class label
5 classes
Good Read I enjoyed this book, it is kind of sappy and dribbly but you can't help but like the characters in this book. I guess I like reading this book over and over because it gives me a feeling that love can make a marriage work. You just know it will work out. I agree with some of the reviews that they probably wouldn't of made it without a lot of hand outs, but they strive to make it on their own. You know Carl will be successful and Annie will be happy. So to wrap it up it is a good read. I think if you enjoyed "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" you will like this.
23 stars
Amazing.... That is the only real way I can describe this DVD. Musically it is excellent. It has some of my favorites in it like Ave Maria, May It Be (from Lord of the Rings), Orinoco Flow, Nella Fantasia, and You Raise Me Up (Made popular by Josh Groban). Visually the DVD is just as excellent. The colors are vivid and sharp and I am only running an S-Video connection. I can only imagine if I ran this DVD on component. Those who are looking into this DVD and have HDTV and 5.1 stereo sound you are in for a treat. Regardless of your age or music preference you would do well to get this DVD!!!
45 stars
My 3 & 5 year old nieces loved this! We must have played this at least 20 times on Christmas. My nieces loved this and it was not bad to play as an adult either! :)
45 stars
Water World I have never really figured out WHY this is my favorite movie, must be something subliminal; though there is a shortage on anything Sci-Fi that's water orientated.Bought this from Amazon for the Blu ray experience and it delivered.The idea that "Quite" can be synonymy's with "Peace" in today's world of NOISE, people do make a lot of noise and don't listen, an appealing factor buried in this film and the acceptance of others for alternate reasons to ignorant sub cultural ideals. In spite of everything this has a 'Hero" element in a very wasted landscape, where no hero should be expected.
45 stars
Spectacular! Existing reviews both on and off Amazon already say it all. This is a spectacular film in so many ways. If you enjoy history, Cate, Feinnes, gorgeous costumes, great acting, and panoramic character development, get this film.(It's only too bad that the followup, Elizabeth the Golden Age, doesn't even touch this one.)
45 stars
Adventure With A Twist The book started out slow, and it dragged on at parts, especially during the trip to Iceland. But, all in all, this was a very exciting book that mixed sci-fi with adventure. I especially enjoyed Verne's image of the possibilities of a land inside the Earth with prehistoric animals and giant forests of mushrooms.
34 stars
All Time Favorite !!! We always have to watch this during Christmas.It wouldn't be Christmas without it!
45 stars
The sticky rice is as good as a restaraunt These noodle are great. I think they taste as good as any place I have had sticky rice and the convenience cannot be topped. I would recommend these to anyone who loves rice even someone use to making it on their own.
45 stars
GET A NUMBING CREAM FROM YOUR GYNO!!!! I used to try any over the counter numbing treatment for my brazilian waxes! I finally asked my gyno and she gave me a numbing cream called Emla... IT WORKS!!!
01 star
Overlooked To be perfectly honest, this is without question the most overlooked, ignored album I have ever come across. In terms of the power of its driving concept, Animals could have easily bested The Wall. The idea behind the album is the division of the human race into three categories; Dogs (aggressive power-seekers), Pigs (greedy capitalist businessmen), and Sheep (mindless, blind followers), respectively. As I said, this album could have easily been more popular than The Wall, but, as it were, people were (and still are) somewhat put off by long, drawn out songs. This simple fact doomed Animals even as it was being written (the three main songs on the album are 17:04, 11:28, and 10:16). If you don't mind listening to a song for longer than you're used to, I would definately recommend this album. It really is musical genius.
45 stars
Elise Carr Sumner Should be Rich and Famous An instant favorite! We're enjoying this CD so much that it's been playing continuously since it arrived today. The 28 songs masterfully incorporate hundreds of essential phrases into lyrics that are clever enough to captivate and simple enough to memorize. Just as important, the music and voice are lovely. This is truly appropriate for any age.
45 stars
Part-whimsical, part-gorgeous This was the first Camel LP I didn't buy. I had followed the band since their MIRAGE days, and by the time I got to university and they got to RAIN DANCES, I realised that Camel were not going to change the world. The music was too damn pleasant and the band members too damn nice for governments ever to collapse in their wake. So a college friend bought BREATHLESS and I borrowed it relentlessly. As other reviewers have noted here, the highlight is definitely Latimer's guitar break at the end of 'Summer Lightning', which opened side two of the LP. But the collaboration with reedsman Mel Collins was showing increasing returns too -- look out for this session ace on Chris Squire's FISH OUT OF WATER and King Crimson's RED in particular. When John Tracy's sleevenotes aren't getting anal about LP serial numbers and precise release dates, he provides some helpful information about the friction between Bardens and Latimer. I was unaware of the impending divorce at the time, and I have to admit I was shocked when Bardens left the band. I had always been led to believe that Camel was his band, despite the fact that Latimer did the vocals, guitar and flute and always seemed to perform the better instrumental solos. My personal view is that, the punk movement aside, what messed it up for many Camel fans was Richard Sinclair's voice. His whimsical, throwaway vocal style just didn't seem in keeping with the mostly serious intent of a band that performed with orchestras and wrote concept albums. As with all Decca CD re-releases from the 1980s, this is in ADRM. While all the other labels were simply saying whether the CD was DDD, ADD or AAD, I didn't appreciate what Decca was trying to tell us when it said that all the Camel (and Caravan) albums were AAD ADRM. It was only in the late 1990s when other labels started re-mastering the CDs they had rush-released in the mid-1980s that I realised what an improvement in sound quality could be achieved. BREATHLESS has benefitted less from the process than say, MIRAGE, but then I can't be sure because I don't have the LP to compare it with. Ian Burton, where are you now?? (Sorry if I scratched your LP!)
34 stars
It's OK I knew the book that I was purchasing was a paperback, but I didn't know the cover would be stained and the pages yellow. The cover and pages are all intact, and I enjoyed reading the book, however, the book looks like it is 48 years old. For the purchase price of $11.00 I expected better.
