class label
5 classes
Simply great! This is a great cd and I can't wait for more from Corrine! Fave singles are "Like A Star" "Enchantment" and "Seasons Change". Her voice is heavenly and she is a star!
45 stars
90's best, hands down What can I say about this album that has not already been said in previous reviews? Absolutely nothing, but I think it's my duty to come here and give it the 5 stars that it deserves.As for the single tracks, here's my opinion:1. Airbag - 8.5/10great opener, awesome beat and guitar effects2. Paranoid Android - 10/10referred to as the "Bohemian Rhapsody" of the 90's, enough said. 6'23" of pure magnificence3. Subterranean Homesick Alien - 8.5/10great atmosphere, if you close your eyes, you can see spaceships hover all over the place. incredible lyrics.4. Exit Music - 9/10wonderful acoustic tune, with a wonderful final explosion. really moving or exciting, depends on your mood.5. Let Down - 7/10musically nothing special, still a good song anyway. beautiful bitter lyrics6. Karma Police - 9/10any comment is superfluous. simply great, but not the greatest in my opinion7. Fitter Happierthis is not a song, it's a computer voice speaking, but I'd give it 10/10 for how well it fits among the tracks and in the whole album. best lyrics ever by Thom, in my opinion.8. Electioneering - 8/10the only song that really rocks from the beginning to the end, with an infectious riff and an incredible final guitar jam. I trust I can rely on your vote!9. Climbing up the Walls - 8.5/10gloomy and eerie track, quite experimental, yet beautiful. features distorted strings10. No Surprises - 10/10my favourite song, I love everything about it, the almost childish melody, the lyrics, the video. features Greenwood on xylophone. NB don't listen to it if you're about to commit suicide11. Lucky - 9/10Classic slow-rock ballad. very melodic. great intro by Ed, and great solo by Johnny at the end.12. The Tourist - 6/10The only track that I could never really get. It's not bad, there's a great performance by Thom here, but it kind of bores me, I don't know why.This album is a masterpiece, anyway if anyone who has listened carefully to it still thinks that this is crap, no problem, write your own review, and give it 1 star, if you like.But if what bothers you is the constant acclaim that Radiohead are receiving, and come here just to give vent to your frustration for being a Linkin Park, Justin Timberlake or Bitchney Spears fan, well, stop, I don't think it's fair. I'd like to spend my day giving 1 star to every damn album by every damn so-called-artist I hate (and there are many, believe me), but I just don't do it, that's all. I love this album and Radiohead since late 1997, so no hip bandwagon in my case, I swear.
45 stars
Flawed Randy Is this album a masterpiece? Absolutely not! But, as a first effort from Newman, it is witty, mordant, charming and self effacing all in one. Randy would continue to get better and better with each album(culminating in his early masterpiece SAIL AWAY).RANDY NEWMAN is a tad over orchestrated. Nevertheless many of the songs shine(like "Davy the fat boy") and already display Newman's skewed view of humanity, politics and culture. A songwriter's songwriter, Newman pulls off a credible debut.
23 stars
Absolutely wonderful !!!!!!!! As a great Captain Herlock fan since I was a child, I think that The Endless Odyssey's soundtrack is one of the most beautiful CD I've never get. You can feel all the character's feelings (sadness, revolt...).So if you enjoyed the show on DVD, you will love this soundtrack.
45 stars
"...but I'm simple in my sadness, resourceful in remorse" Is this not poetry? It's lovely, that's what it is. Try using it as a screen saver! I wanted to include that lyric here despite having written one review already. And the song to the weathercock -- what a fanciful idea. I like it.
34 stars
Stars and Stripes Review This is a great CD of The Beach Boys music. The Beach Boys provide back-up vocals while various country artists sing lead vocals. Anyone who likes The Beach Boys and/or country singers like Vince Gill, Lorrie Morgan, Willie Nelson or Steve Warner will enjoy this CD.But for those of you who are looking for Volume 2... stop looking. Volume 2 was never released due to low volume of sales for Volume 1. That's just a shame.My dad bought this when it first came out and loved it. I was fortunate enough to find a like new copy without too much effort. He absolutely loves this CD. I have provided a website address below where you can listen to samples of the different songs on the CD (courtesy of Tower Records). My favorites are "Don't Worry Baby" with Lorrie Morgan and "I Can Hear Music" with Kathy Troccoli, although all of the songs are great. Enjoy![...]
45 stars
Much improved upon. All cover EPs are, for one, boring. You pay 10 bucks for 8 songs you've heard before. Wonderful. If it's something new, I don't mind it, but MXPX does nothing new. Absolutely nothing new. New Found Glory managed to improve upon this when they did their From Screen to the Stereo EP and then Me First came along and blew this tragic, tragic album out of the water. I don't care if this does predate the two I just mentioned, this is still a really boring CD. SKIP IT. Go get Me First.
01 star
Old And some of The Best Bluegrass EVER! I purchased this LP when it was a brand new release.I also drove from Baltimore to Union Grove, North Carolina to catch a couple of the famous annual Fiddler's Conventions back in the mid-1970's. Yes, many folks from out West used to make the even-longer haul as well. This used to be such an event!As great as those Conventions were, nothing matched the performances as what these guys [Jerry Garcia, Peter Rowan, Dave Grisman, Vassar Clements, etc.] concocted! Better than excellent! Is 5 1/2 Stars possible? If so, they RATE and EARN it!Peter Rowan, as you should know, had earlier fame with Earth Opera [Alfie Finney, Home To You, The Red Sox Are Winning, etc.], Seatrain [Willin', Home To You, etc.,] as well as other accomplishments before joining Jerry Garcia [He brought along long-time friend and Super-Musician David Grisman, too] to join in this fine mix of Bluegrass musicians.Grateful Dead and Flying Burritos Bros. fans should already know about how much Garcia and Clements were INTO Bluegrass.As for Peter Rowan, he would go onto form The Rowans and later go Solo with tons of great Bluegrass and Americana music!This album/CD is far superior, IMHO, to any other OLD & IN THE WAY recording.
45 stars
Sheer beauty...one of those rare records that can change your life. Rarely is the type of praise that "Daydream Nation" receives deserved by ANY band. In this rare case, it is, and then some. Possibly the great, defining indie/experimental/art-rock/alternative record of all time, "Daydream Nation" is a ride from beginning to end and represents the zenith in a string of classic records Sonic Youth released back-to-back; a series stretching from "EVOL" to 1990's major-label breakthrough, "Goo". Nearly every song is a mind-blower in it's own, unique way. Forget the Arcade Fire. Forget The Mars Volta. Put Bright Eyes on hold for a second. None of it can hold a candle to the destructive, fragile, violent, crude, refined power of this record. Sonic Youth's daring masterpiece has a very obvious hand in just about all of today's left-of-center music.There is not a single filler track on this album. Although the ominous, dreary "Providence" (a collage that includes a lo-fi recording of a delicate piano melody, various shadows of distant guitar chaos, and a garbled, likely substance-induced answering machine message left by a member of fIREHOSE whose name escapes me at the moment) would seem to be there to simply take up space, this soundscape splits the album into it's two critical parts. The confused sounds that seem to have been spawned by a tumbling, grey, chaotic sky separate the frantic, terminally rocking first half of the album, containing tracks such as "Silver Rocket" and the upbeat "Teen Age Riot", from the sprawling, spacey second half. "Candle", possibly the album's best song, starts the show. The duo of "The Wonder" and the slow-burning "Hyperstation" follows a few tracks later, and the album closes with the rapid-fire ranting of Kim Gordon on "Eliminator Jr.".In short, buy this record. Clear your mind of all pre-conceived notions. Kill the lights, sit back, and perhaps turn your stereo up a bit louder than usual. If it doesn't sink in the first time, keep trying. I didn't buy the hype at first. And one day, it hit me: those indie snobs actually got one right back in 1988.
45 stars
a rare album this is one rare album. soft rock plus amy lee's powerful voice. the songs feel somewhat like garbages' version 2. edge sound, powerful voice and good lyrics.
34 stars
Bebo's best to date This is by far Bebo Norman's best album yet. As an avid fan of Bebo, I of course loved Ten Thousand Days and Big Blue Sky. However, Bebo has further developed his individual style to create a very distinctive album, and one in which each song is like that one you love to listen to most!! To not purchase this CD is to miss out big time.
