stringlengths 1
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I'm sure the people that need to read that are on the WorldWideNews subreddit. | r/worldwidenews | comment | r/WorldWideNews | 2009-01-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTWEFjYTgyM2RFUWc4V3BlTHp0dUU4U2o4NWJnUnpLZ1BVTHRrUUVqdU9iMkJEamFFeTkwSVV5MjJmSjlDV1BlblctRGU1d1cxV094b2JFZWtwZ19TU1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotZk1EZnpINzJjR1NrV0t4QVEwTUZKbEdZQ2oySEdjOUpZZUY3WDVZNXAzVUVKN19QWG9PV3psM25IcjF0Q1U3bWxQLWNONnV0WnZTbTNrZVEtOEVJOE1uWTJsYWRuNE1SeXBEYjZBbndrTjBVRW5KYWlXY0wySGg5dTE2bTMxOV9zSDA4Y3A1NmNUektvcUlXREFpNDFxbEs5dVFTM3JnZzVEVkwyQVlTa2w0aDhmRDdKT3dLLUh6bXJWb2VrY21SdGlrbVFGeE1wQVdncm53ZDdTYUF0QT09 |
Maybe more people should try non-violent protest... | r/worldwidenews | comment | r/WorldWideNews | 2009-01-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTMFRWaTI1dzczbk9jTHV1YlJGMEdKZVEtVThOX21Ec3VnemtWdzVrNFNCT3pKdnlqX1JxQTN1QXJIbDdKaXlhNVU1ZVdUalExX2ZHZlRhVlB3b0tKcGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotTFNWbFBHZ2ZybExOOVFlTW5ycUFFYl85SDRQbERpZVBDZk4wdm05S3FMbWR5V1NnTlhzYkRyS0NXX1VsM2hJNWttZ3RMRnQ2OGFqbzliYWlTQVJjNEZnYV8ySGNaQXp0Q25lSUtZZGNneVp0bnNUN3dsbmlxSUVuWmNQLWdzMHB6M2s4YjZPV1pDNmJvSm03dHA3SXBTemZsRFBtX1FHaWNCWEpLb0lWZy1YVHpZX2IwQXF4dzJJZHVCVElWM3FZeFZ4ZUNNTUdDRWh5NTB0d3NyWTJDUT09 |
I love textsfromlastnight, FML, Awkward Family Photos, Mostly Drunk Texts, and STFU, Marrieds.
Any other cool ones you guys know about? | r/schadenfreude | post | r/schadenfreude | 2009-07-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTSm5vc24tYmNnaDZVVzJEMWhXRi1oRTBvLUhPU0V1eGl5QmNMa1JfdjJDT0ZJeWNiVS1Pc2lwcldReDNyLUJlOFBYaXVicURha0NkeHdLNWRHdWZIc3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotMmUzYjFGUzlOTDh5S29YVkkwVmZRYmlOZVpabFZUQkRRWTEyUlM3LUd5QWxwcGU1a0QtaWJxb0hoT1VyXzktTkF0WUFBTElOZXQwbUFnTE9Cd3d2ZEFJQlduZkR5ZTRlNXQxT3VpLTdJT3g2VHgxZEV5bzVnY25fQ3puWkZybFVSYkJfWTdwQzB3b0N2alF2OXgzM29pRFNDTDQ3VUhydndSUERsVU84X2xoODY5dW5QcFhHblM2LXlZLTRBdlJBMlNQX2ljZEk1X0NoeWp2TkN2VDlGZz09 |
Maybe with the Russian Navy patrolling the the waters fewer wizards will escape Abkhazian. | r/worldwidenews | comment | r/WorldWideNews | 2009-09-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTcXJlM0x6M1ZrQkFyMHQ5cXlxbEFOWWFHdFcwaGd5ak8zeVp1VVFLM05Ob1IySXpKREcyY3dKSldUd0xFWnhRYnhfNjVqQzBaN3dtUkdjS3h2dnhQeFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotd2kzdDJ0czFidVNEblFkMHpaZHVUQW5OQmpuVWZRNEZuU2d3QWNKRUlOVy13LW03MUUtbTNrRUotc1lZbHl1NHBnNHRJb3BpanVvaTVXSXhGN2l1d0F2ZVYzMUNVY2VOa1FmcXAtNE5OWnlEcGk3cUk1TFphSGFPTGV0MmRFOGNJT01HazVRWXZKSzI5cTRmaWhBQnBMWkh4REtHWHVHVkVRbTJaWUxnMEVJVTkzUnVyYk9EQWcza1AyeXh1NFFPd0M3UHY2ajR6T19mZ3MxSWNZWGhTZz09 |
thanks a lot! haha | r/thenandnow | post | r/thenandnow | 2010-01-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTMzFfYVJGMGhPNkd5djNIR3JlcHpaUDRjSDJ2Ul9zQkl0c0tNc3RKU2tlZkJ1MWxUbGVqQmdHRXJhT2RzR1BhNGRnUFVyR1pHaUNiamd1aEhCMFdULUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotTTh6bHRKR2ZTaFpoUGtvUDFpWloyRjFiQXdna09PT2JEWHZXMEVnVzhJU2E3Z1RsT0RocURodVFPQjgtcGZCLWktSVRvWWN1a1lIYmVITmRsa2xLLUJHYUF2YUh0Ri1tQkkxUjdKTzRUUjkyaXptTy1sWkNpWnNPQ01fVGZNeW9scXpBX2hWb3FqR1g5cU5BcV9NNDN4WXM2Vl9GcWN1enlNSlZuWV94RFFNLU5IdzZDdjZoV3FUcWtLUlFtQlQ1MjUxck1abUpxeXlkcWlrT01CT3pRZz09 |
But no rewards fer the good guys?
edit: ops, didn't read the sidebar. My bad. | r/whitehat | post | r/whitehat | 2010-02-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTY0ZjWTdacFkzMWpySGxNa3JKMjhIOVcwa0doQ3NFZ3FLQWFHRzFSV2xlSTBEOUNBMmFOcVJOM3N0YVR5REpWNEd4WjViN00zTTlCSXdsOWpKY0w4b3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotZVluQkhBYjJPcHV1Mm9wajFXUnNRRTVFU1ExdXJZb2c3NUwtb19EMzF0NjlrUWt2VGFaUDNyNHNRdi1uVVVBYU9TaXRCRy0tVWcyRGk4RUlacjYwdmlEcVNuUDV0d05INVB6RVRmcXhZNjVsMnlXUmZzOHlSU2l2S0M2VmZuaWtXellkakxkcWJqQVdYM3RkQng5aTRiZDRZanAxNFo3QmdMb1MzdW5zdDl3VkpJTEEyVlNyZVBtc1lxbF9aXzhf |
Are you interested in moderating /r/socceroos.
Join in before the World Cup Starts! | r/socceroos | post | r/socceroos | 2010-05-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTZWpqY3l6UC1yTlBQUzBzWm5SS3hhajU1cDA2eVZRYlU1Zy1xeGtaTW8zb0tlWDM4WTREMUUyRUdMVWhEWmZnWFB2US13a05uY1lxWlZDMWNENjE2QkpsMFBCY0NEUG9TT2pGYXl0THZqVjQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotdEg3ZzBtNnE4TWJocHp5eTVjdXJGa0wwMFJHVDRpaDVNWUJOYnN6X0owT2VHTGtLbWpiTnh6R0tMLXVKckZOeFk4UnZweXhyajl0ak5yUGJaLVA0RjBNMVhfdTJ0TTBCaFVLVEZhZmpsYVpNazF6dndDZUU4RFpYX3hBUm0tNlJUWWpxU3VKLVR6ZTFyTzFGdXpXX25VWjdVRWlkQ05zTjRSVDcxZGFDcFlXY3ctbGluamlOaFFtdTF1dzFOR01OYUk4bEJkV0ctR3h2dkw5VnhRcDh5UT09 |
While there are plenty of places on the intertubes that soccer fans already discuss football, I'm a bit of a fanboi of the reddit thread engine and would love to see as many socceroos fans as possible joining in the conversation here at reddit.
While we have had some free plugs on [/r/australia](/r/australia) and [/r/soccer](/r/soccer) recently it'd be great if you could make a little noise about us outside of reddit.
Also: [Click here if you want to help moderate this subreddit](http://www.reddit.com/r/socceroos/comments/c7ssm/looking_for_additional_moderations_for_rsocceroos/)
Edit: Let us know where you have left messages so we don't 'spam' any of the other forums out there. | r/socceroos | post | r/socceroos | 2010-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTY19yUDF4S1BITVpPeEpZUVpoWU1VTVBCQ0l1TEVUOFlETDlfNmNhTzloUGp5UFYyTE1SNUR4QmdEbS01Q0JFdGZPUGlIX0ZURXNON2pVZFVhM0ZBSXRfX1plNEJkRFVELWgyOVFSbTl3VUU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotQXN5WnFEalo0Z0Z2RXN4UzNQajdLdjQyUGpFWW43cmwtWDdmZ1FZZWR6TDNVV1U4QkZUTTc5Ti1DbWU2Z09UTmloYTJXUXVXRXZ0Q2JZN2VyNHJsTnNQWkZZZmF6dllVdzhhaTZFLS1HdVMyNEE3UURsRnpOVXVpSUh4M0xGTHlGeGxWbmRTZzRIMkFwRVBDNWg3UWNlczdoMEhHYzR4Y0xPb3I4UHZpNWFEZFQxd2xBWTZqTUFfblJCRDFwRFRa |
As the world cup is drawing close I'd love to see this subreddit get decked out in some World Cup Kit.
If any one has any ideas or the skillz to help out please let us know.
Things I'd like to see:
* World Cup Specific subreddit logos (maybe one for each game the socceroos play?)
* Get some Green and Gold CSS updates somehow
* World Cup Socceroos Jerseys next to commentators names. [Just like the World Cup Crests from the /r/soccer subreddit](http://www.reddit.com/r/wc2010_crests/comments/c4ipp/index/)
| r/socceroos | post | r/socceroos | 2010-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTQWRmWnlyUnRSTmNUVlBJTFFUOFVtOS10OG12SnZsaUxTWGtHeGZuakVWbk9vTTJ5YTBlT2loeS1MNDFhWHU0MkI1MUtQUTJnZGpiSnJ2NXg1Ri1XNThYRjJyX3pYNlM3a0pXMHRrZ3BaTTQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotVkQ4WERsWW5SS2FORmdncF9fODdnd1pTV0tJOVB3OUl2U1RyNnhrZ3BNajFFSU1IQm5zZTNvNHVyYTZZelNfaDRUa3ZpdEZOeGlnWUJRR3pRZk56bU9ZY2RHc2lhWXA1MWJuN2lHR3ZleldTQ0FMRHpteVZlNThtYWdFbGZBZDBPM016cG80TzMtclREQmoydWlZLWh0SmZ5WG1MckU1dnZYa0NZNlU3TFo4T1ZrNEUzLW43a1U0RzZGU0RvdFRKTm9BcGhxTXRMaUlIeWlhQnZDeWdJZz09 |
or for that matter your general football news | r/socceroos | post | r/socceroos | 2010-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTMXFPblJuYlliSGNqblhCcGhuOWh2Ti1TQWpkYUpxbk9WRklFS1AxQWFMUU11NWJDOVNMU2x4T2lWcUwtWTJKenZZQkVoazYwUm1BWmZDNXpHRS1GeHdhSkswamU0RkZRMXBhSGhoR0E3NDA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotLV9TWW03aDJNZTlURHVWLUFtTEU3UDNpZHgxQ2xnZjJRaVdaTklpRURiQXIzdjlwT3c1MnJHX3JPb195VW5hdk5YVnVuYTVrYkZKQ25BLXgyMW4wS09mbWxTT2pPVGRkMTkybWFKVDlGaDUxRlRfLWhlY2s4WWRuWkJXRDk1aWVpYjhIMWpUMHJxTUNoSDJtaXYzSVRGLWNvYW1yZ0NRTXN2NGlBTG0xWTRpVGVBN2l6MVdGdlVTNTRUWlhzeGct |
... or for that matter facebook pages | r/socceroos | post | r/socceroos | 2010-06-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTa2pMbm5QdDdJd2dtaXAtNE1MQWpkSjB2YWZnek1hNEFzVXZoQlVPYlFQWVAyQzZiSzFzdm1JZGVDX3doSWFiLVVFYWlWbzNkQUFTaVdEUzdLeDRrRkctX1hJUGkwRXFYYnJ0YVhEakNXV2s9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotLTRhM2g0QU4yY0paQjFJcksybml3X1Rzb1FOcnJfRkY2M2tuT3F6c0pta2hDZlMwSFVNZ1pUUG5FSy1VS2U2ZzJEZnFoX1hfeTZYUjBWaW82WG13czBkQWNvS1hmRjFJN3pYUmxYUXJkb3YyQ2pwLUNGZ094dEltT21UbXdZX0U5QURzbUtwX0QxTEk0azVBYktBQ2VvNDhQZmFCOGNLa1g0eDV5d2p3Tll3bWpfNTUwbzNqeHFqcVRDRS1MeFFT |
[World Cup fever will pass, and then we'll feel better](http://www.smh.com.au/national/letters/its-the-accepted-conduct-that-is-unacceptable-20100606-xn3y.html
Michael Visontay demonstrates either his lack of knowledge of Australian sporting psychology or that he has allowed wishful thinking to override his better judgment (''Australia is now a round ball nation'', June 4). Australians will, with apparent great enthusiasm, follow virtually any sport on the international stage in which Australians are involved, especially if they appear to be doing reasonably well. But it would be unwise to draw any broader conclusion from this about their general enthusiasm for that sport.
Along with much of the population, especially men, I take little interest in international tennis because the prospect of yet another match between the same boring, petulant millionaires is usually yawn-inducing. But I took great interest in the performance of Samantha Stosur in the French Open final, simply because she is Australian and no Australian woman has done well for a long time.
Similarly, notwithstanding my active dislike of soccer, which I find tedious, frustrating and culturally alienating, I will, like millions of other Australians, take an interest in the performance of the Socceroos in South Africa. But it would be a great mistake to assume this is likely to translate into longer-term interest in the game at a domestic level.
Of course we love to see the Socceroos do well, as we do with the Boomers, the Opals, the Kookaburras, the Hockeyroos, our water polo teams and others, but it doesn't mean we like the game enough to follow a domestic competition.
After the World Cup and possibly a short overhang, the A-League will revert to its place as a relatively minor sport, well behind the AFL, NRL and probably rugby.
For a variety of reasons, including its lack of reward for effort, its repetitious and restrictive nature, its lack of body contact and its alien culture, soccer does not suit the Australian character, and never will.
**Richard Moss Chisholm (ACT)**
| r/socceroos | post | r/socceroos | 2010-06-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTbUViV1lCbWZlSHR3UE5ScG1oa0Q2Vnd1TlJySmd3SVhjQzgyRkFQZ3NLN0ZINkdxUUdhYXpKNTVsYmhmT3QzM09GTGZiajlvb2VWOVlTb3lJakhKa2FvWS1xN1JOV2FCTTNTYzJscUx0Mms9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotM2xCb1VDaUJOS2d0eDBQSWtCMDFEcV9RV3phcktpZnQ0LTFoVzFiRklDRnlUV2xXbzBJUkg1Z0NDR2RhNlB0TUtTRGZtRXJqeF84QmI1VE1qdThHaU5mcjZEUzJZQ01KSHpCbUIwa0I0RFVsMU9xTFl6aFhuU01oclhIMm1HektBSWZHWVppT2NDTVhBdkxpV043Q0NXbl9ZaHlRbnhNZ0V1dV9NeUJaVVU2X042WlNLejVfWFp3ak1QZXZWQUlI |
Apparently no one cares if your THAT kind of sub | r/submarine | post | r/submarine | 2010-06-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTTUY0QmhFbXlWR0E5cW1UQ3ZRWWJfYnpfckRrUldyQ2hwTXN4Mnd2UllTeHFmS24yR1puY3ZpS09Ec1lvd0R4UlZ6enNzR19IUU10QTl0RFM1ZkxtYVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotLWJhdzlhVDY3TFdyZHBQWUVDYWlEQ1hxclMwZHBFMlB3TzgtWVRORmpUUV8taldNUWRaa1k0ME9RRHVPUjc3MW9WSUwwZkxoZ2NIRUxxT3pOQ2lEODNpSWJQemdZYUhLb3dsc3RXRjdCa0N0Y1JTLVhtekRpcmRnT2FjWnJ3NHNlTDZ0cU1aTVNYTzZXV2JnY29rVG44bmV3TVBoU21RZVJ1SHFhRHc0aTVhVWxkOVJybWJFYWtnc20tbXpEZ0oyN1NJRU5SRjNJNmFVV3REOGVNRkVyQT09 |
In Australia at a professional level we have four football codes:
* Australian Rules Football
* Rugby League
* Rugby Union
* Football (Soccer)
I think it's fair to say that a sizable portion of the best 'footballers' in the country aren't playing the round ball game.
If the best athletes from these other codes grew up playing soccer then I'd imagine that a lot of them would challenge for a spot in the national team. What are your thoughts
* Who would make the team?
| r/socceroos | post | r/socceroos | 2010-06-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTTDIwZzg1ZlZpXzVJRGxKdk9vMlJfc1FvU1FKM2R4SDR4dUZ3ZWdqSXdtOFJ2M0U5amF1UmF2aEJETFQ0THg1QW5MUkF5bXFPZUoyU0N0dFBtcWoxdV9uV21lTWpXTHRyTy1NQm9CX0RQdzg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotX1lvME91RTk3aF9ybVNIaUdhYUh6bnlZTll6RGtKN1JKN3ZMOV9jYXVBNUZLSWwtVlJVOERvcFVfNHhfY1FOXzJIWG9WSTI2NnVkT0lTa1YwRVltTFctUUtocThMRjFaSDBFdzdkQmo0Y3BGZUlsQTFHTGRmSkJUUllHTWR0czI3bGFscEZYdmdsblEySjVIQ3ZMdlYydlp0ZmpaNnVQVi1FUER1UWZoNHYtYXdNZVZ6V2VRYkNsN1gwX2tiVW55SURzblg2N0JhNFlBVHNDdzBCVjJwZz09 |
For when ಠ_ಠ just doesn't quite do it.