23 stars
Nice balls, crate is utter trash. These balls are beautiful, but the crate is useless. i would never trust the crate to hold the balls, because if the wood doesn't break apart the locks will, then I'll have 8 HEAVY balls falling on my foot. Really, the container is scary. Halex should recall it!
12 stars
'two old friends on whom the sun is setting have much to remember' Wonderful atmospheric start as an elderly widowed general receives a letter from an old friend, Konrad, whom he has not seen for 41 years. As they sit down to one final meal together we learn of the history between them and the general raises a number of points about the human condition: love, hate, old age and friendship as he seeks closure on the past.
23 stars
LIFE CHECK POINT: READ 'MOBY DICK' I must admit, somewhere after the 400th page, I was getting mighty impatient for the great whale to rear its ugly head. Majestically descriptive as to give life to planks of wood and historically fascinating, "Moby Dick" is god-like in its ingenius narrative of man and whales and sometimes tiresome in its detailed descriptions of everything under the sun and aboard the whaling vessel, The Pequod. More than being a great book, I came away with a hunger to learn more of its fascinating author who remains a marvel of history and literary wizardry.
34 stars
total bollocks Im afraid as much as the films graphics and sound were a work of brilliance. Unfortunetly Sam Worthington's abilities as an actor are non existant.How this guy keeps getting work is beyond me? The only convincing act he does is of a man with no talent. Why they thought a neanderthalic Australian accent would pass as a Greek demi-god is beyond conception. so I say this film is Bollocks.Sam Worthington's acting is as bad as my spelling, and thats saying something.
12 stars
This Dolby 5.1 Soundtrack sucks! I just rented the DTS version just to see the difference and I would have to say that the DTS version is much much better soundwise. But if you don't really care about surround sound, then pick up this Special Edition has great features and the movie sounds ALRIGHT on the DD version. But for all home theater folks who like this movie, get the DTS version. It is like the single disc DD version except with Japanese DTS 5.1 audio, English Dolby Digital 5.1 audio and the movie. But seriously I recommend the DTS version if you want to truly enjoy the movie!
01 star
It still holds up I picked up Frankenstein as sort of a "project" read... I felt like it was such a "classic" that I ought to understand it more than the pop-culture monster image.I was surprised to find a book that holds its own extremely well some 100 years later. The message of scientific experiment for curiosity's sake is a profound one, especially in this age of nuclear experimentation, biological warfare and the like. It is also compelling as a story in and of itself.Although I was well-aware that the Boris Karloff image was a far cry from Mary Shelly's novel, I was still surprised to find such full character development and strong motivation. Despite the fact that this was her first effort, and based upon a whimsical challenge to write a "ghost story", it is compelling and well written. If you haven't read this book, don't be put off by it's age. It is exceptional.
45 stars
The Swan Princess I love The Swan Princess movies! I had these two on VHS and you really don't have VHS players anymore. Glad to find this on DVD! I was also suprised that The Swan Princess isn't apart of the Walt Disney Collection.
45 stars
The Time Traveler's Wife I found this book to be quite enjoyable. Both the plot and characters were intriguing. I'm looking forward to reading future books by Audrey Niffenegger.
45 stars
not rated for everyone My 7 year old wanted this for his birthday so I got it for him. He does Yu-Gi-Oh cards everyday and knows just about everything there is to know about the cards. He was bored with this game in less than 5 minutes. It had just to much talking between the charactors and nothing to tell you how to use them. I took this game back the very next day..
01 star
big top pee wee got my dvd very quick, and the dvd works great. my grandkids are very happy with this dvd. thank you.
45 stars
Poor Tom Clancy Tom Clancy stole money from a Black-Ops program and will be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life.
01 star
IT'S SO BORING! The Night Of The Living Dead is a really boring, low-budget, black and white zombie film. The acting is pretty hollow and there are no real scary parts. Every time you'd think the film would be scary - it's not, becuase it's in black and white and most of the "scary parts" take place in the nighttime so it's really hard to see any details. I'd give it 1 star if it wasn't for that great music at the end!
12 stars
An eye opening account of the insidious Hollywood blacklist. Books with show business interviews are usually a waste of time in my opinion. But "Actors on Red Alert" by noted film historian Anthony Slide arrives as a welcome exception, not only due to the obvious intelligence and forthrightness of the five subjects but also because of Mr. Slide's perceptive questioning. All five -- Phil Brown, Rose Hobart, Marsha Hunt, Marc Lawrence and Doris Nolan -- were to various degrees affected by the notorious Hollywood witch hunt of the late 1940s. One -- Lawrence -- became an informer, in fact, and "named names," a treachery the man apparently has a tough time dealing with to this very day. Surprisingly, Lawrence blames the blacklist not on the rightwing politicians of the day but on the Communist Party itself! The remaining four interview subjects -- two of whom were longtime close friends of Mr. Slide -- offer a more balanced view of the tragedy. None, however, is boring and neither is Mr. Slide's wonderful book. In fact, all too little have been written about Doris Nolan, an actress rather better known for her stage work than her few film appearances. But Miss Nolan proves perhaps the most interesting subject for Mr. Slide's probing questions. Sadly, the actress passed away prior to the publishing of "Actors on Red Alert," and the book shall stand as a testament to an unjustly forgotten personality.
45 stars
The Biggest Disappointment With pictures all over the CD I was led to believe that at least minimal effort would have gone into including at least some of the illustrations from Leonardo Da Vinci's notebooks. Not one illustration is included on the CD let alone the complete works. :( While having the footnotes is potentially useful for scholars, having the illustrations would have been far better.The product description needs to be re-written to include the fact that this is a text only presentation and thus not as complete as the title leads one to believe. In fact, the title should be properly revised as well because it is deceptive.