45 stars
Enticing, Mesmerizing and Absolutely Ingenious! Faye truly has developed a grasp on her singing technique, and this album attests to this claim. Each breath of her voice, the muted sounds she makes, her silences, her gaspings for breath are all produced so artistically in this album, that one cannot just listen to it without any one of her songs evoking some deep passion or intimate connection with Faye. The chick just knows how to sing! I'm not exposed much to the Mandarin or Cantonese language, but whenever I hear the articulations of Faye's voice, I always feel so appreciative of the language, particularly in Mandarin. Faye's new image is certainly fresh and divergent from the other freaky commercial and insubstantial pop Asian singers. Faye Wong just rules! Believe me!
45 stars
Defying Description What can be said about this CD that hasn't been said already? Queen are, like Rush and Led Zeppelin, one of those bands which have that inexpressable, intangible "it" quality which allowed them to tackle a wide variety of genres without coming off as pandering or contrived. At heart, Queen were the ultimate "hard pop" band, combining music hall melodies, heavy metal-ish riffs, insane harmonization, and gut-punching songwriting that always doled out hooks like Santa Claus in a good mood. Queen's debut album was a great first impression, and relied heavily on proto-metal riffs and softer interludes, while introducing their trademark vocal and guitar harmonies. With "Queen 2", the band shows no quarter, and completely throws inhibition out the window. Those elements introduced in the debut have been multiplied to a ridiculous extent, to the point where the band almost titled the album "Over The Top".The result is an album which creates a swirling, almost Wagnerian fantasy world, with lyrics that evoke kings, woodland royalty, elves, ogres, wars, and divine avatars, and massive blasts of power chords, guitar harmonies and overdubbed vocals. Rolling Stone's rather pathetic review of this album only serves to reinforce the fact that while many professional rock critics will get their 30 seconds of satisfaction from using their poison pen, truly great bands will be still amazing listeners long after their detractors have since disappeared into the dustbin of obscurity. Sure, "Queen 2" flirts its way to the fault-line of silliness, but the band's simultaneous respect for the music, and healthy tongue-in-cheek approach to their own import, keeps the album moving. From the grandiose "Father To Son", to the driving gallop of "Seven Seas of Rhye", "Queen 2" showed the world that their first album was no fluke.
45 stars
In With the In Crowd I'm not much of a joiner, but I'm with the majority (and then some) on this one. My favorite new band in these days was Fastway. They were like Eddie Cochran taking acid and speed together. But I had also been a fan of Chic in thier day. They were an original in the margins of disco. Bernard Edwards was the man.Anyway. the Power Station was fantastic, and though we mourned it then, thier failure made this one all the more a treasure.
45 stars
Great Compilation Great compilation. Consists of many songs that you won't find on every other compilation.
45 stars
Measure of a Man - lovin it! For the first time since I moved to Atlanta I love drive time. All songs are fun and singable. I have my personal favorites, Shine, Perfect Day, The Way, but I usually listen to the whole album. If I'm in a quiet mood I just listen to that great voice. I'll buy anything this man does in the future...
34 stars
A heartfelt tribute...............but a mediocre album I've loved John Hartford's music for years, and was very happy that a tribute had taken place and was preserved for posterity. But I found the disc that resulted disappointing. The breadth and depth of Hartford's music calls for a towering tribute. Unfortunately, this isn't it.There are some bright spots .... Riders in the Sky doing "Billy the Kid," Gillian Welch's wonderful rendition of "In Tall Buildings," and, of course, the pieces Hartford does with his string band (especially "Watching the River Go By").But the great parts are weighed down with, for example, John Cowan's overwrought "Dark as a Dungeon" and the Jamie Hartford Band's run-of-the mill country rock -- pleasant, but nothing to write home about.I'm glad I got this album -- it rounds out my collection, and Hartford's "goodbye" on the last track is priceless. But this one is for fanatics like me only. For a better introduction to his later music, try "Live at College Station, Pennsylvania" or "Good Old Boys."
12 stars
Great CD from longtime underground favourite ... Let's face it. Twista is famous for his fast delivery. It's never really been about what he says, but how he says it ( be caue, really, he spits so fast you can't really understand what he says anyways ). Nobody can ripp the mike like he can.Fans love him be cause of that.And this is why i think they won't be entirely happy with this album. The fact that he slowed down his flow might bother some people. But if you can get passed that, believe me, you will like this album.For those who don't know who Twista is, here's a quick resume. He's known mostly for 2 things: he's known for being the fastest rapper out there ( he is in the Guinness world record book for it actually ), and he's known as the go-to guy whenever every other artist wants a hot verse on his song ( think P. Diddy, Ludacris, Jay-Z and Lil' Kim ), be cause what sets Twista apart from other artist is that no matter what beat he's in, he'll make the song hot. No doubt about it.Introduction finished. Let's go to the point: Kamikaze is a great album.To really enjoy it, you have to keep in mind that he's said in the last couple of moths that he wanted to change his style, show versatility, and that's the reason why you will find more than just him spitting 20 words a second.The first two songs, "Get me" and " Kill Us All", can be seen as introductions, as he talks about all the hating and the things he's been going through lately. These songs will certainly please his long time fans, as hard beats and consistent delivery (specially on the second track) are shown. The next 2 songs, both produced by the next big thing in Hip-Hop, Kanye West, are "Slow Jamz" and "Overnight Celebrity". The first has been receiving heavy rotation all around the country, and is finally the hit song Twista has been needing to get fans of commercial rap to know him. "Overnight Celebrity" shows another great beat by Kanye (who's featured on the track's chorus). Again, Twista's flow, and the way he adapts to the beat is remarkable. The next song, "Still Feels Good" isn't anything out of the ordinary. Nice beat, definitely a song to relax too, but it's kind of dull. "Drinks" has a nice concept. He compares girls to drinks, and in here, Twista again has a great flow, but this song, along with "Badunkadunk", came out like fillers, although the latter is better production wise (and yes, the chorus is kind of whack), it's Twista's speed that makes this track not as bad as it could have been. Things pick up again on "One Last Time", with a kind of dark beat, and again, while not as fast, Twista's shows real consistency (he even spits some Spanish words near the end, which sound damn cool hehe). "So Sexy" and "Higher", collaborations with R. Kelly and Ludacris, respectively, are nice tracks, the second one being a real banger. And the good production keeps coming with "Snoopin'", another beat to relax to, and then comes "Like A 24", another banger. Then come "Hope", with Cee-Lo, a song that can be considered one the best of the album, specially be cause of what Twista says. A really touching song. "Sunshine" is another good song, nice beat, nice chorus...Nothing bad really. But "Art & Life" is definitely the icing on the cake. Twista couldn't have finished the album better, with a strong collaboration with Young Chris, Memphis Bleek and Freeway. The beat is just awesome, and this could be one of the best songs on the album too (the way the beat changes, just as the next rappers is about to come into the song is a nice touch).Sure, the album could have done without a couple of songs, and some room should have been made for "Show's Over", but as it stands, this CD is great, and any Twista fan should be more than happy with it.This might be the CD that will get Twista the recognition he deserves
34 stars
Pay Attention What startles me most about Mr. Nelson is his capacity for creativity. And at the exact same time I'm in for the long ride. Someone said to me that Prince is another Bob Dylan, not all of his music will be consistent hits but he is creating a canvas of creation, not only commercial success. I remmeber seeing Purple Rain as a child and being fascinated with this odd man who was so completely himself or of his own creation. I had a friend who couldn't tell from his first albums if he were a man or a woman at first---much like Tracy Chapman.I am not a Prince fan, he specifically said that fan is short for fanatic, he instead calls those of us who buy what he puts out "friends".I have at least 20-25 Prince CDs in my collection and still another dozen or so new tracks, foreign tracks to find on Ebay and so on. He creates such a breadth of work that Amazon.com literally is not big enough to keep all of his work.Purple Rain.A meditation on God. Its all about God.Warner Bros. wouldn't let him use the world Devil in Lets Go Crazy so he used "when the leevator brings you down"----I survived because of that song, the whole WTC thing. That song kept me going.I Would Die 4 U----he's talking about Jesus, folks. he whole repitition of I would die 4 u, the simplicity and the power of it just cuts to the heart of God, sex, drama. And no you can't have a little Prince without the element of sex. I think his work gets lost to the projection of it. Ok, his Moon is in Scorpio and yes, he has said some of the wildest lines I have ever heard in music. But he's also SAYING something.There are a couple of books on him, mainly homages from what the reviews and quick glances say. I have often wondered what I would create if I stayed up 24 hours with Prince playing on repeat and random and I just typed away for hours. Janet Jackson's music got me to create a book and a dozen short stories that got published.Is Purple Rain my fave Prince CD.They are all my fave.The up years when everyone was all over him and even now when he's a corporate pariah and literally owns himself. I hang in there, I buy each Cd faithfully as if I'll hear him every night I go to a club. Because the really good DJ's throw him in.He plays 28 instruments---by ear, no lessons, just by musical affinity/genius. Can you imagine that many sounds in your head wanting OUT?I would die 4 u, the best hymn/erotic song, definitely in my top ten.Let's Go Crazy, another classic with deep undertones if you listen to the words.He writes stories, fables, vignettes. Not just a beat and a hook line. I rarely listen to "new" music, disappointed by the lack of inspiration. Beautiful Ones? Wow. My lilieu is writing, it always will be and even if I work hard at a dozen other creative forms I suppose it will always be my strongest with reading its active companion.Prince is to me in music as Toni Morrison is to me in writing. In fact they were the first subjects I ever wrote about to be published. They are the few must haves on my shopping list and teh perennial faves to repeat (including Janet). His later collaborations with Patti LaBelle I think produced some of her strongest work next to LaBelle and the other hits she had. Marvin Gaye, Miles Davis, Bob Dylan, Carole King, Billie Holiday, Biggie Smalls, Ice-T, there are a few really, really huge folks who embody art and power in their work. Its almost a shame that one has to have all of this commercial drama around it to be a success. Prince is right, music should be free. I wonder what it would do if we paid on donation for music to the music industry, how tough or easy it would be to get to superstar status. Say you got the CD for free and then you could drop them some money on PayPal if you liked it?That would change EVERYTHING! Why do you think Warner bros. worked so hard to keep Prince's masters and to dissuade other companies to work with him? When you wonder why some really great folks best days are behind them, its the whole business end, it suffocates creativity.Luckily, Prince Rogers Nelson knows of the Curtis Mayfields, the James Browns, the Harold Melvilles that created when there wasn't a billion dollars at the end of the road. I think Im gonna get some good drinks, finger food, 24 hours and put all my Prince in and see what his music brings out of me in wordsssssssssss. Omni
45 stars
gian's opinion this cd must be listened to to be believed !
