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Watched it with grandkids! We all loved it. Grandkids (9 & 11) found a few scenes scary (but not too much), and we all laughed out loud many times.I'm just a bit afraid they might try put water on the steps to make them icy to keep out burglars...
The Afrika Korps nowhere to be seen on this movie! The sign of the times, typical 1940's movie, the only thing you see in this movie is just the Aussies, not a single German featured in this movie(you won't see the AFRIKA KORPS anywhere in this movie) This is perhaps the most dissapointing Desert war movie of all.......(and i have and seen ALL there is)
Animal House -- NOT This film provides a hackneyed plot that I presume is supposed to be a vehicle for some really gnarly gross-out humour (of the Something About Mary variety). While I smiled a bit at a couple of the gags, mostly the movie was really slow and lame. For instance a key scene involves Van Wilder trying to talk a guy out of suicide while not wearing any pants. I mean that's not a joke, it's just stupid. It might be funny if you are drunk enough, but this is about 20 steps below American Pie (think American Pie II) and is not worth the price of a rental, much less purchasing.Comparing this to the original Animal House is like comparing Mozart to Britney Spears. Avoid at all costs.
WORST SEQUEL EVER Wow, talk about ruining a good thing. The first matrix was a fun, extremely cool-looking sci-fi film. This movie is a bloated mess that spends half of its time pretending it's the work of some brilliant philosopher and trying to be cool. I'm sorry, but I am sick of Neo, Morpheus and Trinity walking in formation, wearing sunglasses, making jerky head movements and looking pissed off. This movie was awful - Morpheus' address to the croud was predictable, lame, and somehow the catalyst for a twenty minute "Club Zion" dance scene which was crap in every sense of the word. All the business with the "architect" was perfectly satirized by Will Ferrrel on some awards show - he just kept yelling "vis-a-vis" and "ergo" over and over again. I expected this movie to be a disappointment, but not this big of one - even the fight sequences were boring. Still, it's significantly better than "Revolutions", but I'd advise you never to watch either of them.
Bugsy Malone I saw this movie when it first came out and I was 12 years old and I've loved it every since! Now I have 12 and 7 year old sons and they love this movie! It is a true classic! The acting and songs make it an awesome movie! All parents should purchase this for their children, it's a must see movie! Mrs. Hill
Jim Carrey is great You'll like this series. All of the characters are funny and you still get the best of Jim Carrey too.
Wonderful ! OK, here's the kicker: I don't like films like this. My type of film is 'Halloween', 'Aliens' or any James Bond film - So when my wife came home with this I thought, "Oh boy...Another 'City of Angels' type of flick."What a surprize I got when I first started watching it! I was hooked within 5 minutes ! This is truely a film that has something for everyone : Fantasy, comedy, romance. Miss Paltrow is SUPERB, along with the rest of the cast.The writing is wonderful and the story of a "What If........" is captivating ! Everyone must spread the word about this film, because it never got the proper credit it deserves. If you liked 'City of Angels' (which I despised), you will fall in love with 'Sliding Doors'. A GEM of a film.
A fantastic man and story well told in a beautiful film about an important time in history One of the greatest men of our modern world who like others who followed tried to teach humanity that the way to living peacefully is not by killing others. A classic movie--extremely well done--with a message for everyone. The country is India---but could be the Middle East today
not what i thought I am a kindergarten teacher and I have been using the electric company videos in classroom for a couple of years for language arts. I thought that this dvd was more shows, it turned out to be more interviews than anythings else. My students love watching the shows.
What A Colossal Mess It's not like Sean Connery needed the money. He didn't have to go the Donald Pleasence route and make a boatload of awful "Halloween" movies. The former James Bond could've stayed quietly retired and contented himself with daily laps in his pool of money. All of which begs the question: Why in heaven's name would he associate his good name with a clunker that is THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN?But alas, it's all water under the Nautilus; Connery headlines this quagmire as slick adventurer Allan Quartermain (but it's still not as fun to say as Miss Moneypenney), out to save the world from certain doom in the last year of the 19th Century. Yet Mr. Quartermain is not alone; he is aided and abetted by a passle of fictional characters who all lend instant credibility to the story: Tom Sawyer, Captain Nemo, the Invisible Man, Dr. Jekyll/Mister Hyde, Dorian Gray, and Mina Harker (of "Dracula" fame).No, I'm not making this up. Somebody else did and made a bad movie out of it. And would someone tell me how a "league of extraordinary gentlemen" would include a Mina Harker? Does Bram Stoker know something the rest of us should know?But anyway, after what I thought was an absolutely sensational hook, this movie promptly dissolved into more nonsense than an ice fishing contest in the Everglades; nothing, and I mean nada, worked--from the special effects to the action sequences to the trite and sappy dialogue. I was impressed by Connery's ability to run alot; I only hope I'm that mobile should I reach my eighth decade. Indeed, there is something extraordinary about THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN. It's extraordinarly bad.--D. Mikels, Author, The Reckoning
a new sappy live story ruins a solemn event It can be said best the way Ebert put it - this movie is war porn, a movie that revels in the carnage but makes it signify nothing.There were lots of problems with this movie. It was a love story set in Pearl Harbor, first of all. They name the movie after an event where thousands were murdered ... and then make it a love story that has nothing to do with pearl harbor. The fighting itself was toned down to the point of being a joke. There is very little blood, no true to life horror, what is this supposed to make us believe about war??? It belittled the Japanese ... I can promise you the Japanese didn't come up with the idea of attacking by plane because of children flying kites ... and their strategic maps weren't little floating boats in a garden pond. They planned it for months. This movie is filled with sappy romantic and patrotic gesture which can't be applied to such a horrible event ... and I don't believe the movie even suggests the nuclear bombing of two major cities in retaliation, although it does go deeply into "military retaliation." I give this movie two stars because I respect them for trying.
I cried at the end Usually a movie after the series isn't very good. This one was a rare exception. It is a little darker than the series, and honestly I liked the look of everything better in the show, but once I got into it I didn't even notice anymore. I like that the movie serves to wrap up the show very well, and yet still manages to make you tear up. It was a fitting end.
Might be the best film of the 90's This is dark-comedy at it's finest. Whenever you find yourself laughing at something that you shouldn't find amusing, you know you are watching a good movie. This was also John Travolta's resurrection. He is incredible as Vincent Vega. Sam Jackson is also hysterical as Jules. Overall this film keeps you wrapped up and interested. You only see all the significance if you watch the whole thing intently. Great movie.
love the show I couldn't get season two on netflix so I got it here on demand. Great quality streaming for the price.