01 star
Let it begin with Trent Renzor! A masterpiece in the making....a revolution in music. Its simple beats contast with some complex guitar movements, brings back old school into 21st century music. With some music nowadays, sounding repeative and boring. Here comes a new sound from Trent Renzor!The first song "Hyperpower!" just brings you into his visionary world of 2022, emotions high, marching of troops, the world now in complete control of the goverment. Freedoms lost and now hope gone."God Given" a favorite of mine, because of its funky beats, then retro turns your attention to religion."I would never tell you anything that wasn't absolutely true that hadn't come right from his mouth and he wants me to tell you."This record has to be Trent Renzors best by far!
45 stars
good music this is a great tape with a lot of good songs, i enjoy it very much
45 stars
Fabulous Follow up to POINT MAN Steve Farrar is one of my favorite authors in regards to Leadership & Accountability & the HOW To of living a christian life
45 stars
Pagen Christs In Pagen Christs John M Robertson is too verbose in explaining his opinion and too brief in providing proof. Reading this book was like searching for needles in a hay stack, though some significant information can be found.
12 stars
One of the best investments I've ever made Leanne's new book makes dinner a no-brainer! Her emphasis on whole foods that are nutritious, recipes that are healthy and tasty, and balanced meal plans have made my life so much easier. No more fretting from week to week about what to fix. No more buying a jar of this "to use sometime" and then never using it. As was mentioned earlier, I am tossing most of my other cookbooks and just following the menus!
45 stars
Where can I find this Sawyer Brown video? A few years ago I saw a Sawyer Brown video performed with a church choir on TV. I really did like it and I wonder if anyone knows if it is available for purchase on a DVD or VHS? I can't remember the song's name.
34 stars
21st Century Film Noir It is popular opinion that the movie Blade Runner was altogether better than the novel on which it was based, Philip K. Dick's 'Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep'. Quite frankly, having read the book before seeing the movie, it seemed quite disappointing to me, when compared with the original. The importance more interesting, philosophical subjects of the novel was cut down meaningfuly; namely, the philosophical consequences of the idea of a humanoid robot that would be superior to man himself in any way. J.R Isidore (transformed into the very minor character of J.F Sebastian), Buster Friendly, Rick's wife and her eery mood-dialer, and most of all the electric sheep, the most wonderful symbolism in the novel. These were all removed. The idea of the artifiacial animals was only hinted, as was the unsolved question of whether Deckard himself is a replicant or not.But IN SPITE OF ALL THAT -- when considered individually by its own right, as it should be (it's no accident that the film and the novel have different names!) Blade Runner is still one of the masterpieces of sci-fi cinema. Harrison Ford - though he plays the exact same character he always does - fits right in. Ridley Scott's directing is superb. His biggest stroke of genius is in his relating to a theme that was very subtle and weak in the novel - the film noir atmosphere. Scott did an incredible job creating a futuristic classic film noir, right down to the electronic-film noir musical score.As an action and an atmosphere movie, Blade Runner is one of the best sci-fi films ever made. Highly recommended for all fans of the genre. Reading the novel is completely unnecessary to appreciate the film.
34 stars
good movie Loved the movie I haden't see it for at least 20 years and it still managed to entertain and delite me, a must see for all ages.
45 stars
micro cover These are so transparant, I used them once, and can't find where I put them. Dog gone it! I liked them the one time I used them.
34 stars
Clearly the Most Accurate Portrait of Schizophrenia I can not believe Susannah York was not nominated for an Oscar for "Images." She most deservedly should have won in 1973 beating out Liza Minnelli. I know first-hand about shizophrenia, having a schizoid affect, and having a best friend who was a paranoid schizophrenic, and Robert Altman's original screenplay and masterful direction coupled with Vilmos Zsigmond's cinematography, all extraordinarily brilliant present the most accurate depiction on film of what it is like to have this illness. The Academy does not know it's stuff. The score by John Williams was the only thing it did nominate. I sincerely thought that Susannah was nominated, having won the Cannes Film Award Best Actress award, and today after viewing the film again after a long spell, had to confirm it and remind myself of her competition. What an oversight. And the comparison to Polanksi's "Repulsion" comes as if the schizophrenia presented in his thriller were a convenient plot device for his fiction. The artists who made "Images" were chillingly precise, nearly clinical, in this, an admitted fiction, like the use of a children's book, "In Search of Unicorns" by Ms. York, to make a stunning portrait that was miles ahead of itself. You should catch up with it. Never was an actress so integral to a film, better than her Oscar nom in "They Shoot Horses, Don't They?" How could this, too, be over-looked?
45 stars
BRASSED OFF ? YOU WON'T BE ! For lovers of the unusual, this CD brings you the superb musicianship of an outstanding English Brass Band coupled with the toe tapping infectious tunes of the acid house club scene. It's wacky, it's surreal but it works.
23 stars
Adventure Fighting, drinking, wenching...what is not to like. This is a grand adventure story that sets a boy's blood racing whether he is 10 or at the other end of the spectrum. A great read.
45 stars
Not a bad album, but disappointing for a master like Vinnie In my opinion, this is my least favorite Vinnie Album. Other than some of the acoustic songs, none of the songs grabbed me. I have all of Vinnie's albums and this one sounds like he ran out of ideas. The best albums in my opinion are "Out of Nowhere" and "Minds Eye". Those albums seemed to have a lot more to them. His chops are awesome as always, but the album is a little boring. I do enjoy the acoustic numbers and a few electric ones, but Vinnie has done better. Vinnie fans will still enjoy this one, but I will never say it is his best. I feel like it's his worst, but even Vinnie's worst is still pretty good. 3.5 stars. Vinnie, it's time to get a little more variety.
