class label
5 classes
If Nothing Else besides the total love I habve for this movie I think it is a wonderful thing that the film has taken on a life of it's own in the Music video genre. Whether they are shameless rip-offs or tributes it seems that the directors of the Smashing Pumpikins videa for "33" and the Red Hot Chilli Peppers' clip for "The Other Side" both have undoubtable simularities to the classic movie. It is good that at least in some way this movie still reaches an audience whether they know it or not.
45 stars
Loved the book I loved reading this book as a teen and thoroughly enjoed watching this DVD. It follows the book very closely. I highly recond it if you have read the book.
45 stars
It showed up unwatchable The discs were messed up somehow and wouldn't play. Despite attempts to get it replaced there has been no help or response. Not sure if it's the age of the product or what the problem comes from. I just know I can't watch it.
01 star
downton abbey season 2 Great show! Love that I was able to download to my kindle to watch. The doownload worked great with no problems.
45 stars
Shift into Knowing the Truth: Outstanding-Synchronized-Third Eye-Opening Meditation DVD After watching the movie KNOWING and this DVD repeatedly now, it dawned upon me suddenly one day what a genius-level script as well as the music and graphics synchronized my mind's eye with my chakras. I mean this is a masterpiece and it is such a subtle DNA-activating and tranceforming technique, an incredibly unique novel way to invoke genetic change within the cells of the pineal-pituitary network. No wonder viewers feel that it is not what they expected: a documentary? This is a scientific and spiritual prophecy made manifest audio-visually and offers a way to avoid the "doom and gloom" outcome via GNOSIS: KNOWING THE TRUTH!We are indeed so programmed by the left-brain fear-based "if it bleeds it leads" media that we can not possibly evaluate such a whole brain experience initially. It grows on you over time and repeated observation how phenomenal this DVD is to us. It'd be like asking a child to critque Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity!No doubt about it, this DVD does not give us a super-charged adrenaline rush but rather calms us as it enlightens us. It lifts its messages and meanings softly above our lower reptile brainstem and onto our prefrontal lobes where feelings are integrated. How utterly telling that it takes a woman to sense the power and potential of this presentation to transform us in profound new ways. This Science of Soul is a lyrical, musical, and graphicsl delight to the sixth sense and I recommend it to all my family, friends, and colleagues of metaphysic circles that are preparing themselves to survive the ongoing galactic-ray bursts and magnetic-reversals of our solar system as predicted by Egyptian, Mayan astronomer priest-shamans and ... NASA! Learn how Coronoal Mass Ejections impact us at the level of our soul.Indeed, you MUST read the newly released book Tranceformers: Shamans of the 21st Century - Second Edition Revised and Updated for 2012 text before you order this DVD -- or maybe buy both. The text is outstanding and reintroduced me to the shapeshifting power of our self-talk to impact DNA: the Word of God made flesh. It also educated me to the "archetypes of the apocalypse" and our potential to transform them now fast into "archetypes of abundance" if we circumvent WWIII in era-2012 before the chaos we will face in Solar Cycle 24.
45 stars
Gave me the creeps... Criteria for a horror movie should be different than for other films. They can lag in other areas, but if they deliver chills, shreiks, winces, gags (I mean the kind you make with your throat, not the kind you play on your friends) and a sense of, well, the creeps, that runs the whole film, you know you're on to something. "Creepers" does this and does it well. It's a short, well-crafted, brutally compact horror movie that uses storyline and atmosphere rather than buckets of the red stuff or an enormous kill-count to get your fear glands pumping. The story revolves around two sibling college students taking their ancient 1960s-era beater home on spring break via what looks to be the worlds longest and most desolate highway. On the way they spy a sinister-looking man dumping what appears to be bodies down a drainpipe, and here they commit their first "Horror-Movie Mistake" -- they investigate instead of getting the hell out of there. Turns out there is an extremely nasty surprise on the end of the pipe (think Sistine Chapel as designed by Dr. Lecter), but it's not until the two finally decide to split the scene -- and who wouldn't want to stay in a sewer pipe -- that their troubles begin. Seems the mystery guy is on their scent (literally), and wants something from them, which he intends to remove without benefit of anesthetic. That's his gig, and he does it pretty well (hint: hiding in the police station will not help). "Creepers" is not a perfect film -- horror movies usually aren't -- but its flaws are the flaws of the genre and don't do much to detract from the tension. My biggest gripe is the design of the Creeper himself -- fully revealed, he is ugly but nothing you haven't seen trading barbs with Patrick Stewart on "Star Trek: The Next Generation" ; and the movie ends so abruptly and brutally that my initial reaction was that somebody had forgotten to put the last half hour in. But better an abrupt ending than a predicatble one, right? Simply put, "Jeepers Creepers" was the first horror movie I've seen in a long time that actually creeped me out. Definetly worth a watch.
34 stars
Meh. Connery as Bond is imminently watchable, and only he can get away with such wise-cracking, chauvinistic machismo (as in 'Goldfinger.') But 'Thunderball' had me puzzled...what's the fuss? It was kind of a mess, a train wreck you keep watching just in case. Particularly the final underwater fight scene that went on WAY too long...we ultimately collapsed laughing at it for being so ludicrous. And with a production budget such as this, WHY was Bond forced to wear a shorty (ORANGE) scuba suit with no legs attached? An odd thing to focus on, but when your hero dons the orange scuba suit (which covers his nethers like a codpiece) but continues to wear a pair of white shorts underneath it, it appears his boxers are sticking out as he swims. How no one on the production crew noticed this is beyond me...at last it gave us something to laugh at during the never-ending fight scene. I feel like a heretic saying this, but 'Thunderball' could've been better. Connery might have been aware of this fact too, as this was reportly his last Bond film. At least he knew when to abandon the franchise.
23 stars
Something the whole family can enjoy The Flintstones DVD second season truly is something the whole family can watch together. I know when we sit down to watch this together that there will not be any moments where we hold our breath and wait for the questions.
45 stars
Amazing story of an amazing man I just gotta say I am enthralled by the man who brought Elmo to life. A true hero for kids who want to follow their dreams that aren't of the 'usual' kind. =D
45 stars
Worst comic book adaptation since "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" There have been many bad comic book movies but few have come from such great source material as "Whiteout." The Greg Rucka comic book is one of the best investigative thrillers out there, but this movie is just terrible. It's boring, the actors are terrible and even a Syfy Channel knockoff would have known to have some action or something in it to make it watchable. This tries to be a more serious capital F "Film" at times like the great comic but just comes off boring. I could barely stay awake and ended up fastforwarding through most of it. Though Rucka's "Queen & Country" would make a great film series and put "Bourne" and "Bond" to shame, if it's done as poorly as this I'm glad it hasn't happened. One star only because there are no zero star reviews.
01 star
Awesome! I absolutely love Bones! The second season was just as good and even better than the first! I can't wait to get the next season on dvd. I am so addicted.
