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I loved this book! I've been a personal trainer for 30 years, and I have worked with high school, college and professional athletes ON THE BASICS for the entire time. There is nothing new under the sun. Being a success means committing to hard work, discipline and perseverance. That is why I really liked Mr. Gunter's book. There is no magic formula for being a success in life, whether you're an athlete, a student, a professional, whatever. It all comes down to focusing your mind, body and spirit on the goals that you want and never wavering from course. This is Mr. Gunter's message, and his background - coming from nothing, facing injury, aging, etc. is inspirational.The other thing I really liked about his book is that it's interactive. Many of the chapters have exercises where the reader has to think about what he/she values most and get those thoughts on paper. It makes you take a look in the mirror and do some thinking about what you stand for.I have to highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking to make the most out of life. It is going to be required reading for the athletes (of any age) that I work with.
This is one of these movies you shouldn't trust critics' opinions. It's one of the best comedies ever done, and contrary to most of new silly ones, this movie will make you laugh on the floor every time you see it. It's classic humor, performed by excellent actors. Tom Hanks was at his best ever, I've never seen this guy so funny before or after this movie, he's a consumate genius. His reactions to the otherwise tragical situation are astonishing and show how well he understood the character. For me, Tom Hanks performance in this movie is a reference of how a part like this should be acted. I hope the producers publish a DVD version. I'm sure there are more unedited material that will be great to include. These actors sure had big laughs during the production, and would be great if this material is available to share it with us. I applaud the actors, directors and producers of this masterpiece.
This truly is Ridley Scott's finest hour. Here he makes an absolute masterpiece in the movie industry. He does everything superbly to create a fantastic movie offering richly detailed sets, ominous atmosphere, relentless suspense, fantastic storytelling and great special effects for it's time which still are hard to believe how good they are. This is truly a horror classic in the genre and is still largely popular and recognised today. Alien is as close as you would come to an excellent and polished science fiction/horror. This 2 disc set is great also with with excellent picture quality and a really great commentary track by Ridley Scott.Sigourney Weaver is phenomenal as Ellen Ripley and delivers an outstanding performance as the lone survivor who takes on the alien. If you have been living in hyberspace and somehow haven't seen this classic yet I suggest that you pick it up immeaditaley for it doesn't disappoint.
Bova is a genius! This novel combined scientific speculation, romantic tension, and good old-fashioned nail-biting adventure. The result is an unforgettable read. The main character is an unlikely hero who finds out he is made of tougher stuff than he realized. The settings are the cold blackness of outer space, as well as a planet that is rightly compared to Hell. There are villians, co-adventurers, and fascinating characters to beat the band. This book deserves 10 stars. Read it!
How can you expect people to purchase movies, when you do not even indicate the titles?Is this too much to ask?Absolutley unbelievable to think that people are expected to buy a movie without knowing the title or the major actors.
This writer had an awesome true love story line for the war. It goes on and on about a boy becoming a man, and ignaoring the heir to his heritage and finding his own way. Fighting between who he is, and what he wants to be. Keep you on edge and suspense. Got to read the whole series.
Good and quick. Love the shoes although it was a bit confusing whether it was hi top or not as it showed up differently on my order form. But it was hi-tops and I'm happy :-)
Morrell (The Brotherhood of the Rose) prefaces all the stories with personal anecdotes and other autobiographical reflections that place them in a meaningful context. In a foreword and afterword, Morrell talks about his career thus far.
I bought this shirt because of the Russell brand of sweat shirts I previously purchased. The Russell sweat shirts are great, this shirt, however, is not well made.This shirt is not the same high quality standard of the Russell sweat shirts.Within two washes, the collar and the cuffs began to lose shape. The fit and construction of the shirt is very poor and the Russell logo on the left sleeve also began to fade.I have also purchased the Champion long sleeve shirt on Amazon at a lower price and found that it is a superior product to the Russell shirt.The Russell shirt is made of 100% cotton and is made in El Salvador.Jon Green
The title of this movie is "Street Fighter", it's about a dictator trying to take over the world... Where are all the fights? It seems the writers spent their time figuring out ways to stop them, por ejemplo: Ryu vs Vega, and when fights do happen then you understand why they were being stopped in the first place, almost no one is a martial artist in this movie. Watching Ken's Carradine inspired sidekicks is horrible. Also laughable is how everyone conveniently finds their costumes throughout the movie, in one scene Dhalsim mysteriously walks out in his diapers, Where did he find the clothes? I don't know but at least he is quickly blown up. There are hints of special moves throughout the film, in one excellent example of fight choreography gone bad Ken does this pathetic spinning uppercut that's supposed to be a dragon punch, others are less subtle like Bison flying around on wires. Instead of spending their Bison bucks on a fight choreographer they spent it on explosions, fake looking sets, an invisible boat, and blue camoflage?! I give this piece of [junk] a two for laughs.
Worthless.How can people call his series an "epic"????Just worthless.Stop milking the public, Jordan, and stop killing trees. If you continue to make these books, at least use recycled paper!
I watched the movie for a class in college.When I first started watching the movie I was less than enthusiastic about it. I wasn't a big fan of movies based on plays, or Dustin Hoffman. Watching a movie about a guy losing his mind just didn't seem like it could be a good movie. However after getting involved in the movie and really seeing what it's about, I think it is a brilliant movie. Dustin Hoffman plays Willy Loman's part perfectly-couldn't have been any better. He does such a great job, you forget your watching a movie-everything seems so real. The way Willy gets involved in his delusions, most of them about him becoming a `failure' in life and what he did wrong, really add a different perspective. Also, the way that the movie is done in a play like style with basic backgrounds really makes you pay attention to the acting. I think this is an excellent movie, with a brilliant plot and exceptionally talented actors.
Warner Bros.! Please release Bladerunner in 5.1 Dolby and 2.0 Dolby surround. what's the point of making a DVD if it's not going to have the quality of a DVD? That's the whole reason in buying them.
Damn I wish Jeff Lynne would have laid off of the Wilbury like drums and pathetic background vocals! He nearly ruins some of these great songs. I know George thought highly of his mate, but frankly, these songs would have been even better with a guy like Rick Rubin producing.And what's with the Wilbury drum sound? I can't stand that loose snare drum, and Keltner's not the problem. It's how the drums were recorded, and that loose sound is a Lynne trademark.Oh well. George's guitar playing is his best since All Things Must Pass, and that's remarkable when you consider the discomfort he must have been feeling throughout these sessions. "Stuck Inside a Cloud, and "Marwah Blues" are my favorites, and the CD keeps growing on me.The world misses you George.By the way, I've read reviews that have said this recording is better than McCartney's "Driving Rain." In my opinion, good though it is, it's not better.
