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My Twilight This was such an awsome love story that i liked very much!The whole series was just written perfectly and would recommend this series to anyone that believes in true love or if they are into vampires and werewolves!
Definately the Fariy Tale that never was told This is SUCH a funny movie. I love Shrek! I also love Donkey and Princess Fiona. There are so many twists and turns throughout the movie and they all meld so beautifully. I love the juxtaposition of modernity in a medieval world. I also like some of the swipes at Disney that come throughout the movie (Thank you Mr. Katzenberg!) It is a beautiful love story, a great adventure and a thriller all rolled into one. I have seen it three times and could see it three hundred more and find something new each time I watch. Simply the most wonderful movie, animated or not, I have ever seen.
This is a great movie I've never read the book but I think the movie is terrific! Such a great story and I love each character.
Best way to teach kids letters and reading concepts We showed this in my car constantly when my kids were 3-5. They were so much more advanced on their reading skills because of it. They knew all their letter sounds and they were ready to start reading when they got to Kindergarten. They can still sing all the songs and it really helped.
Not the worst, but could have been better This is that kind of movie that is pretty bad, special effects wise, acting wise,etc. I think if they would have had a scarier monster, and a bigger budget this movie could have been awesome. I mean the director cast his son in the lead role, and the deaths were very fake looking( a girl gets her throat slit and the blood squirts for over a mile,can we say squirt gun?). The acting wasn't the best, I mean the kid's being buried alive and all he says (very flatly like he's reading) no. If they would have sold this to Dimension Films and have Kevin Williamson get a hold of it, this movie would have been great.
Not the worst, but not great either. I'll give it two stars for effort though (and for Donald Pleasance's performance + some other good acting). It is better than 3, 5, 6, and 8, but not really worth owning. I recomend you stick with the true Halloween trilogy of numbers 1, 2, and 7.
Best Disney Movie Ev-er! The Lion King is back in this wonderfully fun sequal called Lion King II: Simba's Pride. The movie starts with a beautiful ceremony for the new Princess Kiara, daughter to Simba and Nala. Kiara grows into an adventures cub with a very protective father. Like Simba, Kiara ventures outside the Pride Lands one day, which is strictly against the rules. She meets up with fellow cub Kovu and the two hit it off nicely. However, it's their families that drive them apart. With a little love and determination Kiara and Kovu manage to unite their prides as one, just the way it should be.I have to say that when I first saw this movie I pretty much sat stunned when it ended. It was just so great it blew my mind. I know several people will hate me for saying this, but Lion King 2 is my number one favorite movie of all time. In fact, I like it even better than the original and the first one is definitely a favorite of mine. It's why I bought the sequal to begin with.This movie had many highlights, a main one is the twist. Simba and Nala, although we all thought otherwise, have a daughter, Kiara, in this. I really didn't see that coming and I thought it was cool because I loved Kiara. Timon and Pumbaa are official members of the pride and I find that very funny and entertaining. Then the big cat, Simba, is back. I couldn't be happier, as he is my most favorite character of all. In this movie he seems much more masculine and cooler.My main complaint and probably the only one is that Zira was thought up at the last minute and was no where to be seen in the last movie. Someone deserves a stern lecture for that one. But that wasn't so bad. I also wish we knew what happened to Sarabi, even though I'm guessing she passed on.One thing I really loved in this sequal was that it struck me as a modern day Romeo and Juliet, which is something that is rarely seen. So, terrific as far as that is concerned.Pick up a copy of this movie and I assure you that you won't be disappointed, regardless of other people might say. Don't judge this movie by the previous one's standards. If you're so busy being a reviewer, you'll never have time to enjoy what you see. That's just what I think.
Finally saw it. Good movie ((possible spoilers)) I didn't really "get" the movie until afterwards when I started reading some of the IMDb reviews and board comments. I had heard that the film was done "backwards" but it didn't really click for me until I read a bit more. The movie is engaging and it makes you wonder what's going to happen next. In terms of the climax, lots of things cleared up by the time the black-n-white (forward) and the color (backwards) met up. That's when the movie really started making sense.There were some gross moments that turned my stomach, but other than that, the violence was tolerable. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting.Oh,since I did mark it spoiler, I believe that the cop was telling the truth about everything. For a few reasons, one of which was Lenny's memory of giving his wife an insulin shot. By the end, it seemed to me that he made up the story about Jenkins in order to "deal" with his role in his wife's death. And then his monologue at the end where he pretty much set up the cop so that he would be the one he went after was creepy. Lenny was pretty dangerous, and if this were real life, it would be scary for someone like him to actually be on the loose.
One of my favorite movies Purchased this after deciding I needed to replace my old VHS tape. Love this movie and would recommend it to anyone who loves the big, period piece style of movie with a romantic theme... oh and Ralph Fiennes at his best, for sure.
If only 0 stars were available... Quite simply, once of the worst Hollywood films produced- implausible, historically inaccurate, attrocious acting, and to top it off, quite boring.Sets were ok though I guess...
Excellent video The Leap Frog Letter Factory is an outstanding video. As a parent, I played it for my children in the car constantly. They loved the characters and didn't even realize they were learning.As a Reading Specialist, I regularly recommend this product to parents. It is a great, fun way to build phonological awareness. Follow up with Word Factory!
Life changer As someone who was brought up with the "fat is evil" mentality from my mother (was was eternally on a diet), I found it hard to wrap my brain around the fact that fat is your friend and not your enemy. I watched it when I was about 6 months pregnant with my second child, and didn't want to try anything "risky" with my body whilst I was pregnant or breastfeeding. So, a year later, I buckled up and followed the advice of Tom Naughton and all the other MD's in his documentary. And I am losing weight. And it is not hard. The sugar cravings have pretty much evaporated after 2 weeks, and my weight is coming off easily.When you think about it, it all makes sense what Tom and the various doctors state in the documentary states. Just have to use our functioning brain.
Lawyers: don't watch this movie. If you are a lawyer, please don't watch this movie, it'll drive you nuts a la "The Devil's Advocate"1. Ryan Gosling is playing a phenomenally talented D.A. Who takes a job at a big law firm (only Hollywood thinks those Biglaw firm jobs are hard to get and desirable to working anywhere else in law; please), and who then on day one sleeps with a Partner. Okaaaay. Oh, and apparently those lawyers never work, they just go to fancy parties. Riiiiight.2. He's such a fantastic D.A., but he can't win a murder case without the murder weapon? Really?? It's an airtight case with or without the weapon and confession. And (without spoiling the ending) he has to look up a law that every lawyer, not to mention every viewer of legal thrillers, is 100% aware of?
this is the ABSOLUTE WORST game I've played in 3 years don't waste your money on this junk.. trust me, I made that mistake.
yeachhh This is the production that unleashed "The Beast"...singing in the tiny intimate jewl box Theatre du Chatelet, Thomas Hampson began to believe that he could sing Verdi...this production proves again that he CANNOT...after these performances, Hampson began to sing, Macbeth, Ford, Germont and a host of others...all badly and all forgetable...i suppose we will get Hampson as Renato, Amonasro, Miller and Iago before too long...my ears are bleeding already....please stop, Thomas...we can't take it any more
Don't "Add to Shopping Cart" !! If time is important for you, don't see this movie. Jenny, maybe you were good but the story :(. Boring movie.
Don't read the book After reading just about all of Clive Cussler's books I would not recommend this movie to anyone who has read his work. The movie, although loosely follows the story, leaves out much of the storyline and changes alot of the plot to fit the director and stars ideas. I would recommend if you have seen the movie don't read the book, if you have read the book don't see the movie
Goldclinker. Disappointing. I thought it would be fun to see a Bond movie. Mostly, I've only seen parts of movies on the tv when i was a kid. The movie started out pretty well, with modest intrigue and pacing as it presented the Bond gadgets and women. However, the second half really drags and is just one non-sequiter after another. I mean, there's supposed to be a litte suspense and cleverness, right? Of course, the movie is not about plot, but after awhile the bone head script is really annoying. Also, the movie feels dated, the action is slow and cheesy, and it's shot in a very clunky and dull style. Just like the duck on Sean's head in the opening sequence, this one is for the birds!
Living Dead finally dies Let the buyer beware: While this disc contains two versions of the 1968 horror classic, both are ersatz. One version is a "special" edition, with newly shot footage concocted by one cowriter and one coproducer (director George A. Romero was not involved in any way). Aside from being unforgivably shoddy and stupid, the new footage also diminishes the original's claustrophobic menace. The other version presents the film as it was intended--except that it replaces the original's cheesy, library-derived score with a cheesier original one.
A under-appreciated science fiction classic What a treat it was to introduce my wife to the original Stargate movie after we had already begun buying and watching the boxed sets from the television series. We enjoyed it immensely. I'd always wondered why this movie didn't get the same appreciation as other classics such as Star Wars, Terminator, and maybe even Dune (mini-series). It is interesting to see how the original characters brought to the screen by Kurt Russell and James Spader were carried forward by Richard Dean Anderson and Michael Shanks.Amazon's review calls this 'hokey' and that's a shame. It's just a lot of fun and shouldn't be taken any more seriously than Star Trek or any of the other films in its genre. In fact, I appreciated that they didn't try to caption the other world denizens when they spoke their language; their faces were expressive enough to convey meaning. I always liked James Spader's passionate sincerity.The Blu-ray re-production is nicely done, retaining its film grain and theater feeling. I would have liked some extra features but I'm appreciative that it has been released in this format.Stargate (Extended Cut) [Blu-ray]
Not a review This is not a review but a warning to those who wish to avoid spoilers. Many of the following reviews give too much away. Read at your own risk.