Slow, stupid, and almost downright offensive! Following the moderate success of the first "eh, good enough" film, Resident Evil: Apocalypse continues the story of Alice, one of the few survivors of the T-Virus outbreak that turned the Hive facility's employees into flesh-eating zombies. The Umbrella Corporation has reopened the Hive and the T-Virus has escaped into the Raccoon City above it. Now, Alice - who is now superpowered thanks to Umbrella tinkering with her DNA - must once again escape hordes of zombies, hellhounds, and Umbrella-created mutations before the whole city is nuked off the map.With her this time are characters that are actually from the games the movie is based on - sexy cop Jill Valentine (played by Sienna Guillory) and Carlos Oliveira (Oded Fehr). Since the Alice character was inspired by the Jill character, they are almost exactly the same atttude-wise, and do we really need two of the same character in the same movie? Sorry, we don't. The movie is supposed to take place during the Resident Evil 3 game which Jill is the star of, but whenever Jill gets in trouble in this film, Alice swoops in like Supergirl and saves her ass. They totally waste the Jill character just to keep the awful Alice story going, and it's sad to see the character that stars in the game get upstaged left and right by a character that was never in the games. Booooo! Maybe they should have just left the game's characters out of this film so they could keep the film and game separate.This brings up the problems with the story. Since Alice wasn't in any of the games and this film is supposed to be about the third Resident Evil game, this puts the film in the "it's kind like but kinda not like the game" category, so you don't even know where it exists in the canon of the games' storyline. Second, some of the plot points are incredibly stupid from the start. After all, why would a corporation design a research facility with a special security system designed to seal the place off should something disasterous happen and then try to reopen the facility not once but TWICE once something so bad happens that the place needs to be sealed off? Couldn't they take the hint the first time they reopened the place and lost an entire Special Ops team inside? And wasn't the guy that escaped that was infected with their T-Virus enough of a hint that there had been a T-Virus outbreak? The logic that sets this film in motion is so annoyingly flawed. You'd think a major coporation like Umbrella was smarter than this. They could have at least tried to explain it off that the Hive was reopened with the purpose of letting the T-Virus escape to see how effective their bio-weapon was in a major city? That's one of the explanations they give in the game, but they don't even do that in the film.Second, why are they giving Alice more and more powers? How are we supposed to relate to her? Part of the appeal of zombie films - or most films in general - is that you can relate to the characters. You can mentally put yourself in their position, and you worry about their well-being. But what happens when the character you're supposed to relate to becomes so powerful they can do somersaults, know tons of martial arts out of the blue, and can kill people with telepathy? Alice becomes so powerful and superhuman, you never fear she won't survive. It's called the Superman Syndrome - a character becomes so powerful, that you don't care what happens to them because you already know.Now there's the Nemesis. They turn a badass killing machine into a good guy in the end! Part of what makes some villains so fun is that they're so bad - they're so bad, they're good. That was part of the appeal of Nemesis. But instead, they turn him into a kinder, gentler Nemesis who saves the day in the end.The Resident Evil movies are supposed to be zombie movies, but they're made into action/sci-fi bullcrap. Sure, zombie films have some action in them, but it's more realistic action. Sadly, these films use stylized action that look like they were taken from the Matrix Bargain Bin with its slow motion bullets, wire-fu, and choppy editing to try making the film look "cool". And they fail miserably. Zombie films make the action secondary, but this is an action film and the zombies are secondary.The first film spent half its running time zombie-free, as they tried to set up suspense and that's pretty understandable. This time around, there should be zombies galore, right? But the plotting is so damn slow, you almost forget there are zombies in the film! And even when the zombies are on-screen, they use this filming style that looks like choppy stop-motion animation! Who thought this was a good idea in post-production? Whoever has this film editor hired now on ANY film, fire them immediately.UPDATE - This visual characteristic is called "dropping frames," and it usually occurs accicentally during editing when transferring footage from film to digital editing software. When the software is having trouble converting one of the frames the footage for whatever reason, that frame is "dropped". The blur yousee is the footage skipping over the missing frame. It happens rarely, and when it does happen, it's either barely noticeable to the audience , or it requires the editor to make adjustments or find a different method to convert the footage. But in Resident Evil: Apocalypse, it appears that the editor is intentionally dropping frames to create this visual effect. Why? Is there something wrong with the zombies that they have to obscure the audience's view of them? Do they think (erroneously) that it makes the zombies scarier? Or are the zombies too visually disturbing that they have to be blurred in order to make an R rating? Whatever the reason, this is a TERRIBLE visual characteristic, and whoever masterminded this decision needs to go back to college and take a few film classes.I'm sorry, the LJ character is so blatantly offensive. Do we really need the loud-mouthed black comic relief these days? The only way this would have been more offensive and cliched is if they had some Vaudeville-esque performer in blackface tap-dancing and eating watermelon throughout the film.And I'm certain that the only reason they made it possible to kill the zombies by snapping their necks was to tone down the gore and get it past the MPAA with an R rating, not to mention that video games still have the "just kid's stuff" reputation, and thus movies based on video games suffer a similar stigma so they have to be toned down for "the kids." But this is supposed to be a ZOMBIE FILM, it's supposed to be gory! The games, which are supposedly "just kid's stuff," actually have MORE gore than the movies made about them. So as far as zombie films go, the Resident Evil films are pretty tame. Hell, they could have gone with more gore, taken it out so the film could get an R, then put it back in for an Unrated Version on DVD. That would have been more acceptable than these zombie film abominations.And am I the only one who is so tired of the blue tint they see in every action/sci-fi film since The Matrix? I haven't been to a single city where the lighting is blue EVERYWHERE at night. Enough with the blue lighting, damn it.Believe me, if I could have given this film 0 Stars, I would have. This is truly a horrible film. Horrible-looking, horribly-written, horribly-directed, and so on. It's such a shame that video games are being so poorly represented on film this way.
Everything you could want as long as the truth about Shackleton doesn't matter to you. Gloriously filmed, with excellent acting, everything you could want as long as the truth about Shackleton doesn't matter to you. Have read about Shackleton I was struck over and over at how poorly he was conveyed, reduced to a shallow, yelling, man, when he was in fact calm, cool, and collected. How did the script writers fail to realize that a man who cannot control himself cannot control his men and the Shackleton story is in essence a study of successful leadership under extreme conditionsThe movie contains some absolutely fantastic footage, however, I could never settle down and enjoy the film as I desired because so many factual errors kept being presented. Shackleton was assisted by very able men and the film belittles most of them into little more than a mob of frightened men. There was much wonderful stuff here - don't get me wrong, but if you actually know the story - have read the books - then turn off your brain before watching or it will drive you crazy!2 stars for attention to set details and 2 stars for great cinematography, however, I took away 1 star for failure to present Shackleton as he was. Perhaps it was their desire to humanize the man that lead to this. Unfortunately Shackleton really was a larger than life figure - a man - not unlike some other well known men like George Patton, or Oscar Schindler - men who were uniquely suited for an extreme situation and excelled like no other men could have.
So-So The animation is pretty good but the whole movie never really impressed me beyond that. I think of the children's movies I grew up with and feel sorry for this generation of children that a movie experience is comprised of worn out gags and a hodge podge of popular music. Let your kids see Bambi or Fantasia instead.
confusing information I will adjust my rating if I order, I love the series. The confusion is the reviews state its 22 episodes totaling 18 hours of viewing but the product description states 7 disc totaling 308 minutes equaling a little more than 5 hrs of viewing. I cannot make the math work, can anyone help me with this as I would really like to order this wonderful collection. Is it the complete 2003 season or the complete series from 2003 to 2006? Thank you, Dennis
AMAZON SELLS BOOTLEG DVD's I can not believe that AMAZON participates in selling pirated, counterfeit DVD's. I can't imagine the thousands of individuals that have been duped into thinking they are buying a legitimate DVD because they are buying from AMAZON directly and not an individual seller. The federal government should investigate this place. It is horrible that they would engage in this type of business whether they are giving refunds or not. Counterfeit DVD's are such a huge issue and it's one thing if an individual places bootlegs for sale here but for AMAZON to partake is really just disgusting and really, really aggrivating when you receive what amounts to a $1 piece of junk you could have purchased out on the street.
Thomas Tanked I thought this movie was horrible. My son liked it alot, but the storyline was hard to follow and Fonda's portrayal of this dejected man was too hard to bear.
Good but not Great The movie was great, before i read the books, but after i read the books, i realized what everyone meant by "too much stuff was left out". They skipped alot of the parts that would have been really interesting to see. On the second disk, the games you had to play to get to the deleted scenes were really annoying, for little kids, they may have been fun but not for everyone else.
