class label
5 classes
A bath item every parent should have!!!! This product is definately a must have for bathtime with your baby. I have a 7 month old son, and when I was given this product, I just assumed it was a bath towel for my baby - as I have several already. Not the case. It's actually for the person giving the baby a bath to wear like a smock, so they don't get wet. It's made of very high quality terry cotton, so the absorbancy is amazing. As much splashing as my son does during bathtime, I love the fact that I now stay dry. I'm also not afraid to cuddle him close because he's cozy, while i stay dry!!
45 stars
For White Boppy Only This cover is so thin that you can see the pattern on most Boppys right through it. It only works well on light colored or white solid Boppys. It is soft, but it didn't feel very durable to me. I sent it back.
12 stars
misleading The picture does not show the true nature of this item. It is a body wrap difficult to put on
01 star
Great for smaller babies, a little inconvenient for in public. Let me just say that I DO love my moby wrap. Once you get the hang of wrapping its not too difficult and it's nice to have a soft but secure place to wrap your baby.The reason I am giving it 4 stars instead of five are because of the few problems I PERSONALLY had with the Moby. These may not apply to everyone, and I still recommend the Moby. It is a great beginner wrap and wonderful for young babies. The problem I had with is is that my son has been a squirmer since day one. Absolutely hated being swaddled as an infant and would squirm his way out of any blanket or swaddler we put him in. The Moby is great for little babies that enjoy being swaddled because it holds them tight against you, and the newborn holds limit movement a lot. Great for most babies, horrible for my son.I also would recommend if you really like wrapping your child to also invest in a woven, non-stretchy wrap. Once baby (Or at least my son), gets a little older it is harder to carry them in a stretchy wrap because you will have to readjust a lot because of their increased activity, Ex. Reaching for things and no longer wanting their arms and entire back tucked in. With a woven wrap it doesn't stretch so it stays secure. Also woven wraps work great for older babies because you can wrap them on your back which you CAN NOT do with a stretchy wrap.The last problem I had with the moby is that it can be a little difficuly to wrap in public. You don't want your ends dragging on the ground or in the parking lot. I solved this by wrapping at home and just putting him in when we got somewhere, but I think it would be nice to have a comfortable carrier that you can just put on and go in the store or wherever you are. Baby K'tan looks like it might be a little easier in public, but I don't own one so I don't know for sure.This wrap is EXTREMELY comfortable and even now when I do put my 25lb 1 year old in it, I can wear him for long periods of time comfortably (And I'm 7 months pregnant!). I would definitely recommend it to friends and anyone new to wrapping, but for longer term use I would also recommend a woven wrap. When the new little guy comes I will definitely be using it for him. Hopefully he's not like his brother and won't mind being wrapped.
34 stars
Disappointed I was very disappointed with my order. The order said SET OF 2 BASSINET SHEETS and I only received 1.I emailed and their reply was the order is for only 1. The sheet is very thin and luckily I purchasedthe waterproof cover and I will also use an extra blanket just in case. I was very disappointed that Ireceived only 1 sheet and not 2.
01 star
Loved it but motor beginning to burn out I loved my swing but by the time my daughter reached a year old the motor was starting to act up. So we put it up, hoping that it was just that she was about 16 lbs or so.I do have to say I am AMAZED at how many people don't buckle up their child and then have the audacity to take a photo and post it on the net. I understand the need to show off your child but come on people! The seat belt is there for a reason. Some of them even show babies sitting so odd they look as if any moment they are going to tumble out. I understand, you were right in front of them, but all it takes is a second and they will be tumbling quicker than you can put down that precious camera and say uh oh!
23 stars
Songs are the same, but good product. We bought this and a similar mobile for our new twins (that's right, TWINS!). Anyway, this is a great product, with lots to keep the kids occupied and happy. The insides of the cones holding the dangling animals are covered in a black-and-white swirl pattern, further enhancing the child's focus abilities. We've had these for a few weeks, and the kids love them, although there seems to be a lot going on, and the kids sometimes get overstimulated.One major drawback is the fact that the Mozart and Bach songs are EXACTLY THE SAME!. I don't know too much about classical music, so I thought that they were just similar when I first heard them. However, after many plays, I can say with certainty that they are, in fact, identical. Again, I don't know too much about classical music, so I don't know which composer it really is, but I do know that Bach died about 35 years before Mozart was born, so they couldn't have collaborated. My kids don't seem to mind, but it does bother me a little.If you can get past the music glitch, this is a very entertaining and very fun mobile, guaranteed to keep your child occupied and happy.
34 stars
This stuff feels terrific -- very soothing! I just received this yesterday and already my skin is calmed down. And it feels really nice going on. Very soothing and cooling actually. I also like how it's slightly tinted which helps decrease the redness. As an added bonus, it didn't make me break out. I recommond this product very highly.
45 stars
I love to snuggle with my Snoogle My hubby bought me this pillow for Christmas and I am absolutely loving it!!! I am in my 6th month of pregnancy and have been experiencing discomfort in my hips and lower back when laying on my side...After one night with my Snoogle the discomfort was reduced by half and after the second night I woke up with no discomfort AT ALL!!! I am smitten with my Snoogle and love that it doesn't take up half the bed and still allows for that much needed closeness with my husband as well!!!
45 stars
Great Price plus home delivery These are great diapers of course, but the price (with no sales tax) plus the convenience of home delivery made these a fantastic deal. Also, I bought these when they had a special on Pampers products. If I bought more than $79 in Pampers products as one order, I would recieve a $30 gift certificate for a future Amazon purchase. That's like recieving an entire case of diapers free!!! WIth 2 little ones in diapers, we could certainly use the free diapers.