45 stars
PRETTY DAMN GOOD 'No Strings Attached' is a pretty cool CD. It's got quite a few slow songs on it but other than that it's pretty whack! THe best song has gotta be BYE BYE BYE of course!
34 stars
More Genra Rock I'm not really a fan of genra rock as a whole...I mean, I loved Hellbilly Deluxe but the whole idea of an entire CD being about the same thing is kinda boring...so it's a good thing I didn't really know that was the case when I told my brother I liked Powerman 5000 (based on the awsome 'when worlds collide') and so he bought it for me. If I had known the entire CD was going to be about spacemen and $hit I wouldn't have wanted it, so I'm glad I didn't know because almost every song on here is really good. 'SUPERNOVA GOES POP" is just one heck of a great opener followed by the two very succesful and very kick @$$ singles "WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE" and "NOBODYS REAL"...songs like "OPERATE, ANNIHALATE" and "AUTOMATIC" are sure to get a mosh pit stirring and the eerie stop go brutality of "THEY KNOW WHO YOU ARE" is sure to impress fans of Spiders big brother Rob. I know it impressed me (they know who you are is my personal favorite off the album)...They even include a cover of the Cars song "LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL" which sets them apart from Rob Zombie and lets veiwers see that these guys are not just a carbon copy of his success. The album falters in a few spots. The retarded interlude that is "SYSTEM 11:11" and the obnoxious "THE SON OF X-51" are sure to dissapoint but the remainder of this blessed album are sure to excite so you have to learn to take the bad with the good and be happy the the bad is only a small percentage of this brilliant album. From my mouth to yours...BUY IT!
34 stars
love lifted me i want this in a tape. is it available? thanks!
01 star
One of Abdullah's most essential records.A marvel!!! This concert,recorded July 13,2001,in Berlin,Germany,is one of Abdullah Ibrahim's greatest record.This extraordinary piano player,also known as Dollar Brand,was born Adolph Johannes Brand in Cape Town,South Africa, 1934.During a trip to Europe,he met Duke Ellington,in the early sixties;Duke was so fascinated by the young african musician that he organized a recording session for the Reprise label ( Duke Ellington presents the Dollar Brand Trio,February 1963;at this time,Frank Sinatra's label,Reprise,had an excellent musical director,a certain...Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington !!!).Then,Dollar became one of the most talented and adventurous jazz piano players,and his music always combined strong jazz and classical influences and the magic of african music.Just like Randy Weston.Dollar Brand,then Abdullah Ibrahim,recorded several masterpieces: "African piano","anatomy of a south african village","ode to Duke Ellington","Memories","anthem for the new nations","live at Sweet Basil"(with Carlos Ward),an outstanding duet with Gato Barbieri,and recently,"Cape Town revisited".This sublime concert is build like an Ellingtonian suite;it turns around "Blue bolero",which appears four times during the recital until a fifth one,an extended version,the last tune of the night.There are some of Abdullah's well known tunes,like "Blues for a hip king"(dedicated to King Sobhuza of Swaziland,who died as a very old man some 10 or 15 years ago),"Cape Town flowers","the mountain","Tsakwe";some salutes to Duke Ellington,"Duke 88","in a sentimental mood" and "solitude";a tribute to Trane,"for Coltrane",and even a glance at Kansas City,with a short excerpt from Bennie Moten's "Moten swing".Backed by Belden Bullock on bass and Sipho Kunene on drums,Abdullah Ibrahim drives us into his magical world;it seems like the best of both jazz and african music are combined to create one of the most fascinating music ever played.Within one month,on June 27,I'll be lucky enough to see and hear Abdullah on stage in my town.Lucky because the guy who was supposed to play that night cancelled the date.It was Paul Bley.Abdullah will replace him.This will be a somptuous evening!!!
45 stars
great intentions but needs help on the recording side bill frisell is one musician i have come to admire over the years and his latest is not too bad. i see so many works of great artists and musicians that are brutalized by the hands of recording engineers. this latest offering sounds like a "cut and paste job". sure, you have david plitch, courtesy of holly cole,for the foundation but the AIR of the recording is missing. there are tracks with too much information fighting with one another that the organic flow is missing; less is more or more is less. take john patitucci's "one more angel" cd or some of marc copland's recordings and you will hear the natural acoustic ambience - the AIR. the recordings captured the instruments working with one another creating a whole in an organic sense. enough said about the recording quality, bill frisell's effort in this cd is superb with the capital S. hopefully, fix this recording quirk in the next album and we will have a 5 or even a 6 star masterpiece.
34 stars
Still in Control. Janet Jackson is letting it all hang out on her fabulously down-and-dirty "Damita Jo." On this CD, Jackson's raunchy lyrics, which appear on a number of these songs, leave almost nothing to the imagination, exploring sexual themes that pick up where her last three albums left off. If the parental advisory sticker isn't a sufficient warning, then take a cursory look at the tracklisting: titles like "Warmth," "Moist," "Sexhibition," and "Strawberry Bounce." But there's so much more to "Damita Jo" than its eye-opening lyrics. While she faithfully reunites with producers Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, she also branches out and works with other hitmakers like Kayne West, Babyface, and Dallas Austin. The result is her most diverse-sounding album to date. The flavor is still r&b, but with some new welcome kicks. Janet sets a romantic tone in the sweet "Spending Time With You," hooks up with Kayne West on the slammin' "My Baby," and collaborates with Babyface on "Thinking of My Ex," a killer ballad that should make current beau Jermaine Dupri nervous. Clubheads and DJs will salivate over the disco glitter of "Slolove," and "R&B Junkie" outright steals the hook off Evelyn Champagne King's "I'm in Love" and runs with it. As with Janet's last few discs, "Damita Jo" has its share of interludes, and their abundance threatens the flow and overall quality of the disc. One day, Janet will hopefully be confident enough to do away with the interludes and let the music speak for itself. And the weak "Just a Little While" was a poor choice for a debut single. That aside, "Damita Jo" stands tall on its merits and looks poised to be a solid hit during the spring and summer.