Jack Nicholson is a surly, unreliable oil rig worker who has left a childhood life of privilege and music to bounce around. Hearing that his father is dying, he returns home, reluctantly taking his pregnant airhead girlfriend. (Ironically, she's into singing country-western songs that grate on Nicholson.) Embarrassed by her lack of polish, Nicholson stashes her in a nearby motel while he visits his family. While there he seduces his brother's bride-to-be, but she refuses to go with him because he loves nobody and nothing. After leaving with his girlfriend, Nicholson decides to return to his home and pursue his new-found love.I have no idea why this movie is held in such high regard.
i believe in witchcraft so this is one of my favorite scary movies.i could watch this movie every day if i could.see this if you're like me
Hey I Thought dumb & dumberer was gonna be the worst Jim Carrey prequel I've seen in my life, this one is even worse, it has nothing to do with the original film, the acting is horrible, (especially jamie kennedy who's been good in other things), the CGI Effects are terrible, the writing is stupid, the screenplay is a mess, there's nothing funny nor interesting about this mess.Son of the mask should become, son of the nothing.Movie Rating: 1 Star.
I got this Sharp 722 about 3 months ago..... I use it almost every day. So far I have 50 mini discs recorded and they all sound so awesome. My player travels everywhere with me and was the envy of the dj's at house parties in Jamaica last month. If the rasta's in the mountians around mandeville get access to the internet I hope amazon has alot of these babies in stock.
The story's dull. The scenes seem repetitive. The resolution and the time jumps are confusing and poorly indicated. Batman doesn't seem so much dark and driven as harried and annoyed. Don't buy this one. It's from the "if it's dark, it's brilliant" school of Batman comics; I thought we got over that in the mid-90's.
I should have known after it took over two hours to get past the first 50 pages that I was in trouble. This book was utterly disappointing. The caliber of writing is not up to the normal standards of K. E. Woodiwiss. I purchased this because it was a sequel and expected it to be just as good as its predecessor. Jeff Birmingham and Raelynn Barrett had no chemistry. I had no compassion for either of their plights which wasn't worthy of a storyline. The neverending commentary about fashion, was equally annoying and seemed to be used just to fill pages. This publication could have been a lot more in depth and to promote it as something we've been waiting for was a ruse. Next time I'll wait and pick up a copy from the library!
I am a huge Wu Tang fan, and have listened to their collabo albums, as well as their solo releases.I have news for everyone, Method Man has fallen off.........HARD. This is his second wack album in a row. But amazingly enough, this album is FAR worse than his last.If you want to listen to good Method Man music, just buy the original Tical. It is far too depressing to listen to this album, what a waste of talent.NOTE TO ALL WU TANG MEMBERS. Get RZA to produce every single track, without him YOU ARE NOTHING.
Botswana lady sleuth Mma (pronounced "mee-muh" in my head, but represents your standard gender term for a female) Ramotswe solves local Botswana crimes: family problems, fraud, kidnappings and disappearances. What makes this book so readable (for me) is that the "crimes" are rather mundane compared to what we see on the 5 o'clock news. This is a welcome change when one has grown tired of all those mystery novels out there that start with a dead prostitute lying face down in a city gutter and the ubiquitous hard-boiled detective spouting hardened prose like, "In a city like this, you wake up everyday wishing you were dead". This book is also worth a read as the story is peppered with local images/cultural idiosyncrasies that one might not know about Africa and, more specifically, Botswana.
It's a good standard copper plug, used in tons of applications. What's not good is the price. Caveat emptor: this plug is available from any and every Autozone for two bucks. Shame on me for purchasing here instead of just going to the local parts store. These plugs are available pretty much EVERYWHERE.Happy days...
I first heard parts of this CD on an NPR interview many years ago and then went out and picked it up. It is the most played Christmas CD we have. The Roches take a fresh approach to many of the traditional songs but still manage to maintain the nostalgia and feel of a classic rendition. There are two songs which annoy me - Frosty and Winter Wonderland - where they make it with cheesy east coast accents but I put up with them because my wife and kids love them. Overall excellent and a nice break from our kids favorites - Alvin and the Chipmunks and Spike Jones.
Our boys, 5 and 7 love the book series. It is informative on varioussubjects and creates their curiosity to know more about for example the Civil War.
My husband and I were lucky enough to see this as an advance screening, but the lucky part was we didn't have to pay to see it. The costumes and settings are absolutely fantastic, lush and colorful. The acting was wonderful, and was inevitable because of the astonishing list of actors. Especially if you follow British Theater, you recognize actor after actor. And Reese has more depth to her acting than I had realized.But the complaint is the editing, the sheer choppiness of the story line. By the end of the movie, my husband and I had joined others in the theater who were laughing at supposedly serious parts. For example, someone falling madly in love with someone they hated one second ago.I recommend A&E;'s version instead. It is over 5 hours, but the story lines are so complex, it just doesn't work otherwise.
I loved this book!! It shows faithful readers that even though Harry has to deal with escaping the most notorious wizard in history, he is also a teenage boy who has to deal with crushes, friendships and all of the other issues that go along with adolesence. As a teenager myself, I thought that Rowling knew as much about life as a teenager as if she were still one, instead of beng an adult. While reading the book, you are sucked into the plot, when a charcter is angry or happy or at the point of sadness beyond grief, you feel their emotions. I was HUGE Harry Potter an before I read this book. But now, I am a much bigger one, if that is even possible.
Great value, no fighting to mount a new tire, easy to install and it came really fast! Would do it again.
One thing that is rarely mentioned about this book is the capicity it has to make one laugh. The humor is just so profound, I think I must read it again to recapture an example. Also, some of the chapters are very short, and thus it makes excellent nightstand reading. It is the kind of book that will dominate one's thoughts during the moments of one's life that occur between the actions of the day. (...)
