class label
2 classes
Very Uncomfortable I bought this after seeing all the positive reviews. I've never worn an eye mask before so I didn't know exactly what to expect. I have to say, it's quite uncomfortable to wear. It's mainly the strap. I tried loosening it and that did help a little but it still hurts to wear it. Not only that, I'll wake up in the middle of the night to find that I'm wearing the thing half on my forehead because now it's too loose. I guess I'm not surprised considering the price.
NOT genuine I bought this off internet and right after opening the box i realized that its not a real stuff, i am amazed by how people can make it look like genuine K.Lagerfeld. Also, yesterday I saw that 4 and 4 oz set is 29.99 at walgreens.
Bought on a whim, and it's amazing... I saw this as a recommended product and my roommate told me he's used one before and it was amazing. He was right... hits all the spots, well thought out, and I'm sure that the people who invented this are now filthy rich, and they deserve to be - there's nothing like this on the market at all... just get it.
Much better than my old Remington shaver So, I'm 22 and I've only ever used electric shavers which means I can't compare it against a regular shave, but I'll go ahead and write this review against the few other electric shavers I've used. Of the last few razors I've used this one blows the other two out of the water; the first razor was a philips rechargeable with a cord, and the results weren't great but it did well enough for my use, and the second one was a Remington cord only razor. The philips razor was no longer usable when its battery died, having the cord connected to it was pointless when its battery died, and so after a year or two I ended up having to replace it. It had very visible signs it was going to die before it did which included noticeably slower rpms and an even more noticeable poor job at shaving.Both the philips and the Remington were rotary shavers. I bought a cord only Remington shaver when the philips ran out and I'd been using it for a few months prior to this Wahl razor. It definitely worked better than the philips for the few weeks before it ran out but it never really impressed me. Prior to getting this razor I had looked up the general differences between a rotary and foil electric razor. Can't remember the site but one of them outlined that a rotary razor is good for larger jobs with few and far between uses but not so great for daily shaves; then it went on to say that a foil razor is better for daily uses because they get closer shaves but require more maintenance cleaning. I'm one of those blonds that can't really grow large amounts of facial hair, the most I ever grow above my lip is a few small hairs and my neck and face hair is pretty crowded together but even after weeks of leaving it alone it would only produce hairs at max a quarter of an inch long which never really looked like a beard.This was the foil razor I decided on because every foil razor < $40 had poor ratings. I got this as a Christmas present and, the first few times I used it, I could tell it was a little better shave than the old Remington but not as great as I'd hoped for. I've been experimenting every day with the three different heads, using the trimmer before and after the shave, but the third thing I tried today works really well. With the different heads I couldn't tell a difference between the shaves at all but using the trimmer before and/or after shaving did make any left over individual hairs a good deal less noticeable while not being gone.On my old rotary razors when I would try to go over my neck and face with different stroke patterns it never made a difference in the end result so it's taken me a while to stumble onto this method. I had been using this foil razor in only a downward or upward vertical stroke pattern and doing this several times over would not get rid of the stray hairs. But when I finally decided to try running the head of the razor horizontally across my face and neck, every last hair disappeared. My newly established ritual that works well for me is: to use the popup trimmer to trim all the hairs down first, then run the razor with the 'close' head up and down my face and neck vertically once or maybe twice, and finally I run the razor across my neck and face horizontally once or maybe twice. When I looked in the mirror the first time I'd finished this pattern I couldn't tell I ever had hair on my face or neck to begin with.I haven't used the personal trimmer yet but I'm sure I will eventually. I've been meaning to get one because a couple of people have said before that I have some noticeable nose hairs sticking out.
Great bib for messy eaters The most disgusting eaters I know both claim it's an age-related problem that will affect us all in time. Not sure I agree with that theory: Phil and Dalton are only in their fifties despite their hairy nostrils, wrinkly skin and pot-bellies.However, the fact remains that they drool and dribble at lunch like a pair of senile old men, which upsets those unfortunate enough to share their table.Since I bought the shirt bibs their eating habits have not improved but at least their work clothes (that they proudly claim to wash each year, whether they need it or not) appear less stained.I have deducted one star only because there is no below-bib guttering to catch the foul liquids that stream down their unshaven faces and soak their heavily-soiled trousers.
Knee Brace Have found this brace to be very good for my prosthetic knee. Inclined to slip down after a while but have not found one that does not. Prompt service from Amazon and quick delivery. A shame that other products seem to be off limits to Australia as would purchase more if not the case.
A great product for your health I bought recently this product and I think that it is a wonderful way for improve your health because it helps to reduce your high triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Of course you must to do some excercise regularly too.