34 stars
A splendid work John Knowles Paine (1839-1906) studied in Germany and spent most of his life in Boston/Harvard. His early works, such as the first symphony, were modeled on the classical masters, relatively conservative in idiom but full of spirit and vigor. With the substantial (50 minutes) second symphony, however, the musical language has turned more chromatic and forward-looking - which may strike some as surprising insofar as the two symphonies were written only four years apart. Paine's models seem to have changed as well; whereas the first is heavily indebted to Beethoven and Schumann, the second employs Wagnerian developments and is clearly inspired by Liszt's tone poems (Paine originally had a program for the symphony as well, though later suppressed it).The first movement opens with a "winter" theme in the low strings, which is going to recur throughout the movement and generate thematic material throughout the whole work. It has time to suggest spring thawing before launching the main theme of the first movement, however. The winter theme and the main theme then developed, sometimes together and sometimes apart, with skill and confidence throughout the sonata-form first movement, which is overall very effective and enjoyable. The second movement is a bawdy scherzo with a touch of Mendelssohnian elfin mystery, and the adagio is a rather Schumannesque, very passionate movement; effective and finely scored. The energetic, joyful finale brings back the winter theme of the first movement, but this time playful drenched in sunlight and warmth, intertwining with themes or echoes of themes from the other movements, culminating in a broad, hymn-like coda.It is really a splendid work, and its neglect is unfathomable. The performances are also very good; Zubin Mehta is clearly intrigued by and sympathetic to the music, and the New York Philharmonic responds with verve and panache. I have no complaints about the sound quality either, and this is overall a very strongly recommended release.
45 stars
More "Ceora" than "Sidewinder" This album may not enjoy the same status as Charlie Chaplin's revered movie of the same title, but it's a session that evokes similar feelings. Like the beloved Tramp, Lee Morgan wins our respect with a performance of warmth and dignity, grace and beauty, sprinkled with moments of gentle humor. His playing on this session anticipates, more than do his immediately subsequent recordings, the composer of the sublimely poetic "Ceora" ("Cornbread," '65).Also credit Benny Golson, who provided three of the five tunes and the arrangements for the sextet on this date. Beginning with "Lee Morgan Sextet" (Dec, '56) to "City Lights" (Aug, '57), Golson supplied four consecutive recordings' worth of material for the developing session leader--compositions and textures that would showcase the young artist while lending form and focus to his creative energies. After "City Lights," Morgan would continue his prolific recording output but increasingly shoulder the burden--as one of only two horns on "The Cooker" (Sept, '57) and the sole horn on "Candy" (Nov, '57). As much latitude as the gifted trumpeter is given on these last two dates, the formal constraints of "City Lights" prove no less rewarding--if anything, they serve as a luminous foil, setting off the artist's inventions and magnifying his unique talent.The opening title track sounds like programmatic music for a movie before rapidly developing into a flag-waver for the leader. A mysterious two-note figure bowed by Chambers' bass complemented by Ray Bryant's Twilight Zone tick-tock motif leads to the 24-bar chorus unfolding with a rush, and suddenly George Coleman's tenor sax hits the ground running, the entire scene completed in a head-spinning thirty seconds! Although Coleman's is an auspicious entrance on his first jazz recording, it merely increases the stakes for Morgan, whose trumpet solo crackles with menacing fire, moving to the upper register and going an extra chorus.Morgan's solo on the lovely, rarely-played ballad "You're Mine You" seems fully capable of standing on its own, especially since Van Gelder's mixing does little to flatter Golson's subtle voicings. The program regains its stride with Golson's "Just By Myself," a straightahead 36-bar medium-tempo piece featuring an extended, beautifully-shaped Morgan serenade. The closer, Gigi Gryce's "Kin Folks," is a lazy-tempo Bb blues that proves a perfect playing field for all soloists--but especially the leader, who squeezes his valves, makes the notes talk, and leaves us with some unmistakable Morgan "attitude."
45 stars
Sacred This is one of my favourite albums. It's an absolute classic and totally unique. The Cramps are basically fantastic.If you've got a taste for the unusual, the dark, you like horror films and consider yourself an "outsider" then you have found your band.The Cramps do sort of defy catagorization but if I was to try I'd say Swaggering Psychobilly Punks from Hell, but coolerThis is their long play debut. Just buy it, if you don't like it at first - learn
45 stars
the best punk album ever!!!! who cares if everybody see the pistols as the best uk punk band with the most well known punk album(bollocks).they were fakes.the clash played their own instruments unlike good ol sid.they didn't need to act all snotty to gain attention either they were themselves and didn't have to rely on anybody to help them sell their records and image(unlike malcom mclaren)the pistols and the clash are to punk as the beatles and the sones are to pop rock.the clash's 1st album is the greatest punk album of all time and they play about what they felt at the time.mixing politics with punk and reggae the clash had the right formula.songs like the reggaeish white man in hammersmith palais(with it's talks about the new groups in the u.k. turning rebellion into money), and the raw punk anthem style of white riot(everybody's doin' just what their told to/cause nobody wants,to go to jail) made this album a way of life for the brittish punks(and would later appeal to the u.s. punks)the clash sopke to their audience and sopke out against the political views that they were against.the pistols had a view of no future and every thing is wrong and nothing will change.the clash on the other hand were trying to make the world a better place and were trying to see a light at the end of the dark tunnel.they saw hope in the future.pick it up and see how addictive the clash were and how this band became the only band that matters!!!!-jason
45 stars
best of Dubliners what it says on the label it delivers. The best of the Dubliners is just that.
45 stars
5 stars 30 years on and even better than ever!!great remaster, great music great to own!! Do yourself a favour and get Ellen Foley's Night Out cd as well, not remastered but who cares..it's Ellen, Ian and Mick and its great!!!
45 stars
A definite MUST-HAVE. There's only two more things to be said about this amazingly great album:Buy NOW.Play LOUD.You won't regret it!
45 stars
45 stars
SLipknot: Masks and metal Nine guys, masks, and Good metal? I wouldn't believe it either if I were you but the band from Iowa uses their talent and puts out a great debut album. Corey, the lead singer, a.k.a. #9 has a great deep voice that really ties it all together. Mic (#7) uses his guitar skills to keep the beat up and the heads banging. If you are scared by their masks and hate "screamer" music than this isnt for you at all! However if you like bands such as slayer then Slipknot is right up your alley. I would also recomend Iowa by Slipknot.
45 stars
Wonderful This is a wonderful CD that can be enjoyed by all. True Hiatt fans know how much of a treasure he is, and how his witty and potent lyrics can often be laced with a hint of humbleness and truth. This is absolutely essential to add to you collection if you are one to appreciate beautifully written lyrics and straight forward melodies.
45 stars
cool cd what a great cd! excellent swing guitarist with a hot harmonica. Canada's version of the Hollywood Fats band!
45 stars
EXCEPTIONAL TALENT! THIS DESERVES EVEN MORE STARS! This is one of my favorite Beatles albums. When this was released in late 1965, the Beatles were already experimenting with different musical styles. The songs on this collection run the full gamut of expression and styles from the highly romantic ballad "Michelle" to the highly danceable "Wait" and "Drive My Car." The lyrics are nonpareil and remain so to this day. The blend of guitar, drum and harmonies remains flawless and unrivalled. "In My Life" is truly an exceptional work of art. It is a musical masterpiece. The lyrics evoke strong feelings and the gentle harmony provides a pleasant contrast to the strong feelings expressed in the lyrics. I always felt it was a shame that most of these songs did not get a lot of radio play (e.g."Wait," "You Won't See Me," "Run for Your Life.") The work contained on this album is of impeccably high caliber and it is something to be heard and treasured to this day.If I could, I would rate this one more stars.
45 stars
Janine's Review Jill Sobule's voice is relaxing yet playful. Her lyrics are honest and the tempo of the entire CD is very attractive.
45 stars
Essential Quite simply: the best album of the 90's and one of the greatest albums of the 20th century. Tragically overlooked. The last four tracks of the album are hypnotic, yearning and emotionally tormenting. One day this album will be realized for what it is.
45 stars
Only for hardcore Floyd fans... If you're a hardcore Pink Floyd fan, and you enjoy some of their earlier recordings, then this is a must-have album if only for this one song: "Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving With a Pict:"Yes, that's the title. It's something you have to hear to believe. I used to play it during Halloween to scare children.The other reviews will go into depth regarding the rest, and who wrote what. Suffice to say, if you're a fan of The Wall but think earlier Floyd - especially pre-Darkside recordings - are just "okay" then this is NOT the album for you.However, if you are like me and think that just about everything the Floyd has done after The Wall is mediocre, and that the early stuff is awesome, then you will like this album. It's offbeat, weird, jarring, and experimental, just like the times in which it was recorded. If you'll notice, a lot of the movies made during that time period are the same.
