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Republicans Change Policy For House Majority Leader US House Republicans are under attack for changing their party rules to protect House Majority Leader Tom Delay. The new rules would allow Delay to keep his leadership position even if he's indicted by a Texas Grand Jury.
11Top Stories
Argentine president blasts developed countries over climate change Argentine President Nestor Kirchner on Wednesday criticized developed countries for their lack of commitment to environmental protection.
EU Parliament forces names changes in Commission Former Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Manuel Durao Barroso said necessary changes must be made after postponing a crucial vote rather than face a veto, an unprecedented event in the history of European ...
Democrat Widens Lead in Washington Governor's Race (Reuters) Reuters - Democrat Christine Gregoire expanded her lead over Republican Dino Rossi to 130 votes to win the race for Washington state governor in a recount seven weeks after the election, officials said on Thursday.
Samsung demos future memory chips It's getting harder to shrink chips, but Samsung has prototypes that show that the relentless pace of the industry continues.
Gates denies NATO discontent over Afghanistan WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Thursday denied reports of discontent between Washington and NATO allies over Afghanistan, a day after a newspaper quoted him criticizing NATO's counterinsurgency skills.
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Sharon eyes swift evacuation of settlers JERUSALEM -- Prime Minister Ariel Sharon wants all 21 Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip evacuated at the same time instead of in three stages, officials said yesterday, reflecting a major shift in tactics in his pullout plan.
Huge leap in Asbo handouts PM to reveal that the number of antisocial behaviour orders in past 12 months is twice the total issued in the previous four years.
10Top News
If Writers Go on Strike, Viewers Can Expect More Shots of Reality Viewers may want to brace themselves for a lot of jury-rigged entertainment if writers and producers do not come to an agreement on a new contract by the end of the month.
Mubarak says Israel could free many Palestinians (Reuters) Reuters - Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said Israel may release more Palestinian prisoners than expected as part of a possible deal covering the release of an Israeli soldier held by Palestinians.
Redstone suit settled NEW YORK -- CBS Corp. and Viacom Inc. chairman Sumner Redstone has settled a lawsuit with his son, according to the online edition of the Wall Street Journal yesterday.
American missionary kidnapped in Haiti (AP) AP - Armed kidnappers seized an American missionary as he left his church near Haiti's capital and have demanded a ransom for his release, U.N. police said Monday.
State Officials Criticize Medicare Benefit Wording The nation's insurance commissioners say the Bush administration has made misleading statements about the new Medicare drug benefit in an effort to persuade people to sign up.
Forum faces world conflicts (AP) AP - Still grappling with how to keep the global economy out of a crippling recession, the World Economic Forum confronted the urgent need to bring peace and stability to global hotspots like Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Middle East.
Secretary for Resources Mike Chrisman to Announce $32.7 Million for California's River Parkways Secretary for Resources Mike Chrisman will announce grants totaling $32.7 million at an awards ceremony June 28 to help fund 35 statewide river parkway projects. The event will begin at 10 a.m. at Middle Sunrise Park at Sunrise Boulevard and South Bridge Street in Rancho Cordova.
EU vows to fight Aids epidemic The European Union says it will to redouble its efforts to avert an epidemic of HIV/Aids across Europe.
Mars orbiter looks down on rover Nasa's Opportunity Mars rover is pictured from space by the recently arrived Reconnaissance Orbiter.
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VW drops suicide ad Mental health organisations persuade carmaker to withdraw 'jumper' commercial.
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An Escape From the Slush Pile: A Web Site Tries Out New Comics DC Comics is launching an online imprint that will accept submissions from the public and pay for the best work that comes in.
Unrest forces oil prices higher Oil futures have jumped to their highest closing on record on the New York Mercantile Exchange, rising 76 US cents to $US49.64 dollars a barrel, as unrest in Nigeria and Saudi Arabia alarmed traders.