Kill the Africans to save them It's really a shame that such a fantastic director (Aliens, Bladerunner, Gladiator) had to resort to a racist and boring mis-adventure. Under the guise of saving Somalis from famine (though the worst of it was already over), U.S. troops got into trouble. In the process, they killed thousands of Somalis... In the movie, each American life is precious and each Somali life is worthless. The movie is nearly plotless; American soldiers shooting like crazy at Africans who don't want them there. Fans of the book will be disappointed that Ridley Scott has stripped the movie of any complexity, doubt, or sophistication. For 2 hours, it's just 'kill the Black people.'
disappointing Of course I understood when I hit "play" and committed to the experience that this movie was dated, but I thought the premise was interesting, the potential for a good story was there and then of course, all the great talent was promising. I am a nut for food movies and feel I had extra patience with it due to the subject matter. I wanted to love it. So... when I tell you that, to me, this was possibly the worst movie on the face of the planet - (and I own Plan Nine from Outer Space)- you know that I was at the very least "disappointed". It was a terrible waste of great talent -a lost opportunity - and a couple hours of my life I will never get back.
People make to much of this movie it wasnt that bad of a movie. not to say it was a great movie either. and lets be honest noone would even be interested in it if it werent controversy. i know thats the reason i watched it, was to see what all the hype was about. its an okay movie. i dont think it deserves to be considered a disgrace to the film industry. and it isnt some great symbolic movie either. just take it for what it is. zombie trash.
I know this movie, word for word... I first bought this dvd for my grandaughter, now age 8. We watched it EVERY day while both parents were working. I enjoyed it as much as she did. I found myself watching it every day (sometimes several times a day) with her. I made the mistake of letting her take it home, never to be seen again. I now have another grandaughter, aged 6 months, so I have an excuse to buy another copy. I confess that I would skip the whole first scenes showing the bad fish with Nemo's mom, and you know what happens if you have watched this. My grandaughter never even knew that was in the movie until she was older (she probably wouldn't have understood, but I personally thought it was sad, even though death is a part of life). As I first said, I know this movie word for word, and recently watched it on TV with my 60+ husband and we still laughed (not a kid in the room as an excuse). I can't wait for new grandaughter to watch it with me.
Up Close and Personal: Pfeiffer and Redford When the movie is viewed as a love story, it woks because of the oozing charisma of the two leads and also likable enough story albeit formulaic. But the problem is when we look at it as a movie about the news which is not even a problem because no one in the right mind thinks this is a movie about the news, this is not Broadcast News or Network, but the movie keeps on insisting that it is. It's either the director was delusional or in denial. That was probably because the movie was supposed to be darker in tone, that's the original concept because it was going to be based on a true story. But as the filming went along the production decided to lighten up the movie and veered from the original concept not realizing that this is no longer a movie about the news, it's already a full fledge love story.Anyway Pfeiffer was luminous. She is just one of the few actresses who continue to soar even with a mediocre material. She was really a delight to see, she is truly a screen goddess. Robert Redford seemed old for the role and it doesn't help that he acts as if he's still doing the prequel of Barefoot in the Park. The duo have great chemistry, and really carried the film together.This is not a movie for everyone, some may find it really corny and sappy, but for those who are Pfeiffer and Redford fans this is definitely a film to watch, only because this is definitely a star vehicle kind of film. the two stars made the film. Since I am a huge Michelle Pfeiffer (I am under her spell) I really enjoyed this film.Grade: B+
A Science Fiction Classic A definite sci-fi classic. A masterpiee through and through. One of James Cameron's best. An underwater tale that does not disappoint.Highly recommended, but if you can, catch the Two Disc set. the extras are magnificient.
Not a very good movie,but Tiana is cool,strong and sexy "Catch the heat" is a b-movie and I wonder why Rod Steiger accepted to act in this movie.Its main positive aspect lies in miss Tiana Alexandra's kicks.She's an Oriental catwoman.That's all
It's amazing, but beware. . . First, I want to note that this disc didn't work in my Sony Bluray player. I was deeply disappointed, but I didn't want to give it up, so I set it aside in the hopes of getting it to work someday. I eventually figured out that I could connect the player to the internet and update its firmware, and that got Baraka working. If your player has trouble with this disc, see if any firmware update is available!As for the movie. . . I see that people who buy it often get 2001: A Space Odyssey too. Good call! With Baraka's stunning cinematography and lack of any dialog or narration, I was reminded of 2001, especially the opening "dawn of man" sequences. Maybe this film should have been called 1993: An Earth Odyssey.Most of the images are beautiful, some are stunning, many are thought-provoking, and the soundtrack is an excellent match for it all. I shouldn't have to repeat the praise that many have already heaped on Baraka -- it's all true. However, I also have to quibble with Baraka, because it has philosophical axe to grind. The unsubtle theme is that industry destroys the Earth, modern life is dehumanizing, and we'd all be better off returning to the forest and becoming oh-so-wise-and-happy stone age hunter-gatherers.In fact, one of the best ways to describe Baraka is by telling what it isn't. If any of you have seen the TV series "Modern Marvels", just imagine the polar opposite of that. MM is homely, Baraka is beautiful. MM is prosaic, Baraka is sublime. MM explains, Baraka shows. MM thinks, Baraka feels. And then there's the underlying message. . . Modern Marvels is a paean to technology, industry and progress. Baraka is a condemnation of those things. My own philosophy, I have to say, is more in line with Modern Marvels.In short: I adored Baraka, but I also have to take it with a grain of salt. I suggest you do the same.
weak action flick Tom Cruise is back in MI:2 - this time his targets are IMF renegades who stole the cure to a lethal and unknwon strain of influenza. Once infected, "Chimaera" disintegrates blood cells over the course of two days. The cure is worthless because nobody has yet contracted the disease which exists only on a few petri dishes inside a lab bristling with high-tech and "safely" ensonced within a highly-secured office tower in Melbourne. Knowing the target and the likely theives, Tom Cruise must break into the lab and destroy the disease before the thieves get to it. Quickly pegging the rogue agents responsible, Cruise enlists the aid of Nyah (Thandie Newton), a professional thief and former lover of one of the agents. Her job isn't to steal the virus, just "coax" the agent into locating it. That's the plot....Director John Woo tosses out the subtleties that De Palma tried wreaking in the first MI, instead tieing the script along with action sequences that don't get excite as much as annoy. The idea of turncoat IMF spies is intriguing, and the evil Sean Ambrose has some of his own tricks, but Woo doesn't do much with the possibility, directing as with a 9mm. Things explode, or fly, and pretty soon, nobody on screen seems to know what's going on. It's not even a good John Woo movie - with Cruise and Scott failing to connect as Travolta had in "Face Off" and "Broken Arrow". A fun rental, but by the time it's ready for return, your mind has completely disavowed any knowledge of the prior two hours.
one of the worst star trek movies! Don't watch this movie unless you are doing something. Don't buy it, rent it.
A failed attempt. This film was a little like The Cat in the Hat, too scary or crude for kids, too bland for teens, and too dorky for adults. This film should have done more like its predecessor The Pirates of the Caribbean, and been set not in modern times but in maybe the 1600s. The acting wasn't that great, and in my opinion Eddie Murphey should've stick to the PG-13 and up films. The story was way too predictable and didn't live up to the ride. In my opinion, you will get more laughs and satisfaction by going to a Disney Theme Park and ride the 2 minute ride, instead of trying to sit through this hour and a half flop.