34 stars
will the REAL "Best" of the Smiths please stand up? Is it just me, or does this band band have WAY TOO MANY "Best Of" compilations?? The versions of many of the Smith's best known songs are here presented in ( for the most part ) alternate versions, a few Peel sessions ( where they sound heavier, meatier, more lean'n'mean as a Band than on some of their frankly anemic and fey studio recordings) , and a 12" single or two. This is what brought my attention to the Smiths back in the eighties. I had the album on import, as it was available only in that form for years, until I found the cd in the Virgin mega-store. I still listen to it. Very Highly Recommended. Better, in my opinion, than any single Smiths album or any of the compilations.
45 stars
Queen of Breaks never fails to impress It's about time another good breaks cd was released.I've been a fan of Baby anne ever since I heard her first mix back in 00'.I have to say this is one of my favorite cd's by her,this album is just too sweet for words.I love the way she takes classic Florida breaks and fuses them with Miami style bass and electro.You must buy this cd if you like dance music.
45 stars
It takes some getting used to Just for the record, these girls are definitely not the greatest (that would be Savage Garden) but they're pretty good. I used to hate them, then an ex-boyfriend got me hooked. The song Viva Forever is an incredible song, so true to all of us who have had a relationship that just wouldn't work. Also, the song Too Much is great. This song alone is worth the money. So, anyone who has qualms about them not being able to sing, they can with the exception of Posh, but don't worry, she's not bad enough to ruin the whole thing. These girls have a lot of spunk and should be given credit for stepping out in a world that doesn't like change and abnormalities.
34 stars
ministry at its best The Lord has allowed Maurette Brown Clark to catapult the people of God to another echelon of worship and praise. Each song exalts the name of God and encourages of the people of God. Some people are called to this type of service. Maurette Brown Clark has answered that calling. God bless you!
45 stars
An entrancing delight A curious delight of sound. I wasn't exactly sure what I was getting into when I got this, but it was definately worth the money. The secret track alone was sweeter than butter.
45 stars
GUESS WHO'S BACK... BACK AGAIN! SHADY'S BACK! TELL A FRIEND! Eminem fans across the globe will be delighted to hear that Eminem is more popular than ever. Though the cussing hasn't disappeared from his music, the talented rapper continues to put out music that (most) people can appreciate. What is so special about him is that he tells things that are true, even the ones we would rather not hear. His content is more controversial than ever with the decidedly unpatriotic and angering record "White America" to the softly sung ode to his daughter, "Hailie's Song". It just shows that the man is full of vastly different emotions and thoughts. The rhymes have improved since his last album, the famous Marshall Mathers LP. The beats are good for the most part, though some beats are tiring. The only problem with this album is that he talks way too much about his daughter. I think we all get the picture, and he doesn't need to clarify the fact that he loves his daughter so much. It just gets annoying after a while. Other than that, I'm sure that this album will continue to be heard until he puts out another album.Curtains Up- Introduction with Eminem walking up to the stage.White America- Unpatriotic, but despairingly true. Eminem disses Ms. Cheney, Tipper Gore, and America in general.Business- Okay, featuring Dr. Dre. First part of song deals with Eminem's recent fantasy of Batman and Robin.Cleaning Out My Closet- Another song about dissing his mother and family problems.Square Dance- Stupid, gets on your nerves quickly.The Kiss (skit)- Vaguely re-enacts Eminem's arrest for pistol whipping Kim's lover.Soldier- Violent, shows Eminem's gangsta side.Say Goodbye to Hollywood- Okay. Chorus is stupid.Drips- So-so. Featuring Obie Trice. Deals with women.Without Me- I think everybody has heard this one. Eminem bashes Limp Bizkit, Moby, his mom, Elvis fans, and Chris Kierpatrick.Paul Rosenberg (skit)- Paul, Eminem's legal advisor, asks Eminem not to carry his gun.Sing For The Moment- Song about Eminem's fans. Very insightful.Superman- Sequel to Drug Ballad on MMLP. About Eminem's view of women, no that he's not married anymore.Hailie's Song- I think we can figure out what this song is about. Eminem admits he can't sing, then attemps to do it anyway. The most conservative song on the album.Steve Berman (skit)- Funny. Eminem shoots Berman, thinking that he is angry about the album (again).When The Music Stops- Deals with the responsibilities of a music artist. Featuring D12.Say What You Say- Jermaine Dupri diss. Featuring Dr. Dre.'Till I Collapse- Eminem sums up the album. One of the best songs on the album. Featuring Nate Dogg, who does a good job with the chorus.My Dad's Gone Crazy- Conclusion of the album. Eminem mentions September 11 for the first time. Featuring Hailie Jade (sigh).Curtains Close- Hilarious. Ken Kaniff makes his first appearance on the album. The only song that has to do with homosexuality on the album.
45 stars
Perfect Im just 17 yrs , but if been listening to Reggea ever since!! so u could say im kinda of a diedhard, I dont like that like i call it 'newstylled' reggea, i prefer Bob, UB40, innercircle, peter tosh, etc. Although it's not really reggea I think this guy is very good, when i heard his single on tv. (yeah it was about once or so on tv.) It directly drawed my attention and since then i've been searching for stuff about him. :) indeed this is its money worth completely. :)
45 stars
Not quite yet a Kelly Clarkson...... A great debut by Lindsay! I was expecting it to be cra*! But it is decent, definitely beats Hilary Duffs efforts!1. First - The song from Herbie: Fully Loaded! The film clip is a great one too. We all wanna come 1st! 6/102. Nobody 'Til You - A kinda Kelly Clarkson track, very rocky track! It's a great 2 song a long 2! 6/103. Symptoms Of You - A ballad....If I was Lindsay I'd stick to up-tempo stuff 4/104. Speak - The title track, I thought it would have been a single by now...It's hot, the lyrics are great and yeah 7/105. Over - A single off the album, a slower-temp track, with a great chorus....7/106. Something I Never Had - a ballad, Lindsay does a great job on this, she does save herself a lot in the chorus.......6/107. Anything But Me - Another Kelly Clarkson sounding track! Not as good as them though 5/108. Disconnected - This track is up-beat, its ok........5/109. To Know Your Name - This song kinda has a hidden message, you actually have to read the lyrics to understand the song 6/1010.Very Last Moment In Time - A great closing track.....6/1011.Rumors - The best track on the album, it's a pity that the rest of the album wasn't more pop based than rock 9/10
23 stars
Gianna D' Angelo (Coloratora) I bought this album expressly for the purpose of hearing Gianna D'Angelo's version of "Uno Voce Poco Fa". She is by far the best Coloratora to sing that Aria that I have had the priviledge of hearing thus far. And her note at the end is breathtaking. I play it over and over.
34 stars
Dress You Up The Immaculate Collection is Madonna's first greatest hits cd.Madonna has mostly been a singles artist, so getting this album and GHV2 might be the only albums you need if you're just now getting into her.Justify My Love and Rescue Me are the new songs(for THAT time), and are both HOT.My only two gripes with the songs collected here is the absence of Dress You Up, which should have replaced La Isla Bonita; and the presence of a remixed Like A Prayer instead of the original. But I guess if you have all of her studio albums, hearing a new remix might be seen as a treat. I simply went to Itunes and bought the original Like A Prayer and Dress You Up for $.99 each. So, all's well that ends well.A great way to hear the best songs of one of our best and most important Pop entertainers.
45 stars
Classic Album For U2 fans, this is a great treat, a return to great tunes, armed w/ the musical, lyrical, and social sophistication that the band has gained over the past decade of experimentation.As Bono says, this album has got soul.Note, there are two US Extra Track versions, the "Always" version has catalogue #3145483282, the "Summer Rain" version has catalogue #3145483292. If you just want the songs, both are on the Beautiful Day Pt1 single (only available as import afaik).
45 stars
Viva Pinata Lights, Camera, Action ! Fun for everyone ! Viva Pinata, Lights, Camera, Action! is a great follow up to the first VP disc, The Pinatas must be crazy. This was the best Saturday morning cartoon in long time! The CGI work is terrific just like Beast Wars & ReBoot. That there should give you a hint of how old I am.Since I don't have cable or dish, this was one of the cartoons that made you laugh like you were a kid again. Fergy, Hudson, Paulie & the gang have fun at beach parties and other adventures on Pinata island and foiling the evils plots of Professor Pester. Langston is still trying to get Fergie & Paulie to go to parties. Alot of inside jokes that the parents will know and the kids will laugh along. Wish they would of never took this show off the air. But that's Fox & Microsoft for you, get something good and they'll take it away. Can't wait till Shout Factory gets the next DVD's out for sale. Here are the episodes on the DVD. Franklin Can't Dance (which was the first episode), Les Saves The Day...Again, Sick Day, Lights, Camera, Action!, Mad Mongo, Hudson's Biggest Fan, Mission Impinatable, My Little Fergy, The Great Gob Rush, Hero.
