class label
5 classes
Nintendo needs to work on the nunchuck a bit more don't get me wrong, i love this thing. the fealing is great and it's sleek. but it's a little slow when i play. for instance, i was playing the new Zelda game. it told me in order to do a spin attack, i had to shake the nunchuck. when i did it, i had to wait 1.5 seconds till link (the maIN character) actually did the spin atack. i think nintendo need to fix this problem
23 stars
Stellar performance of a classic Joe Morton's narrative performance of Ralph Ellison's great work ranks with the best. This novel (written in 1952- received national Book Award in 1953) about the evolution of one black young man's thoughts of his own identity and place in society contains many scenes whose impact was greatly strengthened by the nuance and force of Mr. Morton's performance.
45 stars
Der Roman der Archaeologie This is one of the best books I ever read. Reading it with 14 for the first time I didn't know very much about archeology. Through this book I got so interested in Archeology that I read many more books about ancient Crete, Egytpt, Greece, Sumer, and the Mexican civilizations. Although anyone who really is looking for exact facts can easily find them, it is not just a simple heap of facts. Its purpose was never to be a sober school book, but Ceram himself wrote that it is intended to be a "novel of archeology that shows the suspence in reality, but lets imagination sparkle". Masterfully written this book pays it's respect not only to the masterfinds but also to the masterminds of archeology. This book will open anyone's mind to appreciate this fascinating science.
45 stars
The Children's Book of America What a great book for children, I bought it for my granddaughter aged 7 and she loves it. She reads very well so she can even read it herself and seems to understand what it's about.
45 stars
who will like this book? In reading other reviews, I noticed that the 5 star reviews got their analyses right on the mark, while many 1 star reviews were lacking any appropriate criticism.One poor review said that the book could not decide if it was fantasy or parody. A parody, by definition, imitates another piece of work, and there is no other piece of work quite like this one. Peter S. Beagle simply knows what any good writer should know-- that a piece of writing will be boring if it focuses on one emotion or mood to the exclusion of all others. J. R. R. Tolkien and William Shakespeare knew the value of humor in a work which was not expressly written to be humorous, but it is Beagle who finds the perfect balance of humor and beauty in this novel which will take the reader through nearly every emotion there is. This is a book that does NOT make the mistake that all too many fantasy novels make-- taking themselves too seriously. The label "fantasy" does not have a set of laws stating that humor must be avoided at all costs.That said, you will like this book if:*you appreciate the amazing things that can be done with the English language.*you appreciate the amazing things that Peter S. Beagle can do with the English language.*you won't throw a hissy fit if the ending isn't perfectly happy.*you like unicorns.*you enjoy fantasy, but don't insist all fantasy be like Dungeons and Dragons.*you are a kid at heart.*you enjoyed the movie.*you can appreciate a humor which is sometimes subtle, sometimes obvious.*you like poetry.*you're looking for story that was written to be perfect, not to sell, and then sell a sequel.There is no sequel to The Last Unicorn, but at the end you will be wishing there were, not because of loose ends, but because the story is too beautiful to leave.
45 stars
Best in the series! (so far) I have enjoyed every book in this series. Since I've been reading them in order, I have one left to go (Holiday in Death), but so far, this was the absolute best! I used to read Sci Fi, then I switched to Romance, then I found this: tight, action-filled, police investigation starring a tougher-than-nails heroine and a gorgeous, loving, rich hero. In a futuristic setting!! Could I ask for anything more? In each book, I look forward to the fabulous "gadgets" of the year 2058: the Autochef, the voice-controlled shower, etc. I adore Eve. I adore Roarke. I adore them together. But this book seemed to show them in even more depth. Without giving too much away, my favourite scenes were THE FIGHT, where (for once) Roarke stands up for himself and doesn't let (Darling) Eve bully him. The scene was heartwrenching, funny ("neurotic snits") and sexy. The explosion scene was gripping, the raspberries on the bed scene was howlingly funny and the car speed chase took my breath away. Read every book in the series! In order! Get to know Eve and Roarke slowly. You won't regret it. They never fail to satisfy. I'm on to the next one - Holiday in Death.(P.S. They are quite gory, so be prepared. Skip over the really yucky parts.)
45 stars
No Place Like Home To begin with I had a crush on Judy Garland when Iwas a kid. I thought that the Wizard of Oz was herbest picture and of course it was her most memorable.Generations of kids and adults have enjoyed thismove and will continue to do so. Its a great movieto watch with someone or just snuggle up with a bowlof pop corn and enjoy it. Super movie.
45 stars
Morris has done it again. Morris has written another book on a subject all have stereotypes of, yet few know about. He rejects lowering him self to popular supposition though careful chronology and analysis to bring the reader from the beginning of American Catholic Church to the present conflicts and resolutions. A must read for those who have experienced the various Catholic institutions examined in this history and for those who have marveled at their effectiveness in a areas in life across the country.
45 stars
A risk that really succeeded The Walking with Dinosaurs team could probably have contented itself with producing spinoffs for a long time. They made one special -- "Allosaurus" -- which basically seems to be a seventh episode that didn't get included in the earlier series. If they went on producing half-hour dinosaur shows for years, they'd have had me for an audience.They didn't do that, though. Instead they traded on their success with dinos to make this great series about prehistoric animals after the dinosaurs. One of the producers mentions, in the "making of" documentary on disk two, that they knew they'd have to do the dinosaurs first because those were popular enough to draw money and attention. They seem to have made "Beasts" because they were just plain interested. Thank goodness someone's letting curiosity drive the work, you know?This series works a lot like "Walking with Dinosaurs" did. There are six episodes, and each one's a storyline involving a particular species of animal and the world in which it lives. There's no "talking head" side to these shows; they're nonstop film of the (animated) animals living in their worlds, without other graphics. Kenneth Branagh narrates them very much like any other animal documentary, only you're seeing reconstructions of extinct animals instead of lions or elephants. The camera work is skilfully made to work like shots from modern nature shows, with a few minor conceits from the cgi animators thrown in for fun.The "Walking" team really raised the bar for themselves here, though. First, for some reason prehistoric mammals don't knock people out the way dinosaurs do. A couple of years ago a Japanese team announced it was trying to produce a real, live mammoth, but nobody's making movies in which a series of ... scientists get lured out to an island for mammoths to stomp on them, you know? Then too, people know how a lion or tiger looks when it moves, so animating a saber toothed cat is going to be harder to pull off, leaving alone the primates. Also, and it's a simple thing, mammals have hair, which is hard to make right on a computer.Well, it works again. The shows are wonderfully written, with an extremely good sense of timing and a nice range to each episode. The animals are stunning. Seeing a brontotherium browsing the shrubs is just dazzling. There's almost more evolutionary interest to this one, too, because we're seeing lots of animals that have modern relations. Glyptodonts, car-sized armadillo relations, are a kick to see bumbling around in company with giant ground sloths and smilodon, the largest saber tooth.The shortcomings of Beasts are pretty similar to those of Dinosaurs. A couple of more typical documentaries on the second disk make up for the lack of hard core paleontology. The payoff of the documentary approach is worth underplaying the material you can find in more traditional programs and books. There might be a little less money behind this than the earlier show; the worlds we see are a little less lushly populated, with a handful of highlighted species the only ones we see. My only real reservation, though, would be that the complexity of human origins suffers. That's one story I don't think you can gloss over the scientific debate for... maybe another entire series would really be better.So, what I'm asking for is more. Another series, please. And I trust you to stretch yourselves, out of curiosity, to give us something even better.