Amino Acids (mg) per 4 Capsule Serving While the product advertises 120 or 360 caps, there are only a total of 30 or 90 servings, because the serving size is 4 capsules. NOW Foods Amino Complete: Essential Amino Acids and mg per 4 Capsule Serving:* L-Histidine 37 mg* L-Isoleucine 115 mg* L-Leucine 205 mg* L-Lysine 185 mg* L-Methionine 35 mg* L-Phenylalanine 72 mg* L-Threonine 141 mg* L-Tryptophan 37 mg* L-Valine 141 mgNon-Essential Amino Acids:* L-Alanine 135 mg* L-Arginine 306 mg* L-Aspartic Acid 246 mg* L-Cysteine 38 mg* L-Glutamic Acid 454 mg* L-Glutamine 200 mg* L-Glycine 167 mg* L-Hyroxypoline 44 mg* L-Ornithine 24 mg* L-Proline 179 mg* L-Serine 106 mg* L-Tyrosine 66 mgMy opinion is that while these amounts may not seem like much, if you have any minor amino acid deficiencies, this will help. If you have any major deficiencies, this may not be enough. Note: NOW may change their product any time, so the info in this review may be outdated at any time.
Not Very Accurate It is important that people with high blood pressure to frequently and accurately measure their blood pressure. Reporting four of five blood pressure readings a day to your doctor, gives the doctor a better picture of daily blood pressure than just on reading in the morning. To that end, I wanted a small, portable, blood pressure unit I could take to work to monitor my pressure throughout the day.I reviewed all of the information on wrist blood pressure cuffs and the Omron HEM-650 came out on top on all the reviews. With reviews that positive, I purchased the HEM-650 at my local Walmart.Well Omron must have paid for these review. I bought an HEM-650 to keep tabs on my blood pressure and it was way off. It was as much as 12 points off on systolic pressure and 10 points off on diastolic pressure consistantly!! Anyone trying to carefully monitor their blood pressure should NOT use this device. I don't know what doctors recommended this product as stated on the box, but their title probably begin with "witch".Blood pressure monitoring is way too important to trust to a device that does not perform as expected. My daughter is an RN and she said a phrase that caught my attentention that "the closer to the heart the more acccurate the measurement." Pertaining to the difference in accurace between a wrist measurment device and an arm measurement device. SHe selected an arm type automatic blood pressure monitor. I took my pressure with the HEM-650 first, then about 10 minutes later used my new automatic arm model, and then ten minutes later, my daughter took my pressure the clinical way. Her readings were within only a point or two of the arm unit, and the HEM-650 was then discovered to be as much as 12 points off on systolic pressure and 10 points off on diastolic pressure!! I give two stars to the HEM-650 but ONLY for its eas of use, small size, and portability.Caveat emptor is truly in force for this product.Barry Begault
BIG TURD this scock aid the sewing came undone after 2 weeks and has become unuseableI have had other scock aids thet have lasted for more than 2 (TWO) years I want a replacement or my money BACK
No noticeable difference. This came highly recommended, but I am not getting relief with a torn rotator cuff. I'm taking with glucosamine & condroitin, MSM and high doses of vitamin C. Do you have any experience with this? Recommendations?
Best $55 I have ever spent! This product is a lifesaver. I can hear EVERYTHING the people that live above me are doing. After being woken up at 3am, I got on amazon to order this product. I love it. I have not gotten such sound sleep in years. I am buying a second right now for my husband to use at his work site. Highly recommend!
lots of velcro! I ordered the small based on the recommended neck measurements. What the description doesn't tell you is that there is a velcro strip approx 4-5 inches long that will scratch your neck if it isn't covered by the other side of the collar, so order with that in mind! Otherwise it's fine, your basic cervical collar...
Definitely no taste! This is a great product. My son would not accept pediasure or carnation instant breakfast added to his milk. When the doctor recommended this product, we gave it a try and he really cannot taste it in anything! I add it to everything, milk, cereal, pureed food & yogurt.
Piece of garbage I have to say this trimmer is the worst thing I have ever used to trim my beard. I have had a beard now for 20 years and I would rather use a pair of scissors to trim. It pulls your hair out instead of cutting it. It is so noisy that I need ear plugs to use it and the adjustment for the lenght is awkard and clumbsy. I would rather go back to using my 17 year old AA battery operated Remington that is dying than to continue using this thing. I hope everyone reads these comments and decide not to buy this product. They should all be taken off the shelf and thrown in the garbage.
Not good with long beards. I had to use this along another razor to get to the level that is appropriate. Too cumbersome to have to use both.
