class label
2 classes
Not packaged well I bought these as a xmas gift for my father. The sticks were not in any type of plastic. There was a piece of cardboard holding them together. This was packaged with other items. A sticker from another item somehow got on the textured part of the drumstick. I am unable to get this off without scratching the stick. So just be aware when ordering.
Defective The seat when assembled rocked back and forth - seems like poor quality, I guess you what you pay for - I returned mine.
Not fit to description. The case was not a full size guitar case and it was a left handed case. My brother in law's guitar doesn't fit in it properly. It doesn't even close.
Audio Technica wireless wire First off this is for a now illegal to sell or more importantly repair wireless system from Audio Technica. I bought several of these only to learn a month or two later the government bought the frequencies they run on back so they are crap. You cannot get them legally replaced or repaired ANYWHERE!!!! The company offers you just enough rebate on a new one for a whopping $300 + to cover your shipping costs to get the old one back to them.(how nice, NOT! The rep told me that is more than the other companies are doing. I told him I did not spend 1000 bucks at another company for wireless units for my band and will buy no more audio technica crap again)Now about the wire here, it works fine until you pull it by accident just a little. Then it will break those hair thin inner wires on an impossible to solder BNC type locking connection. So does the cord work? I break at least one a year. BS if you ask me. Next time I am getting a better wireless unit all together with better connections and a better company. If you are like me and unfortunate enough to have a audio technica unit this fits I am sorry for you. This connector will work for a few weeks. I would not count on more than that.
Wow I tried this out thinking that it would at least let me do some sort of driving to learn what its suppost to teach, but no, it's only videos. I watched 1 video, I dont even think the whole thing, and I looked around the whole thing and that was all there was. I took it out and never tried it again, and that was more exciting than this. This is pretty much just basic stuff.
did not enhance recording quality for olympus recorder I bought this external microphone in addition to the digital olympus voice recorder dm-520 that I already owned, hoping it would enhance the already impressive microphone in the recorder. Well, it did not, the recording sounded the same with or without the external microphone. Good news is that the sound of my olympus recorder is already amazing, bad news, I had to send the microphone back. However, for someone who wants to enhance the recording quality of an old pc or recorder, this external microphone might do the trick.
I love this device! I finally received my Line 6 FloorPOD plus, and i love it!... it's very good and give me amazing sound. The delays are very good, similar to the line6 independent delay pedals. It's a low price article, i highly recommend it.
good but not good enough it doesn't hold down enough tension to be a good capo.I do understand that this is how they keep the guitar from being 'sharp' when you put the capo on, but it's a design that I feel has not been perfected yet. so I am returning my G7 capo and I'm gonna start using my trusty ol' dunlop again. once you start bending strings and riffing when the capo is on, things start getting weird quick, the strings move around, meaning they're not being held down hard enough... and trust me, I squeezed the living HELL out of this thing and it didn't get any tighter.even if other capos are making the guitar go sharp, they hold the strings down better. so as much as I wanted to like this capo...my advice is, save yourself some money and get a regular capo. (I've been playing since 1989, and I've been using capos since around 1992). Cheers.
Sat on, Still worked. Bought in 2004, had a girl sit on one coming off the top bunk in college cracking my on/off switch and board inside pushing it all the way in. I thought it was the end, I popped the On/off switch back up plugged it in, turned it on worked flawlessly ever since. Very Solid, plays good.
Easy, powerful, but flawed. Makes manual entry of songs about as easy as it could be. For those more accomplished musicians, you can use the midi interface to play your songs in. Transposes keys easily. Issues I found are with coda handling and help. Little control over formatting of coda measures and reformatting of the entire document sometimes results in coda running off the page. There is a lot of help, but relative to things like how to format coda, entry and control of 1st & 2nd endings, etc,. it was limited and not very helpful. I ended up upgrading to the next verion. PrintMusic, which provided better handling and additional features I wanted.
I would have waited a few years for this to come to market... I would have saved myself a ton of money on Crappy Dj Equipment. The BCD 3000 sounds good, Midi performs like a dream. Now I can sit down and mix. I have Deckadance from FL studio and they work together flawlessly.This is not a pro piece by most standards. But for home and hobby it as well as the occasional house party this rocks!
You buy this and loose customer support Do you know if u ever need to get support, or to download a patch for your paid Roxio software, registration IS required from their website?! Yes everytime you need an software update/patch, you need to login with password. Registration needs an valid email address and your ROXIO software key. Thanks to this COMPULSORY registration I need to keep record for one more login/password combination. And Pray that you don't loose your cd key.BTW if your cdburner came with a bundle Roxio Easy creator, forget any update / support from roxio since you dont get a cd key. Somehow this is one evil way ROXIO try to get your business. if one day you upgrade your operating system and need to update for the bundle roxio software, you have to BUY the retail version Easy Creator.
My Favorite Synth in Home Studio I started with Dimension LE bundled with Cakewalk Home Studio 6 XL, but upgraded to Pro when they ran an upgrade deal. The more I use Dimension, the more I like it... it's now the primary synth in my virtual rack. Free upgrade sound packs and a software update are available on the Cakewalk web site, be sure to download. The grand piano is particularly striking, as are all the string patches in the Garritan Pocket Orchestra; very realistic sounding.The manual is pretty weak in terms of describing how to create new sounds beyond the presets (there are whole books available on that topic), however the synth is capable of quite an array of sounds and includes a large number of built-in effects that can be chained together. The envelope generation editors allow envelopes to be applied to just about every facet of the sound module; thus using the included analog waveform samples (saw, square, etc.) you can actually make some pretty interesting analog synth-style sounds; check out some of the presets to see how this is done.So right in the box you get a very nice sampler synth, that also can be programmed like an analog synth using raw waveform samples and the effects/oscillators, capable of stacking up to four samples at once each with separate envelopes and useful effects, that is even capable of firing MIDI sequences/loops as well, with MIDI controller/note mapping any of the settings in the patch... this is pretty much a "work horse" synth.As a result I find I reach for Dimension as my first choice when adding a virutal synth. It's simply a great, versatile, all-round synth with a huge library of presets (counting the free downloads something like 8 _Gig_ of samples!) and an amazing amount of control to find that perfect sound. The user interface is indeed a bit daunting, so I would probably recommend getting one of the books available on Amazon if you want to dig deeper than the presets (of which counting the free addons must be around 2000 or so presets).It may not be the perfect sampler synth, or the perfect analog-sound synth, or the perfect loop player... but it does a very decent job of all three of those with a high degree of controllability for the musician, so it's quite a nice "1-stop shop" once you get to know it.