45 stars
Riveting series! So far this has been an incredible series. If you are interested in knowing the life styles and passions of the people in the Bible these are the books for you. You must read the whole series though. I had the others in hard back. Just can't put it down once you get going. I highly recommend this for any one who wants to know more about the people in the Bible. Historical fiction at it's best.
45 stars
bah. i wasn't exactly happy with these knives. i purchased a hard annodized cookware set at the same time i purchased these knives, and only one of the two orders deserves five stars, and it's not this one. the knives arrived dull, and i spent two hours sharpening them with the sharpening iron, only to have them dulled again in a few days. on top of that, they had rust spots on them in under a week. now i know i'm on a college budget, but even at that, you should be able to afford a better knife set than this. also, check the warrenty period. i think this one only had the warrenty for the same time as the return period at Amazon.com
01 star
Hilarious Anyone who rated this low has a dry to no sense of humor. It's comic genius. There are very few comedies that keep me laughing throughout the entire movie. I recommend it to anyone who's looking to have a good laugh. If you want a serious movie then this is one star. But anyone who knows how to laugh will love this movie.
45 stars
Excellent Translation: Smooth and Poetic Fitzgerald's masterful translation, in my opinion, accurately captures the mood, feeling and poetic style of Homer. Because the novel wasn't around when Homer was, and because Fitzgerald's translation stays true to the poetic style, the epic poem comes off feeling more authentic. The plot moves, is easy to understand, and Fitzgerald captures the numerous Homeric similes. Those not familiar with mythology may first want to gain a basic knowledge of it before reading this book. It is suggested by me that a basic knowledge of ancient greek writings, like Homer's, is helpful because of allusions made to them in works of so many other authors like Chaucer and Shakespeare. This is the translation to get!
45 stars
The Tanu Run the Show Tens of thousands of Humans from the twenty-second century have given up their lives to pass through the one-way time portal to Pliocene Earth in the hopes for a better life only to find the land ruled by an alien race known as the Tanu. Using their powerful metapsychic functions and a cadre of Human loyalists, the Tanu completely control Pliocene Europe. But now emboldened by their victory over the Tanu city of Finiah at the end of the previous book, a group of Humans, Firvulag (the Tanu's ritualistic foe) and wayward Tanu begin to plot the overthrow of the aliens' grip on power.The Golden Torc continues the exploits of "Group Green". The eight individuals who stepped through the time portal together and were thrust into a situation none of them were expecting. While the author elects to focus the majority of the story on these eight time-travelers, I found it difficult to follow their intertwined journeys. They were characters on a storyboard...and while the story was somewhat interesting I wanted not only more depth about these eight Humans, I also wanted to get to know Tanu and Firvulag characters better as well. Let me be clear, while the author did a reasonable job of clarifying her characters' motivations, the minutia associated with the plot development simply overwhelmed any chance for me to establish a personal connection with the characters. In a world where beings can reach into each others' minds at a whim, I found it difficult to get inside many of the characters' heads. I kept wanting to feel more for these people that were thrust into such a peculiar and interesting situation...While I am looking forward to picking up the third installment of May's Exiles at some point in the future, I am hoping that the plot doesn't overwhelm characters that I truly want to get to know better.
23 stars
Love it but the plastic around the lens has a crack in it. This is my first camcorder/digital camera and I really love it but.. there was a hairline break in the plastic around the lens that got bigger when you put the lens cap on and off. Now I have to return it for a new one. Very dissapointed that I have to return it. Want another one like it but I'm afraid of it cracking again. Haven't had it that long.
34 stars
The Two Towers The Two Towers continues at the point where the first book ends; Frodo leaves the fellowship to travel to Mordor with only his faithful friend Sam as his companion. Merry and Pippin have been taking captive by orcs sent by Saruman. Aragorn decides to leave Frodo to his quest and to follow the orcs in hopes of rescuing Merry and Pippin. The Two Towers is divided into two parts; the first part tells the tale of Aragorn, Gimly, Legolas, Merry, and Pippin while the second part of the book talks about the journey of Frodo and Sam. I found the first part of the book really enjoyable; this is where most of the action was and where the story became more interesting. I felt the second part of the book was a little dull, mostly consisting of tedious description. It didn't hold my interest as well as the first part of the book.During the first part of the book Aragorn's pursuit of the orcs leads him, Gimly, and Legolas to Fangorn forest where Gandalf makes his triumphant return. The four of them travel to the land of Rohan to speak with King Théoden who is currently under the control of Saruman. After Gandalf breaks his Saruman's hold the people of Rohan flee to Helms Deep to prepare a defense against Saruman's army.Meanwhile, Merry and Pippin's encounter an Ent, kind of walking, talking tree, named Treebeard. Merry and Pippin learn of the Ent's hatred of the orcs and Saruman because of the harm that they were bringing to the forest. The Ent's agreed that Saruman must be stopped and they begin their march on Isengard after Saruman has sent his army to attack Helms Deep.There were many exciting and interesting events that happened in the first part of the book. I especially enjoyed Aragorn's pursuit of the orcs; it truly demonstrated his skills as a ranger. He was able to deduce several events that took place by simply analyzing various tracks and imprints on the ground. During this pursuit Tolkien also describes Legolas' keen senses. Legolas was able to see across great distances and make out minor details. Tolkien also mentions the great endurance that Gimly and other dwarves possess. Gimly was able to run for long periods of time without resting or getting short on breath.This was one aspect that I thought Tolkien improved on in his writing. He began to write about some of his characters in greater detail. I've always thought that his characters were interesting and now that I began to learn more about them I've come to like them more. Stories with interesting characters are far more enjoyable than stories that are entirely driven by their plots. When the characters are more interesting I become more concerned with the events surrounding them, making me more interested in the plot.This was on reason that I didn't find the second part of the book as enjoyable as the first. It didn't have the same level of excitement as the first. Much of it was tedious description of every rock and plant Sam and Frodo passed as they continued on their journey. The main reason that I was interested in the second part of the book was because of Gollum, who I thought was another very interesting character.Gollum was in possession of the ring for so long that it gave him an unnaturally long life and corrupted his mind. He practically had split personalities. His "better" half was Sméagol, or who he used to be before he found the ring. His more evil and selfish side was Gollum, one who desired to have the ring above all else. Gollum wasn't a villain when compared to Sauron or Saruman, nor was he a hero. He was a poor twisted soul that had been corrupted by the ring's evil power.Gollum became bound to the ring; it was something that he had to have and he followed Frodo throughout most of his journey just to get it back. When Gollum finally encounters Frodo and Sam they capture Gollum. Like Bilbo, who had encountered him long ago, Frodo couldn't kill Gollum. Instead Frodo spares him. Gollum swears to serve his new master, Frodo, and to guide them to Mordor. Sam is unsuccessful in his attempt to get Frodo to either kill Gollum or leave him behind and shortly after the three continue on their journey.I found their journey dull for the most part because it didn't really compare to the journey that the others experienced in the first part of the book. It wasn't until towards the end of the book did Frodo and Sam's journey become more interesting. Gollum had led the two hobbits to Shelob's liar in an attempt to reclaim the ring. Shelob is a giant spider creature that had existed on Middle Earth since almost the beginning of time. Once Gollum leads them to the lair he leaves the two hobbits in the dark as pray for Shelob. I thought this was an interesting change of pace because it portrayed Sam as a hero and he displayed the same courage that Aragorn and the others displayed in the battle of Helms Deep.Overall I felt that the Two Towers was a good story but I thought it would've been better if Tolkien had made Frodo and Sam's subplot alternate with the subplot of Aragorn and the others instead of separating the book into two sections. It was hard for me to change from the great suspense of Aragorn's pursuit, the battle of Helms Deep, and the Ents siege on Isengard, to a much slower pace story. If they hadn't been done separately the story would've been much better in my opinion because there wouldn't be such a large change of pace between the two parts of the book. However, I still felt that this was a great story.