45 stars
Completely Awesome. Nothing is wrong. Once again, Garbage did a good job
45 stars
These Girls Are Awesome I Love this CD and so do my kids. They are so fresh. They have their own style and unbelievable harmony. This is a "must have" CD. They are on their way to becoming Superstars!
45 stars
WOW Elliott! I remember this guy from Idol I thought he had a great voice but he did not seem to show enough confidence in his ability. That sure is not the case on this cd! I loved just about every song. Nice to see he got the chance to really show case his talent after all.
45 stars
It's The Beats! DJ Premier really outdid himself here. He produces the majority of Group Home's (Melachi The Nutcracker and Lil' Dap) debut Livin' Proof, and the beats here are some of his best ever. It's too bad that the lyrics from the Group Home are pretty trite and sometimes boring. Although they are listenable, Dap and Melachi offer nothing new or amazing and they might have been lost if it wasn't for the production. That said, they aren't terrible MC's so the album does pull through in the end and the beats aren't all that wasted. The highlights on the album include "Supa Star", "Up Against The Wall (Getaway Car Mix)", and "Suspended In Time." If you like great hip-hop production or are a die-hard Primo fan, pick this up if you can find it.
34 stars
Algo que esperabamos todos los seguidores de Rush Este gran grupo tiene muchos seguidores por Cuba y todos los que seguimos su musica comentamos sobre la maestria de ejecucion de sus integrantes. En un buen momento llega el talento de Geddy Lee, expresado en la ejecucion del bajo electrico y en el texto de sus canciones. El track Moving to Bohemia da muestra de la ejecucion en su instrumento y la creatividad para componer temas complejos con pocos minutos de duracion sin resultar agresivos o excesivamente cargado de notas complejas.
45 stars
Pitiful failure Yes is one of my favorite groups and this album hardly belongs to the group, who wrote Close to the Edge and Tales from the Topographic Oceans... probably there is only one good song there which is Shoot High, Aim Low, but technically this album is a typical representative of 80s pop music... a very great downfall for Yes and 2 stars I put just for my love for the group.
12 stars
Only 4 stars, but it's Disney's fault TMBG seem like big kids and great dads; this album contains kid-friendly songs about the alphabet, including the classic lyrics "urnx, urnx, ni, imnx, ictv,ictv, nicu" which translates as "You are an X, you are an X, and I, I am an X, I see TV, I see TV, and I see you." [This one has a compelling country-western kinda twang to it!] The letters all have quirky personalities (W is called "double-wide") that kids will love.But (and it's a BIG but), this has not the charm of their previous kid's effort "No, No, No" and it's entirely Disney's fault (the album is a Disney production). "No, No, No" had these really cute little animations/games that could be played, simply, on your computer. But if you put "ABCs" into your computer, what comes up is merely a link to Disney's web site--and you have to REGISTER--and it's not clear whether once you do there will be any added content. In fact, it took about 10 minutes to figure out how to circumvent Disney's tremendous need to market to my hapless kids and merely *listen* to the album.So the visual angle that reinforced the songs and increased the play value of the previous album is gone daddy gone. Now Disney has your name and your kids' name too. John, John, my kids want to see your letters boogie - do they have to be SOLD to to see it?
34 stars
Dio rules but this is dull! I love Dio. Have for 15 years. Love concept albums with wide sweeping operating tunes. But this is just plain uninspired. Goldie is great on the guitar. Whatever happened to the Dio albums that I would sleep with under my pillow because I could relate to them so well? Whatever happened to the days when Dio would sing to me personally? Like when I felt like a left out kid and all I had to do was listen to Rock and Roll Children or I Could Have Been A Dreamer and I would feel like I had an understanding friend....
12 stars
Worth a million! this is one of the most enchanting, heart-warming, sweet and funny films of all time. And the music score is fabulous!!
45 stars
A Groundbreaking Musician There are many guitar wizards in the universe. Some dazzle with speed, others with technical abilities, but what sets Allan apart from others is his ability to do all that plus write great songs. Eight songs, four with vocals, full of fire and wonderful fusion melodies this disc is a classic with absolutely no filler. It should be required listening for everyone.This is still my favorite Holdsworth solo record and is a great first listen for the novice. The music has aged well and is as exciting today as it was in 1982. The only minor complaint is that it lasts just 39:45, but that should not deter anyone to seek out and devour this disc. Enjoy!
45 stars
Pink Floyd is awesome I think most people underappreciate(spelled right?)I love this album. Its's awasome. Hey thats just my opinion but it's better than the sorry excuse for rock we have today. I dont see cold play or fat ass joe writing anything better.
45 stars
Looking for the best straight ahead jazz singer? Having heard Ms Gambarini live her new record confirms her talent,respect for the music, understanding of jazz and demonstrates the high regard in which she is held by all or our jazz icons: H.Jones, J.Moody, C.Terry and more. I believe she is the best girl jazz singer today. This CD shows it all.Awesome.
45 stars
pof bauahhhh i hate damn kids who listen to slipknot at school and think there all hardcore with their slipknot patches on their jansport backpacks,i f*cken hate that!!!! and i hatet even more when they actually refear to slipnot as a "Metal band" for the love of god get it through your heads retards,SLIPKNOT IS NOT METAL,they never where and probably never while be!! and now that i mentioned METAL if you want some real METAL listen to some real hardcore sh*t like Imolotation or Nercophagist.Stop supporting slipknot and stop being such damn posers!!!
01 star
The Prayer I loved this entire album. It was well song and very inspiring. "The Prayer" was heavenly and it touched my heart and soul. The entire album put praises in my heart and tears in my eyes. All of Donnie McClurkin's albums, including this one (Donnie McClurkin...Again), makes you feel that God is speaking to you personally and that you are getting a word directly from God. The entire allbum is so inspiring and so uplifting until it's hard to put into words.
45 stars
Diana Krall - Aliver than ever In Paris! This is a refreshing album that has a lot to offer in terms of musical value and quality of performance. Unlike Norah Jones, Diana Krall's talent for improvisation keeps the listener absolutely enthralled and energised for the entire performance, but doesn't neglect musical sensitivity, especially on the 'quieter' tracks.After hearing this version of "I Love Being Here With You", it's difficult to go back to her earlier (slower) interpretations, but it's worth it! The track only gets better with familiarity. "Maybe You'll Be There" is positively wicked, with nuances that completely change the subtext of the song from earlier recordings, but make it just as good in different ways. "Devil May Care" is breathtaking, with an impressive, sensitive introduction, and then a wonderful upbeat song that will knock your socks off!...
45 stars
Extravagant kitsch The intentional kitsch of a choir singing "Looooooveless! Loveless! Loveless! Halleluuuuujah!" is priceless... While far from being Bernstein at the top of his class, the "Wild Wild West" score still has much of the wit and grace the film itself sorely needed, and its stand-alone entertainment value (even given the half-hour playing time) is solid. Additional music by Elmer's son, Peter Bernstein, is similarly extravagant.
34 stars
my review The Mushroomhead XIII album is one of the best rock albums i have listened to in awhile. It is an album that kicks ass from the first song to the very last.I would reccomend you to buy this album.
45 stars
45 stars
Didn't see this one coming!!! Wow that is all I have to say to anyone interested in purchasing this album...Metallica shocks the world once again by going back to their heavy metal riffs and pure speed. With Metallica it seems you either love em or hate em...and this album is no exception. If you can get past the initial thought of no conventional solos and a different Metallica sound than you are used to, then you will truly appreciate this masterpiece.St. Anger is perfect, as a whole it is one of Metallica's best...There are no songs on this album you will find yourself skipping. And this cd will be the only thing you listen to for quite some time. The DVD is awesome as well, you get to see how truly great these songs are...just by the vibe in the room you know it's a special new work. So prepare yourself for weeks and weeks of nothing but St. ANger because it is just that infectious...ENJOY!