Awful This product was loud and would only produce fog at random. Not what I was looking for at all. Don't buy this if you want to produce a lot of quiet fog when you need it.
I love these Purchased on Amazon. I have had one of these since I was a kid and I now send them as gifts. Everyone is delighted and derive hours and hours of simple pleasure from them. If you want an ideal stocking stuffer, one that will get used throughout the year, you'd be hard-pressed to find something better than this clever old Yankee bird call.
An expensive but ok experience I am the proud new owner of a Martin OM-42 guitar, and I discovered after a short while, that all the sound hole covers to purchase in Denmark was to big for the sound hole in the guitar. So I tried to buy one and cut slices of the rubber - didn't work. So I tried to "consult" the internet and found after a while this product : Players Products SQS1 Sound Hole Cover. I ordered it and discovered that the price suddenly more than doubled because of the freight costs etc to Denmark. Anyway the parcel eventually came, and I was happy to see that I actually was able to use the cover on my guitar with just a small adjustment cut. I was dissapointed with the quality of the material - cheap and quite hard plastic, and especially the 4 "legs" to fit inside the sound hole has small plastic leftover pieces from the casting, that eventually will make scratches on the guitar. But again - it's fixable. On the other hand I was glad to find out, that I could use the adjustable lid to get to the small volume-wheel from the L.R.Baggs pickup inside the soundhole.So all in all I'm satisfied.
basic Les Paul Custom I lost all of my electric guitars in Katrina and figured I owe this review to offer shopping suggestions to everyone looking to replace thier guitars. I am a former professional musician and really only play now as a hobby. I decided to replace my Gibson SG that was lost in the flood with the "Rolls Royce" of all guitars: the LP Custom. Here is what I think of it:Of all the items I have reviewed on Amazon, the LP Custom has to be the most difficult for several reasons. First, since it is a handmade guitar, the buyer should know that no two will be exactly the same. On the same day I bought mine, for example, I noticed that the one right next to it on the wall had a sixth string groove that in the nut that was situated too close to the top of the fretboard. I also played several other custom shop models that had similar quirks, including the Jimmy Page Custom (which has a neck like a Kramer and the body of a Les Paul...yes, it's ridiculous).Second, because my playing style is hard picking mostly, I don't know if everyone would agree with what I have to say about the action on this guitar, but it was the deciding factor in my selection. The all-black/gold Custom I picked had just a bit more resistance to "digging" than the others I tried (then again, I learned to play on a Sears and Roebuck special). Still, all the LP customs have ebony ("fretless") fretboard wire; and when the action is set right the guitar seems to "play your fingers".Anyway, assuming that you can find one of these LP customs that has off-the-shelf action that fits YOUR playing style, the sound of the heavy cruiser will take you away. This axe has a 3-ply maple top with a mahogany bottom. You can tell its very high quality wood by the way the strings resonate.Notes "wobble" and "swell" after being plucked even when the guitar is not plugged in. The sheer weight of the bottom guitar seems to make the neck (which is relatively thin on a basic custom)much more vibrant and responsive than it is on a single slab guitar. Since this tonal quality is coupled with a natural resonation in the ebony fretboard, the player can squeeze every ounce of juice out of a single note. Also, this resonance quality works well to enhance spooked notes in arpaggio sweeps. As as result, the LP custom can be suited out as a digitalized metal cruncher or a acoustic jazz boxThe sound quality and feel give the basic LP custom some big plusses. You will also notice a change in your playing prowess from the responsive fretboard. However, there are a few small minuses that first-time high-end guitar buyers should be aware of.First, the basic Custom is the plug-ugliest looking guitar in the world. There are only 4 color selections (Black, White, Narural and Red). The gold humbuckers on the Black Beauty only seem to make it look gaudy to me. But, again this is subjective.Second, the basic customs come equipped with standard Gibson Alnico Humbuckers. Although these pups blow doors on most humbuckers, the clarity of the 3rd and 4th strings tends to get buried when the guitar is phased and flanged through a tube amp and there is a low note ringing. I'm going to try putting in a burstbucker to solve this.Another obvious drawback to the guitar is the weight. Playing this guitar standing without staplocks is crazy. It is killing my lower back. If you're going to gig with this axe, drink plenty whiskey and take some cortizone. I suppose this is another price to pay for that solid mahogany sustain and tone!In retrospect, I love this axe, but wish that I would have looked harder at the Les Paul Custom Class 5. I've heard they are about a thousand more, but I didn't come across one in any stores. Those come in many different colors and are outfitted with burstbuckers off the shelf. Also, they have chambered mahogany bodies that are supposed to make them weight-relieved. Still, I wonder if they could achive the same sustain and tone?Rule #1 is to always make sure you can return the guitar if you find a defect! For the price of this one, you should have perfection!RegardsValjean
Muted << I've been playing the trumpet for almost 15 years and I bought this piece after moving into a 1-bedroom apartment. Gotta keep the chops up. This unit definitely reduces the amount of sound made by the instrument, but it reduces airflow through the instrument to such an extent that you almost have to play in a different way. With the mute on, the instrument requires nearly twice the amount of air to produce a tone at all. It's a tough trade off, and in my opinion, too much to ask.