23 stars
fine comedic fantasy novel Toede, hobgoblin bootlicker from Dragonlance, has a problem. It seems everyone thinks he has been dead for six months. Well, he is very much alive, and on a mission to become noble even if it kills him.The author is very talented with words. Early in the novel Toede and his sniveling underling Groag have been captured by kender, hobbit like beings. Groag relates his sad treatment at the hands of the kender and Toede replies:"'Have they...tortured you?'" asked Toede hesitantly of his own favorite amusements and wondering if the kender matched up.'Worse,'sighed Groad. 'Were they to torture me I respond with good hobgoblin stoicsim.'At least for the first five seconds, thought Toede but said nothing.Ah, good stuff.People who will like this book: those who like comedy, are a little familiar with Dragonlance, and don't take fantasy too seriously.People who will not like this book: those take Dragonlance *very* seriously and can't take jokes about this fantasy creation, as well as people who are completely unfamiliar with Dragonlance(they will not understand some of the references the author makes).
45 stars
Great this movie was great! my freinds and i watched it at a slumber party and we all got up and did the cheers with them. I'm going to high school next year and i am going to try out for the squad because this movie inspired me. it was great!
45 stars
Great Lightweight Trainer I'm a 6-foot-1, 155lbs marathoner, and I've been using these shoes for 2 months. At first these shoes felt more like slippers, and weighed next to nothing. Great responsiveness. The only downer is that for a tall and (relatively) heavy runner, these shoes are not for 100% weekly training. I developed a pain in the ball of my foot, and it immediately went away after switching to a more cushioned stability shoe. I give the shoe 5 stars because as a lightweight trainer, it has surpassed all of my expectations. A dream to run in. Just make sure to alternate with more cushioned shoes or stability shoes for your long runs and recovery runs (where blazing speed is not a must), so that your fore foot is getting the support it needs, especially if you're a tall runner like me.
45 stars
Cumbersome, but Necessarily So This hefty book details the different writing markets while offering tidbits on how to approach the editors of any given publlication. The publications listed are broken down by topic, market description, how much/and when it pays plus the typical circulation, percent of freelance business, etc. Browsing the innumerable pages can seem daunting, but persistence will pay off (in more ways than one!). I strongly recommend this book, it saves time you would have spent doing your own Internet search followed by cold calls to editors.
34 stars
Indispensible Indispensable guide to Prosperity Principals! Offers much encouragement to the reader and examples of steps to take to strengthen your prosperity practice in everyday life. Great affirmations. Highly recommended.
45 stars
Couldn't you spot his wife at the orgy??? I kept looking for her. Of course all the guests were wearing masks... but... somehow I thought that was the whole point of the film. That the Tom Cruise character (as the surrogate for all of us) has lived with certain notions of *how things are*. This film is about the unraveling of those notions. Yes, Doctor, your rich friends have secret parties that you can not imagine. Oh and yes, your wife has been involved all along.
34 stars
Bravo to Bond!! I think that this is one of the best Bonds ever. Its vibrant characters are refreshing after a dearth of strong villains in Dalton's films and ridiculous, unreal villains in Moore's films. Brosnan is a great Bond, because Dalton was too serious and Moore was a pretty boy. Lazenby couldn't act, so I must say Brosnan is the best Bond since Connery.
45 stars
Her Best Work I saw Deborah play live at Northern Arizona University and have heard several of her albums. This is her best work.
45 stars
a pop masterpiece This record is one of those very few that I can say is brilliant through and through. I tend to be put off by pop music, as it is so frequently flashy and fluffy, but it has no real depth. "Are You Building..." is the exception to that. There's a melancholy feel to the record, despite all of its pep. Musically, it is fairly simple and straight forward, but it is perfection itself in terms of its songwriting and musicianship. I've studied the album trying to find even a spot where the guitar is off a bit or the drums miss a beat. I can't find one. Hands down, this is one of the best pop albums in the last few decades. Unfortunately, other Butterglory albums didn't seem to measure up to this one, so beware before you just purchase their other releases.
45 stars
Great surprise This is a completely unknown Mascagni's opera, even for the conductor, singers and stage director who admit, backstage, that before staging Zanetto they did not have absolutely any knowledge about it. The mini opera lasts only 40 minutes, it features two singers on stage, both of them female voices, the orchestra is a reduced one and there are not great arias to be remembered in the voices of great divas or divos, just a single melodic line with its dramatic ups and downs. There is not a clear plot either, looks like a psychological drama in which Zanetto is not a real character but rather the unattainable love dream of an old prostitute named Silvia. In spite of all these apparent setbacks the music is complex, beautiful, intense and it catches your interest from the very beginning to the climaxic end. The two singers deliver a remarkable performance, the set is simple but works well. However the most important bottom line here is that this small masterpiece demonstrates how absurd are those silly rumors that Mascagni did not compose Cavalleria Rusticana, based on the fact that that opera was his first and probably the only really successful one. Mascagni was a great composer yet highly underrated. It is a pity the scarcity of CDs or DVDs of other masterpieces (apart from those of Il Amico Fritz) by this composer (i.e. Iris, Isabeau, Silvano etc). It is also a pity that major opera houses around the world go for the safest bet of staging his most popular Cavalleria. Bravo and many thanks to the corageous Savona people who put their bets on this great little Zanetto.
45 stars
"My Fair Lady" is Loverly on DVD! After years of watching my old pan and scan CBS/Fox tape from 1986, the DVD was a breath of fresh air. The picture quality is pristine and the the Dolby Digital 5.1 sound is very clear.The extras are nice, including a commentary by film restorers Robert Harris and James Katz, Marnie Nixon (I think that's her name), who was the singing voice of Audrey Hepburn, and someone else whose name escapes me. It's pretty a pretty informative track, and particularly interesting to me because I like this film restoration stuff. There are also trailers for "My Fair Lady" and a few other movies, a featurette obviously made in the 60s, "Wouldn't it be Loverly" and "Show Me" with Audrey Hepburn's Voice, and some other extras.Oh, and the film is great too :-) This is one of those movies you either like alot or you hate. I liked it. It's based on George Bernard Shaw's play "Pygmalion," which is also the basis of "She's All That." It's wonderful to see Eliza's transformation from a flower vendor with a cockney accent to someone who could pass for a princess. Although this film is long, it is very entertaining.The film is good and the extras really give you bang for your buck. Recommended.
