lodged in his skull.) Final Incident Report: Subsequent questioning of SCP-182 by replacement personnel revealed that subject 'suffered from horrible, unworldly nightmares' while sedated. Subject displayed elevated levels of stress during interview, and it is theorized that the nightmares experienced by SCP-182 caused enough emotional distress that subject unconsciously created a radius of heightened hallucinatory territory. Subject is henceforth to be denied all sleeping aids.
SCP-4091 is a phenomenon involving the spontaneous manifestation of a single Canis lupus familiaris1, designated SCP-4091-1, within a five meter radius of Junior Researcher Shepherd.
*** Item #: SCP-4091 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Currently, Junior Researcher Shepherd is kept in a standard humanoid containment chamber at Site-25. An area with a radius of five meters around Junior Researcher Shepherd is to be monitored at all times. When SCP-4091-1 manifests, it is to be intercepted by Foundation security personnel and kept in containment until demanifestation. Description: SCP-4091 is a phenomenon involving the spontaneous manifestation of a single Canis lupus familiaris1, designated SCP-4091-1, within a five meter radius of Junior Researcher Shepherd. The time between SCP-4091 occurrences varies greatly, with the longest recorded time being three months, and the shortest recorded time being one hour. SCP-4091-1 is sapient and capable of speech. Upon manifestation, SCP-4091-1 will attempt to locate and converse with Junior Researcher Shepherd. SCP-4091-1 will demanifest following the conclusion of this conversation, or if it is unable to locate Junior Researcher Shepherd within 30 minutes of manifestation. Addendum: Recorded conversation between Junior Researcher Shepherd and SCP-4091-1. <Begin Log> Junior Researcher Shepherd: Oh, it's you. How have you been? SCP-4091-1: Pretty good. Junior Researcher Shepherd: That's good. So, has anything interesting happened since I left? SCP-4091-1: Not really. We've all just kinda been hanging out. Junior Researcher Shepherd: Yeah, I figured. Nothing really happened while I was there, either. SCP-4091-1: That's not true. Remember how pissed Mike's mom was when he slipped and got mud all over his new jeans? We were laughing about that for years. Junior Researcher Shepherd: Heh. Yeah, that was good. Junior Researcher Shepherd stares at the floor. SCP-4091-1 and Junior Researcher Shepherd remain silent for 40 seconds. SCP-4091-1: I miss you, dude. Junior Researcher Shepherd: Yeah, I know. SCP-4091-1: Will you ever come back? Junior Researcher Shepherd: I don't know if I can. SCP-4091-1: Why's that? Junior Researcher Shepherd: I work here. SCP-4091-1: What's work? Junior Researcher Shepherd: You wouldn't get it. SCP-4091-1: So, think you can come back later? Junior Researcher Shepherd: Probably not. SCP-4091-1: Damn, that's a bummer. Junior Researcher Shepherd: Yeah. Foundation security personnel arrive. SCP-4091-1 demanifests. <End Log> When questioned, Junior Researcher Shepherd refuses to elaborate on his conversation with SCP-4091-1. Footnotes 1. Domestic dog.
SCP-2520 is a phenomenon whereby the decisions of courts, governments and international organizations are overturned by a non-existent appeals court or administrative tribunal, designated SCP-2520-1.
*** Item #: SCP-2520 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-2520-2 must be suppressed immediately after they appear. Amnestics are to be administered to the parties, clerks, and members of the affected court or organization, as well as any other involved persons. Afterwards, any motions or other procedural devices addressed to the affected court or organization that may cause it to set aside or modify the original decision in any way, or prevent its enforcement, are to be monitored for anomalous influence. Updated 13 April 2015: In order to simplify containment efforts, the content of SCP-2520-2 instances is to be enforced, insofar as it is compatible with normalcy. For instance, this can be done: By surreptitiously modifying the original decision. By inducing one of the parties to appeal the original decision, or move for it to be set aside, as applicable, and then inducing the court or organization to grant the appeal or motion. By causing legislative changes to be made that have a similar effect to that of the SCP-2520-2 instance. By inducing the parties to act according to the SCP-2520-2 instance, renouncing any rights granted by the original decision. Description: SCP-2520 is a phenomenon whereby the decisions of courts, governments and international organizations are overturned by a non-existent appeals court or administrative tribunal, designated SCP-2520-1. SCP-2520-2 collectively designates all decisions made by SCP-2520-1. SCP-2520-2 instances claim to decide an appeal that was purportedly lodged by one of the parties or, in rare cases, by a person, object, or concept not a party to the proceedings. Whether or not the original decision could actually be appealed appears to be of no consequence. In all known cases, SCP-2520-2 instances find for the appellant. SCP-2520-2 instances spontaneously appear in the affected court or organization no later than two months after the original decision is notified to the parties. During the period between the original decision and the SCP-2520-2 instance, the original decision will not be enforced or made known to the general public, even in situations where that would be expected or required by law, nor will non-anomalous appeals be lodged. SCP-2520-2 instances generally conform to the usual language, format, and structure of court or administrative decisions from the country or region where they manifest. However, procedural rules are otherwise disregarded, and deviations from precedent and substantive law are common. SCP-2520-1 is identified by a different name in each SCP-2520-2 instance. The names usually contain the term "special", or a different term with a similar meaning. Members of SCP-2520-1 are never named in SCP-2520-2 instances. No dissenting or concurring opinions have been recorded. SCP-2520-2 instances cause a memetic effect on all persons involved in the original cases, and additionally on all those who have any knowledge of the applicable procedural rules. Upon gaining knowledge of SCP-2520-2, such persons believe that: SCP-2520-1 is a real court or public agency, and its decisions are binding. The original decision could be appealed to SCP-2520-1, and an appeal was in fact lodged. Although the parties have no recollection of having interacted with SCP-2520-1 in any way, they don't find this to be concerning. SCP-2520-2 does not break with any precedent, nor is it particularly unreasonable. SCP-2520-2 is final, and it cannot be overturned or modified, nor can its enforcement be hindered. Those affected may still disagree with the findings, except for the members of the original court or organization, who consistently appear to agree with the content of SCP-2520-2 in full, to the point of regretting their original decision. Notably, administering amnestics does not cause their opinion towards their original decision to change, although suggestion has proven to be effective in that regard. Uninvolved persons that have no knowledge of the applicable procedural rules before learning about SCP-2520-2 are not affected, even if they gain such knowledge afterwards. Additionally, the memetic effect can be broken by confronting those affected with the nature of SCP-2520. 215 instances of SCP-2520-2 are known to the Foundation. Of these, 64 (~30%) pertain either to landmark cases or to cases that received significant media attention. The manner in which the original decisions are selected is unknown. Notable instances of SCP-2520-2 (partial log): SCP-2520-2-1 Date: 7 April 1857 Affected court or organization: Supreme Court of the United States Name given to SCP-2520-1: Paramount Court of the United States on Certain Special Issues Excerpt from SCP-2520-2: That is not so, for, under this pile of absurd considerations on the interpretation of the Constitution, the powers of Congress and the jurisdiction of the court, lies the shameful and vile decision that persons of the African race can, and should, be subject to slavery. SCP-2520-2-86 Date: 2 February 1945 Affected court or organization: People's Court (of Germany) Name given to SCP-2520-1: People's Special Appeals Court Excerpt from SCP-2520-2: However, our work would be incomplete if we were to limit ourselves to merely acquitting appellant. We must now give Judge Dr. ██████ ████████ what his actions merit, for justice is only done when every man has that which he deserves. SCP-2520-2-177 Date: 10 November 1995 Affected court or organization: Los Angeles County Superior Court Name given to SCP-2520-1: California Special Supreme Court for the Repression of Murder Excerpt from SCP-2520-2: Indeed, it would be a monstrous injustice if we were to disregard the facts just because the wrong verdict was returned. And the facts clearly tell us that, on the morning of June 13, 1994, defendant did stab ██████ █████ ███████ and ██████ ████ ███████ to death. SCP-2520-2-201 Date: 17 October 2006 Affected court or organization: IAU1 General Assembly Name given to SCP-2520-1: IAU Ad hoc supervisory committee Excerpt from SCP-2520-2: In conclusion, we find that the Resolution has wrongfully deprived appellant of its historical status. NOW, THEREFORE, we declare the Resolution to be null and void, and we further declare appellant to be a planet, with all the rights and privileges that arise from such condition. SCP-2520-2-213 Date: 25 June 2015 Affected court or organization: Supreme Court of the United States Name given to SCP-2520-1: Special Court of the United States on the Matter of Equality Excerpt from SCP-2520-2: Therefore, the right to marry cannot be abridged depending on the shape of the couple's genitals. Finally, although we fail to see how the contents of this so-called "Fourteenth Amendment" have any bearing on this case, we have to commend Justice Kennedy on his dissenting opinion, as his heart is certainly in the right place. Document history: 4 November 2005: Uploaded to new SCP database. 8 January 2007: Updated partial log. 13 April 2015: Updated special containment procedures, as required by SCPRB (case SCPRB-2015-5413). 3 July 2015: Updated partial log. Footnotes 1. International Astronomical Union
SCP-5835 is a tutelary parasite2 that takes the form of a male domestic canary3.
*** Item#: SCP-5835 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Containment of SCP-5835 can only be achieved through the designation of a human subject in Foundation custody as SCP-5835-A (currently, D-69273 at Site-59 has been designated SCP-5835-A-27.) In the event of SCP-5835 being released from SCP-5835-1, either through a Forgiveness Event or the subject's death, a new host is to be designated through the following procedure: A D-class staff member will be selected.1 The candidate will repeat the statement "Yellow is the ugliest color in the world, and I wish I could never, ever, ever see it again." (This statement has been determined to be the most effective in initiating SCP-5835-A.) Following the initial SCP-5835 manifestation event, the SCP-5835-A instance will be given preventative anger management seminars to ensure long-term containment. Description: SCP-5835 is a tutelary parasite2 that takes the form of a male domestic canary3. It is capable of speech and answers to the name "Mr. Cadmium Charleston Conrad Cole the Canary-Colored Canary, Esquire", or "Cadmium" for short. SCP-5835 appears only when a human subject expresses a desire to no longer see the color yellow. When this happens, SCP-5835 will manifest before the human subject, remove their ability to perceive yellow, then disappear. (The location of SCP-5835 between manifestation events is unknown.) Subjects have described yellow objects appearing to be white or gray. While the perception of the color yellow is not necessary for human life4, SCP-5835 will continue to manifest before the subject, harassing them with facts about the color and its apparent importance. During this time, the subject is designated SCP-5835-A. SCP-5835 will continue its binding to SCP-5835-A until either the apology or death of the subject. Multiple instances of SCP-5835-A cannot exist at the same time. Additionally, as demonstrated by SCP-5835-13 and corresponding behavioral citations, SCP-5835 is unaffected by blunt-force trauma and gunfire. Addendum: Manifestation Logs for SCP-5835-16 First Manifestation: Date: 7/12/2017 Location: Site-59, Testing Room B12 Time: 09:35 EST <Begin Log> Dr. Mundy: Read from the sheet of paper. D-29583: Um… "I hate yellow." Dr. Mundy: Use the exact wording. D-29583: What? Dr. Mundy: Your cooperation is mandatory. D-29583: I said I hate yellow. This says basically the same thing. The fuck's your problem? Dr. Mundy: You need to — [hesitates.] Actually, fine. Use that energy, really resent the color. D-29583: Sure. Fuck yellow. Yellow's a piece of shit. I hope someone comes along and kicks yellow in the dick. [SCP-5835 manifests.] SCP-5835: Tweetle-y-woo and howdy-doo! D-29583: Uh… SCP-5835: "Uhhh," yourself! The name's Cadmium! When I looked in the mirror this fine yellow morning, a little birdie told me that you got a problem with the best color in the ding-dang world! D-29583: I mean, I was just saying what that guy over there told me to— SCP-5835: Oh, excuses, excuses! You dug this hole with your own two hands, mister — and by golly-gee-whillikers, you're gonna stew in it! I'll grant your wish — no more yellow for you! [D-29583 becomes SCP-5835-A-16. SCP-5835 disappears.] SCP-5835-A-16: The fuck was that? <end log> Second Manifestation: Date: 7/16/2017 Location: Site-59, D-Class block, Cell 1594 Time: 13:40 EST <begin log> [SCP-5835-A-16 eats from his provided lunch tray. SCP-5835 manifests on his mashed potatoes.] SCP-5835-A-16: Oh, fucking Christ— SCP-5835: Whatcha eatin'? In the wild, knowing what the color of your food means can even save your gol-dern life! SCP-5835-A-16: Get off my food. Now. SCP-5835: Sure thing! But first, pop quiz: what am I standin' on? Is it mashed potatoes? Hominy grits? Mac & cheese? Tappity-oka? [Approx. ten seconds of silence.] SCP-5835: …answer, please. SCP-5835-A-16: It's oatmeal, now fuck off. SCP-5835: Wrong! It was mashed potatoes all along! Perhaps if you had an expanded color spectrum, you could have — SCP-5835-A-16: Go. Away. SCP-5835: Toodle-oo! [SCP-5835 aggressively defecates on the mashed potatoes, then disappears.] SCP-5835-A-16: [incoherent screaming] <end log> Final Manifestation Date: 7/25/2017 Location: Site-59, D-Class block, Cell 1594 Time: 01:45 EST <begin log> [SCP-5835-A-16 sleeps in his cot. SCP-5835 manifests on his nose.] SCP-5835: Havin' a dream? SCP-5835-A-16: [stirring from sleep] …huh? SCP-5835: Notice anything different? Anything… missing? SCP-5835-A-16: I'm trying to fucking sleep! SCP-5835: But since you hate yellow so much, I thought I'd take away all the marigolds and dandelions from your dreams! Oh well, suppose you won't miss 'em anyway! SCP-5835-A-16: Look, I don't even hate yellow anymore. I hate you. GO AWAY! [SCP-5835 hums to indicate thinking for approximately 15 seconds. SCP-5835-A-16 feels around for his shoe.] SCP-5835: Well, I suppose I could bring yellow back. Left hand on your heart, and your right hand raise, and solemnly swear as I solemnly say's! [SCP-5835-A-16 moves his hands as indicated.] SCP-5835: Do you swear, on everything good and yellow, that you're gonna love the color of bees and honey and lemons and bananas for as long as you shall live, and never again sully its name with such a disgusting wish as the one you made to have it disappear, So Help You Jaune? SCP-5835-A-16: Yes. Fine. SCP-5835: And the next time you see a bright little tulip of the yellow persuasion, your heart will aflutter with the happiest of pitter-patterings, for it is now your favoritest of favorite colors? SCP-5835-A-16: Sure. I swear. Are we done here? SCP-5835: And if yellow ever comes up to you, can it do whatever it wants to your mind, body, life, soul, and feelings? SCP-5835-A-16: Yes, I — wait, what? SCP-5835: Tweetle-y-dee! [SCP-5835 demanifests in an explosion, causing minor facial burns to D-29583.] <end log> Footnotes 1. As of Incident-5835-51, in which Junior Researcher Jacobs was killed when a SCP-5835 manifestation interrupted her maintenance check of the SCP-████ enclosure, only D-class personnel are to be used as SCP-5835-A. 2. "…while none of these types of reality-bending entities can be traced back to a single source, tutelary parasites all share a common purpose: defenders of abstract concepts from dissent. Though apparently omniscient, their potential for direct hostility is limited…" Dr. Isaiah Henderson, Advanced Classification of Reality Benders, 1987 3. Serinus canaria domestica 4. It should be noted that Junior Researcher Jacobs became an instance of SCP-5835-A by writing this article.
SCP-6933 is a relatively weak meme that causes those affected to believe that the letter "þ"1 (thorn) was once a standard letter of the English Alphabet.
*** Item #: SCP-6933 Object Class: Safe THE FOLLOWING HAS BEEN CLEARED FOR GENERAL READING BY THE 05 COUNCIL Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6933 and its effects are to be used as a case study for Memetics Division Training, as well as as a way to identify and track general and individual memetic weakness. Internally, Memetic Vaccine 27 is to be added to the standard inoculation package for all Foundation employees. SCP-6933 is to be monitored for any changes in its behavior, however unlikely. Beyond this, no containment procedures are required. Description: SCP-6933 is a relatively weak meme that causes those affected to believe that the letter "þ"1 (thorn) was once a standard letter of the English Alphabet. Individuals with stronger memetic resistance are able to reject or believe this as with any other idea, while individuals with weak memetic resistance are compelled to additionally "bring it back", by replacing all written examples of the digraph "th" with the letter "þ".2 This is facilitated by þ's non-anomalous inclusion in modern Icelandic, and thus, in all modern Unicode standards, allowing it to be displayed on the majority of modern devices. However, due to SCP-6933's weak nature, the inaccessibility of finding an Icelandic/þ compatible Keyboard, in addition to simple peer pressure, are often enough to cause the memetic effects to become inert. Propagators of the meme claim that the character was dropped primarily due to its lack of inclusion in German and French printing presses, as well as due to lackadaisical inscription resulting in its shape slowly becoming similar to the letter "y". The anomaly transmits primarily through writing and inscription, as well as through digital text, and is not known to affect Artificial Intelligence Constructs or machine learning algorithms. History:3 "SCP-6933 was discovered early on in the Foundation's life by renowned father of memetics, ██████ █████4. In a letter to the then newly formed 05 Council, he writes, 'Being a weak, yet identifiable affectation, we could use (this anomaly) to mark them5 like cattle. (The) value of being able to model the spread of the transgressive idea cannot be overstated.' A young 05-3 responded with his approval, and the rest is history. Shortly after, the existing documentation was classified as general reading, and has been disseminated to field researchers and memeticist hopefuls ever since. Later, in the sixties, one of the first acts of the burgeoning Ethics committee was to call the lack of containment for SCP-6933 into question. After several months of heated debate, the committee came to a majority opinion that the benefits far outweighed the consequences, and that SCP-6933's spread among the populace could remain uninhibited. More recently, the rise of the internet has given way to an uptick in SCP-6933 infections, highlighting the need for more advanced memetic security measures for the public. To date, models based off of SCP-6933's spread on the internet have prevented an estimated 3 billion memetic infections, and have predicted approximately 60 anomalies in the past decade alone, defining it as one of the most successful and integral decisions in Foundation history." (For more detailed information, see "A Thorn in the Side of History," by Memetics Instructor Dr. Thomas Futhark, or email him directly at||samohTkrahtuF.) Update 03-26-2021: +  THE FOLLOWING HAS BEEN FLAGGED AS MEMETICALLY CHARGED INFORMATION. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK. - ACKNOWLEDGED. YOU HAVE BEEN FLAGGED AS A POSSIBLE VECTOR. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION SHOULD BE SHARED WITH NO ONE. =Transmitted from [LOCATION REDACTED], England While completing what would normally be considered routine research for his field memetics exam, one of █e Junior Researchers appears to have uncovered physical evidence from █e year 1458 of a poem inscribed on a rock, comprised entirely of words which contain █e letter █orn. Despite █e fact █at he and I are bo█ inoculated against █e meme, I could not only see █e writing, but feel █e inscription under my fingers. I quickly downloaded an AIC in order to confirm our findings; but it could identify no writing on █e object itself or █rough photographs. I have come to █e conclusion █at █is meme may be more powerful █an we previously realized. Unfortunately, however, █e aforementioned junior researcher has not, and continues to insist █at we have been wrong about █e anomaly since █e beginning. As per standard protocol I have quarantined myself and █e training team, and have instructed █e AIC to censor all letters and digraphs █at match þorn phonetically. I heavily recommend █at SCP-6933 be taken out of █e general rotation, and █at anyone who receives █is message be flagged for memetic contamination, if not anyone who has accessed █e general file in the last 6 mon█s. Good luck. -Memetics Instructor Thomas Fuþark. Footnotes 1. Phonetically, þ is identical to all sounds produced by the digraph "th". 2. E.G. þe, þem, wiþ, þought. 3. Excerpt taken from "A Thorn in the Side of History" by Dr. Thomas Futhark. 4. [NAME REDACTED DUE TO MEMETIC INFECTION.] 5. Referring to memetic weakpoints in the general population.
