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Lack of Customer Support I ordered the DJ Pre II because of the great reviews. Installed it between my Yamaha receiver and Dual turntable and only get electrical humming type noise. Added a second ground thinking possibly not grounding properly but no difference, I attempted to contact ART by email but no answer. I re-emailed the message which they did reply to saying they were backed up due to the holiday rush but will respond on monday after the new year, no big deal I can understand this. Still no reply so on Tues Jan 11th sent another email and still no reply. Yesterday i even resent the email just saying knock knock but no reply. The Technolink TC-760 I had lasted 3 years and ART was to be the upgrade replacement but. I looks like I will need to order another product like the TC and write the ART off as a loss, mighty expensive write off. At this time I would highly Not recommend the ART products unless you can afford to throw money away to benefit a company that doesnt seem to care about their customers.
Great strings for fingerstyle playing I love these strings and have used them for many years now. I find they are a nice balance between brightness, softness, and tensile strength for someone who must frequently change tunings. They certainly don't last forever, but that extra bit of softness is great for my playing, anyway.Don't try to tune up *too* high; the 3rd and 4th strings are most risky in this regard. You can't take the 4th 'D' string up to 'E' repeatedly without risking breakage; and I would never tune the 3rd 'G' up any farther. As others have noted, open 'E' tunings are basically out of the question.
Badly out of tune After reading more thoroughly through the reviews I can see that I am not the only one with this problem. In fact, I suspect most of these melodicas come out of tune and the people who are true beginners to musical instruments (it's a student melodica, after all) haven't yet developed the sensitive hearing that instantly tells a veteran that this thing is just horribly out of tune. It has about one octave in the middle that is maybe in tune, everything left or right of that octave is out of tune. I've heard it's not impossible to tune these things, so I'm going to give that a try before returning it. Aside from the zero care Hohner spent tuning these melodicas, I am very pleased with the product's function and quality. The keys feel nice, the case is nice, and boy is this melodica LOUD. It's easily the loudest acoustic instrument I own, by far. I haven't decided whether I'll return it yet, but I will let this be a lesson to myself not to judge a product simply by its overall Star rating, but rather to read every review in depth before purchasing.
Inexpensive but not cheap This guitar strap works perfectly. It's nice and sturdy so you don't have to worry about dropping your guitar. The only thing that caught me off guard upon arrival was the color. It's a bit brighter than pictured but it didn't bother me too much. This is a great buy if you're not looking for a detailed and costly strap. It works great for me.
Well built folding stand great for guitar music and tab I bought this to replace a folding stand that was just not strong enough to hold up under the weight of some of my guitar books. This stand works great for me, and hold even the largest of my music and tab books.The construction is much better than other portable stands I've used in the past, and has two great features that I really appreciate. One is it's height adjustable, and two is the tilting head. The tilting head is a real bonous on a portable stnad, and this one works great.For the price this stand is a great buy that I would recommend to anyone, but being primarily a guitarist this stand is execptional. With the page holders tilting head and height adjustability this is one of the best stand purchases a guitarist can make.
Difficult To Use Frustration. That is how I would describe the use of this tuner. I am a novice and I find it almost impossible to use. The note indicator lights jump all over the place and I find it very difficult to tune a guitar with it. When I take the tuner out to the piano, the lights lock in on the notes as I play it, but when I try to tune the guitar it seems like it picks up harmonics and won't lock in on the notes.
Very poor quality! My music loving 8-year-old really wanted one of these and purchased this one with his own money. I did research on Amazon and chose the First Note Melody Harp because it had the best reviews of all the melody harps. Either they changed manufacturers or we received a dud, because the Melody Harp we received was a total piece of junk. First, it arrived completely out of tune. Not just a little out of tune, but completely, horribly out of tune. When we finally finished tuning it and were able to play it, the top string broke within ten minutes. There are no instructions included for restringing and the replacement string provided was very difficult to work with (and arrived bent and misshapen). Of course, that string also broke almost immediately, too. We've played many different brands of melody harps/zithers over the years (in music classes, instrument shops, music museums, etc) and they were all much nicer than this poor quality one. We are returning this one to try a different brand. Will stay far away from any First Note products in the future. Very disappointed!
Not good for Podcasting I was excited about this microphone but found that it was not good for my type of podcasting/vodcasting/screen casting. You have to be almost eating the mic to get any sound recorded. Very irritating! I was under the impression that a condenser mic did not require the proximity of the other types of professional mics but was apparently wrong. The quality is good if you can keep your mouth touching the mic. Also, the support information on the Samson page is not good. You select the type of mic and then it sends you to the users manual! Weird...Plug and play, yes, BUT with what quality? I've had the same experience with MAC and PC, have adjusted the volume up to the max on both, and am ready to put this one in the drawer. A waste of $100.
Good enough, while it worked The quality of this violin is pretty cheap. When it comes, it doesn't even have fine tuning screws. That was my first clue that maybe I should have bought a more expensive violin. My second clue came a week ago when the headphone jack stopped working halfway through playing. The violin worked for three and 1/4 sessions.But, while it was working the sound coming from the headphones wasn't atrocios. The bow was ok, too. So if you get lucky and the violin doesn't break while you're playing it, its not bad.
Terrible I teach a guitar class and inherited four of these guitars. All four of them have the neck separating at the heel and the bridges pulling away from the body of the guitar. Badly. The guitars are two years old. All of the pick guards are peeling up as well.Do NOT. Don't even think about it. There are better quality guitars here.BTW, don't think about Washburn's brand credibility - these are not built by Washburn but built by a Chinese company for Washburn to fill the beginner market.Do NOT.
love at first note. Real nice axe,plays well right out of the box.have this guitar set up properly and you will have a true Gibson treasure.Sounds fantastic through a Marshall tube amp as with all Gibsons.the old school neck is a little thicker than what I am used to ,but it plays fine once adapted to it.I find these pickups a little more cutting edge than those with covers.fit and finish are good and I like the color.