A Fantastic Value & Versatile Keyboard! The Casio Lk300Tvad Lighted Keyboard & Karaoke is a wonderful feature-packed Keyboard suitable for beginners and advanced players alike.The step-by-step lighted keys lessons are wonderful, and a beginner can learn at his/her own pace. Another neat feature is the scoring, where a student can work on his/her timing and measure their progress.The sound quality is very good with an almost unlimited number of sounds and tones to choose from, as well as mix and match. This keyboard certainly has more features than someone with my limited experience will probably ever use.The Karaoke feature makes for great family fun, and the range of song choices is also very good.I'm certainly pleased with this keyboard, and feel that it is an excellent value.
Looks can be deceiving I bought this rosin for a student of mine. Upon initially taking the rosin out of its plastic case and attempting to rosin my student's bow, this rosin cracked down the middle completely, and broke apart into two crumbled halves. I decided to bite the bullet and give my student my cake of rosin instead of this. I expected a durable and quality product from Jade. I guess I was expecting too much. Disappointing.
Three True Rock Icons Together Again! In 1966, Cream spearheaded the first wave of the British rock invasion and revolutionized the concept of the power trio. Their brief career, lasting only three years, left a musical legacy that exists to this day. Cream standards such as: "Sunshine of Your Love" (track 19, encore), "Crossroads" (track 15), "White Room" (track 17), and "Badge" (track 8) grace the classic rock airwaves from coast to coast daily. Their live show set the standard for rock concerts for decades to follow. Ginger Baker was one of the first to incorporate double bass drums, extra toms and cymbals into a now familiar kit that would be imitated by a generation of rock drummers. Jack Bruce, schooled as a classical cellist, showed that a Marshall stack was not only for guitarists, and changed the role of the electric bass forever. Eric Clapton went on to become the preeminent blues-rock guitarist of our times.For those of us who remember Cream, their 2005 reunion, culminating in a four night engagement at London's Royal Albert Hall stirred anticipation from bar room to board room. For others too young to remember, this reunion is a heart warming lesson in the bonds of friendship, and musical mastery. Producers John Beug and James Pluta captured the best of Cream's set in a two-disc DVD package that no fan, young or old can afford to miss. The package and accompanying song list resembles a flower-powered, psychedelic painted Volkswagen bus. Yet this cosmetic debauchery cannot mask the sound and visual artistry within.The 19-song set, consisting of mostly Cream hits, and a few blues covers (with three alternate takes) highlights the second, third and final nights' performances. Brief, interviews of all three band members, round out the package. Although oscillating from show to show disrupts the continuity of watching one performance from beginning to end, this tactic is not too annoying. The producers wisely chose to utilize the three-way split screen effect sparingly. Audience shots and brief views of the inner bowls of the historic Royal Albert Hall are weaved together, and inserted tastefully. Yet it is the honesty and integrity of the musicians on stage that leave the viewer spellbound and breathless.The band opens with an awkward rendition of their hit "I'm So Glad." Bruce, shorter than we remember, dons a beautiful red mahogany vintage Gibson EB-1, the violin-shaped bass popularized by the late Felix Pappalardi of Mountain. Bruce will play this instrument for half the DVD, before switching to a fretless Warwick, his axe of choice in recent years. Clapton, wearing brand new, off the rack denims and "Wallabies(?)" looks scruffy in a four-day growth of beard. Baker, the oldest of the three at 66, wears jeans (rolled up to the knee, an old trademark) Cream tee-shirt, and a pair of Oxfords in dyer need of a shine. He looks more like one's grandfather, than a rock legend. Beautiful A cappella vocal harmonies by Clapton and Bruce in the bridge, soon remind the audience, that despite outward appearances, the old Cream magic is still there.Bruce's crisp vocal range, responsible for Cream's distinct sound, is quite evident in Willie Dixon's "Spoonful" (track 2). Originally running over six minutes, this piece exhibits the band's standard formula built upon a riff, and basic blues progression. Clapton's long, soul searching guitar solo, backed by improvisational jamming and thunderous rhythms by Bruce and Baker, provide the template for "Politician" (track 8), "Born Under a Bad Sign" (track 13), and "Sitting on Top of the World" (track 16).Clapton's slow hand is surely felt on Arthur Baker's "Outside Woman's Blues" (track 3), and T-Bone Walker's immortal "Stormy Monday" (track 11). Bruce blows a mean blues harp, and gets the normally subdued London audience dancing in the aisles with Muddy Water's "Rollin' and Tumblin'" (track 10). Nicely arranged vocal harmonies between Bruce and Clapton on Bruce's own "Sleepy Time Time" (track 5) provide one of the show's highlights.Bruce's unique song writing, arrangement, and singing styles are further evident in "We're Going Wrong" (track 14), "N.S.U." (track 6), and "Deserted Cities of the Heart" (track 12). Baker's less known writing contributions are displayed in "Sweet Wine" (track 9), while "Pressed Rat and Warthog" (track 4) is resurrected in Baker's gruff deep baritone speaking voice. It is on "Toad" (track 18), the compulsory drum solo, where Baker confirms he is still the founding father of rock/jazz drummers. This solo is breath-taking, meticulous, and never is a misjudged rim shot or stick clashing in mid-air to be heard. At 66, Baker unequivocally reaffirmed his place at the pinnacle of his profession.There are several moments of pure fun, on stage. "You're just trying to make me nervous," declares Baker, after Clapton introduced Peter Edward Baker, before "Pressed Rat and Warthog." Bruce smiles broadly at Baker, for following his up-scale bass line with machine-gun tom-toms, and both miraculously came back in time. Then, Bruce and Clapton acknowledge a smile and a nod after a satisfying performance.There are slight imperfections as well. In "Sunshine of Your Love" (alternate take), Clapton starts to sing a verse too early, as Bruce glances over and smiles forgivingly. Bruce, likewise misses a bass cue in "N.S.U.", and more than once, Baker finishes a drum roll two early, and waits motionless for his band mates to catch up. One critique is the slower tempo of "Crossroads." Bruce just did not attack those now classic bass runs, as he did in the original version. Though professing that "we wanted to play as we do now, not as we did then," I wanted Bruce to set his fret board on fire. Yet Clapton, Bruce and Baker are only human; three musical icons together again after thirty-seven years. If you remember the early days of British rock, ever jammed a blues into the early morning hours, or are a classic rock fan, you need this DVD!