45 stars
Liked it but..... See, that's the problem with the sexes today. Everybody wants to control the other. Now, here you have a woman who saw her man and another woman in the club dancing(after He said he would be working late), and this girl got this brother alternating from calling her often to going out his mind. What happened to sitting down and setting it straight?? I liked this movie, but between all these head games that Vivica A. Fox and Anthony Anderson was doing, chile, you would have thought they were corporate merger headhunters, not playing in the delicate game oflove, and what did she accomplish?? Almost loosing ol' boy to a high class skeezer. This is too,too much. Folks need to come correct here. Now, what is the benefit of all those rules when you don't have no one to be with at the end of those 10 days???? Where was your purpose then? Now, I don't date, and maybe that may one of the reasons, but we put ourselves under too much darn stress over each other. Get real and get straight. Life is too darn short.
34 stars
The Ultimate Movie Review! - [...] - @tss5078 This movie has a great cast, a seemingly good story, and a ton of eye candy, but even with all that it has going for it. It was just weird. I didn't understand the code, the slang, or the point. I was looking forward to this one and I was incredibly disappointing. This is just one strange movie that you can avoid.
01 star
Excellent Purchase The transaction was smooth. The seller stayed in contact with me and sent professional correspondence. I enjoyed purchasing from this seller and will do again in the future.
45 stars
Jennifer's Body Review by The Massie Twins High school can be hell. And Jennifer's Body makes sure to illustrate this point with tortured friendships, devilish betrayals, and demonic violence, but it also tries too hard to be hip and clever in both its dialogue and its parallels to teen life while it hammers home the comparisons. It also focuses so much on its self-absorbed wittiness to pay much attention to the slasher aspects, and we're left with a film that's part parable, part comedy, part horror, part exploitation, and ultimately not too much fun. At least the two female leads can share a passionate kiss undeterred by the absence of reason and plausibility.Nerdy, reserved bookworm Needy (Amanda Seyfriend) and arrogant, conceited cheerleader Jennifer (Megan Fox) are best friends, though they share little in common. They share even less in common when Jennifer mysteriously gains an appetite for human blood after a disastrous fire at a local bar. As Needy's male classmates are steadily killed off in gruesome attacks, the young girl must uncover the truth behind her friend's transformation and find a way to stop the bloodthirsty rampage before it reaches her own boyfriend Chip (Johnny Simmons)."I wasn't always this cracked. I used to be normal," insists Needy at the start of the film. Unfortunately she's unable to convince us during the course of the next two hours in which Jennifer's Body ensnarls a pitch-black comedy, thriller, horror slasher, and teen drama into a hopelessly weird mess. If the trials and tribulations of female high school life can be equated to bizarre occult, demonic possession, then writer Diablo Cody has penned a masterpiece. However, few may agree with her method of proof, especially when the humor is often lifeless, the jump-scare manipulation is timeworn, and the contemporary dialogue is forced.The purportedly hip lingo spouted from nearly every character (except J.K. Simmons, a solid character actor who has found his way into many recent films) is Cody's trademark; yet outside of the light-hearted dramatic territory of Juno, it's completely ineffective. "Jennifer Speak" includes a few nominally clever phrases such as "salty morsels" in reference to attractive teens, "lime green Jell-O" for jealousy, and "sea cucumber" for... you figure it out. Most of it isn't nearly as catchy or epigrammatic as it is simply peculiar.And finally, everyone interested in the film purely for the ample measures of Megan Fox will be disappointed to learn that no real nudity emerges in the film, except for a slow-motion, unrevealing skinny dip and a gratuitous girl-on-girl makeout session between Fox and Seyfried. There isn't a large enough body count for a slasher, not enough high school angst for a teen dramedy, not enough debauchery for exploitation and not enough original material for entertainment.- The Massie Twins
12 stars
A Great Steak Escape! WOW! What a good movie! Ray & Kevin lovers will be pleasantly surprised. There are no traces of Debra or Carrie here! The movie starts out kind of slow but really picks up by the middle & the ending is awesome. The characters are explored expertly by these two with lots of help from Juliette Lewis & a bang at the end from Burt Reynolds. A good flick for a lazy summer evening on the sofa! Bravo!
34 stars
A Man of Peace The lyrics to Jill Jackson's and Sy Miller's simple, beautiful 1955 song say "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me." This DVD, written and directed by David Beardsley, offers an excellent introduction to the life and ideas of an essential American thinker whose pursuit of the indwelling peace that can overcome the world deserves serious attention from every American - and indeed from every person in any country - who is troubled today by the violence and tyranny racking the whole earth and his or her own soul. It is the intention of all those who collaborated on this video biography that those who watch it will be moved to read more by and about Ralph Waldo Emerson. I believe this will be its effect on most viewers, and that is a very good thing.
45 stars
awesome so nice to see some of the band again. The young additions are in Chicago style and excellent. Glad we got it
45 stars
Unbiased, accurate After reading some bad reviews I was very skeptical about this movie.But clearly it delivers very accurate, and unbiased history.I strongly object the idea that this film is a propaganda.First of all, it never puts the Chairman Mao to the first place.Doesn't emphasize Deng XiaoPing at all.If it it had been a propaganda, these two figures would have stolen the whole movie.It only delivers the real conversations, events, and nothing but the facts.You can read all these not only from the Chinese archives but anywhere from wikipedia to history books.I do accept the fact that there are way too many characters to follow and too many key conversations that played great importances in the history but if you really pay attention, you never lose the track.I recommend watching it alone, even then you might need to pause and rewind. In some scenes you can't follow the subtitles due partly you need to read the legends that explain the date, location, and historic figure's name etc.If you'd like to know how, when, and why the Chinese went into the civil war, this is the history 101.In terms of film making, the acting is good, filming, lights, costumes and everything you can think of is good.Another 5 star movie from China.I really enjoyed it, and strongly recommend it if you liked any of the following: Red Cliff, Warring States, Three Kingdoms, Warlords, Assembly, Founding of a Republic, and 1911.
45 stars
Amazing, heart pounding suspense The first episode is intriguing, the second episode grabs you and never lets you go. The best series ever!
45 stars
Love item l will use seller again. Great item Fast shipping Good price. That is what you need in any seller. Rate 5 star. Alway use a seller that is fast high Quanity items. Will work in any why to heip with any problem you may have
45 stars
Great cast, good story idea, little flat. With the cast this movie had so much potential just never got on a consistant roll. I After an attack at home Frank Moses (Willis) recruits his old CIA buddies for help in revenge. Using all the tricks he knows Moses hunts down the person responsible for the attack while trying to avoid a tenacious CIA agent trying to stop him. This is another movie that falls into a common trap. Assemble an All-Star cast, realize everyone will watch for cast, slack off on rest. To me it feels like the bigger the stars put together the bigger the dissapointment. I'm not saying this is a bad movie, it's just very average. With the cast assembled (and the Golden Globe nomination for Best Picture) I was expecting hilarious. It had funny parts, but a little flat in some areas. It sounds like I'm bashing it but it was a good movie. I was just expecting more. You will definately have a good time watching, just don't get your hopes too high. The best part of the movie hands down is John Malkovich, watch for him if nothing else. I give it a B.Would I watch again? - If it came on TV
23 stars
RIVETING! Once you start you can't stop watching it. Very exciting, very intense. Worth every penny!