45 stars
Franklin's Own Story of Himself Though B. Franklin was writing his journals in the language of his time, he still gives the reader great insight into what it takes in both ambition and preparation to succeed. His autobiography has appeal for both the adult reader and the teenage reader. He gives an in-depth glimpse into how the Revolutionary War period has affected our country down to the present day. This book is a must read.
45 stars
What's not to love! This is the ultimate family movie! Excellent music, beautiful cinematography and easy story-line that children of all ages can follow. We love it so much that we have the soundtrack now for the car-- and how fun for our young family to be able to sing along as we go about our own adventures!
45 stars
Works GREAT!! This clock works great in my babies room-I set the sleep timer to play rainshower at night and and nap. No regrets here!
45 stars
vac bags Just what I needed. Couldn't get them in the store so was glad I could find them on line.The price was ok and I liked that it had free shipping. Great
45 stars
Stupid! This was the most horrific acting I've seen in a long time! And I don't think it had to do with the actors personally, but the dialogue from the script and the story/plot line. It was hard to like or feel connected with any of the characters- and half the time you're thinking- what are they doing? I just wanted the movie to end and it felt like it never was going to. Some advice-Don't waste your time or money on this one-unless you're really desperate for a movie to rent.
01 star
a no go I read all the reviews and decided that for the price that this product was being sold I would risk it.It is a really odd product. It will recognize my phone and upload all of my phone and calendar details but when I try to use it to input information it all of a sudden gives me this 'failed to connect with mobile' message.I am really disappointed with the difficulty this 'convenient' software has caused me.
01 star
Tasty sauce, not amazing ~ and no preservatives!! I enjoyed this mango ginger habanero sauce: with 28 servings in a bottle, the 13 g of sugar & 35 g of sodium & 50 calories sound very reasonable, as long as you don't use a lot of the sauce at one time: sugar is listed as the second ingredient though, so we all know what that means: it's in there in a pretty large quantity. I really like the fact that there are no preservatives, which makes me want to use the sauce more often than others that DO have all those bad-for-me preservatives. It was pretty sweet, with a little bit of heat/spice coming up from behind: I would say with this sauce, a little goes a long way: I would only use a little at a time...The flavor of this sauce was good: I ate some on chicken wings (not spicy) and also on sweet potato fries: I enjoyed it, but the sauce didn't really blow me away: it wasn't hot enough for my tastebuds, and just didn't have enough flavor for me. The flavor that was there was nice though, so no complaints here, I just enjoyed Fischer & Wieser's Roasted Raspberry Chipotle sauce so much more! I think this sauce would really work with a variety of meats or vegetables: I would recommend this sauce from my experience with it so far, for those who want sweet without much kick...
34 stars
Don't do it!!!! The first two are wonderful but don't waste your time or money on the Continuing Story. It is awful, isn't even similar to the books and she does very un-Anne like things. Not worth it at all and very disappointing!
01 star
LOOKS LIKE IT CAME OUT OF DICKENS ERA Probably the most critically lauded version of Dickens' classic tale of redemption is the 1951 production starring Alastair Sim as Scrooge. You might remember him and his bad teeth as headmistress Fritton in THE BELLES OF ST TRINIANS. If you have never seen this version, it is now a fully restored Blu-ray disc and worth finding for the permanent library of holiday films.
23 stars
Unique is the word! This album does not sound like anything else, it is quite unique. I see people call it R&B; and Soul but I don't find at all as I can hardly listen that kind of music. I cannot find connections to any group. Definitively alternative.Songs have catchy melodies, but suddendly somewhere in the song, they all degenerate in a hard and inharmonic way. I think it fit pretty well with the lyrics which are very self-degenerating and not harmonic with the general conception of love. You really have to listen to understand. Avoid "when we two parted" and "I keep coming back".
45 stars
Topsy Turvy at the beginning the Topsy Turvy was fairly easy to assemble. The plants are little now so it is hard to tell how they are going to do
34 stars
Decent story with good action Great display of Taylor Lautner's ability. Not a bad movie. Some good action, but movie could have been better. Worth watching once.
23 stars
Best End Times Fiction As the first book in a trilogy, "In His Image" sets the stage for the two books that follow. An intriguing plot, and well-developed characters combined with pain-staking research combine to make this perhapse the finest End-Times novel. This book (as do the others in the trilogy) reads like a mystery, a techno-thriller, and a science fiction novel all rolled into one. I'd give it five stars except for the mild profanity. You'll probably want to think twice before using the Christ Clone Trilogy in a Bible study.
34 stars
Nas Is Back On Nasir Jones' third LP "I Am..." he brings it back to where he left off on "Illmatic" the classic Nas LP. I would be giving this 4 1/2 stars but this site won't let you. Nas's official come back tune, the first real song, "NY State Of Mind 2" is a sequel to "NY State Of Mind" Off of "Illmatic". He brings it back to the roots of Hip Hop here with the track done by DJ Premier. On his lead single "Nas Is Like" he shows how he went from rugged Nasty Nas to big willie, Nas Escobar, then to just plain Nas. His other best tracks are, "Favor For A Favor" featuring Scarface, "Small World", "Undying Love", and "Big Things". The only minor slip is "Hate Me Now". OK, a little FYI for dope rappers like Nas himself, PUFF DADDY IS TERRIBLE, DO NOT USE HIM IN YOUR SONGS. The hook on this is just flat out annoying. But besides that this album is close to classic. Check out "I Am" if you wanna hear Nas the way he used to be.
34 stars
Simple and Trippy ...Just the way I like it ... Let me make this short ... if you like trippy movies, and getting a bit scared, without all the gross gore .. This is a movie for you. ITS GOOD ...but really just go out and rent it .. reading these reviews get you nowhere unless you check it out for yourself ... then if you like it .. buy it on amazon, like me=) Laters!!
45 stars
Do not purchase this DVD I read the book that this movie is based on a long time ago and I thought that I would enjoy the movie. So, without having seen it before, I bought the DVD. What a total waste... To put it another way, I have purchased 140+ DVDs and I consider this movie to be the worst. Specifically, this movie is too long and David Bowie's character (the main character) is just too wierd.
01 star
Awesome The best thing, in my humble opinion, is to be able to watch back to back episodes without commercial breaks and having to wait a week to find out what happens next. I like to wait until the season is over and then purchase the season online and watch at my leisure. It's fast, easy and inexpensive. The quality is crisp, and this show will entice all horror movies lovers, such as myself. Enjoy!!!
45 stars
The Best Bob Marley CD out there This is my favorite album ever. Every song on this compilation is amazing and great to listen to. It is just an incredible cd. Buy it.
45 stars
Memeories I love this CD, i used to have it when it first came out, but I don't remember what happened to it. I am going to order a new one from here and this is a good Bass CD better than the second one that came out.
45 stars
Worthwhile for fans I've always heard that Television was an amazing live act that did a lot of improvisation. It's nice to be able to hear a bit of what they sounded like live since I've only heard the studio albums and never saw them. This CD gives a bit of an impression of what they must have been like live. Sometimes they seem spot on, sometimes seem to be struggling to meet the (enthusiastic) audience's expectations. Robert Christgau, in his Record Guide, expressed surprise and joy that a great live band managed to make good studio albums, and actually surpass their live act. For people who only know the studio albums, the live stuff is a bit of a comedown, but still worth hearing for fans. The sound quality is audible and fairly clean, but sounds like it was recorded with one mike in the middle of the stage.