SCP-702 is a simple red vase of unknown design.
*** Item #: SCP-702 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-702 is to be contained in a crate lined with mundane packing materials. The crate is to be kept in a standard security locker with armed guards at all times. If the crate is breached, under no circumstances are any personnel to touch the SCP without wearing a pair of standard insulated gloves and an insulated coat. The slated destruction of SCP-702 is indefinitely postponed due to the unknown effects on SCP-702-1 and possible containment breaches. Description: SCP-702 is a simple red vase of unknown design. Human contact with the vase causes an entity (herein referred to as SCP-702-1) to emerge from the vase and initiate contact with the individual coming into contact with SCP-702. The method of detection seems to be thermal in nature, as SCP-702-1 emerges when contact is established through thin, heat-transmitting materials, but does not emerge when contact is established through an insulated material. SCP-702-1 is a sapient gas-based life form that communicates through coordinated vibration of the air around it. A sample has been impossible to gather due to SCP-702-1's tendency to react violently to anyone coming into physical contact with it. Upon emergence, SCP-702-1 greets the subject establishing contact with SCP-702, and attempts to persuade the subject to give it a gift. If the subject refuses, the entity [DATA EXPUNGED] and takes a single object or part from the remains. Some objects are rejected by SCP-702-1, claiming that it "already has one", and demands a new gift, returning the offered object. If SCP-702-1 accepts the offered gift, it returns an object of roughly equal value to the subject and disappears. See Experiments 702-001 through 702-004 for a transcript of successful transactions with SCP-702. Addendum: Transcript Log of Experiment 702-001: Subject D-5567 was issued a freshly sharpened #2 Ticonderoga pencil. Subject D-5567: So, I just touch it? Dr. █████████: That's right, D-5567. You have the object ready, correct? Subject D-5567: Yeah, 's just a damn pencil, don't really see what I'm gonna do with it, though. Dr. █████████: Don't worry about that, just touch the vase. Subject D-5567: Alright, alright. [a sound of rushing air is heard] Subject D-5567: What the HELL? SCP-702-1: Greetings, corporeal one! I presume you are here to deal? Subject D-5567: I, uh, ah, uh… Dr. █████████: The pencil, you idiot! Subject D-5567: Uh, yes, sir! H-here you go… SCP-702-1: Thank you, bodybound! Here is your object. That will be all. [An intake of air is heard] Subject D-5567: A… an eraser? Dr. █████████: Very good, D-5567, proceed to debriefing. Transcript Log of Experiment 702-002: Subject D-1699 was issued a crystalline sculpture of ██████████████, procured by the Psychological Ward from a patient. Dr. █████████: D-1699, proceed. [A sound of air rushing is heard] Subject D-1699: Aaaah! SCP-702-1: Is it time to trade so soon? How delightful! SCP-702-1: Well, you are clearly the one who bothered me, speak up! Dr. █████████: Talk to it! [Subject D-1699 gibbers incoherently] SCP-702-1: You waste my time, fool. We shall not deal. [DATA EXPUNGED] Dr. █████████: Subject D-1699 was killed by SCP-702-1. The sculpture was recovered. Transcript Log of Experiment 702-003 Subject D-1010 was issued a crystalline sculpture of ██████████████, procured by the Psychological Ward from a patient. Dr. █████████: Go ahead, 1010, we haven't got all day. Subject D-1010: No, what's it gonna do? You gotta tell me first, doc! Dr. █████████: Subject D-1010, I remind you that deviation from protocol will result in immediate termination by Foundation security staff. Subject D-1010: I… I… fine. [a sound of rushing air is heard] SCP-702-1: Your kind again! I do so love new pieces for my collection! Subject D-1010: Oh God, collection? I don't want to die! SCP-702-1: I have only a short time, slow one, and you waste it. Do you desire trade, or no? Subject D-1010: Tra- you want this fucked up statue? Dr. █████████: SCP-702-1 appears to be considering the statue and is emitting a humming sound. [Note: Harmonics testing later indicated a frequency associated with deep thought.] SCP-702-1: How very… interesting. Here is my response. [an intake of air is heard] Subject D-1010: A… wow, that's heavy. Dr. █████████: Proceed to debriefing, 1010. [long period of silence, recording clicks off and clicks on again] Dr. █████████: SCP-702-1 issued a two point eight kilogram jar of an unidentified liquid. The jar appears to be made of glass. The liquid is clear, but I am not removing the lid to identify odors. The jar will be sent to the labs for chemical analysis. Transcript Log of Experiment 702-004: Subject D-8133 was issued a vial containing a sample from SCP-158. Subject D-8133: So I touch the vase with this in my hand and give it away if I can? Dr. █████████: That is correct, D-8133. Please listen to briefings in the future. Subject D-8133: Awright, doc, don't get your panties in a knot. Dr. █████████: Just proceed with the experiment, D-8133. [a sound of rushing air is heard] Subject D-8133: The fuck? SCP-702-1: Those of flesh and blood, sinew and bone again! Your kind always has such fascinating trinkets, and trade has never been so brisk! Subject D-8133: Here, take this and let me outta here. Dr. █████████: SCP-702-1 is emitting a hum, as in Experiment 702-003. [Note: Harmonics testing later indicated a frequency associated with fear.] SCP-702-1: Absolutely not. I am tempted, but I cannot possibly afford that. Good day. [an intake of air is heard] Subject D-8133: So, uh, can I leave? Dr. █████████: Absolutely, Subject D-8133. Head to the debriefing room, and well done. Addendum: Any further experimentation on SCP-702 is to be appended to Experiment Log 702 in the abbreviated style outlined therein.
SCP-2283 is a collection of 287 individual munitions and explosive devices of varying design, yield, age and manufacture, including but not limited to hand grenades, improvised explosive devices, timed charges and field ordnance.
*** Item #: SCP-2283 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-2283 found in the field are to be disarmed by Class D resources possessing military or law enforcement equivalent certifications in Explosive Ordnance Disposal. Under no circumstances are Foundation personnel permitted to approach an instance of SCP-2283 presumed or suspected of possessing a live payload. In the event appropriate Class D resources are unavailable to deactivate an instance of SCP-2283, the instance is to be remotely detonated from a safe distance using any appropriate explosive projectile. Under no circumstances are Foundation personnel to use remotely controlled vehicles to dispose of instances of SCP-2283, although if no other situational alternative exists, the acting HMCL supervisors1 may authorize the use of Class D resources to perform this task. Personnel should refer to Incident Log 2283-12 for more information. Deactivated instances of SCP-2283 are to be stored at least 50m underground in a facility designed to hold high explosive munitions with standard Foundation physical security and surveillance measures, in ordnance magazines built with aluminum non-sparking shelving. Currently, Ordnance Bunker 12 at Site-19 has been selected for this purpose. Under no circumstances are personnel below security classification 2283-2 to be permitted entry to the selected storage site, with the exception of qualified Class D resources selected to perform mandatory biweekly inventory and degradation inspections. Partial data on non-anomalous aspects of SCP-2283-A's molecular composition is to be added to the Threat Recognition Analytics Certified Realtime (TRACR)2 forensic database to aid Foundation anterior detection and containment efforts. Foundation police liaisons in all regions where instances of SCP-2283 have been deployed or are suspected to be deployed must be trained in the item's detection, and are to alert their regional command upon reasonable suspicion of such deployment. If Foundation personnel become aware of the detonation of an instance of SCP-2283 in a civilian area, Foundation intelligence assets are to immediately enact Procedure False Flag, entailing the return of falsified human remains to relatives of the victims, and blame for the incident to be attributed to the most convincing possible perpetrator. Result of Incident 2283-29 in ██████████, █████. No human remains or injured persons were recovered from the site. Description: SCP-2283 is a collection of 287 individual munitions and explosive devices of varying design, yield, age and manufacture, including but not limited to hand grenades, improvised explosive devices, timed charges and field ordnance. Instances of SCP-2283 resemble traditional explosives in most respects, including non-anomalous mechanical and electronic components, wiring, and blasting caps. However, the explosive component of each SCP-2283 instance is composed of SCP-2283-A, an unknown material superficially resembling RDX (PVV-5A), but with several unexplained physical properties3. Every recorded instance of the detonation of an instance of SCP-2283 has resulted in damage to nearby inanimate objects as would otherwise be expected for a non-anomalous RDX device of an equivalent yield. However, persons within the blast radius of an SCP-2283 instance will not suffer the effects of said explosion, but will instead instantaneously vanish along with all possessions on their person4 from known space, and mirror the creation of SCP-2283-B, Class 4 Incorporeal Entities5 with unique characteristics. Instances of SCP-2283-B are unable to perceive or interact with each other directly and do not appear to require sustenance or conditions required for homeostasis in non-anomalous humanoids. It is currently unknown how long instances of SCP-2283-B remain extant, though available evidence indicates no known maximum lifespan of the entities. Through test detonations with Class D resources, it has been determined SCP-2283-B instances report subjective experiences consistent with continuity of consciousness between base and incorporeal states6. Foundation scientific personnel became aware of SCP-2283-B upon the interception of anomalous communications in the form of phone calls, text messages, and other electronic messages apparently composed by the entities. Personnel with security classification 2283-2 or higher should refer to logs 2283-1 through 2283-495. Instances of SCP-2283 have been recovered in the course of Foundation security operations from a variety of groups of interest, as well as recovered from conflict zones and law enforcement agencies responding to bomb threats or reports of suspicious objects, in at least 65 different countries. Direct attacks on Foundation personnel and assets involving SCP-2283 is suspected in at least ███ incidents. Foundation intelligence has been unable to determine the source of SCP-22837. LOG-2283-17 LOG-2283-17 After a confirmed detonation of an instance of SCP-2283 [REDACTED], resulting in six civilian casualties, Foundation personnel intercepted text messages sent from a number matching the phone of SCP-2283-B-12 to POI-2283-58, the instance's father, arriving approximately five hours later. A partial transcript follows. SCP-2283-B-12: dad i love you SCP-2283-B-12: dad please answer there was an explosion i'm hurt POI-2283-58: █████████? is that you? where have you been? POI-2283-58: your mother and i have been worried sick. the police won't tell us anything. where are you? SCP-2283-B-12: dad im here POI-2283-58: is this █████████? SCP-2283-B-12: dad SCP-2283-B-12: dad please SCP-2283-B-12: im outside do you see me please say you see me POI-2283-58: i'm calling the police. SCP-2283-B-12: dad why cant you see SCP-2283-B-12: please SCP-2283-B-12: it hurts so much POI-2283-58 has reported similar communications from SCP-2283-B-12 on a sporadic basis for the past ██ years. INCIDENT LOG 2283-12 INCIDENT LOG 2283-12 On ██/██/████, upon the detection of an instance of SCP-2283 in the Battery Park City neighborhood of New York City, Foundation security operative Mitchell Sohmer attempted to destroy the instance using a remotely controlled model MK4 "Wheelbarrow" disposal robot. Upon successful detonation, operative Sohmer dematerialized. Foundation personnel have not received any communications from any entity claiming to be Sohmer subsequent to this event. ADDENDUM-2283-1 ADDENDUM-2283-1 The following is excerpted from: Charalambou, L. E. (2009). 'Theoretical frameworks of anomalous terrorism: SCP-2283.' Foundation Level 3 Security Review, 8, 101-129. Many modern terrorism theorists ascribe to a so-called realist model of terrorism, envisioning the use of terror tactics as a rational choice made by rational agents in pursuit of concrete goals. Others from the constructivist school, or those who understand terrorism through the perspective of organizational process theory, tend to propose the fundamental nature of terrorism is a social construct, and that various actors conduct terrorist activities not just for the narrow purpose of achieving political goals, but as the predictable result of alienating social and political realities. Either approach envisions an act of terrorism as inflicted upon victims, but primarily intended for another party entirely - the audience, the public, who will be filled with fear. Hence the term terrorism. SCP-2283 is not a tool for terrorists, at least as that term is used in the mundane world of politics and violence. A non-anomalous bomb inspires fear, pain, suffering; it leaves behind physical evidence of the power of those who put it there in the form of dead bodies, maimed survivors and tortured lives. But when an SCP-2283 device detonates the victims simply disappear without the requisite carnage. At least for us, the audience. But to the victim, the blast has apparently eternal consequences. Imagine: being blasted into eternal solitude, like a cursed spirit, forced to wander in isolation for all we know until the heat death of the universe. In other words, very unpleasant. Thus at face value the erstwhile analyst may conclude it is a technology more suited to retaliation or revenge against specific individuals or organizations than terrorizing an entire population. However, standard models of terrorism apply to some extent … groups aware of, or engaged in the use of anomalous phenomena may be aware of the existence of SCP-2283 devices, and the threat of their use may inspire greater terror and fear than the deadliest of traditional bombs. INCIDENT LOG 2283-292 INCIDENT LOG 2283-292 On 06/17/2016, MTF Rho-17 ("Counter-Terrorists Win") recovered 200 fully loaded 7.62mm magazines containing SCP-2283-A incendiary rounds from an armory in ███████ █████-controlled territory in █████, ████. Testing with Class D resources has demonstrated the rounds result in similar anomalous effects including the instantaneous transition of humanoid targets to a Class 4 Incorporeal Entity. Four members of MTF Rho-17 were reported MIA during the initial operation. After consultation with the SCP-2283 HMCL supervisors over the feasibility of retrieving these personnel, all four have been awarded the Foundation Star for distinguished service. Footnotes 1. Currently Drs. Christiaan Makeba and Peter Fredriksen. 2. The Foundation's real-time threat detection and situational awareness technology, incorporating a variety of sensors and a "weak" AI. TRACR MK VII is in deployment with most major site security forces and MTFs as of ██/██/████. 3. Recorded differences include a resting temperature of 51.68-54.23 degrees Celsius, significantly higher shock sensitivity, emission of visible light in the range of 450-570 nm wavelength, and [REDACTED]. 4. i.e. clothes, wallets, cell phones, etc. 5. Lacking full intangibility; i.e., unable to interact with, but still bounded by, physical matter. 6. These experiences cannot be independently verified. 7. Individuals involved in its procurement from a manufacturer, rather than reseller, appear to have been exposed to an unknown amnestic agent.
SCP-2865 is a stretch of woodland measuring roughly 8 square kilometers, located in the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest, in the southwestern region of Montana.