Nasty! Bought a box of these (different flavor) from my local BJ's and thought they were terrific. Lots of protein and only 9 points on the weight watchers plan. Ordered these off amazon even though they were more expensive because I wanted to try a different flavor. I've only opened two of these so far, and both were kinda melted then hardened back up, so the gooey creamy stuff was on the outside and the chocolate had a dusting of white specks that usually indicates that chocolate is old. Normally if I open a candy bar and it looks like that I either return it or throw it away, but these are NOT candy bars, and they can be quite expensive. So I ate the first one, and it was ....... just ok. Not horrid, but not great either. Dry, chalky and heavy. (drink plenty of liquid with these)Just opened the second one, and it was even worse than the first. It didn't taste right, and I couldn't finish it. Probably going to end up throwing most if not all of the rest of the box away. My advice? Buy these locally (at BJ's and Sam's club they're about $20.00 a box), they'll be fresher and not all melted.
Any Whey is Great for baking I love Any Whey protein powder--it's perfect for use in recipes that require cooking or baking. I wouldn't use it in smoothies or drinks-- it would get to lumpy. But for recipes such as muffins or (my favorite) low-fat protein pancakes made with whole wheat flour and apple sauce, it's perfect. It has a slightly sweet flavor that blends easily with other ingredients, I even throw a little in my morning steel-cut oatmeal. Just blend it in at the end of cooking. You may find that you need to add a little extra moisture to some recipes, because it will tend to thicken/stiffen the mix a bit. Enjoy!
Recommend a Panasonic over the Homedics in this case. This massager doesn't have the weight or the pressure to make it a really great massage tool. I returned the one I bought & replaced it with a Panasonic. Much better. Homedics makes some good products, but this one's a bit light.
Silicone?? It is close to water base. It gets warmer, I guess.It is based on water or oil, rather than silicone.I've never used it, it goes to garbage. I don't know where I can use that.
How could they ruin this?! I was puzzled when IDS was dropped by bodybuilding.com and I bought it from another vendor.New packaging and totally new formula.If you can call shit a formula.Cholesterol jumped from 8 to 40 mg?!Fat 1g. to 3.5g.Carb 5g. to 7g.And calories jumped to 150 a scoop.AND IT TASTES LIKE ASS!!!Sicky sweet and no chocolate or vanilla flavour.Really IDS? Really?!No freakin love.
moom products With much saddness I must say that this product did not work. Unfortunatley I contactedAmazon a day past the return allowance. I would not purchase this or tell a friend about this product, I would let them know that like most "as seen on tv " products they are not worth the money:(
eh They seemed to not have worked well on me, half of mine were pre-positive. :)
not firm at all i got this thinking it'd be a good option instead of packing up (and possibly losing) my pair of goosebumps, but this is definitely not comparable. while it's prickly (which is good), the ball feels like it's not fully inflated, so i'm not getting a strong massage when i'm rolling it under my aching feet. so disappointing. guess i'll be picking up another pair of goosebumps after all.
Kind of expensive....... It lives up to its reputation, but I have found Ronsonol to be just as good. If you are into BULK discounts.... A gallon of Coleman lantern fuel (Naptha) is about $8.88 at your local big name retailers in the camping dept. so 12 ounces for about $9 or 128 ounces for $9. I know you cant efficiently fill a lighter with a gallon can, I just refill my Ronsonol bottle.
fair price, fresh product LOVE Larabars. Got a special price that made it cheaper to buy here than at Costco, especially considering that I got a box of the flavor I wanted rather than a mix. I received my purchase much sooner than the estimated ship date as well, and the bars were super-fresh! Will be watching this product for repeat purchases :D
Not a god watch for the blind I purchased this watch for my dad to replace another talking watch that he had been using but had finally quit working. My father is 88 years old and cannot see very well. First the watch's clasp is very hard to use. My father is unable to either clasp it or remove it. Second, the watch's various buttons are extremely sensitive and the time/alarm set buttons are not recessed. In fact just brushing up against the watch and making accidental contact with a button will activate it. These results in the various functions of the watch being reset accidently. I had to reset the time after 2 days of use. The watch is a good looking watch but the functionality leaves a lot to be desired.
Excellent brownie mix without the guilt Doctor's carbrite brownie mix makes delicious brownies and the best part is that each serving has only 1.5 carbs
CliC Adjustable Glasses Looked like a great invention - UNFORTUNATELY, glasses are too tight around my head - I do not have a small head but not a large one either-Needless to say, these do not work at all.
Everything you never wanted to know.... If your uterus is "tipped"--like mine!!--you may be wasting your money. It really has to be worn like a cervical cap, even though the instructions say it's not one. If you jog or run, it slides down, and I had to readjust it every 2 hours. And I don't have any "pelvic floor" issues, either!It took a week to figure out how to use it--my bladder feels pinched when I'm wearing it (I know, I know--how does a bladder feel pinched?) But the feeling never goes away.And then, it still sometimes leaks, because I can't get the seal right, no matter which way I insert it.If you're an eco-friendly gal, go for the lotus pads or the luna pads--both are good,reusable cotton pads. And try the organic tampons--unless your anatomy is perfect, the diva cup is not a good product.