Edit: Also available as an absolute last resort: ಥ益ಥ | r/emoticons | post | r/emoticons | 2010-06-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTZXM0TUdQQkM0ajIxTEVqQTFuME9uZzdrTm1nM1g2VEtObkpTSF94emx3TWp1S0JDT2s1SUZacWozVlN6MjU0X0tXbTVBRnBYUlZIZEhWMTJYSUlCM1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotWDgwa2RrSjNxeVM3eVdNZ0tUWV95aTY2WGZfNHUzNzg3UDMyamxoTEtSM28yRjZKZUpFWUFkQXo3UTJIUkwxUlhpUC1iNUt4WmFJTnBQZU1uM1NENFh5bUJrQ08xdHRNZVQybFpmcUlQQjYwQ1Y4Nm1DbHNZaU5GUjM5Qjk3bDZSTy1UbW1MeTUzSDVpcTRYbXN2WHlXbmJLS1VDeXR4WUZsUGktN0VGOV8xTk5keEJuT2gydXpkS1U0QTFoRW1tV192R2dtQVQ2VE5XZXYyYTkxVGY0UT09 |
Considering he hasn't played a full match in god knows how long, suddenly he has 'recovered' from the same groin injury keeping him out of action for years.. I'm not sure that starting him would be a wise move, let alone bring him on as a sub.
On a side note, any ideas on why McDonald was left out of the squad? Not a huge fan of Celtic at all, but his performance there was pretty impressive.. more so than Kewell recently or several other players on the squad. | r/socceroos | post | r/socceroos | 2010-06-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTT214Q0hMNVRNaDl5TXg2cFU3ekZubS1UY3lJMGNuR1pvbkVDOHc2NVBCVEVlNm1HSW9aYzJGWld0bXZtXzR4VTBDaUdhM2RGUVBSUTBfX0VmLWp5Nmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotMjUwMjNEVTR2eWw5NFo4QXB1dm84eEtPUjdLR0xtbmlBVzNDX0xraDBZdzNiU2NDbU5felk1c0l3R0JIXy04WlBrcTdzaVdMVERlX1JwRW5QYUNIZ0xoai1UZnlqekV1RjBLS00wRHV1MVlhQUxoY2djQ1JPdkhPSVN1Y3EtS2YydERhOUNtVzRLU0JNeUhtZmhGREx5UW1kemdNcWVzTnVrSUtfVkxDb3ZMcTE0MDgyQ0RPZ2V6VVpObzB3Y3hQZGQtSEhoZUI0SzRtRzI2NnFFeUNPZz09 |
I'm not sure what differentiates it from other jazz subgenres. | r/acidjazz | post | r/acidjazz | 2010-06-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTUmhhYmNLWFJCVTF5QzdicVhvNlphVzdUckxHeFkxdFlXQ0lPc3RkT3I1SjU2WTlGbGVfbS01bWdDOXNvVFQzSDRqbkxWUDNpaTJTRnpKNF9QeS1ha3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotT3BVRHlnNWZrUjgwQ0ZSaDVnQVNHd2lhZDh5LVlERFpFQWtZLWkyZ3BZNEF1UlQ5dXdHeFFOSm1GNlRDXzh5ZDNOcDVkZ2ZRaVFJUENvd2IxN251LUNCenVhRzd3TWZzTmVGWXhXYjZGdW5LNnRFcHM5V0ZvZUhHTjlDcmhEcm1ral9uV1VqTUF2YWZZWmJpTWl2ZkE1S2x0X0o5UGExWlFONHZoV0Q4X0lHZjVTZzFrYTB2dkFhV0N1UzJSNlRsejM4dFJTcFdLdFBoWWR3X3N1RURsUT09 |
I have a little script that reads my git log and outputs the number of lines added and removed for the past week. When I execute this at the command line it works perfectly, for some reason when I put the code in a git hook it runs, but it always tell me 0 lines have been added and removed.
git --git-dir=/Users/home/Thesis/.git/ log --since="1 week ago" --numstat --pretty="short" | \
awk 'NF==3 {plus+=$1; minus+=$2} END \
{printf("Added %d lines\nRemoved %d lines\n", plus, minus)}' > ~/bin/GeekTool/gitThesisChangeInLastWeek.txt
I have done some reading and googeling on this, but I'm not sure where the problem is so I'm not sure what to search for. Can anyone here help me out? Thanks. | r/shell | post | r/shell | 2010-06-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTUGRvX2dRTEtvR1ZLa0lGTldWY0lFdURBeVdidkpCT01VSURXcUM4V0IzVVlyRzBDcy1nOHRWUmdrSTRXcmdtTkpyOHZrbXhySk9ZVXE2bG9kN25RNmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotaVQyaTBxSll2a1dfWlRqbE93VlhReXhDNHVSWjJXdGhwSER3V0NlSE4yeWg2bmQwYW80MU1DaDg2ZlFfRHFHOGhYRjFoTjNlVURDRENYNThnUUtaUkFwa0pRczBpb1lSMVc4V0MzTHdNY1lFSldqRjJCM1E1UHNheGxRdTlvOFFtNVM5YW9wd2RBWlhRZTZ2b1FXd01xQTVmbEJNVEw5RndiX3JLRTJWNHltMkxPdkVBUkFaRzVsVllNem1pTjVW |
Keep you eye out for a gray Dodge Charger -it's an un-marked cop who I see *constantly* pulling people over.
They went all the way with this one; civilian license plate and even one of those barcodes on the quarter window people have to get into their gated communities. | r/palmbeach | post | r/palmbeach | 2010-06-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTejhtbWgxdEVuX0dRSGtCZEsxT2xRR29DbjZUMEJSRXV2X1VEREg5dFQ3VVVmNlR0YjFTdWotUWx5Vm9BZnVmLXJWX21hN3RscGJmNXF1QWt6WVQzRmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotQXAxcENxRWtnc1ZCTlktNUVWQnpHbWwwaGpNMEgzOWVIX0lyZmhmN0FNY0JpQ2UxTzN4TF9CaEJuUEtHWnpFRm1zVGd5STlsWnNCdGU5V1VGV2dyckJzNllHdl9HUTJUaExVcExnVm8zREd1Zm5Xb09PeGpja1FaQzV3a2tmV2tHSVVLRWhQcW0xSHU1NXVGRTktanYtMDJaXzgtRTBhOHR2c1pGcXlpWS1ZRWY0UXpxYlVUOGtfb2EzN25Hb2cwUVRZdWlJdm1WbEgyVHlkeWxyVWlCUT09 |
Now that we are out, I wanna get opinions on best/worst players, underrated/overrated, etc
Here is what I feel:
* My best player would be **Holman** who actually provided the results with two goals against Ghana and Serbia respectively. And that strike against Serbia was definitely a WTF moment for Australia.
* My Worst player I feel is **Moore**, mind you I am not a huge Moore fan so I'm a little bias in this decision but to be in central defense, concede 5 goals and pick up 2 yellow cards in 2 games does not go down well.
* My most Underrated player is **Carney** tested constantly but I feel looks more comfortable attacking and playing the ball rather then defending that left back position, seemed to have good a balance and passing on the ball
* My most overrated player **Schwarzer** I love the guy to death, but after really good season with Fulham, felt sloppy handling the ball (Jabulani perhaps), showed obvious signs of brilliance but failed to live up to fan, media and team expectations coming off the back of a Europa final
* **Rukavytsya** is one player I wanna see perform extremely well at club level and see in the team for Brazil 2014
Please let me know your picks!
P.S well done to all the boys, you played admirably | r/socceroos | post | r/socceroos | 2010-06-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTMUQ0T1hNUkN3Y2c5ZXpvMXVEd21CNU9KQWxMODh4R2RaTWtDVnAyZXpkNzZkTGFlR1ZZSGlvWHlrMDNQMmg2anJUdVdxTFRtcUlSZmxLWEZSbmM4SWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotb2dmMVY4SlhvTHBKcFpDZldVdVAxR2VtMzJ0a3VkNENMY29yNDVrbmpuRFE2SHktemlNR0VlMDloYmQtVXRodEVGcFgwRkFwcE5mYjRLU29PNXpwaUhha195eG14Z3dVMFpmVV9xbHN5dlJFQVo2THRXRFBud2JJbUI1VVhYQ19BSzRRaTczckZZQnhEVDc4cGx5NTRXeHF5SGpXcms5Uk4tY3hkMDduWHg5bC1sTW5LSWE1amZqcnI5OU9DN0xp |
I'm using default ubuntu bash prompt and am not satisfied with it. But the problem is that I have no clear idea what do I want until I see it (srceenshot).
It should be color, command I'm typing should always start in the beginign of the line, and possibly something more. I'll know it when I see it.
So, which PS1 are you using, and why is it good for you? | r/shell | post | r/shell | 2010-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTMWduUDNGSEF2TmRQbHNZcUpMQU1OUUJQRW5TdnNRVDJ4V3FLQUkzT0U3QnZFVnZ2V2lzTjRqbXQ3ZFRmcnJLcXRTRHFkUHZWTFA4YXo5M3dDOXRfM3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotTTM3VThJWE9oQjhDMWdvdFNTOW1Yc0FHYVNvc0R6RV9WbVVXX2I5SGtDZ3AzZGw1cEtpNVZRY3p0VXdMLXo4OUZjQU0tYUxVSF9EX2ZfVGc1Nzh1TERRX2ZHZEVzRnoyRzZfM0JNanR0cVRaMjZ4T1F3UzhTcHJ4N3VGeGZ0VzExay1NdjBPOFR2UlVHdzdzUUQ5ZmFRYS1HVEd5aXlJTWU3YzVOMzNvVm53PQ== |
Karma. Slow, but sure...
http://www.alternet.org/rights/145696/hiring_death_squads_is_coming_back_to_haunt_u.s._companies/ | r/worldwidenews | post | r/WorldWideNews | 2010-07-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTSTBrWTBpcjFFbS1lRDBRdF9RaDBNUi1KQjd2eWwzSkl0eDZreWp1RjNrN1g0Z3FoUlhDY3VrLWtOMy1OcDJvaWtNU041aFAwbHdTMi1JT3FTVWJZV3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotMjJYTm5pR1VMYkFuUVprZS1wMmpIOC1xMDJBN3duMk1yaHJ0LVhpX0RURldJbkx6ZmFCSHB3aVpSNkowZXF4dFVhUnZVamhSanl3MGhkWDZfVkdVWm1RWVNHM21fRjRXWk1zWkM2eWdCOEIzWFZaLTdkRlZRUHdUdGhCUzUtUUtuSEVmZklaVllWaml5bGlpSGVxWEx4MWpLOUtJTnpHSVBZYngxdFlIdEhwREJ0bXBLQnUyZkpMdWNzYUxoc0tfVlNjeVZUakU1NWk0aXpOREZ5cUZJQT09 |
Emoticons need to smell, too. | r/emoticons | post | r/emoticons | 2010-08-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTRVk3YWc5dmpkbU94Vk80WFB4em90RUo5bVZDN3JwOWJBQWRmdVJGcktFQm14S2pkUkl2TlJ0ZHZ5M1lOS3U1MGpnM0dSb01mbEkzT0RYUEJCcDBfa2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotSEZhRHZBcFFqNmd5VlVoYUFEZTZ1czN2S2lQZUxINENLVjc3UWI2OU5sdkstd2hpUVFoclQ4T2ZWRWVJY2pndmtsZjk4UW1WbjVQd1hyQUVKU2pxaEVfdjk5Qjg2V2NpYTNRTW5hV3BtZnJDOF9uTVpBbmx3MFJtb0laTVoybGhMWHVsZE5TOHphWF9DWEJObUNMT2ZBPT0= |
Gah, I'm totally the stereotype saxist with that title. Op. 15, rather. | r/chambermusic | comment | r/chambermusic | 2010-10-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTQXhEeVp2N1ZxekVzUlpmTVVGLXhhVkU0QVdLeFNqV1dhWXhyOVlDMjd0RktmZjM2M0U1Uzg1MG5sc1VvZEQ2TEhvNmdDMlZ5LWplR0hkanIxUFFxcHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotbVN5bDVEVDZvUF9GRHpFNXRDbFJNbzc2NEZNc1gwUGZsRTZZZHBEdHVEd0hOZTNrcWhRcnY1QjdPX1Z1WGN6TWdDREhnYnhRZEc1NTA2SHliLVR6cEp0MkVGNk15N09WZWJWWlp5TzFJNDYxMkxUMXNJR1E0V3BHbzNyejdNTDkya2hOQ1NMV1U5RnhBSWRNYkRQSzExcHI3VVBXZlQtVXVIQVhmU3kzSjFOMnZmd1pvaWI4a09XZ21fV0RlWnFzMk8tbDdqMXpRWmF0d2U2M0o5ZlBUUT09 |
:( it cuts out at the end :(
like the song though | r/uplifting | comment | r/uplifting | 2010-10-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTcXlZa1ZhajhEb2t2ckNnc0ZSZTF3OElPMVBleklSbUZHcXFMSVZPbE80RFUwUVJOTGdzMkRobDlMYm9LUEs4elZXTXVKRGE3R0Q5cFZ5M0Qtb2NNUkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotMXlLSl9NcEViay0zYjZQRy1yZmwtdnhQYkRaNURkaGFtSmh4NkZzcXptMVlwOUJaUmRkZU9iU0ZPTUtfZVlXUUZrYjY5YUlDN2lCeXVPTHBEWk00RDVPeGtjSGJmSzBVdGlHcXNxdUtnc3JzYXV1V05EOWRvdmxhdFVsQ0ZYUWUyQ3lxRGROQlY4bmN3NUhMQVNlZEZvVU1Td0Noc3Q5WXFxQUxQRUZQNnJ0Z01fV09pN0dnTGNyMDhNZ0tONEJCb0FGQUpVUjUtNTdYbW44U0xZZkRoZz09 |
Ahh, forgive me for not checking it | r/uplifting | comment | r/uplifting | 2010-10-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTbnVFTHNOU1JFLTB2TU9zS2ltbUwzN0p2cVlPX2NNWmg0RWtvemlqazAtQWdNeVZ5R0pyZ1FLMlcwc3hhYm9TOHhYLUhZSVlIUHhXd3lkTUxxblhZbkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotS2dzSHRpWlBJaWwxTjBlMkxsMW9qd2ozR1FrdFJrbHl1R0NaWkhUYUtRcDZYWWI1U01OZXI1MU1meXdFQnF2bnp2LVdJOGg5Z2plbC1uTU5UV2pqSmdSMHNjMGw0dmVSUnl1aUpUSEh4T04yQlJMNUQwWktxT05IenI4Q0FlWE5YTkVLclNUQ3ZVQUpfUVY0ejcydHI5SUZ5VEpteDhJMXVDR1A1Z09IRUxBM2E0ZmxoWlozMG9pQjJ1YTl6VGlod0Znck1STEhWeURWRDFlLTNoSzhzUT09 |
that certainly wasn't a complaint though.... would rather have some of an awesome song than none at all! | r/uplifting | comment | r/uplifting | 2010-10-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTSEVMU3lySHA0UjkyS19VMkNPTzN2a1JsNDBFLWZ0b0ZyMS1pcGNzY2NUQlNaZkxnTXBRdmJkTlRGcTdLYjYtcUt5ZUsxZ2ZqOU1TbktVMVZlNndwN0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotQTkteUlPc3JlaEI3V0Q2b0Nyak82S3JUd2hwMGEySXAyYThVaE9EbUpVYU1MWHRCekZOdkFxY1Z0RENNcmJIZE05YnRnb18yc3N0VUZKd0tmZnBSeTJ1M1RRcXZQV01ncFU5OHhrUV9XZGl2YjRLVWp2d0NLeDhzM19mTnQtdk84REhvYUZKZ3hjb3RxbUx3Uld6MnRMeGJqTHRwU05VRExmbTlBRUtnUDNScVd6UTR3NU5NaXdnU1M0LUdZTjVENXZpRTFRcVdxaGd3clpUNFFpYkdwdz09 |
[320kbps Download](http://hotfile.com/dl/7386656/9217246/Nic_Chagall_featuring_Jonathan_Mendelsohn-This_Moment-(HCR080D\)-WEB-2009-VOiCE.rar.html) | r/uplifting | comment | r/uplifting | 2010-10-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTR1FoWllYUjZiTzd4WUV6UzdoR2Y3d1dyWFZsMXI0YmFMMEVWUzJaSGdad1VUOWdhZmUweXVGVGVvVm1XQkNrS3FlSzhVZGNIRzVzMnc2VzBwVEpiVlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotUnVKTmtZUFktTFBjajJzaTIyZjQwLWZXZ2hudFlRRzZibm0tTHVNOGgyZ25fNGh0dzM0YnptLWg5R3VQeGNsWFkwbjZDT2VJMTNMUEx0T2NZdGlWNmc1dFBrUlNuOGF1VVRtc2FWU3lzRVZaakFMa2IyR1N4QUtWeG16ZDBiMF9ONzhDWV95b0JCbXByTldJS2VWTmpfRnk3MVYtOElFUGh0OWM5Wmd1MHkySG85Yi15Y0NLUzJiX3duUENCX09ObkQ1c2pLS2p2R3J6ejVnU2kzV0Exdz09 |
[Here ya go](http://www.reddit.com/r/uplifting/comments/dte9h/nic_chagall_this_moment_progressive_mix/c12x79u) | r/uplifting | comment | r/uplifting | 2010-10-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTekZuX2lXQ0dCZzFieFNMTkZmbURQQUo4MHY2LWpBZHlDUXUxeTl6R1d6eV9zYk1DbEFwX00zVVJkXzFheUpTWDhLOGM5SlVSUkVXN1gtRVBJQnhzVGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotd0o1LWVNWWFva2hBaVlBeV83THRkM1A3UEdBcm9uVy1YTDJVZnpvQlZvcWhySkstNy13QmVKbHgxdGx5YnFObm9mRHJ1QWFRdlFTU0FmZklIY3dwSE40U2ZkN2NsSlhhMzRxUmxvdGNyRDQxaWxfRE9ZUkdWUGNfRXRRLUhSeGdxaVliUzNfNlRmSHlJWXBqS0ZxeWlURy1QSTdwZy14NXYzX2F3MUdNNDB2c1lpeUl6anRJSmt2TEMxdmFrM3NFQUV6R3JseTUzTkpFWkVqMUhudTdjZz09 |
...or for the secure transport of Exxon's favorite overpriced resource. | r/worldwidenews | comment | r/WorldWideNews | 2010-10-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTZ20ybTJ6YUJKQUFsTkFBbUNQZTJ4MVB0VGxUUkt2M2ZMNWhIYTdFclotS2JIZTl5Ny15bi15MktRZTgwV0FGMjh5T2gxUjd6emJHYWNoUV9ueENoOEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotYmxvQ2FXMHNMQURUbkVrcFNZZkJMaS1rc1JMYkVaUmZKeUxqT1lnelN6RjJucWJDOXB4U2lCTlpiX2VjemEzY2wwMmt1Y2ViTUJtSjdJN1Jha09aU0QzN2ctNDBTbkpIM0lBMWhTXzJLSF90UFV0YndxZ0E3WUVJeUhnMm1mYmVod0QydE12bjl5a296dC0tOENJRzZINlBkOTBCN3NmY09rNWQ4Y0ZZWm5nTXI0cmV2N0UtU3FLdUdaaUh1WTZYVDNoOTJRNVliT0tqSjU1LTExU2N6Zz09 |
Not that trancy but uplifting. Trance is small enough still that this reddit would be more useful if it was just uplifting songs in general. | r/uplifting | comment | r/uplifting | 2010-10-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTWHgzcFpuYTljT0dVbENnWnN4ZndWVURSOFhMX2V1bGg2RWpycDNCRlU4TzRVWUZfdVZYTzEwYzhGNHlMZi1wR01LbkFKaGdGUnh5eXphTWpnRG9HTVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotb01sOWhfczdobHYzYkxfMzZwdjhta05RbnNkTDdUZ3M5MTJSeUFicXVCYWp2Zk1ldnRLa25DQ3NhOUtIQXhWUFJraHdGV2VyYU5OeFU5emkzVGF3M08tWHZWeWRQbFNjb2EyZUNUcFhlMkdyQVJHTEhUSDRRclZWMmUycmxSYUtmQ2xVaThkMDAxbDl6MzdIUUtXMUR1bW9VUzVjc1R3Q1lxNXZ3T0M5WDZmY0xhNFF5M09XN1ZHQXJEUkVFdEdh |
This is definitely useful... upvote. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTM1dwbURaUVlwTDR6SWtIU1dkVHZ3R3djQ25lQ1ZGcEtibmpaMmhXcnhWMHdpRndibDl1T1p3OFpFRnIzMEp0eVcwdVBUM1NIc21waHkzcnR0YjVYekE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotUTJKcjRMeXNfdnd4NW9SUEtsRnhTRFM3NHdBVXdrUy1jdXFza01sSjZuVWVocklVdjNScGRtVHhEUXBBbGdKQ0wxZnM1ZF9FWE9QZGNTSFZKVmlxazJxd1ItWnZ0cV9TelRmN2JOU1hrZzAzenNtWmxpUXVjMlNqV1BqWEVrYXFpYVZzUnBIYkE0bjVsQjRfTXRKN3ZRQ2VPTnlFdjhLTXNOb0ZhMXYxUDA4UTdJWEF3bEY5UlZsUE81LThKVUdzbVgyVFVXX09MUm93UG1uY2xwaUx2QT09 |
>Now the RIAA has scored a victory in court against LimeWire, millions of people will have to seek an alternative download client, which might mean a significant boost in user numbers for some of the major BitTorrent applications.