45 stars
Bye Jack - The beginning of the end. Season four does all the things wrong that seasons one and two got right. We loved 24 because it was an extended plot that happened at the pace it needed to happen, whether the "climax" was at the beginning, middle or end of the hour episode. I love long, intricately developed plots in TV shows (West Wing, Babylon 5, mid-run Buffy). Having watched the fourth season on TV (admittedly a different experience than DVD) you just get tired of 24 contrived mini-climaxes. And because they always tried to have a climax at the end of the episode, many are obviously delayed or otherwise contrived. The last episode is such a small climax that I failed to realise it was the last hour until just before the credits rolled. It would probably be OK if each episode was supposed to be a self-contained story, but the point of 24 is that it isn't.So in summary, too much contrivance and, without better writing, I can't see the show lasting after season five, which I won't be bothering with on TV. I think the "let's torture people to get information" advocation should dropped from the show, too.
23 stars
Never looked or sounded better! For fans of this film, your wait is over. Streets of Fire on HD DVD is a joy.The picture is awesome and Dolby Digital Plus soundtrack is so much better than what was previously available.
45 stars
Very good idea, very good results. Anime obviously had a lot of influence on the Matrix so this suits it perfactly. The storys catch you up with the happenings pre-Matrix Trilogy. For an example, the first short film is about the first machine who kills his master, the upriseing, and the humans reaction to this. Great stuff. BUY THIS. But just download it while you wait for the release.
45 stars
No wide screen edition yet With a very strong casting with Mel Gibson, Jaime Lee Curtis, George Wendt and a young Elijah Wood, the movies is successfully directed by Steve Miner (yes, he directed parts 2 and 3 of Friday the 13th). A touching romance with a bit of comedy and action thrown in. The scenes with a vintage B-25 are remarkable. The fact that the lighthouse scene at the end with the house and a hidden 2,000 runway being built out of nowhere (the B-25 didn't actually land on the rough ground as it was hinted at). Small note, that B-25 used in that closing scene can be found at the Palm Springs Air Museum in California as Mitch the Witch II.A fantastic movie but the only caveat is that the movie was never released in widescreen even though it was shot in that format. The fact that the movie doesn't have any bonus features is reasons behind the 3 star rating. Also it's been out so long you'd figure there would be an anniversary edition, widescreen, cast/director's commentary, bonus features and a Blu-Ray edition out there but that is not to be.
23 stars
pretty boring I had to watch this movie for a History Project. My teacher made it sound inspiring and dramatic. Maybe it was, but it's hard to know when it makes you fall asleep after 10 minutes. Look elsewhere buddy.
01 star
Buffy , a gift from Joss Whedon What can you say but THANKS Joss !Buffy is 7 years of unique and evolving humor embeded in serious issues .There was even a symposium at a college on the series .The cast is so great that once you finish the 7 years , you may find yourself doing an annual rerun viewing .loved it , loved it , loved it !k
34 stars
review of the first hour A tale of a struggling mother trying to overcome her situation. rags to riches story. they did a great job recreating the 1930s. great set design. everthing from a deppression-glass sugar bowl on the kitchen table to the antique cars in the street. Similar to the movie "amelia" which starrted hilary swank as amelia and richard gere as "george putnam." no suspense. no huge gripping plot. you enjoy it for the cinematography, and 1930s studio props. you know how it ends, but you enjoy the calm mellow journey.
23 stars
Lost in Translation Gosh, it seems like those who writereviews saying they thought 'Lost' wasless than stellar hit a nerve with onlinereaders. It was a nice enough effort, imo, butI didn't see any oscar material here. I loveBill Murray and that's primarily why I watchedthe movie. 'Lost' has its nice touches of nuance, andpaces itself slowly (at time perhaps too slowly);a patient viewer and viewing are needed if onlybecause so much of cinema is trying to keep pacewith a world that moves entirely too quickly, and inthat, there may be a point the movie is trying to convey.But the premise is real enough and it makessome interesting observations about marriage andcommitment that hopefully won't be 'lost' in aworld were marriage and commitment - even at agreat cost - is woefully undervalued; there is nochane at grabbing a dose of instant gratification.The movie is an exercise in restraint and veryphilosophical; it looks at a situation that couldhappen to almost anyone: Finding someone special whoyou really relate with and care about, but well afterthe fact of your marriage (and kids).Some will love this and some may only 'like' (oryes, 'dislike'-its ok, you're allowed). For my partI'll say its worth seeing and worth giving it someconsideration.
23 stars
the best stoner flick ever the story is based around a group of weed-loving buds. after a little puffin' party one is sent off for some munchies(Harland Williams). he ends up in jail after innocently overfeeding a diabetic police horse. then it's up to the other three to raise his bail. they realize the only way that's going to happen is by selling ripped off weed from a pharmaceutical company. Jim Breuer's performance is classic and the cameos are great(esp. Bob Saget). my girlfriend, sarah, and i first saw this when it was released in theaters. we might have been the only two people laughing, but we were dying. if you smoke then you'll know what i mean. we've watched it too many times to count.
45 stars
Good Show I purchased from Instant Streaming through my Blu-Ray Amazon App. It was a perfect stream. Enjoyed the show. I recommend the Good Wife to anyone.
45 stars
What truth? This movie is to truth as oil is to water. Al gives one heck of a strong sermon, but as a scientist is a complete flop. He offers anecdotal evidence aplenty that the world is warming-- but it's not proof. He offers no compelling evidence that CO2 is causing this warming and, in fact, the only evidence he DOES offer on that shows exactly the opposite-- that global warming causes CO2. Finally, he offers no evidence at all that humans are creating the CO2 increase in an amount equal to the problem. Finally, he says that we only have ten years to save the planet. Considering he started saying that nine years ago, I think we should just ignore him and try to live with it. We're doing pretty well so far.
01 star
Very Worthy Effort! One of the better indie short films I've seen in a long time.Obviously done on a low budget scale, "Opening Fright" accomplishes what few big budget, horror/ comedies are unable to... and that is to make you laugh your head off, yet still jolt you with legitimate scares.The writing and acting stand out the most to me. It's obvious that this film's creators have spent some time, as have I, in the glorious world of community theater. The film's very authentic in it's approach to the characters and the world they live in.I highly recommend giving "Opening Fright" a once over.