45 stars
Beautiful, but hard to clean I was given this as a gift from my inlaws when I has my first son. I loved it because it was small enough for our one bedroom apartment at the time. I had just had a c-section and this was easy to get the baby in and out of without bothering my tummy muscles. It is beautiful too! A second baby and three moves later, the wheels broke off. But that wasn't that big of a deal, because the bassinet is not that heavy. It's also nice for both baby boys and baby girls and can switch easily between most decore.Cleaning is difficult however. We're expecting baby number 4 now, and I decided it was about time to take the bassinet out of storage and wash it. I had to take apart the bassinet with a screwdriver to get the bedding off! I usually have a recieving blanket laid down on it when my babies are using it. The sheet that came with the bed is really rough, and I wasn't about to lay my babies down on that. Since the recieving blanket was always laid down, if the baby leaked onto it, I just washed the recieving blanket and was good. Thank goodness I did! I can't imagin trying to take apart the stupid thing every time the baby leaked.
34 stars
Father Approved!! We are pretty new to changing diapers, but we have a Diaper Genie and a Diaper Dekor, one upstairs and one down. The Diaper Genie although a decent product, is diffcult to use when changing a baby. There are quite a few steps to finish your "change". Where as the Diaper Dekor is very simple and effective. It has a foot pedal that allows for easy opening and the bag is easy to change. Not the case with the Diaper Genie. Not only is it a 3-4 step process with the discarding the diaper, changing the bag is not soo simple. The DIAPER DEKOR, is by far a better product. Dont make the same mistake that we did. By two Diaper Dekors.
45 stars
Beautiful swing Such a nice swing. Fits in with any decor and has many useful functions. My son grew out of it quick but took some nice naps in it while listening to the jungle sounds.
45 stars
Terrible gate! This gate only worked for 8 months and the latch broke! The company would not replace it because they only offer a 90 day warranty. They will not even let you buy a replacement part. They want you to buy a entire new gate. What a rip off! Don't buy this gate, it is a piece of trash!
01 star
Ocean Wonders is "Wonder"ful! I absolutely love all of Fischer Price Ocean Wonders products! Especially this swing! My son seemed to feel secure and comfortable at 3 days old, and now at 4 months, he is entertained and soothed by the mobile, motion and sound. I love that this swing is a cradle as well. The seat cushion is very comfortable, durable and easy to clean. My only complaint is that the tray has to be opened using two hands, and is very noisy when it snaps into place. When my son falls asleep in this swing and I want to move him to his bed, I find that unsnapping the tray to get him out startles him. Otherwise, this product is absolutely great, and I highly recommend it!
34 stars
Pleasant transaction I ordered this as a baby shower gift, it arrived promptly and was as advertised. I docked it a star because I didn't actually try it out myself, so I can't be really certain of the quality.
34 stars
I love these wipes! I bought these for myself after trying one to remove makeup at one of my beauty stores. My skin immediately loved them! I could not believe it! I have rosacea, oily skin and sensitive skin; with that being said, a product has to be superb in all the areas for my skin to like it. Did I mention I'm also sensitive to strong scents? I loved everything about this wipe that I had to have them. I'm glad they sold this item there; I hate it when they use certain products, and when you inquire about them the response is "I'm sorry those are not for sale". I went in there getting a specific item, and walked out of there with that and my Mustela facial cleansing cloths! To see my skin calm, comfortable, and moisturized makes me happy!
45 stars
Other products are better If this is the only swaddle blanket you have ever used i can see saying its tje greatest thing ever, however its not my first one. This product is much more difficult to put on and certainly not as diaper changing friendly as they make it sound. You have to undo the inside velcro then attempt to put it back again after. Also, my very sneaky 7 week old easily wiggles his arms free so that his hands are poking out the top then wakes up. My kids are very long and they, at 7 weeks and only about 8.5 lbs, are already almost too tall for this product.The reason I bought these was because the halo fleece sleepers got too warm with wood heat but I must say even too warm the halo sleepers are a million times better! I got size small which my boys are swimming in amnd I can still wrap them more tightly and change them easier.These are definately not my favorite by far, I think I swaddle with a blanket better.
12 stars
Perfect stepstool We use it in the bathroom and all around the house. "Go get your stepstool" "Teptool" And off my toddler runs to get it. It's great on tile and carpet. Non-slip top and legs make me feel better since she'll use it to problem-solve all over the house. Great if your child is looking for ways to get up on the changing table and call "Stuck!" while you're busy in another room. It has tipped over on her once I believe and that was when she did not plant her foot entirely on it on the way up. But it's low to the ground so not far to stumble. A perfect place for me to sit while she's on the potty or in the bath. It's a lot of $$ for a stepstool, but it has proven to be sturdy and safe so we'll keep it forever.
45 stars
Great for cloth or disposable diapers Unlike the Diaper Genie, the Diaper Champ can be used for both disposable and cloth diapers. We have two of them since we mostly use cloth, but occasionally need to use a disposable. It's great, and very easy to use, but you do have to empty it a couple of times a week or you will get a little stink from all the rotting diapers. It's so easy to use, my 18 mo old daughter figured out how to flip it and started doing it for fun. She's now 2.5 and still loves to flip her training pants into the pail.