23 stars
Well crafted star vehicle The Criterion DVD is an EXCELLENT restoration. Well worth the money compared to the quality of other transfers. A witty script and great star chemistry from Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant.
34 stars
Fantastically Celtic This album has everything a fan of the Celtic rythms could ask for. It speaks to you of a fantasy time gone by. It brings you right to the mood of the story and lets you dream. A wonderful piece for your collection.
34 stars
the best mix yet As you know that the lyricist Lounge is known for it's selection of artist, mixtapes , Cd's and now it's phat mix DVD. Yes! this DVD not only provide a reason to play, but a reason to keep it playing. Mixed very well by Dj Spinbad. Once played it's adictive flavor set the mood for rollin', reminiscin', and Clubbin'. It's a tribute to Classic Hip Hop, that leaves you wanting more...Hope it is not the 1st of it's kind nor thee last.Note*(The Lyricist Lounge DVD provides a play selection of mixed and unmixed versions of the DVD tribute).
34 stars
Never Seen This Before! I am a movie addict. I've been to so many movies it is bizarre. I am 50 years old. I want to say I've seen at theaters and rented thousands of movies in my life. I think I am pretty accurate in that statement.However, I witnessed in the summer of 1998 something I had never witnessed in ANY movie I have ever seen.I had already seen Saving Private Ryan in my hometown.My father which was on the first wave of Omaha Beach had also seen the movie and he was deeply moved. He is still alive at 86 years old. He was captain of the medical corps and actually picked the location where the American troops would be buried in France just off the beach as depicted in the movie. He had nothing to do with the memorial but he did pick the location.After seeing the movie in my hometown I went on vacation in the summer of 1998 to Colorado. While staying with some friends in Fort Collins we went one night to see Saving Private Ryan at the local theater. This is what happened that I have NEVER seen before after watching a movie.When the film ended.......not.....one......single.....person....got up to leave while the credits were rolling! NOT ONE!The theater was packed! It was a LARGE theater. Only when the house lights came on did people begin to quietly get up to leave.I have never seen this in any movie I have ever seen in my life. I have seen many people stay for credits while some leave. But never the entire packed audience stay put in their seats. Every SINGLE PERSON stayed in their seats.I don't think I will ever see this occur again in ANY movie.This should tell you something about Saving Private Ryan.
45 stars
best movie This is a wonderful movie and I have looked everywhere to buy it. Apparently is not on DVD but is a great family movie...
45 stars
A Wonderfully Simply Road to Sucess & Respect I am only 18 years old, yet have been given the wisdom most don't recieve until much later in life. This may not guarantee you become Bill Gates, but I assure you it will give you the tools needed for financial stability and satisfaction. I HIGHLY recommend this to anyone that is intersted in staying debt free, and retiring a financilly happy person.
45 stars
excellent pump ! works great ... installed easily ... does what it says ... strong little sucker ! only wish I have was that it was adjustable ... water height (pressure) ... other than that ... price, craftmanship and ease of installation ... would definitely buy again.
45 stars
Sturdy, solid, nice design laundry center This is a very well made laundry cart and hamper, and it should last a lifetime. The instructions are very good for putting it together, and it is well designed in that respect. I wish the wheels were a little bigger. But I am impressed with the overall quality.
45 stars
Persuasion is a great movie With all the renewed interest in Jane Austin period pieces due to the recent release of Pride and Prejudice (Kiera Knightly) - folks should really check out this beautiful star-crossed love story. Ciaran Hinds and Amanda Root are absolutely fabulous! I just never wanted it to end!
45 stars
Even 1 star may be too much! I ordered this product through Amazon because I have always had GREAT success with them. However, as with Bonnie's review on this item, I also received from the vendor a returned already opened item which I had to return because it could not be programmed for a security code. As usual, Amazon shipped me a replacement within 1 day (awesome!!), but the new safe would also not program a security code. Love Amazon, but will never own a Honeywell item.
01 star
Unbelievable Absolutely awesome. If you like U2, if you like Joshua Tree, this is a must-own. Drop twenty and pick this up.
45 stars
Not worth the time for me.. If you are looking for a place to start to get into linux... first of all FC3 is outdated already. FC5 is out now. Second of all, if you are new to linux, Ubuntu linux may be an easier distro to start with. Theres a huge online support community and its very user friendly in my opinion. Since I was already used to Red Hat, some of the Ubuntu quirks were strange for me. But for a beginner, I think Ubuntu is superior.I have a few machines running FC3 already and I thought this might be a good reference book. Turns out I already knew most of the book already, and I also know where to get help online for anything else. So I shouldn't have wasted my time.. ah well.
01 star
Murder in War Time Britain-- Miss Silver to the Rescue The Pilgrims have not been having a good War. Pilgrim Pater was killed in a riding accident while his son Roger was overseas and just after he had broke the entail to sell his white elephant of a house, Pilgrim's Rest. Captain Jerome is a semi-invalid due to his psychological response to the wounds he received at Dunkirk-- thank goodness for his devoted nurse who tries so hard to keep him from becoming excited. Nephew Henry Clayton who had worked for the Information Ministry disappeared on the eve of his wedding to a local heiress between the time he was observed leaving his house and the front door of his fiance's house a few dozen yards away. Jack was taken prisoner by the Japanese in Singapore and his fate is unknown.When Roger comes home to Pilgrim's Rest to wind up his father's affairs though, he barely escapes two nearly fatal accidents that might have been attempts on his life. On the advice of an old friend who works for Scotland Yard he asks Miss Silver to come to his home and investigate the situation there. Miss Silver, of course, is only too delighted.There's lots of stuff crammed this mystery which keeps the interest. However, there are some negatives including an overly precious child. The darling Penny talks in a way I can't imagine even British WWII toddlers talking, lisping adorable little things as she charms one and all. She luckily is removed a safe place about half way through the book.Finally, the resolution of the plot relies way too much on intuition, coincidence, and a villain who can't keep quiet. Of course the villain sticks out a mile as well.However, if you like British cozies where spinster detectives knit jumpers and socks as she searchs for clues and is always one step ahead of the police then grab this one.
23 stars
The Best Action Movie EVER You need to see this movie. PLEASE SEE THIS MOVIE. Ever since I saw this in the theater I have been obsessed with it. I bought it on video, and now I'm in the process of buying the Propellerheads album, because of their song in the movie 'Spybreak'. Laurence Fishburn has got to be one of the best actors around today. The special effects are absolutely incredible and the story line is top-notch. All I'm waiting for now is The Matrix 2 and 3.
45 stars
Fabulous! Excellent, excellent book! The writing style is what I'd call conversational, and very easy to read. I often found myself nodding my head in agreement or even chuckling at some of the things to which I could relate. This woman knows me. Wrote this book for me. Lord knows finding the "want to" part of losing this weight and getting healthier has been the hardest part of it all. With "Personal Reflections" at the end of each chapter, this book makes it very easy for its readers to digest what's being shared and find a way to use it to make a difference. This book is inspiring and an excellent companion to any woman's quest to lose extra weight and live a healthier life.