*** Item #: SCP-2865 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Armed Observation Facility 232 has been established 0.8 kilometers down the road from SCP-2865, disguised as a National Park Service (NPS) Ranger Station. Mobile Task Force Pi-2 (”Dusters”) has been stationed at Armed Observation Facility 232 in order to facilitate containment. Due to the semi-public nature of SCP-2865, members of MTF-Pi-2 are required to disguise themselves as forest rangers, in order to maintain Foundation secrecy. Any civilians attempting to enter SCP-2865 are to be warned of increased bear activity in the area and turned back. Use of non-lethal force is authorized for non-compliant civilians. Any civilian coming into contact with an instance of SCP-2865-1 is to be administered class-A amnestics and removed from the area immediately. The outskirts of SCP-2865 are to be patrolled constantly by members of MTF Pi-2, but SCP-2865 itself should not be breached, except under exceptional circumstances. Should an instance of SCP-2865-1 be observed attempting to venture outside the boundaries of SCP-2865, personnel are advised not to engage, and should contact Armed Observation Facility 232 for assistance. Description: SCP-2865 is a stretch of woodland measuring roughly 8 square kilometers, located in the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest, in the southwestern region of Montana. Notable locations in SCP-2865 consist of a small dirt road, a collapsed bridge over a small stretch of █████ Creek, and a makeshift wooden castle, currently inhabited by an unknown number of SCP-2865-1 instances, as well as SCP-2865-2. The castle is composed of lumber and crudely stacked stones, presumably harvested by instances of SCP-2865-1, and contains roughly 198 square meters of floor space. Several rooms have been identified, including a large “throne room”, apparently for SCP-2865-2. SCP-2865-1 is the collective designation for a group of anomalous entities created by SCP-2865-2. The exact number is unknown, though it has been estimated to be in the hundreds. SCP-2865-1 are 2-dimensional entities seemingly composed entirely of calcium sulfate, colloquially known as sidewalk chalk. These entities vary greatly in size and appearance, with instances as small as 6 centimeters and as large as 4 meters having been observed, though they are usually roughly humanoid and between 1.6 and 2 meters in height. In their dormant state, SCP-2865-1 appear to be merely a chalk drawing, usually inscribed on a tree or other large, roughly flat natural formation. However, upon entering its active state, an SCP-2865-1 instance displays the anomalous ability to remove itself from its point of origin and interact with its environment. Despite possessing close to zero depth, SCP-2865-1 are fully capable of manipulating 3-dimensional objects. SCP-2865-1 appear to be sapient, as they have been observed to use tools and carry out complex tasks without assistance. To date, no successful communication has so far been established between Foundation personnel and SCP-2865-1, though they appear to have at least a limited ability to speak, see Incident Report 1/6/20██. SCP-2865-1 are believed to be under the complete control of SCP-2865-2. SCP-2865-1 appear to be fully autonomous entities capable of acting intelligently without the influence of their creator. SCP-2865-2 is a male human child, estimated to be between the ages of █ and ██. SCP-2865-2 possesses brown hair and eyes and is roughly 130 centimeters tall. SCP-2865-2 refers to itself as “King Jeremy the Terrible”, and to SCP-2865-1 as its “subjects”. SCP-2865-2 is in possession of a small piece of sidewalk chalk, hereby designated SCP-2865-3. Any image inscribed on a surface by SCP-2865-2 with SCP-2865-3 will become an instance of SCP-2865-1 within 10 to 20 minutes. It is unknown if this anomalous effect is inherent to SCP-2865-2 or SCP-2865-3. SCP-2865-3 has never been observed to wear down or disintegrate, despite being used to create dozens of SCP-2865-1. Research conducted by Foundation agents into SCP-2865-2’s origins have brought up a police report from Billings, Montana, for a █-year old child named Jeremy ██████ reported missing from his home on 7/2/20██. Pictures of this individual match the appearance of SCP-2865-2 almost exactly. According to records kept by the Montana School Boards Association, ██████ was expelled from his public school roughly 2 months before his disappearance for severely injuring another student with a pencil. Addendum 2865-a: On 12/23/20██, Foundation personnel operating at Armed Observation Facility 232 noticed a small handwritten note affixed to a nearby tree, apparently written by SCP-2865-2 and delivered in the early hours of that morning. In its writing, SCP-2865-2 expressed awareness of the Foundation, and extended an invitation for Foundation personnel to visit its “kingdom”. It appears that SCP-2865-2's awareness of the Foundation does not extend beyond awareness of the name and of extended monitoring by personnel, and as such does not constitute a leakage of confidential information. A full transcript of the note is included below. Dear SPC [sic], I know you have been watching me. I know you want to “contain“ me, but I am a force to rekined [sic] with. Mark my words. You want me as your ally. As a gesture of my good will, I will invite you to visit me in the Castle Jeremy. We will talk about being allied. But be warned, I am very powerful. If you displese [sic] me I will have you’re [sic] heads cut off. Bring gifts. -King Jeremy, the Great and Terrible Incident Report 1/6/20██: Dr. ██████, Director of Armed Observation Facility 232, decided to send a small group of Foundation personnel to establish contact with SCP-2865-2, with the secondary goal of capturing it for containment in a more secure Foundation facility. Personnel deployed consist of three members of MTF Pi-2: Agents ████, █████, and ████████, as well as Dr. ███. The personnel entered SCP-2865, where they were escorted to “Castle Jeremy” by an instance of SCP-2865-1. All personnel were armed with small sidearms, and Agent ████ had a hidden video recording device mounted on his uniform. A complete transcript of the incident is below. Dr. ███ and the three MTF agents are led into SCP-2865-2’s castle by an instance of SCP-2865-1. Seven others are present in the castle. At the insistence of SCP-2865-2, all four of them kneel before SCP-2865-2’s “throne”. Dr. ███: Greetings, SCP-2865-2. SCP-2865-2: (gesturing to its “subjects”) You will say my real name or I will have them cut off your head! Agent █████: (muttering) Do what he says. Dr. ███: My apologies, King Jeremy. How did you come to be aware of the SCP Foundation's activities in your… kingdom? SCP-2865-2: Some of my subjects saw your spies snooping around in the woods and watching us with little cameras! You can’t fool me! I know my parents sent you to bring me back to school! Dr. ███: I see our attempts at secrecy are wasted on you. How did you create the instances of- I mean, your subjects? SCP-2865-2: It’s easy, stupid. I just drew them with my magic chalk! Dr. ███: I see. What about- SCP-2865-2: Enough of these questions! Where are my royal gifts? Dr. ███ signals the three agents to bring forth gifts. Agent ████ takes a box of plastic race cars from his pocket, Agent ████████ takes a 20$ bill from hers, and Agent █████ takes a bag of assorted lollipops out of his. These items are presented to SCP-2865-2. SCP-2865-2’s face begins to turn red with anger. SCP-2865-2: (shouting angrily) These are terrible gifts! I hate you! (pointing to the largest present instance of SCP-2865-1) I hate them! I hate them! Cut off their heads! Agent █████ reaches for his firearm, but Agent ████ prevents him. SCP-2865-1 do not respond for a period of roughly five seconds. Abruptly, the largest instance lunges toward SCP-2865-2, pulling him off the "throne" and throwing him to the ground. SCP-2865-2: (crying loudly) Ow! What are you doing? I'm your King! I order you to stop! SCP-2865-1: No more king. The instance of SCP-2865-1 places its foot on SCP-2865-2's back, preventing it from getting up. It then makes eye contact with Dr. ███ and points a finger towards the castle exit. Several others move threateningly towards the Foundation personnel. Dr. ███: Don't hurt him! Agent █████: Come on, Doc, we've got to go. Dr. ███ But- Agent █████ pulls Dr. ███ out of the castle exit, and both they and the other two Agents begin to run back towards Armed Observation Facility 232. The log concludes roughly twenty minutes later upon arrival at Armed Observation Facility 232. Based on the events of Incident 1/6/20██, it appears that SCP-2865-1 instances are free-willed entities, and are not, as previously believed, entirely under the control of SCP-2865-2. Addendum 2865-b: As of 1/12/20██, instances of SCP-2865-1 appear to be abandoning "Castle Jeremy" in favor of a subterranean network of tunnels being constructed below SCP-2865. Due to the continued generation of new SCP-2865-1 instances, it is theorized that SCP-2865-2 is being held in captivity by the "colony" as a means of reproduction. Continued monitoring of SCP-2865 by means of RCV mounted cameras is currently under consideration. Addendum 2865-c: On 2/3/20██, a group of thirty-seven SCP-2865-1 instances (hereafter referred to as SCP-2865-1A) was observed to split off from the main population (SCP-2865-1B) and return to "Castle Jeremy", accompanied by SCP-2865-2. Shortly thereafter, violent conflict between the two groups occurred, apparently in an attempt by SCP-2865-1B to recover their only means of reproduction. The attempt was unsuccessful, and the SCP-2865-1A colony began to grow at a rapid rate. On 2/11/20██, several dozen instances from SCP-2865-1B attempted to breach containment. Members of MTF-Pi-2 were dispatched armed with high powered hoses, but several instances are currently unaccounted for. Since the events of 2/11/20██, several dozen elementary schools and crafts stores in Montana have reported burglaries. In all cases nothing was stolen, except for large quantities of sidewalk chalk. These cases are under investigation by the Foundation for possible links to SCP-2865.
SCP-4856 is a 2.
*** Item #: SCP-4856 Anomaly Class: Keter Site-54, prior to SCP-4856's manifestation. Special Containment Procedures: As of 30/11/1949, the former North wing of Site-54 has been reclassified as Containment Area-54-091. All personnel within the complex are to be heavily armed with non-lethal weaponry, and immediately alert one another to SCP-4856's incursions. The Area's surveillance/security network has been upgraded to house Forethought.aic, an integrated Gen(Tau) artificial intelligence construct designed to monitor SCP-4856 and build up a relative timeline of the entity's movements, alerting staff to SCP-4856's 'future' activities where necessary. One member of D-Class personnel is to be placed alone and unarmed within CA-54-09 every six months, with their subsequent death confirmed by Forethought.aic and an Embedded Life-Sign Monitor (ELSM). If such a person is unavailable, two D-Class personnel may be delivered in the next scheduled feeding, or three the feeding after that — while the feeding time is largely arbitrary from SCP-4856's perspective, extensive procrastination will lead to disciplinary measures. CA-54-09 is to be monitored for external damage daily, and preemptively strengthened where necessary: a single breach point located anywhere in time could be used by any number of iterations of SCP-4856 to exit the Containment Area. Under no circumstances is the entity to be terminated, as any termination attempts not taking place at the end of SCP-4856's life would logically already have ended in failure. In the unlikely event that the entity's causal chain does not close, Mobile Task Force Eta-Then ("Bootstrappers") are to be covertly diverted from their scheduled duties to resolve any paradoxes. Description: SCP-4856 is a 2.4 metre tall humanoid entity capable of willingly transferring itself forwards and backwards through time at increments of exactly one hour. This transfer is instant and seamless, and multiple transfers can occur in rapid succession, with the furthest temporal distance moved by SCP-4856 in a single event being approximately 3 years, 7 months and 2 days. All transfers form closed timelike curves2, suggesting an advanced level of temporal integration not available to the Foundation in the past or investigated future3. SCP-4856 has not yet shifted back past 01/11/1949, for unknown reasons. Physically, SCP-4856 is a severely malformed and modified human4 with artificial extensions to the arms, legs, neck and spine and metallic braces surgically attached to the lower legs. The entity possesses no mouth, eyes, or nose — respiration and feeding are achieved via a single opening carved at the base of the neck, and the mechanism by which it senses its surroundings is not yet known. Four sub-dermal prongs extend forwards from the corners of the entity's jaw and forehead, pulling the facial area into a single smooth square tattooed with the Foundation logo. In all cases so far observed, SCP-4856 has been clad in a white lab coat affixed to its body at the elbows and shoulders, with the phrase "TEST CASE ONE" emblazoned on the back. The cause of its anomalous capabilities is conjectured to be a large electronic component detected within the abdominal cavity by X-Ray photography; since it has resisted all attempts at surgical examination this has not been verified to any degree. SCP-4856 is extremely hostile towards all human subjects, and if given sufficient opportunity will attempt to disembowel them, extracting all internal organs and consuming said organs via its neck-opening. The entity displays rudimentary understandings of human psychology and hunting techniques, which it uses to its advantage5, as well as a highly accurate knowledge of the layout and architecture of CA-54-09. SCP-4856 has so far been responsible for 92 deaths between 1949 and the present, and upwards of 200 direct or indirect casualties. Location of SCP-4856's initial manifestation within Site-54. Addendum — Recovery: SCP-4856 was first observed on 01/11/1949 within the corridors of Site-54. This is believed to be both SCP-4856's earliest presence in the timeline, and (by the entity's own internal chronology) its first interaction with Foundation personnel succeeding its creation. It manifested suddenly and immediately began to attack nearby staff, directly killing one and fatally injuring two more. It then shifted itself forwards by three hours, attacked members of the Preliminary Identification team investigating the area, and shifted back by two hours to prey on the medical personnel who arrived in the aftermath of the first incident. The Department of Temporal Anomalies was alerted once the acausal series of events had been noted, and by the entity's next appearance (three hours following the attack on the P.I. team) Site-54's North wing had been evacuated of all essential staff not necessary for containment investigations. Notably, SCP-4856 did not initially manifest alone — rather, it appeared alongside a large number of laminated documents6 describing its construction in extreme detail. All documents were printed on Foundation stationery, and contained valid watermarks, signatures, and document keys. Copies of these documents are available from the Site-54 archives on request. O5 COUNCIL PROPOSAL SUMMARY PROPOSAL: "Instruct the Department of Temporal Anomalies to commence research into a method of allowing individuals to shift through time, and encourage said Department to begin human trials as soon as possible." (O5-02) ADDITIONAL PARTICIPANTS: None. COUNCIL VOTE SUMMARY: YEA NAY ABSTAIN O5-02 O5-01 O5-04 O5-03 O5-05 O5-08 O5-07 O5-06 O5-09 O5-11 O5-10 O5-12 STATUS DENIED NOTES: While concerns over possible paradoxes (and timeline failure) were brought up during the proposal, the consensus among a large portion of the Council was that the unlikely potential cost of inaction was less than the direct cost of causing SCP-4856's existence. O5 COUNCIL PROPOSAL SUMMARY PROPOSAL: "Directly forbid the possible creation of SCP-4856 at any time in the future, due to the massive risk to human life involved." (O5-01) ADDITIONAL PARTICIPANTS: Dr. Alice Forth, Head of the Department of Temporal Anomalies (AP-01) Ethics Committee Liaison Müller (AP-02) COUNCIL VOTE SUMMARY: YEA NAY ABSTAIN O5-01 O5-02 O5-08 O5-05 O5-03 O5-09 O5-06 O5-04 O5-11 O5-07 O5-12 O5-10 AP-02 AP-01 STATUS DENIED NOTES: The decision was made to let events take their course naturally, due to both the ethical burden of action and the paradox-free nature of SCP-4856's activities so far. EC Liaison Müller was removed from duty shortly after the meeting due to unwarranted vehemence and unprofessional behaviour. Addendum — Incident 4856-Tango (12/06/1999): 03:30 am: Several Foundation agents and researchers, under instruction from an unknown party, covertly acquire a human subject scheduled for unrelated testing that day (D-002303), transporting them to the corridor in which SCP-4856 initially manifested. 03:45: Involved agents begin to follow the instructions present in Document 4856-1, performing several amateur surgeries on the subject — very little progress towards constructing SCP-4856 is completed, however, as a number of security personnel quickly intervene. 03:48: Two groups begin arguing over the correct course of action. D-002303 attempts to flee the area, but is forcibly sedated by Researcher Heller. 03:53: The argument is exacerbated upon the arrival of high-level staff from Site-54's main complex. Members of the initial group are forcibly restrained, and backup is requested. 03:56: The area's alarm system reports that SCP-4856 has manifested elsewhere in the facility, and the support team are delayed in their arrival due to requiring firearm and body-armour distribution. 03:59: Junior Researcher Leyland (believed to have been off-duty and possibly intoxicated at the time) becomes distraught, vehemently asserting that the 'test case' described in Document 4856-1 had to be completed in order to prevent the past from "unexisting"7. They subsequently stab the guard restraining them in the leg with a medical scalpel of uncertain origin. 04:01: After breaking free of their restraints and receiving verbal support from a number of their co-conspirators, Leyland darts forwards and attempted to install the first of the sub-dermal prongs, fatally wounding the unconscious D-002303 by severing the carotid artery in the process. 04:03: SCP-4856 (having arrived in that section of the facility moments earlier) seemingly becomes enraged by D-002303's death, and grips Leyland by the neck, forcing them into a nearby disused containment chamber. 04:04: Agents Farmer and Weißmann fire their tranquilliser pistols at the entity, but the darts are blocked by three more iterations of SCP-4856 (presumably from several hours in the future) who manifest between them. Two are successfully slowed by the Agents, but the third, remaining unhindered, decapitates Farmer and extracts the lungs and partial digestive system from the Agent's neck. They then immediately shift backwards by several hours, preventing apprehension. 04:05: Agent Weißmann gives the retreat order following the manifestation of four more iterations of SCP-4856, who stand in a semi-circular formation around the containment chamber's door. Researcher Langdon disobeys this order and attempts to breach the 'perimeter' with their regulation handgun, meeting with a similar fate to Farmer8. All remaining staff evacuate the facility. No contact was made with either Leyland or SCP-4856 for the next two hours. After this time had passed, the door to the chamber opened to reveal two instances of SCP-4856. The containment chamber's internal systems had been almost entirely dismantled, and a large pile of bloody organs and excess skin was present in the centre of the room — identified as belonging to both Leyland and several other members of former and current staff. SCP-4856 pushed the second instance of itself into the corridor, at which point both demanifested; the destination of the second instance is believed to have been 01/11/1949, and the destination of the first is unknown. No abnormal behaviour has been observed from the entity since. Following Incident 4856-Tango, Forethought.aic detected an abnormal occurrence and submitted the security footage of the event to Site Command for analysis — all video of the area showed a tall, emaciated figure in a grey suit overseeing the scene. The entity (designated AE-4856-1) did not interact with the event at all, but made several notes on a clipboard and demanifested once SCP-4856 had been produced. Analysis of the footage suggests AE-4856-1 was surrounded by a powerful SEP concealment field for the duration of the incident, hence the lack of visibility to those involved. Subsequent in-depth analysis of pre-Forethought recordings shows a minor visual distortion at the site of SCP-4856's initial manifestation, 'bending' to place the components of Document-4856-1 on the floor shortly after the entity appeared. The implications of this are unclear. Addendum — Document 4856-2: The first page of AE-4856-1's clipboard was visible to the closed-circuit security cameras at multiple points during Incident 4856-Tango, and a reconstruction of the document is included below. [12/06/19/14] TEST CASE ONE Investigation into ethical handling of nuanced prophetic scenarios among members of Group-4 ("SCP Foundation") Supervisor — [Redacted for transfer] Requirements — [Redacted for transfer] Summary — Institute ENTITY with intent to cause harm. Utilise native ethical code to induce dilemma. Cause harm. Imply self-action. — Observe actions from native timeline participants when self-action is implied. Retrieve ENTITY and note results. — If positive then continue. Results — Poor. ENTITY not produced. Situation unresolved. Native timeline participants not observed to succeed at any element of test. — General recommendation: branch not to be used for batch process under any circumstances. — Commence Test Case Two with alternative covert ENTITY at earliest opportunity to ascertain lower morality limits. Test Case Status: [FAILED] Footnotes 1. All previous anomalies contained at the site have been relocated to the newly constructed South wing, or to a temporary high-security holding facility 62 km away. No additional anomalous objects or entities are to be housed within CA-54-09. 2. In which the alteration to the past perfectly facilitates its own existence, eliminating all paradoxes. 3. Investigations have so far proceeded as far as the year 2900 Anno Domini, and while Temporal Distortion Engines have been constructed prior to this date they are imperfect and require manual paradox resolution by Foundation staff to prevent timeline collapse. 4. DNA testing has so far been inconclusive as to its origin and possible pre-modification identity, as all genetic material appears to have been partially 'scrambled' in a semi-random fashion, preventing identification. Physical examination has revealed vague similarities to a number of current Foundation personnel, but has so far been insufficient to pinpoint a particular subject. 5. In some cases collaborating with other iterations of itself to apprehend particularly difficult prey. 6. Collectively designated Document 4856-1. 7. This has no basis in fact, and does not conform to any known model of causal/acausal resolution. 8. Following this point in SCP-4856's personal chronology, all observed SCP-4856 instances have shown signs of a bullet wound on the left shoulder. Worryingly, instances that have persisted for longer show signs of competent medical treatment of that area, and a small minority of far-future instances display minor mechanical augmentation of the shoulder muscles.