34 stars
Wow Watching this movie made my pregnant wife literally physically uncomfortable. It wasn't the subject matter. We know that because we watched the Business of Being Born last week and really enjoyed the experience. It's basically the same documentary, after all: the same experts, the same spin, the same statistics. However, BOBB was to the point, focused on the mothers' experiences, and didn't have 30 minutes of dramatic close-up scenes of probably the most obnoxious, self-assured d-bag on Netflix. The end of the movie made me wish I hadn't have watched the first 3 quarters of it. They absolutely dramatized their experience instead of presenting the subject with any sort of integrity. The father constantly spit out cringe-worthy lines like "It was ultimately MY decision if we went to the hospital" and "Why should the Nurse be holding my baby! The baby needs ME." Haha. It was really, really awful.TLDR; Go watch the Business of Being Born and save yourself the headache. This film looks at really interesting subject matter, starts to approach it in only a mildly crappy manner, and then crashes and burns in a spectacle that will absolutely make you wish you'd never turned it on in the first place.
01 star
Boring, even for a 4-year old I've taken my 4-year old son to several movies (Toy Story 3, Princess and the Frog, Mega Mind, Despicable Me) and he's loved every one of them except for this one. He was bored with this one. There's not much in it to entertain adults either. There are better choices out there, folks. This movie earned a second star from me only because the animation and 3-D effects were pretty good.
12 stars
You Know, I'd Have Stolen that Clock on My Way Out... I've been going on a rip lately, borrowing every horror movie available from my local library, wallowing in disappointment night after night. This film was different enough to capture my interest, with a beautiful haunted house filmed carefully to show the subtle colors and textures. I enjoyed seeing a cast that I didn't recognize for once, and the acting was above par - I never yelled at the television, nor flung cheezy poofs across the living room. I'd like to see what the director would do with better backing in the future; talented filming is a rarity nowadays, and these scenes were smooth and composed. The set decoration was nice, but I wonder if anyone would leave antiques lying around a college rental.I wanted more detail about the history of a spirit clock, but perhaps this was just a plot device that the filmmakers invented. I'm not sure how the rental company would be able to put that many people together in one place who all sported "dark pasts" and minor clock-fixing skills, so perhaps that's why it took two hundred years for those spirits to get it right. Even though this was a bit predictable, I didn't go nuts hollering, "Well, what are the odds of that?" since it kept my interest and was fun to watch. Unusual.
23 stars
Excellent inspiring horse movie! This movie is excellently done. Allowing one to learn a lot about Irish culture and see a lot of on location scenery. The plot is very heart-warming. While it is true that the "based on a true story" element is not much of the story line, since not much is known about what happenned to the real Shergar, it is a charming conjecture.It is a delightful film that's excellent for family viewing.
45 stars
Finest tv show ever This show reveals what the drug trade does to people, both suppliers and users. It does not comes across as propaganda, just reality. Neither does it attempt to glamorize or justify it. By using excellent writing and acting, it illustrates the effects of methamphetamine on people's lives. Every time I feel thinks are breaking so bad that they can't get worse, they do. In my opinion, it is they best tv show ever.
45 stars
Thanks for the memoir CIA Superior: So what did we learn from this?CIA Officer: Um... I don't know.Short Attention Span Summary (SASS):1. CIA analyst Cox (John Malkovich) has a falling out with the agency, and decides to write a tell-all memoir.2. His wife (Tilda Swinton) wants a divorce, and to make sure she's forearmed with his finances, she burns a copy of some of his computer files3. Said files fall into the incapable hands of clueless gym employees Chad (Brad Pitt) and Linda (Frances McDormand), who decide to try extortion as a fund raising exercise.4. No prizes for guessing that it doesn't quite work as planned5. Meanwhile, Mrs. Cox is having an affair, Linda is looking for both love and cosmetic surgery, and Treasury agent Harry (George Clooney) is sleeping around.6. Black comedy of errors follows with some rather unpredictable twists.Fans of black comedy will thoroughly enjoy this movie, which is well directed, brilliantly acted and immensely entertaining. Kudos go to Malkovich, Pitt, Swinton and Clooney, but the top award definitely goes to McDormand, who will have you sharing her pain.Four and a half stars go to the Coen Brothers for this bleak look at life, adultery, blackmail and people behaving badly.Amanda Richards
45 stars
one of the best crappy movies This is def. a real "B" or Indie movie, shot on video. But as far as super low budget zombie movies, this is the best. Seems to be around the same budget as films like Flesh Freaks, and Dead Life for example and this blows them out of the water. Its funny and gory..holds true to TROMA Entertainment. Noticable influences from The Toxic Avenger, Zombie, and Day of The Dead. If your a zombie or troma fan, buy this dvd.
45 stars
Sooner or later everyone needs a haircut... This is actually one of very few movies that I purchased PRIOR to ever seeing it. I had good feelings about it. My feelings were right.This is a wonderful movie about a barber "Ed Crane" (Billy Bob) who lives a very quiet, mediocre life with his wife with whom he has a very shallow relationship. But that's only the beginning. There is so much more depth to Ed Crane and his life that is slowly revealed throughout the movie.Ed Crane doesn't say much. He doesn't have to. It's obvious his life is less than perfect. Anyway, in the movie Ed Crane is almost invisible. I don't want to give too much away ... you need to see it for yourself. I will say that the movie is very deep and touching ... you won't forget it. Who would suspect the barber... He just cuts the hair. Crane's nonchalant attitude throughout the movie was intriguing to say the least. And the ending is unexpected. But then again, everything in the movie is. It's a mystery ... it's a drama. A dramery. I just made it up. It works.The *New* black and white, film noir-look of the movie is very cool. They should make more movies that way (film it in color and then change it to black and white). It really made the movie better, I thought. It's definitely hard NOT to watch this movie. It keeps you glued to the screen wondering what will happen next. It's NOT predictable. That's part of it's charm. This was just a very surprising movie in general. I highly recommend it. I don't regret buying it at all. "The Man Who Wasn't There" is different ... in a good way. I wish more movies were like this one.A movie I suggest if you like this one (w/ great character development): ABOUT SCHMIDT.
45 stars
Oh so great So well done, the stories are so interesting, the photography and music is perfect nad the casting is awesome.I love Wallander and know his cell phone ring by heart, rin rin rin rin.
45 stars
best season yet Only getting better with each episode. Cant wait for second half of the season to come out so we can know what happens.
45 stars
"Maybe they'll think better of me now." "I can't handle this movie," is how my Mom put it halfway through the sob fest that is the 1932 production of "Emma". I personally defy anyone to not cry at the end of this film, and while weeping is not my idea of a good time I have to admit Marie Dressler turns in one heck of a performance as the hapless title character and the movie is definitely a classic.Dressler plays Emma, the deeply devoted housekeeper to the Smith family. The film opens with the childbirth death of Mrs. Smith, just as her husband is about to hit the big time with his inventions. Emma raises the four Smith children as her own and for 25 years or so everything is grand. And then the children are grown up, and three of them are wicked and all of them selfish. When Papa Smith unexpectedly pops the question to Emma and the two of them embark on a life of companionable wedded bliss, the children are livid. When events take a tragic turn, the children become borderline murderous, with only the flighty youngest son Ronnie (excellently played by Richard Cromwell) standing by Emma and showing her the love she so pathetically deserves. Heartbreak piles on heartbreak with the steadfast Emma refusing to treat the Smith children as anything but good people until finally they begin to break under the weight of her boundless love for them. By the end the Smiths have been melted into humanity and the audience reduced to tears.With great acting by Dressler and an early, very unusual performance by Myrna Loy as the basest Smith child (her apathy so deep it's almost vicious), the film is worth watching for film buffs. But be warned you will be depressed for the rest of your day. Although you might be more inclined to hug your Mom.GRADE: BBest non-tragic scene: Emma taking a ride in the flight simulator and her face after turning barrel roles. Kinda cute.