45 stars
Inhuman demonic slaughter. This is the epitome of black metal, despite what others think. The production is violent and harsh and hectic, and the vocals spew pure venom. The hatred is here, and so is the extremely overwashed guitars. Sure, there are a few slow songs here and there (The Virginborn, Open the Gates) but they are good slow songs. Songs like "The Devil, The Sinner, And His Journey" and "Slottet I Det Fjerne" are pure pieces of nuclear speed chaos (though not as fast as Mayhem), and "Destroyer" and "Pa Slagmark Langt Mod Nordt" are pure demonic mayhem, as if the demons of hell are speaking through your speakers. It is no surprise, then, that those two are my favorites on this album.And by the way, Telnes, Tiegs, and Kronenes are Tormentor, Infernus, and Pest. Did it ever occur to any of you that their real names aren't Tormentor, Infernus, and Pest? Yes, they all have civil names that they use to sign their checks and other stuff like that.Either way, this album blows about 90% of all black metal albums away. And it doesn't do it with all that schmaltzy symphonic crap; they do it with pure rage and emotion and chaos. This album is a pinnacle of Gorgoroth, I think. I like it much better than Antichrist, Pentagram, and Incipit Satan.
45 stars
Twiztid drops uneven but very good album This is a very difficult album to review. Not because it's bad, but because it is different than any album I've ever listened to. From the thrash like feel of "Get off of me" to the revollutionary "the truth will set you free", the vibe switches so often it's hard to get a consistent groove. Here's my feel:1. Transformation of a new vivilization 5/5 - One of the best songs on the CD... Jamie kills it.2.Get off of me - 3/5 - Weakest song on here... lyrically it's porrly written but for some reason it's catchy.3.Stardust- 5/5- One of the best songs... very thought provoking. Metaphorical, maybe? Jamie kills it again.4.Familiar 4/5 - Great song... average singing5. Madness 4/5 - Dope song...Jamie kills that flow, but this is the best Mono has sounded since Green Book.6. F**k you part 2 - Decent... pointless though7. Jenny is a fat B**ch- pointless too8. Fantasy 5/5 - Now THIS is a sex song... Twiztid, you finally did it!9. Who am I? 3.5/5 - Nice song... nothing stand-out10. The truth... 5/5- One of the best Twiztid songs ever11. Respirator 5/5- Best rock song on here12. Triple Threat 3.5/5 - Nice beat...good lyrics... stupid content though13. Starve your fear 5/5 - Rap/Rock song... nice take on it.14. Manikin - 3.5/5- Eh... Not another song about sex with non-human/dead people...ICP/Twiztid/Dark Lotus overdo this subject. J kills his verse,though.15. Note 2 self - 5/5 - Nice song... great instrumentation to me. Singing is okay, but lyrics are great.
34 stars
NOW THIS IS WHAT I CALL MUSIC! Finally, an excellent Hip Hop album that perfectly proves the point that, if the artist knows what they're doing, Hip Hop can be just as "musical" as any other genre, and doesn't always have to consist of just loud beats and bling-infused lyrics.This monkey made my heart beat and feet tap wildly, made me laugh,get a little teary-eyed, gave me goose bumps, made me scream, made me want to shake my "hump" and "lovely lady lumps",..you get the picture!For one thing, I have always been a huge Fergie fanatic, from the time she was little Stacy on Kids Incorporated, to her Wild Orchid Days.And I've been crazy about BEP since Behind The Front. Now when these two forces united--BOOM..MAGIC!In other words, BEP, I congrtulate y'all!Monkey Business is definately Hip Hop at its very best!
45 stars
Smoking Performance of Shostakovich's 10th Sir Simon Rattle very rarely does Shostakovich, but when he does you can bet there's going to be some very intense performances, like those found on this recording. To date, Rattle has recorded Shostakovich's 1st, 4th, 10th, 14th, and his Violin Concerto No. 1. All absolutely smoking performances that are worthy of at least of a listen. From start to finish, Rattle will have you on the edge of your seat.Rattle's tenure with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra will be one for the history books. He took this little known orchestra and primed them for the major leagues. I believe, I could be wrong, but when Rattle resigned from the CBSO they were the second best orchestra in England.Also found on this recording, is a performance of Britten's "Sinfonia da Requiem," which is very well played. There's actually a box set out of Rattle conducting Britten that has received critical acclaim, so if you enjoy Britten, then you might want to check out that set, also on EMI.
45 stars
Italian Ice This album is hot, no doubt. The songs, the freestyles, pretty much everything. However, when I listened to the CD I got very sick of hearing "New Sh*t", "CLUE", "Mad Shout", etc. because I would much rather hear the song with no one talking over it. The album's hottest tracks are Beans & Freeway "Coming For You", Redman "RED", and Mary J. & Jadakiss "Back 2 Life 2001".
34 stars
Man of the World: Reflections on Peter Green For SACD collectors this a must have. Music is great and recording is fine. Peter Green is just a gem. Really Underestimated artist. Good price.
45 stars
Great Some think that Erasure was at its best early in their career, others think that they blossomed in the '90s. As far as I'm concerned, it's more a matter of tastes than anything else; their '80s material has a very distinct sound from their '90s, synthesizer-wise and also in the approach that Erasure wrote hooks: Clarke heavily employed more acoustic-sounding synthesizer tones in the '80s (in particular, with the Oberheim Xpander synthesizer) and Clarke's focus was in making songs which were fairly simple and short but poignant and very memorable, nonetheless. Sometime in the late '80s or early '90s Clarke reverted back to analog synths (which have a more computerized and metallic sounding quality) and made darker and more complex songs, though the hooks and songwriting were as creative as ever.That being said, "The Two Ring Circus" is my favorite '80s Erasure album, and in my opinion also their best '80s album. It is a compilation of remixes of Erasure's best cuts from "Hideaway" and "The Circus." The remixes are generally well-done though a few seem to drag on for too long. My favorite remix, by far, is "Hideaway-Little Louie Vega Mix" which I like FAR better than the original Hideaway. The song combines a full sequence of layered synth tones, for a full, rich sound, and a very melancholic and emotional melody which is powerful and unforgettable. In fact, this remix is probably my favorite Erasure song of all time. All the other tracks are great as well; even the three orchestral songs are good.The album also contains six live tracks from a German concert including "Gimme Gimme Gimme" which is an ABBA remake, done superbly.Whatever your tastes are in Erasure, there's no denying that this is one of their best and a must-have, in particular, for anybody with a passing interest in this British duo or an Erasure cognoscenti who has a craving for '80s Erasure-esque nostalgia.
45 stars
5ive 4 Ever This is the best video i have ever seen/bought!! I reccomend it to everyone!!!! I love 5ive...it is a really great video...but then again...everything they do is great!!! Luv Ya Guys!!!!
45 stars
This one is NEVER out of rotation in my collection This album is the quintessential classic ... the songs on this disc have withstood the test of time. Can you believe it's been 20 years since this album's release? I still get chills at the opening notes of "Lady Red Light" ... and this album doesn't let up until i'm left wanting more after "Save your Love" is over.Many albums from this era of Rock have not stood the test of time very well, and a listen to many songs from the 80's make me cringe ... but this album is a shining example of music done RIGHT.I WISH I could give 6 stars.
45 stars
Citizen Cope meets Rufus Wainwright I found this CD in the dollar bin at my local record store, listened to it and bought it. It is a great album. Nicolai Dunger's voice reminds me of Citizen Cope or Dan Auerbach but the heartfelt songs are more similar to Rufus Wainwright with orchestra touches. The cover art is pure Scott Walker. For a penny, you can't go wrong.[DW]
45 stars
Let's Twist Again CD by Chubby Checker This is the second time I've purchased this item. Love this CD!! This CD, which I purchased on Amazon a while ago and along with another one I have that was also purchased on Amazon, I call it my exercise CD. Wouldn't do without it.
45 stars
Best new band in a long time... Evanescence is the best new group in a long time. I became hooked the first time I heard "Bring me to life" on the radio. I bought the cd and realized that this group will be around for a while. The music is both heavy and melodic, and incorporates many different styles into one. Truly the album of the year. If you don't have it, get it!
45 stars
mer de noms - A perfect circle If you are looking for another Tool album this isn't it. This is another refreshing twist from the mind of Keenan. The lyrics flow and the music is beautiful. Keenan has an awesome voice and uses it well on this album. Tool fans will enjoy this as well as non-Tool fans. It is totally off the wall.