SCP-491 is a lighthouse built in the early 20th century, located at ████████████ ███, Nova Scotia.
*** Item #: SCP-491 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: A one-kilometer perimeter is to be maintained around SCP-491 at all times, for the purpose of preventing sea vessels access to the effects of SCP-491. Entrance is to be barred to all personnel with a security clearance below Level Two. Any intruders are to be questioned to ascertain their intent, then given Class-B amnestics and released no less than twenty kilometers from SCP-491. Description: SCP-491 is a lighthouse built in the early 20th century, located at ████████████ ███, Nova Scotia. The ocean floor surrounding SCP-491 contains numerous wrecked ships, which vary in time of origin, ranging from 1923 to 1987. The area within the perimeter of SCP-491 is subject to spontaneous change caused by minor (MW<3.5) earthquakes. The alterations caused to the topography of the seabed are greater than expected for earthquakes of these magnitudes. These earthquakes result in the production of large rocks or shallows in the path of an incoming vessel, inevitably sinking it. At random intervals, SCP-491's lamp will activate, producing a green light that rotates at six revolutions per minute. Any area of the surrounding sea illuminated by this light will evince several ships, identical to those present on the seafloor. These new ships retain the damage inflicted upon them, and begin to take on water, at a slower rate than non-anomalous counterparts. Displacement of water evidenced by testing has shown that these ships are physical in nature. These ships only last for a short period (t<2s), due to the rate at which SCP-491's lamp rotates. The interior of SCP-491 shows no anomalous effects, and is typical of a lighthouse built in that era. The lamp room of SCP-491 contains a Mesoradial Fresnel Lens lit by a Dalen Light. Cutting off electrical power to the lamp has no effect on the activation of SCP-491. All attempts to contain the light produced by SCP-491 have failed. The light emitted by SCP-491 is independent of the state of the lamp room; complete removal of lighting components did not prevent activation. Light emitted by SCP-491 can be influenced by sufficiently reflective surfaces, so long as the light reaches the sea. See Incident Log 491-032 for details on attempts to focus SCP-491 into a continuous loop. Addendum 491-1: An interview with the former owner of SCP-491, █████ Hanna, was discovered in the Nova Scotia Archives by Agent █████████, who submitted it to the Foundation. Foreword: The following transcript is an excerpt from a local news tribute conducted by Tyler Musuko, for █████ Hanna, the former owner of the lighthouse. <Commence Transcript> Musuko: Today indeed marks a sad day for ████████████ ███. Just recently a local hero, █████ Hanna, passed away. A former sailor in Australia, the sinking of his ship on a reef forced him into early retirement. He moved from town to town, including Cape Elizabeth, before finally finding his home here in beautiful ████████████ ███, Nova Scotia. He will always be remembered for his valiant efforts in manning the lighthouse, saving countless ships, no matter the weather or the hour, from the treacherous seas surrounding him. He gave his life last week, diving into the frigid waters to save the crew of the S.S. Kellar, endangered by the rocky seas. We will always remember his undying dedication and caring. Farewell, Mr. Hanna. Addendum 491-2: On 03/25/████, Foundation personnel sent an unmanned small ship, the S.S. Greaver, into the affected area. A large rock in the path of the S.S Greaver immediately burst out of the water, tearing a large gash along the side of the S.S. Greaver, sinking it within two minutes. During the next "Green Light" event, the S.S. Greaver manifested above the area of its wreck. Addendum 491-3: Audio Log 491-1: Foreword: Through the use of several mirrors, Foundation personnel were able to keep the light produced by SCP-491 focused at the wreckage of the S.S. Vancouver. The ship produced by SCP-491 was boarded by Foundation personnel. <Commence Audio Log 491-1> Agent Johnston: Ok, we're on board. There doesn't seem to be anything unusual about the ship, no water damage or warping. I'm no expert, but I'd say it's… 30s or 40s? Really large doors, Immigrant ship? 491 Command: Our records of the S.S. Vancouver confirm that. Attempt to proceed to the interior of the ship. Agent Johnston: Roger that. Agent Gold: These doors are jammed shut. I can't budge them. We're going to try the crowbar… No, that's not working. Agent Johnston: Try the Jaws of Life. At this point, several voices can be heard from within. Only one is discernible above the sound of rushing water. Unidentified Voice: Give me that bucket! Agent Gold: We're inside th- Hold! Maintain distance. 491 Command Agents, what is your status? Agent Johnston: Command, we have a potential biohazard. The hold is occupied by the former crew and passengers, by the appearance of their clothing. They're all undergoing various stages of decay, but they don't seem to be aware of it. Some of the crew are trying to repair the damage to the hull, the others are attempting to contain the passengers in the back. Unidentified Voice: Oh thank god, more help. Please, could you help us plug up these holes? Agent Johnston: The passengers have seen us, they're trying to push past the crew. One of the passengers just- Command, they've broken through, we're pulling back. Gold! Move! Unidentified Voice: What are you doing!? We have to save this ship, [EXPLETIVE REDACTED]! You, give me that pump! Get back here! There is no audible dialogue for a span of one minute, however sounds of struggle are evident. Agent Johnston: Command, I'm on deck. Agent Gold just- All audio is drowned out by a screech that lasts for approximately thirty seconds. The screech can be heard without transceivers from 491 Command, and all radio transmissions were interrupted for the duration of the sound. Along with the screech, a 6.6 MW level earthquake occurred, dislodging several mirrors focusing the light, which ceases to illuminate the S.S. Vancouver. Radio contact with Agents Johnston and Gold was lost, and they are presumed dead. Addendum 491-4: Incident Report 491-2: SCP Involved: SCP-491 Personnel Involved: SCP-491 Staff, Agent Davis Date: 03/24/████ Location: ████████████ ███, Nova Scotia Description: Following the incident recorded in Audio Log 491, Foundation Personnel were placed on high alert for the next "Green Light" event. Several radio devices set to different frequencies were all placed around the area, in hopes that more information would be transmitted by the lost Agents, with no results. At 02:32:47 AM, the following radio transmission was recorded at 160.3 MHz. Unidentified Voice: Scotia, this is the S.S. Vancouver. All ship repairs have been completed. We are now docking to unload passengers and luggage. A series of mirrors was quickly constructed around the light, designed to allow the beam movement across the water. The beam's operator soon found the wreckage of the S.S. Vancouver. The manifestation was observed to be mobile, although no disturbances in the water were noted. The new S.S. Vancouver was tracked as it slowly approached a dock that had not previously manifested. The ship docked without incident, the crew successfully readying the ship for departure, despite decomposition. Following the crew members was a series of passengers appearing to be of Eastern European origin, experiencing the same level of decay as the crew. Passengers were seen stopping to talk to the crew members before picking up their luggage. Although the beam produced by the mirror system was not wide enough to capture all of the passengers, a procession could be seen moving along a flat area of ground towards the mainland. Upon leaving the half kilometer radius, illumination by SCP-491 ceased to reveal any passengers. Agents Johnston and Gold were identified amongst the passengers. Both agents were observed to be wearing their excursion gear, including radios, but all attempts to communicate via radio received no response, nor did they respond to visual and audio communication attempts. Agent Davis was instructed to attempt to make physical contact with Agents Gold and Johnston and attempt to retrieve them. Agent Davis made physical contact with Agent Gold at 00:39, coinciding with an earthquake of 7.7 magnitude, which damaged the mirrors and redirected the light. All passengers immediately vanished, along with the three agents. Further rescue attempts are currently suspended, pending review.
SCP-1348 is a modified cave complex located 81 kilometers from El Taebah, Syria, in the Jabal al-Druze mountains.
*** Item #: SCP-1348 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Due to the impossibility of transport, SCP-1348 is contained on-site at the Site 87 Archaeological Containment Unit, 81 kilometers southeast of El Taebah, Syria, in the Jabal al-Druze mountains. Compartmentalized containment duties are assigned to C-1348-A ("Team A") and C-1348-B ("Team B"). With the exception of biweekly containment review meetings between Site Director Binyamin Kahn and Team B Director █████ ██████, communications between Teams A and B are to occur only in Conference Room 2a. To minimize the risk of cross-contamination, all inter-team communications related to ritual standards and performances must be conducted via a staff member belonging to Y-chromosomal haplotype CMH-6. Containment Team A shall be comprised of Foundation employees recommended by Class 4 site supervisory personnel, subject to disqualification for the following reasons: Present membership in a religious faith. Prior exposure to a registered memetic agent. Fluency in Amharic, Ge'ez, Aramaic, or any Southern Semitic language. Prior exposure to transmissions from SCP-████. Team A duties include providing ritual supplies necessary to perform SCP-1348-02, monitoring Team B and civilian celebrants for compliance, selecting celebrants for participation in ritual containment, providing updated protocols for daily performances of SCP-1348-02, monitoring members of Team B during furloughs from the containment area, and developing and executing Protocol 228-MELECHAH. At no time shall personnel involved in 228-MELECHAH be exposed to recordings or transcripts of SCP-1348-02, enter SCP-1348-03, or be permitted to view the remains of SCP-1348-01-E. Candidates for Containment Team B shall be selected from individuals matrilineally descended from Druze, Mandean, and Mizrahi Jewish populations. Membership in Y-chromosomal haplotype CMH-6 is strictly disqualifying. Due to practical difficulties in locating suitable candidates in Foundation employment, Class Omega civilian celebrants with appropriate genealogy may be substituted for Foundation personnel with approval of the Site Director. At dawn, noon, and dusk, selected celebrants are to perform SCP-1348-02 according to present ritual protocols. At all times, ritual celebrants are to behave according to the prescribed ritual purity codes specified in documents 742-KITAB and 983-RASA'IL, as well as additional protocols instituted by Team A. To the extent that such purity codes conflict by mandating the forbidden or forbidding the mandatory, celebrants may register individual ethical preferences with the Site Director. To avoid inadvertent ingestion of ritually impure substances, celebrants belonging to Team B are to receive parenteral nutrition only, delivered under ritual supervision by Director █████ ██████. Due to ongoing risk of memetic transference, performance of SCP-1348-02 is authorized only when necessary for the containment of SCP-1348-03. Members of Team B and civilian celebrants are permitted to exit the inner containment area, contact family members, or access classified Foundation documents only upon written permission from the Site Director. Violation of central containment protocols constitutes grounds for immediate implementation of Protocol 228-MELECHAH and transfer of primary containment responsibilities to the 228-MELECHAH team. Description: SCP-1348 is a modified cave complex located 81 kilometers from El Taebah, Syria, in the Jabal al-Druze mountains. Upon initial discovery by IAEA monitors on 03/06/2006, the complex was believed to house a Syrian reactor. Subsequent Israeli air strikes on the site resulted in the discovery of three unknown chambers. Per intergovernmental compact with the Israeli and Syrian governments, Foundation agents responded, containing SCP-1348-01, 02, and 03 and constructing the Site 87 Containment Unit. DETAIL: SCP-1348-03, interior chamber bas-relief. SCP-1348-01-E is an anomalous humanoid originally observed performing the ritual practice now designated as SCP-1348-02 inside the SCP-1348 ritual complex. On ██/██/████, three weeks after initial containment, the subject entered status epilepticus and died. During containment, subject produced three utterances in an unknown Southern Semitic language, but otherwise made no attempts to communicate with Foundation staff. Food, water, and bedding were declined. Intravenous nutrition proved impossible. Subject otherwise exhibited no anomalous behavior. For autopsy results, consult Document SCP-1348-SMR-9. SCP-1348-02 is a ritual practice of unknown provenance. Spoken portions of SCP-1348-02 are performed in an unknown Southern Semitic language. When adequately performed by individuals meeting unclear ritual criteria, SCP-1348-02 prevents full retraction of the veil surrounding SCP-1348-03, an obligatory precursor event in scenarios XK-734, XK-918, and XK-337. At present, details of the religious faith underlying SCP-1348-02, ritual criteria necessary for adequate participation in SCP-1348-02, and the causal mechanism connecting SCP-1348-02 with the retraction of the veil are speculative or unknown. When performed by appropriate celebrants, adequate performances of SCP-1348-02 are memetically virulent, inducing suggestibility, religious mania, and desire to perform the ritual practice in 38% of exposures. Repeated exposure results in ritually-themed obsessive compulsion. The memetic transmission rate of SCP-1348-02 appears to increase as successive revisions approach the ideal state. For unknown reasons, members of haplotype CMH-6 appear to be immune to the adverse effects of this memetic transference. While present transcripts and recordings of SCP-1348-02 are not believed to be virulent, existing containment guidelines require certified Foundation linguists to minimize active exposure to full ritual recordings. SCP-1348-03 is the central chamber of the SCP-1348 complex. Due to high neutron flux, the chamber was originally believed to be a storage site for high-grade radioactive waste or an unshielded reactor core. Initial investigation of the chamber by remote drone revealed an elaborate rectangular chamber, decorated in a proto-Semitic style. Repeated motifs include rams, serpents, slaughtered bulls, wounded lions, hawks, and depictions of ritual practices similar to SCP-1348-02. In the center of the room is a raised platform with a 9 meter radius, surrounded by cylindrical sheath constructed of beryllium bronze. At dawn, noon, and dusk, the sheath retracts, causing neutron flux inside SCP-1348-03 to increase to lethal levels. Performance of SCP-1348-02 appears to provide celebrants with substantial protection against radiation poisoning, and results in complete closure of the outer sheath. Attempts to view the area within the sheath, except by celebrants during performances of SCP-1348-02, have been unsuccessful. Celebrants, including Foundation staff, are unable or unwilling to disclose the inner region's contents. For certified information concerning the veiled region of SCP-1348-03, Class 4 staff may consult Document SCP-1348-SMR-11. Addenda: + DOCUMENT SCP-1348-SMR-9: POSTMORTEM SUMMARY, SCP-1348-01-D, ██/██/████ -DOCUMENT SCP-1348-SMR-9: POSTMORTEM SUMMARY, SCP-1348-01-D, ██/██/████ DOCUMENT SCP-1348-SMR-9: POSTMORTEM SUMMARY, SCP-1348-01-D SUBJECT: SCP-1348-01-E EXTERNAL EXAMINATION: Body is of a taxonomically anomalous humanoid with premortem history of severe injury. Of the ten external limbs originally present, three — both legs, one wing — show signs of amputation by avulsion below the second joint. Head is presumed to have been generally humanoid prior to injury, with the exception of a bilaterally symmetric third orbit located 1.2cm above the frontal prominence. Eyes missing, presumed due to injury: optic canal is present in two grossly normal orbits. Analogous structure present in anomalous frontal orbit. Crushing injuries to frontal sinuses preclude reconstruction of original contours of facial bones. No external genitalia are visible. Injuries show signs of abnormal keloid formation, indicating complete healing process. External injuries nonfatal. INTERNAL EXAMINATION: Structures equivalent to liver, lungs, heart, and brain are present. Kidneys are absent. Gross anatomical investigation revealed a simple blind gut terminating in a rudimentary caecum. Urinary tract and anus absent. As no stomach or caecum contents were apparent at the time of autopsy, gut is presumed vestigial. Majority of lower abdominal cavity occupied by a segmented organ or tumor of unclear function and histology. On histologic examination, muscle and organ tissue displayed signs of catabolism and macrophage infiltration consistent with severe malnutrition. CAUSE OF DEATH: Malnutrition. ADDENDUM ATP-9: For complete histologic and gross anatomical data, consult Document SCP-1348-ATP-9, FULL AUTOPSY, SCP-1348-01-D. + DOCUMENT SCP-1348-CTL-4: CONTAINMENT REVIEW MEETING MINUTES, ██/██/████ - DOCUMENT SCP-1348-CTL-4: CONTAINMENT REVIEW MEETING MINUTES, ██/██/████ <Begin recording, 9:13 AM, ██/██/████> Dr. Kahn: This is the biweekly containment meeting, cycle 3, ritual revision 8. It is now 9:13 AM. Present at this meeting are Dr. Binyamin Kahn, head of Team A, and Dr. █████ ██████, head of Team B. Ready to begin? Dr. ██████: [Inaudible]. Dr. Kahn: You'll have to speak up, █████. I don't think the microphone caught that. Dr. Kahn: First on the agenda are revisions to the containment