Gibson's best? I own / have owned most of Gibson's mainstream guitars. The Les Paul 'Custom' is about as "pro" as you can get. If you have small or large hands the neck is very comfortable / fast. The look is Les Paul, what more can be said about that? Gold hard-ware gives the guitar a touch of class. Probably the most identifiable big name guitar out there. The sound has no limitations and it can be as warm and smooth as anything else out there costing a lot more money. One problem; Hope you have Bill Goldberg shoulders as this is one heavy axe. Make sure you get a real wide and padded strap for long "sets". I have had my Custom for 7 years now and have no intentions of "filing for divorce". Expensive but a well made "in America" product. Mark of a pro. Set some bucks aside and do it. You only live once.
Love Steve Clayton picks, but these are huge triangles These are the classic Steve Clayton picks, but the description (when I bought them) didn't specify that they are huge triangle picks. It just takes some getting used to, but it is causing me to use 2 fingers on one side. That means i tend to strum harder (not nice in the recording studio).
works very well Well packed and solid quality unit. I had a cheap amplifier and could only get 1 station without it. With the cheap amplifier I was able to get about 6-7 stations. With this PCT amplifier, I'm able to get 7-9 stations. The instructions and paperwork that comes with it seems to suggest they don't expect/want you using it with a single TV/antenna setup. Seems they feel it is destined for more. But that's what I used it for and it's great. Antenna placement is much less picky now. Our antenna is the Antennas Direct ClearStream 2 sitting inside the living room right next to the TV. Yes, I would get much better reception with it mounted outside, but I haven't done that yet.
Best value out there Great value. No need to buy a more expensive capo. This one performs just as well and at cost fraction of most. Highly recomended.
ring is nice, cover is ok the ring is nice and sturdy, but the cover is just felt over something like cardboard..good price though
Nice drum, kids really enjoy it Got this to replace a cheap plastic Fisher Price drum the kids had. This comes with nice mallets, and makes a way better sound than the cheap plastic one. It is heavier than our old one so my littlest (15 months) has a bit of a hard time pulling it off the shelf and onto the ground, but my 4 yo has no problem. So far it has stood up well to the abuse of being sat on, stood on, and beaten with things other than the mallets it came with.
Not up to home monitoring or performing Swayed by the positive reviews here at amazon and Roland's suggestion that this is the one do-it-all amp for playing in smaller spaces, I purchased this for home use with my Korg Kronos. This amp can't handle about 75% of what I am playing, which is mostly electric piano and drum accompaniments played at reasonable volumes. The whole unit vibrates and distorts easily when I play lower octaves. What's more, the sound comes across as canned, or trapped inside the physical dimensions of the box. Listening through my headphones and then through this, I can't believe that I am playing the same instrument. I believe these issues to be inexcusable, particularly during low-volume playing. I don't know whether the unit is faulty, or whether it's just a lightweight. Either way, I will probably give it away to some guitarist looking for more of a busking set up. This definitely can't cut it for the Kronos or, I would guess, for any keyboard whose player wants to hear the quality sounds that their instrument is capable of.
Pretty sturdy These spoons are pretty cool and are priced right. The spoons are attached to a solid base handle and should be good for a long time to come.
Great capo Nice tight strong fit. Works great. Very low price too. I highly recommend it for beginner to long time pro.
Its OK... I bought this from Guitar Center two years ago, and the price was ridiculous. I didnt know much about guitar shopping and paid $570 for this without a case. I got taken big time. I could have bought a higher end guitar for that. The electronics sound a little tinny on this guitar...as well as several of the G series. The F series is better, and on this guitar a change to a medium gauge string might improve sound quality. It is a good guitar, i am just upset that I paid way too much for this guitar bc now I see what it is going for online....and FREE SHIPPING> Cannot beat that.
Korg KM-40 tuner-metronome combo I'm new to the music world and was having a great deal of difficulty tuning my guitar by ear. This digital tuner has solved my tuning problems. It's very easy to use, small, lightweight and fits nicely into my guitar case. It's also attractive looking. The metronome is a dandy also. With it my timing has already improved. It was also very reasonably priced. I'd recomment it to any beginning guitar student.
Very Comfortable I bought this for practicing guitar/mandolin. It's cushion seat is comfortable for long practice times. The seat height is great. It may not be suitable for a taller person. I'm 5' 8" and the middle seat height setting suits me very well for the purpose of practice.
Not Quite Great Bass for the price ....but beware this bass does not come with black hardware as stated in the descriptionI got stuck with chrome ...not worth sending back....but may complain to amazon.