Very difficult to get octave strings in tune First, I love the G7th 6 string capo. It's a miracle. I was so anxious to get the 12 string version. When I did I simply cannot get it to fret all of the strings. I'm using it on a Taylor 855CE, tuned a step low, with medium Elixer strings. The problem is on the higher pitched octave strings. The capo's rubber doesn't seem to yield enough to allow it to reach the narrower width octave strings, the rigidness on the wider strings don't allow it to press the octave strings to the fret without enormous pressure, and even then, sometimes I can't get a clean sound. I've considered trying to modify it by cutting or burning the rubber, but I'm afraid I would ruin it, and it has found a place in another 6 string case where it works perfectly (hence 2 stars instead of 1).If they ever address this problem, I'd buy one in a second, but I feel pretty burned on a very expensive capo.
Not worth it. I bought this for playback, rather than recording. E-MU (a subsidiary of Creative) hasn't bothered to update the drivers for the 0202 USB in nearly three years. Needless to say, the drivers haven't been updated for Windows 7, and are around 60mb. They take forever to download because the E-MU website crawls. On my laptop (a Sony Vaio), I experienced the DPC latency issue others have described below: no matter how much I twiddled with the configuration, I kept getting pops and crackles. I also had to turn the device on, off, and back on after plugging it in for it to work. Maybe it works wonderfully on Macs and older versions of Windows, but I doubt it. If you're looking for a good USB DAC at this prince range, consider the Nuforce uDAC.
The Solution For Sweaty Hands I used to use the cheapest strings I could find but after I started playing more, I noticed that I set of uncoated strings would corrode in several hours due to my corrosive sweat. I tried what I believe was an older Elixir product but the coating felt like rubber and would flake off so I stayed with uncoated strings and just changed strings REALLY OFTEN. Finally I did some research and tried these a few years ago and I have never looked back. To me, these feel like a set of brand new uncoated strings. Except instead of changing strings every four or five days, I can go a month or two if I'm playing one instrument a lot. Since they don't really get hard and crusty like regular strings, I can tell if it's time for new strings by looking at them around where I pick. After a while they start to get fuzzy, which is probably fibers from the coating breaking and fraying. Overall, even considering their higher cost (and I believe they sound a little darker than regular strings), they are worth it if your uncoated strings rust and crust in the first few days.
Surprisingly bad Before buying Vic Virth I was using a combination of shooting range muffs with in-ear phones. If you think it was rather uncomfortable setup you would be right, so I thought any other isolating phones would be better than that. Vic Virth proved me wrong. Not only noise isolation in their phones is nowhere as good, but I'm getting headaches after just 10 minutes of use, while I could easily wear muffs for couple of hours with no particular discomfort. They should have put health hazard warning on them. Another thing, I don't know what materials they used, but your ears feel pretty hot pretty quickly, much more so than in any ear muffs I used before. And finally, though I didn't expect the phones to reproduce the sound on the level of other similar priced ordinary phones, but I must mention that this set sounds similar to one dollar phones you get on a plane.
A great studio/performance mic. As a horn player and recording engineer it is really hard to find mics that will give you enough gain without feedback to mic a horn soloist or section. The Shure Beta 57a gives you a great marriage of high quality and good price. I use this mic a lot in the studio to record horns since it gives you an excellent punch with a lot of bright nice colors. I have used other mics like the SM 57 or the Sennheiser MD421Mk2, but the Beta 57a blows them out of the water. It works great for saxes and clarinets since they both need a more broad pick up of sound. I would highly recommend this mic to anyone who likes the SM57 sound, but is tired of the low sensitivity. The extra $60 bucks you pay over the SM57 is well worth it.
Love these bells I love these bells, but like many of you I thought I was getting 4 not 1. It was my fault for not reading the description more carefully, and I also didn't read the reviews because my son uses these bells in music class, so I already knew I liked them. When only one arrived I was so sad. I thought that for only getting one set of bells the price was rather high. I ended buying more from my son's music teacher, and they were less than half of what I paid for them on Amazon. My son still loves them though!!
Pretty Cool It all came in at the same time, also it was crazy because it came the same day it was shipped. In very good shape nothing wrong except there is a film over the white part just found that. All though the strap didn't come, but I really like it and would recommence it.
Great buy! This is a very simple concept but does the job with keeping the moisture level in a case. Very inexpensive. Downside is that you need to remember to soak the humidifier every couple of weeks to restore the moisture once again.
junk is junk Generally, if you see Pakistan as the origin of ANY bagpipe-related gear, best to just avoid it. I've been a piper more than 30 years and have yet to see anything from that part of the world which was not fit only for display over the fireplace -- or kindling in it. A good chanter reed these days will cost about $10 US; there's no 2 ways around it, and there are any number of reputable piping sources online, all across the US as well as Scotland and Canada. A decent set of pipes will cost in the $1000 range, so if you see a set going for 2 or 3 hundred somewhere -- don't even bother. Even a decent used set is worth in the $600 range --at least. Same with chanters alone -- a good plastic chanter will run about $150, blackwood about $100 more than that. So again, if you are seeing pipe chanters selling for $50 -- yes, it is too good to be true. You will be buying junk.Also, bagpipes can be extraordinarily difficult to learn on your own. I am very leery of "Teach Yourself the Pipes!" kits -- especially those originating from far corners of the world, many of which illegally duplicate copyrighted material from proper tutor books. It is best to find a reputable piper in your area and take personal lessons; ideally with a band.