34 stars
Instant, CULT CLASSIC. .................WARNING- SPOILERS!...............................................This movie, is perfect. I Hadn't even heard of it before, and found it hiding behind some other movies, at the Video Store. It looked good, so i rented it... Best Decision i have evr made. It is such an entertaining movie. Every Second, It leaves you begging for more. At the Beggining of the movie, you think that our lead character, "Allen" Is the Bully, by the way he treat's the younger children in the cabin. The Camp counseler, comes in, and puts a stop to the harrasment to the children, by being very rude to allen. So then, we go through a couple minutes of the movie, seeing some children being rude to Him, and we start to wonder.. Is He the Bully, Is that why everyone hates Him? Or, Is everyone else the Bullies, and he is the Victim? We quickly realize the answer, when we go to the Kitchen Scene, when the guy throes eggs at him, and nothing is done. All thorugh the Movie, the Kid get's Harrassed, Tormented, and Bullied. We have everything from, Ataccking him with Paintball Gun's, Getting his Ball's Practically Sqeuazed Off, By an Overweight Girl, Beat with a club,..E.T.C Well, Mysterious Death's happen throughout the movie, and one of the Camp worker's Suspects that it is "Angela" From the First Movie, And no One Believes Him. One Scene, The Killer Dipps this guy Upside Down, in Boiling Grease! Each time, a death occurs, allen Get's the blame. EVERYONE, but 1, Suspects it's allen. So, his Step brother, finds him in the woods, and practically beats him too death, and then, The REAL Killer appears, and Skins the boy who is beating allen. (WE Dont see it happen, But realize it later. ) Well, at the end of the movie, the Mysterious Cop, who pretends to have throat cancer,takes off the Make-Up, and Clothes, and we realize that it really is Angela, from the 1st movie! The Movie, is too good for words. Best Sequel, i have ever seen to a movie. I Usually hate when people try to remake 80's Slashers, But i found a light. !0XX Better than the first. WATCH THIS MOVIE!
45 stars
studio 60 on sunset strip I enjoyed this series but I did find it got boring at times but I am glad that I watched it as I think Matthew Perry is great
23 stars
Inspector Lewis season 5 This a great series, I have been watching for many years. I started with Morse, I have purchased all the seasons of both series. I do recommend.
45 stars
How Do You Spell CRAP? V-E-R-T-I-C-A-L L-I-M-I-T I never thought that a movie about mountain climbing would be bad. Seriously. I never saw it coming.Actually, I did. All the really interesting parts, you know the ones where people are slidding and falling off of the mountain sides, are all shown during the trailer. If you were fortunate enough to see the trailer for this movie before it was released, you are saving yourself a grueling 2 hours. Because that's all this movie basically is. A test for wether or not Hollywood can make slidding of mountains look cool.I gave it a 2, because the action scenes were well done. (See above concerning trailers however.) The story was mediocre, and the acting and directing was hilarious. However, I'm sure that wasn't the intention.
12 stars
the scariest movie I've ever seen<and I don't like horror> this movie was REALLY scary. I don't even like horror movies and it totally creeped me out. If you are an outdoor person, don't even think to go see this movie. It creeps under your skin and it will stay there for days!
45 stars
a must watch tearjerker I laughed and I cried. This movie made my heart sore. Just a beautiful unique take on a love story. It proves that you can't pick that great kinda love, and when it happens you need to grab hold and never let go. Just pure beauty!!!!!
45 stars
Good Glimpse A friend pointed out that this show doesn't really point out anything new or unknown, and this is probably true. However it really isn't the point of the show. It's to immerse you in different things, or at least immersion by watching someone else being immersed in it.It really is amazing how much can actually happen in 30 days, a few of these have breakdowns, a few even have revelations. The other thing it helps is to break down fear of the unknown in our life. I personally didn't know much about Islam, the Castro distric, what taking HGH/Testosterone will do to you, etc. Sure I had an idea, but it's here it's really put in your face for you to understand.It's only 6 episodes, but they are a good 6 episodes.
45 stars
Not bad..... worth seeing After reading all of the reviews I had to check it out for myself. I didn't think it was as bad as most of the reviews say. It was interesting and it kept my intrest until the end, however it was a little confusing and the ending was not that satifying. I do think it is worth checking out and seeing for yourself.
23 stars
Should have been called "12" this season. Here's why... In a unique and a remarkable promotional decision, the first four hours of the 6th season were released in a triumphant pre-air format -24 - Season 6 Premiere (First 4 Episodes). That move was accepted with sweeping applauses that created unprecedented expectations from viewers and critics alike. Unfortunately, during the run of the rest of the season it was apparent that the series' writers have been struggling to come up with new plot twists and turns as they went along in order to create enough content that would justify the show's name - "24".Their endeavors were not successful. Too many episodes were redundant, badly scripted and some plot developments were outright ridiculous. A few of the characters were so outrageously written and played that there was a distinct feeling that the show was steadily becoming a comics. The dominating impression was that the show had lost its edge and has fallen from grace.Nevertheless, there were episodes that did manage to recapture the good old sensations previous seasons have generated and Keifer Sutherland was still outstanding as Jack Bauer. In all, about 12 episodes combined could have made alone a solid story, but the name of the series obligates 24 episodes and so are the network demands of a leading prime-time show. This means that for the upcoming season the writers would have to work harder than ever before to invent riveting, thrilling and plausible arc stories to make it work again.Publications show that the producers acknowledge reality and are acting upon to make things better - as change is a must. Let's hope for their success.
23 stars
Director's Son is an Idiot Ive been waiting for many years for this movie to be re-released! And although Im happy to own it, I got SO mad while watching it! I used to have most the lines memorized, so although I cannot quote the full extent of the missing footage, it BOGGLES and enrages me as to why they removed some lines. Not only that, but the moron editor even muted a scene! I dont know what issues he had with the main female character, but they must have been severe. I wish I had the director's son address so I could send him some hate mail or perhaps even some roadkill in a box.If you release a movie, and this is what the fans have come to know and love, you DONT MESS WITH IT.
01 star
Liked it I like the series. I liked being pulled into a show and forget about the world. Watch fantasy a bit and its pretty cool. Story was fun.
34 stars
The first battle of the Cold War A unique film. This movie takes place during the Berlin Airlift, the heroic effort by the western allies to keep Berlin supplied from the air after the Soviets closed down all ground access to the city. In this film an American airman learns to love and forgive in the ruins of Germany. Filmed in postwar Germany and featuring many actual servicemen this movie may not have the glitz or the special effects or the outdoor sets or big budgets but that makes it even more accurate film as far as I can tell. Germany was still in ruins from the bombing of the Western Allies and the ground fighting that took place in Berlin itself. This makes it more real than Hollywood.