45 stars
NO assembly required!! Yes, you read it correctly, this co-sleeper, doesn't require assembly. Shocked to receive the box and it says no assembly, couldn't believe my eyes. The setup took less than 5 minutes to do, yes it was just that easy, didn't even need to open the manual, awesome. The actual crib / bassinet is big enough for up to 6 month baby, wish it was a bit wider, then it'll last even longer. The packing is very smart, I was able to pack it up and take it with me on a trip without a fuss, and the baby can sleep comfortably just like she is home. You don't really need to use the extra leg or wheels, some shorter beds will work better without it, and if you have a tall bed, then use the wheel and legs to make the co-sleeper taller to fit.Overall an excellent constructed piece, secure feeling, smart design, good storage area, probably if there is one complaint would be the mattress is a bit on the thin side. You can fix that with some extra thick blankets or sheets to wrap around it for more comfort.
45 stars
Great diapers when your little one grows out of swaddlers! When my girls grew out of their swaddlers we moved on to the babydry and loved them. They fit perfect and have no leaks. I suggest pampers products to everyone I know. It is the only brand that has proved itself over and over to me and I trust on my sensitive kids bums.
45 stars
A toddler must-have. I breastfed my son so I didn't use these for his bottles, but I did use them to clean his straw cups. Thanks to these brushes, I've been able to keep my favorites in great condition and not worry about what might be growing in the straw. I recommend these to everyone I know with kids. They've also made an inexpensive and useful gift!
45 stars
A better Changing pad Most changing pads are only contoured on the two sides. This one is contoured all the way around. It's also slightly shorter which made it better for the changing table i have.
45 stars
this is the best ever baby powder this is the best ever baby powder - I have used for all four of my children and it has cut diaper rashes in half! love it!!!
45 stars
Do the job but don't seem comfy on the tushy I ordered these liners to use inside our Bum Genius cloth diapers once my daughter's poop started becoming consistently more solid. Went with Imse Vimse based on price & good reviews here on Amazon. We have been using them for about 2 months now.Pros:1. Conveniently packaged. They come in a roll and each sheet rips off like toilet paper.2. Do what they say they do- catch the solids while allowing the liquid to go through to the cloth diaper. Then, you simply flush the liner in the toilet and can throw the cloth diaper in the dry pail as usual.3. Good price and since we don't use a liner in every diaper (I have gotten good at guessing when she will have a bowel movement), I think 2 rolls will last a good while.Cons:1. Not at all as soft as I imagined they would be. They have the look and feel of a dryer sheet. I can't imagine it would be too comfy on the tushy. Also, the first few days of use, noticed a redness around my daughter's anus. Might have just been coincidence, but that is when we started putting a liner in only when we thought she was likely to have a bowel movement. Easy to determine after a day or two of charting.2. We don't usually have any issues with our Bum Genius or Rumparooz leaking. But I have had several instances of pee leaking out the leg and getting the edges of her onesies wet while using a liner. I imagine that the urine doesn't absorb as fast as it does when directly on the cloth diaper.Overall, I'm satisfied and may order again but not without asking some cloth diapering mommas what liners they prefer. Might test out another brand to see if I can find something softer.
23 stars
Fantastic Rocker I love this product! My friends all swore by it, and I completely agree-especially for the price.My daughter has been in this since she was 5 weeks old for anywhere from 15-45 minutes. She is 7 weeks old and loves it. The vibration is awesome and she likes to rock in it as well. This is how I get to shower and eat daily!The reason why I did not give it 5 stars is because I wish it had a music option-other than the toy that plays it when you touch it.Other than that-this is great, lightweight and inexpensive.
34 stars
Wonderful product that works! I needed a lock on our bi-fold closet doors to 1) protect my toddler's fingers and 2) to keep him out of the closet so I didn't have a mess to clean up every morning. This lock does the trick!Very easy to install--it slides on the top of the door (no tools needed!) and this lock comes with a shim if you need to add it to the lock to make it fit tighter to the door. When in place, the door barely moves.You will need one lock per hinged door. So, if you have two bi-fold doors per closet, you'll need two locks.
45 stars
Just okay Purchased this for my son because he loves Dora but the seat does not fit over the oval bowls and unfortunately he fell in the toilet. Kind of defeating the purpose, so if you have oval bowls save your money.
12 stars
Exactly what I would expect from Stork Craft We purchased this to use as a dresser/changing table because we have a very small nursery. The changing table pad is slightly too big but it still works. The quality of craftsmanship is what you would expect from Stork Craft. Cheap wood & you have to be really careful when assembling this to not damage the wood.
23 stars
Does what diapers are supposed to do! No complaints here! My son can wear these for 12 hours overnight, and the (very full!) diaper doesn't leak. These diapers have a print of a Muppet on the back, and when my son is crawling you can see two little Muppet eyes peaking over the back of his shorts. Pretty cute.
45 stars
Fantastic space wall decor LOVE these!!! There were a few sheets of wall stickers (without the sticky residue) that came with this. All of the wall decals look incredible and definitely added the element we needed for my sons room. We bought these with 3D hanging/glowing solar system with the space travel wall boarder and RoomMates celestial glow in the dark peel & stick wall and the room looks absolutely AMAZING! Couldn't be happier!!
45 stars
More comfortable than regular shields Got these hoping they'd be more comfortable than regular shields, and they definitely are. However, the more you wash/sterilize them, the more they start to yellow and will eventually need to be replaced sooner than the regular kind.