DO NOT BUY THIS!! I bought this for my sons birthday. It shows a BLACK guitar in the picture but what I got (when I finally got it) was the natural color guitar. Now, let's talk about what I got: I got a damaged natural color guitar. Yes, that's it. NO amp, NO gig bag, NO strap, NO tuner, NO cord, and NO picks. Yep, all I got was a damaged guitar. It DID say, on the box the guitar came in, "amp, gig bag, cord, strap, picks". I had to open it just to see the worlds smallest amp stuffed inside a guitar box, lol. After closer inspection, it was appearent that the guitar was damaged BEFORE it was boxed up. STAY AWAY for this product. Amazon really needs to rename this as JUST A GUITAR, NOTHING ELSE, and take the picture of the black guitar, amp, strap, cord, gig bag, and picks, out of the description. Amazon did give me a refund, minus $10.00 for some reason, and they did pay for return shiping. Hopefully I'll have better luck on a different product.
Buttons Stick I purchased a Hohner D40 concertina a couple of weeks ago and fell in love with it. I immediately noticed one button kept getting stuck after I played with it. I would have to pull on it to free it after playing each time. Annoying to say the least!!!Then a day later I noticed one of the buttons didn't make any sound at all. Now I had two buttons causing me problems. It looks decent and sounds nice but what is the point of having an instrument if you can't play it! The handle had a screw that kept coming loose. I thought this particular one was maybe a fluke so I sent it back and got another one. I just wanted to be able to play a concertina and the price was decent. So I gave it another try. Well I got the second one today and lo and behold a button sticks again. Well it's going back and I am still on the lookout for a decent concertina with buttons that doesn't stick. I hope I can find one that works for me.
I should have returned it... Some of the harmonicas were fine, but a few of them came with broken reeds. In addition, the harmonicas didn't last very long at all. I thought it was too troublesome to return it, so I continue to use some of them for practice, but of the seven harmonicas, only two work well now.
Beautiful pins They perfectly compliment my Silvertone with abalone inlays. I'd like to note that I had to use a little magic when installing the end pin (was too small, width-wise). I highly recommend these if your pins are either cheap or too hard to remove. These come up a little higher than some bridge pins and come out easily. Great product. The pictures do them no justice, I'll post some of my own.
Great alternative for a penny whistle! I bought this as an alternative for an Irish penny whistle, and was extremely pleased with the tone, user-friendliness, and price.
MXL 990 nCondenser Microphone with Shock Mount This item is great, Has very good recording quality for my small home non professional studio. Would recommend for amateur.
Not for me I guess the bobby show is not for everyone. I tried for a few days and it made it easier to slur notes regardless of the register. Although, I bought this last year and have not tried it since. I've only played on it a total of like 3 times for less than 30 min. so I guess it takes more time to break in.
Do not buy these. Save your money. Where to begin?Trying to get the mics to work was incredibly difficult. The instructions were not written by a human. I couldn't understand any of it. There were typos all over the place and misspelled words throughout. After getting one microphone to work, the sound quality was so terrible, it was actually funny. The second mic did not work. There was nothing I could do about it. It was just simply broken. As soon as you turn on the unit, static fills the room. You cannot hear your voice through the static. If you do, it's only about 1/16 of what you actually said. I would have expected a product with this low of quality from the dollar store.
Best clarinet case I have ever used (over many years) I have had several clarinets and cases made by the manufacturer (Buffet, LeBlanc) and by 3rd parties (Kaces and now Protec).All have been 'OK' but the Protec is the best case of all that I have had (and I guess also the largest). It is a little bit heavier than I expected but this has the advantage that you can assemble the clarinet with the case in your lap. (With the lighter Kaces, the supplies stored in the top zippered pocket cause the case to tip in that mode, requiring a bit more dexterity if you want to assemble sitting in a chair.)There is a roomy top zippered pouch (similar to the Kaces) with a couple of zippered smaller compartments inside - one with perforated sides for ventilation and with several pencil holders. (The Kaces in addition had two zippered flat compartments that were very handy.)Inside there is a nice compartment for music (not large enough for a traditional music folder, but large enough for orchestral works (14.5"x9.75"x1.5"). There are two elastic-closing compartments for reeds, swabs, etc. - either of them being larger than an other case I have owned.As I don't mind the extra weight (there's a shoulder strap if you wish to use it) it's my favorite case!
awesome strings after putting them on i immediately heard the difference in the tone. love these and will be buying them from now on
Excellent Connectors There are those who prefer the Switchcraft XLR connector over these due to better resistance to deforming or breaking when dropped or smashed. If you are very hard on mic cables, you may be better off not using these connectors. But the ease of installation and overall excellent design of the Neutrik connectors are hard to beat. Just try not to whack them on concrete floors or run fork trucks over them.
Doesn't fit on a mic stand the opening that is supposed to fit on the mic stand is too small to fit around any of my kmd, onstage, radio shack, or atlas mic stands on the lower tube and much too large for the upper tube making it kind of worthless. I may try to ream it out but the collar appears to be steel so it will be hard to work.
So quick !! I was so surprised at this shop's quick response to my order. I received the package from this shop in 4 days even though I chose the standard shipping. My son got the shoulder pad and my 4 years old daughter got a complimentary pencil and a name tag for the violin. I would like to check this shop first whenever I need to buy violin things.
Great for traveling Nicely padded bag for my daughter's Yamaha keyboard to take with her for traveling so she does not miss out on her piano lessons/practice. Compact and rugged and just lightweight enough. Has several extra pockets and space for accessories like the foot pedal, AC adapter, extra batteries, piano book, etc. Highly recommended.