45 stars
Superb Adaptation of a Victorian Romance This BBC miniseries is an adaptation of the novel by Elizabeth Gaskell. She was still writing the book in 1865 when she died unexpectedly at the age of 55. The last few pages of the story were completed from her notes.In this miniseries the protagonist, Molly Gibson, is played by Justine Waddell who we also see in The Woman in White, based on the Victorian novel by Wilkie Collins. Molly was living a pleasant and simply life with her widowed father (Bill Paterson), the area doctor, until he decides to remarry. The new wife brings her daughter into the marriage and thus begins the heart of the story.Wives and Daughters is set in the early Victorian period. Some have criticized this production as slow and stiff but I believe it compares well with the 1996 BBC/A&E; version of Pride and Prejudice and surpasses the 1985 BBC version. Even a good modern book is difficult to adapt to a movie. Victorian literature, written for a slower period and for people who had the leisure to read, took time to develop plots and characters. This four episode, 375 minute, miniseries takes that time. Also, we must remember that this is not a miniseries about the Victorian era, it is a largely faithful adaptation of a Victorian novel. Elizabeth Gaskell was Victorian and she was writing about Victorians. These people were more reserved, at least in public, than we are today.The novel leaves much of the future unresolved. Today we would say there is ample room for a sequel. However, the miniseries ends the story in the style of Jane Austen. Having said that I will conclude with, if you like adaptations of Jane Austen novels you should enjoy Wives and Daughters.Recommendation: This is an excellent adaptation of Gaskell's novel. For fans of Victorian literature or movies this is a `must have,' for your collection. This older edition is unavailable butWives and Daughtershas been re-released. I recommend it.Kyle Pratt
45 stars
Smart humor By noe, you certainly know this and its sequels are vampire spoofs--written, I think, before that true horror, the Twlight series, hit the stores. But all the funnier because of it. Moore knows how to deliver a good line and a sympathetic character, but from my perspective, he didn't get this popular just because of that. He is so sharp about sketching the pretentious foibles of people like the wannabe vampiress, and even whole places (and what town is more full of pretentious foibles than SF?).It's the different between jokes and wit, and Moore has both, actually.What a delight to have him around and not undead, a treat to see a new book of his land at the bookstore.
45 stars
Adorable It is unfortunate that one is unable to enjoy this book without comparing it to Jane Eyre or Wuthering Heights; however, it holds it own beauty.I was delighted with the baby sitting scenes and found myself laughing with the narrator, and also feeling all of her pain and anguish.She's "lighter" than her sisters and the ending reminds me a little of a Jane Austen novel. I may even compare her to Louisa May Alcott. I was pleasantly surprised.
34 stars
The Johnston era's finest Doobie album One of the band's finest albums, "Stampede" features a loose concept tied into the old west. The last stand for Doobies founder Tom Johnston as the creative center of the band, "Stampede" sounds extremely good. If it has been remastered (and I haven't done an A/B comparison to the previous edition), it doesn't say so on the album packaging anywhere. It's possible these remasters were all done at the same time as the Doobies box set and the tracks on that set and this one do sound similar. Either way, the album sounds terrific (and contrary to other reviewers who bashed the first CD issue of this, that one sounded good as well with terrific dynamic range. A lot of music lovers confuse louder and compressed with sounding better. It isn't. The life is usually squeezed out of it and its usually "brickwalled" which means that the lows and highs are roughly the same because there's nowhere sonically for the music to climb to).The songs by Johnston and Simmons are among their best. Patrick Simmons checks in with his stunning epic "I Cheat the Hangman" (inspired by the short story "An Occurence at Owl Creek" about a hanging)which has a brilliantly arranged coda featuring a haunting choir, a brilliant horn solo and string arrangement that makes this the band's "A Day in the Life". Simmons also has a number of other strong tracks (including "Neal's Fandango") but this is the stand out cut on the album for him. It's followed by the moody solo guitar piece "Precis" written by newest member Jeff "Skunk" Baxter (former member of Steely Dan)that provides a nice, quiet coda the intense closer. Simmons also provides a solo guitar piece "Slack Key Soquel Rag" (Simmons overdubbed all the guitars. The song was misprinted "Slat" on the original album cover)that's also a nice counterpoint to "Music Man" (and closed out the original first side of the album).Johnston checks in with a handful of strong songs including the opening track "Sweet Maxine" (co-written with Simmons. Johnston supplied the lyrics and sings the song ably backed by Simmons)with the rollicking bar piano playing of Little Feat's Bill Payne front and center. Johnston's "Rainy Day Crossroads Blues" is equally impressive but "Music Man" with strings arranged by Curtis Mayfield provides us with a powerful example of why Johnston's soulful vocals make him one of the most underrated singers around. Incidently, the three guitar attack of Johnston, Simmons and Baxter gives this album a feeling that occasionally echoes The Allman Brothers but with that unique Doobies sound behind it.The highlight aside from these tracks is Johnston's brilliant performance of the cover tune "Take Me In Your Arms" which the band makes its own. Johnston's soaring, soulful vocal helped carry this cover tune to #11 on the charts for the band as a single. Surprisingly while there were other singles (among them edited version of "Sweet Maxine")none of them cracked the top 20.The plus sides of the equation for this reissue are many--the album is presented in nearly an exact replica of the original vinyl release from 1975 including the lyrics on the inner sleeve with the CD inside a thin plastic holder to protect it from scratches (ah if the U.S. would only do that...)and the packaging is a replica of the original gatefold sleeve. It's a terrific recreation. The label of also recreates the label that Warner used during the 70's. The Japanese edition of this also includes a booklet with the lyrics in English and Japanese (as well as notes on the album NOT translated). Some of the lyrics are mistranslated from what I can recall but it's not as bad as some I've seen.As with all Doobie albums the playing is top notch throughout. Johnston would remain a member through "Takin' It To The Streets" (contributing one very good song to that album and trading vocals with Simmons on "Wheels of Fortune") and "Livin' On The Fault Line" but Johnston's health problems (he suffered from ulcers and other stomach ailments)made this his last album (before the reformed Doobie line up in the 80's)with the band as a major creative force. It's a brilliant album highly underrated (why The Allman Brothers receive all the praise they do, Eagles and the Doobies do not is beyond me).This is a classic album that combines, rock, R&B; and country rock in a potent mix. This is highly recommended.
45 stars
Good, solid advice. This book is for the spouse who is trying hold the marriage together while the other one wants out. It focuses heavily on infidelity and dealing with that monster, but even if you are not in that boat, it has plenty of sound advice.
34 stars
Cheating Ruins the Game All in all, there is actually very little to praise in Monopoly 3. The music is dull and after a few minutes begins to grate. The voices are annoying from the very start. The game, as noted in other reviews, cheats incessantly; making it a game not worth having.The only reason to actually own this game is to play online with others. If you won't be doing that, and will only be playing against the computer, don't bother. The game cheats to the point of absolute frustration.
01 star
jerry lwies vs eddie murphy foirst fopn all iz never herda of mary lewis. i 'z neverv seesn one of him flicks. but eddie murphy just might be the besterst comedian out onthe flicka worls today. i'm sure that lewitrs wasn't aNYWHER near az funy as eddie mirufphty. thiz waz one of the funiest things i coulda saw. just great.......word out!
45 stars
Great. It has all of the locations that you might like to see in San Francisco listed and it also has all of the places you might not want to see. Heck, it's a map so it tries to cover as much as it can and it does a very good job of doing that. It's water and stain resistant and you can easily put it into your coat pocket or back pocket of your blue jeans. Even though San Francisco isn't too hard to get around, this map might come in handy should you get lost or misdirected. But even if you do get turned around and a little lost.... there are always very helpful homeless people who will happily point you in the right direction. And I do not say this in jest. San Francisco, on the whole, has some of the friendliest homeless people that you will ever meet. Yes, they want a hand-out, but generally they aren't offensive and they will help you if you get lost.