34 stars
Pampers Diapers are wonderful!! Very pleased with this product. Keeps baby dry all night! Wonderful price on Amazon and I love the auto ship.
45 stars
The BEST Bottles out there! When our 2nd baby was born in 2008, there was a big movement towards BPA free bottles and I jumped on the bandwagon and went with these Born Free bottles as many moms recommended them to me. We had used Avent with our 1st and these looked very similar.Well they turned out to be not just good but FANTASTIC! They NEVER leak and the nipple is big and wide that it did not create confusion when transitioning from breast to bottle.Yes, there are more parts to clean than the regular bottle and they are one of the most expensive bottle out there but they are worth EVERY PENNY!When our 3rd baby was born, 5 months ago, I bought some Avent BPA Free bottles to try and they were a leaky mess. My husband even said he wanted to go back to the Born Free.I recommend these to anyone and everyone who wants an awesome bottle that will last a long time, is safe and doesn't leak.
45 stars
"spinning butterflies" ?????????? The product overview says "spinning butterflies". The butterflies in my baby gym never spins, and when I checked other reviews many other claims that the butterflies never spin.So what does "spinning butterflies" means? Does that mean the baby spin the butterfly manually.I would have expected more music choices and spinning toys for such a price.
01 star
Good product Works great - keeps our dog out of the fridge. Doesn't look too tacky on our brand new stainless fridge.
45 stars
Level 3s for my 6+ month baby My baby has been using this since she turned 6 months. She is now almost 8 months. I haven't tried any other nipples so I don't have anything to compare this to but all of the Dr. Brown's nipples have worked great so far!
45 stars
Nursery ensemble for my daughter's baby Pictures don't begin to show the true colors in the materials. What looks almost white is actually a very pale pink. Martex continues to make quality products!
45 stars
Great Product I ordered this after a friend of mine told me about how much her baby loves it. I had a hard time comprehending how a piece of cloth could securely hold my baby to me, but it does! It's comfortable and easy to use and my baby loves it. When she's fussy and just wants to be held, I can put her in my moby wrap and finish cleaning the kitchen or typing an email, etc. It makes my life a ton easier!
45 stars
Very Disappointed I was very excited when I received this product at my baby shower! Once I used it my feelings changed. We get so much static, humming and pulsing that it has to be turned down so that we can sleep. The monitor also starts playing music when the nursery is quiet, waking the baby. I tried to return it to Fisher Price but they would not take it because it technically is not defective. I do like the light show and am looking forward to using it when my daughter is a little older.
12 stars
Ewww....... I also had the problem with the disintegrating cover (after 2 months of use), but got a free replacement from Combi, and it arrived within two days after calling to complain. Much better customer service than I would have guessed based on other reviews.My son was comfortable in this seat, it was nicely padded and had ample space. My one complaint was with loosening the strap. I actually had to dig around under the car seat cover and press down really hard to loosen the straps, despite the red stitching in the cover where it says to press. The cover is way too thick to pull that off.UPDATE: Replacement cover began to disintegrate within 2 days of arrival. Calls to combi customer service go unreturned. I replaced this with a Graco Snugride, and this seat went out with the trash. It's a messy, disgusting hassle that combi can't be bothered to fix correctly. Between the nasty seat cover and the flaky customer service, I wouldn't buy a Combi product again.
01 star
Great Diaper Bag! Originally got this bag for my new baby and replace a larger diaper bag. The messenger bag is a good size to carry most items needed for going out with Baby and 1 toddler. Side pockets are great to store items that need to be access quickly. The wipes are located in an easy spot to grab when you need them without digging around to the bag. Only complaint is that the changing pad is too small. Would have liked a zipper pocket in the flap of the bag also. Excellent bag overall and will use it after the kids grow older.
34 stars
Love it! We bought this for my 3 month old son and he loves it. There are many nights that he has fallen asleep by watching the peek a boo leaves open and close. I think the level of volume is perfect. After reading some of the other reviews, I was a little hesitant to order it, but remember-It is not supposed to stimulate your baby! It is to lul them to sleep! I also like that you can remove the mobile part and leave the the base on just for the classical songs.I would recommend this product-like I said I love it!
45 stars
These bags leak when defrosted! These bags leak! I've used about 10 bags so far, and 7 of them leaked out milk when they were defrosting! :( Please take my advice and get something else instead. Your milk is too valuable to take chances with leaky bags.
01 star
love love love loved using this product up until the day my oldest son decided it needed to go for a swim in the toilet lol.... so i need to eventually replace the top part that goes on the bottles lol other than that i totally recommend it to the mom who needs an occasional break from breast feeding!
45 stars
Good product Even though they are not a "green" product, I think disposable washcloths are a great idea for some special situations. They have apparently been discontinued, and I was lucky to find them again at Impossible Discounts. They were for the use of my elderly, bedridden grandmother, who died before we could open the latest package. That is the sole reason for my returning the item on this occasion.
45 stars
Too good to be true This item was too good to be true. This compact unit had a lot of promise but didn't have any suction. Never could get it to produce any milk.
01 star
Perfect travel bag In the past I always used a heavy trash bag to put my carseat into. Not this time. It was perfect. When I got off the plane the carseat was in the same condition it was when I checked it in. I was also able to put some of my babies toys in the bag that we didn't have room for in the suitcases. I would truely recomend this item to anyone who is traveling with a carseat.