Exceeded my expectations I had seen grey-haired Clapton and absolute geezers Baker and Bruce in a cut from this DVD, on VH1 (I think). It was impressive, and I'd hoped the DVD would be worthwhile. It's fantastic, and I can't recommend it highly enough.I'm one who feels Clapton has not lived up to his potential for the past 30 years. Here, he has never been better. In an interview segment, Baker noted that he an Bruce are jazz musicians, and that they consider Clapton a jazz musician, as well. This shed light on why I've always had such a hard time considering them a rock band -- along with their leanings to blues, and some hard-to-define tracks from their albums.The audio and video productions are first rate. Great lighting and camera angles, and the sound is full and crisp.I made the mistake of watching a DVD of another 3-man rock hall-of-fame band soon after watching this one. By comparison, they did not come close in regard to skill, versatility, vitality and overall production.
Hate to buck the trend, but I find it very un-intuitive You know, I've spent 20+ years in software, have a Masters degree in Computer Science, and I tell you, I get frustrated trying to figure this program out every time I use it ( which apparently is not frequently enough to remember all the tricks you need to know to get work done ). In user-interfaces, one typically design to either the novice / in-frequent user, or the advanced user .. I'm gussing this one targeted the latter. Help files [are not good].
Perfect for my needs I bought this to hold two shotgun mics for recording video. I have it attached to a mic stand and am able to easily mount and point the mics in the directions I want. I also plan to use it with regular mic's for backup singers when recording my son's music. It seems sturdy enough and I see no issues.It is a simple device and did exactly what it is intended to do.I am very pleased.
Doesn't work well for cleaning NES carts, at least for me... I bought Deoxit thinking it was the best way to clean contacts of electronics like NES and SNES cartridges but I was really disappointed.After I clean NES games with Deoxit the carts will no longer work until I clean them once again by removing Deoxit with Isopropyl alcohol.I did an experiment to prove this...I cleaned a NES cartridge by applying Deoxit with a cotton swab then wiping the contacts clean with a fresh swab. The result is a non working game.I then cleaned the contacts with Isopropyl alcohol and the game worked fine.I then reapplied Deoxit and the cart would not work once again. It became functioning once I cleaned the contacts yet again with Isopropyl alcohol.Conclusion - The Deoxit coats the contacts and prevents the NES from reading the carts. It must be removed for the game to work properly.However perhaps I bought the wrong version of Deoxit and I should have purchased the quick drying formula rather than the flushing action.I'm unable to return this product as Amazon refuses to accept any items that are flammable or hazardous ergo I'm stuck with a $13 can of "Make NES Carts Not Work" spray.I can't recommend this product for cleaning vintage games based on my experience. If you want to purchase Deoxit to clean NES game contacts then perhaps it would be best if you tried the quick drying formula rather than this which has flushing action.
not very good If you are serious about playing castanets these are not the right thing to purchase. I've learned it's not an expense you can forgo by bargain hunting. If you are just looking for a prop they will do. They are pretty big and hard to play. The right one is not notched and they sound pretty much the same so you can't tell which hand is which. Needless to say, they don't sound right at all. Definitely a waste of money for the earnest student.
great deal for the price installed without issue onto a Windows 7 pro 64 bit machine with Line 6 updated drivers. gearbox now updates to the full PodFarm of options, effects, amp models, etc...an astoundingly huge range of goodies to play with. best for futzing around while wearing headphones and finding new sounds, creating your own with the hugely variable interface. for the price it provides an immensely deep terrain to explore. i don't for a minute regret the purchase.
guitar stand Great price & very good quality. I purchased 2 of these for my son's 2 guitars. I would definitely purchase again.
Built like a hammer. Better than some hammers actually. I have one of these, as well as several other microphones. The SM58 is a good all around mic - the reason it's an industry standard/go-to, but the Beta 58A is a better (in my opinion) vocal-specific mic...basically giving (again, in my opinion) a higher quality sound. The SM58 by comparison sounds muffled/muddy, where the Beta58A is clearer, stronger, and more articulate. If you're used to the SM58, then the Beta58A can sound thin and harsh, but, that is adjustable at the board - end result is that it's a tighter sounding mic with more clarity.Pattern-wise, it does better at rejecting unwanted sounds - I play drums and use this mic for that reason, is that it picks up less of my drums than a SM57 or a SM58.
Poca resistencia,bajo precio y baja calidad esta cuerdas de bajo no ofrecen calidad ni en su sonoridad ni su resistencia. Su precio es bajo pero en el futuro prefiero pagar màs y obtener un producto de calidad musicalThis bass strings do not offer the sound quality or no resistance. Its price is low but in the future rather pay more and get a quality musical
There are better options, but this is an OK pad Its funny that, as I write this, there are 2 5-star reviews and 1 1-star. I don't think its as good as the 5-star reviews let on nor as bad as the 1-star. Yes, it is loud -- louder than the Firth and other pads that are wood or composite bases with a rubber pad on them -- those have little or no sound, unless they have BBs or other objects designed to mimic a snare sound like the Pro-mark X-pad. On the other hand, this pad is about the same or a little quieter than the Firth stock pad and slimpad -- ones designed to mimic the feel of a marching snare.I own several pads, including this one. This Remo pad is the one I don't use. This would be a better pad if it were still built as it was in the '70s -- more or less the top of a snare drum with padding under the head. The older ones had metal rather than plastic rims and was tunable with drum keys rather than a screwdriver. If you can find a cheap one used, get it. Its size and light weight are a big plus. Throw it in a backpack with some sticks and you can practice on the road. But make sure you are all by yourself or in another part of the house.
lame These speakers were blown within 2 months. Apparently they don't like the Dead Kennedy's. The volume was not even up that high. Forgot to register them and now they're lookin pretty and brand new in the trash, back to my dinky internal speaker on my ancient powerbook, at least I can hear them....Thanks a lot M-Audio for wasting my money!