Patricia Grasso has two love stories contained in her novel and neither one work.The first involves Belle Flambeau. She is the illegitimate daughter of a duke. She has been attacked by a man and now bears the mark of a scar across her cheek. She feels she can never marry as she is disfigured and, of course, has nothing to offer a man but her beauty. She has the gift of healing plants. Yes, plants, not people or animals which would have made a much more interesting story. It is so very hard to feel real empathy for a wilting pansy. I am even a gardener and found it highly ridiculous that this woman casts little plant spells and spends her life commiserating over a blighted rosebush.Her hero is Prince Mikhail. He loves her despite her scarred cheek and sets out to win her affection by feigning temporary blindness and amnesia. She is unaware of who he is but falls for him in a matter of days.When he reveals himself to her, she is dismayed to discover he is a prince as she cannot show her face into proper society.The second story involves Belle's sister Raven. She has psychic abilities which reveal themselves in her petty ability to break dishes when she is angry. Her love interest, a police official, is investigating the grisly murders of prostitutes in London. For a woman who has psychic abilities she never really uses them to any advantage. She knows the killer yet never "sees" that he is the one committing these heinous crimes. How accurate can her powers be. When she does get visions, they are so predictable that anyone reading a London newspaper account of the Slasher could figure out the same things.The writing here is trite and both women act like juveniles. Their feelings are hurt constantly and their dialogue tends to be one sentence long. They both rush out into danger and are incredibly nave.I did enjoy when Patricia Grasso wrote the internal dialogue of the Slasher. It was evenly paced, sounded adult, and worked well with her short sentence structures. I wish all the dialogue could have been this well written.
Since I ordered this book for my AP Literature class, used was my priority. This book not only came before the 24th (As Amazon suggested), but has little wear in it. There is some writing, which is actually helpful for students like me who are reading this for a class and the margin notes may help me notice things I otherwise would not have. I am very pleased with this purchase.
I went to High School in the 80s when I learned German. I used many dictionaries and always found my father's old Cassell's to be the best. I could simply always find what I was looking for.In the late 90s I had to learn French, I was surprised again to notice that Cassell's was the easiest dictionary to use. Originally, I thought that each dictionary would have its own characteristics and couldn't see how a publisher could really affect this.And now... I'm on to learning Spanish. And will again be reaching for Cassell's! I've spent a lot of time in my life looking up words... I can tell you now: do yourself a favor and by this dictionary.In the end, you'll save time.JP
This is a truly enjoyable book with some deep humor. It reminds me of the kinds of psychological twists in Malcolm in the Middle. But at same time, I'm disappointed in Kihn's failure to position his product to attract the right customers - business professionals who can appreciate some light-hearted humors. Instead, it attracted the particular segment of buyers who seem to particularly enjoy the misery of others (the same people who would probably also enjoy Jerry Springer or Dr Phil) The truth is, all corporate jobs are terrible. If the same book were written about accountants or project managers, it wouldn't be any less hysterical and self-deprecating. In comparison, a management consulting job is probably better than what these people want to believe.Should have hired some consultants to set the marketing plan straight before publishing the book. It deserves 5 stars all the way.
I Love This Movie McLintock! With "The Duke" As G.W. McLintock set in the town named after him,it's more comical than the usual Wayne Movies but it is worth it,I love His Defense of Native Americans(Indians) and I also love how he gives it to Maureen O'Hara(Very Beautiful) and Yvonne DeCarlo is just as beautiful.The Fight Sequences and the usual Non-PC-ness(in this modern day standards sadly)with A Chinaman as in every other film almost(Anyone notice John Wayne has the same guys in some Movies?)But My Favorite Line is"Government Ain't never gave anything to Anyone".I Love it.
First of all I want to point out that I only rated this book a 1 because I knew it would probably catch most people's attention. Besides the fact that it was a little dark, this book was perfect. It takes you into another world of imagination, flying through the air. And also, J.K. Rowling laid out this book perfectly before writing it. She uses information plotted at the beginning in the resolution, which really shows how good of a writer she is. I fully recommend this book.
The ultimate kindergarden philosophy posing as something worthwhile. Nothing is as shallow as the written dialogue between Roarke and anyone he speaks to. Plus Ms. Rand is expecting us to idolize a rapist. What a bunch of hooey. Read anything else and you'll be smarter.
I was very dissapointed with this book. There are very few good books on the art of Hapkido, and this is really not one of those. The History, theory, and philosphy is adequate for a novice, but offer little to anyone who knows even a little bit about hapkido . Also the pictures were very poor quality. The techniques demonstrated also seemed very sloppy, and in my eyes lend very little credability to the author. I think he should have taken a little more time and care in putting this book together.
The final entry in my favorite Star Wars series, Champions of the Force is highly recommended to all Star Wars fans.The ONLY caution I can offer is to be sure that you read this trilogy in order, lest certain spoilers take some of the enjoyment out of the experience.If you read this, you won't be disappointed.
This album is really below average, especially for the Beatles. Eleanor Rigby, Here There & Everywhere, Yellow Submarine, I Want To Tell You and Tomorrow Never Knows are awful. On the other hand, Taxman, She Said, Dr. Robert and And Your Bird Can sing are good. In summary, four songs can't save the album.This is a 2 star album - at best.
Only Kevin Costner could take away from the great story told.The story of John Kennedy during one of the most dangerous times in our history is overshadowed by another poor performance turned in by Kevin Costner, who took the story of a man (Kenny O'Donnell) who was an advisor to the President, and made him almost equal to the Kennedy Brothers.Costner needs to learn a few things,First off, if he cant talk in a proper Boston accent, to use his normal voice. Secondly, to not interject himself too much into a movie. He had O'Donnell as everything from Chief of staff to Jackie Kennedy's chief of staff, to advisor to AG Robert Kennedy.If you can get past Costner's bad performance, great story line.
Both my children love Thomas the Tank Engine. We have several British books from the Thomas Series. This one is a disappointment, the story is not well written, the grammar is poor and the stories are confusing with no clear flow. On the possitive side the pictures are nice and my toddler likes to look at them.I'm sorry I bought this book.
If you are wondering if it is worth the money, it is. There are a few negative aspects, such as battery life and headphone output. The batteries don't even last 4 hours like expected, so I bought an extra set of the Kodak rechargables. The headphones are quiet, but I experimented and it's like that with your average pair. So unless you have extremely good hearing or loud phones you can't hear with background noise.What everyone says about the extreme storage is true. It's awesome to be able to carry hundreds of songs wherever you go. And the company did put out a software upgrade for the machine, so not being able to rewind/fastforward or download songs to your computer from the nomad is no longer a problem. I think that in the future they will make a remote control available, hopefully not very expensive. The car adapter is still in the makings.