Napoli: litiga con un giovane, lo investe e lo uccide, fermato NAPOLI - Dopo un diverbio, probabilmente per questioni di viabilita', ha investito e ucciso un giovane 19 enne che era a bordo di un ciclomotore. E' accaduto la notte scorsa nel quartiere collinare del Vomero, a Napoli.
Palermo, 11:47 - CALCIO, PALERMO-INTER: DA DOMANI BIGLIETTI IN VENDITA Sono stati 8.300 i biglietti venduti in prelazione per la sfida Palermo-Inter di domenica. I taglia...
Sweden's former French Open finalist Norman retires Sweden's former French Open finalist Magnus Norman announced his retirement on Friday, citing a string of injuries for his decision.
Gucci owner takes control of Puma Gucci owner PPR takes effective control of Puma three months after offering to buy sportswear maker.
Sheridan's Malaprop and Friends Despite a zesty cast and a first-class production from Lincoln Center Theater, "The Rivals" is one of those classics that require reserves of patience and fortitude.
Ballmer security pitch leaves skeptics unswayed Cyber threats, chiefly viruses like NetSky and Sasser, make security an ongoing concern as it holds steady over software infrastructure as the third top priority.
11Top Stories
Parigi, 20:33 - CALCIO, EURO2008: DOMENECH VUOLE GIOCATORI A INIZIO MAGGIO Qualche modifica al calendario per poter preparare meglio gli Europei, dove nel girone C affronter&a...
Owen Wilson Returns Home Owen Wilson has returned to his California home after an apparent suicide attempt, according to reports. New photos show him looking red-eyed and scraggly, but friends insist the actor, 38, is on the mend. "Owen wishes he could be with us. We all...
New Linuxes, Old Problems I have had a frustrating few weeks with Linux. I've lost count of the number of installations I've done, and I don't want to think about the number of hours I've lost to troubleshooting.
Microsoft To OK One License for Multicore Chips Dual-core processors to be considered single chip, company says.
Verizon may lobby states on TV service rules Verizon Communications Inc.'s lead lobbyist said the company is likely to abandon efforts to pursue federal rules to ease the sale of television service if pending legislation fails this year.
Boy, three, buys car on internet A boy of three uses his mother's account to order a £9,000 pink Nissan on an internet auction site.
Kemira acquires Finnish Chemicals; becomes #2 supplier to pulp and paper industry Kemira Oyj will acquire all shares in Finnish Chemicals Oy from Erikem Luxembourg S.A., the acquisition vehicle for private investors led by PPM Ventures together with Montagu Private Equity and MB Funds.
Crime experts debate soil science The role soil plays in solving global crime is due to be discussed by international forensic experts in Edinburgh.
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Scorsese's "Departed" sets scene for Oscar rematch (Reuters) Reuters - Snubbed at the Oscars when "The Aviator" lost to Clint Eastwood's "Million Dollar Baby," Martin Scorsese has assembled a dream cast for his new movie "The Departed," setting the stage for a rematch with Eastwood.
ABN Amro chairman says Barclays bid too low (AFP) AFP - British bank Barclays' bid for Dutch bank ABN Amro is too low compared to the consortium bid, ABN Amro chairman Rijkman Groenink told a shareholders meeting Thursday.
A Haircut, With an Affair and Highlights of Support In the Beirut beauty salon where most of “Caramel” takes place, women of various shapes, sizes, ages and backgrounds gather to bond and gossip.
Tracy dives into first postseason Jim Tracy looked around the interview room deep in the bowels of Busch Stadium on Tuesday and drank in the experience. First playoff game as a Major Leaguer, coach or manager.
Kurdish rebels declare cease-fire with Turkey ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Kurdish guerillas have declared a unilateral cease-fire starting on Sunday following an escalation in violence in Turkey's southeast and a diplomatic drive against the separatist movement.