Yamaha provides a good base product but fails to deliver the overall quality The keyboard itself seems great, but Yamaha fails to go the extra mile. Items that would seem like no-brainers are not included in the package (including a power adapter, audio/data cables, or even batteries). Basically, the failure to include a power supply renders the product inoperable out-of-the-box. These items would have been inexpensive to include and would have paid for themselves many times over in terms of customer satisfaction and loyalty. If you buy this product, be forewarned that you will at least need a 12v power adapter or 6 D-cell batteries for it to even function.
very bad... I bought this guitar for my daughter. She didn't like it. Then I return the guitar to the seller. But they never refund my money back.
Beautiful but plays horribly I love Daisy Rock guitars and I own a Rock Candy Daisy Rock bass but when I purchased the rock candy electric guitar i was extremely dissapointed. I returned it and purchased a Stardust elite and am amazed at the differences between them. IF YOU WANT A DAISY ROCK GUITAR PURCHASE A STARDUST OR SIREN! SKIP THE ROCK CANDY'S BECAUSE THEY SUCK!
wireless blech have yet to successfully make this work at all. at the best of times it is noisy and not suitable for presentation in a small classroom
Love this instrument! Although the listing shows this drum being used by a toddler,it works well for kids of all ages. Purchased this for a toddler and a 6 yr old and both loved it.Remo makes durable instruments.We have hadanother childs drum for years and they really are well made and hold up to little people quite well
Useful gadget at a reasonable price I'm happy I bought this thing; the combination of metronome and tuner is very handy. I am learning to play ukulele and want to learn more about music in general at the same time. I had a clip on tuner for my uke already, but this allows me to also play around with identifying notes that I sing as well as notes that I play, which is helpful for learning to read music.I don't have the musical expertise to say how perfect the accuracy is of the tuner, but for my purposes it is working fine.
Stands the test of time I bought this drum for oldest my son I don't know how many years ago -- he's 15 now, so quite a few! It's gone through three kids plus countless neighborhood kids, cousins, and the like banging the heck out of it. We love this drum. It's definitely sturdy enough to last. Plus it makes a great sound. We have the tom-toms too. Usually my kids play the floor tom with the mallets and the tom-toms with regular drum sticks (which is a little loud!). However, playing with just their hands on the tom-toms does not give them the satisfying bang that they like. For younger kids, I like this big floor tom with the mallets. It's always been the favorite at our house. But we love them both. Remo rocks.
Worthless crap! Itv had heard this movie was not much good, but I tried to watch it anyway. I could not stand it even for ten minutes. I would rather watch grass grow than to see this piece of junk. It kept pausing every few seconds.
Great for need Man this thing is sturdy. I use it to hold a cowbell and I am a hard hitter. This thing does not budge. Great buy
Piece of Junk Either it was broken in shipping or it was defective from the start. It never worked and considering it's supposed to be portable, it was obvious that it's not very rugged. Buyer Beware.
very disappointed I bought this for my daughters for Xmas because they love to sing and dance in front of a mirror; and this is one of the few karaoke machines with a video camera. It also supposedly has more wattage than some of the others. THANK GOD I tried it before Xmas after my daughters were in bed. What a dissapointment. The camera/video is unrecognizable -- fuzzy, dark and you can barely tell what you are looking at. Also you can BARELY hear anything through the microphone. Basically this is a not so cheap, poor quality CD player. I am returning it ASAP.
Is it me? I tried it twice and it seems to deaden my tone. I applied it to the nut and to the bridge as per the directions. Played through a clean setting with no pedals and my tone seems affected. The strings didn't have the same chime as before. Unless I'm not applying it correctly, I'm not sure I want to try it again.
Guitar Elixir is THE BEST string their is. Fine tune hold, Not much stretching. I have used these strings for several years...their the BEST, no doubt at all! I play a 12 string Ovation. I change every 2 or 3 months. I play in church, and in my backyard alot...Trust me on this one. You can't go wrong.
you get what you pay for musical instruments in the < 200 dollar price range are not going to give you a bang for your buck. You will get frustrated playing this instrument due to the high action and inability to stay in tune past the 7th fret. I recently found out why. While trying to change the strings and lower the action, I discovered that the saddle is not glued to the body. I believe that this caused some of the tuning problems since the saddle wasn't fixed properly. Then after getting new strings on, I discovered that the tunings heads were popping out of the headstock. Clearly this isn't going to help the situation. I was excited to get this mandolin and learn how to play it, but I wish I had spent a little more on a real beginner instrument. It's going to be tough to play a mandolin that is falling apart in your hands. The "good" news is that it played much better once I got the strings on and tuned up with the action lowered (easy to do with the screws at the saddle). Now I guess I should invest in some glue for the saddle and the tuning pegs...
I wouldn't buy again After reading this mic was a GHS branded version of the MiniFlex mics (as MiniFlex says on their site), I figured I was in for a bargain. That's not the case though. I have heard samples from the MiniFlex mics and they sounded great, but are much more expensive.I got a little less that what I paid for. The sound the mic produces just isn't good, and this was after experimenting with placement for an hour. It has some very harsh mid-tones and lack of clear high frequencies. Even after running the mic through a preamp and punching out the mids, my mandolin still sound cheap when strumming. It kinda works for soloing though.Also the dynamics of the mic are weak. Strumming hard puts out the same volume as strumming soft. I figured this out while watching the meter on the soundboard. It's muddy, and barely acceptable, but it works.A (good)peizo would have been much better I think.If you must be heard, I just don't know if this is better than a 57 pointed at you on stage.
City of God I can't stop playing it. Every song is beautifully done. John Michael Talbot leads you into a quiet place in your heart.
Padded Keyboard Bench This was the perfect size for what we needed. It is lightweight & easy to store & to travel with. Great price too!! Arrived right on time also!!
clarinet reeds Shipped quickly, product is always just as described. Wonderful price. Love not having to drive to try to find reeds.