45 stars
Together Again I first heard the "Jay & Kay" duo trombone sound when I was growing up in the 50s. They made a number of albums with a unique sound. You always knew it was J.J. & Kai, just as you knew the Dave Brubeck/Paul Desmond sound. If you are a jazz fan, you've got to hear these guys. I would be remiss if I didn't mention the great Bill Evans on piano.The CD gets off to a rousing start with "This Could Be the Start of something big." The harmonic structure is unique, & thepoint-counterpoint interplay is understandable & astounding at the same time. It reminds me of the Joe Pass/Herb Ellis guitar stuff & the Brubeck/Desmond interplay as well.I'm not going to bore you with accounts of each & every tune except to say that my favorite is T. Monk's "Blue Monk."Just get this CD. You'll be glad you did.
45 stars
Unchained The second of the five "American" recordings which concluded Cash's career and also guaranteed his immortality.These albums,produced by Rick Rubin,placed Cash's personal history and observations on life and death,right and wrong,in a contemporary setting."If it's commercial must be of absolutely no concern" states the sleeve notes and,backed by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers,Cash delivers.This is a love song to June Carter.He goes back to pre-war American icons ( Jimmie Rodgers,The Carter Family ),he sings the song from his brother's funeral ( when Cash was 12 ),he recalls Elvis and he refers to the South,citing Petty's " Southern Accents " as " better than Dixie ".As with all of the American recordings,this music is a privelege to listen to.This is music for grown-ups,who've seen good and bad,who've known loss and known fear.But,finally,this is music of redemption.A " state of grace " sounds like this.Music to be treasured.
34 stars
Zeppelin flies high This was the introduction into the so called "heavy metal" world(I wouldn't consider this heavy metal!) The album starts out with "good times bad times" and ends with "how many more times" and you just start a giant blimp ride to the top of the sky and you feel like you are owning a piece of history! I hesitated when buying this only because everyone said, "led Zeppelin's first album was blues" and it was a turn off, a major one! but after hearing Zoso I asked my friend if you could let me borrow this album, he did and I wasn't too impressed but song 4(dazed and confused) caught my attention because Robert sang like he had a giant fireball in his mouth, John Bonham played drums like he's working at a steel mill, John Paul Jones plays the bass like his fingers are dancing, and of course Jimmy Page's overdubbed solos and lead guitar parts are something to be desired, i was mesmerized by the jam section at 3:30 in the song after the bow solo and it caught my attention then i started to listen to the album all the way through and never stopped, I still listen today in fact! and it's been a great ride since..
45 stars
not bad if you like that no limit - cash money soundthen get this - WATCH DEM HATERS IS ONE OF THE BEST SONGS I HAVE HEARD FOR A LONG TIME.
34 stars
beautiful, haunting, and (too?) sentimental I think this is a terrific album. The tear-jerk power of Our Town is missing, and her voice sounds too polished in some of the songs, but I can't think of another album I would want if I could only have one on the shelf. No time To Cry is the best song of the lot, with Easy's Getting Harder: a close second. I enjoyed the final (title) cut, but it was a bit too sugary for me. I like Iris better when she sings with a crooked smile on her face, not a sentimental longing. Nonetheless, her gutiar playing is terrific and this is the album to play as you drive across country with the windows down and the one's you love left behind. A new classic.
34 stars
I Had No Idea!! I had no idea this album was so controversial with APP fans! Although not my favorite, it is one of his best. Appears that many other enjoy it as much as I do but others are simply too worked-up.
34 stars
5th Symphony a disappointment I've been a long time lover of Bernstein's early New York Philharmonic recording of this symphony, and downloaded this later recording with the Vienna Philharmonic out of curiosity. I regret having done so. Mind you, the recorded DGG sound is gorgeous, as is the playing of the VPO, as one expects it to be. But there is such a sense of boredom and malaise that permeates this performance (I only heard the 5th symphony, and not the 7th) that one cannot help but wonder if LB was not in the best of health when he recorded it. All of the magic, wonder and grandeur of this piece, captured so beautifully in the earlier New York Phil recording (and by other conductors such as Rattle, Berglund, etc.), is lost in this version. The Maestro, who had given the world so many electrifying performances, was just not having a good day in the recording studio.
12 stars
Love It! This is one band that just doesn't get old. They are also one of the few bands that have a distinct and very unmistakable American sound. I loved their first album, and the second, live one was pretty good too. Through The Eyes Of Love carries on that tradition, though it didn't' sell as well. I think it was hampered, partially by the hokey album cover. If that were done better, I think the album may have had a shot.There are some great songs here. We also get to see a bit of what Don Hartman and Gordy Garris could do, as Dick Wagner was their primary composer. His songs take up the bulk of this record. Favorites are Black As Night, Through The Eyes Of Love, and A Long Way From Home.It is such a shame these guys couldn't break out. They sure deserved it.
45 stars
Music that you can enjoy at any time! Cute and sweet, but not cheesy! It's got a great verity of musicians and flavors. "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" is an excellent choice for opening; the urban country songs by Dixie Chicks are surprisingly enjoyable! This CD is loaded with good musicians (take a look at the list and you'll see!), in addition, the arrangement of songs is flawless and seamless!If you're a Soundtrack lover, there is no risk in getting this one. If you're not into Soundtracks, this would be a CD that you can enjoy anywhere, at anytime!
45 stars
AN AVID MARIO FAN IS DISSAPOINTED! I expected so much from this LP and I am sad to say that I was extrememly dissapointed. I am a huge Mario fan but I really think he took a step backwards on this album. I liked the first album 100 times better. He barely uses his beautiful voice on this one. He doesn't try to show his range or hit any notes. I think he tried too hard to be hip hop or something cuz there is like 2 ballads. I don't know what it is. Theres only one good song, "let me love you" and the remix ----such a shame cuz he is so talented.
12 stars
Pseudo- Fantastic Ok, so I listened to the well "scribed" words of praise for the band, and purchased the album. What I am looking for IS the cheesy, epic metal fantasy of our inborn desire to conquer and battle foe and beast and rest our heads at the end of the journey in the arms of a fair maiden. However, what I do not dig is the thinly veiled parallel of Hammerfall's epic, a tribute to the "evil one's" fall from the heavens and the rallying cry of support for this "misunderstood" adversary of our Creator. Here we go: Oh yeh oh yeh, I'm a rebel and I relate to you, beautiful black serpent of old,... let's bring down the walls of heaven and make up our own rules too, aaaahhhhh yeeeehh, life sucks here, there's only death in hell, lets bring the taint up there as well, oohhh ahhhhhh.Give me a break. If I wanted that I would have signed up for Slayer, or even better yet, would have devolved to my infantile state of teenaged rebellion and rocked to hell with King Diamond. At least his vocal capability is talented enough to lull you into the spiders web and into oblivion's madness. Yawwwwwwwwwwwwn.Is there any metal band that doesn't fit this stereotype?
23 stars
Not for the short attention span If you want hits forget it. This band doesn't thrive on hit singles although they had a few on this cd. 'Zero', 'Bullet with butterfly wings' '1979' 'thirty three' and 'tonight tonight' are a good representation of the album, but there is so much more to this double cd album than that. Billy has opened his soul and dragged me into his tragic world of enchantment, through the castles of sadness and regret he sings such beautiful songs they actually make me cry. Corgan was courageous in making such a long album, but each song is unique and intelligent to appreciate. It has literally changed my life. When I got it 4 or 5 years ago, it hit me right in the heart. Finally music that I could relate to and felt real, not the crap on the radio. If you are one of the sad ones too, I highly recommend it to you, even if you're not - you're just someone who appreciates great music, get it.
45 stars
Top of his game Fernando continues to release very pleasing cd's. This one surprised me with a few rockin' songs, but there are still those pure, quiet gems here, too. Excellent cd to add to his already impressive catalogue.
45 stars
Finally found it! From 1992 to 1994 I worked for a local Rochester NY radio station called WBER. They played alot of great alternative. Belly, King Missile, Cranberries, Cocteau Twins etc...We had a rotation of the current music and a rotation of classic cuts that played once per 3 song set. The song This Is Where The Story Ends was one of them and it got played alot. I always liked the song but never wrote it down. The melody had been stuck in my head ever since and unless I had gotten lucky and found a Sundays fan, I'd have never found this.I found it because I use Yahoo music. It plays your favorites and alike music. By luck of god, it recommended that song to me the other day. My jaw dropped and I was so thilled!This cd is so relaxing to listen to. Wonderful REAL music unlike most of today's garbage. If you like Cocteau Twins or Sixpence None The Richer, you'll love this CD. Every cut is a masterpiece!
45 stars
All the way!!! If you can't get into this CD, you're wasting oxygen for the rest of us.
45 stars