SUCK MY BLOOD, PLEASE! I read one of the reviews here and it siad this one was true to Kings vision. What?! DID you even read the story! Go back to nightmare and dreamscapes and try again.Not that the film was a complete dog. On its own, it had some merit but basically, it took one of kings weaker stories to begin with and tried to do some justice. Even if it had been 'true to kings vision', it still would be a poor film.Migeul Ferrer was excellent as the reporter on the nightfliers tail. He played a scumbag to the nines (he seems to have that role down pat, remember robocop?). Some pretty girl plays some pretty girl who is also trying to catch the flier in action.So ferrer keeps going after the flier, who keeps telling him to get lost. Even at the end, he tells him to scram. Come on..wheres the resolution to the story here! Wheres the buildup to the showdown. I was really hoping the flier would tear some strips of miguel ferrer's hide but he just got all preachy with him when the twain finally met.We get a lot of after the fact kills. They used a whole lot of karo syrop painting the walls in this one. Im not a big after the fact kind of person. I like to see the matter splatter so this was a letdown for me. Use your imagination you say!? HEy, if i wanted to do that, i'd go back and read the story again. Lets see the slop fly, yo! I said yo!This, trying to be more of a thriller type horror movie decides to give us precious little nudity.We do get an elderly lady in a nightgown. Boooo! that doesnt cut it here.
BAD Batman. HATE it! Enough has been said about how bad schumachers batman films were, but i cant resist. i HATED Batman Forever! its stank to high heaven! tommy lee jones two-face was a MESS! so was jim carrey's riddler. my God, he was ace ventura throughout the whole movie, NOT the dangerous, deadly riddler that ive known from the comics or the 1992 batman show. and chris o donnel as robin........no. i havent bought this dvd, and dont plan to. i liked this film when i was 7, but NOT when i got older, then i realized "DANG, this really is just kiddie crap!". what a departure from thr burton movies! is this REALLY part of the same franchise?? i dont think so...... if it was, we would have gotten 3 burton movies instead of this kiddie, neon filled disasters from schumacher. i mean, wheres that timless-looking gothic, dark Gotham city?? wheres those 40's looking fedoras and tranchcoats?? instead,m we get thugs with glowing faces and glow-stick staffs.one thing i will NOT forgive is how utterly BAD val kilmer is in the role as batman! hell, his bruce wayne even sucked! ppl like to say he "looked" the part, but performance is everything in the long run, and he was as boring and bland as can be. wheres that quasi-phsycotic bruce wayne/Batman who is out for blood and wants revenge as batman every night? wheres that SERIOUS bruce wayne? sadly, it aint here, and i stand by this: Michael Keaton IS BATMAN. end of story. and without Tim Burtons fanstactic, artistic, gothic-dark style, this franchise was bound to go down hill. lets face it, Tim Burton created some of the best Batman film (not to mention films in general) that we are un-likely to get anymore. in those films, there were characters i actually FELT for, and cared about. schumachers messes were kiddie crap, and christopher nolans "realistic" aproach was interesting, but bales batman was just not good IMO (looked really funny in that horrible looking cowl). Keaton is still the best in my eyes, he wasnt just playing Batman, he WAS Batman. he embodied batmans crazy side, as well as his normal, staightfoward bruce wanyne. val kilmer was a joke in this movie. i concur with the below reviewer, THIS film is where the Batman films took a BIG nosedive.
True Heroism In this video, a battle is depicted in which a marine and an enemy soldier toss a grenade at each other several times. It eventually exploded next to the marine. His name is John Szilagyi and he lived. His son was my best friend and I lived a summer in their house on summer vacation from college while working in their town. He was then and remains a man of distinction. His physical wounds remain but are for him, a badge of honor. I thank him for his gallantry then and for his upstanding decency as a citizen today. The video is worth the viewing.
The BEST anime I have ever seen I have seen this moving in different formats, for instnace an edited version, and an un-edited, etc. but in all of the formats it was still the Best, after my first time watching this it became my fav. but slightly rivaled with Demon City Shinjuku, but i still think of this movie highly, and it shall remain my fav. until, i see another that beats that of this great anime's beuty
this movie is lame this the film that began all the lame and boring comic books and video games and novels. i like the first one better and say it begins and ends with 1. first off, the predators look nothing like the evil hunter in the first one, they have toooo much dark color to them, their helmets are comic looking, the gear sucks, and they look stupid. remember in 1 how real the hunter looked? when he took his helmet off his skin was palish and his tusks where small and closed in tight on his mouth. this movie is full of hollywood shlock and bad acting and yeah right material. it looks more like a excuse to show off special effects.
An ageless and memorable account of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection This "Family Theater" presentation from 1953 is a most commendable account of Jesus' last days, crucifixion, and resurrection. The most noteworthy thing about it is the fact that it presents the Passion from the point of view of a Roman centurion who witnessed several of the key events in the story. Not only does this centurion accept Jesus as his Savior, we find him telling the story of Jesus' death and resurrection to some of Christ's Jewish followers in a town outside of Jerusalem. Despite the inclusion of flashbacks within flashbacks (a technique I usually decry quite vocally), this modest production quite effectively brings the Gospel to life in the space of just 55 minutes.Roman centurion Cornelius (George Macready) arrives in Jerusalem shortly after Jesus' triumphal entry into the city. After hearing how Jesus drove all of the merchants and moneychangers from the temple and watching Jesus easily avoid the trap set for him by Pharisees asking about the payment of taxes to Caesar, Cornelius takes a personal interest in the Nazarene. He's present when Jesus is brought before Pontius Pilate and he's also on hand when Jesus is crucified and dies - he even attempts to warn Jesus to leave Jerusalem before it's too late. Through the disciple Thomas, he learns the details of the Last Supper and other events he doesn't personally witness for himself - and that includes the victory of Jesus over death.While the presentation does not address every detail of its subject matter (which would have been impossible to do over the course of just 55 minutes), it stays true to the Biblical story. The acting is quite adequate all the way around, although I have to say that Robert Wilson makes for the most emaciated Jesus I've ever seen. I really liked the framing of the Gospel story from the viewpoint of a Roman centurion, as it lends a certain power to the all-important message of Jesus' sacrifice. Hearing a character outside of Jesus' contemporary followers declare "I beheld His Glory" makes this film particularly memorable to me.
Have we no shame It's a crime and a sin what was done to E.B. White's classic children's novel. Heartless Hollywood got hold of it, ripped its guts out, threw in some snazzy effects, irrelevant slapstick, and rock music, and dared to call it "Stuart Little." All in the name of money. I'm not saying some six year-olds won't have fun watching it, but for the love of integrity, someone please read them the book.
African Queen Movie is one of the best of all time. Service from vendor and Amazon.com was horrible. Will never deal with either again!!!
Perfect Christmas CD We both love to listen to Mannheim during the holidays, but it was great being able to sit and watch them whenever we wanted.. Great DVD!!!
This Movie is Definitely One-Up This is a charming movie about an underdog's attempt to transform himself into a winner in the game of life. It is based on Stephen Potter's famous "One-Upsmanship" books. Some of Potter's subtle, hilarious methods for one-upping your rivals in life are shown here as Terry-Thomas and Ian Carmichael vie for the affections of Janette Scott and for supremecy on the playing field of life.Terry-Thomas comes out with a dashing lead in gamesmanship in general, and in "woomanship" in particular. He plays the sophisticate bachelor with the advantage of a flashy car, a knowledge of wines, and the ability to maneuver Ian Carmichael into ridiculous loss on the tennis courts.But then Ian Carmichael goes to the School of Lifesmanship to learn some tricks of his own. However the question becomes - is Carmichael really the sort of person who would want to win by gamesmanship?I wish this movie had training sequels, illustrating further ploys that Potter suggests in his works. But then perhaps just this one movie is enough to entertain you and to alert you to further possibilities for winning the games of life. You can go on to read Potter's books if you want to get a full course in Gamesmanship. And then you can decide whether you want to be the sort of scoundrel to use these ploys.