Yes! Now that Limewire has been closed down, all the people that stole from the music industry will have to spend some minutes of their precious porn dowload time to find and install another p2p programm.
I don't know anything about sharepoint, but take a look at [JQuery](http://jquery.com), they have a good AJAX library.
If I remember the syntax off the top of my head correctly, a page like this should work.
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.3/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() //when the page is fully loaded
$('#ajax-me').load('ajax-data.php'); //load the contents of ajax-data.php and replace the contents of the element with id "ajax-me"
<div id="ajax-me">Replace me with ajax!</div>
You just need to set up ajax-data.php on your own server with whatever content you want to display. | r/ajax | comment | r/ajax | 2010-10-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTVmU0RFJHdVI4Q3VUQXU4MGE3al9TMjJaaVhCMXhLb19qcDhVdnFfNl9yeUd1RzVLSDNvTkF1NjdnQVdjdHRwM3ZVa21Ca04wY0NpQVBjR0N0R21aakE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotdUNicnczcjEtMUFKVkxibjNEYjRBYnFuSkQ2dzFSTmpweXV5NnlKdTVvcFFSYk14Ry14dWdfMGFyTEZGWWtiNlVFVEdreUhBV1dfUTcyR2RVVGdaU2tKdWJRMUxuOUFWdHFDeGZLYXhDTlB3eXVZcEJZeXdiaVFjbi1PU19OSjA1NzFFd3BMV1RWQTQ1X2VPRElUcVpGVlRJVTRybEdWVVlkeXhUZWtqMUVjdXNPWjQwV0Z6T1lxbF9EQUVvY2Y3VC14dTdoVzNuNFk4SzNSMHhVdENlQT09 |
Fantastic! Thank you. This is a perfect start for me to start and allows me to start playing around with it. Much appreciated. | r/ajax | comment | r/ajax | 2010-10-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTVjItNFh2ZmFFU29jMTh3NVBXOWRIVm5meDV2WGRpNkJsTnE2MlllMzEtTUk0WWRrdWRic3YwOV9Kdi1TTWw0MkU0Yi1lR0VDei1zZjNPaDVnR0VIOEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotOEtXUXZoM3hqUmJpTm5sM1NpODBjbC10T3g2U3doR2FFeXU4OW5uRHl2cDdBV3RZSWM2cnBBTnJnN2JHUGY0SnRZS0k3OC1NdGpwYXRkQ0VzSEVWWkpqdUpkVlhER0VrdVB0MURDQmZuNkxJcXU2eVlIMGVmMFQ5cWJLVERSd01YNzlxMmhabVluTm1Kek5nSTVYX2JtTzRwM2ZfTHpHaVY3clZnREFTamJsM1FKZTBHZzU0Vm9lSUVnUVYzQTRmeTM4TkYyVGNiY0hoRXUtelQ2YlJiZz09 |
Wow, I feel bad for not knowing it was still around | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-10-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTSThrUDdoSFZNbFNkc0V5clZOOUMyb2pjR2dJY3VtOGQxZ2g3NWhpOFVVWC1yQWcyY2xsdUcySjI3WmFnTjlUNjJoZHpZdEhEOEs0NHlwU051dVl4UXpjY29rNVBQcGlmWkt6WmdGMTlQQVk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWotSkRKa1IzT0stNEtiSC1tOGdEdlA5cWxWbmNnNkhHUGF2U1h5bDRkeEZ5amtRZkV2cEhIRHc4Q3p0aHpyRVc4TzhrZWx3X1FSTlJoRGtnTG5GRl9GX0RLNno4SUZLb2dkX1RyWVNDQnZfbEh3OFd0ODRfMVBrQmxGVDQwME1YSzRXRFBqSURMYnZiQWctS0R4UDY0Z29MMGh4dUtuY2Q5N1pOWDN2WjhvS3VmemJfVzJ3ejdzSTJ2WnUwTG9qQl9tanJyRTBhNnhLMWhmd1NiVm1oeGRUZz09 |
considering the gnutella network is nothing but viruses these days i think its fair to say the RIAA has actually done the internet a service. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-10-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTVWxpNHpJUDFEMlZWbkxyUVd4aWFUWFBtRE9YU1NtTVB0NGRuT3UzUG1scENJaGVjZmpRV0xIWEstcW55RG42a0F6NnVTOWZFLXBjem5MYUZ2TnRBaXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfdHl5c3JRdUFGNjJiYWRlMzBnVXhpQ3VUeVhsM2t3ckw2Nnh6a2dPajM1blpHQUh0WlRMSTJoVXFNQW10YzRpQ09JenZNdDhCQTlLdXZxTkQwRG9sV2hhdmdkSm9lMmhLSXlYTjJIVHNZbEJJZnNBamI5ZmFwZ2Zkc1RmMVVULU5tMDhOS2J0T3dwTGxXUjF4cVRzYUs3ZzhiVkV5Zl9KN21IdWFaYWU1S0pocm1RczhDSm16MEtLbG5rUWpaVVFiazVqYXFnZ1VZUURCam13YzZ1SGZCUT09 |
k | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-10-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTOG54blJ2cHZJVXJVM3pUX2w4Ym5yZ1pMTmpUZXljTGhpMmI0T1kzQTlzY3VfWGpFOUxfU3FZbkQtS3dZbEQzLWJXdkVDOWhQRF9CSEZhMkpXaTk0LUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfd3BJNnBoTl9iNjdvcnhoY01lODRaZ3pab3V2aG9KV24zaE1WNnh6MUdiRk8xRks0SThDOXAyQ1ZZWmhORjFMX3llNkVwbDQ5QUliU1dKSTBCU0lBTDRESWRBZUNOeWN3dVU4Y2tqam5seEU1cEx5MlhoR0VYT2FDWlBPTVZheENiNE5OZm5LYlh6Tmo4MkREREdrZ215X0c0S2hlaGZKc1J0c29DeUFodVlWZUZkNFFDV3RpSVZTMUR6XzJtVjNsbjlRQW8zb2tDQXNHX0RQVk4yWkxlUT09 |
Systempartner für Edelstahl Verbindungselemente und Höhenverstellelemente | r/industrial | comment | r/Industrial | 2010-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTUE1SVWZUVnlWWEdDV3FKbnJFbENtNzhKbVNJTFZ3TXZndk5hYmMweHFzMnhjeVhFRFRQaVhiNVFuT1VwTDAtZHRUR0FmQVl0VkRWMlZSdWRSLXN0YWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfTlphbzN3bDhZVGFDdTFzLU9vNkZwWWp2aXE2LTd2aHVQMVlJcWRaRjQyYm1EQlU0VjFxdnhtakJGcDJjNGdzYjRQOUxlQkZ1NVJDYU5sOTJia09jUXlwczZXM1ZxVFg4aV9MQXJ2ZW9CcjNvNVpQajVXSHdCRU9QanlxYS1WUlBrQk1jWFBuRWFzT0FRRVVpUDhlYkx3Z2QxUldydEFMRmxmQVRmMjY4RWM3aS05QzlYOXBkaDFHQ0RpdHNIWjhiTm4yRGNtY3M1QWNwTGphYmZrYk01Zz09 |
Cool. If I owned an Android phone, I´d definitely test it.
Now, why did they choose to create an entirely new network instead of using the existing Gnutella network?
They say the new network "has been designed with mobility and limited resources in mind", but I wonder if they did it primarily because Gnutella is flooded with fake files and viruses and they wanted a fresh start. That might also be the reason for the closed source, which makes it a lot harder for RIAA & friends to ruin the network. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTOHg5emlHZEEyRDVRcEJpTkh3dmhMaWF3MFI2aFktZGdfMnQ0TFV2Tlh3M2V4bzVreG9VbG5Sb0x0LTVsNjJ1aGRBTzdVQUd6U1NuZDRzTlJnbjVETVZGeVhfeGNyNTlyS3c0UFluSFBZT1U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfX09zclE5cm4wN3N2MWpVRVdNZ19oajRGc2tQanBaOHBPeGVsMGRYZDdaQXhRLUMyajdfN09XWnRFcWFKVklMek5nWm55WkgtUkhnQmVKME4yRVBDWGJkWWlXNVI1ZmI3VGlfN0dzWDJzUDhuOTZFMHBaQWdueHg0WW9Ta1g4RDk1bFdqQWZ1VnVZUENHaXBnejlDbW9zSm11ZDFReG81bjhSdkJwY1BmemhVPQ== |
I really don't understand why anyone would pay for Giganews. I pay between 10 and 15 bucks a month for Astraweb (I forget what deals there were going on when I signed up), and max my 7mbps line over an SSL connection any time I want. I like to download lots of old tv shows, with ages commonly over 700 days, and I don't remember the last time I wasn't able to complete a download (true, often with PARs). Why pay three times as much for effectively the same service from Giganews? | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTYWZ3WVlMajhzOUdtOWpQYm5tNWVWWDRtU3F6ZmZsMWVYemZjSUN4bDM5M2xKT3NRd3Z4X0l4SmVpNVNHaHdob3I0dEF3MXRXWXNaR0E2SHF6Mi04UVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfSzMzOGJ0elZJaVYwcFFQeXZkNHdHOEhYVG1ZVXQtZTJ3NVAwYnN4dUlXUEpmdU9QU3I5QmtLSnBtbmxGbTJjMjNxUXJGWmY0ZFlfX0p0ZnpqSVhDR2RQYURiUUdiUWVjT2gzV1pXM0RuWFUyWmJPS3QxYV9JOVNEZkRKUTJ4Nk9HXzdBNEs1U2ZVUzFuQlFFMElXNGk5RTd4bFRsRV80QnNHWk5JdkNHU0R0S2hnWDNqVHJNeG5HUFRxTEVQdUdv |
I keep hearing people talk about USENET. Is it worth getting into? I'm pretty casual p2p but I usually find everything I need on demonoid. I got a letter once from Verizon b/c I downloaded Sherlock Holmes so I went and paid for ipredator to hide my downloads. Does the SSL here protect you from snoops like Verizon? | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTSWcyandRbHBXNU1TSjVIWnlBd0cxRFBLMFZfclgwckU1QjRIV2RQU2ljLThZVG9kWU9YUnYtRFBhZF9BYXN4cFBHN0ozZkRJQlVzMEZFbWxQeFdab1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfVmNoZEQtZkNBdWpfZ3ZUM21XeEtnb2ZQTGdzN2g4QnI0ank4NXVoNzNiekFaUVY4UVFub0FDUjRWVmZSRUZMb1Uzc2JyaHZ6VlZad3Y0Q3QzMzB2UTJqZ0tPcmZlUHpmUHRESmVZcjFWLUhKSHhZZ2ZvY1dFUk91TlQ2dDhvcU54SUlVMDh4ZHA0NFdTLUNCTGZBUVZCaDJGUWJ5RHNXeUtQTC1WcWsxWU5zOXRobHRxTEZDQWZjOXBWYmVtbGFY |
Verizon does not snoop. Verizon is not who busted you, an anti-p2p group was a peer on that torrent with you. They recorded your IP then got in touch with Verizon and said "This IP downloaded this movie" so Verizon has to send you a letter.
Edit: SSL/encryption won't protect you since Verizon is not the problem. A VPN or seedbox (that won't give your info up) is the only true protection. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTMGpqRFZrZmZsOXZjUFdRaEU3RldNMFBxQTBUREtFaGlPMEJ6SHVsU2dlNC1OaGx5cjBvRjdYUnhYUmxfZ1FHamplN2xZNzc2TG1KZzBQMkxuWWJlMWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfVThfT0ZxbDhkT0MtVHZ1a19YNFVzTUlZRzhGM2M3WmtVUzhSbWp1d1YwV1BHNHE1WUp2R3ZncmJoNHQtOTRpT0Vhc2NITlZQbFJMRXhORUpHTktORzlrTDNBVFZ1RzZpWjBZd0lMT3RSMVpDNVA5Zkw4M2QtUVFtNzQwZ0szeld0RXUwNFJ1b2RBak03cEoxaE9hcWJGQTFKTHNaNzZydGVwazY4MEo5TGpSQ3hqQWxLNk45OXg4ZTgtUnYwOW9v |
The only real benefit I see is the VPN they provide. If you can't (also) torrent with it, I don't want it. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTOHN0RTFGc0pyX2otbWJGWXFyQ1R5RjBqWHVLalF4UXlRNkZTdTJaaE83QmRnQXQ3el9XbF9aR0t1b3kxTFBKbXV3M0owb3BBWXctczN2eVdYSUFqS1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfVGtpYWtQUWgyMGlmZ1RQR0FuY21xbkZKZmtJUnhBRTVWMGRVNThSb1JKQWMydmZBRU1pTkxWUlptOXRtYS1OMjd2VU9NOEl1MU9oWjFVQkpwNFcwOUpOMFNBR012OUkyc1p3eVhiMHk1NTdlcW9uM21VVXpUZWUzbjdhVThiWWMtZ3JyVTNPYWJSUFE0SmVRVEZjRFdBMzhWTGl2RzM2UzU5cEVFb3N0bFFmOFEzZy1nVWhZejJLTzFPTEZXR0Vv |
The way I gather that usenet works is that it not peer to peer per say, a poster puts something up on a server , which may or may not be mirrored on other usenet server ( the servers have kind of p2p thing going on between themselves ). The way you can be monitored would be if your usenet provider logged your downloads and gave up the info ( a court order perhaps ? ) or a man in the middle somewhere or your ISP which ssl protects you from .The thing awesome about usenet is it is FAST but the selection can be a bit limited compared to torrents, also because there is no seeding you can keep your bandwidth usage down if your capped by your isp . And a question to you , how is ipredator ? Does it slow you down ? | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTUzdUaTNHdGprd3BBMkNROW5MeFNkZzlFQ2xXMGJQVU90YkJHY0FzU1J2R01fbDJOQ25lVjk4MXNkWXRCaDJocHJITkMtWmhLWkZvRkg3bDRZallRdGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfbmlUcTRGaENyMXZ5NmZpa3NJQlI1Z29XeHl6TjJ3SjhoSVZJR052QmozYVZ2dmtWZUM1cEg1czQ1UFRyQjQ2SWJHYkVHSlVVUnhxNFp2S3FrajhvMDJMdDk3dC1TN29xZ0VhejIzTC1Ya1NkQ180cXFqTVhKd3NMUlhpVHlFOHJOUWtXZlI4bmJPNkFzVDJWRjdlZllCSVBkUjVzdVd0eWI2c2pXYlNSbVhGTnFUdkYzV3pFdmE1MnNCNnp2QW5X |
Yes ipredator definitely slows me down. I usually average like 800k-1m down on a good torrent. On ipredator with the same torrent I'm usually getting 300-500k.
It's a trade off for peace of mind vs speed. I was probably just unlucky with the Sherlock Holmes torrent getting snooped by some anti-p2p people. But I haven't had any trouble since using ipredator. I'd like to give the usenet thing a try but having to pay for another service turns me off. I'll probably wait till my ipredator account runs out and give usenets a shot. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTVWQxa0M1aV9DQVdiOTF6M1JsRnZIY3BjcFB0OG5MakpObXFsb01BVkdyWFhUUFNTOElpN29zeW51N2pRbVZ2MHpmV3pSM2NKY09fODBvaE9fenkxZEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfZ0dIZGswQkVXWFVEa0ptcnp3dV9wWndaU3l1UFBQM25UQTBWWW1BMU9majg5NnJoSmE3endNYmF2WkVONWw0Ui1XTjg0VENDdzItLVR5U3M2LXZZYjhtSzJ3N05ZUk1MLXM1WUE1STVzV0pFVzl1QVhvTU5QNE85cXJsLUdvQVdkUzIySHlYWnpjUDhQZmhfRXdlVExzVmhDNmI1aUprUFpaUVNUWjM3MENnbDFjZ08yTFlqYzlBamJCQ0xHaDBs |
If memory serves me correctly, reddit has never had a cooking competition to date. Such an ambitious undertaking! A cooking contest taking place over the internet could only be hosted by a community of this caliber. So, my curious comrade chefs, would you care to cook competitively and compose cuisine in this challenge of creation?
The rules are as follows:
1. An ingredient will be posted in the morning, according to United States EST.
2. Contestants have 48 hours from the time of the post to create the most beautiful, most original, and most importantly best tasting dish their imaginations can muster.