Zebra striped bass guitar Great beginner set up. The amp is decent and the bass is a good size for female hands. The strings are a little hard to hold down, especially on the first fret, but otherwise, it is performing well. You may want to purchase a better strap, though, as the one in the package deal is very whimpy. Also, it come with some rather used-looking picks, but at least they send various sizes to experiment with. I like the appearance of the bass, which will work well for anyone who plays in a garage, punk, or rock band. It may not be acceptable to people who prefer a more "professional" look. The zebra stripes actully looked DIY, sort of spray-painted with a stencil. I love it and my musician friends think it has a unique look...so far so good. I would definately recommend this set up to anyone who plays music for fun, for just the love of playing, or those who may fear that their equipment could get injured on stage. Rockers will like it, but if you are a music snob, you will likley not be happy with this bass.
Akmost like being there What a great concert video! I wish I could have been there, but this is the next best thing. The sound is superb, as is the clarity of the video. The shots are nice in that there is a fairly equal time on each musician and from different angles. If you're a drummer, you'll enjoy the shots and angles of filming Ginger Baker. He still rolls up his right pant leg to prevent the pedal beater from catching. I remember that trick from my bell bottom days and smiled when I saw this. This DVD is not like videos from earlier shows, like Cream's final show where the video's were painful to watch. The song selection is just right and everyone appears to be enjoying themselves. I highly recommend this DVD as one of the best of the last few years.
I wasted my money on this item from Amazon I bought this item to go with a Z10 Touch Video. It was recommended on Amazon and said it went well with this kind of camera. I bought it new. However, I didn't get to test it until a couple of months later, too late to return it. When I tried it, it did not work at all, despite following the directions. I got worse sound than if I used the camera without it. Now I'm stuck with a defective product. What a waste of resources!!!
Beware of Shipping Problems (1 star for the packaging by Amazon and 5 stars for the actual product). My son has been using this product for some years and likes it very much (he plays the cello). I was delighted to find a replacement for him available on Amazon and promptly ordered it. However, it was shipped in an envelope wrapped only in the soft cloth that is seen in the product photo. Rosin is fragile so an envelope isn't going to protect the product. Not surprisingly, it arrived quite broken. I am sending it back. I am writing this review because someone may want to order another brand of rosin that comes in a hard plastic case (rather then just a cloth) to save themselves the aggravation of having to return a broken product. This review speaks to Amazon's handling of this product for shipping more than the product's quality, which my son has always liked. Buy it locally if this is your choice of rosin.
It works as advertised! I just got this strap and I like it much better than using straplocks on every guitar. I have ordered the Planet Waves gel shoulder pad to go with it, now that I see how much I like the strap. It has rubber on the side that goes against your guitar so it won't scratch or damage your guitar in any way.
Hohners Rock This is a great harp. I have tried many but always seem to end up back here with the Marine Band. Cant go wrong.
Disapppointed It's advertised as a french horn wrap but it doesn't fit a french horn.Fits a trumpet though.But not a french horn.This is a problem if you're buying it for a french horn, so don't.
If I could select zero stars, I would. This guitar is awful. It looks pretty, but the tuning knobs don't work at all, and the guitar can't be played -- crappy, even as a child's toy. I've seen better quality pieces in the international markets in Mexico City, and that's not saying much. At least those guitars were priced appropriately. This item isn't worth one dollar. It's a complete piece of crap. Also, the vendor doesn't care about the product or the condition in which it arrives. Basically, he told me - albeit politely - to ship it back and email the tracking number so they can locate it in their "giant warehouse." Otherwise, they won't have a clue about it's location. Not a word about the condition of the broken guitar, and no apology for the piss-poor quality of this item. AWFUL! I posted pictures of the strings that can never be tightened. BUYER BEWARE!!!
Excellent for stereo output of keyboard into mixer/recorder. This is an excellent cable. I use it to connect the stereo headphone out of my Kurzweil PC361 keyboard to two tracks on a Zoom R16 mixer/recorder. The signal is excellent and just as good as connecting the mono R/L outs on the keyboard with two cords to the mixer/recorder. I also plan to use it for the stereo out on my electric guitar. The tips make a nice solid connection into the keyboard and mixer/recorder jacks without being hard to remove.
Worth the wait Phenomenal DVD. It's not just that these guys don't play like they used to but that back then they wanted to be able to play the way they can now. If you want to hear Clapton play a Gibson, buy the Scorsese movie. He plays darn near everything in his basement in that one.Thirty seven years I waited for this. Through the bad years of record company litigation when the records weren't even available for purchase I listened to cassette tapes and spun the vinyl only on special occasions. And after the legal wrangling was settled I stood in line at Tower Westwood at 7:30 in the morning with fifty other faithful just to purchase three copies of each album in the Cream catalog. Why three? Well lawyers will be lawyers and you never know. Why only three of each? Because that was all I could afford at the time.There was a dark time in my life when my first waking thought was "Maybe THIS will be the day that Cream gets back together" and my last thought before sleep was "Well, today was not the day; I'll have to wait for tomorrow." May 2, 2005 was the day.
Back To Say A Few More Words... Since I got Sibelius 3, Finale 2004 has been a nice little icon on my desktop.People say to "spend time with it" but in today's high-stress, fast-paced industry, I don't have that kind of time.I also don't have time for bugs, etc.My co-workers and I, in both platforms, used Sibelius 3 the first week of it's release, on two very large musical shows, and we had NO PROBLEMS! NONE!It seems like those stuck on this program (Finale) have been using it for so long that switching to something new would be ridiculous, and I guess I can understand that because I was an Encore cross-over and it took me a long time to wean myself from that program... but I really had no choice.I gave several programs a chance, including Finale, but I'm musically savvy and not much of a computer person, so Sibelius was a dream come true.I think the best notation program is one that allows me to be musical, not technical. Musical = Sibelius. Technical = Finale. Choose the one that's right for you.