What a piece of crap movie This movie is bad. Horrible plot, bad special effects, bad villians, the whole thing sucked. I usually like Chris Tucker, but in this movie he is SO annoying. Boring in parts as well. Bruce Willis didn't help either. One of the worse sci fi movies I've seen. Want a good sci fi movie, go see Star Trek or Star Wars. Do not watch this.
jumanji I brought this movie cause my son loves it but they send me a dvd with scratches all on the back of it and a dvd case that looked like someone use it as a plate. Horrible!! And the dvd doesn't play because of the scratches what a waist of money i want to know how to return it and get my money back cause i wore when i brought it the thing said new..
A few good laughs, but not as funny as expected This movie (if you can even call it a movie), is a new low in what "entertainment" is these days. It's definitely one of the most disgusting movies I've ever seen. Some of the stunts in the film were funny, but there was too much repetition. Too much nudity, vomiting, and "other" things that you need to see for yourself. I didn't find it to be as funny as it was hyped up to be, but it was a little entertaining nonetheless.
Another Letdown...... I gave this movie 2 stars basically because of the gore and special effects. It's hard to believe that Morgan Freeman agreed to make this movie. This is one of those geez, what a letdown movie. (...), I'm sure the book was much better! Four friends, each with their own special powers, must come together to stop a entity that is trying to take their lives. Freeman plays a alien hunter. Not a true horror film. This is another one of those movies that I bought first ( cheap, thank goodness ) without renting it. I hope other people don't make the same mistake!!
A film you would enjoy on a warm weekend! A good story, A good direction, A good chemistry between each charecter is what you look forward to in films first and "Shall we dance" has it all. A warm hearted story with a wonderfull star cast. Richard Gere has always been one of my favourate actors and this is probably one of his best performences ever. Jennifer Lopez, well what can I say, truely unique performence by her, she was very adorable in the whole film and brings perfection to the charecter played by her. Each and every individual in the film delivers a good performence, its one of the best warm films I have come across. The Dvd wont dissapoint you in either way, the quality and sound are terrefic and there are good special features like 'Behind the scenes' etc.
ohh my god this was a good movie i saw all summer. i like all of the action, and loved the actors.
Not worth watching. I'm a person with a sense of humor. I like comedy, funny movies and pranks. I also joke around alot. I didn't find Scary Movie 3 really funny or enjoyable though. There are parodies of horror movies such as the 'Ring' here, and even non horror movies such as '8 Mile'. The plot seems barely there, just thrown together. Its unrealistic, but thats not a problem(its a movie for crying out loud). The only remotely funny part was probably the Michael Jackson scene, or some of the 8 Mile spoof(kind of). If you're a complete moron, you might this this is a hilarious movie. You'll be rolling on the ground laughing! If you have at least an I.Q. over 5 though, you're bound to hate it.
Filmmaking at its best! For all those cretins out there who rated this movie with one star, what were you thinking? I'll admit half of you are just too ignorant to follow a simple plot line, but what about the other half? Everyone is blowing smoke about how they ruined the movie by revealing all this 'Leonards a dirty killer' at the very end. But if you open your eyes, you'll realize they clued us into the ending constantly during the movie. Why do you think Natalie was so mean to him at first meeting? He was wearing the suit of her boyfriend, and driving his car! Why do you think Teddy was telling him not to trust her all the time? Plain and simple, people who gave this movie a bad review, are probably fans of films such as Scream 3 or Ace Ventura. They dont like a plot line and ending you have to think much about. They just like being told what happened and accepting it, no matter how ridiculous. For fans of intelligent AND highly entertaining movies (im not an art house fan) pick this one up. But if you need to be constantly told whats happening, then I would suggest avoiding it.
A WORK OF ART After almost 30 years it still marvels and some what shocks anybody who views this masterpiece. I have seen this movie a zillion times and it seems as entertaining as the very first time. Not for everyone I must admit but given the chance to view it, you will not be able to get those images out of your head. Kick back and loose yourself in a bit of the old ultra-violence.
Great movie I took this to my friend's house. She had never heard of it before, but loved it. I've watched it four times now and I'm still not tired of it.
HummingStupid,Stupid,I can't believe I was so Stupid! Sing with me to the Tune of Jeepers,Creepers!Stupid,Stupid,I can't believe I was so StupidStupid StupidI should of ranStupid StupidWhy was I watchingStupid Stupidhim,himEat that old manStupid StupidI can't believe I was so StupidStupid StupidWhy didn't I just Run!Stupid StupidStupid Movie!
I like this movie because it is funny, and scary. It's about gian mutated worms that eat people. They get there victoms by pulling them into the ground where they live. The best part is when Kevin Bakon outsmarted the last graboid.
Alien Resurrection When Ripley is cloned to gain access to the alien queen inside of her, her genetic material became bonded with that of the alien. Giving her fast healing capabilities and super-human strength the Ripley of before is now supercharged and a formidable adversary to any alien she may encounter.`Alien Resurrection' is set 200 years after `Alien 3', but not much has changed. The company (in a new guise) wants the alien for military purposes and Ripley wants to stop that from happening, only this time she as split loyalties dues to her genetic mutation. Winona Rider is a member of a smuggling crew caught up in the melee and whilst she is ok in this film, her elfin image doesn't really sit with a hardened sci-fi action film.The direction is pretty good and Weaver is as good as she has ever been. She has a darker streak in this film and it suits her. The alien effects are also still good and in this film we see the aliens swim, as well as meeting a new incarnation that I won't say more about here to maintain the surprise.All in all this is a decent sequel in the series and I enjoy it at least as much as `Alien 3' but, like that film, it never matches the creepiness of `Alien' or the action of `Aliens'. Still, this is well worth watching if you have seen the rest and makes for a fairly decent sci-fi film.Feel free to check out my blog which can be found on my profile page.
Wow, this guy is real. It's amazing that EVEN with today's rap scene, not to mention the general music scene, so godd**m terrible that people still take "artists" seriously when their name is along the lines of "Young Jeezy" or "Lil' Flip".Please start supporting real artists and make jokes like this work in McDonald's like they deserve to. Although, I must say, I'll bet even McDonald's finds these dildos sub-par employees.
A funny movie!!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of swearing, but still funny! I loved it when Happy got his butt kicked by Bob Barker! Heh heh. It was awesome when Happy played golf and made a hole in one !!!
Very Good Movie! I few saw this movie a few years ago, and I thought nothing of it then. Just recently, after I really realized what the world lost after River Phoenix passed away, I decided to watch the movie again, since I had not seen in a few years. I remember how the incredible acting had touched me, especially since I hope to grow up and work in that area. The beautifully portrayed story was brilliantly done, and althought it's not even close to the novella, 'The Body' by Stephen King, it is just like it in many ways.
Stuck in a webby mess Overrated adaptation of the Spider-Man comics in which almost every aspect feels forced and stiff throughout, from the direction to the writing, editing, and acting. I almost bought the DVD without first seeing it because I always liked Spider-Man as a kid and had heard so many good reviews about it. I am so glad that a friend lent it to me so I could see it wasn't worth it. Wish I could get the time I wasted watching this overhyped and overrated film back! I sure hope the sequel isn't this flawed.Also, this is the only DVD ever to completely freeze up in my Toshiba DVD player part way through (out of well over 100 discs I've played in it). I had to finish watching the DVD on my computer.