I loved Joanne Woodward and Sean Connery (and everybody else) and I loved this movie. It was the purest of fiction. But it was a delight. Joanne Woodward I had to say was the best of them all with Connery following close behind and everybody else excellent. I didn't like seeing Bibi Osterwald playing a shrew and I thought it was a low blow giving her penultimate billing in the final credits. Did you recognize Clive Revill (sp?), he was the brain surgeon in this and the original Fagan in the Bway production of Oliver. Also the narrator (I guess, I only heard the album) in the Bway production of Irma La Douce. Much more sympathetic characters both. I had a ball watching this flick. And it was full of familiar faces.
George Orwell was such a talented and vivid writer that can paint a picture in your head with his words. This is such an incredible story that has lessons that still hold true today. Great book, great read, I highly recommend it!
CRUEL INTENTIONS is about how some troubled youths act in high school, both in the movie, and in reality as well. This movie is great, it is aimed for a teen audience, but is still entertaining. It is almost repulsing when you see how these shmucks treat each other, but then you can see the connections between the Character partrayed by Sarah and Ryan, and the kids at your high school. Insomse cases it hit pretty close to home, but it is refreshing to see the "just desarts" in the end of this movie. Sarah Michelle Gellar found her inner "Erica Kane" from her All My Children days. I say her inner "Erica Kane" 'cause I cannot type the real word on this review. In the movie, you almost want to slap her in you are a girl, or splash a glass of water in her face if are a guy,'cause you can't slap her if are a guy. Sarah Michelle Gellar uses some strong language in this movie, so do teens today. Which is so realistic about this movie, with their language and their actions If want to see some evil teens try to use and abuse and manipulate eac other(with thier "Just Desarts" in the end) then sit down, kick back and enjoy!!!
Everyone in my family talked about what a great movie this was. My cousin said it was the best movies she ever saw. And hey, it was nominated for 7 Oscars including Best Picture of 1970. Of course, "Airport" was as well. So I purchased this to add to my collection of 6,000 plus dvds. This movie makes "Airport" , a classic stinker, look like "Gone With The Wind." It is so bad. The acting is horrendous, the plot so cheesy. I could not believe how bad this movie was. The music, which I liked, was making me sick by the end. I swear if I ever hear Ali MacGraw say preppie again I will probably spontaneously combust. Maybe things were different in 1970, but how this movie made so much money is astounding. The one kick I got from this movie was seeing Tommy Lee Jones as O'Neals college roommate.
Out of all the CDs (TV themes) I own, this one easily is the best for me. The only one that I can press play at the beginning and allow to go all the way through. Shoot, some of the theme songs I've never even seen the show attached, but the songs are all catchy, and, even better IMO, is that there is a wide range of goodies. A definite must for the Mushy-for-the-old-school.
I placed my mac in my living room because there is another pc in my room. I decided to buy a cordless desktop to avoid wires running across the living room. I bought this for cheap at another major store. Once installed it was a hassle to setup and after that it became a pain in the arse. The main culprit is very weak signal. The mouse would jitter; the keyboard would become unresponsive. It would only work nearly well if I'm at a distance of 2 feet, at most. Do not buy this if you are unable to get this close to the receiver. This is a very poor product. I recommend the Logitech brand; it works perfectly.
Self castration would be preferable to viewing this masterpiece of suckedness. You are sure to sustain massive eye injury due to the vicious amounts of eye rolling required to endure this horiffic tragedy. So please, before viewing this muck, blind yourself with hot fireplace pokers. You'll thank yourself later. Fred Olen Ray should be required to take hours off his lifespan and return them to the victims that suffered this calamity. Only would that I could express how much I loathed Final Examination.
The monopod is as sturdy as the more expensive models and as lite. I like it....
I received this item and the box was slightly smashed. That may account for the fact that when I opened the battery door 2 plastic prongs that would hold the door closed broke off. After inserting the batteries, I attempted to closed the door and another prong broke off. This light is very cheaply made. The light did work once I duck tapped the door closed!
There's so much the matter with this book I've only got room here to touch on a few of the main things.First, I'm not sure whether it's good news or bad that the main part of the title has little to do with what the book's actually about. That is to say, the book isn't about men and how bad they are. Rather it's all about women (as per the sub-title). In fact, BDW's chief source of information on men, apart from her female informants, is a Gallup poll and her twenty-something son. Aside from appearing as relationship objects, men don't show up until pg 143 -- and then they're given only a couple of paragraphs to say anything. This lack of balance in perspective is symptomatic. With the title being what it is, any man reading this book is bound to feel both ignored and presumptively blamed for all those poor baby's unsatisfactory love lives.Well, the Great American Man Shortage has been around for over twenty years, from the time when the first boomer women started getting into their low thirties, and it's been a staple of pop-feminism and female media ever since. Genevieve Wood's "No Good Men" is only one title in what would be a small library one could easily assemble on the topic. Somewhat bewilderingly, then, BDW ignores all this previous work, and even states more than once that the subject hasn't received enough attention! This is just plain bad scholarship in a field that doesn't have very high standards to begin with.Then we get to pg 10, where the real demographic data are presented: Among those aged 30-34, there are four never-married men (30%) for every three never-married women (20%). So there's not even a man shortage, but instead there's a woman shortage! You could drop the lowest quarter of the men out of the picture (on whatever basis) and there still would be a man for every woman. (The lone exception is the media capitol of NYC, where the ratios are reversed...) But BDW blows right by this seemingly crucial datapoint. I suppose it would wreck the book's thesis and call for some other book to be written -- a book which is unthinkable and unpublishable in today's world. BDW's penchant for avoiding the obvious truth runs like a thread through the entire book and it was extremely annoying.The figures she presents later in the book show that 85-90% of women marry at some point. The 10-15% who don't don't exactly constitute a huge social crisis based on what were given. Some of these are bound to be opposed on principle to marriage, while many of the rest cohabitate. And while BDW wants to go on and on about the evils of cohabitation, she doesn't seem to grasp the fundamental point that under today's laws marriage is little more than notorized cohabitation. If all of Christine's friends are "vanishing into marriage" (pg 23), this doesn't exactly point to a vast man shortage -- except for poor Christine.Then there were all the little mis-statements. I think I wrote "no" or "wrong" in the margin about twenty times. For example, BDW states more girls than boys are born. This is exactly backwards -- 105 boys are born for every 100 girls (and even more boys are conceived). This seems like a basic fact of the situation which someone presenting themselves as an authority should get correct. That no editor caught this obvious mistake (or numerous others) points to a certain shoddiness.BDW makes another error in claiming the dating/mating system has changed dramatically in the last generation or so, in favor of male interests in particular. This is preposterous. All the average man has heard the last fifteen or twenty years from women in general is how much less they're going to do for men, and how much more they're expecting from men. She compounds the error in logic by contending that since the system isn't working for women it must be working great for men. This simply doesn't follow; it makes more sense that it either works for both or neither.And BDW misunderstands the role of financial and professional success for the two sexes. The male strives for these things in order to be attractive to a member of the opposite sex, who he is then willing to devote these resources to along with their children. One might say he uses his success to create love. A woman, on the other hand, does this only very rarely. Instead she uses her success to allow her to be independent of men and love. Therefore her mate value doesn't depend in the least on how many high-priced degrees and promotions she has. BDW somehow thinks it should and that it's unfair that it doesn't. When the UberFems decide to support males with few marketable skills (and their children), it will. As a further insult to the reader, BDW conflates the rare high-achievers with all women who go to college, again making things sound worse than they are.To sum up, this is not by any stretch a worthwhile contribution to the literature on the subject.