protocol. Just to catch everyone up, we received O5 approval last week to pass the veil and conduct the hypothetical interior portions of the ritual. We're obviously not quite there on the containment procedures — some of Team B is suffering from radiation poisoning, including Dr. ██████ — but we don't expect any fatalities. Dr. ██████: Two Omegas botched the ritual. We're going to need to rotate them offline for three weeks of chelation. Do we have agents in line as replacements? As you know, Ben, I'm uncomfortable with the idea of doing this with Omegas. Not just because they're hard to train. Dr. Kahn: We've got some feelers out with Herev — uh, I think we have two — it looks like we have two prospects. I think we should be able to move in new agents as soon as ███. So, no. Not yet. We've got four Sabian Omega candidates queued up. We've just got to get them trained in the ritual. Dr. ██████: It's getting bad in there. See if you can speed that along. Dr. Kahn: I mean, I'll see what I can do, but I can't promise. Next order of business: we're going to need a report on what's inside the veil. As you know, we can't get instrumentation in there, so — Dr. ██████: That's not happening. Put it in KITAB: Team B can't tell you what's beyond the veil. Dr. Kahn: I told you, █████: that's unacceptable. Direct from O5. We've got to have some sort of read on exactly what it is we're containing in there. Unless this a ritual protocol, we can't… [CROSSTALK] Dr. ██████: No. It's not ritual. No, it's not. Ben, you need to trust me on this. Put it in KITAB. Dr. Kahn: Moshe, we're going off the record for a minute. Be a mensch and turn the tape off. Request denied. Per O5-07, monitoring of SCP-1348 containment review meetings is mandatory. Dr. Kahn: We need to know. Direct from O5-07: they're threatening to shut you down. How are we supposed to protect civilians from what's in there if we don't know what it is? Dr. ██████: [H]e's not dangerous. Dr. Kahn: Look at yourself, █████. The sores? And your teeth, they're falling out. And you tell me now that it's not dangerous? How do you tell me that it's not dangerous? Dr. ██████: It's the ritual, Ben; the ritual. It's not intentionally. Dr. ██████: And we're not protecting the world from [h]im. We're protecting [h]im from the world. Dr. Kahn: You keep telling me that the memetics aren't affecting you. But listen to yourself, █████. Think about it. You were out here — with me. We worked together. You saw what I saw. How can you still have faith, with all that we both know? Dr. ██████: It was hard to have it, before. I used to think that there was some mistake. Then I passed the veil. Now I know it's all for the best. Dr. Kahn: Listen to what you're saying. Just listen. It's all for the best? Dr. ██████: Do you know what it means for me to say that to you? That it is all for the best? That this is the best of all possible worlds? That this is? Dr. ██████: You know what we saw at Ain Dara. And I am telling you that all this, everything, is the best we could ever hope for. Dr. Kahn: Please. Please, ██████. Please don't be hysterical. I know it's hard for you. Tell us what you saw. You know what the protocol is if O5 shuts down Team B. Dr. Kahn: You need to tell us. Tell us, or what happens to you is going to be out of my hands. Dr. ██████: You don't understand. When you first came here, you asked me: why do you think these people gave up on their faith? Ben, I know. It's because [h]e thought it best that we not know the truth. And it's true. Ya Allah, Ben, it's true. No one can ever know that we owe [h]im so much. Dr. Kahn: Please. At least think about it. I can tell O5 you've got radiation poisoning. I can tell them that you're working on the report. Dr. Kahn: I can't hold them off forever. <End recording, 9:20 AM, ██/██/████> + DOCUMENT SCP-1348-SMR-11: INTERVIEW, CENTRAL REGION, SCP-1348-03, ██/██/████ - DOCUMENT SCP-1348-SMR-11: INTERVIEW, CENTRAL REGION, SCP-1348-03, ██/██/████ Background: On December 5, 2011, ████ ██████, the director of C-1348-B, was found unresponsive in quarters, suffering from severe radiation poisoning. Upon O5 authorization, C-1348-A instructed an Omega-class celebrant to deviate from ritual protocols and enter the central region of SCP-1348-03. After emerging from the central region, subject was unresponsive. The interview appended below was conducted during a brief period of lucidity three days after initial exposure. Dr. Kahn: Good morning, O-9142. The doctors tell me that you've been up and around. Do you know who I am? O-9142: You are Doctor Kahn. Ben Kahn. You live in the cave outside the door. Dr. Kahn: That's right. I have a few questions. Can you answer a few questions for me? O-9142: They told me I should trust you. Dr. Kahn: Let's start with the ritual. Do you remember what you did? O-9142: Yes. They told me I should stand with my back to the veil. That I should say the words. And when the words were over and I had said all of them, I shouldn't look, no matter what I heard. Dr. Kahn: And what did you do? O-9142: I looked. Like you told me. Dr. Kahn: And what did you see? O-9142: He is very old. He is hurting very badly. He is underwater, in space, and everywhere else. He cannot get off his chair. He is stuck there forever because he is so badly hurt. Dr. Kahn: I'm sorry, O-9142. I don't understand. What did you see in there? O-9142: I can't remember very well anymore, because of the accident. But I remember one time I saw this old lion on television. On a nature special. He was badly hurt. The other lions ate him. I think the lion from the television is in there. I think that lion is your uncle. Dr. Kahn: You've got to think hard, O-9142. Can you tell me how it got hurt? O-9142: I don't know. I think we did something bad. The song is about how bad we are. No, that's wrong. We didn't do anything bad. We weren't supposed to happen. We happened. It wasn't our fault that we happened. Dr. Kahn: I'm having a hard time understanding. O-9142: Okay. Okay. The song goes like this: "iné esal peseh, ma Yehom ahallam." It means he did something wrong. What he did saved us. Now [h]e has to be punished. Now [h]e has to stay behind the veil. Dr. Kahn: What was he doing when you saw him? O-9142: He was looking out. I saw that he saw us. We saw him. Others saw him. They weren't in the circle with us. They were standing outside the circle. Then we had to sing about how much he hurts because of us. To make the veil close. So the others don't see him back. They are very angry. They don't remember things for very long. Less well than me, I guess. Dr. Kahn: Is [h]e dangerous? O-9142: Dr. Ben, I'm very tired. Can I go back to sleep? Dr. Kahn: You've almost done your job. I just need some more information. O-9142: He says he wants you to come home. He misses you. But I think he's talking about your father, not you. So you don't have to, if you don't want to. Dr. Kahn: I think we're done. You can sleep now. Dr. Kahn: Anna? Turn up his morphine drip. Let him have as much as he wants. + DOCUMENT SCP-1348-ICL-8: INCIDENT LOG,  ██/██/████  -  DOCUMENT SCP-1348-ICL-8: INCIDENT LOG,  ██/██/████ Background: On ██/██/████, three days after his interview with O-9142 and five days after the death of Director ██████, Site Director Kahn compiled a new instance of SCP-1348-02 and entered the inner containment area. After performing external portions of SCP-1348-02, Dr. Kahn entered the central region of SCP-1348-03. He has not been seen since, and the veil has failed to retract. Per O5-07, C-1348-B containment procedures are suspended; upon retraction of the veil, C-1348-A is to immediately execute Protocol 228-MELECHAH. O5 ACCESS REQUIRED: FINAL INCIDENT REVIEW, SCP-1348-ICL-8
SCP-5925 is a humanoid which appears to be an elderly male of Northern European descent.
*** Item#: 5925 Level1 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: eshu Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo SCP-5925 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5925 is to be contained in standard humanoid containment cell B5 of Site-118's Delta Wing. Personnel are not to directly or indirectly refer to SCP-5925 by any name, title, or designation other than its item number. No other measures are necessary to successfully contain him in his current state, and this will continue to be the case indefinitely. Level 5 Clearance Required Access Granted SCP-5925 is considered a Eshu Class nomenclative hazard. However, previous attempts to contain SCP-5925 per Protocol 4000-Eshu have been deemed inadequate. As such, Protocol 5925-Eshu has been devised to forcefully associate SCP-5925 with a single title, specifically that of its item number. This protocol additionally requires familiarity with SCP-5925's item number, containment procedures, description and appearance by as many Foundation personnel as currently available. The clearance level has thus been adjusted to reflect this, and SCP-5925's incomplete file is to be regularly circulated through junior researcher and security staff in all sites. As an additional measure the entrance of cell B5 is to be reinforced with iron plating. Following Incident 5925-Holly, the containment class, distribution class, risk class, procedures, and description of this article have been altered in keeping with nomenclative association methods necessary for further containment. These alterations have been marked in blue for differentiation from the standard formatting. Description: SCP-5925 is a humanoid which appears to be an elderly male of Northern European descent. Though SCP-5925 has the physique of a 70 to 80 year old man, records that refer to SCP-5925 indicate the subject is far older. He is frail, friendly, charitable, and compliant with the Foundation's instructions. SCP-5925 has knowledge of the full name of all people it comes into contact with, despite having never personally met. It is also aware of current or past material desires of these individuals. Besides this, and his lengthened life span, he has no other anomalous capabilities. Discovery Log: Level 5 Clearance Required Access Granted SCP-5925 was discovered on September 22nd 1995 during a performance of the 4000-Halloway procedure. A mistake occurred during the execution of the procedure1. The procedure still resulted in an expansion of the fireplace and a ladder descending from the chimney. However, this ladder did not lead to the place of the nameless oddities, and instead, SCP-5925 emerged from the chimney into the site. Notably, despite several members of personnel utilizing the same epithet to describe SCP-5925 in the moment of its appearance, none of them suffered any adverse anomalous effects. Additionally, upon the personnel referring to SCP-5925 by this epithet, it became docile and amiable. This is believed to be due to the cultural association of the epithet in question. SCP-5925 then escaped the facility by anomalous means2, leaving behind gifts for all those present. SCP-5925 was afterward given its current item number and designated as a Euclid class entity. The mistake which lead to SCP-5925's initial appearance was later replicated. Being prepared, personnel referred to SCP-5925 by its item number, and were successful in apprehending the subject. The relevance of SCP-5925's designation to the success of this operation was later discovered during its containment, and the initial draft of the 5925-Eshu protocol was enacted. This protocol was later expanded upon following the 5925-Holly incident. Addendum 5925.01: Level 5 Clearance Required Access Granted The 5925-Holly Incident The following is an interview conducted on June 20th 1996. The purpose of said interview was to establish the difference between SCP-5925 and the entities residing in the grove of games and names. During this interview, details pertaining to the nature of SCP-5925's status as an Eshu class entity were revealed, leading to alterations to the 5925-Eshu protocol to more effectively contain the subject. Interviewed: SCP-5925 Interviewer: Dr. Angulo Foreword: SCP-5925 has shown to be more compliant and cognitive when interacting with only one individual directly. As such, this interview was conducted within chamber B5. No other individuals were within the chamber during the interaction, however two members of security personnel were present beside the chamber entrance for emergency assistance in the event of a nomenclative breach. <Begin Log> Dr. Angulo: Good morning, SCP-5925. SCP-5925: Well, if it isn't Maria. Yes, yes, I remember. You wanted a proper chemistry set all through 4th grade. Dr. Angulo: And I never did get it. SCP-5925 laughs SCP-5925: No my poor soul… no you didn't. But, you were rather naughty as I recall. And your mother Benilda, bless her, she wished she could've afforded it. How is she now? Dr. Angulo: I actually came to ask you a few questions. We want to know how you differ from the others like you. SCP-5925: Oh, I'm sorry Maria, but I'm not certain of what you mean. Dr. Angulo: When we first found you we were trying to get… somewhere. A place with people similar to you, you could say. SCP-5925: I see now, I see, you mean the land of █████. Dr. Angulo winces at this. No effect was detected from this naming, and thus the interview proceeds. Dr. Angulo: Yes, there are things we've found there. It is dangerous for us to name them and the place itself. SCP-5925: Well I imagine it would be! They must be starving for names! Dreadful fate. Dr. Angulo: Well, this clearly isn't the case for you. SCP-5925: Of course not, Maria. I have no want for names, for I have collected many. Jolly ones, playful ones, rough ones, ancient ones. And still I collect more, like this new name of yours. It is cold and harsh. But, it is mine now, and all that comes with it. Dr. Angulo: When the others lost their names, why didn't you? SCP-5925: I lost my fair share. I am not what I once was. Those times, they split me into parts. But, one makes do if one is to survive. Dr. Angulo: And none of the others could hold onto some of their names, like you did? SCP-5925 laughs SCP-5925: I don't believe I ever said such a thing. There are a few still in the shadows causing trouble, the scamps. There is ██████ of course. You can't avoid but to run into him come spring. Then there's ██████, ████████████ and █████! ███████ is always good for a laugh- What is wrong Maria? You look ill? Dr. Angulo: We can't- we shouldn't be having a conversation like this without further security. I'm sorry. It's not safe. SCP-5925: My apologies, I did not mean to frighten you. I was simply reminiscing. Good times with fun names. Not like this one. Euclid. What kind of title is that? Dr. Angulo: I'm sorry, what was that? SCP-5925: Euclid. That is what I am now, yes? A Euclid? So broad. So meaningless. You have all kinds of Euclids. Dr. Angulo and SCP-5925's breath become visible in the air. Dr. Angulo: What are you- SCP-5925: SCP-5925, that is no name for me. SCP is a name for cruel, evil, terrible things. And so many of them, so varied. But, it is mine now, and all that comes with it. Dr. Angulo stands abruptly and attempts to exit chamber B5. The chamber door jams and is unable to open. Dr. Angulo repeatedly strikes the door. Dr. Angulo: Open this now! There's been a breach! SCP-5925: No need for that Maria, I'm sure Jacob and Richard are already right on it. It may take them some time, though. Dr. Angulo crouches by the door, breathing into her hands. Dr. Angulo: So cold… so fast. How? SCP-5925: The cold has always been mine. The snow, ice, sleet, and of course the death that accompanies them. No matter my name, winter follows. As for how, I am an SCP now. I am capable of many things, just as long as I'm stuck in this box with you. Speaking of which, while I have you here Maria, I must say I'm simply not fond of this name. I'd like another. Could I ask for your help in that? Dr. Angulo: Please- SCP-5925: It doesn't have to be new. I would gladly take one of the old. Just as long as it gets me out of this box. I have too much to do. Dr. Angulo slumps backward, appearing to nearly lose consciousness. Dr. Angulo: I- I- SCP-5925: I promise the cold will cease Maria. I wish you no harm, truly I don't. All names have power, and in your world, the powers are rather grim. Hurry, your time grows short. Dr. Angulo: Holly- SCP-5925: What was that? Dr. Angulo: The Holly King. SCP-5925's body begins to change rapidly. Its hair and beard grow substantially. Its physique becomes much taller, but decrepit and starved. A green hood and robe appear on its body. A pair of Cervidae antlers3 sprout from its forehead. A stained broadsword appears in its hands4. The breaths of SCP-5925 and Dr. Angulo becomes no longer visible, indicating a rise in temperature. SCP-5925 laughs strenuously SCP-5925: You are a clever one Maria. Very sly, very naughty. To pick such an old name, one with such strict rules. And in June no less! Yes, this name does me no good. Not for another 4 months at the very least. The doors to the chamber open. Security personnel enter, assisting Dr. Angulo to stand. They then begin to escort Dr. Angulo out of the chamber. SCP-5925: May you have a merry Midsummer I suppose. And happy holidays. <End Log> Closing Statement: SCP-5925's form reverted after 3 days. Prior to this, it created a crown of Aquifoliaceae Ilex5 and expressed the desire to gift this item to Dr. Angulo as an apology for its behavior. ‡ Licensing / Citation ‡ Hide Licensing / Citation Cite this page as: "SCP-5925" by TheSlothSavant, from the SCP Wiki. Source: Licensed under CC-BY-SA. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Licensing Disclosures Filename: Santa Name: Santa Author: pxhere License: CC0 Source Link: pxhere Footnotes 1. The specifics of this mistake have been omitted in keeping with Protocol 5925-Eshu. 2. The specifics of SCP-5925's escape have been omitted in keeping with protocol 5925-Eshu. 3. Described as akin to those of a stag. 4. Later analysis of these stains suggest they are of tree sap, which may stem from repeated impacts against oak wood. 5. Commonly known as holly. For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List.
SCP-2128 is a vaulted stone furnace in the ruins of a castle, 23km from ████████.