Didn't take long I bought this as the second microphone to go along with my daughter's karaoke machine. In less than a week it no longer worked. Seemed that it never quite had a good connection between the cord and the bottom of the microphone.
Great Capo There's a reason why these capos are the standard: they work well. The parts which touch your guitar are covered in rubber, so they will not scratch anything. Squeeze the handle and apply the capo to your fretboard for buzz-free playing. And when not in use, clamp it to your headstock. Simple as that.
pops and clicks Poor audio quality: clicks and pops. Even tweaking windows XP hardware video acceleration did not help.
Does NOT hold a lot of picks First off, this holder does NOT hold 8 .88 tortex picks. At this very moment, I am trying to unjam my 7th pick that barely fit inside the pickholder. It only comfortably fits 4 or 5, but you can squeeze a sixth in and even wedge in a 7th (stupid pick, come out already!) Anyways, the holder looks and feels great, there's no problem getting them in or out as long as you have less than 7 in it, and the sticky thing is great. If you slowly peel it off after application on the guitar, it won't leave behind a nasty residue (or the pad). But don't place it somewhere super obvious. I put it on the top left curve of my acoustic, with it hugging the neck. It's easy to reach down and slide a pick out, and when you hold your guitar, it isn't super obvious to the audience. It is definitely worth the 1.89, but if you want to hold tons of picks on your guitar, look for something else.
the seller didnt send the mony back its to small for the standard bongos and im still awaiting the seller to refound my money
Fake I took it with a lot casting,so, I paid for a Luthier to repair it, but the sax still a fake! Today I thrower it in the trash. Does not buy this brand, never, ever.
Best for the Price! This is more for beginners... and exactly why I made the purchase! Great Product. Well made... from the Harmonicas right down to the case. Smart Purchase! Can't go wrong with this one!
This Isn't Even The Same Product as the Picture! Hey guys -I bought this mike stand despite the previous reviewer's note that it has the wrong thread size. Well, that's one thing, but the mike stand I just received *isn't even the same product* as the one in the picture. Amazon says this stand has a 4" base. My tape measure says it's 5 1/2". The picture has little knobs visible as feet; my stand has no such knobs. The photo has a 5/8" to 3/8" transfer with a double nut (as mentioned before by the other reviewer). Mine has bare 5/8" screws (male) at the top.I will be visiting an Ace Hardware to try to find the part that is depicted and should have been included with this product. In the mean time, DO NOT BUY THIS MIKE STAND. There's another one that costs only a bit more on here and it appears to have the correct parts based on the comments. "Music People," you owe me that nut on the top of the pictured stand so I can at least use this product!
dava pic control I like these pics . The coating they use and the ridges have helped my playing in being able to pic better. Worth the price!
case dose not fit. I got this case for my warlock guitar, but it dose not fit. the weird spike thing that comes off of the edge still sticks out. For any other guitar this case works fine, just not a warlock guitar.
stopped working bought this for Christmas 2011 to add to a karaoke machine for my granddaughters, but just stopped working after using a few times, by Jan 29 could not get it to work again
WT padded keyboard bench The keyboard bench is a welcomed addition to the musical equipment I haul around to various gigs that I participate in. It is light/portable yet sturdy. The padding is adequate to be both comportable and supportive. The height is adjustable. The bench folds pretty flat for storage. Nice - and it looks professional!
Beware If you order this microphone they will send you the less expensive Nady StarPower mic whichh sells for $6.99.
good I bought it for my epiphone les paul i know normally these are heavy but mine isn't but it works very well. I wouldn't suggest using it for a really heavy guitar because the links are plastic.
Inexpensive instrument that cost more to get into playing condition to play it than to purchase it. From day one this violin would not stay in tune on the D string. Took it to be looked at and had to have new pegs and a new bridge. Nice looking instrument but disappointed I had to shell out even more money to get it into playing condition.After 2 months of having this violin we had an "issue" with it during a violin lesson. My son was putting his bow up to play something that his teacher had ask him to play and we heard a popping sound and the whole area where the fine tuner was popped off and slapped him in the side of the face. His teacher who is a professional violinist had never seen anything like that before.
Barato y excelente producto. No le doy las 5 estrellas solo por que creo que podria ser más rapido el reconocimiento de las notas (Calibrador) y el beep del metronomo podria ser un poco más fuerte... pero aparte de eso una excelente compra.
Horrible product and merchant! I, too, wish I would have read these reviews before purchasing this guitar. I've had the exact same problems trying to tighten the strings - they won't stay tightened. One of the strings was even already broken when I received the item. Trying to get in touch with this merchant is impossible, and the fact that they refuse to pay return shipping on defective merchandise is RIDICULOUS!!! I'm going through Amazon for a refund!! DO NOT SHOP WITH THIS MERCHANT!!!
It is the best thing that can happen to any music lover! If you have ever laid in bed at night and wished that you could produce and mix your own music, well you can with this program. I have an older version, and it's so easy! You will be making your own music so fast you wont belive that talent you just pulled out of nowhere! Buy it, you will love it!
Not good The microphone picks up a tremendous amount of noise from touching the cord. As long as you never touch the mic or the cord during your recording it should sound fine.
buzz? Used this to connect my instrument mic to an LR Baggs preamp. After about 2 uses noticed a buzz in our amplified sound--suspect it's coming from this connector, since all the cables are shielded and since the LR Baggs preamp works well for all my friends' mics (and no, the buzz isn't feedback or improper settings in the preamp--the buzz goes away if I touch the preamp/connector).