A reimagination of film art Wonderfully imaginitive and emotional film. DVD extras are nothing special, however.
This movie sucks I needed a filler for a buy 2 get 1 free and got this one for free. This movie sucks.
Dumb After 45 minutes, not having laughed, I left the theatre to get on with life. This holds little for the adult, unless you've never seen the Three Stooges, read a comic or seen a real comedy.
One of the best war movies of the last ten years EATG was in and out of movie theatres here within a week, so my first chance to see it was on DVD.As a self-confessed WW II buff (for reasons that should be obvious from my byline), I found the movie to be about as historically accurate as they come, with an unusual attention to detail (from authentical tanks down to the rags wrapped around rifles to keep one's hands from freezing to the metal). The opening, depicting the Soviet leadership's attempt to get a grip on the desperate situation by callously force-feeding untrained recruits into the maul (and having them shot by political commissars when retreating for "Edification") is asgripping as it is sadly historical.The protagonist, Chief Master Sergeant Vassili Grigorievich Zaitsev (a.k.a. Vasily Zaitzeff, depending on the transliteration system used), was in real live the Red Army's most famous sniper, although not its top scorer. His "pupils" indeed included the Jewish girl TaniaChernova, who became famous in her own right, and a love affairdid exist between the two. (...)Cinematography does a great job of showing the grisliness and unglorious side of war in general and this type of urban warfare in particular, and the actors put in good to excellent performances. I am told that the ladies fall for Jude Law; I was greatly charmed by Rachel Weisz but have the excuse that she resembles my real-life spouse :-)But the best performance I saw was that of Ed Harris, playing the antagonist, depicted in some historical accounts (and in the movie) as a German army major named Koenig or Koenigs (head of the sniper school at Zossen in former East Germany), and in other accounts as an SS-colonel named Thorvald. (...)The R-rating is justified: this is no movie for children, or even for faint-hearted adults.For accompanying reading, try David Robbins' "War of the rats" or Anthony Beevor's "Stalingrad".
Did Mike Nichols even read the novel? Since this movie purports itsef as an adaptation of Heller's novel, I was eager to see it. Oh, what a letdown! Fans of Heller's wonderful dialog will want to punch out their picture tubes when they hear how it has been butchered and watered down. As for the actors, this film is only worth watching when Orson Welles is on the screen.Entire scenes in this film were fabricated out of thin air - adding nothing to the film's plot, only taking away from it. Some of the minor characters that were included are shown in scenes so trivial that the viewer gets no insight as to their importance to Yossarian or the plot in general.The multiple flashbacks to Yossarian and Snowden in the bomber are absent of tension, urgency, and meaning. Remember, Snowden's "secret" was the key to Heller's novel. Here, its played for a cheap and woefully ineffective surprise.And the ending, so triumphant and laden with meaning in the novel, is here a watered-down disgrace. Here's hoping someone will try their hand at doing this film over -the right way.
What's all the fuss about? Long, meandering, and at times downright boring, I just can 't see why this movie was so hyped. Yes, Diane Keaton does look great for her age, or any age, but Jack Nicholson has gotten fat and I found myself grossed out during the scene when they first went to bed. I didn't see the chemistry. And her with Keanu Reeves, I dont' know, it was a stretch. I was also disappointed to see a strong female character like that reduced to a blubbering, bawling idiot after knowing the Jack Nicholson character for only one week (and not even liking him for much of it). This movie had a few cute moments but I wouldn't rank it among the stellar romantic comedies.
Weird... so wonderfully weird Typical of a certian type of British cinema of the 1960-1970's and Lindsay Anderson in particular, O'Lucky Man is weird... very weird.I watched the film in the 1980's on TV and when I had the chance to own a copy I had to have it, I found it as good now as when I first saw it and would recommend this to those whom like odd British films (IF, Britannia Hospital, A Clockwork Orange, Sir Henry of Rawlingson End, The Bedsitting Room, The Knack...and how to get it) as it will not disapoint.Now I'm no director but I found it a touch too long, tried a little to hard to be eccentric and the musical links by Alan Price a bit dated but still a wonderfull odd, strange and dark film.
Honestly, One of the Ten Best Films of 2009 Lars von Trier's latest film caused quite a stir when it made it's debut at the Cannes Film Festival this year. Audiences there were divided, with some calling it beautiful and brilliant, while many others called it repulsive and pornographic. Antichrist is essentially an art film with many horror film elements. It has very graphic scenes of sexual imagery, as well as sexual mutilation...This is what has scared many filmgoers who have not given the film the attention it deserves.The film's Prologue shows a couple (Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg) engaged in passionate (and, in one shot, explicit) lovemaking as their young son falls from a window to his death. This scene, shot in black and white, is one of the most beautifully filmed scenes I have ever seen in a film. The following is presented in four chapters; Grief, Pain (Chaos Reigns), Despair (Gynocide), and The Three Beggars, followed by an Epilogue. It follows He and She coping, He better than her. She is mad with grief, while He has found a way to muffle his emotions. The two go to their cabin in the woods (called "Eden"), so He (a therapist) can help her further.It's when chapter three begins that the scenes that had Cannes talking begin. This chapter specifically contains the most well-known image from the film of Dafoe and Gainsbourg under a tree, an image I find deeply unsettling in a film filled with unsettling images. Many viewers have mentioned the talking fox as being laughable, but I found it quite creepy and well-done. Von Trier uses CGI in this film, but it's a beautifully rendered use of the technology and it's not used often.This is a movie filled with symbolism; some obvious, some a little more inconspicuous. I don't want to attempt to dissect any meaning from the film as I've read so much into it, I believe I'd have a biased view. With that said, I'm not sure anyone has nailed down von Trier's exact intent and I'm sure that whatever you take away from the film is close enough.Now, on the performances...Dafoe and Gainsbourg show they are absolutely fearless in these performances, which show them willing to go places few actors would. Gainsbourg won the Best Actress award at Cannes and it's no wonder as she puts both her body and soul on the line in this performance. Dafoe is very convincing but isn't required to hit on all the emotions required by Gainsbourg. There are those who have blasted Dafoe's character as emotionless, but I don't see it this way. Dafoe grieves for his son, just as Gainsbourg does, but his grieving is characterized more by rationality and reservation than absolute emotional Hell.Now, as for Antichrist being labeled "pornography," I must say that this is very inaccurate. Not a single scene in this film is intended to arouse and von Trier seems to use the graphic sexual imagery as a way of exposing these character's inside and out. Furthermore, as She sees sex as being the cause of their son's death, these scenes of human nature and the human anatomy seem necessary for what the film is trying to illustrate. Does the film use explicit sexual imagery only when completely necessary? No, probably not. But I'm sure, in his own strange way, von Trier could justify this. On a similar note, many of it's violent images may be intended solely for shock value, but von Trier's use of this imagery doesn't come across as exploitive the way it would in a film by Eli Roth for example.The cinematography in this film, by Academy Award-winning cinematographer Anthony Dod Mantle, is beyond masterful. Minus the shot of explicit sex, if the first scene of this film was released as a short film I have no doubt it would have received a lot more acclaim than this film has. The cinematography here makes one appreciate just how important good cinematography is to good filmmaking, for without a cinematographer of Mantle's merit I doubt von Trier would have been able to make this film. Many reviews (from both critics and audiences) have frequently cited this film as "boring," and I expected that after hearing it labeled an "art film." I was surprised watching Antichrist, because there wasn't a single moment where I found myself bored with it. Both the beauty and the horror of the images onscreen kept me so transfixed that I found myself less interested in how the plot would progress, but how the images onscreen would progress.It's not hard to see why many will completely reject and recoil from this film, but that's to be expected from a von Trier movie. Many who have loved his movies previously will hate this movie. I hated two out of the three films I've seen by the man previously and I loved this movie. Antichrist is a poetic, slow-moving film with shocking, memorable images and two fearless performances. It's a powerful film that is uncompromising in it's vision and not afraid to take it's audience to the depths of despair in a way that few films could or would. I am happy to be in the minority here when I say that Antichrist is one of the best films of 2009.GRADE: A
Hollywood Button Pushin' Gee, I tried really hard to like this little film. It seems to have been well-casted, from Mazzelo to Judd, but I honestly think it was just another mediocre attempt by Hollywood to construct a quickie "fable" centered around a pitiful outcast, or outcasts, in this case. The performances are all quite competent, but the script jerks about from one maudlin episode to another without a hint of restraint. I don't feel we ever really get to know Simon's deep, wonderful thoughts, other than the "I'm part of God's plan" refrain. The characters are not nearly as well-crafted as they need to be for a movie that purports to pack this much emotion. Irving's "A Prayer for Owen Meany" would be better suited to a mini-series format--maybe then we could really get to know Simon Birch instead of just feeling sorry for his string of misfortunes. Hollywood loves to milk emotions without having to work for them these days, and I feel that's a disservice to the intelligence and patience of filmgoers. The ending of "Simon Birch" was about as deliberately, over-the-top sappy as every frame of the unwatchable "Evening Star" of 1996. Don't get me wrong: I like films that make me cry, but I like them to give me intelligent, thoughtfully-crafted reasons to do so. Two stars only.