45 stars
LaCie Dual-Layer This product works as advertised and I have no complaints there. The quality if the cabinet is rather shoddy though. But it works better than the one it replaced!
34 stars
Works well Easy to put together. Needs to lean against a wall for stability. Can be bolted at the top(bolt provided) but isn't necessary. Holds 2 bikes as advertised.
34 stars
Simply a Good Read Sabin FitzSimon has a reputation for trouble, but when he seduces one of the King's mistresses not even his fighting skills can save him from the King's soldiers. When he returns to England from abroad he is given the chance to rebuild his career and salvage his reputation. The knight Edmund Strongfist is leaving for the Holy Land and Sabin leaves with him and his daughter.Just a taste, read the rest yourself.When I read Elizabeth Chadwick's books I always wonder as a man whether I really should be, as they could be construed as love stories. But she has such a feel for the period (twelfth century), a part of history I am particularly fond of that I cannot put them down.
34 stars
favorite tire - great in all weather conditions smooth ride - no flats these tires are my favorite. I ride my bike for exercise, often to the spinning class at the gym. My rides are about 12 miles on average, 6 miles each way. A big ride with a club may go 40 miles. The Panaracer is a smooth soft ride, I would get the 25mm or 28mm. The ones with wires in them are heaver than the ones that are called fold-up and have a fiberglass bead in place of the wire. The best thing is these tires have kevlar in them so they tend to ride further without punctures. I had bontager 23mm before, it seemed like they were always losing air. Anyway, these tires roll with little resistance, they are the perfect tire for a city bike, commuter or club riding. I ride with 28mm tires which is a nice soft ride, but next time I will try the 25mm tires and see if they are about the same quality and ride. I would not get anything larger than 28mm unless it is for a dirt bike or something.
45 stars
Great mixed genre album Let the Record ride is a great album from mama's cookin'. This album incorperates jazz, rock, blues, reggae, and modern sounds into a groovy funky album. Each song is very good, some better than others but overall a very solid album. Check out mr. continental which is the last track.5/5 10/10 COp itPEace
45 stars
Great MP3 player I purchaed the Toshiba Gigabyte a couple weeks ago. At first, I thought it was terrible because of the software. The manual is not real clear about how it works. I've finally figured it out now and I think the player is great. The software has a 'update library' feature that you have to use to get songs on the player. Anyway, the size of the unit is great and so is the sound. The Equalizer is also great, with a large variety of choices. The screen is very clear and photograhs look fine. What I like best is the size and the controls. I think the controls are easier to use the then Ipod which has the circular wheel. ONce you get over the software, you will be happy with the Toshiba Gigabyte Mp3 player. I have the 40gb player. I wish I had purchased the 60 gb because of the number of albums I will be transfering to it.
45 stars
Trojan War Several similar video pieces are used in my classroom to supplement the Trojan War taught in English 9, Latin 1, and Latin 3-4 Vergil. For example, we are able to take this DVD and show a clip of the Trojan horse and compare it to that scene in Bk 2 of Vergil's Aeneid. This DVD arrived in excellent condition on time.
45 stars
awesome Bought this a few years back actually. Not too sure why it's only asking me to review now but that's alright.It's in good condition, still works to this day. Can't go wrong with Sony memorycards. Excellent pricing and good quality
45 stars
Love it! I never spend a lot of $$ on flat irons, hair dryers or anything else but when my flat iron went out I HAD to get another one and fast. I asked my friend who is a hair stylist what she could recommend and she told me about BaByliss products so I ordered this one and I love it. Heats up super fast which is great for me in the mornings becasue I love to sleep in till the last min. :)Took quite awhile for me to receive the product though since they were out of stock but glad it finally came. I would absolutely recommend this product!
34 stars
this rocks hard core this music rocks i listen to it all the time ive down loded alot of
34 stars
loved it This book is great. Once I started it I could not put it down. Other books normally take me a week or so to finish, but I was able to finish the first 3 Twilights within 6 days. I was hooked. I absolutely loved all of the books there were so many details that you feel what the charachters are feeling as if you were right there. GREAT BOOKS!
45 stars
Engineering Statistics The text was in execllent condition for a used book. Delivery to my daughter's dorm was prompt and she was able to use it on her second day of class. We were able to save almost $60.00 if she had purchase the same text at the campus bookstore. thanks
45 stars
sturdy clippers I have used these clippers only twice so far, but they are cutting hair very nicely and feel good in the hand. The sound of the clippers is not an obnoxious buzzing either, which I appreciate very much. These are really pretty quiet. I previoiusly had a lower end clipper and I can definately tell the difference between the two. I also bought the extra attachments, but found that the 3 combs that came with the clippers will be the only ones I use. I should have waited before buying them, but live and learn. The product was packed securely to protect the clippers and the shipping was quick.
34 stars
A Gifted Singer Michael Buble is, without question, a gifted singer, whose voice belies his age. I have never heard "Moondance," "Put Your Head On My Shoulder" and "The Way You Look Tonight" covered by a more accomplished and self-assured singer. Buble is a modern crooner who, with just a few albums, has already achieved the status of a master of his genre. But this is why he needs to be especially prudent and choose his material carefully, because too often this kind of music, sung this way, can descend into kitsch and lounge, and Buble does not deserve to sound like a Vegas act. For example, while "Moondance" works wonderfully, "How Can You Mend A Broken Heart" does not. It's not Buble's fault; rather, the song was horrible when it was released and no amount of effort can improve it. In sum, this album is a must hear.
34 stars
Spellbinding and gripping I just finished reading the book, and I'm sorry I did. It was a wonderful book to read. I recommend this to anyone who can read!
45 stars
Rascal Book Good - Rascal Movie So-So The book Rascal was good, but the 1969-1970 Disney movie that it was made from was so-so, noticeably neutered by not referring to the Great War (World War I) that was going on when the story was taking place.If the producers had desired, anti-war parallels could have been drawn between World War I and the Vietnam War.Talk about lost opportunities!