45 stars
Never look back I was a little turned off by the price of this car seat, but I pulled the trigger anyway. Let me say that I have never questioned my purchase. My kid loves it. She can see well from it and it is comfortable enough to sleep in. My wife and I switch it between cars and with the latch system it it takes about 1 minute to switch cars. Read the manual and you won't have any trouble switching from rear to front facing or removing the cover for cleaning. It is simple and always reassuring.
45 stars
Works great! I purchased this for our twin newborns. So far we have only used the bassinets and have had no problems.It's easy to roll around to what ever room you need it in. I believe it holds 15 lbs per bassinet. The only problem I have with it is, the board you put the sheet on is hard to get in out of the pack n play.
34 stars
bouncy seats This is my absolute favorite baby item. My son loves to watch the fish move around and kiss. He smiles and kicks the dangling fish....When he does that it makes a noise. ie. Cause and Effect! It also has a vibrating seat which he needs w/ his colick. You can put just the muical show or the vibrating seat on, you don't have to put both on at the same time. Please get this.
45 stars
pack and play mattress I am happy with the mattress even though it was large than described in the ad. Luckily it fits snugly, would buy again if needed.
23 stars
Question: Safety Straps? Would like to know something before purchasing.Does this changing table come with safty straps?Could not post without giving it a rating, so gave it a 4 star based on other reviews.
34 stars
exactly what we need This is exactly what we need. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles of other booster seats or high chairs, which is great. Very easy to clean, light, easy to transport, safe, 3 different heights, and affordable.
45 stars
I love this product. The Richell 94134 One-Touch Pet Gate 150 is awesome. I'm so glad I paid the extra money. The gate is actually wood and metal. It is sturdy and relatively easy to assemble; depending on how wide the space is and what extra parts you'll need (they're all included). The gate swings both ways and is easy to open and close.
45 stars
LOVE IT I bought this seat when my son was 8 months old as he was too big for his Graco sung ride. I have a 2005 Honda CRV. In the rear facing position the seat belt was not long enough to strap it to the seat. My SUV only has the LATCH system on the side seats and not the middle seat. I spoke to the car safety officier for the police department and he told me to place him in the side seat behind the passenger seat as this would be the safest place in regards to incidence of accidents since I could not use the middle position. The reason he told me not to use the LATCH in the middle position (by using the side seats LATCH system) since my SUV is not equipped with it is because the LATCH is connected to the car frame and if we were in an accident and the frame of the car bent it could tear his seat in pieces. I was not aware that the LATCH was connected to the frame.So the officier told me that when he is able to be forward facing I should be able to put him back in the middle seat as it shouldn't require so much length of the seatbelt.I love this seat and so does my son who is now 9 1/2 months. It is very soft and cushy. I probably wouldn't have bought the infant car seat if I was aware this seat could accomodate even a newborn.I would definately recommend this seat. It was very easy to install.It does not have a cup holder and that is the only thing I wish it had for when he is older.
45 stars
Poorly made These sheets are cheaply made with thin material. The fitted sheet does not secure to the matress tightly, nor is the sheet soft. The sheet is so thin, I can see through it! I do like the vibrant red color; however, this is not something I'd recommend to anyone. What a waste of money!! I guess you get what you pay for.
01 star
My tushy is pleased These wet wipes are great. Far fewer weird chemicals than the Cottonelle ones. Hey now, if astronauts can use wet-wipes and wear diapers, why can't we down on Earth? Yes, I also have a bottle of Tang sitting here. Did I just say I wear diapers? Scratch that. But how far we've come since the days of leaves, to scratchy re-useable unconditioned rawhide (I'm guessing there), to paper-towel quality TP, to the temporary anomaly of medieval royalty using silk, back to rough paper, to softer TP, to those strange sea-shell things in Demolition Man... to this. Keep it simple, stupid. So very stupid, it's genius. Ted Koppel was right. One of the greatest things in the world: any form of moistened towelette. Any will do if you're in a desert embedded with the troops. But if it's going to be "a" wet-wipe, make it a Kandoo wet-wipe! (smiles, sparkle off teeth)
45 stars
Sucky Nipples I like that the bottles are BPA Free - I feel good about using them to feed my baby. But I don't like dealing with the extra vent parts - it's just more parts to wash. I tried using the bottles without putting the vent in and the nipples just collapse - so you have to use the vents. But overall I like these bottles.
23 stars
Baseboard Burden I loved the look of this gate, but installing was a nightmare if you have nice tall baseboards (which I do). It was so frustrating for my husband that 30 minutes into trying to figure out how we were going to get the gate on strait with the baseboard in the way, he was so frustrated with the install design that he packaged it up and took it back to the store. We could not put the gate above our baaseboards because it was to high off the ground and our daughter would slide under and get stuck or hurt. We couldn't drill into our baseboards because there was no way for us to line up the gate afterwards (our baseboards stick out from the wall too far). The designer of this product should get a clue based on so many other reviews about difficult installation and make some changes to their product that will allow a gate to be installed over baseboards. Who likes drilling into their baseboards anyway? All that evenflo would have to do is raise the mounting bars on the bottoms of each side by a few inches and it would work much easier for people with baseboards (which is most of the population).
12 stars
Great Booster Seat I purchase this item in August. Shipping was fast too, didnt expect to receive it as soon as I did. I purchased this for my 5 year old son that still needs to be in a Booster Seat. I like the fact that the headrest height is adjustable. I have already had to adjust the height since I've purchased it. He likes the seat and the colors. I had a Graco Booster seat before this one, and he prefers to use this one. It even looks more comfortable than the Graco seat. I would recommend this seat to others, it is a great booster seat. I've purchase other products by " The First Years" and like their quality of items.