Noisey All my recordings have a snowy noise in them. I contacted the manufacuturer and was told "Its unfortunately the nature of the beast". If you own an XLR microphone, you care too much about the sound for this cable to be good enough for you. I returned mine.
Good while it lasted... Tried the mic out of the box, recording into a computer, and it gave me a much better quality sound than a standard "computer" mic (albeit about 3 db less sensitive, but that's almost unnoticeable). Then, the mic was stored for about a year and a half. When I tried it again, I was getting barely any volume out of it at all. I actually benchmarked it vs. the aforementioned cheap computer mic, and, recording an A440 signal at the same distance and volume, it gives only 9db over silence vs. 42db with the other mic. A fresh alcaline battery was used in each test. Basically, I'm now stuck with an out-of-warranty piece of trash. Bye bye, $25 (at least it was that cheap!).
does not serve the purpose intended PLease be aware that the two holes that can be seen at the back of the holder cannot fit unto most standard guitar straps. They are in fact too small. You will have to find other means of getting this holder fastened unto your guitar strap. Very poorly designed
wow is all i can say about this product. it would have been nice if it came in a package and not the one you ship it in either. i got a big yellow enevelope with this just tossed inside it. another..not worth it product. better off going to a music store and get a packaged one for a little more money
Nice! Like the guitar because of my small hands. Has a real nice tone as well. Would recommend for anyone with small hands.
flimsy gig bag I intended to purchase a more robust and sturdy gig bag for my 11 years old Larrivee parlor guitar.The stock gig bag from Larrivee is very light and has quite a delicate outer shell.Perhaps their newer gig bags offer more protection,this one was made in 1999.I have owned little Martin guitars in the past for use as a travel guitar.The gig bags that came with the little Martins were much more sturdy with better padding.During many flights in the US and Canada I felt secure that the little Martin's gig bag protected the guitar very well.And it performed that function very well.Particularly when it was crammed in among the heavy carry on luggage stored the overhead storage compartments.IMO,the older Larrivee case would have not been able to withstand the above treatment and I am certain my guitar would have been vulnerable to damage.So I received the Gator mini acoustic gig bag, expecting an improvemnt over the Larrivvee gig bag.Well, it is not any better.The lining is flimsy and the overall padding is much inferior to the gig bag of the Little Martin's.It has no stiffness,no "bumber" guards and doubles over on itself without the guitar inside.Even after you have boarded an aircraft you can be asked to "gate-check" your guitar and be denied the ability to store it overhead.It then gets loaded like a checked bag.That's the reason I always pack my guitar with extra bubblewrap -for that potential situation.With such a flimsy outer shell on the Gator mini ,I would be very concerned about puncture of the shell during the "gate -check "process.I suppose the Gator bag would be adequate for carrying your parlor to a gig.Or just to have a basic covering against the elements.One probably needs to spend in the $50-$100 range for a truly durable bag that would have a better chance of protecting your parlor guitar in the majority of travel situations.
Please do NOT buy this instrument As a music teacher, I very strongly encourage you to avoid this instrument and others like it. Instruments not made by a respected manufacturer will not last and most repair shops will not touch them (and believe me, you WILL have problems). Save your hundred bucks and invest it in something good because you're going to end up buying another instrument a few months later. I have seen too many of these instruments and even if they don't physically fall apart right away (which many do because they are made of very low quality metals) they are very out of tune and require a lot of air, which is very FRUSTRATING to students. If you want your student to be successful and enthusiastic about playing, please purchase a quality instrument. Good used instruments can be found for as low as $200.
junk is junk Generally, if you see Pakistan as the origin of ANY bagpipe-related gear, best to just avoid it. I've been a piper more than 30 years and have yet to see anything from that part of the world which was not fit only for display over the fireplace -- or kindling in it. A good chanter reed these days will cost about $10 US; there's no 2 ways around it, and there are any number of reputable piping sources online, all across the US as well as Scotland and Canada. A decent set of pipes will cost in the $1000 range, so if you see a set going for 2 or 3 hundred somewhere -- don't even bother. Even a decent used set is worth in the $600 range --at least. Same with chanters alone -- a good plastic chanter will run about $150, blackwood about $100 more than that. So again, if you are seeing pipe chanters selling for $50 -- yes, it is too good to be true. You will be buying junk.Also, bagpipes can be extraordinarily difficult to learn on your own. I am very leery of "Teach Yourself the Pipes!" kits -- especially those originating from far corners of the world, many of which illegally duplicate copyrighted material from proper tutor books. It is best to find a reputable piper in your area and take personal lessons; ideally with a band.
Easiest setup ever Took less than 2 min to set up and sturdy,I have a 61 key boardand it fit it perfectly .The width can be changed too.
Good product. It's a very good product with this price, loud enough, easy to use and convenient to put in the pocket.
beautiful i recommend this too everyone that want great vocals its beautiful also!!! don't listen to the negative feedback from others they're use to 500$ mic's ,this is fair for the price!!!!
Good Product Backup I've been using Elixir medium acoustic strings for years now and have been very happy with the sound and with how long they hold their tune.However, I've recently been experiencing broken G-strings either within the same day, or 2-3 days after stringing them. The break has been consistantly occuring at the bridge.I called Elixir and explained the problem. They are not only sending me 3 new whole sets of strings, but 3 more spare G-strings. A search on the internet suggests that sometimes you can get a bad run of strings. These things happen, but I am very impressed with how Elixir takes care of their customers!I'd give it 5 stars, but..., well... the G-strings keep breaking. Let's hope it IS just a bad run of strings....