Great Buy! I just got this beard trimmer about a week ago and I'm in love with it! The razor is comfortable and super easy to use! Although I'm sure this product is only supposed to be used on your beard, I have found that it trims up my side burns and eye brows incredibly well too! I really like the simple yet extremely effective design of this product! One of the smaller features that isn't really mentioned is that fact that the trimmer guard is mutli-directional so you can choose to take your time and go with the direction of your facial hair growth, or if your in a hurry you can go against the grain and still get a great trim. The only con I have found is that I personally would make use of a guard length that was a bit shorter than the smallest one offered. Overall, amazing value for a product that far exceeds its $14 dollar price tag, and that's including shipping!
Excellent natural deodorant This is the first natural deodorant I have ever purchased and I am very pleased with it. I am very happy that thanks to Aubrey Organics I could get rid of the toxic anti-perspirants/deodorants I had been previously using. My greatest concern was with the aluminum that most of these products contain (just read the label) as an anti-perspirant agent. The Aubrey deodorant is made from all-natural ingredients. It does not stop your skin from perspiring (which is one of the skin's natural processes), it only neutralizes the odor. The smell is very pleasant and gentle, but if you are used to the artificial aromas of most deodorants, you will definitely notice a difference. If you engage in heavy physical activity I recommend re-applying the deodorant every 3-4 hours.Overall, I am pleased with this product, and the peace of mind that I now have knowing I am no longer putting aluminum on my skin is wonderful.
NOT ALL WET! Wasn't sure if this product would keep my bandages dry while showering the 2 weeks after foot surgery,but it did. It has to be secured properly to prevent any leakage but it was perfect. I was able to shower with little concern. It held up very well, it will be available for use in the future (if needed). Also, it arrived very quickly after I placed my order.
Really Works This I didn't noticed how well it was working until I ran out then I could really feel the diferance
Baby Bjoern Toilet Trainer Great product, fits perfectly. My son loves to use it and puts it on and takes it off the toilet himself when he needs it.
dangerous food item We returned this item because we thought it did not taste as it does usually. We buy them all the time and the ones we bought in our grocery store after this incident were normal tasting.With food you cannot take risks
Sonicare Elite 7500 I absolutely LOVE this Sonicare brush. After each use, I feel like I've just been to the dentist (minus the numbing and drilling, etc.) I started using it the day I came back from a routine cleaning at the dentist, and two months later, I still don't see any plaque. I have sensitive teeth, but I'm starting to notice that they're not as sensitive as they were before I began using the Sonicare. It's a must-have. Well worth the seemingly high price tag!
Does Not Work Too Well After reading all the previous positive reviews, it influenced me to purchase the Closys Oral Rinse. Unfortunately, the product does not live up its hype. In fact, I am disappointed that the product does not last very long, maybe 1 hour max of fresh breathe. (I did not even eat or drink anything after I rinsed with Closys). There were no detailed instructions on flossing, using a tongue scraper, or any additional preventive routine. I can't believe other reviewers rate the product so high??? Luckily, I found a much better product called ProFresh. The company gives a detailed preventive routine which only takes a few minutes to do. Even morning bad breath completely disappeared. However, there is a sight Clorox taste. To my amazement, I now have fresh breath all day.
The Best Out There. Kind of weird writing a review for panty liners...hah! But, these are seriously awesome.They do the job they were intended to do and let's leave it at that.:)
Buy it... just buy it!! I purchased this for my wife because of my excessive snoring. According to my wife, I snore like Fred Flinstone. My wife and I could not be happier because it is able to drown out my snoring and help us both sleep... her more so than me. I recommend this to everyone that has a snoring spouse.Furthermore, I work shift work and some nights I work from 6pm to 6am. I typically can not sleep past 12pm when coming off of night shift, but this white noise maker helps me sleep later throughout the day.This is a must need if you work shift work or have a significant other that snores.
disappointed The root irrigator did not work right. Every time I pushed into the dirt the irrigator would get clogged. It was not worth the trouble. Very disappointed
Can't really use them with shoes... I'm sure these are comfortable, but I can't tell because I can't use them with my shoes. They are just way too thick. I can barely fit my feet and these insoles into the shoe at the same time. It's so tight a fit that it actually makes wearing the shoes more uncomfortable. I seriously fear that my shoes might rip. I realize that they're cross trainer insoles, but they still shouldn't take up this much room in the shoe. I don't know, maybe I have uber thick feet. But I've used insoles before, and although they did make the fit tighter, they were nowhere near as bad as these.
Mennens Pre electric I have not received this product which was due about a week ago according to your advice,Please advise.................Laurie Middleweek
Great for roommates I love the Dohm. I've had several roommates that come home late and make noise around the apartment. It definitely is easier to not notice them coming home at late hours with it on. I also do not notice the noise from surrounding apartments either, which my roommate often complains about.