This seal works for early BMW oil filter stand O-Ring, not available from dealer. Or you end up buying new style housing which is a lot more.
Basically the concert is great. I liked it a lot.However the DVD comes with 2 channel sound and 5.1 channel sound.The 2 channel sound is fairly good and it is in sync with the video.The 5.1 channel sound is more full and lively but is not in sync with the video. There is NOTHING you can adjust on your DVD player to get the 5.1 channel sound in sync. All you can do is switch to the 2.0 channel sound.I think the manufacturer should do a recall on this DVD and fix the 5.1 out of sync problem. It is incredible that this could have been released like this in the first place.
hey this is the best version to pick up its uncut and remastered. I watched it on a surround sound hd tv and it looked awesome. its all region so it will work on your dvd player! that was the only thing i was if-y about. A ton of extra with this disks also.If you have seen the movie before and dont have it get the grindhouse release(this dvd) comes with a fold out poster too, much better all together dvd( aka menus, extra, picture quality, artwork) than any other
I have a Dell Dimension 8400 with 1GB memory, and a 100GB internal hard drive. Pentium 4. Windows XP Professional.When I plug this Maxtor device into my computer, the drive is recognized but causes my network adapter to no longer be recognized. After much troubleshooting and checking the Maxtor website for help, here was the issue: the Personal Storage 3100 is not compatible with Intel 82801 chipsets! I'm not sure, but I think 82801 is a pretty standard chipset by now.Don't buy this drive if you have that chipset. Simple as that. Here is how you can check your "chipset."- Right-click My Computer- Left-click Manage- Right-click Device Manager- On the right panel, expand the menu for "Universal Serial Bus Controllers"- If you see "Intel 82801..." then you should definitely not buy this drive. It won't work.
( Make that zero stars; Amazon only permits a minimum of one star, but my rating is really zero stars. )Carter's book contains several factual errors and many significant factual omissions, all of them to the detriment of Israel. Carter had the luxury of promoting his book on every radio and television talk show I know (and likely some I do not know) with negligible challenges on its factual defects. Long-time Carter associate Professor Ken Stein wrote in protest to Carter's book that " ... it is replete with factual errors, copied materials not cited, superficialities, glaring omissions, and simply invented segments.". [...] Do not look for any follow-up interviews with the many serious critics of this book. It is not the style of the mass media to be fair, honest, balanced, in-depth, or any other similar quality to which they pretend, especially when it comes to Israel.Israel is determined to survive the decades-long Arab effort to eliminate the state of Israel defined by any borders. The Arab residents of the West Bank and Gaza were handed an independent state in 1947 (UN resolution 181) and, together with the neighboring Arab states, went to war to undo the two-state compromise of 60 years ago. That war produced the Palestinian Arab refugees and a comparable number of Jewish refugees --- Jews living in Arab countries and subsequently expelled, the unmentioned, unrecognized refugees of that war.After the war of Arab rejection in 1947-1948, Jordan and Egypt took occupational control of the West Bank and Gaza and held it for 18 years without complaint from anybody anywhere, including the Palestinian Arab residents, who formed guerilla organizations, as they were then called, to attack Israel, not the occupiers of "the occupied territories". Occupation is clearly not the issue. The existence of Israel defined by ANY borders is the issue. Jews building homes on the oldest part of Israel, the West Bank, is not the issue, but rather the universal excuse for killing unarmed Israelis and focusing attention away from the corrupt and incompetent leadership in the Arab world.Carter's book does a superlative job in missing the entire point of the conflict. No wonder his diplomatic efforts (and those of Clinton's) did not resolve the conflict. The Palestine Authority (PA), however, is quite honest and graphic in revealing what the point of conflict is. At their annual Nakba celebration at the United Nations, the PA displays a map of the area devoid of Israel. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatened to wipe Israel off the map. The PA literally did. The very private Arabic-language discourse is quite frank about what "the struggle" is all about. The English-language discourse is perversely and relentlessly dishonest. Carter's book is a recent installment in the long series of anti-Israel obscuring of the truth.The West Bank was Israel for more than 1,000 years, and Jews have occupied it continuously for more than 3,000 years, being either a majority or at least a plurality in Jerusalem over the last 250 years, for which reliable population statistics exist. Would you like to state the criteria establishing the legitimacy of your occupation of Native American land? I'll apply the same to a Jew's claim to the West Bank so we can see who is legitimate and who needs to be blown up riding a bus in order to "End the (his) Occupation Now".Incidentally, the name Palestine was given to the area by the Romans during their tenure of occupation and in partial response to the Jewish revolt of 66-70 C. E.. Palestine is another name for Israel and was never the name of any Arab country. It could have been in 1947, but it was more important to the Arab world to eliminate the much geographically contracted modern state of Israel than to realize the newly created independence for the Arab late-comers. And that truly was and continues to be a Nakba (catastrophe).
Tom McCarthy has crafted a film of utmost sensitivity, insight and relevance. Aside from his witty script and insightful direction, the real power is created by the flawless performance of Peter Dinklage, a character of strong principle, suspicious of strangers. Along come the delightful characters that melt his cold, empty heart, and make him alive again. Even though the excellent Patricia Clarkson got the best reviews, I thought Bobby Cannavale was the most alive, delightful character, a despairing individual, looking for a real friend. Michelle Williams, too, is so complete, sweetness personified. I can't blab away the plot, but how these characters come together and learn to love and overcome their angst is a credit to fine acting, direction and a very clever script. A small world is created that totally envelops the viewer, and the viewer actually cares. I waited too long to watch this film. Not many DVD extras, besides some deleted scenes, which, I think, ALL should've been left in. Highly recommended.