3. Chefs must post a picture of the completed meal (though intermediate stages are welcome) along with the recipe. A short paragraph describing the dish, your honest opinion of it, and the inspiration for it is optional. Multiple dishes incorporating the secret ingredient may be prepared, but they all must be part of the same meal, and the rules regarding photography and preparation steps still apply.
4. Points are awarded out of a possible 15. 5 for originality, 5 for presentation, and 5 for the potential deliciousness of the recipe. Any redditor may judge the entries, and they can vote for as many dishes they feel warrant their accolades.
5. Upvotes will allow more people to see your favorite candidate, but will not be taken into account during the judging process. The winner will be announced as soon as all the votes have been tallied.
In the end, there can only be one victorious virtuoso of the vittles. He or she shall gain the people's ovation and fame forever. In caveat, I concede that there are certain corporeal constraints on this contest. Cease your castigation, for though we cannot taste these concoctions, their beauty and creativity will no doubt inspire the minds and inflame the taste buds of any among us with passion in their soul. Join me, brothers and sisters of the knife and pan! The first ingredient will be posted in the next few days. Stock your pantries and prepare your bodies for ultimate flavor! | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTX2sxdVNmTTF0RW9TRGIxZlVZdkJtT24wT2d0ZGRHb09TdWtFQU1LRi1POUJJa1pxOGJ3cTZNbDZDZUVuSW42ZEVUazBSdEZ1NE9vNHR5Y0dxYm1lQVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfaXRpemRrOTVNUDFZTVZkbk85c0lEcUxKNWUweHVscXFtaUtXN1hLd2hYMnV6RzA1ZW9CRUUwU2k4aG95V0pqOEFrNGFITE55cFcyalpkUlNfbGhrN1gzR0JXa3ExOGtyNC13X1d4YTZvclJTeDY1V2lhYmdReUR3X1Y2SGc1dnUxWjNzTFkxMkdXRXZ1R2FIazBsVzlsTFRKVVlXV1FlT1Y2WjRXc1NoV01mZ0NWbVN2NmM5UGtVTFlLNjlHX2Jo |
"Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you what you are."
If memory serves me right, several hours have past since the opening of /r/ironchef. The near instant response filled me with equal parts surprise and delight. And the creation of a subreddit for the sole purpose of culinary conflict solidified the resolve in my heart to sustain a forum where new recipes can be created and shared in the heat of combat. It was my intention was to wait a few days to increase your appetites, but given the general excitement we shall push forward immediately.
As you all may know, I was faced with the question of what to declare as the first secret ingredient. Bacon, at first, seemed the obvious favorite. Who could deny the perfect balance between meat and fat, chewy and crispy? And yet...I feared such a ubiquitous staple might devolve into gratification of a cyclical variety, spoiling a fine opportunity for grandeur.
And so I elected instead to favor a less obvious secret ingredient, something one could find at any supermarket. Today's secret ingredient is a handheld contradiction. The German's referred to it as a 'wolf peach' due to a belief that it inspired lycanthropy. A sweet little thing, from a family of poisonous vines. Scientists call it a fruit, chefs classify it as a vegetable. As you all may know, today's secret ingredient is none other than...
You have until 11:59 PM EST, Friday November 12 to submit your photographs and recipes.
And so I say to you all, in the words of our illustrious Chairman, "ALLEZ CUISINE!"
**(edit)** Please post the battle number and ingredient in the title when you submit your entry. | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTbVY5a0ZHQnNaNFZnbXhNaHhIQzhuTGpXdXpVQ21UUU1lOTQ0aGJBc0ZUSnB0T1EycFNmbzZnNjNQdndWcFRWRG9TNmVDVnRReGVRM25kV0hfUUw3SXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfYkE3NXg5RDJScG9nTDBZZUlEOWM2eVU4V21fUXdBVFEyemcyRlRYa3MwdThpZGNaaXpuQTEtOGM4a2l1em9BNnh3N0d2b3l4WS1LUmZfQXVTdGFHdWJrREozUlI3aTljNndCdDd3MktmcmZLeXJuU1h1SmxTRDFCZVJLMlJDMXFJd0piTHdFV09wbEFUV0FnLVNaME5MWUdhbHdiNnVNQUJHcVA1aGllbmZSa3lOVTMzZlR4OUtqMnV3X1hUTE5V |
Iron Chef Battle # 1 - Provisions: Tomatoes
Stationary 2 dimensional holograms:
[image # 1](http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v510/metroid_dragon/?action=view¤t=IMGP2068.jpg)
[image # 2](http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v510/metroid_dragon/?action=view¤t=IMGP2070.jpg&)
So me and my girlfriend decided to do our own random 1 group iron chef using moose as the secret ingredient. However when I saw this contest I was quite happy as we also worked sundried tomatoes into the recipe. The two of us are eyeballers, I don't recall the last time we used a measuring cup while cooking. So I unfortunately won't be able to give specifics on amounts, just ballparks.
What you will need: *amounts (ballpark) are in italics*
Pie crusts - *2 or 3*
Goat feta cheese (garlic + herb) - *maybe around 0.75 kg*
Cheddar Cheese - *a bit more than the feta*
Mushrooms - *10-12*
Spinach - *half a bushel, around one handful*
Moose - *large steak, diced into small cubes / rhombuses* - not easy to get ahold of unless you hunt, so in lieu of this just make sure that Meat X is extra lean as the cheese will provide lots of oil. Moose meat is some of the leanest you will taste. I basted a small amount of Blair's death sauce, Worcestershire, and bbq sauce over the moose a day prior to this feast and let it sit in the fridge absorbing the taste.
butter - *tablespoon*
garlic - *4 or 5 cloves*
onion - *one large*
Sundried tomatoes (diced) - *the rough equivalent of one tomato. Add more if you like but they are powerful.*
eggs - *4*
milk - *1 cup*
Salt & pepper to taste (why do recipe's always specify "to taste"?)
First get yourself a large non-stick pan / Wok, preferably large like a and fry up those onions and garlic in the butter, throw in the mushrooms and moose a couple of minutes later. Now's about a good time to start pre-baking the pie crusts (inside of their metal shells) so they stay crispy once we add the psuedo-liquid mixture of the quiche to them. and finally throw in the spinach, feta cheese, half of the cheddar and sundried tomato just as the meat is looking done. fry for another minute or so, but not much longer, should be around 10 minutes total on the stove.
In a bowl, scramble together those 4 eggs + one cup of milk + salt and pepper. This will be the glue that holds the quiche together. Once the wok is finished we will add all of the ingredients inside of it into the pie crusts and then level out the pie curst with this egg goop. It will fill the cracks and hold it all together in a delicious egg like glue.
Upon the finish of the frying take those pie crusts out of the oven and evenly spread your mixure inside of the pie. Then add in enough egg-glue to bring it almost to the top of the pie crust (make sure there is more ingredient than glue, but that shouldn't be a problem) If you run out of room in your pie crusts do not worry! This recipe tastes great even if you throw it inside of a casserole dish and bake it just the same as if it were in a pie shell.
Anyways, throw those pies / casserole dishes into the oven for 15 minutes at about 400 (Fahrenheit). pull them back out after that time is up, spread the rest of your cheddar cheese overtop and then throw them back in for another 20-30 minutes depending on preference of crispyness.
voila, you have just made an amazing quiche with relative ease. Also quite easy to make vegetarian if you remove the moose.
Sorry for not adding in appetizer / desert, but we were short on time and I would have rather entered with this than nothing at all. I know tomatoes aren't exactly a primary ingredient (tertiary in fact behind the spinach and moose) but nevertheless. I'm not exactly sure of the normal rules behind iron chefs so if my dish is lacking in the tomato area I conveniently propped a few baby tomatoes on the side of my dish in the picture.
This was honestly one of the best recipe's that I've made in a long time. My girl despises tomatoes and yet loved this dish. So I can say without exaggeration that this was one of the best tomato-inclusive dishes she has ever eaten. in her life. Personally I think I would replace the cheddar with some other kind of easily melting cheese next time around, and I would add in more sundried tomatoes. I figured they would be more powerful than they actually were. Maybe it was because they were diced so finely though. No single bite really tasted like tomatoes, but rather the whole dish had that abstract tomato flavour in the background which was actually quite enjoyable.
Let me know if there is anything I forgot.
OM NOM NOM | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTT196S05rZTNmWVBaRFNGNjM1WGNpa0YzczByOERWMEpVWTFWYmVJc2gtM2h6eldRRk8zOVEzUVFqajVZYzV0a3VfblhtaUJlWm5YcjhlYkw3UDVaTmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfbmJCS1A5bm43SDBQSmo2X3Q4cEY1MU5RX3d6TXJfbWN1N1dzbHZqRzdpRHZ2UWdLV3lad3JaZmFWMm9UV3BaN3JSY25GQU5JTGJJVm93a094dXg4THI0R3o0eHJ6Vm5yejk2cE96WmVfNGpsN25tRzRBZ1pnejY5S0p3NGZ1Z211NVU4amFNR0FJRWVxN2pEdjg4RURQSFBWaXQzdjV6OVhRdEs2QzV0cTlkWjk2OTZBbnozN01SYVBuTG92ZzRD |
[Here you go.](http://penperv.imgur.com/iron_chef_reddit_1_tomatoes)
* Finished, [1](http://i.imgur.com/2CZEG.jpg), [2](http://i.imgur.com/hMObg.jpg).
There are four things that work with tomato: Basil, Cheese, Shrimps and Balsamic vinegar. I've tried to incorporate as many of them and still make something that is indie enough.
* white flour - 250g
* cold butter - 150g
* salt - 1tsp
* eggs - one
* water - 1tbsp
* olive oil - some
* onion - about a half, diced
* mascarpone cheese - 250g
* sour cream - 150g
* egg - one whole + one yolk
* [basil leaves](http://i.imgur.com/gvN5N.jpg) - handful
* [shrimps](http://i.imgur.com/4WxxI.jpg) - 200g, peeled and without tails, cut in half
* [cherry tomatoes](http://i.imgur.com/VmATl.jpg) - 200g, cut in half
Combine ingredients, do not knead it too much, because it must be a short dough (is this the right term?). Use only half of the dough, you can refrigerate the other half for a week or freeze it for three months. Put our half in the refrigerator for about and hour, then take your rolling pin and make it a circle of a size of your pan ([1](http://i.imgur.com/CTPJW.jpg), [2](http://i.imgur.com/wyPAJ.jpg)). Heat your oven to 190oC ([3](http://i.imgur.com/9T3mD.jpg)). Bake it for about 25 minutes.
Dice your onion and saute it. Add mascarpone cheese, cream ([4](http://i.imgur.com/lSRPE.jpg)), eggs ([5](http://i.imgur.com/k2UXN.jpg)) and whisk vigorously. Salt and pepper.
Pour cheese and cream sauce into your tart ([6](http://i.imgur.com/nsFjm.jpg)). Sprinkle it with basil leaves ([7](http://i.imgur.com/dccqO.jpg)) and shrimps ([8](http://i.imgur.com/ZiXLV.jpg)), then put your tomatoes on top ([9](http://i.imgur.com/AIsPO.jpg)). [Here's mine](http://i.imgur.com/cu4bB.jpg).
Bake it for 35 minutes in 180oC, or until it slightly burns ([10](http://i.imgur.com/66VZE.jpg)). If you want to, eat it with some balsamic vinegar sauce.
It does not look like much, but I loved it. | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTWFRmemIwM3J4d0lxUmlVMUkxVlpJZDZKN3ZLOWFkTTZkbnVqblRyYUpreEV2QVdCUERJTWxPbzZXTi1ubHhTNkx0T3RGQXZJRldRQjdFUXpPMXVPQ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfSkZLaUExSDJhb2dnZThOaWhXbXh6cms2WU5RRUpFNG1RcF9xQTZqOFJOYnRQUDBpZzRKSnVJUTBGMzUwdXo3MFB4RHZ6VEhVY3kzalo3N0IxUWFwbm96cXB5eHB4WGZCa2tFNXRSY0NJVW1WTldYaXg3YTFlTVVtU0FMVXNJd3RFSDM0ekVHSzlETE9LMFJiVXVyU2dlUUZ1cENtVERxc0x5eUhRUjBOcmRqa0lBcmsxajVRd1h1dmNvdHlpc1ZNMnpQRXRGVWtGenV5Z2dZRXRLaW15dz09 |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sq-EUU4IGcg love love love | r/chambermusic | comment | r/chambermusic | 2010-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTOWZwMm40dk5hRnFtSy1IVU9FaF94TjVHS1FXMzA5Um1NVTNkOTdRQmR2WlZIQnJNRWRPSmJOM0hkUTk2NjU2c0F5cnNNWGYxTDBMNENZdGdmY2c0Q0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfUkp1Nk54Ny1STVMxSkNUaEt6VTJmNjczSUhYV3E3Qk5IazA5TXVJTnN3eTIwa1pXRVdmRHBaY1RDdG5NQkc5dVM2eGZVRjFEcWtzVWwzVTdNMnVZTkF4N2NSTWRLZnY3cUo4LVcyVENkbl9ZSHhPSmJqR2JwYkZFLTBBRnNNX1A0YTF6endMV0VtNERJSDJzaDhEU0FkaXdLbm5nQVJubEFlejdRYTlSOE1GY05fZUIyd3c3aDBoWEZkRTZ3Z2VqNzdlaTh4b3J5TnBlMllZMGdhbkZ5Zz09 |
Here is a post a made awhile back for another guy asking about it. And [here is another thread I made that has some other useful information as well if you're interested.](http://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/comments/dkc5s/the_advantages_of_usenet_over_bittorrent/) :)
Some of the advantages to Usenet are speed, safety, hassle-free access, and features.
* **Speed**: With Usenet you are downloading directly from a single server that will feed you the data as fast as you can receive it. A good Provider like Astraweb will max out your connection immediately and always.
* **Safety**: This is an advantage mainly over Bittorrent. People do not get sued for downloading media, they get sued because they are sharing (uploading) it. With Usenet, you are purely downloading the media (100% leech). Noone has ever been sued for downloading via Usenet. Another security advantage to Usenet is that of SSL encryption. If used, even your ISP cannot tell what you are downloading, only that bandwidth is being consumed.
* **Hassle-free Access**: With Usenet, you don't have to mess with ratio games, seed boxes, forum access, etc. You pay for 100% unhindered access. Moreover, the Scene usually leaks releases directly Usenet, so more often than not you get them before they make their way to BT.
* **Features**: People have developed some pretty cool (and free) tools to manage and consume their downloads via Usenet. Two of my favorite are NZBPlayer and SickBeard. NZBPlayer streams video content as it is being downloaded and works great. After about 15 seconds of buffer on a 16mbps line, I can watch a 720p release flawlessly.
SickBeard is basically Tivo for Usenet. You list the shows you want and it manages all of the downloading, organizing, meta-information etc. as soon as they are released. It will even overwrite the files with better quality versions as they become available and will integrate with MBMC if you have a Media Center PC/Xbox. Set it and forget it... It's great to just come home from work and have the files organized and waiting for you. Before using it, I'd always forget which shows I watched, when they came back on air, and what nights they were on. Hell, an hour ago it downloaded Stargate:Universe (720p) out of the blue and I was like, "Fuck yeah! It's back!". ;)
So yeah, Usenet is definitely worth $11 a month to me. After getting a taste I could never go back to BT!
| r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTSWFCMlBaS05tQ2xjNzNLT3pMN3VBejlkZWliWmlyMk5nNnhtSmhNbXpxVmNNdEdad3ZRbkxRclNDNVc5TzZTdFZqMzJPZHpRZ0cwNjJwXzVCVkZVcWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfSjJ5bHdWcGJJNjdpN1Z0dExwZnJhUGxvV0g5elo2UDRtMXJrdU5KQ1ZXMS1xeTlNSUpaMGd2eGN1cGdFc1otajJCNTM5R3ZwdTlMX3BZOENDNU5HTURLZWc3WHd2dG82UHNmU0xLLVYzbGJUdVE4UjBxcDJRZmtKcDBoRDA5YlgwWUtNX19CRlJsM3o2S2ptd2I2QXBMZ3pYNWtGTS1LcnZPR0paZnE2ZGJrU3lwVHNmaHBlM2lkaW9Jek9NdGFs |
Here's my entry for Battle #1 - Tomatoes - "Tomato Skins" stuffed with Hot Cherry Pepper Chevre.
As soon as I heard tomatoes I knew I'd be doing something with goat cheese. I couldn't resist, the two just go too well together to pass up.
I started with the idea of potato skins, but using tomatoes, and instead of the cheddar I used chevre. To kick it up, I added hot cherry peppers, and a bit of plain yogurt for creaminess.
2 Plum tomatoes, sliced in half lengthwise and scooped out
4 oz. Chevre
2 medium-sized Hot cherry peppers, seeds and veins scooped out
4 tsp. Plain yogurt, less if you want a thicker filling
Chives, optional, for garnish
* In a small food processor (or with a mortar and pestle), [mince](http://i.imgur.com/EOazL.jpg?9615) the hot cherry peppers, almost to a paste.
* [Remove](http://i.imgur.com/dRPkm.jpg?6526) from food processor and set aside, unless you're totally sure you want to use all of the peppers in the filling.
* [Blend](http://i.imgur.com/GUOFM.jpg?9263) the chevre and yogurt in the food processor until [smooth](http://i.imgur.com/FcHly.jpg?8605), occasionally stopping to scrape the sides with a rubber spatula
* [Add](http://i.imgur.com/ojoYJ.jpg?7317) the minced peppers back in, little by little until desired heat and consistency [is achieved](http://i.imgur.com/YiTKu.jpg?5967)
* [Scoop](http://i.imgur.com/5fqD5.jpg?4518) into tomato halves
[Reddit Proof #1](http://i.imgur.com/s4ffC.jpg?4121)
[Reddit Proof #2](http://i.imgur.com/LF1ok.jpg?7277)
I'm pretty sure my Reddit Alien is fat because he eats too much goat cheese :/
These turned out even better than I thought they would, and I'm definitely going to make them for a party appetizer next time. The juiciness of the tomato really balanced out the creamy and slightly spicy filling. Alternatively, the filling would make an awesome vegetable or chip dip.