34 stars
Perfect stand I have a hard time finding the right height monitor stand. This Targus stand is perfect. My laptop fits under the monitor on a pull out draw. Love using this product!
45 stars
Basic and Understanding This book is easy to understand and you really see the basics of cosmology without having to understand equations and the whole physics works. Its easy to read and it totally boggles your mind. It gives you definitions where you need them and it explains to you everything you need to know in the most simplist way. I recommend this book to any beginner or even just the typical reader who finds space and comsology interesting. I, myself, never read about cosmology ever in my life before. When I read this book, it was simple, logical, and really made you think. The author doesn't tell you what to think or believe, he opens your mind to a bunch of different possibilities so you can see the whole picture. He names all the theories and ideas and let's you draw your own conclusions. This book is just a source of interesting facts and info about cosmology without any scientific gibberish that is unpronouncable. It's truly great.
34 stars
Serious Garlic Crushing While shopping and searching and reviewing garlic crushers I came upon this one. The "Mr. Steely" review and the unhealthy relationship line got both my and my mother's attention! I am a home chef type and I hated my old round hard to clean crusher. This one is heavy! It got showed off to all the holiday company. Oxo could put together a video of how to use it for self-defense purposes should someone break in to your home. Performance wise, I am completely satisfied. I peel all of my garlic before crushing. I use a plastic knife to srape off the garlic and onto the food so I don't scratch it. The pulpy refuse comes out easy and Crushy is cleaned in a special cup by hand and alowed to air dry. We've used this almost everyday since it arrived. You will love it too. And yes, I have developed an unhealthy relationship with it as well.
45 stars
Catchy I love "Local Boy Chops Wood" and "Dare to Be Different". They're great little catchy songs. I love that Donovan can be versitile.
45 stars
Simply This is a great movie. If the producers of Simply Lemonade produced this movie, it would be called, "Simply Awesome."
45 stars
A good guide to have Dorling Kindersley makes the best travel guides hands down. They are extremely well illustrated, have extensive and detailed maps up to date information on hotels (rates, rooms etc), restaurants (costs and reservation policies), and sites to see.The travel guides have wonderful pictures, well researched histories and facts about San Francisco(about Lombard street, Cable Cars, Angel's Flight....), what wines to look for and taste (not just divided between Napa and Sonoma but also by vineyard but also by year), detailed walking tours, information on famous sites (Alcatraz, the sea lions at Pier 39 and some of the top wineries to visit in Napa and Sonoma). DK also makes a guide that covers all of California and I own both - unless you are simply going to San Francisco, I suggest buying the California guide over this one - they have almost the same information. The European guides for each city have more detail than this guide but it is still a good buy.The guide covers travel information, driving directions, the best places to shop and eat, where to get good deals and SOOO much more. The book give you wonderful ideas on how to best see each area in a limited time or really enjoy it if you are there for more than a few days. The book also covers things to do that many tourists might over look as well as telling you what is worth your while and what to skip.This is one of the best guides available on the market. It is perfect if you are planning to go to a few cities in a limited time or for more in depth information when planning a longer trip.
34 stars
Leaky I was not impressed with this coffee maker either, in fact I'm returning it. Sometimes half the coffee goes in the carafe, and the other half leaks all over the counter and gets inside the machine.It is also difficult to pour coffee out of the carafe without removing the lid.
01 star
Worth it for the Exchange section alone I picked this up after noticing it in a book shop (sorry Amazon!). I'm an Exchange administrator and this book gave me some great scripting tips for managing and monitoring my environment. I haven't gone much beyond that since, to my regret, but the concept of packaging scripts was news to me, and I would love to find the time to try out some of the other more elaborate techniques in there. But of course, I am an Exchange Administrator ;-)
45 stars
AN EXCELLENT DEBUT This book was the best book I've read in a very long time. There was not one boring moment. I like the way she developed each character. something I find to be a problem with most new authors. I enjoyed the book so much to the point where I thought about a sequel. Immediately, I erased those thoughts, thinking that the sequel may not be that good without the the main character. Seing how brilliant this author is, I'm sure she'll come up with some bright Ideas for the sequel, perhaps make it it even better than LL&L. I am definitely looking forward to it.
45 stars
AWESOME! This is my favorite of Mark's books. Although I love them all. I have read all 5 and am waiting for more. I read them in 1-3 sittings, cannot put them down! I am starting to buy this book for friends and family, I think Mark's books should be a prerequisite for horse ownership! I have raised and trained horses for close to 30 years. I have read a lot, try to keep an open mind & keep learning. Anyway I have pretty much developed my way of doing things and had found in the past, by checking out more trainer's books that either I did not agree or they were for the "new to horses" person. I had read the reviews here on Mark's books, then just happened to find a couple Mark Rashid books used at a sale & thought okay, they're cheap, I'll try them! I could not put them down! Some things that Mark shares reinforce what I've learned myself, but I found lots to learn in these books too. We had an old cowboy/trainer/farrier/castrater/teeth floater/friend who lived around here for years. If I needed to learn anything about horses, I'd ask Sonny, the thing was Sonny never "gave" you the answer! He told you a story & let you learn the answer yourself! Mark's books remind me of that. Mark's books will follow you through your life. He offers the teachings of truly living well & with compassion in your daily life. 2 things always come into my head since reading his books . . . WHAT DOES MY HORSE THINK ABOUT THIS? and IS THIS REALLY WORTH WORRYING ABOUT? 90% of the time we worry about the little things that we don't need to. Mark's books are an AWESOME read for anyone!
45 stars
ALMOST PERFECT! First off, I must say that I am not usually a fantasy fan, but I read this for 6th grade honors reading, and ended up reading all of Tolkien's books. The characters all have distinctive personalities, the plot is excellent, the dialog is lively, and the climax was thrilling! Sure, it got boring for short period, but still, a must read!
45 stars
a great cd for all! I had never heard of Live before, even though I had heard "The Dolphins Cry". When I got this CD, however, I just loved it. I found myself playing it whenever I could. I think its a great CD for everyone.
45 stars
Quick, small, efficient I would definitely recommend this item. The price is fantastic and the speed is quick. No complaints.
45 stars
Disturbing inside story of the Red Guards Ken Ling was only 16 years old when the Cultural Revolution started. Other Cultural Revolution memoirs I've read are generally from the point of view of bystanders who ended up being victims of brutality and violence. But young Ken was a leader of Red Guards; he participated in and instigated such acts. This is the inside story of how Red Guard organizations functioned and what their leaders were thinking. At least in the case of the Red Guard groups in Xiamen and Fuzhou, where Ken was active, Mao figured very little into their thoughts. As he makes clear time and again throughout this blunt book, he and his fellow students weren't in it for money or ideology; they just wanted power. And they got power: at one point, 17-year-old Ken is put in charge of production for all the factories in a large city. His story is a microcosm of the horrific events of the Cultural Revolution. The most brutal violence - gang rapes, mindless killings, torture - were commonplace. By the end, Ken has become deeply disillusioned and escapes to Taiwan. The reader can't help wondering how he - and the rest of the Chinese nation - could ever put those cannibalistic years behind them.
34 stars
Hot and Sour Noodle Bowl is Awesome if. . . I discovered this soup a couple of months ago at Giant Eagle, but thought it was too expensive ($4.29). After searching other grocery stores to no avail, I was pleasantly surprised to find it on Amazon. . . I LOVE this soup--but do not like it without adding soy sauce. After it's cooked, stir in soy sauce to taste and you won't be disappointed!