Difficult to read the text as letters are somewhat blurred. Pictures are faded. I'd rather own the original.
Have you ever read Asimov's I, Robot? Haunted is kind of like that: A bunch of short stories strung together by a loose over-all narrative.The difference here is that, while Asimov's stories were more or less self-contained, each with their own distinct begining, middle and end, most of Palahniuk's 'short stores' read more like the set up for a larger story. Reading it feels like, as the title of this review suggests, looking through a folder full of Palahniuk's ideas that never made it to book form. Sure, some aren't without their merits. Some are interesting, or even genuinely entertaining. The rest are clearly meant to shock and appall by any means necessary. But really, if you're still reading Palahniuk's books expecting some greater meaning or purpose beyond mindless entertainment and shock value, you're missing the point.If you're still thinking of Palahniuk's books as "literature", the joke's on you.
All the times I have had Tung Ting tea, from many different sources, the leaves have been a lovely green, yielding an infusion from pale yellow to gold with a deeply floral character, much more complex and mysterious than jasmine tea, although with tung ting it is the smell of the leaves themselves, no flowers. In fact this is the general characteristic of Formosan teas.Typically, the first infusion can be very sweet with the pronounced floral qualities presenting themselves more with each subsequent infusion.Well, sometimes you get what you pay for. This stuff appears to be quite old and of poor quality to start with. The leaves are dry and brown, not fresh looking and greenish. There was not expiration date and the box is not air tight, the bag inside is not sealed.The leaves have no fragrance at all, and the tea was brown with about 2% of the normal floral character or sweetness. Actually it tasted more like the very cheap oolong tea at the tiny tea houses in the outer Sunset district, S.F. where the tea is free with the $1 fried bread.I would spend just a little more from one of the reputable companies on Amazon like Tao of Tea, and get what you pay for. Thank you.
I don't get all the love for Scream. It's not a particularly appealing movie to me. I love slasher films when they're actually executed well, but this one misses the mark in WAY too many areas.The films idea of building suspense through lengthy phone calls isn't the least bit frightening, and just about every one of the main characters are either very poor actors, or just terrible in this particular case.The entire conclusion -without spoiling what happens- is terrible too. It's bland, uninspiring and uninteresting writing to the extreme.When it comes to slasher flicks, I like to see suspenseful segments leading to a gruesome and unforgettable outcome for the poor victims. The violent segments here wouldn't be out of place on the Lifetime Movie Network, seriously.It seems a trend is developing here- movies from the late 90's looked good back in the day, but the actual writing and storylines have dated horribly and aren't fun at *all* to watch We're talking severely flawed storylines and execution. I'm noticing this is especially the case with the horror genre.Scream falls in the same exact category as other horror films from the same period in time, I'm afraid. It's just not scary to me, and the borderline mockery of the whole slasher genre doesn't help either.
The recent interest in remembering the brave people who endured WWII is worthwhile and honorable. Stephen Ambrose makes a very valuable contribution to that effort with his work. I have read other books by Ambrose on this subject, and others. If the reader has not read other books by this author, then it should be read with a great deal of attention and interest. If, on the other hand, the reader has read other books, such as "Band of Brothers," then don't bother with this one. It is the same, verbatim, through large sections. Frankly, I am surprised the publishing company would allow the same book to be repackaged and sold under a different title. However, my disappointment in this book will not discourage me from trying other Ambrose works. I am looking forward to reading "Pegasus Bridge," and others.
I bought this CD partially due to the hype that surrounded it and in part because some friends said it was a great album. I was thoroughly let down. From top to bottom this CD is an overblown piece of mediocre noise. If Lauren Hill is the epitome or pinnacle of hip hop then hip hop is a dead category. This CD heads to the used bin when I head back to the CD store... absolutely a piece of trash.
I'm always running for o rings for something now I have a stock at home.
This was a completely disturbing read. I walked away from the book feeling like I just watched the film Sid & Nancy.... where the characters are so distasteful, you don't care what happens to them.The lead character in this book is SO far detached from reality, and any human emotion....or rather, ANY emotion..The author wrote a very dry, detailed "diary" of a human emotional void. A stain on society...from the point of view of the sicko. I wasn't comfortable being inside the head of someone as sick as this character. A character with no compassion... no sorrow... no regret.. no reason.By biggest complaint is that the book didn't flow.... probably because it was coming "from" the view of the disturbed lead character. It was a very choppy read. ugly. Technical.
I watched this not knowing what to expect. Now it is one of my favorite movies. There are a couple different versions and I don't know which one I like best.
The only reason I signed up for Amazon.com was to write a truthfull review. I would really give this movie a negative star rating or even a zero, but I cannot. Let me start off by saying that back in 2001, I saw The Fast and the Furious and thought it was the coolest movie in the world. I have since then matured and realized what a crappy movie it was and how much they don't have a clue about what they're talking about. Like how you can pop the hood and see a NOS fogger system AND, direct port nitrous injection AND, a stand alone fuel management system(and that's only in one scene). But away from the past, this movie is ten times worse. For starters, they turned it into a movie geared at only one audience, black people and people that like to copy them. With slang, rap music, hydralics and numerous other items from the "Hip Hop" community, this movie tries to blend show and go, but that is not really possible. Anyone that knows anything about cars knows that air bags, neon lights, big spoilers, chrome rims or just plain any rims over 17 inches, TV's, $10,000 stereos, and playstation 2's will not help you out in the speed factor of your automobile. It just saddens my heart to see what started off as a great phenomonon with the first movie, into neon lights and hip hop music. This is absolutly the dumbest movie about cars I have ever seen. The kids that like this movie think that cars that look cool and run 17 second quarter mile times are fast. They like to go crusing, and race other cars like their's and think when they win against a civic with exhaust their car is the fastest on the block. I also read a big feature article in Super Street, where they got to test the cars from the movie, and the cars times were SLOWER than stock. All the did for the movie was weigh them down with chrome rims and computer s***. I also found out they disengaged the all-wheel drive on the skyline, just so it could drift around corners to look cool. This movie really gives true car enthusiasts a bad BAD name. THIS MOVIE SUCKS. F*** YOU 2 FAST 2 FURIOUS.