An America that was. Or was it really ever thus? Small town America before World WarII: innocent, insular & secure. I"m not sure. I am sure it is the pinnacle of American movie making & story telling. The scene, at the end when Clarence takes George on a journey through his life is on par with The Christmas Carol. But I hope nobody tries to remake this. Jimmy Steward, Donna Reed, Henry Travers & a glimpse of the great Lionel Barrymore. You'll recognize the rest. You haven't seen It's a Wonderful Life? You must be ten. You will.
Product misrepresented. Very disappointed. The product I received was not the special edition as advertised. It only contains the one disk of the movie, but according to the ad, there should have been another special edition disk, as well as a music cd. Since I have already opened the product, it cannot be returned. If you're only wanting the movie, this package is fine. But don't expect to get any more than that.
Totally dated While I was watching this movie, I felt an overwhelming feeling wash over me: Relief that I was born in the eighties! My prior exposure to the stuff in the sixties was mainly Star Trek and one episode of "Sabrina," which hilariously contained the line "peace, love, and no bathing!" This is one of those nostalgia flicks that only people who want to remember that era fondly will want to watch. Anyone else will be squirming with discomfort. Not because it's "shocking" or in any way "true," but because it is "dated" and "stupid."It's interesting that a modern teen in 2003 is "squarer" than the people in this movie; it glorifies the absurdly naive hippie lifestyle, something that is roundly mocked by modern young people and most media forms like books and television. All the ordinary people are really, really dumb (in fact, the scriptwriter is so ham-handed that he has Claude's dad happily identifying both of them as "ignorant"). All the hippies are obnoxious, thieving, drug-addled, and sleep around indiscriminitely (I'm supposed to be thrilled that Jeannie doesn't know who her baby's dad is? Why is that? Why should I think it's great? I think that kid is going to need massive amounts of therapy). I have no reason to like anyone -- either they're gun-crazed, mucho-macho warmongers, or they're peace-lovin' types who dump their ex-girlfriends (who have their kids), steal cars, steal a skinny-dipping girl's clothes just to be mean, crash a private party, cause riots, always sound like they're stoned... tell me, why should I like these freaks?They're also so smug and self-righteous, acting like anyone who disagrees is somehow an enemy. Especially soldiers -- soldiers are not indiscriminite killing machines, as the movie tries to paint them. They are pretty much ordinary guys who believe in doing what they must to protect their homes; without them and their "evil killing," then those hippies wouldn't have had the freedom to condemn them.Plus, it's not really accessible to people today because of the whole hippie attitude in it. I mean, we've seen what happened to people like that -- they either became "square" or they died. Now there's venereal disease, aging brain-burned citizens, and they've had kids who (at the age they were at the time) would kill them if they acted or spoke as they did in this movie.And far be it from me to wave the banner of political correctness, but as someone who grew up in more-or-less colorblind surroundings, some of the songs (the ones referring to African-Americans) made me rather queasy. The acid trip that Claude has is weird, and I don't mean that in a good way. I mean weird as in totally unrealistic. I'm not offended by the drug glorification, I just think it's insanely stupid. (And disdain is a far more potent force than hate, I can tell you that)Maybe to enjoy this, you need to be on acid. It might make a little more sense. And contrary to what many nostalgic fans of "Hair" have said, it doesn't apply to modern teens -- just them, when they were young. We're smarter, more realistic, less idealistic, and we know the risks. Too bad the people this movie appeals to didn't. It's dated, dumb, and should be left to collect dust.
Feet don't fail me now The dance marathon reaches the absurd. In a compelling production the absurd is explored from every angle. The characters in a faceless marathon are fleshed out. Its dog eat dog as the hours pass by and the contestants reach mental and physical exhaustion. Its finally revealed that the whole thing stinks and the only thing left is to kill oneself with the help of a willing acquaintance. The human mind is examined with a jaundiced eye and the lengths you can go to take advantage of an ordinary human being.
For every QAF fan, how it all began Every viewer of the American Queer As Folk has probably wondered how the British version holds up. Since it's not likely that it will be played on American TV any time soon, this is probably the only way to tell.You'll definitely see the parallels between the two series, but after a couple of episodes, this ends quickly and you'll tend to fall in love with these characters equally.It's impossible for me to tell which one I like more. You'll have to decide that for yourself.
splendid reead the bok about 20 years ago, never saw the movie. my coworker ar fighting me for the dvd. i'm using it for my class-project about people with psycological illnesses. and it is good. thx.
Don't Bother! It was Shockingly candid in debauchery and graphic sexual content when released on tape in the 80's. One would expect a blu-ray print to further excerbate that effect, if one is inclined to binge in such experience once in a while (or god forbid addictively)but the only thing shocking is the pathetic print. It is worst than an old VCD (leave alone VHS)and selling it on blu-ray is a rip off. Be warned. Jaded and faded...Iqbal Mustafa
Brilliant mystery. Superb version of Vera Caspary's great novel. Clifton Webb is unforgettable. Gene Tierney, Dana, Andrews, Judith Anderson,, and Vincent Price are excellent. Classic with a surprise ending.
A sci-fi classic Arnold finally found his role when he played an oversized, underemotional robot without too many lines to deliver.Excellent script and an 80's atmosphere which doesn't feel too cheesy. There's a bit of wooden acting in places but the movie works so well that I can forgive it that.
Overboard DVD This was a gift for my daughter for Christmas. Overboard with Goldie Hawn is one of her favorite movies. Ordering from Amazon was very easy and convenient. I received the DVD in a timely manner and the entire transaction went smoothly.
cinematic Art at it Finest This film is probably Coppolla's greatest work of art, not to mention one of the greatest pictures of all time. The reinserted plantation sequence is brilliant in terms of dialogue, lighting, acting. I do feel some of the reinserted scenes could have been somewhat clipped in order to fit better into the originally released version, which was, incidentally, about as close to cinematic perfection as one can get. The film has a more surreal or magical realist feel in the original version. Vietnam must have been a glorified hell on earth, hence the effects with color and so forth. Acting is brilliant for all, use of color, lighting, sets. This is a work of a man with a heart that embraces humanity enought to produce a work of this stature that will last forever.
Unprofessional seller Totally disappointed! Doesn't have subs/audio in Spanish. French only. I dont want this version in French, because I'm not French or at least don't understand French.
Perfect Ordered this title on Christmas eve. Expected to receive it in 14 days. It took 5. The disc is perfect and I am delighted. Thanks so much!
Long ago and far away Hollywood made great movies COVER GIRL (1944) Directed by Charles Vidor.Starring Rita Hayworth, Gene Kelly, Lee Bowman, Eve Arden, OttoKruger, Edward Brophy, Thurston Hall (as Tony Pastor), Milton Kibbeeand Phil Silvers.When a beautiful chorine and girlfriend of the owner of a Brooklynnight club becomes a successful Manhattan magazine cover girl, she isfaced with the choice of fame and fortune in the big time or staying inBrooklyn with her boyfriend. Can there be any doubt??A very much war era musical with the world conflict hovering ever inthe background, this is a prime example of the type of delightful fare40s audiences--mostly women would flock to escape the frighteningreality of their existence. Shot in gorgeous technicolor with a castof likable characters, the picture is consistently upbeat and positive.The musical numbers especially the Kelly, Hayworth and Silvers numberoutside of Brophy's bar and Kelly's later dance with himsel, are trulymagical. The song LONG AGO AND FAR AWAY was deservedly awarded for anOscar for the best song of 1944. The support cast of Kruger, asarcastic Arden, an uncredited Brophy and Hall and finally Silvers justadd to the luster.They don't, won't and cannot make em like this anymore.