Bush Vows More Aid for Victims of Tsunami CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) - President Bush said on Wednesday the United States' initial grant of $35 million in the aftermath of the tsunami disaster in South East Asia was "only the beginning of our aid."
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Pollution: a death sentence for frogs and toads A THIRD of the world's frogs, toads and newts are on the brink of extinction thanks to pollution and loss of their habitat, a study published today warns.
Pitt and Aniston announce split Hollywood couple Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston say they have separated after "much thoughtful consideration".
Deposed Fiji PM leaves capital Fiji's ousted PM leaves the capital as the Pacific island faces international isolation following a bloodless coup.
Gates to push Iraq to speed reconciliation BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates will meet Iraqi leaders for talks in Baghdad on Saturday after criticizing what he called their disappointing progress in passing laws Washington views as critical to ending violence.
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Lawyers to resign in protest at Britain's anti-terror legislation (AFP) AFP - Lawyers representing suspects detained under Britain's anti-terrorism law are to resign in protest against the legislation, a few days after Britain's highest court described the law as illegal, newspapers reported.
NEWS ANALYSIS When British regulators abruptly shut down a Liverpool factory responsible for half the US flu-shot supply on Oct. 5, it was the worst of a string of setbacks for an ever-expanding American flu-shot program that relies on a dwindling number of suppliers.
11Top Stories
Consultazioni:Fini, si vada al voto Al Paese serve un governo che affronti i temi piu' urgenti
'Storm' Trojan horse taps into YouTube fever The Storm Trojan horse is now spreading by way of e-mail that includes a link to what appears to be to a YouTube video, security researchers said.
Nestle buys Novartis medical food unit for $2.5 bln (Reuters) Reuters - Nestle , the world's largest food group, is buying the medical nutrition business of Swiss pharmaceutical group Novartis AG for $2.525 billion, the companies said on Thursday.
AFRICA/ZAMBIA - Il nuovo sito Web delle Pontificie Opere Missionarie dello Zambia, strumento di formazione e animazione missionaria AFRICA/ZAMBIA - Il nuovo sito Web delle Pontificie Opere Missionarie dello Zambia, strumento di formazione e animazione missionaria Lusaka (Agenzia Fides)- È on line il nuovo sito Web delle Pontificie Opere Missionarie (POM) dello Zambia. Il sito Internet (http://www.pmszambia.org) Ú suddiviso in diverse aree tematiche tra cui quelle dedicate alle 4 Opere missionarie (Propagazion...
Rescue continues after UK floods LONDON, England -- A massive rescue operation is continuing for 15 people missing from a flood-ravaged coastal town in southwestern England.
Ukraine SBU denies poison plot UKRAINE'S SBU security service denied today that it had any role in the poisoning of opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko, favourite to win Sunday's rerun of a presidential election.
Ford’s August Sales Off 14% in U.S.; G.M. Up 5% Ford said it was hurt by a decline in showroom sales. G.M., meanwhile, said its domestic sales rose more than 5 percent and Nissan posted a 6.3 percent increase in U.S. sales.
Cardinals' bats will be too much for LA Though the St. Louis Cardinals and Los Angeles Dodgers have never met in postseason play, the battle beginning this afternoon between the National League Central and West division champs has
Nokia to buy photo-sharing site Twango (Reuters) Reuters - Nokia, the world's top mobile phone maker, said on Tuesday it would buy U.S.-based photo-sharing social networking site Twango (http://www.twango.com/), but did not disclose the price.
Ue: Pil Italia al 2% nel 2007 Commissione rivede al rialzo stime dello scorso novembre
Drogba considers quitting Chelsea (AFP) AFP - Chelsea's Ivory Coast striker Didier Drogba admitted Tuesday that he is tempted by a move to either Spain or Italy.
Benefit account launched for parents Money: A new account offering 7.25% interest to parents who save their child benefit payments has been launched.