Not very good Use: Computer interfaceExperience: 15 years of piano, Music Tech MajorIt's very easy to use. Plug and play interface.Cons-If you are a fast piano player. It wont keep up with your player-Extreme amount of latency-Sustains notes even though I am not sustaining them.-Does weird things with my notes. It will crush notes together even though I played them separately.I bought it cause its cheap. If you want good equipment, then buy expensive stuff. You get what you pay for. I made a mistake. As a music major, I would never get this or recommend it to my friends.Do yourself a favor. Buy an m-box (not a fan of those though), or presonas. Spend a little bit more cash, and get something good.
Only suitable for the youngest Barbie fans This game is very cute and has a variety of mazes, searching-type activities, and the crucial jewelry-decorating section that is necessary in any Barbie game that somehow overlooks fashion and makeup, but my 7-year-old completed the entire game inside 20 minutes, including installation time. It was far too easy, and I can't see her ever playing it again. Unless your child is under the age of 5, I wouldn't recommend this game, at least not until it ends up in the Bargain Closeout Bin at your local retailer.
Close but wrong I ordered this because it promised to match the RH pickguard from my Martin DX1.It turns out to be slightly larger and quite a bit more yellow than the original.Not a match. I'm still looking.
What a mic! Wow! I bought this on a hurry for my college (music student) and it's sound so great that my friends used to trade their mics (even Sure brand) with mine because of the quality sound of this microphone. I am pretty pleasant, really for me was a surprise!!! Unfortunately I forgot it on my car for 3 days and the temperature was around 90 degrees... I think the parts inside melted :( but I'd use it for 4 years so it was good.
Awesome strings!! These strings make me want to play my guitar more. Clean, crisp, nice on the fingers, and even nice looking.
Fit perfect I purchased this as a gift for my mother. She requested a keyboard cover for her Casio WK-500, a 76-key keyboard. She reported to me that it fit the keyboard perfectly and was very happy with it.
Excellent product This is a very sturdy stand which is not prone to bending or warping. It is also very stable and has a reasonably wide shelf which allows you to place more books or thicker books on it. Very glad to have purchased it.
Shoody stiching, thin fabric The fabric is thin and the stitching is terrible with threads coming out and gaps in the joints. I won't be using them anytime soon.
Disappointing We purchased this mini amp for our 9year old for Christmas alng with the Fender Squire guitar. Was surprised at how small and seemingly cheaply made it was for a Fender product, but we thought we would give it a go. For such a small amp...(it is the saze of a small novel) it does get very loud. However, i thought the sound was pretty tinny. Our son carried it around most of Christmas day, playing his guitar. By mid-afternoon, the battery was dead, and the amp would not turn on at all with a new battery. We tried several batteries and it would never turn on...we sent it back and will definitely look for an amp of higher quality.
Not worth the effort. The strings lost tune much too quickly and had me wanting to replace them within a month of very light usage. I would recommend Elixer brand strings for the average guitar connoisseur. However, if you intend for drop down tuning or you're using them for a short time, I suppose you could get them, but for Pete's sake don't bother.
Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick Latin Percussion are THE folks to go to if you want to flesh out your rhythm section. I was already the proud owner of their Black Beauty cowbell and Vibraslap (the most fun-to-play percussion known to man) before ordering one of these lovely things. As described, it sounds just like a melodious block of wood, only indestructible and you can mount it anywhere (hi-hat stand, tom rack, kitchen sink, chandelier...). They also have a handful of pitches to choose from; simply go to their website and listen to the demonstrations to find which one suits you best (or maybe you'll decide you need them all). I was torn between this one and the 1207 (the red one). They sounded almost if not exactly the same to me on their website, but I ultimately chose this one because it clashes less with my set's panache (thus I suppose the "stealth" label). To wrap up:Step 1: buy the block. Step 2: mount the black. Step 3. have a massive monster mamajam (brownie points if you get the reference).
Learning to subdivide the beat? This is the metronome to get I got this metronome because I've been doing some studying on subdivisions of the beat. Most metronomes will do eighth note triplets (3 subdivisions per beat), and sixteenth notes (4 subdivisions per beat). It's not as easy as you think it might be to come across a metronome that divides the beat even further - into pentuplets (5 subdivisions per beat), sextuplets (6 subdivisions per beat), septuplets (7 subdivisions), and on to thirty-second notes (8) and nonuplets (9). This metronome delivers the goods. Now I can tap out 5, 6, 7, and 8 subdivisions with ease. Once you get 5, 6, 7 and 8 down you'll have what you need for all intents and purposes - but know that the same principles apply to subdivisions of 9 or more.
Great beginner set This is a great set for a beginner to start learning without shelling out a lot of money, and have many keys to experiment with over some of your favorite CD tracks. If you progress and want to continue, you'll want to move up to higher quality instruments. If you don't take to it, you haven't broken the bank.If I were an "experienced" player I wouldn't for a moment have thought that this was high enough quality for me at this price point.If you're looking for a low-cost introduction to the harmonica, I think this is your set.
The best strings yet! I have used many different strings in my 30+ years of playing the guitar. ELIXIR guitar strings give me what I've been looking for...lasting good tone and sound.I use the medium gauged, NANOWEB ultra thin coating,(.013 - .056)on my TAYLOR 314-CE tuned a whole step down (D G C F A D). The tone and playability are perfect. Just capo the second fret to be in standard tuning.
Bad Lacquer Job I purchased a Cecilio Blue Lacquer Alto Saxophone Kit a few months ago.The overall appearance of the instrument is pretty good for the price.The tone and playability is also very good for the price.I have had problems with the Blue Lacquer coming off on the neck of the instrument and on the back side of the bell.I went to a local hobby shop and purchased some model airplane paint thesame color and have touched it up so it does not look so bad.I feel that the lacquer peeling off in this manner is a definite rip offso I cannot recommend this instrument.