Never delivered Watch out for this vendor. We ordered canes and they were never delivered. The vendor (MedSupply) called to make it right so I would remove the bad review. The canes still never arrived. Do not deal with MedSupply!
Delicious beyond all reason I ordered the Strawberry Cheesecake Ala Mode flavor from this vendor and was pleasantly surprised with an extra stick of the Angel Food Cake balm. The seller was incredibly communicative and pleasant to talk with, and the product is fantastic. The balms are very moisturizing and smell fabulous. The Strawberry Cheesecake is my favorite ^_^
Foil distintegrated after 3 months of use - disappointing I bought this as a Christmas gift for my 78-year-old father, who hadn't used an electric razor in over 25 years. He loved how it operated and the fact that you could rinse it off, and it gave a fairly close shave. After 3 months of use, however, he noticed that the foil was scratching him as he shaved. He discovered that the metal was literally flaking apart. We're hoping it was just a bad lot and will try to get a replacement, but I'm very disappointed to have this hassle to deal with.
Great Taste I got a great deal on those from Amazon. They taste really rich, and chocholatey.They are my all-time favorite. They satisfy me for at least 2-3 hours, and they have a great deal of nutrition in them. Also they are based on the 30/30/40 diet (protien/fat/carbs) respectively, which is the most successful diet there is if followed sensibly.
Not up to Brauns Standards After using this shaver a year it became time to replace the screen and blade. Since the replacement would have cost [$] and I only paid [more money] for the shaver, I decided to trash it. I was never really happy with it anyway. It seemed to be low on motor power and had a tough time on a thick beard. This was unlike most of the other Brauns that I had owned. I am afraid they had cheapened this low end model to the point it was made in China. I decided to replace it with aBraun 5414. A nice German made shaver with a pivoting head. This shaver was much better than the Inferface and had much better quality as well. Unlike the one I am reviewing now, it is able to get at those close growing neck hairs.
Love for school lunches All seals hold tight and fit nicely in lunch box - just wish I could get these shipped to Canada!
my review Very nice product and I had a lot of fun using it. Love the different speed changes and how smooth it is.
Awesome! I love all the flavored I purchased and was thrilled that it didn't feel dry on my already dry lips!
Oral B head refill This is incorrect product--does not fit my device. No action was ever taken. Money thrown out the window!!!!!!!!!!
It does what's suppose to I am quite happy with it. I thought it would be very uncomfortable to wear so I ordered a size up, and I am glad I did. I don't have a severe case of varicose veins, and wear it only when I have to stand or walk for long time. However, I do find the velcro to be quite rough and scratchy.
Works nicely for my use. I have no complaints at all about the trim and functionality of this unit. I use it for a medium to close goat and mustache trim and have been very satisfied.Sad to say, after 2 years the battery will not hold a charge for more than a day or so and I presume that will only get worse. Unfortunately you cannot use it as a corded, you have to wait for it to charge. Luckily I don't need to trim everyday so I just plug it in ahead of time.That's a shame. I would gladly buy again if it had a better or replaceable battery.
NOT WORTH $119.99!!!! This brush worked great...for only five months. I bought this five montns ago and then it just quit working. If you are in the market for a power toothbrush, choose a different brand. True, it does a great job when it works. However, when I spend $119.99 for a product, it had better last more than five months.
tropical fruit shake I love Herbalife products, including the shakes - especially vanilla and chocolate and cookies and cream.HOWEVER, this TROPICAL FRUIT shake is the WORST thing I have EVER tasted!I wish I could send it back.I seriously feel sick when I think about it.Hope this helps someone.
Great product! This is a very well made and secure product, far superior than other brands. I've had it for a couple of months now and it is extremely secure, but I still check it regularly to be sure.I think the issue others have had is installation. The wall must be flat and dry and the tiles clean. Also, these are not made for small tiles- the instructions say a minimum tile size of 6x6 I believe, and the edges must be more than half an inch from the tile edge when installed. Grout lines will interfere with the suction.
not the greatest I've had this mirror for a few months now and I'm just not really happy with it. The light is absolutely not bright enough. I had to take a desk lamp and set it up behind the mirror shining directly at me from above the mirror. Now, I don't have any room on my vanity for makeup.
My lip stuff--- chai Goes on smooth and lasts for a long time. I bought several different flavors of Lip Stuff, and I'm happy with every single one of them!