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Ex-police chaplain on trial in Argentina (AP) AP - A former police chaplain went on trial Thursday, the first Roman Catholic cleric to be prosecuted on charges of complicity in deaths and disappearances during Argentina's 1976-83 military dictatorship.
PwC: software patents threat to Europe Few prepared for consequences
7Software and Developement
Seller of Telephone Records Settles FTC Charges Company that used pretexting to obtain and sell phone records and credit card information gives up ill-gotten gains.
Winehouse questioned over drugs Police question singer Amy Winehouse in connection with a video apparently showing her smoking crack.
Hike of the Week By The News Tribune, Tacoma, Wash. Sep. 21--Hike Description: This is a good family jaunt when you want a mixture of woods and water. This short trail takes you across the Carbon River on foot and log bridges, through the woods and to the falls.
To Eat and Drink What No One Has Tried Before Employees at a food lab cross-train as chefs, food scientists, engineers and marketing specialists to deliver products for clients.
Martial art benefit cheat tip-off A woman who claimed thousands of pounds in disability benefits attended martial arts classes, a court hears.
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Marines move to discharge protesting Iraq vet KANSAS CITY, Missouri (Reuters)- A U.S. military disciplinary panel on Monday recommended that a decorated combat Marine be involuntarily discharged after he joined an anti-war demonstration and spoke out against the Iraq war.
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Marche: muore per farmaco sbagliato Un componente le ha innescato un choc anafilattico
Elezioni afgane, Karzai: Il successo di un popolo KABUL - Le prime elezioni presidenziali dirette in Afghanistan sono state una vittoria per l’intera nazione, a dispetto delle controversie sulla legittimità del voto. Lo ha affermato il presidente ad interim Hamid Karzai in un’intervista alla Bbc.
Beijing expects four billion TV viewers for '08 Games BEIJING (Reuters) - Some four billion people are expected to watch the 2008 Beijing Olympics on television, a billion more than the Athens Games in 2004, state media reported on Wednesday.
Sharon Congratulates Abbas in Phone Call (AP) AP - Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday to congratulate him for his landslide victory in an election to replace Yasser Arafat, signaling Israel's readiness to work with the new Palestinian team after years of boycotting Arafat.
Gameworld: Videogames give actors second chance (Reuters) Reuters - You may know actor Keith David for starring opposite Kurt Russell in the 1982 horror film 'The Thing', or for his Tony Award-winning role in the 1992 production of 'Jelly's Last Jam'.
Musharraf Agrees to Resign as Army Chief ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Aug. 29 -- Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has agreed to step down as army chief as part of a broad and once-unthinkable agreement being finalized with his chief political rival, Benazir Bhutto, officials on both sides said Wednesday.
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Favre Leads Pack to Victory in 200th Straight Start For Brett Favre it was just another day at the office. In celebration of his record 200th straight start at quarterback, Favre threw three touchdown passes to help lead the Packers to a 45-17 win over the St.
Walkers Needed to Keep a Check on Condition of Forest Routes WALKERS are being urged to help maintain some o
FDA targets 20 over unapproved drugs (AP) AP - Manufacturers of unapproved extended-release cough and cold drugs that contain an expectorant called guaifenesin have until Nov. 25 to stop shipping the medicines, health officials said Friday.
Stocks to Watch on Wednesday, Sept. 29 CONOCOPHILLIPS COP.N :
Pitcairn men linked with 'a culture of sex abuse' are named His name is Steve Christian, and he is the mayor of Pitcairn Island and a descendant of Fletcher Christian, the Bounty's first mate.
11Top Stories
Washington Ends Slide and Upends U.C.L.A. Justin Dentmon, benched in favor of a freshman for most of the season, scored 20 points Sunday to lead previously wayward Washington to a 71-61 victory against No. 5 U.C.L.A in Seattle.
Australian growth beats forecasts Australia's economy grew faster than expected in the three months to June, fuelled by strong investment.