What can I say? It does its job. Its a 1 unit space rack shelf. Arrived as advertised. Very sturdy, doesn't take up much room in the rack, just an all around good buy.My purpose with the shelf is for mounting a few guitar stompboxes in my rack. Works perfectly for that. Very durable metal, I believe it would be capable of holding up a good amount of weight. I would suggest buying this shelf.Wish I could say more but at the end of the day, its just a piece of metal with screw holes in it that you can sit things on. :/ But I can say its not as cheaply made as some shelves I have seen.
The Reason People Prefer Good Vinyl--A Great Stylus I knew from the moment the diamond hit the grooves on my virgin-vinyl copy of Miles Davis' Kind of Blue that I had purchased the correct replacement stylus. Simply stunning. I've got the AT-LP60 and purchased this replacement. The one that ships with the turntable isn't bad...but it's literally night and day. This replacement stylus (which, as indicated by several others, was *not* AT-branded and was also yellow in color, as some have mentioned) worked perfectly in my turntable and sounds incredible. There's probably 80-90% less inner groove distortion during playback, and I've literally heard almost NO sibilance/distortion since replacing it. (the original stylus seemed to accentuate some of the inner-groove artifacts that are common with old vinyl; this new one just made it sound warmer, without any of the harshness). Again, these are getting increasingly hard to find, and I should have bought more than one...but I will buy again.
THE WORST This item does not work I repeat DO NOT BUY the bow doesnt work the tuners are not fine at all its a waste of time and money DO NOT BUY!
Well made This product is well made and serves its purpose well. I will buy this brand again when my son needs more.
Great show, wish I was there The sound is superb and the filming almost perfect. I especially liked when there were images of all three at the same time in separate windows. The vocals seem to be split up differently than when they first recorded these songs. Maybe they were trying to preserve Bruce's voice to last for four days. Very enjoyable and a purchase I am glad I made.
Great product I have been using this for about two months and I have had no problems whatsoever. I was extremely impressed with how well this mic picks up regardless of where the presenter has it. Whether it is by his chin or he is holding it way down by his stomach.....still GREAT pick up range, without the feedback. The mic and receiver as well are very attractive units. Mic is very sleek and sturdy. I actually had the system set up in a hall and then took a walk out to the car park while talking on the mic and continued walking over 150 feet from the receiver and it worked perfectly, through a few solid concrete walls no less! For the price this is a must buy!
Katie I have to say, that this product is not all that it is said to be. You can't download songs, it is impossible to do. The company told me "well, the sites must no longer exist" I attempted to download many different songs, with NO success. It is difficult to use as a player, as you can never get your songs into the play list. Then my software totally crashed my system, I uninstalled, and reinstalled and no matter what I do it gives me an error, and then closes the program. I have uninstalled it, and put it in the box. END OF STORY.
Fun! This was pretty cute! It worked great for the dance contest which I bought it for and was a blast in my room later on. I plan to pull it out for parties in the future. Has held up well; great value for the price.
Poor sound Poor sounding quality from my guitar which was a Gibson Les Paul. Won't buy from seller again I'll just head over to guitar center for a better brand
NOT LEATHER! WARNING: this is labeled as Leather and it most definitively is NOT! Not even good vinyl! I returned mine. I have bought others from Planet Waves and they are of acceptable, nearly decent quality. I would not trust any of them after this.
Good deal The product got here within shipping date, good condition. Now my capo is distinguished from all the other guitar players in my church. Plus it helps a good cause.
Great Pick, Great Price I been using Clayton Picks for over 5 years now. I have used many but this one seems to last the longest plus i love the sound produced using these picks, i personally use the .50
Fun and spiffy This is a fun product. It takes some practice to learn how to play. Make sure you can exhale forcefully. Of course you cannot expect to play a "song." But the deep resonante toot is satisfying. They did a nice job on the manufacturing. The color and sturdynes is nice. It makes a great conversation piece.
Agonizing for first-time users . . . I have been pulling my hair out for the past several days, after installing this program. My husbank and I are first-time home studio/computer recording and song writing, after many years of using acutal mixing boards. This program has been REALLY difficult to figure out. There's no tech help in the U.S.(you have to call an international number ), and the manual reads like "Greek". The aggrivation of trying to trouble shoot has cut drastically into our creativity. This has NOT been fun!
awesome I love these strings, they last longer than any strings I've ever played, and sound great. I would recommend them to any one
Best Strings Ever If you know of something better, please tell me!. When I have Elixirs on my guitars, I typically can't remember the last time I changed them. They still look and sound new months later. I had to buy these when I broke two strings trying to do a crazy 2-step bend on some 5- or 6-month old strings, and if they hadn't broken, I'd probably still be playing them. (Except for the breaks, they looked new when I was putting them in the trash!)
Drums respond to these! These sticks last a long long time and make the drums and cymbals respond really well. Their light on the wrists but heavy enough so the drums are heard without having to hit hard. They really do make the drums react with a really good sound. ALL The cymbals sound better too.
Hate It I am a beginning autoharp player and this tuner comes with just the basics of instructions - assuming that you understand everything. I have no idea what the calibration modes do, how to use them or how to adjust for another instrument. A little basics would be helopful for a beginner.
Disappointed I too loved the color of this violin. I purchased it so that I could take lessons with my son. However, it is not worth the price. When I received it, the bow was put in wrong and some of the strings were snapped. The bridge was too thick and kept popping off every time I tried to tune it and the resin was old and dried out. And finally, one of the pegs was poorly constructed and would not tune. Needless to say, I ended up spending money to buy a new bow, resin, bridge and have the peg fixed so I spend the same amount of money I would have had I bought one from a reputable music store. Buyer Beware!