34 stars
BAD Yes it is a "B" movie, but this was one of the worst I've evr watched. I do not reccomend.
12 stars
My 2 Year Old's Favorite Movie Very cute movie, and I have no hesitation about my daughter watching it...there is a 'bad' guy, but no one gets hurt and he isn't menacing enough to scare her. I haven't even let her watch Disney movies yet because the bad guys are too scary! Very wholesome, good story, and there are puppies (the number one priority for my daughter)!
45 stars
Let's Drive Vincent Crazy! Nicholas Medina (Vincent Price) lives in a huge castle, where he torments himself daily with fear and guilt over the death of his wife Elizabeth (Barbara Steele). Things get worse when Elizabeth's brother (John Kerr) arrives, demanding an explanation about his sister's demise. He is met by Catherine Medina, Nick's sister, and told of the circumstances surrounding Elizabeth's death, as well as some rather unsettling family history. It seems that the Medina patriarch was a notorious inquisitor, a master in the art of torture and pain. As a small boy, Nicholas had watched as his father tortured and killed his mother and uncle for adultery. As if that were't enough, now Nicholas is increasingly convinced that his wife's ghost has returned to haunt him for burying her alive! The family doctor (Anthony Carbone) assures Nicholas that all is well, but cannot stop his speedy trip to crazytown! The actual pit and pendulum are awesome instruments of maniacal murder! Saved for last, they have excellent shock value! Roger Corman had hit his stride with this movie, assuring it's place in horror history. Price is excellent as the mentally deteriorating victim of an evil conspiracy, who turns things around in the end. A definite creeper-keeper...
45 stars
Hilariously dark After we finished the first season my spouse and I had to know what happened next, so we bought the second season. I'm glad we did, as the second season is even better.All (well almost all) is explained, this season is even darker than the first, and there are some fantastic cameos from British actors, including one of my favorites, Peter Serafinowicz.If you enjoyed the first season, and/or Arrested Development, Extras, Snuff Box or other darkly humorous shows, then this is a must watch.
45 stars
Skips around way too much. This thing skips around way too much to be entertaining. I suppose that the ADHD generation would enjoy it, but for those sound of mind, it skips around way too much. I watched the entire Battlestar Galactica(BG) series and this wasn't really a compliment to the series at all. I felt like it was mostly clips pieced together from the series along with some very short skits that they threw in to fill the story gaps. It really isn't worth $14 because it doesn't really tell any more than you would have already known at the end of the BG series. And for those who have never watched BG, "The Plan" will make absolutely no sense.
12 stars
My Grand daughter Loves it! As well as I! this is an enjoyable movie that can be watched continuously and never get tired of it
45 stars
Still Clever, True Fan I thought season 8 was an upswing in writing and the humor level was great. Andy and the office staff are hilarious. People nay-saying this season are just malcontents, because there is plenty of comedy. James Spader's Robert California is pretty gross, frankly, but other than that, I thought they knocked it out of the park this season. I only gave this season 4/5 stars, because I was bummed there weren't any episode commentaries on the dvd, which bummed me out. I love to hear what the cast has to say about the different episodes.
34 stars
Superb Perfectly done period drama. Addictive and compelling. Superb performances Maggie Smith is the absolute dowager duchess and a haunting musical score.
45 stars
Fun enough There is nothing particulary original about Spirit Trap. You've got the old house; the multitude of spooky occurances that people see out of the corner of their eye, but are gone when they look directly; the dream sequences with lots of running water, and people waking up screaming after a hand reaches out for them...I think you know what I mean. Nevertheless, I found the movie fun. I didn't get bored, despite the horror cliches. The acting is good. It had a horror-twist ending that I sincerely didn't guess before the end of the movie, which is always a positive sign. So, I feel it may be worth your time.
34 stars
Hmmm Interesting at times, boring at others . The movie was not what I thought it would be , but it was nice . I would recommend checking it out . The acting is supurb but the storyline...is not. There was no war, an invasion and thats about it, one grenade and it was all over with.
12 stars
A very good funny movie The movie is excellent from start to finish. The young stars give great performances and Larry Miller adds a lot to the fun. All ages will appreciate.
45 stars
I AM SPEACHLESS [ : WOW WHAT A FANTASTIC,AMAZING,BRILLIANT,SPEACHLESS film. its absoulutely amazing. you just have to see this film know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
45 stars
Unique Relationship... Father and Son relationship is always special and different...great movie with great William Hurt. The music and the setting is excellent...if you really want to enjoy it watch this movie atleast three times in a row...
45 stars
Poor effects and contrived story I'm a big fan of comic genre movies, and love the original X-Men movie, and thought 2 and 3 were ok. This one unfortunately isn't at par with many of the other high quality franchises being produced including the previous X-Men, Iron Man, Spiderman, and recent Batman movies. The story is a bit contrived - but I can get over that. It's based on a comic book after all. What is unforgivable is the poor quality of the CGI effects. Green screen shots were extremely obvious, where lighting looked off making everyone appear artificial against the backgrounds. Some of the background shots seemed almost cartoonish. Makeup effects weren't great. And worst of all Logan's claws even looked bad, where it seemed the effects animators had a difficult time keeping the claw appearance against the skin on his hands difficult.I happened to see the "pre-release" version earlier this year that was floating around the Internet and had the studios in a tizzie. I think now having seen both the pre-release and production versions that those studio execs were worried because the pre-release version and final cut are actually much closer in finish and polish than they wanted anyone to think. Now some of this may not be as obvious on DVD, vs. high definition. But we're in a high definition world now and the producers should be ashamed of themselves for letting the visual quality control go to the dogs on this one.
12 stars
Raw, gritty movie I didn't know how this movie was going to end. It's a very gritty movie showing the sadder side of life.The acting was superb, the lead actor had a part in Braveheart. I spent half the movie trying to figure out where I knew him from. Excellent movie.
45 stars
Weak I worry that this film sends the wrong message. It may have had good intentions, but somewhere in the editing, it takes away too much of what these guys went through and turns what's left into a stereo-typical tool for the anti-war crowd. So much more happened that the filmmakers barely touched upon. I was looking forward to it, a tribute to a bunch of guys that fought hard and went through hell. Sadly, I was disappointed.