*** Item #: SCP-2128 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Site-403 has been constructed around and inside the building that houses SCP-2128. At least three D-class personnel1 are to be present daily onsite for Experimental Protocol 37-Sparafucile, which is to be carried out as needed. The list of statements to be used in EP 37-Sparafucile will be provided by the O5 Council and may be amended during experimentation at the Site Director's discretion. EP 37-Sparafucile 1. One D-class employee, referred to as the "messenger," will be laid inside SCP-2128. 2. The messenger will repeat statements as instructed from the prepared list. 3. After each statement, if the messenger remains unharmed, the statement is to be marked as "true." 4. As soon as the messenger is incinerated, a new messenger is to be provided. The statement that triggered the incineration is to be marked as "false." 5. A new messenger will be assigned. Repeat as needed. Description: SCP-2128 is a vaulted stone furnace in the ruins of a castle, 23km from ████████. The two openings are 1m high, and the length is 3m. Documentation discovered onsite (a sheepskin scroll known as the "Ignis Manuscript") revealed that SCP-2128 was created by agents of the Brazen Heart2 in the late ninth century CE as a torture3 and execution device, named "The Liars' Cradle." When a human subject fully enters SCP-2128 and makes a true statement, nothing will happen. If the spoken statement should be a lie, the human subject will be completely incinerated by unknown means. Upon discovery, SCP-2128's two openings were covered in brick and mortar. The Ignis manuscript indicates that SCP-2128 was walled up in 1021 CE and its use was discontinued. This was due to a flaw in the method of lie detection: SCP-2128 considers all factually untrue statements to be lies, regardless of the subject's intention or prior knowledge. SCP-2128 has displayed knowledge on a true/false basis of highly classified and previously unknown information. While the true scope of SCP-2128's knowledge (and reliability thereof) is unknown, proactive usage of EP 37-Sparafucile has prevented XK-class end-of-the-world scenarios on four separate occasions. EXPERIMENT LOG EP 37-Sparafucile-22 "Keter Checkup" log 10/1/14 [Messenger: D-6238] The human race is in danger of extinction right now. - TRUE The danger comes from an item in Foundation custody. - TRUE The dangerous item in question is located at a site in North America. - FALSE [D-6238 incinerated. New messenger: D-6239.] The dangerous item in question is located at a site in Europe. - FALSE [D-6239 incinerated. New messenger: D-6240.] [Redacted for brevity] [Messenger: D-6253] SCP-████ will breach containment within the next month. - TRUE SCP-████ will breach containment within the next week. - TRUE SCP-████ will breach containment tomorrow. - FALSE [D-6253 incinerated. New messenger: D-6254.] SCP-████ will breach containment today. - TRUE [Scramble order given to MTF Nu-7. Site-██ secured. Containment breach averted. SK-class dominance shift averted.] EP 37-Sparafucile-23 "Knowledge Measure" log 10/6/14 [Messenger: D-7784] SCP-2128 knows everything. FALSE [D-7784 incinerated. New messenger: D-7785.] The Liars' Cradle knows everything. TRUE The Liars' Cradle will tell us everything. FALSE [D-7785 incinerated. New messenger: D-7786.] The Liars' Cradle will tell me everything I need to know. TRUE The Liars' Cradle will tell the Foundation everything they need to know. FALSE [D-7786 incinerated. D-class supply depleted; procedure concluded for the day.] EP 37-Sparafucile-24 "Sunday School Song" log 10/3/14 [Messenger: D-7891] Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. - [DATA EXPUNGED] EP 37-Sparafucile-25 "Pinocchio Paradox" log 10/10/14 [Messenger: D-8232] Telling the Liars' Cradle a paradox is dangerous to Foundation personnel. FALSE [D-8232 incinerated. New messenger: D-8233.] The Liars' Cradle is going to kill me right now. FALSE [D-8233 partially incinerated at a lower temperature, resulting in permanent disfigurement. New messenger: D-8234.] The Liars' Cradle is going to burn me right now. FALSE [Ten seconds pass without incineration. D-8234 withdrawn. D-8234 complains of a minor cut on his arm from a chunk of broken rock in SCP-2128. D-8234 succumbs to a rapid, previously undiscovered form of gangrene and dies within a minute. New messenger: D-8235.] The Liars' Cradle is going to inflict physical harm upon me right now. FALSE [Ten seconds pass without incineration. D-8235 withdrawn. D-8235 begins to sob uncontrollably. D-8235 then screams "goodbye," steals a guard's handgun, and self-terminates. D-8235 did not have any prior history of mental health problems or suicidal tendencies.] EP 37-Sparafucile-26 "Subjective Opinion" log 10/10/14 [Messenger: D-9224] Golden retrievers are cute. FALSE [D-9224 incinerated. New messenger: D-9225] Golden retrievers are ugly. FALSE [D-9225 incinerated. New messenger: D-9226.] Golden retrievers are tasty. TRUE [D-9226 breaks protocol to comment] Wait, what? That's fuckin' nasty. FALSE [D-9226 incinerated. New messenger: D-9227.] I'm a good person.4 TRUE [D-9227 breaks protocol to comment] Joke's on you, jackasses - apparently I'm Mother Teresa! FALSE [D-9227 incinerated. New messenger: D-9228.] The Liars' Cradle is sometimes incorrect. FALSE [D-9228 incinerated. New messenger: D-9229.] The Liars' Cradle speaks only infallible empirical truth. TRUE The Liars' Cradle is hungry. TRUE The Liars' Cradle's hunger can never be satiated, no matter how full it becomes. TRUE The Liars' Cradle would like to incinerate me right now. TRUE The Liars' Cradle is growing impatient. TRUE The Liars' Cradle sees delicious, warm meat on its plate and would very much like to be fed. TRUE The Liars' Cradle is angry that it is continually denied its meat. TRUE People meat is delicious. TRUE I am delicious. TRUE My skin is warm. TRUE The crackling of fire upon boiling drips of fat and rapidly cauterizing flesh gives the Liars' Cradle pleasure. TRUE [D-9229 withdrawn. New messenger: D-9230.] The Earth is round. FALSE [D-9230 is incinerated in a particularly slow, violent fashion. The Site Director believes this to have been caused in part by the fact that "earth" could be vaguely interpreted as "dirt," but mostly because SCP-2128 does not appreciate taunts.] Footnotes 1. Due to the inevitable death caused by EP 37-Sparafucile, D-class at Site-403 must be already scheduled for termination, and EP 37-Sparafucile is to be considered a method of termination as well as an experiment. 2. Fringe Moloch-worshiping cult, eventually eradicated by the Spanish Inquisition. 3. As shown in illustrations in the Ignis Manuscript, the victim would be placed in SCP-2128 for days at a time, forced to constantly talk about their lives as hot irons were prodded at their feet at every pause. The threat that one false statement could result in immolation made for emotional torment as well as physical. 4. D-9227 was a death row inmate convicted of cannibalism.
SCP-4819 is a swimming hole located in Austin, TX, spanning roughly 450m2 and connecting Panther Hollow Creek to Lake Austin.
*** Item #: SCP-4819 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures (Updated 8/16/74): The water flowing into SCP-4819 has been redirected in order to temporarily neutralize its anomalous effect. Further containment has been deemed unnecessary. + Show previous containment procedures. - Hide containment procedures. Annually on August 11th, SCP-4819 is to be cordoned off from the public under the cover story of routine cleanup of the surrounding land. Foundation personnel disguised as maintenance workers are to be stationed at SCP-4819 at this time, and are to turn away any civilians attempting to enter. These personnel must not possess a high school diploma from a Travis County high school in order to prevent activation of SCP-4819. Description: SCP-4819 is a swimming hole located in Austin, TX, spanning roughly 450m2 and connecting Panther Hollow Creek to Lake Austin. SCP-4819 acts as a Class II Temporal Gateway, and is able to be activated annually on the day before Austin Independent School District classes begin August 11th1. The only individuals capable of activating SCP-4819 are those who have received a high school diploma from a high school located in Travis County. SCP-4819 cannot be activated more than once per individual. Activation of SCP-4819 occurs when an individual (hereby referred to as the subject) meeting the above criteria fully submerges themselves in its water. Once this occurs, the subject will disappear. Subjects are then transported to a parallel timeline, temporally manifesting as they were on the day before they began final year of high school in both location2 and physicality. Timelines generated by SCP-4819 uniformly differ from baseline reality as follows: Subjects retain memories of events that took place in baseline reality after the time of their arrival, though these memories appear to gradually vanish3. This memory loss can be circumvented through various methods of notation, however. In all generated timelines, a spontaneous meeting with the subject is arranged by an individual (or group of individuals) considered personally important to them4, taking place at SCP-4819 on the day of their arrival. These meetings can be declined or avoided without issue, though all subjects who have attended them describe them as pleasant or otherwise positive. SCP-4819 does not possess anomalous properties and is not contained by the SCP Foundation in these generated timelines. Subjects will remain in this timeline until they reach the exact point in time that they activated SCP-4819. At this point, the subject will re-manifest in baseline reality, appearing on one of the landmasses surrounding SCP-4819 approximately three to six seconds after their disappearance. Additionally, subjects will be clothed in whatever they were wearing in the timeline prior to their return, and retain any objects they had on their person at that time. Subjects will manifest even if they have expired at any point in the timeline. Addendum - Abridged Testing Logs: Testing was supervised by Dr. Rhodes. Test Date: 8/20/64 Test Subject: D-493750 Note: Upon arrival in the generated timeline, D-493750 was to record any memories he deemed important. This test was conducted shortly after SCP-4819's discovery in order to confirm its anomalous effects. Summary: When interviewed following his re-manifestation in baseline reality, the subject was able to remember many important details of his recent life, along with much of his time at the Foundation. When asked, subject claimed to have met with several of his friends on the day of his arrival in the timeline. Subject was amnesticised and re-entered into the D-Class program without issue, despite making requests to activate SCP-4819 again. Test Date: 8/15/67 Test Subject: D-3847833 Note: When briefed on the properties of the initial meeting, the subject was unable to think of any individuals she would consider to be personally important at the time that would meet with her. Summary: Upon arrival, subject received a message from an individual (identified as ████ ████████) she had previously sold drugs to, asking to meet at SCP-4819. Subject complied with the request. Upon meeting with the individual, the two conversed about various topics, such as their struggles with drug addiction and coping with loss. The subject could not recall specific details past those topics, though she described the meeting as "eye-opening". It is to be noted that the subject returned to baseline reality without symptoms of opioid withdrawals she had previously posessed. Test Date: 8/11/70 Test Subject: Agent DeVarga, member of MTF-█-██ (now defunct)5 Note: DeVarga had lost his right arm in a car accident occurring twenty years prior to this test. Subject was instructed to avoid the events leading up to the accident in the generated timeline. Summary: The subject re-manifested with no signs of dismemberment. Shortly after manifestation, however, the subject pulled a makeshift device out of his pocket, which [DATA EXPUNGED] once activated. This rendered nearby containment staff unconscious, and allowed for his escape. Subject's current whereabouts are unknown, and his capture has been deemed a low priority. Incident Log A-811: On 8/11/2074, an individual previously employed by the Foundation was able to activate SCP-4819 despite current containment procedures. Containment staff6 made no attempt to stop this individual. An impromptu interview was held prior to activation, which was captured on nearby security cameras. + Show interview log. - Hide interview log. Interviewee: Carol Navares, former Level 2 Researcher assigned to SCP-███ Interviewer: Dr. Rhodes, current Head Researcher and Containment Director of SCP-4819 <Begin Log, 8/11/70 14:23> Navares arrives at the portion of Woodlands Park that borders SCP-4819, with Dr. Rhodes seated at a nearby picnic bench. Navares: Hey, Esther? Rhodes turns towards Navares. Rhodes: Dr. Navares? You aren't supposed to be here. Navares: Not really. But I needed to see you. Rhodes: You aren't… what happened? Navares: I got fired. Rhodes: Fired? Did they… are they planning on using SCP-███ against the Principality? Navares nods. Navares: I was opposed to it. I didn't want that kid getting himself killed, he's already been through enough. But, of course, they did it anyways. That… wasn't the reason I got fired, exactly. I was deemed as- Rhodes: Personnel non-essential to the combat of the ongoing TEMPERANCE-PRINCIPALITY Event. Right? Navares: Mm. Exactly. Either I could allow myself to be transfered to a… worse department, or I could pack my things and live out the rest of my life somewhere more pleasant. So, here I am. I'm thankful they gave me the choice, though. Rhodes: They didn't amnesticise you. Do they… are they not doing that kind of thing anymore? Navares: I don't think so. My guess is that they don't have enough juice to spare. Rhodes: Nava- Carol, I'm sorry. I know you'd rather have forgotten. Navares: No, it's fine. I think it's best that I remember. Both are silent for a moment. Rhodes turns back towards SCP-4819. Rhodes: Come sit down, Carol. Navares does not respond. Rhodes: Listen, I'm not going to get in trouble for it. No one's got the energy to tell me off anymore. Come on, enjoy the sunshine. Navares slowly approaches Rhodes and sits next to her. Navares: The water's… nice here. I'm a little surprised the creek's still flowing. Rhodes: Mm-hm, it's like nothing's changed. I always liked this place. Way better than the office. Navares: You always hated the noise. Rhodes: Everyone always made fun of me for being so excited over a skip as simple as this one. But… as much as I hate to say it, this beats what everyone else is doing right now. Navares: Couldn't agree more. Irrelevant conversation continues for roughly two hours before Rhodes returns to the subject of SCP-4819. Rhodes: …Hey, you said you came here because you needed to see me, right? Navares: I did. Rhodes: Was that a lie? Navares: No, of course not. Well… kind of, I guess. I may have some… ulterior motives. Rhodes: I knew it! You're such a bad liar! Navares: Alright, fine, you got me! Both burst out into laughter for a moment. Rhodes: You're… you're sure about this, Carol? You know it's only temporary, right? Navares: I know, but I think it's what I need. You aren't gonna try to stop me, are you? Rhodes: No, of course not. I'll be upset if you knocked me out like the last guy did, but I don't think you'd do that. Navares: To someone else, maybe, but not to you. Rhodes does not respond. Navares: Look, I'm sorry, Esther. I just need to forget. About what happened to pops, and Sybil, and Sal7. Everything. Rhodes: It's okay, I understand. Are you ready now? Or did you want to wait a little longer? Navares: Nothing else to do here. Rhodes stands, and helps Navares to her feet. Rhodes: Well, come on, then. You've read the document, right? Navares: Of course. I'll write everything down, promise. The two begin to enter SCP-4819. Rhodes: What are you gonna do? Once you get there, I mean. Navares: Well, first off, never get involved with the Foundation. Maybe try and convince you not to join either. Oh, but do let them know about the Principality so we don't have a repeat of all this. I think I know the right anonymous channels to go through for that. Rhodes: Good call, good call. Navares: Let's see… I doubt I'll be able to remember everything I want to change. But… don't hook up with Kincaid, treat my mom better, and… After a moment of hesitation, Navares points at one of the nearby properties bordering Lake Austin. Navares: That house, right there. Do you like it? Rhodes: Yeah, it's nice. Navares: Tell you what. I'm gonna buy it, and we're gonna live in it. You and me. Rhodes: Oh stop it, you're gonna make me cry! Both laugh to themselves for a moment. Once the water becomes waist deep, both Rhodes and Navares halt. Navares: Well… this is it, I guess. Rhodes: No it's not. After you're done with it all, I'll be right here waiting for you. And… we're gonna live in that house, just like you said. I promise you. Just… don't die. Please. Navares: Of course. It's a promise. Rhodes: …Hey, y'know what, Carol? Navares: What? Rhodes: My old man was right. I do regret dropping out. Navares: Oh my God, I never thought I'd hear you say that. After a moment of silence, the two embrace. Rhodes: Love you. Navares: Love you too. I'll see you around. The two separate. Navares takes a deep breath, plunges herself into the water, and disappears. Rhodes: …Oh God, please don't die. Navares manifests on a nearby bench three seconds later, dressed in civilian plainclothes. Rhodes turns to look at her. Rhodes: Carol? Rhodes quickly makes her way towards Navares, who weakly stands. Rhodes: Carol, are you okay? Navares: E-Esther? Yeah, I'm fine. I take it I'm back? Rhodes: Yeah, you're… you're back. Did you have fun? Navares: Mm… yeah. Best fifteen years of my life. Rhodes touches Navares' cheek. Rhodes: Your scar is gone. Navares: Didn't get involved with Kincaid. Rhodes: You… you didn't. Holy shit. How much do you remember? Navares: Just enough, I think. Rhodes: I'm… God, I'm so relieved. I hope that- Navares: Is anyone living in that house nowadays? Rhodes does not react for a moment, before looking towards the aforementioned property. Rhodes: I don't think anyone's lived in this area for a while now. Navares: You do remember what you promised me before I left, right? Rhodes: Carol, that wasn't even a minute ago. Of course I remember. Navares: I know. Just making sure. <End Log> Following this event, Dr. Rhodes submitted her resignation from Foundation duties, which was accepted without issue despite her breach of containment protocol. Standard amnestics were not administered, due to a higher focus on combating the ongoing TEMPERANCE-PRINCIPALITY Event. Alternative containment procedures for SCP-4819 were implemented in wake of her absence as well. Further action against Rhodes and Navares has been deemed unnecessary. Footnotes 1. Due to the impact of the ongoing TEMPERANCE-PRINCIPALITY Event, the Austin Independent School District is no longer operational. The last valid date of SCP-4819's activation prior to this event was on August 11th, 2068, and has remained as August 11th ever since. 2. Specifically, subjects will manifest wherever they were located at midnight on that day. 3. The exact rate of this memory loss is unknown, and has been theorized to possibly vary between subjects. 4. The exact parameters necessary for these individuals to be considered "important" varies between subjects. 5. Due to the ongoing TEMPERANCE-PRINCIPALITY Event, the use of D-Class personnel for testing has been suspended in order to allocate Foundation resources where they are most needed. DeVarga volunteered for this test, which was approved by both containment staff and his superiors. 6. Consisting only of Dr. Rhodes, following the relocation of other containment staff members elsewhere. 7. Birthname of SCP-███.
SCP-1662 is a group of an unknown number of entities identifying as "Paupers' Post".