Plot without a twist And I thought George Cloony was going to come out in favor of senator McCarthy.Somebody should explain to me why this film and this filmmaker get points for decying the unpopular actions of a senator from a half century ago.Does Ed Murrow's Story deserve to be told? Probably, but Cloony doesn't get to tell it because his outspoken political views eclipse any admiration one may be able to have for the films subject character. This film is self-conscious, self-righteous, and preachy. One cannot simply pretend to go out on a limb politically 50 years after the fact; after the history books are closed and senator McCarthy and his followers have vanished into annonymity to come out and attack them.Is the filmmaker trying to say something about our present day situation? See above note on "preachy".If you are currently a follower of Senator McCarthy and need a good, stern talking to about it, this movie is for you. Otherwise the movie boils down to these three things: Black, white, and political.Not a date movie, not a movie you watch with your friends, not entertaining, and certainly only a movie you reccomend to look smart and "concerned". Whatever that means.
Great film, so-so Blu-ray I'm a little ticked at LionsGate, I thought the shaky picture quality of the first wave of Blu-ray's was a thing of the past, now this. There is "ringing" and dirt in this transfer and I think given the limited number of Bluray titles out there, they ought to make a more concerted effort at keeping the quality higher than this. I guess I was expecting more, and reading the faint praise of the other two reviews, I see it's not just me.
Horrible film I absolutely HATED this movie! I LOVED the book, and I couldn't believe Ms. Levine capable of translating her fantastic book into this atrocity. Ella was horribly acted by Anne Hathaway, Char's uncle & the stupid snake weren't even IN the book, and everything else was just too fantastical. Where was the menagerie? Where was the boarding school? In my opinion, to have left out these crucial bits of story & add the uncle trying to kill Ella was ridiculous. I wish I could say something, anything positive, but it left me with a bad taste in my mouth. It was NOTHING I expected from my favorite book.
the scriest movie ever ive never benn scared of a movie in my life but this movies so disturbing its sick very powerful horribly scary a true masterpiece
A Magical Movie People have watched Winnie the Pooh on videos separately from 1966 to 1977, when they made the video we now call "The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh." In 1977, Disney brought the videos together to make a wonderful, heartwarming video.The video contains 4 storybook classics. In "Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree", Pooh eats so much honey at Rabbit's house and gets stuck in a hole.In the Oscar award winning "Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day", there is a big flood and Piglet must be saved.In "Winnie the Pooh and Tigger too", Tigger learns that even bouncing can be over done, and gets stuck in a tree.In "Winnie the Pooh and the Day for Eeyore", Eeyore thinks everyone has forgotten his birthday, but Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Owl, and Christopher Robin throw him a party.Even though these stories are all good, the best of the four is obviously the classic "Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree". I think it is the best one because it is the first, and it is full of action, like when Pooh climbs the honey tree, and when he gets stuck, and when he flies into the honey tree.These stories have been entertaining Pooh lovers all around, especially the first two.This video has great voices and animation. Paul Winchell does the voice of Tigger, Sterling Holloway does the voice of Pooh,(in the Day for Eeyore it is Hal Smith). Hal Smith also does Owl, Ralph Wright does Eeyore, Clint Howard does Roo, Junius Matthews does Rabbit, Barbara Luddy does Kanga, and for Christopher Robin, it is different each time.This is a great movie for kids, and if you buy it, I hope you enjoy it. Pooh and his friends go on many adventures, and you will enjoy watching Pooh's adventures.If you buy this, I know you will enjoy it. The video is full of magic!
BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD This is a really, really, really, really, bad movie. Don't watch it, don't buy , don't even think about this movie, you may get brain damage. Acting is horrible, plot line is ridiculous, and who...wrote this terrible script. Ghetto people don't even talk like that.
Not what I thought Didn't read the description of this carefully enough I guess. I assumed it was a couple of "Halloween" type Bugs episodes that I watched as a kid. This is just a chopped up version of new and old footage. Lousy editing! I was able to pick up on the differences between the animation and even vocalizations between Mel Blanc and his son Noel. Not even any footage of the big, red monster (Gossamer). Pretty dissapointing if you're familiar with any of these episodes.
EXPECTED BETTER I couldn't wait to get this movie after all the hype about it.Most definately a womans movie-guys will hate it--I just expected more-weak story line-sorry I paid for it and didn't wait until it was on cable.
I guess a bad movie has to be made every year or so.... I haven't seen many downright bad movies in my lifetime and if I do I usually don't comment on them but this movie just gave me absolutely no choice. It had a very promising title and with Stamos on the front how could I resist it. Halfway through the movie, I was thinking of all the other things I could be doing with my time. Plot is horrible, acting is horrible, and the cinematography made me feel like I was seeing double the entire movie. Don't get me wrong, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos is a work of art but I just don't think her acting can fill a lead role. Please don't waste your money.
affair to remember Wonderful music that I enjoy ..One of the greatest loves stories made..A moviea I can watch over and over again
Hated it! One star for the theme song "Bagdad Café" -- aka "Out of Rosenheim" -- is an offensive chick flick written and directed by Germans who know nothing about North American people of color.A generous interpretation of this work thinks it's a story about friendship between two women from different worlds.The honest interpretation reveals it to be about an alien visitor from another planet -- in this case a white savior in the form of a prim and zaftig German tourist (Marianne Sägebrecht ) -- who walks away from her contemptible husband in the middle of Southern California's Mojave Desert and winds up at the rundown Bagdad Gas & Oil café and hotel. It's run by the loud, obnoxious and unkempt African-American Brenda (CCH Pounder), who evicts her trifling, dim-bulb African-American husband. He spends the rest of the film in a car, on high someplace, observing the goings-on through binoculars.The other motley supporting characters include a creepy artist (played eerily to perfection by Jack Palance) whose claim to fame is having painted Hollywood movie sets, and a voluntarily mute woman who ostensibly makes a living as a tattoo artist. The film suggests that she trades in more than just tattoos. Brenda's employee in the café is a Native American man who spends a lot of time napping. She has two teenage children: a dangerously hard-headed nymphet daughter of about 15, and a son who's incredibly skilled at the piano, where he spends practically the entire movie. He has an infant son who's cared for by everyone but his father.The only dignified supporter is the Native American sheriff.And the only good thing about this film is the Academy Award-nominated theme song, "Calling You," performed by Jevetta Steele.Maybe my Western chauvinism won't allow me to enjoy a chick flick by non-Americans attempting to create a world of racial harmony -- maybe because that idea is drowned out by Brenda's yelling throughout the first half of the movie.On its face it's a great idea: People from different backgrounds learning tolerance and eventually love and respect. But the execution fails because the racial- and cultural-understanding theme is lost among cultural and racial stereotypes and extreme Euro-worship.
Yikes Yikes. With a few exceptions -- Blanca and Ariellah come first to mind -- this DVD is neither truly Gothic nor is it specifically Bellydance. It is kind of a cheesy 80's rock video homage (if it's intended to be tongue in cheek I have totally missed the boat here), in an overblown Alice Cooper style rather than anything that calls to mind the Victorian romance that is supposed to underlie Goth culture. Additionally, some of the pieces I would not even put in the genre of Bellydance, they belong in the softcore porn aisle. Can we please move on from this kind of thing? Gothic bellydance has so much more potential than this.