12 stars
Argento's "funnest" Movie Actually 4 1/2 stars. Tenebre isn't Argento's best movie but one things for sure: it's definately his funest to watch. And it is the best one for someone who doesn't know his work to watch first, I know people who don't like horror that say this one is at least ok. The story involves... ah, heck with the story it all been done before and maybe better(In my best Argento impression), let's skip to the review(if you want story check out Brian DePalma's Dressed to Kill which this one is a lot like). Tenebre is a slick, stalk and slash, gut 'em murder mistery done with style to burn and flash with a killer music score from Goblin(da da da dung, da na da dung, da na da dung, da da da dung). If you don't like style get out, if you do dig in. It is also very hard to find out who the killer is. Less talky than Deep Red, more real life and less gory than Suspiria(although the ax murder and the end are both filled with the red stuff), gorier and bloodier than The Bird with the Crystal Pumage, and more restrained than Opera and more sex and nudity than all of them makes this his most watchable film. This one get you hooked in the begining and doesn't let go until the end. If there was one that would of broke him into the big time this would be it. The only thing that holds it back from being 5 stars is some of the acting(Nicolodi is good until the end and the women almost all stink). High body count but every murder scene is very well set up and executed. It's ironic that Tenebre means darkness in latin while every scene in the movie has a color of white or grey making the red stuff easier to see. In closing, Tenebre isn't the best horror movie in the world but if you catch it in the right mood it can be a fun ride. Best scenes: the first five murders(the second one is killer,baby) , the second to last death(which Mr. DePalma would later lift in Raising Cain), The ax murder(lot of red stuff), the conversation between Franciosa and the cop at a crime scene, and the conversation between Franciosa and Steiner.
34 stars
Where Oh Where did these kids come from The kids in this series are the real stars. If these were my kids I'd go crazy. You must like British comedy to love this show.
45 stars
Great Show. This is one of the best shows. Great writing and acting. It really draws you in and makes you care what is going on with each characters.
45 stars
I WANT MY MONEY BACK SHAM-A-LOT SHYAMALAN, if you're reading this, I WANT MY MONEY BACK DAMN IT. YOU SUCK. I wasn't going to give this any stars but Amazon made me give you one star so thank them for it. If it was up to me, I'd buy all the copies of this movie and take a nice crap on them, then piss on them and then burn them and have them launched in space. Even the burnt remains aren't good enough to stay on this planet. WHERE'S MY MONEY SHYAMALAN, GIMME MY MONEY BACK.
01 star
This is not the Beginning but just the Beginning of the end Gosh this is a shocker - I can understand fans loving the music and the concert but please don't let this be how Chicago are remembered - 1969-1972 they were untouchable Terry Kath was the soul of the band and now we have this end of pier show.I'm heading off to Wolfgang' Vault to see the band in all their pomp around 1970 with Kath & Lamm tearing through their first 2 records. After 42 years this footage is the real Chicago - innovative & exciting. Just watch Terry Kath guitar work and vocals - as Robert Lamm said many years ago 'Chicago died when Terry died'.
01 star
jonny quest Jonny Quest is the best cartoon series that I can rememeber. The amazing adventures of the Quest team were the highlight of many Saturday mornings and all my friends feel the same way. We get something back that had been missing from our lives for so long-- the wonderment and idealism of youth--and just for the time we watch these shows, we are again all we wanted to be and everything will be the best that everything can be.takes me back to the years of my youth. it is even better than i remember
34 stars
ABSOLUTE FAILURE - SAVE YOUR MONEY Being an avid fan of James Lee Burke I was honestly looking forward to viewing this particular movie.In anticipation of watching the movie I had invited 4 friends, all "hardcore" fans of the Robicheauxseries. After the scene featuring Dave's conversation with The Colonial the CD player was turned off,no point in going forward with this abomination.For the longest I could not understand the shortening of the title, dropping the "With Confederate Dead"portion. Now I would imagine it was an attempt to seperate the movie from the book. If one had notread the original book they would find it difficult to follow the plot of the movie. The actors allappeared to be reading their lines, there is no emotion shown, and a awful lot of mumbling. On theback of the CD box it states that the movie is based on the book, they should add LOOSELY based onthe book.As much as I look forward to James Lee Burke publishing another novel I truly hope there are no moreattempts to bring them to the screen if this is an example of finished product.So in ending this I'll say buy the books, they are all excellent, great entertainment but stay awayfrom the movies. They are not only a waste of money but they are a waste of time as well.
12 stars
What's below "B" Movie? I like bad movies, they're good to watch and make fun of with friends. This movie has plenty to make fun of. For example, for those of you with the movie, go 31 minutes into the movie. There's a guy in a white t-shirt wiggling his tongue between his two fingers in the background. Why is he doing that? Could he be the worst movie extra since Teen Wolf?Most of the crocodile footage (that isn't actually alligators) comes from 70s style footage. I'd expect nothing less. Not scary, just bad.
12 stars
Rape and Music Rape and brutality were accompanied with nice violin tunes as Mexican peasants fought for a better life with no visual outcome yet.What is utterly clear, musical education was then affordable in Mexico.
23 stars
Corny, but stll a good date night film A dream come true for marriage counselors as this couple suffers from.everything! A few good laughs and some awwwws from the ladies means it works, despite some cheesy lines.
23 stars
Good settings, bad script Funny that a movie about a scriptwriter has a very sweet but unimaginable scenario. From the moment on you have a pretty good idea about what is going to happen. Making the 2,5 hours a long sit.Guy is wanted for communist sympathies - gets amnesia - ends up in a town where they think he is someone else - they find out - he goes back but understands that life is better there than in 1950s LA.The end is even a little too moralizing: The Constitution is open for every belief, even communism!!The acting is however fine, Jim Carrey shows again he is a lot more than the Mask and he almost reaches the standard he set for himself in the superb 'Truman Show', Martin Landau is sweet as his 'father'.The settings of the movie are great, the feeling of the 1950 is perfectly shown. The warm cosiness of a small town glows from the screen and the setting of the movietheater is great.Too bad it's so incredibly predictable.
23 stars
H.P. Lovecraft The Tomb (Of a bad movie) Lovecraft is honestly my favorite writer of all time. I don't read it for the Occult aspects (All hail the Old Ones!) Or because he came up with mythical creations beyond space and time (Cthulhu fhtagn!!). I read Lovecraft for his ideas on what truly is scary."The Tomb" short story is about a MAN who visits his family's tomb only to be confronted by his horrible destiny of his ancestors."H.P. Lovecraft's The Tomb" is about a group of people tortured by a puppet master of sorts. He wears a white mask like face garment, talks through a speaker system, and shows up on a messy TV. Sounds like another movie, it's called "SAW". Honestly I didn't like SAW either, but at least the gore was real and the plot was original.Let us circle around again the Lovecraft name. Lovecraft has maybe 2 or three stories where a woman was involved as a main person. Lovecraft really didn't write about women. So why is there a movie bearing his name that has several of them? One being part of the man focus? That is not Lovecraften!So back to the whole focus here. This movie has nothing to do with Lovecraft except its title. It is horribly written, badly taped (Are those the same cams they use for COPS?), and bad special effects, there is not a shred of good in the movie.So run away from it! Stay away! (may Dagon eat you, writers of this movie!)Learn from my mistake, read first, then rent!And remember just because it says Lovecraft doesn't mean it has anything to do with him!