4 stars out of 4 The Bottom Line:A movie that works on nearly every level, The Grey Zone succeeds as a Holocaust story, as a moral question with no easy answers, and as a showcase for actors who are much better here than ever before; it's not a cheery movie, but it is a very good one.
Tedious rendition of the Passion story. I came at this film from a non-Christian perspective in that I think the events portrayed either never happened or were so distorted by those who wrote the Gospels that they beared no resemblance to history. That meant I couldn't respond to the guilt trip Mel Gibson meant to put on everyone about how Jesus suffered for everyone's sins, so I looked at it as just a movie. A very boring movie.First the good parts. I thought using the ancient languages worked very well as did the look of the film, which featured some good filter effects (the garden scenes) and a drab color palette that evoked the past more than a bright one would have. I also liked Maia Morgenstern's performance as Mary. She did an excellent job of portraying her mixed feelings of pride and pain. The sets of the city were good and there were some great landscape shots, especially from the mountains. I also thought the DTS soundtrack was very good.Those weren't enough to make this a good movie for me though. The beatings grew boring very quickly, which made the final half of the film very tedious for me. Mel Gibson mostly worked in caricatures, portraying the Roman soldiers as mindless brutes, the apostles as dim-witted cowards and the Jews as a rabid mob. James Caviezel did a good enough job playing an impossible role, but I didn't find someone covered in blood or woodenly quoting biblical passages particularly interesting. The scenes with the Satan character didn't work for me at all.There was also the problem that, if you weren't a Christian or familiar with the Christian mythology, this movie would have made no sense at all. I guess to Gibson this wasn't a problem, since he was making this film for a specific audience. That audience made him a lot of money, so I suppose the choices he took worked for his pocketbook. That does not make this a great movie though. (As far as the anti-Semitic question, I agree that this film qualified. The Jews suffered for centuries because of the "Christ Killer" label, and this movie echoed that belief. The Romans may have did the killing, but the Jews started the ball rolling, a fact Gibson hammered home repeatedly. Like father, like son.)
A Review Of The Film; not a history lesson "A Star Is Born" is a collaboration of the work of the best that stage and screen had to offer in 1954. The book, created by the historic Moss Hart, had been adapted from several areas and a plot that could easily have begun it's life as the very first subtle, feminist plot. The score was written by none other than legenday Harold Arlen ("The Wizard of Oz," to name just one) and Ira Gershwin ("Porgy and Bess," to name just one). George Chuckor,a director from whose 66 film credits can be extracted "Gone With The Wind", "My Fair Lady, "Let's Make Love" and "The Philadelphia Story". James Mason ("North By Northwest") and Judy Garland ("The Wizard of Oz"), carried the leads in this film about a famous movie actor who "discovers" a talented woman playing B clubs and places her in the right auditions and screen tests so that her own remarkable talent can jetisons her to a Superstar and he feels as though he's becomes the kept, has-been husband who is driven, in this case, to suicide. This film was expertly produced by Syd Luft, a man of extremed talent who spent most of his adult life managing and producing the Superstar Judy Garland than creating films. Instead he created events. Producing Judy Garland was bigger than producing a motion picture. Even alone in 1954.This is Garlands finest work as it offers not just a full evening of remarkable acting, dramatic honesty, comic timing and the ability to step back when it's called for, but because it allows us to watch a triple threat-the quintessential triple threat is forever memorized on screen. Where Garland's acting in "Judgement at Nuremberg" (1961) was equal to this-including her ability to do character acting and a dialect but she was a supporting player on the screen with Sencer Tracy, Marlene Dietrich, Maximillian Schell, Montgomery Clift, Richard Widmark, Burt Lancaster and (are you ready?) William Shatner. This was crated, says Nobel winner writer Abby Mann, as an ensemble piece, and Garland's performance hovers above the rest, despite her short screen time.Still, "A Star Is Born" is a remarkable example of what happens when you take the finest people alive and put them all onto the same project. The famous "Born in a Trunk" sequence which is taught in musical theatre programs all around the world was treated almost as a seperate film unto itself. The film is top notch. The predecessors are trendy and therefore cause you to chuckle; the Streisand version from the 70's hasn't the support talent that this one has (nor, truth be told, the skill of Garland) though it does have Streisnad's ability to sing and act and for that it's worth a look-later on- but Cuckor's "A Star Is Born" is the last film musical to create the sort of public stir that the next Star Wars Feature Film does today, with people lining up months in advance for tickets and scalpers selling tickets on eBay for promotional viewings at a cost that could dent the Federal deficit.Now if all of the name dropping I've done in this film hasn't done much for you, allow me to suggest this: Purchase the film, see it and get three hundred and forty-seven birds with one stone. For if you don't know Arlen, Gershwin, Luft or Cukor then this is a good way to learn them. And if you don't know Tommy Noonan or Dorthy Parker this isn't a bad way to be introduced. If you don't know Judy Garland you can't be introduced any better, but you must be careful not to lose the keys to your Time Machine, because there's no one on earth who hasn't known of Judy Garland since 1939 when she won a special juvenile oscar for "The Wizard of Oz"Garland won an Oscar nomination for this film as well as "Judgement at Nuremberg" "Oz" didn't win much other than best musical score (Harold Arlen) Best Special Effects and Costumes-all of the rest going to MGM'S other big film that year, "Gone With The Wind."This film, a solid sixty years plus old now, makes absolutely anyone's top 25 list. I think it's time you saw why. And if the plot doesn't seem likely? Well come on: get real.
A terrible, terrible, debacle of giant lizard-ness. I really don't know what these guys were thinking. Maybe their thought process went a little like this:Exec #1: I have a great (read:stupid)idea!Exec #2: What is it?Exec #1: Remember those old Godzillla movies?Exec #2: The ones that were really cool and didn't feature Matthew Broderick?Exec #1: Yeah! Let's make a movie that's the complete opposite of that!So that's how we got H-bomb-proof lizards turning into asexual she-beasts rampaging about in Manhattan. There are documentaries about cardboard factories more interesting than this. And if that doesn't put the terror of this movie's idiocy in perspective, think about this: I've seen Ernest Goes To Camp SIX TIMES, and I still refuse to watch this trash again.
Second Worst Movie Ever The worst movie ever was Popeye with Robin Williams but that's a whole other thing. I'd have given The Notebook a lower rating but unfortunately, wasn't given the option for a 0 (or lower). The acting was terrible (Ryan Gosling in particular). The story was sappy. I think that for a 1940s period piece, the characters were portrayed in too modern a fashion - in the language in particular. The "loving" relationship between the two main characters during their youth wasn't really a nice one (if that's love, may God strike me loveless) and was completely the opposite of the couple in their older years. How Gena Rowlands, James Garner, Joan Allen, and Sam Shepherd ended up in something this bad is mind boggling. It's scary how many saps out there actually liked, excuse me "LOVED" this film and raved about it. Ick. I mean dying together at the exact same time? Give me a break. What kind of a world are we living in? The best review is the one where the guy said "Not unless you're Shakespeare." I'm with him.
ABSOLUTE BOTTOM OF THE BARREL A supposed "thriller" that gets laughs in all the wrong places, this seems destined to be relegated to "Bad Movie Night" festivals and 99-cent rental bins. Foster is adequate, but I can't help wondering what Lauren Tewes ('Julie' on THE LOVE BOAT) could have done with the role. As for Hopkins, his last great performance was in FREEJACK, and his work here is more than worthy of a Golden Turkey Award. And was the wall-to-wall ABBA music REALLY necessary?? For a real thriller, check out Brian DePalma's DRESSED TO KILL; 'SILENCE' doesn't even rate a "guilty pleasure."
MY EYES ARE STILL SPINNING I thought the scenes changed fast in the Eagles Hell Freezes Over DVD, but those last forever compared to this concert. I was hoping that after the first or second song the constant scene changes would settle down, but I was wrong....I was terribly wrong. My eyes couldn't focus fast enough to lock in on any one band member or people in the audience, for that matter (oh and by the way, the audience made up about 40% of the video).It's really a shame, the audio was great even in the PCM stereo mode.These new generation producers and editors have to get back on track and slow the roller coaster down a bit.Enough said, I'm off to ebay to sell an "only been watched have way through" DVD.