34 stars
Think and Grow Rich Great text to study for a life time.Timeless nuggets.Great tool for thinking through what you really what and why.Think and Grow Rich
45 stars
Just right for kids I didn't get assess the size correctly for exercise purposes and had to give this to a 2-year old who loves it just fine. There is even a smaller size with a light that the dog and I love to play with. The grip is great for playing catch.
34 stars
En Vivo! Talvez el primer track de este disco sea en vivo pero no se escucha mucho la gente, el mix es extendido de el track Showroom Dummies muy bueno, pero el que hace killer a este album es Beat It! Remix del dj Ruben Rodriguez muy Electrico suna un poco como Sapp & Roger muy chigon.
45 stars
GREAT BOOK! and i hardly read! i am a fan of black females. i hardly read, but i had noticed i was lacking in quite a few "bigger" words, so i knew i had to start reading again. i picked up this book at the bookstore, seeing its a best seller.. i read it and now i know why!!! This is a great book! Terry McMillan is great at describing the way people look! From her description, there are HOT black females in this book! Terry McMillan must have had a guys help writing this book, cuz she DEFINETLY knows how to get a GUYS attention! This book is actually FUNNY, and i never knew a BOOK could be funny! however this book is also sad!Viola may pretend to not like her x husband.. but it shows her x husband at least cares for her and talks to her to let her know she still cares. Terry McMillan's books usually ALWAYS end up to be a movie! I'm glad i got to finish the book before the movie starts if there is a movie. i HOPE this book DOES be a movie!
45 stars
Stunningly bad This book is absolutely horrible. Seriously, it's hideous. I can't stand to have this book in my house. I buried it along with my dead cat (meow) (that's an inside joke for you three CC fans out there).
01 star
Hollywood Regurgitates Itself Tarantino is Hollywood's dream creation, its very own superficial pop culture regurgitated by someone who is the direct product of years upon years of their superficial pop culture immersion. I mean, what could be more fascinating from a cultural studies point of view? Watching Pulp Fiction, one gets the impression that Tarantino does not have an original thought in his head, that his brain is literally overflowing with all of the ... American films he has consumed. Alas, I appear to be the only dissenting voice here and my vote will do little to detract from the 5-star overall rating. So it goes.
01 star
Superb! What's not to like? Superlative acting, a wonderful story, a delightful setting and just the right balance between realism and humor.
45 stars
My all time favorite I first read Gone with the Wind in high school...now many years later (and many books later) it is still my favorite. I've read it five or six times. There is nothing like it. It's better than the movie and really packs an emotional punch. Just beautiful.
45 stars
Not quite perfect... These are actually very nice wires, but they are not tailor made for my car (1991 Mercedes 300SL). My orignal plug wires had 90 degree ends on the plug side, while these are straight. That's not bad for putting them on, but getting them off the plug could be a challenge in a couple years! The #6 plug wire is also a little too long, making it difficult to get the excess out of the way so that the cover will fit back where it's supposed to.So although Amazon lists them as a replacement part for my car, they aren't exact. On the other hand, the price is pretty good!
23 stars
Secret Service I have been involved in the Beauty Industry as a Cosmetologist, Salon Owner, and Cosmetology Instructor for the past 25 years. I expected this book to involve just our field. To my surprise, DiJulius, takes examples of GREAT customer service from his Salons, and includes examples of businesses across the country, and on the Net.The attention to details involving Client and Employee situations can be reworked to fit any business. From Salon Owners, Doctors, Auto Dealers, to Electricians and Department Stores, every business can benefit from his ideas. I enjoy how he gives credit to the people and their ideas. If you can apply just a few ideas from his book, you WILL see a difference in how clients, employees and coworkers treat you. I have!
45 stars
Most informative A most informative work on Hitler's Youth group. Starts with its very origins in the twenties. A good book to have for those interested in this subject.
45 stars
My daughter is addicted. I rented this from Redbox when my 3 year old daughter asked for a movie. I thought, honestly that it would just appease her and that she wouldn't really watch it, as she doesn't watch many movies. I am embarrassed to admit that I was busy and let her watch it without previewing first. When I finally saw a bit I understood why she loves it. There are beautiful costumes and singing and dancing. She loves to sing and dance along. I am buying this now along with whatever else they have in the same theme and I am buying for a friends daughter too. What a bargain compared to all of the $20 dollar movies I usually end up buying.
45 stars
jamies reveiw digital blue is a really cool way for kids to express them selfs. digital blue is great for all ages .when you are instaling it make sure you dont pick the other one for sound because it will be silent and that is bad- jamie age 10
45 stars
Wow! This is superb. The blu-ray DVD fulfills the promise of high tech to present music with great playback and video. If there is a reason to own high def equipment, this is it! What a sterling performance by the SF Symphony at Royal Albert Hall in London in a live performance on Sept 1, 2007. Magnificent!!!!! And, the lecture is absolutely wonderful. I think Maestro Thomas has re-invented the symphony orchestra: explain the music and then give the excellent concert. You must get this DVD! What a joy
45 stars
After I read letters to Karen. I enjoyed this book, and I really liked it because it was interesting to read father's feeling for his daughter. I never thought about my wedding seriously because I am not old enough to think about marriage and bridegroom. This book showed me how emportant the marriage is for me and for everyone and how hard to live and share with another person. Also, now I understand how hard it is for the bride's parents. I have been stay away from my parents because I came to USA to go to school, and my parents are still in Korea. I cannot imagine how hard it will be to both my parents and me when I get married- because I know it will be harder to see my parents after I get married.I also think about the relationship between a wife and a husband. I thought to marry to someone and to live with someone will work fine, but after I read this book, I realized how hard it is. A wife and a husband need patience for each other and they have to understand each other generously. Everyone has different personality and ideas, and it makes hard to live with someone forever. This book made me think about my future and my marriage seriouly. I really enjoyed this book.