In our world of best selling drivel and paper thin plot lines, I was hoping to find in this author a much deeper semblance of character development. However, while Hannibal Lecter is arguably one of the most distinct individuals in our recent times -- the other characters are barely uncovered. Sure -- Starling is back and we do delve a bit into her past... but there isn't enough there to really associate with anyone in this book. To add to this pain, the ending makes absolutely no sense. I won't give it away -- but really... please... it isn't even a shocking ending -- it just happens. Oh well -- this was my first/last Thomas Harris book.
My son tried it and he didn't like it because it was so hard to control the movement.
If you want to see 3 hrs of some old geyser preaching to a stadium full of people about what he thinks happened on 9/11 then this is for you. No footage at all about what happened.If you have trouble sleeping watch this as you will surely fall to sleep within the first 10 minutes!!!Lame as can be!!
I love this movie!I rented this movie from Blockbuster,and it was a good movie.So I decided to order this movie from Amazon,and it play really good.So Thank you Amazon!I will be ordering more movies in the near future!!!
Dr. James Tin Yau So's first book of acupuncture points. This book is great for the beginning student or novice of acupuncture. It provides a extensive index of points and how to's to find them. Written in an easy to read format. A must for the health care worker's shelf
I started with Norton Internet Security 2006. I had 23 days left on my subscription. I spent megabucks to buy a 2-year update subscription download. After a ridiculously complex installation process, I ended up with "You have 23 days left on your subscription." I tried Live Update and everything else I could think of, several times, on two different computers. No luck. I could find no place on the Symantec website to get a refund, or even to complain. A total waste of money and a lot of time. At least, thank goodness for the Norton Removal tool, which cleared everything associated with Symantec off my computer. McAfee AntiVirus installed quickly, cleanly, and simply. It even has a cleanup tool and a defragmenter. Adios, Symantec!
This CD sucks. Here's an idea for you: a two CD set with the same songs on both CDs. What were they thinking? And the songs themselves are not up to standard for Bruce. I was robbed buying this CD -- don't you be.
If you are looking for a great WIRELESS option, this is certainly the way to go. The range is great--I can listen to them anywhere in the house or in the yard. The sound is crisp and clear, though there is a minute amount of background hiss because of the FM transmission. Initial charging takes awhile to hold (a full 24 hours), but after that an overnight charge generally lasts 4-5 hours. The bass is reduced standard, but if compensated by equalizing at the source, you can make them sound great.Why the emphasis on WIRELESS? Because let's face it, their not a $100 pair of corded phones. The slight FM background hiss, the ocassional static and RF interference, and the need to charge them can at times be annoying. Corded phones typically have no hiss, great response with big bass, and can be less bulky. But I particularly needed wireless phones and find that they are great for all of my needs. I would recommend them to anyone who hates being tied to a chair or small range when wearing headphones.If hi-fi unity sound is your goal, look for some corded phones. If you want cordless, these are certainly worth the money.
Other novels present you with slices of life; with Edith Wharton's "The Age Of Innocence" you get an entire social structure.Published in 1920, "Age Of Innocence" consciously captures a Manhattan as it existed for the island's upper crust some fifty years before. Newland Archer is a young man from one of the city's first families determined to do the right things as prescribed by his set. It's an easy life until, on the eve of his engagement to the demure and lovely May Welland, an exotic figure appears in the Wellands' opera box. Ellen Olenska, May's cousin, is back from the Old World having escaped from a bad marriage. Newland is initially upset at the somewhat scandalous situation Ellen presents, but over time he sees in Ellen something vital and magical his life has previously lacked. Will he act on those feelings, or will his social order keep him down?A slow-moving story where major moments sometimes turn on nothing happening at all, "Age Of Innocence" starts out a light endurance test for readers with little in the way of notable incident. Like her contemporary Henry James, Edith Wharton is often engrossed in the thought processes of her characters to the point where they stand still.Yet Wharton never bores you the way James sometimes can, at least not in this book, with her wonderfully dazzling and witty descriptions of New York society. Take her introduction of the fat, wise Welland matriarch, Mrs. Manson Mingott, worthy of Monty Python: "The immense accretion of flesh which had descended on her in middle life like a flood of lava on a doomed city had changed her from a plump, active little woman with a neatly turned foot and ankle into something as vast and august as a natural phenomenon."In Wharton's hands we find ourselves in the minutely-described manor of Julius Beaufort, an Englishman with a disreputable reputation in business and matrimony that is looked past by his otherwise exacting neighbors because his house has one of the few private ballrooms in the city.Later on in the story, when a character with his own well-known clandestine activities inveighs against the loose morals of his neighbors, another mutters to Newland: "The people who have the worst cooks are always telling you they're poisoned when they dine out."Wharton captures this culture with the right sense of fun, but also surprising warmth for the lost place and time. She grew up in New York in the 1870s and clearly regarded it by the start of the Jazz Age with a combination of nostalgic wistfulness and the analytical curiosity of an explorer digging into the remains of Pompeii. She presents a narrow yet comfortable world, where people seem to enjoy the high level of security that comes from knowing one another intimately. Even Ellen the outsider talks of having come back because "I want to feel cared for and safe."Cutting against this idea is the other major one Wharton presents, easier for us to note today, of a society where the idea of women being as free as men can seem shocking. For Ellen, the possibility of a sexually active lifestyle outside her marriage punishes her in a way it doesn't her openly philandering husband. But women are both the victims and enforcers of this strange moral code. In May Welland you have the best example of both, a cheerful, superficially simple character who seems oblivious of the growing feeling between her husband and her cousin yet nevertheless is playing what James would call "a very deep game."Is May the hero or villain of this piece? It's another bit of marvelous ambiguity from Wharton. "Age Of Innocence" contains much matter about which every reader will have to decide for themselves, perhaps most notably in the book's ending. That's Wharton's great gift to us here, a novel that seems to tell us everything but leaves it to us to decide on what it all means.
I think this book was great at the start. St.Nicholas would go all around the world to the good girls and boys and put candy in their stockings. St.Nick would start each Christmas Eve with a shout to all his deer. I enjoyed this book.
This CD has possibly the worst lyrics in the history of man, very simple rhyming poetry where each line barely connects to the last (ie, and i wake up/put on my make up/pick up the phone/nobodys home/i need to break out/give me some take out/standing side the crowd/i wanna scream out loud). The parts where they are not screaming reveal that there is very little vocal talent to be had within this group. However, the songs were catchy and I don't think this is a BAD CD, just a very sophomoric debut. I personally think I could write lyrics and sing better than these girls. However i cannot play an instrument or write music so it shows you why i'm not in a band like this... =)
This movies are the Iching of life.