45 stars
Convenient and easy access I bought this stroller to use with our first child. I loved how lightweight it was. It was very easy to get in and out or the trunk of my car. The other travel systems were way to heavy for me to lift over and over again. Plus when folded, it leaves plenty of space in my compact car's trunk.We had no problem using it with our Graco SnugRide car seat either...as long as you use the strap provided to strap it into place. Now that our daughter has grown out of her infant car seat, we have to buy a new stroller, but it was an inexpensive way to get by the first few months.The only problem I had with this stroller were the small wheels. It made it IMPOSSIBLE to push the stroller on anything but smooth cement or floors. So if you are going to be doing a lot of mall walking - it won't be a big problem. However, I found I could not walk on small gravel or grass at all.
34 stars
Great Product This is a great product its worth every penny. I put it around my coffee table and now I dont have to worry about my 7 month old bumping her head.
45 stars
Best chair cover ever! We love our chair cover. Not only does it cover the chair, the strap that comes with the cover works well as a seatbelt since they are often broken at restaurants. Update: we have used this cover many times and it washes nicely in the washing machine!
45 stars
Awesome product I bought this product since my newborn was having some difficulties in feeding. After the purchase of this, it was very easy for him to adjust and latch to the mom.I would certainly recommend this to others.Cons : it would be better if there is little firmness in the pillow.
45 stars
Best stroller cover I'ver ever used!!! I've purchased other rain covers for my stroller and none can compare to the protective covering and quality of the Protect-a-Bub cover - the material provides a snug fit with good ventilation - wonderful for protection from colder &/or windy weather as well as rain.This cover keeps my baby snug, warm, and dry - and also covers my belongings! BBRUS should carry it in the store, not just on line! Other covers (GRACO, ESP. Baby, etc..) are thinner & made from all clear plastic. They are also much shorter all around & tend to be stiffer - they just don't provide enough coverage (despite what the picture on the cover shows). This cover also folds neatly into a small pouch which can easily be stored in the stroller basket or hung from the handle for unexpected usage.I've also used it on a number of different stroller types and it is always a perfect fit! My friends all love it and people stop to ask me where I purchased it almost every time I use it!. One of the best stroller accessories I've ever purchased and the only cover I would ever use!I recently purchased the new Protect-a-Bub Snuggle Bub Stroller insert from the company site(their version of a Bundle Me Big) -they should carry it at BBRUS! This is the best stroller insert for cold weather I have tried (even better than Bundle Me Big and One Step Ahead Toddler Snuggly). It is made from natural lamb's wool (so it "breathes"), machine washable (air dry), and very roomy so it will last a long time (up to age 4 years, depending on the size of your child)!
45 stars
아직 안써봤지만 모양이 귀엽자나요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ나 이렇게 리뷰남겨도 되는지 몰러아직도 11 워드남았네띄어쓰기를 늘 려 볼 까 나3워 드 1
23 stars
Unsafe per California Highway Patrol The California Highway Patrol, when installing my rear-facing infant seat, noticed the mirror I had over the back seat and said that it was unsafe for two reasons: (1) it becomes a projectile into the baby during an accident; (2) the driver is distracted by looking at the mirror rather than the road, making an accident more likely. So the officer recommended against using the mirror.
12 stars
Great idea . . . The idea is great, but it just doesn't work. The sides that snap closed to keep the pacifier clean dig into my baby's cheeks. It doesn't always close before it hits the floor, either. It was disappointing.
12 stars
Fits with Phil and Teds Explorer This caddy has everything I needed/wanted in a caddy at a very affordable price! It fits perfectly with my Phil and Teds explorer. The zippered pocket holds a lot more than I expected, keys, wallet, phone, random snacks. The cup holders will hold my 1 liter Sigg bottle snugly. I'm sure this is not advertised, but I am also able to attach a tote bag onto the side by slipping the tote bag straps under the Velcro and reattaching the caddy straps. This allows for extra storage with the Phil and Teds, which can be limited when the doubles kit is in use. All in all, I would highly recommend this caddy as a durable, affordable, functional accessory to the Phil and Teds Explorer.
45 stars
Blue Lizard Sunscreen Review The product seems to deliver what is advertised and promised. Very happy with the product and it seems to go a long way compared to some other brands.
34 stars
A MUST HAVE, ESPECIALLY FOR A SECOND CHILD I didn't purchase a baby carrier for my first child (now three) but after just having my second, it was a must have in order to keep up with my very active toddler in parks, ballgames, the circus, etc. The reason I chose the Baby Bjorn over the Ergo was because I am 5'2" and found the Ergo to be a more bulky for my petite frame. The Baby Bjorn fits me just right. I find it very easy to get my baby in and out and to adjust the straps. I honestly cannot tell you that the "Air" model breathes any better than the original because I never used the original model but it seems to breathe well with my son and I like the elasticity this model has.
34 stars
Awesome price and keeps the smell inside! Be prepared when you open this Champ to get the diapers out - it really keeps all of the smell inside. It is very easy to use...don't need to assemble much and it does what it's supposed to. It's not small but it's not too big either so you can always find space for it if space is a problem. Bottom line - money well spent.
45 stars
Great Addition to room We bought this changing table to match the DaVinci Kalani crib. The first one we received was stratched and broken. I returned it and received another in less than a week. The return was very easy, and the 2nd one we received was fine. My only complaints are when you tighten the screws too much it splits the wood on the inside and also the wooden pegs on the drawer did not line up very well. I had to squeeze them with pliers and forced them in to the holes, and it went together.