This was fun! Let's do it again! | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTZ29iR1lqX09IOF96OFdaTVl6WVBielUwd3pyOEI5b01Ec2xUYkRoVU0zWGJ6RDFRS052RUhwOW9KMjUyZHNLMjZBdHhjV0g0YndWZ2tQSm9FRGhra2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfdjI1aVJJRlNfM2h3S0xhNGcwVTJRNDI2VHl2OUFQdC1JZE5xNmFNb0Q0cWJLOGVPYmU0X2VnY1ljam9wWk56S2Q0S2IwemJHcDlHUDNaNmpfZ0JMZnkxNDRJWk5QNE5sYnl0YW51RGsybW1JamFfVC05LTVTZTVmb0U2XzAyNnFybXVObU1sNTU5aTJ6cGh0elhNQlFkcXpZbW0wUlVzQWtFZFZKR0txMnlKUFE1WHJ3QzhSRXp0NVpVYnhVd1M2RTIyNFRTOWRGemNTZVRaTkNDalZQZz09 |
Don't really want to put in the time to do the challenge but have some great ideas for components if anyone is looking for ideas/consultation. | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTbDBST0toWnJzTkI5cVhWNEhFOXF4TzlIcTlQak9kS0tKWUE4cUQ0bEJQcHViTmpBZkliLVhwQWZ6QW9KdThYSjZtT3lvOWswSUV4cW16VXZTbUo5V0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfMFU2TDhFZlozY0I0aDlJazNPZkx1RmczaXV2cVVEYTJvNm9YNnRjSUZIMG9OeGJUM29zRk4xbERXaFNnbndleVVZN2drSFU0MkpDYnh6NFp0SzVXMzMwYW5DY1BrSFRBVXlTS3BKeVdzVDlwN3pLcFRNZkFOakdfZHJXWXVZanViajlIVmc2cms0NUllTXRRMFVfa2VLRTVMSlJvcjVveG1RWk9ZTGMyaVhnNGRGV1hXdl85Y0RZb0ZsY1pYcVRxSnRZeEp1VHVtT1lFbVpHYUFoN1loZz09 |
I went the [full three courses](http://i.imgur.com/sOJIc.jpg).
*Disclaimer: I am not a pro. I live in a tiny apartment and the most advanced fancy cook/prepware I own is a chef's knife. But I'm trying to learn!*
**Course 1: Tomato & Mozzarella Salad**
**Sub-Item: Tomato Basil Balsamic Vinaigrette**
1 Roma Tomato
Pinch salt
1 moderately-sized shallot
1 clove garlic
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
5 tbsp olive oil
One largish fresh basil leaf
* Sautee shallots and garlic in vegetable oil until just starting to brown.
* Add diced tomato, sautee on low until tomatoes get mushy.
* Add basil, shredded, and cook another minute.
* Throw in balsamic and cook just like a balsamic reduction (until it gets a little syrupy).
* Add oil and whisk all the tomato chunks into bits, ideally I guess you’d puree but I don’t have a food processor.
**Now For The Salad**
~3 oz. fresh mozzarella, cubed
Two Roma tomatoes, diced
3 fresh basil leaves, shredded
2 pinches kosher salt
1 tbsp olive oil
* Combine and mix. Drizzle with vinaigrette prepared above.
**Result:** http://i.imgur.com/y0jWX.jpg
*Chef's Note: Somehow I ended up left with the mushiest tomatoes for this part. Firmer goes a long way here!*
**Course 2: Pan-Fried Steak w/Peppers and Sun-Dried Tomatoes**
**Sub-Item: Sun Dried Tomatoes**
Balsamic Vinegar
Hickory Chips
* Halve tomatoes.
* Put on parchment paper on a cookie sheet, skin-side down, and lightly salt upturned cut edge.
* Put a few hickory chips soaked in balsamic vinegar in a small container on your lower over rack
* Roast tomatoes at ~175F until dried. Took me about 7 hours.
**Now The Steak**
1 Steak
Various colorful sweet peppers
1/2 yellow onion, diced
1 small shallot, diced
5 tbsp butter
1/4 tsp thyme
Pinch rosemary
Little bit of pepper
Salt to season steak
* Season steak with rosemary, pepper, and salt
* Melt butter in pan
* Add onion and shallot, cook until almost translucent
* Add steak, peppers, thyme, and four of your "sun"-dried tomatoes from above
* Cook until steak is desired doneness
**Sub-Item #2: Beans**
1/4 cup Salt
2 tbsp butter
* Combine 1/4 cup salt with 2.5 cups water. Boil until dissolved.
* Add beans. Boil until beans aren't totally stiff anymore (almost cooked).
* RINSE with cold non-salt water and transfer beans to dregs of steak pan. Add extra 2 tbsp butter and sautee.
**Result:** http://i.imgur.com/0dPn9.jpg
**Course 3: Tomato Sorbet**
2 parts tomatoes
2 parts confectioner's sugar
1 part water
* Cut up some tomatoes and puree them (I diced, then used my blender).
* Figure out how much tomato puree you ended up with. Now bring an equal amount of confectioner’s sugar and half that amount of water to a boil (aka you’ll end up with two parts tomato, two parts sugar, one part water) so the sugar dissolves.
* Let cool a few minutes, then add to puree and blend until smooth.
* Freeze until sorbet’d, stirring every 10 minutes or so to keep smooth. Garnish with basil if you like, I prefer the pure tomatoey-ness.
**Result:** http://i.imgur.com/nwZFj.jpg | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTVVBiUExoeFJVa2xsOFI4Nkk5aGcyOFJMaW9vN3hDMzRLakNnd0JVM1pSV2JJeXVpTU9ReDl3clBoMW51M2dyV1lVQ3FQQXJPNjNsY0xZSWpkb25nbGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfVXR5VHdqc2JUbTR1RlBiUDkxcTFoMzEyTXFQMlZDWE8xZUU1cGJJZmRIMGRvQWN4czBqQ0d0WlZ2ZUt1bG45MU1td04zU2F2Z1hTMEhNVHpxOU94TERDU0UyRUFtTmZ2OWZnN09oLTBsa3RoUGFDNTFhVUlKNXJGSHpiT0c0V0ZOZGJQQ2p0M1FfRmdhQ1l3WExJS2JmODVHdE9DU296dXc5TEUwTDJGVTRpd3JicDFFWXZKWTBwWkRYTkJzZFkx |
Wow this definitely helps, I can't wait to give this a shot. Do you use astraweb as well? Thank you for all the info too. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTYlZYNXdUTVdCcGpnd2xsQzkzNlE0ZHV2UXhuSHhjUW4yRVdoQmhESERaQ25YMDJ5QnVJU2Z3d29uNEVKUU1tWTNsZ0xoa0dsOTdxd2JLRTdhOHEwZGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfcllzNGNaUl9SSDgxNGFXLXhORHBEUThWTUxlRnB2bV90ZjJ4cms0SGJ3QjUtQkJ6bzlXbVY2R0RwX1ZhMGVvUDB6TGpDN1JfWkZiSjgxYlRTYTA3MGFjam1FVl9XdWRTeVdBelRvYjBJVFlYcmM3c2JUQjFITFdib1IwMDhkakVwdHViWl8xbEhtTDRnai1WekxUdXltWG9tZ1I4eER6Z3pESzhNbzM5Z0VrUTVLdF9LUnN0aXQzTW12emdiQzVL |
Yes, I have used Astraweb for the last couple years with zero issues, I love em. Before that I used GigaNews and PowerUsenet (which I think is a GigaNews reseller). They were both great too but cost twice as much.
Astraweb has a ["permanent special"](http://www.news.astraweb.com/specials/kleverig-11.html) for $11 a month, it's a damn good deal. If you just want to try out usenet for a couple weeks you can also sign up for a [14 free trial](https://www.giganews.com/signup/billing.html?si=1&signupkey=1289388152-1005942907a-x&edit=1&account=PERS-DIA-MO) with GigaNews and cancel before it's up. But like this thread says, if you stick with it go with a cheaper provider because they're the same. :) Enjoy!
it's November and for the most part tomatoes are out of season. wouldn't an in season ingredient be better? | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTcUlpbGMzbHVaUjM2MlNrWUR6eWVLdTRzSWxhSW92THFTTnpKelkxb1ZtOWhaNVBSOFVBSGJXRFE3eEdRNkZxNTR3cm5ucjhaa18yaDdiWml5MURsT3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfRHZFd1VZMVJsME9FX212cnNwak96cnBIRU5RVUVVdUpVQUpuWGlTZWVLQ1dwWkJycFFSRmQwUEhRZHpUQmYxNW4yZlpWc0RVZTZDRm8td29aODhHQUhIbEpUeDhDMUdQZkgyTnZjeFJNdEVYRWhEVHN5RmxEc2c3WlZvYXFpWnp4TnVxZDZ5LWdYYnNGSVdnaWw3dlpGbnQwaVJCTFB5d3B6U09VYzN4bFprN1R1THMwZHhJRThlUzV1SmppYzRQ |
Chairman and distinguished guests, my inspiration for today's battle was to try and use the tomato in as many forms possible and highlight the full range of the tomato's versatility...
For our first course, we have a take on the classic comfort food; tomato soup & grilled cheese sandwich... The soup was made with a combination of San Marzano diced tomatoes and their juice ( I like these because they are uniquely sweet), red onion, a pinch of sugar, a dash of worcester and fish sauce, chipotle chili pepper, a 1/4 cup of V8 juice, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, and then I oven roasted some cherry tomatoes and a red pepper... then I cooked it for 6 hours on low in the crockpot... then I added 3/4 of one small package of room temp cream cheese and blended with an immursion blender until i got the texture I wanted (I like to keep a few little tomato chunks)
For the sandwich, I toasted some local cracked wheat and honey bread, and layered sriracha mayo, local thick cut bacon, gruyere and sharp swiss, with a thick cut of vine tomato with a dash of local maple pepper, then I threw that into the oven (using the grill pan that the bacon dripped onto) to melt it all together.
For our main course, I'm featuring a Moroccan chicken stew adapted from a recipe I learned from taking a course [here...](http://www.innatbaldwincreek.com/cooking/)(I highly recommend them if you find yourself in northern VT, I've taken 5 different ones now) It's a rich hearty fall recipe that features tomato as the main ingredient tying the rest of the parts of the dish together... I started by cooking some brown basmati rice with chicken stock and some of the juice reserved from the San Marzanos... then for the stew I browned some local freerange bone in chicken thighs (my uncle is actually the farmer that raises and sells this chicken!) and then sauteed some red onion... to this is added garlic, cinnamon, ginger, cumin, cayenne pepper, 16 ounces of tomato puree, honey, cranberries and chickpeas... this simmers on medium (stirring frequently) for about a total of 25-30 mins until the chicken is perfectly tender and cooked through... it is topped with chopped flat leaf parsley and toasted almond slivers.
And finally, for dessert I am featuring a surprisingly good mixture of fresh diced vine tomato with strawberry and lime... I added a few pinches of brown sugar and pureéd with the immursion blender and then chilled in the freezer to thicken... it is served over vanilla ice cream, and if you look close you can see a couple tomato seed pieces in there... the result is tart and sweet with a beautiful rounded savory note from the fresh tomato.(recipe adapted from [LunaCafe](http://thelunacafe.com/fresh-strawberry-tomato-dessert-sauce/))
Enjoy! | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTMHFoQl9Nd2k5ODVCMkhqX1NvY2tnLVduMlFGdFJ3RTJXTVJzUWtTV1B1NVNpVlJXOVNycnVvWlpIR3Y4VTYxMG9UTklGMHRXeWM1UFhQQVIwUC1sWWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfLWNiSWtma3c4VnFFbzNnN3RSSUJzNVZfR2Q2YW1MV3pfelREblVSMkp4ZFBoa2ZYSmFLVVlEbEVKMkdoaWJSelFkZk4wazljVHp0aXpTcDlaem9kSTVSVF94cFllU0laWFlFaGxkMW1YSkc3Z3h1OGNGWkNmV18xZktqZG5zVzFIckZXRWEtMm5CZ05jaXNIQUxGZER3V0V4dEtnNTFMcnZwbWlrT0FkUlNFPQ== |
**Homemade salsa**
[chopping some cilantro for the salsa](http://www.flickr.com/photos/ywpastries/5162883985/)
[mixing up the solid stuff](http://www.flickr.com/photos/ywpastries/5163498182)
[pureeing the shit out of half of it](http://www.flickr.com/photos/ywpastries/5162886585)
[finished salsa](http://www.flickr.com/photos/ywpastries/5162886979)
My brother-in-law said it was the best salsa he'd ever had. I know I kept coming back for more.
Ingredient list:
* 1 can diced tomatoes
* small onion
* 1/4 cup chopped jalapenos
* 6-8 stems worth chopped cilantro
* 1tbsp chopped garlic
* 1tbsp lime juice
* 3/4 cup rinsed black beans
* salt
* pepper
**Tomato Dessert**
[adding tomatoes to the pears](http://www.flickr.com/photos/ywpastries/5163476002)
[finished dessert](http://www.flickr.com/photos/ywpastries/5162868057)
I knew adding tomatoes to a dessert would be tricky, but everything tastes better with butter and sugar. =) A surprisingly delicious dessert, best served warm with ice cream.
Ingredient list:
* butter
* brown sugar
* pears
* cinnamon
* allspice
* tomatoes
* vanilla bean ice cream
So, I forgot to take a pic while I was making the food with my username in it, but [here's one of me after the fact](http://imgur.com/6oyMc.jpg). You can see that I'm also the one eating the dessert in the above pics. Hopefully this will be okay. | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTbHRyTU45NEV1QTZsak5uVTVvLXJJYUVtTFdUNzNQM0dzWi1QeHR6X052TVZvaHNqOFVKN0ZwWjNYU1p5RGR3dXFWdkZCREhMMXZhZ0JEaldncU9HaFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfM1FURWVyR0tYSjFvblBaZXFKMXlzV0Z2a1E0TEplYTUyZVVIdTlLRjZrV09ESkxpYjhKMWNYRktjZXFWUHZORWVRS3k3WEpkSnhjTGk4eHF1TklkQ3lpX2dEeGJTVHdkc3JkbHViLVowMXFmRjRaNEk5bDgtNHRlU0NJMzFESUdtX0Fjam9OX1pJOVpvQ0xiMFphUjlLV0RfMjN4b1VMUS1mXzFWMVM5X09WTEZmSUJId1RjT19VZkk1eDFQYzlqTWNLVnV6amJhNDllczR4QnZnN0FSUT09 |
I chose to make a version of the classic soup and sandwich combo. Homemade soup will knock the socks off of canned soup any day.
I hope nobody minds but I posted the pictures and recipes on my blog. I don't have a flicker or imgur acct. You can find my submission [here](http://thehungryhoser.blogspot.com/2010/11/tomatoes.html)
(I don't get ad revenue so don't let that stop you from clicking) | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTZkpKQ3hfbkVQSVRWSlRWWFJGOV94eEN0VmMwM0g5ZjRGeFZkOXBfNnI0NHNmc0w4VHVsMDBudTVRazk4TklPampKRWpMeU1fc1FEelVpdVphZUUtNVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfRlAtVGctUGNOd0FLUG5ZS2U3d2hUV1EyRDZPdExOU3JGSVhub05XRzhHT3VEQ1NzVndHMXl0V09OOXN3UjZoMVpva3JIWmo2V3c5TXhmckVlSXZBdU93NE83MWtvTFRpNnBfZDQ1S0ZBY0RGMzY1NzR0ZlVQdWp6Qy02eGFTb3ZTdmVVVHlndVNqNUswMEJ2enRLZ05iTDZVLTFPWEpwSHdpUHF0dlNEWmlBPQ== |
Greetings! I stumbled on this sub-reddit yesterday and just happened to be making something with the key ingredient. Please to enjoy our offering.
* Fresh Tomatoes: Tops sliced off and cored, saving the tasty bits
* [Ham, Diced Onion and Red Pepper, Motz and Cheddar Cheese](http://imgur.com/2oOkK)
* Frozen Corn, fresh would have been better, but oh well
* Tortilla Chips, crushed and whole for dipping
* Saute onions and peppers in light oil salt and black pepper till awesome, add in ham and corn to heat up and when complete crush a few handfulls of chips and mix up. Looks like [this](http://imgur.com/cprjw) when complete and is just perfect for [dipping whole chips in](http://imgur.com/1e0KI)
* [Stuff tomatoes](http://imgur.com/skrlw) with filling and [top with cheeses](http://imgur.com/qaM54)
* Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes
* Served with a green tomato relish we had made and canned previously. Contains tomatoes, apples, onion, red peepers, jalapeños, cilantro, cumin, salt, and organic apple cider vinegar all chopped up and cooked down till delicious.
**Final Outcome**
Quite delicious indeed! [Finished Plate](http://imgur.com/k7uXh) and [Gratuitous Reddit proof shot](http://imgur.com/WifQW)
As a side note we did have a [live audience](http://imgur.com/X1u1m) hopefully you are more impressed :D
Have fun all! | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTTTBWSGV5VXByU0R0QjlOTGozM3paYUVoQTAzOGVLcmZremdXbW5JaUwwU29qdmxFZktWaXBWU2pSVUU4MzVJcXpYbmxKUFFUSnd5UlRyYzdIM2pPR1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfOTl0SGh3c1F6bUVLU29ZanJmN01sMWc3bHo0WEhvVWZSZzVsYUJDWlZVSkdmRE8zZktKZnRYYnNpNkExVGREZndKT2NyQnJ3T0hFVFFLbGNRWkRMSjhaVVNzUUR1WmlWd0NTVkNval9RYVFYSEYzMk5aZ2NxMnlLWEY3Vm00TmNaMkpxYUlTQjE3T3JtZDdLcU9qNUp5ODJEY2hoSlhNcGZ2bnZnNzFqc0JPMTdjSEZ0SF9zUF8xdmxZa2VrdkViMThUdHlDRE5xd1MwSXZwUGc4RXhjUT09 |
Example: download a a high definition file of some TorrentFreak TV episode on (http://burnbit.com/torrent/152773/TorrentFreak_TorrentFreakTVS02E11228_m4v) | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTVEZfTnpSaS1EeVFPVndHWHZ2SG4tZUlOTUdYNHJBWjNCaHAyTnRCbmYwZnJneTRXMFF3V19wdDhSU2VrZ0thX3FFdGZpSWI5bHZoYVRHZFNSSXFnTXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfYWhpQnVaNU96SHVEVVloM3ZFU3BnWG5odXhEODNYeFRUVklOVWhqN283UXdtXzM1WkRsQ0pYYmpVN0w4bUJTLWJwTTdFaUgwZ2JoV3JIaHRLTFhmT0g5NjNlMTZmeVp0TzdXVFdnY1JHUGFsTi16ZXpwQUc4eG4tajlLd0FYT2lLV3VEV2JnOGdlbElaSUJXRHB4T3o4T2NKbS1oaURuNmUzR29jZm9YY3NOSUYwTG9oYW8tdlk4b3BWbU9JZGVrZ25iUDdEN3RpRnVnOVVyc2tmZGFGUT09 |
For the first ever Reddit Iron Chef challenge, I made a 3 course meal featuring Tomato Tempura as an appetizer, Tomato Risotto as the entree, and Tomato Shortcake as the dessert. Everything was absolutely delicious, but the risotto was my favorite. The tomato flavor really stood out. I didn't really have time to take shots while I was cooking, as I had 4 burners going at all times. [Here is a picture of the final products.](http://i.imgur.com/MoctH.jpg) Recipes are as follows:
**Tomato Tempura**
Ingredients are:
1.5 cups flower
.5 cups cornstarch
1 cup vodka
1 cup seltzer
1 egg
2 thick slices of tomato
1 cup balsamic vinegar
basil leaf
2 quarts vegetable oil
salt, sugar
First, I put the balsamic vinegar in a small sauce pan with a pinch of sugar and reduced until thick and almost a syrup. Set aside. Heat vegetable oil to 385 degrees F. Then mix the flower, cornstarch, egg, vodka, seltzer and pinch of salt in a large bowl and whisk until smooth. Submerge tomato sliced in batter, and drop into hot oil. Flip over when they start to brown, and then remove when golden brown using a metal slotted spoon, and set on paper towel to dry. After dried, put them on a plate and drizzle some of the balsamic reduction over them and garnish with basil.