It's ok, definitely not the best, even for the price. I bought this trimmer to replace 1 I left behind on vacation. I don't find it as efficient as my old trimmer (which unfortunately doesn't seem to be in production anymore.) So, it's an effective trimmer, but you will have to make several passes over the same area. Perhaps the blades aren't as sharp as on my old trimmer. There is one HUGE CON - this trimmer drains rechargeable nimh batteries, even when it is not being used. As proof, I put a pair of fully charged batteries in the trimmer when it arrived. I used it once, and the battery power was fine. I tried to use it again a week or so later, and the batteries were completely drained. Apparently this trimmer draws energy from the batteries even while it isn't operating. My old 1 did not have this problem.
LOVE LOVE LOVE for 12M and 4y My two youngest LOVE this DHA. I like it because it has the higher dose that I look for, it is a huge bottle, and a great price. It really does taste like strawberries. If it tastes like fish to you you need to get it replaced because it's rancid. My 12M old and 4year old take this every day. I can see major improvements in their focus and behavior, especially my 4 year old! It doesn't get much better than nova naturals so you can't go wrong!
Brush did not hold up This brush did not hold up for the cost. The handle has come off and if it is made to hold up on cast Iron skillets it does not. Would never buy this again
pillow 1. too big to fit in refrigerator2. doesn't stay cold/cool long enough3. stiff when cold!I wouldn't recommend this to anyone
Horrible Had the lighter for 2 days. It will not longer spark and doesn't work at all. BIg time FAIL. Come on, 2 days and it's dead!
AccuCurve hard to find but worth searching out Our family has used one of these unusual looking thermometers for about two years. It is probably the easiest thermometer for anyone to use as you don't have to hold it in your mouth - - it just curves itself over your lower front teeth and the temperature probe sits comfortably just under the edge of your tongue. We misplaced ours and I've been to every store in town looking for one. I couldn't find one so I've purchased four other digital thermometers over the past couple months and we've put them all in the back of a drawer to be used only if we can't find another AccuCurve. I found the AccuCurve on the Internet tonight so we will purchase a couple more AccuCurve thermometers today!
Horrible This product is horrible I took it for 3 months and I didn't loose any weight what so ever once I stop talking it all I could do was sleep I was always tired it took about 5 months to get back on my regular sleeping pattern this is a horrible product but for sleeping this is great yup a great sleeping pill not diet pill
excellent product I am really pleased with this protein powder, it has an excellent taste, and the best part is that is disolves in milk with just stirring. No need for a blender which wakes the house up in the morning.
Not good! These batteries don't last long. Bought these for a couple of wireless mouse and keyboards I have and they died out fast! Went through half the box in about three weeks. Not satisfied!
Awesome selection of scents and great quality balms! The balm melts a bit when applied, coats without too much effort and leaves a shine but isn't too heavy but you can feel it there and the scent lingers for just a few minutes too.Some of the scents aren't as strong as others but they're pretty true to their name :) Dessert/creamy ones tend to be "weaker" and citrus/tangy ones are stronger. My favorites (I'm a fruity/tangy lover) are midori and gummy bear.
Not the best choice for snoring This device is well made and a good value, but not the best solution for snoring.I don't have bruxism (nighttime teeth grinding). I bought this as an antisnoring device because it came up when I searched Amazon for "snoring". (With that word all over this review it'll probably come up more now!).Anyway, I gave this four stars because it was a good value, came with two models for the best fit, and the quality was good. It only took me a few hours to get used to having it in, slept through the first night without problems, and I had no sore jaw/teeth or drooling issues. It molded very easily, and I remolded it three times without a problem. The plastic is very smooth and I didn't have to trim any away for comfort, although they give good tips for that in the instructions if you need to.I took away one star because it came up as a snoring aid. I don't know if that's the maker's fault or Amazon's, but it loses a star for it.I believe it helped with my snoring a bit, but I can't recommend it for snoring because it is flat on the bottom. This is probably a good thing for those with bruxism, since I suppose the teeth need room to grind, but it doesn't hold my lower jaw forward reliably enough, which is what snorers need. While I haven't been kicked out of bed while wearing this, my wife is implying that it's not the perfect solution. I woke up one night on my back and my lower jaw had slipped into snore position. I don't know if I was snoring or not, but I know my jaw was in snore position, and that was concern enough.I hope the manufacturer reads this and makes a model for snoring that has molds for both upper and lower teeth, because in all other respects it's a great product.
Excellent Product for allergies & inflammation I often suffer from pretty bad all-year-round allergies. I have had no luck with OTC meds, and I refuse to take prescription drugs unless I absolutely have to. I've been taking Twinlab Allergy Fighters consistently for about 2 years and can honestly say it's the best allergy fighting stuff I've taken....and even though I still get some sniffles and a sneeze here and there in the springtime, this formula has abolished at least 90% of all symptoms. Definitely worth a try!!
Pretty darn wonderful These are great on your feet, back, legs... anywhere! You can put two in a sock or grocery bags and roll them around on your back. I have had one tear open, but it's still functional.