45 stars
Fabulous! I love this book! It is so encouraging to young students, because it shows them the obstacles that so many people had to overcome in order to learn in the past. In addition to being a great piece of historical fiction, it let's today's children see that nothing should ever stand in their way of learning. This book is perfect as a read aloud story, and one that children 9 and up can read independently.Up the Learning Tree tells the story of Henry and Ms. Hattie. Henry is determined to learn how to read, despite having a slave master who will chop off his finger if he's caught. Ms. Hattie is a teacher who moves to the south and does not believe "in slavery or in keeping people ignorant". The two work together at great personal risk. I cannot recommend this book enough!
45 stars
A matter of taste This has been my first experience of Sonic Youth -- obviously very much after the fact but so what? Well, this is quite harsh and unrelenting stuff. I'm sure it's first rate in its genre, but I was put off by the consistently aggressive, discordant sound.It's possible to admire some music without ever feeling the need to listen to it. For me, Evol is very much in that category. No doubt that makes me a philistine.Meanwhile, look around this web page and you will see very little effort among the customer reviewers to provide a balanced critique of Evol. It's 5 stars, as usual, as far as the eye can see.
23 stars
Got it for free I too just ordered the tubing from Medela. The customer service woman was very nice, asked for my name, phone number and address. She said I could expect to receive it in 7-10 days at no cost. Too perfect!!!!
45 stars
LEMMY LIVES!!!!!!!!!! This album has it all, heavy riffs, thunderous drumming and kick ass Lemmy bass/lyrics. This is a sampling of the musical depth of the best hard rock band in the world. The songs are lemmy-esque with all the dark humor and conviction of the one and only L.K., the guitar playing is flawless and agressive and of course M.D.'s drumming is superb. Don't think twice about getting this album, do it now and enjoy the best hard metal band in the world.
45 stars
Excellent Read Picked up this gem while on vacation at the Jersey shore. It was a nice quick read that kept me guessing until the end. Highly recommend it.
45 stars
I wonder why this book is very wonderful? This is the book that has changed my point of view to see how life works. It tells me of how I see life and how I want my futures like, To be a man that can "think big" and "do big thing"!
45 stars
Literary Analysis of Black Beauty by: Anna Sewell Literary Analysis of Black Beauty by: Anna Sewell In this classic story about a beautiful thoroughbred horse Black Beauty goes through good and bad times, good and bad masters.{Sewell uses many sentences about the story , to make it more interesting. She also uses literary devices to understand exactly what the story was about.} The story was a major part in this story.
23 stars
Wonderful version of "Oklahoma!" Shirley Jones and Gordon MacRae are wonderful in this movie version of "Oklahoma!" The DVD is especially valuable when you play the movie with the narration by Shirley Jones in the background. I always like learning about behind-the-scenes stuff. I highly recommend it!
45 stars
Perfect Tea Set! I bought this for my almost 3-year-old niece, looking for something generic (no brand names), sturdy and functional, yet cute and girly (because my niece is girly). The teapot really pours. It is stoneware, so the set could be breakable, but it hasn't broken yet and she's had it for a year now. She uses it all the time and the basket is really useful for putting it away. None of the pieces go missing and the basket looks cute.
45 stars
Julian Cope is God! Saw the Teardrops about 1980 in Hartford CT. They were so different ...... Julian in a heavy fur lined jacket and "bowl" haircut when most bands were coming by with the crewcuts and "punky" look. And the music ... wow!Kilimanjaro Deluxe is a great intro for a nubee and a good collection for fans.
45 stars
Best fantasy book ever ! This is the best fantasy book I have ever read. The Lord of the Rings contains everything a good fantasy book should contain, and then some more. It's undoubtedly worth reading !
45 stars
In the beginning was the Word. "There was a house made of dawn," and N. Scott Momaday's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel begins with his Tano protagonist, Abel, "alone and running," yet "he seemed almost to be standing still, very little and alone." He may leave to fight the white man's war in Europe. He may seek solace in the arms of a white woman or two. He may be sent to prison for a crime that he sees as a necessity. He may end up attempting to work in the industrial world. Yet Abel cannot run from the seemingly boundless, stark land or the traditions with which his spirit is bound. The land, as enigmatic as he is, is there at the beginning and there at the end. It is the constant in his life from and to which he runs. In biblical terms, it is the alpha and omega of his being.I first learned of House Made of Dawn from an excerpt in American Indian Literature: An Anthology (revised) edited and introduced by Alan R. Velie, in which Abel encounters the "white man," an albino Native who, although he appears only briefly in the novel, is one of modern literature's most compelling characters. Without saying a word, he emanates a vague menace with every look and motion. "Above the open mouth, the nearly sightless eyes followed the old man [Abel's grandfather] out of the cornfield, and the barren lids fluttered helplessly behind the colored glass." You will never forget the white man. "A man kills such an enemy if he can." The white man sets the tone for the rest of the novel.Nor will you forget Abel's struggles, with his heritage and its expectations, with alcoholism, with his own body, with his own desires, his inability to find his place at home or in the modern white world, and with his emotional and physical pain.There is the dichotomy of the prevalent Catholic faith, which finds itself oddly interwoven with Native belief in strange ways, as in the feast of Santiago held in Abel's town. The conflict comes to a head in Tosamah, Priest of the Sun, who reveals that "In the beginning was the Word" is all that we need to know of the essential Truth. But by adding and dividing and multiplying the Word, the white man subtracts the Truth-the Truth that eludes Abel. Tosamah says of his grandmother, "She had learned that in words and in language, and there only, she could have whole and consummate being."House Made of Dawn is much like the life and land it portrays-mysterious and unyielding. There is little action here, but there is a mental and emotional landscape that is, like the backdrop, seared on the minds and hearts of those who experience it. Even the world cannot kill the Word and the rich inner life of a Tano.Diane L. Schirf, 26 February 2002.
45 stars
Definitely worth buying! Korn's new CD is definitely worth buying. While a few reviewers on here have listed some songs ( 10 or a 2 way, love song, open up, coming undone) as being only so-so, these songs are actually very catchy.
34 stars
Raging Bull.*Single Disc*DVD. Great movie, Very Violent, well not very. But Pretty brutal, Yet you don't want to look away.Robert De Niro Is a genius,Joe Pesci is great,Black and white adds to the overall effect of a such movie. Raging Bull is a must to see for any De Niro Fan. Great Movie! Love it! A+
45 stars
A classic Another great movie for my Grandchildren. they watch it over and over. Disney old classics are the best!
45 stars
L.J. Hughes How I Loved this book! What great writing. It made me feel so many emotions. It is life, it's people are real, it's Love so longed for.
45 stars
great bio of the best of the best story tellers! the quality of the book is...well...it's like a photocopy of the original book and since getting an original edition would mean having to sell my house, i am grateful for this beautiful and well copied piece. the cover is gorgeous, isn't it? i've dabbled in the reading of it, but have been wanting a copy of Forster's biographical Dickens for a long time. i recommend it, but it is odd to get used to the way the original manuscript sits rather small on each page...
34 stars
Got defect one. I needed to replace it. Beside it's good set. Got defect one. I needed to replace it. Beside it's good set(original from Garmin).Amazon's replacement system is quick and easy (if you have printer).