34 stars
Searching for inner truth.... This book starts off with you on the edge of your seat, if there is such a thing. The characters are very realistic, and for people who are married, they may be able to relate to a lot of what the characters in the book are going through. The man is having an affair, but it is not as simple as it seems on the surface. He and his wife, due to an unfortunate event, are forced to go back in time and examine their past, unveiling some secrets which seemed to be forgotten. The man in the story seemed to be some nymphomaniac, always craving sex, which in a way, made me feel sorry for his lady, but you have to read the story to see why I'm saying this. I gave it four outta five, because there were some spots where the main character(Genevieve's husband) did and said some stuff that ran me hot, and this is coming from a man. Nonetheless, it's definitely another good one by Dickey.
34 stars
christina aguilera this cd is amazing because christina aguilera is amazing and shes the best ever!!!!!!
45 stars
Stupid for the sake of being stupid.. All freshness and originality displayed in the first "stupid" Scary Movie were lost in this one. The first movie had a clear plot for all to see. This one here have none. Why? Simple. Just because it was produced ina hurry seldom seen in sequences! In less than a year the second movie was made!!The Wayan brothers wanted to capitalize over the success of the first movie and throwed all good taste to the wind, and came out with this sad excuse of a film.This is the kind of movie that makes you leave in the middle of the film.... An people give it a five-star rating.... Weird...
01 star
An interesting story, but very predictable It took me awhile to get into this book, but eventually I really started liking it. It's pretty long, but it became a true page turner around the last 100 pages or so. I felt that there was a lot of detail, which resulted in a rushed ending. All in all, I really enjoyed the storyline, even though I predicted it from the start. I recommend this book because it's different than a lot of books out there that I've seen recently.
34 stars
What's really cool is.... ... that the bassist, Alex James, is now one of the presenters ( announcer to us Colonists ) on Classic FM, the classical-music format station out of London UK. And he does a superb job at that, too.
45 stars
Really Impressed!! When I got this CD I wasn't sure what to expect. Since it was The Peter Malick Group FEAT. Norah Jones I was afraid it was just a scam to get more money, and that Norah didn't play an important role in the album. I was wrong! Norah not only sings every song, but at her very best!I loved Norah's other albums, but there were definately a lot of filler tracks. Here, although there aren't a lot of tracks, there are NO fillers."New York City" is absolutely stunning. Norah's beautiful voice is heavenly behind the lush jazz beats of The Peter Malick Group."Strange Transmissions" isn't quite as catchy, but definately the 2nd best song on the CDEvery song is great! And the way it sounds, it could almost pass off as a live concert! Play this CD at your next outdoor BBQ! It'll feel and sound just like the best Jazz Band in the world is playing on your patio.
45 stars
Music too loud! Overall is a good teaching tool, if a bit boring. It took several tries to finally get my 2 year old son to look at it for more than 5 minutes. The slow pace seems geared for babies only, as the title suggest.My biggest complaint, though, is that the music is far too loud. It almost drowns the woman's voice in some spots. It's very distracting!And that's the other problem: the woman's voice. My son -and most kids- would repeat the words in Spanish more readily if they were spoken by children!I still consider it a good buy, though. Useful to a degree, at least.
34 stars
The New Essentials This is quite possibly the finest tactical instruction manual on the market. Despite regional variences in tactics, this book will expand your understanding of your current SOP's and allow you to try something new with a proven record. Masterfully written and not the boring text you're used to in textbooks. This is a must read for anyone wishing to advance in the fire service...truly a new essential.
45 stars
Perfect for my 5 year old! My wife got this for my son for his fith and he loves it. We were worried he would not have the balance but not a problem and it seems sturdy enough. I rode it around the block without any problems and I weigh 155 lbs. We have only had it for a couple days so cannot speak about its longevity.
45 stars
Read it carefully! I read this book when it came out and found most of what the authors said factually accurate. They didn't say anything that one couldn't find in the major mainstream media in the U.K. and other European countries. So why am I giving it only two stars? I was almost impressed when reading the book except when towards the end they make one observation that is not merely inaccurate but utterly laughable. They exonerate former President Bush for the all crimes Israel committed during Operation Defense Shield because Bush, they claim, almost sympathetically, was rendered utterly helpless to stand up to his "Zionist handlers". There we go again. The tail is wagging the dog.I know many Americans would agree with this conclusion because they also believe that it's the powerful Israel lobby that is in control of U.S. foreign policy. Somehow the world's superpower is rendered utterly helpless at the hands of the all powerful Jews. If only this lobby would disappear, they seem to believe, our policy in the Middle East, not just toward the Israel-Palestine conflict, but in all of the Middle East, would be by far more humane. It's the power of the Lobby that is preventing us from complying with human rights and international laws. Not only do I find that opinion disturbing and groundless, but it's a great way of letting the U.S. administration off the hook. I'm sure every American administration along with the media is quite happy to foster that illusion when their policies anger the majority of the American people, as it often does when it comes to the Israel/Palestine conflict.To give just one example of how the media cooperates to foster that illusion. In the early stages of Israel's Defensive Shield operation, when Sharon sent the IDF into the occupied territories of Jenin and Nablus where the IDF as usual committed grave crimes the New York Times and most of the mainstream media had front page headlines: "Sharon Defies Bush". What came to mind was the old canard: "the all powerful Jew", this time Sharon. My God, even the president of the most powerful country in the world is rendered impotent by this lone Jew who comes from a tribe who it seems always run the show. Yes, Bush did publicly tell Sharon to immediately get out of the territories but Sharon, as all Israeli leaders are aware, knew that what the US administration says publicly is not to be taken seriously when privately they are given the green light. When the IDF did not leave the occupied territories, as Bush publicly demanded, he was asked by the media, how soon should the Israelis leave and the the response was "as soon as possible". There you go. When Bush sent Colin Powell to the Middle East supposedly to enforce a cease fire, Powell first went to the Arab countries and his last stop was Israel, by which time the IDF already withdraw from two of the territories they re-occupied since they already accomplished their goals in those areas anad that was enough to appease Powell and Bush. How convenient.One example when Israel knows that the US administration is serious and they comply like a well behaved puppy happened during one time when the IDF sent multitudes of tanks to destroy Arafat's compound. While this was not the first time the Israelis did it, at some point the American administration was truly angry about their actions, probably because it became an embarrassment. Bush demanded that the IDF immediately leave the compound. Apparently the Israelis got the message that this time America's demand was serious. I watched it on CNN. Within a few minutes after that announcement from Bush, it was interesting to observe that not only did the IDF leave with its multitude of tanks but they literally fled, as if they were running for their lives. It appears to me that when the mafia Don gives orders, the lieutenants know better than to defy those orders.My point here is that the tail is not wagging the dog. It's the other way around. It seems to me that when there's a confluence of Israeli and US interests, then the Israel lobby has some power. However, once those interests collide, the "Zionist handlers" as these authors like to call them, are rendered utterly impotent. It's tragic that the authors make the claim about Bush's impotence because of his "Zionist handlers". When they do that they lose all credibility despite the fact that almost everything else in the book is factually accurate. This only makes the Israel lobby more powerful because they can so easily dismiss this rhetoric not only as lunacy but also get away with the epithet of anti-semitism. See, they can say, here's another example where critics of Israel are just a bunch of anti-semites spreading a lot of vicious lies about poor little Israel surrounded by a bunch of Arab enemies and with the cooperation of their anti-semitic supporters out to destroy Israel. As preposterous as that claim is, in this case, the lobby can actually make those claims and almost appear credible.