This is NOT a ghost story! Years ago I saw the VHS edition of Ghosts of Mississippi on a library shelf. I was in the mood for a good Peter Straub ghost story; so I checked it out. It was not a ghost story, but I was far from disappointed. No ghost story has ever been as good as this story of fact.Most movies are not worth the time necessary to see them. Nevertheless I have seen hundreds of them, and Ghosts of Mississippi is one of my favorites. A recent viewing of the DVD motivated me to buy Of Long Memory, the book that the movie is based on. Almost finished with the book, I checked amazon, thinking of buying the movie for another viewing. Before buying it, I looked at the reviews. I think my reading of the book has given me something to contribute.Ghosts of Mississippi is far better than the older, sensationalistic Mississippi Burning, though the latter got six Oscar nominations. Ghosts of Mississippi got only two: one for James Woods' portrayal of the villain Beckwith, and one for makeup (probably for the makeup on Woods).How can the relatively humble and unacclaimed Ghosts of Mississippi possibly be one of my favorite movies? Am I crazy? Yes, of course I am, but besides that you might want to consider some other things: I have an affection for the acting of Alec Baldwin, Whoopi Goldberg, and James Woods; I favor true crime and courtroom dramas; I have always been a firm advocate of racial equality and civil rights; I appreciate a movie with a hearty stand-up-and-cheer ending.About the acting:1. Of Long Memory says a good deal about that despicable rat Beckwith, and it is always reminiscent of the portrayal by Woods. That indicates Woods did a good job. And he did get an Oscar nomination.2. The book doesn't say a whole lot about Myrlie Evers (the victim's wife), and I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Whoopi's portrayal exhibited more energy than was in the real person. Even so, Whoopi was charismatic, lots of fun, and more than satisfactory.3. Baldwin didn't look at all like the real prosecuting attorney, Bobby DeLaughter. But maybe his acting was accurate. The book says this: "The critics were discouraging [of DeLaughter's efforts to resurrect a twenty-five year old case]. But.... He would explain in his methodical, plodding way, why he felt impelled to go through with it." In other words, Oscars are often won not because of the acting but because of the role. Woods had good material to work with. Baldwin's character was methodical and plodding.On unusual occasions, fact is more fictional than fiction. In Ghosts of Mississippi, you'll learn that the murder weapon has disappeared over the years. This was the scoped rifle that Beckwith used. It was an important piece of evidence. You'll also learn, if you pay close attention, that DeLaughter's wife, Dixie, was the daughter of a pro-segregationist judge. After starting on the Evers case, DeLaughter remembered that the judge had a souvenir gun from the the historical Civil Rights era. The gun turned out to be the rifle that was missing. (The serial number matched.) That's right. After a quarter of a century had passed, the young prosecuting attorney for the retrial had married the daughter of the judge who had the missing rifle. Fantastically unlikely, but absolutely true. (I think the movie has the rifle being found in an old chest. The book says it was in a closet.)An interesting point for you Mississippi Burning fans: Two prominent events led to Beckwith's retrial. The immediate stimulus was a court order that released secret Mississippi-government documents suggesting jury tampering in the previous Beckwith trial. But before that, Mississippi Burning itself played a role.Mississippi whites had bad things to say about Mississippi Burning, and so did Mississippi blacks. The latter felt that the movie didn't give enough credit to blacks for the liberal revolution that occurred in the state. I think the blacks were right, but what the movie did successfully was to remind white Mississippians of their uncivil past. Maybe only a few white Mississippians were ashamed of their past, but the movie encouraged at least some members of the new generation to show the world that Mississippi was, if not yet perfect, cleaner and more civilized. So when the secret files were released, there was enough support for a retrial of Beckwith.Postscript (May 4, 2009): I got my DVD in the mail, and after watching this movie (again), I wanted to make a final comment, with respect to Mr. Baldwin's acting. I think the climax of the movie is his portrayal of Bobby DeLaughter's concluding argument. It was one of the more eloquent speeches I have ever seen or heard, in or out of a movie, real or fictional. It was so good it may me doubt that it was composed by the screenwriter. Maybe these were Bobby DeLaughter's actual words. I don't know. But it was a very fine speech, and you owe it to yourself to see the movie so you can see the speech.Two post-movie notes:1. 1999 - Bobby DeLaughter was appointed to a judgeship.2. January 21, 2001 - Beckwith died during imprisonment.
Make this 'Part of Your World' Snow White heralded the start of Disney's first phase of classic feature animations. Cinderella kicked off the second phase. Ariel here started the most recent stretch of 'Disney Classics'.The phrase 'Disney Classics' is bandied around too much and basically describes any of Disney's theatrically released animated movies (Disney's 'Classic' The Black Cauldron anyone?). This film however deserves the Classic label and, along with The Lion King, Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast, is one of the run of 'Classics' of the 1990s. Although this run was broken with Pocahontas (ignoring Rescuers Down Under) and has only recovered fitfully over the intervening years (the last 'Classic' was probably in reality Lilo and Stitch), The Little Mermaid deserves real credit for bringing the Disney Studios standards back up so high in such a short space of time. It's amazing to think that the ho-hum Oliver & Co was released the year before.The success of the film probably has it's roots in the employment of Ashman and Menken as lyrist and composer. As well as writing the songs, they became heavily involved in the story and so Little Mermaid plays more like a Broadway musical than a traditional 'cartoon'. This would be even more evident in Beauty and the Beast (later to become a stage show) and Menken's death during Aladdin's genesis is, I believe, still being felt by the studio.So with a great score and story, Little Mermaid holds all of the trump cards by also having a great script (socially relevant), well-rounded characters (even down to the support players), perfect voice casting (stand up Sam Wright!) and almost perfect animation (some small sections have obviously been rushed but not so they would spoil the film). The film was so successful that it also started the now obligatory Disney spin-off cycle, with a TV show, record albums and a slew of merchandising.Extras on this disc are not yet confirmed but, since Disney has always lead the way in DVD technology, will no doubt include a comprehensive 'making of', deleted songs/scenes, interviews etc. Disney's balance of 'for the fans' and 'for the kids' is perfect and I doubt whether many 'fans' can resist the excellent games that always accompany a new Disney DVD release.So buy this and marvel at the start of Disney's third-coming while we wait for the fourth.
WELL... Well i dont care if the acting in the friday the thirteenth series isnt that great(understatement)I also dont care if the story line is the same every single darn movie.I dont care if the special effects are dated.And no i dont care whatsoever if they are cheesy, i saw every one of these movies and liked them...Ok this is the final chapter in the cult classic series.It has some cool parts jason fans will dig, but to end the years and all the movies theyve made, i must say something just doesnt seem right.I think they s houldve made another one, but hey im sort of partial.Buy this movie if you like horror movies.
Just not that funny -- GOSH! For nearly a year, I've had to endure siblings and friends quoting this movie and breaking into uncontrollable fits of laughter, so I finally decided I had to see it too so that I might laugh along. From the opening scene, things looked mildly promising. Napolean, the nerdiest, sleepiest-looking high-schooler you've ever seen hops on a school bus where another kid asks, "Napolean, what are you going to do today?" Napolean replies "Whatever I feel like -- GOSH!" with a little jerk of his head. Then he pulls a plastic figurine from his pocket, ties a string around its neck, and lowers it out of the window, letting it drag along the ground behind the bus. All right, I thought, this is going to be one of those screwy comedies full of eccentric characters who do random things. I was prepared for that, but I wasn't prepared for the 90-minute borefest that ensued. With no real plot to speak of, and characters that just aren't that likeable or interesting, I found myself longing for the movie to be over only a few minutes into it. I stuck it through in the hopes that it would improve, but no such luck. As far as comedes go, the humor in this one is quite subtle, and consistent in style throughout. If you like the first ten minutes, you'll probably enjoy the rest of the movie. If after ten minutes you find it isn't your cup of tea, stop there--it doesn't get any better.I was tempted to give only one star, but I felt like being a little generous, perhaps because after suffering through this movie, I finally can understand references to it (those "Vote for Pedro" bumper stickers and tee-shirts, my family's quotes, and Heder's recent appearance on Saturday Night Live, which was quite funny after seeing this film). Apparently, this is a film you either love or hate. I can't stand it. If you have not yet seen this move, I'd recommend borrowing it or renting it before buying.
Buy if you want some good laughs, this guy must be a comedian. Is he really trying to be tuff? Well, he turns out to be funny as hell. He calls himself snowman, stretches his "yeeeahs", "thaat's riights", "ayys" for at least ten seconds in every song + he's probably the slowest mc ever. I think he sounds a bit like Ludacris every now and then, jeezy's voice is just more raspier and has no talent at all.This, tony yayo's, mike jones's, fifty's albums are definitely top four worst rap albums of the year 2005. But I think he deserves 1 star for making me laugh. Don't take this "funny rapper" too seriously. I don't own this album but I've heard friend playing some of these songs.
Loved the film. But, why? I did love this movie. I just am not certain why. Firstly, is Godrilla radio active or not? The film begins with radio activity pinging off of the first ship Godzilla attacks; again around the foot prints Nick is suppose to study(let us not forget studying radio activity effects is Nick's specialty). And yet once the army and Godzilla arrive in Manhattan, no more mention of radio activity. Why? Well, if they carried forward the radio activity aspect, they could then locate Godzilla in Manhattan pronto....just look for the vast area of that island that is radio active,and bingo, you just found Godzilla. And what about Lucy?! First she tsk tsks Audrey for being a door mat by buying her boss's groceries. Then tsk tsks Audrey for being too bold in asking about a promotion. Then praises her for being bold enough to steal a press pass. Lucy needs to make her mind up. Is Audrey a door mat or brazen self promoter? And FINALLY...why does the army colonel keep demanding Godzilla not be allowed to leave Manhattan. Why? Doesn't it seems obvious this destroyer of entire city blocks; leveler of world famous skyscrapers, should be driven out to sea to destroy without risking the destruction of a city of three million people? Sure it does. But, there you go again, no Manhattan to destroy, no movie in the first place. It would have been a good idea if the colonel had not mentioned blocking the big green guy's escape. STILL..I can't help myself. I really did love this film. Oh, by the way. Does any one know if there are really enough fish in Manhattan to fill thirteen dump trucks in, say, just a few minutes?
Best of the Batman series Batman Forever was, in my opinion, the best Batman movie made. Val Kilmer was good at Batman, Chris O'Donnel was very good, and the two villains, Tommy Lee Jones as Two-Face and Jim Carrey as Riddler, made an excellent duo. There were funny points in the movie, but it wasn't like Batman and Robin where they made it too funny. The plot was good, showing that Bruce Wayne had to decide between devoting his life to one person or two many people-those in need. After the struggle, and with input from Robin, he decided to do both by sticking as Batman. Also, the action was very well done, the special effects were good, and the movie was all around a classic.