Awful I can't describe how dangerous this was for me. After using it I made sure the knob was turned all the way off and I unscrewed it a little so it wouldn't fire off accidentally. I came back 20 minutes later and smelled something burning. the bottom plastic had COMPLETELY melted onto the wood bottom of my drawer. I couldn't touch it for 20 minutes because it was so hot. I'm surprised it didn't burn a hole in my drawer. Fire hazard product and even before it melting was very touchy and would only work if I screwed it on just enough. DO NOT GET THIS!
Three years later. I have had mine for three years. For me it is perfect. No wires, the batteries last a long time, and it cuts perfectly. I could not be happier, and the price is certainly right.
GARBAGE AND PAINFUL This product is horrible it literally feels like you are scraping your skin off! the shaver head is not angled like a normal shaver so it doesn't cut the hair properly it feels like its ripping hair and cutting you at the same time! And unfortunately I'm not exaggerating. I would rather ask a stranger on the street to help me then use this anymore. And I have tried it 3 times with the same painful result everytime do not buy this it is garbage people.
Sharp & Exact These tweezers are excellent. They are very sharp, and they fit in your hand nicely. The slant allows for precise use.
Replacement Heads Good price. Quick shipment. Good documentation (instructions). I had gone over a year without replacing the heads. Now, I will schedule to replace @ 11 months. Made my razor just like new.
not effective Sprayed product twice a day in sneakers. Worked for a few minutes smelling fresh. Then after about 20 minutes sweat funky smell overpowered spray. Sneakers two pair are two months old.
Worked for just over a year The rechargeable battery on this has pretty much died in just over a year. After that I got only one or two trims on a full charge! The genius who designed it didn't even ensure that it will work when it is plugged in. After a couple of trims when it loses charge I need to plug it in overnight so I can use it again for the next couple of times. What a waste!I am back again shopping for a trimmer.
This shave cream is mediocre, at best. I bought this product, based on the recommendation of a few reviews, when I bought my Panasonic ES8243A Arc IV Nano Men's Wet/Dry Rechargeable Shaver on Amazon. It does no better than Gillette's gel foam and costs five times more. The bottle is made of such thick plastic that it is very difficult to squeeze even a "quarter size" blob into your hand. Stick with your grocery store favorite, Billy J. is no improvement.
Rocky Road is AWESOME!! I have been a user and a fan of ON 100% Whey for a while but had never tried the Rocky Road. The Rocky Road is by far my favorite flavor now. The only way I could describe it is if you added almond to the milk chocolate. That is about what it tastes like. It is REALLY good.
Opposite Effect for me I was very excited about trying the shampoo and conditioner for my thinning hair issue. My hair has been coming out a bit before this but I was completely surprised when using it the first time, SO MUCH of my hair came out in the shower & when I was coming it out afterward that I started crying!!! I skipped washing my hair for one day and then used it again just to see if I was imaginging it. Well I wasn't because it happened again. I went to Ulta and purchased some Nioxin which I've used before and washed my hair with it this morning. Only a little bit of my hair came out...and by little bit, I mean more than the average person but WAY less than when I used the Biotin B-Complex. Im glad it works for some people and hope it works for you. I tried it due to all of the positive reviews and although I hardly ever review anything, I felt so strongly about my experience that I had to share it. I am sending this product back today! Good Luck~
Handy product to monitor blodd pressure Easy to use.It is not accurate but close.It also gives the hear rate along with blood pressure reading.
Price and Value This product is priced by the market and is not not priced by the technology it uses (research and development) or actual components which make it up. Materials and labor cost approx. $5.00 so what constitutes a $50.00 price tag? Is it the value of aesthetics (packaging)or the value of piece of mind (bacteria BE GONE)that sells this product when many other products or practices do the same thing? Perhaps it is the cost of shipping junky little consumables around and around the globe that constitutes $50.00. Either way the mark up on this product is grossly high and other lower cost products should be sought after if this is your preferred method of sterilization (that being an old but effective method of UV light). So if you have expendable income then why not donate it the CEO of a NOT so local manufacturer abroad? You will have a clean mouth and they will have your money.
Yum! I use these as more of a snack/half meal replacement than an energy bar, so I'm not really sure if they give me energy - I snack throughout the day to keep up my metabolism and energy. However, these are super yummy, and a good size - enough to satisfy, small enough to fit in a purse/backpack/pocket [I suppose, might be a bit bulky - I carry everything in huge bags though]. Just plain good.
These are the BEST These cloths are the best we've used and cut down extensively on the need for creams and ointments for my wheelchair bound husband. We've tried everything and I will use only these now. They are soft and leave a clean, clear barrier to wetness. A great product.