**Tomato Risotto**
Ingredients are:
2 large tomatoes
8 or so small cherry tomatoes
1 cup arborio rice
about 1 cup of white wine.
2 tablespoons butter
2 small shallots
2 boxes of chicken broth
salt, pepper
First, chop the shallots into small pieces, and cut the cherry tomatoes in half. Saute them separately in butter in a large saucepan and set them aside in separate bowls. Then blanch and peel the two tomatoes, seed and chop them and then put them in a small covered saucepan on medium heat. Heat the chicken stock until it almost simmering, and put the rice in the same large saucepan that you cooked the onions and tomatoes in on medium high heat with some butter. Once the rice is starting to brown, add the wine and deglaze the pan. Once the wine is almost evaporated ladle in some hot chicken broth. Keep the rice almost covered with the stock as it cooks, and stir occasionally. The rice should take about 30 minutes to cook. At this point crush the tomatoes that are cooking in the small pan and stir around. In last 5 minutes of the rice cooking, add the crushed tomatoes (Reserve some of the crushed and cherry tomatoes for the dessert), shallots and cherry tomatoes. Salt and pepper to taste, serve with some basil as garnish.
**Tomato Shortcake**
Ingredients are:
Cooked, crushed tomatoes, and sauteed cherry tomato halves (reserved from when I cooked the risotto)
About one tablespoon of apple jelly
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 slice of pound cake
Add the apple jelly and brown sugar to the saucepan of crushed tomatoes and cook on high for a few minutes to reduce to a sauce. Add the cherry tomatoes and put the sauce in a bowl in the freezer to chill for about 10 minutes. Pour the sauce over the pound cake and serve.
I'm using the ironchef challenge as ways for me to experiment and do stupid things from scratch (as I only adjust recipes for the most part). This is basically a combination of
ground beef+beans+curry powder+chili powder+onions
Half I roasted in tomatoes in the oven, the other half I increased the spices slightly and did them on the stovetop (ran out of tomatoes) for a partial amount of time. I guess we can call it a Mexican/Malaysian Curry sans Potatos
Came out absolutely delicious and the roommates loved it.
| r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTNHVRclpnYnUxMm91MnJMbEpzVlFYV1RwbDhQWnhUeHhCQ1dBTHNhRmZ5ZURhampYSVFxcEdHVG9WUU9Udm1LdXpiM1llRlZCRFBkV3g3TVEtMXRkUFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfZ1NsbEpsLV9JR3UwWWRhZGFya0pKQno5Z0VkQkxreEszNFFUN2pmV3N4X19iRE1tUnd5WkNvUmtEWGlFR3N0Mlp1M0pmaHM2dTN3T1E5RVJuQnl5XzdfaF9pU3Bwc2k1VzdEOWFIUTRFa3hQaThGSWFHTFZ5OTdwbzZJRm5wSFM0NXFMRmdRYlMzSm5uM28tcTZmYmc3c19aVUJrMG1pakk5ZzI2SGx4ZEFyZWpuQTJHbTl3ZGRhT200OEozRHdN |
It might be a dumb question, but I wonder if this works with direct-download sites such as Rapidshare, Megaupload, Mediafire, etc. Either case, this is awesome.
| r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTTWY0MjFuVDhQWmRSRW9FRU9QNHRWcVh1aVVveVVWX3RrSjhkWUNXa3lnWnhTSEpGN2FNcG9hWTZqSHBteU1SV3A1dkRQRkU1UmVBYktkckRTU2Nybmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfdzhHQ1RTRXVUTUx3QlY4eHZJRk92Tlp6NEJlNFZlaEE5aXNXNTVGUkU0cktHZ1UtQTJMUjc4eUFDMm9jVV9DakRUdjJrZkc3V0M1OUV3TEIxNFJ4dmYzZlVacnJJVzdHbTBHaUFVV3Y4c1A3c0thQmxjX3ZfQ0hBaGMwcVhSY2oyclFPbUR4V2h5Rnc5RkxZTkRlcXdNMDBwRXdNa1ZtRFJOYmFEaXFEQ0U3R3Z6Y0FYUE1QeEFkMXFLMzhGNHNCb2lNa2VYcE95Y2lGTEkwZmp3Um85dz09 |
Greetings to all you glorious gourmets. The grains of time have gradually ground down, little more than nine hours remain in the first battle. Grab your last groceries, get your grub on a plate, graft its greatness onto this site, and go vote for your fellow chefs! As I look at our threads galore (and they are genuinely glorious), a question grows in my mind.
Your creations are genius in their inception, and grand in their fruition. I am giddy with glee in thinking upon the future. But how to determine the first Iron Chef? I had initially thought that whoever had the most points would win, naturally. Yet, the number of judgments in each thread is exceedingly disparate, to the point of seeming unfair. I present you chefs with a question. Should the winner of each contest be decided by total points, or rather by the average of their scores? Averaging the points would certainly account for the plurality of judges, but summing the total aggregate is more traditional. How should the winner be chosen? What say you my friends of fantastic feats, forging their feasts in flame for fame? | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTa2gwQ1NEVDlfcUpNQTc3Q0hfNTJuT3JpUkJYOGJZME9wLW0wTkh2bnRIM3dEZE5Qc2RLNVpuMTNKenRoOEUxMXJsVVRxaExYaFdaN0FlbS1vZlZlWHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfWFhuWWdDNU5aSXlnTFF4cjRnUnYtRDhwYWQ2VG1YT1JyelpHeXp1TklOSG1pNkNZTnFsYjhzWVJ6ZVQ5eUxNSDRJT1NJQXRteU1NMm1ybmRHZlRvZEVrTVRGTjNrbXhRWUVNYlhSX0JiRnY4eW9QWHRSWVlURHh0ZEV5S1FLTFRwM24zTmx1YjlHcXEtamZmSno4V1cyX2N0NlRta2RfX3hjRE9vOWt6WEVvPQ== |
I got several of those from COX through e-mail over the years (BayTSP, fuck you), then they shut down my internet connection. I called to get it reinstated, found a usenet subscriber, turned on encryption and haven't gotten a single letter.
Not only that but now my connection is completely saturated when I download. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTQWpiTzRST3gtVndKQW5saXBfb2x0NDJwQ3JndFdGcWJpYmJERUFjRy01MW41YWNCN2Z6QjhMVU94LUs3bkk2UTZjQlNiRkwtRUJZekNBRFdfWnczS2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfUzZVcHdlWVNZVVQ0SkllQ29CdWV6WC1UUlFTNGE1YXdJWHhqSEZRNUZFRlZCbFNrdVRaanhRZDl1dG9EYmFGLUJBRzNfNXU1bEpQQ3BnMElwLU9WMGw2cVUzdWlnNjJDejNpZWdmSzh3Tmx5cTZ3RUtrdjN6endKRTZYQ1QzWjBmc2tidEFjUnRyZGhFYVZwTERlTTJIREZTVVdRakhQTWpoMXBMa1FYYlRYQlhFWnVIWnh4VmlYVVlKWjhMNDRiMFhpdE5OUjA2Y1FCVTJ3Q3N2RmJIUT09 |
This week, /r/IronChef had its very first battle. As the caretaker of this forum, I could not have been more pleased with the results. Those who came forward to challenge this subreddit boasted intriguing new recipes, and the skill to back up their ideas. It is my sincere hope that this first battle sets the standard for all that follow it. Scores of internet chefs with tempting scents rising from their stoves, and bold creations upon their plates. Let there be no doubt that the future of /r/IronChef is bright, with new challenges in the coming weeks. Indeed, the rules and format will continue to evolve with the communitee. And whoever wins this first battle, they will have the honor of choosing the next ingredient we confront. Here's the verdict.
(piano chords)
Battle Tomato was a close one. The voting process facilitated my decision to average the points cast in favor of the chefs. A strong showing from all parties resulted in similar scores. Indeed, the winning contender secured their victory by less than a point. Who is it? Whose cuisine reigns supreme?
[workroom](http://www.reddit.com/user/workroom), with a [fantastic](http://i.imgur.com/S5R3K.jpg) [three course](http://i.imgur.com/xyAPR.jpg) [display](http://i.imgur.com/DdmzN.jpg)!
We are mightily impressed by your cooking prowess, and hope to see your performances in the future. For now, send me a PM with your choice for the next /r/IronChef secret ingredient. The second battle awaits! | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTdTkwZThxa2RHRkkyVGFXXzBEWlYzenpKc0d4S1gxM1dhYVVGeHBWRnRHTHRSZEw4SG9uTWhjU3FMeDU2c0ZKSDVPVkFfbUZkNk5paEVFSWk2NWMzRVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfbVlHZDVYRFREYW5zc0NUQkdManYzTWVUQkExY1h5VVBLV1lYU0RBSlNuUWZ2dlg3b0RrMHJHTk1YZ3BpbnVhZHFad2Zfd3JoX3FkWWs3R1VnenpqS1hxMnRBUFVJbWgzSWdmVDBaVE4yWUtYZFR0M1NKa0laS1hvUVNaMU93V3FZYlU1Wkc0MWZBcmh6NlI4b3JNUzlvdDRCclRSb3NHT3RkU29QS3lTaVhJPQ== |
nzbmatrix -> nzbs.org -> binsearch -> btjunkie -> warezbb. Still nothing? File doesn't exist. Or you suck at search parameters. :) | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTand6WWhNY2E2R2JPaFFZTE9kYjg5Z1hxSWUxN1hoUzBxNFpMM282a1Q5aW1zVWhiLVZNay1oeTcyaUNFRmM4OHpvWDZtdFZZaFVvQWZ1T2FUMGVVd1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfZUF3S1REekdZbGxlQmJ4dVdhVHAzaHNRd21XaWlZTWVRUkppdnZGVTdNSndEYWZBUG1JR0VjTFdUQ2dOMjNCTnF4bVpPb3pmMzBYUjNNNERHVkNkdjcydXNuQmh3SzhUYVAtdk1QU2NzeURKek5NZXZiV2pQSkswRXpKWnRqNHBBdVlGMDFBTGVNUUFHcFI3SUxtVVpyRzZGdHR0aEIzbFgxV0lOc01qQzh4TmVNcW02N0ZqVFVNY3FpN28yQThy |
Here is another one. http://newshost.co.za/?sec= and https://nzb.su. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTU0hrTXpRdVc0MGtrWjB5QngyZVJtbTR0azJ3YU90cmk3cnZUNHpXT0QxYWtmckFuSE1lUDYwN1cwc0d2d1NseWtOUlVzY1FGSUNTMEpRWGlSMVRaaHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfTGJoNFlrLXJWRW1QTl82NklvMWQ3c2JjSF9pSmpic3ViNkZGeVBHMk45NVBES2dLbFk0clg5XzNUZW9YaTRGSGJJaUZFY29mS0xxekN5cHhZMXRzZ29pY25ZXzF2MXJZYjBNQkRVQ2swZGJnYXJXV3EyaUZyZV9SM2xwbWc4T1NoR1JaR3owZ3M5RUh3WmFlQkZ6alZNU2ZkYUljZkEtQlJVYUV0YlVSSVFLVVpxUW1DMlR0TzNoeE1aVmg3eWxz |
Time to start a OneSwarm network :) | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTLTFJMXBXcG1QR1ZhbFRBV1FUOGd1NElEMkNOQzBEUDhNeHBSMTNkY3ZvSEN5Y3ZvclVsbHR4cUNtVmwtX2xBOHpuQ2xUblc4V1oycW5qVkZEY3NUOHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfX0gxVU1mZUtxT1JnclQ2MmxaRTlnbHJUVndyejlwcGZYQUhqMmFvMGkzNDZzY21ZaVBnRVdtS09xdzR1Q1dOY3lZbl9mTjQ5ZmxtR2Z3cUY1aUhlT214TDJYeDhoY3dDeTBlZmZMUnVBWGtVSmlHa0dSSU9menA1WURoZ0ZlTlFEOUtzR25CalBKbE5Ealh0U2dJTUljRVJuNmoxeTBtNzM3MTZGTDg0NXRydm1mM09QdE5SZHdobnRWMjVjWkNp |
It was mine too. ((makes upside cross with fingers over heart)) | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTTTdCMEhPX3B6ekdJSklCU2EwWFpwcmsxSmxwVHIxSGpBdm1sQ2VaMWp5aVVUTV9qYmJCZjVMT29fTUp2eHdUR0NIbVNyclNBMktrUl9pbzJ0NlNxbmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfb3B6MW9GQ2dCZVdUMkg2bVFFZjE3S1p4OTY0WmQ1bFFhMUZ4ajBVa1VMcF9MTzRtY3FWRlNaM1gwaEp5U3YzQjNkSDNNdVVqZm5Kd05tUVRFRGwyRGhtZGhqRlNEY2RzdW00RE5wekdZc1A2d3BSXzNGWm83enNiMUtvM0xhejhsNnlabFR3S0luWGowbkZBU1ZBWXFXUHZHNklyTWktMFE1SWlaWm5oeV9FZDA1UFdWTlNYVldPZ3hjaXVhYkdD |
NZBmartix fo sho, binsearch, hell yeah. I'm a bit of a rookie to all of this so I appreciate the other two, thanks. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTMEFTUWFsektXcjllTVZYVm9oS3RkMnZXWlo1ZmR0Tjg3QlRIZHJIQlJaTWxqNFd3amxpcDU3T09XOHhvVDdWdHpNZjlENkZZS0tuQVVoN3YyVFBUTnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfYmdMbnBINFZSdVZSRTZFeVE3a2NiVTZDaUFlbUNMaHJ3WjdDR2hxU19rVjB2bF85SkozSFByaG1wOEFSNDFHbWR0UmVHODgyejh4UlN0aWZjQ0R2NHBKV1V4ejlDTm9ubGR5a0NRQ2NvUTBaaGQ3RVpLcDhsQjBhYXhvNl9LelZOODZUcnduMXloLTZ1NHp1QmNIRjVFc0hwZ3pkbF9fZzlCcXJxcDZpOTNtY0RQM19oNmRWSC1DeWdGb1FiNGps |
Upboat to you sir!
| r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTZVF4X0xkV3hMYWJraDJ6YWVIdGZ2VkNGOUhrVEF6MU9DcEJhR0gxcFlCeGR1a3pYU2F6QTBlcUFFa3hEcUlSMXFlYk1BVG1RRkkxU0l4U0QzTXpVOUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfb2ZORlk2MEU0VFM5ZmV0RUVYT3FrbGFGN0otX0xJcm9zWkdMYnFfcWRvRDJ0bVNpcWdpZngwSmNTdi1ManN1emhkSTNTV0tXbTZKYWxWWm1fWVVTYVJJNHlwVVZQN1hwQUU5OW5icEkzWm9YMzd0THlJMFk3U1FCOFNfM3lZejdHWnhOUEt6MXFjNlZMMzY3Z0JPbmdfWEx0WGN3eDNJY05IUFh1VlR6M0VaZjdNUW1venp0R0d2TXNwNGNKREZL |
And another bit of new knowledge... This is why I love you reddit. (you too joelthelion). Upboats! | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTNG1ocnRrOVlhQUZmVWExMVBJRU9xdzZMNUVzbk90Ty1Pa2RqeEZWVE90bW9sZ1dSaC1fakVWMmQ2Q3dHRzZVclB2SjdRT3ZFVFpvdGRzYzM2WG1kS2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfRXFvSlZwUl8yWWdUNUJCY1ltU3RFVTdxOExfMlE0eG5uQkJ3SjBxWHM0aGFXSF91YW1GbWs3VTN6RzFpcmZRUHFNb2JJRmZqRm44dVBiVk1PeElVVDN0YWE0QlZWclM5TTZNZVVpUXFIeVFINzJCNmwxdWVTbkRteFBOWUJlWVd2TzZNLWwyQWJPWWVTN09vUXkwVWs1NjU5OEh6ckhuZkV6WmdQVVFrUE53eTh0MDhHRGk3MVhjZWFZbG1DU1Bp |
For some reason I always get downvoted when I try to pitch OneSwarm at reddit :-/ | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTeHUzV0g1VkY5ekRORTU0NlA0MGxzc2UzZExBUEZ2cWRsUVFLZkJsWEFSNXRGdlQ4Y0hORTdPdkpiNnIzMHFyNWo4TG5UNmRtU0Z1UWgzU1p0RnRDenc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfTUdVeURpd0p2WHA5UUt0OHRwbE9UQjF1NC1NWEQxXy1vaDc1a1hlVzBDYzJJbXpodHJ6b0RWTE5vd1VhUEJWMVA4bkk0M04zZENUQlBKZmJsUmg1THVKLWNhWjZLdjBTSEVsSGVPSWpTNWFETXRGTHQ1d0JJV3cyQ01ndlZBamwtY3p2OXU4b2pBN1IteVNuSlpCdXBfZzdRWE9nWXdfYzBmNkhjZDNqNHl2VEJLTzhhSnZ4TUMzbFhlZ0Jqa0ZJ |
No problem. You can also check out merlins-portal if you want. Used to be good, then went down in a blaze of drama. It's back now, but nothing like it used to be. Still, another option if you don't like manual usenet searches (binsearch). | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTa0RQTFNvS0JmMG9wLTAtWWg2bDVyRHp2ZmdmSlcyQUUzZ1p5Q2tCd1V4emtxbDFOUnlQa0pCMTZVZ0t2MVlhYS1yZEQ1amtBU2t4NDV4OUk0WlU2Y1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfSFE2bmJkdFJEUHByeGFOQzByZzFtWE5BMjRNMF9vYmNpa2psMDNBVmFtNTBIZW54QUtPRVNteC1nTVlwd3o3U2FLMEFKUDdJWVhsM0dSenIzWVAwMVpqalUxY09DX0ZabjlpN2ZxQnBrZXN1TVJkRWtvQ2pWUVlOaTJGekViS21US2dzVURjTV8yb2Rfai1JTjJEQkpsZ1ZXX0o2dDUxeUZvNmY3NmZRNGFBWDJ0U2pXQmUwZnRRY1YtZURLOXpT |
Oops sorry that was me, you should have no down-votes now. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTZjctdGNnQ2pXX2JvNVNUVG1RR25CMlA2akZ6aWJyYmtTT1k3LVphZHA3YlUyTnAxbWQyTnNWV0tBX0J2My1lZTJIZWpYT2pRNWpDZEl5R096cW1rc1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfQkZRSXZSZDdSSDh0WUN1Y3hjdkpQRFJkVWxnM2swd2lNUFBaSE5zNzJmbXF3bUQ3anNWS0Z4SkpMR2VqZUgzN2hjaDNKVEtnc1JmRWFTV2p1bVlyMWM4azhwd1ByWU5QdExaSWc3elRUMW90Z2JfYm5QUWRJcVpNajVfQlk1aHdjbFRDZzVWdlFVT3lKVk5SM2htYjBPTDV3UkxtZ0pYVWxvVjNHUWxEa1hadS1EM3VwZlFKblQ1NENZWUhNa24y |
Little over a week ago a man's dream became reality, in a form never seen before, /r/IronChef. The motivation for spending his fortune to create this subreddit was to encounter new original cuisines, which could be called true artistic creations.