GREAT job at making children MORE aware and LESS afraid... Not sure why another reviewer only gave this 1 star! Both my 2-year old and 3-year old love this DVD. It's a great way to teach little Elmo Lovers about fire safety and to help them become LESS fearful. Yes, it does show Elmo afraid because a fire in Hooper's store (all they show is smoke coming from the back room due to a small grease fire). He's three years old, of course he's scared! BUT, that's the whole point of the DVD. After the fire, Elmo is invited to and visits the fire station where he talks to and learns about fire fighters, gets a tour of the fire station and learns what to do in case of a fire, and by the end of the DVD he's not scared anymore. It shows that fires don't need to be a scary thing as long as you know what to do. Has catchy songs that teach fire safety, and Elmo does a great job in showing other children that they don't need to be afraid if they know what to do. I think it does a GREAT job at teaching little ones fire safety!
As bad as Inspector Gadget I give this movie two stars wholly for the cast members. There are true artists that I admire in this movie in spite of the poor writing. Cuba Gooding Jr. does manage to pull some chuckles out of this movie despite the quality of the material.I was disappointed in the lack of material that was portrayed in both the teaser and the theatrical trailers that did not make it to the movie in the same way as they did to Inspector Gadet. The movie is not as funny as it was touted to be, nor do I find it a worthy film for children. There could have been more time devoted to the dog team since that was the focus of the movie. I was disappointed by the lack of morals portrayed in this movie. I expect better than that from Disney for a children's movie.This movie was advertised to be something that it is not. It's worth watching once, but don't invest any money in it. Babe one and two are much better movies in my opinion.
Trainspotting If you are one of those people that likes movies about a cute guy falls in love with a cute girl, or bunch of grown up actors playing roles of high school kids with 5th grade jokes...this is not a movie for you. However, if you are looking for a movie that's not out there to please the popular audience but to show a vison in an artistic way that is not polluted by the influence of Hollywood.....go with Trainspotting
Possibly the most overrated film of all time. You may or may not want to admit it, but if you've seen your share of movies, you'd know that "Scarface" really isn't that good. Sure, it's decent, but is it the greatest movie ever? No. Is it a great movie? No. Sure, it's decent. The original '32 "Scarface" was definitely great, and I might even add influencial. The '83 "Scarface" remake had to have it's writing dumbed down, and throw in unnecessary violence and drug content to appeal to the group of morons that wanted to see this.
It's not as bad as I thought I saw this film after hearing enough of bad reputation of the film. Madonna does well in musicals because she can sing and dance, but acting is not something she is good at.The story itself was not too bad. It was just that good acting was missing in the movie. I don't know why a smart hard working person like Madonna did so poorly in the film. With the interesting story they could have done better. It's too bad that it turned out like that.
What can I say it is Disney Watch this one as a kid and once again I had to share it with my kids. They love it.
Creepy but trashy! This is a 100% typical Hollywood scary movie and has almost the same technical structure as "The House On Haunted Hill". The only big difference besides the plot is that "13 Ghosts" has contents the more expensive visual effects and with Shannon Elizabeth something nice to be focused on...
WhatTheF@#kIsThis???!!!Hahahaha!!! Lmmfao... hahaha! Ok, this is, in my opinion, the worst & cheesiest of ALL the Friday films. This is the kinda movie that I had to take like 3 or 4 good bong hits & a couple beers & just get totally ripped before I could watch it... it kinda makes it funny... like when that fat guy with the fro that plays stupidass jokes on everybody runs over the bikers' bikes... & when Jason squeezed that one guys head & that totally fake eyeball popped out... I laughed my ass off! Even that 80's sounding music at the beginning made me crack up! But... it is the movie where Jason first puts on his trademark hockey mask... that was kinda cool. (Didnt he get it from that idiot with the fro? I forgot, I was too high... hahaha)Oh, & I've heard about this 3-D version of the film... I ahvent seen it, but I'm sure its the same cheesy film just in 3-D. Now I realize that some horror films are made to be cheesy, but this was just BAD acting, BAD effects, hahaha... ok, I;ve said enough. I'm gonna go smoke another bowl. Chow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
30 years a fan of the Boss! Great show!! Lots of energy!Always makes me smile!! as always a great price from Amazon!
Silly Movie + Nudity This is a silly 90 minutes movie that contains some (or a lot, depending on how you look at it) nudity to spice it up and keep the viewer watching until the end. Set in the Middle Ages in some place in Europe (it was shot in the Tuscany, Italy), this is the story of a young princess-wanna-be soon to be married with a Count from Russia. While she waits for her prince to come, other two gentlemen fight each other for her love. One of them (DARTH VADER) is confined to a convent of nuns where he is deaf and dumb and works as a gardener taking care of some very special 'flowers'. This movie is supposed to be funny, but like 'Step Brothers' that I watched at the movie theatre a week ago, I did not find it to be very funny. Just a couple of jokes that may be good, and a lot of very beautiful faces. "GIVE ME MY TREASURE! GIVE ME MY TREASURE!" Recommended for teenager minds. Rated R for nudity.
Major let down! When I first saw Jurassic Park in 1993, my first thought was, "They can use this technology to make dragons." As an avid fantasy reader, I was thrilled when I first saw the trailers for Dragonheart nearly a year before it came out. "It's about damn time," I thought.I picked up my girlfriend in Long Beach and drove 90 mph on a crowded freeway to Hermosa Beach ,scaring the hell out of her and nearly getting us both killed in order to get to the 9pm opening night showing.As my girlfriend and I walked together out of the theater, all I could do was hang my head and beg her for forgiveness,not for driving like a madman and almost getting us killed, but for subjecting her to nearly two hours of cinematic torture.I must admit that the special effects were great. I guess they spent so much money on the effects and Sean Connery as the voice of Draco, that they couldn't afford a decent script writer. "Okay, now I'll put in a scene where the special effects dragon does this, oh and it would be cool if he did this and this too," are some of the thoughts that went through the writers head as he wrote the script. Then, "okay, looking good, but something doesn't feel right. Something is out of place," this about 2/3 of the way through the script. "Aha, I've got it. A plot, I've forgotton to create a good over all plot. Oh my, the script is due in two days, I don't have time to re-write any of it. I'll just create a plot right now," and the writer goes on to hastily assemble a plot completely disregarding any concept of character development and credibilty.Alright, fantasies are supposed to be unrealistic, so what's my problem. Ask any fantasy reader why they enjoy the genre when none of it is real, and they will likely tell you that good authors can make the obviously unreal believable... okay, maybe I'm the only fantasy reader that would tell you that.The point is, my girlfriend dumped me soon after we saw Dragonheart together. I'm positive that the movie was the key contributer to her decision. Definitely not a good date movie!!!!
Great Performance By Kristen Scott Thomas This movie is very dark and unrelentlessly depressing, but it is worth watching one time because of Kristen Scott Thomas's performance. She is great at playing the part of an emotionally repressed widow who has found out her husband was having an affair. I think it is good that a movie has been made that is trying to be different from all the other movies currently being made, but this movie is just not very good. The whole storyline about the dirty cop that Harrison Ford is trying to track down just doesn't blend with the movie, and it made absolutely no sense in the movie. I hope a better movie dealing with an unusual romance will be made.
the walking dead: season 2 Heard a lot about this show and I was not disappointed. A must see for all horror fans. I am hooked and I am now an avid watcher.
A volcanic dud Are you kidding me? A nice plot, but ridiculuous action scenes. Grandma pulling the boat through the acid lake--but the dock (wooden) is still standing. Grandma loses her legs even though she is shown with legs the frame before. Finally, the dog should have been fried twice. Too many impossible scenes. C'mon. At least Linda Hamilton is always easy to watch.