12 stars
One of the best coffee pods on the market I love this coffee! It brews very well in the Senseo coffee maker. The reason I can not give this 5 stars is the high price.
34 stars
great shoes! These shoes are great they look nice too! The only thing is that they don't have great arch support so I suggest getting some Dr Scholls Insoles.
34 stars
Great movie, one of my faves I love this movie. Good plot, great acting, interesting twists. Very realistic and there is no insincerity or fakeness in the casts' acting. Definitely recommend.
45 stars
A Total Waste of Time and Money This chord book is for music theorists and serious guitarists who have received formal training. I have been playing guitar for 35 years, including flamenco and rock guitar, and I am completely irritated at the mislabeling of this book - it actually dares to say "easy to use"!! I just wanted buy a regular, everyday chord book, one where you could actually go find the "A" chord on a page in some logical and normal way and it would show a normal array of variations (please pardon me for living). Instead this displays a confusing listing, such as Major 6 - 3rd in bass (1st inversion). Just what is that supposed to mean to an everyday guitar player and why doesn't the sales pitch explalin how different this is? I am returning this book immediately.
01 star
quick read - deep ideas This book has some VERY good ideas. There are some blah ideas too, but it's a quick read. Here are some of the best ideas:If you base your happiness on things being different than they are currently, you've set yourself up for constant disappointment. The only aspect of life you have any control over is your own reaction to the events taking place. There are always going to be people doing things we don't like and things happening that we wish were different. We don't control much of what happens around us, but we do control how we respond to it.You are the one creating your thoughts. You have the power to chance your thinking. You can follow your thoughts as they arise or you can change or drop them.
45 stars
"All we have is the rules" Ever fantasize that you are on an island free from the restraints of society? William Golding has taken that scenario to the nth in this story of a bunch of English boys, plane wrecked on an island during WWII.We see the fabric of society slowly and most assuredly ripping as the rules are discarded one by one. Golding is very graphic in his description of the demise of pigs and plants.One will never look at fun and games in the same way.Lord of the Flies: Essential Art House
45 stars
a*teens rock I was glad when i heard that the A*teens were coming out with a new album. Their first album was full of ABBA covers, but this one is full of original songs.1. Upside Down- I like this song and the video for it rocks. I was suprised to hear Dhani and Amit (the boys) sing parts on this song. (10/10)2. ...To The Music- Not a song I like to listen to all the time. This beat isn't really fast, but you can at least tap your foot to it. (8/10)3. Halfway Around The World- My second fave song. I love this video. Again, the boys sing a part on this song, and the lyrics are really great. (10/10)4. Firefly- MY FAVE SONG!! I memorized the words real quick and was soon singing along with them. This is a mid-tempo love song about wanting your lover back. (10/10)5. Sugar Rush- My 3rd fave song. This is definetly a song you'd put on a tape for your crush. "..I start to blush/You are my sugar rush..". (10/10)6. Rockin'- This a real dark song about fame and love. Sometimes the words stray and lose meaning, but the beat makes up for it. (6/10)7. Around The Corner Of Your Eye- This title may seem like a little kiddie song, but this is actually a love song. It's slow, guitar-driven beat sounds good mixed with their voices. (10/10)8. Slammin' Kinda Love- This used to be my fave song, but not any more. I love the dark ringing beat. (8/10)9. All My Love- Dhani and Amit sing lead on this spanish song. I kinda don't like this song. (7/10)10. For All That I Am- This is a good song to dedicate to your bf/gf if you've been treating them bad. (9/10)11. That's What (It's All About)- Before "Firefly" or "Slammin' Kinda Love", this was my absolute fave song. But this beat seems like it was made for Britney. Still a good club song, though. (8/10)12. Morning Light- My 4th fave song. It seems like a sunny song. Dhani and the girls sing this song, and it seems like they added a bit of hip-hop in it. (10/10)13. Back for More- Sounds like "..To The Music". This song is short and not really memorable. (6/10)14. Don't Even Know Your Name- This is a bonus track. This song reminds me of myself. I pass notes to my crushes and I hope someday they will see me. (10/10)The CD was very enjoyable and kept me listening to it over and over and over again. Go out and buy this if you like pop music. And pick up their latest album "Pop Til You Drop".
45 stars
Extreamly benificial book This book is great; it had more than met my expectations. As a grad student going for my art therapy and counseling degree this book has already provided me with a lot of knowledge that has been useful. I would highly suggest it.I would suggest this book to anyone working with children and adolescents along with anyone in the mental health profession.
45 stars