To realize his dream he started a thread to search out masters of various styles of cuisine. Invincible redditors of culinary skill. Whether in the college dorm, the household kitchen, or a hot plate in a bare apartment, there are Iron Chefs waiting for the chance to showcase their brilliance.
And whichever of you challengers wins over your peers, he or she will gain the people's ovation and fame forever. Every battle reputations are on the line. What inspiration will today's challenge bring? The heat will be on!
If memory serves me correctly, workroom was recently declared the winner of the first /r/IronChef battle. Along with this honor came the responsibility of selecting our next secret ingredient. I have since then, received this clandestine culinary choice. At first the item of interest struck me as almost inappropriate. It involves such a vast integer of ilk as to render it impractical for a single iteration of our event. After an interim, it began to intrigue me and now has my full interest. I am entirely confident in my chef's ability utilize our ingredient to its fullest extent.
The word's root is the proto-Indo-European *kwat*, meaning to ferment. This selection has a history reaching back to the dawn of civilization. The manners of preparation, the variety of manifestation, this is a perfect choice for our second battle. Without further delay, I present you all with the secret ingredient.
Limburger, Blue, Halloumi, Feta, Cheddar, Parmesan, Gouda, Swiss, Manchego, Gruyere, Wensleydale, Muenster, and anything else holding the name of cheese. You have until 11:59 EST on Sunday, November 21 to submit your entries. Bang a gong, we are on!
A note on this battle. There has been a modification to the voting rules. Anyone who submits a dish must also cast their decision on all other entries. This will facilitate community interaction, and develop a fuller range of opinions from which to judge from. Non entrants may also cast votes, but with our potential Iron Chef's it is mandatory. Additionally, Battle Cheese is a two dish competition. To aid our denizens in their decision making, standardization of entries must be developed. Please judge the two part meal as a whole culinary experience when applying our rubric to it. At last, all I have left to say is *Allez Cuisine*! | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTVGg0bXFvRnh2YmdxVXBIV0FVZ3NlLVdzVVNhWXZfU2sxUGMxclV6OC1aSzgtSE1uTnVQVmZzXzhaUlBhU3dSazd1b2QzWmJpdDBuYmlmOFpocklPbGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfNlYySzhzdjFoRXVFaXU2TEtON1Fta2Fjd0tLN2VlU2tfb3hzT0xBdmNacmJmQlFmWkdwUl9xeWVBSkVrNENDbHlySkY5Tkh2MmFzdGdkZVp5dGdTVU40Y0lqeGkzdDAzTUdtMGQzZ0gyNElKNWdaOEVCSkxWcjd0ZFNJb0tFZ0Z6Y0h0YURZVkpsLXFMNDdaYy13YVB5YzlDUmdGSVBrb1laM2FFaXBYaURTQ2djcl9DeTFra0NlTElPUGZwSXJX |
Nice. | r/uplifting | comment | r/uplifting | 2010-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTaEh4T0VIbWxKTnh6ZXhuVTBnV2JYODVOeUxDU3J5Um81RHZETGdqUUhwRzhyVWpZT3p4NF9uaGkydFRxTkJCUnFiNV9fVVBCalRnLW1rT0gybzdaaXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfR3JhYVZ2MkNlem1PQlJ4ODdqdzBJeXhSekJOOXB2bnI3RWs3U2lSOGdQOW5QMjNGWU1RWmVWVDF1MTJYNE80REduR1NIN0cxWVZtZkRwenBkOGlRRERvMFRaNVdZYXV4XzlWZERkTlVEVVgzNFV0UlU0d2t2emhNYzh4dTcwR015cW5jTm51alpZSUs2NzBickZwdUw2a3JxazJhSjRtbUsySWFqQk5iVWZBPQ== |
You should put this on the [Esolangs wiki](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Main_Page) :) | r/esolangs | comment | r/esolangs | 2010-11-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTTTQza0hCM2lFMHFHN1BtaTBjbWpfYkVBLU9qLXJRSk1DTWZOd0FUYUZWNHFCZ2JPRnFFZ2xFQXhuaXYtdm9DWjhkaVJCaW9QeC15bU04QU1yRzlPWFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfZWpiWFhnTnlNZWt2TnZkN0FhUlZqZ2ZfaVNHVXNMM2JKUUhESWRsbjhEamtUWVp6WDRMX2U0VkZ0bU81TTJhcS1sNmc0eXRlSXNsS25BcDdRWWlTbkdVUVA3QkMzNzY5OGhsbnpvMDV1NGZqZWt1anZ4ejNjSXdmbUhDX0g2X3FLYWpSUXRQUUZhLXAtTEY4T1VnM2tEYncxVlI4QnBIRzRBT25rZ1BGVEpXaVZJYWdIMkFaby1uXzhuTVN5S0NY |
Cheese is great without any accompaniments, but just making a tray of cheese isn’t much work, so these were made instead. First of all, the album of pictures showing most of the steps: http://imgur.com/a/kTzf2/feta_stuffed_squid_and_mushrooms_stuffed_with_stilton
First, the mushrooms. You will need:
12 stuffing mushrooms
6 garlic cloves
1 cup melted butter
The juice of 1 lemon
7 oz Stilton cheese
1 cup chopped walnuts
3 cups of breadcrumbs
2/3 cup of parmesan cheese
Preheat the oven to 400 F. Put your de-stemmed mushrooms into a dish. Finely chop three cloves of garlic and sprinkle them on the mushies. Drizzle ¼ of a cup of the butter on the mushrooms along with the lemon. Season with salt and pepper and pop them in the oven for about 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, crumble your stilton (don’t worry about the green veins, that’s just veins of awesome) into a bowl and cream it with the walnuts and 2 tablespoons of the breadcrumbs. I used panko for texture.
Take your mushrooms out of the oven and let cool. Then preheat your oven to broil. Divide the stilton mix between the mushrooms.
Mix the other three cloves of garlic (again, finely chopped) with the remaining melted butter and breadcrumbs. Stir in the parmesan and season pepper. Now cover the mushrooms with the breadcrumbs, toss it into the oven for about five minutes, or just until the breadcrumbs are crisp and browned.
They turned out nice. Stilton is a pretty strong cheese, so it can be overpowering to some. I think a little more breadcrumbs would go a long way as well as maybe some more walnuts.
On to the squid!
You’re going to need about eight medium sized squids. I cheated a little and had mine cleaned and cut already. You want the tentacles removed from the body.
8 slices of feta cheese
¾ cups of olive oil
4 cloves of garlic, crushed
Lemon wedges to serve
Mix the olive oil with the garlic and salt and pepper to taste. Put your squid bodies and tentacles into the bowl with your feta cheese. Then, cover it with aluminum foil and let it marinate for at least 2 hours in the fridge.
Preheat your oven to broil and lightly grease a broiler pan.
Now the hard part, stuffing them. Dig into the marinade to get those bodies out. They are going to be slippery. Open them up and start pushing feta into them. The bodies look a lot like condoms, so stuffing them with oily feta can be… uhm… fun. Plop the bodies onto the greased pan and toss it into the oven.
Cook them for six minutes, and then turn them over. Cook for an additional two minutes. Now, add your tentacles. Cook your tentacles for two minutes on each side; you’ll want them to firm up and not be like slippery noodles.
By now your squid should be a lovely white color. Serve them with the lemon wedges.
The squid was a little salty. The added lemon juice really helped cut down on this though. The feta melted out of them quite a bit. I think next time I’ll skewer them shut as I had to push a lot of the cheese back in after they got out of the oven. The tentacles were excellent, nice and chewy.
This is the final image in case you don’t want to go through the album: http://i.imgur.com/aVih9.jpg
| r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTUDdKRkd3MzVac21nQngtdzc0ME1uNkZPeXJWVi1WT0Q1bFhxV2ktR01QNk9iOG05c2Zob0JIRFNrMC0tejZPTWs5a0pTc3pvX3pfTjc0a1Byek9EZGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfSk5YTDE0bVUwb3ZNbU1NZTNKTjhyTVF6bmZ1NkNNRWNvMTBEalFyeGZpQlVvRG8wRGd1cFNfYlNyWF9uVFp4bXgydklTYTZlcl9MblV0NThndWtnSUxtQzd6MFF2N1ZyVExjcUVmaEFGTWFHOXhYUmtobVVVYXNhc0ZvV2lJUWZyaGJ6N0s3T040ajc0am93VEFSRGRsR0hDYmtLdnl4TlNuQ2lOalhIYTZyc200bEloMmx1UFJyTUZpV2E1eVFRMjVHTF9nQzZHdllVQVpYWTNYUFVkZz09 |
phew! Battle Cheese... so I chose cheese as the secret ingredient because it was [one of the secret ingredients on the real Iron Chef](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Iron_Chef_America_episodes), and because there is such a diversity of competitors from all over the world... I figured no one would have any difficulty finding a version of this secret ingredient.
My inspiration for this battle was to use as many different cheeses as I could... I was able to get in cream cheese, parmesan, gruyere, mild and sharp cheddar, cottage cheese, cheddar cheese crackers, and homemade ricotta...
First up, I thought of lasagna... but instead of a traditional one, I chose to make it with polenta instead of noodles, and, I got to do something I've always wanted to... make my own ricotta... see pics of that here:
I followed [this recipe exactly](http://cheese.about.com/od/homecheesemaking/ss/making_ricotta.htm), it came out perfectly textured and was a ton of fun to watch as it transformed itself!
the lasagna was layered first with a tomato sauce base, then a layer of the toasted polenta, then sauteed zucchini, shitake mushrooms, red bell pepper, then a sprinkle of shredded mild and sharp cheddar, then i mixed pureed butternut squash with the ricotta/cottage cheese mixture, spread that on,then polenta, more squash/cheese mixture, then sprinkled that with parmesan... baked at 350 for about 25 mins and finished with the broiler for about a minute to try and get browning on the top (would do a little longer next time)
the result:
It was great in taste but a bit unfortunately goopy and missing the form and texture of a traditional lasagna... next time I think I would toast the polenta more and try to get it less dense so there is some texture... the biggest success here was making the ricotta (and it was yummy mixed with the sweet butternut squash).
for a dessert I chose to make a "cheesecake"... based off of [this recipe from acommunaltable.com](http://www.acommunaltable.com/crab-and-mushroom-cheesecakes/)
instead of melba toast I used cheese crackers (more cheese!) for my crust, then sauteed enoki mushrooms with onion flakes (didn't have shallots)... I creamed the cheese, gruyere, whipping cream, egg, nutmeg, salt and pepper... and then pureed in the crab, onion and mushroom mixture... after baking the crusts alone for 10 mins at 350, I topped with the cheesy crab mixture and baked for 25 mins, finishing it with a sprinkle of parm and broiling till brown... after cooled off then chilled this is how it came out.
the taste was really really great... just the right amount of creaminess, and sharp cheesy crunch from the crust, and seafood and cream cheese always goes well while the slight earthiness of the enoki gave it a nice savory note... but, probably because I didn't have the sherry and maybe didn't use enough nutmeg, it was more of a delicious appetizer than a dessert... and also, the "crust" didn't adhere to the rest and fell completely apart upon cutting (but still tasted good)... I'd definitely make this for the next potluck I go to but would probably follow the recipe closer.
bon appétit! | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTVHVldENKVHRCYW1maExOODNwbXZ2NWZtekV2WjZNa2lBbFcwY3BBRXpGNTNOcEZSZU45bG1OU3ZOWUFfYzRXLWlLODZ6d1h0M3pTeXZtOUN3cUdOaFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfX0pQbXFUUFZ6UTZZM2lzWktIcHNUWWhtM2pGVnhXMHRvRW9XZnEzM3FZZVlWZFRYbEFvQzFiZWttT2VKRTZLYmNaOFFsUG9TdHUwQXBUZm9iLWZrZzlaLXNUYnQwaGVQak1DbWp5cGltOVYxLXhoUWZHV3U5enZsZUI5c1luWnlmbnZnM3phemt4eFhzQ2c1ZzhLSng4c3VZOGtSS0N1aHJ6SGFHTm9LT1loQUJ4Nm1oN0hIVmt5RzdKRktsODNKV2psSm1uVEJaS1lWWFh6T0NJQnhoQT09 |
When I think cheese, I think mexican! Since this wasn't an area I'd had much experience with (I make a mean taco but that's about it), it seemed perfect for learning. And since I'm an unhealthily-eating girl in her early twenties, I busted out the deep fryer.
[Here](http://imgur.com/a/5nA6N/iron_chefit_2__alliekins) is the resulting requisite imgur album. For some reason imgur uploaded it backwards, so you should probably start at the end. If you just want to see the finished products: [here is where you should click](http://i.imgur.com/jhwgR.jpg)!
**Course 1: Chips and Cheese Dip**
2 cloves garlic
2 scallions
1/4 cup diced sweet peppers, red and orange (left over from the last challenge, as it were)
1 jalapeno, diced
3 oz cream cheese
1/2 cup milk
1 tbsp corn starch
1/2 cup cubed cheddar
1/4 cup cubed monterey jack
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp butter
Corn torillas, cut into wedges
Salt to taste
* Deep fry tortilla wedges in canola oil until golden brown. Blot with paper towel to remove excess grease, and salt lightly. Then make the dip:
* Melt butter in a saucepan.
* [Add olive oil, garlic, peppers (inc jalapenos), and scallion (but save some green tops for garnish) and simmer on medium to extract juices from peppers.](http://i.imgur.com/byJ2C.jpg)
* Add cream cheese and let melt.
* Whisk in corn starch and milk, then add cheddar and monterey jack. Melt and whisk and melt until cheese is smooth.
* Garnish with the scallion greens I told you to save above.
**Finished product:** [Tortillas and Cheese Dip](http://i.imgur.com/xg0rt.jpg), [blurry action shot](http://i.imgur.com/FPBJK.jpg)
**Course 2: "Quesurritos", unless they have another name already**
*I think they might actually be a kind of dumpling? Having never had dumplings growing up I'm not entirely sure what those are. I decided to name them fried quesurritos, because they're basically chicken quesedilla filling wrapped up vaguely like a burrito in a flour tortilla-y / pie crust-y dough, then fried.*
Olive Oil
Dash of cumin
2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1/4 cup shortening
1/2 cup warm water
Monterey Jack
* [Cube chicken into small pieces and fry in oil, butter, rosemary, and cumin](http://i.imgur.com/J9IUv.jpg), then set aside. I did this a couple of days in advance and just kept the lot refridgerated.
* Blend flour, salt, and vegetable oil.
* Using a fork (or if you're fancy, a pastry blender), cut shortening in until uniform.
* Add water and blend with fork as long as you can, then with fingers.
* Knead until it's a dough and has absorbed all the flour, about 3-4 minutes.
* [Take a small ball of dough, about what you'd use for a single cookie](http://i.imgur.com/dFKNQ.jpg)
* [Roll it flat.](http://i.imgur.com/OWcTg.jpg)
* [Add your chicken and cheese, about 3:1 monterey to cheddar.](http://i.imgur.com/eUYL9.jpg)
* [Roll it up like a burrito](http://i.imgur.com/wnWiV.jpg) then [pinch the ends closed and fold them up](http://i.imgur.com/pYy7N.jpg), using a little water on your fingers to make the dough stick to itself.
* Deep fry until golden.
**Sub-Item: Awesome Red Sauce For Dipping**
1 12-oz can tomato paste
1 cup warm water
1/4 cup oregano
1 tbsp basil
1 tbsp parsley
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tsp salt
* Combine all in a saucepan, mix thoroughly and simmer for 3 minutes. Serve warm.
**Finished Product:** [Quesurritos and dipping sauce](http://i.imgur.com/ByLdi.jpg), [ohmigawd these were delicious](http://i.imgur.com/9Fovc.jpg) | r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTWlRhLWtLVk84U00wZDJiNWFyb1k2WEZfTEVPek05MUFHQ19pOEZJTW8waTBTMWNFMWtvel9XcUtSRUtyeHBGY0ZHa0lzWUZqeWxPcFZKWC1lMFNnNHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfOWtTczRUX1hNMUJINnV0eF9MWVU5Y2NfbkJBQ1Nid1drU0pZWm5aNFVpdUgwcERYTlpDN1pSb3ZxM0RTaUpwQS1uUks5Z2JQWmdsaTNhcDJKcndpUlBrY3RMM1pQaUcwVHNRakpNd0VzYWtfbHJ5QzZtTTRDbjFTb1JLd0lNWVRsWjJQUnBMaDVwNm45NHY3RWp5anY4SktXRk1obDhicVpFRWhsOUIxOW5sLVp2X2hOMVZvMWd2Sk5tYy1IcDVm |
**Appetizer:** [Deep Fried Cheese Balls](http://imgur.com/oItS4)
* Cut mozzarella into [cubes](http://imgur.com/kYwvA).
* [Dip](http://imgur.com/7OO4W) in egg, then into breading, then egg again, then breading again.
* Deep fry!