Too unpleasant I confess that I couldn't watch the movie for more than the first 30 minutes and then bits and pieces from later portions. The part i watched deserved one star but, to give the movie the benefit of the doubt, i made it 2 stars.The reason i couldn't go on watching was that this "comedy" was too painful for me. Here's a homely, overweight, dismally stupid young woman. She can't help that, admittedly. But she is also lazy, dishonest, and irresponsible, and, despite her resolutions, does not reform her ways.I did not find it amusing, and i did not find her girl friends amusing either.
Be Very Careful My star rating has nothing to do with the mertis of the film. It has only to do with the total hatchet job Fox Lorber did in their infamous DVD transfer. By no means buy this version of the film, even though you think you're saving a couple bucks. I agree entirely with the reviewer who said the only thing to do with the DVD and it's case is to use it for a coaster.The images are muddy and dark. The sound is old 78s quality. It really is a shameful, shoddy piece of work. By all means, order the movie. It's Kurosawa's magnum opus, great in every detail. Just make sure you shell out a few bucks more for the Masterworks edition, or splurge and go for the Kurosawa multi DVD collection.This review is meant solely for the Fox Lorber 1985 DVD release.BEK
Read the book, skip the movie The movie doesn't come even close to the raw truth documented in the book. If you really want to understand Astrid and the story's uplifting ending, you must read the book.
The Red Balloon This is an excellent film. Story of a young boy and his friend, a balloon. Reminds me of "UP."The source for this product provided excellent service.
Repetitive and pretentious I honestly thought this was going to be a real thriller where the protagonist tries to solve his own murder. But noooo!I felt cheated by this melodramatic overlong mess. I had to see how it ended, but had I known the end was even more boring than the rest, I would have stopped half way through. There are a few decent scenes, e.g. a real classic involving a bird, but it doesn't help.The "hero" Nick Powell (Justin Chatwin) is an effeminate spoiled rich kid who wants to be a poet (what else?) He gets beat up by a girl (stunningly beautiful Margarita Levieva)and dies. Suddenly he comes back to life, but realizes that he is on a different existence level than the the people around him--he is invisible and nobody can hear him. So he keeps on shouting at people throughout the rest of the movie. Go figure.Suddenly the movie turns into a hokey love story, and it becomes even more boring. I didn't care what happened to any of the characters, and the story lacked credibility throughout. E.g. I found it hard to believe that Annie would neglect her little brother, but go to Hell and back for some total stranger--just because she liked one his poems.The acting leaves much to be desired. Chatwin has no emotional range and Marcia Gay Harden was too cold--I thought she hated her son--until her "breakdown". The two cops must be the most inept police officers ever, although Callum Keith Rennie is dashing! Levieva did the best she could with her role and I believed in her tough kid attitude. But the best acting award here goes to Chris Marquette as Nick's weak friend--a solid performance that saved a lot of the scenes from total wreckage.The end is trite and meaningless. It doesn't sum up anything. And I am left with many questions. What is the connection between Nick and Annie--apart from her bashing his skull in, I mean. Why does the fact that she has long hair excuse her from the horrible deed? Why make a movie with a protagonist who has no control over anything that happens--he can only watch (and yell like an imbecile). Why does Nick keep yelling at people, when they clearly cannot hear him???To sum things up: this movie had no suspense, no proper love story, no fulfilling of the supernatural elements and a tacked on soundtrack. I will now find me a copy of Ghost and watch that to be reminded of how it's done.
Great movie Hard to find dvd and loved it when I saw it so I got it for my son and he loves it.
WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? I feel like I should say something about this movie even though I care very little about wether people liked it or not, i just don't understand how people should like this movie or even let their children watch it. Willy wonka was clearly a psycopath in this movie, purpousefully trying to get the children harmed in some way or other, I would even prefer my kids to watch sleepy hollow than this crap, at least it was not about some crazy man wishing to kill kids (though they twisted it at the end showing the kids so people would not think they got killed). Also the kids in the movie were not even spoiled but pure evil themselves, except for charlie which was sooo poor and good that almost made me want to throw up. I for once prefer the other movie, even though it's a little bit silly.They came up with this whole deal with willy wonka's father being a dentist which had no repercussions whatsoever to the story line, they could have cut out that part completely and in the end it would have been the same ending, but less stupid. Chop off a man's arms and replace it with chicken wings and that's exactly what you'll get in this movie. I am ashamed that they came up with this bad remake, i like jhonny depp and tim burton, but this is a no go. I think giving it one star is too much.
One of my all-time faves!! I especially love the scenes "Chocolate Mouse" and "This is No Dream..."
Blu-Ray Sounds make for an unpleasant movie nite I should have read the reviews before I purchased this but this was my first blu-ray disc and I was a little too hasty. When you first put it in you hear something - then as the movie progresses you hear more... what is that? Static on a brand new DVD (BD)?... wow I thought I was going crazy until I read the reviews and other articles on the internet. DO NOT PURCHASE if you expect to play the sound via HDMI into a TV like I did.
CHUCKY'S BACK AND ARMED AND DANGEROUS!! It has been eight years since the last confrontation between ANDY BARKLEY and his killer good guy doll CHUCKY.ANDY now age 16 is shipped to a hardcore military school called Kent.It seems ANDY has enough problems on his hands already with his tyrannical cornal bulling him but his troubles have just begun!Playpal toys has recreated the maniacal doll who finds his way to kent and plans on hunting ANDY down but finds some freh meat in the process!! With action horror and suspense this is anther succsesful and entertaining sequal in the series!!
Magnolia (1999) Director: P.T. AndersonCast: Jeremy Blackman, Tom Cruise, Phillip Baker Hall, Philip Seymour Hoffman, William H. Macy, Julianne Moore, John C. Reilly, Jason Robards Jr., Melora Walters.Running Time: 188 minutes.Rated R for strong language, drug use, simulated sex, and brief violence.An incredible spectacle of a film, opening with the notion that there are no coincidences and that events transpire not by chance, but for a purpose and closes after over three hours with a brilliant underlying message paved by symbolism. Unfortunately for P.T. Anderson's epic one-day dissertation into the lives of a dozen individuals living in the Fernando Valley, "Magnolia" is just too long and not quite enthralling or beguiling enough to sustain absolute interest. Tom Cruise (who won the 1999 Golden Globe Award for his supporting performance and got snubbed of an Oscar) steals the show as male-chauvinist eccentric celebrity Frank T.J. Mackey, who promotes his theories about how to acquire sex from beautiful women.Rich TV tycoon Earl Partridge (Jason Robards Jr.) lies on his deathbed with his estranged, drugged up wife (in a brilliant role by Julianne Moore) and sincere male nurse (Philip Seymour Hoffman) by his side. Desperately wanting to get in touch with his long lost son (who just so happens to be Mackey), Partridge awaits his demise with despair and lament. Phillip Baker Hall stars as the popular What Do Kids Know? game-show host Jimmy Gator, who is desperately in search of reconciliation with his druggie daughter Claudia Gator (played beautifully by Melora Walters) due to his sudden diagnosis of cancer. John C. Reilly is exceptional as the soft, yet stern police officer who wants nothing more than to find someone to grow old with and stumbles upon the misguided Claudia along his daily cop route. As Gator attempts to continue the game-show despite his condition, the audience learns of two outrageously intelligent child products: Stanley (Blackman) and Donnie Smith (William H. Macy in a consistently solid performance). Stanley is the heir-apparent to whiz kid Donnie Smith, who is now a superstar afterthought, left behind by his parents and his boss.Director P.T. Anderson manages to juggle all of these characters very well throughout the film, intertwining the plot points with ease and sincerity. Along with spectacular performances from Cruise, Moore, and Reilly, "Magnolia" possesses two incredibly memorable moments: 1) the unison sing-along to Aimee Mann's "Wise Up" is superbly hilarious and melancholy all-in-one, sending reverberates of spine-tingles of hope and gloom in harmony and 2) the most unforgettable scene of precipitation in cinema history (it makes The Birds look like child's play). A genuine effort to show the desolation that engulfs when expectations are not met and mistakes are made, "Magnolia cultivates into a film that glorifies the courage, calamity, and love that transpires throughout life. While certainly not perfect, this film is unique and complex enough to hold its own, but ultimately does not possess enough unified direction and cohesion to keep the restless viewer involved. A great idea, a grand ensemble cast, and an amazing musical contribution from Aimee Mann; however, only adequate execution. A very good film, just no "American Beauty".
A Charming Romantic Musical Classic! Vincente Minnelli, director responsible for such musicals as Meet Me In St. Louis (with Judy Garland who became his wife) and the father of current singer Liza Minnelli, really reached an apex in his career with the making of Gigi. Gigi is based on French female writer Gabrielle Colette's short novel about a Paris girl in the 19th century trained by her doting aunts to live the life of a courtesan. She is, nevertheless, the attraction to the story. Not only do we see Gigi grow and ultimately fall in love and marry a man no one expected- decadent playboy Gaston. Gigi is played by Leslie Caron, a ballerina turned actress who was the equal(and looks a lot like the more famous Audrey Hepburn). Leslie Caron's performance is charming, striking and very well made, her chemistry with Gaston (played by Louis Jordan), her interactions with her aunts and the fatherly presence of Maurice Chevalier is all part of a rich tapestry of the musical. The costumes are by Cecil Beaton, who was also the clothing designer for My Fair Lady. The music is riveting, waltz-like and as charming as any operetta, the songs, especially "Gigi", "Thank Heavens For Little Girls" "The Night They Invented Champagne " and "The Parisians" are all perfectly snug in this delightful story about a young woman, an older man, love, money, pleasure and growth. The entire film is as sugary and as tasty as a French dessert. Viva Gigi!