Roma, 14:47 - CALCIO: PM ESAMINANO INTERVISTA MOGGI A QUELLI CHE IL CALCIO La procura della Repubblica di Roma potrebbe acquisire il video con le dichiarazioni rilasciate ieri...
Takeoffs a problem for giant bird (AP) AP - Weighing in at 150 pounds or more, the all-time biggest bird couldn't just hop into the air and fly away, researchers say.
Can Skype Cash In On Free? NEW YORK - Skype Technologies made a name for itself providing a free Internet telephone program to users around the world. Now it's time to cash in.
Reports: Iraq Hostage Transferred to New Group The brother of British Iraq hostage Ken Bigley says sources in Kuwait believe his sibling is being transferred by hard-line extremists to another group.
Chiefs 34, Raiders 27 OAKLAND, Calif. - Trent Green nearly played a perfect half, tender ribs and all, to lead the Chiefs to an important comeback win. Green completed 14 of 15 passes after halftime for 229 of his 340 yards and
Photo Gallery: Giant Prehistoric Penguins Found Two species of ancient penguin have been uncovered in a Peruvian desert, including one that stood almost 5 feet (1.5 meters) tall, a new study reports.
IRobot's Latest Sweeper Goes Heavy Duty By Hiawatha Bray, The Boston Globe Sep. 13--IRobot Corp. of Burlington, the company made famous by its Roomba robotic vacuum cleaners, is now offering a $130 automated sweeper called Dirt Dog that's programmed to track down heavy dirt -- the kind on garage or basement floors.
Sanofi tops forecasts but Acomplia delay weighs PARIS (Reuters) - Sanofi-Aventis posted higher than expected fourth-quarter profits on Tuesday and predicted more growth for 2007, but a further delay in its key new anti-obesity drug Acomplia hit the shares.
Twins' Santana Wins AL Cy Young Award On AP Sports
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Bill Clinton to Have Heart Surgery in New York NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former President Bill Clinton was admitted to a top New York hospital on Friday for heart bypass surgery after experiencing chest pains and shortness of breath.
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Ex-Iran President Khatami gets U.S. visa (AP) AP - Despite intense disagreement over suspected nuclear weapons programs and terrorism, the Bush administration decided Tuesday to allow former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami to visit the United States.
Out of the rough Here are some rantings from the world of professional golf. Sort of. If you get time in the near future, think a good thought for Tiger Woods.
Dick and Dom up for Bafta double Saturday morning TV presenters Dick and Dom are nominated for two children's Bafta awards.
Video shows Madrid attack horror Video footage of the moment bombs exploded in a Madrid train station is released in Spain.
Stocks climb as oil falls By George Chamberlin , Daily Transcript Financial Correspondent. Investors once again shrugged off volatility in the oil patch Friday and pushed stock prices modestly higher.
Peru tells Japan Fujimori headed criminal group (AFP) AFP - Former president Alberto Fujimori, who is in exile in Japan, headed a "criminal organization" that murdered 25 people in the early 1990s, the Peruvian Foreign Ministry told Japan in support of an extradition request against Fujimori.
Shareholders to grill Rock board Northern Rock is likely to be grilled by shareholders over its sale process at a key meeting later on Tuesday.
Hamas Retaliates for Targeted Killing With Rocket Fire Hamas vowed revenge for the targeted killing of another of its members on Monday - launching a Qassam rocket that hit the Israeli city of Sderot on Monday without causing any injuries.
Telecom aumenta il canone dell'1,5% Contributo mensile passa da 14,57 a 14,80 euro
Powell's Middle East mission COLIN Powell arrived in Israel last night for his first visit in 18 months, signalling a new push for Middle East peace following the death of the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.
Sony recalls digital cameras over sensor glitch (AFP) AFP - Sony Corp. has said it would recall eight types of Cyber-shot digital cameras due to a defect, dealing a fresh blow to the company's reputation for quality as it struggles to get back on its feet.
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