* bread crumbs
* basil
* sage
* garlic salt
* parmesan cheese
**Main Course:** [Lasagna Rolls](http://imgur.com/Cacbz)
Filling, sauted:
* butternut squash
* asparagus
* onion
* butter, salt, pepper
Add and puree:
* mozarella cheese
* milk
Prep noodles:
* Cook lasagna noodles
* Spread goat cheese on noodle, then filling
* [Roll up](http://imgur.com/8gYWh)
* Cook bacon in cast iron skillet
* Remove bacon, add garlic and beef broth
* Reduce
* [Place rolls in pan](http://imgur.com/jDPbK)
* Pour sauce over rolls
* Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese
* Bake at 400 for 20 min
* Sprinkle with [bacon and chopped pecans](http://imgur.com/6HhDM)
Verdict from my husband whose favorite food is lasagna: "This is the best non-red sauce lasagna I've ever had.
Verdict from fellow redditor [TeeArrWilliams](http://www.reddit.com/user/TeeArrWilliams): "Asparagus and butternut squash in a form that is actually delicious"
[Full album](http://amalas.imgur.com/iron_chef_reddit_battle_2__cheese)
| r/ironchef | post | r/IronChef | 2010-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTc0twNHBVbFVsUTNyU1pscktqVnN1VnFlTTh6RGs5My1rb01pQ0E2TXh5c0ZQX1RyZnNXZ0J5aGlYc0EwNE5Ed3Z0OTN4RHRnclJsZkFLbFc2dGtySEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfSzQxWTNpa2hQR3VKZ0dpZXdFYlZFaU5saVNicTFpb0hKZzBjeE1JQmpQS1BsNEVTYWhFZU5GWjFQdmdYRHJiajJxQktLUjJJenRkLW9SQmVwUkFSVHZNNUZIZllmMEVtV3FFWE1IYjY2N1pwVVZBTHJOSWVUVWgtYTM1NTJ3RGR1d2NmYm9zajZwV2gxcU5CUjBWdjZ5cElwSGtNOHJmc042X0cyLUd5M2NDMjE3YVBDOUtRaHpWS0NRa3RVLUlsREo4UkJfVEp3RnhwdkxldVM5aWVMQT09 |
hey! you're from electrohouse | r/uplifting | comment | r/uplifting | 2010-11-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTSEg5Q0YyUE93a21sMmI0RzROUGk3UUhxd2NxR3p2U1NhVDdnaGxEQ05xbjZFYzVzZFRIcXdTVnFtM1hUM2RpRHBxUkNSUF80X3pYRkk2WWx4d1ktTGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfNGN0cmVUUTJ3Mk9zSldGQ2RaRl9paFlibU9tZGxTT0FuMGxVcTBFZ19HRFZ1eDBWck9UOExFQUdFdTNuanUwVlFfVkVaeWpLd0pwRlVRRElySDNJYThlalNoa0UyalU2SmNJY2syem13NlZ0NWpOeEx4YWhoRzRVcUk5OHl4NUptc0VKY3F3ZmplTmpWSUxzaDhUYnVicXVQTXFjak9iTzFoUUlhU0o4azdJPQ== |
When will people learn and start creating a network that *cannot* be shut down, like a OneSwarm F2F (with real friends) network? | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTdVgwdXpvQ3BmQkRVZ1pkeC1QZkJjV2pDaHpnTWVaUzdoWWZHR1kwYWEzekJ2TjdKRHFTRTdRYW1Bb3N5Tkh0UnRpLTB1SzY0RC1VdDUwdWxXSVRfcUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfVUtZcHhwM0ZJckhwSUEyNzhuYW54cnRhajVyaV9ybS1BMHBFMlp5azF6V0tJempPUGtDMGRBcnBvbUpnbzVfZHhVWlhWWHpfSFhPeEE5RE9yZ1pPcDFVbXRVSEtxVGFHTjJkVXY1X3Z2eEEta1l5a2luN0ZmY3UxUU1Ha1FhX0UwYUpQbUdtWnBCR2NQUGdlWm9rdWRibG5WZ2k2b29fNkVFTmZPZkk5WXo1VERGZElOSkJSMU4xb2pWTEk2RkhQNWo3OVBoT3JReFRZM2NRZWpLbVhzdz09 |
Yes! I started this just for fun. Welcome. | r/uplifting | comment | r/uplifting | 2010-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTVl9WaURTMFJIWlFHcHItNGwtcUZjeHJ4c0d0MVhYYU1DRDZld0lCcGJTck4xX19tV3E0Tl8yUHNsYkJPSVB2VFFZYVVKS2pEV3hzN3ZIVVM4Y3BNdkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfa01jeS1EYnFnNVd0ZG5aRUl2TkVEdDh1NV9lclJyaGhnM2hvZ3JoaUpsdzFFTUNWM3FVRTRGTEdwcHhjNUtMYTdNU1ZJSmxFbHRVYXA2eFNsXzc3Y1dqZ0J4a2tSaGcwSThrZERibm1aWDRkYktTY3Utakd3LWRtOUU2ZVpLVXVzYlFmSEExNzFOY3FDWmV6MGpnbFNCeDMxbmpKN1AyWG5JRXo4cUYzZUpzPQ== |
Well, there were the two splinter groups. Really, it was amazing the program worked as long as it did. Other programs like Shareaza and Morpheus continued to add fluff and polish, but couldn't come CLOSE to the file diversity or speeds of WinMX.
Oddly enough it started out as an OpenNAP (Napster-knock-off) Client, meaning you manually put in the OpenNAP server to connect to. Later on they made their own vastly improved protocol which became the meat of it. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTX2EyeTJNeUctX01YakNxQTJaRkI3VW54V2Zwa2lzZXA3MHphY0M1TW40LW40VFpaa3hQRS1TOFdqYnJpZTl1cVFJTzdhN2h2VmoyQ1RURWNTQXBQM2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfcXlsVFhQWnhINWtzVEZQdm9iUTlXa1N0c0QwbHVZeEZPeDhKWWRkcklCZWRMNmxTR0c0V084aTlPRDhqcW1kaHhnMFdJVEhOMV9CN3BQeVY1N2ZzU2hMWHI4S19YUXJoazRCd29lcGhGbko4b2VfVXA2WUdRMlM4S0JUUUE0X0RrU0lPUnpIZC1SWWpISUVmS01lRHVwbzRlNjNWb09Ebk43R2NYY3AyN0ZuV2MwRm1PNE53WElzSzlwS3JWVGlVeFRXOVFIYTFralV3aGRzWXU2TGN6UT09 |
i like sneakernet f2f, i.e. swapping harddrives.
like the old tape days. | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTcjFhQ0E3WmNxV3E5cHFiaE51ZGs4YkhzbHB4Tld6Uk9DdlVGLTY3SDlDZ2syakFnWjZ0SlJBY05WNmpjeGhBVmJiVk1TY2w2dUNzNzBNcENjcWd2SUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfcTRwdHNsQXczVzBPRWFsZzRZZ3NkSXRjOWxpd1pwcEcwTzNPRS1VSi1UaFZYaWs4N2FScXFsTGt1S2pzWEc1UkZMcWJtSDVxVGtST0lycXhuYncwbjMyRFZfdXVha3NnOEc1ajRwMFdWSDFjNWc0R2Z4Mk1ZMmczYlZlQXFuZUs4S0RUWVVtaE9FMFlUUVQtNFNSbkJsdjMyQjNpY3BqblE2a0lKcnAyMWp4c2NadEpjR3pBNVZHS1k5cmpqSU9NdkFqNHJfM1BtOS0xb3hWR3pqRUM1QT09 |
OneSwarm is basically the same idea taken to a completely different level :) | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTb0RObzBQbkV6OUt1T3VhS0VZTUdKbENKbzE5QUpMNzBkNXd2b1NpdU45bXViLWNFQS1Rd1JWVGppb0RqN3ZQN0ZodWdPX1JRU3lUTkNCV3gxZExRTHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfWVVBemNYY19KZlZrWThoQmw5TmZlYVE4RFFLdlVDcEREeDRzNFByNng1di10Q1FCS0w3UDU1OURka2dicEpORm05Tmg1aTRHYTBnTXpWWDFfX3RaZjIxa0JHZzJUOHJqUDg5MlNTeXdpaFhCc1pnOFNlcGVJaUVONUsxRTVHOUlOYWFYdlhUTms1RG9qVGZOcWx4aFE5TTl4RjE3MU01Z1pNUG9kZThveG9NU3daRlRvcTNNSkdfX3JkaU14RW1qbkNmMEpJaFY2TUhNYzBHQUZtZEwzZz09 |
Hey, neat, a Madison chapter! Thanks for sharing! | r/chambermusic | comment | r/chambermusic | 2010-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTaW9xMzJTZ3gxVDdDYzdaM3Q1c3dLa1BlM1hLMWRkdWw3QUhWbmJRLXVESTZGLVNtMlhNc0R3WmR0aHpEbFhmekp4aGo5YUNGbXlkam9tbUpmQm1pUVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfUTRPcjlCZjI3V0hEWF9rQlhIa0Z0UmJSOEJzbDZIYlRxZ0dUVGVhc1BvWFRDMEY3eDB1T05obVZpNDB0TkFPbzZqNG0zNzItU1dQYjhSNUxzcFJQYlZjcHpUU1JLb3BtUWtqZlBnZ19Zc3hGaHd3N3dOVWdFbjdHY3VBd1JHRFZuY01nTXNfbGpmMUZYbVJpUHJMMTFZRTlhTFYyaUYyMzJNbjBaU0ZKckUxdVJNaXppRDVxNXRnTHhjZ010UmhiTzZ3OTZXQlVnSTdfZlBmdU9LOUo3UT09 |
What's up KBit!! Anybody in here done the 10k swing challenge? I started on Sunday with my 16kg bell. | r/kettlebells | post | r/kettlebells | 2010-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTT2lXZnVXblVRbGxrX2xtaGF6cXdvTWpnaXZydnlrejVmbnI2ZldscnV6YVFoX2E2eDRlZWZuRGZic3c4X1FCRUEzTFdTeGZuMmZiOVhDMHJiNHZRcWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfTm1PaDNmSGY1blNBQVlTNVB1VDlvMENyOWE0blg0anlueVdKcWR6NTNKbGFNMUp3amg1b3FvT1IwZUFCUlBNeGRyYVpjTDhLYzY4ZkhSZ3dlbTEtNU9CWTdpYWZFTjJpUlctNmhkYlhVYkR5cVlVTkdvVGhKRWhnLUxWTEhjc0JzTW93T1ZOVkpual9XTVNZMkpHb2E4SDg3UndBV2tLeG1TZHl2VGJld3dSUV96a2l5aThhT21vVVJlNElZWkti |
At least you get get out to more concerts!
Maybe even play some more gigs. What instrument do you play?
| r/chambermusic | comment | r/chambermusic | 2010-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTSElualFtTEpXV2hucHNNOEMyOVNtZDRoSTNveVluWVEtbkgxa1NkNkZHTHJ3SGdOdjBLbElFTV9JaVczNGYybzFTQkpjX2dwUXAtTUhrTW43SmFOZ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfaFRMSUxLbjVGWm5sa1J2ai1fakxrQ1ZZTGdfVkpubVhLbWZLU1RudE9aSmVZcEkxNUFRcEhJd1cwUTJhbEFwOXBVVTRtQS15dk5TSHZia1QyTEhOTUNtNWRZWVhBQ1Y1aTZ4VTE0NkZ2Z09sZ0lJdktFTXJ3YVJ0MnU3djJneVZPOVNVMG44c2pyVTJ6WkpYdkZacllJTkFCZjB4bFNoVVh5QXNmaWxiV1Q3T2NtUGxnWHFEdkwyR24weVZvcmhTdEZKMmhtYzE5cUF4YkgwUlNOamxOQT09 |
Piano, [irrelevant jazz sax], and cello; I'm in the process of learning flute and clari. | r/chambermusic | comment | r/chambermusic | 2010-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTTGt1OVNBUG94dGw1LUEzRnRPNkNXUy1peTlVVkQxM2V4WDBTbzd5cVNmUU03WnpSdVVPNGQxR2JoNTRFTUliZ0pWVFV5Zlh3Z0VrbVYwdWFna01jaXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfdW5YZzE5ZTJrclAzeWRUVEtsZF82M3Q3Q3lDTDhpMEdINmxpUzg0S2xhR25lX0JWV2lfSkpYZ1NUQ0pZNGhyOUVjX1JDSnpQM1JIWldsUVliQ1Y5ZEdtUUgxOFpuWlpCeE50TUphZDZNZWQ4aDBNak1GZmVQOGRvdkpYRWpncDk0R3hZcU55eFY2YVROWml4bkw2Sk84V182N0p2dlFMU0hueUZfVzduaHJjOEt6SVF3bmhialRzVnBOTjlvVWxqTklwTTc4TmM0M0I4aTU1ZWhLMWMyZz09 |
Jazz is still chamber music (I play jazz on the alto).
Do you jam with other musicians? What do they play? Cello really opens you up to a wealth of music. I'm working on short cello pieces right now. | r/chambermusic | comment | r/chambermusic | 2010-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTekVpY2NURUlCcHZHMWF5cndHV3FWTVRZV3FUWDZfUEZaUW1aOUhJT29tY3BjLUo2UHl6eU1vb2NBazdfa0x1RE12MlY4ODhOWldFbmtWajJSWUMtb3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfWkxIMllxNlNCeVp2NE8tSWZvYjVOcG9sa2h5Q1RwVnRUYnFmTFp5dDg3NER1WkFhNGhzbUxiWktsUGRLRzlpUUg1UVk3dUJxX0dqVlRSbWQwbkl5ZW1xdUV5MHpMZy1OSHptVFpqcExRRVFiX19XVjIyTGhMUy1rY0Z5dmcyNncyc2VUUGszR3NFUDk4RGQ4SG1WOFc1bDhDXzdLMjJESDVyQnV4QW4taWxKRm9WLUsydWZuNDFuR1pqVWwweTl6c3h1c0FaaUtvRXRjSnZ2MVRFQzdxUT09 |
Jamming is the best--really usually just do it on jazz stuff, and sometimes on piano.... I'm at a pretty musically-inclined school, so it's really not very hard to find people to play with. Piano duets are actually a lot of fun; we sometimes just see what people we can scrounge up and then check what music would work out on imslp. It's actually been a while since I've played hardcore cello, but I really miss it--it's just sometimes hard to find time for it between daily rehearsals on sax, piano stuff, and my composition stuff.
What all do you play? How do you find people to play with? | r/chambermusic | comment | r/chambermusic | 2010-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTZlo2UUluNjdUdkhPVUxJRmM0UVg2X0xDYTh3ci00MFpURmIxWExaYkFyTV9ZODRPYk9pTHVEQ0xOVlhESXE2cWhfSkdtNnBuUy1RSVRWamI3a3ZwRnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfOVBNU29WdFdCeUZBZXNWMEJYa1dMZjVYYVEwb2tPaDE5SkpnM1FPazBqMmhNOTJYNTllLTRPcFNBM0JUWUFmNzhJSVRGaTVVVmxMeWlVa01ZcS1KbUNBWTJwalpsM04tdlltUmRZN1N6dzFjRlVTdFBuX2IwZWpHZ1UxRmVaLUpCcTNxVGVlUXhuX0RreTNiVndnampocmtzZ3hRSXlrdFlPMW4zUER5dl90ak10MXhIdlBPVUFLQ0NkYXJjbEptbWxMRERCWml3a2NqTUhJVllFeEh6QT09 |
I recently moved to a new city, and I have befriended musicians, but not played with anyone yet.
I play alto sax, guitar, oboe and mandolin. In the last city I lived in I had a few friends that would play whatever we could come up with. Everything from imslp stuff to things I wrote or what we come up with my music composition game. I was also in a lounge band that practiced weekly and a duo jazz group for small paid gigs. It was a nice routine to keep me playing.
After organizing a concert of my works and those of peer composers last spring that is what I'm most interested in. Melodious music for a new time played by real people. I recently have been working on a suite for ob,clar,bsn. I love all of those instruments. I feel if I write it, they will come. I am 2 pieces into a 4 piece suite.
I've always gotten gigs and either put together small groups or organized/conducted groups. If you have some incentive (food, money) you can convince a music-playing college kid to do pretty much anything for an hour or two. So, write more music and get it played. One of my most successful pieces in college was called the 'Art March'. It was a 4 bar loop to be played walking into a stuffy art show (of which we weren't invited) and split every group of talking people, then march out. By the third time Art students were requesting us to do it. Every time I would just walk down to the practice rooms and start knocking on doors. People are willing when you have enthusiasm.
My advice to you is to organize a concert. It doesn't have to be sponsored by the school. It can be in a hallway, but organize it, make posters, conduct the practices and then just go and have fun. Extra kudos if you involve other peer composers to write too. Just find a few musicians and start running with it. | r/chambermusic | comment | r/chambermusic | 2010-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTZ1h1X2txRklnU2RpclFEUkxManBrRXpFaUZQWjdBSlljTWxKNFIxTk1pQUswQkNyS3FsRzNxSDBXTTFibE5IQnpDU1JwdHNuT01rNGNQV2R0NWxFcmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfNjRqbEdFMVBBZEdXVXRBd3lTdUZaVmlKUktNTU4zMWU2OXFTQTlVdlI5YlZiUWNnV3VUVTYzX3RfaHctUVlHamNpa2VyS2NmQjA4V29mN3VITmppcjcyajFPclVYME1jR2JfVVhyVzFNeUhoYTVfOW1jbF96MnJCWm1SVjQzNFJRQlMxMHhOWVhWbUhJZ3RmZFJqRWZUSnFsNTdpaEJPcHpsbkYzcVlCczdEcWw1QUxBb0dBMlNsMEFoUncycmU5dHdPRjJBZm1PLU9ncEd6S21LelB0dz09 |
Give r/tipofmytounge a go. Very helpful bunch! | r/p2p | comment | r/p2p | 2010-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpTRE1oZFR4UnF4NWxSVERYdFBPdUdQQmJDRnlXV0xwMEtRaXJlZERjMW9QMHhQbHdYZDRqQy00ZG5PanpPT1l3SlZxTHlxTWxsNHRvcTRuSmp5ZGQ3d1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5QeWpfeEp1U2dvNV9memp2dlhVVVZ4Mm4zbXg1Q29IM0J0MG0ySzJSb2lrSWpMYkpYOE5OVndsYkxrMFJqaTRyZFQ4OFl3blJieWliXy10SWN4b2sySk9vc29qb0NVQ3ZJc0MxNG5fY01oQURIRlk1dWlGcVZkU1VaSnY4bFFDTGhxS0w4QkExZDVYWHF2cl9LSFk5cEQ4VzNfNVhhYmRMNWNrV2g0bGVWNGlHYldCWU1EWXhmcGRRU0w0QUV2VFJWam1qdjF4ZUFVTjNlQzl6bFliVlBmaEJHUT09 |