Over rated at one star One of the most boring, long winded pretend movie I have ever had the misfortune to see (what a waste,to think I actually bought it!!). Should rate no stars but that is not an option. It was more a documentary than a movie and an incredibly bad one at that. How could a classy cast make such a cruddy movie. The mind boggles.If you haven't seen it, don't waste your time (and it isn't a short movie) and this is from a real lover of sports movies, the good ones at least!
WORST! This has got to be the worst movie ever made! Trust me it will bore you to tears. I went to see this in the theater, and after it was done I felt I had lost 3 days of my life(I'm not kidding thats how boring it is) I dont recomend this.
bring back the old godzilla!!! If i was really really bored, i would recommend this movie. Although it IS watchable, the plot is too thin and the acting was horrible...The only thing that saved it from a one star rating was the special effects
Crying Freeman Live Action Movie On it's own the movie is moderately entertaining. The fight scenes are good and the special effects aren't to bad. The acting is ok but not great. I am a huge fan of the original anime version of this movie. Knowing the real story, plot, and how the Freeman operates in this series I found this movie lacking in all these areas for a live action movie. If your a fan of this story get the anime or borrow this movie from someone who already owns it.
Good Work Showing the Period I saw this delightful series when it was on PBS. It basicly explains the conflict prior to the American revolution which pretty much set the stage for it both political and militery.Extremely well done. Well narrated.Admittedly it has flaws.It makes the Actions against the Akadians look like Ethnic cleansing. Ommitting the reasons that though the Akadians were refusing to do business with the British they were supplying the French at Louisbourg and some were found under French arms. If you were there you too might side with the British. It also ommitts the actions of Robert Rogers. Just as it leaves out the awful dungeons of Quebec where many english and colonial captives suffered and died. It also has a number of Trival points, Mary Jemison was in her teens not thirty something as one critic pointed out to me.But overall it does good coverage. It certainly isn't PC in that it shows the attrocities perpetrated upon the colonials by the French native allies and that the French paid money for english scalps and that their reason for purchasing live captives was not humanitarian but necitated by their need for labor.Definately a must for anyone interested in studying the period.
Keanu is #1 A mildly entertaining action thriller. The acting and directing are rather poor, but the action sequences make up for it. The worst thing about the movie is Keanu Reeves, who is probably the worst actor in Hollywood with George Clooney a close second.
It made my daugther cry I picked this DVD up from my library and I figured if my daughter liked it I would buy it for her. She loves Hello Kitty and this was her first DVD watching Hello Kitty. I wish I would never have showed it to her. It was horrible. Hello Kitty gets into a fight and her friends treat her like crap. Hello Kitty cried and that is when my daughter cried. My daughter cried for almost a half hour off an on. I was so upset about it. I would not recommend this for any child. I have no idea what they were thinking about when they made this.
It Was NOT Like The Book!! So... I read the book and thought it was EXTREMELY good. I got all excited once I found out that there was movie out. I mean, honestly... what could be better, right? The best book ever put to action?Wrong.This movie sucked beyond anything. It was NOTHING like the book. And when I say nothing, I mean NOTHING. They took out MAJOR parts, added new ones... the ending was all screwed up... I can't even explain it. the dining room scene, the boiler room scene, the end where they are all upstairs and they have to kill each other, Stephanie being locked in a clostet... it is ALL messed up beyond belief.Do NOT watch this film if you've seen the book. You will regret it big time.
Steven Seagal formula film Another blood and guts epic with a young daughter as "human interest":I bet Steven Seagal like Elvis Presley wonders where the formulahas gone wrong? He's thicker and older and he playsa gray place between good and bad that he seems able to do better than a good guy. Steven Seagal is the stuff of villains, not heroes.He a a natural bad guy and these roles don't match his"character": he can't sell hero anymore.
Good Grief ! Story is just ok for a brainless comedy, but by GAWD..that Jimmy Fallon guy is no good comedy actor. He miserably fails to deliver his role to be even remotely funny. I wished they have at least use one of the wayans brothers or any other comedian from SNL. The only person that made me through the entire film was the queen herself (the 2 stars go to her only otherwise this rating of mine should be no stars at all). PRODUCERS...PLS DO NOT GIVE THE ACTOR ANYMORE ROLES...we consumers do not want to waste our money too.
I love Tootsie!!! This has been one of my favorite movies for a long time. This movie is one of Dustin Hoffman's best, right up there with The Graduate and Rainman. Bill Murray has some priceless moments as well. I believe it also contains Geena Davis's very first movie role. I already owned the video but I recently decided to get the DVD and it is very well done. Go Tootsie Go!
Horrible release There is no excuse in 2006 for having to stop halfway through a movie to switch discs in order to finish it. I'm sad that I can't get a refund because at Best Buy, once you've opened a DVD, it's yours forever.Do not buy this DVD, especially if you already own the other DVD's. If you do own both, maybe you could buy this just to throw away the discs that come with it and use the package to store the discs you already have.Do not buy, do not buy,I can't say it enoughDo not buy...
Truly scary and horrifying... just not in the intended way . I saw this movie in the theater when it came out. For the first time in my life, I was part of a theater full of people who began screaming comments at the screen as the movie went on, Mystery Science Theater 3000 style, with not one patron becoming upset.That's how bad this POS is. I did enjoy it, because some of the people in the crowd were really funny and it made this awful waste of time palateable. To this day, my friends and I use "Constantine" as a punch line.Run, screaming from this "film."
Not ther version it showed and I was expecting Unfortunately I received some no-name version, which I already had, instead of the Warner Bros. labelled version. Due to the inexpensive price and having been travelling thru the States at the time, I could not be bothered. However since you have been asking for a review, this is what was.
Bad Dream. An absolute nightmare. A film filled with unecessary cruelty and poor storytelling. Stephen King has written better tales and has had his name attatched to better projects. Is this the same Kasdan who co-wrote "The Empire Strikes Back?" This mess leaves a bad taste. The worst film of 2003.
not particularly very violent I disdain those critics who feel Paul Verhoeven's nihilistic "Robocop" is in effect NC-17 rated for violence. Come on, I didn't think the movie was very violent at all. Peter Weller's death scene in the beginning was only really offsetting because of its dark, confined setting. I didn't cringe at the sadism displayed by the villains that shot him. I felt their weird antics, especially ER's Paul Mccrane, were phony at best. If it hadn't been for its occasional overuse of four-letter words and gore in the later portions of the movie, this could've passed for a PG-13 rating. I felt bigoted by the MPAA's criticism of the film for its violence. I felt the most violent scenes weren't even worth a hard R-rating. I've seen tons of movies that were more violent. "Robocop 2" was a prime example, as was Verhoeven's subsequent "Total Recall". "Total Recall" was alot more violent, but more importantly, more complex and visually interesting. Astounds me that there were far less controversy surrounding "Total Recall" than "Robocop". Violence aside, the movie was pretty cheesy and dated. I fell asleep halfway through. The movie was basically a retread of better sci-fi action and satire thrillers. The news broadcasters were particularly annoying. They occured so at intervals that they diminished any impact I had for the movie. Another nuisance was not ascertaining to a full extent whether or not Murphy as Robocop retained his identity in the end after dispatching the creeps who murdered him in the beginning. They were led by Kurtwood Smith. I felt his performance was too over-the-top and caricatured. In "Total Recall", Michael Ironside's villain seemed more genuine and less annoying. At least he evoked a little sympathy, especially those scenes after Arnold Schwarzenegger's character shot wife Sharon Stone, whom Ironside's character had amorous feelings. In "Robocop", Smith's character was just plain and simply sadistic and near agony to watch. Overall, "Robocop" is an OK sci-fi opus, but with dated fx and violence definitely tamed by contemporary standards. I just don't find "Robocop" that violent. Most of my friends would agree.
Great old movie. I purchased this to watch with my wife and she had never seen it and I had forgetten that it is a musical, nicely done, alot of laughs, romance and adventure. The animals do not speak like in the newer movie, so it is a little more realistic. I do not like musicals as a whole but this one is fun to watch with all of the animals and stuff that goes on.
Had me on the edge of my seat... To leave the theatre.Wow. I expected more from this film. It looked like a class B thriller. Which means plenty of thrills and even some cheese thrown in for fun. It's premise is unoriginal but brilliant in these days of typical teenage slasher flicks. But somehow it just didn't work. It wasn't scary, and there was no pay off in the end. The truck driver was just some big fat dude, nothing special or scary. I just couldn't get into it, and it just didn't work on a few levels. It had some nice scenes, like the big bad truck going THROUGH this other truck in the beginning. The cornfield chase was nice looking. The end was nothing special. And I dunno when he had time to do what he did at the end. Not to ruin anything for ya. If you wanna see a better thriller road movie, rent Kurt Russell's Breakdown. It's simpler but much more mysterious and thrilling.