Unusable I bought these for a church production. Even with the receiver 2 meters away the headsets cut out completely when the person walked then would take 2 sec. to come back on when the person stood still. Defeats the point of wireless if you can move.
Beyond fantastic! While the Shure SM58LC Shure SM58 Vocal Microphone seems to be the running staple for live performance vocals, and rightly so due to its comparative value and amazing quality in sound and craftsmanship, the Beta 58A needs to be given its due. The Beta 58A is an amazing dynamic microphone that might alleviate some of the stress associated with its more cost efficient cousin. That is, the Beta 58A, in the confined live scenarios in which I have utilized it, has demonstrated a much broader sweet spot and completely eliminated some severe feedback issues. For vocalists that like to pull back from the mic a touch to really belt those sustained high (or, really, any) notes the Beta is a dream. This same effect helps if one is experiencing sibilance or "popping" complications and needs to sing past the microphone as opposed to directly into it.While I wish that I had a better understanding from a sound engineering standpoint so that the technical specifics could be expounded upon, I can confidently say that the Beta 58A is the best vocals microphone that I have ever utilized aside from higher end condenser mics in an isolated environment. Quite honestly, I would not be at all surprised if the Beta compared well even in confined recording situations. The bottom line is that the Beta 58A might be more expensive than its popular cousin, the SM58, but it is worth every penny. Anyone who has the opportunity should give it a chance to demonstrate its superiority. Six out of five stars!
Whammy Digitech Really Good Very good pedal to use as pitch, can raise and lower 2 / 8 2 / 8 in addition to other duties, the office was very fastI recommend it.
Quick on and off This capo is simple to use. It is very quickly placed on and off the neck with a snug fit to securely fret all the strings evenly. The colors is vivid and stays looking nice.
INCORRECTLY LABELLED PLEASE FIX This is not feedback for the seller, per se, because I already left positive feedback to them because the shipping was incredible and the price is more than fair. However, if you're looking to buy these PLEASE NOTE THAT THE TITLE AND THE PHOTO ARE NOT THE SAME THING, AND YOU WILL GET WHAT IS IN THE PHOTO, NOT THE TITLE. The title says the gauge is "Regular Light" but they are in fact just "Light". I don't know if the lister meant to say 'regular' as in 'just plain ol' or something.. but that is kind of a stupid error to make, honestly. there is a big difference, and if you're not an amateur guitarist, it is a HUGE difference. I wanted "Regular Light Gauge" strings, which D'Addario makes, but instead i got exactly what is in the picture... "Light" gauge, which are a little clunkier. If you aren't a serious guitarist you might be smirking at this review, but if you are, you'll know what i'm talking about.PLEASE FIX THE LISTING
Product sucks Dont buy from this department, the mic sucks and sound does not travel good enough, waste of money, not worth it.
Works as advertised As capo's go there really isn't much to review. I find that they either work or they don't. This kyser style capo so far works on all my acoustic guitar (At last count I own twelve). I like the ability to just clip it on the head when not in use. I also like the rubber protection so you don't mar the finish on the back of the neck. Unlike other capo designs there is no way to preset the tension for each guitar. In theory this doesn't need to be done but I find on occasion I do have to move it to better lock in tuning but to be honest I usually have to do this with most capo's as the tension requirements differ from depending on the position on the neck.
Software woes... It was all the glowing reviews that helped me decide the Firebox was the tool I needed to do the job.But when I tried to install the software, it wouldnt read! So after I beat myself in the head for a while I go to Presonus Tech Sppt FAQ's. Item 1, top of the chart... "SOFTWARE THAT WONT READ?" (Clik here to recieve a new disc) Obviously this has happed before.While the Firebox may be a great interface, and I may be missing out on the chance to work with it and Cubase... Mine is going back to whence it came. This is not the way we should start a relationship with a new product.Perhaps that should hunt down and recall all the defective software. Oh yeah, before you say it's my drive thats defect... I have 3 computers here, 1 PC and 2 MACS. It worked on none of them.No matter how well it works, when it works... With regret, I gotta give it a thumbs down.
Weak machine First time I cranked it up a little bit it blew out. I really don't have that powerful of a system. It's just pooped out on me after only using it a week. I guess for the price I paid I couldn't expect much, but I was pretty pissed when it went out why a paying customer was recording.
good sturdy chair It's a great sturdy chair for the keyboard... the best part is that it doesn't move or creak or rock at all when you sit on it! It feels really solid and well-made.And it's nice to be able to adjust the height - though I really can't figure out how you adjust it SIX levels, there seem to be only 3 heights you can actually achieve. I mean there are 3 holes in each of the legs, so that COULD mean that you could make 6 levels out of it, but matching hole 1 on one leg with hole 2 on the other would make the chair lopsided, wouldn't it?The only problem I had with it was the delivery, but that was more of a problem with UPS than the chair. It's a great chair and I certainly recommend buying it.
At least there's sound (usually) I bought this just because of the price, to see if I would even have to fork out more dough for Mics for my projects (and for this price, why not?) but to sell a Mic of this infernal quality that says "Super Professional" on the casing is just a crime against humanity.Bear in mind that it DOES usually work (from no more than about 12 feet away), but it sounds like 1930's radio (actually, 1930's radio had tiny amounts of bass, and was at least *remotely* clean - this has negative amounts of bass, and has a filthy quality to it), and should only be used if you ONLY care about capturing someone's words, with no regard to what those words will end up sounding like.Now it's a Super Professional trash ornament. Looks good, too.
Misleading to say the least... For some reason this seller and amazon are not talking because they have the sku all mixed up. I tried to order a sound hole microphone and got acoustic guitar strings instead. They gave me my money back, but I'm without a microphone.