Cleans great, causes cancer, spills everywhere due to container I would LOVE to give this a 5 stars. If I were rating it just based on how well it cleans silver, it would be a 5. But there are so many problems that I would NOT have purchased this product had I known beforehand.0 STARS for cancerSeriously?! Why isn't this mentioned on the web site that this product contains cancer-causing chemicals?!0 STARS for the containerI would NOT buy this product again, partly due to the container it comes in. When you open it for the first time to remove the plastic cover, USE GLOVES. The plastic does NOT come off without cutting into it. One you have pulled it off you will notice that it still has plastic all around the rim. My husband had to bring out a knife blade to go around the edges. The cancer-causing chemicals were all over my hands, his hands, and the counter. Yuck! To make matters worse, when you store it you need to store it in a plastic bag, because there is no SEAL to keep the lid on properly. Tip it just slightly and you have MORE cancer causing chemicals all over the place! This is ridiculous.5 STARS for silver cleaningTruly, this works wonderfully on very tarnished silver. It comes out looking great! But considering the downsides, this isn't worth it. There are other products out there you can get with better containers that will also do the job.
Stinky Product Being an avid Howard Stern fan, I tend to listen to him when it comes to products that he likes. He was searching for a deoderant that didn't contain aluminum because there are studies that link aluminum to certain cancers. He came upon Nature's Gate and was so happy that he found an aluminum free deoderant since he is very health concious. I decided to also try this product. Shortly after purchasing and using it I realized that it had no staying power for body odor. My job doesn't entail any physical labor but by the time I would get home from work I noticed that unwanted aroma wafting from my arm pits. I immediately stopped using it because I want to smell like a female, not a physical laborer. Shortly after I stopped using it, Howard starting mentioning on air that he was smelling 'a whiff' with this product and he has since stopped using it. So, this product MAY be safer to use health wise but stink-wise it doesn't cut the mustard.
Deceptive The transfer bench in the picture is not the transfer bench they send you. The outside crossbar is no longer on this product. Carex is cutting corners. The transfer bench you receive will not last as long as the previous (pictured) model. This transfer bench will wiggle and shake during transfers before long without that bar. It is a shame a company has a solid, durable product and streamlines it to save money on production. Disappointing.
great service Received our shipment of Hema-plex in great condition. Order arrived promptly. Will use Amazon again.Robert
TENA pads These are my mother's preferred product for her incontinence. It gives her security when she is out while being comfortable. Thanks for carrying this product.
Shipping Problems?? Had ordered 2 of these ankle braces, on the 16th December 2010, but only 1 has been delivered. The other one has not been delivered yet, and no response from the seller or amazon when i emailed them regarding to this item. Item is still in stock according to the latest status.
Great quality, fast shipping. I purchased three of the chapsticks -- one for myself and the other two as a gift. I immediately opened mine once I got it in the mail and the reviews I read before were right: it applies easily and the sent lingers but isn't overly powerful. I personally got 'Peace of Mind' and it's a refreshing scent that makes me think of a 'i-just-brushed-my-teeth' feel. The price is affordable and my order came in 2 days instead of the 3-5 which i expected, especially since Christmas is so close by. You won't be disappointed.
DON'T BUY IT! Horrible Design! Leaking, slipping, can't use over the kitchen sink. Horrible Design.
I need some real reviews before I buy this product! I have not tried Zetaclear, but that company sure seems to dominate the internet with their fake "customer" reviews. The guy above is no exception. Click on "See all my reviews" after the name above: "David Morrill 'Educated Buyer!'" (Charlotte, North Carolina). I have a feeling he works for the company that makes Zetaclear and Hoodia. And all his reviews are glowing and written the same way. I have not been able to find any REAL reviews on Zetaclear anywhere online. Seriously, they all appear fake, and even the so-called "articles" that recommend Zetaclear on various websites appear to be paid by Zetaclear. They will all have a Zetaclear ad or link that takes you direct to purchase it. Buyer beware!! Maybe it works, but without any real testimonies, I am not about to try this product. There are more real testimonies online about using plain Tea Tree Oil and/or Apple Cider Vinegar for toenail fungus, than on Zetaclear.
Does what I need it to do I need something to prevent me from twisting my knee, as well as provide light support and stability for the medial collateral ligament as I run around on my job or work with my dog. This brace does the job, is lightweight and doesn't annoy the back of my knee. One that's truly comfortable against my skin will get the fifth star, however it doesn't exist yet and this one is not too bad. I prefer to wear a brace on the outside of my pants anyway, so I can remove it easily if I'm just sitting at a desk. The beige one was difficult to keep clean, so I'm now ordering the black one.
Healthy! Banana is another winner. 1st is lime. So simple and good. Clif bars are loaded with goop. These are banana, nut and date. The end.
Mop Broke After just one use the mop handle broke in half and I had to return it. However, the spray really does work. Just be prepared for the handle to break, you could duct tape it, but that's kinda ghetto.