Great Pick, Great Price I been using Clayton Picks for over 5 years now. I have used many but this one seems to last the longest plus i love the sound produced using these picks, i personally use the .50
Incomplete drum set This item arrived incomplete. I received a box labeled 2 of 2. Inside was the shells of 2 drum pieces. All the stands were missing. I called Amazon back and they said this item is under review. I was offered a similar set for equal price. The staff at Amazon were great in finding me a solution so that my son could get his drum kit by his birthday. I can't review on the actual product as it was incomplete.
Caution: Potentially Dangerous Studio monitors are usually over 20lbs. Heavier than a frozen turkey. If you did not know, a fall with this weight is enough to break the bones in your foot or do grievous harm to a loved one. You don't want to live with these stands. I used 28lb JBLs on this stand with carpet spikes leveled out and they wobble at sitting height. It became painfully obvious that these are potentially dangerous. I would not put anything over 8lbs on these to be honest, they are "rated at 100lb" but this claim is ridiculous. I have also used Onstage 3-tier keyboard stand and it also wobbled. I will never buy from this company again. I thought I was getting a great product this time, but nothing they make seems good enough. I wasted all of my christmas money. I will caution you again, don't put anything remotley heavy on these. If you have 6 or 8 inch studio monitors these will not be good for you and could hurt someone. Industrialized garbage.
I highly recommend This is a great mic. The design makes it really easy to set up for recording, and its quality gives fantastic sound. I have primarily used it for recording acoustic instruments (grand piano, 12 string guitar etc) and because I am not a sound engineer with years of experience, I find that I get great sound just by having the parameters of distance and angle to fool with. Frankly the extra parameter of distance between two mono-mics is just annoying for me. I want to play music and record it, not fool with mics all day. I can't wait to try it on live recordings of choirs etc.Drop by the Rde website and have a listen to what engineers say about this mic.
Does a great job! Bought it for my son who plays the viola. Has helped him tremendously and he loves the tuning feature. It works great, nice and load but not annoying to others. Definitely worth the cost.
Too complicated and the manual is poorly written I purchased this machine almost 2 months ago and it sits on the shelf, gathering dust, because I cannot figure out how to burn a CD. A simple task, it would seem, with all of the plug and play technology around. This machine is all in one which makes the $599.00 dollar loss even more painful. The manual is disjointed, the english hard to understand. Unbelievable that I wasted my time and money on this product which just reinforces the problems with products not made in America. I cannot find any help on the internet, on forums and have spoken with other Fostex multitrack recorders who get stuck when it comes to burning a frigin CD. I wrote the company from the website; no answer, no response. I say, do research on the web, find an easy to use product and go with that. Check out the manuals online before purchasing a digital recorder. The flow and usefulness of the manual will probably follow the ease of use of the machine. I am so angry I can't write anymore.
Humes & Berg 153 Trombone Cleartone Mute This mute has a LOT of back pressure....and the way it fits in my horn, it raises the pitch almost a full half step. So you might have to play with the cork ring thickness to adjust how far into the bell the mute sits. I'd rather just use my Dennis Wick Harmon mute.
Simply The Best, Obviously... I've been DJing for a while now - my weapon of choice is obviously the Technics 1200s series turntables with Serato Scratch Live - and this Shure M447 Cartridge/Headshell Combo. It is actually really convenient, especially for those of you who are learning to mix, scratch, and whatever else using turntables.Not a lot really needs to be said, but this cartridge is the top pick amongst the majority of DJs I've worked with over the years. Most club DJs will swear by this cartridge, and personally I feel the best fit is with the Technics Headshell. Not to mention it looks slick installed on a black or silver model 1200.To be fair, I should also mention that I've owned a variety of Stanton and Ortofon cartridges over there years - some for different styles of music, although the M447 does the job of all of them, and exceptionally well. The audio quality is superb across various genres and at this time it is my most heavily used cartridge. Naturally, I do have two pairs of this cartridge which all mount beautifully in the Shure Blue Cartridge Case which I also highly recommend. For backups I use the Ortofon Q-Bert and Digitrak cartridges, although the M447 is still my favorite.You can't go wrong, this is a 5-Star product across the board!
BAD SERVICE One of the "buttons" got stuck on the trumpet just a couple weeks after we received it. I had to deal with the vendor to get the trumpet worked on. I had to pay shipping to them, repair, and shipping back from them. They kept it forever and took a long time to reply to inquiries. I was highly annoyed by the whole situation and will make sure never to buy from this vendor again. I wouldn't recommend it if your child is in band. Thank goodness my nephew had a considerate teacher and was able to make other arrangements.Don't be fooled by the one year warranty claim.
They sent me a different horrible amp I ordered the amp in the picture and I got sent a different horrible modern one instead. Disgrace.
AWESOME!!!!! AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! Did I mention, awesome?If you are looking for super-fast attack and super-quick delay -- these are for you! I read a great review of these in Modern Drummer which prompted me to buy them and let me say, it was not even complimentary enough. These cymbals are pitch-matched and you can play them at top speed (well, my top speed -- which is not Thomas Lang's top speed) and there is no wash whatsoever. You can replicate complicated cymbal patterns that you hear on records (which are -- of course-- programmed) and FINALLY make it sound great because it's not all a big, muddy mess.I would reccommend these for anybody -- especially if you play a lot of metal, rock or dance music and you need a lot of quick, punchy, and really trashy (in a good way!) cymbal sounds. Very inspiring!! Once again, drum GOD Thomas Lang hits the spot!!!!!!!Oh.. and I almost forgot I was very happy with the price point on these cymbals and enjoy the free filter china the most of all the pieces in the set!