Bought 2 of these batteries, one I charged overnight and got 5 minutes worth of use, the other never did hold a charge. Too bad since I liked the swivel sweeper when it worked. Have both G1 and G2, (G1 much better then the flimsy G2) BUT battery issues ruin both. Avoid these batteries.
Although the theme is hardly original, this is one of the better Dracula-movies. The pace is fast, the atmosphere chilling and the characters better developed than usual. The standard Vampyre-hunter van Helsing has been left out this time and personally I didn't miss him. The scene where Dracula is revived from his ashes with help of a little blood is downright spectacular and Christopher Lee gives an excellent performance as the not so dead count. Good camera work, a thrilling score and good performances from the entire cast make this a fine contribution to the horror scene.
It didn't sell as much as "Saturday Night Fever", but this is the album that showed the BeeGees were the superstars of the 1970's because it is their best work in a different tone. With the help from R&B genius/ producer Arif Mardin, the album is flawless. Not only does this album contain the number one hit "Jive Talkin'", virtually all the other songs are even better. From the catchy "Wind of Change" which is fantastic, to "Edge of the Universe", it is obvious the world was being introduced to powerhouse songs from 3 brothers, different from there early work in the 1960's, thanks to Arif Mardin, who seems to always be flawless in all his productions. He also deserves credit for the best song on the album "Nights on Broadway", which can go under any category of music, from R&B to Rock to Disco Pop. Every song on the album shines, which is hard to believe this masterpiece is not the easiest to find, even in small music stores. Buy it now and I promise you won't complain. Thanks for reading.
I liked the first Hangover because it was new and unexpected. This sequel was a lame attempt at recreating the same schtick. Maybe a few funny parts, but a lot of vulgarity with absolutely no comedic value whatsoever IMO.
After the lame and uninspired "Bloodflowers" album, I questioned whether or not Robert Smith and company could ever rebound. With the release of their self-titled album, they did so, and more. My favorite track, "Us or Them" is the most aggressive, angst-ridden song by the Cure to date. Other songs, like "The End of the World" and "Alt.End" are radio friendly, but very creative and well written, nonetheless. The only song I don't care too much for is the last song "The Promise", which drags on for way too long. The Cure are back and let's hope they continue to stay the course.
I purchased this set a year ago from a retail store. Unfortunately, these rollers are a real disappointment. As other reviewers have said, the clips are awful. They don't hold the roller tight enough to get a good set--but they also leave you with a nasty crease that's virtually impossible to disguise. I did try these rollers with other clips (both jaw clips and traditional wire clips), but they don't really fit right. Overall, I do not recommend this roller set to anyone.
This movie is the best Dreamworks movie. It's forever a classic! it spawned a sequel, and became widely popular.STORY: Shrek, a mean and disgusting ogre, is ruined when a bunch of Fairy Tale creatures are dumped into his swamp. Then, one day, a silly and loveable Donkey meets him and are set off on a quest find Princess Fiona to get their swamp back.THOUGHTS: A classic! I like the scene where Fiona is fighting Robin Hood and his men. Classic!So If you haven't seen this, see it, better yet buy it!
Don't have much to say about this other than I wish I would not have wasted my money on this. I am very disappointed.
This product has been great. It's easy to use and i'm able to pick up greek phrases after the first lesson. The hardest part is distinguishing between "v" and "d" and "m" and "n" since there is no book to go along with it. However, it is still a great tool!
These shoes are super comfortable! And a classic style. Great deal and great shoes!
OK, so maybe it's my fault...but with so much to look for in DVD shopping: the film itself, used disc quality, eg, like new, very good, acceptable, etc, making sure it's Widescreen (my preference) DVD vs Blue Ray, most times I don't even THINK of checking the Region of the disc! It seems if a disc is being sold in the US by a Seller in the US, it should be REGION 1, US and North America.... so I missed that this particular disc is Region 2 (Region 2: Japan, Europe, South Africa, and the Middle East, including Egypt ) until I put it in my new Sony BR/DVD player and it wouldn't play!!! (Dammitt...)Fortunately, Amazon makes allowances for returns, so.... had to download the return label, and reorder the correct disc...Now, something else to check before buying!!!
That stupid company sent me a European disc. I am very dissatisfied. It's been 6 weeks since I made my order and now I have a movie I cannot even watch. I know now why it was only 2 dollars.
My dad introduced this movie to me years ago and I loved it! Good acting, excellent story and just a good old fashioned black & white feel good movie. Today, so many of the new films have bad acting and leave you depressed from the dark story line and violence in the films. The world is dark and violent in reality and movies are supposed to be an escape from that. Well, this movie is an escape. I highly recommend it. Now if they would only released "Mr. Peobody and the Mermaid" on DVD. That is also an excellent movie and one of my all time favorites.
While Getz makes a number of important and valid points, he intermingles these with conjecture and unsupported insights that distort the book's conclusions. For example, Getz suggests that sometimes "brothers" refers to church leaders rather than all members (p. 50), yet nowhere does he support this insight. (Perusing 200+ NT refs to "brothers" yields no that support that I can see.) And Getz says things like "Jesus stated that the apostles would have a primarly role in teaching [the spiritual truths the Spirit would remind of]" (p. 113), yet nowhere does he tell where Jesus says such a thing. In trying to make a case for the need for a primary leader in every church, Getz cites Luke 22:31-32 where Peter is to "strengthen and lead" his brothers (p. 220), yet Luke 22 mentions only strengthing and says nothing about Peter leading the other apostles. In talking about restoring someone in sin (Gal 6:1), though elders are not mentioned, Getz conjectures that "they certainly must have been uppermost in Paul's mind." (p. 196) Such conjecture, absent evidence, distortion, and misquotation--some subtle, some not--is sprinkled throughout the book. The result is some good reflection intermingled with ideas that are read into the Scriptures rather than drawn out: Getz shifts duties from everyone to leaders, he distortes the role of elders, and he fabricates support for the primacy of the "senior pastor." Such elements, based on my reading, miss the Biblical mark fairly significantly. While I value some of Getz's insights, these concerns leave me unable to recommend the book to anyone who has not already studied the text and early church history extensively enough to catch where the "insights" aren't based on the text. Strauch's Biblical Eldership is a better, more biblical approach to the subject.
I bought as a gift for my husband for christmas. He was very impressed with it
This is such an antiquated movie, I adore most of Vincent Price's movies. But this was a dud. Not an enjoyable experience, fell asleep, didn't bother to watch again.

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