23 stars
Comedy, Drama and Romance: a near perfect balance. Jane Austen's Persuasion stands shoulder to shoulder with the best of the author's work. Emma and Pride & Prejudice are equally extraordinary novels and I don't think one has to engage in a tug of war over which is best: each has its charms and delights. The story of Anne Elliot, who enters into an engagement at age 20, only to succumb to family pressure and break it off, is 28 and alone when we meet her. Time has proven what she instinctively knows: Frederick Wentworth was the right man for her and she was foolish to let him go.His reappearance sets the stage for what is, at once a masterpiece of comedy, romance and satire. Anne's vainglorious father and sisters are deftly skewered, but in that mocking but never mean Austen style. The appearance of an estranged cousin and Captain Wentworth's apparent attachment to a neighborhood belle complicates matters wonderfully until we reach the inevitable happy conclusion.What sets this novel apparent, I think are two characteristics. Picking up the story eight years after Anne's mistake is a wonderful device. We don't meet a perfectly sensible woman (Elizabeth Bennett) or a delightful ingenue (Emma Woodhouse). Anne Elliot is a mature woman, indeed by social standards close to an old maid, and one left to regret her own poor judgment. Her situation is one any empathetic reader can identify with (who hasn't judged wrongly in Romance?) and creates a humility that is quite appealing. Unlike Elizabeth and Emma who need to learn the error of their ways, Anne already knows--she simply needs to be excused them.Secondly, unlike some Austen works, characters are far more dimensional. Anne is weak, but well-intended. Wentworth acknowledges he is bitter and resentful and acknowledges he fails to initiate a reconciliation out of pride, losing further years they might have been together. Elliot pere and Elliot the heir are quite cartoonish as is sister Elizabeth. However Anne's friend and confident and her sister Mary are more nuanced and therfore more appealing than most of Austen's minor characters.Is Persuasion worth reading? Without a doubt! Where does it fit in the Austen cannon? I think in the first rank. But everyone should decide for themselves.
45 stars
Journey Without Maps A classic written by Graham Green about West Africa in the beginning of the last century. Highly recommended!Hans Frankfort
45 stars
The Best of them all This has to be the best of all of the Redwall series. I absolutely loved this book the first time I read it. You get so involved in it's storyline and the characters' and their journeys. This is great for a first time Redwall reader or a veteran reader. It's wonderful in any way. Martin the Warrior was pictured as an ancient hero is Redwall but this book chronicles the events of his journey through the vastness of Mossflower to save it from the Wildcat Queen Tsarmina. New areas of the land are explored in Mossflower that weren't in Redwall and (oh my!) there IS no Redwall Abbey. This book takes place in a time when there was no safety and the higher power was of course the evil power. But there's always someone who will stand up against that power....
45 stars
corkycoach I am delighted with this product. previously bought addias trainers,but found these are lite, hard wearing and very comfortable . After numeruous training sessions with senior and junior teams this lad on a underage team that my son plays with commented " Your Dad has the coolest BBall boots out their " . which made me feel 7 ft tall for a small man. EXCELLLANT PRODUCT.
45 stars
Effective Since I started using this I have been losing weight and shaping up. I really like how she makes the levels easy to use and the instruction for each one with a good intro for all the new moves and changes to make things more challening as you move along with it.I liked the instructor alot and looked her up based on the description of her background. Very well known, and I can see why based on her presentation on this.
45 stars
Flawed film, excellent DVD The first adaptation of a Tom Clancy novel, "The Hunt for Red October," got everything right, which made the two mundane adaptations starring Harrison Ford all the more disappointing. While it doesn't rise to the level of HfRO, "The Sum of All Fears" is a major improvement for the series.Still, there are some serious flaws with the film, the biggest being the awkward transition between the first and second halves; from a leisurely spy thriller, the story abruptly jumps into overdrive at the one-hour mark. The football game that signals this change comes from nowhere unless you're familiar with Clancy's novel. Numerous technical errors mar much of the film as well (How did the Russian fighters get to the American carrier so easily? How can Russian air defenses monitor stealth bombers taking off?). Thankfully all these problems and more are addressed in the commentary track with Tom Clancy and director Phil Alden Robinson. For Clancy fans the commentary is well worth the cost of the DVD, even if you hate the movie.Hear Tom call parts of the script "pure s**t"!Hear Tom say Bridget Moynihan should eat something!Hear Tom call Ben Affleck a kid!Hear Tom learn exciting new acronyms!Robinson also does a second commentary with the cinematographer, this one more focused on the technical aspects of film-making. Compared to Fincher's "Seven" commentaries or Sam Mendes' "American Beauty" commentary, you aren't going to learn a lot, but it's still decent. The DVD also comes with several featurettes, mostly the sort of thing you'd see on HBO, although there is an interesting moment when Mace Neufeld grinds his teeth while trying to explain why Harrison Ford dropped from the franchise -- you can see him trying not to be nasty. If you enjoy having ads on your DVDs, you'll be disappointed -- there's one 2:30 trailer, but none of the TV spots.
34 stars
Mars is not the place for humans I really thought it was an alright book. I am honestly not a book reader so I really didn't get into it. Since this book was ficticional, I really didn't care because I like non-fictional books that pertain to my everyday life. Martian Chronicles is the kind of book that only certain readers like and enjoy. I for one am not that kind of person. No offense to any readers whom really liked this book. I admit that if I might of spent more time in trying to relate to this book maybe my opinion would change. The only story I liked to a certain point was "The Luggage Store." So I would recommend it. In conclusion, I may not of liked this book as much as others, but keep it in mind this is my opinion.
23 stars
Brutal, beautiful, bloody, brilliant! Hooray for France! Saw this tonight on DVD and thought it was damn good. Sadly, though, this is the only AfterDark flick that I would ever suggest renting as all the others that I have seen […] to infinity! This didn't even really seem to fit the ADHF line-up as it was very well-made and actually enjoyable and scary and gross as all hell! I watched the Unrated DVD and it certainly lived up to that! LOADS of gore and guts and awesome F/X! I have never seen a better, more beautiful blood-soaked actress than the French girl in this movie. She was amazing! There was just 'something' about the way she looked, hair cut short, wearing that strange 'wedding' dress, wielding a large axe and an even larger pick-axe DRENCHED in blood that made me feel giddy. I really got into her character and believed in her and wanted her to get sweet revenge on those sick, sick Neo-Nazi-cannibal freaks. The movie didn't seem at all contrived as one would expect. The evil, demented characters were frighteningly 'real' and these types of monsters could very well be living among us and probably are! Anyway, I cannot rave enough about the girl who played the lead role of Yasmine. She should get a horror Oscar! The way all of the characters, evil and innocent, were killed was, for lack of a better word, great! The deaths seemed to 'fit' the story well, without seeming too phony-baloney. I found myself anxious and excited and saying 'Get up! Run! GO! Fight! Kick his […]! Kick her […]!' when Yasmine would get smacked and punched and knocked to the ground and shot at but she always fought back, even though she was exhausted and screaming and weak, and I was totally rooting for her all the way! There was only one very small moment in the film that left me scratching my head: When the 2 male friends get run off the side of the road and end up entering the old mine they end up crawling into a hole in the wall and one of them can see light at the other end. The first guy to enter the hole was the blond guy and the bald friend followed behind him. At one point the bald guy (using his small digital camcorder for light) turns back to look down the passge that they are crawling through and see what looked to me like some evil, scary demon faced creature head with glowing eyes coming up behind them. He starts screaming for his friend to GO! GO! GO! but I was never really sure what it was he saw. I kept rewinding that scene and could not figure out what the hell that thing was. And the story never touched on it again. Was it one of the weird mutant 'children' kept in the mines? Was it a giant rat monster? Does anyone have any idea? Anyway, SEE THIS MOVIE! Hooray, Frenchies! Keep making great, gory goodness!
45 stars