JAWS Blu Ray It is about time! Whenever a new format comes out this movie should be on the top of the list to get released. To me this is the greatest movie ever! Of course it put the fear of God in me back in 1975. But once I got over that is is just a great movie. I saw this at Emory in Atlanta a few years ago and the guy who was running the film for a festival they were having mentioned about all of the firsts that JAWS had done or set records for but he ended his speech with flat out it is just really a great movie I think that just somes it up. Plus I love watching all the young people still screaming there heads off at certain moments in the movie. Speilberg hit this one out of the park and set the standerd for others to follow. This movie is one for the ages it grabs you from the first frame and does not let go!! If you ever get to see this in a theatre please do!
okay, more of a documentry i thought this was going to show like actual gang fights and stuff like that, but instead they mostly just interview these two guys at a park. kinda boring. don't judge a book by it's cover.the cover looks awsome, but the tape isn't that good.
Horrible transfer! Get the UK Network copy! This one by Alpha got a horrible transfer! It's full of dirt and color is faded! My DVD-R copied from Hallmark laser disc got much better color!For the best transfer, buy the one released by Network UK, which have the best color and transfer. You could order from Amazon UK. It is locked to Region 2 though, so you need a multi-region DVD player!Update: The Jungle Book also included in Criterion Series 30: Sabu! DVD 3 disc collection
Disappointing Whoever hired this director should be smacked hard. That was about the worst choice they could have possibly made for Director. He needlessly changed so much. Why change the whole look of the school? It was wonderfully magical in the first two movies. In this one it looked totally different, and to no purpose. The costumes also were terrible. Dumbledore looked more like a homeless person than a headmaster of Hogwarts. I realize you were working with a different actor, but you could at least stay true to the character from the book. And what was the deal with the kids' costumes? They were always wearing street clothes when the books made it clear they only wore clothes like that when they were in the Muggle world. Effects were okay, although I agree with a lot of other people that the werewolf stunk. It looked like he somehow stopped transforming half way through. Finally, the look, the tone of the film was all wrong. In the first two movies the muggle world was all gray and flat, reflecting Harry's view of that world. Then the wizard world at Hogwarts was colorful and vibrant because that was where Harry really came alive. This movie, though, has the wizard world all flat and gray and dingy. Why? To what purpose? I know the kids are growing up and becoming more adult, but Hogwarts shouldn't change. We could get a perfectly good picture of the kids growing up without changing the school from a vibrant magical world to a dreary awful place. I was horribly disappointed in this movie. Whoever hired this director for this movie must have been drunk to think he could pull it off. One final thing: the imdb trivia mentions that the fountain at the school has eagles eating snakes because it is the symbol on the Mexican flag where the director comes from. What rubbish! It is perfectly fine and appropriate for him to put imagery like that into a movie about Mexico. But this is a British film about a British school in Great Britain, for pity's sake! Get over yourself already and don't put pointless extra stuff in that doesn't fit in the story. Sheesh! Probably the only thing I enjoyed about the movie was seeing the next bit of storyline in the Harry Potter world. I hope the Director for Goblet of Fire goes back to Chris Columbus's vision of Harry Potter.
Fantastic! A must-own for any WWII enthusiast. By far, the best WWII movie available. 5 stars! This is a 'must-own' DVD.
Stiller's Vietnam War action film spoof is as bad as the films it attempts to satirize *** This review may contain spoilers ***When Ben Stiller first approached Robert Downey Jr. about acting in 'Tropic Thunder', Downey was quoted as saying, "this is the stupidest idea I've ever heard." Stiller reportedly replied, "Yeah, I know--isn't it great?" Somehow, in Stiller's mind, 'stupid' is equated with 'funny'. Nonetheless, 'Tropic Thunder' was tremendously successful at the box office which I believe had little to do with the puerile script but more with the action sequences and special effects that appealed to the male teenage and young adult audience. I'm reluctant to concede that Stiller has any talent in the area of screen writing but as a director of action sequences, he probably can hold his own with most of the action sequence directors out there today.'Tropic Thunder' begins with some mildly amusing takeoffs on movie trailers and commercials. Rapper Alpa Chino (Brandon Jackson) promotes his 'Booty Sweat' energy drink and Stiller as Tugg Speedman in Scorcher VI: Global Meltdown where each sequel seems the same as the other. Less successful is Jack Black's obnoxious 'The Fatties: Fart 2" which consists of Black playing each character in a fat suit and farting continuously. The final trailer, 'Satan's Alley', starring Downey's "Kirk Lazarus" and Tobey MacGuire feature two monks attempting to repress their sexual longings for one another. The takeoff is obviously designed to satirize such gay-themed movies as 'Brokeback Mountain'; it's a good way to start a comedy but things begin going downhill almost immediately after the opening sequence.'Thunder' calls for a complete suspension of disbelief as to the plausibility of the plot. I wondered why Vietnam would ever allow an American film crew to film a movie written in the style of the jingoistic 'Green Berets'. That's where the film-within-a-film is initially being shot but the locale shifts to Laos (or possibly Myanmar) after the spineless Brit director Damien Cockburn is ordered by studio head Les Grossman to get his actors back in shape after the picture goes way beyond budget in the first week of filming. At the suggestion of the author the film is based on, Tayback (who is later unmasked as a fake Vietnam veteran), Cockburn sets up cameras in the jungle and is assisted by his pyrotechnics expert, Cody, to create explosions which are designed to bring verisimilitude to the film. The cast is ordered by their newly self-actualized director to take a trek through the jungle with a hastily patched-together script as their guide.I realize that 'Thunder' is not to be taken seriously at all but how do the filmmakers actually capture the footage which is later turned into an Academy Award winning documentary at the film's end? They would have to have thousands upon thousands of cameras placed in every nook and cranny of the jungle to capture what the actors are doing. I assume they later used surveillance footage from the Dragons' own cameras when the cast were being held captive in the heroin dealers' lair. But even so, Tayback and Cockburn's idea to create the documentary is too ludicrous for even a silly film such as this.There is little to gain by rehashing Thunder's amateurish plot. Suffice it to say it involves the kidnapping of Stiller's Speedman character along with Cody and Tayback (Nick Nolte) by a goofy Flaming Dragons gang. The rest of the cast must earn their mettle by saving their buddies from the gang, despite the fact that all their weapons are mere props. 'Thunder' is supposed to be a satire on action films but by the time Stiller and his gang win their brownie points, you can't tell if this is really a satire or simply a bad action picture.Stiller's main problem is a lack of imagination. For example, he'll come up with the bit about Kirk Lazarus dying his skin black and refusing to break character until we almost reach the film's end. How much can we take of Downey doing his shtick ad infinitum? The same goes for Stiller's 'Simple Jack'. According to Stiller, 'Jack' is not making fun of mentally handicapped people per se but rather actors like Dustin Hoffman who portray a caricature of an idiot savant in 'Rainman'. Stiller doesn't seem to realize that the idiot 'Simple Jack', is a far cry from Hoffman's brainy eccentric. Some people might find a Goofy Gumby such as 'Simple Jack' to be funny but after about ten minutes, can't we move on to something else? 'Thunder' intentionally is designed to be in bad taste but occasionally the films' scenarists ruin the comic tone by going too far. One such moment is when they actually kill off the director Cockburn; another moment is when Speedman kills a lovable Panda.I wouldn't go so far as to say that 'Tropic Thunder' is the worst film of 2008 but it comes close. The make-up department however does deserve an award for making Tom Cruise unrecognizable as a sleazy, Hollywood producer.
A true family film for all ages This movie rocks, I am 26 years old and I had seen the movie twice. Now I have a 10month old little girl so I had to buy it for her. Today I received it and invited my father over, all 3 of us enjoyed it. The music the sounds the filming is amazing. I am a photographer and I love macro but this is a whole new meaning to micro for film....The down fall is that my video brand new was very shakey in quality hopefully mine is just a machine error in the assembly line.
A very good movie, more realistic than armageddon This movie is better than armageddon, it show that dealing with a comet is something to worry about not something to joke about. The effects were pretty good, they could have been better. Overall it was a good movie.