34 stars
Great product for adult incontinence I've been buying the Baby Bee Skin Creme along with the Diaper Ointment for a year now. Only recently have I found the 2 pack here on Amazon. This is a great all-around product and is a wonderful alternative to other products (Desitin, A&D & Boudreaux's) that brought about a severe allergic reaction. I would recommend this product to those who care for someone with incontinence, just as much as I would recommend it for parents caring for little ones.
45 stars
Love this velcro swaddle It always seemed that no matter how many times we swaddled our son, we could never get it tight enough. This solves that problem. Our little boy was nice and snug in this and slept like a log once we wrapped him up. The material did make me worry a little bit about whether the baby would overheat, but he never did. This is a great product.
34 stars
Beautiful Seat This car seat is so much prettier than what it looks like online. I thought it was just solid gray, but it has a baby blue diagonal criss-cross pattern. And the darker gray areas are super soft. It also holds up to a 30 pound baby, so hopefully it will save me from having to buy a convertable seat at 8 months like I did with my daughter even though she was only about 15 pounds at the time.The seat is very easy to install and the straps glide very easily. For girls, there is now a beautiful pink Safeseat, but I guess since I have this one, it will have to do...
45 stars
Looks great, washable and comfy I also had a little trouble installing the (back) cushion at first. The instructions for the cushion are just illustrations, with no words, so it's a little difficult to figure ot what you're supposed to do. I really struggled until I realized that the clip that holds the straps together in the back (not the piece attached directly to the chair, the adjustable one that clips to both straps) if you turn that clip over you can see that you can take it off, then you put the straps through the holes and then re-attach the cllip. Then it works great!Cleaning--My son had a bit of an, umm, accident in the chair. The back cushion had to taken off and washed. It also had some carrots or yams or something on it. There are no washing instructions that I could find, so I pre-treated with dreft spray and washed it in warm and then layed it flat to dry. All the stains came clean and it still fit perfectly. This item is pricey for what it is, but it looks great and makes the chair so much more comfortable for kiddos.
45 stars
What a bad baby item... shame on Tiny Love Corp. I bought this gym for my 3 month old baby because of the multiple awards it has received and also because my baby loves her mobile of farm animals. The same day i received it the same day i returned it. As another review i have read before, the filling of the toys comes out (very thin thread) and it can choke a baby as they by this age put everything in their mouths. Do yourself a favor and do not buy this item for your baby... It also made me realize that after buying organic toys and stuffed animals i should keep doing so. Be careful with everything your baby puts in her/his mouth. God bless and have a concious buy!!!!!!
01 star
Easy Install. Works great! I installed this at the top of the bannister to secure the latch for the top of stair EnevFlo Gate. Makes a perfect secure surface to install the latch on.
45 stars
My son LOVES this I thought this was a little weird when I first got it and it took my son a while to show interest in it, but now he can't sleep without it. At first he chewed on it's tail and feet, but now he likes the pacifier. He immediately grabs for it when I put him in his crib.The only reason I don't give it 5 stars is that I find it hard to clean. My son's current one is so gross that I'm going to buy several more so I have a stash of kitties.
34 stars
Great car garbage bag I like the size of this garbage bag for a family car. It is larger than others I've seen, but still fits easily on the floor between the front seats without being obstructive. It's good for the trash a family accumulates daily (tissues, scraps of paper, cups, etc.). It is more than adequate for any garbage that we'd want to leave in a car.
34 stars
Lots of leaks, not the same as Dry Max BEWARE!!! Just because the box looks like Pampers Swaddlers Dry Max Diapers, these are NOT the same. My son is now 5 mo. old and we've been using Pampers Swaddlers Dry Max diapers since he was born (you know, with the blue wetness indicator on the front). However, these are NOT Pampers Swaddlers Dry Max. These are thinner, do not have the woven material inside the diaper and are not nearly as absorbent as the Swaddlers. My son has leaked out of his diaper the last 5 nights... these diapers simply are not absorbent enough to contain a night's worth of pee. We rarely had this problem with Dry Max. I won't be buying these again- they simply aren't worth the very little cost savings.
12 stars
Easy to assembly and wonderful!!! I am not sure why the person had problems assembling hers. It is not difficult. You just have to make sure the tub is in the fabric cover before blowing up. I bought one for my child's Mother's Day Out class. Ours was handed down from my sister. It has been used on 3 kids and we have loved it!!! It is so wonderful for helping them to sit up. I loved that I didn't have to worry about my girls bumping there heads by falling backwards on to hard flooring. I have thrown it in the car with us when we have traveled too. It does take up a good bit of room but worth it! You can't beat this price either!!! Eight years later and ours is still in great shape.