01 star
It's true: The Best Musical Ever Better than "Singin' In The Rain?" Better than "Top Hat?" Better than anything else? Yes. If you haven't seen it, do so immediately-- it's the crowning achievement of the MGM shop, and a lot of fun.
45 stars
Baby Mine. I had heard about "Grace" from the buzz at the Sundance Film Festival "Two grown men fainted!" to countless reviewers who said that it was "Disturbing" and "Horrifying". So my expectations were pretty high, and in the end they werent met.The story is about a woman, Madeline who desperately wants a baby; she has had two miscarriages and has been on fertility drugs in the past, but is off of them now. When she finally, naturally gets pregnant she is overjoyed. Some things about Madeline, she is a vegan, an animal rights activist, and has in her past lived and went to school with her now midwife Patricia who is still in love with Madeline. Playing in her kitchen, seemingly 24/7 is a computer depicting animal cruelty (which I found to be ...overkill in the true sense of the word). She feeds her cat Soy milk but Jonesy (the name of the cat in Aliens) still wants to go out and kill mice. Her husband Michael believes the cats carnivorous nature is on overload because it never gets any real meat. Foreshadowing perhaps? Madeline's love of all things natural is off-putting to Michaels mother Viviane, and she takes it upon herself to become the baby's savior, typical mother in law !Events take place after a car accident and although they are a bit disturbing, I found it hard to believe what was going on due to the obvious lack of special effects budget. It was more shock for shock sake, and not for the audience or to move the story alongThe baby comes and it's definitely not a normal child, and Madeline being so obsessed with having a baby will do anything to keep it alive. I was really trying to connect to the characters throughout, either by understanding their motivation, or by not understand it and wanting to know why. I was actually very bored by the middle of the movie, and fast forwarded to save myself from falling asleep. I also was thrown off by how different Grace looked from shot to shot because they used two different babies, plus a fake baby, it didn't gel. The ending just made me laugh. I saw a clip on the extras where they are showing the film at Sundance and people are screaming at the end and that just puzzles me. I am not that desensitized to blood and guts to not be frightened anymore and that ending was just lame.I get that this is an independent film, I get that the budget wasn't enormous, but I didn't get how disjointed it was. Why does Madeline only go to the midwife at 8 months along? You would think she had prenatal care on the brain being so adamant about being healthy!! Is its message that doctors are evil, or that vegans are foolish, or that a mothers love is blind to even murder and pain? Is this a scary movie? No. Does it have some imagery that is a bit disturbing, yes? Will you faint from watching it? Doubtful. Should you buy it? No. Rent it? Yes, but only if you appreciate independent films, and do not expect much out of this one.
23 stars
Perfect Christmas Present! This product was a great Christmas present for my brother-in-law. He loves 24 and was excited to get the latest season. The item came complete and early...which is amazing for the holiday season! :-)
45 stars
If not a Jennifer Anniston Fan then don't waste your time watching!! The only reason I had to watch this Movie was because it stars my Favorite Lady of Hollywood, Jennifer Anniston, and I was also curious about her new Fiance, Justin Theroux, who is by the way a HUNK, and he also made the Movie really funny. It is a Corky, Screwball, Left Field Foul Ball of a Movie but it had its moments. If your a die hard Jennifer Anniston fan then yeah, you gotta see it, if not then don't waste your time. 2 StarsRobin, Athens, Georgia
12 stars
Suprisingly good documentary on making of classic record Filmed around the same time that U2 had put together a 'Best of 1980-1990', this "documentary" is suprisingly good. Producers Daniel Lanois and Brian Eno and members of the band provide fascinating insights and stories behind the songs on what is considered by many to be their strongest record. The weaknesses - there is no commentary on three songs on 'The Joshua Tree', "One Tree Hill", "In God's Country", and "Trip Through Your Wires" and the awkward inclusion of the full video versions of "The Sweetest Thing" (remixed in 1998) and "Running to Stand Still" (circa 1993 Zoo TV).Having read the book "Until the End of the World", I hope they take a second try at this format with the making of their other classic, 'Achtung Baby'.
34 stars
This is Terrible! I haven't seen this since I was a teenager in 1981 but decided to take another look when it became available in widescreen DVD. I was shocked at how bad it was. I believe I enjoyed it somewhat the first time (although I didn't think it came close to the original) but upon watching it today I couldn't believe how incompetent a lot of the directing is, how ridiculous the plot is, and at how unscary it is!
01 star
Scott is Worth Seeing. LOADS of Profanity In This Poorly Written Script I was disappointed by the poor writing of this script - primarily the LACK of development of a compelling story and the crappy dialogue that Michael Jai White is given. He deserved much better than what he was given.The LAST 1/2 of the movie is much better and develops several other characters and supporting crew.If the first 1/2 would have taken the care of the last 1/2, my rating would be higher.Michael Jai White is a very good fighter. However this movie primarily showcases the athletic prowess of Scott Adkins, who performs some phenominal moves for the camera. This guy is in beyond AWESOME shape. He plays his part quite adeptly.I'm looking forward to seeing him in more films.This movie is not for kids.
23 stars
The Borrowers The Borrowers is a grat film. The actors and actresses play their characters great. Especially Peagreen, (Tom Felton) isn't he adorable?I love the story plot and how everything turns out. It's one of my favs. Buy it or rent it today!
45 stars
This is our Enemy in the Free World I had always thought conditions in Iranian cities to be much better, at least that is what the main stream media would have you believe from what you see on the evening news. With as much money that goes into feeding Iran' ambition to make Nuclear weapons, you would think that their Government could take care of their people first. So rich in Culture, So rich in Money, but so poor in progression that they are stuck in the year 100BC when it comes to equality.I just can't believe that the people who follow the religion, or that the Koran preaches the treatment of others this way. Only to think that this was OK in the eyes of the Lord. I guess that's why they call it Third World. This movie is a must see for everyone, if anything to appreciate what you do have.
45 stars
Must have for your collection! What a wonderful remake of the original movie! A bit confusing at times but over all an excellent movie!Keanu Reeves is great. 5 thumbs up! A perfect addition to anyones sci fi collection.
45 stars
Soylent Dick Says: A little dull, but a good story nontheless There are probably two slight drawbacks to this movie: 1 - the action is at times a little dull, and 2 - it could have made more of the romance between the Roman officer and the female Indian warrior. Aishwarya Rai is a dish, and more could have been made of her.However, it is an entertaining story, and good fantasy and escapism. Some interesting links between the last roman emperor, and the future King Arthur. Not the greatest movie, but not bad.
23 stars
Absolutely Awful... I loved it!!! This has to be one of the worst films ever made, but I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life. From the terrible acting and dialogue, to the overtly blatant nudity. From the video game footage edited into the film, to the ridiculous over-use of the Matrix camera pan. Seriously this movie makes Anaconda look good.
01 star
The incredible walking dead A must see for any science fiction fan. leaves you w leaves you wanting more. I cannot wait for February 10th.
45 stars
Funny this movie is pretty good. martin lawrence in medevil times is strikeingly funny. a movie the whole family can get a good laugh. a must see
45 stars
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