Homer meets The Three Stooges in the Mississippi Delta! Alright, folks... here's your riddle of the day: Whaddaya get if you cross the Three Stooges with the Greek poet Homer?"O Brother, Where Art Thou?" that's what!Here is another superb comedy finely crafted by screenwriters /producers/ directors Joel and Ethan Coen. Starring George Clooney, Tim Blake Nelson, and John Turturro, it features a brilliantly written script, superb acting by a wonderful ensemble cast, and a musical score that's simply second to none."O Brother, Where Art Thou?" is a simple story really... set in the Mississippi delta region during the Great Depression, it's the tale of three petty criminals who escape from the chain gang in quest of buried treasure and experience a series of misadventures along the way. Ulysses Everett McGill (Clooney) is the silver-tongued, self-appointed leader of this odd trio, a man who claims to have stolen and buried over a million dollars in cash. Delmar O'Donnell is the docile, sweet-tempered dimwit (played to perfection by Tim Blake Nelson). The third member of our little gang is an irritable, acerbic fella named Pete. Together they set off, chained to each other, in search of McGill's treasure, which is buried somewhere about to become a man-made lake. Our heroes have only four days to find the loot before it's lost forever at the bottom of the newly created reservoir.As they begin their journey, the run across an old blind seer who prophesies that they will find a fortune, but not the one they seek. with a posse of law enforcement officers and vigilantes hot on their heels, Everett, Pete and Delmar ditch their chains and prison garb and continue on their quest.Our trio's journey is anything but quiet and uneventful. They continually run into strange people and situations... At one point, soon after stealing a car and picking up a guitar-playing hitch-hiker, they stop at a local radio station and, posing as an "old-timey" music group called the "Soggy Bottom Boys," they cut a record that's soon all the rage throughout the region. Later they encounter a Baptist congregation at river's edge, singing a beautiful song, lulling our heroes into sweet forgetfulness for a few brief moments. They happen upon three washer-women, also at river's edge, whose siren-like song ensnares our three miscreants... George Nelson, a bank robber on the run, who nearly co-opts our heroes into a REAL life of crime... the one-eyed, fast-talking Bible salesman Dan Teague (played by John Goodman) who offers Everett, Pete, and Delmar a hard lesson on economics and life in general in the Depression-ravaged Deep South... and other characters as well: Governor Pappy "Pass the Biscuits" O'Daniel, running for re-election against a reform-minded candidate named Homer Stokes... Everett's ex-wife Penny, soon to me re-married to a real drone named Vernon Waldrip... and a whole gang of fellas dressed in white sheets and hoods who take exception to our heroes' intrusion into their ceremonies.One of "O Brother, Where Art Thou's?" greatest strengths is its musical score. As the Coen brothers point out, nary a scene goes by without some kind of music in the background. The songs - 19 of them by my count - are all wonderful. It's a sublime mixture of old-time gospel and country music and African-American spirituals. From James Carter and the Prisoners' "Po' Lazarus," through Alison Krause's sweetly simple and reverent "Down to the River to Pray" (with brilliant harmonies added by the First Baptist Choir of White House, Tennessee); the old-time country classics "I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow" and "Hard Rock Candy Mountain," and "You Are My Sunshine;" to the old-time Gospel classics "Keep On the Sunny Side;" "I'll Fly Away" and "I Am Weary (Let Me Rest)," (and many other songs as well), the music adds an extra dimension to this already multi-faceted film. (By the way, all these songs can be found on the "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" soundtrack compact disc... but that's another review!)I've now watched "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" about a dozen times. Each viewing has been a genuine pleasure for me. This film is clever in its conception, extraordinary in its execution, sublime in its storytelling, and masterful in its music. In short... wonderfully entertaining in every respect. A definite "must-see" for movie-lovers everywhere!
Splash into this romantic comedy! I really liked this video because it had great pictures of the sea. It also had me laughing throughout the whole movie. It had good themes and a good script. I recommend it to anyone!
Visually and textually stunning, a bit too "Hollywood" I really enjoyed this film, and have watched it nearly three times. It is a faithful representation of Shakespeare's text and the visuals are beautiful and make sense. Branagh's performance is outstanding, as are most of the other performances. In particular I appreciated Kate Winslet as a perfect Ophelia, Horatio, and Gertrude.My only fault with the film is the "Hollywood" gawd.I think it was unnecessary and disappointing to interpret Hamlet's and Ophelia's relationship as highly sexual when the text truly doesn't indicate one way or the other. In my opinion, it takes away from the simple beauty of their former love. I don't want to imagine Ophelia in bed with Hamlet. I do want to understand that they truly loved each other with their hearts and minds and that they would have been someday married lovers.I also disliked the use of several of the well-known actors in bit parts. It feels like a tokenism and I think it would have been best to give smaller parts to lesser known actors (and give them a chance to become better known!) and to offer these veteran actors parts more fitting of their skills. I love Jack Lemmon but didn't feel that I could ever forget that I was seeing the "Some Like it Hot/Grumpy Old Men" Lemmon in his small Marcellus role.All in all though, I was very moved again and again by the beautiful and touching soliloquies, by the love and friendship between Horatio and Hamlet, and by the lost love and lost life of both Ophelia and Hamlet. It truly is one of the great stories. Hamlet is a magnificently charismatic and intelligent prince, and Branagh does do him justice. Well done indeed!
Overrated Shirley Temple vehicle. I've only seen two film versions of "Little Princess": this one and the 1995 Warner Bros. version. I can say that the latest film is miles better than this one. As Sara Crewe, Shirley Temple is WAY miscast. But since 20th Century Fox had her as their studio prodigy, it's pretty understandable. However, I never though she could really ACT, and this film didn't change my perception of her. When she tries to display emotions, she simply overacts during her numerous crying scenes in the film. Thank God this was one of her last films as a child star. In the 1995 remake, Liesel Matthews gave a more realistic child performance, didn't overact during her crying scenes, and she made me believe that her character was in danger and somehow suffering. That's something Shirley Temple could only DREAM of doing [making the viewer believe her]. This film version can't hold a candle to the 1995 remake.
"Don't be fooled these people are terrorists!" The powers that be want to relocate women, children, the elderly from their homes to make way for Delta City. These people are labeled as "terrorists" for not wanting to leave. This was back in 1993.That is the great thing about science fiction, you can point all all the injustice and absurdities of our time and get away with it.Judge the movie on its on merits and don't be biased because the title is Robocop 3. It is fun and it is good science fiction. It's message of "out of control executive power" is even a bit scary as it is too close to home these days.Oh and talk about fun, catch Bradley Whitford from West Wing and Jill Henessey from Law and Order and Rip Torn from "Men in Black" in supporting roles. It makes the movie worth watching over and over.
WWF: Best of WrestleMania (P101) VHS Best of WrestleMania (P101)03/24/91 Randy Savage vs. The Ultimate Warrior04/07/86 WWF/NFL Battle Royal04/02/89 Andre the Giant vs. Jake Roberts03/31/85 Hulk Hogan & Mr. T vs. Paul Orndoff & Roddy Piper03/27/88 Randy Savage vs. Ted DiBiase (Savage wins vacant WWF World Title)
Bad...just bad I like to take chances and purchase unheard of titles. Some are winners, some are losers. This one falls into the latter category.
0.25 STARS: Very disappointing attempt at a horror movie. "Lost Souls" was a very disappointing attempt to make a horror movie...I thought the movie ended with a resounding THUD illustrating just how bad this movie was as a whole. If you want to watch a good movie regarding the horror of the "antichrist" then watch the classic horror movie named "The Omen", which is one of the greatest horror movies of all-time.
Beautiful time When we see like this move it take you to the Past and make youFeel something about old days it make you feel happy
Big Danielle Steel fan These movies are kind of old fashioned now but I still enjoy them. And being able to purchase second hand is a bonus.
Bruce Please Stop... ...making films that is. This is yet another trite bomb from director Bruce McCulloch. 1999 was a banner year for BM. This disaster combined with "Dog Park" is a 1-2 punch of bad film making. Like most SNL skits this one was funny, once, for five minutes. The second time it was a bore. To make a feature film out of it....well apparently BM was the right guy for the job. For the life of me, I can't imagine what the executive producers were thinking here when they laid out the cash for this garbage. Bruce McColloch is rapidly establishing himself as the modern Ed Wood.
bad video transfer, no special features. for fans only This review is for the Blu-Ray edition. You know about the movie, so I won't rehash the plot.As a Blu-Ray disc, this is mediocre at best. This is no posterboy for the next-gen format. The quality of the transfer is not very good. Lots of grain and not as sharp and clean as you might expect for Blu-Ray. Part of it has to do with the movie begin 20 years old, but this edition was clearly not done with TLC. It's a barebones transfer of the movie.There are **NO** special features. The Special Features menu has two options: the Robocop trailer and Resume Movie. I don't count trailers as special features. Why even put this on the menu? Sort of silly.No audio commentary, nada. WB didn't even include any of the features it already put on the 2 disc 20th Anniversary DVD. They could've just thrown it on here, like most other studios do by putting standard def extras onto Blu-Ray or HD DVD. If you already own the DVD version, I'd say skip this.Buy this edition only if it's part of the BUY 1 GET 1 sale (I did) or if you must own this piece of 80's cultural memorabilia.
Uninspired and pretentious Why doesn't anyone realizes the truth about this movie--that the makers of this film pulled the wool over everyone's eyes and managed to dupe the Academy into giving several Oscars to such an uninspired, pretentious film. What smug and negative attitudes the makers of this film had. What contempt they must have had for "American" people and their lives to portray them as such rats and vermin who go around betraying and devouring each other without a scintilla of remorse. Thank you Sam Mendes!
An American Discgrace in the Discount Video Bin This film sucked harder than a boatload of whores during shore leave. I originally saw it for free and afterwards, I still felt screwed. It stank so badly that I checked the soles of my sneakers on my way out of the theatre. Yeah, I know. Call me "Mister Tact".A "horror-comedy" that's neither slightly funny nor remotely scary, this film is a supposed sequel to the 1981 horror classic "An American Werewolf in London", (which is possibly the best werewolf film ever made). The filmakers had a lot to live up to and, boy, they blew it in every department. The effects were ludicrous, the cast was lost, the script was bathroom tissue with identity issues, and the director should have been shot (with something other than lots of narcotics). This film is a textbook example of the Hollywood machine clanking its way through a total goatscrew.If you have already been suckered into buying this DVD, I feel your pain. You are undoubtedly now using it as a coaster for a Heineken or as a tool to chisel old dingleberries out of your asscrack.
great movie, problems with edition, though I love this film, it is one of my favorites! However this edition is cut short near the end. It also does not have the subtitles that Amazon is indicating.
Wasted Your Money It was a waste of my money; the movie will not play on my DVD player. But it will play on someone else's.