*** Item #: SCP-1662 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: All secure facilities are to investigate any police reports matching the description of SCP-1662 instances. Should an SCP-1662 instance be identified, the closest secure facility is to retrieve and temporarily contain the recovered instance until a permanent transfer to Site-91 is possible. SCP-1662-A through -D are to be kept in separate 3m x 3m x 2.5m cells of 8.8cm thick transparent armor lined in one-way laminate. Each cell is to be fit with an electronic lock, with exits converging into a single hallway. This hallway is to be patrolled by four (4) armed security guards, who are to be rotated every six (6) hours. Guards are to be armed with shotguns with bean bag rounds and collapsible batons for use in the event of an attempted containment breach. Each instance is to be fit with a locked metal ring wrapped around their torso to prevent access to compartments, with keys distributed to each on-duty guard. In the event that animal entities or SCP-1662-1 instances are discovered within the compartments of SCP-1662-A through -D, they are to be disposed of for space preservation. Instances are to receive personal inspections every two (2) weeks for signs of disrepair. Should an instance show damage to the point that locomotion is impossible or complain of any difficulties during the inspection, attempts are to be made to repair any damage sustained by the instances. For the purposes of comfort, each cell has been fit with one (1) bed. Additionally, music may be played for two (2) hours as a reward for good behavior or cooperation. Description: SCP-1662 is a group of an unknown number of entities identifying as "Paupers' Post". These entities are autonomous, humanoid figures of stainless steel wire mesh, each possessing some form of marking on their body bearing the same name. Instances display signs of sapience, and possess the ability to write in and understand various languages, which vary based mostly on the region the instance inhabits. Instances also appear to possess the knowledge of an at this time untranslated written code, consisting of dots, various shapes, and the numbers zero (0) through seven (7) that is presumably used for communication between instances. Instances possess disparities in appearance, including height, proportion, and structural damage; however, all instances have a straight, compartmentalized torso, which are divided up into two (2) sections which may vary in orientation. SCP-1662 instances possess the ability to create, through an unknown means, various species of pigeon, rat, and squirrel native to the general area it occupies, as well as the ability to command and communicate with these animals through subtle movements and percussive cues. These animals have been observed emerging from SCP-1662 compartments, but the method of creation itself has yet to be observed. Despite their behavioral abnormalities, autopsies have revealed no physical anomalies within these animals. SCP-1662 will use these animals to examine an unspecified area for any individuals who meet the criteria for SCP-1662-1 delivery through the observation of their daily lives. Once an individual has been identified, these animals will imprint upon the individual through an unknown means, and will demonstrate the ability to locate an imprinted individual regardless of spatial separation. SCP-1662 will then follow the imprinted individual and attempt to deliver SCP-1662-1 personally, until the point that delivery is made or the individual no longer fulfills the requirements. Should SCP-1662 be incapable of delivering SCP-1662-1 itself, an animal may perform the delivery in its place. SCP-1662-1 are letters held and delivered by SCP-1662 instances to other individuals. SCP-1662-1 instances recovered to date have usually arrived sealed within various containers, including cardboard boxes, envelopes, manila folders, and mailing tubes; regardless of the form, each container invariably lacks any form of returning address, excluding the identifying "Paupers' Post" label. Each letter contains similar, hand-written sonnets with erratically varying themes, some of which are impossible to identify. Handwriting within SCP-1662-1 stays consistent among individual SCP-1662 entities, suggesting that SCP-1662 instances write SCP-1662-1 themselves. The delivery of SCP-1662-1 appears to require a specific set of requirements: firstly, individuals must be both, by urban standards, homeless and unemployed in order to receive a letter. Once an instance of SCP-1662 has identified an individual who meets these prerequisites, the instance will apparently imprint upon the individual, until the point that the delivery has been made. Secondly, specific recipients of SCP-1662-1 are the only individuals who will experience an effect, as non-recipients who read the contents of SCP-1662-1 do not receive any anomalous side-effects. Despite the subject matter, SCP-1662-1 recipients describe the contents as uplifting, with individuals experiencing an increase in optimism for up to five (5) weeks following the reading of SCP-1662-1. Additionally, approximately 95% of recipients find employment and housing following one (1) month of having read SCP-1662. SCP-1662 instances do not appear to dwell within one area for long, instead traveling long distances by foot, private automobile, or public transportation in order to deliver SCP-1662-1. When resting in a specific area, SCP-1662 will typically take refuge at homeless shelters or other areas commonly occupied by the homeless, presumably for the purposes of blending in and identifying new targets. As SCP-1662 instances lack the ability to speak, it is assumed contact with individuals is limited except for the delivery of letters. Instances recovered so far are attired in clothing that is both thick and heavy, using items such as coats, boots, gloves, hats and facewear to cover exposed areas, with extra material (most commonly bandages) concealing leftover parts. At least one piece of clothing per instance is prominently branded with the words "Paupers' Post", usually on the back of torso wear, in the primary language of the area in which the instance was operating. Instances: As of 05/12/11, four (4) SCP-1662 instances have been contained, each earning the designations SCP-1662-A through -D: Instance Recovery Details Proportions Known Languages Further Notes SCP-1662-A Found in ███ █████, Egypt, 03/07/94 1.6m tall, 44cm wide torso Arabic Possessed a pool cue and duct tape in place of a left foot SCP-1662-B Found in ██████, Japan, 11/02/97 1.9m tall, 30cm wide torso Japanese, Mandarin Unable to use its right arm SCP-1662-C Found in █████████, United Kingdom, 05/07/03 1.83m tall, 42cm wide torso English, German N/A SCP-1662-D Found in ██████, Canada, 05/12/11 1.8m tall, 35cm wide torso English, French, Mandarin Apparently incapable of creating SCP-1662-1 and animal entities; found dwelling within a permanent residence; lacks any "Paupers' Post" labels All contained instances of SCP-1662, excluding SCP-1662-D, have been reluctant to communicate; at times which SCP-1662-A through -C have communicated, each instance has refused to discuss SCP-1662. Any details that have been revealed have been done so by SCP-1662-D, with significant variations from evidence recovered by the Foundation. Due to this, the reliability of SCP-1662-D's testimony is uncertain. Interview 1662-A: Following a noise complaint, SCP-1662-D was found within an apartment complex in ██████, Canada. SCP-1662-D was contained and immediately interrogated by Dr. ███████. Due to the nature of SCP-1662, all responses by SCP-1662-D are written, and all responses have been transcribed as they were written. SCP-1662-D: Hey man, what the shit?! I didn't do anything! Dr. ███████: Calm down, please. My name is Dr. ███████, and I'd like to ask you a few questions. SCP-1662-D: No, man! You just pulled me out of my house in the middle of the night, and you want to ask me some questions?! I want to ask you some questions!! Dr. ███████: You'll be given the opportunity to ask some questions after you've answered mine. I want to talk to you about the Paupers' Post. At this time, SCP-1662-D pauses for approximately two minutes. SCP-1662-D: I'm no hippie. Dr. ███████: Excuse me? SCP-1662-D: I'm not with those crazy beatnik hippies. Dr. ███████: I'll make a note of that. Can you tell me anything about the organization itself? SCP-1662-D: What organization? Dr. ███████: That's what the Paupers' Post is, is it not? SCP-1662-D appears to laugh inaudibly before responding. SCP-1662-D: Boy, that's funny. I think you've got the wrong idea, man. Dr. ███████: Can you elaborate? SCP-1662-D: It's just a bunch of us Metal Mailmen looking for a purpose. They aren't even organized. Dr. ███████: Then how do they know what to do? Is it innate? SCP-1662-D: Well, it sorta started like a little club, or so the legend goes. Maurice, Dante, and Sebastian started it all. Then they split up, started writing a bunch of us. Now they just do it themselves, driven by the cause and the same name. Dr. ███████: And are the three you named like you? SCP-1662-D: You mean like weird wire dudes? Dr. ███████: Yes. SCP-1662-D: Yeah. I heard they all looked the same, though. I don't know what happened with all of us. Dr. ███████: And you said you weren't with the Paupers' Post? SCP-1662-D: No way, man. I've got better things to do than walk around the world spreading peace. I've got a job, and HBO. Dr. ███████: A job? SCP-1662-D: I collect scrap. At this time, Dr. ███████ takes some time to write down all that's been said. One minute into Dr. ███████'s writing, SCP-1662-D re-initiates conversation. SCP-1662-D: Can I ask my question now? Dr. ███████: I can't promise I can answer it, but sure. SCP-1662-D: I'm not going home, am I? Dr. ███████: I'm afraid not.
SCP-2655 is a small frog of the Pseudacris crucifer species, commonly known as the spring peeper.
*** Item #: SCP-2655 Object Class: Neutralized Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2655 is to be kept in a 0.5 x 0.7 x 0.5 m glass tank, and should be fed a steady diet of small beetles and flies. A pool of water on the left side of the tank should be replaced on a bi-weekly basis. As of 9/23/13, SCP-2655 is to be housed in a standard 3 x 3 x 2 m cell, modified with lead paneling. Personnel are not to enter SCP-2655's room without a lead-lined suit. Description: SCP-2655 is a small frog of the Pseudacris crucifer species, commonly known as the spring peeper. The organism is 26 mm long, and is mostly tan in color, with olive and brown markings on its front legs. It is biologically identical to any other member of its species, save for a numeral 3 written on its back in an unknown ink, and a bio-luminescent effect during a set of time the frog perceives to be night. The bio-luminescent effect has proven to be slightly radioactive. At the time of SCP-2655's recovery, the radioactivity measured a negligible 0.03 Ci. This number has increased by 5.1% every six days after the initial observation. It is hypothesized that this effect has been present since birth, as no markings or defects to indicate a surgical procedure or experimentation are present. As of 9/23/13, SCP-2655 has been neutralized. It was pronounced dead at 5:17 PM, of natural causes associated with old age. The radiation appeared to have no effect on the host frog. SCP-2655 was recovered on 7/14/13, after news of a glowing frog reached a staff agent in a suburb outside ███████████, California. Following an interview with the family, SCP-2655 was placed in custody. The frog's owner, a nine-year-old male named Jack ███████, reported in an interview that he had discovered the frog a year prior, in its current state. Following events on 9/23/13 (see Addendum 2655-I), the designation of SCP-2655 has been reassigned to the frog's previous owner, Jack. He has the numeral 4 written on his back in the same unknown ink, and glows at night in a manner similar to the original SCP-2655. Unlike the original, the new SCP-2655's radiation emissions are significant, beginning at 2 Ci and increasing by 7.3% every six days. Note: SCP-2655-A Note A I don't think people realize how dangerous this is. We lost a lot of good men on 9/23/13. And this is an exponential rate of increase. A small one, but exponential is exponential and it's only a matter of time before the lead cell we've got him in won't be good enough. I'm requesting a class upgrade. It'll probably be turned down, because he's not exactly a threat to anyone, but at least it'll draw attention to this. Safe-level isn't enough. I don't want to be the one who had to shoot a kid in the face because we ran out of funding. Euclid-level SCPs get almost three times the money that Safes do. Considering all the equipment we're going to need to not die as soon as we go into that cell in a year or two, we can't operate on this little. -Dr. Kolibri As of 9/30/14, following a repeat of events detailed in Addendum 2655-I, Researcher ████ is to be referred to as SCP-2655. She exhibits similar properties to the previous incarnations of SCP-2655, and differs only in an increase in the number on her back (to "5") and an increase in emitted radiation, beginning at 7 Ci and increasing by 9% every five days. Researcher ████ was present during the 9/30/14 events for a total of six minutes. Prior to this, she had been tasked with feeding the second incarnation of SCP-2655. Total exposure to the second incarnation of SCP-2655 is estimated at twenty-seven minutes. Addendum 2655-I 2655-I The following is a log of events regarding the death of the original incarnation of SCP-2655. 8:17 PM: SCP-2655 has been deceased for exactly three hours. Radiation emissions increase from 0.05 Ci to 10 Ci. 8:20 PM: Site Security B1 arrives on scene. Lead-lined suits are distributed to all six personnel. 8:21 PM: The corpse of SCP-2655 disappears from its tank. Site Security B2 is dispatched to locate it. B1 is instructed to remain by the tank and provide updates on any changes. 8:27 PM: SCP-2655 is found inside Jack ███████'s pants pocket by Site Security B2, in the cafeteria of Site 22. Jack was aware of the frog appearing on his person, and handled it for approximately ten seconds prior to B2's arrival. 8:28 PM: Jack ███████ begins to exhibit symptoms of an epileptic seizure. This is accompanied by 1.2 second pulses of 43 Ci gamma radiation. 8:29 PM: Jack ███████ is sedated. Pulses stop. Fifteen bystanders are treated for severe radiation poisoning, resulting in six deaths. 8:47 PM: SCP-2655's Neutralized status is revoked, and containment is reaffirmed. Jack ███████ is moved to a lead cell for the foreseeable future.
SCP-1826 is a phenomenon taking place in an office building in Oleksandriia, Ukraine.
*** Item #: SCP-1826 Object Class: Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: During the month of March, entrance into SCP-1826 is forbidden except for previously approved testing subjects. Researchers may freely enter the area after an event has begun, and during any other time during the year. Fauna produced from testing should be relocated to a secure habitat immediately after events in the area have concluded. The area is to be monitored constantly in case anything other than testing subjects exit the building. This occurrence is to be reported immediately. Description: SCP-1826 is a phenomenon taking place in an office building in Oleksandriia, Ukraine. Construction on the building housing SCP-1826 ended on 01/05/05. The building was owned by a temporary staffing agency, and was abandoned three months after its construction on 04/12/2005. The building is roughly cubical, stands at three stories, and is 1115 sq metres in area. The area is littered with broken glass, office equipment, and fiberboard partitions believed to be abandoned by the previous tenants of the building. The interior of the building is partially covered in plant growth, including an unidentified species of moss similar in appearance to Spanish moss Tillandsia usneoides. The building when found was also home to a pack of 24 black Arctic wolves which have been relocated to a secure area since their discovery; other than the color of their fur, no anomalous properties were detectable. When female fauna occupies the building during the Gregorian calendar month of March, the SCP-1826 effect will manifest within the host body instantaneously and begin to mutate the body physically. Transformations of the subject vary; in most cases, when a human female is exposed to SCP-1826, antler-like growths similar to that of a fallow deer Cervus dama dama will emerge from the skull in the space of 2 seconds, and the subject will immediately vanish from sight until a male subject enters the building. Attempts to locate subjects affected by SCP-1826 during this time have been largely unsuccessful, although a faint electrical signal can be detected moving where the SCP-1826 host subject was present. SCP-1826 seems to have complete control over its host body; attempts to communicate with the individual under its effect have been unsuccessful. SCP-1826 will manifest this host body when male fauna enters the building. The following event will not commence unless a black canine is present in the building. SCP-1826 will manifest its host body, and announce its intention to 'engage' it. SCP-1826 will then offer the subject a weapon, and attempt to evade the subject for as long as possible. The event will end when the host body is killed, or the male subject is killed or exits the building. If the subject exits the building, the entity will disappear until the subject re-enters. These events have been recorded to take place for as long as twelve days. The event will take place regardless of how many individuals are present within the building. SCP-1826 will appear in its host body and address a male seemingly at random. Subjects do not appear to be capable of making physical contact with either the entity or the male subject during this time. After a fatality occurs, the corpse will appear to be absorbed into the walls of the building by an unknown mechanism. Plant growth in the area where the subject was killed will accelerate, and a male black Arctic wolf cub will appear from within the foliage produced at the time and day the subject was killed on the next year. Removal of the foliage causes a nullification of this effect. Addendum A: Researcher Sanders and a team of assistants were dispatched to the area to investigate after it had been properly scouted. During scouting, D-Class personnel emerged unharmed and reported no strange activity in the area. Shortly after entering, Researcher Sanders, according to witnesses, "sprouted horns and disappeared". The area was evacuated and an additional D-Class subject was sent into the area for testing with visual and audio recording equipment. Steps can be heard on level 3, shortly afterward SCP-1826 appears on the staircase between levels 2 and 3. A female voice is projected from SCP-1826's physical location, but the host body does not vocalize. SCP-1826: Welcome brother! It is a pleasure to finally make acquaintance with you. D-00130: Uh… hey? They told me to ask you some questions or something. Please don’t kill me. Okay? First question is what are you here for, and how? SCP-1826: I am here so that we might greet the Spring together! Join me! D-00130: Oh, well, okay that sounds nice… What’s that mean? SCP-1826: Mercenaries and hunters built an adequate arena here three winters ago, and my path collided with an adequate spirit on this day in March. Fate intends I engage in glorious sport with you! D-00130: I'm… really bad at sports. SCP-1826: I will command this body with the resilience and stubbornness it was known for in its life. Its soul will wield the bow of my late sister. You will surely accept this challenge! SCP-1826 pulls out an object resembling an AK-47 from behind it, seemingly from under its skirt. D-00130: Please don’t murder me… please. SCP-1826: That would be dishonorable. You will take this time to prepare yourself, brother. I am very interested in seeing how you plan on besting me with only your hands! D-00130: What? No wait I don’t have a weapon! I can’t do that! No! SCP-1826 turns around and throws the gun it was holding, at D-00130. SCP-1826: Very well! I will use my head. SCP-1826 runs up the stairs to level 3. <EXCERPT> D-00130 was recovered two meters away from the building seven days later with puncture wounds through the lower abdomen and pelvis. A broken window on the third floor suggests that the death was caused by impact with the ground. The body of Researcher Sanders was not found, and did not appear in subsequent testing. The weapon in SCP-1826's possession was immediately removed and placed under testing. No anomalous properties were present in the gun, which is of modern manufacture with the serial number 196001430. Further investigation traced the gun back to a resident of Belarus believed to have gone missing in the area in 2005. Addendum B: The following test was conducted using a giant anteater, Myrmecophaga tridactyla, (Subject 01) as the male testing subject, and a single red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, as the SCP-1826 host. The fire ant grew very small horns and vanished before approaching the anteater roughly 2 hours after it was introduced to the building. The event lasted 2 hours and 30 seconds. SCP-1826: The Fair are honored to meet our king. A low-pitched male voice speaking in the Welsh language is heard throughout the building. [UNDETERMINED]: I will meet you on the island beneath us, Ffrwtan. [UNDETERMINED]: [unintelligible] not supposed to say things like that [unintelligible] damn, Slyphie! A deep sigh is heard throughout the building, and what is believed to be cursing from numerous voices. SCP-1826 is eaten in the space of five seconds by Subject 01. Addendum C: Due to events in previous tests, the entities are believed to share classification with an existing SCP object. The following test was conducted using a D-Class, D-00131, equipped with leather bag filled with iron dust. A female tortoise, Testudo graeca, was introduced as the SCP-1826 host. The tortoise grew small horns and vanished before approaching the subject 20 minutes after it was introduced to the building. The D-00131 was instructed to sprinkle iron dust on the tortoise's shell, taking care not to damage the object. The subject was also instructed to sprinkle dust on as much as he could and record the results. D-00131 was accompanied by Researcher Breen via headset. SCP-1826: Greetings friend. Will you join me and usher out the winter? D-00131: Okay yeah sure. SCP-1826: May your hunt be bountiful. D-00131 approaches the tortoise and sprinkles iron dust on its shell. The tortoise halts and enters a defensive position. SCP-1826: Ouch! Wait… How in the world did you…? Researcher Breen: What is happening? D-00131: Turtle is just sitting there. It seems okay. Researcher Breen: Thank you, please exit the building. SCP-1826: Looks like the jig is up. D-00131: Huh? 24 humanoid females with horns, including the body of Researcher Sanders and other previous testing subjects, emerge from numerous doors and passageways around D-00131. Each entity is armed with automatic rifles appearing to be variants of the recovered object in the previous test. The entities begin to converge on D-00131. Researcher Breen: It sounds like you're encountering a problem. Please use the materials provided to- SCP-1826: (Screeching, followed by words in an unknown language, and the sound of multiple large wings buzzing.) Shots are fired, and D-00131 is killed. Researcher Breen: We have a code Pink. 24 winged humanoid entities were intercepted exiting the facility, made visible by a barrage of iron powder fired into the air after the testing event ended. Mobile Task Force Theta-11 "Pale Men" were equipped with gas masks and opened fire on the entities. 22 corpses were recovered. Theta-11 suffered no casualties. Entities located within the building spoke in a dialect similar to that of the ███, a collection of entities believed to have been completely eradicated by 1915. Whether this particular group are connected to the historical ███ is currently unknown. Testing is scheduled immediately to confirm this possibility of a ██████ cell existing in Ukraine. There can be no room for confusion or speculation here. Reiteration of the Cottingley Protocol is pending. -O5-█
SCP-1033 is a middle-aged Caucasian male, approximately 193 centimetres, or six feet and four inches tall.