45 stars
more than OK! i think that u can say its more than ok ... but its kind of big for my high chair
23 stars
Best pump ever I got the pump before my baby was born,but when we went to the hospital I saw I forgot the manual,I had the pump,but thinking all will go ok didn't put it togheter. So when I had to start pumping(my baby couldn't nurse right away)I used the hospital pump,which was Medela.At that point I never used any pump so I thought that I have no milk.I was able to pump in 15-20 min. only 20ml. which is nothing. My baby had to eat formula for few days,he couldn't latch on my breast, and I wasn't able to pump a lot.Well, we went home and I put my Isis pump togheter and for 15 min. I got 4-5oz. milk. From that moment on I have been using it every day,my son is still little and eats only one breast at one feeding,so I pump the other breast. I have no problems getting all the milk out. I had to return to work early,so I decided to get faster electrical pump,which pumps both breasts,so I went and got the electrical Medela in Style,which I heard is "the best pump",well I can tell you one thing for 20 min. with Medela from both breasts I was able to pump 2 oz.,which is funny when my milk supply from both breasts is 9oz. I was trying Medela for few days to see maybe something will change(you have to try when you spend $250 for something)With Avent Isis I get 9-10oz. milk in 20-30 min.I strongly recomend the Avent Isis, it works soooo good!I got the Medela only because I needed faster pump for work,but it did not work for me at all! Good thing I was able to return it!!!!!!!!!!
45 stars
Lots of fun! I purchased the jumperoo for my second child. He had the doorway jumper but his two year old brother kept pushing him in it like a swing. The doorway jumper wasn't safe so I went out and got the jumperoo. It proved to be a GREAT investment! It is so much safer than that doorway jumper. It also makes sounds and has toys on it too. My son LOVED it! I got it when he was about 5 months old and he used it up to about 10 months. It's very easy to adjust the legs to various heights as your baby grows. The only complaints that I have is that this jumperoo is very large and takes up a lot of floor space. It stays in place on carpet, but when we put it on hardwood, my son jumped so wildly, that the jumperoo slid around on the floor. Overall, a must have baby item!
45 stars
The best These are the best bottles ever and the only ones we'll use. Cleaning them can be a pain because of all the parts, but they are well worth it. We have them in 4 ounce size and the fat 8 ounce size and they are all perfect.
45 stars
Best out there Best diapers out there -- pricey, but cannot be beaten when it comes to no leaks.
45 stars
Best christmas gift this year! This jumperoo was by far the best gift my 5 month old received this christmas! He loves all the colors and lights! Couldn't have asked for a better product!
45 stars
Keeps out the smells My diaper genie has worked wonderfully so far - I've had it over 2 years. My husband is picky about bad smells and this has kept the odors away. It is very easy to use and I can't see why other folks can't figure out how to use it. My only gripe is that the hinges on the lid have broken on mine and I have to repair them now.
45 stars
Wonderful We got this changing table with the Kalani crib and LOVE both. They are both sturdy, highly functional and a great deal. I still can't believe how much I love them and how little they both cost. One thing that I love about the changing table is that the changing table pad fits securely in the top of the table. In using friends' changing tables, I find that the pad slips off the tables that have no bar around the top. This one has that bar and there is no slipping. The table is not as long as other tables which means that you can only fit the baby on the table and no extras, like wipes or diapers. We dealt with that small issue by hanging a basket off the side so we can have the diapers, wipes, and anything else readily available. It's great and looks great with the Kalani crib. Way to go Davinci. When the table arrived, a part was damaged. We contacted the company and got the part replaced.
45 stars
Great for Potty Training/trained toddlers My 3 year old loves these little wipes, the transition from pull ups to underwear was a long awaited triumph for us...and he was so excited that he got to have special wipes that went along with it. Since he isn't a baby anymore he didn't think baby wipes were necessary :)The wipes come in small packages that make it great to throw in his backpack or my purse and work great in the Kandoo holders as well. They serve their purpose well and have a great fruity scent, all at a great price too!! (and not to mention they are flushable!!)
45 stars
Great for newborn only This tub was great when my twins (bathed separately) were born, however, now that they're about 16 pounds, it's much too small. Now that they are 4 1/2 months old, I need to find a new bathtub. My boy likes the newborn side because he can splash, but he slides off easily and ends up on his back with face in the water. My daughter likes the infant side because more of her is submerged, but she stretches out her legs to push agains the other side, and again, slides out and ends up with her face in the water.
34 stars
Not for babies above the 95th percentile in weight and wears cloth diaper My daughter is 13 weeks and weighs 16 lbs. Her weight is listed as above 95% on the growth chart. We also use the BumGenius all-in-one cloth diaper on her which is a lot bulkier than a disposable diaper. I was excited to try the bebepod plus on her since she now can fully support her head, but I'm afraid it is already a snug fit. I got the Bebepod over the bumbo because of other reviews stating that the Bebepod is roomier. It would've been nice if the manufacturer listed a max weight on this product like car seats. I will be returning this product as I fear she'll outgrow this in 2 weeks.
23 stars
comfy This was given 4 stars only because the pillow got flat within a week, despite all the fluffing. Otherwise great back and leg support.
34 stars
Awesome product. My daughter has been using this since she was about 3 months old (about 10 lbs), she was born 3 weeks premature and has always been small for her age. Simply fold up a couple blankets and stack them on top of each other until her feet can reach, and she'll love it. Now, at 5 1/2 months, she probably spends over an hour a day playing in the jumperoo. She weighs about 16lbs now, and I can see the uprights deflect quite a bit when she really gets moving, so I'm not sure I'd want to let a much heavier baby play in this thing for too long.So far so good!
45 stars
Awesome. I now have two of them; an all pink one and red+green. She will try to use it as a regular pacifier, but she loves to chew on it! She will search through her toys (she's almost 6 months, btw) to find one that soothes her pain well enough, and once I give her this she is totally fine.Has anyone tried to freeze it?
45 stars
Kid Keeper This is a great help for Mom. The child is safe while shopping because it is so easy to get distracted in a crowd and the chlld will not get snatch, lost, or away from Mom.
45 stars