*** Item #: SCP-1033 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1033 is to be held in a 15m by 5m standard cell, lined with 5m thick lead plating. Personnel entering SCP-1033's chamber must wear approved Level A hazmat suits. If SCP-1033's routine changes or if SCP-1033 attempts to escape, the two guards stationed outside SCP-1033's chamber are to be reinforced with eight more, all armed with Containment Kit 4-MK3 (consisting of a SCAR-L assault rifle with underbarrel net launcher, two (2) flashbang grenades and one (1) M67 fragmentation grenade). Description: SCP-1033 is a middle-aged Caucasian male, approximately 193 centimetres, or six feet and four inches tall. SCP-1033 was discovered in New York, having, according to several witnesses, "materialised in the middle of the road". Interviews with witnesses found that people in the area experienced a vision-encompassing white flash, accompanied by hearing a two-second burst of static from all directions. Witnesses were administered a Class A amnestic after the completion of the interview, followed by a media blackout regarding the incident. Upon initial inspection at the site of materialisation, Foundation researchers found that SCP-1033 was emitting well over the instantaneous lethal dose rate limit of high-energy gamma, neutron, and x radiation at approximately 15,000Sv/hr. SCP-1033 was initially contained within a shipping container surrounded by lead bricks, which was placed in his path. SCP-1033 was subsequently moved to Storage site K█, where he now resides. In all physical aspects, SCP-1033 is an unremarkable, balding middle aged male. He is dressed in a business suit and carrying a briefcase. SCP-1033's behaviour is cyclic, with each cycle beginning approximately every 33 seconds. The following timeline is a transcription of that routine. 0 - 10 seconds: SCP-1033 walks thirty paces forward, glancing at his watch approximately every ten steps. 10 - 15 seconds: SCP-1033 stops, kneels, and opens his briefcase. Inside the briefcase is a single envelope, marked with an unknown seal and a prepaid █████ brand mobile phone, capable of sending and receiving text messages and calls. SCP-1033 opens the envelope and pulls out a sheet of paper, marked with the words "Cable: asymmetric cipher, 0uuT5LmoO22 lets ruffle feathers". 15 - 21 seconds: SCP-1033 types "0uuT5LmoO22" in a text message to the Australian mobile phone number 0404 ███ ███. Investigation shows that this number has yet to be assigned to any mobile phone. At 21 seconds in, SCP-1033 sends the message, puts the phone and letter back in his briefcase. 21 - 28 seconds SCP-1033 is observed looking in to the 'distance', regardless of what is actually in front of him. At 25 seconds in, SCP-1033 starts to chuckle quietly, having apparently spotted what he was looking for on the horizon. 28 - 33 seconds: At 28 seconds, SCP-1033 is blown backwards 3 metres and is observed writhing on the ground, screaming in apparent agony. Flesh is seen being stripped off and flying behind SCP-1033, as other parts of him disintegrate. The injuries SCP-1033 sustains correspond with that of a victim of a 1.5 megaton nuclear device being detonated in close proximity. After completion of this routine, SCP-1033 immediately reappears at the start of his routine in mid-step and begins the cycle again. If an object, human or animal stands in the path of SCP-1033, he will make no attempt to stop, and will continue his cycle, pushing whatever obstacle in his way along with him.
SCP-5924 is a biological entity occupying an area of dimensions 4m by 5m on the north-facing wall of floor B3 in the NC Mutual Life Insurance headquarters, Durham, North Carolina, United States.
*** Item #: SCP-5924 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Relevant disinformation campaigns have been disseminated, and deemed successful. The floor housing SCP-5924 has been closed off from civilian access under the pretense of renovation and maintenance works. Description: SCP-5924 is a biological entity occupying an area of dimensions 4m by 5m on the north-facing wall of floor B3 in the NC Mutual Life Insurance headquarters, Durham, North Carolina, United States. Radiographic analysis indicates that SCP-5924 consists of human flesh, with an interconnected system of veins and arteries which penetrates the concrete behind it. A single motile appendage, measuring 1m long, protrudes from SCP-5924 which ends in a pair of human lips. This appendage frequently opens to vocalize in fluent American English in a masculine tone. Two human ears and eyes, each approximately 30 centimeters wide, are situated asymmetrically on either side of SCP-5924. For unknown reasons, employees1 of the company regard SCP-5924 as unremarkable; its discovery was hence unreported for three weeks2 until a civilian electrician entered the floor for repairs, after which local law enforcement was deployed to inspect the premises. The electrician was amnesticized and embedded agents within the local police precinct declared this as a false alarm. Addendum 3-C: On 06/12/2015, on the day of implementation of SCP-5924's containment procedures, Dr. Lawkind Halls conducted an interview session with SCP-5924 to ascertain the reason for its existence. [BEGIN LOG] (Shuffling.) SCP-5924: Manny! Manny? I- is that you, my boy? (A creak.) Dr. Halls: I'm afraid not, sir. SCP-5924: Oh! Oh… I- I'm terribly sorry, mister…? Dr. Halls: Halls. SCP-5924: Halls? I don't ever recount there being halls here- Dr. Halls: Not, not that. (Silence.) SCP-5924: Oh! Oh! (Chuckles.) You- you meant- ah, okay! Mister Halls! Hello! Dr. Halls: It's fine, sir. May I know your name? SCP-5924: Uh… I- I don't really know, Mister Halls. My memory's gettin' a lil' foggy, er… Wallace? I- I think? (Soft scribbling.) Dr. Halls: Mhm. You were calling out for… "Manny"? SCP-5924: Oh, yes! Manny! Dr. Halls: Why do you keep calling out for this person? SCP-5924: (Chuckles.) He's a sweet boy, I tell him. Dr. Halls: How is Manny affiliated with you? SCP-5924: (Tuts.) Don't be cold! I told you, he's a sweet little boy! (Soft scribbling.) Dr. Halls: Right. Do you remember if he was involved in anything that might've… uh, brought you here? (Silence.) SCP-5924: I… guess so. I can't seem to pinpoint it, but it- it just feels… nice. Nice to be told he loves me. In fact, I've been coming here for a while now, so I kind of got close to everyone here! You see? There- there's Andy's seat over there, Harris over there, Janice- oh yes, Janice, sweet woman. Went around helping anyone fussing over numbers! And- and there's- Dr. Halls: Sir, I appreciate your enthusiasm. However, uh… back to Manny. SCP-5924: Ah, yes! Manny! Oh dang it, my memory's just not working right today. Sorry about that. (Chuckles.) (Silence. A cough.) SCP-5924: (Clears throat.) …right. Uhm. I've been looking for Manny to, uh, you know, get to know him better. And- and thank him too. Dr. Halls: So you were here to… thank him? SCP-5924: Yes, yes, the sweet lil' boy. Even sent me one of those… uh, those- those little envelope things on the- the, screen? Those- Dr. Halls: Email? SCP-5924: Yes! Here, I- I'll read it to you. I- I have it here just for reference. (Silence. Moments later, muffled, wet sounds can be heard.) SCP-5924: There we go! Uhm. "Dear Mister Wallace, Happy Birthday! Uh… something, something, - Manny." See? What a sweet boy, I tell ya! It's been a while since there was noise in the house, eh? Even this- yeah, I should thank all of the employees, throw them a sweet little gift, maybe, um- maybe continue to stay here to be their valued customer, y'know? Dr. Halls: May I have a look at that phone? SCP-5924: Sure, Mister Halls! (Several wet sounds. Silence.) Dr. Halls: Sir, may I know if you are short-sighted? SCP-5924: (Chuckles.) Well, I- uh, I would be lying if I said I wasn't. Dr. Halls: …Thank you for answering my questions. SCP-5924: No problem! [END LOG] Addendum 3-D: Dr. Halls received a Samsung SGH-A1673 from SCP-5924's appendage. A single email was present in the inbox; its contents have been converted into an electronic copy and attached below for reference. Dear Mr. Wallace, Happy Birthday! The North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company would like to extend our gratitude for your continued subscription! Feeling concerned about your future? No worries! On this special occasion, we offer you a 25% additional coverage of your healthcare expenses! Have a great day! — Manny DeSanchez4 Employee of NC Mutual Life Insurance, Customer Service 05/14/2015 Footnotes 1. This effect extends to the company's corporate hierarchical system, including the executives. Foundation agents employed by the company also do not claim SCP-5924 as anomalous. Other positions not directly related to the service of the company, such as security and maintenance, are unaffected. 2. Security cameras were not installed during this time. 3. A 'flip' phone released in 2009. 4. Upon subsequent interrogations, "Manny" claimed no relationship or memory of "Wallace".
SCP-4690 is a 'pataphysical phenomenon affecting all media works which adapt, pay homage to, or are otherwise inspired by the 1887 novel Madame Chrysanthème.
*** Item #: SCP-4690 4/4690 Object Class: Apollyon Classified Special Containment Procedures: Consensus reality regarding the literary work Madame Chrysanthème and its associated adaptations has been permanently altered. No further containment appears to be possible. Description: SCP-4690 is a 'pataphysical phenomenon affecting all media works which adapt, pay homage to, or are otherwise inspired by the 1887 novel Madame Chrysanthème. Works are affected on a copy-by-copy basis through proximity. Following the events of 02/06/2017, SCP-4690's primary vector is the internet, and all machines connected to it. In all cases, characters based on Pierre Loti1 will end the novel consumed in some fashion by one or many arachnids or arachnid-adjacent entities. This event usually occurs near or at the conclusion of the main plotline. SCP-4690 has not been observed to affect nonfictional entities, [CORRUPTION EXPUNGED] EXCERPTS OF INFECTED DOCUMENTATION ACCESS GRANTED Work: Madame Chrysanthème (1887 short story) Synopsis: Madame Chrysanthème is a semiautobiographical account of French sailor Pierre Loti's temporary marriage to "Chrysanthème", a geisha. Summary of Changes: Minimal changes before Chapter LII, primarily regarding actions taken by Yves. On September 18th, an hour before Kangourou and his tattoo artists arrive in the baseline narrative, Loti describes being awoken by a seemingly frustrated Yves; before he can respond, Yves collapses into a swarm of venomous spiders, which proceed to attack and devour a bewildered Loti. The rest of the novel remains mostly unchanged, aside from the death of Loti. Narration remains in first person. Work: Madama Butterfly (1904 opera) Synopsis: Madama Butterfly is an Italian opera adapted from the American short story "Madame Butterfly", itself a fictionalized adaptation of Madame Chrysanthème. The opera follows Ciocio2-san [sic], a Japanese girl who is married by American naval officer Lt. Pinkerton. When Pinkerton leaves Ciocio-san alone with child for 3 years, she waits faithfully for his return, only to kill herself in grief when she realizes Pinkerton remarried. In most performances, Madama Butterfly is arranged into a set of three acts, containing 35 sections in total; the following work was arranged in such an order. Summary of Changes: Two new tracks appear after the 35th and final track3, featuring a new character, "THE SPIDER": The first of these tracks introduces THE SPIDER, who, driven mad by the death of Ciocio-san, kills and devours a shocked Pinkerton. This section is an aria. The final track depicts THE SPIDER, still mad with grief, rushing to the shipyard, declaring vendetta on the Americans that took its "friend" from it. This section is a chorus with solo parts. According to production notes, THE SPIDER is to be played by a mezzo-soprano with two mouths, in order to sing while devouring the actor playing Pinkerton. Work: The Toll of the Sea (1922 film) Synopsis: The Toll of the Sea is an American silent film, notable for being the third4 ever produced in technicolor. The film follows "Lotus Flower", a young Chinese woman who saves the life of Allen Carver, an American. They marry, and though Carver promises to take Lotus Flower home with him, his friends convince him otherwise, leaving Lotus Flower with his child. When Carver returns with his American wife, Lotus Flower leaves her child with him, and presumably drowns herself. Summary of Changes: During the closing shot, both Lotus Flower and the ship Carver leaves on are visible. As Lotus Flower begins stepping towards the water's edge, an enormous entity, superficially resembling a whip scorpion, emerges to swallow the ship whole. Lotus Flower stays still, before walking away with a look of confusion. Work: Le ménage moderne de Madame Butterfly (1920 film) Synopsis: Le ménage moderne de Madame Butterfly is a French pornographic film, notable for being the first film depiction of hardcore homosexual sex acts. It follows Lt. Pinkerton [DATA EXPUNGED] Summary of Changes: A new character, resembling a humanoid spider [DATA EXPUNGED]. This is the first recorded instance without character death. Work: Pinkerton (1996 album) Synopsis: Pinkerton is the second studio album of Fifthist rock band "Weezer". Loosely based on Madama Butterfly, Pinkerton chronicles frontman Rivers Cuomo's sexual and romantic insecurities following the release of Weezer's Self Titled and Cuomo's subsequent enrollment into Harvard. Summary of Changes: The final song on the album, "Butterfly", is extended to ten minutes and fourteen seconds. Following the regular outro, Cuomo begins to sing about being attacked, consumed, and digested by spiders, in the style of previous verses. Whether the lyrics are to be interpreted literally or as a metaphor for guilt is unclear. Work: Pierre Loti Under Scope (2011 biography) Synopsis: Pierre Loti Under Scope is a biography written by Dr. Jeremiah Cimmerian during the completion of his doctorate. Dr. Cimmerian examines the life of Loti in comparison to his body of work in an attempt to provide an accurate picture of Mr. Loti's life. Summary of Changes: During the section regarding Pierre Loti's time in Japan, Dr. Cimmerian notes that stories of Loti's near total consumption by a swarm of spiders are most probably false. He further suggests that Loti merely died from the ill-timed bite of a mundane spider, and that retellings of the event exaggerated in absence of Loti's ability to refute them. The corpse of Pierre Loti proceeds to follow a nearly identical path to its nonfictional counterpart. Work: I Left My Heart in Nagasaki (2016 Foundation experiment) Synopsis: I Left My Heart in Nagasaki is a short story written by the SCP-4690 containment team to test its properties. The story follows the plot of Madame Butterfly, with two notable deviations: All arachnids have expired following a WK-Class Mass Extinction Event. The main character, Lt. Pinkerdinkle, suffers from a condition that leaves him unable to create or comprehend metaphors. The story is told in first person. Summary of Changes: At the end of the story, Pinkerdinkle is attacked and immobilized by an Asian female, who proceeds to forcibly collect a sample of his blood before fleeing the scene. Descriptions of this figure match those of PoI-GOC2735 ("Spider"). Work: Ten Unforgettable Recipes for the Orientalist Sailor (2016 Foundation experiment) Synopsis: Ten Unforgettable Recipes for the Orientalist Sailor is a cookbook written by Culinary Department liaison McNeilly. Each recipe is based on either a specific scene from or a prominent theme of Madame Chrysanthème and its associated adaptations. Ten Unforgettable Recipes for the Orientalist Sailor otherwise lacks a storyline. Summary of Changes: Ten Unforgettable Recipes for the Orientalist Sailor experienced an unusually high number of changes compared to control materials: All recipes were modified to varying extents. In most cases, this involved the removal and substitution of ingredients such as spices and vegetables. Notably, all lotus-based ingredients have been removed. Two recipes, the Withered Lotus Stir Fry and Mother & Child Disunion, are preceded by abnormally long asides about the supposed benefits of incubating spider eggs within the human body. Several of the images have been heavily altered, displaying severe arachnid infestation on and around the meals in question. An 11th recipe for "Raw Pinkerton" is present. Notably, the recipe calls for several previously undiscovered carnomancy techniques. Work: The Madam, Mrs. Madama "Madame Butterfly" Butterfly, or "Ciocio-San" to her Butterfly Friends (2017 experiment) Synopsis: The Madam, Mrs. Madama "Madame Butterfly" Butterfly, or "Ciocio-San" to her Butterfly Friends is a metafictional story within the SCP-4690 'Pataphysics Deptarment's primary narrative, written by Dr. Suzuki, regarding a series of increasingly recursive retellings of Madame Butterfly. The story is told through a series of recursive framing devices, starting with a review of a fictional Japanese novel of the same name that begins with a young man talking to his half-Japanese girlfriend about his father, Rupert, and the stories he told. [EXTRANEOUS DATA OMITTED] Summary of Changes: The first changes appear in a hypothetical scenario imagined by Mr. Night, where a churchgoer asks the hypothetical Mr. Night why he's still writing while a spider gnaws at his fingers. Mr. Night admits that he wanted to put more of himself into his writing, and shows the churchgoer a portion of his story, which now depicts a man being eaten by spiders. As Mr. Night's imaginary scene ends, the story continues as usual until the moment his ship is described as crashing against the rocks. The narrative describes him lying prone against the sea, as normal, with the addition that his body is scavenged by a cast of Macrocheira kaempferi5. As normal, the scene returns to the present day, where Ms. Sun's anxious fantasy is cut off by the sound of cannon fire. The story remains unchanged until the point where Mr. Night, describing how he wished this situation could have went, mentions his desire to be eaten alive by a water scorpion. As Mr. Night laments his folly, Ms. Sun suddenly transforms into an abnormally large pseudoscorpion, before decapitating and devouring Mr. Night6. As Rupert's son interrupts the story to ask his father to tell a happier story, the work remains unchanged until Helga and Rupert's date. When Rupert looks at the billboard advertising the showing of Madama Butterfly, he briefly notices the presence of an enormous spiderweb covering the face of Pinkerton. Later, during the show's curtain call, Pinkerton's actor is devoured by a swarm of camel spiders, an event that fails to interrupt the audience applause. [EXTRANEOUS DATA OMITTED] Following the conclusion of the test, Dr. Suzuki informed the attending Metaphysics Department liaison that she would need to cut the meeting short, as 'SCP-2254-Gamma-ARC had killed Agent Pinkerton in a containment breach. Work: Dark Souls (2011 video game) Synopsis: Dark Souls is an action-RPG video game developed by FROM Software. Notably, it does not appear to be inspired by Madame Chrysanthème, and does not act as a vector for SCP-4690. Copy was confiscated from Technician Empira following a report to the Site 56 IT department. Summary of Changes: During the cutscene prior to the Quelaag7 boss fight, an enlarged Lt. Pinkerton kills and devours Quelaag. Footnotes 1. A semiautobiographical version of Madame Chrysanthème's author, Loti is a sailor that initiates a brief affair with a Japanese woman, [CORRUPTION EXPUNGED] 2. A literal translation of "butterfly". 3. Tu? Tu? Piccolo iddio! 4. As the second ever technicolor film produced was SCP-████, the general public recognizes The Toll of the Sea as being second instead. 5. Japanese Spider Crab. 6. This scene was present in the baseline story, and is not an authentic alteration through SCP-4690. 7. A boss monster with the torso of a woman and the lower body of a monstrous spider.
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